HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-27 - Orange Coast Pilot. . ,.. t .. • ORAllif COAST MONDAY, SEPH:MBER 'JI . 1~87 OallJ Pllol Pl\Olo by Slave Mllc:l\ell Beac.·h<·ornlH·r ... (;.~.,r~t: ~k Farla nd . Phil Lt·alon. (;t·o rµ.e· Mc Farla nd J r . and J o hn P a r l.-tte di~pla) lht•ir hool ) fro m atw ........ Storm's waves bring rewards By ST E VE MIT<.:l l E LL o4 .... o.u, Pllol 61•" Hold ing out a f1:-.tful of gritty, wet l'•>lll!>, P h tl Nealo n gn nrwd and swd, "T ht'rp'c; loL.., mun• from w ht•n• tht:-. n imt· frum ·· dumping hundn·d :-. of old< mm., k1·v~ .111d l'\'l'll ;;11 E'rnl·rald on th f• tx•<ll'h And 11 w ;,is tr u1· A bout If> youngsw~ and .idulL1; ).ttHi<l w a ist d t>ep in thl• d1urn ing short>brE·uk l)ff B luebird Canyon in LuKun;,i &•al·h . scanning thl' mo is t san d for co1ru. "Yuu JU:-.t !>wnd hl·ro· u11td till' ..... 1vv bn·;_ik,, thc·n wuu:h th•· ~111d do:-.1·lv." ~;.1111 John l'<irh·llt'. the top rnonc·yn1<1k t•r al S;;turd<JV"' l'11111 dig And, as if on t'Ul'. <t th1,·k w.ivt· 1·runcht'd 1111 th<:' :-.hon·ltnt• l•·.iv1ng 111 IL'> .,..,,kt·" grt·1•n <np pt·I pen ny &:(loping up lht· ln•a!->ur t' l'arlt·l lt· ~ml la· fiKures h e madt· $:.!:.! Saturdciy morr1111~ H ug<· s urf gt·rwratl·d by Trop1l'al ~turrn Oliv ia provl"Cl a boon for t h t-st• bt'at'hcombers by Nt•alon . his liucldy ..,,11cl hi!-> 111or111ng h"ul (See W AVES, Pag~ AZI Atlantic City slot yields $919,559 ATLANTIC <TIY N.J tAl'I Albt·rL1 .)11,<t Kttltl h.111 1Jo'1 II p l u n k 1 n g d " I I ,, 1 .., 1 11 t " ·• progr1·0.,o.,1 v 1· ,1 .. 1 111.11h1111 .it H ar-rah'!-> M.u in.1 < .1!->lll1J lrt1•1·I f111 about 1:-l m1111Jlt'' v. h1 11 .. tw h1l 11 btg ;1 SHIY.!l!l!-1 H!'l )"•l'kpot C il).11)(1 11ff1t 1.1b ... .tid 1tr1 \\Ill Sundet\' h v lht· l'I y1 ·.11 11ld moth1·r o! ;;1·, "n111 n! 1111· l11gg1· ... 1 in US ga1111ng 111du~l1\ "! 1·,m·1 t)f·l1t •\t' 11 ' tlw Ni ·.,.. Jt.•r.'.f'\I Wllllt,Jll '>.11ol ,11 ,I 111 '\.\ I., eonfc·r1·m 1· .ilH1ttt Ill "'''"' .d11·1 ht·r 4 ,, 111 1111 I .. 1111 c.111 '1 bc:-lit•\'I ' t l Thi· tn1-• "'111 , .1111• "" " 111111 rt•1•l jJl lJl.{I• '"'' ..,l11 t 111,11111111 s..ttcl ... 1111 rn.111.1g1 1 l\ 1 h h ... I t\ 111 ·11 Crnrn 1dl'11t.rll\ ,, .1111pl1 "11 .. W O ii J $.ihli 7 7 I J ti k f'lll ,1 \ Harr.1h <. F1 Ii H \\< r1 t l tlw h11l•·l whl'n l\l r!> K idd """ 1·,,. ..... , from \.\'Ht;H T\' 111 S.111 "''I.uh NY \.\t•n • filming" p111g1,1111 "" I 'h<1rk~ C11ttn·ll :'>:!.and h1~..., ,,,. f\1.in :i:1 of Surf C1tv Tht• b1ggl'!.l ~l nkt• 1n U S l11 ... 111rv .... ao., f or $!HH llllll ;ll l '.11•.,.ir ... T;ih1w 111 N1·vada 111 t\tl.111111 C1tv K1d1.1rd (;assnt·r of l\l.1r<" bl;111d. Fla . h .. ul ht·lcl tht n'(·ord " $:!H0.4Hfl \.\Ill 11n Jurn ·1 "' tht· (;nld<'n N ugg<·t Mr.., K idd. whu would 11111-. .... ,, v .., h 1· w .r !> f r o m 1 h t l l<1dd1111f11·ld .in·.i 111 o.,011 1h1·r n N1 ·v. ,J1•ro.,1•v '"1111t 111 1\ 1 l.11tt11 cit .... 111n'1· n1ghL..,"'" 111\\ 1 ... r.,,. h1tt111g tilt' j<H kJXtl <..,)11 .11 r l\1·d S.1l111d.1:-night \\ 1 t Ii l.1·1· ()'T1111 l1 !)'> h1•1 I l " 11 old ""' Br v.inl .111.t hi.. I.!"'" 11ld tr11·11d Hohl1\ Smrtlt Thi g1 tJllp w1·nt l11 I L.rr.1 h .., '"",1th•· tl11 \oung .. 1 .. ro., "'.11ll1 d lo pl." 1h1 hull·I' \.1do·11 g .1rn1·-.. Chtldrt n .1n 1101 .tll<1\\I d 111111 '·J"-lfl•~ tSee ATLA ~TI(', l'age A21 $20,000 blaze hits plant • Ill Irvine Employ1-.~ .11 ,m lrv11w pl.mt t hat pl'rform' w11rk 111 tht· ae rospa('f' tompuwr fwld w1•1•· cleanin~ up t<Kla y from ;; f1r1· that l'a usr·d ahout $'10.000 1n damagt> Sunday Th<> fire at tht• Ctrl€'l Cmµ 2302 B a rranca Parkway. was tracf'd to c1n overh,·att·d tank heatc·r. acu>rchng w .Jim M orn ... vice p rC"Stdl'nl o f op<•r:ilmns fo r the mmpan y H e s a 1 d a l h t• rm n.., t ;1 t appa r ently fatlf'd to turn o ff causing th l· fin • lo break oul 111 the pla n t of the· t·ompa n y that produces multt lav<'rf'd prmtrd circu it boar ds M orris said th<' fir<' w;is nmftned to th1• ht•att•r arr·a anrl was t'Xllnl(Utshed by thr· pl;.in t·~ o.,pn nkler s:vstt.-m Hnw1•ver. about 30 Orang!' Countv firr f1ghlers arnvl'd at th1· sn•ne and bl'gan remov ing l'ont:11nPrs holding about :mo g<illon.c; of acid 0 r a n g c· C o u 11 t y F 1 r 1• Dt•partm .. nt Eng inePr W1ll1<1 m Vald1.•z said t h at smok e wa<i hf•,1vy but ther(' were· no tnJUrtt'S tt• f1rd 1ghtc>rs Some' w('n ' forc1'<I to wc•ar masks 'and "acid" 'lUlL'l, h 1· said T h e blaze' was discovcn•d a t about 8 20 a m by a pohccman w h o rf'pnrted h e h E•ard th" bu1ld111g's firt> a larm ----INDEX----__, A t Yo ur SC>rv111• Erma Bomh•'<'k Bus111~ Cavalcad f' Classified Comics Cr088word Death Nott('PS F.dlwrial Enter tainm<'nl A5 A7 R6 7 /\7 <:48 83 B:l C4 A6 85 I lor()S('(IJ')(' Ann L a nd E>rs Movies Pub ltt· Notil'<'s Spor ts T elE>v1slon ThcalC'rs Weather Wo rld NPw s I A? A ? 8 5 86 C l 4 B4 8 5 A2 A3 F a s l finish ~r Trac·~ J cu-oh~on. k "a~ a n ·ltu·lu nl ~lu rlc·r in 1h 1• Hi~ Wlwt•lio. rnc·•·· Hui c·o oxinf.!; from m o m • :onni«· J nc·ohson lt·d lo vit·tory o w·r Cindy Hohlc·r. E\'t•nl w o~ a hn·ttk in Co si o Mt•!iia ·~ Nu t io11 o l Crilt•r i um hi<·ycling c•h n m rl iOn!iO h j p!' n·portt'<I O il i'Hj(f" (:I . ---·-...... YOUR HOMETOWN DAil Y PAPER ORANGE COUNTY , C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Flood waters rout 800 as Bishop darn bursts HI S J I\ II' f 1\ I ' 1 M 111ld \ w.1ttl'> tlr.11 )Jll'>l11d 1li11111gli .111 \',II t I 11 11 ii, 1111 . 11 11 I f 11 ll t d , ii I 1 '"I !Hiii 11•·1111li '" 11·' lht II h111111 ••, l1 .. g.i11 1t 1 1d111 g 111.l.1\ 11111 .111llt1111l11 \\,11111d th.it 1111· tf,u 1g1 I I 1.1d llol )'·"" d 'Th• \\,ii• I I jll'.I ,, l1lll1 )11\\< I l1tll tt' 11.1>l\ ,,11d .111!111 1''t·1gu"u1 111.id •ii 1lt1 t .d1t .. 1111.1 I )( p. t I l 11" 11 t "I I· 1111 -..11 \ 111 t I 11 111 v11 M111111 l 1111111' 111 ,, 11 • till 111.-1\'111g 1. ... 1 "Tiit I 1 .., 11.1111:• 1 l 11 11111111 , t'\'t'l \Wh111 l1tt .11J -..1 11 1 1111 · 11111..,l.lltl 1·1.,·,11111 .11111 1110 ol1 1111 , h1 · .... 1.t I\ t le "''' 11111) p• 11pl1 \\ 1 r • ,.,.,., 11.;t1 ·d 111 H1..,l11op .111.J 111"'1,, Big I 'ill' 111 1 :->1111.l.i \ \\ 111 II 1111 '\II gl' ... td \\',ilt•I 111 11\'t 11111\\lllj: N111 I h l .. 1k1 l1t11 -.l t l11 11t1~·.l1 o111 •·;u tl11 ·11 d.1111 1111 111 d111111g tl1• 1·.11 h 1111111 ... E1glt1 li1111".., ,11·.1.11111 d 111 ,,, ' d.1111.1g1 \.\It• fl 1111 d.1111 10111 ~t .1·11d111g H1..,l11014 \ ·,,, k 1.111111• .. 111 "' 1h 11.111!-, .111ol 1111 .. .Ir•• h g1dl1\ ... dltd •llt.dl11 •l ••ld11d. h 1gu·,1111 '""I N11tr1JUll1 \'''' ,., .. ,,1,.f .uul 11Je It \\I It flH ltllh 1.d .J.1tU.IJ11 t l1tn.ll1 \ l11~·li"·'• ,,, .1 .. .,,.i ,11 H1~ I •• ,. I Ii 1d ii \ • d l • I \\ " ' I '\\ ., 1 f t I iJ\t I •I f1111h1 hill flltHt .ttld It• 1-. tf.1111 .11d 111\1• ( tolllll\ '->Ito 1111 ol1.p.1ttl ... 1 I· 1 .... Ill. f\.1• I . II ~.1,. .. 11d th• \\.ol• I I•'' I 11.ul 111 •I t 1 • • c I• 1 I r, ,, '' t • t 11t1 \\ .1 .. 111 I Hf l111ldi1tf' lh "\\II \\I d1t11 I II• l d .111 \ lllHI ' 1.1111 ,1,, ""Id 1111\ llu '"'''·'•' 1.illi ·d I 111 o1 I lt,11111 Ill ,1111\\ I I l<1 · ... 1d1 ·11h 111 11 ... 1>11111111.1111 .. 11 . ,If I'd ~_.' 111111 l 1111 1 't. 11 J I ,t i \11µ1 lo· •. 11111 I 1 111il1 . 1111111 11 1• N1 \'.id.i 11111 ol• 1 "" l11d1111 I'' "l'l' ''" I\\" 111 1rl1\ l11d 1.111 It '' I \ .1i1Ht 1 )11 111 !"-.1111do1\ .111dl o,'l'~'lllf . .' lltt II liWlll '°' th1·1t• \\ol ,1tl.-..t.111l1,.l \\,d1 I d.1111,1g1• !JI ,,ciflll hHl llt \of• ttlt tt "tl I \'JlHJJC-., 11d I'• I gll'>"li H1 -.Ji,,p '\J,,,.,, 1<1111 Kht1111 '-.ltd 1h1 l lou.d "·' th1 "'"''' lo h it ll"li"I' 11111 .1dd1·d "11·-, 1111t tlwt iii \.i l.1t111p l•dt11 ('111\\111 ..,,11d hi· was I\\ olkl ltt d ,ill'llll fl of Ill tlJ th\• "'""'HI \\,tit I 11llh1tl1• lit'> h11U~· II\ 111~1i11..tl tlit 1.A..itl·r was '""I""' I Ii• I, l•••I d1·1·p lo1k1·. l<K·au.·d •• 111111 , .,... ,.,, t1! H1..,h•>p . was .1 11 1 o111\ lillt d 11•1111 tlw irwltoff of "'"' 111lli• SH 11.1N1•vada.Wh l'n .. ·.11 .uh \\,11111 r;.111 lwg~111 lo fall, ,,, , 1111111 1111· l.1k1· .Hid l'<i Ustng 11101 1 111•11111lo1 111 r u n o f f . .111llt10 11lll"'I !-o.ild 1\lt1•1' lh t· d<.tm 11111 ..,1 tlw l.ik1· W.i!-> l1·f1 virtu.ally • "" 11\ I<.-,, u1 · 11·o1111~ w1lh bullhorn!'> 1 S1•1· FLOODS, Pag~ A2 J Massacre victims mourned By The A.,socia ted P res!> I lundn-<l:-. o f \.\ t't'jlllll( \\ 1111w11 11t <11 1.h1·d tlt111ugh B111u1 ., L'h.1lll l;1 1" • .t ..... 11111.111 11 fug1 • (<Hnp loda:-111 pr.t\ ,;l .1 111,,..,, gr.1v1· fo r \'1111111'> 11f th1 :-,, pl In IH lll<t)...'>.1111 1li.1l h," 1 .• 10.,1·cl .111 1nt1·rr1.1t11111 • .t h11111 .111d .,ho1k1·11 brad Thi• ftnal u1111' nf 1"1 t·11<'h ;ind J1 ,il1<1n ,111111ng1·111-.. ,,( 1h1· rt· t · 11 11 !> t 1 t u I t «l 111 u I 11 11 a t 11111" I )X'dl'l·k1•1•ptll,1.( f11111• .. 1 .... , illll\'t•d 111 81·11 ut t,,J~1 y, hut US M .1r111t'" 1·1111t111u1·d 111 wart 11f f!>hor1• fur llH• dt•(J,JI lUI! uf bnlt'li furn..., Tht• pt'IH'1•k••t•p111g f,,, 11· \\'•" r 1·qu<",lt·d ll\ Ll•b.1111111 •• 111•1 d1Sl'U\'l'ry l h <t l ..i l 11•<1 :-.t '.l:!ll l'.il1 -..111 11.111 .111.t Lt 11,1111 'l\'th.1110., \\'I(• ... 1 .. 11t ,,, 1 ... 1.11 lt li;u k, d L1·l1.111f'o.,t < 'hr10.,t 1.i11' 111 t\\1> rt·l ugt·•· 1.11111" 111td1·1 1"1.11 Ii 1111111.11 \ ltllll111l I h • 111111nl1ut111g , .. u11 t1 11 '· 1111\.\t \1·1 ""' 1111 111 tJ I lht 11111•111.1111111.d troop~ \.\ill 111• d1 pl11y "d ur1ttl br.1t'l1 (111 t •·:-. .11 • ri·rno\'f'd from hnth lh1· t·:t<;t and Wt''>t o.,1·cto1 ., 11! H111u1 .J>. th•· U111l1·d Sl<tlt·-. has d1•111and1·d Th,. T •. I A\ I \' Ill I 11 t .. I \ < 0111111.ind ,1111111u111 l'd Sund:1' 1h.1l 1t~ lorn·" \voulu pull out ,;, th1• (';1ptt.1I '~ l\111:-.lt•rn Wf''>lt'l 11 "'('!"' Ii~ W1·d1w ... d.iy. !tut g.iv• mi 1nd1t <Jtllm tt f wh1·11 th•· wli.1lt· Ul) '.\ould Ii<· d•·an·d H 1·l<ttl\·1·.., .,f th1· vll t1rn-. ~.1tlw11·tl ,11 tht· m<iss g r ave in Ch,1tdl.t .11 " 1·t·n·mony marking th1 M 1 .... l1 111 1-'l'<.L'>l uf Sacnh ce A "'" hu11dn-<l wmm·n :.obbing and 1.11 rv111g wn·.1lh.., of fluwt•rs a n d pht1lo>. 11 f th1· dt•ad march e d dov. 11 tlw llldtll strt'(.'l and m e n , li.11ll1·d prnyt.·r.., from tht-K o ran, 1,1ant·, holv book I.., r a 1· I 1 I"' r 1 ml' M 1n 1 s t e r M1·111'1 h.1111 Bt·g111 ~·heduled a n 1·m1·rg1:11c·v Cabtn<•t mt'et 1n g Tut':-.dav • .ind l s r<te l rad io pt 1·d 1l'tt·d hl· would have t o 1·111H'!·J1• to grow 111g p r e ssu r e lr11111 h" C ;,ib 11wt ;,ind d1ss1d enl h1 o11·l1-. for an 1nvt·st1gat1u n of the u1u11t1 v·~ r11l1• in tht• massacr e T h 1· I .., r <.t 1.· l 1 a r m y s !See LF.BANOJ", Page A21 0 •111 Pllol Phota. by IUchll«S KoeNef I ·----~----------~--· • • • t ! I 11 nnuro t 1111.,I I >All ' I'll 11 I M 11111l11y 'u1pl11111b111 .• / lllHI ~, ,~~\'-'- Continued stories HB pair tackle burning issues • 1111 llh 11 1 .a1 ... 111 .:1111 A· ' ..... 111 .111d I ...... l{1 ·""" (1111 1 '" •1111 11• "111111,d1·d ·'""' .ol1111~: 1i l1i-l1 .. 1• 1 '11 • J, J\l.111\ 1111111 · "'"'Pl• I IJ ,, 11•\I 11 111 ,I , 11111 Ill.I\' lt.t\'t I• 1, . 1\ '",, 1111 11 ... ,\1•1.d 11 .. 111 -. "111 I I 1• fj 11 11 I lttll lllrlj.! \1 .111'1 ~,.,I 1 I 1'11 )11 i 111t·•, llllttHll li1·d 1\1r1 , ••• 1 11. )l LI ii \.. I ol .. J ~ 11 I I I •4 I 11 I l•A f 1 t • 11 .. \\ 0 1\. Iii; "' ~;I\ • \ l \ 1• 11. ti f1111g ... Ill ~lllltho 111 1111 ollld 'JKlkt•,111.111 .01.t 1111 lllllll\ \\ill l111d oolll \\II\ 11 ..1111 1111 po\11•1 I' ••llh ( .. 11\t \\l1hh .~·I• I.ti• d 'lo • II 111 ilC .u It 1111 111.!, t111 •• ,,'tA .~ In 1 "I f'• 1\1 t I \J.11 II ·;. .\ , , ' ·. .. 111~111 Ill .1111 I •l.1 11 d po\\! I I 1 ~1111• 1111 t 1111 Ill pf l h t' pLllJlllll 11i;1\1 l • "' I 114'11 lll Wol!'\ llt.Hit· ,, 'r," J, 111 11111· b1;wl r.id1co .111d !/·lo, ",, "'' 111 off lht• a11 .11111 1'>111 .!11 111.t P' l \'11(1• l>Ul>llH'!'\"I ' 1h u1 "'' 11 1111 V<1111 K1ppu1 111 Cho I '.I\ 111 r\llJlll'lll!'l\l. h1il11 •,1 j.1;1\ '" 11 ... llo·lort•W t';ol1·11da1 It hi :."' 1 •.1111..,1·1 Sunday i' 'I' 1" I, ti I 1 111(., h t1 v 1 • d r .i \1 11 111;i •.· •• • 1111•!•·'-l d1•rnon:-.tr.1l10 11'• (11 I'. I \\I\ ,11 1d d1·m<imb for 1h1· !'f, .. 11 1 11 •11 "' l~·gin and D<·[p11" ~I 11 I :\111 I S h.11o n :·: l ., I 11!11 • .... 11d f1 v1• o l tlw .'.II 1\11 I I I • I II g111· .. c JIJllll'l h.o\I' ' 1 I .t :1 .t !Ill g uvt•rnnw111 :-. t!I• I' .I I I I 111111\l·d lntjUlrY 111 111 IJ • ... 11 w.1::. n o l good • • \\I ll 111~·1t.d l11J1tli111 \\tit 11•1 l'lldjOI hl,11 l-.11t1l:O. /11 •.,11d '!'111 111.llllog \\d1' I It'l l ,1 llolll 111 11111d .olld .1lt tlio 1111glo 1111ll'lt 111 ll1g 111111 · .I 111\\11 "' .il11111l :1,11011 JU't I .• 11111t· ... .,.,1111 .,1 H1-.h1111 111 th1· 111 ... 11 111 1111' ( l\\1'11:0. \',ill!•\, \\ htdt 1-. '>lll 1111Jlldt·d 11\' th•· 111\11 N.1111111,d l,.111··~1 '1'11111\ lll'llfllt• 111'1 I ... tJ ,11111.•d l"'' 11111 lli 111 1\ ... ,,. 11111 ·11 1.1 111111· ... d11\111 H1 ,h11p \'it1I-. .II 1111 ( ',11 d111,iJ \ ii l.1~',I i{,•-.111 l \\ lio •l t• l\\11 ft t I 1tf \1,1!1 I ll1wHft d t ,1 !1111-. l1111k1 .... \\11-. ·'""'I"• \1.ilk-. .111d •Lil 1·l1·1l111il\ l11di.:1 lt\\1111 N.1111111 Str.1111111 ,,,id ·" g111 ... i... h 11cldl1·d llt'.il 11u 111.1111 l1111ld111g 111 1 pl.o• Ill'\\ 'i>·IJl"I 1\1,1.111\' .1-. '·I'> 111g .1 !111111,tl JUdll 1 .. d lll'fllll \ 1111\\ -.! <'Ill' llll'\ ll.1l1lt• Ho•l11 I \\lllkt•t .., c·1111t1 1111td d1gg111g 1lt11111gli 11il1lil 1• 11111 tli\\1•.,1 •ii 1111' l '.1l1·,t111 1.111 '.1111p ... \\ h1 ·11 · .• g1.1\'t•'1>11l.1111111g Jll l>odlt's w.1s d1~ 11\'t•11·d Fnd.i\', 1.11 ... 111g lo :l~O 1h1· 1·11111111111•d 1111.d 11·po11t·d 11\ tlw l<t·d l 'r11.,~ l '1vil d1•ft·11.,1· w11rk.·r:o. s aid th") 'll'P''' t 1111J11· \'l«l111i-. 111 ;" 1>1 ln1111·d hut tht• 1·x.11·t 11ui11ht.·1 111.i\ flt'\ l 'I 1,.. k1111\\'ll f.1·li.1111·'1· th 11•1 f.1"""' LI l111 l'.1111111, t;1· .. 1g1·,1 -..ml :1H7 bod1:·' h;11l 11<·1·11 fo und at 1h1· c·amps hut llll'l l' ha.' be1·n no t·xpl.mJl11111 (111 1 l1t· dt!>( rpp;.i11:1t·~ U) llOlll·.ll1 HAHKEI\ 0 1 '"• 0.11, """' 1 1•11 I • ' I' ... \ .. 111 I ( "' I ' ( • I 1 I 111 11 I 11111111111:•••11 I~ .u lo 111111~ 11111 tl11 I 11 ,1 111 1 11 I 1 11t I w1 :-tho l.i111\\' 1111\\ 111 \\Ill• .111d 1•111 tl11111'' 111 •·v1·1 \1l.1 \ l.111g11.1g•· 11111 -111 h.11 dly k11< ...... 111 yt l111114 .ol11 1l ll I 11 t fll llh l 111111 Ulllil ... 111• 11wt 111 ·1 1111-.11.i rnl I lo d1d11't '"'·II w 1·ll .llHI WU~ 11••1 kllll\.\11 1111 111 :-. Wll l lll~ p111\\ 1·" lilll tl11·11· wa:-.11 '1 1111wh Ii I' d 1 d II. l k I\ 11 w • o1 .. 1 lll 111 ...... ho1\'111g 1111•11 111 th1• fin• p111lt••'llllll l1U.,llll''!'-1111 ~:1 Vl'.11!'\ 'J'lwv 'v•·, 1111il11111·d 1li(•t1 1.111-111:-. '" "'' ''' .011d 11111>11'11 ,, , .. ft 111v 1·1 l11111k ·11,,11 ·1 (;,., lh11111·d " It 'I'll' 1111 $I 'f:1 It., toll• 1t·d ,,... ,, lllt· :-..dt•t y g111d1 111 tho 1·111111· l.111111\ N111~· ll11>11 .... 111d t lllllt • ll,l\'I• lk0<'11 Mild '1111'< 1111 h1111k t ,11111 1111 tlu· Jll , • .,_., Ill l\J.1\ .111ol 1111111 .... I 11th I '011() h,1\ I IM'l'I\ f'l llllt ·d Thi <;1.1111 ... 11111q1l1·tt·d ,, 1111111111111111 lllllf 111 1.1cl111 .111d 11I•'1..,11111 ''"'"'"' 111 S t·,ottlt· l'111 tl.111d "'·"' I .. 1k1 .111d I >t•11\'t'I I,,, \\I ' k /\ II d I I 11 \ \\ I' I < 11 ti .1 g ;1 I 11 ..... 1111.l,1\ 1111 ll.dl.1: •. 110 11:-.11111 .\11.1111.1 1\11.11111 l 'h11.og11 , f\1111111 .q111l1 . \V.1 ... l1111g11111 . I> t '. B.11111111111· .111d l'l11l;11l!'lpl11:1 ,\ 1111\ 111•11111 Ill Ill thl'll ll'lp I!'\ I '\ I "., I I d '" I 'I) 1111' ( kl II w h l' II 11,,., ·1f>l""'1 1111 th•· "'l'11d.iy' -.1111\\ 111 d l,111'"' 111'1' -..ift·t \' ,.-. Wt·ll "' 11i. II l>o11k '\A.'111 •11 \\ t• Wl'll' 111.ll'llt•d "l 'Vl 'll \1 ,11 -. .i1'." I 11.111111 lw 11·t1a1111•d 111 111 · 1111· .... d( .. l'··gg\ ...... 1d \.\'ft1 II l l.1k•• lllll d f1 ::111g p.111 11"'' I ,il..,11 g..i .1 1111 111 ,hut 1111 tit• "" 'llflph 111 1,1..,1· of J fin· I 111 •\ 1·1 k111·\\ • .11<11 11 1lo.11 lwfon· "\.\'h1 11 I \\1·111 to fnt·nd ~· Pt·g~) arul (;ar) Clt·1111 of ll1rn1i1114ttm Bt•at·h "or" proi•·t·t, a hook e·allt·tl ·•uo11'1 c;t·t Rurn•·d.'' al.out h11m1·s. I w11ulol ..,., v. Ii.it 111l'V w1·n· drn11g \VIiii 1111 11 1•>..l1·11:-.11111 <n1d:-. .111d oth1·1 111111~:' .rnd l w11uld 11•11 tl11·111 < •• 11' .,,1v., 1111.., ,llld (;,II \''·''' tli.11 "U111 •ii tlw111 .. ~k1·d 1111 \\ 11111 the· hc·ll ,1r1· vou .11111 ( :.11 \ g11111J,.! ( ;11 ·1111 . .in 111vc·st1g;11111 w11h •h•· l111n11 n g1on H1·al'l1 F111 l) I p .1 I I m (' 11 t , S a I d ! I I I ' d1·11.i1t111t·nt-. h<ivt·n 't 1,. 1·11 111111111111111·;1111\g with th1· 111a~-.I'-. I· 11t·' alway., 'it'('n11·d 111 111 .1 1111111111.1111111 c.r" dun1b 1·nw .... ' It• •,,,,d ·1•1·11plc· Jll:-.l d11ln'1 krlll\\ Delly Piiot Photo by G8ry Ambf- 011 1 lwir joint fin• prolt·C'tion. I JI •l11'1 "W h;1l w t· hopt·." ht' said, "is that 1x·oplt• w II I rC'ad the book ;ind pul 1l on .1 s he lf The n e xt l1m1· tht•y go l'<llTlpm g o r pour gas 1 n t 11 l h t· 1 r I <.1 w n m o w e r . -.conu·thing will t lit·k a nd they'll n·f1·1 111 lht· book " " • • • 1 , it would n11l lt·t , l •I lJ lip11t•n.1 WI I nt''-'l'' ,.l\ ,)I•· , • ti"'" 111 lt•.,tlf) u11d1·1 ~· .: ~ ..._, ~'' I 1 ~" 1111 111 i .. • Mllll'·ll·r l\l co ... h1 , 111 .. tNI 111 llw d.uh 011 S.1turd.1v 4011.001111( f.., .wl., .J 11111111111 p1·c"ipl1· all1•11cl1•d tlw J,orgt•!-l .111ll g11v1·rnnw111 r;ill\ 11 1 brat·I'' :l.J y 1·ar h1:-.tor~ 111 p101t· ... 1 R,•gin·., r l'fU!>al Ill pr11b1· the m.1-...--.w1 t and tht'~ 1..illt>tl (111 full t111up \\llhdra\\ ... l frum R4 ·irut Burger war raging as Arches singed .. ~ •· di 'II ,off I .I 11 111 J lltt 1 11 ·~1 • I I' ~Ill s .1 I •• !\I I.\ f\11 ti\ I' I B111 g1•r Kmg It .... .1111 d 1111 r11 ... 1 lOlllllllt'n 1al tn I .. ,\11 11 .. :.!II ..... id J\Ji.., l'ld11 I 1·\'1·11 111..,1 · 1111 Joi I. 11111: 11111111'\' 11.11 k l I 111 Il l ,11111tl11 I \1 111 ld ,J11 It' '•II 1 ,1ll1·d l 1uig1•1' \\.11 " Wilh !\Ii 1 i..11.11.r... .111 .. t1\·1·r11scml·n1 lo• 1 •'.• ,111d $111 l \\1111 1 It 'I Ill 1111( ( \\".1:0. g111111: 1•111 I 1,11 to ·d p lH1111g 1111 I • l ~ f l .01.! .odd111g tli.1t '>Ill' li.ul lw1·f1 ·'''·'k' t1n111 I I• 111 S.itu11t.., lllllli lhl _: JI 111 II•\\' 0'1111 11•11 Ill I 1111 S1111do1\ ·\\'ti .. \1 ""'' 1 .. ... 1, • l'" '' r• -..11.I ,;1\'11tg l\!1'1)1111;.td · ... rt·g11l <11 ln 11 g1·1' t 11111.illt ~11 p<·n·c·nt lt·..,:-0 1111 ,11 tli.111 tft,...,,. of Burg1·1 King '!'It .. <111111111·111 • .1 .... 11n·d Sunu<i v ii• ')•l lt .ill • 11°11 t It\ M1 l>onald\ .. t '•• 11111\ ,1houl $10 hut ho h1 Id o111l ,, 11• 1. Id ht· found 111 lht 'u' fl1111 Ii I • IHI ldt•il ltli\\ llllll h fl ' \\t1l lli 111 d tlo• •·nd o f lht• '>Umrnl·r .11111 .ill 1111 1 lir l11lfrl<;lt., drt1pfJl'rl Ill lh1 •JI 1·:.11i I' ,,, ... 1, •lw bt•.it h .. 111 --.ud \ .t. •• 1111• v.h1lh fronb lh1 111111 "'"'' '-;·1111 ! I l11H•I "''' o1 hon.1111.1 1 .. 1 h~•l\ • h1 ,II " I ""Ill\ -.,11d Alt•llj.( \>\ Jiit ,, fo ·\~ 11lh1·1 111 m.., 'll1.d1111 lwld 11llt loui lt1 .. 1\' nH l.i l howl k1 \:-,"II from lh1· Surf Jnd S.mu ·thdt th 1• cx"t.·an It.id dt·Jx>Sll('<f 1111 tht· Ix"" h Ru1 th1•11· •• n h.11.11d~ 111 l><·:tt htombtn~ Tht \\,1..,hmg m.11111111 "'''" l of till' w;n·1·.; • 1u111bl1-.J r11t111 th.Ill <1111· "l.111ung1·r o ff h1:-. ft't l <(.· • 11. 11.,. f1"1 Ing ... 1111111 111 ;1 1·11t1pl1 111 ill tlll' mont•\' 1h.1l v.,1, ""' 11\11 tlw l l llltl•I I ... I~ Ill 111).! II"'° d llp IJl l lliL 8ul th1 prt•n·•·d.., .1pp.1n·11ll\ v.c·n· worth th• w1·1 1ru11k.., .ind .... i nd~ h ur I Vt· l1t 1·11 domg llll' ,oil my lift', · N1•,1l1111 !M.tld • And th1., " ttw h1~~1·'l h.1ul vt'l .~ ..... ,.:j,1 1 ~~' ,. Sollle clearing ., ,,,,,,,,, '' r.1 11 lfHHA t 4 t}. 1 f'~ l A I t4 t '.,1tnf1q lr1w I I " f'"l' '1 -N•l'1<J..-,,I /-,\ '''""''" H (':I //1t•r '' w••r .., t ' ,J I t , l I 111 ' . ,, .. ,., .. .. f' I H 1• ('.1'. ' I I ''I i,., ,., I '• I •1 . ' f It '· • , •• f t l ' '\ H t Q I' ' "' .,,, fl -'·" 4 A 1, n• t fHJ I .. 11° I •, ·~. '- •,J I fd Cu Ii l'or11 ia f,, t I f .,,. j. ,,,., ,, cti111 c.itu•ong •'"" w~._, wino' f•' t 11 , 1n g t ti 6 •''''' lt•Qt r .. u r near 70 r•il'~ ' .... r ,~, L O'-llllS "O'•"' ' I I 75 • r ••r 1 'n thf' J./1 r 1"' ~ I t•H' flQ mil~~ t1tl 111 ,,.,, .. ", ttll .}lf'Q' t ., ,, • 1 ~1 ''' P tr• wrtt~•'l s11• I C • 1 ;1 t•r 11 1 Ov•'' ou,or .,., 1P, 1111 ,,! C..Ro N1COl.A4' I ,t t • t '' ..-,,irt IW IJ'\ ~0 10 J~ 11(11' I w II 1, 1tt"lt ,,,011 10AS 10 tO '" ,,,, 1 '""' "' ";Ari Nicolas lt,j,l " It ~"~t WHHh l~ 10 25 ~"''' w·I' 1•"•t•1n~d ~o"' 8 to 10 1Pt•t w 1nd ';flft~ df'M"'.• "&sing c1 .~ly • n JI"' w 11n mostly '"''' t' •• .., ••• ,,, 'n '" ?O "notcti Tu''"'1fa1r I .. ~. ·"'"'"'""·'· t•• 1v1 lu • hPf1 p,ut~ )f nOflf N• t,1 ,, • t 1 tN J nnrtrH"''" Ut.t" "' , ,,, t no llA\h riond W'~U•lfM,a' ,, d H •• t·~.lCulflOn I'll ""''" tf ·1' lrM'l c 1• 'Plr And n nP pPr'i.••n ""'\«> "'' 1•1t 1n " rto ndA torn 1df ''" ti •• ,,,"1 w~athf"'f Ser' t.e ... ,ut ~ • ., IV• , lH) )i 0 fic>ut1fH1 lhf' l'\8!'" f"l1(' I , II It• \'\I /0() hOmP'\ tO I lat '" ' ..... V.lllf\y .tnd (AtJ Etrt 11ft -.111t,.. .. 1n J11'8fhy cnny1U' tl•OtJf ''' rJ olt• .4PC1PH h on1 9 tll ... ; ( 'lljllt~ qlf1(.IAI' fol• ur ti •v 1 ,, ..,,.111r1tf'.A'' tn h,.IO 1n 111 Ot' « t1l1 ' 1•lln,1w. 1111 thf' It , ·~ "'''' \"'11• I ;.,11 '''""t¥wutt1 Unnd1ng ,,, ., ", , / 1w111,.1 "''rt Oon ~P•'' ""' n1u • rnmli,o ' dirPCltu r1f put 11 WI lo ~ N1, 1rtt1uu•' w"''" rltportod 11 'Aun 1y 10 rmlol\ "nutheA~I ol St1ll L.1~., Coty mo111 lhen 100 p~ri.pl'1 w••rP 1w11c.u11t~d h om low ty•nq "'°"~' olllCl~IR Uld A •ntn nJo rot fl frXJr mutt 1wot~ l n '" 1 ' ,. ' "., , 1 t1 o 1 L • ~ 11 11~ "' r h• ''"" r lft 011 Sundey 1 k1 1 '"0 t!c)W fl 1n • 0 81Mtf P8tk ",11 , nn-"'" uu1 snd 1e•tou1lv 1n1u'"'t """'" 01t>11n The t10<m c.au" 4 "' t'tllme1110 1200 000 oan11•11•• entd O k11•chobe11 Goun1v ·,, 1111 • 0•9'1•tchef llN fl1•hfll> ' ' .. .... \ (' t I I t • t4 J 1' o It r J r• t ., • SOolt-4Ht1 At .-tr t t • • •·"Tlpt•f ..... ,,. ,, p ,,,..,., t ul t(o '"'"" I i"•• 'r r ,.. Vl ' t. h ' r • ,., 1 Front1: Cold ~ WIWrT'I 99 Occ1\lded wor Sla!IOnatv • • AIL,,,., Alf ,,1i111 Ani u I A"r1v,,1h-• A,fl,jl It All·•••h f l 'f .. eoh lums Sen1e Monica N-POtl e .. c.h Sen o+.go Cn1v HI lo Pep 'J 4t- .. I ., "' '"' p,r.. f1t 1,1 '>4 <)11 llH 1: 1 •,4 (J' ... •6 t+• 411 ,l\Q I ' •,• •·1 ,, .. 'f '•' -• "" Ol f fr, f ' 1 ''7 h. .,, '' 1,n '•,.. .A 0 .. hi "'"' 7; 'IA 02 f,' 5 • 01 r.1 6• 25 Ii• .... 10 1!0 '>1 f,. c,4 0;' ~; f, 4:1 A/ ',A n~ •.• •Ii QI f, l '} ~I; i.-t 4S '"" ';2 0 1 n so "" 52 R'I 1~ II~ GO ,,, 50 Sutf A¥g 2 lutf M81 • 2 • 3 5 J 8 ,, ""' M~ ,. i.. \nwllfl "',;\'lC, (,, .. "'"' f\11lr• l -·~ \tt•\J ·~ 1 .ip11 Hn. iio l t110<.v11/P ~ ;ht:u'it. lo ~ .. ,..,(Jht\ M 1lwaukPr Mpls SIP ~~'1Shv11te Nf'w OdtH\FI\ NPW '((')rk tJ11 ,.,,.,,,. c ,..,,.. l 11y f J1n.1h.1 OtlAocJu PM~l1Ph•~ Pnoenu P•ll•l:lu•g" Plll!lf)I! M" Pt1am1 OtA t"'f'Ov1(11~1•f r Ralf:~·~' Rap1t1 L•lv San la•i> San Anton• Sealltt' St>rt'v~porl Soou• Falt\ St Lout~ SI p l R"1P·• SI Str M'.lr•fJ ~tlnkanf' S111H IJ,f' J "'~nkn r ,,, "'" r "1-.,1 W11\t11n1Jln w.,,111.1 lutf Prd , . , . 16 17 •• .,1 Avo 7 ' 7 '1 Ov11oo1t tor Tuell<l•v urne c.hano• 7• • • ~ Ii'> 11 70 4• 74 VI I 1 . .,,, ht) ., • •0 'iii 10 •,' All 1 1 I II hl 4,., hi •I I 70 "' ,, hi ht1 •.•• " { h l l.tlJ II. ·I~ ·o '7 Iii 4A ; 7 fill I "~ ., ,), I 11 IH 10 .. I JO f,'\ "O ti• '>'• '' 611 '•I f~J 'I' I," ;15 •II 6 7 '>II I ;; •10 Al 61 '>0 0 4 78 ~' l 1 '>() 10 '>'> P.I 68 I !II; '>9 •II 61 ... '>6 611 41 70 18 <14 I I /} 41 hr1 'JR 10 l(. '•0 I well Me• 1 3 • • •• .,1 Dir SW SW sw SW CALIFORNIA At1J,1._, V.\11•1, ~,,i.,.,,ftfll(J £i1lf~IOW B1•ln1n-H1nl n1n u .... 11 lllyllw ( ... t.•hOH (,Ul\#f'I ( 1ty f urn~ta f1f'•mr1 t 1Ul( iJ'H•r l OrlQ £.st-... ( h l 11C, AflQflllP~ M.uy•1v1llt1 M11rutw1.1 M11n ff•tt1,1111 M••''"''•1v Mt W1l~tt11 NPttcJI,..,, NPwJ:_10f t lit1,1f h o .• 1o t.)lut Onlitt r1 "'''"' "'''"'<:I" Pect1hJ~n• Pa~o Rob•t's ntoa Blull rll'<!wl'<>ll L•ly c;tlC-•tlr'nf'nto Snhn11• <t.4n B.-rnart1m« ,,.,, 01f""U S :.n f r;tnC.t'\f'1 S"n Jo~.-' c;""''' Bartuo11 C,,1nl1t MAt18 S~nla Mon1cn '>•nc~ ton r di'"~ VAll"V lnermol l ntt f\nc.- SN'ond low TODAY 110 h ; I • 60 14 Ill\ 7 I l'I'• 6. f}f} BO SI 03 Q~ 19 lP. 60 15 7 I 6f> 41 "'' 51 h!l 5f; 44 'I fl6 0 1 1 I 69 27 11'1 67 SI ;( 10 f,7 Q~ 7 4 1\8 /() hd 41; "I. !>2 3 42 ... 87 •i, bS 63 70 S8 6Q 67 q -. 75 6Q 66 I •B 72 15 76 •9 R4 58 Tl 50 !ill f.() i I 67 J 1 TJ 66 17 61 58 11 di BO 63 ?6 fl~ i,9 ;16 7'1 66 76 ~I 6l !11 Ul /9 ,,.. 65 12 s .. ronCl hlQh TUllDAY 17 ~Ip m 6 3• p m ror111ow 1J&1 m flr81 hlQh 8 13 a m S41eond low 1 27 pm s"'ono 111gh 7 111 p m Sun tell 11 8 43 pm tod1y 11a e 1 1 1 II •S am Tun dey M<><>f' rl-et 3 511 D m • Mii II 1 75 11 m TUHdl y lht· 11.1111111 .. I· ,11li11g t..111111111 g1 I C' ha I n I.. g . I ,, t 1·111p•11 ... \ l1·,tlo1lllll1g 111d1 I It.Ill Ill~: tloo .11!' 'f'l\1 0 ttllllll\'I I"\ < 1'1111'1 '> 1111 Bu1go·1 K111g', -.111· 1 l.11111-. .111d lh 1 h<1 1 go tl1.ol •'l1't111111 ·1-. 11n·l 1·1 1111' l ,, ., I,. o I I I ,1 111 t 111 111 It· d h;11111'111 i.(1 '1" Cl\ t I tl11 I 1 lt·d h.111111111i•t1' Hui g1 1 1'111g ,,., . ., J\11 !>1111.dd .... -.1·f\'1• ... J\l1 l>c 111.dt1' .... ..... \!'-11 .. l1.1t11l1lllg1·1 ' .111 i.:1dhd 11111 l111·d ··t h,1\'I .o \ l'I \ ii1g llH''"•'g' 1111 giownup:-.... ,, ,, .. 111.dl g11 I .11 th• .,l.trl o f 1111 lh11 g1 1 K111g I II Ill 1111 i I I •• l I ) " I I 1 .. ' h. .! " I" 11·1·nt -.111.oll•·t lo \111J • I h1 • •111u111 1 n.il • 111.., '" .1 • h,11 t I h ,, I ... ,, \ ' B ll I /.-' • I K I II g .... :-.,111cl\\ II ftt' h,1\ t ,!ti \" 11 t Ill 1111111 1111 .11 th.111 1\11 I )011.old .111.I llll II ... 111 ......... 11 ... g11 l ... 1.111d111~: Ill ll 1>111 111 ,, Burg• 1 K 111g t 1.1111 '""' ·Luokth I k1111 \\ ,, 11111••1 \\,1\ 111 ,IHI\\ ~lt l>.•11.ild ' 1111\\ I fc· .. I.' tht• g11l '·''' 'I g11 tn Bur g1·r K111K M 1 IJ11nald ' h . .-. d 1·111.1 11tl1·d lhal tilt· 1\11.11111 1,,,... .. ol H u i g1·r K111g p111vl' "' , l.11111-. t h.11 1i... r!'gul;or h .11n l1t11g1 1 1:-. 111•·p.111•d w11h :.!O 1w11·t 111 ), .... , """'1 l11 ·f11r•· ,.,,.•kin~ "\.\'ho·n 11 1 mil•"• 111 pr 11t 1'<·\111g 11ur h.11 d 1'.11111 d 11·put.it 11111 vou'll 111•\ 1•1 , •. , .1 \\ h111· fl.1g fhrng •1\1·1 th1· g11ld1·11 .111 h •·,,· Mt 1>1111.1 Id ' 'i>"h.' -.111.111 Htolo Kt ,·~1 ·1 .... 11d l. S J)1-,111t l .Judg1 Eugt 111• I' S p t·llrn.1111ud1i1d H111g1·1 K111g tu proch11.-tl11 • 1111 11111 111.11.., .ind nth1 r J1H.U1111 nh Burgc·r K 111g :-..•\"' h.1<k' u p 11:-. cl.11111' Burg1 1 Kmg t11l111 1w,·~ .,,mf 111u1 h of tlw mf11rm.1tmn 1 ... 111 th• h.oncls u f ,1 Nt" Y111 k l'tt\ .1dvl·r1.-.1ng .1gt m' .ind Sp<·llrn.on wld tll1• ,1l111nwv~ lo upd.1l1 him lod,1,:. 1111 tl11 ... 1.11u~ or 1h1· rJ,.;UllH'llh ,., ,, ,, ,,41 . r l•rt•', .r1t11 , ... ,. l 1l·11'1 iJ('0.-1 ,.., l(t ! I • !llVH, •Ii i" flf' I.\• Qflpr exp11p~ Oct 10. 1987 ,. •v ·''l 1• p,, 1 fi.11 rlJ n1 .1' JC'\ l Qu111;1 ~!'ti I t' r 111 t\0111,..,. n I A !11• I .... ',.,,. ~II ... ,. ,, fl '"'"' rwo\I I' .f,I uf 1flf" ~ fH1l1; 11 l' '• ft1I t1 t •fl'• A'\l')I 1tl•tl AP Wlrephoto Lint~r a rrives Tiu· S I 00 million lt".u n lirH'r '1/S ~1 ·antli11 :1\ ia i-. ~rc·t·lt'd t.~ -.ailboab from I he· (.en t•rnor~ (:up rue ·•· on i t~ arri,·al in '''" York llarhor. Tht• -.hip "ill operatt• lwl \H·e·n '''" ) or" ( :i1 ~ a11d tht• Ha hamal" e·arr~ in ~ pa-.-.t'll/.!1'1 .. • ancl tlu·ir ''t•hi<'lt·:-.. "it h c·o 1111 1·c·1 i llf.! -.t·n ic·c• lo Florida. \ > I I I ~- STATE ~A~~::u ~1~0~~"'"~Tu~t~~. Ot·mo<.·rut~ 11rt• uliou t to S(muw ra{'t.' byffn Brown I u u n <.' h ll I l• It· v 1H1 o n u d und San 0 1cgMayor Pt!le <'umpu1gn thu t s hows un Wilson head!i to 1111 fln•I explodmg nudt•ttr hnmlJ 1111d Wl't'lc:I, aC\.'Ord1113 the Sun then SUMMl'Sl!i tlw vc>tt• Cur fo'rum·1!1(.'0 Chro1k Gov Edmu11d G. Brown Jr Ill a "vow for your life>," u Sun Frandsc.:u rwwspa()(•r rt•µorlt'<I today Thl· :ltl-s&'t111d t-ommt•rt·111l, w h 1 <.' h u I s u i n C' I u d t• !I st.atcmcnls from .i vunC't y of publ1C' f1j.!ur1•s will s lart Among the ~britit•s arc Los AnMelcs Doer Ron Cey, who says "[ we lo k~p on pluy111g bascba,' and actor Tony Randall. ho says "( JUSt want to IJ>n making pt'Ople laugh." Marcos denies atrocites SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Pht11pp1ne Prt•s1 d l•n t Ferdinand E Marc·os h as assailed as "cont·ott'CI" rt.~-enl Amnesty lntl•rnatao nal accounts o f repression and torture of diss1dl•n ts 111 h is country. The rountt•r-attack 0 11 thl· Amnesty lntcrnataonal rl•purt w a s p a r t o f M a r l' o s ' m e ti culous dttnse o f hts administration cSunday. as his 12-day visit the United S tates, his f1rS10ur of the c:ountry an 16 ~ars. came near its close Ma rcos was heduled to address Filipinomencans in Hono lulu today1d then fly home lo Manila Plane crash kills thre MALJBU (AP) Thn·l' people werl• k1llt•d wht•n tht•ir small plane c.:rasht·d 1nw a h i 11 s 1 de 1 n a r u g gt• d . inacccssabll' a n ·a in Malibu Crt'C'k State Park, authonucs said . Lo s Angl•l c·s County S h e ra f f · s D c· p u t y J o h n Radeleff said paraml-<lacs and sheriff's deputies lowC'rl'd down to the rC'C·kagt• from a helicopter Co lhl' bodws of two men and a Jman. Radeleff ideried the men as pilot Donald)•lson, 62. of Orinda and hil 7-year-old so n Brice orone1"s 1nvcst1galors the Sl't'n c> c.:o uld not iS'lcdicite ly 1dent1fy the W\an becauS<' her body remaid tangled 111 the wreckage 11eral hours a fter the Suno afternoon accident just SO'l of Malibu Lake Hawaiian volcano er~ts VOLCANO, Hawa11 (AP) -Thousands o f pC'o plC' flocked to the• site• of a brief. s p ectac ul ar l'rupt1on o f Kilauea Vokano, with park range rs allow111g v1s1 tors to approach th e coo ling , encrus ted lavc.i Clow H o w t• v <' r . t h c· h c· a t generatc'Cl b v the molten rt1t'k on tht• fl oor cthe hugl' su mmit c ratekept thl' sightseers a t a sc d1stan('e The er u pt i1 , w h 1 C' h created a curt.am fare 111 the night sky. ()C('Url Saturday night after aboLtwo hours warning in thrnrm o f a series o f m inH·thquakes and a swelling ohe volcano s ummit Mass killing motive e.ed WILKES-BARRE. Pa. (AP) -A prison guard in custody today after a shooting rampage that le ft 13 people dead -five of them has own sons and daughters was "worried about his c·haldrcn" and had lx'c'n 111volvl>d an a custod y d1spull', m•1ghbors S<lld Gl'Orge Banks. 40. has been charged 111 five· of Saturday's 13 s l ay1ngs . w ith m cHe charges to be hlefuesday or W ednesd ay. s:i Ro bert Gillespie. Luzec County dlStrict attorney The v11·t1ms in1ded seven c hildre n -f t• o f them Banks' -and x adults. 1nC'lud 1ng four •men who gave birth to hts 1ldren and a man who appaltly was a bystander Anon bystander was critically woded, police said Buried victim rescue< SANTA FE. Texas IAP) A :w-year-old man kidnapped and buried ali ve• for four days in a coffin-llkt· box with a bottle o f water and a loaf of bread says hC' was pokt'd by nails. bitten by anSN'lS a nd terrified he would die 1f he• fell asleep. "l must have said 'I love you' to everybody I kn('w at least a m1ll1on tames, feeling that I would d1l' an 10 or 1!1 WORLD minutes 1 f I eveE-11 asleep." Michael Bau<.."Omid S unday night. recalling oe days he spent buried m Texas oil field about 30 res north o f Houston The you n~an was kidnapp ed a~unp o 1nl s h ortly bdorm1dn1ght Tuesday. buried a wooden box C'a.rly We d sday a nd rescuC"d at abo\5·30 am Sunday. police sa Guerrillas free captivs PANAMA CITY. Panam~ ( A P ) -T w c· I v c· I C' f 11 s t s seC'kang asvlurn 111 Cuba waited for transport wday at the Panamanian military baS(,· whNe thl'Y fll'w afte r ending an e1gh ·1 day s 1C'gc 1n Honduras and rC'h·asang morC' than 100 captives. Panamania n r f orq• soun·cs s aid a p ne was ex pectC'd t o a n e from Havana fo r the> rcls. Cuban offtd als could not · reachro for comme nt Orange CoHt DAILY Pll..OT/Monaay. Bepltmbet 27, 1912 "' Pierce Arrows on para~e Sightst•e rs a l a conve ntion of Pit·r <·(' Arrow owrwrs in Niagara Falls, N. Y ., w ere lreatt-d to u Vt'rituhl(· history of the cJe ve lopmeri't of tht• uulomohilt.'. More than ont' ownt·r said Piercl' Arrows we re lht• llolls Hoyt·es of Anwricun uutoio.. Govern1nent snafus targeted R eagan 111aps drive lo run nation like priYale business WAS HINGTO N (Al-') --Con- vinced lhl• f<.•deral government doesn't opcralt• very e rric1cntly. thl' Heagan adm1n1strau on as charting u six year campaign to mak<.• the bun•aut·rac:y run more lake a private business "The management syst.cms are so bad. 11's almost impossible for govt•rnmt•nt cigcncy chiefs to manage." said Martha 0 . Hesse. l'xe<.·ut1vt• dirt'Ctor of a task force <Jn m;rnagt•nw nt rl'form. whose 1· r 1• at 1 o n was an n ou n t' l' d last week. Jos1·ph Wngh~ dt•pu1y dm'<·tor of the Offit'<' of Manageml'nt and Budget, S<.Jld the• government is boggl'<i down with a "morass of sysu•ms that an• fn-qul•ntly an com.p ;:i t1bl1·. r1·dund an t or obsoll·tc• " To 11lustrat<' thl' probll'm. ht· l'lled SCVl·r<:tl <'Xl:lmpll>s: -Tht• Navy sJ)<'nt $1 50 malh- on and 12 yC'a rs trying to im· provt-1ls payroll systl'm, and stall has a 50 pC'rn•nt errur ratt• md udang m1stakc·s 111 amoun ts. lht· spelling of nam t-s. addresses. coding errors. cakulal1ons on d<'· ductaons and leave lime. the ac- t·ounts against wh1c:h funds are chargc>d and r<"port.:. to thC' IRS -The burc·auc ran• has :150 different payroll systems and 325 separate accounting systems. and they're all basically 1m'Ompa11ble with l'al'h othl·r Only 60 percent of the accounting systems mcoet federal standards for ac:curac:y. reliability and S(.'('Unty -The ratio of personnel spe- cia lis ts 1n govcrnml•nt Is lhwc times as high as 1t 1s m private business. There 1s no accurate estimate of how mc.iny t·cmsultanlS tht· govl•rnml•nt has on the· pay· roll -Treasury at't'ounllng clerks have to sift through 3.UOO pounds o f adding mac h i n e ta pe and forms each mo nth to pay the governmc•nt's bills because the 1nformat1on isn't available on computerized magnetic tape. -More tha n 2.300 adminis- t r a 11 ve pay me nt c ente rs are spread out across the country. proc·essing more than 700 million dcx·uments, at a rate of two to 18 documents an hour. Altogether. 705,000 federaJ employees are tied up with cler- 1cal and administrative duties. "We've reached the stage right now where management within the government as becoming ex- tre mely difficult. simply because of the fact the administrative systems haven't kept pace with just those that are available in the private sector,'' Wright said. What 1s needed, he said, is to "fundamentally roll up your sleeves and go in and change the infras t ru c ture of th e bureauc:racy," be said Nuclear· defense mapped 1..J v Ek MORE (AP) -A "third .ccneratlon" of nul'lear weapona, apparently wa1nl wnaD nuclear exploelorui to pro<fuce X· ray laser beam.. i. belna deovel- o ped at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a l..lver· more newspaper .aid ln a copy- righted story. • T he weapona hold pr9fllile Of an effective nuclear defensive shield for the United Stat.es, llC- cording to physiciat Edward Te:l- ler, qu ot ed In the Tri-Valley HeraJd story. Unlike a normal luer , which emits radiation in the vi1ibl• spectrum, a n X -ray laser wiet similar physics to produce raya 100,000 times more potent, \tie newspaper IMUd, nottnc that ant scientists have ar1ued that n ormal laaera might not be pow erful enough to destroy incoming missiles. But Roy Woodruff, nuclear design chief at the lab, Nld re- search on atomic reactions in la- sers Is "strictly in the blue aky phase" and that n o speclfl<-' weapon is being engineered. Teller. some times called the father of the H-bomb, recent.l)' told scientists at a cloeed but W\; classified meeting that a "third gene ratio n" w eapon ii bein• born due to recent breakth.rouchl at Livermore, the natlon'1 main nuclear weapons design labon- tory. The first generations, he aaJd, were the atomic bomb and nu- clear bomb. TeJler said that the ne1¥ system is "a kind of bomb chat uses the n uclear exploeioft onl~ as a starting point." He wu quoted in the Jab'• official bulletin. The laboratory. operated for the U.S. Department of Enero by the Un19erstty of Call~ doesn't acknowledge work on an X-ray laser. But WOOdruf said the lab'1 ft P r ogram i' studyl n1 ''n o n:..Joc al-thel-modynamic1- equilibrium physics.'' which .,he said ls the procea that govema atomic reactions in laaers. The lab's Sept.ember 1981 In· stilutional Plan says that by 1987, 185 acientiata will be uaigned to the R Program. Corruption plagues Mexican econ~my M EXICO CITY tAP) Ram- pant c·orruptaon anst1tutmnahzl'd 111 a systc•m known as "la mor- dada" · the• b1w 1s the h1ddl0n factor in Mexwo·s <'<'<.momac· crisis that has pushPd the nation lo lhl· br111k of bankruptt·y T ht• issue ha:. g,;11n1•d ll{'W prom1nc1wt· dS oppos1t1on pollll caans and hard-pressed business- me n blame c·orruptaon for m - tt•ns1 f y1ng M1·x1t·o's cc·onom1t· probll•ms Th<' govc·1·nment has enat•kd tough. unprt'<.'cdentc>d mt'asures tu solvt• tht"' c-r1s1s. It has SC'IZC'd the· nation's priv;ne ban k ing syst(•m and c-allt·d on Mc•x1c·an~ tu bring tht•1r fon·1gn invl•stml'nls homt• Now It .ilso 1s proposing ;mta- rorruptton law<; t hat would pu na~h abust· C)f ,1uthnnty and bri bery o f g<>v1•rnml'nt off1C1als, as wC'll <is t•xtoruon :Jnd c>mlx·nll'- ment Not t•vc·rvonc· b(·laeves the measure's w1il m.ikl' a d1fferenee an a l'nuntry \.\ ht•n · ill -gotten gains an· an a<'l.'t·ptt'<I way of hfc• Tht•rt• arc· no stallsl1es to dcS(:nbl• the· c·xtent uf eorrupt1un. But tc-st1mo ny 1s 1:asaly available "The Mt•X1t·an CTISIS IS not a fananl'lal lTISI~ ... said Pablo Emi- lio Madt·ro. unsut't·essful cand1- d a tC' from th<• consc·rvativt• National Actmn Party 111 tht• July 4 pn•s1dC'nt1al Plect1un "Ifs a crisis of t·w1 f1dt·nc·e. of trust. of d('(•e ncy l'Orrupllon ts a national d1seaS4..• It has wea- kc·ned the nation." ht· said in a rt·t:ent npws paper mterv1t.•w From tht• l'Jb driver on the stn•t•t tu the na tion's b1g1ws1 l'Onglomcratcs. thl.' batt· c:ur- rupt1nn. bribe!>. and influence p<'Cidlmg has cn •awd a parallel C"l'Onumy of mass prnportaons. "It is absolutC'ly 1mpossibl<.· to do business hl're without the· corruption fac·tor." S<.11d lht• pres- ident of one Mex1C'o City ship· ping firm. "EvC'ry two W<.'eks. I have breakfast with a govern mcnt offat'lal and actually havt• to pay him right across th(' table "It disgusts me, but it's a fall of J1fco" One businessman said his firm negotiated the sale· of heavv-duty hoses lo a froNa) agen<·y and was able through good bargammg to arrange a kickback of only 15 percent. wh1C'h he rons1dC'rro a weU-arranged deal But the bus1- nessman said he later rec.-eived an offer to increase the total value of the transacti6n . with the stip- ulation that his company could keep the hoses and give a portion of the profits to the head of the agency Thousands of d ollars wt•rt• m volvcd. On the other end of the cor- ru pllon scale. polil.-emen, some of whom have to pay bribes to get lh(.•ir jobs. routinely shake down motorists for 50 pesos -about 75 c-cnls -after stopping them for mmor or imagined traffic of- fC'n Sl's At the international airport in C1udad Juarez, across the border from El Pac;o, Texas. a reporter was a s k e d r ecently l o pay customs agents $1 0 for the right to ente r the country with a new bal?y carnaRe "This wall avoid pn;~blems later ." said the uniformed offi- caal. who cited no law and gave no r eceipt. He whis pered to a female agent who slipped the money into her pocke t beCo~ markin~ the luggage. That type of transaction is re- peted countless times daily alone the 1,760-mile Mexican border, mostly by Mexicans interested in importing-electronkS" good• without paying taxes. There have been persistent al- legations about corruption amona high gove rnment officiab. 'Ille opposition magazine Proce10 hinted in a recent edition that President Jose Lopez PortUto was building a four-house, multimillion -dollar complex in southern Mexico City at govern- ment expense. The report had already beet\ widespread on the rumor circult but without official romment or documentation. there waa no way of proving it. A presidential spokesman said Lopez Portillo was too busy dealing with the nation's monetary criaia to s-y attention to the acc~tiona. all cotton ch1no .. We1re Lisening ••• elw~y.s a Lrad1t..10J10l f'avont<z.; pla.aL<zd or plain ft-ont. ~9~tw1t.h ~poTto::at~ or kn1t ~hiru5 pzrhaps OO<Z. of thz. most comfortable Montl•Y r •ion u ¥0\i fJ , """ " .... ,. )'Q" Pl()f'r b y :t .)(I O "' ( •" twl(Yf" I p"" •nd you1 CC1Q'y 11t1ll D,. ""'"·"""..,, What do you llktboul the Daily Pr lot' Wh al don't you lake" C'all tht• number t.w and your messa~e will be recorded. lranscnb<-d and dell\ed to the appropriate editor The same 24 houins wenng service may be used to record let tcr<> to the editor nn1. topi c Mailbox contributors must anclurie their name and tell'l>ne number for venr1cat1on No circulation 1·a II~. pl('ase Tell us what s ort>ur mind 642•6086 I ORANGE COAST Cla111fled advertltlng 714"42-st78 All other department• 842~321 Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Hal•y J'11hl1,t,,,, onrt C h,rf f '"Cv•·v~ Qtt,,-"' Jane Amari f 1119(:Ufllf',_ (ft1t(W L. Kay Schultz V.ce P1e1~nt lllld 0.19<•01 ol Am•'"''"ll Mkhoel P. Hotvoy 0.."C•or ol Motle••"O I( "CuloftOlll Thoma• A. Murphlne ld1t0t Raymond Mod.eon Controkr Konneth N. Goddard .h OH .. 10< nf Oiwt<OloQlll • I [ MAIN OFFICI DO w .. 111.., SC '°''" llM•• CA M•ll •cldr.u 1101 IS.0 C°'I• Mt~. CA .,.,. Cot>ytl9hl 1"1 0141n9t Coo\! P~l>ll\hi"V (_, No new\ ''Of''•'· tllu\•r•tton\f •dltortal mMter or •ct>-•••llM,,,..,I\ ... ,.In moy be ••P~ocl..C.0 wlllloul ,.,.< lal permluton of <ot>Y•l9fll ow,,., VOL. 75, NO. 270 trou.5'/X~ you'll q,w,r 'M2.6r 44 F01hlon ltlond •Newport Beoch • 714/644 ·50'10 1001 Wt-atwood Blvd.· Wnau,'OOd VIII~· 213/208.J113 ---~ •I Or•mu• CoHI DAILY PILOT/Monday, Septemb r 27, iee2 Rogers gathers crowd for affair i lly CAROL MOOltl!: 01 th• 0.11, IJ!lot ll•tt Kt•11ny Hown:. und lrv1111• Mc.•adowa may huvt• sl.irlt..'t.I ,m annuul uCCa11 he•dlln~ tht' outd()(>r 1tmphithcull'r'1 grand Of)l'nlnti lw.t Sopt1•ml>c.!r l't~·turrwd Sun<h1y night But thl'rt' wo11 nothing sc.•('H'l ubout. thh1 rendezvou... No ROOn r hud l!w l:.!,000 fmu 11t.urlt.od fallng Into their on:hest.ra and hillside.' 11euts I.tum tht· clatter or heUcopt.crs sagnalc.od tht• arrlvnl ot tht• st.uni. Tlw multi-Grammy Awurd winnt-r who Anyone who WU11n 't alnmdy Wl'urlng o cowboy hat was dutifully c.:ountrltled by Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers Band who sang about hookers and winos and "Whatever." They mentioned performing Saturduy night for Presld~nt Reagan at Ford'• T heater in Washington, D.C. That must have pleased MaurC<'n Reagan, who was In the Irvine audience and must have winced at some of comedian Lonnie Schorr's opening references to her parents. When Rogers came on stage, he rc.•spondL>d as though the red and green laser lights that played oH his white suit were someonP Plse':i idea. He "rescued" the microphone I rum tht.• stream of theatrical smoke and got down to business, reassuring the crowd that ''You Turn the Light On" and "I'm So in Love With You." Then he tossed six tambourmt.•s. mto the audience so recipients could accompany has seven mus1c1ans from Nashville on "Love or Something Lake lt" and more upbeat songs. As if to tell the folks about has year away, Rogers show<.'CI clips from his movies as he sang from has latest album, most not.ably "Soml'whcre Between "Lovers and Friends." "We should have bought the $4 model," he quipped as the overhead screen balked and stalled during both of its uses. Then the mood reverted to the evening's theme with "Love Will Turn You Around " Rogers sang "a special song one with great lyrics. a pretty melody and a social statement about how wonderful at as to be married to one person for a l1 fct1mc. ·• He admitted the irony that he's been married four times and later introduced wife Marlannt• in the audience. ~ Slightly dismayed by the audie nce's rather re ti<."Cnt a<."COmpaniment on two of his standards, Rogers -always "The Gambler" -gave a pep talk and proceec!ed with some more. Aft.er a standing ovation, the audience let ham go with "Ruby," "Lucille" and "Lady." But those women wall have to rebnquash him next year , Rogers hinted heavily that he will be back in Irvine. t ~ 'Killer bees' nasty insects They'll warm into this country within 10 years WA S HINGTO N (AP) "Kaller tx•u" are as nasty and ill-u·m~·n'Cl as their reputation and tlwy (·ould mean big troublt.' for tht• bC't'kcepang indus try wht.'O th1.·y rc>ach t ht• U n1LPd St.all"'-<;('ll'OllSlS 'i<IY ln 1Jnt' of the• most C'Xlc·ns1vt· studll''> of the• bees· aggr essiv1.· behavior. U S Agnc·ulturt· Dt> partment M'lt'nt1sts say the m :.ccts art• more prone to attack than normJI oc•(.:S. and do so m greatc•r numb<•n. and mf11cl mon· stings Tht• African1zC'd be<'~ wen· airborne• and rC'ady to attack at the first sign of a threat. wh1I<.' regular hom•y bf.'E'S stayed m•a r the h1vt• N1trance unul the threat was mort' ammment, says a report publashL-d today en Science ma~­ azlne The Afm·anau'CI be<>. so named b<"CaU!.C' 1t dl'SC'Cnds from a van ety 1mpor1<'<.I Crom South Africa. was test(•d against the normal EuroJX•an dc·rivcd honey be<> du rang samulatt•d atlacks on their haves The scu•nusts spray<.'d each hive· with a chemical dC"riveci from bel' stings. which starred aggressive• behavior, struck th<' side of th<' hive to vibrate et and th<'n rollC'd targ<'ts to the en tram·t• In t<'.,lS on large colonies. Africanawd b<'<~ rCJS(' to th<' at· tack more quickly and delivered 8.2 tames more stmgs on leather targets than other bees, said the r('S('archcrs. In fact, even this number is probably an underestimation be· cause the targets were so covcrt.>d with bees that others swarming nl'arby could not reacp the sur fac:e to sung at, they said. The re port also re futed the 1hc:ory that the Afracanized bees would become more docile as th<'y s pread north and m&ted with other bees. The bees have spread mto Panama and are ex· peeled to reach the Unit.ed States by the end of the decade. The stinging rate of bees in Venezuela was about three times higher than those tested earlier in Brazil. where the African bees were introduced in 1956 in an attempl to boost honey produc· lion, said the study. Stmgmg rate is import.ant be· cause of the amount of toxm 1t introduces into the target While some people die each year from allergic reacuons to a bee sung. most no n-allergic people can survive the small amount of toxm in a few stings. However, deaths attributed to attacks by Africanized bees - the ongm of their "killer" label often result Crom the combin· ed toxin of hundreds or stings. said one of the researchers The study by Anita M Collins, Thomas E. Rinderer, John R. Harbo and Alan B. Bolten in· volved testing more than 300 bee colonies in Venezuela and at the USDA Bee Breeding and Stock Center Laboratory an Ba ton Rouge, La. Collins said an a t('lephone intervie w that current estimates indicate the bees could be m the Southwestern US between 1988 and 1992. They probably UAU.U..-+- survave year-round m southern S<'Clions of the country and most of California, and venture north during the summer, she said. "The re 1s the potential that most of the United St.at.L'S would see the bee at some time of the year,'' she said. Because o f public concerns about slanging. laws c:ould arise restricting the commercial move· ment of bees and the size of col· onies, she said. And many bee· keepers might get out of the business, she added. "The impact of such a bee on the U.S. beekeeping industry and agriculture wou l d be considerable," said the study. "The resulting reduction in honey production, and the loss of the major insect pollinator of many crops, would consutute a major expense for American agriculture," it continued. An unidentified youngster carries a pair or E.T. lifetize doll1 at the Oklahoma State Fair in Oklahoma City. The hero of the hit movie seem& to be popping up everywhere thea~ days . . , Lock in th~uivalent of % . ·interest for ne full year. Thafs the yield a tax· to deliver to match ou . investment would have sured Tax-Free Acc~a.mt, 0% tax bracket. The more \tlll m.1J...c. them \OU nccJ a lax-hcc Account. rnr m:--tan(e. taJ...c j looJ... at ·'yiclJ a taxahlc account would have to udl\ er to match m ~1x-Frcc An:ount. 50% 40lk 30% Etrccthc Yield 16.30% 13.58% 11.64% A )l!ur agn. (\rngn:"" gaH: pa) er~ what ma y he a once-in-a- lifetirne C\Cmpllon of up tl ,000 in intcrc:o-t inClllTIC for COU- plc" riling JOtntly ($1.000 iling indivil.luall)} l)f1 one-year rax-rrcc Acco unt'> npcnc } December 31. 1982. You ha1·e 011/i· 11111il rear\ t'11d to op a Ta.\··Free ,frcmm t. Once the account j.., opened. the ex ption may include earnings re- cet\cd in 1982 jnd 1983 u o the max imum elig.ihility. The Offer s December 31 '1 he current Ta\-Frcc Ace t rate i" 7.836"? anc.J th e yield b 8.1 5''~-hig.her than the ave e yield on tax -free money funds. Unlike money fund!I . howc . Yl>Ur Tax·l'rcc Account will be in ~urcJ !\U fc up to $100.0 . A n1.:w Tux-hec rate bccnn effective October 3. but you ca n lod in the current rate by ling The rinam:iu l Linc today. THE FIN IAL LINE (714) 231-4023 lJm:c..I ur Cullc I he: I 1n.ml1,1l l 1 t•ur' .ire: II,, m 1111 7 r 111 . lonJtl~ . • 111J I( II Ill 1111 ~ .. H.1c..J.1\ thr11u~h ~ rid,I\ l!Great l di1l"4111' "1"111111 t 1111 ( tl\lllfl ihro1111h Ill 11ltk1"' 1 ! l r j J J Or1no• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, 8eptemb4W 27, 1082 AS Irvine Cqmpany execs div~ded in governor campaign By JEFF ADL£R oftMO.., .......... Exec utive• of two Orange County t.'OrporaUona known for th Ir act.Ive lnterett an politks are apllttina aupport between the candldaletl for governor .• At the Irvine Company, board co-chairman Al Taubman was named to Tom Bradley'• busi- nen council, a business group broU1h t together to support the Loe Angeles mayor's bid. Taubman's counter part, co- chairman Donald Bren, Is aup- portlng George De ukmejlao'1 candidacy, according to a compa- ny spokesman. Another Deukmejlan booster at the Irvine Company is its president, Pe ter Kremer, who serves on the attorney general's st.ate finance committee. ·Pat Brown butions, he said. PlllTICAl NITll and hu ~n namQd <'halrman of Br1dl~y·1 bualn~ c1ouncll whllt• Prt'sldt>nt Harry Bubb hws bctm octlve on Deukm<>jian'1 part, ex- plained Thomas Sutley, vice prl•sldent In char~c of public relations. HowevN, Puclflc Mutuul, Santley pointed out, hua a com- pany policy or not making cam- paign contributions to partlsan · political candidtft.es running tor.1 st.ate oHic.'t'. One can only six-oeulal.e about the atmosphere In those two boardrooms come election time • • • ond 72nd ANK>mbly Ol•trkt 11C1&1.i1 t w1U foe.'<.! c ch othl•r on K<X.:F.· TV'a "Vott·r'• Pipeline" Wedn('i duy ut 8.30 pm und Suturday morning at 10 • • • Tut'tlduy b1 bcinK billt>d by IOCAl Oemocrata u "P at Brown Day In Orang<> County." The former governor will spend the duy campmgning on behalf of local Ocmoor·utlc candi- dates. Brown's schedule Includes an 8:30 $15-per-pel'llOn breakfast for 40th Congr~ssional District candidate P aul Jlaaemao to be he ld at the Revere House in Tustrn followed by a news con· ference and a luncheon swp at the Leasure World Democratic Club in Seal Beach. George Bush cbol1001 atate t'Ontrolle>r hop<>ful Ja m ea Flournoy, at'crelary of atatc.• c:undldatc.• Gordon Duffy ond 1une trl!a .. urt•r candldat~ Donald F rencb, at th<> S ddlc· back Inn's Trabuco Room bf.ajn- nlna ut 5:1~ p.m : -A breakfast debate Friday at the South Coast Plaz.a Hotel featuring the two candldat.ea for lieutenant governor, Republican Carol Hallett and Democrat Leo McCarthy, sponsored by the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. -A Saturday breakfaat fund- ralaer for R ep. Dao Lao1reo, R-Long Beach, with Vice Pres • dent George Bulla doing the honors. -A $100-per-peraon fundral· ser Sunday for Bradley, hosted by Richard O'Neill, at Rancho Mission Viejo in San Juan Capi- strano. While the Irvine Company it- self has not endorsed either can- didate, it has contributed to both men, said Mike Stockstlll, man- ager of the company's govern- ment relations division. Bradley received about $7 ,500 and Deuk- mejian $10,000 ln lrv~ rontri- At Pacific Mutual Life Insu- rance Co., the situation is much the same. On the dt•batc circ uit this week, the three candidates for the 43rd Congressional District seat will square off tonight at 8 on cabfe channel 3 In south Or- ange Count)! in a debate taped more than. a month ago by Tele- vision Real Est.ate. Tuesday ni1ht, Brown wilJ be the star guest at fund-raisers for 58th Asstimbly District candidate P atricia Springer, at the Hun- tington Beach home of Wilma Stevens, and 69th Assembly Dis- trict candidate Bob Hanson, at the home of Wilma Presley in Fountain Valley. Other political events scht"<iu- led during the week include: -Wednesday Republican As- sociates o( Orange County candi- dates forum featuring attorney general candidate George Nl· -Deukmejlan speaking to the Building Industry Association of Orange County next Mond~y at 7 p.m. al the Airporter Inn in Ir· vine. Board chatrman Walter1 Gerk- en is su.fportin~ the Democrat Also. candidates for the 10th t . • • • -~~\ ~'\~\'-DMV rules p recise for teen -age mo-p e d operators .~ ~,!~~R:?,':)'ITZ DE AR P AT: My son wants to buy a mo- ped to ride to school. He tells me there is no license required and no a~e restrictions for mo-ped r iders. Is this true. J.M., Newport Beach No. No person less than 15 'h years old may operate a mo-ped (or a motorcycle) even with an instruction permit. A person 15 'h t.o 17 1h years old may operate a mo-ped only aft.er approved driver education and traini"ng have been completed and the instruction permit has been endorsed for mo-ped operation. After age 17 112 driver education and training are not required , but a valid Caltfornia driver's license of any class is necessary. Mo-pe<Loperators are subject. J.cL traffic Jaws and violations are e ntered in DMV's records. Mo-peds also must display special license plates. You can find more information about mini bikes. go carts, and motorized bicycles (mo-peds) on page 43 of the 1982 California Driver's Handbook, available at any OMV office. • Siding not an insulator DEAR PAT: I am tbioklDl about putting siding on my house. I've been told this is a good way to conserve energy. True? H.J., Newport Beach Not according to information from lhe Federal T1 ade Commission. The FTC says that no type of siding can insulate your house or lower your fuel bills. In fact, the FTC has taken action on three occasions to prohibit false and deceptive energy -saving claims made for steel, aluminum and vinyl siding. Siding is frequently sold with thin panels called "backer board" or "drop-in panels." Siding used with these additional panels will provide only a very small e nergy-saving benefit, and FTC says they should not be confused with true insulallon products. You can, however, obtain some ansulallon benefit from Sfclingif 1( as installed over large sheets of framed plastic made of polystyrene, polyurethane or polyisocyanurutl'. These products cost extra, but they have a measurable insulating value or "R-valuc," which must be disclosed. R-value (the "R" stands for resistance) measures the insulation's ability to oresist the flow of heat from a warm room to the cold outside. The higher thl' R - vaJue, the better the insulating power. The FTC points out that lhere art' other economical ways to con.serve energy in your home. You might cons1dN caulking or weatherstripping, insulating your attic. or improving your furnace's efficiency. For more information on how to choose insulation by R-value, write for a free brochure from the Federal Trade Commission. Distribution Branch, Sixth and Pennsylvania N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580. Ceramic cleaner sought DEAR PAT: RecenUy I bought a new electric r ange with a cera mic cook-top. The manufacturer recommended uslog a special cleaolng compound for tbJs type of surface and I have sear c hed uns uccessfully for Delete, Zud and Barkeep's F riend. Cao you elp me?- N.E., Costa Nesa Have you asked the managers of the supermarke ts you patronize to get these products for you? That's the best 90lution to "I can't find the product I want". problems. You ~lso might 'want to try Bon Ami, a non- abrasive c leaner. It's available almoi;t everywhere. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers advises cleaning ceranuc rangl' tops after each use by wiping off with a clean, damp cloth. Wipe cleanin~ materials off the Robinsons • OUR NEWEST HANDBAG AND PUMP: MODERN ARCHmcrURE Stanley Phllipson's curvilinear approach Is designed to accent your newest fall looks with kinetic drama moving the eye over lustrously satisfying surfaces. In mulberry kidskin with mauve. or black with gray. Pump,$80. Handbag by Frenchy of California, S82. Robinson's Shoe Salon. 64. To order. call toll-free 1·800 ·345·8501 . MEET STANLEY PHILIPSON and see his entire Fall ·02 collect1on. 1 ·4 pm . Thursoay. September 30. Newport. SHOP MONDAY· FRIDAY 10-1. AOBINSON'8 NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND• WEITMINSTEft MALL 6 s urface before using t he range unless ins tructions say otherwise. Also, spills, spatters or water droplets from steam should be wiped up with a clean paper towel quickly. Burned-on soil may require gentle scraping with a razor blade. Never use a metallic cleanjng pad. AHAM cautions against using strong caustic materials such as chlorine bleach. dry-cleaning fluids or oven cleaners. Be sure cooking utensils are clean and free of burrs or bumps and avoid using soft metal utensils. Keep salt, dirt, sand or other foreign substances from between the surface ele- ment and lhe utensils. Don't use food release sprays which may burn on, and don't cook directly on the surface. Commercial foil containers or other --""thl--..n foil wrappers may melt if placed directly on the hot surface and don't ever let utensils "cook dry" since this may damage or C'rack the ceramic surface. • Got a problem? Then writP to W']_ Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, - getting the answers and action you need tp solve inequities in government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your SPrvice. Orange Coast D<uly Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Casta Mesa. CA. 92626 1 .. Or1no• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Mondi)', 81ple1nbar 27. 1982 Coast telec'!Jlrses • • • new recogn1t1on w1n Last wt•ck, for u changt>, the Coast Community Collcgl· Oistrn:t had soml.' good news to rt•pm•t about its som ewhat controver~ial te levision courses. Und t•r an agreement with C BS Inc .. the district wiU produce and market five television courses designed for use in eolleges and universities nationwide, as well as cable TV companies and video- tape distributors. And the chief of CBS Colkgc Publis hing division, which will invest $2.4 million in the courses, d escribed the Coast district as "one of the best in the country" in the production of telecourses. This is n ot exactly w h at a group o f disside nt Coast distric:t professors were saying a few months ago when they set o ff a ruckus by sending a letter to four-year colleges and universities in the state, questioning the valu e of the telecourses as opposed to live classroom ins truction. The professors were promptly s ent le tte rs of r eprimand for b y p assing approved dis tric t channe ls in their criticism. The teachers claimed invasion of their free speech rights and the le tters were rescinded by the district. But the teachers con tend the four-year ins titutions sti ll h ave the te lecour-ses unde r review. Be all th at as it may, CBS apparently is satisfied with the product and convinced that there is a gr$wing mark<.>t fo r tl'lccourses. The trudHlotwl t·ollt•ge-agi· gr'oup, 18 to 25. will dccr<'ase by 15 percent by 1990, whilt.' the number of aduf l.i:i ovur -.35 wall lm·rt•aSl' by 40 pcrct•nt ln the snmc• rwriod. This group, the company beliews, will be a likely target for continuing oout·ation of the type that l'<ltl ~ pruvu.lt:d vlu te levision. So the college district, which inclu des Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, Golden West College in Hunti n gton B each. a nd Coastlinl· College, which o ffers classes in vario us lo(•ations, will undertake producti<.,>n of the five s pel'ial courses a t the distri~t­ owned tC'lt·vision s tation KOC.:1'~ Channel 50 on tht• Golden West campus. Courses to be produced under th e C B S ag r eeme nt are a nt h r opology, photography. cooking, miyrotomputers and marketing. CBS Publish ing will prin t accompanying texts a nd study guides and profits from sales will be s hared by C BS and the college district. No doubt the debate over live versus canne d instr uction will continue. But the public appetitl' for both television and continuing education l'annot be denied. And it must be something of a feather in the Coast dis trict's c:ap t o be sel ected for this n at ionwide project. Watt's oil 'giveaway__' Interior Secre tary J ames Watt's 'plan to open most o f the country's o uter continental shelf -som e 1 billion acr es -to leasing for oil a nd gas drilling was d escribed last week as "a massive giveaway of public: resources to the oil industry." The Sierra Club, w h ich usually focuses on environmen tal issues, turned its a ttention to econ omic factors in testimon y b efore a H o u se Int erio r subcommittee. Th e W att plan , said <1 spokesman. o ffe rs too much t oo fast. With so much offshore land opened to drilling, there would be no effective competition among oil companies to drive up prices paid to the government for leases. An a nalysis of the' plan. the committee was told, indicates the government could lose as much as $77 billion in potential revenue if it is carried out as projected over the next five years. Even if 10 pe r cen t to 20 perce nt of the acreage is n ot leased, the Joss to the governme nt from lower prices resulting from decreased s-ompetition could be som e $54 't>illion. Anothe r $22 billion loss would result from th<' Interior Department's new policy of setting m i nimum bids by evaluating the oi l and gas potential of only a sampling of tracts, instead of each individual tract, thus increasing the gamble for potential drillers. The Sierra Club's figures may be o p e n to q uestion -and undoubtedly will be challenged by the lnterior Department -but it does not take a marketing genius to know that a g lut of any p roduct ran drive down prices. In this case, there might be some economic wisdom from the gover nment's point o f view in putting the b rakes on Watt's massive drilling o ffer . Video games vs. culture The b oom in video games over the past two years poses serious socia l and c ultural problems for the young people o f the nation. says the spokesman for a major consumer organ ization . The games. he com pla ins, glorify violence and destruction and som e children have resorted to steaHng w hen they run out of money t o play in the gam e arcades. Furthermore, children who are allowed to take the pocket-size type o f game to school are falling behind in their lessons. If all this sounds rather familiar, b e a dvised that the s tate m e n ts were made b y a representative of the Consumer Association of Penang, w h ich is urging the Malaysian governmen t • to follow the examples of the Philtppines and Indonesia and impose a total ban on all video games. including the portable varie ty. The city of K uala Lumpur alone, 1t was noted. h as 65 game arcades. and the fascin ation o f the games is destroyi ng suc h traditiona l childhood pastimes as fl ying kites and spinning tops. We d o n 't k n ow if the youngsters in the Philippines and Indonesia, which solved the problem by banning the games, have gone back to their kites a nd tops, but appare ntly that's what th e Con s umer Associat ion of Penang has in mind for Malaysia's youth. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invi t· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321. . L.M. Boyd/ International word No matter what the registry of the ship. no matter what the national origins of the crew. one word of English is common to the vocabularies of them all: "overtime." It Wafi in 1948 that author George Orwell wrote the book "1984.'' and researchers have found that more than 100 of his predictions therein llO far have come true . One piece of English poetry has ' ·' ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot been printed more than any other: Clement Clark Moore's "'Twas thl' Nigh t Before Christmas." Leaves of tlw eucalyptus tree turn their edges toward the sun, so cast such thin shadows that the tree seems to throw no shadow nt nll, hardly. Noth ing s p eeds the intimitte acquaintanceship of two wom~n so muc:h as the disoovcry that they've had similar surgery. , Thoma• P. Haley Pul~"h•r Thoma• A. Murphlne fd1I01 Jane Amari ( •t<lll••t ld•IO' lart.Gro Krelbkh ld.•0t.ol 'oo• fd,1or I ' lllif»!I\-~,..,,. ... ~ OI '"" wt•• •t 1.IO W••t ilO¥ \t , C:•~•• wv ~'~' <otr•~oo""'"o to llo• t t.e '"'• -"'.,.1. Themcn McCann Mo'IOl)•llQ (d,10- • . IRS snoops bypass privacy WAS HING T ON -The Internal Revenue Service should have enough to do just collec:ting laxes. Instead, it is venturing into an area it has no business enteri ng: providing information to curious bureaucrats in other federal agencies. The IRS has become Unc:Je Sam's favorite snoop. LIKE THE neighborhood gossip who knows everything that's going on, the revenooers are privy to all kinds of mtormat1on about people. There was a time not so long ago when the IRS guarded this information jealously. But now it seems that just about an y inquisitive bureaucrat can tap into the tax collectors' once-sacrosanct files. The IRS has been pressed into service to track down individuals on another agency's "wanted" list, and even to mete ou.t summar-)'-punishment Uf)On-aecused wrongdoers. All o f this is bothersome e nough because of privac:y invasion alone. But it <&lso discourages Americans from filing income-tax returns for fear that the information contained in thefu will lw handed out t.o every federal agency. In other words, the IRS' extracurricular activities make its principal. mission collecting taxc.'S -more diffkult. Consider these examples: -The Department of Education used IRS mailing addresses to pu~Ut' :i5H,:W:l persons last year who wert' delinquent on their student loans. -This is the first year that the IRS has withheld income-tax refunds from parents who have beE'n judged delinquent on <.'hild-support payments. G. -JA-Cl-IN_D_ER-SD-N -~ This summary justi<.'e was exacted on 270,527 persons who thought they'd get a refund. -The most l'ontroversial use of IRS files was by the Selective Service. The draft agency got the names of young · en-who4thould-have registered i rom the Social Security Administration. but 1t needed the addresses to track down those who failed to sign up. In this instance. the IRS was more sensitive about safeguarding its own bureaucratic, turf than protecting the- privacy of draft-age men. 1l tcfused to turn over the addresses to Selective Service outright, but did the pnailing itself -a legal mcety that apparently makes more sense lO bureaucrats than to dra(l evaders. Not all the IRS' blabbing is intended to catch malefactors. In-.one beneficial examplP, its addresses enabled the National Institute for Occupational Safety and H ealth to trace 20,000 workers who may have been exposed to health hazards on previous jobs. And in one bizarre e pisode, the Agriculture .Department was able to return an Afghan hound to its owner, thanks to an address provided by the IRS. EARLIER THIS year, the IRS stirred up a hornet's nest when it agreed to provide not just addresses, but actual tax information to help the Social Security Administration track down recipients of supplemental income who might have understated their assets. In a widely criticized move, Social Security inveigled more than 3.5 million recipients into signing waive rs a1lowtng-ci'lsCrosure of - the information. The Tre asury Department is reconsidering its decision, however. There might be some justificauon for the IRS' wide-range vigilante operations if it had nothing better to do. But by its own admi$ion, $87 .2 billion in taxes on legal income 'wertl uncollected last year. plus an estimated $9 billion in taxes on illegal income. If the government gossip would just mind its own business. we'd all be better off. Some 'protection' we can do with.out Keep this column out of the reach of young children because it 's about matches. With the possible exception of pennies, nothing piles up in plact'S where you don't need them and disappears from places where you could .use-them, faster than packs of paper match~. I have a little drawer in my dresser. next to the one I keep my clean socks in, and there must be 100 packs of matches in it. They'd be handy except that I never light a match in the bedroom. I'VE NEVER smoked cigarettes and we have an electric stove, so I don't really use many matches,· but, to be honest with you, l played with matches as a kid and I've never gotten over the fascination they had for me then. I still play with matches if I get the chance. For instance, if I light one for anything, I always try to bum it a u the way to the end. After it has burned halfway, I wet the tip of my thumb and forefinger and grab hold of the hot, bulbous end to see if I can burn the whole match. We have a grill in the backyard and I use matches most often starting the Cire for cooking out there in the summer. That's where I do most of my thinkJng about matches. I wish the people who make matches wouldn't be so protective of us. They keep thinking up new safety features that make matches more inconvenient. l don't t hink many f ires are set accidentally by people using matches for a good purpose and I don't appreciate some of the ways matchmakers try to protect us from ourselves . For instance, 1 have a strong aversion to book matches that have the striking pads on the opposite side from where the cover lifts open. They aren't handy at all and I doubt if they're any safer. I'm careful to throw them all away without looking at the advertising displayed on them. Last weekend I cooked out for the last time this se&son I use a combination of those commercial charcoal briqucts -AND-Y-RDD-Nf-Y -~ and a few pieces of wood from the dead limbs of several hickory and maple trees we have. The charcoal briquets are not really what I call chan.'081 at all, of course. They're made mostly of coal dust and a binding material like clay or st.arch, but they're handy. While I was buying the bag of briquets that morning, l also bought a box of wooden matches. It is my habit to keep matchboxes on the mantelpiece over the fireplace in the living room and take six or eight of them in my pocket when I'm starting a fire in the backyard. That's what I did last weekend, but a fter setting the fire with newspapers underneath, I couldn't get the mat.ch to light. I went back inside to look at the box the matches came in and, of course, t.hey were called "safety" matches. They couldn't be struck just anywhere. They had to be scratched on the strip on the side of the matchbox. Well, when I go out to the backyard. I don't want to take the whole box of matches with me and I'd be pleased if the wooden matchmakers wouldn't try to make life so safe for me. There are even laws in many states making it illegal to seJJ matches that will strike anywhere. There are Jots of place« where you can still buy a Mfle at the hardware store but not a box of matches that will strike on the seat of your pants or on the sidewalk. Govenunent has more important work. OUR FASCINATION with fire isn't hard to understand. h 's the source of great danger and yet great comfort if properly controlled. I suppose one of the single most important attributes of civilization is the ability to control fire and put it to use. In the movie version of Mark Twain's ''A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court," Will Rogers saved his life by amazing the king with h ls cigarette lighter. A dream or fantasy that often recurs in my mind is one in which I'm the only r erson In the world with matches. l I had Jived 1,000 years ago and had had no other possession than those book matches in my dresser drawer, i w ouldn't have n eeded anything else to be rich and powerful. Of course, with my luck, I'd have gone before King Arthur with my life on the line and discovered, when I reacht"d into my pocket to amaze him by lighting a wooden match, that they were safety matches and I'd left the box at home. A doctor doesn't always practice medicine It's interesting to reflect on the way thf' title of "dcx•tor" has changed and shrunk over the centuries. ln America, a doi-tor is customarily an M.D .. or perhaps a dentist. It 1s considered pretentious here to use the title if you ar<.> simply u SYDNEY HARRIS .Ph.D., although many psychologhn.8 do ll<> w give thcmsclv~ a mor<.' profo1'slonnl cachet. On small college campuses. everyone who has earned a Ph.D. is addressed as "Doctor,'' for reasons of provlncinJ!rldc; whereas at schools like 1-brv•r and Yale. wh re doct0r&l lll arc-iS common as d•ndelton t, the on ly pf'non who mp<mdt1 to this title Is ln charge of the tntirmary. Europe, as might be cxpOcl~d. has remain~d moro tied to t radhlon . .,A 0 rman pro(<'taor'a calllng card wHI in<'vlt.ably include hi~ tlllt'. h1R doctorate and what~ver nnc1Jlary degrees havt• been ('Onferrcd upon him. For the earliest "doctors" were academic and tht'Ological, begl~ing with the Fathens of the Church. In Englond, where titles .-ibound, everyone gives himself rull tre11 tmcnt. It is not uncommon for somt:onc to list hJs tltlt's, degrees und hMof~ on a s h ip's passenger list. Army offi~rs. howt•ver brhlfly, truMfer their titles to c•1vi11on Uk. und no one there finds this '-'v~n faintly absurd, as we would tn Amt'rlc •. And while a British physid&n 1s callc-d "Dr .. " a surgeon is plain "Mr . .'' possibly because t.hc c&r licst sur~eona wcr<> bar~rs and blood-letters without social Sl(lt.\,IS, J must t!O nf<'8S that I h ave oc· C3Rionally tak~n ndvantagu of tht.• honorific. ·\x>cause of the spt.-cial e3W m In whk h the dot•tor is held In this country. Being the po$5t~'i0r of n handful of honorary doctorau-s. wh('l'I T make an airllM ~rvaUon 1 hnvc found it he9>s tnvm-aaur•bly If my ticket Is laQed "Dr Harris" in!lk'ad of plain "Mr." When Stcph<'n Ll•UCCK·k wn. studylnti for his Ph.D. In Can ad a. h is dad promised him a trip to Europe upon completion. Lea<.'<X'k was so proud that he sign ed the ship's register "Dr. Leac<)ck." A few days out or port. the purser approached him with the newa that a stewardess had injured her thigh and needrd immediate attention. "I hurried to her cabin," Le~coc k recounts, "but l was a moment too late. A doctor of divinity hud bea.tc.•n me to it!'' lllllYlll In between the Jove.In decade and the break -in was th~ 1tve-in \. •!'~d~ th•''' whel'C! the herpet epidemk u.pn. . J.C.V. --------------------------------• ....,., .. c--. _ ...... _."' ~ ..... ... -·· .. -:x.:..-:c·-.; ......... _,' .... _. ... ....... O..Oel••"'"' When visiting Canada., leave your gq.ns home DEAR ANN LANDBH~. Wr, who llvt.' In Windsor. Ontano, (a l>ordt.'r city to l>l•trnit) gN many U.S. visitors. Wt: like them u lol, but without their guns. Canada has strict KUn laws. and signs al'e posted at our bonlers. Yt•t no t a day goes by that we don't rl.'ad somC'lh1ng ubout one of your citizens getting caught with a gun. Minis ters, lawyl'r s and many fint• upstanding people try to e nter Canada with d eadly weapons. When tht.•y are d t•lained by officials. it bec:om es unpleasant. Our crime l'ate oompared to the U.S. ralC' is proof that gun control laws d o work We don't carry guns a nd we don't like guns. They arc meant lo kill people. So please, Ann, tell your n.•adt.•rs that w e love to have them come to v 1s1t us. but please leave their guns at h ome. • A side note to our customs o fficers: W e hope you Will l'Onllnut.• to d o your usual fine job re garding this problem to t.•ns urc safety on Q Allll \ WIDllS our· strcel.'i. And thunk you. Ann. tor aUowinR us to express our concern. -WINDSOR Cl'flZENS DEAR. CITIZENS: One of m y favorite writers, Rlcbard Reeves, wrote an excellent column on this subject last year. He pointed out that another border ar~a. m e tropolitan Toronto, with 2.2 million people, bad 42 murders in 1980. Buffalo, 40 miles to the south (population 350,000), bad 61 murders during that same pe riod. So this means you are nine trmes more likely to be s hot In Buff ato than in Toronto, (assuming the vlcitms were shot). According to th e Na tlonal lt.lfl e Association l(un11 don 't klll people, but Americans with guns Mure 1eem to. . P1':AR ANN l,,ANDERS: l know you hnw printed sev(•ral lt>Ue r s ubo ut tt.'lcphonc operators. Will you print just ont· mort•? It is u plea for patience ond undN1;ictnding. I :Hll a t<•lt•phone opt.•rutor.The most important asp<'<.'t o f m y job is to unswC!r and advance "l:aJh; Ill u frwndly 3nd dfl<'icnt manner. This muy mean placing a customer on ho ld for approximately one minute. I rc>alizc tha t each customer f ccls his/her call Is important. Howeve r, there are som • t-alls that take precedent over all others. They are the emergency connection s fire, police, ambulance or a hospital. Is a minute's wait too much to ask to save a life'? -DIAL 0 DEAR 0: 1 've never b od to wall 60 seconds when I've dialed 0, ~ut then maybe D~~ing together as family isn.'t all gravy I met a woman last week who had a sit-down• d inner '1ith her family on a weekday night. ls that crazy? Have you any idea what the odds are of that happening in this country? Eighty thousand to one and climbing. I She has five childre n: one in swimming competition. one on the football learn, one m junior varsity basketball, one an band, and one on the pompon squad. They had not sat around a table together on a school night m three years. My first reactibn was, "Why the reunion?" SHE SAID SHE J UST GOT ured of tos.5ing up food and having kJds catch it in mid-air. She was sick of having kids lean over her shoulde r and eat out of the skille t. She wanted to see a bowl of potato salad without a hole in the middle one Last time before she went Besides, she had m.•ver seen her son who was on the swimiming team without pink eyes and wet hair. EIMA IOMIECIC ATWIT'S END Her family is not unique Most women don't worts. In lot.chens these days. They work in dnve- ms. They're shrines to quick foods where candles are Lit to nucrowaves, the chant is "just add water" and the blessmg 1s "Have a Twmkae. Go in peac<'." I Used to have a set of recipes Crom September through June that I served my peripatetic family. My son came an tall' one night afte r ball practice and said. "What'd you have for dinner?" 1 said. "Chicken Supreme." H~ shlmmed the refngcrator door and said. "Didn't you save me any?" "I couldn't ," 1 smd. "Your father ate the chicken before tw went bowling, your sister had the mushroom and black olive on a salad before she went to Scout meeting. and your broth£'r had the cream of mushroom soup after he got home from play practttoe. 1l n£·ver got to the casserole." WE ATE EVERYTHING that way in bits and pieces: suloyaka. l'hah. bl-cf stroganoH and stews. I had a son who graduated from high schooJ without ever knowmg that spaghe tti and meatballs were not finger food served <.'Old. I asked my frac.•nd af the family that meets and eats together as such a treat together. She report.£"'<1 that rui soon as they were seated around the table. the Cathc.·r seiu.-d the opportunity to deliver his lecture on lights and how no one turned them off and how !hear e lectricity bill was second only to th(' Las Vegas strap and l'veryone left -e-arly and ate in their rooms. Eating together. It's probably ovcrrawd. Best Part of romance's? Men available I was ~ng by the desk of a young woman I had known casuaUy for more than a year. I couldn't claim to have any truly deep insights into her personality. But from what I could t.eU, she was a fairly typical modern working woman - independent. no-nonsense, fem inist m ideology, ambitious, career-oriented I needed to talk to her. She was away fr'om the desk; I sat down to wait. Casually, I picked up a copy of a paperback book she had left by her phone. I opened it up. I But Carlos had kissed her this morning with ;ill the passion of a strong. healthy man who had wanted a woman. and she guessed thac if Jose had not thumped on the door and had called to h im he would have taken her. whNher she had been willing or not. And she had no doubts abouc thac - very willing. She had wanted him ... she had 'wanted him to treat her as a man would treat his real wife. Heat flooded through her body and she groaned again." I LOOKED AT THE COVER of the book . It was a Harlequin paperback -one of the romantic novels you hear about all the time. I looked around the desk. There w ere three other Harlequin Romances stashed behind the typewriter. · I had always e nvision ed the readers o f BOB GIEfllf Harlequin Romances to be older women . i;mall· town, somewhat dowdy. situng on the front porch with a gl~ of iced tea I stared al these books on the woman's desk. My reverie was interrupted as she suddenly appeared lrom around the comer, all ..dress-for-success m a silk blouse and tailored skirt. "What are you doing?" she demanded. "Looking al your books." I said "Who told you you l'OUld look at my books?" she said. What followed was a long conversation . I apologized to her for sneaking a look at her books; she admitted to m e that she was addicted to Harlequin Romances. We went off somewhere to talk. "l had never read one," she said. "Then I went down to Florhla to stay with my grandmother. There was nothing else to read around her house, so l picked up a Harlequin Romance. I ... liked it. I GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1-Neither vul nerable. as South you hold: + Kl09S42 IVQJ963 OS +Q The bidding has proceeded: North Eaat South I 0 I + ? What action do you take-'! A.-What action would you like to take? You can't bid two hearts freely. for that wotild be forcing and <'Ou ld propel your side to an unrom fortable level. You might double one spade ar you were sure that would end lhe auc tion . hut thl're ts a reaso nable r hn nn•' that someone won't sat for at - perhaps even you r partner. The prudent rourse as to pas~ and await developments. Q.2-Both vulnerable. as South you hold· +873 e>KJ8 ¢ QJ +98742 The bidding has proceeded: s .. th WHt North Eaat Pua I + 2 + Pa11 S + PaH 5 + P .. 1 ? What do yoll bid now'! A.-So far. you have shown nothing but four or five worthless cluba. Deaplte that. partner is prepared to contract for eleven trlck1. Your red urd• mu1i mtth extremely w-11 with partner'• holding. and yO\lr hand ahould contrlbu\e two or th.Ne trlckl to your efd•'• erton.. Ttt. leut you can do ft Wei 1h1 clube -we would even vole for a bid or five heartt ••• arand 1lam probe. Q.3-As South. vulnerable. you hold· +K84 IV987S.2 0 6 +QJS The bidding has proceeded: Eaat Sout h Weat North J • Paa1 2 + 2 NT Pa11 ? What action do you take'! A. -Partner's bid i-; the Unusual No Trump conven· tion. Therefore. you should not bid hearts or raise no trump-partner is asking you to bid your better minor. Since you ha ve a minimum hand for his purposes. all you can do as ,ohlige by hadding three cluhs. Q.4-Neither vulnerable. as South you hold: +KJ093 <;?AKQ4 OA873 +6 Partner opens th(' bidding with one spade What do you respond'! A. -When you hold the equivalent of 19 points as responder. you jump shift with one ot two types or hands -either when you havt" a self·suNident 1ult or your own. or wh1•n you havr a flt tor pttrtner·s suit. This hand certainly meets the lat l«-r condition. !fo jump to thr ·e hcar~a. Don't worry &bout the fact that It 11 a rour card suit. You can alway• correct to 1pade1 If partner raise• your eufL. \ Q.5-At Sou~h. vulnerable, you hold: +AQI0$4 <;?8 OKQM! •N Thl' bidding has proceeded: North Eaat nth We.t I <:> Paa1 I • Pa11 2 • Pa11 2 0 Pa11 2 IV Pa11 ? What action do you t.ake? A. -Beware, this hand has all the earmarks or a misfit. It sounds as if partner has six hearts and four clubs so. despite the fact that you have a good opening bid yoursetr. the possibility or making game is not bright. lndeed. we wouldn't criticize you If you dropped the bid ding right now before the op pOnl'nll start doubling. However. that would be too pessimistic. Sine<' partner could slill have l'Xtra valu '5 for his opuing bid. w(' would make one final try with two no trump. Q.4 -Roth vulne rable. a~ Soulh you hold: +AJ82 CVAQ95 0 7 +AJ102 Your right hand opponent open~ the bidding with one epadr. What aclaon do you takt''/ A.-You have tht• eort o( hand that look os if it will lake more tricka on dcfen11t• than on orren1c. ~o pau and hope the opponentt get into trot.1hle. ff you double. you will be 1kating on thin ice. Partnf'r will. or couree, bid diamonds lpartntrll never bid what you want them to bidl. and you will lM' in trouble-. Discretion la dt'finltely th<' bfitttr part or valor httre. really got into it It was unlike anything 1 had ever read. "Since then I've been reading them whenever 1 can. The women in Harlequin Romanc.-es are not always beautiful. ln ract, it is stated that some of them definitely are not beautiful. But whatever they look W<e. lhey become so enticing to men - the men just can't stand 1t. The men are possessed by mad dCSlre to make love to the women, The men say. 'From the first lime I saw you. I wanted to marry you· "I guess that's the appeal of the Harlequin Romances In the books. the men do thmgs to wome n that all women d ream of.'' INDEED: 'THE HARLEQUIN Romances sell more than 100 m1lhon c:opies a year. Twelve new titles are issued each month The plots are pretty much the same: a young. virginal heroine meets a dashing older man, u.sually m a foreign land. Their encounters take dazzling twists. In the end they get married. It sounds pretty simple. So why, I asked this modern young woman. was she hooked? "Because it's so romanuc." she said. "A lot of things happen in these books that just don't happen in real life today. Like going to a ball m an elegant setting. In a corner or the ballroom is a dark. mysterious man. You don't know him. But when your eyes meet, you know that he wants you and that you want him " Huh? · "And. unlike the real world, all the men are available," she said. "First of all. the men are all gorgeous. And second of alJ. they aren't marned. They're rich and su~ful-but they don't have wives. They're either divorced. or their wives are dead, or some thing. And they don't cheat! As n ch as they are. they don't have nustresses all over the place. They are just m love with this one girl." She said she IS l'Onvim.'ed that rruUaons or young working wome n JU t lake he r are reading the Harlequin Romances -perhaps hiding them in the recesses of their desks. as she had done. "I went into the bookstore with my boyfriend looking for a new Harlequin," she said . "We co'uldn'l find the rack. So my boyfrie nd said, real loud. 'Where are the Harlequin Romances?' I was so embarrassed I thought I was going to die. But the sales clerk told me that she reads them all th(' time, too.•· THE WOMAN SAID THAT THE absence of h1:1rd-core sex from the Harlequin ROmanccs was a positive factor with her. "The books don't get Into detnlled 11ex." she said. '"They hint at stuff Instead It's more likt• reading porn. IC you ask me. it's much more arousing. It's hke somrone weoring a shirt that's half opened. lnstend of no shirt at all. It's more enticing.'' "There's this theory these days that women are all tot.all y serious bulldo'~rs who don't care about romance." she said. ''But even It you're serous about (our hfo, you wont • little Jove and passion. even 1 It's only a fantasy. "l don't care what proplc say -I don't think any wuman would turn 3way wh~t hopf.)('n.'1 to the women in thei books. I think you (t't"I that j~t bcc3ua I'm n ot a feminine little mousy thing who'8 qulN and shy, I hove no busi.ness 1tndlng the books. "To t.cll you tht> truth, 1 was aurprlK'd ot first myself. J3ut nowt find my If reodlng them lnstc•i.d of other kinda of books. I don't mind admittlna that t'd hka thl' things that hoppcm In the bool<s to happen to me. Bcautlful. adoring mC'n who are wUllna to travrl to the• <•nd11 of the Earth for o woman ... "And lh£' wrlUn,g la l"l'ally good. Ev n If )'OU don't llkt h•iry chl'S\I, the book.I mak • hairy chl'!Jta t11ppcolina. The: author wi11 soy tomcthll'llf llkc, 'Shl' ran h~r hond over his ch<'tt, and hi~ ch.at had " manly aromatic acent . ·" Chicago ha.. b·etter telephone service than other/laces. For those who have, your ltUer aboul reduce the re11entmen&. And. while J have my readers on the llne, operator, J'd llkt to ask them a quH tlon. h there anything you use so mucb that require so little care? DEAH ANN LANDEHS: l nN'd your he lp. but I am afraid to st?nd m y lc ttt!r lo our local newspaf>('r tor fe3r that wmt.'Ort(' tht.•rt• will open it. W t• are o we ll-known fom1ly This is a small town and I w ould d1r if anyon<' found out obout the ptobll•m wt.• ure having. Plc>ase re ply soon. I wn DESPERATE IN CHARLOTTE DEAR DESPERATE: Most peoplt write to me at the P.O. box number published wltb Che bookle ts I offer. Tbe newspapon wbo prefer tha t you a ddress your letters to tbem a re honor-bound lo forward those letttts to me, unopened. I trus t them lmplicity, and you can, too. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT OECIOING l'M GUILTY t~ EASY - ww ... T 'S HAR.D I S DECIDING T._.£ t...ENGT~ ~-+ U,...,L.J ,., ••tt*:~' .,,,._."' ... "9''• Atlltrw4 Olet ft\~~' Sy"°"-t:t• _.< • HOROSCOPE BY SiDNEY OMARA Tuesday, Septembe r 28 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Past patterns wall nol suffice, amprmt your owr;t sty le, set your own pace, realize that you can wan fnends and influence people. Al'Cent on fulf1llment, inspiration and courage of conv1cllons Scorpio. Aquarius persons figure prommently TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Writte n communication helps dear air you'll have better understanding with professional superior. Changes are necessary, lhey wall work to your advantage and you'll hve have opportunity to pursue creatave endeavor. Watch Vargo GEMINI (May 21-Junc 20): Low-key approach brings desired results. Be diplomatic and establish lines of <.'Ommunicallon. Foc·us on travel, dist.anCt", language. international law. Family member wants lO discuss domCSll(.' adJUSlrncnt, possible change Of residence. CAN CER (June 21 -July 22). Avoid self· deception see placE'S. people as they exist. Define terms. check collateral. get fmanciaJ agreements in writing. Dig beneath surface ind1cauons -if persistent, you could strike pay dirt. You'll wake up with answers. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll have more respon si b 1hty. relationship intensified and a contract IS pend.mg. Don't sell yourself short. You have something of value to offer -someone wants to market 1l but docs not necessarily want to compensate you In fair monnf.'r 0 (Aug 2:J-Scpt :.?2) F1msh rather than initial project You rt?<..'E'ntly delayed basic task - now yo st lete at and you can get help from co-wo r K(.'('p resolutions concerning diet, nutrition. alth. medical-dental appointments Watch Aries. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct 22): You get. to he~rt of matters, especially where romance 1s concerned. Spotlight on creativity. excat.emcnt. change, variety and an end to doldrums. Personal magnt'tism soars, you'll make a new st.art, friendship could blossom Into serious re lationship. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Follow th.rough on first impressions. Collect duta. got legal papers in order, check £mancial stntus of one who makes offer tor property FlambOyant individual ottempts to make imprt.'SSion. but succeeds only in appearing foolish SAGITTARIUS (Nov. :l2-Dec. 21). Popularity Increases. you're asked to participate in community project and a pohttcal leader might s('{'k your counsel and contribution. Routing undergoes shakeup -visllS, trips messages. calls dominate exdt.ing scenario. • CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan 19): Details connected with money In escrow will be settled. Finandal plctur..--will be bright when restrictionl arc !'('moved and rl'd tape· Is tos.900 asld . You'll locate article that hPd lx.'t'r\ lost, mi Ing or atolen. AQUARIUS (Jani 20-F b. 18): Cycle high. circum.,t.anccs turn In your Ciwor and puu.I<-pie<.~ tall Into place. Ti min~ If! ot\ target and you can trua• your own ju dgmc1H. Goin lndtcatcd throuat1 writtt'n word. Purchase oC appaNI wtth brlf(h~ colors could be> part of 8C ·nQrao. PISCES lFt.'b 19-Murch 20). Fnm1ly mtmbt1 needs your support N.'«'nt mi1hap r pr ·~ blow to morulc. Be 11upport1v" t•nrourl\gt' !"\: t • ~reatlon Do~Uc adJuslmt-nt as In ordt'r, you'( be mort-plt'llM"Ci with 1urround1np Srorp o naU plays kc:)' role. ' . . ... AB Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, 8•Pt•mber 27, 1oai Prejudice_, made CSF president By Tbe A11oclaled Pren A1 a bluck woman, Jttwt•I Plummer Cobb had to ovcn'Om prejudice• on h1.•r way lo bt>co- mlna prt.'lldl'nt ot Cal Stal~ Ful· lerton She thlnki tBs-cUHk ultles h<'lpt'<I h1.•r "I t juttt m adl' m<• m orc- dt•t1.·rmlnt'd," lih• Hald. "I thluk I h&1vc thu11t1 two thlnKH workln.i for nw, both u •Umulullon of tlw c.:on<.'C'pt of u .. ·hluvlnjl 01 11 wornun 1rncJ al.u uc:hll'Vln& It.I 1 bluc:k And lt'I Vl'ry hard to dla.oclllte whkh of thOI<' drt**i pull c.•n r gy ln11ldl! you u yqu move ulong." that l Mt wt-rt.> not happcnlna," 1hc recallt>d "And h t1 111'1, 'If you cart• olx>ul uJl thc'll(• thlnga that hap· pun In hlghc•r t>d ucatlon , why them you 1hould tx• antt-re»ted in bclnJl a dean,' and J uid, 'Ye., that 1 a very Hood point ' " Bad news for the hay Tht• 58 yt•ur old Cobb ht.U1 put in long houl'li WI head oC thlJ 1l>tth IBr~C'Sl llhl<' university but says •h£> s enjoyed her Clrst year lm- nwniwly. I "It'll been g~~lll rnn : 1 don't mind hard work I t.ohe a brief· case home every evening, whc· the r that's good or bad l don't know," she said. A Chicago nallvc, Cobb e nter- ed the Unlversit,y of Michigan a fter h igh school but, barr ed from the dormitories because of h e r race. moved on after 18 months to Talladega College, a black school in Alabama. S he d id her postgraduate work at New York University, again encount- ering racial prejudi(.'(!. "I had thought l might want to live in the (Gn.>enwlch ) VIiiage and that was way back In the '40s and t he re were no apartmen ts that \htiy would show you," she recalled. "lt was just unheard of tha t blacks should have a chance to Ihle in the Village. So I lived an Harlem, w h ich necessitated a subway ride every day." Th J)C~ltlon wu dean of Con- nt•(.·ta cut C,pllCKC, a women's school ncnr New Haven. Jn 1976, she becal"TM! pr<'81dent of Douglass College In New Jersey, a wo- "Two freezes in one d " yeor ... my reeor . men's school with 3,700 students. Five years later, she was tapped for her current pb. Gov. Edmund Brown J r. im- posed two sy1temwide stat,e col- lege spending freezes during Cobb's first year a l Fullerton, .. actions which effectively halted hiring. "I'm probably the first presi-· dent among many of my col- leagues w ha-.ie had two freezes in one year," she said. "That's my little record . A nd w ho knows . what the !)ext year will bring." Cobb notes that the freezes have prevented her from doing as m uch as she would have liked ,in recruiting minorities for Ful· lerton. A tanker hip passes the historic Thomas Point Lighthouse on Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest estuary, which is threatened by contamination from growing populations centers, according to an e xtensive U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study. Whllt.• ul NYU, Cobb began rcsc•an•h on mt1lanoma cancer. work that took her to several 11chooll1 S he taught at Sarah Luwrc•net· C-OllcgC' bt!tween 1960 a nd I Yfl9 before ma king t h e switch Into administration. "A friend called me in 1969 and said w me, 'How wou ld you like t.o be a dean?' At that time I had lx.-en very active in faculty committees .... T h ere were "We a re constantly working on it. There are also pro blems rela· ting w women . Some of our de- partments are woefully under - presented in terms of women and we still have a hell of a lot w do in t,erms of hiring women In the administra tion ,'' she said. oIDeowners eeling pinch e Chrl1tlan Science Monitor News Service Everyone's aware that buying a house during a ion is hard. But less well known is that during ay's dttticu lr times many homeowners-face ~erious challenges meet ing monthly mor tgage ~yments. ' A survey by the Mortgage Bankers Association df America indicates that the number of mortgage delinquencies is on the rise. Act.'Ording w the ~BA, 5.56 percent of 8.3 million loans on on e· w four-unit tesident1al properues surveyed were 30 or more days past due. I However, the number of mortgages going into Eoreclosure remained steady a t the previous ~uarter's rate of 0.20 percent. : Another MBA survey indicated that only about l)alf of all loans that get close to the foreclosure i)oinl actually are foreclosed u pon. The MBA points aut that each foreclosure does n ot re present a family losing its home, as investmen t properties are counted aJong with primary residences. • Warren Matthews, a senior economist with the MBA, says that the major cause of delinque ncy is unemployment. The combination of record high unemployment and a weak economy can turn a 6lmily's investment into a financial burden that it dannot always carry. : Major medical expenses and divorce also rtribule w the rise in mortgage delinquencies. UJCIANO PAVAROlll A Glorious Uproarious Love Story . ........ _ .. diltit I NOW PLAYINC AT T H ESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THEAT RES •COITA•H .._ Edwards Town Cenlei (7 U )7S1 '184 C)tyCIMtr (714) 1134 9282 ~-cc•"••ro-,,. ,...,... • ..,.,.,.J •Presented 1n 35mm CXJI IXLP.,...) PIRATES PLAITER Steak & Enchilada Dinner Special 5:00 to 6:30 Daily Mission Yieto-Oct. 1/7 pm NewPOrt-Ocl. 2/2 pm Hol-"Y lnn-25205 la Pu Newport SlleralOfl llcun• Hltts . 4545 MacArttlut llhd. Gerovltal GHI. la It a mlrecle drug? Can It slow the hands of time? What are the tacts? Chuck Broes. International expert with over 23 years experience in preventive medicine. will be giving a FREE lecture on Gerovital GH'. the myths and the facts. It's your one chance to get the full story on Gerovltal OH>, Actvenc. 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Tu qualify, simply take United on any six of the West Coast flight segments indicated here between September 15 and October 15, 1982. While you may qualify for an unlimited number of free trips in this program, the free tickets must be issued in your name and are not transferable. All free trips must be taken between October 15 and December 14.1982, or between January 11 and March 23, 1983. Normal Mileage Plus terms and conditions will apply. . As an added bonus, along with your ticket you'll receive a 503 Weekend Discount certtficate good at any Westin hotel in the U.S. or Canada, and a 503 Weekend Discount certtftcate for Avis renUll cars. $0 round-trip anywhere in the friendly skies. Call your Travel Agent. Or call United at 973-2121. And start working on your free round-trip . Flythe friendly sides of United. · Call UlitedorlW!'Traw!Alent. •A fhpn Mpnent ii any OJlht 'or which • sepuate Ucket 11 required. MONDAY, SEPr 27, 1982 THI CUIT 1111 THI caum COMICS TELEVISION STOCKS lnma tes' kin --· -searching for relief By JOEL C. DON <)(IN Delly Pffot ttatt Shirley Leitch doesn't work at tbe Orange County Jail, yet no one seems to mind her handing out advice to those who've come to visit their children, relatives, friends or lovers. A refined-looking woman who describes herself as "an aging tennis player," Leitch knows the Santa Ana institution better than most. She can rattle off a list of rules for visitors or show first- timers how to avoid waiting for t>;ours in the wrong line. She is an unlikely visitor to this bleak concrete edifice, where tattoos decorate as many women as men, cigarette butts form tiny oases on the marble floors and a child's scream rarely attracts notice. When the Laguna Beach resident first s tepped into this scene, she was, like others, intimidated by the signs that tell you what to do and where to stand, the rookie deputies who seem to veil their inexperience in cold and abrupt responses and the regular herding of the masses ea~h hour into the rows of inmate visiting booths. She brought with her pain, guilt, shame, fear, confusion, anger and devastation -an overdose of emotions Leitch has endured during the year she has visited her ·'23-year-old son, a man accused of murder and robbery. Yet despite an experience she considers the most traumatic event in her Hfe, the soft-spoken Leitch says she has overcome most of her personal anguish and turmoil. And she wants to help others do the same. .s..he has arranged for a meeting room at the El Salvador Recreation Center in Santa Ana and hopes friends and relatives of inmates wiU come to share their t,roubles and find r e lie f on Thursday evening beginning Oct. 7. She doesn't know 1f anyone will come or if anyone is even ij1terested in her novel idea to form a support group for parents of ~nmates. Leitch would be tlaPPY if she could help just one 'r.rson through the trauma. • 1 "The whole goal of the group it to help people lighten up," she says. "It's to change the attitudes of the parents so that they can make it easier on themselves now that they're all in the same situation." Leitch feels as if this was her mission, and she wants to offer spiritual support to others. She has watched the jacaranda trees and rose bushes bloom in the jail's courtyard area. She prefers to wait outside for l-er•assigned visiting time , writmg letters to her son or some of his friends in the jail who may not have anyone who cares on the outside. Faces become familiar. She has observed a pregnant woman at the jail almost every week. Now she sees her carrying a small child. And the deputy sheriffs who once seemed gruff and inconsiderate now don't hesitate to come up to Leitch for some friendly t•hitchat. Dressed in 'a blue lurt~neck pullover. white cotton pants and a purple sash around her waste, Leitch seems out of place in this environment. But for her the jail IS no longer alien territory. It was quite a different story a year ago. "I cried a lot at first and I didn't want to see anybody," she says. "I had never had any big trauma before. "I have had lots of adventures w ilh unusuaL.ili.wui.Qns but nothing ever bordering a crime like this. This knocked me out. I had absolutely no experience like it. "AJI I could do was to change myself and my attitudes and when I lightened up I noticed it helped my son a lot. "The way I coped was to laugh al some of the things I had taken so seriously. When I began to feel more comfortable with the deputies tb._e_y'd .say hello and they didn't seem so bad after all." And shame or guilt, which Leitch believes keeps many parents away from the jail, was quick to. pass_ "There came a time when 1 realized each person is r esponsible for himself and everybody has a choice to make," she says. It may seem odd for a person to want to help the distraught parents of inmates. After all, this is an era of victim's rights, where the public has shown its displeasure with the current system of justice by voting to build more prisons and stiffen the penalities for various crimes. "The truth of it is," says Leitch in respon se. "the parents on either side suffer. "I have incredible compassion for the parents of victims. Our group wiU not do anything on jail issues or be criticaJ toward the system. 83 84 87 . It wuN •suJJpt-r ithout . "inatr11' ultt•r hitJ benefit t•oncerl 111 lr"Ville Mtt111lt1wH. P1111,. 82. But her true experience comes from her many trips from her cottage commanding an ocean view to the downtown Santa Ana jailhouse. In the year since her son was arrested, she has seen him at least two to three times a week. "I hope to effect some sort of attitudinal change so that parents of inmates ca n h a ndl e relationships with their sons (or daughters). I'm just a lady who has ume to put this together, to help people who are suffering. I had to do it the hard way; others don't." 44l've had lot of adventures with unu ual situations but nothing ever bordering a crime like this. It knock ed m e out," said Shirley Leitch who has overcome h er anguish a nd want to h elp others ·. : ·. .. : .... who are s uffering. .. :: · . Does secretary of state run the off ice well? By JEFF ADLER Ofltle Delly Piiot ti.ff 1 As political races go, the secretary of state's race Is no show-stopper. In fact, many California voters probably aren't even sure just what it is that the teeretary of state is elected to do. Both two-term Incumbent March Fong Eu. a Democrat, and her Republican challenger, Aasemblyman Gordon Duffy, admit that the main issue in the race it March Fong Eu. They both also admit that large chunks of their campaign time are devoted to explaining the many duties of the teCretary of state's office. Eu succeeded F.dmund Brown Jr. "The Issue is whether I'm doing a good job or not of adminiatrating," 'Eu aald during an interview. "1 t'hlnk I'm l"unning a fint-<:la. office." • Duffy, on the other hand, la critical of Eu'• performance In office. .-I "I don't think ahe'• terribly Interested tn the job," he said. 41She'a not a full·time eecretary of state worklna to protect the interest.I of the people." Belldee beina the at.at.e's chJef election• officer, It la the secretary o f state who la reaponslbte for m19intalning lncorporaUon documenta on the thousands of oorporationa in the state, administering the Unifonn Commercial Code, oveneetna the state archives and granting notary public commi11lon1 to persons throughout the state. Additionally, the secretary of state is charged with keeping official state records, such as all ret0lutions, acts and laws passed by the Legislature and signoo by the governor. The tenn is four years. Of all the duties administered by the secretary of state, however, both Duffy and Eu agree that, as chief elections officer, the secretary is more visible. And It ia on the subject of of elections that the two disagree. Duffy, who has represenred King County and parts of Tulare and Kern counties in the Assembly 18 years. believes the state election laws are open to corruption and need to be changed. One reason Duffy decided to leave his safe Assembly aeat and challenge Eu was "to convince tome people of the potentially 1rave problems with the election prOCe.," he said. Duffy explained that he oppoaea the bllln~ual ballot because It la expensive and 1,.1nder·ullllzed and If elected would work to change the federal law requlrln1 at.ates to fumlah auch ballota. • ,At.a. h~ favora modifying the ' " EUCTION82 state's postcard registration system which he believes invites vote fraud, and changing election laws to more efficiently purge voter registration rolls aft.er each election. Eu agrees that the manner In which voter registration rolls are purged needs to be changed, but she defends the postcard registration system. "It's highly successful for the amount of good It Is doing," Eu said. ''Voter registration by mall is not any more open to fraud than any other ayst.em. We don't find any wholesale conspiracies, and fraud can be perpetrated In both systems." As for the blllngual ballot, Eu said she believes It la valuable for people who need It, but It is not a program n.y'I ~ efflcientlv as Jt could be. Eu also said she supports eome ayat4.'m by which tclev1slon networks would be restrained from making presidential projections before polls cloee In Weatern atatea. In 1880. . '· March Fong Eu the networks were calling President Reagan a landallde winner houra before the Calilomla polls were to close. "We have lowered the voter turnout becauae of thete early project!ona," Eu commented. Sht 1u.11ested the problem could be solved if Congress delayed changing the West back to Pacific Standard Time· in presidential election years wl)ile· states back East cloeed their t*ll an hour earlier and California'• stayed open an hour later. Eu admitted that Duffy, an experienced campaigner and fund-raiser, is a toUgher opponent' than she has had in past yMn when she was the top vot.e·getter in the state. The former assemblywoman who represented Oakland and the Castro Valley area and now lives In Loe Angeles said ahe is planning to •illld between $360, 000 and $400,000 on her re- election effort. Duffy said he has spent ._bout $140,000 in his election bid and expects to commit another tlOO. 000 for radio and new~paper (ldvertisement.1 u well u ~.000 for various expenaes. Both candidate• have run generally positive campaigns that stress their quallflcatlona for office rather than opponentt' shortroml"ll. "I never have campalaned against anybody. I've juat cam(>ll.igned for mytelf. There'• not that much to demte about," Euaald. Orengo Co11t O~lt. V PILOT /Monday, Stpt1mb1r 27 . 1081 Tim and\ Rhonda Pa~ker, le ft, with Pat and Dick Allen Dodger manager Tommy Lasorda with Carol and Larry Hoff man The Michael Gerings ·~ .. ~!!:.! ... CXIMDITIOHINO IOlAll WATa HIATINO llATHllOOM ~ .,_ I ,11611 S-Time Slet11 •I Your Coot (.c.11 Stor• _ .. , Your ArM) cOsT.A MISA 641-1289 ~ 1516 NewpMt llvd. • ) . MltSIOH WJO 495-0401 ='"" c.mi-c.,i.-11-' .... '""'· ... ..., ,...,..1 r I . ·, Start Being Tbe~'°"' Want to Bel Make this sm on 10Yr twrn1111 po1nt1 Call or m1e toelar tor 1 co11pf111e1tary aulysll ad JfOlll• dlStlstlOll Even without Sinatra party gala even·t By VIDA DEAN Ofthe Deity Plot l..n "Supper with Sinatra" has a nice ring to it. "Supper Without Sinatra" is not so catchy a phrase, but that's what the patrons got Saturday night following a sell-out rain-soaked performance at Irvine Meadows to benefit the South Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. Supporters of the foundation paid as much as $5,000 for patron packages which included special concert parking, choice sealing and supper after the show with Frank Sinatra. There was no official explanation and no formal announcement the legendary entertainer would not be coming to the festive party. But Milton Rudin, Sinatra's attorney. who as foundation 'We will remember for a long lime the night we sat in the rain for two hours lo heat .. Sinatra. This is a I good experienf,!e for us. We are so • s poile d by having good weather most of the time to enjoy outdoor events.• board member ha d arranged for the star's would be too hectic, so we are s upplying two performance, explained to several patrons and photographs for the press." However. we were committee members Sinatra had just finished an permitted to photograph local patrons as they engagement in New York and was opening Monday arrived at the entrance. They posed in good humor, in Las Vegas, he was wet from singing in the rain, but wanted us t.o explain why they might look a bit he had a cold, and his wife Barbara had sat through bedraggled. he-performance and was wet and ttncomforlabl1,..,..., ---'he-tent-was elegantly festive. There-was-a Word got around inside the big, gaily decorated chandelier and flowers and square silver balloons t e nt, and the r e seemed to be little or no attached t.o the center posts. The tables were cloth complainlng. Stan Cole. benefit committee member, covered with settings of silver, crystal and pale blue said he heard one per;son demand her money back cloth n,apkin.s. Several bars.and seven rood tables but then apologized when told of Sinatra's abundantly laden w ith cheeses, seafood, fruits.._ problems. ... beef, tempura and desserts m ade self-service! Anyway, back to Supper Without Sinatra. convenient while waitresses and waiters toured the The large tent was set up be hind the tent serving wine to almost 250 diners. amphitheater stage, and following the show. Park Avenue Catering was in charge of the patrons in damp tuxedo and evening dress, dripping supper and underwrote part of the cost. umbrellas and wet shoes seemed to find the This was one party that will not soon be situation amusing. forgotten, and it proved that Orange Counlians are Sinatra's publicist had requested no local good sports. There was much laughter and joki,.ng as photographers inside the party tent "because it they sat a round in their damp and rumpled clothing, wet feet and glamorous coiffures that had fallen victim to the misty night "We will remember for a long time the night we sat in the ram for two hour& to hear Sinatra," Carolyn De Wald said. ··This 1s a good experience for us. We are so spoiled by having good weather most or the time to en joy out.door events" And it was all for a good cause Sinatra. whose performances usually bring huge fees, donated his time as did comedian Charlie Callas, Les Brown and his Band of Renown and lrvme Meadows T imothy Strader, chairman of the founders support group, acted as chairman of the benefi~. Other me mbers o f the group serving on his committee were George Buccola. Thomas Casey. Cole. Walter N Cruttenden Jr .. Maurice DeWald, Dorothy Doan. Michael Germg. Alan J ac.'Obs. A. Vincent J orgensen. Morris Kirk, J ohn O'Ha ra, Margaret Fluor Reed. Eugene Ronald J r., Judge Calvin Schmidt, Cornelius Van De Graaf, William Vincent and Ralph Yack . -COmmittre1T1emtxirs also included Suzy-Baro , Dr. and Mrs. Francis Crmella (he's foundation president). Barbara DeMott. Emily Hacker, Nancy Har rington , Sharon Kmg, MaJ. Gen. Robert G . - Owens Jr., Janice P iper, Ba r bara Roundtree. Sharon Rude, Rudm. Linda Silver, Barbara Tate, .JoAnne Welch, the Victor Yacks and Barbara DeBoom, executive d1rc.oetor. A lot of work went into the preparation and staging of the event, and 1t was a good party, one of the best I've l><'t'n to, so what 1f a little rain fell on Frankie's parade. It's hke h.e sang m one of his numbers . . . ·•rm gonna love you. come rain or come shine . " be<:aUSC' 1t was a cause the people believed m. NEW LOOltl Hundreds of fascinating activities in the areas of Recreafion, Avocation and Self-Improvement that never have been offered by us befo re -all added to Caroline and Maurice DeWald Cat: lor hee 111lor1Ntron ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN & COUNTRY . ORANGE (714) 547-8228 the popular list of classes for which the Coast Community Colleges have become famous, such as dancerdze, conversational language. self-help courses in cooking, gardening, woodworking, law and real estate for consumers and several areas of relicensure. attached. Recent changes in state apportionment require that recreational, avocational and self-improvement courses be self-supporting. This all ows the Coast Community Colleges to expand this community service. BRISTOL FOOT CLINIC cars•bikes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carriages•tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • walkers*toys •wagons•••• Pqdi11try Clinic FOOT SURGERY • t!OOT ORTHOPEDICS : lllltott JM:ObHn, D.P.'11. f~llow AnM',...•n C.clk11• ,,r F OOI 0,1 hopt-doc's _..Qiplomal~ Amu lC'arl • i)c;.rd of foot O,hhvpf'dor• : !t.frmlw-r Art~my of : o\mhulatot~ ~OOI "ur11•n • In Pr.riff'• fM <1'•r 2'> H• :· '--~ ilS ..... _W_A_l_M_t_~--• \'\ tlh n.-.. l"rhmquts available-. now man fool probl"ms can be correcl~ 1n our oHirt. w11h l111le IOM from vour normal Dfl I\ llteS, . '""'""' ,..,. • Hemmwton • Corrw lltwl C#lllou ... • •11"""'9 CALL TODAY tor your lnltl•I FREE CONSULTATION• EXAMINATION WITH AD t:Xl'IHf.S 11 20 82 -i: .... M-AC_A_tT-~-· -tj-Se Habla lltll1118d 10 lleW Poli.Mii 2101 South Brlatol (blori north of "-'•n..,r} Espanol l•nl• An• • 171-7551 Save money and shopping time. 1111 ~. Read the ~ scooters*hot rods*coupes• trallers*hard tops• convert· lbles•motor homes*lawn mowers*llmos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's .... •typfnQtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehlcles*golf carts* model tralns*blkes *planos•cars ref rlger ators *skates•••••• + THE t 'A)llLl' £1Rfl'N BIG Gt;ORGt; bv Virgil Partch (VIP) "Most of th e kids in our school hove the some ZIP code 'cept the lost number changes for some." ll.\Rll:\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson "Take that sign back!" W HEN TONY REFU5E5 TO LEAVE THE HOSPITAL. CHARLEY SEE~S D B 'S H E LP1 f;:\Rt•tt:LD ACROSS sufllll ' ~ ' 50 Rallte 1 T ennls shot 51 Time period 4 Fashion 52 T1tvet II Ang91s 54 Fiesta 1' Macaw 58 Ear 15 Stacker 60 Slouan 16 Spiel 6 t Eminent f"M NOT GETTING' OUT OF BEP WITMOUT I,.! SATURDAY'S PUZZLE SOLVED 17 Kind of mur· 62 Chem l)fel1x ._..~~~~~ clef 64 German area 111 Fiber 66 Dance 20 Be anobbish 67 Creepy 2 t Cistern 68 Fatten 22 Hyson 611 8ofdered 23 Slclly peak 70 Altire 24 Candies 71 Ill netgl'lt>Of 26 Rushfd 29 Can ·U S DOWN canal 31 UPMI 32 Hack 33 Bomb thrower 3& Smut 38 Gtoomy one 39 Movie reting 2 WOtdS 4 t u K 'ovnty 43 !(Incl of tide 44 Put to deatl'I 46 Premlttt 41 Sn 1 c1r111e 41~ t S11p-up 2 Pr 1y1ng fig· Ull 3 Wand 4 land pomt 5 Tllis l i t 6PIM ~ I Sou1ce 10 Sttll t t Ecu..sor ltl•nd• 12 lkl • COl'll• mand 40 Put back t3 DC perso· 42 Thrifty nage 45 Cllme 18 Meat C\lls 48 w~ hard 24 SPlrll• S3 Bete - 2S Mlde run or SS Famed fiddle 27 Clow 5& Notable Ru .. 28~0fdl "'" ""'J<t Hol'M IOOd S7 E•tr1 33 Conger 611 Okay 34 Being COOied 61 Chi~ 2 WOfdt 82 Gnawed 3S ReYolllng 63 Crutel 37 Braid H YugOtltv City ,. • ! ~ ' ~ .. i i ~ "Htlpl" QY Harold Le Ooux MEANVlll11LE, AT THE DISTRICT AT~ OFACE WHY YOU GOT NO 040ICE lF SHOULD I GET YOU WANT TO ~ INVOLVED IN THE ORGANIZATION! PLEA 6AP.5AIN· VlllTHOVT THE INFOR-ING WITH 'YOU. MATION I GOT. YOU GOl: LlME 1 ZILCH ! f by Jim Davis NOT WITMOUT MV MORNINCS C.UP OF C.OFF'EE Orengt Collt DAILY PILOT/Mo~•v. S.o,tmber 27. 1982 Ba MEV,CMOCK!TMAT W£1RP 006 ~ '<OOR5 IS ~ Ot A BEA6LE, ISN'T ME ? u OH ,M ISTER--- WELL, 'THERE'S AHOTMElt ONE M &if MV SACK DOOR .. VOO OOH'f 50Ml5E EV'RE ~tl.AT£P, 00 VOO? HOW DO YOU LIKE MY PA INTING? I iHINK YOU 6HOU LDGO l'OART SCHOOL AND BECOME A REAL PRO--- 111 HEl lD, WOULD <X)lJ LIKE TO Bl)(.,) SOM£ BAND CANOO AND HELP OUR BAND EARN MONE<.> TO 6010 1HE R05E fl\RADE ~ {J.JH<.' 00 l)()l) WANI 10 (:,() 10 THE RO~ ~RADE z BELAU5E OUR BAND DIREC.TOR. SAID 50 .1 OR.SMOCK WHA-r AN.;! C701N<S HE:Re ?! WHY, WAl1'1NG F O R YOO, OF COURSE: .•. THATS Go s~os, BABE.. .;! FIGURE:P ANYONE: WHO'c::> O t..IMe> 1"HIS MOUN1'AIN IN 1'H ES Ml PPL.ES OF 1'HE: N IGH1' WOUL-P HAVE cTfA~~.' oo,STeJe ... rrsoo GcOO 1C> HfflE '{O.J ~E. wrtH M I . E . I ~·i KNOW .. l.E.1°~ ~ If li''5 Sl~R1U> 10 l\'>V. by Kevin Fagan ·: I • .... i.·: .. B·I Orang• Coalt DAILY PILOTIM01'\d1y, 8eptember 27, 1882 ~my Linker (left ) and Sara h J essica Parker tar in the new series "Squa re Pegs" tonight at 8 on CBS, Channel 2, as new high school students dete rm ined to be popular. \l()~IJ:\'t EVENING I:*> 8 eUHAU Angel• lty 10 move doeef to a penn•nt at K1n111 City. uoeD8 NEWS G EOKT 18 EHOUoH • I .WAT. • HAWA/A RVE-4 • O'/afMY Ou.t: J-Fonda.(~ Q C9 UNOtMTAHDIHO HUMA»llEHAV!Oft "Functions Of The Brain" Cl) C88NEWS 8 H8CNEWS (.c:>MOVIE * * ··~ "Brealler MOtMI" ( 1980) Edw11d Woodward, Jeck T'hompton. AUllrall· ana conacrtptad to fight on E.ngland'1 llde In the Boer War decld9 to llghl thtt Boer guerlRu on lhek own twma. 'PO' 8 MOVIE • • * • "Gigi'' (1958) MaUflca CheYaliet, LAe11e Caron A tomboy being groomed by het aunt !Ind grandmother Ml• out on her own to catctt a man UC> 9 DICK CAVITT Gua11 actre11 Mona Waltlbourne (R) O!> 8EWIHO POWER Cl)Q!NEWS CID PAAOOH M€ FOR LJV1N() Margarei Harnihon 1111r11n lhe llOty Of IWO I l•yeat· Oldl who leatn lhe lrue ~of frlendlnlp CSJ MOVIE • • ..... "&Ian'• Song" (1971) J.,.... Cun. Biiiy °" WMtlams Two football playw1 lhare a rare frlend- lhlp uni" cange, Cl"m• oneot lhem 7:00. cu HEW9 D N8CHEWS 8 "8CHEW8 G SOAP .. .. The Clll'l'lpbsh and lhtt Tat•. the offbeet famlllN Of two .......... lnlto-~· .. dueed • M•A•S•H R.dar'a IUdden promotion to lleut_,t 11una *"-Y· -but Hawtteye and B J • ~ --"""°""'* e aJOKPa~ ........ MPORT Cl) p .M. MAOAZIHE How dothM rWMI an lndl- tlldutrl pereonallty. Ille flnala ol a poker c:ti.am- plonthlp In LAii• T al'toe. ®TIDOY PEHOlftOMa8 IH COHCaT Vldsotaped •I London'• Odeor1 Hall, thla perlorm- llrice by one of IOUl'a big· geaf auper11.,. l•tur• many of hi• hilt (Q)HUCIHIE. JMOn Robard1 and .ta Oodllol1 atar In Eugene Ve ngefui CJlnt-.... a-s~t_w_oo _ _..,-s-ets out to avenge the massacre of his fa mily in "T~e Outlaw Josey Wales" replac ing Monday Night Footba ll to night a t 9 on ABC, Cha nnel 7 . S) MACNEIL / lEHAEA REPORT lD GREAT P£AFOAMANCQ .. ~ On" Cella Jof\n· eon' and Trl'YOr How1td 1tar as an aging Engliltl wmy couple whO e1ec1 to remain In India alt., ht 1110.peudence. (RI J)MOVIE •*•''Allegro Non Trap. PO" ( 1978) Animated life In lhtt machine ege la Ullr· ized 'PG' 1:00 8 SQUARE PEGS (Premlef'e) Two lrlenda YerlhHe lnlO their IOI day U high IChool lrMl'lmen determined to become popular on c:amOU1 D Q) UTTl.E HOUSE: A HEW IEGIHHINO (Saalon Premiere) Chari. Mila hi• l11m 10 a you119 COUC>le. and Laura mak• room In her home f0t Alman.10'1 brother and niece. (Part 1) 8 MOVIE • • *'"' "Lovera And 011-S1r1ngera" ( 1870) Gig Young, AJ\ne Jac:bon A modetn young c:ouple'1 courut'tlp and ..OCSlng ara lntetrelatad with in. ....... ot lhelr lamlllH and ltlendt 8 THArS tHCAE.Dl8L.EI ISeuon "'9m*9) FN- lur-ed a man outr-a "°'"· • woman _.,,,,,,,.. being burled In .,, ...... l•nche: 1 malntenanc;e man ~ • mllllonelre llYe tlmee -: lhe r~ Of the tehOUnttlp c:ontaet G MOVIE •• •• "C•Hblanca" ( 1943) lngtld B«gman. Hun'IC>f\rey Bogart, A gam- bling culno owner l'tOlcla lhe key to thtt escape Of a Frencf\ Aee11tanca leeder and ~ wife. who 11e n..- "'9 lrorn the Naz!• aa P.M. MAGAZINE How Clothttl r-i M lndl· YklUlf I pereonallty: tM flnala of a poktt Cham· pkJnal'tlp In Lalle Tahoe. • MOVIE ltr wor1111r woo ranci. hlm111f a modern-day COW1>0y lallr In loYe with • gkl he meet• In a popular country.and_l.,n bar. 'PO' MOVIE • * "The Netting" (IMO) GIOrla Oral!ame. Jonn Car· radlne A ~ rent• a MCluded Victorian ,,,.,,. lk>tl' .... lhe bejjfils liaY- lng 11range. •otlC dr- 'R S)MOVIE * * •;, "Mommie OeafMI" ( 198 I) Faye Ounawfly, Dia- na Scar'tricl Fon._ film •tar Joan Ctawf0td ,.,... her two ado9tad children In a dOtMIUc atmoepnere that Yarlel lrom luaurlOut comlon 10 Udilltlc dlllci- pline 'PO' 8 MOVIE * * * ,_. "Robin AMI M"'l-an'" ( t976) Sean Connery, Audrey Hspburn /VI Older and wi-Robin Hood re1urn1 from t>lllle 10 Sherwood ForHt to reclaim hit beloYed Maid Matlan, who flu antet'ad a c:onvent and takan her YOWS 'PO' 1:30 8 CJ) PAIVA TE BENJAMIN (Season Premiere) Judy Conc:oc:ta a plan to MYe one ol lhe llrtt VS utro- naut1 Yllit F0t1 &~ to get iOtne ll(j)OllK• lof Colonel~ • OOOCOUPU Whan o.c.r-1 '** begin• acting up, Felix decldM an ocean YOyage wlll do them bolhgood COlMOYIE * * "Flatt OI Furj'' ( 1973) 8ruce LM, Marie YI A malllal .,,, • ..,,.,., flnO• unexpected dangeir when he go. 10 ...ork In a Bano- kolc Ice flCIOty 'R' t:OO 8 Cl) MOVIE "Or-op-Out Father" (Prem- iere) Olc:lc Van Dyke. Mar· lette Hartley. A ~t ad\19nlllng man drops out of lhe butl..-world'• rat • O'Ne1t1'1 one-ect play • *,.. "Zandy'• Eltld•" (1974) Gene Hadlrtlan, Liv Ullmann. A warm under· 11andlng deve1op1 ~·Ct\lde~ rancher end NI ,_ 11'1811- 0fdet brtde delc>lle the harll't lrMtmant' he or- her ·-•nd ........ hi• home and lamlly '°' • loll ~· .ment In Mew York City. ~: '°°"' two men from oCle>O-~ • : .. WOftda ""° lhara the .. • ~ ol lhe big city. :,. • • 7: ti (Z)OHAN..a CHAMPUH j TAUCa ~-· "-...Y8~oen" ?::IO . I ON Y,. TOWN fecltured'. an lni.Mew with 9ob ~; • loot< ., ~··"~"-" of tN 'SOI; • ...wt 10 an exa ralae aludlo tor -Mlgtltwomen 10. 'AMIL Y llWUO rte ON LA ~ Hot Upe aeietwet• her ,.,.,~anted divorce. •w 1'CTAODOUGH • GREAT ~ "Slaying On" Celia JoM-'°" and Trl'YOr How9fd 1tar M an aging E11Q1i111 wrrry couplt wflo MeC1 to remain In India after-lt1 Independence. (RI Cl) PUeUC AnNM CC)M()VI( •• \~ "UtbMI Cowboy'' ( fHOI Jolin Travoll•. Oebta Winger A '*-'«>I• : CHANNEL LISTINGS e KNXT CCUSI 0 On TV • l(Nl9C INBCI I 2 •TV e I( TLA (Ind I H M80 .l<ABC (A8C) c: CC•r>l!"'-'.W I • KFMI (CBSI lfJ IWOAINY N Y • l(HJ·TV (ll'IO.) 311 IWT8$) e KCST IA8CI I CESPNI e 1< TTV llnd I It ( St\owt I mt!) e 1<cOP TV (Ind ) • St>c>lllOhl e KCET (P8SI •• IC.bit Nt~ NtlWOllil • KOCE !PBS) D QIMOVlf • •~ "On Tha Road Again" ( 19IO) WUlie Nsl-'°"· Dyan Cannon Whitt on tour, • country.weeltm einget bec:onlM lnvoMd with lhtt young Oaugllter o1 hit tor>gtlme roed aompan. IOtl -though he 1tlll toYel hie 1tay•af.1104M Wiie 8MOY-"Thtt Oullaw Joale Wa ... " !dlh Clint EUN!OC>d •MllNG~ "8111111• To 'Too CloM FOt Comton• " OuHll' ltd Knlg.ht, Nancy OUMNt, Audrey ~. Jm .J lkiHock, lyOI• Oornt41. Dtbofall Ven Vallltf10Ur9'1 81 THITAJ~ Indian IC1or a...ct Jaffrey relettt Iha moving love 1tory Ind tf'le cultutlll 111 .. tory whleh lnaplf'ed the con1truc11on of the T.i Miiia! In lndl•. ~:::. COffflU *•'A "Tiit leetltt (11'\C)r ..... ( 1t34) ~-­ Otettloh. 111'11 ..t•. A ""*'- -.., Grand DIAi• Nil • Momty relll'°"*'"P ""111 1111 .,.., wflo ~ on to '"°°""* kllOWn -Cetlleo rlN .... Of..i t'M. THI TAJ MMW. .,..... ... ,,.,.,., • 'Squar~ Pegs ' doesn't fit • In 8y t'lu:o ROTll~NBEl\G ., , .......... Wr1'., Nt-;w YOltK If "it'unw" howc·u-.t, tl111 TVRIVllW C.'Omt'd}' tonJjhl al II, alJJo un CBS ~t uncJ hri"h"-._t In 'rV'11 do-.. ... 11JC1111, l'BS W<'n\ Cor c.lrt•l(ll i1nd c.lumblJC•lh1 111 turn1<hl'11 "Squnrt• Pegs," n boortsh bltt-oni uboul two glrh1 In on uliun cultun.• thl01r ow11 hlt'h IK'hool 1H 8 on chunnt,•I <!. thl 11w ht•rl' U11rurtunawly. the• chnra<:tf'rs don't huv<• t•nr>uaih appeal or intcrt•atmg 11ull kam'tl." to mnkl' ll work. Ed Mc.<.: II (Dick Von Dyu) I.I an end· of hill ropt· udvcmlalnK rxecuUvt> i<'lllni dluy on lftt"• m~rry·l(o round. Aft.for long work day1, he wak.-. up thl• next morning wllh u cigorNlc• In ha1 mouth. children who an• disappointing him and u ,IOb thol hu IOHt all mt•uninf( SAT 11\C..'Ort.11 tor llC"nlonJ natlonwldi· u1·i· up, but don't cxpet·t a contmulng tnmd frvm th~ frt'lhman class ut Wt.'t'mawt.'l' U.gh. At h!1u1t the sweuthoss In "Wt•komt.• li1wk Kotter" had some charm arid chur1slllli. Thi· characters in "Squnrc Pegs" could cuslly have come off tht; bathroom wons. All th1• ~·urdbourd d1chca1 un· ht·rc: u j!1t•ppy. gung hu 1:ht't•ll(·ad('I' nam1.U Mufty ft•µpNman, tht• class down who 11trlng11 ont•-lanors to~cther in rapid and vapid fashion lmd tlw *-'hnol'11 "hist" stir!. So tw U>K..~ the hoUM! In Connecticut and tlw L'Orporate ladder, and move. Into a loft an lower Munhutum. But hi.s wift-, pJa_yed by Jttmc.•11 Carrwr'a Pol:.irold 11dckick. MarMw Hartley. won't play howie with httn anymore. Sh~ continues seeing her analyst who folli. ais lcep during their 5£-SSICJnS. Sarah Jessica Pnrkt•r (one~ "Ann it.•" cm Broadway) and Amx Linker :cuir ns Puny Green~ and Lauren Hutchinson, two high school ncwt'Omen; who believe the good llfr ls Just n matulr of clicking with tht• til(ht cliques. Patty wears glasses. Laui·e11 ha11 braces nnd baby fat. Acne is bound lo tx· n problem, too. Only Johnny Sloi;k (Mt·rrlu Butrat•k) provldc11 aoy bluu re cmgin11lhy. He's m·w wuvf', nut to bt.t confused with punk ''T o tally difft.·nrnt head," he says cm1!'Luntly Wht•n Johnny tcurs himsel( owoy from his atereo headphones, hf' not1ct•s !'ally ond Lauren. "I like your :<tylt'." ht• 1111yi; "h'N no stylt•" Van Dyke and Miss Hartley try hard, but thc.•rc' litllc Ull)using henr. Every character und s1tuauon Is as hackneyed as the next. They're all oversized lampoons of writer Bob Shanks' perreptlon of the egocentric '80s. The produc.-er of "Square Pcg:s" as Anl'w Beaus. one of the ~ritcrs on the orlgtnal "Saturday Night Lave." Sht' apporcnlly had the show's blacker seruie of humor N<>t everybody will be amused by ogling u girl's "pectoral development" or calling pnnc1pul Winthrop Dingleman "Dmgletx•rry" Th<' Wa1trcsi.c.•11 ap~ar as themselves. singing their monotbn<' classic. "I know whut buys likl'. I know what guys want." If yuu hove th('ar greatest hits album, or you t•nn't decide which of "The Three Stooges" 1s your fovoritc, "Square Pegs" ls for you. Daughter Peggy changt. .. her name tO Indira and lives spiritually with her boyfracnd. Mahatma. One nder in Ed's car pool t'OntinualJy wails that his wife left him for her psychiatrist. Ed's office colleagues include a "very now" woman, a mid-life Romeo and a driven man who speaks In sports clkhcs. Abuse of authority js a ma.)Or t•omt•d y Ir your taslC.• runs more toward broadside puaody, so l'Urnbc.•rsome and obvious that its snnp 11> sapJX'd, then. by all means, watch "Orop-Out Futht•r.'' a made-for-TV movie ralllM lhtt moving love llO'Y and Iha cultural hi•· lory wtlleh lnaplred thtt conllruollon ol thtt TaJ Mihal In lndla '1i) PHILIP GUSTOH: A UFELIV£D A prollle or paint"' Philip Gulton lnctud•• an Infer· Ylew with 11\e 1rt111 and a IOOk at hi• IHI retrOll)aC- llYe at the San Franclaco MuMUm Of Modern Art. TUBE TOPPERS. KHJ (9) 8 :00 "Casablanca." One of Hollywood's a ll -time dassks, this 1943 Oscar winner pits Humphrey Bogart. Ingrid Bc>rgman and Paul Hc·nre1d against the Nazis in Monx.~·o. a MOVIE CBS Cl) 9:00 "Dropout Father." Dick • * • .. Shamu1" l 19731 Burt Reynold•, Dyan Can· Van Dyke stars as an advertising man non While hunting down who leaves his wife (Mariette Hartley) 11o1en diamond•. • o.1ec-a n d fa m II y i n t h i s n e w TV m o v i e ""'* becomea ln\IOIYed with ( · d bo ) beoeulllul -and llnil-rt•VIC'W(• a Vf! . 10!00 •'.,a•• NEWS NBC (4) !:1:00 "On the Hoad Again." PHIUP OUSTON;A Wtlhc Nelson plays a country-western ~~' painter "'""P singer attrac:ted to a young girl in this Gu11on lndud4ll an 111ier-1980 m ovw wnh Dyan Cannon. ......... Wilh thtt erllel and I 1c>o«11h111Mtretroapec-K1TV (11) l:l:UU "Onc:c More With live"' the San Franclaco Feeling." Yul Brynner plays a fiery MuMUm ol Modern Art Up?" I 1977) Ricti11td Pty0<, Lon•ll• Mel(.. A M•· atarved lrult picker 11 caught In a comle croa1flra between hlt1unlof\ end the Mob, and• 1 hypocrltlcal praecher t1nd1 he•Yen In • tadlel' c:holr 'R' 2:46 IJ MOVIE * • . .., "A Great American Tragedy" I 1972) George Kennedy, Vtra Mllal. Al\ H<Olp-engln-, Ind hll family lace the h11tal't reallty of hll tuddan unem- ployment 3:30 l CJ MOVIE * • • "Death In Venlele'' I 1971101rt1 eog.,de, SllYa· ne Mangano Ourklg hil Slay 11 a plultl II-Ian hole!. en aging c:ompoe..- encountera a young Adonla who ~ hla Ideal of match .... beauty 4:00 0 HAMMER HOUSE Of' .. ~ "The H°"M Thal Bled To Death" A young tamlly 12.'00 • * * ~ "Swamp Wat.," (11141) Dana Andrewt, Walter BrennM. Directed by JeM Renoir. To P<-t him lrom r41Vtiellng hie hid· Ing pt-, an HC:"P*d mw- d41fer h01d1 • young man c.pllve In • swemp. !CJ••• "Tne Ga ... Bot· 1om Boat" ( 1966) Oona 01y, Rod Taylor. A phy91· ct1t ~ Involved wtttt • girl who po.-u a mer- mild s>at1·tlme. (ZJ * * "Wan~; Baby- lllter" ( 1978) Marla Sc:hnelder, Syc1ne Rome. F0t r-.. a womwi conc:oc11 an elaborate plan to kidnap t>et IOl'mer loY· .,., '°" 12~ m • • * "The Man From The Diners' Club" (1"3) OaMy Krf9, Cara w;,.. llama A ec:attwbralned employee unlntenllonally I'*'-8 Ctedit CMd 10 a q_angstet lit * * * "ZOOI Suit" llj) MOVIE symphony conductor trying to win back • • "'"* P11o1" l1980 his wife (Kay Kendall) in lhis 19.60 mo..v ... · ___ _ Clllt Robertaon. Olan~,-ii--corned y. encounter unuau«' plumb- ing PtOl>letn8 811., moYlng 1n101~nauw (198 I) Oanlel Valdez. Edward J-Olmos In U141a Loa~ ~M celebfe etupll OY9I' lhtt framing of -~ of Baker A pltot 1urn1 to drinking to eecape the unhapplnees of hie mar-are blamecl on lhtt plastic: rlage and lhtt lru1lt1llon of aurgeon who <>941rat.o on 1)11 c•r-. 'l>O' I lhem. 'PG' OMOVl•t' • 11:..0CRl TEOOY •• "Knlghtrldet1" (1981) PEHOEAOAAS8 IN Ed Harm, Gary lal'tll A CONCERT group of blkera ~ wltl'I • Vi<Hlolll)ad et london'1 travellng renal11anee fair Odeon Hall, lhll perl0<m· and dlacoYer 11111 the •nee by one ol sour• big· ldealiatlc llruggle againll ""' eupet1tar1 fMIUfH ~ ••ltll In modern tlmM m•ny of Na 11111 ala<> 'R' 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT 10'.$0. IHOEPIHOelT TONIGHT NETW0M HEW8 A IOOlt al celebrity 11r ... G U.t. CHAONICLE D A8C NEWS "High ~ .. How wall NIOHTUHI educa1ec1 today'• high 0 MOVIE achoOI gradual• really 1141 * • * "The OUlll AIN<I· .... aamlned ~....+---__.. f l"68t~ MUfl)hy MOVIE MICtlHI RedgraY• A • ·~ "Mad Mu" (t980) yout'9 Amerleall It delet· Mel Glbton. Joanne Sam-mined to encs the w11 1n uel In en Auatralla ol I.he Southeul Alla u11ng "'' noMoo-dlltant Mura, the OWf\ -• trlend1 and tllll'llly Of a top tD MOVIE highway putlUlt ~ • * * "Oncie M0t•. With becOIM the targell ol F•el1ngl" ( t980) Yul Md1111e mo10tcycte gang Brynner, Kay Kand•ll 'R' Alter toling Illa t11en1 and tQ)JOHNNYMATHIS-his Wife. an Of'~<• con. LIVE IN CONCERT duct« tries to regain both Mathia f*'f0t"'9 Illa big· ., l0V£. AMEAICAN gelt hilt In a concert IMI STYLE. ltom thtt Hotldey Star Thtt· "love And The Plane Fan· atre In MerrltMlle. Indiana, tesy" When two people ($)MOVIE bl.Imp lnlo each other on a * • "T••u lightning" flight to San Francllco. 11•1 ( t98 t) Channing Mttchtltl. ro.... 11 tint 11g111 MIUreen MQC«mlctl A <mJ MOVIE l>Oy'1 weellencl hunting trip it• "Strange Homecorn· wllh hit lather hHna Into an 1ng' (1974) Rot>«t CulO. lnfllatlon Into manhood 'R' Glen Campeett Aller 1>e1ng 11:00 ... Cl) a HEWS 1mpr1soned '°' 18 )'NII on 8 IATUADAY HIGHT Ctlergea ot robbery and Hott Mlch••I Palin murder. a man returna Guee11 The Oooble Stott>-home 10 l'tll towig rela· .,. llYel Q IN 8E.AACH Of'... 12:<>6 C MOVIE • M•A•a •H * * * ·~ "Th• Hanging Payday bringl • Wlndfea 10 T rM" ( 1959) Gary COoc>er, Hawka)oe. •~to Henry. Marl1 Sc:hell A doc:10t klll• • pearl nedllac:s 10 Hot • man Wfllle reeculng a girl Upe !Ind • vanlahed polcet and la ahnoal lync:heCI by a pot to Trl!PP* drunken mob ., 8TMET8 OF 8AH ( Sl MOVIE FMHCllCO ' • * •'A "Brian'• Song" WMn the youngetl ton of (1971) J-Caan. Billy a Greek reatautent owner OM WWMam1 Two loolball return• home aller 12 playw1 Illar• a rare lrlSnd· YMrS In Pl''-. he find• llllp untll tancef c:talm1 ,,,., hll older brother f'las one of them not kept a ptomlM. 12:a0 0 QJ LAT! NIGHT WITH I 8UllHUe AUOm DAVID l.£TT£AMAH DOCTOR IN THE Gueala: Wllllam F Buckley, HOUSE· Wafren Zf\lon Olck'e al>C)ltcatton to • 8 COVPLU Masotllc lodge •• ••tected. D MOVIE CZ)MO\lle ••'A "Summar Ir .. " ••• * "Tha COtllormlal" (1971) Michael Dougla1. (1871) Jun·Loul1 Trlnllg• Jack Warden Aller drop- nant. Dominique Sanda. ping out of coti.c>e ancs ioe. Directed by e.rn.,do Ber· Ing faith In hla gltllMncl. ' tOklccl A PhllOIOQtly P<O-young gullar pla)'ef 11 IHaor 1trugglM to main· dralled to _,,,. In Viet• fain IOIM Mmbtanct ot nam not"INICy llll'lld the t•10tt ., LOVE. AME.NOAH of f'MClll llaly In 19~7. 'R' ITYL.E 11:*>. Cl) T~ JOHH, "lO'le And The Sewn· M.O. Y-Wall" l.ou1M'1 l'tul· Oo!u.o rlti<• hie job wtlen bano hU "-1 mlMlng f0t he ..... mOrally compelled _, .,._,., ..,_, "LO'le to tell the pr.a aboU1 And The Seclre4 SP<lu•" unaa,. ~lont et • Da'1ld and ,,_ don't wWtt nudMr plant IAI their .,.__ CUI Off D Q!TOHIOHT • MOVll Ou..t l'toat: Joen AlveB * * ·~ "Thltl ' ( 198 t) Oveel1 Dtbble Allen, ~ JamH c .. n. TuHday Tomlin Weld A ptOftteioMI crOOlt I N1Wt 01-up hit lnOtc*IOtlr IG4I YOU Alkm FOR IT tor 1 big ICOft tl'tel 1M Featur-ed: "Oymn .. 11c1 On hOClt' wlll NCV<t hit llml· ly'1 future 'R' 12:40 1J (I) COLUMBO A television actor ulel a 11ory lrom one ol nl1 own ec:rlpll to klH hl1 producer and for,,_ lover H)MOVIE • • • "ROll81COHter" 11977) George Segal. Tim- othy Bollom• A utety 1n1pec1or daaperatefy attempll to lind the ealOf· ttonlal woo .. Pientlng "°"'9made •lll)IOelvM In America'• leading amu- ment pet111 'PO' 1:00 8 OEHE AUTAY g) MOVIE .,,. '.-Tiit• Vl6linl ac>" Ole'\ 119561 cnartton .._. ton. Anne Baxi., two men and a woman become lnVOIYed tn a lllangle while llghllng an unfair l)fewl· llOnal QOV41f"nmen1 lZl MOVIE it* 'Dtelh Gatna" ( 1977) SOtldr• l.oc:ke, s.ympur CalMI Wf\tle hla wtle Is away, a man lnlllt• two 811t11Ct1Ye ,_,.age glfl• Into hlt hOuM IOt the night, later dllCOYetlng that lhe yaung l>HYliel are homl- cld•I manlKS 'R' 1: 18 (0 ) MOVIE ** ** "Altered St1I•" I t980) Wllllam Hurt, Blair Brown A H.,.,,,lld sc:len· 1111'1 genetic llr'UCtUfe Is altered wnen lie c;onduc:t1 m1no .. apandlng Hl)erl· manta with llOl•tlon lank• Ind powet1\jl halluc:lno- 941"t 'R' 1:20 ($)MOVIE * * "Sea Ray" A luturltllc man CTNtM a rey gun wllh the power to male• any woman tan hOp8Nqly In ao... uo o a N8C NEWS OVEANIGHT I OEHE AIJTAY 2:00 NE.WI (C)MOVIE. * "The HIOP)I HOOker Goes HOiiywood" ( 1978) Mantne BeewlClte, Adam West The q-ol thtt call Qlrl• goss 10 the ntm capt. tlll to make a moYle baMd on lier aulOCllograptiy 'R' 2:111 8 NEWS 2:30Q!NEWS )MOVIE • * "Harty'• War" ( 1981) Edw110 Htl(rmlllln, Ger•I· dine Page. A am•lhtown poltman 00111411 to the aid ot hl1 aunt, who -the IRS badt thts 'PO' 0 MOVIE * * "MalMCle Al Central High" ( 1978) Andrew St• "'*"'· RoOtt1 Carradine. A cru11dt tor ••Yenge beQlna •lier • pranll lhal _,, too far wu pulled on the quieter 1tudanlt by 1 9roup ol bored 1'119h• llChOol friend• 'R' CJ)MOVll * * "All The Marl>IM" (1N 1) Psi., Falll. Bun Young A l'tuetllng, wlM- crllGltlng rnantlll« ~ hit two i.tnale '*'""*'' toward the toP 'A' t:40 MOW! • • • "Whleh Way 11 • A Flagpole" !Ind "The 811anoest Face In SW111•- 1anc1 " .JOHN DARLING • Tlfl JVPINONI o.otOt muet rntkt llM palnf\il llOmltllon tlMlt IM neeoe l'IOrtnee m0te than htt knew I llOOIJI ON IOCteTY CA~AllC NIWt 9 AeC NIWI NICltff\JNI (Q)MOYll • • "looker" (1911) Atbtrl l'IMO. JamH CObum. The~ deiltlll ol • --ol .,.., UfUI rnodell ln¥olved "' • ,,..., adWttlllno project 4: 10 I.S I MOVIE • • "Teau lightning" (1981) Channing Mltehelt, MeurMn McCormlt:lc A boy'• weet<and hunting trip wllll hi• father 1urn1 Into en lnlllellon Into manhood. 'R' 4; !6 (_ti) MOVIE • * "Agency" ( 11181) Rot>- ert Mltctlum, l• M1Jor1 Taw•da11•• Da11li•r Moefr• a Chicano llr•t gang fOf murw 'R' 1:00 Oil * • "Thtt lrlthman" (1978) A prO\ld lrlthman retu-to yield 10 ptogreM when Na bull,_ u a teamstet II lhfNtened by mo10tlzt1d trtlr\l90'1atlon 2:00 Ct> • * • ~ "BNn'1 Song" (1971) J-c..,,, Billy 0.. WllllM!s. Two 1001ball player• anar. a rare lrlendlhlp untl c.ancier 1.-00 (CJ * ·~ "s);,becl And The Cl&ltnl one ol them. Eye ()t The 'Oger" (1977) Cl l ••;,"Death V~" Patrick Wayne, J-&ey. (1982) Paul lAMat, p.._ mout The daanlng '*o BllllnglMy. A New YOf'k balllM unearthly cr•tur• )'OUnOSt• la 99'11 IO M- llnd a deadly tiger to ~ona 10 ..wt his mother -r~ M CUfM thaf 4lf>d um!JNa KIOM -a kMC>I a young ptlnce from _._ ot gr1Uy murOera h11 nghlful pl-on ttie 'R' tt>tone ·G· 2-.30 0 • Staraaen" (19791 0 "legend 01 The Wiid" Martoe Gon ..... Chrialo- ( 1980) 'PG' l>fW Plummer To ptotec1 CZI • • • • "The Con-the kingdom o1 u.e Emper. fOfmilt" (1971) JMn-lOUll Of, lc>eCe herOlne S1• Trlntlgnan1. Dominique Star *"° -navlga10t Sanda DVected by &er-Aklon c;omb Ille gaxy~ln,__ __ _ netdo Ber1otued A phlloe--ct! ol e¥ll Counl Zami opfly P<of-1trugg1M Arn'1 hidden IM. 'PO' 10 malnl .. n -_,,. S:OO • * "C.1tle Annie And bl•~ of no.,nalCy amid Lltll• BtltehM" (1981) Bur1 lhtt lerrOtl Of Fuell! Italy LAncul.,, John Savage. In t937 'R' Two tough outl-pidlc up t:ao m • * • ,.., "Thtt Effect Of • pa.If of •een-eee girt• and Gemma Raya On Man-In-tall• lhem along on their The-Moon M8llgold1" adwnhHM. 'PG' ( 1973) Jotltlne Woodw11d, 3:30 cc:> •i,+ "Slnbad Art4 The Nell Potts Two 1111.,.. Eye Of The Tiger" ( 19n) 1>rovgh1 up In an atmoe-Palrldl Wayne, J-Sey. Ph••• Of POYet'ly and mour The daeNng hero neglect de¥elop totally dH· balllN ~Illy c:tMturee letent oullOOkl on life and a dNdly llger lo 10:00. • • * • ''I'm A.N Rlgnt. remow the CUt'M that Jack" ( 19601 Ian Carn'»-kNl>I. young prince"°"" Ch.... Pet• s.Met-1 In his rlghtf\.11 ~ on lhe trying 10 do a gooc1 job'°' '"'-·o· ,,,, uncle In a factory, • • • "My Cf\ampion" well-mH11lng bumbler ( 1981) Yol<o Sntmada. acluelly UPHt• th• CIWll Mltc:hunl The I.rue croobd ICheme hi• unde •tory of a,.,.,...~ hal '°~planned running d\ampion II tOld. tC) • * * "Return Of A * * "The Bed Sitting Man Called HOl'M" (1978) Room" (1"8) Rita T'utln· Rlcnerd Harrlt. Gale Son-Ingham, Sit Ralptl AlcherO- dergaard An Englllh lOl'd ton Strange eflilctl pie. relutns to America wM<e Q\'9 the 20 _.,.._..of blol.. he tewn1 that the Slou• tory'a "'°'1eat -· Indians who Initiated him 4:30 0 • * "Jldl And The Into their tribe hao;e IOlt BMro11a1t1" (1978) Anlmat- lhelr moci.1 pr-to ad A.n ad\19nlut-young tr1PP«1. boy Climbs • giant bean-• •'A "Clfele Of Two" llllk lo• m~ kingdom (1980) Richard Burton. 00....,'*' by a grMdy, Tllum O'NHI Oe1plta ~annleel giant. ·o· 11rong p1ren111 oppoaltlon. 5:00 COJ •• "Free Spirit" a poignant romance deYel· ( 1978) Eric Pon.,, Ractiet op1 bel_., a ao.YM<-old Roberti. An Otpl\anect lo• ertlsl and • precocloue and • hOuncl puppy -INn·age IC:ftoolglrl. 'PO' r .. Md together In 1*1eot ••t-t "Key To The enlmal lrlendehlp.'PO' City" (1950) Clal'k Gable, (%)•• "AllThe~" l.Otelt• Young. A. couple (IHI) Pet• Fall!. Burt ,,,_. end tan 1n io.... et a Young. A llue411rlQ. .._ mayora· c:on,,,..,uon held 1n CllllCl!lng ITlaNgel' puei,. San Frandeco fltt two *'*'* _,.,. **"' "Ctlu cnu And toward tile~.·~· The Philly Flutl" (198t) S:IO ** "TheKldFrom Alan Atkin. Carol lkHnett Not~" I tt78) Jen- An tllcotlollc IOl'IMI baM-nli.t Mc.Allle1W, ~ bllll playw and a lloolcy Vlllaro A 12..yew-Old girl llrMI entertainer become litldt herMlf In and CM d 1>11r1nw• In a acheme to ttouble Wf>lle NnftlnO in. malla money by returning town~- a IOlt euttcaae. 'PG' (I)*•• "Norttl 9y 10:30. • * "Nobody'1 Per-Nort"-1" ( INt) CM) leln" (INll Gabe ~. Orant, EYa Marte Saint M Ale• KtrrM ll'tfM unllllely tclver'tlllnQ man'• ... II ... otol ... out to tlettle Ille ~ dtllltlcally .,._ rid ,_,. end ~acy ht la mleillllen lof a CIA Of Cf1Y lltll 'PQ' aotnt • Dy Armstrong & Batluk Vintage 'Ars~nic' comedy retains flavor in Mesa By TOM TITUS M IM Delt1 "61 t lllff "Arsenic and Old L.tlL-e," that venerable body-ln-the-wandow- seat comedy from thti 1Y40!t, hu11 survived the t .. -st or time about as well as any play of Its era, a nd even a rough-edged production auch as that offcn.'<i at the Cost.o M esa C ivi c P l ay h o use i s ulOmately appealing. J oseph Kesselring's screwball saga was part of th e C av ic Playhouse's opening season back "Aflll'.NIC ANO OLD LACI .. A C<>n*ly t>y JOMj)/l KMM111ng, dlfec;l.O l>y P•ll T•mt>•t11n1 119il• m•n•g•• J•nnlltr l e\ltgn•. HI de1tgn by Floberl Howell mekeup t>y Sorr•ll Weyn• eno Geo•g• ~. pr-\leel Th<llMUIY• 1htough S.turd•~ 11 I 30 until Ocl 111 by Ille Co111 M..a CMc: Pleyl>ouM on IM 0. 1111Q41 County FllfgtOl>nd9 ~•llOf\1 1~·~ IS9 TH9 CAIT . ..lbbyB<.-..1 .. Mll'llll Bt9W•I., M on1met81 .... 1 .. Jonllhln 8t .... I., Of E1n1191n Elelne Ht111>91 Teeldy Ottklt< O'Hue Rev Hu- ll R1mot Mr Witherspoon OlllCtr Klein Mr Gibbs Robt>I Scnoonovet Helene 811gg1 P1t<•• e. ... 111gard Mett-laVlQne 84tnte>n P11ilen Judy B••begl•• Jack WolltflNc:h., AM>oy Ph1ll1p1 Butl Celleon Fl1c11do Leyva Puebla Fr anc11 Donnelly loul1 So111ano Oeo<o• Sc:hOO<lOv•• in 1966 and is the set:ond reprise show by that group in recent J.im es. the first being "Th e Women" in 1978. Its age is. indeed, part of its charm. It's a show that abounds, from top to bottom, with opportunities for creative co mi c characterization, most of which arf realized b y director Pati Tambellini's eager but uneven ensemble. The def1c1enc1es are primarily matters o f timing, which should sort themselves out with subsequent stagings. Bouquets are in order for Robbi Schoonover and Helene Briggs. who hav e "aged INTIRMIBSIDN , themselves up" \o l'llll<.'t tht• lethal 014 ladles who dl:tputch elderly gentlemen to thc>ir t.•tcrnal reward with u drop or clderbl•rry winl' Uoth brlnH ttw1r roles into Cull bloom with subtle bits of s tage bus1nc118 thut omplify their dotty chorocwrs. Pierre Bcaur<'gard as th<•ar drama crit ic nephew who uncovers their plot(s), expends enormo us energy in a largely artificial inte rpretauon . H is f1ancee, underplayed by Judy Barbaglia, becomes a lmost lost In the s huffle, while J ack Willenbacher makes a "bully" brother Teddy, even though a weakened voice keeps htm from putting much thunder into his upstairs cavaJry charge. For pure, unadultera ted evil. Matthew LaVignc's black sheep brother is right on targe t , a m ixture of Raymond Massey (of the movie) and John Carradine, though no reference is made to w hom h e n•semblcs . Benson Patlian makes an excellent foal as his sidek ick, Dr. Einstein, and Randy Phillips gives a robust performance as the addle pattc'<i. playwriting l'Op. Others doing justice to minor roles are Burt Carlson, Ricardo Levya-Puebla, Frands Donnelly, Lou is S p a rtano and George Schoonover. Carlson's preacher is JUSl as described, someone who could m ake the m arr iage ceremony sound pedestrian. "Arsenic and Old Lace" still has a good deaJ of mileage left an it , and the Costa Mesa production captures much of its romic flavor P er f o rman ces co nt in u e T hursdays through Saturdays at 8:30 until Oct. 16 at the Civic Pluyhou:.t· on ttw Orunt(t' County Jo'uil6(11Junuioc ' * BRINGING lJP tlll'1r "urwln11 1''11duy will ht• on 11duh rom<'Cly, "Tlw Mind Wlth th<' Dirty Man." ut thl' lrvlnc (;()rnmunhy Thtc'attt1· um! ti fomlly muKjc•ul. "Cnmelot." 1wdurmNl by the Ne wport Bt•ut•h Porks, Bt>Ol'ht's and ltt'('n.'utlon Department. J.P. RdchdderCt•r Is dltt>CUng lrvme'ti "Dirty Man'' with Bob Ryan sturrang as u 11mall town movw ct•nsor and Norm Cobb playing his son , u producer of pornographic pictures. Sandra l luntcr and Kalla Maher also are featured. with Wil Thompson, Carol A1bright and Gail Brannon t-omple tmg the cast. P erCormances will be given Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. through Oct 23 at the Turtle Rock Community Park aud1torum, on Sl1nnyh1ll 'Rond off Turtle Roel\ Drivt• 1n lrv1n(•. Tickets are available at the door with information given at 557-7297. "Camelot " will spend i ts opening wet•kend in the Newport Harbor J ligh School a uditorium, 600 Irvine Avt•., Newport Beach, then move tCI Lint•oln School at 310 I Pacific View Drive, Corona d~I Mar. for three more wet.•kt.•nds. Curtain timcs an• 7:30 F'ridays a nd Saturdays. I :30 Sundays, with ticket information available al 640·2<!7 l. * CALLBOARD -Auditions for "T he Solid Gold Cadillac" will be held tonight at 7:30 by the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds ... d1r('('tor Pata Tambellini will be seeking eight men and n i n e women for the comedy. which opens Nov I 1 Private lives _to-go public BEVERLY HILLS (AP) - Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, a famous couple through two marriages and divorces, are going to fall in and out of love again -but this time onstage in their first theater duet. Taylor and Burton, whose romance whi l e filming "Cl eopatra" in 1963 and subsequent marriage caused a sen sat ion , will begin Noel Cowa rd's venerable drawing- room comedy, ''Private Lives." on May 5, 1983 at the Lunt- Fontanne Theater in New York City. 1 They bo h said one of the attractions or the play, which concerns a divorced couple who rekindle their r omance when they m eet by c h a nce while honeymooning with new spouses, was that it has similarities to their own lives. "You two should play 'Private Lives.' I think I wrote it for you ," Burton said the late playwright once told him. Asked the inevitable -does this mean the actors, both of ) whom have announced this year they pla n to divorce their current spouses. w ere g e tting bac k together again in reaJ hfe -Miss Taylor, who has been married seven times to six husbands including tw ice to Burton, demurred. "We've alread y done tha t once. Burton, Taylor plan stage "reunion." No. I don't think so," she said. Burton. who said he was fully rec'Overect from back surgery that knocked h im out of a national run of the play. "Camelot," last year, said appearing in the role Coward created in 1930 opposite Gertrude Lawrence would be ·•a fascinating challenge. I've only played light comedy once in my life. on Broadway ... " Burton began. before Taylor interrupted. "I thought you did it in real life," she quipped. Burton, a word-mastt:r in his own right who has had three wives in four marriages, kept the tone of the news conference Ught when he threw a spousal dart as Taylor extolled his acting talent. "I think he's one of the finest ... "she began . "O NE o f the f in est?! " he intcrrupt1..'<i. " ... actors, certainly. of this century," she continued with a flash of the famous violet eyes. Although they have teamed on tclevLS1on a nd in films. this will be their first pairing onstage except for a 1964 poetry reading. Burton was asked how he fell about working for his former Wife "Well. I've always wanted to be a kept man," he said. LUXURY THEATRES ltt lwt llbli11tt Slltw i•u OHLY $2Jjj U..lmOthefWiw lllttd Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Mondav. September 27, 1982 1 HS llOVll RATINGS FOR MRINTS AND YOUNG PIOPl.I Ii. .................. ..... ---... .,.,.,,..,,., "" ... ,........,.. ..., , •• ,..,bf""'"..,......,. ~ '"' 4Wll Ai;Mlltl .. ~ ~"4AJJll-•• ~L 1:1 m ""° ® rn Ms nr i;uvl flit SlH OI '"l "'Ot>()oo 1'11..•Ullt cooc or sut MlOUl.MION Support the March of Dimes _ _.._,,_llGCl9MI ...... <lp "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" Jellt~ L'f'(lnt WCIS RN:llO • and VM)( 1\1 EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT •9ARQAIN MATIN•••• "1onday thru S1turdar All Pertorm1nce1 before 5:00 PM (Ea~ lpeclll fllll""*"" IM Heldiyal "THI LAaT ~IUCAN ''"' ~ .=. ... "AN OFFICIR AND A QINTI..aMAH" IN ----- .... ~=--1::,,:AU.•41111 -----·- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAik IN . ..,_ P\.0'11»: TMS WALL• 11'11 ·--------- "THE LAIT AlftRICAN V1flQtM" 1111 ------ "INCHON" !NI ----- "~It THE ~aatON"" ----- foc:11lly OI C:OlldllwOOCI 211/Hl•tllO "TEWEIT" !NI ---- "CLOCKWORK ~"1111 -----.- ...... _._ •• _ ........ tJI ___ .. _ IMPOllTAH MOTICl' CltllOIH• lfftOU! 12 fll((! .....,_..._ ... ""'rt1.1:ii•lll.la.11*. .. N c..il.,... -.. <NI -• ~ ll'UllOI ,, "°All Diii -W'10 -llQ;U.IGlll - -· lllllTlllU 1•1U c..il -.... All -- ...... ~, .... ANAHEIM DRIVE IN '-'"°"' ti Ol ~-II --~__;·~,..-'-·-·-'°~~~ ...... ~~~co....;,....;,._ .. _tollllO..;....~~- "CLOQtWOM ~ 1111 t. TMS 099M COtemCTIOlt •M. TIMD ";;Al''H" 11'1 &. NT• 0# l'UllY flt &. TMS UIC AIATOll 1111 c-1 .. _ c-. .. ~ ll ·~· ........ .. IT'S A MIRACLE THAT, WILL LEAVE YOU F!l!UNG 10 F!ET TALL" -"-• 11'41M MtlltON VIEJO NIWPORT BEACH Edwards \/1e10 Twro. (dw111ds Newpon Cmema 830 6990 644 0760 WESTMINSYER Edward!> Cinema Wes1 891 3935 "11 • ...... t ACCOHD •011 Tlflt lllOMIUHllOI S 113Gi44•111ll6l61~2sss 1~~y ) s BUENA PARK 0111v1 1H ... .u UAMo-990 •017 COITAllOA ldWll'ds HJtOat 1•ft U•UOI CQfAllCH £...,,..,. SM• Co.t•• ,...,, ~·· 7111 I~ ,,, . ·' NOW PLAYING Ill-····"'~., ~·~ ._, ... , .. ll&QI ff'a;l'dt.....,..tl'IQ't~C""ff"I , .. 0)11 "''"' ........ '#~-,.._..., ~)I OM~ ~·-&ell (ftMf'\$.,.,;rf'llC.. ... ' ... t!tt• --~ 6J6 7~1) DMllll( ~t),,, •• nu no ,_, ..... l .ICC1"10'0-'•l l•W•:#l) I If"' • I 'I I fl ~ ... ,, " ll'ltlllCll ~·· U-¥40r··~­~7J >O•, WllT•lllttU ll)1111Md-(~'1Wt\I •• , )011\ • Ptt"vtnt..cj '" 001--1 * FOR Ft.KU EXCITEffiEnT l V1s1t Our... * ARCADE of GAMES• ~~S..'!'~·.· ~'H1i""/f1111 m IJ1lO Z:JO 4 :30 1 :30 1:30 Ii 10:20 70MM I .,. .,. ._: r ,... I ..... ' . ... .. . .. . .. l:JO 3:30 5:JO 7:30 9:30 -,,-~!-T-f'i-1#._"r._'! __ AM llYVI LLE 0 : ATltlOCIMONT MICM II THE PQ&;ESSION _"_0~~·..:.t-=\:...4•:...:'i""~o:...;:t'-'2_0_-.-=111=-1:JO 3:30 5:30 7:JO 9:JO 9.0CIC1iORK AN OFFJCER AIK..C. Cl AND A CJ 2:154:40 1:10 t:n ~ CiiOWJl4;12J 63~ 942~/~-=-> '10/tJ I f..,.. rn FEXTRA· (}} [J;33 •I. TERRESTRIAL 11SO ;t1H 1:40 7 ·4S 9:SO I 1JO 3140 1110 1.00 I O:I o hi 70mm/NO "'8u•1 111;1rl1Ueei+.i§6 l6S9 8770/~~) SUl'tl C _ _,.~!Mt .. lfo'fl)\jt(CWIOOo00r~lotWort"°'tooi. uu••"" ou ... , f A !r Tlllfr! IJDI AHtlOCIMO.T MICM • "'u• Zap d t "l THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN r:"I AIH lllowlnt LaJ Ulll• D1rt1n1• C"l Drl111-ln1 0 !*1 7115 WeMtnlfhu/7:00 W"ktndt * ChlWrtn Ut1dtr12 Fret Unltn Meted Fa shion 0 & A Every Sunday in ill I J4 A I A .. I LINCOLN OlllVI IN ltf'tCOM A•e .... ot ln.oH I 121-4070 11t.llltll1"I ~~~~ Soft 0199<1 ,...., el llooU"'"' (l o) I t62·2 ... I CHlf II SOU110 -..... PLO'f'D:TMSWALL"tlll -.occvr ... -"f'A9T ~AT MlllllOMT ....... "" C.1111- ............ lA HABRA Pll:~t ·~ ...., . ..,." ............... ... 11MUI - lo .. ·~ • ' ORANG E 0~1\it I ... -~· "9'°"lll DM jlll ... 1" ...... flll . . .... M l~S ION (llllVI ,,.. . ,.. . -"llMADU" .. I C•ll- .. " ....... ... ...... c ... ... 6'4-9361 111c11m1 i •ta.• Anttht•lm comml•rclal loam ''un\cr of SeOrUy PacUlc atlonal Bull comph:lrd f11~1ll'lllt( 111rn11t(1•1H•ntM fur Golden Oranae Drtldc11tlna Co .• u ,srtvntt•ly ht!ld tclev11lon 1t.allon r"'-'ttJ\tly hl't.'115l-d to op..>r1.1tt• on Channel 56 with lht• 1·ul!}•tlt!n1 KIXX.'. ', f:mulex C orp. o( S1111u1 A111.1 K.llld ll hlt..U wtth tht.1:2t>t·u1·itit•l> & ~:xdlal\t{l' Con 1mlsslon n rcgtster<'<i t1ta fJml·nt rt.'lut111g to u propost•d undcrwril\l'n pult)i • offrrmf( of 600,000 ishun"ll uf l'Ommo n ~to<.·k. t:ll'tll' prupostod 11( fol'ing will L'Onslsl of ~03.037 sh:~s tu bl• sold by the • l'Olllpany u nd 96,963 t1harc11 .bY ~selling shnrl•holdl•r , !·tJ'hc offt·rins.< is l'XJ>l'\'h'<l to ht• rnudt· 111 m id · Ot·t(\ber. L.M. Rolbc hlld, Unle rberg, Towbln and R obfrt1on. Colman, S tephe ns & Woodman will ro-ma~gc thl· offl'rtng . . ~ f b lorla Winslow huti bt!c n pmmuted to v 1ct.• pr~dent a n d general monoger of Interiors For LiVIDg, a design <.'t•ntl·r d1v1sion o f Ponde r osa H o~es, o nl' o( the Aetn a Life a nd Casualty Curnpan1cs. . J e rry L. Cobb h,1:> tx-cn promott'<i to dir('(.'to r o f pr<).gram developmt•nl and marketing for M cl)onne ll Dou glas Astronautics Company, H uhtington Beach, a div1s1on o f M c Donnell Douglas Corporation Ame ric an M edi-Dent Inc. o f Anahc.·im has opt•t..ed its ntnlh L'l'lltt'f, a fanltty m Santa Ana that will oHer dl•nt1slry st•rv1ccs as well as orthodontics. The comp a ny operates dental <.•en ters under the name Anwrican Dt.•n tdl Cent ers. It plans t.o open a 10th center in January in Cust.<1 M esa. lrvinc-·bast•d Dive r s Hie d P r o p erties, Inc. repot"ls funJrng of $1 5 million o f Diversified Investors' Fund X. a limited p a rtnership with the firrn acting as thc:> genera l partner. Tht.' fund tncludl'S 30 invcstor/hm1tcd partners p art.k1pat111g rn the.· purc hase o f Pear Tree Apartments. a 91 unrt apartment comple x in M esa. Ariz. W est.cap Equ1t1~ Company of San Francisco pun:hased the 52,000·sq ·ft. &nk o r America buil - ding at 13006 E Philadelph ia in Whittier Crom W hi ltier Proper lies Consideration for tht• properly, whic h wiU be u sed for investment purposes, was $2.3 millio n . Alan P e kar c lk of the N ewport Beach office of B u siness Prope rties Brokerage Comr.any repre- sented the buyer, while the George E kin s Co. re- presented the selle r . :-cambridge Capita l Group of Santa Ana named Geo.tgc Hova nec. formC'rly a v1c.-e preside nt of Re- pubjlc Ho mt• Loan, sales manage r o l L:ambndg e's coruillmer finanC'l' d1v 1s1on , and Carol Woodward, forriier exet:uttvl' vrcc president o f The Gilsand Com}>any. divis io n manager of Cambridge Funding, a di\lision of Cambridgl' Capital G ro up. ~ booklC'l u n lht• "11.182 TaX' F.quity ant'! Fiscal Res~nsibility Al'l (TEFRA)" is availa ble from Fox •O'l'NtON WINILOW COH • & Company, publk at'\.'OUnlml( firm A co~y can bt• ublulrwcl b y wrlttnl( t o the Newvort &•nd\ otrll'\' 11l 4000 M ol·A 1•thur Bouk- vard, Suite 400, or b y calhnK 851-1088. Jim S. Nun, consul g unl•rul of t'unudu, will discuss "Ame r ica 's l-'rt•mll•r TruditlK Partner" ot ll mt"eting ot the World Trade Cen ter Anoclat loo of OraDJCe County M onday nt 11:30 a.m. a t lhL· R<.14111!· try Ho te l, lrvint·. f or ln formution. n 1ll M0-9180, ext. 240. Seven ty·onc California companit•s will JC}ln exhibitors fro m 27 s tatt..>S, Canada and W~·~t Gt•r · many in demonstruung materials. cum_ponents and tehnolog1es at thc:> Wescern D esign Engineer ing Show at the Conventio n Center, Anuhl•1m, Oct 5 7 A t the same time, 21 C allfornlu tlcidgn <>ng1. n eers w ill be among mort• than 100 speakers ad- dressing a concurrent confore n c.-e, ~nsorl'<i by thl' Americ an Socle&y or Mecbanlcal Engineers. Thl' Illumin ating Englnl'e rlng Soc iety w ill present lighting d esign a wards Oct 6 a t the Sudd leback Inn. Santa Ana. The Edwin F. Guth M emorial Award of fvtcrll will be presented to two mcmben1 o f the scx:it•ty, Dennis W. Jonei;, Sr. a nd Eugene Lee. Donald A. Boyoton of Mission Viejo has been promoted to senior aL't.'OUnl m a nu"er for the main o ffice of Title Insurance and Trust . Concilio service g~ts Fluor grant Mt.IC HOTICl Ml.IC HOflCC NtllC NCHICC Plait NOJltl NOTICI O' tflUlfH'I U L.I ''' tNM NOUCI OI l"UITll'I IAl..I NOTICI Of TitUITll'I H U LMll ... .-1.u NOTICI O' t"Ulfll'I I AU T I O·Jt T I ........ TI ... ........ No -· YOU AN ... OUAU\-f U-.0 " 'D 11rRV1Cr COMPANY .. .,.,,., IUJLI" YOU A"l IN DI,.~, UHOl" A A 0110 0, TftUll , OA TIO lllflUlnltO ,,.,, .... unOt• "" GP f8t..fl0W •rnvict. INC .. 0110 01' '"u" OAJID MAY •• J...UUY "· .... UNllll YOU h>1ICJWlt\' CltM.llb<tCI Offd Of "'"' O;tly f{1f1Cllfilll.I frnlt .. und1t1 t1111 tMO UNl..111 YOU TAKI ACTION TAKI ACTION TD .. AO TI CT WIH 6 I.I Af JIUULIG AUCTION h1llC1wlllll (IHCllll•il llffd (If 111111 TO '"0TICT YOU" .... o ... ""'· YOUlll "'0""""· IT MAY •• TO Hff HIQH[lf 8100(111 fOR Will IHl Al PUOUC AIJ{;llON rr MAV H IOLO AT A ..UILIC IOLD AT A ..UIUC IAU Ir vou CAiii ll••y•hi. •I l•mt ol .... tn 10 fHr IOCHirll UIODCH P.OM I 4 I. I 1 F V 0 U NI I 0 AN HllO AN 111,1.AHATIOH M THI 1 .... ru1 mon.y Of Ille Unllecl 81al•I CAIH (llayalllt 11 11me ol HHI In l•,l.ANATIOH °' THI NATUllf NATUlll 0' THI ,llOCllOINO •• •tQt•I ltllt tncl "11tf .. I c;onV41)ttlO lawtvl money ot '"" Unn.O 11111 .. , 0, TH• .... oc1•01NO AQAINIT AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULO IQ •nd "°""' l\tld by II uno.r Mid lllt1tehl, ltllt tt111l 1t1l•1ea11.onveyecl YOU. YOU IHOUl.O CONTACT A CONTACT A LAWYI". Ot11d o f Tflal 1n lht 111011.,ty 10 11110 now 1\lllct llY 11 unchor Hid 1.AW'fl" On 0"110t• 10 t9U ti I I 00 1..,t11•alt• dacrltlecl 0 .. 11 ot l•u•l '" lh• 111op•rty 011 01.IUIJM• ll' 1U"1 "' t I 10 em t1Hr 1fflVICf"J, IN(. U•lluly I Hu. I 0 R 0 AR 8 AR A lltf•o••lltt dtttlllllHJ ""' Ill Vl Hl y JA( KtlON .. Cluly tllPOllllMd , , ull•• Yttll•• •nd 11UMlll1A[Ylt, llfl 1mmt1ri.GwQm4'1I rnutHOll MOllV u uunrn. • 0111101nt•cJ t•utlee under •nc.r P11••1;1111 1ci Ckt9d u• .T•u•' ""-1111Hd •"a U o NA Lo ED w t N widow µurau1o1111 tu 0.Wd 01 I 1ut1 l~Urdt<I rtb1ua1y )!> IY¥ I 11' "''' NO llUMPWll Yb, Ill I tt~e f!lln IHI N ll IC. I A II y 6 l cu n 11 y M•1 13 11180 .. in•H No 2494 I, 29 110. "' llook IJll:.11 "''II" uoo. ••HlllT "A . PACIFIC llNANC..l l:Ol~P boo.. 13111> pego tit>!I ot Olllctul ol Olllc.1111 lle<.ordt 111 llltt 01111.11 ul MA flT It A J Fl, f (NE H , 1 Rec:Ofded M•r 22. 1118 I u Intl• lfotof!l1, ••N:ulnll by I olemtth M lht Cou111y Heco•tl•• ol 0••••1111 m•• lltd wom1n u '"' HP••.r• No 31230 In tl04k 1'4010. P•O• 81& Ah(jl, ill Ul1ft1Mllllltl WOn11111, • Cwnly. Calll(lllllt, WILi SEll Al prupelly .. 10 11n undivided 6~"4 of OfllCllll Rtc:ordl In 1111 01111.tt Of lllJtlOt, ln lho t1ll1tu t>I Ill• CoufllY PUBLIC AU CTION 10 1110H£!>1 1n1erHI & LON A f'I f'£NER & lht 1WG.01d1r ol Ort!lgll Courlly. t Ru<,c1rd11 Ill Or11111111 Gounty, 81111,oJ BIOOLR r OA C.AGll CASHIER S MAR lllA J Fl fl'NfR. nu1band & Hid dHd of 11u11dHGrtbH1111 C1lll01tlll, Wiil Sfll A'f PUBLIC CHLCK OR CtAll~ICO l:HtCK w1l1uT1n111ta1ncornmo11u101n toltowlng proptfly , AUCTION TO H1014CST BIOOCA (poyabla hi lime ol ule '" 11wtv1 unellvlll•d 2&•1. 1n1e1ett & LON A Loi fO •llt.I tho Southw11101ly I OR CASl1 (p11yebl•11 llm• ol Hit money of ""' Un111d S111lt11111l 111" flfSNfA TtutlfHt under lho WIN ol 10 ()9 fffl OI LOI Ill, In B\oot. Ill. 111 lawful mon•y Of th• Uni Itel 11001 Onltlnto 10 tho OICI O"ngt MIL 01'1£0 J HEtNEA, OKtlMd T1101 No 772, 111 th• City of 810lHI 111 111• meln antr11nc;e ol County Cou11houu, loc:alod on 0~1011 J1n1;11y II 111~8. H 10 •n NIWOO•I (\Mc.Ii. County 01 Orang•. (.;1lllo1n11 CHllH, rnc;orporattd. s. n I. A" II BI v d ti 0 I we. n ul\CIM<lto 10% 1n1., .. 1 St•tt ol Ctlllornl• •• Q•t mep loc111d 11 11011 S 8Hch Blvd , Syc:11mo111 &111111 and Bro1Clw1y l'lt1<.0f(J1CI July 11, 1881 H 111111 1t1,.t1tlltc.l In 800k 13, P~H 6 Ind II An1ht1m. (.;111tofnla 92804, all right, Sonia An11 Clllllornlll, Rll t1ghl, lllkl NO 14$88 111 l>OC>ll 14 1 4~ p1gt Ml~••~• Mapa, 111 H1a olllu e1r title alld inlo•etl conveyed 10 end tml 1nt4tl11'1I w11vor.td 10 1ln4 now 11;> t ul 011ic;1111 Record• In 0141 olllce lht County R1c;o1d1" o t U ld now ntlll l>y 11 undltl' Hid OooO ot h<tlel by 111111()1,11 a11<1 Df,.1(1 or T1utl QI lht Rec;or<le• 01 Orange Coullly Covnty CJ<CEPflNG THrRrfAOM flull In Ill• PIOPlllY 1111uelecl I(\ Hid In lh11 PIOll'l•ly llluUltl<I ... U1d HIO <l••d 01 l•Ull CIHCflbH th• the S0Ulhw11t1.,ly II 00 r..1 OI 1.01 Cwntr lfid Siila dtKrl!Md II Couoly 11oc.I S1a111 lltt•C.11l>t0 11• f0110w1ng prOpt•ly 1& PARCCI I lOI J U ul ,,,.., Nci 11()7 111 lilt lOI 2 OI Bloc;~ 30 of tilt Fifi! YOU AllE IN OCFAULf UNO(A A llnll 3!.J IU tllOwn und dehnMJ Cny o1 N11wpo11 Oeec.n Cou111y 01 Addll>On 10 N-1)()(1 Htlghll. It!>« OEEO OF TRUSt OATEO MAY 14, 011 lhll c.•11•111 c.ondom1mum plan Orange, Sr•tt of C1111011111 •• 1>41• mep 1tc0tOtd In Book 4 P11Qt 9'I o1 198 I UNLESS YOU TAKE .AC I ION •a .. ott.lfld Ju111 n lfl78 In uook map rec;orc.111<11n Uoot. 28 P1get :>& M1aotllaneout Mll>t In lhe oll~ ol TOPROfECTY0URPROPER1Y If 1'/1'H 1>111111 1745 ul Oll1,1al 103GolM1"4llleoooue M"'~ 1n ll\f lh1Coun1~Rec;ordelol N1d county MAY OC SOLO AT A PUBLIC SAlr A"c.011U u l U"'"Y" County olllc;e of lh<! Counly Re<:ordt• ol YOU Ai.I IN Df!,AUl.TUNOlll A 1r YOU Nreo AN fXPLANA TION Cl\ltlCl•n111 Hid County DllD Of' TllUIT DA TEO JULY 1S, 0 ~ THE. NAI UIH OF lllf PAJILfl I TrullO• o• 11Gotd owna1 1111.UNUllYOUTAICf ACTH* PROClEOINO A0AINS1 YOU YOU An 1111dlv1<1•11J 11441fi lllllflll In HAROLD NEWMAN and GAil TO PROTECT VOU" ,110~1 .. TY, SHOULD CONTAl:I .A lAWYC ll ·•tt•I lo kit 7 01 lrtll-1 Nu IOt'\7 1tt NrWMAN hu1bond and wile H IT MAY If IOLD AT A .. UI LIC The lllHI l dd•MI ol the obo~•" -hllWll "" " "'"''' ""·"''''"' Ill ™"'" 1oin1 ttna111• • A L IE . I , y 0 u N f ~ 0 A H 330 Walnut S11oe1, Newport UNCll 4 7 n &J • Q 11 • 4 8 I u 6 0 O I Th• 111eu1 llddru> dnd ottu11 EX .. LANATION 0, THIE NATU"IE CA M1a1 "II""""''" Mn11• ll111.111t1a o l 1.otr1tT10n dn110111111on. 11 any ol ll>e 0, THI P"OCEEDINO AOAINIT ( II .... , ... , •1111• .... 01 I (lllllliCJll '"•'Ill" c lrillll'( ( nlllUllltM lllQl'llll., , •• 1 prop•tly OOtCf•Oud obovo .. voy.L YOU IHOULO CONTACT A cJe11gn1111011 •• a1111w11 1111uv11 "" w11h 1111 "'''"'"""""''' 111111t1u11 pu1p011ft<I 1ei lib 820 V11 LlcJo No1C1 LAwTlll. • weuunty 111 01v1111 "" 10 •II """'''"'ll II"""'"'"' tu11du111111111111 Ntiwpo11 B•otlt C.A fll.'0(;3 S04 Weatmonsrer, Newport <;omplellon O• t.OlllMlllllH I """' 111 ll11u11u1t'l'•I· '"''"''V" Th• ullllO•llQhlld TIUll8«' Be8Cll Celtlorn11926e3 Tilt b11nt1ll"•'Y und•• 101d U.Od "" nl1ul ""'"""' 011tla111u ""Y ltat>1llly lor eny ·(II e tlrottl oddreas or common ol Trull, hy ro11011 ul • 1l1e11'11 u• I ,, n111t11u ll1t•tt•ho111 1111 ml 1111 111t<111fl(t11oa~ ol 1110 111ot11 odelreH de11gna11on •• lhOw'1 above no dtlaull 111 1111 ob11g1111011I 1e<.u11d 11u111~ •11111111111• "''"""'' 1111111_,. nr111 Ollltt• 1.0111rr1011 du"Qn1rnon ti weuenly 11 given aa lo 111 1he1eby, h11111oloH1 4•0Cu11111 and 1rn I 111111 1111• "Uhl• 111111 ott•" • ""Y ahowfl 1tn1111n c.omp1111uneu 01 corroclf1011s1' dellvuod 10 the und•••lunuo • llytlrm 111111111 ~11111111111 tt• tJfllow 11 91111 \111• will blt 1111100 bur The benoft<:lory unde! Nld Deed wrllten Oe<;ler11110'1 ol O.loull •11d 1lnpl1t ul 'oOO '""' 1ir111"' ""' p11tv11 wtlhllul <.Ov1m1rn1 or wo1rno1y 01 fruit b~ reason ol a broach or Demand 101 Solo, 0110 w1111on 111111c;o ul """' ""'"''"1h11v11 C1•nc11b.,(I 1t•11rt1n '" 11npllod •UQllfdlnQ 11lle dtlaull In lhe obllg•hOOll aecuro<I ot breach enCI ol erection 10 cauao w1111011I 11111 1111111 ul •url11<.t11111l1y 01 pOUllUton 01 ent11mbrance1 10 tho•eby, llO•elolore OKKuled and the unde111gntHJ 1(1 11111 anld '"""'""ti "' 1111• dt1•c.I lrcim 0111111 11•r ltle unp1t1d balonc• ot Ille 11011 dtllve•od 10 lho undor11gneel a properly 10 aa111ly Silld nu11uo11on1 111111 N •i r I II w u o <I •• I• m 1 111 d M'(ured by said Oeod ol l rutl lo· wr111en Ooc;larauon of Default enel end lherea11., lhll 1111de1a11111od 11~rl11m•l111; 111(.ut1lml Januorv 1:> w11 $380 134 72 1'1Clu01ng os Ottmend tor Sola and wrlllon nollc;e caused a111d nollc• ol 1>1w11(,1t und of 1U711 •n botJk 1;,>111111. pago 3113 of lifOv1ded 1n said note 1<1vancoa 11 ol breech and ot olecmon 10 c;euH elec;lton to be reco•ded Jun• t!. Oll1tt41I H11t11•ll• 1111y under the 1e1rn• ol Hid Oe6d lho 11nd1111oned 10 aell tlld 1982 n 1nsl• No 8:1 204188 91 r•All<.I I 'I 0 1 l•usl lees c.harge~. end ptoperty to Hlllly Hod obllg111ona. Olllclal Aeeorda A11 "" ""'"" l"'~"m~111 lo• O•i>enses 01 Iha T1u11ee and ol ll>O end lhe1tolltt th• undet11gneel Said 11111 w111 bo meo11 out 11-•ktnu a1111 '""'"'I.I pv•pOIM.'~ o~e• hu•ts 1.1ea1eo by sa•d Deed ol cau1td Hod not.c;o ol broach and ol wilhoul coven•nl 01 o wor1an1y, 1h111 p<111to11 ol IUI 1 01 ~o•d111c.1 No lrusl ! ee1ec11on 10 be 1ecoreltd Apfll 6 express or 1mplllld, 1oge1d1ng 1tll• 10137 H shei"'" on (~/lib•• A 10 ..UW. ~ltc.•11 y under H•d Deed 1982 H 1nt1r NO 82·117919 or posseu1on. or •ncumb111nct• 10 lh(I Ot!c.1011111on ol Re5H•cttons lo• 01 Trutl 11e•elolore e•ec;uled 1nd said OlllClll Rocords pey lhe 1em11n1ng p11nc•pa11um 01 the S11,.ng1 Co11domin1um deltve•ed 10 the unde•s•gned 1 Sale! sale will ba maoe l>ul the nole secu•td by n•O OMd ol •ec.o•ded Ap111 21 1918 1n boo!< "'""en e>ec1a1a1ton 01 Oelaull and without co•on1n1 01 w&Henly The Concilio of Oran~e Coun ty has rcc.-eaved a Trusl wilh 1nte•etl H 111 aa•d no•• 12<io page 8:>0 or 01tic1eJ RllCGtO• Oemand tor Sele and e w1111en eAPfHll ()( 1mplted reg1td1ng 1111e d prov1CI0<1. adven<:e•. II 1ny undtr and re re<o•C111d May 3 1978 1n Nolw;e or Del&ull end Clec11on lo OOSHS11on or 1nc;..mb11nc111 to g r ant fro m the Fluor o un a l1on lo provide the IOfm• or H•d Deed or ''"" 1:100 .. 12600 P•ll• 578 or 0111e1e1 Sett The une1ets1Qned uuSO<I se•d pay the rema1111ng 1><1n<:1p111um of training and technical assis tance to fwc member 1ee11 cn11oes ind ••oenM• 01 11141 Roc;o•ds 01 Oronge i..ounfy Nollc;e or Oeleull ano E1ec11on 10 11\e no1et1J MCU•tld by said Deed of · Tru"oe end ol the llliSl$ c;realtd by Celllorn1a (her01n;il1er relened to as ~I to Ile roc0<dtld •n lhe county Trutt, w11h 1ntlfHI 11 In said note agen cies. tald Oee<J ol trull Seid Hie wtll be Oecl1tllion· IS carport IP-No -0 11\0 roal propelly ti IOCllod provided ld•llflCOS 11 any unOet T h e program wall involve an eight-week course held on Thurs<lay Oc1obef 21. 11182 353 S11d eesemenr 11 rurrr.., TITLE SERVICES. INC. 11>e 111m1 01 u1<1 o..o ol Tru11 to u pgrade the management and economic 11 2 oo pm at the Ch1pm1n dehneel tnCI d1t1G111>e<1 •n Arttctes 11 TrwtM tee1. e111rge1 and ••IWl"MS 01 rne Aven.,. •n111nce 10 1ne C1v1e Cent• and 111 or lhe Oec;11re11on 50I 811110 Monie• Blvd. Ho. 40I Trull .. ano 01 111411ru111 etUled by deve lopment o f those agenciC'S. 8 u1ld1no 300 East Chapmen PARCEL' Sanl1 Monica, CA 9CM01 Hid Oeeo o1 Trull Agencies selected for par1icipat1on a rc: A11e11 .... 1n the Cny 01 011nge • A no" ucrus .. e 111uemen1 '°' (213) "3-3711 Seid 111• w•ll oe nerd on -F riendly Center. Inc .• o r Orange. Al the 11m11 ol lhe '"''''' 111greH eQ•IJSS u.e11noen1oymen1 Ol•n•F•l•l,Vlce Prff. Thurldly October28 1982el200 pubhce11on of thts nouc;e the 10111 Ill the common 1ttPa des1Qn111e<1'" 0111e Sop1em1>e1 17 1982 p m al the Cnepmen Avenue -Chican o Pintos. Inc., of Garden Grove. amount of tile unpaid balanceol lhe 1111 Oeci.1a11on said eos1men1 Publtsheo Orange Co811 Dally entrence 10 Ille C1v1c Cenler -Cen te r f o r Employment Traini ng 1n obhgallon &ecu•od by mo above t>o•no 111r111e1 011111100 and dosc:rtl>ed P1101 Sept :17 oc1 4 11 1982 8ulld1ng 300 E1S1 Chapmen Anahe im. ___ _,..11J1.a.c.111ad. o.1ed. of lluSI end 1n A111G1es 11 ano 111 o r the <1278·82 Avenue 111 the Clly of Orange. esllm•lod costs. e•penset. and Oocraratton Celtlorn11 -Gary Community Center in La H abra . advances 11 $!>0 .786 74 1 o The s11u1 itOd•en ii"" 01rie• PUBLIC NOTICC At the ••m• 01 the 1n111at -Nueva Esno,ran za, Inc .. of San ta Ana. deletmine lh• opening blel, you m•y common d!Wgnatoon. 11 eny, of the pubhcatoon 01 lh•s not1Ce. lhe 10111 ..-cell (7141 937-09611 reel p1oper1y d111c11bed aDove 11 140TICE OF COMPLETION 1mounl ot 11>11 unp81d balance Ol lhe The progr a m will <.•over board training, Ollo<I Sepl"'1be• 1s. 1982 pu1ported 10 bit 353 St•Nmwood. Mffe Coneolld1IM , obllga11on secured by lhe above operation s, planning a n d fund raising . R ich ard IP EICllOW ll,.YICE, INC. Irvine. Celllornla • Water Ol•lrlc:t 1 desc,.bed deed ot 11ust ano J · · d f h C ·1· h ' h • l y T.D. Senolct Company. Agent The unde•s•oned Trusl(l.a 1965 Plac:enlr. A¥•. es11m1ted cosu. uponsu. and acques IS execu tive tr<X.'lOr O l e onc1 10, w IC &htf•n ~ •• AHi. 1ec:.. oiscloims ant 11eb1tlly ror any Coat• Meu , C1utornle t2127 advances 11 '42679 oo serves t h e His panic community . one Cltr llvd .. Wfft, 1ncorrecllnesa ot the meet aCIClress Mesa Conao11011ee1 W•••• ro oe1e1m1ne the open1ng 1>1d oranoe. CA t2ttl •nd orher common C1es19na1•on, II 01s1r1c1 , En91neer1ng 01v1s1011 you may call (71 411137.0966"°'' ' f (714) U542tl 1r1y. snown 11ere1n NorlhtSoulh FeeOe• Phese 111, •o&re Sep1emt>er 20. 1982 a···,regon needs to die vers1· y Publlshed 011n11e COHI 01lly Seid sale wlll be made but SIS Blulls parallel to Nowpo11 TO SERVICE COMPANY Pil01, Sept 27 Oct 4 11' 11182 w1lhou1 covenant or warranty Beecl> Boundaf)', Easl oiong 19lh cu ul<I tru11IM, 4 192·82 llkpreas O• 1mphod, •eoe•dlng 1tlle, Sheet 10 Plac;en1u1 Avenue. IJellrey By T O SERVICE CO ------------potHH•On o• •ncumbr&nllt$. 10 Rtnn&. conl•cl pe11onJ (71<11 agenr :; PlllllC NOTICE pey Iha rem1Jnrng pr1ncipal sum of 631·1200 Sy Ltnd1 Pttez. Sta. lie d econ Omy Won 't p e rk Ufl 11'] h Q USJ•ng does c--..,,.,. 1"-nole(ll MCurtd b)' lald Oee<I of PtOjO.CI dHcllpllon OI Netu•e AHISlanl Sec;retatY . .. .. .....,,. f•ull w1111 lnlertll !hereon, •• Pv•POM end BeneltcJ••• One Cny BIVd WMt, ·~ T.I . Ho. 11523 O<OV•Otld In 111d nole(I). advances Con11ruetl0!\ ol 7600 llnear leet ol Orenge Cll1I 92668 T b J'lb S • M i 9 8 d 25 2 NOTICE Of' TflUITUI' IALIE ti •"Y un<lef Ille terms ol H i<I Deed 3 0 · 1 n ch <11 em• I• r w • t t • (7 141 &3!>-8288 e•A.. rls lian c ae nce OD tor p e r c en t f r o m th e 1 1 this weakness by ippmg to l . on 0c:100tt 5. 11182 11 11 oo • m 01 Trust reu charges •nd 11tnsm1uH>n pipeline 10 1mp1ove Pubhshad Orengo c0111 Daily Newt Ser vice comparable quarter's avera g e o f in June, s howing 5.5 p e rce nt FIRST AMERIC AN TITLE expensesol111tT1us1ee1ndolllle llrellowandreducewalet!>'Hlu•ep,I01.Sep127 Oct 4 11 111&2 PE> RT L AND 0 A 185 Th b. . { f I fa m 'N s u RAN c E c 0 Mp AN y .• hull• CltOltO by Hid Oeed ol drops m•tnly on ll>e M>OlllWHtern 4278-82 : • re· -· e com mauon O a very ewer peop e o n n o n r California corporattOtl H Tru11 ... Trull to• the •mount reasonably p111 of U>e 0t111ic1 The p•oiec;l will ------------natiqJlal rccover y from recession s haken consumer. 1 l liquid payrolls than m June 198 l. °' suoceuor Trus1ee 0t &it>tmuted eatornaLO'J 10 be $20.•78 15 alJoJ.llQw _. m0tL.A11tc•ftll u.se oJ f1U8Ut NOllC£--may~ be starting, but 1l m ean s b u sin ess bala n ce s h eets, and Seasonally adjusted wage and TrustM. of 1h11 cer1a1n O.eo or Thi t>enelt<:tary undo• P•d Deed ... 111• 1upp11es O·s111C1·w•de thus ------------ !. J · h f 0 · h ' h · IJ I I d Trull executed Illy STEVEN A ol Trull 11e1e101ore o•ecuted an<I 1>e1>er111ng lhe er111re 01sott1 IU"IE"IOll COU"T OF Ille· to l e counties o regon remaining 1g interest ra tes w 1 sa ary e mp oymenl poste a n SCOTT. en unmimed men •nd deltve•ed 10 1,,, undersigned 8 C11y of Coste Mesa Counlr of CALW~A d on\fnated by the )umber and keep spendin g growth al sJuggash Unbro k e n Strang Of declines Stnl'E' MARILYN J MARKS an unmltritd WTtlltn Oecler11ton ol Oelaull anel Or11nge 1965 Placenua AYlnue COUNTY Of' ORANGE w--J products rndustrit•s The levels. Dr. K elly predicts. I as l J anua r y The s t ale• s woman •• 101111 lenanlt end oem1nd lo• Sile •nd a w1111ton Costa Meta Calolornt• 92627 In the .._lttt of the Appllcatlon UVSJ rKordtd Oclobttr 22 1980 H 111 Notice ol Oolaull anel Elec1ton 10 Review PeflOCI Septtmber 23 ol MONllCA HEIDI LUE"AI For s tat'i's economy t·dn best b e "A m.icroscopic recovery IS not unemploymen t rate dropped a 1nstrumen1 No 33.u3 1n Book Seit Thi unoe••IQnoCI caused setd 1982 -Oc101>er 21 . t982 Ch.,,99 of N-. descPlbed as "stalled " pod n ew s for Oregon." he iiays. notch m June to a flat 11 perceni. 13800. PllQ• ll06 of OlllCl&l Rec:orda No11ce 01 Oefeull ano Erecuon 10 Oiied Sep1em1>e• 23 t982 No. A·11512S .,.M -ause this st.ate has lmle The Portland m e tro p o litan ''Th is small o f a decr ease may of Olange County. c1111orn11. and Sell 10 1>e 1ecorded 111 11te c.ounty Ka11 Kemp 011101" TO SHOW CAUIE J::leC pyrsuant 10 lhll CMtaln Nolice ot wnere tile roar p•operty 11 1oc11eo Geneia1 M1n11Qer '°" CHAHGE Of NAME conl:iol over natio n a l h o u s ing a rea may bene fit shghtly Crom mean nothing a t a ll or merely Oelaun 111eu1under rtc:OfdOd Ap11t o11e Sep1emoe1 9 1982 Published O••nge Coett Oe•ly The lll>Qllc11t0n ot MONIKA HEIDI mari,;0 ts and lumber and wood that the number o f discouraged 22 1982 11 ln11tument No Beverly Jftcllson Pilot Sei>I 27 tnd Ocl 4. 11 11182 LUERAS for ch1nge of namo hlllll'IQ ~ ...1.. 82· 1311232, or Olli<01a1 Recor<11 01 es lltd T1usre11 •236-82 oeen 11100 tn Couf1. ano '' IPPtlflflQ proqocts e mployment, we must workers has risen ." Dr. K e lly u1c1 county. w111 under end ev &.vet•y Jac111on ------------11om Hid 1Pl>lteal10n 11101 MONIKA u se -O'tis time to d eal with the "A microscopic says. purauan110 111d0ee001Tru11ae11 8oas Be&<:hB•vd PU8UCNOTICE HEIDI LUERAS h11111ed an Pa ri;of our des l inb tha t is Thro ugh the early s umme r . 11 public auc11on 101 cat11.11wlul An•he1m,CA9280• ------------app11c11t0np1opo11ng 111&1hlfna,,,. ~ recovery iS DOI good money ·of Illa Untltd Stein ol Tel (71 41 ~95-3222 be ChlnQld to MONIKA HEIOI contl".>llable," urges r . K evin most Ore gon e mpl oyment Amar1e1, 1 cat111er1 check pey1br. Pu1>1tihod oiange c 0861 01,ry FICTmoua au11NE&s scon Kell~. manager o ( the econ omics new"' for Oregon " cate aories r e p o rted inc r eased to uld Trus1eo drawn on• al•l• °' P1101 Sep1 20 21 0c1 •. 1982 NAME STATEMENT Now, 1110,.lo••. 11 •• hereby 7-"' • • ' e> C nallonal benk, a sttte or federal 4139·82 The •ollowlng persons are doing ordered 1nel direc1ed thet err dep~lm e nt and senior vi ·e hiring. Amo ng manu acturing croou union. or 11111, or ltdar•I bus1noss&S oe•son•ln1eres1eo1n•aidmi1tetdO p re ~id e nl of the holding sectors. lumber a nd w ood uvlngs end 10111 euoc1a11on PUBUC NOTICE PACIFIC COAST appear oetore 1h11 court in ·, · · g u er u c h s · g d t d f d r ·ng dornieiled In this 11111. 11111e mem HELICOPTERStPAC1r1c COASt Oeper1men1 3 on the 3•d day or comp;m y . risin con s m p r a In pro UC s an °0 p OCCSSI •nlflnCe lo FlrSI Amerlc•n Tiii• '9CTITIOUI IUllNIEll AVIATION 19300 Ike JOnH Rd November, 1982 •• 1030 o·c;roc;Jo Htl contends tl 1s lim e for power, but the unemployment accounted for most o{ the gain. insurance Company toc:a1ec1 a1 "" NAME ITATIEMENT S1<11e Ana. Ca 92707 em ot N t<l day 10 anow ceuw wn~ Oregbn to take a long-term look levels throughouk~e rest of the But the modest increase still le ft Ea1 F1hhStrMI 1ntl14lc11y olSen1e T1141 lollowlng peoons .,. OOlllQ CARY DAVID MENOES. 18511UCh1POlieet1on lo•changoot neme at it,; economy and make those state will keep ac tivity d e pressed the state with 19,000 fewer Ana Cahlornll 111 •h•l r19hl 1'118 bu•m•ts •• Tahtl• D• Coal• Men Ce 112626 thould not be g•anlecl .,. end lnllfesl con....,.o IO anel now THE MILK PALACE 840 w This bu51netS ti condU<.ltKI by 811 ll 1111Hlll8f ordottld lhll. c;opy OI chanjes n eeded to diversify jobs until interest rates move d own manufacturing e mployees than held by 11 uncle• 111C1 OMd or T1u11 191h s1 co111 Meu CA 1121121 1ne1rvldua1 th1a Ord•• 10 Show C•ueo I>• and J nco me. According to US and h ousing starts move up. he in 1981. 1n the property s11u11ec1 1n 111d JEFF E MacOONALO 11388 C1ryO Mendes pu1>11shOCltnll>OO•engeCoe11Da11v • ( d I _ _. 5 County and S1e1e dt1e111>1d N St Pt1011t W•v Cypress CA 90830 This slalomtnl wos hied With the Piiot. a newspaper or gene11I B an~orp 's Ore gon Business igures. New h ousing starts ec in._-u 1 Loi 38 or Trect No 9312. .. LYNNE w MacOONALO County c1e1r. o• 0.ange Coun1y on clfcu•ation pnn1eo 1n 111d county Bar°"1eter, a quarterly econo m ic June numbers s h owed more percent from M ay l o June, snown on a M~ •ecoreled 1n 800k 11388 St Pte1r• W•r Cypress CA Sf'Pl 23 1982 1 ••••l once eec:h "'"k for lour f edfs ed b Or K II • O · II d t t 1 1 91 1 000 f th 410, p1gH I to 3 1nc11111ve. ~ F1M1IO ..,_..ve week• j)(I()( 10 the d.y ol or • l prepar y . e y s regon1ans on p ayro s an o a 1ng o n y • or e Mlect ll•n•ou• Maps ,.co•d• 01 Th•• ovsiness 11 cond•<led l>y '"' Pubhshed orange CoHt Delly 14 hN•tng depa?tment. any recovery will be fe w e r residents out o f work . but m o nth. A continuing fal l in 0<angeCoun1y c1111orn1a n0iv1<1ue1 PrlOl Sep1 27.0ct 4, 1125.1982 0.1t<11t10s23•Cldayof5eptembet weak:; the t o tals were far short of interest rates should prove a ste p EJic:.pllng 1'-tt•om 111 °'' ga1. Jell E M11eOonelO 4263•82 1982 Tl)\. Barometer in dex ( 1979 normal seasonal levels . The an •he right direction for the min••••• and olht1 hyd•oc;.,l>on Tnis tretemenr was hied with •tie °''°'IC NOTICE ''"11 Domenldtlnl ,.. • subslancee lying below 1 deplh 01 County Cletk ol O•tfl98 County on ____ r_UV\. _______ JINfet of Mid lvPtfiCH Cow1 equalll 100) rose to 188.9 m this sta t e's wage a n d salary state's ailing w ood produc ts 600 teel trom Iha 1urtace ol 11ld S9P••mtllf 1 111112 Ko1122 ....,,1.ielltt,feq. Yeari. second quarter. up 2.1 employment index d emonstrated industry. 1«><1. tMJl wtlhoul 11141 right o1 '"1'Y '1""' FICTITIOUS BUllNEI• "-ornc.. of 11-,._.,. =--~~----~----~----~-~----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~upon •ny porlle>n ol ~· IU'~'' Publlallad Orange CoeSI Oa~y N~EITATEMENT 1~W.l~IL~d'L 11>0ve • depth ol 600 Itel lo llkt. P1101 Sepl 6. 13, 20. 27. 1982 T LM AflOt't•, CA I0017 The University o f Southern California Colle ge of Continuing Education Is pleased to present ••HO\N TO START A COMMUNITY BANK'' A one-day s eminar covering the atep-by-atep proceaa of eatabllahlng an Independent local bank. Sch eduled for: Saturday, October 2 9 am to 4 pm Davidson Conference Center USC Campus Saturday. October 9 9 am to 4 pm The Newporter Inn Newport Beach, CA Pane ll•t• Inc lude: John R. Stuteville, Ph.0 Terry S. Utterback Professor of Mart<etlng President California State University Terry S. Utterback & Long Beach Aasoclates Eric Ezra Vice President. Investments Drexel, Burnham Lambert, Inc Gary S. Gertz Audit Partnor Peet. Marwick. Mitchell & Co. Fee: JustJn P. Wheatley. President Economics. Inc. Kenneth A. Zlskln, J.O. O>hen & Zlskln Attorneys at Lew $180 (lncludea seminar materlala, refreahmenta, and luncH) For more lnfor m •tlon, o r to enroll: 0•11 Carmen Herrle et (213) 743·1410. I Plltl.IC NOTICE market, mine. okplort or Clrlll tor 3879-82 he lollow•ng PtllOlll are dOtnQ Publl1heel Or•n"• Co111 01llv buSln&Sl U .. _ • I ITATf.MtNT 0' AI ANOOHMafT 0, UH 0, '9CTITIOUl l UllHEllNAME The following pe,.on ha• abendontd tt1t uae or Iha hc;.ltllou• butlnHI name· THE MILK PALACE, 840 W 191h SI., Co111 MtlO, CA 112627. The Flcllllout 8utlnt11 Name referred lo above wu flied In 011noe Counly on Sepl•mber 2, 1980 GERALD JAMES HARUKI, 14881 WH lllll, Tullln, CA 112680 Thia bullntll wae conducltd by an lnGlvidual. Oeralel J Haru111 Thia 1111tmen1 wn filed with lht County Clefk ol Orenoe Counly on swne. 11 rtstfvtd ln O..da from C NOTICE PAYLESS SHOE SOURCE No P~ol, ~I 27. OCt 4, It, 18, 1882 Virginia Fllpptn Klnelel, record•CI ____ ML __ I _______ 2351. 222 1 Harbo• blvd . Co•l• 4271-82 Hovemblf 11. 11178 In Book 119111. FICTITIOUI IUllNESI Mesa. Celltornll 112627 page 1919 and In BOOk 119111, page NAME ITATIEMIENT llOlume Shoe Co•g a MllSOU•I 1920, l>Olh OI OlllClll RteOfdl The 11, .. , adelrus 01 other The lotlowlng pertont are do•ng corporllion. 3231 E in. PO Bo.>. I(. 1a> common Clestaneuon 01 1110 bu11neu 11 11811. Topeka. Kan 66601 '9CTIOUI IUllNIEll roperly 11 purpoitt<I 10 be 3i, PENNY TV APPLIANCES. 1245 lhll bualrtl!SI 111 coneluctod by 1 NAME ITATIEMIENT Glenn. lrvlne. CA 112714 W Lincoln, An1he1m. Ca 92805 corpo1111on The !ollowlng pet"SOns ara do4ng C~AU MINH HOANG. 9 tO E Volume Shot Corp t>u11neu 111 Seid aare will be mede wtlnour 181h San11 Ano Co 92704 Mary Eody, AllP TRAW. lTO 22952 Aieeldt Ortve, covenanl or w1rr1nty, e.preas 0• HUNG CHI ll 11732 PuryOAr Thll Slattmenl wes llleO with tile Sullt 1<10. La9un1 Hlllt. Ca 92853 lmplltd. " to 1111•· pot1t1slon °• LN, Gorden Giove, C1. 928•0 County Clerll ol Orange County SU"T TCOR INT'L, 1 Cahle1rnt1 ancumb11~ to 11111'Y Ille unpaid Thll bullnets 11 conoucatd by • Ft97442 c;orporallon. 22952 Alc1ld11 Orlvt. belance due on Ille nole or nolH p o c IKUrtd by MICI Ottd of Trust, 10 hm11o<1 p.,.lne<.tllp ubhsheel r1nge out Deily Sulle 140, Laguna H11l1, Ca 926$3. wll 139.ll:l<l,:IO, plul Ille lottowln" CHAU MINH HOANG P1lo1. Sept 27, Ocl ~. II, 18, 1982 AUTOMATED INSURANCE • Thll 1t1l•n11tnl wllt llled with Ille •272-82 AGENCY, I C1tltornla tlmltael tsllmateel cott1, uptn1t1 1ne1 County C141rk ol O•t"9fl Co\1'11y on ------------p1r1ne11h1p, 22952 Arc.Id• Orlvt , ICIYllnCff 11 1ne llme of Iha lnlt111 l NOT CE publieallOn ol lhll Nolle• of Sale AUO"tl 31, 1982 Nll C I Suite 1<10 Legun• HIUt, Ca 92853 '1M"9 ------------Thia bullnest le conducttcl by a PUBLIC NOTICE 117.sos.27 Pu1>ll1hael Orengt Coaal Oally LfQA.L NOTICl oenoral Plfll"llltthlp ,,... NOTICE TO ""~"TY OWNI" P•IOt "-1 27 Ocl 4, I 1 ti, NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN lh•I suncoR INT'l I VDU AU IN Ol,AUl. T '*°'" A ..,... r 11 11 I I d Publlahtd Orange Co111 01Uy D l ID O, T 11 U IT, 0 AT I O 1982 lht o owing tmt o oun or Cllll0tnl1 'Oil> 8fl)tem.,.r 1. 1987 l>llol. Sepr 8. 13. 20. 27, 1902 1.,...1 ... 11 ... ., 1....,.,. UNLlll 4258-82 Hved property IMtve been held by JAMES RISKAS, Pr...o.nt 317e..82 .... • .. .. .... ..... ------------the Pollet 0t9arlment o• Ille City ol Thll '"'"""'' Wit liltd With IN vou Tu1 •cTIOM To ,..oncT Dl-1c NOTICE ,.. __ , •• r 1oc1, 1-----------.-iwou• , .. O,. .. TV, IT MAY ., n-. ........... e or. pt( n tXCCIU Counry Clt<ll ol O.enge Collnry on • " ------------ol nlnltY l901 d•Y'I Seolembtl 14 tH2 IOt.D Al A "*-IC I AL.I. •YOU rlCTiftoUI IUSINIEll Olrl's OrHn 10 Spd Schwinn fltf1 ... =~= ::~::41t'==o= NAMI ITATHllENT 8lcyclt, Boy'• Blue 1 Spd Sch1o1rln PubllthtCI Orenge COHI D•••r AQAIN.T Vou'.l...V:OU IHOU'O The lollOwtflO pattoM 1118 d0tng 81C)'de, Glrl't Ofenge 10 Spd K· PllOt Sept 27 Oct 4, '1, 18, 1982 CONTACT A LA'""'· .. OI> l=~~YWYNE PROPERTIES ~.:~~~~.:oy~~;.ec1Pu1r~.:p:o 4213.a2 O•ttd. &ac>lembtf 2 1982 II .• Llr'nlttd pt rlntllllip, 1023 e. Spd Ot1nd P1111 AM• 8~11. eov-1 P\a.IC NOTICE ,.,., A_.... Tltlt 171h St . No 102. S1nl• Ant CA f'td/Bli;o 3 SPd SHll Blc_ycl• ...__ C-..nf, • 9270 I 8oy't 81Ut 10 Spd Blcyclt, 80}' a '1CTITIOUI IUSINlll C........ -pontlofl MERRILL A MOLTZ JR An Bleck 1 Spel Schwinn RICtt NAllll ITA~NT 0... ~-AllttloflHd 0me.t ln<llYldu1I. 0031 ~ Hills Rd • BICycif. 8oy 1 Rid 1 $pd Mutrly TM lollowlf\il OtftOl\t Me Cloit'9 11' I . "'"' ... Anllltlm CA 92I07 8iqcte. Boy. 8lut 1 SP<' ltl•nott ~ .. a.i.te Me,CA ll102 THE R!O 8AICK !\OAO 91c;yClt. W1ycllea Wrltt WatCtl, M f'f1'GUSONI HAHHM'.AL f?M) 1114111 BUILDING COMPANY,. C111torn11 MOl>tcl HOl\d• Eapr .... 8oy• Blue ESTATE. 3000 w CO..t HIQ/'!'<¥1y, Publl•'*9 01•1\Qt Co•t• Cotti corpor111on, General Perin«. 1823 10 soo 111ogun 81cyctt, Boy'a Newporl &tlKll. CA 1"93 OCMly P•IO'-Slpl 13. 20, 21. 1902 f 11th St NO 102. Santa An• CA $Gl'\Wlnn 81CyCIO •nO • Ca non H E NI( I l T T A MA "I I 4020-U 82701 Cuner1 ll1d Ltnt 11.EfllOU.SON, 309$2 Ctnltfl>Ufy St., Follow your team in the • Tl'\a "•Cl Ille.. fllOU NOTICE IS f:U"THEA OIV N lh•t Laguna Hlovtl, CA •H71 lu1ldtng Co It no owner 1pl)tere •nd ~vtt n1t LOUii OLINN HAMN. 11 Merrlll A Motu , Jr ownerehlp ol lht p•o1>.,IY wllllll'I l tontln(lton. Lt11wn1 8Hcn. CA Pr•• u v•n (71 Cl•Y• fottowfng Iha :iHSl l111t et•ttll'llflt wH llllMI Wiii'\ 11\a publ1C1t1on of 1h11 Hollee, thl tltlt Thl1 llwllMel fl oondUGleC! by • C011nty Cr.lie ot Or•110• Covnly on thereto 1h1U vt1l In lh• llrldtt If ;ient!'ll p1rlntrlNP Stpllml>tr I, 1912 lllflt 1>41 ont, or !fl 11141 Clly or Ootll Henrietta M ~trQIBOn "1111M MMll, In whlotl QIN lht Pfoptrl, 11111 tl8ltmenl -flied With the Pu1>Uth1C1 Or•ng• Counw Delly •h•ll 0t toad 11 P\lbllC awctron 1t • County Cltr., of Oflf!Qt COllftly on Pllol Sept e. 13 20. 21. 1912 nme tlld e1111loti.11\nounctd t.ti111mbtf I, IN2. 3931 et OATIO Stpltrnbtr 14, IH:Z ,._ ~------------1 "I NITH 'ublllfled Oflnge Co111 0111, Cttltl Of "°'Q Piiot $te>t I 13, 20, ,.-, , ttU to pleoa your meu•o• PUl>lltlle«I OrtllQ• COHI 0111~ ., .. 2 ' ~IM Piiot. ~ n 1N2 rMdlflt PUbltc, 41$'42 ~ c.....~::. .. ,. ~no wftll you want tn o.lly "'°' c ......... Ortnge Co11t OAIL y PILOT /M s J • How's this for a go~d answer: money. Read our newspaper. and --cash in on advertised vcilues. discount coupons, food news and consumer reports that can save you money every single week. We also save you time. Which is important for busy women managing a home. children and many other responsibilities . In the market for fun? We cover weekend enter- tainment and special events around town . TV and movies . Recreation', sports, hobf>ies. a whole package of interesting news and features to give you a lift! Whenever you have the time. So if you've been feeling a little shopworn lately, get some help. Get the paper . . What's In It tor you? The answer appears on every page of 642-4321 • ond1y, September 27, t982 , __, • ~ Jj I WE . DON'T MIND BRAGGING! WE HAVE ' SOM.ETHING YOU'RE GOING TO LI E! ·If you're in business, . profit ·is the · name of your game. Increased sales. Black ink. . . . . . Impressive sales result when there is a demand for your product or service . A logical, effective advertt~ing campaign can create! that demand -if exposed to the "' I { ... ~ ---.j ·· right -audience. -/> Every advertising message is affected by its environment. The editorial climate surrounding an ad influences who will read your message and how it is accepted. ·i Readers of the Pilot's new monthly business section -Business Outlook -are what marketers refer to as upscale. Business Conscious. Higher Target demographics. All of which is to say -they have MORE MONEY TO SPEND OR .INVEST on your products or service. Doesn't it make sense to expose your business message where you'll receive results -in Business Outlook COMING· OCTOBER 3. • J • • • '1f you're ln bu.siness, yOu .shoUld be in Business Outlook. • I t llllJNll MONDAY, SEPT. 27, 1882 ClASSlfllD C4 Angels hope to wrap· up title • ID KC __ Magic number reduced to four, despite loss to Texas The Angels' ~4! ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) -The Angels made several mistakes in a 7 -~ 108S to the Texas Rangers, but Texas Manager Darrell Johnson doesn't think they should be too concerned. game, strUung out eight, walking one and giving up only five hits. "I doubt if I've ever seen it before -four runs on four pitches and only one hit. They gave us a "I don't think they need to be sharper. It looks like they are well on their way to a pennant. When they do make mistakes, their hitters c.an take care of On TV tonight it.'' Johnson said Sunday. The Angels maintained a 3~-game lead in the Channel 5 at 5:30 American League West, with only six games'-------------------- remaining, despite the loss. With a magic number of little break. We took advantage of it. I'll say that," four, they can wrap up the division title with two Johnson said .. wins in a three-game series that begins tonight in Forsch. hit leadoff batter George Wright with Kansas City against the second-place Royals.· the first pitch of the game, then Billy Sample laid Angel pitcher Ken Forsch, 1.$-11, gave up four down a bunt between the mound and first base, runs on his first four pitches Sunday and the hoping to sacrifice Wright to second. Rangers took a 6-0 lead after three innings. "l sh ould have had him at second, but I Doug DeCinces and Fred Lynn hit solo homers · dropped the ball. Then I tried to make up for it and and Reggie Jackson had a two-run blast off Texas' get the runner at first, but I threw It away," Forsch Charlie Hough, 16-12, but the rally fell 'short. said. Hough, a .knuc~leballer, pitched his 12th complete The ball went down the right-field line, allowing Wright to score and Sample to race to third. Hls third pitch of the game hll John Grubb, and Larry Parrish hit his fourth offering Into the center-field stands. "l just couldn't get m y feel on the ground. Before 1 knew It I had four runs against me," Forsch said. Forsch Ja,cited only 2~ Innings, hitting three batters and allowing the homer, two singles and a double. Texas padded Its lead to 6-0 In the third on Jim Sundberg's single, Pete O'Brien's double and Mike Richardt's single. The other Texas run came in the sixth when Wright 'ot his third straight single, moved up on Samples walk and scored on Lamar Johnson's pinch-hit single. Hough faced only 20 batters through six innings, only two over the minimum. Jackson got his two-run homer in the seventh and Bob Boone doubled In the eighth ahead of Rod Carew's RBI single. magic number: American League Weit Angela Royals W L Pct. GB 89 67 .571 85 70 .548 31/2 Sunday'• 1core1 Texas 7, Angel• 5 Oakland 5, Kansas City 4 Tonight'• game Ang•I• (John 13-12) at Kansas City (Blue 13-11), Channel 5 at 5:30 p.m. Game• remaining ANGELS (6) -HOME (3): Oct. 1, 2, 3, Texas. AWAY (3): Sept. 27, 28, 29, KC KANSAS CITY (7) -HOME (7): Sept. 27, 28, 29, Angele; Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3, Oakland. Strike talks make little progress HEMPSTEAD. N. Y. (AP) Players union leaders have differing opinions about whether management's lat.est guarantee of $1.6 billio n over a five-year period could help settle the National Football League strike. Jack Donlan. ~ negotiator for the NFL owners, said after a six-hour negotiating session Sunday that the Management Council had of!ered to di§~ '"in the form o( bonuses, 'the difference between $1.6 billion and the amount of money teams spend in salaries in the next five years. In return, the players union would dro p its wage-scale demand and return to the system of individually n e gotiated contracts. ~ ........... bJ Gery Mt-- The closely bunched field in the National Criterium Senior division race heads for a tum. "That sounds more Hke what we were talking about," said Gene Upshaw, president of the players union, who nevertheless said the meetings -the first since talks broke off Sept. 17 - were unfruitful. Bradley Cruises to .Criteriur,i victory ~ "The session ended just as it started," Upshaw said. ''There is no change in the owners' position in almost all the playe r s demands." Ed Garvey, the NFL Players Association's executive director. was une nthus iastic about Donlan 's proposal. By HOWARD t . HANDY oflMD...,ptaotSi.ff Jeff Bradley of Davenport, lowa, and a member of the U.S. National team, made a runaway of the National Criterium Championship senior men's bicycle race Sunday over a misty, wet course on Placentia Avenue in Costa Mesa. Bradley won the race by more than 35 seconds over teammate Ron Kiefel, taking command on the 10th lap and breaking away from the pack for good. The 25-lap, 50-mile points race was staged by the City of Costa Mesa with the Del Taco-Sprite group sponsoring Establish running game? Not Bruins ANN ARBOR, Mkh. (AP) - Standard football wisdom has it that you have to establish the running game before you can pus. It would seem, however, that someone neglected to pass this august information along to UCLA quarterback Tom Ramsey. UCLA was able to rush for a mere 41 yards Saturday In a non-conference game against Michigan, but Ramsey still managed to corn'pJete 22 of 36 puses for 311 yards and two tou chdowns to almost singlehandedly lead the Bruins from a 21 -0 deficit to a 31 -27 victory over the Wolverines. "We knew we had a good game plan and we knew if we executed it, we'd do well," R.armey said. "Teams have come beck from th.at deficit before so I WMD't worried." The victory left UCLA undefeated after three games and \he 12th-ranked Bruins are certain to move up in thia week's .college poll while No. 20 Mlchipn, 1-2, sink.I slowly over the horizon. the event in conjunction with the Harbor Boulevard of Cars in Costa Nesa. Bradley , riding for the 7-Eleven/F.astside Wheelman team that also included the second and third place finishers, revealed after the race that he was supposed to be helping a teammate, Torn Schuler, to win the race. ''I was supposed to work for Tom today but he didn't fee) so well," Bradley said. ''The race didn't go exactly the way I had planned it. I was going to hang back but I made it hard on myself. "I went out early in a solo effort and the wind was pretty strong. It is hard to stay in fron~ all alone~nder s uch conditions. more than halfway through. But he retained the lead. "Once I got out there by myself. they weren't going to catch me. I'm a road racer and this is more l.ike a road course than a criterium or points race. I think this played a big part in my winning today. "I didn't fall," Bradley explained. "I slipped on a few turns, especially at the bottom of the hill because it was kind of slippery out there. But I didn't fall." Bradley will be trying for a spot on the U .S. cycling team for the 1984 Olympic Games. He wW also double in speed skating in the winter games, if possible. He is a member of the U.S. national speed skating team. "It's essential ly a false guarantee," Garvey said. "We still don 't know where the money ls going to go and to suggest to an active player today that you're going to divide it up five years from today is ludicrous." "This type of weather was good for me, too. I don't like hot weather and that may have affected the California riders some.·· The public nddress announcer stated that Bradley had fallen at a polnt on the course away from the finish line a bttle In team racing such as that which developed in "the race Sunday. members CSee BRADLEY, Page C!) Garvey also suggested that the bonus money would be given to rook ies to keep them from signing contracts with the new United Stat.es Football League. Dodgers fading in stretch Giants confident after completing sweep in LA, 3-2 LOS ANGELES (AP) -The National League's traditionally wild West race heads into the stretch with a-new twist. The defending World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers are In front, but the upstart San Francisco Giants and Atlanta Braves lurk just one game behind. In past years, it was usually the Cincinnati Reds or Houston Astros challenging for the lead. The streaklng Giants set the s tage for a dramatic final week of the division race as they swept three garne1' from the slumping Dodgers over the weekend, including a taut 3-2 victory Sunday. The sweep, San Francisco's first at Dodger Stadium in 15 years, was a confidence-builder for the Giants. "We came here to win three games, and we were unsu~ful," said San Francl.sco reliever Al Holland. who came on In the sl)(th inning to preserve Sunday's victory for Fred Breining. 11-5. "I think we're in the driver's seat now because we att playing the best baseball In the major leagues. "I hope thia aeries took aomethlng out of the Dodgers." Holland got the flnal two outs In the sixth, after the Dodgers had cut the Giants' lead to 3-1 and had the bases loaded. He gave up another run in the seventh, but then held the lead \o ~td his fifth save. ·•We're playing every game like lt'a the last one,'' added Holland. who had pitched 16~ lnninp of hitleaa ball coml"I into the game., "I'll take a.a much work u I can ,et." Darrell Evans. whose two-run homer highlighted a three·run Clfth lnnlna for the Giants, a1IO f eela confident about the team. Natlonal League Weit W L Pct GB Dodgera 85 70 .548 Braves 84 71 .542 1 Giants 84 71 .542 1 DODGERS (7) -HOME (4): Sept. 37. 28, Cincinnati; Se:;>t. 29, 30, Atlanta. AWAY (3): Oct. 1, 2, 3, San Francisco. · ATLANTA (7) -AWAY (7): Sept. 27. 28. San Francisco: Sept. 29. 30. Docl9er•i Oct. 1, 2, 3, San Diego. San Franci.9co. which has won five straight and 10 of its last 12. Los Angeles. now m a five-game losing skid. got its runs on a run-producing single by Steve Garvey In the sixth and Dusty Baker's RBI groundout In the seventh. Although they're losing . the Dodgers apparently remain confident. "We're In a slump;· said Garvey, who ha! three singles In the loss. "It's nothing more· than that. You have two or three a year and this happena to be one of them." f "We're stlll In firat_plaoe: it'• th't simple," saidl Dodger Manaaer Tom Lasorda. • l'd rather Wi where we are than where they are." San Francisco Manaler Frank RoblNOn didn't;. take much ti~ to enjoy th~ sweep, saying, "We'V& aot to tum our attention to Atlanta now. -We can't let down, and I certaJnl).' don't think we wtll." "It wu difficult," Michigan Coech Bo Schembechler said. ·•we stopped their runnll'\I eme and checked their ~ht end (Paul S.rpnann) but big playa beat us and we're not accuetomed to Clvtnl ~ bi& playa. •'Hi (Remley) WM llef\UtJonal. lt wat the beat 1•m• by a guarterback a1ainat us In a IOl'I time.'' ............. ~c.........., Jeff Bradley won the tenior men'• divl1ion "I Mid cornina out of aprtn1 traJnlna I lhouaht this waa the beat Gl•nt dub l'd been on.'' aald Evans. who ripped a pitch by Burt Hooton, 3· 7, lnto 1 the lef\fillld aMta. "We've lutpt oomlnt h'Oll'I behind and now ll'I Uine for U1 to .,.. by tM othen." The Gian\I return home to play Atlanta in a two-pine set beslnnlna tonl1ht, then hoet Houston for two garnet beforw doeina out with a thn!e-aame eerta ~ w Doqen at c..ndMUck Paril. Thi bod..-are at home ap.bwt CinctftNU in a two-1ame aerlee openln1 tonl1ht, then hott Atlanta for a pelr before goll'\I to San Franclaco. .. in the U.S. National Criterlum bicycle race Sunday. Jack Clark ~ \he 1ame'a first run eerller in the fifth when he doubled home Joe Mor1an for ~ • ' ('I Or•nge Co11t DAIL V PILOl IMond1y, Septembor 21, 1982 Life without football: Fans try to adjust From AP dispa&cb"s Runnin~ bal•k Fran(.'<> 1 larris was Ci] c-heered wildly al Three R ivers c •• Stadium Sunday, JUsl as he's been on numerous other oc<:asions during his career with the Pittsburgh Steelers. But thl• fans were outside the s tadium this time, and Harris was cheered because he showed up at a giant tailgate party. "We have everything but football," said J ack Bogut, a KDKA radio p e r son ality who h a d suggested the party. "And let's just hope they're playing football next week." It was the first Sunday of the National Foo tball League players strike, the first interruption in an NFL schedule in 63 years I n o the r parts of the HA1uus nation fans tried to adapt to the football-less Sunday m various ways. About 20 more people than usual attended services at the Temple Baptist Church at Reno, Nev. But the Rev. J.R. Samons said the church had experienced similar increases for each of the 10 prl'vious wccks. "I wouldn't say there were any more here today because· of the strike," said Samons. "I would hope it's lx"Cause people want to hear the word of God·· Quote of the day · "Old and cold." -Ashby Harper of A 1 buqucrque. N . M .. a 65 -y ea r -old marathon swimmer, asked how he felt after swimming the English Channel. ~----------------------------------....... Baseball today On thl1 dolt< m OOll4·bull tn 11.17:! T ht An11.-l•' Nqhm Ryan t:hulkt-0 u p h .. 38J1d atrlk uu l of thl• •<' u:in t'lt.Mbll1hlng o nt.•w inujor h•uttul• rt_'<.'Ord ~ th • A°"ei. bt>at Botilton, ~ 4 In 11 lnning1. On thl1 dA.tte In 1U70: Thl• Pill IJurgh P lratt•a climax<•cJ tht• wild, thn•c•-tNun NoUonul Leugut• Eaii~ pt.•nnant rat't' by rwlllng down the divi1Jlon flog their flrat champ onHhlp In u tJ1'(:udc -with it 2-l victory over tht• Nt'W Yurk Mt>ts ut Thrt.•t• IU vc111 Swdium. · Today'll birthduy: Phllad lphla third bu1<-mun Mike Schmidt, the National Lt•aguc's Moat Valuable· Player In 1980 and 1981. 1s 33 A's apply more pressure on Royals Mike Heath's run-S<.'Orlngi.inglc Ii with two outs in -Ul:e eighth inning gave Oakland a 5-4 victory over K a n sas City S unday, furthe r damaging the Roynls' hopes in the American League West. Kansas Clly, which re mained 3 ~ games behind the Angels, blew a 4-0 lead in losing for the ninth time m Its last 10 games. Reliever Dao Quisenberry, a produN of Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College. was pinned with the d e f ea t D e nni s Marllnei and Tippy Martinel teamed on a six-hitter an Eddie Murray homered to l ead Baltim ore past Milwaukee, 5-2, closin8 the Brewers' gap to two gamt.'S in the Eastern Division ... Gary Gaet&i's 25th home run HUTH back the five-hit pitching of Bobby Castillo, as Minnesota edged Chk ago, 2-1 . . Jim Rice'1 two-out, run-S<.'Oring triple in the seventh inning helped Boston top New York. 5 -2 . . . Dave Stieb ou tpitche d Floyd Bannister and Buck Marllnei drove in two runs as Toronto knocked off Seattle, 6-2 . . . Jack Perconte capped a three-run se<:ond inning with a run-scoring double in Cleveland's 4-3 victory over Detroit. · Clampett takes first tour victory Bobby Clampett, clad nattily in n gray knickers, fired a 6-under-par 64 Sunday to capture the Southern Open golf tournament, his first PGA tour victory. Clampett. 22, in only his second full year Cards' number reduced despite toss on the tour, overtook third-round leader George . Burns al the 10th hole, then began a string of Ferguson Je~k1~s pitched sever:i-ILfour consecutJve birdies and won by two s trokes ~ll ball for e1gh~ mmngs to record his with a 72-hole total of 266, 14-under-par ... 277th car~r triumph and cap~ a_ e_atty Sheehan parred the final hale.._and..nip.~.._._ two-out, five-run ~utbur~t watn a . JoAnne Carner by a single shot in an LPG(\ two-run doub~e. leading Chicago to~ 6-1,VIctory tournament in Kent, Wash .... Gordon Brand over St. Loui~ Sl;lnday. The. Cardinals magic J' Jr. captured the Bob Hope British Classic in . r. for chnchmg the "6at\,Wla1-heegue East RicJ<mans worlh , England, while the amateur utle was reduced to lw? howev~r) as fhe New division was won by film star James Garner York Mets edged Ph1 lade!ph1~, 6 -4 . . . Gene Littler fired his fourth consecutive Mookie Wil~on s b~kea:i bat, sub-par round, a 2-under-par 70, to win the two-run p1nch-h1t single World Seniors lnvitationaJ at Charlotte, N.C. capped a three-run seventh- inni ng rally that lifted the Lendt captures Forum tennis title Me ts Joe P ittman singled home the tie-breaking run with one out in the ninth mmng as San Diego trimmed Atlanta, 3-2, snapping the Braves' two-game winning s tr ea k Larry JENKINS McWllliams fired a five- h1tter and J ason Thompson cracked a two-run home r as P lllsburgh blanked Montreal. 3-0. Mo ntreal, the defe nding Eastern Division champion, 1s on the verge of elimmation as any St Louts victory or Expos' de feat the remainder of the season will mathematically eliminate M.ontreal Eskimos. Lions post CFL victories Warren Moon passed for two Ci] touchdowns and the defending Grey c. t Cup champion Edmonton Es kimos scored a 36-17 Cana dian Football League victor y over the Calgary Stampeders Sunday. Because of the NFL players' strike that wiped out S unday's fuU slate of games, NBC-TV televised a CFL d ouble header ... In the other game. quarterback Roy Dewall passed and ran the Britis h Columbia Lions to a 46-14 rout over the Toron to Argonauts to up its re<.'Ord to 7-3 in the Western Division of the CFL. Chargers win -in fantasy football SAN DIEGO -An estimated 300 Ci] ram-soakc-d fans gathered outside San c. t Diego Jack Murphy Stadium Sunday to cheer a fantasy footbaJI g ame bPtween the Chargers a nd Los Angeles Raiders. The make-believe game was produced by KFMB Radio after the National FootbaU League players' strike forced the cancellation of Sunday's scheduled Chargers-Raiders game. In a true fantasy finish. the Chargers won 29-27 on a last-minute 93-yard field goal by Rolf Benirschke. T o p -seeded Ivan Lendl of • Czechoslovakia overcame a 3-0 deficit , in the first set to defeat seventh- seeded Kevin Curren of South Africa, 7-6, 7-5, 6-1 Sunday to win the singles tltle of the World Championship Tennis Forum Classic in Inglewood. The victory was worth $100.000 to Lend!, who has earned more than $1.2 milhon in 1982, whale Curren collected $32,000 for his second-place finis h Danny Sullivan outdueled Al Unser Jr. for the lead, then puUed away to an easy victory as Unser spun twice in a Can -Am race· a t Caesars Palace . . A team from Orange County broke a P ocono Raceway record to win the Camel GT Pocono 500 Grand Pnx. Danny Ongals of San ta A.rut end-'fed ~l~ of Newport Beach broke the road-course record by averaging 149.3 miles per hour over 501.2 miles in ·their lntel"500pe Racing Chevrolet Lola T -600. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ra tings a re: v v v v excelle nt; vvvworth watching; vv fair: v forget it. 6 5:30 p.m., Channel 5 V' V' v v BASEBALL: Angels at Kansas City Announcers: Bob Starr. Joe Buttitta and Ron Fairly. With the Angels' "magic number" reduced to four, Kansas City finds it.sell in a must-win sit~tion in the three-game series. In tonight's senes opener. Tommy John (13-12) opposes Vida Blue (13-11 ) The Angels beat Blue last week an Anaheim. RADIO Baseball -Angels at Kansas City. 5:30 p.m .. KMPC (710): Cincinnati at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m .. KABC (790). UC Irvine tops UCLA Rustlers finally lose Poloists stopped in tourney finals, 10-9 LOS ANGELES -UC lrvine converted seven of eight extra- man situations into goals a nd went on to defeat UCLA. 10-6, Sunday afternoon in water polo action in the Bruins' pool. J ohn Vargas had three goals and Diggie Riley and George Robertaon t.aUied a pair apiece as the Anteaters upped their overaJJ mark to 6-1 this season . Afte r faUing behind 1-0 after the end of the first period, UCJ went ahead to stay with four second- period goals. UCLA rallfed to come within one al 7-6. but the Anteaters pumped in the final three goab to win going awoy. UC tnlne 10, UCLA I UC trvtM O 4 3 ·3-10 UCLA I I 3 1-e UC trvln• t COtlng: VergH 4. Riiey 2, Ro!Mrtton 2. OOdton 1, J C1mpbelf f, P. Campbell 1 SAN LUIS OBISPO -Golden West's 34-game losing streak came to a halt Saturday night in the finals of the Cuesta water po lo tourname nt whe n the Rus tlers w ere nipped by West Valley CoUege, 10-9. It was onJy the second Golden West defeat in the last 105 games and it to<>k an overtime for West Valley to tum the trick, with the winning goaJ coming with just 15 seconds remaining. Golden West had qualified for the tourney finala with an 11-8 victory over Saddleback earlier. The Gauchos then l ost t h e third-place game to Long Beach City College. Blake Wilson gave OoJd6!n West a 9-8 lead ln the fir•t eeaslon of' the overtime In t he c hampionship gi~. But the 642-5678 Rustlers hurt themselves with 31 missed shots "We did a lot of things well, but we just didn't put it in the g oal." lame nted Coach Tom Hermstad. Named to the all-tournament team from Golden West were Brent Delvalle, Carl SaJyer and goalie Jim Ross. The Rustlers host Palomar Thursday at 3:30 in their next match. ~ W"I ''· StddletNICll 8 8 1ddlet>1Ck 1 2 3 1-• Oolden WMI 3 3 2 3-11 81ddl11>1ck ecQrlng: BowH 1. Huger 6. Sl!IIOVlch 2. \ ' Golden w .. 1 ecoflng· p.1v-. 1. S1iy.r 3. Lund t. Hiii 1, Or1u 1. 81ep/lenton 1. f . W"t Vthy 10, Qoldefl WHI t WHI V•llty 3 1 2 2 0 2 10 OOIO.n W••I 0 2 3 3 1 0-9 Golden WMI IOO(~. Otlvellt 2, Sal~ ~. Wilton t. ltlC)htnlOO I. N1dy' 3 I ~l •• L~ • Yo~rofessional ~ Florist Put a few words to work /or you A.aWT 2915 Red Hiii Avenue A·108 Costa Mesa• Stone Mill Business Park 641..0810 in the lally Piiat l Kt•i1h Vierra of Palo Aho lead s the field early in the roce in the U.S. National Criterium Cha mpionship • BRADLEY CRUISES TO WIN From Page C1 of various cycling groups tr y to get one rider out front and the others stay back to old off the pack, if pos.s1ble. Kiefel and Davis Phinney firushed second and third and arc also members of the 7-eleven team. -··we w e r e goi n g t o h elp Schuler originaUy but he didn't have f n y points und Jeff went out fr nt so we helped him. "W sat on the other riders and made them do the work (riding in front) then we w ould take over. Jeff did a hell of a job and I felt real good the final five laps," Kiefel said. Danny Franger of San Diego finished in fourth place a nd 'fhurlow Rogers of Van Nuys was fifth. "It's pretty tough going against such a strong team as they have." Franger said . "You can't work against them so y()u Just try lo sit there and work with them." Rogers feels the s trategy used by teams m b1cychng 1s good for the sport but says· "I hate 1t But why not use 1t 1f 1t 1s a benefit to you? "Sure, I have teammates but t~ are not of the caliber of this team. Each of t'hem can take turns attacking and we have to chase them down and that makes you pretty tired." The wet surface of the track didn't seem to affect the riders and there were no major spills during the race that saw a largt' crowd of spectators on hand for the main event on Sunday. Costa Mesa Mayor Arle ne Shafer was a t the start-finis h line both days. holding U(l ldp cards. ringing the bell for sprint laps and waving the checkerro flag to signify the end of each rac-e. Bradley finis hed with 45 points out of a possible 55 He failed to p:ck up any points in the first two s prints before learmg that he would move to the front in place of Schuler. e won every one ol the seven finol sprints incl1ading two for double points. A lap leader on sprint lap gets five points and on double point laps gets 10. Points are aJso awarded to sc.'<.'OnJ (3), third (2) and fourth (1) on eal·h of seven sprint laps and double Shakeup in With four r a nk ed t eams absorbing losses, although each was to a respected power. a re- shuffling of teams has occurred in t he Daily Ptlot's Urange County Top 10 prep fo11tball rankings behind leader Serv1te. which was idle Marina's No. 2 status fell to No 5 a fter 1ts 13-11 loss to Foothill, which moved up a notch into the vacancy left by Marina. Mater Del and Edison each dropped a notch to No. 6 and 7. repsectively after Jos..~ to out- of-Orange County powers Los A l tos a nd Banning, wh ile Mission Viejo 're ll a couple of pegs to 10th pla<.•e afll'r losing to Carson High of the Los Angeles section. This week's top a ttral'llons involving Daily Pilot area teams include Fo untain Valley a nd lrvine. Fountain Valley, 0-3 a fter a 13-12 loss to St. Paul. puts its s how up against. top-ra t ed Ser vile a l Cerritos College College football Thia WMk'a Schedule FMOA r s a•• Cl l Still Fullerto11 II Long 881Ch SI (Veter1n1 Stldlum). I') Oi<l•hOm• II Iowa SI Tutu 11 Kenaes E .. t Cerotlna 11 Miuourl Weatern Michigan 11 Bowling Green tn<111n1 St. ,1 Of eke D•llY Plklt Photo t>y CllMtff Sten enior's Me n's unday. • • • • \ that amount on the two double- pomt laps. Bradley ..(m1shed the 50-mile race an 2 ~l>urs, 01.55 minutes. This 1s a new dLStance for the Costa Mesa course for the senior men and set a track record. SENIOR M~lf·t OIYt~ (25 1999 -50 "' ... , 1 Jell Brldley (Devenport, towe), 45 poonts -2 01 55, 2 Ron Ktelet (Oen...,, Coto.I. 25. 3 01v1• Phinney (BoulOe<. Coto.). 13: 4 Oenny Fr•ng« (Sen Oleg<>), 13. 5 Thurlow Rogers 1V111 Nuy•I. 11, 6 Tom Re$I\ (Orange). 7; 7. J8fry Meyeta (North Hollywoodl, 3; 8. Kent Boatlel\ (Correla, N.M ), 3, 9. Tom Scnuter (Downers Grove:lll I. 1, 10 Keith Vierra (Pelo Allot. I, Rot>8f"1 Feeket (S1nll Batbatl), 12. Mike King 11111noi11 OC ratings Friday night, while Irvine takes its 3-0 record to the Santa Ana Bowl to duel No. 8 Saddleback. which also sports a 3-0 mark. Empire League strongboys I Espcran7..a (No. 3) and El Dorado r (No 9) square oH at Valencia High Friday m cl game which could decide the league title on the opening roul"ri of play Aside from t he ranking5, this week finds the Sea View League beginning w ith El T o ro at Newport Harbor Thursday. along • with Friday night duels pitting Corona del Mar vs. Estancia at Newport and Costa Mesa facing University at Irvine High . 0•111 Piiot Top 10 Of'1nge County high .c:hool lootblff Po.. Tnm. record TMI ._.... 1 Servlll (0·11 Founi.... Vell«r/ 2 Foothill (3·01 Vltll P1tlc 3 E..,_..11121 13-01 El Oor.Oo 4 El Moden1 13-01 S1n1• An1 !) M1tl<"t1 (2·11 le Ou1nt• 6 Mlle< Del (2· II Crespi 7 Edison (2·2) Idle 8 S.Odlel>ICk (3·01 lrvtne 9 El Oor1do (2· 1) tsperanu 10 M1SllO<I VIOIO 12· II lndiO CotorlCIO SI II Utlll. n IATIIROAY'I OAMH Central Mlehlgan at Eutern Mlehlgan, n Ml1mf. O. at Kent St WHt Oregon 1;t USC II CollMUm (1:30 pm,) Si n JON SI II Celllornl• Or-cioo SI, •t S11nl0td San Diego St 11 Wuhlngton utah St 11 Fran<> SI , n Wyoming II H1weU. n Nev1d1-lu Veg•• 11 Pecllic, n "°"'" UCLA •I Cotorldo New M•llk:O II Alt ForQ41 Ke11111 SI •I Arlzon• St • n Weber St. II l<llho ldll10 SI It MOOll SI Monll/11 II ~v.Ol·Reno lilinOlt S t 11 New Mexico St 8otM St II N0<1'*11 Artzona, n ~"'-· TCU 11 Arhnou. n Houtton It Saylor, n Tell81 It Ra. n Tex11 Tedi 11 Texu A&M. n N Texu St 11 SMU, n BYU et TeHl·El P110, n WM:hlll SI ti Wftl Te. .. St NW loultll-" Eul T•lll• SI . n r .... Southern II L- LoultllNI TKh II T•ut-Alllnglon n ....,.., tndl1111 11 MlchlQlll Notre O.me et Mlchf91n St llllf\Ola 11 Mlnnnot•. n flotldl St II Ohio 81 Wltcontlln II Putd\Ht Northwttl.,n •• Iowa Ball St 11 NortMrrl lllinols, n Western llllnots 11 Northern low1. n South N1t>rask1 II Auburn Kentuck)' at Clemson Navy 11 Duke LSU at Flo<l<l1 VMI 11 Furm1n Mleml, Fla. 11 loulavdle, n 0.0.gl• •I MISllMll)pl St G.org11 Tec11 11 Nonh C1rot1n1 McN .. M SI •1 NE lou1t11n1. 11 ClnelnMI• 11 Soulh Carolina, n Mtmpl\11 St II Soutllefn MIHllllPPI n Southern lll•noit II SW LOUillana. n Washington St II TeonntN TuS-11 Vanderbill, n North C.,Ollna SI •I VH'glnla Wik• Forest •I Vwgtnll Tech AlkenlU SI. 11 Alat>em1 EHi WMI Vlf'gtnle 11 Pitt Hlt'Vlfd II Army Temple 11 eo.ton College n l.allyellt II BliCkMI! 8oaton U. II COmell Colgtte 11 01r1mou1n Del-• 11 Lehigh Conneotleut et New Hemj)lhlr• COlumt>le II ~n lrown 11 Prlne*Ofl fl'UMc;huMlll 11 RllOO• ltl41ncl Wllltlm & Mtry II Rut~· Mll)li.nd 11 SyrKUM Holy CrOll 11 Ylle LINCOL llUClllY MM H•rlter 91Yfj.Ceat• ..... ..... JOHNSON &SON presents .. COLLI GI Pldi ......... USC over Or99on * Notfe Dome over Michigan State * Brigham Young over T•xat-11 Paso * Son'-eS.... ever Ca~- * UCLA ewr C1I•••• J • ~ . ' . " MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS Americ an League WESTERN DIVllfON W L Pel. QI Angele "'-1tn•·•~ (..;tli, C111,ago 89 67 ~71 8~ 10 ~411 3 ' 81 /J .. ~9 b'' s~.a"·" Oa".ind ft.hd~ 1~ 80 •84 13 • bb 89 416 22 b. !14 J~7 7• '>II 9 37• JO M·h~J••fl..-. 8,1111mt1•P Oo'!tton ~Hott C...lf"l\lt•lund N~w Ymlir. tororito EASTERN DIVISION 4;t ht •Kl u·~ a~ ro 7d Tb lh /8 75 80 12 BJ Sundar'• Scor .. 111.1~l"' l Angel• 5 L.levtll.1tt<J 4 Df'IHO•t J Eiu,1c111 ._, Ne..,.',,,.., I M01,r1t•o:,uto.1 2 l.hh. 190 I l:fdll1mu1t_0: S MlltA,H.1.._•'l' ~ o~n.1.ttnJ 5 Kdn*>a Cit, 4 r o• I'*·• b s~ •ttil~ .. Today'• Ca m .. 5\14 "·81 ~48 S06 IJ 494 ·~ 484 11 4b~ 20 Ange li tJtJhrt I' 1.._ lt I'\ lH'\J' <..•h I~'"' 11) II Cit• 11lff 1Pe1r" Q 1 .. 1tfld Stodd.;.US 3 H .t1 (.rutn90 tKOO ... md,I t 1 t JUO l<e•n t H 1 n Nt•11'1!> I (.Ullo. IH 9t t'tl 10 4 1 loll i:So.son l>enl'fhH• '1 Jt n O.t ... l.H1\J tl~•n9I fel t 1 l~t t!tl l8AdS (Sm11n;t.111 .. 4J " Orily qsme~ ~ httduteU Nallonal League WESTERN OllllS°ION Ooc:tgtrt A1hm1a Sa11 F ranc1,cu ~dn Oiel.Jfl Houston c.,, ... .,.ria1 W L 85 70 84 7 ' 84 71 79 77 14 81 51 98 EASTERN DIVISION S1 LOUIS Pn1t1td~tph1.:1 MOhHe..t 1>.1,.001gn ~ Ne"'° n,,.._ 90 66 84 11 83 12 81 74 6.11 81 61 93 Sunder·• Scotto s ... n r I ,lf1(1$C•J J Dodgen 2 NPw Yo1.._ 6 Pn~•aClelphta 4 P11tsburgh 3 "'4onltedl 0 San Diego 3 At1an1., <' Cnocago 6 SI Louis I Hou\to11 4 Cmcml\ttll 0 Pct a a ~48 5•2 542 503 477 I 1 368 26 S7 7 S42 S • SlS b 1 523 8 44, JI 400 2; Todey't Oemu1 t mcmn..l111So10 13 12~ at O'Odg•tt tRf."Vtt~ 17 10) n St L01.H:,, 1L itPo''" 8 JI ,H Monuf'al IGulhCkM>n 12 111 " P•t1'bvtgh cRn~(len 1t.1JJ •t New "°"" tHolm"n 1 11" Cn•ca90 1Man1 10 101 Al Pn•i~delpn11 IBtslrom 5 51 n >-toullon (Mon1elusco 10 101 al So111 Dave> tO.Pino 1·21 n Atlanta (P Nttt-ro 15-41 at Sen f •anc•.co 1t-t.1mm.ii!\.er 11.s1 n AMERIC AN LEAGUE Ringer• 7, Angel• 5 CALIFORNIA TEXAS •b r " bl •b r I\ bl ~wn1110 If 4 O O O W119n1 cl 4 2 3 0 Carew ID • O 1 1 Somp1e If 2 I 0 0 OeC1nc~• 3b4 , 1 1 Gtullb Clh 2 I 0 0 Lynn c• 4 1 1 1 JonnloO<' on 2 0 1 1 Baylo• an 2 l O O Parnah •1 • I 1 3 Rf'Jac~wn •r4 1 1 2 Sunc:tlll'rQ t • 1 2 0 G"cn 21> 3 0 0 0 0 Broen ID 4 ' 1 I Fol• IS 3 0 0 0 Sl.,n JD 1 0 1 0 Boon,. c 3 o 1 o R.cna1d1 lb 4 O 1 1 P"ll•l !Jt 0 I 0 0 04'f\1 U ) 0 0 0 r .. •gu~''" l O O 0 0 I Ola' JI s ~ s Tota" )2 7 10 6 Score by tnn~1 c .. •torn.a 000 200 2 10 TP•at 402 001 00• E Forsc.r. Boo'le OP Cahlorno• 1 Te.a• 1 LOB Ca1ttorn1a 1 T11.at 8 2B 0 B"en Boon" 38 Sundberg HR Pa,,1.r> f 161 Oec.1nGtP1 1J01 Lynn I 191 Rf Jockson 13&1 S Sample 2 C 111tornl• IP H ror~criH.13'H 2'1 • Sttmer ? 1 • Curt•& o Rt-nko 2>' Teaea REA 88 SO 6 5 0 0 ' 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 J Hougr (W 16· 121 9 s s s I 8 Curt ' P•ICh~ •o , balf~· •n. tl'tP 6tn T < 16 A 2Q 016 A"• s. Royal• 4 KM 'a• 1..•ly OJI 000 000 • 11 0akt8'1CI 001 001 2 h S 11 I Cf'slro Tuft\ 161 Ov1~('f'lberty t71 •nd Warn~n K"ougt Bf'8tCI 181 and M Hea1n w Be•rO 10 8 L Ou•senlle,,, 8 7 HR• KaMI\ C11v Ma•ltn 1131 Wdsnonglo<• 1'i1 Oa~1and Mur1>nv 1251 A•ma~ 1271 A 2& 27' Orlolat S, ll•••ttt 2 Ball•mOr" 000 110 012 ~ I) 1 M1lw8u~.-e 010 000 010 2 6 0 D Mart•nez f M.irl·nf1'1 48• •nd Ottmosc-y CA'r.1""''"* e-""''d'd 1q, and Sommons W-0 Mart., e1 1~ 12 L Calclwt'I 17 •2 f> l "'4••Met 161 ..,.R, Bi:tfl rnorp E Mu,,t'y fl1> M •wa 1t..Pe G Tro "'O l'O A 48 161 Red Soi S Ven~"' 2 Ne.>o V<.•• 000 002 000 < e 0 BGslon 002 000 12• ~ 9 } G• .• nOry M('irQ.H'I tlflt R May llh ano Cn•one lOlll'l e Sl•nley (61 ancl Allt''lSOn W B S1&ntAy 1}.7 L uuio•y 1•·8 Hfl Bo"nn Evan• 12111 A 32 793 Blue Jar• 6. Marln•ro 2 Tororo10 210 101 001 6 9 0 S~allle 10 I 000 000 2 9 2 St••b and 9 Ma,tinrt F 8ann11ter Munetman 191 and Swut W St•t!D 16 t• L ~ B~Mi\la• J:> 12 HR To•on10 B Mell•net 101 A 6 7•2 Twine 2, Whftt 101 1 t,,4mn,.J<>la 110 000 000 2 9 0 Cnoe:ago 100 000 000 1 s O B C15Mlo and R Sm11h Oo1t0t1 end Hill W 8 Cas11110 12 11 l Ootaon 11 1• HR "°4•nne•ot• Gu 111 12s1 A 10 559 Orange Co11t OA•LY PILOT/Monday, S p1om"b•r 2T. f982 SCOREBOARD lndlent 4, Tigert 3 Cle•elanll 03 I 000 000 4 7 0 0.lt<>•I 020 0 10 000 .I I 3 B••~e< Anderton 111 Glynn tlll and HHMty W•tco• and Parnall W Beik .. 1' I I l WllCOa 12 9 S utynn 13) tlR OeHOll Trammuff Il l A 116 IJ Angel aver911e1 aATTINO Aa II H Hll 11a1 Pct R J&C~>On 135 IS 411 2 19 341 c .... w 505 84 160 3 41 317 OeC1n~u• 55 7 9 I Hl8 JO 91 302 L ynu 454 88 13$ 19 83 297 ~:c;~ m 1~~ m ~= =~ ~~~ BaylQ• see 78 1 ss 23 89 284 Bon1ou~z 189 24 49 3 2-4 2511 Boone 467 42 118 1 5~ 254 Gricn •86 71 125 18 8J 257 Foll 46S 44 I 17 3 54 2~2 Fe19uM>fl 81 10 10 3 8 235 Clar~ 85 1 I 111 2 7 2:14 Wilfong 179 24 37 I 10 207 K~llbne• 47 9 8 0 1 170 Burluon 45 4 1 0 2 15(1 Scon1111s 10 0 1 0 2 100 llcl&ms 11 I I 0 0 09 I Pellli 0 3 0 0 0 000 Tolals 5 331 785 I 460 178 732 7'74 PITCHING IP H H 10 W·L lllA Hassler 69' • 54 39 38 2· 1 2 45 l\1son 13~', 113 43 112 10 5 2 911 Sarn.ne1 83', 88 :J3 54 7.3 3 25 S1e.,e• 24 23 11 13 1 0 3 33 A•w 52 • 5 lJ 40 J 3 3 46 W111 171 • 170 46 81 8·11 3 57 Jolln 212· l27 J1 6113 12 377 r 0<s.:n nt. • n 1 57 73 13 11 3 11 Zann 220· 220 65 77 17·8 3 88 Goll1 78" 76 30 41 7 4 4 23 Renko 155 lf.3 ~1 81 11 Cl 4 47 M<><eno 49 , 55 2J n 3 7 4 74 Co•be1t 78 ' 71 35 5 I 1·9 5 08 T•Anl 29'> 39 8 30 22 5 76 Curus 12 18 J 10 0 1 6 00 10]315 '412 1 366 472 689 89 87 3 84 l'llchl"ll I 11 D.claloflt) Palm•• B111lmo••• 14 4 Vu~ov1cn M.twaul<M. 11·5, Oum• C111eago 13·5. Sutchlle. C..,,_.MCI. 14 8 Ztllll. A,...ia, 11·1; Ptlry OtlrOll 111·1 llt11llo, An9 .. a, 11 .. ; K0011T1an. Cllic:ao<>. 1 1•8 NATIONAL LIAOUI OIM!f,Mll Macllock,Pgll LO Sm1th,Sll Ourl\1m.C1u G~trato,LA Buel.no• ,Cn1 Ha1nand1u .SH. leker.LA Knljjhl.Htn Oaweon Mii Q Al II H Pct. 153 C.90 87 109 337 151 585 92 180 3111 1•9 577 120 117 307 14• 523 78 180 306 147 583 88 172 308 155 563 78 170 302 16!> 5(13 78 170 302 1•0 5• t 78 163 30' 152 587 00 176 300 14' 1>79 105 '73 299 Homa lluna Kingman New York 37. Mu1pny At1<1n1a 36. Senm1dt. Pn.tadtlpnoa 3• HO<,... All•nla 32 Q1111rero, Dode•rt. 32. lluna lalltd In Ollv•r Montreal 107. Murphy Allanll, 107. Hllnclr"k S t Louil, 103, Clerk, Son r ronc1tco 10l', Buckner. Chocego 100 Pllchll\fl (1' Ottilalona) P N1ek•o, AtlMnta. 15·•, Breining, San Franclsc:o. 11·5, Roge<1, Montreal, 17·8, Carlton, Phlla<lelphl1, 21 11, Candtlaroe P111sDurQh 12 7 Aeuu, Oodgett, 17·10; Forsch S t Lou11 15·9 Swan New York 11 7 ' NATIONAL LEAGUE Pomoni filr Giant• 3, Dodger• 2 I UNDAY'I llHULTI SAN FRANCISCO LOI ANOELH (Flnal of 11-d•r ftlr -tine) eb r II bl ab 1 II bl Al't'ALOOIAI C Oa .. s cl 4 0 t 0 Russell n 4 1 0 0 FIRST llACI. $' • lurl0ng1 Morgan 2b J I ' 0 Monday •• , 0 ' 0 Dbl R Ptlf (Whitt) :.>e 80 1 404 20 Cta" rt 5 1 I 1 R0<!<11Ckt cl J 0 1 0 00-Undrcvr W~I .. (Hmllont 3 20 2 40 hans 1D 4 1 I 2 Ba~e1 11 3 1 t 1 Bar-T s Man (Stall1ngsl 3 20 L~a«l 11 S 0 1 0 G..erte<o cl 4 O 1 O 00-F1n•"1•d first cl11qua1111ed and Venable II 0 0 0 0 Gatvay ID 4 0 3 I placed second "'4•y c 4 0 0 0 Cey 3b 3 O O O Also raced OouDtll Ctutcn M• Bog O "'4alle~ 3b 3 O 2 O Scoosc1a c 2 o o o Horse Onwego Rod<wooc:t tl!Ms~ 2b• 0 0 0 "'40talH pn 1 0 0 0 --nn,.--y-r, f!S B•e.n1ng p 2 0 0 0 Ta-•• 2b 0 0 0 0 SS EXACT A (6·31 paid S 195 50 Ho"and p 1 O O O Matclnclo pn 1 o o o ,. S Sov 2b 0 0 0 0 T nomRJ 2D 2 0 I 0 Ma11na11 pn 1 o o O S Howe1> 0000 Braaiev pn 1 O O O N1oc:te11lt p 0 0 0 0 J-IOOIOll p I 0 C) 9,_, Wr1Qlll p 0 0 0 0 0 '11 pn I 0 0 0 S1ewa11 p 0 0 0 0 101a11 JS 3 8 3 ve:r.:,,' 3~ ~ ~ ~ Scot• br lnlllne• S.,, Francisco 000 030 000-3 Lot Angele$ 000 001 100-2 LOB San Franc..co 11 Lot Anc>elf>• Cl 29-Cl811l 38-"M«Qarl HR Event (16) SB M0<gan 1231 ltonarcl (171 Sen FrMClllCO " H "Ell .. 10 BttM•nQtW.1 1·51 S1 8 I I 2 5 >-tOllanc:tlSS) :Vt 2 t 1 1 1 Lot Ar19tlaa ~ HO()ton IL.J·7) 4 • 6 3 3 4 1 w r1gh1 •, o o o 1 1 S1owar1 1 o o o 1 1 S Howe 2 2 O O O 1 N1t'd&nlU' 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 WP ~ Olland 3 2 1 A •II 331 Cube I , C9tdlnela 1 Cnicaoo soo ooo oo 1 6 11 o S1 LOUIS 000 010 000 1 7 0 .ten•ms Le Sm11n 191 anc:t Mortland RasmuSW<> Laht• 111 J MarM tll Kaa1 (61 "'4ura 1111 and 0 P0<1., W Hnk1n1 I~ IS L-Ra$m.4Mn 0 2 A_.. 789 Aalroe 4, Radt 0 Houston 002 020 000 • 7 2 C1nconnah 000 000 000 0 6 I Ryan Roberge (9) ancl Atnby B Shirley >-tams (81 and Trevino W Ryan 16· I' L B Shifley 7. 13 " 25 125 Malt I, PhllllH 4 Pholaclelph•a 200 200 000 4 8 New YOtk 020 100 30• 11 10 2 C>enny F fl! me< 171 Mc Gr tw 17 t end v .. g.1 Ownbey Zachry ISi Puleo (7) and Hocloes w Puleo 9 9 L Fermer 'l 6 HR -New Yo•• B•OOk• 121 A 33 473 Pl,.ta• J, Espoo 0 P011sou•on 200 001 000 3 9 0 Montreal 000 000 000 0 5 0 "'4 e W1ll1am• and l Pena Lea Scnauec:ter (61 B Smnll (71 Reardon 181 a t>O Carter w -w1n1am1 8·8 L lee 12· 10 HRt -PllttDurgn J Tnompson 1311 Mo111son1•1 A 3303 PedrH 3. Br•••• 2 San Oteoo 001 000 101 3 6 1 Atlanta 010 001 000 2 7 2 Snow Deleon 161 Lucu 171 a nd Sw•st>e• To"lll8'f 181 Cemp and Stnatro Owen 181 w Lucu 1 10 L Camp 11 1 1 HR A11ente Chtmblllt (!Ill " 38 9•1 Top 10 (8..ad on 450 et b•1• I AMERICAN LUOUf WW•lson KC Yount M•I E Murray.Bal c .. aw.Anoe+e Cooper.Mil Garcia, Tor McRae.KC Ha11a11 ci• RIGe Bsn Lnsl•d Ban Q Aa II H Pct 130 501 83 181 335 1411 6()(1 121 199 328 , •• 52• 83 1118 321 132 505 84 160 317 148 623 99 197 316 139 5(17 88 177. 312 153 ~86 100 180 307 153 6118 100 180 307 138 s~ 81 1ee 305 12• 4U 8G 142 305 Homa"""' G Thomas M1lweult1H1. 39 W1ntltld, ,,...,.. York 36. lla.Jec.,.on. A~. M; OQll•I~ "'411wtu~e• 32 E Murrey Ba111mora 31 Tnornton. Clevtlanct 31 llune aeuacl 111 "'4cRae Kensu Clly 1211 Cooper. "'4~wau1<ea 1 IS Tnorn1on Cleveland 113 G ThomH M1,..aukff 112 Yount Mtlwa\11\M 107 OUAllTEAHOllHI SICONO RACE. 440 yerd1 ~· Charge< (Pin) 11 00 3 60 2 40 Ea Ea Te 1ronkal 3 00 2 20 Manly Morr IS I Black I 2 40 Also r&eecl Eaay S•nd1, Heze Tru 11i~. Autl1or1ta11en VtDDy Oellby Dew Time 22 69 THlllD llAC£. 440 yerds Jugs 8twn So• 1Art1gl 22 60 7 60 3 20 Skip Congo IKan .. I 3 80 2 60 KM.-Lenny (PaullfMI) 4 00 Alao rececl Heu Bettle Nall•• Emperor Scnuytet KIO Bu• An Aces Scala CtaDber r ...... 22 99 U UACTA t I 5) plllc:I $228 50 THOllOVOHeflt:DI FOUllTH llACI. 1 1118 mile. last Par1,,., (Eat•dl 6 40 3 00 2 60 OH-Soenawav 18u1n1) 5 40 4 •O OH-Sir Crt (Mackebnl 3 201 3 80 OH 0.1cl1Mtat '°' aecond Also raeecl Salute T ne Prince COitly 1 Pt1de, Sl••y Ltd) T•me t 64 415 FWTH llACI. 6 tu•tongt An s Lcky Sn IHntnl 8 60 l Cnoct. IM..,a) 8111.MMlan lBlael<I 500 340 500 340 2 80 Dae• Also raced J 0 ot Sonona Man T11pcayne 8unk9' Shot Tme 118 115 &tlCTH RACE. ti lurlOnQI Pronc<1 Cap !Black) 111 oo 8 •o s 20 Snac:te Tough 1Game11 16 •O 7 40 "retie Trtiel tSc>tneetl 5 00 Also r~ Autumn Gten, vonc1 Grey RHlieU Woncl81, Tango King Time I 19 "Sl5 EXACTA t7·6l pa1cl S798 50 IEVENTH RACI. t 1116 m- flatl Stone (Eatrdl 7 00 4 40 3 •O Scubber (Mentl 4 80 • 00 F~'PO" (S1bltta) 3 20 Alto rec;.cj Reel Pnyl Hott Chncn Pit Eeogles Matt lrme 1 54 EIGHTH RACI t 1 16 m1tea Boc:tac:t Bid en. tEatrdl a 20 4 20 2 eo Raging 811.uard IStMngtl • 80 2 80 Sound Tract. !Han-.) 2 80 Alto reeec:t Jesff t GOid Sta• e.i,.ve Tn11 L11t1t Cnterl Time I S9 S5 EXACTA (4·21 pAtd $78 50 NINTH RACE. 6 tu1lpnga BubDlt Gmmo (Pd•Clll S 40 3 20 Or Gadclll (Htn!Mtnl 3 80 Re>dln Rell* (Nog..e11 Alto reced Otle N C1elty GOid~ T,..... I 18 115 TENTH llACE. I 11111 m•i.s Amen 81otner (Hnanl • 00 2 80 2 40 Tooonometry 1w1rrent S 60 4 00 Bl11.1ng.e10<>Q IO•t99el 4 llO At.a rKed C•os• flao• B•IQfl1 late Out Before Dawn P•• a P11nce Al T1n>11 1 57 2/S $S EXACTA 15· II pe1d $87 00 ELl!VINTH llACI. 11\ m»ea Orou1Ky (Orteg•I 8 00 5 60 3 80 Mr Reactor (9!*1c;811 18 •O 8 20 P .. ry Ceb1n (Menel 4 40 Alao ••C•d Color Be•••r Miiier W~der. lncorr>or•l0t, OemH, C. Snarp Tima 203 TWILnH llAC .. I 11/ 18 mtlff Pni.1 10 Dekle IHNlll) 7 80 4 llO 3 40 Pttrca'a OrNm tOr•eo•I 8 20 • oo Ramblino Joe ISllHings) 4 80 Aleo recad PrtH Nolle•. Ht Men Sem cnarly N Hlrr1Qln The BIO T TIQhl Ship lime 258 M IXACTA (5·4) pelcl S 107 50 Alltndlnct 14,650 HoMrwood Perk IUHOAY'S llllULTI (Und ti IJ•ftlehl luirMH 11\fftlnt ) FllllT 1v.c1 Qr\e """'PIK• 0o1 w • .,. to.""'1 a eo s 110 3 ao TreHur• 11n1r IWmt t t6 llO 11 80 El VM Jey (lonQOI 9 60 Alao ntl!I f 01 011 Wtlh Love Scorpio O Jlnd .. lmug• Anwahnoo Monterey Cotouo Teto Ooek•" A"::'! vfi~~ 115 S3 IXACTA I!> 3) paid 5200 ~o HCOND llACI. Ona ml .. trot Honor BcwnO (Parki<llO 00 • 80 3 60 FO•Y Marl<t<ljay IAllcthte) 8 00 3 20 Ka11moun 1Grunclyl 2 60 Alto ••C•d Andy • M•l•O• JirtDI Final Gem. ll1uc:te Acm• f•lllQhl Time 2 02 115 THlllD llAC!. One "'de pace S1nt>ette \Grul'ldyl :J 60 2 80 2 20 Hun1 .. 1 BebW 1Aub1n1 4 00 2 60 Two Oceana (81G\loro1 3 20 Alto raced wlnrue One T 1m" Papa Joy• Bye Br• Scour Vech11Huk4H, Andyl Hull9'fl Cald01110 T1me2011/S S3 IEXACTA 17 !>I µaid '18 90 'OURTH RACE One mllv 1101 Kumlltl F IT rmblyl 65 40 19 20 8 bO Fl~g Hanove• (Hotme11 6 60 4 60 RllQ•I fqitrea1 ILorOQOI • bO AIM> recllld Oet11 S11 0111•10 Joy F1n111 Cn1p Fho1n Storm JIOy• Memo,..,. ll<at>OS L• M~n• Prode Time 201 115 FIFTH llACE O"a mote PilCt! Jibe HO (Grago<y) 9 00 S 60 S 40 Llll>\l••n 1renaogn1v1 11 20 9 60 LIQlllnHl Slim \Anoettooo) 3 00 Alto racoc:t Etoquenl Roy f> Oo•en Son Beau1eou1 Be111 P11n1m1ke1 Voter SunMI Buen Scrambling Ra11 l1m11 158415 S3 EXACTA 13 101 pa10 $3 I 1 70 SIXTH llACI. Onu mile PilCll Rycln Leocy ISP•oo•I 3 60 2 60 2 20 femenclo N 10untoan1 3 20 2 60 Black Mark N 1S1omerman1 2 80 Also •aced "'41•• Cn1tme• T flea.,, t<anover leml)O B•ue Chop EM<OOhC K•d K.,,tucky Go Go "'4edog•n Time t 58 21S U EXACTA 11 41 paod $27 00 SEVENTH llACE One mile 1>Ke Ona Mo HllDIY 1s11n1 3 oo 2 •O 2 20 -sTie'li 'Sw1k 1M"a ... 1 <M" 300 Bancn1 fCapetandl 1 60 AIM> 1 llCe<I I ht Compenys uOIO C R Farno Jungl11 ~aw Malter Sw11cn Calte111e. Ba1hDOrO Ht c S~oppe1 Cond10a St.er '"'mocu1a1e Time 1 59 $5 EX.ACTA 12 II P81d S3? 50 EIOHTH RACE. Ont m1to pace Fly1no Rival 1Sprgg11 4 40 3 00 2 80 Brancltng Iron 1Sleethl 3 80 3 00 &ay Leaf N IRatchlO<dl 3 00 At10 reced T 0 Esco•• Protusor OsbOf ne Sui IC! an Log ans Or eam T1ma 1 59 115 -™ llACI. Ont m.ie pee. H.ogerow Lyn> 1R1c .. 15 00 3 00 2 20 Ooc10< Don N (Orunc:trl 9 20 3 60 lOOk.lnQ Good N tSnetr9"J 5 40 Also raeecl Gunner Frost $coring Drive Pura11 S1nng1 Fred Buael Jennys Lid N Strip SquMZt Time I S7 115 S3 lXACTA t4·SI P6•d U I 80 H "ltK t3 3 '2 7-41 P••cl $15,-7 , 1 ... v wun two •Inning ticket• (a1x n01ses1 S2 Pick s .. con101a11on pa10 SSS •O w11n 189 winning hCket& (love not set I TENTH llACE Ont mole pace p.,,. sn.p 1AuD1n1 1 s 20 s 80 6 •o Soutlle"' Rnythm 1"ndaf1on18 20 7 00 Mu BUtnt>ro t8a ttatQl!O"l S 60 A™> r-Jove le'' Couslu u Avon Sparto; Time 1 59 13EXACTA 17 21 paod Sl91 10 A11end•nc• 7 • 14 I I •• DMP Me fl1hlna AllTI LANOINO (Ntwponlkacfl) - 31 englers 20 DUI 35 b onoto 2 1 m•ckerel S roc;k ll1n. 4 aculp1n I """'PIMaG DAVEY'I LCX:KEll IHa•po<t hech) -120 •noter• 86 Don1to s cahco bus 218 meet.er et 22 roe' 1111> 8 S9'lc:I D .. • 1 yetlowt••I OANA WHARF -143 anglero 16 llHS, 194 bOnllO. 14• m1Ck81el IEAL a lACH -90 •ngl•ll 28 berracudl, 211 bonllo 36 tallC" Dan 1 nel11>U1. 366 mackerel 80 roc:k hsn 19 sculpln 1 aneepaheed 8 wMe 11sn ( .. rga) -100 engle•• 23 bonito 800 meclleret 1 .. nct bus 1 sculp<n 400 wn1111 croak.. 300 q-l1sti CooH Cen-Am (ti Lat Vf9H) R•1u11s ol Sund1y'1 Coora Can Am auto race with type 0 1 car tapl comP1elllc:I end ... nner 1 10Hc:t 1n mph 1 Danny Sutllv11n "'4•rch 827 66 91 230 2 Al un..-Jr Gtlle& GR-3 68 3 Al Holbert VOS 001 86 4 J•m Crewlorcl El\llOfl es S Ba<ttl Roos Mtl~ 83 8 Jonn Ka11ooan F"uut>et 63 7 F1•n~ Joyce Ph1n1om 112 8 Jtm Truemar1 March 822 61 9 Jonn Greham Cot>re Ca n-Am 61 10 Jottn "'40<lon r uut>ea 61 I 11 I om I 011., H II HI 1 :0 bU 12 Roch Pe•M>t•• Sf,HM.1t11 ~9 13 kanoy l.,.1a Spec;1a1 Sii I• Horal Kroll lot" f ·332 ~8 15 Ae• Ram"'y VOS &JO 57 10 E B Lunhen. 1nved111 55 17 Paul Mecey lot• Q 294 52 I H Lnuek ij1111ngtCH1, Htlt HI I s •II 19 "'4ic;heet Bt•yton Lota 1 !>JO. 4b 20 01ck Guld81. M1"h 8t7, o 21 JacquH v111ent1<•••. 01•11• 42 n Ge•ald Mol111<. Coawo11t1, 36 23 Ho111 Kwe<;h, l 01ern1n 260 TCA, 4 24 Ccld10 Wac.n1, Totemen 260 ICA, 4 25 Oen Johnaon Spac111. 3 southern Ppen (II Columbut, Qa.) 2M Bobby Clomueir $45,000 2M lt&lti 1 ..... n S27 000 2H Geo•ljt' Ru"" S 17 000 270 H~i Su11or1 S tl (IO() 271 Andy EINn S 10 OOll 271 uary t<a11-g S8 b87 Jtm lnorpe S8 687 273 V1t11C" Hu•lr•I" $1 500 Latry Rinker $7 ~ 274 Jottn f OU\)111 $6 500 Jonn Menettoy $6 500 275 M1~1.t MtCullough $5.!>00 JO<! lnmt111 $5 500 2n Wally Arm&11on9 $4 625 Jonn Adams $4 62~ 271 Cn1p Bee~ SJ 507 Larry N~M>n S3 507 Joe H~er $3 507 L•ndy Mollt'f SJ 507 Howard r .. 1111 S3 507 T•m Norut SJ 507 Tom S1mp..,., S3 507 27t T "" r Anton S2 21!> ForrHI Fe1lt1t $2 22~ Lon N1<11M111 s2 ns lance lenBroeck S2 225 De•e E.oenell;9'9r $2 n5 2IO 8111 Call" $1 627 l\nlonio Ct!•CI• $I 625 R•cllarcl MASI $I 627 Sco11 Hoch S 1 627 Bo11 s .. 11on s1 627 Roc:t Curl $I 027 Larry M1it S 1 1127 211 :;~~7' J218028 Hut>a<I Gt_. $1 021 cnarlM Kr•nkl SI 021! Jc Snead $1.028 Geo19e Cac:tie S 1 028 0oug '-•n 51 028 Dan Pon1 $ 1 028 Lou Gr11n1m St 028 Buc:tcly G••clner $ 1 028 Allen "'41llef $ 1 028 Cl••en<:• Rose S 1.028 BODby C°'e $ 1 028 212 "'4ark McNully $621 Tom Jent.on• S82 I Frank Con""' $621 Sammy RaU...I' S62 1 Gary Koen $621 Mitt. 0 "'4eArt S62 t Gat) McCord S611 213 "'4"naet Brannan S!.62 Jim NetfO<ll $562 J•m S.mons $~67 Ed f..,,, $S62 Boob)! M1tcllell $5(12 Steve "'4etnyk S562 2M P1111 H•ncock $53 7 Marh M~Cumber $537 M1kt1 Booke1 S531 Pll L1ndMy U 31 68-69 ·66· 7 4 67. 12·68· 7 I ll7 68 66 68 69 68 67 66 69-67-69 66 69·68·68·6 7 70-67-69·66 69· 70·66·68 67 72-66-68 61 66·70 7' 71 71-666(; 67-70-70-68 68· 70-70-67 66 70-69·72 71-67·67·72 69·67 72.70 72-67 -70-69 72-71·66·69 68-70-72·68 72·71-68-(17 70-69-69· 70 66-69~ 69·69-70-71 68·70-7 1-70 70-67-67-75 85·73·88·73 74-68-88 69 69· 70-87-74 72-67-71·70 7 1-70-89-70 119 72-70 69 71-71-69-89 67-73-71·611 70 68·73·69 71-11·71·68 68-71·71·73 68-70.74-611 70.68-72-71 71-70.71-69 71-69 69-71 71·11·68·71 10. 72-70-611 70-71-68-72 72-7t-71·tl7 72·69· 10· 10 73-69·72·67 67·75--73·67 10.10.12 10 "r 1·69-71·7' -12-67·73-70 ./ 71-10.71-70 75-68-70-69 68·1S·1' 69 73-68-71 71 70-70-73-70 72·71-71-69 n -10-12-&9 72-70-73-68 70 69-70.75 73 70·74·67 70-71-7 1·72 72-71-69 72 Wotld Senior• lnvltatlonal (et Chartolte, N.C.) 2IO G"'1• uttltr '23000 2IS M·lle< Bat~ S 14 000 211 71-70-69 70 74 71 10.10 Pltt .. ThOITl"on $ 10 000 12-73 73 68 291 Gay B•• .. ., S6 333 RoDe•IO 0. Vocnz $6.333 Ho-Jor>nson se.333 211 BoD GoalDy S• 433 Tom N1eporte S4 •3J Atnotd Pllmflr $4,433 73-74-68 73 73.73.73 69 69-76-71'72 11·69-75-73 . 73· 73· 73· T 1 Jim Ferr111e $4 000 no • 72·68· 75. TS 291 Cnar11• S1llnrd $3 800 212 Billy CH~t '3 500 P10ul Har""y S3 SOC 214 M•'" Southa1< S3 100 BoD Toskl S3 100 211 B•ll Coi .. na S2 600 8oD Er1Gkson S2 600 Jac1< flee,. S2 GOO 217 "'41i.e f e1th1Ck S 1 900 K .. Ntgle S 1 900 Ari Well. '1 900 Guy WOl&lenhotm SI 900 ,.. Julius Boros. $ 1 375 Doug Fotd S 1 37$ 211 Bill JOM•lor• S 1 350 •·Ed TUIW11fof 301 Frec:t Hewie Ins S 1 300 302 8'11y Ma .. vtH S 1 300 Al Mengerl St 300 llfl\llltu• 73.73.59 76 73-7771-71 72 74-75-71 72.7g.72.7. 72.7e.73.75 10.1 ... 1g. 76 73-70·74·7• 71-74-7•-78 78·TS·T3·72 71. 76-71. 7 4 7$-76-77·15 Camel. Whe·re a man belongs. ' ' \., 8 mq "tar"~ 7 mq mro11ne 8\'. rer c1Qm1te, f TC Repon DCC '81 Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. r LPOA tournament (•I Kant, W..tl.) 271 Pally ShHhan 128 250 271 68-89 69 70 JoAnne Catnt11 117. 150 68-71 87 72 271 0 8141 Cgge1mg I 17 2~ 271 71-70611 68 Kollly Whitworth $8 7SO 6~·67 1'J 70 2IO JoAnn W1tnam. '7,000 211 UOlma W""lt Sii 12$ 212 71-67 14 68 61 10.13 7' Be111 Slllumon SS 337 73-70-68-7 t 8t1ba•a Mo•n ... U .337 70 10.10.12 2U NaMr,' L Of>ll $-4 ~50 Sanc:tr• HaynHI $4 550 2M Celtly Ml>IM SJ 61~ Jen St•flllt'tl50fl, S3 G7S Oo<1n1 C.tol>Of'• SJ 6 7 5 215 68·'2·11·72 10· 7 •·88· 74 7 1-69-70-74 73·69-68-78 , ,,._,. • ..., H0tt~1un S2 911• 7J· 72 Gii 71 B~•biOHI Ba11ow $2 98• &8 69-70 78 218 My"1 V~ll H~ $2 '!>20 Aot.111 Walton S2 520 S•nor • Po11 $2 .~20 217 Sally L 11t1u S2 170 211 Mwy Owyt" $ 1 86S S"ncl•• Si;u1ic;n $ t,865 Judy Cl••• $I 88S Sllwon B~tten S 1 86~ Pat B1adley S 1 665 Cofleae 10· 79. 72 6(j 71-74-7"-69 74-71 1Ml!I 611 73 76·70 70-76 72 70 68 69·74 77 73.73 70 72 10·1• 71-73 72.72.7' 73 SATUADAV'I LA-,.E SCORES 801u St 22 Pac1l1C 1 S >-1aw111 17 T•••s-EI Puo 10 UC Davis 3 7 Cll Poly Pomona 7 ldeho 56 PO< tlend St 0 West I e••• St 2S "'4cNeese S1 11 Angelman Serie. PHAF YACHTS C.t:-4SS A I OuockS•lver 11erm Schowe 1\/oy•go11 YC1 2 Apache, Tom Hoatson 1Saal Beach vc1. 3 Pille JIM Emmi 18CVC) 4 S1d-1nd8f Ruse~ •n••<hDI~ IBCVC1 5 lncl1go Tiger Georgl! "'4oraMos IBCYCI CLASS B t Streu a,iu~ttt Jee• ano Brue• Le,.on 1BCYC1 2 TrH OO<dO Dave Proce IBCVC) 3 Le Boal Don LeB1au IBCYC>. 4 P J See Hatmar• Sm.In IBCYCI CLASS C t 0-B•• Ape>s tVoreo••• tYCJ. 2 Btuel>ef•y Mullin Kt1en M1-. 1ecvc1. 3 Avan11 11 F•ec:t "'4as"no 1vvc1 WCT tourn-1 Ill lftoltwooel) llr19iff , lnal lven lendl tC1ect'toslo\fa-1a 1 def K~v·n Curren 1Sou1n Ah•c•I 7-6 1 5 6· I IL e nd I wins $ 100 000 Curren ... n& $32 0001 Double• ,..,., K .. •n Curren !South 11111ca1-Han~ Pl11le• clel Andy Andrews.O,ew G1111n (US I 4 6. 6-2 7.5 (Curren.PltSlet $Pitt $ 13 280 And•ews-Glllon aplll $6 S.01 Tr1n11merlca Open (al l•n French1co) lln9ta• Flnel John McEnroe (U S I det Jimmy Connor& (US I 6· 1 8-3 Martini Open l•I 9ordte111, ,,.nee) S.mlflnal llneM• Han• G•ld1'"'4!'SI .. (Cn11e1 c:tel °"'GO P .. ., IPe<ul 3 6 6 1 6·3 Pablo Aney I Pe<ul 091 Cnus l l!W1s I New Zealand I ". 6·4 WMkend tren1actlon1 IAllCETaALL Natlonef .. altttbell ~Hocletlon NEW YORK KNICKS Silined Er""' lrunlteld lorwlfd 10 a tllree-ye1r :ontrtcl ,,.., Kanaas City c:noM! nol to -na1cn ~ .. Yori(• 011., snee1 HCX:KIV National Hoch )' LNllUA NEW YORK RANGERS Aasognad ~ICll Shae~ goalie Cnrtt Aeneuc:t, Steve ~1c11moncl Oren1 leclyercl anO Scot <ta1nend0tll cletensemen, anc:t G-ge ~cPnee J•m MAione •"d Bob Scurlwild orw1rd1. to I ut~ft ot 1114' Central Hocl<•y eague tar. 8 m1 ('3 ,, • Orange Co 11 DAILY PILOT/Monday, S ptembur 27, 1982 ' . I ho wing skippers SAN FHANC.:lS<.:O ~outht.)rn C.:ahfornta 1k.lppc.>n1 •'<>rt'd hlah ln St Fa uncl» YIK:ht Club's Bag Boal Serlt>l!I whi<.'h concluded Suturdfly aht.·r u 90·mlnutt· duluy bt'('llUIK' or hlaih wmds Tht•t(' W(•rt• no S-Orlou11 ruihhu 1>11. Bill Palmcr'11 Shenandoah from Newport Harbor Yuc:h\ C:Jub cmL•rl(l'tl WI the winner In tht• R1churd Rh t•rras Truphy cllv1wlon of tht• llcrics. Second was ApogN', Milt und Morty Vow·J, Long Beach Yacht Club, and third wus Love Mochml!. Jot.>k 81-All'fh;h, California Yac.·ht (;tub, Murina dcl Rey. The St:rlt'll ft.• tuics Clvc trophw11 for t.liffort•nt rating yachta. Winner of the Kee ft: Kilborn Trophy was Clockwork. Lee Otterson and Ray Pingree, San Frttnclsco Yacht Club, second was Quintesscnc.-e, Don Hughes and Dave Ullman, Santa Barbara Yacht Club, and third w.-.s Geronimo. Rk hurd Compton, Sant.a Barbara Ylil'ht Club. Bravura, skippered by Irving Loubc. St. Francis YC, was the winner of thl' Atlantic Trophy. Second was Secret Love. Brad Herman, Del Rey YC, and thfrd was Scarlett O'Hara, Monroe Wingate, St. Francis YC. Winner of the City of San Francisc:o Trophy was Bullfrog, skippered by Dave Fenix. St. Francis YC, who wits also the winner of Long Beach Yacht Club's Big Boat Series in July. Second was Checkmate. Monte Livingston, Del Rey YC, and third was Greut Fun, Clav Bernard, St. Francis YC. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Area poloists rank . D among the best A Nel;f])ort Harbor, '" CdM, By ROGER CARLSON Of the Detty Piiot Staff Football, hcx:key. basketball and wrcslhng may have their share• of bumps and bruises, finesse and stra.tsgy. but add swimming to such a stuartC'l of sports and you'll get water polo There are no shoulder pads m this one, and no pro career to thmk about. either, but for those that live ma tank, it's as physical as you're going to get. As for putting their wares up against their respective schools' other sports, few m the Daily Pilot area take a backseat; rather, it's one of the premier sports around in terms of quahty. A check of the CIF re<'Ord book is one wa Lo figure it -Newport Harbor, for mstanc-e, has won the CIF 4-A title five of the past seven years and was the finalist on tht• other two oc.'<.·as1ons. Depth? Newport I !arbor and Corona del Mar are rated 1-2 in the CIF A-4 rankings and University is No. 7. Other very strong teams figure to Ix· l"ountam Valley, Costa Ml"Sa, Laguna Beach (No 9 m the 3-A), El Toro and Marina Sea View League acuon has already got under way on a Wednesday afternoon format. while the Sunset League starts Oct. 6 at Golden West with triple-headers each Wt.'<incsday, starting at 6 pm. Here's a look a t the area's teams: Corona dfl'I .ffar The Sea Kings have lost only two starters from a squad which went to tfle semifinals a year ago, and the Seil Kmgs boast ClF Player of the Year candidate David fmbermno. lmbernmo was a first team All -CJF selection as a JUnior and 1s surroundc.>d by a solid group of senior talent. including goalie Joe Roh. an honorable 'mcnuon fo r CIF honors a year ago. Other seniors mcludc Rick Scott, Eric Paulsen, Tom Temple, Pat Loofburrow and Tom Vanasse. Juniors m the Sea Kings' plal'ls are John Morrow, Greg Roberts. Jim Villers, Drew Tosh (goahe), Kevin Seely and Matt Westner, m addition to sophomore Jeff Ocdmg. ) "If anybody can beat Newport Harbor this year," says Coach Jeff S titc.>s. "we have the best chance." That statement was backed up w1th Saturday's annexation of the South Coast League tournament, led by lmbemmo. Costa Mesa The Mustangs have a wealth of talent returmng from their CIF' 4-A playoff entry m '81. but the tentat1vcnei. of Coach Bob Schupp's teaching position (his JOb wasn't secure until very late m the summer) has hurt Mesa's chances. Among other things, the Mustangs lost Carl Stewart because of 1t when hC' opted lo tranfer lo Newport Harbor Back, however. 1s senior setter and two-meter star Aaron Chasen. along with five other senior returning starte~ Scott Ashby, a driver. goalie Tom Kennedy and defenders Doug Plitt. Brad Prickett and Mike Ure return, along with sophomorn backup goalie Brian Dougla-. The Mustangs were· ranked N 6 in the CW -t-A a year ago and figure to break into the Top lO again, although they are admittedly in the strongest league (Sea View) in the CJF Southern Secuon. Estanela The Eagles might dominate another league. liut in the Sea View it's a tough task ahead for Coach John Carpenter's crew David Inadom1 has good size at 6-3 and is the team's driver, along with Doug Campbell. another senior driver. Troy FenJey sets the hole and Jeff Bowen 1s the Eagles' goalie. "We're a fairly balam·<'d team with good speed," says Carpenter El Toro C-oach DOn Stoll has a sohd group with which he feels has a legit1matc shot at a CJF playoff berth. with sen iors Marc Young, Greg Wilson, Jerry Wisdom. Craig Popp and Steve Legrand th<• nucleus. JunJor Kevin Stringer 1s the Chargers' goalie Popp is a two-year All-American in swimming and • Joseph F. Chow, M.O. 1s pleased to announce 1he opening of his offlce for lhe practlco of DERMATOLOGY Skin diseases. skin cancer and aurgery. Acne. warts, moles, cysts and allergies. Olplomato. Am Board of Dermatology Follow Am. Academy of Dermatology D•v or Night Call (71 4) 752-5858 355 Placentia Ave. # 102 Newport Beach, CA 92663 L.M. Boyd informs 111.IJ in the . University top a talented group of teams Wilson earnc-d All-Aml·m·an honors m water polo as J JUn10.r lJnlt·er!tl('t Un1vcrs1ty Coach Chu{·k Morris feels his TroJans have a s ho t al the title, but the c'Ompetiveness of the Sea View Leagu<' has already tak<'n its toll, Costa Ml'Sa oUl&'Ort>d the Trojans. 9-7. in Wrom.'Sday's f1r..t salvo. Despite the early &•tback thl' Trojans are still a force to bl• reckonl•d with, due to seniors Jon also instrumental in Fount.am Valley's potential run at the title. "Our main strength will be our abiltty t.o play together," says Bray. Huntln1tton Bea~h Steve Parmentier, a 6-2 goalie who sat out his junior season, is beinK touted as the Sunset League's best in the nets, but a junior-dominated team plac.-es the Oilers of first-year coach Robert Mitchell realisticaJly m a spoiler's role. "Potentially, this is a team good enough to I L y WATER POLO make the top three," says Mitchell. whose major _ _.co..,...ncem Js in puuing toge.the!' a solid ur.LCJ..L':lolt:'---~-•-­ Clark Griffith is a returning starter and will set ----------------~~~~~ the hole, and the senior is backed by juniors Mitch Pendleton (goahc). Scott Washbourne, Uav1d Colw1ck, Mike Martlt'tt, Tim GehriC'h, T .J . Prendergast and Stcv(· Douglas. Washbournc is Uniwrsity's st•tltN, with David Langlois. m a bac·kup roll• 0th<~ junior drivers in· the stabk ml'ludc• Kl•lly WashbournL', Mauricio S<:hubes, M1chat'l Schlac:tt.•r, Robb Solomon. Kendall Sullivan and Brian Ml<:ollough. along with ~nior Steve &·hupak · .~e ttport Harbor Rankt'Cl No 1. tht• Sailors fm1shed No 5 in very s h ort ordc•r Saturday at the South Coast lnv1tat1onal. thanks to a·n ovc•rllmc loss to Santa Clam "l fl•lt pn•tty good about this team until we lost." says Coach Bill Barnett, who 1s m his 16th vear at thc Sailors' helm · Barnl'tt's all scmor !>tarting hneup has solid strength m speed and the atl.Clck Ct'nl.t'rs around hole men Coltn Thompson and David O'Donnell Others m the attac:k include Grant Standley, goalie Mike Hmz.e, Art Jcppe, lq_n ,DeVries and Greg Lukosky. -1 Sophomorl' Andrew Lawson 1s the Sailors' onJy left-hander and that's a drawback, according to Barnett, a .. is the· all-senior starling look. ''Being seniors, they tend to sometimes act like seniors," says Barnett. "All-senior teams are difhcult to coach becau~· thc•y have a tendency not to listen to you a lot That had a lot to do wilh our loss to Santa Clara .. Barnett-coochl'<i tcams at Newport Harbor are working on a 14-year league championship streak. "The only time we didn't win it was my first year to Corona dcl Mar," says Barnett. "We may IOSl' 1t agam this time to Corona del Mar " Edl~on Defendmg Sunset Lc.>agul' llthst E:dison ripped lcague foes by an average of seven goals and advanced to the CIF 4-A quarters. but graduauon took4l heavy toll on the• Chargcrs Coach Chuck Moore has a team revolving around senior setter Kt·vm Rudd, who 1s described by a rival coach as being able to "singlehandedly put Edison m thl! playoffs" Manna transfC'r Miki' Mallow and senior goalie Pat Sutton. along with JUntors David Wadleigh, Jerr Wheeler. Craig J>cppt'r and Todd Jones are also counted on heavily. Sophomores Jim McM1llan, Chris Pepper and Chris Duax art' also in thl• picture, which has been bolstl•rcd by Corml•r Costa Ml>sa High All-CIF star Bob Dolan. an assistant coach who was a major cog in Long Beach State's 1981 NC AA runner-up finish. Fountain t'alle.• Observers are discounting Marina's tournament victory ov«r Fountain Valley, the Barons are still the team to beat for the Sunset League chnmpiortship A solid group of veterans gives Ray Bray, in his 14th year as the Barons' coach, the ravorlt.e's role. Mnrk W~m and Miles Nomuru pace the Barons. Wan. a CIF finalist in the 100 breast twice, IS the hole man. wh1le Nomura's quickness makes him the primary driver Mike Toland 1s 1n th<' gool and his size and quickness gives him an upper hand, while seniors Jeff Young. Joe Oct vartanian and defensive specialist Steve Bentley share ln the load Juniors Jeff Young and J eff Bou~tner are Serro, Eric Lenore. Scott Weise. Matt Hansen and Bill Hays, along with sophomore Randy Folker and senior Dan Driessen. Marina The Vikings of Coach Dave Pickford are seeking a third straight CIF playoff berth, in addition to challenging Fountain Valley for the Sunset League championship. Seniors Jeff Hopkins and Darrell Denney are the focal point for the Vikings . Pickford rates Hopkins as lhe league's best defensive player a year ago and Denney is in his third year with the varsity. Jim Zakasky is at the hole and Steve Smith, also a Junior, is strong on defense. Others include seniors Jason Lynch, Bryan Foat, Scott Muuc. Jeff Enright and junior Mark Sespars. Senior Joel Tetzlaff and junior Jay Winterhalter will spbt ume m the goal. Pickford says he expects to use as many as 18 players in his attack. Oeean t'le11' The Seahawks must travel to train at Golden West College. but maybe it's a blessing With all or the league ~ames being contested at Golden West. Second-year coach Eric Bauer will be trying to repeat as a ClF 4-A playoff entry with seniors Mike Christino and Darin Moeller, along with goalie Kent McGarrigle. the key players. Seniors Hect.or Martinez. Jack Mayer. Alex Lechtman and junior Todd Nady complete the starting lineup. McGarrigle also has the advantage of assistant coach Scott Elliot. a Golden West College goalie. Westmins ter Former Echson High Coach Larry Brennan returns to the Sunset League aft.er an absence of four years, but the task as fomudable. Westminster has not won a league contest in the pa.st seven years and it's a junior-dominated group. Among his juniors are Paul Van Der Most, Pete Wilson, Ted Sinclair, David Will and James Odassa. Sophomores Joe Miller and Tom Mueller also fonn potential help. Defen se k eys Marine r win A pair of k ey defensive plays led directly to touchdowns and provided the Huntington Valley Mariners with a 14-8 Hi-Desert League seml- pro football v1<:l0ry over Los Alamitos Sunday afternoon on the losers' field One of the touchdowns C'arne after a blocked punt by Mariner Joe Rhino, which was recovered by teammate Mark Fata in the end zone. • PtHCllROTHIH SMITHS' MOnuAllY 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536·6539 PAClltC YllW MIMOllA.L PAil• c.r,.1ery Mortuary Cheoet-Crematory 3500 Ptc:ll1c View Drive Newport Be.ch' 844·2700 WcCOtlMICll MOITVAl•S L~un• Be•ch 494·941S Laguna Hills 7&8-0933 San Ju•n C.p1strano '9S-1776 HAAIQI UWM-MT. Ot.IYI Mortu~ • C..mttery Crem.tory 1625 Gisler Ave .• Cott•Mna 540-m. , I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 ,. 7 8 ClASSIFllD CJ£,,,. CLASSIFIED INDEX ···········~·········· T• l'lac• , .. , Ad, can 642·5678 COUAL HOUllHO OP,OlllTUHIT V HOUSES FOi ~ALE q....,.1 ..... hlllff l•l•llf ..... iiitbM ftt•~•~•vt• •"" c ...... ,.,.. .. t f'lt .. ,. C.OOl•Ml llot IOill hlilllsller's lttl~tt c... ...... 1191 All rHI Hlate adver11Md In llllt "awtpaper la 1ubJect to•the Federal Fair Houtlng .tic• ol t988 which mak" It Illegal 10 .Overtrte "any ~eteren­ ce, tlmltallon Of dltc;rlml- "'"o" bHed o" race. color, rellglo"· 11x or r•r~. ......... . ... t: Twu 1"'-d t'tMR•f.1t v.u.~ • .,. llllMtl\lllUll llooO IMO It HM , ... l,a4.,. .... .,h , .. t;.11H\1 Htlb tlllil ......... ,.,, .. , ,.., lllt.t.\MWJ v •• ,. '"' ~r:!:.::~ :: S.ft J1i1tA C.•"'" •"""' t•l• MM• Af"e ,_, 'loellltoc• MIM nalio"•' origin, or '"' l"llnllo" to make a"y tuch prelare"ce. tlmlta· lion or d1tcrlml"atlon " _.,...... 1119 'tl...-IWMAllf't t• ............... ,,,.,,. '"'' 1wmm An.now,M·t"'*-fll• c., POCll LircaJ N°'•H• l.Aol . '"'"'" ,....toftal\• Sc.""1.I C1t.1t•• Tra"tl• SEIVIClS !wn•et litrt<1.,) EMPlOYMENT & HEPAIATION kllloiM\ lft\tr\t(;hOf' JOO" •IU4"41• "*II'"•'""' Ill~ I MEICHAllDISE A•"J~ Aof;ltt•flll'n ...... _ ::r:.~ M•t•f'1•I• C•ftWru • t:.qwpnwn,1 c..u Do&> ~etMl\w f'VrMlwt c ... ,.s.i. --~· tr:.::::.~ 11...-1 ... ..,. ............ Mtti«fl•MW) ._ •~f ... MYW at IMlrwrtW•h • <Wn.t-• rvr•. ,..,. .. p P•O =~~i= Slton• .. Good• Slorf' lleilNt•N tltr ~.,.tdJG.H1n Sl•f•• IOATS & MAllll[ [QUl,..[llJ ee-.1 ...._, M ..... Sett Wt<'t -•ll•rt"' El/WIP &Nitt Po-tr f'Geu JltrM C"btrtf'f lloeuS.11 -· ,.., .. Ooc:b ::!:t~~.: Mil THllSPOITATIOll AirfUf\ C'.at'np!H't s.lt ft Mt Df'tt.11c-C•r• =~;-... · ...•H•.t15el•·MH\t Tn1i.n.T,._.r ; !~~!~·:-~llft' AllTOMOllU C.Mr•I • ~-· \:la»•n a.tt .... , ... \ ........ , I ~,.:..':,~!.~ltd ftvc"U ' , ... ................. , Avt•W1A\f"d AUTOS, IMPOITED a....,, •• 4U•ll-• .... """"" u ..... llllW ... ...,... ~ , ......... .. .,.,.,. ..... Uwwt• '··~·· '~'""' Kt111rf¥Wn-"\I"'•• .......... .,..,. lll••d• M tteir(l't"• tHnt !fU MUU Ypol 1'411\lH • ~ ..... ""H"f' Mruutt l'OlltllO)U ""''' ti:,. T9till• r,...,..,. VolU••I .. • Veho AUTOS. MEW :: Tnl9 ~pape< wlll "01 1:»o k"owt"gly accept a"y :=: adventtlllQ for rNJ Nia· l'""' 11 which 11 In vlolallon of ll!iO the law I~) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lw.l ,. .. , "°' ZUI UliO t..O l'lfll n-.o -llW ~ 1'llO EHHl1 A1vertl- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m ed i at ely. The DAILY PILOT as- ~= sumes llablllty for l>.Ai the first Incorrect Insertion only. ...... ,., ,,,. ....•....•............ ••• 1 ,,,,,. !Ill' lllAI =1 =1 -.., - ...........••••....... C.u11l lOOZ ............•.•••..... HlPPIHSI IS $12,100 Llv1"g '" Falrlana Gar· dens. In a lovely t •tOfY 2 Bdrm condo. In a p11rk- llke MtllllQ You'll enjoy lhe 1paclous rooms 1n the qulel tetti11g. Good ll"anc1"g aveltable 546-23 t3 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For our new regular weekly laature BOAT SHOW - CASE Every Saturday '" the Delly PllOI Classlfleels HELP! llELPIFlllLY llOIE, PERFECT FOR FlllL Y El- JOYl EIT. lut sell 11tw . T1kt ........ , .. 141-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS = 8RAND NEW "HHrt .of -()r1"ge Cou"ty" Town-= homlS -lu•ury 3 bdrm l'lomea beautlfully de- signed, qu11llty bullt -and llna"cl"g "ow that you llOIO just wo"'t bellevet Call :: "ow Bra"dywyne Pro· = pertles II, 531·9670. -I010 --WILi TO TllE PIAIJ Great famlly home. Ju11t ;:• rece"llY redecorated '" , and out 81g, big rooms. ::: cou"lry kitchen. bu1 mo- t1• dem Upgraded baths. ::: big cove<eel patio Walk -= to the schools. etc., etc. 161• ..... '111.1'. 5-48-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS •IAmtlT* MITIUP IPll NILY 1·1 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm -2 balh. REDU- CED TO $499,5001 UT lllYlllTTI H.&LTM/IWIH *'ll·t11l* PRICE llEllCEll Huge Euttlde 3 Darm, 3 bath, "awly remodeled home wlln pool! $ 139. 000 auuma.bte at t3%. Located near FIOwer and lrvl"• Call for detalltl 648-7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS .... · 11• ~.Ft. ...... 11• ...... .. Let 11U1ft. .... ,.. * ... ,.... o" the g olf courae. CutlOl'l'I t>MuttM 3 Bdrrn home.:. many, many 111• tru. a271.500 With 1~ down O"M* wt• C/llfY at 12'~"' tnter•t. . ., •... ~·· ...n ULl/Wll """' IAITllU" TEAINA CONDO, 31r, 2'it8a, dahwtllr, ftple, dbl ov.n. comm pool. 833·9187 dye. nt-u ti ev••· Owt1er/Agt. !l•. Open .... ... ,Sun 1-5 l • Orange,Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Seplember 27. 1882 -the Complete Oran1 • Real Estate rket Cu t . r;~~!!.'!.'.!.'.!! ....... ,!'.~!!!.~t.~~.'! .... ,.. li~!!!.(t.'.!!.'! ....... !'.~!!!.!'.~!.'.'!. ...... !'.~!!!l!.'.!.'.'! ....... 1¥J~!!.!~'.1.I!.'!!! ..... !'.~~!.~!~/!~~ .... !'.~~!.¥~!~!~.'~.~ .. !~.V~t.t. .. ~¥-' !~!.¥~/!'!!' : .• !.~'.a.I. ......... !!.'.! ~~~'.'.t ........ .' •.• ~ •• !.~'.'.L ........ !.':'.I ~ ... ~!U!f! .. !.~~~ !!!!~!: .......... !.~~·dll• ..... l~t.!ffl! .. 1.'.4f f~!~.!!re ...... 1.#M !m~! ............ l.~~f ~!!P.!.fffl~ ..... . ~ -------1 WOODS I Ill 1111 1111 LIOO IS' t • 3 .... rm lam Cllln i Br 1 bl, lftCi g11. LUlllll LIDO t•Y,'"O"'T 4 liiiiii;iiiii-......,-="'_ .. ,,..... ~ lttlla l•I•· C1p1 Cod •••••••••••••u••••••• m 4 e1 11100"" o' ylrCI, no pe11. HOO rno ,. " " n-drMtn c:o11eoe. 2br, 2bl WILLPAPE IOUIHllT r • • _ m 1548•8880 3 BOtm ci.te.c:Md 11omet 8t a ea. 12HOtmo '' 64M t t2, 173·~ RS N.-mobti.tmOClular ~· OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 2 8f t e1 1676/mo Ga· ~I:·~~~ ~111~ t:~~ .. H1t:::~~:\'01:_':,::· R·3PARCt!L mak•lhl•awermfamlly derco111g1,frplc,onpvl 1 Oa $7 00 mo 8111 t1g1 ten'cadyard 813 1800/mo ontyeatle... :t ON THI! BLUf'P home 4 bdrm•, 2 be bch Le•Mland 1600 mo. Orundy, Rltr, 1576-6181 w i 9th 848· 7645 Five oH1tr1 to choo11 "* Mdl 3 8r, lamNY rm "' I.erg• 101 with oldu surrounding 1n 1n1•r1or t l '-'% 1n 1. S86,000 848•821111. • lrom We're the O"-10 1. .... 11150. OU-8977; • l®. . LIDO ISLE DRAMATIC 8plrtl •l•lrt end prof111lonal decor throuthout Ihle 1paclou1 4 bff, 4 bath hom•. P•rfeot tor the f1mlly. l1latln9 •11umabla loane ot 1392,000 •• eff9011H 12.3" lnter11t. 8al11 prlc• .... t.SOO fH. \\ ·\ 11 IU He'' I 110 \ll ..., "' 111 \I I 1111 ' ,.. .1, U 1o1 .1 1'1 1 .. ,,, \I,,,'•'"' "' J I lft . t t•••I II•• 11 1 \l•t• .. • \u Kall-1.1 •• ,1 '• •1•••• M, .. , h 831-1400 873-8900 MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY MANSION Superb con1trucllon • e1Cqulal1a decorallng 8000 aqllt. 2 acres. spectacular vlewl Seclu· ded Lemon Heights • North Tustin Hiiis. area surro unded by o ther great 191ates. $2, 150,000. IUe• AJ4trettt Reellor/Oeveloper 731-4444 731·511 5 The laslesl drew In the West .. a Dally Piiot Claulfled Ad 842-5678 N••tl •••rt• •4.,••••ntf For Cw.siritd A4' ACTION Call A DAILY l"ILOT AD-VISO« MJ-5479 . PHllSUU 101 UYFROIT Proba u.• sail' o f $1,HlU.000 cash. Mini mum overbid $70,500 Court date 1017182. 5 Bdrm home, iwpar~t-0 lot. beach. d(X·k fo r 70' boal. Muma Bents, 644 -9060. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 LllO ISLE NOIES Prime Lido Nord bayfront 5 bdnn. 5 'n bath Lge LR .. 2 boat shps $l,500,000 Remodeled 3 bdnn. 2 bath + large r(.'(.· rm beam ce1hn~. furnis hed. patios $420.000 PElllSIU HDIES Pn:ze West Bay bayfront Sh ps for 2 boats remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1 .200,000 Ocean & ,Jelly v iews Manne room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq h $1 .385,000 Oceanfront home IUltlblt tor COn· Qlrdtn llrlum Nicety 4911•38UI. Bffutlful hom. lor QUiii• Ill I I Bl fl ti 2 I 1 UYIUIT e1:::!n~~~•n;•,!u~~tuh1 ~·:v~~~~~,.,~~ ~~~ N-port. on Bluff, 2 br, 2 ~~r.r::~~ogJ:~~~: 318~ 2:~A, n•2•;8~:· (g)c or ':.' b r~.1 greb;~b:~1~1po~; ~~~l=·~~~~:.~.kC~m~ 18750oo"""W 7020-' 111m1bl• loan II low lnl be, frplc, 1100 IQ ft. 875·1530 ;.~ sr. ie0:1a.o.50tO.° ~i ""~}CJ fldQe St400mo.Agl044"°1~.'·' LI ......... llTATI er111 rate Turtle Aock UpgradH. 144,000 By 0 I & .. BR 1 Bl duple• pMI Realru HtrbOr View Home. 2 Br.•" p11111y "'built with rera -.-Qlen Cell 1 d t 11 own.,, 931.1111. ullland ng 1 den, 2 ,.. ~ • 1 , arllllry Four btdr09m1 ---------or 1 1 1· Be 14.tndeck for I or 2 patio. new paint, S54S :I.St 300U dtn, 2 Ba. 1 tOO/mO:'• Pool Sp• Don't mlH ltl llOlllllLll •297.ooo BY OWNER, Irvine "The pe;eon1 176otmo IN t mo 833-81(12 ltZllH•rr•11r • l'li,.•.l"I"" 040·8l69 Ot 83l·3985. ""· S395,000 A cozy 2 Br COlllOt 2 G r 0 v I I " b ' 1 u 2 't r L 0I1 M 111 a r . 1 g I ai••1UTW, Herbor Aldgt IMM 4 8r4~ 111· 7100 bl0¢k• from Big Corona bdr"'/2be, dble gar Up-83 I• 1288 2 BR w/w cerpet1, drp1, ., Ba, be1u1 dtcOt, 3600 0,.' Only I 169 000 gredtd toll.000 On refrJO, "~· pallo. walll LWU pool, tannll , guatd ga ... : lllMI Slll,000 YllW PIH Earthlonee lhruout, 4 br, 2'/t be, lamlly rm, dining rm, 2,378 IQ It Vl-ol Pavlllon, nlghl llghll & Cataline ~110 ,.\l I 1 , TAYLOR CO. ht "' ••• -----~ COLDWeu. BANl(eRC WOOIHIHE UH.000 Your lamlly wlll love this specious 4 BR. Many association laclllllea clo- se by. A "special" block with muc:h spirit & loge- tharness Large dining room. 3 pallos plus atrium with spa & fount· aln 144~110 8 Ell.,tMn : Broker OrHnbtll S 11,000 dn Fully turn. winter rentel, rm clOM lo bu• & 1hop1, 2 10 4 bdrme. tterllng 81 12500/mo Bob °' Ocwle ~ 875·2373 °' 720-0740 . • 832-11119 charming 2 BR 1 B1 wlltr & g1rdentr paid. $600lo11 911 Koo p , Agt , RE/MA .. •!. cottage, 2 hou111 lo $475 plul 1111 plu1 N-0'8 Orett l1tate1 Lovely Mob HCUM R-beech, encl porch. agt curlty Nope11. 845-3583 7119'1221 •.• 3 bd 2, .. b 1 IH . lrvlne Orov11 from 075·Hl42 °' 048•5282. •-11 J••• ." rm. ,. • own-$85,000 Anlll Agt -hOUM. Glltd. POOi, ten· 552-48ff W11tellfl 3 Br 3 Bl, den. I I 2 w •• 4 c • .1,,, .. , 11f1;t, nla. l•c . 11una. Sllop-pertly turn 11250/mo. • ,. -• • •••• ~: ••••••••••••• .., • .,.. e1no Minutes to beech lt513C.ue .... "'-.f..,-. C,.••nl•I Avell 10/11 842-6802 Nr SC Plaza In SA. '450 Exec. hlllalde home, IOI;.! .. ou own land 1240 ooo nr;,w ""'"~ h llOO mo. No pell. 645-1947 b r, 2'h be, 3 trplc1,.!_ A11um1 12% 101n' By II ••••• ~!'-••••••••••• OC.11nlront 2Br lba, gar, beaut jao & yard 116~ •. " owner 780-3875 M• II • .,. -•-••y•._ p1_1 o, no pe11 Includes WHY PAY &e1-7717 < ., _., •"'r' -- -ulll -until June $575/mo. ClauM In 11111 freely H · lf'10l lllLJlll 848-2510 IHt• bl 1111 .,. C••t• #111 IOZI ...............•••.... ... ,. ..... 3 bdrm, 2 bl Sep. din rm• Covered petto Ad1m1 and Har~. neer everything. S 135,000. 983-0383 aumabl• • 183.000 loan F'>' INN/Ille. 7600 aq llfTll HA&.n .... SH 11.5itt ,. ....... "-.__ •••••••••••••••••••••• al 13,.., Trade your pre-II. Nallonal Servlc11 Iii II I I .H .,. u ...-,111L:1"-....:. 5 yr1 n-3 Bdrm, n'•bl. Mnl home Low down Of Group, 848-5051. • ... ~!!! .. ~.~/!.! ...... 1111 llAln ...... Sii W•H• JMc• 3141 ~S~S~~~18fiu:'.'~r~ ??? Thll quallly home 11 11£•ltll 3ZOI ••'••••••••••••••••••• h LOWEST PRICED C.•IM/a/••1/ -HARBOR OCEAN FRONT dep Avail 10/ l. Heidi I • ••• ••••• ••••••••••• ••• IO·lllTAU SH Nu 3200' lux hm on bluff 979-2390 Turll1rock Homa w/ f•mHNI 11IO llEITALI ....... 1-------- POOL & SPA at only •••••••••••••••••••••• llEIT&••.•·ll •••. SIO 180 deg. vu OI hlrbor. C.•'••l•la•I S285,000. Bluff• Condo, llngle 1tory. Ytarly-Weekty-Wlnler, 2, -.. " aurt, mtn1, 3br, 3be, M · ·~-su,E" GOLDEN PROPERTIES 1mell. chermlng 3bd 2bl 3.4 Bdrm1. cur It y, u u n a . 1 pa . f•nl1•H ,,,_ 752-1589 $189,500 ownr/egl •100111uLn St&OO/mo.498-7009 •••••••••••••••••••••• O,,o•tUlln 844 5215 " TIT~ ... Tll .... E.1 .... 1.L.JLJOI l••••rt ..... n I' .. • 104 . PllOP EMERALD BAY. 3 br, 2 Lu11 2 bdrm, new. Prof. SHOO MOVES .!I.~!! ••• !'. •••..•.•. 0.1/1x11/ IAIAlllEIT be 1800 1q. ft. trpl, brick dec'd Llnen1. dl1h11. YOU II LUii lntOlll V•ltl f•t lall lllO . HI llLY patto, with 1pa. 11600 King bad. Flrtplece. GREAT OCN VIEW 2 ••••••••••••'\."~!••.... Ill 1113 213/876-2255. VIEW, 11c gu1rd. Un- Bullder 1191 capital gain I 000 1q ft, 3Br, 2B•. iam llPU T&l llllLTll • 2 Br 1 Ba cottage, Cllll derground gar. Ldry rm problem•. will leaee wtlh rm w/wet bar lg llv rm Fla 1-1--111 lar'9r 11411/YllW $40 aecllon, ~·· """e. gar· Welk to bllchl $995 option to purchaM within /b d •11 11 1 •• ••-• .. ., 525 7405 15 months at TODAY'S w eame ce Ing rp c, San Clemente pride ol 3Br w/lemlly rm, llrepla-dener, re rig. Avall 1 /8.1 __ • ______ _ PRICE N-2 or 3 B 3 ANXIOUS. $5,000 dwn. ownerlhlp modern Spa. ce1, 111cellent VllWI, spa, We ha·-ll1tlng1 from all W 11 I I e I I e $ 8 7 5 , C••'••laJ••I · r, S 1550 mo. tor 18 mo. 1 h 1' 4 I sec rlt co ool TV 494 o 154 On bus llne Be CondO·l /C * lu11 OCEANFRONT 2Br n a aty e un I IPL u 1:· mm P • Ille aer~ces tor one low • . V•l•t•J1iH J41S amenltH11 Great locatlon hu e deck wlk j0 bell'. house with oc:ean/hllls & lennla. 2800 price! Dally updatff. Elcec family home. 1tep1 • ••• • ••••• • • • ••• •••••• next door to all 1hop-g 1 s5 000 d golf couree view. CloM 0..4e/larfrHt to Victoria Bell Dremellc EJl:EC RETREAT In NIW· ping, lheettrs & 1ran· 1v•1r8Y50PV • 1• 38 wn. to everything, only 3 Avell. turn or unlurn, llLY AT white weter. conlal port Bell. 1 Bf penlhou· •""" lion mo. or mo. years Old & 1how1 Ilk• t I ti I I I 3B 3B S It I ~-.;~4·83· 1·5055 ~ ANXIOUS Owner/agl NEWI N-a-could an II c oc11 on w/ IUll NIUOATllll .., ewa r • I , den, ae ecur y, poo . 19a. 642-2000 -494-1098 aft Sun occupy 3 Bdrm . 2 bath ~~~·i!,,B~~~s security ~;;~2 k~Y•~ ~~5.°-00102 l/8~2878 4 2 • 8 8 8 8 • IOWHllT city & ocean view apt 11 Otsta lesa/l•hr•. evH Bob Jiit LllTll N-moblle/moduler ce-appllclble & rent 1111 AETIAEMENT Apt 2Br, 537 8970 ---------•Autt.1•t1 fu.JdH IEllTAll PUI Fixer upper 3Br. IV•bl d 1 other 3 apar1men11 tor • North Laguna • Water-•'•-••••••••••••••••••• • ., ft••-on R2 lot Vicent SIP er cottage, rptc, on PY1 Income. Saller wUI ~P clean & quiet locallon front .3 Br cottage, 2~ •·•.&..... l1'ui 31'-Whe~ yo~~-=-~~er S 105.000 Century 21 ;8c0i,m~ e ~ ~ -!~ 81~1~ finance & SAVE buyer S400/mo AUllST llW Ba lrplc, sundeck1. 99· ~~ •• !· •••••••••• ~ e•lattng tst Trust Deed Gold Cou1 R11llora. 185,000. 4119.3818 thouund1 ol dollar1I I Wattrfrtat l••H Condo. 3 bdrm, 2•1t be. rage, off 11ree1 parking 2 unl11. 3 Br. 2 Ba. One oro on this absolutely beau-548-1168 REDUCED 111tlng price 111·1400 Pool. ape, flreplece S750 S 2 2 O O I mo water . S 1000/mo & lllul PLAN 4 This former'---------w•u• #l•HI IOSZ of $295,000.00 11 way Mo . Home 979·2898, 714/494·5945 OwMr $900/mo Av1ll now. model features 3 Br, 2'/t WtlE .. , ....... , ........... BELOW eurrent r119iace-••1At1, IHII. 10/1. 840·5010. W•••• lllh mo 780-1977 Ba & Hten1ve upgre-LIW tmlEIT Lil VILLE IE CERISE ment costlll Prlnclpala llM/••· ••'••••••••••••••••••• •-,.-JL--------d lng. Only $ 139,80011 Owner wlll help finance BEAUTIFUL 07N1~LYlll Cell owner et 1 •, ,....,..-CHlen. quHll cheerlul 2 Br HOME FOR RENT -759-1501°'752-7373. euper 4 Bdrm, e•cellenl ( .. ) ""' _.., ,. rear home. Lgeyard,gar. 4 Bdrms. Hee. home. l11"a181• 3111 areel Only $132.500 Cell T~~N~g~'fs 842 a 138 llAllAU•l•T $500/mo. dep. Owner $900. Fenoe<t yerd & ga· •••••••••••••••••••••• TllPLU S 111,IM Greal C.M. locetlon, three 2 Bdrm unll1 w/ garages. Aenta are low. No quallfylng w/20% dwn . 831 -7370 . 549·3546 TFUDITIO\,\l RE..\l. n lfUYDH l1Ul Lovely 4 Bdr 2 Ba hOme. lrg tree shaded yrd, pe- nellecl family room .... eluded patio olf Mltr Bdrm Super price lor area at only $159,900 751-3191 C:,C.,(ifl. ~'>~()Pf.tJ"t<1 7 5 7 • ITf..1111 979-3227 rage. Kids & pets wetco· Smell 1 Br. Catpet1. dr• now 9 9· 3 O By Howard Mark Co. me. 545•2000. A_gent, no p, 1 . ,. tr 1 g e . 11 o.., 1 _ \( :-11,1111~·111 • 11 •• \ ···' ••••• , •• , 1Y IWIH/11111 Approll. 3200 1q fl, 3 be, 2 car gar. San11 Ana Hgt•. ecrou from Coun- try Club. l45K. 640-6082 IEU IEL Ill Unt*leYeble ttrm1I owe 111. Remod. 3 br. 1v. ba, l1m rm. Owner need• a deel. Probate. &cc. 720-110 t. l.ll'-.............. 111 TO ol $80,000 futty a11umable Owner wlll cerry 2nd TO 1110 3 Bdrm lamlty home. Good locellon OWNER AN- XIOUS Atlllng S 124,900. Cell 540-1151 from 1159.000 -l.lrcf•t ,,,, noo n I Sharp llld-clean..,"8c...2ba_ fee. "S425Trno. 675-~ ---•115·3244 750.9355 •••• •• •••• ••• •• •• •• ••• Bl•llfl 11• •t1"1AH Gerd-r Inc. $850/mo. •---------•---------IY IWlll •••• •••o••••••••••••• Ph 546-9950 #1.,i•• Vi•'• 3111 Oceanfront & cloH to ·~ti JH.A IOll 1'h 1011 In Huntington '-••t1l 3101 Eaelllde condo 3 br 2 •••••••••••'/•••••••••• Smell 1 & 2 Br. Apia . ··,·~.-.·1•••0•1•·:.··,·1•••,•• Beach CA on 2llt bet-•••••••••••••••••••••• ba, den, trplc, 2 car ga· 3 BR 2 bl. beaut, lge S350-S750 Yrly & winter na • wMn Pacific Coast Hwy lllTALS rage. $825. 54s-ue5. / condo, all 1m1nltlee.1_8_75_·_5_10_2_. ____ _ AVDCAIO IAICH • n d W a I n u I Yearty-Weellty-Wlnltr, 2. -Children & pelt 01<. Wlntef'/yrly xtra lge 3 br Trede oren,.. & evocado _1_1_4_-9_80_-2_4_1_1 ____ 3,4 Bdrm1. E/S lde 2 br. gar .. RV/ 26582 Guedlana $77$. 2 bl si.P. lrom beact.' ·-•tOOll IEALn cerpor1. s5501mo. 111. 988-8432 acein ' bey v1ew irom rench. 78 ac. val. center, ••••t•'• .._,,.. " 1a11 & HC. 2211 Santa •• S 4 Hp. perce11. Sall or "Y· 1 ,,. ••1 p•op Isabel. 631-8283 #ntMtt •If• JZll eun«Mck ..... ust '"1 650 trade all or part for hOme ·~ 14IO n r---------· 1··-·•"••••••••••••••••• w Inter• S 9 5 O yr I Y 1 Npt L Ml Ion •••••••••••••••••••••• llO"AIRUT ••• lil•t 31U CALL NOW 1br w/bch 67~5204 .;'1110. i 1.:80.';;;o. a!:, or PALI SPllllS 111 111• •••••••••••••••••••••• patio ,_w_1_1 -Ren--,.,-----B y 0 W N E R N • • 111111 OlnAIE cozy klleh lg yd $425 n fl( 1 I I 'w ---------1 WITH FIREP CE 2 QC-RENTALS 750-3314 2 bdrm, be, dup u I Cu1tom bullt home tor 1-..a..-ILi• /Y.. LA • Oatege 'h blk 10 Ocean Nie, exchange or Lr~ •-' -.• • bdrm. 2 bll. $700 Pit rno. OC-RENTALS or Bay No pets $575 Located neer po11tlglous 3Br w/famlty rm. flrepla· Avail now. Call Peggy 1·5br'1 S200 10 $2000 7 1 4 . 6 7 5 • 4 t 4 2 Canyon Country Club °"' ex.cellent views, IQI, 49e-5660 750-3314 open 7-daya 2 l:S,.793-0038 ' I 1 Pal Spring 3 11c:urlly. comm pool, AIHLm ITUL :'C: _;uer• ':'-ot iu!ury' tennis. $2800. l•••tm V•lln 3134 EASTBLUFF Exec home 2 bO. l b•. poo1, •taps to I •--""-/•_....,.. ••••••••••••••-'•-•••• 3 br. 2 be den. formal bey, bell , & terry Gorgeous 3 9f home w l Ii.Mg with 3 b.clroom1 -_,,, Nice 3 bf, 2 be, COf'* IOI di I 2 I I d S pvt yrd. pulling green and 3'h bllhs. POOi and Avail. furn or unturn. Bit-Ina. crpts. drapes n ng, rp I . gar tn 575/mo WINTER LEA· and meny utra1. Try J a cut z I t1n1111Jc loc lllon wt Avail. Oct. 1. s675. Ow-Pat I o . S 1 1 5 O mo SE 875-1871 eve1. 10% dwn. For detalla call '475,000·furnlaned, 111 views. 2 Bdrm. 11CUrlty oer ,,_2•5808 842~350, 857-4828 875-2091 p •• r I ck T. n 0 r.. TO of $425.000 II 15%. bldg, pool $995 • . BAYFRONT CONDO, C..t• .... J1lf 780-8702. Call weekday• only ........ /hhra. Butl•1t•• 2 BR 2 Ba. unau(pasaed •••••••••••••••••••••• (714)540-8331 Broker RETIREMENT Apt. 2Br, JMct 3Zf0 view. No pelt Sec bldg ...... rt Yllla&e a,tl coopefatlon. cle1n & quiet locetlon •••••••••••••••••••••• $1500 mo Beautltul land~ Jr. ... , ... ., ,,, .. , $400/mo OC-RENTALS HOLLIS B. WOOD RL TR. l bdrm w1111 patio. o .. c,..., n11 Waterfrtat ... " t·Sbr'• S200 to s2ooo ~lj 675-8876 and Wiier peld. Large . ..... · RVM~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili······································· 111·1411 750-3314 open 7-dlyl HARBOR VIEW HOMES . recreation rm lnCIUdtl LllDA ISLE IAYFROIT liiiiiiii•,•.i!zi~iiiiiiiiie!~~~~~~~I ILlfn ....... omn um -...,-... -------rS~~r~t~B~;~~ :~: ~?;·y2:.'s:~~ :;c, io,.~:· g~a~~en~: ~~v: Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom , && •Htl•1t•• You own Ille land. 2.000 1H AHll l1'81•Hl• JZl1 C111 S-ib-t158:isk-lor 551-6130 leybell court, Jae/pool. dark nn. den. Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. 01 OlUll t.Mi 1040 1q h, 3Br, lem rm. 2'/t Well localed top quality •••••••••••••••••••••• Dave 1---------' Call Family home. Beacon •••••••••••••••••••••• Ba, wide Oreenbell, near grove planted In Grape-3 Bdr 2 Ba. yard, no pets. HOMES FOR RENT II Tll WATll lll·OOll IAYSIDE PUCE Spect.acular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 boat spac.'CS. Rc'Cluced-$1.500.000. Bay weterlront, ttnnli, II Tifl IAll pool. Far below market lrult and Navels. Elccel· avail 10/1. S1000/mo. 3 a 4 Bdrm, 5725 to Balboa Co\191 e11ecutlve 3 'II needs TLC, owner wlll .... F .. ffltllrt $245,000. Wiii ..... Of)· lent production hlatory. .I.I, PllPHn $800. Fenced yerda & home. 2 & den or 3 !'~~~.!~!~! ....... !,; •• llnance Leasehold 11 II· ·"" •l~lo~n~.~B~k~r.~8~4~4-~0~l~3~4~~I Reasonable water 00111 IAIAlllllT garages. Kids & pets bdrm. All opening lo Super 1 Br. 1 Be VIII•. tractive S795,000. ~.·~~'~:J0~~';' ~~.:~ .:: Outllendlngtax benellll lll .. 111 welcome. 5•5·2000. garaen, Piiio o~erioo-courtyard, very prlvlle. U ...il ()UF t1()&..aF Pool. aauna. weigh! $2,500,000. M1nagt· 1----------i....:A~ge~n:.::l·..:n::o:..:f::"::·:.._ ___ king weler. 2 lrplc:e, gu No peu. $450 /mo ,.... L ~L co1t••cto11s Ill men1. lllable I 1111 ring, spe, •le. •le. 873-3313 FAlllAllS UlmH Aealiora, 675-8000 room. 111b parking. "" v Houae tor rent In Cepl-Nr BCH sharp 2br 2ba w/ Meybe turnlahtd, lllp for r-------- New 4 br, 41;, ba, custom French Normandy 1~~~~~~~~~1 Ocean and Pier View 1714t 671·4400 llreno Pellaadel, 3 Bt ~ gar. patio, blMnt C-20 boat avellable Only B••tla1t•• "'-., h II $ 1-Llsled at $180,000, S85, S1ll,IOO IZIJI •ta.llJI Bl Children & pel ok. QC.RENTALS 750-3314 $19115/mo. 7. 51-2787 •--•L 31,~, i:.ot.at.e I :.. prime acre 1 top 1,250.000 ,.,._, /d,., IOll 000 under merktt All S 8 9 5 / mo M 1 r y da"" 968-6l03 e\lfl -·• , •••••••••••••••••••••• c11h or new tin. Grear ! HARBOR 4 9 3. o 2 0 2 J e 8 n Meredith Gardena Exec •-· •••••••••••••••••••••• AYALOI CHARMING REMOO. 3 opp'y tor '°"*'"' whO : tor •11p1n1lon Located 881-4188 Home 4 Br plul bonus. .. ••• ,,.,.rtJ ..... matt LMll Fee simple cotiage on quiet Descanso St (In Br+loft Trade/lse opt. lor cen ac1 1111 Agent In ~t Hlfghls area. cul de uc, tennis, neer Newport Creal. Ei1ec Beaulltul perk-Ilka sur- Flats) $!45•000 duplH or unit 673-8585 53 l-8100 Ask for J im Two auumable lo1n1. C•n•• ''' 1141 311J b •a ch . S 8 5 O I m o con'do Elegane & clMn round Inga. T1rr1c1d 111._, Rlghelmet For more Information call •••••••••••••• •••••••• 8 4 8 • 8 O 2 2 d • y • • 4 BR 3b•, no peia LM. pool. Sunken gH bbq. COIOIAIO CAYS Ot.-• Tl-•• Dorothy, Own/Agt A Di ( A1ndn-4Br. 3B•. lrp11c1• 988-9747 -· $l lOO/mo Agt Carlene 'sper1kllng fount~!· IHl•••I• 1111 -....-lH/ffl·IOIO vrs1on o n ry rm. gerage un • 3 Br 2 Ba condo dbl ger 87s.1771 pee ou1 room• .....,... Coronado bland cusl. bay fronl lol 85' boat •••••••••••••••••••••• No money d own, n o II a rbor Investment Co c:loM to 111 $1150 mo 1795. 18871 c~nyon L~ rate dining area Walk-In dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w /tenns. PElllllU P91' qu1lllylng own your L11 . 759·11570 or 8411-1156 879.5991 W111clllf 3 Bdr. $1250 clo1111. home llke kit· Gorgeous Cape Coda ho me on o ur unique WllTOUFF 873-4585 · CllffhaY91"1 3 Br. $875 H cnen & cablnell Well! to BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )J 1 Bo y\•d~ Or v" "4 8 b7S blbl STAR GA'ZEK" .. '-"~;.:..;..; ___ .,Cl.AT a "C>U.AWi---.----11 1Wf. :::~. ~:::: ~ ~ fo M wf'IOD ~uoo• for Mor'M:toy reod -or6' tOfrnc>o"d ng fl!'\~ ol yo.11 Zed-bortt> •'9" 'l\chot• .. _ '""' ..... .. ··-·-..... tG·•• •Oft• .. _ I-"~-"'-~ :;=· ,."4',..,. ,,,. .. ._ ,, ,,.. .. ,., .... ,, ,,,...,, ,.,_ JI·-nc-n-, . .,... .... p.<:~o.:.=-~ ~~ ...... ..... ··- ,, ' .. .. . .. .. JJ~·.... ., ..... 4,._ ... .,. u¥i..... ..,..,,..,, ).fl~ ......... ...... ""'• .,_, ..... /~· ,, """·"'O• ,,., "' •wO"I MO-,. ... -. ....... ..,,_ 40'• "'" urwilf• ""•• ., ........ ,, ,..., o·~~""" ,, ...... ._,,,_..,.... t•"'M•t .,..,,._ t\ ... .... "'"'"" •IW""ft ,,,.. .. ..._ ,. .. ...... .. ... '°'• ....... tt °' .. ' ' ., O' ....... .,,tf"". wc;..,. • ..., ...... 1 ..... .......... , .. _., ......... .. ....... . ..,... . ..... .. ,, ......... ,. IJ..,...... •Ull ...... .. . ........... ...... .""' .... n• ( ~ .. ,,, I ENCUD J,· I 1· I I I . I Tl L UP 1J ""-1-... 1--.1.--•r...-4 ~ Our new OOH hit Cul lhl .__.._..,__...._ ... __. 1cclden1 r•tt t>y 50 percent ~__,T,....l...-N-T-E_F,_I_-t1 tr• celled -~ tick IN~•. .... _...l'~r__..l__.l__.I.__._ o f.97~ :-...:~=. ~1 -........... ,,__,... l t.tow Custom. Ont of the II· lhlrld 1pprecl1tlon fl. By owner, choice quiet llll llt•ll 2 Br 2 Bl Condo 2 car 3Br. 2Ba. 2 11y. lrp lc, Fredtrlell. agl 831-1288 Huntington Center. nest,_ homes and lo-nanclng We hevt 5 location 3 bdrm, 2 be fxtha 1 llll garege 2 bloc'k• 10 tct~ patio. dlllwahr. IAYFlllT YIAILY 1 Bdrm-turn, $515 c a llons on the Point. hom11 In Hunt Beech POOi home, 2 aep. lenc;ect •••••••••l••••••••••• ocean 'w/d rafrlga auto sprlnkler1, lawn No pets. Ulllltlel frMI Steps to BeaCh and Bay 3BR 2'.~bl, 1800 lo 2100 y1rd1. Reduced S20K. Tr~ tr ... ctett 38r. 281 $895/~ 840:5324 l«'Y. 9441 P0<tamcMh Quiel aecludtd 5 Br LA QUINTA HERMOSA Ocean View. Oulet real· 1q II Payment• lrom priced for quick 1111 home, Anellelm • com-$950 mo. 539-3319 PIC home Specteculer 1821 t Plrilslde Ln, 1 blk denllal a rea Excellent $1200 to $1600 mo. Ceh Allclng $240.000 flexible. plete refurbish • Hmt QUIET location. 2 Br, 2 w--u view. lrptc:. 8'>Plncl. oar· W of Beech, 3 blka S. fi nancing $530.000 Gaor91 Brooke. Mon Call 846-7534 tenant 10 yr• tor RH car gar 1 bloc k to ••rr• den er S2200/mo ol Edlnger ... 847·6441. Open House Sit and Sun thrv Fri, 71'/891-5558 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LA. Orengt. s Diego. b 1 a o h S 1ooo 1 m o 3 bdrm plus dtn, m.. 875-7873. 1 • •--L Jt""• 1-5. 1531 East Octan Im•• IH4 ...... llMI coaatel ., .... $80,000 675~540 ~~~·· 2 cir Alteched. BLUFFS-DI• 3Br. 3Ba. 1g ~I.~'!~.~'.'! •••••• '?? :;~d116~~~t~~~gant •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... o•• UIT ~~5-,.55)111188-2645 or Nloe 2Br 1'/t ba In dpls 780-1334 den. fo rmal din rm Lu•ury studio,,,.. HBO. IWlll lfnYATlll "" Living rm w/frplc, 1un-StSOO rno 6-U-11105 phone, maid Hrv, 1p1, C.tt•• ''' "" 1111 F•nl11llc buy In lov•ly ~u~1:,;ounlalns, cool TrllCM 4 IOts, 2 loll Mia-deck. ger, ao of hwy Eltac Home nr bell, •Br, MOVE IN NOWI L1rge lu· St3o wtc. •99-30l5 •••••••••••••••••••••• nelghborhaod. E.llceOant .,.. 3 Bdrm-n-·lral d~. 11on LekH C.C .. Pelm $850/mo. 323'A Luk-2ue. gardnr. on cul-de-xury coodo $695 2BR Victoria Beach tll 1 br 111.•ff fHr lfftr f 1 o "'$127 .. "" ---•no•r. 538· 1•53 Wkdy1 sac 1vaJI lmmed 1950 · • • • lnenc no n., ,JVV .,.. Country kllchen with Spring• erH plus mem-....,..-mo • 1575-7673 · Extr11. 837-2888 t\191. $500f mo. Inc ut111. Hom.+Gueat+lncome Call now 879-5370. 11roe view deck. ber1hlp, 2 1011 Cre1tllne Brend ipanklng ~ ~ · 3 Br 2ba. 11000. 2818 (805)259-1251 owe 111 -Flell. Terms .,.. Rent 11000 mo. area overlooking Like rywtiere. 3 l>clrm. 2 A be. Ba•ll•1t•• Cerob. lmmtd. occup, ...,_d IHi• j•ff 509 Aceola CdM nr bell ...-Sile, S449,000 with 1 Gregory tor own P•Y· <hrege pello. s 1.000 •vt.u 3141 8 4 0 • 9 o 1 9 . E 111 n e -::::r. ••••••••••••• •~ •• Spollell VIClnl Ouplell ICkme. menl on hOUM, Newport. mo. 1507 Iris Open Set •• ••••••• ••••• •• ••• • •• 831-0838 OCEANFRONT OllC 2-4 Bt. Huge5br/3btt3br/3ba 142·1200 C.M erea. 835-5011 end Sun 841-4888 or 2 bdrm 8roadm00< Con-By wuk or month . 440K own/bkr 845·7048 fllchenge Equity In YOUR 777-2233 dos. Security gete. Harbor View Homt1, Por-873•7873 \f >ll / 1lFlf ii( A 1 • \ '' I '•,tt *•' Classified works for you when you PETE BARRETI ... REALTY •WNIT•m 4 bdrm. 3 b1th1, family room, latgeal floor pten. tenn11, pool all bllln1, trl-leYll Auume to1n ol 12% & Miier w1" llelp fl. nance balence. Wilk 10 beach Listed 11 1195, Ilse or condo tor Turti. J•• Acro11 lfom blue PIClllc. toflno, 4 Br. 3 Ba gar-1--------- roclc Ho,,,.. EqultY $90, C•t• 1111• ••4 From '900. PIClflG Moon daner lncld. S 1200/mo. Whiter ren11i. ooo. aood 111umabl• suc•iA"oiAL°3,~·.:i~j A.elly. 648-2850. Cell 111 8PM 780-9589 now avlilable. Ce11 IOlnl 11111'¢ cozy kltch 1325 1m.1 3Zff LIOO ISLE .• Br 3 Ba & .IAOHI IUl.n GOLDEN PROPERtlES OC·AENTALS 750·3314 ...................... cMtl. $1400 222 Via Pa-PllP Ml•~ 752-1589 3 bd Avell1ble Now. Ger-lenno. 875-7188. UM111 WAIT DH. Mltl llSTA Ill& diner. No P1t1. $930/mo HARBOR VIEW HOMES OCEANFRONT ,.,._ mo- BHch ""· wlll tredt le4tl tr....... 831-1815: 493-77&e 3 Bdrm, expended Cat· Clem 3 er 2 Ba -No Pl'•· Income property clMr In Oeeorllor pe<f~I. •PB· Super deal Sbr 2be W/e/c mil mdl View New cpt A I . J 14 San Bernadina Co. clou12 bdrm, 2'Aba, MW '91, P•llo. lg yd $825 1800 all. 11200/mo. Cell ,;::, 8~t_~ une .. 11650/mo Income. &/or Cepe COCI POOi. lac. rt-OC·REHTALS 750-3314 Agl 0-Hiii 042·I079 , ___ . _____ _ ~ •ere country Hiiia. :.::;. ::·c:;f.,Tl:; 2 bdrm. 2,~ bath, perk 2 BR 1 Bl hit, 2'1t blk• tr w::!:. ~ ~~1! 3200 •q 11 Old Engllah ger1g1 O.Corttor wall lront condo 'It ml'" 10 bNch. ger. retrlg & 110-Mila. P11y1 AMI Estate. ~u:or0 ~cf':.~-piper, dreperl .. •nd UCI No pet1. $900 mo. ve. $700 mo lncldl all 873-1900 84'8--4582 °' 923..e195 more. S 1050/mo Call flA8·2850 etir ulll No pele Cell Tom.1--------- 548·2239. t0:30 to 5:30 2 BR 2 Ba, cpt1, drp1, encl 835·6445 Y;,7~Zg!.~0"""~1:'~:: - I tll pm g11. S750. No p111. 5 ~ .!.". •• !••••••••• •••••. Chick It out 2br w/~ 875-M08 WAnu.f hlHfrtlt/Yltwl ... ,,, fua/tAH ~~f.:~~i.~~J_,43314 W0008RIOOE-4Br .... Ou1111ndlng 2 end 3 • Lido 80 ty •••••••••••••••••••••• Ad1m1 Mdl qn •ldt 2 BR plua dtn with 3 llJkf I Ir. I la. itraet. Perl.Cl cbnd No bath• -S.CUtlty bldg, 2 belrm, 2 be. ldry, trpc:, ' 67~7300 118''818/• Jtf• I F"'IC r.,.... yerd n•-. r•ll Avell efl Oct 10. car gerage. $2,000/mo. be.I, 2 git. $800/mo, •t l~~~~~~~~~I 11• 1 ... • -··-· • .. -· 1100 mo y .. rly Cell Oona CM· 000 winier. a•0-•?14. 1: -~;;;;.-;,;:~·;;~,;I r· no pell. Prlv111. GOl.OEN,PROPERTIE8 c:hetler. 1444200. ..., TUI i.a CIMnlf lnl rent•I. 'urn. l.09 2 bf. 1 0~1'8:i ~1.' ~~~~.Tt: ?&M5et FVrn. r41n111• by...-. 0t •• •••••••••••••••••••••• l>I, PlllO, W/D, frplo, S00 499·1817, u~'IVERSITY PK. 38t, monll't. Agl 878-8170. CYPRESS COVIi, new W, 00..nlronl, 930-&088 "' •Br, 48•, bMll111\11 view or 807·3070. Cell on 11111 2br wlto 21Jt8e, tam rm. llv rm. 2 br, 2 bt, ffple, M75 mo hom•. liet~ $450.000. G9f' btlttt• llltch "4l0 lrple, micro ov.n. 2 car Y91rly. SllPI 10 belch & By owner 130.000. 4 8drm, t>1ylr~1 wldOCll. OC·AENTALS 750-3314 o-r-cie. Jndry rm, refrtg. N•wport Pl•r 200t 070-9702 <IYt, 404-0022 14000/mo Yf''Y or '3000 Pool, Jeo. I 1296 mo. Court A• let, l•t a"° ·-Bob w1n11t. Avllt. 1011, , IA TAAILlA Prllttle. H2-et'47 S.llCh llOUM, 2 llr, ger No Pitt, (213'f12·20951 ,. J, ' ..... Pllflln I ~go~:'~· ~1~·11~:· WOOD8AIDOI SHOO 1700/rno '" 2 ... oer M5·4l • W llllllmif 4119.1111 Spec, 4 bf, 214 be, nio.ty Hts/mo lo mo. flreo 1·J-unlot--l -l _f _V-.,-.. -.....,--°"-C4-'1'1,.. lf1't•M1fl l1nd1oap1CI. l•m. rm, Tenore, agl 83'·12H. co u r 1 t $ 411 1 mo • -INT ~..-•tto f tllt' ~· I' r 1· 1· I' r I •••• ~·............... I ,..,. '"E ....... 0 ........ .._ ....... '-.... •• ,........ • .. 1·271 I .. 13/•97 ..... 2 Cl•"•• ~, ... tt<?:'.:•ts' • ·~ vv-n .. ,...... """"' ,...,..,. .. -,....... ..., • ,. ... ' :.??!! ~ __ • _ • • • _ • 2 Ir/poof, ltoe totll mo. Cedlffece 10 Oo-CM1t 1·50f'• 1200 to IJOOO & tennl• UO· 1 21. 2t,,H7•5t00 pymt plu• IHOOllllOn Wt\91~ , ... ,Id 7S0.331• open 7-0•YI IM-t1M °'° T20-7373 MO<ltl Townhom• n•er·---~-----t • ~~·~~N~;r 1lmu I I J I I I I duea 1173/mo) c1ot1no I Roll • .,,, on tl'le "'"~ • Wl4•. 3 Ir 3 .. frpto. Older l 8', ,._ 1>111 to uno -. . . . . . . COit ipprOIC 1'700. A .. , Wlll't. c-.iri.o AO H•vtt aometlllne lo Mii? 8ell thlntt , ... ..,... o-ity upor1d11 HOO/mo. ..30fmo Yfly 116-6110 w.utl Aalwtn Je .......... 11. king 171,IOO .. N ·2117 C111HOIWI642·M71 O.....W IOI dO It well PllOt Wanl ACll. 761°1442. a" 5 ......::::::::.:=..:.::..=::.:::.:..:=.::=::::.::::::::..:..:.=.::::=========:::::::::-=============.t=====-========--~=----.;.:.;;.:::::::....J.:::-==::::::::::::::::::======l===========::J============:J.i------------ , ('8 Urnnu ~011•1 DAii v l'ILUl /MumJcay, 8 pt•inue1 27. I ~~ EiJ Pralessianal Si!rvice Dired ~L~~!e!oR!~ ~.·~!~'!!~I .......... . L •>YUl\I hom11 1>Q•• J I u11 I 11 $40/w" I bet 111lt •~Ill t M ~!.Ill Jll:l'1 f~!1!.1.!!!!!!! ........ f~.~'!;'!'~!~~~~~~' . 1 1 ¥~.1!!.~!11;t •••••••••••• ,¥.-.~~r!'!~~..... ....... ~~~~!!~~~,!~'········I r~1~.1!~1 ••....•....... · r!~!!!V.~·1.~!~ ....... J !1!!~~.'!!! ••.•..•••... No Steiam/No Shem1100 Kii r•mOll, ce••mlt ui., l11101e11~1ng Mllutenan JACK Of All TRAUCG O&M ttO\JMCle111ln'1 flll fllltlll ro I PlASTFRINO • 8UlVIC( & R PAIA s11111 Spec1111e1 r111 c:•bl11e11 Call now trM c:11. l ew11 & oorde11 e1oe. (..1111 J"1.k ""V""''· R•Uon1bl• C111 Denl8 I by R1e;1111d Stoor Ll1. NHI patc:n .. 111tlu t V•n OPP«!• 8eM<.e c.~ IOr I <lty Hff HI 839 tbll::I H I 842·088 I CIH ll up K•n Jon••· d•Y or lllUhl (17b 3014 Oolboe l•l•nd 1176 74911 '80fl44 13 Vfl of lll PP> ne•tucco• 84!1 U611 8111 'e&cl c.xcn CARPCT CAR( lh•11tle 838 '8t0 ,.,.. UCI tlUlllflll 11nor1110. ll <.helor'• ttH tlH Jtlng local CUtlOll18'1 11lASfER PAlCIUNO '"• 30 d•y llCI In 11141 M11lurn ll1.1•11111d b11tiy1111 h11 l11r d11v workl111) mo 1111111 1rn1v Mon I rt h1 l1111t" lo .t y11 $C.!'> wkly IM:i'Ofltl Jock Bullington •• ••••• •••••• • • •• • • ••• l&Rllllll WlleTll wndwl10roen. corponlry, & t nundrv S•rv Keren, Thank you, 83 t 44 tO AualuCGOI 111tlt~ 1 30 • • • • ••• • • • •••• • • • ••• •• Ow11er1oper11or •KATRINA'S LIVF IN Mowing. •doing, raking, oloc (•I.I nub673·2211t 640281618800892 Cullom work, Int' •• , '>'" NllOI P11ul!>02VTI TIL[INStAll(O IAILY PILOT Corr>lll, uphol, erH rug h•k~fl, dally m•IU eerv. awetplno F'rH .. llm8· '8 YRS E'Xt> OUNllAM HOU8f Cl.FANING ue'd 20 yrt In 11r1111. r11l1 " '" Alt Kindt Ou•ranlHd c~~::li~. ~~&~ f1u1•; ~1~.~~1gc~3·6n~r1Y6 (;fl)t 1111 6411 6737 liOM( IMPROV!MENT tlOnHI & D11>11nd11bl11 I H~21·~12 .,,, 6 30 •• '!!! • .'!I............. nete Joltn 8•0.g2I1 IHVIOE .DIHOTORY ~!!'.~~!!t!~t •••••••••• _ _ --_ -FINE8TKINO Romadnllng Odd Jobs Brenda 00,·2800 QUAl.ITY WORK • neat ATlAG PLUMOINO & Kllc;h balh• •nlllH C1t11l•t, Dtlrl•t, l•trli• CJAADENING Clean.up~. _ 831 8830 •nytlmft rooa , honell Aalt Lie H11ollng, •g-clallzlng In cuaiom & comm 00 IT NOWI Ask for S1dra Your Dolly 1'1101 3 orvlce Dirac. to• y NI I l1 IH I I' I A1111ly11nu. CH yMtl/11111 tioo .. klle 111111J . 1J1111k111u. 11111~ '•411 40!1!> • ••••• • ••••• •••• • •• •• • •• ••• •••• • ••••• C.... am t1ndac1ptng. monthly H'1irtHi TIHll l:x£!'\~~~,i':~uv~~~'::1'&0 287 t07 Dave 984· t045 r(lp11lr• 84. t888 r ree oat 1140·2062 n11ec~:i~rin~N~I~~. old P lT YO,.R H~Yld I 1 m•lnl Nell 642-11795 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1upplle1 Kiity 841 4970 LowH'7iteal Prompt 10 Ill ••l·llZ• Cuti om Cerem1c; T111 .. •rlOllft ' qui! 18 dr . K*O L .. •• I HARDWOOD rLOOHS ne"I profeealon1l1 1• w n1e1 HA111er Snar1a11 work, he. ... 675·5100 world tradition u45-0868 vera for your day to day ,. en .. acll.l)e mant Bellulllully <.le1111ed CtHnlng no job too blO " " v .. -6<18 7263 GI C •IC trrand1 Shopping, dr RHtd/Comm Clean·up and waxod 1132 488t or emall Exp, reliable, yra exp 848-5684 24 hr plumber etc I ~~uc:k en or Aeprest1111n1lvfl B111inH I S•rvicu .!!'!!~!, •• ~~!!!!! ..... 8Qptt, church, etc: All Liie hauling 546·2489 1lii1f.. ,.,. $6/hr 957-3341 CUSTOM PAINTING PLUMBING REPAIRS -- •••••••••••••••••••••• Conu1111-Me1on1y·Btock n1ed1 mat By hour or ClFANUP·HAUllNO ••••••"•••••••••••••• 11 you want your horn tnt11x1 Rnld/comm Rop1pe-Rept•ce 11ra1n1 1111 l11vle1 Hl-1111, Ht. J22 MOUSIOlLL W111t1-Cu11 worll lie day 494-11857 lANDSCAPINO HAUllNG-GnAOING RC Al Ly CLE AN. c 111 F• .. •et lie 644-,798 Frea ell Aeoa rellabl• ••• • •••• • ....... ••••• • • 38 0 .. 7 A " 7 2•93 0 •9n 3•08 d I t 64 .. ·28 I 1 co' ••• MN• ' lOW RATES ' ,,., Uu,I""" Ul>I tor • 1 ., Ob ... 4 • " 01-•ll on .. ... .. tmo lllOn, c •on-up I Linda, eog 0318, Good IS y11 ••P NBICdM Irr "' ,, ... trlm/remov. CIHn -Anoka/ Onm/Woro Oesperetel Patio work ••1•0 ••••••••••••••••• MAINT & DESIGN Concrete & tr8e removal Re_I• ___ tm8ll. my p rices arc l•lla/1&.Ja1, up1 mowing 55,.1017 ~ ••• : ••••••• :: •••• 110 Min 011 ''" "1~11 free design. lo prices Repalrt . aml job spec l t 01>erll11 Landscape Serv HOUSECLEANING am•ll on" • 4 •••••••••• ••••••••••• •-•ili'"ll Cii'Ji"•fl Pt1o>HhblllfJ ORYWAlllACOUSTIC Oul'k 1erv 642·7638 I A •73 6 77 I • i\ppllecl. re-eppllefl Quar so.u o•l•n 11111" $?!rhr Xl11t 1els 497-~3~ -yre H P Bud 552-9582 Written agreement on PROF SERVICE I GOOd rel• Eaper'd ""INT/exT PAINTING A~~q~e°:'\~:··~~·::~~11 '!.8.~'.'f~I. ••••••••••••• lnaured. llc'd 4 14&91 \114) G4~·'•'l7'l I Cllild c,,. I Waiil.;1ures·AC001llC moo:=~~N w~~~~248 6~~~nl ~t!~~r c~: ~~t IH9·9756 & WALLPAPERING line pelnt1no 645-0884 Most tub,8011 K· 1• 730-1900 Ir~ e'tlmUIC'~ I ct.~i;;~;:·;;,,"a·;;:~;;·,; Hang-Tepe Sleet Slud• Full Service 0 11rdenlnn 673 0546 HtaHlilll•t. ACuslom ;ork ~~e: 4•:J. ~~y~~~ge~ ~N~~76 A..1 ... ri•f S1rtic1 I Bailr/111 Lie 38119'4 1 532 55,9 ··• -----• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ea!; 18"8 • IHll•'I, --_ ----• •• • • • • • • •••••••••••• • •••• •••••••••••• ••••• leecher Organized 8Cll· -----. lac Bernet 6"6·21122 HAULING • student hit Married c;ouple, prior ex I Harbor Painting qua ••••••••••••••••••••• Wl•i•rt c1 ... 1., 50% OFF FIRST MON TH I llE:MOOFI lrlfl'AIR vme~ c M 6'5·4657 ll1tt1it•I G•r~nln Lendsc:apm • tge lruoll lowest rate per x1n1 refs House or work, tree eat . call af Huber Roollno·•ll types 1 •••••••••••••••• ••••• Dependable, allordahte I 11119 11 worll II door 2 dedicated pr•·•chool •••••••••••••••••••••• yard me~nlenance, ci..°n Prompt Call 759-1976 •Pl, Oct·A p r (518) 5PM 1173-5166 N11w-recovvr·deck1 tet the Sunahlne In'' euenllal Answor111g' t11111qlf1g No jufl 100 ll•U 1eachers wllle day o11re. FLECTRICIAN Priced ups, lrff trim & removal Thank you. John 66112088 ' lk. 411802 5 49.9734 Call SunshlM Window service, secraienol & o1 6•11.111 M1~e l>J t 11171 '> & lull day 845-2209 I right. free Hllmale on Free esllmoles Insured CLEAN-UPS GARAGES. ---1 J flOIF PllOILUU Cleaning, Lid 548-8853 ~ualneu lservtc:es, m011 C Chilo cart In college perk ~~0~~~·;;0111~~~-0359 642-4869 ANYT HING! CALL ~~!!~!T ............... !1.'.~PI.............. Oont reroof repair e1 20% Monthly DI~~ O>t renta ·word procus •tl,lllfl'f' ' area 2 rs & up SI hr -RANDY 642-7647 BRICKWORK Small jobs Forthlng Interior Design frk~tion 01 1 .. a ~.o"" Call Int/eat Reaid/comm 1 sing Telax-Focslmllo ••• ••••'••••••••••••• ELECTRICIAN -----HANGING/STRIPPING v.. ·-,. •• Order entry, pagera·leuso flt•IJIOI) .\ i;c,lc,li11ons. tree Full Ot pl time C11olyn Smt jobs/Repolrs Lie a,.,,,, S11rle•1 Haullny & yd clean-up NltVfPOfl, Costa Me11, c Sc 8 Lee 857 -2890 Fre• HI 20"1. munthl~ bu desk s .i o rentol do~1g11 I\ tl~t Ouol A low 646-726 I I 233 08 C •••••••••••••••••••••• Tree trimming, garage Irvine Raia 675·3 t75 Vlsa·M oll 45·932E I --dt11<;oun1 6''·4798 lNSWER~iTWOAK Hill's Stevt1. 7!12-95!>6 C-I I II I "'· I J 1 • tO 548 5203 Need wo rk dona? Cell ClllBJl·up Bob 850·9844 Cuitom Brlok Stone ASA PAPERHANGING ,. S~~~J~l~Go~E~:;::!su. CRAIG CLEANING CO 760-7320 (ask for Av) on 1 e 1 ' -• 11 uc·o ELECTRICIAN Joel Paint, yd cln-up, u --Btock-Co11crato·Slucc;o 7 yrs tocat up Guar A .... , 'I 1 / 1,,u::; 1 l"IM wuuot n.1110 co-••••••••••• •••••••••• NEEDS WORK! heuuno. dellv Reis De· noo1•el1111i111, w ork Prices at arl at mBlH Cell Tom & Chuck 88'" comm nl e~t v111 .. ''"'·k& !\ lt111cus b~ R.J. M•ff"'1a I It• Lie 4 t8988 642·8023 pandllble 548-0338 ••••••••••••• •••••••• Ref1 Free ~I 549-9492 $6/rolt Alec 751-7027 5<12·6392 Screens, mirrora Ladder ~11.~a.{'!!!. •• • •• •• •• •• nAN()Y 641 0622 Lit.; 306886, Remodel, ------HOBIN'$ CLEANING u I w 0 r II 0 w n er 0 p e' A I r I\ Add'n11, Cabinets 011i1ai11• Service · 8 thoroughly !'!~!.J!f ............... E xp ert waltcoverlng 'SctHlll 646 3089 rt-Ant Ques-Jcwelry 11111111 rnugli t.;<11 µentry. I 646·85861645-46414 ••••••••*"'•••••••••••• H111dt••11 c:lean house. 640-0867 tnstollallon Reas. prices •••• ••••••••••••••••·· 1--.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Appraise & LIQuldot•) • •ll1111nts. 11T1 udd111n11• TREES • •••• •••••••••••••••• -J --' C-1 -S 1 •A· 1 llOVlll* Consultant Assignment MOBILE SERVICE Michael Hein 953·07 t7 6416 Ina I AOO'NSIREMOOEllNG Carpentry • Masonry oan 8 eanlng erv ce Top Quality. Special core 581_8590 Aescreensl New 1creens Pla1111 Llc'd George r oppedlramoved Clean Rooting • Plumbing Houses·APll·Rental• In ha11dl111g 25 yra ell.p NBICM only 642·9552 OPPORTllln •· a. J C l Polmer & Sons 646-7814 up, lawn ranov. 761-3476 Drywall St cco Tiie Ollic115 540·1287 Compat111ve Rates Peperhanglng, stripping -m••• 1 •• '.'l..e.t •• s.e.1•11,i.c.e........ ABmode1 • J eu 5•5 .. 9990 TIRED-OF H AS-SLES? .. '••••••••••·••••• ••• Masonry, carpentry. con-TllE IREEll SCEIE w .. " No ove111mo 730-1353 painting 11.lnt work. lg or Soll Ottvewaya, Parking Loi Sh.irnpoo !\ sto.im c.1~011 crole, add'ns, Int/ext ffl· Lawn-tree-shrub lnaloll Carpentry . Cablnets Ouallty c1ean1ns;1 help 11 ·ABC .,OVING-smell jobs, reasonable •••• !••••••••••••••••• Repairs. Sealcont1ng C't.ior 1t11olll1 11n1s, wht n·od li'r 'd ... 6•0761 Tr~ lrlmlren•oval Plumb. Oreln Cleanlnn hetel Rafa 960·7452 "" rates • Rais Free est soior Conaulung, 1y91oms S&S Asphll 631·4199llc; r1 t\ 10 m111 tiloacll ' ~ .,.. L v';., 1 I/A 1• lltl Et~trlc&I • Tiie .. ., -0--H-----Quick, Cerelul Service Brendan 966-7427 H,111 lov \1111 '"'" i 15 IJ\IQ STAN6UR INDUSTRIES awn ... a n O 01 ng -uallty ousecleaning Low r111aa 552-04 10 trouble shooting pools. f0'1111 S7 •o LOUCt1 SIO Gen'I contr Property Free estimate 548•6085 Rais Don 956-<>149 w/a personal touch CM, STARVING COLLEGE ~~~u~~[:;i::•dc:,~~r~:~J'n ~!!!!'!!1.' •••••••••••. ·' AUTO ACCIDENT'/ No recovery • No leu Alt'y Kollrulh 848 <1375 CIH $5 c.uJr ollrn pe1, 1mprov 997-18t1 (8·5) Simmons Gardening - 1 Gen con1rac1'g, ma1n1. Irv. NB Botll 850·0933 STUDENTS MOVING r!~~~!~~!~L...... is here Op11ml1e your odor C11°t 11·t1<111 15 rrs Cln·upa, lawn care. lull plumb repair. peint'g. HOUSEClEANER CO Lie T t24-436 * •,SRYANT's* * systems elllerency Also r•xp Oo work mys.,11 Shc.p et home Shop comm & resld malnl mobile home service. GoOd rels NB & Irvine Insured 64 t-8,27 W~llcoverlng Removal ·Aew 1nsrallat1ons Lie l~ol~ 5J1 0101 _ Cla$$lfled 642-7667 Free H I 1140-668' Jim 536-99571536-3684 pref Glldye 64 1-0702 WATCH US GROWi All types 6'2·1343 40554' 631·2'30 ' lpr your camera .. 'Ii DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item LINES 3DAYS knocks ollen when you use 1e1ull-ge1tlng Oallv Piiot Classllleo Ads to reach the Orange Coast mar~et Phone 6.42·56711 ·'"'!'"o·· _L per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commeFClal-ads. Gall-today for full detail&. (Non-refundabl4t. Extra llnM 11.AIO)---·=-=U~Sl.UFims642-56-78 = A•'1l•111t1 FotairllH Ap•tl•tnl1 Ap•rl•nl1 Ap•rl•Hll A1•1l•Hl1 ·'················· ••• Unlurnillt.td Ualu11ir•14 Va/11al1•H V11/a111ir61d 11111•011 lt•tb 3169 ••••••••••••••.••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ............................................ . ••••"•••• ••• • • • •• • • • • • Corl• M~J• 3824 ' Coit• #11• 3124 .Du• 1•1•1 3126 /11wN1t 11116 3169 WtNTER RENTALS now •••••••••••••••••••••• •••""•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••~••••••••••••••••• avalleble. Sharp 2 BR 1''> be, pauo, 1 Br garege, near ocean, J II PROPERn STUNNING 11111,111 1 Br I 8 gar no pets s415 very clean S390/mo ' •, l,ll"EllEIT Gnrd"n Af'I pool & rec 546-9950 I 2 131'02-26S7 See II • areo 7 10 W 18th SI 24682 Cordoba Or Apt 115-1113 * 2Br IBG NtJar so c ICompl re<lec 2 br, 2 1>11. A OC"'A F"'O ~ Plaz.J SA Luxury Con-lrplc, gar . dlsp OW ,---------- ""'N n NT, IWO .. en du, w pool "5'·0 No I $525 675..()073 'BHll•s'•• one 2 BR. avl now rrom .. ~ $700 mo Winter Coll IJ&l5 833 8')74 E/Sode duplex, 2 br, 1 ba, l lfae 3141 675-,37 t 2 en t BA Old llouse, no' lge pvt yard wlp11t10 & •••••••••••••••••••••• Sub-te•aa 2 Br 2 9n OvPt pets Chtld OK All ulll po gas 880, gar $550/mo OelUH poolalde Xlra large ~ ~ 415 Hemrlton. •535 548·8495 2br. 2 be bl1n1, daWllr, close to beach evall 6'1 0763 E Side 1 Br lba, pool, $500/mo 536-8362 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEW PORT BEACH A1,,t•••t1 V•lot•l16H . .................... . Su C)t•••ll 3116 ••·••••·······•···•··· t Br. pvt deck. 010 world ch11rm specu cular ocean vu. walk 10 beach S495 con111ct Mgr 11 1pt C 332 Encino Ln • t t f J a.a~ Shr be3u1 furn 3 br. 2'-t n,V .,. I .,. 1... V•e•ti ..••• ,.,, 4ZSO bl 2 sty house. Irvine, II U•/11• 3IOO • •• • • • • • • ••• • •• ••• • •• • ac' ar 731-8630 •••••••••••••••••••••• L•k• Tanoe on water w/ _1 __ 0 ______ _ SEAWIMI boat dock 48• 3ba e11.ec M/F 10 ahr condo. ocean h m Com Pt I u r n view, amenities. S375 YILUIE 5 5 2 • 2 1 1 5 o r e v • • mo incl u111s 642-4691 975-0311 IHI SP&OE 011 Shere furn 9,.ecullve ollt- ce Np1 Bch, c;opy ma- c h I n e s1 00 1mo 857·6363 Two smell offlOe solles w/ some warenouse space Nwpt Boh near Hoag HotP 6'2· 1822 Allraolt\19 rusltc; upataora setting We supply desk space. c:op1e1 You eup. ply phone & S95 pr mo pr des!( Calt 6H. 121 t iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ---pool, Jae , tennis. view I • 1'' mllet beeoh No pets 1011-5/30 S800. unlurn llUllD •EW COllO I au n dry N 0 p .' I WHIU•E $7110 tal 1aat & sec I $385/mo 833-7890 or 548-351' 2 Br 2 Ba 2 car uar&ge 6"6-1947 Spec t & 2 br, lovely A 10111 environment 1parimen1 oommunlty on the Upp•r Bay Private clubhouse and heatlh epa, 8 11nn11 court•. 7 poota. close 10 t>uslness, 1trpor1 F1thlon Island Conventanl sllopa on I 111e Unlurnlshed bec:he- lor1. 1 & 2 bdrm apls end lownhousea NeVf 1&2 bdrm luxury BPIJ In 14 plans I Bdtm lrom S540 2 bdrm lrom S595 Townhouse from S665 + pools. 1enn11 weterlalla, ponds! Gas tor coo1<1no & heating paid From San Diego Frwy dtlve North on Beach lo McF11dden to S e a w 1nd VIii a g e (7 14)893·5198 --Newpor1 luaury condo. 2000 SQ It w/500 sq 11 l••llll to "'" 4300 Ally straight share with storage o c Airport h clfft l1t11I "•ll ••• ••••. • •• • • •• •••• •.. .male non-1mol\er $550 a 1 e a $ 2 O 0 0 I m o IEWPIRT CEITEI wlopenOf wood burning pin•• & streams 11c OCEANFRONT lge 3er lrplc. 1118\'t ol str~am & ' I b h 2be $975/mo Avail un wAll'rlall!> From S785 ga es. en ry Y P on•., ••'--t:fi:-... lg• rec area Incl gym, I u f n 6 7 3 • 4 4 8 3 662 1309 W'w.:9 -=-.m pool & IP8 846·15591 $4°'"3773 $395 mo 1 Br I Ba APl FlllLY &PTS la• CJ1•1•l1 3116 Carport 1ndr1 rm Sub-Beautiful g11rden apts ••• • • •• • • • • • • • • • ••.... mu on Pfll. b·Jlconv Call Pa11ostdecks No pets 2 llHlllTE W&ITHI 1s2.9u 2 da 640·2434 851-8928 Profeu1on81 mate 25-:15. Xtnl 2 BA 2 Be apt CM so LAGUNA 3 ArCl'I Bay non smoker to aha re I gOOd area, c.arPof1, lndry 2 Suites 11va11 Gd H'N)' like-new 2 Bdrm , 2 S290 Incl ulil Bel I tAM Vtalblhly ,97 -235 I ball'! Sen Juen Caplstr•· 1 648-8902 - ----- we 111ve 1va1lebte 1m- med1a1e1y tor sublease two suites on the 6111 lloor with p 1nor1m1c: view ol ocean bacll bay & goU course 2Br, 1'1tBa, btk to bcl1 Im nppt children welcome view. 225 Le P11lom11 TSL Mgmt 6'<'· 1603 2 Bdrm 1' • Baths $540 3 Bdrm 3 Ba Apts Aval! lmmedl91ely $600 & $625 Wiier peld 2 klda ok Frplc dl1hw11her, 0 1r1ge 5 45 -20 00 Ag•nt, no lee $5'0 . $1000 Several baclleJors end t Bdrm units feature Ima designer furniture end 1cc•ssor1es Move 1n 10- 01y or r1Hrve for sum- mer monlhl Smartly lurn1thed models open dally no condo Flr•place, ~ I pool, jacuzzi & only mi. ,Fem . oceenvlew condo 1 10. FREE nutes lo the bH Ch & Capo Bet\. nr Frwys. Pv1 Atty s. CPA t & Prol Oane Pooni Harbor B r & Ba._2JIQ.OJ• Ne.wport C.Mer lttcK-o A 99eeiOU9'3-1oom ,..,.-_ __..,. $290/month plus ·~ ol $260/m o lnc;I u tll Suites fully elalled. J finished on Wllhamsburg IH•I 4000 S525 mo. 637-7918 2 Bdrm 2 Baths $685 IHTAllT 1•1 398 W. Wilson .•..••..••...•.....•.. $90 & up with liitchen, weekly OCeanlronl Mo· tel 675-8740 the ullhlles CallOerhard 4116·5,36 handle allyour t>ttsinest1 style a t $2,500 per 111 (7 14) 831-2040 or Fem. 1mmac. non smkr, to needs. lndl\11duel ofhces • month l ease term of East51de S6001mo 2 Br 631-5583 or 642-4905 A,.11•••11 t •,., Ba Townhou,e. all lmmed oc;cupancy. 2 er. 2 Outlt 1 Bdrm apt, ulll pd 4 b lks from beach S'001mo. 207 Chicago On Jamboree Ad al San Joaquin Hiiia Ad (714) 4116-9758 shr 3 BR condo nr SCP Mo/Mo 644·71811 1 t2·24 months Ual•tai1614 t>ullt in&. lndry rm. car-ea. S5751mo Children ••••••••• ••••• • •• • • ••• port, yordl boloony. smell welcome. no pets. New Ulllll IE&Oll .. IH• pet OK carpets & drapu, dish· 2 am bdrm beach shack, 7 2 Br 2 Be from $525 No •OTIR Ill '••/•10/1 3101 TSL Mg'Tll 642•160:: washer. stove, 5 play-blka from pier, ooa & wtr pets Across lrom Np t Wkly rental• $95 up •••·1900 1-985-4954 ROOMMATE FINDERS Over 25, eatobl. S2SO mo Incl u111. 545-2575 ;·bc;;~~·;b~·~~:.;;,·d~i; NEWlJAEEOAPTS grounds, planned ee11v 1 1-lurn.S400mo 536-7838 1 Bch Goll Course Office Color TV free coffee. "'"'· Matura non-•-kr• Bn'h & t Bdrm w/lolt ties. walk to shopping 2 bdrm, 1 ba, m inute• hrs 9-4. 545-4855 healed pool & lleps to Oldest & largest agency R 2B "•1 v _.. ° F s365 F 1 •choot• com-o• Fair -ean l<t._..., -II All cilen ll screened with mmele to shr r hH. no ..... 19 $700 )( 3 rom 'Pc, rec ~ ~. v• '' • l rom beach Close to Avt Sept 15/0 ct 1. yr ~ '"" ..... H.,. S230 + •~ II M/F shr hse. $180 mo + • • ulll Non smoll"r only c M area 850-090'7 .. ~ 1 a u g view & Adams Op en 98$ N Coast Hwy, pnotos & references ·"' mp ,. ut 2131799-'195, 257-9792 ~oom 1 poo ~ ~ '· 1 85 Mon.Sat g.5. Sun 11•6 trenep and shops S485 ll•pa Ir ~h 2 BR 2 Ba, Laouna Beac:n ,114•5294 Crldlts Cosmopolitan 1st & lul 848-6453 or (71') 673-3986 I wo er P•• 0 pa 9 ~57 •785_ 720-0844, 720·46n1 $750 mo Call for annt. GOOd u 0 rnlno Am--'ca --393 tiem11t on C M ., ._ " •75..()124 ... I K ,.... .., " "'' UDO ISLE 3BR HSE 19 i I u 3122 5 ---------2 BR & 2 1 " a .... or ate Oute1 N 8 ere1. non-The Tomorrow Show Non-smo"?:; s•oo + ·~ ':!!!!'.a. •• ! •• "!!!....... 6~ '" 11 ----Mesa Verde 2 Br 1 Be den, ba, pie, smok er prel meture I rt eo111 11H " · .. ' •'tt ... TO OCE&I IS395 1BA relrig no ¥11rage. llke new cona lndry hkup, tennis & apa ,.., Block to baaoh. 2Br. lam S350 lnol utll •:r: .. • u11ts Ca ol 675-9449 • .,.. pets "11dutts pre! 731 ·C •95/mo 71•1"'62-2390 Nr beach 2202 H•H Cr brl011t & airy S700 mo. 5•8 7652 F I ....., h Larna 2 br 2 ba trplG c I " 7 t4-960·3745 yrly 968-8263 • , .,__ em• e went ...... to • are ma .. n-y amenities, view w_ t81h 673·7787 ___ Sharp 2 Br .. ~~. si-. I ----C------1Mai. 35-45 ahr 7 bf. 2be with seme In l'llce Ne I "~~ u •v 2 Br 1 ba. ml to bch . Welk to beach Yrty Clean Kit prtv hrtatl•n Home. hN ~c-Plue/Frwy condo Ocean view 1825/mo Call Antl\Onr t Sr S395 2 Bdtm S490 garage No pets SSOO n.wty painted $400/mo 2 br. 1 ba, $650 No pets M slretoht. Nr Bch. l eg Spa l225+ehare ulll• ASAP Cell 552-36215 or days 642-5757, eves A I mo Crpls arp1 poo1.l_5_4_8_-_13_7_7 ______ t 536_1368 aft 6 pm I 6'5•1819 Bch $325 499-2288 64t-49t3 557•9915 wllnds 631-6630 ___ gor No pets 642 .. ,7~_, large 2 Br. n•w paint. ---------2 bills COM BEACHI Plll•llTIRY Niil * • Sparkling 2Br 1ba 2 bdrm. 1 b• S550/mo. C..t••lf /11 11•1 43$0 COlY 1 er hO\Jsa 1rp1c. S525 Very Nice 2 br 2 c;arpel $525/mo Stu upper, encl git no pell. yearly Steps 10 beach Furn or unfurn, prlv ba. lux 2 bf. 2 ba, frplc, 111 ••••'••••••••••••••••• pool, 4 nHt, empld non ba, bate lrpl. beam tl:'i '97·2338 or 540-36645 d/w, balcony ,515/mo t I lfl w Balboa wl talephone Full kttcn .•m enltt••. 1342 + '• SINGLE GARAGE Central tmolle Fem No pet or lino built 1n• oar lndry 1 91 $425/mo 8.,2•2897 2 l 3·8115·25'2 prlv Ge1age epece S250 ulllt N on-smoker Lag una, n ear Main child S525 lease 111 lac roo p .. I• 540 61~8 Bachelor s360lmo Stu Mo 720· 1775 EV 675_9534 e 1 a ch s 6 5 / mo 1811· •BC 8'0·4999 11 Rr ups101rs no P!!IS, 540-3666 or 497-2338 YOU DESERVE ITI OOEHFHIT I rt I ._ 494-304-' 3 bd 2 b t •••• •••• Roommate needed So Lovely 2 Br 2 Ba near 11v1111 Oct I SJ 70 "'" "152 Spacioos 2Br $'35. an bl-Beauulul & park llke with toe .;;Inter a oar grea Male/Female 3 bdrm IPI Cit Pta.za •rH 1235 4 , , Costa Mesa gerege $50 beach, furn or unturn v1cton't 645-8111t tins. upper or lower terrl«:ed pool etose to beacll Yearly Ill Ca pot 5,n 82"" Sala. eaay access 343 EHHfiH l1ltt1 For 1e11e. 3 eojacent eaecullve sutl ea Topi' floor ot p1e111g1ous ad- drau Be1u11ful view Highly upgr1ded, Aecep- tlonlll Se<vlee Pfb\/ided Suites ev1llablo tndivl- dually or as • group ldul tor Branch olflce or persons In 1he F1nanc:11t Field Ple11e ull (7141 760·11118 NEWPORT CENTER Also e 2 .500 sq It suite llnlshed 10 your speclfl- c et 1 on s, 1'llow11nce of St6 psi R a nt at S62521monlh Lease term 2-5 years Call PROPERTY CORRESPONDENTS e1 760-0616. or see u~ It 8•0 N1wpor1 Clfllet Ori· ve. Suite 670 $700 6.4'· 198 t Ir.ARDEN RETRFA r 2 S, 1962 Meyer Pl. 642·3912 •Pnvat• Patios lease $237.50 per mo ~v•s r r .,. "" Cabrtllo. 548-95 16. •Covered Parklnn B11chelor. great loc SlOO d .. II Oct 1 Quiet 3 Br . bonus rm '" 60 Condo. overloo· 2 e 2 B .... vaarlu ep ... ve Olli I I ~~oo w t h thi I f I 1950/mo tse Garege I king ponl, ~P'l & running Beauttlul r. • •Spacious Apia ,_ , 63t·2270 Steve Fam 30 ''" lg• lavleh •••• '.~ •• !~!~ ..... -:'.'... a c s co umn or p aces to . Great locallon 759-1243 broo ~. •Int cond No townhouse. lrplc. PlllO, •Dining Area TSl .,., 142·1181 ----------t twnhn w/tffp working I a· Thi I ·11 Bachelor, 2 rooms. pertly furn. 2 blks to beach $450 mo. 673·9208 P11i, S!'.ISO/r110 848·7452 lndry rm. g ood loo •Walk In CIOH IS ., .. ST BLUFF . Spacious PVT ENT ~BA for Quiet, lem unbelleveble room1, t8 1~000Westcll~, ~.B.11256 p ay tnQO .. $ CO Um n WI $560/mo TSL Mgmt • Home llke Kitchen• ""' on·lne-oo proleulonal overlooking brook & 'NB· ~Ogen! 54•1q·5032 SI oor appear each Monday 'rn the Dar'ly or 841 7AllO 642·6221 &•2·1·603 16t,poot,qulet.pleasanl RI $225 Back Bt "' .. t blk to Hunting ton area no pet• ,555 mo • • Y 1arlall Pool, Jee, lake. Pil t T I 9· p I 11nmM1nto occupancy. EASTlllE cen1ar, tran1por1allon & 6'4-4767 . ' 646-8502 etc NBI CM area $275 •HLHE OFFICES• 0 . 0 p ace your ingo ar or 2 Br, So or Hwy Cleen MO~ll VerdA 'l.IQCIOUS 2 2 Br ' Ba pool •Ide apt, lrwy•. ---------Mstr bdrm wlbeth, lully 760-8045 From 1 room to 3 rooms. ad call 642-5678, Classlfied Ads. ' -p o o I , A v 8 11 no w 01 I 611 IJPI. gorage. tndry rm , bll·lna. No 2Br lba Ftplc, stops lo furn, female, lull kll p11v, Ftnanclally rHpOnllble From $1.16 a sq It. No 18gll/mo 752-5065 or l•plo. bit •nt no pets c I 1 VTIUTIES FRH ocn S650lmo. yrly Reta S 2 0 O mo + u t 11 Female 25-39 yHrt 10 lease required. Adj Air· 646-3175 S5751mo 546·6009 ~:;:.s.~t or appt 642-7005, 1-337-9274 549-8677 •hare luMury 2 Bdrm Fun porl•t Inn. 2172 Dupont ----------S3:>5 6i1ch iJ VDll now TSL Mgmt .. 642-11103 I Bdrm From S5 t5 FEELING CRAMPED? Am in 4 br. 2 b• hOU... Promontory Pt Town· Call AM. 833-3223 C.1t• .... 3124 S535 2 01 -j ullla 333 E __ ......;;....._...;;..._____ 2 Bdrm $et8 Xlra 1110• 1 Br lltJ)I to kit . Wither/dryer, •IC hOuH ov11rlooks pool Airport area • Exec Sul• •••••••••••••••••••••• 21s1 c M lnq 78130 S5001mo 2 Br. 2 Ba apt, I.A OUINTA HERMOSA ocean wld, patio, rec rm 1,25 + s20 dep C.M Travel opportun l tes 1 las From 225_.,50 sq ft 645 658'1, 646-8103 enc:lsd garage. patio, 16211 Parllalde Ln, 1 blk S425 675·3231 842•4 172 tnctd Ref's, beckgrO\Jnd I Sl """'r.,. 11 Many 1oras 9'e81iBllU lPAITIEm ee1ulllully lendecap•d ~arden aptt. Poot & Spa Pallo1t deck1 No pets Bec:tlelor $4 1 O· $4 15 1 Bdrm $465-$470 '2 Bdrm $580 2250 Vanguard • 540-111528 or 642-,905 3 Bdrm, 2 Baths $625 161 E 2111 548-2408 Spactous 2 Br 1 Be $425 '3 Br. 1 ~ Be 1475 l.aundry lac , pool 5-48-9559 12·7PM BAY TIMBERS $peclclu• 1 Br. lrple. pool & more. 848-0883 - - ---frplc, lndry 110 Submit W or Beach, 3 bike S. req'd Call Answer Ad .. -"" lrge 2Br 1•1 ba. dl•h· on ..... , 01 Edlno~ 8•7•5•41 Compl redec 2Br 2ba, -CaH 557-7010 ... ~ .. .. H•t1/1 #11111 11-*741 6•2-,300 24 1\(1 washer gar patio TSL Mgmt 842-1803 unuSYal lga rms. block to ••••••'••••••••••••••• or wnte . po bo11. 35-8 , 400·900 PLUS 1400 sq ft S5251mo Opon 011t1y ---------1S42S t BA I Be, patio, bell RHp cple Vrly IUL&Rl •TEL Balboa !Stand, Ca I Penthouse Bayfronl Sul 198' Anaheim Apt o. q11n •ES& Pllll lndry rm. •II bttna Mu11 S650 1142-3912 545•3:_129 • • • Tl s M 0 m 1 ,i----------Wkly ren1a11 now •v111 928152 te, parking. patio• Flrepl;ac:e pool di;;;: WHht11 pvt flallO lt lg Gardttn 2 Br on E/1tde SSGO 5$7-2841 COHO '1 bdrm I b11 din rm. Mesa Verde Acros• from ac:hl Fenced yd, 1 cor ger Pool $625 113 t 0303, 63 1-55$0 1 en. new paint. cpts, drapea, dl w, no P•ll S'OOlmo 2285 Min« St 851 2175 Like new, lge 1 br, patio, .. _,2•1803 EAST BLUFF TWNHSE • S tOS & up Color TV 673-1003 lrpte. OW. gar . $475 " RHp quiet male for lg Bach w/lrplo, p1t10, ---------1 3Br. 2•,Be 2 car garage, Phones In room 2274 Penn Pt llPI 676·0328 SIPER l&Rllllel $400 Poot & IPI .,0 L•••H lf•t6 3141 no pell $750 mo Newp0<1 Blvd CM Ill 8 wkday I ll de" ... ··'··················· 844-tO 10 8'8-7446 , EJIK Suites Incl reoepl . Pe 11 2 6 5 0 H ar I e L41gun1 Ckll Or, ecrota It 1----------t--------weekends aee'y servt, conf rm , 6'9·2447 from Shaw's Cove 2 br. Npt Hts. bachelor ptua 8 £ A C H A R £ A S enior cit1ien wl ahet k l! , mall handlg Re· s435 1 BA 1 ea apt, lpk, pa I Io, 111 r I 7 S 0 ulll Pref olH n quiet aame 10 llve In & share t ponslvt 10 your bull· tndry rm, all bllns. c:ar• 828-2149 !*ton S300 S548-4358 $84/Wk e itpena•• App ro a neu needs. Adj. 408 p 0 r I T L s M 0 m I ' Ocean/Cyn YU, tunny 3 OCEANFRONT $250/mo 549.6343 Fwy In F v lndlv olc• 642-1603, 1542-9412 BA, fplc, nar, yerd Pv1 Laro• 3Br 2b1, $876/mo Relrlgeretor-Mald·POOI Old M o/mo lrom $325 • A f *73 4•3 Nwpl B•Vd & Wiiton 1 stngte m an wlyr ton 1163-6445 1 & 28 r. lg upper apl, road U05 '99-11197 nvall urn v ., " , C M 54• 9755 lo lhr hOUM In CM. $200 _____ ..._ __ _ quiet, no peta, lnary tac s 1udlo, unfurnlahed, '!\ ~o-3_7_7_3______ °'18 "' v· mo & 1hr 11111 848-1041 Coata M ... 1 or 2 room $;)50 &' $425 831 2177 be t 1B t blk t B & "-h Pin Knot Molal Ol'I Co1t1 tultu From $75/mo -block lo ach. re rlge, ' o 11Y ""· H wy N6 Steps t o S AN Cl.EM bch hH, Ulll• tncld 779 W 1111'1 11011•. nu r •hopping, S435 mo yrly 073-6210 • d.11. 1 ,_ Child? $270 D••• 111•1 JIJI apaotoue 13711/m o or avH 673·2493 oe .. n Wkly r a tu K"• rf."'· St 851·89~11 ••• • •••• •••••••••••••• '03·71~7 & 404-3882 845-0U O Judi 4g ·U 43· 841"33851Newpor1 Exec suite 2 min 1-.-R-2-.-" -.... -11-2 BR 2 Ba. eiirport, mo· , .. c1 •• ,,.,, 3111 llEED l ,. •011 f'tm to •llr beeut. 4 br from Airport 11 .. lndl\I 15110/mo. 2 Br. •·~ Bo. • • • • dtrn. $545. 842·369r or U•••• Bll/1 3110 ....................... "" home trplc. plllO ... ck otllou in a tu xurlout TownhoYM. belcony. In-Nl'wly decor. Ou pd, 730-7185 No dog1. ••'••••••••••••••••••• llRRY II 11111 Ill AeHon&ble r•tH. Kit· O•y. S250 548·11815 •nllque filled buttne .. dry rm, car port, 1111 bit encl gar, dw1hr. pool, 1 er. 1 O• Bteutllut In San Clemente! NHr h 11 honet m&ld Int. A11all Sept. bbQ no pt11tt 642-5073. Very nice 1 Br. ~u'4tt at.. 1trHm1, tennle courll, NEW 2 6dtm •Pl willl 0 tlft• °'· P ' Shr 2br12'·tba condo, OM, t nvlronman t equipped S 842 tll03 -r,•rd Rel• reQ d 1385 I 1525/ 11r+ree. l c111nntl mo· I w 10 er FP 1295 + with Tix. W.P . •n• ""'. T LMgmt • -2 B r eno1;d"pDi'iO, ncl utll.1574-1450 po~' :f_'· mo. bullt·lna, carpetlnQ, dr ... VIH. SANOPtP&R MO· ullls ·Jg11n'a4e.'.092& tro eonlerenc.1m,ro11ol 1'30·$540/mo. 2 er. I Ba up1t1lrt Avell 10 1 831 51 · pee, ltlUhdry ftclllty, un· TEL, 1H7 N-pofl Blvd,• parking mo/mo 01 ltlM BOYS CLUB OF GARDEN GROVE Every M onday Night Doors Open 5 PM Special Bingo progrem Sept 27th S 1001s200 Pots 9860 Larson Ave. S37· 146S PLAY BINGO at Our Lady of Fatima Church I 05 La Esperanza San Clemente Every Wednesday Ni1ht Early Bird Special at 6:50 PM Free Popcorn I Coffee 1 F'•• H•rd C•rd ""' Pereon With thlt Ad Exp. 11·1·82 1 tiOtY. anao crpl, drp1, $4g61mo 32i Unl11er-111y 3 bd. 2 bl, 0¢4l•n view, Specloua 1 Br c ondo der roof cerporti for 2 CM 845-0137 Room w/klt prl\I, 1250 mo. from 1378, dHk •pace patio lrplc. bHmeo a.I· Or Set Manager "8' d•h wthr, alee •Pf>I, lndry o vertooklno •trum, CIJI, pul:lllC tennl• cou•ts Ulll Incl 111 & IHI $250 Move In allOw•nce AMERICAN LEGION Ml>WAY CITY 1fnoe 'ended Oateot 848-0848 evts rm. 1850 496·4 l 79 lrM a, tennlt , rol , ll C. • golf COUfM right be-, For CIHlllled Ad 842·6811 e33.gg78 rst Mom•· 842•1803 Tr•ll•r ,c;-;;,;-, 1 eti'22s IOWI YllW HOO. 031-0lg ~~.~~ofoes'fitew:!~~nj • A8!il~N M•I• uc1 orad atuaentl_b_tcU_t_lvt_111_1_t•-,-. -,u-11-..,-. 14512 BEACH BlVD. Nr 11111/Pomonl. 1 Sr 1 plul ulll• $150 MC Oep. From D•n• Point'• moll ..... ,, ,.,,. 1111 bHCh eloH to every 0 II Pll nu de 2 fem rmmu ~. greltly re<luc.d. no DOOH otttN ... M. OAMft AT 7'M ee, down1talre, O/W, No U.Hdren Of dog• 133 1cente bluff like newl ••••I'••••••••••••••••• thing I 14 78/m ontll A~·~IS~~ 20-27 lo 111r bMul 3 Br ..... 75<t-027' PllOAY IYININOS oerpott. wi t• pd. 1Child 1 ! 18111 St Space 42. Only 4 unit•. 2 Br widen. NO FEEi Apt & Condo Available Oc;tobef 15 & 642•8871 townf!OllM In Univ Prlt. ---------l~ ml No ol 405 Fwy) Ot<. no peta 1450 Agt.. C M btwn Newport llvd No pet• FrOfl\ 11a11mo r.ntel• vine R«ital• no pela. Call own•r at Irv U 7&/mo. ea. 0 111 btt 1l9' Jt • II COMI JOIN USll no ree. '45-2~ ~ _ ~-~-'°' Call se t•t« 1 &1&,..112 •roll., {71•1 142-0 ,» ___ ~~·.._...,.. H a.&310 _ ~~.~~I ~i:..=-====::;====~=-'""'.:=--' A I -- .. I • LQ!f 2 0$¥ Orange Coatl OAILV PILOT/Monday Sepl mber 27, 1882 i ('7 IM"-• ._/•1 4fM ·~· W,aaNI 11 .. ,.'Jl.,'9'!.'f!. •.•• !.'.!f ,.'}1..rft.8.t.'!_ •••• l~!f ~.'.'1..f!l!'.'.t!. ..•• l~'lf '9'.11..'/!!'.~'!. •••• !.~ft f!r..~Jf~ ...... l.~f Oll~lllJ 11 1 1 ',"' l,llf ,./;f~•t'' l ilt II h~t,•,"1,f, II¥. ~l.'Ofr, r:o••••••~T •• -:r,.•17.t••••••••••U I LOV .. ·t'C Kt I ., .. 1 .'U 0 11111 10 11101• ,,..,1. ------------------1 QU~LAAl He111u11n1 r ...; .. I l•n• •••• ·""--······· ••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• elOUI ~OQfl loQlllOfll Mtytr!lol't 1'11m11y IV,.ISTIHt~LPllUNllf ..... I Ullc;o NCR Claaa 6 r1q111., Hn I CAMI' A '3e4 ~ le .. t ...... •GENT NO Supolle110111ooa food 10 MIO ''•acl• •~llltd P41fMln O•& 1017 b• """ Ii• 1 011h r•· GOOD "OR wor.K OH 1040 1 ord wooov w1 mined occ~y Hfll n l"t 1 u t Co por It 101"1we1pllo11••.t1and ~ltl rpl •-•nbeullll"9d CAMPING 113000 mo 13:).JMf " r. n I • It COii .. IYP• Y•rlout IOoJden fllttrlevar, 11111.. • u " • I .:' •. 3344 oon • SllM:'RVISOR EXPERIENCE! Community ""'di In r~r••· 1i11no, •nd l'IOf IOmo \0 OOOCJ hom• no:n,m!'.',•,11•,18n:gi1 ttpor ...... 2600 111 bn lo olo w/ urt. •11t11u1IHllO, rt1poi11IOI• mll lrnt d"k OullM 0C Oooc:I w/kldl 1141 4'031 ~~ltpflw S"·..,,.I COPV lltlltflll 1Jkt1 flf 1010 fOfd Model A town ttOftQt. ly 0 C AltC)Ot1 O O M•ftlellno flr111 now employ•• for counter Al 1 A Good be o.. ~ r ..,., • •••• •••••. ••••. •••••. 8td11,. I 10 000 I 1 1 ll O I mo T om 11111no for comp1ny •l•lf HIH food tHtp. ind rpor re• ' Frw 1<111,tn1 mtchlr1• "II& tHO VE8PA 200 ~ ullv U1-lt11 po11tloo1 21 lmmeOl•I• dlllYlllH MF, II 3 00 n•111 • Apply AUTO 11 .. eeti •. boa lrllnecl l<10·1Ut •o•O•O 3 rno• Old 111113 &tudtblket Avlllll USA 1'0DA y. " new f(l•nt>rul lnll•rv1\ oP•nlno•·Vrly pm Oood driving ttCOIO :~.01~ co 3110 LH f _ _648·3101 a Pc; ltMI .ec;;i'lllY oeii. '1600, &37 33211 15~ 67~1181 Ntwp0n Offlot/OMIOI NMI' ltlboa Bay Club l COUI Hwy. Secvrtl 1285/month. 949-714' c ... ,,.,., ... ,.,, 4411 ••.•..••.•...•.....•.. Comm'I !Mac:h toctllon. apx 500 a.f., HOO/mo tottl. Me-ae.44 I 150 aq ft. Eeay Ac;cM8. s.. dllly, a.a. 11001mo 1131 Superior. C.M. 84 2·24 3•. daya. IM· 1214 ewe. w,,,trW ,,.,,, "" ....•.....•........... N.9. 3975 81rcl\. 1000 aq. ft. MIA &Ont . Agent 5'41·5032. 1150 up. 2180 fl. lndu· atrial • Ottlot. 11101 Re- dondo Cfrcle •M & T Huntington. B11ch. '42·2~. ru1tionaJ dally m·w11pupt_•r lha\ wall blttcrn l*ttNry fOf dtllvtrlff f•i•ll•lf 1110 111 n t con d I 1 3 II #tt·~'fl / le MUSTANG CONV publication In lhl' Full or ·u~ hilll poeitlon t 14 400 ~;i'.eW2r titer I pm WAITIR/WAITHll •••••••••••••••••••••• 876-&090 WkdV• Ill 5 ;;;:;,, '/ llJ Ground Up R••tort available for Agent Supc.·rvi.&or. 17:f, 848•4i!,11, 24 ht1 Re111ur1n1 ~~2·t~n~ :~~1~~0:0:.~' * *' BUY** 1111 -1,,1 ·~ievAMA~A.EN.DUA0° 1 c;vt Ch~':'~1gn1 1n11 MEAT 6LICFR 11\0 Por-Sevt••I oo•lllOnl IYlll Oood uMd FufnllUrt a •••••••••••••••••••••• 2500T, ~Int cond c m b., g I 0 • K I, Pre-dawn de,lvcry 11upt'rvis1on n-quln.-s early morning work scht•duJr. Respon~lbtlitles i nclude ovl.!r&coJntc distribution ag1:nt.'l, opening new outlt•ts and dtrc.•c:llng collection functions Newspaper c.-lrcu lauon and salcli experience nc>c:e:ssary, management experience a plus. To apply, submit resume to; ·Personnel Dept. USA TODAY P.O. Box 6970 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 OOVERNMENT llon control P•llOt\ to GrHI Oppty Appllanc: .. ·OA I will tell Puppy, Oermin Sh•· 1800/obo 84119001 71418Ge 2215 JOBS opttatt Hob111 811ctr JDll U I l or 81!LI. tor Vou pntrd FtM 10 gd nomt M•n1 po1111on• av•llable l!Mper Prel'd but wtll ' ' ' MAITHI HOTlll 731·8130 In U.S & 011eraet1 For lftln 1130 AM to 6 PM, 61> 1·46 Ill fff 10 t<ew11ak1 1000. 7000 '2i ford Ro•d•ter, un· ml, Vtlltr 11111no. + + + r111ored. 1111v comotett l)lreclOfY (3121 81111·4347 Mon fhur IJ AM to 1 PM bcerpta lroni 1111 Pub 141·1111 IH-1121 Ext E·g1 Sunday Apply 10 AM to W&JTl•/W•lflllll COOkH PIPI S2TOO Can't 1ldv. mu•l $4750 1176·3176 I llY FIHITIH AKC wr. 8 wk•. ttd/ "11 Merk 973•3 t 49 f WAHi Dtlr11 1110 t 2 or 2 PM to 4 PM " " llAlltlHIH LOrl't Kitchen 3077 S Wlttl Ctr IOI wick., bH· Newport tr Inn S•lon Hubot 81 (Hubor at ktl li.nch "'vie. 9 30 10 Ptr11•1 tollowlng prel'd Carrl-ot Or IS.A 1 30 orn Mon•Ftl ~'" 6-40-4740 $tSO to 1110 willy MUii ---------i ~•ttuflnt be nttt Ptrtontbla, MAIR lnLllT CATERINO Service energe11c: 879 0747 •• Mollvlltd •t"'l•t netd-4 ntl(la food PrtP•rtllon 10 AM l()f •PPI r• woiket• 14 ~ hr Full to Joi" progretllve ulOn tlm•, & AM· 1 30 PM. Wallf•ll•• & Walter• over Salery. comm & v1c Lori'• Kitchen 3017 US y1 with Exper. Apply In M r. 540-8880. H 1 r b 0 r BL , s A pttaon, 1788 N•wport Hot Roolera w1ntad. Call 97g.0747 Blvd CM B O b O r N e Y 111 o I 1 •---R-E_T_A-IL-S"""A_L_E_S---1 842·7222 Exper video salee per· v WAREHOUSE v lH g67·8133 bu II $ t 6 O S 2 2 6 ·7g v.m;;;. t25 Enduro. •••••• •••• •••••••••••• 882· 1446 av 1175 ml Greet cond LARGEST JEEP DEAi.ER ... llTIH•HW M u 1 I 1 e • S II 7 5 In the Wnt PRICES START AT Ftff IO good home loYt• 559-8340 0.1198'11, need• M1ttres1 & Found HI !'1 k":1~~~ b;•~~· :~~d '73 Hond• XL250. iood tl~!.°::rOotJ 1~~ Plld New lectory ... ltd 893 7793 ~... "' ""' .... Tw1n $77 lull SQ7 · co • .., nuna grUI """ all G11y Orey OuMn $147-l<lng $187 RABBITFoR'"'SAle---;',\ 845·0tn •vu IUlll HAIT Solo Bttd11197 F1e11c;h Lop, ''°' Chec:ke-Y1meh1 '81 SR185, mint , &1110/.lllP/llllAflT Soll & tovt .... 1107 r9d Of1nt, I 10 845-84118 cond g5 MPG $800 2524 lterbol 8lvd • CM DISCOUNT FURNITURE AbyHlnlan female Kitten. 845..0490 549-8023 845-7770 1959 HerbOf Blvd R dd 0 E CFA COSTA MESA 113t-8ll09 u )', '"" yH. Y•m•ho M•xlm 650. 1981· 1982 Chev Bleier ShO· Re o 4 9 3 • 0 4 1 6 or S t800 obo Call • wroom n-for Whleeele Living room Ht (8pc;). 951·2104 963·9571 evaa pp 844 1116 5, dav HllEIPll•llYl·ll ion, wage. comm Iii be· Full cherge for NB w•· nellll. Cell V•larle Eerthtonet S350/bll otr ., a 0 IAaA 7•n 83 1 2321 l•·Sllhr 10 attrt Wiii Cell 845·3013 r1l•ll • r•••t '"'" For Hie. 1060 Honda ..,,, • . 91/H ••••••••••••"••••••••• twn overhead eam •70 T L.. d c 1 terfrl hm & Fam. mual _6_4_2_._t9_4'_4_• ____ _, IPk Eng .. own ctr, rel 842·5001 trelnl Xlnt Oppty Earn -,o-p_o_ll_ln_e_q_u_ee_n_u_S_ee_t_y, MOVING MUST SAC. 5'8 c:hopptr Full •xtended I ho~Coh1a an283rE aer. up 10 $8/hr Rtpld lld· Betdwln Grand Plano, t fA•ka ktn11/ que«\ Hat w 1 tvy ng ULH/Ot••IHIH vtnc;ement Cell Now metl. 4 bO• aprg, llkt yr old 675-9510 Mike "' • .. j 1 t200 · Tru·Traka, 811 top, Many Unique ledy"1 clothlng E.O.E new. S200. 673·4"88 ~--------1 manv 11 11' E•tr•• Netd• work Al4tomotlvt 5 ctr epece Kind. lntllllgen1 pr1et1c;al Cnlld Care.needed tor 22 avell Ptrl«:t for mech nur1t, HPer ptrsonel mo. old. Pref E Sid• CM b 0 ci y a p e Int. 0 ; c; a re. 7 2 O • O 7 7 8 . are• 646·7350 Interior gerdtner, PIT, mu11 h11ve exp working wllnttrlor plaQtscapes 549-1•42 ttor• Ne1<11nero-t1<: 1a. JDIS US l lido lr.,111•• OH41 IOH 631·8325 12250 obo 54S.82te d t e I w Ith 11 a Ir I 0 r • • • mREI 11101 ••••••••••••••••••••• Motobec;ene. Ex c;ond. fHhlont tnd modeling 891•4818 1" Spldtng Ctrerra 170c;m htlma11 •Ide begs 2 f1•tkl 1110 expr helpful Applv In E11c.rp11from1111 Pub S50: 7ll0-0920 akllt w/Stlomon 727'1. 1111 .,· s 295 f i r;,, T••••••••7•8••:::,·;M•••s•1•: u pholatery bu•I neu. _87_>-_3_7_0. _____ --1 Equlpl)td with air com· Compenlon. Chtulftur, p1t 1101. utlllllH peld. Nurau· Aidt for 01y $175/mo C.M. 845-5374 Work. Cell 5<10-0373. otllOtUTllS ' U I I d 1 S I a a 0 n OyOll """ r 8 peraon Alexla Naturtl S250 00 Week IV P•v· Chlld1/Teen Teak Bed $ 1 t 0 1 be51 0111 r 752-6788 reo c;auettt bmall Ag~!!!'.~!!~'!,lpon ~=:~~~": .. ~~o 41h St. ~~~~gtl~~~to~,a;~~·::ii with ma~~~:riso 862_0993 111111 Ht•ll, S.Ji/ ~~~:681,8 •h•ll 12115 Beech firm seeks moll·•---------1 at home Weekly P•Y· Brend new Pool Tibia l11tllllllfl 1110 -. -.,.-...,.--:--~-- vated lndlvlduala. Terri· l1l11/Mlltl•1 check• melled directly to " lerge dlnelle or oame Xlnl Best offer •••••'•'••••• ••••••••• 75 GMC Crew C1b, air, for voter reotatrallon drl· ve Paya $50-$100 dally. Paid twice" weekly. 750· 1828 750-5584 f!!!!r. •••••. ~ ..• !.~!~ ¥!!1..'!!~'.t!. •••• !.'.i! Large SIOfltOI Garage Aer.W. llttrffters 0 .. HILlll torlts open. Musi have Earn up to I 1500 per you trom Home Ofllct tlble chairs Bleck Ntu· 760-l977 For salt: '76 Lindy motor cr.ulse, new tlrea, duet R.E Uc Htrbor-Pac;lllc mo. Pert time. Must be every Wednesdel(. Star1 oanvf;la with walnut trlm.1----------,,.---1 homt. Sips 6, rear balh, tenka, xlnt cond $3995 955-0073 mllurt 559·9043. Leave Immediately. No ••P•· E•celte"l cond S50 eech McGregor Golf Clubs. tub, steteo, self cont. 963-4056 Neer Ball>oll Bay Club Experienced only need People needed to trtln & Cou1 Hwv. Securel 714-e75 9055 ea Counaelora to aid M1neg41menl & S1181 M11eage rlenc;e neceeeary: Natlo· or 8~~~r!':r~t11inoon1 Matched a9t, 4 woods. 9 S 12,500 857-5435 -.7-2-F-or_d_R_a_n_o_h•_r_o_w_/ SALES Order desk lor wet nal c;ompanv. Do vour Iron a s 120 bit olr · _R_•_nt_2_6_'_m_o_10_1_h_o_m_e_,, shell Must sell S 1200 $200/monlh. 646-764 I appfV. • others in dl11ress or with Tlllll/IEW C&llEI aull mlr Ac;c;ur1te typing work right In the c;omlor1 Desk, awlvel & lntervl•w _9_6_2_·4_9_3_9 ______ 1 sips 8, fully loaded. Merk 873-3t49 ----------1 AEROBIC INSTRUCTO problems. Ttll• new l•mn./lllNll/ E1tper. Apply lrvlne tec;hnlque r11ull1 '" e & d h 1 and security ol your own chre Derk veneer Gd lltll, lllllalHI, 645-6616 (Paul) Le11n Exec:utl"8 Recrul· g P one m•nner home. 0.111111 end appll· s h a p e S e I S 1 I 5 Ill 10•5 n.,,. C I u b h o u I t , -II ind heppy pereon. ••••••••!!•••••••••••• I PM·4:30PM. ••k for All welc;ome 10 apply ting for Eng & Tech mull Stan 911 at s7ao. 1 fled S d 960-3745 ~ alllllHI Mklg & Sales, Ac;c;t'n & Call tor lnlrYW. 642-1912 cat on me en YOut ---------• ••. ••••. •• •• •• ••••• ••• Finan. 0111 Proc. B;tcn, M·F name and eddreH 10 N1ugahyde gold tolt·bed. Ltqu0< atore lumlture tor 21 II Good c;ondltlon 1171 Tey1t1 .... , with ctmper 1hell $1800 Firm 673-8618 .... ~...... fr•ll lf3S _J_u&IHW._11_1n_. _754_- 1 1_tlmsoo ___ Al_.., Contec1· 011netlc• Cent· _..,, • er. 774·0121 b•twten 9 30 AM end 110~ PM •••••••••••••••••••••• In C.M. nMd1 full time Mon thru Fri, Sal 0:30 • •~--------1 Amerk:an Ftdellty Com· xlnt cond, $ 100 507' E ••I e . PI ease ca 11 ____ 55_6_·-04_8_1 __ __, ·11 Chev ~. ton PU N-ine & Other treas. Com· Silts pany, Hiring Dept 77. B Bl d 673 "'"80 lSO..Ql21 R & Bo S S PS PB plete tralnlno provided. 1040 Lone Stir Or . New _•_l_bo_• __ v_...,..._··-"°--i ---------V •I tOftge. I per t11es . 4WO Oppty tor qual. retiree, IUOITIYE Braunfels, TX 78130 1<1no slut bed $t00, oak rv. .. ,;,, It C•ll Joe Good buy. muat H ll re·•ntry • ..& othere m1, HOR•ITH coffee table s75 Rocker, HJFI llllH IHI 6-45·6730 $1300 Bert 673·6828 king cueer ch'ange. Wlllt •••Otlltll lamps and end tabl••· •••••• :.' ••••••••••••••• f11il111 r11r1l 111' I '69 Toyota IJI. llm.D kennel per90n. Mon thrv AM 4:30 PM llerttrec• O.. IH. Fri. Call btwn 9am-8pm, ---------1 spei1111i1no 1n 111 & 2nd _S4_a._3_78_4 ____ __, OHml PllMI TD'1 II~ 194g Apt Manager. Htndymen For dry clHnlng plant. Member Grp est t981. for Eno & Tech, Mktg & IBM svstem 8/430 Of Wll5h8f dryer (both) $75. BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Co-••••••• ~ •••••••••••••• ' PH:kup 1450 as la Cell Jeck or P81 Ehrh1n, Sales. Ac;c;t'o & Finan. 61450 operator needed Carpeting end ped end lor TV. 2 yr wmfy. s1•8. 1'5 Ft Trevel Traller Xlnt 213•402.3950 Robt. S•ttltr NH/CM & wife tor Cost• MtH Full & ptl tlrM. Wiii train. R.E. Broker Bd Rttllor1 c;omplex, over 40. •Pl 30846 Co111 Hwv. S. '42·2171 545-08t1 lncld. 67s-o447. Laguna. 499·1885 BUSINESS & PROFES· 0011 Proo, Bnkg, Ins & w/knowledge of Ille •P· blue draperlH Reas. Free delivery. Open Sun. cond $ t200. Shown Sal 1--------- StONAL AGENCY, N.B. other trHs. Complete pllcetlon to Hr11e es 494-8661. 494.7309 TV John's 646-1188 & Sun 9·6 644·9526 '12 LIV TalOI 1100 553-8191 Trelntng Provided. Mom· marketing sec'v for pre· ------------------645 3344 WIDOW HAS $SS IM TO's RE Lo•na. 101( Up. No Ct"9dll Check, Ho Penal· ty. Otnnl1on & A11oc. 873-1311 Apt Mgr fOf New 19 unit OO•Pll condos, Coate Me1a. to melntaln 1m111 P1im $350 credit toward S1 15 SP<lnga Hotel. No Hper rent 642-4907 wkdays. nee: Herd work equel1 ber Orp est 1961. Call sldent of reel estttl firm Thomes111111 dining aet, Cust Roaewood stereo/ 11111111 Ulillt. 11101 · •••lc1rl1t Jeck Ehrtt1rt. BUSINESS In N-p0<1 Beach Con· ov•I table, Inlaid top. 3 c; 1 b , w I d u a I t 2 1 8 •••••••~•••••0"••••••• Mechan1c11 Lien Sale Newporter Inn. 8<10-4740 & P Fl 0 FESS I 0 NA L nle Or Sindy 975•0403 t1111ts, 8 c11Vtd l•ddet c;h1noer. Sep c;omp•rl· 11' l•IAIL TIAIUI October 9th, 1g92 10 AGENCY. Newport back c;t111. woven ruah mentl tor rec:ords, amp. 1200 IM5-3344 AM at Sell Chevrolet MASEUSSES. Good BMch (7t4)553·8101 .,_, ,,,,, -•s. be8U1, dl•llnctlYt, tuner.&c;assdec:k $250 ·-, 900 So Coesi.Hwv. L•· worlllno c;onda. Good ---· ------1 ••••'••••••••••••••••• S750 OBO 968·7327 840-0778 A•ll -mtl, 1111 ouna Be•ch CA. OMC pey 8AM·12 noon. 2112 SALES PIT. ••clualve Je-c.,11 lliu I Att•llllin HOO p 1 e k up s • r 1a1 Herbor, Coste Mt•• wetry boutique Days & •••••••••••••••••••••• Twin 8td with cheat 10 I ••••• ••••••••••••••••• 5080K3z500981 ClllfOI· (71•1 645-3433 night•. Cell !Of appt Ciro MHEL flallTllll mttc:ti. $40 Att 8 pm c.11 IHI• #11i11 PAtN·r & me body WO<k. nra Llctnt1e, TEXAC02 nlca aft plua 111 AIR-OE\DER ENTRY •75 956 Wiii purc:f\a,. Mortoegee Mfg n•td per1on wlth1-"--· ------- M 2nd Of 3rd TO't ~ tyJ>lno Ind 10 key en~ QT!).(J6« • eldlla to mak• tranaltloi\ ,._ .... ...-., •"'ore1 "''"'"' c1~·n. S37S .Jtwtlb. 54 • tlful & excel qvellt'f -b66.l8 L•l-••I up 10..50% otf Y°"' body El!prnnrorn980 .......... ,... ""'" WV•" ~ •• ~.;,\.............. •tv.n .. , BUI 964-0332 I ........_,./ r.n.ull/ ,,.,, '''*" •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ..._.,. IJIO ...................... ...... ~ ..... 7 4 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Mallet • DwlOt Tulip • Flnltt UNPAID Otir MW bola hu cut the ecc:ldtnt rate b)' 50 per- cent. 11'1 called UNPAID alc:k le8vt. m1.1.r. .. ~ •.•• P..!! fotll) ADS ARE FREE Cal: M2-llll Found: Mele Boxer mix. Whllf, brn apota. 3 yr. IM2·7293 to compu1er. Xlnl t>ent-- f111, OC Airport er••· Send r11ume with pay exp. 10 350 Lter Ave. CM Publishing firm nr JW pr tlr Full time 3 eves 2 Avallebl• now tor pur· OIYtn. 8" floral dHlgn. c. I HJO -·v,.. --------- Airport l ffkt • brlgM nllu, PIT I IAM·3PM UUI Ntrll chase Couches, tlblel, S125. )Unt cond. 291 E. •• ~~~~••••••••••••••• 4 Whitt B•l• miga,1 ~ ... ~'.' •• 'f!~~'!/. ••• 1.~f!! lndlv to asalll Credit Mgr dell)'. 857·3063 (AllllllM) ::~ruc~~~.~c~::::J~·~ 23rd Bl. CM. 548-2183 '78 Brlt11h Sugull Otit· 14x8", 6 lug. Like new . WE llY w/collec:llona & gen olc Nttdtd. X·Ray Tec;h •nd Eat. 11111 freight co. Mella felrvlew Rd Coll M .... Blk Naug Covch. S75. 3 ~~~~~r;-4~!t~·p SI~~~~ S80/btt olr. 559-8349 USED CARS & TRUCKS duties. This c1ndldate bec:k oltlce assletent for motlv•ttd 11lt1 people Houra. l0:30 em 10 5:30 Chairs. $40 11. Coffee c;ond, rec;enllv tuned Ford 351C tunnel r~ml COME IN OR CALL FOR •mNJION 1hould hav• a pleuant Orthopedic; Office with to develop n1w acct1. pm SAT thru WED. Tlble.S50.Lampa.S7.50 $350 831..0814 m•nllotd w/2 680 a. FIU IPPllllAL 92828 n phone voice. accurate llmlled llc;enae. PIT. Every t>ualneat 11 • po-5'48·223g ••· 7 pc: Dinette Set, SllO, 1250/otr. 548 .. 639 Cormler·DtLlllo typfno & • wllllngneu to 631·2200 tenllal cu1tomer. Start 11 ---------• 675-7009 or 876-8405 14'' elum Semlvee, Seara A•IH Ill lali CIRVHUT GUYS & GILS t88rn. Exper prtl. t>ut w111 N 11 'd d 1 t S500lmo + c:omm Po· .. ,, ... L,.,,.,, MlllL FIUITl•E 1110111 currant taga. 1n " train. Contact Deena urse. c; · ea res pv ttnllel terning• of more ~· •• ~~•••••••••••••••• · " 1350 845-6079..,,. ••1::p••0•R•T•:•N•T••N•O•T••tC•E••• 18211 BEACH BLVD. Hunt 549-4834 duty. lull or plllme. 14 tnan $30.000/yr Cell AatJ, lfOS Beeutllut & ocel qu1llty '" "' HUNTINGTON BEACH TRAVEL ---------· VII expr 831·9282 or M·F t0·4 , 558-8328 •••• , ... ~~............. l•ble now for purc;h•M ..,,,, ll•i•l••••t• TOAoR!:"'E!?TEIRSSERASNO ... l •All Ml ua1 HI-pro tlu lmmtd ope-tEOIUTlll ULEI Call An1wer ad 723 X208 Cooches, t1br.., c;halrs S1mt1 HlO ,.., v " ,. ·-• • ningl for 20 aherp gu)'W a P/T, F/T, xlnt c;omm. 842·4300 24 (lr1 *MOITNLY* ptc;turu. ac;cuaort11, •••••••••••••••••••••• Th•1~c;:V 0~:'' a:· -..... froe 1o ,,.,,... COU1 worlt In OC. Must h•v. llllUY -••-Sties etc;. COfn« Avocado & Mtttne Etec;trlclan vert , 1 .. _ ,_,.,_,_ 8 1 ••• -,,_ ftel I colof wlll train r-AllTl"'IE F llR Fat r v I• w Rd • Co 111 Otslgnllns1at1/Repatr 1'11 ,n ..... ..,........., c; •-· to coHI Sing••. 18 & 1 Of ' Fulllllma. Experienced RETIRED1 • 0 0 .,.9 2520 E fled 1dvertlS1ng columns over. FrM to llttt Im· 840·524'9 lltedl Nu,..,.., c M Call Antlque1 & Cotlec11blel Men Hours IO 3 •m lty WOfk -• v dOH not lnc;lude any __. w111 ._. ....__ t ·~·, Loolllno tor •1ttr1 tnc;o,. 10 5:30 pm SAT thru .. -... ...... ....... ..,..s ,.. DENTAL OFfJCE MNGR for appl, 8<15·5782. me? Try Ptrt·Tlm• Sale• FLEA MARKET WEO 5•8·2239 1,.,,,, ""''' appllc:tbl• texts. llcense. Ung MW produc:t 2 wlll Etfletenl, Enthulla111c: & II th• PENNYSAVER. 1-0· L.j .... , "'' lrlnlltr Illa, flnanc;e pd lfllnlno. IY81'11Qt ..,. oro•nli.ed .. w/bkkpng l•rs•t Al4et t 860 Pl•ctntle Ave, New-Used MtfchendiM Hin•• -••• ~.~•••••••••••••• c;harge1. lee• tor elr pol· nlngs $300 per 'WI! & up. e11per. 4 dy Wll. 546·3000 Exper'd only for Conv•· Costa MtH. Alk !Of Mrs_ S I t I 1 If• •••••••••••••••••••••• AVON Red Sttfl dinghy lullon control device C•ll 760-8956 or applv feacent Hospllat, New· ••· O' ' ·'fr TRAIL HORSE with mtr mounts and cer1lflc1llon1 or deeler t2192 Chepmen Ave .. Denlal-chalrsldt, PIT AM, por1 S.ectl Good wOfk· _w_n_l1e _______ 1 LOii Alamlloa Rao• reek Ptlomlno. 8 yra, 18 2 oara G--"' she"" S295. dcfoumentary prepare· Garden Grove. exp. RDA. 4 dye pr wk. Ing c;ondltlon•. Excetr.tit IECaOUY Info 995•1234'/llGS-7799 nand•. $500 546-3242 646•4005 "" tlon chergea unleu IAIYllTlH g~r~1 ~~~ otflee, Npt ~~:11~ 1CU:::r ~~ !>'m 1 Pen llmt 8 AM to t2 Antique IOlld M1t1 drts· BHH61JI IJIH1 IHS New. never used exlfa lg ~,!!'~:~~1:•cllled by I 1•1r old need• DENTAL ASSISTANT for IM2·8044 noon Must be accurete ser wllh mirror Relln •••••••••••···~·· ... ••• Mlf1ln gatt with delac:h. ----------i "Grendma" In mv homt Or1ho otc, ..o.-•r•'dt. ex· end 1111 with numbers. $295 OBO 646-4005 01l1nt11 Rug. 8 x6 .Xtnt h o o II & 11 " e S 9 5 Alllf•fl/ Top DoDar Paid For Your Ctr! ............ u ... , •.• ., .. '1 2626 Htrbo1 Blv . Coste Mese 640-5630 hll •• I k ... ,.. .. "J W. , _ _. 1100 AHISI Commodity Bro· ---------• cond $350/0BO w e ... omm e wor s .._ pref. ROA Of ellglble •f 'I. 18 .. k-••r Jull•ft 64n. 1850 "•4·"800 8"6-"005 I C''"ll1"'1 15-•nprox 2• hrs nar ~k ,..... ••• •••••••••••••••••• -... -· .,.. 1880 Engllth 11deboerd. .,.. " ,. •• -1!'911!'f!llllJ!!ll!!\ 84o 2240" ,.-" . 979-1400 OFFICE/GENERAL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij rose m•hog . large, 11lnt. ---------1-1 JHll 11'1111 f040 • •• • •• • 0 • •• ••• •• • • •••• .t • ELECTRICIANS Interesting po1Hlon tor •iro•n••y a.E. nc:r $750 646-3001 J•n~7. 10 ·····'··•••••••••••••• ... n "A'4t .............. . Premium P<as paid for 1ny uled Cit tlorttgn Of oom .. uc) In good condlllon See UI Flrtll IAITStTTll Ov6rMennd o. s Many 111 at.fl, lnt.wg.nl-•P· -" -•••••• ••••••••••••••• Cllnlc; 1-8.'._Up_strlJte Sl>ex reQllca.t. pk;t!UQl__J II P11c1nt MacGregor Secratarl•T po1lflonl n A....-OAK Chfllll C-ab!Mt DIAMOND Ring. apprel· Century Ny l>ollt, 4 cyt., coupe1 4 lo c;hoo1e 3 'P old girt end 8 mo old !Obs ev1i11bft. For tnlo Ytc:tlt Corp. 1631 Pia-ac;llve Newport Center Triple bow gtau. Lion's sed II Sl900 Aektno Grey 13500. 675-8161 lroml (00678111 (Stk ::ei;o ~. r:•~~~ (3 12) 888·4347 Ext 309 oentla, Costa Mesa_ R111tor'1 ottlc;e front Paws leg• S 1600 S1000/olr 646-8060 A3093). Price• •tarting at their lrvlne home on ENGINEERS/TELE olflc• poalllon requires _84_0_·54_4_3 _____ , Jli6ttllHHH IOIO WUTH HU 11,Hll W..,. Set 135 Cell ........ COMMUNICATIONS PART TIME POSCITIONMS. good telephone volc;e, Oak dresser, hll"" cat· •••••••••••••••••••••• 13 It Boston Wh1ler In ...... ..,....,... o du S M high lnc;ome. •II r. typln~, S.H & eppee.ran-., •----good condition ble. 752-8123 vereeasan · · •ny C bl 964 8111 vlng, lovely flnllh. bev• ... .,_ .u. ---THEODORE Jobs AYallablt. For Info 1 __ •_P<>_a_n_c_o __ • ___ 1 ce eel 11t1te ell'pe· led mirror. pert cond 8 10 20• long, 3ac par fl 213-441·5385 ---------•a.au1ySalonn11opanlng (312) 888-43<17 E•I HELP rtence helpful bul nof $395 9687327 77s.-t491 .,.1 Found: Gray CAT. Brook-tor h•lr atyllat Ren111 E·310 PART• TIME euentlel Pref tr loc:al • an,. me. l1y IHt tlur•I & Bu1h11d, HB. 840·60?3 S4·S8/hr No Exp Nee: reald1nt for Interview Ctlllde Armolr•. Eno Olk, SURPLUS JEEPS C111· 20' elec Outtteld, lmm1c ROBINS FORD .:!0!8 11 ,11 11111 lll1d • I'!.''·• \11·,,; :.40 O.UI Highest c"h lmmtdletely for your vehicle Do· mtstlc or forei gn 988~732 ------. feHtll• Yalley All hra 1vall Ort for stu· call Mrs (Whl •Int shape Boats. Meny Sell tor Un· c;ond. llke new. 548·6658 -Fou_nd_: _T_om_c:a_t.-g-ry_l_bl_k_.• Blllnguel ln1truct1on1I ••rf&lll C..JllY denta Wesley 1. T1Jler O.. 1295 888-7327 def S50 00 FOf lnlo Cttt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wht IHI Vic S A.H. :~dfem::'!';. ~~~u:. LOOl!lng for 4•8 Hper JDIS U.S.A. Rellltor1 6-44-4910 loe Creem aet, 4 twisted 13 121831•1961 Eict 2239 CllUS Ollln 22' '63S1udebalcerChempfo!\ SELL tdte 11ema w11h • friendly 5'49-l3S5 besle, S4.3<1/ hr Apply 1 w 891·41118 lee meter chalra. m1lchlng MINI<· Ranc;h Stroller • Winier apeclal. Lapllrt· 5 p111 c;pe Nice c;11 Diiiy Pilot Classltled Ad 1060 HAUOI Sl\ID COSTA MISA 641 · 0010 551·11285 Found: huge 1un1e. comer tnlfne Unified School o;. ~;:~e:~~0:!· P<~r!~!: Eisc:erpta lrom ll•t Pub Senlet ltitiH 11 b t e . $ 2 5 O IDB O derk brown Sz 12 e11cel ke hull. 111 ,,._paint. full 13750 2131592·t7t2 _64_2_·56_7_8 ____ _ ol Broedway & Sent• strict. 2941 Allon, lrvfn• 11 GMP/ARM. GEM. 111 Peiaonnel '"••4Ht 968-7327 conct $950/bat 644-6541 canvH l80 hip lnbrd Ana. 140 Magnoll• •8. 556-4900 & 2nd T0'1 Coron• d•I Mir Part A••ll1•t11 1010 ELECTRIC Hercult1 engine, compl ,.,,.u}, $3SI Cen John CuMCk DEOITIYI time..,.. 3 PM 10 9 PM •• ,-r •••• ••••. •••••••••• gone ov1r Full option •••••••••••••••••••••• Bookkeeoer 96-4·9090 •1c•1m• Muat h•va prevlou• H· HARBOR AREA Slf!_IS pkg S38oo wldock. ft RESIDENTIAL " " " per Sttrt lmmedlately. APPLIANCE SERVICE g M u• I t 1 11 AS AP L9A I YlllJ'I P111 time Rt taurent. MORTGAGE SERVICE for Eng & Tech, Mktg 4 875•2276 We sell recond .. gutr from $69 up 10 50% off 1~~8~7~3-~3~4~8~1 ~~~~~ hours, WllQ99 negollable. Siles, Ac;c;t'g & Finan. -------appll1nc:es 649·3077 Wiii bring 11mplet PHOTO MODELS Cell fOf 1ppt MAC F•I ~ff Datt Proc, Bnkg, In• & SERVICE PERSO-;;--714·661-5190 18.lt. 1870 GLAS PAR 115 ESCORTS/DANCERS 875-2588 Are you adventurou1, other 1111s Complete M11ure per1on With ga-I llY lPPLl&IOH hi •" ... -th t' d OUTCALL 24 HRS d g57 8133 "-11ut•"·I ft~·s 0 -njemlnt P ,..1rc, ..,..... rn er, nffd monev. & lovt to Trtlnlng ProYI ed. Mem· nertl knowled""' ot elec· LH • """ nu ~v -A 1 ..._d t 11 Hl-12tl Bookk 98 c .. ~ 7' high In 16" cl1ypo1. c .. nvaa. 01 ... • rt er. eeper trevel? Cllltornlt m1rkt-btr Orp est I I. all trlcltv to l)t(form outllde Washer·"-'-r·Rtfrlg 13500 848-1378 ting company hu 10 Pel Enrt11rt. BUSINESS HrVlce In the~ & apa "''·'"~a::"..!:'.Fr~-1997 Fullenon Ave . CM • *** Mu1t be c;epabl• of openings tor lharp. mo-& PROFESSIONAL lndullry We oiler 1ht Xlnv.t :'.:'d .. _ 64"':4:" •• 8 8·12 (Corner 20th 4 21' OUfl 011111111 hendllno Government tlvated hlgh4ctlool Qft• AGENCY . Newpon opportunity to grow with __ ...... _. ___ ..,._...,.._ Fun.non) 1350 64~ ltt • ..A:.. Parter quarterly return• •nd du•t•• to 111ve1 7 Beech, 1714) 553-8181 • 1111 growing compeny REFRIGERATOR WI., ••tM 1200 WlA computerized P•yroll w s 1 & d 1 111 1-"' I Llk I 1 I U ••-IHll •·// .._, "--24 h d estern 11 •• •· -··-· n •n e•c ng ..... u1 ry. en-. ros · ree 1 5 •• 248., l -~-... _. "• ay Muat be •>tP•rl'•nc•d monstret• en tl1Clllng r" ,..,,. Should b• reaptnsfbl• $185 1193·9060 or bat 0 ' ..... • ..... •••••••••••••••• 1 da)'W •week Pl•Ut e111 lor appf n•w produc1 Tr1lnlng Pecking & htndllng ho-wllh • good HnH or . 350 H"' I 16' Hobie Cat, yellOw w/ Jecuzzl, Saun1. Louis 493-1~8 8·5 dilly progrem paid Above lltry Full time Eng humour 71411141-9664 Eureka upright vecuum Red Brlck.gs~\oo req aunrlte 11111. Llk• •• well •• Tou11111. --------°'" 1 1 1 aptaklng prelerr•d Attmnta Omo old Pd new S2500. 67~181 81111kAmerlc:11d, Amtrl· C&lllER ever age Mrn no•. ren c r v •I• I c re 1110 n1 , Service Stttlon Att81'1dtnt, S 150 NII $60 548·11500 ---~8~75-~3..'..t7~5".._ __ Jr;:;;:;;:;;:;i;;-;;au,:;;-";;:;;:j;--; EiC DI AM furn, return gu11antttd M S 1 COlumbll 26 Mull Mii 4 :'1con!:~;.184~433. Flllllon lllland rttall •lo-For In tervlew cell 83t-5414 PIT. Apply Obll teton. Hotpofnt refrlg Look• & ll•1it1l cyt eng. SH.900. re. POtitlOn av1ll1blt fOf 84&-3337. 11-4 PM thru ----------t llth 4 Tustin, C.M work• grell $1 tO Cop· /lllt••llll IOll 552·5133 2 112 Hltt>or Bl. CM tn •xtCUllY• c;uhter. Fri. Of 64&-4117. Pertnl• , /ti•• ... ,. •• ,, S•wlng Mtchlng Opera· JP'~rl~0~1141~5~4~8~-8500~~--1·•·.;;;·~·~·.;·~··~·~·i1··~······~·~···•· 1~;;;;;:-im;;-----D•notr1 tor 8echelor / E11p1. 11 bank teller or -leotne tt lntervi.w. Supplemant your lnc;ome tor, bperlenced. Fecto-• • • ..,,, IJJ11 B•chelorettt Perll•• h•ad c11hler E.O E1-------,----1 by dolno Interesting I•· ry Producllon Line Piece Gu etov• w/grlddl• Very YAMAHA Bua Amp ..,;., IOlO 138-8538 Ot" 558-8538 844-5070 ltt ltltM• Pl ltphone lllH work on Rlltl c M. 1-42•9651 clean Look• & worka Heed with I dovblt 15" •••••••••••••••••••••• C•I Sllltf Earn $150 to 1300 Pit behtll of natlontl com-llnt &50 648-8500 PV •P'•ker ceblnet All Sllpa 11v1ll CdM trtt, ...... ,....., ..... Aftp person 10 help w/ WMk p1r1 tlmt ColleQt penlH $4 hr guar plua 111"9H/lllOflYIH MICRO WAVE OVEN Llkt In tl1C:ell1n1 condition $ 9 11 t ca I I Carr It Boat picture ads provide eomrer .. tron wtth Bwt>1 Clf• grooming 1 love Of C,. d It av t 11 . C 111 1u<;ratlve t>onu1 lncenttw TIAllll new $300 or bat Cell 11.000 7 14·955·24 73 Wkdy1 M C IV IS A 2 4 my long h•lrad ceta. 646-5781 a• tor TOM proor1me. StlH expr Full llmt polltlOn avtll .. 841-3153 llt~Olll 1..fPll _8_·_5 _______ -..,.~,:..;t--11" ~JOl Some llnowltdge & •x· Gtner1l Ollie•. typing. prev, but wlll trtln lhe bit N-porl Stallol\efl, -G-.-,-r,-nge--4-0-Ylll-.-g-ood-BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE --·=-:;· COEDS • Would love to r,er w/anlm111 helpful. ""hi bkkn, M•llKt. ~ rlghl pereon. For Inter· 079-3538, Mr Ernmont co-... clean •1001ofr CELLO ~. atr. Liii• ,_, Newoort Beec:h. 25'. H', "·" •··-t (1 •) ••" 7281 f1 ..,,.. '" YltW call Ms Kruk II "" • I -.n 0' • 5• C I petty wlyo4J • ...., ....,. or n Of 1.. .,..... • ty fOf •JtP&ndtd polll 545-5776 Swllchboatd operetor, 642-6844 beau qua Uy mull 11c ..,...· 35', 4 • o 4 11 K•thy anytlm•. (213) 3PM. Submit rtMime 10· 1011 revavard PI T wet· $295. 833-1074 142 ·4844 from 9.5, 804-3233 811010 Orlv• Sit 111, •Rll r-an UUI g d . llnrln '"' Mon.Fri OUIFFlll/ll•I C M 92827 .. _. •• k•n I , no t.llP n1c;. •••••••••••••••••••••• Glb•on, Fender. Guild. --------1""11Ml Up lo SB/hf. Wiii trtlnl -·-·-------1 Nttd 2 t'ltl)er. people In '42·3013 PEUGEOT. 10•1Pttd Roltnd, lb•ntz, Paevey. Doell 1pece 1111llabl• up ,.,.,,,,, llll Exciting CarHr Oppty lllElllL tfftol commerc11t and lndu· Telephone Setu & flt• men'• blkt, 21 Inch Ira. Y•m•h•. Soni, Shure, to 38' $11.50/lt Ardell. •••••••••••••••••••••• &rn more 11 vou lt•rn. Sh1rp peraon tor front itrltl t .. I •11•1• '"' aue-dellv•ry work. Cuh paid me Xlnt cond. 1170 obo. AKG. beef. oe11. Mull 842-5735 28' Erl«on Fully equlppecj crvlN 6 11111. Ul'IF. compea1, cover• Perteet condition S 141.500 1 f -lllYlll P'-" """''r hr1. Grett tor Offlc1. T"Pfnn, flllnio: ceHllJI and growing firm d1l"' A~p"' 770 W 19th <104·4747 Leg Ben Mii 8"0·39o4. _M_A_R_C_U_S_C:-H_A_N_N""'E:-L-11..,d-t • ._. ...,. ,v-' • Bttl WOfklng condltion1 .,. '1 • ---------------------1 Plf'90fltl, quellfled com• Studtnl1. h••vv 1>11on11. 875-9 In Newport Beactl Stt H, oat• Mesa R•d Schwinn 10 apd, BA8V GRAND l<lmbtll 5 tie 10 28 ft: &160: alao 1------------------t panlOn driver• fOt your .Jiii I I A 1 848-505 great cond 195 fl. I'~ old, walnut $3600 aldt up to 18 It $ 100. 123-4567 d•Y 10 day errand•. • ' • To plac:e your mHaege 1•1 1 TILIPHll go2-01&1 FI n 1 n c I" o • v t 11 813·Sl•a Shopping . d oc1or'1 SOl_.818 1" befort IM llUTAIUIT llllllTlll 8 4 6 · 0 8 4 8 . • v • • • • eppta. church, •le. All Ellcerpti lrom 1111 Pub NE" a dav BAR............ Work l!venlnna In New· Puc:h IO·~. good condl· 21a.aH-t439 Privet• 8•1bot 40 •llp, 8 reading publk:, " , "' ,..... _,, • llOn $95/0BO c:orner lot, wtr & elec ~· l'MI. y hour or Peope who need PtoPte PhOnt Apply In perton btwn Port 8ttch Liit Wtek 831·3123 OVATION IOild body ... 5 0 p w, I s• I I dey. •94-5857. 'l'htl't \1111111 Ille 0111ty Piiot 3-6pm 333 8a)'91dt Or. our lop peraon C>ut In 24 •ltclrlc ttereo guller f73·2494 • ...,, ' SER~~'iti::~g~ORY CIN1Hltd, '42·5878 NB ~5· ~: :l:s°1r":oh= 1.1111., 1275, 714/873-925t WANTED t llp IOI •o· •----...1.-..-. ;;;;;;;;;;~la~elf~•~t>OY~1~1 iiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~iiijf ,...,evrant 1 PM #111t11J1 1111 F\111 u 111o11n, 111n1 c;ond 1raw11r, 14th" beam, -.. -·-~ ... -· •••••••••••••••••••••• &1'""1 .... 1 ..__ ....._, ··2 "•10 .... •••••••••••••••••••••• The Pennyuv.r I• aoc:ep-llW •10/n ""'..,...,~oa''!:eo ....... .,.. ~ •• p,. E. s c H 0 0 LI 0 A y Sauce E11J)tr1IM • mull. ting IOi>llcallon• fOf lull • • ..... ..., Sf.JPS AVAIL Huntington CAA& • PRllTilllR e Po1111on on bt1u11tut tlm• -.ei der Ad HI•• A9<1wooo be d.Cklno. OlllH Ftnlllff I . H 1 , l'I 0 u , 8 • y , ~.::.~.;.::~~~.:<. ~'r.~'r~.:c,~n~~~~ ~ Agpty P£NNY8AVeA: ~;,::ng.:'?i~-:~ .... , ,., ... , 7 1 4 • 8 4 0 . a 5 4 6 . I m lndlv CIHMI op~ ''"""' I , ... , ....... , dental 1 eo Placentia Ave. enytlm• 775.1491 •• ~:~ ••••••• T • ......:;. 848· nee. U0·4091i Oct 4"', 14~ ' Cotti MaH ~ SAVIN COPlllA 220 213-431-376-4, 8-9 PM Looking To Add To Our Staff 0111 Mlchlllt Sumvan TV COMMERCIAL Reowooo OEC1<1NO Good wortctno order IH I NH TH I! MAR s HA I. I. CASTING COMPANY a····· 33•· ,~xe, U• pet $400, ••• !le •• ~~ •••••••• QUAUFIED OROVP 1n11rvttwlnO r•ll•bl• &twit tN-OIU 4H ·l3U btwn f ·Spm DRY $JNllG£ AEROBICS -FITNESS P11tonne1 s.,-.,lc. Inc peop .. IOf background, ~dy unn P 0 A·1, ~ l Un• non·lf)ealltng Plfl .. IOI ._ lfff1--DE-S_l<_S_F_OA IALI Monlhfy boll etortgt, INSTRUCTORS coin commtrcl•Tt auoh u ;";'K":.••••••••••••••••• OHk• end mitclllng any *"' 24 tw tteu111y. Cermet. CA Ht21 pota10 chtp•. d••toner1 c:tialr• ,, uc:nnc. Pl'toe ''" ll4jn(lf\lng ... T'S .... lllY (toel e2&.a100 panta. twlmw11t (good llUT m-. •t Hao "8ptac•m•"' •WNlf ... ii -.. ,r .. to ~·" t•lll MC ~ nlMWlence ... co.\ SHOO CALL !)AWN 11 ,A•~ Ill.AND 1 required .&y lt)pl Ollly t m0t ~ NOO .. 5Pm M·fl 13:)-tfOO 1 1I1 ltd la' Ir• ~ IOt WHITE 11tP11enl1 21it t4e.to83. CAl.L 40l12H41M .. NIWPOIT llACH wtlh a CIMlltfed Ad f'lnd whtl yo11 warH n Joee llLL ldl• 111ma with • M4-lltt CtH '42·5118 Dtlly tttlol Cluallltd•. ~ ~OI Ctttelfled Ad 1--------- ~! ......... . ~.!¥.'11. .... 1!!.f YOUftl ...,,._. IMf't wtM dO ..... twlldy .,. 0 11r .... a •ll•nd•. t7Mllt. \ /~_....---- Set your course for fest sales with 1 Oelly Pilot ~oat picture ad. Eacsh Saturday, the Dally Pilot will offer you ad apace u"t not only describe• yow boat. but pictures It H well The price Is guaranteed to buoy your eplrlta -$45 If we take the picture. end only $40 If you provide the picture for a 2 column 3" 1d. For further details 1bout how Delly Piiot boat picture •d• can work for you and to lehedule youi ad, call 842-&878 1nd uk tor Sally L ... 1· ,. ,. - ,,. _____________ ·----·--· ·-~ ,. ('I Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT/Monday, September 27, 1882 COMMfLL CHEVROLET "\. .,,_ I I.tr 1. If '~I . I •r-1\\1~\\ §41>-120 ...... , ... Top dollar• for Sports Car1. Bug1, C1mper1. 914'1, Audl't Atll IOf UIC MGR ....... MUSWAlll 18711 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 141-2100 Earle Ike TOYOTA·YOU O ,, ............ . , ....... .. "6U-U OJ w 140-'4'1 • IOI MoLAIUI IMW ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 5-46-1934 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway oll Harbor Blvd Complete , body shop Sates Service Parts Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM to 5 30 PM and 8 AM to 5 P M on Saturday • IU.CH IMPOttTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us. wr "' lht• • • I I<. f • A lf(! R r"'IP (I Peugeo• Saao & M,.:, .. ral 1 • THEODORE ROllHS fOltD Modern sales, service. parts. body, paint & tire depts. Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd . Cosll Mesa 642·0010 or 540-82U • JOHMSOM & SOM UHCOLH MHCUltY 2626 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel ~5630 57 Years ol friendly family serv1cP -Orange County s oldest L1n- coln·Marcury dealership • • SOUTH COAST DODGE 2888 H1rbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 5<I0-0330 RV service specrahst1 custom van conY8fs1ons HIWPORT IMPOlt'TS 3100 W Coast Highway. Newport Beach l el, &42·94051640 1764 rhe FarrartHelldquanert . MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE COMHRl CH(YIOlfT • ')o 11 I I• ( \ \1 ~ ~U-1 ZOO MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beech Tel 833-1300 At the tnangle of JambOfee, MacArlhur & BrlltOI behind VlctOfljl Station Sales, Sefvtee. Leasing & Parts We make great deals' • HAIHS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 5-40-9100 Orange County s Largest Cadillac dealer Sales Service. Leas· ing • DAVID J. rHILLtrs IUICIC.p()MTIAC·MAIDA Sales • SeMoe • Leasing 24888 Ahc1a Parkway Laguna Hills 837-2400 fD CHICK IVERSOH rottSCHl-AUDl·YW 415 E Coast Hwy , Newport Beach 673-0900 The only dealership on Orange County With these three great makes under one rool' • ALAN MA~MOl'f PONTIAC·SUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd , Co111 Mesa Tel 5-4M300 Sales, Service, Leaa1ng Mr Ooodwrench • CLAlllC AUTOMOllLll 785 Newton Way, Cotta ~-T•. 83 '"1393 ''JAQUAA8 OUA SPECIALTY" XK 120'1 I 140'a I 150'1 I E·Typel I XJ'a a .... -a.rvtoe -Rflttorationa Off Pteoentla ~ 11111 & 11th In Coate Mela C> • I 01 LOHGPU PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westm1nstef Tel 892·6651 Orange County s oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Sates, Service Parts • DICK MILLll PIAT/LANCIA "P101>11bly the lowest priced F1a1s In Southern Cahforn1a" (Located 1 mite nor1h ol South Coast Plaza near Main St and Warnet Ave 1n Santa Ana ) 120 W Warner. Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANTA ANA DATSUH 2001 E 17th Street. Sanll Ana Tel 558·781 I Your Or1g1nal Dedicated Datsun Dealer • MlltACLI MADA We ve moved• Our new location is 1425 Baker Street. Co.ia Mesa Tel 545·3334 Stop by 4 v1s1t our brand new showroom and see why ware the 11 Mazda dealer In Southern Callforn11 Sates, Sarv1c;e, Parts and Leasing • ANAHllM MADA "o.trO.C...._.~ .... "'"~W.c.n" 601 S Anaheim Blvd . Anaheim 95&-1820 Just north of ' Santa Ana Frwy on Anaheim Btvd Call us liratl WE ARE HARO TO FlND-eUT WORTH ITI • SADDLllACI IMW /SUIAltU 28402 Margutritt Pkwy . AYef'f Pkwy exit W. offer what no bank o r IHH company can 1 bpettly stlfftd. moat modern aerviQt & parts dept , 2 One ol the Southland a moil e11partenced NI• I ltaalng stall, 3 Ellmlnallon ot tf'lt middleman by 1 .. 11ng dealer direct 831 •2040 MIHIOn Vlt o •M-4949 COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd Coste Mesa Tat 540-641 O SeMng Orange County for 16 years 1 Mlle So 405 • SUNSET FOltD, INC. (Home of W11t1e the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd , Westminster Tel 636-4010 • OIANGI COUNTY VOL VO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove Tel. 530·9100 EKcluslvely Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirements New•Used•Salu•leulng•Parts•Servlee•Body ShOp Freewat close In the heart ol Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd. & Brookhurst 0 CONNILL C .. YaOLIT 2828 Harbor Btvd , Costa Mesa Ovef 20 years Mrvlng Orange Coun1y1 Sales, leasing, service C.11 646·1200; ..-cial parts hna, 546·9400 body shop llna. 75-4-04C'\ 0 ltOY CAIVElt ltOU.S ltOYCi-tMW 15-40 Jamboree Road, Newpon BHch &40--6444 SalM. Ser'l•ce. Parts And Leasing • COllMIKll DeLILLO CMKYllOLKT (Formerly Groth ~) 18211 leach ltvd .. Huntington 8Mcll • New • UMd • 8alet • LMtlnl • Parta • 8ervlce Come by and ... our H19 ln~tOfYl 147· 17 ......... , FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON~THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. 642-5678 ( MONIJI\ 'I '>I I' I l Mi ii I• .' l'lli.' "Are fibers e ntering Newport Beach water supply?" wonders Gr e ta Barry, pa rt-time water department employee, as she checks a section of concrete pipe's asbestos lining. j Ylll llllllll llllY PIPll CIHJ\NC,f COlJN I Y l Al If OHNIA 2!> CENTS Irvine :nlay put teeth in law police dogs By GLENN SCOTT Peart said. "A dog will conduct a Of the Oeltr Hot tt.tt more thorough and expedltioua Police dogs, the popular new search than a large number ol weapon for fighting crime and officers." polishing images. may be barking In Orange County, Fountain up some of Irvine's trees in the Valley and Huntington Beach near future. have employed police dogs for at The Irvine City Council is least three years. Orange, scheduled Tuesday to consider Anaheim, Tustin, Santa Ana and adopt! ng a pl lot program San Clemente each have started involving two police canines. It programs since January, 1981. would cost the city about $33,400 The cost to buy two trained the flnt year, analysts say. Funds dogs from a kennel is $10,000 and would be made available by not the cost to convert a vehicle for filling an existing opening for an their use would require another officer. $19,500, according to the report. Council members will discuss Such dogs are expected to last in the issue 4'n'1'1lg a meeting, at police service from five to 10 ~:30 p.m: at City Hall. The issue years. ts the first listed for h earings . Council members elected to beginning at 7:30 p.m. continue their discuasion on the Also on the agenda for proposed bed tax increase two Tuesday's meeting is a much-weeks ago after hearing strong debated proposal to increase the o p p o s i t i o n f r o m h o t el local bed tax from 6 to 8 percent representatives during a public and a review of possible sites for hearing. a new Irvine Civic Center. A recent staff report from Use of police dogs in Southern Michael McNamara, director bf California has increased a dministrative services, still dramatically during the last 12 recommends the increase, which months, dccording to a report is meant to produce $3 million in submitted to the council by Police extra revenue over (ive years. Asbestos in Newport_Beach water? Chief Leo Peart. Peart said the He said that city analysts, aft.er animals are more effective than talking to representatives of the humans at crime scene searches Airporter Inn, Registry and the -for both evidence and as-yet unopened Marriott hotels, suspects. Dogs can reduce injuries found no data to suggest that thJL _ lO officers anel acl as a pos ve increase would hurt the local symbol for community safety, business. By STEVE MARBLE Of tM Delly Not It.ff A citywide test in Newport Beach to determine if asbestos fibers are being Ced into drinking water from city pipes is expected to be ordered tonight by the City Council. The battery of tests would show whether the microscopic fibers are sloughing off Newport Beach's network of concrete- asbestos water pipe. City engineers caution that there is no cause for alarm and that scientific research has not shown asbestos ls even harmful If swallowed. At least o ne local expert, though, disputes t his and says research is showing that asbestos, whether inhaled or swaJlowed, can be a cancer-causing agent. Calvin McLaughlin, dlrector of the Cancer Research Institute of UC Irvine, adds, thouRh. that he has no evidence that the water pipes are a probJ~m. A majority of the council says it will go along with the city's recomme ndation that $4,200 be spent on the tests. The concrete-asbestos pipe makes up nearly 80 percent of Newport Beach's water pipe system and ls used extensively throughout the county and state. Joe Devlin, the city's utilities director. says the pipe is used AirCal rejects pay cut By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the Delly PUot lt•ff The r e jectio n by some AirCal workers of the Newport Beach-based airline's request that they take a 12 percent pay cut may result in cutbacks in the carrier's 2.100-cmployee work force, an AirCal spokesman said today. But a vice president of the union that rejected the pay cut hinted employees may take a second look at the request if AirCal moves forward with staff cuts. Of 980 non -union and management employees whose votes were being counted this morning, AirCal spokesman Mark Peterson said approximately 700 voted and accepted the wage cut proposal by "better than a two-to-one" margin. The maintenance and ramp service workers section of the Transport Workers Union, which represents n early 600 AlrCal employees, rejected the wage cut last week by a margin of less than 25 votes, union vice preside nt Bill Rossi said. AirCal flight atte ndants, repr~nted as a separate unit by the TWU, accepted the cut by a similarly close margin among its approximately 400 me mbers, Rossi said. About three-fourths of the members of both units, took part in the vote, Rossi saidt AirCal officials already have stated that the cuts will not be implemented unless they are accepted by all employees, however. The alrline, working under a mandate from top-level management to maintain its profitability in ~h economic times, wlll be fo to consider "other alternatives to reduce costs" in the wake of the wage- cut rejection, Peterson iaid. Asked if those alternatives include staff cutbacks, Peterson replied "in general terms, yes." He would not expand. on the answer. AirCal's 250 pilots, represented by the Airline Pilots Association, are yet to be heard from in their (See AJRCAL, Page A%) Flood waters rout 800 BISHOP (AP) -Muddy waters that pushed through an earthen dam and forced at least 800 people to flee their homes began receding today. but authorities warned that the danger had not passed. "The water is just a little lower, but it's nasty," said John Ferguson. head of the California Department of Forestry in the Inyo-Mono County area. "It's still moving fast. "There's danger to homes everywhere becau se of the constant erosion and the debris," he said. At l east 800 people were evacuated in Bishop and nearby Big Pine on Sunday when the surges of water in overflowing North Lake burst through an earthen dam built during the early 1900s. Eight homes sustained heavy damage when the dam burst, sending Bishop Creek racing out of its banks and into streets. gulleys and smaller creekbeds, Ferguson said. No injuries were reported, and there we re no official damage estimates. A highway was closed at Big Pine today after water swirled over a makeshift mud-and-rock dam, said Inyo County Sheriff's dispatcher Florence Nielsen. She said the water level had not receded much, but was "sort of holding its own." "We don't need any more rain," she said, but the forecast called for "a chance of showers." Residents of the mountainous area 225 miles north of Los Angeles and 15 miles from the Nevada border -including people o n two nearby Indian reservations -spent Sunday lllDEX At Your Service A5 Intermission 85 Erma Dombeck A7 Ann Landers A7 Buaine91 86-7 Movlea 85 Cavalcade A7 • Public Not.lcea B6 Cta.ified C4-8 Sporu Cl-4 Comka B3 Stocks B7 Oro.word 83 Televlalon 84 Death NoUces C4 Theaters B5 Editorial A6 Weather A2 F.ntertain.men& BO World News A3 Horoecope I A7 sandbagging their homes. There was substantial water damage to some homes on the reservations, said Ferguson. Bishop Mayor Ron Kiston said the flood was the worst to hit Bishop, but added "it's not that devastating." John Corwin said he was awakened about 6 a .m. to the sound of water outside his house. By nightfall, the water was receding. The 15-foot-deep lake, located 25 miles west of Bishop. was already filled from the meltoff of snow in the Sierra Nevada, when a steady warm rain began to fall, swelling the lake and causing more mountain run off, authorities said. After the dam burst, the lake was left virtually empty. Reacue teams with bullhorns evacuated residents of about 200 homes In north and east Bishop and an unincorporated area along Bishop Creek. Many more people In the town of 3,400 may have fled, only to return several hours later when the chumlne water leh their homes untouched. The dam belongs to Soulhem California F.dillon and spokesman Frank Bellow said the utility wlU Investigate to find out why It aave way. He aald no power Is generated at North Lakt, which has a capacity oC 48 acre-.fte\ of water and feeds three power statlona downstream. ( because ll 1s prcforablc to plastic or iron p1 pe. Peart said. Newport Beach's council al.lo is Devlin claims the plastic pipe is suspected of producing cancer- causing agents while the iron pipe has a coal-tar lining that is known to be dangerous. In Irvine, with its well -set to consider such an increase He says cities have been using the asbestos pipe for more than 30 years without problem. t landscaped residential areas and tonight. he said. Costa Mesa and millions of square feet of Santa Ana have no plans industrial and office space, the currently to raise their tax rates. dogs would offer substantial Costa Mesa and Newport savings in time for searches, he Beach both have 6 percent rates. noted. Santa Ana's is 5 percent. "A properly trained dog may Meanwhile, council members Some members o f the community a.nd the council are (See ASBESTOS, Page At) be used in these areas to locate once again will be faced with a suspects without endangering decision on where to locate a new the lives of officers or dtbens," (See POLICE DOGS, Pa1e At> Beach<>ombers Ceorge McFarland, Phil Nealon, George McFarland Jr. and John Parlette display their boot y from the sea. Storm's waves bring rewards By STEVE MITCHELL of Ule D.tlr l'Mot lleff Holding out a fistful of gritty, wet coins, Phil Nealon grinned and said, "There's lots more from where thls came from." And It was true. About 15 youngsters -und adu'it:--stood wal1t deep in 'the churning snorebreak off Bluebird Canyon In Laguna Beach, tcanning the moiat sand for coins. Huge surf generated by Tropical Storm Olivia proved a boon for these beachcombers by dumping hundreda of old coins, keya and even an emerald on tht' beach. "You juat at.and here until the wave b~alu. then watch the aand c:loeely," said John Pa.rlette, the top moneymaker at S.turday's coin dig. And. as If on cue, a thick wave crunched on the'ahoreline leaving in lta wake • green (Opper penny. Sc..'00pln1 up the treasure Parlette u.ld he flgures he made $22 Saturday momina. Nealon, hls buddy, .. id hla momlna hauJ amounted to only about $10, but he held out a small emerald he found In the aurfllne. "I have no Idea how much it's worth," he shrugged. "It's the end of the summer and all the money th~ tourists dropped in the ocean ls reappearing on the beach," he said. The ahorellne, which fronts the nine~story Surf and Sand Hotel, was a bonanza for booty Saturday. • .. ''This ls the first big storm In a couple of yeara and all the money th1tt was Iott over the laat few summers 11 being to&sed up on the . ·: beach." Nealon aatd. • ::; Alon1i with a few other items. •!• .. 1 Nealon held out four heavy metal hotel keys, all from the Surf and Sand, that the ocean • had depoa1ted on the beach. But there are haiardl to beachcomb'na. The waahlnC·rMC:hine effect of the waves-:: tumbled more th•n one 1erounger off hla ft'et. ~;· But the proceedl, apparently, were worth · the wet irunka and sandy hAir. ; "I've bffn doing this aU my life." Nealon ·:~ said. "And thla la the blgett haul y t!' ::: -· ·: .. • : lt ·' ·: • H/F Orang• Co11t DAILY PIL.OT/Monday, September 27, 108~ OLICE DOGS EYED • • • vlc center. Including a ci ty hall, lice department, child care nt.er, 1enlor cltJzen'a cent.er and, erhapa, a performing arts l'l\.er. Proposed sites Include: -University Town Center, roas Campus Dr:ve from UC e. University administrators pushing thls location and are erlng land on campus for a rformlng arts center as an ticemeot. -Irvine Center, In the so- iled Golden Triangle. Irvine pany officials, eager t.c1 make lr proposed commerclai-retall nter the city's "downtown," offering 10.2 acres of land with no o ff-site development coeta. . -Eid1t1na location of City Hall, at McGaw Avenue and Jamboree Road. Either the building could remain the same or be demolished and a new , multi-level str ucture could be built. -W oodbridge A c t I vi ty Corridor . Several parcel s be tween Barranca and Alton parkways have been identified aa possible locatioru by city staff members. -Village 12, at Barranca and J effrey Road. Once the favored she, it has lost popularity because of high off-site costs to develop the property. • SBESTOS TEST. • • ; J ot convmc.'e(i that the l'Oncrete- : dsbestos pipe is harmless. : : "I'll bet my house that there's :tproblem . I'm that s ure," : ggests Corona del Mar resident • on Kennedy, a member of the f 'ty's. t'nvironmental qua lity <J>mmttl<'C. l ' "I just can 't believe that we ! Jin put a man on the moon but : tflat we'n• still putting something : fts dangerous as asbestos in our : 'fater pipes," he says. : i Two months a go. Ke nnedy : *ked tht' council to order a halt : tp the installa\)on of the pipe in : Itis neighborhood until a study •was l'Ompleted. His request was : shot down and the pipe installed. • • : • Now the l'OUncil is prepared to • rliove ahead with the tests. J : b evlin sa,ys the tests will I ~mpare the number of asbestos bers f~nd 10 Newport Beach f rinking water w ith the level of bestos found m the water the ty buys from the Metropolitan -f ateF District. l ; Newport buys all of 1ts water tC.-om th<' metropohtan district. ,_ Devlin maintains that because asbestos is a natural produc t fibers arc found in the purch8S(.'(f water wh ich is carried to Southern California along th e state aqueduct. The question a t hand, he says, is if city pipes add to the existing level of asbestos. A recent test in the city's F.ast - b luff community, Dev lin explains, showed the fiher l'Ount to be equal to the purchased water. Kennedy, for one, believes the city shouldn't even take a chance and that homes s hould h ave filters installed to catch the fibers . .. I don't want to set oH a wave of panic but to me this whole thing is just the same as ignoring some guy s tanding on the freeway shooting people," says Kennedy. "The onJy difference is that we're pulling the trigger now and the people aren't going to fall for another 30 years." AIRCAL CUTBACKS. • • votes on the pay cut. Rossi, who said union leaders, .,.'f\ad made no recommendation on the pay c ut vot e to TWU . members, said the airline's . actions in the wake of the '.\-eject ion may r es ult in a .;. reconsideration of the action. ! . "There's always a posslbUHy of 1' reconsidera tion based on the circumstances," said Rossi, who d has scheduled talks lat.er today · 1~ith AirCal officials. "It all i•·t'epends on what they do." t P eterson said the airline is committed to maintaining its unbroken string of profitable years despite a drop in revenues caused by fewer passengers, fare cuts spurred by competition with other airlines and the general economic climate. "The way you run your business is with a goal of profitability," he said. "Ai.rCal is committed to maintaining profitability in 1982 and beyond. It's the only way to maintain the strength and viability of the airline.'' Dell1 Piiot Photo br Richard Koeh.., Fast finis]1er Re luctant tarter Tracy Jacobson, 4·, wus coaxt•d by mom Connie Jacobson to victory in Big Whee ls rac·t~ during break in Costa Me a' National Criterium bicycling cham1>ionshi[> · re ported on Page Cl. Three injured in 'quick draw' shooting Three onlookers were injured slightly in a qwck-draw s hooting acCident at tlie Orange oun y Fairgrounds, according to Costa Mesa police. Off1ccn; stud a gun belonging to a quic.'k-d raw cont est ant appa rently fired accidentally during a contest spr eading b1rdshot over an area. Treated and released at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach were Paul Sc.:ribncr, of lhine, and Arthur Barnes, of Las Vegas. Antony Maes of La Mesa also reportedly was mjured bill.didn't reqwre treatment. Cha in reaction Mother, girl killed in smashup A motht•r und h1:c ~-year.old daugh tf.'r were killed Sunday n i1ht when their car wu ttruc:k rift•:r 11\Ulllna on a trarultlon road bt-lWC'<'n thl" N~wport and Riverside fr.:iewaya, aocordina to the California Highway Patrol. The d ead were llated as Barbara O 'Laughlln, 24, and daughter Jeanette, 5, of Corona. Driver Harold O'LaughUn, tl'le husband and faltler of the two vlftims, attempted to wave trafClc around the disabled car, a CHP spokesman said. But a dnver of a ~nd car apparently didn't see 0 Laughlin and struck the vehicle. Police term drowning in CdM accident The drowning d e ath of a 78-year-old Corona del Mar woman was listed as an accldenl today by Newport Beach police The body of Emma Vogel, 4191h Orchid Ave., was found shortly after 8 a.m. Sunday al China Cove, said Lt. Tony Villa. He said her bathing suit and shoes were recovered at the beach at Pirates Cove. Villa said Vogel took regular early-morning swims in Newport Beach. He said she was last seen walking to the beach at about 5:30 a.m. Sunday. Sgt. John White said the tncident took place at about 4 p.m Sunday at a chill cookoff spon sor ed by the Santa Ana 20-30 Club H e said lave ammunition normally isn't permitted in a public place but special pennits might have been obtained. Oraog<' County Girl Scouls relax a t the a nla Ana River a 1hey await lht>ir turn to join lhe human l'hain. If you look clo e ly, the S<>ouls arc-form in~ the initia l · G Soine clearing $20,000 fire at Irvine plant ~ilfl~--~~~~~~~~ · ~ ;CoaMal -:• SOUTHERN C ALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO M OUNT AIN REAS -Night and l1'IOl'nlng IOw r. ~loud• In ooe11a1 1re11 " ()ll'lerwtM felr u r:epl windy •• <times In mountain• Hi gh ~ 81Ufet In 11\e low 70. -tl'I• r:o111 10 mid 801 Intend Ovetnlghl lows lrom 53 10 83 . 1!hl In mounlllnt moally lrom •• to the tow•70t Lowa trom 35 • 45. Ca lifornia Pertly cloudy moetly cte.,lng during the etternoon w .. 1 wind• 15 10 20 mph during the en.moon. HIQM mo911y neer 70 Tonight and fueedrt Felr LOWS 56 10 60. Hlghl 70 10 75 Point Conception 10 th• Me..ic.tl bOfdef end oul 80 mtlee -Smelk:rltt lldvtaory ell eteN e11oep1 Inner 1ou1hern wa1er1 IOU\tl of Dan• Point. Over outer watera, north of Sen Nlco111 ~. northwat wlndt 20 to 35 knot• wt1h combined -10 10 14 fHt. South of Sen Nlcol11 111en nor•h-t wind• 15 10 215 knot• wtth combined -e to to feet. Wind end -declteulnQ 1towly tonight wllh motlly ~t wind• 10 10 20 knot• Tuelday. U.S. su11lntary .4.,,., rein drenched perts of .-thwetlt Nl'nda end nor1hf!m Ul•h. prompting llatl'l-llood wiwntnos and 11\e evecu•tlon ot more ih1n too people. end one P•flOtl Wll killed In • Florid• tornado. the N1t1on11 Weatl't8f S.W:.Mld HHvy rain alto llooded 111e l>Metnenlt of 11 leUI 200 l'IOmet In Uteh'• Sall Lelle V111e1 end ceu1ad mudtlldet In nearbr canyont. trrggerlng an 1p~•I from Seit Lek• County olfk:let1 tale Sundrt le>t llO!unl-t lo help In llood control ellorta al lh• Jorden RIWf "We have counlywld• flooding al a m1jor level, .. H id Don Spencer, the county'• director of public~ No lnlllflll -• reported In M\Jff~. f0 mllel IOUlhHtl , of .... LIU City, IT!Ofl than 100 people _. evacutted from low· 'Yl'!O. ~ .... offloltl• Hid. A tom.tdO cul a lour•mlle hlllh 20 mllt• north or lake OICMCllOti.t, Fla .. on lunday. ·~ dOtlrn In.a tr ... park, klllin o1le ~toll and Mrlou11y lllfutlnt ...i otllerl Tem~!urH around 1111 net10n d9"11 tlt\09d ITom t7 In ... d~. Wl1 .. 10 13 lt1 ~.Ma. • Extende d weather ~no wer 1 and lloleted thundershowers were forec111 lrom the p111eeu er:roaa Ille northern IWO·lhlrd• o f the Rodllea Into ,.,. Oellot .. Rain changing 10 anow wu forecast le>t lhl nor1hlm Roeklet. ano rein waa expected from tl'le 01110 Valley ecro11 the norther" Allanllc COHtal ••• , ... wltl'I acallere d thowars end .ahunderthowert over the aoulhem Atlanllc Coast. T emp e ratures El Puo a7 72 Fargo 72 45 .. Lo Pep i:i.g11en 74 50 Albany 1e 54 23 Greet Fiiis ea 43 88 Alt>uque 87 56 Hartfe>td 72 55 24 AmerlllO 88 56 Helena M 43 51 AIMVllle e2 4e Honolulu 88 78 Atlanll 71 53 05 Houtton 85 70 AlltnlC Cly 66 83 .24 lndNPll* e1 53 Autlln 88 14 Jacllen MS 74 47 81lllmor• 65 et ·" Jactlenvtle n 157 02 Bllllnga 68 55 .07 Kant City 87 4a Blrmlngl'tm 75 51 .01 Kno•vllle 74 55 •• Blamerck 75 47 .08 LU VegH 87 e3 BolM e5 « Llllle Rock 72 51 Botton e1 5e 01 Loullvllle ee 55 8rowr11vtla M 73 Lubbock 80 e4 BuffalO 89 53 75 Memphis 70 4a Burlington 73 55 .25 Miami 84 1e t 13 CllC* 74 55 .2e Miiw11ukM e1 60 Cl'terltln SC 88 5a .12 Mpla..SI P e1 44 Cllarltln WV 82 55 .35 Ntsh\lllle 70 53 Ctlarttle NC 84 52 .14 N-Ofleanl 77 158 Cheyenne 70 48 PMw Vortc es es 3e Clllc:ago 83 50 Noo10llc 74 eo 1 e2 Clnelnt\811 72 6t .24 No Plalle 82 55 Cleveland e1 r>4 1.0 t 0111• City 70 el Ctmbla SC 83 50 01 omen. 87 50 Columb\11 84 53 " OrlandO 77 84 15 011-Ft Wlh 80 ee PNladphla 71 82 55 Oiryton 82 r>4 32 Ptloenlll tOt 78 Oef\¥91 n 57 Pltttburfr 80 5t 80 On MOlne* e2 48 P1land. • 85 52 02 DetrOll e1 5e .5t P1i.nd. Or• 14 4a 06 Duluth 84 « Prcwldence 88 58 01 SURf RIPORT "" '=: ·-AVlf ... Looettlll ""' . ..... Temit • Hut1tlngton Blulfa 4-5 11r.:'ood 87 Huntl:11on Pier 3.15 55 Santa na Rlvtf Jetty 3.4 111r-poor 87 40th 81. Newpot't 3-4 , .. ,.poor er 22nd SI. Newport 3-4 falr·l>OOf 87 Balboe WedOI 3-4 felt-poor . ., Roclcplla, &.aoun• 2·4 fair 87 a::rzHollow ... ,.., 87 Th e-9tOOllt 2 .. lalf 87 San C111Mt11t Plet 2-4 fllf'"OOOd el TrtfalOlf (T-StrMll 2-4 fW-fOOCI 15 TOl'nOfrOW' HIOll TIOt t· 13 a.m. Low Tide 1.27 p m ,.... Olreclk>fl lout ft. ( Stdonwv•• R•:rc 85 55 64 Rept Clly 7e 52 .02 Ser. Leke e7 4a 2 17 Sen Antonto 80 ee s .. w. 81 .., 01 Shreveport 78 51 Sioux Fells 71 50 81 LOUii 80 51 SI P·Tamp• 81 85 SI Sle Merla 59 51 S1><>k1ne 81 42 Syracu&e ea 53 74 Topeka 70 49 Tuc&On 94 87 Tul111 72 59 wa1l'ttng1n 70 83 49 WIChlll 76 58 CALIFORNIA B1ker1lleld 73 151 34 Blylhe 95 Eur eke 66 56 01 Fr .. no e9 57 Lancatter 71 55 01 lot "r.9' 8a 54 Marytv Ila 78 Monlerrt e4 Needtes 94 Ollkl1nd 70 PHO RoblJl' 72 64 A.cl e1un 78 5e R.clwood City 8a 57 Sacramento 72 51 Sall nu 88 so 8111 Diego 72 e7 08 San Frencleco M 58 Santa B11b1ra eo 157 05 Sanll Marla ea Stockton 1e 5• TM<m411 a3 1a Ulllll'I 70 81n1ow 98 73 Big Baer eo 5t 03 Tide ' TODAY Second IOw 12.61 p.m Second high e34 pm TUHOAY flrtl low 1.35 1 m Flrll n1h 8•13 Lm. S.eon low t.27 pm t.cofld hlgll 7 18 pm lun "" 11 8 43 pm 10day, rl ael It 8 4 5 a m TuHdly MOOll r-1t 3 •• P m • Ml• at 1 25 • m Tueeday • Employees at an Irvine plant that performs w ork in th(' aerospace computer field were cleaning up today from a ftrt' th at caused about $20.dOO 1n damage Sunday The fire al lhC' C1rtel Corp , 2302 Barranca ·Pack way, was traced to a n overheate d tank heat.er, according to Jim Morris, vice president of operations for the company: H e s aid a th e rm ostat a pparently failed to turn o ff. c:ausing the fire to break out jn the plant of the company that produces multi-layered printed circuit boards. Mo rris said the fire was confined to the heater area and was extinguished by the plant's sprinkler system. Cyclist dies after crash However, about 30 Orange County firefight-en arrived at th~ scene and b e gan remov ing containers holding about 300 gallons of acid . A Lake Elsmore motorcy<'hst has died Cro m tnJurH'S h e suffered in a trafhc ('Olhs1on near San Juan Capistrano Cahfornia Highway Patrol spokesman Ken Dailey said Carl Paul Terran e lla , 35, died Saturday in MtSSton Community Hospital m Mission Viejo. Daily said Terranella collided head -on w1th a car la st Wednesday while passing a truck on the Ortega Highway. Orange Co unt y Fire Department Engineer William Valde z said that smoke was heavy but there were no injuries to firefighters. Some were forced to wear masks and "acid" suits. ----------------------------------------- I 1 Orange Co11t DAILY PILci-r /Monday, 8eptemb« 27, 1812 HS Al ,..---~~----------:...-----~~~-------- STATE Brown drops a bomb • SAN Jo'ltANCISCO (AP) Demucrat1 ore about to launch a tt•lt'vl11lon ud campaign that 11howa trn explodlna nuclenr bomb and then sugge1t1 the vote for Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. la a "vote for your life," a San Francisl'O newspaper reported today. The 30-second commercial, which also I n c lu des statements from u variety of puhliC' figurPs . will start running 1'uL'lday as th U S &matt• rat~ txotwtt1\ Brown and San 0 ego Mayor Pt•W Wilson head1 Into Ila tln&al weeks, uccordlng to the San Francilll'O Chronlclc. Among the c:elebrhlca a re Los Angeles Dodger Ron Ccy, who says "I want w keep on playing baseball," and actor Tony Randall, who says "l just want to go on making people laugh.'' Marcos denies atrocities SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Philippine President F erdina nd E . Marcos has assaiJed as "conroted" recent Amnesty International accounts of repression and torture o f dissidents in his country. The counter-attack on the Amnesty International report was part of Mar"os' meticulous defense of his administration on Sunday, as his 12-day visit to the United States, his first tour of the country in 16 yea rs, came near its close. Mar('OS was scheduled to address Filipino-Americans in Honolulu today and then fly home to Manila. Plane crash kills three MALIBU (AP) Three people were killed when their small plane ('rashed into a hill s ide i n a rugged, inaccessible area in Malibu Creek State Park, authorities said. Los Ange l es Count y Sheri({'s D e puty J oh n Radeleff said paramedics and sheriff's deputies lowered down to the w reckage from a helicopter found the bodies of NATION two men and a woman. Radele ff identified the men as pilot Donald Nelson, 62, of Orinda and his 17-year-old son Brice . Coroner's investigators at the scene could not immediately identify the woman because her body remained tangled In the wreckage several hours after the Sunday afternoon accident just south of Malibu Lake. Hawaiian volcano erupts VOLCANO, Hawa11 (AP) -Thou sands of people flocked to the site of a brief, spectacular eruption of Kilauea Volca no, with park rangers allowing visitors to app r oach the coo li n g . encrusted lava flow. on the floor o f the huge s ummi t crate r kept t h e sight.seers at a safe distanc.'e. S tre tch talents More than 1,000 people turned out for the rain-shorten ed ''Arts in Motion" cele bra tion in Laguna Beach. Mimes Vicki Sergenti, Karema Croxton a nd John Olmstead entertained and the a udience performed impromptu aerobics to the music of the African Haitian Ensemble and Rowland H a rvey Steel Drum ~I!!:-;~--. .. Band. unday's events may be resch eduled this weekend. How ever. th e h ea t gene rated by the molten rock Ihe e.LU-p..Lio_n. ..whlch created a curtain of fire in the flight sky, occurred Saturday h ight after about two hours warning in the form of a series of mini-earthqua k es and a swelling of the volcano summit. HUntington pair tackle burnlng issues Mass killing motive eyed WILKES-BARRE. Pa. (AP) -A prison guard in custody today after a shooting rampage tha t left 13 people dead -five of them his own sons and daughters -was "worried about h is children" and had been involved in a custody dispute. neighbors said. George Banks, 40, has been charged in five of Saturday's 13 s la y inJlS, with more charges to be filed Tuesday br Wednesday, said Robe rt Gillespie, Luzerne County district attomey. The victims included seven children -five o r them Banks' -and six adults, including four wome n who gave birth to his children and a man who apparently was a bystander. Another bystander was critically wounded. police said. Buried victim rescued SANT A FE, Texas (AP) - A 20-year-old man kidnapped and buried alive for four days in a coffin-like box with a bottle of water and a loaf of bread says he was poked by nails, bitten by insects and terrified he would die if he fell asleep. "l must have said 'I love you' to everybody I knew at least a million times. feeling that I would die in 10 or 15 WORLD minutes if I evt'r fell asleep," Michael Baucom said Sunday night, recalling the days he spent buried fo a Texas oil field about 30 miles north of Houston . The you n l man was kidnapped at g unpo in t shortly befo;e midnight Tuesday. burie4 in a wooden box early Weinesday and rescued a t abeut 5:30 a.m Sunday, police ;aid. Guerrillas free captives PANAMA CITY. Panama (AP) -Twelve leftists seek ing asylum in Cuba waited for transport today at the Panamanian military base where they flew after ending a n e i ght-day siege i n Honduras and releasing more than 100 captiV!S. Pa n ama n ial air force sources said l plane was expected to urive from Havana for thf rebels. Cuban officials could ot be reached for com_ment. By ROBERT BARKER Of Ille D•llr Piiot Slett Peggy and Gary Gle nn o f Huntington Bead-\ bring out the best in each other. S he knows how to wr11.C" and put things in ev<.•ryday language But she hardly knew anything, about fire protection until s he met her husband. He didn't spell well a nd was n ot known fo r hi s writing prowess. But the rl· w asn't much he didn't kno w about fires. having been in the fire protection business for 25 years. - They've combinc'C.l their talents to write and publis h a soft-('over book. "Don 't Get Burned ." It sells for $7 .95. It's offered as a fire safety guide to the: cnllrt• family. Nine thousand copies have been sold since the book came off the press in May and mor<' n-cently 15,000 have been printed. The Gl e nns comple t e d a prom o tion to ur of radio a nd telev1s1o n sta twps 1n Seattle , Portland. Salt Lakl' a nd Denver last Wt'<'k And th ey Wl'rc o ff a g a in Sunday for Dallas, Houston . Attanta . Miami . C hicago, Minneapolis. Washington. D.C .. Balumore and Ph1ladelph1a. · A big moment in their trip is e xpected to coml' Oct 8 when they a ppear on the• "T oday" show to d1st'USS fire safrtv as well as their book. · "When we were married seven years ago, I had to be retrained to be fire safe," P<'ggy said. "When I take out a frying pan now. I also get a hd to shut off the air supply m case of a fire I never knew about that before. "Whe n I W<'nt to friends' We're ·stening ••• What do yJ like about the Dally Pilot., What don't vou hke., Call the numt>r below and your mes sage will be recorded. transcribed andielivered to the appropriate editor "'°"°1Y·Fr1<1ay II )IOY 0o not ....... ~ -l>y 6 30 0 m C•ll l>elO<e 1 O m and }'(kif" COOy wilt C>4I O•l•..,.,90 s.c.,..,.v ano s..noav 11 vov oo not =~,er:-;,, c::r v:::. ~.,!.,"' ... 11':'.: -The same 3-hour answering service may be used to record let ters to th~ edit.-on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name anf telephone number fo r ver1f1 cation No circulation calls. pl ease Tell us wh.'s on your mind 642·6086 ORANGE COAST Cleulfled •ctv•rtlalng 7141142·5171 All other dep•rtmenta 142-4321 Daily Pilat Thomoa P. Holey Piib111her ond Chief h ecutt•• Otf<e< • Jane AmClfl E •Kul••• Ed1t0t l . ICay Schult1 V;ce Pre11deflt ond 0..11C10t ol ~l>tftlg Mkhoel '· Heney Otlector ol Mcw•e1;no 1Cwcwlot1011I Thomas A. phlne Ed1t0t Ray~nd~n C01'11•1. MAIN OFFICE U0 WHI ... M CO.II Mew CA Mall •ddf'fu lo. u.o, C••• -w CA .,.,. C .. yrl9114 1"2 Or!MO' (OIUI P1ibll1111,,. C-11y NO 11..,,, , ... ,H . """''"""'"· •dllorl•I m-· .. -'lltrUMmefth her•l11 m•y .. ••or0d11ted wl1~ 1peclal p.,mlolofl of '"Y'~Olll • .,,,., VOL. 75, NO. 270 ,• 1 I I said. "People ju11t didn't know better. "What we hope," he said, "is that people will read the book and put 1t on a shelf. The next time they go camping or pour gas into their lawn mower, something will click and they'll refer to the book " The 215-page book deals with fire safety m each room of the home as well as with backyard barbecues, garages. attics and basements It also looks at the fire safety needs of people living in mobile homes or high-rise apartments. Also discussed are precautions that s hould be taken during holidays and while traveling and camping. I Dellr Pllof Photo br o.,, Amt>r- P egg y and Gary Glenn of Hunlington Beach The book 1s the second for Peggy G lenn. She previously wrote "How to Start and Run a Succe s s ful H o m e Ty pin~ Business" from her experiences in that field. work on book ca lled HOon 't Gel Burned.,. homes. I would see what th£>y were domg with thl•1r e xtt'ns1<m "ords and othe r things a nd I would tell them Gary says thts and Gary says that "One of them asked me when the hell are you and Gary going to write a book?" ------ , Glenn. an investigator with the Huntington Be a c h Fire' Departm e nt . said fir e departme nt s h a v e n 't been commumcaung with the masses She docs all her writing at a: word -processing unit in the family dining room. S he sen~ copies of the printed page to the: printer to be photo~raphed. "Fires always seemed to b<.· a compilation of dumb errors." he It doesn't have to be set in type before going to the publisher; which also happens to be Peggy Glenn. a ll cotton chino ... always a Lrad1L1onol f ctvont.R.; plczal.R.d or pl.oin f'ront 902.5 9nz.ot with sporkoaL~ or knit, 5h LT!.J.S pir heps on12. of' t1u mosL comfolLdbl<i Lro~r..s you! I <Z:WT WfU'lf 44 l'ashlon Island · Newp<>rt fHoC'h • 7141644,5070 l()(Jl Westu'()()(I Blvd. • Wt-1t1oood Vltlogt • 213 208-3273 r , ,, . t t t l ! . • • .. r \ Orange OoHt DAILY PILOTIMood•v. September 27. 1ee2 He N ' (~OMPO ITE TRA i\CTION OUOtAflO#tlNClUOI fllAO tOlll tllll llilW YO•a Ml&•IU,••c•••' ,, ••• eo ..... att•Ott&•P (llll(l•le&ft noc• lllC"AlllOH Ot IH"°IUO If'"' lllAtO AleG l'UlllOI t \ I ) In Ntl "t ~ .. , .... ~~ ,.l~ .. c .... ~ "l ~~n(10 .. ~ ft 1~', .. u ;~ ,,,,,., ''-'"" "'•· IOI. u I~ "' ll!O,.~tc M .. ~ -' .. '" ~ MillOm 141• .. _» lt "1 :::i::•r u ·' ~ :: J:a::. 'a",, 1.,: Jr' ... •V!!!' 10 l't If.. 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PennC.p .1MI u 1"2 12\'t ... SI-•·"" • u "-II. Walkln .. It u ,.~ "' AUR< IJf VS .. 1100 >3 V. ~~on 1 ~ ;~ ~tt: ~ Or'•Yll UO • S.l I~ V. ~El .'9 IJ SO 01/o' \ta PtnMy 2 I Sl2 d i<>• I SlMWt. ,,. 9 102 II'-'-Wa,00. .2!0 • 7S Ile• Yt ~1111~.c,._ptJ.IOJ II >1,!,0. ti. C·-~n 2 t ~· ~111 ,_ GGr,•r_wtn 2 "J• ._16•1·1· MGMGrpf '4 . ll IV. ;.:. P•PL i.12 • 227 20"' .. Sl~l.IOe • 2' -.. W•enU .OSI 10 )!<>+ Y. .. ---,_ _.... - -•• o1... JV. . . GMU• ·'°' " IS. .. PePL pl ~411 .. dO n l'>. I StallfCI\ l.'4 • JSS , __ \of W•bC>O . . • t l<'I-.... ~::P:c\c .~:: .. ~ m:.-v: ~c~~!!':11 :l~s J ~~· ~ 8~~1~t: ~ti:"'.'~=~~ ~g .~ !: • :! =:=t~.::.'!: : .... ::~ ~l~·'.~1: ~ ~.._~:::t!'rt.;"~"01~! ..:~ AvcoCp 1.10 I 12 JI \of ye.,..... · C>--O ' Gr11m rJ,IO · «I 21 • ~ 11!14•Fll I.JS. 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Oul.,. 1 IO IO IS ,...., HwllEt JM S 4l 21~ • V. Meltl wt 11 10\<')+ Pllllln pf I . • 2l JA -., TRW t .0 10 Ul ~ Ill Wltll>f'O UC 10 » .__ It. BeyAn IOI 11 10\o. OIGlor .. I .. •• ..... Hew .. E • 1 • .,,, ............ pl 1 Ml • ,,.. • PllllPet J.20 • us Jl\o>. "' TltW"' 4.411 2 127". " WlnOlt ' .. 10 fl4 d \lo ~ .. .,Sto J J2 • I JI ... Otatnl I 411 s. 14 "4J ... " HHelln IO n s Hh-.... MeyOS 1AI I J41 n"' PllllYH 60 • s u -.... T1<11MI 1 n ,...... • WI~ J2 ,.. 1-..-"" BNrlno I 10 ., 21'• Dl•mS I" I 171 20\o " He<U .JA 10 u IO'o MaY19 J• I) 41S J1Yt ·-P!HA¥'1 21 • 121 2t~-\\ T.-tllltd ' 10 " • .. WlllltrJ 111 , 41<1 "" a .. 1F<f 1 so 1 lSI 111,,, Olel>IO IO U '* Ulo •I"' HKlaM . 35J IJIAo \. M<Orm 1 IO l 1J2 II Vt P .. 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"' NA ,.II 1 Ii IS\t+ 14 "'',,. · • 1 Ow• 1'11 1..-.M rlfl 7',, -IA + 1.,. wl t ,, ·-,, IH 4 "-t!~11t111.J0 . 110, ·~.. ~~ .!10 ~ ll~,. 1•rr11n.u .. 1o ,1,. ................. 1 • .-4141• ... """"" , .. I, j ..... . .... -t ..... .... :a 1 -· '4 1• -~ 1 j 1 ... .. ........... t 4 .,~. "' ..... ... ' ' ~\lo PC. lltt t !! 1 ..., at\lt• .. ~ ..... ~ ,:..-~ .... L. ' ' ., ,,..... 14 '*""1fH ... • • ,,,.,._ .. "•"'"'" .. u t ... " ip U .::: l i:: " • lot .MUI.. '0 U~' ' IMllU • t U1 • -Iii ~ , I lt'6, .. " 8eymtl , ! ' • t: ~.. 'tl I ft::: 111 ml .. :j ~ ,~··~ i=na.tt '. M~ ~·.~'·If 1 =--::! ,_ j!~ l,~tl ._1! ~Iii • ,., , .t ~lo. -· ... '* ,,.... " ll't .... ut •t .,,,.n ... • ....... ~ A*' •• 'lij I - .. - DETROIT CAP) -United Auto Workera employed by Oeneral Dynamlct Corp. returned to work today after ratlfylna a three-year con\nlC't and tnd1na a 1~ atrlke, a comJMlny offkial Mid. UAW memben in lix loca1a voted Sunday on th• aal'Hment, which aivt9 them a $1.16 hourly increue the llnt Yffr of the pect and s percent ra1lel eech of the ~ yean. . Miners end strike LEAD. &C. (AP) -M1nen return to work 1tarun1 Tuffday at the Rom.take Oold Nlne aher wtLn1 to eccept a a>ntnct and end a 118.aay 1trik_• at Nonh America'• larpst told mlne. "We're •U.bed that It WM the best w. could do at ttlAa po(nt ln \inw.'' aid Dellu Tinnell, prt9tdent of Uniltd 8..tworltwl LoC.J ~. , Venture started by Irvine firm Micro Ftve Corporauon of lrvlne .aid today It concluded a joint venture ~nt with Jeumont- Schnelder, a French telecotnl!'unJca\Jona equipment manulac:tW'el'. A U.S. firm wlJI be created to produce and c:tWt.ribute office automation network ayatems bued on technolOlfea contributed by both companies. The French aovemment authorized Jcumont· Schnelder to tnveet $12 millton In Mk-ro File and the venture company, w~h ln tum wlll grant Micro Five an initial l2 mll.11on_cont.rac\ to develop an integratA!CI voice, data and word procaalng 1ystem. Datatron posts loss Datat.rcm Inc. of Tuatln reported a net lou of $976,538 for the year ended June 3-0, or 40 centa a share; compared to a lOM »f $81,383 or 4 centa a sh.are a year ago. Firm ponders decline cause Tranaierra Exploration Corp. of Newport Beach aaya It know1 of no reuon for the recent decline in the price of ita stock. The stock traded at $2.50 a share Sept. 10, $2.2~ a week lat.er and cloeed Prlday at $2. A company statement attributed the drop ~ the ••general economic climate coupled with ~ oocas1onal negative news item pertaining to the oil industry as a whole." Stock offering delayed The board of 0 directors of Enterprise National Bank (in organization) of Newport Beach has delayed a stock offering which expired Aug. 6 for an indefinite period due to "current economic condltJons." In addition, it pottponed a 60.day extension of the offering approved by the Comptroller of the Currency. A statement said the 1tock will be off4!red later. In addition the board will be expanded from 6 members to 11 and a founders' group will be established. Joseph Magnin retrenches SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Joseph Ma~. a department st.ore chain which features expensive, stylish clothes for women, will cloae seven of ~ts 37 st.ores in January because of sagging sales, according to 1 store...executlves --+--~ The chain alao will acale the ai:r.e of many of its remaining stores, abandon Ha men's clothing department and emphaalze moderately priced women's clothes. The st.ores earmarked for closure are in Berkeley, the Sacramento suburb of Florin, Modesto, Santa Rosa, San Jose, a San Franclsc~ branch in the St.ones town district and Salt Lake Ctty. Cannery workers laid off SACRAMENTO (AP) -Thousands of cannery workers have been la.id off temporarily because rain- eoaked fields delayed tomato and other harvests. The Farm Bureau Federation said two unusual storms in eight days will coet farmers miJlions of dollars, with tomatoes and grapes hardest hit. Del Monte Corp. laid off 1,000 in Modesto and T riValley Growers released 2,500 In Modesto, Holliater and Volt.a. Woodland's Cont.adln.a Co. laid off 125. UTC drops Bendix bid NEW YORK (AP) -United Technologies Corp .. the largest of the four companies involved in . a takeover fight between Bendix Corp. and Marun Marietta Corp., said today it waa withdrawing its offer for Bendix. . The fight was aettled Friday when Bendµc agreed to be acquired by petrochemical giant Allied Corp. and Marietta retained Its independence with Allied as a major new sux:kholder. United Technologies, which entered the fray Sept. 7 aa a Marietta ally, lsaued a one·se!'tence statement today announcing the withdrawal of tt.s $1.5 billion bid. The company had offered $75 a share for up to 11.9 million Bendix aharft and aecu.rit.ies for the rest.· Gold~ metals quotations'. GoUI. By Tbe Associated Press Selected world gold prices today: ... ··-London morning fixing $414.25, off $16 75 Londoa afternoon fixing $413.75, off $17.25 Paris afternoon fixing '409.02, o!f $24.42 Frank.fart fixing $411.00, off $27.00 Zarlcb late afternoon fixing $412.00, off $24.00 • bid, $413.00 asked Haady & Harman only daily quote $413.75, off $17.25 . En1elbard only daily quote $413.75. off $17.25 ~~. Engelhard only daily quote fabricated $434.44, off · .. $18.11 Siiver Hudy &c Harman, $8.400 per troy ounce. Metau NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonforrous metal; prices: Copper 70-72 cents a pound. U.S. destlnadons . Lead 24'h-29 cents a pound. Zinc 40-42 centa a pound, delivered Tin $6.2259 M~tala Week compoeite lb. A11mlnam 76-77 cents a pound, N.Y. Mercury $352.00 per Ouk. Platln1m $321.00-$326.00 troy ounce, N.Y. ·Gold coim ' I NEW YORK (AP) -Prices late Friday of oofn.'J, compared with Thunday's price. gold~ Kna1errud, 1 troy oz., $433.75, off $21.25. Maple Lear l troy oz .. $437.00, off $21.25. Mu. 50 Peto, 1 tro)' ot., $510.00. oft $25.00. • A11. 100 crown, .9802 troy OL, f413.SO. off $20.25. ~ - -~ --~,,,----~ c ---~ -- • ('.a tlB trong bowing by area sk~ppers , ~AN f'KANCfS<.:O Southt.'rn (;allrornw sklppN• ••01t.'<1 hlih In St. Frun,·l1t Vu' ht (:lub'• Bl.i & l St•rlC'S wh1<.•h rondudcu Saturday uCu•r 11 90-minutt· dt•l•y bl'(.'UUM.• of tuwh wlnd11 Then• wc•n• no llt'rlUUlt MIHhUtl<'i Sill p lmcr'• Sht•nnndouh rrom Nc•W J>Ort Harbor Y udll Club t•nwrgt'Ci "tl.i th1: wlnn r In tht• Hlchurd Rhcciru Trophy d1vh11on of the• !il•rlt•i. Scc:ond wns Apogee. Milt and Morly Vogt•!, Long Beach Yacht Club, und U1ird wwc LcJW Ma<:hlnt" Jack Butt•Ch~h. Cullfornlu Yacht Club, M:irltw t.M Rey. The 11erles features five.· trophil'll for d1fkrt:nt ra tll'\i .yach LB Winner of the Keefe-Kilborn Trophy wu~ Clockwork, Lee Otterson tind Ray Pingree, Son Francisco Yacht Club: sec~md was QumW~'>l'ncc, Don Hughes and Dave Ullman, SantJ Sarhara Yacht Club, and third was Geronimo, Rll'hard Compton, Santa Barbara Yacht C luh Bravura, s kippered by Irving Loube, St Francis YC1 was thC' winner of the Atlantic Trophy S<'COnd WfJS Secret LoVl'. Brad Herman, Del Rt>y YC, a nd t h ird was $('arle tt O'Hara, Monroe Wingate, St. FrancL<1 YC. Winner o f the Caty of San Francisco 'l'rophy was Bullfrog. skippered by Dave Fenix, St. f''rancis YC, who was also the winner of Long Beach Yacht Club's Big Boat Series in July. Second was Checkmate, Monte Livingston, Del Rey YC, and third was Great Fun, Clav Bernard, St Francis YC. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Area poloists rank among the best : jVewport Harbor, CdM, University top a talented group of teams I By ROGER CARLSON Of the D•llr Piiot St•tf Football, hockey. basketball and wn:sthng may have their share of bumps and bru1S<.'S, fme·ssc and strategy, but add swimming to SUl'h a quartet of sports and you'll get water polo ~ There arc no shoulder pads in this ont•, and no pro career to think about, either, but for those that Jive m a tank. it's as physical ~ you'rl' going to get. Sc•a View League• action has alrt·ady got under way on a Wt'dncsday afternoon format, while· the • SunS<'t League starts Oct. 6 at Golden West with tnple-header:. ca('h Wednesday, starling at 6 p.m Herc's a look at the arC'a's tl'ams: Corona del .ffar The Sea Kings have lost qnly two st.artl·rs from a squad wh1('h went to the scrrufmals a yt•ar ago, and the Sea Kings boast CIF' PlayN of the Year candidate David lmbernino. lmbernino was ;:i fi rst team All-Cff w ll'<'llOn as a junior and is surrounded by a solid group of senior talent, including goalie J oe Roh. an honorable mention for CIF honors a year ago Other seniors include Rick &'Ott, Em: Paulsen. Tom Temple. Pat Loofburrow and Tom Vanasse. J uniors in the Sea Kings' plans arc John Morrow, Greg Roberts, J im V1ller~. Drc-w Tosh (goahe),•Kevin Seely and Mall WC>stnC'r, in add1tton to sophomore Jeff Oeding "If <inybody can beat Newport Harbor this year," says Coal·h Jrff Stitcs, "Wl' have· thl' tx'st chanl·c.'' .,C osta 1'1e.'ia · The Mustangs have a wealth of talent returning from thC'1r CIF 4-A playoff entry in '81. but the tentativenes of Coach Bob Schupp's 't.eaching pc>S1t1on (his .JOb wasn't SC'('Ure until very late in the summer) has hurt Mesa's chances Among other things. the Mustangs lo:.t Carl Stewart because of 1t when he optvd to tranfcr to Newport Harbor Back, howl'ver. 1s senior setter and two-meter .star Aaron Chasen. along with f1v<> other senior returning starters. Scott Ashby, a drivt•r, goalie Tom Kt.·nnedy and defenders Doug Plitt. Brad PnckC'lt and Mike Ure return. along with sophomor<.' backup goal1c Brian Douglas. The Mustangs were ranked N. 6 in tht• Ctr' 4-A a year ago and figure to break into the· Top 10 again, although they are admittedly 1n thC' strongest league (Sea View) in the CIF SouthC'rn S«·tton Estan cia The Eagles might dominate another leagUl'. l>ut in the Sea View it's a tough task ahead for Coac•h John Carpenter's crew. David lnadom1 has good size at 6-~~ and 1s the team's driver, along with Doug CampbC'll. another senior driver. Troy Fenley sets the hole and Jeff Bowen 1s the Eagles' goalie. "W e're a fairly balanced \('am with good :speed." says Carpenter. V nlt·erslt' University Coach Chuck Morris fcl•ls his Trojans have a shot at the l1tlc. but the competiveness of the Sea View League has already taken its toll, Costa Mesa outscored thC' Tro.)3ns, 9-7, c in Wednesday's first salvo Despite the early setback the Trojans are still a force to be reckoned with, due to seniors Jon Pendleton (goalie). Scott Washbourne. David Colwick, Mike Martle tt. Tim Gchrich , T .J . Prendergast and Steve Douglas . Washbourne is University's sNttt'r, with David Langlois, m a backup role. Other JUnior drive~ ~n the stable include Kelly Washbourne. Mauricio Schubes Michael Schlacter, Robb Solomon. Kendall Sullivan and Brian McCollough. along with senior Steve Schupak Newport If arbor Ranked No. I. the Sailors finisht>d No. 5 in very short order Saturday at the South Coast Invitational. thanks to an overttmt' IOAS to Santa Clara. "l felt pretty good about this team until we ·~ Joseph F. Chow , M.D. 1s pleased to announce the opening of his office · lor the practice of DERMATOLOGY Skin diseases. skin cancer and surgery. Acne, ''warts. mo!EJs, cysts and allergies. Olplomate. Am. Board of Derrnato!ogy Fellow Am. Academy ol Dermatology Day or Night Call (714) 752-5858 355 Placentia Ave 11102 Newport Beach, CA 92663 L .M .Boyd inf.orms 11.llJ in the . lost," says Coach 8111 Barnl•tl, who is in his 161.h vear at the• Sailors' helm. • Barnett's all-sC>mor starting lineup has solid strength m speed and the attack <.-enters around hole men Cohn Thompson and David O'Donnell. Otht.'rs in the attack indude Grant Standley. goahl· Mike Hinze. Art Jeppe, Ian DcVries and Greg Lukosky. . Sophomort• Andrew Lawson 1s the Sailors' only ll'ft-hander and that's a drawback, al'COrding to Barnt.'ll, as is the aJJ-semor starting look. "&,mg S('niors, they te nd to somet1mt.'S act like scmors." says Barn ett. .. All-senior teams are d1fflcuh to coat.'h because they haw a tendency not li.slen !.O you. aJot That.had.a lot to. .do. w11h our loss to Santa Clara " Edison Defending Sunset League t1thst Edison ripped league foes by a n average or sevt•n goals and advanc.'C'd to the CIF 4-A quarters, but graduation took a heavy toll on the Chargers. Coach Chuck Moore has a team revolving around senior settl'r Kevm Rudd, who is described by a rival coach as being able to "singlehandedly put Edison m the playoCCs." Marina transfer Mike MaUow and senior goalie Pat Sutton. along with juniors David Wadleigh. J eff Wheeler, Craig Pepper and Todd Jones are also l'OUnt<.>d on heavily Sophomor<'S Jam Ml·M1llan. Chns Pepper and Chris Duax are also m the picture, which has been bolsll'rt.>d by 'former Costa Mesa High All-CIF star &b Dolan, an assistant c:oaC'h who was a ma.JOr c'Og an Long Beach StatC''s 1981 NCAA runner-up (inish. f 'ountaln t'allt-.t ' Observers a r e d1sc:ount1ng Marina's tournament victory over Fountain Valley. the B.lrons are still the team Lo beat for the Sunset Lt'ague champ1onsh1p A sohd group oC veterans gives Ray Bray. m his 14th year as the Barons' coach, the favorite's role Mark Wan and Miles Nomura patoe the Barons. Wan. a CIF finalist m the 100 breast twice, is the hole man, while Nomura's quickness makes him the primary driver Mike Toland 1s in thC' goal and his size and quickness gives ham an uJjp<!r hand, while seniors Jeff Young. Joe Dervartanian and defensive sJX>Ciahst StevC> Bentley share in the load. Juniors Jeff Young and Jeff Baumgartner are also u\StrumC'ntal in Fountain Valley's potcnual run at the title. "Our mam strl'ngth will be our ab1hty to play togc•ther," says Bray. Huntln1tton Beach StC>ve Parmentier. a 6-2 goalie who sat out his JUnior season, as betnR touted as the Sunset League's best in the nets. but a junior-dominated team places the Oilers of (1rst-ycar coach Robert Mitchell realistically m a spoiler's role "Potentially, this is a team good enough to make the top three," says Mitchell, whose ma.JOr concern is in puttmg togethf'r a sohd defense. Clark Griffith is a returning starter and will set the hole, and the senior is backed by juniors Mitch Serro, Enc Lenore, Scott Weise. Mall Hansen and 8111 Hays. along with sophomore Randy Folker and senior Dan Drll'ssen. Ocean l'lew The Seahawks must travel to tram at Golden West College, but maybe it's a blessing with all of the league games bemg l.'Ontested at Golden West. Sec'Ond-year coach Eric Bauer will be trying to repeat as a ClF 4-A playoff entry with seniors Mike Christino and Darin Moeller. along with goalie Kent McGarriglc, the key players. Seniors Hector Martinez. Jack Mayer, Alex Lechtman and Junior Todd Nady complete rhe starting hneu p. McGarriglc also has the advantagt> of assistant coach &'Ott Elliot, a Golden West Col1ege goalie. ff'estmln!iter Former Edison High Coach Larry Bre nnan returns to the Sunset League after an absence of four years, but the task is formidable. Westminster has not won a league contest m the past seven years and it's a junior-dominated group. Among his juniors are Paul Van Der Most, Pete Wilson. Ted Sinclair. David Will and James Odassa. i;ophomores Joe MilJer and Tom Mueller alw form potential help. DEATH NOTICES WERBIN GAIL MARIE WERBLN. resident of Fountain Valley, Ca Passed away on ~pt.ember 24, 1982. She was a filmmaker for 15 years for Boo Productions. she was a Ulm edltbr , writer and director. she was also an active member of women in film and a fellow in the American Film Institute. She was an avid swimmer and held national records. a member of the 1965 US Team o f the M acabee Games. She is survived by her parents Harry and Ann Werb1n, 11ster Mary Ann Foreman and many friends. Services will be held Tuesday, September 28. 1982 at l:OOPM at Lakeside Chapel, at Westminster Memorial Park, interment will follow in Westminster Memorial Park Cemetery. Services under the d1rectlon of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554 McDONALD SARAH PORTER McDONALD. passed away on Septembu 26, 1982 in San Juan Capistrano. Ca Survived by her beloved husband Bernard A . McDonald. 1 10n Scott A\ McDonald, 4 daughters JoAnn Morley, Catherine Strange. Barbara McDonald Stevens of M1ssiss1pp1 and 7 grandchildren He was a sales manager for 40 years for Clarence Day Industries. Visitation wilt be held on Tuesday. September 28. 1982 from 4:00PM to 8:00PM af Harbor Lawn Mount Olive Mortuary, Costa Mesa. Graveside services will be held on W ednesday , September 29, 1982 at 10:30AM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Park. In Heu of Clowers the family requests contributions be mad e t o the Pacifica Community Hospital. Huntington Beach. Ca. Services under the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary 540-5554. LANDAU SEINA LANDAU , resident of Fountain VaUey. Ca . Passed away on September 24, 1982. She is survived by her husband Abram Landau, son Boris Landau , daughter Hana Rada, grandchildren Joanna and Dan iel, brothera Id! KIJner and Zelig Kijner. Services will be held on Tuesday Sept.ember 28, 1982 at 9:30 AM at the Harbor Lawn -M ou nt Olive Memorial Chapel. Services unde r the dlre~tion or Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554. and Constanre McDonald. 1 .------------1 grandson . William Christopher Strange. " Memorial services will be held WCldnetlday. Sep1ember 29. 1982 at 2:00PM at Pacific . tlarlna View Memorial Park. The V1k1ngs of Coach Dave Pickford arc Newport Beach, Ca. Private seeking a third straight CIF playoff bcr\h, in inumment. ln lieu of flowers • ,_Cl lltOTMIH $MfTMI' MOITUAAY 627 Main St Hunllng1on Beach 536-6539 add1tton to challenging Fount.am Valley for \he friends may make donations to the Cancer Society or the Sunset League championship charity of their choice. Semors Jeff Hopkins and Darrell Denney are Pacific View Mortuary the focol point for the Vikings. Pickford rates direct.ore. Hopkins as the league's best defensive player a year DUGGER ago and Denney 1s in hts lhjrd year with the vars~ty. ANDRAL F. DUGGER. Jim Zakasky is at the hole and Steve Smith, SR .• pasHd awey on also & junior. is strong on defense. September 26, 1982. Ke was Others include seniors Jason Lynch. Bryan e resident of the Harbour Foat, Scott Muz1c, Jeff Enright. and junior Mark area for 6 years, residing In Hunllnl{tOtl &ach. Ca. He ls Sespars. survived by hit ton Andra! Senior Joel Tet7.1Aff and junior Jay F. Dugger,Jr.o(Coet.A Mesa, Winterhalter will spilt time in the goal. Pickford Ca., daughter S uunne says he ~xpccts t.o ~as many as 18 players In his M 'o r g an o f Bo at on. attack MayachuRtl.I, tl.tter Frell<.'eS rAClffC YllW MIMOllAL r.AAK Cemateiy Mortuary Chapel·Crematory 3500 Pac1hc View On11e Newport Beach ~-2700 McCOIMH:lt MOITUAlllS Lagun1 Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HA.llOl LAW.._MT, OUYI Mortuary •Cemetery crvrN1oz 1625 G11ler 11e . · CostaMeH 540-5554 rt•CI llOTMIH llL&. MOAOWAY MOITUAH 110 Btoactway Costa Met• 842-91&0 , L y I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 5 6 " 7~ 8 ClASSIFllD tJ "'''' CLASSIFIED INDEX ........•............. Te Pbc• Y1111 A•. can 642-5678 HOUSES rot SAU t; ......... , ........ hl•n4 -..hlllft• f1fll'ftlA•"I• ~:.:.~ ::.-: :r.!( ~ i;::: ~:.: l:llOt• t'hwM••• \ .11.,. Uvftt1"1tt•.,.~•''­f1\.ffW .... ~ ....... u. .... 11111. ......... .-.. ..... , Mn~.-iii \••Iii ~r::.!".::' '\M ,,.,. c ... ,,.,.., ~•Aft• .... ~., .. "w.Mh I •twn• ""•m1n••f't ..... ttom.\ ~··· 1mmm · AU•d• fUf' '41• """'"""-" .. '°' ,.1. t:.'!~:1J:!'')n,. , .,,.Lt,, .rz C'r)~\ ~=:a.-:~~~:~~: ~:f ,n > (Ntf~U\ \. flllh '•If' ltou.n to bf Mu" •4 lwcim. tftAfiol'in.) IMv,lfiel .. ,.,u, IJO lflf' "-~• ,....,. .... ""' lrh .,,._, M°'ilftlft l#••rl M•"•'' '•::t··. , . .,,..., ~ .. ~~~~,~~ Ria.N'-"' t •""' (,,.,u- 1 rtnJ t .. l•O t \fh•Att Aul t.l.tt• til•fttH IUITALS HfM•tt ""'N\h~ HOUM-' ' nfwf l\t\hc-d tWuu~ • "'"~ ut l flf t~1nun1vrn• .,"'" ConckM111rw,mu1 l '"' To-.nhovi.•i. Ywrn Twanhowu• t Al Ovplcu ' .,wfn ~·.~r'nlnf Aph l ftfwrft Aph ... _,,,. 01r l nt IWo>••» Moom • 8'11td tkll•h Moo l• c~·•~· ... n1n""t Rf'flllel' \ M•lMllf\ """'eh I .._.,, lo ........ C-.t•Ctt for M•M O((fl'"f' M•1uel lku.ftW>r." K""'•I ffletv,lr.•I """hi ':::.'~ "''"'" ..._.,. M•nt.;I\ BUSINESS. INVEST· MENl, FINANCE ~!:::: ~~~ .. ~; :~~~~::: ~=~) MOM) t"l.oAn MOfW) V.•Mfid• Mortaaan TU, ANNOUNCEMENTS. ,EISONALS l LOST l fDUND A""°".MttntM\ !.•t Pool Ltila.J 'CilllU\ i-.,. ... ftd Prt"4>f'•t,• N.. ••I '1"t.• Tta'-t-I• SERVICES bitf'dC't U.rHtOf') EM'1.0YMENT & ,.mUTION ~Pvdt '"'lrwoon Jo.oW.n1 .... 1• Uffp ~•M.O M' t MERCHANDISE AN.Ml""'" -"'n 4..-i-::r:::: .. ~.,, ... C•nwr..\ • t.qy;p~"4 c ... Due• f'tttlO \ev f'\ttMh;I• G•r•air ~1 .. ......... """'•llold t.ood• J•••tr) L"tM.Oli' MHl\IM'ty N1t«tl•1WW• M1Ktllarww• v. •"'"" )h.t•u·al tn•trv,,..Ml ,~~· '"'"" t'q•tP C:.1:: ~~i~~ 'tfcwi•ftCt.-· Store ltn.a.vuM let ~·.r.cho tht• ~''"' BOATS l MAllNE (QUI,.. 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In •hi• naw1p1per It ,_, eub1eet 10 1111 Ftd•r•I :::: ' Fair Hou1lng AGI ol 1968 '""" wh.ch makff 11 meoal 10 '"" edv.,UM "Ill)' preferen· ::;.: ce, llmltallon or dltcttml· 1m n111on b11td on race !:.! color , rellg1on . H ll or ,_, nt1llon11 origin, or any ::: 1n1en11on to make •?Y 11w eucn preference. llmlta· lion or dtscrlmtn111on " !~ Thts new1paper will not ·~ knowtn9ly accept any :~ 11dver1111no tor re1t eata-,..., le which 11 In 11lot1llon of '"'I th• law l•A iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1!000 )llJll ''°" ZJrl!I 1J(lG 1.W ,,,,. n~ N:A ZlGt ,,.., ,... .. HHU1 A1vertl- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m ed I at el y. The DAILY PILOT as- ..... sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. s,.,,, 101 s.1. •..•....•....•........ .,,, ,,,,,, ~-;;;;;·········i·oo2 .•••••..•••..••....... M&PPllHS IS $72,100 L1v1ng tn Falrlane Gar-dens. tn 1 1011ely 1 t1ory 2 Bdrm condo, In a park· like ae111no Yoo'll en1oy th• spaetoue rooms In the quiet Mlllng. Good ~ financ ing avallabte l01$ 546-2313 _, l<m ~ ~ llOU llll8 --Ill»> ootO 000 -ll4S ---=1 :1 "-"' - THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For our naw regular weekly feature BOAT SHOW- CASE Every Salurday In the Dally Pilot Claaslfi.ds HELP! MELP!FlllLY HOIE , PERFECT FOR FlllLY El- JOYIEIT. lust 1111 now . T1kt ... , .... , .. Hl-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS = BRANO NEW "Heart ol -Or1noe County" Town-= homes • Luxury 3 bdrm homes beeullfully de-signed qualltr buPt • and financing now that you 1o010 Just won t believe• Call -now Brandywyne Pro- ':: perliee II, 531-9670 -llOlQ IC-. -WILi TO THE PARK! Great lemlly home. just ::' recently redec;oreted In t1 end oot Big. big rooms. ::ll eoontry kitchen, but mo- "" dern Upgraded betha. till big COVflfed patio. Walk :!: to the tchoola, etc: . etc S.6-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS *UYFHIT* INT SLIP IPH IAJU 1-1 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 bdrm · 2 beth. REOU· CED TO $4911,5001 &IT ltmUTTI HALTlll/IWIH *'11·1111* PRICE REllCEll . Huge Eutalde 3 Odrm, 3 beth, newly remodeled homt w11" pool! $139, 000 auumable 11 13%. Localed near Flower and lr11lne Call tor det11111 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS .... • 11• ... Ft. ttfttt • 1HI 14. Pt. h Ltt 1Hl1H. tHt,IOO * •11& YOH On th• gotl courn C11ttom beautiful 3 Bdrm home, many, mlny ex· trN $27~1.!SOO with t~ down owner wlll c:arry 11 12'°"'14 lnl.,,..t •• , ...... ~1•*· Ml·lln Yov oon't Med a gvn to 'drew 1111" 'l!lhen yo11 Olec. en ad In 111e Oellr Pttot Want Adel C.11 now I 142·6878 ULl/Wll '""" EA8Tll.UFF TERINA CONDO. 31r. 21,;la. denwtnf. ffplo, dbl <>*\, comm pool. 13'·9181 Clyt. 769·1~18 e11u Owner/Agt. 3~. Open HM SeVSun 2·5. Lltlit MIN Mutfel .. l Ofl I Tullet, along o•m• a apldtr ind rHd In the Dally Piiot CIH•lll•d Wllll a Wonotftul WOfld *1 .. n ebo\lt M• MUt· of Shopping, right 11 i..·1 Tutt.I Ind t>OuOfll It yoiw ftngetlipe ~yt .. fOf' tt H You c.tin NII Dally 1'1101 Cl111lll•d your tutf•t end 1011 of AdL To place ~' .ct, olller lhlng1 lllrougll cell t42-M11 ll'ld let 1 Oellr PllOI Ct .. •lfl•d Clwifled Ad•VllOf help Adt Cell 142·M11 ~ MONl>J\ Y '•I I' 11 Miii H .'' 1'111.' 44 Are fibers entering Newport Beach water supply?" wonders Greta Barry, part-time water department e mployee, as she checks a section of concrete pipe's asbestos lining. UHANGt: COllN I Y CAI 1r OH NIA 25 CENT S Irvine may put teeth in law police dogs By GLENN SCOTT Of IM OellJ ,... It.ff Police dogs, the popular new weapon for fighting crime and poliahJng Images, may be barking up tome of Irvine's trees In the near future. The Irvine City Council ls echeduled Tuesday to con.sider adopting a pilot proeram Involving two police canines. It would cost the city about $33,400 the tlnt year, analyata say. Funds would be made available by not fillina an existing opening for an officer. Council members will dlacuss the laaue during a meeting. at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. The issue is the first listed for hearing$- beginnlng at 7:30 p.m. Also o n the agenda fo r TuescJay's meeting is a much- debated proposal to in.crease the local bed tax from 6 to 8 percent and a review of possible sites for a new Irvine Civic ~nter. Peart said. "A dog will conduct a more thorough and expedlUo-... search than a large number of officers." In Orance County, 'Fountain Valley and Huntipgton BellCh have employed police dop for at least three years. Orange, Anaheim, Tustin, Santa Ana and San Clemente each have l1arted ~since January, 1981. The cost to buy two tralned dogs from a kennel is $10.000 and the cost to convert a vehicle for their uae would require anothe.r $19,500, accordll'l8 to the report. Such dop are expected to la.st in police service from five to 10 years. Council members elected to continue their diacusaion on the proposed bed tax inci:eue two weeks ago after hearing •tl'Onl o pposition from hotel representatives during a pub)Jc hearing. A recent staff report fror.n Michael McNamara, director of ad:ioi trative servicff, still reco nds the increase, which is t to produce $3 million in extra revenue over five years. Asbestos-in Newpori--Beaeli w-Bter? Uee of police dogs in Southern California has increased dramatically during the last 12 months, .according, to a report submitted to the council by Polk-e Chief Leo Peart. ·Peart said the animals are more effective than humans at crime scene searches -for both evidence and suspects. l»gs ~m<e t:ri]Urles to officers and act as a positive symbol for community safety, Peart said. He said that city analysta, after talking to representatives of the Airporter Inn, Reiistry and the as~yet unopened Marriott hote~~ -round no data to suggest that the increase w ould hurt the local business. By STEVE MARBLE Of°the D8'1y Not IUff A citywide test in Newport Beach to determine if asbestos fibers are being fed into drinking water from city pipes is expected to be ordered tonight by the City Council. The battery of tests would show whe ther the microscopic fibers are sloughing off Newport Beach '• network of concrete- asbestos water pipe. City engineers caution that there is no cause for alarm and that scientific research has not shown asbestos is even harmful if swallowed. At least one local expert, though, disputes this and says research is showing that asbestos, whether inhaled or swallowed, can be a cancer-causing agent. Calvin McLaughlin. director of the Cancer Research lnatJtute 6f UC Irvine, adds, thoujlh. that he has no evidence that the water pipes are a problem. A majority of the council says it will gd along with the city's recommendation that $4,200 be spent on the tests. The concrete-asbestos p ipe makes up nearly 80 percent of Newport Beach's water pipe system and ia used extensively thJ'ouihout the county and •i.te. Joe Devlin, the city's utJUtles director, says the pipe Is used Air<:;al rejects pay cut By STEVE TRIPOLI Of" the D.ity Piiot 1...- Th e rejection by some AirCal workers of the Newport Beach -based airline's request that they take a 12 percent pay cut may result in cutbacks in the carrier's 2, l 00-employee work force, an AirCal spokesman sa1d today. But a vice president of the union that rejected the pay cut hinted employees may take a second look at the request if AirCal moves forward with staff cuts. Of 980 non -union and manage ment employees whose votes were being counted this m o rning, AirCal spokesman M a rk Peter so n sai d approximately 700 voted and accepted the wage cut proposal by "better than a three-to-one" margm. The maintenance and ramp service workers section of the Transport Workers Union, which represe nts nearly 600 AirCal employees, rejected the wage cut last week by a margin of leas than 25 votes, union vice president Bill Roal said. AlrCal flight attendants, represented as a separate unit by the TWU, accepted the cut by a similarly close marlin among Its approximately 400 members, R06Sl said. About three-fourths of the members of both unita took part in the vote. Rossi said. AirCal officials already have stated that the cuts will not be implemented unless they are accepted by all e mployees, however. The airline, working under a mandate from t o p -l evel management to maintain its profitability in ~h economic times, will be fo to consider "other alternatives to reduce oosta" In the wake of the wage- cut rejection, Petenon said. Asked if those alternatives include staff cutbacka, Petenon replied "in general terms, yes." He would not expand on the answer. AirCal's 250 pllota, represented by the Airline Pilota Aaaociation, are yet to be heard from in their (See AJRCAL, Page AZ) Flood waters start to recede BISHOP (AP) -The muddy waters that drove through an earthen dam and f o rced hundreds of people to nee their ho m es had begun to recede today. but r ainfall resumed at midmorning and a uthorities warned that the danger had not passed. "The water is just a little lower, but it's nasty," said John Ferguson, head of the Califo(Tlia Department of Forestry in the Inyo-Mono County area. "It's still moving fast. "There's danger to homes e ve r ywh e r e because of the constant erosion and the debris," he said today. ''There is a lot of debris." Alter a relatively clear night, dark clouds moved In over the Owens Valley flood area this morning and a gentle rain began falling. The National Weather Service forecast called for a chance of s howers over the mountains today, with clearing expected tonight. Forecasters said the latest moisture was from a storm system over Nevada that was not expected to have the intensity of the weekend rains generated by tropical storm Olivia. At least 800 people were evacuated from their homes in Bishop and nearby Big Pine Sunday when powerful surges of water in overflowing North Lake bunt through an aging earthen dam. No one was injured, but Ferguson said at least eight homes sustained heavy damage when the dam burst. sending Bishop Creek racing out lta banks and Into area atreete, gullys and smaller creekbeda. Highway 395, which was reopened Sunday night, was closed again at Big Pine today ----lllDEX----. At Your Service A.5 In term las.Ion ~ F.rma Bombed< A7 Ann Landen A7 Businea B6-7 Moviea & Cavalcade A7 Public Notice8 B6 cw.tfled Ol.8 Spe>na Cl-4 Comiaa B3 ~ka B7 en.word BS elevislon 84 Death Notlcel CA Thea ten & Editorial A6 Weather A2 Ente:rtalnmenl 86 World Newt A3 Hore.cope A7 , after w ater swirl ed over a ma keshift mud-and-rock dam, said Inyo County Sheriff's dispatcher Florence Nielsen. She said the water level had not receded much, but was "sort holding its own." , Reaidenta of the mountainous area 225 miles north of Los Angeles and 15 miles from the Nevada border -including people on two nearby Indian reservations -spent Sunday sandbaaina their homes. There was 1u6Sta0Ual water damage to some homes on the reservations. aald Ferguson,. Bishop Mayor Ron Klston said the flood waa the wontt to hit Bishop, but added "it's not that devastating." John Corwin aald he was awakened about 6 a.m. to the 10und of water outalde hll house. By nl&htfall, the water was recedlng. · The 16-foot-deep lake, locatecl 26 milea west of Biahop, waa ~ady filled from the meltoff of snow In the Sierra Nevada, when a 1t.eady wann rain becan to fall, 1wellln1 the lake and cau1tn1 • more mountatn runoff , authorities .. id. After the dam bunt, the lake was left vlrtuaUy empty. Relcue teams with bullhorns eVllCUllted resldenta of about 200 hornet in north and eut Biahop and an unincorporated aru alol'l8 Blahop Creek. ~ . \ because at as preferable to plastic or iron pipe. Devlin claims the plasuc pipe is suspected of producing cancer- causing agents w hile the iron pipe has a coal-tar lining that ls known t.o be dangerous. He says cities have been using the asbestos pipe for more than 30 years without problem. In Irvin e, with its w ell- landscaped residential areas and milli o ns of square feet of industrial and office space, the dogs would o ffer subs tantial savin&s in time for aean:hes, he noted. Newport Beach's council allo ta set to consider such an increue tonight, he said. Costa Mesa and San ta Ana have no plans currently to raise their tax rat.ea, Coata M esa and Newport Beach both have 6 percent rates. Santa Ana'• is 5 percent. Some members of Lt\e community and the council are (See ASBESTOS, Pase A2) -"A properly trained dog may be u9ed in these areu to locate auapecta without endancering the lives of officers or citizens," Meanwhile, council membea once ac..m will be f..::ed with a decision on where to locate a new (See POLICE DOGS, Page A%) Beachcombers George McFarland, Phil N~alon, George McFarland Jr. and John Parleue display their booty £rom the sea. . . ·. Storm's waves bring rewards ~ By STEVE MITCHELL "lM Delly ..... lt811 Holding out a llatful of lritty. wet coins, Phil Nealon grinned and said, •"fhere'1 lots more from whe~ this came from." And it was \rue. About 15 young1tera -and adu'lts -stood waist deep in the churnan1 anorebreak off Bluebird Canyon ln Laguna Be11eh, eeanntna the molat and for colna. Huge 1urf generated by TroJ>k.'al Storm Olivia proved a boon for theM bMcheombera by dumplns hundreda of old coins. keys and even an emerald on the beach "You jwlt aiand here until the waw brNka, then watch the aand cloaely," taid John Parlette, the top moneYm&Jcer at S.turday'a coAn dta· And, u if on cue, a thick wave crunched on the shoreline leevlnc 1n Ua wake a .,een copper penny. Scoopln& up the in.ure Parlette Mid he f~ he mllde S22 Satu~ rnom!ftl. Nealon, hll buddy, hJa momlnc haul ·amounted to only 1bouL •10, but he twld out • arnall emerald he found In lhe aurfllne. ' "I have no idea how much it'• worth," he shruaaed. "It'• the end of the summer aod all the mohey the tourists dropped In the ocean la reappearing on the buch," he Mid. • The shoreline, which fronta lhe nine-1tory • Surf and Sand Hotel, was a bonanza for booty • Saturday. • "Thia I.a the lint bla Monn in a a>Uple of yean and all the money tNit waa lott owr Uw··· lut few aummera la belftl loeeed up on the .j · beach,'' NMJon aaid. ::' ~ wtth a few other lwms. :· Nealon held out tour heavy metal hoeel keys, all from the Surf and Sand, that the oceen · • had depolited on the beach. But there .,.. haW'da '° bMchcomblJ\a, ~· The waahlnc·mKhln• effect of the wa• tumbled more th.n one ecrouncer off hJa feet. • But the proceeda. a~Uy, ""9 ~·:~. the wtt tru.nkl end aandy Mir. "l'w been dolna thta .U my Ute," Neeb( aaid. "And \his I.I th• bl,...t hlul yet." ,. • ···~ •"• .. •• Dow Jones Final UP 1.38 CLOSING 920.90 I " Venture started by Irvine f irID Mic.:ro Five Corporation of Irvine said today lt concluded a joint venture agreement with Jeumont· Schneider, a French telecommunications equipment manufacturer. A U.S . firm will be created to produce and distribute office automation network systems based on technologies contributed by both companies. The French government authorized Jeumont· Schneider to invest $12 million 1n Micro File and the · venture company. wnich in tum will grant Micro Five an initial $2 million contract to develop an integrated voice, data and word processlng system. Datatron posts loss Datatron lnc. ot Tustin reported a net loss of $976,538 for the year ended June 30, or 40 cents a share, compared to a loss of $81.383 or 4 cents a share a year ago. Firm ponders d ecline cause Traruierra Exploration Corp. of Newport Beach says it knows of no reason for the recent decline in the price of its stock. The stock traded at $2.50 a share Sept .. 10. $2.25 a week later. ~d closed Priday at $2. A company statement attributed the dr op to the "general economic climate coupled with an occasional negative news item pertaining to the oil industry as a whole." Stock offering delayed The board of directors of Enterprise National Bank (in organization) of Newport Beach has delayed a-stock oH~ring which expired-Aug:--&-for-an ind~fi1...tt·o--.--­ period due to "current economic conditions." In addition, it postponed a 60-day extension of the offering approved by the Comptroller of the Currency. A statement said the stock will be offered later. ln addition, the board will be expanded from 6 members to 11 and a founders' group will be established. UTC drops Bendix bid NEW YORK (AP) -United Te<:hnologies Corp., the largest of· the four companies involved in a takeover fight between Bendix Corp. and Martin Marietta Corp., said today it was withdrawing its offer for Bendix. The ftght was settled Friday when Bendix agreed to be acquired by pe1r0Che.rnlcal giant Allied Corp. and Marietta retained its independence with Allied as a major new stockholder. AMERICAN LEADERS METAlS NEW YORK ("Pl -Spol 11onler•out 1'11411.i Pf!Cel IO<lay Copp.Jtr 70·72 cenh • pounel, U S doalll>•llbns Leed 2•'>·29 conll a pound Zlftc •0-•2 Genii • pounel. de41-"" S6 2259 Metals Woell compoell• lb AlumlftlH'ft 76-77 cents a pound. N Y Morc11ry $352 oo per """ Plall111111t S321 00-1326 00 ltoy ounc•, NY SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ., TIM A•-latM li'f"' ~toel Wl)tkl l)OICI !)fleet IOClay LOlldofl m0t"'11Q IOl:i '414,2S,ott$1S 75 • Sl~9_,,~do11 •flernoon ••Ing $413 75. 011 :; Pwte a'10tt\OOl'l llall')Q $409,02. Oii S24.42 ... ,,.,.""' r1x1ng $41 f .oo. on sn nn ~wtell '''' t llttnoon 1111119 s.1ioo. on • 124.00 blel. J.t 13 00 lllcecl : "•""' • "•'"''" only C11lly QUOIO J '413 7&. olfJ 17 26 • •fttlOll'orcl only Claily quote $413 71>, olt '\ $17 2l En1or111rd onty oally quo•• l1brlca11<1 l $434 4~. Oii Sii 11 t ·~ . .. •• ...