HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-30 - Orange Coast Pilot• a ••• ;a ----·---~----................ -- ORANGI COAST YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPER . -------·--_ .. --· _JttJl .. S.DAV .• S.EPTEMpEA 30, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Hero B' ST I<\ 1.; 1\ I \It II I.I: 0 1 the O•llJ Piiot Stell or S.1111 t:i1,i,, 1. lo .111111)' ,, d111dil· l1t1 JI,',, \lll.1111 111 llt.111)" l '1q•t1I \ tl ll,i d tH I 11 ti• l .H ,\II/'' lo ' \\ l1tl1 .111tlo111 Jill , 111 I It 1111•1 1 ' .. 11111 ' ".1111 l.tlol1, I·'"' ol t"1 I, ti I 111 J' • 1 N • \\ I u of I I lo 11 I 1 11 t .11 1 P'"" • 111 I " \1w1 lo '' 1111 111 lin11111 1111 11 1111 -1\ lllj.' I \\"Ill 111 l1t1 I .it.I t ... .'I , ...... 1.t II 1111 111 Jijller? County man qualifies as both ' I t ,, tt II I \\ t I• I .,,, \ ., t It ... JI,.,, .111 ,,\t f 1~11 j'll \ \\ 111 1 f11,1dt ,l """'l.lhof ill Hiii 'llllfll \ ,lftd d1tl •lfllf llllll~' 1 lj'lli 111 1110 11!111 I \ ti 1.o11oh I :1t1l1·, 1. 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It , ..... 11 111 11111111 .111:1:•· ... 1-. .11111 t:11.t" tht ..!I \1 .11 nit!.., l .lllt• I '1'111 11,...t 111111 ttlt1 oil'< 1111 111 J ho Jlotllll 'o .11111 11111'• .olld th1·11 lh< ..,.,.,1111 111111 ho fto11h #._uul .... ,vt·' ...... ,, ... ,,. .. "' Iii• 1\11 111tl111g 111 I"'"'' I o1l1l1-.. .1111t llh \\\11 1111"11 \'4 II Ill tfio \I 1111 1 .II<,, 1111l11,1olt11j! 1111 flit Ill• 1•11 It I• • \ I ' • ~~ •• 11 • I ., I t ; I t I g t I •• , I I J -•I I I \ 1111\ \\totk 1•11 l'11l1t I ,,I~ ( :1111,... olltll Ith 111 \\••IK• ,.., ll<'o1tol "' '' ·'""' '''"' 111.011 -.1,dJlflll~ d \\11111,111 \\ 1111 \\ I 1111 IJ1 I li,tt I\ 1111 d •,1111 \\,ol l, .11111 ' .11111 111 I 11 l I l'°" lit ( .il1l1·· 1•ul111 '·''" • 1 ....... " 1111 '"'I'" t "ho 11 ·111111 ... 11, '"l'l'"I .11111 lo It 111 tho -.1111 I I '11lh 1 '·" ( oil1I .-. .11111 11,... 111111 .1g111 ·-. 111 ol tho illi g1 ·d .olt.11 ko·t \\1th -.t1 ·'I" 110111 lit• 11111\lllg '·'" .1111! ... 11111d .. , •• , l1t111 tlllltl 1•"11•. J1•1\\ 111 llJ• I '.1111' ,.1\ 1111 ·• 11 ltk; 111 h•1f l•ll t '1 I ·I· .1 •11 J I 11---. I • ' \\I tC "I '' I• •I 111• II "' l "' 1 .. '"' Ill 1111 1 (.ti.I" ""lol I,, Ill J.otl lo\ lloo 11111• 1111 1\\ .II d t If t ll1llfl\ Jtdl , 1lf i,IUed tit 'I \ 1 .11 l oil I• "" 111 1 II I 1111\ I• lnl Ill l 11 "''~·· ( ·, •11111 \ "" l11t .111d 11111 11" "W "''"I• !1111\ 111.111 l.111)'11\o I ,\., 111ol1111• ,,, l"'lt" Ill "''",,.., l Ht .11 11 <.1111" ... trill" VJ.11111 I •• t:0.1T llEH<), l'ag1· All County's social programs spared H\ STE\ E T llll'OLI Or'lh• OellJ Pllol S laff l\;·111 1111.0111 · ... toi ... 1·\1·1.ol ol11/1•11 I )f',111 i.:1· l '111111 I \ g11\ I I 111111 Ill IJ,I\ Ko·tf '"l t.ol Ill llJ..:1 .0111' .II I l11t ,tlfi111g 1 .1-.11·1 lrnl.1\ tin 11 Jll 11g1 .111i'-. 'JI.ii< d 1 IH l>ltolg1•[ eu11111g "' 1111 .111111111-1 ,,.,,, II\ l 'i1u11t \ Hu,11 d 11t ~tlf'ol'r\'t"'"' TUI"'"·'''"'" I \l'olll ... , ..... ,,~'"'" Jiii \•lf•ll'ol\ 111,111ol.1t1 of 1 tlh Ill..!.! 111 .!.. h p I I l .L! I ii 111 \\ h " " I I< J•I 1•-.1lol,tlI\1 ·'l'I" ,il1·d I Ito I 1•.f II< I 11111" \ 11111111 I '-' \ • 11 l>ll'L'l,111" \\1 lo l1111of1 d 1111 1'111..! II.I .ol 1. \I I loll ... I llt.111 llt11-.. 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"ill "'"I' .ol111111 ~:! 111111111 111 1•111 1111.., \1 .11 .., 11·\1 I ,,.., t>lf 11 I, ii • 111 ""I 111 Jll 11g1, II II' did Group tal{ing 'STAND' B\ .10[)1 Ci\l>E~lll·:A I> Ot"the Delly Pllol Sl•lf l'htl ( ·111 lo r 1 if ( • "''" J\il1 ·,,1 11 ·"' 11111 · ••I 11111\ th1fl p1·11 pl1· 11 Ii•• ,11,...\\ t •l 1·iJ .111 .od pJ.11 t of 111 ,, No \\ 11t•l I Ht .01 It 1 ••ltplo ''I 1\111); ft ...,J11 1n.• lru r11 tt!IH•lllfd .d,111H lit• lhl I ,II 111 11111 lo di ',\oil t o11 11I .\1111 H1.11lt11td I 1 "h11 IA II lo Ito I h11-.loo1111I I l,ol1 "l.1111 d llo• L!'""I' l.111glt-. "l!t'll h• 1111111<. • .t• .. 111 llo• 111 .,, "". 1111)! Ill .11111• \\I " 1\1 ol IH 'l•Jll• 111 . 111111 t• I I) 11 1I1 ... t J,,,, 111 i:1. •ll J• " t•11 t. d 11 l11 I o \t II• ,1,1 ,o\ tit• 111111 I I I .. II• \\ ..., I. fl .. '\ 111 I· . " I ,, \ . • I I I I 11 II k.111 \It lo\ 111• 111 111\11 ~I \'l,IJ lt.o' .1IH 11tl j,(1 1111 111I H t o1111f I •II• 11 1 "'\11 d 1,!I •Il l• l.lllool 111 111 11 I• I lll'f•"l l lt11 tl11 lll h 11 11 fl• 1 /• 11111.1•1\1 1111 tho ( .1lol1111111 li.ollo 1 '\. \ ( d1t111111.111 1111 " H1l.olt I .ol Nt11 lo II \\1 .tjo<•ll'-~ ll't'/t '' tlw I.II f.!t ·-.l l:lllllJI \\till I II Jl<1l l1·tf .!. 111111 1111 11ol1~ I' 111 ( h olll/.'.1 ( '11Ulll \ .il 11 111 1111 111lll1.11 fll'l/I 111111.t1111 1 .oll, 1111 lht· I J n11o ol ~t.11•·' .oncl t 111 · S11\'1t•l l J1111111 111 li,iJI lho • 11111 lo olf oll 111" I .Ot I ' \·11:11 I .11 \\ h11 11 .11 Ill ., t•lt 1 11 .. 1111 .... ol I lr.011gt• ( 11,,..1 l '111 lo-1!• ,,11.J I It.ti I h• 1d1 .o 111 Ill" 1, ,,, 11 .01 11.o-. lt.ou11t1·ol 111111 "llH I Ito ol t \ t•d Ill 1111' J\t 111 \ Ill \o\'111 Id \\ II It -INDEX -- .... l-.1111.1 Hu11tl11 -. k B1i...1111 ,., ( '.t\ ·"' .11 lo ( ·1 ....... 1111 ·1 I ( 01 llllll .... ( '1 •"-"""'ti !>.·.1th N11t111 ·-. F.d111111.d 1-:1111 ·1 t.1111111t·lll 1111111'4 lllll' t\ 1111 I .. 111dt•1 ... M11''"'' M11111.ol 1<'1111.t-. N.o\11111.il N o•w, l '11lol11 N11111 t'' l '!1 Sp1111 ... 1>1 St1·1111111lrn S 1111 k M.11 kl'I" T .. lt "'"""' Tlw;ilt·r~ W 1'.tllw1 \. ( .. , 'j' ,\-; I 11 11 I>:! ll:! l>:I /\ti H7 II 1\' I /\ j I\ I II c·r, /\ ,\ ti Ill II.I ·I ('I I /\ 7 ( ., Hli fl7 II I\.! 11• •I .lhj1lll1 tho .111l111il.1ll1 t llh I Ito Ill II I 1111.11111: \ t .ti '-I.II\·, l.'11.l.11 ''' 111111·"111111ol \\tlli ll11 .1.111 1.t "" l1d11.ol 1:11\11111111 ·111 ... I 1 ••. ii 'l'.11 S 11p1 l \I ·•''' 111111.olh ll'Jl'I It" .. 11111111111 111 Jl""\t"''" ""''l 111 1'11 titl"lilol lll I lf\ ........ /"'111111111 rtolnl lo\ 1111 ~ •• 1.ol I '1 11g1 .111,... 1\dv1 ... 11t \ I "•1111111t 11, pr< 1,.11111g 111'1< .111 t11 Ii< .11 111dt\ 1d11.d •Pl><"ol " I 111111 1 •1111•1.111' It I'' I .... Uldlt\ t ' I"' 111 ,11111g 111 \\ "·'' , ... IH tt•llUhl.-~ ,llt 1fUH1.al I \1 fl\ \\,1, .l I II II " I lo I • t It H ll I I' I "" ... .. I 11 ""••It,. , ...... 11l.oll\t'o•1l 111.111\ fll 1111 ·~·· .,, ,. ..., •• l(t Ill 1111• 111 """ 1111 II •'J'f'' .of 111 ,1td ,II tl11 JMl.f tlllll 1111 """ 'llJri I""'' 111 llJll"'"' " ... 11h-;1;Hll 1;iJ nt1n1l1L·1 oJ tlll t11 11olt11p ll''olt >i.Olll oll.._ II.I' ll.11111 fl \\'1•ol11 Sl11 "''""'" p11l•t11dt11 tqdt•ilol " I 'I ~ 'I ""·"" I"" I• ' 111.01111.111111: .11111u.d 1 u1 , 11111d tl1• jHHh l .1111 ... di I pll.t:-0.t d t1Ht It tllfl 1o1Ulll \ p.ol lh 1J1.oll11ll '111.11 p•1l11 \ "·" ti.o ... t·d 1111 ll11 I ollll I pl 11 1 11..,lllg I lllJl\I \ 11111111111• d 11 ol1 ·1.ol lund" 11111\ ,,, , • d t1111111 '> Cnr 'ot1t 1.il f'' 1•,L-!f .a111 ... t 0 1 •unt~ nuuu•v \.\.a' tn 111 lh1 d 11111' l11 l,1U 111 Ii t 111· 1St't' SOt'IAL, P agt-All <:a111ap c·ontra ption Bt·au T yt• i~ wt·ll known on Lilllt• l ~lund for assisting loc·al f j..,lwrmt·n µnd ~let> ping in ah«:> middlt' of tht• s idt>walk. llt·n · ht• doz•·~ in a tent complimenls of owne r Ring Girlin~. O•llJ Pllol Phooo by L .. Povne Psychologist faces Oet11 Piiot 814111 Pholo 8 years Jn • By DA \'IU Kl'TZM .-\~'.'. Of Ille OellJ Pllol SleH Nt·wpot l fl1·.11 It i'"'' l11 1l11gi...l T1·lr111d ··T1111 l\l1M01t• 1"11\ltltd of \'11'11111.11' n1o111"l.1ught1·1 1 .. 1 kll l111g ;1 malt· 11111n1n1,ol1· It• l'i.111111 ·d h.111 ..,..,u.ollv .1l1u-.1·ol lo1111 111Uld ll•l'l\'1' UJI 111 t·1ghl \1•,11 -. 111 -.I.tit• pn .... 111 \\ 111 I• "1'11tl'llto'd (), l l•I ( :arol \nn B radforcl a nti Phil ( :utlPr arc• among tho!-!c> li1wd up a~ain .. t 1lw lhn ·a t of nuc-IPar "ar. ~;,.,.11 "' 1\11••11:-. .ol111r'111·\ -..11ol V.\·d111·~I." 111 """ µ!1 ·.1-.t'd "1111 1111· v1·1d1 1I h1·1·.ou ... 1• lho P'"'" u111111 h.111 "'light ,, ntu1ol• 1 llll\\'11111111 .111d . \\' i. ... 1 ... 111111).! 111 ... 1 th·g11·1 1111111olt•11 '"11pt11111, ... t.11111,1;! ll'-111 tl11 l.111 \l'l ···~·h 1,. Ii.id ,, 1111111 d ... •t • I 1111"1 '-,t o\1 ._ \\ho 11 ll11 ''''ltll• l111111h \\ •' dr opp• cl 1tf1 11 11•·,111111.0 ,, ..... 1cl h1 lo .11111 11 I 11 o\\ Ir .01~1 lo I 111 11111 ... 11ol ( 0111 lo I d •• , '""'Ill\ l1•1n1.111 Ill• 1-. ,, 11 lig1ou., p• '" 111 B111 I pr.1\ 111·1 \ I l11!d11 11 \\ ttl 111 o "Ill 1111 II Ill I ' J oJ1111 t .o._k l 11J .11111 l1111g I'" 1.ol 111 ... 1 .o • h.11111 to•I 1111 •111 111 II\1· B1.1dl111 d ,, 1011111 I 111.11k1·l111g I" I \Ill\• l<•I .. It>< .ol ht1lt•I, ..... 1ol ,111 II• \1 I j<lllll ol .i pollltt'.d ).(11111p 1,, '"'' ,1,.11111g ~·1 ANI> I ",..., Jlhl 1.olk111g .ihout tilt· 11111 .11 111 1tt11 lt•.or w.01 f111 tlw l11111ol11•d1h t111w.'' 1·xpl;i1111•d lh•· No\\ 1••11 !~"" 11 11•-.1olt·111 1\11d \\o d1·t 1d1·d \\'1· h.1v1· 111 d11 '"•II It 1 l1111g i\ d d I d (. ti l I I ' I .. HH• 1111 c 1-.n.1ld1· tiul tn du 111\ lhllll' ... 11 h · I• ·"'" I· I 1111 ... I 'I 'I" II l''"I'"'" 111 d th• 11111 I•·''- 11• o I • '·'' lh • .r tho I '11111 d !'I.ti<·.., \\ olh 11111111111111 I• .11 \\1 .q~•lh .ind llH ~"\lo h \\ tlh .!11111111 h,1\1 1111111 \h,111 I llllllgh \OI dt ._\I ll\ '·"Ii .. 1 IH I ·1 Ii•\ I""'' 11tl th.11 lit• 11 ... k 111 ·•It .1<11d1111.ol llllllf'.ol \\.ll lhl1Hlgh ,o <11111plllo•f I 11111 I ho 1ghl1·111 d h\ l ho· 111tl1t.11 \ l1111Jd11p 'I Ito" .og,1111..,I lht 1111\1.i\1\t' "·" .o It f'l'/o · \\ ootdol ol11111111-.Ji I ho h.11 g.0111111g 1••"1111111 .. r the· L11111 ... 1 Sl.ilt'' .11111 ).(l\'I lho· S11\'1t •I'-.oil .11 1\ .1111.1g1 111 lh• 11111 lt'.11 '" ""' t .u t ( • .. ,,, 1111 1111-: l >1 o111gt· ( '1111 11\ v 11 .1dt 111-. \11 -.11 ppo1 I .1 11t·1·11· h,,... 11111 l1t 1·11 .111 ''·'" J''h H1 .11ftc11d ···"" S11 l.11 l..1gu11.1 B• .11 h .111d c:.,,.i. 11 co111\1· h.•\• 111, n 1ht 11111\ I II\ I OtllH 11-. Ill 1h1 1 lllllll\ Ill "llPJ>"l t llu ttltlt.otl\·l' N1•\\ port l~·.11 h .ond l'o-.t.1 M1· .... t t OUIH ti~ h,I\'( '""tpo1wd .1 dt'( ... 11111 until .tftt·1 th" N11\'1·ml1t r "11'< 1t11n I think 1h1' '' l••t.oll\ t It 11 k1 11 • ..... 1d t ·u t 11·1 Tho•\ "' 1111 I 111.1k1 .o t 11111111111111 •11\ 'lh11-.. \\h11 h.l\t' Jflllltd 1h1 c ..... 1.1 l\1··'·' llltt 11·.11 gr11up -..11d I ht•\ tf 1d "' lw1 ,llhl' 11f t h1·1t d11ldr1·11 -..11d Br .1tlf• 11 ti Thi g111up pl.111' lo h1•g111 di-.tt 1l111\111g 1111111111.1111111 prq1.1n·d I•.' ( '.111(111 n1.111-. tnr .o B1t.111·1.ol N11c 11·.11 V\'t·.1p1111-. Fn•t•tt• '" :I.I IHH) lt11u...,•l111ld" 111 Cn~t.o l\11 · .... 1 llt'' I 1111111t h 'V\'h.11 d111 • .. ll t.1k1• tn 111.oko· .t p" I "'" f fl• I I h,, I h I... I if,. I<; lhll':Jlt n1·d ' ..... k1·d l"1fllt·1 I\ 1 rn 1 n \ , \\ . " • 11111. 11 t o d I 11 ()1.011g1 ('11u11t\ Sup111111 1'111111 .J111lg1 l\h 11111 Br"" 11 111 t IH 111111 Jiit\ 11111\ltolllll! ll """th. 1111 '""' F11un1.1111 \'.oll1' I ltglt s. h1>11l Jl'o\I h11l11gi...1 '-. '" 1111.t 111.ol 11n t h.11 g<· ... 1 h.11 11 .. 111111 d1 1 • .J I ( ti II \\ p ... \ ( ft • " " I! I ... I •• II " '' • 1n11n.1t1 St.11111·\ ~: ... p111ol.1 1"" \ l'.11 ... .og11 l\)11<1tt ' 111 ... t ti 1.ol 1 lltli d 111 .i .1u1 \ d1 .1111•>< k l.1 ... 1 I lt"1·1 111lw1 /\lthoul-(h 11, .... 11d lw IH·l11 11·ol .l11dg1 B111\\11 h.1ol "1 .011·111111 1At•tgl11·d llio-l'Vllft 1H t .. d1•lt01\'1' .111111111·\ 1\I S111kk1· .... 11d .011 .1p1110,1 I nl \V1·d111 ·-.ol,i\ ·, \ t'I d1t l lll.o\ lw ltl1•d /\., 1111 111 ... t 111•111 p•tt 11.t\'t·tl ol111111g 111-. l\\11 1r1.1b .... ll1·111g \'t1 lu;illy .o "lic11tl'f'l•d -.p11u~1··· Ito 1-: ... p111d.1. Stokk1· ;.;11d M<ot11 t· ".1-. 1t·l11·v1·d 111' hgal 11rd1•,tl \\,,... I srael 'errors' told by ex-leader \11 111\' '''~!.1111111 111 1111 B1·11 ut 11 f11g• • '"'"'' 111.1-. ........ \\tit 11\l',ol 1 ...... 1 111.1111 f'I' "'' Ill JUdgnu Ill h11t \\'Ill 11111 ( (1 ... 1 1'1 llllt f\.11111-.11·1 M1·n.11 ht'm Bq.im tu-. p11ltl11 .ol 111 .. ,1 C11r11111 J ... r.wh 1111111.111 1 h11 f µrt·d tl l' Shl1111111 I :.111t 1 hid 111 1-.r o11·l1 mt111.11' 11111'llig1•111 •· lllllol 111711 ".11d h t· w111tld I• \11\ 'll'illl-..•d tf llH• lll\'f'<,\1g,tllt11l -.hol\\t•fl t 11.11 1 ... 1.11·1 h.id .Oil\' d11 t·• l h.111d Ill lilt• f(·~t ·rtt f1\,t'-,'-4tflt" (;,111\. 11nw pro· ... 1111·11\ 11f •' lllll\'t'l .... llY Ill ( ... r .11'1.or1d111 N1•wpc11·t lk;a·h W 1•olrw ... d.<'y 111 f.oik Wllh -.11pp01 l1•r-. 11( 1111' t'llOl!Jll' 111 tht• Nq.(1·\ ''1·11tu11•d 1h.1l tht· lllVl'!>.lll(•H 11111 Vvtll l.111lt 1...,.11•1 1111 p1•r m 1111ng Ch1,...t1.111 F.ol,111~1 ... 1 1111lttrnnwn 111 1•11t1•1 1h1· t .1111)1" /\ t 11-.1-.;I ~1!IO 1111•11 . w1111wn .111d d11ldn•11 Wf'lf' kollt•d 111 llll' t";ln1JlS (,.0111 \\h11 h ..... l1t1·1111ut 11f•th1· 111u11t1\ 1111 111 tl,1\., -..11d h,... own 17 v1•ar old d.011gh11 1 ylllwd ,, ma~" dl'm11n~trat11111 111 T1·I t\\'t\ l.1-.1 ~' 1·1·k 1·n d d l•mandtng .on 111\1·-.111-:.1111111 ,,.., wrll as Bf>&ln'11 n>S1gnu t 11111 l l1 •g111 1111 11.illv rduS<'d to Cftll for an t11\l'"''l-!"l11111 -..1v1111( 'illl'h a rt\OV<' would ht• tlt1 ...,11111• ,,... .1d1111ll1ng l(Ullt. ( •. 1111 "·"" lw ,... lrnu h lro by the rl'.11 t111n t .. 1 IH· 111o1 .. -.;n·n· 111 1ht> Un1tt•d S t!olt'' p ;1111111 larly m 1h1· .J1•w1sh rommuntty 111 • .... utl /\ml'nt a ns have nl'Vl'r n'C'<•ivt·d a 111"11 p11·tur1' of wh:il the Lehano n t·ris ts is .oll .dll!lll ;incl, 111S lt'ad. g t•t a "JIRSUW Jiil 1111 .... in 1wws n ·porLc; 11ll th1 ''"" 1-.-.111 111 lht l\l 11ldl1• E .. 1-..\ \\hu-h Ill' 111.., .... 11•d ,., "lwtl11 1 '"' at•I "Ill uin1111u<' \11 I''"' ' II<' d ,ur l(t-d that Pn-s1d1•nt Ht•alo(c1n has a purt1<"ul.irly 11ntnformr<I undl"n>t.mdm~ of w hat'' 1(111111( nn tn l )>rl!t'I 111· n11wt•dr-d lhat part of his m1ss1on 111 t l11• llll•ll·d St;ill'' will h1' In SO<Jtht• bra1·h ""Jlllfll l<'t" wh11 ;111• u1~l'I 11<'<'!1UM' of th1• n1i1s,:u·1 c' i\~ a 10 11111 1 mtl 11arv lr a dl'r, (;;11.1t "UK~1·s tt·d 1h1•rr .i n • s;•vt•rnl w ays ri r \'ll'Wlllt( th1· l'IHYlp ktlttngs . .. If w 1· h .od not c•ntr rt-<I W1-st &•irut and had ,\ood on tlw i11rlrhnes. I h <' C hr1s l111n mthll:I still w11uld h av1• 1•nt1•1f'd llw cam~ .ind tlw rt·.,ults mtlo(ht h11v1• b1•p11 mul'h "'Clr"<t ' • pr1s on Ill .ot f\ II\ I I 11111 \\ ,, ol1-..q11••lll'( ,f t lt1 tllol~11 I 1 \11h1 ol hr :!-..! I lllJI) l .. 11 I .i 1111 I 1 111.i 11111 d 111 Ill I 11 ' 11-.\1 ,, " I h1111\\ 111 11 .... " fr 1 l111g ••I I I I I• I Th' I • • ... • ' I I 1' ll It II d 11 ll ... .011 11 °11111 .. r 1111 · ... -.111 c· h.o\ 111g ,, 111 -.t "·~·111 1111111lo1 .lt'lll ... :1111111 lt.011g111~• I•\• I \11111 l1t'.11I • llio "' ,, "" .111111111 \ .... 11d r\11•111 II .1 .111 ll._..,1111 ''""lflllg l·: ... ,.11111 I ..... "' I.I\ Ill 1111 Ii\ 111g ''"'"' "' 111. ~11\gl.1 ..... 11111 11111111 • tit•' -ho111•ol 111 N••\I 111111·1 l'IHll Pt I'"'' 111 -.1 1 111 \11111111·\ B I \ •• II B I II\\ II 111 l I 11 ... 111 g -.1,do 1111 llh ollll 1 11~' \ho f I \I t,ol • l.111111 d th1 l11111t111g \\ ""' .1 do 111" I 1\i 11ld 1•1 o llll'dtl.olo d ,1\\,11 k 1111 ~: ... p111d.1 I I \\ t .... 1 • nld I"" 1tl.dt d 111111 of, I th1 11111 .... -.111111 ..... -...1 lt'il 1\111 Sl11kkt 1111111-: p11\111u" I''•\< Ill oll II \( '111111111\ -.,old l\l1•1n• lo.111 ·" t11.oll \ 111tt llllt d 1.1 kill 11111"' It 1111 1111•l1t 11t 1h1 -.h•••l111g 111-.11 ,111 h1 .... 11d hi... I 111 •11! ... 111tt1•d .1 t.11111111,11\ ld.11k11u1 d111111g \\l1t1h 1-: ... p111d.1 \I.I" ... 11.11 Ill 111• 111 ·"' s1 .. hh· .11g111 ·d 111.ot l\1 1101 1 lll't .tlh• 111 111 ... 11·.11 111 r:-.pmd.1. .11 I 1 ol I 11 "' II d t ·I '' 11' I' Th I ' dt•lt 11d.i11I lo ..iii 1t•tl .ol 111" (11-.t 11 1.ol 111.tl II• '""" 11 ·111 .1l1•dlv 111',o l< II .11111 ...,.,11,111\ .tflll"t'd d111111g ht-. Ill""' 11·l,1111111-.l11p II 1th t·:,p111d,1 ,o h11n1t"'''"litl ISt•t· SI.A YI N<;. l'n~t· A21 ( ;,1/1t .... 1111 tl)I' 11tllll11(1' Ill t ... r.I\': 11\l'I lh1• k1ll1nlo(' 11 ..... t.,.·1·11 1111111111g .11 ,, h11oth p1t1 h .11111 th.ol 11 \\,,., lh1-. d11n11•.,t1t 1111'""1111 th.11 1111 1 ··d I\. 1•111 111 I .oll 1111 lht lll\•· .. 111{.1\11111 'Tht•rr· s 1•1•ms to hC' m uch tonfus1011 I II' I I ' ht. ... u I( I((•' t<· d .. T h (' .J (' w Is h , 11111111111111v hl'rt' llk1" ln have• thmlo(s lltmp h· .o 11 d 1 I .... t and I ht•' h a v t' t r o uh IP 111111,., ... 1.111d1ng wh1•11 t h1nl(~ 1n l~r.11'1 1111111111• 11111111111 .ttt•d It hafft1·~ th r m" lit .. 11d 1h1· 111,,...s,1111· h;is t:ik1•11 th•• f1w 11-. .. Whilt \\11uld l'll' th1· rt<actton ln thotl., .. lw u~kt'1.I "\.\'t· -.1111 would huvr IK·1·n hla m1-.I Ttw l rt111 ... would h.1vt· c.;1111 'h 1•rc•'" brae) w11h .111 th m1..ih1 JU<;I c;1m1dtnl( ..iround·" Shlomo Giwit , j j , x Ai '1 11r1111uu t 1111111 l>All Y PllOrtTl'lureday 8•plember 30. 1U81 ~' -L-in_c _o-ln_s_p_a_. s_s_o _n_4_3_r_d_c_h_o_i_c_e_ ''' Continued stories ltl llj'.l .tlll \\Ill< h "'I I• f f\t II "''l'f""' ,j 111 .ii It '" I ,,qt .1.t • I 1111.!1111: 111 I t'lll.1111 \ 1.tl1l1 lt11t S l',\t ' 1111·111111 1· •. 111 .t fll t•J.:l ollll It 1•1 • '•' 111.tll\1'' 'olid tlH 1111111 1•t 1111 1.1111:1·1 \\Ill I-.'"'' .111 ... lfll' 1•111111111111 t llltl.tl t' t1 1.1k1·, II ,1111111,I tllll'"'"1l tl 1 111 1dt1.1111 pr l\',114· 11111.t '1'111 \ .11d .illtt\\ lllj' 1111 ,tllllllll.tlll I 1 lflh (11111' lhl' \I ,II \'Ith 1111111t\ l1111d111g t11 lll"'t 111 tl11· 11111g1 .t111' .ol1t·.01h .11 It.di ll'- 1111g1 11.d lo \ t 1 .d I• I fll 1·\11111-. .11J11 1111.1 th 1111, \\11t1 ld k ill 111.111\ prog1.1111' 'l'ho• '1111111 \ I 1111d-. .ii• ""' 1111 .... 11 '.'otllllll 111 t1111d111g 1111 • • "'"'' tll lhl· fJllJt:l"lllll'.'o I '1 ••i<l'l•llh M•rv111w th1• 01,1111<1· ( '11,l'I w hh h Wt:l't' ~p.trt•d thl'C'lll:> '1'111•.,d uy 111dud1• tl11• W111111•11'i. 1'1.111Mt1~11111I l.1v111g l \•11h•1, '1'111' I '1·11pl1 ··., l'l111 11 . T1·1·11 I l1·lp Y11uth S 1·1 v11c· H u11-;111 . l'uthnl11 ( \1m1111011ty 1\i.t1·11111 ·-.. L.•j.(Ull,1 H1 .. wll F11·1· l'l11111 < '0111111tttt-.· 011 1\-.-..11alb A~.1111xt W 111111'11, Oran ..:" t '11u r11y l'oulll'll 1111 l\g1 11~. Lc•g.11 1\1d S11(•11·1y 11f Or,111g1 · Cou11ty ,ot1d lht· Wc•'I ('1111111 \ ('11t1llM•ltt1g ( '1•111!•1' 'l'lw s .. n u11 ('11111·11:. ( 'l11h 111 I .1gu n.1 Rl•a1·h ·"'" 11 •l'1•1v1·d .1dd1111111al (uml, SLAYI NG CONVICTION. • • M ti O I • I 1 .• I Ill I' ti l h .• I It I' Ill 1g111.d 1, cl1·1 11lo·d 111 I "lllflll I 'u1111fl• · ,,, 1h1· 0111\ w.iv 111 n ·,olvl•" .1 '>•lu.1111111 111 whwh he· h.111 IJlt.·11 Ill 111\'1· \\Ith •• l.Jgun.1 Bc .. 1d1 w n 111,111, U 1111 \ l..11)1• M oun• ll•:-.td1n l lh;it Ill' fl',1r1·d r:-,p1mt.i ~011ld 110 1 1111lv kill 111111 but .ilsn L.1111 • ti hl' (M1111n•l It It'd lO ll':t\'l' ht~ llHllllllhth' l'ros1~·ut1H llrt1w11, wh11 ,,IHI 1\1· WiJ:> 'i:i ll~l 1t•d With tilt' Jlldg,•'i. Vt'rdrc:l, contendl:'d thal M oon· h,1d purl·hased and lhl'll hid lh<· gun lw eventually ust.-d tu k1U f:.,pinda. H e said I h<• t•vtdt'lll'l' '11ppurled a f1ndrng of f11 s t 1h-grl•t• murde r. Moon• t.X>uld bl· S(.·11tl•rw t"d from t\\(1 w six years In staltc• pnson on t h1• man1.1laugh1t•r <'harge Ht• rnuld rc'<-eive a n adcl1tiunal two v1•.1rs n n a g un u st' all1·gut1o n tht.> JtHf~,. found lo be true HERO OR KILLER?. • • Nt·W p111 l I t''.'olll t•ll I \\' "" \\',1i. WJlk111g .tll"" th1· 'l1t•1·l Cl ll S.111.M 1.1 l~1ult-v,11 d .i11cl th .. 11 l>fll'cl o f t 111 '"' 1 .11 l1'.1\'1ng Wc1r11t•r fdt'1·-d11v. 11 111 tl11 1111ddlt• of tlw ,1rt·l't Polrl'e :s<Jy tht•y tr Jl'1•d down c.;1b l>s after f1n d1ng his .dJJndon t.-d car in a sh o pping ·1·111t•r S h o tg un-wie lding bandits rob motel A gunman and his partner es<.·aped with about $500 in a holdup :it the Ambassador Inn in Cos1a Ml'sa Sunday night, poh ce said S g t . John White said o ne o f the men p ulled a sawed-of( shotgun on the clerk a t the Inn at 2277 Harbor Blvd. The robbery occurred at about 9:30 p .m . By .11<: .. 'F AllU:n 01 the Oellr '11•1 II•" lh• l11gltl\. 1"1111,.,111 l)1u11g1· l '1•11111\ l .111111111 ('hrli "·" lu kl'11 ,1 l'"'llll•ll 111 lll'llll.illlY 111 llW <1 :l1 d l '1111g11·..,...11111.il I 11,11111 1.011 · ~h.11 pll' la >I' 111111111w1· .11111111111· l "11·•111 .1g.111"t li'lluw ll1•p11l1lll'.111 Hw1 I '.wk.11d. "'ho I:. w11~111g .1 w111" 111 I :11111••111<11 ll"'""' .. d1·111·111l.il iii · ptll.11 111 .. " I' JI " I t I II I I< '. I' ll I 1 I I I " II 1'ot111lrd.1t 1·.,, tf11 · l.11H11l11 ('11111 .11 l•11't1 •d ,1 "h.011d., 11£1 " p11i.1l 1t111 tHI tlll' I .111 "ht•1 :Ill"' lht• :.!~10 w 1 .. d tlt y (.()I' -;t.dw.11 t:. who i1111q111i. .. t h " d11b .111• d1v11.Jt•d 11\'l'I .... t11d1 l':llld1d.1tc• lll 'UJl!J4 11\, 1 "Pl.111lt'd duh Jll t''1d1·11l Cuul:-.1111 M11111' T lo ,. It" I I y ' II II I l '" l t• d I llflgt 1'''11111.d ~l'.tl I!'. tltl· lllllY 1"111111 .ii 1.111· 111 Or;111gl' l'ou11ty 111 v. h11 II 11 11• 111l lu1•1\lti.tl 1 lub 1:. I l'llt .1l 1111lg 1111 lh<• 'itd1·lln1·:.. 111·11lt1·1 ,·nd11rs111g n or µruvrding T e tif ies Comedian Ro bin Williams testified Wednesday befor e a grand jury in Los Angeles inves tigating the drug d eath of John Belu hi. Panel ·asks airport expansion ,\ hLhllH ,~ li.1l k"d gn1up h." tlu· lo·ngtlwnrng 11f thl' a1rpor1·~ tlw l'oUnty·., Ol'l'cl.., 1~ app rovf'd l.it1111 ho·d " pt'lll1t>11 drl\'t .11tltl'd 111.1 1 11 1 u n w o y f (Jr n o 1 ~ l' tod.iv 11 will wk1• at l1·ast 10 lo 12 :II 1w 1..,11.od111i.: ( )1 .111g1• ('1•u11 t\ .lltl'11Uall11n purpost•s ,.,.,. .. ;,.for th.ot airport t11comc· into !->u p1 •1 ' 1"'1' t .111 .. x}1.011d .111 d Sut h 1mprov<•1JH:n t:. wc·r1.· u"'" lrvt nl' .,aid C AC wants 111111111\1 .li1li11 \\',1\111 1\i1 I"'' t t .dkd f11r in an airport mai.tt·r in1pro\·c·m1 ·n L'> lo ng !~:fore· 1hc-n 'I h1· t .. 1111111111 11' 1\ 11 1••t1 t pl.111 .11loptt'<i b y su p<>rv1sors rn (1 v1111' said CAC ml'mht•n; frel 1'111111111 .t .,,.11 d1·,111 l11 ·d l~IHI Thatplan lalt>rwas blockl'<i t h t• :.upl'rv1:.ur<> have bec·n p111"'1.tl11111 "' g.11111.1111111 ul ~1v .1 Jllcfge follo wmg a trial 1n ".1n11 .11r po rt" and that "it's t1m1• l>1.111g1 \ '1111111' 1>u,111l " f11111,. l>r ... ngt• County Sui:x•n or Court 111 ~huw thl'm theft' arc a lot o f , .... ,,,.,11,111111~'. tl11 d11\1 ol 111111g C11u 11ty sup,·r\ •~ors arc· ix·oplf' who fr-cl th at airport's all t >.111h .. 1 111~.011" "'nurnlw" f1·1·I .q i p1·,rl1ng th ;:i t ruli ng \\1•vt· got and all we'r<' going tu 1 XJIJl1'l1111 111 th1 .111 po1 t '" th• 1111d1•rt·d in a legal ill'lton frlC'd by haVl' for now." .. 111v 1111111t·d1.t11 ,111'i\\ c·r 111 tit•· Nl wpon Beach and. a l tht· IrvlnC' said th<' group has set no 1 o11111t' .i11 11.111,p111 t.1t1o111 1w1'<l, ,,,m o· time arC' wc·1g h 1ng nev. goal fo r signatures in rts drive, t-'-•llllt\1 IJ11"'"' .111-,•·Jlh ll\'1111' p1 up11'als for futurt• .irrport but that the i:x·t1t1o ns pro bably ., .• 1ol 1111p1 m t•m1•nts "'ill Ix· prt.•sc.>nll'<l lo 'upt•rvrsors 11' 1111 ,,,ul 1 lu ~111up "1111 h S1111w o f 1hus1• p roi:x"·cls c·all tn <·arly Novcmlx'r • l.11111 .1l••11JI 1110 1111.i l hr"'" ,,, lnr 1111t nnh l'nlargin~ th<' ,11rpor1 CAC will w ork through JlS 111 1 111111 1, .., .,. , k111~ 1111•1 , 11 r11H nJ I. b ut 1nl 11·.1s 111g th•· own mcmbC'n.. local l'hambt.-rs o r l'·" k111i.: .111 , 111.11 ~··cl l1·rn1111.ol 1111111l 11·r o f perm1t ll'd daily Jt·t t nm m C' rt'<' and o t he r '"till"\' 1111 111, '" lt.011dl1 111111t d1·p.11t11n ·:. The 1111111 1:. n ow -I I u rganizattOn s t o c1r cula11• the ""'" lr.01111 111 ,,, th• ·"'f>''ll .111tl 1-:\'1·n tf a nc•w <11rµort to S(.•r vt• pc.'lltton s. he said Some t ltJ1H'h 11 t1m+-~ toda't l'Jlherw1SP la, t'•1grl~ 70 ,,., 7'> ~a•r 1on1~ht u1 l1 f-r10J1 Y11 1th overn19111 I 1w' ~! I ' &l •~1gh$ nr rr1day .. 4 tn , .. Et-;ewr,..,f" tto m Po•nl (,onc.ovtino I tr tJ M fll:•1c.an oordN 1011 '' t"° m•'P~ Smal raft Ad...-S'1tV 1n t!HP<I 0¥f'r Oul,., NdH'H'!i Ou1t I ,,, ,tfhwe11 w1nO\ r.t 18 10 10 >I I~ M•d b I~ 8 1001 \P3S lnO.l; W r·ds 0,.C•f"'BS•"f.l IM"O"' nnll r' U,h lo 17 10 21 a.n01<C. L. 1r .ti T ••Qt t .... :\t1ilnlP N1nd1 wf"St ,,, so_,,, ....... ,.-,., l2 tf) 18 ~not-Ii cJunng H'W 6fll'fn .nn'\ l()c1ily anO Frida)' W 1q1j A':-t .... P• ' tfl 4 ff'oet WeSI to \OuU wP\1 1iW,.lt~ l It> ' leet SomP , toyNtt WP' \OVthern waler~ todaf >'""r" s~ t31r 1htOUUh f'.t1d1ly Ca lifornia South~rn C 11l1tnr n1a wlll tHIV~ de-CtPdS "U C 1111'1'\ arirt wtntJ~ IOdAy ~0~ V IA1f ~rid II lolllP warmN J-11dtty OrangP \ r1u•>1v con e•Pt'CI IJr PNy day~ Hogh< 68 lfl /) low< 'i7 IO 6? High< •n 10~ ~lld9y lnl!rnCI VAllPy' will It/IV{> '"II"' 68 l o 75 12 lo 78 f rnlny l Ow' tn 50, M ountam._ will hP oarlly GIOUC1) with a C"ha11re nt 'howers we~I to norlhwl'<I ""nr1~ 10 3~ mph Htgh~ 4"i tci r;~ 1r ... 0, frlOAV l0"'$ ?8 In 40 Partly tlouoy tn deserts .. 11h wP4'1 tt't north\ollll",I wind' t 'S> JO mph Nonh"'" lleserl hight on 60s lows •n •O• r,.d•~ "•ght 65 10 7 5 Sovtt>em dete•1 hlOh• In 70s 1od11y end rr•d•y lowt on 509 Parlly Cloudy In nOllne•n St@rra thowtus And t no• con11nu1no 1n cenlf II •nd soul hern S•elfe Sunny eno b•tlOIZ'f e1.-,,ere 1n Noflh••n and Cent 111I C •lllorn1• w.,m1n11 l'rldlly ll.~. s1111111u1 ry Wlnler·ltke weerner iced th• u PPfH 11Al t1o u11 V •lle y 0" w eone sda y with mo•n•no '"'"~raruret only In lne :10• 1n mu c h o f llA onlan• and anow1howe11 ac allf!••d fr o m oetlern Mon1e111 Into nn• lhf!"' Wyoming T r•velti• s aov11orc•• w11•fl '"" 9d for 1oc11lly he•vy a now ov"' 11111 mo1.1n1111na o f nor1,,we11 Wyoming UHth end Neveoa Perla of Utah go1 nH vy anow Wttdn.i~dtllY •nd lne•e were ~nnw anowe•t ovt1• the nlghe• "'"" • H•v•dH ol C•lllorn1e who11a mOll)(lllt .,.,,. r9<1u11•d tn <.Ila ""' cnalnt In MOUfltairt P41tMt In tovlh<ttn Callfornl• 11111re we•• ac•tlf!•ert 1oc•llY heevy t now •"Ow•rt n v•" t Oulh••n M ono <.ounly , --~~~--~~..;._----~___;___; ____ ~------~---, Fair through Friday • 01 rodffy 1hunder5tof'rns were 1n1er11" nn tne Floroo11 P9111nsuta w•th '<l tnshowers from Soulh Da• ota ano Wyom1no acrou HOrtne1 n and central Arizona Clouo, •"'P~ were rorecnt In Ille ... r•P"' M••snun Va11ey !Ind Nonll Oil•OIP T t>1111u>ra lures Att>an, A.tiuQtJP Am;\,1lln Anct0r.ua9P A~hfllov•ll_., 1111an1a AtJant,c C.1r, B11t1mc,,t1 B·thnq• B.rm•n9t ...,m e.,m.1rr-.. an1~e 0ns,f(lfl B'"'"'''\vllt1 (lull air' BurltnQl<'n (.asper rna.a~on St. I hAtl'1n WV C.1'11,.ltl" N( ,-,,f'yf"nflt' Ct!tCBQO C1nc1nnl\t CIPvfllrtnC1 C1mnm <;r Columt>u-.. OAI Fl Wiit Oovlnn [)1>nver Dfl5 Mo'n"' ()foflOtl Ov1111h [I P~•O r a1tbitn~' rargo r agSIAll G1.iar Fall• tlaritor(.1 HelMla Ho~vlu HOVllOn "4hdnapt11 JM:ktn MS JAckanvlle Juneau KAM Coty KnnxY1llf'J la~ V!!QU 11111,. Roe~ ln\,11,Vlltf' lubllock Memph•' MemP"" Mt•ml M1tw11ultef' MC>I~ SI P N,.shv111~ 67 5"' 7ll 42 82 56 •2 37 78 '5 79 60 67 59 92 H 75 5• 46 39 83 61 52 3• 57 39 58 56 93 71 65 57 66 52 54 39 82 65 75 51 76 67 IO 56 83 63 78 S4 73 50 8 I 52 73 49 91 70 H SI 73 311 !IO 68 7' so 117 82 85 64 ~' 40 GO 43 &o 37 37 34 87 sr .. 38 89 75 85 75 78 50 "~ 8• 84 48 u II 118 81 61 79 81 85 58 80 53 18 82 86 55 88 &5 86 78 711 5t 75 66 84 53 N-0<11'11"' N-YOt1t NOif Oik No PlolU! 0 kl8 C•!v Omana Orlando Phtle(lpht8 Phoen1• Ptllsburgh Piiand Me Piiand Ore Prov1deocf1 Rate-o" Rap•d Cory Reno RtCl1mond Sa11 lal<p Sen Anron•O Sea Ille Shreveporl S10V• Fall• S1 Lout' Sr P lamp• SI Ste M111M! SPOl<•n" SvrM;uM! Tol)&I<• rue,.,., l1,1l1J3 wes,,ingrn w 1c,,•1a Apple VAiiey Bake,.hel<1 Ba111ow Beaumonl Bio Be•• BIS,,OP e1y1he Ca!altnn Eu•eli• F1esno L11nc.Hte1 lono BeM:n LOI Ange4et 86 68 7' 61 7, 63 7• 35 86 69 711 81 11{1 57 7• 59 <lt 62 69 46 61 53 61 •3 61 58 78 56 55 37 48 31 ,. 55 ., 39 9 1 73 62 •3 88 60 1• 41 8• 58 88 7 t n 51 59 u 70 50 83 66 118 53 87 68 71 57 86 66 71 u 12 60 H 65 63 52 61 32 so 38 89 83 70 58 61 50 ft9 ~' 111 55 II 60 69 6• ..... ., ~·~~-Rf _RIP_DR_T kff hrl .. Kh Z1.1m• Sltf118 MonlCe Nwwpo•I Beacn . S.'\J)leg.o Count)< Oull<>Ok for Frld•Y .......... 3 5 2 ' 3 & a--!t lllll• Cl'ltnge '"" l"rd 9 II ll T2 ..... .... 3 3 3 3 ..... ow w w w w Slahonwy•• ~oruov•• Mon1e1>ello Monterey Ml w 11son Ne4!dl0!9 Newpon Bu ch Oa1<111nd 0nl1'"0 Palm Sp11119s Piu adena Paso Roblcl' Riverside Red 811.111 Redwood Clly SAcrnmenlo Sallnas S&n Btl<n11rd1no San GAbnel San 011190 San """'CISCO Ston Jose S11n1a Ana Sftnl11 Ba1oero SAnl11 Ctul S1tnl11 Ma11a SAnlR Mon1c11 Stockton ll!hOf' Vllllf'V Th••mel rouenll" Yuma ,AN AM AC.llPulCO B••b•dOS 8ermud11 Bogole Cu111e11<> Ft &eporl Gu11da11111•a 0111de10tJ~ Httv•n• Ktnoston Mon1990 B~Y Maullen Mer Id• 11Ae11co City Tides TOOAY 77 59 84 61 6• 56 49 " 86 73 70 61 76 57 70 57 82 56 72 58 71 •8 69 57 n s• 71 57 71 ., 70 50 n 58 H 511 n &1 70 S• 7 I 52 72 58 71 52 80 50 88 56 70 59 76 50 •3 211 88 57 73 59 9• &o 89 11 89 78 88 78 66 u 90 78 18 70 81 53 90 n 89 73 115 75 86 73 90 73 91 73 82 50 Second low 2 3 I p m I 5 Second 111gh 8 29 p m 5 5 'llllOAY Fl1sl IOW 2.59. m 0 2 F1ttl hlQh 9 15 am S 1 Second low 3 03 p m I I S.cond lllgll II o• p m s 8 Sun H ll lod•y et 6 39 P m • rlNt 0rldt y I I 8 47 I m Moon , .... lod•Y •I 5 ,, p m . N II '•ld•y •I 4 16 8 m I lllH ll • 1,if !IU Jljllll l Ill lht• llo-1'1111111.111 l'ut ly 11111111111•1 , ho• ... 11d M11111., 11tl1111tkt.l thul th1· c l11h'11 do 11-.11111 11111lcl he· Ip l '.11 ku1 d ''I WI 11• 111 1,1111p.11K11 111 Wiii k lo tlll' lw1wl1t 111 lht· lh11d 1·111111111.Jh' Ill 1lw 11111t•·1C1 . 1>1·11101 iut H11v "1'111' 1\11 lwt "W1 111.1y Ill' pl11y111~ 111to1 tile• h.i11d i-. 111 tit•· 1)1·111111•1.1\11· 11111111111'1'. but Wt· JU:.I ('llll'I d11 II J ,, y II I Ii,. I w ·' y .. ' M 11 1 I I ' .11 k lli•W l1·d1-t1·d "T h1•1 l·'-. 11 11 .,111·,111111 11 w o uld lw 111 h 1i. (C'1l'a11'') f ,.1v111 111 h.1v 1· lh1• l.1111 11111 l'luli 1·11d1111>1·11w11t ·· B11tlt l.'11 ·,111 tt11d l'a1·ka1 d . M11111~ :-..11d. t1pl)<·t11MI h1 •fu11· th•· l' I \I h '1· c• k I n I.( I ls 'U fJ p O I I 1 .. 1111w111g tlll' l11ttt•rly 1•111111 ·,lt ·d pn111.11 v 1•11'(·\11111 111 wt11d1 l'r 1 .. 111 t'dgt•d l'.J1·k:1n l b y ~~ vo\I•:. Thi• Ll1 '>ll ll l l'IH'untp ,...,:.1·:. 01 a 11gc· -.11u1 h Or:ini.w <11111 11111tlt S.111 IJtl'j.(11 I OUllltl·~ M o rr 111 alr.o pollllt'<I out I hut tlw 1 luh'1t m ·tHrul pol'llllm un 1lw 11111· '"' no t u11 1>rl·n·d,•11t1•LI llt< 11·1-.11l1•d th1• lluh r1·m u1 nl·d 111·1111.tl Ill 1lt1• ll.17fi r.11 l' th111 p 1 111· d I< 1· pub I 11 ,, 11 M .1rta11 l\c·r l.(1'1>1111, running .111 u wr 11t· 111. ltl(••tni.t CiOP IH•nl llll'l' .11111 Slc·1111111:. 1111d Ot·rncH'I a t Hu 11 (.'111 d11 v.1 lol' a N1•wpor1 H1·u1 It /\s1t1·111l1ly ~·al l "11nt11v;1 1·11wr j.(1·d \Ill• Wllllll'I Ill that l'Ull\t'Kl Wl111\· 11 11 j1uk1•!>1tlU 11 fol tllt' ( '11';111 I lolllfllllj.(11 dl)Wt1pl11ynJ llll' 1111p11 rt ;111 c•1• o f the· c·luh 'i; lll'll l 1.ti1 t v l':rl'k11nl l'la11111•d 11 w,.-. ,, v1°1·1111 y fw hrs <'11•1.·111111 1·II111 l "l\11 tlll' way thr1111gh w c·'v1· 111·111111li1t'<I a 1111111lw·1 111 IJC>itplt• 1'lqll'( tt•d lo ~uppw·t 1111' rn11111111•1• W t' 1'"1' th.it ,1!> U VH'\111 y ," l'.01 k.J I cl t•11n1m1·11t1·d "W1•'d 111111 Ii 1111·fc ·r lhc•y ,1;1y tll'Ul1 1d 1.o1h1 ·1 th.111 1(11 with ( '11·1111 " ( '11 •,111 l'llfllft:lll{ll Spllkl'Slllall M1k1· W11l1an111 ... 11d "I think tllt'y '11• tuklnl( lh1· hr~h ro ad wh11. h I• lht• INAft• thtn.i to uo " But l'Vt•n t h ough 1tw Lm<'olr1 Club llM/IC 1,. n ·111Jllll111( 1wut1ul, hut It < 1.1nd1du t1·11 • l111111lc'd ..uh oet.111 11.tl .;upvor l urnong 1111 llll'flllM•ri. L111t'ol11 duhtw•nc 11r1· netl unly :mpp111·1111~ C11•:111, lJut ali.11 will :.1•1 Vl' 1111 th1.• 1.·und1dull''i> h o"l t •11111lltllt'l' fo r on up<·on11n~ f1111d 1.w .;.·r , W11liu1TU1 surd ll11w1·v1·r. WilltalT\Jj d1·d111t«.I to hs t the· 111111ws of Ltn(•ol11 C lub i. u p fJ 11 r t 1· r i. u n l 1 I t h 1· 1 r purt ll'lp1tt111 11 11 () tlu· h 11:;1 ( 111111111 t l.(-c. lb ('(Ill r irnwd 'l'll'd 1•l 11iwly to th1.• 011J 111(1· l'11unty H1·pul.ll1nm P arty. 1h1.• I .111111111 C luh d1s burst•s Jbout $1 ~10 ,0011 1·1tl·h t•l1•t'l1un y c·ur lo ltt'p ubl11 an c·b nd1da 11.·s while· 1 .. 111.111111111, 1nd1·p1.·ndf'nt o f 1tw I"''' y .1pp:11 :1t us, M o rrti said Marines back in Beirut BEIHUT . L ebunon (AP> U .S . M anne rc·mforl-cmt.•n ts und amph1b1o us vehil'lt·s s plas h e d a s h o r e· to day lo b o ls t1.•r t hf' 800-900 lt.'athc rncc ks guarding Bt•irut airport, wht•rC' th e f irst rnmml'rt·tal .)l.'tlint.·r landed a ftc·r a m .. <1rlv four -month shutdown Prt·s 1dl·nt Amin Gemayl·I uff1l'lally rt•u pt.•m •d th(: airpo rt and proc:latmt'd &·1rul a urutC'd <:tty Martnl' frogmen Sl'art·ht!d thl· wutt-rl> al the tx.•achht>ad nt•ar the airport for mlnt<S und other M arinl'" :-.w1•pt the s h ort· for l'Xp l u:.t vl':. befu rl' the rlc'tnforl'l.·menL"> landt-d As a lamltng :.hip slo ppt-d shvrt of thl' sh on•ltnl' :ind the· ramp opened. a bulldo z.er flying the U .$ flag rumbled off and the ftrsl o f about 100 M artnl-s b<'ga n wading asho rt• Mom e nt.:. latl•r. 1-1 amph1b1uus assault vc·htdl's with mac h1nl' guns mounted sn a kl'<.1 their way about om' mill· from 6th Fll't'l s htpl> t o thl· :.h on·ltn(· Th e 1ral'kl'd Vl'htt'lt·s roart•cl up the tx.'al'h .md ht•ach-d tn t h l· ;urport undl·r a light rain "I am vl!ry happy to unno um·c· to d av that B1.·1rut h as again b l' C' ~n1 t: l h l' l' n p 1 l a I o ( a I I Lt•bJncm." Gc•mayel, a 1..A·banl'st> Chrtl>ttan. s;;r1tl at thl· tomb of th(· unknown soldier itl the m1d-c1ty musL·um . nt•dr thl' Grel•n Lrnl' that d1v1dt:'ti Beirut tnt.o C hns tt:in east a nd Moslem west P:ir11c1pating 4n the rere mo n y • w1 ·n · tJ S Mui 1111'!1 plu11 1-'1 • 11d1 ,111d lt.1lra11 s<>ld11·r-. 111.ik111j.( IJI• I h1· 111·an·kl'l'!Jlllj( (111 n · th.it w.1~ dl'ploy (•d :1 ~ l :.1,11 •11 ll<lllJl'.'o wrthdn·w '"l'hc·n · ·~ 1H1 rn11rf· ;1n 1·;1~1 B('lf'Ul and a w 1•st l~:1rut I\~ 111 today , th1• whtJlt· t'ap1lol will l.11· rl'lllllll'U a nd lhr:. I!< nut o nly a ~ymhol of tht· rt.·unrf1t·atHJll but . a n ·uni r 11.:a l111n uf th(· hea rl, .. G1.·1lldycl ~1d. . . L • Th1.· l<1sl attempt lo u n ify B<·ll u l was in Novt.'m bcr 1976. wh1·n Synan pea(·l'kt.~ping for<.•t-s t·11ll•n'<l th1· <.·1ty t'J sm ulhe:r tht- Congress • ('lit 1 .1t..r1 Mi1'11•·m 1 1v1 I w<tr That II y 11111..tJJll''<f tJfl(ll'f th 1• prt'SbUrl' 11f r1·nr·w1·d f 1~}1tm~ ·1 h1· I ,,1·l.;1n,...,· ,i;,v · rodl(J !>did c. 'f'r.ort!ll MNl1t1-Tr.1r11·;an Arrlrnci; jet oi I I I v ,. <I •I t I h ,. it I r p 0 r l a t r11irl 11111r ri 1r1~ f r1llowt-d by a M1ddl1· 1'::1J1t Arrltn(~ y ·l. 1n what w ;1'< ri·~ei rd•·d <t!I ;. 1ymb ultc· r r·lurn lt1 nurmc.I al lht· lo ng- d•r.>4-<l a irport .A l> '' u & :1 0 0 L ~ b .a n ~ s e ~ • applaudc'CI <tnd c ht.-ert-d as the rt-d <inti while MEA )f.'l la ndt.-0. The p1l111 flt•w a Lebanl-st.' flag fro m tht· t·tJ( kp1t w indow Ill race on spending hill WAS HINGTON IAP ) Dt•.,p ttt· the midnight start o r a new f1 s<.·al yea r. J.tassage o r a ~lopga p spending bill neces...ary to kt•t.•p thl' government running will have to wait until Fndav . H o u st.• Speak er Tho m as P O"Netll Jr said today. O 'Nt.•111. D -Mass .. to ld r eportL•rl> thut nl'go tiators fur tht• H o use• and Senate w o uld not f1111s h w o rk on a compromise versio n o r the• measure unlit the early hours t>f Friday O'N c·1il said the H oust! w ould not s t<i y in session to night 10 aw~11\ thl· fin al mc•asure "W ,•11 pass that tomorrow . so l dun't think thl·n •ll be loo mu<.'h l'fft.'<'t" on the Opt'rat1ons of the govl·rnment. O 'Neill said ~d w1 n L D ale Jr . a :.p<lKPi.man for the While H ouse Off11·t· of Man a gement and Buu~wt. said a ll fC'd eral agencies havl· bl't'n to ld 10 prepare t o h 1·g1n l>hu1do wn o p e rations F rrd<ty Five die in Soviet jet crash LU XEMBOURG (AP) -A Sova•l airline r s krcfdC'd o ff a runway a t Luxembourg's airport, s1desw1ped a watl'r tower and e xploded into flamt•s. and the g overnment said today tha t five p eople W C'rl' ktll c d and 72 tnJurc-0 ln1 11:.i l n•JX1rl~ put the dC'a lh toll at 5:\ Thal was rf'vtscd to 12 and l:itt'r a polr<'<' srxJk esman said the numbt.•r was no h igh er than 10 T h e lat('l>l to ll was given b y Rogt•r S1t•\71·n . prC'Sldt•nl o r L u Xl·mb .. urg·., nauo nHI :urlr nt'. Luxa1r S 11·11.1·n :.pt•.tk111g f o 1 the• Lu,.,1·mhouri.t govl•rnml·n t. :-aid oil rive d c:a d 1n WednC'sday's l'ra-,h at Ftndc·I Airport wen• Luxt·mbuurg nationals H1· s aid the in Jurrcs l o tht• o t h t' r 7 2 p e o p l e · • v a r y cons iderably." H e s aid t h e A e r o fl ol llyushin-62 a irliner -en rou te to Lima, P e ru. fro m M oscow With 66 passengers a nd a c·re w o f 11 s kidded o ff the runway a fter 11 made a no r mal approoC'h dl thl• L uxembourg airport "Immediately aftt•r tht> landing th1· am-raft dnftf'd loward the rtlo(ht l)f the landing s lrrp and <.•amt' tn a s tandstill rn a small woods," he said T h t• .i l rt r a ft . w h tt· h h ad ,1dc~w1p<'d J w awr tow e r. burst into f lanws but m ost o f th<' IJ"""'ngC'rs and thl· entire crew (·'-<·.ip<'<l, ht• said Nt•rthf'r S1etzc·n no r an y o ther g11vt•rnm1·11 1 o ff1c1al w ould s pt·t·ulatc· o n w h a t made the plant· s hoot o ff the runway or commt•nt 011 pulrt•P reports that o nl' o f th C' l'ng i n es malfunC'tto n<'d Trans p o rt a t 1011 Mr n 1s t e r J os(•ph Ba rthe l a lso df'nied a rl·r><>rt publis h e d in a local nl'ws papC'r t hat the c rew nwmbt.•rs wc·n· lax tn assis ting I ht• Ill JU rt'(f Concord Mariner SG. Designed to accommodate the most' active lifestyle. Handsome. thin. with a sweep-second hand and a date calendar. It's a sculptural blending of stainles.5 steel and warm. rich 14 karat gold. Wat.er-resistant to 99 reet A~curat.e to within 60 seconds a year. Never needs wtndtng. Completely hand-crafted In Switzerland. His. $890. Hers. $840. Also available in all steel. His. $590. Hers. $550. SL" VICK'S Fine~ Since 1917 Where rM besr surpnses begin . fl!Sllton IWnd (71•16"·1380• Newport 8Ncti Alto Grm..r Los AnoeM •Sit\ Otego • Le~ • ) Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, September 30, 1982 NATION LB senior homes 'al fordable' Jobie claim record WASlllNt:'l't1N S111111 '/11.1.11110 A1111•111 .11 " pl .11 1·d f I I 'I I I 1111 I I ,1 I 111 ' f 11 I w11•111pl11v1111·11l l1t·111 •t11" 111 llw w1 •1•k 1•111l111g S1•pl Ill, .1 I I' l II t d fl ll tll IJ l ' I , l h 1• g11v1·rru111·11l 11·pt1111'<1 1111la\' 'l'h1• I .:1h11r I >.·part1111·t1t ,,uct lhl' ld111gs :o.Uctll'd l.Jv !Jli,000 ov1•r 1lw 111·101' w1•1•k's 11·v1s1 •d f1gur1• 111 ti07,UOO 1111ll:rl d.11111 til111gs. wh1d1 d1·t1·1111111•· • I I ).! I Ii I I I I v l II t I I I' I ,. I' II ll<'ll1jd11\ 1111·111 111,111 .! II• I' I llllllH'll:0..1111>11 ( ht~•ki. 'l'h1· 'i ll:l ,IJOO I trs l 111111• I l.11111' I l'IJll''l'lll t•d I ht• h1glh·:-.I h-v .. I tor u s111gll' w1·1·k ...i111 •1• llll' .f.(tlVl'l llllll'l\I l11 ·g.111 1·0111pil11q; :.uelt ... 1.111 :-.111 -. 111 IU74 Tl11· p1 l 'Vltll" l11gh fl7~1.t)()C) ~"'' 1q41-.t1·11•d 111 May l!lllO Haig says job 'mistake' N!!:W \'OHK 111 '"' 11 .... 1 .,.._,._-:.1.nll'rVll'W Sllll'l' 11·:-.1g11111g a-. s~·'-•1.11·, ot 'tJL\·, Al1·:>...1111h 1 l la1g s.1ys ht• dt'\'tdl'd 1·.11 I\ 111 his l1·11u1 ,. 111 lh1· H1·.1g.111 Adn11111:.lr.1111111 1h.11 11 had b1•1·11 .1 1111s1.1k1• lo 1.1kt• 1 ht• Jllb llJ1g rt·al11.1·d his t't 1111 "fa1rh l'arl\ 1111" \vlwn lw fuu nd. "oppo~1 t11111 d(•\'1 •l11p111g lu llf\1°' \'11'\\'' 111\'lt'I~ 1111 lilt' ,,tkt o f 11pp11:-.111g lhllM' \'It"•\'!'> ,111d I hq.:;111 lo l'OIH IUtlt· th.ii \\,I;. lhl' l'aM' In ll'l'l,1111 lll'l.llltl'' S U I h II II ll l ' l l ' S S J I V t11 ..... 1gn•1•m1·n1s lhn•;ilt'lll'd lh;· 11.1111111'-. Sl'\'UI II:>, } l.ug ,1d1lt·d Ill lilt' llllt.'l'\'ll'\\. 111.1Jt.• St•µt 111 .111d tu bt· brui.11kus1 1u111gh1 1111 i\B<._".., "20 :!O " lll'W:. 111.ig.111nt• a11d "N1ghtltm•" U) S'l'EV1·; l\llT<'llE l.l. 01 tht Dell, Pllol llell 1\ 'tllll'k 1•h1 I k \\ llh lht• 1 ... i.:1111 .• n ..... 1i n .... 1 .i .. 1 Ul'.111111-. -.h11w' tlw 1 l11 .. 111t·..,1 l111u..,.. 1111 lilt' 111,11 k1 l I ti Ill\\ 11 I' i.:11111~{ I 111 $1 :111/1llll Tht· 11w111·1 111 llH· 111·>.I 1111"1""'' h11u-.t· 1, ,1-.k111i.: $11i7. :1110 Su vuu t'ull u11dl'11>l1111d w h y lh1·v'n · 11111111< up 111 buy 111ln lon ;I d1•v1•l11 p1•r J11 1111·s S1·h1111 l '/' :l t llllll jH'llJl't'l ~hlil pr11b11bly w1111'L 1·v1•n i.:1•1 und11r w11y Lmlll l,111 · 111•xl spnng "W1•'v1· had mo11• 1ha11 :rn 1114u1r1<·s ahoul 1h1· IJl'llJt'l'l o1h1.•,1dy," Sdlll11t7. .... ud A 11<i 1H1 w1mdt•r Seh1111 lz, of l~·ad1 l'1111sl1 u1·111111 l'o . pl:.ins lo Ill ,1 I k l' l t h I' 5 IJ () -l U t>llO -.4 u.1n· f11111 u111l !> f111· l>1:tw1·1·11 $7:!,:1UIJ ,111d $HU.UOO But .• is 111 llw t:a::.1• o f mosl gn•al dt•als. lhl'n°s .1 eateh Evicted · resident Airline ticke ts offered J•11111ly w11h E:1sll'r11 A11 ltm·:,. ( 1 l ill' No I U S au tonwkt.·r s~ud I 1lw p1'<1gra111 sl:ining Friday DETHOIT C:i.·111·1 :11 Motors C11rp :. Ch1·vr1>IPI D1v1s11n1 tod.iv .in110L1111·1•d .1 µr11gr:1m to h1)fl:.l t.'ill' ;ind l r u t.· k s a I 1• -. w 1 l h .i 11 unpn·L·1•th•n1t•d ol fl'r of fr,,.. u11·J11w ltl'kl'ls worth uµ 10 $:!.mJH Lo buy1·r:. in lbt· 1wx1 slX w1•t.•ks aid eyed In u slulL•mt•111 rt.·lt:as1·J WORLD w ti I g1 \'1 • hu yt.·rs llf !YB:! wid 1 !:JH:I mudt·I l'h1•vrolt·l ._'h1•\'l'll1· and C1t:.il1on t•urs .111d <..'h1 •\'V CIO. GMC C'l 5, ('hp\'\ S -io. UMC S -l:'i ;ind LUV. p1l'kup trut.·ks a lrct-' round-tnp la:kt.•t for lwo Opponents trade charges SAC'HAMENTO A t' l' u :-. 1 n g L'<ll h o l ht· r "t "dtsloflums ... Tom Br.Hill·\ and G1·01g1· D1•uk1111•J1.1n e I a s h t · d o ,. t· r 1 ..i ' 1• .. agncullLirt· .incl .1udg1·:. in 1h1• f I rs I fitt' l' l ti f ,tl I' d I ' Ii .1 l 1 · W l'dn1·sd.1:.· 111gh1 of th1·11 rnt.·1· for g11v(·rn11t A c1:ord1ng to a nt•\.\ f.ll>ll. M:1yor Rr:.idlc•y ha:-. a strong 'Bullet ·trairi' S A <: H t\ 1\1 E N TO LPg1sl.1t1on gt\'tng lht· gn•1·n l1gh1 lo th1• n .1t1 o n ·.., ftrs t "bullc·l tr.otn." hdwt·1·n L os Ang1·l1·-. .ind S,111 D1l'g". h.is bc-c-n "•gnt•d h:. c;o,· 1'~1mund Brm.\ 11 .I r T h • · I ti O m 1 I 1 ,1 n h "u r lt ·.1d 11v .. 1 r\t1o r111 . .'V Ct·nl'r.il l>1•uk1111·J1<111 . h1:-. l:lt·publ11-.111 oppon1 11 l Flll\-thn:1.· p .. rc1·1H ol th1· 1.2tHI l'tdt I urn1cins pul l1·d lav111~l Br;.dlt•y . .i D1.·mo<.-r.1t. :i I p 1.· r l' <· n t pr 1• f 1· r r 1.• d l>1·uk11wJ1an cind 16 Pl'rt"L'nl "1·n · und1·1.1 dt.·d. lh<• poll -.ho\\.., hill inked t·lt·l'trtc trn111 . pa11t•r111•d a l ll·r 'hi• "uull1·1 1n~1ms" of Japan. w ould nwk1· thl' I :!0-milt• lrtµ on <J Spt'<·iall.' built lr:.il'k tn ll·ss lh:.in an hour Bm kl'n, hupt If• h~l\·1 · II m s1•rv1l'l' b\. IYHH . Pension fund use weighed SA N 1-· H i\ N (.' I S l' 0 MJn.1g1•t.., o f C.il1f1>r1\1i1'.., $17 :! b1lh11n ix·n ... 11on fund .1r1· tr:--·1ng to lou v US S1t·pl'" Ii '1 s lo r y h l'<t d q u J l'l l' r s 111 PttL..,IJurgh. P<i Thl' sk ys<. rap<.•r 1:-. "Ol1l' 11f lh1· mosl allr:.it·tiv<· pll'<'l'S uf prupi.·rt y in Amt•nca lodoy:· STATE '><•tel S1dnc·v McCausland, dl'JJU 1 ~ 1·Xl'1.:u ll vc· o ff 1c·C'r of 1 h t· S l a 1 l' Em p I o y l' C' i. H l' 11 r l' m 1.• n t S vs t em on Wednl'sdav · Thi· syi.il'm mam1gl'S funds fo r 7:rn.ooo t'urrent a n d rl'l1n·d s tall'. city. counly and s<:hool dislnct l'mployees. Hurricane slams Mexico LA PAZ . Ml•x1t·o I lurnt'<lnl' Paul slamml•d tnlO n orlhwt•s l M1.•x1 l·u l·arh 11xl;1~. p;wkmg I 12-mph gu!.ts .md h1.·avy rJms lhat damagt·d h oml' .... ind l'Ul lt•lt•phonl' !.crv1t<' ,1long lhc· 1·oa ... 1 ol I h<• Gulf of C:.ihfnrnt.i Th1.· n a tional wc·.ithc>r :-.<·rvtl'l' m Mexico City said the \'anguard of lhc-hurricanl" p a s s c• d o v £' r t h C' B a j a C;l11forn1.1 pC'ninsula late> W <· d n c· s d a .\ n 1 g h l a n d "masht·d tnl<> tht> mainland in the 1•arly morning hours $6 million cocaine seized Si\O l'A U LO. Brazil Poli1.·c· "I\ Lht>v SC'IZC'd 220 pounds of L'oc-aint• valulxl 111 $6 m1ll111n .ind that part of 11 wa~ d<•.,tmL•d for tht' UmtC'd S tales and Europe• t'11lttc· said Wednesday lh:t.111:-. ut u11· uu:-.t Wl'rl• s11ll skE>ll·h:.· Tht.·y said offtCN!> st·1zcd thl' l'Ocainc Tuesdav night nrar Avare. At ll"ast on~· f11n·1gn1·r . an ex-Bolivian <:onsul in Brazil. was among tht· five· p<'Ople arrested. thl" pohl't' said ' By ROB ERT BARKER 01 lht Delly Piiot Stell A ml'lhod lo 1.:o mpt•nsatt.• d1spla<·<·d inobil1· honw tenants on lht• bas1!> of lh<· lt•ngth of evic:llon n<>llt't•s will be s tud11.•d by the I lun11ngton &•at·h Clly Council Thi· pl<in. n'l·omnwnded by the 1·11:v·~ dl•v1·l11pnwn1 sC'rv11.·t•s staff .ind <1pp1 nvt.'d lh1s Wl•t•k for studv. L<ills for lhl· purl'hast' of t:oal·h1•!> .it varying p<.'ITl'lll<1gl'S of lh1·1r full markN Vi.llU<' 1f th'-'Y t·;111 '1 find .1 pl<1t'1' to m<>Vl' C:ll v off1e1als ~av lhC'rc• 1s a grnw1.ng cl1•mr1nd for p:.irk ownl'rs to us{ 1ht•1r land for gn•at.f>(' prof11 Of l't:Jb ::ib11 null' lhl'rt' is a 2t•r11 •at·a nc y· r<1 ll· 1 n Orange County 01ohtl1• home parks. T1·na11ts would fl't'PlV1• !HI pt·rc·1·nt uf tht• valut• of tht· coal·h on 0111• y<'ar's nollL'I', 80 perl'ent on two y1•ars· nu111·t•, 65 p1>rcen1 011 thn•t.• y1·ars' n11111·t·. 45 1x •rl't•nt on four vt·ars' 1111ll<·c· a nd :15 p<.•rt·1·n1 1)1; fivt· ;.'f'ill"s' nu11cc· P;i\'m1•11ls 111 lht• ownt•r of a t'O:tl'h with :1 mark1·t value of $5<1.0110 would r:ingt· from S 12.- 500 lo $4:'i.tJ00 unckr thL• formula Staff m1·mt:i..-r ... s:iy Lh<· sltdmg Sl al1• ... ysH•m would provtdf' 1·qu11<Jblt-t1 l':.1lnwnt <md would t'nl·ou r<1g1.· lo ng1·r null f ll'a lion p<'rHxls th;11 would give tenants mun· ltmt' to find nc:w hving quarlc·rs Crillt'!> .,.,.,., huw1'\'C'r , the plan m1gh1 ll•t ·p,1rk n wn1•rs avoid rPl1x,1llon l'O~L'-lx'<.·au!'.l' thl•\' nwv n o l p I o n t o d I' v <· I o p i. h e 1 ·r propt•rty 111 al lt•ast f1 v<,. yl'ars No m oh1'1· honw parks have· bl.•t•n dost'll to dalt· C11 v offil'1als h<iw b\.'(•n gr(lppllng for month~ lu find a 1.·ompl'nsat1nn plan at·1.·t•µtabk to hoth lt•n11nts and park owm•rs 01 llt·i:ds art· l ry1ng tu prc•parl' <in .igr1·t·ml'lll on a mobile humt• c-onvt•rs111n orchnanl·c· bv l h l' (' " d (I ( () l' t II b l ' ,. A mor.1to r1um on l'unvPrs 1ons l'XPll'I'!-. lll'Xl .Junt• An111h1•r form of c·1)mpc·nsal1on undl·r s lud y t·<tlls for pa: k owm•rs lt> p.1y; tt•n:1111s the cosl of movtng tht·tr l'•liffhc•s lo otht.'r park::. w1th1n 100 mill's uf the> Ctl:V \l'/1 y fi!fhl the j n1agt~ ? SALEM Mas..., tAPI f~l'h \ll'<ir as liall11w1·t·n nc·ars and 1hough1 ... turn lo ghostly spirit.s. the· mfanH>l" "l'<H'oast town of Salem with ll:-. w1tl'h lr1als and c•xet·ut1ons g1'ls morl' lhan 1\s .;hare• of <Jlh•nl1on. This y t>at'. lhr cioocl pC'oplC' of Sall'm an· rc·ady 8;11·kl'<I up a budgl'l of only $64 t11 dntt'. th1· musl'Um and thi· dt \'s Ch:iml11•r nf Cnmmc•n·1· arc' pr~·imrrng I l:tll11w1 ·c-n c·v1•nls We're Listening ••• "40ncJ-•v ~ u<J•'r If vr1 IJt.• n1 1 ".._., What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like" C'all the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor Y'Ouf OICMP' b'r ., M_ Cl w ,o Mi·"" I 0"" •"'d 'f')U' "'"' .. A I t>fl' l'IPI ..-.M • The same 24·hour answenng service may be usC'd to record let ter s to thl" l"d1Lor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include thC'1r namt-and tele phone number for venftcatton No circulatio n t•a lls. pleast• • Tt•ll us what's on \'Our min<I ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thom as P. Holey 1• t I \h''' u11d ( h1rl [ ,1f'C IJf+Yf'I O fl1r ,., l . Kay Schultz "'"" p,,.,,"""'' ON1 Chtec•Of ut /\tfwtt0"'"0 Michael '· Harvey 0.t«IO< t>I M0tl"'"'O •(,,....,,..,., Jane Amari r -~t "'""" f LI•''" Raymond Moel.eon Con11olle1 Kenneth N . Goddard Jr. O••ec•o< of Op.,<oto()l't1 642·6086 Clu1lfled edvertlelng 714/142·5871 All other depertmentl 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE • llO Not loO¥ ~I (0\1• MM•, CA M•lf •dd,.o lo•,,.., CoU• MtW. CA .,.,. CooyrlQlll "'' o,..,.,. CO<l•I Pulll"hlt!Q C_n, Ho,. •• , llOtlt\, ttt111tr•tlon•. tdll0tl•I ,., .... ,or •6- .. ,"''"'.,." IWteln m•y be re!l'odUUd '*llhout •IM< 1•1 ""'"'""on of COPY• IQM owrwr '9cono <IH\ PO•t..,. P<OIG •I tO\te llA•H, t •ttlornl• (VP~ 144 llCJO) ~ub\crlpllon by urrltr U 15 monthly DY"'~'' ~ :IOn-1111, TIW 0•..,. CO<l\I 0•11• "Hol, •1111 -" I• com-bln•d .... H ... , Prtu. " Oullfll-Dy .... Ot•- co.ot PUOll\•11119 (O'Tlpeny MIN••t. •--••• outlll\Md -•• lll•OUOll ,,, •• ., lo• Co"• Mt .. . Ht WPOr1 ·-h. H ... UnQiOft llt a(ll, Fount•ln v ..... . trvl,,. l ....,. e .. cll, Soll"' (M •I A \In.-,..._. tdlttOft '' ll\Alll~ S•t11rtl•'I'• .,,. S..NltY> ,.,. p11n<•o•• -''"Wit Ol<MI 1, •t "°Wot••• $1-1. P 0 8oa 1560 CO.le ,,._q C.•fflOtlll• t>tlt VOL. 75, NO. 270 Hu v1·1-. 111U'll Ill' ut ll•U1ll hO v1•m:. ul UK•'. 01 prumLM.· not to lllOVt• 11\lu tlll'll Ulllt \,111111 tht•y I l'ill'h !hut ow•· 111 1111• lltll•t'llll, tla'v 111u111 r1•11t th1•1r uni u t Jlf1;1 du hit• ru\t'" l•i old,.1 tt·m•nt11 In 11dtltl11111, 1Juv1•r1o1 111u111 1•u111 li·11. .. tlrnn $2~.ooo· u Vt•ur tt11d , 1f 1ht·y l'U·ll 1lw 1r w111 In l11tt'I' y1·11rK, 111u,.1 n o t :i11k mun• tha n till• udl(IOUI prn·t· pluti 1111 Ul.IJUSlllH'nl 1111' influt1on. Sc.•hmiti m11l h1H 111v1•storH hnv1• subm1ll1•d plaml for lht• 111'11,1t~·t lto lhe ,., t y's pl:rn ning dl•pu1 t11 w111 and hopt• to bn •uk l(round ''" tlw t.' i g h l I t· v 1• I , l 1• r r 11 l' t· d dt•Vt·lop111!'11t hy Apl'll o l lll'Xl y1·ur Tht.• units would front 011 Ml'rma1d and thl· :3rd Strc•t•l hill. and fc•a turl' a V1t·l0rum dt·Mgn and two t•ll'vators Parking for I !J whtl'll-i:. would be a1·t·ommud:.i11•1I with an c---' Talking po lit it·~ undt•rground lot and u 11mnll<'r lot 0 1 th,• uphill c:ornt•r ot thl' 12,000°11t1uur1• Com parc.'t.•I. ~1m-i· th1• cl1.·vt•lc.;pnw nt wuuld hoUtcl' onl y st•nlor cltlic•n a. ~:h-hm1l~ lwllt•v1•8 th1• 8\A lt• (.'oustJ•I <:urnmilll!lon well J~rmll ft•Wt•r porklng ic p:it·t•M than norm ully l'l'qUirlod A n ll . h t• 11 •1 y ~. t her c o r l' pou·n1l11l ndvanti1Kt.•x Lo l .uJ(unu B<'Uch Wl'l't• ll lO a pprovt< lhl· Pru j(x· t Sine<• lhe :SI unit s w o uld quulify us a ffur dahll' undt•r Oranut• County government t'l•gulation s, the d evelopers would r~"CIVl' affurdubl~housing L'l'l'dit.:. for each unit. Thost· lT<-d•Ls could lx· sold to dc•vt.'!opt:rs out.side La~unu who, undl•t l'OUnty rt!gulauons, must provide 25 percent Ufordablc h1J11sing 111 tht•ir projt.'<:ts. C1•tllflcatc'tl for •ut h unlL'f II tor bout $20,000. whHh . &hm1tz any•, would lx tur 1wtJ OVl'r'I to L.ugunu Rt•t1d1 fm futuri• tow c,'()ljt hnu11lnl( pru1'\'0. If u ·1 t1h1 .. 1lt•11 w1•r1• i.cihJ lw .ill :ll urillh, tlw city would lx•nl'fll ltJ tht• tu1w of u buvt $0~11.000 "arm ark,. (j r 11 r u r r or u >i h l t• lmuijlng In town SLhm tu so ld ht·'itlso 11> f'><plorrng tn(•Q n i. or provl<llrlg lo w 0 lntcr(lat flnon<:ing to old1.·r buyers. • And, h e suid. he'd Ilk<• to sre as many oldt.>r Li:igununs as ~Ible get into th<.· pro.JC.'l'l. ''The necd is rn Lagun<i anci""SO far all anyon<' has dorw 1"1 w lk about affordable h o u!>tng." ~·hmiti said "W e felt we'd lry ond do something about 1t." Fornwr Govt•rnor Edmund G. HPalH Brown chats with re porters in tht-Orange.• <:ounly llall of Administration pre s room as forme r county Uc mocratic c hairman Richard O'Ne ill looks on. Brown was in tht· c.·ounty to campaig n ·for De mocr-atic candidate . No school closings set by N-M hoard in '83-84 By JODI CADEN HEAD Of the Delly Piiot lleff Trusl<'<'S 1n tht· N1•\\'P<Jr l· M l'<..i U 111f11.·d Sl·hool Di...l rtl't d£'t'1th•d Tul•sday night not lo dost• any schools 1wxt yt·ar anct Ill k1·t·p all four high st.'hools opt·n until 1h1· 1 Y8i -88 S<:hool y1•ar The dl'l'ts1i1n laid tu r1 •:-.l rumors tha t Corona dL·I Mar ;rnd ~:.-;tanda l11gh &:hoots would tx• l' I o s <' d so o n S u t' h a rt• t.· • omml'ndal1011 wa-. m..illt· 1·;irl1<•1 lhts Vl'ar bv th1· Edut·auonal Ht•soun·<-s Adv1 .... 1rv Cl)mm1tll't'. .1 group of pnrc•nL-; and l<':Wh<•r" DC'nni!:i Edwards, Corona dt•I Mar l11gh Sl-ht1ol prim·1pal. smd that lht• nl·Ws l'illnl' as a r<'lll'f to lh<· l'ampus thal had bl.•l'n nfe wllh rumor.; of dosun· Stnl"tc' thl· c1l1zc•n 's rc·po rl w;" publtsh1•d 1.tsl f c•bruan "It's :. marv<·lous d1·1·1s1on." S<:ttd Evans "Th(• rumors l1•ndl•d to ma kt• p::irc•nl:-. rl'IUL t:tnt to pu1 1hc-1r yuungsH•r 1n ,1 '-C h ool 11<·kl·tc'CI for dosurc.>" Undt•r th£• f1vc-Vt'<H studl•nt huus1ng program · adopted by 11 ust l't·s. s1ud1cs o f poss1bll' , l11sur1· o f five l"lc-mcntary s 1.· h o 11 I s <t 11 ci c I o s u r l' o 'r l'onsohdation of two intl'rml'Cltalf' 'i<'hoob will nol Ol'-'Ur until nt?Xl s pnng E vl·ntng High Sch ool and W 11 o c1 I ;in d a n d L i n d b e r g h t'll'nwnt;1ry st·hools were clos<'d 111 .lu1w • Cal1forn1:.i, Eas1bluff, Bear and Collt•gl' Park elf'mt•nUlry sch ools .all havt• £•nrollm<'nls near 300 and an· among those that l'Ould b1.· targt•t.s for closure later, said dislrit·t spukt•swoman J ean llarmon L1n1.oln and Davis tnlt•rml'dtall' s<.'hooh• are the lwo "l'hools whose populations ar e dt'(:hning raslesl. shC' added. Truslt'<-' Ken Wayman said that 11·acht•rs and students will h ave w makl· somt' sacr1fil'<'s in ordC'r tu k1 ... ·p all four high !oo<.'hools oix·n at ll•:l<\t five-vc>ars lie-i.a1d that mstrut·tors and stuth•nls may hav1• to travl.'I to d1ffc·n•n 1 st•hools in order tn part1l'lpa1t· in programs now offNc-d d1slrit·tw1dC' ")l 's going t o be more expensive." said Wayman . "But Wl' dl.'cide d t.o commit to tht' <·xpensc bC'causc> w C' thought lhat the smallC'r high schools offered advantages m terms of· student partkipation." The advisory r<'pt1i;t publishr.,J t>nrlit'r this year rccommcnde(i that h igh schools be dosed when l.'nrollments dipped below 1.5~ On<' of th<' pla ns l'alled for Coste Mt•sa and Eatam:w high schools to be combml'd al Co la Mesa High and Corona dcl Mar and Nl.'wport Harbor High sch ools be tombinro a t Newpo~t Harbor. : Trustel'S said enrollmen ts at all th high sch ool campuses will ~ about 1.300 by 1987. W e Invite You To Take Advantage Of J 40 3 OFF Selected Watches l And Jewelry 1 RAFFjeWel 32 Fashion Island Newp0rt Bach• 644-2040 3 Ge,,.r1tlont.or friendlY l**>nal MNlce - 1'·1 Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT /Thurad1y, S•plember 30, 1982 Schmidt's last hurJiah-? Saying goodbye "" Wlrepllol.O Smiling a nd waving at Beirut Internationa l Airport, u g rour) of Israeli old~rs prt-pa re to withdra w fro m en satave position they ·h ave held s ince the invasion of West Be irut. BUNN, W1•11t G1•11111111y (A l') Th•HIK h C ho 1w1• I l 111 I h · Im u t St·!u111dn, polltll'11l ,11pjx11rtin h1 1111· u " t I t• d I u ,, u Ii I l I m I n II 1Mrl1unwntary vol1•, ht· '" 11111 c·x1>1'C:h'\J tu fCIVt' up th1· llll1· Ill' huN twtd fur l'iMhl y1•11rlj f Hhuut IJ f1ghl. \ Sd111111J1 c.ullt·d w hul 11wy ht• h 11' I u" l C: u bi n 1• l 1111• t• t ) n g Wt•J r\l'Sduy u f l l' r h I s con1wrva li v1• u n d 11 b <· rn I fot•i. d N·ldl'd to pu~h for u nci-c.·onfldt•nct• vol<.' l"nday In t ht• Buncll'- swg, or IC>wl'r h o u sl' o f Parhunwnl. I CKlllKll Tht• l1bl'ral l''rl'l' Democrats had bt.-en partners of Schmidt'~ S0<.·1U I Democrats for 13 yvars. but that ended S<•pl 17 w lwn four Free Demoera l depu tws n •s1gm'd ovc.•r u lo ng-running l'<:onum1c foud I f )lh'hm1dt':-. oppo n <•nt:-. sucl'l'l'd, <:on~ervat1V(' Chn sttan l>t•111ul·111t 1 .. 11dl•1 I h •l111u Kohl will he• 1h1• n1·xl 1:hur11·1lt1rn· unit h1•ud 111 Wc•'t < :1·1m.1n v"" rlr111 I t•11l1•1 1 iKhl l(llVl'l llllll'lll ''"(I' • HlllU By tuw. 1111' JIH1 ll1111w111 dt'C.·1dt''i Ill ii Mtl~h· Volt• whl'llll'I II h t111 1·0111'1cl1•111·1· 111 Sd11111dt und 1( not , his r 1·pl:in•11u•111 uutomol wally will he.• t•lt'C.U'<J Th.it would l'lld Sd11111dt'N 10 Vt«ll tt•rm two yt'<lfS 1•u1 ly, thoul(h pullN shuw ht· 1i. Wt•11t Gt·1 mu11y':-. rnosl popular polllll'IUll On Tut•i.<lay. Kohl w1m lTUclal ht11·k1n~ ut J tl•nsl· ntnl' hour 1.·au«u:-. nll'l'ltng. wh1•1 t• Frt·t· Oc>mu1:rnt p.irhoml•nwry dl•pullt>:> vowd :M tn -I K in hevot of tt m•w l'Ollhllon w1lh tlw ('OllSl•rvullVl'S a nd a voll' of no <·onf1dl·m·l· lo • l'll'C.·t Kuhl t·hant'l•llor Tlw hbNal support ~l'l'med hke!Y to g1v<.• Kohl l'nough votes t o w 1 n T h I'.' 5 2 • y c.• a r · o I d <.' o n s 1· r v a t 1 v c· I to> u d l' r w o n unanjmuus <:ndorst•mt>nl from th1• 22(; dt•puties 111 his own Chn:.llan t:x:moc:rat11.· Un1Cm and Jt::. :-.1stl'I' party. th1· Bavunan Christian St1<:1al Union With th<: ltlH•rul vutt·•, 1111" would lw 1•n11uuh 10 ~lv1• huu u 24U 1w111 n1llJIIr11 y In I h (• 4 II 7 • 1· &1 l Uu11d1 "'IJJU St l11nuJ1 hod no 11nn11·d1uw 1 u111111t•nt 11n l~H· Tu1 u.lay clt•Vl'l111inwr11~. but f(UVl'I 11J•Wnt :-.uull't•H i;urd Ill' pl:wn1.0 1J mujor NfX'<'t'h 111 P:11 llu1twnt JU8l bdor1• lh1• VOlA' 111 U lu~t bid l.O Wiii OVt'I d1 ·put1l·~ 1111d fort Kohl'i. pl!mH Stnn· thl' ~ovl'rnmL•nt t•r111lh t·1 uµtt.'(I, &·hm1d~ rcpcall-dly hus <·alh•<l for new national t'll'<.'llOnJ• 111 t(IVl' uny nt•w guvernmcnl u dt•Jr mundutl' for the et.vnom1t• tl·forrns 1.·11n!ll'rvu11vt•s und hbc •rals suy an· n{'t.'<Jed Sd1m1dt won apparcml but·king r rorn four nullwn votl.'rll an lhl' 'talt· of ll<•sst• on Sunday l11s putty wai. l•Xpl'cted to suffer bnnd def<•at, but anstt•ad lost o n I y u n c· i. <' u t 1 n l h l' s ta l e purhuml'nl ~ .. 1)(-spitt• their :-.t•tl>ack Sunday, Kt>h I and Fr<-t· Dt·mtx:ra t l1·adl'r I lans-D1clrtC'h Gl•nscher forgl•d ahl•ad with a m•w alhanre a nd got the ba«k1ng they nl't•dc•d fwm tht•1r d<.•pulil-s Surgery may be key to retarded woman's happiness O MAHA, Neb. (AP) For nl•arly 25 years, Terri Kellt•y's silent world has been filled with pain and anger. a self-hatred that only now. with the help of six dNcrmined st.all' mental hca Ith wnrkers and a Dt•nver surgt•on, fllllY be <JV~. Born deaf and with a l'lt·ft pala te, a harC'hp and a defl>t'llVl' h(·art, Terry was diagnosed al th<' age of 5 as St'Vl'rely ffil'OUilly rt•tard ed Distraught at h<:r a ppear an<·1.., she bN·amt.• a "self-abuser." tt•aring o ut her hall' and bashing ht•r hc•ad into walls. During that umc• she had 15 op<•rallons, 1nclud111g open heart surgt•ry, but none lo corret'l her facial dcform1ues. Coring for t he 25-year-old woman h~s been toug,,h on her mother. Yv6nnc, who nas fwo othl'f daughters. Ronda, 18, and Hobbin. 14 "But when you're• a pan·nt, you JUSt do those things," su1d K<'lley. w hose husband , Harwy, was k11lt>d m Vietnam 13 yt•ar.o. ago Solar energy cells due by 1984 "· Te rri spl'nl six years lnstituuonuhwd at th<• Beatrice Stat e Developmental C<'ntcr before the• Eastern Nebraska Comm unit y Office on Retardallon (ENCOR) moved her to a group home m Omaha eight yeurs ago, .• ... . _ But on Oct. 27 she leaves for [)('nvcr wh(•rt• Dr. Richard Albin o f St Joseph Hospital will perform surgery to t'Orrc.>ct her palate and harelip. Albin, who has workt>d o~ similar patients. was recommendeq by, a division SLIP COVERS of Boys Town a fter the mt•nwl hl'ulth sta ffors s pent sevNal years listening to doctors rejt'<.'t ihc1r pleas to operate on Terri "I thin!\ il was just the attitud<• moi.t people have toward the retard<'d," said Deb Bigando, a gu1danc<' adviser who has w orked witn Terri fo~ e rgh t years. "They (the doctors) would say that it isn't life-preserving surgery ·and that Terri wouldn't know the diCfe re nce anyway." There is the risk. Bigando said, that Terri could return lo her SAN DIEGO (AP) Solar en<'rgy l'l.'lls built with the aid of n las<-r beam will lx• on th<• market by 198-4 . low1.·rtng l'onsuml•r l'USts and 1mn•asmg t•l('C.'tnnty output, say S1.'1t•n11sts working on the A new look every season the "Nantucket Way". Floor ' sa mple and wide se lection of fabrics • pro)<.'(.·t .. By I !HHJ '>Olar enc•rgy wrl I l'oi.t lt''l> than l'il'C.·tnc1ty from ullhty l'Ompanit•s," said Dr Rosa Young. proJt'«t ll•adt•r and a phy•>1«1st w1 th llt·lionet1L-s Im· .. th<.• lrvtnl•·basl'd research company She prest•ntc•d the study Tuesday at the 16th lnsutule of Elt•t·tronit and Electrical Eng1m·ers' Photovolta1t Sp<'C.·1ahst Confl·rence hen• Shot at sp<•t.'<.ls of onl'-b1llmnlh of a SC<'ond, the· laM·r beam will l'ncrgrzc n<'wl y developt:d silicon waft•rs that makt· up Lhl' l'Clls. she said The s1li1.·on waft•rs arl' <'Xp<'Cted w gc•nt·r.1t1· 20 pt·rt.'C'nt mor<' dc'l:·tncny and rl>duce tht' m!!tallauon msu. for a rooftop solar ent·rgy umt from S 10 per wall of elet·tnclly produced lo $2. said Young I le honcllts ot f1dals say thl' rescarl'h rcprt•stmts "a significant advance in the <•fforl to rcdut'<.' solar c·m·rgy cosL'> to a practical tcv<.·I .. NtwPort-Oct 2/2 pm NtwPort Sheraton Laguna Hills . 4545 MacArthur Blvd Gerovital GH>. Is it a miracle drug? Can it stow the hands of time? What are Jhe facts? Chuck Broes. international expert with over 23 years experience in preventive medicine. will be giving a FREE lecture on Gerovital GH3• the myths and the facts It's your one chance to get the full story on Gerov1tal GH3. A<Jvance ~a1>0nSSU0Qe51e<1 (714) 835-3604 + Co\ln~ lcKe lnterlo-rs available. • Fall Fashion Shoe SALE Save 20°/o -40o/o 21.99-39.99 Orig. 34.00-62.00 Many styles of dress shoes. casual shoes. Choose from famous brands of women's shoes such as Maine Woods, Bare Traps, Cherokee, Leather N' Things, Famolare, 9 West, Joyce Cobbles, and Co bbie Cuddlers. self-abusive behavior. Albin has st1pulntcd that ENCOR st aff m1.•mbcrs acmmpany Terri, and wants one staffer with her at all timc.-s during the planned two- week hosp1tal-st:ay. Their presence could reduce th(' risk of Terri relapsin~ into self-abuse. whicn' has dropped dramallcally m the-years she has spent with ENCOR, a~'Ording to stafft•r:. who hVl' and work with her. Th1.•y say Terra 1s quite aw<.in' of the differences l:x•twccn her fat.·t· and ·fhe fact>s of people around her. "Her self -a bust• has been ul1d to her self -concept. I've seen her pound on her image in mirrors," B1gando said "She does t'Ompare her face to oun." When s he came ou t of Beatrice, Tern had torn out all of htor'-ha ir. "She' W3s" completely---;- buld," behavioral con s ultant Mark Smith said. The harr- tt•::i rrng was stopped after group workers gave Tern a wig and t'ons t ant l y praised her aµpcarance while she wor<' 11. ~=-~====:--Call (714) 835-0858 Come see the most beautiful Christmas store in all the world" BOOT SALE Our most famous brand -men's suits recognized for quality. Select from all wools and polyester & wool blends in midweight and < OPEN TODAY '\. 10-6 Wqe®rigittal ~ristmn.a &tore FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH Shop~ thru S...turday 10 'tll 6; SUi$y1 11 'tll 5 ' SAVE 20°/o OFF Orig. 45.-82. Now 3&°°-65'° 211 Westmnter Mal 193-9497 Gtendale-228 North Brand Bouiev11rd Puente Hille Mlll·Lower Level Downey-Stonewood Shopping Center ' Sent• 8erbara-u Cumt>rt Plue Montctalr·Montclalr Plue La Habf .. Falhlon Square year round weights. Solids. stripes, plaids and herringbones. Reg. 335.00-465.00 .......... 279.90·359.90 100o/o camel hair sportcoats never go out of style. Meticulously tailored with classic touches like patch pockets and leather buttons. Reg. 250.00 .......................... 209.90 silverwoods ,_ Fashion lt land. Newport u .. your IUverwoocl• Charo• American lxpreee, Matter Card, VIM -- Orange CoHI DAILY PILOT /Thurtdey, September 30, 1982 I Gerrnans find Help children adjust to divorce ne element By PAT HOl\OWl'fZ Of tM Dall, flttol Ila" DEAR READERS: About 40 percent of all marriage. In tbe Ualted State1 end In divorce, and about balf of tbl1 number involve cblldren. How tbeae cblldren adju1t to tbelr new clrcum1tancea can depend on many vartablea. The age and aex of the cbld enteu Into the equation, a1 doea emotional makeup and tbe avallablUty of adult 1upport. While most cblldren adju1t wltb time, tbe beallng proceu ls battened by tbe generous demons tration of love, laleren and caring from botb parents. Cblldren of all ages need to be prepared carefully and sen1ltlvely fo r their parents' divorce since many harbor the notion that tbey were In some way responsible tor the breakup. Most children want to know tbe 1peclflc1 about where tbey wlll llve, wbo will take care of tbem, wbere they wlll go to school, when and bow often they wlll see tbe other parent, and even bow tbey will manage flnanclally. Parents should make a concerted effort to make final decisions regarding custody, visitation rights, living arrangements and financial considerations in advance so they can explain them to the children with clarity, consistency and candor before the actual divorce. Tbis can help alleviate some of the concerns that children have regarding bow I 0 250l Annualized • /0 Rate tb e lr own llve1 a nd ~th e lr pe r 10na1 relatlont~i with thl'lr parcat1 and 1cbool friend• wl be affected. Cblldren can adju1& to tbcl real &)' of cbanaea far easier tb11 &bey .. can d al tb the rear or the unknown. Although many role• In life are Ju1t tf mporary , tbe role of the parent 11 permanent. Safeauardlng the open.and boneat communication network be&weeo· tbe ohlld and eacb parent can do a lot to eHe the lnltlal pain of a divorce and aid In the child's overall adjuttment to It. Tbe Department of Health and Human Ser vices bas developed a publlu&lon for divorcing parents. It provid es guldellnes on bow to approach cu1tody and financial problems 11 well a1 bow &o prepare children for the actual divorce, )!Olllble new relatlon11blp1 and even a parent 1 remarriage. For a copy of "When Parenti Divorce," send $3.2S to tile Consumer Information Center, Dept. 210K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. AdYice on insect stings DEAR READERS: 'flw Health lnsuram.-e lnsllLUtl' has otrc>rcd SOD'll' "prompt acuon" lips to help relll'Vl' piitnful mset.·t stings As soon as you've l:x>cn s tung, look for a stmger Use a magnHymg glass if ne<.-essary. Remove by using a fingernail to scrape it I 0 95ot0 * Annualized • /C Yield •• 111.!to 31 clays, Minimum Balance $20,000. Act today on this high rate account. Stop in at your nearest Allstate Savings office or call collect (213) 240-5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. This accounris fu lly insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. Allstate sav1nos -AJlstate Savings & Loan. a member of the Sears family. Over $3 billion in assets. 0 1982 Allstate Savings & Loan. • \o ,, ..-..... ~ ••·nof'"~·J.rir •' I .. ,.,.,.,1-.. 1 ol I nnt °' •t •••J ,,_.,..,,. .. 1 •' ..-_. ,,t •'• """' l•t I• • ''" t .. ,,,. .• 1 ••f ,L.1.,_ "t • .J.1_. ... ,,.a w '"'"'' ,..., .h, ... ,.,, I • 11-t ,. ti BENSON & HEDGES Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regu lar and Menthol. Open a box today. • Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Srooking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 6 mg "1ar;' O 6 mg n1co11n1 ev. per c1garatt1. by FTC m11hod. I ' ... uwuy. 'J'hL• hmwy bt't• IH tlw only lruit.~·t wh()ll(' )4tlnalll', wh1d1 11 burbc·d . rt•mc.ilruc In th~ wound. Do 1111t pull ll out lx-cau!K' h hn e1 v<.•nom aoc· whll·h . If ~1u1•c•n-d, rl'lcuses more vt.•nom It you're· stung by u "11c:11vt·n~t·r" lnS<'<.'t (wa..ttp, y1•lluw Jl.l"'kt•l or hornet). lmnwdlutc•ly wash tht• arc•a with NC>Up und wult.·r Stlngi; by tht.'lll' lnll<'('Lti can l'Omplkuu.i u locul 11wclllng 1t1m·llo11 by Inf l-C.'thm. To rt•d u cl' swt• I I 1 n K, a ppl y ~·o Id <.'Ompn•i.M.'if El(•vaun~ m kt<t•ping Lhl' nfft>t.'L1-cl area lcvt.•l can help Fur u swol lc n l<>g. huwevC'r, lymg down 1s tx•11l A gt'nt:ruht.ecl reuc.·uon. sudl as hivc.-s and anxie ty or a hocking <.'Ough, wht.'(•zm g, 1u.·h1ng eyes, snct'zlng and c.·oni.tr1l·l ion about thL• throut, Is serious and should be mt•dlcally trcawd 1mnwdiut<•ly. Dt.•ath cun o~:c:ur in 10 to 15 minutes whl'n an e xtremely severe rl'acllon OC.'<'Urli, even though only t•1ght m 1.000 IOM.'C.'l · stings result in fataliu<•s • Got a µroblc·m? Tlwn writ<' t; • 1 Pat Horowitz. Pllt w1/J t·ut red LafK'. • gNting th£' answers mid ac:t1011 .vou ...,. n e <> d c o so I v c• in c q u i ties in government and business. Mm/ your questwm. co Pat Horuwllz. At Your Service, Orangt• Coast Daily P1/01. P.O. &'x 15fi0. Cosw Mc~. CA. 92626 Jo:A~T LANSING. Mich (AP) Sc.·tt·nthclJ; 111 Wt•11t (h•nnuny hove crl'otc.-d Ii 1ww .. 11•11wnt 111 what on(• t'l(pt'rt hu1h·d 01 "an lm•rt.•d1blt• lt'(•hnolOf(leal fo t " Tlw dh1dueure of elt•nw11t No JOY wm1 mude o t un lrlJt.•rnat1onal phyt1l('fl ('Ot1ft•n•1H't• an.1ugurutm1it Michigan St.alt' Unlvt>1111ty's rww t·ydu1 ron laborat.ory. O nly Y2 l'lc>menlll ore• fcJund in nutun " hut PX)x•1'llllt.•ntx llkl' this ont> h11v1.•, In thl' lust h•w dt.•<•odt.•b, rt'tiullcd in the produ<.•Uun u( OllllUh! quuntllll'S of new ont.>s Tht> man-madt.• elements urc hoov1cr than natural t•l<'mt.>nls a nd arc rad ioactive Thl'y gt•m•rnlJy dismLcgrare J.nt.o laghwr elemenlll In u vt.•ry Nhort llml' -sometimes m millionths of u st-t:oncl. "It was u hard experiment and the group is wry huppy .i hout It," Ernst Rot."Ckl said Monday of tht· wurk b.'f physicists at the Gcscllschufl Fur Schw('nont.•n Forschung ut Darms tadt, WeM Gc•1nwny - Tht.• d1sc.'Ovt>ry 1s "an mcred1ble technolog1<:al rt·at." smd David &'Ott, associatt-d1r<.'l'tor of tht· nt•w t•yl'lotron a t Michigan Swte. He said he was lmpn·ssl'd with the dctl'ctlon s<:heml' wh1t·h )40r tt.•cl c>nl· atom o f the n<:w e kme nt from n11II1ons of partide collision s oct:urrinb in a lt1boratory t·xpc•r1ment. Tht• <•IC'ment. not yet n am<.>d. was t·re:.itt.od Aug 29 ";md 1t extstl'<l for only one-5.000th of <i St.."{'tmd," smd Hoeck!. orld of the element was g1vt•n at <i l'onfercn~ in Cambridge, England. last wt·t•k, hut was not widely dtsseminat<.>cl. r. Cout Colleac · Golden Wut Colleac • Coutltne Community ColleQc • Oranac Cou1 Colleac • Golden Wat Colleac • Coutllne Collcac ~ ~ i -"SO, WllAT' J ! NEW?" f i ~ t YOU ASR ! ~ ~ "O Plenty. and we do mean p-1-e -n-t-y. § ~ The Community Services departments at Orange ] ~ i 8 Coast College. Golden West College and Coastline t Community College have expanded their programs cS in the areas of Avocation. Self-Enrichment and r. O~ ~. ! Recreation. u t Refreshing and creative new offerings in I 8 . Performing Arts. Film Series. ~ f Minicourses. Workshops. Lectures. Seminars. Tours. . ~ College for Kids and Continuing Education are part of the l new look of the Coast Community Colleges. I j Moderate fees are required for enrollment and i . participation. but our new self-supporting programs e f mean that OCC. GWC and Coastline can present an ~ j ever-broadening array of activities suited to you, your ~ I family and friends~Your ideas are welcome to make it { 8 even more of a community service. § . ~ f Make sure that you have ~ u a calendar of activities from j ~ Orange Coast College, Golden West College and . f Coastline Community College. f o Call now: OCC: 556-5880: GWC. 892-7711: ~ I Coastline, 963-0811 . t And ask "What's New?" j § P-L-E-N-T-Y! t j ] And ma re's on the way. ,, .. .s I J · TBBCOAST 1 j OOllllUNITY ' 8 OOll"GES • i I ~.~ 1 Worda T.Drtn• Moat• I ~rantc Coul Collete • Golden Wac CoU~ • Coutltnc Community ColkfC • Oranfc Cout Collete • Golden Wat CoUc• • Coud.lnc • f ,. • ' ' I f ~ ' I I : .. I ;;):. • . ~ I I ~ ~· ,, ... . . . " : • ' .. .... , . '/• . # "., -" ... , " Oronga Coott DAILY PILOl IThureday, S•pt1mb1r 30, 1982 N e ighborhood· tr11 c a welconJe s olution An odd anti b11ll•r dt•hu tt• in vol v 1111-: rl'sitlt•n ts of lil'W port Beal·h 's C liHhuvl'n iii·~. S t Andrl'w's Prl0s ll ytl'l'l<.t11 Churd1 and. evt•ntuall y. lht• Nt•wpurt Beach City Council. was ~l'n<lt•d jlhis we~.'k with a t·nmprom1sc that I seems to satisfy t'Vl'rYOl1l'. · The d1ui·ch. ~i nt1 npat111g ,growth net•d !>. huJ prt•part•<..I an expansion plan that 1ndudt•d a 105 -foot -high sanctuary . Cllffhaven homcownC'ls stud 1t was ugly. too bulky for the neighborhood und would bl0t·k their views. So the t·hun·h st•;.ilt•d plans down to 85 ft•t'l. Sunw of tlw neighbors still wen• unhappy The City Counc:1l. unw1Jling to take s1dC's. kept urging thC' 'contest a nts tu t r y to reach a ' l'OmpromLSt.>. Thl• tkbut<' W<'l'lt on for wt•eks and it didn't st•t•m to b<• ! getting aµwht•rc• until Monday night. ""' Then, m a flurry o f lust- ' minute nc•gou a tio n s. coun cil membl•rs Evl•lyn H art and Paul Muun 1r 1111111ag1•d lu ~N t•v1•ryu11t• to u1::n·e tu H 1ww pl11n th;1t wuuld I 1 111 I 1 1 h 1 • t • x p a n :-.. 1 11 tl t u tt •Iii-loot high -.<111t·tuary with J l 'l'O:;..-. Ill\ top A d d I l 11) ll u I I y • t h l' fl l' w san1..·tuarv will lmvt• ·to bt• twl l~wk 9~ fl•t•t 'rrom tli.· ~t1·1·t·t and 2Ml parkmg phw1•s must lw prov1d<•d on L ht• s1 tt• This appart•ntly sut1sfll'd tht• d1slrt•sst•d nt•1ghbors As for St Andrew's, Dr. John Huffmun. tlw l·hurch pas t o r . sa id 11 was -at·knowll•dged that Lht• ongtnal plan was not the best o nt• "for lhl' h(•a lth ancl wt•lfare of Lht• t·ommunitv. "Ttw churl'h . ht• sc:11d, wants to Ix• <1 good nl'1ghbor That w ill t'OSt somt• mont'y. in addition to the amounts a lready spent on Lht• initial plans. Now a new plan must bt.· prepared and brought back to thl• council for review. B arnng furth<'r e r uptions. neighborhood peat·e will rdgn and it's hig h time . ;Mobile home dilemma L ocal oft 1c1C.ils ulong t he Orange' Coast find ·thc•mselv<•s in something of a dik-mma as ownen. of increasingly valuable coastal property now huus1 ng m ob1 le home parks look to thl' possibihtv of convertin g to nwn: lucrativt• land uses. On the one hand wt• have pro per t y ow n C'rs sC>t·k1 n g to upgrade their profits on land they may have he ld for a long time On the other a rc ha pless mobile home owners. quit(' oftc>n elderly a nd 111 lower mc:oml' brackeL<;, who find themselves about to be displaced. And with span•s tn p arks throughout thl' l·ounty in short supply. newl'f purks r('fusmg to accept oldC'r hom(•s and moving costs astronomical. tha 1 prospc~t IS grim. Som e 5 ,000 residents of Huntington Beach's 19 mobllt• h ome parks havt• beC'n 'Understandabl v nl•rvous sint·c 'owners o f o n(•· ot·t•anfront park announcE:-d 18 months ago that thC'y plannl'd to dose· tht• park and ·1Jse the land mon• prof11a.bly Responding to plC'as by park dwellers. the c:1ty ha~ put together an ord1nam·c· whu:h would provide ~inancial a~s1stancC' to d1splac:C'd -residents by requiring that la nd- owner~ pay rl'l0<.·;,it1un costs for t•oal'h owners moving to another park within 100 miles of tht• t·1ty or. if no space can be found. buy the coal'h at a fair pl'lt'l'. Mcanwhil<.' the c:1ty also 1s considering imposing· spt•cial mobile h ome park zoning on four coastal and two inland parks that now are zoned for o lh(•r us<'~. in order to provide greater protl"'Clion fo r tenants. This w ould not prevent tht• la ndowne rs from applying on a n individual basis for <.:onv<'rsion privileges but. if tht· ac:tion is c:ombincd with passagt• of the financial aid o rdinanc:c, tht•y would be required to help rvlol'atc tenants before pr0<'C'eding with any conversion. Also in the p1ctun• n ow, of course. is a new state law that wtll require cities~nd t·o untics to attempt to rel ·ate mobtlt• homt• t<'nants_ b~eforc auth ormng park convers10ns. It 1s a difficult problem. but tn view of thP e normously increast•d value of coastal property. ll dot•s not seem unreasonable· to ask tht· owners of such la nd to spend some> of their potential profit on ht•lpmg residl-nts who otherw1st• l'ould be so~ p<>naliwa. ··Plan • rais es eyebrows Not s urpns 1ngly. the Irvine <:om pa n y' s n <' w p I a n (or a masstv(• dt•vt'lopment m Laguna Canyo n tw1t C' a!> large and c:ontainmg tw1c·c lht• number of homes proposed in an earlwr plan -h as raised the c•yebrows o f city officials in Laguna Beach The so-called Laguna Laur<•( Canyon plan could contain a s tnany as 3.600 dwelling units on 2.150 acres along Laguna Canyon Road bet ween t hC' San Diego Freeway and El Toro Road They would ra n ge from affordable uniLc; to luxury custom h om es and tht· proJN·i '"'ould include a golf cours(• and two .c:ommerdal cent<>rs Irv ine Compan y o ff1 dals 1contend that whil<' the number of ,units proposed 1s grc•atcr. the overa ll projec:t would indudt• much mor<' public op<.•n s pace than the first plan . which was disca rded as ec:o n omic:a lly in - feasible It will. of c:ourse. rcquirt· an <'nvironmt•ntal impact n •port and L aguna Bcac:h City Coun c il members lost no time m supplying count,· off1<:1als with an outlin<' of con ce rns thcv feel mu s t be addressed m the report. These include traffic. Clood l <.'ontrol. grading impacts and a n analysis of n eeded public services. The c:ity also would like> the count-...· to look into a ltcrnat1vc>s that would permit less tntc·11s1ve r cs id e n t 1 a I a n d <:om mt• r d a I • development. ' All this 1s very ·mut·h in tht• future. Th<' t·ompany says it would ta k e from 10 to 15 y(•ar s t o c:ompk,tc tht-planned community. And it couldn't gM undN W(\Y until 11 wins county approval a nd the economic: clima te p icks up. Which g1v<'s concerned ne ighbors pl<>nty of tim~ to air their vlc>ws ppinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invit- ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) '642-'321. L.M. Boyd/ Widow's marriage I{ a widow's marriage was a happy one, she would do well to remarry as 900n as reasonably appropriate. So ~ay the matrimonial experts. The more lime that passes, the more she tends to ideaJJze her first husband Eventually. •she reshapes her memory or him 50 ~. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ~~ ...... -·· .. , .. 1 ... ·-· .... ~ ••• \I • C.-•• Mr .. "'""" ,.,,...._...,., • .. t I Iott Ct\I• ..... <,. '1•" muc h that no o ther man could ~ibly hvc• up LO h<•r cxpcctaUon!l. , Claim is thlit 40 per('t>nt ot the American Indians have drinking problems. :ind nin<' out of 10 arrests of lnd1t1ns Involve liquor Thoma• P. Haley '·bf·•t>c-• ,Jane Amari ... <ijh•• ld 10< larbara Krelblch lct.<or"" '• ld~Of Themtn Mceonn MoM9'1'9 (O.to< . . Le:tters to the editor Airport foes share blame To the lliilor: In rt•ply to the St•pt. :l3 Alrport Sill' letter of Paul Ryckoff: This Is my first ever Jetter. but I am fed up with Newport Beach and their ideas about the airport (Orange Counly or John Wayne) and the freeway. When we moved from Florida to Costa Mesa almost 22 years ago the airport was all by its lonesome self out there with plenty of land for expansion. People who built and purchased homes. under the flight pattern were well aware of th<' flight pa tte rn a nd that this was a growing area. It seems to me that thc.'S<.' people have no one to blame but themselves. MAILBOX lsrae~ and the failure of the United States to guara ntee the safety of the Palestinians he left behind including. he must believe, the murderer s a nd terrorists who "massacred" Gemayel. The massacre of the Palesti nians ought to wam Arafat that terror begets terror. massal·re begets massacre, that no more can he kill and maim in Lebanon or anywht:re without sw1fl and appalling retalrauon on the guilty and innocent alike ALBERT E. NASSEH Rig hts b rearh e d , To the lliitor: Disgust! Disappointment! Bitterness!, WHERE WOULD our local industry etc. be if we didn't have the airport? So A small article in the Sept. 14 Daily where would the wealth of Newport Pilot, entitled "Hotel Taxes Eyed," by Beach come from. as most of the oHlcers. Steve Marble. Ignited all of the ire that administrators etc. of the industrial can be developed from the realization growth in our a rea usually live in that you have been •lied to. deceived and Newport? But all you ever hear-rrom <.'heated. Newport is get the airport out of here I am 52 years of age, a veteran. I say let Lhe airport stay and expand married for 33 years, a nd have three After all it was ht!re firsl m a far out sons unoccupied area and they do have some I have been schooled to believe that rights, even though Newport Bca<.'h this democrat.Jc form of governmenl IS a doesn't seem to feel that way. government of lhe people. by the people Also, Costa Mesa IS cut up with three and for the people, and thal our elected fre~ways, one of which should never of{tcials represent us. lhe people. have had the name Newport Freeway as In one sente nce of the article, again Newport residents feel they are "Newport Beach City Council members above such things. are pre~nng to do what voters in Lhe I don't frel I'm a peon because I don't city twice refused to do -increase the live m Newport Beach and I don't think , hotel and motel bed tax," all of this the airport should be hassled by schooling became a he! These officials.do Newport Beach residents who were not represent the people. dumb enough to buy under an organized I will not a<'CCpt this. This breach of flight pattern. jet or otherwise. and then our rights 1s at the lowest level of complain their h eads .off about the ~ernmcnt. We the people, can and airport. The same . apphes to them I~ st stop this. We must stop any official regard to not helping with lhe traff1t· th t does not abide by the will of the snarl in Newport due to the abrupt people. We must show all officials that e nding of the free way running we care and that their jobs depend on completely through Cost.a Mesa. I say, our satisfaction. Newport Beach either shut up or get out. DONALD L. RAFFERTY B.J.C. FISCHER PtO h i ·torl' To the lliitor: Ignored or forgotten by the national media. several Lebanese c1t1 zens. interviewed on TV channel 40 described the horror of the 13-year occupauon of Lebanon by Arafat and the PLO In so doing they provided a much needed insight into the recenl "massacres" m Lebanon. Thus: 1. In 1969, the Cairo Agreeme nt compelled Lebanon to be a "host" n~t1on for the PLO. 2. The PLO. armed with Soviet weapons, set up an independent m1lttarv sta t £>'in L eba n o n w i th a PLO government. judicial system and army. L e bano n the "h ost" beca m C' th e "hostage" of its PLO "guests." 3. Starting with the PLO slaughter of 12,000 Christians in Damur ·and the destruction of that village (blamed years later on tht• Israeli "invaders") the PLO state within a state embarked on nationwtde "massacres" that resulted In the death of 100,000 Lebanese and enormous destruction of properly 4. The PLO locatro its "soldiers" and its lethal military hardware within civilian areas. ' THE FOREGOING gives the He to thOSt' widely publicized distortions of the tragic events in· Lebanon that puzzled and distressed many of us. Thus: A. The PLO on the borders of Israel were no' just a few "strugglera" fighting for fl'Cedom buL lhe open!og wedge for Ar'{•f t and th<' PLO military stale. B. The Israeli attack on Beirut was nol o acniieless "massacre" of clvlllana but &n attack o n the PLO hiding behind civilians (the lsraehs dropped leaflets urging Lhc civllian.s to leave even though I\ revealed Lo the PLO when and where the Israelis would attack). C. When Bashir Oemayel and tho government of Lebanon were ''massacred" by bombs the Lebanese ret.alfatlon was not a 1 nacl 11 "mUMCre" of dvlUana but a.n atttc:k cm PLO terrorist• who hid. amon8 the long·auffertna Palesuntans. It waa a tra11c meaaure of the depth of the !Ablnt'te hatred of the PLO. Tht-re we~ no PLO roeca for Ckmaytl only Arafal'a outrage at th t'Onduct of 'ch ool funding To the lliitor: Congratulations to the parents in the Newport-Mesa school districl for realizing the importance of saving the remedial reading programs (editorial 9123). How fortunate for the children attending these six schools -how fortu.nate their ~rents were able to raise and donate the necessary funds. Shouldn't w e think beyond lhis story to the obvious conclusion? Districts not so fortunate will be unable to offer equal education to their children. This 1s a dangerous s tep away from equal· opportunity in the worst of all possible places -our public schools. Better public funding should be restored to our California public school system. PA TTY ANDERSON Ml•d -fly ,.ep eat ? To the lliitQr: Recently. Gov. Brown's office insinuated that Dave Baker, lhe president of the lrvine Medical Center, might have engaged in improper conduct stemming from M.r. Baker's letter to Gov. Brown to the efCect that Brown's veto of AB 2696 could jeopardize his poht1cal support from the resldent.s o( Irvine. Apparently Oov . Brown recognizes the need for lrvine votes but not the needs of Irvine voters. I recall that not too long ago A number ot communities In our state were threatcn('(f. and eventually harmed, by the m<'d -fly in f •tation. These communities knew how tQ solve th ir problem but Gov. Brown thought otherwise. Gov. Brown'tt method failed: the communities' method worked. Perhaps mol'<' ~lgruflcant in this ckctJon • /,fllt•rs /rorn rtadrrs art welcome Thr right to condense' lttlti'r~ lo fit .'J)Oet Qr 1/imrnotr h/>fl 11 restrued Lellert of 300 tJ'MdS nr le.ta tt'lll bt gwtn prt/trfftCt All lf'lttr• must 1"clud., 11gnat1Ar.-and malling oddrt.t1 ~I norht1 moy b# wtllllwld cm rt· qut1t 1/ aul/1C'1tnl rtoton ·~ opporrnt P~try IL'll not bt pubh1htd l.ttttra mo11 bf ttltphonnl to 842 fiOH Nome aftd phemt ""mbtr of thf' ront,,bvlar must bt gwna for Ufrl/IC'CllWft purpo8H year. Gov. Brown. m a political pirouette that must be admired by friend and foe alike, has convinced most Californians th a t h e a lways supported th e commumues' solution to their problem M o rt• t h a n 1 5 , 0 0 0 res 1 d e n ts o f Irvine indicated their support for the Irvine Medical Center as the solution to Irvine's hospital needs. By vetoing AB 2696 Gov. Brown has chosen to agam ignore the sentiment of those most affected. Dave Baker's letter to Gov. Brown simply put him on notice that he will be al'COUntable to these residents of lrvine for his decision. And, in truth, he will be. Another truth is that Dave Bake r is•a person of the highest integrity, whose manifold contributions Lo our community are beyond d1Spute Ralher than address the issue. Gov. Brown attacked the man. Paradoxkall y. 1t is Gov. Brown's charge of improper conduct that constitutes the improper conduct. U th.: Irvine M edical Center 1s SUC('essful in its bid for a community- based hospital in Irvine, is there any doubt that Gov. Brown will try to convince us or his continued support for this undl·rt<ikmg'! &•ware of thl' med- fh HARRY S . STAHL Nega tii'e PR To the lli1t.or: The merchants of Laguna Beach often complain a bout people not buying locally Herewith a dass1c example or negative pubhc relations. I urgently needed a new belt for my electric typewriter and asked my wife to take the old one and pick up a new at a local office equipment shop. My wife was informed it was their pohcy not to sell parts but 1{ we cared to bring the typewriter to them they would be pleased to Cit the replacement. · l am scandahzed at this policy. Why even the most disre putable o r gas stations does not ask for the <.-ar to be brought in for a g e nerator b e lt replacement. Incident.ally. this merchant 1s trading illegally under the Restraint of Trade Act by offering a conditional sale to a customer. Now changing a belt has about the same difficulty on a typewriter as on a carpet vacuum cleaner: simple removal of the cover is the requirement. However, J was a nxious to get the typewnter operational and went to the shop myself and asked the charge for belt fttting. ThLS was given at $28 -to which I agreed. saying I would do the fitting myself. but, mark this, 1 was politely told I would also have to pay the $4 charge for the belt cost! Fortunately. it transpired that the belts were out of stock . Needless to say it will be a long time before I do further business with this establishment and really feel like turning the matter to District Attorney for investigation. ALAN R. FITZSIMONS R ental n1ess To the F.ditor. It 1s a shame that no action Is taken to deun up the disgusting mess in fl'Ont of the rentals on 20th Stret>t and Sant.a Ana Avenul' on Costa Mesa's east side. As a nearby resident. I have occasion to pass by several times a week. It is an affront to lhe responsible property owners 1n the area. I believe these rentals are owned by a former member of the Costa M~ City Council 1 should think that he would have more civic pridl' than to pt'rmit such an outrage to blotch Cost.a Mesa I am sure that all or the property owners in th1, area are t'Oncerned 11bout tht•lr proJ)\•rty valu~. ' NAME WITHHELD 'th~ word "jui&tlcei" ta round in th dlctloMry but thl' judgs havt' a htard ume pronounctnc Ii in lhe l"OUrts. D.AD. ' • Orange Co••1 DAILY PILOT /Thuract1y, Septembet 30, 1'182 1 •ANN LANDERS I •BOB GREENE •ERMA BOMBECK A Sprinkling of phrase ·aids speaker DEAR ANN LANDERS: A while back you printed a letter from a reader who wu highly crtUcal of people who sprinkle their oonv l"lftUon with "you know." You agreed that such repeUtlon wa. tiresome and the mark of a poor speaker. Well, l just read that David Crystal, no less -the head of the linguistic sciences de pnrtme nt a l Reading University -says the phrases "you know," "I mean," and "as a ma tter of fact" are subtle linguistic features that perform a vital job. They allow the speaker a moment "° think. AlSo they can inject strong dolJops of meaning. In a Royal Society of Arts lecture, reported in the Guardian, C rystal took special notice of "you know." He noted that the phrase softens an otherwise abrupt announcement. Example: "It's time we, went home." How much smoother when · the person says, "You know -it's time we went home." Any comment, Miss Know-It-All? -LAMAR, MO .• READER DEAR LAMAR: I never claimed to know It all, bat I do know there is a vast difference between Cry1tal'1sample1enttnce, and ... "You know, It's Um• we went llome, you know, becauae ti we 1tay mack..JOl('ger we rnt1bt ml11 tbe last bus, you know." Get It? DEAR ANN LANDERS: You get into a good many things that most columnlslB wouldn't touch with a 20-foot pole. l hope you have the courage to print this. It's from the editorial page of the Danbury, (Conn.) News-Times. "Whne the federal government is cutting millions of dollars from child health programs, Including the highly successful immunltotion program, it is continuing to spend millions of dollan:1 to subsidize the care of pets owned by Army and Air Force personnel. A Wisconsin congressman estimated that the Anny and Air Force spent $12.6 million in fiscal,1981 for the care of personal pets. It strikes us that a government that can afford to subsidize dog and cat immunization programs to the tune of $12 million-plus stfouJd be able to afford an equivalent sum for this nation's children." What do you think, Ann Landers? -HOT UNDER THE COLLAR g ANN lANDflS DEAR HOT COLLAR: I predict that funding for tbe cbildren'1 Immunization pro1ram will mlraculou1ly appear. Richard Schweiker, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Service., is a very able and caring man. He i1 not going to let mlllloH of our ldd1 go unprotected from poUo, measles and whooping cough to save a few dollars. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am worried s.1ck and can't taJk to anyone about this. I went to visit my sister in another state. She has two lovely children . a boy ~ and a girl, 8. She was divort'Cd three years ago. Tht• hllll• boy wtks hts m0Lhe1 to put rouatl' and lapallck on tum and love1 to walk around in her hljh h ~18 with her purm•. Wh<•n he plays house with HJa sister, ht· wunt.s lo lx• ttw mummy Ul''ll a ~autllul child 1u1<.I loolu morl' like n girl t>l sn 41 boy. 18 there any chance thtll he Is already hom03exual? - WORRIED IN SAN OJBCO DEAR S.D.: My Menninier con1ultaat1 tell me &bat moat sexual preference patte1n1 are 1et by t~e age of 3. But 1&'1 too eflrly to be sure about yoar nephew. Your sister 1bould see tbai be plays wltb boys. Sbe sbould also discourage tbe heel•, pane and llplltlck. llowevu, lf h e 11 a lready programmed, he'll go In tbal direction no matter wbat. Don '1 flunk your c·hem1s rry tcsr. Love is mor e than one ser of glonds C'alling ro another. If you hove• trouble making a di.stinC'tlon you need Ann's book/er. "Love or Sex and How ro T ell the Difference." Send a Jong, sell-addressed, stampt:d envelope with your rcque~t. and 50 cents to Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, lll. 60611 • 'The quitter' just keeps dreaming POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT The Quitter is 50 and scared. The Quitter has had 15 jobs in his life, all of which he has left voluntarily. He used to think of himself as a romantic and daring man, but now he sees people looking at him not with interest, but with pity. The Quitter used to last eight or nine months on a job; that was when he was just out of school. Lately, he has usually stayed for two or three years. But always there comes the point wh~n he knows he is going to do it again. "Boredom iB the main thing," he says. "I never could plan a career right. I don't have that winning, take-it-all attitude. The downtown corporate thing la nothing I could stand for very long. and there has always come a time when I have known' I was going to walk out." THE QUITTER USED to rationalize what he was doing. He ls a commercial artist by trade, and people who worked with him often wrote his attitude off to artistic temperament. He knew they were wrong. It went deeper than that. "Quitting was a way of assuring myself there was a horizon in life," he says. "I could always say 'buzz off' to a job, and tell myself that I was golng to be something better. When I was younger, I could tell myself that all I was doing was giving myself more experience that would be valuable later." What he didn't like to admi"t is that it was often a convenient way to run from the pressure. An employer would give him responsibility, and he would enjoy it for a while, but then he would wake up in the middle of the night w~rrying about it. Everyone else would go home for the day, and he would still be in the office. Thert? was always an out, though. He could quit. "I wouldn't do it for something better," he says. "It was never a case of having a better job lined up. There would be all this pressure on me1 and then with two words -'I quit' -that woula all be gone. I would sav the hell with it, and quit, HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Friday, October 1 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Correspondence with one associated with institution, research center or health organization gets under way and could provide surprises, enlightenment. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Maintam low profile, accent moderation, diplomacy and willingness to make Intelligent concessions. Surprise gift is part of scenario which highlights token of affection. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Define te rms. streamline techniques, get rid of superfluous material, show that you can handle added responsibility. Focus on business, career, dealings with govenunental representatives. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): What seemed out-of-reach becomes available. Individual you admired from a distance is close and you cah exchange views. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be willing to let go of losing proposition. Someone may be tapping the till Insist on more personal participation -prot«t your own interests. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Break from past indicated; you'll give up 90me security in order to pioneer a project and vastly increase your potential for success. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Delays are to be ex~ -utilize them constructively by galni.ng terond wind. Examine data, become famJliar Wlth mnall print, You'll regain sense of direction. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Focus on travel. publishing, communication, ability to disseminate lnfonnation. Popularity Increases, forces tend to be acattered and temptation exists to break rules concerning dlel. SAGl'M'ARIVS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your natural ebUJtles surge to forefront: people seek )'OU out, contult you and eeek oonaolation from you. Focus on prope~y values, safety. CAPRICC!\N (Dec. 22-J an. 19): Key ls to be eelectlve; you could be bombarded with Ideas, 1ubmfulons, concepts, formals, propo1ed adverti1ing campaigns. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): By gMng 'full play to Intellectual CW'iolity, you make d(1COvery of value. Focua on movcmeqt, travel, locaUn• Iott artkle1 and coneolldating recel)t gain•. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Per"on1 who appeared reUcent to~ your t.a.lenta will now appMr to be falli.n, all over you. Eventa tak odd twist., dro.amatancn favor your dfortl and you pln wldet' reoocnlUon. 808 GlflNI The Quitter is scared too. though. He looks a t his resume and realizes that it is a joke. All of those jobs with "left voluntariJy" w ntten after them. At 50, with a mortgage he can 't pay. he lies awake nights and wonders what his life would be Uke if he had played by the rules. "I feel sorry for the people who stay with their jobs," he says. "And yet I envy them." and I'd walk out the door and the sun would be shining. "But then I'd drive home, and I'd realize that l didn't have to go back to that job anymore. But I had a wife and three children, and I knew that I'd have to start looking again before too long. I understood all of this, but I.kept doing it." THIS LAST TIME AROUND, he had a job that was going pretty well. But he didn't like his immedia te s upe rvisor , a young woman whose manner he considered officious. One day she asked him to lunch, and after the main course had been finished she started questioning him about his attitude at work. He didn't like the sound of her voice, and by the time the meal was over he had quit. THE QUITTE R ALWAYS KNEW that other people thought they were smarter than he was in a business sense. They had security; they had pens.ions building. "Even after all of this, I still think they're wrong," he says. "I don't want to spend the nex'-20 years working for somebody. They talk about benefits and profit sharing, but those things don't mean anything to me. I don't know how many times I've seen it: It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and they say, 'Everybody down to the cafeteria, old Joe's retiring today.' And you go down, and there's sponge cake, and gifts wrapped with pink paper. I don't want to stay around 20 years for that." "When I got back to the oHice, I looked for one of the vice presidents who t li_ked," he says. "And I told him. 'Lunch dldn't go so well. I'm filled up and I can't handle it anymore and I'm going over the wall'." The Quitter is convinced he did the right thing. He says that lf he had stayed any longer, he would have become one of the people he despises: "I'd have been mentally whipped into a galley slave." The Quitter doesn't know what will happen to him ne>«. "I don't want a job," he says. "But I wish I was employed for next week's salary." The Quitter thinks that most working people are frightened. He thinks that even the ones who don't realize it are acared to death. The Quitter has a dream. In the dream. he is working for himself in a little barn-studio on the upper peninsula of Michigan. He makes enough money to support hls family, but there is no one to call "boss." "They're all afraid of losing their jobs," he says. "Their bo88es know that they have families and can't afford to lose their jobs. So the people sit at their desks day in and day out, doing menial work, playing the vending machines at lunchtime. A man works at a drill press for 30 or 40 years, and all of a sudden, when he gets up, his body has taken on the shape of the machine." "It's beautiful up there," he says. "Especially at the beginning of spring. The forest floor starts to pop with ~very imaginable kind of wild flower. The coastline is perfect. When you hike along the windward side, the topography changes from rocks. to sand. to driftwood. to sand dune. and on, and on, and on ·· GOREN ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. deals. NORTH •QJ l::I AQJ 0 Qeo2 +Q H EAST •53 I:;) 1076 North WEST +AKI097 1::1 K98 0 '1098 +3 o AK75 +AK '10 SOUTH +8142 ~5432 0 v.w +97542 • The bidding: North Eaat South Weal I NT Pan 2 + Pan Pa .. Obie Pa11 Pau Pua Opening lead: Jack of 0 . We have never been un qualified admirers of the weak no trump opening bid. But there is no denying that it produces surprising results -and not always in the way you might think! This hand Is from a recent EuTopca n tou rna men t . North's hand is the sort or 14 points that might not queliry £or an opening bid. The doubleton spade honors are or doubtful val ue and the hand has only one ace and no king. South's decision to run from one no trump1is a typ- ical tactic of exponents or the weak no trump (try to escape before gelling doubled). but why he chose two spades is beyond us. (We would ha ve started with two clubs <Stay manl and, should part- ner deny a major, we would bid two hearls lo give part· ner a choice of suits.I East made a balancing double and West was delighted at the · prospect. of defending two spades doubled. Unfortunately. West's skill at selecting an opening lead did not measure up lo the wisdom or his decision to de- fend the doubled contract. Had he started with the king of spades, he would have been able to draw declarer's trumps. Careful pl11y in the minor suits would then have allowed the defenders to take all thirteen tricks. for a penalty or 1500 points. A strange thing happened when West elected to lead I \ the top or his diamond se· quence. Declarer ruffed and took a heart finesse. That left him in dummy for another diamond ruff. There followed in quick order a heart to't.he queen. a diamond ruff. a hurt to the ace and another diamond ruff. Declarer had scored the first seven tril'kS, and when he now led the thlr teenth heart. there was no way he could be prevented from scoring the fulfilling trick with one or dummy's t r ump honors. Whetht'r West ruffed high. low or not at all. the eighth ttlck was assured. Slnrt> this was lour nament play, declarer scored 470 points instead or being set 1500 point. Whal a swing! Have you been running In· to double trouble? Let Charles Coren help you find your way through the mue of DOUBLES for peoaltJu and for takeout. f or a copy ol his DOUBLES booklet, tend II .86 to "Gore1t·Doublu," care of this new1paper, P.O. BH 259. Norwood. N.J. 07848. Make c.he<b payable to Newapeperbook1. I CAN'T IMAGINE A LIMITED, ~ OR AN UNLIMITED,. UNIVERSE -- so MY IMAGl...:f-"TION MUST BE VERY L-lMITED. ~ llMA 80M81CI ATWIT'S ENO ]>rice tags really stick I'm SJck of people putting this country down for shoddy workmanship and sloppy merchandi1e. Every time I get cornered by eome malcontent who wants to point out how some defective product was recalled, I smile and say, "When was the last tl..me anyone in this country recalled a product becawie the price tag fell off? Huh?" That shuts them up! We attach price tags that stay attached longer than any other nation in the world. I have a price tag on a set of iced tea glasses, marked .05, '° you have some idea how long the price has been there. BOUGHT A SAUCEPAN in the supermarket back in 1978. There was a •2.98 price marked on it in indelible purple. I've washed It, soaked it. bleached it, scrubbed it, sanded it and chiseled at It. Nothing. The enamel has chipped on the pan. the bottom became permanently scorched and tt)e handle fell off, but the price tag is still there. 1 suppose the original idea of &eCUrlng a price tag was so people would not rub out the original price and substitute something elae. I wQUld rather move Mt. Rushmore. I haven't oought a new c.a.r lately, but l'm here to tell you when they p.y "sticker price," they're not kidding. Those little suckers are laminated to the entlh:! glass where the whole world can see how much you paid for power steering and whitewalls. I once soaked a window for three days trying to get It off The paper finally came off, but the glue on the window is with us for life/whenever we make the last payment to the bank/whichever comes first. There's another phenomenon that no one bu ever been able to figure out. The cheaper the item, the more the price tag adheres to the article. I bought a cheap hairbrush for a blrthday preent once and if the brush could have withstood the strain, you could have chinned yourself on the price tag. I HAPPEN TO BELIEVE applying price i.p is an art. In clothes, they must be hidden l.n a sewn-up inner aeam or pinned in the armpit so t.ti.t you have to ask the sateseenon where it is. On edibles, the marking is Indelible so you can eat a grapefruit and suffer guilt at the same Ume. On glass, they must be cohe1lwe e nough to withstand a decade of wear, as with picture frame&. We only fall short In one area. No one has ever figured out how to get a price tag also listing the weight of a frozen turkey. You just sorta have to judge for yourself. I don't see turkeys made in Hong Kong marked any better! 'Z' personalities also develOp hypertension • DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I can't andentand wtay I 1bo11ld bave developed 9al .. blood preHure. Wlaat a 1bock w bn I leaned tht I a eed medication for rny prt111re becHM It 11 10 blgb. I'm only H, 1 scltool teaclter wlto t1ve1 a q•let Hl1tace -except wbn It comet to correcllag flaal exam papers aad llaadlla~ tt1dent complalau. J tboasltt tlaat •aly 'type A" penonalltles .were aabJtct to anaclll of lllgb pre1111e, yart 1uackt aad 1trolrl. Am I an uceptJon? -MR. N. DEAR MR. N.: In m.y experience, you're nol an ~icception. AJthoush many of my "Type A" petfonts (agrealve. under conat.ani ttnslon at work end al home) were more likely to h•ve heart 1ttacq t han their rela>t~ neighbors, I hav n 't found • aimilar parallel among hyperten.iv~. I've t~a~ many tot hJ1h blood plftlW"e who wen apparently Hay- JOUI lilAl TH DR PETER J . STEINCAOHN 101n1 ond ~lax~ lndl\.iduals. You've been hcarlna much about the "Typo A'' permnality. I'd like to maJC peoplt aware of thOIK' wilh what l call the "'J'yl)C.' Z" pert0nallty -physically lazy and rnen\ally and t'mOt.lon&lly relaxed. . Aa a precuraor of hyperten.tlon there att' olt\~r factors ln addition to ."~nonaUty." For l'Xample, doet the p.Uent have a poor heredity? Doet he or ahe smoke? OwtNit 'Q. the polnt of obesity? Eat too much salt? U~ In quM\ we. that ii dJlplled from othen? ne.e may be ·~ z·· PlftOl\lliCS.. and ' still develop high bJood p~urt', but are less likely C4ndidat~. To wear th<-lllb<.'l. "Type Z" pertonallly: develop a basic phll0$0phy of awanm~ of what'a important and unimportant in Hie; define one'• own definition of "sUCC'l'SS". be able to laugh as e..Oy M cry; accept periods of physical and mental lnertY without beln.g consclent•Nnrlckcn; believe that good h,ealth la the only N"al attlucm-o. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: If tM eltoltttt,.. level ii normal, but a.e tri&lyeerlde level 11 ltlP, w~at do you suaaeat? -MRS. N. DEAit MRS. N.: Two of my ravorl\t a...,.aetlona that of«?n work quite well: ( 1) Cua down on your dlN If you att ovttwdgh (2) Drint • lf at all. I ' 8 Orange 00111 DAIL V PILOT /Thurld1y, September 30, 1082 OPEN TO MEMBERS ONLY!.NEWLY REMODELEI;> FURNITURE DEPARTMEN ·NOW OPEN AT "FEDCO COSTA MESA If you're thinking low prices ••• think Fedco. H you're thinking beauty and style ••• think Fedco again! Come in and see our selection of styles and designer room ,ettings for every room in your home. -A SINGER ~ i-U"NITU"& \\ hal '\nlt'fic'.i i'ron1ir« homt IO. SURVEY PROVES WHAT FEDCO PROMISES ITS MEMBERS ! Recently, when compared with Gttmco, K Mort and Zodys. Fedco's prices were lower. Thor's right! In o consumer price survey conduaed by KNXT·TY. Channel 2, Fedco was compared against these other stores on selected brand name Items. The results? Fedco's prices were the lowest. (Documentation on request). TALK TO A FEOCO MEMBER. FINO OUT WHAT ME~BERSHIP SAVINGS ARE All ABOUT! ~~}~~~"~ "luc ~ isromii.i homt lt.L •rlboro Court" Dining R m by Singer Fumlture •. Gracious egance crafted to meet the ne s of your budget. This group is crafted from fine cabinet hardwoods, an engraved wood products and selected "Cherry Menor" Dining Room end 8edroom by Singer Fumlture ~. "Cherry Manor" is a collection of furniture styled from the pe<iod of 18th Century America. Genuine solid cherry and cherty veneers were chosen for this c9llection. ~ Pawtucket Dreaaer and Pediment Mirror .. leG3. 75 Gentlemen' a Cheat·On·Cheat •.•....•..... $4M.90 pecan veneers. Five Piece Hartford Quffn Anne Table, Vlrgln1a Low Poat QuMnalze Headboard Five Piece Dining Set co lstlng of oval table, three aide chalra ~ and one arm chair ...................................... 1471.00 Two Piece Lighted China Cabinet ...•................... 1324.00 th.c!e aide chair• and one arm chair ...•. 11,070.IO -TwQ Piece Jameatown China Cabinet ..... 1921. 71 Phlladelphla Lo~y Server .•.....••.•••• 1418.IO end Foot.board •••..•...••.••••......••..• 1447.SO a..ncaater Night Stand .•.•..••...... -.... •1 t2.eo Portemouth Semelnler ...••.••..•........ •n1. 75 ~ ~}"~~~"'! \\-11111 Aml!ric1 ls~!~ homt ~ ;'King KOii "New West" Juvenile Bedroom by Singer Furniture·. This western styled wrap group Is crafted of solid pine with engraved cross beams and sides to complete that rugged ranch look Corner Deak •........•............•........ _ .. S123.80 "SpllNll Gu.rel" by King Koll • "Spinal Guard sleep system designed with the help of the International Chiro- practors Association. Providing extra support tor the center one·thlrd of your body. Bed Sets consisting of mattress and foundations. Three Drawer Bachelor Cheit .......••........ 1132.00 Open 30" Hutch ..................... _ ......... 1132.00 Open 44" Hutch with Light ..... : .............. 1181.20 . Twlnalze Set .•...•...............•......... 11 u.oo Fullalze Set ..•••••................•..•..... 1224.00 QuHnalze Set ...•..•••..•........•....•••. •300.00 Klngalze Set ...•..•.•..••.••• -...•.......•• N17 .oo Mirror ........................................ $149.00 Four Drawer Deak .............•...•.......... 1181.20 Four Drawer Chest ..................••....... 1181.11 Three Drawer Single Dresser .................. 1115.20 Deak Chair ..................... _ . _ .......•... I 90.80 '------------------------------, ENCLOSE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR 12.00-~UAll DO NOT HND CA8H I APPLICATION FOR LIFE MEMBERSHIP n :1>co11NC 9130184 I I Members"•Ps 1ssuf'd Ontv 10 Cal1torn1a Re,iaon1' P.O. Box 22159. Los Angele1, CA 90022 I I [~EASE l'IV•TlACH I TllRl'llB•. I I rT~ ~I T T . T •• l T T T TT ~I I ~ l:(AV( Blt;_NK_ I u I LL 1 1 ~ i . I ..... -L.Li I RSr NM..<f M100. r ,,..""" ~"'i' Ni1""t I I CO ..,. T ~ 1 • ' , r-' 1 ~ ... • "] LllJ I I .L_.__ .l L .. .._. Li • 1-.: •t•l • .,,. •1 NO SIRE£ I R('il0£'K:( ~ ......, I . [[[[[[J I ~ J ~<Al LgI lJJJ Mt Mll£RSHtPOVl;llFK:1dON I I CHY l•PCOOl II rtt1.,.111111111 lo foln Fsdco llt· I I' u-= ~L : 1 ~~rr1 i 11m :-:i::::=~~~~~~~:: ,• [MPI OVM( NT SCHOOl NI;!.'( • CIVIi atrvlct. '" • crtdlt lllllOfl llltlft- 1 1 D_ I ~ L~ . . ~ ~ ,._L_:_:~ ~ ~ ~ _j ::~·.:.~~.~=·:if,:-;!:~::~~ 11 AC>OR( .. s C:ll v Nltw. II yeti "' llOI Ill '"' ti "" 11 @I~ r 9 rr:=o rrn-rrr r m :v.:.:~~lflctlltfl•. "° '"'"'"' I• ,• /11> COOf AREA COO( £Mf'\.0 VM(NT I SC...oot. PHCM I I Tiit ..,.,. .... ,,,11cam 1t1Mtn 52 00 ltf tflc cit .. el NO• AHUWU llO•· 1NS£111 N\NeEll If ~l'UCAll.t I W•IFtWlf Liff Mt1111£11SHW AHlkllll lltrtiy tt11tf1H llltl llt '"'It M l 11 I ,..,. .. .... "'' 1-.1 ,~. 1n'"''1°" .. ,.Ofl i. "" I I I APf'1.1CANI &SIGNArvAr OA' I I ,...,._.,...,.,.~ • ...,., ...... ..,. •• , ... ...,., ............. .,._,u,.... I ·----------------------------~ ARE YOU ILIOIBLE TO JOIN? APPROVID CRED.IT UNION MIMa•RS NOW QUALIFY. , WHO CAN JOIN FEDCO? Only tHi.1111 ot -State of C1lllot11l1 who meet one ol thit tollowlnt ll'l•llllcallon1 . • '""~' •111ployM1, l»Olll CIVlll•ll 1114' mllltery. .. ,.,., Kii ... °' ,..,red • ..._.,.,.of et* Ort111IMd llCllw) ~ .. °' the llflMd ""'._ of "" United ...... 0o"9flWMll! who -on the IMIYrOll tf -'ldefll 0o"9f""*"• • ,._,NM Mio '91'1Wly r~ 41N9illly ~ ... ion.,..,. ...... Mell!~ --~·· °',...... ,..~ tfW;lltM lfOftl tlle Unl!M It .... cao--. • ''"'•County, Ctty, 1M °"* litlulltelllel eftltllO~ ........ eotiv. °' retired. • ·~ "' "°"'""" .,., .. lone °' _...._. • '11P.lllM IMllMte .... _ ~ .,..,. °' .... _.., ··~ ...................... _...... . ~ .. _,..., .............. ~ .. tN ,..,......, ....... er II J I u1.-ef IN ~ """""C01M1l11• fff ....... of c....... ,... • .......,. .. """°'*' ............. ........................ ,,..., .................. .,,..,.. o. .. -lt .FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES /t OltlN TO FIDCO MIM•llll ONLY ,IDCO CEl'IUTOS 12 13} 81()-771' STORE HOURS 11525 SOUTH STREET, CERRITOS 90701 noco COSTA MHA ,,,,, 979-2660 3030 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 92626 FEDCO LA CllNIGA (213} 837·4481 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD LOS ANGELES 90018 noco ONTAl"O (7141 '47·8300 ...,. .. t:tl ,.: CIMIJOS • COITA .... POMONA l'REEWAV l ARCHIBALD AVE OlfTA"90 • HIAOftM ' VMI lllYI fllDCO PAIADINA (213) 4418UO 3111 E COLORADO BLVD PASA.OENA 91107 PIOCO SM tlW f7"J •·4111 ~10 S. MT Y!ANON AV! SAN 8ER"-'ADINO 12410 PIOCO IMI llltO f 1141 ""'4 f ' S4th I EUCl.ID, SAN DIEGO 92105 PllCO VMI Mm (llJJ ~ 14~ AAVMEA tTAen. YAN NUYS 91405 . \ . "I "J1elley l .1011g tnr in 0 THURSOAY,SfPT.30, 1982 NHl., "l"heers," un ()8 is i11 ~ the va I wa t e land. TIE C• 111 TIE SOCIAL NEWS TV LISTINGS ENTERTAINMENT 82 86 87-8 86. Transients stay one step within law •• ID By STEVE MITCHELL Of !tie D.U, fltlot ll•ff Laguna's tran1>lents. They 11IL•ep under th1.• Main Beach Park boardwalk and an the stairwt·lls on Forest Avcnut• und in the cunyon and t•ven an trush dumpc:;tt•rs. They beg for loose t·hange and th ey rre qu e nt al l -night restaurants, sipping corree and waiting for dawn when they can legally sleep on the beach. Morning joggers hasten past the sullen-fa<.-ed vagrants who sit huddled in tattered sleeping bags and blankets on the beach and the grassy knoll at the south end or Main Beach Park The tran s ie nts a ng er merchants who say they steal food and other merchandist• and intimid at e r egula r patro ns . Oceanfront property o wners complain the drifters use their yards and planter boxes ror restrooms. One downtown merchant says he frequently chases transients from his shop, adding police had to be called on two occasions recently when vagrants did not leave volunmrily. "The <.'Ops tell me their hands are tied as Car as these dirtbags ar e concerned," sa id one merchant. who did not want to be idenur1ed. "I thought 1t was against the law to steal. panhandle, drink in public and sleep on the beach ." Those act1v1ties arc 11legal. agreed L aguna Beach Police Chier Neil Pur<:ell. He also hears from merchants a nd residents who l'Omplain the police art' not doing anything about Laguna's transient population. And he admitted there is a problem. The biggest problem, ~said. 1s responding t.o legitimate cilium concerns while s till protecting the rights oC the transients and street people, whose numbers s<.'em 10 swell in the summer months and into the £all. .. It's not a case or pulling them off the streets and stashing them away in a cell for a Cew days ... Purcell said "I'm not going to tell m y orricer s to manha ndle these people or harass them ot drive them to the city limits and tell "Transients s tay up all nig ht in restaurants, walk around town a nd whe n 7 a.m. com es, they go to the beach and crash ." them to slay out or town," he said. Not evi:n the repeat offenders, who arc Jailed four, five or six limes a month for misdemeanors ranging r rom trespassing to possessing marijuana. Purce I 1 said most of the orrcnses l'Ommilled by vagrahts are infractions or the law or Children I offered misde meanors And, an many cases. an arrest cannot b<-made unlL>SS the polic.'<' witn<.>SS the t•nmc or a c1t1zcn is willing to prose<:Ull' "W e ha ve t o hav e a complamang party who 1s willing t.o prosecute and willing to go to court and ll'Sllry," he said. In the l'aSC or panhandling short hop to reading "It's so much run to watch the children get excited," said Delores Bowles when she retired from 45 years of teaching in Missouri, Ethiopia and Newport-Mesa Unified School District in 1980. That love for youthful expressions led to her current "job," bringing the stories of Peter Rabbit to life with puppe ts and s tuCfed toys that ae<.'Ompany her animated readings. As a student oC Beatrix Potter, she a dmits to being obsessed~y the Curry creatures' adventures w Mr. Mac.-Gregor and considers the ideal introduction::to literature. "Children are naturally interested in a nima ls' antics and like to be mischievous. too. so telling parts of the stories is a nice way to get children to read," Bowles said. And the lectures give her an entree back into the schools where "helping a child is the greatest contribution in the world." So she was in the district media center last week entertaining 200 first and second graders, some of whom had grown up with television and others who were from foreign cultures. But the rabbit tales multiplied all their interests in school work. or b e gging -the dt1ze n approm:hed by a transient would havt' to b<• willing lo give up a day of work to appear m court. "And that doesn't c.'Oml' often" the c.·hid said. Regarding loitering and sleeping on the beach and public parks, Purc.'l•ll said there is little his department can do during the daylight hours. "SlN'pmg on the beach 1s legal from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m ," he said, adding that transients are well aware or the ordinance. "They'll stay up all nsghl m restaurants, walk around town. imd then when 7 a .m. comes, they go to the beach and crash "We get calls in the summer from joggers and people who live ... Page 0 ... Laguna ulung tht• oc.·1•an front &nd Mairl &•ach , but it's legal and I don'\ know how you'd cvl•r get an ordinant'(' approv(•d proh1bltang slN•pang on tht• bpal·h in the dµy11ml' .. Tht• chit•r sbid-tht• num~r of trWllilcnts 1s &rowin& Prior to mid-surhml'r, hl• swd, h18 oHi<:ers madl' a h<;adc.'OUnl Of between 20 a nd 25 "regular'' transients those they saw lr<'Cjucntly on the city's bc.•aches and m parks Recently, that count has doubled tu 50 or 60 recognizable trans i ents, Purce ll said , attributing the increase to the warme r w e athe r , depressed et'Onomy and lack or JObs. Purcell said he realizes the aggravation and cxpens<' trani.ienls bring to Laguna Beal'h, along with their sleeping bags and back packs. And he said his department will l'Ontinue to take whatever lcgul steps it can to keep vagrants Crom oUonding residents and merl·hants .. M eanwhil e. th e bigges t dt•tcrrent to Laguna's transient popula tion is the weather. "Most or them disappear whe n thl' temperature drops," Purc€11 nowd. "In a re w wee k s, 1 don't bl•ltevc you 'll see nearly the numbe r or transients you see now They JUSl seem to move on to other parts of the state and l'Ountry." Only to return m the sprang. "Yo u can count on that," Purt'<'ll said. Delore Bowles introduce Tabitha Twitchet and the works or Beatrix Potte r to an a1~mbly or econd graders at Paularino chool in Cotta Mesa . I -I I I t Bl Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thureday, 8epttmbef 30, 1812 Harves t f es ti val s·et for Sun·day You haVl' until 7 p.m. Sunday lo llt>t lo Ht•rltag£' Community Park for tht• Irvine lforvl'l!l Fl'litlval. Foods. arl.'I and craftB, gunws and displays ar..• fc•aturl-'<.f at lh <.'Ommunity's annual gathering. Somt• 350 kkkt.>d off the festival week at the Hnrvc.'st Moon ball held In the Registry Hot.el. Thl' gro up was served a gourmet dinner and they· daoet.-d lO the Sound of Music orchestra. 11 Shelly Schultze of the fes tival board o f d1rc't'l0rs organized the event and planm.'<i It with a 1930s theme. Among those attending were Tim Parker, board preside nt, and his wife Rhonda. John and Phyllis Murphy, Drew Renner, Shelley Ervin. Kathleen Lauren, Gary Rath, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Aldrkh, Supervisor and Mrs. Tom Riley and David Sweet. Huth Ding serves d essert to Rose Smedegaard and DeVere Williamson at the Upper Bay Committee's progressive dinne r. At the llarvest Moon ball, (rom lert, are She lley Schulte, with Tim. and Rhonda Parker PROGRESSIVE DINNER: Members an.d guests of the Upper Bay Committee of the Orange C<)unty Philharmonic Society started the evening otf with c'OCktails al the residence of Mr. and Mrs. ~rge Engelke in Cameo Highlands, Corona dcl M;ir. "she really did a grc~t.. job," said Smt'degut1rd, who is chairman of the committee. utldcntci:t.ammcnt w1U be. avo1lablo whalo bruw111ng newly organized Women's J!.:Xl'<:Ullvc Cabioo&.-0J lh<· -• through the store. All proceeds will go to the Orang• County Chapter, March of Dimes. : The n the 62 divided into groups and went to the homes of Betty Grower, Dorothy Hilmer, Wilma Priche tt, Edna ltoblnson, Elizabeth Robinson, Barbara Bray, Carolyn Williams and Rose Smedegaard for their e ntrees of the progressive dinner themed "Oriental Fantasy." De Vere Williamson planned the fund-raiser and Antique Show The evening concluded at. the home of Dr. and M~. Lock Gee Ding in Big Canyon. Dessert was served and Alan Stoneman provided a musical program. "Ruth (Mrs. Ding) was so gracious to have us in her home and-She has such a lovely music room," Smedegaard said. PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY BENEFIT: More than 5,000 invitations' have gone out for the Thursday, Oct. 7, reopening of Barker Bros. store at 2522 N. Main. Sant.a Ana. Music, hot buffet, drink" Orange County Philharmonic Socie ty for it.-; youth , James Roosevelt greeted the business and programs that reach 250,000 children each year. organization leaders Crom throughout the county . Barker Bros. Is underwriting the entire <.'OS\ of the Roosevelt is a member of the national March of t•vcnt. Dimes board of trustees. QCPS' n ew.c&L>1Qulh_program ln.vnlves_sending_ _ Speakers at the luncheon included Dr. David teams of gifted young musicians to elementary Mosier, who is doing research as a MOD grantee at schools to perform and then answer questions from UCI on the effects of diabetes on the expectant their peers. mot.her and her infant; Dorothy Sutherland. NEW GROUP: Gwenda Watson opened her Newpol'l Beach home for the chart.er meeting of the executive cJl'ector of the local MOD, and Ellen Wilcox, associate director for corporctte and L'Ommunily relations. Huntinvfon Center moll today thru Sun. :~ THI I ~ IARL'I -., PW-...~ AllCIONOI~ SOlAa WA Tll HU~ IATHIOOM~ s. lo< '116$1 8ervtoe Time 81¥1• •I Y0ut 0oot !Cell Slc>t9 -..1 Yeut Ar .. ) . Now and .them. • COSTA Ml$A 641-1289 1526 ... ~ llwd. MISSION VllJO 495-0401 ' 2"12 c-... c.,.i.-. , ....... "-'· .. ,....., ,...,., IT MAY NOT BE A WHISPER Hearing loss can be very subtle and many people just paaa It off. It may be an accumulation of wax ln the ears. A physician can do a great deal to correct this problem. If It Is just wax he will clean It out and advile you hav e 11hls done periodically. For more serious toss he might reoommend one of the new el(ective hearing aids. Each hearing 1011 la l.ndlvidual and just the right aid must be selected. Don't wait until not hearing becomes embarrassing. Have it checked ff soon as It ir noticed. W YOU OR YOUR D<x=TOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people rely on us for their health needs. We wekome req\Jftta fOC' delivery .ervice and charge account.. to Increased Sales Is Finding the ~lght Buyer. Call the Orange Coast Dally Piiot today. 642-5678 • D•llY Pilot e cl•uffleds - • wort&for • you.call '42·5671 e for.,.tck e ·c•lllutles. 4ing ,, · Warning : The Surgeon Generel Hes Determ ined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your H~alth. . . . • ... Compet1t1ve brand tar levels reflect the lower of 11ther FTC method Of Dec '81 FTC Report SOFT PACK lOO's FILTER. MENTHOL 2 mg. "tlf". 0 2 mg. nicoune av. Pl' cigertttl by FTC mtlhod. ; • t r ... Evid nc withh Id in copter crash? ' LOS ANGELES (AP) "Twilight Zonl•" dlrt.oelOr John Landis und othent have withheld evidence and refused w comply with subpoe na s an the investigation of a helicopter crash that killed actor Vic Morrow and two children, a federal t:omplalnt says. Associate producer George Felsey Jr .. production manager Dan Alhngham and Levitsky Productions also were namt.'Ci in lht• t'Omplamt, file'<! by th1• U S uttornt•y s offK't' • Thl' t'Omphunt suys t•uch of \ht• dl'fondunts has C'Vidl'nt'C! which the Nattonul Transportation Safety Board "deems advlRable t.o have produt'ed in l'<>nncction with ats Investigation" and each "has refused and continues to refuse to comply or to comply Cull)' with the NTSB subpoena." Six others were injured in the 2:30 a.m. July 23 crash. -------Actor Vic Morrow 30% - • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thured'S, September 30. 1982 itJ ~ Credit card firm 's Policy hit SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Art Amt"rlcan Jo:xpr ~ Co policy of routln<'ly ca nc:t'llna 1uppl<'ml•ntary credit card• ol wldow1 de10C.·rvn th 11erutlny of a fl'dcral t'\>Urt, 11y1 on appellate ruling "N"candorthal " It how a consumer advocate dlllerlbed the Am<'rlcan Express practke. The 9th U.S . Circuit Court of Ap~ on Monday told the U.S. District Court In Phoenix again to take up the case of Virginia F. Miiier, whose supplemental credit card WaB yanked a(lcr her husband died. 50% ·, Kruis L. M rt.on. the wldow'lli auorn<•y In Phoenix. uid in u tt>l~phonc Interview hi• l'll ·nt had been "humiliated" wht•n a store clerk reCu•'Ci to at'CC'JH the• suppl mentury card and ahl' didn't have enough cash for lhl' purchue. Miiier complained that American Express vlolau-d th£> Equal Credit Opportunity At·t when her supplementary card was canceled after tht! death of her husband, Maurice Miiier, the main cardholder. The act makes it unlawful Cor creditors to use marital status as .. th bcul• Cur '6t·uon 1r1 a en t troruwlt1on Jo' r ·ti '' r Ir k W 11 IC l n 1 o n , u 11opok<• rnun fur Ame nmn 1'.:xprna In Nt•w York, 1a1d <:omp11n.Y atwrnt•y• hadn't r<..'l'l'IVl'Cl u <.'Upy ol ttw tl\'l 1!111111 Harry Snyd('t . u <.:onsumor11 Union attorney in San Fran<:18'.t,>. i;a1d lhc dcdsaon support.a u c1441fJ1 In u separa~c. class-action suit tiled in August alle~ang tha.t American Express dlscriminatttt against women In Its cred it policies by ignorms communJ>y property when l'V1,1lualmg credit upph.1.•utwni. ., ' soys $14.99-$17.99 BOVS' LONG a: SHORT SLEEVE VELOURS by Famou• Maker. Sin• S.M·L-XL. Reg. value 110.12•. $15. 99 BOVS' JEANS from Rage. St.aee 25·30: Res. value 120.123. . $9. 99 IOVS' CORDUROY WALK.SHORTS by Famoue Mam. Slan 23-30. R ... value S12. $10.99 BOYS" KNIT SHIRTS bv F•mou1 Maker in diamond etlkh. R ... value $14. JUNIORS S9.99·S15.99 'UNIORS A&&'T KNn TOPS a: BLOUSES. .... wahM 114-Sll . .JUNIORSSPORTSWEAR COLLEcnoN FRON TATTOO llefl. v•lue $22·$38. S9.99-l19.99~oas·Ass·TFASHIONADRESS SLACKS ...... .._ 120-SM. ll0.5fU.99 ASSORTED FASHION SKIRTS. R ... vat.. 116-MO. Not all etyla In •II •torn. MENS $ 16. 99-$19. 99 VOONG MEN'S 'EANS &om Brtttanla. Levi Mevta'On. PCH, ZeppllD. s .... 28-SI. Rq. value 114-129. $9. 99 MEN'S SHORT It LONG SLEEVE SPORTSHIRTS fro• N .. Volk Sportawear Exch•n .. In •lze• S-M·L-XL .... va1 ... 11a.s20. $10. 99 MEN'S CORDUROY WALKSHORTS by F•moue Maker. Sbn la.Sl.,Rq. value SH. 111.99 MEN'S KNIT SHRTS bv Famou• Maker In •moad edtch. Reg. value $11. S 19. 99 MEN'S BEL TED SLACKS by Focue. Size• SO. •.R-..val•elSO. 189.99 MEN'S WOOL a: CORDUROV BLAZ£RS by Me .. Hall S....31-44. R ... valaeS10S..SlS5. Sl l.99-llS.99 LONG It SHORT SLEEVE 'EAN 8HlllTI ...._ Levi. SeNrdaya. Charlie alMI ~ Ca .... la rri.' .... , Excha...-. Sine S-M-L-XL R ... .......... •. SlS.99 LONG SLEEVE aunON·OOWN SHIRTS from ......., It Boe IJomme. Sbn S-M·L-XL Rq. v1luc SlS- 111. SHOES · $9.99-$}5.99 LADIESIATACANVASSHOEI R ... val••llS.~n. Sii. 99 aovs· ANEN'S COOL 1HO£s .......... a-. .... value Sit. Selected etore-. $19.99-S .99 MEN'S CA5UAL SHOES bt Dem• A .._ ftlH MO.t,56. Selected etoree ~. • ( . ( ( ) l J ' ; Or•no• Cout DAIL v PILOT /Thur1d1y, 8eptemb« 30, 1812 Walking out ., Campers and luggage-toting tourists ,hike gingerly along edge of washed-out road in Kings Canyon Na tional Park. They were stranded by last weekend's rainstorms and many left cars and campers behind when they walked out to catch buses to Fresno earlier this week. AtJWl,..to ' , Computer tax benefits OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) -Tht.• House ha:-. approved a Californw congn•ssman's bill that provtdf.•!. millions in tax benefits to Appl1.· Computt.'r Im: and similar ix•rsonal computer companies that d<Jtiall.' lht.•ir products to the nation's schools. T h e s pecial one-year measurt.'. sought by U.S . Rep. Fortney Stark. D-Oakland. gives nearly 100 percent income tax deductions for gifts of ix·rsonal <:omput<'rs lo primary and L.lnlll Unl' 111 S<X'Ondary sc:hools around the nation. Th ~1t 's about lw1cl' the current dt•UUl'llOn. The Huust' VOll-d n:J 62 for the btll. S tark said hl' introductcd the bill at the request of Apple President Steven Jobs, who had complaine r! that prese_nt laws make It impossible for Apple to donate 75,000 to 100,0000 computers lor classroom use to schools around the Unitc'Cl Statt'S I lu~in., l.i' onll' ,3nJt1I., 1\•,11l.1M" in MJ<~ nr t.11Jpt' 'lll•'-h• SS II HI s \ 10 N \Ill M .j Ill ~ -----~"'i~ SHOES--- #99 Fashion Island, Newport Beach 759-9551 • FREE custuons with each purcnase while they last. • FREE Drawing lor S .. 19 00 La·Z·Boy Reclinef on Oct 17. 5 pm No purchase ~ry. Need not be present to w1m Sped* not plthl'td In ad. l I Paid Polltlcal AcJvtfUMment "In all the years I've known him. Don has displayed both leadership and total fairness. I trust his Judgement." • -Arnold 0 . Beckman "Don Strauss Is an expert In human relations, which is valuable In private Industry and In city government." -E.H. "Hubie" Clark "Don's years of exper~ence on the City Council and previously on the School Board provide perspective and judgement that are needed. Don's even-handed way of dealing with the various factions in this town provides the Ingredient I look for In any candidate seeking public office -namely, respect." -Ray Watson "I am supporting Don Strauss because he is a man of Integrity and is dedicated to good government." · -Walter Gerken "I think Councilman Don Strauss is out of this world." -.... -E.T. Re-elect DON -STRAUSS NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL Paid For By ije-elect Don Strauss, 411 Begonia. CdM With $5,000 or more in Gibraltar's Rock Solid .. Cash Management, you earn high Money Market Yield rates on the entire amount 10.00% -with instant liquidity. Rat(' compnunJ1:<l da1i>' anJ h'<l'J for 30 d.1ys. Bal.inCl"i undl'r SS,000 r;llll l'.lm 51 -~ •• With over $2,000 in Gibraltar's High Yield Checking Plan, you ~-____.. Rate earn high Money M~r~et 9.40°/o rates-and enjoy unl1m1ted Yield check writing convenjence. 10.00% EJch d.iy Wl' automatically sweep each ...._ ___ ..... dollar over 52,000 into our High Yield Plan Balancec; up to 52,000 eam 51 ·1%. Rall~ Me compoundl-d J,uly. and fru'<l for entire month. With $500 or more in Gibraltar's Rock Solid Checking, you pay ..._ __ -JRate nothing-we pay you 5.25o/o 51;.1%-and you write as Yield many checks as you want. 5.47% Thi~ low minimum balance means you pay no monthly fees and cam thl' hi~h­ cst rate allowed by law -compounded J,11ly. You also )I.Cl our Chl'CI-. GuarJntl't! plus Overdraft Protc'Ction, whl'n you qualify. Notr. l{N lo. !M,hJ Cht-c.lo.m.: .mJ tlw II~ $2.000 1n H1Kh' itkl lh<. .. l..1n.: .lit 1ns11rl.J i-) 1ht· I SI IC B.1l,11xc<o owr S2,000 tn H1.:h '1d<l lhl'Clo.11'1( •n<l ,111i-Jl.inu~10 (.i,h M.in.ll(l'm<.'OI .t~ S4.'Cun.J h l' S ec.vl'fnmt:nl .md A~\·ncy ~'Cufllll'S Thl"St' .trl' not 'I.Win.:~ .l6u1onh or Ul'f"'l'oll~ .ind thl'rt.forc-nnl msureJ b) the' FSI IC. You name it. Gibraltar has it. Cash Management. High Yi~ld Checkinai, Rock Solid Checking. It pays to check with Gibraltar. We help you manage your money, your taxes, your future. SAVINGS HUNTINGTON BEACH: 1'11 Hunttnston Ctr. /(714) 89S-9666 LACUNA HJUS: ~Bl Toro Rd. I {714) 951·8454 f\JUERTON: 255 W. ~Ave. I (714) 811-'>101 NEWPORT IEAOt: 2?00 W. Coast Hwy./ (714) 631·26ll SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: 318n Dt1 Obispo St./ (714) 493-SOJ.1 SANTA ANA : J925 S. Bri9tol St. /(714) 9?'9·7S80 14 Santa Ana Fathion Square/(714) SM.o'll7 • , Orange CoHl DAILY PIL.?>T /Thureday, September 30, 1982 O'Neill one Demo not strapped for campaign funds u11 unk1111w11 Ht•µuhl1t1111 , 11n1l tJ1ih1ap·111111,..1un mu1wy unyu1w thlnk111 twcun win O'Nt.•111 11 dolnti jU•t fl11l' WAHlllN<:TON tAPI Tho mu P O' N l' 111 J 1 IM 111w Dt•llllM.'rUl Whll hlllll 1\11 ll UUUl1• but:klt\K t h1· lh·pubhl·un nwrwy tldl' th111 t·h~ trun Yl'lff I hli uluhty t o rul1H· 11 ht•fty tanqrn1gn tnm.11ury uf h11. uw11 " orw uf l)w JOYll 111 1i>1.·1ng 11p1·ukt•r ol thl· l l111tM' 111 H(4pl'\'llol'lllilt1v1•"' Ttw d11w11 11ldt• ol ht•ll\J( lluu-..· p10,1k1•1, und u :;ymhol ul JptX"<lllu11 tu Pn.'l'llUW\l Ht•ugun'i. onunm program. hi thl• t•n l' &111r.u-lt'<lplt•n1vofmoiwyfurh111 With'' lot ul lwlp from h11 ral1lng monc.·y from the l1111u "hol l'11rn1rn1w11 10 uptwt H 1• 11 u l.111 ,. u n r r It• n d • In But tht>n•'• 11omc• qu<'ltlon how trodltlonol tour« .. of campola",:!. U'N1•1ll M1111io:.whuiit'll!i, from 'l'l•x1111 1111 much of a cam~ign thut mont'y funJi for thl! power clllt• l ll•:::;• I Mll Nu111lan1 U1111J O 'N1h·1ll "1' t• r'ru"1'~'1·1r1~1.u M'".~'N"·~ .. ,,,l'u1111r·nrvhuall1v1•rruul~',•!d ~t•h::ug't,~~ ~~~ u:;:ugf,a c.!tr~nd~ <.:ongre11 H t> doe1m'l hav.-to ·:·:~ ll l'O °Kll'll oppus ll•i. w 0 0 liO " " ~ .. .. !ipcnd anything lO solicit funds .O:~ 1th wl11dl l"rn"k L Mt.·Numurn. ~ ft•r 11111\ru linJ( 1olylt:...2!.._rn1 u~1g:...-~$~;.;.;!'l...;l;..:.l.O;;..l;.;.;><_i ..;.1 .. 11_1 _u....;.c1_11_ll,.pa__.:.l1i<.:..n_h_u_n_...Jly __ r1_11_111_11_.ij _______________________ _ Loeb's widow • • carries on 1n different style MANCHESTER. N II (AP) Some observers thought the Union Leader lhc newspaper that once called President Ford "11 Jl'rk" -would "disappear into the woodwork" after rts fwry archconservauve publisher, W1l11am Loeb, died one year ago. · Loeb's widow 1s doing things a little differently, but she says thl' paper has nol lost any of ilS power. During 33 years of publ1s h1ng New Hampshire's only stalcw1de daily nl•wspaper, Lot-b labeled President E1wnhow1.•r "Dopl'y Dwight" and Sen. Margaret Chase Smith "Moscow Maggil'." Loeb also calk-d President Kt•nnL'C.ly "the No. I liar in the United States." "Obviously, when I wrtll' an t.•ditorial, I'm not going to pretend I'm soml'Ont• £>1st> and write an editorial like Bill Loeb would," says Loeb's widow, Nackey Scripps Locb. "If you try lo b<.• sonwbody who you aren't,.then you're in troublt•." Today's editorials arc as "effective in a different way," she said. Loeb's front -page diatribes. read over breakfast tables across New Jlampsh1rl', tt.•rrorilt'd foes and helped shape the po1111cal dl-stinws of his friends -and of thl• nation. bN·aust· N('W Hampshire holds the nation's first primary e lection :iuring prcs1den11al years The Union Leader was cred1ll'd with making the careN or right wmg former Gov. Meldnm Thomson and breaking the aspirations of Edmund Muskie, who was favorl'<i in the early going for the Democratic pres1dl'nllal nommauon of 1972 L oeb. who lived in Massa('husctts. dred of cancer at age 75 on Sept. 13, 1981, and respons1b11ity fell to h is wife of 29 years. She says the newspaper is still powerful. "Politicians still worry about us," said Loeb. 58, WhO WaS publisher LoC'b's lhlfd Wife. A Manchcslt•r·bas!'d polling organization. Blake and D1ckmson, agrees the newspaper's clout ts intact. "Of all likely voters in Nl'W Hampshire, 55 rcent say that the Manchester Union Leader is till a force an New Hampshire politics following the dealh of William Loeb. 25 pl'rccnt do not ft'el that it 's a force and 20 perc.·l•nt art• undecided." the listers said. Circulation has 1ncrvasc>d by about 2.000 ewspapers daily and 4,000 C'Opu~s on Sunday sin<.-e Loeb's death. According to newspaper figures. 1t .ells about 67,000 daily and 74,500 Sunday copies to the 920,000 residents of New Hampshire. Scripps Loeb 875-1171 \ .. BANlf OFAMERICA PRE5ENT5A TAX BREAlf YOU CAN BANlf ON OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE :JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER FOR A FUU YEAR_ When you invest in Bank of America's Tax Free Time Deposit, you and your spouse can earn up to $2.CXX) interest, free from federal income tax~ That's $166 a month, tax free for a year~* (Individuals may earn up to $l(XX) tax free.) -----DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, A BETTER INVESTMENT -----Since this income is tax free, a Tax 1Free Time Deposit may actually give you more dollars after taxes than many investments, including money market accounts. Compare for your- self. Just stop by or call any Bank of America branch. We'll show you dollar for dollar how other invest- ments stack up against a Tax Free Time Deposit. MORE THA,N A TAX BREAK Add value to your investment by using your Tax Free Time Deposi t to help you qualify for checking free of monthly charges with our Combined Balance Service!M And of course, with Bank of America you can bank on all the safety and coJvenience of California's leading bank. BANK ON IT NOW -----A good investment like this won't last foreve r. By law, Tax Free Time Deposits can be opened only through December 31, 1982. So be sure to call or stop by any branch soon. Ask about a Tax Free Time Deposit-the tax break you can bank on for a full ye:u. Tax cxcmpuon 10~1 for early w11hdrawal, plu\ wl>· stnnual 1n1cresi penalty. • Based on couples dcpos111ng S2t;,.J lfl 111 rate nv111I a blc on September 7. Deposit amount needed 10 earn S2000 1~ reduced 1f you receive 1ntercs1 paymcnl\ le55 frequently. One year term. St;OO minimum deposit. S2lXXl 101n1, Sl<XXl ind1v1dual hleume exclusion from federal income 1u1 on Tax Free Time Depos11s and all other investment~ of 1h1s 1ypc a1 any financial 111s111u11on BANK ON THE LEADER .. • BANK OF AMERICA DESIGNER SOLARIA~ from A matrong The no-wax floor you love to come home to ~ 'If.~ A SO. YO. ~~wS t 2.-95 AS SQUARE YARD 6P£CIAL CLOSE-OVTI $9.95 SQ. YO. LIMITED OUANTITllS •••••••••••••••••COUPON••••••••••••••••• .. 1" MINI BLINDS 60% COUltON EXftl .. EIOCT.I0.1112 L•n,''IF=:::::t~~----··•••••••••••••••••••~ ALL WALLPAPER 30 AL OIT ( l;M Ll '()11'(, ) -"' ~1~1'1: y l\.R~ ,, One of the largest scl«tions of wallpaper in Oran1c County. Hundreds of designs and pau~rns from which to choo c. lN STOCK PAPERS 30o/oro40°/oOFF 3295 Newport Boulevard· Newport Beach Callfornla (on Penlntula Acrou ~rom City Helt) I • 1 •; Orang• Co II OAILY l'ILOT/Thurtd6V1 8tpt1mbor 30. 100.- 'Cheers' warm, _wacky companion of a TV show Fi11a lly, a progr am to whic h we can a ll li f t a h art y toa t •• • .. , ,. ... 8:00 II D D NEW8 11 CHARLIE'S ANGELS G EIOHT IS ENOUGH ., M'A'S'H Hot Lipa· myat.,IOul di• eppeAt~ 80 dialU<l>a Frenk thet ,,. ahOOta B J whlle ptepAtlnQ to _,Ch Ille jungr. fOt lhe ""8alng nurw -..... G) HAWA.11 FIVE.O f1\l O\l~EASY ··wldowt And Widow. 1" GUftt Harri.I Nelaon (R) i HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS "Ofam• An lmltetlon 01 Life'" ()) C88NEWS ®J ABC NEWS Q Q!NBCNEWS O MO\llE • • ""Looker'" (1981) Albert Finney. J•m•• Coburn The my1terlou1 deaths ot a ~· of ti.au· lllul models Involved In • new •dvenl~ng project are blamed on the P4Htic surgeon who operated on them 'PG' 8:30 G) M' A 'S'H Both Chat1ee end Klinge< devel09 romenllc N81aon1 wttile lc>rgelllnQ their lfOU· l>let •t Rolle'• Ber &;) DICK CA \IETT Guest philosopher P•ut Weiss (PAtt 2) (RI Ci) GROWING YEARS ""The Growing tnl•n1" ())OJ NEWS ®J BAANEY MILLER White Wolo c•reens uound New York tn • commandMfed cal>. the detectives •t the precinct have 10 cope W11n •n undercover lnve1llgallon by lnte<n11 Alla1ra :'° 7:00 6 CBS NEWS ' 0 NBC NEWS •. 0 HAPPYDAYSAGAIN Fonzie st•rta a ~ career aa auto mech•nlca lnltruc· tor at Jefler aon High D ABC NEWS Q fJ SOAP JesSlca and MMy com- ml-•11 over a cup ot tee. Denny tries 10 kMI Bun G) OOOOER DUGOUT Cl) (8 JOKER'S WILD fil mi 8USINE88 REPORT Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A lliall Wf1h dog lrt•ner Barbera WoodhouM • qulc;k mlctoau<gkal tech· n!Que IOt 1ep1tr1ng slipped dllCS (l) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Four -P 118'1 dlscuu being In • p4nup calend•r ® \llOEO JUKEBOX ©J Of>ENtNG DAY MADNESS A 1evl9w of the bizarre end t1gn1nc.n1 happening• of thl NFL"• peal 40 opentno ~··P<-led Cl) FAERIE TALE THEA TN "'TM Tale 01 The Frog Prince" Robin . Wllll1m1 11111 In a lanaaticet •••• of • ptlnoe Wllo'a lur~ Into •flog by• Wiich"• ~·· (Z}MO\lll **It "Lion 0 1 Tho o.-1°' (19111) Anthof"ty Quinn, OtlYet Reed A herd.rldlnQ Bedouin leader reelttl 11.ty'• •1temp11 10 ooc:upy Ubya IOI :lO ~· "PO' 1:11 . OOOOlA PllW.-GAMI 1:30 8 2 OH THE TOWM • Feltur90 8 l>ehlnd·I,.._ • --loOlt 81 LI Cege Avll flollee: • mrt to llowwr Boutique: a loOlt •I -modified c;era e a FAM•l y n uo • l.AvtftNI! & SHIRLEY &COMPANY The glrlt llfl llhOcked IO di~ lhal their old Club U¥ l"lll':O HOTllENUl~IUi Af Tel.wltlon Wrll., Nl·:W Yt>llK Ju,1 wulktn~ 111 1111· tluot , \Pll ktww tlwt "'Ch1l'I'•.'' NU(",.. '" \\ \\I ~•· l'IJl'kln~ 1'11111\'dv i.t•l Ill J 'l"""'"'•l'Y 1>,11 ICI Um.iw1, will h1 .J Wolllll 1111J ~,11·ky I Ulllfi.tl\1111\ lll ,1 h'li•v1i.1r111 show, 11 J1•h~htful plm.'l' ht ... ,wnd 1dh-111111', u f1v1• Hlu r w11it-r1nw hull• You 1·a11 :R'l~l' tl 111 lht· 11111h1a111•1•, tlw food (or thought, l h1• 1•lb11W•b1•1UJlng n·~ulu 1 !I, und in tht• pru~1 um'i. f1re1t M"l 'I\{•. A stoc.'kv k1tl, :wveml ~huvt.>s from lh1· )(•gul dri11k111~ limit. strut" Into lh1· bar Thi· lwrtt•r1dt•r aski. for prc)C)f of Ut(t' 'l'ht• hoy mils h1i. l'Yl'' und :suy:s tw's fluttc-11.J "W~111 'ttl l tt·ll thl· Mn.," lw toughs Hl' h~inds ov\•1 a mllttary l.D .. placing h1~ .ig1· .Jl :rn. Tlwy d1scu~ Vwtnum for<• monwnl, ugn•t•ing thut war is gross Thl· barl<•ncl('r 1sn'\ 1rnpr<•ss1•d No S<.tll· "I'm w r r:11. soldier." Andy Kaufman as mec ha n ic Latka Gr ave a nd Carol Kane as h i immigranl bride imka are• back in ""Taxi'' which slart a new seaso n tonigh t al 9 ::10 on KNBC. Channd 4. nas t>ecome • tough gang 0 EYEONLA. fJ MADAME'S PLACE G) BASEBAU Allanla Braves at LO$ Angelet Oodgert CE ()) TIC TAC DOUGH mm MACNEIL/ LEHRER REPORT OJ) YOO ASKED FOR IT Featured "'Gymnastics Al A Full GeJlop" and "The world s H1gne11 TV Repeorm1n H INSIDE TiiE NR. COhosts Len Dawaon and Nock 8uonoeonu pr-1 nighl•ghl1 or the previous -k 1 pro too11>1H .ctlon and 1ntwv•-s With playe.1 and coecnea 8 00 6 MAGNUM, P.I. 1seaaon Pr-e) Mag· num •nd TC try to protect 1 N•vy buddy who believes 1na1 ,,,. 1nree of tnem •re marllec:l IOt death l>y an Old w11rtMmy D Q)FAME (Seaeon Premiere) Bruno is given lotel control ol 1111 own musical, and 0ot1s fella In IOV8 With him 0 MOVIE * * • "flolllng Tnunder .. ( 1978) Wiiiiam Devane. Tommy Lee Jonet All111 returning home from nerve.Jh•llertng cap1tv11y 1n 1 Vietnamese POW camp. a m1lli.ry olh~r tlnds that conditions on the home 1ron1 1ro equally dlaqu111tng 0 (!J) JOANIE LOVES CHA CHI (Sanon Premiere) Fonzoe vtSlls ChlClgO une><pected· ty iust •• Joanie •nd Che- ch• ue about 10 auo111on '°' • T\I snow fJ MOVIE • * • • Trie Megn1hcen1 Seven I tg601 Yul Bryn<* Eh Wallach A band Of gun- l1ghtars 1a nored lo ptOlecl • Mea1C1n town from OUI• laws CE MOVIE * * e '"The Bad Seed" ( t9561 Nancy Kelly, Petty McCormeck A M<les 01 lncldenlt IOtCft • motlltf 10 roallze th•• hef 8-ye11. old deughter la a cold· blooded murd1<1U. flll U.S. CHRONICLE ··Junior High School" Tredlllon•t educa11on11 veluea •re meeaured egalnal the reality Of mid· dle-clau. suburban jUnlOI htgh• mi SNEAK PREVIEWS NHI Gabler •nd Jeffrey Lyons hotl an 1nl0tmallv• took II wfl•ll new 81 Iha molllee _c M0\11E • • • 1" 'BrNller M0tant PNOI Ectwerd wooci-o. Jactl Tl\on'lptor1 Aualrelf· •111 c~lf.C!.!2...llQhl.Jln England"a Ilda In lhe Boer W81 Clecldl 10 llglll Iha Boer guer1nu on their own 1e<m1 'PG 01MOW! • • e 1• ··Heanl•nd" '191111 Rip Torn. Conc:hett i:.,,en A rencner Ind hit housekeeper fece the 1ig0t1 ot r1onllet Ill• In 19t0 Wyoming PG' I S1 \II EWER'S CHOICE O MO\llE • •·~ "C1rcte 01 Two" ( t980) A1criard Burton. Tatum O'NHI Oetplte 111ong p•rent11 oppo1Ulon, • poignenl romanc. dl\191• ops l>tl-• 80·VMr-old ertllt • •nd • ptecoc1oul leen·aoe IChoolglrl 'PG 8:30 D (!]) STAR OF THE FAMILY (Ptemi.<e) A fife eomcianr capl81n lind• hit 0tganlzed llfo ll'lr°"'n Into chaos when lhe 14nglnQ lellnll Of hit 1een-11g41 deughter cat· epul1 her 10 • cer-tn lhowt>ullnaa tD SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Get>i.r Ind Jeffrey Lyons hott an tntorm•11.,. IOOk al ""h" s new al th• mOV>Cl5 Ci) THE CRISCO KID A 10-yeer·old I cour•· geout Slluggtt wnh • 1k1n dlMIH •h•• has crippled r.1m from blrth It docu· menled (A) H MOVIE • • • '"Rollercouter · ( 19771 Gll()(ge Segel. Ttm· Olhy Bollom• A Hiiiy Inspector dtaper81ely 811empts IO find Iha HIO<· 1oon1s1 who It ptenllng homemade ••PIOalvea In Amerl<:a s •••ding amuM- ment perk1 'PG' g:oo a a c.iEERS (Preml•••I A 1hell11ed l>rl<le-IO-l>t II el>8nd0ned l>y her llance tn a 8o1 ton 1>1r wllh a cOIOrtul g1oup ot customer• •nd 11a hand-aome pt0pt11t0t -..D llJ) TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT (S.uon Prem1111•l When Murte ra b•t>y t1n11tly d«ldos to enter the world Monroe a motorcycle " the only w•y 10 g11 her 10 the lloac>llal m l~El.ANO' 1' Ttlf\118IOH HISTORY ··s,. Count... Rot>e<t KM tu"'eya the htllory ot the 111 counllu of Ul1tar belwMn 1g2t and 1g1• Ci) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testamenl 01 Youth" \/era It plunged Into the hell of 1 tron1-llne hoapllel Md Htlgned 10 nurH wounded Germana tP•rt 4) !"!!Q 8:30 Q Q!"l'AXI (Premtertl Followlng •n Old country ltldltlon, Lei• kll Ind Slmka hot1 • m1uchm•ltlng perty IOt thl drlYWS al Iha Sunthlne CabCompeny 0 MOVIE ...... "Mammie 0..rMt (19811 Feye Ounewey, Ole· n• SeafWld l'0<t1M lilm MJtJalr her two edoplecl Cllltd•en In 8 d-llC '1mo.pfMfe lh81 11•riee from luJturtout comtort 10 tldt1t1C dlKI• pllne 'PG' 1 MOVll HAMMEL LISTINGS • • "W•nled B•~lller" 11178) Marl• SchMldtt, SyOne Rome FOf r.-..n~. • woman concoeta •n 11100<11• pltn to ~IOnep hit' fOl'tner IOwr"• ton 8 KNXT (CBSI 8 kNBC tNBCI e KTLA (Ind I milCABCIABCl e KFMB IC&() • • ICHJ TV Clncl.) ' •IC.CST IAICI • e knv Clncl.) •e K~OP•TV (llld I e KCET IPBSI e KOCE CP9SI 0 On l V l Z T\I tt HBO C: (C1MmUI Cl) IWORI NV, N 'f , m <WTBSI 11 <ESPNI I(/ (SNlwflmel • Soolllehl • IC•bl• Newt N•t-rkl 1:30 (0) CHAALll CHAPLIN COMlOY THl!ATRI "The AdWfltllflr" ( 11171 eecapecl convlcl Charlll elva.t hi• l)\jttutft, tlfflt • tu.00 and crMl'IM 1 • eoci.ty l*IY 10:00 8 (I) ICNOT9 LANDING (l••eon Premiere) \111 .. ,,_. 1111 OCM-ee to mike Owy ~ IOI hit t rfllt wtUI Abby, tnd K11t9" tr• 10 r90Mn ,.,. , ·Th.11 ' tit, 11t.u1k' \\I·~"'·" hulh th1 l..1d il'Jn ltd .111CI ,1111 11111 ,t~ 1'1'111 lllllt-(1 .•lll d1•'1tll" .11 11 "Ill 1111 KNHC ( 'lt,111111·1 I ;11 .11l1 •111ll'IUll who ht'lClll)('!I I.I WQlll l'li" l"·t JU.,t• h\'I 114'1 '4111111hfl'1111 i.ll )OOll(• 1•111!o. Tli1· 11 I of tlw 1·u .. 1 1 .. ulso fan.t 1.111" 11111 11111¢ out111.c1·11u .. ly ufflw;1t, y c•t 1111 t.111(1•1 I h,11.11·h ·l 1> :.iinut.11· tu lllllM' Ill ··T,1"1 ·· with WhlC h "(.'h1•t•1i.'' s h.11t•s , 11•1111v1 tult•nt 1111cl ,, '14 put 1111 NBC."H u111111· ••Vl ' Thursday 111~tht ll1wup. th.11 w11ul1111 't Ill 111 a11y uthu .1L111111 '1'11111j(ht lht•)' dc•h.JU• th1· !>Wl'ullt"al lllllVll H:u~t1x1I 11µ1111unH tnl'ludt· "H11t k~ II ' "Jlocl y ll1•11t." lmd "ft.·n lfur " A "' t h1• 1111•1111· '11 11g ,uyi., 1111 ' lll'lt.ihlloa lttKKl t.i\ l 'l 11 provld10:. II 11 'I>"'' 11<111\ t lw duy'i. gr wr. "wh1·r1· 1•v11l'yh11dv h.now" your 1h 1mt· wht•f\' troubh·i. un· ,111 th1· "lunw" Al tilt' hub 1i. ow1w1 ltarh•111h·r S,m1 Miilorw. a former r1•l11•I µ1 td11 •r fur th1• Boston Ht:d ~ox. whuiw C'Ol'\.'t't wus shortllnt•d by u r1H :111u Ut'illkll\g WIJl'S PIJy.-d 111mbly by 'l't-<.I l>~11:wn ("Body H t•ut"), Sum now 111 11 lt.'f'tutalt>r, who kc•t'ps otloat wh1l"· his barmull•i. <•rt• 11111kinf( L1k1• 1111y good bartt'nUt'r, he··,, 11ult'l wlwr1 .J wurm shouldt•r u1 rc'<1u11 c•cl, phllosoph1<:ol wht•n un op1nw11 Is llN'l':.i.ary Along with tht.• gm . lw dl'>JX'll'>t'~ ph•nty of WI y Nw·111 1" tlll' .1111111hl1• dr111k,·1 whrnw appvllh· for •·11111• liHll't• quwk onl'" 111 um1l11•1wh.1hl1• Couch i::. \hi! fflrut·Hul bu1 k1•l0JJ wh11s1• u l'1n11mi. on· l"Vt•ryom• 1•lst•'i. I ari.l, and who'i. bt•1·n work1111{ url ttw j{1t•.1l t1uv1•l for Sl>C yc·llrfl. 011ly 111'01> ....... 1111~ It T h l' h :.i 1 r 1111 m ii I 11 u µ r u v 1 tl 1. " 1Jpportu11Hll•• tu1 ~1n1v1·ri.ul l')l.µt•r11·11t·1•' JUbl d y rng fo1 TV «>epni.ur1• F111 t•xarnpll•, wh1•11 lhc· phunt• I lllf<~. l '<11 lu ni;ks. "Whu'w not lwll'''" EvN·y hond shnt>lll up "Star of tht· 1"um1ly" 1111 Ali(", Cha11111 •l 7 . lo night ·;11 Ii :H> Ill 11 1111tum1 with wurmlh, two (11w lt•ad l'hur:Jl"tt•rs hut J .;{Tipt that d<x•:m't measure up Put th1i. 11111· 111 tlw good-powntwl t•att•J(orv Stwlh·y Long ("Night Shift") 1-. th1• b.11 's n11i.f1l, a no1>l· an lht· a11 Th1·11 tlll'n•'i. C.irlu (Hht>u Pt•rlrnan). llW 'lllll 1111~ WJltrl'l>:. WhOM' VU'W Of Illl'll .., hl,1(0kl•t11•d bv ht•r hu-;band'"' flight to I wt'(Ju11\ 111 n '<el lire., M1"'' 1>1•1 lmun ts marri1'<.I w Da1111v l->1·V1tu, whu d<.•vatl'll n i1i.t1nt.''' l11 ,; butdH•1 ·, l'dgt· '" dl'>fMldw1 Luui, I~: Pt1lm.1 in "T<1x1 " 'fh1• l>Jr ~l'lllr\~ I' ix·• h'< I (oa daal11KUt• Audd y Krt•hs, playNJ hy Vl'rl\atalt· ;wto1 Bl'IJll Dt•n1why, Ill & Cul' dHt•f whoM.• utlt1ntlod 16-year-old duughtl•r 1~ rm thl' V\·r~t· of u big t•ort•t•r in t'ountry w c'!.tt.·rn mui.1c lits pride 1s lt'mJ>(•rt'<f by ;inx1Ntl'~ ov1.·r lt·llmg h1.·r go and ~'('tng h1•1 grow up too fast 1n11Hllg•11on ln10 Sid"• dfflh 0 Qt Hill STRUT ILUU (SMIOO premiere) Fur}llo lnYellllgllM I bf\llel 8llac:k on a nun, and Hiil llnd Ren- ko 1ncoun1er •n •duller· OUI IOver lr•pped by l>alh- 1oom _J>lumblng. 8'1JCI) NEWS a e 20120 G!) ODYSSEY "The Sa~uddel'" The Indonesian government's ellor11 lo develop pro· gram1 lot tlducellon. medl· cat cere •11d noualng tOt Ula Salluddela .,. •ll•· mined (R)Q (~l MO\llE • * * "Alq>lanel" (1180) Rober'! H•ve. Julie Heget· ty Allet an •lr11net'• et- lalla 10 food pol~, • nervoua lormw wer pllOt la pr11Md Into MrVlc. lllld mutt contend with on- boafd h)'ltlfla. • MCtetlve con1101 lower •nd cllctie- lilled memories. 'PG' COl MO\ltE 8 * "Hell Night"" ( 118 t I Linda Blllr, Vincent \11111 Penen Aa pert or tn.lr lnl· llallon, lrelernlly and aor oflly pledges spend a night In a lpool\y. auppoa- edly 11t)and0Mod mamlon R' ISJ ROMANCE: STOLEN LOVl (Part 41 10:30 G) NEWS CE INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS fJl) I REMEMBER HARLEM "Toward A New D•y 1165-1880" H•rltm'a dec:llne. rebirth ano devel· opmenl .,, "-" end -•I Of II• ptomlnenl clllz.ent offer predlc11ont tor the future IR) H NOT NECE.88ARIL Y THENEWI Comedy llletoNa combine Wllh cleNIC him and ,_. footage 1n en ollt>eat. aalirlc lal<•oll $VIEWER'S~ 11:oo tJUG (l)~O) NEWS 11 SATURDAY NIGHT Hoal Buci< Henry G.-11 Volees Of Unity fJ IN SEARCH OF ... The Al>Omlnet>i. Snow· m•n" Q) 8TIIEETS OF SAN FRANCISCO A jewelry aalesman and h11 wll• Heh suspecl the other 11 respon1Jt>le for Ille doelh1 of • 11ewerdeu end e nurH lii.) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Duncan. Peul end Otek drown tn.lr aorrowt prior to Matron Edwards' fare- well perty J1 MOVIE ** * Oull•nd 119811 Seen Connery. Peter Boyle A se>ece ma11hal 1nveellgt1ea • raah ol mya· lerlOUI dellht w1th1n a mining cotony on one ot Jupiter 1 moont R 11:306 QUINCY Quincy tracet three ce- ol l>Oluloam POlaonlng 10 a 1l1d1um Where a majOt IOCCer chemplonstup ts lo be played D Q!TONIGHT Guest hast George Cartin Guest Bob Hope D ®' ABCNEWS NIGHTLINE fJ YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured ··oymntsllCI Al A Full Gallop" end "Thi wortd 'a Htgtiell TV Reptfrm•n " G) THE JEFFEMONS loUIH dllCOYlrl lhal GIOf~ hu bMn M ndlng pr-11 •nd money 10 • mylle<IOUI •ddr .... fJl) 8U81NE88 ~T mi CAPTIONED A8C NEWS lC)MO\llE • * 1-t "'American Gigolo" ( 1gao1 Alollard o.,,, Leu· ran 1'4ullon A Beverly HUii glgolo t>ecomM Iha pr1me llUIP9CI In a tnU<der In..._ l!i•llOn " (Z)M()\lll * 1-\ Death V•"-Y" ( 1182) eul l tMll Peter Billing .. lay A New York younga11t le Hnl 10 At1z.ona to vlal1 hll molhel 1nd atuml>IM Kro.. • -• ot grltly murder• 'A' 12-00 9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Four IOIP 11ar-a Olteuu belOQ_tn a pinup c•tenO•r D O V!GAI Binz.er • former partner• In Crime finally C81Ch up Wllll l'ltm •nd dtmtnd the tool they lhlnk h• 11111 hu (R) 0 M0\111! **'A "Whlre Love H .. Gone" 11~) au.an HtY· Wlfd, lett• 0.Yla Alltf I tttn·•o•r lclllt lier mo111er'1 1ov1t, h•r dlVOlced Pl'Wllt• bil1er'ly r9U'lll• • M0'4 **lot "CIWl8tlllel EW" J18'71 GeorOI "-ft, AM HatdlnQ On ChtlttlMI TOBE TOPPERS KAAC (7) 7:30 "2 On The T own" A h<:htnd 1 tlw :.tl·nci. look tnkl'S ph.1l-e tit Lll Cugl• Aux Follw~. tht·rt• Is u v isit to Bowst•r Bout1qul~ :md a look o~ modified cars KTTV ( 11) 8:00 "The Bad Sc£'d" Num·v K c·lly und Patty Mt-Cormuc·k star in story of .J motht•r who must fat'l' the• ft.ll"l ht·r claughtt•r, t.1, b " mid bloodl·d murderess KABC ·(7) H 00 "Too CloM' For C111nfor1·· Whl·n Murll'l°S baby finally dc<:1dt·s lo l·ntt·r thr world, Mont <>t''s mol<>rt·yde 1s thl· only way lo gL•t hl·r to thl' hospital tn th1!. l:>l'<ll>'Jn prt•mll'rt· '-'Plsodr· KNXT (2) 10 00 "Knots Landing" Val gath<.•r:. tht• t'oura~w to makl' Gary pay for h h affair wllh Abby in this season prl'mll'rt- E.... ,,.,. three 8doe>1ed son1 of • -llhy ac>1nt1 .. learn thel II« rMI Ml>hW 1s developing • t1n1a11< plol tgtlnll her Cl) LOVE. AMERICAN STVl.E "'Love And The P1op011t Hatold Gould hires an ectresa 10 help him ~I out ot an lmpulalve engage- menl fJl) ART OF Bf.IMO HUMAN "On The Bu•·· (OJ MOVIE * * * 'Oulll t1d00 (198 I) Sean Connery. P11e1 Boyle A •PIU mushaJ 1nvet1tge• • rel/I of my•· ltnous deelh• within • mining colony on one ot Jupiter'• moons "A' O MO\llE •**'• ""Atr.n·• p97g) Tom Sk111n11. Yepllel ~OI· 10 Thi er-or a 5P1Cego- 1ng ecrep carrier IOllow a m,..1 ... 1au1 11gntl IO • WP. POM<lly ouo ~'end, ah.,. 1eno1ng, ditcoYer that the "'4lnlge wu a warn- ing 10 llay awey R 12. 15 $...MOVIE ••'1 Mommte Oeer•I (1181) l'eye Ounawa., DI•· n• Scerwld F0t1i.t l~m lier Join Cr1wl0td rlllMI her two adopted c1111dren tn a domestic a1mo1pner1 11'181 v811fl from luauroou• comlort 10 aad1auc dltc:•· pllne PG 12:30 0 18 LATE NIGHT WITH DA\11D LETTERMAN GUHll TV wrllera Tom Patchell an<I J•y T araet. • nuthOt Ft•n Lel>Owltl 8 COUPLES Cl) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE 'L0\18 And The Wetch• dog' Aggie and G•ry Holmes can 1 egrM on whelhlf Ot nol they w•.nl 10 move trom their •P•rt· men I 12:40 6 , MOCLOOD Mar,h•I McCIOUd eomes to New Y0tk to 11udy Dig City pollCe op9<811ot\1 end llndl hlmMll involved In twoc•- 12:56 Jt MOVIE ** 'Agency (198t)Rol>· eri Mitchum. l ee M•IO'• The now heed ol • m1j0t Americen 1d11•l1$1nQ firm u-a Children. l>INklUI drink campaign 10 lr•namll 1Ybltmln81 pOllllC81 mes- uget R" 1:0011 MO\llE • • * 'Sally O"Aourke" ( 11145) Al•n Ladd Gi ll Au1Hll A con 1r1111 tries 10 uH a tamed jockey u his ticket 10 • llntncl•I wlndl•ll Cl) MO\lll! • * '" 00Sllt>m•rlne Com· m•nd" pg511 Wllll•m HOI· den. N8ncy Olton A N•vy ,!Vb comm•ndlf II ptegued w1111 Mlf·dOllbl cone.ming a pall eoc;ldonl which COii tome men their NYet. CHAllU.U CHAMPLIN TAU<e wmf •.. "t.Wy StMnburoen • 1:1o e MOVll •1-11 '°The DMPer•dOI (1Htl Vine. Edw•rdt, Jeck Peianc:. Wl\ln • young m•n quit• 1111 falhet'• oulla• oano to u,.. a te1P«11ble II,., hi llncla hln\Mlf In • bloody c;on lront•Oon wl1h the gang ~, ... ,., 1: 11 lil MOVle • • o.t ""Lion 01 The o-tl'" CIH11 Anlh~ Quinn. 011..., Reed A herd·tldlng Bedouin IN der reslalt Italy"• •llempll to a«upy llbyl lat 20 yeera 'PG" 1:30 CJ Of) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:35 Cl MOVIE * • '• ''It lives AgaJn"" (1978) Fredet" FortHI, K•lhlMn Lloyd A numl>tf ol couples find their JOY 011er having a 1>1by ch•ngad Into ner11e- 1htll•rong 1111r0t wrien the tnlentt emerge •• clewed monllert "R' 2:00 8) NEWS 0 MOVIE • • • • "The Tin Orum·· ( 1g7gl David Bennett. Angela Winkler A amall boy with unu1ual powers of perception re)ecll po1111e1, hum•n comp1ntonahlp 8nd eYen adullhOod and wand· era el>out 1111 country dur· 1ng the tumultuous~· ol Iha NllZI regltne. rqtlMlly bllfl9!ng •toy drum "A' 2:20 6 NEWS 230 8) MOVIE * *' > ""Oeddy long Legs t tg55) Fred A1111re. Leslie Caron Wilen • -ellhy playboy decldft 10 ~ a Frencri orphan girl lo col- lege he doetn I 1nllc1pa1e th•I a 1111ng 1111e tow might Interfere O!NEW8 ~ INSIDE THE NFL Cohoall Len Dawson and Niet< BuOnAConll present 11og1111ght1 ol the pre11tou1 week's pro football 1c1ton and lnler11iew1 wttri pt•ye<S and coaches S MOVIE * • "'Texas Ltglllntng•· ( t981) Channing Mllcllell. Maur"'1 McCormlek A l>Oy' • weekend hunting trip with h11 tither lu•nt tnlo en 1n111atton into manh<>od 'R' 2:400 NEWS 2.506 MOVIE * *" D•rlng Game·· ( 1168) llOyd Brlclgea. Nico MlnAtdOI A men _c,_ I Lat In AIMl'lean llllnd IOt the 11U11>en<S end daughter Of I IO<mli glrllrllnd 3.00 11 MOVIE * • A Rece Fat Ufa" I 1855) Richard Conte, M•ry Alden R~ Cit drlv· e<t are Involved In lldven- tur• romence •nd eac:lllng dram• 3:10 C MOVIE "lunch W•gon ' (198tl Olc:k V1n P•llen, Chuck McCenn A tuncti wagon ~ the center of the mob"• 111en11on wt.en Iha ownetl 11umble U90n e prk;elen diamond. 'R" 3:30 l M0\111 * * "The Netting" ( 1180) Gloria Gr111arne, John Cat• radlne. A no....ii.1 rent• • aecluded \llct0tl•n men- •lon whetl l hl beOlnt hlV• tng etrtn~. erotic dr..rnt. "R' 3:41 (%) M0\111 * • ··Air Thi Matl>lell" 11H 11 Peler Fe!k, SUt1 Young A hlntllng, wtM- cteclllng mlll\lgef l>Uthet hll two rem... ., .. ,..,, IO'Wlfd Iha lop 'A" 4:18 S)MOVIE ** · Harry'a Wit" (1Hll Ect-11d Hetrl!lllM, Oetlli- d!M P• A 8/Mll-lown poetm•n ~ lo. IM 8ld ol hit -1. wt\O ~ the IRS beQ. tuee 'PO' d09 MOVll ' Hlj•clled 0 ( 1HO) Jim Olvl• ,. JOHN DARLING 0 MOVIE • *" Clrci. 01 two·· I t980) Al<:h•rd Burton. T alum O"Neat Oeapll• atrong p11renl•I oppoelllon, • pOlgnent 1omance dlvel· ops tMtlwMn a 80-ye11r-Old 111111 1nd • prac:oclou1 teen.age acnootglrl 'PG' 4:40 CCI MOVll • * • • '"Robin And M•rt· an" p97«1) Sean Connery. Audrey Hepburn An older and wleet Robin Hood r11turn1 !tom t>etti. to Sherwood Fo11a1 10 reclaim hi• beloved Meld Maroen, who hH entered a convenl and token her YOWi 'PG' f 'ridoy'• Dayi iMe .fforfe11 8:45 l • • • · Modem RomanGe t1G8t) Albert Br00k1. Kelhryn H11rold A lllm ed!IOt tries repeat- edly IO win beck the hea<I ol lho woman he'°"'" A 7.00 I~ e * "The Kid From Nol-So-Big" 11g78) Jen- ntter McAlllster. Robert \llharo A 12-year-old girl ftnd1 henell tn and out of trouble Whtie running Iha town newspaper 7:30 fS.1 • • • 1., "Hearllarld .(19811 Alp Torn. Conct1a1a Ferrell A rancher and hi$ liousekoepe1 loco the rigors or lron11e1 Ille 1n 19 tO Wyoming 'PG 8: 15 1 Z • * The Step I 1963) lino Ventura. Annie Guar dot A group of young peo pie on lho t>nnk ol ldull· hOocl fece a 1>a1r1ge of g1own-up p1oblerns decl· s1ons end dltemmot 8:30 ~ • • • '• Brian• Song'" 111111 J1m11 c .. n. Billy OM W1lllatn1 Two toolball pteye<s an•r• a rare lrlet>d1tup unul c:ancet clo1m1 one of them 0 e '"Sl1rcr1sn I 1179) Marioe Gorlner. Chrlalo- phet Plummer To pro1ec1 11141 kingdom of the Em!*· or sp&ea herOIM Stelle Star and eca navlgal0t AklOfl comb the galuy 11'1 search of e111t Count Zal1h Arn"s hidden lair "PG 1:00 0 °'J1n•th1n Ltvingllon Seagull"'A sea gull learns 10 fly where few h11ve ltown belOll 8:30 G) • • • "Of Jekyll And Mr Hyde"' ( 11141) SP11t'Cer Tracy, Ingrid Bergm•n A men111 spec;lallsl"• ••petl· menll on lllmtoll evenlual- tr_cause hta dellrucllon 10:00 W • • • "Mll/'I. Mary" (t963) Debbie Reynold1. Barry Nelson A publlther 11 aurprlled ~ Ille tight ol his u -wlle, who hH und«gone a full buuty tr .. tment (Cl • • * "The Brother• l(aremaov" {IGSll) Mane Schell. Yul Brynnw A man 11 uniuttly con111Cted ol murdering hla lather • • • ""Arthur" {11811 Dudley Moora, UU Mln- nellt Whlle hi• l•mlly •llempts to l0tce him tnlo • Pf•81renged matr1ege, • drunken. hedonlatlc play. boy 1•111 tn tOve with • poor WOfklng g111 PG' ) ••• "'AttairaOI Ool>le Glltla" ( t953) Debbie Reynolds, Bobby \Ian Two college kl<IS 8•Plflence II series of tlghtheened eec•· pedes. 0 * * "The HUlng" (1177) Jeff EHi, Bred 0811· IS. The member• ot • prn· llglou1 GOtlege fraternity allempt 10 hide the delth ol a pied~ during l'ltzlng "PG' (%) • • • wThe Ctnclnn1ll K td " ( 1185) Steve Mc:OVMn. Edward 0 Rob !neon A~ cll'dlhlfp tri.a to !>Ml lhe king of tllld ~et In a betlle IOI pr111lge n:00 cm •. "Tiie 1neredlble Shf!Ml.,g WOlftlft" C 1NO) Liiy tomtin, Chatle8 Oro- 0111 A hOuNW\le !Inda II hard 10 ~ wt*1 .... ~ begltll to 81\flnll ltl 111• 11;~ •••• "Moacow Doesn't~ tn TMrt" ( 19101 Ver• Alento111, Ale••I B•l•lov Thrff country girl• with d1lleren1 go111 •nd values move 10 lhl big City 10 pu, -!hell a.mbltlona 12:00 G * • ""My Boys Are Good Boys"" ( 1g79) Relph MMklf. tda Lupino Three IMn·eg• boye pten 10 break out of prlaon. rot> en armo1ed car end atop bllCk Into Ille pen undetected 0 • • • "Firll Monday tn October" ( 1g8 I) Walllll M•llheu. Jiii Cl1yburgh. A liberal Sup1eme Courl Jul• lice c1une1 w11h Iha new· 111 memti.1 ol lhe na11on·1 hlgh"I court, an ullra- con..,.,,•lrve women JUllSI "R' CZ)••• '"Arthur (1981) Dudley MOO<e. LIU Mln- nelll While hit lamlly 111e.mpl1 to l0tce him into a pr•erranged merroage a dlunllen nec:ton1111c P48Y· boy falls on lo.,. with a poor WO<klng gwl PG" t2.30 G) • * • '"The Seventh \loy11g41 Of S1nbld" I t158) K-ltl Mal'-1. K•thryn Gr•nt A ptlncers dwerled b)' 8 mag!Cien' I spell IS 81ded by Sonbed (CJ • * * '0Ao1u1n 01 A Man Celled H0tae"' ( 1g76) Richard Hema. Gale Son- dergurd An English L0td relurl'la 10 Am«ICI wnere hi learn• that Ille Sioux tndlan1 who 1n111attld him Into their tribe h•ve lost the<r modeS1 preserve to trapper• (0 ) * • * "'The Un5"n" (194S) Joel McCrea. Her- l>tft MarJhall A young govetneu ls frightened by 1n -1• house and its master wapecled ol mur· der 2:00 H1 • •'> ··Tulopt · 119811 G•t>t Kaplan Bernadette Peter• wnen he faffs 1n I0\18. 1 IUICklal man tries lo cancel the contrK1 he pul out on hlmMll D • • • "Zoot Su1r· ( 11811 O•nlel Valdez, Edwlld J-Olmol In 11401 LOI Angelu, 8 ~ ceM«>te eruots o.,., Iha freming ol me!TIWS of a Chocano ttr•I gang IOI mut6er ·R Z) * * * "Modern Romance" 111181) All>er1 &oolca. K•lllryn Hllfrold A film *"!IOI 1"*5 repeal· edly to wtn bac:a the 11eat1 ot the woman he IOY9I "R' 3:00 CJ e ''o • 'S1nl>ed And The Eye Of The Ttget"" ( 1977) Palrock Weyne. Jane Sey· mour The d~ing hero t>•llr.. unearthly crulures an<I a deadly tiger lo remove lhe curl.I that keeps a young prince from h•• rightful pl•ce on the throne "G (0)00A Happening In 11arne11n·· 1:30 * * 'Spmt Of The Wind"· Dan George A roung t>Oy overcomes h11 hind.cap lo t>ecome the World Chemp1on Dog SleCldet PG· • • "Thi siap·· 1 tte31 Uno Ventura. Annie Gtrw· dol A graup Of young P*O' pie on Iha bf1nk ol edult· hOOd ,_ a l*rllg8 ot grown-uc> ptot>lems. decl· lloonl end dtlemmN 4:00 U * 0'Stllfcru11·· (1979) MatfOe GOf1ner. ChrlSIO- ptier Plummer To ptotec1 the kingdom of the Emper· Of, ~ horOIM Su111a Ster and eca n•vigaloi Allton comb the galaxy tn March ol ev~ Count Zanh Arn't hidden 1111. "P(':" S:OO(C) •••\'"Briant Song" ( 11171) Jamft C1en. Biiiy Dee Wllll•m•. Two lootb•ll play.r• lhare • rer1 lr~dshlp untll c•no.r elalms one 01 them CJD *• 1~ "Thi Looney, Looney. Looney Bugs Sun· ny Moliie" ( 11811 An1rn1t- ed \lolcM by Mel Bline. June Foiey New mllerlal 18 blended with old In lhit c:ompll1tlon of clasaic Frill Frel«lg "Loooey Tunet IHlurlng Buga D•lly Duak, POik)' Pig, Y_.ite Siii'\, Twaetle Pie and olh- .,, ltom th• certoon ..,,.. ·o· CD) ".JONllhlll LMngaton SelouN"A -gull INr~ 10 fly ..,.,. few hlW flown bltor. 1:11 ....... ~000•" ( 1N21 Sem Niii!, W111en Ott• Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thur1d1y, September 30, 1982 87 Anonymity eludes novelist Greene By MORT RO~ENbLUM AtMCl-'M ltrMt Wrtlet ANTlBES. Frum·•· {iruhum <Jrct•m•, n l 77. butlllng lht• Rlvwru Muflu. puhll1ohlnK hi• 241h novt·l and 11hui;lng u book on t't•rllr<il Aml'rku, t+1uckh.'!> ut lh<.• h.Jt.>u ht• he r1•utly lo d1•hvn u finol II ll'S!lilfll' "With 'A llurnt Out Cu:.l.,· l thuught I wnK wrlun.c rny last novl'I," ht• suys, 11mlhng ul pr1v11h• irony. "But thcrt-'Vl' been nn uwful lo\ 11hwt•." Thnl was 1960, be fort• "'rlll' C.'omt•d wm;," "Travels Wilh My Aum" und four utlwr novds. The protagonist, Querry, tried tu flt•t• tunw ~ind moral dllemmu h1 u Congo lt•pt.'r l'Olony, but tlw world found him. Fame 1s u problem ror C rl'<'IU'. who, uftl•r u 50-year slrt•ak of novels, ploys, trnvt•I hooks and film scripts, Is one of th1.• world'i. gn·all':.t llvlng writers "A wrrler wunls lo tx· anon ymous," ht• ~ys. with a pohll'ly rnuskc•d sigh and a d1scrt'l't glanl'e al the French trans l a tion of his new novel, "Monsignor Quixote," awa1tin~ hts editing. He rt'«>ils from the limehghl and s11.s still for unsolicited visitors only when t'Ornered. But. he is too captivated by people and their politics lO seek total privacy. Jt'ame. he allows, has 11.s advantages, su<:h as protecung him m the fat-e of death threats after his expose of crime activity around nearby Nice. ''No, I'm not t-oncernC'd," he savs "That's one of the safe ties or publll·1ty. If ~n ylhing had happened lO me, it would be only lc>o obvious It w ould have hit the ht!udhnl'S l'Verywht·rt•." A West ~rman team 1s filming a telt•v1sion documentary about Ore<'nt•'s battlt• with the "milieu" -the Mob. "They'w t•ven written about it in China. in thl' Peking paper.'' Greene says. allowing himseH a rare la ugh. He published a pamphll'l this year in English and French, borrowing the titll• "J'Accuse" from Emile Zola, a lleging that some police a nd. court officials protected gangsters against innocent victims. • Most charges are specific. de fending a woman he has known since she was 7 against her husband's ' efforls lO win child custody. But h e cites "the connivam·e o f high authorities" with organized crime which he links tc the Italian Mafia. . Four individuals filed wrils of defamation. and the book was seized pending trials. perhaps next year. "I've only once before had a work seized. and that was by Papa Doc m Haiti. 'The Comedians,' •· Greene says. with another laugh. "To have one done in France .... But it's only a uny pamphlC't." He adds: "l suggest they'll uphold ttic seizure. But in a sense it has done its work " The legal problems kept Gre(•nt· m Antibes during the summer, along with legions of tourisls who choke the roads, fi ll the cares and raise a n unceasing din in the port fivl' floors below his small terrace. Publicity has rippc.'CI away much of what was left o f treasured privacy. making him a cause celebre on the Cote d'Azur where hl' long ago took his fragile lungs lO escape the English winters. "Oh yes, Graham Grecnt'." rC'marks a senior police official in Nice, curling h is hp slightly. "How old is he now? That's all I have to say." His towering frame is stooped a bit, a nd his white hair has thinned. but Greene's curiously opaque eyes still seem to see more thaMs evident. In conversation, his agile mind races a head. laying out subtle markers for the listener to follow. Words are selected care fully. with nothing wasted. At times, h is pre<71se but guttural accent rubbles the edges off hlS "r's." LUCIANO PAVAROm A Glorious Uproarious Love Story. ~ ~ -..... ,._(, NOW PLAYING AT THESE SPECIALLY StLECTED THEATRES • COITA •U OUllGl Edward$ Town~ler (7U ) 7SI •1e• Ci1yC..te1 1714)63• 9282 '""-""'"'"'.,.'"" _ _,) •Presenled1n 35mmOOlaa......,I "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" -Jeftley l.,.ons. WC8S AAOIO crd v.f'IX·lV EXCLUSIVE ENOAO'EMENT . A t.'Our tly t'l11n 111 11ol 1t•n11 t ht.· 11hoi l 11•pht11 wtwn 11Ut.'litlom1 l(HIW 1x•1 '411111l I h· hv1.•11ulmw111111 hu11 two t.•hlldn•n from u pa"l ruor1 iut(t' l11s IU80 uutuuh>Rl'Ut>hy, "Wuy• of Jo~·oJX•.'' givl'al uwuy littlt" 1h•11C11blruc u mun who 11 m1 mut.·h u 1,urt of tht.• world11 h1· c•rt.•att•11 WI lht' om· ht· M'\'rt't11 away · Noruu11ly, li1t•1•111• ¥f>1'11(lt1 hull tlw y1•ur hert'. lo tht• 1Umph• room ... uf un unprc•tt•nllous upurtnwnt bhx•k in downtown Antllx>ti. Ht! writes In lonaihond on u pluin lubll• in o 11\udy 11trlklntily devoid of rn1•moruhll1t1 On on1: wull, thor<' 11:1 u Cu ban ob. tract oil pulntinl(, a gift of Fidl'I Castro. Pro ust, Henry NIA V• !lo>•• 9tO Oll NOW PLAYING NOW PLAYING ll TOM u ...... s-. ~·· ~ .. . LA..aK&Cll "'"""*" c.. .. "' •>1• • .. , .. u. PKllic'1 HI W1y )t 01tvt lll H I 3613 1&11T&ft wa11111 lillOU'°"'*°'"'"' $13:!014 cona•u l.ft#O\~ ··-.,, 3~01 • w.T•TO. llACll , ............. _<>-• 14fUH --c..- IHUU ... , ... ,"' (fllll'•'6~Wt'\l ... Jf)> COIYl lllU , ..... lO••d\ Soi.~ Cont"'" ~46 17' I l .. MflN-OQOC.,.... >>• 06>> ...... ~Ot'\'t WI 1191110 • Pret.ef'ted •n 001--1 LUXURY THEATRES lat Tw lbti11teSlltwh1asOM.YS2.1111Mltss Mnriwll.ttd S ll3r1134•1uil6l6J~ 2ssJf~~.) * FOR flKll EXCITErTlEOTI V111tOvr... ~ ARCAOEofGAMES• ,::,'"~-;-;·,· 12:30 21)0 4:JO l :JO I : JO a. 10: 30 70MM Uurence Olivier ml! 1:30 3:>0 5:>0 7:>0 9:30 f,4!T T!Mr! AMITYVILLE fl : AT lllOGIMC»fT IOON !!I THE PQ&;~ION 1 •0\~t\. ·a~ot•20 rn 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 t:30 OCICWORK AN onrJCER A~ rn ANDA m Z:l~ 4:40 7:10 t:35 ~ CHEEal a CHONG 1'111a AIE 'lllUI All M:I r;ii Also irHturl111 ~ Nlthl Shift (R T" THI. EXTRA· • •• TERRESTRIAL """"" Plu1 Tlte OrHt Muppet Lall ~ r (0) No Pa11e1 •-o_.....,.,,,.,_ THE LAST ~Y•/J"'?MT.Jctl AMERICAN VIRGIN Allo Th• ••ulmHl•r (POI r.-1 AllO Sllowln1 a. Slumber,..,, Mauacre R ~ Uttle D1rlln11 (R) * Driv .. tns Opon 7: 15 Wotkn111hts/7:00 Wook1nd1 * Children Under 12 f rH Unless Noted 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you in lh• Daily Pilat Junw~ uml hook• un •1>ytrul I m 1.• umung volur111~ llninl( t lw ult'4.:l'll (lr1•\•lll' kN•p11 o tiny, u1Ht1u t•d portobll· ll•l••vl'tlt•ll M•I for IWWM.'UIHll und fXJlllic:ul t.lt•buli'ai Jk d1gt·iilll lht• J>llJ>t'r• thornu"hly, ottralJutinai to h11.1 n·uJ111H lhl· ln!flt(hUr lhut µrt.1t.lu~·t•cl "'l'hl' Quh•t Arm•rkun" and "llonorory Cumru! " "From m·wspupl•r11 one c:un prt•dtt·t mony things," tw 11i1y11 "I om lnll'rt'Hk'«.J l'ohtk'li to nw Iii not o rnutlt'r ur 1.1 f1Urh1h pump, lJut 11 m111h.•r i1r ht1· und th•nlh ." Wlwn not hurt1, Groont• livt.'11 in on upartmont In Paris and, CX't.'UBlonully. ut his houNt• in (;upri. Ofttm, following o llfrlong p11U.t·r·11, hi.• is lruwllng. j(4 . ·' .•.• " I u"' t I 'I Ill ~ STARTS TOMORROW lllU ---l<U Ptau ( ... _ W-llgt S79 U3t C.-. n1 06SS QllT& •IA ~ llACll E-c.-Ctn•et lf•,.,lb Saum Co.n1 tit .... '" 1$14 COIT&•IA ..._. (.,._,,_~ ~ ISi 4tl4 U. U~l U TOM l.,..,-. ~Ht utO m=:m-.,.....- '""". uun Pltille\f-V*t Ooi<tlt> ff7t411 -~I-°'"" Ill Ill '770 STARTS TOMORROW AT 1HUI IPICIALLY SILICTID 1HIA1US IMA ll TOM MTINTOll II.ACM OU• GUiii UA MoYltS EdwlldS $a4dltbaCk Ectwwcts Hunllngton Ctntml PIClllC'i Of•llOt Orwt '" Ctntctomt 990 •022 591 5880 848 0388 934 9311 934 2553 COITI MUI Ectw•ds $0ijlh Colt• P1111 5•6 211' LMO ,AllH ACCl"ID '°" r!tetit~~i!:[] (;ruham Grcent> would lik•• lo ovoid tlw ' ultf"ntiou he gel - Orange OoHt OAIL V PILOT /Thur1d1y, September 30, 1811 Cas avete ' • newest .movie, 'Tempest,' a love feast Hy UOU THOMAS At-lated 'rMe WrtMt 110 LL v w OU u I' u l l w II u t th I.' 111111 wc11 ld'11 n111:1\ n11uit'tl 1nd1v1,tu111i111i. lt1J(l'llW1 1111 u n1uv11• unit whut do you g1•l'' In tl11• \'llM' \II .1111111 t'ftb81JVl'W1' uml Puul Maillt'Hky, llll' 11•wult Ii. 11 li1v1• fooi.\ Thut'11 wh111 Cut1i.11v1•1t·i. i.11v' 11f 111' 111•w1•"t ITIOVll', "1'l·m~a.l," In whldl Ill' 11l11111•cl Ulld\•I Muzuri.ky's llll l'l'llOll "Paul lovt'li tht-tht·ulrlcul. and unl>l•k1111wnst to 11unu.• pl'Oplt•, so do l," su1d t'ussovt•\1·1<. who 1~ aa·ustornl-d lo writing. d1rt'l.'lll1J.t amt 1>1 otl11r111l( 111,. own highly pt•rsonul films. . "I foll completely al wise.• uml1•r htic dl1t'l'llu11 When you like someone as mud1 oa I hkt• Puul. tqert• is SOllll'lhing more than proh•sxionalhm1 m •aoy, did I h8ve • good tlmel A l•ugh-on.,,,lnute, cry-th.next, love story. Richard Qere Is powerful, Debra Winger Is exc.llent •nd Lou Gossett Is Incredible.• MISSION VIEJO Edwards V1e10 Twin 830 6990 NEWPORT BEACH Edwards Newport Cinema 644 0760 ORANGE Cinedome 634 2553 WESTMINSTER Edwards Cinema West 891 3935 '90 Pl\SUS AC'C(l.-rfO •Ofll fHll fNO.AQOllNf •9ARQAIN MATIN•IES • fltond1y ttlru S1turd1y Air Performanc11 before 5:00 PM (~ l,.clll E1t1'"'"'9 111111 Hllltya) '"THf LAIT ~NCAH -.!"'~.: ·- .... l'\.O'ID: TMm WALL" 1W1 ·-------·- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN .... l'\.OYD: TMm WAU" 1111 ·-------- "Yll OK>ftQIO" INI ----- "TltmLAIT AMEUCAN vtflOIN" ..., ------ "Yll OK>ftQIO" INl --·--·- ....CHON" ------- POC~lly OI ColtCllewooo 21S/IJ1•tMO ..,,. •rrunu 1111 WMOMMOU. .. TDU" ---• "NIOHT ....,.. Oii --·- "'RMPEIT" ----- 11CLOCKWON< OllAlllGE" 1111 ----- BIG•BIG•DlllVE-IN BAllGAIN$2 MRY WEDNESDAY a THURSDAY Ctildren Under 12 Always fRH ,.. '9so. "°'---.. ~---... --.-n -----IA -SA.llaf:Jl ---tl-IMP'OflTHT llOTICl! CMllOfllll U..Ol" 12 fAU! ............ -. ""'ftl 7:1t •Sll..la.11111..alN CM.A-·-&lttNl-ls fCll!IPUllP .. .., .. ""'-'*""' -.alS$0ff --,. POl!tMU l•llU CM.A_... .. 1111,. - • ~." ... f ... ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ·-·••l-lt .,. ... 50 c ..... _ ~~___;;..;..;_~..;..;_~~--.~~~~~~~~..,. CllOI "-p: ~ ,.~ " " ... "w BUENA PARK DRIVE IN I L""<OM A•• .... Of l""Oft 121·-'070 1. THS ~ ~CTI()(ll Z. ASTI OP """y 1111 a. ntm un-.ATOfl I'll CllltftWIUllO 1~THSIXTU ITWllAL" IN! - ''mml\ln::·-~ =~ w:r '°" 0..,0 ,_, ot -•tio I ••2·2411 CHtf H - -I .... P'LOYD:,,. WAU."1111 -..occY rt.o> -"'IMT ,_.AT -..,..,. ...,.1111 tllll ,._ iii ........ LA HA BR A (1Pl~I IN ---·-... ·--17MM2 --....... •' ORANGE 0111\lf IN •...-nwu.a11 TMl~llll -._.TMW111Mr1111 '• MI SSION cili1vt ,,.. . . -, -"1lAIU.DU" INI ::*«ft- k"fo ArtO ,,.... • Sto•• CoN99e 63 ....... , • AUIHTA l.L DI. TAua ( .. W) COM ti....O Dl.L T Al90fl vuui 11•111111111 1t1!1 Tlw111 IK tot 11 n11nh11 t " "T1•m1>t·111" 11 th11. 11t•11i.on'1111t.11mtJ upttu11nu nf u play hy Wllllutn Hhuk1·11pN1111 , tht• fi111t bt•lnH Wt~l('l All1 •11'11 llllNllt,'l'NHful "A Mitl11u11111wr NiHhl'll H1•), t 01111 ·tly " M111u1 Hk v huh 1·11•11INI 11 11111d1•1t1 v1·r11lcm ol Sh11k1•icpt•1111"11 lwH 11111J11r ww•k, '"l'h1• 'l'1•1111wict," 111111 n llll'li w1•11• 1lll>Cl'd durlnu 1•111 ly M'H-t•n111u11 In N1•w Y 111 k uml l."" /\11Kt•lt•11 Sonw prol'lulnit'll II in.'lplrl>d ~111tl l>t•KUlllnM. uthNi. <.·onslth•rl'd It tt•thou, uml 1mlul~1·n1 Thh1 n •Vil'Wt•r found tlll' film full or <h•llt<hL'I, 1h11111<h 11v1•rl1111u Tl11• n11l11111'11 muvlt•A<i.•rti will d1"·11l1• tor th1•111~1·lv1•ic, us C:ulu1nhla P11·tun•11 n•lt•ust'!I "T1•mix•st " ut·ro:.." tlw nation th1a. wt<t•k Ca1i11ov1•1lls Iii undcrstundubly 1•nthu11iu11lll' oboul lh<.• film, whk·h he <.·alls "Bill Shukt'Speurc's ''rill' Tcmp1•11 1' in s tn·et tunguugc Puul's (1111•11v. 11 h Vllll•K•' uml St't·onct l'lty burkMround IUl>ll'd wllh Nt•w '\'111 k'11 L'hk ~111hh1tlt1Jtlon ond ttw ro1·k• 111111 WKl1•1 ul Ort•1'C1-." Tht• 1wmr n-t•tmtly Ullkl•d ubout a vttrh•ty of n1111t1•r" ttl th1• hilllllp homt• hl' 11hun•11 with hl1 wlfo, Ul'llt•io. th•11u l\uwlu1HIK 8ht• ohm upp1•11r11 In "'1'1•1r11x·11t," 11h111U with Susar1 Surundon, Vittorio Cw.~111u11, Huul Julia, Molly H111ttw11lll und Sum Hol).lr1h1, i.t111 ur Luun•n &coll unt.I .Ju~m ftohu1 w who h1 mukln& hu. fHni dl"but C.:ui.'-IJVl'\1•1 ur>.l)Cllfl't.I In "Tht• Dirty Dott•n," • "lt11"4.•rn111f 11 llalJy~ und otlwr C1lm11 Aul 1n rl-t>t•nt ~lll'IC, ht• hai. d1•Vt1h'tl ITIO!ll of hllJ l'lll'rglt•li lO his t n 11pt•1·lahn•tl f1lm11, "H uslmrul11," "A Wumun nllt•r ttw lnflut•IWt'." "Optming Night." "(iloruL." lh•s h<.1 rt•flrt•l not pursuing h111 ut·t111~ t'Hl'C'l'r? "Wt·ll, you do thC' be11t you cun to rnukt• lift. ~xdlin " h~ rdlt'l'l.IS "I don't r1·m1•mtx-r turnin --• • .... •••'1 .. ~ , ...•.... down pit turt Wt•ll, muybt• 1 dld "l hovt• no n·11r1•t11 I l'njoycod worklnM with <,;"no und IM't'ln& ht•r df'wloµ Into u 1up..•rb ut•lrr'!WI. l chl'rllfh my f'(•lullonahlp with Ben Guunm. P1·L...r Fulk one! &·ymour ClllUM"ll 1'ht•y huvu bt'(•tmw a part u( my 1m., llkt· family I woult.I 11ot trut.1<• thut J or u 11 tt h• C'O(lCt•lt tlal 1m lK'tor " "Tt•m1x .. t" ('ati\A Cu~vt·h-. WI u 111ut't'l'lllllful N<.•w Yu1 k orch1tt.'<.·t who al.>:11ulom1 h111 w1fo t&nd corc<'r to u1k1• h1ic dttughl.l•r to u barren Crt't.<k 11lund Working 111 (: 1 t•l-t't' wo11 purl of thc allun· fur thl· ut'\ur, ht-t·uu~· lht• trip allowed him w return W lil'i roob I lb fatlll'r WWI born in Gn.'<•<:e , and hu~ moth<ir's family t·mu1• from tho Gn>Ck purt of Con11lonunoplt· <li>tunbul) "Puul Wiiii smart t•nuugh to rl·uhw that my lx•mg Gr<."t•k l:ould contribute w tht• 1:hural'lcr, und h1· uM·d 1t ," bl.lid Cassavl'tc.:s HARDWARE <::>< Where Friendly Service is a Famil TracJ ;tion You may win a week at a luxwy resort every year for life. ••• , tll1t atlo• ,, ...... . I ~ 121 ... , ••• , ,, •••• , dltl 101 akll •••t I 11w'1 ~··· Liquid reg. 8.49 511 9-oz. WO 40 Protect against rust, cleans and Aulomatlcally cleans, deodorizes and sanitizes for up 10 4 months. 7'1• circular saw, 1¥. H.P. Skllsaw 359083 2099e5 reg. 3.39 2• & quallty and value. 469 9 129817 reg. 74.99 • 30-gallon water hHter with energy saving 1empereture shut-off 11995 .. 40 ............ h ......... 1H.15 IO ....................... 1 ... 15 Enter the big SWEEPSTAKES! You may win ownership of a week at a luxurious condominium at a Captran or Interval International Resort Every year for a l IFETI ME! 79 lubncat~s. 1 •• Reg. 2.39' 366179 . 01t to tll• •••• boner/parer modal 0125 Chicago Cutlery's best setl~ng knife 4•• at a special price. • • .,.,... 427542 reg. 1.25 WINa week at a laJlUry resort every ,ear for life ••• ~ u~~!:!..O!:~~~!!~on. may be one ol th• two lucky Grand Prize Winners who receives owneranlp and deed to ~~tann a luxuriously furnished C1ptr1n Resor11 ii?~ lnlernat1onal condom1n1um for one wHk f'tferhMKJnaJ every year In add1t1on. 100 lueil¥ lamihes will · .. win a week's vacauon at their choice of ,,,_, ..... '"'' condom1n1um1 1ve1l1bl• lhrough the world- wide quellty uchange network, Interval lnternallonal or Capt ran Reso111 Internation- al Plus over 1.000 other valuable prizes Nothing to buy or wrl1e1 Simply 1111 our and deposll 111 11 parllc1patmg hardware/tiome center store before Octot>er 31 , 1982' (" I.I•'"""\ N.;mr C:•I• s .. 111 Z>e> INTEllVAL INTlllNATIONAL ... __ . ..._......._. Homtt VAIUlt O,\y\ S wt. .. OSlakttS SUl>!eCI to FtKle<•I Slite Incl toc11 laws VO<O wllet• 1>10l'l11>tll'd b'f llh\I All Plllts will be '1Wltde<I on. l'\llllOllll blllS .. · .. ·- lllUy Piiat fHURSOAV, SEPT 30. 1uei BUSINESS STOCKS C5 C7 llu ·1 l<-•1· ·~ Pir11tt·~ brae•(• fur to11g li tt•s ts thi wef•ke1ul. l'"f.f'• (,'.J .• What pressµre? ' Mauch, players say there's none From AP dispatches Can thl· Angels, dl'11plw their ~ ~-gam<' lead In th(" Amerit'an l..cague Wl'IJt with three gam<.-s lt•ft. be feeling some pr<.-ssure from the Kansas City Royall? Veteran Manager Gene Mauch and his team of experlenoc.od players, lO a man. say no. "When you're on top and have a lead hke Wl' have, I don't feel any pressure," said d~1gnalecl hitt.E'r Don Baylor. "I think the guys know wha1's involved here and what lhl•y have got to go out and do." The Angels' magk number -any combination of Angel victoriL>s and Kansas City losses -for winnjng the AL West and giving Mauch his !11-st Ude in 24 years of 11l3naglng remains al two. But the Angelsllre coming off l'onsct'ut1ve come-from-behind. one-run los!;es to the Royals. including a 6-5 Kansas City triumph Wednl.'sday night. "Wht•n your backs arc against th<• wall, when you know if you lose thl•r<-'s no tomorrow. you have lO giv(' it all every game," s.11d Kansas City's Gt.\fJrge Breit. It wus BrNt's HBI ground out that dimaxe<.I a four-run :wvl•nlh inning to wipe out a 5-2 Angl'l lead and spoil thl' 75th birthday of ownC'r Gene Autry. "Whatevl•r happ<•ns happtms.'' said Kansas City Manag('r Dick Howser. . "h's nll'l' they didn't chnch 1t here. Let's sit back now and see what happens," Howser said u'Sar Geronimo, subbing m renter field for injured Amos Otis. was the Royals' big gun. clubping a solo homer m the third. hitting a triple and sroring m the fifth and igniting tht> seventh- inning rally w ith an RBI si n~le. The Angel ' 2! . mag ic numbe r: American League Weat w L Pct. Angela 90 69 .566 Royals 87 71 .551 Wedneadey'a acore Kansas City 6, Angele 5 Tonight'• game GB 2% Oakland (Norris 6-10) at Kansas City (Splitorff 9-10) The Angels are Idle. · Game• remaining Angele (3) -HOME (3): Oct. 1, 2, 3. Texas. KANSAS CITY (4) -HOME (4): Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3, Oakland • Tht• Angels got hom<.·n. from Rt•ggw J ackson, his :nth, in thl' fi rst and Baylor. his :.!4th. a two-run <;ho~ in the• sixth that gavl' tht•m a 4-2 lt'ad. Thl• Angels took tod;.1y oH before• wrnppmg up the St•ason with thrc'<' homt• gaml'S against Texas al Anaht'tm The' Royals host Oakland for four gamC's. beginning tonight AP Wlt9pftoto Reliever Luu> -Bam:hl'Z, 7 ·4. followed the single "All this mt•an..;," said Mau<.h. "t!> \\'t• havC' a little more work to do" Kansas Cia y's George Bre ll grimaces while being tagged o ut b y Angel caach er Bob Boone. by h1ttmg W1llil· Wilson to load the bases. then U.L. Washington prtX'l'<il'CI Brett's ground ball with a two-run smglC' that tied the game "Thc•rl•'s no llmt• for any pantl'," addc·d tht• Angels' Doug .DeCtnC't'S "All wt• h:ivc• to do 1s win (See PRESSUR E, Page C2) Dod'gers' a thing of the past • magic By JOHN SEV ANO Of Ille Dally Pllol Staff LOS ANGELES In 'the movie "Tempest," at·tor John CassavC'lcs plays an archit(.'(·t who tries to escape reality by hvmg out his fantasy. On a number of oc-cas1ons throughout the film, during troubled times, Cassavetcs would look to the sky for help and say. "Show me the magic." For as long as Steve Garvey can remember. the Dodgers had that same kind of knack es!)'ICially during the closing days of a season. If the D o dgers ne e ded something extraordinary to happen, 1rad1ttonally they w ould get II The Dodgers have constantly been looked upon as strong f1msh('rs, not weak faders. Soml•how. though. that magic has disappeared in 1982. And with 1t. tht· Dodgers stand on the verge of qu1t•tly being el1minat<'d from the National League's Wt•slern D1v1s1on rat"<'. The Atlanta Braves. who were given up for dead a little mort• than a month ago after blowin~ a 10 112.game IC'ad. are now in the driver's seat following their 4-:3. 12-111nmg victory over the Dodgers Wednt>sday nlght before 45,757 at Dodger Stadium. With just four games rt'maining. the Braves hold a scemingly c'Ommandmg two-gamt' lead over both the Dod~ers and S an Francisco Giants. The magic, at least in tt'rms of numbers, has reduced itself lo a ml're "3" f~r Atla nta Formula for playoff determined NEW YORK (AP) With two games separating the Atlanta Braves. Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants in th<' final w eek of th(' National L<'ague W est race. the league said Wednesday it has devised a playoff formula to deal with the possibility o f all thrf>c teams ending the st•ason t1l>d Th e team with the b<'s t winning percentage in hcad-to- head play among the three would have the option of playing at home. or taking a first-game bye and playing on the road against the survivor of a game between the other two clubs AtJanta canno t finish with the best re<:ord among the three so 1f the three-way tic dcvl'lops. the option would fall to either San Francisco or Los Angeles. Going int.O Wednesday's games. LA had the best record among the three. If there is a two-team tie. coin flips have determined home teams. Atlanta would be at home agamst Sun Fra:1dsco but on the road against LA. Los Ange les would be at home against the Braves but on the road against San Frandsco. The Giants would be home against LA •and away against Atlanta. "This was the moSt important game of the year for us." said Atlanta \hjrd baseman Jerry Royster. who was play ing (<*' -tht• injured Bob Horner .. Now, the Dodgers c·an't catch us here. They're going to have to rely on the (San Diego) Padres for some help. and I don't think they wanted to do that." "We're the team to beat at this point 'fhere's On TV tonight channel 11 at 7:30 no doubt about that," addl'd first baseman Chris Chambliss. "We're certainly in a better position than anybody else in our d1v1s1on " And. who would have bclwvcd this could have happenl'd back on Aug. 18? Not only had the Braves blown a l 0 1 ~ -gam(• lead and lost 19 of 21 games to that point. thl'y also trailed the Dodgers by four games. Granted. the DodgNs' collapse isn't as dramatic. but the liming couldn't be any worse "Thl' frustrating part 1s the number of one-run lossc•s we've• had." said GarvC'y, as the team's eurrt•nt losing strl'ak stret<·hcd to ('ight games, six of which wcr£' o ne run short. ''We're just trying to do anything. whatever 1t tak<>s. to wm and we keep coming up empty " The Dodgers had their best opportunity to win when they load<.'<! the bast.>s with one out in the Prior to divisional play whh:h beian In 1969. ro f o ur NL pl'nnants were decided In playofb and the Dodgers were Involved each ume, I01lng to St. Lout In 1946, and to the Glanta In 19~1 and 1~2 Fernando Valenzuela follows through durin early innins of Dodger lot . • ,. i National League Weat W L Pct. GB Braves 87 71 .551 Dodger• 85 73 .538 2 Giants 85 73 .538 2 Oamea rem .. nlng ATLANTA (4) -AWAY (4): Sept. 30, Dodger•; Oct. 1, 2, 3, San Diego. DODGERS (4) -HOME (1): Sept. 30, Atlanta. AWAY (3): Oct. 1, 2, 3, San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO (4) -HOME (4): Sept. 30, Houston; Oct. 1, 2, 3, Dodger•. ninth But. like the night before when they loaded the bases with none out in the 10th. the team came away disappointed. StevC' Sax l(roundl'd mt.o a force play a t the plate for the s<"COnd out of the inning and. Rick Mondav lined a shot to S('('()nd that was snared by Glenn Hubbard to end th(' threal. Monday was so frustrated he ran halfway down the line and kicked htS helmet the other half "I'm glad It's thf'm a nd not me now," said Manager J0t• Torre or tht• Braves and Dudgen; p05itions in the standings "I'm more secure than l was a little while ago." Of course. the Dodgers are anything but secure . Not only are they in the midst or the ir longest losing streak since 1973. the dub. which has all but stoppe<j h1tung. has &'<>red but 16 runs in its last eight games. has left 65 runners on base during that span. and faces the prospect of playing the remainder of the season without the servkcs or Pedro Gue r!"E'ro Gue rrero. who pulled up lame running to first base in the bottom of the 12th inning. reportedly tore a muSt'le above th<' kn('l' o r his right leg. Dodger off1c1als wcrl' cautious about making a definite prognosis until today but 1t sllll didn't look good. "It's going to Ix• tough for w. to make> a move without him," admitted Dodgt•r Managc•r Tommy Lasorda after tht• game. "It hasn't be-en very easy with him," som('One suggested. to wh1t·h Lasorda gav(' an angry starC'. "We're nut goi ng to die," said t'atcher Steve Yeager. "Wt· don't gtVI' up. And WC' can't look back. "What WC' hav<' to do now is win four games m a row and hop<• w<• get some help" Somewhat iron1<:all y, Torre credited a playl'r, rather than another team. tC>r "helping" the Braves (See DODGERS. Paite C2) No more spoiler role Oilers . are gushing with enthusiasm After just thr<.-e we<>ks of non-league action. the hst of untx>atens grows short for Orange County prep football teams. but among the handful as you may be aware of. are the Huntington Beach Oilers. The emcrg('nl'e of an unbeaten team through three weeks. however. hasn't caused any parades through the halls of Huntington Beach H igh. yN, although it's one darn sight better than 0-3. Just ask a rcw ex-Oilers and they'll confirm that. "I don't know if it (unbeaten) has soaked in yet." says Huntington Beach Coach G reg Henry. ''People arc saying to get as many runs as we can get before league starts.'' The Oilers haven't won in Sunset League play In 33 straight starts. dating back to a 7·6 victory over Marina In 1973, so wary thoughts arc maybe d~rvcd. ··1 don't believe the people on campus really believe we can hive a good football team," says Henry . ",The• klda on campus believe. but thl• teachers who have been around don't sec 11 happc'ning "I don't blam(' them, th('y'vc been around lo see things and they suit remembt'r a nother 3-0 tl'am that fell apart " The 1977 team won 1lS first three. then los\ its m•xt six. 1nduding all oC IL'! SunBt't League games. "Wl' have to prove It," ronttdes Henry. Last WN'k's 55-14 rout or onct'·unt;,(>atcn Los Amigos. huwc•v('r, hus bc>t'n proof f'nough for th<' Orungl• Couhty Sport.'IWr1tN'S A~1ollon, wh11:h 1t11~ thl' 01l1•ri. No. 8 In Orang County wllh th~·ir p<>ll. t Huntington &ach is looded with junlora and somt•tlmes non-IK'ntors don't know 11ny better thon to follow the trcn<l, so you ncwr know, ju t mnytx• the Oill'n! (tr'\' fln.-lly going to lx><.'Omc aonwthlng 1TK1rc• th11n potential spolll•rs. T hon ogaln. maybe> thl' Ollcn1 huvt-1lmply found out that If you c.•an op('rat without lntC'rl-cptlons and fumblt~. yuu can OOat most and play with ju11t about 1tnyon<'. Hemry &uyA whnt halt l'f'ally tumc.-d th 11hlp In th~ rl(lh\ dm'C'llon I~ the ofkniov • llnc. which l:t stOt'klod with thrt'<' junlol'll and thrt-.• •n10M' PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON "T heir adjustmcnl.S on the fu~ld. picking up d1fler<'nl type's of de fc-nse. hos l:x-<-n a rt'al plus:· says Henry. who also soys muc-h of thl• crNhl must ' go to assistant l'Oal'h Kurt Clc•men~ Tonight the 01krs go for four in o ruw -and the last time lhat was a('t'Omph'\hl'(I wus in 1969 undl'r COOl'h Ke n Moats The school rc.'C:ord for t·onS«·ut1v(' v1t·tonC's was Sl't in 1966 whc.>n M1>.lls' 9-2 lrv1m• Ll•aguc t'hampions won <'1ghl in a rnw . . .. &•a Vtt'W Ll•agul• at·tnm b<>g1ns tonight with a pair of gaml's (El Toro at Newport Harbor an<l Irv1m• vs Saddlt•ba<.•k al Santa Ana Bowl). and two more• Friday (Coronn dt•I Mor vs Est:anc.•10 at Nt•wport Harbor and Cosu1 M(-sa vs Univ1•rs11y at Irvine). and H mny be> thl' cl()el(:St rnt'<' t'Vl'I for ttw k•agut' "It mor c.:onw dOWll to coin fllps to h Ve com flips.' snys 1'.:stnnl'io Coach Jo:d Blanton. alluding w thl' finnl standings when 11 oil clears up Nov 12. lit•rt•'s sm1w1hing Cur W1•stmlm111•r to think ohou1 in Its ga1t1t• ot Rumsaur Stndlum Friday 111gh1 against Cumpton High. Don't cxpt't'l any gaml' pro~rum:i and don't <'XJ>''l't mu<.·h <.·ov<.•rng1-. tiln<.•c• ll\l'rc• Is no pt'\'. 'box. it burned clown uq 11 r1-:<u It of 1.1 l11 <• In th sumd. durm(I 11 Comp\1m·Cc.•ntvnnlul gonw ' "W{• i!XPN'I to huv<.• ht'lHl phnnl·~ ... 'Ill)''< W<"ltmmM<.•r Coiwh lk1rrv W11tl'l'lf, "on u plotform, !IOITil'Wh<.'l'l' '' • • • l.11~unn Ac•1u·h 11 ljoth 'N Artl!itli, t hl• only 11nb4•;1wn tt•o111 tn 1h1• South l'om1t Lc•ul(Ut' with n ~e OILERS, Pa•e Ct I t·~ 011nge Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thureday, September 30, 1812 ,.-______ ....,.._ ________________________________________________________ ~ Promoters sign pact for All-star game From Al' dlspalche11 PlllLAOELPJllA Piomolc•nt ml ul a proposed Nat1o nol fo'ootball t t Ll•agUl' Play«m• Asscx:1al10n All-swr - game st•rtl'S a nnounced Wt•<hwsday tlwy had s1gnro a nmtracl tu play the second or :W S4:hl'<1u h.J game~ Ol't 11. ut lhe University ut Pl•1rnsylvanaa's Frunklin Fwld. A group of -star playc•rs from National l-'1k>lball Lt•ague's Nallonal Conference will play against stars from the Am1:rican Confoience m the Y p.m. game, said Brag Owens, a former Washington Ht•ds kins pla ye r who is l'vmm1sswm·r of "The Playt•rs All-Star Season ." The st•raes of games, designed to supplement lhc..· mc·omt·~ of striking pro football playeni. was annoum·c..•d Tuesday an Washmglon, D.C. The 1nat1al ganw is S<:hc>duled for Oct. 10, at Robert F. Kennedy Stadium in the nation's c·apital. Thn•c..• members of the Philadelphia F.agles allc>ndc•d Wednesday's m•ws conrere nce, all saying lht•y .would be willing to play in the series If t•nou..:h or their fellow players in the leagul' votl'd fur lh<'m. Quote of the Mark Sch ert, coach of swimming team, when asked by a viet journalis t if the Americans would be a ttending the British Commonwealth Games in Australia: "We won't be going. We had a revolution in 1776." Walton will see part-time duty PORTLAND -am Walton, the m ti -I I cenLl'r who led the Portland Trail Blazers to the National Basketball Association championship m 1977, will play part-time for the San Diego Clippen this fall, Gene ral Manager Ted Podleski said Wedn<'Sday. "We don't want him to play that much ," Podleski said in a i.elephone interview with Th<' Oregonian newspaper. "We want to go slow and hope that m J anuary he can play three times a week." Walton. who has suffered a rash of foot injuries s1n<:e the 1977-78 season. was in San Diego Wednesday undergoing team physicals. After injuries forced him to miss the entire 1978-79 season with Portland1 Walton played in JUSt 14 games for the Clippers in 1979-80. Brewers move closer to East crown Ned You belt<'d u thrt>l··run II hm)Wr wllh two outs In llw top u( tht• ninth inning Wcdm.'S(Juy night, llftinl( M1lwauk1•0 lo a 6-3 vktor y ovt•r Boi.ton end another stt•p d t>M>r to tht• Amcricun Leugue East pe•nnunt. With the v1clor y , tht• Bre w en muvt•d tour full gamt•s a ht•ud of Baltimbre, whkh lost 3-2 to Delroll u11<.l the.• Brewers' magic numtx-r has lx'<'n rt..oduc'\.>d to two . . In Detroit, John Wockenfuss' pim·h·hlt homer leading orr tht! ninth inning helpt'C.l vw Tigers p<J6l a 3-2 victory over Baltimore· to push lhc Orioles on the brink of elimination. &ltimort• had tJed the game at 2-2 in the top of the ninth o n Jim Dwyer's RBI d oubl~ . Jerry Mumpllrey doubled twke and trlph;'C! to drove in four runs and Ken Griffey knockc•d in five topower New York past Cleveland, 13-tl ... larry Parrish drov<' m the lead run w. Texas dumped Oukland, 5-3 Harold Balnea homt>red and Greg Walker capped a game- wmnlng rally with a two-run triple in . Chicago's 6-5 win over Seattle . . . Brad Havens tossed a nine-hit shutout while Gary Ward homered and singled as Minnesota blanked Toronto. 8-0. Neither side budging In strike talks NEW YORK -Negotiations [i] aimed a t l•nding the nine-day ••• Nauonal Football League players' strik e r esu me t oday. But o n Wedn<'Sday both sides as much as promised tht> wlks would remain st.ailed -wiping out next w~kend's games -by saying no new proposals would be made'. "We will have no new counter-proposals," said Ed Garvey, exeA.llive director of the players union. "We have 10 items on the table and nol only haven't they agreed to one single item, they arc trying to gel take backs for disabled players." "This Wt>rks two ways," responded Jim Maller. the public relations direct.or for the Management Council, the owners' negotiating unit. "They (the union ) h aven 't accepted a nything we have put on the table. Their idea of c'Ollcctive bargaining 1s to re,ect everything we suggest. "We wall have nothing new. We are still awaiting a response to our offer of last Sunday to guarantee the $I.IS b1Lllon." an otter which Garvey at that time termed "a false guarantre." Off.,road races set Sunday· at Saddleback M1kl' a nd Scott Gillman of Tusti n along wi t h Jerry Whekhe l of Anaheim will b(: among the favorites m Sunday's Budwl'i.ser Ba)ll Cross S<-ries off- road ra<.'l'S at Saddleback Park m Orange . A t o tal of seven o rr -r oad cla~scs and two for thrcc•- Wh('C>lcrs will be C'Ontcste'<i w ith two 15-minute motos for each class over the short course. ln the main class. Class l for unlimited single sealers with unlimited engines, the Gallman brothers are the poinl leaders through the hrst five of seven r o unds . Rob He ndric ks . o 17 ·year-old from Anaheim, 1s third m the point standings and ls also the youngest driver. Whelchel 1s sec'Ond m points an Cla."" 10 for dune buggies wath l ,600cc e ngines in unlimited c hassises. R e follows Vine Tjelmeland, also of Anaheim, an this category but 1s close enough to ovt'rtake him this wc'<'kend Whelchel lt>ads tht• point ra<.'l' i n C lasses 2 a nd 9 and 1f suc'l."C'SSful in winning three t1tlc-s. would be the first drivt•r in thl• lhrN'-ycar history of the £•vent to a('COmplish such a feat He 1s the only driver to rompete an three clas.'ICS. Jteggie Jackson ponders the Angels' plight Wednesday in Kansas City. A third Gillman brothe r, Gary, now resides In Irvine and will be among the leading conwnd<>rs Cor his youn~er brothers. PRESSURE ON ANGELS? • • • From Page C1 All they have to do is make one mistake and loee, and it's all over." Yet there were some signs of tension i.n the Angels clubhouse following Wednesday night'• game. Rod Ca rew rudely escorte d two news photographers from the clubhouse after they bepn (&king "dejection-type'' pictures of the playen. The photographers were Paul Iwanaga of The Kansas City Times and Tom Gralish or United Pn!a lntemational. No one was hurt in the Incident. · "I was taklng some dejeclion-type plctu~ and Ron Jackson and Carew were yelling at WI to atop," ~anaga saJd "I saw aome ice rly in front of my camera. and I felt someone ~ab m y anti." · Iwanaga said Carew gently pU5hcd h im about '~ feet to the clubhouse door. · "He said something to the e ffect. 'I don't w•"t iou taklng any pictures.' " lwanaga said. Grallsh said Carew grabbed his camera lena • tboment later and saJd, "I t.old you befol'e. HO. ihany times do I have to tell you -get out of twnt." The group of photographers. num~rlng about IClx. J~(t w ithout incident. ; Gral11h was Involved in an Incident wUh <)eorg Brett last ytar wheo the Roy•l•' third tiuerMn slapped at hi" camera with a crutch and Kit him In th head. • Rt-lief ece Oen Qulaonherry. who blanked ~ Ana la In th«' flnal J 'A lnnln~ to poet hit lea,ue· . • leading 35th aave. admitted the Royals stlll had a long way to go. "We've already had one miracle this century with the Me ts," he said. "I don't know how many miracles you're allowed each century. ''Our backa are against the wall -lhe Berlin Wall, and I can't name one East German who ever eseaped." Bob TuflJI, 2-0, came on with one out in the seventh and pitched one Inning in relie f of Royals' starter Dennis Leonard. Reggie protected KANSAS CITY (AP) -Slxt~n uniformed policemen were stationed in right field at Royals Stadium Wedn esday night to protect Reggie JackllOl'l rrom possible abute by Kansas City fans during the An1els-Royab garM. "W~ normally have six pollcefT\en in rlaht field," Aid Herk Robinson, dlrcc1or of 1tadlum operations. "We wanted to .. aure the eafety of Regie and tho fan.s." RobiNOn said 10 polic-emen were In right field for the Anael•·Royal1 l•l'N'll Monday and Tue.day nlcht.1 when Jeck.Ion app.ared only u a pinch· hlu~r He 1tArted In n1hc field Wednwday n.ieh\. Jacbon wu Involved In 1 "°"troversial ~Y la1t w.ek ln Anaheim with Royall l«Ond bNeman Frank Whte. , Leonard 1park1 Giant• paat Houston Ill J t•H Lt-onard hit 11 two run h1111w1 111111 thr 1•w out && 1 unnt•1 ffl lho 11lt1 l•'. h·udint( San Jt'runtll'lt o lo 11 ti I vll'tu1 y 11vt•1 lluu1o un Wt•d11l'luluy 11h(ht ut ( '11ndlt•11lwk Purk Lf'ft hu11dt<r Atlee llamm•ker, 12 II. gut the victory uncJ Gary Ltavdle ,•uruc.·d hl11 t•rtchth 11uvt• u-. 1ht• ClanlJI 11nup111d 11 two H1111w 1t~111g 11trt•11k Terry Ktnn~dy'11 two run HlllHll• In ttw l>uttom or th•· 10th rn11111~ prnvidl-d San Ult•l(o with u t•o1111•- from-bc:hi11cJ 3-2 triumph ovt•r Ctndnnall Ja1on Tbomp1100'1 two-run double touchc'<i off a four0 ru11 first Inning thot t•ur1·1c<.1 Pltt.Mburgh past St. Louis, 7-3 . BUI Buckner hud tour hlUJ, Including a two-run homer. wa Chkouo tx.•at Nt•w York. 4-l , snapping thl' Mc:tli ' tour-actrml• winning i>treak . . . Steve Carlton tos~'<I a tWO·hltll'r und Phlladelphiu scored all Its run11 In lhf' first 1.wo Inning to blank Mo11trPul, 4-0. Carlton, 22·11, hurle!'CI his sixth i>hutout and lttth l'Ompll.'l4' game of the !!Cason and 11trul·k out th1 w to bou~t his IN1"1.1e-lcaulng total w 21:! Strachan bitter after sentencing Former National Football League • running back Mike Strachan was sentenced Wednesday to serve three years in a federal penitentiary on cocaine charges, but he aaid he did nothing that George Rogers, Quell Muncie, Frank Warren and Dave Waymer had not al&o done. Strachan, a teammate of the four duri~ his she seaaons with New Orleans. said, "I definitely feel I was sold out. I was sold out from day one." . . . Forme r Unive rsity of Maryland quarterback Mark Ma.n1e1, a fourth-round draft choice of the Rams in 1978, was signed by the Urut.ed States Footba ll League's Washineton Federals Wednesday . . . Former DePaul forward Terry Cummia11, chosen second overall in this year's NBA draft. will play for Athletes in Action because he has been unable to reach a contract agreement with the ,San Diego Clippers . . . Hayden Fry of Iowa will be the head coach of the Ea.st team In the 58th Shrine East- W est football game ... The Philade lphia 76ers told forward Steve Mix that they would not match the offer sheet worth a reported $75,- 000 tendered to Mix by the Milwaukee Buc·ks. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. n 7:30 p.m., Channel 11 V V V v BASEBALL: Atlanta at Dodgers. Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. Un the verge ol tailing completely out of tht National League West chase and with an c1ghl- game losing strC'a k the Dodgers send Burt Hooton (3-7) agains t Atlanta's Rack Camp (11 -11) Ba.'i4.'ball KABC (790) RADIO Atlanta at Dodgers. 7:30 p.m . City golf tourney slated in Newport Paul O'Shea. winne r oC the Hunt.ingt-On Beach and Santa Ana city championships and tJed for third nt Costa Mesa last weekend. will compete m the> City of Newport Beach golf championship al lrvmC' Coast Country Club Friday. Oct. 8 Th<• tournament 1s limited to residents of the <.'1ty and members o( Big Canyon Country Club and Irvine• Coast Country Club It will hav<> a I o'clock shotgun start and there 1s a $30 entry fee that indudl'S green fl'eS, electric cart, barbeque lunch. beer and soft drmks on the course and a post- tournament coc.•ktail party. There will be championship flights in men's open and seniors and women's open and seniors with low gross wmners There are also flights for handicaps in all four d ivisions with the field hm1ted to the.• first 144 players who re((ister. Th<' men's handcap flights will include 0-8. 9-14, 15-20. and 21-plus handicaps. senior men will be 14-and-under , 15-22, and 23-and-over. Wome n's flights wiJI b e 14-a nd -unde r , 15 ·22 a nd 23-and-over: seniors women w1U be 20-and~nder or 21-and-ovcr Chamblisa Torre DODGERS LOSE . • From Page C 1 · out um.I turninl( lhe1r fortunes around. "I'll tell you what turned it around for Ull," he said , "and that wus (pitcper) Pascual Perez getting lost on his way to the stadium (ln Atlanta no less) llonest!" Perez's lack of direction . occurred Aug. 19 (reml'mbcr. Aull(. 18 was Atlanta's 19th loss In 21 outings). He was supposed l o start that day. didn't ~ause of his tardiness, and the Braves started a wlnnihg streak, which has seen them since win 24 of 39 games while the Dodgers have lost 20 of the last 37. "At the llml' that happened we were a very tight ball club," smd Torre. "All of a sudden though the players had something to laugh at again. No longer did everything seem like it was life and death." Who knows, maybe Lasorda should invite Don Ric kles into the d ubhousc for a few laughs. A\ this point, whal has he got to lose.? * ... DODOlfl NOTI!I -The flnal game of the Nrles tonight wlll match 8w'I "°4MOfl (3-7) egaln11 the Btavea· Net! Cemp (11-111 The Dodge(• plan to tMYIM alt lhelt femalnlng g-u iong N they 111y eltv. In the WMtern Olvllllon r-The 1>c>ctger1 llnllll lhe .._ In San Franelaco . . Jutl lo ~ you how dty things h•.,. .,_, tor the Oodget1, Dwtr ... w. tM No. 3 hitter In Ille Uneu9. hU only IWO RBI Ille enllt• month ol Sec>lenlber 11 l\onle, apannlng 10 gemea. Baker'• 1a11 tht .. RBI, in fec:t. hive come on en lnlleld hit, 1 field«'• chOlce and en WtOf . F~ Valeftauele, Wf\o got a no-declllon Wednetd•y nigtol.IOf hit effort, WM lrylng IO t>eeome , ... lint Dodge( pitcher line. TefNlt)' Jollft In 1977 to Win 20 g-. T.,,., on what ne tot<I l'tos pleye.1 during thelf loelng 1treak lut .,,onth: '"AM I did wu remind them thet through the llrat 100 gl/Nls ol Ille Muon we hed the bell record In buebatl I totd them that Winning .it tl'IOM g-wetn't a fluke And I k411>t lllllng 11\em 11111" • _,...,, ulled -"elhet Ille Bra.,.. rNllze wtlal lhey're on Ille lhrNhOlcl ol dOlng "I ttllnll we rMliled 11 IOf lhe llrat time IHI night (Tuesday) when ..... won (In San Frlt\CitcO) llnCI Ille Dodger• loat tto 111e Reda) rm glad 11 loolt eo iong, 100, °' 11 m1g111 nave gotten to ue" II Ille Brallft win the dlvltlonal Utle. 11 will be their llrsl aince 111611, which turned oul to be the yeer Of the Mlrtde Mets. Shortened NFL slate? WASHINGTON (AP) -The chairman of the Nauonal FootbalJ League's com pelit1on commlllee said Wednesday the league could Cinash the season without making up the games lost during the current player strike. "We are not ready to a bandon the current schedule. I think people wall accept a 12-to 14-garne schedule without further h inderance." said Tex Schramm. committee chainnan and pesident of the Dallas Cowboys. The NFL. in the throes of its first inseason strike in h istor y, has already lost the 14 games scheduled last week. Official nouhcation of the cancelation of a nother week's games is expected within the next 24 hours The league could lose as many as four weeks of the season and still have a 12-game schedule. "We w ere playing 12 games as r('('ently as 1970." Schramm recalled OILERS • • • From Page C1 2-0 rt'<:ord. a nd the only team m the Daily Pilot area , which hasn't opted for a 10th gam<'. is switching next year Football cooch Dennis Haryung says his Artists will play California High m a rC'gular non-league• gam<' ne>xt season, rather than a scrimmage It'll tX' at Lnguna Beach • • A wc•kome l'hang<' an.the CIF finals m football w all Ix• thl' poss1b1ltty of a lie • no t1c>-brt'akcr for the championship College football Thie WM11•1 lchedu .. ,,_,Ari GA• Cal Stet• ,ulletton et lone Beacll '' (Veteran• StedlUm), (1·30 p rn I COIOredo St. at Utah. n IATUM)Arl OAMll .... 0revon..,. use et eo.-wn (1:30p.m 1 8.,, .IOM St II CllilOfnle (Channel 7 11 12 40 pm.) Oregon St. at 8'91110fd San OleOO 81 11 WMNngton UtJlll St. at F,_ St , n WYomina al Hewell, n ~VegM at Padftc, n Cal Poly (SLO) at Portlend St , n CS Hot1tw1dge al UC Devit, n Sect-lo &t. at Cal Poly (Pomona). n ......... UCLA II Col«ado H9w .,..•ICO at Air '°'" (Chennet 2 at 12:30 p tn I Kan ... St. at Arlmna It .. n Weber St. at Idelle> Idaho St. at Mont-II. Montana et ....,.._Aefto Nllnott 81. at ..... Melllco It. 8olM &t. et NOf111em Arllona, n ... "' ... ' TCUetArltanau,n Houtton at Baytot. n TeaM It Aloe. n TellU Tedi at T•1t• .... M. n N Tea• St. al 8MU. n 8Yl.l •1 T1aa ... EI Paao, II W~lla SI at W•t Telllt SI NW l°"'tlane 11 EUI T11tee St , 11 Tea• SOutlltm al L-L~ TICll ., r-Arllngton. II ... ..._. Inell-at MlOtliOan Notre Dlml II ~ It. llllllOle II MIMlaota. II MM H_..., llvtl-. C.1te MeMi ..... LlllllMOlfS 11,APJ. 'I \ JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLIGI .............. use over Orepn * Notre Dcim• .,,., Michigan State * •lehom Yeunt ... Tex-..ftaM * san ...... Stete (;unahril lo c•otwh ()lyna11ic swinanu~rH League op n Uy ttOta.:n CAltLSON 01 IM Dallr ...... lt11f Ml·:Ml'lllS, 'l\·1111 (A l') 1>1111 {:u11il11 ii, lJ111vc•1111ly rd Al11h;1111u 1ow111111ll11t( c•om•h foi lilt' hai.I 111111" Vt'UI '\, Wlll't 11111111-.I t lu· l11•11d I'"" h 111 llll' I UH-I u s Olv111pu '"' '111 h ·u m Wt'\J111•11tluv lni11dt• hnw11 tu h•ugu1• llth·11 ..inti unht•:.ih'n litn·ak11 an· on tht• haw \.lmi{(hl wHh Cour h1l(h 11t•hool footbull l(urm'tl on tt1p 1nvulv111H tt•am!C withm lht• Oully l'ilo\ tU'l'lll F .. 1wh 111 btll1-d tu bt•t(ll\ ut 7 :w ll1•u •'i. a look at tomght'li gumt.>.. 1£1 Toro Vii, Newporl (.; .. 111111111. 1111 11~14'lunl Oly111pll' w .. 1d1 111 HHiH, l!n2. llJ7ti und HllllJ. W•ll'I M 0h't0lt'CI Ill Oll'dlrl8b by u n I l l• d s l u t L' 1' s w I mm I II t( ' 1uitumul g11v1•1111n~ lxxly (111 tht• sport G!'Ul'l(t' l l11in1·:., who ('Ol.ll'hl•:-; wunw11 's 1'w1mm1ng a l Stunford and wus thl· hl•ad coach fur th1• U .S Olympic tt.>am from 19ti0-l!JHO, will bt· <an assist.ant El Turu'111 wround Urtt•n tt•d Chuq(t'l'li opt•ratt• with run1wr11 Dun Trlckt•tl ( 1U5). Jerry ~Id ridge ( 170) und Blakt• l"l'nlll'll ( 170) ul\Nnuting tht• Ulllll'k Thl· h ost So1lors countl'r with u 4.3 dC'fcflSI.• und tlw running of junior Stcvt.1 Braws. Thl1 St»l Vl<'w League oµt.•ner 1s on the Nt•wporl I lurbor <:nmpus. CdM wins., 52-3! The goals t:amc in bunc:hl·s in St•a V1l'w League watC'r polo action Wt'Clnesduy, with Corona dcl Mar tying u CII-' rt.'(.'Ord and Costa Mcsu also t•njoymg a produe11vt• afternoon. Tht• St•a Kings blitzed Saddldial·k, :-,2.:J, Costa Mt•sa rornpt.'CI to a 27-9 da:1s1on ovt•r lrvuw, and m other Sc•a Vww activity, Newport Harbor dumpt.-Q Uniwrsaty. 12-6, and El Toro kncx·k<.>d off Eswm.·1a. 11 -5 In nonleagut• action. Huntington 81.•ac h brought home a 12-8 verdi<:t ovt·r Long &>at·h Poly Poly CdM'~ on~l<.1ught tied a mark fir:.l ~t·l by Collon against Palm Springs in 1979 for m~t goal!. ~·orc.'<.1 in a gamt• The Sea Kings used 18 playt•r:., with Rick Scutt leading thr way w11h 10 gouls and rcgulur goah<' Joe Roh adding t•1gh1. Celebrate Life! '"' Help the ~ March of Dimes j Fight Birth Defects Costa Mt>S<J's Aaron ChaSC'n S<.'On•d an c•vt>n dozen lo j(ive him 74 this season in the Muswngs' v1c•tory r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------., I I I I I I ·1 (/;. I --~ I $ ----~ou~1 I _,,. _,,. rN yotJ"-A I Ff~~ I coo..;T,\ ~IFS\• :no E. l 71h treet • CH5·8700 11 L '\Tl '\CTO\ REACll • 1 (1015 Colden West St. •&Vi-Iii I ~IJ:--:-ilO~ VIEJO • 2 n'l.1 ,\licia Parha>, Suite 2E • 770.2651 Alic.ia I O\\n Plaza ,\~TA A :\ • 122·1 East l ilh tree!• ~7-5871 I I I I I I I L------------.111 SUPER NAUTILUS I AEROBIC CENTERS IMIM/ftllt( Wllllllm •T•flll MAC•! usu 111sa .... MSllllll(JO 1Sol I t lllCll• llft MSMtlll l•fAlllHlllf .,, St lt!Slll Ult SI ..,.,, .... , ... ,,., ..... ~ '""ll'9 •1••• Q ,,., ol """C-SIUI CIUI" Mft ,., .... (113) ... _. ....... , • ,~fllNi\illtlt1' ........ ,.. ......... ti ....... 141 .. MltlA 112·0110 .......... "lr•t~ .. ~ ... ,. ,f/llH' __ (114) , ..... , (1l4) ,,.,..,' ...... ......_ (114) '3l-~1D J.1i:J.. mt111 M14Ml . -' , Orange Coatl DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, Septembef 30, 1982 ( .. J ! • ' WlD tr aks on line ()(:f~ win n 'H in in voll •y boll f I I rvhw vs. Sudd lt•bu<·k Hud11ld1twk hi ran kc'tl Nu I 111 the.· t'l ~· ( '1•1111.11 l'rnif1•11•111't.• und No II 1n Ornnu<· l'uu11tv, 11 Vint• 111 unrunkt'<I 1r1 1•1tlwr poll. blthouuh th,• Vuqunclh hrn~t 11h111lu1 a.o vlt'lOl'Y 111 11011 l11ugut• 1>l11y l lu1111r1u11111 li(•1wh hwm'\ wu11 (our HlrH1~ht .cunu·i; 1111111· Hlflll, hut Liii' Oilt•1i1 1111• f.1vo11•d IC.I tlu JUHl that lM•lllmJ lht' IJ.1l·kfo•Ld L0m11b11u1111i11 ol 4uurt«rlJ1wk ~;1 k Luwhlrn and fulllJul k Dunny Th1Jmp!'oem. 11 pwr of JUllll>r' Ttw "unu-v. .11 I lu11tlnut1111 Bt•,1d1 'rlw Oro111(1• (.'om1 t l.'11111141• w1rnu•n'K v\1ll1·yl111ll 11•(4m WI llf'f't'<I Up ltll liC'l'tilllJ VIC'lory without u ,,,.,., Wc't.ln1-Mfuy ni~hl liy <Jt.·fruung Vl'llllnH Ore mcmt. l.1 tt, 15 12, I~ 1 ~1. I ~> ;i 1·1·1'<h•1111al!. Suddlt•bal•k's spc•l!ll indudt1' <1 pulr of 4 (J tu1lb1tl'ks bt•hlnd ~u11r1t•rh1wk Hod P1•N1.1k Jrvlrw's No. l weupon 111 Johnny SulhtnN The gum<:t ts ui SanUl Ano Bowl San C:lcmcnte v11. Woodbridge Wuoc.Jl>ndg<· H'<'c•1v1·r Rill Hui..'4t'll rnuijhl mnrt.• pal'tst•s (I()) lur 111urt• yartb (Hi~) liii..l Wl•t•k 1hun Sul\ CIL•nwnll' huN 1111111uu1•d II\ lhn,oc.• gumt'N and it muy JUSt lx· un i.111' (Wvvdbndf:(l') vi;. gruund (San Clt·nwnll•) IJ111tlt· Lo111gh1 in tht• Suulh Coast Lt•agut.• op<•m•r fw both bl'houb lt ''i ut lrv1111· l huh Tiu· 1'11 utt·"' w1•1t· la·u hy ttw pl.1y ol M1phoo1or1·~ K..1r1 A1 ndt. J1iJ1 B1 t.•m·1c. nulldlt· liltx-kc·r V .ii (:1ucly und M:llt•r Kuthy Molhc:-i "W1• w1•11• (1bl1• tu t·wnc• batk 1111w1g In th<• f111ol gutnl' uft.J.·r lo~rng th<• Ihm.I." n ol<·d O<!C Coud1 Jonl· l lllueor1dm f Boltia Grande \II. Huntington Btiach Eal·h 11> ~oin~ for its fourth straight Th<· P1 ru ll'll n •turn tu ut:tte>n Frlduy night al 7 wht•n tht-y Vh1t San 01t•l(o M<'!MI Li •COSTA MIU •IAllDEN • PASADENA GIOVE co1 ..... a .... ......., ,..,,. ..... l lwo1141 21S.Ht•OHJ 714-4U-4141 •MllllO• VIEJO .. ~ • u ,.. ,, ...... ,.,, IRENTWO ........... 1 Crown 710 •521 ................................................................... ~~ .................................... :.t~~·1·· lud........ 6 •211 11 ..... C:-..................................... , ,Kl ~L...~ .. ~ ............. 12 ,_ •2•• Grand Opening Downey Liquor Barn -Oct. 7th • ca•ou • THOUIA•D • PALM • au•ADA • PA•OUMA PAIK OAKS IPRl•ll HILLS CITY ,,,__. ~· v ... o.... • .... u 21J.flo4·12IO IOM'1•1JIJ •U•CHO , ..... ClftP" OtlH .. ..-... 11•·J214072 UCAMONGA •HEMET • TORUNCE • LANCAITE •ANAHEIM OPEN TO THE PUBLIC c .. ...,..,, • • ... , ....... 1 ... llrMI le" Jec:llllO 71 ........ 111 714·121·2111 ,Kiiie . C-Hltlll••r I AllU JIJ.J7J•0701 Carlo Rossi Wines $ BB :lm'~ ~ a.tft hffMt 3.0 Ltr. ~\ SebutMI Mt. ~~ •.o s411 C,....., ~. •wtuftO'r. vtft "9M ...! • .__ ltr. /:, ~.L .. -...................... ~. ~:. •3•• eroww Rune voea ,,. •411 .. ................................................... ,.;, ..... Ur. 1 ~.~::...~~~ ............ ~~ t~~ 55'' ~~~ .. ~~ .. ~ ...................... ~ •9•• '~ Myw'1 Rum Crum ~ , .. •13•• l.'-............................... "-----..... Ugttt 6 •221 12 .... c-....................................... ,_ Marlboro Ciaarettes se11 ~Wine of Iha Weak R u1°:r a King• Carton fB 1979 s3se w.,ninv fh• sllf9•on G'""" Hu o"""'"''' 100·, ..... certon se.3t Estrella Chardonnay no Tlltl ~ettt ~ Is 01119"0111 to Yow Htailh Big, Dry, full-Bodied White from u.c l'r1ff ml ,.__..__ _________ _, ~w1rd Wlnnlnn Winery 1 ..... 1 1• mg 111 l I 1119 lltCOlol't n Pt' Clgl'tllt bt fl( Mtihod ••• MORE LIQUOR BARN SAVINGS ....................................................... ~~~·10" Jack 7IO 17M Dlnllll ................................................... . ~ ua l10" Tlmel ............................................. Llr. Jllll ,.. .... ........................................................... Llr Old , ,. .... crow .................................................. Llr. =:.a ... .:,_ .................................... ~ •1 o•• •1511 Id\ "'81 . no-M\ . .......,., ., ... 11o·Ml. 1bl '""'"fl\............. ., ... llV\t . 7IO·MI. outtt0•n&'81' ,18 .. 110-ta\. gaentarc\11............... ,11" 110-tA\. \.a"''°'' '"1"""""'" •• .. • 15'' 710-MI. Oblft ................... ., ••• ........ 110-tAI. Pr\"'8 .. tt ................ .,, .. Clull .................................................... ~ ... !: •7•• c.nHlan 1.7t 1911 HHI ........................................................... ur. Clnldlan w '11 " ..................................... ~ ............. LIY. .......... ''°'13" Crown Royll............................. .. ..... Seagnm's 10 '10" v.o ................................................. Ur. ... 1.11 •11 11 v.tvlt ............................................... Ut. _.... 110-ta\. ._ ....... "91'.. ......... • ... M••-·-760>-tAI. 1 ~ ............. .. ' , ... 13 .. ¥.1 ...................................................... ..... Courvolller no '21" VSOP .................................................. ..... = lrandy ............................ -.. 1.: '5" EIJ ua 112" lrandy ............................................ ur "°""' u •71t lrlftdy .......... --........................ ,_.. .. Ur Chrtttllft 7IO 15tt -·-:~~~ ) ' ~( f~~,} I Keg ':1 ; '· . 1i ..... , u . "•llabl1 <..-c !--r...., ~,-... .,_ ........ ..._.,.., '• . . ....... ~·•wr.1 •31 •• Coora.......... .,_ • •20•• ........ ,. . .,,., Hamm·. .. ............. 1, •• ,,., •241• low.,.,,,.., • ...... \t •• .,,., •3511 •• ,,., ...................... .,.,., •31 •• loftlltz ................ ,. .• .,,., •11•1 f APftf111 ArAll.Alu Store • Sund•y-Thur•d•y, 10 AM-8 PM Houra: • Frld1y-S1turd•y, I AM-I PM Liquor Barn ·' • Or1no• OoHt DAIL. v PILOT /Thur•c:l•v. •Pl•mber 30, 1982 Rustlers, Bucs host potent oppo~ents Ray ~ . . . " MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS American League W£1 Tl"N DIVll lOM W l f'cl. 09 Aneef• 90 69 .SM Kantat Coty 87 71 55 I 2'> ChlCego 85 74 $35 5 S..Ule 76 93 478 14 Olllclend 67 91 424 22'• Teut 5' 95 403 26 MWIMOla 59 99 373 30'> EAITUIN OIVlllON Mllw-M 94 83 5119 Belllmof• 90 87 573 4 eo.1on 115 73 531 9'• 0.lrOll 90 78 513 13't New YOik 78 'eo 4114 18'• c-and 76 ao 487 ,,., T0ton10 7• 84 468 20'• W9dneedey'1 lcoree l(ansu c11y 6. ~II OeHOll 3. Balllm0<e 2 New Y0<k 13. Clevelano 8 MllwaukM 6. Bot1on 3 Mtnnesou 6. T0<onto O Texu 5. Oeklan<I 3 Chtc990 II Sea11te 5 Toclar'• Q...,_. M1nneao1a fO'Conn0< 11-11181 TorontollHI 12.151. n Balllmore (Flanagan 15· I l) ., De11011 (M0tt1& 17· 16) n New Yor~ (Rowley 11 101 at Clevetano (Whllson •·2 Ot AnOe<son 3·2) n Miiwaukee (Vuckovich 18 51 at 9011on (Eckersley n .131, n Oakleno (Norr11 6· 10) 11 K1nus C11y (Sphl1o<!t 11-10). n Only games 1Checluled Natlonal LHaue WllTUIN DIVl(ION Atlat1ta Dodpf9 S.,. Frat>e*O San [);ego Houston Clne•nnall w L ll'cL oa 17 71 531 15 73 531 2 85 73 531 2 90 1& 506 7 7S 83 05 12 59 119 373 lll UITEllH DIVISION a·SI LOUii 111 68 S 72 PN~ 9& 72 54~ '> MonlrNI 84 7• S32 6 i PlllSt>urgh 92 76 5111 a • Chiea90 11 H 447 20 N-Y0tk ... 84 405 26'; •-cilncnecl 01\'ll>on lllle W9dne-,'I k0< .. Atlanta 4, Docteen ( 12 1nn1ng11 Chicago 4 New Y0<k 1 Pl'llladelOhla 4, Mon1tNI 0 P11l1t>urgll 7. St LOUii 3 San Diego 3 Conc;•nr>lll 2 t 10 '"""'9•t San Franc11eo 6 Houston 1 Today'eO- Allanll \Camp 11·11) Dode«• I tioolon 3-71. n C•nclnnall (Schorr er O· I) at San Diego (EIC!lelbefger 7·14) Cl'lteAQO (NOies 8· 13) at N.,. YO<k (Swan 11·71. n Montreat tSanderaon 12· 12) al Phlla<letpl>la (Krul<O'W 13· I 1). n SI louta tMura 12 10) al Pllloburgh (Swm1er110 9~). n Houaton fl.CO.. 11·6) 11 San Fr...c:IKO (BArr ._3). n AMERICAN LEAGUE Aor•I• •• Angela s CAUFOflNIA KANSAI CITY M rhbl ebrhbl Oown>ng II 3 0 0 0 WtlSC>n II 3 I I I Canw lb 4 I 20 WtUhtngln •• 4 0 12 Re Jeekaon rt 4 I I I Bren lb • 0 I 1 Lynn cl 4 0 0 0 MCRM <lh 4 0 0 0 Baytor Oh 4 I 2 2 Alkena lb 30 I 0 ~31> • t 10 PrYot 11> 0000 Grich 21> 4 I I 0 Whole 21> 4 I I 0 Foll ss I 0 0 0 Merli rt 4 I I 0 Kellehet u O COO Wa1n1n c • o o O R Jachon Pf> I 0 0 0 Geronmo cl 3 3 3 2 Adami I 000 Wlllong ph I 000 lloone c 3012 35 896 To1a11 34 5 8 5 T otall 1c .... by l"ftfftt• Calil0tn•a 100 012 100-5 Kanua Cny 001 O 10 •Oa 6 lOB-C11llorn1a 4, Kenna City S 2B -Brell, DeCtnc e a Whtie 3B-Geronlmo w Wt11on HR-Re Jac:1<1on (37). Geronimo (4). Baylor (24) SB-Baylor ( 11) SF 9oon4I CellfOfflla " H II I ll 11 10 K19on &'\ 7 S 6 I 4 Senche7.IL.7·•1 0 I 1 1 0 0 H ... ter '-\10000 OQltt 1 oonn1 1(-Clly L_,1r<1 II'' 7 S S I 2 lutll(W,2-0) I 0 0 0 0 0 Qu;..,bef~S 351 l'li 1 0 O 0 o Senctiez Ollched 10 2 t>ellera In 1"9 7th HUiier pOche<I 10 1 baller tn lllh HBP-W Wllaon (by Sanchez) WP- Klaon 2 leonard T 304! A-26.502 Ang91 1ver99ea I ATTIHO Ro Jecllaon C81-0.C1nces l1"f'I ~ ~ J9'11ton 8aytor lleniQueJ: Grid> 8oone Foll Ferguson Clert< Wlltong 1(....,,., Al II H Hfl 1191 P'cl 1311 15 48 2 Ill 331 SIS 15 1&:1 3 •1 317 567 8) 170 30 117 30C 46.t .. 136 18 93 293 1113 1()41 171 26 ... 278 Sit to 14 1 37 115 27' 801 78 159 24 94 285 184 2S 51 3 2& 213 4118 73 130 II 93 261 487 42 I 18 7 57 255 473 45 119 3 55 2411 11 10 19 3 e 235 .. 11 18 7 • 221 180 24 37 I 18 20I •7 II I 0 I 170 45 4 1 O ' IM 11 0 0 2 ott 12 I 0 0 000 03000000 llur1MOn Soonier• Ad- P91111 To1a11 •.432 191 1.48) llO 743 . 27) M CltlMQ • M N IO W-l. llllA 10•1i GO 3t 38 2.1 ~ 43 t42 120 44 ff t0-5 3 17 19"1 .. 33 55 7.4 3 a1 , •• ,.. 23 11 13 to() 3 S3 52 45 23 40 )·3 3 49 t7N tn 41 ~ e.e 390 2~ U7 3t It t4-12 ·~ Ht'A 22 I 17 73 13· I I l 71 ''°"' t20 ea n "·• ., ... Ill IO '3 7.5 4 It 161 t~ 91 It 11 . 4 •7 41'-' N t3 22 3-7 4 14 71 71 M II t.. S Cit ~ )t I IO M •11 12 11 1 to 0.1 100 t 4'1 14' 471 1 It 90-.. 3 14 By (.'l lRT SEF.OEN O(tM Oellr ..... , lleft Th l' TI.I I t c 0 u fC •• I ti .. II cl l'u11udt•na CC Lom•e•rli provath• tlw "Pf>Otitllon th111 we't•kt•nd fur Goldn1 Wt'llt and Or1u1ttt• Cou1tl l'Olll•Rt'!I, l't'l'lfH..~'llVt.'ly, whld' hns nn duul>l l'l'liUltt'<J in un ugwl1:r111..i w (' l' k f 0 I l' I) II (' h l' II H I.I y Sh1wk h•ford ond Du·k ·rut•kt•r. Tu ft hui. ou t&·ort'(I 1 Ls Cir11l l wo oppont:11t.'l ttti-0, whllt' Pasadt•no lhumpt.'<f 11.H u~1xm1tion 141 i~ In lht• L Ufll'l'r!l lll'll l twu 1\011• t~1r1ft•n•m•<.' games. Saddlcb1wk, mt•unwhll(•, muy huv"' 1t.s easiest wsk of th<.' young i;cason with a honw mc•t•Ung with winless LA Southwt'!lt Saturduy night. Golden West and Taf~ tangle Friday night at Ora~e-1" Coast. while OCC hosts })asadcnu Twlft• I, atue J•J• 0 000 330 020 6 12 0 Tlo•n 3, Orlole• 2 Batllmor• 010 000 001 2 1 0 Oeuo11 010 100 001-3 10 O P•lmer T Martinet (7) end Nolan, OempMy. U1dur. Balley (9), TOblk (gl end Parnah w Tot>lk, •·6 L-T Maronu . 11·8 HRs Ba111more, Rlpk•n (26). OelrOlt, l991 (3) Lemon (181 Wockenluat (7) A-11.1191 Ra,...,.,, •.• , Oakland -000 021 000-3 11 • re... ooo 300 20•-5 10 o S Baker Owcn1nko (4). e.ard (81. Henna !II and M Heath, Honeycull. Henk• (6) •nd B Johnson -Hank•. 1·0 l -Beero 10·9 HR-Oak••n<I. Burrough• 115) A-8,510 ......... !IN lo• 3 M1i..eu~M 011 010 003-8 I 0 Boslon 200 000 100-3 6 1 Suuon. Mc:CN<e (81 and S•mmon•. Yo11 ludo< Clea1 (8) and AllenM>n W-McClure 1'·7 l -Cteer. 14·10 HRs-MllWMlkM Money Cl81 Yot1 (II. Bot1on. Rtee (231 Allenaon (81 A-11.390 Y..,k_ 13. lfldlaM I N-Yorio 101 530 012-13 18 I Cleveland JOO 001 002-11 1• 2 J HO.,ell, Fr111er (8) e nd Ce rone Soren-., Wlhlol (4), Sptllner (7), Glynn (81 B•ennM (9) and NahO<Odny w J Howell. 2·3 l-Sorenaen. 10·15 8-Frezter (II A 68811 While So• I , MMlnafa 5 Seallla 100 210 001 5 13 l Chicago 300 030 Otl•-6 11 I Nu,,.,, Andersen (5), Gleaton (71, Caudlll 111 and Merudo, Sweel. Hoy1, Bruular 111 Baroju 191 ano Flak W-Hoyt. 111.15 L Nunez 1-2 S -Barotu 12n HR1-Saetlle, T Cru1 \ 16) Clllcago, BatnH (24) A 1!1,531 NATIONAL LEAGUE Brave• 4, Dodger• 3 ATLANTA LOI AHOllLll Mrhbl Ml r h bl WU111ng1on rt>O O 0 0 Sa. 21> II 0 3 1 Cllamt>ba 11> 4 O 0 O Moncley rt 3 I 0 0 RamHez 11 4 IO O F0<s1 .. P 0 0 0 0 Mu<phy c:I 8 0 I 0 Slewan p 0 0 0 0 W11aon lb 4 0 0 0 lendra ph I I t 0 Buller cl 0 1 0 0 e.i. .. It 8 0 2 0 Herpa< If 6 1 3 2 Guerr .. o c1 II 0 I t Aoys1er 3o a 1 2 I G8'Ye)I 11> II 0 I 0 Hut>t>ard2b 403 1 Cey:lb 4 000 een.c:t>C1 C 3 0 2 0 Roenidle cl I 0 0 0 A HeN pr 0 0 0 0 Sdoecla C: 3 0 0 Cl S-lrO c 1 0 0 0 Bt.,...,. " I 0 0 0 BoQvsp 3000"'8Mlln 5120 8adr-.n p O O O O Valenzla p I 0 0 0 Poc0tba pl\ I 0 0 0 Orte ph I 0 0 0 Garbe< p 1 O O O Hlednlr p 0 0 0 0 BtOCll pll 0 0 0 0 Yeager c 00 00 T 01111 43 • 11 4 T Olela u 3 10 2 ac: .... by lllnlftee Allanla 000 200 000 002-4 Los Angele$ 100 000 100 001-l E-Scloac1a DP-Atlanla 2. loe 4ngaiea 1 L08 -Atlan11 14. Loa AngelH t 1 2B-Hut>bat<I, 08N9Y HR-T Herper (II SB-WUll!nQlon (33~ Su 3 (49). RueMll (101, R Ramirez (241 S-R RemlrH, 8eM<llc:I Atlanl1 BoQvt Badro.111\ Oaroer (W, a.101 If' H "'"MIO 5'~41134 2'11 2 I I 0 2 4 .. 1 1 3 1 Loe Anee!M VelennHll• 1 1 2 2 3 a Nla<lenllHlt 2 I 0 0 I 2 F0<t1er (l, 5-6) 2'"1 2 2 2 3 1 Siewert .... 1 0 0 t 2 HBP -Whhlnglon (by v111en ....... I PB- Benedll T-• 19 A-47,757 ~4,Elpoe O MonlfNl 000 000 000-0 2 0 Ph1IM!elp1>1a 130 000 OOa-4 1 I B Smnr> Burr\1 (Ill Sc111tt-181 llllO Car••· Cafllon Ind B O.u w -Cerllon ;n.11 l -B Smllh 2_. A-16.02• Cvbe I, Mete I ChlCAQO 200 000 O'° -4 10 0 New Yorio 000 100 000-I 6 1 Prof) W Hernand«I (7) Tldrow (7) L• Sm11h (Ill ano Moreland TaHIMI. S11' (Ill FalCone 191 and A Reynold• Hodges w-Prol) 5.3 l -renal! 0·3 S-l • Smllh (16) HR-ChoCll<)O 8udcne< l151 A-3 174 Plr alH 7, C lldl"-'• 3 SI Louil 100 o'° 000-3 II ' P11lat>urgh 401 010 10•-7 11 3 S1uper J Mlrllr'I ($1 Be" 1111 end Ten-. D Rot>lnson E ~omo (51 and T Pena NICOii• w-E Romo 11-3 L-Sluper 9.7 A-4.830 Padl'ae l. llede 2 Ctnclnn1h 000 000 001 1-2 10 0 San Diego 000 000 010 2-3 14 0 Bereny1, Proc;e (II. LHley ( 10) and Ven GO<Oer. O'S..ry. Orav«ky 0.leon 181 end T Kennedy Ptngley W-0.Leon. 9-6 L- lHl"Y 0·2 HR C1nc1nn111, CQflllePClon (ti A-4.931 Olafllt a, Aalloe 1 HOUSlon 001 000 000-1 I 0 San Frenciteo 020 010 301-8 t4 I J N,.1.,0. L.C0<1• {7l. D Smlln (7) all(! Pu)Ola Aalloy Hemma,er, Lavelle I 71 ~ Mey W-Hemmelcet, 12·11 l-J i.191110 18-17 S levelle (8) HRa-Sell Ft-. Leonard 181 C 0.Vt• ( 18) A I. 111 W1t9' DOto HIGH SC:Hool ........., ...,-., u. Uftlfffll!J • Hewpott i'IWl>O< S 3 2 2 1' \Jr'll...-.. ly • ' 1 0-• Newpofl Hert>o< acorlng 0 Oonnell 4. 81ani.y 2 J4lt>9'I 1, Ttngler 2, T~ ), laWIOtl I ~ Uni-atty fCOflnQ' BIH'llall 2, It< I I, 80IOl'rllll 1, COIWlck 1, Sdllecl I c .. , • ......, n. INtlle • IN!M 2 2 3 2-8 Coate Mffll 1 I 4 1-21 lfvl111 acorlno We11•1 a. Ao1am1 3, M..-eClllll I, l<otlowtltl 1, Ttml)I 1 Costa Met• teOllllQ Cfl•..,, tt, Atlloy •. Ure A . PrlOelt 2. Plllt 2, Ke nnedy t , Ollrilllen..., 1 e.,_ ... ..., u. ld,.hltuk a leddlettldl 0 0 0 3 3 COIOM C111 Mer ti&! (IS) 1131 t-H 81ddl•o•c" ac0tlno ll•nno 1, ~, 1, °"""""" , COi-de! M., ~ kotl 10, ~I, Temple 4 loo1oourrow 4, l'a11IH n 4, o.dlflO I Morr-I . W-2, ...., II. Ve11e11e '· l.Jll .. I, Vlllefa I, "ledtf 11 ,,_,11111 Sutun.luy nlteht All gonw a.Ulrt Ut 7 ;U) Hn '• how th1ng11 11hupi.• up Toft cu Golden West Cooc·h Al flulduck 'e. Cou~ur• wt·r~ ronkl'd No. 4 In the• lllAtt' prior to the 1wnwn or1d huv(I hvl>d up to ihul ranking with u 42·0 victory ovt•r tollc•gt• uf the· &-quoius and u-14·0 triumph ow•r lh1· l'~J Toro M1u·11w &!!l'. "Sc•quoln~ h111111lwayt1 bt'cn one of tht• powt•r11 of thl· twi~rul purl o( lht• 11tutc• so thut lll'orc.• rt•nlly 11<:urt•s U!i," udrnll.8 S hac:klcford , whose• Ru~tlt·r·:; will carr y a 1-1 rl'l'Ord into tht.• L'OtHt.'~t. ll ts difficult for• S huc•kldord to judgt• thl' Cougars' effort against ~I Toro, but, It 111 safe lo w;sumc. the Marlnl'll were mi.&img a few ..... ,,. 18. La Ou1111e 1 la Ovmt1 2 3 2 0 Ma11111 3 8 5 3 111 M1r1na acorl"11 Hop~ln1 I , Oenney 5, 8101,,..ton 2. Zat.a~y 2 J Lynell 1. Mwte I o.toell I HvnllnelOf\ .. ech 12, f'oty I HUtlltnOIOll BNcll 6 2 2 2-12 Poly I I I S-11 Hun1111g1on 8eact1 1eor1ng Ofte•Mn 2. Berro 4 llltlOte 3 WI-I, Heyt 2 Et Toro 11. l(el-le I Ea11nc11 2 o 1 2-5 El Toro 2 3 4 2-11 Ea1anc1a acortng Fenley 2. Diiiman 2, 1naC)om1 I El Toto tcor••'i Popp 4, WlllOtl 2. Young I W•ldom 2. Llllfllnd 2 Oak TrM (el l eftle Anlte) Wf~IDA't'I llHVLTI (tel of 21·day lhor""fNHed -tint) fllll T llACI!. 6 lutlong1 Kendon Cen Oo (Pincayl 8 80 4 40 8 00 Fancy Guy (Casteneda) I I 40 8 00 Em1>e<ma11e fStl>ilte) 3 20 Also raced Summer Sellor t love Company How<lygonero, Rel>'• Outlaw. Doon Id NI}'. B•dldoon T-112315 HCO..O llACI! I 1116 -Trabtlan (Pincayl 4 80 2 80 2 40 P1ta1a (H1w1ey1 3 40 2 ao Oo<l Won (Meal 3 00 Atao rec:ed Run tor Bul1ermllk Tolo • Pronce, Ptallte Fan1n11C. Summn Oenc.t ,_ 14541!> S2 OAllY DOUIU: 112·6) peld S1& 80 THl"O llACf . 11 lurtonga w1111 n on me wing 1T0tot 1520 700 42( w c Sh41Cky (H•n1«1) II 60 a~ Pro PHte< (McCauon1 4 20 Alleg1anc1, AHi Good Men, Jato Unit Cryp111c11 Supporll•• Tobin GolO. Ramt>ltn Atorog Honea1 Bulle!. Country Gamester nmo 1 11 415 fOUlllTH "ACE. 6 lurtonga Gleim MllCl'ttn• fShMm•k.,I 3 80 3 80 3 00 • NO Fl•k (Cutaneda) Ill 40 9 eo Rlgnt on C4nt9f \DliahOuuay•I 4 20 Al10 r1c:e<1 Burled Treu ure, FHlll DMllO<I Tropte KlrlO £acalatlng, Sublldcte. N•llu•ll•n DarlnQ Je<ry Hammy Tome I 11 315 fntf llACE. I 1116 miles Caterman tMcCeHonl 5 40 3 '° 2 20 Prlf'IU Spetll>OUM (C.ttltled•I 3 40 2 40 Ca1un Pr..-(Plllc:ay) 3 00 Alto r•c•O Bren1 a Trana Am. Roo Sollty Sc:0<1 l_,ly FOU< Stenc:Nlrry """ MUl\emlnld Toma 1 •3 2 S Ill U ACT A 13 81 pa>d ~4 00 llXTM llACE. I 1116 mt1e1 Nan I 0ence< (Hawley) 11 20 4 00 3 00 F anda"991'1na f Pincay I 5 40 3 80 Getela tMc:Carronl a ,0 Alto tac.cl Oelect-VOOOOO 0..-. Won I GIYe An lnc:h I m Smoochln r.,.,.. 1 45 SEVENTH ""er 6 IU<longl Morry• Ctlamp (Ptneayl 6 90 3 60 2 90 Roll • Nalural (Pletatl 5 20 4 00 C P Re)KI (Bleck I 4 20 Aleo reced Croae>en. French Mljetly B1111 &ey Handsome P11e'1ga f1me 1114/5 SI U ACTA (3·41 pel<I $!11 00 92 l'ICK 1111 (&·11·8·3·2-3J paid 131493 80 ""'" 38 winning ticket• Ill• hOr ... I a2 Pick SI• con1ola11on P•IO S411 60 wttll 913 wtnntng llc:llelt jllve llOrMI) S2 Plc:k Si• 1ere1cn con101a11on P•IO S174 00 with 26 WlnnlnQ llcketa tlour lhorMS. OM 1era1Gh) l lOlftH "ACI!. 8'• lyrlonQI on IUrt Maple f'iee (OthHy) 8 00 • 20 3 40 Not1hern Fable (Ha....,.) 4 20 3 00 A Kia FOi Luck (Sh<l*ll'la~erl 4 20 Al10 reGecl luc:ky Ledy Ellen. Plnlt Sllir Roi H . Alllvanle Ttme I 15 3/S NltlTH "ACI. a·~ tu.longs on lurt Jnt T 1me Mc:IV'l(Poncy) 5 40 3 80 2 40 Rosy CIOu<I (C.11aneoa) 4 80 3 00 Mal\ia ..... a IMcCatrOtll 2 40 Also raced A T-Ill Her E.,. Tockalecl Home LHI Ero Tu t Ool $peed Siar V llenll09 r.,.,. 1111 ta El.ACTA (8·71peiOS6500 Allendance 44 196 Hollrwood Park WIOHllOAY'I llllULTI l"'d of "'"""' ...,_ MHl!fto) '"'IT llACt. OM tn11e -Monterey Ore..., CStie<ren) 3 •o 3 '° 2 80 lumber Chetmer (Wlll1am11 4 '° 3 20 HO'Wdy Gori (lremblll)') 4 20 Also r-Howdy SceMp, Ovtctc Lerry o.1e·1 Dandy. Andy 1 Dynamo. Fw-•y em Gec111 Rtt.hy Chance Time 202 316 13 l!XACTA (tl·21 pe•d S35 40 HCOND llACI!. One mile 1101 Hou1>1r1 (T rem1>l1y1 1 00 4 80 3 90 Hunll•I Gold (Ounnoganl 1 00 4 90 Bar1'a Brad (APPlel 10 fO AllO r•c•CI SCOH Spell. flkl• Cout111, Snoopy Rodney, Wyn Oarnl1y. Meaaleh, Upper Crua1 N. Noble Vtc:IOfy N Time 2 02 115 T'Hllt6 llACI!. OM mite ~ V1nc:e10 (Pafllerl 2 80 2 80 2 60 Celt10<n1a Surl., (Croghan 1 6 80 1 20 Sullregellt (S.katl t6 20 Aleo raced Si11¥1 Starlet Lu .. M• B, Prec1ou1 Chotce. l e<ly St111e. Sklpf)flrs lnveder, C...ed..., OllCO Hoola ftme '01 41~ a IXACTA (7.f) paKI S22 80 ,OYfllfH llACI. One mile trol Aadmonda J(f'f {Trembley!,, 00 II 20 I 00 Brenda 5PMC1 (Pllketl I 40 II 00 Oolclen Prl(lf (M411e•I 4 IO Altcl reced ~ ~ neut Room. F•bten Capteln Slhllfa AtmlltO hrge1 MejOt Mllkenjey Sier EmperOf ,_ 201 21$ flf'TM lllAC.. One ml1e peee Kenwood Cflartet (Orundy)t l!O 3 40 2 90 ,,.,_, 111111.,1 1 40 t 00 8 tOlen ~I· (Ootclon) 3 40 AltO raced Aaye 01r1 N, Stec' Cotton M11>1e ~ A Cut11•. Mlnntl\ella r elie ACllM Wlf*', VaMllA H-Tlme ~02 II& u IJIACU (3 ,, oeld • 107 •o lln H "ACI. One mite pece Anclr.• Winn« (\/MnOllQhMI . eo 6 00 • 20 Dot a (M..,~lltncl) t 00 II 00 Hlleyon H .. O (Holt) 12 00 Alto rutd 4 ndyl M••lflO, HOI ,. 8011ler1d 8uptr Teel. Mon1lgno1 Dela. Andyt 811i10f. A11dye Teddy Sleet. 11109\ll fllfte '00 • UAOTA (1-t) plld 1121.10 MWtmt "ACI. One mite ~ HflPP'I' 10 lie fC1ogt1e11) 2:2 IO t IO a 00 11\dllll MIHange< (8teelhl 1 00 4 IO H1p9y Jtwel f0tll4\Cly) 2 to ""° ,~ ,...., ~. lr-.y ........ 11-IC~ H._ .. .., Oolllo. 8o lllaey, ~-Doi Ill ,_ ' •• ii• ~~ • HACTA , .. ,, oelCI I nt ao "uud nwn In tlw11 thumplnl( ut llw hunt.11 of Tufl 8h11c•kldrmt, mc•1mwh1lc•, ho11 found o ft•w .cn•ul nwn to twt hb1 off<'n.t;(• In K1·111 Mm1t 1111tublt• 11> running buL·k ttwh M11hllll'bt•1 wlio rollt-d up 21 4 yardJo. mi :u ca 1· 1 I t' 111 u n d ,; t• o rt• d l w u lout'IH.lown~ In lhl• Hustlt•rs' 'J.7 ·I ~ vic·tury ovt•r h1J11t Sun tu Ana lu11t Sulurduy. Stuhlht•bt•r, u ti :.!, llW p our1d sophomurt'. li<.'Url'd twu uf hl11 Tl>.I on runr. or 7'J. and 6 I yHrds oftt!I' rt·,. l' i v i n g j' 1 t c· h 1•:; f r o m quarkrtmC'k A 1.1111 Ciriiij1wn11 "Ont! WWI u KWl'i'P llllCI <mt• WWI an o ption, and w1• hloL·kc•d e>e<•t• p llo nn 11 y Wt• II on bo th plays," Shu.t.·kldord &&yi.. "We've got i;om e guud bil('kti They'll continue to have guod KUm<.'S If EIGHTH llACI . One mile 1>8Ct Aldari N (8akerl 10 80 ) 40 3 60 Scolell Double (Par~ .. I tO •O 4 20 Spec:;ai Oval•IY (Aub1nl 3 20 AltO raced Arlem()te Wmtario C111>111n Knight RoMlancl Br•I B•~ H•I Co<kyl °":r,,!°1'1 ~·3,5 MIHTH llACI One mile PK• Erltn1k 11."<''tYl 36 20 13 20 8 80 Noble RlflQ (Atl<lm son) e 20 J 40 Red RICh (Merr11m1 5 00 Alao raceo Ruth~ Scoll Spry Sam Kentuct<y K•no. Cha11t1,. Play. Ham11h Red 1te1<1y MecF•t><tr Fe.,dale King Time I 61 3/5 13 E~ACTA (2·31 p11d ,223 20 '2 f'ICK 1111 fl•l ·!>·ll·$·21 paid $7,801180 Wllh lhrM winning 1tckel1 (five hOrMll S7 PIOk Six conaotatlon peld $102 80 with 74 w1nn1ng llckel5 (lour llO<Hll TENTH llACI!. One mite pace H H Cllpper (TOd<I) 29 410 10 00 6 40 Ubl>. (Croghan1 5 40 3 20 R1t110m1 flongol 2 eo Aleo ••Ced Rto llalel S111>te Hano. A<dena Perry. 8oune1 For OIO<'f A Camrob Jimmy Beker N, RoamlnQ Hanover Time 2 00 2/5 13 IXACTA (5-2) Paid $174 llO AllendetKe S,442 u°::lo ... flahlna Allr l (Newpor1 ~I -25 angler• 27 bMI. 2 1>011110, 176 m.O.erel • rock 11111, I ....,.., -I> .... 4 tculPln DAftY'I LOCQ" (Newporl leech) - • 1 angten 3 bonito. 4 c:ehco 1>eu. 277 mackerel. 36 rock lltl'I, 10 und 1>•11 DANA WHAM -74 ang1er1 120 bH a 40 bonllo, 3 lleltt>ut, 232 mect<eret. 16 roc:k lllh 4 aheepehMd, 5 tculpln IE.U. RACH -56 anglefa 33 t>onllo 37 c:aloco b•"· 20 meche11M, 87 roch 1111" 28 aall(l t>aaa, 2 ~IOW1a11. 120 scutpln 111 wn1te fllh (hto•l -58 1ng1.,. 40 l>OMO. 3 haltt>ul, 3!>0 mec:keret. 4 uno 1>e11 7 acutp1n. 100 queen llllh, 1$0 wMe cro.ker Thia WMk'• trout plant• LOI ANOl ll!I -Bouquel Canyon Cr...,, Cu1elc: l ake, Cat1a1C L99oon. Sen Gel>rlel RI-(Eeal llfld WHI FO<k•I VINT\HIA -CuJlu lake I AN llllNAlllOIND -Big BH• Lake GrMn Valley lalle. Clr'90')I l..lke Wom..-i'• tndoof CtlamPk>nahlpa <• ......... ,.~, e.c..... ....... -...... Trecy Aualln (US) def Sharon W1lth (USI ._.., ........... 5'iMn M-n (VS) def AndrH LtMd (US), W 8· I Barbara Potier (US) 4e1 Kim JonM (US), 1-6, 11-1, Y~ VernlUil (Soulh Alr'ICe) del Jenny l(tJlch (US I. 6·4 8·4, Luc:11 Aoll'lenov (Romaniel Cl4ll Shelly SOiomon (U $ 1. 6-4. 8-7 g.3 flret"-lld1"'9M Wendy Turllt>ull (AUllrllit ) <l•I Senay Colllna (U S I. M . 3-0 (r9tlreel), RoN CaMla (U S I Oel Lelgll T~ (0 S), M , 11-4, Mime Jueaovec: (Yugotle•l•I del Anna F.wntt>del (US I. 6-2. 8-2 Hloh echool women ~ II, 'ootNll 4 •tnea.. ~ (LB) IO&I lo Cobb. 3·8. def Sellll, 7•11, re~ out egalnll 0-, Wllle11e (l8) ralMCI out, won 6-2. 8-0. 8rown (l81 totl, 3-6, r alneCI OUI. ..... ~ Slu•m·W•ll•c• (lBI 1011 to Turbo• HlrOltu, 3 ... def Hll\Mfl•Scflenefr M , def 01nlala·Van Pell. M , Cotlkey·Peck ILBI IMI. 3 .. , _.., 6-1 ... I. Godltrt·8ugl flBI -· 6-3 ... 2. l-0 .......... La ...... (1MnMW1Me11.-, .. n1 ....... Oel HI IMI 1011 to OuHI 1·8. Oel Goldberg 6-1 def l(ltlft .. 2. Cleua (Ml lcMI 1 ... won 6-3, won. 9.1. A"*1• (M) tosl I .. •.a. won 1.a DeuMet Harrle-Slanlleld (Ml Cl4ll ~1..S-1>y 6·0. del 0.har·SchOuttar, 1·3. 1011 to Bau-~aem.... 4-6 loltlo-HQhlell'l IM) lcMI 4.a, 3-6. won. 6 t. UenQ-~-toa•. 11-7. won 6-2 toal •7 Women'• voltevball COWlllUNITY COlLf Ot! Orange Cout del Grot1mon1. 16°8, IS.12. f2·16. IW W.ctMeder'1 trenMCtlon• IAHaAU. ... IMMI L ... w NEW YORI< METS -Announced lhe1 Jeck Aller """ not 1ehlfll •• man~ 01 ,,.,...,., Ol 1"9 lftl.,nallOf'ltl lMQUe H lt<ITIALL Netlof\el ....,.....,. Aeeocletlofl BOSTO~ CELTICS -Stgned Oam•n flfflS c:entlf 10 • rnull•-yMt contract MllWAUKEE BUCKS -~QUlteCI 11- Mla, lontatd -ltit Pn.1-.1>1111 7&..t OecllftaCI 10 111etcJ1 t* oiler .,_. PHOENIX SVHS Stgn•d Merv111 McCret\t ~.,d UT 4H JAZZ Wa1vec1 A1ck CemPl>ell. lllllty Olltidl. M<k• Ed•ardt Thed GerMt. AMn JKUon Mike MCK•y "8y a.er and Mille 01&(11 WASHIHO, OH OVll n 8 ••oneo 8ryen WtrrlClc Ind Anttl Aaut ll'llO Oulr 01 end Oaw 8a110n, Ctnler 'OOT9Ali U..11941 ..... ,..._.,, ........ ARIZOH4 WRAHOl.CRS -S'Onfd .Joe Skladtny, mlOdle Mnel>K ... .,. 10 I Mftff OI OM•yett COlllretta OOITON tAIAKflAS SIQMd I M Hlf>{), llllGlfdO VOllf y HeltOl'I loldt11. Oen11lt AllJ>•I. r11nntno b•ot.a, l<tllh S•twuo. IVltbeek. 0.1'1 Rice, J-Aleltln<let tflan l eldwln, Zachery Ctewtorcl, Ne•• Olnley. L11•1 McC1e1n. Jot Morelno •no I•••• Llndqu111, 11n1r11en, Ke n lrown. wide f9Cel¥9r. lteve lOOMll 1110 Mlkt lOyd. .,.,....oet;titl 1Ce.1n Ivan•, '°''"' Henry, fil'O¥ llMll Jt Wiit~ T,_,M Oe<le W .,.., ,,_ 'Whlle de,._,_ •U WA8HINOTON 'IOl"All -8)011ed M4n Menoet q;llftetMCll, L.,ry (tfOwn °""""" 1ktl11 "ed c-. 1tne1111t11 ..... areo ~. """*· 00... ~-.... ,....,,.. end"-~ ....,.._ llldlll ' we• l'Ull 01wn 11111nt• lwh-a. for lhnn " (;1uu11Jn11, who UJJJWUIN l11 h11v'• <•urrwd tht• c1uorll'rbJl'k po11t1on for lh1• 1tu .. l1t•111, l'Ompll•tl·d 7 of If'> pa1."" fo1 103 y.11 dH uw11nlit San tu Anu, "lit f11(u n·11 to h11v1• h1:. ha11d11 full w11h ttw Taft dl'f<·nM· "Tlwy JU~t dan· you ttJ throw," t•uutwn11 Sh:wkl1•l urd "Thl'Y 11tun1, tht•y blitz Thc•y rnnw ut you with evl·rybody " c; r11.cn 11 no did t11:.l·ov1·r 11 pr1rw1pul r1'l't•1v1w :tl(lllnM S1111u1 Ann W1dl• rt•c·1·1vc•r Jumt•!i Ml<;l'<'•L·aught foui pw1.'41'1' for 67 yard11, including ., 4:s yartl homh wh1d1 ~·t up a Hw.tk1 TD. P asadena CC a t Orungc Coast Whtie• Tltft was dt•fl.uling tlw M ari n es t w 11 w 1• e k:. Jg u. l'asadc•no C.:C was :.hooting down tht• Air f'urt'<' tn a 53 Ii v11 l11rv un the• l(rnu11d ag;.11nst Edwa1 tJ, Air Fort•1• B/l:.(• lai.t Wt«·k Th<• L:.inct•1:. r1pp1•d t:ai.lt•1 ll Anrona in their op1•111•1 . ~:s 6 and Pasad<'nu hai. nuw gc•111:rall·d murl' than 900 yardi:. of ufrl•nst• in 11.S ftrsl two gam<.>s On th<' othl'r ham.I, (XX.' hw; JUSl 47 yards m lol<al uffenM· in tht.• Bucs' (irst l wo gam1·s "1 m tc•rr1bly d1S<.1.ppo1ntc•d with CJ u 1· off e• n 11 1• rig ht now." undt.•rstat<·s Tuck1•r. ··We· thought we were going to h uvt· a prNty solid offensive team th11> yc·ar. Wt.> thought we wen• going to bl• ablt• lO run and pass on almost anybody. but so far wt.• havim't b<-cn able lo g<'l anything gomg · Last week's 21-0 sctbaL·k to Saddlcback markt>d the return of OCC quarterback Clay Tut·kcr Whl'n TuC'kcr had the ttml· lo throw (w hich wasn't very often) the sophomore left-hander showed no 111 l'ffects from a brokcn ankle• suffcrcd e1gh1 weeks ago. He complNed 9 of <!3 passes for 97 yards and had five• ~>S dropped by his rN:e1vers 1n the• ram. But Tucker was sull noticeably slow when he faded back to pass against the Gauchos. and the OCC offensive line couldn't slop Saddlcback from dropping lh<.'1r quarterback 12 limes behind lh<• line of scrimmage Ttll' 111111· hr1Kht 11p<1t Ill the· youn~ '4'11"""' for CX'(.' ha.-. tx-.·11 1tw J->1rult• ll1•f1•11111· wh1dl hl'ld I' 11 I o m u r f 1 u 111 "'l' or 1 n g o loul'l1dnwn in the• flul s' 7 ~ 111.11•11e•r und kt•pt the• Gaudio• out uf 1h1• t•r1d wm• unul tht• third quurll•r 111.;t w1·1·k PJ11<1dNlO. 1111•11nwh1lc. u1 It-cl by Hophomort.• QB <'lrnton Cov111gtt111, .1 l ran idt·r from Collt•J<t• of lht· <.:onyur1~ who fullow1'(l h1b l'01Jl'h Larry n e111b1g th tic ic 1•111rn n w hl·n Ht·i6blg ttl'l't•ptc•d ttw L111w1•rs' h•·ao 1·rnlt'hm~ dulll'S I.A Se>utbwc1t at Saddleb.-ek T hi• tiout•hoi., 2·0. turrwd m a splt•11d1d d cfrns1vc c·ffort lui.l Wt.'t.·k u1 hm11mg OCC to manw. 104 yards ru!ihing. Saddlcba<.·k alJ.o hl•ld Golden West to minus 5 yardi. rushing two wec•ks ago and rank.' ai. lht• No I defensive learn m the st.aw . Undt·rstand a bl y, Gaucho Coal.'h Ken Swearingen would la kc to M..'<' his offense gain s1mllur rt.-cogn lllurl. "Tht: offon .... 1ve lme is JUsl not ' drnng ll and lht•y'vc gol Lo sl.drl d oing 11 i.oon,'' lamt•nts Swt•urmgl•n. "We havt• th(• talent thc·n·. but they're not performing wt>ll Som e• of 1t is due t o ,. o n f u s i o n & n d s <J m c 11\l'Xl)l'l'll'Ol't•.'' Still, quarterback Craig Miller lookt•d better than adequate in c:omplNing 10 of 24 passes for 154 yards while playing with a wet football last week against OCC. Jim G leed. a pbwer runner out of Dano Hills High. sparks the Gaut·ho running game. Gleed picked up 60 yards on 15 carries lasl WC<'k Swt·armgen is a lso hoping to l'Ul down the pe n alty yards against LA Southwest "We have to e hmmate stupid penalues," he says. "Having 163 yardi. ti. a httlc cxc.-essivc l think Our aggressiveness has gotten us some of ll. but some o f It is !ttUpidaty" LA Soulhwl'St dropped a 37-3 l'Onll'St to Long Beach CC in its opener, and lasl week the Cougars fell w San Bernardino Valley 20-7 Racquetball classic attracts top names All 11( thl• Lop names on lhl' fllllft•i.)ot!lllal racquetball l'lrl'Ull will be• n1mpcting in the Pro Ha' qu1•1h.all Class1t.· at Kmg's Cuu1 l 111 Wes tm1ns tt•r today through Sunday M u rt~ ll u~an. a liv1· t1m1· n,1t111n<.1I ch.impion. aru.1 Nu I rank1-c.I Oa\'t.' PCl·k will t•u1H1nu1• th1•1r torrid hattlt• for lh<' top 'fJPt 011 lh<• tour Hogan is lo racquetball what B.1bt.· Ruth was to baseball and Ht•d (irangt.· tu (0010011 Ill' has b1-.•11 th1· most.dominant f1gurC' m tht· sµ111·1 for the past sc·Vl'll Y<'•" :.. n•athmg lhl• finals uf th<• NHYC sailors win title SkipJX'r Tom Ontohundro and h1:. l-rc•w out of Ncwpurt Harbor Yacht Club raptured the New Yurk 3 ti National Champ1onsh1p R c· g a t t a I a s t w e e k <.> n d 1 n Wc-stporl. Conn The thr{'('·day evt•nl was on a on<'·<fr,;1gn. boat-for-boat basis ft.•a1ur1ng J..I New York 3ti yoc·hti., all 1dent1cal in s1Zt.'. W('tght and sail mventorl('S Omohundro and his t·rcw won the• f1ve-rat.'l' event sa1l<'Cl ovt'r a demanding Olymp1<· t'Oursc. Two r;w~~ wc·rc run <i.'l<:h -<>f lhC' first lwo days <>f <.'Ompclltion whh one final rac"t' last Sunday. Joining O m ohundro w e r e NHYC commodore Phil RamS« and h is son Scott, crew members Al Bishop, Steve Oirdls and Mike Arrigo from Newport Beach. and sailors Jami<' McArthur and Ron Davis. 11.1t1or1.1I l'h.1mpwnsh1p 1n C'ach uf tho-;.• 'l't•ars lie· ;., thl· wmningC'St player on 1111 l•iu1. ha~ poc kc·tC'd more m1111t·\ than .my other player and h.t' ht·i·n rankl•U No I longer t h,1n Jny othl·r plJyl'f lln1F1n has won mort· than Sfi00,000 1n priz<' monc·y and 1 11d111,1•11wnt)o havt· takc•n him 0\1·1 tlw $1 m11l1on mark P<'lk .• 1 form l'r middle· lint·lmt.·kc•r at thl• Un1vt.•rs1ty of T exa)o El Pa.,o. didn't start playrng r;rl·quc•tbull until six _y1•ari. 1c1gu. H l' JOincc.J the pro l'lltu11 1n thf' 1971.i -79 -.cason a nd won th« top ranking Jasl S<'ason w 1lh four lour• v1l·tor1Ps I It• has lx-.m rankt-d no Jowt"r than, i.N•ond fc>r th<' past thn·•• YN1r8 o 1h1• rs ( 1 om th t• top I 2 l'Xfx't.·11-d in the· f1t•ld for todu" ·., rc1und of 16 inc lude J<.>rry Jlil1·1·hl'r, Brl.'t Harnett. Mike Yt•ll1•11 , Rich Wagner. Craig l\.kCoy. Don Thomas. Gregg Pt'l-k. Doug Cohc•n and Steve ln a qualifying tournament for th<• final four pla«-s Tuesday at King's. seC'ond alternate Ed AndrC'ws was joined by Mark Mnrtino of Foun1a1n Valley, Corl'y Brysman and Stevt> Le rner in the final field. John Egerman. the other alte rnate, moved rnto the round or 16 when Scott Ha wkins '(No. 9) dropped out .. Comp<'lilion at King's Court will be down to the quartei finals l"nd11v with trwwhes carded at\~. 4 , ti aiHJ H p.m Sf'mifinals are at 3 :rnd 5 p.m. Saturday with th(' tltll' match at I p.m . Sunday. T odov's at•tion run-. from 10:30 lhruugh 9 p.m with a ll 16 t•1Hrunts playing one match. Boating slate light . ng Iman era By ALMON LOCKABEY Otill~ "'9t 9oetl"f Wrtt.f top' weeke nd Ii l Vi1<:hting ortiv1ty is hght lonf( tlw Orana<' C().')st this w('('k.cnd with only tw o l'f'fPlllOs Sl'h('<l ll led. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club wlU send a fll-cl "' P~·rCormQnC\• 1fandl~·-.p l"Ot.'\'~ Into nctlon In tht' •wnth ~htlon of its Angelman S<'rll'll Saturdoy and Sunday. Dano Point Y~C'ht Club will hold its annuol ~·tinsi<.h.• Arg<>:fy Soturciay Mld S unday wlth a ra('t' to ()L.~an..11de Saturday and the· rl•turn rllCC! Sundoy. Onlv on •vent 15 teh<'<luJtd in ttw Lo5 An"cl 11-Long Bcuch arNl with Long Bcacfa Yacht Club ho1Un1 it1 lnvHatlona l Two-Gal~ rt-aa n a wittr yacht• rat Ina out t h~ Long BeaC'h t"ntr&Ult'I' and bAt'k th~h th • f • Orange CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Thurlday, September 30, 198~ :Experimental farm tracks wide-·wheel results By JOI!: BIGHAM A_ .. , __ ~ .... , ... , lt louk:I hkL• !Mlllll'thlllj( h 11111 II 11put.•t.• movJ<'. but tlw U111tt•d S t u I t.• Ii , I> l' p u r 1 m L' 11 t 11 I Agrkul\un•'a 11t:Wl'lll plt.'l't• of machlnc•ry 11i dt.·H11o1m·tJ only to kt:!<'p lilied 0011 louse.• u11d ft•rllh· That may nut sound likt.• mut·h 0 f 8 n IH' l' 0 m p 11 s h m (' n t r IJ I equipnwnt lhut meusurt.'N J~i fl> •t across betwt.'cn 1ti; wlwt.•ls und cost $ .. 5~.ooo to build. but officials a t the USDA's Shafter reseal'(.·h station m Kern County expect 11 lo show lhul crops grow better in l>Oal thul isn't t.•ompt1l'lt.•d by tractor whc'<.'ls y l' u r o r u 1 ,. w l d ,. ( r u m c t.>qulpm,•nt, but mnybc.• not 11 blfl uH ltw orw we hove.• " ~ Tlw whech1 of ttw tc•1t.• n ·h vl•hlc.'lt• will run long berm• With t•qulpmt.>nl IUUC.'ht'd unc.h-rnc th to tll 1 the: 11011 or hurvl'!ll th<' crop The wtwel.s con be iurnt•d •ldc.•way1 to allow plowln" In a dlCferent dtrt't·llon Bc1lde11 the prc.aNlcol Ulle or looser soil for betlt>r t•rops. the· USDA spc'Ciall111.11 hope.• to t'Ondu<.·t "n('W basic rt.>flCOrch which hasn't b<'Cn able io be done In the pn11t," Carter said. "ln the past, we've done field rt.'tl('arch without much <.'Ontrol In thl• field We've done laboratory research under simulated field condatlons,t' he explained. "We've bt.'t'n looking forwurd lo doing this n.'st'art.·h for a lon1o1 time -1nvest1gating how a system can b<.' built without wheel compuctaon," rt•st.·arch leader Lyle Carter said "ll's an exciting kind of research " Two de<:ades of t.•xpN1nwnts without machinc.•ry t.•quappt•d with wheels wide apart and1t·att.• yields of row crops and cotton can increase about 20 pc.•rt.·t.•nt with looser soil to t•m·ou ragl' growth by getting more.• watt.•r to roots. Carter stud. Alfalfa ywlQ.-. may increase 50 pcrt.·tmt or mort.•, W'ide tracking with 33-foot wheels11an at Kern County farm Af'~o "Th.ii; allows us lo go into the •• I f1l•ld under lab conditions. We should be able io study in great deuul the effc.>t:l of production prat.'lll'CS on the ecology of the ht• .iuckd soal." Now, USDA researchers will l.x• able to prove or disprove those.> l'X JX•rinwnts by tilling plots with a lllllllmUm of compaction and thl·n planting a varil'ty of t.•rops The m•w cult1vator. called a wide trat.•11ve researc h vehicle. wo~ built for thl• Shafter station lly Ag Wc.•sl Inc of Sacramento. Ht•Sl'Urt·hcr s don't expect l>qu1pnwnt of IL'> size.• and prke to be practical for most farmers but think the knowledg<· gaint-d muy help growt•n. changt• lhl•ir 11llmg practat.'<'S "For .the buckyard furnwr. the.• information C'ould lw usl'ful an l;,aying out a strawberry patC'h, whc•re to µut wnlk paths," Carter ik!ld "La rgl'r r armers may usc.' a !ttondurd trut·tor but restrict all paths Lu thc.• same furrows c•vc•ry Carwr said r('S('archcrs haven't bet.>o abl<• to study diseases m thl' f1l'ld without compac.·tkn from lrat.·tor whl•els a ltc.•ring part of thl• rl-suhs UDO MARINA Futuring the iargest sel«tion of vessel~ ever usembled in the waler on lhe Wf'1t Cont. From motor ya chts 10 sportfishf'rs, from bluewater cruising ~ilbo•h to one design racers. Lido Marina VIiiage, Newport Beach ADMISSION lldulh ~ : Choldr.n lo 1 l ll , Undrr b 1,,... HOUIS• W"'li.d1v• t I • m to 1 p,m., '''. i\. \un 10" m ht"' p m rAtltNG: folio~ lhf' \iAn\ from 'O.t\I t-t"~ .tnd Nt>"'pmt 8hd tu thf' hn- surlunA lot •nd '''"' PUBLIC NOTICE ORANGE COUNTY MUNtClf'AL COURT HAJ\80R JUOICIAL DlaTIUCT 4t01 Jembot" etvo. ... wpcwt llffch, CA t2llO PLAINTIFF: CITY NATIONAL eANK, • l'tetlol'tel bel'tllll'tg -'9Uon,n. DE"ENOANT: MAUfUCE MAUN, eleo lll'tOWl't e1 DR. MAUlllCE lllALIN. PUBLIC HOTICE NOTICE Of' DISSOLUTION Of' .. AflTNEflSHIP Publk: notice Is h«•by g1~ tha1 CHARLES J McLAUGHLIN, J.J KNICKERBOCKER. and KNICK INVESTMENT PROPERTIES a C1hlorn11 General Par1nershlp , MretOIOfe dOlng buSiMSS und« lhe lic1111oua lirm nem• end s1yle ol Pelm S1ree1 A11oc1e1e•. 11 20 Salzburg. C11y ol Newpo<t BelCfl. SUMMONS Coun1y ol Orengo S111e ol c-No. 40ea:I C•hlornia CIKI on lhe 31SI Clly Of NOTICE! You haH tt..l't tu.cl. Augull 1982. by mutual consen1. TIM eCMUt meJ cMc:lde egeln•I JOll dissolve lhe aai<I p1t1"9rah1p an<I without '°"' bel"ll "-«d un .. H 11fminele 1Mlr r .. 111ons IS Plfl'*' fOll r.-pond wlthll't 30 dlJ•· lleld 1her•1n .-1n1onnet1on !Mlow. 011eo 11 Or1nge Coun1y, II you wiSll to_.. 1tle aelvlee ol Ca111orn1a. lhls 16th e11y or an ellorney in 11111 metier. you Sfll)tem~ 1982 lhOulCI Clo IO promptly IO 11'181 your law ~ of Del'ti.t J. C~ wrlllen response. 11 any. may be Suite 400 Eldoredo .. nll 81d9. hied on lime 24012 C1I .. 0. la l'lal• A v I s 0 I u • I • d h • • I d 0 UOUl'te Hiiie, CA 12953 d•mel'tdado. El lrlbUl'tel puede Charle• J. lilel.avthlll't cMc:lctlr contra Ud. •I" eudleMI• • Pubheheel Orange Coasl Dally m.-qu. Ud. rHponcl• !Mntro P1101. Sepl 30. 198~ ·• • ct. 30 Olea. LH I• ll'flormec:lon qu. 4327 -82 tlgu.. SI Usled desea sollcl1ar el conse)o Cle un ebogado en ea1e 1aun10, Cleberle hacerlo tnmediatamente Cle es1a menere, eu respueste esorlle. al hay 11gun1 puede aer reglslreela a llempo 1. TO THE DEFENDANT A civil complelnl hH been llled by the pl1lnllN 11gelns1 yoo II yoo WlSll 10 defend 1his l1waui1, you must. w11h1n 10 Cleya aller lhll 1ummon1 IS Ntved on you, Ille wt1h 1hla coort • wntlen response 10 lhe compla1n1 Unless you do so your Cleleul1 will be en1e•ed on 1pplica11on on lh• plalnlltt, and 1h1s coura mey enter e ju<lgmenl 11g11ns1 you for lhe r .. Mll demendecl In 1tle complain!, wfllCf\ could resull In gernlshmenl ol weges. llking or mon.y Of prOPOf1Y or other rellel reques1e<1 in tne complain I Del.CS June 2. 11180 J. ~.,eon, Cieri! er Tine Long. e>.puty JAMii P. DEL OUEflCIO MARC S. TEPLIT2 (213) 550-5575 2404 M. floslMlry Dr. No. 400 i.. hY•rlf Hiiie, CA I0210 Publlaheel Orenge Co11t 011ly Piiot. Sepl 30, Oc1 7, 14, 21, 11182 432t-82 P\8.IC NOTICE F1cm1ous eus1..esa NAME STATEMENT Th• lollowlng person la doing bulinaa U ' E.P.1. PROPERTIES L TO 4100 Birch St .. Newport \ach. CA t2eeo. Su•• 100 E .P .1 GE ERA L PARTNERSHIP. 4100 Birch SlrNI, IMwport Beach, CA 112660. Sulla 100 Thie bus!nal IS con<IUCleel by I ~ .. patrtn«lhlp E P I Gen e r e l Pertn«9hlp Jamea E. Login Tiiis atel-1 WU Iii.Cl W1111 the County C'-11 of Ouing41 County on 5->lt1mb9t 14, 11182 ,1173M Pubfllll•<I Orengo COHI Delly Piiot. s.pa us. 23, 30, 0c1 7, 1g92 4t02-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS eUSINISS NAME STATEMENT The 1041owlng persons are CI04ng bu!llness aa ECKIS ANO ASSOC IA TES ADVERTISING & DESIGN, 17748 Sky Park Blvd • 21 S, Irvine CA 112714 HORTON & ECKIS ASSOCIA TES ADVERTISING, 17748 Sky Perk BIYCI •215. lrvtne. CA 92714 Nancy Ec1t1s 1242-37 River Gt.n Row S911 !Mgo CA 2111 This bu1Jl"9SS IS Con<:IUC1ed by e llm•1ed partnerll\1p Nency Ect!is Th•• stat-I was filed with lhe Counly Clerk ol Oraf1Qe Coonty on Septembef ~ 1987 F111541 Pubfl1heel Orengo Coasl Dally Pilot. Sep1 30, Oc1 7, t4, 2t, 1982 4314-82 P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •VllNEH NAME 8TATEMENT The 10410W1ng p«sona ••• doing bullness 11 (A) COS OF CALIFORNIA, (BJ C ASE SERVICE REPRE SENTAT IVES . IC) EAGLEWING ADJUSTING COMPANY, 12235 Beach Bout.varel, St111100. CA 90880 CLAIMS AOMINISTRA TION SYSTEMS, INC . a C1lltorn11 corpor111on. t2235 Beach Blvd . s11111on. CA 90680 <;;> Cl1lma Admln11tr1tlon SytJ•m• inc Hll Lurie, EJ<llC V, Pr ... Thia •1•t-1 wea l1141d with lhe Counly Ci.t~ of Oreng41 COunly on s.pt41mbef 7. 11182 Ft_. Publl•h•d 01enge Co111 Dilly P1lol Sep1 II. t6. 23. 30, 1982 3978-82 Pl6l.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUS MIUt«SS NA• 8TATE•NT The lollowlng 1*9on• 11• doing bullnMt .. H I W ASSOCIATES. c/c PUBt.IC NOTICE BHuch1mp En1erprlua, 4000 Mec:Arthur 8out.¥1td, Suite No. 700 ACTITOUS llUSMSI EHi, Newporl BHch, C1lllor11la NAm eTATl•NT 1128e0 Tiie lollowlnO P«tona -doing THE PROSPECT COMPANY, 1 bull,_ M: Col'tntcllcul corporellon. One PROVO AMERICAN RACING, T ow., Sq u tr 1 . H tr 11 or d , 626 Vlclorl•. No. 112, C0111 M.... 0011nec11eu1 IHI t 15 I CA 112827. HARBOR IS LANO WEST JUDY ANN BAILEY , 525 MARINA , 4000 M1cArlhur \lleloN, No. 112. Coell M .... CA Bou11verd, Suitt No. 700 EHi, I 11281"'. NOWJ>Of'I Beec!I, C1Ul0tnl1 112HO RICHARD FRANK CASTRO. Thia bullMM la C011duc14ld by 1 526 VIC1orla. No 112. Cotl• Mn41, ~Ill parln«e/llp I CA tH27. Hlrbor 11111\0 Thll buelneta II c;onduc;l41d by I WNI Mfllinl llmlted penrwlhlp. Alch11rd L BMuchemp I JOdy AM Biiiey 0-11 Plf1"41f Tllit 1111-1 Wll llted Wltll lhe Thl9 lllllfM!ll Wll t1141d With Iha i:'.%~t1~r,o' County on Counay Ci.t'k of 0tenoe County on I ,I.,.. ._,.,,,.,... 21, 11112 '111411 Publllll•d Oreng• Co1t1 Di lly Publl11110 Oreng• CoHt Dilly L Piiot, 8IPI 23, 30. Oct 7, 14, 1H2 r11e>1, a.pt 30, Oc1 7, 14, 21, 1tl2 4226-12 4~17-t2 • L earn the art of cooking light. Come to Coast Feueral ~md bring in the attached coupon. We'll give you a free copy of Ligbt Cuisine. It's a 100-page ox>khook filled w ith delicious recipes. And for healthy savings, a-;k alx>Ut our high-interest plans. We hm·e a recipe to fill every need. FAST COOKING. Our 7-to 31-Day Accounr* L" the ultimate in ~hon-term flexibilit)1 You choose the maturity chue and earn money market rates in almost no time. ThLc; flexibility requires a minimum deposit of S20,000. But it's aJI insured for up co Sl00,000. SIMMER SLOWLY. Deposit ai; linle as S100 in a N t Coast 3 V2-Year Account ~mcJ earn current money market rate~. Your rate will IX' u1x.late<.J every twt l week' to reflect the current 5-year l 1.S. Tre-.i"ury yield. Like the 7 . to 31 -Day Account, your investn1ent L" in~ured for up co SI00,000. I lowevcr, lx>th accounb do require suh~~mtial pcnaltic~ for early withd rm.va b . l.;.1gun:1 lk'.1d1 lk;llK h Br;inch \l.111.1g1.:r C11:l'I\ < 1rt.·1.·11 (iH '\onh Co.1 .... 1 1111-th"·" I lt>ur .... IJ ~ \h1n l'hur l) (1 I n lJ I ..... 11 I'll. 1111.· < -11 l 11r .Hh.~ TAS1Y BONUS. Open a C.oa-;r Federal lntere~t­ fau·ning Checking Account by October 9. and we'll gin: you 200 per~malize<l check.., ab!-.olucely free. For the science of e~u·ning high intere~t. come to Crn.N Fe<lerJI. And don't forget to pick up your free copy of Iigbt Cuisi11e*.*lt will show you the an of ax>king light. COAST FEDERAL SAVINGS Safe and Sound . ~ IFSLicl ... , ....... ,.,,. .. u ... , ... .,.k ............ , \: ~ •nth' ltMntJ r.. ""••r•,.; ... , h ·~• :.":\4::2 ' 1 .. IH--l1f'l\l"if"""'lli m\-.,,1•1 •1 i9'•' II '' •h•••t.thl•1"1 \~~1 ----------------------------- Ye~. I'd like to Mart <.'ookln~ li~ht. Anti I would like more Information about the following: 0 7-to 3 1-0:iy Account 0 31h ·Yellr Accouni 0 Othl'r nmnc.:y rnarkc1 rate savln~s plans 0 lmcrcst·Eurnin~ Ch •ckln~ Accounts 0 C:rc:dlt Cart.I~ 0 Other __________________ _ Name -------------------------- Add re~'---------------------- City State/Zip------- Phone (day) (evening) _______ _ Arc rou a Co:tM Saver? 0 Ye~ 0 No M)' Coa't Office: ________ __..;;; ________ _ -------------------------------- .., I I I I I I ...J . . ' ... : .. I ' . • t • I • • I I I I . \ I \ ' ' ' ' . ' ., ~ ' 1 I I .. I I I . •• -------~=~~=-~~= - Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT 1rnurad1y, Beptember 30, 1982 yen to trade Japane e foreign currency tratlcrs sit lenst!ly uround a hlblc in Tokyo Wednesday as the U.S. dollar climbed again I the..• slipping yen. The exchange rate hit 270 yen for a dollar during the day. PUBLIC NOTICE PVlllC NOTICE •·12525 10.32°/o TAX FREE SYPNOP818 OF THIE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF 8 A to AA rated N•tlonal tate a Federal by Standard Munlc lpal American ••nicer• lneurence Company of Fl0tld1 900 arlckell Avenue, Miami, Florlde 1'131 Tax Exempt a Poore Trust $ FOR FURTHER DETAILI CALL OA MAIL TO: YH r Ended 0.C:ember 11, 1tl1 To111 Admitted uset1 j Total llebllittea s t46.907,275 116, 108.873 !161 '"" ........ Ct ,.,., lOl ""<rr.l) '::'.::o ............ -YOt~ Sloe~ E.tCcfle'IO• .Cap111J P•ld-up Guar1n1y Cepl-1 taJ/Stetutory Oepos11 s 5.083.164 ~lou paid-In end contributed • surplus 5,608.887 N.,,.,.----------------------- AOdreu ----------------------Unasa1gn.a lunds (aurplua) 20 108,351 Surplus H regard• POll<:yhOldera 30 798.•02 loc:ome for th• veer 90,607,900 Pflone..Home -------------------~ Pflone..Bua ---------------------Olsbursemenls lor the year 78.909.572 We ....., & otte< auOiec;t to Pt00< SM 6 Cl\e<199 In Pra lnt., .. l •• ••~I lrom .~ We hereby cerlity that lhe above nems ere 1n accordance with the ,.nnual Statetn¥1I lor the year ended Dec:emt>er 31 1981 made to the Insurance Comm1u1oner ol lhe State ol Calllorn1e. pursuant to taw State •n<I ,_., ,,.. .. un<let e ... ,.,.1 tu - Floyd Denison Vice President & Treasurer Judith Kelter AsslStant Secre1ery Publ11hed Orenoe Coast Daily P1101 Sep1 29 30. 0c1 1, 2 3. 1982 •239·82 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTlCE PU8l1C NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATlf OF LENA ROZELLA MORIANA AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. VOU Al'E IH DEFAUlT UNDElll A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS A-115189. DEED 0 F T "us T DATED NAME STATEMENT To all heirs, benefll'l3rlC~. OCTOBElt 11, 1MO. UNLIE8S YOU The 1ouow1ng person Is doing creditors a n d contingent TAKE ACTION TO Pl'OTECT ou1lnet1 es R 11 .YOUI' PROPERTY, IT MAY •E PAO KAR KLEEN, Unit :3, creditors of L <'n a ozc ll tOLD AT A l"UaLIC IAU. IF YOU 7852 Slater Ave , Hun11ng1on M orlan a a nd persons who NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE Beach. CA 92647 may be othc.>rwisc tnWrl'Slt.'CI NATUl'E OF THE Pl'OCIEIEDINQ Frank A 010r10 19501 Aragon in the will and/or cstulC AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD Corcie Hun11ng1on Buen. CA A .""lltton has been filed CONTACT A LAWYEI'. !126H .-NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S &ALIE Thia t>utlntll os conducted by an by A n I h O n y N i Ch O I D S T.8. No. '4147 1ndtv1dua1 Moriana in the Superior NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,""' Frtnk A OlOtlO Court o ( O range County on Wednesday. Ociober 13. 1982, Tiii• 1ta1ement was Iliad wllh the r equ esting that Anthony at 9 OOto'clock a m ol sald da y. In County Cl«k ol Orange Counry on N 1 ch 0 1 a 5 M 0 r 1 a n a b n ttie room Ml aside tor conducting Sep1em1>er 28 1982 ... tru11ee'1S1lea.wllhln1neolflc.sot F1 ...... appointed as person al REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Publlshea Orenge Co"t Dally representative to adm1n1ster SERVICE located al 2020 Norlh P1101 Sep1 30. Oct 7, t•. 21. 1982 the est.ate o f Lena Rotella Broedway, Sulla 206, In the City ol •287-82 Sente An• County o1 Orange, State M o r I a n a ( u n d c r l h e o t ca111ornt• REAL EST A TE Pt.ellC NOTICE Independent Admml!ltrauon SECURITIES SERVICE .• CeMfornla FICTITIOYS BUSINESS of Estates Act.) The pctllJon corporallon. H duly 1ppolr11ed NAME STATEMENT 15 set for hearing tn Dept Trullee under and ~nl to the powe r ol Hie conferred 1n lhal The lollow1ng person Is doing No 3 a t 700 C1v1c Center oerlaln Oeed of Tru11 executed by bu'1ness N Dnve. W est, IJ\ the Crty of SAM A BUSH and MARY 0 BUSH. THE TACO FACTORY 18120 Santa Ana, California on Husbend and Wile. Ind PHILO H Broollhurs1 St Foun111n Valley. CA September 27, 1982 at 9 30 BIRCH. an unmarrie d men, !12708 recorded October 11. 111aof In BOOie Mugere1 Ann Aaama 1156 am 13794 ot omc1a1 Record• ol said Glene•31es Terrece Coara Maaa. IF YOU OBJECT to the coun1y. at pege 1832. ~0tder'1 CA 92 27 grantrng of the pct1t1on. you tn11rufnl(ll No 27770. by reuon of Tt111 buSlness os conouc1ed Dy en should either appear at the e breech or deltull In payment or 1nd1Vldua1 perlormance ol Iha obllgalfona Margarel A Adams hearing and State your securea 1hereby. lncludlng 1h11 This statetn¥1t was flied with lhe objections or file written breach or deteun. Notice of which Couniy Clefk 01 Oranoe County on objections with t h e court was recorded Mey 28, 11182. "Seplember 28· 1982 befor e the hearing Your Recorder 's lnttrument No Ft...... b 82-184916 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Published Orange Coast Delly appeara nl'l' may (' In AUCTION TO THE HIG HEST Piiot S.pl 30. Ocl 7 t•. 21. 1982 person or by your attorney. BIDDER FOR CASH. lewtul money 4289·82 I F Y 0 U A R £ A ot lhe United Slelee. or • cUl'ller'a PU8UC NOTICE CREDITOR or a contmgenl check drewn on a 11111 or nauonal f h d -6~• bank. a state or lederal credit FICTITIOUS 8USIHES8 creditor 0 t e et'C"""'"' you union. or a state or federal Nvlno• NAME STATEMENT m ust file your claim with the and loan association domtclled ln Tne te>11ow1ng persons are d0tng court or prestCJ"' it lo the thtss1a1e.a1tpayab1ea11hat1meof buSlneues personal representative sale. all right, title and lnlerHI held COLLEGE VIEW I, C/O Gary appointed by th(' court by tt, 11 TrustH, In I hat reel wescombe. 680 Newpor1 Cenler wuhm four months from the proper1y 11tu1te In said County and Orove. Sulla 850. Newport Beach. State dHcrlt>ed ea follows CA date of the hearrng nOlll~ Lot5,Block2ol TractNo 27ol GARY WESCOMBE. 660 above. It'll Boulevard Addition to NewPOfl Newport Center Drove. Suite 850, y 0 U MA y EXAM 1 NE Helghla as Shown on • Map lhereol Newport BNch CA 926&0 h ( 1 k b h f recorded In Book 9 Page 28 of JACK OLDH AM 660 Newport t e I e ept ,.., c l'OUrt I Mlacelleneoua Maps. records ot Cen1er Drove Sulla 850 Newport you are tnle restcd tn the Nid County. Cehtornl• Beach. CA 9::1660 • est.ate. you may file an-quest The atreel addren or olher MIKE MEYER 660 Newport with lhe court to receive common de1lgne11on ot lh• rHI Censer Or1ve Suite 850 Newpor1 s p e c 1 8 1 n 0 t I ce 0 f l h e property he•eln•b<>Ve deecflbed II Beech CA 926&0 purpor1ed to be 3226 Cley s1 ... 1. PAUL PFEIFFER 660 Ne.porl inventory of est ate 31Sl'IS Newport Beech Cehloinla Center Oflve. Su11e 850 NewpOrt and of the petitions. aC'C'OUnts The underaigned hereby Beach. CA 926&0 and reports dl'scr1bt>d 1n d1sclalma ell llablllly 101 any STANSOLOMON 6&0Newport Section 1200.5 of the Incorrectness In Mid atr .. 1 eddrees Cenier Or;ve. Suite 850 Newport or other common deslgnallon • Beech. CA 926e0 Cal.Jfom1a Probate Code Seid sale w111 be med• wllhoul A L w A N A M A K E A 6 6 o W 1111 a m M . C r o I b y , werr1n1y, upreu or 1mplle d. Newporl Center Dme, Suite 850, Esquire; Farnell, Crosby & regardll\9 1111e ponualon. or Newport Beach, CA 92660 L 0 N Pl e ncumbrances. 10 ullafy '"' GERALD LBFLAMME 225 ong; ne ewporl ace, prlnclp•I balance of lhe Noll or Broadway Su•le 1155. San 01ego. lOlb Floor; Newport Beach , otha1 obllgetlon secured by H id CA 92101 CA '2660; (71') 861-2488. Deed ot Trull, w1111 lnterHI and LOUIS MALONE 500 Newport Published Oran ge Coo111 0111er auma H provided therein. Cenler Ortve. Su11e 200 Newport O;ulv. Pilot, $(>pl 29, 30. <At ptua edvenc11. II eny. under Iha eecach. CA 92680 term• thereot end ln1erest on such RICHARD OLDHAM 1811 ff, 1911:.! •d••nces. and plus t .. a. charges Kingsbury Ortve, Nashville. end expeneea ot the Trust" end of Tenn"'" 37215 !'he truat1 creeled by 111ld Deed ol MARK HEMPHILL, 420• S Trual Tiie total amount ol Hid Sepullfeda Blvd . Culver Clly, CA obllgatlon. lncludlng rH10111bly 90230 e1tlm1led tees. chtrgu l lld DENNIS G TYLER. 4 000 ••pen-of lhe Truelee. at Iha lime MacArthur Blvd • Suite 1000, di 1nmaJ publl<:allon ol 1111• Nollce. 11 Newpor1 Beach. CA 926M $43.277.0 ALAN H WIENER , ~000 Oaled: Seplember 20. 1982 MacAtlhur Blvd . Sulle 1000. REAL ESTATE Newport Becach. CA 92860 SECURITIES SERVICE. Thi• t>utlneu lt conducled by • • Calllornl• corporaoon. general perlnershlp u Trustee Alen H Wiener. Gen 8y 0 J Moiger, Patt It• President This at••-t WU filed Wllh Iha ISEALI 2020 North Broadway Suite 206 Senle Ana, CA 927C>e Tel (71•1953-41810 Publlthed Orange CoHI Delly Piiot, Sept 23, 30. Ocl 7. I rtalC NOTICE --------- MAMIE STATEMENT The IOl!Owll\O c>«aona are dol"' County C~I! of Ort1n91 CO\ul1y on September 15, 11182 '1974'2 uw OfllciM KINML a ANO«l'SON 4000 MeeArthw a!Yd. Tenth Floof Newpot1 hech, CA netO Publlehed Orenge Coast Oe11y PllOI S111>I 18 23, 30, Oct 7. 1982 •10S·82 PUBllC NOTICE 1 rlCTITIOUI •U-H bu.ineN ... ------------ 1 (Al OIAECTORV 01' DENTAL PICTmou• •u••H SERVICES: (81 ODS. 9'132 Bo111 NAMI STATIMUfT 1_Avenlle, Hunllng1on BHch, C,. The IOllOWlng pel'IOnt 9fe doing 431~-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUllNEH NAME aTAnMllNT The tottowing pel'tont are doing bualneaa u · BONNIE. BENTON. LI MITED. 18552 MacArthur Blvd , Sulle o o, ltvlne. CA 92715 OAVIO K LAMS, & SI Trope1, N4lwpof1 Beach, CA 92880 MEHROAO RASSEKH, 20t32 Viva Cfrcle. Hun1ong1on Beech. CA 92848 JOHN M INAR , 111552 MacArthUf Blvd . Sulla 440, lrvlna, CA 927t5 Thil bul•neN It oonducted by I llmlled parlnershlp OtVld K Lamb This atetamenl wu llled wltll Iha COunly Clerll of Orange County on $eplembef 7 1982 F1'"22 Publllhecl Orange COHI Oally PllOI, Sopl 9, 18 23, 30, 1982 3975-82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUt llUllNIH NAMI ITATIMINT PUBl.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF Tl'USTU'S SALE No.TO* IMPOl'TANT NOTICE TO PfllOPEl'TY OWNER: YOU Al'E IN DE, AULT UNOEI' A DHD OF Tl'UST, DATED MU . S. 1•1, UNI.EH YOU TAKI! ACTION TO Pl'OTECT YOUl''PfllOPERTY, IT MAY a E aOLD AT A PUBLIC 8ALE. t,F,?Y OU NEED AH EXPLANA1'1t1N OF T"E NATURE OF THE Pl'OCHDINO AGAINST YOU, YOU 8 HOULD CONTACT A LAWYEI'. On Oclober 21. 1982, at 10 00 A M , BURROW ESCROW CO., a Celltorn11 corporellon. es duly appolnled Truslee u nder and purauenl ID Deed ol Trusl recorded Mey 18 . 1982. II Intl NO 82-170520, ot Olflclll RKOldS In the ott1ee ol Iha County Aec:oraers ol Orange County , Slate of Catoto1n11. eaeouted t>y ROBERT S AUNGST and AKIYO AUNGST husband 8nd wtle. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH (peyable 81 Urne ot Hie 1n lawtul money of the Unlled Stat .. ) at lhe lront ooor ol Bulrow Eacrow Co. 2070 N Tutlln A_,ue, Sent• Ana, Cel1lor1111, all right title and lnter .. t conveyed to end now held by It unaer uld Oeed of T 1in1 1n Iha property a/lualad In Mid County 8nd State Oesctlbed es Loi 21 01 ~Kl No 9417, In the City of ln11ne ... Plf map reoorded 111 9ooll 407. Page 18 lo 181nclustire ol Mltc»llaneout Meps. on 1ne OfftGe o l 1111 County Recorder ol said County The 11reet addreu and 01her GO!Tlmoll deatgnalk>n. fl any, of lhe reel properly described et>Ove 1s purpotled 10 be 8 Alondra. Irvine C811l0tnla The undartlgned Trustee dl1c1a1m1 any llablllty tor eny lnc0trec1ne11 of Ille street address and other common designation. II any. allown herolf\. Said ule wllt be made, but w1thou1 covenant or war1enty. e•preu or lmpUed. regarding utte. po11e111011. or enoumbrance1. Including tees, cha rge• and e•penMt of the Trustoe and or lhe 1ru111 creaied by said Deed ol Trull, to pey Iha remaining pr1nclpet sums ot 1ne note(•) HCUfed by Hid Deed 01 Trust to w11 $!0.000 wllh 1n1eres1 thereon lrom Ju . 198 t 11 13 pel'cent pa< an p10vlded in said note(s) ts and any edvancH ol S 1 00 wilh 1n1eres1 Thi benefter•ry und:~ Deed 01 Trust neretolore •• ed and dellvered to the unde •oned 1 wrltltf\ Oeclarauon ol eult and Demand tor Sale. en • wri11en Nolle• of Oetault and Elecllon to Sell Thi underatgned cauMd slld Notice of Oetaull a11d Etecuon 10 Sall to IMI recorded In lhe counly wnere lhe reel p1operty 1a IOC81ed Data Seplember 27. 1982 BURROW ESCROW CO . es said truttee, 2070 N Tustin Avenue . S1n11 An1, CA (714) S58-92 12 By Chetl Wyland P1eslden1 Put>llalled Orange Cont Oetty Pllol. Sept 30. Oct 7, 14, 1982 4296-82 POOLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOU8 BUSINEH NAMI STATl:MENT The loltow1ng ~raona are doing bualne11 as· THE PEN ANO PULPIT PRESS. 3187·A Alr ... •y Colla Mesa, CA 92828 THE COMPOSING ROOM. INC , e Callfornl• corpor111011, 3187-A Airway. Coale MaH. CA 112828 Thlt butlnlSS I• conducted by I corporation Tiie Composing Room. Inc Art Griffin, Pres This •l•lemenl WU flied wllh Iha Counly Clerk ol 01enge Cou.nty on Sep1embef 2 1. 1912 F117M4 CAPflETZ l KA8DAN Alt0f119YI at Law Ml •ualneH Cntr. Or. •ut•• 200 lnlM. CA 81111-UM Publlallad Or1ng1 CoHt 01111y P11o1. Sej>t 23. 30. Oet 7, 14, 19U 423M2 Ml.IC NOnC£ --02847 bualne11 u GARV T SCHMIOT ODS. INC t S A I L I N G S P 0 R T S 8 Tht fOllOwlng person II dOlllg f'ICfl'flOUI IWSINIH butln•., ea: NAMI ITATIMINT C•llfornl• corporallon. 603 St MONOGRAMIT/W ENTERPRISES. Andftw Roed, Newporl &eeoh, C.a 2000 N-por1 Bl11d .. Co.ta MMI, t2M3 CA 92827 GEOROE WEs'tON MADDOX, JOAN MICHELE WOOOBUAY, \000 1. Le Palm• Ave., No 206, 2830-A Newporl Blvd , N•wporl AneNlm CA 02806. &eech. CA 926$3 Thia bVaiMM It oonduetad by an HENRY PAYNE TH,t.YER. Ill. Unincorporated 1uocl•tlon 01her 1938 Sanderllno Circle, Co111 than 1 penneml!p MIH, CA 92828 • Gary T Scllmldl OOS Thi• tiu.I~• It conducled by • JM. O'Mfll P8'1netllllp. O-oe w Maodo11 Joan M. Woodl>lity Thia 11111tnMll11 WU llled wtth Iha Tlllt tllltl!\lnl WU llted wflh the (:ouftry a.tti of OflnO' County on ~111y Cl9rll of 0r-. ~111y Ol'I Sapt~ 2 t, tN2 s.c>it1111W 15, 11112 ,1.,.... ,,., ... • Put>lltlled Or1n111 Cotti Dally P11t>llth•O Or11101 C0t11 Delly Ptot, lept 23, JO, Oct 7, !•, IM2 I-Not. &.pl 16, 23. 30. Oct 1. 1082 4224 82 4046-82 C 0 A 0 N A 0 6 L M A A The lollowlng perao11 la doing CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE, 23411 !.111 bualne1t H ' Paolllo COHI Hlghwty. Suitt o. SILL'S FLOWERS, 3082t So Corona ci.i Mar, CA 92825. Co•fl Hwv. Leguna 8 H ch, CA QARV PAUL 8i\RAN08Kt. 92651 DC , 180 t Havel'I Piece. Ntwpor1 Wllll•m ~twl• Vol1 Jr., ~602 &te¢11, CA 02063. (K•41) t . COHI Hwy , Lagu11a Thia butlneu 11 conduoled bY an 1 IJ•ach. CA. t2851 tnOtvklull. Tiii• buatnea• It cond~led l>V •l'I o.c. Gary Paul Baranoakl, lnell\llduel Wllllem L VOil. Jr Tlllt •llltmenl WH filed whh I~ County CIMll Of Or .. Cou111y Ol'I Stc>ltm'* 7. 1H~ ,, ... 1 P11t>UalleO Orange Co"I Di lly ,,llOI 8-1 • 1•. 23, :)(), 1162 317 .. 12 Tlllt ll•lemenl WU filed WOii th• Cov11ty Cl8ftl 01 Or•noe County °" 14191H.1982 ,,..... Publlthad Or111ge COit! Dally Piiot. Sec>I IO. Oet 7, 14, 21 1H2 43fO·l2 B usiness w orkshops set . "(it•I \' uur Bu111tw11• Otl t ht· Uruum.I & Pru•rx•r" II lh<' lllh• or 11 ~· rh"\ of w11rkt.hOP" aporu.on-d ll.v Jlu-.1111•.,. to Uu11lnt: muauzlnt· m1t.I tlw lutt r11utlrm1.1I flu.In\• · & Mu111lijt•nw1\l lnliutuu.-. Allan J, Slpou, lrvlm•, lw din~ tor nl lhl' work11hoptJ 11" l!i u t'Ol'flOI alt• l'Xl't'UllVl' l'l'Onomi111. t•n t rt•p1 1•1\t•u1 , t•t1 n Ku I tun 1, IN ·lurc-r und prt•uhh•nt uf tht• in sttluh• A fn•t· pn•v1t•w will bt· h{•ld <A:t ~ ur 7 pm. 'l'hl' work11hnps will~ held Oct. 11 , l :l, Iii and 19 al thl• llohdoy lnn. :u 31 Brn1to l, <.:ostu Ml·sa For ln!ormauon coll 631-8100 S ue Bates-Pintar hux lH:t•n oppoantl'CI Senior Vi(.'(• President or Admin lslrnl1o n Ul Cumbridge Capital Croup. uccord1ng to D enn is Sim on, president and chief ext>eutlv<.' o !fit-er Bates-Pintar hud lx>trn !K'rvang ag managC'r of admm 1strutao n for the gro up, whic h is a h olding company that owns sc.•verul nfflhatt'<i t•ompanies mvolvc'Cl m the mortgage.• banking and morlgag1.· brokeragt• bwun1.•ss 0 o n a I d J . M l 11 s , n r· w I y 11pJJUlnwtl pr(>Wldc.-nt (or th(' BIDIL of lrvln~. h unnounc.<t<d thu& the bunk wUI bc•gln to plan• mort• t•mphuilf on fommc•rt'lol ond 1ni1u .. ~l'll1l bunklna 1WrvlcM1 Ttw bunk h;.lj h llltui kalty l>ef-n u loc·ol, l'tln!tUffl(•r-orumted bank Mills olllO uddcd that thtr Irvine urt•u hus token o n n ~w CIUIH IUlllEll l mportunn· o nd s tature aa CJ buslll\.'!I~ CJnd lndu11triul cente r wh1d1 ploccli a great.er d emand or) B~ink of Irvin£' 10 prov Id(• murL· uml b(•tt~r service11 to thf' bus1n<.'h.'> 1.·ommumty "llow{'ver, w e· do not expet·t to d1m1n111h St·1-v1<..'(' to our t•urrent lndlviduul t'U!ilOnlt'l'l>," hl· sWtt'd Patti Nol a n o r H untington l:kuc:h was honort'Ci for 10 years of s< .. rvke lo Carl Karc her E nterprises at the· compan y's Jnnual <1wards dmner-dan<•e in lht.· D1i.neyl:rnc.J H otd's Grand l li1llroom Nolan 1s munager of the Cui l's Jr ut 11110 Imperial H ighway, Dow111·y. Sht• joined CKE as a cuunlNJk•r-,on und wa1• prumott·d tu munogt•r 111 11176 Th(• La1una Nlau•I C hamber of Commuce hu.s i.dwdul'.J tlw Oc.•tobl•r C:<K•k tull M1xN to b« hl·ltl ut tht.• Louun" N1gul·I ttan-1uN C lub. ia~oo C.'luhhou!I(• Drtvt• on Ot·t 7 Thi· nllxc•r will lx•gln ot ~::JO p .n1 lion d 'ot•uvrc·i. und c0<.·k toils will tw St.•r v c·d. /\ Sa <tdm1i;111on ft.'I.' will bt• d1ur~Lid Ttw mlxc.•r p l'C>VltlC'1' I.I gn•at opportunity for membcrt to bring guests ond to introdut'<' n<>n-mt•mb<'n• lo tht· t•hmnh(•r und ('v1•rytmP Iii lnv1U:d. Laurie A . Lloyd ha!( been promot ed to assiatont VIC<.' f>rt.' 1dt'nt o r Great Ame ric an Bank's Newport Beac h Regional Headquarters, act'Ording lo Jac k A. S weeney, chairman ant.I C'hlef CXl'CUllVC officer Lloyd p aned G reat American &nk in April of this year as an opt-r a u ons o mc-cr at the N ewport &•ac·h headquarters An honors gradu aw from USCl Lloyd is a soulhcrn California native and is (·urumtly a resident of Laguna N1gut>I Air Irvine expands • service Air Irvine, a l\('W t•ommuu:r a1rlim· o perating out of J o hn Wayne Airport, has anno unc·ed a new, regularly S<:hroulc.'CI scrvkc from Orang<.• Count y to Palm Springs starting Sund:.iy Th<'rt.' will be.· two dcparlun-s from John W:Jyne d a ily . <tt 7 30 am and 3 .40 pm .• with dep<.irlurt-s from Palm Springs '<tt OVER THE COUNTER 8.30 u m. a r'd 5 p.m. Flig h ts will wkc· 45 minutes. The t•ost w ill be· $37 each way. and all strrvtc'C will Ix· o n n mt>- passcnger, twin-engin e P iper Ai r craft, th e air carrier annount'<'d. Air Irvine a l ready has establl~hc.'CI daily servll'C bclWt.'('n Orange· County and Los Angeles l nl«rnalmnal Air port There also NASO LISTINGS )I )1<1 , • 1 i ll .. '"' ,~.. J• .. 1•'• u•. 14\. ,.,, n. ••· ll' • Jl•) J4 •• ?• ,., .. .•.. ,.~ 11•. ""- arc· plans to inaugurate a daily roun d -tri p b etwee n O r a n ge County a nd Mammoth L a kes m November Company president.. Leo Suglio, who doubles as a pilot, said he is "vc•r y. ver y c-onflde nt" that a lcx·al markN exists for regular sc.'rv1t'C· lo those a reas desp1w the poor stale o l thl' ec.'On o m y . N•-AC.•Rt Ell1on• Nl,,.,.10 ~•llOn ~llF11 HI Port Ntl\OM Int Rem Tu lont lntKh , '. lnfrrrt un J.,,..Wlr Mi nF' Amllnlit C¥eCP PROFC. • MGF Oii LndllllFl ··~·· l.OWIO Key-I Proe1t9Y ~~:.~ ~Y<Sv UPS U•~, • ~"I\. ~ P<\,. I •D' I Up lite ) )1 l1 •I/ )'l UP 11 I • '• u "' 1... .. Up 15 t l~ , 1 1 Up 1S • 11'• • , .. Up Ul 1 '• U U .l ,... '• Up 127 UXP S'• • ' . . '• •• t. " Up II t UP 11 t Up II I Up 111 Up 11 • ll , .. •Ole • P, 14' I • J i ' up I I • Sl • ... 10.l t).t, •••• ,.. . .... ~. ,,. Up 96 Up 9 S Up 9 S • • t) Uo 9 1 J • > • • J • • . . . Up t i '-Up t • UP t I UO t DOWNS l•>I , ... Cl\9 PU Oii 15.4 ~ ' • '"' , ... '" •.. 1 ' • II • ' tO s ... " ,, s .. Ott 11, .. Ot• II' I Off llt I , Ott 116 '• Of• 11 J .. Ott ,, 1 ()I 11 I '• Oft .. t I'• Ott 11 I • ' OJI II I '• Off 111 , •• Off 11 1 'o 011 II I ... Otf 109 1111 011 10 118 F INlS\IO .. 011 10 1 )'. .. 0 11 101 1' • ~ Off tO S 111 '• OU 10.S ,, • '. Ott 10 s '• Ott 10 s .. Ott 100 '• Off 100 , Off •OO ... , .. t•. , .. MUTUAL FUND llCVllSTIHG C.1 HI 10 74 NL Ht Yid 10 n NL "!t i 111' NL Nal Alfla I» NL lnwJI I.. t 11 StnSXPL C>Mj> IMI G BLI M11n Ivy Fd 11 ot NL N•I lnO 12 II NL Oc>il'I 1101 U tl '• 1 't ,. L C: A Ce11t-1•t I~ I SO 1 1 I N l JP Grtt'I 11 . lJ .. H•I Se<urllle. T•x Ea i. .. 10.. Slnh 114 NI NIEW YOlllC (A Pt ~!1~, • IJ • 10 Pvrotn 10 4l NL JP IMO • ot • ,. 8••111'1 10" 11 u Vhl• I) OJ 16 4.1 Str•lln• I 15 1 91 TIM IOI-I"' quo. c.,...~ttlor Gr-HHln • so Nl '""'" •• NL a-l,. l u Vovav 11 .. 1) 01 Slr•I Giii n JI NL ::ro:;i:t::f'l':'.!~ HIYld 9 l-1 10 7J Trend 1' 1' NL JOIVI H«ICO<k Grwlh 1.. I 10 Que-)".. NL s-Grt~ 10 » 11 .,_ ellon OI Se<ur•tl•• HIMul'I IJ ,. IJ.. Fll\llf'l<'•I p~ a-IJ.t2 .. '° Pr..., • •5 • ., ll•lnbW J QJ NL T .. ,.., I) 19 16 11 :s:f~Ji~~IE. c .. ~~ tifi ::N;~ ~~ .. 1h; Et ~!f~ 1:~~=:~ ~~. ~~ rn t~!Y.S«~~:: 11N4\ '!=,~':'~ .. coulcl NWI -n Clle•l Fd 11 21 ti II 1nu1m Ill NL Keulmn .II NL. Tot Re S lJ S IS EOU11 l 1t 1«1 .. '{' n''dt S CllP oor 1111 Nl "''"'""'Slon . l(em-FurlCI~ F•lfilG • • 1 SJ & • N >Old IHel ••WI CM•lrtUI i. m NL Bnd "" IJ tS IS°' lrtCom ,, ••.• NELll• F-Grwttl 1J., NL Trnt Cap 9 ll ID .. O•~!':i~ O<Plut~.! Coton!~ rund\ DIKO t ... !Ost Gr-10.S-11.51 Eovlt ltd 2111 81no 1011 NL Trnl-I.It NL Fund 10 11 II 11 Grwtfl t.. 1 tl HI Vici t.,. t U Grwth 11" It U SIPllUlll'I-." Trav E~ • .. IO~ ~;:.,, :-",1,•",.10 1 "NN\L ~.l'"'omvCi •,' g ,, ~1,! ~"!!FK :S~ i ~ ~'ti :::?i :w ~=~· ~: ~ U f~ ti~~ :;N~ !:~ ~' li i; Et ~.;n F 15 ,. NL ootn 1 ); • lt r•• E• • 11 a 11 S':mm 11.5' 1• n N•ul»•OH Berm ScuclOlr Fllf'llh l wnc u1 ue • •t Ahllure u •• NL T .. Mg 10 JJ n 11 •4 WIEq ... I 1 )) Te<.I\ 10114 II u Enov 11.. NL com St IJ 05 Nl US~A Gr-AIM """"' Colli Glh ,. O? NL •4 W•ll 17 51 NL Tot Rt IJ 1' 13.~ G ... rd JO u NL 0. .... 1 011 NL Grwth IO,, NL C•Vld 11 ... tJ .. Cwllh AB In 1'1 Fosttr 4" s,, us Gv1 1.90'" Blltocv N l C•pGlh II n NL ~r 1 '0 t ~t Grt-•¥ (.with co I 10 I 114 Fn<I GUI 4.. s ll K•Yu'·-81 -••. !:. 1•.•• ?.,..l.. 10,, NL uni ACCU s.. NL t.40 11>0~ Comp 8CI '·" • 41 i;.,.,,..,.,~ Group C•. "' , .. m .... 4,. NL IMom u II~., ·-~L HI Yid '01 '10 (.omp Fd • 95 ''' Grwt/'I 1.•1 NL Cus Bl 11.11 11.• Perin " • Nl Intl Fd .. 0 NL n --" !'t~~:l :rn 12'\'i ~:::c~~1cur'd:n1 NL ~r.r ·: ~ .~\ ~~: ~ ::: :.~ N~~t :rn ~t r.!~ 4; ~ ~t U~~F-r~ u: Am1r1c11n Fund• Fun0 11 s; •: ~ Fr5::'i\n G:~ NL ~": ~? ,t ~ 1~ :! ~r~r·• 1n; ~t ~~:,:iv ~~ 1.. 1n1G•" u .. u,. ~:.:~ : ~ : :~ ~~:"Bel : :s ISi AGE J lj P2 C~• $.l ... , ., ,..~ ln:r 10 IS NL £quty H I • ~ Con Int ' .. to .. "' MUii 11,, UOJ Cons nv II u "., ~lC ,, OS .. 01 Cu• St S.10 ~SI NE lnGI t.34 NL ........ ~. • 12 • n Flclue n " u u BO('d 12.00 IJ II Con'1tl G Gr..,,. • IJ • 15 lnltrnl 4 03 • 40 NovaF=o ".. Nl Ullr• I 02 1 •I HI Int 17 11 13., Fcl In• l .U t ,)I 12 ll NLCOnt -· OOllCl'I s.. s.. UaFr '. 1 •• NY Vent • ,. ... '.MtlKllCI ,._ lncom 9.JI IO t• Gr-109111'2 • •• N L VIII• sos }41 M•H 109011tl Nu-ttO NL •m ~ 1 .. NL Munl •ca .. ,, 11\Com • ., 9 •• Copley I.. Nl lncom I • 7 03 ~tJlft91on G<p Ome0t • 5' NL Sitt s... I) I) NL k1E"9 ...... ICA .... M) Ctry ""' 4> 11 14 3S us Gov • ,, '.. Cll C.Or II ,. 11 l1 OM Wm ",I NL S.1lon-G•-v~ 1t 1l IJ .. N "-'' I Cit 1 U 0.1 .... ,. ._ Caolt I .. I 1t Golclfd .I~ NL ~ll'Wr 'd CNIFd 7 M I,. US Golcl S 14 NL h aE I '1 '•1 O.Cet UI IS 0, EY•ll 4 .. S 0. GNMA I.. NL Olrt<I 14 J11S U Cm!.li. 11 Oi 11 •1 Velut Line Fd Wtll Ml 162 1 ll 0.1... t• '' 19 • f .. Fr 6 U • 90 Gr-I IO NL oo.rt 110 11' Growtft S .. •JO ~ If 10 Nl.L ........ , Gener•• 0.ICh '11 1,, '"""' lllC "•"' I)" NL Hl ·y14 11 ~ " 12 lll<ome F-1) °' ,.. Cap Bel t H t M h '"IE Cmru I 90 t 61 Lll"lllN I• I) NL. ()pin 11 00 7 D4 11 I• ll 01 l11<om ·~ Nl Enlrp 11 OJ I U " .. .. '-\.... lnvOuel t.._,." !MlylH StM<I 16 .. 11 40 S.ntlnel Group \.••GI 11 n NL HI Yid t i. t ~ 0.lle t IA 10 q • 11 10 17 C~I II.. NL h "'• 6.. 1 7" l•IMI I 0. I 11 s.I Sit II 40 NL "'"". It" 1111 Olr c... I 11 NL l'•lol • .. • 43 MUI u.. NL AIM 14 u u .. ~ • Q.) • ,, V.n<• S.N»n Ventr t2 .. t • SI OOctCK 81 n • NL GT P.c It JO NL l..0<0 -II. TllN I It t 11 Com$ I• 11 1147 lncom \0 .. 11 .. C.mtla 10 .. 11 " OOctC• St It ,, NL G•tt Op IJ •s NL. Alllltd , .. I ,. OTC Sec. 77 .. ,. ., Gl'WWI 11 tt tt •1 '""'"' 1 I) 1 .. E~l'I Jl IS Nl Of•• 8u 1• 40 Hl Gtl'I EIK In• 8NI A t Jl9 10 14 Per.,,.. M 10 IS 11 ot ~VOie .. ., NL. L•W9t 10 7J tonl, F=ll Arn t .. 10 t7 Or•\'f\IS Grp ErtnTr le 9S Oe• GI 1111 It 41 P••'WIO t" NL $entry rt.11 JI •J C911C I .. el H t. Gr-10 t !>IL. A , • 1) 0) NL t:Hnh • ,. NL IMel'I\ 2. > II p..,,. Sq " NL $1tt8"Mn .. _, EVGlfl • IO • ., H"'lllt 11 1131 0 11 I) ft 1• 14 S&S ti I) Nl LUlhffoWI lire P..,11 M;i 4 tJ NL A-IJ 1S 11 OS IEV lll IO I• 1114 P.U 11 >0 ,, L ¥Ot ti Of t •• !>&S Lii 10 01 NL II-11 M It )I ,,..,.,, t 1J t tJ HIYld 11 tO It 14 Detl I JO.. NL ProvlG •ti 4M N.Klne 191 NL~n$>tn-•ll Ill< .... tt4 901 ~•ChaM lll<om 11V 1111 Ow tl .. '° NL. 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JOyMlo 1 41) s lt.S ,, 1, Nl•Mpl Jto r100 " " lll_.l t IO I 2J tO~ TrG~ptt.S •«>SO •2 • '" ArlP p1 3. f4 21,,. CwE pl I'° 11 u~.-• FoslWI> ... t 337 12'" l. -11-1( -NleMpl 1 tO ,1000 Jt • \> AloGran UO I Sit .. " 1 1-.. lrG p 11110 J1 1100 11 , I Ar1lBsl 45 •. IS l''t CwE pf 2 S .. ..._ '-" FoJlStP .. I 4 17\oo (01 11 II IH '"' "' Nl•Mpl 6 10 tll'OO ..-..~,•Ho AloGr pl IO .. JI\,.'"' lrO pl IM t:llO 11'" J Arllle 1 I ?'II IS\o CwE JI! t.• tltOO ill.. ,, Fo11lw • I CM I '°° JI.. l\o KLM 11 11 JI' ..... Nl-OSf> l I>-l1 IH. • All1Al0 tO l'l 101 Jt "' lrGP pl J SO • 10'o ArlnAI I .. II n CwE pl 1 J1 II II'' Frr.IMc 60 9 Slt 16'~ .. K m•r1 I 14 )401 11'1 ,,, Nlon n Ill .. Ill ..... 19 llOllshw I 411 11 111 20'• 11 Tr~ 11 s•' '• Arm-...... , 10 CwE pt ,·., 110 21.... Fr 9tm .... Ill U'9 ..... K•l"AI Ml 1411 IJ" 1. NICOR l I ~ "" •• AOOI"' 1.60 s 109 f/\. lo fr•nwv 1 llO I •• tl•t ••• Armco 1 20 ' 122 """. ~· C•E pf I.JI •SCIO so..... v. Fruellf «> ,.. .... \.') K•lsGe 60 41 , ...... 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UnEr1<9 t J1 , ,.. 11 '• B•ndao .tO ., .. -.. -I pl t '° JI ,,.. .. GH>R• t I Ol 11 IJt SO"". •• LCCP s ' OllEd pf I u 11!0 •v. ... Saftcle~ .n 17 .., SI•· ,, Ullillf"I J 9'l s 411 n·· BangP ID ,, .......... c -u. ID .. 47' '>'• Ill\ Gnll-1• ISO J"' . LCC41 pf J ... OhECI I"' r:200 St s .. nltllt ,, .. 10 11 1) I .. BB~ofNYVa J1 .. !! •I 111016 u'3lt~ • " ~-T .M S :WO 71.W. GllSlr.:: t,60 t SU lt'o--., TV SO MO tie \1 OllECllM 1 to 9 IJ!o It SFtlnCI I I 111' It.. .. ~:::~ = ~ ~ doO w:: ~ ~ ., ~ ~ AIPWCl\llt t • I~ ... GTF pf IU. tltoull •I•-. LfVpll • ti.. "' OhEdpfl_M .. llOO )I • ~ 591-l IJO I 10 1' Ulll11pl • SH , \\ BllllAm I.SJ t JS.S 17~ \o C«-• t0 10 SO. Ur..+ -., GTFI pl 1.lO tJOD 10~ Int ' It -11 ~ OllE ol t0.11 1100 1t"°' ._ SM.IRE 10e J I Unllllld 11> tJ 411 SH. 11., BBa'nA~yrJJ.42. ••• .1"1•• ?!~-"' c .... 111 .. I )S t•t " GTlrt 1 SOblO .., U Y>-'/. G• , «> s • JIJ• t OllE pf 10.1•. 1200 \Ill • 2 SXAVEIP I tt Unlll!'f' n • I U\o ... ~ T v, • -~-..... CornG l ~ 14 416 S1' • \.'J Gentco • Cf ·~·· , lams.ft t1 1-,_. OllP Pf I.CW 1110 ,.,,. ,,,., S t J 1 I \> \o UJerh 1 74 s ,s. IS.., '• Bk Tr pf l .SO .. di Ith .... CorBlk 1 IO II 10 2111. .... Gllllllcl .10 J ... 2'l lA-1" LAnlM ,. 11 t lS ''""' ""' OllP plBI Ml 100 Sl'• II• S.vE A I )I ' ""· u -9..,ner 1163 SJ ·~ \.'J C-IM I 23 J4 1'h .. Gensto 60 .. 114 10.... V. Lawtlnt .n tf 20 tCR.+ ... OllPPIC 1.60 111 SJ.,,,. h Savin 70 ., "" u\r-Mn ' S. S\. <t BarCICA .1t U 211 -~ _., Co.Gm .11 It t20 ,...,_ I Gen11pt I.JO IJ llJ4 ,...._ f\ LHtPt .U . IH 12"-"' Ol>P pfGUI I ....... Ii. Savin pl 1 SO .. t 11~, ..._ IJSl'oS 7 SO .. J BetnGp .60 S9 ,,.... V. Craig U 2 61• + !,\ GePac 1.20 11"4 Ill,\ •;, learSo I.SO t 711 2l\o 111!1 OllP plOl It :ISi )5 •Wt .SChrPlo I .. 11 D J~ 1. USAlr SO 1~ t lt; ~' '' Bernet I.QI • ., 1.... .. ,,_ I -I ,.. 10 "'' G•Pc I/A 2.21 • 2'\o ""' luRnl s «> • 10 ta~ .,.. Olll•GE 1.7• I t SO. 11v. I .... 'Sclllmo ... 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Ori.,.,,, II .loo SHhl 1.44 31 a.so U\lo " ~,.fr.r ,11.' •. 10~) , 1.~." ·~ BattoPI .10 's ID t~ '-C"'rlnc 110 . I 1"'4 "-GIMIM .ti 3 t14 I + ~ l0Fpf llS •OW. .. OlllilM .tO 1 , .. 2S... .... SHtflll ltO I Ill H ... ~ ... OnH _,. • I • • .... Cllt1W I • IS .. \J GICINllCI • 491 U ...,_IW. l.llltYQI .nJJ »n ,,.... ~ .60 IJ ,, )j • \j, S.19111 11 11 • ~~:;,:-1 f.1. 1! !L -1 BttMow .. I 100 ,.... ' (•<'-1 10e It &:I "". "· GklWF' Rll . 19'J ""'+ -Lllemll • I) ,.1 ~-.. .• s II IJ\o Se•fAlr • 1) SI u i , ~-8etllncl .24 t 111 ' i. -C>-O -Gc111c11 1.w • tt• tt¥.-\It 1.111y tt0e 10211J SJ _,.,. 1.a., n. 201.t "'Su•l'w 16' t • u .... u111..... • • U 1••~ " lefCCI 9 I.... 0 15""• ... OMO 11' '"' GclrCll pf ·" 1100 I~ .... \,lmlld II • ,, us ""'• "" I IAI • ,,. U\4-"'s .. ,i.G " .. -.... .... ~nl•l'4 I.GI I " '°"' ., ._ •• l.XI 14 ,.,, 1,._. '"" o."*' JO " 1-.-"" GClrCllpl).12 . IS u... ... Llll<NI J I Jl .-.. II ' • •f ,... "'S.ars I >t 11 JISI 2J -"~ ..... lM I 0 ,.., • ....... "' J • 141 J O•nlllY 1' 11 ,,, ti\.')-.... ~r 1.411 1 1753 J•v.-... Lln<PI .. 1 11v.+"i. -~ -SecPac Jc s Ill 1741. "" ul t.2' • nt .. ~ '• ..... pf4.CM •1'1 ,. 1 O.nae;,i 1.tO 10 47 Jt "-Go<dllJ S6 I • ltYt ~. Litton 1 tOll t tSt .,.... IV. ~H .74 U ti 11\"'--. s.cko .4'1 I ttt2 U lw '°' UO II'• M S Iii 101• _., hll1C41 2 "' ,,... ""' Deft... ,.., I 1n II~. "" Oollld t,n 10 -""" v. Lllton. t ' IJ'lo ..... ,,.. ',.. • .., 11-., IQLI AO,, j ~. ... LF llfJ.ll I iii "' •"'ftl"i""' ~I •1210 11 + v. Oeflllr > 60 10 ,,, ff • .,, Gtau t .IO • 1U ,..._. "' Loohd JOU '"'-' • Pl'O J it t >Q e -.._ Q .s. 11 11S J.J • ~ ~ .. ~:,~ 31., fJ1 211!! ....... I "°' sv. "" 0.leGn I .,, »to ... Gr••-1.16 11 JO .,.,,_ ... Locllll ,,. ii ~ h \11 ~ ~ .. t H ,.~ .. "'* I 1 Sl1 1f • ~ UtaPL 11 · ..... -;9. lerUy tt 4 .• C>alf.. .. ,.__ \It GrMltv 71 ,.,._ • " LOewt 1 JG 1 H "' _ "'et AS ,.... ~ 11 ... + "' I 1 t• -,_ "' .... Pd n Oelpl\I , .. ., IJ t GUltPlt 141J Mt.• .. 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Costly ·rain Gary McKinsey, a field 1rnperin1endent for a central California tomato compan y, holds exampl(•S of uroyal rot," caused by unseasonahlt.· rains of last week. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK (APj-$al11, • pm Wednftd1y puce ano net cnenoe ot 1ne r1r1een most ecli•• N-York Stock Excnanoe mu... lrld1no nallonelly ti more th.,, $ I IBM 131,000 PMllCorjl 697 600 Son1 Corp .... 100 Oitl..tlEQ .. l, 100 ~. rWtrl.vn t:U: DffrtGo S...,too Ca roPwLt s,.J 100 A,,.., T& l StJ°IOO '" 1't .. JI, ••• •t ,,, '· Cltkorp s11:eoo ~!:"':r.f ~h~ Mar11nM • 46}, loo •• ... EXXOtl •st . .000 Am Aln 1n •.S. 100 • I\ '• AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (4P) -Sales, • p,m Wednesday prlGe end net change 01 1ne ten most activ e Amellcan S toc k Eunange 1ssuos, tr•dlng nellonauy II more than St S.IKomO.I rt:::U.,t°' R•noe<Ot• flrownFor B .. ll Corp ~~f. 11po10 o.i V•r.,.tlm 1,109,400 1)0,900 llOMIO II~ 0 ,600 l}.900 t?.lOO f'f,100 ti,200 u.ooo h .... •• '• .. 11,. UPS ANO DOWNS c no 4 ... 4'• Pel UD I• S Up UI UP U I Up 10 t Ull t t Up tt Up 14 VP ll Up, I J Up 71 Up • I Up •• Up tJ Up 6J Up t I Up U UD SS Up SJ VP SJ Up SJ Up SJ llp so Up SO Up I' U11 4 I Up •t P(I 011 IJ t 0 11 It 2 Oii IOt •• Oft '' I 1 Oii t I I .. Oii I J J' • Oft t I .. Oft 1 1 1'-Oii 'I • Oft It !lo OU It I Off 11 II• Oii I 0 ' Oii 10 Oii •• Oii •• 011 ti Oii •• Oii • , Oil • , Oii • s Oii • \ Oft •• I t. 64 GOLD COINS NEW YORK (API Prlefl latt Tltundey ot gold coine. eomperea wi111 W.0"41SCS•y'a PllCt 1(,...........,, 1 t1oy Ol $•S6 00, up S 1 50 llltjMe LMf, I troy 01 , $•58 26, uf $1 50 MeJ 90 ""°· I 2 lroY oz SM 00 up $t7S Aw. 100 c:rown, GIO:I 1-oy 01 S433 75. 11p $150 Sot.orce 0.ak·"-flf • ' Doing Bualn••• Under A Fictitious Ne me? ~321 DAILY PILOT I, IU JOo.\ SI .. • 1 •t.000 WHAT STOCKS DID lol E.W YORK IAPI »p 1' 't'IM!• AUl A tll(I rooe, 40I 1101 ,.. 190I ., I NEW YORK (API S.0 ,. bMJ'WlnCf'd O.c11....i Un< llano.cl lot•l 111~ New 11191\• New ....,. METALS !Odey ••I )9} Jll I to " ' Pi•v °1L 711 44 1929 \01 • p,... Gey 1 .. 211 "' ,,. )J IO NEW YORK IAPI -Spot nonl0trous metal ~ Wednnd•y co,.per 70-72 cenla • 11011nd u s OMllnlltlOna L...i 24'+.19 '*'~ • pound DllC • 2 <*'Ill • POUJld. Olinler.S Tift 16 209ll Mllllla W-oornoosite lb ~ 16-71 '*'" t pound Ny *'cllfJ ~52 00 per llaSI< N ~lellnum S321 00·13211 00 110y ou~ SILVER Handy & Harman t4 12 per troy""'- GOLD QUOTATIONS av TM ,. .. oclat-4 Pr••• S•le c;ted WO,ld ;old PllC•s W~nesdey LondcNI "'°'""'II l1~1"f. S4 13 1S, up S2 6S SOL;;don ellernoon ••1ng S40~ 15 oll ,..,.,. e11 .. noon 1wng s• 10 05 up SJ oe ,,.,.."'" h•1no s.. 12 90 "P S3 01 ZIH1ctl I••• •11tt,.oon '""'II s•02 $0 ott S6 so 1>«1 "403 $0 ••eo "•ndr & "•'man Con11 d a ily Quo101 "409 7S oll SO 75 E~d !only 01•11 QYOl•I S.-00 75 on so 7S ( .......... (Only O•tly QllOI• labrte••,,., S430 2• ott SO 79 S7Ro'O"ul>llc N•llonal aenll.: S• 12 00 11p • SYMBOLS II H ... ,. .. ,, IO• u He* yurlr 11'9f' U 1~M Ol"4'1WIJ41 r>OltMl ralel OI Clow.O...O• .... I M utl ClttO..O_.,., ... ~ on ,,,. •••I qudlltrly o• 111m1 ann .. •t aec1a 1auo11 •II O< t •t18 d"ICHnOt or pay,,,.,,11 l'Ot gnllttO n •4'1111ler .,,. <OenhliCICI tn IM lollow•ng IOClllOIH 1 Alto e•I•• Of outrn b·Annuai •••• Pllll OI<>~• <l•••d•11d c l1Qu10•1•n11 O•••deno OiK.la•tCI O< P••d on p1e<:ed"'l1 12 :nonll'll. ,.0e<;lo•11d Of pAld all .. 11oc• c11vt0end OI •Pi•t up I P••d lhol year d•••denO omtllecl oelerred or "° Klton tall.en a t IHI d••ld•!IO meeting k O.C111u.O or P•ld tl1•t ,.., an accum.,lth•t •ttlll' ""'" (lrv•fltndl 111 ll<lffll n New 11t119 .. o.c111.o Of Pt•CI Ill Ol8Q90!"9 12 monm• plut llOC~ di~ l·Patd 111 llO<k on pr.Cfld•nv 12 molllhl •-llm•t.O cull ••Ive on •• dl••o.nd Of ••·O•llrlbullon d81f • E•·d•••O•M• OI ... tlQlllJ y·E•·O•Ytd~ 1no 11te• 1n t11H t·Setet in"'" G•O C•ll"'2 wd Wiiton dt~lrlbllt~ Wl•Wi.n 1•1ufO WW Witn wattanla AW•W lthOut •trtanlt 101t·Eo d!SlllOUllOft P f 1et.O l 119 prt~ OI a llOCJI 11 a mull•l>fl QI 114'1 l ht ra H l'll•r>Qt d .. "'90 0, OMO•no tM .... " ll·monlh , .. 11ing1 •iout• llllOIHl .... Pf~ All new buelMtMe u•lnt • flctlUou1 name, muet lty law M , ..... ~" wtth the ~ounty CteflL nte DAILY ftlLOT pt01'1dee the IONftl •nd llllnt Mr~• IOf our c1ntom•n. If you •re •lerUng a new bu•lneH ull the DAIL V ftlLOT ror lnformatton and tomt.. · . . . . -' r Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thur1.day, Soptomb•r 30, 1082 Is your All Savers Certificate maturing? • s. Now there's the Market Rate Account. If we'd been able to offer it since January 1, you could have enjoyed liquidity and interest comparable to money 16% market investments-in the F.D.l.C. insured safety of Wells Fargo Bank. 15% 14% 13% 12% 11 % • , . ./' I.• , .. ' .. , ' .. , ... ~, "',I~ Wells Fargo Market Rate Account Yield. Overall average yie ld 12.72% with insurance.** J --------Average Yield All Taxable MM Funds. Overall average yield 12.90% without insurance.* Average Yield of MM Gov't Funds. Overa11 average yield 12.30% without insurance.* • •• •• • • • • 1/6/82 2/3/82 3/3/82 4/7/82 5/5/82 6/2/82 7/7/82 8/3/82 It used to be, if you wanced yield and liquidity for a $20,000 investment, you looked to a bro- ker. lf you wanted insured safety and convenience, you looked to a bank. Now Wells Fargo pres- ents a $20,000 minjmum invescment that offers what everybody's really been looking for. The Wells Fargo Market Rate Account. Comparable earnings and liquidity. Compare the interest figures as indicated on the chart. Over the past six months, the interest rate for the Market Rate Account would have been comparable to chat of government funds and of taxable money market funds. Plus, with the Market Rate Account, you can withdraw funds with just seven day's notice. You can phone or mail instruccions, visit the bank, .. or place a standing order. Your earned interest is always available without notice. Incomparable safety and convenience. When your money is in a Market Rate Account, it's insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. And backed by the assets of America's 11th-largest bank. With more than 380 Wells Fargo offices located throughoot California, you can also enjoy che converuence of keeping all your funds in one accessible place. The money market investment that works at Wells Fargo Bank. The Market Rate Account combines the glam- our of traditional money market investments with the substance of the West's oldest Bank. With your money invested here, you no longer face the agoruzing choice between high yield and secu- rity. It's the closest thlng yet to a high-yield, high-liquidity, no risk investment. No wonder the brokers are feeling upstaged! Stop at your nearest Wells Fargo office today and find out how you can combine earnings, liquidity, insured safety and convenience in a Wells Fargo Market Rate Account. ·e11sec:1 on Oonoohues Money Fund RePOt1$ '°' ttus perlOCI .. Assumes ttt1s .ccouot s existence durn'!J hme P&flOd YIOtd calculated using 13-weell Treasury Bolt Rate less 114'.\ compounded daily Member FDIC THE WELLS FARGO MARKET RATE ~ \ Mt.IC Nemet fl\IUC HOflCl PICTlftOUI 9U .... ll "4MI ITAftMINT l ht IOllOwlnO ""°"' .,. OOlllQ lht follow•no Ptfl(llll .,. dOlllij bull11tte u b11111nfl1 " II U Q PA 0 K I' l'I 0 0 UC 111 : WIUIHIRl CONIH AUC !ION ep u 0 p Ac I( p e I'll 0 "MAN 0. INC •• C-'110"111 G01Pof•tto11, 11:15 ROOUCT 3&00 Oldlffac A~. Whlltltf. 0111t• C. t t, Cott• MHI, Coat• M .... Calll0tnl1 UGH CA 9282P OEfl 6N01NrJIRING, INC . • NORM Pl,RKefl. Pftlldtnl, C1lllo1nt1 corpo11 t1on, 31160 H17 LOii Lint. 8•n11 Ana, CA CadllltC: Av1nu1, Co111 MIU. 0'1ot C1IUOfnl1 02828 ST!VtlN l JOHANN 0, VICI Tl\11 bu.tnHt la l>t4fl0 OOf\OuC'lld Prt1ld•nt. 2271 Or1no• Av1nu•. Dy • oorpor•llOll Cott• MIH, CA 9U27. av. eowaro c runOl'I. Jeff Rt v a e Ls 1 c N, P1 .. ldln1 8 101a 111y I T r•11urtt, 3208 Thia lllltrt\tnt llltd with lhl N•brHllt, COlll MUI, CA 02828 County Cltrl! 01 O••noe County on Tiii• bu1tn•H 11 c;orwiuot.cl by • Septamb41t 21, 19'2 OOIPOl'l llQfl. '1t1ta1 W I L 8 H I R I! "09llltl ft WAllTMAN ......... , •• u. CONSTRUCTION, INC Jeltr11y S. ElltClfl, SllCI Tr .. 46'1 L."11 hech ._..vwd ~· °"'°' ... 1MI \.Ofttl 9-h, Clltforftle tolOl' Pubillhtd 011nge Co111 Delly Pilot. Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 7, 14, 1982 4228·82 Thia 1111emem wH 111.0 with th• Count y Ct111t o f County on Sept•m~ t5, 1082 Ml.IC NOTICE K01nJ 'lCTmou a au11NEas P1t1.a Publleho<I Or•ng1 COHI Otlly Pilot. S•pt 16, 23. 30, Oct 7, 108~ .. t04·8~ PUBLIC NOTICE NAME &TA TEM•NT '1CTITIOU8 BUBMH TM foOowlng peraona are dol,,g NAME BTATa•NT bualneas 11. Tiie toOowlng PlfSOnt Jre doing BOX SPRINGS COMPANY. 78f> bullln"' H : B•ker Street. Colle l\Aeu, Ca. INTERSTATE PLAZA. 1400 92826. Bristol Strfft North, Sulla 246. LE INDUSTRIAL PROGRAM • NewpOl'I Beach. CA 928e0. 1972, 785 Baker StrHt. Co111 WILLIAM K. DAVIS. 1400 Meu, CA 92826 Brt1101 St. North, Suite 245, 0 L Y M P I A I N V E S T M EN T Newpor1 BHC!h, CA 92660. COMPANY, 765 Baker Street, R FRED WALTERS, 1195 Coete Masa. CA 92626. Rlvarv11w Drive. Fellbrook, CA This business ta conduc111c by a 92028. genlfal pertnershlp. Thia business Is conducted by • L E t n d u a t r 1 a 1 general partnership Program-1972 Wiiiiam K. Davia Llnklelle• Properties. This statement was flied with the Gen Parl. County Clerk ot Orange County Oii Jack 0 . Jenkins September 21. 1982 This statement was flied with the County Clerk of Orange County on September 8. 1982. F1t7* RHODES, Kl!NOALL a HARRINOTOH F197075 Published Orange Coast Da11y Pilot. Sept t6, 23, 3-0, Oct 7, t982 4 t07-82 A Prof. Law COfpor1tlon 4291 MlcArthw Blvd. No. 105 P.O. lo• ae7 Ntwpon BNc:h, CA t2tlO Published Orange Coast Delly l'tBLIC NOTICE Pilot, Sept. 23, 30, Oct 7, 14, t982 --F-IC~TIT---IOU-S-eu'"'·-,-... -IE-8_8__ 4229·82 NAM( BTATE•NT P\81..IC NOTICE Tiie following person la doing ------------1 business as: FICTITIOUS 8UllNIE8S MOS PRODUCTS , 442 El NAME STATIEMENT Modena. Newpor t Beach, CA Tho following persons are doing 92663 business as: MICHAEL DAVID SHERWOOD. MAGNUM WEST INDUSTRIES, 4"2 El Modena. Newport Beach, CA 3476 Wlndspun Drive. Huntington 92863. Beach. CA 92649. Thia buameM IS conducted by en RONALD JAMES SHARP, 3476 Individual. Wlndspun Drive. Huntington Beach, Michael 0. SherwOO<l CA 92649. This statement WIS filed with the LINDA SHARP, 3476 Wlndspun Co~.mty Cllfk of Orange County on Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649. Septembe• 14, t982 This bualnesa Is conducted by e F1117402 general partnership. Published Orange Coast Dally Ronald J. Sharp Piiot. Sept 16, 23, 30. Oct 7, 1982 This 11atemon1 wu filed with tho 4069-82 County Clerk of Orange County on ---Plll-L-IC_NO_T_IC_E ___ September 21. 1982 F11'7941 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Published Orange Cout 0111y NAME STATEMENT Piiot, Sept. 23. 30. Oct. 7. 14, 1982 Tllo following person Is doing _________ 4_2_2_a-_a2 business as· .,. .. 'IC unTICE REGAL ENGINEERING. 1860 ---'"-UU&.--""-----Bebcock Street, Costa Mesa. FICTITIOUS Bll..,.IS Calilornie 92627 NAME STAT'l•NT F r a n k A Lu b res k Y • 9 0 0 The followtno PlfSOllS ere doing Oogwood Street, Costa Mesa. business as· Callldrnla 92627 DONNAS' BOOKKEEPING This business Is conducted by an SERVICE. 837 West Stevens, Suite Individual No. 12. Santa Ana. CA 92707 Frank A lubresky DONNA L. BECK, 837 W. Thia statement was filed with the Stevens, Suite No. 12. Santa An• County Clerk or Orange County on CA i2707. · September 1'. t982 DONNA McCLELLAND 835 F1m71 West Stevens, Senta Ana. CA Published Orange Coast Dally 92707. Piiot. Sept t6. 23. 30. Oct. 7, 1982 This businMS ts conducted by 8 "039-82 generll partnetshlp. -----------OonnaL.Bec:k M LIC NOTICE Thi• statement wu flied with the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS County Clerk of Orenge County on NAME STATEMENT September 21, 1982 Tho following person Is doing p bit h d 0 c Fttn:a7D business as· u s • r1nge oaat ally SASINI'. 2931-J Grace Lana. Piiot, Sept 23, 30, Oc1. 7, 14, 1982 Costa Mesa, CA 92626. 4167·82 RICHARD L JACKSON JR.. C INC .. a California corporation, ____ PUBt.J __ C_*>_TI_E __ _ 2931-J Grace Lane. Costa Mesa. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS CA 92626. NAME STATEMENT Tiiis business Is conducted by a The lollowing persons are doing corporation. business as; Richard L. Jecilson Jr FULLERTON • GILBERT Inc. INVESTMENT COMPANY, 505 R1cl\1rd l Jeckson, North Tustin Avenu1. Suite 150. Pres. Slll\11 Ana. Calllornl1 92705 This statement was l11ed with the O K INVESTMENT COMPANY County Clerk ol Orange County on 1 ca11i~nl1 limlted pertn«Shlp, 505 September 14, 1982. North Tustin Avenue. Suite 150. F117-S•nle AM. Cllifornl1 92705 Publlsnoo Orange Coast Delly R<!t>ert H Grant Trustee of the Piiot. Sept 16, 23, 30, Oct 7, 198:> Robert H. G;ent Revocabl1 Trust 4048-82 .. tabliahod November 9, 1973 by -----------Roboft H. Grant, Trustor. 33 Herbo< Ml.IC NOTICE Island. Newport Beech. Calllornl• --F-IC_T_l_TI_OU_S_•_U_S_IHE __ sa--02660 NA• STATEMENT Richard L. Owen, 31423 S. 'Ttie following person la doing Coaat Hlgllw1y. No. 28. South business as· Legun1. C111tomla 92677 BONOAVI ASSOCIATES 18430 This business 11 conducted by a BrOOkhur~ Street, Fountain 'va111y, general ~~"fN~~STMENT CO CA 92708 · · · DAVID A PETERS 18,.30 a Callfornla Br()()l(hurtt Street. Founlal~ Valley, li~i1ed partnership CA 92708. By. George L Argyros This business la conduoted by 8 . O.netll Partner limited partnorShip. Th1t 111tement was filed With ~he oavld A. Petlfa County Clefk of Orengo County on Thia 11atornent wa.s flied with the September 21, 1982. C Cl k f n.. Cou HUf'ITEDUR, -.UR ounty 11 o ..,..ango nty on CAN.ION a N AM>aU!Y September 7, 1982. ,..1..,1 Suitt 7000 Publlslled Orange Coa11 Dally 4000 MacArthur lloWIY1rd Piiot, Sept e. 16, 23. 30. 1982 Newpon a.ch, Cllllfofni.::,. _________ 3_9_79_·_82 Publl•h•d Or1nga COHI Dalt)' Piiot, Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 7, 14. 1982 4227-82 P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9U8lNEl8 NAME 8TAT£MIENT P\81..IC NOTICE The following person Is doing ----------- business as: COUNTRY FRAMERY. 23778 Metcury Road. El Toro, Cellforni. 92830 Allerd Lloyd Wollner. 6294 E Woodsboro Avenue. Anaheim. Celllornl1 92807 Tnls business Is conduc1ed by an lndfvidual All8fd L. Wellner Thia statement was flied with the County Cle<k of Or1nge County on September 14, t982. F117ffl Published Orange Coast Delly Pilot, Sept t6, 23, 30. Oct. 7, t962 4040-82 Fte'Tmou• BUSINIEIS NAME aun•NT Tho tollowlng perton la doing busl,,ou as: P S. GA.APHICS, 608 17th Street. No. F. Huntington Beech, CA. 92648 POLLY T. SMITH, 808 17th S1r111t. No F. Huntington Beach, CA 92648 This business II conduQtld by •n Individual. POLLY T SMITH Thia 1111ement WH nlod With IM County Cl11k of Orange County on Sept 28, 198~. ,..1 .... C """TICE Published Orange Cont Dally ___ l'tft. ___ l _nu _____ Pilot. Sept 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21, 1982 FtCmtOUa BUBIN«H 4319•82 NAME ITATE•NT The following pereon 11 doing l'tBLIC NOTICE butinett at: FICTfflOUS 8UIMH THE CONCJRT FACTORY, NAME ITATE .. NT 1714 Pl1oentia~" Cotta MHa, Th• lollowlno p1raon la doing CaNforn11 92827 >ualness u: Jo11ph Jon•~·" Yukeoh, EWPORT INTERT0 •0E 9 5 t eoas E. Marllnton, ~111111, N ""' · 2 1 C9llfornlt 9080_.. ;arob. Newport Buch. CA. 92MO Thia bullntH la conducted by en John W. Baldridge. 2915 ;.rob. Newport e .. ch. CA. 92MO lndlvldull. ' Thi• butlnast 11 aonduc:ltd by 1 JQl$h J. Yuktol\ lmlled partnerthlp. Thlt llllemtnt WU llled wlth Iha Jonn w Baldrldgl County Clef'k of Orengt County on Thi• •l•t-i WH llltd With tilt Seclttmblr 7, 1982. ,,_ :;aunty C1lrtc Of Or1n09 County Oft PubHahad 011ng1 CoHt 011ty 319t1mbllr 28• 1982· ,1 .. 71 PllOt. Sept. e. 1e, 23, 30, l982 Publl•ll•d Orang• COlll Dally _______ , __ ae_1s.._e, Piiot, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 14, 21, 1982 Pta.IC N011C£ 4291-e2 ~~A~H Ml.IC "°TICE Tiie tollowlng person la doing 'lCTITIOUI IU ... 18 ~ 18' . . • NAMI BTATl•NT THE DIET STOAE. 800 w. Tiit followtno peraon It doing P1olllc Co111 Hlghw1y, N1wpo•t bullnMt 11: BMd'I, Oell!Ofnla 921163 fNTERN.ATION.AL TRADE ANO LIO Otboub, 220 Ntc• Lent. CHARTERING, 3 Ctderglef'I, lrvlne, No. 200. ~I BaeGll. Cllllfornlt. ClllfomlJ 92114 92!!1! .... .:.~ .. •--'•~lid ..., In Rlchtrd PlllnW, 3 Ctdtrglen. ~-............ VJ 1MM. ct111etn11en14 l, o.~ Aldlttcl ,..,. . Thlt .... '!-.t ... Mid wltl'I the Tilll "'""*"' ... llld wtth the CowrntY o-tt °' Or9"lt County Dft COunty c ... of ~ County °" ..,...., 7, 11182. 189*'*' 1· IM2 ,_ I'~ Publlthtcl Ortnte Co1at 011~ Pvt>lltlltd Oran,. 04111 Ollty P'lot,.Stpt. e, ta, a, ~. 1fN Piiot, 8tp1. t . 11, n , IO. 1N2 MJe-t: 393742 Orang• CoHt OAILY PILOT/Thur1d1y, Septemb r 30, 1eea D J NO DEALER SALES AD ST ARTS THURS. CALIFORNIA FLEX RAKES HEDGE/SHRUB 4~3? Great rakes. They d o rust a little. I know because the owner called me. He did n't want any misrepresentation about his rakes. What a sw ell guy. LARGE LAWN 5 99 #1W IXIZ #4 PlllE SHEL YIMG ......... Smooth four sides. A little judicious culling a nd you'll gel some high grad e stuff out for special jobs. ROllEYWELL FUEL SAYER SET BICK THERMOSTATS HEITING OILY _4: :: I -JI u---· 59!?ooA CLOSE- OUT! PINE BUNK BED 5997 Comes boauhf ully finished, crll you do la a ssemble the things. Not toohord to do. out -1iaten. Come early. this 1a a while it lasts Closeout. Mattresses extra. 3 DRAWER 4997 UNDER BUNK CHEST REATDfG/ COOLllG Set the tim ing pins and you can change the temp many' times a day and save on the gas bill. T ax credits available too. 67#!T~lA COLLllS 9 97 #H3'h.Ml Speaking ol marria ge, a marri age licen se is a I icense for one dear only. (What has this to d o w iththeitem, laskyou?) ti you're building aomething I hen do 1ome 11ght figuring. The lumber b1U can Ute a Ii Ille taving nght? SARLON 603 SHADE CLOTH, ··~IN.FT. Six foot width . Nice to make a shade area for plant• or to shade a paHo or porch. Subdued light . protection. Inert. w on't ruat or corrode. RUBBERMllDROUGBIECI 32 ULL8ll TRUICD 977 Speaking of atocka a~d bonds. my uncl• mad• a killing in th• etock market, H• 1hot his bro ker. (Who wr1t .. the j9k••? My l"-mh.r?). Limited uontltiea. McCULLOCH PRO MAC 610 20" .GAS CRAIN SAW 21597 Electronic ignition. automatic and mqnual chain oiling, 3.7 cu. mch engme. Chain brake and hand guard. A salerslronger beast. SIR MIX CONCRETE MIX 1 67 90 LB. BAG So convenient. Just dump the bag ino wheelbarrow or m ix ing tub, add water, stir, and use. Use only what you need and mix the rest later. MURRAY 26" TWO TONE MONTEREY CRMSERS WITH FENDERS YOUR Cll8ICE WIE'S DR MEI'S 8888 #2-5033 OR #2·5032 Balloon whitewalls. chro me touring handlebar, coaater brakes (good the handle type makea me nervou1). Flam Black Cherry trimmed ln firecracker red. GOOD LIFE FLAT LATEX WALL PAUfT 6 .,., GAL. ~ GOOD LIFE LA TEX SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL 8?!. You don't have to pay high pnces for good paint. Let me repeat that: "You don't have to pay high prices for good pamt" " .... at N otional Lum b e r''. -ALSON'S MASSAGE ACTION PULSATING SHOWER UNITS WALL MOUNT SHOWERHEAD I 3!s~ F'un to give y o ur sell a good rnassaye especia lly aro und the sho ulders or ttght leg m uscles . Wos h away tension . M 1gh1 add something to yo u r h ie BLACK & DECKER DUSTBUSTER 2388 #9330 Lo ve this thing Lightweight, cordless. Lets y ou get into those tiqht spots. C om es w ith ti s o wn wall hanger and recharger SOLARIAN NO WAX FLOOR TILE Choose from Garden Lac e. Essex Fair . Roman Court, and M ore. Self adhesive 12xl2 inch tiles. Easy to d o a flo or with no messy adhesive. Robert. Got that glazed ceramic tile look. rea l high shine and n o waxi ng needed. lmpenol Glaze and Poree lib in Glaze pattern. 12x 12 inc h self-adlies!ve hies SHELL nRE & ICE ALL SEASON IOW I 40 WT. MOTOR OIL 81 C QT. Speaking of w ives. My wife hos a ternb!e m emo ry. She d oesn '1 forget a thing . (Pretty shck 1ok es hey.I ALUM A SEAL 66C 1 ~oz . Th ts s eals leaks in the b lock a s well as the radiator and other parts o f the cool mg syste m (Says I as I get my radiator repaired for S87 00 ot CM Radiato r. HNo smarts. just no smarts. I WILMAR STANDARD CAR CREEPER 699 GUNK HEAVY DUTY PUNCTURE SEAL 3 33 18 oz Inflates and seals tubed or tubeless Ines until you can make a permanent repatt S2 M1i1 ll•u alfer from I DI Ora,. Co11t DAILY PILOTfThurld1y, Blpltmb« SO, 1882 TH£ t 'i\'llLl' CIRC'l'M by Virgil Partch (VIP) ' • ~ SNOOP\'! MAULES! - AMtll FAMILV REl.IHIONS SOMETMl~i..~~?TWO MOTMW,"'"" AAVEHT SEEH 00 OTMER FOR '<EA~ ARE SODt>EMLY REUNITED! I • fl Tl'MBLE" Et;DN "This chicken is better than the Colonel's, Mommy. You oughto be a General!" by Brad Anderson "We're Interested in dinosaur books ... he likes to look at bones!" Jl'DGE PARKER COME ON ! LET'S GET OVT'OF t-ERE eEFORE THE PL.ACE I5 OVERRUN WITH NE'Ve MEO\A PEOPLE ! 8AM'5 WAITINC":1 r-------1 TO MEET YOU! ACROSS 1 Parent 5 Hera" 10 Scepters 14 Journey 15 Movie prize 18 Proofread 17 Blend 19 Trance 20 Rogue 21 Ml<lelika ,_ 23 Knotted 25 Bowlprlt 28 SpectllOI 30 Appends· 2 words 34 Love: II. 35 Slumber• 37 Vacclnet 38 CC>ne*llon 39 Ul\l<ontd laundry 2WOfdl 42 M• enlmlll 43 Aoadto Aomt 46o.Mll ..eight 4' ltlltvt ... Heldedlll again 52 USSR river 54 Ba.rgaln 55 Trapped 59 NOVI Scotia, m~;m~rgeg~ ~ 63 Unwatered 64 Reclllesl ones 86 A"ot 87 Avoid dOlng 88 -out: Mtkeedo 69RIM 70 Olssul<le 71 Surplus DOWN t Animate 2Sco1t11t1111e 3 Oroovtt .. 8ullc:lef 5 Played ten· pin• eeomt>.pt. 1 Cliff I AooftdOll • Intrude 10 AfeflMI 22Youngone 24 Frence'e pttronUlnt 26Hefb 27 Ham h !It) 21 Tl'\ltttd 2t Cruder 31 Lett•llN 32 Alllglolll ..... 33Monldl .. MCi#tllllct 47 Debt .. ... omct; SIJffl• 51 "--thln• doomlll" 53 °""' 55 Engine Pl'fl HMountlln: ltrlff• 57 "No-" M•oattl ........ .,,,.,. .. "Okay, okay, you've got my attentlon." DEN:\IS THE Mt;NACt.: Hank Ketchum ~~~ \ 1i j by Harold Le Ooux by Ferd & Tom Johnson MAYBE ToM<*li!OW IS A DAY at' THf CALENDAR WE DoN'T ._____ 1<NoW.ABouT·· LIKE' FE~U,4RY 30~· ••odll•· 2word• 50DflWlllP It ltMnCt t2TtnPtMY 13 S. Afr. town ,. Compltlned 40 ""'**' N HlfPet: Mew • .._ __ _ "' ' "°""" '°"' 44WlltNI ·~OClfft-""'"' • I' U.. PU'f Ft Ve l't.JetiS Of\J 1lU: Fll .. 1-Y10 WIN •• Wlt .• L.. '(OU COVER l'f? IRMA, WE'VE STOOD IN THE HOT SUN AND TALKED A LONG TIME GORDO t'l'~K ,. •INKERBt.:.i\N OOR BAND 15 iRt,'ING IO E.ARt-1/YIONEt.>10 60 10 fHE R05t ~RAD€ I SIR ! , .t'vEGOT TO TAKE THESE EGGS TO MY AUNT PERHAP6 YOU'D 8£ l"liERESTED IN <:WE CJi!. ~ OF iHE rTENlb W€.'RE S£WN6~ I ~ 1'0 MIN(, '40\J ~ f~~ !>!Nc.E. i>I)'~( *1f fEW*7 l.X.U.,lil-N~. eoi,'b> ~ M.lf\ll.!! ARE. '400 RUU.'f \AA{ !>IC.K, ~ 00 'iOU ~l~~5 LOOK l\Kt 1'14~ IN 1'E. ..UM\~~ IHAI IHe S"f'ORK POESSN'"f' eR1Ncs eAe1e:.s AN' YA ONL.-Y ,., e eows ON SHOE:t..Aces .' FOR •ETTEa ea t•oa •o Rlt: waL ANNIE-~ R!:A.U1 "lfiNK you 010\T. so'? .. :t-i.~BAlD HESURE ISR -ANO H6's Pf'lm'/ 8R8y. Rf!D. l \ by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller by Gus Arriola by Tom Battuk WE .. AVE ~E &A~DCANC>;>, BAND FRlbSEE.5,AND BAND UFE !~RANCE ! by Kevin Fagan 1"A1'~ 1'"E; 1'"~"-s I <,L f()ft 1K'f \K(, 1"0 ~f'~Q ~ \..\1f\..f. ~S~Ut.lE. ... D by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston • '/<}.)~ R\Gtrr. HE. ~18R ~Tl)' 5f'e)/. f' ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thurlday, 89J)temb41r 30, 1982 03 AP Wlr..,tloto hina captur d by Geographic WASll I N<.:'J'ON (Al') Wh1•11 lhl· Nallonul (;4'11Hruphli Sm•1t•ty puhllitht• L1 book ubuul u ('tllllllt y, 1t chit•1.m't 1ill1\l It 111114 publ11i1ht•d u hunk u lwut (.'1111111 , out thlH wt•t•k , un wh1t•h llH phuluNruplwri. 1•x1x•nth"<t I. HI I 1 ull~'of :itl l'XpoKUr<• f1 l111 Jt'•·w but tht· Nut1on ul Ol'ugruph1t , 11c.:hly c·nduwc.·tl ond with .1 nw111h<01"1>h1p of 11 mtlhon. n>uld ;1ll111d i.o 11111btt1uuK u prujl-t:\. Nu ~·omnwrdul pulJll11h1•1 W•Juld 11~k th« $4 rn1lllon lt tuuk lo J>rnllut•t• th111 hdty book und to l'H'nd 10 photogrupht•n1 und nint· wntl'rlS to C..:hina OVl•r o twu y1•a1 i.pa11 Thl•Y IJ1 ought b1Jt•k Hlllllt' p1t·tun·'! o f 1•xot1c· Chana. but mostly {'Ommunplacc. scruwblt• China, 11 portr!lll Of how U quort<'r o r humanity liVl!S, fllCtUI I'' 1111t only of th1• Grl't1l Wa ll 1rnd o r Ch&nl'M' JUnk!t with 4uiltt«J st1llx ull011t 1111 1,:alm seas, but glimpses i11tu wo1 k.1t.l1.1y Chino: A poht·cman 111 a wrinkled. whlll'. high m ll;1n'(.J uniform, dire<.'lS traffic before Mao's tomb. Ill· slllndi. u11 a wood<•n platform bearing. in rl'd churat'll'f s un a yellow lxlckground, thu. ml'!..')agt·. "l'uy nlh.'nllon to safety .. Me mbers.of the Burba nk Country <:lub o n Whct•l.s poM• for u quick pic ture bt.•f o re hittin!_( tht• rood in thl"ir mo bile dubhouse. 111 a bazaar in Kashgar, a veiled vendor iw lls a round brl·adstuff that for all the world looks llkt• st•1-cJ mvc•red bagels Big wheels run country club Aboard a train to Xwn, a young wmnttn l"1111du1·t11r makes an announcc•ment 11 v1•1 1h1· l11udi.pt«1k t.·r: R:11lroad workers are tryi ng to 1rnprovt• :.1.·tVl{"l'. hc•r words are trcrnslatt•d , a nd would pJ~·ngl'n. pleaM.• <.'OOpt>rate by nol throwing trnsh or sp1ll1ng on th(• floor? BURBANK (AP) Thi· l'ancatun· ol a wild eyed goiter on whl't'ls. putwr m onl' hand. martini in the other, JUmps from a spnnkling of s tar:. paintl•d on the sidl• of a c.•onvertC'd tour bus. The Burbank Country Club on Whl'L·I~ looks gii<· hkl' transportc.1t1on for a rcx:k band tht•n a bcinaf1de country dub tha t 1s reg1stc·n:d with thl' Soulhl'rn California G olf Assoc.:1ation The g r eens and fairways o f Sou thl'r n Cali fornia are its huml', the bus tl~ dubhousC', comple te w1 th bar. :.t•vc·n card tabll•s ;md win· holdl'rs for drinks "lt 1s a bit flashy. 1!-.n't 1t'?'" said Tom l lt•ywcxxl of &vl•rly Hills, onl' of tht• six l·harll'I nwmbers who sc..•t l.he dub's wh~·ls moving. "lt c·ould be worse, though We. v<•tot•d a s uggl·s11on that all the member:. put t h l·1 r auwgraphs 1n s1de thl' s tars. lhC' way 11 1s un Hollywood BoulC'vard " Mc•mbers have played golf tugt•tlll'r L'Vl·ry Wcdnt•sday sinn• 1968 Thc•y pay a mcmbt·rsh1p fl't'. monthly dues, rl'<:ord SCGA hand1eap:. and han· danl'<.'S JUSI li ke any othN c:ountry club And the• bus ran•ly dC'parts without a bartender and wallws.:. The.· dub-on-whe<.>ls started innCX"Cntly enough with a w!.'ekly mc>Co"lmg at a Burbank bdr to ar rangl· golf g;mws. But the d rinking bu,ddtl.'S and golf partm·rs had n o namC', no or gan1zat1on. so thl•y dubbc>d thcmsdvC>S the Jay Birds after &id1C' J;,iy, om· of their rank who won so many matches ht· t·h1ded the otht'rS for being his "ptgt•<>rl.s." The• Jav Birds took tht·1r fi rst road trip aboard c.i t·haru•rt'<i' OC-:J for a gulf JUnkPl to Lis:. Vc•gas. DEATHS ELSEWHERE LOS ANGELES (AP) - Jimmy Wakely, 68, known as the "Singing Cowboy," who made 71 westerns and performed on television, s tage and radi o, di ed Thursday . He 1s best remembered for his hit recordings "Sll pptn~ Around" and "Silver Bells ' COATESVILLE. Pa (AP) -Ruth Huston, 82. a former Lukens Steel Co. director, philanthropist and great- granddaugh ter of steel industry pioneer Rebecca Lukens, died Thursday DIATH NDTICf S CAIRO. Egypt (AP) Ahmed Hu11eln, 71. a leader and elder statesman of Egypt's Socialist oppos111on party, died Sunday ROME CAP> -f'raoco Ca l amaodrel , 65 , a Communist senator and leadi ng figure o f the Propaganda Due Masonic Lodge scandal invcsllgallon. died Sunday. The lodge s candal h e help e d investigate brought down the Italian government m 1981 STOLTZ Ca .. sister Lind& Swuntx-rg C Y NTH I A A N N and brolhl'r·1n -lu w BrUl'C' MONTGOMERY STOLTZ. S w Jn be r ~ Al so pas..'><'CI awav on S<-ptember grandp.in•nts \ llO and VC'ra 26. 1982 1n New Orlt>ans. Van Ausd.ill uf El Tnro. CJ Louisiana She ts survived ThC' family will be holding bv ht•r husband Kennl•th L private mt:mnrial ~l·rv1ces s"tolt7, parents R1c·hard T S<·rVlll'S und£•r the d1ret·l1on and Patr11:1a Van Au<1d.ill o f Harbor Lawn Mount Montitnmt·rv of Costa Mn,a, Ohvl· Mortuary ()f Costl'I Mr·sa 540-5554 '1HCI MOTHHS SMITHS' MOITUAaY 627 Main SI Huntington Beach 536-6539 rACIFtC YllW MIMOllALr.Aa• Cerre1ery Mor1uarv Ctlapel-Crematory 3500 Paciltc View Drove Newport Beach 644-2700 t*CO.MIOI MOITUAlllS Laguna Beac h 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1slrnno 495 1776 HAUO. UWM-MT. OLIVI Mortuary • C.emelery Crematory 1625 Gosier Ave Coste Mesa 540.5554 rtllCI NOTMU~ l&LNOAOW•Y ...O.TUAIY 110 Broadway Cotta M eH &.42·9150 lAln .... tlOM "'4fT'H & 1VTMtU WISTCLJH CHAn .. '27 E 17th St Coste Mesn 8'8-907' BUTTERFIELD RICHARD DENNIS BUTTERFIELO rt"'1dent of Wt•stminst<•r Ca Pal>'lt·d ,1wJy SeptembN 28. 1982 HP wa~ .i st•lf <'mploycd artist for <!O Vl'ilrl> He ts '>Urv1vC'd by h1 .. w1h• Lronor. ehildren F:r H. Gt•o rg1ac" Kart>n. Mannu•, pi1r1•nt.<; .Jam a n cl R u l h I' .irk h n '·" P g r a n d m o l h t• r M a r )' ParkhoU'Sl' b1otrh1•r. Mark Sq(m<1n and Ga r y Parkhou~ S<·rv1N'' will be h l' I d 11 n T h u r ~ d a y . St' p l l' m bl' r :l 0 , I Y 8 2 a l 2 0 0 PM at t h t' fl arbor L,awn-Mnuni ()hw Chapt!l lntermt'nt will follow ot Mount Ohvt• Mt•mcmnl PArk. St•tvl~'l> undl·r tht• u1rection of Ha r bor L,11 wn·M u un1 Ohvt• Mnrtunry :>40·:'>:>:'>4 NEISHAM LILLIAN C. NEISllAM, rrsidenl of South Laguna. Ca. Pa.ss<.'d oway m thl' Long Beach Veu1rnn11 Hosp1tal A rlative of MlnnrMto. she h.1d bN•n a mcmbt"r of thl• Armv Nur.nng Cor~ (or from 1~13 to I Y4ti. st>rvlng In the <'a p.w1ty of Captain AlllO a nunw• for 30 yt•ars at thr VA ll~p1wl Shi" was 11 member of VFW Post 5868. L11gun11 Bt>&c:h ROMrv will hi' U)f'J""' tilts cvt>nt118. 8\ "'1 ,q<!f~ !~ thr Chapt'I of Mt'Cormtt'k Mortu1ry, Laauna S.Rch with Mi .. o( Chrl111an 8ur111I Friday. 10.00AM al St Cathcr111t>'• By the Sea Catholic Chul"l'h lntl'rnwnt will lollow 111 th.-Hivr111ldr ,... a t l o n o I C C" m 1• t t• r y • Rlvl'r1tldf'. Cll. ' th1•11 to Palm S pnngi. ..ind home· ag .. un Jltt•r tht• twu IH holl• Ka1111•s At the• fool of a mountain. a Muslim t·attwl dnvN bows toward Mt.><.'Ca . "Evl'ryl.lot.ly ~aid. 'Ill')'. what a gr1•11t 1d1•a, ll't's du that ;igain,'" 1'(1.'Ulll•d I lt•y wood Tlw duh slowly l'm("°g<.'<I wht.'11 :m llll'lnt>l•rs d11ppt'<J 111 $i00 l'Dl'h W rl'furbt~h an old M'hOOI bus Hl•11\ul.lt•lmg indudt.'d walnut panl'ltng, twu-tonC' 1o,11 t'l'n tntl·n o r .rnd--sw1vt>I c..•asy t·hasrs. Thl'Y took all-day trips to plal·(•s like.· Cnmarillo Springs, Palm Springs and Ram·ho Bc:rnardo, .ind sh m·u ·r trips dost•r to hum<• M1·mlwrs hav1• Sl'Vt·ral long outmgs a yc•ar. with :.i j.1unt tc• Ml·X1<.~>':. Bapmar 111 S.1J<J Cahfu1·111:.i 1111 ;u1 111tt·rnal1onal mall·h They also hav1· tw1> 111ps to ttw C<Jnbbt.•an undt•r their bell<> And what 1s a traffic: jam like m Pt•ktng, with 1l~ three million b1cyclcs"! Reporters Jay and L1mfa Mathews describe 1t: "The basic rull' of the road. app:1n•ntly, 1s that the streets belong to the>M: b1cydl·s. which operate as tf the automob1l<.>s did not t'Xl!>l, darling JOtO trafrlC heedless or Sto plights . Pt>dc·:.trwns, only slightly less darmg, ;aywalk with aband1111 Th£-beleaguered police per1od1cally attt•mµt tu rt•store order, but nothing works for vc·ry long." Tht.• National Geographtc's photographt·rs were the· f1ri-t from the society to b<• Wl'komt.od inlCJ Chma smno 1!:148 CIOSt.'d areas were kept off -hm1 l'l For tht· Canhb.·an tnp:. tht•y ll'fl thl•lr bui. sn Burbank hut rt'nlt•d mw 111 the· sslanci.." to ft•t·I at h1111ll' or th(• 42,000 color pictures taken. the ronors :.el•<t·lt'Cl 41 2 for the book, which sells for $11195. Tht· f1n.t prt.·ss run was for 470,000 copies "If Wl' didn't wki.• tht· bus. how n1uld tht• guys k1·1·p up tlwir t•an.1 g<inws," said 8111 lla rni.. tlw l luh'!-. handicap golf and mrds chairman "Sonw of tlwm l"an't ll"t' up thl•tr ball without w;.1rmmg up "'1th gin ttlll' curd gw1w) or pinochlt• lt"s like h,1\'llll( lht· f1r..t l'UP of <:OCCl'l.' bt•fort• Vt>U l':H\ ~WI going ·· Disaster relief lags S1•\'1•1 al yt•ar:. ago, Jay moved away <1ncl nwmb1.•rs cl<-t·1lle>d tlwv wanll'd a n<'w namt• for t h1• tour bui; bought to rt•plan· th{• school bus. which wa:. l'XfH'OSive lo Ofl('l'{l\C• LOS ANGELES (AP)-Despite steps taken since the 1971 San Fernando Valley earthquake, the county would not be prepared if a nuclear bomb or catastrophic earthquake hit, says a report th.at has been approved by the Board of S upervisors. Governm e nt e m erg ency services are increasingly overburdened after a catastrophic earthquake, especially during the first 24 to 72 hours, said Chie( Administrative Officer Harry Hufford. whose office pr e p ared t he report approved unanimously by three supervisors at the meeting. l\h•m\)(•rship into \ht• Burb<t11k Countr) Club on Whl>t+• 1:. hmstt.J to 50 with six of th1· original J<•v Birds stall making 11 to dub outing!> But tht• tour bu., ~·at.s only_ 28 Lnw-c•omer~ mu:.t ~kC' cars. R e turn Alc·xande r M. Ha ig, fo rmt!.r sN·retary of ·tate, has ta ken a job with his forme r employer~ n ited Technologie Corp. U.S. nuclear stock tops WASHINGTON (AP) -The United States has 50 percent more nuclear weapons than the Soviet Union. despite President Reagan's assertion that iLhe Russians have the upper hand, a liberal- oriented defense group has asserted. The United States has stockpiles of about 12,- 000 atomic warheads. compared to about 8,000 for the Sovie ts. said the Center for Defe nse Inrormauon, a private. non-profit group which has in the past criticized defense spending increases. Reagan has proposed a $215.9 billion P entagon spending plan ror the new fiscal 1983 budget year starting Oct. I -a peacetime record 15.9 percent jump in outlays. He said U.S. defenses must be modernized to compete with the Sovtets. Replying lo a question during a nationally broadcast news conference last March 31, Reagan said, "The truth of the matter is that on balance the Soviet Union does have a definite margin of superiority, enough so that there is a risk and there is what I have called. as you a.U know , several times. a window of vulnerability." That statement renewed a longstanding debate about the relative strength o f U.S . and Soviet nuclear forces. 1n the recently released report, retilled Rear NJLJC NOTICE HARBOR OflANOE COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT ..01 .i.rnb«M lol.ll•nrd, P.O. llo1 2510 Newport leech. C alifornia tae0-1M 7 PLAINTIFF DAVID WARREN an ondt~lduel dotng busm.H aa DAVID WARREN;& ASSOCIATES OEFENOANT Al R.A8ALAIS end DOES 1· 10. 1nclu11Vo 80MMO..I c ... Number 544&3 NOTICE! Yov 11..,e been •ued. TM cout1 m•J decide .. .+n•t JOU Wltllou1 ,_ belnt llfffd UMH JOU r"90ftd wltlllft ao d•'f9. lie.ct Ille lftfOflM11oft below. II ~ Wish 10 _.. lhe •OVtG• Of an 111orney 1n lhfa m1111er you thCHJld do so promptly to 1h111 yCHJr wrlllen response. II eny, may be filed on Um• A Vl901 Ualed h a •l do demaftdedo. El lrlbunal pued• itecldlr COfttre Ud. aln aud .. ncle • ~-q-Ud. '"ponda dentro de )0 di ... LN le lnlO'mKlon q-•tewe. $1 Usted de••• IOllCll,, el :onse10 de un 1bog1do en este 11unt o . deb1tr1 1 llecerto nmed11111menle. de Hll m1ner1, w respYeste escrlla, 11 llay 11oun•. ouede 11er reg111r1d1 a llempo -----------Adm. Gene La Rocque, the center's director. 1 TO THE' DEFENDANT A cMI :ompl11n1 has been lilld by th• c>111n1111 egilinSI °" II y<HJ Wish to :2elend tilts tewsull. you mull, wilhln 30 d1y1 alter thll 1ummon1 11 Mtvecl on you. 1111 wilh 1n11 cCHJrt 1 M'ollen rNC>OllM 10 11\41 comp111n1 unlela you do to your delevlt wltt oe entered on 1pp1oc111on of 1h• j)lllnlllf, er>d lhla court mly enter • tudgment 1g1ln11 y<HJ '°' the relief demanded •n the comp111n1. whtcn :ould result In gernl1hmen1 of Nlgtll. taking ol money or property Qr other rellel reque111d In the :ompt11n1 Billboard upsets Dr. Hook NASHVILLE (AP) - A fan o f the musical group Dr. Hook is spending $1,050 a month to rent a billboard she designed u a tribute to the popular rock band, but the group Isn't happy about it. The billboard, located o n a bu1y thoroughfare near the Vanderbilt University campus h e re. shows a man with a raised eye patc h and a glass eye Imprinted w i th a Confederate flag. Band m e mber Ray Sawyer, who wears an eye patch because he lost an eye In a tratr1c accident, and other11 In the group are not amuecd by the cffona of Kathy Jean of El Cajon, C81lf. "We don't like the eyepatch thins." said Ron Haffklne, mana1er of the Naahvllle-baaed band. "I t 's very almmlc:ky, but Ray'•l ~yt p atch h not a gimmick ." accused Reagan of "trying to scare the pants off the American public to try to persuade them that all the new weapons systems are needed." The administration, he said. 1s casting the United States as No. 2 to win pubhc support for the defense spending buildup. The report maintained that the United States has a large edge in both seaborne and airborne nuclear weapons while the Soviets are ahead in land-based weapons. Even the Soviet land-based adv&ntage is not as great as il looks. it said. In that March news conference. Reagan said the UnJted States and the Soviet Union "each has about 7,500 nuclear warheads polsro on mis,,lles that can reach their targel'l in a matter of minutes." Negotiators for the two countries are now bargaining in Geneva. Swltterland on a possible reduction in the level o( nuclear armaments in Europe. Food allergies affect skin DURHA¥. N.C. (AP) -Food allergies Wl'rc dismissed as a cause ot C!Ctema by theo Amt'rlcan Academy of Pediatrics In 1965, but they do (.'Ontrtbu tc to t he akin condition, a Gukf' Univereity McdlcA.1 Center atudy hu r~port.ed. More thon h&lf or 28 chlldren auffertng from ecuma, a red, dry, Itchy rash, were found to be allergic to 1pec1flc foods, said Dr. Huah SamJ*)n, a pediatric a l1ergiat. How the food.I cauae ecitma remains unknown, Sampeon aald, but he noted the &.endency to heve a ny allergy runa in famtUee. He uld ec:-zema affecu up tO 3 per<.~nt of the popula tion -more than 2 mllUon people. DATED August 10 1182 J Peterson Clerk By D M1li.st>111 0.0..ly OAVID WAMU!N • AHOCIATIS 11112 MacArthur l ov .. w1rd, l ull• au ... o. lloa 1*3 lntlM i Cellfornle r.11'3·'9Q Tel: (114) 819-H11 Publlthed Or1nge COHI Delly Piiot. s.p1 16, 23. 30. Oct 7, 11182 4104-82 Nil.IC M>TIC£ '1CTITIOUI IUSINIH NAm ITATIMINT Tiie foUowtng pertont are doing ou1lnest .. NEXXUS OF SO ORANGE COUNTY, 3500 w Moore Avenue, Santi Ana, CA 92704 TNJ INC •• C 1 lllorn11 corporellon. 3600 WHI Moore Avenue. S1nt1 An1, CA 1127CM Thll butlMU I• con<lucted by ' COi por lllOn. TNJ lno. Thomu C Wllli1ma tht1 lllletnenl Wit hi.d wltl'I tilt County Clerk of Orenge County on September 7, 1182. ,, .... Published Or1ng1 Co11t Dilly PllOI ~I 9, 16 23. 30, 11112 39e0-82 • • If tt'1got h•ndtes you'tltr•b ..... faster In Dally pttot cta11Hlld ..... C.11 'U·5'71 t Nit IC NOllCC IM"HUANl flMUJCI CO-Olrt IP VOUll ,,,O,lflTY II IN NOJICI OP TMlllft·t llU 'OlllCLOI UH H OAUll YOU .... Nik• A II I I I H I .. 0 I .. V 0 U A YOU AM IN OIPAUl T IMOIA A 'AYMINU , If MAY II I OLD otl.O CW J l'UIT DATID .IULV 11. WITNOUT AllO' COU"1 ACTK>N. 1• '*LIH YOU TAKI ACOON end you m1y hlV• tne legal ngnl lo TO ...-oTICT YOUR ,ROHRf'J, Dllng your KCOUnl In good •lllldJ"ll IT MAY II 10..D AT A PUI LIC by Plylng all ol your PHI dul I A L I . I, y 0 U N 11 0 A N p1ymen1s plut pefmllled CC)jllt Ind 111"-ANATION OP fH' NATUlll ••petlM• Wllllln lhrM 1non1111 !tom 0, THI , .. OCllOINO AOAINtT Ill• dlll lhlt nOflc• OI d4ffaull wu YOU, YOU IHOULD CONT ACT A 11CC1Hled Tlllt 111ioun1 It l4t3 00 LAWY191 H Of Augutl 17, 1H2 Ind wlll On Oclob•r 6 11117 II 11 00 1nct•••• u11 111 you, 1ccoun1 1 m . VERDUOO !tr Rv1c;r t>ee-. cuuent Vou m•r no1 h•vt OORPORA TION • C.alllt1rn11 10 Pty 10. .. 111re uno.io pOrflOn OI corpo1111on H duly 1ppo1n111d your 1ccoun1 •••n lhOugl'I lull Tru•••• und•• 1nd purau1nt to p1ym1111 w .. 01m1nC1ed. ~· yov OMO 01 T1ut1 rec0toeG 541fllomt>er MUel pay 1119 AmOVfll allled lbOYI tO 1910 u melt No t,8~J boolc Aller lhr .. rnonthl from lhe d•I• •:>1'1 P•g• 14C 01 Olltc.••I or rtc.u•Cl•llon of 11111 Clocumenl l\eeorot. i1tecu1t0 by NFWPORT (WlllCll <1111 OI •eeotd•Uon IPf)eAll PA A f N [ "8 ... Ip A Gen 1r 11 l'l•".Onlo ur1IM• \he obllQ1llOn being Pertn.,entp, 11 rrullOt,1n 1no ollite IO•K IOM d upon P•rmfll I IOnQll of HI• Covnly Aeeordtr of Ot1ng• Pf'IOU, YOll heve only the legal right Counly, Slit• ol C1lll0<111a Wll l 10 tlOp ,,,. fOfeclOture by peytno SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO lht 1n11re amounl dem1nded by HIGHEST 81DOER f OR CAS tl yCHJr credllOl (payable 11 l•m• 01 Hie 1n lawful , 0 llnCI °"' ''* amOlln1 you mu11 monl'( Of lhe United SlllHI II Ille pay. Of to 1rranoe lor p1ymen1 to entr"'" c&outht 10 011nge CCHJnty tlop the lorecto1ure. or II your old CCHJrlhOuM . ()II)' 01 Sllllll An1 property •• in lorec;toevr• for any Colllorn••· 111r!Qhl,1111• and 1n11tetl 0111er ru1on, com1c1. ANAHEIM conviyed lo end now heln Dy 11 HILLS PLANNED COMMUNITY under Hid Deed ol 1ru11 Ill Int ASSOCIATION, PCM REAL TY ANO propert-y tilueled In 111cl County MANAGEMENT . Agen1, 237211 Ind Siii• dHcrlt>o<t II Blrtcner OllVA, El Toro, CA 921130, Loi 7 of TraC1 No 300 111 Intl (714, 766·72S1 county ol Orenge 1tete QI II y<HJ h1ve any quesllons. you CallfOtnll. 81 per m•p 1eco•ded on 1hould con11c1 • l1wy•• or th• book 4 , pig•• 11 1nd 12 o r governmen111 1oencv which m1y Ml~ltneOut M•P• 1n Itta ofhce 01 ha•e 1naured '(CHJr 101n 1ne County Recorder ol sa10 cCHJnly Rem em ber, YOU lllAY LOii •nd a111e of Callfornoa LEGAL RIGHTS If YOU DO NOT lhe atreel edd•HI ano other TAllf PROMPT ACTION. common dea1Qna11on. of 1ny of the NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN lhll •HI pioperly descrobed 1Dove os pur1uanl 10 Artlele IX. Seellon 1 ol purporl•d lo be 2328 Newpor I the Declaretlon of Coven1n11. etvd • Co51a Mesa ce111orn11 Condollona end Reair1c11on1, g2628 reeorded Ap11I 28. 1977. In Book The under11g n 1d Trullet! 12169. P•Qll• 209·327, ol Olllcl1I dllclatmi any 1lab•llly 101 1ny Record•. Orenoe Counly, C1Ulornla, incorreclness ol lh• a11ee1 1ooress • breech 01 the obllgallon ol end other commoo <1es1gn111on 11 payment ol 111e11menu hll iny ahOwn h6re;n occurred NotlC• of .. Id breach and s'11d ule will De m1de but hen was filed fOt record on July 2 wllhoul covenanl or warranty 1982 IS lnllrument No 82·231208, expreaa or lmplled, regarding IJlfe ol said Olflclel Records No PoHeu1on, or encumbrances. to p1ymen1 01 put due emCHJnta hH pay ihe rema1n1ng pr1001pal tum of occurred Therefore. the Anaheim the note secured by 111d Oeeo of /1 H i iis Planned Communi ty Trull, wllh 1n1ereS1 1hareon, u Auocllllon doea nereby elect lo piovtoed In said note, ldvlflCIN 11 sell or c1uae 10 be sold. the eny, under lhe t81mt ol Mid Deed lot1ow1ng deacrlbe<I reel properly to o f Trust tee' charge• ano UllSly lh• ObllQlllOrl. ••per>MS ol Ille TruSIM end of th• Loi 28 OI TrlCt 7587 .. per m1p trust• C•Hled by Hid Oeed ol recorded In 8ook 37S, Pages 2 I to Trull, IOl 1he amount reuon1bly 25. 1nclu11ve. ot M1scellanaou1 estimaled to be $164.5112 35 M11ps. 1n Ille 0 111Ce ol lhe Orenge The t>enellc••ry unde< ae.o Oeeo Counly Rocord11r of Tru11 neretolore execu1eo and The record 11e11od owners ol lhe delivered 10 the uno1r11gned a properly more commonly known as wrtHen Oecilaretton of Oefau11 and 6861 Avenue de Santtego, Demind for Sele and 1 w1111en Anehelm, C1lllorn11, 11 Ronald Polo No11ce of Oealauil end EiecllOI' 10 Oiied Sep1cmber 8, 1982 Sell The underllg.ned cau5ed H •d Anaheim Hiii• Plenfted Nouce of Oeloull end Ele<:11on lo COfllm unltJ Aaeocletloft, Sell 10 be recorded on the cCHJnlt Linde WHtt•ll wne<e Ille real property os located STATE OF CAUFC>f'NIA) Dale Seotember 7 1982 COUNTY Of OAANOE ) VE ROUO 0 SERVICE H CORPORATION On September 8, 1982. before ., tald Trustee me, the undersigned. • Nolery by Cristine v11101e Public 1n and for llld SUie, 401 N 8rano Blvd 122 person1lly eppeared Linde Weslllll, Glendale. CA 91203 known lo me to be Aul Secretery Tel (213) 5()0.2485 ol tlle corporation lhal execuled the Published Orang11 Coa~I Caoly w1thm lnttrumefll. known to me 10 Pllo1 Sept 16 23. 30 11182 be th• person who executed the 4 101 82 wothon instrument on bellalt ol the corpor11ton thereon named end 1ck nowledged 10 me thll such corporalton executed the within 1nstrumen1 pu1auan1 10 111 By·Laws or a resotullon ol 111 e oard o f 01rectors Julia a. Wllklnaon Acct. No. OU·1!58700283 ALLEN AND FU.TI (7'4) 1'52·1414 '400 Mctc:Arlllur 81vd. Suite 315 ... wpcw1 a.ech, Calllomle l2MO AltOfM l'I for ANAHEIM HIU.8 'lANN f O CO MMUNITY AS80CIATIOH Publtthed Orenge Coast Dilly Pilot, Seot 23. 30. Oct 7, 14, 1982 4231-82 PUBllC M>TIC£ FICTITIOUS eu11NE8S NAME STATEMENT The 1011ow1ng person 11 doing business as PACI FIC SANOS. 1760 Monrovia C·2, Coste Mesa. CA 92627 ANN M WEISS. 778 Scott. No u . Coale Mese. CA 92627 Th11 buSJneH •s conducted by 1n tndhtldu•l Ann M Wein This 11atemen1 wu ltled with the CCHJnty Clerk or Orange CCHJnty on Seo1embe< 21. 1982 PUBllC M>TICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person ts dqing busonen 11 • THE COUNTRY TRADITION 274 8owltng Green Drive C411a MeN, CA 112626 MARTHA JEAN TIETGEN 274 8owllnQ G•een On,,. Co111 ..,..,.. CA 112626 Thtl t>uSAness .. con<IUCled D'/ an 1no1v1due1 Met'lha Jean Ttetgftn This 11a1ement wu hied with tne CCHJnty Cter1' of Orange County on Augull 17. 1982 F1'5S71 Publlthed Orange Cout Deily Piiot, Seot 9. 16. 23 30 1982 3964-82 PUBllC M>TICE FICTITIOUS I USIHEIS NAME STATEMEHT The lollOWtng per11on1 are dOlng bu1mess as IMPO RTED C AP S A~O COVERS. 412 S Lyon Street. Sanll Ana. CA 112701 KONZU INTERNA TIO!'IAL CORP , 1 Calllornll corpor1oon 15701 Chernlcal Lene Hunungioo S.ICh. CA 92649 Thi• buS1neSS IS CondvCled Dy Q corpor 1110n F111MO Pubhshed Orenge Coas1 01lly Corp Pilot, Sept 23 30 Oc1. 7, 14, 11182 4152·112 Pres Konzu 1n1ern111ona1 Richard Cneng Vice NJUC NOTICE lhla ll&lemenl wH toled wolh 1he ------------CCHJnly Cter1' ol Orange CCHJnty on FICTITIOUS IUSINEIS Seolemt>er 7. 1982 NAME STATEMENT F1 .. IS7 The follot.1ng person Is Going Published Orange Coasl 0111y butlneta as Ptlol Sept II 16 23 30 1982 SE W WHAT ? I NTER . 3981·8:i.' NATIONAL 17 7 R1ver&1de Ave , Sulle O. Newport 84!11Cf\, l.A 92663 SEVGI AKSOY, 8860 Lanna CCHJrt, Fountain V1lley. CA 92708 Tilts business 11 conducted by 1n lnCIMduel M UC M>TICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person os doing bu11neu u SP A M ECHAN IC 2450 Sevgl Aksoy Newport Blvd Cot111 Meta This 111111menl WIS llled With IM C111forn11 926211 County Cler~ 011 Of•noe CCHJnly °" Thomu Andy R1cney 1S2l Seotem04lf 21. 1182 Newport 8 1vd Colla M esa F1tl'M1 Cel1fom11 926'7 Publlthed Orenge Coest Delly Th11 t>us.tness 1s conducted b)' iin Piiot. ~I 23. 30, Oct 7 14. 11182 indMdual ----------4-15-.1_-1""'2-., Thomes A Richey PUBllC NOTICE Thol 11a1emen1 was filed With lhe ------------• CCHJnly Clerk of Orengo CO\lnty on FICTITIOUI 8U91NEl8 St!!>tember 16, 19S2 NAMI I TATaMfNT F1t7411 The lollowlng person Is doing Pubhaheo Orange Cout 0111) buSlnen u Piiot Sep1 16 23. 30 Oct 7 1982 C RY S T A l C LE A R P 0 0 L 4088-82 SERVICE 2924 Chestnut Avenue. Coll• Mese.Cal1forn11 92828 ---PU8l--IC_NO_Tl_C_E __ _ Gordon Allan MlllhCHJse 2924 Chas1nu1 Avenue Coate Mesi. --.,..F,-C.,..TITIOU=~.,..S~l~U-l~IN~l.,..l.,..l-- Clllilorn11 926211 NAME I TA'faMfNT Thia bullneu la conducted by 1n The lollow•ng Pll'90N ere doing 1nC1Mduel bullnen n G A Mllll'louae PROUO AMERICAN RACING, Thlt a111emen1 w11 llled "111h the 525 VIGtorit. No 92, Coste Mesa. CCHJnty Cl811c of Or1nge County on Camornt1 92627 Sept '· 11182 Judy AM Bailey 525 VoCIOrtl. ,,MMS No 112 Costa M111 Celiforn1• Publlthed Orenge COHI D•lly 92621 Pilot Seol 9 UI, 23, 30. lff2 Richard Frink Cu110, 525 3912·11:1 v1c1orl1, No 92 Co111 Men. ------------C1hlorn11 92627 PUBLIC M>TICE TlllS 0ua1ness 1.s conducted by • FICTITIOUS 8UlfHlSS flrnlted pertnert111p NAM« I TATEMENT Judy Ann 811tey Thi IOllOwlng person 11 doing Thi• s111emenl wes ftled with 111• ouatn ..... : C011nly Clerk of Orange County on J l H DIGITAL, 10549 Ang•' September' 21. 19112 AYll1Ue, Founlaln Ve~. CA 1127 8 ,,17t;1$ JAMES LEROY HEIL, 10&49 PublllhK Or1ng1 Coast Dilly Angel Avenue. l'ounlain Vallly. CA PtlOI. s.p1 23. 30 Oct 1 14, 1182 92101 4182-12 Thia bueln8H 11 conducted by an 1nd1Yldu11 Jame• L.. Hall Thll 1t1tement WU filed With ..... CCHJn\y Clefll ol Or•f1941 County on Septembef 7. 1982 P1- Publlthed Or1nge Co11t 0111y PllOI, 541pl 9, 10, 23, 30, 1ff2 397$·82 Ptll.IC f«>TlCE PICTITIOUS IUllNIH NA•aTATIMINT Tri• lollow1n11 p11aon 11 doing b\ltlnet• •• NATIONAL 1.I Mll E O PARTNERSHIP, 1301 Oove, No HO. Newport INcll, CA 9268'0 llANOALL lUOENl! TRl80LIT, 71 Heritage, lnltne, CA 12714 ftw1 IMllnMI II ton<k;cttd by e hmlted part~ Aendall E T ril>Ottt P\111..IC M>TlCE PICTmoua IUIMH NAm l TATWMINT Tiit IOllOWIC'IO WtOr1t a,. doing ~~ ... AOEl.ANTO PROPERTIES, A SeHlde Clrcte, Newport l11c11 C111ttornl1 926'3 A1ylen1 Mlr•CIA, • SIHl.t. c11cte. Newport &each, C•111ornft '2"3 ' Cllet!M Oltol\, tta, 1<111 0t1yt, 11unungton &Heh. C1lfl0tnt• 126111 Thi• butlntM 1e COt\CIVCl9d or a ~ .. P#tnetlhlp ~ 1't}'lelll Ml• .Cit ..!. Thll 1111-1 Wll fileO wlll'I lfl' ::Wn1y Clltll ot 0.11199 COVIi')' qi '41Pt1t11W 18, 1H2 .J.. ,, ... JW Puoll•lleO 01eftg• COHI 0•1" Piiot Sepl 30, Ott 1 \4 a I, ltU 4294 Thll ... ,_ ...... lllecl wtlh lhe t--------- Counly ci.-01 Otanee COl#lty on ltOttmlltl 14, ttU '""" llulllltlltO 0flfl8• Co11t Deily ,llOt, S.pt ti. U . 30 Oct 7, 1H1 4047-U "" r81ull-o•ttlno 0111v Piiot CIH•lflt d Ad• to reeon "" Of enoe eo.11 J ln#'tltt. • Pnont "2·M78 Orano-Coat• DAILY PllOT/Thuraday1 8ept•mb4tr 30, 1082 l'UllC NOncr fl\al( M011Cl C"91WI T•tMD ..OTICI Of 'T...Ut•IH' IAt.a NOflCI Of TMllTll'S IALI Ttllltee'--. n• , ... 1• On Octobfi 14 1•H ., 11 00 YOU AM ... 0 UUl T ""°'"A Im fll'9f AMbfOAN TITLI DHD Of l"UIT l>ATIO AUOVIY INIUHANCI OOM PAHV , • H "''· UNllH 'fOU TA!CJ O•ilfornl• COtliOfl llon H ffutt" A~TION TO ,tlOTIO'I' YOVfl Of' lw.oeeeot Tru1tee or 8ub11l11.11;d ""CH'llllTV, IT MAY al IOLD AT A f ruatM, OI that certeln Deed of 'uel.IC l.\LI. " vou Nt:ID AN T11.11t ueovled b~ llLllN L llt,LANATION 0, THa NATUQ TUAIN, Ill UlllN/llff women .. to Oft '"' ""OCllOINO AOAINIT 111 undlvleled one.que1111 111t11111, YOU, VOU IHOUC.D CO-TACT A MllCI TURIN, en unmatrled men'. LAWVlft. I ano r-deO le9ternbet 17, tNt Ofl tti. lt>th dey ot Octo.,_,, 19'2, 11 lnttrumen1 No 2llit1. In Book 11 lhe hour ot 11 00 • m . at ,.,. 8th '42U, P•o• 1304, o t 0 1110111 811111 entrll\C;I of lhe NW COlmtY Reooroa 01 Orenoe-County, Cou11hou ... IOceted •t 100 CtYl<l C1lllo1n11. end pufluant 10 thll C..itlf Ottv• Well, IO(tnllfy known Clt1Wt Notk;e of OeflVll thet-1det .. 700 WMI 8111 Strffl, llltu•ted Ill recorded June 10. 1012 •• tne City 01 l 1n11 An1, lnttrument No 81· 197159. 0 1 County 01 011n111J 8 1111 Of Otticlel Record• Of Mid County, WIM c 1I110. ,, • •• c 0 NT IN EN TA L undef and pvrtuanl lo Mid OeeC1 ol AUXlllAf'IV COMPANY I C1ttlornl• frust NII el Put>llc auction IOI OUh, c;o1po1•t1on. H Truetff under Deed l1wtlll money ot the United St•t•a or ot Trutl d111d Augutl <!II, 1981, Ametlca, • caJttter'a checil payable 1aecu11d by Oeorge Kotchel end IO .. Id Truatee d11wn on 1 etale OI Luutlll• Ko1c:hll. who ate married ftl llon11 benk. a 11111 or tedefll 10 111:h oth". eno • ecor<llO on Ctldil union, ()I I ll•le °' fec:t .. 11 S•PI lb. 1981 .. ,.,,,,u,,,.nl No t1vlng1 end 101n H toctellon 171170, tn Sook t~219. Pege 1211!1 01 OOmtcllld In thll ti.lie, 11 the main Ollletal Reeord1. County ol Orenoe. entrence 10 Fire• Ametlcen Tttle Callfornt• gl~•n to aecure en lnaurenoe Com~ny toulld al 114 1ndab1at1M1t tn favor ol 91nk ol Eut Fiith S11ee1. In the city 01 Senti Ametlell NetlOl\al Trutt and S1ving1 Ana, C1llfornl1, aH thet rlgtlt. ttti. A11oc1•11011 • nattonel banking end 111111111 con~ed to end now enoc:1111on, by reason ol the breech hlld by It under uJd Deed ol Trutl ot the ob11g111ons secured lhOfeby, In the propetty 11tu1ted In Hid notiee ol wlllch wH rec0tded on County 1nd Slate deec:rlbed es: June 2. 1982. H Instrument No Lot 15 or Tract No 2092, •• 82·t8tl8t3 or Ot11c111 Record• of lhown on• Map theteol recorded In Mid Or1110• County. end more thon B ook 98, P•o•• 4 6 end 48, three month• hove elapsed since Ml1oell1n1ou1 Mapa, 11cord1 ol auGh rt1eorda11011. w111 tell 11 public Orenoo County, Calll0<nle ·u to auGtton 10 !he highest bidder 101 111 undivided on1-quer1er 1nter11t c11h or a cashier'• chock drown on end PAMELA L GO ROON, 1n 11 stale or naltonal bank,• stale or unm•rrled wom•n •• to en lederel credll union or a tt111e or undivided one-hall 1nt1re1t •• led11t•l Uv1ngs 11nd loan auoctatlon Tanentt In Common d!'mtell&d tn 1n11 stote. (peyeble at Tne 11ree1 eddreu 01 other It r'lll 01 sate 1n 1awlut money of lhe common d11lgn•t1on of said l..ntted States of Arne•ICll wlthOUI property le purponec:t 10 be 20A8 covenant or we,,anty eaprass or P1lom1 Orlv•, Colle Mesa, implied. as to title, po$S9951on Of C1ht0tnla encumbrances the lntere 11t Said Hie wfll be mede without wMeyao lo •nd now netd by Ille covenan1 Ot wa,,anly. axpteH 0< Implied, •• to mi.. poNeulon °' encumbtances to aatl•ly the u11pald bal•nc. due on the nol• 0t notet MCu•ed by aald Deed of Trust. to wit· $142.008 92. plus the loll()wlng H llmated co111. expenae1 and advances at the Um• of the Initial publlcatlon ol lhl• Notice of Sale: St,950 31 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A oeeo OF TRUST , DATED SEPTEMBER 14. t981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. tF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER DATED· September 14, 1982 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. • C•lllornla c0<potatlon Dan OtmerOd, Authorized Ottlc;er 114 Eatt Fifth Street S•nt• Ana, CA 92702 let (7141558-3211 Published Otenge Coaat D•lly Piiot. Sapt 23. 30. Oct 7 4982 4194-82 111d Truslet1 under u1d Deed or Trust, 111 ond to the ro11ow1no describe<! propetty 111uated tn the County of Orange. State ol Calllornla. to wit Loi 186 ol Traci No. 7 too, 1n tne City ol 11vlno. County ol Orange, S1a111 ol Cal1lorn1•, as shown on a map tece»ded 1n book 324, pages 44 10 48, 1nc1us1va of miscellaneous maps, '" tne oll1ce ol Ille counly recorder 01 tllld county E•cept1ng therehom all oll. 011 rlgntJ, m1nerlls mlne111 nghls, natural gas 11gllls and other hydrocarbons by "'"•tsoeve• name known thal may be witn1n Of unde< the perc;el ol lend nere1nabove described together w•lh the petpetuel nghl of d11lllng, mining. np1or1ng 1nd opera11no therefor and storing tn and removing the same lrom said land or any other lend Including lhe t1gn1 t o whlpstoci.. 01 dlrecllonally drfll end ml11e from landt Ollltr lhan those ne1e1n11Dove detcrtt>e<J, oll Of g&S wells 1unne11 and, Sllefta into. 1hrougn 0< ecrott the tubtur1ece ol Ille land nerw1nabove dascr11>ec1, and 10 t>ottom such wh1pstOCl<ed 0t d11ec11onally d11lled wells. tunnels and snalts under and t>onealh o• -------------beyond the exterior 11mt1s thereof Pta.IC NOTICE and to redttll re1unne1. equip, -----------------maintain rep11r deepen end FICTITIOUI 8U81NE88 operete any such wells or mines NAME STATEMENT without, howevet the ttghl to drill, Tne lollowlng person ts doing mine, store. e•plore and operale bullMSS at tnrougll the 1urtece ol the upper C & 0 P A R K I N G l 0 T 500 feel ol lhe subsurlace of lhe MAINTENANCE. 771 South Euchd land nere1n11Dove detcnbe<l as Avenue. No 34. Santa Ana. CA reserved 1n 1he deed from 1ne lr~1ne 92704 Com po n y a W e at V I r o 1 n I a JOSE l BERNAL. 771 South corpo1at1on recorded August 7 Euc:lld Avenue, No 34. Santa An•. 1975 1n Book 11477, Page t4 of CA 92704 Oll1c111 Recotds The •ddrets 01 This business is conduct&<! Dy an othef common destgn11ion, 11 eny. 111111vtduat ol 1h• real property dHcrtbed Jose L Bernal •boll• 11 putported to be 3782 Fern This st11eme111 was ltled with tile Stt e•I Irvine Cetilornle. 1he County Cle<k ol Orange County on underSIOned Trustee dtX!elmt 111y Septemt>ot 7, 1982 llebUltty IOI eny lne0<rectnou of the F1911171 ldd•t&t or other common J.C. a.t\en, Atty. deslgn•Uon. 11 1nv tl\OYwn her@fn 2043 WNlcfftf Or. No. "'17 fl the al0<esat<I property has no Newport .. edl. CA stree1 address or olller common ............. des.gnauon. dtreci•ons as 10 how to Publlshed Orenge Coast Oalty locale such ptoperly may be Pllo1. Sep• 9, t6, 23. 30, 1982 oblained from the Bllr'lllltciary under 3943-82 said Deed ol Trust. II wnose ----Ptel--IC-NO--TI-C_[ ____ request tne sale ts to ba cooducted. -------------pursuant to • wrltlen requett FICTmous 8UllNE88 $Ubm1tted. w11111n ten d1ys l1om the NAME STATEMENT first pubhcatton ol lll11 Notice. to Tna lotlowlng persons are doing such Beneltctery 11 tile 1011ow1no t>Ysineas 11 •ddrau BANK 01' AMERICA M O 0 RE ELECT R 1 CAL NATIONAL TRUST ANO SAVINGS CO Fl CT G ,&.SSOCIATION LOAN Str:!~ B~N. b~ 926~~81 Sal urn ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT NO ROSCOE H MOORE JR 1630 4327. FORECLOSURE SECTION · 45 SOUTH HUDSON AVENUE, Roanoke, Plaeenh•. CA 92670 PASADENA CALIFORNIA 0I101 RODGER L Yo.jN MOORE. 5723 ' Fawlty. l.akewOOd. CA 907 12 Tl>• unpaid balance ol the noll This bustnen 11 conducted by 1 secured by said Deed of T1us1. wlth gen8'al partnerlhlp 1nle1es1 tnereon, as provided In said Roscoe H Moore, Jr. note. advances. 11 eny, under the Th11 stotement wu filed with the 1erms of said Deed of T 1u11. County Cle<k of Orange County on Including fees. charges and September 7, 1982 e•pen11es ol the Trus111, H ol the F1111tM dare ol lhe 1n1t111t publleetton ol the Published Orenge Coast Dally Notiee of Sale. to Wit $ 103.947 34 Pit I S I 9 16 23 30 1982 Dated September 10 1982 o ' ep ' ' ' 39n-82 CONTINENT A L AUXILI ARY COMPANY Pta.iC NOTICE FICTrr10US 8USINE88 NAME STATEMENT rt'lll lottowing persona are do.no bu$lllOU •• CYBERTECH SEARCH 1146 Corona Lane. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 CYNTHIA C BLAKE. 1146 Corona Lane. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 ERNEST W WALLACE. 15236 Venede. La Mirada, CA 90638 Tr11t business It conducied by • general pennerlhlp Etnest W Wallace Thll 1111ement wet filed wnh the County Cle<lt of Orange CoUllty on ~tembe< 14 1082 45 S. Hudaon AH. Ith Ft Peeedefta, CA t1101 Joan C. Cae1 E•-otflclo Ag-I 12u1 m-4010 Publlthed Orange Coeat D111y Piiot Sept 16 23 30, t982 4100-82 rt&.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8UllNl88 NAME ITATEMENT . Tne lollowlng p111on IS doing l>usmeu at (Al ILLUSIVE CONCEPTS, (Bl THE MAGI . (Cl THE MA01 ENTERPRISES. CDl GENERAL CASTING (E) El MAGO. (Fl CONCEPTS IN AOVERTISING. 3303 Herbor Blvd Suite K-7 Coste '1tnl7 Mesa, CA 92626 Publlthed Orenge Coaat 011ly HOWARD KEITH MORGAN. PllOt. Sept 16. 23. 30, Ocl 7, 1982 38 t Thellord Way Cost• Mesa. CA 4043-82 92827 rt&.IC NOTICE Thts butl""9 II conducted by en Individual HOwlfd M0<gan •TATI!MINT OF Wf'THDf'AWAL ThlS stetement w11flled wllh the "'OM 'ARTW1'9HIP County Clark ol Orenge County on Of'EftATINO UNO€R Sept IS, tQ82 FICT"10Ut aUStNt:H NAME F197465 The 101towln9 person has Publlehed Orange Coetl Delly withdrawn 11 • generel pertnet from Pllol. Sepl 16. 23. 30. Oc1 7. 1082 the per1Mtlhlp operetlng under the 4103-82 11ctlt lou1 bu11n111 neme 01 nunllC NOTICE CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATES Of ruu Nit.IC NOTICC NOTICI Of faUtT'lt'a IAll l.94M ... , ..... '·' ... ,...... aUPll INQ I ON P.INANOIAL ll'R\llCllS, INO, ee duly eppollllld fru•••• under the rollow1n11 011ci1oe0 uetd or 1r1111 Wll L anu A f PUtlllC AUCTION TO HU! MfOHH f ilOO R r OA C AIH (p1y1ble 11 lime 01 Hie In lewlul money 01 1111 Unllecl 5111111 111 1ron1. 11111 and 1nt11MI w1veye<1 10 11\d now Mid by It undet "'d Deed ol T111t1 In the piope1ty M11tnell11 detui~ TRU8TOR BARRY L 1mo llOO MHISSA r REIO, ~1b1nd end wtle 6 NPl"ICIAflV M IOW!ST PACIFIC flNANCIAL, INC , 1111 low• COfl)Oflll()fl IWc:OfO.O July 10. 1981 •• 1n11r No 10041 In t>Ook 14141, peg• IH or 01110111 ReGOrdt Ill lhl olf~ OI th• Recorder or 011no1 County, H id died Of llUll dH<:tlbH 1111 following propeny Loll 111 end 111 In IJlock 32 01 Ille Newport Blach TIKI. In th• City of Newport Beeoh, County ol Orlf\OI, 8 1111 01 C.lllOtnll, U Plf meo •ec0<dec:t In Boot. 3. P• 2e, Mlac.ll~t Mlj)t, In the oHlc4t OI the county •ICOtOet of .. Id county E•~t th•t pottlon ol .. Id Loll conveyed to the Lot Angel•• tnte1urb1n R•llw•y Compeny, I corpor1tton. by deed• rec:orded In Book 103, Page 358. Oeedt, tnd In Boo!\ 1011. P• 244. Deeds. ··vou ARE lN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 7·8·81, UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAV BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF VOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF TH E NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER " 3205 W BaJl>OI Blvd Newport e.ech. CA "(II • '''"' address or common det1gn1t1on II thown above, no warrenty 11 g iven •• to tu complet-11 0t c:orrectneal " The blnellelary und., aa1d Deed of Trull, by 1eeson of • breach Of default In the obltg1t1on1 secured lhtr•by, heretofore executed end dettvared to the underalgned • wrmen Oec:lerallon ol Otlautt and Demand lor Sele. and written notice ot t>reecn end 01 etectlon to ceute tne u11der1lgned to aell 1ald property to 111111)' tald obl1Qatlon1, •nd th11eelter lhe undersigned c.useo eucn notioe ol b1each arul of elecllon to be Re<:orded June 3. 1982 11 Instr No 82-188088 In Olllclel Rec0<d1 Seid Hf• will be mede. bul without covenent 01 werrenly. ••press 0< Implied. regarding 11111, po1se111on, or encumbreneea. to pay the 111melnlng pr1nctp111 aum of lhl note(t) aecured by HJd Deed of Trust, wllh lnlerMt 11 In .. Id note provided, edv•nC41t, II any, under tile terms of 11ld Deed of Trust, '-· ch1rg11 end expen-of the Trystee end ol 1111 trutU created by aald Deed ol Trust Said 1111 wlll be held on Ftld1y. October 15, 1982 II 2 00 p m. 11 the Chapmen Avenue antrenc., to the Clvl<: Center Bulldlng, 300 EHt Chepmen Avenue. In the City of Or•noe A t the time ol the 1n11111 pub1icat1on ol this nottce. the 10111 amount ol the unpaid ballllOI ol the obllgatlon secured by the ebove descttbed deed of trust end estimated coatt. upenses. and advances It S121,358 41 To determine the op11nln9 bid. you may cell (7141 684· •333. Dale September 14, 1982 BURLINGTON FINANCIAL SERVICES. INC 11 Mid Truttee. By T 0 SERVICE COMPANY, agent Soutll By Cl\rts T ~1atu1. AtsJ,tent S.Cretary 31133 C1m1no Oet RIO Suite 204 Sen Diego. CA 92108-4044 Tel (714) 58-4-11288 Publl•hed Orenoe Co11t Dally PllOI Sopt 23, 30, Oc1 7 1982 419~82 PUB: IC NOTICE NOTICE Of TlllUITH'S SALE T.S.NO. F-alM HERITAGE COMPANY ESCROY. SERI/ICES INC as duly appotnteo Trustee under the lollowtng described ""° ol llUSI WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIO~ TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (Peyeble at ltme ot sale 1n 11w1u1 money 01 tne United Slates) ell ngllt. ltlle end interest c;onveyed 10 Ind now held by 11 undaf Hid Deed ol Trust tn the ptoperty hef .. naltef described TFIUSTOR JOHN W FICK, t married men BENEFICIAFIY EVELYN ,&.STI, a wtdow end DARLENE DUNN. 1 memod women. as t<>lnl tanents Record•d August 27. 1980 11 1nstt No 33880, In book 13718. peoe 1223 ol Oflldal Reco1ds In tl>e office or 1he Rec0<der 01 Orenge County ut<S deed ol trust d0scr1bes 1111 IOllowing prOPefly Lot S2 ol Trect No 6983 1n 1he City 01 '"'"'"'· es per map 1ecorded 1n book 26 1 pages 23 to 26 1nclu111ve 01 m1sceuaneous mapa, In the olltee of Hie county recorder of said coonty YOU ARE IN OEfAULT UNDER A OEEO OF TRUST DATED JUNE 1, 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT '(OUR PROPERTY. tT MAY BE SOLt AT A PUBLIC SALE. tF YOU NEE0 AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULO CONTACT A LAWVER. Street add'"' of at>ove HM71 Soerre LIQ<> Street. Irvine, CA (II • t11eet address 0< c;ommon d111gna11on 11 shown ebove. no w1rr1nty IS given as to Ill comptet-0< correctnosa) • COSTA MESA. 270 Britto!, Sulle 108. Cotta M .... CA 92$28 Tl>e ~IC•ary under Slid Deed ol Trull, by reaeon ol 1 breach or default In the obllget1ont ..cured tl\eteby, lletatofore executed eno delivered to the undettlgned I w11tten Oec;191a1ton ol Oeleult 1nd ~mend for Sale, and written nottca of breach end of 11ee11on to cauM the undersigned 10 1111 nld property 10 .. ualy tlld obH91t1on.., 1nd the111lter Ill• unde•tion•O ceuMd tald notic;e ol breach end OI election to be Recorded Jun• 7, 1982, 11 inltr No 82-t93036 01 FlCTTTlOUI au•••• 0t11e1e1 Records NAMI! ITATIMOfT Seid ule wlll be mede. bul Th• llclltlou• bv1tne1t neme ····-· f()t the pertner9hip -flied on Augutt 10. 1078 In th• County ol Orenge ~,. FuJ!Jijame and AddreH of the PetlOll Wllhdrewlng: BETTY JEAN liARMON. O.C. ottkie, 4002 G1eenc1p, lrv1ne. CA 91724; t503 So. Cout Or .. Coell Mell. CA92828 a.tty J Hermon Publlthed Orange Coeat Delly PllOt. Sept 23, 30, Oct 7. 14, 1982 42.21-82 The fotlOWlng PlflOllt we doing without covenent or werrenty. butlr>Mt u eapr ... °' 1mpttec:t, rogwdlng 11111. MUNCE & TOOO COMPUTER POIMttlon. °' encumbrln<tOI. to SYSTEMS. 4000 Birch Street. Suite pay lhe rem11n1ng prlnclpel sum ol '14, N-porl B~Htdl, CA 02660 the not• 14!¢Ufe0 by llld Deed Of WILLIAM D MUNCE, 250 E Trull, With Inter .. ! at In u;d nole 181h St., Cott• Meta, CA 82627. provided. advences. II eny, under WILLIAM 0 . TOOO, 84 tne lermt of Hid Oaed ol Truet, Eaplenede. Irvine, CA 92715. ffft, cheroes and •~PlnMI ol 11111 This butlneta It conducted by a TruSIH 1nd of the trultt crnted by 0-f Plrtnerlhlp uld Deed of Trust Said 1111 W'"I bl w Munce hl4d on Fnd1y, October e. 1082 It T'l\lt 11•1-l WH !tied with the 2 00 pm .. II Iha Chapmen Avenue County Clerk of Orenge County on ent11nce 10 th• CIYlo Cen1ar Septembe< 7. 1912 Bulldlng, 300 Ent Ch1pm1n ----Ml--IC-NO--TICE-----F1tMN Alll!'VI. rn lht Clly 01 Orengo, CA -----=--""'."':'~~==--Publl•h•d Oreno• COHI O•lty At th• time or th• lnltlal FICTITIOUI .,..... Ptlot. a.pi o. 18. 23. 30, 1982 pubtleetlOn OI Int• flOllCe the totll NA• ITATW•NT 3010.82 emounl or tht utlplld bale"" of tlMI nie rollo-;Mg '*"°"' .,. OOlng ----Dl-... -IC-NO_T_IC_E ___ Obllg11ton tec:urt<I by the ebove ~ u ----"-~---------dHorlbed deed of trutt 1nd (A) 8MA, (B) BEVEAAOE. FICTITIOUt llUltNIH eat1m1t•d COlll, expen•H. •ncl MACHINE REPAIR, 13142 G•den N~ ITATl•NT 1ov1nc:u la 129,070 08 To Otove Blvd , Gerden Grove, CA OAVIBON ASSOCIATES, 18430 determine the opening bld, you m•y t 2840. OrOOkhurtl 811111, Fountain Velley, c:.11(7'4>937·0"8 JON KENNEDY J.. 3117 Kl"erney, CA 92708. Oett~d S1pt11"tl* 9, 19112. Coell MfM, CA 92028. OAVIO A PETfAS. 18430 HlllllTAQI COM,ANV llC"OW MA.ftC WIOOfCOMBE, 2213 8rOOllhutat 8tfMI. Fount•tn l/llley, alRVICH.t INC. Rowland, hl'tta Ana. CA. CA 92701. •r T.D ... ftVICI COM,ANY, 1llll bWlneee II oonduc;ted by I Thi• bullnlM 11 conducted by I etlftl 09'*11 s-t'*lhlP tltnlled f)l(lnerlhlp. vio-r "· Andfldfe, Jon KlllMdY Oevld A Pet-Allt • ...,.._, fNI lt•tement ... tied wltll Ille Thlt 111ternent Wiii lllld Wllh the OM City IMM. WHt Count) Cl«tc ol Orange County on COllnly C1et11 o1 Otenge County Oft °""fl, CA ... teoMmbet 115, tM2. &eptemDet 7, 1M' (714) ...... ,..,.. ,._. Pueii.1hed Orange Co111 Delly ,ublllheO Or.,.Qe CoHI Otlly PubUI~ OrenQe CO .. \ O•lly Piiot, s.p1 ti ~. IO, 1"2 Pllol, lept1 11, tJ, 30. OGt 7, 1N~ .Piiot, 8-t t , 18, 23.i 30, IH2 "'°'9·92 , .oeo..aa 3NO-t2 ( : Clllllf IED 7'1w niarketplace 011 tlw Orange Coast ... 2 IULESTATE An• .. • f0t , •• _. Int Ap.nmfMti '°' '-I• llOll t:;!.~:ir.~ ... ·~'Iii "''° '"""'' .. ,, . ., ... ,,,,"" ...... ~=.~~:~'t7:" Jl'.fi ·~ D i::::·· ... l ft ... " .. 10 toi.r\ft le &Mt "f"uti llCO ,,_,..,...,,~, .. ..... .. ·l~'-'t1•lt'h•..,.."• ""' ~·,-~ .. , .. TM "4Wlln•f' 1,1t ttr~-. l M A Nw.Mn Or-wn M•\41fl ZQ Or.i\Jf' ( 0 •• ,..,, ISOO Ow twnti., ..... , I~ °"4 ~ "-•If' tu~ ......, lhMh•• t •'"" fofH\f'' TIW Mu i tAt1t• t.H~•"•' ... .i ""I l~.lt»h'-. .int1-d noo I IENTALS ti9W-" •vr"'4,ttr'4 llQO Uow""' l nfwt """"" ~ Uw"'' twrn tH l "' JJOO C ondom1ttH1n-. t ur,. uoo ('Gftdom1ft.l\ffn•' ., .IU5 L Tfl•Mou~' tuu ... ., To..WN,hl 111 IV) ll\!11t.o,•1111•• J»o ~~~,',.'"' Wlf m• Apf\ l ftfw.'" ...... A111t,twrt1"'1 \f\t bAI y "°""'' .... .. ~ ......... -tW•hM1Arh """ C,w•• fk)ftV, "~ ,_,"''™'' M•"l•I• •M V.tet..on Mf't~hh ·~ •·••h l,. '-"'•"· •.>.;.! o.,.'"' '°' "''" WI •Otflrt fh .. Mal ..... l""'"'." lh•t•I U)jj ~ftdiwlU1•I M•f\I •' .... I .. ~·~: ... ~ ..... '"° ...... MIM' "'rtf•I• jQ} p BUSINESS, INVEST· MENT. FINANCE ~,,.. .... ,..,p.wt• -~"*" ••114.-d .., .. '"""',.."' ,.,.,.,.. ' l>OI' I '"'n4nw"4 "•"4M -MOM) t•l.o•ft -MOM) • t_-..flid• Ill» fMOftftC" TO, -I ANNOUNCEMENTS, PUSONALS & L LOST & fOUNO AftftOuN•..Wflll\ """ C•t p.JQt \llO Yt•l "lniiu "' ...... ,..., • lw..t noo p.,"°"'''• U!O ._.,...,( lwt...• ...., Trn•I• 'M"' SEIVICfS '-'tt.K'"f' liOHtot) ... ,. fMPl.OYMEIU I T ... _, .~.~!!~TION .... '~'*•fllt ... Jt• ,_,-; ... llt"-•M"' '4 6 . Item MEICHANDIS£ ,, ''"'" "" 7tu• A..t9111 . ..,., • A"'t•N-..... Awt~ IOI~ t;tti~ Mtl"l•I\ -~ C"•nwto •• lf .. ltlfll•fU ·~ f •A• -c.~..,..lt""h'' .. llO'lll o.-... -1···'· ~ t'Ur-Nttiw-f' -L o .......... -,..,._ -~Gr.t .... -,,.....,.,, -...,,,_..,., ~ 111..rtMfW'f~ .,. ........... ~, ..... .. ...,..,, • ...,...,~•M•-cl u r N .. w .. 1-.~ui.11WH• tMI Oltn t 11fff1 • • .... ,., -""'' -· :.."=~~c:.:.~ --,..., .. fllC,• ... \ -'-"•• k ....... •V.t •'" •• ' -s t:·r ......... \it .. , .... -•Al IOATS & MAllN£ (QUIPM£NT s Gf'Nf'flt .... 6oel\ •h1M Mt.10 -ao.-.t .. nftf'f W•P -loM• PO"a•f -"°9tt "rM ( h•rtf'f --. ..... --· '11111< ll!Kl • -t:!~~"· -I ... TUMSPOITAJION Awttt "I "" Ca"'PfO ...... tl•M tlJj) • .....,,M (en tUlll =~ .. . ... F .... "'•tt•• tlll ,......., .. ,,"~ ... """'' ,.., t"re1Wo Tt•'-•I t ll{ l~~~!.~'!o.,,,, ti• - c.krwffll ll!TOMOlll£ I 'flh! A.M~IH• \.'l•OI\ \ 'llSA "ttrf'AIKNI \ l'hlf t•ti-'"' ~\ lil41f "Oth """ ~1 0,l\O -rrw ~. -\I-.. ,. E Av•• l••""I ...... A-4•••"''" ...... AUTOS. IMPOIT£0 U""t•I lf'itl Al•"""""'" t14A ...... •lfl7 D A....a•411 Hr•I•• VM .,. .. •111 t .,,,. '"'' nor-ef\j loll ,,,, INhWll "'" ... ,, .. ,. ,.,., ...... .,,,, . ......,. Yllt J .. _.w.r ,,. ""'"•" "'"' t:~';::.\~::·· .r..a ,,. ~··"· •l• 6 .. u ... 1.,-. •'""' YI• =311 ~i" .1 .. U!><I 'tltl P..cft • ._717 , ........ .,. ......... ., 4 Mnwvt• "1» .... , .... , .. •71' a.. .. '"' i.-.:: flt ... ..,. .::J J:z.~,. YlW WM 2 \ .... , .. •llw "•h• .n, a.nos. MEW <WM,., ... AUTOS.USU v·~·'•' ""11 a:~. ..,.. • WIM 4.•41•11•• Wll l'41Mlhf Wit t~;~:' -WA 5 ,··~· ""' \tAltMflU•I .. 18 \\,toUr -.... ~., 91» ~.r ~ -t=:r~·· _, 6 *" fl\fnt• _, ~"'"~ ~N . .:-:.~.~ .... -~ .... "'' ,,,_t~ -7 ,_.I.( -T~•~r .. r• = ~,,. "'., ..... 8 To pl":fcour ~ Ot• the rHdlng publlc, l)f\°"9 =Pllol 0.... . "42·Ml18 8!:i: " home It'• Mey clMl!lfled "42·H78 ll1al llflfl-the Comple1• Orange Coast Mark .. Place . I ,,,.,,, ,., ,,,, ,,,.,,, ,., ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, ••.....•...••.......•. .... ,, ,., i.lt ,,,.,,, ,., ,,,, ••.....•••••••.......• ............••...••••• •••••••.........•...•• ···•·•················ 0111111 IOOZ 01Ht1l IHZ C1t1H ''' #11 JOJZ l1r/H IH4 ..•...•......................•.••........... ........... ......••.. ••••.•................ ...... ,, , ... , '"" .. LllO llLI lllMEI Mom.+O~t+lneome HI ti UU IOUAL HOUllHO 0''0"TUHITY Puatllsher'• ••tlot: All r111 estate edvtlfllM<I 111 thia newapap11 la subjocl to the Federal Fair Housing Act ol t968 which makea 11 111eg11 to advertlte "ony p1eloren- ce. llm11a11on or dl1crlml· nation based on race. COIO•. rel1g1on. Se• O• national origin, or any 1ntan11011 10 make ony such pr11leranco, hmlla- tton or discr1m1n1111011 " This new,paper will not knowingly ac cept any adve1t1s1ng 101 1aa1 e&ll· 1 111 which 1s 1n v101a11on 01 lhtt law ERllORS 1 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and report errors 1m- m ed i a t e I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes l labillty for the first incorrect insertion only OReal Estate ....•..••..•......... Prlmt.• Lido Nord bayfront. fbdrm, 6 1A bulh. Lgc.> LR. 2 bc>ol aUps $1 .~00,000. ~·moc.lclt.~ 3 bdrm, 2 tw1h + U.rgc rt.'\: rm. owe ,,, • rte• Tl(m• 609 Acacta CdM nr beh SpotlHt Vecent Duple~ Huge 6brl3be+3br/3ba 4401< own/bkr 8A5·7048 ·-.·um t."«.•illnKlf, furnlshC'd, pol io.. $420,000. E1t•t• hie C•p• Cod dr.am co111g1, 2bt. 2b• 041 3112. 073·4725 PElllllU MIMEI Pme Wc'lJt &y buyfronl SUpe for 2 bc>ulll remodt'led 3 bdrm, 3 bfllh $1.200,000 Ot.~an & Jett)' v1ew1. Marine room, • bdnn. 3 bllth, 3700 11q h. $1.38~.ooo. Oceanfronl LllDA ISLE IAYFllOIT Lagoon Vlt'W rronl tl bdrm. 5 buth. playroom, dnrk rm, d1·n . Boat 11llp Now $1 ,000,000 .. IAYSIDE PUOE Spa·tacular bay!ront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 bu dn 2 boal spac.'<.'5. Rt'duced-$1 ,500.000 FAIRIAllS UICll New 4 he , 4 1/J ba. cUAtom French Normandy ul:ilc 1 :.! p1 am<' Ol'rl! hilltop $1 ,250.000 CJ• CrHt E1t1tH 3 t>Orm. 2'~ ba town. hOUl9 Q11ed POOi, ten· n11. 11c . 11une Shop- ptng Minutes 10 beach Vou own land $240,000 Auuma 12•1. loan By owner 760-3875 C11t• /11111 I OZf ...............•..••.• SPEOTlCllUll llHCll ITYU 4 Bdrm, pvt courtyard Watm country French decor Asking S 174.!IOO Broker 848-0709 PHiitres• St. 3 bdrm. 2 bl Sap din rm Covered patio Adami and Harbor neat IV ALOI 1v1ryth1~g3~o~i3000 F~ simple l'Ottage on quiet Descan.so St. (in 1 - Flats)_ $145,000. • *' 11,000 41/Pttl 3 ttr , tV.ba, clean. WOii COROUIO CAYS S1 24K. now $114K Kelly Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat ~4~-~~~t 63 1 •6040 dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/term.s. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )41 fluy\od~ Dr.•r l\j 8 67) blbl , .. ,,,, 10021--------------· • ••••••••••••••••••••• , __________ , _______ 11111111111•1 IY OWHll/i lllll Approx 3200 sq II. 3 be, 2 car gar Santa Ana Hgts. acrosa from Coun· try Club t45K 540-8062 HW COllO 3 IEIROOll 2 llDCIS TD CtlM IOIE/HlT $ 102,000 HWPOllT 1111111 SH,000 IDW• Fabulous 2 story conoo Charming 4 Br. & lamily 3 Bdrm, 3 bath h<Jrl'la, 1n Fountain Valley Very room. 2 brtck llrepleces. Corona del Mar location prtvoto end unit with country kitchen, .quiet Rear apartment Is 2 possible 4 Bdrms. (Jack 1esldent1a1 area 1n mo-Bdrm. 2 ba. $295.000. & Jill) Spa. big ltvlng dern tract by Buccola room and spoce-ege k11-10"1. down $229.000 chen A steal 11 S 102. Owner carry 10 years 000 Call 546·2313 IU-4110 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK (f AYL.OH cu ._. --~~~ U,._.l ()Uf-t1()~S Realtors. 675-6000 OCUI VIEW! HHEll'S PIEYllW IPH Fiii. 10-2 U 11 Stadaere Ir. 10 IOWI CLOSE OUT • FINAL SALE 2 & 3 Bt 3 Ba. lux, a/c All amenities Next door 10 all shopping & theaters 714/631-5055 ASSUME U ht Tl at 8'iJ% on this 4 bdrm, 2 ball\ noma w tlh low melntenaee yard Own., will assist with financing 1001 See 11 now Only $127.500 Cell 979-5370 .\(>Ill ll/:'lf fl f A ' ' '• ' , '•,•f ~," , For our new 1ag111a1 weekly feature lllHOll YI MDII STEPS TO BEACH • su- per deluxe 3 bdrm. 2 ltllCt bath owner's unit plus 2 s 139,900 • 5 yr old, 3Br Sensatlonal 3 br nome bdrm rental! $385,000' 2''1 be home w i den. BOAT SHOW- CASE Every Saturday In the Daiz P1101 c1aui1teos MUST SELL IOWl Ught and airy spacious 3 Bdrm 1n Manne High- lands J<>g or bike to the bilech Near the PrOPO- sed marina Need• some TLC Pnced wey below appra11a1 and a very motivated eoller Call 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS M••• -noo s,. Ft. Office -1200 141. Ft. D• let 120l 120. SH0,000 * IHU YHH On Iha golf COUtSe Custom bolulllul 3 Bdrm home. rnany, many e1t· tr&I $279,500 with IO"lo down owner Wiii carry 111 12r,% lnlerest lier McC1rtlle, llHr. Hl-1721 SAU Dll lUSE 3Br, 2•..,B1 TERINA MO· DEL IN EAST BLUFF Dbl oven, lrplc, dshwahr. comm poot 833-9167 dys, 759· 1318 eves 2807 Vltta Ornade Owner/121 3%. OLIFF HYH Throe bedrooms Dr1- mat1C hvlng room Seclv· did pool Owner wlll consider le11e-op11on Call us for detells Re- duced S 19,000 Now $250,000 • • • • • • • • t 111·1100 If It's got handles 'YOU'ii grab .,. .. faster In Dally Piiot classlflld ads. C:.11 642·5678 For Ad Action on Qu1e1 street with pool HT &IOYIHTII frplc $61.000 loan, as- s1Le yard 11 2!1% 11ssu· O sume et or 9'to'lo, $107. mable ffnonclngu Priced Hill 11/DWJIEll 000 available at 13% at t 2t6,000 tee Call •113-1117* 642·1060 759-1501 °' 752-7373 1~~~~~~~~1--llllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil USTSllE O.M. ~ Walker 8 Lee BRAND NEW 'HHrl o f Orange County· Town- horr'll!s • Luxury 3 b<lrrn homes boautllully de- signed, quality bull! -and financing now that you 1usl won't beltevel Call now Brandywyne Pro· pertlM II, 531-9670 Cute 3 Bdr on cul-do-sac II Soller Wltl help ltnan- ce Large assumable loan Full price S 115,000. 751-3191 11/lff 111,., JOH ..........•..•••.••.•• CHARMING REMOD 3 Br+IOll Tradoflso opt fOf duplex or unit. 673-8585 Seti Idle ttema 642-567f UH Fiii Single story townhome 1n Cape Ser111 2 8drm 2 beths, wtth pnvete pallo Newly redecorated . cherry and 1nv111ng. Community pool. club- 1\0uM. teundry and extre parking A very spec;1al piece 101 adulls S 135, 000 142-1200 PETE BARRETI ··· R LTV Poapto who need people 1hould etweya cheetc the Sorlllce Directory In I he DAILY PILOT ~~~~'!. ..•...... !.~~Iii~~~~~~~~~ liiiiii=ii~~ BAYSIDE COVE CONDO VIEW .. autlful decoretor coordinated executlwe retreet w'llh w ondemal VU of a.y, boat• and nloht llghta. Jold c ompletelr furnlehed lhla 2 bedroom t.ome plue den end dining l e perf•ct for th• dl1crlmln1t1no. Thia WATERFRONT community onert boel ellp ..__. .. .,.. end poot. N7.$00. \\ \TI HI HO'\ I lf()\1t .., 1'\1 ICI \t f 1111 .. .. ·'· ..... , .. . .......... '' .. "··· ........ . ,, , .... , .. , ..... \ ,,.,.... . ...,__,. 131·1400 173-tlOO RfSIOfNllAI Rr Al I SIAI( S£AVICCS IALllA S 1,0I0,000 Spacious bayfront home w ith ov<'rsi?.ed s hp. An elevator, separate I Br guest suite & air conditioning a r e a few of the am<.'nllics. Call about owning this clear in 8 years a, 5% interest. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 r::~~· s~~~lA-~£~s· -.it i.,. UA'J a "'"-AN o•-ro-....... of .... fovr IOOIOlb'-d -th bo .... ,. ....... ,_ ....... -do I LUMUTT I I I* I I I I .... H•l EASTSllE THREE U NITS • 1 3 8d1m and 2 2 Bdrm plus 4 garegH Block wall Owner llnencrngr $ 195. 000 Riek Berrell Ally 642-5200 FHIT TllEES plus a 5 bdrm home with lemlly room A real snowplace. beauttrully decorated, and et1closed pello See to 1pprac111a $147,500 Cell 979-5370 \ f >111 11/:·11 j' .. • " •, ·' .... , ~ ... RHll•1t•• lt•ti 1040 •••..............•..•• H TllE SAii IHk Ftrecle1t1re 2 llory, 2 bdrm l'lr ba beech-Condo co-op Pool, 11un1, weight room. sub parking Oceen end Pier View. listed II $ t60.000. $65. 000 under market All cesh or new fin Great opp'y for someone who c an 1c1 last Agent 531 ·8 IOO Ask for Jtm R1ghelmer OLOSE TO OCW No money dow n , no qualllylng own your home on our unique ahared apprec;l1tlon fl· nanclng We heve 5 homH In Hunt Beach 3BR 2'..,ba. 1600 lo 2100 aq It Peymenta rrom St200 to 11600 mo Cell Georg• Brooks. M on thru Fri, 7141091·5556 llY IT lltll Ltg 3 8 r 28a condo Or111 Huntington Bch locellon Frplc. 2 Cir g1- r1oe, & AIC 1mong II• meny IHlurea. Aaaume 111 owe 2nd .. Full price St24,000. 631-7!170 Ot TR\Dll 10\ \I k'I \I I' CliU .. In 1n11 lt4ilflly ... 1umftble $1113,0® 101n It 13% Trlde yQl.Jr pte 11111 homo Low down Or 'I?? Tnla Qulhly home It the l OWES T PRICED Turtterock Home w / POOL a SPA II only $285,000 GOLDEN PROPERTIES 762-1589 IHPlllATIH UUI By owner Give me S6K·teke over pymt• 3Br 2b1. Walnut Sq Witt con11dar eny de•I 675-1018, 857·4976 PRIVATE POOL 1n your own back yaro 4 1><11mf. 2', bl lnverneu Model 1n Turtle Rock Glen Patio homes Lois ol prtvecy E•c1llen1 neighborhood You owe II IO youtsell 10 see lh1$ one $369,000 •513 C\MsDa·tlVM * IEST llY * 1n RenchO San Joaquin Ou1s11nd1ng 3 br. 2 ba on gott course Lge as· sumable toen S225,000 By owner. 760-87081675-2144 f!I.'!~!.~ ... ~~ •.. !.~! DCU•FllHT New mobllOlmodular ce- dar coluoge l1plc, on pvt bch Laasalend $600/mo t I'"'"!• Int $65.000 499-38 16 f!l.'!~!.~il.".~~ •• !.~~~ VILLE IE CERISE BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES By Howerd Merk Co from $159,000 495-3244 760-9355 ~!!!r.!!.!!!!~ .•• !.O!.~ AISOLITE STOL Gorgeous 3 Br ttomo w/ pl/I yrd end many extras Try 10•11. dwn or trade For detail• call Petrick Tenen, 760-8702 lllFFI IAllUt• You own Ille land 2.000 sq 11, 3Br fem rm. 2'1r B•. wide Graenbolt. neer pool Far botow market $245.000 Wiii lease op- tion Bkr 644-0134 CllTUCTIRS Ill 1171,100 tor exp 1n11on Located In Newport H1i9hls area Two essumable lo1n1. For more tjlormellon call Dorotny. Own/Agt 71'/lll·IOOO WEST CUFF By owner, choice quiet loeetlOll 3 bdrm, 2 ba POOi home, 2 HP lenc;ed yerds Reduced S20K. priced for quick ute Asking S240.000 ll01tlble C111 64S-7534 ----ELHHT •PT IOME ••• ., Fluaol•1 12.n • A Bdrm 4be, 3 car gor, R\I ICCOH. 2 rrplCS. Must Seel MULLAN AL TY 5'&~2980 ASK FOR LORI IY IWIER 3 Bdrm 2 ba Monaco Fee Meny upgredes Home Sevlngt 12\. v•· r l 1ble S25o .ooo 644-6428 HARBOR RIOO~ OISTINCTION Elegent llvlng w/5700 s I , 1avl1h uH of marble, 4 Bdrm sulte1, w ine room, llrl'pleoes a ele· vat-or S 1,805,000 644-7020 ll•ll HAL HTATl YAOITSllll'I •muT Keet> your 85' boat In the slip you own In 1ron1 01 thll spaclou1 condo on Ille lido turning batln 2 bdrm• & den, 2 blllls plu• 11p1rat1 capllln'• quartere. Welk to Lido Village. P1rrec1 fOf c:or• porate lnveetmenl -Cal a Daiy Piot AD-VISOR 642·5678 I MUOOlt I ' I I t I I I I .:I ~!! •.•...•. Jr:l!.~f ... ~_i).._7_:5-.._7._.3()()_....;;;.. _ _, Wl\el a Wonderful World of 8hopplno. right •• Yolif ftt\Olf'llp1 .veryd~ Dally PllOI OIHtllled M• To plttc• you1 Id, call 842-H71 Ind let a CIMl!fied Ad>V..ar MIO you II R 0 T I . t uw 1 llOute the 011111 day r 1 r 1 th•' w .. 111\r ...... "'II" 11··· -- --• th• onfy IMno room wttere th• .. ,.,--c-E_E_D_O_l _ _,11u11 wu twep1 -tll• -. . I' I I r I _ • ~:::: ~~~!.::::~ ____ ...._ _____ "" .... lae ,_ -.... J ........ ! ttm.~lf0r r r I' I' I' I' I' r I !J\;;m· I I I l,,,3 I I I 111111-un Miftn .. •111111 ... 11 11M• MnlltOl ILD ,, ... ,., ,., ....... A tPOllHt 4 8r Olen• neyre p11111 In • ore11 lo· cetlOf'I • only • lhOtt walk ting 111 II Hlun\eb141 et 10 11-... NOW ON l Y UH.500. IU·ll11 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOTIThurlday. September 30, 1982 05 Real Estate -the Complete Oran1e Coast Market Plac ;.~.~~.'! ... :::j!~~!!!l!!~!!~#. .... !'1!mt.ftt1A •• J.'.ff ''~'::,,,.,, 1101 llW PllOI L~~e°~·;;.;: 3~~··;·~~~ llYllll 01¥1 lrple patio bbq wlk lo Tne • i.Qtll<f modtl on• och seoo1mo 0)6.~'3 BA. den condo tllual9d 3 O<Jrm 2 ba H&01mo 01 ~llhln tl9P• ol in. Oty c1rn oe divided 20r Complelely rtdtcOfallld 16:.0, tBr UOO CAii 'fhe rtlHI., tultt OCCU· 673·4743 PIH lht eullr• aecond llOO• F1nanc1no It ••c ... h•H• l•1tll 3141 lent on lhla preallglout ••'•••••••••••• ••••• •• home. l4 t5,000 Fae Co1y I OQlmt 6eliCh hH, O o n n 1 Q 0 d 1 11 • I I close lo bch & dwnlwn 6.t4·6200 · Furn or uni. 1860 mo. ti: Macnab -Irv me Call 213 640-31153 !•!!r.!!.!!f!~ .•• 1.'.~! LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam 1m, 4 Ba $1100 mo OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 1 Ba $700 mo Biii GruncJy. Altr. 675·6161 llEllOEI 1110,000 N E W P 0 AT BE AC H Beeulllul home 10< Quall· VIEW .tbr, POOL. home lted persona, grnc1ou1 II· on FEE LANO All you vlng S2500/mo lie can Hk tor In this QUA· 675-1530 LITY HOME SACRIFICE --at $4116,000. RAE ROD-Cannery VIiiage Mobile GERS 631-1266 Home Peri.. 2 br. 2 bo. · · pool No pets. Close to RVM~ shops & reatauranls $700/mo yrly 673-3685, t 525· 1648, t-772-180, -========-WESTCLIFF 3 bd. 3 ba. Ulllll VIEW near park srhools Pay closing costs tor shopping S 1175 mo your In .. br with over 642-6602 s5o.ooo In upgrades 3 BR 3 Ba or 2 BA 2 Ba. Darrell, Agl RE/MAX w e ek I y I m 0 n I II I y 759. 1221 752-9466 or 673-088 I ,. .. ~ft!.¥~!~!!.'e.~ .. '-~~!!! .v~.te!.{i>.~ •• !~~!!t ¥~J!!!J!~.'I. .• ~t!~P..t!.!P11.11A~ · A"rt'r··:· '" Ct1t• If•,. Jllf HHtl•flH llft1tN1t l•1tA Jll l1lff.t ••• .'!.'!!~.! •••••. ·•••· •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,,. 3Zf0 ••••'0•• • ............. 1••la1al1 3101 l1l1'H WHY PAY •••••••••••••••••••••• OAYI AONT CONOO ••••••••••••••••••••• , al I 3101 14115 2 QR '1 llA '1 flR l' ff• un1u1p1utd w u1t•r 111111111 2u, pool ; •••• ! .. '!!~.!•••••••••• 011 ge lrplc kl<ll w.I ~I-No pela Sec bldg hOUM tn OC:h H!!O Pia' 1 2 IJOrm, 2 01 111rw•1 dr,11 METH HALn ''° come s 1~ mo " .... 7 •• 1100 Y yrlv Mature non am 11 .. BUT &JO 6100 COST HOLLIS (I, wooo Rl rR "" u .. I no' Ptt• 1700 x 3 IHT ll&LTY ...... SH :lb• dpl~. oet1n view, 07~ 8678 llYfllOU 2tJ/790·4tllS, 2&7 0701 10!>0 I Ill Huntington St 2 Odrm, 2 be. lrple, d/w, O• (714) 673-3080 00.llE.TILI • .lo 630 380•. 66 t-76:12 2 91 2bo luxury conoo Nr elt1e door opnr. OH llBO btiCI\ All amenlllH Ii UAY VU 2 BA. I bO, Ott 3 br, 2 b•, t cir gar t blk Mo11 beautiful compltx P•llo w/gH 1 re t ing •Pl W tO Gar •P , 1600 IHTUS·ll·IS .... HO to boon On lllh S t I 17116/mu Harry Patel ::2nb~~0b~~3~1,6~101 •r H 673·8'711, W 97g.8371 TOTAL ............. uoe IET TMEI ILL FOi HU $40 Wa have llstlnga tro.n &JI the services 10< one low pncel Dally updetet OllLY IT llH PUILIOITIOH 537-8970 Sharp and clean 4Br 2ba, Gardener inc $850/mo Ph 545.9950 Easts1de condo. 3 br. 2 be. den. lrple 2 car ga- rage $825 545-6685 E/Slde 2 br~RV/ carpo11. S550/mo, tst. lut & sec 229 Santa Isabel 63 1·8283 $611() 1147-4788 2 1 3 / 2 7 8 • 6 • 0 0 o r $426 ulll pc! IOr Oplx, 417 Nr Golf Courn, 3Br, 2 t3t670·30-0ll Ct10H d1J 1111 311Z f B"y Ave , BalbOll NO •••••••••••••••••••••• uota et47 1155 l'•B•. vacan1. 1750 mo WHtCllfl 3 Bdr. 11260. ocun vltw. btoutllully Incl grdnr 840· 1571 or Clllfn11vttn 3 Sr, S87& H furn townnouH, lrplc, 846· f37, FrllOt•ICk. IOI 031 1208 pool 4 PtllO s t005tmo •11 811< 10 bCh, 2Br. 101. lrplc g.,•ge. Kini, Quiet, no pell 673·8i1S5 4 BR 2 Ba Igo family hOm• Corner IOI, 2 car gar, hugt yttd. cpie. drp1 new pe1n1 1n & out $840 Ptr mo. 1nc1da grdnr & w1r Agl 957-0701 MOl/I: IN NOWI Large lu· •u•y condo $695 2BR £xlru 837 21588 eve• HARBOR VIEW HOMES 3 Bdrm, eap1nded Ca•· mel mdl View New cpl 1800 sit $1200/mo C111 H••ll•1I•• Agt Gene tllll S.2-8079 H11~01u 32f Z ' BR 1 ea nee. 2'~ blk• tr • ••• •••• ••• ••• •• •• • ••• beoch, ea1 . refr'g & 110-3 bt, 2 btl home. Hunt ve $700 mo yearly Harbour orea. Phone 1nc1e1a all utll No pell. 846-6914 sller_!.P~-Can "Tom. 835-5445 2 bdrm Broodmoor Condo w/Securlty $895 Agl, 846-2850. ltviH 3Z4f .•........•...••..•.•• Beech houstt. 2 Br, gar $700/mo 3 Br 2 Bil, gar $895/mo mo Fred Te- nore, og1 63t·1268. 631·271 I LUSISll Model Towonome near 3 Bdtm detached homes water 3 Br 3 Ba trplc. 1n excellent area Avello-upgrades $900/mo bl• Immediately. 75 t-2442 1573 0898 Coit• 11111 3124 c,, .. , dtl ll•r A 31ZZ ......................••••••••••......•.••.• CASA DE 0110 STEPS TO OOUI All UTILITIES PAID Laroe 2 br 2 ba lrpie. Comp11re before you rent Cuttom design teaturu Pool, l'lbq, COll'rd garage, IUHOUn• dad with plush 11ndac1- plng No pitta 1 Br Fu111 $51 5 365 w Wiison 842· 197 t ••wptrt VIII•&• lpts Beaulllul lancJscaped Jr I bdrm w1111 pa11o Oas and water paid Large recreation rm tncludtl games spa end pool ta· ble Tennis courts, vol- leyball couri, 1'1C/pool many amenllltl view S825tmo. Call Anthony days 642-5757, eve• & wknds 1531 -6630 OZY 1 Br house. hplc. pool, 4 neat, empld, non smoke Fem No pet or chlld. $525 leue, lat lest. sec. 640-4999. u1et 3Br, bonua rm $950/mo In Garage Greet 1oca11on 759· t243 SPACIOUS Lovely 3 bdrm 2 bath apt with oeam celhnga l1replace, bit In kllchen, enclosed patio and en- aa7 007& closed garage Super lo· uu • u cation walking e1111ance Call FllEI UPPEI Housts Ua/11111i1hd 3 bd d b S800/mo on 1 year laan. Five others to choose from We're the ones to call lor IHsea $375 mo 0111 mot>lte 10 shopping Vacant home No POIS Oulet, S 1100 per mo. ~,,_,.,, AJM,_.tl Alu•1•l1 Ua/atalt.t" t/.Juald" ll•lu•l1tH ..................•......••.......•...........•................... c.,,, •H• "" 11 .. 11.,1.. 1 .. c1 •••• ,, ,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• t.1tA Jiff •••••••••••••••••••••• I Or $426/mo • •••••• ••• •• •••••• •••• t Of. p111 deell, olO world BaehtlO< 1360/mo 8tu WALK TO 6CACH , 8t oh11m •PICtl011ll1 640 38615 °' 491·2338 w/itovt 13751mo ocean vu walk to beKtl 638·197Q $405 Conttct Mgr et apl l600/mo 2 Br 2 Oa apt, C 332 Encino Ln tncltd garagt, pttlo, $425 I 8R I Ba. patio, lrplC, lndry lac Submit lndry rm. all bllne Mull W•1l•/•1l•r jlfl onpet ••• TlS Mgmt .•••••••••••••••••••••• ISL Mgmt 042•1603 642 1603 2 Ek t 8• carpet. dr•pn, garage 1435/MO 1tt 6 QUIET IHI PIHi 2 & 3 60rm IPlt Avlll la1t ptu1 I 100 646.0 1 t6 l•kt ntw, 108 1 or, pauo, lmmedlately l!i!iO to 111 &PM t O I· 7 1576 rrplC. d/w. g1r1g1 rplc, w , ou • 4 5 1 01 2 kids ok No pell, A1•tl•t•ll f•t•l16H 01ch w/lrplc. PlllO, a 5 "000 " I , __ S400 Pool "' •PO No Wlltr paid .,4 ., •• !! •• ~~-~!~ ••••••• ~ p • t 1 2 8 b o ti a r 1 • Agent, no 1" __ 54Q-2447 12 bf apt. garage No petl Spoc1ou1 2 Br 2 Be new Avail now $465 Cell aft Cr Pit. drap11. good 5• 8411•5938 E11111de loc $475/mo BACHELOR wii'Ho'ARA. See Manager 147 E 111111 OE Stove & refr~. all 4" C M ullla potd 1326/mo 2Br, tBa. 1475 mo Nr So C81 Piau bttns, w/w carpet Oy1 957-2585, eve s 955·2 84 5 o r 75 t-0864 2 br, I' r oa 610 Joann SI Small dog OK 645·84!1:J EallSlda 2 BA 1 Be ups1a1ra. near schools, no pell $450/mo 631-6155 538-79711 f !l.~!f. ~!.'.C.t •• 1!.~f l aguna Cliff Or, ecrou 11 from Shlfw'• Cove 2 br. PBllO , gar $750 628·2149 Studio, unlur~1nee1. 'A block to beach, kitchen, neor shopping, 1pac10US. $365/mo 493· 7 137 & 4114·3862 IUWlll YIWIE Ntw 1&2 odrm lu•ury apt1 In 14 plaN I 96rm from l~O. 2 bdrm ltOffl $5115 Townhou .. from 16155 + pools, 1tnn1e. w1t1rtoll1. pondtl Gas tor cooking & heating paid From San Diego Frwy drive North on Beach 10 McFeddtn 10 Sea w tnd VIiiage (714)893-5198 IH•• fOOO ••..............••.••• $90 4 up will\ kitchen. week I)' Oceantr lnl Mo- tel 815-8740 2 Br Duple•, S535 645-65891645·8103 f!l.'!~~.!'l!!t ••• 1.~!! -UHU IHCR 333 E 21st St 1Spacioua 1 Br condo MtTH Ill Nice 2 Br t Ba New overloolllng llream, Wkly rental• 195 up pa1111 Carpels 4 drapes treH. tenn11. 11001. Jae Color TV. lrH coffee, In good cond Yard po-$500, 83 1·5 11111 heated pool & 11ep1 to 110, no pets $425/mo N 1 It A 3111 ocean K11c11·1 111all. 675-4886 or 994-5470 • .'.'!r.! •••. f!......... 985 N Coe51 Hwy. 40r, 2'/r be. pool, S2 .. 5, 000 Chuck Splller. agt. RE/MAX 631·1266. ••••••••••• ••• ••••• • •• rm, ou le garage. Ctlltlll 3202 d1shwas11er. fenced yd. 1---... •••••••••••••••••••••• No pats $650. 2 t9 E ~i \\\\lldbrldgc Harbo1 Highlands avail 3 BR 2 Ba, dt>I car gar, IPIC, patio $1125 Wlr & grdnr Incl Elaine, 548-1232 or 645-5983 secure 199 1 Newpor I HARBOR REAL TY Blvd 646-8373 673-4400 $490 2 BR. 2 car gar, upstairs. child OK. no pets Also I BR, S390 541-5331 NO FEEi Apt & Condo Laguna Beech 494-5294 ren1a1s. VIiia Ren11111. 675·4912 Broker. Kit Prl~ Chrtstien Home. -VERSAILLES CONDO llEIT&LS 16th s 1 54s.2oe1 Realty Yearly-Weekly-Winter, 2. Nice 2Br. 1Ba. lncd yd, 55 1 :IOOO CdM Harbor View Hiiis hm Spoclous 5 Br w/lg• bonus rm Nice area S 1500/mo 760-8708 0< 675-214.t H 1· I alk 10 bell 2Br 2 ea. 0 • 1111 Oii lrpk:. suneleclt.. S PCH M strelghl, Nr Bch, Lag Bell $325 499-2288 t br, t ba, southern ex, posure, subterranean prkg. sec entrances, outstanding pool/ clubhae By owne< $98. 900 assumable Sendra 642-61 .. 9 3.4 Belrms encl patio, new paint, 1'---" resp tamlly $450 mo + ltH"•rrann •·~'"'·'"'"'' .. !.~~~~•••••••··'·~~~ 507 ''> Fernleal, long JOI IESEIYE m ~~9~ ~40 $ 1 5 0 I m 0 t & 2 Bdrm. lg upper apt . quiet, no pets, laundry l ac11 3 I t W Wilson $350 & $425 631-2177 Am In 4 br. 2 be house. kit . washer/dryer, tic $225 + 120 dep C M 642-4172 Otitr l11l £1t•t• • • •····················• llt)i/e R••11 For S•l• J l 00 .•.......•.•••••..•.•• ICHltf ROIT New mobile/modular ca. dar collage. frplc, on pvt bell Leaseland S600 mo t t ''>% Int $65,000 499-38 t6 BY OWNER, Irvine "The Grove s· bea u 2 bdrm/2ba, dble gar Up- g r 11 d ed $69.000 On Green bell $ 11,000 dn 832-9199 I IHlll•I Ooubla wide 2 bdrm Cameron 1n one or tne few 5 star parks In our area. Allacheel sun rm and carport Beaulllul condition Priced at 1us1 534,500 by anxious ow· ner 17141 673-4400 Cl I JI 6Jl-JIJI HARBOR JICOIS REIL TY sac 2029 Wallace Hse B PllOP 548-211e lllllEIEIT 171-1173 ••• ,.,1121R Panoramic views. Or111e by 2001 Kings Rd & call for details $700/mo layfrHt Ct11tlt Unlurn1sheel Lido Prk Drive Lge 2Br. den, sec blelg $2500/mo P111ia. Pt/Wiater lge 4 Br & family rm home on beaut lane Avail tor winter months only Par11ally f urn S1 t00tmo c .. 11.11111r1•t Avall. furn or unfurn, lan1as11c locallon w/ views. 2Br. sec bldg, pool $995/mo W1terfre11t Mo•u 131-HOO E'11de 2Br hOme wlfrplc, yard, 2 car gar. $750/mo & sec t Br co111ge • yard S425/mo & sec 857-2040 2 Br on lot with others, huge yard, big front room. lrplc. dbl gar, 2 people only Pet 01( $575 673-6336 RecJecorated 3 Br 1 •1r ba~ lg encl yard. Range & relflg. Children & pels oil S735 incl gardener 878 Towne. 548-1295 Old Span1-sh house on targe Eutstde IOI 3 BR huge de1eched gar Va- cant S600 mo. Cell Larry or Dave. 540· 1 158 2 Br house $535 All ull· !Illes paid 1001 Ready ~r lam111es on 111e Isl of Oct Great area. OAIL Y RENT Al l•IH• UPDATES Pt•iaiul• 3207 _BEST 539-6190 COST •••••••••••••••••••••• •LUXURY & MORE• 3 Bdr 2 Ba. y1rd. no pets. Large lanced yard, warm avail 1011 $1000/mo trple, dbl ba111. big ga.ra· J.11. PIOPHn ge ssoo·s IWIHEIHT NOT A 115 117• RENTAL AGENCY I-----·--• BEST 539-6190 COST UIET 1ocatlon 2 Br. 2 A Div1s1on of car gar t block 10 $400 HOME. KIO OK MOdetn kitchen, prlv9te parking. low move In cos11, nlee 1oca11on Harbor l nvestmenlCo beech 11000/mo NEW RENTALS DAILY BEST 539-6190 COST 675-0540 D•1l11t•1/ Nice 2Br 1'1t ba In dpls. Westside 3 Bdrm. 1 ba u.111 l•r S•lt 1100 living rm w/lrplc, sun-Frplc. open beams. yard •••••••••••••••••••• •• deck, gar. so ot hwy $650. 63 t-8062 SIPEI TU SMELTER S650t mo. 323'"' Lark· 1--------•pur 536-t453 wkdy• Owner transferred. prime Fo• llYESTOlllll ~ • n loc m ewerd winning San Clemente pride of Brend spanking new eve-con Clo complex. 2br. owoershlp. modern Spa-rywlle<e 3 bdrm. 2·~ ~ 2ba. amen1t1n Lease or nlsh s1yle 4 unll apt Garage pa ho S t.O lease/opt Xlnt 1erms house wtth ocean/hills & mo 607 Iris Open S I Assum loan Owner. golf course view Close and Sun 64 1 •4868 or 556·9283 777-2233 1---------10 everything, only 3 Eastslde 3 BR, $675. "° years Old & ShOWS llke ,.,,. ,,,,, 3224 pets, 1SI, 1851 & dep NEW~ New owner could •••••••••••••••••••••• 642-6368 occupy 3 Bdrm • 2 beth Supremely styled with ------ clly & ocean view apt II beauly Large 2Br 11111c11 Raalia1to11 applicable & rent the garage. Smell mov In chg Bt•ti 3Z40 other 3 apartments for METRO ALTY 636-7005 •••••••••••••••••••••• Income Seller will help COST• IESI Seabreeze special Large finance & SAVE buyer • 4Br executive house big thousands of dollars• llttltl lrta• llt•t picture windows 2 mslr REOUCEO selllng price Decorator perfect. spa-baths garage $750 + of $295.000 00 1s way CIOUS 2 bdrm, 2'itba, new chg BELOW current replaoe-Cape Cod POOi. IJC. re-METRO RL TY 636· 7005 ment cost"' Principals aeolton area. pll1' l)auo, Sh.,p 2 BR ond ONL Yl1f Call owner al balcony. wine caner & 1ge 1 c 0 t sty t>llns. pool. S5So mo (714) garage Oe<:orator wall ~~I 142-0138 ~·:r:r·s~~~~~~s C~~ Dav I 540· 1 t 58, ask for e ,, ... ,.,., lh1trl, 548-2239 10 30 to 5 30 3Br pm bal beech bargain multl • h home plush crpting l•••rl 2400 ••••• ••• •••• ••••• ••• •• Stretchout and relax In LAKE ARROWHEAD. 31 comfort 3 + dtn equlped Br. den. 2ba Custom chet kltch now .t75 +chg 11y room butcher blk lam kite nen kid/pet 575 + Chg home t-337-3792 METRO RL TY 636-7005 TAO ALTY 636-7005 1eMes FOR RENT ME IHI l1t•l1 3 Ir. 2 11. H 3 & $77 gar we A gen 4 Bdrm, $675 to .. !!.~,~~l.! ..... H.'!! Frplc. range. yard. gara- ge. no p111 Privet• $785/mo 1st plus sec only 648 W 18111 St 499-1617 5 Fenced yard• & ages Kids & p111 lcome. 545-2000 1. no fee EJrchange Equity In YOUR hn Of condo '°' Turtle-rock Home Equity S90. 000 Good aasum1101e f----------1 1 Ill • 210 h t OILY/10 UST loans GOLDEN PROPERTIES 752-1589 LIH ISLE lllE Country French, $320, 000 equity tor??? Call Tony Webber at 873-7300. LIOO REALTY .. ,, ,,,,,, WHIH noo •.••••.••.•........... Wtnt to buy a house! Stttllng over? Facing forecloaurw? Need a way out? Call Barbara. p<lva- 1 e party. all 5 30. 8•2-8902 •. ,,,, •••••.•••..•.......... Fully equlpd kitchen 4 mom Agent 638· 7005 Chg collage gar 42!>-k~ TAO AL TY 836-700 2Br ME Br 2 Ba condo, dbl gar, 5 16871 Canyon Ln -1 t56. 879-5991 211 Ill $79 1 BR TRAILER P11v111e. 846 yard. no peu Ut111 paid $400t mo + security 499-1617 Prlc e pleaslng newer fem Magnillcenl :ier2 bath ~0;'8 g•r low mov In chi TA ALTY 636-700 custom carpet builHns 1-- IEAnlFIU very low mov In chg METRO ALTY 636-7005 Execullve Bluff Condo like new Build«'• Mo- de t Cl ly llghta and Ocean View $1200 per mo. 642-3893 drm plus den. fir•· 3 b plac 1750 e. 2 car Attached 760-1334 MOVE TOOAY lous 3Br 576 + c~ Spec MET RO AL TY 838· 700 Oy-na-mlte locale 3Br Exec Home nr bch. 4Br. 2 balh w/w crpt'g kool 2Ba etc step aavlng kitchen sac 4 mom now juat 600 + mo • gardnr, on cul-de- , avall 1mmed 11150 676-7873 •••••• ,.,.,,.H Chg 8 Blk •••••••••••••••• •••••• METRO AL TY 838· 7005 • to ocean Elegant ---------~ cad •••11/ 310Z Clean 2 Br 1 be. encl g•r. 2'-\ er & glass 2 Br & den. Bo ;.e.;,·pc;,;.;·c;;;:~;;;~~ pr1v1t• y•rd. S4as1mo. c,.,, large turn 3 Br ywarly, No 1>811 ~8-6680 J bit-I lower unit USO/mo 1ST ONLY/NO LAST l llre ALSO loYely apacloua 3 2Br plua bonus 428 + gllu Br upper unit $950/mo chg ve, )'fly Call Sharon Jay et METRO AL T'i 636-7005 tbpa Waterfront Hornet Inc •· 873·8900 or 848-0471 3BR. 2'~BA. ne., nww, ge, $925/mo Ptuth • & dra1>91 All the n amenlU" you de- . beauUlul atalntd wlodow. mle•owa· trHh comp, hydro· In lu•urloua mHtr dbl C¥ pr111111 otta· lncd yd, ""' 2168 Ml· pell tve. ner St $760 .. l.t0•5010 St fully matnt l:"d No , Inquire It 27 181h 9&0-6331 .. , ... ,,.,.,.,, 3101 •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Bdrm, bllYfront wtdoclt. MOOG/mo ytly Of S3000 winter. Avtll 1011, ,, ... '""'" ........, tlM1ll SELL Id,. llama with • Delly Piiot CINlrn.cl Ad. LY S350. HURRY• 2 BA 1 81 duplax. pvt •ON patio, new paint, $545 Spa clout .t room flat, mo. 833·8182 01H n ~pllanoM, all blH1 .. , 2 Wr• o..~. r:! llertl Ready 10 lhOW y Nr SC Plue In SA 1'460 CAL mo. No 1)81• 6.t&o 1947 L BEST 630·8 tOO COS'f YOio! dOn't need a gun to "drew fu1·· when you plec. .,, ed In tn. Diiiy ~ Wlll\t Adal C.it now I &42·5t71 -1575 MOVES YA• • Mai- pet ,,_ tic 3 ldrrn, 2 ea. 011. lull •POllt ..C.I, beeehl BE ST 539-6190 COST llESllHTl&l LUSH 2 lo 4 bdrms, star11ng et S800 to $ t395. THE ILIFFS 3 Bdrm 2ba, spotless $1250/mo 2 Bdrm 21>0. beaulllul adult unll S 1200/mo Call Ho1&1e1n Really 760-8816 or 644-9 t52 Clo11e 10 bch, even 11· 1 3Br. 2Bo hse. pool, ten- nis. $875 mo 642-7787. 544-0140 Harbor/Ocean vu, 3br. •S73 l'.~.,i.fl..,leu-2ba St 185 239 Ocean-" '-""nroi~ l\Yff'I~ I v I e w 8 7 5 • 2 9 6 7 ____ _, 548-2407 3 bd Available Now Gar-Block to beach. 3 Br year dene< No Pets $930/mo lease $850/mo Con1act 831-1615, 493-7766 Mr Puentes 833-0070. 2 BR 2 ea. cpts. drps, enct eves & wknds 646-6398. gar. $7 50 No pets lfWPOllT CREST _5_7_5_-5_606 _______ , Ocean view, 3 er 2·~ Ba UNIVERSITY PK, 3Br. newly cJecorated No 2' t Ba. lam rm, llv rm, pets S 1050/mo yearly lrplc. micro oven. 2 car 642-3490 ~ara~o, lndry rm. refrlg LIDO ISLE-$825 mo yrly ,00 · jec S 1295 mo. incl ulll Empt couple or 5=-2·&947 men prel 675-2055 WOOOBAIOGE S 1100 ---Spec 4 br, 2'~ oa. nicety Eos101u11 exec ramlly landscaped, lam rm, home w/spa St500 mo lrpk:, patios Lake. pool lse Call Rita. 673-8589 & tennis 640·1327, Tn.Btulla 3 Bdrmcondo. 559-6t88,ofc720-7373 2 ba Linda Plan -$1 200 /mo lse . 2 bdrm end unit, new1 760•1900 673_7681 condo •, mile to UC! _ Temflc views S895 Agt Su Clt•t 11 3Zlf 8~6-2850 •••••••••• ;" ••••••••••• L•••a• lt1e} 3z4 2 Br 2ba, excel loe Block ••'••••••••••••••••••• to bet\ Suitt Ins 1750. HARBOR OCEAN FRONT 714/8711-1985 Nu 3200 lu• hm on bluff S•• }•Ill ----- 180 deg vu ot harbor, suit. mtns. 3br. 3be. se-1 CHillruo 3J11 curtty, sauna, spa !•••~•••••••••••••••• $ 1800/mo 496-7009 .::xec. hlllslde home, lge 4 _ br 2'1, ba 3 trplcs. EMERALD BAY 3 br, 2 1 beaut ltc&yard St550 be 1600 sq II lrpl. brlek 661·77 t 7 peu~ with spa S t600 -- 2 131876-2255 Sul• h• 3210 ~ ..••.........•....•..• 2 Br t Ba cottage. Clltll llEIT TO OWi aecllon, ges range, gar-• Neer new 2 Bdrm. 2·.~ ba dener. relrlg Avail 10/8 condos From ssoo per Will lease S875 mo 494·0154 On bus line. 1 0,11 Sat I It i. Cusiom 3 br, 2 be. lrplc. 424 Wut ht St OW 2 blks to Victoria • Bell Ocean vu Gar _ or call 964-8171 Avail $950 894-85 t8 Co•do•i•ia•i Luxury 3Br w/llb, N Lag Far•i1iH 3f OO Vu . walk 10 bch. S 1500 •••••••••••••••••••••• 494-584 1 wkdys att 6 & IEWNllT IHCI wt.nds Lu.11 1 bdrm apt Prof Gorgeous 2Br ocn vu. brand new $ 1200/mo 494-5841 wkdys all 6 & wknds -EMERA LO BAY 3BA 4ba. 3300 sq fl, lrplc, pallo. lge grdn. form, OR, ~e kll & LR, quiet cut- -u c Ocean v1ww1. S 1800/mo 673-44 11 3Br. view, No End, S 1000 mo 494-5841 wkncts ol 111 8PM ac d d linens dishes, kin Und g Oed. HC guard erground gar LcJry Walk to Bch $700 rm 894-8821 -----Coa , .. , .. , .. , rl 11/ar•i1itd Jf 25 .... .................. 3 Br Plaz ova pool ava Condo near So. C a, crplng & bll·lns, rlooi.a greenbelt. s. spu & clubhouse II Security gate 50 Call 1179·823 1 81181 w'cnda $6 & Beauuluf & perk Ilk• with f-------te<reced pool ludlo, so of PCH. 4 blks COUN RY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A 10111 environment •Pflvete Pauos from bch $350/mo Avell •Covered Perking 1011 George 730-7000 HW LUIHY CIHOS ••• Phast O,tlttl Ill Flttr PIHi Wallt It SC Plaza apartment community on 2 BLKS TO OCEAN 1111 Upper Bay Private Huntington Bell . .t or clubhouae and health home In qu1e1 neighbor· spa. 8 tennis courts. 7 hood near Hamilton & pools, close to business, Magnolia MHter bdrm airport. FHhlon Island. w/pvt bath (shower), kit Convenient shops on & lndry p11v S300tmo site. Unfurnished baClle· Incl ullla 964-0332 lors, t & 2 bdrm apts and (Ser1dra) •Spacious Apts dys, 675-9115 ev •Dining Area 2 or, 1 be. gar, lrpl, no •Walk '" CIOHIS pets. $650 mo 640-0769 *Home like K II ch ens or 64 t. t 391 1 blk to Hunting ton Center. lronsportotlon & Walk ft ltach Frplc. elegant French windows, In-home secu- rity. belrrn & studio units incl washer & dryer Also incl p~t club wllennla els. gym. swimming pools. jecuu11's, sauna. beauttlully decorlled clubhouse & much m0<e From $455 Incl mOSI u111s too 5 49-3421 364 1 Bear St (be1 Sun- flo-r & MacArthur) lrwys'· / Large deluxe 2 bdrm, 2 U'lttmES fllEE ba duplex New cpl. etc 1 Bdrm From $515 $800 675-9345 1ownhou~ • S560 • S IOOO N B 39!11 St, pvl t>ath.° 2 Bdrm $615 C•''' #Ill 312f LA OUINT A HERMOSA ••• ••••• • ••••••••••••• 1621 t Parka1de Ln 1 btk Several bachelors and t MIF. non smoker ,250 Bdrm un1t1 feature fine inc utlls 673_ 146g designer furniture and W of Beach, 3 blks S of Edinger 847-544 1 f!l.~~~.~!t.~~ ..• !.~~~ lu111ury a1ud10, free HBO, phone. maid swrv. spa, $130 wl( 499-3015 St•Jdto Pvt---.nf." pv1 ba Non smllr Mature ous prof. $350 494-0451 ~t.'!r.!!.!!~!! .. 1Z~! OCEANFRONT Olx 2-4 Br By week or month 673-7873 THE "GOOD LIFE" YEM.ftOUND RIM: ,Soclal Act fvltl11 Olrw ctor •Fr•• Sunday Brunc:n•BBO'a• Part181•Plu1 much mof8 0111 I! AT lllECllllATION: Tennla •Frwe Les10r11 (pro & pro ahop)•2 Htal th Clubl•Sauna• Hydrorneuagw• Swlmml1H1-oolf OrlYlng Range 81AUT.,UL Af'AflTMIENTI: Single &. t & 2 Beclrooma• Furnished & Unfurniahed•No P1t1•Model1 Open ~l)'lto8 01kwootl ..... ......... ............ , .. 880 ll'Vlne (at 16th) (714) 645·1104 ............ / ... 1700 16th St. (Dover at 16th) (71:41 642-5113 Winter rentals now avallable Call JIOllS IULn 9'e81iBJIU lP&llTllHTS. Beauhlully landscaped garden ap1s Pool & Spa Pauos/decks No pets BachelOr $410·$4 15 2 Bdrm $580 2250 Vanguard 540·9626 or 642-4905 l Bdrm 161 E 18th $470 642-0856 Spacious 2 Br. I Be $42S 3 B r 1 '" Ba S 4 7 5 Laundry lac , pool 548-9556 12-7PM E/Sldt 2 BR 1 Be, encl gar. deck. spec ulll part pd lndry rm, $525 846· 1509 Ive msg. $300-Studlo lor 1 Gar- den, 111 & last. El Pallo t30 Broadway. alt lpm accessories Move 1n lo-Beauhlut nltW townh<xise, day or reserve IOf future t ml from UCI Call use Smartly furnished 7141553-8244 models open dally -8-,-1,-1,-,,,-.,-,-11--4-1-00- 0n JembOfee Rct at • • • • • ·' • • • • •• • ••• •• • • • San Joaquin Hiiis Rd SHUii llTEL • .1.1. llOO Wkly rentals now 1vall -$ 105 & up Cotor TV 2 Br 2 Ba from 1525 No pets Acron from Npl Bell Goll Course Olflce hrs 9·4 545-4855 Phones In room 2274 N-pO<I Blvd CM 646-7445 • •2 br 10 ;co;:;do-;;;-sc Avl Sept 15/0ct 1, yrly Pleze pool No pets steps Ir beach 2 BR 2 ea. Ptne-Knol Motet on~ Hwy NB Slaps to ocean W kly rate• 645-0440 $520 557-4516 S750 mo Call '°' eppt, 675-0124 aak 10< Kate IEEl I CEl Townl\ouse 2 Br 1' • Ba . lrplc, pool, spa, anaehed ' garage No pell Ava11 t'lOW $625/mo 631-4984 S .. 85 2 Bdrm. relng. pe-110 no pe1s adults prel. '• Block to belch, 2Br. Aeason1ble ratH Kii· 724·A James 673·7787 bfight & airy $670 mo cheneun. ph-. maid PINE BLUFF APTS yrly 968-11263 service. Z channel mo------1 vies SANDPIPER M0-2 bd1m, 1 ba, S550/mo, TEL, 1987 Newport Blvd, 2 BR 1 BA. old llOUM, no peta, child OK. All ulll pd 4 t5 Hemllton. $535 841·0763 2 Br 2 Ba Chtld Ok, pa- 110, llieW, lrptc, encl gar . gas stove. dishwasher. 1pa, lndry rm $625/mo ye.,ly S1ep1 to beach CM 545.9137 1 116 W Balboa 2 13-86S-2542 UIH& IUCM SPMC 63 1-6 107 lllHI IEW COllO E/Slde C M cute bachelor 2 Br 2 B•. 2 ur garage apt, l .. 00/mo + $300 w/opener, wood burning securlly No pets Joyce lrplc. view of stream & Weitze. 631·1266 agt :;;~;~• From S795 Eastflde CM. 1 BA. $375, 2 BA "475 no pets 1sl. ICUIFHIT 3 bdr .. 2 ba gar great loc Winter 1 Bachelor great loc yearly TSL •&•t 142-1103 I S395/mo I Br 1 Ba Apt IHI & dep 642-6368 Compl redec 2Br 2be. Carport, lndry rm Sub· 1 -unusual 1ge rms blocll to mot on pet 1>11lcony Call D1111 1•i11I 31Z6 bch Aup cple Yrly for appt ••••••• • •••••••••••••• $650 64'2-3912 TSL Mgmt 642·1603 1 Br garage, near ocean, _ -----I very Clton $390/mo OCEANFRONT llSTllT Ill 2131402-2657. See et Larga3Br 20t.$8751mo Etsllide $600/mo 2 Br 24682 Cotdoba Or Apt Avail turn 873-U83, 1•1 ea TownhouH, all A 540-3773 built-Ins, lndry rm, car· 2 BA 2 Ba. carport, mo-tBr I blk-to-B-ay_&_bc_h_. port. yard/belc:ony. small dern. $545 542-3597 or $435 mo urfy 573-6210 pet OK. 730 ' TSL Mgmt 642-t603 • ~65 No dogs. or eves 673-2493 1 B•. $395 2Bdrm--:-S490 OCEH VIEW 3 BR 2 Be.oce.n1ron1. mo Crpt1, drps. pool. From Dana Point's most $875 winier. I 1150 yrly gar No pe1' 642-4470 secluded 1cen1c bluff Pro P •' 1 Y House , Like new• Only 4 un111 2 1542-3850 tBr upslai•s. no pets. Br w/dtn Xtre lrg private 2 Br 2 Bag;, 1525/mo avail Oct 1 $370 mo 352 patio No pet a. From 151 last Daya 83 t-3473. l/1c10<1a 645-8181 $750/mo Call 661-60 t Eves 4 Sun a.t5~60 llTOll 111 Wkly rentals S95 up Color TV, tree collee, heated poof & steps 10 ~an Kitch's avall 985 N Coast Hwy Laguna Beach 494-5294 ''•'"' '' n.,, 4300 ·······•·····•···••·•· llHlllR WllTHI Prolession.t mlle 25·35 non-smoker 10 share "hke-new" 2 Bdrm 2 beth San Juan Cap1atrt· no con1 o F1repface, pool. jacunl & only ml· nutes to the beech & Dana Po in I Harbo r. $290/month plus '' of the utlllhes Call Gerhard 111 (7 t4) 831·2040 or (714) 496-9758 PlltMIHlllY NllT Lux 2 bf. 2 ba, lrplc alt amenlll•• $342 + ''I ut 1ls Non -smoker 675-9534 GAADEN RETREAT 2 Br or M·F, 11·5, 643-0212 I br. t be, u11ls pd '"' blk Room w/kll P<lv $250 mo 10 beach $450 Avall u111 Incl 111 & 1a11 now 646-5743 642-6811 t' • Ba Condo, overtoo-2 BR 2 Ba & den. tplc, long poot. S?• & running ocean 111ew. enc;1 git wl brook. xlnt cond. No opener 714~93· 1030 pets S5501mo 848--7452 NWPT HOTS·2Br. 281, FEELINO'CRAMPEO? or 841-2880 H•ali111lo• spacious. avail 10-1 Master bedroom sullt. Ftreplace. pool, dfsn-l11ei 3140 s700 mo. 6'45•7'400 private bath, 11ep1 10 washer. p\11 patio x Lg o;j:;;;,;,i;ld~·;tr~·,~;; 2 er 2 Ba Condo, N--ocean. wtd, patio, rec Garden 2 Br on El11d• 2br, 2 ba, bllns. dawhr. pO!'I C11at, $900/mo rm $425 675-32_3_1 __ $560 557·284 I 1'1\ mlles beech No pets Call 63 t-0460 F Shr 2br/2ba Woodbrld· Sharp 2 BA 1 • ba patio, & ger. no pets $4 75 :, .. 6-9950 $500/mo 536--8362 YRL Y oce.n view 2 BR 1 08 condo, child ok. $325 WlllUIE Be 2 ear spaces $700 640-6800, 552-3375 f!l.~!~.~}l.~~! •• 1.~~~ EXEC 3 br, 2 ba, tamlly rm, encl. RETREAT In New· Plltf IH&lllHT Spec t & 2 or. lovely 1 BR, new paint, CPll, pines 6 streams, HC drapes. d/w. no pet• gates entry oy phone. $400/mo 2265 Mine< St lg• rec erH Incl. gym. mo 8 4 4 • 6 7 8 0 or Sh• beaut turn 3 bf, 2•-. 646-31811 be. 2 sty house. 1rv1ne. Veraalllu Spacious & )ac gar 731·8630 atrium, lge yard. Nr gra- de school Avall 10/4 1880tmo 875-2500 $575 2 bd deluxe Prlv Area Bell. apa, t•nnls. 493-1131 ~!.'!r.!!.!!!!! •• !.~~! Neer the surf •"*I the seabr1t2t. unMllevable 3Br 2b• gar hm 850 + Chg METRO RL TY 638-7005 EASTBLUFF Exec. home 3 Of' 2 oa .llen. formal dining. 2 rrpla oardtl\ pa110 . $1150 mo 8.t2-0350, 857-4828 Oce1nlronl 1Br equipped kilChlfl ONLY 425 + ch~ METRO ALTY 836·700 Harbor Vttw Homes. Car- mel Mdl 3 Br, family rm. Lease Stt50 64.t·61177 B1uff1 3 br. 2\o'i ba. tam tm, grtenbelt. pool 11250 mo Agt 644-0134 Harbor Ridge lease 4 Br 3 Ba beaut dtcor. 3800 f1, =· 1enn11. ~.,d g•I• 500/mo 8o or Dovie Koop. Ag!, RE/M AX 7511-1221 ti TH WITH Balboa Co~• a>tecuuve home, 2 & den ot 3 bdrm. All opening to g11d1n. p1t10 ovwrloo• king wattt, 2 frplc'•· g11 llrl ""t ape, tlo, 110 Mt~ rnltl'l9d. tllp fOf boat avellablt f,nl~ 1 1906/mo 751· 78 d•rs eee-e 103 ~ ..... ,,.,...., ...... CIMtlfled Ada 142J671 pon Bell 1 er penthou· lli-llU ae Security. pool. 1pa. m . 6 4 2 • 8 8 6 8 ' OCEANFRONT taro;--;;;;: 4287 dern 3 Br 2 Ba fllo Piii L~ 2 er. Pt bea r et ------Avail now to June 14 2 Ba Condo Dana $900 873·68.tO ocean vltw, walk lo ch. washer. dryer & lct11frt11/Vltwl rlge. $1550 /mo Out1tandlng 2 and 3 492· 8700 bdrm. 2 b•, ldry, lrpc, 1•11111 hr11l1}H ~r..~ bal. 2 gar S8001mo I 1. 000 winter. 640-4784 ,,, ...............•. h• lllHd 310I llOllT THI ..... • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •• • furn rentaJa by week ot 2 DI. 7 homes lrom mon111 Agt 675·8 t70 A11a11 now 1850 mo. 3 bf. ~:6. BA 1077 Older 1 Br, ·~ blk to t1nd CHELOR APT 1325 ~3g/mo yrly 1576-5710 u ,,, ,, ••••• Illa ~';3~3=1peta WINTER RENTALS now ------tv1J1eb .. HI ,u. Plt,Hn '!!'!!~!~ ••.•• !.~~~ IAHHMHT . 851-2175 pool & 1911 846-6591 1111. 2111. 311. WALK TO BEACH· 2 Br Newly decor Ou pd, atove & rtlrlge. Small 1>9t encl g1u. dwsht, pool, ok. $450/mo. 531-7979. bbq no pet•. 642-5073 llghl 2 Br. 2oa, 3rd floor Xlnt 2 BR 2 Ba apt CM c o n d o $ 6 7 5 I m o . gOOd area t11por1 '1n<1,Y 842·6 1 .. 11 Sandy $290 lnci ~M Bel l IAM, s .. c1, ... ,, 1111 _6_48_·8_11<>2 ____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••• • Fem. immac. non smkr, to lllllY ti DIS tlE shr 3 BR condo nr SCP. ln San Clemantal Near Over 25, Hlabl $250 NEW 2 Bdrm apt with mo Incl u111 546·2575 bulll-lns, carpeting, drt· ---------pea laundry feclllty un-M/F shr hse, S 180 mo + d., · roof carports i0t 2 ' • ulll. Non smoller only • Stc11111y O•t11 cart. publlc 1enn11 court• ~ area 850..0007 &a." tfl._._. • ll'(IOI & Ate ~ 6 golf COUrM right ~ Shate large Newport Hll ... cs -=-:I • I A 7 1111 Patio APll hind property, walking furn condo HOO lr!Cll HlllLY &ns • • li1re1tn LlllOtQ~lllO ctlltanoe to Slit• Plrll ' utlklleS 648-11798 8 • 01111wu11ers & Mlh beach. cloH lo every----HuUlul ~arden apt• • JoO 10 St.ell & SllO"". thing I 1 4 75/mo"th Pf•I• M fOf 1 Bclrm w/prv P•tlotl dec:li• No Ptt• 2 ... Avallabte October 15 4 ba on the bHch, N B. ~h~~~:' ~B= 1540 no pell Cell owner at $275/mo 642-11881 2 Bdrm 2 Bath• 1565 <7141 8.t2-0l38 Roomm1te wanied Ml 398 W Wilton ""'-11f4 lnlM UH 1tr1ight, no-smk. $250 + 6pm 1542-5520 Small 1531-5583 Of &A2-4ll05 i.ii.illMlllli•ll'-i•i•i!•••·~·~·i·~··~·~·~·~·i··i·il· ,_. ulll Oya 8.t2-S.t48. wit MHa Verda 2 Br. 1 91. ...... ~ OCEANFAONT. two 3 BA, g1r•o•. Ilk• new cond ~AP" 1 • .TJll.~ • ~ Lool\"'9 for F 10 lhr 3 br 1 Br cer1>9t1, dra• 17'·1171 Piii • rtlrlge , atove 1mo 076-5068 1425 U ll57mo 71.t/882·2390 ~s~ N.B condo with M/F, Wlnte r R1nt1I 3 Br ia. t car garage I mo SttP• 10 oay. 2 to beech 301 Ed· aler (Coronado II lronl) Aobln1on or &41-5847 one 2 BA, avl now From " a.~ $300111\0 875·9843 1700 mo Winter Call Sharp 2 81'. hovM, t tov.. ' T.~ Ba 1700 blk• 675-"37t garage No pett 1500. ~ Vl 25 f!mold m• .. P'Of tltll• OCEANFRONT Lge 38r S48· t3l1. ~ r<>Ommal• 21·~7 lo lhr 1 m0tt btlullful 2b• $975/mo Avlll urt• L1rge 2 Br ntw p1tn1, 38f twnhM In Unlll'tr"1y g•w I)' I urn 8 7 3 • 4 4 8 3 . carptt $525/mo. Stu Offict,,__ ft...tt.: Pie Irv POOi I ti>e 1 27& 6.t0-3713 407•2338 Of 5'°-38e8 """"'.,_T ft..,. 7511 ,..7• lullunou~ adult & family living in an all mo .. --.,. •av "' Ae•ll oe .. Sma nfront & ctoH 10 Ocunrront 38r 2bl. SpaclOua 28r '435, alt bl 11 1 • 2 Br Aptt wlnt., rental. 18~ Ptayt fine. upper or fo-.tr ·S760 Vrly & wlnl«, A E 673-1900 1H2 M8)'91' Pt 8.t2-3112 &t02 2 Bfil""'Ba, yrly, r19r of e .. utlful 2 Br 2 81 r/yrly, 111,. lgt. 3 bf, oceanfront. 1650 Pro· 1ownhouM . frplc, p11lo. S3~ 675· Wtnla ab• Sltpl from beech. I P*fl)' HJUM, 64~·3850 lndrli rm . r o od loc Oo•• 1und n & bey view from VILLA BALBOA Eltgantly :.T.6~· TS ~\803 8Clk Mu11 -1 S850 IUtn CO!'ldo 2 b<I, walk w i n 815-ttr. 1 950 yrly t o b ell pool, •P• 8204 526·7'05 UITltll Wint " IW\ttl 2 bO rm, 1 DI duple>t Oar or I 1ge ~• bill 10 Ocelll1 I)' NO pe1a 1525. ·878-4 142 , 193.0031 I 1 4 213· 2 Br 1 8• pool ...,. .., .. 1.•rot 2br, DuttHn• & ea-lnctty rm. 011.lne N o r age. at•P• 10 uno. pa te Cell t or •PP• 18~/yrly or $!00 Wini-$435-1450 If (213) 448-9120. (1131 T81. MQfl'\I IA2·1I03 67.t •tto, 1213) ...... 7 50 w lctlt tt.me .... -N7 • .. ·-- 9"" ~2-4310 new country sttt1ng. l, 2, & ) Bdrms. Chri111an '"" nltdtd 1o A~nitiM Include: •IH Duut Newport 1t Re1.1GAs RanRe •Toi lott~nbeh~ ~'W2&~!· ll:;S::, •D1,hwA~her1di~posal * Pa1\01~undeck 01&-1_1_11 ____ _ 1f L ... ( T ' Mir ahr 3bd :lb• epec * Drapes/carpeting ~U1"1ry ilCI 111~ oceenltont Penn, trple. * RKretlt1on room *Alt conciitionlnf( l:IOO-~o 11i-1~14 (ON Mt ut now b bttt MtKtioft. T• W. v• Loop.., 10 n..r l•"' '*· c•: Qt • 1300/mo Hml·furn l>Mvtlf\JI ., .. , non emo- k er 835-'787 d•y•, 13t-a&15- \ : DI Orano• Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Thuraa•v. S•p• mber 30, 1.->ea lessianal Service Direct u~.~~te!oYOP~r ~!1.~~!1 ••••••••••••••• , f ~!l.'.1.!!!!!!! ..•..••• 0t1v.,wey Pa11<1nu Lui !ih111111100 & 111.1111 t111u11 11111>•11•. Sealcoallng t;olor b11ght•n•r• wilt for 11 ~&S A11>t11t 8:11 • 1(1!1L1r.. ~r1>I• 10 1111n bll•lllll 30 day ao In lht O•n lfl•llbottU Or•iiing t 1,111 llvlf tn 1m'$16 111vg & P11VinQ Co H11•fcornl roo1n ' ~ COu(;h I 0 IAILY PILOT l 1c. 397804 842 1no 1.h• S!> 011111 eltrn put odor Crpt rop1111 l!> yr1 SHVtOE lllHOTOllY 00 IT NOWI lsk ftr S.dra Your Dally Piiot SerV1ce Directory Represent11t1vo ~!!!!~!(.' ••••••••••••• All"IO ACCIOfNl? No recovory No luu Att'y Koll•ulh 848·4:11!> ~!.bJ:!{'!!!t ••••••••••• loving home. age11 '.l & up FIT $40/wk . + b11I /art SChl CM !>56-361' •.. 2 llll Mature llcenMid babysit • • 1 tit. 322 111r tor <Joy wori.111u ruo· lhtlr~ only Mun F11 111 A . I lonta lo ;J yr) S:>"' wkly .!!!.".,!'.•..f •••••••••• l 642-0728 BOOKKEE'ri~G SERVI ~!.o.~~!!t!~f•••••••••• Local women will oo NEED HELP'? Analyzing bkkpg for your Du11ness orgoniz1ng Dookkee· or personal Call ping b11nk1ng bills 541-8272 548 4955 ~.'!!'.~~f!!.f!!!!'!f! ... ~.0.'l!'.~~ ... ~e.1.V.1~'!! .••.• Applied re-applied, gu111 , MOU$EClll ln•ureo. llc'o 4 14691 GP Business · Ooclor' ~ lroe e.11m111es Books/ OatatWord A · S · ~roces~ir.o .!2.~'!!!!!t •• !!!!!!.... 90 Min 00 site VISll 50% OFF FIRST MONTH $50 lllllril 11m11 S25nr 11•0 Do w CJr k mvu111 Hot~ ~Jl 0101 Nu Stl!11m1No SMmpoo s1n1n Sn"t11111111 ra11 dry H1111 H I 8311 lbllil lXCrt CARP(T C.ARC Jack Bulltng1on Ownl!r /Opuralor C111p111, uphOI, ll•fh1 rog c:ltutnlng WOfk gu11r Fre~ (ii 645 1771 KURT'S KARPET KARE Ouallty wo•k Reis Free est 494 1429 f!!!!!~t ............. . CHAM PE NOISE F1r1e C11u111ng 111 lho 01<1 world 1rao111on 645-9858 Cflltent Concr1t1 .••............•.•.•. Cement-Masonry-Block Walls-Cust work Uc "381057 Rob 547-2683 Desperate• Pa110 work Free 011s1gn lo p11c11s Xlnt refis 497-7354 Oepeno11ble, alloroabte. (714) 645·5979 Cllild Clle essent1at Answertng IUSl"'ESS ADDRESS •••••••••••••••••••••• service, secretar1a1 & " Cn11cJcare wkdys, creo buslnen services, mall S IOimOntnly 85 I· 13~ 1eacher Organized acu- boK rental, word proces-Cll•fnltv v111es c M 645-4657 stng. Telex-Facsimile. •••'••••'••••••••••••• - -order entry, pagers-lease CUSTOM wood patio co-Ct'llld care by exp'd mo- buy, desk space r11n1at vers. Cleclls & te11ces by mer, M-F. nr Fairview & ANSWER NETWORK RANDY 641-0622 Adams. C M 979· 7365 760-7320 (ask for AV ) I ---~IJ'.~~~'!.'! •••••••••••• Art-Antiques-Jewelry Appraise & Llqwoete Michael Hein !153-07 17 Tne lasteal draw In the Finish & rougn carpentry, cab1n111s, rm addmons 646-7228 Remod & Repairs Free est Lo roles Decks pa- ho Sieve 752·9556 WHt. a Dally Piiot Have something lo aell? ClaUllie<I Ad. 842·5678 Clan1lled ads do II -II Cont11cto11 Gen111J ···········'·········· R.J. Muffm111 I So11 Uc 306888 Remodel. Aaa·ns, Cabinets 646·85861645-4644 ADD' NS/REMODELING Plans Uc a George P1lmer & Sons 646-7814 c .. 111ct111 01111111 ···········'·········· M.1 .. t)lll 'I' I II r•tontry 1.un t rllh• atJ1t "" mll•n• 111 111ud l 1\i u 1140 om 1 f, I ANttun INOUl> I Hll s C..un I r..01111 t•ro1111rly 1n1111ov ll07 1811 (8 ~I !'.o.~!!!!~1r1,.,,.•••••••• *KAT ntN'J\ S LIVI: IN 1111hpr11. d111tv mu10 11erv. Ufll\,(I i,ftoll\111\j, I I 1)1 ClllUlllll\j IUb :I I lb 1tSKµftS 6 MAIO$ l IVr IN HAL Y t WKI V Vleto s .. , v1cu11 Agoncv l 1c'dfll!ll1cJ11d 973-flOOO ¥!!~!~t.!!!.vl!~. •••••. AT YOUR SERVICE 1'1111011@1 Quallfie<l crn vors lor your day to <l•Y arrand11 Shopping dr appts ct1urcn etc All needs mot By hour 01 day 494 5857 !'!!."!~!! ....•.•...••.. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Repairs. smt 1ob spec 11 yr• e•P Bud 552·9582 Well 1u1ures Acoustic Hung-lope-Steel 11uds Lie 38994<1 l -532-5549 El1et1ie1l .••.•........•...•..•. ELECTHICIAN Priced fight lree 11st11no1e 0•' large 01 small jobs Lit 396621 673-0359 ELECTRICIAN Sml 1obs1Repa1rs Lie 233 108·C· 10 548-5203 LIC'O CLECl RtCIAN NEEDS WORKI Uc: 418968 642-8023 RESIOICOMM LllNO 20 yrs Do my own work Lie 27804 I Al 646 8126 Hove somelhlng you wa.nt to sell? Classtfied aoa do ti well 642-5878 ~~!!.'.".!~'············ ~~~~l?'!~~ •••••••••••• ~~!!!~!~~!!!1 ........ r~.'!'!!~1 .............. 1 r!~~1;1i ••••••••••••• I ~!!!! ................ . THH Own ru1ttrac1 o "'"'"' fllUrnb '"IJ•I• p111nt g I ut11Jt•ll111omovad Cltoun mobil• homv •e••l<.e JQan • C.111t111nu Survl<A fl•E PllMTl•G Jfllly Lrtt.11•1••• ~·1QI • olit• (..1111 .ull110ij •Y•'•"'• ltou,e1 Apll A .. 11111• b lltchlrd Sinor lit WalllJUIHO•ll•U A 1hl'11i•llU lfCH.11114' •110'>1111(,j poolt lllJ. IUWll <tlllOV 1!11 3476 Jim !>:lb !1U~7/&!;b 3684 0 1111. • b.40 12111 i'X0644 13 yra of hltPIJY Mirny rnt11re11c.111 l'aul 1101 wlr •P•~• ll4t1l111g 1mro Of HASSl[!J? tcx;111 t.1Jttomer1 8!.7 01111 Nllur11I g1u d11r~1.111111on TMl IUIHM SCUil JACK or Al L rnADCS 0 ' Th!l11k 00 6'.) 1 4410 •• hara 01111m110 vour u1tli1y ctt111111ng hftlp 11 Y · • p1811 R••ovil •vai11m, 11t1rt1t11t.y Alta l 11w11 lrW· •hrub 11111811 Call J11ck 1111y11n14' ltt111 1rtm/r11move11 tJtly t.11 11111111 bf!> :;o 14 11nr111 R1111 Q60 74b2 louAltTY WOAK neo1, .. T••••••••••••••••••• rt11w 1n1'111ll•11ona t 1c Ounllly HouSllCl411111111U lflll hOm:ISI Rula I IC * * UHYAN I '* * 140~!144 ti3 I :/430 l "~"' M111111mu11>1illlng I 11'11 11~1inU1lfl !148-6060 UCI •l11dn11t lluorlnlJ wndw/1creon, curpentry 01rnnio111 Ourdernng tilU<. f •IJ Rob 873-:i28 I witi ii•ri.umsl luutll CM 167107 P1Wt1 964-104!'> W1111c.ov111111u A11mov111 Irv NH Hoth 1150·0933 l.owu.I ~a11111 i:>rompl. All IVPH 6<1;,t t'H3 !I!!~!!!!! ........... . HOUGLCLlANEH ntRt proteu1011111~ t!I Pl11t11 llH•i1 I SCH\llCC. $ RCPAiR C.ln·vPll h1w11 <;11111. full comm & roa1d m111n1 I r' IJ IJ~I 646 6tl84 Yr• 011p 8411 8804 ••• ••• :1 ••• r. •••• • •• • •• v .. 11 Qppone Sor vice Co 28 VAS l;Xt> DUNHAM C;cwd 1111• NO IJo Irvine £0 ~ l'LAG1 CAINO 838•4686 HOM( IMPr~OVCMCN I ""'' Glady• 64 1.0102 cus TOM PAINTING Nmll flillC.h•• 1nl/a111 R11m<1d11llng OClcl Jobt 6/IM Hou~uctuimtnu lnllo>I R011olcomm f~n.ruc:c.us 64!>·8:168 Till l 1111t1\C11111ng Mll1n1011110· 1131 8!'1:.10 anyt1ma l~t"aaonolJI• Call Bun re r 111u u" lie 844·4 7911 •••• •••••••••• •••••••• tll l ow11 & gardun c:are, PLA& r( n r•A TCHING 1 ILi! INSTALLED (;lun11 up Ken Jouu. H11dwood F/0011 Fldllmo lllllnd 875 7498 I!> yrn fl•P NB/CoM rno R11~1ucco1 lnt/11111 30 All Kindt Guaranteed !.J(, Ht10 ref's •••••••••••••••••••••• 8tti.h6tlOt I Ht.,chu~mno •moll my pncos su., Y'• Nu1t1 11.,u1 ~·~ 2077 Rots John 8•0·9217 HAROWOOO rLOOAS & Luundry Scirv Koren ~11111111 Ao11 673-6477 GlllDEMIMO *AMTED 8enutllully cleaned 26 8 8 0 06M .>.. Pl11•bin1. I Cl a 832 488 I ~40 I I 5 "" IN 1 /t:JI T PAINTING ••• ••••• ••• ••••••• ••• Mow11>0 edging •liking on waxe HOUSECLEAN1··a 8 WALLPAPERING A Tl AS Pl UM61NG 8 1weup1ng Free 01tlm11 H /' ,, ll!J 1)45 5737 Ill Jnll HQllHI & Dependablll Cu .. om wOfk Free HI llealinQ apecl1llZ1ng In ••••••D"u M •• P •• J•O•B··s······ Brenda 962·26~ 1-111111!1 Steve 547-4281 r P8"~ 645 1t188 GARDENING Clean-ups. & Smell Moving Jobi E~perll~ Hou1ekeeping HARBOR PAINTING fD Ell 141· 1121 FINEST KIND I sm lauoaceping monlllty Call MIKE 64tl· t39 I W111 lurn1sl"1 vecuurn 8 Outtllly worl\ Free est Watur Hei<tur Spec:1a1• mu101 Nell 642-6795 l1AULING-GRAOING 11upp11111 Kilty 64 I 4970 Cllll 1111 6pm 673-5166 24 hr plumllllr etc K&O Landscape Ma•nt oemo1111on clean up Hou,ec1e11n1no Leave tile CUSTOM Pll•TIMO R •• •.l.in •• ir.11 •• ia.I. ••••••••••• Resod/Comm Clean-up Concrete & tree removal oruoga 10 me & 11ve a 25 y1s exp Lie 4039~ 1 Lite nauhng 548-2489 Ou1c11 serv 842-7638 llllle Xlnl rels Mary Bonott<:I tnb Atilt Colo• J 0 H<1rn ne1m1sn1ng MAINT & DESIGN PROF SERVICE 970-76!:17 e•pe11 963-0911 OtC:k ~~~!Q~=•~llr~~I 6~~boi~1: Owborlln Landscape Serv OHUal~~n~ c.. teyradn <;Fie.~~ ue~I ~~!o.~!T... ..•. •• . . .•. 2H30LIOAAYISPOAOCllN~ TOIMllaE'. 1111en agreement on ~" 0 ""' ~ yrs v 1 .. mo maint 644-1246 673-0548 BRICKWORK Small loba repairs Bruce 972-0116 Newport Costa Mesa GARDEN WORLD HAULING stu<Jent nas Irvine Rtols 675-3176 Full Service Oarden1ng lge Huck Lowest rate loc Be• nal 646·2922 Prompt Call 759· t976 Gorden1ng, Landscaping. yard ma1ntenence, clean ups, tree tr•m & removal Free estimates Insured 642-4889 ~'.'!~f !'!~!' •••••••••••• Tnank you, John CLEAN-UPS. GARAGES. ANYTHINGt CALL RANDY 642· 7647 Hauling & yd c:iean-up Tree lr1mmlng ga111ge clean-up Bob 850-9844 Carpentry Masonry flooflng . Plumbing Family ol 8 will haul away Drywall . Slucco . Tile your old junk, trimmings, A model J B 646-9990 etc: Fost elflc111n1 work II --687·3939 Carpentry • Cab1nels • Plumb Drain Cte1n1ng Hou11cle1n1n11 Etectr1ca1 ~ Tile ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••••• Reis Don J166-0 149 ROBINS CLEANING -- -Service • a thoroughly Classtllecl Adt 642-5678 Clean house 540·0857 Custom B11c:k-Stone Btock·Concretu Stucco Roi• f'.ree e.i 549 9492 ~~~!~t .............. . * l· 1 MOVING* Top quality Spf:IClai car• ''' Mndtlng 25 yr& exp Compelllive Rates No ower11me 730-1353 ABC MOVING· Ou1ck Careful Serv1c:11 Lov. rotes 552-0410 STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Loe T 124-436 Insured 641-8427 WATCH US GROWi r~1.~'.'!'1. .••••..•.••.• Fartnino Interior Design l~ANGINGISTRIPPINO visa-MC Scoll 645-9325 ---ASR PAPERHANGING 7 yrs local exp. Guar w ork Prices s lert al $8/roll Alec 751-7027 Expert wallcovering ons1at1a11on Reas prices Consultant AsS1gnman1 581-8590 Papernang1n9. stripping, painting )(Int work, lg or small jobs, reasonable rates -Reis Free est Brendan 968-7427 Clessllle<I Ads 642-5878 ~!'.0Jj~1 ••••••••••••••• Hul.111• Rool•no·all types Nuw recover ·deck1 Uc. -4 11802 548 9734 ROOF PROILUI? Oon1 rerool. repa.r al 1r11c11on or 1ne cos1 Call Ll!Cl 857 ·2690 ROOFING REPAIRS Smail robs o II tree esll· ma1es Call Tom & Cnuck 542-6392 Screenr .....••.•.•.•..•.•.••. MOBILE SERVICE Rescreens/New screens NBICM only 642-9552 SELL Idle 11em1 with e Dally Pilol C111sstlle<1 Ad 6-42-5678 K•IGh batllt entries cu11om & comm free ell 840 ·2062 CUSTOM CERAMIC TILE WORK-f'ree HI Chuck 675-5100 evH T111 Senitt .•...•................ SLOW RATES S Tree lrtmtremov clean upa, mowing 554-7017 '!.".~·!!~~ ............ . Moat subjects. K· 14 Dey/eve $5 & $10/hr Mr Morgan 645-5176 ~!'!~~~.~!~~~!~I ..... 'Le1 the Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Window C1ean1ng Lid 548-8853 20'1t Monthly 01scoun1 1nt1&1tl Res1otcomm I Free es1 20% monthly discount 644-4798 CRAIG CLEANING CO Resld/comm I tntlexl Screens mirrors Ladder work O w ner oper 648-3089 Htve you read 1ooay's Claullteo Ad•? II not, ycxl'ra mlMlng tne best bargain• In townl for your c.m•r• DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. OLLARS - -,r-" Sell your no·longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item LINES • -L'(~· per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 Real Estate the Complete Orange Coast Market Place 1 .. 1,11 to St"' 4300 Ollitt IHt•l 4400 ·····•····•·•··•···•·• ····•••··············· female roommate to sna-2000 SQ H w/~00 sq It .. r e luxunous 2 Dorm storage 0 C Airport home on ine Lake in are o S 2 O O 0 ' mo Woodbt1dge Secur11y 851 8928 gate Prrv beocn and 1oc SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bay Full 1a~e pflv1tegea A 2 Suites avail Gd Hwy slep above the rest for V1s11:>1llty 497 ·2351 tne r1gnt person Bus 551-3806 Want to ,.n, you nome stable llrlllhl acllve F w/Toy Poodle Prel · beacn or poolltcnnts 493.4947 'lloM 20-30 10 snr 4 br hom~ '\ • nr beach, H B $200 mo f' + ullls Steve 960-8130 • 754-5216 . -l Marltor lli4c• I lu1<ury condo, Ally. stra J • wlll share. ~550 , oa 752-9 44 2 ev < 640-2434 Fem wanted to share ntce 2bd. 1ba, apt wtsame on Pen1n. $300 1nclo utils IUUTIFUL •EWPORT CHTH W11n use of reception cont room k11ch pnone secre1a11al & word pro- ceasong M111I & message ~rv ava11 separate•y or des11ed Call Juoy 7 141760-0100 E.>.ecullve suites lull ser- vice greatly reduced no tease 754-0274 2500 Sii b&s•c olc w/ Slorage By 0 C A11por1 $1500 t mo Tom 851-8928 NEWPORT HY VIEW 673-9129 Karen 0 111ce su•le on Newport I Com1Hrci1J R1nt1Js ff75 Comm I beaGn 1oc1111on apll 500 s I $500/mo 10131 646-8844 1 150 sq It Easy Access See daily 8-5 S700tmo 1731 Supe11or C M 642-2434 oays 964-7294 eves --l11dall1i•l l1nt1l fSOO •....••..........••••. N B 3975 B1rcn 1000 sq ft M I A zone Agenl 541·5032 $750 up 2160 It tndu· s111a1 • Otltce 18101 Ae· oonoo C11c1e = M & T Hun11ng1on Beacn 842-2834 Au1omo1<ve 5 car spac:e avail Perfect lor mech body & pa1n1 . or upholstery business Equipped w11n arr com- pressor utH111es paod $775/mo C M 645·5374 M /F 19-30 snr 3bd 2ba Harbor Approx 1000 sq Ba1ine11/lnve1t/ Sl eps lo beech (NB.) " 714 645·7100 Fi111nc• 34th SI $275 675-3317 Exec su1111 w/AC 500-;Q •••••••••••••••••••••• G t I 4350 It w /ba1n & oar $400 Budneu .!!!l.~~.!! .. !.".L.... mo 675-3600 O tlunitl 5005 Costa Mesa garage S50 l·----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml •••~r. ...... •••••••• sate. eHy access 343 IUUTY SALO• Cabrtllo 5-"8-9516 Pacific Mutual Plaza 1 stations Dusy. Costa Smgle cer gar 201n SI Costa Mesa Storage $65/mo 631-0921 NEWPORT CHTH Mesa/Newport Bch ••ea Alt 7 pm call 7141857-0659 (Non-refundable. Extra ltnN t1.00) ~!1!!~~!'.t.e.'!!!2.~1 •• !.'.~~ f!!!. f.!!!.,f •... !~!'! !!!!!~.'.~' •••.•.•• !.~!¥ '!!!I..'!!~.'!! ..... l.~ ~ '!!!I..'!!~!.~ .... !!.'.! 1~·11 .. '!!~~~ .... !.'.~ l!!ll •• "Y!!'.1.'!. .••• !!.~~ Dial 111 Inspiration Found lge r11bb11. ltalten I Male 40 took•ng 16r lemate IHYSITIER COU.T£R HELP 1 GHERll OFFICE lllllfiER 760-0so4 wi grtly toeno. p&ws, Po-22-25 y•. strawberry r,. TuoJs 6 mo & 7 yrs Part 11me. Mon lhroughl TRAllEE mona, V1clor1a 548-5186 blono 120 lb, 5'6", blue Prefer our nome EtSioe F" 11 AM 10 2 PM Sharp person lor lrort1 f 0 u n 0 ma 1 e I:> I a c k eyes. work 1n aptman. or c M S60iwk 63 '1 5426 Apply 1n person 270 So ollice Typrng6;~1~g0g S 13001mo Full Benellts SENIOR CITIZENS Looking for RPl•iever/ Collie ml1< molal manager & loves Bt1s101. Costa Mesa heavy phones • Call 835-4449 JOBS APP r 0 11 1 Y, 0 1 0 10 travel wanlS to be Banking CUSTOMER SERVICE fiEllERll OFFICE TODAY 2707 N B11st01 Newport / l8tn c M companion, non smkr FULL/TIME TELUll S A small lee 646•51580r 557_7242 non <lr1nker Hal hcellentopportunny tor Sincere pleasant voice $4/nrendup NoE•per Managemenl&Sates Qian~ 548-8173 expe11enc:eo person 1n Insurance background nee L1gn1 r1t1ng mailing 1111raet1ve savings & loan netplut 35 nr wk Fle>1 Call 835-4449 JOBS Reward lor toit orange & white F Cal1to cat, Cam· panero 1n Norlllwoo<I lr- 111ne 669 030 1 OLIYH, 2 yr neutered white Persian w11n smoked grey mark· inos m1ss1ng on Tne Blut- ts Reward 760-1100 LOSl bli. wn11e CAT I mole neulereo Wood· b11d9e Irv Reward 551·8394 LOSI Gold Money Chp Sat Ha11>or Vtew Or CdM Keepnke Re- war a 640 8060 Person1l lmmod•elc openmg of nrs $4 501nr + bonus TODAY 2707 N Bristol TRllM 1HW ClRHR Se1vice1 5360 t er s v a" e d o u 11 es 964-8886 9am-12 S A sm.ill fee Learn E•ecullve Reeru1· ···af'ioui·siRvii:(... Orange con" Savings & oe11 counter BAM-2PM Genera1 011.ca 1yp1ng ~~~o ':' s:i:!' ~~.~:ha: Loan 1700 Adams I Mon-Fn See Harold or l•ghl l:lk~g Mature Opp-Ftnan Dita Proc Bnkg, Persona!. quahhed com· Co111 Meta Coll Linda I Due~ 495 East l7tn St ly lor expanded postuon Int & omer areas Com· panion Clnvere tor your 754· 1801 EOE c M Submit re5ume to 1011 oey 10 Clay errand• Br1o~o Ornie Ste 111 plete "''"'"O prov1oeo Snopp1ng doctor s BAR Oehvery C 1\11 92627 Oppty lor qual retoree appts cnurcn etc Alli Bar help needed on ino LA Times 10 nomes rn ro-enl•Y 8 olllers ma- neeo,.; met By nour or Towen Restaurant •n the Ne..,pol'1 Beach 3 30 AM GEN OFFICE lull-lime king career change e1ay t94-!>857 I Suri ano Sand Hotel. L • 6 oo AM S550/mo bookkeeping h11ng Ille Member Grp est 1961 B Bartende• day snrlt Economy car required typing nvy pnones Call Jack 01 Pat Ehrharl Stllools I hp pref <I ilnd Cocktail Also neeo newspaper $5 50 to start Cerllhed .BUSINESS & PROFES· l • 1005 wa111ess• waiter Exp 5 8 844 Appl1anc:e 642 0240 SIONAL AGENCY NB ••• !'!.'!~.t!!!~......... prof d Apply 10 Patricio. i~s'.~!r13 4 . 1 or GOVERN~ENT 553-8191 PRE· SCH 0 0 L 'O A Y Beck 497 4477 CARE Oellvery Stock Tues & JOBS MASEUSSES · Good Maple Ave Cnrtsllan in Beeuflc•an ex per wt Wed 11 AM -8 PM Many pos111ons available working conos Good cl1en1ete rent space or Thurs-Sat 2 PM-1 l PM '" u S & Overseas For pay 8AM-12 noon 2112 a Bargain? Lovel:lll' Dlk & wnt adult tema1e spayed cat Look no lartner 1nen our Shots oeclawed 10 gd CS M Reoistering 2-PreK commission Progressive See Harold or Diana 495 011ec1ory (312) 888-4347 Harbor Costa Mesa m tno1v classes open shop 1ln1 working cood Ext E-91 (7 141 645-3433 Oct 4th 646-4334 Call 642•3055 btwn 9•5. Easl 17th SI C M Dot.count Guide tor Se· E••lo e t Tue-Fro HAIR snusT Mt4ical lssist111t DELIVERY M o11va1eo atyhll needed Front othce for 1 pnys1-nior C111zens pubt11ned nm 497· 1517 ••• ~ •• (~.!'••••••••••• especially tor you eecn LQSt Mate Sllep/Collle Jobs W1nted 1015 montn in lhe Dlllly Pilot m I. v I c Bush a r a I •••••••••••••••••••••• Clastlheds Edinger F V Reward Young marr1ed man will lne nc.>xt Senior Citizens 7:a5-4387 do general handy work D•scount Gu•de will be FOUND f'emele SI Ber-Cell eves & wkeno1. IELL CAPTllll Salary DOE • Superv1so- r y POf>lllOn Call 83!>·•449 JOBS TODAY 2707 N Brtstol. s A small loo publlsneo on Weones-972-9525 ' Clay Oc1ober 6 Watch nard & Female Lab pup-Kind, intelllgent prac:t•c•• I 81l1nou, I 1ns1ruc11onal tor it• PY H B 962-3503 nurse exper personal a1oes Vanous ianguaoe· DailJ Pilot Grey Striped Female Cat car 8 7 2 o . o 1 7 g s Tempornry on call Ol.ss'.lt'td ld• Losl 1n Cannery Village, 675-370• bU•$ $4 3"1 hr Apply • NB Ffl, 24th 673-3741, Irvine Unified School 01-142·5118 673 4568. 639-9870. Part lime teert111111 POS•· s111c1 2941 Allon, Irvine Bud Rewero lion wanted 1n Newport 556-4900 -----Center f2·3 days wk) £011 ' Fooad 5300 Found F Doberman pup-Fast eccur11e oepen-•. ••••• •• ••• • • ••••• •. • py Cne1n collar Nr Har-dabte >.tnl Dacltgrouno t:>or & Wll$00 979-3136 642-5327 IOlT MECllHIC We nave Immediate openings tor delivery drtvers Must be 21 & over with good driving record, also able to work evenings S1ar1 a t S3 50-$4 tnour + tips Apply daily alter 5pm, ask for Jean or Paul Me-n-Ed s P1ua 111n & Tuslln C M to 101n progressive wlon c1an oll1ce Typing. D•I· Salary comm & vac ttng 11Ape11ence. Welco· Mgr 540-6889 me RN 's Full lime, sala- ry negot 840-4589 11ller MlRDWlRE SlUS 6 Full f1rne EKP a Pref d Crown Hardware 3107 E Coast Hwy. CoM HotetS TME HLIOl llY CLUI Mousthepi•s/Porttr D'STlll.UTOR Generol cleaning En- glish and Spanish ne- Mature eKpeflen~ por-cessary P M Shilt son Flexible nours Uni· Please call tor en ap- que products 979-5146 po1n1men1 9.5 pm M-F llUHHY PEllSH Fut1111me Experienced Ikeda Nursery C M Call tor opp! 645-5782 Nu1s1ng L VN lor twsv b&ck office. F T 55 7 -3242 Ask tor Joan Smtln $50/mo garage 2864 LaSalle Costa Mesa Call aft 5 30 957-2740 We nave ava1taDle •m· meo1111e1y tor sublease two suites on the 6tn floor wllh panoramic view ol ocean Dack Day & golf c:ourse ------Lost 91k & Gray tiger str1.. H I Wi H 1100 /1101111. W111ted 5030 FOUND ADS pe snort na1r lem cat & •• e.'I. •• !.".'••••••• ••••• Outortve qu11111c:a11ona and OP• nee Wages based on 11.11.pr tl45-0901 IOOllEEPEll/TlPIST alt 7pm 645·5000 E•I 52 I -----ELECTRICIANS Hot Roofers wanted Call OFFICEIG:-E:-N-:E::-::R:-A""'L-- ln1er es11ng position lor an atert 1ntettogen1 llP· p11can1 Mac:Greg or Yacnt Corp 1631 Pl11· eenha Costa llllesa O/Jice Re•l•l 4400 .•.•......•.........•• 1617 WHICllll NB 256 to 4000 sq II 111 floor Agent 541-5032 •DELIXE OFFICES• A SP8C•OUS 3-room Surle hn1shed on W1ll1am5burg stylf' at S2 500 per montn Lease 1erm ol 12·24 montns ••••• •••••••••••••••• "'"' ioog naJr mate Sia· lCCOU•TatlT S35.000 needed Sec. by ARE FREE mue cat Vic U11ca & 2nd TO on p11me lrvme Full cnarge 2 or 3 days prop soe;. loan to value Huntington St H B per week Genoral led· 18~. no points Call C II 960•7617 oys 988•6860 ger taxes. payroll 11xes 966-9058 or 7&0·8816 a : eves also heve contacls • 11u2 5871 LOST Mon gray poodle, Small Dul growtng com-/llotftlfel, Trull •• • Irvine Braooy' . R-aro pany with 1:>ene111s Sena De~dl 5035 714-957-9331. 551·6907 resume 10 Herman Ty- From 1 room to 3 rooms From $1 t6 a sq It No lease required Adj Air· , porter Inn 2172 Dupont Call AM 833-3223 •••••G:tt."SATILEft••••• los1 wnne female cat w/ Found ShaltBtec:hMale ~~"t7~~t~. ~~1~:.s~~· Also a 2 500 sq fl suite Mortca•t Co lllO yellow eyei;, BrooknurSI Huntington Call 92714 1on1sneo 10 your specoll-. • ' • & Spe1n&eker area H B 842·8655 cation• Allowance ol Spec1a11z1ng in 1st & 2nd Sne II deal If found Found Norwegian Elk· AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR $ 1 6 p s I Ren I a t TO's since 1949 dead or alive ptease call hound. Sept fl, Brent· Exp er Apply Irvine $6252/month Lease Robl Sattler NH/CM 1964-4664 wood P 11 r k, C M CI u b house . 400-900 PLUS 1400 aq It Penthouse Bayfront Su1- 1 e , parki ng, pa tios 673-1003 RE Broker Bd Realtors 1PM-4 30PM, aak for term 2·5 years 642·2 I 7 I 645-0611 LOSl•Cula cuslard & wnt 548·5998 Justin. 754-7500 can WIDOW HAS ass !or TD'a ~~~~t~yr . '>'E:o7:~~ g~~· Foun_o_s_1_1k_y_T_e_rr_1e-r~F. _l_E_ll_O_l_l_C-WOHOUT PROPERTY RE L a tOK u N I Harbor Ridge, N B .. CORRESPONDENTS Credi~ cn:eck No ~an11~ <":~Illy /'oe11.5~~~·rt.!2':2r Sepl 28 PM 760·9575 UISTllUCTOllS at 760-0616, or see us al '" Dennison & Anoe --0-3-5,....,0 Prot. expr needed AP· *s.ITE lull* 1 Merion r 1r1on•/1 ~ ply In ""'rSOn 10·5 <1811~ 840 Newpor1 Center Orr-673-7311 ••••••••• ••••••••••••• ,.v O.C. Aorpor1 arH Prof ve. Suite 670 I Siamese, Blue Point . Blue at Booy Busineu, 177 environment. lull service. 3rd noldar ot $25K note collar Answer• 10 NEKO ll•Dl a YICll'S I Newport Blvd Coal a or no lrlllt lnoMoual of. l•--~~--~~~~I beartng 20"-. due in 83 759·8959 REWARD PHOTO MODELS Meu I Nottc:o ol oelaull flleo ---lkles or desk space 150 Full 1erv ollice S300/up Aug 18 3900 sq 11 4 BR LoSI Brtgnt yellow Para. ESCORTS/CANCERS Ans Serv Plsnt Off N B sq ft • 3500 aq It t MO Branen office $80/mo 4 BA ocean v•-. Dana keel Beycreal Dover OUTCALL 24 HRS PBX aw11cnbrd uper FREE. 759-8978 An! serv $50/mo Pl lat & 2nd TO lor Snrs area Family nea11-llt-0201 only need apply 3-11 Newport Beecn 752·6408 S2 IOK, home ac>ptllMd t:>roken 642-2878 shift 64 1.5511 IHI SPACE CIM Design art dr11f11ng scace S385K. w l sell note & Allracttw ru11lc uce1a1r1 1n tight. atrv Npt Ben Adv con11nue foreclosure IOI Mltlng We supply detk Art Otltce Furn I 165 lnl party 714-493-5072 Found black female Set· tar wlllte spot on cheat, cholte cna1n & Ilea collar Found 9·25 968-7488 *** Atlantis Parlor Apt Maneoer. H11ndyrn1n & wife for Costa Mesa comc>lt•. over 40. apt lnc:ld 676-0«7 ~Y6:;onC:~'r 1:5~r•::; 548-7285 ______ , R.E l11111 lulla~I• pr desk Cell 844·72 l t •EWPHT IUCM 111 & 2nd T01 Up to FC>Ynd female 'bf own. whl· ta Spaniel VIC Edweroa. Siiier 847-7648 Open 24 hf• a day 7 day1 • -k Apt Mgr for N-Ill unit Jacun t, Saun1 Locals condos Coat• Mell •• well •• Tourists. $350 creclll towa10 17t5 B•nkAmer1eard. Amert· rent 842-4907 wlidaya .. EDlcll S."E 90"!· L T v Tallore<I 10 Ill SIPEl lllllllll ou n__,.s Al 964 7875 PREMIER LOCATION y r ~ ' • Exec Sullet Incl rec.pl . or 581-1778 IK'y Hrva, con! rm Garden Bulldtng Found Klllan. Auutan can Express. Ointfs All kl1 .. mall handlg Re-900 sq '' Amen1ues aponalve to your bull· 133·2150 neH need• Adi. 405 2500 10 5000 •q It Fwy In F V fnofv ole1 CdM, quiet & serene Mo/mo from 1 325 work atmoapl'l8fe lnl•· 1163-8445. rHI on Coaat H..iy & Cotll Me .. 1 OI 2 room Fernleal. greal loo Quick 1ulte1. From 175/mo 11cceu to MacArthur Utlll lncld. 7711 W. 1111n Btvo & Fwy Ron Pro- St. 651·81128 pertlea. 561·6130 Newpott !Ate tull• 2 min l•liHll lt•I•/ 44SO trom Alrporl nae Ind Iv •• ••• •• • •••• ••• • • •••• • ofllcea In • luicur loue Ret11t store It 2850 Avon. antique 1111ed bu1lne11 11185 1q It. plue 8 ctr environment equipped o•r•o• 841·6'717 - with Tia, W.P • .,,, ""' • Prime weer COHI tlwy, lrO confttenoe rm, loll 01 NB location N-1100 patllllng mot.no Of IMH IQ 11 av1ll Ctn be dM• trom 1378. d"k apace ded $2000/mo w11er· 1250. Mpw In allowtnee I r O 11 I H o m a a I n c -:133=·="=7=·===-----' 631 1400 A1tHHfl•l1tl1/ ~:.':~et/~~: i3~~:33~lc ;~:~0~r:o!4~~4Jj433 ATTENTION 11111a1l1/ Found red/brown lhOrt Dancer• for Becnelor/ GUYS & G•LS Loil I Foo•' hair mt•ed breed mete. Beehelor1tte Ptr1fea " • ••••• •••••• •••••• • ••• d 9/27 Vic Warner & 730-8538 r 558·8536 Anaooat1•,.t1 SIOO ooOnem ... e ••• • .,,.., I 0 ---TRAVEL •••••••••••••••••• • • •• re • " .... .,. .. ~.,-= Gutt•• F11ta1' Pllt•• SCRAM LETS round. Or1y m11lt ell, lit• Converiatlon wlth Barbi tiH>•O hu lmmtd ope • GOlllr. very lovable Univ I M c I v I s A 2 4 ntngs for 2'0 •ht rp Ol.IYI a Prl\ Mt<SI O.n111 PleH. 836,0701 gala., fret 10 trovel coHt ANSWERS Culver/ M IQh•laon St ' to oout $1nQll. 18 l 9123 Ph 652·'1600 ICOflDS • Would love 10 ovor 'rH lo 11ar1 Im· Tumult • Round -, --parly w/you Call Sue or mtd Wiii l'>e dtmonttrl Orbit · Otelde Found l.•d1• I Ring Vic 1<11tlly anytime (2131 ting njt'N prO<luct 2 Wk• UNOeR tilt OIAT H 0 II g H 0 • p • N 9 I e 3 4 • 4 6 1 t ' ( 1 1 .. , pd traJnlng, •v•rage ••r· I I llW. hOUM lh• Other 538·8fGO •11 3pm 627·718tl nlnos 1300 I* wk & llP <l•y thll w88 unreal It r ound gM Germ Bhtp, C11l tso HU or 1pply mutt have the only IMnQ YI 11rh a o . c "'4 Warm • lntelllQent w/m 121t:z c 111pman Ave room where tne r119 WH o; Mon S46~e~G , 38 ev111 tor come>•· O•rden Oro~ , ....,8pt UNDER the DIRT nlonahlp for ooroeou• ...... 1 -Ith .,. •• 11 Found 4 b l•ek·hHdtd 110111 Ken 411-$1'"11 , ..,,. .. ._ .. ClaNln.d Ada, your ~ Parrot•, IUI H en VIG -It'•. '"llll •loP ~no oerit• Maple • ltth St c M a.ti Idle lteml &4:Z·M71 Cleetlfle<t Ade t42-lt71 ~ r Overseas and U S Many Bob or Nev II I e a I Mon·Wed·Frt a1tern00t1- 1 Must be able to do payroll Cdllll g55-3004 1obs available For Info 642-7222 (3121 888-4341 ext 3tSI OFFICE -ENGINEERS/TELE MOUSHPR-LIVE·I• Orange Co ad egenc:y CllttlEll COMMUNICATIONS Full cnarge for NB wa-seei.1 hard working or- OverseH end u S Many terlrt nm & Fam must gan1zeo articulate pro-Faan1on Island retail s10- re PosH ion avaltabl• IOf •n e•ecu1111e c athler Ellpr as bank teller or head caanler E O E 844·5070 Jobs Available For •nlo spk Eng own Cir, ret fess1ona1 to assist AC· 642-5001 count Exec 70 wpm ty· (3121 888-4 347 Ext ping required Heavy E·31_0______ HOUSEKEEPER pnone con1ac1 w11n •FASHION COUNSELOR $5/nr Room & Board strong lollow-up skins CASHIER/HOUSEWARES Sates E•p'o Prel d AP· ply al Crown Heroware, 1034 Irvine, NB 842· 1133 Sl2/hr. P/l, Ladles AP· Call 835-4449 JOBS Call Alexfa parel Business 73 1-4347 TODAY. 2707 N BrtatOI, 556·0460, 9.30-1:00 or 535-0496 S A small lee PART. TIME llELP FoHttill ValllJ lnter1or gardener· PIT· $4-$6/nr No Exp Nee Mortc•fi• 01111,allJ must '1ave up working All hrs ovall Grt tor 1tu-w flntet1or planlscapea Looking or 4·6 uper 549.1442 dents CMAUFFEIR/LllO proleu1onets We spe· JOIS U,l,l. Up 10 S8/nr. Wiii tra1n1I cfallie In new programs. JAIUTOR 89!-4818 fee Excfllng Career Oppty t e GMPI ARM. GEM. lSI S5thr Couples welcome Excerpts from list Pub Earn more as you le1rn & 2nd TO's Will Tratn Call 835-4449 Pic:k your hrs Great for Call Jonn CuHck JOBS TODAY. 2707 N PlllT TllE Studanta 964-9090 Bristol, S A 1m11ll lee P1r1 Trrne Ideal for Pf'· JOIS U.S.A. MORRr'i:~~~N~~'°*VICE Jewelry Saltt Per·••• son wE11n school cAhlldren 8111 ·4818 fee No xpr nee: pprox E I I II.IP b Full Charge Bookk .. per, Ptut tlme·lull.JJme 1111m I 3pm Batkin· xcerp a rom " Grow Ing 0 C p RI A 0 Macy Jeweftoy Robbins lee Cream Sto- Chllo Care nMdect for 22 agency c811 Jean Braun I rt re N B 875-11 1111 mo old Pral E Stat CM for IPPI 641-3579 3400 ~?~~~~o S-2 PART TlllllE POSITIONS. area 04t1-7350 N 8 w I> 0 r 1 e • a ch high Income. Ca11 Mr CIRHUTOH FH JOI 673-5658 Capobianco 984-8111 Are you adventurous. tor voler regl1tra11on drt-need money & tove 10 Permanenl part llme ve Peys S50·S 100 datly travel? Calltornla mar lie· llTCllE• MILP , c:Hnler. counter & lllt Paid twtce weekly ling company nu 10 Only HPer nffd apply food prep pereon tor 750-1828 760-5584 openings IC>f sharp. mo· On· line Hpertence AP·· bvay femlly owned aend· COOi\ 11vt1ed hlgh·SCl'lool gr•· ply bel 1·3 Tne Blue wlch shop n-So Cat N!Qht cook, Conll,,.ntal du11te1 10 travel 1 Beat Cele, 107 2111 Pl•· Plua 8 to 2 Mon thru cooking bper Pref d. Weatern Staltt & <It· c e Newport Beach f'rl Phone 641~209 IOf conitet Ricn 01 Marie, monatrate an exc:lllng 875·3333 appt morning• d7·<1U 1 new produc:I Trt lnlng LIOIOfl OLIH Pertonnel PARTNERS BISTRO proortl'l'I paid Above M11ure c>ereon. recent Laguna Beac;h average earning•. tran• experlanca prelerreo turn. return ouer1n1ffd c•••IELlllS F 0 r In I• rv "w c •II f'ullltlMt, nlghte. perm•· a .. "3"7 • • .... th nent po1111on Apply In Peol)la needed to lrlln v 4., • ., " • 1 ...... ...., ru ... ,,on eftet :>pm 21137 11 Coun1tlore 10 •Id Fri or 646-4187 Parente e· C C olhara In dfttre11 or with welcome 11 1ntetvtew • oast Hwy. dM IHObl•m• Thi• l'ltW ·--------·1l I 0 u 0 R c Le A I< ' ttc hnlqut rt11ul11 In a bondebfe. m11vrt . ·t)(· well •nd happy pe1eon. For Id •ction per Call All wtleomt 10 apc>IY ft ft lle3-61 16 ;~n1;~.g:r~1~:.~=~~ Daly Plot La .. ""°'"' 11:30 AM end 10 30 PM Aooreuive Newpott Mo,. thru ,rl Sat 9 30 11\VISQR 8H cl'l firm ... k• moll· AM 4 :10 PM ftlr valtd tndlvlcluele Tetrl· ~·2 5671 IOIHtl open Mut l h•Yt Cleulll9d AOI. )'OUt one-V't • A [ lie HerbOf·P.CtllC •'°" 111opp1119 o.«1t4lr. e~s 0013 ueomn HCHttn tor £no & Tech, MlllO a Sal••· Acct'g & '•nan, Data Proc. 8nho. tn1 & 01ht 1 ., .... Oompl•t• Tr•lnlng Provided Mam· bar Orp Ht lH 1 Ctll P1t Ehrhart, 8USIN[IS & P,.O,ISSIONA L A OCNCY , Newport Beac;h (7141 SU·l1t1 Oat QAHN cMtl fOf WHl1r: eleQtlants w1111 t Cl .... '*! Ad Cell &42·5'71 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, September 30, t982 01 «'.'1..'flA'l!. •••• 1.~l,f l'!!l..~l!t1.'l. ..•. !.~ff f!!!I! •• ~~!'.~ ......... ~~ ............ !~f f~!!.'Jl!! ........ l.~!f #111l11J • 11 .. 11, #1rlH #•lttqtJn/ ,/'I I I llAl;ll lllttrA~ "0 '"' ,,,1.. Whll111 '•"'Am .. , h .. lmo 1 .. 11••1',I/ IOI.JI lt•l••••t H,, .... ,., '"' rlf.t!! •••••••••• !.~~' ~~"''·~!!!.~'!. ..... . •t I IS w••ll (111111 $111,10 SUUll •••••••••••••••••••••• lOV•llll• •m*'t UKC IJ.AI y t.Httl, II\• ll•llf •••••• ••• • •••••••• .... "°"'"tt••••••••••u ••r.•,.••••••••••••••• 8u11pi.1"4!nt WU• 11".flme mo, lltl ••I I In O 11 .,1 I AllAIJI lAI r I II 10 'I h 0 u I 1 b t k n • $ t 6 ' lilmmn,oa2 .. wh~l•0 wOll~T !II VA MAHA lln• Amp ml bllal. trlt Ill' ClllJ 'ell 1!1<1lu1'I 2!Jllc;t ll111111u11 '12 LUY YHCI tlOO ~1.~!. ........ ,..l!.q! tiv dolno Utl•tHllllg II ltbO '"' Bnl HI J 1~111• 111 Ui;Mlill • 4113 02811 • nr•pv t ... "' . 1" 11•1)0 wllll • <ICMibl• 16' )(Int tOnd H60 ( 11(1\H() 11 .. d. c;•r b fl4& 3J4~ .. A114' ... '''" l•Pllon• 1111 .. wo11t on U <10111 • tomwalll1 liv 0 • 1 wr1ll• rormlH Oln•lt• IJV •""•kif r.ab1111l Atl 8411·3'111 I 1 0 0 b1h1ll 01 l'llllOn•I oom 1•1111110111 801111 " I M A N 8 H l p I II h ' .... .... .. • p1ni.1 •111h1 nu" t lu· ..... Ill .. ,.,, i •• ,, •• ltui 81Moy ... 1 Pul)1ll••. ,........ wlClt 4 Y7• a 00·11~10" '""· Ill ·~o•ll•ttt condition ,,,,, ,, ..... , ff•, uA0·632u/CMti 013& '11 LIV PIOllP H .OCIO.,.,llft f\jfly IOldltO ...1111!60,1 gd Gond Like Wtlh 1111 con1f111011lng new 13.i OO 080 111\03125) lletlueietl 10 6 4 ,, II 2 I I ( II e ' 12181 857 90114 Oeyt " • •• '•••••• • • ••••• • •• • •• 1 m11• 1 I eoo " " I 1 000 ' "'" " F ar1tll111 bonu• 1no•nt1vo WORllll P/T Gl•••CI• ul• Thull lll•u ..,, em ta • ••••• •••••••••••••••• or t11l1, 1080 ~londu ?bO progr1m1 3 thlll• to 1 00 HO(J • Sun !urnttuio, l<lngllte 65fM)006 ''"~ 011 . np1111 to & 11 Ht·OIT8, l·IPI C11uto 18' l.1p1\rok• 1wn O\/OlhH<I oom, Cl100H from tit1IH 111 4 wkly Cill bdttii t!tt, girl I l>dim . ft1I It l'lll 10fS S"OO ll•111Jmad11 C1>11lurl: b~ bo41. 4 Cyl c.hOPIJlr rull extondod por orot but wlll train ~ 1~) ~30/5110 A1k 101 po1n11nga, cfotll•. mlf(. •••••••••••••••••••••• Cttll 700·83 tO OVA t I ON tolld body Grey ll5 67b Cl tell lorkt klng1 <tuM•I Ou41t. I 01u MAXl''f TOYO r A &t1•I IOOO Y•r•• lh11 rl1jtu P9f•On Fo1 lnl un llVY Pot1•d pion I• a """' fret1 6 mu Old r M11l1· Oik Cap111111•1 c.hult ohlt t•IC •l•rvo gultOr 18 fl 1010 OLAISPAf.i t 1a m 0 n Y x tr•• $ 120 O ""'-· CUii M• Kruk al TILIPMO•f 404·252' Ot 404·21160 muht milt Whlltt, good NO\lf llnlth no S2t10, 714/(173 92!1 t II/fl MOfC, Cl•P•h llna.r. 631·8326 t0202 S.•oh alvd ~hlllrtglrt 9th 962 0829 846·0176 IOLIOITORI w1chll<lrer1 •113 4~'48 Coll 760 11310 'Vamuno .Allo Gilt. new. convu, 1~101<1. trailer 78 Y11m11h11 650 So•c111 73 f ord f1wr dll•ttP 350 Publlaher 1Hk1 dyn1mlo Wort. (11•nlnQ• In N1w. ~.'.l!r.!!.~~~!! ...•..• r r o 11 1 y 1 o Io 1. o o Au1t1ri furniture 4 ehr• & mutt 1111 $400 C 11 S3~, 046 '~378 '850 Alk ror Ron, · ,141~it 111,~~~. b~g :2~gg .. , •• 1)1111011 w/hoavy port eoech lH1 Wtluk MOVING! HUbrl\11/noutured. 2111blo1 S1!IO 631 0~18 2t' dl11 CllllHR 546·0654 bb7 00511 phono & CIOlltlO e11p our tup ixtrlOn put In 24 LOTS Of 000011!$1 thote 2 13·204·3313: COii 760·6310 Cullom p A eyttem, vo1-I se&Q 645 334 1 1980 K11w111kl KX 14'~. S35K po1on11at. Draw & houri end brought homo !'11 a Soi O·O, 319 Colton· 1111os 96• 4664 good cond Never recbd '11 TOYOTA C 0 mm · be n If 11 s 139&. Call 1133·3740 alter SI . Newport Beach 6CO King H , s .. , .• 0 · on ot lh41 Theotre IPGGI l•--------•J I 836-06112. 1 PM 642•4 107 Mole 6011t1r Ml•. 1'" yr. Podlo 111. tOB~ Co111. ,.,., 4 coll w/16" Altoce. 59 c11r1ecr•1t. ou111an· 75oiotr 842 263& Lena 1141 Ploh, White, Gd w/ct1lldron. yra old Sold new 166Q. Mrn• & power •mp wt ding cond , 22', w/dook. WANl ro OUY VE SPA Vt11y cloon ( 1 P38260J Recep11ont11 TELEPHONE SOllCITOA· IAOI IAY O o o I.I W 11 t c "do O compl wl11tondord cvr . like 11u 11000. nu c111h, must Mii 13600 Motor Soootet Pvt Ptv A•tlluwd to 4'~ dayt. $900 mo Type S. Sat o.W fior making 203112 Bayview Sant• _!.42·1293 1 NOW S200 068·3013 4118·4814 060 1173·3481 644·684l9 eves $3588 45 word1. Mortg11 ge new 11ppl1 64 t '"'8" banking firm. Telephone · -v ... " Ano Height• (Detweort lo Od home. m11l1 Cocker HH1tioli OHfll IOfS 011/tt F111a/tu11 .f 1981 Yumoho SA 185 c c BILI MAXfY TOYOTA Mr 1 Fenn 1 a TEllERIP·thH ~~~:es~~~u~~~~~~. ~~· Terrlnr. 1'" yr• l.ll•H •••••••••••••••••••••• E•ul•••ttl IOIS l•t• Whir 11 Street Olku Mint cond 19204' IJeoch Blvd 714-540·0117 lor oppt 30 ltrs, euh handllno Clllldrt1n 768·4448 COME BROWSE! Ont Of II ••••'•~•••••......... W/85 HP Mtirc Woodon S800 646·0<100 H e 6"' 8 1'11 S11t Sun 0 "1 1 "3 •1 d bJ c .. 1 S S 0 ,. nungtn en 9 ~-o 29 e~pr pret Welle fargo • • · "' .~. , F •t 1090 "n o ects veryt .. no OE K ~ A o~L£ cntr conaole, mm•v ir:tru• IEOEPTIOlllT Bank, Faehlo" Island 9·5 .'1.1!1.'.'1!!. •••••••••••• goee M ake otter Ouka end n1etchtng S6500tlrm 'BOFOHOPICKUP llcyl. Please cetl 973·608 t Sm chromo dining tbl w/ * 84 1 16411 chnltt at Hctlfklo prlGe 675-847t> Motor Ho•lli 8•1•/ 3 spd. 191( m1 . S4200 st 100/mo various du· ties. Lot s of people contact. Call 835·4449 JOBS TODAY. 2707 N Bristol S. A small loo Kim E.O,E gl1111a top, 4 ohra 6 colloe **I BUY* J1w1lt ff 1010 •I 1560 Replacement 28' Twin Oiesol Sl<IPJtlCk. It• t1$to11 gl60 730·6117 The Penny11111er 11 acoep-tbl, $ IOO 3 bar 81001•· Good u5ed Furniture 6 ••••••'••••••••••••••• go:t '23°':: 8C3A3L8L6000AWN 1ond11d. • ••• '!':l •••••• ff........ '11 DlTSUll ting ippffcallons for lull $15 ea 20 yrs Playboy.& AppllanoH·OA I will aell MAROUIS·CUT OPAL ap· . pm M· -·--557-4758 Rent. 26' moto1 home time Reader Ad Hies Pel\thouse magutnes or SELL ror You pro• 15mm • 6mm 1001 NCR Class 5 Reolstttr can •lps 8. lully loaded PICKUP Restaurant Apply PENNYSAvER. S tOO ell Old Hollt1ay MASTERS AUCTIO• $350 642·5532 eny time be used as 8 Ollh re-25' ApollO 235 OMC cabin 645·6616 (P1ul) With ulillly body nnd low 660 P mag1mnes I 10 all 1500 glster plus can be utlllied cruiser wltwln 1xle trlr, .-------n111u1 ( 1$9547 ti C'o•ta Melasac.enlle Ave, wan dsl generat or 141·8188 833·1121 2 1" t4K gold Chain & for manegemenl report . S13.500 831·8756. Hlt•NODD $4215 Meyerhof's • Primary Supplier of good food to the Irvine Corporate Community needs an enthus1as11c. responsible employee tor counter sales. food prep, and dellverres. M·F, 8·3:00 pm. Good driving record necessary for dellvertes Call M/F after 1 pm 557-6232. ~ 11cAc s200 Fl .. 1 • ------nugget. ne11rly 2 ounces, 2 0 1 " . . s .. po e.. I IUY FUR•tTUllr:-PP. $850 63 t-9276 print-outs S895 Bont & Outside Moor1ng. I IL ood condil on TV COMMERCIAL Senator Reel $50 Scuba ~ Sharp Fe• SF·501 Copy Nuw(Jc>rt Beach StO.OOO 556-0481 Bil l MAXEY TOYOTA I t ,. I b regulator $75 Antique ,.,,,. Ill 1(. • 973·0659 AV & Boat Storage. $1 Pill CASTING COMPANY tank, 2 weight bells & Les 957-8133 u .. ,, • 1 801'• machine $895 I t9202 Beach Blvd n ~r111.,w1ng re 1a le 4 Pennsylvania House ••••••••• •••••••••••• 646·7441 -11 Call Joe Hntmgtn Bch 962·0829 people for background. hro1orh·&bocyarw11/1bnge11sel$ed1,0m010r· Cherry rep1oductt0n lad· ORILL PRESS $150 1 ••,.S.1.1.'/••••••••1•0•6•0• 645·6730 '6• Ch11v Suburb;n, 6 cul, non·speakmg par15, for der back chairs Rush Fir mdl, 5 spd, new. '"" Desks, chairs, bookshell & , commercials such as OnMaryBunkBedSIOO. seats Reg price ,900. chuck 545-990<1 couch.$10to S500. 16' Hobie Cat, yellow wt Trduii Tt1v.I 1110 Ovt11 . e•tr as Good potato oh1ps. designer Al\ttque mirror $150 sell 5375. 559•1162 .,.-640-9922 teq sunrise sells Like •••••••'•••••••••••••• cond $1250 536-3367 pal\ts. sw1mwa1e (good Bak ers Rack $50 Lg lflllttll••IOlll ' 1010 OOES IT A-LL ___ new $2500 675-6161 16 Ft Trevet Trailer Xlnt '80 TOYOT• bl Cetmode ~ ptalo •••••••••••••••••••••• $1200 I " tan) etc No experience copper ships ta e lamp REDWOOD bl HCllH Ve11d111g mach. cold soft Columbia 28. Must sell4 cond 0' best 0 · Sii"' PIC"UP reqwed. By appt O"'IY $100 Lg milk can $15. French hOtil chair. Reg Orlnks, candy, chips. lg yl e $ll 900 fer Shown lhru Thurs. u " 2131846-8083 p urtboard $40 An11que $1000. aell lor $300. 8 to 20· long, 36¢ por It lunch Item• $695, c ng. • · 30th 10-6PM 644·9526 RESTAURAllT Now accepting applica- tions for day BUS PER· SON. p/Ume CASHIER & day BAR person. Apply II\ person btwn 3-5pm 333 Bayside Or NB RETAIL SALES E•per video sales per· son, wage. comm & be· nellts . Call Valarie 642-1944 RETAIL SALES $4-$6/hr. Wiii Train. Call 835-4449. JOBS TODAY, 2707 N. Bristol, S A small fee TYPES ETIER 0 C Magazme publisher seeks operator for Com- pugr aphlc Edllwrller Must have production. paste-up s11111s Call (714) 497-1727 lor mterv1ew Yitlto C1111or1 Person Will train Mature 1nd1111- dual for parlltlme work (days) Can grow into lu11111me Must be pre· sentable, bondable & phyStcally capable Apply on person. 1-4pm, Wed. Thurs. Fri. 21062 Brook- hurst Ste 103. H.B SALES/ &4vertl1l1c Excellent opp'y for part/ timer In Orange Co with fast-growing advertising firm. 675-36<41 WAITER /WAITRESS SAUS/Co••IHIH Unique lady's clo1hlng store seells energeltc la· d ies w i th flair f or fashions and modeling exper. helpful. Apply In person Alexla Natural Fa&hlons. 260 Forest St. Laguna Beach 497-4777 S1lts/M•t111 Earn up to S 1500 per mo. Part time. Must be mature. 559-9(143. Leave Message SALES Order desk tor wet suit mfr Accurate typing & gd. phone manner a must. Start Sal at $780. Call for lntrvw. 642-1912 M-F Sales $40-$90 avera11e per nlle Xlnt dinner house Se1111rel posllions eva11 Great Oppty. JOIS U.S.&. 891-4818 tee Excerpts from ltst P4b .;-WAREHOUSE 7 $4-$6/hr to start. Will train• Xlnt Oppty. Earn up to $8/hr Rapid ad· va"cement. Call Now E O.I;. JOIS U.S.A. 891-4818 tee Excerpts from llsl Pub WIRE OPERATOR Brokerage ltrm has 1m- med open for expei wire operator. hrs 6-2 30. sa- lary commensurate w/ exper For :.ppt call. He· I e n ~.1 c G 1 n I e y • 71<1-SH-2292 EXECUTIVE RECRUITER WORD PROCESSOR lor Eng & Tech, Mktg & IBM system 61430 or Sales, Acct'g & Finan. I 61450 operetor needed Data Proc. Bnkg. Ins a w/lcnowledge ot hie ap- other areas complete pllcatlon to serve as Tralnll\g Pro111ded. Mem· marketing se<:"y for pre- ber Grp est 1961 Call s1dent of reel estate tirm Jack Ehrhart. BUSINESS In Newport Beech. Con- & p R 0 FE s s I 0 N A I. n1e or Sandy 975-0403 AG E NC v . Newport GI 1 1 Silts -- Beach. (714) 553-8191 •• !.'!. •••••••••••••••• Co11111 4tl lt11 SALES PEOPLE • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • .. • (A&HESSIYE) CHACE SALE Est fast frelghl co. seeks Everylhlng goes Set Ocl motivated sates people 2. 9 AM 624 Marigold to develop new accts. ,_c_o_ro_n_a_de_l_M_er ___ _ Coll• M•11 .............•........ Every business Is a PO· lentlal customer. Start at $500/mo + comm. Po-tenOal earnings ol more SWAP MEET than $30,000/yr. Call Every Sunday. 8am-3pm. M·F 10·4. 556-6328 Orange Coast College X208. Fairview & Arlington, •••------j Costa Mesa Admission SALES free to buyers. Seller Reservations/ Into PUBLISHER SEEKS Dy-556-5880 namlc Salesperson w/ !~~~~~~~~~~! hvy phone & closing i: expr. $35K potential Sal. & corT'm . benefits 835-9692 Sales HOLIDAY IOUTIQUE OCT. 1 11AM • 9PM RETIRED? Oct 2. 3. 9-5 Looking tor e•lra lnco· Halioween1Thanksg1v1ng me? Try Part·llme Sates Chnstmes & Easter at the PENNYSAVER. Knit. clolh. crochel 1660 Placentia Ave. Items, Bisque decor&· Costa Mesa Ask tor Mrs lions, ornaments. flo· While wers. Tole painting. Por- celain dolls. much more Sates 330 22nd St. Coste Mesa SUPPLEMEllT Sponsored by The YOIR 1•C01f Plaster Shop. Cosla Work PIT. 9 am . 2 pm _M_e_sa __ _ end tbl $75 Roslgnol 559·1162 775·1491 .anytlme 831•5199 56~5!_~ _ Sklls $25 New 5 strmg Smgle matt/box sprgs. X· SURPLUS JEEPS. Cars • -COLUMBIA 22 Very Cleon .1anJo $150 Elmo super long. Good cond. 525. Boets. Many Sell lor UI\· Wuter Cooler/Refrlg Otc with new Honda OIB 8 pro1ector $25 Mendo· d $50 00 F 1 1 c style w/lnstant hot & $4700. call 966·1278 Iii\ $20 Bell-Howen slide 759• 1363 eve er · or 0 0 au cold Looks sharp. $99, -----(312)931-1961 Ext 2239 "'t W/T I c;ube projector $50. Cotomel Dresser. Mirror. --496-2966. 497-6073 "' 0 r f MUCH M ORE. 1621 Chest, Nile Stand & Bed SURPLUS JEEPS Car~-Incl cover. all other B 1 M S 11 Gorgeous solid walnut 0 675 Kings Road, Newport Frame, $800, obo d oa $s5. 0 OaOnyF ell for CU • Exec desk, raise typlr1g equip $~5_. __ ·8475 Beach Call Ernie Minney 842-7266 er · or Into all shell $240 5•8-0135 Bea 11 1 S di n 1 645' 1790 Lu• klng-sz waterbed, 11 (3121931 •1961 E•t 2239 Ron Dick 843 ~w. 15th 30 u • 1 ; m::~r .s 4:·~~~'. . 12!.Ue ve111et. matching LOVE IALLOOIS c M Sat $19,500 (2131 865-5211 Mtrtb•n4111 night stand $400 Jiii send someone y~· love Ptts -10111 or,(7 14) 552-3701 ····:················· 851·0994 54'1 .. 5036 ~ Aall•ue1 IOOS -__: 11 beaulltul bouquet 01 30 • ••••••••••••••••••••• 1S11lbo1141 I06S ••••'••••••••••••••••• Round Oak game labte. helium balloons. Perfect RABBIT FOR SALE ,..., •••••••••••••••••••••• w/4 comtt c'hrs. Xlnt for all occasions. Great Frenc;h Lop, "' Checke· G&S Sailboard. brand *MOITHLY* AITIQUE FAIR Antiques & Collectibles cond $250 640-0776 decor a 11 n g Ide as red Giant. $10 6"5·8468 now, dual posllton dag-673-019 gar board $850 new. 4'X4' sq Oak coffee table, w/match end table. Cal· Mode, like new $400. 640-0776 COTO DE can RH. PERSIH CAT relocating. must selll Shots, $75 546·9965 $450 730·53 1 t dys. llaok Lall ru,. ~~~·9218 evs. ask for T!!l!!!'; •• ~1!!!'1..!.1.~~ I 18' U·HAUL TllAIUR $200 645-3344 Auto S11vic1, 11111 & A'e11101i11 9400 .................•.... PAINT & llte body work, up to 50% off your body shop est Bill 964-0332 Ford 35 IC tunnel ram mantlold w /2 660's $250/olr 546-4639 Auto Body & Painting Usually t day Reas Ins. Jobs welcome. 850-4 111 Porsche parts. 1981 SC front struts comp! w / discs & brks Convert With 1111 condlllonlng and stereo ( 1U743 t 3) Aedu· Ctld 10 $4075 llLL MAXEY TOYOTA I 11202 leach llvtl. "11 ti11ct11 lch. 112-0821 I '81 COURIER PICKUP E•t1a clean with atr con· dlllonmg ( 1z34 130) Prl· ced to sell et $4388 llLL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 lt1ch llvd. FLEA MARKET New-Used Merchandise SUI. Oct. 3, t ·3p• Los Alamitos Rece Track Into 995-12341995-7799 Membership. use of ell teclfltle:. $800/Flrm 751-3696 $25 eo. 847-2473 eves All electric hospllat bed w/slde rails. llke new ELECTRIC Collie pups. AKC. 4 mos; $800. 644-9684 also AKC Cocker PllPB. 8 Olvan. 8' lloral design. SIGllS _w_k_a_. _89_3_-4_4_8_6 ___ _ Hurley twn fin surfboard. early car to better brks & 5· tO", xlnt ciond $125. ride More parts $500. Call 130.531 1 dys; _631·4765 Hntinctn 8ch 862-0829 '11 TOYOTA PICIUP 850-9218 evs, ask tor Pat $85 Xlnt cond. 291 E. from $69 up to 50% otf. PARROT · TAME Antique barbers chetr 23rd St CM 548-2183 Wiii bring samples. Umbrella Cockatoo BOlll, Sliis Circa 1930, $550. Early Amer Hutch Top & 714·6 1·5190 $525 662-7637 Dffkl IOlO• 66!·9421 bottom cabinet & 4 drt1· POOL TAILf SCHIPPERKEE from Bel· •••••••••••••••••••••• AM OAK China Cablne1. wers 9d cond. $300. $250 540•9922 glen 4 mos, r1111, xlnt Slips avail CdM area. Triple bow glass. Lion's 850·9960 wa1c11 dog 760-8387 $ 9 I t t . ca 11 Carr I e paw s legs. 11500, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiA\IOOado dbl oven, gas AKC SPR1NGERSPANIEL 714-955-2473 Wkdys 840-5443 I 6ft brown plald sofa ~v"!~d~ln~rlcgf;:i~e$11~k9e Male. 6 mos needs lo· 1-8-·5 _______ _ ORIENTAL FURN. hlde·a·bed $75. Maple G ' v Ing home S 150 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE· Hutch wlglass doors, dining set. 4 chairs $75. new . l ass shelves. 492-8992 eves. Newport Beach. 25'. 26'. oval coffee table & 2 rnd Smalt white chllds chest ~275h dOual .. Jr,lple a 30', 35', 40'. & 45'. Call oldrawers$20.Men's10 renc resser wmrror, Pi1•11•01•1•1IOIO 642-4644 from 9-5, end t ables. All w / spd Free Spirit bike S50. $200. 84()..1593 ••••••••••••"••••••••• Mon-Fri. carvings of people & MOVING MUST SAC 5'8 •--------I d r a g on s $ 1 0 0 0 2 1 w 1 " book c 8 s e INDUSTRIAL RI 0 ER Baldwin Grand Piano. t MARCUS CHANNEL. Side 1·626-3313 headboard/foot Sl5 ea. SWEEPER. "' new. only yr 010 675-9510 Mike tie to 28 It. $150. also - --------Double bed $3 1. 25 hrs on clock cost $9, ---------v1c1or1an1 I) Ch811s. 7 t19er 642·8954. 1992 'Ir Meyer 0 0 O. Sac $ 5 . 5 0 O. YAMAHA GRANO PIANO side up to 18 It $ 100 oak, 1 w/arms. rework-Place.C M near OMV. 963·0363 6' walnut $6800/0BO. _6_7_3_·8_14_5 _____ _ e d . h I g h backs . 673-6289 Sl.IPS AVAIL Hunltngton $750/obo 1-628-3313 AQUARIUM u arbour 8 8 y . O a Couch. 1 yr old.,., ft. rust 55 al 11 11 h 1 k S · "' -.3 109" ,, g cry cs ow an • 1,01t1n1. uOUflf , 840-5545, 846-7766, 6-9 A11th1u1 Show/Salo & btue stripes on tan folly equ1ppe<1, incl rare • ••••• •••••••••••••• P M . 8 4 0 • 4 0 9 7 . Today lhru Oct. 3. free background $270 OBO exotic fish. $400 value. Complete weight Siii with 213•431_3764 admtss1on. Huntington _6_4_0_._61_5_2______ sale S 150 obo 841-1549. bench press Less ttien 1 Center Mell. 405 Fwy a 4 Pc ttvlng rm set, 1 wk 675· 1_3_5_5______ yr old. $200 59,..5g,.7 wanted slip lor elegant ~ea_c_h_B_lv_d_. _H_B___ otd Cost $600 Seti women's Fox Fur Coat Pool Table 4 a 8'. solid l" classic 45' motor yacht ~5_0. (2t3) 1·863·7658 perfect condrlton seoo'. s 1 ate w / a G c es !4~';~5, 0 r Perm CoU1try Pl1t Cupboerd $625, pine drop leaf table S280. 4 pine chairs $200. brass lamp repro $20 559·8300 ~11.'ff !'.'!.~ •••••• I.~!~ HARBOR AREA APPLIANCE SERVICE We sell recond .. guar appllences 549-3077 I IUY APPllHCES Les 957-8133 Washer-Dryer-Reing. Olshwesher·Freezer Xlnl cond 646-5848 Refrigerator. Frlglda11e Xtnt cond $300 Baker's Rack. Brass trim· 640-8347 S5501cash. 546-8276. med 78 high. 48 wide John Wayne Tennis Club Solid Oak 12 gun cabinet 11111, Stofl•t 1090 $250. 544-4516 Famtly Membership, w /glass. good shape. ••••• •• .. •"'••••••••• Earlh1one sole. ~Int cond, $900 Incl. transfer lee. Mu st s el I . S 2 0 0 . ORY STORAGE f must see $ 1 2 5 • ~~,~~~ :::::~; Kathy 1- 8-4-8--2-9-8-7------Monthly boat storage. 544-4516 Slort, lt11t1ar111I, any site, 24 hr security, BARGAIN! 7· sofa, recliner Electric Potters Wheel, lir IOIS free launehlng chair Call all 4pm. used once. hke new •••••••••••••••••••••• •EWHRT DU•ES 548·5666 . $350. 962-9366 Retailers Plate Glass Showcase w/shetvu, 6 fl 11 a' lld •• , Ir. H U O 0.1. E Bunk Bed L~d7o5~~een111ou,se50. 0 12Xyl5'. tong, 18'' deep, 38" high. •I. w/mattress Xlnt $1075 or g, · OU Walnut trim Gd cond. 1""·0110 549·• 171 move lmmed 675-0695 S 1 2 5 • ,. 9 7 2 9 6 6 , "" Antique while ltallan An Student's Bargelnt 1_4_9_7-_60_7_3 ______ 1'. I Ii Prov . 5 pc BR set (Kg Prof qual, locilerble Mdl rV. Jtilit, .f!.".'~!J..!!: •. •••• hdbd) $275 548-2380 K. potter s kick wheel <. C••-rl, •-Ji -Perfect $150 ('"' cost llifi St•rt• IHI ,,~ -Brass trimmed Baker's new I 4 9 7 • 2 9 6 6 ••••••:/••••••••••••••• Rtal II ZO Rack 82" high, 40" 497.5073 ' BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Co-•••••••••••••••••••••• w l de. s 2 5 0 . ca 11 lot TV 2 yr wrnty. $148. 8' CAMPER $350 552-3667 Mi1ttlJ111H11I Free delivery. Open Sun. GOOD FOR WORK OR WHIRLPOOL WASHER SOFA Earthtones. W••IH 1011 TV John's 64&-l786 ~:5~:~~~ & GAS DRYER x1n1 cond. must see WANr·eo"ooLtHouse~ cust Rosewood stereo/ ·------- 551-8190 s200 SET. $125.call552·3687 Large wooden one for cab. w l dual l219 8 ' Cabover Camper. 642-9618 mlnlatuies 644•420 1 changer Sep comp1rt· sleeps 4, boot. corner Autos /01 81/1 ..........•..•.••..... IMPORT ANT NOTICE TO READERS ANO ADVERTISERS The price ol Items ad· 11ertised by vehlcle dea· lers In the vehicle clessl· fled advertising columns does not Include any appllceble 1nes, license. transfer lees. finance charges, tees tor elr pol· lut1on control device certifications or dealer documentary prepare· lion charges unless otherwise specllled by the advertiser --------hlifOll/ Cl111ic1 9520 .....••...•........... MODEL 11A"1! Shey replicas; pickups & coupes 4 to choose lrom1 (006768) tStk. A3093). Prices starling at O•LY St,tHI THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HAOOll &LVO CO~TA MISA 64l·OOIO With air oondlllonlr,g and stereo ( 1S65805J $3375 llLL MAXEY TOYOTA 11202 loaoh ll•tl. ll11ti1ct1 lch 112·0821 AutOI WHIH ISIO ..•.•................. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS ALH MACllH ,OIYIAC/SUIHU 2480 Herbor Blvd. COSTA MESA Ul-4300 Ut·14il WE IUY CLUI CARI All TRICll CONMR L CHEVROLET :~11.irt •. r 111,.1 \l(',l\'¥1~'>\ 546-120 · •8 Ford Oelu•e Club Cpe. 1-====;....::;;c:.;.. ___ ...;.1 RARE FINOI 011g running MICH IUYER gear. restored In '77 Top dollars tor Sports Looks and runs great. Cars Bugs. Campers. $5000 obo 957-0607 914's, Audi's Ask for U/C MGR ·53 Studebaker Champion JIM i•lll•O '5 pass cpe Nice cer " s3150 2131592.1192 YOLISWACH -----18711 Beach Blvd Cotti Mt•es ........ HUNTINGTON BEACH 1946 Ford Woody Wa· 842·2000 gon. S 13.000 WANTED! 1929 Ford Model A Town Sedan. $10.000 Lale model Toyotas, Votvos. P1cl\ups & Vans 1963 Sludebaker Avanu. Cell us today! $5500 675-6161 MICRO WAVEOVEN Like Classllied Ads 642-5678 eves men1s tor records. amp. 1acka end dolly Cteen. new. 5250 Firm Call -;::========:,!;;;;:========-tuner, & cass deck $250. $750/best offer. (7 14) 66 MUSTANG CONV 641•3153 • _6_4_0-_0_1_16 ______ 1 645-5898 ,. "Ground Up Restore· Earle/he Gas range & oven, good cond. clean $85/otr 642-6844 AMANA MICROWAVE OVEN, GOOD CONO $125 675-3772 Whtrlpool washer & dryer, top of the line. white. pr $300 675-3772 COLI REFIUC. UDO Side-by·slde 5418-7044 Boat picture ads provide Color TV. 25" console. MototirH IJl11 1140 tton" • In t con d . $ 1 4 5 ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 cyL Champagne mtr 548-2429 au 1 IAM l98l Vespa Mope<!. good Ember g I o ex tr -condition $400. 7 866 22 5 19" color TV. remote 63t-6349 141 • 1 · control RCA 1500 Vicki ---------'66 Llncoln Col\t-4 dr all 5PM 548-6353 1980 VESPA 200. Fully Reedy to restore. Gd WE IUY ------1 loaded 3 mos old. eng $400 499-550t Af· USED CARS & TRUCKS IOlll I ftl1tillf S 1500, 537 ·3325 /' ter 5 .PM COME IN OR CALL FOR E•11i••tal '81 VESPA 100 '55 Nash Metro. runs FREE APPRAISAL .... ,.~.............. $650. 548-7044 good, good body. '82 Cormter·Ot!Llllo tkat11I IOlO . Tags $650 963-5272 CHEVROLET • •• ••••. •• •••• ••••• ••• 2 Puch Mopeds l Sear s INFLATABLE MetzlerAz· di~. 1 standard, swap '56 CHEVY 4 OR 18211 BEACH BLVD TOYOTA·YOUO "" ..--. ... ... c ......... . ""'u•-tJOJ er '40·'4t1 with lhe Los Angeles nmes Ctrculet•on Team In telephone sales. Earn 81\ hourly wage + comm Training provided. For HTIQUES I JUH 3 family garage sale. 362 Refrigerator: Whirlpool 5 Walnut. Sat/Sun 9.3 ft tall XIII! COl\d S 125, 644·2652. 760-3834 tek 9.s· wlsall kit $600 engtnes to have good Parts or $.400 for all HUNTINGTON BEACH Susan M·F. 762-7119 running bike & spares. 1·S28·3313 ~l-1081, Ul-3U1 --• S 9 9 I a k e s b o t h . --T D II ,,,,,, M11nlt•llfff 496-2966 4197-6073 '62 Cad Conv. like New, op 0 ar ESTATE SALE d e I al I s C a 11 ( 7 1 4 ) Liv rm turn. newly uphot 540·0301 sofa, dbl bed. 19' cop- SALES pertone refrtg. frost free. 2 Frenc;h Prov chest I Salesperson I<>< reputa· desk w/3 drwrs. assor· ble antique shop with ted dishes. plc1ures, some knowledge of anti· plents. planters. etc. ques . Part t i me Ward t ank vacuum 642-7945. Much more. 2129 Elden SECRETARY Ave . AP' 2 C M • Top skills, diversified _6_4_5_·_33_5_7 __ _ duties. work In Fashion MOVtNO SALE • tas1 day. Island. Call Jel\nller all goesl Stereo equip , 759-15 15 clothes. odds ·n ends. IEollnllly lots of goodies. Reu Fn 9·5. 784 V1ctor11 S6·$7/hr, Full benefits. c-om-b-ln-ed-S8-1e-SAT tft Ort hrs. Good for stu· dents, Call 835_4449. 9am 2488 Falrwoy Or JOBS TODAY, 2707 N. BS P So_ro_r_ll;...Y ____ 1 Brlatol, S, A. 1m111 f.. Couch, lo11ese11, cotlee t1bl11. clothes. goodies SEClnlllY 11.E. ~~~';,~,~~:~~~un 9•4 Secretarial po11tlo" In "'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil active N•wport Center • Realtor's office Front office position requires good telephone volGe, typlOQ. S.H. & appearan- ce. Aoal oaloto expo- rl•nco helpful llut not e11entl11I. Prefer local resident For Interview c.tll Mrl . Duhl MOVING SALE • All must gol Oak M~rrl• ohatr, Mission oall llesk. Deco t able. Piano bel\Ch. Wicker table & 2 chair• Sofa~. 1n11que stove & bathtub, H1\11land china, Bauer dishes. MUCH MOREi 970-5027 Maytag Bronze waaher and dryer $275, Good working cone!. 760-8310 Whirlpool Washer. runs good . $65 . dys 675-8170, e11 964-3375 Maytag OH Dryer, avo- cado grn. $85. dys 675·8170, ev 9454.3375 ~i~l!I!! ••.•.••.. !.~~~ Ladles' 3 spd European quality IOUtttl boke. good cond. $40. 644·6989 luildi•1 ,,,,.,,,,, I025 .....••..•........••.. IOW llo/n . Redwood 2•6 decking, 4·20' lono; also redwood fencing Call Jim or Ken anytime. 175-1491 FROSTED BATHROOM WINDOW (SLIDING), 3ll4 •. $25. 642·9618 SLIDING GLASS 6'a"d ' PATIO WINDOW $65 642·9618 Rf:OWOOO oec1<1NG 2x4'e. 33t. 2X6, 49t pet It. Savell 996-0122 I 28' Erlceon Fully equipped crul&e, 6 sails. UHF, compaas. covers Perfect condlUon $16,500 123-4507 • Strvict I020 ---·-----In/out Stored since '77 ••••••• ••••••••••••••• Motorcyclt•/ Mi.st See1 $5000 obo Pai'd Marine Elee1r1c1an StHl•ll llSO 957·0607 Oeslgnllnstall/R119alr •••••••••••••••••••••• -4-W.-)_u_l_ll_t1_'v-,-1-9-5-5-0-1 F'or Your Cart on work 549-2520 Ev ·75 Honda 360 6 spd. •••••••••••••••••••••• JOH•so• • so• ... ts, iH ~4u7s~1~Jo miles. LARGEST JEEP DEALER Lincoht·MtrOlrJ £, In the West 2626 Harbor Blvd •Iii•• nl 9030 646-6382 desperately needs Costa Mesa 540-5630 .... ,.~ .............. ---------your JEEP. Mercury 40mdl 4hp, xlnt '74 Yamaha 360 dirt bike oond $365 on 3 rail lrtr Good cond Highest Ooller Paid 5•8·2429 S 6 O O 9 7 5 • 2 2 7 3 . Call Gal) Orey BRAND New '83 Evtnrude _5_4_5·_4_15_1_____ ORHIE COAST 4 h/p outboard, never 250 Enduro Hodaka. xlnt AMC/JHP/RHAILT used. 1525. Doug Turin Gond • 11ory strong S350. 2524 H"bor Blvd .. CM wrk 673·1434, 6.42-4910 OBO. 646-1532 _5_4_9-_80_2_3 __ 6_45_·_77_7_0 nm •UST SU-L --'75 JP CJ5 Agtp, pis, V8, 3 1pd, r,ew trans, rr st & S II thl I I h 0 II '75 tJIONOA 360 Runs rll bl. Wn Hbs. bd re end • nga .. , w I • y great . Piiot Wint Ada. $475/obo. 646·8382 $ 3 0 O.D I 0 B 0 E II e ti 546·0403 '72 Jeep Commando, new ::11118 Jllu hot lthd paint. n•w brtlkOS. roll 1 ·11,t,1 \11'~11 ,'Mll IU:lll bat and l o mll111. 12~001090. 552·6236. Hlgllest cash tmme<llalely 1.11 message for YOU{ vohlole. Oo· --mesllo ol loretgn, fruth ISIO ss1-828s ...................... 1---------- 'll OllllEI ~!.'!!1.!'9!.~1!!. •••••. PIOllP AJ/1 l .. H 1115 vory ol•ant (1N970~) ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• LEHI l 1tl2 $2171 ALPl ROllH SPtlER BILL MAXEY TOYOTA OUYOTllLI 19202 8"eh Blvd ..... , •• ,.,.., Ot. ANltOfl 8'4·4810 !~!~W!.J~!!9. ..•... f!!!t!1!!! ••••••• l.~~f Hugo Ult Hlet 16105 LI• Tl llM OOMPITIR Set your course for fast sales with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday, the Dally Piiot, wlll o•r you ad apace that not only describes your boat, but picture• It at well. The price 11 guaranteed to buoy your tplrlt• -$46 If we take the picture. and only $40 If you provide the picture for a 2 column 3" ad. Hnllngtn Bell 962·0829 $297 79 loyo11 •76 AM/F'MSte-1 STOCK SUPERVISOR vlngstone Fri. Sat, Sun 8 S190. 6<16·23'4 reo cauott• Smoll per month pru• tall camper •h•ll $2176 •emon111openendleeH Hllldt9 etOf'lr!cl. fnventory o'clocll to 5 PM --------- ' lhlpplng of 9qutp. Or· 1:-milililm-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"I n-, IHO I genln Inventory eonttOI, 1• -IHTY ~;-1e. •••• ••••• ..... ••• For fur1her detl It '1)out now 813·8&18 on approv.0 credit. Oop act\'IM CUttomere Ofl ... ...-rww•• Diiiy Piiot boat ptcture 1d1 au 'll IATlll oomtity of oomponent1. knock• otten when you lllUT "IHIU can ..._k for you Ind to EEN OF THI IHOW PIOll• Fiii orcMrl. 1 yr Inventory UM reeutt.gettlng 01111)' NPI ...,v, tt H•U•M ~""" 11y ~~ .....,_ r uper. Tu1tln loo. ,,IOI Ola11l111d Ade to IChedule your ad, call -..-91\WA ~..,.iy1ttoo11:aUdo,_ ..... 11111e varyc:te1nl(1T l 9'&) t1.111rw. Send ttllud & rwt1 tno Orang• Co11t o!1.~C:0.~2:.~6t 6'42·5878 and .. k for Sally LM. Ill n • ._._:f .:.;::f.':a -.....-12411 ~~~~~~~~mp~ J~ ~:: "*'P°~~ 642-5878 San JoM , CA Hatten• of Celfomla a1LL MAX!V TOYOTA -:;1•::102=.·::L:;,4:::;c.;·~'°°='~s~. ~~~====~!J~c~··~-~.~~~~ .. ~ ... ~~-~-~ ... ~l~==~~~~~~~=~=~~~J u. v..,. ""'1ll 19202 h•c~ .. e1vo _ -l'IWCJ ,._ --· !:::::===:=====:===:=-==~.....:.H:n:11no1n lleti 1n1~·081! CO ll ·l1~.15 0 : Roatdual•S4300 6 Cllh r eQ.ulrld·ll31 .65 . tmaei IQOI ll•lllTI 648 Oove Slr"t NtWPOlllT B!ACH lU-IHO Lii lnl All PO'Wlf, lo.t· ood Wllh -lrH L"• tn•.n t yr old 6~ mi 12.600 ptut H tuma lee. mek• o ttwr M utl ••II 114·116!1·3501 wk de l#W 11/Z ...........••.•••.•••• HLH·iEHIOE UAllH 831·2040 496-4949 IADDUIACK llW 28402 Mtrguorltt Pkwy Ml••lon Vtojo (Avery E.1111 ol( 1·6) Open Sundays Soloa·Servtce·LeHlng '83 320111 ,,. ltrtl Nice Selecl!Onl * '76 2002. 4 apd., an/rt (917PVBJ • '79 3201, 4 spd . toa· dedl (816XOH) • 60 5281; au:::> • an/rl (486ZOJ) • '80 3201. 5 spd .. loa- ded! (231ZYR) * '80 633scl. loaded (5555346) Ut-3111 208 W. 111, Simla Ana Closed Sunday CHOIC-E INVENTORY VOLU&A·L~S • IOI MoLAREI IMW Sa1es-Servlce-leas1ng 850 N Beach Blvd Le Habra i22·HU Ope" Sunday ORA.CE coum'S OLIEST & Sales-Service-Leasing IUY'CARVER l(llS·IOICE·~ ~-1 lll~~"IN!IO ~·-11\0ll><IO - CIOSIO ~VNOAYS '76 BNW 2002· Show; room cond. new tfrff1 brakes. valve job. Aaklng $6800 Must sell ASA~ 662·2309 ·79 BMW 5301 mint colJ All extras BBS wheels, Grund1g cassette Alp1n• suspension Bt1s1e1n shocks M/s11ver exle· nor, Bl corduroy lnterldr $9500 p.p 846-5625 '76 BMW 2002, 62,000 mt absolutely mint. sac must sell $5900 PP 675-0122 ------'79 3201. low mi. sunrf. fog lights, am/Im . .c spd, sllver/blk. European car, no smog, clean $10.000, 645-2606 DlllH 9120 ...................... 'Tl llTSU• 210 IEL•Xf Very clean! (1ATM151) $2915 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beach Blvd Hntlngtn Bch 962·0829 'll DATSIM 310 H COIPE With air condillonlng and stereo (534YUA) $2975 llLL MOH TOYOTA 11202 ... Cl ....... M11t l 1ct1 lo• 112-0IH Estate Sale 1980 Da1sun 200S)(. 'lclnl cond Orig owner. 1c- cep11ng bids Wkdays please call, 759·4229 1182 DATSUIS Yory CltH 11tra Low 1111••&• Yo•lolos fro• As Low As $4988 IHI MlltJ Tt,.ta 11201 1 ..... llv4. H1t11st1 loll 112-DIZI '78 01taun B210, good cond $2500 Call Cl'\eryl 891·2910 '80 200SX. 11lnl oonci:' many xtras. AC, stereo. 15700/ofr 848·7701 '74 8210, new eng, brl\a a. clutch. 85,000 ml $2100 645·?910 ·19 2eo'_z_x_1_o_L_N_o_ OOWNI l'ekt Ov4tr P•Y. monu or roflt11nce 7!0·108 ... IPNl1llm kn~k• otten when yOU UM rtlillt•OOltlnt ~ Pilot C11111lfled ~d• 10 ~l't IM Oronot Co4Ml market. Pl'IOM 9'Mt18 \ \ :9 •• - ' 08 Or1nge Oo11t DAILY PILOT /Tliurtday, S•pttmber 30, 10. MATCH THI NUMIERS ON THI MAP WITH THI NUMllRS IN THI IOXIS • ATLAS CHRYSLa.ft. YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd . Cotta Mee& Tel. ~1934. 3 blocka eouth of San Diego FrHway off H«t>or Blvd. Complete body 1hop. Salea Service P..u. Servle9 O.pt. open Monday thru Friday 1 30 AM to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M . to 5 P.M. on Saturdey. IEACH ~S 848 Dove Street. Newpor;t Belch Tel 752-0900 Call ua. we're the spec1al1Sts tor Atta Romeo Peugeot:Saab I Mauratl • T HEODORI ROllMS FOID Modern a11e1. "rvlce. parta, body, pelnt & tire cfepta. Competitive ratea on le1M & dally rental•. 2080 Harbor Bllld., Coata Meu. 8-42·001 o or !>40-8211 . • JOHNSON & SOM UMCOLH MmCURY 28281'41rbor Blvd .. Colla Mela. Tel. 50-5e30. 57 Yeara ot friendly temlly aerv1ee -Orange County'• oldeat Lin· coin-Mercury dealerahlp. SOUTH COAST DOOGI 2888 H1rbor Blvd . Cotta M ... Tel S40-0330. AV Nrvloe 199<:lall1ta, cuatom van conversion•. • ' MIWPO•T IMPOlrrl 3100 W. Co11t Hl ghw1y, Newport BHch. Tel. Ma-940e/5.0-17a.. Th1 Ferrari HtedQuane,.. NIWPORT DA TIUN 888 Dove StrNt. Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle Of JamborN , MICArthur ' Brtatol behind VICtorla St1t1on. Salel. ~. L .. llng & Part•. W• mak• grMt deallt • MAIHS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Colla Mee& Tel. 50-9100. Orange County'• Largest Cadillac dealer. SalH. Sarvlce. Leu· ing . • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUIC8<~AC-MA%DA Sales • Service • L .. alng , 24888 Allcla Parkway Laguna Hiiia 837·2400 • CHICK IVllSON rc>ISCHl-AUDl-VW 415 E. Coast Hwy .. Newpon Beach 873-0900. The only dealerahlp in Orange Cout1ty wilh these thrH great makff under one rooll • ALAN MA•MOM POHTlAC.SUIAaU 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Coata Mma. Tel. 549-4300. Sal" s.t'Ylce, Leasing "Mr OoodWl'lnch." • CLAlllC AUTOMOalLll 715 ~on Wly, Cotta M .... Tel. 831-1393 "JAGUAA8 OUR SPECIALTY" XK 120'11140'1/150'1/E·TYPte ..... -l«YIOt -Aee1oretlona Off Placentil......,, 17th & 1• In Colt• • IOI LOM•PU PONTIAC 13600 8Hch Blvd., W11tmlnater Tel. 882~1 Orano- County'1 oldelt and 11rge11 Pontiac de1lerahlp Salee. Service, Parta • DICK MILLIR PIAT /LANCIA "Probably the low"t priced A111 (n Southern California" (Located 1 mile north of South Coal! Pilla near Main St. and Watrtef Ave. In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Warner. Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANTA AMADA.TSU~ 2001 E. 17th Street. Santa Ana Tel. 658·781 t. Your Original Dedlc1ted 01t1un Dealer • MllACLI MADA We've movedl Our n1w locatlon II 1425 Baker Street, Coata M ... Tel 545·3334 Slop by & vl111 our bfand new lhowroom 1nd ... why we're I.he 11 Maid• dH ler In Southern C.lltornla. Salea, S9'Vlce, Pwta and Leulng. • CORMllR DeLILLO CMIYROLIT (,°"'*1)' Qroth CMwotet) 11211 ~ Btvd., Huntington IMotl Hw • UMd • ..... • i..e.1ng • Pet1a • hMol Come ~ Ind ... our HUge lmenloryl 147-eol7 ....Wt • SADDLHAC• IMW/SUIMU 28402 Marguerita Pkwy • AY9fY Pttwy Pit W. offer wh11 no bank or IHH oompany Ctfl' 1 E•pertly ataffed, moll modtrn a1rvlea & Ptfl• dept.: 2 Ona of the 8outhlend'a mo11 11Cperlanced NI• & IH1lng etttf; 3 Ellmlnatlon of the middleman by 1...ing ONlar dlrtct. 831·2040 Minion V 41&-4Mt FOR FURTHER INFORMAtlON; ·oR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT · YOUR DAILY PILOT REP . I • COSTA MISA DATSUN 2145 H1rt>or 9111d., Coet1 Mela. Tel. 6-40-8-410. Serving Orange County tor 18 )'9art. 1 Mlle So. 405. • SUMSIT PORO, IMC. (Home of Wlllle the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd., W.tmlneter. Tel. 836-<WtO. • OIANOI COUNn VOLVO 10120 G.,.den Grove Blvd., G.,.den Grove Tel. 530·9190. Exelualvely Volvo to cover 111 your Volvo requirement•. New•UMd•S1lee•Leulng•Part1•Servloe•Body Shop Freeway olOM In the heart of Orange County 1t Garden GrO¥e Bllld. & Brootchurat . • COMN&L CHIVIOLIT 2828 Harbor Blvd .. Cotta ~ Over 20 years Mf\11"9 0renge Countyl S1lea, IMalng, a.rvle9. Cell ~-1200: .-:111 part.I line: 546-9400: body ahop line: 754-0400. • ROY CAIYM IOU.S IOYCMMW 1540 J1mborM Aoed, Newport e..cn. ~ Sal•, Service. Parta And Leaalng. COMSIDll IT IOLDI lJMd catt are In demand and HU qulctOy when adYartlatd In Cl .. ltled To pl1C1 your private pW1y Id, call Sally L• 81642-M78 ----- DIAIGI 1:1111 lllTllCTll lllCI I f 1111111 lllllY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Hero or killer? County man qualifies as both By STEVE MARBLE or the oa1tr '"ot I t•" Sam Gibbs is leading a duubll• life. Ht.'0S a villain 1n Orange Count y a nd a hl•r u in Los Angcll~s While authorities 111 Orungl.' County want Gibbs jaal(>d fur killing a Newport Bl·ach man, polke in Los Angl•lt•s want to honor him for saving a woman'5 life Gibbs is a 21 -year-old rl'sident or Orungc who iwys lll''ll jUllt Ull uvt•rugP guy who made a m1s wkt• in u1 w «ounty and d id something nght 111 thl• otht•r. As ll stands, Gibbs Is schedult'<1 to go to ja il for 2 10 days for killing Donald B. Warner last yt•ar in a hit-and-run at.oeidcnt on the· &luoa Pt•ninsula. Gibbs admits h~ was driving till' l"ar that struck and killed Warner but says he doesn't bPlo11g in jail. He is trying to 11ppN1l tlw ju<.lgment. Polkc in •thl' Venice area of Lo8 Angeles, meanwhile', ar«.> crediting Gibbs with saving a d1soblL•d woman Aug. 27 from the clutch~s of a knifc-wldding man. Polil'e say Gibbs and two other m1•n not 011ly saved the woman, ,who h ud bc•n bc•c n stabbed rcix•utc<.lly in the frll'c and neck. !Jut upprehended the suspe<:t. T h e w o man -Jean ll1•.1·kcnbuch hus wr1ttc•n to Gibbs. She i>alt.l she'd be deud 1r It wert• not for his 4u1l'k actions. "It's sort of ironlC'," suggt'Sts Jim Gibbs, the i 1-yoar-old's fathe r . "The firs t t ime (the at.'Cident) he punks and runs and the n the sc.ocond time he reacts ~nd saws someone,s life ." According to police. Uibbs and the two m1m were in the Venice area unloading furniture for ntllVlnK L111<.I Hloragt• (.'OffiJJlltly lh<'y work for Pollcl' say Gibbs and his t.'0- workt•r!i heard Sl'rcam11, xaw a 1111111 stabbing a woman who was on her ba<.·k on 1.1 sidewalk and canw to ht.·r r<.'S<.'Ut.'. Gibbs, police said , chased the susp<:l't whu reportedly tripped and fe ll in the street. Police say Gibbs and hts colleagues tied the alleged attacke r with slraps from the moving van and stood over t11m until poh<.'<· 11huwt-<l uµ. Polit'<' say tht-y'd likt· to hcmor G ibbs and his CO·WOl'kNi. for thl.'ir at·t of hcmn;m. But G1l>bl could be In jail by ttw tum• th!' awardlJ cert-mony roll11 around next year. Gibbs has bl·en conv1ctc..•d an Ora ngl' County on hit-a nd-run driving a nd felony manslaught~r. At.'Cording to police 111 Nt•wport Beachi Gibbs struck Warner, a fSee I ERO, Page A2) Senator backs Bolsa project By KAREN E. KLEIN 01 ti.. Delly Piiot Sten The Orange County Board of Supervisors' plan to a llow the developn1t'ni or tpe Bolsa Chica marsh a re a w o u Id mt• an a "handsome addition" to tht· 11x·al coastli n e, sta le Sen Paul Carpe nter, D -Cypress, said Wednesday. Carpenter, who termed the Bolsa Ch ica area a "mudflat," said the alternative to developing the uninco rpo rate d county territory, bordered on three sides by Huntington Beach and the Pacific Ocean on the fourth. is doing nothing with it. Nei ther the state• no r the environmentalists who want to preserve the area has the funds to rehabilitate it and make it a proper wetlands, he said. Carpenter spoke al a luncheon mee ting of the Orange County Coast Association. Lorraine Faber, president of Amigos de Bo Isa Ch lea, an environmentalist support group in fav o r o f r es tricting development in the marsh. said s h e was n o t s urprise d a t Carpenter's endorsement of the Group taking 'STAND' By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Delly Piiot Steff Phil Cutler of Costa Mesa was one of only three people who answ e re d an ad placed b y a· Newport Beach couple seeking response from concerned about the threat of nuclear war. Carol Ann Bradford, 45, who with her husband Dale s tarted the group, laughs when s h e thinks about the first meeting in June. "We asked people to come to this discussion group which diqn't even exist at the lime." It does now. Stop a Nuclear Devastation. known by the acronym STAND. has about 80 members and is one of severa l groups started to bolster support for the nuclear freeze initiative on the California ballot Nov. 2. Californians for a Bilatera l Nuclear Weapons Freeze is the largest group. with a reported 2.- 000 members m Orange County a l o n e . Th«.> nuc lear freeze initiative calls for the Un ited States and the Soviet Union to hall the nuclear arms race. Cutler, 57 , who teach es electronics at Ora n ge Coast College. said that the idea of nuclear war has haunted him since he served in the Army in World War 11. -INDEX- Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Cla~ified Comic.'S Crossword Death Notices F.clitorial Ente rtainment Horoscope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices A7 C5-7 A7 04-8 D2 D2 0 3 A6 87-8 A7 A7 B7-8 C6 A3 C5-6,Dl.D3·4 Sports Dr. Steincrohn Stock Market.'! Television Theaters Weather Cl-4 A7 C7 B6 B7-8 A2 county t.levclopment plan. Carpent er. s h e s aid, h as rec.:eived generous contributions from the S ignal Companies, own er o f the la nd, a nd has carri~ legislation favorable to its interests in the past, she said. Faber. who said her group is inte rested in "preservin g the biological productivity of the area," said she feels the 5,700 homes and 1,800 boat slips the county's plan w ould pe rmit would e n da ng e r th at productivity. Proponents of development in Bolsa Chica "try to creatt• the impress i o n that we're (t·nvironmental groups) near- 8ighted roots -that we flap our wings and just make a lot or noise -just because we d isagree with them," Faber said. Catnap contraption Deity Piiot Photo by Lee Payne Carpente r said the state Legislature has asked the state, Coastal Commjssion; which so far has n -stncted development in the area. to compro mise on the county pla n . "The coastal commission, in its wisdom, has continued to o ppose (th e compromise) against legislative instructions." he said. Beau Tye is well known on Newport Beach's Little Island for assisting local fi sherme n and sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk. Here he dozes in a tent compliments of owner Bing Girling. PsycholOgist faces 8 years • • in prison o.-, Pllot Ii.ff PhOto Carol Ann Bradford and Phil Cutler are among those lined up against the threat of nuclear war. Although he had returned to the Un ited S ta tes w hen the a tomic bomb was dropped o n Hiroshima. he said he learned how fragile human life is. "I'm not a religious person," said Cutler. "But I pray ever y d ay that my children will live out their lives. I d on 't ask for anything special. just a chance for them to live." Bradford, a former marketing executive for a local hotel, said she never joined a political group before starting STAND. "I was just talking about the threat of nuclear war for the hundredth time," explained the Newport Beach resident. And we d ecided, "We have to d o something." Ad d ed Cu tl e r , "1t 's uncon scionable n ot t o do anything, to sit here and let this happen." Propo ne nts of the nuclear freeze say that the United States with 30,000 nuclear weapons a nd the Soviets with 20,000 -have more than e n ough to destroy each other. They contend that the risk of a n accid e nta l nuc lear w a r through a compute r error is heighte n ed by the military buildup. Those against the initiative say a freeze would diminish the bargaining position of the United States and give the Soviets an advantage in the nuclear arms race. Convincing Orange County residents to support a freeze has not been an easy job, Bradford said. So far, L aguna Beach and G arde n Grove h ave been the only city councils in the county to support the initiative. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa councils have postponed a decision until after the November election. "I think they're t o t a lly chicke n," said Cutler. "They won't make a commi~ment. ·• Those who have joined the Costa Mesa nuclear group said they did so because of their children, said Bradford. The group plans to begin distributing Inf o rm a tion pre pared by Californians for a Bilateral Nuc le ar Weap o n s Freeze to 33,000 households in Costa Mesa next month. "What does it take to make a p e rson f eel that his life is threatened?" as k ed Cutler. 1 By DAVID KUTZMANN Of !hi Delt1 "°' ... " Newport Beach psychologist ·T elford "Tim" Moore. convicted or volunta ry manslaughter for 'killing a male roomma t e he claimed had sexually abused him, c..'Ould receive up to eight years in · s tate prison when sentenced Oct. 22. Even so, Moore's attorney said Wednesday he was pleased with th e verdict b eca u se the prosecution had sought a murder conviction a nd "we had strong first-degree (murder) symptoms staring us in the face." Moore, 37, was convil:ted by Orange County S uperior Court Judge Myron Brown in the non- jury proceeding. It was the former Founta.i n Valley High School psychologist's SC<.'Ond trial on charges tha t he murdered f el lo w p sycho l o gi s t and roommate Stanley Esplnda two years ago. Moore's first trial ended in a jury deadlock last December. Although he said he believed Judge Brown had "care fully weighed the evidence," defense attorney Al Stokke said an appeal of Wednesday's verdict may be filed. As for his client, portrayed during his two trials as being virtually a "battered spouse" to F.splnda, Stokke said Moore was re lieved his legal ord eal w as Israel 'errors' told by f oriner leader An investigation of the Beirut refugee camp massacre w ilt revea l Israel mad«.> errors In judgment but will not t.'OS\ Prime Minister Me nachem Begin his political life, a former Israeli mllitary chief predicts. Shlomo Gazlt, chief of Israeli military Intelligence until 1979, said he would be very surprised if the investigation showed that Israel had any direct h and In the recent massacre. Gatlt, now. president or a university In Is rael and In Newport Beach Wednesday to talk with 11upporte~ of the campus in the Negev. ventured that the Investigation will fault Israel for permitting Christian Falanglst militlnmt;n to enter the camps. At least 590 men, women and chUdren were killed In the camps. Gazit said the outrage In Israel ovtr the killings has been running at a high pit.ch and that it was thia domefltlc pressure that forced Begin to call for th.-Investigation. Gazit, who has been out of the country for 10 days. said his own 17·year -old daughter" joined a mass demonstration in T el Aviv last wee kend demanding an investigation as well as Begin's resignation. Begin initially refused to call for an investigation, saying such a move would be the same as admitting guilt. Gazlt said he is troubled by the reaction to the massacre in the United States. particularly in the Jewish community. He said Americans have never received a clear picture of what the Lebanon crisis l.s all about and , Instead, get a "jigsaw picture" In news reports. · "There seems to be much confusion h e re," he s uggested. "The Jewhh community ht>re likes to have things simple and clear and the y have trouble understanding when thln11 In llrael bcrome <.'Omplicated. It batnes them." He 11ald the maasacrc hu taken the focus ' .. oU the real issue In the Middle East which he Insisted "is whether Israel will continue to exist." _ He charged that President Reagan has a particularly uninformed understanding of what's going on In Israel. He conceded that part of his mission in the United States will be to sootht? Israeli supporters who are upset because ot the massacre. As a former military leader, Oazlt suggested there are 1everal ways of viewing the camp klllJngs. "If we had not entered West Belrut and had stood on the sidelines, the ChrisUan militia allll would have entered the camp11 and the re!!uli. might have been much wonie. "What would be the reaction \o that?" he uke!d. "We aim would have been blamed. The crtllt.'9 would have Mid 'here's lsrael wtth all Its might juat atandlng around'.'' nearly over but was disappointed the judge revoked his $25,000 bail and remanded him to custody. "I know he has a feeling of relief. There's a tr emendous amount of pressure having a first-d'egree murder accusation h anging over your head," the defense at\orney said. Moore was accused of shooting Espinda as ht' lay in the living room of the Spygla<>S Hill home they shared in November 1980. Deputy D is trict Attorn ey Bry an Brow n . in closing stateme nts during the retrial. C'laimed the s h ooting was a deliberate and prt.•-meditated attack on F.spinda. "It was a cold. calculated murder," the prosecutor asserted. But S tokke, citing previous psychiatric testimony, said Moore had actually inte nded to kill himself the night or the shooting. Instead, h e said, his clien t s uffered a temporary blackout during whk h F.spinda was shot in the head. Stokke argued that Moore, because of his fear or F.spinda, acte d in self-d e fense. The defendant testified at his first trial that h e was r epeatedly beaten and sexually a bused during his 18-year rela tionship with F.splnda. a homosexual. (See SLAYING, Page A2) • { .. o. 1~82 County social programs saved Group sets tours of Bols a Chica The AmlMO-'S dt• Bol:-.u Chll\t o r g a n i z a t 1 on w 1 11 I t' a d walking tours oC the &Isa Ch 1 <.'a S ta t (' ~ t· o Ing 1 n 1 l Reservt.• nl·ar llunt1ngtun &arh beginning S.1turday The lour:. w ill t•ontinue on each first Saturday of thl• m onth , ex<.•t>pt J a nuary through March, thl' pt•ak uC the migratory bird M'ason. Talks and <ll!>plavs t'Uvering Wl•tl:rnds history. N'oloJ(y, h 1 r tJ 1 de• n ti t H' 11 t Ion u n ct ~t'Ology will ~ prt-st•ntt-d by ~pt•t·1Hlasts from IJ :\0-10.30 .1 Ill Tlw tours start c.•vt•ry 15 mmutl's at the parking lot lit.Toss the cntrunl'<' to Bolsa C h tt:;.i' State B (•:t d1 for rurtlwr information. rail the Amigos de Bo Isa C h i t•n , 8Y7 7003. By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tM Oellf Pht alaft Bt•1wf1t·au1 h•s uC ~·v1•r11l dmt·n Orunwt• County gov<•rnnwnt l1111·k1 •cl 1odul JH'ogrum11 ur1• ln•1•111h111w l·~1s1t•r today. llwar JH"u~r11n 11< l'JH t rt•c.l lht• budgl·l· l'Ullmg u>-fur anutht•r yeur by Cmmty Owrd o( SuJ)(•rvl~rw 'ru1·:o;cluy 11upervlso11t poittpone<.1 Jll t•VlllUWly mundott.-d (.'Ul8 Ill 22 O( :!U pr ulo(r om s wh o11t• n ·1wt·11t.•nlatlvt•11 uppeah•d the rt.'d ut• t I onR . A not hn sevl' n 1>rt11i( rums Wt.>l'l' tu ndcJ for l l:lli:t li:i ol kvels highe r th~rn tho:«.· suggt~Lt'<l to t1upt•rvlsor11 by u <'llawn's advisory cm1rilll<.>e. In all, supervisol'lf uppropr10U.'<l mun.• thun $1 35 million for ttw 41i programs receiving fodcral rc..•v<·nu<· shurlng mon('y through thl• <.'Ounly. The figure was about $~1 7 ,000 m ore than thl' to tal r1•1·11111mt.•nded by the advisory 1·11nur11tt1•t• Mt\U uboul •440,000 mc.1r1• thun wnultl huv1• bct.~n llJ.M'l\l If tl\I' UUlOlllUtlc ··utbock• hnd t)('(•o litrlctly enforrod. T o ti.1 rl'vc>nuu 11 hurlng t•11n1111ltnwn._ to llOc..'IDI prc>~rnm. 11l'Vt•rthl'IH11 will drop obout $230.000 below thil year's level. 01 orfklots or eome Pf'OVlll'N did not dh111ute thl• outomutlc: cui.. Tht• n1•w funding Yl•ar 11t::ir111 Jt'nday. lo c.'Orn·spond with thl' 11turt o( tht• ft-Jt•ral govt.•rnmcnt's Cll't·ul yt.•ur Supervisors imtlully rcjt.-.ctA:d a motion to poestpom• moet of the outomutic.: cut.-c tai. rt'<'Ommendcd by tht-Social Programs Advisory Comm1tt(.'(', preferring Instead to hl'ar 10d1v1dual appeals from progrum representatives. The h earing, In what is bc""<-'Oming an annual event, was a nt'arly three-hour process in wh1l·h repr<'Sentativcs of many of tho 01 nclc •t.wd In llnc to have thl•lr appeal heard ttl l! e podium. Tht.• only IUpt•rvtll()r to orpote u 1ub1rnnt111l numbN o the fundlna rt.>1tor'6tion11 wa. H.rri~ll Wl<.'der. Shl' flltld 11he prde•rrt'd to uphold u 1979 board policy mu11dutlng unnual c.·u1.1 until the prugr111n• re pha:wd out from <'Ounty 1>nrtk1patlon That pohl·y ww. b..la.J on tht• l'OOl'l'Pl of u111ng COUIHY · c'<mtrolll-d fodcrul funds only rui • • ll 1 • i• cl m o n e y • · f o r 11 o cl a I program11. Ctiunty mont.•y WWJ to bt· Uitl'd onl y lo l aunch thl• programs. which were the n s uppost.•d to a ltract outside rundang to rl.'main viablt.'. But S PAC m e mbers and program rcpresentat1vt.>s said the <.'On<.•cpt no longc•r works because lht.• <'l'Onom1q climat<> makes it almost impossible to o btain private funds. ThPy u1d u llowlng tht• uutomuuc..· rt-dU('lion11 thl• y<'ur. wUh county fundlnH to mott of the program1 alrt!ady at half lea orlglnul level after prt>vlou11 ouiQrnaUc: cul.I, wuuld kJIJ many progron\IC The rounty funds an- not the.> ICJlc llOW'Ct.' of fundln.c for moet of the protjra.ms Prosrama serving thc.-Orangt' Coast whkh were ap•m.-d thl• c-ulli Tuesday lndudti tht• Women's Transitional Llv\ng Center, The People'• Cllnic, 1'een Help· Youth Servi('<.' Bureau. C athollc Community Age nC'ies, Laguna Beach Free Clink. Committee on A.-.saults Against Women. Orange County Council on Aging. Legal Aid Society of Orange County and the Wt>St County Counseling Cent.er. The Senior Citizens Club or Laguna Beac h also rc('elved additional funds. • Reg1strut1on 1s being taken for youth flag football leagues s pon sored by the l-luntin gton B eac h Community Se rvi ces DE!partment. The $1 5 rt.•g1strat1on fee will include a team shirt, p art ici p a t1 on patch and tr ophies f o r lt.•ague champions. Games will be played every Saturday' at Murdy a nd Edison <.'Ommunlty centers for third througQ eighth grade students. For further information, <.·all Murdy Communit y Center at 960-8895 or Edison Community Center. 960-8870. Fornier Huntington general, 52, dies HERO. a • From Page A1 Ne wport r esid ent who was walking across the street, on Balboa Boulevard and then sped off m has car , leaving Warner race-down in the middle of the street. • The Huntington Beach Ci ty Counci l is looking for a voluntet>r with a background in econom1<.":> ln St.•rve on the r1ty's Econum1<· Advisor v Board. · The pa n t.•I <.1dv1 ses city :>Cf1c1a ls on thl' c:11y budget und other financial matlers. Apphcat1ons are available at the c it y's Public Information OHiC't'. P.O. Box 190, Huntingt on Beach . Volunteers may also c·a ll the ore.cc• at 536-5511. Maj. Gen. James R. Henslick, a former Huntington Beach resident, is dead at the age of 52. Henslick, died of cancer at Walter Recd Army Medical Cente r in Washington. D.C .. according to his siste r Ruth Harrison of Sunset Beach. The career Army man is burwd at Arlington National Ct.•mt;>tery. H c served two tours in Vietnam and was commanding general of the First Infantry Divis ion Forward in West Germany before his death. He won the Silver Star. L e gion of M e rit, th e Dis tinguished Flying Cross, the Purple H eart and numerous other medals over the course of his 31-year military career. Henslick reC"eived a bachelor's degree in business a t the Universit y of Omaha and a mas t er 's d egree In business administratio n at George Washington Unjversity. He is survived by his wife. Myrtle Blackwelder Henslick. General Henslick Police say they traced down Gibbs a ft e r f i nding his abandoned car in a shopping center. SLAYING. • • From Page A 1 David Baron, a real estate co n s ultant . has b een reappointed to a third three· year term on the Huntington Beach Union High School Distri c t Per so nnel Commission. T h e t h r e e;. m e m b e r commiss i o n makes and administers policies related lo the classifying of positions, hiring. transfers. promotion and layoffs of the dlstrict's non-teaching staCf. lt also rules on disciplinary matters pertaining to th ese employees. Economy recovery dim? Moor e c lai med that he originally decided to commit s uicide "as the only way to resolve" a situation m which he had fallen in love with a Laguna Beach woman. Glory Lane. Moore testHied that he feared Espinda would not onJy kill him but also Lane if he (Moore) tried to leave his roommate. Baron is a r esident of Huntington Beach. HB's Beacoin new presiding OC judge By Tbe Associated Prell Treasury Secretary Donald T . Regan predicts the economy will bounce back from recession this Ca ll with the fastest rate of growth m nearly two years. but som<.• private e<:onomists say they st•(• Ct•w signs o r this recovery. In comments to a group o f reporters Wednesday. Regan said he expects the economy to grow at an annual rate of 3 percent to 4 pl'rt.'Cnt in the October-December A jurist from Huntington he has been picked as presiding quarter. after ad1usting for Beach has been picked as Orange judge. inrlalion. That is lower than his County Superior Court presiding earlier forecasts and would be judge for 1983. Beacom replaces Superior· only half the 7 percent to 8 Chosen by a vote or his fellow Court Judge Robert E. Rickles. pen:ent annual growth rate that jurists was Judge R icha rd who served in the position for has followed past recessions. Beacom, who was appointed to two yea.rs. The judges vote each Regan also said it would the bench by Gov. Edmond G. year on a presiding judge. probably take three to five years Brown Jr. in 1976 and elected in Beacom's du\ies will include for the economy to reach "full 1978. assigning other judg~s to civil employment," which he defined As presiding judge, Beacom a nd criminal court duties. asa jobless rate of 6 percent to 6.5 becomes administrative chief of handling administrative matters percent. Orange County's 50 -j udge a nd assigning and scheduling But Arthur L e vitt Jr .. ~i ~·N• l>m• F:ir throu~hmaF;hl:;k ~~ For todey. thunoer110tm1 -• • 1oreces1 on the Aorlcla Petiinaula, Co<ts t a I Som• clouds at um•• t0<11y, oth•rwlH f11r H1gri1 70 to 75 F1lr tonight and Friday wllh overnlghl lows 56 to 62 Highs on Frldly 74 10 77 El1ewhare. lrom Point Concep1lon to the Me•lcan t>otder end o..it 60 m11e1 Small etall advlll<)()' In effect over outllf w11er1 due 10 00<1ri-1 winds ot 1s 10 30 1<nots ano 6 10 8 1001 t•H today Winds dKrHSlng 1onlghl and Friday to 12 10 22 1<nota Locally hght variable wlnda -t 10 aouth-11 12 to HI 1<no11 during lhe 1hemoon1 tO<lay end Friday Wind wavea 3 to 4 leet West 10 aouthwest swells t 10 3 feel Some clouds over aouthern waters lodey. otherwln fair through Friday Cal i f orn ia Southern C1tlforn11 will have O•crea1lng cloud• and winds today. M o1ly fair and a llltle warmer Friday Orange County can ••Peet breezy day. Highs 68 to 73. Iowa 57 to S2 Hight In 701 Frldly lnl1nd valleya wtll hav• high• 6S 10 75, 72 IO 7S Friday Lowa In 508. Mountains wlll be plr1ty clOU<ly wtth a c:tiance of~· w .. t to nor thwHI wind• 20·35 mph HIOhl 45 lo 55, In 501 Frldey Lowa 2s to 40 Partly cloudy In O•Hrta with wMI to nor1hwest wind• 15·30 mph. Northern deaerl hight In eo.. low9 In 40t F rldey hlOhl 65 IO 75. Soulhern o-t hlgti. In 70., today and Friday. Iowa In ao.. Pertly cloudy In northern Sl•rra, 1ho .. •ra and 1no• oontlnulno In o•nlral 1nd 1ou1h1rn Sierra. Sunny end brleCy .......,_, In Nonh«n Ind Cenlr•I Calllornla. W1rmlno Frldey, with r1ln1how•r1 from South Oeltole and Wyoming ecrou northern and central Arizona. Cloudy skl'9 -• l0t-t In 11141 vpper MISSOUrl Valley Ind Notti\ Oel<ota Te111peratures Albany 67 54 AlbuQue 7S 42 AmarlllO S2 541 Anchorsge 42 37 A1he•11lle 7S 45 Atlanta 79 80 Atlanuc: C11y 87 6t Austin 92 74 Baltimore 75 64 Bllllngs 46 311 Birmingham 83 61 Bismarck 62 a. Boise 57 39 BOllOrl 58 541 Browntvlle 113 71 ButfalO 85 57 Burlington ee 52 Cu,,.r 54 39 Chartsln SC S2 65 Cherlstn WV 75 51 Cherltle NC 78 57 Cheyenne so se Cl'lleeQO 83 83 Cmclnnall 7S 5" Cleveland 73 50 Clmbl• SC S1 52 COiumbus 73 49 Dal.-FI Wth 91 70 01yton 74 51 Denver 73 39 Del Moln91 ao ea Oetroo 71 50 Duluth 87 82 !;I Paso 85 8" Falrt>ankl 51 "° Fargo eo 43 Fl•ostall so 37 GrMI Filla 37 34 HartfO'd 87 57 Helene 44 38 Honolulu 811 76 Houston S5 76 lndnaplll 7S so Jaclltn MS " N Jadclltl'llMI 14 6" Juneau ... .... 1<11111 Cll'tl S1 ea Kno•Vll .. St LU V9011 78 Liiiie Rooll S5 Lou11v111e 50 Lubt>ocll S6 l'Mmpl\IS ae Memphis ae Mleml ae Mllwllllt• 7S Mpll-SI P 75 Nu1w11 .. S4 N.._, Orleens " N.w York 71 Nonolk 74 No Plalla 74 Otcla Clay " Omaha 7S Orlando .. Pl'llladphll 74 Pl\oenlll 91 PlllM>urgft 89 Piiand. M9 81 Piiand. Or• Sl Prov!~ S1 R::t 7S A cnv 55 Reno 4S (llellmofld 74 Sll1 llll• 47 San Antonio 91 S..ltle S2 Stw~ 88 SIOu• allt 74 SI LOUii S4 SIP-Tampa SI St Sii Marie 72 U.S. sumnia ry Wlnt1t·llll1 ... llh•r io.d 11141 upper Ml11our1 Vall1y on W1dn11d1y wi th morning SURf REPORT • lenll*'llUfll oMt In lh41 301 in m11oh of M on 11n1 and • 1now111ower1 1c1111r10 from ... ,.,n Monten1 Into norlllern ~.,. 1dv11or111 were '-'*' IOt IOcfllly flMvy 1nOW OYlt 011 mo111ualn1 ol northw111 WYonlif'IO, Utafl and Nlwld• P.na Of Utett got i_.,, enow w~. an0 "*' ..,. "'°"' ----O¥W !lie hlQfllt l*ra '""•d•• ot C1llforn11. "'"" motOtttt• ..,. '9qutt90 to "" '"cNWlf"' ~-.,..... In ~ C.tlfomle, llllf• -· Hunllnoton Bluff• Hunll:'f on Pier Sant• na Alwr Jetty 40lh St. Nawpo(t 22nd81 ~ Ball>CMI~ Aod&Plll. LllgUM s:::zHolow T a·lrook1 San CltNNnte P1et Tralelgat (T4,,_) . .,.... 1-2 ft. 1-3 ft. 2..,, ft. 24 It. 2 ft a 11. 1•2 ft 1•2" 1-S ft 1·3 ft 1·3 ft T..,.. .... ~ '~· 15 faff Ill felr IS ,.,, ea poof•lalr 61 poor ea POOt .. OOOr .. fair .. ,.., t5 taw H 51 Sl 58 53 S2 SS 55 7S 59 ee M 68 81 83 35 811 e1 52 511 82 4S M 43 68 68 37 31 55 39 73 43 so 47 5S 71 51 • 1cet1ered locelly h1ny 1now • lllOWlfl O'llf IOUlh•rn Mono County Tomo,,ow. HIQll Tide: t :1e e.m.; Low Tld•: 3:02 p.m.; Swett dlrecllon lout,,_..I StallONry •• Spokane 59 44 Syrec;uee 70 60 Topeke S3 611 Tucaon ea 53 Tulse 87 611 WUhlngJn 17 57 Wlehlla ea ee "Pf>'• v lll4ry 71 44 81k .. 1lleld 72 eo Barstow 74 es 8eaumont 63 62 Bio Bur S1 32 Si.hop so 38 Bly1h41 S9 63 Ca11Hn1 70 58 Eur.it a S1 50 Fruno e9 52 Lancaster S2 55 Long Beech 71 eo lOI ~ et 6" Monrovia 77 59 Monle!*IO S4 S1 Monlllfl)' ... 56 Ml. Wiiton 49 41 Nffd ... ae 73 Newport 8Mch 70 e1 Oe!eland 78 87 On111'10 70 57 Palm Sprlng9 82 5e PaAderll 72 58 PHO Rot>iM 71 48 RIW<lid9 et 57 A.o Bluff 72 5" A.oWOOd City 71 57 811era,,,.,,to 71 47 SaHr1ee 70 so San Bernardino 72 58 San Gabri.a 74 59 San 019oo 72 62 San FrlnclK O 70 IM Sat1 JON 71 52 Sant• Arie 72 58 Sanla 8er1>M1 71 52 Santa Cruz ao 50 81nta M1r11 .. 56 Tides TOOAV s.concJ 10w 2·3 I p m II ~ "'°" •·21 p II'\ •• PMOAV Ftralio. 21tam 02 Flrll hlOh I 11 a m 6 1 ~IOW 303 pm. 1,1 a.cono hlgft t 04 p m. U lun Mii IOdlY ti I H P "'" rl'" Drld-.. •1 •·•7 • m Moon rllll toctey el 6:41 p.m .. ... , Fll<lllY et 4: II Im. Exchange and head or a group of high-growth corporations. said in a bleaker forecast Wednesday. "I don't think th e economic recovery will get under way unlit (•arty 1983. "[ don't think we will have a meaningful recove r y until interest rates get down to single· d1g1t levels" and the government makes sign ifi cant progress m cutung future budget deficits through spending cuts," Levitt said. Investors seemed to s hare Levitt's gloomier oullook, as the stock and bond markets slumped Wednesday while interest rates rose moderately. As the nation awaits recovery. busanCSSC'S ("Onlinue to fail. Dun & Bradstreet Corp .. a priva t e c r edit-info rmation Sl'rvac(', reported that failures last Wt.'l'k tot.alcd 579, a dt'Cline from the week before but a 69 percent n se Crom the comparable week last year. Rowena Wyant, a Dun & Bradstreet economist, said the dropo(f in the week ended last Thursday was due mainly lo a decline in failures or retailing. Prose<:utor Brown, who saad he was satisfied with the judge's verdict, contended that Moore had purchased and then hid the gun he eventually used to kill Espinda. He said the evidence s upporte d a finding of first- degrl~ murder. Moore could be sentenced Crom two to six years in state prison on the manslaughter charge. He t-ould re<."C.'ive an additional two years on a gun use allegallon the judge found to be true Five die I • • In Soviet jet crash LUXEMBOURG <AP) -A Soviet airliner skidded off a runway at Luxembourg's airport. sideswiped a water tower and e xploded into names, and the government said today that five people w e r e kille d and 72 injured. Initial reports put the death toll at 53. That was revu.ed to 12 and later a police spokesman said the number was no tugher than 10. The latest toll was give'n by Roger Sletzen. presid e nt of Luxembourg's national airline. Luxair. S1etzen. s peaking for the Luxembourg governm('nl. said a ll five dead in Wednesday's cras h at Finde l Airport were Luxembourg nationals. He said the injuries to the o th e r 72 peopl e "vary cons1derabl y." lf e said the Aeroflot njftshin-62 airliner -en route to Lima, Peru, from Moscow with 66 passengers and a crew of 11 -skidded off the runway after il made a normal approach at the Luxembourg airport. "Immediately alter the lanchng the aircraft drifted toward the right or the landing strip and came to a standstill in a small woods," he said. Tht.> aircraft . whic h had s idesw iped a water tower. burst into flames but most o r the passengers and the entire crew escaped. he said. Neither Sietzen nor any other government o fC1c1al w o uld s peculate on what made the plane shoot oH the runway or comment on polire reports that one o C th e e ngin es malfunctioned. Trans p o rta t1 o n M I naster J oseph Barthel also denied a re port published in a local n e w s pape r that the cr e w members were lax in assisting the injured. Concord Mariner SG. Designed to accommodate the most active lifestyle. ~andsome. thin. wlth a sweep-second hand and a date calendar. It's a sculptural blending of stainless steel and warm. rich 14 karat gold. Water.r-eslsQnt to 99 feet ~:ate to within 60 seconds a year. Never needs winding. Completely hand-crafted In Switzerland. His. $890. Hers. $840. Also available In all steel. His. $590. Hers, $550. SLAVICK.§ ,.,,. .,..,.., Since "' 7 Whtrt r#u! btir surprists btgin. FllohlOn llllr.s (7,4)6U•t•• Ntwpoft llacf\ .. ~Loa Angatla. Sir! D6ago •I.a ""91 • Orange COHt OAILV PILOT/Thuredey, S ptembef 30, 1082 HB Lincolns pass on 43rd choice Jobie claim record W /\Sill N< :TON Sonw 70:t.OOO Anwrk 11n.., pl11, t•tl ' I r h I l I 1111' l' I u I Ills f II r unnnploynll'11t be•rll'f11Jc 111 1h1· Wt•t•k l'ndrng Sl'IH 111, u r l' t.· u r <.I n u m l> l' r , t h 1• govt>r nmL•nt n•porll'tl today The Labor Dt•purlnwnt stud tht• frlmgs sourt•d by 96,000 over thl' pnur Wt•ck's l'l'VISl'<i figure or 1)07.000 1n1tial dnrm frl1ngs, wh1('h dl'lt•rminl' 1 • I 1 M 1 b 1 I l I y l u r 1 • <' t• 1 v •• u ne•m ploy mt.•1H 111:; 111 11 nc.·1• n II II p1 'l\1\111 II HI dwt:kii Tin· 7 0 :\,000 f1 riil lrnll• l'l 111111:; rt•pr1•S l'n tcd I he• haght•s t ll'Vt•I IM a slnijl1• Wl'l'k :.int'l' the govt•rnml•nl 111• i.t 11 n l' o rn pi 11 n g. s u t' h s tatis lil's in 1974 Tht· prt•v1uus hrgh 1)7:),000 was n·~1sll'rt.•d In Muy 19110. Haig says job 'mistake' NEW YORK In his frrst mtervll'W Sllll'l' I l's1gnmg as S<.'CTl'l:U y of stale.'. Al<'><andcr Hu1g ~y:. ht• dl'l'IUt'tl l'arly rn his le nurl' in the.• Rt•ag<in Adm1ni:.l ratw n lh.tt It had bl't'n a m1i.t.1kl' to takc thl' .)Ob lla1g n ·alizt•<.I his t'rror "fairly t•c.1rly on " whl'n ht' found "opposition dl•vc.•loJ.nng to on1•'s v1t•ws mC'rt.•ly for tht• so.1kl• of oppusm~ tho.'l<· Vll•Ws and I lwg<m to t•o ncludl' thal w.1i. tlw l'ast.• in t•t.•rla111 lfl!>lJlll'l':O .. S u l' h u n n e c c• s s a r y tl1sagn·t·nw nb thrl•alenl'd th1· 11ation's st·t·unly. Haig addL'<I In lhl· inlt•rv1cw. m adt· Sept 16 and to bl• broadcast tonight on ABC's "20-20" news magazml' and "N1ghtlinf' " Airline tickets offered DETROIT Gt·neral M o tors Corp. 's Cht.•vrolt.•l Division tud;1y ann uum·l'd a program to bousl l'Ur and trU l'k SiJ ll•i. With an unprl'<.'l'dl••Hl•d offN of frc.•l' airhnl' tll'kl•ls w orth up lo $2,098 to buyl•rs rn tht• nt•xt six weeks l n a s lall'ml•nt rl•l('aSl•d WORLD ,JOintly with Eastern Airlines, tht' No I U.S. autom::ikt•r said thl' program starting Friday will g1w buyers of 1982 and 1983 mudel Chevrult.>l C hl'Vl'ltl' and C1 tat1on t":.i rs and Chl•vy ClO. GMC Cl5, C hl·vv S-IO, GMC S-15 and Luv· p1l'kup lrucks a fn•c round-tnp uckt'l for lwo Opponents trade charges SACHAMENTO A l' c u s 1 n g c· a t· h o l h l' r o f "distorl1oni:.," Tom Bradky and Georg l' Dc•ukmej1an clashed ov t•r tux t•s , agnl·ulture and JUdgl's in thl• firs t f ac:c -lo ful't' dl·ba l1· Wl'dnC'sduy night. uf th<'ir ral'l' for govl•rnor Al'l'Ord ing to a n c•w pol I, Mayor Bradley has a strong 'Bullet train' S AC:HAMENTO LC'g1slat1on giving lh<' gr£'Cn light lo the· na twn's f1r ... 1 "bullc·t tram." bt•t ween Ur.. Angl'les and San D1e·go. ha:. been s1gnl'<1 by Gov Edmund Brown Jr Thi· JtiO·milc·-an hou r ll•ad O\'l'r Attorney Genl'ral D<.•ukmt•Jran. his Rl•pubhl'all oppom ·nt. 1"1fty-thrt.·e pcrl•enl of th<• l.~00 Californians polll'd fuvun·d Bradlcy. a Dt•mocral. 3 1 p e r l'e nt pre ferr e d Deuknwjian and lti pcrc:enl wC'rt' unde l'idc d , the poll shows. b'ill inked t>k'Ctnc train. patte rned after thC' "bullet trains" of Japan, would make the 120-mile trip on a s~·1ally built track in less than an hour. Backers hope tO have 1 t 1 n service by 1988 Pension fund use weighed S AN FHANCISCO Man a g <.·rs of C a II for n 1 a' s $17 2 b1llmn pension fund arc try ing to buy US Stct'l's 64 -s to r y h eadquartl'rs in Pittsburgh, Pa. Tht· sk yS<.·raper is "one of the most attract1vt' pieces of property in America today," STATE ... ~11d Sidney McCaus land. dl·puty e1<ecut1Vl' office r of lhe State Empl oy<>e:. Rl•tlrement System o n Wednc'Sday The ~ystl'm manages funds fo r 730.000 current and retired stale. city, county and school district employees. Hurricane slams Mexico LA PAZ . Mexic o Hurrrl·ant' Paul slammed into northwest Ml'x1 co early today. packing 112-mph gusts and heavy rams that damaged h omes and c ut tl'lt'phonl' scrv1et• along the coa.<1l of lht' Gulf of California The n a tional w eath e r service in Mexico City said the vanguard of the hurncanl' passed over th e BaJa California pe ninsula late Wednesday n1ghl and smashed mto the mainJand in lhc early morning hours. $6 million cocaine seized ·~ SAO PAULO, Brazil Pollcl' say they seized 220 pounds of ('OCaine valued at $6 million and that part of It was dC'slincd for the Umk'd St.ates and Europe P o lic·c said Wednes day dt·tcJ11:. vi we lJU:.l Wl'rc i.ull s ke tch y . They said oCflcers seized the cocaine Tuesday night near Avare. At least one roreigner, an ex-Bolivian consul in Brazil. was among the five people arrested. the police said Uy JEl''f AtlLt!ll 01 IM oa11, ,.llot ttelt Tlw hl~hly JJUI llH,111 l>l'llllHI' ( ·11u111 v 1.1m'l1ln ( 'luh hu11 luk,•n u pu~1l11111 111 111•ut111l11 y Ill tlw 4:Jrd l'ulll(l l'b.'illlllul Dli.ll ll'l nu''' \hut flll 'i (;{)}J llOlllllll'l' J11h1111h· C1t•:111 111o1al1111\ ldluw Ht•vul.Jlwun Hun Pal·'kurcJ, whu Is wugm8 u wrill'· 111 l'llnlpOll(ll. U1.1uully o d<'p<'ndubh• ptllur 111' s u p I> II r t r 0 r }{ l' p u b I i l' II II l'lHldldull•s, thl• L1m·oln Clul> udopll'd u "ham.ls -of(" position 011 lhl• rat.'l' bl'l'UUM' l}H• 250 w 1•allhy GOP s tulwarls whu n1111µr1sc lhl• dub art• d1v1dcd owr whkh cand1dotl' to i;upport. t>>.pl.unl'<l t:lub prl'S1denl Coalson Mun1i. T h 1• h 11 t I y l ' o n t c s l c d l·111lgn•i.i.w11al iwat is thL• o nly p<Jlitu.•.il run• in Orangt.• County in wh1l'h thl' rnflul•ntial dub 1s r1•nH11n1ng o n the s idelines , m•1th1•r l'ndursmg nor providing Panel: Expand A bus11wss-l>al'k(•d group has laum·h<·d a rx•t1l ion dnVl' aimed • at pl•rsuadrng Orangl· County s t1pl'rv 1snr s t o expand a nd 11nprOVl' John W;1y m• Airport Tht· Community Airpo rt Cu u llJ.' t I, a st• I ( · d <• s <:rib l' d "pro-av1alwn organization o f Orang<· Coum y business firms." 1s s po nsMing the dnvc.• during Oc.:tobt•r lx>t·aus..· IL'! mC'mbcrs fe<'I l'Xpm1s1on of t'ie a irport is the onl y 1mmc•d1al<' unswcr to lhe t'OUnty's air lransportal1on ncros. Ext<t·utrVl' Dir('l.'tur J()S(.•ph Irvine ssud Irvine' s;11d thC' group, which claims :ibout IHO local firms as m cmbl·rs. ls seeking more parking, un '<•nlarged lt•rmmal. 1mprovemc•nls lo handlP mo re auto traffll· m •ar lht• a1rporl and thl• ll•ngthe nrng of tht• airport's main runwa y f or n o 1:-e atll•nuat1on purpos<-s S ul'h improv<•nH•n ls were c·alled for in un a irport master plan JdOpll'<l by s uix•rv1sors in Hl81 That plan lalt·r W<L'> bhx·kt>d by u Judge· following a trial in Orang<• County Superior Court Cou nty s upe rviso r s are upp<'alrng thal ruling rendc•rc-d 1n a legal action filed by Nc•wpurt Bcat·h ;:ind. al the same• l1mt'. ar(• Wl·1ghing n<'w pro poi;als for future airport 1mprovemc>nL'! Somt• of thosl' proposals (·all for nut only l·nlargrng the airport terminal. but 1nt·n·as1 ng lhe numlwr of pt•rm1ttcd daily JCl departurt·s The limit 1s now 41 . Evt>t1 if a n<'w airport to serve the• t·ounty's nc·(•ds 1s approvC'd loday rt will take al least to to 12 yc•ars for lhat airport to come into use.>. Irvine said CAC wants 1mprovcm<'nls long l:x•for<' then lrvm(• said CAC ffi(•mber... fC'C'l the sup l'r v1sors have been "anl1-nirport" and that "it's llml' to sho~ them thert' are a lot or people• who ft-el thal airport's all Wl''V(' got ond a ll we're going to hov<' for now " Irvine> said thl· group has sl'l no goal for s1gnaturl'S rn IL'> drive•, but thot the> p<'l1tions probably wall bt· prt·scmtcd to SUJX'rv1sors rn ('arlv Novem~r C AC will work through its own members, loc:·al t'hilmbc-rs o f c o m m l' r l' t• a n d o t h c r organizations lo circ ulate the pt'litions, he said. We'Te Listening ••• Mon0•1 't•O•v H y01, do t\QI ~ .,o.J1 peoet oY ~ JO D m Ull betore 1 0 m ~ 'fOU' ((JO'f' IJW\ll ~ d~••'44'ed What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don·1 you like" Call the number below and your message wall be recorded. trans('r1bed a nd delivered to the appropriate editor The s ame 24·hour answering servt<'e may be used to record let lers to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number ror verification No clrculallon c alls. please Tell us what's on your mind, 642•6086 ORANGE COAST Cl1HNl1d 1dv1rtl1lng 714t842·5t71 All other dep1rtm1n11 942 .. 321 Daily Pilat Thomo1 P. Holey Publ11~111 und Ch1el Erecuh•e Otl1Ce• l. kay Schultz Voe• ,,ttldcltll Md o ... ctor of AdYefhtlflO MlctH* P. Hortey Owec1or of Morle1o11g IC•CllloloO'll Jane Amari f ,,,...,,, •• Ed110t Raymond Moel.eon CCW11ro1et kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Ow KIO! of ()pe.OltOftl MAIN OFFICE UO Wetl ... ~I • Cotle ~t<t. CA M•ll tCICIAH 8 011 U.0, C0tl• ~t<t. CA m2t C""yrlQfll ,_, o...,.,. Co.ul Pl'l>Cl\hl ... C-y No l't•t •••••, lltll•lrallllfl•, edllorlal nllllter or af. •trtl~tn""h "''•'" mo a.. rtP•od"'.ct •II,_ tDHllll perml"IOfl Of COPY•'9fll OWMr VOL. 75, NO. m I 111 ·•11 l I •• I 1' u II IJ u I l I II I h l lfrpuhlwu11 P111 tv nurnl111•1•, lw s.11tl Mu111i; ;idn11111-d that tlw dub'w dl•u1111u11 t•ould h«lp Piwkurd'11 Wl'lll· In l'Umpulgn (II WOI k "' tlw lx•nt•flt ul tlw third c•andltfotc.• In ttw m11w111. l)(•m11( rul Hoy "Put" An·hc.•r. "Wt• muy lw plny mg Imo tlll' ht1111.Jw of th l' lh •mot•r u ta· nomlnc.•c, but Wt• JUst cun't do il u n y o t h <· r w n y , · ' M 11 r r I 11 111·knowlt.·d~(•d "Thl'l'«'i. n u ques ll1111 11 would be• 111 hl'i (Cr<•an'11) favor to hu v t• lht• Lrnt.-oln Clul> l•ndorscmen\ " Both Creon ond P ;1<:k;ird. Morns ~1d, uppcan-d bdort• tht· t.'lub Sl'Cklng its &u pµu1 l fulluw1ng thc b1ltt·rly ronl<.'stt.od primary l'll>ction m wh1t.•h Crnan <1gt>d Pal'knrd by 92 votes The• d1s lril'l t>ncompossc•i; Orangt• south Orungl' und n ort h San Orcgo t.·uunlws. Mw 1 ls 11ls11 porntt•d uut tlwl I h1· t lulJ'bl 111·u lrnl p<>'illltlll un ttw r.1tt• IN no t UllJJI l't't•dl•ntt d ltt• 1 l'1.lll1•u the.· < luh rc·mu1n1·d 1wu11;;l 111 tlw Jll?tl r1we• thnl pilll•d Rl•rJUhlH·un Mui lun &·r~,tl'tion, ru1111h1~ m; o wr lw h1. 11.:ul11x t UOP n u m1nt·t• Jim S l1•0111ns unu l>1•mm·rut Hon Cordova for a N<•wport Hl·1wh Ai>."it·mbly ll<.'ul. Cw·dovu c•m1•rge•d tlll' Wtlllll'r 111 lhut ceinlt.•st Whllt· n spokt•1>1riu11 for lht• Crl·1111 c.·11111µa1gn downplayl•d tht.· 1 111 p u r l u n c.· l' o C t h c l' l u Ii · i: n1•ulr11l1ly, f>~1t·kurd d,11nwd 1l wn11 u v1t·tury fur his e•k t•t1u11 dfort "All thl' w.1y through wt•'vt· lll'Ulr:.ltwd U number or JX'Oplt• l'><f.X'l'lt'<l lo !>Upport the• 11om1m<t.• We• s <·t· th11l u s a Vll'to r y ," Put·kurd <:Ommen lNI "Wt"d mul·h pn•f(·r tht•y slay 1wutral 1.1thl•1 th;m gu wllh Cn•:.in " C rt•;Jn cumpargn :.pu kl':.mun M1k1· W1l1wm~ 1101d , "I th111k tlll'y'11• tuklnJ( thl· h16(h rood w hllh 11' lfu 1mf1• lhlllJ( lo do" But t'Vl•n lhuuuh tlh' L111,·Ql11 <'luh llM•lf 1w rtmu1n1n6' rwull•ul, Ii II I h l .1 nu Id u I('.. ('f u Im .. d 11Uli!»lllnl11il !'IUpporl um<Hll( iii. llll'lll1ll'l1' Llrll'ulu duhht•n1 un· not c11tly hll!JJ>tll'llllU Crl•un. but Jlso will Nl·rV(• on lht· l'U11d1d11ll•'i. llO'll t•c11r1m1111•1· fo r on u 1w 11m l nJ< lu11d1 a1i.e•1, Wilhu1n'4 s:11d I lOWl'Vt·r. W1lllunu, d•'<·hm•d lo h~t lht• rwnll's of Lincoln Cltib " U p I' II r l I' I S U ll I I l l h l ' i I p ,1 I l ll' I p J I I U ll o ll l h l' h II!> I t11mn11 th·<· ri:. c:onfirnwd T11·d l'lcn.c.•ly lf1 tlw Orangt• County lkpublit .irl P.irly. lhe· L111l·nln C lub d1i.burM·s abou t $150,000 c.•ul'h l'il:l'llOn Y<'<ll tu H1•publ1t'cJl1 land1da w ... whll1· 11·111.11111ng mdt•pt·ndc•nt o f the· fMrly .1ppw .1tu..,, Mm 11.., '><'lid Marines landing in Le banon splash a hore from a landing crafl run up n«>nr a Beirut porl bea ch. Marines Inove hack to Beirut BEIRUT, Ll•banon (AP> U.S Manne• remforceml'nL<; und amph1b1ous veh1C'les splnshc·d asht>rL· toda y In bolstt•r tht• Beirut blast kills Marine WASHINGTON (AP) 0 1w American Marine wus k llll'<.f and three w e re• inJUr<'d ut Bc•1rul Internallnnal Airport .today in what Pe ntagon ofr1e·1als said "may have b et•n a mint> e xplosion ·· Co I R o be rt 0' Br 1 t• n . a Pentagon s p o k t's man . s aid o ff1na ls here w e rl' gl'll1ng "fragm<'nlary infor mau on Ind1cat1ons are lh.ll one of thl· men was S<'riously rnJurro and that two others are ambulatory ·· No namC'S were releast-d HUO !JOU lc•athL·rneC"ks g u a rding Ik-1rut airport. whl•rl' the f1rsl c·1J1nrm·n·1;.1l Jl'll1m•r landc-d cifll'r a nl•at ly four-month shutdown P rt•!> 1 d c• n l A m Ill G e m a v l'I offu:wlly rt'opl·n ed the airport and proda1mc-d Beirut a unitC'd l'llY M.irinc frogmt n Sl'Urt:ht·d lhe walC'rs a t the be11chhead near the• airport for minN and other MHrrnl's :,\\ 1•pl the s hore for c• x p I o s 1 v t' s b <' f o r e t h <' 1 t•1nfotTl•mr n Lo.; la ndc'd. As H lanchng ship stopped short o f tht• shoreline and the ramp openC'd. c1 bulldozer flying the U S flag rumbled off and the f1Nl t>f about 100 Marines began wadinR a ... hore Moments late r . 14 amph1b1ous ai.i.ault VC'h1des with mac hine• guns mountl·d sn akc-d their way alx1ut on e· mile from 6th Fleet '>hips to the• s h oreline The lr<il·kcd \'t'h1des roart-d up the lx·.rc·h and h c.•adt'Cl lo thl' a1rporl unclt•r a light rain "I ,1m vny happy to announC"e today that Bc•1rul has again b l' l ' ti m t • l h t• l' a p I l a I 0 r a 11 L1·bunon ... Gemuy .. t, a Lebanese C hnslian, said al the• lOmb of thl" unknown soldier a t the m1d-c1tv musL•Um , nenr lhl' Green Lm'l- lh~11 divides &•1rut into Chnstran l'OSt llnd Mosll'm wc-sl l-'arllc1pal1ng in the t-erl'mony Wl'r(• U S MannC's plus French and lt.ahun soldiers ma king up lht: p<'ac·('kl'Cprng forl't> lhal Wti d t' p Io y (' d a~ I s r a(' II troops w1thdrt•w "Tht•r(· 1:. no more> an cast Bt•1rut and a W<.>:>l Bc1rul As of today. lht' whole capital will be, reunited and this is nol only a • svmbol of the reun1f1cat1on but • · a rl'untf1cat1on of the heart," ; Gt•m.1vc>I said : • 4 ' ' .. . . . : We Invite You To Take Advantage Of . . . • ~ • • 40 3 OFF elected Watches And Jewelry R4.FF jeweJry- 32 Fashion Island NewDOrt Beach• 644-20..0 3 Generation• of fnendly Pltf'tonal HNI~ ' i ~ I I • I I "! • ' • • . I H/f Orange OoHt DAILY PILOl /Tt1ur1d1y, S ptember 30, 1082 Valley • seniors need :SOnJe helping hands " f1, Suuw tinw a);{1>, lh1· 1''ountuin Yallt•y City Cou1wd askt•<l ils Parks and Ht't.T<'l!llon C1m11rn~1on to draw up a thn·t•-y<•ur pl.in that ev<.•ntunlly would n•quin• tlw 'l:i ty's r<.•t 'l'NI uon pro•' rams to ·111 __ C) , f;X-'l'Onll' sl'l 1-s u pporl ing r1h Las t Wl'l'k tht· 500 rH1·111Ul'I' r o u n t a 1 n V a 11 t• v S v n 1 11 1· s .orgnnizat1on was toltf 1t 110 longt•1 would r('l•e1v<.• tht• $215 <.1 month t h e c I l y h LI s bl' l ' n pa y I II ~ I 0 providt• cu t f1.0l ' and dou);hllut m oney tor thl' group's w1•t'kly meetings. Tht• S<.'ntors, undt•rstandably. arc• dismayed. Manv <:;.innut affm:d \O pay haght•r mt•mhl•rshap fo(•S. But thl' l'Utbal'k pl:rn alst' mdude<l ra1s111g city f<.'l'S for youth , groups using playing ftl'lds . Pt•r ! play<.·r fees fm yuuth flag footb:.ill I and bas ketball prngrams were> •doubled to $:.tO tn July , but ! trimmed bal'k tu $15 l:.1st wt•t•k tu ; kl·ep in step with tht• thn•t•-year I phase-an pl:.1n. A lot of tlw fornilil•s , whose youngstl'n. p:irlil'lpat<' in : the youth leugut•s f1ml th1~ :-i pinl'h : too. , Thl' plan als11 had prop<>st•d · l'hargmg tht• st•n 1or~ rt•nt for lhL· :meeting room tht·~ now ust·, 1 rent-fr<.•c, al thl• Fountain Valky 'RecrN1t1on Ct•1Hc•r Ill Mah• Square 'Park, but this 1cfoa was drnpJX'Ci a fte r the t·ol fc•t• mmwy eutbac·k • was voted This '" onlv rt.·u-.ur\ublt· 1-;im·<• tlw dty. for tlw· pal-it lO yt.·nrs, hus b<'l'n <lraggin~ its lt •t't on a prrn111se ll) huild tht• st•naurs u l'l'l\l~l' ol tht•ll' 11wn. us nL•1ghlmn11g t•1t1t•s h:ivt• dmw MwH ll'l'1•11tly. $1 :l rmllaon Ill rt·clt•vt•lopm"nt funds t•urmurkl'd fut :i s1•n101· t'l'ntc•t' wt•n• cltvPr tt·d tu bulld ;.1 nvw polrt•t• st:.itaon. Tht· 1cll'tl now Is tu c·onvt_•r t thl· o ld slut1on 1nC11 tr st•naor t't'llh•r whl·n thl' 11<-'\~ polac·<· (ut•ahty as t•11111plt0tl'd. but that will tukl' two or thrx•e vt•a1 ~ M<'anwhalt>, tht• M·nam·s wall hav1.• to go on nH'l'ling al th1• He<Tl'a tw11 'Ct·11 tt·r and 1 t st'<: ms only f<lll' tu h•t tli1·11l U:O.l' that ~ptll'l' n•nt frl't' until tlw lon~-stand1ng prom1st· tor 11 building of Lht•11 own t·an tw kept. As tor thl· 1·of'll'l' mo1wy, 11 d0<•s sc•L·m tu !)~·a niggling <11rniunt, but th<· dty fatlwrs 1•vtfl<•11tly fl'l'l ttwy nr<' ohlagt•d to pron-<•d with t ht• avowl'd polat·y uf making all rt' l' rt• a t 1 11 n p r o g 1· a 111 s s l' II - supporting bL·t·aust· of 011 go1n~ budget µroblt•ms. It would IH· a nit·c· gt•stun• 1f somt• pra v~1tt · groups 111 th<• l'ummunrty l'oulcJ antl' up ;1 ll"W bu('ks tu ht·lp thl' !->l'ntors 1•njoy their get-togc•tht•rs with a t·up of mffel· and <1 doughnut That's a small pleasun_._ Mobile honJe dilenJnJa L oe a I o ff 1<.·1u Is a long th<· Orange Coast I 111u thc•mselves m something of ;:r dilt•mma <1s owners of intn·asingly valuabll' t•oastal property now housing m obilf' homl' parks look tu tht• possibility of convl'rtang to rnon• lul'ratavv l<tnd uses. On thl· on<.' hand w<.· haV{' pro pl' rty ow nt·rs s<.'l' k 1 ng t u upgrade· thC'ar profits on 1<1nd thl'y may have ht'ld for a long timl' On the other art• ha plC'S.'> mobile home.• 9wnC'rs. qu1t1.• o ftt•n l'ldc•rly and m lower ine·omt"' brat·kt•ts. who find . .thcmsdves about to ht.• dLSplaced And with spcH't'S in park~ ·throughout tht· l'ounty tn short ~pply . nl'Wl'r purks rt•fusin g to 'accept oldt•r hnml's and moving ·'C'osls astronom1t·al. that prospc•ct "fs gnm. ' • • S o m e 5 . 0 0 0 r <.· !-> 1 d c• n t s o f Huntington Bcat·h's 19 mobill' l;l o m e p a r k s h a v t• b c e n . unders tandably nc·rvous Sin('(' owners of one oc0anfront park announced 18 months ago that 'they planned lo dose the park and ''1se the land more pro fitably. Responding to plC'as by park ·~well(•rs, the l'aty has put together a·n ordmanC'e which would provide 'financial a~s1stant<' to dis placed reside nts by r<>qu1nng that land- own(•rs pay relo<:at1on t·osts lor coal'h owners moving to ~11101 hl'I' park within 100 milt>s of thl' dty or. if no s pace t·an bt• found. buy the• coach al a fair prit-l·. MNtnwhall• th1.• t·1ty a lso 1s l'0 11 s 1d<•ring 1mpos1ng ~pctial mobile homC' park wning on four coastal and two inland parks that now a rl' zoned for other us1.•s. in ord<•r to prnvid(• grc•atc>r prolC'<'llon tor t<.•nanL<; This would nut prl'Vl·nt thl· landowners from applying on an 1nd1v1dual basis for e·onvl·rs1un privileges but. i I tht• at·t ion is t•ombancd with passage• of the f1nanL·1<1l aid ordmant·e. th<.•y would be_. requarl'd to hC'l p rt•ltx:all' tenants bdorc· proe·<•vd1ng with any conversion · Also in tht• p1cturc1 now, uf C'oursc. is a nl'W state law that will require t:1tic•s and count1t·s lo attempt to relocate m obile horn<.> tc•nants before autho rizing park conversions. It is a diffit·ult problem. but in view of the e normously increased value o f C'oasta l property, it d0t•s not seem unrcasonabll' to ask tlw nwn<·rs of such land to spc•nd some· of thC'ir poll'ntaal profit on hc•lpang n•sid<·nts who 'tithc-rwast• could bt• sorl'ly penalized. A case of poor timing When a er ty council gO<'s mt(1 executive (cloS<'d) session, people> in the audience have little choac<' put to go home or. if the agenda topic tha t tnlt'rt•sts them 1has not yet bN·n discussed, wait •until the• 'council emergc·s from iL" -private mc•c•tmg hoping it won't take too long That 1s If th1.· l'X<'l'Ull'Vt' session is <·ailed midway an a regular public mc•cting. That happc·ned Inst wc•ek in Huntingto n Bc.·al'h w h(·n thf' council retin'd to <-'Xl'l'Ul1vc session at 10:30 p.m ., before cornplt·tang action on its agenda The explanation was that Some attomeys who arc working for the city on a contract basis and . are paid by the hour hod t:x-c>n told . to t•ome m at 10 o'duc:k to ml'C'l with the counl'al and muldn't be keep kept waiting any longer It 1s perfectly legal, undl'r the Brown Act. for a c1tv coune1I to mcN privately with allornCoys when matters of litigation ar<' being discussed. But in such instances. s1mpll- cons1deration for the public would seem to require that the executive session be held b<.•forc• or alter a r<.·gular meeting. The attorneys could very well have been asklod to come m before thl' mN'ting, for example. ins tead of at an h our when the publ1t• st..ss1on still would be under way. A little morl' for<'~hought 1s In order to nvoid this sort o f in{'Onvt•nacnt·<.• for the public-the t•ounr1l is thl'rl• to st•rve . L.M. Boyd/ Widow's marriage • If a widow's marriage was a happy one, she would do well to remarry as aoon as reasonably appropriate So say •the matrlmonlal experts. The morf' rtime that passes. the more she tends to kleallze her finit husband. Eventually, ••he reshapes her memory of him w much that no oth<-'r man could possibly Jive up to her expectations Claim is that 40 percent of thf' American Indians have drinking problems, und nine out of 10 arrests of Indians lnvolw liquor. ,,.,_...., ________________ ........... ________________________________ ....., ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat I Thomae P. Haley Pwhlrth., Jane Amari [•.CW•• rd•IO< latboro Krelblch to.1cw>01 P~ t 1-•oo Themot McCe,," Mofto0"'9 kl~ . Letters to the editor Airport foes share blame To the &i1tor· lo reply to th1.• Sept. :l:J Airport S1t1.• IC'tter of Paul Rvckoff: This is my hist ever letter, but I am fod up with Newport Beach and tht•1r ideas about the airport (Orange County or John Wayne) and thl' freeway When we moved r rom Florida to Costa Mesa almost 22 years ago the airport was all by iL"I lonesome self out there wrth plenty of land for expansion. Peopll' who built and purchased homl's undt•r thl.' fhght pattern wert• well aware of the: flight pattern and that this wai. a growrng area_ It seC'ms 10 mt• that thesl' peo ple have no one tu blame.• but themselves. WHERE WOULD our locaJ industry be if we didn't have th(• airport? So whern would the wealth of Newport Beach come from, as most of the officers, administrators e tc. of the industr ial growth tn our area usually live m Newport? But alJ you ever hear from Newport is get the airport out of here I say let the airport stay and expand. After all 1t was here first rn a far out un0<.~up1ed area and they do have soml' rights. even though Newport Beoal·h dO<'Sn't S('('m to frel that way. Also. Costa Mesa 1s cut up with three freeways. ()ne of which should never have had the name Newport Freeway as again Newport residents ft>l'I thl'y are above such thmgs I don't feel I'm a peon because I don't hve in Newport Beach and I don't thmk the airport should be hassled by Newport B<'ach residents who were dumb enough to buy under an organized flight pattern. jet or otherwise. and then complain their heads off about the airport. The same applies to them in regard to not helping with the traffic snarl in Newport due to the abrupt e nding of t h e freeway running completely through Cost.a Mt'Sa. I say. NC'wport Beach either shut up or get out. B.J.C. FISCHER Pl .. O h istory To tht· F.clttor. Ignored or forgotten by the notional media. several Lebanese citizens . mterv1ewed on TV channel 40 des'-'nbed the horror of the 13-year occupation of Lebanon by Arafat and the PLO In so doing they provided a much needed insight into the recent "massacr<'S" m Lebanon Thus: 1. In 1969. the Cairo AgreemC'nt compelled Lebanon to be a "host" nation for the PLO. 2. The PLO, armed with Soviet wC'apons, set up an independent military s t a t e In L eba n o n with a PLO government. judicial system and army Lebanon the "host" became the ''hostage" of its PLO "guests." 3. Starting with the PLO slaughter of 12,000 Christians in Damur and thr destruction of that Vl11age (blamed years later on the Israeli "invaden;") the PLO s tate within a state embarked on nationwadl' "massacres" that resulted rn the death of 100,000 Lebanese and enormous dl'Struction of property. 4. The PLO located its "soldiers" ond its lethal military hardware within civilian areas. THE FOREGOING gives the Ill' to thO!IC widely publkiuxl distortions of ttw tragic events In Lebanon thot puiil('(f and distressed many of us Thu.ci. A The PLO on the borders of Israel were not j\Jst a few "strugglers" fighting for fre<'dom but the opening wedgl' for Arafat and the PLO military state B. The Israeli attack on Beirut wns not 11 SCruK'I<.' "massacre.'" of civilians but an atttu~k on the PL.O h iding behind civilians (tht-lsro lls drOpJ>f'd leaflets urging the clvllltuu tO lellvf' even though It revealed to the PLO when and whcr<' the braelis would attack). C. Wht•n Bll!hir Oemoyel and thl' Rovcrnmcnt of l..«tbun o n Wl'rl' "mnHacred" by bombs tht> t.~bunc11l' retaliation was not o st·nsclc..'U "massacre" of c1vmana but an ntt.nck on PL.O t•rrori1u w ho hid among tht' long·1Ulftrlng Paleatinlana. It was a tra11c meaturc of the depth of the Lfoban~ hatred or the PLO. There were no PLO rOlt'S for Gt•mayrl only Arafat's outrqe at the conduct of MAILBOX lsra<.•l and t he failure o f the United States to guarantee the safety of the Pall'sllnaans he left behind including, he must bclic•ve, the murderers a nd terrorists who "massal'red" Gemayel. Th<.• massacn• of the Palestinians ought to warn Arafat that terror begets terror, massac:re begets massacre, that no more can hC' kill and maim rn Lebanon or anvwht-r(' w ithout swift and appalling rt•tahalion on thC' guilty and annoc't'nt ahke ALBERT E. NASSER To the &litor: Disgust! Disappointment! Bitterness!. cu:. A small article in the Sept. 14 Daily Pilot. enutled "Hotel Taxes Eyed," by Steve Marble, ignited all of the ir~ that can be dt!veloped from the realization that you have bt>en lied to. deceived and cheated. 1 am 52 years of age, a veteran. married for 33 years. and have three sons. I have> been schooled to believe that this democratic: form of government is a government of the people. by the people and for the people, and that our eleNed officials represent us, the people. In one sentence of the artjcle, "Newport Beach City Council members are preparing to do what voters m the city twice refused to do -increase the hotel and motel bed tax." all of this schooling became a he! These officials do not represent the people. I will not accept this. This breach of our rights as at the lowest level of govl'rnment. We the people. can and must stop this. We must stop any official that dOC'S not abide by the will of the !X-'Oplc. We must show aU olficials that we care and that their jobs depend on our satisfaction. DONALD L. RAFFERTY ... chool J'u11ding To the Editor: Congratulations to the parents m the Newport-Mesa school district for realizing the important'<' of saving the remedial reading programs (editorial 9/23). How fortunate for the children attending these six schools -how fortunate their parents were able to ralSC and donate the necessary funds. Shouldn't we think beyond this story to the obvious conclusion? Districts not so fortunate will be unable to offer equal education lo their children. This is a dangerous step away from equal opportunity In the worst of all possible places -our public schools. Better public funding should beo restort'd to our California public school system. PATTY ANDERSON Mt•d-fly repeat? To the Editor: Recently. Gov. Brown's office insinuated that Dave Baker, the pr~ident of the Jrvtne Medical Center, might have engaged in improper conduct stemming from Mr Baker's letter to Gov 8mwn Lo the effect that Brown's Vt'lO of AB 2696 could jeopardize hls political support from the residl'nts of Irvine. Apparenlly Gov. Rrown "-'C'OgniU'S the nero for Irvin<' wt(~ hut not the needs of Irvme voters. l recall that not too long ago a number of communities in our stat e were threatened. and eventually htlrmed. by the m~d -f l y infestntion. Thes<' rommunltl('S kn<-'w how to solve their problem but Gov. Brown thought othf'rwi!Kl. Gov. Brown's mt•thod failed. the commun ities' m<'thod worked. Pcrhape moro slgrllflcnnt In this election • l.1•1tt>r1t from nmtltrtt Clrt ~lcoml' Thi' right to condt1ur lttlfra to /1t 1poct or 1•l1minoh• lrtw.•I 1$ rr•trvtd L.ttttrs of 300 u•ortl& or lf>U t.L'lll be 911m1 prtfernict All lt>tti'rl mu.st includt .s1gnotun~ ortd mothng oddrtu t>ur nomt'1 mo-11 bf Wlt~ld °" rt· QlAtll r/ 1"'1f1c11nt rtoson rll opporur Pott 'JI IL,ll not ~ publlahtd L.tllt11 "'°ll ht> ltlrphqntd ra &42 6016 No mt arid phone numbf>r of the contnburor mut bf gwf'n for Lt"rr/1co11on pu~H year, Guv. Brown, ma polltrcal pirouette that must be admired by friend and foe alrkt·. has convinced most Calrforn1ans that he always s upported the c:ommuniues' solution to their problem. Mon• than 15,000 rl's1de:ntl> 1Jf Irvine indicated their support for the Lrvine Medrcal Center as the solulion t.o Irvine's hospital needs. By vetoing AB 2696 Gov. Brown has chosen to again ignore thl' sentiment of those most affected Dave Baker's letter to Gov. Brown srmply put hrm on notrt-e thal he: will be accountable t.o these residents of Irvin<-· for his decision. And, in truth, he will bC' Another truth is that Dave Baker rs a person of the highes1 mt.egraty. whose manifold contributions to our t'Ommunity are beyond drspute Rather than address the issue, Gov Brown attacked the man. Paradoxically. 1t is Gov. Brown's charge of improper conduct that conslllutes the improper C'Onduct. If th e Irvine Medical Center is successful in its bid for a community- based hospital in Irvine, is there any doubt that Gov. Brown will try to convint-e us of his c.'Ontinued support {or lhll> undt·rt<.iktng'! &>ware or lhC' med- fl~· HARRY S STAHL N(•gatiire PR To th(• Editor. The merchants of Laguna Beach often complain about pc>ople not buying locally. Herl'wath a classrc example of negallvl' pubhc relations. I urgently needed a new belt for my electric typewriter and asked my wrfe to take the old one and pack up a new at a lcx·al office equipment shop. My wife was informed 1t was their policy not to sell parts but af we cared to bring the typewriter to them they would be pleased to fit the replacement. I am scandahuxl at this policy Why even the most disreputable of gas stations docs not ask for the car to be brought 1n for a gene rator bel t replacement. Incident.ally, this merchant is trading 11legally under the Restraint of Trade Act by offering a conditional sale to a customer Now changing a belt has about the same difficulty on a typewriter as on a carpet vacuum cleaner; simple removal of the rover is the requirement. However, I was anxious to get the typewnter operational and went to the shop myself and asked the chargl' for belt fitting. This was given at $28 -to which I agreed, saying I would do the fitting myself, but, mark this. I was politely told I would also have to pay the $4 charge for the belt cost! Fortunately, it transpired that the belts were out of stock. Needless to say it will be a long ume before I do further business with this establishment and really feel like turning the matter to District Attorney for investigation. ALAN R. FITZSIMONS Rt•11tal n1 es To the• F.dator: It as a shame that no action is taken to clean up the disgusting m~ an front of thl' rcnl.(lls on 20th Str«..'<'l and Santa Ana Avenue on Cost.a Mesa's east side. As a nearby res1dl'nt, I have occasion to pass by several times a week It is an a ffront to the responsible' property owners In the Hrea I belicvl' these rentals are owned by a former memtx-r of the Costa Mesa City Council. I should thank tho\ he would have more Cl\'ll' pr1d1• thttn t<> pc•rm1t uch an outrngf' to blotch Costa Mt'Sll. I om sure that all of tht• propt•rty ownl•rs an thl · orcn are roncemt'd about tht>lr ptt1p.-•rty v:alut'S NAMF. WITllllF.LO lllllY Ill Thf' word "justact-" is founQ an tht• dictionary but tht-Jud£(!' have a hard llrn~ pronounc&ni h in the rourts. 0 AD - Orang41 Oo•I DAILY PtLOTITiiu,.dey, 8epCtmber 30, 1982 H/F •f" NYSE (:OMPO ITE TRAN ACTION ./'[tf!I> QU!IA,10.t lfl(~WOI •••OU'"''"' 11aw '10111• !llltltwl•• •jl.(Ull(., l'llllJ, IOUOlf OIUOff A•ll> CllllCINlfAtl noc.a ~ fll.,MANeU AJllO llf'OHIO l't '"' NHO alfOl,OllNll ,.., .A• .s~' Wl•t lltl Mia H.•I ltin il•I ""'" H91 klft l'l•I ..,v-PI heh Clow '"' PI! llO\ Ctow th9 •I M• C•oN C"9 Pc "°' c1ow (hf II' a. -c .. w C"4 ,, l;r:•: .. : i ·~ f!~ ~ ~~~~ ·~, · ~ 11::· ~ ~ 1·11 = ·~t tt:: ~ 1 =rn .: !::: ~ !""~'' , 1 : "n ~ .~ :...r~ •Wlcl .,,,. t II ,_ .. :irjy It U ijl-.' loo .Cp .I It 1~ t I'• ~11) 11 ft t. f( Ir It I .. """-°' I P a ' o . • I U9"11 , l '&'t \I. ~ ~~fl ' . : ~ 1~"' 1!t .~ I ~ H'-1 ,,. J Im• 11 M ~ \'t -.or-Pl~' (Ml .. ~~ rco pl .I" ' t;•H \o ~-~.:"~ 1 :, I \t ~ 1M y i I j ll ti\. 1 "' ·~ I J!"• 1:1::,.. 10trutlM10+. I V. ~ ~ I"}' ... \·! I JI) a"-I ~-.:A. ii lt 1.~. . 11111 ff'! . ' V1 w ,,,. flfJ.. I ' .. \lo =·"n · ,. ,. . ... •llM• uo • I tfloo .... et I ~ .. .,. illl UO 6 ltl ~llo. f(o;. H111I 1 .,, Ill• '-Miit ·~ 1 I\ " fl/fl • ·~, \• .,M-,n JI 111 *'' V. ~ ) ~~ ,.,, '11 121 ft-"' Hwa I ' "''" "' I , • .,. 14\•1 "' ,.,, ,_ -or• ~ ) , ' Uh. \fa -~ I I 10 2S J v. Ml 1• 1!o 1f t \It l~I MelllJH 07 ,._ " U U '10 ,. I •-rt 2 I • 1 MY• l.<t bOI ., I OJ t \It • mfyA )0 ll I \lo 1~ 11\11 l" • ,. ~h ~ ,, ,. '"' "' ,,,., 40 • tJllll ult\1-1. ·~.. ••a<o 4 ,.., ,. ..... WI .. M > J 11¥. . . m.,.tt 2.• ) ,w 1. '"IM ·'° · I 4 ~ .._ Me.,_'li< >I 10\\ f:11bl k Ml 2"-.. !•A~"' ..,. • II JOI'> • Min ;!!. 11::" .U. m lr,t20 1:~ ~ ::c~ ':!f I ,.: 'l:'! t ~ l ~4JN ...... INAlll U'J =~~ '° 1 4 1:~ ::"'"' ~ ,;::;.":1, 1.l! : 1C 1:~ :': +::.: ~.:i : J~ m:. \<j PE "°' (Mlw '"" m-1 .,. , 1 ti" •~ m• Pl JiO 110~ j\li 14 t • l 1 I • v, ~(II .116 4 it ""' \0 ~1o1r11"• • 1-lft " TtwOT t._J: • fJI ft 'Vt -A A 1..i.'o ..., , I " i.; m1111f .tl 1'ltl:l"" 1 I 11. IU 1111 t.U • .. !> ~ 4 I l .. \jl '2 2.._ i.ltOll; 1,QI I i': ,) .. TH!ld ~ 10 U lC'-... ~~p ... It I alt:. ~ a.mill t 18 • t&f ,J. ~ MDIII( 40 • " ,, .. IVll'ltf I. 1 n . . . Miii J.U • Ml u ..... > M ~~. Tu ... ' " 1•i 92 " "r£ t; } 1t 11 14 l'f\Ol 1 11 .. , a1• l't 11Mn11 uo • * ~YJ, .,. ,._,,. i,a i tu ut•v• • ~ Mo" l" • 1• 1'" ~0 1 , SM 40-'", 14 To "". J 1• •11 tv1 , " " • ··-.. . .,. •• ID •j I ... ll'fC• ' ... .... Ill'"-' t .. I ... ~'"· .. (llONY ..,. •• .... "' • .0 I ~ '" "' ,. • " lJil ,,_I~ A • 9 •• ••~. llPr. t I 40 2112 la: ._ "Kii pf ~ t W Ideal 1 It , .. 14 \'o llAQll I l.IOa t ti ltV. w I() t«I t Mo> 14'-, ._ Ta~ t, • " 10 l't :\l>t .tM "..! G -~ 'is ,10 j4 io ' ·~ NIT" ,llO 'i . 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RltotlT 1.ID • IS JOt'o ..... Trtntco f.IO s 2'4 ,,,,._ .... AmlSug ) S 93 •sv. .... Chol-·•· .b S U 10 • ~ F"S8tr lJ 4V. + \o\ 1-tPS 2 •• I '3 12 • V. NPnl l.20t 1 SI 27-loil.. Rlo()r.,. 1.60 1 lot ,,.. '"" Trnu Of J 17 • Jl'h ~ ::::::: pf ·~:· 11; ll,_,~ .~ ~~s"U~ 1! ,!~ :to, v. FlnlFecl 26 16 , V. lowtRs 2 ... > IJI h'h ..... NS.mt • IM2 1•1;• V. RIOGrpf .IO 110 2•-11. ~ ~~:~~. ~:: ~ 12': m::.'.'. Amrce l.:12 IO 4 17 + Yo CllNY pit.II t• nv.. . Ffrutn ,lO ISll 11~ • \o\ r,;oer, .20 12 32 l\'o V. NISvln 1.• 1 23 JO ~ RlltAlel .IOU Jl2 M'1-II. YrlCol'I 3.l1t .. l60 l0\1'1-'9 mHts 1.10 u '"" 2411> + " CllNY pf2.•le . 20 SJl'o..... l"tAtln ' I s I II • Iii "': .. J » 4 l)J )9\1) .... ~$~ .IDJ • •11· .. ROl>slwr I.CO 12 I lOV. ... ' TrlC11 pf 2.50 .. 1 un •.4 + v. AHts pf ).SO . I 10. • 3 Cllt•Pn 1.n 10 n1 ,..... I FICllrt .IO 120 IJn, ... ~ JOI>. ~ ""--v. 111541 ... t J/ •• Roocsn 1 '° s 1l t•h to Trl$01" • :n ,.,._ .... A A I CH.Wit lS 114 II "° FllCllk 1.:IQ S 111 17h-'h -J-..1 -etom 1 40 4 1010 II '' '~ RoblM .S4 I n 14" V. A:::Ar. .o5 :. JI~ ,!::· i.. ClllMlw X ti .. '7 .... Ft8T111 1.10 t 92 10\1'1 ~ JWl 1,4444 ' 19'9 V. ~ttm p1 ', 2t me Iii RocllG 1.ltl> s IS !S\lo + V. rn:~ ·~!i ~: ::v.; ~ AAlr wt .. 414 4\o + .... CNMlf . I :it • "' FIClt't so .v,. ~ JmttF l . .O II , 2JV...... NtvPw 2"' ., 73 u Roell Tl 2·00 1 •1 13 " Trlcntr ... , II 4 ,.... .... AAfrpl 2.11 .. I 1411> ..... ~p" .CO'M 11 12\lt Flnlsl• 2.14 SJI tll/t ~ JRI ...... 40 9 u tt\4 " NtYICISll, .JO I" \o\ R 0 c k w I I s • T•1<0 ·'•. 41 I'-.... A8alo.r . 22 10'9 v. F\111 .CO U JI 1~ ..• , FtMl.S .24 IJO IYJ 'Ii JRvr DI S,40 · •3 1 NE"9EI J 11 1'Vr • 14 I 0 4 1 a. \'o lit Yr n!Y .lO 6 H I IV> v. A8rand l .SO I Sit 441 .. !VI.Cf 1.S:ll II ' •2"'-..... FN&os , .. ., 14! 1•V. • V. J•m•w .l2 I .. !l-...... NJRs< 111 It 1 I 14\1> RollmH 2"° IO ~ •2 .... • v, TrllEllll .10 14 M 11•1 .. Ii\ ABrCI,,, l.•7 . 2 45 ......... Cltrlst" J6 t S\1,-" l"NS18 2.40 I 2•"'· "' JtpnF l.U. . ·~ l'9-.... NYSEG 2'20 • !OSI ''"'' ~ Rol\rln s 313 ll '" YuuEP 1.92 • m "~" \It A84ul I'° • 341 7' -Iii Cllromt n1 JI " 1'-.... FllP• . .. l"· '.. JetlPlll .... • 2' ,, .... I v. NYS pf 3 JS 1200 ll VI ROf'lr £, l . u .. 0 ?9~. .. T I Dt I tO 3 "' A81clM ' t 9 201 ;.~: "1 Chrm pf . S .. l 41 =Ill> F$1Pa wt .. S3 )-16-1_.. JtrC pf 4 llO 21 " .. • kYS lllOiH . 12 26Yt \r. Rolln · ~ 1!~ • ~. T~c~L $ )o : ), :: .... • ~ ABllSPd .S. 9 2l ''"• \'o Cllryllr 1216 ""--V. FtUnRI .JO I It 17\" 'h JffCIPI 2.11 ,, 611l4ft• V. Ne-)1 •I i 2lt ll\" \o Rotlln• .61 1 •• •-•• hltr .60 t • ··~ \lo AmC... 2.'IO 11 ll4 ~ 11, Cllry wt Jll 2 Yo Fiii... .4' ~ 1.. ti'\.,... JtwtlC l .CI • Jl4 -+ .... Nwlltl n IS 11 1411. RolmCp It 4SO JI·'-h Tymw 22 ..0 20-\o _, \to ACntrY . '°" 12 ,. '"".. .. Cllry• pf .. 12' 10 FtWIK l.10 ' 10 ""' " JawlC pf • l "* v. Ntwml • t 11 ?91 lt\ot . v. Ronson IJ ,.... -u-u -ACytn I.IS ' IOll 30-... "' llurCll I ' S1 31'-..... Fltcllb 1 s 20 ,,-., "' Jtwlcr llS 113 •V. •.... Nwpark '' • ..... .... ..... llOPtr .«> ' S6 IJ UAf. 10 )I() ltVt ..... ADT 1 ... 11 "' .,,,. .... Cln&tll l.n ' " ""' .... FIN\Fcl ./0 2 Ill '"'• .... JoflnJn I "JOit ""' , .... Nl•MP 1.io 6 1000 .. ~. ~ Rorer ... 13 ''° J3•1t "' UGI 1.04 s 2S ttv ...... AEIPw 2.26 • 100 tH~ • v. ClnGE 2.1. 1 1'3 1114 "' FllFlnG 2 S 71 u2'11> • V. JOf'lnEF 10 :it t4~ V. Nl•MIPI l tO t .. O 2• I R-•n .OI J JIS IV. \o\ UGI pt l.IS . t720 211tt, "° Amba"" 1.10 t 1097 41~ y, Ct~ pf 4 JAO 30 Fleet En .Sl 21 431 23"1 ,..: JOf'lnCn I.CO I 2.. 11'4 ~ Nlt MIPI .:u : 120 M\', , 1,. Rowtn 11117 44 · · l'I 16"' 4-UM( . .0 7 27 t , v. AF.ml! ·'° 10 109 121fJ II. Cli\G pl '·" .. tSO S2~. iii Fltmr19 l.2A t J7 ""' •• JonLQll ·'°. 24 11 • ~ Nl•Mt>I s,u .. dOO ~ .... .,, RC Coo l.00 t )S 17"' ~ UMET .41e 9 1• 2~ .... AGnCP 2.10 • 1S ...... CtnMll .n • , .. ,.,,. v. FIUIV ,IO.. s 22•1< Josltn .92 12 20 ,. .... Nl•Mc>I 6.10 . Z600 o .... '"" RoylO 2.92• 4 260 ,,.... \lo UNCRH " 41'1! ..... AG"'"' 11S tl l3 . . Cllkrp 1.n s ct7• 11\.7 ...•• Fltal pf ... , • 1 11-h JoyMlo t.40 s 119 2l'h-"" NIMpl 10.00 . '° -.~ ! ... Rut>rm I,." 1 41 USFG J.00 ' 11• 311 + Vo AGl&d t.16 ,' ll 11V.-Yj ClllSIK 1.lO 1U1'7 •~. .. FllttSI s .It 1• 2' 23;,. -K-K -NltMIPI 1.n .. t20 » • l RuHog I S JS "~ V. UnlN\I 4 7M S 69 S•-.. "' AG11Cv I.Illa. " u~ + v. c ISv' WCI • 1116 ·~. \'o FIOAIP n """ l4V. i\o. KOi" 11 Jll 4" .... l'llegSft 1.111 .. 1 14\• lly ... H t SI• 109 ~ !o< UC•mp J 9 l)J SI~ ''"' AHarlt .l4 9 14 llW-"° Cltylnv 1.70 l '92 21.._-.. Fla&C .10 1S I 17 KLM 10 10 Jtt4-\\ H.lolt n .II/• S2 I~+ •,.. RyclerS 1.0lb 10 U031111> If> UnCtrt> 3.40 7 l21• .. ~ _, AHolsl .Stj • SJ llV.. ~ c1.,1n pf , .. l l3 "' Fl•PL 13' • lll )J\I) . ~ I( m•r1 ' .. l•IS llV. " NICOR l 1 ldl 21~ -._s -UnlonC ,.. • " •v· AHomt 2.20 12 979 41V.-.... Cltblr .00 113 .. sv,. ,,. Fla Pro 1.IO I 2008 llh K•••rAI ·'° 1)4 13-"t No«MAI . ,, s Ill u ...... 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KCtyPl. 2.96 s .. u"' Vo NoAPlli 1.70 1 32 'il/o "' Slod8• s .nu 1st "" h UOll I • 1224 ,,..,. v. AmSld 2 20 12 199 JS•; • "" CIWI pf I . . " 121/o + .... For MK 1.40 • 10oJ ,, + \lo KCPl. pf4.ll .. •200 3111>. 2 NEurO 2.2tt • 11 20 ~. SfgOSc . t '"' "" UllP~ 1.IO 10 1010 -11/o ASltrll :. 10 10J "·= v. cc~ •• ".'.:' -2J03 .~ss ~~-~ FMI( pf I.ID . 1 62Yt + \It KCSou .• t S6 l5V.. "' HOtslut 1.29 1 109 to.... Vo SladS wt .. 10 ....... Unlroyl • 211 ,.,, llo A SI ' • St - - - -.v.. .. FtDttr 1.32 • ,. I • ~ KCSo pf ' .. ·--·. • NlnclPS 1.50 10 1111 12V. s.1 ... ., J.tO 10 m ,..... u11r.,1 pf JOO ""' A;r::,. S.Sl . I~ 41._.: ~ tCI ,:. n 1'4) 40Y.-tlo'o FIHOWO t.Ol 12 4' 40 "' KtnGE 2.12 6 tfl t•~ NOSt,..., 2.14 1 211 ,."° • Va SeQ.tCP .» t Sf J014 .... U 110 3 1 ff S ' ATT S.CO 1 4!49 S.V>-v, GolttN $ .4' ll t1 ll\t • \t FoslWlt ,6' • 1.0 tH• V, K•"Nb 1.-I )7 U,,.,·. ·. ·. ·. NSPw pfl.lO . 1150 :itV. V. SIJoLP I.to S It If , ''-U~r4; 1.10 .. I 1:. '.:': ATT pt 4 • s s9\o\-"° COltc.o 10 1'.JI 17~-\Ii FollSIP , .. I 211 tl ...... K.tnPLI 2.40 1 •I u NSPw pf4.ll tSOO JO I SPe11I 120, 2t 10 + Vo UCbTV 11 .u 16 Jle tl'h• 11, ATT pf ) .. lS )J .... Coltmn 1.20 10 St " l"OJlbr. 1.00 I ;Jl)j JOI/, "" Kt PL pfl.l2 2 tl\fJ. . NSPw pfl.ID •JOO ""' ..... SIRegP •.• , • 152 """ "· UnEivo 2.32 3 tlO 17 . ATT pf 1'.lc :· 3 ,. .... : v. ColOP•I uo 7 lllt "" ...... "'r.'""' ·'° ' SJ1 ·~ "' Kelyln » .......... NSPwpf 1 . 1'2700 St + \It S.IM!t '° s so ........ Ulllum 2.'2 s ,,. tt\o\ ·~ AWtlr '20 s 2S 17'1'1-"• ~fAlk .n I 243 .. ,,__ •• Fr etrn ... 9 " ts'" ~ IC•IY r, 1... 1 U V1 .... '!Of'TI 0 1 .. n .,.... .... $DllGS 1.12 • "' IS\t v. Ulllll Of J.91 u ,,.... .... A-ron 1:.0 4 S 22 ......... 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USAlr .11 6 449 17<\'o "" :AllC"'I> n .12 ll ttS 11 .. -'l'I ComMll .6' • .1' l•h • Vo GEO ,2' 2 ff9 1\o + ... K.trrGI .6' • 4 llft l't NwEn pt1 U 10 17~ Vo SavEIP 1.M S 20 11~ • .... USGVPS t . .-0 ti l4 al~ .. ._ ,A11log. 31 112 ~ " Comcfl. 14 mt a. -\o:o GF Eqp .. t ' • . KtrG pf 1.10 . IS I Wt .... Nwtllld 4.40 t &SI 31\>o ...... StvE A 1.M . 1 12V.. .. . SG ID All<llor 1.3' • 3l IS-.. CmwE 2.IO 7 tl2 u .... -.... GTE 2.92 I 24tS 31"" . . . l(errM' t 10 I 1.,0 29+.. 2 .... NwMLI I 10 I 131 u~ •• ~ Sa~lleOf 1.21.. l 941.. v. ~s.J:' ~~ : sJ ~ '~ AnClty Cw pf U2 . • 22 . . . . GTE pf 2JO I 2•Vo + \'1 Ke.,llOI · · 4 IJ~ •. · Nt<IOl'l 2 • l2 lt\'o ,. Savin . . 12' • I\ USlllCI 16 SS l'-i . J2 s I ts 2 I ~. -h CwE pf 1.tO. J ll!o> • GT E pf ,... .. 10 11"4 ... . KAY•lnl\ ... 13 17 ,. • .... llj9"$!m I°' t 371 22 Vo S<llrPlo I ... " "' M~· \.\ usu ·,,,-; s 2 .. AnclrG n .10 9 20 121» • 11. CwE DI 2 7 14\1> + •;, GtlHou " S 141 ..... .... K-• I. 10 166 ltV..... Nor1S pf UO . . I ~ 4 S<lllmb .96 1 2131 M'rl I US A: J. foe 12 , 1~:: ~ A N G E L I c \lo 1 CwE pf ••• ' 1200 17~+ \It G•nnttt 1:n 14 •U "" " Klmbl 4 • 116 StVI "~ NO\IO .2'1 .. 371 44V. " S<IAU .12 22 ~ ,..... USS-,,. I J47 ..,.,.. •. "' 11o "'° V. ~. V> "'° -\'a CwE 11f 1.81 , 6 ?IV> .. , . GtpSlr .SO 1 J19 JON. V, i(llffltR ,92 12 262 l4+. f't N-.S2 12 C7 .. -\It Scoa s .'4 U 16 2 °"' ~ ':::~ ·~: ~~.: r; E;;;~~s1.:2~ ,J: ~t~ ... ~ &:!~f '::: ln m~ ~ ~:=.. ':~rn ~! :;\It ~ N1<tr5" !."i: ... Jl2-,....,_,_,. t::~ 1.IO 1t 2; ~. ~ ~lll~ ' .. 2 ~ !~~: ~ Ant• n .1' • 2 11 .. \'t Comogr . ,. ulS~· "" GtlGO , 12 1 •» H. .... KOPtr• I.to 13 ID 12:W. ..... Qallllld .2• • al' 131\, ScottP I • ll6 17 UllTKll 2.40 • 476 4'14 ~ Alltlwl-, .441> ' J ,.,._ .,. Com~ 12 ,.. IS .. GtmCt 7S 2t •v· .... KOC>• pf 4 r20 ttV. .... 0•111 .. P I.SJ I s ""' + "' $<OIVU . .0 13 17 10 • .... UT ell pf J.17 • 37 SI -II> ApetlW .2' I ,., "--Vo Q>tvon IS ... n .. Gtmrn 2.CO. . ' IS'-. "' Ki(-pf 10 . ' 7Sllt ..... O<cll"-' 2.SO s toes ...... .... SCovlll I.SJ ti It '•" .... ~~ft.r U! 1 J~ m::.:. i-; Apc:f'IP vn :le , » 2t ',t. + '"' COllAQf 1 ' 12f 23'°' • .,,_ GA Inv 4.2M . 12 1'~ . . r-lr · II 7 ... • ~ O<clP pf2.lt . 1 1'1.oi. "" Scovil pf2.SO 3 to lllo Uftll ..,.I.SO . 4 21'°" V. ApPw pf4," ,, 12 ,..,, ... C-MI 2.20 • s J:JV.. "" GAmOll .-IS ,.. lSl't l'o K.•tti-• 1.n ' ,.,, .,.,.. O<clP pf2.12 s 1411> "' St.Cl pf .... It ·~ Unft,..;r 1S .. '2 J2~. ·~ APPIMG .93111 99 "'''· GontlE nl.IO 6 S 21"" .,,_ G1'18Mll ,. 4 I lt -11o 1(11f'llm .IOe 4 IS 10h ..... 0«1~.30 6 IS"'-"' SttCI pt 2.10 .. 17 U V. ;.. •• ArcllDn loll> I llt I~+ ~ CMNG t.10.. I 11 ..... GCl11m .tsr 10 47 '9 -.\4 l(.,OIO(; .)Ir n J 71Vl • '4 O<cl lf.U I '2"'° •;. SttOll\1 .A2 J 1' 14~ .. Unlvtr .61 9 m ""' \'o Ari I PS 2.S2 1 143 72~ .•. C-« ,ID 14 2 -... GnOtlt . . tO 10'"'-.... l(y-.Mn j • ...,_ "' OOE I Jilt 17h SathC 1.40 M 107 ISV. UftlVFel I.CM • :II ~ ..,. ArlP I J.SI u 1711• ..... COllE4 l I ... s I•• ·~ ..... 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" I.IL pfP 1.43 . • , 17,,,._ v. Poe Tl II 40 31 • 12V• • \._ Sounco ',. • IC I~ .. "" WlflWt 2 40 • 10 I~ .... 8et1GE t.lf • l:W 2tl'h-... Crltl pt83.0S .. II 10.. .,, Gorctn.J .S4 1 4 ........... t:':1°' ·:= :1 ~:~ P,!~:--~ P•IMW :.soi. Ill 1?h .... """ .:,. • l'M ,., ........ W•••• .1117 ~ M\1 -" 8anCtl 1.20 tl 10 201/•-.,.. Cr11ml' '76 tO 1113 •7"9 •. Grtll'IQr I.I• II " 42l<f. " L.AGtnl •• ' I• 10 • Ptlm8c 1.20 I 103 ".. .... Ao., ,OI t2 ,.,, 1...... . W•tkl" ... 16 lt n v. •.... aanTa n .20 6 U'l 6\f>. ·. Culbro t t Jt 1' ~ Grtfllf\I · · 31 t~-" LIL.,_ · ' p.,.A8' .SO I 1 14.... V. Soumrk OW 3 '3 ,._ "" w c;.,. 10 1 s 9"' Vo e.l'ICllll .to II 1:n lO -\t Culll" n 33 112 l'I .. • •;. GtAIPc · · 331 .,!V• -:: uP:c' ~:, tt~ mz-t: p..,Am ' VU 711> • Somk pl • I . 19 l h \<t W::..V .051 I 3,._= \'t e.1111P .IO .. 110 ""' ,,, Cum En ) • 123 J3-lt. 1"' GILkln ,ID • • .... Louv~ 2.30 1 tS 10""-"' PMlllEC 2.30 4 242 1..... "' •Air. .n .... C1 \It Wtlll>O . . 11• ..... 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I ... f2 -•• noo '"" ~ • 10 1 9*--14 ,p It J: 11:"·.. t • ~ J te 12~.· .... = .J : 10 2 '-a.St •m ~ t ~ IJ 1f74 U11>-1111 11111..-t;<..-*'Yt:_:·~ : 1r '.Jl .~ 1J! tjl'I-; l: =:r,: 1~0 ;: '._-; ~ S~ ~I ·~ 1 1m!;i4i 13i1 .:\\ li -2 U~.:.:.r· ••' 'ff,~"":: Ji,~ ..... r. ,. .... :·::· "'lif"' t,. .~ j lll?:: • r.·~ ·1 t:"· "' I ,;:r. ri IT-. .. ~ GMA1:.JO i ,.. i'1 \it llAk lfJ.• .. Ill IMI!., .. , 1... ;·n;a • f1'4.... ft , .... J ., fJl'l'i'" _,>; 1 lilt lt'111 ..... o" .u .. ., 24\ltt ~ ettO"'·! • 112 '"'• ~ ,1 •11 ~-w ... ,,~ •141..... "· ., 11 • 14 ta 14 t .. ... ... .. , 1. • .. IJ14.,1,. t t6t l W fl ~ 1.40 : f"---. IM M i IJt tJW ·~, ~ , It 1,W.,, , , I~ tt >tit Ith-"" ' I • ,. • · 'J ~-14 I.. 1 11 "' Ill fl t ,ec • '* .... • .. "' 1~ .. ii 1t ..... ~ 1.12 t 112 JOv. ..... ..__ '•10 4 ,, r~~ ~ I.to, u........ '"" i lt • m 1•11t .. r 1.-. • Jl "°-\t ~Ill ·"'• ltt u .... -,. .......-,._ n M t 1 f.2 I u-..,, H-1. J tlto l~t "' I Dallyftttot clauHlldl I wortlfor you.Call M2~5'71 • fOrCIUfCk e calftulft. • , ____________ ._ _____________ ~ ________ ... Burlington Air s peeds • service Spcclul and sp cdicr services will tx-uvuil:lble for spe<:iul dl'llvery letters via Burllnl(ton Air Expt&'IC.'1 c•ffectlve Friday. • The Burlington alrl"ttt-r 1pec&W deliv<'1"y .ervict'fS will be provided between 219 U.S . cities . A division of N~wport Beach-based Burlington Northern Airfreight, Burlington Air Exprct111 ulw offers the Burlington Oirlt:tter, •m lntcr<.ity ~'('Ond duy mail service. Home prices climbing Rising prices and declining wl'CkJy sales avttagt.-s • continue to m1trk Orange County's single family housing market, oC"COrding to the latest survey released this week by Jo'irst American Title Insurance ComEny. fhe st udy. publlsht!d b y the firm's marke t research department, includ~ 103 actively selling developments wiih 1.430 homes for sale. An overall sales average o( 0.7 homes per week showed a decline from the 0.9 average in the April 1982 survey. Seven of the last ten reports on single family housing have been characterized by a decreasing sales rate. Once again, prices continue to climb. with homes 11elllng for an avcr<£ge of $261,154, up nearly $19,548 from the previous average of $241,606. C.OSts ranged from a low of $102,990 for a 1,123 square-foot, three- bedroom, two-bath home at Green Hills in Yorba Linda to a high of $1,350,000 for a 5,100 square-foot. five-bedroom, four-bath house at Belcour t-The Gallery C.ollK·tion In Newport Beach. TV censor introduced An electronic device that can block home television signal reception on channels 2-13 has been introduce(;! by Censorview Ltd .• a Costa Mesa based manufacturer. Designed for parents who wish to selectively control re<.-eption of any or all television programming, It's marke ted under the trademarked name of Censorview 1200. and is the only product of its kind in the country. Seacliff space still open Huntington Beach Company has announced completion of its fourth building in Seacliff Office Pa~k. Eighty-six percent pre-leased, the building's ma,JOr tenants are Dickinson Pacific Cablesystems and Paychex. . Cabl~ystems, in a consolidation move, will begin residence m the Park on Nov. 1. Paychex, which has been based in Huntington Beach for eight years. has expanded their offices into the newest building. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YO!'_l~-~AP)-Sale1, .. p .m. Wednetld•y "'-and net change 01111e fifteen mo11 .lctlY• New Yorlt Stock bctua~ '--• lradlng natlonally 11 mOf'e 111an S t 18M PeftnCof'p t:;r ... c:: Cttt11>Tr ~L.,n CtrOPwLI Amtr T& T ~tkorp N,!>!~,f MartlnM • Enon Am Alnl11 1131,000 H1,t00 6'1t,100 ..-i.100 ff l,SOO w•,aoo )ol4,IOO sn,100 S13, IOO S13,IOO .. s.eoo .:r.1:> fle>,400 •St.100 AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) -Selea, " p.m Wednnday pnc. and net change ol lhe 11n moat a cll¥e American S tock !Itch~ lasuea, tradlnQ nallonelly et m0<• lhon S 1. S.IKomO.t 1,709,-4 Wa~ 110,'IOC) JI h ~~~I... 1lf.1., ~t'; • ~ 8t"OWflFor 8 99,600 36\0. ... eQlt OlfP IUOO 1YJ .:. Ofro•Co ., 100 10 " HouOllT'r 1t,1/iJ t>ai. ~~.~ n::: ~r ,:; UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS f lO Ind 20 Trn IS Ull •i Slit lndu• Trtn Ulll• 1,162,200U Sn •. •••,OOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( IAPI Sep 29 W•4;ti I "~(A ()0 TO<lay 40I 1102 Jiii '"°' ., 1 NEW 'tORK tAPJ s.i> 1' lltelv-Dt<lllltel Unclltn9t0 Total l'»Uh New lllQl\S .. •• low. METALS lOdar 167 JU 211 llO It • Pore• city ,.. 211 n• 1·i. lJ 10 NEW YORK (AP) -8po1 "onlarrou• metal ptlceti !Oday C•Pll8' 67~·72 cen11 • poun4, v S d«\l'"•tlol'ls. LMd 24 .... 29 Calllt. PoUnd Zlno 42 CAlll• • "°"""· Cltllvwtd Tift 18.2308 Me1.,t W-eomPQtltt 111 ~ 7~77 1*'11t I pQund, N 't, • .._ S&.110 per troy OU~e. Hanel~ & Hatm.,, (Oflly 0.ily quoit) ........, $362.00,,., llMI< Poi.111111111 S321.00..s32' 00 l•Oy ou._. N.Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ..,n...._....,,.,_ Bt*ltd wor10 OOlll prleel toda1. Lo11d•11 mo111l"D ll•lng 1314.75, oll $1500, l.0ttcle11 atlernoo" 1i.111g 1397 00, oll '12 75 llarte an•110011ll•tno13114,34, ofl 115,h l'renk1Wt n•tng '39'.tt, Oii Sll.00 %...tell i.1. •It-fl•lllcl l'M-60, on 16.00 bid. 1391 50 aelltd He11ctr • "•'"''" 101111 deity QvOlt~ 13117.00. oil 112.76 ......,._ (onty olily QUOltl l't100, on s12.n . t~ (Ottly d•lly q110lt) l•bttcalec:I Mlll.l 6, Ol'l li3.3t. SYMBOLS lllllil 1:1111 t11111111a1 1•n C1111 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 OHAN GE COUNl Y CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Hero or ¥ilia in? -County man qualifies as both By STEVE MARBLE Of the D.at1 Hol ll•n Sum Gibbs is ll•uding a douhh• life. Ht•'s a v11la1n 1n Orangt• County u11d a hc.·r o 111 Los Angt'lc.>s Whlll• au lhon t1c.•s tn Orange County want Gibbs Jailc.•d for killing a Nt•wport Beach man, poli<·l· in Los Angl'les wanl to honor ham for snving a woman·~ Ii re G ibbs is a :!1 -yt•ar-old r<•stdl'nl Revisions ca ll for seven homes on 28 acres of Onmg,• who s;.iyi; lw 'H JuNt un JVl'ru8l' guy who mudl• u ml11wk,• an om• l'ounty and did 110mcthlng right in thl• other. A:. 11 st<.1mb, Gibbs 1:. st:ht•dull'<i lo go to Jail for 2 10 Jays for' killing Donald 8 . Wnrnt.>r last yt•ar in a hit and-run oet•tdt•nt on th,• Balboa Pl•ninsula Gibbs udmiL<i ht.> was clr1v1ng llw t.•ar that struck and k1lll•d Warnl·r but says ht· doc:sn't l>l'long 111 JUil. HP 1s try111g to uppcul tht.• JUdgment. Police in thl• Venice area of Lus Anlec les, meunwhile. are crediting Gibbs with saving D d1subled woman Aug 27 Crom the clutches or a knife-wielding man. Pohcl' say Gibbs and two other mc•n not only savt.>d the woman, w h•> had bcn been stabbed repeatedly in thl' Cat.<t.• and neck, but apprehended thl' SUSJX'<'l. The wo man Jean Hctken bach ho1 writh:n to Olbbe. Sh<' anld ahl''d be deod If It were not for hia qu1<'k actions. •t1t'1 &0rt of ironic," suggests Jim Gibbs, the 4! 1-year-old's lather. "The first lime (the accident) he panics and runs and then the second time he reacts .Qnd aavf'8 somt.'One,s hfe." Ac.·t:ording to pohct-, liibbs und the two men Wl•rc in the Vt•nic.·c area unloud1ng furniture for moving and 11toragc cumpany they work for. Polic.-e say Gibbs and has c.·o· workt•rs hl'ilrd screams. snw a man stabbing a woman who waa on her ba<:k on a sadc.•walk and t•ume to her rl"S(.'Ue Gibbs. poltc.-e said. 1.:hUJo.ie'd the susp<.•<:l who reportc.>Ci ly trlppc.J and foll in the street. Pohce say Gibbs and his t:olleagw:s ll<..>d the 111lc.•gc·d att.Hcker with !!traps from th1: moving van and stood over him until police ahowt'<J up Polkt> say they'd likt.• to honor Gibbs and h is co-workers for their a<•t o{ herols111 But C1l>hf t'Ould be m pil by ttw tlnw the awards ceremony rolh, uround next year G ibbs has bct•n t.·o nv1clt'd 1n Orange County on hll-and-run driving and felony manslauflhwr. Ac'COrding Lo pol1t.'l' in Newport Beuc~~ Gibbs struck Warnt•r, a tSee ttERO, Page A2) Laguna /Jacks hillside project It's taken nearly a dozen years, and at least that many plan r1:v1s1ons. but 1wo Nl•wport Bl'ach brothc•rs finally havt:" rtx•etvl'<l Laguna Beach's blessing lo <'OnstrUl'l ~·ven homc'S on 21'1 acres an Laguna's hillsides Wh<•n Wilham and Leon Lyon first l0nv1s1onl.'d a pro~'<.'\ al tht.• end of Pat1Ck Avenue. above the Laguna Bc<.at.·h High School in 1971. their plans called for the construction of 57 homes on the 28-acrt.• pnrt•t.•I City Council deniais whittled that numbt.•r down to 25 units in 1974, 18 an 1Y77, 14 in 1978. and 1 I l wo years ago. Last wc.•ck. the city t.•ouncal approve.'(! a final tract map that will sec.• st•vcn units constructc'CI in the h11ls1dc.· above the high school where the "L" marking is located "It's lx'c•n a long lime· <.'Ommg, and wc'rt.• quite happy with the c ity's approva l," said Brion Jeannette•, art.·h1tect for the Lyon pro,)C<'t Group iaking 'STAND' By JODI CADENHEAD Of the D•ffJ Piiot ll•n Phil Cutler of Costa Mesa was one of only three people who ans we r<'d an ad placed by a· Newport Beach couple seeking response from concerned about the threat of nuclear war. Carol Ann Bradford. 45. who with her husband Dale started the group. laughs when she thinks about the first meeting m June. "We asked people to come to this d1scuss1on group which didn't e ven exist at the time " It docs now Stop a Nuclear Devastation, known by the acronym STAND. has about 80 members and is one of several groups star ted lo bolster support for the nuclear freeze m1t1at1ve on the Cahforn1a ballot Nov 2 Callforn1ans for a Bilateral Nuclear Weapons Freeze is the largest group, with a reported 2.· 000 members m Orange County alone. The nuclear freeze initiative.' calls for the United States and the Soviet Union to halt th<' nuclear arms race. Cutler, 57, who teac hes el£>ctron1cs at Orange Coast College. said that the idea of nuclea( war has haunted htm since he served in the Anny m World War II -INDEX- Erma Bombcck Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices F.d1tohal Entertainment Horoscope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices A7 C5-7 A7 04-6 02 D2 03 A6 B7-8 A7 A7 87-8 C6 A3 C5-6,01,03-4 Sport.t Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Markets TeleviAlon Theaters Weather Cl-4 A7 C7 B6 B7-8 A2 Prl·vio us c it y l'ounclis l'Onlinuolly denied plans for cons tructio n . bas ing their Obj('t'llOnS On tht• Sh.'Cp terrain of tlw part't•I In adlhllon. they c1tt'Cl gtx1lug1c t·11m'(•r11s and erosion problt•ms a." ruasons for the deniab Jt•arrnl'lle said grading on th<' silt• wall probably takt.• plat'\' in four lo fivt:> months, after 1he rainy season P.i c tf1c Avenue will be l'Xlendt>CI 225 feet and tht· homes will surround a cul de sat· He !>aid about 4.000 cub1t• feet or t·arth will be grade d for the s trt•ct cxll.'ns10n. No grading is pl:.inncd for the lot pads. Tht.' owners intend to <.'reate trails leading from P al.'ifit• Avt•nu<.• to Skyline Drivt' a nd l'ark A vc·nue lx•low for hikers. Catna p contra ption "People have been hiking on that hill for years, so we thought we'd make it easier and safer," Jeannette said. Beau Tye is well kno wn o n Newport Beach's Little Isla nd for assisting loca~ · fishe rmen a nd sleeping in the middle of the side wa lk. H ere he dozes in a tent compliments of owner Bin g Girling. Psychologist faces • • 8 years 1n pr1son Carol Ann Bradford a nd Phil Cutler are among those lined up against the threat of nuclear war. Although he had returned lO the United Stales when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, he said he learned how fragile human life is. "I'm not a re ligious person," said Cutler "But I pray every day thal my <'hildre n will live out their live s. I don't ask for anything special, JUSl a chance for them to hve." Bradford. a Conner marketJng exC'Cut1ve for a local hotel. said she never joined a political group before starting ST AND. "I was just talking about the threat of nuclear war for t he hundredth lime," explained the Newport Beach resident And we decided , "W e have to do something." Added Cutler . "It 's uncon s cionable not to do anything, to sit here and let this happen." Propo ne nts of the nuclear freeze say that the United States with 30,000 nuclear weapons and the Soviets with 20,000 -have more than enough to d estroy each other. They contend that the risk o( a n accidental nuclear war through a computer e rror is heightened by the military buildup. Those against the initiative say a freeze would diminish the bargaining position of the United States and give the Soviets an advantage In the nuclear arms race. Convincing Orange County rl'sidents to support a freeze has not been an easy pb, Bradford said. S o far , Laguna Beach and Garden Grove have been the only city councils In the county to support the initiative. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa councils have postponed a dedsibn until after the November election. "I think th ey'r e totally ch icken," said Cutler. "They won't make a commitment." Those who have joined the Costa Mesa nuclear group said they did so because o f their children, said Bradford. The group pla ns to begin distr ibutin g in form ation prepared by Californians for a Bilate ral Nuclear Weapons Freeze to 33,000 households in Costa Mesa next month. "What does 11 take to make a person fee l that h is life is threatened?" asked Cutle r . By DAVID KUTZMANN Of IM DelfJ Not at.ff Newport Beach psycholog1sl Telford "Tim" Moore. convicted of voluntary manslaughter for k illing a male roommate h e claimed had sexually abuSl.'CI him, t'Ould rcc.'<.•ivc up to eight years in stat<' prison when sentenced Oct. 22. Even so, Moore's attorney said Wednesday he was pleased with th e verdi c t because the prosecution had sought a murder conviction and "we had strong first-degree (murder) symptoms staring us in the face " Moore, 37. was conv1ctt>d by Orange County Superior Court Judge Myron Brown in the non· jur y proceeding. It was the former Fountain Valley High School psychologist's second trial on charges that he murdered fellow psyc hologist a n d roommate Stanley Esplnda two years ago. Moore's first trial ended m a jury deadlock last Deccmber- AJthough he said he belil•ved Judge Brown h ad "<'arefully weighed the evidence." defense 'a ttorney Al Stokke said an appeal of Wednesday'11 verdict may be filed. As for his client, portrayed during his two trials as being virtually a "battered spouse" to Esplnda. Stokke said Moore was relieved his legal ordeal was Israel 'errors' told by forrner leader An investlgafiOFI of the Beirut refuge<> camp massacre will reveal Isr ael made errors in judgment but will not cost Prime Minister Menachem Begin his political life. a rorrner Israeli military chief predicta S hlomo Gazit, chief of Israeli military intelligence until 1979, a~ud he would be very surprised if the mvest1galion showed that Israel had any dirl'<'t hand in the rccen t massacre. Gazat, now president of a unlV<'nJl\y in Israel and in Newport Beach Wednesday to mlk with supporters of the.> campus In the Negev, ventured that the Investigation w ill fault Israel for permltllnai C hriaLl•n Falanglst militiamen to enter the camptt. At least 590 men, women and chlld~n were killed In the camps. Gaztt said the outrage ln'larael over the killings hu been runnlna at a high pitch and that It was thla domestic pressure that forced &gm to call for th<' lnvt'tll~atlon. Gazil, who hos been out of the country for l 0 days. said his own 17 -year-old daughter joined a mass demonstration In Tel Aviv last weekend demanding an mvestlgat1on as Well as Bectn'• tetjgnatlon &gin Initially refused to call for an mv<'Stigalion, saying such a move would be the sam • a admitting guilt. Ooz1l said he is troubled by the reaction to the massacre In t he United S tates, particularly In the Jewish oommunlty. He said Ame ricans have never ~lved a clear plctur or what the t..ebanon crials ls all sbout and. instead , 1et a "jigsaw plc:tur('" In nt"WI reporll. "ThM(' cems to be much confusion h ere." he s uggested. "The Jewl1h rommunity h re likes to ha~ thlnp aimph- and c lear and they have troubl «' undNstundlng when th tn11 In lar•c-l bcx.-om • t.'t>mpllcaL<.'d. lt befflet them." Ht' Id the m~ ~ aaken th• focut off the real 1ssu<' In the Middle East which he insisted "is whether lsra I will continue to eXJst." He charged that President Reagan has a particularly uninformed understanding of what's going on In Israel. He conceded that part of hls miss.Ion In th<> United St.ate11 will be to soothe lsraell supporters who are upect because of the mossncre As 11 former military leader. Gazlt auggeated there are several ways of viewing the camp kllllnga. "lf we had not e ntered West &lrut and hod stood on the aldellnc!t. the ChriaUan milltJa aUU would have entered the camps nd the r~aulu mlaht have been much 'WOJ'M'. "What would be tht rMCtion to that?" ht u ked. "We atlll would have been blamed. (Set ISIU£LI, Pace Alt A---~~_,, __ _..,__ ..... ~--~~--•~ ...... ~~~~~----~----\ ' nearly over but was disappointed the judge revoked his $25.000 bail and remanded him to custody. "l know he has a foeling of relief. There's a tremendous amoun t of pressure having a first-degree murder aCt.'USation hanging over your head," the defense attornt•y said Moore was accusc:.od of shooting &ipinda as he lay in the living room of the Spyglass Hill home tht'y shared m NovC'mber 1980 Deputy 01stru:t Atto rney Bryan Brown . 1n c los ing statements during the retrial. daimed the s hoo ting' was a de liberate and prc-mcditaled attack on Espinda. "lt was a cold, calculated murder," the prosecutor asserted. But Stokke. citing previous psychiatric LestJmony. said Moore had actually rntended to kill himself the n ight of the shooting. Instead. he said . his client suffered a temporary blackout during which Espinda was shot m the head. Stokke a rgued that Moore, because of his fear or F.spinda, acted in self-defense The defendant testified at his firs t (rial .that he was repeatedly beaten and sexually abused during his 18-year relationship with Espinda, a homosexual. (See SLAYING, Page A2) - : ~· · L Orange Ooe1t DAILY PILOT/Tt\uftdly, September 30, 1082 ~' _C_o_u_n_t_y_s_o~c~i_a_l _p_r_o_g_r_a_m_s _s ___ a_v_e_d_ '" Continued stories SLAYING CONVICTION . • • M ou11• c-lu1m"d 1h 11 t IH· v1•rJ k t. t•ontondcd th1.1 t Moort• or1s1n ally d ~·t·1dl'd tu con~nll / hud purc:ha.'!Cd and th 11 hid th•• suicide "011 tht• only wa y~ g un he eventually uM'd to kill l'<.'llOlvc" a s1luutlon an whic:h ht• f:,ptndo tie said tht• 1.•vldc nc1• had fo llt•n in luw w llh a Laguna i.u ppurll•d • finding o f first· Bcuch woman , G lu r y La nt'. d1.·gn-e murder. Moon • testiCled thnt h<• fearl•d Moore could be 6CntCnt."l-d from Espmda would not only kill him two to six yl'ars In swlc.• prison on but also Lane If lw (Moore) Lrat"tJ th1• munsla ughter ch arge lit• to leave hi8 roomn\atl• l'OU ld rcx.-clve an addit1onul two P rosecutor Brown , who l>llld hl' y1.•a rs un a gun use ollegution tlw was satisfi ed with tht• Judge's judgl! found to b<' trut•. ISRAELI 'ERRORS'. • • The t•rit ics would h ave said :here's lsra(;•I with all Its might JUSt standing around' " Gazll said th(;• dt'<.'1i.1on to lt-t the milttfa enter the camP6 hkelv was mode with th<• knowledge thut "the militia was not going to Ix• uc·tmg like a bunch of well- tx•haved policemen " By STF:VE TRIPOLI 0( IM 0111• '"°' ltlft H1·1w fldurlt'i. of 1<11•v1•nil J u1.c•11 <>nrn•w County KOV1•rnment- hu1·k1•d itudul prugroma orl' brt•Jthln" 1.•1111lt•r toduy , thei r prugru11111 !iparl'd tht> budgl't· t·uttmg ox for nnothcr y1•1.1r by County Board or S upcrvltoni. 'T'iw:.duy 11upc•rvi..onc pofltponed pr1•v1uu11ly mtmd uwd cu~ In 22 oC 2 ff p r o g 1• u m s w h o Ii 1• "'JH l' entatlv1•11 nppealC!d thl' n •dut.•t1 on 11 Ano tht'r 11e ven µrogra m s wt•rt• funded fo r H.IK2-8:l a t levels higher than thOS(• sugg1.-st1.>d to supervisors by a t.•1t1wn's advisory commluee. In a ll, supervisors appropriated mor1.• than $1.35 million for the 4H prugrums receiving federal n •vt•nut• shar ing mont>y through the• t.'Ounty. The figure was about $37 ,000 more tha n the total n •(·ommcnded by the ad visory c.'Ommllh•c.• a nd •buut $440,000 mort'.' thon wnuld h nvf' brt>n •J)('lll If th1 • uutm natlc <'Ulbncks hod 1,. ... n 1nrlctly l'nforc.tt_-d. 1'11tnl rt>ve nu c 11 h11ring mnunltnwnt.1 to IOl1al prourallUI nevc.•rtht>ll'H wl II d rop about $2JO.OOO below thlll year'• levc.>I, u11 oHid ols of somt• programs did not <ll11pult• the outomatl<' cul.IJ. Tht• ne w fundlnai yt•ur •Uirl• lt~rlduy, to corrt~pcmd with the.• •t.11rl of tht• rt'deral government's fltteul year. Suporvl80rl initially rejt'Ct.ed o mollon W p09tpone most of the uutomatlc cuts as recommended by the Soclal Programs AdvlSOry Committee, pref<'rrlng instead to h ear Individual a ppeals from program represent<ltivcs. The h e aring , in wha t ls be-coming an annual evt•nt, was a nearl y three-hour pro,·ess in what·h representa tives of many of tht• aat•nclt'I llt.ood ln llnl' W hAIVt• tht lr opf)('al hcurd ot ttw podium 'rtw only supt•rvl8c1r le) orpc.J&· u 11ub1Hontlal numbt>r o the funding rcatoratlon• was Horrif'tt Wi<'dt•r Sht• 11t1ld aht> pn•fnrcd to upho ld o l 9 79 board po lky nwnc.laUflj annual c.'U\lf unlil tht• proaram1 are phaM-d nut from C'C1unty portiC'lptlllon Thot policy WWI baaed on thc con cept of u •11ng ('OUnt y · controlled federal fund$ only as "se e d money" for socio! progrom1. County money wa~ Lo bl' u 11cd only t o la unch tht> progra ma, which w e r e thc•n s upposed to a ttract o uls idt• funding to remain viable. But S PAC m e mbe r s and program reprt.'ll('ntalives said the 1c'Onccpt no longer works because tht' economic climate makes it a lmost impossible to obtain private funds. T h l' y u Id a I Io w I n 6' t h t• uutornatlc• r<'du<'llon1 this yf'ar, wllh t'Ounty funding l() m<»t of th<' programa already at half It.a orlglno1 l"vf'I oftt r prt>vloua nutmruatll: cut.t, would kill many pr<>airom:i. Th(> county f Wl<b are nut th<' 10le IOUrt'C of fundinf( for most of the program» J'rogram.1 1ervlna tht Orange Const whk h wc•rc aparcd the cuts Tul•11day Include the Women's Trunsltlonal Living C.C,.nter, The Prople's Cllnk, Teen Help-Youth St>r vic.•c Burea u , Catholic Curnmun1ty Agencies, Laguna Bcuch Frc.~ Clinic, Committee on A.Bsuults Agaln.st Wonwn, Orange County Council on Aging, Legal Aid Society of Orange County and the West County Counsellng Cc·nt.cr. The· Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Bea ch a lso received add1t1onal fundc;. HERO. • • Ne wport r esid e n t w ho was walking across th e street, on Balboa Boulevard and then sped o f( in his car. leaving Warner face-down in the middle of tht> strec-t. He said he doubts, however, that there '¥as any d ue that the slaughter was coming. "As hard as it might be to believe now, the massacre will q uickly become just another one of yesterday's headlines. There will be another ccisis somewhere else to Lake Its place." ·Caz.it said he is optimis tic that nei lhe r the k i I lings nor the inv(>stigation will harm relations b<'lwcen the United Sta\8 and lsrat•I. Laguna revamps council panels Polic:e say ttwy trat•ed down G i bbs a fte r f i nd i n g h i s abandoned car in a s hopping renter. 2 held on T wo me n. ind uding a Laguna B ca t'h re s id c nl . have bee n arres t e d o n s u s pi c ion o f .p;>ssessi ng more than four pounds ;of cocaine and one pound of a stimulant drug Nart·ou cs o rfaccrs from the Anaheim Police Department, Los •l\ngclcs Po lice.· De partme nt, fucson Police [)('partment and drug rap the Arizona De p artme nt of Public Sa fe ly arrt-sted Howard Coones, 27, at his home, 2 1095 Raquel Road in Laguna Canyon, at 9:30 p.m . Wednesday, after a search of the residence. Agents said they also seized handguns, rifles, automat1c weapons, hand grenades, and about $13,000 in currency. Ov~r the years, the Laguna Beach City Council has created a plethora of panels. There are commissions and rommiltecs and t.ask forces and boards and councils. And they have duties ranging from bird-dogging the cable television franchise to reviewing problems at Heisler Park. Co uncilman Dan Kenney thoug ht a consolidation of some of the groups was in order. At his suggestion, the council agreed last week to form six st.anding committees that wouJj eventually be more broad based 'Arts Motion' to try again • ID If you sh ow ed up for last S unday's "Arts 1n Mo tion " celebration a t Main Beach Park m Laguna, you found the event was rained out But members or tht.• Laguna Beach Arts Comm1ss1on Alfian<'C have "ram cht'<'ks .. for those who want lO watch and part1c1pate -m the fcst1v1tal's at 10 a.m Sunday. T ho usand s a lt~ndc•d las t Saturday's ev('nt, which indudC'd mi m e s. H a1 t 1an b a nds a n d <1erob1cs exer('ases This Sunda y, the Alliance has plans for even more activ1t1cs at Mam Bl'ach . And. sho uld at rain again, the group has a contangcnt·y plan. "({ WC' get a nolhC'r st.orm, we'll move eve rything to the girls' gymnasium at Laguna Beach High Sc·hool. .. said Dom S hields. one or the organizers of "Arts in Motion " The S<:hool is located just a few \hurl bloc·ks from Main Beach Park, at 650 Pa rk Ave HC"re 1s the schedule of events: 10 a.m. Munes at play with lTOWU . 10.20 a .m. Introductions. 10:30 a.m. T'a1 Chi Ch'uan, meditation exercises by G race Boyd. . 11:15 a.m. l nnerconnection dance, with Elizabeth McLaren. dc·monstration and teaching . 11:35 a.m. Fun things to do for your body. with Zahava and John. performance and leaching. l 2:20 p.m. Modem Dance, walh Debra Ralston, performance and lt•achmg. 12:40 p.m. Fencing, with the Salle Barracho Club -1:2 0 p .m . T h e Wind Dancers, Richard Sandness and P;iul Ha rt, footbag and Frisbee 1w rforrnant'C' and teaching. I :40 p.m The Rig-&-cs and Do o -B t.•es, Cat h y Rigby Gymnost1cs Academy 2:25 p .m . T h e S ile nt Trt•<almcnt, Caprl('e Rothe, mime p<•rformance a nd teaching. 2 :50 p .m . C ar i bbe an Carmval, with the R'Wanda LC'wis Dance Co., performance and limbo teachjng. -3:15 p.m. Drawings for prizes 3:25 p.m. G reek folkdancmg and music with Atha n Karras, performance a nd teaching. T h e Alli a n c e urg e s spectators to bring beach chajrs a nd light clothing if they intend to partiC1pale. in scope and e liminate the prac tice of forming singte purpose pa nels w ith limited goals. The bodies that will remain intact, under Kenney's plan, include the city council, planning commission, board of adjustment, ar ts commission and personnel board. A s hort-term He is le r Par k Task Force will disband after It presents its review or problems in the blufftop park next month. And several commitlees which are working on specific elements to the general plan will continue their projects. C ons olidated s tand i ng commitlA..-es will include: -Circulation and Safety Committee, to focus on parking, traffic, streets, public transit. The duties or the existing parking committee would be assumed by this panel. -Recreation and Community Services Committee, to which the cable television committee duties would be assumed. -Ho us ing Committee, t o prepare a housing element and pr ocess a Co mmunity Develo pme nt Block Gra nt application. -Energy and Environment Committee, to study subject.a such as recyclinR. -Comm ittee o n S e nior Citizens, to Identify and assess problems associated with older l...agunans. -Seismic Safet y and Disaster Preparedness Committe e, to comple te that e leme nt of the general plan. Free flu shots will be administer ed to Laguna Beac h senio r c i tizens beginning O c t . 8 and continui ng each Friday through October. •An outdoor book sale , featuring hardcover books at paperback prices, will be held Oct. 14 and 15 at the lobby en trance to Sou th Coast Medical Cente r in South Laguna. • Curre nt and prospective pare nts and their sons who a re now a tten din g or a re interested in attending Webb School of C alifornia , w ill t'Onvene ne xt Wt'Ck The inoculations will be given to seniors from noon until 3 p.m. each Friday a t the Laguna Beach Free Clinic, 460 Ocean Ave. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day a nd hospital voluntee rs say more than 5,000 books will be on sale . Hospital auxiliary officials say proceeds wiU be donated to the medical center. The evening meeung will be 1n th e L ag una area T u e s d ay . F o r furth e r inform a tio n, contact the Wt•bb Sch ool admissions offtct• at 626-3587. Fernando Jr. debuts LOS ANGELES (AP) - Dodge r pitching ace Fe rnando Valenzuela and his wife of nine months had a baby boy today":" a spo ke swoman at San Pedro Pe ninsula Hospital said. The baby, named Fe rnando Jr .. weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces s a id Mo k l De Marco, son oi Valen zuela's mana ger , Tony De Marco. The hospital spokeswoman, w~o declined lo give her name, s aad the boy was b o rn b y Caesare an sectio n to Linda Burgos Valenzuela al 7:53 a.m. Valenzuela, who pitched seven innings Wednesday night in the Dodgers' 4-3 loss to the National League West-leading Atla nta Braves. w ent to the hospital afterward. "Fernando was in the room for most of the labor, but he left during the delivery," DeMarco said The couple. both now 21 years old. were married Dec 28, 1981. Fair through Friday Five die Soviet jet crash • 1n (;o <t S l<t f Some clOods at lomea loday, olhe,....lse ra.r H1gha 70 to 75 Fair tonight and Frld•y with overnight loM 56 to 82 Hlgha on Friday 7 4 to 77 Elaawhe re . f rom Poi n t Conception to the M••lcen border and out 80 mflel Smell cr1'1 ectvesory In et1ec;1 o..,.. outer waters <Ne 10 north-I wind• ol Ill to 30 knots end 6 to II toot H H today Winds decreH lng tonight and Friday 10 12 lo 22 knots Locally llght var111>1e wind• weet 10 touth-t 12 10 Ill knot1 during the afternoons today end • Friday Wind waves 3 10 4 feet : Wewt to touth-t swells 1 10 3 IMt Some clouds ove< .outhem w11era tod1y, otherwll• lair lhfough Friday. California Southern Calllornle wlll have d ecreasing clouds end wind• today Mosly 111r end e little warmer Friday. Orange Counly can upect • breezy daya Htgha 88 10 73, low• 57 to 82 Highs tn 70. Friday lnlend Vl lleya wlH have highs 88 IO 75, 72 to 78 Friday Low. In 609 Mounlelns wiH be partly Cloudy with I ~ of"-• WNt lo norlhwHI winds 20·35 mph High• 45 to 55, In SOs Friday Lowa 28 to 40 Partly cloudy In dtHrlt wllh watl lo northwett wind• 15·30 mph. Northern deserl high• In 80e, IOwa In 40t Friday hlgl\I 86 10 75. Southern ~ hlgl\I ... 10•. tOday and Friday. foow• In 50L Pertly cloudy In norlhern Slerr1, ahowara end anow contln11lng In eanHel and 1ou1harn Sierra Sunny end 1 br.ay ........ In Nof'thefn end I' ~~.:;.al Calltornla. Wermlng U.S. Sllt1tnu1 ry I ' t Wlflt•·lltt• -thef lc.o lhe upper M l u o url Valley on Wtdn4'tday wllll morn ing ~lllw• OfJ/lt '" IN 30t In mu c h ot Mon1111a and •nowehowtn eeatttrtd trom ... t.,n t.ton1ana lnlO f\Oflhtrn we,.,, 1dvleorla1 were __. 1or ~ llM¥Y anow- tht mountain• ot nortllwHI ~ Ulafl Md ,.._.. 1'9'111 Of lJlafl lllOC ~ -• Wedi S1s.tfld-._.,._ I ....... f1ftJf IN ...... ltttfl : ,..,, ... , of C:.utOfnla. whtte • ,,......., ... r..,ir.cl to uM ; .. ~In,_,,.....-. In .....,.,. Cellfofnla. ttitt. -· HtUtrtd looatlr Itel\!)' enow ellowtra o~et toutlltrn Mono County For today. ownoen torma -• rorecast on lhe F'lo<kla PeolMUla. wolh ralnthowar1 from South Dakota and Wyoming acrou northern and centrel Arizona Cloudy ...... -a 10fecu1 In the uppe< MtUOUr1 Valley and Ncw1t! Dakota Temperatures Albany Albuque Amar~IO Ancnoreoe Alhevllle Atlanta AllantlC C11y AUS11n 8a1t1more 811Ungs Birmingham Bismarck 8~941 Boston Btowna>llle Buttalo Buningaon Casper CNrlSln SC Cl\arlttn WV Charllte NC Cheyenne Chleago Clnclnnali CleYeland Clmt>la SC Columbus Del·Ft Wlh Dayton Denver Des M- Oetrool DuMh ea Paso FtJrt>enka Fargo Flagsllll Gr .. 1 F.U. Harttord Helene Honaulu Houeton Ind~ Jedltn MS Jac:tltnllfte Juneau Kans Cllv 87 S4 78 42 82 5& 42 37 78 45 79 80 117 59 112 74 76 64 48 39 83 81 S2 34 57 39 S8 5e 93 71 65 57 6e 52 S4 39 82 45 7$ 51 78 57 eo se 83 63 78 S4 73 50 81 52 73 49 111 70 74 SI 73 39 eo ee 71 50 67 82 85 M 51 40 eo q 80 37 37 34 67 57 44 38 et 75 as 1s 78 50 .. 5e M 84 41 44 81 ee l<noKV\lle Let veou Little Aocll. Loullvltle l ubtlodo: Memptlla Mern9N• Mlemi MllWaukM Mple..St P N .. hvltle New OrlNria N.w Yol'll Nor1oll1 Ho Plalt• Olc:la Clty Omalla ()(lllnclo PNl.edf, • Phoenix Ptlttburgh Piiand, .... Piiand, Ore ProvtOenee ::=rcuy Reno AkhmonO Sall LAii• S1111 Antonio S..ltle Shfewpcl(I SIOull Falla St LOU11 SI P·l atnl)t St Ste Merle 81 51 78 81 85 53 80 53 ee s2 H 55 H 55 88 711 78 59 75 116 M 53 88 88 71 61 74 63 74 35 118 " 711 61 89 52 74 59 ti 62 89 46 61 53 81 43 81 68 78 " 55 37 48 31 74 65 47 39 91 73 82 43 88 eo 74 47 84 58 88 71 72 51 •--=-·.,, ..... su ____ R"'""""""'f R,_IP_DR_T .... ,..,. 85 ee .. .. M ea .. .. .. 65 H Tomouow High Tide t t& a.m ., Low Tkte 3.02 p.m.1 SW.II dlrllC'llOn foultlwMt StabOtWy•• Spol(ane 59 .... Syracuse 70 50 Topeka 83 68 Tuc:son 88 53 ru1 .. 117 ee WU/ling In Wlcfllt• 77 57 aa· 116 Apple Valley 71 44 Balferslleld 72 80 811111-74 85 841eumont 63 52 8lg Be.tr 111 32 81Sllop 50 3e Blythe at 63 Cllallna 70 53 Eure6la 61 50 Fr-.o .. 52 Lancut., 82 55 Long 8each 71 eo Lot Ano-tea &t 6-4 Monrovta 77 69 Monteb911o 84 61 Monterey 64 M Ml W"llOl'I 49 41 NM<llel ae 73 ~BNGh 70 et Oeklend 78 57 Ontetlo 70 57 Palm Sprlnot 82 5e PaNdena 72 58 PNO Ao~ 71 48 R"'9r91de • 57 R«l 81ufl 72 S4 Aedwood City 71 67 SKramtnlo 71 47 Stlk\at 70 50 5911 B«n11rdtno 72 N SMI Gebrlel 74 5t SM Otego 1' 82 811'1 Frll'ICllc;o 70 64 BanJoM 71 52 811'111 Ana 12 M 81111a Berber• 71 52 St11'-Cnn eo 60 811111 Mlllla ee M Tides TODAY ~1ow n1p111 u Second high t H p 111 51 ..... '1r•t low 2.atam Ot ~low I ti •m • I 303 Piii 1. I 8ec:ond zr.i • 04 p "' u Sun M ·, t001'1 11 6;3t p.m .. ti ... Ofld9'f 11 t : 7 1,111 MOOtl , .... IOOIY 11 1:4t p 111 , ...., rr!My " 4 11 • Ill. LUXEMBOURG (AP) -A Sovie t airliner s k idded off a runway al Luxembourg's airpon. sideswiped a water towe r and exploded into flames, and the government said today that five people w e re kill ed and 72 in1ured. initial reports put the death toll at 53. That was revised to 12 and la ter a police spokesman said the number was no higher tha n 10. The latest toU was given by Roger Sietze n, presid ent of Luxembourg's national airline. Luxair. S 1e tzen , sp e aking for the Luxembourg government, said all fave dead in Wednesd a y 's crash at Finde l Airpo rt we re Luxembourg nationals. He said the injuries to the o th e r 7 2 p eo p l e "vary considcrabl y." ctncord Mariner SG. Designed to accommodate the most active lifestyle. Handsome. thin. with a sweep-second hand and a date calendar. It's a sculptural blending of stainless steel and warm. rich 14 karat gold. WlteM-mistant to 99 feet Accurate to within 60 seconds a year. Never needs winding. Completely hand<raft.ed In Swttzel"land. His. $890. ·... it Hers. $840. Also available In all steel. His. $590. Hers. $550. SLAVICK'§ Ant .lliMl9r'S Sll'Q Un? Where the btsr surprises begin . ,MNon ltllncl (714) &M·1JIO. Newport lactl Abo Gfuttf lAll ...... • S9rl DleOO • LM ~ I I L Or•ng• Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, September 30, 1982 Irvine's canyon plan • raises some Not surprisi n~ly, tht' lrvtnt' C'ompnny's nt•w plun fur a massivt• d1•vl'lopnwnt in Laguna C;:inyon tWll'(-' .1i. IJrg'' tlnd <'ontainmg twic.•t• lht• numbt•r of homt's p ropost·cl 1r1 un l'arlter phm • ' has ra1sC'd tht• l''VC.'brows uf t·1 ty 'officials in Laguna· B<-m·h . Thl' so-called Laguna/Laur"<>! Canyon plan ('OU Id c:onlain as many as :l.600 dwt•llmg unit." 011 2, 150 ant's along Laguna Canyon R oad bC'tWC'l'll th<• San D1t'go Freeway and El Toro Road. Th£'y would rangl' from -a ffordablt' units to luxury t'Uslom homes and lht• projet't would include a golf t·ourse uml two c:ommerdal t'l'ntl'rs. I r v int' Com pan y of l 1c.·1 a Is I tont£'nd that while tht• number of ·units propos(•d 1s grt•att·r. th<.• 'overall projet't would in l'ludt· muC'h more public opt•n spat'(' than t h e f 1 r s t p I a n . w h 1 t' h w a s eyebrows ci1sc:ardNI us pc·onomit'al ly ln- lt:as1blt'. lt will. of c:ourst'. rc-qui1·1· an ,·1wirnnnwntal 1mprn·t rc•port and L ~1guna 6c•ac·h City Cuu11t·1I nwmtx•rs lost no t1mt• in supply111g 1.:ounty offtc..·1ah; with an outlln~ of l·oncerns tht•y f<•f.•I must bt• addrt."S.4'(-ci in thc> rt>porl Thcst• indudc lrt.1ff1c, flood c·nntrol. grading 1rnpt1Ns und ~n <malys1~ of n<.'t..-dt'CI puhh<' st•rv1c('s Th t • 1·11 v a b. o w nu Id I 1 k t• t h l' c·ountv to look mto altl·nwt1vt•s lhul would p<.'l'nlll Jt•Sl> 11\ll'llSIVt• n·sident1al <and t·omnH•rt:1al ucvl'lopnwn l All this 1s vt•r y mueh in thl• IUalur<'. The c:ompany says 1t would la k e C r om I 0 lo l 5 y t• a r :-. l 11 ('omplt>tl' the• pl\mned C.'lm1munity. And it l'OU lcln't gt•t undt•r way until it wins <.•ounty approval uml the <·to1101r\1C c:limutt.• picks up Whic'h giws concern<.'d neighbors plt'nty of time lo air tht•ir views. Wind£ all for scliools For a finanl·tally bek•ugut•rt•d •school d1slrtt't, thl' pruspt'l'l ol picking up somc.· $:~ million by th<· •sale of surplus land 1s tndt•ed u ,tempting prosp<'<.'t. That 1s the n·l·ommt>ndauun of a c1uzens' task force set up to study disposal of 11.4 acres of land on Alta Laguna Boulevard ac.·quired by tht• Laguna Beat·h Unified School D1stril·l m 197 l as the site for a future c:ampus. But times havt• c h anged . Dwindling c>nrollmcmt already has rrecessitatc·d the c:losure of one e l ementar y school u ntl the· likelihood that another <·ampus ever will Ix· n<•eded is rc.•mott'. So th£' 10-mcmber task force has re(:ommcndt-d that th<' d1stn<·t mak£' the most of the valuable' hilltop land by dividing 1l into :i I Jots for smgll'-famtly homt'S Tht• lots shou ld S<'ll for at least $100,000 api<.'<'<.'. That is six more lots than havl' prC'viously bt't'n approv<.-d for the ac:rt>age. but tht• task for<.·<.• a lso r<'t'Ommends that the S('hool district donate four of the a<•rt•s lo thC' cit y fur a soccer f1<•ld Ill exchange· for thl' ir1<.·n •as,·d density. Thl' task force was not unanimous 1n its rec - ommendation. Thre<' memb •rs favored subdivision into fewer lots. citing traffit' drt·ulation problems and thc need for more open s pace. All thcsc views will lX' considered by district trustees and C'xamined in a study sc~<;ion with m£'mbers of the task force. N o d o u b t a n e q u 1 t a b I {• rnmprumise wtll be possible· and th<• distnl'l will l'Ome out :.ih<>ad m thE> long run Owners mus t behave Laguna B<•ac:h JUSl got t-hrough having 1ts annuJl t'elebrat1on of the• end or summer. when the tourists give thl' place back to the townfolk. Now the C ity Council has also given a pla<'<' J;>ack to the dogs. • · In a 3 to 2 vote. the c:i ty t;awmakcrs deemed that dogs shall have a run of the beaches again -during the winter season . Well. ·pt>rha ps not exact ly a full run. The leash Jaw will still be required ori the sands. :.. Opponents of allowing dogs bn the sands a lso appearC'd befort' ~he City Council and expressed • fears that canine droppings will foul the sands 1( animals art• allowed on the beaches during off-season. This is. of t·oursc a possibility, should owners not care for their pets 1n a rcspons1blt• fashion. We think it's ra ther nice that Laguna ('anincs will be able to enjoy salt sea spr ay and clean breezes this winter, just like the· human citizenry. That enjoyment probably c·1:1n continu<' in the wint('l'!'l to t'OmP 1r the owners car<' for their pt•ts in a respons ible and thoughtful manner Opinions expressed in the space abOve are tho~ of the Dally Pilot. Otner views o - p·ressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s lnvlt-~. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa M esa. CA 92626. Phone C71'l 6'2·4321. L.M. Boyd/ Widow's marriage IC a widow's marriage was a happy one. she would do well to remarry as soon as reasonably appropriate. So say the matrimonial experts. The more time that passes, the more she tends to idealize her first husband. Eventually, she reshapes her memory of him so much that no other man could possibly live up to her expectations. H ow do yo u account for the statistical fact that Boston, M~. has about twice as many heavy drinkers iuld haJf as many teetotalers as any ~ther city of Its size nationwide? In the plusher homes of the ancknt Greeks were rooms for sJeeping and other rooms for romance. Those condemned to the executioner's blade ln 17th century England paid said sxman a speclflt-d sum to do the job as painlessly .BS possible. It was a custom perpetuated, certainly, by the executioner himself. Pay up. or die in agony It's a fairly tight little example of pitiless politics, \sn't it? The predator wUI get his take even on the block. .. I Ii! ·~-... OR ANGE COAST Daily Pilot 1'..elliMf .... ,, '*J 9' IN '"' et JlO Wnl •If ~I , c .... 11 Mirw A#n• ,.,,.,....,...,., t.o .. , 0 .. '-''' -CA t'nHo Q. Is sexual assault common In thl' public schools? A. Evidently. About 9,000 students and teachers a year say they've been so victimized. But the statistics don't tell the story, because it's one of lhosc crimes that often goes unreported. An eskimo with the help of his w1fo can build an igloo In about an hour. So reports a North Country traveler. That must be the old cskimo. The young eskimo doesn't t-ulld an Igloo. In !act, the old esktm,, didn't build many, if any. I've he.Brei 1t. said that only a few eskimos have ever seen sU('h a domicile. Scholars repeatedly h"ve tried LO catalog all the possible USC\'t of nylon, but they've never finis hed such a list. Fitst dance that allowed a man to put his arms around a woman In public was the waltz. Claim Is th1'l 40 percent of the Amerlc:&n Indians have drinking problt'm.<i. and nine out of 10 arrl'!t.a oC Jndlan11 Involve liquor. ' Thoma• P. Hole~ l'ubh,ller Jone Amati f>tc11tjv• l<ttcw Barbero Krelbkh Id tortol Posi• fdo•ar Themae ~"" ~(d.toi • ALL QUIET ~ "JUE MID·fAST ~ Letters to the editor Airport foes •share blame To the F.clitor: In reply to the Sept. 23 Airport Site letter of Paul Ryckoff: This is my first ever letter, but I am fed up with Newport Beach and thl'ir ideas about the airport (Orange County or John Wayne) and the freeway When we moved from Florida to Costa Mesa almost 22 years ago the airport was all by its lonesome self out there with plenty of land for expansion. People who built and pur<.·hascd homes under the flight pattern were well aware c1f the flight pattern and that this was a growing area. It seems to me that thc.>se people h ave n o one to blame but themselves. WHERE WOULD our local industry be 1f we didn't have the airport? So where wo uld the wealth of Newport Beach t'Ome from, as most of the officers, administrators etc. of the industrial growth in our arl'a usually live in Newport? But all you ever hear Crom Newport is get the airport out of here. r say 11,'t the airport stay and expand. After aU at was here first in a Car vul unoccupied area and they do have svme rights, even though Newport Beach doesn't seem to feel that way Also. Costa Mesa is cut up with three freeways, one of which should never have had the name Newport Freeway as again Newport residents feel they are above such thmgs. I don't feel I'm a peon because I don't hve an Newport Beach and I don't think the airport should be hassled by Newport Beach residents who were dumb enough to buy under an organized CUght pattern. jet or otherwise, and then complain their heads off about the airport. The same applies to them in regard to not helping with the traffic snarl in Newport due to the abrupt ending o f the freeway running <'Omplctcly through Costa Mesa. I say. Newport Beach either shut up or get out. B.J.C. FISCHER PL() histo1·y To the Edit.or: Ignored or forgotten by the national media, several Lebanese citizen s , interviewed on TV channel 40 described the horror of the 13-year occupation of Lebanon by Arafat and the PLO ln so doing they provided a much needed insight mto the re<.-ent ·•mas.-.acres" an Lebanon. Thus: l ln 1969, the Cairo Agreement compelled Lebanon to be a "host" nation for the PLO. 2. The PLO, armed with Soviet weapons, set up an independent military slate in Lebanon with a PLO government. judiciaJ system and army. Lebanon the "host " became th<' "hostage" of its PLO "guests." 3. Starting with the PLO slaughter of 12,000 Christians in Damur and the destruction of that village (blamed years later on the Israeli "invaders") thl' PLO state within a state embark<'d on nationwide "massacres" that resulted in the death of 100.000 Lebanese and t'normous destruction of property 4. The PLO located its "soldiers" and its lethal military hardware wllh1n civilian areas. THE FOREGOING gives the Jae to those widely publicized distortions of th<' tragic events in Lebanon that putzlf-d and dist~ many of us. Thus: A. The PLO on the borders of lsrael were not just a few "strugglers" fighting for freedom but the opening wedge for Arafat and tht• PLO military state. B. The l11raell attack on Bein.it. was not a senseless "'Jlassacre" of civilians but an attack on the PLO hiding behind civilians (th~ Israelis dropped leuCI ts urging th clvlll3N to letv(' even though It revcntC'd to the PLO when and where the Israelis would attack) . C. Wh en Bashir Ciemayel and thl• government of 1..t-blinOn w •re "mas1t1c:rcd" by bombs th(' 1.. bun Sf' r ullulon wu not a senseleu "ma"8tCre" ot civilians but an attack on PLO terrorl1ta who hid among the lon1-1uffering Palestinians. ll was a tra1ic mt .. ur(' of the dtpth of thr wban~ Nitrfld of the PLO. Tlwrc were no PLO l'OK'I tor 0 lnayol only Art1fat's outrage a\ the ronduct of MAILBOX Israel and the failure of the United States Lo guarantee the safety of the Pall'Stmians he left behind including, h<> must b e lieve, the murderers and terrorists who "massacred" Gemayel. Thl' massacre of the Palestinians ought to warn Arafat that terror begets terror. massacre begt•ts massacre. that no more can he kill and maim in Lebanon or anywhc:re without swift and appalling retaliation on the guilty and innocent ahke. ALBERT E. NASSER Rig hts b1·each ed To the Edi tor: Disgust! Disappointment! Bitterness!, eu:. A small article in the Sept. 14 Daily Pilot. entitled "Hotel Taxes Eyed," by Steve Marble. ignited all of the ire that can be developed Crom the realization that you havt' been lied to, da-eived and ch<'ated. · J am 52 years of age. a veteran. married for 33 years. and have three sons. I have been schooled to believe that this democrat1l· form of government as a government of the people, by the people and ror the people, and that our elected off1c1als represent us, the people. [n on e sentence of the article. "Newport Beach City Council members are preparing to do what voters in the city twice refused to do -increase the hotel and motel bed tax." all of this schooling became a he! These oHiciaJs do not represent the people I will not accept this. This breach of our rights as at the lowest level of government. We the people, can and must stop this. We must stop any official that does not abide by the will of the people. We must show all officials that we care and lhat their jobs depend on our sntisfat·tion. DONALD L. RAFFERTY c/1 00/ funding To the Editor: Congratulations to the parents in the Newport-Mesa sch ool district for reahzmg the Importance of saving the remedial reading programs (editorial 9123). How fortunate for the children attending these six schools -how fortunate thell' parents were able to raise and donate the necessary funds. Shouldn't we think beyond this stor y lo the obvious conclusion? Districts not so fortunate will be unable to offer equal education to their children. This 1s a dangerous step away from equal o pportunity m the worst of all possible . places -our pubhc schools. Better public funding should be restored to our California public school system PA TTY ANDERSON Me d -fly rep eat r To the Editor. Recentl y, Gov. Brown's offal'<' insinua ted that Dave Baker, the president ol the lrvme Medical Center, might have engaged In improper conduct s temming from Mr. Baker's letter to Oov. Brown to the effect that Brown's veto of AB 2696 could jeopardlie h1s pohllt•ul support from the residents of Irvine. Apparently Gov Brown recogrm.es the nei.'d for Irvine votes but not the nl'l'ds of Irvan<" voters. I recall th3t not too long ago a number of communities in our state were threatcn<'CI, and eventually h3rtnl'<f, by the med-fl y ln(l'Statlon. These communities knew how to solve their problem but Gov. Brown thought otherwlS<'. Gov. Brown's method foiled; ihe c:ommunltles' method work~d. Perhaps more signJfkant In thh1 clt'Ctlon • l.rtlers frnm rt•odrr$ nr" u>elc<m1f Tht right lfl c1111d1•r1u lttttr1 to flt spoct' or ,./rn11nolt' hhel 1& rt~frt't'd l.Ntns o/ 3()() r.t•ord~ or ((•u 14'1// bf Qac.1en prt1ftrn1ct All lt'tttrs mu.•t includt stgnaturt and moiling oddrus bl.It nomt1 mo11 ~ u11thh11d cm rt· qu1•1t 1/ 1uf/1c1tnl rtoaon 11 opporrnt P<.lflrJI 14111/ IM'>t b• publt1hed Letttra may~ tt!lt!ohont'CI to 442 6086 ."Jomt and phone numbtr t1/ thf contnbulc>r mutt lw gt1'f'n for lll'rt/ICOllurt purpo11tS ' ycur, Gov. Brown, in a poht1cal pirouette that must b<> admirc'Ci by friend and foe alike. has convinced most Californians that hl' a lways su pported the communities' solution to their problem. Morl' than 15,000 residents of Irvine indicated their support for the Irvine Medical Center as the solution to Irvine's hoop1tal needs. By vetoing AB 2696 Gov Brown has chosen to again ignore the sentime nt of those most affected. Dave Baker's letter to Gov. Brown simply put ham on nollt'e that he will be a<.'COunt.ablc to these residents of Irvine for his doc1s1on. And. In truth. he will be Another truth 1s that Dave Baker 1s a person o f the highest integrity, whose manifold contributions to our community are beyond dispute. Rather than address the issue, Gov. Brown attacked the man. Paradoxically. at is Gov. Brown's charge of improper conduct that constitutes the improper conduct. If the Irvin e: Medical Center is sut'Cessful in 1ts bid for a community- based hospital in Irvine, 1s there any doubt that Gov. Brown wtll try to convincl' us of his continued support for this und1•rl<ik1ng" Bcw<trl• of the med- r1~ HARRY S . STAHL Negalil't' PR To th<· Editor. The merchants of Laguna Beach often complain about people not bu y ing lcx.·ally. Herewith a classic examplt• of negative pubhl· relations· I urgently needed a new belt for my electric typewnter and asked my wife to tak(.' the old one and pick up a new at a local office equipment shop Mv wife was informed 1t was their pohc0y not to sell parts but if we cared to brmg the typewriter to them they would be pl~ased to fit the replacement. I am scandalized at this policy. Why even the most disreputable of gas stations docs not ask for the car to be brought tn f or a generator b elt replacement. Incide ntally. this merchant 1s trading illegally under the Restraint of Trade Ac·t by offering a conditional sale to a customer. Now changing a belt has about the same diffkulty on a typewriter as on a carpet vacuum cleaner. simple removaJ of the cover Is the requiren)enl However. I was anxious to get the typewriter operational and went to the shop myself and asked the charge for bell fitting. ThtS was given at $28 -to which l agreed, saying I would do the Ctttmg myself, but, mark this. I was politely told I would also have to pay the $4 charge for the belt cost! Fortunately, it transpired that the belts were 01.tt of stock Needless to say it will be a long time before I do further business with this establishment and really feel like turning the mat.lA?r' to District Attorney for investigation. ALAN R. FITZSIMONS l/(.-11tal nu" To the Editor. It 1s a sham<' that no action is taken to clenn up thl' disgusting mess In front of the rentals on 20th S treet and Santa Ana Avenue on Costa M«'Sa's east side. As a nearby resident. l have occasion to pass by several times a week. It is an affront to the responsible property owners in the area. I believe these rentals al'(' owned by a fonncr member of the Costa Mesa City Coun<.'il. I should think that he· would hav<' more civic pride than to permit such an outrage to blotch Cost.o Mesa I am surl' that oil of the.-property owners m this orctJ ore· cun<°"rn :!d obout their proJ)('rty volues. NAME WITHHELD lllllY• Tlw W{>rd "justlc<'" 1s found in th~ dlctlonAry but the.> JUdaC! hav~ a hard t me pronounCU\i It In ih cour\.5. D.A 0 . o+MM, 0.. C-fll• tH ............. ~ ....... -H t erllT _, t• Vttwt et ................ tm .,_ ... _...le~'°"" IHlt• 1'1"' I •----~ llllCI 1:1111 111111 llRlll TtiURSOAY. SE.P TEM OEH JO, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. C ALI FORNIA 25 CENTS Hero or villain? County man qualifies both By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dellr Piiot lleH Sum Gibbs 1s ll•uuing u double ltfl• llt•'s a v1llu111 tn Orange Counly 1uiu a hl•ro tn Lo::; Angdl•s Whitt! autho n lwi. tn Orangt' County wanl Gibbs Jilill.J in lhl• automobilt' dt-alh of a Newport Bcad1 man. poht'l' in Los Angt'lcs want to honor h im for saving a WOlll<lll'S lift• G1 blR. ts a 21-yt•ur-old rcstdenl ol OrunHt' w ho NJys tw '11 Just un 11vc·ru~t· ~uy who mud1• n ml11t.ukc 111 Cllll' rnunty ond d id sonwthing right Ill Lill' other A!. 1t sltinds. Gibbs 1s sc:hl'\Jull'Cl lo go to JUil fo r 2 10 days 111 l'Onnt•t•llon Wtlh lh(' death Of Donald B Wnrnt•r last yl'ar in a h ll-u ncl -run at•t•tdl•tH on t h l• Balboa Pl·ninsula. Gibhs udm1ts ht• was driving th1• c·ur that strut•k a nd killl·d Warnl'I' but sa ys ht• d ol'sn't lwl1111g In jutl Ill' 1s trying tu uppc.•ul th1• judgmt•nl Polk l• In tht• V1•ntl't' un.•a of Los Angt•lt•s. nwunwhllt•, arc t•r<•datlng Gibbs with saving a dlsublt•d woman Aug 27 from Llw dutc.•hl'S of u kntft·-wlt'lding man Poh<·t• :.uy Gibbs and two oth<'r 11wn not only savl'Cl tht• womon. who h ud be n be l.'n 11 tubbt!d rt'J>t't\lt'<.lly in thl' foce und m -ck, but upprt•hendcd the suspt.>t'l Th (• w o man Jcun I ll•<'kcnbuch hu11 wrilll'n to Gibbs. Shl• said shl''d bt• dead Ir It Wl'rf' nul Cor hts tJUkk ut:llons. "It's sort or ironlt•," suggests Jim G ibbs. the 21 -year-o ld's fath er . "The first time (tht' accident) he pan1<.-s and runs and then the second ltmc he reacts 1and sav~ someone's life.'' Al'<.:Ordlng to polkc, Gibbs and the two men were in the Venice <irea unloading Curnllure for moving and 11torug1• compony lht'Y wurk tor. Police say Gibbs and hl11 l'<>- workers hl'ard scr<'ams, sow a mun stabbing a woman who was on her back on a sidewalk and came to hC'r r<'Seue Gibb!., poltl't' said, t•ha.'led the suspc-ct who reportedly tripped and foll In the slrt'C'l. Pollt-e say Gibbs and his collcagut'S lied the alleged attacke r with straps from thC' moving van and stood over him until pollcl' showt'tl u p Polk'<.' llllY they'd llkt• lo ht>nor Gibbs and his co-wor k t>r:c for their act or heroism But G1bb1 touJd be in ,Jatl by the ttnw the awards cerc.>mony rolli. or'nund next year Gibbs has been l'OnVl('lC'd In Orange County on h1t-und-run driving and felony mansluughwr. According to police in Newport Beach, Gibbs struck Warnt•r, a ISee ltERO, Page A!) Irvine 'play/and' concept changed By GLENN SCOTT Of the D•llr Pllof "•" De velo pe rs of a proposed Irvinl' r ec rea tio n pa rk o n M1t•ht•IS<>n Drive' havt· submitted new plans to build a four-acr e playla n d lhl•y say would be subs ta ntia ll y dlffl•rcnl from ·a carnival-like proJC'l't p ro posc>d four yt•ars ago. T h l' n t' w d l' v c• I u p m c n t proposal. said Joyce IX•an, projec.'l ma nage r. is desig m•d to meet tas Lt.•f ul , fa mil y -o r iente d stand<irds. lnstcad of such attracuons as bumpc.•r cars and other "metal ndl's." sht• said tht· ne w plans calJ for a lushly landscaped park tha t indudt•s a low-profile water slide and Ba lboa P avdto n-s haped C'cntra l building for video games. snack areas. recital rooms and m('ctmg an ·as. Bo th n ew and o ld pl a n s induded miniature golf courses. Thl' l<1tl'sl proposal. however , features a facility that contrasts markedly with th<' former "fun wnt•" approach Now proposed is a children's exper ience center. w hen • young participants could get exposure to arts. sports and Group taking 'STAND' By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Deity Piiot Si.ff P hil Cutler of Costa Mesa was one of only thre e people who ans wered an a d placed by a· Newport Beach couple seeking response Crom t:oncerned about the threat of nuclear war. Carol Ann Bradford, 45. who with her h usband Dale started the g roup. laughs whe n sh e thinks a bout the first meeting in Junt' "We asked people to come to this discussion group which didn't even exist a t thP time." It does now. "STop a Nuclear Devastation, known by the acronym STAND. has a bou t 80 members and 1s one o f sever a l groups started to bolster support for the nuclear freeze initiative on the California ballot Nov. 2. California ns for a Bilateral Nuclear Weapons Freeze is the largest gro up, with a reported 2.- 000 members in Orange County a lo n e T h e n ucle ar frl'eze 1n111a ttvl• calls for the United States and the Soviet Union Lo halt the nuclear arms race. C utle r . 57 . who t e aches e lec tron ics at Orange Coast College. said tha \, the idea of nuclear war has ha unted him since he served in the Army in World War 11. -INDEX- Erma Bombeck Bushaess Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices F.dltorial En tertairunen t Horoscope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices A7 C5-7 A7 04-8 D2 D2 D3 A6 B7-8 A7 A7 B7-8 C6 A3 C~-6.Dl ,D3-4 Sports Cl-4 Or. St.cincrohn A 7 Stock Markc.'.ll C7 Televlaion 86 Theaters 87-8 Weather A2 • ' I -- computt.•rs. Dean l'Xplaim'CJ. T hl• four-acn• dt>vt•lopml•nt 1s plunned to fit behind un t.•xisting bowling alley and rolll'r skaling rink T ht• prOJl'l'l w ould be bordl'rl'd by thl' nl•w Harvard A vl•n ut· a nd tht• S an Dtt•go FrN•way ADM. a corporation . s p t.'l'1a l11.1ng in rt'cn•a t1 o na l fat•1hlll'S. has purchaSt'Cl 17 acres o f la nd o n b oth s ides o f M 1 c h l' Iso n Cro m th l' Ir v i n e Company. IX•an s<11d. Thl' proposed dcvl•lopmcnt 1s contmgt•nt on approvals Crom city panl'l" City planners currently a rc· workmg on t•nv1ronmental rl•p<u'L'> Dean said prcx.'<.-ssing will run a t lt·ast into <>arly 1983; l'Onstrul·tion of the miniature golf cours t' Lh e first lis ted for <:ompll't1on -would wke almost unothc.•r yt•ar BN·<•use o f t he communi ly oulcry that eventually squashed some of the original plans, ADM and l'1ty 0Chc1als arc scheduling pubtit-mct'lings to review Lhe plans with local ho meowner a ssoc1a t1 ons in Rancho San Joaquin Dates of thOIStc' mecungs have not bffon set. but planners said Artists' rendering shows how Irvine's controversiaJ recreation park will look when finished. they probably will take place in about three weeks Dean. meanwhile. describes Lhe project as the product of long hours of research inte nded to meet Irvine's peculiar ne<.>ds. "Thts is a very tasteful project and is sensitive to all of the aestht•ttc c once rns o f the rommunlly," s he observt>d . Noise was a c once rn o f residents four years ago. Dea n said the• ne w activities a rl' meant to gene rate enjoyme nt free of yelling a nd screaming S he (See PLAYLAND, Page A2) Irvine nJayor cites Bee Canyon lawsuit Residt•nts mobilizing to block placement or unpopular public facilillcs near Irvine should plan their first line of defense at a proposed Landfill at Bee Canyon. May or La rry Agran s aid Wednesday. Carol Ann Bradford a nd Phil Culle r a r e among those lined up again t the threat of nuclear war. Agran was on e of sev e ral speakers to address a crowd of about 150 people, many of them No rthwood r esidents. who gatherl-d at Irvine High School for r e ports on the pro posed landfill. and a jail. commercial airport a nd freeway near the city. Although he had returned to l h l• United S ta tes whe n the atomic bomb was dropped on H1rosh 1ma . he said he learned how fragile human hfc 1s. "I'm not a religious person," said C utler. "But I pray every day that my children wt II live out the ir lives. 1 don 't ask for any thing special. just a chance for them Lo live." Bradford. a former marketing exec:utive for a local hotel, said sh<• m·ver pined a political group before starting STAND. "l was JUsl talking about the threat of nuclear war for the hundredth lime," explained the Newport Beach resident. And we d ecide d . "W e ha ve to do something " A d d e d Cutl e r . "It's un co n s c i o nable n o t t o do anything, Lo sit he re and IN this happen." Pro pon ents o f the nuclear frl'C'W say that the United States with 30,000 nuclear weapons and the Soviets with 20.000 -have m ore than enough to destroy each other. They conte nd that the risk or a n accide ntal nuc le ar w a r thro ugh a computer error is h e ighte ne d b y the milit a r y buildup. Those against the intlJallve say a freeze would d1mtn1s h the bargaining position or the United States and give the Soviets an advantage in the nuclear arms race. Co nvincing Or:ange County residents to support a freeze has not been an easy job. Bradford said. So Car. Laguna Beac h and Garden Grove have been the only city councils in the c.'Ounty to support the 1rutiative. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa councils have postponed a decision until after the November election. "I think the y'r e t o tall y chicken," said Cutler . "The y won't make a commitment.'' Those who have JOined the Costa Mesa nuclear group said they did so because or their children, said Bradford. The group plans to begi n distributing info rmation prepared by Californians for a Bilate ral Nucle ar W eapons Freeze to 33,000 households In Cost.a Mesa next month. "What does it take to make a pe rson feel that his life is threatene d ?" ask ed Cutler. Co nc e rn s ab o ut a recommendation that the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station be co nve rt e d t o a r e gi o nal commercia l a irfie ld weighed heaviest on the minds of ma ny in the audience. But Agran and Councilman David Sills c laime d s uc h a conversion could not take place under t oda y's l aw s . A lighthearted Sills mused that the group propos ing the Idea , the Southern California Association of Governments. has no mo re power than the "Tustm Retired Coupl<'S Bridge Club.'' But the Bee Canyon landlilJ is another matter, they agreed. Afte r planner Ed Moo r e explained m:my or the details of the Orange County government's landftll proposal -including the projection that 3.362 trash trucks Israel 'errors' told by foriner leader An investigation of the Beirut refugee t·amp massacre will reveal Israel made errors in judgment but will not cost Prime Minister Menachem .Begin his politJcal life>, a former Israeli military chief predicts. Shlomo Gazit, chief of Israeli military Inte lligence until 1979, said he would be very surprised I{ the Investigation showed tha t Israel had any direct hand In the rl'CC'nt massacre. Gazit, now prt'8idcnt of a unlversily in Israel and in Newport Beach Wednesday to talk with supporters of the campui1 in the Negev, ventured that lhe lnvestlgatlon wlll fault Israel for permitting C hristian Falanglst militiamen to enter the camps. Al feast ~90 men, women and children were kHled In the camps. Gazit, who has been out of the rountry for l 0 days. said his own 17-year-old daughter joined a mass demonstration in Tel Aviv last weekend demanding an investigation as well as Begin's resignation. Begin Initially refused to call for an investigation. saying such a move would be the same Wl admitting guilt. Gazlt said he Is troubled by the reaction to the mas acre In the United Statea, particularly In the Jewish community. He said Americans have never received a clear picture of what the .Lebanon crisis is all about a nd, Instead, 1et a "jlgaaw picture" in news reports. off the real Issue In the Middle F.ast which he insisted "Is whether Israel will conllnue to exist.'' He charged that President Reagan has a partJcularly uninformed understanding of what's going on In l.arael. He conceded that part of his mission In the United St.ates will be to aoothe Israeli supporters who are upeet .because of the massacre. As a former military leader, Gazlt s uggested t h ere are several ways of viewing the camp klllinp. "If we had not entered Wat Beirut and hl'<i stood on the lldelines, t.M Chriluan militia 1tlll would have .ntered the campe and t he reaulta ml1ht have been much ·wone. per d <ty would rumble to the foothill site less than three miles east of Northwood -Agran said only the city's lawsuit stands in th e w ay o r d evelopi ng the landfill. "h 's al a much more advan<.'ed stage than a ny of thes<' other proposals," he said . The ci ty c.'Ouncil authorized the lawsull, filed Sept. 20 in Orange CounLy Superior Court. Sil ls said a c1v1l he aring on the matter probably won't reach court until late ne xt year. The suit asks more environmental studies be prepared. Agran said residents opposed to the landhll should contact their county supervisor. Thomas Riley and the o ther four supervisors. He noted that residents o f Turtle Rock. who live near the county's existing Coyote Canyon landfill, have made ·•a substantial sacrifice on the ir own" by enduring city requests to extend the life of that dump. Most of Lhe advice dished out Wednesday centered on the same ac ti o n : C ontac ting polillcal dec1s1on makers. who. in this case. arc not Irvine City Council members. Transportation pl3Jlne r Dennis Wilberg expl;1lned that residents still can participate in upcoming hearings on route alil(Oments for (See LANDFILL, Paae A%) Gazil said the outrage In Israel ov£'r the kllllng1 has been running at a high pl~h ond that It was thlt domeatlc'pn)S&urc that forct.'<i Begin to call for thr lnvestli<allon. "There seems to be much confualon he-re," he 1uagested. "The Jewlah community here likes to ha~ \hlnp llmple and c lear and they have trouble understanding when thins• In hrul become compUr~tl'<i. It baffl• them." He said the mUMcrc hu tAlken the focus "What would be the reaction to that?" he asked. "We atlll would have bec!n blamed. (he ISRAELI, P11e Al) Shlomo G•••• I • ... ' ( Orang• Coaat DAIL V PILOf /Thurlday, September 30, 1082 'Cd' \'-'" Continued stoTiJ. County social programs saved PLAYLAND. • t·haral'll•rlu'<i tht.• walt•r ~llc.lt· u.'> mon• of u long innt'r-tubt.• run lhun us lht• k111d of 11p1rul i.lldl'S popular in oth(.•r url'U1'. Dean said lht.• l't.'l'rcotionul purk 1s gt•tirl'<i for fornlllt.'s The pnrk 1s d.:signed with 1mough d1vt•rs1ly, sht' addt.'<i. so that part•nt.li might dtop their kids off o.1t tht.• l1.•t1rnmg 1.·en t er u nd head off to l ht' bowling all1.•y Dean said ADM t.'mployt•l'~ • truvl'lt-d exumsiwly looktnii ut l'l'l'rtrnllonul t~cllit1l'1 be(ort!' d1•viising the plan. "ll fit11 Irvine becnu1H• the l'Ollllllunily Ls • lttudcr." ah1• sold. "This is a uniqUt' one~of·t.1·klnd." ADM, based In Anuhcim, oll'IO OJJt•f'fi lcs such facilities In Onanj(t' County as Racquetball World In Fountain Vulley and Sanw Ana, Hl·gul Lan1..>S in Orange and Mile Square Park Golf Coun;c LANDFILL ISSUE. • • the Foothill Transportation Corridor frl't.'way proposed east of Irvmc. l he govern men ta I approval pnx 'l'SS. 8y STEVE TRIPOLI O("fM Dellr Pl .. 1 It.ff Ht•111•fh'1:u H'K of M'Vl•r..t t.lown Orun6'l' Cuunty .iovl•rnnwnt- huc k1•d ~od.d pro.irMm1 un• lu c·11thlnte t•ui.ll•r today, th1•1r I" "H' umi. 11 purl•d tht• budtil•t ~ 1·uttlr\f( ux for unother yc•or by County Boord of ~upcrvlsoni. Tut'Mluy 11u1.1t•rvl1K1n1 pot1tpt1m•d prt•vl()Uljly m1rnd1itt;J 1.·uL>e In 22 of 211 progrom11 whose rl'JH'1•1wn tu 11 ves nppouled th" rt•d lH.'li ons. A n ot h c r Ill' v(• n pr11t(rum11 Wt:re (undNl for HHJi·83 at lcv<'ls h1glwr than those.• lilUIU(l'Sll'd to supervisors by a d tlwn's odvisory c'Omm1lt.ce. In all, supervisors opproprial£-d rnow thun $ l.35 m111lon for the 48 programs rcl·elvlng frderal rl'Vt•nuc sharing money through the ('ounty. The figure was about $37 ,000 more than the total rel.'ommended by \he advisory l'ommlllt•t• •nd about •440.000 mon· than would hMVt bc.•t>n 11x·nt It thv uutom tic cutb:.wlu hud bc'f'1\ atrlctJy entorcro. Total rt•vf'nut• shoring commllmc.•nb lo 11odul progrunu m•vt•r\ht•h ·1111 will droµ 6aboul $4!JO,OOO lx·low lhlH y1•11r'11 lt•v1•I, 6X utrh:lahc ot wmt• 1>ru.irurM did not dli.pull• llw autornatlc 1.'ulJI. Tht> n1•w fundlng y'6ur 11turts P'rlduy. to c·orrc11pond with the 11tart of tht• fc.•dvrul government's (i!S(:ol yt·ur. Sup1;rvh1or11 Initially r1•j('(·t.(.J tA motion to postponu m08t of the automa\1(• cuts as rt'l"Ommendcd by the Social Programs Advisory ComrnillC't.', preforring lnsteud to hear· 1nd1v1dua l npp{'als Crom program repres{'ntalives. 1'he hearing, an what as bt.'<'Ommg an annual event, was a nearly thrt.>e-hour proce11s in which repr~ntal1vl'8 of many o( thl' aacnctH at.ood Ln lln to have their apptal hnrd at the podJum Tht• only IUpt:rvtlor to or~ u 1ub1t1unlal numbl'r o the fundlnat rt'ltonu.lont wu Harri ll Wlt'<ler. Sh{' said 1he preferred to uphold a 1979 board policy mandating annual cul.I until the prosruma are phaRd out from 1.1t1unty J,>Orth:lpaUon. That policy was based on th1.• t·oncl·pl o f ualng county · c'Ontrollt.'<1 federal funps only aa "seed money" tor social programs. County money wwa to IJt.· used only to launch the 1>rogram11, which were then 11upposcd to attract outside Cundmg to rcmajn viable. Su t SPAC members and program represent.allves said the l'<mrept no longer works because tht· l>Conomic climate makea It almost impossible to obtain private funds. Thtty uld .,11ow1na the •ulomatk reducllcms thla year, with ''OUnty funding to mc:lll uf the Prottr•rn» •lre.dy at half It.a orlslnol I •vcl after pr<>vloua automatic cuta. would klll many programs. The county funds 1m~ not the toll' IOUrct' of fundlnQ for mo.l of the programa. ProgrlJmt IK'rvlng the Orange Coast which were s~rt'd lht• N\.3 Tucaday Include the Women'• Transitional Living Cent.er, The People'• CUnlc, Teen Help-Youth Service Bureau, Cathollt· Community Agencies. Lagunu Beoch Free Clinic, Committee on Aasaull.I Against Women, Orange County Council on Aging, Legal Aid Society of Orange County ond the West County Counselin~ Center. The Senior Citizens Club oC Laguna Beach a lso received addataonal funds. And Planner Mike Thiele said super visors an• t•x pected lo choose a s1t1.• f o r a new maximum-medium se<.·uraty county jail early next year. The mec-tmg was sponsored by three groups: the Northwood Village Assodation, thl' Irvine C ivic Lt.•agut.• and th(• 1.·ity . Councilwoman Barbara Wil.•ncr was the primary organizer. "The k ey lo t'1l1zcn JXlrtlC1pation. at least in my mind, 1s good solid information," remarked Wiener. HERO ... Newport resident who was walking across the str eet, on Balboa Boulevard and then sped off in his car, leaving Warner facl·-down in the middle or the 'i tn·t•l. Laguna revamps council panels _., Afternoon play She said the meeting was called nol so much to organiw demonstrations as to help t.'<iuca te neighbors m the complexities of Police say they traced down Gibbs afte r fin ding_ his abandoned car in a shopping ~l·ntcr. ISRAELI 'ERRORS'. • • T h e cratat·s would have said 'here's Isra{'I with all 1lS might jlbl standing around'." :Gazil said the dec1s1on to let the militia enter the camps hkelv was made with the knowledge t}'(it "the militia was not going to ~:acting like a bunch of well- behaved policemen." He said he doubts. however. that there was any clue that the slaughter was coming. "As hard as it might be to believe now, the massacre will quickly become ju.st another one of yesterday's headlines. There will be another crisis somewhere else lo Lake its place." Gazit said he is optimistic that neither the killings n or the invt'Stigation will harm relations between the United Slates and Israel. HB's Beaco1n new presiding OC judge A jurist from Hunungto n Beach has been picked as Orange County Superior Court presiding judge for 1983. Chosen by a vote of has fellow jurists was Judge Richard Beacom, who was appointed to the bench by Gov Edmond G Brown Jr. in 1976 and elected an 1978. As presiding judge. Beacom becomes admamstrative chief of Orange County's 50-Judge superior court It is the first time he has been picked as presiding judge. Beacom replaces Superior Court Judge Roben E. Rick.Jes, who served in the position for two years. The judges vote each year on a presiding judge. Beacom's duties will include assigning other judges to civil and criminal court duties, handling administrative matters and assigning and scheduling CIVIi cases. Over the years. the Laguna Beach City Council has created a plethora of panels. There are commissions and comma t tees and Lask forces and boards and councils. And they have duties ranging from bird-dogging the cable television franchise lo reviewing problems at Heisler Park . Councilman Dan Kenney thought a consolidation of some of the groups was in order. At rus suggestion, the council agre~d last week to form six standing committees that would eventually be more broad based in scope and e liminate the practice of forming single purpose panels with limited goals. The bodies that will remain intact, under · Kenney's plan, include thl• city council. planning 2 held on Two men, anc:luding a Laguna Bl·~1ch res ident. have been arrestl•d on suspicion of possessing more than four pounds of t'OCame and one pound of a slLmulant drug. Narcotics officers from the Anaheim Police Department, Los Angeles Police Departme nt, Tucson Police Department and the Arizona Department of Pubhc Safety arrested Howard Coones, 27, at his home, 21095 Raquel Road in Laguna Canyon, at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday. after a search of the residence. Agents said they also seil.ed handguns, rifles. automatic weapons, hand ~\~ Fair through Friday For todey, thundatatorms were lotocast on the Flotida Peninsu11. with tllnsl\owett from South Oakoll and Wyoming eeroas northern end cen1r11 Arlzon1 Co"·"'" I CIOUdy skies -e loreent In the upper Missouri Veney anCI North Dakota Some clouds al times tod•y. olherwlH lelr Highs 70 lo 7S Fair tonight end Frld1y with Te ntpera lures overnighl lows 56 to 62 HIQhs on Friday 7 • 10 77 Elsewhere. from Point Albany 87 5' Conception 10 Iha Max 1c1n AlbuQ<HI 78 •2 boreler and out 60 mites Small AmatlllO 82 se cral1 advisory ln effect oY9f outer Ancl\orage 42 37 waters Clue lo northwal wlnels ol Astlevllle 76 45 18 10 30 knots anCI 6 10 8 1001 Alf ante 79 &O •••• today w 1ne11 C1ecre111n~ AtlantlC City 67 59 1onlohl and Friday to t2 lo 2 Aualln 92 74 knoll Locelty light vaflabte w1ne1a 8al11more 75 M west to aouth-1 12 10 18 knoll 8Hllngl 46 39 Clurtng the 111..-noon1 1ocllry and a.rm1ngham 83 81 F$1dey Wind w-3 lo • 1881 811ma"1< 52 34 KnolMlle 11 51 SPok-59 " [' 10 aouthwft1 IW911t 1 10 3 BOIN S7 39 La.I v-ou 76 61 SyracuM 70 so t Some clouds OY8f toUlhern Boston 56 S6 Little Rock es 58 Tooe«a 63 66 tera loeley, otherwll• fair Brownsvtle 93 71 lOUleYllle 60 S3 Tucton N 53 ough Friday BuftalO 65 57 LUbbocl< 116 62 TulN 87 66 8ur1lno1on 66 52 Mem~l9 116 55 WUlllngtn n 57 ;Cal~f ornia CHper 54 39 Memphis 88 SS WIChltl 86 66 Cherllln SC 82 es Mi1ml 116 78 l Southern C1lllornle will have CllerlStn WV 75 51 MllWeukee 78 50 Apple Valley 71 " vcreHlng Cloudl and wlndl Charllle NC 76 57 Mpt .. S1 P 75 88 Bakeralleld 72 60 Clay. Motly 111r and 1 111111 Cheyenne 60 56 Nunvme 64 53 81r11ow 74 85 arme< Ftlday ChlCIOO 63 63 New Orle1n1 86 68 8eeumon1 63 52 f "·:· c •••• , "" ...... Cinclnnlll 76 54 Naw YOfk 71 61 BIQ Bear 61 32 reery ays Hlgha 68 10 73 Iowa Clevelanel 73 so Nori Olk 74 63 Bi ah op 50 38 7 10 82 HIQh• In 701 Frid•~ Clmbie SC 81 52 Ho. P11n• 74 35 Blythe 69 63 Inland Yelleyl wlll h8YI hlQ • 86 Columbus 73 49 Oki• City 86 89 Ca1allna 70 56 75. 72 lo 78 Friday LOWI In Oal·FI Wlh 91 70 Oman1 78 61 Euretc1 81 50 f()s. Ceylon ,. 51 Orlando 9g 52 FrMno 69 S2 l Moon11tns wlll be par11y clOoely Denver 73 39 PNleOi>. ~ 74 59 Lane.a tar 82 55 ::1h. chanM ol .,,_. WMI 10 OH Maines 60 ee PhOetllx 91 62 Lano BMch 71 60 orthwHt wind• 20·35 mph OetrOll 71 so Ptll•burf:: e9 46 LOI Ano .... e9 114 ~ ...... " ..... ''"" Oulu th 67 82 Piiand. • 61 53 MonrOY11 77 59 OW8 26 IO 40 e1 Paso 85 &4 Piiand, Ore 61 43 Mont•bello 8-4 61 arlly cloudy In deMrta with fa11bank1 51 40 PrOYIOenee 81 56 Montlfey 8-4 se t 10 ncl'lh-1 wind• 15·30 Fargo 60 "3 =::fe11y 76 se Ml Wilton 49 41 h Northern d8Mr1 highs In F11911111 60 37 SS 37 Need lea 66 73 , 10wa In 408. Frldey hlgh8 65 Gt .. I Fiiia 37 3A IWlo 48 3 t Newport a.Kh 70 61 75. SOutnem ~ NgM 1n Har110fel $1 57 Aldlfnond 74 55 Otlllend 76 57 o.. t0d1y and Friday, Iowa In ~ 44 38 Salt Ulke 47 3g 0nt9fl0 70 57 Honolulu " 75 8111 AntonlO 91 73 Palm Springe 82 S6 p'utty cloudy In notthern Houeton 85 75 S-1118 62 43 Pued8'11 72 58 larre. 1how1r1 end anow lndneplla 78 50 Sf\fevepot1 86 60 Puo Aobl89 71 46 ontlnulnl In cenlrel and JeC'lu1n MS 89 M Sloua Fent 74 47 Rl\18falde " 57 oulharn lerra. Sunny Ind JacksnYlle 64 64 SI Louts u 58 Red &luff 72 54 MlY .... #Mre In Horlhetn and .luMIU 46 " SI P-T1m91 ea 71 Redwood Ct1y 71 51 entral C1111ornla. Werm1no K-Citv 81 .. St Ste M9flt 72 51 Seuemento 71 47 rldl)'. 81llnu 10 50 8111 BernatOlnO 72 56 .S. su11u)lary SURf RIPIRT 8111 0 1brlel 14 69 8111 Olego 72 62 6 Wlnt.,..tlll• •••t~ 1ceo the 8111 FrlnCllOO 70 54 San JoM 71 52 PP•' Ml uourl V1lley on 811111 An1 72 56 edntaday wllh morning Santa Barbare 71 52 eme>ertlurM only In tM 30e In S1n11 Crva 90 50 uch ot M on11n1 anO Senti Mlrla N H now1hower1 1c1tttred from T.-,'1 ..... utern Montane Into nonhern Attl*L .... T-.., ~ve1er1 1dv1torl•• were Huntington Blull• t•I ft. '"' ea Tides Huntlnlton Plet 1·3 "· ,.,, .. for locally h8eV1 11\0W ~ 11111 • ne AIV9f Jetty 2·1 "· ftlt .. TQOAV f • moun111n1 of northwttl 4°'11 St Newport 2·3 "· felr .. a.cond loW 2 3' p "'· 1 s ~· U.lft and N!w.CS.. 22ncl SI Newport 2 "· poor·fllr .. 8tCOnd high 8 ~ P m u cf Utth a:,. h8eVy "'°" lelboeW~ I ft. poOf 88 ednetdey. ttlO --lnOWf .. PNOA Aocllptle, l!aoune ' Mii. poor Flrtl tow 2H1m 0.2 ~ 0¥9f ,,,. lllOfltt ..... ,. =HOiiow 1-2" '=' .. ~tow t .111m. '·' ~odu ol ColllO<ol" "'"' •Btool!t ,., " .. 303 pm 1.1 Otltll -. required to UM ..,,~ .. ,..., 1·3" ,,. u l«lOnd """ t04 p.m It d*"8 Ill '"°""'*' ,..... In TrlfliO« (T-ttrwtl ,., " fllf .. hem Ctlifomla. IMft -· 1un "'' tod•~ et t·n p,191 • lter•d 1oc1lly hel'IY 1now Tomorrow HIQh Tide t 15 1.m .. Low Tide 3.02 p "'" 8w.41 , .... DfldtlV et I: 1 t Ill J,l()Ofl ,... lodl)' It • ... "·"' ' =" over 10ulllttn Mono Olttdlon 80U1""81 .... ,ndey " 4 11 • "'· ' commissjon, board of adjustment, arts commission and personnel board. A short-term Heisler Park Task Force will disband after it presents its review of problems in the blufftop park next month. And several committees which are working on specific elements to the general plan will continue their projects. Consolidated sta nding cornnUttees will include: -Circulation and Safety CornnUttee, lo focus on parking, traffic, streets, public transit. The duties of the existing parking committee would be assumed by this panel. -Recreation and Community Services Committee. to which the cable television committee duties wouJd be assumed drug rap grenades. and about $13,000 in currency. The combint>d strt't'l value of the drugs was esumated al $315.- 000. according to Ed Hofman. An a heim polic e public information officer. Also arrested was Jackson Monr~. 27. The arTCSts were made after a three-month invesugation by the marcotics agents. Coones. idenufaed by police as a major supplier of cocaine and methamphetamine in the Southern California area, Is being held in the Anaheim Caty Jail on $1 million bail. • • sessions slated An eight-week, supervised a fternoo n playground program is b ei ng offered currently by Irvine 's Comm unity Services Department. The "Crea ti ve Play Experience" is held from 2:30 p.m to 6 p .m . weekdays, except it begins at 1 p.m. Thursdays. h began Sept. 27 and will run through Nov. 19. •Three high sc hool students in Irvine are among the 1,500 semifinalists in the Natio nal Achieveme nt Sc·holarship Program for Outstanding Negro Students. The three represent the highest-scoring black s tud e nts who look s tandardized national tests (PSAT/NMSQT) in 1981 and filed for consideration in the •Dr. Avram Goldstein, director of the Addiction Research Foundation in Palo Alto. will present a talk Wt.'<inesday at UC Irvine on the opiate-like compounds in the brain. A professor of pharmacology at Stanford, Goldstein is a pioneer in the study of opiate receptors in the brain and their implications in the s tudy of Space is still available in the program, according to Supervisor Gil Gontales. A second . seven-week session as scheduled from Nov. 22 to Jan. 7. The program is for children 5 through 12. Fee per child is $100. More information may be obtained by calling Deerfield Community Park al 551-8638. achievement program. They have qualified to ('Ompete further for about 650 awards worth more than $2 million in scholarships. They arc Greta F leming, Ir v ine High School , prospective English major; Dawn Weath ersby, Irvine High School. engineering. and Kevin Armstrong, Woodbridge High School, pre-medicine. pain. add1ct1on and mental illness. His speech is part of UCI's Dtstmgu1shed Lecture Series 1n Basic and Medical Neurosc1ences and is free and open to the public Physicians may gain c'Onllnuing medical education credits. More 1nformat1on is available by contacting the Center for Health F.clucation, 595-3811 Five die 1n Soviet jet crash LUXEMBOURG (AP) -A Soviet airliner skidded off a runway at Luxembourg's airport, sideswiped a water tower and exploded into flames. and the government said today that five peopl e were killed and 72 inJUred. ln1t1al reports put the death toll al 53. That was revised lo 12 and later a police spokesman said the number was no higher than 10. The latest toll was given by Roger Sieuen, president o f Luxembourg's national airline. Luxair. Sietzen, speaking for the Luxembourg government. said all rave dead in Wednesday's crash at Finde l Airport were Luxembourg nationals. He said the injuries to the other 72 people "vary considerably." Concord Mariner SG. Designed to accommodate ttle most active lifestyle. Handsome. thin. with a sweep·second hand and a date calendar. It's a sculptural blending of stainless steel and warm. rich t4 karat ~Id. water-resist.ant to 99 feet Accurate to within 60 seconds a year . .Never needs wtndtng_. ~ Completely hand<rafted In Switzerland. His. $890. Hers. $840. Abo available In all steel. • Hts. $590. Hers, $550. SLAVIC K'S nne ......, SlrlCll ttt 7 r Whcrr tht brsr sinpri.ws ~gin. ,.,....,.,(7tClM4-.. ·~llldt _, ar.... Loi Angllll •"" Dltll • "'--... 8 Orangt Ooa1t OAILV PILOT /Thur1day, Sopt1mbtr 30, 1982 Polite 'protest' in tune with conJrnunity Wtw11 lrvme tooc·ht•rs stagt• a protest. It's vt•ry mu(•h in k1'<.•ping with thl' c·ommunity's t•ool imngt• no shouted slogans, nu p1t.•kt'l'l mnrch1ng up and down brandishing signs demr1nd1ng tht•1r rights. Last week, some• 40() lrvint.• teachers walked politely in a quiet. mile-long parade, holding o nly signs identifying thc•ir S<:houls. to ('all attl•nt10n to thl·1r current contract nt•goliations and, c·qually important, to the.• statt• L(•gislature's failurt• tu providl' adequate funding for public.: education. It was a careful l y non- inflammatory parad1..', dt•sfgned to maintain the good imagt.• of tht.• sc·h ool tt.>achl.'r in educat1on- oriented Irvine. This 1s the first lime• in the• district's 10 yC'a rs that tcat'hc:rs have gone to work in foll without a contrac:t. But . c,1S district Supt. A Stanley Corl'Y noted in <.1ddn·ssing the teacht.•rs. Irvinl' w.as only one of 19 distric·L'> in tht• county in that s ituation. lie furtht•r c•xpressed "pr id<' :ind c·on f ult•m·t•'' In lh1: ll•adu·rs' work nnd snid h•· wn~ \.'tlllf1dl•11t both Sldl'S t'Oultl l'l'UCh ll luir agn"t·nw•H 1'1H• hot lt>st 1s~Ul' undl·r d1Sl·uss1i>n wni. not mom·v. hut I'<• I hl't' thl' amuun l ot time lJ'ul'hcrs must ~pc•nd 1n tht.• das!Sl'OOOl. For most tf'OCht.•rs 1n thl' d1stri(•l that is 275 minutes a day. Rut tl'<1t·IH0 l's 1n gradl·s four through six url' bt•ing uskl'd tu s pt• n d 3 0 5 min u t cs in th l' 1 r dCJssrooms. Tht'Y wunt th<' sam{• tlml' rc4u1rl•mt.·nl os their <'ol lt·agut•i. Both s1clt•s. of c:ourse, ('ILL> 4uality t'du<.'a t1on, thP teachers t·onv1m·t·d 1l t'illl lx• OC'tll'r achieved w ith the shortl'J' time span, the d1s tl'il't arguing for ttw longer t1ml'. Giv(•n the good manners d1splayc.•d by all involved in the ''protest" 1t s h ould bt· possible to rN11..·h a fust und fair ('ompromise. Whalt'vt.•r tht• outcomt', it was a refreshing approach to school t:Ontrat.·t negotiations that too o ften nrl' markl•d by bitter charges and t·uun tt•r -chargc.•s. Lawsuits not helpful The Irv1m· City Counl'il has fi)('d a laws uit in Orange County SuperiQr Court in a n attempt to block development of the county's proposed nC'w landfill dump in Bee Canyon. The suit asks that the county be requirt:>d to prepare a new e n vi ronm ental impact report. taking into consideration new residential dC'velopment in nearby Irvine art.>as since the &e Canyon studies wc•n• completed. City off1t1als also complain lhat the county has not vigorously pursued s ludies of nC'w trash disposal methods that might make Htlt.•y t u rthc r notl'd that demands th<1t the county look for alternative• solutions and new sites are beg1nn1ng to parallel complaints about John Wayne Airport. lit• has a point there. A s Wl' h ave noted h t:re before. it is just adding to the taxpayers' burden when o ne governmental agency gets into a legal battk• with anothC'r lrvim• Mayor Larry Agran says th<' c:1ty might be willing to sNtll' its luws uit out of court if the c:ounty would agree to renewed s ludics o f alternative' dis posal m<.'lhods. • a dump site unnecessary. If lht.· ('lty is so concerned. pc·rhaps a jointl y funded feasibility study might be in order That might not cost much more than1 a lawsuit -and it could be more produc·t1ve. I .. To a ll this. SupC'rv1sor Thomas R1h.•y replies that all the ~tudics conducted under the l'ounty's Solid Waste Management p rogram have determined that a n ew dump sale will be required before it 1s c•<:onomically feasible to put into t:>ffe<:t any technologically advanced systems for wastt> disposal. But thC' life of the present Coyote Canyon landfill cannot be extended while the ('ounty a nd city battle 1t out in court. Let's move ahead before the trash takes nvcr. Plan • raises eyebrows Not surprisingly. thl· Irvine Company's new plan for a massive devdopment in Laguna Canyon -twicl' as large and containing twice the number of homes proposed in an earlier plan -has raised the eyebrows of city officials in Laguna Beach. The so-called Laguna/Laurel Canyon plan could contain as many as 3.600 dwelhng umts on 2.150 acres a long Laguna Canyon Road bet Wt"C'n the San Diego Freeway and El Toro Road. They would rangC' from affordable units to luxurv custom homes and the prOJt•ct would include a golt course and two commercial centers. I rvinl' Company o f f1cia Is contend that while the number of units proposC'd is greater. the ovt>rall project would inelud<' much morc public open space than the fir s t plan. wh1t'h wos • d1 sc:ardt•d as econ omically in- ft•asible. It will. of course. require an l'nv1ronmental impa('t report and Laguna Beat·h C1 ty Cou nci I me mbers lost no time in s upplying C'Ou ntv offidals with an outline of concerns thC'y f eel must bC' addrcssro in the report. Thes<· in<:lude trafl1<·. flood t·ontrol. grading 1mpC1cls and an analysis of nl'Coded publi(' services. The ei t y also wou Id II ke the t·ountv to ·look into altcrnatiVP!' that ~vould p<•rmit lt•ss inll'ns1vt• rC'sidentia l and commercial development All this 1s very much in the· future. Thc compan y says it would take from LO to 15 years t o complet<' th<' planned community. And 1t <.'ouldn't get unde r way until 1t wins county approval a nd the economic climate picks up. Which givt.>S concerned neighbors plc>nty of tim<' to air tlwir views. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Da1lv Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on this paoe are those of their authon and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (71·0 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Widow's marriage U a widow's marriage was a happy one, she would do well to remarry as soon as reasonably appropnate. So say the matrimonial experts. The more time that passes. the more she tends to Idealize her first husband. Eventually, she reshapes her memory of him !IO much that no other man could possibly live up to her e><pe<:t.ations. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat • An eskimo with the help of his wife can build an Igloo in about an hour. So reports a North Country traveler. That must be the old csklmo. The young eskimo doesn't build ~n igloo. ln fact, the old eskimo didn't b\.llld many, If any. I've heard it lJ.nld that only a few esklmos hove ever seen such a domidle. • Thomot P. Holey PulJl11h~1 Jeane Amorl f•4Kllh•n fd·IOf lorbofo Kr•lltich (dt10t"'4 '• [do!OI Th.mot McConn MClllOil1•g fdttOI Letters to the editor Airport foes share blame To the Editor: ln reply to the Sept. 23 Airport Sitt' letter of Paul Ryckoff: This 1s my first ever letter, bu\ I am fed up with Newport Beach and their ideas about the airport (Orange County or John Wayne) and the freeway. When we moved from Florida to Cost.a Mesa almost 22 years ago the airport was all by iLs lonesome self out there with plenty of land for expansion. People who built and purchased homes under the flight pauern were well aware or the flight pattern and that this was a growing area. h seems lo me that theS<· people have· no on e to blame but themselves. WHERE WOULD our local industry be 1f we didn't have the airport? So where would the wealth or Newport Beach come from, as most of the officers, administrators etc. of the industrial growth in our area usually live in Newport? But all you ever hear from Newport IS get the airport out or here. I say let the airport stay and expand. After all It was here first m a far out unoccupied area and they do have some rights. even though Newport Beach doesn't ~m lo feel that way. Also. Costa Mesa 1s cut up with three freeways, one of which should never have had the• name Newport Freeway as again Newport residents feel they are above such things. I don't fc<'I I'm a peon because I don't live in Newport Beach and I don't think the airport s hould b e hassled by Newport Beach residents who were dumb enough to buy undl'r an organized flight pattern, jct or otherwise, and then complain their head s off about the airport. The same applies to them in regard lo not helping with the traffic snarl in Newport due to the abrupt ending of the freeway running completely through Cost.a Mesa. I say. Newport Beac·h either shut up or get out. B.J .C. FISCHER · PL() hi ·tory To the Editor: Ignored or forgotten by the national media , several Lebanl'se citizens. interviewed on TV channel 40 described the horror of th~ 13-year occupation or Lebanon by Arafat and the PLO. In so doing they provided a much needed insight into the recent "massacres" in Lebanon. Thus: I. In 1969, the Cairo Agreement compelled Lebanon to be a "host" nation for the PLO. 2. The PLO, armed with So\•iet weapons. set up an independent mlllu.ry sta t e in Lebanon with a PLO government. judicial system and army Lebanon the "host" became the "host.age" of il8 PLO "guests." 3. Starting with the PLO slaughter of 12,000 Christians in Domur and the destruction of that village (blamed years later on the Israeli "invaders") the PLO state within a state embarked on nationwide "massacres" that resulted in the death or 100,000 Lebanese and enormous destruction of property. 4. The PLO located ilci "soldiers" und its lethal military hardware within civilian areas THE FOREGOING gave~ the he to those widely publicized distortions of the tragic events in Lebanon that puult>d and distressed many of us. Thus: A. The PLO on the borders of l&rael were not just a few "strugglcrs" fighting for freedom but the opening wedge for Arafat and the PLO military st.ate. • B. The Israeli attack on Beirut was not a senseles.9 "massacre" o( civilians but an attack o n the PLO hiding behind civilians (the Israelis dropped leaflets urging th<' civilians to leave even though It revealed to the PLO when and where tho lsraclls would i.tt.ack). C. When Bashir Ocmaycl and the ffOV('rnmcnt of Lcbonon were jmassoc:r <l" by bombs the Lebanese retaliation wa1 n ot a senseleu "masaac~" of dvtliana but an attack on PL.O terrorists who hid among the long·suffering Palestinians. h was a trealc mt"uurc of the depth of th~ Le~n~ h1ur ld of the PLO. There werc> no PLO rcJl<'S for Ocmayel only Arafat's outrag~ at the t'Onduct of MAILBOX Israel and the failure of the United States lo guarantee the safety of the Palestinians he left bt-hmd including. he must believe, the murdere rs and terrorists who "massac.•red" Gemayel. The massacre of the Palestinians ought to warn Arafat that terror begets terror, massacre begets massacre. that no more c.•an he kill and maim in Lebanon or anywhere without swift and appalling retaliation on the guilty and inn0<.·ent alike. ALBERT E. NASSER Rig hts brra<·hed To the Editor: Dtsgust! Disappointment! Bitterness!, etc. A small article in the Sept. 14 Daily Pilot. entitled "Hotel Taxes Eyed," by Steve Marble, ignited all of the Ire that can be developed from the realization that you have been lied to, deceived and cheated. • I am 52 years of age, a veteran, married for 33 years, and have three sons. I have been schooled to beUeve that this democratic form of government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people, and that our elected officials represent us, the people. In one sentence of the article, "Newport Beach' City Col}ncil members are preparing to do what voters in the city twice refused to do -increase the hotel and motel bed tax," all or this schoohng became a lie! These officials do not represent the people. I will not accept this. This breac·h of our rights is at the lowest level of government. We the people, can and must stop thlS. We must stop any official that does not abide by the will or the people. We must show all officials that we care and that their jobs depend on our satisfaction. OONALD L. RAFFERTY cliool J'u1Jdi11g To the Ecbior: Congratulations to the parents in the Newport-Mesa school district for reallz.ing the importanct' of saving the remedial reading programs (editorial 9/23). How fortunate for the children Attending these six schools -how fortunate their parents were able to raise and donate the necessary funds. Sho\.lldn't we think beyond this story to the obvious conclusion? Districts not so fortunate wlll be unable to offer equal education to their children. This is a dangerous step away from equal opportunity ln the worst of all possible places -our public schools. Better publi(' funding should be restored to our California public school system. PATTY ANDERSON Med-fly repeat ? To the Ectitor: Recently. Gov. Brown's o ffi ce insinuated that Dave Baker, the president of the Irvine Medical Center, might have engaged In improper conduct stemming from Mr. Baker's letter to Gov. Brown to the eUect that Brown's veto of AB 2696 could jeopard1i.e his political support from the residents of Irvine . Apparently Gov . Brown recognizes the need for Irvine votes but not the nl'<!ds of Irvine voters. I recall that not too long ago e number of communities In our state were threatened, and eventually harmed, by the med-fly i nfestation . These communltl s knc•w how to "°Ive their problem but Oov. Brown thought otherwise. Gov. Brown's method failed, the communities' method worked Perhap1 mor~ slgnlflcant In this election • l.flttrt Jrom rto.dtrs art Wf'lCOmt Tht right to condenat lttteri to JU 8PQCt or <'h rr11nolt 11~1 11 rt.ttrufd Lflltrs o/ 300 1.1.•ord1 or ltaa wW bt> glutft '(1't/nff1Ct All letters mwl ancludt 11g7101wrr and mailing oddren but narnt1 mo11 ~ wtrl!Mld on re-qu111 1f euf(1c1tnt rto1on 11 apparent PoetrJi u.'ILI not ~ pt.iblbhed. Ltrtt~• mo11 ~ tt'ltphm1~ to 642 6086 Nome and phont number o/ thl' contnbutor mtHf bt gsuni for Vtr&f ICOtlon P'U"f'O'tl • ' year, Gov. Brown, in a political pirouette that m\.lst be admired by friend and foe alike. has convinced most Californians that he always supported the communities' solution to their problem. More than 15 .000 residents of Irvine indicated their support for the Irvine Medical Center as the solution to Irvine's hospital needs. By vetoing AB 2696 Gov. Brown has chosen to again ignore the sentiment of those most affected. Dave Baker's letter to Gov. Brown simply put him on notice that he will be accountable to these residents of Irvine for his decision. And, in truth, he will be. Another truth is that Dave Baker is a person of the highest integnty, whose manifold contributions to our community are beyond dispute. Rather than address the issue, Gov. Brown attacked the man. Paradoxically, it is Gov. Brown's charge of improper conduct that constitutes the improper conduct. If the Irvine Medical Center 1s successful in its bid for a communny- based hospital in Irvine, is there any doubt that Gov. Brown will try to convince us of his continued support for this undertaking? Beware of thl· med- fly HARRY S STAHL Nega tive PR To the Editor: The merchants or Laguna Beach often complain about people n o t buying locally. Herewith a classic example of negative public relations: I urgently needed a new belt for my electric typewriter and asked my wife to take the old one and pick up a new at a local office equipment shop. My wife was informed it was their policy not to sell parts but if we cared to bring the typewriter to them they would be pleased to fit the replact'ment. I am scandaJjzecl at this policy Why even the most disreputable of gas st.al1ons does not ask for the car to be brought in for a generator belt replacement. Incidentally, this merchant is trailing illegally under the Restraint or Trade Act by offering a conditional sale to a customer. Now changlng a belt has about the same difficulty on a typewriter as on a carpet vacuum cleaner; simple removal of the cover is the requirement However, I was anxious to get the typewnter operational and went to the shop myself and asked the charge for belt fitting. This was given at $28 -to which I agreed, saying I would do the fitting myself, but, mark this, I was politely told I would also have to pay the $4 charge for the belt cost! Fortunately, it transpired that the belts were out of stock. Needless to say it will be a long time before I do further business with this establishment and really feel like turning the matter to District Attorney for investigation. ALAN R. FITZSIMONS R ental m ess To the Ectitor: It Li; a shame that no action ts taken to clean up the dtsgusting mess in front of the rentals on 20th Street and Santa Ana Avenue on Costa Mesa's east side. As a nrnrby resident, I have occasion lo pass by several times a we<'k It Is an affront to the responsiblt> prc)pnty owners in the area I believe these rentals are owned by o former nll'mber or the Cost.a Mesa City Council. I should think that he would have more civic pride than to permit such an outrngl' to blotch Cost.a Mesa. I am sure that all of th property owners In this area are concemed about \heir property vt1l ues NAME WITJit;lELO ILlllY• Thf' word "justlc~" ls Cound In the dictionary but the judgf'S h.avt • hard tim pronounclna I\ In th!! courta 0 .A.D.c ....... , 0.. c._,...., ............ .,..-n ... ·-N<tltt111ol.'::'' -............... 4" '"'' ...... .,., -,.. . .,. • 0., Oe41f ........ • r ~Ill~ 1111 1111111 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Hero or villain? County man qualifies as both By STE VE MARBLE 01 tM D.tl, Pllol ltett Sam Gibbs is lt'adang a doubk• laf<.• He's a villain in O ra ngl' Count y and n h e ro an L os Ang<.'l!!S. .. While author 1t1cs in Orunfw County want Gibb.<J jailed in the• automobile death of a Newport Beach ma n. polll'e m Los Angeles want to honor hem for savmg a woman's life. Gibbs is a 21-yl•ar-old n•sidtm t Revis ion call for of Onmgl· who SIJ_o/s lw's just an avt•ru1ow guy who made a miswk1• m otw t·o unty anti dad w mcthtng n~ht an the othl•r .\.-. 11 :>I.int.ls, Gabbi. 1s sche<luh:d to go to jual for 2 lO days 1n connN·tion with the death uf Donald 8 . Wa rner last year in a hat-a nd-r un acc1dt>nt on thl' &1lbo.:t Peninsula Gi b~ udmits he was dravang the l'ar that strul·k and killed Wurlll'r but says hl• doesn 't b1•lot1g lt1 JUll. Ile h, trying to uµJ,>1.•al tht• JUdJ(mtmt. Puhcl' m the V(.•ntCl' 011·0 of L os A ngdcs. meanwhtlt.', are crediting Gibbs with saving a disabled woman Aug. 27 from lhl' clutcht.•s of a knafe-wlt•ldin~ man. Poltl't' say Gibbs und two other nwn not only saved thl· woman. who h ut.I b t.•n b een s tabb f:'d r<'JX'alc'<.lly in the fac.-e and nc'<:k. but a ppw ht•nded th~ susp<.'l't Th e wo man J l•a n llc:ckt•nbach hwi wr1ttt·n to ti1brn. Sh<' said :..hl''d lx· cfoad 1f 1t wt•r1• not Cor his quk k a<:llOtl..'i "It's sort of 1rontl'." suggc.•sL-. Jl111 Gibbs, thl• '.ll -yeur-o ld's Catht.•r . "The fari.t tim e (thl' ac:ddcnt) he pam1..'8 and runs and then the Se<.'Ond tame· he reac.·ts 1and saves somc.•one's hfc." Att:ording to poltcl•, Gibbs and thl' two men Wl•r1• 1n the V<'nt<"<· area unloading furnitun.• for 11111v1 11g und sturogt• t·ompa ny th1:y work I or Pohtt· !>lly <J1bbs unu h 11. co- workers heard scn•ami., saw u man stubbing a woman who was on hl•r bat·k on ;1 s1tkwulk and cumc to hl•r n •Sl'Ue. Gibbs, p<>hl'(• said. ch1:1st'Cf thl' susp<.'<.'t who reportedly tripped a nd fell 1n the street Pohc:c say Gibbs and has c·olk•agues til-d the alleged a ttucker with straps from the moving van and slO<>d over lum until pollt.·1• 11h0Wt'(I lll> Polw1· -.uy th{•y'd llki• tu hnnor Gibb:; und has t•o workl•rs for their 'uc:t o f hl•roasm But G ibbs l'Ould be In p al hy tht· tame• the awards et•rt·nHmy rnlls uround nC'Xl year. Gabl.ls has lwt•n <:onv1t·t1_'Cl 1n Or:m ge County on hat-and -run driving and felon y manslaughter. Al'C.'Ording to police in Nc-wport &•ac~~ Gibbs s truck Warner, a tSee u ERO, Page A2) seven ho m es o n 2 8 acr es Laguna backs hillside project It's take n m•a rly a down years. a n d at IC'as t that many pla n revis ions, but two Newport Be ach bro th<.•rs fina lly havC' received Laguna Beach's blessing to c:onstruct seven homes on 28 acres in Laguna's hillsidC's When W1l11am and Leon Lyon first envisionl•<l a project at the end of Pacific Avenue. abov'l' the Laguna Beach High School m 1971. their plans called for the construction of 57 homes on the 28-acre parcel. City Council dC'nials whit tied that number down to 25 units in 1974. 18 in 1977. 14 1n 1978, and l I two years ago. L ast week, the city council approved a final tract ma p that will see seven units ronstru<.·ted in the hillside above the high school where the "L" mar king 1s located. "It's been a long time coming. and we're quite happy with the ci ty's app roval," said Brion Group taking 'STANO' By J ODI CADENHEAD Of the Delly Pflol ltett Phil Cutler of Costa Mesa was one of only three people who answered a n ad placed b y a· Newport Beach couple seeking response from concerned about the threat of nuclear war Carol Ann Bra dford. 45. who with her husband Dale started the group. la ug h s when s he thinks about the first meeung in June. "We asked people to come to this d iscussion group which didn't even exist at the time." It does now . "STop a Nuclear Devastation, known by the acronym ST AND. has about 80 members and Is one of sever a l g roups s tarted to bolster s upport for the nuclear freeze initiative on the California ballot Nov. 2. Californians for a Bilater al Nuclear Weapons Freeze is the largest group. with a re ported 2.- 000 members in Orange County a lo n e The nuc lear freeze initiative calls for the United States and the Soviet Union to halt the nuclear arms race. C u t ler. 57, who teac h es e lectronics a t Orange Coast College. said that the idea of nuclear wa r has haunted him since he served an the Army in Wor ld War II. -INDEX-- Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Classified Com ks Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Horoscope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds Nationa l News Public Notices A7 C5-7 A7 04-8 02 0 2 D3 A6 B7-8 A7 A7 B7-8 C6 A3 0-6.Dl ,D3·4 Sports Dr. Steincrohn Stock Marketa TelevisJon Theaters Weather Cl-4 A7 C7 B6 87-8 A2 Jc:mnt.'ltl•, archal('(.'t for the Lyon p l'O .Jl '(' l. Pre v io u s c it y co unc il s c:o ntin ua lly de nie d pla ns for l' o n s t r u c: t 1 o n , b a s 1 n g t h c i r Ob.Jl'l'llons on the steep terrain of tlw parcel. In udd1tton, they cited geologae com·t·rns and erosion problems as rt•asons for the denials. Jt•annette said grad ing on thl.' sttt· will probably take place m four to five months. a fter the rainy Sl'ason. Pal'i f1 c Av(•nuc• w al l b e l'Xtendl'<.l 225 feet and the homes will sur round a l'UI de sac. He sa id about 4.000 cubic feet of ea rth will be graded for the str<.•et exte nsion. No grading as pla nned for the lot pads. Thl• owners inte nd to create t ra il s l('ading fr om P acific Av<.'11Ue to S ky line Drive and Park Avenue below fo r hikers. Catna p contraption Deft, Piiot Photo bJ L .. P•JM "People have been hiking on that hall for years, so we though t we'd make it easier and safer," Jeannette said. Beau T ye is well known o n Newport Beach's Little Isla nd fo r a s isling loca l fishermen and sleeping in the middle of the side wa lk. Here he dozes in a tent compliment• of owner Bing Girling. Irvine's 'play land' changes its inJage Dell) Piiot ll•tt Photo Ca rol Ann Bradfo rd a nd Phil Cutler are a mo ng those lined up against the threa t of nuclear war. Although he had returned to the Untte d S t ates when the ato mic bomb was dropped on H1rosh1ma. he said he learned how fragile human hfe is. "I'm not a re ligious person." said Cutle r. ··But I pray every day that my children will Live out the ir lives. I d o n 't as k for anything s pecia l, JUSt a chance for them to live." Brad ford, a former mar keting executive for a local hotel. said she never pined a pohllcal group before s tar ting ST AND. "I was just talking about the threat of nuclear war for the hundredth time," explained the Newport Beach resident. And we d ecid e d . "W e h a ve t o d o something." Add e d C utl e r , "I t 's u n co n sciona ble not t o d o any thing. to sat here and let this happen." Propo nents o f the nuclea r Crreze say that the United Statc.'S w1lh 30.000 nuclear weapons and the Soviets with 20,000 -have more tha n enough to destroy each othe r T hey contend that the risk of an a ccide nta l nuclear war through a computer error as h eighte ned by lhe m ili t ary buildup T hose against the lnitiau ve say a freeze would d iminis h the bargaining position of the United States and give the S oviets a n advantage In the nuclear a rms race. Co n v incing O range County residents t.o support a freeze has not been an t>asy job. Bradford said. So far . L agun a Beach and Garden Grove have been the only ci ty councils an the county to su pport the initiative. New port Beach and Costa Mesa councils have postponed a decision unul afte r the November election. "I t hin k they'r e t o tall y chicke n," said Cutle r . "They won 't ma ke a commitment." Those who have joined the Costa Mesa nucll'ar group said thl'y did s o because o f the ir children, said Bradford. The gr oup p lans to beg an distri buti ng info r m ation prepared by Californians for a B ila te ral Nuclear Weapons F reeze to 33,000 households in Costa M~ next month. "What does It take to ma kl' a pe rson feel tha t his life Is thr eatene d ?" asked Cutler . By GLENN SCOTT 0( the Defir Pilot Sten Developer s o f a pro p osed lrv 1 n e recr eati o n pa rk o n MachC'lson Drive have submitted ne w plans to build a four-acre playland they say w ou ld b(· substantinlly differe nt from a carnaval-hke project proposed four years ago. Thl' n <>w develo pme nt proposal. said J oyce Dean. pro,JeCt ma nag<'r, 1s designed to m eet t ast e fu l . f amily-orie nt e d standards Instead of such attractions as bumper t•a rs and other "m etal rides," she said the new plans call for a lushly landscaped park that includes a low-profill' water slide a nd Ba lb oa Pavilion -s haped central building for video games. snack arc~. recital rooms and mceung areas. Bo th n e w a n d o ld pla n s included miniature golf courses The hll<'Sl proposal. however. featurC's a facility that contrasts markt.>dlv wath the former "fun zonp" approach . Now proposed 1s a children 's experience center, whC'r(' young participants could get C'Xposure to arts. sports and comput<>rs. Dean explained. The four-acre development is planned to fit behind an exJstmg bowling alll'y and roller skating rink . The pr oject wou ld be bordered by the nc-w Harvard A vC'nue a nd the S a n Die go Israel 'errors' told by former leader An investigation of the Beirut refugee camp massacre will re veal Israel made errors In judgme nt but will not cost P rime Minister Menachem Begin his political life, a former Israeli mllltary chief predicts. Sh lomo Gazlt. chief of Israeli military intelligence until 1979. said he would be very surprised If the mvesllgallon ehowed that Isr ael had any d irect h and In the rt.icent massacre. G azlt, now president or a university In Israel and ln Newport Beach Wednesday t.o talk with supporters of the campus In the Negev, ventured that the Investigation will fa ult larael for pe rmitting C hristia n Falanglat. militiamen t.o enter the campe. At feast 590 men, women and children were killed in the campe. Ga:dt ttald the outraae In larael over the kl1Ung1 has ~n l'\lnnlng at a hJih pit.ch and that It was this don'M:tUC p~ure that torced &-gin to cal l for tht> lnvesll~allon. • G::it-1t, who has been out of the country for 10 days. said has o wn 17-year-old daughter joined a mass demonstration In T el Aviv last weekend demanding an Investigation as well as Begin's resignation. &gin Initially refused to calJ for an in vestigation. saying such a move would be the same as admitting guilt. Gazlt said he is troubled by the reactJon to t ho massac re In the United S ta tes, particularly In the Jewish community. He said Americans have neve r received n clear picture of what the Lebanon criaia la a ll abou t and, Instead , ge t a "jlgaaw plctu~" in news rl'ports. "There seems to be much contusion here." h e su gg osted . "The J e wis h ''Ommunlly he!'(' lfkea t.o have thlnp simple a nd c lea r a nd they have trouble understa nding w he n lhln11 In Israel ~ complicated It bafllet them." ti aald thl' massacre ha.• taken the focua off the real issue In th<' Middle F.nst which he insisted "1s whe ther Israel w ill continue \0 exast." He charged that Pre11idcnt Reagan hus a par ticularly uninformed understanding of what's going on In Israel. He conceded that part of his miss.ion In thc United St.ntcs will be to aoothe lsrncll supporters who arc UpM't bccaLIM' of the maMOcrc. As a former. military leade r . Gull 'luggested there are aeveral ways o f viewing the camp killinp "If we had not entered West Beirut and hod stood on tht' sidelines, \he Chrl1\ian m ilitia sllll would have entered the c.:amps and the results might have bee n muc h ·worae. "What would be thC' ~ac:tion t.o that?" he u kt"d. "W~ allll would hav bffn blam«f (Sri ISRAELI, P11e At) ' ' Fr<'l·way ADM. a corporation, s p('c1ahzi n g in r ecr ea u ona l fac1ht1es. has purchased 17 acres o f l a n d o n bo th s ad es o f Mic h e lso n fr om th e Irv ine Company. DNm said . ThC' proposed d evelopment is t•ontingent on approvals from city pan<'ls. City planners currently art· working on environme ntal rc•ports Dean said processing wall run at leas t into early 1983: construction of the miniature golf C'o u rse thl• first listl•d for com pletion -would take almost another year Becaus e of the community outcr y that eventually squashed some of the original plans. ADM und city officials are scheduling public· m ('<'ltngs to revie w the plan s with local hom eowne r assoc1at1o ns in Ra nc h o San Joaquin. Dates of thOS<' meetings have not been set, but planners said they probably will take place m about three W('Cks Dean, me anwhile. describes the project as the pr00uct of long h ours of research inte nded to ml-et Irvine's peculiar needs. "This is a vt•ry taste ful project a nd is sensitive to all o f the aest h e t ic con cer n s o f th e c.'Ommunity," she observed N o ise was a con cern of residents four years ago. Dean said the new activities are meant (See PLAYLAND. PaRe AZ ) j I r a •• County social programs saved P LAYLAN D. • t(J genl•rutt• l'llJOYOll•r\I frt'l' of Yl'lling and ¥l'n •1unlng Sht• charrn:ter1zt,•cJ tlw watt.•r 1ilitfo UN fYlVrl' or a long anncr-tul.>1• run t~un us thl• kind of spiral 11lhJt•:. popular in other an•a11 Deun suid the• rt>t.Tcutionul pnrk is gearc'Cl for fnmil1t.'8. The pilrk Ill designed wllh t!nough diversity. stM.> addc>d , so that parcnlS m1~ht drop their kids off at the• learning ct-ntl•r and ht•n d off to tht• bowling alh.•y • U1•un tculd ADM t!mpl11yN•11 u·11v1•l1-d uxwnslvely looklnu ut 1·1•1.:rc>utlonul hlclllllcH beforl' dt•v1~11ng the pl&in ''ll fits Irvinl' b1•1:11u1H' th1• t•ummunity ill a leadt'r," 11lw ~•Id. "This 1s a unique onu-of-o-krnd." ADM, baSi'd in Anuhcim, uhto uJK•rutes such facllitlew In Orunl(l' County as Racquetball World In Founwin Valley and Sanw Ana, lll'gul Lant.>s in Orange and MilL• S4uarc Park Golf Course ISRAELI 'ERRORS'. • • T he cr1l1cs would have said ·Here's Israel with all its might just standing around'." Hy S1 t:V1'; TRIVOLI Ortlle D.atr '1le4 119" I '4•1wl 1uor h•w 11( 111•vt•111l du11•n 01 >Hll(I' County govl•rnnwnt- b1H'k1•d i.odul prugrnmll ore• ht 1.•11tla11ll( 1•11sl1•r today, tht>1r 1n 11141 urn~ !ipt:u•t•tl tlw liud6'l't• ru1t111~ ;1x for anuthc1• y<'or by l'1111nty Hourd uf Supt>rvlsor11. Tul.'lllluy 11u1wrvi110n1 potttpont'<i J>r't•v1ously mund11t1..J cuts In 2i uf 2U pr og rum11 whusl' H'l>rt•11t•ntullVt'N aµpculcd the r1.•d ud l 111111 Anothl·r scv<.•n prugruml! wt•r1• funded for I !1112-Ua ot ll•velN higher than th11s1.· suggt•stc'<f to SUJX!rvi80Ni by a c:1t1zc•n's advisory committ.cc. In oil. l'IUpt.•rvlsors uµpropriawd more than $1.35 million tor the -tli programs receiving federal 11.•v1•nul• sharing money through lhl' C'OUnty The figure was about $:i7 .000 more than the total n •l·omnwnded by the advisory 1.·unu111tw1• tint.I ubout •440,000 morf• 011111 would hov bt•ttn 11pt•nt Ir tht• uuto1nuth' c·utbockJt h111I bc'l•n •trlctly enforcod. To t 11 I rt• v c n u l' 1 h u r I n a t'<>inm1tnw11U. lo 11od11l proairum.11 m ·vl•rth<>lt•t111 will drop about $iao.ooo bc•low thl• yeur'11 level. o.-. utfl<:l11l11 of 110mc progrum11 did not dlspuh.' tht• uutomutk l'Ul.8. Thl· new fundlnt( yN.1r 11turt11 F'riday, to t•orroapond with tht• suarl of the fo<forul govc•rnmont'a flKClll yNir. Sup<>rvh1ors lnltJully rt•jc<:t«J u moticJh to poslponl' m<JRt of the 11utom11ttt· cuts as rC'Commendt'<i by th" $Qc:lal Programs Advisory Committee, preferring inst.cad to hc•ar individual appeals from program rl•presc.•nwlivcs Thl• ht.•aring . in what Is OC><'Oming an annual evt•nl, wa.s a nearly three-hour process in which representallvcs of many of tht• All'llClt't •wod In Un to have tht>lr appeel heard at the podium. Tht> only 1upervoor to or~ o 1ub1tantial number o the Cundlng re1toratiON wu Harril'tt WIN!1•r. She Mid 1he prtll~rn-d to uphold a 1n9 board policy monduting annual cuta until the pro1erema arc pha~ out from <.'<>Unty partlclputJon. That pollcy was bued on the concl'pl of using county - t.'Ontrolled federal funds only u "iH•ed money " for 1ocial progroma. County money was to bt.• used o nly to launch the programs, which were then s uppused to attract outside funding to remain viable. But SPAC membera and program representatives said the c'Onc.-ept no longer works becauae the economic climate makes lt almost Impossible to obtain private runds. They ID Id a 11 ow I n i t ht• automatic redut·tlona thJ• ye r. with <.'OUnty rundtn1 to mo.t of th pruaram1 all'Hdy at half lta orla•nal ll'v I after prt'vlou• utomatlc c:uf.f, would IClll many program1. The county funda are not the 10le IOUl"CC' of funding for IY\Olt of the programs. Programa 11ervln1 the Orange Coost which were spared the cuw Tuesday include the Women'11 Transitional Living Center, Thu People'• Clinic, Teen Help-Youth Service Bureau, Catholic Community A1enclea, Laguna Beach Free Clinic, Committee on Auaulta Again.at Women, Orange County Council on Agjng, Legal Aid Society of Orange County and the We.t County Counseling Center. The Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach al10 received additional funds. Gazit said the decision to let the militia enter the camps likelv HERO • • • NJ!wport resident who was wi;ilking across the street. on ~lboa Boulevard and then sped off in his car, leaving Warner face-down an the middle of th<' Stl'ect. wns made with the knowlcdgl' that "the militia was not going to be acting like a bunch of well- behaved policemen." He said he doubts, however, that there was any clue that the slaughter was <'Oming. "As hard as it might be to believe now, the massacre will quickly become just another one of yesterday's headlines. There will be another crisis somewhere <>lsc to take its place." Hearing on baby's slaying postponed Police say they trac:f.'d down Gibbs arter finding_ his abandoned <:ar in a s hopping t..'enter. Gazit said he is optimistic that nl'ither the killings nor the investigation will harm relations between the United States and L'>racl. Charges dismissed ~ ~gainst Mesa nian Charges haw been dismissed against a Costa Mesa man artested Sept. 24 in Costa Mesa on suspicion of extortion and false imprisonment, an Orange Police Department spokesman said. The case against Chris Murdock, 29, was filt'<i after the allowable period at the Harbor Municipal Court after police incorrectly attempted to file charges at Central Orange County Municipal Court, the spokesman said. Two other suspects, Lawrence Trent, 28, and Larry Bushard, 35, also of Costa Mesa, still face charges. The three men were arrested Friday after an unide ntified Huntington Beach man clalmed he was held hostage in a Costa Mesa apartment in lieu of $3,000 ransom. The hostage later was released without injury. • Harvey Mark Davis Two held on ~ cocaine rap Two men, mduding a Laguna Beach resident, have b een arrested on suspicion of possessing more than four pounds of cocaine and one pound of a stimulant drug. Narcotics off1<:ers from the Anaheim Police Department, Los Angeles Police Department , Tucson Police Department and the Arizona Deparlmf!nt o f Public Safety arrested Howard Coones. 27. at his home. 21095 Raquel Road in Laguna Canyon, at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday. after a search of the residence. Agents said they also seiz.ed handguns. rifles. automatic weapons, hand grenades. and about $13.000 an currency. The combined street value 0£ the drugs was estimated at $315,- 000, according to Ed Hofman. Anaheim police publi c mformauon officer. Also arrested was Jackson Monroe, 27. The arrests were made after a thret>-month mvesugation by the marcotics agents. Coones, 1dentiftt.>d by police as a mapr supplier of cocaine and methamphetam1 ne in the Southern Caltfornia area, is being held in the Anaheim City Jail on S 1 million bail. Fair through Friday Coast a l Some cloud• at llrn9S loday, oth•rwlse fair Hlghl 70 10 75 Fair tonlghl end Frldly with 0Y1Wnight IOW1 56 to 82 H!Qhs on Frld1y H to 77 El••whe re . from Poi nt Conc•ptlon to the M•alcan border Ind out eo mll• Smell etel1 .Ovlsory In .tlect OY8' OVI., wet9B du. lo nor1h-t winds of 18 to 30 knots Ind 8 to II loot se•• todey Winds d•cr•eslng tonight end Frldey to t2 to 22 knoll Loc.lly hght v.,l•ble winds .... , to touth-t 12 to 111 knoll dul1og the 111.,noons tod•y e.nd F rt Wind ••-3 to 4 1 .. 1 HI 10 90Ul,._I swells 1 to 3 I t. Some QOt.lds over toulhe<n tera todey. olh•rwlae l•lr t rough Frld•y South.,n Celllornle wlll h•v• cr•••lng cloud• end wind• I day. Moaly letr end • little ,,.,,., Frldey, Orenge Counly can upecl .. zy d1y1 Hight 811 to 73, 10W1 to 82 High• tn 701 Friday. Inland valleyl WOI have hight ea t 75, 72 10 711 Frld1y Lows In Mounte1n1 wtll b9 pertly dOUdy th 8 cl\ence Of lltl~I W .. I to n rlhwHt wind• 20-35 mph gh1 45 lo SS. In &01 l<rlday 28 to 40 Pertly cloudy In dHerll wllll I lo nor1h-ll wlnd1 t5-30 h Nor1hern daHrt high• In , Iowa In 40t Frid~ hlglle 65 t 75. Southern .,..., hight In 7 1, todey and Friday, low. In Pertly cloudy In northern erre, 1llower1 and enow c nllnulng In central end uthern Sierra Sunny end ........ In Nol'tMm end nlrel Celllornle warming For IOdey. ttiunderst0<ma we<e rorec4at on the R0<1d• Penlnsute, wllh raln1how•rs lrom South Oakota and Wyoming ICirou norlhern end central Arizona Cloudy llllff -• l0<ecest In the upper Mlssoun Valley 8tld NOflh Oakot• Te111pera tures Alb•ny Alt>uque Amatlllo AnchOr eo• ~I .. All91118 Allentte City Au11tn Be111more 8'lltng1 Birmingham 81amarck Boise Bolton Brown1vlle Buffalo Burlington Cespet Charlstn SC Ch9tlttn WV cnarme NC Cheyenne Cnk:aoo Clnclnnell Cleveland Clmbla SC Columt>ua Oat-Fl Wth Dayton Oenvef Oet Molnet Detroit Oululh El PMO F•lrb1nh F111g<> Reg.11•11 OrNt f'•ll• Hereford Helene Honolulu Houe10n lndneplil Jacllen MS Jec1tenvt1e """"" K-Cltv 87 54 78 42 112 5fl 42 37 78 4S 79 60 117 S9 92 74 75 54 46 39 83 81 52 34 57 39 58 58 93 71 85 57 88 52 54 39 112 85 75 61 78 57 eo 58 83 113 78 54 73 50 111 S2 73 49 91 70 74 51 73 39 80 88 71 50 87 82 65 84 61 40 80 •3 80 37 37 34 87 57 .... 31 " 75 as 75 78 50 89 M ... 64 ... 44 It 88 Avt/MU. 1-rl It. ,_, It, 24 It. 2411. 2 It. an. • 1-a 11. 1·2 II. 1411. 1-) It 1411. Kno.avtlle Let vegea little Aock Loulsvtlle Lubboek Memphis Mempnl1 Mleml MlhlraukM Mpl1-SIP Na.nvllle New Orle•n• New York Norfolk No Plane Okie City Omtha Orlando Phlhtdi;' • Ptioenla Plttlburgh Pt19'ld. ~ Pllend. Of• ProvlOetlc:e Aelelgh Rapid City Reno Richmond Seit uk• Ian Antonio S..ttle Sllr~ Slou• F1Na SI Louil Sl p. T etnpe SI Ste MltM It 71 85 80 88 88 118 88 711 75 84 88 71 74 74 ee 711 89 74 91 89 81 81 8t 78 55 48 74 47 11 112 .. 74 ... .. T2 ·-TtMp. H 61 ea ea It ea u u ea I! 15 51 81 SI 53 82 5S 5S 71 59 88 53 88 81 83 35 99 81 52 S9 82 48 53 43 58 58 37 31 65 39 73 43 80 47 &ti 71 SI Tom0trow HIOll Tld• I 15 • m • LOw TIOt S 02 p m • Swell ow.coon Soutllwttt Slal!Onlty •• Spokene 59 .... SyrlCUM 10 60 Topel(e 113 88 Tuceon 88 53 TulM 87 88 WUhlft9tn 17 57 Wichita 88 ea App19 Vllley 71 44 Btk«afleld 72 eo BeretGW 74 85 8eeumont 83 52 BIO llMr 81 32 Bllllop 50 38 Blythe 89 83 C11ellne 70 58 Eureu 81 50 Fresno 89 52 Lanc111., 82 S5 long Beecll 71 80 Lot AngeM9 e• 84 Monrovia 17 51 Monteb911o ... 81 Mont .. ..,. 84 M Ml Wilton 49 41 Need let ee 73 Newport 8Mcll 10 e1 09111.nd 1• 57 Orlt91to 10 57 Palm llM'lnoe 92 58 Puedene 72 58 Puo AoblM 11 48 RIYefllde et 57 Red Blufl 72 54 A.awooo City 71 87 SKremento 71 47 Sellne1 70 50 S1111 Bernardino 72 58 San 01bf'lel 74 st Sin DieOO 72 82 Siii FrencltOO 10 64 Sen Jo" 71 52 Sent• Alll 12 58 811111 Blrbtre 11 62 Stnla Crut IO 60 Senta Merla ea M Tides TOOAY Second IOW 2.31 p.m. 1.8 841Ciond h'9fl l:H p m. u • l'MDA'Y Flr1t low 2.5t am oa fhll h~ll t 11 am. '1 Secon low U~OM. 1 1 Second 111g11 I 04 p m U Sun "'' 1od1l et 1:3t p.m., rt-Dflcleyate 7em MOOll ti ... locley el I 4t p "' , .... 'tlday 11 4· 1t I m By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Delly '1lot I i.ft Arraignment schc>duled today of a 28-ycar-old Costa Mesa man charged with murder and a special circumstance allegation or torture in the d eath of his IO-week-old daughter was postponed today until Oct. 11. H a rve y Mark Davis, an unemployed oil well worker, appeared only briefly before Judge Selim Franklin in Harbor Municipal Court. The postponement came after attorney J ohn Barnell said he needed more time to evaluate his client's case. Barnett said he wllS hired today by Davis' relatives. Davis was arrested by Costa Mesa polke homicide detectives Monday night at UC Irvine Medical Center, where he had reportedly committed himself for psychiatric care. The arrest foll owed investigation of his infant daughter's death from internal injuries. Following today's court appearance , Davis was transferred to Orange County Jail where h e will be held without bail. He had been in Costa Mesa Jail in lieu of $500,- 000 bail. The murder by torture charge filed by the distract attorney's office Wedne9day falls into the special circumstances cat egory and would require a death penalty detennination i( Davia as tried and convicted. Heather Davls was found dead in her crib last Thursday by her mother Cathy Lee Taylor. 31, who sought help Crom neighbors who called paramedics. The six-foot, 280-pound Vietnainese fest at Mesa church Vietnamese children will begin celebrating the 1982 Mid-Autumn festival Friday at 7 p .m. at St. John the Baptist Church, 1015 Baker Ave .. Costa Mesa. The traditional Vietnamese •Etchings and lithographs by Cbarles Bragg will be among works featured during the opening of the South Coast Art Center in Costa Mesa Saturday. The new gallery at 283 E. 17th St. will showcase comic and animation art, graphics •New and continuing members of the Newport Beach chapter of Hadassah are invited to attend a meeting Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Ht.llltington Beach. The professional group of celebrauon for chJldren will include a dragon dance, folk so ngs, martial arts demonstrations and a parade of lanterns. Children can enter a lantern contest by calling 641-08W. Ad~on is Cree. and movie posters. On display October will be works by Bragg, E ugene Valentin, G u stav Tenggr e n , Kay Neilsen, Freddie Moore, Ollie Johnson and Sylvia Holland. The art center operated by Jerry Muller will be open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m . th e Jewish women's organization will meet at the Villa Warne r Recreation Center, 6600 Warne r Ave. for brunch. For more information call 842-7249 Fernando Jr. debuts unemployed oil well worker is LOS ANGELES (AP) -Caesarean section lo Landa also accused of breaking both arms of 20-month-old Megan Dodger pit.ching ace Fernando Burgos Valenzuela at 7:53 a.m. f Valenzuela and his wife of nine Valenzuela, who pitched seven Taylor last January. He was ree months had a baby boy today, a · · Wed ~-' · h on $5.000 bail when he was innings n!Q(.lay mg t in the arrested on suspicion of murder. spokeswoman at San Pedro Dodgers' 4-3 loss to ~he National Sgt. Bill Bechtel said that Penin!>ula H01pital said. League West-leading Atlanta Heather was origina lly thought The baby, named Fernando Braves. went to the hospital to be the victim of sudden infant Jr .. weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces, afterward. death syndrome. or crib death. said Moki De Marco. son of "Fernando was in the room !or Davis was living in a $900 per Valenzuela's manager, Tony most of the labor, but he left month rental house at 1998 DcMarco. during the delivery," DeMarco Tustin Ave. with Taylor, three of The hospital spokeswoman, said. her four children, Heather and a who declined to give her name, The couple, both now 21 years babymtter.~il~R~d.2~2~·~~~-s_a_i_d~t_h_e~b_o_y~w~a_s~b_o_r_n~b_y~_o_l_d_._w_e_re~~~~ied~-~~-·_28_._1_9_8_1_. Concord Manner SG. Dlslaned to accommodate the most active lifestyle. tfanmome, thin. with a sweep-second hind and a date calendar. It's a sculptural blending of ltltnla steel and warm. rich 14 karat ~Id. Water-resist.Int to 99 feet. Accurate to within 60 seconds 1 y11r. Niver needs wtnct~ng_. ~ Completely hand-mftld In Swtt:terla~. Hts, $890. Hers, $840. Also mllable In all steel. His, $590. Hers. $550. SLAVIC K'S ,,,,. ........ 11nce 1117 Where ~ bar sWTfwists bqin. , __ lmnd (71 4) 144-1-. Nlwport ~ AllO ar.ter LOta ~. 19\ °"'°. L.-\19gll l t • I• • O/N Or1nge Oout OAILV PILOT/Thureday, 81p11mbtr :so. 1G82 Neighborhood truce a welcome solution An odd and bitter dt·butc 1n volvin~ residents o f Newport BNH·h 's Cli fChav<'n urea, St .\ndn•w's Presbyteri3n Church "and, eventually, the Newport Beach C ity Council, was e ndc<.1 this wc<'k with a compromise thM set>ms lo satisfy everyone. The c hur<.'h , a nticipating growth needs, had pre pared un L'Xpa nsion pla n that inl'lud('d a l 0 5 · f oo t -h,i g h s a n ct u a r y . C liffhaven h omeowne rs said it was u g I y , too b u I k y for t h <' n eighbo rhoo d a nd w ould blo<·k the ir views. So the church scalt«I plans down to 85 feet. Some of th!' neigh bors still were unhappy. The City Council, unwtlhng lo take sides, kept urging lht• eontestants to try to r each a compromise. The de bate wt•nt on for WN'ks and it didn't S<'Cm to lx· getting anywhert• until Mo nday night. Th(•n , in a flur ry o f Jc1 s t - m inu te n egotiations, c.:ouncil members Evelyn Hart a nd Paul Plan • raises Not surprisingly, th<· lrv1nt· Company's n ew plan f o r a massive d<•velopmt'nt in L aguna Can yon -twic<.· as la rge a nd conta ining twice the number of hor:nes proposed in a n earlie r plan -has raised the eyebrows of city officials in Laguna Beach. Tht• so-called Laguna/Laurel C an yon p la n could contain as many us :3,600 dwelling uniLc:; on 2,150 acres along Laguna Canyon Road be t ween the San Diego Freeway and El Toro Road Th<' y w o u Id rang c fr om affordable' units to luxury <.:ustom homC's and the project wuuld include' a golf course and t wo commC"rcial centers. Irvine Company o ffic i a ls ('Ontend that while the numbc-r o f units proposed is greal<•r. the overall p roject would indudc muc:h mar(• public open spac.:c• than th e first plan, whi c h was Mnurt'r manugl'<.l to l(l'l evtc"ry111w Lo ugrt•t• to u nl•W plun lhut would lim it th e• e>Xpf1n slo n t on 46 !out high s<illc·tuary with a l'f'OSS on top Add 1 t 1ona11 y , th t• n t• w ~nt'tuury will hov(• to bc.• st•l buck 92 ft..•c•t Crom the• s lreN ond 250 pnrkmg plal'l-8 must tx.> provic1t.'() on t ht> s1 tl•. Th is upparently sat1sf1t•u tht• u1stn•sst•d neighbors . As fur S t. Ancirt•w's, 01· J ohn lluffmon, tht• t' h u r <' h fH I s t o r , s a 1 d i t w a!) ackn owlt·d ged tht•t tht.• o riginal plan was n ot the best one "fur the IH· a Ith and wt• 1 (are o f th t· eommumty "The church, he smci, wants to tx· a good neighbor. Thot will eost som<• mon ey, in add1t1011 to the amounts already spc•nt 0 11 till' initial plans. Now 3 nt•w plan must lx· prepart'Cl and brought bac.·k to tht• council fo r n•view. Barring furthc>r eruptio ns, 1w1ghborhood peat'l' will reign and it's high time eyebrows d1 s c:a rdc·d as econom1c~dly in - f<.>nsi bit'. It will , of courS<.•, rcquirl• an <mvironmental impact report a nd Laguna B eat'h C ity Coun t·tl mC'mbt·rs lost no time in s upplying rnuntv offidals with an outlinc-of <·o n cl-r n s thl'y feel must be address«i in the report. Thes(• include traffk, fluou t'ontrol, grading impacts and a n analysis o f needed public serviecs. Tht' ci ty also w ould like the C'Ounty to look into alterna tives tha t would pt·rm1t less intensive r P s i d v n t trtl <1 n d c o m m (' r C'i a I dcv(•lopmt•nt All this 1s very much in th<.· future . The l'Ompan y says it would take from 10 to 15 year s l o comple t(• th<.• planned community. And it <'ouldn't get undc•r way until 1t wins t•ounty approval and the C'cunom1t· d 1ma tc picks u p Which giv<•s c:on ccrncd ne ighbors plt·nty of timC' to air their vit•ws. Seek hauntin.g space T he O range County chapte r of th<· March of Dimes has moved into new headquarters in Costa Mesa, but it needs yet anoth er house -one suitable for hauntin g during the ghosting m onth of October. For some years n ow, Mart·h of Dimes volunteers have manned a "haunted house" on the Orange County fairgrounds. raising funds by entertaining trick or treaters with "ghoulies and gh osties and long-leggcty beasties, and things • that go bump in the night." But, h aving bee n bumped fro m th e f ai rgrounds, the volunteers arc looking for D nt•w h ouse to haunt -prefe rably a building with at least 20,000 square feet of haunting spa<'e. Anyone with such a building to least.• for the month of Octobt..•r 1s mvitL•d to cont.ac·t the March o f D1m<'S at 1t.'\ new headquarters m the Rea Community Centt.·r. 661 l lamilton St .. Costa Mesa. or call f·l3 t-8700 Opinions expressed in the spa'e above are those of the Dally Piiot. Otner views e)(· pressed on th is page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is inv1t· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 6"42·"4321. L.M. Boyd/ Widow's marriage If a widow's marnage was a happy one, sh£' would do well to remarry as soon as reasonably appropriate. So say the matrimon ial experts. The more time that passes, the more she tends to idealize her first husband. Eventually, she reshapes her memory of him so much that no o ther man could possibly Hve up to her expect..alions An eskimo with the help of his wife can build an igloo in about an ho ur. So reports a North Country traveler . That must be the old eskimo The young eskimo doesn't build an igloo. ln fact, the old e11kimo didn't build many. if any. I've heard it said that only a few eskimos have ever seen such a domicile. Those cond em n ed to the exC<•utioner's blade in 17th century England pa1rl sc11d axman a spc'<:ifi<'d sum to do the job as painlessly as possible. It was a custom perpetuated. certainly, by the executioner himseH. Pay up. or die in agony. It's a fairly tight little example or pitiless politics, isn't it? The predator will gel his take c•ven on lhf' block. Q. Is l(!xual assault common In the public schools? A. Evidently About 9,000 students and teachers a year say they've ~n so victimized. But the statistics dbn't tell the story, because 1l'l'I one of th<>flC crimes that often goes unrepo~. A tor of iron. after It compl<'tely rustS. weighs three tons How do you account fo r the statlstiC'al fact that Boston, Mass, has about twice as many heavy drinke~ and half as many teetotalers as any other city of its size nationw1dt-? Scholars repeatedly htlv(' tried to catalog all the possible Use!! of nylon. but they've never finished such a ll itt. In the plust-er homes of the ancient Greeks were rooms for sleeping and oth<'r rooms for romance. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot llvOll•~ twt• ... fl IM yfat •t UO ..-,,., lo •1 . (0\11 -\<I AH'"' tt"••-CloM• to l\OI IMO CO\l.t -.. CA t7•n First dance thnt nllowt'd A mlln t.e put his arms around a wom/\n In publiC' w s th wal\i , Thoma•'· Holey Pub111lltt Jone Amati !At<ut,.• Id ter lotboro Krolblch fd•tCW"" 'oee Id'°' Thoma• Mceann MMCJOlllQ fd••Of ' ,, I I a Letters to the editor Airport foes share blame To lhe Editor: In reply to tht< Sept. 23 Airport Site letter of Paul Ryckoff: This is my first ever letter. but I am fed up with Newport Beach and their ideas about the airport (Orange County or John Wayne) a nd the freeway. When we mov(.'<i from Florida to Costa Mesa almost 22 years ago the airport was all by 1ts lonesome self out there with plenty of land for expansion. Peoplc who built and purchased homes under the flight pattern were well aware of the flight pattern a nd tha t this was a growing area. It seems lo me that these people have no on " lo blame but th<.'mselvcs. WllERE WOULD our lo<.'al industry be if we didn't have lhc airport? So whe re would the wealth of Newport Beach come from, as most of the offwers, administrators etc. of t h e industrial gr owth in our area usually live in Newport? But all you ever hear from Newport IS get the airport out of here. I say let the airport stay and expand. After all it was here first in a far out unoccupied area and they do have some rights. evC'n though Newport Beach doesn't seem to feel that way. Also, Costa Mesa 1s cut up with three freeways, one of whit'h should never have had the name Newport Frttway as again Newpop residents feel they are above such thmgs. I don't feel I'm a pron because I don't hve In Ne wport Beach and I don't think the air port s hould be hassle d by Newport Beach residents who were dumb enough to buy under an organized fhght pattern, jct or otherwise, and then complain their heads off about the airport. The same applies to them In regard to not helping with the traffic snarl 111 Newport due to the abrupt ending of the frl•cway running completely through Costa Mesa 1 say, Newport Beach either shut up or get out. B.J .C. FISCHER Pl..O history To the Editor. Ignored or forgotten by the national media, several Le banese c1t12en s , intervif'wed on TV channel 40 dcscnbed the horror or the 13-year occupation of L<.-banon by Arafat and the PLO. In so doing lhcy provided a much needed insight into the recent "massa<'r<'s" an Lebanon. Thus: 1. In 1969, the Cairo Agr<'ement compelled L<.-banon to be a "host" nation for the PLO 2. The PLO, armed with Soviet weapons. set up an independl'nt military s ta te 1n L <'banon with a PLO government, judicial system and anny. Lebanon the "h ost" bec ame the ''host.age" of 1ts PLO "guests" 3. Starting with the PLO slaughter of 12,000 Christians in Damur and the d<'struc-tion of that village (blamed yoors later on tht.> Israeli "invaders") the PLO s tate within a stat e e mbarked on nationwide "massacres" that resulted m the death o f 100.000 Le banese a nd enormous destruction of property. 4. The PLO locat.t!d its "soldiers" and its lethal military hardware within civilian areas • THE FOREGOING gives the Ile to those widely publlclzed distortions of the tragic events in Lebanon that puzzled and dist~ssed many of us. Thus: A. The PLO on the horde~ or Israel were not just n fow "strugglcrs" fighting for fr('(,>dom but the opc.-nlng wudgc for Arafut and thl' PLO mlllt.ory state. B. The Israeli attack on Beirut was not a senseless "massacre" of civilians but an attack on the PLO hiding behind civilians (the Israelis drop~d leaflets urging th' civilians to l<'av(' <'VCn though ll revealed tO th PLO when and where the laraebs would nuack). C. When Bashir G mnycl and the government of L b a n o n were "massacrt>d" by bombs the L<.'bancse rt-tall&t lon waa n ot a dle rucl •as "massacre" of civilians but an :u"'rk on PLO terro r! ts who h ld amonl( the long·•uftering Palt•stlnlans. It wH R t ragic ml'asurc or thl" drpth of the Leban • hatred of the PLO. • Th rt• wett1 no Pl..O rO!ll'S Cor G ·mayel only Arnfat'A outr&f( • '" the l'<>ndut<\ ot MAILBOX Israel and the failure of the United States to guarantee the safety of the Palestinians he left behind including, he must believe, the murde rers a nd tl'rrorists who "massacred" Gemayel. The massa<'re of the Palestinians ought to warn Arafat that terror begets terror, massacre begets massacre, that no more can he kill and maim in Lebanon or anywhere without swift and appalling retalia tion on the guilty and innocent ahke. ALBERT E. NASSER Rig hts breach ed To the Editor: Disgus t! Disappointment! Bitterness!, Ne. A smalJ article in the Sept. 14 Daily Pilot, entitled "Hotel Taxes Eyed," by Steve Marble, ignited all of the ire that can be developed from the realization that you have been Ued to. deceived and cheated. I am 52 yc·ars of age. a vMeran, married fo r 33 years, and have three sons. l have been schooled to believe that thts democratH.' Conn of government is a . government of the people, by the people and for the people, and that our elected officials re present us. the people. In o ne sente nce of the a rticle , "Newport Beach City Council members are prepa.nng to do what voters m the city twice refused tO do -increase the hotel and motel bed tax," all of this schooling bc<'ame a lie! These offidals do not represent the people. I will not accept this This breach of our rights 1s at the lowest level of government. We the people, can and must stop this. We must stop any official tha t does not abide by the will of the people . W e must s how all officials that we care and that their .JObs depend on our satisfaction. DONALD L RAFFERTY To the Editor: Congratulations to the parents m the Ne wport-Mesa sch ool district for rcalitlng the importance of saving the remedial reading programs (editorial 9/23). How fortunate for the children atte nding these six schools -h ow fortunate their parents were able to raise and donate the necessary funds Shouldn't we think beyond this story to the obvious conclusion? Districts not so fortunate will be unable to offer equal education to their children . This is a dangerous s te p away from equal opportunity in the worst of all possible places ~ our public schools. Better public funding s ho uld be restored to our CaJifornia pubhl' school system. PATTY ANDERSON M ed-fly re peat? ... To the Editor; Recently, Gov. B rown's off ice insinua te d that Dave Ba k e r. the president of the Irvine Medical ~nter, might have engaged In improper conduct stemm ing from Mr Baker's lette r to Gov. Brown to the erlect that Brown's veto of AB 2696 could jeopardize his political support from the residents of Irvine . Apparentl y Gov. Brown rt.~'Ogniies the ntX'd for lrvme votes but not the nN.-d s of lrv1nr voters. I recall thot not too long ago a oumber o r communities In our stnte were threat<'nl'd, a nd eventually harmed. by the ml•d ·fl y in( ·UAtion These communities knew how to solv<' their problem but Gov . Brown t h ought otherwi~. Gov. Brown's method railed: the communities' method worked. Perhops mort signifil•ant In thl,_ d<'Ction • l.i.'l lttrs f rum rtndtr~ ar,. wrlfomt• Th, r111hl lo C'e>ndrnstt lrttt'rs to flt ~pact IJf 1•lw 11nt11I' hhf•I 1., rl'$t'rt.•rd l.trl/l•r~ II/ 300 t~ nrda 11r Ins wt/I ht q11•t'n prt/trrnc(' All lf'ttrrs must tn<'ludt 11gnu1urt ond ma1hng t1ddrt'!l'1 but namta mo,v br u.'11hhtld un rt· qurst ti 8Ul/tc1i'nl rtoaon 11 apporrnt Pottry wt.II not tw pt.tbl11hrd l.ttltrl moy bf lf'ltvhQf1t'd 10 642 fiOS6 \'omr orid phont numbc>r oj Ort> t·()nf"bulnr must bf< g1ut"T1 /or 1Jrnf1co11on purpo:1e1 yt•ar, Gov. Brown, in a political pirouette that must be admired by friend and foe alike, has t•onvinced most Californians that h e always s uppo rted the c·ommunillc.'S' so!Ulion to their problem. Mort• 1han 15.000 residents of Irvine indicated their support for the Irvine Medical Center as the solution tO Irvine's hosp1taJ needs. By vetoing AB 2696 Gov. Brown has chosen to again ignore the sentiment o f those most affected. Dave Baker's letter to Gov. Brown simply put him on notice that he will be acx.'Ountable lo these residents of Irvine for his dedsion. And, in truth, he will be. Another truth 1s that Dave Bak er is a person of the highest integrity. whose manifold C.'Ontributions lcl ou r community are beyond dispute. Rathe r than address the issue, Gov. Brown attacked the man. Paradoxically, it 1s Gov. Brown's charge of improper conduct that constitutes the improper conduct. IC the Irvine Medical Center is successful an its bid for a commumty- based hospital tn Irvine, is there any doubt that Gov. Brown will try to convince us of his continued support for th1~ undc•naking'! &·ware of tht· mt>d-' fl y HARRY S . STAHL Negati,,e PR To the Editor: The merchants of Laguna Beach often complain about people not buying locally. Herewith a l'lassic example of negative public relations: l urgently needed a new belt for my electric typewriter and asked my wife to · take the old one and pk k up a new at a lcx:al office equipment shop. My wife was informed it was their policy not to sell parts but if we cared to bring the typewriter to them they would be pleased to fi t the replacement. I am scandalized at this policy. Why even the most disreputable of gas stations does not ask for the car to be b r o ught in fo r a generator belt , re placement. Incidentally. this merchant is trading 1llegally under the Restraint of Trade Act by offering a cond111onaJ sale to a customer. Now· changing a belt has about the same difficulty on a typewr iter as on a carpel vacuum cleaner, simple removal or the cover 1s the reqwrement. However. I was anxious to get the typewriter operational and went to the shop myself and asked the charge for belt fitting. This was given at $28 -to which I agreed, saying I would do the fitting m yself, but, mark this. I was politely told I would also have to pay the $4 charge for the belt cost! Fortunately. it transpired that the belts were out of stock. Needl~ to say il will be a long time before I do further business with this establishme nt and r eally feel like turning the matter to District Attorney for investigation ALAN R. FITZSIMONS Rental mes To the lliitor. It is a shame that no action 1s taken to clean up thC' d1sgustmg mess tn front of the rentals on 20th SlrN>l and Santa Ana Avenue o n Costa Mesa's east side. . As a nearby resident. l have occasion , to pass by several times a week h 1S an affront to the responsible property owners In the aren. t believe these rentals are owned by a former member of the Costa Mesa City Counr!! I should think thlH he would have more civic pMde than to permit such an outrage to blotch Costa Mesa. I t1m sure tha t a ll of the propt•rty owners in thl~ area ore t'Oncerned about '• their property values • • NAME WTTHlJEL.O ·~ 111111 Ill Thl' w ord "Justict>" II' found In the dlct1on•ry but the judges have a hard Umt' pronoun('ln.g h in \ht' rourtM • O.A0.1 lllllf ClllT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER JO, 1eo2 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Hero or villain? County ~an qualifies By STEVE MARBLE 01 the Oellr f'ltot lteff Sam Gibbs 1s lt>ading u duublt• ltfl' Ht•'s a villain in Orungt> l'ounty and a hl•ro 1n Los Angell'S. Whale author1l1es in Orangl' County want Gibbs jatll'CI tn tht• uutomobill• death of u Newport Beach man. polit-e an Los Angell'S want lo honor htm for saving a woman's lifl• Gibbs ts u 21-year-old rt-s1denl R evisio n s call fo r uf 01 un~w whu i.Jys h1•'s JUSl un UVl•rag1• a(UY who 11\UUl' a 1111:.Wkt• in orw l·ou11ly u11d did so11w lhlng right 111 lh1• ulhl'r. As rl stunJi.. l;1bbs 1s scht-dullid to go lo Jail for 210 duys in l'unn~·c·twn w11h thl' death of Donald 13. WarnN lust year In 11 h1t-.rnd run a<.'cident on tlw &llx1'1 Pt>nlnsula G1bl>it admits ht' was driving tht• l'ar that slrul'k und ktlll'd Wurrll'r but suys hl• doesn't seve n ho me s o n 28 acres Laguna backs hillside project ll 's taken nearly a down yt>ars, and at lt•ast that many plan r ev1s1ons, but two Newport Beac h brothers finally have re<'i'ived Laguna Bc•aC'h's blessing to construct scven homc.•s on 28 acres in Laguna's h1lls1dt'S. When William and Leon Lyon first env1s1oned a projl><:t at lht• end of P<H:if1t· Avenue.', above the Laguna Bc>at·h High Sc.·hool tn 1971, their plans called for the construction of 57 homes on the 28-acre parl·el. City Count'il denials whittled that number down to 25 units m 197'1, 18 an 1977, 14 in 1978, and 11 two years ago. Last wt>ek, the city council approvt'd a final tract map that w ill see seven units ronstructed 1n the h1lls1de above the high school where lht· "L" marktng 1s located. "h's l:>c<-n a long lime coming, and we'rl' quite happy with the city's approval." said Brion Jcanrwllt•, c.in:htll'("l for the Lyon prUjC.'('t Prev ious c1ly co uncils cont 111ua ll y dcn1l•d plans for cons trul'tion , basing their obj<.'t·llons un the Stl'ep lerrarn of the P<Jrt."l'l In add1Uon, they cited geologa<: t.'Onl"tc'rns and erosion problems as rl·asons for the denials. Jt.>anm•tll' said grading on the site will probably take pla<'l' an four to five months, after the rainy st•ason. Pal'iftc AvC'nue wi ll be exlendtod 225 fe<'l and the homes will s urround a cul de sac He said about 4.0UO cubic feet of earth will be graded for the str<.'el l'Xlcnsion No grading is planned for the lot pads. ThC' owners mlend to crealt' trails leading fro m Pacif ic Avenul' tu Skylant.> Drive and Park A venue below for h ikers. "People have been hiking on lhal hall for years, so we thought we'd make ll easier and safer." Jeannette said . lwlona 111 Jail Ht' 1s trying tu ap1x·ol tht• judgmunl. ' Polil'l' ln lhl' V l'llicl• i1n•u of Los Angt>les, nwunwhilt-, are crt•d1ltng Gibbs with saving a disabled woman Aug. 27 from the clutches of a kmfo-wtt•ldlng mun. Polic.·e say Glbbt> an<J lwo olht•r Oll'll not only sav('(f the womun, who hod bl•n been stabbed reix•awdly in the fot'C and lll'<'k, but upprehendt.'<1 lhl• susp<.-'<'t. Catnap contraption Tht> wurnun Jean lleckt•nbnch hm1 written to Gibb!! She sa11J 11hc'd bl• Jcud if 1t Wl'r<.' not for h1t1 quick actions. "It's sort of 1rontl'." suggt>sts Jim C 1bbs, lht• 2 1-year-old's latht·r . "Thi• first time (the acc.:idC'nl) he panu;:s and runs a nd then the St'(:Onl..I time he reucls 'and snv~ somc'(}nc's hCc ." At"t·ording lo pohc.-e. Gibbs and th<.> two ml•n were in lhe Vcnrcc area unlouding furnit ure for na uving and storage company tlwy work for. Polle<' say Gibbs and his co - workers hNard screams, saw a m:111 i;tabbmg a woman who wns u11 her back on a stdt>walk and camt• tu h<'r wscue. (jibbs, pohl'e said, chased the sui;pccl who reportedly tripped and fell an the street. Police say Gibbei a nd ht.!. l'Olleagues tlt'd the 111lt•gt'd attacker with straps from Lht· movang van and i;tood over Beau Tye is well know·.-; on Little Balboa Isla nd fo r _assi ting local fishermen a nd sleep ing in the middle of the sidewalk. Here he dozes in a tent compliments of o wner Bing Girling. as both him until poht.-c 11how<-d UJ> Polll't' say they'd llkt• to hor\OI" Gibbs und his c·o workt'rli for their act of heroi.!111\ But Gibbs c'Ould be In jail by thl• lime· tht• awards ceremony rolls urnurad next year. Gibbs has been t·onv1t•tt:d In Orange County on hlt-c.ind -run driving and felony manslaughter According to polict' In Newport Beac~, Gibbs struck Warner, 11 fSu HERO, Page AZ) Group taking 'STAND' Irvine's 'play land' changes its image By JODI CADENHEAD or the 0.11, P11o1 statt Phil Cutler of Costa Mesa was one of only three people who a nswered an ad placed by a· Newport Beach couple seeking response from concernt'd about the threat of nuclear war. Carol Ann Bradford, 45, who with her husband Dale started the group, laughs when she thinks about the first meeting in June. "We asked peoplt> to come to this d1scuss1on group which didn't even exist al the• tame." ll docs now. "STop a Nuclear Devastation, known by the acronym STAND. has about 80 members and is one of several groups started to bolster support for the nuclear freezt> an1l1ative on the California ballot Nov. 2 Californians for a Bilateral Nuclear Weapons Freeze is the largest group. with a reported 2,- 000 members in Orange County a lon e . The nuclear freeze initiative calls for the llnited States and the Soviet Union to hall the nuclear arms race. Cutler . 57. who teaches e lectronics al Orange Coast College. said that the idea of nuclear war has haunted him since he served in the Army in Wor ld Wa r Il. -INDEX- Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Edit.onal Entertainment Horoscope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notloos A7 C5-7 A7 04-8 D2 02 03 A6 87-8 A7 A7 B7-8 C6 A3 C5-6,Dl,D3-4 Spurts Dr. St.eincrohn Stock Marketa Television Theaters Weather .. C l -4 A7 Cl B6 87-8 A2 DaftJ ..... ltlll'I f'tloto Carol Ann Bradford and Phil Cutler a re among those lined up again t the threat o f nuclear wa r. Although he had returned to the United S t ates when the alom1t· bomb was drop ped on Hiroshima, he said he learned how fragile human life is. "I'm not a religious person," said Cutler. "But I pray every day that my children will live out their lives. I d o n 't ask for anything special, just a chance for them to live." Bradford, a former marketing executive for a local hot.el, said she never joined a political group before sl4lrting ST AND. "I was JUSt taJkang about the threat of nuclear war for the hundredth time," explained the Newport Beach resident. And we decided , ··we have to do something " Added C utl e r , "It 's unconscionable n ol lo do anythmg, to sal here and let this happen." Proponen ts o f the nuclear Creezc say that the United S tates with 30.000 nuclear weapons and the Soviets with 20.000 -have more than e nough to destroy each other. They contend that the risk of an accidental nuc lear war through a compute r error is heighte n ed b y the m1l1tary buildup. Those against the initiative say a freeze would dimini'sh the bargaining position of the United States and give lhe Soviets an advantage in the nuclear ar ms race. Convincing Orange County res1dent.<1 to s upport a freeze has not been an easy job. Bradford said. So Car, Laguna Beach and Garden Grove have been the only ci ty councils in the t'Ounty to support the initiative. Newporl . Beach and Costa Mesa councils have postpont'd a dedsaon uni.JI aft.er the November election. "I think they 're totall y chicken," said Cutler. "They won't make a commitment." Those who have JOtned the Costa Mesa nuclear group said they d id so because o f their ' children, said Bradford. The group plans to begin dis tribu ting i nformation prepared by Californians for a Bilateral Nuclear Wea p o ns Freeie to 33,000 households In 1 Costa Mesa next month. "What does al take lo make a p e rson f eel that his life is threatened?" ask ed C utler. Israel 'errors' told by By GLENN SCOTT Of tM OallJ l"llot ltaff Develop ers of a proposed Irvine recreation park on Michelson Drive have submitted new plans to build a four-acre playland they say would be subslanl1ally different from a carnival-like proJel'l proposed four years ago. Th e n ew development proposal, said Joyce Dean, project manager, 1s designed lo meet tasteful , family -oriented standards. Instead of such attractions as bumper cars and other "metal rides," she said the new plans call for a lushly landscaped park that includes a low -profile waler slide and Balboa Pavilion-shaped central building for vidro games, snack areas, recital rooms and meeting areas. Both new and o ld pla n s indudt'd miniature golf rourses. The latest proposal, however, Cealures a facj)jty that contrasts markedly with the former "fun zone" approach. Now proposed is a childre n's experience cenler, where young participants could gel exposure lo arts, sports and computers, Dean explained. The four-acre development is planned lo fil behind an existing bowling alley and roller skating rank. The project would be bordered by the new Harvard A venue and t he San Diego An anvesugation or the Beirut refugee camp massacre will reveal Israel made errors an judgment but will not cosl Prime Minister Menachem Begin his polilicnl life, a former Israeli military chie f predicts Gazit. who has been out of the country for 10 days. said his own 17-year-old daughter joined a mass demonstration in Tel Aviv last w eekend de manding an lnvesLlgation as well as Begin's resignation. off the real issue in the Middle East which he insisted "is whether Israel will continue to exist." Shlomo Gazlt, chief of Israeli military lntelhgenre until 1979, said he would be very surprised If the Investigation showed that Israel had any direct hand in the recent massacre. Gazit, now president of a unlvel"$ity in lsrael and In Newport Beach Wednesday to talk with supporters of the campus in the Negev, ventured that the lnvesllgation will fault lsr.ael for permitting Chrislian Falangiflt militiamen lo enter the camps. At feast 590 men, women and chUdren were killed in the camps. Ga:z.lt said the outrage in Israel over the killings ha8 bet:ln running ot a high plwh and that It was this domestic pmiRUtc thot forced Begin to call for th lnvetUl(atlon . Begin Initially refused to can for an mvcstlgallon, saymg such a move would be the same! as admittlnf! guilt. Gozlt said he Is troubled by the reaction to the massacre In the Unit ed States, parllcularly in the J ewish rommunity He said Americans have never received a dea'r picture of what the Lebanon crisis ls a ll about and, Instead, get a "jigsaw picture" In news reports. ''There seems to be much confusion here," he suggeat<'d. "The J ew Ith community here 11k~ l.O have thlnp simple und c l ea r and they have trouble under.iand1ng when thln11 ln lsrael become compUc.a\<'d. It barnee them:· He aald the muaecna hu taken tht> focua , He charged that President Reagan has a particularly uninformed understanding of what's going on in brael. He conceded that part of his mission In the Unltt'd States will be to soothe Israeli supporters who are upset because of the massacre . As a former military leader, Gaslt suggested there are several way1 of viewing the camp kllllnp . "If we had not entered Weat Beirut and had stood on the aidellnes, the ChrtaUan militia allll would have entered the camps a nd the re1ulta might havt been much ·worse. "What would ~ \he reecdon to \hat?" he asked ·•we aUJl would haw bf.en blamed fSee ISRAEU , Pa11 Al) l Freeway. ADM, a corporation. s pec1allz1ng in rt.>creallonal facilities, has purchased 17 acres o f land on both sides of Miche lson from the Irvine Company. Dean said The proposed development 1s contingent on approvals from city panels. City planners currently are working on environmental reports. Dean said processmg will run ~-{least mlo early 1983, consU'Gction of the miniature golf course -the first listed for completion -would take a lmost another year. Because of the community outcry that eventuaJly squasht'd some of the original plans. A OM and city officials are scheduling public meetings to r eview the plans with local hom eowner assoc1al1ons in Ra nch o San Joaquin. Dates or those me<'tings have not been set, but planners said they probably w1U take place In about three weeks. Dean. meanwhile. d escribes the project as the product of long hours of research inte nded to meet Irvine's peculiar needs. "This is a very tasteful pro,JeCt and Is sensitive to all of the aes thetic conce rns of the community," she obscrvt'd. Noise was a concern o f residents four years ago. Dean said the new activities are meant (See PLAYLAND, Pa"e A2> • I 0/N Or,nge Co111 DAILY PILOT /Thur.div, Seotember 30, 1982 ~' _C_o_u_n_t_y_s_o_c-ia_l_p_r_o_g_r_a_m_s _s_a_v_e_d_ \• Continued stories PLAYLAND. • lo gerwrutt• t'nJQymcnt fn•t• of Yelling 11nd 11cn~11mins She dluroctt•tlu>d the w11wr slide us mon· of 11 long inncr-tubt• ru11 than us lht• kind of 11plral i;hdl•!f popular In othl•r areas. I:Nan said the· recreational park lS geared for famlllcs. The park 1s designed with enough diversity, she added, so that parenl.8 might drop tht.'lr ki<.ls off at the.> lc&rning t·entcr and hl•ad o ff to the bowhng alley. • Oc•un Huld ADM t•mployt•t·s u uv(.!led exien1nvt•ly looking ut n ·('reatlonol !ocilit1l'11 hclon• dc·v11ing the plan. "It flt11 lrvlne becau se thl• t.'Ommunlty ht a leader." shl' stud. "This is o unlc1ue one-of·u·kind." ADM, based In Anahd1r1, ulso upcrutes such facilities In Orungl' County as Rti(-qut>tbull World in Fountain Valley and Sunta Anu, Regal Lanes In Orangl' and Mill• Square Park Golf Course. ISRAELI 'ERRORS'. • • The c ritics would h avl' said 'Here's Israel with a ll tts might jU£t st.anding around'." Ht•1wfll'lu1 h •'! uf •vt•rul <lu7f'll 01 ongt• l'uunty gov<-rnnwnt· l11H'k1·cl !!Ol'IUI progrum1 ar<' l111•alhl11K c•oslt·r toduy, th(•lr '" 11J.t1 u111N NJn•n·d th•• hudl(t•t t•utun~ ux fo1 t111ottwr )'t•nr by <:ou111y Hoord of Supcrvh1ors Tut•Miuy ICUP\•rviJlor• poetporwd pr 1•v1ously mt1ndtuf'd cu~ In 22 of io progroma wh o11 t• n•pn•1wntnliv<•s appc>al<'d the red ul· t l uriK A not h er sevt'tl pro~ 1 a ms Wl•rt• tund£>d ro r I ~It.? U3 ut h.•vl'ls hig her thun thos1• su~1·11ic-<l to 11upcrvbon1 by 11 dt1wn't1 udv1sory c..'Ommltll'<'. In ull, supt•rvlsol'li oppropriatc..>d mon• thun $I 35 million for the 4U programs tf.'celving federal rl'Vl'llUl' ~haring money through thl• l'OUnty The figure was about $37.000 rnort> than the total n •t·omml'ndc•d by the advisory cuoimlth•t· und ubout $440,000 more lh1111 woulcJ huv<' be<'n 11pt•nt It tlw uutomot1 t·utl><K·k• hod bt"t•n alrktly cmrorn-d. T u t o I n • v •• n u c• • h a r I n " m 11\111ltnwntM tu 11x•lul pro&roms m•v1•rthl'lesa will drop 1.1bout $:.?a0,000 bt•low thl• )'\•11r'ic lt•wl, as ottlcl11l1 of 110me prograrru did not d111putt• the automatic cull;. 1'ht· nt'w funding ycrnr 11tnrh1 Frldoy, to t'Orr<.•11pond with th•· 111.art ()( tht• (1-tfotul gov1•rnrncnt'e fiscal yea1-. Supt•ryisora lnltiulJy rl'jc...ictc.'<.I u motion to postpone mc~u or ttw automatic cul.8 ns r('(.'Ommt•ndcd by the.• Social Programs Advisory CJmrnltte<>, preferring Instead to hear individual appeals from program reprcsenwtiv('jj. Th<> hearing, In what is becoming an annual event, was a nearly three-ho ur process in wh1<.•h repr<.>st!ntauvcs of many of tlw ugencl 1tood In lino to have ttwlr appeal ht."ard at th podJum The only 1upervllor to orpclll' a 1ub1lantlal number o the fundlnai rntoratlona wu Harriett Wl<."<:kr. Sh~ !Ulld 1he preferl'f'd to .uphold a 1979 board polky mondoUng annual cut.1 unul I.he protir11m1 1.1re phtiaed out from l'OUnty p11rtlCif>#tlOn. Thot pollcy waa based 011 the· 1.: o n t' l' p t o f u a i n 6J e o u n t y · 1.;.introlled federal lunch only u "s<'cd money" f o r socia l progrums. County mont•y was to be uscJ only to launch the programs. which were the n suppo1ed to attract ouulde funding to remain viable. But SPAC members and program representatives said the ronccpt no longer works tx>cause the e<.·onomlc climate makes It a lmos t impossible to obtain private funds. T h ey nld al lowing the uutom#tk "•ductloru thl1 ycur, with CUUf\tY funding to m<Jll of th proaranu alreoady 1t halt lta original level aftn pr~vlou1 automatic cui., would kill many proanuN. The.· \.'(.)U nty fundl aro not the• tole aource of fundlna for mott of the programa Program1 ecrvlng the Orange Coaal which wcm; llplll't-d tht" cuts Tue1duy lnclud the Wome n '• Traru1ltional Living Cenwr. Thl' People'• Clinic, Toon Help· Youlh Service Burea u, Catholic Community Agencies, Loguna &>ach Free Clinic, Committee on Allaauha Against Women, Orange County Coun<:il on Aging, Legal Aid Society ot Orange County and the West County Counseling Cent.er. The Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach also received additional funds. Gazat said t he decision to let the militia enter the camPS likelv HERO • • • Newport reside nt who was walking across the street, on Balboa Boulevard and then six'CI off in h is car. leaving Warner face-down in the middle of the st rec\. was made with the knowledgt• thut "the m1htia was not going to be acting like a bunch of well- behaved policemen." He said he doubts, however, that there was any clue that tht' slaughter was roming. "As hard as it might be to believe now. the massacre will quickly become just another one of yesterday's headlines. There will be another crisis somewhere else to take its place." Hearing on baby's slaying postponed Pohc·e say they traced down Gibbs af t er findin({_ his abandoned car in a shopping eentc•r. Gazit said he is optimistic that n<'ither the killings n or the investigation will harm relations between the United States and Israel. Charges dismissed ~gainst Mesa nJan Charges have been dismissed against a Costa M esa man arl'ested Sept. 24 m Costa Mesa ort susp1c1on of extortion an d false imprisonment, an Orange Police Department spokesm an said. The case agai n st C hris Murdock. 29, was filed after the allowable period at the Harbor Municipal Court a fter police incorrectly attempted to file c harges at Central Orang(• County Municipal Court, the spokesman aaid. Two other su.spect.s., Lawrence Trent, 28, and Larry Bushard, 35, also of Costa Mesa, still face charges. The three men were arrested Friday after an unide ntified Huntington Beach man claimed he was held hostage in a Costa Mesa apartment in lieu of $3.000 ransom. The hostage later was rel!i!ased without injury. • Ha rvey Mark Davis Two held on cocaine rap Two men, including a Laguna Beach r esident. have been arreste d on susp icion of possessing more than four pounds of cocaine and one pound of a s timulant drug. Narcotics officers from the· Anaheim Pohce Department, Los Angeles Police Department, Tucson Police Department and the Arizona Department of Public Safety arrested Howard t'.:oones. 27. at his home, 21095 Raquel Road in Laguna Canyon, at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday. after a search of the residence. Agents said they also seized handguns. nfles. automatic weapons. hand grenades, and about $13.000 m currency The combined street value or the drugs was estimated at $315.- 000. according to Ed Hofman, Anaheim p olice public information officer. Also arrested was Jackson Monroe. 27. The arrests were made after a three-month investigation by the marcoucs agents. Coones. identified by police as a mapr supplier of cocaine and methamphetamine in the Southern California area, is being held m the Anat)eim City Jail on $1 million bail. Fair through Friday Consla I Some clouds at tomN today. otherwise fair High• 70 to 76 Fair tonight and Friday with overnlglll lows 66 to 112 High• on Friday 7 4 to 77 El1ewhere, from Po lnl Concepllon 10 the Mealcan t>otder end out 60 mllee Smell etalt advlM>fY In ettec:t °"9r outer waletl due 10 no<l"-1 winclt of 18 to 30 knoll Ind II 10 8 1001 HH today Winds decreaalng I 1onighl Ind Frld•y 10 12 10 22 kne>U. Locally lfght variable winds weS11Cl aouth-1 12 10 18 knoll during the altetnoon1 todey and flrlcley Wind wav .. 3 to 4 ,..I ~ .. t to aoulllwMt tweb 1 10 3 lkt Some Clouds over aoulhertl wa1er1 todey. otherwlt• fair lflrough Friday 'California d• Southern Celilornle will h•~ acre111ng cloud• 1nd wind• today Mosly lair and • 11111• • .,met Friday • Orange County can ••P•Ct qteezy dlyt Hight 118 to 73, lows $7 to 62. High• In 70• Friday • Inland valleys will lleve high• ea 1.~5, 72 10 78 Frldey. Lowe In • Mounl1ln1 wlll t>e Pll'lly cloudy "''h • Chance of lhOwe<I w .. 1 10 ~rthwetl wind • 20·35 mph t1lgh1 45 to 55. In 50• Friday tJ:IW9 28 10 40 • Partly cloudy In de1ert1 wllh "'"' to nOr1h-t wind• 15-30 111ph. N0tther11 deMrl high• In 808. 10w9 In 40. FrlOey hight 8$ t& 75. Southern o-t lllQtll In llO•. 1odey end Friday. low• In !:'arlly cloudy In northern 91•rr•. 1howere and 1no11r c!o nllnulng In c:entr1I i nd uthern Sierra. Sunny ind .._..... In Nor1hem and entral Calllornle Warming Wlnler•llke _t,,_, ~ the r Ml11ou rl Vl llty on e1day with mornin g ""'.. only In tilt IOt In •uoll ol Mont1nt end •now111owtre 1oatttrt cl frol'll ~ Mon.,n1 Into no1ti.n H';°~';ei~rl ldvllOflH wttt ...,., for toc:lllly ~ "'°" °"" '"' l'l\OUnt11n, Of nottll•HI ~. """'~ ~ l .,.,.. Of Utafl 904 ~ "'°" w...,,..,... ltld ....... "'°" ~ ~ Ille ~ ... ". .,.,,ldu of C1t1fon11a, wll•r• Eorlt't wwt ,...,.,.., lo UM ..... In rnountlln ,... In '*" cellfonM, "*" ... tC•ll•r•d locally 11e1vy 1n6w 6'1.owert ovtr eouthtrn Mono C-"Y ' For today, lllundeu1orm1 _.. rorac.st on the Florida Penln1uta, wllll ra lnsllowara lrorn South 01ko1a and Wyoming acrou norlhern and central Artzone CIOudy 1kle1 -• l~t In tile upper Mluourl Valley ll1d North Dakota T e niperatures Alt>e11y Alt>uque AmallllO Anehorege Atnev~le Atlanta Atlantic Cny Austlfl Blltlmot• Bllllngt 9•rmlngl\ern 9191T11lClt 804M Boston B<ownt\llle Bllttelo 8urllf\91on Catp« Charlttn SC Char111n WV Cnerlll• NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Clmt>l1 SC Cotumt>us Oal·FI Wtn Oaylon Denllet Des MOlnet O.trott OuMh EJ PHO Flltt>ank1 Fergo Flagllett Gr .. 1 Fiiis Hartl«d Helene Honolulu Houtll)f'I lndnlflllt Jedlen MS Jedlanvfle .k-.u Kan• Cit\' e7 54 78 42 82 5e •2 37 78 45 79 60 117 59 92 711 75 54 46 39 83 61 52 34 57 39 58 $11 93 71 15 57 86 52 54 39 82 65 75 51 76 57 eo 58 83 63 78 64 73 50 81 52 73 49 111 70 711 51 73 39 ao &a 71 50 67 82 85 &t 51 110 eo 113 eo 31 37 34 67 57 114 38 89 75 15 75 78 so " 58 "' &4 48 .... 81 .. l<no•vtlle LIS VlgH Little Rock Loulsv"le Lut>l>Oelt Memphlt Memph•• Miami Mltwauk .. Mpls-St P N1lllYlll4I N-Or1ea.n1 N-York Nortotl! No. Platt• Okie City Om1ha Orlando Pl!llld~ • 'f'hoenl.11 Pltttt>urgh Pllend, Me Piiand. Of• Prollldene. Aalelgh Aeptd c~ Reno Richmond Salt lake S.. Antonio S..Ute Sllfevepor1 Slou11 F ... SI Louil SI P· T 81'11911 SISI• Mane 81 51 78 111 15 58 10 53 86 12 Ill 55 ae 55 16 78 78 59 76 86 84 53 Ill &a 71 111 74 113 74 35 8fl 69 78 llt 19 52 711 5g 91 62 89 411 81 53 II 113 111 68 78 58 55 37 48 31 74 55 47 39 91 73 92 43 as eo 74 47 f4 ae M 71 n 5t IURf. REPORT ·-,....,. .. .. N ea .. N .. .. .. IS ts Tomotrow H!ell TIO•: t :ll '·"'; LAw Tlct• );Oa p "'·· l-41 OlflCtlon 8outr-t $tall0nlry •• Se><*ane SQ .... SytlCUM 70 50 TOPeltl 83 ea Tucson ea S3 Tulll 87 ea WISlllngtn 77 57 Wichita ea 6e Apple V1iley 1t 44 B•kersn.td 72 eo Bara low 74 115 Beeumonl 83 52 Big 8811r 81 32 Blthop 50 38 Blythe 89 63 Catallna 70 58 Eureka 81 50 FrHnO 89 52 L1nca1111r 82 55 long &each 11 eo lot Afl09lel 611 &t Monrovle n 59 Monlet>ellO 114 81 Monl~ey 84 5e Ml WlltOO 49 41 Needlel 88 73 Newpor1 8"c:h 70 81 Olkland 711 57 Onllflo 70 57 Palm Spf1ngs 12 se PHldtna 72 51 ~=.::-71 41 89 57 Red &lull 72 54 RedWood Clly 71 67 Secramento • 71 47 Se!ine1 70 50 9.,, 94m1tdlno 72 58 San Oal>fl .. 74 H Sin OlegO 12 82 San Frenctaco 70 54 Sttl Jott 71 52 Santa Ana 72 51 Sent• e.tl*I 71 62 81tota Cru& ao 50 S1n11 M11le M M Tides TODAY Second tow 1:3 I p.m. 1.1 Stoond lllgll Ut p.m U ,,..y n,.1 tow 2.M 1 m. 0.2 nrtt NQfl 1. 11 a.m. I. 1 ltconcf IOw s 03 p.m. , , hConcJ .. •04 "'" I.I lvn Mt• IHIW 11 • ti P "' , r1tte OttcWt " • '7 • "' Moon ,,.. IOOI)' " 5 • p Ill., Mtl ,...., " 4 11 • "' . .;.. ByJOl>I CADENHEAD of Ille Deity Not .. _,, Arraignment scheduled today of a 28-year-old Costa Mesa man ch arged with murde r a nd a special drcumstance alJegation or torture in the d eath of his 10-w ee k -old daughter was postponed today until Oct. 11. H arvey M ark Davis, an unemployed oil well worker, a ppeare d only briefly before Judge Sehm Franklin in Harbor Municipal Court. The postponement came aft.er a ttorney John Barnell said he needed more time to evaluate his client's case. Barnett said he was hired today by Davis' relatives. Davis was arrested by Costa Mesa polfoe homicide detectives Monday night at UC Irvin e Medical Center, where he had reportedly rommitt.ed himself for psychiatric care. The a rr es t followed investigation o f h is infant daughter's death from internal injuries. Following today's court app ea rance . Davis wa s transferred to Orange County Jail where h e will be h e ld without bail. He had been in Costa Mesa Jail in lieu of $500.- 000 bail. The murder by torture charge filed by the district attorney's office Wednesday falls into the special circumstances category and would require a death penalty determination if Davis LS tried and convicted. Heather Davis was found dead in her crib last Thursday by her mother Cath y Lee Taylor. 3 1, who sought help from neighbors who called paramedics. Vietnamese fest at Mesa church Vietnamese children will begin celebrating th e 1982 Mid-Autumn festival Friday at 7 p.m . at St. John the Baptist Church, 1015 Baker Ave .. Caita Mesa. The traditional Vietnamese •Etchings and lithographs by Cha rles Bragg will be among works featured during the opening of the South Coast Art Center in Costa Mesa Saturday. The new gallery at 283 E. 17th St. will showcase comic and animation art, graphics •N e w and continuing members of t h e Newport Beach chapter of Hadassah arc invited to atte nd a meeting Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Huntington Beach. The professional group of ce1ebrat10n for children will Include a dragon dance, folk so ng s, mart ia l a rt s demonstrations and a parade of lanterns. C h i ldre n can e nte r a lantern contest by callin g 641 -0850. Admlss1on is free. and movie posters. On dtSplay October will be works by Bragg, E ugene Vale n tin, G u s t av Tenggren, Kay Neilsen, Freddie Moore, Ollie Johnson and Sylvia Holland. The art center operated by J erry Muller will be open T uesdays through Saturdays from 10;30 a .m . to 5:30 p.m. th e J ewish women 's organization will meet at the Villa Warner Rec r eation Center, 6600 Warner Ave. for brunch. For more information call 842-7249. Fernando Jr. debuts The six-f oot, 280 -p o und unemployed oil well worker is LOS ANGELES (AP) -Caesarean section to Linda also accused of breaking both Dodger pitching ace Fernando Burgos Valenzuela at 7:53 a .m. arms of 20-mon th-old Megan Valenzuela and his w1'fe of n1'ne V I 1 h · hed T I I J H f a enzue a, w o p1t.c seven ay or ast anuary. e was ree months had a baby boy today, a Wed esd i h · h on $5,000 bail when h e was innings n ay n g l m t e arrested on suspicion of murder. spokl'swoman at San P edro Dodgers' 4-3 loss to the National Sgt. Bill Bech tel said that Peniruula Hospital said. League West-leading Atlanta II th h The baby. named Fernando Braves, we nt to the hospit;il Heather was origina Y oug t Jr .. weighed 7 pounds. 14 ounces, afterward. to be the victim of sudden infant said Mo k i De Ma r co. son of "F d death syndrome. or crib death. ernan o was in the room for Davis was h vmg in a $900 per Valenzu ela's manager. Ton y mos t or the labor, but he left month rental house at 1998 DeMarco. during the delivery," DeMarro Tustin Ave. with Taylor, three of The hospital spok eswoman, said. her four children. Heather and a who declined to give her name, The couple, both now 21 years baby mtte~ ~ii~ R~d.2 ==2·~~~~s_a_i _d~t_h_e~b_o~y~_w_a_s_·_b_o~r_n~b~y~_o_ld~, _w_e_re~m_a_r_r_ied~-~~-·-2_8_._1_9_8_1._ Concord Mariner SG. Designed to acmmmOdate the most active lifestyle. t1andsome. thin. with a sweep-second hand and a date calendar. It's a sa.ilptl.lral blending of stalnlesS steel and warm. rich 14 karat gold. Water ·resistant to 99 feet Accurate to within 60 seconds a year. Never needs wtnd!~· ~ Completely hand-craft.ad In SWitterland. His. $890. Hers. $840. Abo 1V1lllble In all steel. His. $590. Hers. SSSO. §LAVICK'S PW .-....Slra '9t7 Whttt CM bar surprists bqin. ~ lllnl (7'4) .... ,.,. ~""" Mio OrNtef ... Angllll • 511'1 '*'°.La-.... • • A8 C/N Oranoe OOHt DAILV PILOT/Thur1d•y. 81Pl•mber 30, 1982 Neighborhood truce a welcome solution An odd nnd bttter d<:batc.• 111 v11lving residents of Nc.•wport H1·.il'h's CliUhavcn nrf'o, 8t. A11dn•w's Presbyterian (;hurch :111d. <>ven tually, the Newport Jknt·h C tty Council, was e nded 1h1~ week w1 lh a t'Omprom1st• that ~·t·ins to satisfy cveryom•. The c hurc h , antk1pating growth needs, had prepared an 1'><pans1on plan that included a 1115 -foot -high sanc:tuary Cliffhaven homeowners sa1<j st \\as ugly , too bulky for the neighborhood and would blo<.'k 1heir views. So the c hurc.·h St·~1k-d plans down to 85 feet. Soml' of lh<! neighbors sttll were unhappy. The City Counc:ll , unwilling to take sides, kept urging the contestantB to try to reach a compromise. The debate went un Cor weeks und it didn't Sl't'm to b<:' getting anywhere until Monday n ight. Then, in a flurry of last minute n egoti<1 tions, cou nc.·1 I members Evt•lyn Hart and Paul Plan • raises Not surprisingly, tht• ln·11w Company's nl'w plan for a massive dcvclopm(•nt an Laguna Canyon -tw1c.·c as large and containing twice the numbl'r of homes proposed in an earlier plan -has raised the eyebrows of c.·1ty officials in Laguna Bca<.•h . The so-callc.-d Lagunci/Laun•I Canyon plan could c.·ontain as many as 3,600 dwelling units on 2, 150 acres along Laguna Canyon Road belwccn lhe San Diego Freeway and El Toro Road. They would range from affordable units to luxury i;ustom homes and the proj<:ct would include a golf course and two commercial centers. Irvine Company o ff1 c 1als contend that while the number of units proposed is greater. the overall prnJec t would inc:Jude muc.·h mon.' publat· open spac:e than th e firs t plan, whic:h wa s MaurC'r munugl-U to gN (•vc1·yom.• to ugr<.'l' lo a n<•w p lan thot would I I m I t l h c• t• x pa n s I o n t o u 46-foot-high s:rnc:tuury with h l'l'OSS 011 lOJ>. A c..I d 1 t 1 u n a I I y . t h c n t• w ~11wtu:iry will huvc lo be.• ~l'l buck 92 f <'l'l from the sln·ct and 250 parking plac.'t'S must be prov1dro Otl th<.' Sill'. This appanmtly sat1sf 1l-tf thl· chstrl·sst•d neighbors. As for St Andrt·w·s, Dr J ohn l luffman, the• 1..· h u n· h pus tor . s a 1 d i t was :wknowll•dged that the origina l pl.in was not the best ont• "fur tht• h l ' a I th and we I rare of th l ' ' <.·ummunity. "The c.·hurch, ht• S111d, wants to be a good neighbor. That will cost some.· monL·y, in addition to the amounts alrt•ady Spt.'nt on thL' initial plans. Now a new pl:m n1ust be prepan-d and hl'ought back to the t•ouncil for revit•w. Burring furthc·r t•rupt10ns, neighborhood pcuc(• will reign and it's high time. eyebrows d1 searded as economically an - r easible. It will, of cOUl'S<', wqu1n· an <•nvironmental 1mpcict rL·po rt <md Laguna Beac h City Counc:tl me mlx>rs lost no time an supply ing rnuntv officials with an oullan(• of cone(. r n s t hey fl' e I mus t bl' addrt•sscd in th<' report. These include traffic, flood eontrol. gwding impacts and an analysis of needed publi(' services. The <:ity a lso would like the countv to look into a ltt•rnativt•s that would p<·rmit less intensive• residential and t·ommcf'cial development. Al I this is very much in the future'. ThC' C'Ompany says 1\ would take from 10 to 15 yea r s t Q complC'lC' tht• plannC'd c:ommunity . And it c.-ouldn't get undt•r way until it wins county approval and the cc.·onomic climate picks up. Which g1vl'S m nc.•erned m•ighbors plrnty of l1mt• to air their views Seek haunting space The Orangt• County chapter of the March o f Dimes has moved into ne w headquarters in Costa Mesa. but 1t needs yet another house -one suitable for haunting <luring the ghosting month of October. For some years now. March of Dimes volunteers have manned a "haunted house" on the Orange County fairgrounds, raising funds by entertaining trick or treaters with "ghoulic.•s and ghosties and long-leggcty beasties, and thjngs • that go bump m the night " But. having been bumped from the fairgroundl>, thl' voluntt'C'rs arc looking for a new huuse to haunt -preferably o building with a t least 20.000 square feet of haunting space. Anyone with sul'h a building to lcasC' for the month of ONobt•r is invited to conlact the March of Dimes at its new headquarwrs in the Rea Community Center. 66 I Hamilton St.. Costa Mesa, or cull 631-8700. Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Me'!MJ, CA 92626. Phone (7 14) 642-4321 L.M. Boyd/ Widow's marriage If a widow's marriage was a happy one. she would do well to remarry as soon as reasonably appropriate. So say the matrimonial experts The more time that passes. the more she tends to idealize her first husband Eventually. she reshapes her memory of him so much that no other man could possibly live up to her expectations An eskimo with the help of his wife can build an igloo in about an hour. So reports a North Country traveler. That must be the old csk1mo The young esk1mo doesn't build an igloo lrl fact, the old esklmo didn't build many. if any. I've heard it said that only a few eslumos have ever seen such a domicile. How do you account for the statisucal fact that Boston. Mass. has about twice as many heavy drinlters and half as many teetotalers as any other city of its size nationwide? In the plust-er homes or the ancit·nt Greeks were rooms for sleeping and other rooms for romanre. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot ::~'t~~ ::.: ~~1~:.~!~.:::lltv:·~ ::: IMO. C••I• -W t "' .,,,. ,. Those cond emned tu the executioner·s blade in 17th century England pc11d said axman a Spcl'lfit'tJ sum to do the job as painlessly as possible It was a custom perpetuated, certainly. by the executioner himself. Pay up. or die in agony. It's a fairly tight little example of pitiless politics, isn't it? The predator will g<.'t his u1k€' even on the block. Q. Is sexual assault common In the public schools? A. Evidently. About 9,000 students and teachers a year say they'v<' been so victimized. But the statistics don't tell the story. because it's one of those crimes that often g()(>S unreported. A ton of iron, after 1t rompletdy rusts, weighs thrtt ton Scholars repc-t1Wdly have tried to catalog all the possible uses or nylon. but they've never fimsht-d such 111'l First danC't.' lhlH allowed a man t• put his arms around a woman in public was tht.> walt:z; Thomas P. HaJ.y Publ•1~"' Jon• Amari t ~•c~1·•ei ld tor lorbara Krelblch fd1to.lt'll 1'09e ld·tor Thomot McConn MOMQ•lllJ ld•ICN !\ ML QUIET ~ Tut MfD·FASf ~ Letters to the editor Airport foes share blame To tht• Editor: In reply to the Sept. 23 Airport Site letter of Paul Ryckoff: This as my first ever lett.er. but ( am fed up with Newport Beach and their ideas about the airport (Orange County or John Wayne) and the freeway. When we moved from Florida to Costa Mesa almost 22 years ago the airport was all by its lonesome self out there with plenty of land for expansion. People who built and purchased homes under the flight pattern were well aware of the rhght pallcrn and that this was a growing area. It seems to me that these people have no one to blame but themselves. WHERE WOULD our local industry be if we didn't have the airport? So where would the wealth of Newport Beach come from. as most of the orflcers, administrators etc. of the industrial growth in our area u sually live in Newport? But all you ever hear from Newport is get the airport out of here. I say let the airport stay and expand. After all it was here first in a far out unocc:up1ed area and they do have some rights, even though Newport Beach doesn't seem to feel that way. Also, Cost.a Mesa is cut up with three freeways. one of which should never have had the name Newport Freeway as a~ain Newport res1dents reel they are above such things. I don't feel I'm a peon because 1 don't hve an Newport Beach and I don't think the airport should be hassled by Newport Beach residents who werC' dumb enough to buy under an organized fllght pattern, ,et or otherwise, and then complain their heads off about the airport. The same applies to them in regard to not helping with the traffic snarl in Newport due to the abrupt ending of the freeway running completely through Costa Mesa. I say. Newport Beach either shut up or get out. B.J .C. FISCHER PLO history To the Editor: Ignored or forgotten by the nauonal media, !leveral Lebanese c1t1:z:en s , intervwwed on TV channel 40 described the horror of the 13-year occupation of Lebanon by Arafat and the PLO. ln so doing they provided a much needed insight into the recent "massacres" m Lebanon Thus: 1 In 1969, the Cairo Agreement compelled Lebanon to be a "host" nation for the PLO. 2. The PLO. armed with Soviet weapons. set up an independent military s tate in L ebanon with a PLO government, Judicial system and army. Lebanon the "host" became the "host.age" of its PLO "guests." 3. Starting with the PLO slaughter of 12,000 Christians in Damur and the destruction of that village (blamed years l•tcr on the Israeli "invaders") the PLO state within a state embarked on nationwide "massacres" that resulted in the death of 100.000 Lebanese and enormous destruc.-tion of property. 4. The PLO located its "soldiers'' and its lethal military hardware within civilian areas THE FOREGOING gives the lie to those widely publicized distortions or the tragic events in Lebanon that puttl<'d ;ind distressed many of us. Thus: A. The PLO on the borders of Israel were not just a kw "strugglers" fighting for freedom but th(' opening wt'dge for Arafat and the PLO military state. B. The lsracU attack on Beirut was not a senseless "massacre" of civilians but an attack on the PLO hiding be-hind civilians (the lsr~eli' dropp«'d leatl<'L" urging the clVillans to leave even though It revealed to the PLO when and where the Israelis wou ld at\aek). C Wh •n Bas hir 0 mayl'l ond th<- gov r r nm f n t of L .-bonon w.-rc "ma.SQcred" by bombs the Lebanese retaliation was not a sen11ele11 "massacre'' of civilians but an au.ark on PLO terrorists who hid among the tong-1uff <"rlng Palcstlnlans. h wu a tragic mt>aaure of the depth of the ~~nl'Se hatred of the PLO. There were no PLO ro&CS for Ciemoycl only Arafat'• outrll(I(' at the ('Onduct of .. -~ (' MAILBOX Israel and the failure of the United Stall's to guarantee the safety of the• Palestinians ht.• left behind including, he must believe. the murderers and terrorists who ''massacred" Gemayel. The massaae of the Palestinians ought to warn Arafat that terror begets terror, massacre· begets massacre, that no more can he kill and maim in Lebanon or anywhere without swift and appalling ret.ahation on the guilty and innocent alike ALBERT E. NASSER Rights bl'each ed To the Edi tor: Disgust! Disappointment! Bitterness!, etc A small article in the Sept. 14 Daily Pilot, entitled "Hot.el Taxes Eyed.'' by Steve Marble. ignited all of the ire that can be developed from the realization that you have been lied to, deceived and cheated. I am 52 years of age, a vet.eran, married for 33 years. and have three sons. I have been schooled to believe that this democratic fonn of government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people, and that our elected officials represent us, the people. In one sentence of the artic le, "Newport Beach City Council members are preparing to do what voters in the city twice refused to do -increase the hotel and motel bed tax," all of this schooling became a lie! These officials do not represent the people. I will not accept this. This breach or our rights 1s at the lowest level of government. We the people. can and must stop this. We must stop any official that docs not abide by the will of the people. We must show all officials that we care and that their jobs depend on our satisfaction. DONALD L. RAFFERTY chool funding To the Editor: Congratulations to the parents in the Newport-Mesa school district for realizing the importance of saving the remedial reading programs (editorial 9/23). How fortunate for the children attending these six schools -how fortunate their parents were able to raise and donate the necessary funds. Shouldn't we think beyond this story to the obvious conclusion? Districts not so fortunate will be unable to oHer equal education to their children. This ts a dangerous s tep away fro m eqlJal opportunity in the worst of all posslble places -our public schools. Better public funding should be restored to our California public school system. PATTY ANDERSON M ed -fly rep eat? To the Editor: Recently, Gov. Brown's office insinuated that Dave Baker. the president of the lrvlne Medical Center. might have engaged in Improper condu(•t stc>mming from Mr. Baker's letter to Gov. Brown to the effect that Brown's veto o! AB 2696 could jeopardize his political upport from the residents of Irvine. Apparently Gov . Brown rteogn1ics the nec?d for Irvme votei; but not the nct'ds of lrvmc voters. I recall that not too long ago n number of communities In our state wen• th~atcned. and eventually harmed, by tht> med-fl y 1nCt'stat1o n . These communillH knew how to solve their problem but Gov . Brown thoughc. othcrwl . Oov. Brown's method faJl('d; the communities' m thod worked. Perhaps more signlflcnnt In thi11 election • L.rllrra from ri:adn& Ort' welcome. Tht r1Qht to r1>ndrnat' lrttrrs 10 fit apoct or f'liminatt llbt.11 1.~ r'snved l..PtlC'rs <>/ 300 11•ordll 11r lt.~s lt'tll bt given prefererict All /('tll'ra mtat rncludt 11gnaturt ond moiling addr#u but nomn may ~ u.>1thheld on re qui>at ti ,fU/fl<'ltnl ,,as1>n 11 apparent Pnttr'j/ u•ll nnt br pubhih<'d l.i>lltr& may bt tt'ltohoritd 10 642 60H6 ."~amt and phonr n11rnbtr 11/ thl' N>tllrtburor mu&t bf> g1v•'" /c>r vtr1/1co11on purpo1t• I. year, Gov. Brown. in a political pirouette that must be admired by friend and foe uhkt•, has convinced most Californians tha t h<• always supported the rnmmunllics' solution to their p~oblem. More th;.in 15,000 r esidents o f Irvine indicated their support for the Irvine Mt.'Clical Ct-nter as the solution to Lrvinc's hospital needs. By vetoing AB 2696 Gov. Brown has chosen to again ignore the sentiment of those most affcctt•d. Dave Baker's letter to Gov. Brown simply put him on notice that he w1ll be ac."COunt.able to these residents of Irvine for his decision. And, in truth, he wall be. Another truth is that Dave Baker is a person of the highes t integrity, whose manifold contributions to our community arc beyond daspute. Rather than address the issue, Gov. Brown attacked the man. Paradoxically, 1t as Gov. Brown's l·harge of improper conduct that constitutes the improper conduct. If the Irvi n e Medical Center is successful in its bid for a community- based hospital in Irvine, is there any doubt that Gov. Brown will try to convince us of his t'Ontinued support for this undl'rt:1kang·1 &wt1r<' of the mecl- fly HARRY S . STAHL Negati•'e PR To the F.d1tor: The merchants of Laguna Beach oft.en complain about people not buying locally Herewith a classic example of negative public: relations: I urgently needed a new belt for my electric typewriter and asked my wife to take the old one and pack up a new at a local orr1ce equipment shop. My wife was informed it was thelJ' policy not to sell parts but 1f we cared to bring the typewriter to them they would be pleased to fit the replacement. I am scandalized at this policy. Why even the most disreputable of gas stations does not ask for the car to be brought in for a generator belt replacement. Incidentally, this merchant is trading illegally unde.r the Restraint of Trade Act by offering a conditional sale to a customer. Now changing a belt has about the same difficulty on a typewriter as on a carpet vacuum cleaner: simple removal of the cover is the requirement. However , I was anxious to get the typewriter operational and went to the shop myself and asked the charge for belt (1tting. ThlS was given at $28 -to which I agreed, saying I would do the fitting myself, but, mark this, I was politely told I would also have to pay the $4 charge for the belt cost! Fortunately, It transpired that the belts were out of stock. Needless to say 1t will be a long time before l do further business with this establishment and really feel like turning the matt.er to District Attorney for investigation. ALAN R. FITZSIMONS Re ntal m e 'fo the Echtor: It i11 A sham<' that no a<.'llon is taken to dean up the disgusting mes.<> m front of tht• rl•ntals on 20th StreN and Sant.a Ana Avenue on Costa Mesa's east side. As a nearby resident. 1 have occasion to pass by several ijmes a week. It is an affront to the responsible pro p\'rt y owners In the area I believe these rentals are owned by a former member of the Costa Mt-sa City Council l should think that he would hove more civic pnd<.• than to permit such un out.rage to blotch Costa Mesa. I am sure that all of the property owneni in thl11 nrca are ron{'(!rned about thl'ir propcrtv values • NAME WITHijELD lllllY• The word "justi<.'t'" Is found In the dac;tlonory but th(! ju"1g• hllVf' a hard time pronouncl"lJ It in the courts. D A D Orange Oout DAILY Pll.OTIThurtctay, hptember CSO, 1112 NB OFF 10.02 CLOllNQ 111.21 Burlington Air speeds • service Special and speedier services will be available tor special delivery lelters via Burlinl(ton Alr Express effective Fnday. The Burlington airlelter special delivery services will be proVided between 219 U.S . cities. A division of Newport Beach-bailed Burlll"gton Northern Airfreight, Burlington Air Express also offers the Burlington airlelter, an intercity second day mail servke. Home pric es climbing Rising prices and declining weekJy sales averages continue to mark Orange Cou n ty's single family housing market. ae<.'Ordlng to the latest survey released this week by First American Tille Insurance Company. The study. published by the firm's markel research department, Included 103 actively selling developments with 1,430 homes for sale An overall sales average of 0.7 homes per week showed h decline from lhe 0.9 average in the April 1982 survey. Seven of the last ten reports on single family housing have been characterized by a decreasing sales rate. Once again. prices continue to climb, with homes selling for an average of $261,154, up nearly $19.548 from the previous average of $241.606. TV censor introduced An electronic device that can block home television signal reception on channels 2-13 has been introduced by Censorview Ltd., a Costa Mesa based manufacturer. Designed for parents who wish lo selectively control reception of any or au television programming, il's marketed under the t rademarked name of Censorview 1200, and is lhe only product of its kind in the country Seaclif f space still open Huntington Beach Company has announced completion of its fourth building in Seacliff Office Park Eighty-six percent pre-leased, the building's mapr tenants are Dickinson Pacific Cablesystems and Paychex . . Cabl~ystems, in a roruiolidat1on move, w1U begin residence m the Park on Nov. 1. Paychex. which has been based in Huntington Beach for eight years, has expanded their offices into the newest butldang. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS METALS SILVER Htncty a H.._, M 11 -trey -- GOLD QUOTATIONS