HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-03 - Orange Coast Pilot10111 CUil Ylll lllU• llllY PINI S UNOA Y OC I OIU-H I l'HIJ O llANG l COU N l Y C AL IF O flNIA ~O C E NT ~ _Abuse, risks repeated: .. Who believes the children-? By J ODI CADENHEAD of'tMO.-,Phl•i.tt Two weeks ago, Harvey Mark Davis, 28, w as undl•rgoing ('OUrt· ' order~ counseling follow ing his arrest last January on d mrg<.·s he serio usly abu s l'd his live·ifl girlfriend's daughtc·r He was, ac..'COrd ing to a ra nking Orange Cqun t y go.vernme n t . social ser vices orf1t·wl , "doing we ll." .,. L ast Monday. Costa Mesa Poli<.-c investigators arn •stl•d tlw burly , unemploy<.·d o il wel l driller on susp1l·ion of murder in the alleged torture slaying of his 10-week-old daughwr. Heather. He r body was d1sc.'Ovcrcd Sept. 23 by h er mothC'r . Cathy Lee Taylor, 31. P re liminary assessment: crib death . A poli<:e i n ves tigation ensued. Davis was arr<.'Sted a nd faces arraignmen t Oct. 11. He is being held in Orange• Cou nty Jail without benefi t of bail When arrested. Davis wa'\ fr~ on $5,000 bail. He was awaiting a Nov. 1 trial on <:har~t'S he broke SUNDAY SPECIAL both arms pf anoth~r ch ild - M1.•gan Ta y l o r , o n l! of hi s girlfrwnd 's l'h1ldrl'n. Mt•gan , 20 months uld, has been untkr thl' t·ar<> of l'OUnly off1 c:ials at thl' Albt·rt S itton lloml! fur dC'pcndt•nl l0h1 ldrcn in Oran~w ~an<."l.' the J an 28 a rrest. But other d 1ildr<.·n rt•ma ined at l h t· Da vis -T a y lor n ·s1dc nce Thn•1.· of Cathy Taylor's other chaltlrt.•11 wen.• th1.•n '. Su was the infant. Hl'athl'r. now dl·ad T hc•rc also was a l1v c.•-in b.ibysitte r . Ccc:1lm Reid. 22. Thl' Davis case and oth<'rs havt• prompt1.-d qut-sllons qUL'Stions whil'l1 fol·us on tht· <:u rr£'n t philosophy o f attc>m ptmg to h 'l'p fam1 h1.·s together aftt•r a ll1.•ged ch ild abuS<' has ()('l'Urr<.'CJ Soc:1al sc.•rv1l'l'S offil·1als thOSt.• who St.'<' thl' grim da m agt' wonder aloud 1f more can't b<.· dom• to prt:v1.•n l th e tragt'dll'~ Expt·rts o n c:mld a b u s<.· say Capsules banned C HICAGO (AP ) Ma yor Jane Byrne banned th~· sale of T ylenol in Chicago on Saturday and frigh tened residents began turning in bottles of thl' mc-d1cine t o police s ta tions as cyanide pla nte d in Extra -S t r e ngth T y leno l cap s ule s claime d a seve nth victim. As the trail of poison continued to widen, cyanide also turned up in an unpurchased bottle of the capsules that was pulled from the s he lves of a suburban drugstore as part of the investigation. That means bottles con taining t.alnt.ed capsules of the pain reliever had lllDEI been for sa le in at lea~t four stor('S in the Chicago area Th<.• Illinois attornC'y gt'ncral has blamed a "madman" f~r the poisonings. but the Cook County M<.'<f1cal Examml'r said hl' could not rult• out "factory l'rror " bl't·ausc o f thl' d asclosur<> that l·yamde 1s US(.'(f in testing at the T y lenol factories. A spokesman for the manufacturer dismissed that possibility, saying cyanide is kept at an area far froi:n where the capsules are produced. Byrne-. w h o--0n Friday had urged stores to strip all Tyle nol p r oduc ts fro m the ir sh e lves. Angels beat Hungers, 6 -4. Poge 81 . e lebration pic ture , Page 8 5. Robert Bruss 87 BusJne11 Outlook 0 3-5 Classified E5-8, Fl·6 CrOMword E l Death Notices E4 F.dttqrial Page A6 F.rltertainrMnt E 1-3 Featuring 88 Finance 01·8 lnt.ermitlion 88 Ann Landert 88 Mailbox A6 Movies National Ne ws Public Notices Real Eat.ate Sports StDck Marketa Style T elevillon Thdt.ers Travel Weather El·3 A3 85, E5 86-7 8 1·4 06-7 Cl~ FA El-3 C&-6 A2 rl'turning ch ild rt>n to n hom e wht•n • abuse ha~ Ol'CUrrt."'Ci l'arrles a risk . but tha t th!.) po te ntial tl a ng l'r m u st bt: weig h e d 1.·an •fully <igamst th l• anguish of St·p<irullng ('hildrt•n from paren ts. Although th e n •mova l of l'h iltlrl'n from u hom e whl'rt' ubust• 1s alleg<.-d usuully OC'\'Urs on a ll•mporc:ir y b<is1s. <•Xpl•rts say 1 h l' p <• r nt a n c n t n • m o v a I o f d11ldr1.·n as for mon · d1fflc:ult "It's u trugt'Cly," suid Lorram<' Adlt·r', d1.·pu1 y d ircl·tor o f t he 1.· 11 u n 1 v · s C h II d P r o l et' t i o n S1•r v 1t·~·s d('pe nd1•nl'Y sectio n. "Could we· havl' pr<.•v1•nt<.'CI It? I don't kno w . Wl• didn 't kno w about tht• infant (!l1.·1Hht•r)." Court n•t·ords show Taylor's ,·hlldrt·n have.• lx·en t:.tken from thl· <·ou plt· thr<.'t.' t1mt-s in the la.st y1·ar , 1iwludrng Sl•pl 23. Last N11v1·mlx•r a ll four c:hildren were n •nmvl•d from tht• hum<.· due to an ullt'Kt'tl la ck of supt>rv1s1on. Thl'Y wc•rc r<.·turnt'<.I u ft·W days lotl'r. Megan had minor bru ises on hc.>r body a nd a burn mork on her hand when she was admitted to A l be r t Sit t o n h o rn <.' l a s t Novem be r , <H:<.·ording to t·ou r t records. · M ega n again wa!> rc mov1;:d from the home after her mother took her to W es ll•rn Med ical ~nter on Jan. 28, wht•rc.• doctors diS(:over<'CJ she had two fractured arms and lip abrasions . Mc>gan has not b<.•t•n rC'lurn<'d. During a prl'la mmary hl'armg J um• 23 Taylor t1.•st1fll'd that Davi~ LOltl h<.•r h(· wru. rl'turnang from a babys1tt£•r 1n S a n ta M u n 1 c: a w h e n h t• g ra b b c d Megan's arms LO kl't.'P h<.·r from foiling wht'n ht' hL1d to brake suddl'nly for tra ffll'. Adll'r said s hl' km:w th1.· othc.•r <.·h1ldrcn Wl'r<.· hvmg with Davu; and T a y lor . but said socia l workers mon itoring tht' c·oupl1· w 1.· r l' u n a w a r c• o r t h t• (See LEAVING, Page A21 Chicago, claim victim No. 7 • 1n dt'Clart•d the ban Saturtlay. S he actl'd "under broad l'mc rgcn('y power m the d ty h<.•olth rode," at'C'ordmg to a-spokswoman for ht'r off IC'<.' The U S F ood a nd Drug Ad m 1n1s tra t1 o n ha!> urge d c·o nsurpers n at1 onw1dt• not to US(' a n y Extr a -S tre n gth T y le n ol n1psult'S for thC' t ime· b<.•1ng. Pa u l P rinc·c , a :J5-yt'ar -old fligh t attendant. wlls found dead Friday nigh t in her seventh-floor a pa rtme nt on the city's Near ~.North S ide. 1he. firs1 Yi~Um f.rom. within the city limits instead of the suburbs. A few steps from her body was a 24-capsulc bottle h ave been .idultc ra tc·d would o{ Ex tra -S trength T ylenol she h ave reach ed s h(•lvt•s 1n t he ha d purch ~<'d at <i m ·arby Chkugq markl'l. Walgreen's Drug Ston• T hl' d eath of Pnn<.'l' forced Police officials said the. T yll'nol aut hnritaes to e xpand th<.• S(•ope of in h er possessio n contai ned th e ir s e a r c h b ecau s e t h e d l'ad ly d oses of poison , a n d adultc rat<.'<f capsule· c·amt• from a Medica l Examint'r Dr Ro be rt third batch o f Extra -S trc·ngth Stein said the autopsy showed T y le n o l. 1d c n t ifH·d as l o t ... sh e d ied ·o f "a c u te cyan ide 1801MA. T he first two batch es toxicity." that w e'r e imp lica t e d , lots Stein said his office wall begin MC2880 and 19 10 MD. w e re looking l n t o s udden d ea ths r ecalle d n~a t ionwid e b y the re p orte d s ince S e pt. l and manufacture r. McNeil Consumer pom!bly a w_~k earller -just_ Products CC?., a_au_bsld iar:t o_!_ about the t ime batches of the Johnson & J ohnson. Extr•·Strength Tylenol found to Invectiga tors have said they wt·n · pursuing the theory that ~ "disgru n tled e mployee" may hav<' put the ('yan id e in t he l'apsuk-s. A bout 150 people are working full-u me on the investigation, indudmg 75 from 15 local. state and federa l agt-nC'ies an a task rom :-headed by Illinois Attorney Gc•neral T yrQne Fahner Fahner said investigators have det e rmined th at t h e tainte d capsules did not cr06S paths while they we re being manu factured or in the ir d is t ribut ion . Tha t stre ngtnens th e theory that fhe killer slipped them onto shelves. Harvest Festival draws a crowd Warm and s unn y a u t umn we ather have he lped Irvine 's annual Harvest Festival dra w large turn o uts so far this W('('ke nd A nd festival organizers predict healthy l'rowds will <.'Onverge on He ritage Park again today for the l'ond usion of the three-day event Fcsuval pres1den1 Tim Parker said about 15.000 pC'ople h ad visited the 1982 festival by 6 p.m . S aturd a y . D cH·r1b1ng t h e we athe r as "inc r ed ible." he oreca s t the t.u r n o ut wo~Jd double today . Admission from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m . is i i for adults. 50 cents for senior citizens. 12-year-olds and teen-agers. Children ag<.'S 11 and younger are admitted free. More tha n 150 arts and c·ra fts. food a n d game b ooths a nd carnival ridt'S have bcc•n S{'t up m the pa rk at Yalc• a nd Wa ln ut a venues T oday's sc h edule includes an auction sponsored by the E bell Club of Irvine at l p .m. in the He rit age P ark T ee n ~nter. A lso at I p.m . will be the community tug-of -war with the cit y's fire men d efending t heir t1 tie against challen~crs fro m various corporations, char ities and homrowners as..'IOC.'1auons. Musical grou ps sched uled to pt!rform ind ud l' Wild OtiL<; Crom 1 1 :4 5 a .m . t o 2.4 5 p .m .. Cottonwood at :i:30 and 7 p.m . a nd t he Ra m bler Barbe rs h op Qu a rtet offe ring frequ e nt serenades. O tn er e nter tainment will be provided by the Lori Ha nso n Dance Studio, Cripple Creek Clogge rs, Irvine Dance A c ad e m y and V a n 's B MX skateboard team. The H a r v es t F es ti v a l has expanded during its 10 years to prov1dC' local servit't' d ubs and or g a n i za t i o n s w ith a n opportunity to raise funds. Bowen Goletz, 9 , wa it• hi turn to perform whh the Irvine Children' Choru" 'at the Han t Festival while Mark K wok~ 5 , 1 et Involved wi th pizza. Al Orange Oa11t DAILV PILOT/8und1y, Ootober 31 1982 conomy burden laWmakei-s WASHlNOTON (AP) T hl· th Congrcu. b rought lntu er In the 1980 <.'<>llM'rvaUve eep th•t e lected Ro n a l d agan presid ent. n•turm.>d horrn! t u rda y t o ~w a it o n e w nda te trom voters anxious t the recession is <.'OOtinulng spite two ycor11 of legiB latlv • euverlng. The econom y w os like ly to n lin ue bed eviling la wmakers hen they return Nov. 29 In a t-e lectlon "lame-duck" session dea l w i t h uncomple t e d nd ing legislation need ed lo eep the government solvent in e new fiscal year. which lx!gan rlday. After a d ay o f te<.•hnlcal n kruptcy, Congr ess a pproved l g islation late F riday that funds o ve rnme n t operation s only rough Dec 17. • If Congr<'ss, w h ich has been pealedly <.'Onfronted in recent t o n ths with budget d eadlines nd thre ate n e d c ut s In vernmenl services. can pass the ucial spending bills for fiscal 83 by December. "that wouJd e a m ajor accompl ish ment," aimed Senate Majority Leader oward H Haker J r .. H-'l'cnn . 0 n I V t w o o t I h t• 1 3 apprup rlollon!l bllh c:lt•urud COn~rt.·s..-. before the rt-<.'t.'8.'I T he worl(!nlng l'<.'tlnomy, and lowmo kcni' inablhty to turn IL oround. took the bloom otr many of Rcogon's lnlUaJ tax and budget vict or ies o f 1981 1;1nd handc u Democr a ts a r e ady -mude cam paign Issue for the Novc•mber e lections. Th<.• Senate. under COP rule• for the first time In more than a q uarter century. remained J oyul to thl• president on most issues. But the DemocraUc-~ntrollcd House .presented Reagan a batll'r pill Friday as Congress ru shed toward ils two-m o nth-lonK c l(•ction recess -re jcct io11 by nearly 50 votes of the president's p r o posed co n stitutio n a l amend m e ht mandat i ng a balan<.-ed federal b udget. It was in stark contrast to the victories Reagan had received Ill the House on ea rlier economic votes, where through 1981 a nd early 1982 he was able to rely on a coalition of Republicans and con ser vative De m ocrats -a coalition which had failed him in a number of re<.-ent s howdowns. Singt•r l>i un a Hos~, shown lwrP in u London file photo, m1!d l' loving a ncl tou(•hin~ her thc mt>8 u l Suam·da y night'"' c.·oawt~rt a t tlw Irv ine M coclo wi, Am1>hi1 lwatn•. AP Wlrephoto Ross reaches out to Meadows crowd By JERRY HERTENST~IN Of IM D.ity , ... , lleH Dl11nu Hus~ 1mng of lovl· und ri•111.:hlng ou t to u solcl 11111 I rvirll' MN1dow11 uud11·m·1·. Suturduy night A nd not only dad 11h<· 111ng of r1•:u:hlng out, shl• cJ1d Ml, mukan~ ht•r woy through the· 11udwr1n• sevcrul tlm t'tl, tihaklni< lumdx U.'i 11hl' went. S he· 1nvltt>d nwmlJ.-r11 or lht· uud l('ncc lo 1>1nK 1mlo 1111 lwr "favorlll' 1tun8," "l<1•ud1 Out 1mt.I Tou<:h" Th1·n 11he hat.I tht• l i.ooo rn atwndant't.' hold honds und 11way whih! sinulng lhl· ~mg 111 unuson T ht· motion madl• th1• uud1N1tc• oppi•ur ns wave·~ on the· OC'C!O n. whal<> o rull moon hu111< ovc·r lht· s<'c•nl· In the sky Daana w o n • u s linky wh1l1• . drcu 1hut 11parkll•d an the 1potll1lhLoe. Sht> aang ha~ froHl ht!r cfuylli with th<· Supat•rrw" un d fruu1 hl·r h11 muvi<' "Lady 8 1ng1J tlw BllH.'ti " Shi· ol11t> ~ o llOnH "juicl (ell' 1h1· nwn," ·~·oul·h M a· 111 thl' M111 nang " And sh<· p<:rfurrnt'<.I unl' fur lhl' womt·n : "h 'i1 My llou1w und I l.lvt• H1·n •." · T hl' uudac nn' lovl•d at und )j('rcamc'<.I for mon· Thl'rl' Wl'rt' Mir1)C LIJWI( l.lt thl' < on<'l'rl HoMS <it l1mc•i. was hotlu·n'll that many pc.•oph· didn't 11•11rnln in their seats, t1sk1ng thc·m lo do No. Shi• 14 p£•n l l'cmsidcruhlc• umt· muklng surc ~· m1erophwlt• workl•d prOJ)(:rly hc'(·auSt.• ~ht• wontc'CI to p<•1 form to "pcrfr><:llon " And that '>ht· 111·arly dad. Bush s tumps in Long Beach Thi• IJ<•111tx:ru\11 l'a1 ty wunt!:> ll> 1 1• a r d 11 w n l h l' H l' J g a n udn11n1s lration .111d rdurn lo Dc·prt.•s!:>10n -c•r<1 µul1t•1t:!-, Van• Prl·sttfrnt Gl•CJr gl· Bush said Saturday, ucfdang thul "Sc•nuwr" Jl'rry Brown would bt• tlw wor t thang he• tou ld lh111k uf "Thl'.Y have a plun. untJ th<Jt ts lo lt'ur duv. n an h o n l·St, 1111\CJVUllVl' p1t•:>1dent," hc· st.itd al u fund-rnasrng brund1 111 Long Bc·ach for lfrp Dan Lungr<.•n .. And thi:ll as not going lo work " "Tip O'Nc·1ll sits lhl'n· with the politic~ of thl' pa~t and blcx:ks 1·vl·ryth1ng thl· prl'sidt·nt lrtL'b w do," Bush :.;.11d EAVING ABUSED CHILD AT HOME IS A RISK, TAKING HIM IS A BURDEN • • • -week -old infdni.. Taylo.r a nd av1s wer e both rece1v1 n g unseLing, Adler said. homl•s and 15 pcrcl'nl to group homt·s. Five per cent were adopll'd or hospatahl.Cd. "Whut t h e public needs to k now is t hat It's e p1dem1c," said Stl•tm·r . "The 6 .000 cases rl'p orted are t he tip of thl' l('C.•b«:rg ... "There w e re n o ind ications a l the children. other than the e that was abu sed. were a t sk." said Adler • In 1981 n1 n e c hild r e n 1n Orange Cou nty died as a result of abuse. More than 5,900 cases of child a buse were reported to the ~ange County C h i ld Abuse gistry. M yrna Ha mid. registry s pervisor. said 99.5 perc-en t of tCie cases reported were factual (Last year 6,243 persons were al-rested statewid e on susp1c1on of p'hysical or sexual abuse against t:J'li ldren.) When a re por t of a b use Ill madl• 10 the rega.stry, a coun ty socanl worker or police officer visit:. tht· h ome to determan l' iC tht~ chi l d 's sa f e t y 1s endangered. 'O n e o f t he problems with ,,:·moving ch ildren from a home "If there's an y doubt, we Lake the kids out," s<iid Sgt. B al l Bl•c:h tt•I w ith the Costa Mesa Polan· Dt.•partm<.'nt "We would r a 1 ~ll'r make th e mis lak e of taking the kids out w hC'n we• shouldn't than letting someth ing happ<.•n to them. "The problem we see In severe abuS<' l·ao.esoccurs w hen the child as rl•turned to the home ·· ~here abuse h as occurred is n ding a place to pu t the m , thorities said. I Last year Albert S itton home , 'fith 128 beds. admitted 2, 145 c1h i I d r e n : h a I f h a d b e e n One<' removed from the h ome lhC' child 1s placed in protective l'ustody. usually a t Albert Sitton ho ml' A hearing an JUVeni I<· c'Ourl as held to detC'rmane 1f the child wall be returned. ihysically or sexually abused he average stay w as 14 days . he home has a long history of lking overc rowded. : Bill S teiner. director of t he cbunty facility in O range. said \h at 40i>Crcent went back to t h eir -paren ts. 10 percent to T latives. 30 p<'rcent to foster .. If we have proof ol abuae, we attempt to take all the children ." said Hazel Brown. depa rtmen t program managC'r for the county Child Prot ect ion Services d<'p<•ndc·ncy section I Southem C•hl0tnle wtll be teor hrough Mond1y e1tc;ept tor 11c;hy log •nd low c;louds at •tie 0111 Mondey morning Oulle erm d1y1 lnl•nd, but much oolet nMr the coast by Monday Orange Count y c;en e•pec;r 1gh1 in mod to upper 70a II IChes, 801 onl•nd Lows 52 to Monday htghl an 701 11nd tow I lnl•nd valleys wtll have highs 86 o 90 todey. 85 10 g2' Mondey ~ows 4910 se ~Mount11n1 can ••11«1 high• 67 77. IOWI In 301 end 401 re.swig Wind• Nonllern Oe-1 highs an 801. ows 44 lo 54 Soulhern deMn ighs in 901, lows S4 10 62 Northern end Ctnlr9' C.litornle en eapec1 log ind c;loud1 onighL Sllgnt c;h911()11 ol .,_.. nontiem mountelna Mottly felt e. I Miiie COOief ~ ~..S. summary howere eoekeO the upper ululppt Vetr.y to Oklehome S1turd1y aa thunder11orm1 . IUOU c:.nlral Ok.llll!Oma. ver eutern K1naa1 •nd Into orthweatern M l11our1, lh• ellonel Wuthllf S«v1c;e 111ld It •fao w11 reining over ~le, nOflh-1 Wllconlln lowl. Cloudy llllM -eel much of rMt of 11111 mkSdle end""'* !WIMlllppl Velley. the nOflhwffl II of the up.,.r Gr .. t Lekea eQiOfl end the notl'*n Pl.int. 8howefl and thunder1torm1 tlnUed OVllf IOUt'*n Florida #oflQ lhe C:OHI of Loultlene r ..... whlle It ..... cloudy the Nor1hweoll FOi todiry, Ille ... ,,_ NMcll Fair· days S mog The Air Ouehty Management OlllrlCI predocll good elf' QUlllty tod•V on all •reH 01 thft South Coasl Air Basin Gooo eor w 11h e Pollutant Standard lnd1u ol 100 wea lorec111 tor lhe R1vers1<1e·S•n 8ern1rd1no area and the San Gobroef end Pomona v1lley1 MetrOC><>11lan Loa Angeles ShOuld h11ve a PSI of 75, white the torec;ut '°'intend Or•noe County end the Sen Fe<nendo llnd Senta C111111 velleya w .. tor e PSI o1 54 A PSI OI 42 WIS forecast '°' lhe c;outll. Heme1-e1s1nore, S.nnlng 1nd Big Beer L•ke areas. •long with lhe high and low deMfta T e mpe ratures ~111 MS Jacllenv!le Alblny ,.lbuque A~lllO Anc:hOt• AIMYltle NATION Atl4inl1 Allenlc; Cry Au1tln 81lllmot• 811Un~ 81rm1nghm 811marok BolM Botton 8rO'fWT'ISYllll • 9ullel0 Burllngton CHpet Chlrlstn SC Ch1rl1tn WV Cherllle NC Cheyenne Chic.go Clnctnn111 c~ Clrnble SC Columbul 09f·FI Wth Ceylon Denver ~ 112 43 Kant City 75 31 Kno11Y1He 70 53 Lat Veci-a 45 3a Lillie Rodi 90 47 louitvllle 12 5' lubtlOdi :: :: ~ 72 61 Mllwault" 71 40 Mplt·SI p 17 M NUhllllle 55 34 New Oriun.t 72 44 Hew York 69 S4 NorlOfk J3 73 No Ptene 64 4 1 Ok .. Ctty 66 40 Omeha 63 31 Orlendo 11 12 Phll9dpt111 12 60 Pl!Otnbc 114 6 7 Pltltt>urgh 111 at Ptlaf>O. M• 11 49 Ptlend. Ore 64 5e Pr~ ~~ :: =:city 90 04 A9no 9G 71 fltiahfrlond 80 64 Sall like 87 38 Sen Antonio 70 81 SMnle 0.. MOlnH Oelrou Oi.luth Ofec .. 1 Kalttred ~· end El Peto hunderatorm• over euaern -Feirbenka :: ~ ::u-== 12 " 81 LOUl9 ••••· the lower MIHIUlppl Fergo :rJa ~ Ille 110Uthe1n 11911 ot FltO•l•lf ~ ..... ...,. ICKeeatt from Or .. I Flllt he CarollnH 10 tot1thern N-=d 1191end anO from lhe mid HonolUIU ftllH IPCll V•fley 111rough the Hout1on t nll t i Aoclllft, wtlll thowe1t lndnllOllll °'" "" IQUfNrn """' l'ltlna 10 41 30 11 ,.•T.mc>e S7 42 SI 8 111 M111e 116 19 Spolcene 64 43 8VfltOllM 70 48 T°'*'I H 43 T UC9011 15 77 T\Htl M 11 WMl\lngtn 13 57 Wichita .. Taking children from their homes as a very sevcfl• step. The big lC'ntlt•nt·y is lo kC't'P ch ildren an their homes. But 1f you keep them there. you're wkang a risk " (f lhl· children d on 't appear to bc> 1n d an ger a nd pan·nts are l' o o p<· r a t 1 v l' and w 1 111 n g to undergo counsela ng. then the children arl' gcnc.:-rally n •turned, officials said. Abo ut 75 percent of all <.•h lldrcn n :moved from thl'1r home go bu<'k within two years. Brown S<itd Bl!eUU~(.· or lhc· d1 H1c:ulty o f proving <:mot1onal dam<Jge to c.·h1ldrC'n who only may havt: w1tm•sst•d abuse• and the· lu<.·k o f adc·qua t1• span in protet·tivl' homes. 1l 1s h<Jrd to rc.·mov<.· s1bl1ngs from an abusive environment "H omes are unobservable." said Brown ''PC'ople thank o f t·h ildrc•n as property and say 'do n 't i n tc.•r ft•r(' wit h my propt•rty ' Everyone thanks they are an e><pt•rt on '·h ald-rn1sang and don't want tu bl' g1vt:n adVll't!." Mkhael Hughes. an uttornC'y w ho ofll•n rc pres<'nts ab~sc.·d c.·haldren rn juvenile L'OUrt. smd at as V<'ry d1fric-ult to remove c.·hildn·n pl•rmanent lv from a home· • 89 Sii 82 60 48 45 78 62 ,, 54 77 51 1111 62 12 55 115 82 115 611 85 eo 73 54 eo 66 82 55 eo 12 81 57 73 61 .. 40 87 Ill 70 63 86 74 12 57 111 57 73 51 114 49 86 55 Ot 52 83 65 87 34 1111 32 78 511 85 43 12 68 eo 63 17 llO ., 44 12 eo 17 74 118 37 82 41 81 38 75 63 M 411 17 IC) 78 t2 18 .. Apple V1lley 81ke<alietd e1r1tow S.eumont Big e..r 81y1he CetellN Culver City Eur ... • Frl ll\O lenceafer long aeac;n lot Ao'1.' ... Monr • Monterey Mt Wilson Needlclt '""""°'' 8ee<ih Oeklend On111rto P11m Springe P1Nden1 PNO Aol)tee A.a Bkllt Redwood Clly Sect-lo Sellnu S•n Bllfn1rd1no Sen Qebrlel Sen OieOO Sen Fr111C1teo San Joe. Stnll Ant Santa lttti.r• Senll Mtt14 Senti MOfllca s1oc111on T ehoe V.itey Tnerm11 TOfr10011 ~AN AMl*-tCAN Ac:apvtco Btrl>MIOll 83 37 12 57 84 411 82 50 70 " ag SS 80 57 H SS St 411 81 411 77 31 n S3 H 62 13 49 70 so 73 51 .. 11 16 65 76 62 85 48 113 51 .. 63 .. •3 79 ... 79 51 71 47 IO 4e ee 41 IO so 61 " 71 M 711 47 17 N 12 41 IS 4t 71 16 •• ... IO 31 05 62 17 $'1 15 11 .. 13 ~ and _,., .. °°"" of ,... ...... ...._all ____ l_f l_E,_llT ..... Curac;ao Oued1J•f111 OUldelovOCI Hav-t<lnflton Mont~ 8ay Mt.tel II\ Merida MeKltO Olly IO II 15 63 .. 12 II 1S .. 11 .. ti IO 11 17 71 ,., N .... Awt 1 1 1 I .... ... 2 2 2 a •::• aw I W I W I W Monltlfrey N•Hu San JU!tn. ~ A T8f11C:~· Tflnkled v ... Cnll •• 1a IO .,. ti 79 71 .. to ,, IO 13 ( .. You h&vl.' l<• show that it's not an lhl• c.·h1Jd's bc:M mlt'res~ lo lx- wa th lhl• parent~ and that th<> l·hald IS at risk Of suffering l'lther physical or se><ual abuse," said H ughes . "But it's hard to p<.·rman ent ly remov<' a (·hi ld lx'l·aust.· at plal•(-s a ht•avy burdt•n cm the stale " Child abust! l'Xperts da ff<.r on w h e t h e r l h e r c· m o v a I o f a uattt•rc-<l l'hild from a homl• end~ tht.· dl'struc:t1v1.· pal ll'rn. Somt· S<iY that the adult ofwn will pitk a M.'apt•goat a child who may n ·mrnd tht•m of an absent s pou!><' Wht·n that t htld 1~ gone. th<: abuM· oftl'n C'nd!> Othc·r~ c:unll•nd that lht· lll.ln•nt, C'Spt't.'111lly 1n S<:Xual abUS(• c.:a~·~. nwn•ly will wrgct a noth1.·r t·h1ld 111 thl· fomalv "If you n·movc; the child and lc-uvt· lhe others thl' parent shifts and another child 15. abu5':d ,'' said H amad, of the C'h al d abust• n ·g1s1r:v. "If left untrN1t.(-d, the• abuse• t•ont1nut'S and C'Seala tl'S" Anuthl·r problt.·m an removing t·haldrt•n from a home whl'rC' abttM• has occurn.'CI IS that v1ct1ms :trl· often too young to talk Older 1•h1ld1·n may bt.• rl'lur:tant even h·urful to tt~l1fy agami.t their p;1n·nL" L<1"l April, Hon Hongst<.1d. 61. ;1 Laguna Hill., iwro-.pacC' en~am'<.'r, was Sl'ntcnl'ed to morl' than 36 yL·ar~ an state prison on charg<.'S 1) f 1 n <.· t• s l • r a pl' a n d c: h i I d molC'Sllng mvolvrng !.I>< of his 15 children. Evidl•n<.'<.' presen ted al the trial show(•d tha t author1t1cs h ad known about thl• abusi· as {·arly as 1977. but a rl'luct&nt't· by thl' t·hildrcn tv testify madl' rt nearly 1mposs1ble to takl· acuon "It.a was 1m poss1blc lo gl"l a handlt' on the c·asc," said Deputy Distr1l't Attorney Pam llt.>S. "Thl' <:haldrc•n were an morl<ll fear of th1·1r Cather and wooldn't tell us anything" Tht·y an• now an r1,...lc•r homl•-. 1n thf' t'ounty and al Albc•rt Sitton homl'. · Oix:tor.. a nd 11•:whl.'rs also arc· rduct.ant to repurt tnl'ldt'nls of abuM· eather becauS<.· of a lack of knowled ge or the• seeming rndafferc nce to lx'l'Omt• 1n volvcod &'t:ausc· c·hildrt>n arc not ofl<.'n bclacved. broke n bones, burns a nd severe bruiSC'S oft('n become the most convincing proof in court, Iles said. "The JUrOrs look al th<' parents nnd believe they can mfhcl t he kind o ( Injuries Wl' sc•c•,'' said llt•S "Th<.•y don 't behc•v1· t haldr1•n. L"'iJX'<'Wlly in incest C'JSt.~ " lies "aid that lht· l1Jnv1c·u on ratt· for pun·11u. lrtl.·d an abuse l'US<.'1> as Vl·rv luw. Studtl'!--~how that abusive pcirents w1.•rc• often lhl· v1t·t1ms of c1bus<' tht•m1wlvc·s as children. Many 11mc.'l> thl:'y cxprt·-.s rcmorS(' for what thl•y havl' dont., sa y l·Xpt·rL'I "Most p&rcn~ you u.lk lo say they don't wC1nl lo abuM· 1hc1r kids," said Ro n Ander¥o n . program rnunuger for Child Prutt'<-'l1on St·rvat.•es "Soml·thmg d1t·ks Thl'y really du fl'l·I w ry bad abuut II ·· T h 1.· I 1 v t· • 1 n b a b y i. 1 t l t · r t·mplo) I'd b y Da vis said the Ii-fool ll:IO-pt>und 011 wc·ll dnlk·r wa~ <i loving falhC'r whn often f1 •d has g1rlfr1t•mi's l·h1ldrtn and pruyl'CI with them t•Vt•ry night. Cecilia Rc•1d said Davi~ lovl-d lht.• chaldn•n vc·rv mu<.h He n •pcirtlodly pluyed iA·1th thl'm und uftc:n fax<.'Cl their meals The n ight Healht·r dtt•d he pr<iyc'CJ with the· C'h1ldn·n as they sat down to drnncr. Read !>aid "I JUSt ma~ thc.•m !>O much," said Reid "I JUSt want w take th<'m to the beach and thl' park and buy them ice cream " Authon taes said that nu one· ha!> visited thl' Tavlor c·h1ldrcn at Allx·rt Sitton home, wht•re tht"V an· oncl· again wards of the ('fJUnly Employment down, abuse up Ba:.ed on results of a re<.'t'nt study. tw o UC Irv ine resc•arl'hcrs say the current econom ic rl•<'l'ss1on c·ould producL• a markl'd increase in lnc·1dC'nce of child abUS('. Aftt'r comparing unemployment and chlld abuse s tal11lics rn L os Angeles and Ora n ge Counties between 1974 and 1979. Ray Catalano a nd David Dooley discovered tha t c hild a buse in<'rl'ases when the number of people working dl'<.'l'eased. Cata lano said th e findings published last March were particularly trou bling because the rcc•ession may have last rng effects o n the next generation since It is beheved that abused child~n ~•r<.> more likely to become abusers themselves. · "The human cost of this rec"eSSlon won't end whc·n the rl'«'SSion ends, "said Catalano. "Because 18 years from now they are more like l to abuae tht•tr kids The ec·onom y tnflu ... nce!-a whole gt·nen1t1on of people .. Results o f the research showt."d that abuse wc•n t up in proportion to t he number of people wnhout jobs Catalano sard al would be too difficult to pin point e><ocl numbers s ince factors such as weather a nd rl'cord-kec·pang practices were eliminated from the findings. In a separall' study based on 8,000 p<.•rsonal interviews, the rt.'S<'archers found that people w ho lost their jobs or were unhappy at work faced tWrt't' the risk of bt.•rng 111 or 1n1ured and 2.5 tames lht• risk of suffer ing from mental problems Other studies have shown that parents who were abused as children, are under stres.<> or have large famaliL-s are more hkely to becomc abusive rent.s, accordan to a uthorlues. Salomon. The high performance sk i boots with a distinct difference: an internal adjustment syStem that assures you superior heel hold-down with no sacrtflce In comfort. Every single Salomon' boot olrers this same superior heel hold·down advantage. You move. your ski moves. Instantly. ~•tore 2700 c .... Hwf. .... ,.,. ..... 714111..alO Precisely. At any level of ablltty. In total GomfOrt. Come in and experience the difference. ' Llttle ltore HOO W. Coeet Hwy. Newpoftheoh 714111-1277 .. _ . '" , Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, OototMr 3, 1982 Lile looms-larger than legend , \ ~ 8 STEVE MITC 'llEU. g>;,,_ Oellr Pl'vl lien Whl'll all tlw ph•n•K u1t• 1n plucc Ill thla {'UOl!Jlt•)( Jig!UjW pu.t.tll•, thl• JJll'lUrt• will bt• lhUl Of II h 11 r r (• l c· ht• 11t 1 • cJ • ., q u u 1 t' Ju w .. d M a r I rw, h lt'uth1'rnlot'k who <.'ht•wt•d up lh1· t•rwmy und spit him out Hi· wu11 u tuugh·tu lking, h urd l1v1ni <.'urnn111ndl'r w hu instllk-d four und rt'lllX-t'l ill hl!1 troops as wt•ll uii thom• hl• so liUl'l'eSBfully battled. ... H 111 numt• wus Lt. G<'n. K Ll•wis 8. "Chc'!ity"• Puller. uml he was tht· moo ·dtoeoratt'd Murine ln tht• ·history of ttw Corps. ~rint• drill mstructol'll still sp<.>uk ri•v1•n•ntly of "Cht•1Hy," u 37-yc•ur· wteran of four Wurld Wur 11 l•umpulgm;, fighting! 111 Kon·u. and t•X pl•d1tionury st•r vkl' in China,! N1<.·aruguu and Hmt1 · He was a 1<.•gt'nd long bl-fore his death 11 years ugo at the age of 73. And now it's thl• task o f a LHguna Bea<.'h film production <.-ompany to Sl'paraw the man from the myth. Anthony Korbu. prt>i.1dl'nt of Pacific Media Produl't1ons in Laguna. and Junet Eastman, formt•r ed1tur of Orangt· Coast Maguzine, an~ workmg on tht· Sl'l'Ond draft of a film Sl'ript about' the t-olorful ht•ro . Tht•y'v<.• b1•c•n gt·tt111g a lot of help from veterans who knt'W tht• g<.>nt·ral. and have ren•1ved morC' than 100 kttcrs from former pnvatl"S to th06(• who hl'ld <.'Ommand rank Aftt•r plac·1nl!t adv<.•r t1sl'mt•nts in nearly a down military magazint·s, the• two writers have received first-hand anC'C'dolcs from Marines who served wllh Puller or were undt·r his t'Ommand. ·~me of them relate t•xpc:riences as Car back as Nicaragua," said Eastman. shaking her head. The pair originally took on the task of re- crl'ating Puller's l'arcer with a bit of skepticism, they t'Onccdc-d . "We didn't want to perpetuate the myths and all we had were third. fourth and eighth-ha nd acl'ounts. We• wantt•d at'lual s tori<.>s fro m witnessc.>S," Korba explainl'Ci. And first-hand ac'COunts thC'y got. .Drill in tru<'lor still speak reverently of Lt. Gen Lewis 8. "Chest y" Puller, the m o t decorate d Marine in the history of the Corp Lett<-rs fro m all over thl· world , from former enlisted men who rccall Pulll'r standing by his troops under mtt•nsc enemy f1rt•, to colonels, who said he was tough. but fair Korba and Eastman comparl'd the ane<.'dotl'S to his Marmc· Corps r<.·<:ords documents that stand about 4 -ft·ct tall in Washington, D.C an·h1vt-s Wilderness-loving trapper sees city for first time in 59 years WINNIPEG, Manitoba (AP) - Ragnar Jonsson . who for the better part of a ctmtury has lived as a solitary trappc:r 1n Canada's -rmln~§t frlgld corners, has come to the big town for the finit time since 1923. "It's a roaring city," the S4-year-old woodsman marveled. Jon....,n, more used to dogsleds than automobiles, wondered why R agnar Jon son there weren't more c:olllsions in the speeding d ownt,own traffic. "Th<'y all seem to be 1n CJ hocribleliurry_ Lo gc.Lsomewherc a nd they burn up a lo t o f precious gas trying to get there," he said. The white-haired, cherub- ·faced Jonsson lives in a tiny teepee o n Lake Neultin 1n Manitoba's far northwest, 50 miJes from the nearest settlement a nd 450 miles s0uth of the Arctic Circle. He last passed through herl' as a 25-y<.>ar-old immigrant from Sweden. He finally returned for long-needed cataract surgery on his right eye, his "shooting eye." While at a Winnipeg hospital. the energetic octogenarian, an avid reader. caugh t up on soml' of the latest news. "There's nothmg but disas tC'r ('vcrywhcre." he· condud('CI Sometim(.'S I think it would be better not to read about 11 " (n his 59 years m lt.C' north woods, Jonsson has gom• as long as two silent years without human contact. But he ms1sl'! ht' ts not a ht:rm1t -he simply lives his own lire. He travels by dogsled among a network of teepees a nd traps near Lake Neultin. often cros.-;ing over into the Nor th-Wes t T enitories. He dresses the furs himself -m ostly white Ar<.'llt· fox and wolf -and sends them off with l'Cmscrvauon o fficers or bush pilots w ho hap~n b every several months. He rece ves maiJ and supplies through the same haphazard system of helpful pilots. Every I 0 years or so. Jonsson has paddll·d and portaged his canoe to the northern towns of Churchill or Flin Flon. two-week trips. On one v1s1t, an acquaintance reports. a restaurant wailresa A fuvorile breakfast: Caribou blood pa ncakes. s hr1<.'kcd wht•n the bac·kwoodsman asked for one of his favorite' break fasts: caribou blood pam:ukc·s. At homC', Jonsson squeezes a JO-gallon oil drum into his teepee for US<' as a wood .stove. When th«.' s ub-Arc tit• te mperatures plungl' bC'low minus 40 Farenheit, as they often do, he UM'!> three· or four sleeping bags. "You can't beat sleeping m the t'Old weather." he smd. "It keeps you healthy l have n't had a headache' m 50 years." Irvine's Western Data closes Financially ailing Western Data Management Ltd. of Irvine has decided to close Its doors In the wake of state and local Investigation of alleged misuse of funds, a company attorney said. The flrm. which charged fees for collecting real cstat<.> loan payme nts and disbursing them to loan holders. opted to change Its Sept. 14 petHion for bankruptcy filing from Chapter 11 tq Chapter 7, said Irvine attorney David Warren. Under Chapter 11 . Western OaUi would have been protected from creditors so that It could find a way to pay off its debts. W ith permission from U .S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Aaron Phelps to file under Chapter 7. the firm will be liquidated a.<1 It no longer has funds to continue in business. Western DaUi, which has an estimated 3.000 cu s tomers. Is being investigated b y the California Department of Real Ea tate. th<.> Oran ge County District Attorney's ornce and the Irvine Police Department. Irvine Police Lt. Bob Lennert said his deparlml'nl is about a month away from deciding whether to file criminal charges agalmll the firm. The police Investigation started after the department received calls from present and former employl'eS alleging mishandling of company fonds . Wh at do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you ll~e? Call the number at left and your mesaaae wUl be recorded, \l'an9Cribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour a nswering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mallbo• contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verifluUon. No clrcullldon calls. please. • Tell us what's on your mind ' OAANOE COAST Clat1'"9cl actweftl..._. 114'M2-M All ottt.r detNftme .... MMU1 lilly Pilat MAIN OP'AQ m w ...... II, C ... MIU, CA Mell ..... • ... 1111,C..U-.CA .... ,..,,,..,.. .. Or .... C8"I ........... c-. ... _......,I""" .. ""'·.....,..,,,......, .. .,.,, ... _.. ~ "'" .. ,..,... ......... ljMIClel ..,,... ........ ...,, ..... _, L ICey lchvlh Vi<er•~ MidMMIP.Hervey C>.teclol cl Mor••ino IC1tclliol10nl Giid C>.tec:!Of °' Mw«•ltl"O ... ,. ..... N, Oa•••4 JI. O.ect0t ol 0,..llhOM Ja ne l Eastman and Anthony Korba an· collectin~ v~l t'runi,' accounlR for documt>nlory s<·ripl ab~Jut co lorful lwro. They Interviewed Puller's wido w at ht·r Saluda. Va. home, a nd his son , a 33-yt•ar-old Marine veteran who lost both lcg11 In Vietnam. They tossed ou1 unsubstantiatt.>d rumors aud correlate<fhistork foC't with tht• storit·s suppliC'd b y t,hose who knew him. The result? patrol m lla 1t1 1n lH:lY . THUTH: "Ab!.1,lut1·ly not trul•," Eastman sa~d. "Ill• got the• nit'knunw hc.'l'<IUS<' hl· l1kc·d to puff his chc:st out hkl• a p1~l·on " HUMOH: Jk> onl'f' offt•rl'd lo pay his men 50 pc·sus for <.•<Jt·h s<·t 11f C'ars tht•y brought ba<.·k from balllci. with Sandino gu1•rrillas in Nicaragua. "The mon• Wl' got lqto this, ttw mon· w1 · found the man liv<'fl up tu thl· lc•g<'nd ," Korba said "Perhaps some of the stom:s art· C'm bt,lhshl'd, but we're finding the truth is more· fan&.asll<' than the fiction. TRUTH. "Uh. that's a trut· slAJry," Korba said. Wht·n tt'w sa1pt 1i. t•ompll'll•d, pe r.haps in • thrt-c• months, lht' two writt·rs will begin t·asung tht· p1t•turc· and finding CJ d1n't:tor "He was a junglt• fighl<.>r, ht' was a Horst• Manne. a nd anywc rt· m the world wh<.'n: thl•rt• were headlin es, he was lhl'r<.' " In th<· nwa ntinw. KorbCJ and Eastman still ' • want to hl•ar from tht· mt·n who knt•w him best. Some fact versus h (·t1on . RUMOR. "Chesty" got his n1<.·knamt· as <i result of a st<.><.•l plall' in has l'hest. pla<.'<'C.I thl·n · a fter he> reee1vt•d a machNc wound whil1• on "Wl''vc· gut to portrny a true• p1l'ture of this lrul' Ament·an ht·ru or we'll have• tht• entire Mannt· Cor~ llftt·r ui.," 1-:w.tmun !>ei1d, laughing. Ht'l'f1ll«<'l1uru.. in lt·tlt·r form, <.·an be sent to Pc.i c1f1 t· Ml'd1a Produl'lwni.. 41 l No Coast Highway. Laguna lx•at h , CA Yl65 1 ou can save 11-333 during our do-it-yourscl tile sale • ceramic SAVE ON FAMOUS ~INE NOWAX, SELf.ST10( FlOOR TILE "* no-wu, self1tic:k "°°' tMc Is emezlnfY usy to 1ceq> de.an tnd ~ to lnstal younctf. Deluxe: da9ls In loYdy cOfor5 add buuty to ftOOtl In ldtchc:nt, dc:ns, ~oorns and beCht. llq."4 1rx1r ~••• •CKNT COUllT '"m~ sale89!n , ECONOMICAL. FLOOR TILE Prectkal, nc:utral dc:slgn th.Jt blends wtil with any decor. Excc:ttcnt ftool'ing ror ~eMc .,,. like utttlty " rern1y rooms. lq. D 1t" II tr AGAM ""m#I Ceramic tile Is an extroordinary decorating material. It's unmatched for durability and the tired-on glaze Is a designer's trademar1< o f ~ c,are. The sophisticated and modern styles of ceramic ti~ are favorites tor today's do-it-you~tfer. HURRY, SAlE ENDS OCT. 91 NOW YOU CAN CREATE A UNIQUE, NEW CERAMIC BATH AND SAVE 21 -33%! PERMANENTLY GLAZED CERAMIC TILE Bautif\Jlty vc:~llc:, ceramk: wall tile high- lights flrlY room's decor. This glozed, ~ tasting t11« Is chip, stoln t1r1d scratch resistant end will kc:ep its glistening 1()()1( with c:ffortlc:ss core:. 4~· X 4\'t' Plt1Ht£TON PATTUN 1l«9. t ,If sale1 i~T Ollla ~ 15 Till. PAINT NIO W1'U.CCMMNGS SUl'(~T1 ""'TIOHllllO( SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Strttt . 547-7781 •, ' Human beh·avior: Rooted • ID cells or society? By ROBERT LO<'KE A~ aci.nc. Wr119f LOS A Nti ELl<:S Surnvff Mcd111t•k v1v1dly reculls the rmct time· 111.· told l1 ·ll11w sdenllsl8 of htH rt>s.•un·h 111111 thl• t•t111du1d1Ht he• considcrt•d 1ncs<•upubll'. tit·n1.•s l'Un 111'1ut•m·1· l'r im1nal lx·huvlur "l wus," h l' bUYll 111n1· yN1 r s lult·r , "aslonis hl'<.I by .thl' r<•11pomw " . In Cal'l , tht• Univ1•r8ity of Suutht•rn California pliy1·hulo1<lsl says, "I h uc.J bt•t•11 extremely fric>r1dly with u lut of tht•i;c JWOplc ... and after lhut they wcr~ just i;tTeuming." The long. C'motionul wur over "nulLH'l' vt:rsus nurture" rages sllll. The n ollon that 1wrcd1tv afft'(.'ls bdwv1or. intelllgent'<' and other trntL'> is.hardly nl•w: it was discUSSt.'<i before g<'n1.·s wcr.-known. Opposition goes bat•k a lmos t as fur und continues unabat(>d. Such u genetic ltnk st.~ms lo offe nd a sen se of <'qua li ty und individual achievement and tu ~a1~· thl' Spl'(.'trl' uf racism cloaked In Sl'll'nl'l' Ultimately. the· qul·st1on l'lm tx'<.'Onw. Afr w1.• who wc• url' rt t·h or poor, smart or stupld. outgoing or rt'llnng. ag1otrc~1vc· or llm1d, law- ab1ding or l'rtminal lx.'l.'i.IUM' of thl· gcm.·s w<• inherit or thl• way Wl' an• n ·an•d'' Most sc1c·nl1:-.t:-. agn•t· thut natun• and heredity both 111flu1·m·t• humun tra its and Civil rights claim rapped WASHINGTON (AP) Rt•cords of th(' Equal Employmt•nt Opportu111ty Commission and a lawyers' stud y of Jusllt'l' Dc•partmcnt operations contradt<:l Pr(-s1dt·nt Reagan's daim that his administration has enfon'l'<.1 civil rights Jaws more act1vl'ly than its prt'Clt'<'C'S.-.c.>rs. An EEOC do1.·umt•nl obtaint·d by Thl' Associatc•d Pn·ss showNI that, <:untrary to Reagan's rcc:-cnt da1m to a black audit•nt'C. the number of .)Ob d1s(:r1m1nat1on s uits approved by the commission has dropped sharply. And the mdeJ)('ndent Washington Council of Lawyers concluded 1n a r('(-ent report that "the adminis tration has retreated from well- established. bipartisan civil rights polldl-s" in sever al areas Enfon·(•m('nt of S(·h ool desegregation and fair housing laws h<1s all but halted, a<..'COrding to the 138-pagc study. Only in pros«·uung pohn• brutality and sjmilar violent denials of individuals' civil rights has the Justice DcpartmC'nt cxc:clk'Cl. the report said . A Re~gan spokcsman. Pt.'tcr Rous...~1. said there would be no 1mml'dtal<" commc·nt from the White House. Reagan told a d1nrwr for blat·k Hepubllt·uns on Sept. 15 tha l ht• us u a 11 y t rit·s to igno re personal attacks, "but ont· c·hargc I will have to admit strikes at m y hl'art t•very nme I hear i"T". That's the suggestion that we Ht•pubht·ans are taking a less acllv<' approach to prote<:tlng the civil rights of all Americans "No matter how you sllre It, that's JUSt plain baloney. "Look at the rcc:·ord." Reagan suggested. "The level of activity of thl!> adm1mstrat1on in mvesugatmg and prOS<'Cutmg thost' who would a ttempt to dC'ny blacks thc•ir l'1v1 l hbert1cs by violence and mum1datton has exc't·c'Cled the level of every past adm1mstrat1on " The law yers rounctl. which bills 1t..wlf as a bipartisan ~<;OC1at1on of attorneys from private !inns, gove rnment and publlt' inter<'St groups. said in its study published the same day Reagan made his speech. that the administration's record m that area is at k•ast equal to thOSC' of the twll previous administrations But Reagan went on to say. "The Justice Departme nt h as ftl <'d nine nt'w a ntt - discrimmation casc•s against public employers a nd has re viewed more than 9.000 electoral changes to detcrminl' compliance with the Voting Rights Act. And that. too, is a higher level of activity than in any prior administration." The council study found these statistics, used earlier by a Justice Department official, "highly misleading. though technically ac:curate Upon closer exam ination. a diffl'rc>nl picture emerges." The 9.000 reviews Rl•agan menuon<'<.i are those requ1rl'd each lime a state o r loC'al government covered by the Voling Rights A ct mak es a change in 11s election law. Such automatic reviews have bee n particularly numerous m the wake of the 1980 census that forced widespread red1stnctmg Furthe r more, the co uncil said . the administration h ied only two new ca.<;C'S m the voting rights field during 1ts first 20 months. compared to nearly a down during the first 12 months of the Carter adm1mstrat1on The Justice Department lists itself as a participant in 25 cases m1llatc>d by the Carter administration, although 1t has reversed the previous administration's position in some. For instance. Reagan's Justk'<' Department has asked the Supreme Court to vacate a judgment won by Carter's administration in a Lubbock. Texas. voting rights case In the job d 1scrim1nat1on Cield . Willtam Bradfor d Reynolds. the assistant a ttorney gene ral for civil rights, has abandon ed the concept of using affirmative ac·t1on to counter discrimination m hiring and promolion and has announced he will seek a test case to overturn a landmark Supreme Court decision that found afflnnative action plans constitutional. The law council called that "a clear, official signal that the federal government has retreated fro m the battle agai n s t em ployme nt diacrimination and a suggestton that employers may now do the same." R eaga n did n ot mentio n schoo l desegregation or housing dlscnmJnatjon in his speech . The law council said: "ln 20 months, not a single d esegregau on s uit h as been filed. Equally disturbing 1s that new investigation Initiatives have been negligible; a number of pendJng lnve1tlga\lons have been dropped or stalled; ca8 that are fully developed and ready to roeecute have not been .. I dt•v1•l11lu1w11t, but t•mollvn11 run dl'l'JI ubout rl'M'llll' l thut 11t.>t'm~ to tip thl• bul11nc't.' dt'l'UilVl•ly toword mw or tltt• otlll'r, "'rht1rl' 111 no nutu1•1· wltlt11ut nu1·1urt• und nu nurtu1·l· without nut Ur(• Tht• two 1.1rt• Jndh1solubly hnkt.O," says J>l!Yl'hwlnst llt•rlx•rt Lt•abt•rnum of the Ct.•ntt•r for A<lvutH'l'tl Study 111 the S.•huv1urul Sc1L•1wt•i. at Sumford U11ivl'r11ity. Mt.-cJnlck ond mo11t utht•1·1t 111 tlw nuturl' l'Elrl1p Ul'('t•pt. l'Vl•n t·mphastztO: thul 11\IMl'Ul'liun . Thoxc• nTht•rt• if-I no n u lurt• wilhoul nnrturt• und no nurturtJ without nulllrt.'. Tlw I wo ur•· indiK!folubly linkt••I." who favor nurtur<• rurl'ly deny 1t Rcdul•('<.I to that lcv<'I. "l don't think you l'OUld call the dt!batl' a tl'mp<.>St But 1f 1t wt•rc u tempest. 1t would bl> in u tl•apot." says St.an ford t·nmmologisl John Ki.iplan Many d1,;m1!>:-. Mt·dn1<"k 's rl·!>c·an·h a!> t'Vt·rything from "ndwulous" lo "dungt·rou!>" Mut·h of th<: 1·nt1c1M11 1:-. a1ml'<I It's.' at thl' st'll'l1t"C than at Its pt>tt•nt1al appht·utions Scmw ;;c.:ll'nllsls note' th:\t mul'h grid has IK•t•11 vtMh'd up1111 h11111u1111 v IK'l'llUM' 111 ).(t'lll'll thut 1111 11· 1111 i;k111 1111111 Suyi. l'Jtl lllu S t I .II\.\ I l'lll'l' 111 uc.· Uc ·I k1·lt·y, "'1'111'11' ...... io.till 111·11ph• Ill tl11i. lllllllll Y who l11·1il'v1· hl.oc·kl'I 1111· gt•11t·1w1o llv 111r1·11111 " S1x·111loi.t1''" wo11 y that a11y1h111u l111k111H Ml'lll'h lo 1'1'11111' ul11111.Alc•ly will he• Ul•1•d t11 uttnh11\1 • "bud J.(t•t11•!>" l111·<·1 tu11 1 l'lll't'' ,ind tlwy t·1tt· JH't'('t•<lt•nts lur ll1.1l 1·w11·1·n1 'l'hl· 111 ll'll tal1111·d h1i.111ry 111 ~··111•\w n -s1•ai'l'l1 n·ma~nti till' st11'1111·1· 111 tlw dl'liall' und m1111y rt'(•ull till' l'XIH't 111w111 111 ~wlt•t·11 v1• l111•1•dlng c·ulh•(J • c·ug1·n1l·:-. BaL"kPd by 111a11y M'l1·nl1'>l1>, p11ltti1 ·1uns and l'UUl't!>, that 1))0Vt'rnl·nl tr11 ·tl lo 1111p1 llVI' 1 IH· humun raC'(' hy ('IWOUl'CIKllll.( J.'rl.ICTl'alHlfl :c11111ng those· dt•t·rn(·d dr·sirahlt• a11u 1irc•v1•1H1ng d11ld1t•n amo11g thoS(.• b1'undt·tl J1•f1twnt 'l'ht• 111:.!0-. :.aw 27 s lalt-s pass lnws uuth11nz1n~ fort·t·d :.tc·nltZ<Jtton of tht• rc•l'lilf•·ffillldl'cl , llll'Olllf)t'll'nl •Jr 1m,ant· 111 / pr;.ct'llt'('. thl· vu:t1n11.wd thou"><md:-. indudl'd ix·tty / 1 thl<'Vl'!>, prostllul.t-s und oth1·1 !> t'<lll!>ldt•rPd m1sf11.!. Tht· t·ugt•nw m11v1•11wnl ha!> bt•t•n widely d1Sl•rt-d1 tt'CJ, bot h uq !>C.'lt•nuf1t· <1nd :-.ol01al ground:.. opponP11l!> frt·c1ut·11tly notr·d that Adolf H1t ll'r mvokt'<.1 1•ug1"1ll<"> Ill h1:. "m:a~lc·r ran•" 1101tuns and w JUSt.1fy ht!-ga.., t•humlK•I'!> Mo.1ny !>l'll'llllhL' rid11·ull'<I lht· n'(·c·111 t'll'<1l11111 !See Bf<:llA VIOH, Pa~c A:i > ggc Economy 8 27 Pack • 13.99 L'eggs Regular Panty Hose All nylon, with cotton panel and rein· forced toe. In basic shades. Misses· A, B; Queen Size. Cricket Disposable lighter No·flare. dependable, easy 10 use, thousands of hgtits. Luvs Disposable Diapers 48·Count with flexible gathers for a comfortable fit. Twin Pack of Kodak .. PR10 Instant Color Fiim Sat1nluxe finish Total of 20 prints Save at Kmart. 2 Boxea $1 . 100 DlapoHble Coffee Filters Fits many automal•C a11p coll co makers 14.97 Men's Long-aleeve Velour Sport Shirt Hand!llOITle c lassic in 0011on1po1yeal· er velour. tlb c1ew neck. poclt.ett Fall cot0t1 1.68 Pkg One-Pound Bag M&M Candy Always a 11oa11 Plain or peanut Choe· olale candies 2 For Spring, Powd., Fr.ah, Rain Shower. Lemon. Flo*•' Blouom 1.75 Glade Aerosol Air FrHheners Alf·lreshener on corwen1en1 aerosol spray cen ThunCletboft .12 LR. Alnmo . lnchMMe Dinner With a lnohleede• Two tnchll•dll In t•l'IVY HUCt. fettled bHn•. 1nd ~rice Htgn ePffd, tong r1111, &O· ~'*· ' I< mart• Sall' ProCI' less F' actory Rc:>batn Yout Not C"..011 Alie< F ac1ory Ret>ale Gravy Train 7.77 ·1.00 6 .77 Dry Dog Food Rich gravy 91ves dry food thl' ap()Cal of a homo maae meal 25 lb • bag 'NMWI 1Q·lnch Frr Pan With Teflon I Interior Polished aluminum w1lh non·1hck cooking surface Women• Utility Oxford Padded collar and lull 11oeo1 l1n1ng for comlort Women sizes 5.9 10 Col ors white. black & 1an 19.97. 20-Element Outdoor Television Antenna Improves colo• and bleck/whlle recop1ton On Sale Mon. thru sat. Fiberglass Belted Whitewalls Our Reg. '7.97 · A78x1J 33.91 Plus F.E.T 1.67 Ea • Multl·tlped Tread Albe • 2 Polyester Cord Piles + 2 Fiberglass Belts • Modern Styled Whltew1ll1 ....... • No T "R..,nd All T.,_ ftlu9 , . E T Eact\ ·~~ It...,._, ...... lieeed on U I Clllfll OI l••...,._t \JfWlll T .. ~ ~ 1¥9' ' Extra Color Prints from YC>Uf Color Ne9. Only 110, 12t, & Reg. 35mm Plus Hew "disc" Film 13¢ ... Kustomat 4" Prints 22e ... FILM DEVELOPING SPECIALS MORE PRINTS From Your Prints Or Fcom Your Slide• 2 for 77c 3 Oeye<>nty K mert· cam.,ao.pt 11.97 Light Cord On A Handy Reel Features 20' retractable cord with trouble fight Eloctricel outlet on hendlt Mount on we111ce;t1ng ulll 46.88 41-month .. ttery FOf : U.S. aod fOtelgn cara, light . &eve nowt . . . . .... Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, October 3, 1982 Slowly, women find acceptance as coal miners AP PhOIO Pl'lvl'S BUJH :11 IAl't W1111w11 iv1y tlwy'it· Ill th1• I o,el 1111111'' ltl .. l,tY, 1°\ll'll thOUl(h t}Wy'H' 'till f1Hhll11~ lt11 11u·1•ptUlll'l' nllll' )'t'lll• 11ftt•1 th1· '""' w111111•11 l1111k1· till' t'IC 1)11nh•r 1n u molt· do111l11111t'tl wur Id "w,. w1·111 Ir 11111 h1•111K u n ovl'lty to u 1·11 v.111 k1•r." '"Y" Mwlll'lh• Milll•r , :M. 11 fonm•r l'll·11wnu11 y i.dwol 1 .. m·ht•1 Wiiii u mu11t1·r'14 cl1•g1t•t• who has work1'(J f1V<' yt'on• lor H4•thh•h1•111 Minc>s "l think wonwn h11v1• madl' u po111l1v1· l111pm·1,'' adds M1ll1•r', 11 !thuttlt• 1·ur IJpt'rulOr. "l 'm In lnvl' w 1lh my juh. '1'11 g1•l nw out of tlw mlnt•s, 1h1 · ·godlulhc1" would hOVl' lo m11k1· n11• l.lll offl•r 1 t·11uldn't n •fu11t•." But Kap Ouwwn. a :i7·yt'ur -old 11111w r who unw workl•d us 11 Sl"t:ft•lury ontJ u print.er, iwyli thnl w11111cm m am:rs un· stall paving nl·W ground. "EVC'ry man has to prow h1msdf. but it's cl d f1•r 1•nt w ith 11 wom un A wom11n lw:. to provl' hl'r:.t•lf a lot mort• W1•'r1• 111111 pwnl'<'flng for wonwn g1•U1n1< 11\111 non·trod1l1<1nul JUhs," iwys 01twson. "Wt"n· tulkanu 11lwu1 11 11•v11l ut111n 1n A111l·rn•11'w ~·oul f1t·ldi.," Hl.IYft B«tty '.lt·1111 llull. dhwtor 11( th1• Crn1I t-:mploy11wnt P111_1l'1.'I (('~:I'). u no11 p1ul1t (uu11d11t1or1 111 Ouk H1Jg • ., T1•1111. thlll h<.•Jps WU11l1•11 W'I hl1t•d mul kt·t•µ JOIJ!I In tlll' m1nt•i. Wo11w11 work•·d Ill f111111l y op1•1,1t111111o .111d tomµuny llll11t·11 dur lllJ( tht· I >t·pri·11.o;1011 1111d Wor Id Wur II J3u1 Kt1V<'r'111111•11t r1't·nrcls 11how thut no woml'll hud U\k{·n thl· n ·q u1n·d 1111111 ·rs' l't1ln111l'I' (•Xurn, whreh Is t'Ull'l(UflWd b y IWX, pl'lfll' lt1 .July 27. rnn ::>umctmw lx;•t Wt'l'll th I'll und tlw 1·11d of HJ7:i. HA coul mim· isn't u plut·t• for u woman. Uut it's not u plut·t· for unyhot.l y -pt•riod.'' • a woman, her 11urnl0 unknown. Wi.1:. h1rc·d in Wt'lit Michelle Miller and Kip Dawson lt.•avc. their joh~ a l Bethlt~hcm Mint.'!'! in Pi11sburgh. Millt·r l'IUYl'I~ "\\'t• we nt from lwin~ a novt'h ) lo a co-worker." "Trying IU gC't Ol'l'l'ptpd l>y th1• guys IS JUSt ~ hard a:. th<· work." ~1ys Donna Lallt>y. u former w <imstrl'S.'l who has work1'(.J &I H1•pubh1· Steel Corp 's Clyd1· M1 m · 1n W11s hmgton County for two y1•urs Bv thl' !'ml uf I !lll l. :~.551i wurm·n hdd been htn'lJ io :.hov1·l 1·oul, lift µus ls or run rrn11·hrn<.'S in undl'rground 1·11;.11 rn11ws But wunwn makt· up only I :!5 p1•r1·1·n t of till' w11rkfon:l· V1 rgmau to be<:onw tht• fa ri.t off11·wlly n"l·ognizt.-'<.I woman m1nl'r. "S he'!. an un:.ung h<.•ro." suy:. Joyl'l' Duk10:., ai.sasWnt dtrt'<:lor of tht· CEP "Wt·'d ltkt-to :om~ he r pra1M-s bc<·au."4.· sht· 11p1.·n1'<l u Jut of d oon. for woml!n " Many <:oul 1.·umµ;inw~ allow wunwn only · because of t'OUrt ordn:-. But l.{l'tl1ng <•)Ob isn't tht• only probl<'m ror womc•n w ho trnl Ill tht· grimy pits. 2.47 1~66 Comet Cleanser with Chlorlnol Bleaches out tough stains D1s1n· rects as 11 cleans 14 oz Super Glue II Gallo Premium Table Wines Rhine, Vin Rose. 1 5 L Uniquely llavorlul GE 4-Pack Light Bulbs Your choice ol 50.75. or 100.watl standard size hghl bulbs. Blue Bubble Action Sanl-flueh Granules Cleans. d1s1nlec1s and dPO<lOlllP'> t0tre1 t>owls .se 01 Headphone Radio Foam oar cush 10n1 el'ld ad1u&t· eblo head band 15.97 POftebl• AM/FM Radio 16.97 Easy slide rule tuning Uses " ·c· blt18f1es K men• Sele Price 23.88 LISI K m.111• Aeblll •6.00 VM~t Co11 18 88 Aller I( m11t • Aobllo • Arrntor • Muffler tn•t•Med Htev~ cWlr. tine eo11 d. fOf msny U I c•a. light truck• ....... lil.....a IO II nw1 '~il"Jll Super strong. super tas1 Bonds 1n seconds Permanent clear 1.18 Style Hair Spray Your Choice of Formulas Em111onm<>ntally <>alP formula 8 01 can 2 s1 For Kmart 2-Ply Facial TIHUe l 1m11 6 Bo• of 200 2·Plv tonues 13.99 ~~~~ Ktnd111 • 011, Lube, Fllttr • 011 cn11ng1 (UO IO 5 Qlt I 0W30 Kond811' Sul)ett> Motoi Otll 7.47 Galaxy Blanket In Your Choice of Colors Galaxy so1oe1 c:olo• blt1nkel 100'1. Acrylic. Blur brown qold rusl. cnampa.qn, and goPOn Soundealgn Stereo Muelc Syetem Now low p<Ohlo oos1qn AM/FM .re roo roce1ver 8 track taJ)(I player. lull size BSA rncord player and 16 ' walnut gr aaned vinyl venoet ll><!lk OfS Protect Your Goal 4.97 Locking Oae Cap For lecurlty 1.18 Glad Clear Plaatlc Sandwich Bag• 2~ c1 bo, Fold IOck lop. and plea•· ed bonom 75<1 Garron So10 1 18 9"01agonal MeHure AC/OC Bli WTV Ent<>Y ptClule and sound, low power consumplton Dial.type UHr VHF 1unino IWO-W8y pOWOlod 2.88 ' II -·· A~YllllT1HO 1 MlllCHANOttl ~OllC:• (.tr... .... ~."""" ...... ".,_ ......... ._. .. _ .......... .,. ................... _ ..... ~ ..... ... f"'I•·•• ... J9 -· ,ol ·-•••-,. . ...,. .... _.~ ......... ~ ...... _........,. -. ,__,. ......... ......-..... ~··""~"' ... __ ................. ~-..... .... " ........ ......._ -···--. .-...,._,. ... . 1.33 9--oz. • Johneone Baby Powder Pure proloclton and com1or1 rqr blby ..... I WI 'GOLDSTAR I 13" Diagonal MeHure Remote Color TV W1lh !lipid on plCIUIG 111<1 SO\JM line tuning momo<y ayllcm and 1nreg1a1 ed circuitry fDf oreatcr r9hal>ohly 2.97 KellOH'• Toppet For NMcf ''" Llwna 2<Cubio '"' Med ~ovei fOf tpr1gt, tHdt & t1olont Gennatne A"""91 RyeClrMelMd e 1ntt11U 1 K m•n· B11nc10.. r111 r • cnttM l~•hon (hllH'lgt OKl!I) AO<~loo>I~ llM1• .... ""(~ ....... ~, F>roltct Y<>I" lutt, liHt to ftl /Niiiy U S , tl!IPOfl Cl lt, llgf\I llUCkt itNe now! COv«t a 1.-. hOldt IJIOll· lurl Q10.,1ng lnturanu w..ci "" Wtll not burn ft Of • W"" W1f'ltt1r llwn ovei •ttdlno 001m1n1 ~1n1uo1 1..,,. 1nelfPl'!t1ve 11mpoi1iy llM!'ll SUNDAY AND MONDA Y ONLY ~~ ..... -=-----• ,, ,p. In ont· Hurvt·y of ~D w11nw11 nthWIM a.t'IC!'t'tC'd \ Ill I a111f11111 h,Y tht• (.'1-;J), 76 fX'rl1.'llt liUIU they had tx .. •11 p1111"*11111111 .. t hy malt' wurkl'ra, ~3 pt>rt•c:nt , suul tht•y hod hl-.•ll prupc,.lt1ont-d by thd r mt1lt· hrn.i.t·'I und 17 pi'1 <'t•nt Hllid tht-y hud lw1·n phyi.1n 1lly 11tt.H1·k1 -d W111111·11 t.lm> 1·omplu111 of lm·k o( tt u11ung untl '-udv11nl·1•1111•11t, uf l.Jc•lng matk to do tht• f1lthw111 11nd touglw11t JObs, uf n mr114.• ~ruff1t1 wriw•11 011 "11111' post:,, li<'XUUI liUfll/\Mlll'lll, lat•k o f LolJl'~, a11d d1ff1l'uhy Jn r111d work dut.ht•l>J lh<al fll. B.wt tlw WUt(l'S a lubort·1· curru. $90. 78 lt , <.luy w hllt· tht· top rutt• 111 $!HJ :1i a duy on union , sc·alt• url' u big attrm.·taon . A ndrt•a Thomas or Murwnna, •1 SC'VC'n Yl'U r' Vf'll'ran uf th<' m1m•s , was om• o f thi.• first womc·n hired by Rt'lhlc•ht•m .S t1. .. ·I. Now shc>'s t~rt1'1t.'<1 with lhl' :,t;Jtt· of Pl·nnsylvuma to Ix-an assis tant , fon·ma11 , a nd slll''ll probubly mukt· mining u t·art'l'I' "The· ml'n don't huruss as mut.•h anymorl'. lt'i. gmtt·1. bc.•tt<'r. but I'm s tall proving mysl'lf." S<Jys Thomas, who as 5-foot-J and Wl'1ghs 115 pound,; .. A t·11af n11nt· 1sn 't a plat'<' for a wom;in. Fiut 11· ... not ;J pl<Jll' r111 1.inyl>cxly pt•f 1cxJ .. BEHAVIOR. • • From Page A4 .,r a s p1·rm b<ink. dr11wn f rom Nobl!; prizc- winm·rs, a!-. a na1v1.· throwbal·k lO <.'U!:ll'nll~ E.'il·ond1do bustnl's.smun Holx·rl Y . Graham fuundl'<l tht• bunk an IYliO "tu takt.• ad vanWgc of I. po:..sabilltws of g1•m·llc:s." Thl· 1dl•:t lb to produl•e p bnlhanl off1:1pnng from u brlllla11t fatht-r Not many g1·rwl1t.:1i.Ls b<"l11•v1• things work qu1t1· t hat simply. At leas t orw t·hlld hus bt·tm burn thro ug h ) artif1l'ially anst:minuting a woman with sperm from th1• bank Tht: molht•r hcid lost custody of two l'hi ldren by ;1 pn·viuus m;irrragt· bet:auSt.• her husband w:i:-aC.'l'USt.•d of abusing them · Only ont· Nobc.·I luun•;it<• hus t•onr1rmed donctting to tht· sJ>l•rm b:.ank ;ind ht· 1s l'as1ly lhC' most l'On truvt·r sial f1gun· an tht· natun•-nur ture dt.•l><tlt· Jus t m1•n11011ing W1ll1am S ho('kll'Y s tarts stx:1olog1sl.' 'PUll(·nng ;:ind t•vt•n natun··onc:ntcd !-.<:1t'nt1SL'> d1s~nt'<· thc·mS(:lvl'S from thl· Stan ford phys11·1st and h1:. 1dt'<ts Shcl<:klt.•v shan'Cl a Nob<'I Priw in 1956 for lhl' anvc•n110~1 of th1• trani.1stor But for the past 15 ye ars o r s<1. mos t of hs~ <'nNgy has been dl•votcd to pushing :in rntt·n!.<·ly unpopular view that "natun• h as c·olor-l'<ldt .. d t't'rl;.iin St•gmenls of the world population " H1• 1·onknds th<it av1.•rag1.• IQ scon·:. arc lowl'I' tJnwng blat·ks than wh1tc·s prim:.irily l>e<:aUSt' or inht·rt·nt gt•nl'lic.· dtfft•rc•nl'l'1'. lie alMJ contends SO<.'lo·t'<·onom1" swtus <:ommonly rdlel'ls 1nt{·ll1 gl'n <·l'. w hit·h 1s ovt'rwhc•lm1 n gly dNcrmim•d by gc·ncs Robert Plum1n or l h l' U n1 vl·rs ity o f Colorado's lnstitUll' for Bc•havloral GenNil's says, ~·1 wouldn't for a minuh• wunl lo forhid tht• rc!!wurt·h~ but if you're as kin~ if I think it is a produc·tivt> mw of limt' a nd monc:-y. then I would hay no.'' ··You don't have:' any wntrol over how people w ill U."C your data a nd there· art• pt.><>ple who wall mssinkrpret ll or USt.· 1t pohtwally. That troubll's me and I don't have any answ ers" But psychologis t L e wis Pctrinov11·h of UC R1vers1de says potential misuse of knowledge should be dealt with at the point o f use, not at tht• point of knowledge _ "At the S('ICntif1<: level," tie says, "it should be argued on 1ts scientific meriL'>. fairly a nd squarely." That 1s not a lways the case. Naturists c'Ontc nd critic-s don't want such questions answl!r<.'d or even raisl'd. "Usually what they say is that you do n't do th(• research," says Paul Ekmun of UC San fo'ranl'isc.·o . Others insist that human behavior is so complex that the impact of biology can never be separated from socia l and economil' factors and that the research ts therefore useless Several l'<'ho the statement by Princeton psyl'holog1sl Leon Kaman, who says. "It's a waste o f time I wouldn't for a minutC' want to forbid the r<'Sean:h . but 1f you're asking 1f I think at as a productive use of t1m<• a nd money. then I would sav n o" • J o hn Kramer. C'Xecu t1 v<' di r ector o f .1 Pennsylvanaa·s Senwncing Comm1ss1on, suggests •· the controversy may be 1 ootcd m a scientific rommunkauons fatlUrl' "We te nd to crC'ak' spcciahsL<;, and biologists and socioloj(isl-; don't communicate> very we U," 1• ht• says "The research has l:x-<'n pretty d1sjornted and thNc has no t bt'<'n n commitme nt to cross-f erti lizataon." M('(!nack , w ho worril'S that "some of these JX'Oph· url' i.a ym g. 'Ll•t's burn tht.•st• books,' "says, "It's u funny kind of thing. It's born out of •• ignorant.'<' -1gnoranc.•e of any thing with re<ipecl 1 to biology. "Thc> fact. is," he says. "social factors are 'J muc:h morl' import.ant in the etiology of crime I and C'vcry body kno ws that esixx·ially the ., biologists.·· Most na tur1sts would probably agree with UCLA's J ohn Garcia, an ardent foe, who says. -:. "There is no d('Stin y in the genes o f a chicken egg that says it will grow into a chicken. lt could be h potato salad Yo u 're assuming en viro nme nt 1. evet'y llm<'" • Ploman contends many criu cs attack the 11 false idea that "i;omehow 11 gene clicks on and you commit a crime. I find JX'Ople oclually h ave that idea in the back o f \hear m inds " The only thin~ a gene can do is instruct a rel! to make a protein . Proteins affC<.'l the form or function o f o rgans or other g<'nes rind "these arc all being Infl uenced b y e n vironment." h Petrtnovich says. Whal may be anh<'rltc.'ll. r\:searchers suggc.>st, urc som{• charocterl11tks which mak<' people react d lffc r<.•ntly to an cnvlronmt'ni or situa tion. That fac.·tor d~. not mean i.n offcctcd child Is doomed to a life of crime. for ln~lam.oe. But, this theory suggeata, given the same llOc..'ial environment as his peena. this youngster Is al areatcr risk. 1 "Oonc\ICll doeft n ot mtian im(nut.ability," uys Enoch Callowoy. research direc tor at thf I Unlvcralty of Callfornl1.S.n Franci11C0'1 Lln.llf-y Porter P aych latrk lnatltute. 1•Th•\'• what terrifies pt>ople, th Idea that If tt't In your ,enca you can't do anything •bout it. Tha\'1 tnune ... U you kn(>W \hl1 about people, l\11 a reuon for more IOt'lal and t'ducatlonal work, not lea. "You don't havc to be at tht> mercy o f your cheml1U'y." \ -, . I , Ae Or1nge Ooett DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Ootober 3, 1H2 Airport irnprovenJents would ease crowding .. Th e r e hav ~ been mut1y petitions dc:maHdlng rt.'Clut:tions in · nir trofflc und n oise at J ohn Wayne A irport and urging county sup~rvisors to find an altt•rnutc location to aC\.-ommodatc the needs of air travele rs . Now a pro-airport business group is about to turn the wblcs and circulate petitions demanding expan sion and Improvem ent of the existing airport. The Community Airpo rt Council, which d alms about mo local firms as members. 1s S<.-eking mo re p'8 r k i n g , a n en 1 a r g ~ d terminal , improvements to handle more auto traffic and lengthening of the a irport's main runway for noise attenuation purposes. All of these improvem e nts were called for in a master plan adopted by county supervisors in 1981, but that plan was blocked following legal action by the dty of Newport Beach, a court ruling now being appealed by the county. Members of the CAC argue tha t "there are a Jot of people who feel the airport's all w e've got and a ll we're going to have ror now." And they note that, even if a new sit e is approve d to se rve the• county's n eeds, it would take at least 10 to 12 years for that air port to come into use. Anyone w ho has tx-casion to , use John Waynt• Airpor t thl'lil' days does not have w bo to ld thut it ls grossly oyercrowdtod and Its present passenge r facllltica are clearly inadtoquate. That s h ould com e u1:1 n o s urpri8c, sint·c the airpo rt wus designed to h undle 500,000 passengers a year and now can bt• callro upon, with only the present limit or 4 1 flights a day, to handle m ore V1a n 4 million . And, e vl'n assuming only 70 percent load on outgoing and incoming flights, the traffic would involve close to 3 million passengers. Any way you look at it. that ls s ix times the facility's d esig n capacity , ir travelers arc to b e gi ven reasonable comfort far mon' than tht• national standard for airport tt•rminals. So the folks wh066 business obliges them to use the airport have some valid complaints. or course the fear is that even the s l ightes t improveme nt in passenger facilities would be a first ste p toward further boosts in ground traffic, airline traffic: and noise· levels. Tht> c:ou rt a lready has rejected the proposed master plan. Wheth e r s ignatures o n n e w petitions by pro-airport factions will affe<.:t the appeal remains to be seen. Keep justice constant R epublican congression al candidate Roger Can field thinks federal courts in this countr y a r<' "too independe n t." He wants something done about it. so he has p ,r op o s e d a co n s ti tut io n a I amendment requiring federal j ud ges to face confirmation elections every six years Actually, this isn't Canfield's brainchild. San Diego Mayor P ete Wilson . Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, recently voiced the sam e idea. but backpe d a le d r apidly when other California Republicans criticized him. Canfield says he got the idea from an aftiliate of th e conservative Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress. The problem. according to Canfield. is that federal j\Jdges ~ve grown so powerful they have usurpe d congressional power. Translated, this means the judiciary doesn't always agree with Congress. T hat's what o ur found ing fathers had in mind . That's w hy they instituted three independent branches of government serving as a system o f checks a nd balances. And ~use they knew that even the federal judiciary could com<' up with a bad appl e ', they prov tdt<d a remedy. A federal judge serves for life. unless impeac:he d b y the House o f Represenlatives and convicted by the Se na te . Cong ress. though e lcctt"'<i by the pe ople, is a political body consta ntly sh iftirlg as the mood of th<' country s hifts . The judicial system is and should be based on the rule of law. It need s to be imperv io us to the b ack-room manC'uvers o f the political life. That is not to say the court docs not respond to the will of the people. It does, but it takes much longer a nd the s hift is very gradual. Attrition results in new a ppomtmenL<> that reflect a changf.' in the country's attitude . Gra ntro, it takes year s. But mayb<' w e should be glad about that. The Law of the land needs to be co n s tant and predictable. Whe re is the justice in today's inte rpretation being thrown out in three years because of massive turnover on the federal bench? • And finally. the ballot bo~ approacfl g ave u s the 9itn Congress. Would W<' really want that process to be responsible for the even-handed ndministration of justice? Sign up and be counted Tomorrow , Monday. is the deadline for voters who need to register' in order to be able to cast a ballot in lhc Nov. 2 g e neral election. CaUfomia residents w ho are U.S. citizens and will be 18 years old by election day, and are not on parole o r in prison for a felony conviction are eligible to register to vote. Those who have moved since the last election should re-register • to be o n the rolls at the new precinct. The o ffice of the Registrar of Voters, 1300C South Grand Avl'., Santa Ana, will remain open until midnight tomorrow to ac.'Cept last- minute registrations. It a lso will be posijblC' to register between noon and 5 p.m. today at lhe Huntington Center shopping mall; the Huntington Beach Pier; Fashion Island ; Westc liff Shores. 1052 I rvin e Blvd. at 17th 8t., l:osta Mesa; a residence at 1 96~ Presidio Drive, Costa Mesa; a nd another across from the community center a t 247 Ave. Del Mar. San C lemente. Postcard registra tion forms. also are available at city halls, som e libra ries and m ost post offices. These forms must be f UJed out and postmarked Monday to serve as valid registra tions. Candidates for federal, state a nd local offices will be on the November ballot. along with 15 propositions,4 some of which <.'Ould be o f great significance to Cali fornia . Those who mi ss tomorrow's deadUne will not be· able to participate In the e lection process. It la worth the small Rf fort. L.M. Boyd/ Car keys Q . Yount 111en of late tend to mil~ thelr car keys. Much more so than did thetr Lathen. Why? A. Ti1ht panu. They find It uncomfortable to pocket thei r keyrtnp. 8-wnteen mon\ha ii not too long tor a lp6der to ao wtt.h~t food. OR ANGE COAST •.• ilat What word in Engllah hlll the mmt deflnltiona? Our Languap man •YI it'• "aet" with ~8 aa a noun, 12e • a verb and 10 u an edjecUw. A snail can crawl over the edp of the keenest razor blade without hurttna haelf. '- ThemotP.Heley l'vbltlNf JaMA....n f.ttClll••t ~O•IOf ....... ICNtllkh (dill)f ...... (dotO< T ........ MiCelHI ~fdlllit Letters · to the editor Junk calls ring 'no sal e' To the Editor: There are a lot of obnoxious things that happen to us these days, things that are apl to make us a little angry. Seems that people have forgotten, for the most part. how to be polite and sensitive lo other people. A rouple of things that come to mind concern people with ob- vious wigs very aggressively selling JUnk In airports and other publk places (like the OMV for example) and advertising news pape rs delivered to your house whether you want them or not. followed up by a kid trying to collect for them. By far the worst. in my opinion, are the pesky and persistent people who call my house, nearly every night, a nd try to sell me 80methlng that I don't want.. If you don't want to watch TV com- mercials, you can turn the thing off. If you don't want junk mall, you can write to Mall Preference Service, 6 E. 43rd St., NY 10017. and get your name off the malling lists. U you don't want to read ads in magazines. skip over them. The first thing I do when a magazine comes is &eat throuah and tear out all of the little cards Ln tlae re and throw them away. Makes the .,_ges tum easier. Now , don't miaunderstand, I'm not against advertising per se. Lord knows. the wheels of commerce would gnnd to a haJt without it. But there comes a lime when advertising methods have to repel more people than they attract. Whal can you do about junk phone calb? THE RE WAS a time when I politely listened, and politely refused the offer being made. Then it occurred to me that if the11e Clods were Insensitive enough to call me during my dinner. whiJe I was relaxing aft.er a hard day's work, ahd worse yet, interrupt the conversation that my wife and I were having, I could • be insensitive too. I started hanging up on them. The phone would ring, and I would answer: "Hello?" "Mr. Harvey?" .. Yes." Then. the dead give-.away. "How are you this evening?" They all say that. A few of them got even with me for hanging up on them. They called right back, and hung up on me. Now I always make sure that I know who is calling, Gardner 's column and'thc company name. If they pull that, I call the company, inform thC'm of what happened, and in case they can't figure 1t out, tell them that they are paying for two caJls that can onJy make an enemy rather than a customer Other things have occurred to me. Sometimes I tell the caller to hold on while I go turn the radio down; lay the phone down and go quietly about my business. The re<:ord for holder-oners is about six minutes At a conservative es- timate of three calls per minute. 1 saved 18 other souls from beine c:alled. Not bad I've also taken a pal(e from the phone company's book on how to handle ob- scene calls. I have a rather loud police whistle. Want to hear it? Call me up and tell me you're selling sometning. But first, tell me the name of the company and your name. There ls probably not a hell of a lot I can do, by myself, to discourage th~ idiots. There as one thing. though. I don l care what it is. I will absolutely not buy anyth ing pushed by a phone solicitor. Hear that guys? You're wasting your dimes. · BILL HARVEY Blam e misplaced ? To the Editor: It's a tragedy that a pparently hundreds of unarmed Palestinians were kilJed m the Beirut area last week. No one wants unnecessary deaths to oc'Cur. especially m such a way. Despite this. however. I find it hard to feel much sympathy for the PaJestmians con s ider ing the fa c t that their representatives. the PLO and their he nchmen have massacred Is raeli women and c hildren for years in incidents such as those at the L od airpor t, Ma'Alot, Shere Kemona, the Munich Olympics. and assassinations and atte mpted assassinations of Israeli ambassadors and personnel ,abroad. In addition, there is the recent assassination of Bashir Gemayel and many of his party members which precipitated the massacre. Less well known was the massacre of thousands, not hundreds. of unarmed Christian civilians in Beirut in 1975-1976 . I am amazed al the amount of criticism now being heaped on Israel and the Christian Phalanglsts when so little criticism was hea rd about all the provocation these two groups endured b'y similar acts perpetrated by the Palestinians over the years. There as no doubl that the recent massacre was morally wrong and should not have occurred. However, before heaping blame solely on one party, an objective person will examine the events that led to this unfortunate inddent. JEAN-DANIEL PONCELET Back bottle bill To the Editor. A "Yes" vote· on Proposition 11 w11J suppor t the Can & Bottle Recycling Initiative which requires that all beer and soft drank cans and bottles be returnable for a f1ve~nl deposit; that stores redeem empty containers of the brand they sell: an.s:f that distributors pay an add1t1onal ont'-fiflh of the de posit to the retailers to reimburse them for their additional costs. Similar lcg\slation has just passed the ninth s tate: New York. Twenty percent of the U.S. population now has deposit lcgis latiVl' contro l CONSEQ UENTIAL resources are saved th rough provisions of the container de posit legislation. Glass, aluminum, steel and plastics used in beer, soft drink and mineral waters are all reusable or recyclable. Refillable bottte)i. whk h are the most economical containers for beveragl' makers, may be ust>d as m a n y as te n times (This constitutes a saving for the c'Onsumer who does not have lO buv a new bottle every tame he buys a beer). Less energy a nd wall'r a re used in r ecycling alum inum t h a n 1s r e quired 1n manufacturing from the ra w o re Contrary to industry's cJa1ms that deposit laws would cause widespread layoffs, thl' need of workers to sort, handle. and truck the bottles and cans and to staff the considerable expansion of the recycling industry has created nearl y 5,000 new jobs In Michigan alone. Container deposit legislation has been prov c d t o b t' h I g h I y v a I u a h 1,. economically and e nvironmentally . There is no reason to believe that it will not be as beneficial m Califomla where 13,000 bevcragl' cans and bottles are thrown away every minute. Vote "Y"eS" on Proposiuon 11 EVELYN GAYMAN LrlCt•\ ''°"'" ,._,.,, •'• •••Coft•,.. '"' t1ftt to c.-Mit 1et ,.,, to tit \P«r °' •It''"""'' hO.I ., ,..,....,..., LAttef' .. .0 word\ or I~\ ••ti t:. t•~ cwete•f'ftitt Atl tt1t•n t'T'Mnt t" < klff \IOl'Wh1r9 •"" ,.,., .. ,.. .odrf'\\ bwt ,.,,.., .,,., .. ••lf\M ld °"' f"9'QV9\t tf \iU!fhtt"'t lt •..on I\ .....,_m Peeitf w•ll Ml• ll'lbfl\IMcl '-'""'' m•y IM'"-""'"" l• ..U-hl•m• •l"O phairw nwmo.1 of lf'W c.,lrtDwtDf''"""' .. t•ft!ft tot lft rtft( •••airt P"f'PoW\ Wrong code picked for hero status By ROBERT GARDNER RobC'rl Gardner, chlf•f Jus tic<' of American Snmoa. Is remC'mbered along the Orange Coast as a longtime jurist. lrequc'?t emcee and senior body surfing enthusiast Newport Beach has Its own pantheon o ( heroes -mostly men who have saved people from drowning in the harbor entrance -An tar "Tony" Deraga, Duke Kahanamoku, Charlie Plummer and J ohnnie Lugo. Now, with all the modestly I can muster, I would like to add a llCW name -mine. When l opene(t my first law offloo In 1936 In Balboe, l Wt'nt through the usual starvation pe riod ende m ic to those [)(ip~ on days. To make ends meet I obtained a job as a poll~man ONE QUIET NIGHT whe n l was acting ._, detk 1er1e"nt a cltlien ~hed Into the pollce atatlon and announ.ced brcathlculy that a man was commltllnti suicide on tho Newport Bet.ch Pier. I punched the button whk h activated tht' rt'd lilht on the top of o ~0-foot pole. This was our r~her prlmltlvr method of commltnlcaOon with the patrol unit t lnc:t' poU~ radlOI had not yet ht-en devclo()(.'d. TM red U,hl adviled lh4! patrol unlt to retum to the atation. Alter actlntina the red Ucht I ran CIUt on the p er. When I arriwd at the end ol lhe pier l ln valn for a floetlftl body. I wu IO.,. !If--~ llw IMft. In"" 1 eye, I t"C>u1d ... my name In MiidJt ... Then a man tapped me on the ~I shoulder and handed mt' o note. It read, "l om going to c'Ommlt suic1dt'" I quickly a8CCrtalned thin the man w3 a deof- mutc. l wrot<' him a note, "You cannot." He wrol.l• b.-.ck. "Why not?" I wrolC. "It's aaalntt the law ." He wrote. "What law?" That 1tumpcd m<' at first. Then I roet' to the occasion . . . I made up a PcnAI CodP lt'Ction. I wrote, ''It's a violation or P enal Cod<' 11ccllon ~84 to commit aulcldt>." The gu y was unimpreascd. "Show me th«' 9t' lion," he wrote. By thb tlmt' a amall crowd had pthrred and l had to do (l()nlethlng to uphold the dll"lt.y of \he law. l did. I anwted the would·bct suicide vte\lm for ot"""ptlftC to vlo1'te an lrnagtn.ry code lfCUon. I haft! often thouBh\ _tMt 1hat Wll lhe hJlh point of my ~ and law enlalcement c:..-r -my ~ ahlnln1 hour. The man ac.'t'CllfT' parued me? btck to \hl' #-police station an<.l l put him in our one- cell jail. In a few minutes there was a knock on the iron door. 1 opened the slit through which we communicated with out Inmates. The would-be suicide victim , shoved me a notl' which read, "May I see a copy of the Penal Code?" "We don't have one," 1 wrote. "What kind of a c:rummy police department is this?'' he wrote . "Its the only one ln town," l wrote. THIS NOTE EXCHANGE went on all ntght. In the morning, Chlef HodlklMOn came to work. He looked at all the little p cces of paper 1eattered around. "Yau got 8()mc kind or a paper chase goipg • on'" ht> asked. I e1<plnln ~ "Hodge·• always had a red foe<-It turned purp\c. lie wa8 olio very expn: ave" "You bleeping idiot. you mean you boOkt'<i • bleeping deaf-mute" . for a bkcplna noncxlst 'nt bl<·~pfng Penal Cod«> llCCtlon?'' Somehow I tot th._ lmpre. Ion thot I didn't handle thf' c:Hc• exactly right by hi~ 1nandard1. The chic( Ol)('nt'd the jail door and le' \ht' mon out He wrot th«-man a noc.d . whic h I a l wuys thought wu a mastcrp1t"«' in <•onununk .. tkNl bl'1eL to the point, un ~ulvocal. Th<' note r.-ad. "Oct the h<'ll out of my jail." The fret'd ""'" 1UT11led brlthtly, shook hands all around and wrott• on~ more note ''Can J havc brt'1krut?" TM chl~f ana~•rfd with a noM> \hat N ici "Ye.. the-dt•k ecrlffnt will be> 1lad It> buy you bro11kfaat." 1 did. iJ \ :Ready to b~ alone agaill? WASHINGTON (AP) When a wom<111 marries a man, she imagines growing old with him when she vows "till deuth do us part." But current statistics indicate women are becoming widowl•d at an average agt' of 56, says Mona Shevlin. an assistant proft'ssor in thl· School of Edul'alion al the' Cathohl' Univt•rslly of America. · To help woml•n prepare for the probahh• return to si nglehood, Shl•vlin, in her counseling practice at the Counseling Centl•r for Greater Washington, advises them to be realastic:. ''You'll probably be eithN widowt·d or divorced at least once in your lifet1mt"" she· tells them. Shevlin believes there s hould bL• mun.· formal preparation for widowhood. An area of great hardship fur many widws who have had satisfactory marriages b the loss of an intimate c:ompanion and a partner for dec:ision ma k ing. Financ·ial decisions an· an an·a or particular weakness. says Shevlin. ''Women are trained C'arly on to espouse dependence and passivity," she points out. "They are taught to nurture and &·rve others "When they lose their mall's, tht>y ofll'n lose· their identities because all their married l1vc.-s they've been 'somebody's wife' Whc·n thc.·1r husbands die. they feel as though their li ws an: over, and they proceed to merely tok'ralt• the n ·st of their lives." An elderly widow must faec the fact that 1f she does desire to date• and possibly rc•marry. there is the pr~lern of nun1bcrs. sinn.· tht>rc 1s a much larger pool of single elderly women than men, she explains. S hevlin counsels women that while it may be desirable, 1t is not nl'cessary to have' a mate. And t hus women who h avt' lus t thc·1r husb&nds must learn to live alone for pt-rhaps the fiat time in 30 to 50 years in a world that 1s totally diHercnt from the one in which they may have been single years before. The idea of prcpanng for widowhood is a much avoided topic. suggests S hevlin, bet:ause pec>ple have difficulty acce pting that there arc usually beginnings, middles and e·nds in all relationships. "And tht ends don't a lways C'OmC' when they're expe<:ted or wantl'd." In additton to enrolling m seminars and workshops when they're available, womc·n should foster a nd c.•n<;ouragc both male and female friendships, Shevlin advises. "Enjoy the person you're married Lo. but make sure to build other rclattonships ac; well." -ur..ges Shevhn, who adds-that rhroughour her life a woman should exp;md her mwrests ana continue to engage in them. To cope with a c:ommon feeling of anger directed at the dead spouse. Shevlin tells womPn. "Give yourself permission to be angry. For anybody who has experic.•nccd a loss, it's a norma l feeling. Talk about the ange r with other people. Vent it." Though there a re not many seminars 01 workshops to prepare for widowhood, tht>rC' arc· self-he lp, support g roups for the• already- widowed . wh1c.·h sh<' suggests joining for a commonality and understanding that can't be found ·among the best intentioned of friends and relatives . "friends and relauves c·an listen and ht• helpful up to a c:ertcun point. but then they oftc·n get bored or impatient," she says. To confront depression, Shevltn suggests viewing it simply as "learned helplessness and hopelessness." that can be unlearned. Socialize. be involved with people. be active.• It's important to establish compan1onsh1p, especiaJly in cases where there is no family support systems. she says. If widowed women can do many things to heJp themselves, t hOS<' people around them l'<in also help to smooth the way, she adds. Many people wonder how to react to the nt"w J y widowed. what to say and what to do. "Don't say, ·r know exactly how you feel,'" she advises. "You never know exactly how another person feels until you allow them to te ll you and even then. you don't r<•ally know for ture.'' The most appropriate· response. says Shevlin. is "I'm sorry " And then let the lndividual know that you arc available to liste n and talk if and when the nec:'CI arises. Beyond saying "th<> nght thing." ht•lp from people with the day-to-day hmJschold c.•horcs i1:1 moat appredated by the widow, This help genc>rAlly c·omes, Hl't·ordlng lo ritual. in the initial pc>rl<xl after the death of a woman's husband. It's reall y the time after the first aiJC weeks, however, that is crucial, S hcvUn noces. "This Is the turw Wht'n support is nee-ded die m08t." Most Americans well "'" WASHlNGTON (AP) -f'ivc million b1ericans who arc poor or nearl)' poor don't have health lnsurAncc, but moat en.Joy good health, l'W?mment Pxperu say. But about 800,000 of the uninsured nr in poor health, a.naly1t.R for the National Center for Heulth lnvices Reteardl Mid. Thff• •lck poor people ''are appuently ~ medJcal trutment,'' the analy.ta u ld •n Cheli repOrt. (~Hlu1naran~ Mort· thuu 120 I lo hie·-I l>s i.w1u·111e•d ovc·i· Ne •wpoi·t llurlmr Sutunlu). Hc·~u llu ('onlimwi. tculu) wills ~lut'll-> in front of t\m·ic nl Muri1wr rel'\luunml on .toast 11 i~hwu y. Dally Piiot Sl•ll Photo NO DEALER SALES AD STARTS SUN. CD PLYWOOD SHEATHING 3/a" 577 4x8 5/a" ....... 8~ F unny, everybody w~o u.eu thU knoWll what it is good for. They juat want the good stuff at the right pric., that'• all. ' ~~ -----r ~ ---·--, --~ ----~----.... . . - PUROLATOR PRODUCTS MOST PCV VALVES 12~ MOST AMERICAN CAR XSV OIL FILTERS 17! XSV All FIL TEIS 22~ McGRAW EDISON 5" BENCH GlllDEI 189!o1 Light enough to lug around. or bench mount it. Eye shields, tool Nets, water trough & end beU.. Illuminated work area. IOSTll GLUE GUI llT 19~! e.tter one, got a trigger glue feed. heat ia automatically controlled, includ .. 30 sticu of glue a.nd two adapter nozai... ILACI I DICIEI SPOTLITD 194!o For a regular beam or a bunt of light. thU la a tlpr. With it. own reoharver. charve gi,,.. about I ~ hourw contJ..nuou.9 Ute. S.G.L. WAID MULTI OUTLET ITllPS 4 11•7 OUTLET 148PDX 4fT.8 21•7 Otm.£1' •488P ......_._...._ watch the ad W.. • hawk .._ 9'noe I,... ,..WU retail. . ~. -.--- "Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Oo1obe, 3, 1982 ~ 7 Thru Oct. 23, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special •2.99 It'~ a treat that's worth lht: trip! Four big Gulf shrlrnp. our cri~py fi~h fillet, plus fryes. slaw fj hui.hpuppies! Shrlrnply dellcloui.! 3095 Harbo r Blvd. In Cos1a Mesa Oml \owh of '4n l>Jfl.-(, I-.~ th ft~ t1wn t••ko 147 15 Jcffr<'v ltd.••""'""'''"'"" \.1111• An• t w~ J Ir \llnC ALL TRADE VERSA· TRUCK QUALCO REMOTE COITIOL OILD 88c Put the oil where you need it not all cnrer the t:hino. ThJa· ia eo preci.M you can g.t the 8qUeak and*" the mqu.awk. ~ TIUE TEMPO LOIG \ \ UIDLED GAIDEI TOOLS \\ \\ ···~. ~ Get three~:: the \ ShOftl, Rake, and the Hoe and put thern to work. (Oh. I wu cU.arnil\9 fJ again, mother.) PEITD.ATOI ULTIWOllC IODDT I llSECT ELmllATOI Plugit 39•• in, the wariable frequency not notic.ahle by human.a. dri,,.. out mic., roach ... m ... ml .. rfiah, etc. in a 2000 eq. ft. indoor area. FOIEJIOST T. V. CAIT l97 !so I put lt together ln IS mlnut .. and 2( eec:onda. Walnut finish. With ma9u:ine wlf W\d•rn-th. FUllACI FIL TDI MOBTBIZEll 49~ A hand truck and- "flippo thurnp" it's a fo~r wheel cart. Will wonders-never cease? Next thing you know sorneone will invent the safety pin. CASTIOL GTX 20 W/50 WT MOTOI OIL 89~. This ia what the racers uM eo don't tell rne i t isn't the best for your c.r. Sidney. Doeen't break down under h igh tempe. BEBI CLEAR WOOD PRESERVATIVE 6•!. Water repellant undeneal, helpe pnYent damage from termit ... dry rot (what rotl ) a.nd warping. (My wife n.,,.r criticiue my writing, she only reach TV.) SUNBEAM GAS GRILLS DUALIUUD 187!! Fa..t Lite-0 -Matic built-in Ughter, adju.st.able cooki.r.g grida, 20 lb. tank included. Limited quanuu ... DELUXE DUAL BURNER 19492 217.77 CLOSE-OUT! FOREMOST STUDENT DESK It'• amasing how good thi• look• for the 'money. I didn't e:irper,t it io look 80 nice. Walnut finiah., you ~ David C. lirant David C. Grant FOR A FRESH NEW START Paid fOf' by the Corttmlttee to Elect David C. Grant, Cathi Grant, treasurer 4580 MacArthur Blvd. N.waon Beach, Callfornla 92680 . . . . .. llllJ Pll1t •,111~(1AV U( I :l 1•Jt1;> TELEVISION REAL ESTATE BS 86 UCt.4 till p~rf ec.t nfter Pasy victory 11 1 <:oloradu. 82. :.-· .. .. ~:~ngels wrap it up! Tht• Angt•ls' n1agi(• numbe r: ' lh CURT SEl':Dl~N ~Oftl\9 0 .. 11 "1101 lleff . Quite trunkly, 11 wai. u typll'<ll Angt·I v11:lu1·y al Anaheim St&J1um Suturduy uftt•t noon. Ange l s turt('r K l·n f''ursdl. u hut unc.I cold pitcher this season. wa., <.'C>ld. rt•lll'ver Dave Goltz )lept the Angels in lht• gunw through lhl• middle •:innings. and Luis Sandll't fu!iL-ball<>cJ the oppos1t1on blto submission It was that l·asy Right? 8dlUI duy bdurt· :i:l,40~ dt•Hrlow; luni1 und m1llwrn; of Southt•rn Cullfo1'11lo tl'll•v1swn Vll'Wers. P;.d11lully 1nfornw d thuL the Kunsus <..:11 y Hoyals had oguin dl•ft><tlt'<l thl• Oukhmd A's, th<• Angel!> rallil<d Crom a 4-:1 ddll'1t in the fifth 1na11ng wlwn fo'n'Cl Lynn 111nal·kl<d hts 11st homl' run of lhl' sl·ason wilh Rod Carew aboard. 111111nMH, und wh1·11 ht· forn·d T1•><1Js µlm·h -h1t1<'1 Lumur Jnhm1011 111 hll u shurµ t·omc•backer with twn out 111 1lw 11lr11b. Liu· Vl'lll'ZUt•lan rl'lwvcr barely hud llrm· LO throw to first us hordt'8 of fans vuulw<l uvc1• ttYm:t•!i to t•ongrntulall' thl· Angels. Thing11 likt· 1tw baSl'S, p1t<:hang rubbt•r und soml' o f the play«rs' upparc>I Wt'r<: um ong th<' casuohws of the onsluught Crum the fans. but 1l hardly muttcrl>d to lht· Anwt•li. 1ns1dt• thl' d ubhouM- aflt·rward. • Wrong. No l only wab 11 nol easy. but l he pressurt· surrounding thl• Angl•b' (i--1 . AmN1l·an .,. League. West lltlc-<.'11m·hing \.t<:lury uvl.'r the T<'xas ;Rarigers wa1> alm~I unbcarablt• Earll<>r, R<'gg1e Jat•kson and Bobby Gm:h had dublx.-d home runs as thl· Angl'hi branded their 1r.1dl·mark o f power on Texas starter Charlie Hough, whose knuckle r d idn't knul·kle likt· 11 :.hould "l 1huugh1 Wl' might bt· short an somC' areas . but I hont·stly belll'ved Wl' wcr<· going to du 11," _ noted J ackson "I JUSl bt•ht•veo-d 1t WWI going lo be.· till' yc•ar of thl' Angt•ls " Agt·lcsi. Luis T1unt appulnll•d himself No I t·hampagne pourt"I", .ind h1 b muln Largc>l wa1> Sant·hci. whu JUSl might be: lht· key lo the Angels' !JUl't.'eSS in th<· upt·omang playoffs Sult. T lant h ud llml· tu J8m a Cull bottlt' of hubbly down the> back uf Rod Carcw's panL'i wh1lt· thl• Angel first baseman trit-d lo answer qu<'sllon!. American League Weit W L Pct. OB 92 69 .571 "1'hcy (l hl• Rangt'rb) madl· 11 ciu1ll' obVJOUl> ,yesterday that lht•y wt·r-.. going to g1vC' u:. 21l'r<> nothing.'' s1ghc--<I M:magt·r Gt•m• Maul·h as wars of t'htimpagnt> 1r1l·klt.•d down his fac<· (Tl•xas .. Managt'r) Darrt•ll (Johnson) mum.1gl•d that ganw .Uke it was th e> st'\lt•nth gamt· of tht• World Serie:." • : The Rangl·rs ma y have· g1vt·n lht• Angl'lb icro. ··b ut Maut•h 's band of Vt:ll•rans daw1•d and &·rall'hed .~their way to 1tw dub's Sl't'l>nd t:hamµ1ons h1p C'V<'r S Iii I t o t·oml' 1:. t hl· A me riea n L eague < hu111p1onsh1p series agaanst t•11her 'Baltimore or Mllwaukt•c bl•g1 nnang Tuesday at Ana h t•1m Swd1um, but that didn't halt thl' cclebral1un that followl'Ci the last out Saturduy . Sanl'hei gained his fifth save of the season by holding lht• Rangl'rs hitless over the final lhrl'e "This is tht· way W(.• w 1mlc>d tu c.lo It," offered Carl'w. "Wl• wllntt-d Kansm. Ci ty to knuw wt.• Wl'rl• gomg Lo win it ourselves Now all wc havt· to do 1s go out and U..kc· a llllll' butting prat'llc:t• tomorrow and Monduy. Angel• Royals 90 71 .559 2 Saturday acorea Angela 6. Texas 4 Kansas City 5. Oakland 4 (See ANGELS, Page BS > A countdown to division title B v JOHN SEV ANO Of the Oelly Piiot Stell This one 11> <'c•r1.&1nly w1·1l cigl·<I For Mum1ger Gent· Mauch. Lh<· vmt<Jgl··wa1t has ht-t·n 2:~ yearb, un unparullt'lt·d fl'<Jt 111 buM·ball htslorv For. Owrwr Gl'nl' Aull y. it's 1>nly t hl• ·SC'C'Ond tlml· s mc·p th1· club's tnl'€.'pl1un m 1961 that hl.'b bt:.-cn abltc-lo t<.tstt· the frull.s of SUl'l'l'SS F or thl· pl<tyt·rs. only f 1vt· n·nrn1n R ud Cart'w , Don Bay lor . Brian Downing, Bohby Grieh and Don Asst• from thl' Western D1vis1un 1:hamp1onsh1p squad of 1979. So while many of th~' newt•r fan·s have· been in 1h1!1 s pot be-fore it's lhl•1r firs t tlm(· in an Angl'I uniform And. ll'l's .f-•H:e il. nu body within the organization is gelling any younger ThC' following d1x:umC'nt.<. th<· Angcb' pcnmmt dtnl'hm g day Oct. 2. 1982. l O:S 7 -The f 1rs 1 group o f Angels t'OmC' out of the dugout to take battmg pracltcr>. 11 :0 3 Usu ally done 111 groups of four. tht• pl.iycn. dt'C.'ld<' mslead to have two :arge groups of eight. Bobby Clark, a natural • right-hander. takes his firs t <·uts in thl• cagt> left-handed All lhC' resl of the non-regulars follow suit Obviously the playe rs art· l<><>lR· That\ a guud sign. l'ou111t·rs Jack~m . d1shmg it back tu Can·" "You'vl' dune nothing bul h11 in front of people like tT0 11 v) O l iva . !Harmon) Killt·bn·w . (i''rt-d) L y nn a nd Bavlor all vour hfl' Pitchers look at th1.1St· guy1> and throw you the ball right down lhC' middle of the plalt· All th(!y do 1s this." h~ d«monbtrau:c. with an underhand mot1un "T hC'y figure the, bes! you lan do 1s hit a httlc• ground b1;1ll tu bhort " 11 :34 Ja<.:kson lrioks oul at coach Bob Clear. who is p1tc·hmg BP. and SUV!>. "What the hell are Wl' d1J1ng hitting this guy when a 11 w l' • r c· going to sec i s knut·klc,bt1lls. all day." 11 :36 J ack son b o ldly pn'C.11<.:lb ht,'s gmng to hit three to day .. Three what?" GeSk s- Carew J<il·kson doesn't give Can·w th C' sal1s fac t1on o ( a n ...,ponst• l 1:40 &tung pr<iclK'l' ends for Angels 11 :43 Frank Tanana. who was with thl' Angels m '79 and was o n the mound when the te<im clincht·d thL' AL W est, prom1S(':. T C'Xai. will give 1t tL'i b (• s t s h 0 l •• w l' . I I g I v e I t c·v<'rythmg we've got which isn't mut·h .. J l :SO Add!-But·k y De nt. eggit• J ac•k son planl'°' a kis!'i on hil'I favori t .. ownt-r. (;t•1w Autry~ afte r Angels im•hN I AL ~ t'l'll Ii tit• Saturcht)'. ( ·\ddilional photos on Page· B?>). l l : 11 Thl' first group f1ni s ht:s laking its s wings, h1ghhghtc·d by Rob W1lfong's home· run Lo dead c·e nler hit nght -ha ndl'CI (he's a n atural lt'fty). W1lfong's tt-ammates go wild. who's b<-t•n through this so many umc'S Ix-fore> as a m(.'nlber of the NC'w York Yankees: "These gaml's are the toughest to w in," h<" says of the Ange ls' tas k o( be•a11ng the· Hange rs. "because tht•y hav(• ever ything to lose." Co n t1nUl'S the R a n g e r s ' short..:;top: "WC' try to play to win all tht• ume. I don't hke the word spmlc•r Wt• play w wm whether wc•'rc· 99 gam~ out or one g~ out " j)odgers turn it on, but stay one back 11:14 C<irl'w to Wilfong. SAN J.'RANC ISCO ( API Tht• L os The· Bravc·s. who .bt:gan tht• S(•asc:m w11h a 1:~-gaml' winning strl•ak. rc·mttim'CI a game• in front of the• Dodg•·r.. :iftt•r l.x.•atmg San Diego. -1 -2 hc.•twct'n the BravC':. and 1.>odgc·rs. 1t will bl• in Los Angclt-s on Monday "You should hav<· dom• that 111 Kansus City " Add:. Baylor. "You ought Lo do that mun• ofll'n You (·ouldn't do any worse-than you've donl' from thl' l<'ft side• this season " Angek'S Dodgl·r... s<•t•mmgly burnl•d oul a (ew days l'arlll'r, turrwd on murl• or tht•ar llitting powN and st<iy<'<i on the· hc-c·ls of the Atlanw Brnvc•s an lh<· Natwn:1I ~agut' "West p<•nnanl ld<'I' 'fhl· Dodg<'rs' r('(:cnt losmg streak bt.-gan Sc.·pt 21 when J ohn Monu-fuS(.'O be-at thl•m '.\.(} Lt.>s Angt•les totaled only 16 runs m the nosPd1vC', w h1c·h took th<'m out of the chv1sion lead Thc Dodger!> bangt•d ou1 17 hllb and r<'<'Ordl'd their season high run tot.al Bob Wl'lt>h . 16-11 . p1t.chc'C.i hv<' mmngs of <>nl'· hit ball for the-v1<.:tory <md Uav<• Sll•wart fm1shl'd up. -I 1 : 2 4 R egg ll' J d t' k so n 12:41 S<·orl.'board Clas hes f1r:.1 seon · from Kansas City: Huyalb I. Oakland 0. 2nd mning. 12:51 KC update· Oakland 2. Roya ls I . 4th inning. Do playc•rs watl h the scoreboard? "It's bc-<·n a vc•ar of '\tr<•akb in 1h1s d1v1s1on. 111'\d now we've• JU!.l got to M'C' who l.in Natlonal League Weet C'mt·rges from the d ugout and is s urprii>l'd t o find C'Vl•ryon<' h1ttang togc·tht·r "Why d1dn'1 anyonC' tell me.,.. he asks of no one m particular. "Why don't you gC't with the program." a nswer' Carew "This 1s Oc·tolx'r. l makl' mv own ruks." is Jackson 's l'Pply. '.On TV today t?phannel 11at12:15 "W£> knrw Wl' had tht• tah•nl Lo hit. 1t was JUSt a matter of llml·," said shortstop Bill HuSSt'll. who had thrl'l' hlls and two RBis Saturday , .. Bravps Dodgers W L Pct. GB 89 72 .553 88 73 .547 1 You bt•11 • 1:10 K rn Forsrh throws- f1r>t p1lt•h 1: ll Gt-c>rge Wright lea~. off for the.> Rangers by groundillg out to Carew One down, 26 \o. go . ltTeak at the cmd," said Mike· &1rJSCaa. who had one· of lh<' Dod gC"rs' thn•(• homt·r~ Saturday in a 15-i v1l·tory over the• San 1\-ancisco GaanL'\ on lht• nt'Xl to last day of dle season. "Los Ang<'ll•s did what they had to <lo. and beat us two straight early m the wl't'k Bui Wl' we nt on th<' road a nd swept tht• Braves and Dodgrrs All the tc·ams haw shown thf'y can come bac k ," said lhc• Giants' Joe• Morgan Saturday'• 1corea Dodger• 15, San Francisco 2 Atlanta 4, San Diego 2 Today'• gan\ea l 1:2S Jud<son Lakt~ :i l'Ut in 1:17 Brian Dowmng doubt~. to r 1gh1 c-C'nte r to o p e n th~ bottom of the first ·· 1:20 Carl'w singles home · · The Dodgers h;1vc• totak>d 29 run~ m a ll'I re e -g a m c w 1 n n 1 n g s t rt• a k . K <' n ~ndreaux and Ro n Cey also homc•r<'d in : turday's runowuy us tht• G11111ti; WN<' ' mlnatl-d from l'Onll•n11on Today, th<' Dodgers will start Fernando Valcnzu<:>la. who is 19-1 :i this S<'ason . but Dodger• (Valenzuela 19 -13) at San Francisco (Laskey 13-12). Channel 11 at 12:15. thP c·agC' and Lh£> hall h1~ tht• prot('(.'l1ve nC'l abovr him as h<' pops 1t up. "H11 1t o ul o f lht• l·agc"" k1d!> CarC'w 11:27 "No wondN' you'v<· Duwning The• Angels bench ch; up .. ond l'Xcitt-d. 7 eollege football USC 38. Oregon 7 UCLA 34. Colorado 6 California 26. San Jose St. • Was hington 46, San Diego St. 25 Stanford 45, Oregon St. 5 Arizona St. 30, Kansas St. 7 Michigan 24, Indiana 10 Notre Dame 11, Michigan St. 3 Wisconsin 35. Purdue 3 1 Navy 27. Duke 21 Nebraska 41, Auburn 7 N. Carolina 41, Georgia Tech 0 LSU 2•. Florida 13 Georgia 29, Mississippi St. 22 Pittsburgh 16. W. Virginia 13 Oklahoma 13. Iowa St. 3 Tulsa 20. Kansai 15 (C..pfete ecorn, ,. ... 113) 0-5 against the Giants. • "He's c,tue to Ix-at thc•m .'' said Lasorda. If a diV1sional playoff game Is n<>et•ssary Atlanta (Camp 11-12) at San Diego (Lollar 15-9). hit :J:rn your ent1rt· l 1f<.'." (See COUNTDOWN, Page 8!) •. .; •! :· Robinson steaming at Ducks, despite easy ·victory .·· VSC coach unhappy with conduct of Oregon coaching ta ff, officials in 38-7 triumph . . By ROGER CAR~ON Of the Dell) l'llot atefl LOS ANGELES It was. w ithout a doubt. a very routme vktory (38-7 > owr a very routine opponent (Oregon) Ix-Con• a very routln<' crowd (47,181) for th<> Southern California Trojans Saturday al tlw Coliseum. But under the 11ur (ace tht•rl' was on<' v ery br is t li n g coa c h (USC's John Ro binson). who ch a rged Oreg on's coach i ng staCC with som e unc tnlca l prac tices with the game's offlclal11 rollowlng th~ Trojans's l'ac-10 footbnll opene r. In on t'xclu11ivc interview with the Dally P ilot, Robln!lOn l'hurgl'<l the Ducks' stMI wl\h ''lobbying" with the otflclat., In c>rtPCt polming out whot appear.xi to bt' infraction." by th <' Trojans. "Wo had four h olding calls on ou r tight end." said Robln1W>n , "and I bcllevt> they t'Ornered the offlclal1 (pointing out c><~ k'<f lnftacUorui). 'In th la l'On frrcnce w~ hav • a rull· \ha\ you'r not suppok'd to lobby w ith th<> ofCidals "No one smd anything to me about tt und suddl'nly we're gctung thl'SC calls against U.'i. If that's thl' way. fin<'. but I want to be m It. too " Robinson . a rormN Ore gon player durm~ his ploying doy11. was alc;o still c:hogrmed with Ofcgon's t.act ks in the rourth quarter w hen punter Dave Pryor wos roughed u p by a hard chnrgt• T he Trojans W<'r<' brl'<'iing a t th • Unw. nnd laying o!f the Ouclul. 4>0. with llttll' emphasl11 lx·ing plo<'cd on running up the> K'Or uftl·r 11ht>lllng Oregon In th e flrlit hall with a 31-7 barrage. A8 for th e contl'sl , w ell. It took I ~ 8<'(0nd11 for th<-Trojaru1 to tak~ th•• b.Rll nwoy from Oregon and score, In w ha t Wll!l llltlc m orr} th<ln {I Trojon foast o( roast duck on a warm afternoon . J ooy 8row nt'r au:pped ln to Intercept• Kevin Lur.k PHS on th e game'• flnt o ffe nsive JJlay a nd he returned It 34 yard• for • touchdown . "I reud th<' ~uartcrback going bock.'' uld Brownc-r. 'I aaw on the tllm thl'y run a qu1<.·k s lant and h e I Lusk) was lookmg at the recc1v<>r (Osborn Thomas) all th\• way. I JUSl look a c·hanre " Robinson 1iddC'd. "We had mvrrtcd ~·ovt.>ragc. trymg to camouflage our p.'l!{..'i ('Overage and th1•y just thrc·w r ight into our str<.•ngth " lt litcrnlly broke> the Pucks' back8 bl'for(' they could even think about stnylng with th<' 26 1 l -poin t f;.vored Trojans "It <:er u l n l y didn 't h elp ou r <'<>nfidt'n<.'t'.'' offered Oregon Coach Rich Srook11. "W<' proet't.'ded to play the wont 30 mlnutf'll of football that l'vt! t.~chC.'d In 11hc ycani. W<' were just horrible.', • With a 24.poln\ halftlm~ odvuntago, USC s tarting qua rterba c k $ca n St1U11bury had alr~ady bl't•n replaced to gtve othN'I a 1ho1 or two. and all thot r f'mal n c d for t h r <'towd was th\' oct'aaional report.II of the Dodgen1· and A ngelit' proarcss In tht'lr rt'itp 'l'tlvt• divi11lonol till<' I' c.'t't On•gon wa• e 37 ·21 lost'r lt> No. l rilnkcd Washington a w eek ago. and ltd the H u ski<'s at u ne point. 2 1-17. Bu1 Brook!! was unable to offer a concl" oplmon on th<> rt'lativt• strengths of the Husk lC'S a nd tht• 16th·ranked Trojans "Last w<.'<'k Wf' played pretty welt;' Brooks rcpllc-d "Both art' very similar lti. o lot of art'ns ~nd both have opent"d \f P their offen~. "USC's dcfcmiw m lghl give it • lllllt- c.-dge. t: p«lolly u p front" T h e gam<' marke d the d ebut of c.'Onvertl-d fulback Todd Spen<.-er u t&e Trojaru' tailback. replacin g the Ln)lrid t"rt'd Crutcher. ond the 196-pound jutllbr rl-tJ»nd<.>d by rushing for 149 yarda and three touchdowni&. "I wus pretty n rvou11 In the tfrtt hnlf.'' admltt~d Spt•n<.·cr. "I've never carri<'d the ball that m uch. but glw me a 1..'0uplt-of W('()k ll and 1'11 be OK " • Spcnt't'r 11lashl'<i th rou.ah the Or~oo defc n1t• for lOSJ o( thoS<' yard11 on 21 l•arrk• In thl" first holf, a nd addro eight more• corm"'S In tht> scrond hnlf bt'fe>Nt ( t t TROJAN • Pt1e 83) • Orenge OoHt DAILY PIL.OT18unday, Octobar 3, 198~ ·~raves clinch tie i.. tor NL West crown ''.from AP dl1patcbe. ~ " SAN DIEGO -Only un hou1 or a .so ago, Chris Chumbll811 had hit o home run thut l'f\UY very well huVt.' put the AUantu Braves in the Nullonal League plliyotfs. In the Braves' drl'&iing room. Jeveral people reminded Chamblis.8 of nnoth..r :.home run he'd hit, this one· six yennJ ••go mc·11 .Jo.lew York Yankee. • 1 Chambliss' third-inning homer Saturday ni~hl led the Brave'& to u J -2 win ovt-r the San 01l'EfO Padres,.cltm·hing al least a tll' for lhc NL WL·s t ehnm plons hip. I n '7A , Chambliss hit a home run 111 the Amerit'un Lt•agu(.• playoffs against Kansa~ Ctty that put lhc Yankees into tht• World Series. <CM~ ... ·Chambliss said and not back." "This Ont.• w'as JUS I IJ home run, and this 1s 1982," "I don't reminssc'C' I look uhl·nd Chambliss' homer, a solo shol, ~avl.' lhc· Braves a 3-0 lead and they held on to wan for tht• •fleve nth time in their last nine gamt•s. Tht· victory kept Atlanta one game ahead oC Lo!> Angeles, which defeated San Fran<.·1sc·o 15-2 Should the d1v1sion wand up deadlockt>d. a onc>- game playoff would be playc~ Monday 1n Los Angeles. . "Now, we can finish th<'.' SC'ason without ,playing scoreboard," Braves' Manager Jex· Torre ,aaid. "All . we have to do is go out ;md win ·,tomorrow and there's nothing anyone t·an do about it." The Braves will throw Rkk Camp, 11-12. 1n .their effort to clinch their first d1v1s1on ltlll• santt.• ~969, while San Diego will use:· l('ft-handt•r Tim ···Lollar. 15-9. Quote of the day "This is like winning th<.· first )('g <'if the Triple Crown. We've just won th<.· Kentucky Derby, and now therc-'s two big races to go." -Veteran St. Louis Cardinals pitche r Jim Kaat, after the Cards be<.·aml· the first d ivision winner this year. Madlock's hit gives Pittsburgh win Bill Madlock's pinch-h it single a drove home Omar Moreno with the w inning run with two outs 1n the bottom o f the ninth mning to give Pittsburgh a 2-1 win over Montrc•al Saturday . . . Elsewhere in the National League. Keith Moreland's run-scoring smgle and a sacrifwc fly by Pat Tahler k~ a.,three.-run Hilb inning.. lo lead Chicago past the Eastern Divis1on-t·hampion St. Louis Cardinals. The loss was the fourth straight for St. Louis since clinching thf' title MQnday. the first time tb e Cardinals have dropped four In a row this year Harry ·spUman drove in two runs and Jose C rut knocked in another during a four-run sixth inning to pace Houston past Canc1nnC1ti. 4-2 . . . Pete Rose doub~ed home Luis Aguayo with the winning run with two outs in the ninth to lift Philadelphia to a 4-3 vktory over New York. Texas Open takes a Strange turn Curtis Strange compiled a !I 4-under-par 66 and lied his former teammate and fraternity brother a t Wake Forest, Jay Haas, for the lead Saturday in the third round of the Texas Open golf tournament in San Antonio. Haas has not made a bogey In the to urnament . Hometown favorite Patty Slleeban reeled off four straight birdies for a 4-under-par 69 and a 3-stroke lead in the LPGA's lnamori Classic in San Jose. Sheehan, 26. LPGA rookie of the year in 1981, has a three -shot lead over Joyce Kazmierski, aft.er 54 holes. ·-: Baseball today 011 thl"' iluh• II\ hao.ubull h1 Hlfl:l Thi• S1111 ~·1111lt'llt(.O Olunt• IK'l)rt•cl ruu1 11111111 11111111~ 1 Ull.li on 1wu hllle, four· wulkN, u wlltl plll'la unt.f two L'I rurn tu wl11 th· Nut11111,1I l ,1•11g1ll' p1•11111111t wllh u 11·4 vktury ~•vt•1 Le" Anl(••lt"I 111 tlw lh1rd rmd ch·d•ll11l( 1•l11y11l I UHllU' 011 thl'I dolt• in IU~I HulJIJy 'l'l1t11n1w11 '11 thrt•t• 1 u11 , ninth 1n11111H honwr off Hulph Brum·u ix·rhur)IJ llw i.lllijh· m1111t f111t10U1t hi\ an IJ;_11whu ll h1,111ry u11v1• 1lw Nl'W York (:tu nlh a h1sl uui.p, !, 4 Vll"llll y UVt•r tht• Oruoklyn Oudg<·1·11 111 tht• Hurd 111111 1lL .. :1Jing NalionuJ L.1•,1glH" pla vort Jo(anw On thu. dalt· 11\ llN7 C'o11k1t• L.Jv1.1g1•llu'1> lwo ruu, lwu t1ut n1111h inntni.i duubll' wn'(:kt·cl Biil BcN1ms' cl11•a111 of u 11u h1lH·r and uavi: !ht• Brooklyn Dod~l'rl• u lhnlhnl(, 3 :l Vll"lury OVl'r th1· N1·w York Y1111k1'I':. In thl· fourth l(•tnlt' or t Ill' Wurld S1•r11•N Tuc.Juy':i Ull thtby N1•w York Yu11k1·1•s outfwltlt.•r Duvl' W111f11·ld Ii. :JI Orioles force showdown for title BAL T l MORE Tht• rel1•ntl<>ss Balt1mon· Or1uk•l>, on u :1:~· IO chargl• ~ s1m:e Aug. 20, whtp~wd lhe s liding ... Milwuukt•t• Hrcwe>rs 11 -:i Saturduy a11c1 for~wd a ll(· in tlw Anwril'<lll Lc:agui• East with on1• ga.nw n·ni:11111nl{ un lh1: S<'hroul1.• Wllh th1· ~·h11rnpwni-.h1µ on 1h1• line to<lay. two vl'l1·ra11 right hnmk·rs will go to tht.• mc1u11d in a dai-..-;11· mul('hup Don Sulton, :l-J sine·<• lx·in~ :&l1.JU1n·d by Milwaukl'I.'. will fon· Jim J'alnll'r. who has rc'<.·lainwd h11> rul1• fl!> th<: &1l111nurt• an• this sl'ason with u 15-.J rt .. !Ol'd R<•h1•vl•r Summy Stt•wur1, whu ylt'ldt•d two hllS Ill 5~ I lllnlnJ.{S, Jnd unotht•r Wl.4ht•rtng urfl•ns1Vl' d1.:.µlay kcyt•d Baltimorl"S fifth 1·ons1'<·ut1ve v1t·tory ovl•r M1lwaukc•1· in lh1· past 1•ight doys Tht· Orroll~. batting 411 against Milwaukee wlule taking nine of I 2 games in the season !wm•:.. µoundt·d out lH h11.S for a tot<JI of 46 for the• first lhn.·c· ~<inll's of lhl' seric's while oul M.'Onng the> Brewt•Ni 26-7. Stcwar1 had warmc-d up e1ghl limes in the hullpc·n during fo'ru.Jay's tw1-night doubleheader, am.I M<inugl·r &irl ,weaver was hoping he'd last maylx· two or thrt~ annangs when he took Ol(er w11h tht· sc:ort• tll'd 3-3. ""Bu t thl· wuy he was prlching, there was no 11t'l•d to go uny place else," Weaver said. Wathan, Geronomio pace Kansas City John Wathan drove an pinch-a runm_.r Bombo Rivera with the tying run and Cesar Geronimo followed with a san1fice ny to lift Kansas City to a 5-4 victory over Oakland in American League action. But the Angels clirrunated the Hovals later in the day b_y defeating Tex.as, 6-4 . Elsewhere, Dave Rucke r threw a f1ve- h1tter a nd Lance Parrish drove in four runs with a single and his 32nd home run to spark Detroit to a 4-1 victory over Cleveland and a split of I he rr double header. In the first game, Tom Brennan a nd Dan S pillne r combined on a four-hitter to give the Indians a 2 -0 win ___ l{oo~rlan_ Denman_.P.iU·h1.-'Ci a six-hitter and E d Jurak knocked an three runs lo lea Boston to a 5 -0 conquest or the New York YankC'l'S Jim Gou and Roy Lee Jackson l'Omblnl'<i on a s1x -h1t shutout as Toronto blanked Seattle for the second consecutive game. 3-0 Ron Kittle hit his f1rt>l major-league home run and drove in three runs to power the Chkr,go White Sox to :t 5-3 win ovC'r Minnesota. Dailey signs contract with Bulls First-round draft l'hOl<.'C· Quintin • Dailey has s1gmod a t-ontr<wt with th1.• Chicago Bulls. a spokt-sman for the National Basketball Assoc1at1on dub said Saturday. Terms of thC' multi-year contract were n ot disclosed Re naldo Snipes surprised Trevor Bcrblc k, ronkcd No. 2 by the World Boxing Asso<:iut1on , and captured a 10-round unanimous dl>c1s1on to thrust himself back 1011> title rnnt1•nt1on . . Fresno State University has fa1IC'd to rc>m·w the contract o( its athletic director , Russ Sloan, who was involved an c:ontrovers1es over S<'ating for students and probat1nn against the football team S loan has been critk1zed for allocating less than 1,000 seats at the t'Ommunity's 6.500-S<'al convention center to students for basketball games. COUNTDOWN TO DIVISION TITLE . • • Fi:~m Page 81 ·-t:U -Wouldn't you know it, Jeck.Ion hi1a one on lop of the gr-een tarp in center field, an estimated 500 feet away. Maybe he:wm hit three today. l:lt -Larry Parrish homers \0 left to cut the Angels' lead to 2-l. l'!S l -Jim Sundberg homers io'feft. to make It. 2-2. :t :37 -Rangers' second baleman Mike Richardt singles home Pat P\Atnam for the third run in the second. Angel fans start to get restless. 1.:17 -Mauch goes to the rnoi&nd and gi~ Forsch a quick a.._.,er. ~I -M Dave Goltz walks ir1 trcwn the bullpen, the stadJum p"tft>Jlc address announ cer provide• an advisory fro m KamM City: At the end of seven in.ninp, Oakland 4. Royals 3. · 1-.45 -Oric:h homers to left lo lie .the ICOf'e at 3-all. 1:H -Anaell proceed lo load thti ba1e1 wlth none out , but ~He Hough world out of the jan) as Carew grounds Into a l-Z-3 d o uble play and Lynn followt wtth • llneout to ahort. t :li -Pete O'Brian homera to r1ghi-center to put Rangen on top" apln, 4-3. At the llAJ'Oe time a report out of KC has \he Royall wfnnlnl M ln tbe bottom of the 8th. The ~Is are apparently '°""8 t.o hlw lO earn their way lO the &op. l :lt -Final from KaNu City; Royala &, A'• 4. Time for the ...... IO bull their nttdu and go lO Wark. t;JI -c.ntw walks and Lynn followa with a home run ln.o the ·~deck In riaht field. Ancell v take 5-4 lead and lhe crowd g<X'S crazy. 2:37 -L ynn t.'Om1.-s out of the dugout at the rans· r<.>qu<-sl and takes a bow. 2:46 -Angl'ls annountc· Saturday's attendaru.'t' at J:i,405 Too many good games on TV obviously had an affect on the' turnout 3:0S Golu walks the first batter lo lead o(f the sev~nth inning and Mauch wastes nn time• bringing In Luis Sanchc1. out of the bullpen. 3:10 -Sanchez gets Wright to ground into a for ce play at second for the first out: strikes out Wayne Tolleson for lhC' second. and Bob aoonc: guns down Wright t rying to steal second for the third. lt's within readi now and the Angels can start to taste it. 3:21 -The Rangers go down one-two-three ln the top of the eighth. There's n nervous antJ<.i potJon In the air. 3:33 -Foti slnstcs o rr th1· glove of Putnam ot first to drive home Saylor from K't'Ond bosc. who had opened thl' Inning wi\h a double. The Angels gl'l a much·needed inauronce run and 10 Into t he ninth leading, 6-4. The crowd is on ltS foot. 3:39 -0 •Clnces mokcs on All·ttar play on ll ground ball by SundtM>rg tor the first out. The crowd roara ltt approval and rl9<!9 to lta ( t again. l :U -Putnam grounds to C.rew. Two away . l :U -Sanl'hci walks Bill S tein. The Rang~n stay •llv~ • . . barC?ly. 3:0 Plnch·hlttcr l..nmor Johnson groundt the boll back to the mound. Sanchez gloves it and tosses the ball to the awaaung Carew 3:4S -THE ANGELS ARE THE WESTERN DIVISION CHAMPIONS! 3:48 Says Jack.'IOn: "This 1s one o f the sweetest of all. I'm getting older now. I'm 36. That's not to say I'm an old man by any means. Just an older a thlet.eo." 3:49 -Says Autry: "I'm glad il's over. I've been waiting for this for o long time." 3:SO -Adds Reggie: "This one feels good because so many said we t.'<>uldn't win. They Mid we didn't hav<' C'nough pitching . we dirtn't have enough anr\hlng, we· wt•re Just too old. That 1 what mukNC this all very sweet." 3 :53 -Says Gric h : "We wonted to do il today. We didn't wont to wait lo the la111t day. We wantl'd to do It now." 3:S7 Soys Downing: "This is speclul because it's been two yN1rs sl.nce the lust one. Still, It's the uix'Oming ph1yoffs thlll really '"lunt. Last tlm<' lt was ~nwgh just to win the division. l'm not going to make that mistake nguln." 4:00 Reggie again· ''The ball club is great. the fans are great'; ven th ' media has been aupc.>r." 4:01 -Says Autry: "They've all donf" good. We h3ve a great bunch of guys her . They'r 2~ good boy•. And Regie." ht says looking at. Jackt10n, "l ,want to thank you a lot. You've been wonderful. Everyone hu." 4:0l -Bring on Baltimore or Mllwnukoo!!!l!! Own rs leading • 1n arrogance Rut pluyt•r.t.t 11ot lnr bel1ind during current negotiation In llll' 1·111w uf u h1bor c.lhmut•i In prultttllflo1lJ1I 111>U1111. IK1tli 1mlt·11 i.11 Iv~· ti4•riou11ly to put 4\Jc>lni. c>n 1111' bci.1nl tn th111 nn'i.I known 118 puhl1t• opinlu11 SPORTS COLUMNIST Tht·H· M•1·1111; to bt-' u tw lll·f tl111t If ttw g1·11t•ral puhlll· 111 11y111pullll'lll' to your 1·11141" It wtll huvt• u h1•lh•1 diullt:t.• of Wi11nl11j( UVl'I' tilt' lung J>Ull ()( 1•ou1 !>(•, th111 1s pn'('l't'lh'tl hy tlw pn·1<um1>t11111 the· Ht'tll'l lll pullllt• UJ Vt'IO u l'Ollllnt•nwl dumn in 1h1• I lrHI BUD TUCKER . plUl'\' In tru1h, none nr th•· prl11c1pnl!I c111 l' utw wuy or llw oth1•1 whut tlw populutit111 th111k:. Th1i. would Kt'l'tn p11rt1tul,,rly tru1• 111 till' l'llrrl·n1 i.tt uuult· 111vulv1nM the lubm 111uhl11t1•111<•nt forc•t•11 of lhl• Nhliunul 1-'outbull L1•ugut• Thi· 11vt·1·tu11·11 {oi publu isupport urt• tht•rt• bul 1f tht•rt• wa11 on y c.·011i.;1.Jt·r11twn (or th1· fet·l1111(11 o l tht.• l1ystundt·n. m1 1 hl' hoult•varrl. lul't H'I> would 1•1l<lu1" 11gn•1.·mt•nt. F'urthermort•, t•on•ldt'tahlc emph ... 111 ii plal1-cl on o fi~u11.• of $1 ff billion, wh1t·h 111 an amo unt t lw uwrwr" ~my th1·y wall make -.vualuulc· to 1h1· pluy1•rit drui;tw diat1Ut'l> l'llE POINT JS, lht'tli• u11• rather lfll•gg..rtng f11<ur1•M und t.ollsint( th1•n1 aboul will do nothing lO 1·11l111t1l'l' pul>hc.: opinion on <'tther s1dt• o r the di puk· ONE Ot ' Tll F. 111g11•dh.'l1ll> whlt'h would IJt.• null('CUbly d1IU1t'<l would 1:>4..· orru"ant•t• In thl' NFL thin~. both 111t.Jt·:1 url• annoyingly urrugunt hut thl· ownr·rs w111 ovt•r lht· pl11 yl•rs by a fwld goal <::t.•r winly. tht· owm•rK rt."t:ogm7.(• that thc·u rank aru.J file.· I!! 1ompost'l.l as th(• wori.I p;ud uf all th1. athlt>ll.'1> imd the 11vt•r·111l bcnt•frt ptl'I un· 1s probably lht• sum1·. 111 which cusc, Llw proprll•lofs Nhould be n-s1gm·d Lo the fn<.'l thot this mess is ~omg to c.·ost lhl·m so11w1hing u11d gt·t on with a S<'ns1ble offt•r Monal(t•mcnt did a great d<•al beforl' lht! strike lu 11liN10t1.• the gc•n(•ral public. The owners ra1m.'<1 thc.·rr tll"kl•t pn<.'t'S regiment.ally. forc.·1-d exhlb1uon j.!um<.-s down lhe throats of their tuslomers lJnd t•L1rm-<l 1ntc.·n"SI on their money ror several month!! of l'uch y<.•ar . Owm•rsh1p rations TV• gamc'li to it.IS 1>ufferers in lune wtth a silent slogan: if you don't hkf' 1t. lump 1t. At lh<' 1;um1· t11rw, the· union rt•prc'S<'n1.<Ji1vt•.s shuuld <'hl'<.'k th1•11· arroganl·e lt'vcl arid µut fo1 th an dfort to m·gutwtt• within reason. In short, it 1s lht' fc:l'ling of roust of llw obsc.·rvl•rs um· u.alks tu 011 lhe ~1v1·nut• that the play1•r:.; havt.• a lt:gil1maw l'U.-.C but art• doing a lousy .101> of pl l'Mmlrng 11 Of m urse, tht! athll•ll'I> hardly k-d up t.o Lhe :.trikl' dc·monstraung t.'Ont'(•rn for the fl'Clings of the ran ·rh1: playcrs held out for sums the avcruge 11llt.1:11 d0t.'8n't undcrsl4.lnd, und by tht-very nature 11( tlw1r demands, they turnt..-d off the guys who dtM:USb thc-sc matters OVl'r open lunch pails. Tht·n . 100, tf puhlt<.· opinion w1·r·1· l'l'ully of any t'<>lll'l·rn tu t·1thc·r ~1dl'. cart· would Ix· lakl·n -tu MJftt.•n tlw r1gur1-:. wh1<'h art• thrown around in thu. ac·t1on, For instant'l', thert· 1s constant mcntum of the• $2.6 billion thl' nwnf'rs r ecc.•ivcd from th<· telev1s1on n1 •tworks undl•I' t e rms o f the most 1t.•l'l!nl AT ANY RATE , nl'1thcr side tn a labor dispute 111 pr of<.-ss1onal sports l'X h1b1ts anything, rc.-sembhng 1•ffor1 m ordc•r to gain lhe publtl' opinion lhey ans1st lhl'y l'UVCl . l'erhups there I S a hint o r d1soq~aniw11on involved. Of t·ourse. 1( the study com<>s to that. tht> 1>tragglmg forces an· obvious. Thi· µublit'. whkh 1s supposed to haVl' ;:rn 11p11)11111 , 1s so rnuc·h disorganized rabble Bruins stay perfect, 34-6 Ramsey's hot hand carries UCLA l o fourth straight wif,! BOULDER, Colo. (APJ -wan over outmanned Colorado. Quarterback Tom Ramsey, who , The 50-yard TD pass came an seems en rouw to rewriting the the cl08ing seconds of the second UCLA record book , said after quarter to give the Bruins a anothe r sen sational Saturday 17-6 lead ot halftime. that the game's the: thing not "We s aw a wcaknei.s 1n the records. Colorado's defense: and fuunscy "'The records don't matter," callc9 the play on thl' line or said the Brum quurterback "The S<:nmma!(t.'." said Wilham.-. '"I ran Only thmg J'm l'On<.·crnc>d Wllh 1.S a post pattern and broke.• Open for winning." the SC'Orc " A n d win a g a 1 n h e d 1 u Bruin Coach Tt•rry Donahue, Saturday as he passed for 280 whose team ts now 4-0. callt•d llw ya rds . 1nclud1ng a 50 -yard l·omplellon tbe brggesl play of scoring strike to Dokie W1lharns. the game. "That gave us a lift." to lead ninth-rankc>d, unbeaten s..11d tht' 38-year old UCLA cc:,:it:h UCLA to a 34-6 t.•ollt>ge football Co I o rad o Coat: h B 1 I I U~S.-reaches Cup_ finals_ PERTH. Australia (AP) -The United Stat.es reached the Davis Cup tennis final when J ohn McEnroe a nd Peter Fleming scored a doubles victory to give lhe American.s an unbeaten 3-0 lead in th<' sem1hnoJ competition. The American pair dcfoated Peter M c Namara and Paul McNamee 6-2. 6-2. 3-6. 8-6. · Mct;nroe a nd his LC'amaw Gene Mayer won their singles maoches on Friday night and the doubles v1l·tory means today's singlt'l> are mcan inglt'SS. set, McNamara and McNamee held break point on Ml'Enroe"s Herve. But the ldt-handed American was equal to thr• task and, as he has done m the past, S('rambll'd has way out of trouble But 1\ was the previous game> wh1l'h provided th1• most t.•Xl'1t1ng tl·nnii. of the evening When McNamC'C· took a tumble and injurt..-d his right hand with the sl'ore at 30-all. 1t put the AUSSJes in trouble He played in some pain and o;urv1vcd lwo matt.·h and i.l'miflnal points McCartney said h is defense played ,well, sacking Ramsey five limes. But he said his offense wasn't able to take advantage of S4:oring Qpportumties. '"We stopped ourselves on our drives," satd McCartney, whose :.quad lost 88 yards to penalties two coming at critical times during a second-quarter UCLA drive that C'nded w1lh the Bruins' fir-st tou('hdown. '"They didn't stop us. At least half the time we made mistakes to stop ourselves. I think we're making some progress, but it's hard to show 1t aga1nsl a good defensive team like UCLA," he :...11d . Ramsey was 16 for 24 on the afternoon, breaking the UCLA career comple~on recor.d wi 305 and leaving him just 37 yards short of the schoo1 's all-time 1.·areer yardage mark. __ Tile-Sruins got on the board hrst aft.er left rorncrback Walter Lang recovered a Ric h ard Johnson fumble on the Colorado 22 UCLA went three yards in three plays and J ohn Lee booted a 36-yard fi eld goal w1lh 8:03 lc•ft to play m the h rst quarter. The Buffaloes drew even at 3-3 on a 47-yard Held goal by Tom Field that capped an 8-play. 5 1-yard Colorado drive On its next possession, UCLA drovl' 80 yards in JO plays. &<:oring on a 3-yard plunge by tailback Frank Ccphous In thl" final th1• United States will fa<'C New Zealand or France • Fran<'<' leads ihc otli(.'r sem1frnal 2-1. AJthough Australians lost they were far from dtsgraced. They put tremc-ndous prc"SSUrC' on the Amcncans m the finol lwo sets In the 13th g;lm<'.' or thl' fourth He and Mc Namara fought for their lives. but they merely prolonged the agony. I t l'a me to an end with Australia serving in the 14th game of the set. 0-40 down They managed to save one of the match points but failed to do 1l :.gain Colorado, a ide d by three completions totaling 29 yards. from quarterback Randy Essanglon to Chris McLemore. movC'd to the Bruin 30 yard line but had to settle for another rield goal College f ootba IATIMOArl OAml WMI Arl1on1 11 UCLA f>ICllflc 11 Freeno Slit• St .. n Sin JoM Sl1t1 11 c.i S1111 fulllt'ton Utlh It H-111. n Clllf0<ntl 11 WUhlnglon ~ St1t1 11 Wlll\tnolon SI Te11 .. EI PHO el ~141·lU Vege1, n "" .... N1vy II Air F01"4 Sllnloro 11 Arliona St • n Monlane II 8olM St . n Neb<HU II COIOf'lldo Nor1"41<n Anion• " NIVldl·Reno BYU 11 New ~JtlcO, n TulN 11 New Mealeo St , n ldlhO St at Ullh St Montlnl SI It W10. SI n Sen Diego SI 11 WyomlnQ hvttl9"t TeJtH Teet> " ArklflNI SMU •' Beylor, n Prllr .. V-A&M 11 Bllhop. n Tuu A&M II Houlton. n Klnlla II 0-llllOIM St. Oltllhoml II Tt1 .. N. TlltH 81 II Tta .... Arllngton. rf Ric. 11 TCU. n ' llMwHt Onlo U II Bell 81. W"ttfn Mlehloen 11 Centrel Michigan Long BNicfl Sf II ClnciMl ll PurdU41 et flllnol1 WIC:hlll St. 11 llllnot. St. lowl II lt'IOllNI MINC>Utl ti KIMM 81 Mlc;Ngtlll I t 11 Mlcnlgen Mlemi. "9 11 Notre Oen!e Wl11C001ln It Ohio 81. ldlho 11 NOrtM<n IOwl Akron at Eutem ltllnOil tow11ng Or_, It Mllml U MlMMola et NOfl~ C...1111 MIHourl St It aw MIMOUf'f St Ktlll SI. II IOwl St. hM•n Mlef\loln llt T CIMldO. n 0.#ct tt w .. f..-n Mllnola ....... Penn II 11 AllOM'll Kenludly 11 Auburn Trl(IH•H It LSU. n MIAMMlppl 11 o.o<gll lndl1na SI. et M1ty11nd o.otQle Teem 11 Tul-. n AorlcJ1 11 Veno.rbllt. n Ctemeon It Vltglnla. n Nor·tt1 Cetolil\1 II Wake f0<11• Olrlmoulh •• WHllem & Mety MOf'hlld St. 11 Aus11n POiy, n Tuu Sout'*n 11 AIC!0<n St Albeny. Ge St 11 0.11\une Coolcm1n VMI It The ClllCNI, n VltQlnll T e.:11 11 ~I Rld\mond II Eut C.roline, n Oullford 11 Olvldton Mlddle T-St. II Eutwn l<entuellly SOut"-n Hllnolt et flotlde SI . n w .. 1 .. n Cetolln1 11 Furmen T-St 11 Orembllng St , n FlorlCSI A&M 11 Jeckeon SI . n Temple 11 loultvOle, n AppelKl\1111 St. 11 Mertt11ll, n NW lou1t111n1 ., McNMH St • n S M1Hlillppl •t MlttlUippt St • n Alll>lrnl SI ti M~ Vllley SI T~Mlirtln ti Mutrey 81 .. n Hempton lnttltUll " Norttl Cataline A& I loul .. 1111 TKfl •I NE Loul .. 11\11, n Jonneon c. Smllh 11 South C1tollne SI Troy 81. 11 SE loultienl, n NlcN>lle St. 11 ~ U , n Ark9ftlN St 11 SW loulel1111. n E TeMMIM 81 11 len- Ch1t11nooge. n YQUftiPIOWfl 81 11 W Kentueky .... Joo ~ °"" ll!AIJ. 26'6 Herlter llvtl9* C.tt• Me .. ...... A' ''-....... ......... .. JOHNSON &SON presents •.. COLLIGI ,.... ......... Penn State over Alabama * Ole la ho ma over Texas * Arl:rona Stat• over Stanfot'd * •lthom Yovng over · New ~xko ~ .. Campbells t to lead UCI, am up 7-5 l'l•tcr ond JL•lilll <..'umpli.·ll ll•tl tht• UC Irvine wutl'r polu ll.•11111 111 u 7-:t vac:tory ovt•r 111•1 UC Sunw &rl>tira Su\un luy aflt•rnoun in upc>nlng Puclfk Coui>t A1hl\•t1t• Conft>r('ncx m:tlon. Peter IK.'Oflid Q pu1r or uualH UllU Jdf uddl'tl 0 11l' IUI !Ill' A11h10lcl'l> m oved In fru11t tu st.iy 1n tlw WAT E R P<>L<J second p<'rtod. 1mprnv111g thl.·Lr lead to 5-2 after th11'<· pt•r1od:-.. Today the Antl•Ot<'l'S ol Cu<JC'h Ed New la nd nwt'l t h<' US(' Trojans In a n on -1•onfe•rt•n t·1• ou.ting at Ncwporl 1 larl.Jor High beginning a t noon • On the high school ~'l·nt'. San Clemente won tht• 1-:c;tum:w t o u rnaml'nl with a n 11 -10 victory.over No. Y runkl'CI Bu1•nL1 Par k in the title mutt·h Mar ina's Vikings s<:on.J thrl-.· goals in the first ovl·rt1mt• p1:nod and went on to a 1 <l-12 dt 'C·1s1m1 o'1er h ost Estam·w an tht• th1n l place game after t•at·h hi.id lost tu the championship game finuhsti. in the semifinals. J im Zakas k y scort•d st•ven goals for Marina in tht• wm uv<:r Estancia. with Brian Brottll'rlon and J eff Ho pkins add in~ t wo apiece. E s t anl'1a had c·onH' fr orn lw l11111I \.\1th lhl 1•1• J(11Ul'I Ill tl\I' 111111 th 11uu11t•1 ol n •gulut11111 pl,1y tu fOl l''' tlw ganw 111tu ovt•1 tl111t• Murk W1l·k11 1111d David 1111111111111 prn•t·d tlw l-~1~lt·l'! m1 11ff1•1\.~· 111 1 tw twu 1•v1•r111111· p.•no<I:., ll!.!J>klllll M'Ul l'd lht• r1n,t f(OHI fullOWl1d by O lll' l.iy I 1111d11111I lx•fon· Mhrlrw tut till' rwxl twu 11n s lwt11 by Tuin Wut'<lt· 1111J H n1111 6wtlw l'lun. In tlw 111·{·111ut • t•x ttu ,, .. ;1.10 11 lnudom i plJI J<:i.tJIH'lll w 11h111 11111• lwfurt• Zuk.u.ky l<t•wt•d tt uµ with a g<1al al tlw st•Vl'11 i.t-c:ond mark S an Clt•nw nll' iind BtJ1·11,1 l1111·k f1111i.h1·d l>IH' two with Mur111a .ind l•:st<J111·1a 111 tlw th11 <I ,ind rourlh !>fJllLS Tlwy W('l'l.' folluw1-.I h v Ed1l'il>11. L,1 Sl·I na. Sarita Ana ;i ;HI On«lll V ll'W 1-;111 .. on <h ·fl'att•d Santa An.J. 10 H w l11 l1• Ck1•,1n V11·w w .... lm.111g 111 Sa1llJ A11.1. 11 -111 and l•> La St•n w. H :1. 111 ntl11·r i.tamt"I pluye>{I Suturdav In 1h1· Valhi P:n k luui n umt·nt. t•:I Turn woll th1· l'hamptun'lh1p hv dl'l1•a1111g St•rv•ll'. 11 -H and Villa P ... r k . 10 H on Saturday S1•1 Vitt: had li.·c•n rankl'd No :l 111 'J.-A and Villa Park No 2 an '.i /\ pnur to tlw lourna11wnt Mart· Young was n<1n11-.l play1•r or th1 · gaml' m tlw finals. Goal It• Ke•v1n Stnngt:r blcx:kl•d u f'.X'll:Jlty :-.h1Jl in lht• third p1·rwd w11h Villa Park m front f) 5, and tht·n tlw Chaq~l·r~ st·on·tl th1• nt·Xl five· goal.; 111 w kc· a 10-G lt•aJ TROJANS DUMP OREGON. • From Page 8 1 retiring from the gaml'. Salisbury's stats mdudc-d I :m ya rd s with a 9 -ror l ti perfonnan('C beforc giving W i.1'." to his backups. The sophomo re qu.1rlcrbc1l·k went out o f the gamc whc·n hl• was step ped on , and Sp<>nc·c•r'l> right shoulder was bru1St-'<I. but neither injury k t'pl thl•m from returning. "Obviou s ly wc•'rt• ph·asc>d ," said Robin son . "WC' l'a mc out aggr~ively and ready to play. Browner was o bviously ready and we had the gam(• in ,·ontrol throughout. "Our first d cfrnst• a llowc'CI JUSI two first downs anti S1>cnl·c•r did an outstanding job at tailbul'k. "I don't look fo':-the big run. · have to ma.kt• t h e con sis te nt f ive. six and seven · yard gains." Salisbury's 30-yard hookuµ tu Spencer in the first quart.er lt-d to Steve Jordan's 35-yard held goal and four seconds into the S<."(.'Ond period it was Spencer hurdling over the middle from a yard ou1 to give the Tro ,ans a 17 -0 lead Oregon's only score came wht.>n Doug Judge blocked a punt and Todd Welch caught 11 and ran three yards for the TD lo narrow the USC bulge to 17-7 right l u r i.llll anutlH'I US(.' 111ut·htlown Thi· g.iml'·s r11rnl s t;1t1s t it·, (USC rolled up 5:!:l m·t y;,11 d!. lo On•gon ':-. 2-l:i) an· m1sh ·acl1ng The hulh11111 :., numlx•rs tl'll th1 · ''°'' USC.' was in command, :i21i 7fl With a Wl'l'k uff hl't'CI US(; of .• by1-. tht· TroJ<Jn:.' focu~ lll'Xl 1111 St.:mford (Q.·t Hi) <ind Robinson s<iv~ his l·rc·w's de fl'nSt: will bt· thinking p<iSS "Our <1b1l11y to ph.1y thl' pass ts lht-big thing now," he> su1<1, a lluding l<> Stanford quarlNbaek .John Elway a nd othPr aerial l·1n·u~1 ·.; down lhl' road SpC'n c•t•r, tht• s on of formt•I' h l ' av y wt· i g ht box c r Th ;_i cl Spc•nccr, pick ed up his t hird touchdo.wrum.a seven-yacd Jalln1 1n thf' third period, nnd ht• l'tlURht three passes for -18 y • .1rt1 .. If nothing elS<'. Sp<>m•c•r fo11111I uul tt'i. a d1f fcn·n t tun1· :.it lC:.llbat:k, rathc•r than fullbalk Ill ~he• USC o ffrnst· "St<im1na a n d l'nduram•c-." unswNed Spent-er whe n ask c'(l if ht· wa s con cer n ed abt1U t :m yth1ng Oregon . on the heds of 1L'> fifth i.tr a~ht loss. however , just w1s hl"I 1 l h<id s ueh a problem. • P1·t1 ·r1 ( :11111 ptw ll Gauchos blis ter Southwes t N11ll' dlfl1·n·11l play1·rs i.h111nl 111 (ht• '<('lll'lllg p :.t l'O<ilo ai; !ht• S11 ddlt·hu1·k Collt•!-(l' Guuchus foot.Ila 11 tt•um h :1 l lt·l l'd L/\ Southw1·~l C.:ulkgt" fi-1 -t), 111 no11 vonft·n ·nt<• <1t•tio11 Sa1urd.1 y night 1111 tlw w1111wr's f11•ld Thi· v11•1111 y wa~ th1· l\.lth i-tra1gh1 w111 'ovt·r a :l 1:-y1•a1 pl'nod for tht· (.;;111d10s w ho '-<'lllt'CI 111 duuhl1• f1gu1t •s Ill e•vt•r y Jl·l·riod It w ai. a bo tht· :Hlth .. tra1ghl al h111111• Jlld g1vc-s Co:wh K1•n Sw1'aring1·n· .. lt·am a :i 0 rt'C.'Urd thli. "4'<1!-0n Juhn Canol ;1l tailhal'k had 12 1 u ... ht·'> for 11 i y.11d:-. 1•1 lc·,1d tht• s.1dcllt·bat·k .1t-t.11·k whllt· J11n (;h·t'tl 1.m·kt'C.1 up n y;.m is in 15 t .1rrwi. and <1bo h:.id thrt_'t' pas.., rl.'C't'J>llOlh for :15 yi.lrdi. Quar tc·rbm·k Craig Mill••r h11 H of It) fur !:10 yard:- Seddlebeck M , LA SouthwH I 0 Scot• by Ouetl•t• I A .SoulhWt!bl 0 0 0 0 0 s.&eb,;ck 14 16 ,. 20 6• S C•~o I 11111 1C.1us1Jr 11.1c~' S M1llnr I ruri (t.u•54'1 luckl ~ Mu•~hall l'l '""' from M1ilor !Gasse• '''~I s Miller 9 run t1<1c1< ra1180) Cut"tt 6 ruri !Gasi;or kick) C:.a1101 3 ""' ($ch101Jdm k1c~ J Bal11ar 31 run !Scnr<>t1de• k1Ck) s !. s s s A HolnWt !>• µuni return 1ScrHoede1 klG~) ROClrllJUlll I run (kick IH1le<l) 2 000 (11111m111e<11 Gama 81allallce •• f.,~1 d-Ownt 11 Au•hi>S·yO•da lS·O~ PUS•"O y111d1 62 Penes 9-2S·l l>un!1 3-36 I umblto\ k>" 7-3 PMalhe~·ya•d• 7-SS • ~ 57.372 90 9-19-0 7.33 0-0 10· 101 lndlwlual "u•hlng SW Jones 10 H Jatdll\ 8-l• Clatk • 19 o ... ..,. 2 6 Bi».et I IOf·mlf\US l S Car rol 12· 117 Gleed 15.73 AllO<d 1 '.4 Cu"lfl 6-36 Baltzer 3-JS ROdr19u .. 1 '1 ?0 Sm1lh 4· 17 Millet • 16 lndlvldu91 PHalng SW C••ridAll 1 17 2 3• Jones 3·8 I 38 S Mille• 0 16 0 90 B<tatnard 3-0 0 0 lndMdual "e.:.ivlng Sw Ba~o1 3 38 810 ... n ~ 11 Jontts 1 9 S Mai shall 4 J 1 St'1 ;ir1111 i. 18 Gle1>11 J 3~ • Orange Co11t OAILV PILOT/Sunday, October 3, 1982 - Huskies triumph an Jo e St. lo es From Al' dli.pntchl'li SEA'f'l'LJ<: t 'hu1·k Nl'IKt111 bouh•d foui ftt•IU ~111111>, g1v1n~ h 1111 1111 NC/\A rl'<'Ord IH 111 ,, row .• ind Stc•vt· Pt•llut•1 1111 si.l'cl for thn·1· 111u1'11downi. S111urd11y II\ Nu. I 111rakt·d Wa11l1111..i1011 hrnk1• 111i.·11 a drnw f11oth,dl Wlll ll' Ill tl\I' K('('IHld half fw• a 40 :l~I v1t'l11ry 11v1 ·r S111\ 1'11·~11 Stull•. Nt·l1>U111 111ldt•d to h111 1·e-c.•11rd fll'ld j{Olll 'i\r111~. ~0111~ b1wk 111 111111 i.1·U'i•111, wllh k11·k~ uf :i:i. :1:!, :rn ;1n1I :!:I Ylll dH, ult In 1111' fll'l)I hut f l1t.'hrok1• \ht· old NC/\A 1·1111s1•1·ut.i vt• fl t•ld gual 111.11 k of I ti, lwld lly lsh 0 1 d111w1 uf /\r kun:.11'\, I !1711 7!1, and IJ.d1· < 'us\l'tJ ul Murylu11d. I !1711 • l'1·lh11·1·. who n11i--..·d his flf'!il folir 1m~st·l'i of tl11• j.(illlll'. ll111i.lwd with :,w 1•0111ph•t111t" 111 :i:I attt•111pt .. fo1 :!:l!J y..inl'\ ;111d th1 1•1• tuud1d11w ni. Ill· w,111 1111t·rt·t·pte·d onn Wa ... t1111~:t1111. 1·11. li «l 1111 ly Iii 17 ,dh·I :1 :!O y;11d M,11 111 M111.1lt·' f1c-ltl l(oal lur San 1>11'>~11 St.1h·. I :t .t :! I 111111 th1· 'l<'('C111d half ('al 28 •. tian .IO.filt-.tit. 7 BJ<;HKELEY Co1111·r hal·k F1 ,.d Wllli;1ms tunwd an inh·H·<•plll111 111tu a toud1tlown ·17 '<l'('t>ndi. 111111 tlw g.11111-, .11111 qu:11 lt•t h.wk C.:ah· (;ith1·rt llll.SM'i..I fu1 :!·I:! y urth a11d two t1111l·h d ow 11' 111 l1·ad (.';1ltlu1 n1,1. l1> ;i <!Ii 7 IUlll llVe·r fllt'VlllU'llV u111lt·lt·..i t1 ·d S:111 ,Ju-.(• Stall· l't1hl11111w. l'0,1<·h1·d hy lw11w1 p111 .1111• Kapp, blt:ndl·d a p1 u ... 1 v ii' 11fl1•11:-t• with 1111 11pp111 tu111i.lll' dl·fl•n1>1· 111 ,to p 1h1• dl'11•11d111g P<.'AA d1.1111p11>n Spar tall' C 1llwrt 1upp1·d o ff his (ll'I f11rrna11t 1· with a ;m y:lf'tl toud11l11w11 µa!..' tu ught l·nd I );,iv1d Lt•w1s w11h :Hlli ll'ft 111 llw gam1• 11ft1·1 th1· Bt•:u ... h.Jlll'd two S par t.111 drivc-i. 111s 1d1· Lht· 'J.O San Josl' wus s topp<.•cf at \lw 17 with l ~.:l4 It'll and tlwn al tlw 1:1 with 7.2 1 to go Ji<1lh lt•.illll'i llllW li,1\'1• :s l l'l'C'llllf'I ... tlt11f 1Jrd IS. flrf•J(1J11 ... t. 5 STANH>Hf). Q uar1t·rba1·k J11h11 Elwciv tl11c•\\' (u1 r1v1· tout·hdowni.. 11lt'lud111g pa!..wl'i uf 5i. -1:1 .md :M yurt.I!., tu h·ad St,111furcl tu .1 -15 5 rornp t.Vl·r 01 c·j.(011 S1;,11· m a Pa«1fll' IO <.:1111f<·n ·nll' ganw Elw;,,y altl'aJ y ll·.id1ng th« n.it11m'i. mlll'gt~ in p<•S.'>lng. thn•ad1·d th<· On·gon Stall• dl"fc·nsc:· for :mt y<irdl'! m \ht· .11r. wmpll·tang 2:1 of 2~ pas.»l~ B<·fun· lt·aving tht• gamt• l'arly 1n Liii' third 1x·1111d, El\.\a~ '11·1 ·• Pal lfJ r<.'C..urd f<Jr 1.ou1l 1-..1n-.·1 < 11111plt·t111nl'i with fi:!:~ .ind a St<infurd it'(.ord for !'a11•t•1 f>J!>'>lng w ith 7 .Ii I 0 y<1rdl>. -;urpas:-.mg lht· rt'1.·111 d uf i .!'H-t yard~ hl'ld by tJUarlnhal'k J im Plunkc•lt. nO\\ u( lht• Los Angt·h~ Haidl·r~ LSll 24. Florida 13 G/\INESVILLE. Fla Fll·~hman tadhat·k J);dtu11 l111l1ard M'llrl'<l thrt·l· llJUl'hdowns, twu (Jf t h1•lll on rwss pl<Jys t·ovt·ring ·I I and :i yards. as L11u1.,1<H1<1 S ta ll· ~tuniwd fourth runkt•d Florida 24-l:i in Soulht•<isll"rn l'unf Pre•nt·1· plL1y A Flondu flf'ld l'rowJ of 7:4. I !l:.! was sill·nt as quartl•rbal·k Alan H1i.h1•1 hil his f11 sl st•v<.·n passes fur I <!7 vard~ and movt-d aht•ad uf B<:rt. Jonr-s as Lsu·, uil-llm<' pas.,ing yanJagc· lt·adc·r · LSU . .:i-Cl,""4'0rl!d tlw h rsl thrN• um~\"i ll tl>Ut.'h('(i tht· hall t•n route to a 17 -:! lr ad. sl'ltkd for u 2-1-5 h;ilrt1nw .idv.in1 .• ~c· and thl·n U.<;(>Ci a ruggt'<l dt•f<•nsc: t•1 lurn ha1 k 11u11wrou .. Florida lhr ..... 1-. .1rtt·r 1n11·rin1"-'>1on Pitt I 8, Wes t J'lr•lnl• 13 PI1'TS BUH(;H O<in Manno'l'! 8 yard pas .... lo Julius Dawkins "1th :l 2:J IC'h lo play l••r1xo.d a two 111uehdown rally IQ lht· final 11 m111u11~ that. 1ir11 .. 1 S<'<Ond·rank1-d P1lL.,burgh tu a lfi 1:i VI< lnry ovt•1 Nn 14 Wt·~t Virginia Bryan Tho mai.· :l y nrd ru11 w11h 10 5.2 re m.1111in~ l'appc•d an H:.? y.ird d1'1v1· ,tnd l)t•gan P1ll i. \ to Cal, 26-7 C<>I.JL EGE ROUND UP l'Ull1l'l>utk I rnin .1 I :1 ll dd ll'll Ht~lort-th;.t, Wt)'l V1r.1(1111:1 lwd 1h1n~i. 11'> own wuy ;u, lirll'hm·kl>r lh1r1 y l T ollt•v ~r.1 1q1 u f1e·ld uuul with i~11 111l1•1l't•p111111 1tnd 11 -c·11v1•11·d h1 11 c.wn hltJt•kt•d put'll fol llw M11un ta11w1 ·1•,' u11ly 1ovd11 l11w11 ! 1lrlZfJllH ... t . :JtJ. """·""·"'."it. 7 TEMPI';. /\11 • S11ph111n1m· 1.uis Z1·11dt•JQi. ll<•d ,1 lll'h11o l n •n1nl 1111 fll'ld ~oal k11·k111g J1Xd I '.Hh ra 11k1•d /\r 11011.1 S t.111 1•1 uptt•d f 111 I :1 -.<'(·om l qu:u It·• pt1111 ~ lo l1t-.1I K.m s.1i-S t.1lt'. :111 7 The· Sun l>1 •vtl d1•f1·11i.1• li1111t1"d tflt' vl!O lllltt W1hka .... Ill Ir>:! yat"di. t11t.1l 11f f1•11M' '" /\11/•llh.1 Stu} 1mp1 11v1•d 11-. "':rnd t•> ;1 O K .11"·" St.111-. 1111 ·v111\l'lly 1111· B 1~ C1111 f1·11·111 1:., 1111lv 11·111.1111111~ u11hc·atM1 It .1111 l Yt'.11 . f1·ll 111 :i I .11111 .1v111d1 ·d a 'lhuluut 1111 dl•fl'lbl • l'tlll V11· K1x•1111111g' ·1:1 v.ud 11 111•H1 pll1Jt1 r<'lu 1 With I Oli 1t•rna1n111g Ill tilt' ~.llllt' I .~fJtre Dan11.t I I •. ffll!h . St. 3 .; f · EAST LANSIN(; M11 II M1kt· Johni.ton hooh•d th1<·<· fwld wi.11:-. lo ltf t I Ith 1.111k(•d Ne1l0t· I );11111· 111 ......... 1..k1· f 1ll1·d 11 'i \It llll'V •Jllt'I M1d11g~1 St.11t· .J11t111 ... 11111 had I 11•ld g1r.il' uf .l'.1, :!~. I:! ya11.h. • •• 11 111 tilt' M-.·1111d qu.1111·1 .. 1111 the N11l1 t• IJanw dt-t1•11s1• .... wk .. d Mwf11g:i11 ~lalt· q1L11 l•·1 l>••l·k John Lt•1s11•1 111 tl11 · 1·1111 1111w 1111 " l11 st qu.11 11·1 ..;,(t•ty tu iJt'l«1u111 f11r ;di llw Ir lsh "4'0l lllg '"' ·' 27. ''""'" 2 1 IJU HllAM . N (.' Mi11111 l1;1gn:.111•ll1 . ri gt .1du.1t1· of I lu1111ng11111 Be dl 11 I l1gh. thn•w fo1 twu ~ tolJ<'hd11w11 ... :111d N.11> Mt{';11lu111 addt'<I Jlllltlwr Ch N;,ivv w11hst.1111d " furniu' f11urth qu.1r\1•1 r;1lly ,,._, I p11 ·v11Jul,v unhc..111'11 l>uk1 111 poi.I " '27 :.? I v11·t111 y • With Pag11;1111·ll1 t·n111pll'tlllg l!i 11f 17 pa~·' fo1 I 171 v.,111 ... ;111d M1{ '.ill urn l .i11 vmg tlw b.111 :sfi t1m1" for :! 11 yard ... Navv 111ll1·d 11111 111 a :!7 O leaJ in lht· t thud qu'.ll'tt 1 lwl111t 1>11k1· qu.1rt1•1 l1.i• k lll·nni·ll g1h 1m tr.1t·k /\'f!'bra.tt"a 4 I . A uburn 1 ., ' ' i A UHUHN Al.1 Tu1111'1 < ;,11 1111 -tl ,, 5K-van1 : ~·onng ... 111kt· 111 l111 -.1k a "4'C emd qu.11 lt 1 d1•..1dlud~ ; and M 1kc· H1111t•r .1dd1 d .1 f><111 •ti "'l•m<l-h:1IE l t ou thd11w1I'> ,1.., 1 1glith 1,111k Pd N1 ·l>ra~k.f I ov1·1 pow1 11-<I Nu :lll 1\ 111111111 11 7 : • <.:11t-. l11ng 1t1111hd11\\11 p ...... .,,·;11r11· \.\1th 3J:! lt•ll '1 Ill th1· r11 ... 1 hall ;11111 w1·11t 111 T11dd Bro~ n. wh11 mad1· tlw n ... 1•pt11111 .11 1111• '1'1g1 1 :!II hd11nd /\uhuni ! dt•fl•11dt•1 I >:1v1d K111g , Sports .. on TV TELEVISION . !.J :illam l:!J NCAA TODAY. 111 <t m (:!) COLLEGE Jo'OOTBALL Rold win WJllm t· .11 W1ttc·n lx•rg Partial broadl'dSI 11 ~!1 <1 m !:!1 COLLEGE FOOTBALL l'mv1·r-.11 y of S.111 Du ·~u at 01·11d1·nt.d Nwm 17 1 BASEBALL (;arrw to b1· 1lt·1t·1111111t'1.1 1-1 r WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN. I :l 15 pm c 11 I BASEBALL Oudgl•n. di S.111 J<'rum 1si o l:!'.:m µm 1-11 al Su!>k:.1tl·h1·" .111 ('Fl. FOOTBALL C<.ilgarv :! pm <71 G RF:ATl':S1 SPORTS LE,;E!'\OS RAOIO R.1M·b;11l JJ11dgt·r ... 11 S:111 f'r .11111 .... ', I<! I "I pm . KA.RC 1711111. Tt ,.,,.., .11 A11g1 t... I p 111 KMPC Ii 111 I i l l The T rojans responded with .1 77-ya r d marc h. ca pped by Spencer from five yards out. and later in the S<.'<'ond quurtt•r. with 30 ticks left, Salisbury kl·pl to his OCC falls • • v1ct1m to big plays, 41-6 Hogan, Peck reach fin a ls The two b est ral'quc•tball players in the wo rld. h ve-t1me d efending n ational c·hamp1on Marty Hogan of San D1cgo and top-seeded Dave Peck of El Paso will meet today at 2 at the· K mf's Court in Westminster for the• 5. 500 f i r s t prrze tn the Pro Racquetball tournament Hogan defeated J erry H1lcchc>r of Encinitas, 11 -4. 11 -3. 11 -8 in Saturday's semiCina li.. P eck barely escaped 18-ycar-old Brl"l H arn ett o f Las Vegas in fi ve games, 5-11 , 11-4, 3-11. 11 ·5. 11 -6. Today's final round will Ix• at 2 o'clock, first prize. $5.500 S<'l'Cmd prize $3.500. Saturday's losc•rs each picked up $2,000 By J IM CARNETT Spe.:lal 10 Ille Dally Piiot Pasadt•na City Collegf· hrouKhl its big play football team to town Saturday n igh t , and OrangP Const College's Pirates took 11 on tht• dun Thi· Lanter~ pummeled tht' But· .... -11 -6 . a t OCC's L <•Bar d S tadium "Pasadt•na has a pow(•rful dub." s<itd sht•ll-sh ockc·d OCC h t: a d t o :H· h D t c k T u c k <' r fo llowing lhC' contest "ft wai. pretty unC'-stded tonight W r wt•n · JU.!ot out-mannc.'<i " PasadC'na. now 3-0 on the year. unleasht'd a powt>r ful offc•ns1vc al t.at·k. ro ll mg up 393 yards 111 total offense. The P1rall's. 1-'2. Wt•rl' hmllc.'Cl to 188 vardi.. Big plays for the·· L am'<'rs for lhP C'Vt•ning mdudt'd a 98-yard kickoff rl'lurn for a touchdown, •1 78-yarcl pass for a TD: a 57-yard run to <;t·t up a score: a 41 -yarcl pa:-.s f111 a tr1ut·hdqwn . :ind 11 -Ill vard run that lt·d to a (l('ld g11a·1 At·tuall v. 11 wai.n't a hod e·v<•ning for OCC's offons1vt• unit Tht• P1ratt• offc.•nsc scorl'<i 1L' f1n;I TD of the sc.tM>n . a nd the Sues had th<••r best output. from a yardagl' st.andpmnl. for lh t• year. The Buc.'S· o ffense, whtl·h had gom· 11 quortcrs without n T D. f111all y 1 roi..C\1-d th<' goul line· with JU."' 5~ M'<'Onds rc.•mainang m th<> ganw 0 'C drove 68 yards m nanr plays Thi· tou1.:hdown came· on a <!7 -vard :wnal from sc'C·oncf slnnM qu.a1 l(•rb:J<:k Grl'g Dc·nham 111 !>('('ond string t1~ht t•nd Duu1w Stan Thl' Lann•r!. s tunned lht• Pirate·~ 11n the• f1ri.t pl;iy of tlu· 1•vtm ing a:-Troy Wright took lht• op.•rnng kickoff al his own two , rat·cd i.tn11~ht up lhl' middlt• or the• fi <'lrl , round doyiight at the• 25. and wl'nt tht• rN1t or t?e way 1ml11ud11-<l Arnly W1•1l1'r s plit the· u1111gh h lll rn.1kP th1· s~:nn• 7-0 JU'lt 18 .,..~ tmd., into lht• l-ontc·~t S o p h 11 rn 11 r l' q u a 1• t t • r b a l' k Clinton ('11v1 11g t on lOl'!Sl'd u -11 -yurd TD pa'' to lL11lba<·k Tony Manlt·v with 12 lfl h·ft in tlw firi.t ~·I lod, folh1Wln~ ii l'Ul'itly CX.'(.' rumble· WPilc>r thn1 k1t·kc'<I !wld goals of 22 Jnd :iH v:11 d!> to put thl' Lann'r " up by a lOmm.rnding 20-0 margin with '.l ·Hi ll'ft in tht• h.1)( Covm~ton hit W11ght w11.h ..i !1-v:ird :1e•11al fm ,, ~:or1• w ith 1:40 n ·m;11nmg 1n tht• p<•r111d tn '<"nd tlll' Lam·t·r.. into lhl' loc:kl·r re)l)m wnh .1 27 0 odvunlug<' C:m:1ngton t·n pp<•d a 52-yurd driv1• v;1th a om· vurd run fur u M•11r1· latt• 111 the• third pt•ruxJ. and I ht• L.111t·1·1i. ('llJOYt'd .. :\4 .o llllll ~111 P11!>.1d1·nn', r1nul s<.·or·1n~ dr1 vt• of tlw lllAht l'illlW JU!>t nwm<•nL'> 1nlo the l ourth 4ut1rlt•r. Thi· Lann·n. w1•nt H2 yurds in JU St thrt'(• play~. The· big pl<•Y was a i:!-ytlrd pass from S.'C'1111d string quarll·rbal·k Bill W ilson ''' Wri~ht Wr1~h t h .HI O(.'C', sc•(·o ndarv bt>atc>n whPn he· l'llUJ.(hl th('. ball Hl lht· J>1r<11l• •HI lit• WC'n l th<' n·i.t of tlw w.1 v un<.<:athPcl. OCC qua rtl'rbaek Clay TUl'k"r µI a y t' d t h rt'<• q u a rt t' r-; a n d 1'0mpleted 10 of 23 pa!..~'S for 117 v;1rds Dt-nhom sl<'PJ~:d m m tht• fourth pc•rtod . and hit i 11! !I .111<·mpts for Ha yard ~ .ind .1 tll\ll·hdown * PH•d•n• 41, Oreng• COHI I kor• by Ouatl•H P~sadena 17 10 7 7 41 Orenge CC>llSI 0 0 0 6 b P W11Qhl 98 lue).ott return 1Wetl6• •1<• 1 P Mllnlev •I pDss from C:nv1no1on 1w .. 11er ~IC.kl P w"''"' 22 ro P We11e1 38 FG P W111Jhl U 0•"' lrt.1m Covonqton IWeolt'• k1<.k I P tO¥illCJIOfl I 11111 4W'"'"' ~1Cld P W1111h1 17 l•·", lto•1 1V11 .. on 1Wo11~,1 • 11\J () ~.hu1 .'1 JHJ • ttflfn U•mhM" C"-~~ fa1fe0; ,.. '~00 p I, r 1r•.l dni111rt1' IJ f 11\f\,_., y(JHJ\. 16 ,,~ 24· l'lt f• t~\•OU y.tr.h l~!l 170 P 1•11r !\ II ';>'I 0 17-32 ~ Ptmt\. • 111 9·ll ) f umb1t•\ ''''' :>' :~ t.'f 11.1Uu-• 1 utJ• 11 110 lndlvldual Autlllng }11 I' 1 ,..,,.,. ,. , 1 Mt"'") ti J 4 W1lhamto 8 Ill (.ov10Ql<•I b '•9 C,.ttll'I J 6 J•Ok~ t / W11\on ' t Owf'O"i t IQt ·minus 1 t .... L O B•.tqq 11 4 I Sll'Phf'n~ 5 9 Oenflo11W• 4 • IJ•.qhl I '"' ,.,.,.,,. I l ut~l'f 6 r°' m1~A ~« ••• Individual PHtlng ···~J I' l.t1v•n•Jlt•n •J Ill 0 178 W1I,,,., 2·41{):)rl 110 .. o iuo .. •on1 11· o .. nrium 1.9.p .,t 111 lndlvldual Ae.:elvlng ! ~ P hlllj\jl 3 •J Motnl"Y 2 45 Wt1g~· 2 81 Horr• I •O Wll1tmo11.• I ·30 Gw9fl 1 • Wllh•IM\ I 4 • I O 81111111 I l(l S1~pt•eno J. 11 01dd1~; '/ ?J Ounh.lro } 30 Oow11• '1·2 I Oeot 2·t.l1,, Suen t ')7 AuOllllV ' 17 euu... I ·6 '" '4, --~~~~~~~~~~·~· •1111 Collegiate, high school football scores ------------------, ADVERTISING COUEOE WMt USC 38, Oregon 7 Calltornla 28, San Jose St 7 WNhlngton 46, San Otego St. 25 Stanford 45. Oregon St 5 Fretr10 St 31. Utah St 6 P1clflc 29, Nev1da-Lu veo-21 C.i Poly (SLOI 22. Portland St. 0 S a nta Cieri 44 , San Francl9co St. 14 UC Davta 30, CS NOfthrldge 20 ~It )I, AeolallClt 7 0.99(11'1 Tecll ''· PH Lulhetllft ,, PllOM lound 10. -!>Old• 81 " I Oregon SJ, P11C1f~. Ore 10 .. Ullll 17. " ~· '' W 0.'80" 40, Lewll & CIMk I 7 H..,...ll II II. II Mllr(a C111 8 lit i..v.,,,. '4. Slit! Fr1nc.laco e ~ 30. e Oteoon 20 Rockfee UCLA 34, Colotedo e Nft Me11lto 40, Air "orce 37 Aftrona St. 30, l<an .. 1 St 1 ldetlo 35. Weber St. 34 Montane 28, N1ved1·Reno, 27 Monten1 8t 30. Idaho St 27 New Mexico St. 21, tNlnola ,, t7 Northern Anzona 30, Boise St t4 Ad..,,. SI l• W N.,.,. Ma•i<.O 14 Carroll Mon• 31 Roe• y Mount••n 'o Cent Walh•r>QIOf\ 14 Wllllworlh 17 C.0<rl<MI iowe 37 l.OI0<.00 Col n Monltn• lllCh ?I w MOlll•n• 17 N ColotadO 2• AUOUllfna S 0 17 I O\lthwHt Baylor 2 t. Houston 2 1 TexH Tech 24, Texas A&M 15 TexH 34. Rice 7 Wlchltl St 24, W Texaa St 21 Ark1n1a1 35. Texas Chrllllen 0 SMU 36. N. TexH St 10 BVU & 1, Te.teH·EI PHO 3 Sul Aou SI 23, AUlllll COi 21 • A1UntH 17. Atk ·Pone Bluff 16 SW Olila!IOm• Ill, c-on 11 Mldwfft low• 45. Northwtttefn 7 01t11hom1 13. Iowa St. 3 ~ltaourl 28, P. CMot1n11 9 Michigan 24. lndlen• 10 Flortcfa St 34. Ohio St. 17 Notre Dame 11. Michigan St. 3 Wl1Conlln 35. Purck.11 31 TufN 20. Kent .. 16 8owlfng ar .. n 7 , w Mlehlgtn 3 Miami. Ohio 20. K911t St. 0 llllnolt 42. Mtnneao11 24 Ball St 1<1. N llllno1s 7 Cent Michig an 13. E Michigan 8 lndfana St 29, Drake 19 9MIHl>Cllne Kan •IJ p,..., 'II 14 01kota SI 20 B•ae~ H•H• • 1 11 0.C~lllllM• SI 20 Ch•d•on SI 11 l<Htney SI 21 Weytte N•b Ill ~ue,,.,. 25 Oul)UQve n Ripon 33 C041 1 Simpton 31 UOP9' tow• 14 wabatll 2~ M11l1kN> 14 W1lmong1on 27 ll'tlOI 20 Winona SI 40. O.mld1• 51 78 Y1n1<1on '1 Huron 20 Collc«dll MOOf J9 M1calol11• O O.P..,... )• Albl0'1 ) r •ricllay 4l (lrllllm 0 Fl H1y1 GI 16 Mo """'1-rn 1i H8mllne 'II Augtburg 10 lll111011 Cot 20 MOflmOUlfl, 111 14 Jof\n Carrot• 10 tllrftm c:o1 7 l AkO! , O•ttl I Knoa 0 Mlncllftltr 2•, And9fton 19 Moo•P>ead SI 30, MIM -Oululll 20 NOllh C.n1r11 '".. C1nh1ge 10 SI Cloud SI ~o. SW MlrmelOll 27 Ill 0!11 2 I 8f!lh411 Minn 11 SI lllomH ~. OutllY AdOIOh11• 2e Wla .e.au Clllrt 7. Wit ·Superlot 0 0oArl8 23 WHll!'lll 0 t lll•nOit 27. Younot1owri 11 '3 WI• •l.C.-1' Wit ·lltvelll Pt 0 ll OtkOll e, Ntl)flt U OmJht ~ N D1kot1 29. Morn1n01lo1 e Ad11an H . lfl NO<bttl 6 South Navy 27, Oukt 2 t Nebrallc1 41, ~uburn 7 N. Caronna 81. 1e, Virginia t3 Alabema 34. Arkansas St 7 Tennessee 10. Washington SI 3 Wake F9rest 13. V1rg1n1a Tech 10 v1nderbllt 24. Tul11ne 2 I Ctemaon 24, Kentucky 6 Furman 38, VMI 3 N Carollno <I 1 Georgia Tech 0 LSU 24. Florida 13 s MIHIHlppl 34, Memphis St. 14 Georgll 29, MIHIMlppl $1 22 Miami, Fla. 21. Loul1vt11• 6 S C81pllna 37, c1nctnn111 10 ,. C1r1011•N.w!n1n 14. C111 ... 11a 10 GUlllotd 31 Salllbury SI 0 EHl Pinn 61 , Columbla 31 Pltt1burgh 18. W Vlrglnlfl 13 M1rv11nd 28. SyracuM 3 l')QIQW81'A 20, LthlQh 19 Lal1y11te 37, Bucknell 8 MllllChu•Oll~ 17, Rhode tel1nd 7 ' Ho!y Croll 10, Y1le 8 Botton U. t7. Comell 8 Army 17, Harvard 13 Conne cticu t 20. New l'iampehlre 17 Boaton College t7. Teml)ll 7 Colgate 38. Dartmouth 2 1 Princeton 28, Brown 13 Rutgers 27. Wilham & Mary 17 8111n•ny W V• 14 Allf'(lhllny 7 I MAnlhotd St .?I Cheyney S1 12 I T•9'11011 61 21 01Htbo<O SI 20 Ul\1nut J3 Otck•nton 0 I C()ll(.OIO 3 I w VllQlnlill ~I .. MOlltr.1.111 RI 7 1 Ramapo 11 I Sh1ppentt)l.l•O s1 16 Clarion SI e I COMMUNITY COLUOI Non·c ... ,.._ I Pa\11doon • 1, Orange Coul 6 Saddlf'btlGk 04, LA Soulhwftt O I Ml S11n Antonio ).3, !.I Camino I ·~ A10 Honoo 1e, Hlfl(O(k 17 I 1>.n1111no41 V•llty 10 Peton1a1 1 6111 ~o cc 20. lo• AllOfltt I cc 7 ru11e,1on a~. 01~CH111e1<1 ~ 1 I G1n111 Monte~ 28, Cerrttoe O I Alvtrt ld41 CC 44 0.M!fl 12 Sin Bornntdlno 28, Cllrut 0 I Ven11Jt11 24, Campion O .,.,.,,,, ,,-..,~\f'tlpt00 (•" •nl~l'I • •I J' '" ('> (')<f\\ H j,•)I "<"<~ () 1 \4J \ 8 it -1• •t ~" t"'t~' C' V"f,,f(f.> n '~"' , f .~,.. (! .qh• •''":Ji '°'lJ''">n •'li'<x'f>., ,,, ·rv> P'CC"" nvd X" • V) fVj .... ' ... '"'(l{) wt-.o•r .. •/'(1, ITYJ'I t • 1-.• , i-~·c.'•ori.<. tJi 1 •xY4\ Ot'X rv1•. \IJ ·~ od. , , n• o! l>.t'(l"IO\(' ""')!\ , 1n COtt'(J<Nl! ()I' • lr1C>e COl'I b<> ell QI '<l Ur A SMALL BUSINESS O\M' vnotl bt,/\1nl"!,~ need prote'i\1()1'1()11y proe)Jct"C ~l\lnq or on offordobl~ pt•n• (()"! I t •11-1 "°" Y'nQll bu\J~\J Give• m(' 0 COO ond lrot \ .,., No1vro11y rtYKe \ l'O c0togo1ion ,8e11t1 ~o• MQWte• 29, LA v1111~ I • Oltno••• 31, l A H111nor o I bill (7 14) 842·9002 Sin O!tQo Mut 21 ~ono &olMlll I cc 1• Santi Barbar• 10 Wt11 lot I "'1: 130 a .o .. monl 20 L odv9rt111ng *"" I C..ocM. ------------------.J l....,.L...,_ lo.ti 10 .::~~ lot Afl'll90 1.. Wffllfn II f.,,..11 M ~ IMo# I ,1J 714/540-3669! I iJ11l . I \ I 1~ .. Orange Ooatl DAILY PILOT/8unday, October 3, 1812 .. "'' ~ . . " " llAJOR-t.&AOUI ITMCMNQI A.....-.na.-WHTIM ...... W L .... 09 t2 ... 111 10 11 lff 2 .. 71 634 8 • 1t 16 412 " 87 .. •1• 25 T-64 t7 .Mt 28 .... , ...,,._.. IO 101 )1') 32 • • -~ clMtlon t"la IAIT'UIN OMel09I ,~........... .. 87 .&M ~llelllmot9 .. 87 &e4 9-on .. 73 647 8 .-C>Mfoll u 71 50I 12 .... Yon 11 U 411 15 ~ 1t '3 ... ,, ,,..TorOflto n ... 478 11 ............. _.; =:Te11•4 c .,....,_,.3 -~ 2·1, °"''°" ~ .1 ~ Clly $, Oellland 4 0 T OtoMO 3, llMitte 0 eo.ton & ..... Yon o a.lllmOt• 11, ........... 3 '" T ..... 0-Te•H (MHon, 1·21 11 ....... (JOM. 14·121 "• S..Ule (Moore, 1· 131 11 f0tonlo, 0011, "'4.101 Boaton (EekerW)t, 13· 131 al New YtOk t>CAle•~ 1·71 I OMrolt (U)dur. I · IOI •I C....,..en<I CSutcnna ·~ 14-71 ,:,, Cl'tlca go (Hoyt, 17· 161 •• MIMHOI• -IH•-·131 Oallland (Conroy 2·21 et 1C1n1n cuy, (Ollt'I. 11-\ 11 -MllwaukM (Sulton, 3•11 el Baltimore, (Plllmlt, IM) ~ Netlonal Le..aue WHTRMf DtYlll<>tf W l l'cl. 08 89 72 553 ae 13 647 1 118 75 534 3 IO II 417 t 711 8!> 472 13 81 100 371 ,. l!AITl!IUI OfVllK>N • •·SI LOUl8 91 70 665 PN1~1a N 13 $48 3 MonltHI M 78 528 & ,.. P1lllll>Ur111' t 4 77 622 1 · •· ~aoo 73 N 453 1e New York es H 404 2e t • •·Cllnelled cllVtlllOn ..... .....,., .• ec-.. • • ~ 15 Sen fr6nettCO 2 ., 0Mcago 8, SI LOUIS 4 Pl'tll-pnla 4, -Y0tlo 3 PillS!kMgh 2, MonltMI I HO<dton 4, Cltlelnnali 2 Atlania 4, San Diego 2 Toda('• O- Dod1•r• (V•l•nru•I• 19 . 131 el San :· Frencleco (LOiiar 15-11) New York (lyncl'I 4·71 11 P1'11l1delp~11 (Carlton 22-111 • MontrHI (Rogers 18·81 11 .Pllltbv•gll (Robinson 16· 12) SI lOuot 1s1upe1 g. 71 ., CniQ~OO (Bird G-141 C1nc1nna11 {8e1enyi 9· 1&1 at Houaton 1J Nlekro 16-121 Atlanta CCemp I 1· 121 at SIW\ Olevo (lOll•• 15-9) AMERICAN LaAGUlf Mgelel ........ 4 TWXAI C~OMllA Wright Cl T~N OnM>lf p.,..,. rf 0 '8tlan Ol't ~oc: Pulnem 111 Slein3b Aldvdl 2tl JoMeon on Totab ... ,..... .. ...... 3000~" 41 10 4 000 RCWll rf 0000 4 0 0 0 C.-111 3 I 2 I 4 I 2 I Lynn cl 4 I 1 2 , 4 I 1 I Ae..lc*M rt 4 I 2 1 t1 21 9en1Q.alf 0000 3110 Dl()oa30 4 010 3000e.,torOl't 3110 3021 Oridl2'., 4 111 I 0 0 0 ,all • 4 0 2 I 8ooM c: 4020 33 4 I 4 Toc.9 34 8 13 6 ---~ ...... T-030 100 000 -4 Cllitornia 210 020 011 -a OP -Tl•M 3 lO&-T-6, Celltomia 1 28-0own1r19. 8eyl0t HR-,...Jecuon C38). Pet•..,. Cl T). O'lltlen (3~ Suftdtle•g po~ Otldl (19). Lynn (2 It T- ::::r.<L.lt-131 • H lllP•IO 4Y, • 5 6 2 3 ~ 6 1 1 0 3 c ......... Forech 1¥> 4 3 3 O O OoltJ(W,1-5) 4°"' 4 1 1 2 4 ~11.61 ~ 0 0 0 1 3 HBP-Baylor (Dy Hougl'I) T-2 JS A-33,406. Ang .. ftW .... aATneo MRHHllMI...._ 13' 16 .. 2 11 "31 522 17 1M 2 43 311 875 .. 173 30 97 .300 472 "° 140 21 .. 297 121 107 11'3 21 ... .271 SM 1 1 144 3t t7 .274 IOI 11 1IO 24 14 .2&S 1'4 M 51 a 26 263 ~ 74 131 It '4 2M 472 42 121 1 .. 25' 4IO .. 121 3 .. 252 81 10 19 3 I 236 1IO 24 U I 11 20t 47 • • 0 1 .170 45 ,4 7 0 2 15' 11 0 I 0 2 Oil 12 1 1 0 0 083 01 000000 '·"" "" 1.806 114 m t1• ""~ • " .-eo •~ PA 70 y, 6S M ti 2·1 2.43 142 120 44 .. t0-6 3 17 ~ .. 34 .. 7-4 3.21 24.... 23 11 11 1-0 3 33 62 .. 23 '° 3-3 , .. 177v. 1n 47 83 M 3 IO ~ 237 3t .. 14-12 313 my, 221 u e 1 11-1 3 1s r 221 225 57 73 13-11 387 M 12 U 47 M 4ot 165 163 61 11 11.e 4 47 41"A as 23 n 3-7 4 74 71 71 35 61 1-9 !IOI •• n.t JM\ 3t • 30 2·2 5.78 • ~ ~.. 12 '' 3 10 0-1 8.oo •;r. Tot• 1.465 1,427 471 723 t2·et JeO ~t ............ . 0.Wld 000 11.00 :l00-4 I I ••• ~ CllY 100 110 02•-• 10 0 ICeouflt, 'r Und9rwooO m. ... d "' encl New!IWI. M .....,.. (81 ...... ~ono (6). QulH !llltrtV (71 •nd W1 \l't1n W- :: Ol ll11'1Mrr1 •.. 1, \,-T. Uw• OOd, 1CM , ._ HA-()eallftd. .-,_ (2tl. A-ft.717 .• O.W.tt..._.. ..._... 020 900 000-I I I •• ...... -400 041-11 11 0 .. llledlCll, HHe (41. ltrn.,d \:~: llr•HllOfl• Mc:Or .. 0t, l••••rt 41 end ~ W-..._,, 10-1. L-• 12-18, Hfl-........ ~ .,.~ A-47, m . " - ......... , ..... aC>0 000 100 t 14 I NATIONAL LIAOutf Doclfft• 11, Olant1 I ~O· AMOAll Ult ~llCO ... ,..... .., .... au ab 4 :u ' \I-Illa GI 4 o o o l,,M\Or • Of 8 2 2 3 MOl!ll'I tb I 0 0 0 hllll II I I i 1 WeliiNln 2b 2 0 I 0 hl8l\OI ea t 0 1 I Olt1ll rf 2 0 0 0 OaMty lb 3 0 1 1 8urMV• rt 2 o o o Brocll 1b 2000 Even• )b 1 ooo MMdeyrf 3100 OM ....... :lb 2000 ll'IOtnea rl 2 0 I 0 R 81111111 lb 2 0 0 0 Cty lib U I I hrgmn lb 2 0 0 0 Bl-I p 0 I 0 0 L-d II J 1 2 1 klOecllG 6213Ral>bll 1010 RutMllll 4132May G 2000 Bradley II I I 1 0 Ptvltt c: 2 1 1 0 Welcll'I p S 0 0 0 L .... ell M I 0 0 0 fe-u3t> 2t12PettlnlN 2011 TOlll!t '~ 10 11 16 A.Metlln p 0 0 0 0 Hollend p I 0 0 0 I(~ pll 1000 Oempwy p 0000 Whlfrd pl't 1000 o ... ,.," P o oo o re>1e1• 32 2 a 2 tc.1•117 ......... ui. ~ Ol1 032 003 -16 Sa11 F rtW\dlCO 000 000 200 -2 E-R 81111111 OP-LOI AngeMe 1 LO& Loe Anoeiet 7. Sen Francieco a 2a-B ...... Prvlll. Pe lllnl, A Tav.,H . 08-Rebb HR-Llllldr-.x (7). Cty (23). ScloeCill C5). Leonerd (91 SB-Leonerd (II) S F - Oetwrt L .. ._... • H 111111 M 90 Weleh(W,lt-11) 6 I 0 0 3 & St-911(5, I) 4 6 2 2 0 2 .... ,,_.. R M9tlln(L.7·101 HOllMd ()empMy Oerrel11 l'i\ 1 3 I 2 0 3~ e 1 1 1 6 2 62200 2 33324 WP-WW-fl T-3 13 A-48.662 Cub• a, C9fdlnale 4 St lOutt 10 I 100 001 ' & 4 ClllC•OO 003 030 oa~ a 11 l Andu101. Kent (:II. for'4:h (!>). Sulli>• (81 end O Porte< Jenkin• Campbell (71 and Mot11i1nd w Je11k1"•· u .1s l K'"' S-3 s -C1mobell (81 HR SI LOUIS 0 Porter ? ( 121 A-34 003 AllrOI 4, llMa 2 C1nc1nn111 100 00 I 000 ' ? S 0 Hou11on 000 00• 00• ' S 0 Soto. l fftey (81 1nd V11n Goro.r. O.P1no Aullte 111 af\d Knoeely W OiPono. 1·1 l Solo 14 13 S A.il>le Pl A 13,111 f'ltl lff 2. hpoa I Molllf••• 000 001 000 ' 6 0 P1t111>u1gh 000 0 10 001-2 6 0 GulheH on Sch1t11der 19). Reeroon (91 ano Carllf Rnooe<i Tel<uive !91 M<I Orh1 W Tekul\19 12·11 L GulllGUOn 17 14 HR Monh11I R11net C•l P1t11burgh frobel (2) A '•Ill ""'"'"4,Mah J .....,.. vor• ooo 001 200 3 e 2 Pnrll<lelC>ll<a 000 003 00 ' 4 9 3 HOiman. S11k 171 ZK"'Y (91 8nd 8ochy, B~trom. e.t>n~ 171 ...,,.,,..,eno 191 ...0 WI!" 0...t W AlllmUno S· I l ZKnry 6·9 A 32 729 lttwff •• l>edr•• :i Allen11 012 000 001 -4 II O San °*OlO 000 10 I 000 2 10 1 Perer B1oros1an 1a1 Ge•ll•• 191 end a.n.dtc:t, MonteluSGO. Qrotltn (4) CMI• 161 Lucas C7) •nd Tinotey W -Parez. 4.4 l MonleNtc:O, 10 11 s Ga<b4tr (JOI HR At11n11 Cl'larn1>11~• 1~0· .. -•'l 077 Top 10 (a-ct on 450 8t bel•). AMElllCAN l~AOUC WW"'°" o<C Yount M1t ~=t COQPel.M~ RICI. Ban Garcia T0t McRH l<I" Hatta/!. Cte Mol<IOI Mil B•ell KC 0 AS II H l>c:t. t36 !>eS 97 ti• 332 ISS 631 12S 207 3211 137 522 87 186 3 II ~ ~8 111 11'J SH IS4 649 102 203 313 tA• s10 as 176 309 146 S!l3 811 183 309 159 61,) 91 lllfi 3011 1r. 1 !>99 100 1a2 304 ISV 661 13S 200 303 144 SS2 IOI 167 303 -"-G T "°""'' M11w..,.ee 39 R• Jec"M>n AnQetl 311 Wonfoeld -Yori< 37 Ogi..,. t.111w ... i... 34 E Mu•1•1 Bat11mo•• ;u •-,...,n1e1t1 C-ano 32. P11r1sn ~ttool 32 llUf'IS .. It.., In McRae l<•nna Coty 133 Cooo•• M1twaukH I Ill TllOrntO" C ... f!l...O I 16 Yount M•t .. au•e• I 12 0 lhom1t M .... lukN 112 f'ltclll"t I,. Dec:ielotl• > Palme• Ballomore IS 4 Vu•O•''" M•lwluk~• 111·6 Burne Ch•CAjjO 13 S Z..lln, Ant•I•. 1 ... 1 Sutc'torre C•e•••1nd 14-7 llefllio, An9als, 1\-t; Gv•d•y Nttw YOik 14·1 NATIONAL UAGUa (Tinougli 'rldeJ'• 0-.1 0 M II H a>wt. Oii-. MU 161 812 et 202 .»Cl MAdlOcll. Pgl't 153 587 92 llO .)17 Out'l\am, Clw 146 53 I 111 164 "°" BuclCMt. Cl>I 159 647 12 tit .JOt lo.Smttl'I, SIL 164 SM 120 171 .305 0.--., Oen ISO S75 17·176 304 K Hmendl, StL 168 671 71 171 2" ...... Dft'I 145 5'1 71 117 .2" T 1<...,..oy, SD 1$1 S64 75 1'4 .He T ........ PQtl 131 417 63 147 2H ..... .._ KlnOlllafl. ,.._ Yot11, 37; Mu<Phr. Atlante. 31; Sc:nmldl, Pl'tll•delpllle. 3' Horner, AlllonlA. 32. ~ .,.._., a .......... 111 ~, Montr.... tOt; Mutpl'ty Atltonll. 109. ~. Cf*:IOG. t~: ~. St loula 103, Clartt Sen F•encleCO. 103 ,_..,. <• DMelleM> P Nlakro. At11nt1. 11·•. llogere. Montteel, 18·t . Carlton. Pl'tllede lphle 22-11, Breining. Sen Frenc:leco, f1·1, c.nctlatl•. P111-hwl:ll't. 12·7. Forecll. SI LcN1a. \M; Lolw. t.n Diego. 15-t; SNM. Seft oi.oo. ~ cou.aoa UC ltYl111 7, UC IMll• a.rtNra I UClrvt,.. 2 2 I 2 vc Senta S.•t1nt1 2 0 0 3 S VC ltv1n" tC01Hlg P Campbell 2. J C1rnpl>l!ll I Roley I, OoOton I Ofov"" I CllOQ...,.,u•n'• I HIGH ICHOOl E11-4•T--I ._........ ·-,.,. 11. M«ln• 11 Buena Par' ) 4 3 !> 16 Merlna 2 3 t 6-n M1•in• sco11ng Z_k .. ky S. Oenl'tY '· HOl)klnt 2 Wetde 2, l)O(ollOYICl'I I TMrd '"'-Mlltfte H , l!e1-il 12 Eat.ncll 3 I 3 3 I I 12 Matl'1e 1 ' 5 0 3 I 14 Estancta 11COt1ng Wickl 5 lnedom1 4 c.mp11t11 I Fenley' 1 Smith I Mettnl ICOt"'9 hlc .... y 7 8iOll'l«lon 2 HoC>klM 2 Oet4*t I. Wttde I Eet'Q I ............ .... Cteflleftt. •• ~·--·· • 5111 Clerl'lent1 4 I ' 1-11 h ltone11 0 3 I I ~ 5 Elltncl• ecortng ,......_ 2. lnlldomi ' e..o 1 ~~. • Sen Clemen te •c:orlng Sommer • W)'1M)l)Cll6 c~ 9tfl Ci.-te 11. 9"111 l>er11 tt a-. P111t. ' ) ) 0 10 .... CletMntl 2 I 2 I I I 811'1 ~e Korlng Hell\.I• 2 Ot•k• 1 """' 4, SOtnmer 3, l(ufln 1 OtMf lctrM ld!IOn 10 S1111t• All• a L.e lll'n• e. Oc..n \/-3 Seon11 Ane 11. Oc.tn v-10 ldltOll 12, la Sein• 11 "n•I •llnd1ngt 1 81n Clemenl• 2 Outn• P.,k, ) M•r1na, 4 G11a11c1a, S tdleon, e L.e Serna, 7 Senll Al'•. a OC.... Vltw • Vlll9 ,..., .,_,,.. RIT-'1,..,,...8 I ..,. 1i32. ll foro 3 6 1 2 11 • I! Toro •~ortng Youno 3, Wlleo11 ), WiMom I. Pocip 2 .. .,_ ... , ... £1 T0to I 3 2 3-10 Vtlll ,.... 2 I ~ 2 -I O l oro tCOfll\O VOIHIQ 6 Wlt60tn I . POIHI t OMTfM IAT~="' lteeltff1 ......... , ....... , MeT •ACL 1 II II fllllM loldlaf 01 '''n (IM*tl ao 40 14 00 t 00 Hit ...... , .. .,., 11 40 11 00 OIOtn Age (Mc!Cer•tnl 4 IO Aleo llM>td Heoncy'1 Honey, lmt»et!IOlll lilly, lend• ot Vegu, MIOht1 CHe.,, Olympiad HOii, l11rlo•d•. lro•d••Y ,roepect, ~.Mt 1111"'*-" f11'111 1·44 -116 NCOND •AOI. I \\ l\iflorlO• Sl'leybOOb (UCllllllnl 14 fO 1 AO ~IO Oltoo lAltll (0 .. tlNldel •.40 l .IO · McC<ltcllton (0t1eoe1 4.00 AllO 1M*I: Otewn or "'•· Super Hll, Lofty EllClle, Or1tltk\ Ctl, Ar!ICMM, 'ormlll Pride, ,,,.,... 1•16 211 .. DM. Y ooue&.I 12·•1 peld U7UO' 1'MllllO IUCL 8 11tfton91 ICon• Hiiia 1•~> 10 eo 1 20 6 eo 8et•et N01 P-10verre1 8.eo &.eo Velllftl (CMlllntd•I t IO Aleo rMllCI. Deli.-Joe. Norlll Of Liila. C-Ml Snow. Crye1 .. Ootllel, SllWe Hla. M••"'• BrMH, Tl'tornd1t1. ~1eg.,.1.,11n, Projectile. rim. 1 10 116 '°"'"" llACI. 8 tuttonOa Fer CV~uelll 2, 80 10 40 6 80 Nloely Nlllvt IMc:Cetron) tl.40 I IO RMI One Cl'lnelYI 2 IO Aleo reced HorlLon'• Oteam. s-LoOll. zur1n1, Ctnoer Telle, Claulc: J ewell, A«uelln', IC .. IC'Sey, Full Grandy, T-1100 'lf'TH llACI . I 1111l!lllMOt'l1Utl Lllllan (Slbl4tll 17 20 9.IO 6 20 Wetnam O,_, (TOtO) 5 IO 3 40 Ou"l>la (McCanonl 3 20 Aleo rlCed Tejllll, 811geent Wlllon. c.t\IC Wa111or. lnvltedo. llloyel Bull on•, Blulngetong Time 1 47 415 • llACTA 14•;,) D9ld S20UO .. ITH llACI. I lurJonO• tr• 8•Y 1&1ac111 13 eo e.20 4,20 Wlt'IQret (Hewtey) 14 IO 1 20 COiiage Monty jDelal'IOuu•ye) 3.80 Aleo rlGfd· LelH, NOii Bird. StOGll Spll1. Wlntomt Windy. Time 1 10 1/6 NVINTff llACL II lu•tonQ• Bet• l ... IMcCetronl 3 IO 2 80 2 20 I Fell In Love (P~yl 4 00 3 00 Liiiie Mo CDlllllOufflyel 3 00 Edge. Clluck 0 Ludl. Contt1l11te TH"nt· 1 08 216 • IXACTA I 1.fl ptld "49.00. • ll'tCk 9UI (t-10-2-4· 1· I) lllld S7,072.80 wlll't 21 winn1ng 11c11t4a en... r.or..1 u Pldc SI• coneo111ron paid •130-80 with 371 'llllnnlng tlellete (tour l'IOI'-). IMINTH llACL I 1118 ....... Sltllllul Joy (~I a 00 A"'Olltlon (~I Hortl'ltrn Style (CMltMdal 3 eo 3.00 eeo 4.IO 4 20 Lad1. Alto ra ce d· Mlllngo. Agt1a11d HMdar Cltd, Pllll ~ T-t 40 418. .....,.. UCL I 1118 m11ee P I/Ill (H~ 7 00 3 40 2 80 Ml91tt WllOet (MQC11ron) 3.00 2.40 PNlllPC IS--•) 4 00 AllO rlC*I Aornpln' Auda, Clew Verdict, M\1111, l'I SIMCI Pat ,_ 140 21 • IUCTA 13·1) paltl 149.00 AllMCI.,_ 34.2.-0 HohwoodPetll IAT\Ml>Ar • ........ n ..... of t). ....... .__ Meatlftt> ,.,.., llACI. Ont mMe p- Fr0tly SlllPl>t' IGNndy) I I llO ' to 3 00 Royal Edw.,d tl>•rt.llJ 3 20 2 40 O••not Julet (Sletlh) S.00 AISQ rectcl Brow A••-Mount Lobell. DaytiQlll b j)fffs. Wet11k1 Svo•eme fime 201 t:l llACTA C•·9) paid I SO 40 llCOMO lllACL One mile pece 8tnro00tn (Longo! 6 llO ~ 60 2 80-- P11er Onedtn (SleelhJ •·'° 2 eo Mac;lt Oouoel CSPllQ09) 2 '° Alto teced Felllrnenlo Mt•lll .loll•. Andy 11........, Pet., HutlHn ~s ~11>oan L~ B100ll lltld "' ltrne 1$7 TMIM> llACS. One ,,,.._ pec.e Am-(IC."80itrl 13 20 8 •O 4 80 Vulctl> 8l'f (Crognan) 7 00 8 00 PntAl>la 1Ba1111toeon1 ·~ eo AIM> rlCed Mlnttltt ClltmPllQM Prltlcl .l•IH MecF•t>e< Ovetdate lid C_,, Cell on. Cllm Y °"'Mil I( ll'Nt Cl1)t Tlll\e I $9 4/6 f:J l!UC,TA (9· 101 pliCJ I tllO SO FOUllTH llACI One mtll pau froquoll Slet (W-1 4 40 S 00 4 00 T•tC .. el Cl>etge< (Ad.,.,.s) 7 •O 4 40 T.,Jl""Otl l~I S 20 Alao raced Sota EaPtdlloon O..mond. l lllle Br-II Rutter M11l1t 0 Dante Royal Snealty PIHa TllN 166 116 F.-TH llACL Or>t mite p- Hfl\Oo-(C•OQl>anl 8 20 4 '° 2 eo Capl•ln Pa611ro tT OC!d) 4 00 3 00 CoOI Oay (Aubin) 3 20 Alto riced Flying Roger. V•n Tudor. vouno M1111on. Kelty Vtve, Jut1 • s.noo11111. F tret CrUWO. Biiiy Donne. Time. 1.58 SI UACTA (7· 11PllO137 SO lllTI4 llACL One mtle p- p.,,. Sl'llp (!.vbln) 10 00 5 40 3 00 t'f9d 8-' ISonclael 8.00 3 IO Soulll«n Mytl'tm (tlMlhl S.20 4'11o rflWd 0.ry Ayr, JI .. I•*· Cep1111n Kn19l'lt N, Recount N, Moody Blue H , Covtteau, Racy Regent N ,_ 200 ee IJlACTA (8·'21 pltd S IS& 00 NVUent llACI. One mlltl peca Van Rnet (8AillltOIOfll • 7 20 17 40 6 IO -·~ 511.,,_ 1e.i.111 13 60 5 eo Q.,... Sllow (Beylete) 3.IO Aleo taced. Ooredo Hano..,. ~ !k)ur, ~-. M.-AIMl!Nlei. Miii* Ft1U. Slnen ICoelt ' ,_ 1!1!1316 • llACTA (8-II oald $I 011 SO l!IOHlH llACI. On'J nute 01C1 Aytng Rtvat 1s11<ioo•> • 1 eo 1 eo Mi Jin-I Bob (Henderaor>I 3 00 500 2 60 4 40 Cr Ilg Del (Grundy) Allo rac:ttd Leopard. Buna H•novtr Oentll time 1 se 215 N'"TH llACI. One mitt pace Gel Htl>l)y IHen<l~aor>I 20 80 II 20 5 eo 8 C Count (Vellllt'ldlngl'l•ml • 20 3 20 StOrmy Allact. (81 .. atl 3 40 .Alto reced Soc:1,1111 l ime Square Baron 011r1va, Sta1pont Cit~. T0tptd1 Knighl. Pmch Htt Time 1 se 11& U llACTA 11·51 P•kl $164 20 ~l>ICI< 911 (a.7•1+•·1)p110UO.t2080 wun one winning llCl!tl (II .. hOt-> S2 Pldt G•• con 101111on p1ld 1302 00 w1111 34 winning 11e11111 (four llorMal •~ Pd SI• watcl't c:o!'eot•11on pakl 1510 IO Mill one wlnnfn9 llcltet (!I'll .. '10t .... one Wllctl) TINTM j\ACa. 0... ""'8 ~ Olell Felt (lOttQOI t 80 4 IO 5 20 Otln• Slone (Shtrrenl I 20 • IO 011bbln (IC~I S 90 Aleo r11C41d Rttllll PMCI "-• Cl\anc)t 14at Clle<lt Reel Berry N. :Hpo4t Semtnoll Cl'lttl Ee~ 0 v lime I $9 416 IJ llACTA (I» I) Otld Ml 00 """"'-..... MT'll ..=a&-:Z1 Ill) -M .,...,. .. --· ., • , .... OOd. 141 l'NiCitMtl, , .. ,. 11111, e • 11p lflMd. I '°'*"'· I iMlt ...-. DAVl'rl ~ C....... ._..., -I~ ~' IOt MMO. I~ .... ltl ,,.....,.., Ml l'OGll 00d1 I_, .... I - alCl DMIA....,.-tN ...,..M._, IOI "'1110, 1 ...-ut. Ill .._.. ..... 1 .. ~-······ ........ ,~ ..... -11AL •tACM -tl4 llltler•. It ,,....,... ... ,.. ..... ' ........ te • 41 _.,., ....... I ._,.,....,. n......,. ~MMlltflf. 9NM MM, I ........................... -----~e-~-----.... ----~-- , .... o... , ...... ~) Jay HUI t) 17 07 111 CNrll• 11111199 u.... 117 ltOlltlO l~ ... lf•84 1tt DA W9il>tlf'O ., ... 60 200 1<91111 ,.,°". " .... * l#f) Zltglef M 111.ef. 201 1111 Cll... e1 et-tr ..02 Torft '"'".. N 61 .. 1 t02 Allen Mlllef 07 117... 102 OM MOtgan 01-U -'4 203 CrllQ llldie< 86 7 I 87 103 811.ce ueuu 011.e1-•1-'°3 lloO tJttwocxt 011 116 N 203 Oouo , ...... 1 14·'6·6& )04 Oevkl Orellam t 1.u ea 20" Ulll IC11U1tl 111·60·67 204 Petit 00tl11l1u1e 11&·61-87 204 Jtm f nor pa o• Ge·81 :x/4 Hubel! OIHl'I 81·6'-69 204 Cllert•• COOdy 07•7'•1141 206 J C Snead 70 68·80 20& Sten AllQ911 6',61 t9 2011 Clilll\U ROM TO·Ofl·61 206 Hel lullon 87 72·87 2oe hau 81U11h 10·81·87 201 Jim Co11>e11 11 118 e 1 2oe Q.,y Koen TI e7•118 206 84"'1 Crentl'lew 06-71-etl 209 J()l>nny MOii' 118-70-70 208 Pat Llndtey 118·87-71 206 Gery McCor11 10 as 11 20fl Miii• Oon•ld 11-ae.118 201 Tom 1<t11 74·6~ 118-201 Stave l lll>IW ae 11 ae 201 L .. E1oet ;o.ae.1' 201 G.otoa c.11.. 66-89-72 201 Dan Pont 65.ell 74 201 Tom ./enkH1t 89-66-70 -207 Oaorcia Arc.Mt 70 70-68 204 Jonn Ma11e11.., u n 66-2oe Bol>by W•OKln• 10 118 70 204 SI••• l/ar1a10 68 70 70 2011 Merk MQCumb<lr ~I 1 70 208 Bl" &ergll\ 9. 72 20I Oeve Elci>albet~ 7 -68· 72 204 Mika NICol<tlle ' 66·74·89 109 Tim S1111Pt0n 7 I 61·89-209 Wall)' A1m11100>0 72·118·•• 209 Tommy A~°'k 12·68·119 209 Ron Slre<:lt 10· 70-89 Jot AntontO Ce•OM 72·•11·69 209 Cl'larll• Krenk•I 72-87·70-209 Bruce Devlin 611·7 1·70-209 Mtke McCullough 13.u . 70-209 Jell Sande<• 68-70-71 209 IA Irk HayH 611· 70· 71-209 Bob Murphy 07 70·12 -200 Mar~OMHIM 61·69·72-209 leo<AI Ten 9r~k 69·fle. 7' -209 Tommy Armout Ill 119-71·70 210 Va"" HHlner 72·68·70-210 Bui~ B•llO 71·&9·70-210 Rea CalOweo 68-71·71 210 Ed Snead 10 69· 7 I 2 10 Brad Brye111 70-89·7 I 210 l .. Trevtno 61·69-72-210 Forrest Feiler 70-67-73-210 Jot Hegat 71-61·71-211 Rik Ma~lle 72·6'·71-211 EO FIOfl 71-69-71 ·211 Oen Hllldonon 70·70-71-211 8'11 anuon 10-10-11-211 Frank Conner 70-70·71-211 Ptt McGowen 87·12·7'-211 Mltce Elo<>k.. 72-e7·72-211 JIC;k NewlO" et-et-73-2" Rod Cuti 72-41'-7$-l 11 Al Otll*C>lr 71·61·73-212 Mille Sulllvan 111-70-73-212 er-DouolaM et-10.13-212 JoM ....,.,.,. 72-417-73-212 Lindy Mille< 71·87·74-212 Jll"I Betl>at 71 -... 7~212 0on L.,,;n 119·71·73 -213 """0en1 es.15-73-113 Sk .. 19< HMlll 71-et -73-213 J1m Ntltord 70-67-78-213 8la1M McClll<tltt 71·89-74-214 Mll<e Morl<ry 70-et-71-217 HowMO Twilly 89-69-111 219 lnernofl ClaHlc ( ...... ,,..., P111y SheeNon 49-70·119 2011 Joyce ICa.tlllleflill 70·72·69 211 Cl'lrtt Jonnaor> 73·72·87 212 Dale Egoelong 70·7•·M 212 Jeottyn SriU n .ag.71 212 Kathy wnowoo1n 81·69-74 212 V~t Ftlfgon 89·7S·61 -213 Mytl Van HOOM 09.74.70 213 Sat1 lt1tte 70·12·71 213 __sana,. ~.. 70-417 .71 213 Amy AIGoll ff.14-'71 -2l~ .. Pam GlllHtl 71..ef.7S -214 Judy Ranlllfl 14.99.72 -215 0.0-Auttlfl 72 71 72 -216 S1>11on e.tretl 70 76-70 218 Jvlle PyM 73-11·72 -218 84wo.ia B•"-12·10·1' 21a e.111 0-68-72·76 -218 r.., ... ...._ 10.11-10 -211 Donne Wl'llll 70·71·78 -217 Det>t>a Sil-77.72 ... 9 -21& PAI Bradley 73 76-70 -218 0.. H1'8tl 14·7'·70 -2 1t Pam Razo 73-73-72 -211 Do4 a.,,.._ 73-73-72 -218 H01kt StKY 12 72 74 -218 8er1>111 Mo•,..... 70 14-74 211 Betsy "°"'O 71 72.75 -218 Lor• HuanolO 71·71·78 -ne Mvllln s .()elll.,, 74,ee.71 218 a-Jult 1nu1ar eo-e2-e9 -2 II Donni c-79-70-70 -211 l.IV•te Rit\ll.. 74-74-11 211 Cathy Mor• 78-71·12 -219 Marty Olc;li .. .on 76·12·72 -219 t eAnn C...aday 72-7'·73 -210 CollMn Wllll<er 74.72.73 -219 Ahaor> Sl> .. td 74-71·7' -211 Lynn Adams 74-71·74 -211 Qeve<ly Ktese 76-6'1 78 -119 KIAllll Pe<meiot 1&·1~·10 -220 P....,y Putz 14·1•·12 -220 Cindy LlnGOln 74-74-72 -220 Sutle McAtlttl.. 74-11·76 -220 M"'Y Ow'J'fll 7 3. 71. 79 -220 viek• s1noie1on 11-11.13 -221 ,_ ..... ,_ .,.... (:tip ....... ~ .. ,.,._ Mett•I ~ Jd'tft McEnroe-Pel• ntmono (US 1 Oaf p..., Mc:H-•PW M<H-t-2, t-t M M cu • "• en unOMtaote :i..o lffd1 , .. ..,.,,.,..,,nMOC!t, 0..... C1>r11 L1w11°Auue1 Simpton (Nt• lealanc:t) Oii YllWCll Noe/>0H111u l econte e.a. 9.1. ,_. cF1-1eaC1• 1-11 <XIMM'YINO llOUNOI (et MMe-> Kontltnlln Puo•vev cUSSRl dtl Sl'IUIW Menon (lndlll. 2·• 8-3 •• , 6.(), AHl.o<a<Mr Zvarev (USSRJ dtl \llfey Amrll••I ftndlll I 6. I I , 8-0 ~ V111y Anand Amrttre1 (lnd11) dOJI lled1m BorlllOY•Ramt.t Akhma<ov IVSSR. 7.5 t-•. 7.9, 6·4 !USSR IHdt. 2· ll (et.., ...... , Anoe! Oi-r·S..glo OtMI CSolln) Oii JonafllOn $1111tl'l·AM1tw Jer1111 (Brlltlnl. 4-8, 8-2. t-3 ... 4 (Britain lffde. 2·11 .................... , ............ ................. l)Otn Borg rlwtldanl del 11tan l end! CCl'tCl'IMIOYllitlal. 7-8 1 8. Jimmy COt'lno<• (Us I dell llllOmo 01•cu19'fl (lttMll a.2 ., WCNMn'I Indoor c-...,111....,. ~~':·:!.·= Pam 81'1r,_ IV S I Ml Wf/ftftr T Ufnb\111 (AutlrAlll). 7.9 7 ... a.btte POllll !V I ) Ott Jrec:y A1a1.n IV e I .. , 4•t t-S •• •••• ----·--.. -· I I c,... CMMMtry COt.LIOt .MM:• ................ ltf UC lente C:r111) MIN I OJ-t (UCll 74 ~7 > H1...ie1 IUC..O n .11 3 a1quttro• 1ucac1 16 •o ' Aoumm1 (UCHI 2~ ~2 ) lt••nnemen (lJCH) 1t 0 I & lA80tHe (UC81 26 02 t Maiune1 IUCI) 2t06 • ~II (\}(,I) ,. 16, 9 KHQefl CUCDI ~· Ill. 10 Cl••~ !UCB) 2& ID fHm tc:or•• I UC lj.,kMy, 0 a UC lfv•na 41. 3 UC RIYet411• a 4 UC Dev,., 17. ~ UC S•n Dttoo. 1411, 6 UC Sama Crut 171 WOMIN '"I O••v (UCDI 17 42, ~ M•rtet IUCtlOl 111 Oii. 3 lia<ll .. IUCO). 18 3&, 4 Hoa11Je1 (VCO), 11.39. & BelMO•• IUCSB1. ta 0 , 6 Me11pe 1veo1. 1a 44, T Fru111 (UCO>. 1e oo 8 ltarnp1a; {UC8DI. 19 02. V Ntl{lrt (UCDI. 1g 00. 10 P•VO•t (UCO>. 19 07 la•m sooru 1 UC D••ta 21. 2 UC ••vine eo. 3 UC ~an11 B••l>ltt 01 4 I.I(. S•11 Otlil(I 105, 6 UC Al•••.,d• 12 I NClftlC~ c-..... llWtle\MMI ' ..... DMelell I 1 Commtc.11 (louth Hiiie), 10 SO 4, 2 En<lllC'-(Tub• City). 15.30 9. 3 Martinel (Mllet Dell. 16 32 6: 4 OllM!IO CICe .... ), 16 413. l-ewtna (Tube City), 15 41 t . I T-(Malet Otl). 16 au: 7 Eddy (Miter Dell. 16 62 4, 8 ArMnlult CMatar 0.1). 15 $3 1, e Sawllf\gye•m• (Tub• c11r1. 1e O 1 e. 10 Dolen (Malet DAI). 18 06 ~. 1 Ktne• CNawport Harbor). 18 O& 9. 12 Raynokj• (Soull't 1111191. 18 01 I, t3 Outn1an1 ll11tewoo<11. 1e·oe •. 14. Colley (Tube Chyl. 18 09 2, 15 Munor (Mel., Dell. 18 10, 1 T_., ScorM I MAI• Otl. 34, 2 Tul>I Clly, 41, 3 Soull't Hiiie, lot. 4 Llllawoocl, I I e. fl Ntwpor1 Harbor. '5! .,.,...,., t Junl(etman (Lo. fJemlloel. 16 )4 •. 2 Oom., (P1onearl, 18 07 5. 3 L lllve ccoac111ll• \/alley). 11· 10 e: 4. oons.,.. IC01ch1ll1 Valley), 18 13 3, O. JoMton Hunt1ng1on 811cl'I). 18: 15 0. e Sliva (SllddltbK!I). t&:tt.4; 7. 8-g (~tllldl). 18 19 t , 8 Edw.,dt (Huntington 8Hch). 1e 21.1. I hylor {A•ncho Altmlloa). 16 24,l , 10 Oll'olla (Stddlel>Kk). 18:24 7, 11 Rot>ttt• (htenol•). 1e·H 3, 12. Cu••• (Huntington O...ch). 16:211 9, 13 Wiison (Woodbtldga). 18.27.2. 14 . CUl•O {Co1chell1 'ielley), 16·27 6. 16 011c:I• (P-).18326 r .. m eeor•• 1 Huntington Bttcl'I, '3, 2 Coachella Vali<ry, 112. 3 Rancho Alemltoe, 11', 4 PlonMt. 130. 6 Sld<llel>ack, 132. WOMIN ot.Wtll • 1 fell (Maler Del). 18-07 6, 2 POMy (Tub• City), 1•. 1e 1; 3. Morrlt (Colla M111). 1e 26 I. 4 Nllil)'O!<a (ltvtna), 1& 33 5: 6 P1111 (Edlaon). 11.51.S; 8 l1lal'tgt-ey (Tulle Clly). 1901 2, 7. Cl'tePel (IMnt), 19.017, I venc1ar...-IE<ll-). 19:02 a. 9 Curley Club• Cllyl. lt:oe •. 10. Peuno (Loate), 1107 7, II Mc<:utley (Edi_.,). 11'133; 12 Cl'llHn (Cott• Men). II 14 8, 13 Hetr'lnglO" ( RoMng ... ). 19 20 0. I 4 Aal>bll (Ntwporl HllbOr). 11•24 I, 16 Wllllt (Edleon). It 25 2. TMtll tcor"•. 1 TulMI City, 53. 2 EOleor\ IO. 3 RoMng H-. 12• (I 73~ 4 Colla Mell. 124 C 113); 6 Maler Del. 127 C*Won'I 1 S-.y (Capo Va119y). 20 12 7, 2 S1og1 IEttenc:l•l 20.19 e. 3 Cos ta (Nor~). 20 3 t O. 4 Thornla C&llnell). 20 4t 3. 6 NI• (Hutllinglon ..-). 20 52 t , • 8rldtey (Huntington 8111c:ttl, 2t;ot 8. 7 Pe11y (Nor111v11wl. 21 08.0; 8 Yt1kl•y COroumon1. SO). 21 13.8: 9 Petroy (OroHmonO. 21 15.11; 10. Beker JC•po Vlll9y). 21°18 7; 11, CMpelnet (Capo .....,,, 21'46 0, 12. N.,_ IClc>o Velley), 22.03 9, 13 Sarr (WOOdbrldgtl. 22':ot 5: 14 Bond CHunllngton 8tKll). 22 tO 5, 16 N-1 (~). 2.2• 13.5 Teem s c:orae Ce oo Va lley, 81, 2 Huntington e..ctt, 62; 3. Nottl'lvlew, 14. 4 Plotlea<, 133: 5 WoOC!brl(lgt, 140 Womet1'1 'fotleyM61 COU10I UC lrvtna 091 USIU. 16-3 1!>-t) 12· IS I~ 10 Pfo~CtaMlc ( .. ICMt"-C..,, ... lllldMler> ............. MAiiy ~n (Sen OlegO) O•I JlllY Hllte:flet ( IM~ 11-4. tl·J. 11·8: 0.,,. 1 Pecll (El ,._I def lret H•nell (l .. VeQMJ, 6-11, 11-4, ). 11, 11·5, 11-e 2pm Pec;kl T...,.,....,... Cl'lamplonthlP Final (Hogen •• UCLAM.Color .... I UIC 28 '3-217 245 3t tt-21-0 2·11 4·1 10-M 40'53 ....~~ 3 14 10 7-34 o • o 0-1 Monarch runners • post Will 8)' RANOV TIFT 1"9Clel le TM Delly ..... •• Matt!r Dd Hlah •hued tho spotlight Suturday morning In crOA l.">untry action with flttlo known Tuba City, a tt11Am moe,tly l'ontprtsed of N1AvMjo Indian• from Arizonu. during. the n inth unnuul CnKtia MeHD Kiwania Club lnvilutlut1al held at TeWinkle J-•;1rk In the huu nu;.: of th «! day, mon's Dlvh11on II, the two IK'hooll buttkd ~own w the wire of the three-male• long semi-flat courae CROSS COVNTRY with Mawr De1 finally pulling It out. The Monarchs placed five men m the t.op 10 spots to t.op 1 Tuba City. which placed four in the top 15 In the women's top division, Mater Dei's 'Clare Feit caught and overtook Tuba City's Janice Posey at the halfway point to win in a tame of 18:07.5. Po&ey, ' h owever , was one of three Warriors in the first n ine finishers to give Tuba Ciiy a runaway t eam victory over second-place Edison. Division I competition (for sma lle r Erog r ams) saw Huntington Beach take the men's title and Capistrano Valley edge Huntington Beach by one point to claim first place for the women. Colleen Sweeney (Capo Valley) and Mark Junkerton (Los Alamitos) won individual honors in the races walh times of 20:12.7 and 14 :34.4, respectively. The (1n al r ace was a long-awaited twice-a-year showdown betwe<!n two hjghly- ranked t.earN. Tuba City. which 1s located on an Ariwna lnd1an reservation. has won seven consecutive st.ale cross country <:hampionships. Mater Dei. regarded as one of Orange County's strongest teams. beat the Warriors in Costa Mesa last year, but has lost to them the last two years in the Las Vegas Invitational. The two squads have clashed on many occasions and have developed what Matl'r Dei Coach Bob Richardson describes as a "friendly rivalry." "We wntcd to be prepared today ," said Richardson, "Whenever we meet T uba Oty it's always exciting and. today. we ran exc:eptiOJla.lly well." A damper was put o n the women's races when powerful Umverslly High did nol show up for the meet. That allowed Capo Valley and Huntington lO put on a close race with each placing \ four Ln the lop twenty runners. Jtm Commack of South H1lls ( a nd Endasc h ee of Tuba City provided the closest race of the day for individual h o n o rs . Commack won the men's lop d1v1slon race by .5 seconds, staving off a surging Endischee as they crossed the finish lane a stride apart. UCI runners take second SANTA CRUZ -Mark Ruelas finished second to California's Tom Down s m th e individual race and the Anteaters took second place in the team standings t.o the Berkeley 9Choor in the All~Cal Invitational ~ country meet here Saturday. In the women's division, UCI was alao second despite n o L having a runner in the top 10. Tht> Anteaters had runners in the 11th through 15th plates with Cathy Casserly, Kim Vo!lmer, Kelly Gilson. Kelly Ringer and Susan Zahradnik finishing in that order. 1 Other top finishers for thi: me n's team included Danny, Martinez II') seventh place and Don Scott in eighth over the rugged UCSC course. Mediation next step? • . WASKINGTON (AP)-Talkl aimed at ending the 12-day National Football waue Players 1tr1ke brokl' off Saturday wllh no l'eflumpUon In alghL But \he union sold that If ownttll came io the ~rgafnlng table. the pla~ would consider mediation. 11 For the third corwculive day.' both 1ldcA emerged Crom th9' l talkl •nsry and f rustn~, aNJ acc u al ng eac h other of 1 responalblllty Cor prolongins ~I strik e . J ack Donlan, chief: negotiator for the own~rs ... let ( fl•'1y th•t he uw no way ta.lb could continue w ithout an., outilde medlator, • to~pt \he playon have conaltt.enlly relUMCI In the DUl. • ''We're at a lt'nib1e lm~ ... Donlan aald • IS O! Oranot co11 1 1 o'~L~f i~:mo:~~:~.-~ bUtlllHI l!t l>utill41 .. •• A N IJ I H 8 0 N 0 AA PHIC8 Pl US, :H4t I Angels' magic number The Ange ls exhibit Halo happiness (clockwise, above) as Fred Lynn acknowledges the crowd after his fifth-inning homer, Rod Carew and Manager Gene Mauch meet for a congratulatory hug, ~nd pitcher Geoff Zahn proves that even superstars like Reggie Jackson can't escape . a champagne sl\ower in the Angels' clubhou e . In contrast, Texas shortstop Wayne Tolleson is a picture of frustration as Car ew's line drive escapes him. ANGELS WEAR WESTERN DIVISION CROWN • • • From Page 81 "We've ~ot a great band of guys here -a lot of old goats.'' carew added. play for a guy like Gene. 1 understand him and l always respect him. C OMMUNICATIONG co •ooo Meltl St hn1• An• C• t'l101 WH !etly Pl Bull• 100 N•wPO•I Jolln JoH pll Coute'. tilt f .. ech. OA 12000 nno Ot ' CO.•• ....... c. tH27 OARY PA I OICK ANOf RflON Thie bloltl'*9 It conducl.O by Ill ll0102 R•e l Li ne llu1111n 1111111 lll(llllldlllll Beacll, CA o'eu . Jof\n JOMCl'I Coute' l ONNlf JUI IA ANllHl80N 11111 1tel'1'1\tfll •H llltCI wllll I ll0102 R .. 1 I 111e, llun11no1on COUllly Clef!! of o,.nge County on flHch, l.:A 1121>48 8eptembef 8. t0112 Tlllt bulllr1H I 11 C(lnlluctllO by 111 ,..,... lrl(IMdu•I Publllll•O Or1nge CoHI Deity Gary P Anll••IOtl Piiot Sept 12, 111, 21 Ocl a, 1"1 T1111 '''"'"•"' w11 hied wtln the )9 County Cieri. 01 Or1no11 Coun1v on Sec>l41ml>e• 24, 1912 ,, .. 2., Publl1h110 O•eng• Con t Oo11y PllOI, Oct 3, 10 t7. ;.>4 1982 4360 92 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI aUllNEU NAMI ITATIMl!NT l lie folfOWlng pe•ton• are 00111g 1>u1lne11 H SALMAC INC neo San111 An• Ave. Cos11 MHa ·CA 921127 LOUISE S.ALVAll, 2280 Sa nta A n • Ave . Coate M1111, C A 92627 ROB£ RT V McCOY. 19 170 G rovewoo d Or . Coro na. CA 91720 T1>11 1>u1me .. 1a carlducteo bV a Pl8l.IC !«>TIC£ 'ICTITIOUI .,.._ .. NuqlTATa•NT lll• to1tow1n9 P•••on II dot11g bu•111e11 oa l REN OS, 2022 1 Crown R•el L•nt Hun11n91on B411Cll C1 92841 BONNIE BARKLEY, 2023-1 Ctown RMI Ulne Huntlnglon 8ellqh CA 92646 '"'• 1>u1•n•n •• conoUClecl by en lflOMduaJ Bonn•• Blrkley Hua llattmenf wH 11<:-d Wiii! ~ County Clerk ol Or •noe C.'-~"'tY on Sept 10. 198:! . ,1_ Pubfiaheo Orange Cou• Dally Pilot Oct 3 tQ. t7. 2<1, t118ll •311-12 PUBLIC !«>TICE COfpot&llOfl , __________ _ Lou1a E Sa1v111 FICTITIOUI IW..,_11 Thll 1111-1 wH Ii~ Dy 1114 NAME ITATl•NT County Cle•k ot Or111'Q41 County on The lollowlnt petaOfl It ~ September 30. 1982 bu1lneu "~ F 1981111!> McCAllTNEY HClllTAIUM. Pub0i11heO O•ange Coa s1 Oally IEllVICEI, 317ot c .. 11 HltflW8f, Pilot, Oc1 3. 10 17, 24 1982 tulle 401, South L99une. Ca. 12117 43!>1-82 luaen Pelrlol• McCertner. 31511 Tebt• lloclt Dr., •2 1t, So. Laguna Ca 92877 · • PUBLIC NOTICE Tn11 bu11n1ss 11 conducted by WI --------------1no .. 1dull FICTITIOUI aUllNE8S Suaan McC111ney NAME I TATIMENT Tlu1 llalement wu liltO wtlll Ille Tiie loUowlllQ persons are O<llng Counly Cletk ol OranQe County an buttneH H Seplembftl 16 1982 ( I I S A l 1 C R E E IC S U R F '111M1 CENTER (bl SAL l CREEi< SURF & Pubfilhtld Orange COHI Dilly S PORT, 27241 J1rd1nes. M1111on Pilot Sept t9. 26, Oct 3. 10. 1982 Viejo, Ct lll0tn1a 92692 4017·'2· Wllll1m Dinnie. 27241 Jardmes ---"-· ------- Mission Vltllo. Calllorn1a 92692 P\B.IC !«>TICE P1tr1<;1e Olnme. 2724 I Jaro1ne1. -----------Mialtk>n Viejo. Calllorn1a 92692 FICTITIOUI ...,.._,, Thia bullneu 11 conducleo by an N.._ ITATRMaNT lndlvldul l l l>it lollowong petlOfla t it Clol"lj Wiiiiam Dinnie bulMneM u Thil llltemenl -· hied Will! lhe B & v c LE A N IN 0 MA IN. County Clerk ot Orange County on TEN AN C E SE RVICE . 6 4 e 1 September 16. 1982 Vengu110, G1rden Grove. C•. F117141 92645 PubliSh80 Orange CoaSI Oatly VIVIAN ANN WHEAT, 6481 PllOt Sept 19 28. Oct 3 10 1982 V&llQulfd. Garden Grove. C1 92046 4094·82 BARBARA LEE RASE, 3629 Tiiden Oranoe. Ca Pl8l.IC NOTICE Tn1a bullnesa le conduc;teo by • ~el plrlnttlhrp -----------Vivian Ann Wl\Nt FICTITIOUa 1ua1NES8 Tn1s ltalanwtnt WIS llltCI Wltll llle NAME ITATEMENT County Cletk of Orenge County on The following pertons are 001ng Seot 23. t982 buslne&S as '1tl147 CAMPUS ADVERTISING 3822 Publfslled Orange CoHI Dally C1mpu1. Sulla 202. NewpO<t Beach. p lot S t 26 Oct 3 10 17 11112 Celll0tn1e 92660 1 · ep · · ' 4U 1.e2 L1ndm1rk Interes ts Inc a I Ca ltlo rn1e corpo ra11on 3822 P\8l.IC !«>TICE Camput, Suite 2 I 1. Newport Beacn Ca11lorno1 92660 FICTITIOUa llU81NEaa Th•• l>o$1nesa 11 conductea by • NAME ITATEMENT I eotj)0(1t1on The 10 11ow1ng person II Ooln9 Landmark lnletesll Inc bultlneas u Or Oennla R Frett M IC H A E L S C U S T 0 M I Pres10en1 SCREENS. 7 t 1 W 17th SI .. Sulle l Th11 statement was 111eo wuh the G· tO. Costa Mesa. C• 92627 County Clerk ot Orenge County on Mldleel D HughtS, 731 Vlc1orll I Sep1amblr 16. 1982 St Co1ta Mesa. Ca 92627 F117140 Thll bu11ness IS conducted Dy an Publl1lled Orange Coast Detty 1n01vtou1l PtlOt. Sept 19, 26, Ocl 3, 10, 1992 MICl\191 HugnM 4083·112 lhll ltll-1 WU hied wtth Ille County Ctetk of Oranoe County on ---Pllll--1-C-l«>_T_IC_E ___ , Septemt>et 16. 1912 ,,.,... P'ICTITIOOI M.lllftEaa Publlt lled Orang• Coatt Oelly NA• aTAffMENT P110I Sep1 19, 29. Oct 3. tO. 191:! Tiie followlng p111on 11 d oing _________ 409_1_.e2 0utlne11 aa. P\llllC !«)TIC( J ER RY HOPKINS LAWN-----------SERVICE, 866 Vl111 Sonlll Newport l'tCTITIOUa ........ Beech Ca 92120 MAim ITA~ J ERRY LEE HOPKIMS . 665 Tiie foflowlng per90n la dOlnt VIII• Bonlll N-por1 S.1cll Cl buW-u: 92620 WOOOC H UCK L TO. 1136 Tl\11 l>o•I-•• conOUCleO by an Whttuet Ave . C-4. Coell MeM. ca. lndlvtdJ8l 92627 JERRY HOPKINS Steven MICl\H I Bodi, 1922 Thll 1111emen1 w11 filed wllll ,,,. Trecy Ave .. G1rden Grove, Ce. Counly Cl.,k ol Orange County on 92641 Sep! 30. 1982 Thia bualneat It conducted by an FtlMIO lndMduet Published Or1n9e COH I 011ly St-M Boda Pilot. Oct 3, 10. 17, 24. 1982 Thie 1111-1 wea flied wlft\ l"8 4311-82 Coun1y Clertl of O<enoe County on 1-----------Sec>t I . 1912 "~ PuDll1lled Orenge Coa11 Daffy PUil.iC !«)TIC£ P'ICTfTIOUl ...... 11 NAmlTAff•NT Tiie following pereon 11 doing ~ .. : ART RESOURC ES..t 8!>8 Wt11t 18111 St .. Cotti Mete. 1,,A 112627 Echlr1td A. Cllatlln. 2189 Tultln WI., Coell Meta, Ce 92627 Thie ~ la conducted by an Mdu81. fdwltd A. Cllellln Thia ,,.,_, ... llled With tl'le ty Cl8flt of Orenge County on Seplembef I , 1982 F~ Publl1lled Oren9e COHI Dilly Pilot Sec>t. t2. 19, 28. Oc:1. 3, 1982 3939-82 ACTTTIOUl..,...U MAm ITAT'OlaNT ni. folowlnO ~ .,. doing buelneM II! WILLIAM SON WINDINGS . 1733-H MontO\lle, Cotll Mela, CA 9"27. PETER BALDWIN , 1073 Coron• Lan•. Colt• Me11. CA 92621. JAMES A WILLIAMSON, 635 W. leker. !40. P-103, Cot'l1 Mete. CA 92tll& Thie ~ .. conduc1ecl by • llmlMd per1nerlhlp Pit., 8aldWln Thie llltetnenl WH flied wltll Ille County Cl«k of Orenge County on s.pt.,.,,t>et e, tll82. '1f70U Publlaned 0 11n9e CoHt Dilly PilOI, Sec>t 12. t9, 21. Oct. 3. 11182 39'2-82 PtlOI Sept 12. 19, 28, Oct. 3. 1td 3tM-t2 Pl8l.IC !«>TICE FICmlOUI IWl .. H NAMI ITATlMRJIT Ttwi follOIMllQ pettonl era dolnG bU$1-U AS CONSTRUClta.I CO • 2 t20 S1nt1 An• Ave. Co1t1 M"' CA · · 92627 AKIN SEZENOL. 2 t20 Sen .. Ant A,.., Colle Mela, CA. 92821 · Thll buatneu .. conducted by •. • 9enetal per1nerlhlp Akin S.ZenOI · • • ' Thll l tetemt nl WU llltd WIU.. • I County Clefk ot 0r•"91 County OI) Seotembef 28. t912 · · ,,,......,. Published Orenge CoHI Dal~ Pilot Oc:1 3. 10. t7. 24, 1"2 • • ' 43424 .. FICTITIOUI _,..... ••• NAME ITARMINT •••• Tiie lollowino per1011 la dolne . ti..11tneu ••· •••• G C IMPORT & EltPOAT. 331,:; NIV1d1 St Colla Mne CA.. t2ell6 • GAAOON RUJANAWECH 33f1' · Nevldl SI Coste Mete CA t2aJ . Tiils bu9lness Is conduct<..1 by II\ lnCltvldull •• .• G1toon Ru)an-•• Thlt ltll_,,t WH flied by ft1' County Clefk of Ortn91 County off: ' Seplemt>et 30, 1982. .•:-,,_. Published Orenge Coaat De _,: PilOl. Oct 3. 10. 17. 24, 19U • .;i,·. • 431-Mauch has insisted all season long that hl1 team h as required no special pep ta lks , no motJvaUon. They've been there before, he reasoned, and they can handle the pressure. "There's so many things he's told me tFoli played under Mauch In Montreal). but I remember 1--------------------~ And the Angels proved Mauch right Saturday, not only on the field, but In the clubhoute. Sure, ·there was plenty of champagne going around; Iota of laughing, hugging and cheering. But above all. the Angel veterans formed a reflective lot which looked at the Weatem Divlsion title as a total team effort. "1'h11 te4J1\ had to push every day. It's a team wtth a lot of .::an and a lot of brulles," noted e«0nd blleman Bobby Grich , who turned in a spectacular ~ defensive play In the eighth Inning on a ball hit to hll left by John Grubb. "We won It by a noee over Kanau City, so to ..,.ak. and It'• a tribute to thil team's character. (IJoua) DeCinces wu 1pectecular at third, FoU at lhorWtop la an outstanding, gutey little player," Grich added. JaclcD1 went even further ln hla pralle: "It took 3& playen to win thJ• thing. Mickey Mahler dtched Mven big lnnlnp for ua In New York; Ricky Stetrer had a blg aeven lnnlnp one pmej Dllryl 8eonien pt • bll hit for _. last week; Anpl Morial.o won a couple of pmes for ua; Doug Corbell ID' a aouple of uvea. I "I mean, •Y what you want to uy, but thill wu a total team effort. Everybody here hH twlptd," Jadulon added. Few lnetace, Jacklon, hlnwlt, llY*ked hi• 38th home run of the eeuon In the flret Inning -a ____ ..., __ Luit Senrhez Bobby Grich towering smash to dead center esUmatcd at about 600 feet. F.arller In the aame lnntna. Brian Downln1 had opened with a double and Carew promptly •ln&led him In. Orich'a 1e>lo homer In the eecond and Lynn's twe>orun 1hot In the fifth propelled the Anaell to a ~-4 advantage, and Don Baylor'• double, followed by Tim Foll'a RBI tlnsle In the eighth pve the Anpla tl~r fl~ It waa a typidl clQtch hit by FoU. ewn thouah the bell jult did akJp put Texu flnt baleman P'at Putnam. ..It'• jult fun to play here,'' Foll .. Id •f&er the game. "I try to roll with the punc:hei. It'• fun to • fe.-llng very bad once when he said, ·you're never going to be In the Hall of Fame.' It really hurt me." Foll continued. "But I finally realized that. lt doesn't matter what all the other gu)l1 do, l sUU flt In to this balJ club. You've got to have some Tim Foils to go along fl with tht> superstars. I'm juat really happy for Gene. He's had a great year." Indeed, Mauch has waited a long tim<> -23 years to be exac t -t o capture h is first championship. ''I've been a manager for a long time and some yean have been pretty good. But thia year, we had IO many honet, I just hitched up for the ride," Mauch uid. '1lt'a obvioua that ll meane a lot to me. I mean that with all my hMrt," Mauch added. The Ansels could have wrapped up the tllle as early u TuHday In K.aneu City, but the Royals ecored come-from·behlnd victories the next two nl1hta and then kept the Oakland A'a from being •pollen rllht up un&.tl &iturday afternoon. They moved Into lint plac:e on Sept. I 0 and then awepl a thrtoe-pmt eerlH from the Royall at Anahfotm Stadium. ''Thll wu the •~tetl win, no doubt about It," added Mauch '11'm not much of a champa1ne drinker but l 'U have a Uule ~fore thla day l• over. l'w bMn known to _.i lk'k on &he atuff." · M•uch probably won't mind It too much , thou,h. for ClasaJfled advertising Is your beat choice for help In selling the ltem1 YoU no longer need. It's Quick end· lneJ(pensive. Orange Ooaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Ootober 3, 1982 Home resales ~ . continue dip • "I . 1..0S ANGELES (Al') H.e>me n...ulet1 In C.:ullfornlu Wl'rl· at.; their third IOWl'lil ll•Vt:I un ~rd in July., und thl' Cuhfornw Ayocialion· of ltealtcm1 iwys no froprovemcnt Is exp<."<:k>d 111 the M r future. 'The decreases an s hort'-tcrm e rest rates. which b<'gun in ly, ar c e ncourug1ng," stud lat.ion presid ent Seb S tcrp:i, ing that mortgage rotes ut e in stitutio ns have also lined "marginally." But we don't expect retail r\gage and o tht.•r lo.ng-term to come down e no ugh to ·ult l n eit.hl•r a v1gor.0Lls using marke t o r general nomic r ecovery any time n," Sterpa added. he association reported that number of single-family e resales in J uly was 2.!J cent lower than in June . 'conomi<· ct.•rluinly likt·l y · lf rt~stru in . ~maml. .. " son a lly a d justed, rcsalt• vity was at an annual rate of ,573 u'nits d own J5.8 rit from 'July. 1981. · owever pciccs o f single- , { · y ho~es continued to rise, al ough bnly marginally The· lation sajd the media n pm:c California horn~ in July was , ,428, or 0.2 percent up from e and an annua l rate of afi>reciation of 2 7 percent In .J,ipy, J 981 . home prices were mtreasing a t an annual rate of 8.J percent . 6hc realtors' group predicts tO,t d ownward pres-sur e on h~e prices \.\"Ill increase m the next few rnonths because of "seasonal factors,"· but no maJOr p~ reducttons were expected. . CAR planning director J oel Sij)ger said structur al changes in the f inance indus try will · COAJ.inue to restrict thE' amount of money available In housing ·market& ·"As a result, ins t itutional • ...-.. •• 2 murt((Oijt' rlllt'li will not full to within the range ii!fordoble by t'01lliumen1, whlC'h ill about 12 to l:i pefl·e nt , within th e fort.'t!.C.'f'able Cuture," Singer sa1d. "Evt>n 1f mortgage inwrest ralt.'11 diJ dt..-cllne rather. slgnirlcanlly ovor t}fo next several months, ('l'On om k unc.'crtalnty and the rciiult1"1l consumer pessimism arc likely to cont.inue to restrain the demand for housing." Singer clai.med high mortgage rates were in any case not tht.• main reason for reduced housin~ dl•mand , be<:ause o f the ava tlabtlit y o f "below - market-rate" loans from sellers and builders. Only 20.3 percent o f July's home resales involved a new first mortgage Bu yer s assumed ex1sttng first mortgages In 57.1 percent of the tra nsactions, and another 10.3 percent involved a i;eller-carried first. The realtors' associanon also reported tnat single -f amily detached h omes remained on the market for a media n time of 71 .6 days, down from 75.1 dHys in June. The unsold inventory tndex -the time it would take to sell all homes on the marke t at curre nt sale activity rates -was 22.3 months in July as oppoo<..>d to 17.9 months in June. ·Condominiums c.'Omprised 16.4 pen·ent of July's resales, down from 17 A percent in June. The median time on the market for a t"Ondominium was 90 days, a nd ·the unsold In ventory index was 29.i months. The median con dominium pm'C' was $108,771 in July. up 6.9 percent from June and the first m o nthly increase in three months. O nly 12.7 ~t of cond o minium trrosactions involved a new first mortgage. Of the 12 regional boards tha.t re ported to the s.ta tewide organ ization in July, only ~wo - Palm Springs-Lower Desert and Santi! Barbara -experienced more sales activity in July than m June. Los Ange~es. Oranee County, Central Valley, Palm Springs- Lower Desert, Riverside-San Bernardino and Santa Barbara re ported highe.r median home prices in July than in June. . . .. r Living, dining a rea of model lluntin~lon Bea<·h. in .. Nigu I homes • going up C'o1H.t1litt111n ''' thl· 11l11d1•I 111111pl1 >-ut 1i4·ulu11 I 1111 C11u11. 11 11 1 • w f1 II u n 1 I t 11 w n h u n.i 1 • d1 •v1•l11111111•111 111 Lauun11 N1gu1·l. II• 11\l.W und1•r WIJV C:11111ph•111111 ,,, 1111· ~10<1<•1honww 111 M'lwdul1·ll l111 1111(1 Dl·tol.>1•1, und B1·111•1111 llill Court will 111w11 f111· Si.Ill's lutcr t li11t llHJllth H 1· II l' 1111 11 1 ll t':; u 1 t 1 s a ck vC'l11p11wn1 11f Taylor W1Mxlr1Jw • ll11111i·l> CJllf111111:1 . Ltd 'fhl· N1·w p url H1·111 Ii fla,t·d hutldc.·r also I!'> th1· 111.1l>lt•1 d1·v1·lopt.·1 of th1· :150 ,1t 11· """"'r p lannt•d 114 ·:.wn I 1111111 wl111 h Ht .. 1t·o11 11111 t'ou1 t I'> lcx:;11t·c.J BP,1t1111 11111 C11ur1 ft•uturei. Jll h1tc•t.'tUf'l• rt•mlfllM1•nl of il N1•\\ Englund c.·m1-.ual (~1rnmun11y 'I' It 1 11 11 t • :a n d l w o s tor y 111\.\ 11h111111 ·' "'111 ft•atun 1 Xlt·norl> 11f 1l.1pl111o11d -.1tJ1ng . hr1<:k 1n.1-.c1111 y 11 llll .11111 l'Xlt·ni.tVl' UM• of 111uJ11 11.1111·d .11ul C'l1·rt•slory Wltld11Wl> La CUesta townhomes open A1d11tc-tl lt11 th1 Jlll/jt'('t IS Carl Md,;11 ;111<1 As'><>< 1.1tt·-. of Cul> ta M•·i.11. l~xt1·ns1v1· landS<:apmg 1s umkr w :1y for Al.·aton 11111 Court by thl· P 1·1·11l1:1n Group. un a1d11tl·c:tur<1l 111·rn hrnwd in Jrv1m· Tht· st'nmcl phast.• of La Cucstu by thl· St.•u rcl'l·ntly orM'ned with s tylish stUl'co and tiled r oof townhomt'l>. dt·vl'loix·d by Ayrt's, JU:;t onl·-half milt· from t h <' CM't•an. Tht· JO 9 pt.•rt.'f'nl inh'n'St for :m year!> hus gl'llt•ratt.'d u new intl'n·~l fur tlw Hll'l'l:IC.ly sut.•t•t•!l.<cful L a C.' u <' l> t a b v· t h 1· S c• u dC'vc ·lopnwnt. · · · A I t h u u g h t ht· b t• a<' h 1 l> c.:onvl•n wntly doS(:, whul altrat.'ll> tht.• homcbuyl·r ll> th<· priv:.ill· Corporate center set in Irvine Tht• Pa~agon Group. of Los Angl'it'!>, has ac.-quin'<i a 4.7-acn: p:m:cl at Wa rnl•r and Red Hill Avcnu('S in the Irvine Industrial Complex Airport. for a prkc of $2.5 m1lhon. Thl• seller was the Robert P . Warmington Compan y of Irvine . Future plans C'a ll for the dl'vt•lopml•nt of the Wa rner/Red Hill Corporate Center, a three- bu i Id ing. 95,000-squ ar e -foot t.·omp ll•X f o r corpo rat e h t' u d q u u r t t.' rs a n d h i g h kt.·hnology u se according to Jdfr<.•y B. Alle n , manuging gartm·r of the P aragon Group. avid Sigm o nd a nd Ernie Joh:.mson of the Newport Beach •• offln · uf Grubb &. Ellli. l'umJJ<lllY rcprt.'l>t.'ntt'Ci Parngun tn lht• lk•lt-. a nd an• a.cling a s cxc.·lu-.1v1• markl'ltng <t~wnt..-. for the pruj('<:l Co11strut.·t1on ll> l>t.·hcdulcd to b c• g 1 n o n t h t.' l w o -s t o r y dcvdupm<•nt Ill thl• spring or 198:1 with rompll'l1on ant1c1palc."C.J for tht· fall of I 9H~i The proJC.'<.'t is b t• 1 n g d t.• i. 1 g n 1· cl b y l h t.• arc h1tec·tun1l furn of Wan• & Malc:omb Art.·h1ll'cls "Wurnerl Red lltll Curporut<· Ct'nl\•r 1s Purugon'l> ftn.l V<•nturt· into Ornng1• County, und duL· tu thl· high level of businc.•ss ul·t1v1ty 1n thl· county. Para gon 1s comm1tlt.-d to futun · dC'velopnwnt in the area," Allen said • ,. ...~ .... n·ar pullu nn•a larg<· t•1111ugh for his uwn hot tub." sa ys Lon•ll•u 'l'aylor, Mllt•s rl'Jff<•iwn tatlV<· for Ayrt.~ t"'bn I ll> I ,l2:i squarl' frl'l anti ·~ pnn•d al $149.Y!W It IS LI tw11 lwdroum. two bath townhonw with a pnv<iu· putiu 1·nd11~·d off 1 h1 · mastc·r bt.,droom Plan 10 1s u two-story. thn-.· l1t•drcM1m. two ;.ind one.: half hath priwd at $ H;:j ,!JYll Th1i. sput·111ul> 1.tiY5 squ<.1rt> fool plan ft•utwt•i. u ma rble' fi':"C'plan· in the· rna-..tt·r lx•druom, and a largt· (lrc·l>!>lllg and wardrobe arl'a and Honwn tilt· tub La Cul'Sta by the 5<'01 mav l:w VISllt'd by taking tht• ~11 l>ll'g(~ f rt'<.'way to Bl«Kh Boult.•vard L·x1t. driving South on Bc'al·h Boul<•vard to Atlanta Avl•nut', turning nght on Atl;mta. thl·n right on the• first stn·<·t into tht• dtNt•lopnwnt. MtKIL·ls un· opt•nf'd datly from 11 u.m to fi p.rn e xt.'<'pl Fndayl>. further details mav bt.· ubtaim·d by phoning 5:m-Hoo. H1·u1·on 11 11 I ll> loe:otl·d 1 n Laguna N1gul'I UUJUl't•nl lo 1-:1 N1uut•I C11untry Club off l"rown Vall1·y )',1rkw"v HB Surfside • • pro1ect wins energy award Pmntt· Surfs1d1., a llll-un1l c.·o ndom1n1um d1.·v1•lopmC'nt 1n lluntington B<•at·h . h<ii. bc.-en awan.h ·d u Suuthl·rn Cal1furn1a GLls Co. CONCERN Award for tht· prOJt:<:t'!> t·nergy-!>aving ft·:catun·s Thi· two und thn·< .. story untts art• avatlabh• in M'Vl'n floor plans with om'. two tir thr<'l' bedrooms and I 1 , to l 1 ; baths The uniL'i, wh1L·h stun a t $113.500. range 1n s1u.:• from 954 to 1.1i5 SQuare feet. .. . . . .. . Or•ngl Co11t DAIL. Y PILOT /Sunday, October 3, 1982 'Buying ~ow·n' best ·house finf!ncing method Whut huli bl•l•n tl'rml>tl tlw wur1l houal nl( n•t•t•nhm iclnt·1· World War n hu8 icpuwm•d II myrl d or t'rl'&tlVt• 111 lfllluVallVl' fananclnl{ whll'IC'I Tht• qut-suon n ow 11 whut ff~\ huvt• lht•st· p rogrnms hud on ul'tuul h 111111· &all'* in South1.•r1\ Cahfor111u, 1111tl what Is tht•lr ruture. According w a l'l'<.'C.•nt survc>y b y Wa lk•·r & L l•1.•'s markt·llng research u nd <..'Ons~ltmg div1s1on, "buying down " o r llllCl'l'Sl rat1.•s 'h os provc•d to be the m ost popula r, and ef(('(.•tivc sales tool, 1.1 li ll:z.cd by 8U pcn:cn t o r the building firms s urvc.·ycd , and prompting 69 pt~rt't:nl o r rt•porwd sales. Walke r & Lee s urvcy1.·d 84 Southe rn California builders regarding the types of finuncmg p rograms uS<..cJ during the first half of 1982, and the percent.age o( sales (dosings and/or .>pen escrows ) n •sulting f rom eal·h program. Tbe survey rt:presc•nted 368 actively selling subdivisio ns : a total of 4.0 13 sales were reported fua tlw 1x•rHJd . Buying down of lntt'f1•11t ruh•s wu11 tht• mtllil populur, prompllllK nt•u rly twtt'l' u11 muny 5Ult•l4 u11 1h1· i.t·t·11 11d 11111ic1 p11ptilor 111111 111 uh:mrhlrtM 1111 d1111l11t( 1·ust11 111 fanundnu µomt~ /\ l'Omb11u1uon of. tiJX'<.'tnl prn't' llll'1.'nllv1~. n•bull'll. n '<:ltw\1111114 or 1ndU!(10n 11( uptumll1 ltc•m.-c ut no uddlt1111111I t•ust provt-d tu l::w tlw rwxt l'f!1><·t1vt• strutcgy, u!l<-d hy UJJ.l>l'O?<inu1H•ly :35 pt'l'l'Cnl or tht· buildt·rs survt-yt•d nnd prmnptlllg about 20 JX'l'l'l•nt ur sult'll. In 1.'0ntrast, individual figurt•s for muny of the mort-puhlat·12t:d fananc.·ang Vl'h1d1-s, wt•rt• norrnnul I low1.•w r, lumpt.-d togNht•r tht•y wt•rt• rt:i.ponsiblt· f 1>r u n add1t1onul tO pcn'Cnt of reportoo sall•s ~'or example. ARMs. VHMs und HHMs. used by 35 pcmmt bf buildt•rs s urveyed, prompted 16 pt•r(•t•nt vr rcport1.-d sult·s. Trudc.•-in programs. offerc•d by i:i p en·1'1H o f th1.• buildt•r s, promptt•d i pcrt·ent or salc.-s; no inwr1.•st lo:ms, fully paid for in I 1v1· tu l!l y1•11r11 wt·n • ofrt•n •d by UJ 1x·11·••11t of tht· hulldt•I 11 uml p1011ll)h 'll :• p1•11•1•11l ul 1mlt•11 (:uaru11h'l' buy-buck p1·o~rur11:., w IH· I I' b V I h c h lll Id t• r W 111 1 l'pUrdia1w ll ho nll' tit llfll(lnUI 11i.k1nu 111·11·1· 11 fh ·r 11 111wt•lr11 ·d JX•raod of 111111•, w1·n · Ulk'<I by ff JH'rl'l'nt o l th t• bu1ldN11 111H.I 11•:.p 1111s 1hlt· for only I JX'rt't·nt of rl'pl>l'll•d ~·h·l'I. lX•spilL· the iw1•mangly non1111ul tm pal't or tht•!H' progrt11lH\, c.·ullt•t·t l vl'l y t ht•y prorn-pll'll :w J.>l'fl't•nt of sall•s n •pw tl'd And i.1gn1fl('llfltly, mu1>t of lht·~· w1·1·1· UM•d by tht• hal'dl'b t hll frrl>l·llllll' buyer. · I N 0 t I II M l h Is ( 11 l' t • wt•~ Wl'1ssmger, Walker & Ll•e VICI.' prl·stdcn t for nt•W homt•i., stud that many of thcs{• fananl'ing programs stall on tht.• markC't ~t·prl'scnt tht• only opportunity for f1rs1-t1m1.• buyc•rs to purchase> a homt'. . Ill' also prcditli. that thl's t• programs will n ot bt• around much longt•r Sales, foreclosure workable By RO~ERT J. BRUSS DE AR BOB: You say we're In a "buyer's market'' for bomes. As a prospeclive home seller, I'm wondering what causes a buyer 's market and when will we be In a seller 's market ? -Marv C. DEAR MARV: You asked two d ifficult and complicated questions. The primary reason wt"rc in a home buyer's markf"t (meaning more homes are REAL ESTATE llllUli for sale than the re are qualified buyers ) is perce ived high mortgage inte rest raws. ' Most prospective home buyers think they l'an't afford to buy a home, so they've stopped looking. However, smart readers of this t'Olumn..know that today is a great time to buy a home. but only with low cost affordable seller financing. The current buyer's ma rket offers the greatest horr/1.• buy rng opportun1llc•s s m ct• th1• Urt'al l.X·prc.-ss1cm lo nC'gotiatc favorablt> purc·hasc.· terms. Th<.· S(.'COnd part of your question ask ing wht•n will we.• Ix: ma sellt'r's marke t (meaning th1• numlx·r oJ buyt•rs t•xccc'<is the supply of homes for sulC') 1s 1mposs1blt• to answer a<x:uratcly. Thl' easy answ.cr 1s we'll bC' m a sl'lk•r 's market wht'n mortg&gl' tnlNl'SI rate's drop. probably to around I I or 12 pcrn·nt. But nolx><:ly knows how soon that will happen DEAR BOB: Our home is in foreclosure. My husband's employer went broke and m y job bas been cut back to part time. As a result, we've fallen behind on our bllls and mortgage payment. Is there any way we can avoid losing our house? -Mae Ann W. DEAR MAE ANN: First c:ontat·t your lcndc·r lo S<'C if you can work out a delayed payml'nt plan. If not, c·onsult your attorney. You may Ix> able lo delay forcd ose loss of your home for at least four months by decla ring bankruptcy. However , fil ing bankruptcy should be done only as a last resort becaUSl' or the adverse credit imphc:auons FORECLOSURE TRUSTEE SALE If it's got handles you'll grab aule faster in- Daily Pilot classified ads. can 642-5671 Yes -we can handle your foreclosure regardless of named tn~stee on Deed of Tn:tst , . . STAN-SHAW CORPORATION (714) 542-5111 l'i11116( flllt' 11( tilt' ft•W lJILN ul 1(111KI n1•wN 111 1111· industry. that h11111t• 111111 lUllHl'lt will lt·vl'I at l:t ix•rt•t•rH tu 14 IJl'l t.'c•nt tow11nJ lhl' t•n d o f l!Jtt:• ulTtll d t11J( to 11r1 1""C11"1 K1planl-(1.•1 W 1111hl111(1t111 Lt•l ll•r, W1·111N1ng1.·1 f 11n•i.1.•1.•11 u shcir t llv1'll f 11111 y 11( homl' 1K1l1· .. l h u l w 1 I I l'IHH' 11 ll u II y ti f'tll 11 1»..l11tl11.c invc·nlory In f:ll't, c•ui· tlJ tlw t·u ri1•11t pi 11·1· n ·du1.·t1111l11 u111I vurl11ui. l'f•lmtt•., """ IH·111u N1·1·11 . :.t o 11d i11g 111v1•11t11ry I' Jlr 1•t11ly ict11rt10N tu tlw1111l11., lw i.m<I 111t·ri·1.1111ni.t 111 prll't'. honw pr It ~ wlll 11.c11ln d1n1h (IUll'kly 111w1• th<'I lllUUKll y h•,;.1i:1111;, to rt'C~JV••r 111 Vll'W ol tlll'Mt' 111-cuc'll. Wulkcr /I.I l.1.·t· Iii t•m·ourJglng t111m1• .;l111p1x·111. partu·ul.Jrl y fl ntt on~ hu yi-ri.. to buy toduy . Th tt1.-~I :.111111·t· " tu tak1· udvuntuijl' of • :.ol h•nlng prit'C'h. • ' With 1.·011~t1 u1.·t11111 l'lt<irl' down. l11111bt•1 .w.11lJhtl11 y cluw11 and h u 1 I cl 1• 1 r l' I u t t• d a. u I' p I 1 t"4 . PRICES SLASHED • As Much As •so,ooo SMALL DOWN PAYME.NT TAKE OVER BANK FIRST TRUST DEED ELEGANT TOWNHOUSE ,.,,.,. .. ,.,, ., ,, 111,1#111 STY.LE ONE MILE F ROM TH E BEAC H ·BR EATHTAKING VIEW 1 & 3 BEDROOM • 2 & 2 1/2 BATll I & 2 STORY FLOOR PLAN l'uol & }1ll'ul11 "''" S11111h·1·J.. f:1wfo,('i/ />ri11111• l'utw;. \ 1111/tci/ Ct•i/111~ .. 111 \u111rul l.'1•i/,1r />/u.•h ( .'urpct111~ · Solid Ouk f'.in1w ·1 f.'11trw• • \fJ('rcJhlJ I(' 01 ~'//" -(;;J" /(,lllJ:I' ~ Spa .. • IJ1 ... J111u.•lrn-1.~ Tr.1 •/1 C.i111111.wt11r • Sea ridge On The BluH In Con• Ma11 ZJ15 l'ecJnc Av•nu• Ca.re 1i1 .... 91617 '"'' 6'1·1157 S.ln Otllu Op.• 0.1111 11"10 ...... ,,,, 6"10 ~·· C-Ftld4i11 • ,. ' .,. l j r. It. /J ,-. .... , 'I . , 1.t ,, .,. .. '$ i I, •" ' '·. " : • i •J ·,' .. :·: I- I .. Orang• Oo11t DAil V PILOT/Sunday, Ootob r 3, 10&2 rhe bitten dog will always yelp 'the loudest DEAH ANN LANIH:HS F11 .. l, I ''""1 vuu tu ktluw th111 " he·m.c w1111e•11 liy J guv I 11111 .. 11 k 11{ hour tn8 ull the• 1·11111µlull\IH thut th1·1 •·JI 1• 1111VII1>(111" l~ft I wuuld l1k1· lo H:-k tlu· 1•11111pl11111e·1i. 11111• qu1•sth111 Whu Jd h1w1·11•d 11v1•r hall ot tlw lt•111uh•H In tl11i1 l'vu111 ry u11d1•1 17·• I h11 v1• 11 H1w.1klng !!Ui1p1u1111 the• J<U ys who 111 l' y1•ll1ng I h1· l11ucl1·s1 nbout llw l>ht11 lJt(1• ur v1rwm, w1•11 • tlw 1110,1 11v1d pur11~·1pH11ll> 11\ n•dut·1n~ tlw nu111IJC·1 MIJo'Fr:I) rN MONTANA DEAR MIFFED: It figures. Wheti you throw 8 11tlck Into a pack of dogs, the onl' who l!i hit yc·IJ>H. DEAH ANN LANDBH~: I am '11l plu,, hm1· a h11ppy 1rnirrmgl'. St'Vl'rul ac·h1l'v111.: l'hild11•11 and Crom lhl· out.sad<.' l'Vl·rything look!> pt•rfot l The problem as rny daughter About,,)'"" .igo \~t' began to nouc.·t• a t:hangl' an h1•r She W<ii. .alwayl> <1 good litudcnt and had a gn•at nwny fnt·mb S uddenly she lost ull inll'rest an sc·hool, t:ouldn't keep her mind on hl'r s tudil•s. brought home h.frrible grades and finally dt~'(:idc.'Cl 11 was impossible to·altend cla~C'S so she dropped out She tells ml• <:erlam J.)4:opll• uround ht•r (110 names) are trying to mflul•nct· her dt't.:1~1011:. und 1 un hur lifl'. She makes dalt's and appoantnwnt.s and doesn't k eep them In tht• last thrC'(.• months she.• ha~ had three traffic: 11c:kcts. lfrr thanking h,1s b\'(.'tlm<· d isorganized and OC'('USIOnally s he arr1ve•s at u plan· and d~sn't know what she 1s drnng thl•n • Shi· 1·omes home and asks ml' why slw w1·nt She is 22 und n ·fuSt.•s to at,·ept prnlt·:... ... 1011;.il help We arC' a lmost c.·eortain lhc.·rt· 1s no drug mvolvt>menl. Wt• huvt• st.•art•ht'Cl hc.•r room frum top to bo11om and can't hnd a lral'<' of <lllYlhinl{ Pll•a......_. ~AllN Wl)flS t l1 11 U' W JJ II I t 11 d U Cl1AHLCYlvn:sv1LLK VA WIT 'S ~;NI> 1 N OEAll CHAR .• VA.: The iclrl needs 10 be seen hy u ncurolol(b t. llH penonallly 111leratlon• m ay be t'Q USCd h)' liOme type of neurologlt' problem. Pt'rhaps there's a bruin tumor. II 11he cht'cks out POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRI LLIANT , An~ life Hi.at b~JJ.in s with.. a birth and end~ wlth a d.~ath must t.n.e~i.tab~ s eem rather ~ranJJe . Mother sues IRS • • • and OK, lh•· on l y other ro ulc I t'lill think h u piychhalrhll, whom yuu H)' 1he rc•fu 11t•M tu ice I' t• r h n p • u r o u n • c I o r "1 o 1 e t o h er "' K c . u JJ!iYt•holotcllt, mll(ht be• tb" nn11wt·r. l>o try. And plt•1111e· h•t mt• know ho" 11ht• 111 dolnl(. I w(l nt tu hcur rrom you. Dl•:A H ANN LANl)Jo;HS Wl11•11 I wai. Ill. I 111.11111·11 .1 w11ncl1·1 f11l y11u11g m.in I h.111 w11w11 up w11h Tl11l•1· )'l'll" w1•11• .111 W•• hud loHl'lh1·1 llt• wuH klllt d II\ Ull lll'l'llh•11I I 1wvt•r thought I c•o11ld lall 111 l11v1• 11g.1111, but II h.1p1w1wd Du11 und I f,llan lo Ill' lllfJr 1 wtl nc•)C I V.il1·11 l11w'x DJ)' '1'111' prohh•rn Ii. th11l I w11111 my first husl>antl'i. 1;11111'1' lo u1'Vl' 1111 · uway 111· 11' II dt•ar 111.•r,1111 JtHI I lovt• h1111 Vt·I y niud1 My 11w11 tallll'1 d11 ·d many ye•111 i-,j~U My n111tht•r 1:. up 111 011ns 11v1·1 111y ch u,11111 Slw ftt·I' th.it iny brothl'r 'hould t(l\'l' 1111· .1w,1y llh· did 1111' h1111111 .. lll my r1r~1 w1•cltJ1ng, I ll ll·d tu t•xpluin tu m y motlw1 huw I f P1·I. but 1:1ht· rt·(Ul!t·s to lasll•n. Sht:µyi; I should w1111• tu yuu uml thlll you will surl•ly ugrt'l' with hn. D<i you'! Am.;,UJN'G WITll Mar111::n IN BUFFALO DEAR· BUFF: Docs your mother feel your request would be Inappropriate, or does she believe it might he a n emotional trauma for the man? J suggcs.t yo u ask your father-In-law how he reels about It. If he would consider it a privilege, you should surely ask him. IH~ A tt ANN LAN lJ I~ H S . 11 1 i-tu k 1 n g t·vt·rylhlng tn Mc.· lo wrilt.• this lt•lll'I I ho!>(' and pray yuu will f111d 1oom in your L·olumn for 11 IJC'l'L•Ust· I d on't dun• t11 have: an anSWl'I lorn1· lo tlw hous1· • w1ns WAS HINGTON. Tht· U S . Tax ,..-In 1980, :1 7 million l'oupll·~ and the.' w xpayer to be.• gainfully e mployed 1nd1v1du.ds da1med a ch tld·n 1rc.• and to assure the c.·h1ld's wf)Jl-being and Court, in a m ov(• thul c·xpands the.• ly!>(• of c hild-care expcnsc.•s that qualify working pare nts for a sp1x·1al tax l"rt'<lal. has allowed a woman to wnll' off the• ('OSt of sending h l•r son to summl'I' camp. Tht• ruling allowed I hl• !.am<' motlwr to deduct as child-carC' c.·xp1:nsl·~ part of .... the c.·ust of her son ·s S(:hool -spur1~orc:d trip to Washington deduellun, hair t ~ ~hUSl.' had 1m.'Oml's of proll'cl1on while the taxpayer 1s so S:!0.000 to $40.000 cmployc.'<.I, 1t quahf1cs as employment· Undt•r th t• l aw. houi-c.•huld o nd relaled despite lhc.' c.•xistence of othe r d t· pt• nd t• n I -c.·u re sc r v 1cc·s th u l a r t.' lnl'tdcntal benefits." m'<·t•s....ary for tht• b rc.·adwinnt·r to kcc.·p a In other words, Sterrett addt>d, there• ,1ob may lw wnttc.•n ofL Those.• c.•xjJt'nS('s is nothi n g wro ng wit h a p aren t 'l! 1rad1111m.dly have.· been defined a s a choosing l'hild care thot provides some babvs1lter to stay ·in the homc.· whllt' LhC' incidental benefit such as rccrcallon parents work. day -<.·are services and the a t thl' summer camp so long as thl' lake.· c hwr purpose of the.· sl'lectiu n 1s to In a dl-c1sion that produ<.'Cd a rare.• split p ro lt'<.'I the l'hild among me mbe rs of the court, Jud-ge "Thl•re is no l(t'n l•rul requ1rc.•mt•n1 . Samuel B. Stcrn•ll wrote: that the child IX' bon ·d stiff in ordl•r for I w," ( .011uh I l h.mg111w Ill IC l' lUI{'-o n J '11111.Aliol' 111 u "lwe· la'I WI l'k It WIJ' 1111' r11 1>l lln\l• I l 'Vl'I lnl-d .1nytli1111-1 llk1· lh.11 Tiii' ...... u1 lly J)f'llJlh•, und1•1 the 1·111·ur11 .. 1um1·'· w1 ·1t· v1·1 y 1111·1 Thc·v dul 11ul try to hu1111liuh· 11w. 111111 1111 1 h111 lo(t·i. w1•11· p• e·llM'<J Hut l Will\ ui.kt'!I Ill .. lj.(I\ "llllllf' ptip1·1 K I hut Will 1>41 kc•pt on 1111· '" 1111 · 1'11111' t '1111 v11u It II 111•· luiw l1111g th11<1 .. J)t1p1·1s w•ll s 111v 111 111111 1111 ·,·1 Will I 1·v1•1 IJ4· .11Jl1 · 111 llv1• J11wn tlw ,1i.111w·• I ~1·1 "" k 111 111\• i.lum.11 Ii 1•v1•1 y lime· I 1l1111k of 11 I w.1n1 1111111• 111 .. n :inytl1111u lo h•vc· o d1·.111 fl•('lll d M111u·y 1:. v1•r y 11ght, liul that 1s 1111 l'Xt·u~· C11r wt111t I d11t l'h•<1i-1· g1 v1· mt· the· :1nswc·r" I rw<•d 1>0 J t•an 1(1•1 a 111Hl1t '., .. 11·<·p A111t 11'11 yout 1t·t1dl'lt1 who Jll' lllll.,ld!•llllg dOlllJt thl'> llUnll>i•I lh<1l ll 0l> tllH w1111h II LESSON l.EAHN~:o IN Mlt'lllGAN l>car Learned: II no <:barges were pressed, you do not huvl' a "rc<'ord." J doubt thal anyone will ever see those riles un lc101 you a re caught again. The reason the~ keep reC'ords Is to determine II there Is prior hi story. And now a wo rd to those who may be rllrtlng with the idea of shoplifting -or who have done IC ( without being caught. A clean reputation ls your most va luabk as c t. l>on't ~oil It. //uw llltll'h t/11 y uu k1111w ;i/111111 1x1I, 1v!(·t1111C', LSI> .. •/><'t·d. l'('JJ. U/JJx•1·., :111cl clow11<•r.~. gluc· iJnd h1 •r11//I " /\n · :ill 1111"" • c/1 u1,:., dtmgc·n 1u!i'1 Gl'I Ann· /j ;i111lt•r,,' 11/l-r1t•w huukli-1. "Thl' Lowdown on /Jop<' .. Fur <'iJt·h l>ook ll'I orcl<·n-d. send $2 00 plu.~ a l<mJ:, !it•ll .1ddw-.. .... 'll c·/l\'1•/u1x · (,'J7 c'<'lll.h µ<1.,tag<') to Ann L.1111/t•r.'. 1-' () Bo.\ I IHY5. Chl<"'f(O. /JI 606/ I LID O DRUGS The decision ovt•rturncd a long- sLandmg policy of tht· Internal Ht•vt•nut· Ser vac•c. It could make 11 far <.'aSll'r for 'parents to take advantage• of a tax c.n·d11 o't as much as $1,440 a year to help orfsl'l child-care cosl<> so thc.•y ean hold a ,1ob , "If the disputed expense was incu rred lht• l'Xpenses rc•ndl'rc.•d for h is carc.• to w1ththt'dominantpurposc ofpcrm~il~li~n~~'.._~~q~u:t~1l~if~y_:,:fo:r~th~e'.....:..cr~c~~~i~1 .~"~l~h~e~co:::::u:r~t~h:~~'l:d~·~.L:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Monday, October 4, 1982 ARIE S tMarch -'.l 1-Aprll 19): You'n· gwen chance lo prove that your pe t theorlC's work. F unding will be available. This 1s your power -play day. me~ning th at liming, judgmt'nt and financial. maneuver s a re o n target. Cancer, Capricorn individuals play imporwnt roles. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You'll strikt' chord of universal appeal' People· will bl• fascinated by what you say and do -chan'\ma a nd charm dominate personal sc·C'nano You'll rt'<.·e1v<' credll long overdue -ind1v1dual you aided an past wants lo mak«: up for previous negle<:l. GEMINI (May 2 1-Jum• 20). F.mphas1s o n dandestine arrangemt•nLc;, hospital visit , ability to gel lo h eart or matters Light will be· sh<'d on areas previou sly cloaked in darknes!>. You'll make unusual contac~. you 'll encounter d ynam1<.· people with origmal Ideas and courage of <.'Onv1clmn.-.. CANCER (June 2 1-July 22). Follow through on first impressions learn by teaching. Wish 1s futcilled in unorthodox m anner. Persons dose to you tend lo demand atlenlion and they pull m more Lhan one d irc<:tion simullllneously. Anothc.•r Dnc.'Cr and an Aquarian play key roles. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Promises made by those an positions of autho rity may not hold water. Know 1t. reach beyond current hm1tat1ons Be> versat ile e nough to pr~t your own mtcrPsts. Focus al.so on career. bu•ess pressure. challe nge.\ w illingness to mak e necessary changes m poha1es. -" VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Family m<'mber discusses possible journey. Focus on d iplomacy. lan guage and fact that distance 1s no longer a barrier. Plans are afoot to visit individual "across the water." You 'll be askl.>d to revise, review and r~buHd on more suitable structure LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Focus on change, tritvel. va~ty and a realist.Jc accounting. Review profession al standards of one who would associate o/fth you. Dig beneath su perficial indications. get to h~arl of matters and obtain promiSt.'S in writing . . ; SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2 1 )· Emphasis o n pttrtnership. special agreement, w1lhngncss t.o make Cdmpromfae without dc.>scrting prim1pks fo'<x·us on merital status, pubhl· relations, IC'gal rights and permissions. Money m form of advanet• paym1•1H or rqyaJty becomes part or sc.-enano. : SAGITTAR IUS (Nov 22-DN· 2 1). Ddinc.• tc,,s:ms. realize basic issurs canno t Ix· ignored or ~unted. Ernphruiis al:K> on charisma. p<.'rsonality, ability to "close a d~al " by making personal apj>earance. Member of opposite sc-x 1s attracted. bd'l rears you r p urpose is opposll<' or "M>nous .. .• : CAPRICOR N (Dec 22-Jan 19). S t1c.·k to basic Issues -keep objectives in fcx:us You'll have ~rtunity lo p romote your own S<'<.'unty Young •• ~rsons find your conct'pts viwl. promising and •>«:itln,. You cou ld be a surprlst> winn('r. Watch ~r . ., AQUAlUUS (Jan. 20-F<'b. 18): Dc•al r<>ully was ~pleted less than nanc days ago y()u find 11 dIJficult to accept. Focus on pubhc relations. ability to'handle truculent Individuals. Going back to pas1 wdJ not prove ~natructive. Palh aotually hos been cleared for future progress. •· PISCES (Feb. 10-M arc.·h 20 >: Personal maanc tiam .flow s : po wers o f pc.•rsuasion arc ~lshtened. You get your wish and you 'll Ix> in "control" o f belllcose indlvldual Call or vl11l t domJnatff unusual, cxcaling scenario. ftom:mtlc' • fiJittode ta part ol wish fulfillmcnl Helpp~~ DIPICTI , When you buy any or these Items at our reglllar low price you get another or the same Item absolutely FREE! Ice Cream Cones Ice Cream Sundaes C•l"Vel~ Banana Berge® Carvel® Thick Shake•® Thick Sh•k• Float• Ice Cream Sod•• Flo•ta ~t,j·-·· rt lrtCI with thla coupon When you buy any or these Items at our regular low price you get another or the same item ~bsolutely FREE! IATILLITE UNIT OPEN FROM 11AM-IPM MON.-FAI. , too "'*""'°" llACH (IOUTM) ................ , .. ..,. ... (9,..., UllTAMA =~-==(llWM*I (?U) 11t ... m IWOw .. ===--....... °""' (114) 114-4111 (114) -.an (714)Mt 1111 I '°"MOM INPOlllATION ON THI AVAILAILITY OP CltOICI LOCATIOMI .. OMNGI, RIV~ WO 6 IM llRNMDllO COUN'ftll: u · · Would you llke tO JOI'! WATCH'°" .. LOCATIONI ~ IOON: our ,,....,. tamlty of. ••wail G~-1toreOWMr.1 • ., ' •• 0 R A 0 A T SECTION OF THE ORANGE COAST J)AILY PILOT ( ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 198t The Irish J' influence Pure Irish linen blouses go perfectly with the Country L9oks of Fali '82 sportswear. Lace, tucks, embroidery and crocheting on the blouses result In a ·soft feminine look to mix with pants and skirts. Skirts are narrower. Important looks are the lightweight blends In a straight line, the tapered down full skirt and the buttoned down nautical style. Soft challis skirts wlll go sporty o.r as dressy as the companion pieces selected. In slacks look for flannels styled softer than last year. Cuffed, straight -leg& In a..varlaty allengths, full or cropped at the -ankles are big fashion winners. The softer, feminine look In blouses can also be seen In sweaters, staples In the fall wardrobe. Blends of wool and cotton are made for Southern California. Embroidery Is popular as a trim anp tapestry brings out the Americana primitive look . Thigh-length sweaters are lean and the cardigans can take the place of a jacket. And jackets go to any length -choose the one that's most flattering for you . Check for the Chatham and the unstructured look of the smoking jacket. Boots are stronger than ever for '82. Last year's flat heels go slightly higher and Into the wedge and stiletto. Team them with dresses and skirts making sure the hemline covers the boot top or tuck pant tops Into the boot. Boots come In a variety of leathers -from soft buttery to suede. To cover the Country Look top your selections with a dashing plaid cape or an oversized shawl. Try draping the shawl over the shoulder and across the back and tuck the front Into a belt. Fall looks are colored In strong black along with the earth tones of brown, burgundy and navy . • Actress Anni Long, now appearing in the South Coast Repertory production of 'All in Favour Said No '; written by Irish Playwright , BemardF~U. ' , \ I \ J Orange Collt DAILY PILOl / Sunday, October 3, 1982 Pheromone bagg8d up and ready fqr Christmas By VIOA Oi'~AN D.it, f'Uot 9"111J lclllOf .. In lh1• at1l'll •rll <l.1 y-.. 1111lv 11r1st111·rnl'V .mtl till' high prh~l l'Uuld offiinl tu UM' J>t-•rfu1111:i; Today tlw l'oun 11·r:-. und i-twlv1°b of fl·r t• vunety of ~·l·nt:-. that un· w1th19 lhl' f11wnd11 l rl'och of ulrnost cvC'ryom• Rl'(.'<.1n1ly. I bt"<.·um\.1 owur1· of a fro~rum·l• and It's not o nt•w Ont.'. having ht•t•n around lor a fl•w yt•;,irs, Ph1•mmorw from Murilyn M1glin T h t• slury gOl'S thut M<Jrilyn <•nd lwr h usband truvclL'<.I to Euypl tu c·xamirw anl·t£>nl pcr£umt· rt'<.'IJX'S inSt·ribc.•d on lht• walls 11f the tombs. T bc•y n•turnt'CI tu Nl•w York, ond w ith ser vi<:cs ()( a "nose" (pcdunlt.'r), bk·nd t'li that knowh.-dg1• wtth modern S('ll·nt1f1l' 11'<.·hnology and l'rcal<•tJ Ph1•rmnorw Th1•y 1111nh111t•d ran., pun· 01b and t hl' "ri1ll'sl ah~olult•s'l £rom uruuntJ tht• world jmm111w flowt·rs. Tonka 1•x trnt•l and orange· blossorm. an• ::.111111· qJ llw 175 0<1lunil 1ngrt•dwnts 11 takC's to mJkt• Ph<'mmo1w As I ~11cl it's not m·w . hul what Marilyn u; do111~ w11h 11 fur Chrr:-.1111a:-. Thi• $~50-an-uum·t· pt·rl UllW will bt• in a Russian :-.ahlt• :-.huuldt•r bag the µn1·1· w ill lx.' $750. Tht· pc.•rfunw l'onws 1n u hand blo wn t·rystal flat"Un from Pot:hl'l. d('l>rgiwcJ in lhc :-.hapc of a classrl' olx·h!-.k I l 1i. nestll-d in a Yelvt·t box lined wllh st•nsuous Frl'nl'h silk. The. subll• bug 1s about frvt• 1m:hl':-. wide and four im·ht·~ det:p. Sounds SCf'nl.s<Jlionul! If you don't wa nt to go lhe sable bug routine. Pheromone does c•ome m euu de parfum $15 £or ~ ounce oil, $15 ha lf oum'l' and colognt'. $20 for two ounres A white linen a nd lace blouse b y Cloak o f Many Colors se ts off the Glo ria Sachs black velvet sa mple r j acket a nd Ba rry Bricken pinstripe wra p skirt worn by Anni Long. Her leather boots a re b y Barefoot Original a nd the bla ck and white tripe a nd check wool ca pe scarf is a n Echo. V D ~ • In tlw last f1•w monllis, 1>11111t• 1ww fruHrance:-. huvt• JOi1wd thl· olcJ1c•i. but l(uodrt'I> {Jll th t· pt·rfume shclVl'!I Jal·q ul'11nl' Col·hrnn has rntrudul.'t.'d a Cragram·t•' l'n'oll'CJ by ~·ulptrcs.-. N1k1 dt• Saint Holle a nd It bt•ur'l! hl'r ntlmt· NJk1 s:.iys s hl· t'l'l'Ull•d this pl·rfunit· for hl•rst•lf. "I wuntl'Cl 1l lo ~'Xpn·ss tht• fan ws 1t•s und t•rulldSll) whlc:h rs my lift• und work. Now I share 11 with you Thl• ingh•dwnts an• a m1xtun• of funtaslrt· flu wl•rs a lnt,. o l s un the amusemt·nt of the serpC'nt!-. llw myi..t111Ul' of thl· moon and i.turs, anrl u dash of lovl· " Wow' A1·tuully it l'Onlains a bll·nd uf wuody. st•m1-orientul St'l'nls plu!-. u dash of marigold, tuberose a nd muguet des bo1s m1Xl-d with green noles and a 11ttle sandalwood :rnd putt·houli spiked w ith ambc•r and musk. The fragrance is contarnl•d in a ~·ulpture dt'Signed by Niki. The boult· is cobalt blut· with a motif of two intertwined iwrpt•n ls. T he: male serpent is gold while the fomale 1s br1lliuntly rolon..>d. Pnl't'S range from $16.50 to $160 And another artist , Ennc:o Donati, pn.•s1dent ... . ... . . • \ ~ . ' .: \. . . . .. . . . .... 0.-,,... ~.,Gery....,_ Anni Long' ensemble of Calvin Kle in's navy sweater and wool ble nd pants look g reat worn with natural brown knee boots b y Barefoot Originals and a white fringed wool scarf and wool beret. (Fashions from Bullocks Wils hire) Anni 'happy being an I actress By VIDA DEAN . ofttte Deify ~t lleff When Annr Long was 5 years old , she dreamed one 'day she would bl-a ,ballerina . .so she took ballet lessons At 11 , she was given a violin. and in her dreams she became a concert v1ohnlst. Then, at 14, lt was back lO dancing lessons, but this time she would be a member or a famous chorus line. Fina lly, she became Involved In h igh school dramatics, and the impressionable Anni was hooked for good. S he knew she wanted lO be an actress. Today, Anni Long. n vivacious 29, is In her eighth season a l South Coast Repertory Theatre, currently playing the role o( Joan in t he production of "All in Favour Said No!" "AU the tralnin_g as a don<:er. musician and the high school dramaucs have served me well ," Anni says. "I w as always an extrovert. No one cl!!e in my family ls a n actor although my mother could have been ," she gestures dra matically as 11he points out proudJy her famJly'a artl.1tlc potential. "My father Is a phy11lcla n , a nd a lso a very good artist and a photographer . My siswr is very creative, but she iA qult.e happy being a mother and a housewife. Mc . rm terribly happy being an ACtreM." After finish ing hig h achool, An ni atte nded College of Marin for a year before cntertng the tnlnlna program at tho Amcrkian Conservatory -n..t.er In S8n Franclaco. That's wherf' t h e met he r hus band , Ron Bouaeon. a rounding lll(!mbt>r of SCR who played . ' the ti tie role In last year's p roduction "The Elephant Man." Whe n she met Ron In S a n F ra ncisco. he persuadl'<f her to come to Orange County. T hey have been married five years. "I am ao fortuna te lO be at SCR." she bu bbl~ with e>ecitcmenl, explaining that she has been able to have a lmost stead y employm ent at the Costa Mesa theater. "I have worked more in the last 10 years than moet , nnd here It ls like a family wo rking together." rtlltJ 111..1\(1 Ul..lt.'ll ll "'UI " VI.I' l.A.ll•g ...... 1 il'll to an actor? "1 can't imagine ma rriage to a ny other pcl'900. We are good ror eoch other. We arc supportive of one another. H one Is having dlfftculty wlt-h 1 role, we can diacust It ond we understand wh•H the ot her Is going through ... no, I just can't lm"glnc Jile married to anyone else." Anni and Ron live about three block.M from the theater ln an apartment whore she MY• they share household duUes. "IC I'm in a production and he is not, he takes over a t ho me." · During th<' four Wl'<'ks ot rc heanu.als before a productlon. it's an eight-hour duy for Anni at the theat.cr, but whf'n thP Ahow begins. Anni arrives at th~ theater •bout 30 m inutes befo~ curualn lime. She Utet that time to get Into her character and then a ppllea her ow n makeup. Jn the curre nt production , the re la very little make-u p . S he requlrw a bit of ar•Ak' on the t~ btcaWlt' her role H Anni, P .. r C3 P ackaged for holiday cason and l0ha1rman of the board of Houb1gunt. has lTt'att·d a new fragrunC'C, R;.1ff111et" ll 1s mac.It· and pal·kagC'd in Frann• and wa:-. rntrodut·<."CI rn L'urly S1.•ptcmbe r Ill the• U.S. Haffinc·e t·umbines two theml'S, th<· florul and th(• oriental T wo h undred ingrcd1(•nts rndudrng. JnsminC', rOSl·S und hyac inth ore rntl·rtwined with other fl orab, sp1cc•s, hcrus. lll!'!'llM' 1111d KUlld11l w1.1od :·J Tlw bottll· l'l'•1wn1.'d h y •• lu111cl polr11ht'tl j.(ltJ~ "'"l>IJO'r . 11. dc·i.i~rn'<I 111 i.udi :.t way thJ t ... ~d(•ftl 'h1•t1th wh1d1 f l'llllH'lt ll lh ll•fl ('(•l(•d Ill th.0: JX•rfu1m· muk1ng lht· hollle M'<.'m lrglllt'tl Ii urn w1 1h111 l'rK·t-s an· from $11J UJ $7~> And 111 N11v1•rnh1•r', J\v111~ ~Ill Ix-rntrodut·1ng ' 11 fr11~r·um·1· l11sp11 <·d by 1"1t·n<'h c 11u1urwr u1u111 f'\·rnud 1 t'H Funtnsqut· Avon laund1l•d till' btth · c1f Funl<iSt1Ul· tn Eur•iJ>l' in Ol·t.ub<:r 1981 II 111 p1 odut <·d m f'1 :..11H· ,111d 1~ 111 u JN bl<i<:k trwn~ulur glw •. -. Husk wrlh bhal'k unrl gold puckaging, 11rrg111a lly c:oncl'iVt'<f by F1•ench p:.ickagl· dt'titgnL•r Jm:qut'S Florenlll. C.:ulognl' lb pn 1·cd ut $22 with 5 ounc:c purtum at $42 ll'i. baS<'d cm ~mdnlh'P' blossoms i.urroundt'<.I by othl·r l'Olorful flor<Jb 1 Al]d ll•l 'i. n!Jt furgl·t tht· mt•n Os<:ar df:' !At· lho ntu. fu!!hron· und fragnant·t· dt·111g nl'r, If rntr1Jdul·rng lh rt•t· nt·w Pour L u i prod ut·ts. Tht•n •'s a Frt•m·h m1lll'd wap. anlipcrspirunt/ d1•1.ldoram V1talt· and a Uik Vun lt• In add1trrm to hr-> Pour Lui lll•ms. cu11tomcn1 t•;111 pr<:k up al tht· S<.rml· l'uurHcr a folder listing frVl· fast rt•v1tul1:wtion "<»wrdsci;" designed for • thl• rn:in un th1· go. T hc.·y t·•m bt• usc.'CJ to help hll\1 r!'lax and refresh him rn hrs lravels and hec·tic d:iy-to-day S(·ht-dulc OS<::..r i.uy:.. ''Thetie ment.al and p hysical t•xc.>rl'IJ;CS a rc· qu1Le simple A man t·a n do them q uk kly and c:ome away feeling n·luxC'd . refr'°t1ht.'Cl and l'l'<:hargPd ." Two of them arc a memory jogger a nd how lo fight five o'c:loc:k fatigue. Now. how about the l><lmt· thing for lhe woman on the go or maybe we could borrow them from the man m our hfe. Meetings galore . going PATIENCE W RI G H T Chapter of the Daughtl•rs of th<• Amcrit:an Hl•volutaon will m<'Cl ()(:t. 5 a t I I .:JO a m at the• Hotl•I Laguna to hear a d1 sl·uss10n of c·nergy and computc·rs For rC'SC'rvat1ons, cull 494-4071 NEWPOHT HARBOR Panhcllcnrc mc·mlx·rs will hear about "The Growing Powl•r of the MC'd1a," Oc-t. 6 al 10 a .m . in the G lendale Ft>deral Savings building. 100 Newport Centt•r Drive For rl'M'•rvauons, t·all 956-9.!00 . ACAC I A REB E KAH L odgC'· 1:31 4 1n Jl untrngton 84.'at·h will gat hN Oct. 8 at thl· Ma:.onic Tl·mpll'. 601 Pa lm Av<• at tt p.m to greC'l Adonna Chesm•y. prc·sid en t of tht· Rt•bl·kah ASS('mbly of California For rcscrvataons, call 846-0283~ ASSISTANCE LEAGUE o f Laguna Bcac•h will meet Oct 6 at 12·30 pm at t hl' c:haplcr house. For informallon. <:all 4~J!:l -4006. NEWCOMERS OF NEWPORT Beach wiU hold its monthly ml'C'ting Ot1. 6 al 10 am. For location and reservations. c·all 720-0639 or 675-1683. VOLUNTEER lupport March of Dim .. Give to lavelables THfS P ACE COHTAll UT[O IY THE l'Ull15"fll MOTHERS' CLUB O F Pr &ta Phi soromy at USC will host a "Day at lhc Rat-es," Ocl 9 at the· Sant.a Anrta rat't' track For rt'l>C'rvallons. call (213) 930-0370 · IMAGE WORKS of Nc•wport Beac:h will prl'!>t.>nl a seminar and modc·lln}:; of the ,laU.>Sl fall fas hion:-. ul a conllncnLal brl'akfast OCt. 9 al 9 · a.m. al Nl'iman Marcus. For reservauons lO the • $12.50 affair. call 955-3464 · f'OUNTAIN VALLEY NEWCOMERS CLUB mt•mlx-rs w ill mel'l Oct 6 at 11 a.m ill the llunt111gton Bcal·h Inn, 2 1112 Pac rfll' Coasl Hig h way rn Huntington &al·h . For reservations lo lht..' fash ion show. call 963-3665 or 775-3589 QUEEN O F H E AR TS Gui l d o f the Chtld rt•ns Hospital of Orange County will hold •an invitational golf tournamen t at El Niguel Country Club m Laguna Niguel Ot·t. 8. Entry ft'<.· for the noon ~ve n t is $1 50. w hich is lax deductible and includes luncheon. refreshments, pr1ws, carts. green fees and a dinner dance for two. For in formauon. call 495-1486 ., ... ' SALE! UP TO 50 % A VING I.ill-of Fruw·t'. <.:l r tlons and Lih Chi11c.•-<' f;1111>roitlcred /,ounf!t'HC'ilr. <:0 11 11 .. c~ Hobe .... 1'\I t t,I,_. •• I 11t• ci:!t/?!!t'!? L /J.1((/k//lt' :!'::.!/ t:Bst Coa~t ll1gbna1. Corunu cl1•l Msr h;'3.o074 COME SEE THE MOST DEAUTIFUL OIRISTMAS STORE IN THE WON.DI I ,. fie ,. . ,. Woll !hough the doon. . you1 ~ nonspoMd IO o land ol enchant· "'*"· . O "f~". Yoo'• SH K<nS of lollfsNy decor<Jled ""$. ~ of llny light$. o wtld ~ of cobl. JfOlybook <:tooaen come ollv9 In happy onlmollon N'td, ol coorw. our .fril'ld4:>0<1GAr'ICl onoy o1 ChriJfmOS ~ and d«Cfotlol o "°4TI mor. !hon 60 eoutllMt ol it. wrotld WiJt ®riginal CtrJtristmas &tort Fashion lsl11nd -N~wport Beach (Across from Brooks BrotMrs) 759-0535 Open Monday thru Satu_.y 10 'til 6; Sundays 11 :•ii S Op~nlng Saturday, Octob~r 9 Int~ City Shopping C~n~r -Or~ '· Trying the cheese and pate . . . Floss Schumacher, Wally and Gini Benne tt and Ed Schumacher at MS be nefit. · •I I • . Richard Browne of Newporl Beach had lhe lucky lick et now wife Laura has a S7 ,200 Revillon fur. • MS benefit successful splash . By VIDA DEAN Ofllle Delly Hot ltan Our hat is off to the supporte rs or the Multip le Sclerosis Society. Orange County c hapte r and the Nl•wporter Resort. wh1t:h dom1u:tJ food and liquor for th<.• benefit. was echoed by Mari ly n Hausman. rib eye with wine sauec und assorted petite desserts. Planning the party designed to put fun bac k i n t o fund ruisi ng were Hausman, Schumacher, Carol Campbell, Valley Re illy, Mabel Allred, J o Kelly, Marnie Recd, Jan Taylor, Louise Ewing, Marcia Cashion, Shirlee Guggenheim and Barbara Bowie. Months were spent on arrangcments for the gala rundra1ser. "Rendt·zvous Under the Palms" to be he ld on the p oolside te rrace and surroundi ng gardens at the Newporter ·wherc there are 600 exotic palm trees. On the day or the event the rain was coming down and the group went in to action . New plans w e re made and executed in five hours. Canopies were put up and the party was set up in the Monte Carlo ballroom. . Floss S chumacher explai n ed the situation to the 475 attending and said "We feel at home in the Monte Carlo room. We've had so many good parties he re." Her prai se of the Newporter. Hausman also thanked Saks Firth Avt•nue. South Coast Plaza for providing fashions an "Th<.' American Designer Co l lt•ct1 o n " s h o w and d o n a ting a Rt•villon fur. valued at $7,200. The short ram·h mink was worn home by Laura Browne, Her husband, Richard, held the lucky ticket Hausman also introduced Marie Gray and her daughte r Kelly of St. John who awarded a cu~tom-designed full-length gown. valued at $500, to lucky Carol Vail o f Ir v ine . The dress was created exdusively for Saks and tht• MS benefit by Marie Guests dant.'t'd. to the mus1e of Henry Rrandon 's 17 • p1ec:.'e orchestra and dined on a sumptuous buffet of assorted salads, poal·hed salmon, medallions or lobster, roast marinated filet of beef. roast veal Ot h er p a rt ygoers in c lud ed Congr~an Robert and Anne Badham, the Michael Gerings, Beth Koch, the D o nald K arc h e rs, No r a and H al Le hman. K itty and Hal Leslie, Rick Livingston (he's manager of Saks), Diane and Harry Rinke r, Bob Gray. Ed Schumacher, Richard Ha usman, Billur Wallerich (Saks fashion C.'OOrdlnalOr), the Albert Geigeles, the Hans LinhardlS, the Tom Haleys. Gene Summers, chairman of the Newporter board, J oe ·woodard, the Ncwportcr's preside nt and Leah Marshall, general manager. the cover . Actress Anni Long captures the Irish look wearing a Gloria Sachs t•halhs skirt, Cloak of Many Colors line n blouse and a Suttles and Seaweek calico vest. The ensemble is accessorized with an Anne Kle m wine sut-dt· belt, a hand carved cameo broach (can be wom as a pendant), Eclisse burgundy walking shtx-s and a knit burgundy beret. Fashions arc from Bullocks Wilshire coordinated by Shelley Uitzetter. Photographe r: Gary Ambrose. Daily Pilo t staff. . Annie long, actress From Page C2 is tha t of an Irish factory worker. Although centered around the theater, Anni explained she and Ron try to balance their lives. ''We have friends who are not in the theater, and we do enjoy cooking. We realJy get into il. We will pt out the cookbooks, and if, say, we're into Greek culaine , w e may cook all d ay. It's a very good outlet," she explained. Anni also writes music. "I have a guitar.'' she •id, "and also, I am Into crafts and I like to w ork out at a spa which I can do at least three times a week during a production. This makes up Cor reheanal time when there is no time for exercising. And what of A.nnJ's future? "I'm doing it now," she cried. "I'm d oing exacily whal'I want to do right now! Do you know how many actorw are without work?" She did confe. she did a commercial for TV, explaining many actors tum to commercials for wan\ of other work. "The money la good.'' she said, "but I Uke the stage. I respond to the a udience. This ls my Ille and my future." "All In Favour Said No!" runs through Oct. 17 at &CR. EARN AND LEARNI Deliver the Illy Piii Call 642·4321 C•ll 642-5678. Put • few word• to work tor ou. Cosmetics • Make-Up Facial Skin Care· Waxing Conaultationa Hall' Styling Mankures SllhTapa Pedlcure1 Scalp Treatments Eledrolyala MUIM#lt! Just in time Three times a yea r New York Saks Fifth A venue assem bl es an American Designer Collectio n . Th e pol/ec ti o n s a r e sh o wn around the country at all Saks s t o r es. Th e fall g roup was a t the South Co<:1st P laza store in time for the Multiple Sclerosis bene fit held at the Newporter. Vincent Knoll, corpo rate buyer in charge of the collectio n , attended the party and presented Fall '82 styles. l1&11Cwt?lila 3333 Brl1tol Stteec Cotta Me•. C.alif. 92626 (114)5'& .. ......,..----~ ------.!..--- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8und1y, October 3, 1H2 Congressman Robe rt Badham (left), and wife, Ann,e, chat with Newporter president Joe Woodorcj. NBC was at the MS fundraiscr to televise Badham in their series ~eaml)aigning for the Candidate.' o.., ..... ,......,, a.tea ..... : Arriving at the Newporter are (from left ) Marie and Bob Gray with daughter, Kelly .. --------- GOLD IN THE BEST OF FASHION. Nothi.ng matches the beauty of our nne1y crafted 14 karat yellow gold jewelry. For example -our fashionably detailed bracelets. Worn singly or in pairs. these bracelets will be a welcome addition to any woman's Jewell)' wardrobe. Priced from $175. to $485. Bailey Banks&Biddle World RMC>wrutd Jew~lers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST Pl.AZA, COSTA MBSA ''"' 1-wl, Bullpck'e .nnr. (114> 761·6'40 l . --~ I I I l I I ! I I I I Orange OoHt DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Ootober 3, 1082 Coty award winner likes refinement Antelope s ued e golf jac ke t by Banks is lined with Fair Isle knit. His cotton poplin ·down filled coot in lodc n, · 'right, is spiced with paprika lining. Jt'I I rt•y B1111k11. l'l'tl•nt w11111t•1' of tht• 1Ta·nsw1·ur 11wurd prc:1w nlNI u 1 till' C:o t y Am 1:ril'lll1 Fu11hmn C:r1 l1c.:11 ('l'rt.'O"ony In Nt•w York. 111 u fond bullovt•t In rdin1.•mt•n1. lf n suit Is Clunncl, it Is cashmcn• flunnc•I. If a tit· Is silk, h 111 silk oxford doth. (( u sht•llund swc at1 •r 111 l'ublcd, il Is brush 1.·tl und c.:obk'Cl a nd mmci> in 18 1.·olurs. F.wr ything 8(.'l'ln11 to huw u klnci of gt'nll'PI, almost vinLUgl' quality. Color ii; lhrl.'Udl'<I through &11k1,' t"Olll'(:t1un Fobnc. w hic h u l first glunn· looks w htl, turns uut lo bi.· a mix u ( :lO yurns V1brnnl thrcuds of tc.•a l, Jude and plum tran s fo rm lht· tt·xtun· of a lalll'rsall d)t•c:k· mlo a lTUs ty I turns Twt·l'<.l And this st'USOll, Banks brtngs um:k a l'Ulll(l' of bruwns from l'ht~tnut to ru!>Sl•t to u11 Jn~h Coffl't· SpurtM.·out~ ur1.• workt·d 111 1nt11t·u11: 1ww wu ys: Banks t·n·alt·~ n t•w p<1llt·1 n1111( w11h striping, h rokt•ll ht•rringhont·~. la~··~ a suutlt· Prin<·c• of Walt·~ (.;l1·n tir4uhart plaid and ovC'rpla1tb 11 w ith (·ohH trnnng~ o f l1·al. luvl•fldl•r and rui.t Trou~·rs art· trt•utt·d lo t·ol111 . t<JCJ Th<• vest turns up as u vt•rsallll· s phrtswt•ar Ut'C.'l'S.'Wry, Crom lamb sut•dt• to Dorwgal twt'l'<I Id o uterwear t•ovt·r~ th<• ground from J l'OUnlr y: Soft untt'loµt· ~ul•dc · gulf J:.H'kt•ts w knlllc>d Fair lslt· ll111ngs. an in~uJu 1t·d jackl't wit h l'Ollon 1x1plin ' l>t·~ignt~r Jt•ffrt·y Hu nk~ "Nobod y lll't•ds mt• tor hmm· dothing," s.1y~ thl· ltt yt·ur old d1·s1gm•1, who wai. ;1t Hob1nson·~ f'a~h1on Island rN:t•ntly "Th;11's what Brooks Ornthc·r~ •~ fcir and tlll'y «ah't 1>4.· lwat for v:.ilut• But what·~ n11ss111.15 1s :.1y l1., a sort o f upM·a lt• fl :.11r 11·~ :.ill a qut-sllon of n •f11w n1t•11t thl· twst quallly fahn<.·~. tht· Ulll'X JW«ll•d color~. ;1 l't•rt.u1n k111d of t·dgl' J eff r cy Banks a ntiquc-stript•d ro c h t•rring bon c jacke t ove r a 'Fa ir-Isle swt:'u tcrvest in p ule rosP, tu upe, mauve und nwlon, u windowpurw-cht•c kc d shirt, tuupt• flunrwl trousers. A Weeksworth of N-M. Stanley Marcus in person, with hfs new book. He'll be aut<~raphmg copies of his latest book, His ~ Hers: The Fan· tasy World <l!. the Neiman-Marcus Catalogue (Viking, 25.00J, Tuesday from noon to 1:30 m The Station- ers. No one knows the legend better or tells 1t better -you 'II be captivated. The Furs of Neiman-Marcus, all of Claude Montana's fall, only at N-M. Fnday and Saturday -a special showmg of our Claude Montana fur collection. M any one-of-a- kmd. ours exclusively. Montana fashions fur the same way he fashions apparel -innovative m color, cut and detail. Innovative, penodl The Fur Salon. 'I R.S.V.P, also means a cookbook (14.95) Recipes gathered by the Junior League, proceeds (Sept 29 - Oct. 5) to go to Jun/Or League of Newport Harbour Extra accent, our N-M exclusive apron, 14.00. RS. V.P. recipe tasting at N-M : each October Saturday and Sunday except the 30th. from 11 to 3 m The Epicure Shop. Sliver with a name -the ones on your gift list. We have a new raised letter style to personaltze a silver plate neck· lace, 19.00; bracelet, 22.50; key ring, 28. 00. Three from a collec- tion mcludmg bookmarks, letter openers, money cltps and more. Ster/mg silver, 32. 00 to 54. 00. Pnces mclude monogrammmg; allow 3 w eeks for deltvery. Accessones. r Our Christmas Glories Shop is open! Fantasy! Origma/1ty' Unusual decorations (as you'd expect from N -M) to touch a Chnstmas tree or to use lavishly around the house. Collector's pieces and many to wrap as gtfts. Weeks fly, so choose early. Second Level. I ' I I I I I ·! I I I ' I I I ol ., '• •• ' • , ' J i . . Orange Co11t OAIL V PILQT /Sunday. October 3, 1982 Cl \ EPCOT Disney's dream a reality Paradise now By STAN DE LAPLANE KAANAPALI. Ma ui -"I love a pretty Maw girl. She lives m Wa1kapu . . A warm blue morning on the island of Maui. .The Hawaiian sun and I are just° getting up. A bunch of mynah birds are chattering under the coco palms. The hibiscus are 9Ca rlet and gold bells. Plumeria trees a re burstin g with a thousand ivory flowers. Th e ground be low them Is carpeted with Callen blossoms. The sea 1s mother-of -pearl silver . making hu&h-hush sounds as it laps on the sandy beach. A few whipped-cream clouds float in the morning sky. Condominiums are s prouting like mush rooms between the palm trc.>cs. (Stop that hamml'rlng, blMt It! Don't you know this ls paradise?) It'• dry on this side of lhe Island Peopk whQ find other paria of Hownii aomewhat humid ore In heaven he re. and heaven (for heaven 's sake) i11 being developed. ''The first was Sheraton ," 18ld an llland hotel man. ''They put In the flnit hotel at K.aanapaJJ bnch. 'fhe one you tee that goes down the aide of a dlff. So that you check In and take the elev•tor DOWN to your room. . "II. dJdn'l take Othert long to~ what a paradltt thlt la -one of the BEST beachet. Lahalna town iJ a quaint old wha le r'• por t . Sunsh in e a nd dry weather. and 1 good I Wt' p of cane land letUna the trade wind blow. "So now we've got Hilton, Hyatt. Marriott. Travclodge. "mfac. and ao or more other hotels competln1 with condOI for COUrll\ buckt." About I o'clock we ,et a puff of wind . A l'\Mtte ln the palm f~ 'nte trad wind la ronUnl up The IN turns mtrfne blf.M". i'he lll"lt Uno or upr·whlt(> aurf rillel on the ... and the .urf ers ~ out ~ rnieet I\. The 1Un lt bf11ht as a sc>ld cotn In a By PAT Lt:ISN~f\ A•eoc ... .O ,, ... Writ•• OHLANIX), 1"111 T tw 1<:1114'1 Town 111 11 ~toul''" 1h1 ow I 1111ll .i Shrntu :;lirlrw Ar\ At.l~-t· pyn11111d hurd1•1 i. till' Gul11t1 tu llw l"urlJlddl'n City ul Ct.mu \ Amid \.._•111rnl J<'l11r1cla 11.w11111p t.•ubbaije. dv1hn 1t11111" fr11111 uppusll1• 1•11cls or 11!1• f~1rth rll41• xidc· by i.uh• l11 u Wall Dhml')' 1•xll uvuu1rn:w t•11ll1•d ~:PClYI' whh·h OJ>1.•1wd l"ridny. Tht> U('runym 1ctu ncJ11 ror i<;')(.r)l'rtmt·nt11I Prototypt· Crn111mmlty of To111111Tow . u hi 1111111 dollnr 1•r1•atlo11 ot µIUHtk'. !llt't·I and lrrtal.(lnotlun offt•rinJ( 11 tl'lp uruund thl• world 111 1.2 mll<.•s. El'C:CYI' C<•111cr 1s D11im·y's b1gl(t·st and mo!'t umu1twui. u11clt•rlakin~ II ''"''nmpaNsl•i. two th<.•mt'<l M<'llS on 11 l50-ocrc• lr<ll't al Woll Oum1•y World. Th1•1 i"s World ShoWl'ibl' w1 th puvtl1on~ rcpr1'i>t!nt111g mm· l'Ollnlnt•i., indudinij tht· Umtt·d State.'!>, set around o 45-at'l'l' mun-made lagoon. And thl·rl'·i. Fu1ur1..· World. wh<.•rt• u shimm1..·nng glotM:, HI stonl'!> high. M:rVt'l> r1s a gull-way w d1iiplay the ffi UfVl·ls or Aml'rn:a n SCl('lll'(' and rndui.try "WP w:i11l lt1 g1v1 • a l1•1•ltng to pt'liµlt• whu havt.•11't Sl't.'11 llll'i.l' plt1t 1•s tlwt tht.·y urt.• right thc r<.·."· sayl'> U1t.·k Nuni!t, 50-yt•ur old pn'S1d<.·nt of Wall 01srwy World "And for thoM· who h11v1· bc<'n tht•rt.·.·Wt.· wont tht.·m to rt't.ogrn:u· 11." In onl' d:.iy. v1s1tors cun shan• 1n Gt·rmany'h Oktul.X'rfl·sl. ~impll• f<.'ltU('<'in(· from Honw, feast on ('rl'p<.'s 111 u bistro. or sip a pint in a pub us lh<.·y wandt.•r through tht· <:ullun•s of Europe,· the• lt•mpll's of th<· Orit.•nt. lhl' a n cit.•nt ruins o r M<'Xll'O and tht· wond<:rs or Norlh America. Allhough th1• purk opc.·nh to the· public this week. formal cll'lht·~1tlun ccn •monic•s un · not until ON. 22-24. Cre ws l<iborcd round-tht.•-d1x·k shafts in the fina l wct·ks With u spr;,iy ~un tht·y a~wd tht.· C him·i;c pavalaun 's T1•mpll' o f H cav£•n by ccnlunt·s in tht.• f<.•w hours IL ll>t>k tht> pa int c·omJ>Ound tu dry. El<.-c·tr1c1nns strugglt'd wath mil~ of thick blut.•k ·t'O<ltc·d cables In the dark. a cra m.• hoai.t•-d a palm trl''-' 1n10 plat't'. In 10 hours. 100 trl'C'S had h<'<•n planwd and :m.ooo foc i of sod put m plan• From gruundbn:oking thrt'<.' yeurs ago. no expense was spdred Arllsans duplicated Old World mas t e rs Engineers c r ea ted a-ncl programmed 450 r obots Film c r ('ws wc-n• shipJX'CI to JO t•uunlrat>S in two years Costs more than doubled from the in1t1al projection or $400 m1lhon as tht· projc'<.·1 took shape. .EPCOT is billed a.-; Walt D1sm·y·s "grC'att:st dream." his lt·gat·y. But would Disney rt'<"Ogn1w his dream today? Disney himself t•n v1swn1..·d EPCOT as a "community of toniurrow that will n<'Vl'r be· C.'Omplelt.'CI" · a work an~ city w1lh a m ntrolle<l population or 20.000 pc:rmam•nt rc-s1dt•nts H is dream was o r a t·1ty that didn't sl<.'<.'p. a place lo ~ constantly updalt'd to show<.·u:;t• the innovativC' · Walt Dasnt>y daed m 1966. And when th<.· dream-maker dwd. thC' dream lx•gan Cadang His brother . Roy, made th<.• de<:1s1on to move -ahead w ith tht.• Florida projc.-cl and livc.'<l through complct10n of the first phase tht• Magic Kingdom 1lw1111• p;:irk. w alh on -sat<.· hotl·ls "It w as dc'Cadt.od lo stnrt wath what we knew how to do best build tht' Mag1t Kingdom and expand into a vacation resort area We'd tackle EPCOT latc•r." <•x plains C harlie Ridgway, a D1sn<'y spokt~man Dasnt'Y u Htt·tall'> says EPCOT rc•pr~nts th1• conn:pt!> W;,h D1s1wy l'l->p<1u:-. .. d ;,i plat·c· to show off rww 1dPas and ~·mphasaw t<"<:hnologu-s "It d1wsn't 114.X'<""-";irdv hav t" to lw a l'l\V Whl'rt• JX'l.lplt· lavt• rx·rmant. .. ntly:· nddl-. Hadgw..iy ··Evt•t;yorw ha!> has own 1d1·u or what Wa lt m<'.lllt An<l EPCOT has lh<' potential to a<.'<·tlmplti.h what he.• had m mmd I don't thank anyont.• ft·t·ls a.shanwd at what W<''vt• durw . On lhC' t•ontrarv ·· 01hnt•y~i,, pniudt'sl <•l·h1l·vc·nwnt 1s Ame ncun Advt.•nturl'. whcrt.· ;J:I 1tnima\l'd lifl' Ilk<> fag urt .. >s tro<.·1..· :1;,o y1..•nr.-of h1st1)ry from the l;rncling uf tlw Mayfluw1•r through lht· span· agt• But it's not h1stury from th(' l>l'111pt'Cl1Ve or gr<'llt lt•adt•ll-> F11r t•xampll'. Vnllc·y Forgl· comt-s to hf1 • thr11ugh tht' foot:.old1t'rs who suffc•n -d on thC' frut<'ll oo t t Id aelds being developed MAUt, HAWAII Kamehameha I, the strong Hawaiian king who united all the islands, established his throne on Maui in 1802, and tried to arbitrate the differences between the puritanical New Eflglond missionaries and the wlld whalers who were interested in trading iron nails for island love. His succeuors found it horder and harder to do -in 18.59, 549 whaling ships visited the capitol port of Lahaina , full of sailors looking for o rip·rooring good time on shore. "Maui no ko ol," soy the locals. "Moui is the best." Climote's less humid than o ther islands. The beoche1 ore superb. And it's more relaxed from frantic Waikiki. blue sky. a nd the c~o polm fro nd1 stream out. poinUna tM windy woy for aaihng ships. Condominium bullders art' rushing to cxrrclsc their bufldlng permits 'SOme of the ne~ condos being built ore in the $300,000 to 5500,000 p r'lce range, ond because they're not selllng, p eople con rent them for between $7.5 and $16.5 a day -and that Includes a car qnd mold service.' permlu t hot to0n Ntplre. "h 1• «'lther bultd now. or eo throuah the permit procett epln.'' tililcl the hOtel man. "and permlt11 nt-1ett1n1 harder to r am throuah the ,....... emnmlaalon." selling like banana p a ncak<.>s I h n t m<.>an s great rental opportunitrl"S for us all P eter Henz. presid e nt of San Frnnc1sco 'a Crea ti ve L c 1s ur.C' Corporation, holds lhe keys to o\'l'r 4.000 t·ondos that are for r1•nt all uvt•1 th<' Hawaiian I!ilands. "Some of the new rondos bc.'ing built ar c 111 the $300,000 to $500,000 pm·l· range." he says, "and bc<:auSC' thcy·rl' not .s<•lling. peo ple cnn re nt thc•m for between $75 and $165 a day -and that Include!' a car and maid service ' "A luxurious penthouse at the· Sond.~ o f Kahana. has $2~.00 0 wort h o f furnishings In lt. It con accommodatl' six people for $165 a day that's only $27.5-0 rx·r duy. per ~nion -Whl•r(' C'IS<' cnn you llv1· In luxury for that kind of money?" Each c·ondo has a full k1tch<>n Creative L<'lsurC'· hM ult its condo inventory in a computt•r Tht• muchincs tell you where to s t.oy with kldi. Wh1•rt• to play l('nnls. Golf. Give you information on th<' condos ncurl'!lt thr1 sailing clubes Tht•y have a brochur.-. Write• Crcutiv L<'lturc. 1280 Columbus Avt'nut>. San Francl!ICO, CA 94133. A.sit for "Privacy In PoradhK•" 'rht• rond tu HnM on ·tht• Monti of Mnul wtt~ hullt by ronvlct lnb<>r. and whnt thC' bulldera wcrC' convtclc-d of wns upset ting the morol rear mam<'nl lold down b y mlaslonarit'll in 1820. Boys who fooll'Ct a round wl\h girts w"rc 1hippt-d uvtl'f' to. Moul t.0 build rt>0d11. When you drlvt' to Han1, you ure riding on o road laid by m'*hav1or. Thh• praciJ~ IOOn fell Into discard OthcrwlM the whole Island would be 1uperhl1hway. Vis itors walk lwncuth the S pact>ship Earth gcosphere al EPl:OT Cente r Thl' mul'>t fanwd D1-;nl'y chara<.·tcr, Mickey MuUM'. and has p<tl" will remain &t thP Magic Krngdom. 2 1 , mtlc·s a wuy Thl·rc w ill bt- d1ffcr<.·nt character~ <1t EPCO'f g1an1 dolls in el h na<: cl ress A s leek monorail system will ferry crowds betw('{'n the two sit<.'!. at the 27.000-acr e vacation r esort outs ide Orlando At the foot or the monor ail 1s Futur(' World with its I 80-foot geosphcre. Inside is Spaceship Earth. a journey through 40,000 years from caveman to satellites to demonstrate that man survived on earth because of his ability to <.'Ommunacate. Dinosaurs a nd st•a monsters await at the UnivC'rS<· of Enrrgy. where visitors search for (•nergy SOUl'l'l'S Ill flights OVC'r tht.· Al&s kan papt'hnl'. tht• 011 rigi. of the North Sea. Niagara Falls and tht· windmills o f Holland a!> sc·cnes appear on a 2 10-d egrt'l' screen . Singing vegelablcs h elp tell the story of farming from the horse and plow to plants that grow without soil in lhe 5 1"1-ac re land pavilion . A restau rant revolves around a b ackdro p o f jungles, locust swarms and prame f1r<.-s. dt:picting hostile environme nts man had to t-onquer before he could farm. And a t J ourney min imagina tion. vas ators m <.'l'l Dn•urnfmdt·r and his s1dek1ck. Frgment, who SC't atx1u1 gathl•rmg dreams. rainbows and SUOSt'lS &fon• E.PCOT up<·nl-d. mon.• than 6 mllhon JX'Oplc• hacf a pt't.·k throug h o prt!vicw cente r which up1•1a tC'd fo1 I ii m onths, fl·aturing a I 7 -mmutt• f aim -;h11wlll~ bits and p1('('CS of the pro)l••"t F'ur Sam Wild(-. lw.. wife· J ean and thc•1r d;iu~htn, all I mm Rt·\'(•rly. Mass. th<' prt·vww wa" l'm1ugh tu t•rllu't' tlwm bal·k to Florida W1 ldl'. who ll'> 111 the data rommunicataons fwld with N1 ·w Engl;,ind T<'lephonc-. says hl''s f;11n1lt;ir with t·omputt-ri. a nd what can h<· dom• "Rut Lill' Vl!>ltln h1·ri· IS C:int•lStll'," hf' S<ltd. Karl Ausdl ul J al'ksonvtlll' S<'t'S EPCOT as a way "f1Jr pt>t1plt· tu gc•t out of thc•ar ba<:k y<1rds and s t·<· llw Ntl1· H1 vN. th t' E1ffrl Tow1•r, the pynurnd~ and n ·aliZl' tht·n ··l'> j h1~ worlcf out t ht•t'<' .. LJ1sm·y pt'r.,onrwl t'XJX't't that H mlll1on to 9 m 11l1un ll4 '11plt· will v1s11 EPCOT thl· first yt:ar S<mw l:i 1111ll11m tourt'<I tlw Mngrc Kingdom las t year We are proud to present the 1982 Fall Collection by Fernando Pena A collection that epitomizes glamour, elegcf nce and sophistication in evening wear and daytime suits. Monday, October 4 through Wedn esday, October 6. Meet the designer In person and enjoy the Informal modeling from noon to 3:00 p.m. In our Designer Salon, upper level. .South Coast Plaza ( &caUM ~ monty ii lllht Ind lnlL'rl'lt ratA.'11 h&«h. thele rondol lltt not But con1tructlon still aoa on ·-thl~ u~ for the \:JMefll ol Ulurlat.1. And boy• "*' 11rl1 c.'OW"tely of tht-tocta~ dlr('(!tors of the bia hotels. South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristo/ Street, Costa Mess Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOT /8).lnday, October 3, 1982 '\ Traveling the Amtrak way to the city by the bay By PAT NEISS~ll Amtrak'i. 1ww doultl1· cl1-t·k1·d 1mpl·rl1m·r 11' ready und wa1t111g tu t ru11!'lflU1't you and yc>ur fum ily in stylt• unywht:f'l' you'd llkl· to go. All k inds of t·xt•ursions 1.ir1: offon·d Sunu.· 1nclutJ1: hotl'ls and HU1d1• st•rvil""" such all a trip tu San S imeon. Otht•nt urt• duy or ov('rn1ght trips tu such plat'OS as Y08t.'ll'lth · and or San Olcgo with 8to~ inp tWt't.'n. A~rak will take.• you lltToss the• t'Ountry. ur alor1g'""thc Pacific Ol.'l.!a11 north to Sun Frunc•1&'0, Seattle, or poinlli th<'r<'tn. From the L..os Angcll>s Union Swtion, you have two choit..'<.>S: Thl' night trnm (Spirit of California) leaving at 8:25 und arriving in San Fruncisco the following morning at 7: 15, or tht• Coast Starlight. leaving at 10: 15 a .m . and arT1ving in San Judy Petsonk and Stephen Eisdorfer settle in their kayak (right) to start a six-day trip into the wilderness of G lacier Bay. Litu ya Boy t below) is just one of the areas ~isited by kaya k travelers. l"ru1w1M't1 ,11 H ~!\ p 111 Tt.11. t1 .1111 M••1•11 11n tu St•111tlc· 111 tlll' Cuy1•1 of tlw i.h't'l.Htll.( t•urs 11rt· rm•k!i to Ul'l'otn1111xl11tt· lu~gu~t· thul yuu do not IH'l'd in your lx•droorn. rnomt•ltt· or 1·oud1 11t•at ()11 tlll' l11w1•r floor an· two l11l'Kl' lwclr1111m8, 11111' for l111t1d11·11111wd fJlllilil'll~l·rs, 1 lw utlll'f' '"'' rwn1ll('l1. If you want lo rclux un a duy trip ur gl·l t1 Sood nigh t's slC'c.'p oil ull ovt•rnil(h t, u ruomt•ltt• 1s your answer. This l'ornpur1nwnl 18 utmost too cozy with its l'Urlainlod w1ntJow11, fudng sl•ats and u pull-out wblt" Tht· dclu>w l:x'Clroom has all lht• luxuries of a f1rsl-das.s hotel room. al lt•:ss l'X p<msiVl' rat.c'S. Tht• loungl' l'<trs an· upholstl•rt•d 111 desl•rt colors, with l'omfortablt• i;w1vl!l l'hu1ri. in the 11IJl4(•rvu 1111n <kc.•k fo'or bur M•r v 1<.'t'. yuu "" bl'low 0 1 lttl(llt~ htK'k nwm11111'!. 111 bygo1w duyi. un· th<> w1•ll de11l g n1•tl J111111u 1·11r11 Although bn·ukfu:.t a nd lum·h 1111pk1ni; an• p11p1•r, th1• w1hl1 •i. un· l'<)Vt·rt'<.l with 1.·n -1p lttwn und t·<•nll·nod w ith • fn•sh !111w1•r·11 M f• U I s 11 rt• 1111 JI 1· 11 v 1 n (( . u n cl p l'l l' I.! i. u r 1.· '\ rcasonublc. Comf>ll'tl' or u la cul'tl' 11wuls ur<' nvallubll'. u11 wol us Wint'. u good ll<'ll'Ctlon of ~l"SSerti; ond m ixed drinks. Coll(·hcs arc comfor t.ublc, an improv1•nwnl ov1.·r car:. or yort'. ThC' ~·Ul.S r<.oelirw, a nd the foot rt•sts cr<.•atc a bed-like fccltng. Snacks an·d soft and hard drinks art• uvailablt• in the lounge, so a passenger dcx;:;n't havi· lCI go w the dining t.•ur unless he wants a full m<.•al A trip to San f'rnnc1st:o h. u S<.•l•mc W0Qlldl•r H.1t·1nu 1.11011g 1111 • t·uui.t you l .Jll w1Ht h 1lw i..·.J ui. J(ulh, tiiko • 11Cf 111 ll1J(lll 111 d1 v1· fnt f1,h ••h tht· - whllt• t'UJ>'i :1111111-h llJ<lllll-;I 1tw t ltff.., An11rak haic :1 lioukll'l tl1·ta1lan~ 1·1111.,t.11 MMltl' yuu wlll pasi., with 111111111 lt'lol r..t1·n ·111·1.., and 11 mup Oxnard: S~1nt;1 lbrb11rn, !:>a11 Lu1i. Ob111po, Salmus, Sa11 .JUM'. at1d 1111•11 y11u 'n • 111 Oukland, wht-n• you tr11ns h•1 lu 11 IJu.., for S 1111 l"r/l llt'l!'ll'll · Sun frant'li.t·u h:" i.1111ll'tl1111g f111 l'Vl·ry•mto, from i.111all inns tu lul gt• h11tc·l1-'1'111111o 11( 1111' 11rl'11 und 1nt11w1111·1·011111ry. 111 ;1 ho;1t t11p 111 Aln.1traz ;.1rt• JUhl a ft•W of tli1· opt11111o; Amtruk 1.·:H) .111 .11llo(t• t•1u 1" t•1 i.1111w u1untry from SatTt1m1•1 1t1J. 0 11kl.111d 111 S:1n fo'r .11KtM~1 Put N1·1~1·r 1., '/'1.11·1·/ l•:tl1t1J1 ol 01.111>w Cn<J!>I nlitJtilZl/11 • • Touring Alaska by kayak can be hairy experience EDITOR 'S NOTE It must have se<..•mNf a most alluring v:.ication idea, to tak(• 11 kayak trip in Glacier Bay. Alaska. And instc•ad it. was a m emor able onL· although som e o f t hC' memories are a bit SC'ary. c·vc>n in rc>lrOSpc<'t. An "out-of-shape" Eastern reporter deSC'ribes the adventure, irs bC'auty and exhilaration. danger and discomfort. By JUDY PETSONK Cemct.n. H.J., Covri.t-Poet JUNEAU. Alaska Th<' waler al the foot of the glacier wac; two degrees above freezing If we fell in we'd have six minutes to hve. The skull of a mountain goat rested beside a pile of drred wolf dung. and clumps of d owny white goal hair were strewn over a 30-foot area Bearpnnts tore moist dark holes in the thick mat of underbrush "It isn't w1Jdcmcss unless there's something out lherl' that can kill you." we h ad been told on th<' fu-st lt•g of our Alaska vacauon. Yet there WC' w cr<'. two out -o f-shape Eastern ers, finding this tr<'k into the barren fjords of Alaska both manageable and fun. We had s igned up for a six-day kayak trip an Glad<'r ·Bay, west of Juneau on the downqard-pointang "thumb" of the Alaska Panhandle. There were five on the trap: a nurse and a teach er from Minnesota. a lawyer and a reporter from Philadelphia, and our guide , Judy Brake!. who g rew u p in the Alaska fishing town of Petersburg. Float -planes dropped us on a narrow rock beach, 50 miles into the w1ldt.>rnC'ss from the village of Gustavus. We had three wnts, two gas stoves the si?.e 9£ coffee mugs. and several canvas MCk.s full of numbered wood<'n p1e<'CS that we were to assembl<' mto kayaks The boats were Gennan K lcppers. designed IO that each wooden rib and f11JOrboard section mapped. tongue and groove, into IL'i neighbor. and the w hole fitted neatly into a canvas shell Flotation devices on each side t'Ould be inflated like 17-foot balloons. Foot pedals ronn«tcd to a rudder for steering. None of WI had been in a kayak before. Our guide gave a quick demonstration of the paddle s troke, and we launc hed Into a world o r muted Hght , drab gr~n water, and sheer gray clif(s scoured out by the massive• weight of the glaciers. It is a world of hovering eagles and scream ing gulls, of fat and curious S(lals on floating icebe rgs a nd or otter s s k imming notlelcssly through the water. tn alx days we aaw not on <' r usty tin can, not o n e scra p o f pa per n ot o ne h uman fact' or footprint other tnan our ow n. We could drink from every glacie r-fed uream that snaked down tM rocky clfff1. There wt1..-ct.ys w hen the clouds, wrapped Ilk~ ucota around the jagged thro;»tt or t hr mounwna, hung IO low that they h id cv n the diltanl 1ie.mer which brought tourl~ta One.'(' 8 'Bed and breakfast' comes to Alaska By JUDY PETSONK C•mden Cour,.r-Poet ANCHOHAGE "Stay With a Friend." adv1st~ tht• cht~rful voice on thl' Alaskan c•nd of the l<.·k·phont.• "Stay With a Fric•nd" t!> tht· official namt! or thC' Anchorag<> bed a nd brcakrast orgamzataon Bed a nd breakfas t programs sprang up as rapidly as the state's famous wildflowers this summ<'r tn Alaska's largest l'tl1cs F or Alas kans, it's a way to bring 1n a few dollars and to break the Far North 1solat1on with nt>w fac.'<.>S from "outside" - what Alaskans n1ll tht• r<-st of th<' Unttl'CI Stales. TravC'l ers who U!>t' this n('lwork of privat1.' hom<'s can makt' some dent in the high l'OSl of a trip to our north<'rnmost sta te. but B-and -Bs a rc morr import.ant as a way to met't somr of the s tate's most outgoing residents and W havc tht· comfort and convenience of home w h llC' trave ling The cost or a night'11 lodging and a homecooked brcakfust rangt'S from $25 to $50 for a room with a double bed at B-and-B homes in A laska, while hotel and mote l rates ran~e from $45 (rare) to $90. The Anchorage Trave•Jodge ($72) and Hilton 1$70) are typical; their rat<.>s do not 1ndudc· break fast. Bathrooms i n bed and brc·akfast homes are gen erally s h an•d with t he family But there are inta ngibles t h at co mpensate for that s mall inconvenience. In Juneau , our host got up at 5:30 am to cook breakfast and take us to the airport in Lime for an ear ly flight In An c h o r age, our hos t ess o fft.rcd to cook a home ba k <'d dinner of salmon she had caught. Hosts were lively, interesting. and f raE'nd I y. and off ercd ins1gh ts into the proud indepC'ndencC' of those who have chosen to live in Alaska. In Fairbanks, a town of 22,000 whc·rc do w ntown l s a hodgepodge of log cabins. tall t·ont·rl'te m olels and l!JiOs honky-tonk saloons, W<.' stayed two blocks from the center of town in a cozy log c abin overhung with trees and flowers. Our host~. Laved1 Lafferty. a t a l l woman who wore her graying waist-length hair in a ponytail, had h ved for years in a cab i n just outside Mc K inley Park, had traveled in the Far East. and had d ecid<.>d to become a bl>d and breakfast hostess after s taying in guest homes in England and Scotland Th<' bed, with a fluffy blue spread. looked a bit lumpy but was comfort.able Breakfast was a stack of hotcakes with baron. In Anc horage. a s prawhng trac·t-homc and shoppmg-l·c•nwr l'lty o r I n .ooo. Wt th a h arbor ant.I v11.·wi. of lovl•ly mounuuns on all s1dc-s. Wl' staycod in a spacious b1 - Jc•v(' I. Our hns t<•ss. Margar<'l Karvagll'y. a travel agent and v1ohnis t wi t h th e• Anchorage symphony, had worked as an akohol1sm counselor, socwl programs administrator and po l1c·y adviaN wi t h various governmenta l agenl'ies. H e r husband, Oscar, Is one of two Alas kan represC'ntatives to the In u 1 t (Eskimo) C1 n ·u m polar ConfC'rcnce. day to S<.>e. through binoculars, nt what we were seeing face to foet> But this world was far from silent The glaciers. whkh flowed Ilk<' broad rivers of white 1C-e through mounuun clefts to the sea. thunderc.-d us they shifted inwardly. At th<' 11ea's edge, they sheared off in blue and white cliCfs h undreds of feel high, streaked with the black of pulvt'riuod rock11 Massive Ice art·hways and towers splashed into the water. like castles rollapalng We µaddled only about two hours that fu~l day b<>for<! getting n cl()S('u p of our first glacit'r A trio of weathered cabins. wallpapt'red m 1930s Montgomery Ward cal.81og~. still held the rusty bed p rings and m ining paraph ernalia o f a hu!4band and wlfo prospector tC!am who had au mmered o n this bar ren spit of land for 32 years Tht> ptarmigan. a w lldernc.'9A chicken too dumb to h ide. cluckNJ busily 11bout o tlower gotd ·n Iona 10~ w ild. Our kayaks were <.•xt-cptlon111ly st.ablt-, tru~ty httlc> crcaturC's. But clO!!e t.<> 1'hurt>, n big wnvc triggc>red by fallin g Ice could 11wnmp th l•m ogoms t rocks. H w were beached for lunc h when we heard tht• lee thundl'r. we would dash to the kayaks, and paddle• nose first Into the wave. lccb<>rg~. whit<' m1 bone, robin's egg blue. or grimy g roy with ground·u r rock. W{•rQ anothrr hamrd. W<>athrr hod l'tlrV<.'<: them Into oll sort..os of fancifu l 11hop('tl. Und(•rnt3lh. suit wal('r nlbbh..od When th • center of grevlty sh ifted. ll 30· or 60·toot b<>rg would Auctdcnl y fli p. endangerlns nHtby crti ft. - ThC' hand . covert'<I by glBCi<'r only, 50 years before•, was bare rock. with small pock<'la of silt. a few hardy grasses and wlldflowcni. ond one Improbable! cluster of sprue'l'll, plan ted by th<' prospccto.111. Our guJdc ahow t-d us edible 1raAACS. which wc gut hMcd for salad And o 11autccd vegetable. h wH not u ntil t he fifth nlght tha t wu found a bit of d riftwood and built a lire. We kept th<' flrt' mall M> that It would not 1t't>n:h rocks. We lt>arned tha t even the rare rock bt"aches where wc camped were arudging &lftl of the g lad<'r . Except where fn('l\lng atttams depolited allt and broken rock, tht' c:llfl1 d ropptd 1tral1ht down 111to th1· wau•r 1n cit plh:-. lll I.20CJ ft-t·t It ra1nc•d al lc•:i>;I p;ort ur t·vt•rv cJav We-Wt·rt· snug in ra1ni.u1t!>, wuol sh11 t .ind pants, and kn<'l'·high ~ulo~hl·~. 11ur gt·1.ir wrupµt-d in flasu,· bags On tht• walt•r, rain only nmd1• ui. fl'l' more of a part or this world. On land. WI' huddled under rock OVl'rhangs. o u r tt•nts, or a tarp suspcndt-d from fJV(' paddlc·s We plann<'d our dayi. to thl' rhythm of the t1dC'. wh1C'h m uld lT<'i.'P a hundr<'<l yardi. up a be<11:h. w1p1ng out .1 t·ampi.tll·. or m.1kt• paddling twtt'f' a:. hard On our longt"l't duy. W<' b.1llll'<I th1• t1dt• 13 mtll'S up a 'IX'l'l.11.·ular ftngn or thl· bay fl-cl by seven al'ltVC' ~lac·1t•ri.. dodging 1<·c· f10t•!>, while curious s<'ab and porpms<·i. splns ht·d nearby AnothN day we l'ros.o:;C'd the• swift c·urrc•nt of an undt•rwatc-r· glat·ial strl'.im Som<'tlmt·s WI' t·ould drift ulmost <'ffortlei:.sly. tr<in11g tht• l'OlKlt•i. flight, a nd watt·hing tht' oystt•rt'<t ll'ht•ri., with the•ir blal·k bod 1C's and 11uts1?C· oranRl' billi. s k1tt t•r . squ<1wk1nl(. at'rrJ:-." the· watl'r It w.ai, on tht~ last duv th:11 the• vai.t lonl'ltnC'SS of thl• bay n•all y namo homt• It wa. ... a lx.•auuful morning, a short c·asy paddle. with tht' sun sli cing throui;ih i;usp<'ndc•d s ht•t•ts o f morning mis t . Wt• bc·nc·hC'd by I . h;id uur kayaks d1sassC'mbkd by 2. and dC'splle ti deC'pl•ning dr1zzlt'. had ttml' to c•n.)Oy a qu1c·k lunc·h . Tht> float pla1ws Wt•rc• suppose'<! to p11 . .'k us up nt 3. By th<'n. 1t was raintng quite• hard. und the fog was th11.•k and low. WI' turn<'d our we t foe<'S toward the douds and llstt'lll'd for a distant drom: The planc•s didn't l'OllW At 4 o'd ock. tl was raining hl•twily. a nd the tide had 1..'0mt• up so mu<'h that our hllll• beach had hnlf d1sapp1.·arro It was JUSl past thl· summer solst1t't'. a nd nonnally the sky was bright until midnight. But now thl' plll!d·up douds WNe making 1t dork . WC' spread the tarp owr us and read aloud: Indian ll'li(l'nds of the blly. talt'S of intN'p1d John Muir. w ho fell 11110 o crcvrulS(' full of wotcr while ~xploring these:> gloc1C'rs. and dt'<.'lor1.'tl only thnt tht' Icy bath curt'<i his bronc:hlto1 At 5, we be-gun to look fur o cnn1ps1te. Tide would llOOn ('OVl'r th<' l.k•ach. All arou nd was swam p or dl'n~· thil'ket Wt• 8pr<'nd thl• tents on thrt.'c mall pmc:he. of w1ldflowc111 l·lmi1tlg to t hC' top of n !IOll·ll'ss shuk It wns aftur ti. whl'l1 0 111• plane burst th rough thl' fog and d rop1x-d onto thl' wott•r n~r the hcach. 'I'ht• M.n>M plane hod lflcd lWil'l' to make it through. tmd was fort d to lul'n buck. We flew buck low, n<'nrly skating undt•r t hl' fog, joking th61t we• could ldt•ntlfy wll<lfl11w1·~ from t ht· wlnduw 'Our plnnl' c-ould hold only four ~ ·ngc" We leCt o ur gu ide a\andlng on tht-bcoc·h aurroundrd by sack• of tll'IU. lt wu two mor«' days btCorr a pilot wu abfo to go In a nd at>t h«>r. DlllJ Piiat Tl1c lrvi1u• l11tlu lriul --.. Co111111 ,. x hu what ii ~ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 108~ lukt•s lo bring bu i11es BUSINESS OUTLOOK 0 3-5 to Io w n . . Se(• Bu 'incs STOCKS 06-7 """ Outluuh, Page D.1. Bankruptcy upswing: Sign of a , sick economy Personal petitions up, fiscal laxity blamed By KAREN E . KLEIN oftM Oeltr '"°' llatt Dick and H1to Wc•tsi. knc•w tht>y wt•rt• tn trouble in late 1979 That's whc•n thl· booming t'OUnly rt•al t'SUite market Rtt.a hod bt't•n so suc't'\.'8Sful in began to slow down. Tht• c:ouplc's 1nl'omc dropped drast1cally Their spending did not. Rita had lx't.•n t•armng $50,000 to $60.000 <.1 year an r ea l c•s t atc·. und with Dtc:k's $30,000-a -yeur salary from his .)Ob a:. a i.chuol . psychiatn st they Wl'rt.' dotng well. • Dick and R1U1 Weiss (not their n ·al name) lived well c•nough lo drive Cad11lat-s and BMWs. Well l'nough lo buy nl'w furniture and homl' en teriainment l.'qU1pmenl, and c:harge 1t all on their many cn.'Ciil cards Bu t w ht•n Rita's 1m·omc bc•l·ami: almost non -existent, they didn't know how lo slop spending. Not until thl'Y owt•d $:j2,000 on about 19 credit cards. By that time 1.)wy had no c:hoicl· but to fill' a petition for 1x•rson:.i l bonkruplt'y. S11ll'l' Ot:tobN IH71J. wht·n u n •v1:1t<tl h-<ll•f'll) bu11k1 uµu·y p 11l1t·y wa11 an1t1atl•d , l<:go l tlet'111ru1111n11 of p<•rsonul insolvt.•nl'Y huvt· 1m·rc·aM 'll Jrumutll'olly In 1979, 2;:J55 t'8st'8 or Chapt, .. r 7 , or srn1plc, l11mkrupu·y Wl'rt' fill-d with tlw Orunge County oHtl·t-of the U S Runkruptc·y Court. ln 198 I. the numbN rust• ll.1 :i,203 Chaptt.•r 1:1 bankrupll'll>S, wlm:h rl'<ju1re th<' dl•htor to puy bac·k his <.'rl'<.h toni on a redut-ed payrm·nl plan St·l up by tht• l'OUrt. we.mt from 499 111 IYl:IO to 1:165 tn 191:11 F1gurl·s for 19Ki prom1st•i. to far surpass thus•· Why tht• 111t-rc•a1>t.•'! Cut I Lindquist . pn•s1d1.•nt or Cunsunwr C1t·d11 Counsl'lors of Orangl• County, Inc·. c1wd tht· mun• h·nit'nl b;mkruptt·y law as th<· caialyst fm tht· incr<•aSl~ "It's t·as1c•r now. Slnt'(: lht· law d1ang t•d ," hl· said l , Thl· 1978 Ft.·dPra I Bankrupt.t·y Rl'form Act f'l•plan·d a bankrupu·y law dating back w the JUth t•t·ntury. Undt•r thl• rdor ml-d law, someone who gol's bankrupt no longer hru> to give up all has assc·L>i to pay back his debts Now . a bankrupt m<ty claim $7,000 in t·xc·mpt1ons from bank at.'t.'OUnts, tax refunds, and stock and bonds. lie-is a lso able to keep much of his pc·rsonal properly. The word bunkrupll'Y u sed to be synonymous with c•mb<.lrrussmC'nt. famtl>: ~haml' and personal ruin. Now, the lc•gal aellon has become commo nph.1l'l', l'Ven c:h1c, soml' say An estimated 6,000 p<>rscmal bankruptc:y at·tions will be hied in Orange· County this year. It also has lx'<.'OmC' a problem of increasing concern to t'Onsuml•rs and creditors ahke. Dally "lo' l"holo br Chaflff StMr Crt•dit counselors have simple advice for cons umer s overburdened All that may bl' l'Omforting , but most t.lt:btors wouldn't havt• to worry about going IJankrupl at all tf plasllt· mont•y wasn't so widely <ivatlabl<' and so tc•mpt111g. Lindquist plac·c-d much of the blame for the inc·n ·aSl' in bankruptt'l<'S on the l-red1t card syslt·m 1n genl'n1I Creditors. likl· retail l'ompanics and loan agencies, are claiming large IOS...'it'S in revenues due to lhl' s k yrockl'llng bankruptcy rates nationwide. by debt&: Ge t rid of the plastic money. lurm ol h1ghc·r inlt'n'Sl ralt'l> on c·rc.-dll t·ards. said Wmfi~ld Payne·. ,rn Urangt• County allorm·y who handl<>s :ffo und 40 bankruplt:y<'ast'S a month But the bottom line 1s that c:rc-d1tors pass their bankrupt<:y IOSS<.-s on to t'Onsume rs in thl' "I am paying for m y dll'nts' bankrupll'll'S," Pay ne s aid Bec-a USl' companies r o utinely Asians untapped market New bank, S&L to cate r to n eed s of Vietnam re fugees By PHIL SNEIOERMAN Of the Dallr Piiot Slaff Two financial instilut1c..1•s are being formc·d 1n West Orang<' County with an e ye toward se rving the a rea 's l arge population o f Southeast As ian r e fugees a n d t he gro wing number of As.Ian businesses. De lta Savings a nd L oan Associatio n opens Monday . United American Bank plans to start doing business in Decemlx>r. Both financial institutions are locat ed on Bo lsa Ave nue in Westminster in an area where many A s ian businesses are clustered Off1c1als at both 1nst1lut1ons say they w ill not restrict their business to Asian c·ustoml•rs. but will o ffer ser vices. su ch as bilingual tellC'rs, to help refugee custo mers ovcrc:omC' languagt• and cultural differences. "This, to my knowk't.lgc, 1s the first joint venture bet wee n Vietnamese and Caucasians 1n Ill United American Bank DELTA SAVINGS A"6D LDAN -"!.."OOC.IAT10N opened about 650 bustnt'SS('S m th<.' county. he said "Our needs are no d1fff'rc•n\ from anyone else's," Trank1l•m s aid . "But because o f c ommunication and cultural d1ffe rl'nces. a savings and loan should be designed to S<'rvc thc"S<· spl'(·1al n<'eds " Addc·d Ba ima , "Th(· bottom linl' 1s that De lta will be a commumty-oncnted institution. n ot a Victnamest' savings and loan. It will offer all types or s I' r v 1 ct• s. w 1 l h a pa rt 1 t· u I a r intC'r cst in s erving th e Vlf'tnamesc· c·ommumtv h«:-ausc· "Because of communication and cultura l differ e nces, a savings a nd loan should be design ed to serve the e specia l needs." the Umted States in forming a savings and loan ." said Dallas Baima. a H untington Be ach resident who lS prc:.1dC'nt or [)(.'Jta Savings Chief exe<.·uttve offu..'<'r or [)(.'lta is Luu Trank1l'm , a Onl'-t1ml' executive w tth the.· Central &nk of Vietnam who left that nauon tn 1975. He now 1s chairman of the mark et in g education de partment at Cal S tale Los Angell's and llvl'S in New port Beac:h. Trankiem said there an• about 500,000 Vietnamese in the• United Stat.es. He said Orange County, with 65,000 r <'fugces livin g primarily in Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Westminster and Santa Ana. has the nation's largest concentration. Vietnamese immigrants hove• no one else ls. "This 1s not merely lx·ing done a:. a community service We art• also busma<;m;n, and we reallw thcrs 1s a lrt'mc·ndous untapp<-d market" T o servC' this ma rket, Delta will hire b1hngual c mployt'C'S. advc•rt1sc 1n Vietnamese newspapers. prmt brochur<.'S and passbooks in V1elnaml'St· and o ffer s pec ia l 1nternat1 onal banking services. Delta's vault also will Include 3,000 safely deposit boxes that wtl l be availa ble f ree t o customers. Trankiem said many refugees have converted their savings to gold or jewelry and nCC'd a secure place to keep tht'S4.' items. A more long-term goal will be to promote ronfidencl' m th<' Institution. so that refugees will . M-1 money supply growth Billions.of dollars 430 irwt•st in s<.ivtngs act'01.mts. About $2 mi llion worth of s to<.·k in Dt•l w hus l:>N>n sold prior to op<•m ng Dt•lta s tot·kholdl·r s arc a roughly l'Vt•n m1X of Cau<.·asians and V1c·lna mesl' The savings and l oan also h as l'r ca tcd a 45-membc-r advisory board made up of Vietnamese and Caucasian hus1m~ ll·udt•rs Trankll'm ac·knowll'dged that i.omt• Caucasian residents of Orange Coun t y rest.•nl t h e rt·fugl·<·~ who havt' setlll'd lcJt:ally Som<.• o( this animosity, h<' s.ucl. 1i. baS<'d on unfounded rumor~ that lht• n<'wc·omers have rt'( 1·1vt'<.1 spc'<·1:1l trc•atmc•nt from lhl' govl·rnmc·nl in starling loC'al bU'>tn!~'>C.·io. Jfr twltt•vt•s tht• b1c·ultura l i.;1vtng~ and hran can h<'lp ease this wn~1on Onl' md1 t•at ion that !Jdta's apprm.1l·h may Ix· timely. he· s:i1d. 1s that the S & L was organtZl·d during the· curre nt rl'{'l'S.'ilOn •. I r w (• d I d n . t h a v e t h e conf1dt•m·1.· or V1t•tnamest' and CauC"us1an 1nvc·stors. we· L'OUld n't opc•n for bus1rw ss." Trankicm s<lld A short d1swnc'C away on Bolsa Avt·nut>, Unitc'Cl AmC'r1can Bank. wh1l·h ;,ilso ho pc'S to tap into th~ Southc•as l As 1<1 n ma rkt•l , as preparing f or it s Decembe r opt•nmg Vtl't' pres1d1.•nt Jim Rodgers 'J1d the• bank has obtained all nt•ccssar y s tall' and federal approvals and now 1s preparing to sell about $2 5 million in stock. Rodgc•rs said he• ant1<'1palt'S no problc•ms in M"lhng th<' sec·unl1c'S. Asian bus1m-ss pl'opk make up a majority of Un1tt-d American's bc>ard of dtrc'<:tors The bank.will employ bilingual tl'llers bul does not plan 1nil1all y l o issue passboo k s and brochures in Vwtnuml>se, Rodgers said. L1kl' th1•1r counterparts al Dc-lta Savings. Umtl'd Amerkan l'XCl·Utivt•s stress that they want to aural·t a ll sectors o f th e t•ommunity, not just r<'fUJ{c-es !See ASIANS, Page OZ> -.. ,.;.;.' ........ , ........... , .... ~ ....... , ..................... , ............ ~ .......... , ... ,,~.~·· ...... "'II....+,.,.,....,,,...,.., ."T,...,,,...,.., ....... ,P"'T', ...... ~ ............ , ......... ~.-.P"'T' ..... ,,..,., ........ ,~ ....... -""T~•"'11M" ... " I ,~ ' ' I •• 'T., 1 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar A.pt May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Erratic Federal Reserve effort lo control inflation hy keeping growth of the money 1upply within a target rang have had their ups and downe. La8t week, money rose 8400 million, di appointing the financi,I C(•m'munity, which had expected a drop. pass ]08S(.>S along to ronsunll'rs, Paynt' l'XplatnC'Cl, everyone 1s sharan'g the burdt•n inc reast'd personal bankruptc'1cs arc pla<"tng on creditor:. Whc·n banks op<>n up m new areas they send tn-dtt t·ards out le ft and right in order to boost bus1m·ss. hf' said "I've nC'vcr applied for a credit c·ard m my hfc and I've ~ot dozens of them," lt'6 a h<'avy load to b<>itr. and it':. getting hC'avier lSee DEBTS. Page DZ) Since 1980, business bankruptcy r a tes havt> hit levels not seen since the Great Depression. The number of firms tha t have headed for the bottom as a proportion of tota l businesses is, however , nowhere near tht-statistic for 19:~2 . Business failures blamed on hard times, soft managernen t By ROBERT BUR NS ., .. ._.. •• 1* N EW YORK -AmPrican com panies, W<'a ken1.•d by two r ecessio ns an two years. a rC' failing at the fastl'St rate sint·c the Dep~1on But bank rupt.t·y s pecialists say the caUsC'S of collapse run dC'epC'r than the· unfril'ndly C't:onomll' l1mc-s S tumbling 1n thC' exl'cuuvc• suites. bungling in thC' board r oo ms just pl ai n bad management is crit1t·a l in thl' failure of man y C'Om ponit-s. l'Vl'n In the lx>st of liml'8 AJso moves to clear th<' web llf government regulation rrom surh kC'y indU!itries as finan<'«'. olrlin~·s and truc king havl' left many companic•s vulnerable aci they co pe with unf om 1li or competition. And the oil glut 1s battering thl' en ergy businl'S.'I, which only two years ago was riding a n unprecedented wavl' of profits 1.1nd seemed a lmost immune• to n'Ct.>sSlon . 8ut whatever the t"a u sc. anAlyats say. the slckHt side or bu."lness Is thl' cuuntl~ numbN o f small. sonwtJmc9 family.run, . enlC!rpriees. J ose).>h Dunca n . c h ie f .U.ti1tki.n •t Oun & Brodst ret't Corp .. • prlv(l t «' crc-dlt · information M"rv&ct>. aaye a 8l'eAat thare Of b USIOC8SC8 that i O under arc amall compa n lc>a run b y peopl J with llttl(' pr('vtou• experience> In th•l """ of work. ''h'• amaxing to me," h P aaya. "8otnc."C>nc wlll dt~ldc he Wanta to own • marl no. M1tybe It tounds Jik~ a Mood llf«'. But tw> ha~ no p revious cXp('tl\•ncct In the butlncu.'' Tht> VC'nturc gets mired In rle>bt. ond be-for«' fong ~ txi t option Is bAnkruptey The marina. ond hundrt>ds of olhc•r bUSIOl'SSl'S. might haV(' made 11 in IC'SS hostil<' ('{'Onom1c rond1t1ons. But they art· folding under the· pressure or ch1 lhngly high intc•rt•!>I ralt•s. slu.:~1 sh consumer dC'manci anci low mrl11<;lrt<tl output "It's when timf'S gl'I h;ul that v o u b t· p a r a l c· t h l ' g o o d management from thC' had." says Bl'n Eva n s, a bankruptcy s pcl'la hsl at tht• at.'(:ounltng firm Erns t & Whinnc•y "A w t•ll · any lull yl'ar sm('(' 1933. when 19.859 fo1lurl'S W<'re rl'<.'Orded. Evt•n so. futlur l's as a per - u•n11c1g1.· of all bus inesses op- c•ra t1ng ,1rt' not nearly as severe a s du ran g l h e De press ion. aC'<'Ording to Duncan's estimates. 11<' figures that as many as 85 of c·vrry 10.000 businesses will fail this yl•ar That as triple the rate m 1979 and double the 1980 rate, but 11 1s far below tlw I f.I per 10,000 m .. '<>rded in 1932. HBad m a nagem e nt d ecision often can be covt>red up by good economic times. But bad deC'is ion s a re exacerbated when you get a downtur n in the tconomy." m anaged company 1s somC'h ow 11 hie lo g<'ar 1 ts bustnl'S.'I to t ht> t1m<>S so it can surv1vC' ... By Dun & Bradstr{"('t's t'Ount, an avcraf't' of 473 c:omm<'rc1ol nnd indus t rial companies hove f'ither been forced to close or to ~k reorganizauon each week. so far this year. Thal 1s the fastest rat~ of collt:1psc since 1932, whc•n the w~kly rt:1W was 6 12. "Bad manage ment decisions ofl('n can be rowrcc:I up by good ''<.'<mom le times." says Mlch~el J lorgan. senior vkc pl"t'aid nt of credl\ policy at Citibank. "But hsd rleclslons nrl' t•xoccrbatcd when you gel n downtu rn In the economy." ' Mou bankruptcy 8pcclal111t1 ag~. however. that <'Ven some well ·run romf)llnlE'fl are throwinll In th<' towel. For the year so for , 17 .~02 buslncsst•s havl' folh'd. 11lmm~t half again u rnuny 011 In the• Mme J)f'r1oci lfll't v1"'r And thl" year's 11 .1lrc•11dy '' hl)(hl'r than for • • Although most failures are ol smnll. httle known c-ompanles, Dun &. Bradstreet says t}\e b1gf{t'St in<:reasc in bankruptcies this yl'o r 1s a m o ng l a rger t'Ompanlf'S. Dcspitt• th., dangers of such a r apid lncreast' in b u s iness failures. ('(."()nomlsts say the trend d ocs not m ean the country's t'Or porllte \tructure ls dying . "It d oesn • t te II us ltl.Cre la an yth ing fat.ally wrona •with the> l'C'Onomy.'' says James Meig, the <.'hid economist at First lntcrstate Bancorp. In L<>8 Anaek-s. And while am&llC'r companift are the most frequ<'nl failurH. the dam•ae to the eronomy may be far·~hln1. "h 's like-killing off M't'dllng trf('S,'' saya E. Pct.er Glllettl' Jr., c hairm a n o t No rthwcst N•n Natio nal &nk In Minnl'apoUa. "Ttw 11mt1llcr companil'8 •~. ln ~'Sl!Cn<'t'. being anuffttt out and you'r l' pcnalltlna futur e ('('Onomlc 11rowth." l ,. \ I A' ... WWW 1 DI 01ang• OoHt DAILY PIL.OT/8undey, Ootober 3, 1982 llllBIClllTITICll ._ Here are the stock market activities of publlcly traded Orange County flrma for the week ended Friday, Oct. 1. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. Mergers' value de.hated -~ ,.,. l>u . ..;i1u·s . .; ('0 111-flOtlll'l'HIC . I 1'0111{ 01' j u sl bloa tt•d r '• . oDll I 11•• l •I• t t I I Hiii iu•an ,,., •• , ,,,,. ' IU Pi t •fU O CIOU UWMUI ••n 1111'1 H·f'• 10.0 I CMU~ll • I , .. ,.. • ,,. lOOO'• ' .. , ....... ,,0 I 61 \e.o C•r•• l ::~::!~JT 1 ......... o. •• Mer. ••••· f ...... , ••• " s ... • ..... ,,.., .. 1 9 ll•or loH. H O :~ :m;::·r::~ ..,L •I trU1ror• , •• IUD' a ~~:::~:lt!"ii. ·~L.Oa '' C•rl ltr•th•r CA•L 1• Ct rtroa C•rf. CITI t1 C"•••f'••lll• CMU ll Ct U ltfte It"~ • ~: ~:~::(. ~·c~. : 11 CoM roo, lno. CMllO 11 eo.~,.. •. c.,.. °"" n ~:::.::!°"11 ••• ~::· n oou-r orv1 16 Dota\rOfl DTll l? 0.t,_ OU M• l l Oowoar J... DJL 29 sa:o, lno. la: JO llP Nloro, llPM J 1 lldorodo "'"" ILDI J2 Doul .. Corp ltlLl' ll ::!:~~0~,.!~0" ri J • JS far ¥e•l ''"· rvt )6 ,.,.., ...... ,. JI Fluor Corp. J8 f luoroou•bon :~ ~::.~::'::l~: t 1 Ot n•r•l Tet·•· •l Clold•• w. "· , .... r L• • re••• "U' ODIA OTCI 01111 • t } Ortel.,.ttMoep OWi '' lft llOftt Uae NILi ·~ Hor1 u1• .... HUI 16 -· "uU~ KMCA :i ~~r:ri:!h~•t. ~;r: •9 L•I· HI l l• U\ L.OtO ~o LA••r Preo. Ll 3:R " Llbor•r .. ti. • ~2 Lton CO\lft\rp DI•• '1 Loa AIHllOI LU C j e Lut.fter Nit• LOfHU H llCCo•o COrp. -Sl '"r ourr S.•. N.SL. Sf Mlor-o Cefter•l - 51 Mloroaeatcon. MXC4 '' Morehow1e Ind "ua 60 MJI 0. Lt C:orp MS! 6l lattoMl 14. IUC • 62 ••uct•• rood •auc •1 lif•l>Oft .... •a..• ,. lwp</k l s... . •~ ••w~f"\ Corp. ti DI'• 66 lewport I J•ot •Dill •1 •••port Pta•r• •vPM U •aw llbrld Coe •ltlV 69 luolear ... d. lf'M3l TO Odet le• ODO 71 0.nl•edl<'•l QlitWI 7 l Or•na• lanoorp .. 7) Paetr to .SOh ft PSI 711 P1r~tore1 Pel• '''' 7~ Penn Pac:.(orp PPAC 76 Ptpef" "rdro PSJI 11 r.-..1., c.o. roe • 74 PrlntrOfth Ptn• 1: ::·r:~!.~~!~ ::re 9, •ap.R1awre1 BUM ll ,..,.Jiii' c.orp. .. .. 8J .s. .... ..., 011 n u •• St 1 tooe 31• SLC•• lr"I"• .... ._.,. .. .,.,.,\. .... ,_ lr•lft• "'69'•1• .. ""r\ ... ,h .. ""'' •• ,.h '"''"• Oren1• ::r:,.~::•a .. ln•h•I• rv• .. ,.,.,. ,,.,. J'W.lt c., Aft•ft•I• M •ft•I• hwpor\ h•ttl Coa\1 M••• 3-n\1 '"' An1h1la °'"'"•• h•~r\ k•oh hJ1 l •rtoa .. ""'' h1oh S.nta An1 lrYln• An•"•I• Col\• ..... 31"\.• '"' ••wPOf\ •••ch Tua\11\ Jin\• An• lr•ln• Meh•l• lett"r\ l••Olt 3-n\-a Ane tr•lfte LllUf\I #l.Vl l LA1un1 lft1u•l An1t'l1t e l'Y•tln ..S.nta Ana Jilfttl ''" lrYlftl A.nafteta Santa Ana ..... """' tfltl• Mh . .tton U •Jo t..awn. H1lh lr•I"• Munt. •••ch i..11i1n.a Htlh L.01 A\••Hot Coll• ..... lr•lnt ~"ll• l••O~ tr•l•tt Jen\a Ana l'\tl l•rton Cotta "••• tlewport hac>i f'\tl hr ton tr•l"• ••"PG'"t l••c1' Coll• "4a.t s. ..... ·"· hwp.or\ •••O'I Co•t• ..... ••1111por\. l•aoi'I Ant ht I• .,. ....... 'O"ftU In fall ""·"··· ••~ort hac" S."t.e '"' Att•h•l• •••port ..._.en lr•tnt '-""' ...... lr•lne .. •POl"t a.acb lr•lne .. vpor\. l•eCf\ fu•tln •> i ll•er•r•et ~Y >f..,,,, ... ft.A ''"" 86 S.lth t1u•t. ,. • .I .. vpor\ a •• ,.,, 11 .SOU\& It. Ian~ Slllt •II\.• 18 k al'Mtard t..o1, 3TDL • S.Ah ""• 19 Stend•rd Pee 3'' • Coll• Kt u 90 Stan1 Hydro. S'f'OH Sift Cl1•1nL• 91 h•dlow, lnc. !Vr:D Clardt n Cl"O•• Ml OfQi.;Qep\U.er "'' iJov•4 .. ' •I•• !lad, Ola1.ooo\11 P"M Mvat M, '' .. , .. ,. .. °"'"-' ... u. .. ,, •• "°"' tlO l ol•lt. .. ,.11 1"111 "'.,..., •"•"•• 011 tlold o<oulo. l1nll; I n1 S.r•to• l\•U OtH r ro1en foM ,.,..,. Morh•a• h• t...oa~ ... ~, .. Pau tooda "-•"•ti• ,.,. ~di. Mta. Voo4 •oor1 k nl11tn1 Hee~tn• c.oo•• ,,. ••. .S.tlf111 l l•H n Ml\ I t art •••· 1n1r. Ktit \U• 01re .... tto ...... , • ., .• ...... • f•h • ' Treft. ,0.,.,. ... ,,., .,, Mtoroproo•a•o,. •1• s..o. ••••· ., •. .S.•11"1• l loan fl•ot .1r•·' I W\\Oh•• Mloro•••• ouvl'lttra .. n~tn1 Chotronloa Coepwt•r ere. Motor Ho••• S.•lt11• a lo.,, o,.,..u ho•pl \lh Power Con• • a._,,.,.. lan1&1n1 Health Car • 0• l produOl lon P•e• .. "'' tt raln• I A S.w•r t•r•IO•• trr. Scltnll"o lnuru. ... ,, .. "'' Wt\4 lth P•fl k ce Tf'•t• lnlra•en01H C.l"•l•r ... 1 ••t.•t.• 4 n rL. ,.•Int • • loan ··~;i Hlll&O ..... O'!t PCll OTI; .. ,, ,,o ,,,, 'il I 6 .. ' 1 • OTC 1 ,1~ ,or••,o.u 01'0 •• 00 .. .,.o .u u •ao 1.•1 ... ,Q 1.00 OTC 1),t O •UDAQ U Jl>AO •UDAii OTC o~ O'lt UlllAO '':n ·" t .oo .n '·" 1.00 . ·~· • 0 1. a 'il 1.t .. f ,00 •.o 19.tt 6.00 .u '·" 1,ot t),\0 ''·" ... .::i ·" u: h SDAO 16. U 16. H UJl>AO .n ,69 :::!: U! u; O S •O ,fl ·t• U SDAQ 1.tl I, I U C ,,JI ~.6J .,, •• 50 UJl>AO t ),00 .. ,g!~ .t~i OTC , 1) UI ).,O true t.n .. ,, t it-,\O 1.00 11.tt • tJ J.00 10.00 U SDAQ &.oo •. oo OTC 11.00 IT.50 UlllAO llO llQ U Jl>AO tt.,O 11.,0 U SDAQ .06 .06 o~ 5.00 •.,o .,, •. ll .... -.tt'rOCO.p11l•r Joah• OTC 1. I) t. f] 2.on S.• loOf\ductor prd•. OTC 1. '' lndu•L prqto:t U .. on. IA.S>t Q l . l S 1. ·~ t8. 7~ 1),00 ,,, t J ::!: .. r:~:r ~:::•::~:1 .::: ;•:: '••t roo4 r•t ttwrent IA!DAO 1l.oo Drue D\1eo••rr ll~AO ~\.00 •1. 1~ lan~lnt OTC t').00 l~.00 t..~uerlOot' ' '4ulp. aaS>&O J1-~0 }•. 7~ !'hot •... 1 .. r t nac.r. 1asoao }.oo 1.ee D••f ot1r. •UO&O ,,18 ,,'8 O.•. Coe pul•r Jy•tftJ WIS.AO .8t t.00 "o•olt•I d hc. lll h IASDAO '· t) ).00 Inrfl Proo•a1tn1 ,,.od U1SD&O 10.~o t.~o "'•· e r '°'"n•r• kn••n1 Cl•e· tn1tr 4 •t•· 01 l 4 04• Ol I •"4 O•• Sohr '4••tan1 SJ•· tto•• Col\et.ruo\ loft Co•P41t•f" Prlnh r • Cono,..L• Pl r•plao•• lte t•l 1 'wrnl \ul'• Jo JODI •••n ,.,.. ~·· l t lepl\Oftt '''' Ol J I nd C•a "'' !'1t t1r 1\•4 C'tro. Moc.I lt ,._~; t>r llllnc ,,,.., 4 ~· ... " .. '"' 01Clt.•\ •1• C'09P Mo•• QOnl\l"UCt. 11)1'1 Vt tar r•e tua I de.• Mt c, ,.D,.tC'U•d ,r<.td. U SDAO •. 'O OTC 8.00 '"" •1.bJ U SD&O tl UJl>AO .lt U Jl>AO .16 rru 9.)I 6.\0 8.00 IJ,l'> • t J .}5 d: u •Ao l•.oo 11." UJl>AO .n .r~ '"" ,.H 9.88 .. .,.Q ..• l .... WASDAO '1. 10 tt •• 0 OTC ),00 J.00 u SDao 1.~o t.~o •H l · JI .. ~·u~ Oft' l .I, '"" 1.6) U SDAO 1.00 "AJl>AO I . 00 J.11 19. 'J ),6) J,,Q 1.00 !.00 T. T~ '12 ''•lo.nettce • • 9) T10Molo1r "•tnu _r • 911 Telet t le Coap ~ •n.•"•'• , .. o•ec:\. ... IOfl••,.. Ott: llQ !IQ l.00 . !9 ... l .1'5 IO .98 9~ T-S<ll UHP 96 Trauh r,.1 l • TSU' 97 TIJ l odu1\. HTI 91 Dlt.ra Medt1u l .. Ut.n o c fTllC WCll VA~ wwn lr .. ln• .-rr•t \l\t ,,_,..,,.... ••SUO lr•tnt Coep;,1t•r P•r t h •4· OTC lAIWM Ml i I• ... 4t~al hU\f,,.M ftL I W1UDIO kvport .. •ett 01 I a 1•• u f ' dr~ •as:t&O Oranc• Ch •n•nc • ,ol u~ rr. IAJDAQ ,ownl•ln h lle f 14•dte.i lnt t.r ore tr•tn• Yul l •rLOn °"•"-•• lrtlt .. &M1"41e .. wpo,.t a.eef\ Ge,..••• Oro•• Cnc tn••rln1 • C'onu lanMtn1 011 rae l• teoh • .-.. Ole , Arcih, •hn6 Int t r e. a.10t.1f".t• •••o••rr 'r•l1ht torver41"1 0\1 •"'4 ~. U SDAO OTC IU I WASIAO IUOAO ... llSDAQ l:;i ... 1 00 llO .u '·'° 10.~o ':l; ·" '· Jt •• 1'.t t.lft Co .. ;,;t•f' OOl'l\l"O\ l•r l •.ti '·SO .. _,Po,.\ a.ecPI lanta ln• r o\lfll\• '" taJ. a.vport. k •ott r ul ler\Oft ::::~:;dJQ\Or de•lt,.I :::: J: ;~ 4tr"oepec•/Mllrlfte ,,.od OTC 1.•l 011 •M Ou H :IOAO • 8 t A1.1LO P•rtt ' Aeo. •t.tl 1\.1' 6.1~ •o.so 5.00 .. , s:~A .tt 9. tJ J, TS l. TS t .IJ .o t J, IJ • '·. 0.1• .• ~ 1: ~:1 It tOI IC 0 11 • I I I O! flC NC lu.091 -,,\ '·" .c o, 1, llC (0.01) llC) ,,,, • ,,t t .Ot llC 0.11 •• t.\1 llC O. I) llC 10.~I llC o.H llC 10.0JI : o::J> • z.t o.•• -t .O I0.1ll _,,,, 0.10 IC 0. 01 llC 10.•01 .11.1 CO.Ill • I • • . 1.' . •& •• t ,, o.u • ),1 1.)0 ... , 0.9' llC 10.011 :·::~ ,U?, : l:1 1;:n· . '·' ... llC I ,-~ IC o.o~ IK 10.161 • 1.9 10 t6) • ), t •91 •• ,.. o. •6 ••• ' 0.09 • '.' .11 .16.0 o.o• • 1. I O. 16 IC 1. t1 •C 0. )6 • 1.9 • llQ 10.1~• IC t. tO llC 10.011 ·10,0 t, 18 •tL41 U.0) WC 10. It l • f , T O, I] wc o.n ••• 1 I. 9\ llC 1.19 ... 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J' ••• •1·J•·•· • tl·lt·ll t\.• 0-)0·tt ••.9 8-lt.91 9.b 1-n-11 ... 1 ,,.p .. e1 •·.s 6-10-11 • ·1.,1.11 .c -.~-~.t i· p.~, T· l'·l1 •1 .. p.e1 • 6.0 ,,,, l·.~ • •.o 0.01 tlC (0. 111 ., J.'\ to.•• t • o .I I0,01) ·-·~-0 1--~ 1.4. -•.~ o.~s 111.• ~-·•-1> l·l•·O •' ~.62 OH • ',9 , •1 t1C O.Ot -t9 111 10.lO IC (Q.Of 1 • ~.) l.JO •O.~ '·'· P·8' u.o ,, .. ,, .. ,, 9. 1 ,,.,.,.9, 1).0 9-1~··· l· J?··· -12 .. J •·•' J.9 •·ll·U .. ';: ( ! :l~, :.;:~ :Jl • e.o o. u llC 0.0) llC 0 11 11.7 19,q l).5 1J.' l00,0 \\.q • 1.s • •• '.' \,to rt<'. O II -6.' (0.61) • 1.1 ··~ WC o.91 • 1. • 1. 1e IQ .!• . 6.' I'>.•• I( 1 ••• ltC '!), "J •11,\ fo.1G "° .... II). f9 . I.. o .• , •c 1. 12 • f. t l.01 IC !0.1'1 1 -t6,0 O.tJ llC I0.•6' .)1,6 10.021 • ),9 t,01 IC 10.0•I llC .68 IC o. ti ·l0.9 lo.•tl ·•).9 7.91 ~· IO·ll t I 11·11·~' -•l-)1-4\ li'J-) t.A t &.l •1·11·1' ), 1 9· lO·I I ... 6 l·l~·'' • • l-11.11 l-1~·91 • t 9· JO t• 'l-' ' .. ti' -•0-1 • ... 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"' . ., f ,l t1 ·1.11• 1'J JO ·911 ·1l8 -••.•oo '. t•l no '·"' 1, lOt ~:m •l.•O ·I, 1 lt •S•, l ll 1, , .. , I' JI~ Ill ·901 ·Sl9 I, I U m t ,9&0 m TOI 111 u ·•61 t,1tt ·?\• -1.m ·101 •1• 111 •.TSO .,, ·~9 , • 11'> !II 111 1.111 • ... , ... ,o ·"~ -b\ I ,OU9 t .~bf ,.,. ••••• 101 •I, oU _,,o j,UO 'S.t1111 -o, )00 9\8 60• •99 u Tl• • '.98• lit, n6 ... , _, ,117 1, l~O I ,lit9 'If,~ •.. ~ .... ~,' ""I .,, ·•.eo ·l\ • lfl ' .. , .. t ,999 n . ioe ·~·' )ll .. ,,,, ·l90 . ,.,, ... , ' , .1~z .1,an •0,6•6 Ir fOV -1.D Lttl ft) •a:cn s ••ro•T sa:UllTIU co.,,. NO•T'llLf IOISLrTfD ·TMI 0'6llOI coo•n STOCI nrou-• o• JIDl flDOl L IUO•U Otl !'Ill UOYI COOIPU I U CALL (ftl) 9'1-•D•• us PO• JIPl'tD L. llLHT'UCI . n UIDD TJ • 1•1 1n 1C£TIJ "'" ••ro•T' SICHITIU COJPOJATJO• H S • PIJllLl!ll .. ILSUIC• UtOIT UUUILI O• ntU CCW.AllT bt•aah• ertoru &re •ff t.o •-••ur• \J\• aoo\tf"•Of •"4 tl•llG••• or tft• d•t.a c°"t.alftM '" t•••e l••l••, wf\lo" are h••• o• aou,.o•• i.•ll•••• t..o M rell••l•, •wt. t\IO .. •Ohl".tOJ •nd t.IM llfll•u i re M t ('Hr•t1l•H •"d lewport ~o~rltt•• aa4 tM• a•w•· ,.,.,. ... ..._. •O llat.Uttf tor ••1 tnaocv.ra •I•• or 1i1.rit\•lln11• or Ut• d•U puDl hhe4 here. Coapllad •• Ann h M •f· MMID• JfPC ' •DQ011u.a Credit counseling can halt slide toward bankruptcy Although many people are o pting for the f inality of bankruptcy, there are ways to avoid signing away all your d ebts -and all your credit. Bankruptcies can sometimes be prcvL•ntcd if the debtor sees a credit counselor c•arly in the game. Carl Lindquist, preside n t o f Con sumer Credit Counselors of Orange County, Inc. said he gets some people in his office who arc> so far in debt their only alternative is to file> bankruptcy Others simply can't, or won't follow a budget. But about 60 perl"('nt of those who l'Omc· to h im can be helped. Consumer Credit Counselors flgurl'!> out a budge t for each of its clie n ts a nd Sell> up a reduced payme nt plan w ith creditors. ASIANS EYED • • • Un ited American prcs1dc>nt John P<•at-ock. who was one of the organizers of Ct>mmerce Bank ln Newport Beach. said his institution may be better able to process business loans than th e new savings and loan down the strE'<'t. H e said h e is not concerned a bout the opening of two institutions w ith a Sp<.'<'la1 1ntl'ft.'St In Vie tnamese customers DEBTS PILE UP • • • Whil(' debtors ofwn l'Omplain crC'd1tor)> w ill not let th<.'m r<>pay th<.'1r bills in s m a ll monthly lncn•ment.4', Lindquist said, l'red1tors will take the payments from his organization ocoeausc· they know they eventu.illy 'will be repaid. He said around 9Y [>{'rn•nt or the> C'r<'Cl1tors ht' deals with will agrl'C to thl• rt•paymcnt S('hl'<iules • his group i.ets up. Smee the bankruptt·y prot'C~ has OC'<.'Omt• so easy -you can fill" on your own for a $fj0 f('{· - some people> arc• dt•<:lanng bunkruptcy who don't rcolly have to Lindquist adv1S<.'S JX'Oplt• who are only $3,000 to $4.000 in rl<>bl not lo fill• . He said p<.'opll' who rind thc>m :.elv<'s in financial dis tress should gN on a reasonable budge t immcd1atcly and ('Ul up their lTt-dil cards. "Remove the tcmptatum," he warnNI. Lindquis t s~ud to st'<' a t•ounsclor H you'n, in over your head Lindqu1st'b group 1s tht' only one o f 1ts kind in Orange County. l t 'i. a non -profit o rganization that does not charge 1ts clwnts a lee. Winfie ld P aynf', nn Orangl' Cou nty bankrupt.cy allcJrnc·y. s.1id too o ften people• go for counseling aftt•r th1• foct.F<ir some, hl• said going lo a counselor 1s "Ilk<• going to a doctor aftrr you've go t terminal t•na('''r then•s 1111t mut•h thl'Y can do for you .. KAHEN E KLEIN h' added. "Credit h as bccin too easy to g•t in a lo\ o r lnsta~ ... Hl' said creditors more rcc<'ntly havl' tightened the ir 11tandard11. on the parl of consumers com b111C'd with easy extension o f crf'dlt b y crt•d itors; d c-a th or divor ce. or uninsured medical cotastropht'. lh' JOUN Cl/NNWF "'' l 11•lnno An•l101 Nl•:W YUHK Wlw11 1111t•11111I l(IOWlli IS thw11 1'11'<I liy II Wl•Uk 1'(~11111111\1, 01 11111dt•q1111\t• ll':0.1'111'1'11, 1,1 11·111 'or riwk t.1k111g. u1 '11111pl y h y )111111 111111lU8l'llll'lll , 1111( h1"1111•\i. I 1 L•q twntly d1•1·1dl'll tu s talk the· oth1.1r fod1 111 tlw 'l'll Th•· I 1'!>11 I l '< t'H 11 ht· v1·1 y 1111prt'l>SIVl' Shll'!r :-.ur~'" 1111;1 mt1yb1· prnflts too Tht· nwr'l(t•<l c;umpunies mi~h I IH' a bll• to fl•dut•t· M:>I'> Thc•y rn1ght bui;t llHO I h1 • f ol'lUrll• 500 Ji 11t of b1J.t1.tl'!lt 1·11111 µun il'S Tht• h n:ol IM•1·111111•l> u Vl•r y l1'1w1·dul man. Thoi.11 un:n't 1111· 1111ly rt•usons f1JI' th1· s pat1• 11f mt·r g 1·r i. Son111llml's a :.rrwllL•r t•1Jmp;111y rs sttilkl'<I l'x't·auM.· 11-. ht11> ;1 load 11( idle l':Jllh . And sonll't1n1L•s that 11molll·r ('()m iw n y 1tMl·lf gol·:. on tht• hu111 jus t bt<t·au:.1· 1t h a:-th1· t'ush to do s.~ Oftl•n, a t:ompuny rs sought b 1• c· a u s l' I t s p rod u 1· t 11 n t' l. o m p l l' m t· n t s t h a t u f l h 1· at'quirmg company or h e lps lhl· 11c:quirn divt'rs1fy into a Jin(' of pnxlut·t.s tha t offst•t tht-st·oS<mal nuturc• of Its t•xisting pruduc·t hnl'. But astdc from somctimeb q u cst1onabll· bcnl'f1ts to the acqumng parlll's. docs anyonl' rt•ully gain from a t.okeover'? L-0L4' of pc.'Oplf" B y thl'tr ow n pr e · a rrangement, o ff11.·l·r s o f thl.' al-quire-cl mmpany -regardless o f merit or lack of I\ might lose.• their ,1<1bs but still float to an l'asy I a n d i n g w i t h b 1 g p c· n s i n n 8 . pupularly and dt•ri:.1v1•ly known as g11ld1•n poral.·hutl•:. Sh an•holdl•rs <Jf tlw acquin •d mmpony might ga111. l'Spt't·1ally 1f thl.•ir stock ha)> lx'l'll :.<'!ling fur ht•low I h e o frL·rrng prit'l', •1 nm1mon 11<.·l.·urr1 •nt·t· these days A n d . I t' s s c· o m m o n I y . l h <' ac·qu1r1ng c·o mp any ~ shan·holdl'~ might gam too Spt.'<:ulat.ors gain. especially if lht·v have carlv w o rd on tht• plan:. of tht· <Al'4l.11ring compuny, And 11 happens too. in spite of tht• St:curit H'!> and Exchangt• Comm1ss1on's t'Hrn L' lo c•nfort'<' 1mmt•d1<.1tl' d1!>1·lcn .. u rt• uf s u l'h rnfm matron Un 1.k•rwnwri. who hanclll• th1• off1•1 mg mu kt· m1H11·v. of t•ou ri.t'. and M • do t ht· ,1flTlll':> of lawyt•rs th.it g1·rwr;1lly Jh.lrlll'IJ>Ut~· In SUt·h McNamar scheduled at • seminar A onf'·day UC lrvrnt• F.xtt·n:.1o n St·m 111 :1r un forming new f1n:111t'1JI 1n-,11 t ut1oni. will be• h1ghlight('d S.1turd;.iy. O{'l 9 by ;.i lu nc:ht·on appt'a ran('l' by H T (T1m) McNamor. dt•puty St'<'r<'lary of thl• United Statl'S Trl'asury M l·Namar will be guc·~l s peak <.'r a t the S<•mm;,ir. lltlcd "Forming and Opc>raling Yo ur Own F1nant·1a l lnst1tut1on in thP Era o f Dt'r<'gu I a ti on ." Other exp<•rts 1n thC' f1<•lds of banking. law , Sl"<'Unt1es a t· c· o u n l i n g a n d con i.u lting will bl· on hand P rogram C h.i1rman Jomc•s Caprl'IZ. sen111r partnl'r of the• law (inn Cupr c l z & Kasdan o f lrvml', said dl•H•gulatron pol1c·11.•s ::i ll ow n1•w o pp 11 rtun1t1''" for fina n ('1al ins t1lull11ni.. l'SpN·1ally thOM' nut burdened with furmt·r commitmenl4'. The seminar will 1 un from 9 ·30 a m to 4 :30 pm 1n t he lh•rllage Hoom u( th<' Un1vers1ty Ccntt•r 11 on the· t umpus. F<'c 1s $125 , wh1rh lncludt•s lunch. or $:.!5 only for the lun"h (ntl'l'l'lltl'Cf JX'fSOI)!\ l'On rl'g1s t1.•r by calling the UCI Exwns1o n . 83:\ 5414 • Daily Pilot e classifieds e workfor • you.can 642·5'71 • fOrCIUICk cash sales. Payne faulted the credit system for ··~mpletely backwards logic,'' whl'n it;comes to issuing credit. t "Most of the-lie people (bunkrupL'i) have no buslnt'M w ith credit cards they spend. spend. spend." He coiled tt\e credit review system "lnMnc •· 1 If a per80n doesn't hove credit '-'<m li1 It ii almo11t lmpouible to get lhl•m, he d, rcgardlc'M of Income. but If you hJve ont' card . you c&n get a11 rnnny ns ybu wan t. H<> also blamed thc dismul t'('()nomK siluu tion f o r tht• i n <'rc•ase In h.'inkruptcles. When a famlly 11 used LO !lp<.•ndlng on n certain lnt'Omc l<>vc l, It 1K hard to cut back oncc that inrome drop;i due lo o layoff or 11lmllor h'>AA uf int'om ing cash That's exactly what happened to Dil·k and K ita W e-lstt. And to an ort•hitect whO!lf' bankrupt<'y P11ynf' han<lh..'<i. LAW bFFICES OF E DWARD P. LAUFER "Companies have t.o at.a rt revie wing a ppltcatlon1 and tu rning m o r e (&.'lqUftla for cards) down," 'ht~ Mid "Cre ditors h~ve dug tht'lr own a~vee." Of cour1e. not everyone w h o S bankrupt<:y 11 1\uck In the .. rec now, pay lat.er" 1yndrom • J>ayM .-id 90 percent of l)('t'IQn1•l nkru9tclH art" cau~ by o nt of th tc.'Cl thlnp : poor flnancl•I plannlnl( WhC'n the men's or c hlt<'ctural hu111rwu !lhronk bcc{luae of the C'Ounty-wlde declln(' In cons truction. he found h lrnitelf with $40,000 in com bl ned bu1lne11 and con1umcr d bta and virtually no lncom«!. Eve ntua lly he had lo join t he Wellltl(l8 and thouaand11 of otflt·rt whu choc•• ~nkruptcy •• a way out To n\llny. dN;larlna bankruptcy 111 a flnnnclal cath ol'lll1' of aorta. -EMPHASIS ON · • PcrM>n11I lnjur • Melheal Malpnu:liC<' • Chapter IL Filings • General UtigaLion • All Civil Wron 412 North Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (714) 494-8591 •. deals !::iulls arl 4·01111111111, und e ven when they a1<• nut 111volv••d, mammo th pile:~ of l1·g:il pap1•f:\ are. But th~re Drt· ulhl'f' for whom benefits ari.· r:irt'. u11d 111.in v wh1• might su ((er bf•(<l\l:>I' llf lhl• mt•rgt•r r:mpl oyct-1\ o l holh the :i l' q u 1 r <.' d a n d u t· q u 1 r 1 11 g ('Ompanics can bt·1H·f11 if th•· t'Ombined comp;m1t·:. <1dd up to a s t ro nger opcra l1 un But some t i m cs t ht· 1 r J 11 II:. a r 1· enda ngered too bt·c·auM· (II J<>b duplications whc·11 1w11 ~t . .ff-, an· merged .J / ; ·'. ,. •• 1 S11uu·t1111t•11, ,.fft·< '' o f tht• nw1 ~11·1 lmtth· 11,,.·lf d .1111.1u1· tlw p.11 tll'lp.mt:.. tlu l.11t·1"1t t'lWrnplt• bl'llll,( I hi· hru1111111( :'Ill ug~l1· h1·tw1·1·11 Bt•11iJ 1x und M11rt111 Manl'lla, w htd) 1111 .. 111p11·d to 1ewullow c•u1.:h utht•r If !(Umt All11-d C:11rp hud not 11tt•ppt•d lwt w1·t•11 tlw tu ,1wlin1< lh·ndrx und MJrl>n M,,, 1•·1t:1 1.'lll'PlllHlllllli>, tll1· rn11i.I t;111gh•cJ tlllU·llVl'I' ftj(ht Ill U 8 ldl\tllfy c.uuld huv1· h'll tl11•n1 '" ch-..1'>H·r. All11·d Cha111n .in ~:d w,1 rd l l1•11111'~>1y ~ud A l 11111• p1J1nt. Bt·11d1>o. a 11d Murn•t\a hud bought up 111•u1 ly $I bllll1111 of 1•a1·h otlw1"s to l11(•k 1n iin 1rnpr1·1·1•dt•rH1·d d1 1>play of 1·111 poi alt· 1.Jr1nkm;111,h1p Thi• . dl•bt burd1·n tJn c•:wh l'11111p.my c·ou ld h av1· dn v t•n th('m t() \f•nous truubh· w l11h• l<·ad111~ tn ;1 l1111g aod 1.·o:.tly t"<1urt f1gh1 nv .. r w h1dl t·o 111pu n y 1•011 t r11ll1·d wh1d1 ·In a laq(1•1 t11nt1·xt. •ht· ltll""' 1<111 that today pjagul's :ll';11h-m1t·:. und fl·tlt·ral tt·~ulators 1!1 wlll'th•·r mt:rgt•rs !.trc•11gthl·n lht• ('!IU11lry Many t•t·11nom1sts, n·gult1tors a 11d othl•r s put up a s tron g J r g u m l· n t t h n t 1 n a w o r I d ! 't"onum y thl' LJ Ol lt·d S l;J lt '!> Ill '<'<IS • • w o r I d · s 1 z c · · h u s 1 n c· s s 11r~<>111zot1unl> in 11rdc·r l11 t•1impc:tl' I ' I r l' (' t I v (' I y A g a I n ., t • I IJ r 1·xamplt•. J a panese· tr,1cl1 n g nmt•l'rll~ In thC'ory. l:irgl· t•omp;JOH''> • .irt· lx-ttcr able• lo offer l't'(m11m 1t'S o f vl)lumt· ond to cngag1.· rn long· ll·rm res1•<:irt·h . hut whL•tht:r or not they do 1s dc>batabk Some• <Jre a s badl y t1<·d up 1n bure aucrnc·1t·h as tht• fc•dt•rnl 1:1gc>nt'les tht·y c·nt1t·1zc· M o r t' o v l' r . s o m t· a r e 1m,ffidt•ntly managt·d, lll('Upable 11 f taking ri s k:., unablt• to produ('e new producL'>. luck1ri~ m 1nnoval1on. and mtc·n ·stl'Cl unly 111 :.hort-t.erm profi t.:, th<il might impress Wa ll Strt'<'t and rn1w th<.' prll't' or shart'lo Do forcC'd buyouts or frl<'ndl y acquisitions real l y hc•lp th" l'OUntry? Do tht•y makt· for a s tronger, more produl't 1ve t•conomy whose tH'nt·ftt l> are bprt•ad broa dly? Eithe r woy vn u 'l t gl't an a rgumt•nt. liu1 thc•s1• d,jy'>, 1l st.•l•ms, that qu1•s t 10n Uvl'sn 't rL·ally matlt•r •., .... ,. -... WE HAVE THE PROGRAMS TO ·puT YOU BACK ON SOLID GROUND l • 11CMl·1 4Yl'M> • 30 YEAR ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTOAOES TO t1 ,000,000. GRADUATED PAYMENT PROGRAMS FROM 9Vt·1 1 Vt% • 14%·18% • 30 YEAR FIXED TO t500,000 • 14V1•18~ ·15 YEAA FIXED TO t1 ,000,000 • 14%·14.7% ·FULLY AMORTIZED 2ND TRUST DIED TO 1250,000 RESIDENTlAL ~GAGE SERVICE (714) 984-9090 IN,ORMATION HOTLINI 1•30 AM 1:00 ,M Mond•v • Frld•V tO:OO AM t:OO l'M .. turnv . ? • Orange COHI DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 3, 1982 031 THE ORANGE COAST . USINESS OUTLOO Irvine lndu~trial Comple~ attracts new kids to town i By JIM POND arca Sl~'Ond lO none. ~.t T ltt• 1·1•111 1•1 '1t la r,.~1·1t l unno unc:ed its a ln"le I lpeotel lectlon Wrll•r N l 11 . M r r ) I ( y I C' I u • ,. b f f 1 . " aura y. companies t I ' 't ' I ' center's r1'se l' I IJ '· l'I I> r " igg1·sl 0 I C'(' ease C o a s tal Ora ng e eagerto relocatefindthe 8$ erp ann1ng Crl IC8 In Curporatwn. wh1t·h ;ol-.o ugreement an several l County. by .v1rtu1• of its Orange Coast in general is onl' o f th1· 1·oun1y'h ycarv for thl' southwesl , carefully manH·urt.'d a prime location to set up • largt•st 1•m ploy1'rh Plru11t rt>g1onal headquarters of : neigh borhoods, hrui come shop. In particular. their found in a well-designro dist.nbuuon and re arch The e as t indus trial lndui:1 t r 1a l Lt•ugut• in for nt•w busint·i.s indudt· u mapr computer firm. l to cxcmplHy suburban etlention focuses on the residt•ntialarea firms, according to th<> complex is situated JUSl .197 1. th1·n n ·pn'St•1H1ng a 550-room ll1llon lloll'I D1g1tal Equipment ! bliss. Famil1t·s desiring Irvin e Indu s trial I r v ine Compan y, north of the San Diego-thl' lrvam· lndl,lhlrta l to bt' c·onstructN.l n t·ar Corpor<it w n. a lcadan~, the u l t 1 m a t£• an C o mplex (llC). the And Lhl' "nt•igh -t-omplt•xdevcloper. San t a Ana Fre£'wa y Co mplt>X, wa~ tht·1ntl•rst~·t1on ofMain ma nur .H·Lur e r oq c om r o r t ab It' a nd largest mast~r planned borhood" is fal11ng up In fan , much o f intersection . adjat.·t•nt to 1 n s t r u m e n t a I I n S t r« cl a nd J arn b orN• rnmput<•r-. and re lated ! luxurious liv ing have industrial park an the rather quickly. .0 r 8 n g c C 0 u n t y • s the <.'Ommumty o f Lak<' r <' prt•st· n t 1 n g I r v 1 n t· R o a d 1 n I r v 1 n l' syi:.tc·mi:.. l('ascd 32,000 ! staked their c laims by nation For example, ·in just 1 ndus trial real,estate Forest. l' It 12 <' n s r t' g a r d 1 n g Comple tio n c.Ja tc for th<' '>tjUan.· feet -nearly an : the thousands along this Large, yes, but IIC's o ne sec tor of t ht• al·tivity during 198 1 UC-Airport _ whll'h m rnr porat1on of a l'l~Y hold is la te.· 1984 l'nllrt· building in the I seasideparad1Sl' si z e is not n e ar as d t'vclopmt•nt, UC-East .. occurrt.'d in thc three a long w ith IlC-Tustin Mort·_than lOyl«lrslt'.lc·r. T ht• adva ntagt•h o f ct•nll'r 'i. nL·w Executivei ButtheOrangt•Coast's impr£-ss1vcas 1ts pleasing 9 7 ac r e s o r l and I rv ant' I ndu s trial be n in earnc-st an lhl• C1ty or lrvinl' a nd nrnsll·r p lan ni n g un· Park uff1t·c comple x a t • d esirabilit y as u layout, its uniformity of rcpresenting$25 m11lion Complt•x£•s: UC-Easton ~'::'ear,~sixtit>s isu tht: l r v 1nt.• lnd u 1t traal t•v1dc·n t throughout tht· t h t· 1ntl'r i:.N :tion o( residl'ncc.• reprl'scnts only urchitC<.'turc. its spacious. in sales and leases wer<' r r vin e· s e a s t e rn 4 200.acre parcel w'ith Complc.·x l·ontinue th1•11 I8rv1nl' Busm t•s::. C1c·nlt'rd Mat·Arthur Boule vard : one aspec·t of thl' arc•a's unclutte red appe<1rance. a t·qu1rcd las t yt'ar by boundarit•s, UC-Airport ' , than JtiOO f irms. !.y mbwt1t· rt•l;.i t1ons h1p. r o ad . trt·t· int• a nd Main S treect int allurc.ltulso pos:wSSt's a In shurl.1t pos.<;<•s..<;<>s all m o re than 4 0 a ro und John Wa y ne more . ·000 1 Tht· l'1t y re>t•t•ntl y boul (•va rds <.:o nnt.•t.·t lrviru· ~ commercial/industrial the aesthl•tic qua litie>s man u r a c· tu r i n o , Airport. and JIC-Tustin. employing 91 '. pc..•op c• n•numc.'Cl llC-A1rport and oCficc-s that are S(:l we ll "Suuthl'as t Ora ng~ " The bulk or I~ ac-rcagc• , . . f c d I' , w · hi the Cit y of IIC Tus u.n th t· Irv 11w o t h l' r o a w a y . County 1s rnnsidered,on ies ll n . h P Bus111<:ss Cc•ntt•r. Mor eov e r. a ll t.•c.•ntc r of th1• prime business I rv~ n e ·. w ~th .. t r "What makes this buildmgs must t:onform gruwth t:l'ntcrs in the: remainde r 111 l e citt.c·s·o· industrial art-ti so vastl y t o a s t r 1 t· t s c t or Un1tt-d Si.att.'S and that's i' Newport Beat·h . Costa difft•r<·nl from othe r!i ;, arl'htt<.•1.:tur<.11 standi.l rds why wt• dt-t·1dt:d to locate 1 Mesa and Santa Ana. say!. Dan Carlsson. publ,it· regarding m a tC'n a ls. •• maJUr offa('c facility in I I I C · Tu !> tin i s a relations manag1•r at tht' t•o lo rs. and s lrut·tural lrvuw." t·xplams Ot!nnis 3 50 -acre i ndus tr1:.il frvuw Comµany "1h th<it n1dl·~ Tht· rl'sult lh a Culc" n •al estate· manager • COmmun1ty Within thC' 1t'1t h1•1•11 rt•strll'tc•cl t o fl uw111g 1..'0ntll\Ul ty crf (or 01gll<1( Equipme nt.' City of Tustin with 250 light 111du!>trw l Uhl'~ 1J u 1 I d 1 n g d l' ... 1 g n "f or t·ompanies like oun>, I firms. cmploymg 7,000 no hc•avY industry sul'h throughout the• tC'nlc·r it's dl'fimtely the place to people. a-. hlt<t•l or larg£• assNnhly T his aLLc·n11on to dc•lad Ix• .. IIC-Eas l -whe rt• tJI :.inyth1 ng that would has con tn butl'<.l lo tht• Jommg Digital in its 41 development began as n •lt•uM' pollutmn into th1· c-l•ntl'r's and Ornngc· tl'l0Cal1on to the Irvine late a s 19 78 1s a ;111 Cuun1v'1t esllral'l1on as area arl' sut'h firms asl 1.250-acre site• plannc:d as 1 r v 1 n <' B us 1 n 1• s s <i n i n·d us t ri a I t·c· n t l· r . C h u b b I P a c i f i c a series of industrial Ct•ntt·r. wh1t·h is for all luring many prohpt·t'lh Inde mn i t y. Spe rry I commun ities a r o und prat·t1cal purpo!>t.'s fully awav from thC' Gn•atc·r Univ ac's c u s tomer: commerc ial cort·s dl·VC'lopt•d , lh t·ompost·d L os .Ang(·IC's arto;,1 th a t c du cC1 t1 o n ce nt e r ,: Development the r e 1s o f thrl'l' p ri ma r y dom1n a tt>d indui:.tr1 a l Cit1 Curp Credit. MCI: proceeding in f1 Vl' industru•:.. h1 gh ·tt•<:h t growth :w yt•ar'h •11'(0 Telec.'Ommumt·auons and: geographical phnst'S. the.• al'ro!>pac:t•. d1:.tribut10n F or 1ns t ann·. th f' M1tel. Int' .. all of w hich : first of wh it:h 1s nC'arang and scrv 1n· lrvme Compa ny rC'(.'l•ntly ISee IRVINE, 04) ; completion . llC-Eas t 1s · I expected to be fully This h • b • developed Within JQ tO I ma· n' t , Ill usmeoo ~ 15 ycafs. employing up LJCJ to 38,0QO people. Th t> indu s t rial comple xes' impact o n t h c i r s u r r o u n d 1 n g Oc:l I Y communities is apparent Autom<i tK' Da ta Processmg South Coa:-1 Pla7.;1 11011·1 9 a .m. -3 p.m Ont· of th'· n1os t r<>t·ent additions to the Irvine Industrial Complt•x-f:ast lis t of coq>oratc• rt.•side nts is Ford Aeros pa<'e & Communications~ new OJVAU Divis ion. It· will e mploy a bout 600 peoplt• when fully OJ>erationa l. in the numbe r of jobs they provide, but tht•rc's more. ~ Ot·t 20 The Greater lrvme Automatic Data P nx.'<'S.c;ang South Coast Plaza Hotel 9 <i m · 3 p.m . to Increased Sales Is Finding the Right Buyer. Call the Orange Coast Daily Pilot today. 642-5678 You can afford to tiuy yo.tr Mercedes Benz from us. 10.320/o TAX FREE atete 1 feder•I A to AA reted Netlonel TH lll9mpt bJ 8tenderd Munlclpel I Poore Truet • FOR FURTHER DETAA.8 CAU OR MAIL TO: Crowell, Weedon •co "1 s. _..If. Mt JU c S TA IH • S ,. r r 1 9 H "'iri.'1 -:::.-1::- Mel'llbert -V0111: SIOCll £•CC11911Qt HIWM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meir .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """'•"-"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..._.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-w. _, & ofi.r lul)fOICI 10 Prlo< Sale & ~In l'ric. lnl•• ........... from ..... -,_ .. lax" -.... ,.,, •••• - .. How to Stilirt •·Community ._nk'' A one-day ••miner covering the atep· by·•t•p proc••• of ••tabttahlng en Independent locel bank. . Saturday, October 9 The Newporter Inn Newport Beach, CA .... :1190 (lncludfl seminar 1111ftrlll1. rtfrt1hments. 1nd lune/I) flor more tntonnetton, or to entoth c.tt,Cermen Hema et (113) 743·1410 ~ ........ use--.., HIGH MONEY MARKET RATES ON: The Best Checking Account We've Ever Offered! Our new Interest Checking account keeps your money working for you 24 hours a day-365 days a year. Earn high interest on any balance above $2,000 and 51/4 °/o interest on the balance below $2,000, FREE of all service charges unless your balance falls below $500. *Interest Checking rates will fluctuate with market conditions. Call o ur office for current rates. Your balance over $2,0<X1 i~ not a savings account or deposit and is no t insured by the FSLIC . It is secured by notes or obligations of the U.S. government or government agencies. For individuals, deposits under S2,000 earn 51/• % interest and are insu~ed by the FSLIC . Commercial deposits under S2,000 earn no interest. ~NEWPORT BALBOA Savings Westcliff Plaza, 17th and Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach • 7141645-6505 Corona del Mar, 3021 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar• 714 /675-8060 Optn: Monday-Thursday 9 a .m. to S p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1 .. ,.... ·, ~ I I I _j i I I .1 0 4 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Ootot>er 3, 1982 Dan Sullivan -was promuk'<i t.o thf' potilhon o f N ational Snll'll Manag<'r of 0111trlbul.C'd L ogic Co rporullon. ~l llv~n wlll direct U n I t t' d S t u t e a a n d Canudlan sall'8 activitit.'ll for Dllog's li nes of plug- a n d software-cap able ta p c>·t ranspor t and Wlnchcstcr-disk -dri ve con trollers for Di·g ila l Equipment Corporation V AX , PDP -1 1 and LSl-11 t'Omput.ers. H e wil l also be r espons i bl e for the com pany's d1rect-sales- fort.'E' and represenLat1ve organizations. Savings ups~rge fuels S&L rellef A l't'<<t."nt report by ttw Collfomla Savinte• aod t..o.n Leoaa uc dewllJ the 1trcngth of the 1tate'1 S&L lnduttry and the 1mprovcd reaourcc11 of the f ederal S&L in1urancc ay11tt'fl'I, the League has announ«'<l. Tflr report ahow11 thut the st.alt! S&L Industry's ILllSCts rose to a record high $133.6 b illion In 1982. One reason for the Improvement, ac..'Cordlng to offlclal11 at Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francl1co. was a net savings inflow or $692 million Into California S&LB in the fll'llt quaner or 1982. Iona wrm hl·ulth of our tnduatry." E l ev~n nrw auoc- la lion• w ere 1tar ted In CalHornla In 1'*81, another lndi<'aUon of the lndu1tr y'1 po»itlve long-t erm outloo k , Lea~uo membcra BlJ_y. A n d rive o f Cali- fornia's biggest S&Ls h ave e m bark ed o n a mbl llous i n tersta t e expan sion program s. T hrou gh mergers and acquisitions, they have gained $9 blUton in new asset.s and IK'Ores of new offices In high-growth, sun-belt stat<.'S. Jack E dwards - Vale ncia Ba nk na med Jack R . F.dwards as Vice Preside nt and Ma nager o f Valen cia ,Bank's Ana h eim Bank Office locau.>d at 3061 F.ast La Palma . Stephen M. Steppe · Si~nul l>t·vt•lo1nm•nl <:o r pm·u&ion ol' l1·vint• Im"' h as been a p pointed I I . •· I · It• ,.. ""N I I M any o r t he new savings funds came from n ew ind ividual retiremen t accounts (IRAs). A League survey shows that savers opened a record 178,000 IRA.8 in California S&Ls between J<m 1 and April 2, 1982. The Industry's baste soundness ill reflecu.>d in its overall net wor th to lia bilities ratio of 4 .9 percent . -h igher than other s ta tes' combined ratio of 4.3 percent. investment marketing u n.not11tc·t•( I H ' opt•1un~ 01 I H 'll' .'·.>-UC'f"t' t•w u 11c d irector of Coldwell 0 (:c•111c·r ·· 011 &lat• norllH'H"-1 t'tH'llt'I' of Ht•tlf'la Ho11lc•\'1t r cl' The L eague re port a lso s hows that the Federal Savings and Loan lnsu :-a nce Corporation (FSLIC) is stronger than ever. With asset.s of more than $7 billion in 1982. ·and a cash inflow averaging $100 m1ll1on a month, the FSLIC has more than $1 billion in cash -on-hand to meet any emergenc~ sit uation. &nker Commercial Real ,, I · k Estate SerV-ices' uncl \cl11 111 " \,•t•11t1t• in tl1111linf.(lo 11 >t'HC' l . Su,:.,:. .. Alpha E d wards' banking car eer began in 1954 with United California Ba nk then con tin ued w ith First City &nk as V ice President and Branch Man ager. Jus t prior to joining Vale ncia Bank, E d ward s w as af fil ia t e d wi th Community Ba nk southwest region. Steppe Bc·IH j, 1hc· m u jor lt'IHlll l .. ho\\ 11 al up1w1· lc·fl. began his Coldwell Banker car eer in the company's Sout h Bay offtt-c as a rNa1l sales and leasing spec1ahst in 1972. His individual real estate markNing achievemc>nts earnt'd htm sa l es consultant sUi tus in 1977 and the des1gnat10n of senior sales consultant just ont' year later FIB shuffles managers "The Callfomta S&L industry as extremely proud of tis su~-ess in attracu~ new IRA plan ho lders, ' says League P resident W illiam Mortensen. "It's a strong expression by savers of their <..'Onfidenc..-e in the Vice President. A st•n t:s of ext•cuuvt• managc•mcnt c:hangcs were an noun<:ed n.'<·cnlly by J J Pinula. t•hairman o f the board, First Inters tate Banc:orp and Norman Barke r Jr .. chairman of the board, First Intcrstatt• &nk of Cahforn1a James F Bur n s. Kay Byrum -of 0 . W. McDermott -cXC('Utavc v1Ct.' prt.>S1dcnt F i n a n c 1 a 1 S e r v i c e.s h a s r e t u r n c d t o E I a n d c h i c f f 1 n a n d a I Unlimited was recently Camino Bank as Senior: offic..-er of First Interstate pro m o t ed t o V i ce Vice President at the Bank of California, has Pres 1 dent a n d i s Fu 11 c rt o n o ffi ce . been elected executive r espon sible for t he M ('Derm o tt wtll be vice pn·s1dent-finant·e d e v e 1 o p'm e n t a n d r e s p o n s 1 b I c f o r fo r F 1 r s t I n t c r s ta t e leadfU"ship of the first d evel o ping a wide Ban(' Or p Hi s active Women's D1vis1on varwLy of new fmancial a pp o 1 n t m c n t was specifically formed to markt•ts f o r the El effective-July 1, f§8'2 e ducate and inform Camino Bank holding Burnsw11l assumcpart w om e n o n ft nanc ia I company of the dut1<'S or Douglas options. F Madsl'n , exl'cutive Byrum 1s at•lJve m two vice pn•s 1dent, First as.<;umc·s the new utlt• of cxecullvc Vlt't' prt'SldC'nt- capital markt•t.s. Bruct• Currwr, senior Bancorµ. thl· nation 's largrst multtsl<ltt· bank holding t•ompany. wtth 21 banks in 11 Wt'S~crn v i c c p r c s 1 d c n t f o r .--"s"°'"ta;...l...;.t'...;.s_. ---· fanancaal planning at First lnt<.•rst.att· Bank of Califo rnia , has bccn named to sut~·t'(.od Burns as chief fman('ial officer of thl' bank In <i rc•la tt:O move, G a r y W 1', a t' d I c r . formerly M'n1or vice president in .charge of cash milnagt:ment servi('E.'S for W~lls Fargo Bank, will' as.suinl· new res pons a bi la tws as senior Airporter Inn Hotel vice president and cashier of the bank. First Interstate Bank of California has 331 offices statew1dc and is the principal subs1d1ary of Firs t I nters tate 1/l",,/;,,y ""J /]""Cf""' /a';/,· 1i1•.1 Orange County Women's Interstate &nm rp, who g r oups: Women in --------------------------------Busi n ess (WIS ) and Open 24 H ours Bn.>akfC1St Lum h. Dmn.:'r To Su11 Your Every Nf!ed 10 to 600 W omen's Econo mic Career A dvacemcn t Network (WECAN). Irvine business has a center From 01 t·on s trut·tton o f ni.-w 1 n d u " t ra a I f al' 1 I 1 t ll· s . Carlsson "'-lys Raymond F. Schuler - h as been named Vice P resident and General Co unsel for Smith Internation a l, Inc .. Schuler brings 19 years o f cor po r ate lega l expe r ience to S m ith Inter national. He will assume responsibili ty for the general counsel and cor porate secretary fu n ctions f o r the FORTUNE 500 oilfield ser vice farm based 1n Newport Bea c h . California. Mic hael H. Buol - -was appointed Vice President and Manager or El Camino Bank at 2900 E La Palma in Anaheim. Most recently Buo l was an a t•t·ount executive for Chemical Bu s i n ess Credit Corporation rep - resenting a large New York bank an the area of equipment financing. As assistant vice president and industrial spcc1ahst Buol hc·lpc•cl trouble- s h oo t th e Lo s Angeles/ Orange County manufa c turing and distribution clients for a major Los Angeles bank. - • \111·ri11·0111 p 11l 1·r \1·1·ou11 t1111( ( ......... ol I 1 "~"' \,' 1111111-I(, ' .. ,, .o1.1. \lm1tf.,, '.'.ij IO I' 111 .!0 1 '"' 1 •• 1!11°01 • ,,,,.,\I( ,, ' l'.I\ ·'"'" :.! t Ill I' rn C), 1nl~·1 11 ... ,, ... .,.. \ppl1• .tlottll I ..,. .. 1.11 7 .s ·~11 1• 111 :! I ·111 I' 111 fl11ol"•r :.!II \111 I 11 11'1."•I have• movt'Cl to ExC'Cutave Park during the past year Tht· lrvtnt· Bustnesi. CentN <'l'rtainly tias has been a maJOr force in lcx:al industrial growth in the past years. but with 1t reaching full capacity the baton ts being passed to tlS sister development. UC-East Judging by 1ts past vear's stattstat-s. !IC-East is off and running More than $50 rrullton in developmt•nt and sales act1v1ty w as recorded therc during the past year. including n early $36 mil l io n in According to H1chard M C&nnon. v act? prl's1dt·n t of t ht• I rvint· Company t·ommt•rc1al1 indust rial d1v1s 1on : "Smc.·e llC-E<tst opcm•d about four yt•un. ago. at h as b <' e n 11 n t· o C t h c fa s tcst gro wing 1ndustrwl ci1stn<:ts tn the n a t 1 o n , a n d t ht· h 1 g h level of construt·t1on and sales a ct1v1 ty re('orded th('re s hows that it continues to be the d o minant area tn Southern C&lifornia for industrial development." Some of thl' major For Bu iness Prof c siona l "' DATA WORKSHOPS • l't 111(r111111111111! in n .. , ... I•'! \111 t1u t1t1!pllh I" 1 •• 1,..1,,. '"'" 1111" llo-~ I ,1, .. II• ':.!" \\ ... 1 • 11 Ill I' II '"I .:·. ''" I ,, ... • \\ ttrtl 1'1 ttt ''"1111! l"I llf'j!lllllt'I • I "'" "I''· ,\ I ho """ nl ll.11oh,,11,. ,\ I low. 7 H If I I' "' .! l \II 11.111 11. I .!II •"-'"' I 1. -, ·,, For Informa tion Call: 960-2786 TREND IMPORTS SALES 1200 W. Coast Hwy • NewQOrt Beach 11 pl1a11d lo announce , , , That our Service Department Is under new management! Larry Bleser, our service manager, with an engineering major, has had more than ten years experience In automotive technology. We wetlt .,. oll yeot medeft of the fellowlng cort1 Rois Royce Ponches lnCI .W's -Ftnlri'a nl other t1otics We now have pick-up and delivery for the local area •.. by appt. only Hour• M·f l:OOAM to l:OOPM CloMd 8atun11J end lundar .. tJttf edit e rranea 11. C/loom Superh Conl1nental ClllstnE' Enteriainnwnt Nightly Happy Hour Mon Fri firms lcx·attnt( in llC-Eas arl': Luc ky Storcs, Ca Ison 1<:. Tro pt t o ne Furniture', ZA-c Medical. Racal-Dana Instruments, Sparklctts W <t tt'r and Ford Aero s pa ce & Commun1cat1on's n e w DIV AD d1v1s1on. With thn·<' and a half phases remaining lo be completed in llC-East. the future: holds C've n more big n:.ime newcomt'rs. all seckmg the samc well t.lt-s1gnc'<i "res1denc<"' for their bust ne'SSC'l SUNDAY CH~MPAGNE BRUNCH Ill the t\feditcrranea11 Room 10 -2 (t all goes to prove, there's n o place like home. especially 1r its in the Irvine Indus trial Complex. 18700 Mac Arthur Blvd., Irvine , 92715 (714) 833-2770 (At John Wayne Airport ) WHAT DO FINANCIAL STABILITY AND PHYSICAL FITNESS HAVE IN COMMON? & ORANGE CITY BANK! Al Orange City Bank we care abOut you -not iust your money That's wny we're celebrating the opening of our Newporl Beach office with prizes lhal will help you stay 1n tip top physical condition -and IOOk greal whlle you're domg 111 Come 1n tOday 10 any or our three offices and register to win FIRST· PRIZE Two memberlhlpe '°' • yHr to The Sporting HouH In Newport Beech SECOND PRIZE A 1100 Gitt Certtflcete from Frontrunnen Drawings will be held OctOber 15 12 00 noon. al 4525 MacArlhur Blvd in Newport Beach and winners need not be present So JOQ on 1n and sign up t0day1 If you have an extra minute or two. we would be happy to discuss our customized" banking services and why we lh1nk we should be your bank We care abOut more lhen your money PLUS: Sun Vltort, Shoe Pocht1 end Wr11t Bandt! Somem1ng more for your money. Or•~ Olllc• ·1 .. ,1 ,. • • '""'"" """ '" 0•.11 ;;• C.A I'll.~··• 171 4) 771 3300 H11nt1neton H•rt)our Olllct 11>1~1: li<' ... , <:" 1 A~•"'"' Hv<•I" ''"" 11 ... 111• t.o\ u t1 ••• (714J 840 1321 N•ws-t e .. cti Office '" ,,,,., 662 2m .. G rounclhrc•aking t•t•rc•moni•·~ \\t•n · lwlcl for h\o · rt:•s luur unb lwin~ t•onslnu·lc·cl U I°' c·o111pot1t•111~ of inillion, I ·1-a('l'f' Ont• P tu·ifit· Plaza offic•t• ancl t•onamt·rc·inl c·c•ntt•r , llunlin~lon Bt'<H'h . tlw !!ii.>O You and your money Or1ng• COHl DAIL y PILOT /8und1y, October 3. 1882 ·01 1 ... Laguna Federal Joins Innovative team Qultu u Ntlr wu• tnt•r te 1.•r , whl t•h wu11 cl'l'uted In Luguna Bcuch a I( 1• t• u d u p o n I n -0boul a your •&o whc..•n Scpll!mbur I U8 I. will btt loy11I patron» o( Lugurui rt•flt-t'lt'<I In u11 lmprovt.'lJ I Fl1dl·rul loarnud thulr l1•vt•I 11( 1M.•rv ll'•' tfi vc•n lo hometown Hvln111 und l'U.'llortwl'li. For P>cumpll', loon would nwrse with Laguna Jo'cdt>rnl 'a muin Sun D1cgo-bal-Od Creal offi<-t'. that ivy l'OVl'l't-d, Amcrkan l''t."<foral. thrt'l'·lllOry 11trut·tun· on · • M u n y o t I) u r 0c."t.•un AVl'f\U1•, r~'l·ntly customer& were..• ofrold received lt11 f1rai1 that the merger would o u tom u t l' d I e I I l• r make u1 chungt•," soy11 rpuc:hlm•. u .oool butun(·t· <'111 11 • h igh m o n t•y murkt•t lnlcrc•t. Anolhn MIJC't'lullicd cht.>ekll\fe BC\'OUnt '" lh1• reud y -nC('t!ti11 111•rvll'11 u t·.1: o u n t f o r T b I 11 CU•IOllll'rl, t•nub I ing them lO wrilA' chtdus fnr largl' sun1H Bcg1nn1ng 1n 0 l' r l' m b t· r , G r <· u t W1•11 tcrn urril'l'S w ill offer cuslomcr11 tt st1.wk brokl'rt1g1· 1wrvll·e, the first sovlng11 a nd loon 1111HCX•lutltm In t)w nation lo have 11uctv u At.·rvlt'{'. "W1• f t-ul this IM!rvit'(I \A> lJ(• ht•lp(ul," K ln1mun Kayll, "l)c~BWI(• fl'\Oii l Wt•ll round ed lnd lv1djilo l1' f1nunl'IUI portf o l101 1111.·ludt• 11f.lJt•k11 " A 11 l h 1-. 1• 11pt•1· I 11 I programw bes p(lnk th(' s c· r v 1 l' t• o r l t· n l e d o peru11on o f G r cu t Wt·stt·rn. And 11 d0t-sn'1 stop tht•rt•. Automated tl'llcr sy11tt·m11 m·ur the Mexican bordt•r pQSSCSfl Sp11nl1h and Entillah vocabuJurlu•. And 11 - lt'llt·r 1y11wm In u~unt• H llh 1to rvl1.·u blind . t·uatomc•l"!I with brollle .. All our dc•veloplng h as been d 1rt.'<'led ut becoming u l'omph:te fom1ly fmuru:1al t•1.mter," Kll'l.l!mun .:•y¥ J Laguna Fl·dC'rul 11incC' 1tu· mt.-rger hns benefited from thest• improved ser vict•s, as h uve its l'W1tomt•r11 L orna Mills, prcsldt•nt G r cul Am 1• r I l ' u n and '·hie! exec utive pioneered devt:lopinenl o ffi cer uf Lagun a of automatt•d tc..·lle r F ed e ral Suvingti and systcma; in the mld -70s Loan. n n d n o w h a s 7 2 A I th ough l h l' Ir operating machines In custome rs' fe ar11 were California, acc·ording to unjustified, the staff at M 1 c h a e I K 1 n 8 man . Laguna F'ederal will s po k esmu n for tht• ind~ wltnt.'SS change as assodallon. • Liberalized structure of IRAs triples accounts' popularity a result of the merger. G re a l A m c• r H ' a n In JU st the fl rst s1 x ex1stcm~ 1s gralll yang.' But it's th e t ype o f nego tiatt.•s $:.!50,000 in monthssinl•etheb1rth of A ssc·t s i n the st' change that comes from transactions per month new , I i b c· r a I I z t: d accounts ulso increased teaming up with one of on automated tellcri;, he Individual Re tiri•ment rapidly , cl i mbing 66 th e s t a t t'' s mo s t says, adding that At't·ounL'i, thc· numbt.'r o f percent to $4.3 billion. progressive, innovative increased u se o f the IRAs invc11led in mu1 uul Tpcy sta rted with $2.6 sav ing s a nd I o a n l'{l<tchlnes has enabled funds nearly tripl<.'d . billion . as.."O<:iations many branch locations to 'As far b~1ck as June :JO, For th<· t pt a I six. G r c ll t Amer I ca n s t r c am Ii n <· pa y r o 11 mutual Cund:i showtod an month J~.'rlod, 60 pl'l'('Cnl Ft·d c ral 1s tht· 13th operations and r educe inc rcas(• o r ulm os t a of all nt•w money going largc'St savings and loan operallng c·ost s . Pu1 m1ll1on I R A accounts into mutual fund IRAs assoc1allon in the nallon. simply, fewer employees since Jaa I to a lot.<JI of bwas in m o nl·y market F ormerl y San Die-go are needed. l.5 million al'rounts. funds But as tht· period Federal, Creal American II m ay sound a bit accQrd1ng t o Dav id wore on, thl• proportion has grown sinn• 1970 imperson al al first It Stlvl:'r, president of the g o 1 n g 1 n 111 more from four branch offices only nec:ocls to be put into mutual fund industry's traditional mutual funds, in San Dit'go County to perspt-ctivt• with Great na tional asscx.·ia t1on, the like thost• invesling in 143 offic(•s s tate wide American 's tot:.11 pl<m for lnves tmt•n t Com p any l'O rpora tc bo nds a nd with assets o f $4 .3 improving cus t omer lnstitute.ThC'year bcgan common s t oc ks , was billion . servke. with 500,000 at'Counts. increasing significantly. Its g rowth h as been Great American in "Mutual funds have "What<'ver their initial JUSt ubout any time, . without a ffocting th1.· status of their JRA. as long as the exc·han~e is / within the s am e 1 managt:mcn t group of 1 funds." 1 "People who want to prepare for rf!llrcment are obviously rec.cling w the dual reatur<.>s or the tax advantages of IRAs and the unique strengths • o r mu1ual funds. IRAs are re t1rf!me nt' ae<.'Ounts that allow wage • earne rs lo assign up to $2,000 annually in tax-1 deductible contributions . to investments which can grow t ax-Cree until withdrawal As the money 1s taken out, investors are t.axed By JUDITH G. RHOADES c..-, ..... hnlc• Q . I work for a museum, and tbe re was a notice on our bulletin markt:d by an aggressive 1980 becam e the firs t tradi~1onally p layed a ch oicl:'. mutual fund e xpansion program -savings and loan to offer major role in reun•ment investors have the option induding ~vcn mergers adjustablt· mortgage fund investing," Silver of sw1tc h1n~ th e ir -and introduction of loans. Further, abou t a says. "The fact that 1hey 1 n vest m <' n t a m ong innovative· new financial m o n th ago . G r ea I have attracted 1w1et• as d1Hcrent types or funds serv1Cl'S to customers. Ame rican int ro d u ccd many IRAs m JUSt half as economic tond1uons or at their then-current Lax 4l bracket. By then, most people will a retired and wilJ probably pay taxes ' al a lower raw e mployer to reduce your freelancer who has spent Thus, any impact upon market rate c hecking, year as they did m the their personal financial salary by $3,000 and 15 years in the securities L aguna F eder a I whereby a c h ecking e ntire previous seven goals c hange•," S il ver contribute that amount industry. r es ulting Cro m th e account with a minimum years o f the al't:Ou nt's says. "They can do this o n your b ehal f i n .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,....:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------~----------------~ • board about a 403 (b) retirement plan. What is tlaat? A. A 403(b) plan is a tax-sheltered retirement plan for employees of certain types of non - profit organizations. You ar e p robably elegible under a specific section of the lntemaJ Revenue Cod e d escri bing a monthly installments of $250. Your end-of·the- year W-2 form will the n show a taxable income of $17,000 ins t ead of $20,000 Q. I was al a mutual fund seminar r ecently and a broker mentioned 1om e tblng c alle d a conduit tbeory. Wbat 's tbat mean? museum as a non-profit A. The c'Onduil theory type of organization. is a phrase developed by Ther e · a r e so m e mutual fund companies ..... ..,.coa·.uc. benefits to )LOU-to sho~ how d~vidends under this plan in that or capital gains are part of your income will r e t u r n e d t o t h e b. freed from current shareholder. tax Uabllitv. For example, a mutual The Maserati Ouattroporte Perhaps the ultimate auto- mobile A select few are made for a select few fortunate individuals You can be o ne of them See the Maserat1 Ouattroporte now at Beach Imports : I H IMPORTS 8 48 Dove St, Newport Beach (114) 752-0900 Whatever amount you set aside ca n als o gen er ate tax-de f e r red income o n its own to provide funds for your retir e ment, and your retirement plan can pass on to your heirs free of estate tax, although your heirs will have to pay I n come t ax o n the amounts received. fund purchases General 1--~~~--------~~~~~------------------------------------------1 Moto r s a nd IBM f o r Do you remember, you can not have an IRA account and a 403(b); however. if you are self- em ployed on the side, yo u can maintain a Keough plan. A 4 0'3 ( b ) p la n is ba sically a sa la r y reduction plan. You get t he tax deduction b y having your employer contribute a portion of your salary to your pla.n. For e xample, if you make $20,000 and decide to contribute 15 percent, y o u Instruct yo ur the ir portfolio. Whe n these two companies pay" dividends, the mutual fund does n o t retain them, but passes them d i re ct ly o n t o the shareholder. The fund 1s only a "pipeline" or "conduit" for the d ividends. That is how the term originated. Nole to m y r eader s: Somehow 1 erred in one of m y IRA columns . stating that people could add to IRAs a fter 70 'h years of age. That is not true. It is onJy through a SEP-IRA that this d eduction can continue after age 70 1h Otherwise, individuals must begin withdrawing from their IRAs at that t ime . So so rr y if I confused many of you. I Judith Rhoades is a Thl1M19 11111? Think ·RoM•I for Over 61 Yean Le .. in1 all modea. • all make. at THEODORE ROBINS LEASING Calla 642-0010 or 540-821 J NEW ISSUE flu~ is nor .:in otter to sell nor 4 1ollc11a11on of an otter 10 buy these 11ecu1r11es Thi! otferorig 111 maele only by P1ospec1us 5 00,000 to 600,000 Share s In the am o unt o f SS ,000 ,000 to S6,000,000 Commo n Stock Price $10.00 Per Share California Commercial Bankshares A Proposed Bank Holding Company tor •NATIQr\JAL BANK OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (In Organlzatton) For a copy of lhe Prospeclus please con1ac1 the Organization Olllce by ma ll or phone 695 Town Center Drive , 12th Floor. Costa Mesa. CA Y2626 17 14) 641-5529 Commercial Property Directory of a.. .. ter Or•ne• County INDUSTRIAL PARKS • INDUSTRIAL UNITS OFFICES • SHOPPING CENTERS MEDICAL • RETAIL WAREHOUSE • LAND Where Oevelopera. Owner•. Buyera, S.llera, Real Ea1a1e Broker• and lAH••• Meel The Cornmet<:10/ Property D11.c1ory 11 pub. llahed aa an aid to both local and out.of.the area bualnHa people and ~mpanlea In need of lndualrlal parka/unit&, olflce/medlc:al. wat•· hou1H. •hopping c:entera, or la nd upon whlch to build or leaae theh own fac:llltlet . n 111:1: naucanon, ••c. 32325 Coaat Highway e South Laguna e Collfomlo 92677 Telephone (71 •) 9S5-2400 r--------- 1 Tax~waps -, I are not just for I municipal bonds. I t I I YrJ11 < .iri c1".,1i ldt )WdlJ ~101 k<,, 1 '>rp1>rnlP txmd., dlld govPrrHnP11t f>1µ_1dc;,--lo 11-llllf-I a f~w AAG ~~ef-yOu oll-.H }'Oii/' ·~~ains er llP 10 $3 00() of Ol llf'r 1ncnrne. there clrf:' five lll()fP good rea~on<, 10 !ell' <,..vcip Y<J11 c,in 11pgrt:1dr· ,.011r por 110110 .it II 1 '>dill< 11111£> 1111provP curren rl! urr1 'r ·n1 rt-,t ,, r > ,r 11•lrj to 11 c1l 11 It d1\1•r , 11 y<111r llf1l<l1rt~;!-. or COll..,OhcJrilC <.,fl1r1U f)rlr cHllOIJl1(._ tll(O 1.iq'.l'I l1lo< k <,1/t'', To f1n<J out l1ow tc11 swapping< t1n wor~ for you get 8dc.tws treP ld)( Swdpp111p, k11 dn<J wor k c:,heet J11-.t <.rill tile number below or send 1n the f oupon I Bache Halsey Stuart Shields Incorporated 11301 Dove Street Newport Beach. Ca 92660 714 -752-2280 I r~ .... ~ I '"''· --- IMI Hll'-...INt' .l'ltl't~t ., I tJ I ... •''·'' .,, .. , ' .. • r I 1 I 'I I . 1- 1 I I I I , " I I L--~~--_J . _, 1 .. ~~ ---1 J~ . I P8l'IODlllZ8d Fin1nci1I Plln lllOl'8d IDIClllCllY IOr Y• lllmb Art yo r11tly aa111l1eel that your l1m1lf1 l1n1nc11I program 11 totally deQull• lor 1001v and for the lutute? H••• you rH l•stteally considered lhose bothersome conlu11n9 dett111 lhat can seriously atlect yout plans-1nll1t1on 111es Social Security? Ooet your preHnt methO<I or tevongs 1n .... 11men11 and Ille 1n1uranc1 ownerth•P ellow you io me-• malu~um use ol your allet-11• dOllers? Now there a an euy way 10 crea•• 1 rea1ts1oc r1n1nc1a1 pl1n IOI you and you1 r1m11y 1h1ou9h our pe1M>n111zeo F1n1nc111 Planning Service Here'• How It Work• I We cot1ec1 d1l1 from vou conc11n1ng your usets your needs your objtch .. a 2 Thia 1nform111on '' prOCHHd lll•ougll our compular1 PfoO••mmeo by 1pee1t1•11t '" lht 111101 or 1nvHtmenlt 1n1ur1nee and l1nanc111 pt1nn1ng-cone1111no rn11a1oon1ry rectOfl Incl SOC•ll Secu1rty 1>enehta 3 Vou 1teet ... e conllden1111 16· 10 26·1>•0• rel>0'1 01te11ng 11rm 1t1ha1tc •tc0Mmt no111on1 r°' you1 l1m11y 1 linen· c111 l)tOQrtM t>lat<I on yOu• llOIOtngt you• ntee1s youi budgtllry lllll•ll110llt l "<I '(OUI Ol>jtcl1 ... t THEflll It NO CHAfllQI 'Of' THlt llfllvtCI . , . ANO YO\I Ml UNOlll• NO OM.IOATtON WHATIYIR TO IUV ANYTHlfl'O. -------···------------------------------------ ' I WOUIO hilt 10 l'leolt more lf!IOfl•ltllOtl l llOUI .,out''" '•n111C111 lttenn1110 Serv~ ( '\' l i ' I I I I .. ·~ lO• ... ' • \•I" IJifft He• lt• li•I ("' "''" 1 t • I> l ,,,,. .... H •• lt• lol ("t .... ltw , . 1110 .... H1th lt• ~II Ot Orange Cotti DAILY PILOT /Sunday. Oclobtr 3, 1982 D7 ,. c h it> Hill H e• l •• 1111 (... 14,,. I t• ,. f ' ltl Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Ootober 3. 1982 • Whenp .... the Sears th le pot their trust iq inanciaINetwork, .... ing but speechless. '9 I love it. I think it's s u per ... we're j us t n ot d owntown people. It's all right here .~ \. '"' u,,,,, ' J '9 Quite helpful ... told u s wha t was informa tive to us. Gave us a couple of differe nt ideas.~ ' \ '9 I feel comfortable ... I feel a t ease. They were ve ry helpful. Expla ined a lot of things to us. ~ J ~ ·"I' ,,,,, '111111 '" I '9 I think people trust the Sears Financial Network because they know Sears. ~ ,_ ,-:.. . ' \111n1 \11111"' 'the Sears Financial Center the isnow~in SouthCOast People are talking about the Sears Financial Network. Because n ow. the financ ial services you and your fam ily need most are together under one roof. The roof of the Sears s tore In South Coast Plaza. Because people -even people who make a good llvtng- need good. sound advtce about their money. And they need that advice s imple to understand and easy to find. And perha ps most of all. they need It from people they trus t . • Real Estate. And Allstate Savings for your savtngs and loans. You 're Invited to see exactly what these companies can do fo r you . And tell us how you feel. The Center ts open for your convenience during regular Sears s tore hours. Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m .. Saturday 9:30 a .m.-9:00 p.m .. Sunday 11 a .m.-5 :00 p.m . A>r further lnfonn•tlon: If you can't vtstt the Center (Its at 3333 Bristol Street. Costa Mesa. CA 92626). That's why Sears has s tarted the Sears Financial Network. With Allstate for your insura nce needs. Dean Witter Reynolds for your Investments . Coldwell Banker fo r SEARS please call (714) 540-3333. Fl NANCIAL The Sears Financial Network. Because today, the best place for your future should be NETWORK with friends you can trust. At Sears. ~-----I I\ Allstate Dean W itter Reynolds Coldwell Banker Allstate Savings --i • I I Sid Be rns tc•in o n wa y to r e hearsal o f "L<•nnon' or TIDAT'S CIDSSlllD PVIZLI ACROSS 1 Frencn revoluhon1s1 6 ApporHons 11 Rall birds 16 Theater platlorm 21 Silly 22 Greek leller 23 Norman Vincent - 24 Flower part 25 Sufllce 26 Across· Comb form 28 In kind retahallon 3 words 30 Vetb form 31 Yoo II 32Pubbr- 34 Bedouin "9ad band 36 River d«>oslt 37 Ttekel porll()nS 390blain 40 Perches 42 -never 1001a1e 2 words '44 Sh<>wS a P<Ohl 46 Ecol<>Oy agcy 47 Lawsuit 48 Artist's m1•- 1ng board 51 Rail bird 53 Pryor spy 55 Find 58 Small pie 60S Am rodent 62 American Indian 66 Wear away 66 Taxi limers 68 Theatrtcal malleup 70 Jewish month 71 Goals 72 Remove rind 73 Greell relier 75 Wild ~ries 76 WOod !IOfret 77 Scottish nver 78 Kellles 79 Charms SI 81 By wayol 82 Egyptian sacied bull 83 Frebhwater lurtles 85 Malay ailment 86 Porlent 88 Island oil Greece 89 Nol any 90 Deel 1m Wildly 91 Unlock 92 Ca1bonize 93 Bistros 95 Ca1tfom1a Indian 96 Indeed 1n lrttand 97 Acting game 100 Fragrance 10 t Zodiac ~n 102 Electron1e detector t04 Shear 105 Afternoon par1y t06 Netlher t07 Chinese waxes 109 lllu~ated 1 tO Blessing I I I Flappers 112 Oral pause 113 Takes ollenseat I IS Renter t t 7 Silly one 118 Perennial herb 120 Monkey 122 Se1son1ng 123 Browned 1n the sun 12-1 Takes notice of 126 Broadway par I 128 Tnumph over 2 words t30 Arduous tourney t32 English eel 134 Donate<! 136 English poel of old 137 Aggregates 14 1 Wheel edge 142 Old saying 144 Membrane 146 Three-spot 148 Also 149 Abbr on a city map 150 -St Helens 15 1 Leading w1lh a rope 154 Lode loads 156 Can and USA 157 Fracas 159 Compound ether 160 CMI wrongs 162 Del•-·· city 164 F1tS1 Pref•• 165 P1an1 slalks 166 Gr0W1ng 001 167 FotlOWS orders DOWN 1 Golden Touch king 2 Iguana • 3 Sun deity 4 Barbecue t>u11tnsk1 5 Japanese church 6 Gtve 7 Hindu mantra 8Allow 9 Sponsor- Ship iO Fabric 11 Caughl Sight of 12 Ab<>ve. 10 a poet 13 Hametln pests 14 Winged 15 Arrange- ments 16Health resorla 17 Egyptian ~ngod 18 Attending 19 Pear1y portals 20 Extract 27 Nimble 29 Went by plane 33 And Larin 35 Scatters rubbish 38 Large handker- chief 39 Inundated tores I 4 1 Nails w11h aperlures 43 Condition 45 Coarse round basket 47 Fuel 49 l;iad lunch 50 Before. tol<N ll 52 B1bhcal king ~Acorns. someday 55Conducts 56 Bay Window 5 7 84M:ome eh- gtble 10 get 3 words 59 Thirty Fr 6 1 Irregular 63 Unspoken 6" Degrade 66Gym pads 67 Greek portico 69 Ada,,,·s son 72 Skin opening 74 Exciama1lon 76 Surgical procedure 78 Author's "weapons" 79 Dwetl oo with delight 80 Profound sleep 82 Sandarac tree 84 Performer 85 Wallop SI 87 Farm« of India 88 London let low 90 Caesar'• soldiers 91 Harangues 92 Faecal leature SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWE'RS \ 93 roe-cream goodies 94 Love "madly" 95 AShen 96 Mine entrance 97 Coagulate 98 Luxuriant 99 Relieved 10 1 ()welled 103 Jolson 104 Connection 107 H&waHan tire goddess 108 Mlx 110 Collon bundlee 111 Bac>lismal veasels 113 Emil fumes 114 Haze 116Arres1 117 G8fmen lribal region t 111 Noah'• eon 121 Click beetles 123 Drinker 125 Black· boar di t27 Always 129 Bulglng 130 Vagabond 131 Large atre.m 133 E.xcrete 135 Cholc4I group 138 Guido note 139 Currency 140 Flies atoll 142 Polyneslnn god 143 Ending wilh k1tcnenor room 145 Presenll/ 147 Tokyo's old name 150 Encoun- tered 152 Dress bofdef 1S3 Fondness. In Dublin 155 Weep loudly 158 Seholdl 161 Size ot shot t63 Odin's brother .. 'Lennon' will open off-Broadway "- lh JAY SllARlillTT A~ Dr•m• Writer N~:w YOHK Tlw m·w nlUSll'lll I'> simply ndll«J "L~·nrnm." It l'hronldl·i. John Lt·nnun's musll' umJ h i!'$ lift·, hoth ai. 11 m1·mbt•r of thl· &•utlL·s UllU ufwrwards L1kt· Lt•nnon and thi> Bc·11tlt•s, 1t bt•g;111 111 L1vt•rpuol, EnglunJ 11 bnn~i. b;wk 111 13t·allt:dom a short. Mi ft i.pokt·n N<•w Yurk proniolt•r 11u1m·<l Sid &rnstt.·in. not wt·ll known but a k<•v Cigun• 111 &•1.lllt>i. history no1wth1·lt·~ In 1Hfi4. h1: was tht• firs t 10 book tht· B1•atlt'h in c·111wt•f'I ht.•rc. at Can1t.·gll' I I.ill s hortly ufll·r tlw1r h1ghly -puhhc·1z1·d Amt•1·1t·un TV dl'l.JUl on UJ Sullivan·.., vanl'ly show un CBS llc•'i. pr11dut·1ng '"Lt·nnon" o ff Broodwciy. with tht· pr<·mtl'ri.• slatt·d Im Tut'Sday tic· dt'<.·1d1"<.l lo br111g 11 to Nc•w York aftt•r i.t·t·1ng 11 lalt· last yc•u1 dunnK a St•ntinwnt.al ,1ou1111·:v lo L1v1·rpool 1 nt· snow, wh1l'l1 ha~ n11w fJC •rl1111111·r..,. s t•v1·n mt'll and two w o nwn hai. :rn L<>nnon songs. mdudmg "lmagarw," "All You Nl'ed Is Lovt., .. "G1vt· Pt'<H't• a Chance:" ;,ind "A Duy in tht• Lif1·" "But. it's also :i pl.uy. with t·p1s<xlc·i. 111 his lift• from lhl• timt• ht• w:.u; born ui1lll ht• puss1.•d on," hl• says, u s;.id, gi•nllt· rc•lt•rt•nc(• t o Lt·nnun 's v10l1•11t c·nd in l)\'l·t•mlwr IYllO wh1·n the· n><·k ~tar wJs s hot and klllt·d ht·n·. 81.·rns ll•i n n·ud ii v adrn1 ts ht· rwvc·r km·\.\-John Lt•nnt-in Wl'll But tlwy IH'l'IOd1t·ally bumµt·cl into 1·m ·h 11lh1·r . EARLY BIRD DINNERS s6.95 ~ lo I p.m. 111dud1ng 11 IUllO chont'C• 1·111·uunll'r on Manh11tton's Wt•st Sidt• 8C'Vl'rul months IM•ron• Ll•n 111111 's dt·ulh, "Wt• hugj.(1•d l•a<·h ullwr and JU!:il t hallt·d uhout our kids. Ht• mlnidut·t•d 1111• to his wrft·, Yoko for tht• 1:1cv1•nth 11nw," he• suys i.mlling. "S h t• had t11 nm11nd him wc•'d u ln ·ady rnct." Ht• shukt•s l11s hl·ud "Thul wa:. the l<Jst L1m1· I '>HW 111111 .. • 111· 111''\t ~1w L1•nn11n. und th1.• uth1•1 &·to tl1·s. hutk 111 HJfl:.! and th1.·n only 111 ph11t11gruph.., 111 th1· l'nt1.·rta1nn11·11t "''<tum~ of Hnl1i.h nt·W~f'JfX'l'S Al t ht• t1m1·, h C' c·x plums, ht• w<i i. w111k111g rur <:AC, u lar1'W lak·nt J~t·n('y. 1n what lw wryly c·all:. "lh1· boom ing. hlo~'><lllllng ont· night rt)(:k dt·µarlm1·nl " "l)t·I Shann1111. Bohhy Hyd l'll, Bobl1y Da r 111 , IJ1 c111 a11d tlw B1·lmun1s. lh1·i.i· w1·n · m v l°lll'lll.'>," ht· i...iv~ Thc•y w1·n · th1· lug t111 11" tlw B1-;11lt·i.· JU~t u n obl.c·ur1· lmncl o l mop toppc·d L1v1 •rµool lad:. Bal'k tl11 ·11, li4•1 ni.11•111 wu~ s pc·nchng h1i. u ll duty how ~ ;1~ a s1uu1•nl al lht• Nc•w Sd1•111l. lw n " whc·r1.· h1· no w tc·<a1.·h1·~ a ('t)lll..,. • Oil lhl• nlUSll.' bUSllll'SS "Max I .t•rru•r, tht• eulumnist, t.uld m1• to pll'k up :1 London nl'w:.p<iJX•r 11111.·1.• ;i W<'t•k and st•t• what wa~ hupp<'ntng 111 tlw Hnush gov<•rn11wnt." h1· suys "S11 I did f3u1 by t.h1· tinll' th1· st·h1Jul 11·rm l·111h·d 111 Marl'li nm:~. I'd lc·:H'm·tl a lol uhout a g111up l'allt·d th.l· Bt·alll·i., waldwd tlw ~to11t•i. grow. fn1111 small 1t1 ni~ to "A1 .. 1tll·m:1nw Swc·c·p~ Gn·ul ' . Bnu.m' an :us point bold ht•udl11wi.. "So I 1.·ullL·d thl·ir m anugn. Brnrn • Ep111.cm · 11 took me· u 1.·ouplv of wc•cks to , ·gl•t his n umlx•r, whll'h J still n·mcinlx.or and w1· mod e u dcol tor u ycHI' hen<:c.> Ill• wui. u l11tlc puz.zlt.cJ by rt ul lh1· lime "111· s u1d. 'Tht•y'n • ~l l(t•tling any airplay, nolxidy knowi. lhl•m in Am1·rw<1.' l wus just ud hbb1ng, didn't know what w ould huppcn But. I told him. 'They will gt•t airplay. they'll U4· known.'" All lh1s t·amt.' to puss , s tarung with tht•rr wildly s u1.Tc.-s1:1ful <kbul o n thl· Sullivan sh-ow Tlll'n, with &>rnsucn doing thl• book1111< and promollng, they m udc· 1lw1r frrM U S l·om·c.:rt app<'aran~ al Curm·gw Hall on F<'b 12. I B64 It t'h't<•bhshc·d thc·m u:. i.uJJ(•rstcir" and &•rn~tc·m. now !l4. uJ> un 1mpr~ rm But tht·y 1·v1·ntually w<·nl th<'lr way and he.· Wl'llt h1i., h1· fH OUU l'lng 1.·o n t·crls fl'aturmg su1·h us Tony &•nnt•tt, J oan Bu1·1. {:r:md Funk, S t.an Gc·tz, and Blood S wt·lll untl T1·ars 11,. ubo hc•lpc•tl run tht· 1.·an·crs of anothc·r Engl11:1h group, t he Bay Cil y Hollers, the· Yourrg RaS(·a ls, L aura Nyro, Lauru Bn1111gun. and , of late, a new soul s111gt•r nanw uf Howard Johnson. That hl' wound up as p rodun•r oJ "Lc:nnon ." he• says, 1s d ue w the rE.>quest of Adum. th{' oldt:St or h is SIX children. that lhl'Y v1s1t Liverpool and S('(' plat·f:'!> und fJ('OJJll' that bt•1.·amt• part o f lhf' &·utlc·l> h1~tury &re61e98 ~ 15.95-DINNER SPECIALS ' SUN. FRIED CHICKEN DINNER M ON. BEEF ENCHILADA DINNER TUES. CHEF'S SPECIAL Choict of fwt Dfff trtnt Stltcfions 'WED. BAR-B-Q BEEF RIB DINNER THURS. HOMEMADE LA SAGNA DINNER l Hoppy Hour Hon d' Ouevre1 4:30 to 6:30 Mon.-Fri. 14982 Redhill At Edinger Tu stin 730-0115 DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS 12.65 DAILY DINNER SPECIALS $3.25 CABLE IPOATI ON OIANT SCREEN TV Happy Hour 12 to 5 11603 Maia St. 142-5111 141-2372 BHti•tlta leack Chicken Cordon Bleu $6.50 Fresh Red Snapper $5.95 T eriyakl Beef Kabobs $6.50 Slced Roast Steak $6.95 Served wlth choice ol soup or selad. lreah vegetable and rice 3000 Brbtol Costa Mesa .. , s4n :..s OAl~Y UO fO 100 P M o-4 _..,. .. to 6 PM Mon -Fri CHOMIO & SANDWICH LUltCH •1." 545-5570 IS BACK s.cwmo LUNCH , ........ .... ""''" ...... _ flwt O!ld ... .... tllfllll•-•3." Atw1ys Frtsh MtscPte Broltd S11foods & Steltls , All dinners include soop or ulad. hol bre•d. and dinner special ooverage. 1 • So. of 405 fwy. 18774 Brooktust fOllllain Valey CoN ~ w._._,,.,,, 963-2366 Pork Tenderloin of the Islands SI.II Top Sirloin Steak ......................... Sl.11 Petite Prime Rib .......................... Sl.11 Fresh Pacific Red Snapper ........ SI.II Steak & Enchilada ..... -................. SI.II , .... , 1111101 10 ...... J , •. 4210 ••rtt•c•I• Way hw,.rt ...... • GROUND BEEF DINNER • CHICKEN DINNER • FISH DINNER • HAM DINNER Sef..O Wllh ~t...Ch ft-cflj-C01t1 -· --bOO *"" • IO<ltttd Dull.,td Dun No oubllllut-• 19111 ........ At Adams .... I~ - • Or1,.ge Oo .. t DAILY PtLOT l8und1y, October 3, 1882 Carson strOng after 20 I .. JERRY BUCK .. , ............... ~J..98 ANOF.J..~ It 1» Oct 1, ~2. The clock reac:h 1 11:15 JMrl· and Grouchu Mane ~ un life aJr a nd performs aolo tor l!'I .Ul<.'8. ::Bac kstag e at NBC in New 'i.,rk, 36-year -old J ohnny Carson -.Atches and wondnR 'If he's r•de a mistake giving up "Who OP You Trust?" on ABC to take oiler "The Tonight Show" from "*n;:urla l Jack Paar. The show Was then an hour and 45 minul<.'t'I tdng. :·Joan Crawford, Tony Bennell, ~dy Vallee, and Mel Brooks are in the G reen Room . They will be! O.rson's first guests. ;.A t I 1 : 3 0 p . m ., G r o u c h o iritroduces Carson as the new hptt of ''The Tonight Show." It's t~ beginning of a new e ra . . "I remember the first n ight b'ck s t age," Ca r son says "Somebody said to me. 'Well, it's tt\ii! first night. lt'U be a week . Before you know it, It'll be year. Then it'll be five yeani.' ~·And we'r e a ll s ta r ting to laugh. He said , 'Before you know it£ it'll be 10 years.' I can still remember that. And here we are, 20 years . . . at the same time a nd on the same network. I think it's unique." · I Johnny Carson has probably ~~~nt more time in Ame rkan .~ than any other te levision . ,pilsonallty. A lot has happened ir:t~hose 20 years. The world has c!llinged; we've all cha nged. Jo hnny Carson trying lo flwun• out whut lo lll14.' 1111tJ whut 1111t to u ., .. ht• Hi1y11 "Dur pr ohh•ni 111 trying tu m•lt't'l whut w1• wu11t Bt-<·uust• t•v .. ry y1•w wh1•n wt· 1>t•l1'l'l sonwthing. pc.-oplt• Miy, 'why didn't y1111 llM' that Kkl'ldf1' " l,.lk1· 1•v1•ryurll' t•liw who hu11 delvt•ll IOlll tl'll..'VllilOn .• pi.oil, Cursu11 1s Cindinl( tht• nwd111m hturn'l bet·n kind to 1111 11wt1 h11et11ry Virtually ull of tla· v1d1'f1tup1•11 fur tlw first 10 y1 .. ani o r thl• llhOW .hliVl' bt•t•n l'l'U~l'<J. U l' ll p 1 t t' t h l' s l' c m i n g SIT\IX>lhnttS-'I or Ctu•son 's tenure-. thorl' huvt• been a few bun1ps ulon~ the wuy. Ills <:ontrm.:l r<•· nt·gotiutions havt' frequently bct.'n chCChangt-rs. There was a t1mt' d uring F red Silverma n's reign at NBC w hen it seem ed rertuin that Curson would quit. Earlier th is year there was specula tion in the newspapers a t'Ouch in his trophy-hllt'Cl uff11.'\• t hat Carson was "losi ng ha s at NBC.lnlhose20 yt•ars h1s ht11r t ouch," that the s h ow h a d has gone from black to silver. but s li p ped in the ra t ings, t h at he still has the boyrsh ran• Carson was in trouble. Carson t hat's part o ( h is humo r ous sccms to have weathered that as Pt.'t.'k's bad boy image•. calmly as all other storms. "It's topical. It's ewry d<iy h 's "Wt•'vt• bt't.>n opi:)csill' specials," ll has to do with <:omc'(,ty It ht• sa ys "And we 've bt.>l'n has to do with what's happening oppos1tl' l>ltx:kbus ter movies. And po lit11:ally . socially. in th1 ~ nu :-.how l'an win its time (X'rtod country . You know. you havl' ull l'Vt•ry l>ingk· time. But what you k i nds o f peoplc on. Authors. hav1· lo tukt• into Ul't:ount is how people from all profoss1ons. So 1t dtH.·s ovl·r u period of a month, it's really a chronology of th1• 1>r two monlhs, or th ree months. mood and the attitude o r thl· And whl·h you look at that. 'The country.'' a Tonight Show,' from what they 1 Carson celebrates ha s 20t h show llll'. is still No.~. anniversary wilti a SJX'<:ial two-"l wouldn't l'ontinuc to do the 1 hou r rctrospectivl' tonight un show if the show was second in NBC. He wiJI a lso makc a brie f the ratings. If 'The Ton ight a ppearanl'e on the Bob Ho pe• Show' ceased lo be, in its time .. ,. •• • wer•, ............. ................ aHI r ........ ~ H teenyene.•• tHMILU CHAH,UN, I.A TIMH Exclusive Engagement NOW SHOWING UA CINEMA COSTA MESA. 714/540·0594 ~. t0 o I :IO 6 10 I& Pll '°' 14'11 ., !IO ' J 46 ' 4 31)' • 3Q I t •)O I 10 21) , .. "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best~.' ·~ think 'The Tonight Show ' is rO'lly a )Hnd of chro no logy of ·what has happe ned in this cm'mtry," says Carson. He sits on special that pret't'des at. "Troubll• slot. the No. l show, I wouldn't with the annivcrns~a~r:y~s:h~o:w~1~s--~c~~~n~t~in~u~c~to~d~o~i~t~a~n~y~m~o~re~.'~'-----!-.l. ...... ~~~~~~!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!::~~~~~~~:::::::::::=::=:=::::::==::=::::::::~ -.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------i -.,._ __________________________________ _;_ ____ --, -. "RUN-DON'T WALK- TO YOUR NEJGHBORHOOD MOVIE HOUSE." .... l>t\V .. 11(~ .. S"•Oo<'.AJfOCOtu"'"'SI LUCIANO PAVAR.01Il A G lorious Uproarious l ove Sto ry. ~ ~ • .,. Mir.:MiuA ~ ...... -.. llrll!tf4rn:n NOW PLAYING AT THESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES •• •C8STA •U ..._ ~dS Town Ceftltr t714)1SI 4184 City Cellltr (714) 134 9282 : • -•Pr-.ledon )SnwnCXJ--1 OverSOO Craftspeople & Entertainers Allin Costume ... America's finest handcrafts Unique Christmas -:'6' p~s. I E YEAR THE OOEAMS U\ME TRUE Continuous Stage Entertainment, Bands, Folk Dancers, Comedians, & Bluegrass. ·~ Bountiful Food & Drink, Plenty of good fun! October· 8, 9, 10 Anaheim Convention Center 't:ntranct al 800 Wnt Katella Avenue Houn: Fri. Noon-IOpm, Sat. 10.tm·JOpm, Sun. JOam·7pm Tkkets at 1he door. SJ.75 Adult1, SJ.75 Chlldt.n • ............ 4 .. \1--• ~ NOW PLAYING COITA Ml SA CYNIU IAWI• Edwatlli • WllTMl•ITlA Edwards~~ Cemei Cyprus woodtnloe Ctntm.l fdw;iids C<nemi West 979 4141 t lll 1660 SSI 06SS 891 393S . -- 4'0NE OF THE SEASON'S HAPPIEST SURPRISES." -CMttM Chelftptln, LOI ANGRLU nMa ..... T llAQI OU. WllT••TDI Edwllds NewpOtl C-Onellom9 Eowlfds C-Wts1 6U 0160 634 7SS3 atl 393S ----~~,.............,, •BARGAIN MATHtRRS * MCNlfty lllru l•lurd•y All PerfOt'manc:ea belOt'e 5:00 PM (bce,e ,,... [I .................. , ".IEKYUA HYDR ... TOOETHIR AGAIN" IOI 12::11,.,., ........... - "AN CWACIR AND A GINTUllAN" ... i-. ltlt. .... "11, ,.,. "I, THE JURY" 1111 1--. ........ , .... ....... FLOYD: THI WALL" "AMl'T'YV1lU I: ·-·-I'll I THI ~•N•SION" ... , .... ~ ............. 11• ... -. 1:11, .... - •E'1fiti• Joc111"olCol>dle•OOOl •• J .• ;_JJ_ . 21J/H~5IO _ "ftlNK FLOYD: THI WAU" "JIKYLL A HYDI ..• ... TOQITHIR AGAIN" ... 1t:a. .,., -. ....... -, ... lttl, 1:11, -. -.. ""' ... ..., WHOMHOUH tN nXAl" I "TEMPE8T" -,-.-.-1111 , ... ...,, ... _ "NtQHT IHIFT"' !!!, .... 11• LAKEWOOD CE NTER SOUTH"""'"'" "THI LAIT AMENCAN VIRGIN" .,., 1-.,,., .... , ........ 11• "Yll.~Gt0"- 1141Llt" • "AUTHOR! 10 1 AUTHOR I" 1--.-- "MY FAVORITE YEAR" _ ... .,_ __ --· .. IMNATUT IOTICll CIHlDMl UMMlt 11 rau1 -... -.. """"' 1• -s.vta. ..... ,. me.A-·--CM-·----11• .. CM-____ ,.,., --MNal_l•.U IM" ....... -- ,,., .. •.• ANAHEIM 0111\lf IN "ntamnTUT'TU WMll •IGU. • TDAr .. -"WOMAI ACC CHI I I TO .,._. Cllll· .. -.. ........ BUENA PAR!<. •• .i " ---·-llMOJO ~ '• .. " ... LINCOLN 0111\lf IN . , .. •, FOUNTAIN VALLEY 0111\ll IN ~ ... ·XMADU'"- Cllll M- "E.T., - ""' ~A-~•1111.AL .. -"OllA~'l'l1'" - "I, THE JURY"., "'-lie "THE AMATEUR" 1111 "JEKYLL A HYDI .•. TOQITHI R AGAJW' 1111 --~,..,•-<to> "Uft IN IMOKI" _, Ml•lat C•"- - _ft_ .... ) Ger_Or_,._ ~ 191·J69J ..,... LAIT AmNCAN "~IT *AGI" t1t -~.. ""ue "LfTTU DAM.MO•" 1111 "FADll TO 9LACK" • Cllll " -Cllll .. - ....CPlOYO: AT THI WM.L" - "XANAOU'' -__ ,..,. •-c-.. .... , ALU•ITA IL.AU.I IL-DIL TAmOll .. ... , ...... llllNl ........ ., • ~I~ ~JlV COIU MllA 10 .... w <lt.o•..,. l•,..,. ~'' Ot~I IAOllU .. ACM tCl••ll\ "•°"'fl CJ.W ,1 •V• II" ~.,.·•t.•t > I OlllllAI• H ll U ' •• .,°' ~l\j t f ftt .. Ui .,., COii& Mii& t O•.id\ lu-•n L•fll11 ,~, .... t'M1'4C f""'11•.,.•V;l't, Ut•v"''" '°) 1411 OllAllOI ~!~111,,,, '" n tWl//U • r-.. OU H\l Two jokers and a queen, but definitely three' of a kind. UJWAA f'llSE"11S -01\0CJHT ~ WKJl 1 ll.flT-inNJ NMW.~Fl~ 'l.OOOI TO GE I O.W E .<£0.ITM PIIDXlR A.'lif.W !Jl~ !JlCT!ll Cf MTOGAAPHY HASKELL 'I~ XLER. A SC t.C..SC (;.().ro)EO N>IJ <nacTID BY .t:Jmr MAl\U t WR! II EN BY Al SCH'MRT l 00 .(JN \OOH T PIOO.CED BY IOlRl SOWfU A ~lHSTAA Nl(RMTOW. Pell.ff t. '0041 SCHAff!l P!ro£l()N !ffC1 ED BY HAL A&tiY l.ONMl\R. A PARA~O..M Pell.ff .... · ·• ' ; • ·.;;. .. ..:c; •• 0 • • r -• • ;'ft\ R ' I • 1] • ..... l, ........ .u....... . f I ,.,..., • -.• ... _._. . --•. SIARTS FRIDAY al a IMalrt or drivt-ln nta1 you. -O•~t Kct•'UI ·~ , ... 1-0 .. lwt-att Our new season • ISQ ·· CABLE CHANNEL 10 Not only hos our c hannel be- come o 10. b ut we hove o terrific new Foll Season that rotes o 10. too We're bring ing our Newport Beach audience exclusive local Pfogrommlng during our new season that sf arts Oclobef dth Shows hke "Newport Now;· "Citizens' Forum." and our LIVE "gavel to gavel" City Council coverage Watch us during our kick-off week. as we brln(I you the Newport Beach C haracter Boot Porade; our solute to literary wit. "Those Funny, Funny Americans:· and our speciol 1·hour "Newport Now" toped entirely on Catalino Island So don't miss out Subscribe to Group W Coble TV. and get all this entertainment a nd news It's worth o 10 Maybe even an 11. For Information coll (71d) 631-5259 Programming that gets you right where you live! GROUP w CABLE l I Orange CoHt DAIL. Y PILOT /Sunday, October 3, '082 Ell ...... ...... .......... I J•,.f A M I' .......... "IM~ .... '• ,,.,,, .. ,..,..."' ''' O.\' UttoM> Ht •tH MIUICNI tllJO ~ .._, •°'ll'Tl~ i t d••f ... " I• ..,_. [toll, .. , 1-.oAOIMIJlff .,,. ,,, 0 . I . ' ,._,,,,, '• 1,..,. .. 1'-.. I" '"".,, l&IWIUM COii& lllllA I OllMIOI ,.,,, .... ' (I< •• Ht111 ' o (..,.•"411 •.01/tt ~..-~J41~~t t/t.C1~74'~8'•f) ..0111as•••..t<tf'•t ••c..a .... , '"""~••••• ,...t:ll, 10:11 IAT/IUN. a:-. -=aD. 10:11 Mic IDll '9tl.1:11 (N) IAT/IUM. ~. 1:11 0 JEKYLL a HYDE TOGETHER AGAIN" 1111 '"'· 7+1o-M IAT/IUN. 1·l l-7+1o:AI "SPLIT IMAGE" l'ftt. 7:11, ... IAT/IUN. 1:00, l:11 uo .... 10:11 I"> "IPllT IMAGE" 1•1 ""· 1:11, l:JO, 10M IAT/IUM. 1itl. .. , 1:11 ~.,....., .. ~ ... "";;.. T.~Ot 4m ,... ... 1Ck11 IAT/IUM. ~ t:a. 10:11 "ROCKY .... (f'Q) ,... .. 1Atcll.1:31 .. ;:_.-..:-... ~ "'"*-llEST UllU WHOfEiOOR ... TVCM" 111 ..... MT,_._ •• POLT.ERGEIST.!! llL.ttDll llUlf,_,, ---.. ,,...-.- $1'M -WM'n4 fMll.I. w NW'! !I'll ...... -··"-... -.- ... -·MTIWIL-.- THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN aJ U~~:: ~~~1~;11(R) Oriv~lnt Open 7: 16 WHkn•ghtr,17·00 WMkenda Children Under 12 f rtf Unless Noted ••---,...••oc-u•---• ""--"··--NTI" O'TOOU 0 MY FAVORITE YEAR"'"' ""· 1·•1o:M IAT/IUN. 1:11, 1:11 1:11, 1:11, 10:11 , J l• rl 11 --_________ J Orange CoHt DAIL v PILOT /8und1v. October 3, 1912 ..,. ____ _ ·,I \.II \ ' MO. fOft OU.. flMa .. Abfellanl Rall'*.. Th41 ~ .. WOl'kl of Amerlc:M pein.., Al>flll\MI AatlMf •• hono<ed In ~.,_ of lhll '*"'"' High HOiy Oeyt. ! :::n.81f1W( LA. • • • * .. Ru homon" ( 19!101 M1chllo Kyo , Toel\lto Mltune. ThtOUQh • --Of llUlllMICb, 11n eighth-<*lltJty JaplfleM woodwll• recoun11 ~ Ye<elon ol 1 ,.,,._murder to • Bud<lhitl ptletl and 1 MtVlnl .MOYIE • •~ .. The Pollman Alw1y1 Rlng1 Twice" I 188 I) Jeck NlehOleon. '**8 Lange A ycMIQ women Ind her IOYet plot to murder her hu1b1nd. 'R' (l)MOYIE • • ~ "Sleeping Dogs'· ( 1982) Sem Nelll, Warren o ..... lk46. CHRISTOPHER Cl.OeEUP aGO. CAl'TNH : AAHGMOO : • MU8IC AND THE 8flOe(!N WON> • CAMPUI PftOFll.E: ! VIEWPOINT OH 'l NUTAmON ··i C™AHOTHE l ··Rap Wllh G<wwnat Pat ~ Brown" · 11 ::SPEA ROOM I ~ "AmertcM Jews And 111• :·1 el" GUMll' N11Non Perl· mull•. nauan.I eaecutlve .. I dlrlCte>t of the Antl--Oef• f'Nlllon Leeigue of 8 'nal 8'rlth; MOffll 8. Abfem. } '°'"*' ptetldent ot lhe f Amwbn Jeowllll Commit· ..... f 8 JU8TICE AHO f CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Cet1 Stern mooer11 .. a I di.cu..ion of the IUUM f lnvol\led In 11141 CIMth pen. i ally Ind tM direction thll . • public policy 11 lalllflO . J (8) STEVIE NlaC8 l'f I OOHCaT t Fleetwood Maie member . I NIC:lt• pertonn1 "After The I G•tt• Fades,.. .. ..... ,,,., ! And i.-." "The Hlghway- INlll" ancl "Bella Donna ... I .. .,... .. 11..or11 .. 1rom ) u..EIMt~ (tlQer· f tolte. Teped al Ille Fox · I Wllehlre -0-tre In Loa .. 1 tm~ l Melba Moot•. Robet1 Gull· f laum• and Sherman ; ...,,..,. lte INIUl9d In a ··' perfor"mance Of the NI Broedwey ~ bued t on Olale l>e'Aa'1 play ' ••Puftie Vlc10tioua •• i (l)MOY'IE .• * * "The LIUle Oragons" :f1 ( 1N I) S.ity Boyden. Chtlt ~ A gang of kiO• ): ttllined In ller•t• r-one of !MW trtenc» when ·: IN It kidnapped. 'PG' • 8UIBOPm : ~ICHUU . .ER .. : OAOWINO vtAR8 I YC1'fAGe IPeAKOVT I PUMJC PUllE 7:tO TODA Y"I "8JCMON I THArSCAT I um.E M8CAL8 ' rr•MITTEN KINNEnt OOPll.AM> I :,:. °'8COYIRY wooo.-ECMJll AMI() ,....,. l ~Hf.Al.Tli ~YMA81 MOY'IE **'~ "Tribute .. (IH O) Jeck Lemmon, Robby Benion. An lrr911P01..it>le 8foedwt)' pr-aoent begtr!8 to reoret Ille w.t9d llfe .-.cl ,. ·--,..... tlontlfllP with his O'OWll IOl'I. 'PG' (8)MOY'IE * • * "The Gr .. 1 Muppet ,•. Caper" (1881) Che1le1 Grodin, Diana Rigg ""'°".,. Kermit, Fome and Gonzo tr-• Cebu- IOue .. Olen i-w to Lon- don. ·o· .NO.~ WHfTNEY NfO THE ·' "°90T • •••OtW. m••1CM I .llMIJ'( IWAGGMT ...,.~"' TY .. l.OOKIAT Lat.lll••ta 0 ,AC*Q LJlll WfTH 0818' HOl TOH 8nteWOMD TOMOMOW .lllCWW •• •"4 "Hobton't Ctlo6ct" (1954) Jotwl ..... CMrtee L41UOMon. A tloot· rMker 41fltrne>t• to retlln .... ...., tOl#OI of laDOt ~ ~,. ttww ~"°"'~· (J)MOVIS •• ,. .. ,_....,...(tt78) ~.,., O'Toole. Oavld ,.._. .. A OGmlP' 90¥- """""' lleGolNt IN ••· -of. mlllt.v oouo CHAtlEI. LISTINGS • IOOCT CC8SI e KNic CN8CI • K l LA (Ind.I ·IC~8C IA8CI e .C,M8 CCBSI • IOfJ·TV !Ind.I e 1<cs1 1A&C1 e tenv llnd.l • IC~ TY fllld I eKU T 1,ISI '•KOC8 llt91) ' Ricky Schroeder, left, Brooke hiclds, Bob llop • und Dilly Barty a ssemble for look at new TV sea son at 8 tonight on KNB<:~ Channel 4 . 1:00 I SUHOAY MOl'HIHO THll 18 Tli£ LIFE P'O'EY£AND la VIE El.ECTAIC COMPAHY I LET THIEM 9E LIGHT JERRY FALWEU AEXHUMMllO MOVIE • • * "Sf)lrll Of The Wind" Dan George. A young boy OYefeotnel hll hl ndk;ep lo become the W0tld Cham· pion Dog Sledder 'PG' 1:30 D OOY88EY GUMt1; Father Stephen R GrOM. Frllnciacan 11 Fnar· plKe II, tWmoN e..ctl, Rev JoMph Glynn. O.D.C ot St Th«-Chureh, Alh1mb<a; Maty Ann Dunn of St Robert Oellarmlne ChutCll, Butbenk •TOBE~ WETINO TIM£ AT CALVAlfY I FM.0£.RICI( K. PRICE E.LECTNC COMPAK'I i TH£ LAHAYE.I KNOW Y<>llf' 8l8lE ~ MOVIE * * "A H1ppenlng In H11nNn'' t:OO I MEET THE PAE88 8f.8T OF A.M. LOS MICWAU ·~~ !Mr. rr • WNTTBo1 ~MOYIE . * * "The Flllh Mulk•1-·· (19791 e....o &idga. l>Bu- la Andi... D' Artagnan Ind the Thr• MU9ket-1 beCOme ln11ol\led In anoth· • Plat1 I~ th!_!tYll lntentlona of the llnlst• Cardinal Rlchelleu ~ the French lflttoeracy. •PG' CB)MOW Q)) NEW8MN<ER8 (O)MOVIE • • • "Flral Monday In Ocrober.. I 19811 Waite< M1llhau, Jiii Clayburgh A liberal Supr1m41 Court JUI· uce c1a111M wUh the MW .. , member or the na11on·1 lllgheat court, an ultra Con141<Vallve woman furls! 'R' I 1:00 D OH CAMPUS FNlll'ed a 8clippl Col· lege 1tu<1ent, a grldu••• and the 0..11 ol Studenll dlllCUIS Ille II the college. 8 THIS ME< WITH DAVIC> 8NHKLEY • MOYIE • • ~ "Them" ( 19541 Jamet Whttmore. Edmund G~ The go119tnmen1 .. talcM OYet an ln¥Mllgatlon toolclng Into 11range death• occuttlng In lhe Mojave OeMrt • MA8TE.RPtEa: THEATRE .. Te11amen1 01 Youth" V•a Is plunged Into the hell of a lront..tlne llolpltal a.nd •ulgned to nutM wounded Oennan• cfJ11rt ~R:&w.rru THAOUOH THE ARTS ~~ * • * "Alrplenef" (1980) Robert Ha19, Julie Hlget· ty All.,. an el<li'*'' cr- lafta to food polaonlng, 1 n«VOUI lormet war pilot Is prnaec:t into l«vtc. Ind ,,_, contend with on. board hyste<la. 1 IMCl'etlve contrOI t~ end c~ lilied memotMts 'PG. CHJMOVIE • • • Arthur · (198 IJ Ou4tey M00te, Ura Min· nelll Whtie hit family ~ elteff!Ptna ran:. '*" Into- • pt•er~ marriage, 1 drunken. lledonle11c: ptey. l>Oy , .... In loYe wllll a poor working glrl 'PO' t 1:ao I AONCUL TVAE U.S.A. T£MYC()U. WHfTTAKUll • a4UACH 1H THE HOME • • "Cannonball Run .. I t 981 J Burt Reynalda. &,., O.LutM vwtoua Oddball chertc:ten comc>et• In a coaH<>-<X>Ul auto raoe ·PG· t-.30 I Cl) NFL TOOA y • HUMAHmE8 r ~ T'H£ AATII JU8T1CEAHO CAPl'T AL PUNllHMEHT Cert Stern moo.at ... a Cli9c:uaelotl of the .._ lmlOf\oed In the deelh pen· atty and the ditecllon that OUbllc poky It tailing. I DAY Of' ot8COV£1'Y THEWOAU> TOMOMOW ' 111 KINNEnt OOfl'f.lAHO ·~ •*•'A .. Heartland" (1981) "-' Tom.~ F•rel A renc:tler Ind hie hou1elcHper lace th• rtgor• Of frontier Ille In 1910 Wyoming. 'PG' (%)MOW * * ·-nie S.. W°"'95 .. I 19801 Gregoty Pee.ti. Rog· et Moote Duf'1ng World WW II, I group Of 8rltllh ~form a Yotun- t-regiment to dwtroy a a.men IC))' Mii In the lndlen ~.•PO' 10:00. CC>U.aC. '00T9AU. 8aldwln-Wllllace et W!Mnoerg 9 MOYIE • •'.t .. A 0... With Judy" I 194f f J-POWtl, EHu- l>elh T eylor A pelf of teen- a9et1 with 011eracllve linaginaOont keep !heir ,.,... In lunnoll 8 8llT Of' KIOI AAf ~TOO Gueete. AnOy Gibb. Ok:il< Cleft!. euthor """"9 F 1tt, mairlne bloloO'lt Plefr• 1°55::™ THI LAWMNCIM COUHpond•ntt Linda Wertheim« and Cokle Aoberte )oln Peul C>uke l<>t .,, us>to-ltle-mlnut• aum- mery of eonoreeeion.• ICM._ • CAUPl()MIA Wiii< IN MYtlW (l)MCWW •••• ..,.,,. Hilmer" (197') &MM Mc~. E• Wtl· lecf\, A#I "PIP9" f hor· t(ltl ..... deriger-Ille • 1 modem-• bounty t0'.l01a~ OPINMIG THILAMWCaM o On rv t Z·fV If tiOO 'C ICt"t!NI •I ''' IWOl'll NV , H Y 11 IWT8Sl II IE!oPHI Ill Cs.-t11ne1 • 5oet' ""' • leltllt ......... _ .. , .,~. OMOYIE * * • .. Arthur" (1881) Ovdley Moen. Liza Min· netll Whtie hi• family attempt• 10 l0tce him Into • P<•trrenged m•trlege, a drunken. hedonistic Oley· bOy I ... In IOYe with • poor ~glr1 'PO' (Z)MOVIE • • • "l .. " e. .. ( 19701 Tile ~ John Lennon. • Paul Mceertn.y. 0-ge Harrteun Ind Ainge> Slatr are lollo••d through rei-ula, recording .... llOnt and 111'1 inO'omc>IU concert ·a· 11 .. S (2) COlLl!Oa '00T9All Unlver 1lty o l San Diego II Oocldent..i ~ 12:00 D WUl!M 1¥0000 '"9WllJ<l'f llAIOAU. • PAP!R QtA8E "Tiie Tlblee Down Al Emle'1" The 1tudy group 1191111 to 11ve tMlf l1vor1t• h1ngout •• Etnle'• TIYe<n • • from detnollllon clue to 11141 untlleflity'• ··~ p!Mt. G UNDEMTAHOINO HUMAN llHAVIOR "FunctlOnt Of TM Oral/I" 12111 (111 8AU8AU lo• AngetH Dodger1 11 San Fr1nc1eeo 0 1111111 <•> cou.11aa '~ Cafoery a1 SaMc•ta-•n 12:30 I Nfl. ·a Wl.O.WILD~ O#N9W.I "Prlvtte l ife Of Magetl•n Penguin" Peoote ha¥• lootled In on petlOUln• before -Dut ,..._ IN J!egellen Pengutft W OOOOP DUGOUT -~TMONQ HUMAN llHAVIO" "StMort Ptyctloiooy" ~MOYll ••• "fl'e Ot ... ..,. Hoe•" (1171) Ned ... tty. Alcfi1td ......_., TlwM dilgf1111tled .,.,. exeou- !Me decide IO f9C IM rlCfle9 ~ .... lley' ... tntltlld to by tteglno a r~~!NlrownNnlt . 'llO' ~MOVll • *'" "IMr lelend" (tHOJ Donald lut'*11nd. v-.. ,....,,.. Alt Atctto WNINr·r-Gfl ...,, •• INlftbtrl If• foroed Into I """ kit """ vary anfot•. 'llO' , ... OOI I -POOTUL.&. ~ .. UIC • (I) 8All8~l .. tia11 ~UllJUI II C1lllo1"11 All~• 111 Arn.t!Cef1 l -OU-WNI ltrlr11 .. r I• 11111 llflde1eomineo1 .... HAW Ouftte· M14k•r Qllhrr. .lol!My ..... T ett) Clttoo-. !It luolt""'-t CIOOQett •IA.NIALL LOI A~ OQdoett at Sen ,,~ Oiattl• • ADAM-II • CAAOl AHO JIMVf flour Of ArtWIC•'• ,.,,.., llW mu~ •• CerOI &ioene. JIMn'y Ao.#ie., K .. ter lletll and Bobby Durham •• IMftl up IOf en ~Of l&U ·AMI~ ~ "Tiie Cl1MQlno Con1tltu· lion" • ltlll'T.TNI..,.... ~=-MAGAZIHI • •t, .. The Clnctnnau Kid ' ( tlle&I 81..,'• MeOueen, Edward G Robo lnlOrl A young eer dln.rp trie. to l>MI the king of llud poker ltl 1 b1t1le lor pr .. , •• t:ao. ADAM-12 • AMfNCAH OOVIANMEHT "The Lllllng Con111tut1on" 111 THel WEfJ< WITH DAW> INNKLEY QJ HEWICEHTl!.A WUXLY (8)CAMfl.OT Richard Harrll, Meg eu ... Mf't and Rleh1td Muem llar In Lerner and Loewe'• CllHIC Broadway mutlleal taped at the Winier Ger· den Thealre In Hew Y0tk 0 SPOTUGKT PAEV1EW Hoel Robert Oeborne loolll II Ille mOVlel !Ind tpeetala coming up on Spot~t 2:00D MOVIE * * "TM lnctedlble Two- Headed Tran1plant" (1117 1) lltuc. Dern. Pat Pr ... t. A two-'-ded mon· at• 11 de-...toped during a cranlel lranaptent • MOVIE ••• ,., "lJtysMtt" l 1956) Kirk Dougl11. Anthony Quinn • IN9IOE 8418MM TODAY "Women In Cotporatlonl· MOYfnil Up" T-female axecutlllw dtecluta what women eaperlenee In I dlf. l•enl way than men In American COfl>O' at lonl. • INTftOOUCINO 810lOGY _8MOVIE • *"' "Cutler'• Tr111 .. ( 194591 John Gallln, Marlla Pa11an An entire town intimidated by a band of OUllawl ti reecued ~ a lone lawman. (C)MOYIE **',., "Ttlb4.lte" (19801 Jaek Lemmon. Robby 8enl0rl An lrreeponlible Broadway prft1 IOefll begin• to regret hie wa.ted Ille and hll tenuoue r.,.. tlonahlp with hit prown IOl'I. ·PG· (l)MOYIE * * • •• Aflaltt Of Doble Giii .... I 19531 Debbie Rev· no!OI. Bobby Vall Two COlleOe llldl IJq>er~ I .., ... of lighlMer'ted - padw, 9MOVIE * * 'h "Thi.. W1trlorl .. {11177) Randy Ouald. Cl\artee WNte Eagle A 13- yeer· Old Indian boy, ut\emed Of ~ rec:og. nlad II a wwr'IOr, IMtna 10 apptecllll Na '*ll• I ller Vll ltlng hll alck Qtendfather. •()· ,..., • '*'ECTlOHa ··~ BIOl.OQY O THe~ ..... Alter A<x*l0td•1 gun le MOien ff om Ille OOOk le jar. tt'I lound It the ~of a ,_.,, (D)PUN..11 Melbe Mo«•. Robert Gull- l1ume 1nd 8herm1n ~ •• ._lured In a perfor"menoe of 111e hit Br~ mutlQI bllMd on OMil DIYll'1 ptey ''Pur11e Vlctor1oua. .. 3:00. GMATUT IPOfWTI ~ • CAUfOfMA ~ "90RT • lmQJUC)INO llOlOO't' CI>~ ••• "Arlhur" (11181) Dudley Moore. Ud Mln- netll. While hll l1mlly 1ttempt1 to torce Nm Into • pr..rengec! merrlege. • drunlten. hedonletlc IMY· bOy '8111 In to¥e with • poor WOtlllng Gift. 'PG' 4:00. twm.YOU D IUNDAY Looetloft. Ihle ffom ..... ....... 12,VeNolendl• _, .. ,Lot~ ii Al THI MOvm ·~ * • .. ,.,. Conqueror Worm" ( tHf) Vincent Prtoe, len ~· A I 1ttl• °'"""Y ~-Ollee on a murder •Pre•. deettoytflg anyone ""° ..... l'tMl'llblla ,... oon.. °'"°" of • wttdl. . .,,.. * *" "TN ~ ,f'Oftl Bruit" (1111) CltltOfY ..... ~ Ollwllf' (4 .. ,.,,..,".' ,, ...... , ................ ._ ....... ~ ..,..,.. ....... ,.,....,... di"'"9 I TUBE TOPPERS K TLA (~) ff :OO -"Knlgh t1 ur thl• Rouurttnhlc•" Hobt·r l Tuylor u nd Avo Gordnc•r 1nur In 19!)4 movlt abt1ut lh(• duyi.i or King Arthur ond his rourl K NBC (4 ) 7:00 "Voyagers!" A n odve n turou1 ro~ue a nd yo~ng orphun journl'y throur.ch time to help Wilbur 1rnd Orvllll' W rlt(hl pt•r(t.-ct the alrplun ·. KN OC (4) tt:OO "Bob lloJX''M Spoor of tht..· Nt•w TV S t.•uson ." Bob Hope prevl<•w s the "''W tdt•v1s11m scm1on with t'l•ll•brlty gul'8l i;w1·11. (S(•f• photo a l left) . KNBC (4) Y:OO "T ht.· Tonight S h<Jw Slarr1n~ J11hnn y Ca r so n . 4!0 t h Anr11vcr~1ry .'' Sc~men ts from mL·mur·ablt· ptist shows an, a\rcd in lWo·hour spc..'<:iul W0tld War II mfty IPefl dll· Hie< IOt modern·d•y t<>CI· •. MOVIE •• ~ •• Band Of Angeli'· (19117) Clark G1ble. Stdney POlller An edUG81ed blKk lta¥e meet• a Southern o•nlleman who h at MCr,11 to conceet • WAll ITAUT WU1< "Wiii Tiie Bull Roar?" Ouetl Stan Welnlleln, edUOf and pubHlher of 11141 Prol ... lonal TAQe Readet (~ D OUIONIHO HOME INTlAfOM Cll 800AAE PEGS (Premiere) T•o frlenda venturi Into their nret d1y .. high tclloot ''"""*' determined to l>ee4m• papulat on CetnpUI. QJ)MOVIE * *•A. .. The Burglua· · (19731 JeM.p_,i Selmon· do, Omar Sharif A croaked cop pur-. 1 group ol thleve9 who utMld a compu1., 10 ..... tome lleiuable -tldl (C)MOVIE * * "Paper T1o9"" I t97Sl Oa11ld Nl11en, To1hlro MllVM The lulor Of e Jap- -lmbaaaad<>r'a aon llnd1 lie mull live up 10 hie gr .. lly exegoerated t .... ol het oltm Wlletl the boy 11 kldn8'>Ped ®MOVIE • * • "The Great Muppet Caper" (1981) Charl11 Grodin. Dlln• Rigg Reporter• Kerm11. Foaie and Gonzo Ir-1 ltbu· lout 1toten ,_.. 10 Lon· don 'G' ($)MOVIE * * 11' "TM Shogun W1rrt· °''· Grlndlzer" ( 19811 Anl· f'Nlted A iio-ful robot delend1 Eetlh wMn It 11 tnvaOed by veoan lnnd ... .MOVIE • * • ~ .. Heutland .. I t9811 RIP TOfn, Conetla11 Fetrelt A rancher and 1111 hou1ekeeper 11ce th• "90f• ol tronller Ille In 1910 W)'Cimlno 'PO' - •:IO I IHT'UFACE TO• AHNOuNC8> WAIHINOTON Wf.EI( l'CMVllW"' I 8'0MNG WfTH CINDY ,ACE THE NATIOH GMATUT~T8 L£OSa 6:00 I NfWIMAl<IRa HAl'tl'Y DA YI AGAIH Howltd .. flnally pertueO- ed to allow Joenie to go on •dete I AeCNEWS ANNOUNE "I• There A ,.... China?" Gunt Fox Bu1terflel0. eut,_ of "CNna A ..... In The 8111• S.. .. • TlM Ot.D HOUK Bob Vila~ Ille wtr• Ing In the b<MHWay and pull lneula.tlon In the lami· 1--..(RJO M•A•s•Ft NEWI fllCWIE * * • .. Swing Time .. ( 183ef Fred Atlah; ~ Rogera A g1mbllng dllnQer hel a llatd lllN Mlllng money 10 tf!Mty ~ tweet'-1. bul ~ 11on1 •IN when he 18111 for another (.. (%)MOVIE • * • ··wooem ~·· I IHI) Albert 81ook1, K•thtyn Hw rOld ·A film lldltor trlea repeatedly to win bade the hew1 of 11141 WOfnWlhe io-.·R· l:ao I FACE THE HATIOH N9CNEWI LAYPNE & 8HfAl.EY & COtlil'lll« Tile glrte we 1U'91GiOU1 Of Cermine't eudden -'th I ~ MC NEWS ' 9 mHT-i° ENOUGH rom learn• 111e lmpor11nce 01 lamlly rel1tlon1hlpa wnen D1vtd mo¥M out 8NKNIWS ,, (C') M()V1( * * "The Fiith Mu1keteer" ( 1117111 Beau Brldgee, U•au· la AndrHa D'Atl!l(ll\41\ and Ille ThtM Mu.lcel-1 t>eCOme lnYOIYed In anoth• .,., ptan to bloolc the e1111 1n1en1lonl of th41 llnlller CMdtnal RlcMlleu 1gaJn1t Ille French erlatocrlCY 'PG' ®MOYIE * • "Canno11b1ll Run" ( 1981) Burt Reynold•, Dom 0.LulM Varlou1 oddblff ChllllClerl -<:Ompete In a COUMo-c;oHI aulo rllCe 'PG' tlJ MAN< lWAIN THEA TM "The Plf•I .... Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn come upon more e.11ctt• ment when lhey decide 10 run a•ay and become ptrat• .MOVIE • • • •.t .. Hob1on'1 Choice" ( 11164) JOhn Miiie, CharlM Laughton. A boot· mate• atlernpll 10 relaln hll ctlMC) toorot OI labOt by preventlrw,i hi• three deUghl-''°"" marrying e:ao I NEWS CONFEAEHCE PEOPLE'S COURT 8N£WS t :46 ~CHAMPUN OH THE FllM 8CEHE u10 I Cl> • ~ QllYOYAGE.ASI (Premlel'•I An actllenturout rogue and• yaung 0tphan )oorney lh<ough time to 11e1t> Wiibur and Orvtfle Wl'lght perfect the llr· pl-. ea NPLEY"s 8ll.IEW CT 0.. HOT1 Fe.lured a mud·tlhlQing IMtkral In France. the world'• largeet metry"il(>- round, llylng analc" Ind vampire t>ala. the l lO"f Of '"'" COUtlQeOUS men I MADMotE'S P\ACE ARTHUR AU8IN8TEIH "V1n1ce'· Aubln11ern· recalll hit llf11 111111 10 Ven· lee Ind remember• IN Nv" of 11141 moat lmPOrtent maeetroa or claa1lcal mu lie. • SOUnt 8AONX: WON< .. PftOOMS8 Earl Caldwell hottt a look at the ettor11 Of Soulh B<on11 reeldenla 10 reet0te hOUelng. bulld .. ,. nelgn. oomood•. bflng butllneel· .. Ind IC>b• to the ., ... *"' educal• their ~.,. (O)MOYIE • • * "Flrtt Monday In Ociot>er.. I 19811 Walter Matthau. Jiii Clayburgh A Hberlf Supr-eourt Ju• IQ d..,_ 1"th the !WW· •member Of 11141 nation'• ~ court. an ult,. CON«V1111W women Jutitl 'R' (Z)MOYIE * * "The S.. Wolvel .. ''"°' Oreoorv Peck. Aoo-.. ~· During Wortd Wer II, e grouc> Of Brl!Wt ~ lonn a YOlun· •-regiment to deelroy a O.ITW\ 80)' -1 In the Indian Ooeel\. 'PG' i••<ll ~ MNWn 111\.ACE ... .. ~and Archie 11 fuming when Oary -. • cell from hll ~···~. •atlOeHOPE'S lflOOf' 0# n4E NEW lV llAIOH Bob~~,,,. new tel!Mllon ...an wftll ou-t ..... Ellztbetll fly· lot, Tom Seltedl. 8tooke SNelde, Linde Evan• and Alclty Sdwoder • INTPTMMEHT lMIWBK Reportt on celebrity ....... IN melllng ot • video O*l'e CCNM*clal and IOltP .. ., ... calender ptn..upa; In....... wltll l etbela M~. Butt ~·and..,,, Reed. •O MATIHOUITOH Mitt Houlton ww.tlgetM a f'Ml(dttl lllat WW Ille reeult of MWtlf MnMtlon- al 1tor... pubHtfled In e ~,,....,..,., l~WNna •*lit .. f,,. loyl ,,om Bru it'' ( 1971) Oreoory P.olt.l~Olh'ler.A determined prore11or t lalkl lln lnoer1IOut doetOf -"OH genetic: eapert- rnenft performed dutlng WOttd W• N mey 10e1 dlt- 8111r kit rnodem-de.Y ~ •. MOVll ** "T,._,,. Ollleonl" (1913) C>ocumeintery A group Of •d11enturera -~ Ille leNllM reefl In -.di of OOllC 1111 d ,,_.., • NOVA "Tiie 0'9llt Vlolln ~ tery'' IOIM IMO!Mtlflf ..._.,.. 10 utfOC* the MCN1 of tr. eoUrld of the ..... tfedlVw'I~ .. r.,..._. !"IC e 111MrlRNCI' n.ATM "TNl.,,.,I Of Youlll" Wllfl ~ W• " Miiiy ..,. , Y•• re1wm1 to OtdaN ....... ,.. ......... .J40ft'Y: Nier .................. en• , .... "'. lllol•11t1 - :c~"l •llMIQ • • * "Tiie QrM I an Hotcu ( 1911) Ned INtty, "6cherd laNlwt ,,. .. dl191 untllO bri ·~ lMll ~ 10 Oii' IN llehM they ,... 111ey·,. enlltled 10 by etegjlllg • r ot>bery 01 thetl own benlt 'PO' IH)MOVll * • • "looy HNI" 119'1) .Wlltlam Hurt, Kathleen T Ut'* A NNlllllN ,,IOtlda llwyet II 1*11Ueded by ht1 IOver to rnurdet ,,.. hu1 \ band ·A· (l l 9MOVll * * * "Aflhu1" llH 11 Dudley MOOte, Liu Min nelll While ht1 l1mlly 11lempt1 10 '°'°' him lnlO a Pf .. errangea memage, a d1unken, hedonl111o play· boy lalll lfl kMI wllh a po()( WOt k Ing girt, 'PO' U O 8 (I) OlONA OIOtla -.Pll 11et llfat O•t• 11~ her MPetltlon G THE W°"'-0 TOMOMOW 1:00 e Cll r .. JUffMOHI George decldM to ~' 1111 competitor'• offet 10 buy out JeflerlOrl Cteen· .,. (.Pitt 2J D QI THE TOHIOHT IHOW aTAMNG JOHNNY CAMON: 20TH AHHfVEAIMY Johnny CarlOrl celebf•IM 1111 20th )'Mr .. hOll °' 11141 popul11 late-night lhOlilr wlth Mgmenll from mem. Ofal>le P•I thowl and ctl1>1 of earl)' TV 8PPNI· ancea by Richard PtyOf. David Brenner 1nd many Olhetl I ;c:SIMMON8 * •'A "SmOkey And Tiie 81nd1t II" I 1980) But1 Rey· notd1. Jackie Gl .. ton sn.tln 8uf0fd T JUl!lce call• In 1111 two lawman l>folherl to 1top a retired boollegget, ,,,. 88ndll. lrom tr 111epor11ng a beby etec>hantJro I ::.TPPIE<:E THEATRE "t e11amen1 01 Youlh .. With World War II llnally over. Vera return• to Oatord where Ille meet• Winifred Hollby, they launch their 'M'ltlng eet-• and become 11111ong trlend1. (Pert 51(R) Q GD MYSTElrf "Or Jellyll And Mr . Hyde" o. Jet< ytt' • bold ex,perl. mente to ltoltte lhe good lrom the elllt wlthln • llngle per1ona111y 1ucceed beyOnd hit wlldea1 expec. tallont (Pert tl(R)Q (QJ MOYIE * • ·~ "Any WhiCll w.., You ca,,•• I 1980) Clint E.utwood. Sondrt Lock• Bef()f• Niiiing down with hi• glf1 and pet Otengutan, I here-lilted tight• eignl up '°' one tat I. lucr alive matcn. 'PG' {%)MOVIE • • ·~ "P-Play" ( 19781 Peter O'Toole, Da111d Hemn'linga. A OOrt\191 goY • .,.nment beconiee the tit· Q!I of •....iti\81)' ~ HO•()) OHEDAYATA TWE 1:= • ·~ "In PralM Of Older Woman" (11178) Tom Be<enger, Kalen Black. A Hungarian tothetlo remln- -on 1111 put romantic conqt;Mll. trom hit llrsl 11 the ege of 12 to hi• Mduc· tlon of 1 hOUMWil• at 30 'R' 10,00. Cll TRAPP£A JOHH, M..D. Tr 11PPet Ind Gonz:o are led 10 aome dltturbtng dllGOll· , .,... -'*' 111ey unllnow· lrlQIY purcri.. a dried-up • Ylney•d. Ind Slanley fellt In tow 'ert 1) l ~~ODAY TOH()fl(: A CELOMTIOH 0..... Brubedl'• Pfepall · lion of • CathOk M-NI 10 rnuelc: '°' a ¥1111e!y of Choirl. ordleltra• and per. form1nce looallon1 11 Chrontded. • 80UTH MONX: WON< IN PN>GM.18 E.ert CMdw91 11oet1 a look ., ,,,. elrottl of Soulh Br on• reeldents IO r•tor• f\Ouelng. bl.llld .... neigh> l>Oftloodt, bflng ._.,_. .. and joOe 10 the ..... end ~· lllelr afllldrwl. (8)MCWW •• • "Art!Mlr.. (!tit) Dudley Moor., Liu Mln- nelll. White hi• fetnll)' attemplt to IOtce him Into a ll'•lnenged mernege, I druntien. hedonlttlC play- boy , .... In IOYe wllh a poOt wortllng Olf1 'PG' (l)MOVIE • • "Looker.. ( tH II Alberl Finney. JamH Coburn. The myeletlou• CIMllle of • -* of l>Mu- llful modeft lnYOl¥9d In a MW ed"*1111ng protect art blamed on 11141 r>tutlo eurgeon who ot*'•ted on tllem 'PG' -~ * * * .. Flrll Femlly" (19801 Giida Redner. Bob Newtl•fl. Tiie M •uetty tepteeeed deughter ot ,.,. country'• weirdeel pree1- c1enti.i ttmlly aompllc;lt .. ,,., letller •a 1ttemp1t 10 conouct IM 1na111 OI ,,.,., ·111· 10:IOI LONI~ W98CIND WOfn'9 ~ I ..,., .. ~ tO:.. IUNDAY "'°'"8 PACll moo e De Cl> 9 Cit NIWI r;!°:~ ·~PMYllWI ..... 0... end """'., LYoft• holt .,, lnfOlmellw IOO* It Wflllt't new et IN ~, .. , • COC LW '°°'9AU ~ ''AuCIUrll VI ....,, .... fm~ • * • "I.et " .... ( 1970) Tiie ....... "°"" l..eMOn, ,..,. ~. Oeotte """'°" ..,.. ...... lt8rf .,. to110...-t11reue11 , ......... ~ ... Mone lllf en llP'""4M OOl'IOaf1 0 11.1110. .... ''*' "°""' ~ '*WllW MO .... TM.9f#n49 ~!ID • TVGUMFMMOKI .. ._,~. I = u•rOUNCJm> • •'A "The ..._,,,ecuon 01 ?e cih1ry Wheeler" 1197 t I Ar'ONt OldilneOn, 8t ldtord Oiimen A pojltt- Cll figure II repelled lfter .,, automobile llOCldtnt wtth P¥ta from • "~ ... I lyi\lhellc Otfltl bank a~ •• 'A "Tiit.. Hundred MllH '1or Stephani• .. ( IN t) Tony C>nendo. p..., Ore11H A d etermined ~ offtoer -to tun ov., 300 llltlM lh flw ~ .. "' tel of faith le>t Ille crllleally Ill dlUght., IAI {C)~ . * * e "Altpl-1" ( 1980) Robert Hayt. Julie Haeer• IY Alter "' liftlner'• er-J 18111 to IOOd poleonlng, ti ner¥OUe l0tmet wer pllOt la prMNCI lf\lO .. ¥tc. 111\d rnuet oontend wltll on- l>Olfd hyst4W11, a MCtet""9 Gonlrof t-and ~ lllled rnernonee. 'PG' 11;40 (1)~ ••• "The Hunter" ( 19711) 81 .... ~. EJI Wrj· tecll. Rlfptl "P.,,_,' Thor• eon teadt A dangetOUI llflt .. a rnodetn-d.., bounty hunt• 'PG' t1MD MOVll ill' * ,,., "Thr" Hundred Mlle• For Stephanie .. ( 1981) Tony Ortando, Pet• Gt111H . A d•lermlned ~ otllcet -lO '"" av« 300 m-.. In llw da)'I .. lln ~ Of leiVI '°' ~ «ltlcelty • deughler (R) • MOVIE * • ·~ "TM Gentle Rain" I 1tH l Chrlttopher 0-ge, Lynda Dey The love .,,.., betWeen a mute erc:nn.ct .-.cl 1 bNutlful IOdety gin In RIO de Janeiro II marred by her emotlonal !rigidity. 11:60. MOVIE ••• "Deed HNI On A Metty-Oo-Aound" (19e91 J-Coburn. <:--. Spwv. Alter Illa pr11on P*Ole. I oon ertlet gltl right bedt to WOfk p1en. nlng an lirPOrt bank roo- bery IO OCCUt lirnulta. neoualy wltll ,,,. ., rtllal of a Rutalan dlgnltaty. 11:86 (8> MOVIE * "Tarian, The Ape Man" (19811 Richatd Hatrll, 8o Oereil. Wtllle eccomc>enY- lng ,,., lather on a -Ch t°' ,,,. legendary ei. ph1n1·1 Graveyard: 1 young women 11 ebducted by an ~ wflite m11n who wu releed by 11 In the .t-gle. 'R' 12:00 100 cwa OUTaUMfTI A Winning pr~tlal can· dldate (Sidney 81aca,,_) .. being imperlonated by .,.. agent Of .,, C>nental de9pot. ·THE~ ~ **'A "The Fo•mule" I f880) Marion B<endo, Gecwge c Scott wtlle ln¥Mligahng Ille mutdet of a colleegue. a ,....,.,. cop uncover• a con1plfacy lnvoMng the IUPPfMllon or a tyntheOc fuel formula ~ en Oil cwtel 'R' 12:30 CZ, MOVIE * * "The Slap" I t9e31 Uno Venture. Annie Git•· ~ A group of young~ Pie on the bf Intl of edull • hOOd ,_ a berrege of grown-up Pfobleml. decl- tlona and dllernmat t:OO (C) MOW * • ~ .. Luncll Wagon" ( f98 1) Candy Moore. Chuck McCenn A trio of ~11.. run Into trouble from competltort whlle ptO\llding -1et\8nCll IO hungry conltruc11on work· _,..A. (D)MOYIE ..... ··a-1918nd" (19801 Donald Sultlertend. v- .. AedOl'W.. An Atclle -thet.-dl teMt•• memberl ere forced Into a flgflt for !heir llfll'Y IUMVll. 'PG' t:ao (I) MOYIE • • "Srranoe Behllllor •. I 1 ff t I Mlcflael Mwphv . LOUIM Fleteller. Strenge ••l)etlmen11 oonducled on Clllldren and•~ 11'11.W· der9r turn a quiet mid· ..iern oolleOe '°"'" Into I frenzy 'A' 1:acl I MC Newt 1: .. ~ GUMt: Rolling Tlluncler, natl..,. Amerleen elder and -t:te®MOW • • .. Cannonl>ell """" (111811 Burt ~. Dom C>e4.ulM. Vlrioue oddbel cMtlC1ert compel• In a oout-t~. IUto r-'PO' t.-00 8 <* NIWI NQKTWATCH .MOYIE ** "Ageney"(1fft)Robo ert Mltcllun\. 1. .. ~ The ,_ lleed °' • ""'°' AmerlcM ...,.,...... llml uM1 I CINIOran'• bt91* ... I drink ClMIPlllon 10 tr~ .,.,.,,,..,., ~ ,..... !!99'-.,.. l:tlW MCMa • • "Provtdenoe" ( 1177) Ulen Buntyn, ~ Q6ll. OUd-A llM4tme °' recoleo-lloflt ....,_ by In ltle dfMl'M of ... ...iv.~ mini 'A' 1:11 (.C)~ ..... ~,. (11711 Aon O'NMI, Cart We. A Hutem drug pu1ller declclea IO ~ II of ,_ -w Ill Ol'9 llMI. INlfOr dalll ...,. ,...,... """" ttw •• .....,.. tt ... , ~-.... ---~~~ A~.__. .. comic con....,... llM ciompete ........ OM ................... lolll08f .............. ...... .. Cl> .. ••• "Antlw" 11110 ~ ....... i..-. .... ) IC NOTICC rtalC NOTICE f1"'27 Publl•h•<I Orang• COHt Dilly Piiot, Sec>t. 26, Oct 3. to, t 7. 1ge2 4270-8? NtUC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE rtatC ftOllCC P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9U ... H '> .. ._. ITATUllENT The loltowtng persons are dOlng FICTITIOUS auSINl!SS NAM£ ST A T'EllllVfT bl*'-8 u Tne following peraon 11 doing SOFT-CELL PRODUCTS. 209 bullna4 u • Avenue Del Mar. Sulla 205, San NEWPORT IMAGES. 4570 Plf1< Clemente 921172. Newporl. Newpon BHCh CA RICKY R RIVADENEYRA, 165 W 92660 Pabada, San Clemente Ceflfornle DAVID PAUL REINHOLD, 4570 112972. Park Ne'Wport, Newport Beech, CA RICHARD C WEMMER. 9217 926fl0. Molt Riv« Circle, Founllln Valley This bullnest IS conduc:le<I t>y an Calttotnl• 92706 1n<11'11<1ual. I David P ReinhOl<I ~~u=-n:,~conducta<I by • Thl1 11.i-1 wu filed with the Richard c ·w-County Clerk 01 O.anoe C-ty on Thlt 11atwnent wu flte<I wit h tile Sec>lember 8. 1982 ,,.,.. ~ 011?a;noe County on Pubflalla<I Orange Cout Daffy · f1•MI Piiot. Sept. 12, t9. 26. Oct. 3, 11182 ~ 0tanoe eoa11 Delly Piiot. 4034-82 Sec>t. 2e, 0c1. 3. 10. 11. 19112 Pta.IC NOTICE rta.IC NOTICE 4268-82 1------------,ICTmout IW8MSa ...-sun....-r The IOllowing peraon1 ate <lotng PICTTTIOU9 .,._.. bvsu-& u ..._ aTATbillNT CALIFORNIA PATIO DOOR The loltowlng per1on 11 doing 1623 Afat>em1 AYe. Hun11ngton t>u.i-ff. BNcl1 Ce 92$49 AUTO EXTRAS , INC . a THOMAS ALLEN OEGUELLE. Calltomla corporeuon. 174~ Ml 8182 Snowb•rd. Huntington Beacl't CllllWood Clrcle. Fountain Valley, Ce 92~6 CA 92708. Rum B DEGUELLE 8182 GENE GRANT. 1812 W Balboa Snowbird. Huntington Beacll Ca 81Yd., Newport Beach, CA 92"3 92646 Thia bull.-s la con<luc:te<I by • This business 11 con0uc1ec1 by • C()tpotatlon general pwtM<INP Auto EllltU. Inc: Tom De Guelle G-Grant. Preel<lent This tlat-t wu hied wt111 the Tllia •••t-t wu litecl with the County Clefk ot Otenoe County on County Clet1I 01 Orange County on Sept 11 1982 Sec>teml>et 8. 1982 F1'7ml '1~1 Pubt11he<I by Or•noe Coest Dally Publl1he<I Or1nge Coeat Di lly Piiot, Sept 26, Oct 3, 10, 17 Piiot, Sept .. 12. 19, 26. Oct 3, 1982 •289-82 ~--------4-036--~821------------ rtalC NOT\CE MllC NOHCE PUBl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINEeS NAME STATEMINf The following person 11 <101ng bulll\9SI 81 JIFFY PRINT. t7330 Newnope SI Founllln Vllley. Ca 92708 Debtl Ann Roc;he. 16S62 Ml Shelly. Fountain Valley. Ca 92708 Th11 bvtinesa 11 conc:tucle<I by an 1n<l1V1dual Deb•• Ann Roche Tl111 1111emen1 was filed with lhe Covn1~ Clerk of Orange Coun1y on Septomber 29, 1982 fl9M02 Published Orang11 Coas1 Dally PolOI Del 3. 10 17. 24 t91!2 4349.97 PUBl.JC NOTICE FICTnlOUS •USINIH NAME STATEMENT The tollowong persons are doing business as 111 THE YOU NG DUTCH CLUB 121 THE YOUNG DUTCH INDO CLUB, 131 PASAR MALAM, (4) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PASAR MALAM 161 INDONESIAN FAIR, 161 ASIAN FAIR an<I (7) ASIAN EXPO . Sovlh Cou1 VtMage. 3340 S Plaza Dt San1a An1. Ca 92704 E<lwln E Sersanste (1 Callf0tn1a CO•PO•lllOn), 1034 Kono• Road, EsGondldO, Ce 92025 Diane S Ser.anSle I• California corpore11on1. 1034 Kings Road. Etcandi<IO Ca 92025 Thi• bu"neH Is eot1ducle<I by an •n<l•vldual E<IWln E Sen1an ... TNI 11atemen1 WE11Tec1 ""1'111 the Counly Clertl OI Orange County on ~tembet 30. t982 ,, ..... Publlthe<I O*<lge Coaet Delly Pilot Ocl S, 10, t7. 24, 1982 4288·82 Nil.IC NOT!(( r-ecnnoua .,... .. NA* aTATIMaNT The follow4ng pet_... are <lolf'O bu..,_U SUITE ARRANGEMENTS. 47 SH lllanc:I Ot , Newport BMc:h Ca 92660 S AMANTHA LIS A BRANSFORD 47 Sea faland Or N-porl Beacll 92660 ELAINE CEREFIN, 47th St , N-port 8eac;h Ca 926e0 Thll bull-Is COOOUC1e<I by 1 ~·· par1Mf"llllp s-111· Btansfor<I Thie llat-t waa flle<I wtlll lhe County Cl«1I ol O.ange County on Sep1 23, 1982 ,,.., ... Pubt11had Oreno• Coast Dall) Pilot, Sept 26. Oct 3. 10. 17. t982 4220·87 ACTlflOUI ....... ..12521 NAm STATOSNT Tiie lollowlng peraon la doing SYl'WOf'948 Of' THE ANNUAL tTAru.NT ~-°" SYCAMORE BOOKSTORE. 8e 1 Ameftc.n ._..,. lnauf-c.,,..,., ef Ftorida 100 9rk*ell A-. MIAMI, Ronde lltl1 Produetlon Pt-. Newpot1 Beach, Y-lncled Dec1mber 11, 1•1 ·C.. t2t80 T 0111 Admottecl 1aset1 Stuart 8 . Wahlberg, 31261! Tolel liabtllttes s t46.007.276 116. 108.873 s 5.083,164 Sctlmkll (P.O. Box 502). SllWfaoo, Capital Pai<l-uc> Guar1nty Capl· Ca. 92571 Ill/Statutory Dec>olft Thia bullMu Is conducle<I by an Grote paid-In 1nd contrlbule<I lndMduels w • eurpl\d s.6ouu TNa twwt B. aN flel unMtllgne<I 1vnc:11 teutp!u•I 20. 1oe.3& 1 ,..._t -wl1ll the Sutplul at regardt ~ 30,799,402 ~~a of J>'"2ariQe County on ll"oClO<ft9 tor the yur 90,807,tOd ....,,..,.,..,_ . 1-. Ols~t• '°' lhe year 78,tot.572 ,,.,._ We f\efeby e«Uly thll the at>ow 11ema era In accordance with lhe ..!_1;1bll1had Orange Coa~I Dal~y Annuel Stat-I for the year an<le<I December 31. 1981, made to Ille .....,. Sec>• 12, 19, 26, uet. J . l\lllit ln9Urance Comm••~ ot the Stele of Calllornla, pur9Uanl to law ---------•.;.;0'-"33-.;:...;::8~2. FIOyd Oenlaoo I VICe President -----------. I TreU4Jret PBCI ..OlMIH SMrTMS' MOllVASY 627 Main St Huntington Beach ~39 'ACIAC YllW MIMOllAlPMll C:.fl"lltery Mortuary Ch1pel-Crematory 3500 Pacific View Onve Newport Beach 644-2700 MICoa..al MOaTUA•llS L19una Beach 4!M·!M15 Laguna Hilla 768·0933 Ju<llth Kiiier A.allat ant Secre1ar, Pul>hhecl Ot~ Cout Daily PllOI. ~I 29. 30. Oc1 1. 2. 3. tll82 423t.82 San Juan Cap11trano 495-1776 .NEPTUNE SOCIETY MAac. UWM-MT. OuYI Mortuaty • C:."9tery . Cremiuory 1625 G11ler Ave Cot11Me11 5'40-S554 ,_Cl•OT ... I l&Ll80AOWAY MOllV .. , t 10 &roadway Cotta Meta 6'2·9150 CRBMATION a BURIAL AT SEA 646-7431 "'"'*' IOCISTY ~U.H MJID , .... 2a WEST COAST HWY. "°""°"'0 Sulte9 MAMI , • • • .. •.• N -........... ,. ............... , ••• , .............. . ew,,....., ~n, '-"'• ..,....., CIT'Y .................. . I I !'.~~!!!.~'.'.!.'.~' ...... . ~1 Liii IA YflOIT OPEi lllllY 1-1 121 VIA LllO 1111 Completely remodeled elegant 2 bdrm house plus study. Also features pier for large boat plus ~mall boat. Ideal locotlon on quiet end o f Is land. Only $1,850,000. IDVEI VILUIE 00110 OPEi lllllY 1-'I 1013 IOVEll lllVE 2 story, 2 bdrms. 2 'h baths, dining area, flreplace, bar. double garage, large pool & clubhouse. Walk to shops & market. Asking $139,900. LIDO ISLE WITH POOL OPEi SUIDIY 2·1 101 Vta FLOllEllOE Beautiful cu st om built 4'11 bdrm, 3 bath home. First floor opens onto pool and patio Second floor opens on t o balcony. You must see this delightful, dramatic home. We Invite comparison. $595.000 IECUllln LIVUll OPEi SllllY 2·1 300 OAllEY UIE # 101 Newport Beach condo 1st floor 1 bdrm. 1 bath, like n ew , beautiful pool & spa areas. Assumable loan. Priced to sell. $117,000. llUL Tl-lllLLIOI DOLLAR IEllMIOIMOOI OPEii SI• 1-4 131 Vil LllO SOUi Choice oversized Inside lot. Spacious home built around . very private patio with spa. 6 bdrms including maid 's & 5 baths. Looking for new owner with wherewithal to update to million dollar category. Lido Realty 6Jl-J300 •.. , ,.,.,. ••••.•.••......•..••.. EQUAL ..OUSINO Of'f'OATUHfTY hllll1ller'1 ltttce: LIW PlllD anow.r Beavliful 2 Bdfm eondo with eec;urlty o•t•. com-munity pool end wet1dng <111t•nce to ~not Try 10% down Only le5.000I C.it todayt 64&-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS BRANO NEW "HHrl ol Orenge County" Town-nomes · Luxury 3 bdrm homet beauttlully <l•- 11gne<1, qu1tlty buttt -and financing now tll1l you Just won't believe! Call now Bren<lywyne Pro- pertlet ti, 531·9670 WIHIEI FllEll Alf reel eet1te •dvertise<I In this newepaper la subject to th• Federal Fair Housing Act ol 1968 wttleh mak .. It Illegal to a<lverllM "eny preferen- Cffll or nltlonal origin. or any Intention to make any IWCll preference. II· m l talion o r dlSorlmlnatlon " This 3 Bdrm 2 beth home Tiii• newspaper wtft not 1111 In an 81ea ol S160. knowlnpty eccept any 000 to 1180,000 hon'Mlsl advertltlng fOf r111 "'a-It needs TLC an<I youl te wttlch Is In vtoletlon of Unbellevably priced at 1helaw 1 1211 ,500. Celt nowt ::~s·=~~u~d~~~~-,· f ,=;=~=·=~=·=i='='=~=~l=-1 their ads dally and Ii report errors Im· med l ately. The DAILY PILOT 88· sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. BHIH '" "'' •••.....•...••.•.•...• •.. , ,,,.,. .••.•....•............ ... ,.i ,,,, ········--············ TAUUI ITITILY Spot1ea1 and apactov1 Sendpolntt be1uty. lo· 1 ceted neer Soutll Cout Ptua. Lowut priced home In the erea. 4 big SAU•Wll 38', 2'h&e TERINA MO- DEL IN EAST BLUFF. Dbl -· frplc, dtf!wltw. comm pool. 833·11111 dyt. 7511· 131S IV99. 2807 Vlata Ornllda Owner/,t. 3% . Cullom lovr bedroom by Valentine. Beeu11tuNy al· tueled on • Vlf)' prlv•I• belch. M111er bedroom 1ulte balcony overlook• beacll and bey 111110. b<lrma. huge IMng room t•l·J•-wlth crldlllng fir~. • ._ IC>fmat dtnlno. bl9, blO l~~~~~~~~~~I t>onu1 room. perlect tor m--••-1 000 extra temlly 1ntert1ln· 5991" -ment center . Call 1111,111 I. 8pactou1 3 br, 3 be • llOl'fle fHlur• beautllut r :tttl~ ~~ryr,. ::::. .:: ------·--mel dlntno rm, 3 ~ o•· reoe. Mull ... to belleve 1..UIT 11Y at tllle pnce1151.31111 w .. ptlo9d 3 ldrm hOlne on :~llng IOI. AM er"1 ~ furniture lnclude<I. 'ull pri c e 1107 ,00 0 . 761"3111 ~... I .., llLL llW1 Llaht Ind elry, IPICIOul 3 'Mnn In Merine tngtl- ldt Joo °' blk• 10 lhe beaeh Neef the ptopo- MCI m.,lnt !Medi IOfM n.c Prioeo • ., be!Ow 1ppr1tu l 1nd 1 very mottvettd Mlttr. Cell .. THE RF.AL ESTATER~j ----- Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Ootober 3, 1982 Neorl11 half of all Dally Pflol readf'r• have uaed the ctoHl/led 1ectwn to buy or 1cll a product. Af!ilO(NflAI ACAi tSIAt( l lRVICl.S .,.. 1·1 LllO llll 11 ,ttl,OOI Supt·nor b11 yfron1 l<X'&t1on1 V1c•w or muin lllrning bllSlll & c·11y light.It. l'rt('I' tnc:ludc::. pluns, p<.•rmlts & l'o,1su1I .1pprovul fur ~:H9 !«J. ft. 2 !llOry h1inw. indud111g w ltw c:t•llar & guf'11g1· /\ d l'l·a111 <·111111· ll'\,lt'! Sl·c Cvmt.111 Hu111s l1•ltl .11 7·UI Vm Lado. N;n ti Ill ClHH CH TOM I I ,otl,000 Ah-.ulute ly Bl-:ST UUY on g o lf l'ouri.<· Gorgeous 4 BH. lrg fom 100111 fl·atu nnl( th" fines t 1n unwn1l1t·s. Fn·m·h doors, crown mold tngs . sky ltgh lb lll:d uced to $1.0IJ5.000. Owm•1 fman<'mg. ~ C:H ult· M(·M:'lh:nl .11 I fl Ch1•rry 111 lls CAllO SNORES SlH,000 FH Vh'w th1· boaL'i & sunSt.•Lo; from thls l'Xl'lling 4 BH t'Xl'l'utiVl' home. Rt·m o d l•l cd walh t•lcgance & quoltly Ft'aturl'S privatt· e ntry, pool, spa & pnvat<> al'<.'<.'~"> to beach . &'i· IX·b1 Bibb ut 4621 Gorham. ClllHl Ill Ill Hll,000 1mug1 n t• if you w 111 a 1 a r g e complNl'ly rl•m odl'l1·d Cape Cod thul ovl·rlook s L1tllt• Curona Beach . Ht'<:ogniw 1f you dare lhut this is today's bt'St v;.ilut· in CUM locauon . Quality tt.·rms. & ... · C;,irol Allison at 22G Poppy IPYliLAH 1441,00G Popu Jar P11rts11111u th motlcl home w1 lh sparkling pool :i BR with family room {111 l'orrwr lot. Quiet un·a n1•ar schools & shops Sec Linda Marston al 17 Monterey C1r<:lt· HIYIH TEllUCI 1441,0IO A l1 Kht spacwui. -I BH plus den honw w ith pool und gorgeous .view or t•ntirt· harbor O )Vllt•r w ill carry with approxrmah·ly 20% down. Gn·al polC'nlial for uS<•r ur investor. Scl• Lu_£Y_R oM· at 17 1~ CJ&la_~a Tt•rracc• LllO llU MH• lmJX"(·cably mainuoncd 3 BR 3 1/:z BA homl' on one of Lido's most dt·sirc.'C.l sts. Country <:harm abounds In the rem&deled klt.<.:hen Cozy fam rm & brickl'd sun n y patio. Fm:pla('t' an mstr SU llt' O WC 2nd T n S<.·(' Edt£' Olson a t 218 Vis Kuron HllTll LAHH Ult,000 Fabulous No . Laguna prime McKnight Drivt• addrl'SS walking dn•t.<inc<' to <X'£'an. Well maintained J BR home rl'c.'c ntly rl'<.·arpeted & nt•w S<.><.·unty system. Sc·lle r will oss1sl with f1n anung Sc•c Suzie Exll·y al 1!15 McKnight Drive. UYSllOHS 1211,000 Exl'rptio n a lly n l('l ' 3 BR, well lo<:alc:-d & spal·1ous h v1ng room ovc•rlook s privatt• b r ick pa tio. Ex«dlcnt s toragl• Masll'r bedroom with private bath SC'c Eleanor Bowu: a t 2801 &yshon• Drive. ILIFFI 12101000 HE Rare 1 story Paula plan. 3 BR. Fam Rm home with the largest private entry & back patio on greenbelt. F1rcplacc· in living rm & master BR. Excellent long-term financing. Sec Kay Parker at 2403 Vista Noblcza. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 Classified works for you when you want to l•J .. ..,.._, lffr. Ml·llH IPll Ill 1-1 Pl 411/411Vt Cenu1tlort, CdM m ..... tMt,OOI 1024 E. 8alboe al, '-Nn. Pt .. 11,480.000 2I04 W. Ocelft, ll'enlft. Pt .~ ........ tlM.oM 42A hlvue Lane. Pet1ln. Pt ....... l40t~ 1sn E. Oc:Nn, Penln. Pt ........... SSM,IOO 1511 £Ht ac.an, Pet1ln. Pt .......... 70,Alll 501 ..... It, Penln. Pt .................... 13M,OOO 225 Grand Centi, aalboe lslend '511,000 H 8aachcom9Mf, JHmlne Cr -1375.000 "2 Bayelde COYe W .. t, Ne ......... 7,00I 314 Martootd. Cotone'9e1 Mar ..... ... 2291 Racfland•, a.ck .. , ...... '241.ooo 421 Plrele Rd. Newport Hta ...... SMt,000 BA VFRONT-50' BOAT SLIP BunrlM to aunMI I nlaht YU from tNe gracloua I etegenl WA'fEAFRONT home. Large meatet Mii• 1 s 1Mdroom1 lot lemlly. S,.cloua llv. rm., fofmel dtn. rift., gourmet kllchen with breekfHt eree. French d 90fe to bflck SNtlo I colofful gerden. Meny e xtrea I decoretor emenltlH. Reduced lo S1,450,000 fM. 831-1400. BAYFRONT- BALBOA ISLAND VIEW PanOJemlc Yu from thl• 2·eloty home Oft WATER et the turning beelft. Large 4 bed. home with pler/allp for 3 boeta • 1 IMd ept. Can be uled M a eingM family home or with rental unit. Superb loc atlon. suoo.ooo. ·SPECTACULAR HOME New ••clu1lve Legune Beech'a flneet Chrla Abel home on 1h acre with febuloue VIEW. Incredible lendaceplng with Pflvete pool end •SN· A un6que 3 bed. • den home for the p..-Uculer buyer, 11.200.000. EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS LOT Oceen I tetty vlewa. Apptoved plane fof 8700 aq. tt. home. Owner mey trede fot c ommerclel o r lnduatrlel In Orange County. S1,300,000. LAGUNA-UNOBSTRUCTED VU Pool·alze properly on 3 level• w/ape, eeuna • lg . decka . A totallr encompeaelng fee~~ In thla lbd . 'i femlly r-home. ,000. OCEANFRONT-REDUCED! •••utlful cuatom wllh "pride of ownerahlp" cere • detell. Two atorr 4 bed, 3 '11 be. Owner wlll help flnence. Super aand I '"llEACHAtONT. Now SHS,000. Welk by 2804 W. OceanfrOftt I call forct.teh. LIDO ISLE DRAMATIC lplret alelra end profeaelonal decor throughoUt Ihle apeckMfa 4 IMd. 4 belfl home. Perfect for the famlly. E1letlftt •••umabte lo•n• of 1312,000 a ettecttn 12.3% lnter .. t. lalee Pflce ..... 500 .... BALBOA 18. LARGE DUPLEX On q uiet llttle talend neer ••r a Beach••· Two atorr 4bd. I 2bd. unit• w/XLNT rentet record. FleJClbfl term•. 1571,000. Welk by 111 Cryelel I cell an-eeoo. HUGE PRICE REDUCTIONlll OVERLOOKING EMERALD BAY Magnlftc.ent "wht11Wat1r" OCMn vtlWI from thl• cuetom cOfttemporMJ hoftle wllh _,., eutte + 3 bedroom•, "'*'' quafien I 4Yt be. Elepftce I Wenftlfl, gourmet kitchen, forlftel dln.rM. Mottveted aeta.r wtll carry Finl T .D. It 10~ tntereet. Cell tor d•l•lla. Now NH.GOO. 131·1400. LOCATION YUi LOCATION! "9Modelad 2·•1orr home with c.._. .. YU of ..,, boen, OCNn and ':t' ........ lnMrttlft eftloJllbtJ fTom ... a drDCMft, ftMltJ room plus 1Kt'f•I• petlo. OwNf ftexlbtl with food ttn.ncllnf. -.000 '" lend . ON WATER-FORMAL & LAROE Largfft of the """• In ptfft1gloue Lido Pentn. condo complH. Approx. 2,IOO eq.fl. with lerge llvlng end dtntng .,..., ptue two be*oom MhM end den (couW be Std bedroom) V.W from oceen ~ baJ lo mounletna. aoat ellp Hellebte. Decor le wh"I C*l* with fonn .. w• coYlrlng•. tlto,000. Lerge boet •lllt ......... LAROE CORNEA HOME + UNIT Neer louth ••rfront with lerge petlo, betim C411tlnoe, bflcll ftf'1pltc11 • wet ber. 4 bedroom "°"9e + OM bed. rent .. unit. Drlv1 bf 12' CotMM Oft 8atboe lltMd ~ cell tor flnenclnt detelle. MI0,000. ~. BAYSIDE COVE CONDO-VU ••autlful dec oretor ooordlneted Hecutlve retreet with wenderful VU .. ••r. boeh end nltht lltht•. lold c•mpl•t•lr furnlahed Ihle I bedr ..... home plue den ~ ....... t:::::" the dtlortmlfteltntl. lMe WA~ oommtw.ttJ oft9fe ltoet • .. ....._ end poot.Ml?.aoo. LINDA 19Ll-LOWEST PRICI A 9TIALI A t-...OW YAUll fw ontJ ...... Md ow,_., fte•lbtl on term• end ........, .. lubtnlt .. Oheftl9 or..,,_ or CA• Aft e1109Peleftef WATl"'RONT ltefM M h legoon """ s ..,. ....... ..,, ,. ....... for .., ...... ,._. ...... l'ttlP'.,.., tl•lft9 In I MdfMMI • f ... Met H•I ... ,...,., ..,.. ......., ""· """ ··-r ..... --.... ·--·=, ..... ,.... ...... ...... c .. ,.... atn..einew.....,. the ..,.... .... Utt ....... , ......... , ...... \\AHJU RO!\T HOMt~.t" HI \I 11114' ... i... ..... 1 ........... ,. ,.._. .. l I ' I I , I J ........ 2 .. 2•2 .. 2 ... 2 ................ 2 ..... ~ ...... -----------·----:-~---:--;--"T~ I .. ... Orenge Ooaat DAil. V PILOT /Sunday, OGtober 3, 1812 4 45 FT. ON THE BAY $460,000 YOU OWN THE ·LAND Duplex with 3 tx'Clrooms downstairs nnd 2 Pad rooms upstairs. Clos(• to thl\tx•ach, ·riKht on a ~urning basin -&-st buy. on the buy. Lot. siw 45x IOO (a lot ;,iml 1,) C;,iU Husi. FJuicr for d1;ta1b .. CANNER.Y VILLAGE REALTY 673-6776 200 FT. NEWPORT BAYFRONT . BOAT ON T HE BAY. PLAY ON T HE . ~EAN • Spacious o pen & sunny all vie w home w / panoramic d ecks. on huge prim e · · Island Point. + docking & prkg galore. + · vou owa the land. + owner Cinancinll?. a U lor $965.000 .. 0pen Sun. 11-5. 4028 Channel Place, Newport Island, N.B. 673-0202. ON THE SAND -Bank Forecloaure 2 story. 'l. bdrm. 111 ba mndo tx•uch cu-op pool. sauna. wc1gh1 room . su b pkmg. On·an & P1t!r V1t'w Listed at $160,000. $65.000 undt·r mkt All cash or m·w rin Gn.•at opp'y ro r one who C<.tn at·I fa!>t Agt Jim Rlghe lme r DOVER SHORES Custom 3 bedroom waterfront home w /p1cr and slip ·FEE. Ap.pra1sed $1.125.000 S""riril'l' at only $899.000. Assumable Isl n.nd'2nd OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-S. 1036 Polaris 646-0523 . ·. PRICE JUST REDUCED 1241,000 Corona dl'I Mar -2 BR + don, I Vi balhs wlth room to remodel and-expand on R2 · lot. Very private back yard with 'eoverC!d patio. Excellent nel1hborhood, cc>mmunlty ~h. Owtltt wlll carry for S yean at 12% •I.., '31.000 down. or will pay fHS for new fln1ncln1. Very l lexlbll-: Offered by ndHt tle Roelt.y ( 714) 7~9-9 l49 or 844-9644. . . .., ' . ·. •• MEDITERRANEAN VILLA ATOP SPYGLASS Hill IN CdM. 415 Bdrms, 7 bulhs. library, Can11tiu. ~ fountains, p.ool, spa. ·A ont·-or -u-k111d t•nit•nutnme nt n •sld enn• fur thl· truly · <.J1M:riminuting buyer Open Sot & Sun SUNBOW REAL TY 2PM till duslc. 631-2242 WALK TO NEWPORT BEACH By owm ·r . I y r old. 1100 sq rt modulur htinw. llugt• living area in l'arthtom• colon,. uµgradc.0 c:a rp<'l. Lots of windows. bcamt•d l'l•1hng. gas/wood rireplal-e M1rrorl'CI closet' 111 bedrooms, Carden tub in bath Gas rang<." OW. a lmo nd & butc ht>r blm·k k1tch<'n F ully 1ns ulat.ed . double pam· w indowi., low· util1t1es, pool and Jat·uzz1. 1n1:11dl' houS<' laundry room. Sacr1C1C·<' lur below market $44.500. n:H · 7111. BIG CANYON 3 LEVEL CONDO Must sdl! 0vf'r 1000 sq rt 2 bdrm, 2 ba oVl·rlooking golf courS«.' m Nwpl &:h. Furn Hm w lw<•I bnr & frpk. din rm . c.·athl-dral l't•t11ngi.. pat w • 2 ba konic~ P ool. Jat-, tt•nms. <'XOt1t· landscapt'. 2 car gar Assum 1!.IOK mrtg. i5K dn or c.·ars or diamond~ Pm·c· 265K makt• o rrf'r Out or Slatt• ownt•r Appt. 759-9051 WESTCLIFF By ownrr, choic.'<' quiet location :J bedroom. 2 bn. Pool home. Two S<'p fonc.•l'CI yards Rt•ducrd $20.000, pricc•d for quick still' Asking $240.000 rlcxihlt'. 845-7534 BIG CANYON -ONE DEERWOOD Private and 11pccta~ular ~ bedroom 4 1.i'z bath -c.:ountry fo"rench custom -located 'Of\ golf <.'<>Ul"llC. Paneled library -wlntt cellar -4 (lrcplacea • maids quarters -,pool and ape • 3 cur garage. -limo pad and extra parking lnetde electric pte, ottered at •2.650.000. 'P'or detalla and appt. Rina . ueow REAL TY 631-2242 t • JASMINE PLAN 4 Prll'~· !>laslwd owr $:.i!l.000 0 11 t h 1i. hu!ow i i.turv. :i bdrm 1m·i.11g10ui. Ja.Mlllllt' Crt·t·k llonw T1·nn1:>. po•1I. guard<'<.! gatL'. frt.• land Drusucally below m;,irkl'L at $:i49J.10(1. Op('f1 Sun 1-4 i 5 Ma1n\;,i il , Corunu dL•I Mar . Steve Willie Associated Realtors 581-1100 ..M SPYGLASS ESTATE WITH VIEW OPEN SAT /SUN 2-6 Nl•W l'USl0"11Zt'd homt.', rml'l>I m.:itt•nals and t•raf1sm<rni.h1µ 5 Bdrm. (i bath. game.• room. d1 t•am kttt·ht·n. pcx>I. spa a nd 5 C1rcplat.·(·i. Ex1·11mg Nt·wprn I harbor .:ind oc·c.·•.n vil·w i:7 MUIR BEACH CR., CdM 840-8259 975-0303 SHATZEI RUL n CANYON CREST ESTATES Thlt'<' bdrm:.. 21. bu townhou:.t• Gntt-d 1"1101, L1·m11i.. Jal ...... un .. Shopping Mmuh•:> to bViil'h You own land $'l.40.00U Assumt· 1 i'\', loan Bv 11w1wr 780-3875 EXCLUSIVE DOVER SHORES With Magnificent Back Bay View .SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION $895,000 FEE Thi. ut.11Ji1<1n<l1ng \11lu1· fo·otun"' fabulou~ pnol & ~p.i l-ir1t•· 3 ntlr111 f<1m1I~ rm fo1 m.il d1111nl( plu,. mlM h rnu• h mon· AND 10''1. • ,,.h tln11o n p.1vnwn1 I) univ •111.111 P"fl ul 1•x1·1•llo·n1 fln11n111111 on th" funtnAll• 1>fhnng Call Fran Scott 640-5560 or 840-0087 OPEN SAT /SUN. 1-5 1472 GALAXY MEDITERRANEAN VILLA Within th~ Gat1od Commun ity or Hnrbor ttldgc Extc:nillvc• ww or rich maho"an y wood ~16 Bdrm .• ~ h both11, Sauna, l'rlvAtc Puol. Designed by Edward Cilddlnp AIA. tl.000 11q. rt. Mognlfl('('nt vlcw1 of Ncwpnrt Horhor. Cutallno 7 city nlatn llgh111. RJdl Lina•• -Ran Moor• Rtllton Office 759·1111 lnldenc• 151·137 , A RARE OFFERING ON FEE LAND L ui.k built 5 lwd11J111111:1, :1 bath fumlly room Ht·111od1·l1·d k1h ~ll'n Thi~ flll 1111·r mcxlt•I ha' n1·w p unl, JJ t'U7/I t-lugt• 1;1v1·rr·d .llld 1·:1qx·ll'd outdoor 1·111t·rtu111111l'nl 11n•u :i t·~11 ga1 agl' Ad1h·d <1LL1t· s tc1r.1g1• S1•1 unty w,1t·111. s:m!l .5oo 631-7300 DALE BOUT BAY & BEACH REAL TY By Owne r "The Prestigious Groves" L111.,111·d 1n I rvine· S1·t·ur1· (;Jlt·d Community 'L bdrm. 'L ba. douhh· g:..ragt· &·auldully upgr;,id1·J On Gn·1·nlwlt und 1·ul-1h '-sa1 $H!l.OOO ($1.000.1100 Clubhuuw) $11,000 dn. Call l11r app't 832-9199 PONDEROSA ST. Th1t't' lx'<lroom' :! bath. Sc·p d111111~ room C11v1•n '<l p;Jl1u Adam:. .ind R.Jkt·r Nc .. 11 1'\'1'1,Vlhlllg' 963-0363 PRIME HISTORICAL BEACH 200 YARDS I VIEW Nort'h Laguna with curb appt•al' Arched Sp11111sh (<:1n ·u IH2H). Courtyard c.•ntry. 2 BH. I v. biJ. dine• rm, Frt·1wh doon. Period wallpap<'r Lots of room to c•x1>and As.suml' li''.1 loan. t·a1:1y to shuw~ $:H7.00ll Open Sun 2-5, Oct. 3 145 La Brc•A. oc.'t'nn s1dt• of h1gh .... ay Bkr., Hlllle McCormack 494-4874 494-7551 PERHAPS NEWPOfU BEACH'S FINEST VIEW Sltuotc-<1 on onC' or thl· lurgt'lll lols m l rvlm' Tt•rrnc1• wi th unobs lruc·ted Jln rbor. CoUJlll')tt. ocNtn vl1•w11 i adrm. 2 BR hom(• with Spa. vi(1W8 from almost every room In tht• hOU!lt'. oil for 1.1pp1. to see lh<-view for yourM'lf. Rick lqtvln -Ran lloort Rtlhn Offlct 759·1111 Rnidlnct Hf.1372 .. ' Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /8unda • October 3. 1982 .__ #9t Llf ...... #9t "'' #tllff /ti llJt ..... , 1.r "" •111H ffl llJ1 • •111n lft "'' • «~!!!.~.~/.' ....... ~~~f!!_{~t.~~~··•••••• ~~~f!!.!'!.!.~1!,,., ... !•/.!!!.{~t./t.'f ...... , l r.mr. •••• r.-••••••••• r.-;.,n ............... •••••••••••••••••••••• ;-; •• •••·········•••••• ..................... ~.................... I ' I 1001 It I Ill I 1111 ........ ,, ,,., ... ,, .. , ,,., 11..,,,1 1111 11..,,., 111 ,..,,,, l~f ""••111 lHf '1~~~!. ...... n •• ~. F!.~~~~ .................. ~~~ ..............• fm~~ ..............• r:l\~ •••••••••••• ,..., .• ~ •• ,-•••••••••••• ...,. r: •.•••••••••••••••••• :;-.................... ..••••.••••...•••.•. r: •••••....•••.•••••• LHI II Ulftltf P ... i ~::,,~dN~~~·~r~!:' JH Yll l.u:.llLI ........ _ 1·1 -~="/))/ 20'-llWI l '.'. I : I , 'rAYLOl{ CO. ~::~~~u~1r0:!'",'!~~~ Prlml' Lido Non.I t>aytront, ~ bdnn. 6'A blth •H·llH OlllU IEL Ill ! nomt IHlurM IOfmel di· La•• L K., 2 bl.Ml\ •llS-•1.~.000. • c Ill .\I )•Iii'· "'"' \'l)li nlng rooM. ti~ laMllY W1• (c•t•l thll hi tht· bt·11\ 1m·omc• ( :ift:::i,,~"~n:• '~,~·::,~ KcnwcMc.od 3 Wml, :l bltth ~ la~o rc.oe rm IHI ...... 1·1 property buy In Coronu tit-I Mar' i Lllll llll NIHmH getl waklbalbtutt t10« s lw11rn (.'(!llln&IJ, funlllhfld, pttUOIJ 20·000 lfH .. lt Wl!H lt~"wd rt>lllnl unit.I JUlfl (I lc!w •• pl•n. bc .. 1en1 tlnancino (ltttr 18'tftt) hlot•k!f from 1lw tx-ach C:urrt•otly Nl'w on murkt't: 4 br, 3 'h buth, 1Jingll• atory home on huge lut. May lukl' up to 100 foot yacht sub)<.'Ct to upprovuls Now h-.. dock for 4 boats of 40 ft. Backyord with lawn and lush landscaping Jusl rem~lcd by A.S.l.D. doc'Ora~r. $995,000 with $175,000 down. C1ll 8t1l!ley Shipley # I PllllllLA 11011 4 Wr, ftr••I 411111 # l'llrrung $141'>0 IJOf mo Owrwr wlll •11111111 Oct-im & ~ny vl<'WI Marllll' rootl\, 4 bcJmi, 3 r•, l1•ltr r•, 4t1 t t finant't' al 12 •11% lntt•n>SI Hc>fhwt-tl bath 3700 lk.l·" tl.38MOO. <A~111l(rvnt. lfl. lrtlt fHHtlH II to just $229,1100 Wllll... Lllll llLI UYFIOIT II••• 11 '"''111 .. ' OIALlnlll 75 .... 1100 GEORGE El KINS COi WEIRNET eA· ~ ~SSOTN ~BALTEE? 81 Hl1i.1teri.tt4, ... tf "-"' "' l..a.~uon vlt•w from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, plt•yroom, Ill ... I It.. fl 1 Tak• over $99K " 4 1e•~ . (714\ 873~4400 hive jutl tne llt1enc1ng 000 • "' • • " 11 • tnd E I end movt lnlo PllY&OY r or you . to 5 Yo dar rm, dc.m Boll\ lllllp. Now tl.OOO. ol•1· lfttrt4 et thl• hlgnly upg11dtd 3 (2 f3) 628·2828 II .l&SMlll OAlll 1n1trHt you pay only IAYSllE PUOI Sil ,OOO. 410 ltr• bedroom tamlty homt IAllHS 1111111 Btautltul gtltd commu· S 1,061 Pl/MO lor thla Ill& lt1r Li . wllh edd•d t1mlly room, IHT llY II Ill O&IYll nl1y tn N-por1 8t1ch two or w .. bedroom Spc.oetac:ular bayfron\ dplx ;i br, 2 00 up; 2 br 1p1rkllng pool & rO· The Hlfbof A1t1'1 Lone.it Ettlbllhtd Real blate eor.any · Aar .. y avatl1ble tnd unit, ramify home with bo1t 2 •... dr·i. 2 boa\ "N>i't.'11!. Reduced . $l,500.000 m1n11c ape Stlltr full 4 Bednns, family room & dining room, near pool 1nd ttnnl• and Rll ICCttl Cut1om ..,.. .,,~ COlS CM' NIW'°'" reduced the pr let H . 11. \It 11( >I l Immaculate throughout. New carp<>ts, court a Mtrvtloua 3 etiblneta & rock llr111>t-MALTORS ooo & El bdrm 9'ome hu bHr• In country k11chtn S t20, FllRIAlll UllOll nu L c-c ...,, drapes. marble entry decor ectron1c prottnlonally dtcora· ooo New 4 br. 4 ,..., ba, cuawm French Nomumdy '> e .. -... ..., security system. Wet bar,:.! fireplaces, ~i led. and ovtrtook• 250000 ' Don't detey, c111 0t1na TODA YI car garage. Artistic pool and spa. Pracc.><l magnlllcenlly 11ne11c1· Don't dtle6. c111 011na Eat.ate 1.2 pnme ac hilltop $1. • · t71·5911 right at $695.000. Gate guarded nrcu. ~ Bo;r~t>elt Call Mu· T DAVI AYALOI --- Call 644-4910 for r.rmission to enter. 'llll I lllll Pltt••••I· Fee 8lmple cottage on quiet 0t'llCaruo St. (in To pta':!lo~r1~euage 14 llllllt Tiii I • INI Ill 1·1 Iii • Ytl,I Flata). $145,000. reedlrlQ pub11C'. IEW EMWI 11 l&UU ISUll 759·t 1oo lll·l•OG OlllOUIO OAYS 0~~~~1o1 First time listed. Charming nr. new 2 sty. I~~~~~~~~ a 1111111 Coronado la.land CWll. bayfron\ lo\. 85' boat CIHtlfi.d. 642·5678 c!~:"!:~?.:O =~.,one· BLUFFS BEAUTIES architecturar gem. 4 bdrms. fam. 1 m. 2400 ~· Pt. ll02,000 dock. Plana avail. Now $370,000 w/terms .. ~=======--~~~~iiiiij;:: Quality design and det-or .throughout. or CUSTO HOU6E Fabulou• 2 llory condo! Designed for guest quarters. Prked lo Excelltnt llnenctng In Fountain 11e11ev. very BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR :~ bdrm. 3 buth, family. rooro, <·xpanstVl' vww (E Pli!n) M111t c·ond1tlo u SN·urrty sy~l l'lll L1.1rgt• u!'\su moblt• loan . Opt•r\ today I ·5. :!(;45 V1s1<-J Ornada. sell $595,000. Seller finance. No loan foe. ss539·~5.692 t private end unit with 211 lllllll OPH SIT/Ill 1·1 ponlble 4 Bdrm1, (Jaok ),\1 f\11 1\dl• Or•v• ~-8 l>l~ t>l61 d & Jiii) Spa, big llvlng Cele room and IPlct·lgt fill; &OIH I &CHS If LIH IHHHY OtNe.,._., q) chtn. A a1HI al 1102. Fii YllR PLUHllE-AT II otST RMllon. Y, ooo. Cell 54&-2313 1m------ Expans1 ve views overlooking plush &75·551 ~~-;.-· ~ / ltiOhl -Ji!·i!I Forecto!YJ~~ Peter•. country club grounds maintained by a-;tl;N}.r-1 CIOM 10 like 4 Br 3ba. llLF CllllSE FlllTAll I have 1 3br. 2ba home ror only $89,900. Assume V.A. loin ot approx S 76,000 at 11 'lt'.4 Call Pet• Johnson tor detellt, others at no expense to you. Truly a OPEi IMSE 1·1 .,,._ --------ramny rm. 2 lrpk:a Must prestigious home located on a prime site I SOPWISTIO&TEI otn i-------•I sell S284,500 overlooking Big Canyon Country Club. STYLE TIWllllSE Lllll llLE I OHIOO ·-' N · · Olde Corona dtl Mir You have earnc.'u it-ow CO.JOY tl. charm, new 3 b<lrm 4 ba TRIO[ 40 Ac. rorest rencn. 15 CALL FOR COLOR BROCHURE 644-4910 I townhouse plus l1mlly " min 1rom Chk:o, Hwy 32. 631-1286 rm Walls ol glua bring I Legan<11ry Linda late Vineyard In area Wiii Mii UINI YIEW llLLl--llll YUi ou ldoor garden• Into beyfront, 7500 sq ft 5 Of trade IOf 0 C Pf Ope« Quiel. park-like setting. Rm for paddll• I s11y111 rooms 19· vaulled br, 5 ba. 4 trpk:•. 3 uv ry --------i celllngs. 0111 floor•. rms, dining rm, dtn, IHllllS ... f tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul energy elliclenl solar not studio, poot. 11una & lllTlllTll ICM &OOll&TE PlllOE de sac sl. 3 bdrms, Cam. rm. Call now' water system. 1n1u111ed elev1tor $1 ,950,000. All F I 'h mile 10 beech, 1 yr old. Big Canyon (McClaln) 121 •• '"'WEIT, OIM 1-1 SH 1·1 11n1ed gtau lax ble 1re<les considered. "' n; terms. Oflereo al s34o.·-.------• 3Br 2ba, corner, secure, Taatetul upgrades. gor· ooo 6l6 Marigold • cath celllnga, Spanish geoua appointments .. -eu 1n 11&1-HPH FEE'" Lawson stucco 13•1.•1o 11t · 1ry Assumable 11% 1oan _,. COU OF N-..-10"/• on Prlct $189,500 Security, Mrenlly, swim· Charming 3 bedroom home with lots of R••• .,,:::arvn• ___ Ag1 645·9850 ming a ienn11 S320.000 Y h I d G f J -•vn R~.11ty Comp.1ny extras. ou own t e an . real amt y The raa1ut dr•w In the U~IOOf-11()Ml:i home. Price reduced $45,000. Beautiful west. 1 Delly Piiot Aealton. 875.sooo large corner Jot. Walk to the bay, Balboa Claaallied Ad. ~2·5878. Island, and Fashion Island. Owner motivated. this could be best buy m COM. $320.000. Financing available. 1143 SHEHll THll&CE, CIM SIT/HI 1·1 2 ILOCIS Tl IEWHIT 11111 Charming 4 Br & family room. 2 brick ftreplaces. country kitchen. quiet residential area in young development b y Buccola. 10% dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. FUT&STIC SPYCWS HILL PHL HOME Two -s tory Nantuc ket 4 br. with beautiful Sunset pool surrounded by 14,· 000 r ed bricks. Tastefully decorated throughout with wallpapers and s hutters. Shows hke a model home! M any upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760.000 incl. land. H•l S2ll,~VIEW FllH Earthtones thruout, 4 br. 21h ba, family rm. dining rm, 2,378 sq.rt. View of Pavilion. night ~ts & Catalina. 1211 IHFUll, IPEI SIT/SH 1·1 llVIH lllVHSITT Pill 3 II Detached 3 br. 2 •r, ba . home o n greenbelt near community tennis and pool. $114,000 in assumable loans and ' you own the land. $145,000. WESLEY I . TARN Cl., IUL THI 21 111 .......... lilh .. .. llWHIT am•, .... 144-4111 Whll 1 Wonderful WOfld Llllle Miu Muffet aar on a ol 'Shopping. right 11 Tulfe1, along c1me a your llngentps ev91'Ydayl aplder and read In the Dilly Piiot Clustlled Deily Pilot Clu11tted I Ada To place your ed MClton about Miu Mui· cell 842-$678 and 1e1 1 ltt'1 Tuffet Ind bought It Clultlled Ad·llltol' help lor S9 95. You e.n NII you your lulltt end Iota ot · other things through WAKT ACTION? Delly Piiot C1111llled ~fed ACS. &42·5878 Adi C111 642·5676 I CEET l lt I r r I I I SEWTE• I I I I' I I fllYOll . I I I r r ,,_ ..... •C-.. _ -~ .... ,,_ ..... ·-..... .,,..,.....t ., ... .,_ .. -·-.. ..,,. ··-.. .._. ::.:: "'• ·-.... ... _ ...... ..... ttO- ...... ·-·-... _ . ._ ·-., ... ·-·-.... ,, 0-.C:•4" '1......._ ..... :i:... ,., ..... ...... __ ,,_ :;::::-·-.... ·-.... .. _ ••• ~=--~~~ *HARBOR VllW HOME* Monoco S<'nsutlonaJ 3 br home on quiet strcct with pool s1it"'Cl yard 11 25% as.."IUrnl:lbl<· financing!' Priced at $216,000 foe Call 759· I 501 or 752·7373. •DOVER SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built w/execuuve entertaining In m1nd. Quality thruout, from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany panelled fmly rm. Some of the numerous features are: sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean, black bottom pool & spa w/outside bar, 3 car garage, complete security system & of ~urse formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE! *WATERFRONT HOME & SLIP* Sc•nsr1t1onal exccutJve home featuring 4 Br, enormous living & d1111ng room. 2 f1rl'plc1cc.os & room for 55' boot! Only $559.000 F'EE with as.;;um;.1hlc fman,·mg. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *BAYCREST * _ . 12114 hnancing spacious executive ranch style home 10 presuge arf'l:I. This home features 3 brs., fplc. large lot & fee land!! Lowest price at $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring ewimming pool, bonus nn .. skylite, lush private courtyard, fplc., & assumable financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$1,279 PER MONTH · * TURTLEROCK* 1s all you pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. spacious 4 Br ext'CU\lvc detached home. Featunng formal dining room, fmly room nnd fireplace. Only $210,000 FEE_ Call 759·1501 or 752·7373. *153 DOWN* •PRICE REDUCTION* Bcau1iful PLAN I in .WOODBRIDGE LANDING l<X·ated a1,.'ross stre<·t from LAKE 112. Features 3 br & formal dining. Owner ass1 stcd financing at 10%!!! Only $244.900 on FEE LAND 759-1501 or 752-7:l7:l . *IASTSIDE COSTA MESA* Lowly 2 story home on cul-de-sac featuring 3 Br and pool-111U'd yard Pr1t•<.'d a l $187.000 w/owncr assisted financing available Ciill 75Y-1501 or 752· 7373. t NORTHWOODS* * SSUMAILE LOAN* Beautiful executive home on large proresslonauy landscaped comer lot. 4 large BR, bonus room & formal dlnlng! Only $249,900!! Call 759-lMll or 752-7373. *BUILDER CLOSEOUT* * 11 % FINANCING* 10% Down Payment on thla builder cloeeout!! Extremely 1paclou1 townhome featuring 2 master suit.et & attached garqe. Priced to eell ~at $149,950 CAU 71)9-1501or752-7373 for detaila. *COMMERCIAL ,.O,llTY* 25 Yr. flnancln9 2 br houae & atudlo zoned for art studio. g1ft shops, anUque., e~ .... ! Owner wlll carry financlnl for 25 years. Only 113~.000. CaU 75Y·l501 or 762-7373. RfSIOfNllAI Rf Al fSIAIF SUlVIC£S Liii ISLE U ,400,000 Custom designed & decorated by Carole Elchen. this fabulous Bayfront home unites natural beauty with Imported interiors. brick paved. gourmet kitchen & beautiful woods. 3 BR . maid's qtrs, pier & slip. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 :i bdrm, :l bath, ramily room, p11ol-s1d1· IG Plan) Des1gm·r'!'\ horn,: Larg<• loan av<£1labl<> You own lhl' land 0p<'n tocfoy I·!'! 2400 V1s w Noblt•1.u $:.Jl9.000 S p u l' 1 o u s :l b d r m 1nolhc·r-1n-law su1ll'. Exet•llcnt l<x:at1on on wad<· grl'eqbc·lt. full atr. Modt•I l~Jndttum Fman<·mg in pla<'I• $:.!:i2 .500 Call fur appoinlnwnl c~~:0~i:1~S 0 ~ nrAt ;;HAT'" ~ 7S45 EASTBLUFF DR ~"! NEWPORT BEACH, CA 'Find whet you went In =IHI with Dally Dally Piiot cr .. 1lfled1. Pilot Want Adi. ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS ONLY!! If you have not owned a home In California in the past three years you may .be eligible for Orange County'.s Revenue Bond Program. Now for a limited time money Is being made available ONLY for first t ime buyers and ONLY In the city of Huntington Beach . The loans are a 30 YEAR FIXED RATE w ith paymen t s and qualifying based on All lllTEREST RI TE AS LOW AS 8.5%!! If you've been considering buying a home but have held back because of high Interest rates, don't let this opportunity pass you by. There ARE some price and Income restrictions and the total fund s available are limited so act now and call us for complete details: 556-7035 or if that line Is busy, 963-5671 . Here's an example of one of the many properties that qualify under this program: 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhome with community pool, spa & tennis. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. Sales price: $95,000. Down payment: $4,950. First year principal & Interest payment Is a low $700/month. I E M T It A P I Alter en evening . r I r I I -•"=~~a: I I lllfftO fOf evf9, we ~ to N O Y G O L etoP puttlno the tlm of• . r r I I I . fendM lft Jell with IN .._...._..._ ................. _._-' l\etdtned -." ' NEWPORT IEACH OfftCf 2170 lo.J' Miguel Drive Newport leooft, CA l2llO (ll4) 11•1101 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You." HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adam• Ave. Huntlntton leactt, CA 12141 (7.14) IM-70ll I ,AltlTY I I l"t' I l!r!i!::.~rE! .... 7=,-· •=-r r r r r r r r r 1 •a;. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -\ ' \, ... ·:· ·. •.· t!I Orange Co11t DAil Y Pll Ol /8unday, Ootob•r 3, 1982 !'.~"ft{~ ~1! ......• !'.'.,!ff.{~.~~·....... ~~ffff.~h.~~. ••• • • '-~•fft.(~~''··· .... ,. .. !ff!.~~ ••••.. !'.'.!!f!.~. l~'!... .. . . !'.~!!!!.{~'.~.'!....... !'.~!!!!.{~ ~'.'.... ••• !'.~!!ft.{~!.~'!....... !'.'!!!!! .{'.'. ~.'! ...... . ~!'.~~i{ •••••.••• !.l:fl '1!'.!~~{ •...••••• !.~I P!.-.!~~{ ••••••••• !.~~ '11.~~~~ •..•••• ,,J.ffl f!l.'!.~{ ••••••••• 1.~I ,,.'.!~~{ ••••••••• !.~# ~.-.!~~{ ••••••••• ! .... , ,,,_~~~! ......... !.~~ 9!.".~~~{ ...•••••• !.o.f. ~~~~! ......... !.~I LINGO NEWPORT I ' Newport Beach JUST LISTED IN BLUFF AREA Fee land, priced to sell with 4 Bdrms, 3 Baths. spa, patios. security A real Spanish charmer. $269,900 · ELEGANT BA YFRONT CONDO In the Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms 1 den. 211 baths, tlreplaca\ private beach. $855,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Seller packing, looking tor otter on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/lamily room. fireplace, wet bar. several eating areas and views flt to klll $495,000. WATl!RFRONT TR~DITIONAL. HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 4 'h bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bays1de brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. Qf hving space. Sllp and side tie tor 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1 ,450,000. LIDO SANDS NEAR BEACH AND POOL Perfect starter with 3 bedrooms, 2 bat~1s, 2 patios, fireplace and below market price of $159.000 SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This weH cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH Harbor Ridge "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL 'Estates" 3 oudroom, 2500 sq. tr home with spectacular ocean and night / light views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms with low down $575.ooo . "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20°)0 DOWN! Assume $564,500 at 11.75% on this 3 bedroom, e•1:1 bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor. Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMS Seller will carry an AITD of $519,000 at t2.75% for an extended term tor a qualll1ed buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with appr9x. 3050 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 3'17 baths. large -decks. 3 fireplaces and family room. Incredible views. $695,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25% fixed or seller wlll consider trade on this 5 bedroom, 4 both home with 2 large decks. private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium arid panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocating $775,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Spectacular ocean .and city ltght views from this 4 Bdrm 2'h Bath home with gated entry courtyard and spa. $525,000. Fully assumable 30 yr. 9'•% tst. CUSTOM HOME LOT Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside 11. Create your "estate" that will rival all others. Seller mus t liquidate but wlll consider a Joint-venture agreement $1,500.000. {a.st , J!Y..uf' 644-1133 g: ... 11 1" ANYTIME BLUFFS BONITA PLAN StfER LOCATION 200t Yl1l1 011 .. HD UNIT J 11111, 2 IATll ' llllLE LEVEL -IOTlllll IETIER AT MLY S1H,OOO l"lt·>..1hll' Tl'I mw If 1nll•rt-Ktt>d. c.-JJI J11hn o, .. 1 ,. , ••• , CDIYHIHCE I l•I._. lllH' l 001 . •..•................. CHARMING AEMOO 3 Bd IOfl Trade/IH opt tor duplex or unit 673·8585 IAYFIHT HPUI By owner Spectacular view Like new 3000' duple• or alngle lamlly home On·1hore moo• ring $300 000 down 873-6870 I Hiier lhe MllSIOn Bell91 Almos111 Se.e • 16 0111· mond 3Br charmer l.Du •• s $329 000 Open Sa1/Syn l·Spm Beecht1me Really S11" th•s immaculate la· 673·6!1 I I I n11ly home with spacious e1111ing111v1ng areaa and c1rculor sun room Two B1/1'01 111epleces. l our be· 1Hiauli 1001 aroom!I and a kitchen •••••••••••••••••••••• I wlln entertainment 1n mind 10 5•,. hnanc1ng 01 TMf Ull These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25% down. $225,000. CUS'TOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCE! Don 1 delay c;all Diana The Pae1fle ocean 11 your TODAY! front yard when you .r purchase lh1a ouutan- RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. HARBOR VIEW ESTATE One of the largest lots in Harbor View Homes with over '3 acre, gorgeous pool, spa. Koi pond, 6 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 fireplaces. skyhghts and French doors. $495,000. Fee. Open daily 1-5. Submit all offers. FAMILY HOME IN BAYSHORES Charming and spacious on large corner lot. fee land with 3 Bdrms. family room. 3 Baths. wet bar. bay windows and French doors. $495,000 HARBOR VIEW FAMILY HOME Seller will assist buyer in financing this 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with fireplace. use of pool. $310,000. EASTBLUFF RANCH HOME FOR TRADE Owner will trade this lovely 3 bedroom. 3 bath home for a home or condo In Capistrano Beach area. Good terms. privacy. $259.000 Emeral~ Bay OCEAN VIEWS AND COUNTRY CHARM Easy walk to beach. tennis. pool, and park from this 6 bedroom. 51 1 bath reskience with maio,'.s quarters. $790..00Ct POSSIBLE LEASE/OPTION! This· traditional 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on a corner lot has add1t1onal family room. large patio with spa and corner lot location. Low d own. $825,000. SPECTACULAR VIEWS OF EMERALD BAY This charming 2 bedroom. 2 bath home with pool has very high, long term assumable financing and seller will help. $650.000 lling • Located on an unusually large lot. this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property or seller will carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms. 7 baths. projection room, wine cellar, family room & large kitchen. $2,700,000. LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spacious with 4 bedrooms, family room and 3'17 baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir lake. $550.000. TRY LOW, LOW DOWN See and compare this "Dynasty" 2 Bdrm 2 Ba 2000 sq ft. home with large redwood deck, fireplace and vaulted ceilings. $231,000 assumable long term financing at 10 38% fixed. $379,000. BREATHTAKING PANORAMIC VIEWS Premium location with total privacy plus 5 bedrooms. 4 baths. complete security plus long term financing. $1 ,385,000. Exquisite furnishings available. "CASABLANCA" MODEL WITH GREAT VIEWS A former model home. this 4 bedroom. 2•,1 bath seldom-lived-in residence features designer upgrades and close proximity to tennis and pool/spa area. $520.000. Other Areas TRINIDAD ISLAND HOME W/BOATDOCK Dramatic executive 3 Bdrm home with gourmet kitchen, family room. fireplace. and wet bar. $399,950. ARBOR LAKE BRIARCLIFF WITH TERMS Spacious 2 ~edroom. 2--bath -condo w1ttt den. flreplaee, dining room, mountain views and complete security. $175,000 FEE. A-FRAME SWISS CHALET DUPLEX Probably one of the original S. Laguna "Olympic VIiiage" houses dating back to t932. Cozy units with fireplaces. Seller flexible. $210,000. NEWPORT GLEN-OWNER MUST SELL! Light and airy townhome with 2 bedrooms plus den. marw upgrades and amenities plus relaxing recreational facllitles. Below market. $120.000 Id Newport Beaeh? Di111 Pi1t11,1l- Y•I,. Hl-1400 ding 11alue home Four bedrooms. 1wo baths u11lt1y room hreplace 011er51zed 2 car garage Don't wall. 1n1s proptffty ,._ ______ .. wlll Mii quickly 1st ltme 1• on market $675,000 *llfFllOH* IOAT SLIP OPH HIU 1·1 38 BAL8'1A coves. 3 bdrm • 2 bath NOW AEOUCEO TO $489.000' HT llOYlllTII • 112-1000 f) BIRD HllTOR/OWHd ~ •173-1111• IW1alS --- D~ MAHIFICHT llllCll ESTATES 2 1 • .1u <· IC'Vt·l h1 II top V 1t•ws to the• M·a Unlim1ll0d •bndl(• trails 5 s t a l I lw t II• l'<.irt·l:.i kl•r s u1 l1· Unl1m1tl'd use u f adJ01n1 ng privatt !l ·•l n · p.1rk & Ba~' Lo1kt· ;; AH. I BA. :W minutt·s t11 .TilhilWay1ll' mrp<irl $1.WS:OOO Gt·urg(• Grupe· 644 li:WO UIYIH THUCE Oc·t·c1n & bav Vll'W'o l!UMf• lo~ Ofrt•rs VIC'W 0 S lrum pool. kllcht•n . fam & liv rms -I BH. 2 1 • bath~ with room 10 l'Xp..imJ Shows ltkt• a mock•l Owrwr w t.1rn· 1st or 2nd TD H1 .. lutt·d 111 $ffi!i ()(){) ind land (~eorgc Grup<• li·H .fi21)() Buying or CALL Lingo Rul&un 644-7020 Ill SllOIUCLIFF Cham1mg countr;. h111111· \\ lot~ o f wood & ust•d ht ll k f1·,1lunng 3 BH, family rm Thi' i.p l ll lt·Vt·I homt• ha~ u d1•l1 ghtful m.1:-.tt•r s u1tt• w /an 111·10,111 v 11·\\ o ff dC>t k Tht• h.11;:Jt1un •~ um-qualt"<l' $-HJ!'i,000 Sharon Smtth 6H -li200 BIG CANYON 41 lle11I St. IHrct PllCI llllCll Wn SHUOO Mow $8.0,000 Great owner flno.ncing Eatatt.' Slt.t.' lot One of Big Canyon's fmnt homes Perft-CI tor gracious l'ntl·rtarning & fa mily l1v1nR Quality cr o ftsma n~hip thruuul ex1ens1ve u se o f o .. k MagruflCE'nt pool & spa ~ BR Call for appt. 3 BA, Cam rm. lrml d 1M rm LOAETIA CURCI t JNl{)lJI f 1( ... \ Call tµ4-1367 OWNER'S DESPERATE PRICE REDUCED UNDER MARKET Huntington Beach S 19!;1.YUO :.! stor v -I Ar 3 Ba A~'>Umt• S9ti.HOO $l·HUJtlO Stnglc> story :i Br I '• Thi Pool. ~1>;1. add on family rm a~sunw $!-12,0UO • Fountain Valley S l 9:J.~llO 2 story 4 bdrm 2' J b:.i sp:l VJt ant, Ai;s~nw $lM .700 $!\55,000 -1 -Pll'X, '.!O'Ji, down Stanton • S94.H041 2 '!tnr y c1mdo. 4 br 2 bn I O<J., d<J\\ n SHHll P& I Garden Grove $I :w !JO() 2 'torv mnclo 2 hr 2 ha ·•'< I 1 pk· • Call Broker Lou & Ima 714/897-6117 lufl , SPECTACUUR VIEW $5f>O.OOO 1nclud <.•s l.rnd H ugc> assumuble Joan OJ)<'n Sunday 1-!>. WlTHFRDIT TWO STORY ,, Boat slip. $fi95 ,000 includes land , Good rm Ill CAIYH Ulll Mt Lain c.-ondo t-dl'n, 21'1 ba, $1100 mo. RY OR IDAT ACCESS H.trbor View homes· 4 BR $:.!6;1, 000 Ct't'. OHIO, S 111,100 FEE 2 BR 2 1 i Ba. assume $60,00U DCHI VIEW IElll llOAQ $239.000 f P<'. Assume largt• lst TD. STEPS TD PVT IEACllH Cam<'u Shorci., $825,000. fee land. Cons ider kascl opt Or exchange other real est.at<' Open Sun PHIHUU POINT LIKE HW $449.!HlO f1'<'. large ~umnhh• 5 BR MYMI CUSTOM IESlll $ 2 9 5 . 0 0 0 f c 1• . L <1 r g ,. t•ntl'rtninment arNI --TWO --ONGS • . ' ClllY A CRlllTA TRI ITAllEI COllPAIY 71f.l2t7 173·1711 BEST IN BLUFFS I I I uii-.IClUI: §0_~ 1 I TH .VIEW HOY( lllYIH Turtlt•roc·k Glen. wood sic. top vww Dramatic 3 Bdrm Jasmi1w modt•I Upgr:idt•i;, redwood dt.<ek m•ar pool & ,t<'nnis Owner motivated. r<'ducC'd to $259,000 FREE Ill CUAll Family home:. Beacon Bov w;.1tcrfront. ll:nn1:._, nN!d s TLC, ownt•r w tl I fin a n et• L l'a seh o ld as allrJcllw $iY5,000 PlllCll ltllltT 01111 IHRFIEU -3 Bdrms. i ''1 baths. 1mmaculatf'. Air l'Ond. patio, finuncing und<>r 12% P rtt'<'d bt•low romp<>tiuon $149.500 HHI OHlL/FllH AH OLUll Cute clt>nn. 3 Bdrm with d cx•k for 2 boats. Owner flnan<'l'Cl Pr1t·1.0 :1t MAI $575,. 1 ()()() Tll UIOll II lllYllE 4 Bdrm immoc .. nu w nppliancl's. plu!I t1lr c·ond . Fam Hc)()m, nice street. sup1•r finont•1ng. $199.000 Ollll ••1, IUT LUI Ju-rmlnl' Creek singlt-level :l Bdrm rondom1n1um, lush patios. spn. u um<' loons -lc·ss lhan 12% $369.500 IUFRHT "FllER" As •~ wht·n · 1s :i BH l'O n on thl~ watc>r m Lido V11l.1•W dn•a <.;n'.1t location ;md pot< 1111.11 Nt't'<I' l'Vt·rylhmg S I 1 p a\' :11 I ab I l• $ 4 511. 0 U 0 indudmg la nd Martha Macnab IH-1 -li:WO PRIME PHIHIU llPUI! :i BR. 2 b;:it h duplt•x 11• blocks from thC' nc·10,ln Jo'Jnlast lc invl•s tme nt w 1n1<·r or summf'r rental $;,!li0,111111 UJW uown and ownc>r \\ 111 t a1 ry AITD Sharon Smith 644-H:wo WHTCllff Bright 'n sunny honw Ill gn·al 11 1ghborh00ll :J BR + f.1111 rm lnw mumtc>nanl't.' yard Good I 11111m·1 ng. Clo!'.!.' tu park. !.hnpp1 ng. & ~t·hools. $239.000 Ft"<•.'J a1w Paqum. 6H -6200 SPACIHS HIE II IUOllUT Pll·nty of •>om ror thl' famil y to grow 111 th •~ 4 BR. 211 BA home Tlw mt11"1vl' stont• fir<>plucc in IJm rm d1nin~ room 1s a delight L o w m u 1 n t C' n :1 n l ' c y a r d w matur<· lund:;<.•a ping & a grf'at 111dnul'·OU ldo nr liv ing ar<'a. Loni 1 wn clo!-t' to 11t·hool and h opping Ownt·r will leas t• opium or 11ss1sl w /lht• financing. $289,500. ARk for Pat AdC'n for lnform11111m 855-4343 THTUllOCI lllLU 1.civt•ly -I BH Pn>stdt'nt Huml' in th\• hill. of Tut tll' Huc:k Tht• b:wkyurd 1 J)il'tun• iwrlt•t·t with o cus tom s1>11 you won't btolll'vt•. Kltcht'n ha~ rww uppll:inces. ()wn1•r w ill h•a'><' op1u1tl This Is Onl' you don't want 10 miss. l'rlct>d lCI sell a l $295.000. For 1nformolJon call P.-l Aden lM4.,JiH3. llHITll lnOlll $10,000 ta all h wkl'll to pun·hcu1t-this great Inv • lml'l1l propeorty loc•Wd In nn adult community comple\, with pool J. s pu. la undry f,wlllllcs und a rt•nttl offkt' 164to00 Cllda F ish.-r 8.~~·4343 . t 2 UD"OOM 2013 Miramar Dr , Balboa Penln. 544· 128 t 12715,000 Sat/Sun 1·15 2308 Cliff Or (Nwpt Hgt1), NB 642-15200 Sal/Sun 1·5 #3 Laoo Sud (R1nch San Joaq) Irv 8'44·7020 $ 159,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 223 33rd St.. Newport Beach 8'42-8388 S 189,500 Sit/Sun 1·5 3 14 Marigold. Corona del Mar 831-1400 S889.000 Sal/Sun t·S * 1612 Iowa St "c". Coata Meaa 979-5370 $94,0GO Sal 1-5 225 Grand Canal, B1lboa Island 673·6900 $595,000 Sun 1-5 2 BR plu• , AM RM or DI N • 19 Curl Or (Jasmine Crk) vu, CdM 640-151511-728·5151 Sat/Sun 12-5 1706 Miramar (Balboa Penln Pl) NB 642·5200 $300,000 Sun 1·5 3822 Hendrht, Culverdale. Irv 675-2866 $121,000 Sun 1 1-4 992 Bayside Cove West, N.B. 631-1'400 $487,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 104 Via Palermo, Lido Isle, N.B. 631·1'400 $439,000 Sat t -5 • •827 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $1,850.000 · Sun 1·5 1577 East Ocean Bl., Penin Pt 631-1400 $344,500 Sun 1-5 2 BR plu• FAM RM or DEN plue GUEST 221·22nd St (Eastslde) CM 642-5200 $139,500 Sun 1·5 3 BEDROOM 3415 Ocean Blvd., Co.-ona del Mar 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-4 * 1843 Gisler Ave., Costa Mesa 557-4375 $425,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 *4832 River Ave., Newport Beach 675-2399 S 184.000 Sat/Sun 2-5 11 Rue Verte. Big Canyon, Npt Bch (213)470-2880 $499.000 Sa/Sn 11-6 2000 Yacht Vigilant ($eavlew) N.B. 644-9060 $349,500 Sun 1-5 1543 Serenade Terr(lrv. Terr)CdM 644-4910 $320,000-Fee Sal/Sun 1-5 31102 Flying Cloud, Laguna Niguel 499-1320 ,$169,000 Sun 10-4 408 10th St., Huntington Beach 963-6767 $174,900 Sa 1-5/Su 12-4 14801 Jacl<son, Midway City 963-6767 $93,500 Sa 11 -3/Su 12-4 **2 10 Grand Canal, Balooa Isl. 675-6000 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 211 Opal. Balboa Island 675-6000 $595,000 205 Topaz, Balboa Island 673-6900 $295,000 * *6802 W. Oceanfront, N.B. 645-5430 $625,000 2298 Redlands, Back Bay. NB Sun 1-5 Sat 1·5 Sun 1-5 631-1400 $248,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $550,000 Sat 1-4/Sn 2-5 1654 Sunset Ridge. Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sun2-5 2009 Vista Cajon, The Bluffs. N.B. 644-1133 $169,000 Sun 1-4 1940 Whittler. Costa Mna 631-3213 s 118,500 tt 1 Toulon. Harbor Ridge, CdM 760-8333 $675,000 33 Malnsall. Corona del Mar 546-2313 $339,9fi0 502 "I" St., Peninsula Pt. 631-1400 $395,000 Sun· 1.5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-4 * 1901 Galatea Terr. Irv. Tetr, CdM 644-6200 $795.000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 32 1 Kings Rd., Newport Beach 646-5719 $683,000 Sun 1·5 2611 Circle Dr. (Bayshores) N.B. 645-6218 $269.900-L.H. Sun 1-4 * * 1036 Polaris (Dover Shores) NB 646-0523 $899.000 Sun 1-5 •2030 Holiday Rd .. Newport Beach 631-0680 S339,500 Sun 1-5 25 Mainsail (Jasmn Ck) CdM 640-9592 $349.900 1903 Yacht Colina. Newport Bch Sun 1-4 644-1017 $450,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 * 1472 Galaxy, Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $695,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1525 E. Ocean (Balboa Penln Pt) NB 642-5200 Sun 1·5 **301 N. Star (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $450,000-L/H Sun 1·5 1607 Cornwall (Weatcllff) NB 642-5200 $289.500 Sun 1-5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $340.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 876 Presidio Or. MMa del Mar, C.M. 759-1501 $136,000 Sun 1-4 ••748 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl. NB 644-9060 11.650.000 Sun 1-5 218 Via Koron. Lido lale. N.B. 644-9060 2'403 Vista Nobleu, Bluffs, N.B. 644-9060 $280,000-Fee ,., __ _ Sun 1-5 DIRECTORY -155 McKnight Or .. Laguna Beach 644-9060 $359,000 Sun 1-5 • 17 Monterey Cir, SpyglaH, CdM 644-9060 $449,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1218 Key West. Hrbr Vu His, CdM 644-,.910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 120 Sho1eclllf Rd .. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $495,000-Fee Sat 2-5 130 t Dolphin Terraceblrv Terr, NB 63 t. 7300 $985,00 Sal/Sun 1-5 *8 Monterey Cir., Spygla Hiii. NB • 631-7300 $460,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1211 Kings Road, Clift Hal/en. NB 63 1-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 1 JOO Cambridge Ln., Westcllll, NB 631 -7300 $316,000 Sun 1-5 * 1315 Sanlanella (Irv Terr) CdM 675-6000 $369,000 Sun 1-5 * 1514 Ruth Lane, Newport Beach '646-7171 $224,900 Sal/Sun 1-5 *445 E 20th St. (E/Side) CM 675-6000 $465.000 Sun 1.5 2007 Holiday Road, Newport Beach 631· 1266 $275,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 1218 Keel(Harbor View Hllls)CdM 631-1266 Sat/Sun 12-6 5 Jasmine Creek, Corona del Mar 552·2000 $405,000 Sun 1-4 55 Jasmine Creek Dr., CdM 552-2000 $330,000 Sun 1-4 118 Ruby, Balboa Island 675-6000 $450,000 Sun 1-5 3422 Sagamore Or (Trinidad Isl) HHbr 644-7020 $399,950 Sun 1-5 * * 1036 Polaris. Dover Shrs, NB 646--0523 $899.000-Fee Sun 1-5 124 Via Ithaca.Lido l\fe, N.B 675-4562 $595,000 Sun 1-4 1824 Port Sterling. Newport Beach 646-7171 $214,900 Sun 1-5 426 E. Flower. Costa Mesa 646· 7171 $204,000 Sun 1-5 3335 Maryland Cr (Mesa Verde No) CM 979-2390 $158,000 Sun 1-5 2762 Circle Drive, Bayshores 644-6200 $449,500 Sun 1 30-5 102 Via Koren. Lido Isle, NB 644·6200 $685,000 Sun 11-3 39 Beachcomber. Jasmine Creek. CdM 631-1400 $375,000 Sun 1-5 ~BR• GUEST 415 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $449,500 Sun 1-5 •480 I Bruce Crescent. N.B. 548-6677 $199,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 4 BEDROOM 936 Cheyenne St .. Costa Mesa 968-4456 $125.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2709 Gannet Or. (Mesa Verde) C.M . 979-5099 S 182,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1112 Weslcllfl (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-5 1142 Dorset, Costa Mesa 631-7370 $128,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1010 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 546-2313 $325.000 Sat/Sun 10·5 936 Cheyenne St.. Costa Mesa 963-5383 $125,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 1589 Skyline. Laguna Beach 494-1177 2182 National, Costa Mesa 979-2390 s 124.950 i:9 Sunrlver, Woodbridge. Irvine Sun 2-5 Sun 1-5 760-8333 $299,000 Sun 1·5 18852 Via Palatlno (Turtle Rock) Irv. 855-4343 $295,000 Sun 1·5 1024 E. Balboa Bl, Peninsula 631· 1400 $1 ,450,000 9208 LaSlella. Fountain Valley 963-6767 $129.900 154 t East Ocean Bl.. Penln Pl 631-1400 $470,000 ••2804 W. Oceanfront, Penln 631-1400 $695,000 280 E 15th St.. Costa Mesa 646-7171 $220.000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-4 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 Sun 1·5 4 BA pfu. FAM RM Of DEN 1007 Tiiier Way (HrbrVuHllls) CdM 759-1010 $329.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 11 1 Trafalgar (Harbor Ridge) NB 644-7020 $1,895,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 • t837 Seadrift Or.(lrv.Terr)CdM 640-5560 $478,500 Sat/Sun t-5 •21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. Forest 760-1900 $216,000 Sun t-5 1255 SomerMt (Baycreat) NB 631-7370 $355,000 434 Begonia. Corona del Mar 644· 7211 $695,000 Sun 1·5 1222 Susaex (Westcllll) N.B. 642-5200 $237,000 Sun 1·5 22 Via Koron (Lido Ille) N 8 642·5200 $796,000 Sun 1-5 18891 Antloc (Turtlerock) Irv 552-7500 $238.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn, NB 644-491 0 $696,000-Fee Sun 1-5 • t715 Galatea Terr(lrv Terr)CdM 644-9060 $445,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 t 1251 Sur111ne Way, HVH, CdM 644-4910 $275,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 4931 Loriann, Calif. Homes, Irvine 759-1501 $137,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 1530 Anita Ln .. Hrbr Hghlnds, NB 631-7300 $299.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •5 Colonial, Northwood, Irvine 631-7300 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1944 Flamingo 01 .. Mesa Verde. CM 631 -7300 $245.000 Sun 1-6 * 1244 Polaris Or., Dover Shrs. NB 631 -7300 $895,000 Sun 1-5a040 * 11 Carmel Bay Or. Spygls Hiii, NB 631 -7300 $625.000 Sa1/Su11 1·5 * 1700 Galaxy Or .. Dover Shrs, NB 631-7300 $550,000 Sun 1·5 1118 Somerset Ln., Westcllff. NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2901 Harbor View Dr. (HVHls) CdM 673· 7761 $550,000-lee Sat/Sun 1-5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $825.000-fee Sun 1-5 1948 Port Chelsea. Newporl Beach 646-7171 $330.000 Sa 1-5/Su 12·3 4 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge 644-6200 S 1,695,000 Set/Sun 1-5 2048 Port Weybridge. HVH. NB 750:5333 $359,000 Sal 1-5 2706 Lighthouse (HVHIS). CdM 675-6000 $429.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiis. Big Cyn. N B 644-9060 S 1.095.000 Sun 1 ·5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $575,000 ~Sun 2-5 320 Seaward, Shoreclllfs 631-1400 $475,000 Sat 1·5 210 Via San Remo. Lido Isle. NB 675-3048/673-2656 Sal/Sun 1-5 •4626 Roxbury, Cameo Shores. CdM 759-1501 ~50.000 Sun 1-5 21 Bull Run, NorthwOOd, Irvine 759-1601 $249,900 Sun 1-5 20522 Suburbia Ln .. Hunt. Beach 673-7300 $169,000 Sat 1-4:30 '* 101 Via Florence, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 2·5 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 ~20.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass. NB 631-2242 Sat/Sun 2 till dusk 424 Belvue Lane, Peninsula Pt 631 -1400 $409,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 10 Morningstar Ln .. Dover Shrs. NB 675-6070 $675,000 Sun 1-5 1718 Port Barmouth (HVHms) NB 644-7020 $3 t0.000 Sun 2·5 •8 Winged Foot. Big Canyon, NB 760-8333 $695,000 Sun 1·5 14 Morro Bay. Spyglass. CdM 760-8333 $595,000 Sun 1-5 2805 Drake, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $1,2,900 Sal 10·2 421 Pirate Rd . Newport Beactl 631 -1400 $249.000 Sun 1·5 5 BEDROOM * * 708 Via Lido Nord. Lido Isl, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 f Sun 1-5 • •219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle 760-1900 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 1 H * * 1038 W Bay Ave(Bal Penln)NB 644-9060 $1,050,000 Sun 2-5:30 2912 Cerob (Eastbluff) N.B. 644-1742 $249,000-LH Sat/Sun 1-5 * •4028 Channel Pl , Nwpt Isl.. NB 673--0202 $965.000 Sat/Sun 11-5 5 BR plua FAM RM or DEN ••901 Kings Rd , Newport Beach 631-1400 Sat/Sun t-5 *35 Rldgellne Or .. Hrbr Ridge 760-1900 $2.650.000 Sat 1-5/Sn 1·4 ••401 North Star. Dover Shrs, NB 642-9914 $1 ,450,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 1330 Hampshire Cr .. Newport Bch 631--0680 S545,000 Sun t-! , , Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOTl8und1y. Oo,ober 3, 1982 ... • 1 Muir BHOh Cf. {SpygllH) CdM 840-82159 811/Sun 2~ 18815 Boa VIJlll Cr. (M .. a V•rd•I CM 1540· t 115 t t 239,000 Sun 1-4 • 1800 Jamaica (M"• Verde) CM 845·0303 $'429,900 Sal 10.30·2 21531 Bunyo (Eaatblutf) NB 875-8000 1275,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·15 15 Point Loma (Spyglat•) CdM 6715-8000 $850.000 Sun t-15 • 1524 Antigua Way, Newport Bch 646-7171 $849,900 S1t1Sun t-5 • • • 29 Beechwood (Woodbridge) Irv 55 t-6829 $410,000 Sun 1·5 * "2 Winged Foot Ln .. Big Cyn. NB 673-7300 $699,950 Sun 1·5 998 Meadowlerk, Laguna Beoch 494-1177 Sun 1·5 * 3 Muir Beach, Spyglass. CdM 760-8333 $ t,995,000 Sun 1·5 * 12 Tralalger, Harbor Ridge, CdM 760-8333 $2 ,225,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 * 1608 Golaity Or .. Newport Beach 646-717 I $849.900 Sun 1·5 8 BEDROOM 233 Via Genoa. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $575.000 Sun 2·5 938 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl. N.B. 673-7300 $847.500 Sun 1-4 8 BR plua FAM RM . or DEN * 1848 Newport His Dr. E.(HVHm)NB 644-7020 $495,000 Dally t-5 545 Windsor, Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sun 10·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM •300 Cagney Ln # 107(Versailles)NB 673-7300 S 117,000 Sun 2-5 2 BEDROOM * 1063 Dover Or, Westcllfl, NB 673· 7300 $139,900 Sun 1-5 1738 Westcllll, Westcllll, NB 673-7300 $119,000 Sun 1-5 1085 Stonebrook. Costa Mesa 645-0303 S 134,900 Sun 1 t-4 3 BEDROOM 2607 Vista Ornada, Newport Bch 7,59-1318 Sat/Sun 2-5 41 I Dahlia, Corona del Mar 673-8494 $300,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN •2645 Vista Ornada, The Bluffs, NB 640-0020 $310,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1r 2400 Vista Nobleza, The Bluffs, NB 640-0020 $319.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 3 BR plua ,AM RM 0t DEN 335 Bordeaux (Eastslde) CM 645--0303 $129.900 Sat/Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -1 BEDROOM 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat 2-5 2 -2 BEDROOM 200 1 Kings Road. Cllffhaven, NB 631-1400 $399,500 Sat 1-5 3 BA a 1 BR • • 13 Beacon Bay. Nwpt Bch 87 6-6000 S 1, 195,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 3 BR plua 2 BA 411-4 11 'h Dahlia, Corona del Mer 673-8494 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 4 t6/416'h Carnation. Corona del Mar 631-1400 $569,000 Sun 1·5 48R61BA 132 S. Bay Front, Balboa Island 673-6900 $1.300,000 5 BA a 3 BR Sat 1 -~ 509 Acacia (Oceanside of Hwy) CdM 645-70.48 $440,000 Sat/Sun t-! INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE 38AA38R 2516 Elden, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $237 .500 Sun 1-4 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE 2 BR a 8TUOfO 415-415'h Narcissus, CdM 673-8494 $229,500 Sun 1·4 HOME FOR LEASE 3 Berrier Reel, Corona del Mar 675-5511 * Pool * * Waterfront Sun 1·5 * * * Water1ront & Pool lllly Piiat r~ ----Cell , __ Ml-1171 t•YUHOll w.i11 to bey an<t oc:.an !tom Ihle 2 8d1m c;oun try c:lla1met. Wllh l••O• bOllU• IOOl'I\ wllh OUlal<l.e entrel\C• E11cellent oll lltl IHllled 1111111,1110 1330,000 "° lllllf l·I 1111 ltUllU 142-1200 A PETE BARRE TI REALTY ---- IHT llYI Penlntule Point hom•·3 8drm1 3 bllhl, 2 !Ire· pl•ce•. 2 c•• g•r•o• Le•o• ••mlly 1oom. p11 v•I• balcony 0 000 11 n1nc1ng 11211. HUii IPll lllllY 1·1 142-1200 PETE BARRETI ... REALTY cozv 2 bd t\OuN ctoM 10 bc h S27~00(' Open S1111Sun 1-~ 544. 1281 • OCEANFRON.T • 400K-best buy on be•c111 By owner 840· 7900 C•11•• ''I 1111 I OZ2 ...................•.. *FULL OCEAN VU • 12"1.toen Jasmine Crk Owner agt 6'40· 15 l& 41' Cllll LIT Wllh 3 Br. 1\'o Ba. trplc By Owner 648-8586 l•lt•lt YHr ltfat Home+Guest+lncome OWC Isl · Flea Terms 509 Acacia CdM nt bctl Spotless Vacant Ovplea Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3ba 440K own/bkr 645· 7048 CAMEc>SHORES. by OW· I ner. ocean view. 4 BR. 5 ba. den. pool. jac • 2 wetbars New root. car· pet, drapes $595.000 Buyer assume 111 at 1v • .,.. Down payment s 146.ooo owe S4oo 000 al 12"/• lor 10 years 760-1734 ' A SPECIAL PUCE Lttely tw• lt••rM•, f1•llJ FM•, H 41 tt let, i••t •H ltlatll te th hull. Lars• ltrlcll .. ·i • 11r•u ••ti•, ,, .. , ,., .... ert111 .. 1t I ,,1,uy. I ltf-1trHt ••nl•1 tar ftH cars ,, .. c~Hre• tar,art far ltHt ar IW. hHr ••J fh11a• ........ 1410.IOO. .IUllllE OIHI ,.,.,., ,. .. a • ,.,. c•st fllrH WrH•, • .... , , ... , f•r•al ..... , '"·· ..... .............. ,., Mell riewl11. leH• rity sate, , .. 11 I ......... ••••h ... , ... , ........ . lal4 • I let fer Jfff ••HJ. hHr /ltrebr •ill hi• u ...... UH,IOO. Call fer .,,.1 ...... .IHI E. C.11, lealter 140-lltJ lll-1111 • HarbOr View Hiiis • 4 BA 3 BA wlvlewa Call 759· 10 10 Open Sat1Sut1 E1111e Sale Cape Cod dream conage, 2bf. 2ba 5'4S·3 I 12. 673-4725 ~r/AQent Duplex ~ duceo 1012so.ooo owe 12'"1% wl1h $50,000 down 675-3063 or 1179-9667 CONDO. 3000+ aq II, top quallly, •Int IOC 300K Owner 640· 7990 Ill, •• 1227,000 3br remodel on A·2 Mu111 see to believe Ill Lg IHumable 111 T D Della, Ag1. 63 1 • 1266 HOU •IKI Wslk to everything, trom I thl• neateat 2 bd 1m ho mt . new kllohen, wood & ~fpeted noors, flreplece. all lath & pt .. ,., 2 rOOtn atudlo fOf lncotn41. 3 pat101. l22t, 500 411 uaoessn .,. .... 1-4 I '&tMta tlJ ..Alo1 _...~l#u ~ 673-11~9~ .. , •. c.......,.,c. COtnet o..-x OwMt will carry ••• T D 8"illfl\lt Oft price a lnte re11 1ele 1324.100. AOI U ._5511 • ' ! t • j t"I 0 11 n g1 Co11t OAILV PILOT/Sunday, October 3, 1982 ~ .. !f !!. {'.1• l'.'!....... ~ .. !!t.t .'!!. 11.6!..... .. ~ .. !!!t! .. •. l~{·....... « .. !!!! .~ .. '. l'.'.'....... !'.!~!! .!'.'. !.'.'.'. ...•.. I~!~.~!. l:t.'1 •• 'fif ~ .. !H!.~'.1. l'.1! ...... : t'.'.!!!! .~ .. ~ ~ .. ,......... 9!~!!.l.'i'.! !.~'!!! ..•.. ~ .. ~~f! .!f!~/!~ ... ff f1!!!.~.~!!.'!'f ... 1.~~f1fl!!.".~.~~L'!!! •• !.~~ fr.!~.!f~ ...... !.'M !~{~t .......... J.tjf fll.'!'!~.l·1.~t •• /l.ff1P.'!m!l.fm~ ... J ••• ~r.r.mt.fffll .•• J.lj,f ~.ftr., ... !.~f '''~'f,;'{., ~,, 1111 ~!.'!r.!!.~, •.• IJ .• , .. _____ -__ --PHtT Tllll lehlrHt WNArt41• HUI YllW HITI , ..... 111,000 1-------•••••••••••• m ••••••• tllP& TO tEACH 3 It -•..:~1.a.::.a.M.a.1~.n.&..14>.£ plui • o boirn nOMe wtlll O b1 3 b•, l>(>OI, IK 11u111 cn11mlnu •P•rl•I Lido l111d1 3 81. 1100,. ll"ll llllll lllT llY llPU TU lllLTll aingl• 213121&·3001, BETTER THAN A NEW HOME lemlly room A ,181 OwneNl.QI 601·Hat tnenia 1n Nortti ~lfU'l• d.c:I l loc.11 to°'" 4132 w fl lfllMlllHI Fii llVllTHtn 300 0405 017·3H$ 1howpl1c1, b••u11h1lly TllTLlllOI cio .. 10 ·~YlhlOQ !a· Alvet . t!atl OWllll llttan Dtamallc CleCOt. 1110-4 61n Clll'lll nll prlCll ol C•nn1ry Vlll•G• Mob'le TOTALLY lllnLll. ll.C<Hllid, ind lt\l;IOMCI I cell1n1 llnanclng SHI, 07~1'ff 144' 01tawy o11v1 8drm 3 t>altl, nigh bu own.11111p, modern SP•· •~ome P1tll. 1 bf, 2 be, ' pello 81110 appu1c1111 OrllAI lemllv llOm• fOf 000 By o wnr 3U• home ""' c:1lllng 1 P1rk nl1h 11y11 4 unit 1pl Pt>OI No pe11 CIOM lo lllllLT I llllllLll 1 141,600 Call 9'11·6370 "''' mdl wl•-111 lrg IOI & lllRALI HY II 11~11.000 Poot. 10 11111n 4 Or O.n, Formal Dtnl'1 10110011 ""' 1nopp1n hOuH wllh OCMl\1111111 & 1hop1 & 11111ur1nt1 HYAITITlllLY ATillAOTIYI ~.~~.~':.:~·0p-.~~!c~G~~:I~ lfFHHILI ••• Con1101 r '"'I Oi i ~1:,0"'0111! .. ~":r~:(;~:;g, CIOM bi; 126&,000 11011 ,OU, .. vllw Clo•• 1700/MO yrly 4113·3611, ... .. .. •oo ooo " •40 •141 " 1p• llll"Y 1·1 lo 1v11yo11ng only 3 1 !12& 1848, 1 712 -''°' IPll TOUY l·I 101 your l1mlly w/41)01 ... 111.• ••1111.0 • • ., u " llobby floom Pool 1lte<J ~ • ~h 11 1.•7 111111n .......... , ....... ,., o~. 2·~ Ou huge family rm. e,." .. ~~~ '!.n03og',Pooo• PflYa· IOI OllllJI ln11CllCIPI O 1112 WllTOLI,, .... y't~' Ol<S ' • OWi o:::: W(STCUH 3 od. 3 be, \I >I I I tl F 11 • -• dining & living 1ma plua ""'~" • NYia 111111 Ownur will 11111t 1t II 1•2 1200 N 1 N-°'"'"' ' "'" p1rk 1c hool1, AIC Ow11u1 HYI Swll HAOll OOIH 111111c1n11 Only 1420,000 ~ • OG<.vpy 3 Bdrm • 2 bllh 1ho11p111g I 1 I 76 lflO II' $2311,000 Opn Hou 2 l)R 2 &1, wooll and lltttllt PIHHlll Open S111/!un I fl clly 6 OGelln view tpl 11 042·8002 "I ~ \ " I • •'I fj Ht•re ts a murvt•lou1 o pportun1 ly tu U{'qUlrl' u "lx:lll'l' than rww" hUll'\t" In n lov~ly pre atlg<-' communHy No wulting fur uras.. to grow or trl"l'S to muturt•, und no b ig fom·y tk~ hous..> prlt .... elthl!r! This gor gl•OUli t'll&lom m ustt•r ptcc·c situall'd u<..·r~ from u dt•h"htlul pork Is juiit 2 lung blocks to Bultxm Buy awmlB your odmirutlo11. Rund\ stylt• with French flavor: 'I bdrm, formal dining rm , skyht <..'t.·i lings. family rm, hide uwuy loft & sparkhn~ pvol. OfCered b e low re placement cost at $478,500 (yvu own the land), ov1•r $250,000 aaswnabl~ loan o t 11%. WOW! AlllMI Y.I lit Tl at 8WY• otl lhll 4 OC!rm. 2 belh homt with low m11n1en1ce y11d Owntr will 1111t1 with llr11ne1ng 1001 Seo II now Only $ 127,500. Cell 1179·5370 \ f : ·/ l / 11 /:'II tUA&ll,1"41f'I IMfr~1, UUIEL PT 00110 F11niut1c buyl S 128,900. 2 bd 2 bll, dOl!lbltl sre11 Fu1 eeie •o• 754·8733. MESA CeRDE 011410 Sal/Sun 1·5 2709 GANNET DR Owne• will carry ltl TO. low rate, xlnl 1e1m11 4Br 1'•B8. 2 lly. lo•rnal din rm, park Ilk• reu yel. very clean. 1011e4y neigh· t>othOOCI $182,500 Agt 979.5099 ................................................... ~~~~~1 4 JISlllE CREEi PROPERTIES All the J11•l1t CrHlr ht•ts fHturu1 • :.!·I ho ur s1-t·urlly gatt• • Front yard lncJsc:png ma111t'd b y assoc. • Wocx.lhun1111g & gus ilrl'pl•c1t't's. • Moc.lt·rn k1tl·h1·ns & wl'lb<1rs • Pool/spa. ll·nn1s & rt'(: f•1l·tl ma111l'd by as.o;1x· OPE N llOlJSE SUNOAYfi -4 PM. REPOSSESSION MESAI VERDE Lg 3 br, 2 ba S 158.000 LO dn Agt 545.7739 SU,000 llWI SllO MO. Specious 3 Br + 2'i'tBa, redwood pallo & spa handsome bllClc lrptc, xtra lg 2 ~r g11rage w/ wtne Cella• or dark •m MU$1 salt ASAP 646·5680 .J oy<·e Olson 2 Story. 4 -bd. -3 be. tam Plun I .t:mo ()(10 IJ(·Jutllully dt-<·orate'<I & 1 rm. oll•ce 2300 sq II . .. • . 645·5124 sclll·r w l hl·Iµ f11 1tllll'<'. ! Plan ') $405 (JOO unob-.lruc:tt·d CJ('("IO MUST SELL. MOVING , '• • • < $113.500VAAuume. VIC'W , pv t :.p.1 & l'X('t·lll·nt a:.sum.tbll· $118,SOOsalesprtco ne1. ftmtnnn~ Cul de sac:. '' acre, ep- Plan Ii, $4111,0011. •it.t·<in vww from lamily: ~~~32~3BR Ownr1agl rm & de-t·k LoVl•ly & h gh1 dt't.C>r Plan fl, $:mo.ooo. f11-shlv dl't.'oratt'<l. rtl'W THLJ SPECTICIUll win•low lrt•atnwnl!> & q. ualtty t·arn.•tin11 Country French 4 Bdrm, ' ..--o ranch style house wtpvt PIU">. (l<;.\Unt.1hlt• Iv.in. covrlyard Asking $174, COLDWELL IAllEll-FOllEST E. OLSOI 152-2000 SOO Owner bought ano· I her. make o iler Bkr 8'48.0709 PRIVACY HLOHI LEASE OPTtHll Groat tamtly home w/ huge lenced yd, oak Frenc.h ors. bulGher block covn1ers, Jenna1r kllchentl $300.000 TIERRA OEL SOL RL TV 497.170 OPH SH 1-4 South of Hwy, beaulllul fmly "ome + Income unll. on 1•; to., 313 Hellolrope $595.000 bkr 646-0295 ,.,,, ,,,,, l 024 •••............•.•••.. OWNER WILL CARRY or ttase opllon E11111Cle dolthoose All n-. 2 b<I 2 bl, lrpl, fncd, mo11 C1111 11111 10Z4 ...•........••........ UfTHTAIHH llLllllT IEHYHIE --- eeau111u11y remodeled S ••--•11•.-..,1--- Upgr11Cled 3 Bdrm pool hQ_me near propoaed pa1k Try $14.000 oown Owner moving Askin $117.500 Make oller Broker 8•8-0709 BClrm plus huge lamlly - room. te81urlno French NEW LISTING-Eastslde. doors and ...,tndows, all 5011180' lot, house 1nd new kitchen. proleulo· ln·law qvariers E11ce1. nally landscaped front I klnl condlUon S 139,500 end back with u1en11ve with financing use ol b•ICk OvaUty de· 221 • 22•4 ITIIHT coraung thrvoo1 TERRI-IPEI •1Da:w-l I FIC FINANCING AVAi· • " • LABLE Aaklng $239, 142-1200 000 For an appt 10 see. cell 540· 1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS PETE BARRETI .•. REALTY S b •118,. .. Jl••••IO• 5 ~droom. 3'1\ .., bl n 1 1pp11ca1>11 A 11n1 th• -ltl un l ' "1 ,..111 gh111 tn North l.1gune O•lh t1om1 on , .. 11100 ... o neon nH IOt o1he1 3 1p11tmwnl1 101 3 ilA 3 61 Ot 2 SR 2 81, IOCll Av• 652 7500 Sp• nco111 view. Cllll· Appro • 2500 1quar• 141-1147 1ncom1 Seller will n11p 01;1en1ro.11, wkly/mo. llllm OK Atklng $240, IHI •Mini conellllonl" I•--------flnllOC I & SAVI::. buyer 752 9400 Of 073·0881 WOODllllDIE Sl111h1<.1 10 S 14!'1,000 Ow11u1 la t.1111µ111ttlv 10 IOll Ihle (111llghllul War mlngton 1.ondci wl'i hug11 6Clr11111 A All I ovoly groanboll locullon 1111ck •no io 0"''"" 11u1i. " '"" llnAnc1no IS u "10" LDI u• allow you th•• bouuly Ag1 !iS' 7!100 BV OWNER Dnlu•t1 1,0110o NQ1lh wooo 1 Br 2 s1ry Al<. FIP. polio VIII rm At· soc 11001 1enn11 Cloon modern qutel. happy µ111(;11 s 110.000 $14,500 down !>52·!>142 Turlltrtclr llhlat l1111ne Pec:1l1c: Pren I H1g111y u1o1u111oeo 2Br I 2be den tO°I• down O• 1911/0pl 1266 500 Open I to 6 Sal/Sun ?7 Sunl1g111 OwrllAg1 553 1006 MO DUE H SAU Clause in 1h1s freely os· sumo1>1e $ 163.000 1011n 01 13% Troda youi pie sent homo Low Clown or I '17? This quollly homo la I tho LOWES! PRICED TurlleHOCk Home w l POOL & SPA 81 only $285.000. GOLDEN PROPERTIES 752 1589 DHPERATIH SAUi By owne1 Gl•e me $6K ·lake oveo pymla 381 2ba W1tlnu1 Sq Will consider 1ny Cleal 675· 1018. 857 4976 * IEST IUY * 1n Rancho San Joaquin Outstanding 3 br 2 ba on goll course Lge 81· sumeble 1011n 5225,000 By owner 760·87081675-2144 l)OOOOUIT•Y ,.11011 Seller will ciwv uoo.ooo thou1111d1 ot 00111111 Du1.o•i•oi'• 610 c invon " " •• 1>110 .... m11k1l 111•1 WATHFRO•T W/PIH REOUCEO 11111ng prlc:• townhome 2 bd 2 ba,. Snnwc1111 homo 3 BA 2 Aec:tucwd 10 13<15,000 Naw 10..., pilct of $460, lllT OI Liii of $296.000 00 11 w1y $ ll751mo 'blu 640-029& Uo. r 11mch 00011, g11 559-840 l QOO on wldw lot with 1111• BELOW current reploc.e• don w1ntlow1, 11\yllght, TIRllLL, RHLTORI glu ••Ory hOMt1 tlncl brick Lg .. new cu1tom homw menl 0011111 Pr1nc1p1l1 NPT CR ES T Condo oct11n vlttw 1299.900. • llltnr.t1 O\/erlooklng wa on l'A 1011 Opun Stl/ ONLVlll Call owner 111 8118ulll ul 3 Br . vu AT OREIOEIT HY 101 ucllvlllwe irnd Clock 3 Sun 1 6 2 10 Vl11 Sen I (7 t41 S 1000/mo Agl &45.029_& OPEN SUN t·O Re 0 " lagl v1urn11lly 1111eg1m 3 BR 2000 vach1 Vlgllan1 Odim•, formal dining ~7~·30~1~tS73·2558 I 642-0138 I t• L 3111 ""d den oc.oen vlow, Lovely 3 bdrm on •P• room plu1 galeo pll•ICY .~!' ••••• 'A~~•'-•••••••• 11tt1111 to lltoCll $846, c:iou• pool81tt1 101 '" So. tnlt •11111c1111e Dover 11 1111 YEITI 2 br. din rm, trple. wa.lk•lo 000 SEAVIEW g1utd comm Short11 home IO<llly, 1•6 buc.h. 18~0/mo ulllt "4-lll I 12 6'Ye long 111m 80% II· JO I llllTll ITAi LM. Ill OAIYll lae.•1 lttr.,tlf Z 1nc1 Now 1i\ru June '83 1111,1 II C .. RE nanclng evall $349.~0 1•t IJOO 0••• Sat/S•• 11·1 ••••••••••• ••• •••••• ('13)999 2963 I O tr_!"IC_•_ 01 for IHH Ownr/Agl • • LOvtly 3 Bdrm 2'~ bath1 HYfRDIT llPUI OOHIFllOIT 759-1997 home wtlh many amenl· By ownet Specllc:ul•~ Httllll Ual•t•i••H N11w mobile/modular ce· 1111 Auumable S235K view l Ike new 3000 •••••••••••••••••••••• d11r c.ollege, r1plc. on p\11 ATilt llYllTORI (ipproll) ar ONL v 12% duplo11 or 11ngl1 f1mlly IH•1tll JZll I> c n L e a I e I And Newpo11 3B• 2'11 bll Prl· Full price $499 500 home Balboa 111100 •••••••••••••••••••••• S600lmo ll'l°I• 10 1 c od $75.000 under o ...,081 1Bkr C a ll S 300 000 d o w n lllTALS 585 000 499·3816 market at $225.000 Prl ,._ ________ 1 2 131470·2880 673-6870 v810 parly, pflnc:tpll• l'•"--------!ll Vearly·Weekfy.Wlnter. 2, Sl:AEIE I PRIY"TE B o~ner tmmac.ul81A 4 Sn111p 5 Un111 EHllldll 3,4 Bdrm• ..,.. • 0 n I y 6 6 2 • 7 3 8 7 • y .. ,.. v CM owe Make Mflle •aeon llULn A perl.c1 descrtpllon OI 836-0784111111 CllTOM WHTCLIFf Bt. 2'• Ba The Blull 0 1 IS% d w n 8kr w lh111 lovely 4 bdrm home PRICED TO SELLI Con· Condo, ~lnl s chools 979.4383 PlllP En1oy the gorgeous sun-l1w,1r1/llJOHlt I v1n11n1 cu11om built 3 ~:~;55~~.~·79~ake olle• i••••EIEIT sets 6 mountoln views 3 Br. 2·~ bllhl. family I Bdrm tamlly room one! 3 _ Wtll trade dbl wldt1 .nobll& A""9 from 111111 h1111op retreat rm. llQOI Buy $75,000 car gorago home 11 OCUlf•OIT nom11 &/or 3Br hOuH, 111·117• P111te" lor 11 lamlly & below market 01 $225. 1p11kl88 w1lh pnc:t1 of n Tustin 101 p1rtl11 dwn In • close lo tennis courts ooo P11vale party, prln· ownership Owner wlll By own111 3 bdrm/2 ba c.ome properly (7 141 P11c.a 10 sell al S25S,OOO. ctp&ls only 682· 7367 1101p wllh llnanc:tng West Newport $625.000 657-9390 ·t:...r-.·r 836-0784 evt1• 1107 OOR•WALL 6802 W Oc.11antron1 -, -'"' Open Sun 1·5 645·S430 :\~iwM:i~k~ VIEW OPH IHIAY 1·1 ELIHIT •PT llOIE • Large 3 Bdrm. 3 t>a. '"· I~· ~1·1•200 o ... , F 1 .. u 1., •IOI" eo.-... mlly rm, 2 lrplce, w111 ' ~! 12.5'. .._._.r.. ._, ~~~!i'd,~~e~~f~: op11on ! ·~; , ~vs:~~s!~~·,r~i;:r Ji!i 17141494·1177 Open Sunday 1·5 • , see• 32 1 Klr1g6 Rd (Vtew 1-.:==~~;:;::~::.1 MULLAN RLTV 540·2960 Side) 11 ASK FOR LORI 646·5 7 19 01 645-9950 ILIFFI IAHAll 11111011 YIEW 4·pte11. Meta verdt 11p1c:e strettll) Gr••• loan, IS% On Bkr 9711·4383 ~ Otvi11t11 4 Pt11ts ~Ide by aide. buy I or both. Call 549· 1366, £011 ,,, ,,,, zzoo ················•····· OOITI IESA PflH &,.rHt4 ,., 24 o. .... OPEN 2·6 Sun OCEAN Vl(W 5 bd. coniempora. ry prl•el8 but near 11111•· ge 998 Meedowlork Or ag1 499· 1678, 494· 1177 COUITRY • I• flit cltJ VERSAILLES P1y closing costs & yov'rll 1n 4br wllh over Permlla can be ISaued •n 45 days Some subordt· 150.000 '" upgrades nallon av1llable S67S. Darrell, Agl REtMAX OOO OwntAgl w111ern 75g.~ ----RE Flnanel•I 833·1890 Pt1i1. Pt/Wiater Loo 4 Bdrm. 11mlly rm home on beaulllul lane. Avail tor winter monlha only Partially furn. SI 100/mo, l1rtrt Ct14t/11flra. On Lido P11rk Dr Large 28Clrm a den, securlly bldg $2000/mo llarller 114&• /View 3 Bdrm wllamlly rm, fl• re p1ace 1, exc:ellen I VIOWI, 1p•. security, comm pool and tennla $2800/mo Wattrfrt1t lt•H 131-1400 Pastoral view ol mlns from 1h1s 3Br 2be home, 011 Laguua Canyon Rd. • • ac•• on h•llSlde wllots 011 pnvacy S 179 000 with $ 100 000 essumable ISi a• 13•1. o we 2rie1 ca11 tor 1oco11on and other term• Denms Ricketts. Realtor 851-0424 You own the land 2.000 sq II 3Br. lam rm 2'i't Bo wide Greenbelt n1er pool Fa• below market S245,000 Wiii lease OP· hon Bkr 644-0134 PENTHOUSE 1 Bo Fountain Courl Low Cln W•ll consld11r lease wl opllon Phone owner Wk nds 1·5 PM 631 ·5064 , Mon Fril•--------1 714·983·2529 DOYER SllOllE~ o<w•ll c/o-Coper•,•et 11 ~!!~!!!~~! ... !~ Ill I ••• 1 .i Br 3 Ba Den, 01n. gw. HYFROIT lt1Ntl• 2550': no pets S 11001mo 227 • ·it ana Beach ---__ ••tr -WI • Beau11tul Oc.oan Front New 4 Bdrm N-pelnl & CtHi4tr Tra4ts Condo 3 l>d. 3 ba. 2000 ca' p • 1 D t> I g 1 r • LUXURIOUS WEST OLIFF N!'~~T~~~o~~!nl· f!l.~~~.~Jl!.~!..J.~~! omp o r a ry h o m • In VILLE IE OEllSI new home with labulous 180 dog v1ow or t>ay & ocean Open 1·5 SattSun at 90 1 Kings Rel 631·•300 WlllER FABULOUS FINANCING! Owner w111 ca11y 111 TO 4 BO•m• and 3 ba1h1. 1nc:lude1 molhe,.tn·law unol and moster bdrm sulle Great loc:111on $237,000 I llRI • 4 llTll ~ •••• -,.-..-, •. ••••••••••• Coral 2131395-35'1 Prlot Rt4uclit1 sq tt $3SO 000 $950/mo Cloae 10 bay. t• $1,410,000 CULVER :E:ssoC1A 6"5·8787 - 1, .. S1t/S114aJ 1-1 1 756·2476 lilhi Northwood 01nerous BEAUTIFUL oak imported Ille 9181 OLD WORLD nod glau Mo11ve1od I TOWNHOMES seller wm constder ALL By Howard Mark Co OFFERS no mallet how lrom $159.000 c:reat.,a. 1nctudtng trades I 495·3244 750.9355 101 real e11111e $278.000 '-.---lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiil D•ck Meyerson RE/MAXI' 5S9·9400 Low Or It It•• In hvlne Great assume· ble loan 556·7687 Ag1 LAGUNA NIGUEL BEST BUV Ownor wlll sell bileulllul cuatom 3Br "ome oblel· nvd in foreclosure As· king $I 70,000. Appra1· Md 81 s 190.000 23941 S tillwater Ln (213) ... OAH• .... I EXCELLENT OWNER FINANCING Move In today T11re11 t>e<Jroom, 2'. balhl. IOI• mal dining, flrepltce . wet oar. large gourmet kll· chen with parquet lloo· ring Mesler 1v11e with OPEi SlllAY 1-1 1222 SISSEi 142-1200 PETE BAR Rm :.. REALTY cathedral Cllllngs, largo ---------1 401 ltrtll ,,., ,,.;.,.,, 3201 I t art Flit lltalttr 1'8'6''' Fir••, • •• ••• • •• •••• • • •• ••••• 11 ' 'llrll Z100ION THE BEACH 2 br. lYK 141-2171 142-111• •••••••••••••••••••••• condo. ocean v-. sec. VERSAlLLES CONDO FllH·FH• $750 mo 600 E Ocean- 1 bi, t ba, southern eJJ· 9 ptua ec.1e1 Murneta. t 1 on I 9 9 7 · 8 3 8 2 , poiure. subte11anean 1nctd1 2.000 1q II larm 838·309• --- prkg. sec entrances. house. 18fge b1rn. gar. outs tan d Ing Po o 11 $15,000 down, $1646 per Co10a1 '111111 JZZZ clubhse By owner $98, mo Total p11c;e $175. •••••••••••••••••••••• 900 auumable Sandra 000 702·452·8777 2 Br 2 Ba Condo, 2 C8' "'•2 6149 gar11ga. 2 bloc.ks to dressing room and bal· cony E•cellent corner loc:ellon S325,000 "'" · ltt1l llllll oc:111n, wt d. rel11ge HllOH! Gorg11ous newly 1emod lxt•H•I 2100 $895/mo 640·5324 JUST LISTEI II THE Ulll ~ ~ .-0-7fl . 9~5-2-4-~ -111.._uoo SEAVIEW · elegant & home 1n prvt bGh comm· •••••••••'•••••••••••• ----charming Hampton Mo· !Y 3 ~ & lam rm Su~r EJ1ch1n_ge Equity In VOUR Nice 2Br 1_') b• 1n dPll. Cfel. tabUlout Views, Oe· lerms. may 1iiide J189K fin or conao for lurfJi. L!Vfng mrwrtrp1c; smr--- cor. spa, private comm teo converston Only I roc:I\ Home Eqully $90, dock, gar. so of hwy. B11I 1oc:e1ton near we· Willer tar1atl Plan B. $115,900.1•-~~~~~~~I 10°1• Clown Toni Morrie !~!!.!!~!! .. !.~! TRADE-IN f) BIRD w/pool & 11nnle fac111t1es $269.900 645-6218 000 Good assumable S6SOl mo 323'' Lark-$450,000 Open HOUH -------· -lo•.n• spur !>36·1453 wkdys Sa11Svn 12·5 1903 Vac:ht OfJ. I J lllll• GOLDEN PROPERTIES Brano spanking ntw ..,.. Cotln1644·1017 ··"!! ••• ~~••••••••t••• 752· 1589 rywh8fe 3 bdtm. 2•,1 tie. #dilt B••.i 1,,11,1,,,-G•••g• pa••o s 1.000 Auume $68,000 with 'I~~~~~~~~~ ~~-------20% On S 139,000 138 ------I II fOllOllllllEU ---your home tor Clown payment Bluffs ··E pl&n 3 Bdrm :>'' ba 'Piii l•· vel Beaulllul back ~Y • AJIOC1ATa lltAUCllS IEW UM tlLE IT'S IMPORTANT TO BE I BRAND NEW• Soa ring ce1hngs. 4 ltr1Pllt1S, .i Bi)•ms C11n10Q room lar· gf 11ree1 to tlreot lot Bu111 wllh lhe hneSI qua· Illy f, $ J 1100 2,.00 mo 607 1111 Open Sat •• .'! •• ~.! •........ .,... W1•IH 7 anO Sun 64 l·o4868 o• -ttu•fRllT •••••••••••••••••••••• 711.2233 -~ Want 10 buy a hou111 __ -----Walnut St 55&·8996 or USTSlll STEAL OIU I " llWI Once 1n a hfellm• apply 754· 1&441 Owner 0 IL y I 11, 0 0 0 5 BR. 2' • ba. 1906 all 10 buy thli NollhwooCI IACI HY lllllltl N-mobile/modular ct· Sllrllng over'> F1c1ng 4 Br 2 , Ba FR DR . & dar collage. topic;, ()(I P'll loreclO•ure? Need a way view Comm pool. ten- t>Cn Le.,.land $600 mo out? Can Bart>•r• P"V11· n1s $1500 mo Ownr Yl8W S 189 500 Assume loan 4br nome. S:)0.000 l>llow AISIME IWI o we bal p11nc only market Call now tor Cle· Lew l•ttrtlt Ltal Assume VA 101 Isl or 1544·8390. 838-9851 181ls $ t58 000 559-9•00 FEE UH Owner will carry et 12% tnt 7 10 10 yrs Try gra· dueled payments PrlceCI II $349 00 C•ll lor 10· c.ouon arid oltrer le<ms New Orluns Coton1al 2.11y. 5 BR 3 Ba real IOfm11 dine rm lam rm w/blr, guest Suitt w/bl 2 mllr .su1111. b1lcony French doors Pool 4 apa 2 golt cou11e1 nearby Low awn Owner w111 carry b•I Specltl a ll h"l.tnl $65000 tep.,ty allS30 759·8006 Cozy East.aid• home $97,500 at 11 50% and Ask for Fred or Susie Lrg LOI. Frull Trees SUN Ilka over 2nd or new D1•1 l1i1I lOZI RE/MAX 5S9·9400 222 VIA IDIOI OPH lllllY 1-1 499-3816 842·8902 --iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~!!!!l!.J!!.!f/!.!.~~ l -;at1l1-~~ac~~.~ ~:~c:~~ COAST REAL EST A TE one L011ely 4 Br plus fa· •••••••••••••••••••••• 631• 7090 mlly rm Mini cond10on Open House By Owner 9 OPEi SUI 11-4 142·1200 IPPHTlllTllllll ••••••••••• •••• •••••' • 11ores Onty s 1000 ~, Mirityn Coombi Job lorces 111nster Can room c.ustom home. Tlnnls pool. corne• now to 1e1 Dltno Cap-whitewater v11w Ill 3822 Hend11a Culverd•· $139.900 • S yr old. 3Br oet. 631· 1266 rooms. lrg Im rm. 2 lrp!Q, le 2 Br I', Ba homo dbl Hl-0424 STEAL m s 195.000 Inquire nowll I I acres. 811 utllltles wt H11s.1 F•t•illlH unt>eHevabte vJew of C•· •• ••••••• ••• •• • •• •••• • nyon Lake $33,000 wtlh GtHr1/ 310 mo jPITT ~ 2'1t ba home w ide n. 3 Br. Oen. 2"· ba. Sall ga• $121.000 w/10% frplc: $61,000 loan. 89· Sun 11 ·6 33972 Chula down Jull n0f'1h of 405 lmpiessive 3200 sq fl Bllr 71<1·963-0902 or 10H Baycresl French Pro\lln-tree. 1-800·526-8910 IKI J BARRm -,. REALTY ttrm• ,s .. 322 ,. NE~:.:pc;Rr·o;;;~;;~~~ Walker & Lee sume 81 or 9'11'/t. 1107. Vista Corner o f La Frwy 111kes Ferns oft 000 available al 13•;. Cresta o r by appl Culver R on Wayne, R C:IOI. 4 Br. 3 '~Ba. wet bar, ilil SOOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: 3 car garage, 2 lrplc;s & ---------1 • 22 acres. •n raptdly growing Menl1ee OWC ' 12v •. 10 yrs Adjoining parcels alao available. (5·3581) 111oe furn 3 Bt yearly, lower unll $850/mo ALSO lovely spacious 3 642-1090 liiimmmmmiliiiiiiiil 49J..7222 S275.000 flt'· on Queens Owner/J 2 lltllll Klble. A1,1en1 675·2666. much more Auume lllllA ISWI ~;;:· 11~s:n~e 0;~~rp:;1~~ HHTICALL Y HH-Bee!~!~'.~.~~~~, 2'" Br upper unit $950/mo C I If, JZlf yrly, Cati Sharon J1y •I .!!.~ ••. !!~••••••••••• ..... ,., •.. Pttl I s,11 Pride ol owner1hlp Jhl· nee through all ot this fine • bedroom 3 beth homo Formal dining room Family room lea· 1ur11 will paneling 1nd cozy fireplace Misses 01 brick work P ool and Cleclclng. hrepl1 and BBQ Truly 1 gre11 en1er1aln1ng UITlllE BHti•tl•• I RHoht SH JH111i• Two lndlvldual houses. l••t• 1040 Goll course location and highly upgraded wit" ee-••••••••••• ••••••••••• view G1ound te•at San perale yerds. on R·2 lot I CLISE Tl HEH Jooqutn plan 2 Bdrm, OwnCHs anxious and will No money d own no Oen condo $185.000 c:a1ry Iha lat TO Asking quilllylng own your Ownttr llnanc.ing Cell Mr 1145,000 Call 540-1151 home on our unique Reed Oeorga Charles $355.000. 631·7370 or Ill Ba 2500 eq fl Security 549·3546 •tlT SELL TNAYl gate. private community HERE THEV ARE· Four TJUDITIO~\I RL\Ln Huge •Br. 2Bo11Br. 11fa $395,000 50/o Down Wiii 2'~ acre parcels. all usa· Pu1111 So Bay v iew cons•de< lrad11. etc bl• Located on County watarlronl Hom11 Inc: • I 2 I 673·6900 Of 846°0"78 • '• Ii eve ,,,.., 111 .. 1 JI F1PIC. renge. yerd, gara· QI, no p1t1. Pr1v1t1 S7851mo 111 pl\Je seo. only 64 8 W t8th St • 499-1617 ~HERITAGE 1 REALTORS h o m e I S 2 7 9 • 9 0 0 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 979·2390 ., n. Plaral Super snarp 3 bedroom condo now vacant and ju•• w1lllng for 1 n1w l1mlly Reduced In pric. lot quick Hie Has 2',.t, ba1h1. n11pt1ce All r• c:rutlonll amentUes Lo- vely end unl1 and • g1ut location 979·2390 TillPUI IUI llW Oetu1t1 owners unll hlS 3 Bdrms 2 b1th1 llrepla· c• end enclosed y11C1 Two 2 Bd•m un111 com· plele complex Let your lenants help malle P•Y· ments Call today 141-0HI Appraised $600,000 RI· Armitage ~ealty Rd Mobiles & horse• ok dlculou1ly priced 11 714·5<1<1·2•8<1 Priced lro1" $23,SOO to $475.000 Ctll ll'lytlmt --iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil $24.950 Only $3000 .......•...••.••.•••.. 1ha1ed apprec1a11on fl. Reelly 675·5320 ore 01 nanc:1ng We hove 5 759-1206 res S1991 10 Bay 3 br. 2 ba, dining rm Frplc:, ger. 2 pa1101 $795 Winier OPEN 3211 Sapphire 875.o&52 •tLLtll I VftrW down (5-3590) 1 BR TRAILER Prlv1t1, ' ~" yard. no pets u1111 ~. homes 1n Hunt Beach 3BR 2'~ba, 1600 10 2 100 sq II Paym1n1t from $1200 10 $1600 mo C111 George Brool\a Mon thru Fri 7141691·5556 4 BR I'> bl twnhse, at- aume 12 2%. $10,000 dwn, 10111 pymts, $908 l'TIO CIOse 10 schoola 2 m1 to bc:h 968·&753 eYH leacll C.•4• at 0.st By owner • Model l'lomll Spacious 3 br. 2'i't be. 2 frplca, 2 cat gar. Some MILLION S NEIGHBOR· SUPER BUY ., Br 2ba $400/mo + 11curlty. WALK TO OCEAN OR NOTHING DOWN ' ' .EE"F'EL.rs HOODI P1norama o t woocrnavt!f\ "ome Like 499-1617 'BAV lrom this 2 BR H11bo1 R1Clg1 2 be! ocea n. bly. C11111n1 • Elsinore Assumable l1lh4 E 11 Bl ff c 0 llS.T . ~ach collage Could be c; on d o , t 4 5 O. O O O iway from h"'hway nol· a I I JlO 11ttY "' u on o. I I I 0 960" •v loan Owner •n~loua •••,.•'',• •• • •• '.'•'••••••••••• Like new. Bullder's Mo-Large 2 story 4 BR family winter 1umme1 ran • 64 • " HI ytl hit the view 5 3579 hOme with c:u1lom leetu· Lowest priced In the ---.-1-1-,-0-U-,-,-advantages Owner will 1 · Callf~nll Pr~ty Winier Ren1111 Lg.r 2 bd, I dtl City "\11 " ind res lo numerous 10 llat area S 169,SOO Devin acc:epl low down enc uchange 1•558•3962 bl, trpl. pallO. WIO. Very Ocean v.-l200 Plf Priced al $212 000 101 Real Eatate. 642·6368 Assumable loin Wllh tow help wllh f1nanc.1ng clean $950/mo 500 mo 642-3893 ltSI ac;tlon Good term• Corial lront 3 Br plus F.R dn p1ymen1 Fff l1nC1 $397,600 J.1t• 1r1Ntl• JJSf West 0c .. n Fronl. Cell avo1labl1 Aak for Jim Chatmlng 3 Bdrm, 2 be 2•ot CL.IFF --•••••••••~••A••••••• 635·50811 Of 997·3970 2 BR 1 Bl dupl111. pvl • plus sitting rm S225K lg• otcldtn 2 lrplca. • -"~ Old•• Duple• near <15th st 1 1 , •5 ... •01 552·7500 Wtll discount S40K to convenient loc IPll ll•IAY 1·1 NB 3 br. 2 ba upstairs 2 14'• hne Pll o, new pl n,, • .. ., THTUROOI buyer w/S40K down, bat Open Sunday 1·4 142·1200 2 br. 1'" t>a downstairs $7001mo &73·474."31 mo 833•8182 FHMH MIHl ~~~"I.Haun Sal 1_5 al 1337 Suu ... Line Wiii Mtl u Is for $700, ,., .. , ''' lfll fiii S•I 2 w,. O.• Hu~e 4 Bdrm 2'"w ba. 322 62nd SI or call ____ 8'4_5_·_7_40_8___ 000 or wlH bvllCI to 9Ull •••••••••••••••••••••• N• SC PIUI In SA. M2S I fOf $1175,000 & up (plans '•-------~ mo No -11 S.5-19.47 Al • & 1p1 on exit• arge 840·8208 Agent 15% Cln owe II t 2% a 1 1 • ,..... lot Super lln1nclng avail , ---------1 Huge •Br. spa. gd c:ond epprovals obla no<SI Fully fllmllhed 3 bdrm, 2 Eaa11tde condo 3 br 2 644-0954 COLDWeu. BANl(C!RO LI ... T"'t 1,........ owner financing av111 11 • ...... ' $ t79.SOO By appl, "Mtlke me 1n o fter" Duplex 4 Br plus 3 Br 1 S365,000 llHlbll Lori Arm 11 age Re a 11 Y b•lh, huge oarage View 1 · • Asking S238,900 Opn blk beech Asking 875·3455 114-54•·2484 S 1100 mo. Including ba. Oen, rpk:, 2 c.r O-- Sat1Sun 1.5 18891 Ant· S265K Need 1811 salt. --------~~~~~~~~~I Dupte11 on the $8nd 30th g11d1n11 & water Vt· rage $825 ~5~5 toe Cell Robin, 562·7600 Owner aoys avbmlt otter. MUI YllW 1 Ill a -SY APT st. NB. Newty remodl4ed eanl & retdy Shar-p and clffn 4Br 2be, or 646-7276 pen•c Orlve by 2011 COi· 2 Br. S 185,000 wttn II· • •5 In and out 3 br . 2 bl I Gardener lnC S850/mo. -Ion 840·8208 1umabl1 financing C111 R1C1uc1d $20.000 to up111111 2 br • t b• ~tlJltl"l de/ .Afntt Ph 5<18·99~ LOOI WHAT C11meo Hoghlonds a beau-_A_g'-1_8_3_1_-3_5_13____ S 199,900. Remodl11C1. downslalrs. Min 10~ •• ~~.J..A~ ~~L' I Nice 2Br. 1Ba. tncd yd, * R E •• 0 E I ty In '" Cornet proper-Fl pool. Otach. 5% down down owe balance I I <J "T"""f,f.f-.v incl plllo, new f)tlnl. ... OOO• WE FOUllD ly. 3 br & don. overal?e ILIF owe 548·6677 • 13.9'11t for 5 yrs. 01111 for 6 OMJ'-rup family. $450 mo. + ' lnc.redlble find In 101. eaklng $350,000. Muataell38drm,2ba, 1 • summer rentals. $735. 73-<-,'fv'f sec.2029Willaee HM8. 1 bd$';';.~b:·/rplc:, 1 1cer Northwood 0000 loca• Agl 675-5511 level "Und1" pltn Only 111111 A Tlllll 000 Armllaoe Really. •11. CNtie ...,,, c. 548·27711 gar s · pou ow .. 1 3 iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij 1 12,500 Clown lo lull 714-544·2484. ---..,...-.,..-..,.=-=--Cl n S 8 5 . O O O. Ph !Ion near pull "' arge amorllH<I loan. Submit Npt Blulf condo with ---------,~~~~~~~~~ •LUXURY a MORE* 8.t0-f>6.C6 Wkndetwltdy1 bdrm, 2 ·~ bl pl u • HTITlltlll S 195.000 Own / Agl $60,000 equity Setler Ctaulc Spanlah tly\I, pr1· -J I L11ge !enc.Cl yard, • .,.,, all 5pm BONUS RM huge family Liit 1•• tt S&J..IOC>e wm t11Cle tor l1nd. tnco· me location on Sen Ole-£••••• IHti 14 frplc, Obi bath, btG oar-• Then this Is for your Lo-&52-7272 536-5185 11e1y ranch styled 3 be· droom home Is lull 5 ,_.,, OUOll _._ H••ti•Jll• min• from th• beach l~~~~~~~~~I H11lloar lHZ Fe11tvre1 Include llrepla· 1: ••••••••••••••. •• • • • • • ce. he1tld SPA. two pa· *•HA YElllE HR llo room•. storage tM<11 Auum loin Pool/Spa and a 101 more. Prote1· I 139.900 545-990<1 slon1lly 11nC11c1peCI A orea1 bV'f et 111e prk:e of IJ hHr Ha/211 S 114.750 079·2390 Sep dining. tOll'CI palio tlt-2310 S135K Harbor and Ba· 3707 S. BRISTOL ket 963-0383 ---room plus your own SPA -me or other tH IClent111 go Bay best priced In 1 ••'••••••••••••••••••• S500' l,(CT"OIW d d a11-------c erta, br·~fto -..... I"" Co"" L*"unt ee.cf1 hN, ge •· .EW 0 .. 11 • Nicety dacor111 e n .--5 PIUI ptoperly 1 11 Pell -· ·~.. -. .,, ., -• NOT A T.t-LIYIL 11nC11M:epect $2411000 Avallablt lor ntw owntt· $895,000. Call Cen1ury clo94I 10 bc:h I dwnlwn RENT"'L "'0"'~" SANTA ANA -- Tdrbell, • II.I 1 Thi• newly Oeoor"tteel 111W•MI m. 2 1 Ptoltlc Reall y. FuTn Of uni. N 50 mo " " """"'' CLOSE OUT -FINAL :~1:;t~op::'n •0t1:rn~ qu•Mty 4 bdrm hOfM Of· 7141273-2121 Cell 213-&40-3H3 BEST ~Ito COIT SALE 2&3Br 381 lUK, $365,000 Broller ltrt w&rmth & corntofl 1111,IH Tr111u11 111<1 Trlr 1 Br W•tslct• 3 Bdrm. 1 be ale All ementll11. N11tt 848.0709 from Its sunny ted Ille TWo hOUtlt on large lot ._., t.Mt 1111 1305 & utll O<;n 'llew F•ple. open betml, yard. door to tll ahopplng & PlllO 10 111 open beam wllh twO-Cat QITlge. IK· :':'o':rnoo••••••"••••• 213-433·"91, 403·1904 1850, 831·80l2 ~~~~~~~~~ lhNllf• 7141031·5055 ltTlat 1H4 c1il1ng1 In exc.etle nt ~1 ''""' Curt Her• 2 tie!, l \t bl , hol'llt w/ Owner lrefllfefr.O. ptlrl'le IU .\LI OH't : SELL Idle 111ms with••••••••••••••••••••••• =~1~'°J·n~hb= ~ b9rt•ll,e3l·lt M Tll Ull IWll <llnlngrm.dlml.31MllO IOC 1"' lwtrCI wlnnll'lg WAAI A01 Call 0.2·5e78 Oally Piiot Claaeifleel AO Wltlll•I work 11 needed bllOfe •••"II II-& 1 aaa llLI I b c 1'1 W I n t t ' · condo compllll, 2br. -· ••• w _.., .... 213179&-0512 2be .............. ~Of ~'.~~!{!lf! •• !.'l1 ~!!!'..~!'.~! •• !.~ff IUHl~t '1 41 ' •S13CAMSDa·llYM. 1,...:°"_, '-~~r=.ooo~'"-!1-1 P_r_...,,_•~ Bin .... ,, 11 ronn>• v'--' or Nort'.. 180 cteo 00twt, -~· ·~ ::::~P~o:~~·c:::~: PllCE -llST REDUCED 1241,000 Corona del Mor 2 BR l den, 11;, bfllh!f with room to r('mcxfol :and (•xpnnd on R2 lot V NY prlvt1t1• biu:k yn rd wllh t·ovcrcd pnllo E xc~l l e n t n l.'iMhbod1ood, commu n ity ht•111·h OwnN will carry for 0 year~ 11t 12% with $3~.000 down. or will PiJY fe<>a for ne w fina ncing. VNy Oexlblt-. Qtrered by Sandca.st11-R<.'alty (7 14) 7~9·9149 or 644-9644 Owner 11 C!Hp11111 to -TIU ... •"' _,,_, -" 2b1, ..,., 1-MO. &Mt•*· Mii Ihle t>eeutlfUI condo Newport Metgl'lta, Ill bey, over 3500 eq, rt. Of llvlng. 4tl-.ACM • ...._, -.-.-,-,-.. -.-... -,-,_-..,-. :i:~h 21.':~y ~:::n:~ f!l.".'!~.,.'.'.~t .. J.ljf IOt, 2b• Prlceo to THE BANK Uld ''Al~ $575,-A:~~.:~" ':c,~ i~ ~ 0.-0~, 1oe•t1on. Blcll• fO Pl'" ea ~~~;= Joyce"" 000''. THE BANK H id ''We wlll Cllfy l•IWIMt"<I bldg. '7ff-aoot. 1nd t"• t1nenc:1ng 11 • 10. IHOll Jot YllHI 0 finance, to 1etl It!" .,.. ..... 11001'"0 1ne 1 11111 & Oon & -,,..,.-1-._--...,-..,,,- Ag1 552-7500 0,.1111141, l·I 73-7300 ,., ....,. ....., 14 11ll•t & tt0. ce11 en '"'· •~••· riv •'••· l&Ollf• • 145 l1B1e1. ocHntldel~~~~~;!~!!!I )pm •t1-tnt It• fM, •1•ttll •• Im-, ... 1 ot hwy No L•oun a .r .,...,. ~ 1,1 .. " -c harming , reatored •LY 11M-1--------····•••••IJll'm•" •• /9 Mu11 bl told • t 8~ t lld hlllorl<:lll (circa 1928). 2 ,..... LIDO ISLI! • I Mrm. fMI , _, ... -. ..:,. dtn 1ownnome on the story Sp•nllh wlln OOMll H1row9od Uoon In _ llHll rm. 4 ... ltfOO MO. OI< JStl. Avan~ ~h: p111k. Red~ lo Ill un-11lew. 010 101, cour1yerd bdrlM. Of,)en·llftlt lbr,, t _.,.... OCl'"N'•"'NT ...... ,m, $48·11Hll4l·f301 bellevtble I tt5,too. s.. •n try, a BA 1 ·~ Dt, D• home. FP In 1111. rm.. Cuatom ' IC!rm Wlltf• ... ....., • .,.. 10 •PPf'.Cltt• !hit greet dl"•/rm, "dWd llOOrl, UMCI bflek frt. C•ll Pet• fron• home w/olet. Wlp. , •• tfOO mo, 1111 ........ 2 "", ... opporlur11ty. Much o.ttlr French doora Wellpaper. JOl'il'leon t o r 1ppt, 'I! Appr•l•ed at I I, Otu~. M r. tTJ..1151 Kldl ok. Pt\I. " .... 1t1111 renllng. Me ... your , r P 1 1 n 0 u % 10 •,, ~000. l•llloe 11 only llllutffllt flOme '°' qUell· Utlll pd. '3 t•U20 A,fl ~":,._w~;"I,: ',°.,-:!, '347,000. Md 2'::. ~ 111 111111 ..,aone, trlOIOlle II• 3 • 2 It "'*• ..... 11111. 652-11100 or 4f4.llll Oper1 t 1111d1y 1-• 1 1 lji;i!fi;iiliJi~ "'"' UIOCrlmo IU M 75/mo HM&tl 191 .... _ ......... ___ .. _ tOM Po1wtt 141-06~~2~3J.liiiiii!ii ! 111· 1UO MM SM / Ora ~.frlrfNH_~ •• f'!!ff!.fp/pr._I~'!. •• ~.Mml/t!A .. ~f!!~fp/pgj~... ... Jl.&JN~ ~ ~'::,'!.., &.&I ......._ J.I IUIUflM lfllNll ._. l,'Mf ~Jaleaf /h•N(I a..111'6 11ff •••••• • • •••••••• ••• "071:1r'1IS'mo•••••• fll'IJ.mTre••••• o • ... 'i 114f ••••'l••••Til'l•••• m f/,_J alaJ&.J .tflf •••e'll•••T'ITi. ••• :... l!..I ... »If ~If ll'!b.o UH OU,LIX. I Id a bd 1 ...... !.............. H!ltb(lt vi.w Home.~c.t· •••• nf!rm.il' ... r... 2 IA I II yoyL , .. , 01 r::.t •••••••••••• m •• m... . ..... r..;1 IN. 1•: • • • 1111111 2 DA oondo1._1 My, met Mql 3 It, laml rm. ll Bt conoo ,,.., to o ocHnlronl, te110 flro-T ~ 2 11 1, le • /lflO N?r'' n ry 111 blll\t, Pool. HIKI mo LMN I H60 tU·t 7' Plue crpino a 1111:1n1' perty HOUM. llO·llHO :: pool •P•' •ll~ci*i II• V...,.. •31·0l4 Call U0-11H. Hk for Harb9r Aioge IUM i"ir 3 ov11fook1 lr11nb1fl: VILLA OA.L-aQA t1eo1n11y ;111'01 No 11•1• Av1111 7&4-05" « •M'12H f UI• •· Lovely 3 ~c1. 3 01vt De. b11ul dtteor. 3000 II, POOi•. •P.. clubnO\IM lurn Condo. 2 bd, walk now N H/mo 131·4914 ltDe· tlr. l400 mo Ullt bl. l>ltm celtl1)01. OOlll· HOMC8 FOR Al!NT pool, 11nn11, ou•rd Oii• IVlll 81ourt1)' o••• 10 b Ch P(IOI. •P• -pd Loh Of w ood met kit, llalll' airy, pM. 3 ' 4 Bdrm, seu to I $2800/mo. 8ob or Oovl• 11150 Ctll 11111·123 f IVH IS26·7'4011 2 DR I BA. 010 llOVN. no MI 3041 -/wknd• I 4 2 • 2"'0 II 2 . 17'1'6 r d d 4 KOOP Agt A /MA)( I wknd.. , pet1,cnlldOK Allulllpd 71417613240 •nee Y1' • 7119 .;2 • -L11ge 2br. bulll 1t11 I a• • 16 1•an111ton. U31S c 810E·2B1 ouotu, • g111gH Kid• I g111 1 1 l!JCl!C RClRl!Al In N•w 11ge, tt•P• t o und 041-()7~ O EASTllD! 3 bd, 2 be, lrpl. w•loom• 546·2 00 2 Or 2bl luxury condo Nr port Bell 1 Qr Plfl\llOll· 1860/r'y O• 1600 Wint• • cpt1/ rp1, 1tov16 l4ll ;;_~,=~~ :!'~;prt:: E~=n~o':,'':, bclll. 48r. ~:f"t,.:~~tl~lmc~~: ~1Y '~~ue''J·2~°:10 6':: r, 1! 3J ~~0119~2?~~t 2~·8~l:'c!':1~ege 4.~ ~~r'' O? 024 • -·~m~ .. 0908 28&. gardnr. on cul di· 17115/mo Herry Patti 640 4281 06·4750 w/Of>IMI wOOd bofnlng I ltr .• n....,ly relurbl1h1d, MESA VERDE 3 bd, dtn, H O, 111111 lmmtd H &O 2 I 3 I 2 I 8 8 4 0 0 or C0ndo. lrll new, 3 BA. M Ille !ft 2 b 2 lrplG. view of 1lrHm & good ar11 1 400/mo 2 frpl. 2 bl. plr, gardt-mo 875·71173 213/070·3008 ( appllo hkup, p11t PlllO, b-:.ntrpl":\1~nt1' Cll ~~. wettt ltlle l'rom 1716 r~~ ~=hH apt, bllnl ""· W9llr pd 1850 No MOVE IN NOWI L•rgt IU· dlOOrlltd MICIOWIVI, 11un1.1001. wallo. 10 A 2 1300 II I I d P ell 5•7.5031 or Brtllfl11klng 4 0r2'"'01 $'""5 2BR •tc,•7""mo •5•.7t35. 00 lltf•ITllJ ct • rplc, gar, aun ry "' 1..,. d xury condo "". " • .,., "" be•ch 11 /mo Wiii • 11011, 1va11 10110, 21314118·3058 ~~~ 70~ ~i.~~~:1~~; f:•trH. 837-211811 IVH 851-0447 • h o ' 1 I • r m !Httld• 1800/mo 2 Br 1&211/mo. Nie• 2 bl. crpl, drepea, El19an1 dining, CUiiom HARBOR VIEW HOMES 2bt. 2b•. bly/OCtlll view. (1102)998·211 I I call COi· Iv. 81 TownhOUH, •II Bech 1p1, l vlll 10/ 10 r1ng1, gar .. yard No 1andtcaplng. I0411\t 1875 3 Bdrm. e11pended Cer· pool. J11ouu1, aeourlty Itel bullt·ln1, lndfy rm, Ctr· 121111/mo. No p111 In p1t1. Older CPI• pref + 1 m chg M ETRO mel mdl. View. New opt. bldg $11 25/mo Ctfl v1reame1 mini t Or on port, yardlbaloony, emall Int" IPll 040·3420 I $'435. 5411·8607 6311-7006 1600111 $1200/mo Ctll Ottnny, 11411·2010 or court, ell OpUona, ~Hr re' OK. 642.lllOJ 3 bdrm, 2 be, cp11, drp•, 2 Bdrm houH, cfHn, Agl G1neHlll842-~711 546 51133 · beach S0 -4 6/mo SL Mgmt _ llrepl.ct . 1111110• earporl darling. Fncd yerd & pa-•••ll .. t.. 4 bd. 2'"t ba. view. com-2 Or 2 BaConqo Dano 2 l3/1187·3a2 d•)'•. Fl,.plece, pool, dl1h· No Piii S500 2516 tlo. Gar I child ok. no H1tlN•t 3l4l munlly pool, 11nnlt, Pl ocetn view. walk lo 2 t3/387·6llOO waet\lf, pvt p1110 )( Lg 011nge 045-2109 pet1. $525/mo Avall Nov •••••••••••••••••••••• guarded gale. gerdene<, bHCh, WHhlf, dtytr 4 11210 Oc11n F;;;;1, 3Br Gardin 2 Br on E/11de Eltltldl, Cl ttn ttudlO. I 046-3420 3 br. 2 bl home. Hunt SISOO/mo 84•·214S rttfrlgt S850/m o 10-r dplx. lmmed OCCU· SS60 657·2641 new pilnt end cerpet Cllf n home! Chermlng Hubour area Phone --492·8700 pancy Ill June 16 S750 1 BR. new pelnt, cpt1, Fenced yd Ulll lnc'd 8<16·'"914 ft 8 Btech house, 2 Br. gar (213 S ... 7""' 3Br 281 w/POOLI Ener· " 1 11 pm $700/roo 3 Br 2 Ba. gar mo I orv· 1 ""' •v• drepea. d/w, no Piii 1390. 1892"A Or•nge OY 2 bdrm Bro1dmoor Condo S89S/mo mo Fred Te· ~r..'.'f!!~!!.f~!!.'!!.'!. 1<100/mo. 2285 Mine< SI Ave. Ori.,. by llrat tll•n lftk:llnl IPPI•. CIOH w/eecurlly S896 nort. agt 83 I · 1260. l•/Ha lllH' J1H E 8Sl-2176 ctll 752-11419 to -rythlngt NOW $62S Agl, 848·2850 631-2711 •••••••••••••••••••••• I Ill Nea7'°S~ Plau lge M ET A 0 RE ALT y LIKE NEW. 3 bd. 2 bl. 111. II . . I BR, patio on lltHm 638-7006 wa1ertronl Cor1do·2Br. lrplc. patio bbq. Wik to ''GOOD Newly dtcor OH pd, chg GUARANTEES RE-llYiat JZ44 2Bo. beautiful baytront. beh $800/mo. 675-6383. encl g1r. dw1hr, pool, Pool, •P •. ucurlly SULT SI •••••••••••••••••••••• pool. decll, security bid~ bbq no pet• 842·5073 S450tmo. 770·6055 5 ROOM HOME plue 2 Ba. LUIEIU I 1025 mo 673· 720 • 3 B~y ~~:ii ~o~a:~o'~:;' LIFE'' Eas1iide, nr 17th 11, 28r Full garage, kldl art llne, 3 Bdrm deteched homes 631-2482 _....____ • 700•1977 •Pl S•76/mo & $300 raund,Y hook-up• In llal In e11cen1n1 area A.111111-Harbor Highlands av111 3 _ ___ ""2alfleld H C Joyce Wal11 Ra- S•OO BEST Open 1 t>le lmmed la tely BR 2 Ba, dbl car gar, I bdrm. ye1rly, nreplect. YIAlt.ftOUND FUM: FABY APTI mu. 831·1286 dtyl. COtt FREE RENT-$800/mo on I VHr IHM lplc. patio S92S Wit & Utll lnCl'd $425 AYlll ,Socia! ACllYlllH Beautltul garden •Pl• , ••• ,.,., ~12• Al COUNSELING HUR· Five other I 10 Choose gr d n r t n c I E 111 n a , 875-4S2S 0 Ir I c Io r ° Fr I e Petloe/declll No peta 2 •••••••••••••••••:•••• RY CALL 539-8 IDO from We're the ones to 5411-1232 or 64S-S903 New 2 bd. 1 bl Winter S u n d a Y chlldr--1c~ 1 Br D11-oe. near ocean. ~II IOI leaMI --Brunch•BBO't• -· ,,,,_ I $3110/ ••oo HOME Kid ok, mo-CdM Herbor View Hiii• R • n 1 e I to Ju I y 9 P1ttlel•Plus 2 Bdrm 1'/• Bathe S5•0 very c ••n. rno -SS251 R t C p t 2 Bd 2 B ... su• 213/402·21157 See II dern kitchen. prlvete ~I \\\~\Cltuld9c hm Spacious 5 Br w/lgl mo 1 5 •r or much more rm at... """' 24682· CordOb• Or Apl parking, low moving H I bonus rm Ntce are1 S25-72•5 Q Ill I AT 3118 W Wiiton A COii. NICI locellon NEW c• '" s ISOO/mo 760-8708 or Winter 2 B r I beth, nr ". c "I "TI 0 N I 631·5583 Of 042 ... 905 --------- RENTALS DAILY BEST 551.:11100 675·2 144 South Bay $600 lncludea Tenn I•• Fr•• 1 er $425/mo IOUI YllW 539·6 190 cos~ - -lt:tG lh rr •nt• l'k .. \... ...... THE ILUFFI ulll 673·3458 LellOlll IPrO a pro Bechelo1 $300/mo Stu From Otn• Point'• mo11 Fenced 5 room house, ---11-E-1-1-•• -1 I JL--•hopl•2 Health 540·3~ or 497·2338 secluded 1cen1c bluff ... 3 Bdrm 2ba. spotleaa • _. Club1•S1una• like new! Only 4 unll1. 2 Wiik thru dining room, $1250/mo ltaiaHI• 3101 Hydromat1age• Beaullful 2 Br 2 Ba Brw/den Xtreitgprlllllle full sized kitchen. large •••••••••••••••••••••• Swtmmfr~•Golf townhouse, lrplc. petlo, patio. No peta. From i~sl~::!g~~~0~sr5° 2 Bdrm. 2f8·~11u111u1 w 1n1er Ren111 3 Br rn ~~l~u ;~~ u L ~~lm~mrs~o~11~ioc s1so1mo Call 861~01 EAST SI OE 5 BR. $4 7S ed~~l~~~st~~n ~:ft,. :7~/~o~ :,~~ ~; ~:v~ 2 A~ ART Mt NT I ; 642-6221 6"2· 1603 or M·F, 9•5• 643.()2 I Ftncedyardpluagarage. 760-8816or~4-9152 blk1 to beach 301 Ed· 8lngfe1 , 1 & 2 Wlll-2 BA 2 Be & den. . BEST 5311·6190 COST gewelar (Coronedo It Bedrooma•Furnllhld '"' ocean view, -I gar w/ Close to bch, evell 11.1 baylronl) Roblnton & Unlurnllhtd•No 2 B'r I Ba pool llde apt, opener 71•-493·1030 •BEST REALTY• GUA· 3Br. 2Ba hse. pool, let'!· Realtor 548-5647 Pell•Modtll Open lndry rm . bff·lnt No RANTEE SELECTION nos, la7S mo 642-7787. dally 9 to O pell Call f or appt Studio apt w/lull kll & NOT A RENTAL AGEN· S44-0140 Ocetnlronl & close 10 I $43S·$450 b1th, walk to M11tn1 CY. •S311-6190* Harbor/Ocean vu. 3bi. Small I & 2 Br Apts OlkWffd TSL Mgmt. 642-1603 S3SO/mo 681-3853 5 ROOMS 2 BA S400 2ba $ t 18S 239 Oceen-:~~S~~~ Yrly & winter ..... 2 BR 2 Be studio. $575. Studio apt $275 mo Re- ltrge enclosed garege •513 C'AMNsDl·I~ v • e w 6 1 S · 2 9 6 7 • ......... cpta, drp1, encl gar. no lrlg.~onv lo shopping for the cir. kldl great, 3 bd Avaflet>le Now. Gar· S48·2407 Winier Rental 2Br, pool, t h.,.n llM'1h. peta. 675-6606 641·13111 mother'• kltchtn. Thia d N p s9301 S I IJ ff ... houM to bch $550. Pl•Y• 880 1 I 3 Br. 2 ea. oceen vl,.w, unit 11 ready. COST you ene< 0 ell mo •ac HI • I HI... R E 673-1900 rv ne tlln MESA "Ill wlll ne11er turn d own. 831-1615: 49~6 Large entry courty11rd, ----(al 16th) Liiie nu. 1g1 1 br ap11. ~r:,Wfl2s~:: ~::4'~1;Y BEST S39-6190 WOODBRIDGE $1100 plus wa lled pet l o IAYfllOll (714) 645-1104 frplc, OW, gar .. $476/up Spac 4 br, 2~ ba, nicely Green bell Ulllng 3 2 Bdrm, 2 ba. lrplc. d/w, ...,.,. llM•IS.. Bach w/lrplc. Plllto. 2 BR. I be. garage. view Nr High School No pets 66 t-13 19, 5S9· 1247 eves and week.ends.. 'EHt·aldt • 2 t>d home, landscaped. fem rm. t>drm, 2 '" ba, ramify elec door opnr, gas BBQ, 1700 161h St. $400 Pool.& •P• No t rpl , gar, lncd y rd. frplc, patios Lalo.I, pool room. many bullHn lea· p1110 w/g11 tire ring (Dover at 16th) ~~"1 21 •• 72650 Herl• S7SO/mo + Stcurity. & tennis 840-1327, lures Dvtch cteen Av111 S11ndy beeoh Winier ~-._ 857·20•0 SS9-6t88 olc 720·7373 now $1250 mo $92Slmo 673-7538 (714) S..2-5113 ----- SHOWING TODAY• 2 bedrm houM In Pflme arH 1450 haa encloMd garage Cell Metro Riiy 636-700S chg Smell home for you/Child end pet. $360 + am chg M ETRO REALTY 0311·7005 . ' 644-0050 2 bdrm end unit, new -condo .,., mite to uct Block to t>eech, 3 Br vear Terrllk: views $89S Agt lease $850/mo. Con11c1 846-2850 Mr Fuentes 833·0070, eves & wltnds 646-6398 lovely 4 Br 2 Ba. crpt, lie 2 t>r +garage, 1 bltt lrom ========-:-= beach Wlnltr 11ntel $600 3 13 E Bey Av r 1 or 2 BR Apt, lrplC. new 673-2502. 675-8120 home. on the 1and. <I t>drm. 2be. Includes li-nen, ditties, cir rv, utlll· $1000 or Sl200 Call 67S-3703. 831·1400. SpllciOU• 2 Br 2 Be ,_. HHtiafl,. crplS. d rapes. good '-•d 3140 East side loc S4 75/mo ••• ••• •••••••• •••• •••• See Menager 147 E llllh 2 t>drm 1 bl mlnutea "4", C M from beach 'Close 10 2 bt, 1·~ t>• 810 Joenn St tranap end shopt. $48S Smell 00g OK. 845·8453 720-0844, 720_.091 Walnut Sq Condo 2 Br 2 sty, 2 Be. patio, encl gar, com pool $67S/mo 64S·62S3 evet/wkns htg. 2 cer gar. numerous Eastslde ., 8"' I Be WALK TO 8EACH: 2 Br. 1ru11 trees, 1 blk from iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml Specious 2Br 1p1. winter. ~ " C 0 G I "-h Pkl t upstairs, near act10011. 110111 & relrlgt. Small pet 675-4380 ties 673.,.586 1111 r erdener No OOE••fllOIT 11ep1 o .,... no. n· k •• 501 636-71179 pets $10001mo Avail "" dry S575 mo 073-6S62 no Piii $'450/mo 0 .., mo. · Oot 1111· 548·6089 2 lt1'rff•, 2 .... OCEANFRONT' CllH A, -6-3-1--6-'_s_s ____ _ ----------1 UNIVERSITY PK 3 BR 2'h FRUIT TREES & BBQ pit ba, !iv/lam rm, 2 cer gar, make 1hl1 3 bedrm houM appllc. comm pool, 11c, worth tvery penney $650 $1150 mo S52·89•H HWPOllT CllEST $750 mo yeerly or qule1. lge, w1nte< 2 unlll. 2 Br Duple•, S535 S42S. 1 BR 1 Ba. pello. lndry rm, ell bltn• Must s 1 e TLS Mgmt Kld1/P1t1 •lfowedl Cell Ocean view. 3 Br 2'"' 98 $600 mo. winter No pell 875-4088 64~5811/645-8103 642-1&03 Ooalt OAILV PIL.OT/8unaa~, OctotMr 3, 1"2 Fl A,.,,. .. ,, I~ ~!!.'!.IJ.lt.f~!H.I~ D.•'•181•'" .•••••••••••••••..•••• ••••71•••••••••••• .. •• W•lalalt.t JIM ltllr• oe11" Yttw •Pt ,.,,,..,, La.6 Hff ••••••••••••••••••••";l Pfomc>f\IOl)I POilll 2 bl, ••• ...-...• "'lfnT ... Tr .. tit 111 c:11Ptt,OrllP9f, 2 b•, non 1mo111r HO r111 Apt & Condo gartO• 1431/mo 11t & tf6.·H05 reittlll. VIII• 111en1111 f1tt1 1?luet100 041..0l lt 1.i ve-tN PAAAOISI' o'N ~ Ul·•t~rOll., •II t1PM. 8afb01 ,.ellln Hug• 4bd IH•I 4Mll home All me lv•ury ec:· PAHK HEWPOA T APAH TMUH ~ COUNTRY CLUB UVINO IN N!WPOm etACH I A 10111 1nv11onmen1 1panmenl comlnlinll~ on lh• Upper B1v Prtvat• clubhou11 end health 1pa, 8 tennle court1. 7 POOi•. clOH 10 b\ltlne••· lfrpon, Pl11hlon 11tend COl"ll/•1111111 •hOP• on 1111. Unturnl1Md b1ch1- 1011. I & 2 bdrm IPte 111d 1ownhou .. 1. S500 • •1000 Se11aral bac....iora end t Bdrm unite lllturt tint detlgner rurnllur• and ecc.1eori.t MOvl In to- day or refffv• tor future UH Smertly lurnlahed MOdete open d•lly. on Jt ml>Otff Ro 11 San Joequln Hiii• Rd ICC-1100 ,_. Block to bH ch. 2B1. bright & airy $670 mo yrly 908·8203 Oeacfllront winier fltnlll Oct·Mly. U09 SeHhO· ,. 2 Br $700/mo 3 8r $800 Ullls peld Can be l urnl1 hed 714/544-081•. ----Beacnfronl winter r1ntal Oc1-M1y 2914 Oceen- lronl 3 Br Newly r1mo- de4ed Cen be flJmlttled Ulllt peld. 7141644-0614 •••• • • •••• •• • •• •• • 7."':1' commodatlona Penot•· HO 6 up with kllohan, mlc view $360 mo wHklV OcHflfr ont Mo-675·"'44 Ill 076 8740 --11.7na11 roommete lo 11'11 Llllll llAGI te .lu11u1loua 1 Odtm •TH Ill hom• on th• Lake In Wkly ,.nl•I• IO& P Woodorloge 81curtty u pelt Prlv buch end lac: Color TV, Ir•• eoffee, Full lel<.t prhill•O" A htllld Pool 6 •1119• to '11P 1bOV9 tl)e rNI IOI ocean Kitch'• avan lht rlghl per ton lut OH N. Cotti Hwy, 551•3aoe l fOUn• Bwch 4114·5294 Kit prlv, Chr11t11n Home, M llrllOhl, Nt Bch, Lao Bch S326 41111·2286 Went to 1hr yOIJ home •"bit. bflghl, aotlv• " w/Toy Poodle Pref bllCh 01 poo1111nn11 Otllulllul new towohou... •03·41141 t ml lrom UCI Call I--'-• II~ 7141553·8244 .. _, • · lu•ury cO<\do. At y. 1111 Nr StddlebDCk Coll1g1. wlll fih•rt, 1650 JH•I nur11ng lludent. II d 1 7 5 2 • 9..§ • 2 . 1 v """PO a 1ld1 in 111ch 040-213• lor rm & brd 40).07311 -----• Share newer Sen Juen lo lurn roorn wltn prtv ba, condo pool J1c g11 1mpf'd l•m S200 mo. lem prerd s2'1s a .... ulll 548·2673 Co•11 Meu 240-8243 or 4113-6831 LO• home In Balboa, F rmmte 10 ah;-;;;e-;pi' olHn, ttllntd f . ref1, 3Br. 2B1. $250 mo Oo· S200 + 'I• ulill 075·5030 die 675-12115 AttracUve ilualp. empl M/F 10 shr 2 br, l 'h bl ltmale, non arrtoall utlll· 11pt, E/Slde c M Pool, Ilea. color TV, phone. Ja e. $267 50 Bob . 1mall prlvatt kllClllf\, !'· 846-4064/972· 1300 n1ns dl1he1, waahtr/ ------- dryer, p11va1e entry, walk Fem11le 18 to 30 to lh•tt to beach. pool. Jae, HU· toe 3 t>r. 2 1>1 houM In na. tenn11court.11•t• Newpor f . $275. 9uerded & patrolled 548-0967 1111 ~~ -l ..... TI W&ITlll Nice lurnl1h1d room In Male 25-35. •111l9ht, ~osll Mou for working non-1moller. to 1hart pereon. not under 30 like new 2 Bdrm, 2 bl, ye 11 r s S 1 4 5 Imo Sen Juen Cap111rano 648-5804 condo Flr1p11ce. Pool. . Cotta Men home, mil 11cuzz1, only mlnut11 to beach & Dant Potnt Hbr student, non smkr. hll S290lmo plue 'h utHilfet. prlv $225 mo + l1SO 2 bd;m, -, ba, $550/mo. yearly ~iltps to beach 11 Ill V{' Balboa. 213·1185-2542 IOHlflllll 3 bdr, 2 ba gar great IOC Winter cleinlng dep S46-99S9 Gerhatd (7 14) 831-2040 _ or 4~11768 Prel College atudent. Bac helor. greet toe; room ror rent $230/mo Female only lh•rt beeu· yearly Balboa 111 873·2346 Biii lllut new Turtltrock lSl •&llt 142· 1IOI Botlll'll #011/1 41 !:"= s~.~~.,w~~ FEEUNG CRAMPEO? ••••••'••••• .. •••••••• young couple great lor Xttl 111ge 1 Br steps to IElWI Mllll UCI 1tud1n1 or ltcully ocean w/d, patio. rec rm Wkly rentals now 111111 SS3·80211 t>efor 10PM S425 67S-3231 S10S & up Color TV. Prol non-tmkr, M/F to OCEANFRONT Phones in room 2274 ahr 2br. 2ba. NB. Apt Large 38r 2ba, $875/mo Newport Blvd CM S1t1lghl, eta to t>ch Aval!. lurn 673-4463. 646•74•S $3S!>/mo + ·~ utll• 3 5~0~3;1~ •• ocoan•ron1. 8 E A C H A ill :,~~:1:~r condo. ooe•n $875 winter, $1150 yrly $84/ k voew emenltlu, $37S P r o ;> • r 1 y H o u s e • W mo Incl ullls 642·4691 642-3850 Relrlgeretor·Mald-Pool Resp femele 2!>·35 10 anr 2Br 2 Ba ger $526/mo Nwpl Blvd & Wiiton condo In Irv 2Br + den 111. IHI. Days 631-3473. Cosle MeJ• S4&-975s 2Ba, wshr /dryr. S3 IS Ev• a Sun 845-4360 Pine l<ncii"Moter on Coe1t mo + 'h ulll NOfl amkt. Hwy NB Slips to C all J an wlld y 1 NWPT HOTS-2Br. 2B•. ocean Wkly rates 720·•805. t1111/wk nd1 specious. ev111 10-1 04s.0440 5S9-04S7 or 07&-5SS7 $700 mo MS-7400 2 Br 2 Ba Condo. New- port Creal, $900/mo. Cell 03 1..0460 VAL Y ooeen view 2 BR 1 Ba, 2 CW IPICIS $700 mo 044 -6780 or 646·3189 .EE. a ,u-OE Ft mele need• 11ma11 to find a ahr apl on 1ht AeHoneble r11ea Kii· Penln 966·84111 cllenetles, phones. mild ---------aer11lce. z cnannet mo· Rmrnate. MIF ehr 2Br, vies SANDPIPER MO· condo. Nwpt Terrace. TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd, own 1>1th, garege. $300 CM 645·9 137 mo. 645· 1332 ----UllU IUDll Amie snr 3Br WOOdb<ldge ·•· ' 333 E. 2111 SI 4 h•rff•, 2~ ~ ~~.PJ.'!1!!~.'! •••• !.~t Rice Z-Br. l 1J1 Rew S900 mo winle< 191 Duplex, large I Br. ride-pelnt Cerpe11 l drai>M Mt1ro lor appt 1138-700S TURTLE ROCK 111-111111, newlv de1:.oreted No --------~t•ful mountain view. ~ -E/Sldt, 3 br, 2 ba, very 2 mesters, lg4t PVI patio, pets $1050/mo y11rty cl4Mn In & ou1• l:>lg back gerd1n11. 3 Morning _64_2_·3_4_90 _____ _ ~ & --3 8dr 111 trPll Avail 1mmedl111ty 1550 to $.575 Frpte. dl w. Ql<llQI I or 2 klO• ok No pe11, weter peld. S45·2000 A.Qenl, no fff. Ver1111t11s. Specious & fight 2 Br, 2b•. 3rd t1oOt i:onao s-m-rmo. fl.42·6149 Sendy .'Ill In Condo. '"'· on pk. swim. l~ urn ~±'It. Wltly ren11l1 STS"' up. utll Greg 55 1-4651 --- Color TV. Ire• coffee. 641. 1130 ttnc.d ytrd, lrult tr'9s, Glory $1350 l•JSl1'• 0.H 111 I01. coreled, g11reg1. welk In good cond. Yard, P•· Pen. I ~ to llell. 2 br t bl apt c arport. yrly S51151mo. 552-0853 healed pool & steps to ----------ocean Kitch'• 1ve;t Ouiet, mature F 22·30 111r • to btech 1hop1. $05. !lo, no pell 1'426/mo 213/378-31111. 875_.6&6 Of ~·~10 98S N Cou t Hwy, 3 t>t. 2 I>• •Pl on OllCtl. Laguna Beacti 411•·S294 N B Frplc, 2S PlhO I I 2 5 . 8 4 2 • 8 1 7 0 . Gerry C213)437~211 1 l><lrm, den condo, boet 14&-1277 IMrw. Taylor) Rite (714)673-35811 snp. •di 10 Belbol ~ ..... hul JIZf CALIF HOMES 4 bd, tam Pete Barrell Riiy, Cookll Witter ff•• rHtal S.•li 1..... J11f 2 Bdrm, lg upper apt, 2 Bdrm1, den, 2 bl .•••••• ~::-•••••••••• qultt. no pell. teuodry 2 l>t' apt. garaoe No pets Yearly oce1nl ront 2 Br -----$26!>/mo. 1st. IUI & MC ••••••••••• •••••••••• • rm. Children o k. no pell. Alllson ~2-5200 111p1 10 beech. Cout Atff1ctlv1 etudlo, empt 11011 311 w Wlleon Avell now. $465 Cell ell H 7$tmo V•t1llH •••1•11 4ZS req Brian 673-6438 LK00A0ARO;;~E·;o:;~~; -CORONA DEL MAA new 4B1 + loft. 2Ba. 2 F 2S·35 to a11r hou11. lrM1' In lt•ts ~6-4784 or 750-1501 01n1 Point. Welk Ing ----------I LIOO ISLE-S825 mo yrly, Propertle• 873-S410 temate, non 1moker $415. 631 ·2117 6 848-S938 I Ne tr oce•n 3 Br ' · $775 /mo Agent distance to B1ech. 3 end £••••• J.Hi 3141 Incl ulll. Empt couple or 4 bdrmt. $950 10 $1350 ••'••••••••••••••••••• men pref. 675-205S C.I ••• ',' II.I 31z,. Smell combo. liv·bed-llW lllllY A-M• •s10 2 br ~A• nr shop• e•s 36•3 ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ dlntm, snare bath. S32S --... bC ~. o'n"A'.;. m . n; -.. _. __ .. _ ------frplcs. 2 belcon11s. ca-$ 2 6 O I m o N o w thedral celllng, color TV 120...oe_so _____ _ per mo. 861·3100 HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Nv 3200' h.lx hm on bluff ... ,,.,, .. ... ,, 3240 Eaatt>lufl e11ec family home w/spa. $1500 mo 1$8 Call Rita. 873-8S811 Ocean view. beautifully lncludet1ilutlllt111.cotor lew P•att .,..., Brookhurtt.. 9711·7829 Apl ror rent ye11ty turn townhouse. frplc, TV, ph~. tmtll prlvlle All flffr Plllt S750/mo Unturn 2 Br 2 pool a pllro $l09S/mo kitchen. llnen1. dl1h11, Wa• tt •• .,.1_ $400 mo 2Br, 18•, I ml Ba Wkdys call 07S.()12• 673•0896. wuher/drytr. prlvate1 -r1 •• to beh 2106 Florid• Ave 111C tor Kate Wlcnda tall The Bluffs 3 Bdrm condo. ----.....,..--entry, wetk to t>eac;h. 960-8420 873-359CI ask lor Jo Slp1 14 North Shore. $285/wknd $395/wk S59S/mo 522-803 1 ....••••..........•.•• 180 deg 11u 01 herbor. su11, mtn1. 3br 3b1 .... curfly, saune, •P• $1800/mo 496-7009 2 b a L 1 n d a p 111 n Coll• 1111• J1Z4 pool, Jae. eeune, 11nnl1 Frplc. 1l1gent French lllll llWAll 0 Blkl 10 oc;ean. Eltganl $ 1 2 o o /m o 1 s e . •••••••••••••••••••••• court, gate guerded & window•. In-home aecu-3Br. 2'hBI. lrplc. dbl gar. 2Br lB• trptc. step• 10 Be1ut1tu1 t BR 2 BA c.dar&glus2Br&den. EMERALD BAY 3 br, 2 760·1900, 673-7681 l..,.,t Ylll .. t a,h patrOlled pr .. tlge 1r11 rlty. bdrm & studio untt1 W/O hook-up 1650 mo ocn $6SO/mo. yrly COlldo II the Whaler In 2~ Be, Sll2S/mo Plulh be l600 sq 11 ftp!. brtck ~autifut leodlCaped Jr 493.3490 Incl wuti.r & d~ Also 964•4633• l-528-3004 R 1 r '' 6 4 2 • 7 0 0 S • KHnapOll 8eK1'1 Resort crplt & drtpea All the P•lio. with spe $1600 OPEN SUN 1-S 1 bdrm with pello Gas incl p11t club w/lennl1 ltr&t Tn,lti 1·568-•308 Newly decoreted. fully bl1·1n amenities you de-2131876-22S5 2000 Yacht Vigilant end w1111 paid Urge Aiulf•t•ll ctio. 9ym. 1wtmmlng 2 bdrm, g1rap1. p1110. Bachelor Apt smell, oo equipped Sp1cl1t Fall t ire: beautllul 1111n1d 2 Br 1 Be couege, Cllll Lovely 3 t>drm on •P•· r1cr1e1lon rm Includes r-U. I . iH pools, jacun 11·e. 1euna. 1209 c..,. ... St , •• ,, i •' •" e or I e u n dry rate• 873·52 l I ,..,...., .... A.. •-· CIOUS lot In SEAVIEW • etall ti (I " n"'"" ......, " PARK NEWPORT 2t>r/2b1 for empl. F nonamkr All 1menltl11 Incl tennis $310/mo 720-0988 Roomm11~ wented 3 l><I house frpl, fruit 11111. llrd wd floor• $300/mo Includes urn I g.trdener non·1mkr 836·8767 deys 836·5575 eves & wlcndl. •-.... ..,ow. m....,owa-teelton, ges rang•. gar-gated comm $t500 mo g11mes spa ind pool I•· •••••••••••••••••••••• t>eeut u 'I veco,.ted 2 13-493·16S!> •2S/mo. lnclds ullls PALM DESERT c .c N- ve, t111h comp, hydro· dener.·relrlg. Av111 10/8 Ownt/Agt 7S9_,997 ble Tennll couitt. vol· lllH. clubhouM & much more. 646-8189 2Br view home, spl, M/F wented 10 lhlr• :~~ d~I ~~u;~~ll~~e~!~!~ ~~~ril~: O~ •bu:~~ S ~~t?ell court, fi e/pool. ,,., ... ,. Jl01 ~~ft~. ~~!6 ;~~1•3~~~! 2 .::rd~ ::~'.n .!!.:11 .(1~~ Vllll Balboa, new 1BO meke fell rav Wk/wlcndl beachfront IPI Non QI. lully malnt. yerd No lllFFS TIWlllllME •••••••••••••••••••••• 3841 Bear St. lbel Sun· ldry h-u, prlv petlo. no ooean vie'41' condo. Boot, 586-8119. tmoker. prof peraon d•· pet•. Inquire 11 527 181h. Custom 3 br, 2 ba. lrplc. 3Br + dan, 2B•. Pool, lll-0011 2 bdrm, 2 ba newer dph1 lloMtr & MICl<rthur). p e t 9 . s 4 9 5 I m 0 Jee . teci.k-lty Waif\ to I eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiil •Ir e d I 3 1 0 m o Sl. 960·033l. OW 2 bike to Victor!• Frplc. wash/dry. blln·lnt. Ir St Ost ,.111 yr1v Mature non·smkrs. 645-9494. b • 1 oh t 7 2 5 mo H AY H M 5<18-Al48 2br dplx, ohen vl1w. Bch Ocean vu Gar ~.:~::f.so~e~~r~~~· 1 bdrm. den condo no pets S700 X 3 E~!:~~~~:,a~ s:.j, ~~~: I br. S t>lkl trom beech 831"36110 Exchange~~ h!uff for Fem-e-le_R_o_o_m_m_e_ll_t_o $850. 1111 Huntington SI Avail S950 1194-8St8 $9SO mo 640-2098 Pool carPort 1450 mo. 213;7!fe~1"~9~~7-9792 pd, tndr)' rm. S400 Pvt patio. No pell $375 Across lrom beach Stu· 1 mo vacation In En· snare luxurious home on 538-3894. 881-7822 lu11ury 3Br w/llb. N leg -----$150 cleenlng/dem1ge _o•_(.;._I...;... __ .____ 648-1509 Ive mllQ 1213)434-6148 dlo ept POOi. encl ger. glend, Incl lrea use of 1•k• In lrvlnt . ttcurlty Vu .. walk to bGtl. S1500 SMlllP M.I. Cllll deposit I yr 11e ••• • I BR, yrly, upper laundry YHrly S37S cer The edverlfser hu gate, c><lvllt 1>11ch, la· 3 br, 1 ba, I cer gar. 1 blk •9•·5841 wkdyt elt 6 & 3 Bdrm, 3bl den formal 67S·9226 unit, Cllln & aele. deck ••2 br lu11 condo nr SC 2 t>r. I be 5 t>lks lrom 640-5078 mad• 1rrengem1nls w/ cuttl. full 181111 l)<tvlllgel to bitch On 11th St wknds dining rm $l500Jmo -----w/chennel view $51!> Plue, POOi No Pelt belch Upper Ill dpt• Nol ---------Eng11$11 families llvlng In Call 561·3808 dtye. $860. 847_.788 1----------644.190s l1•ll•1t•• Incl utH Open Sun. 1·5. SS20 557·4516 pets UllS Incl. urns I Br. tBa. 1 bfti to oceen. l>eaullful homes 10 e:l· SS t-3110S eve1 Nr. Golf Courst, 3Br. Gorgeous 2Br. ocn vu. ----------• J.1ti 3140 3302 Mercu-. 673-1943$46 ---5-2-Bd-rm-. -r.,-r ..... -. -.,.-•• _1_2_1_3_>4_34-6 __ 1_4_8____ :'~g;r~ Chtnge w/almller ttomel Roommlle needed M or brend new $1200/mo I WATERFRONT lrg 2 Br. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• .., ..--K TO BE C B • 673~210 In"""' AU h H'•Ba. vacanl. $750 mo 49-4-S84 I wkdyw ell 8 & Ba. trptc, entry. 1 Cit BAY VU 2 BR, 1 be, ger llo. np pet1, tdutla pref, WAL A H •· 7vvr area OU-ltrn 281. 2 t>a, pool,.epa, lnol grdnr 840-1571 or wknds. gar. trg patio, 1m1U bOll ,. Hllm m apt W/0 Qer IP . $600 724·/t Jtll'llS. 873-7787 ch•lor, 110¥e I. refrlge. p1r1on1lly ln1p1cl1d, W IO. ger teeuroty. ctoM 648·1371 E'•E"'•LO B•Y 3BR to 15' ISi IHI. llC Beeuttful & perk li.e With H 673·6278, W 11711-8371 PINE BLUFF APTS Ill ullll pd. S3SO/mo IH C/MOIO U1' phOtOI 111ell on requeiet to bell A.veil "°'* Coro-,.. "" " ttlfraced poo1 536-7979. ••••••••••••••••••:;... This service wm coat you na del Mar $460/mo. COTTAGE In Tri-plex. 4b•. 3300 IQ fl. frplc. S900 67S·2298. •Prt1111e PatlOI l425utllpd. 1Br0pl11.417 2 Br. 2 Ba Chlld ok, pa-I 8<. PV1 deck, Old world lull $200 lor your lndM· M lchell• 75g.o e19 Quiel, 2Br. SSOO mo. + patio, tge grdn, form OR. WESTCLIFF •Covered Perking E Bl)' A111.. Belboa No tlo, vlft. li'plc, encl gar . llYi•f 3144 c herm, 1pect1culer dual choice Write Aus· Wknda/ev11 760·6000 1500 dep New range. lge kit. & LR, quiet cul· 3 br. 3 bl. den. ptly lurt1 wSpeoious Apia pet1. 1147·1155 1111 atove. dl1hwHher, •••• .. •••••••••••••••• ~•" ""· wlfk to beaGI! Mii. PO Bo11 1119. Blue 11209 rid)I• Ute, pelnt, dbl gar, W/O d -sac. OcHn view• Sl 175 mo 642-6602 •Dining Are• ape, lndry rm $025/mo Vlll11/A1ncho San Joa· $495. Contact Mgr a11pt Jt , CA 112317 hook•up. cpll/drps. ol· $1800/mo. 673-4411 •Walk In Closets •..; Blk to beh, 2Br. 1Ba. SPMC 631·6107 quln 1 bdrm/den, rtfrlg, C 332 Encino Ln NB. W1n1td M/F for 3 d. r 0 0 up,, pr. I. Glemourous Bayrlronl lrplc, oaraoe. 11lnt, quiet, mi crowave . Wllhll/ bdrm. blk to beech. 893•4894 3Br. vleW. No End. S 1000 Condo. APJHOK 2500 aq • liorne llkt Kltcllen1 no pell 873·811S5 E!Slde C M. cute bacllelor dryer S 7 5 O I m o IHllY II Tiii II( Ital•/• to 16'1t 43 s 2 2 5 1u1 11, s c 0 11 mo •94·5841 wt1nd1 of fl 2 Br + Den. 3 Be I blk to Hunllngton •Pl $400/mo + 1300 548·78116 In Sen Clemente! Neer •••••••••••••••••••••• 673 57"'• 4 Br plu1 bonus room alt 6P'" Center. tr1nal)Oltllfon & STEPS TO BEACH cull I eeeurtty No ""'II ......__ Large 2 Br 2be In Corona • -,.. Underground p11klng, BR ""•ya d and __ ......,.. ,.... vv7-r _ •---L Jl~I NEW 2 Bdrm. apt with p lu1 1wlmmlng pool. MC elevator Avell Oct frwys ·.., ' .,.., • .., .. ,... W11tz1. 831·12116191 ,,. • .., -• ... <let Mar So ol highway. Roomrnett to 1111 C M w. I k I 0 b •• ch Oulet No Laguna Streel. ITil ... I rw pet lo Utll pd L••111~--.--------··'··················· bvlfHna. Cltptllng. dre-1350 mo 873-0102 •Pl. s 165 + • ., ullls 11250 /mo Age n t ~r~ll~ ~·~ b&i!r= 1 ~=:.::=11y 1 8dm1 m• From $51S1-•-v_•ll_._s_4_50 __ 8_73-88 __ 09__ 2~ Htlc~~v;f 8 l=•~·~6o8:~:!. =· r1:~,.::'!tvi;n2 S'ittlbr/2bt CdM, trplc, 03 1-0679. evenings only llM-1549 oldtr home with frpt, Cell Oeve 64S-9144 2 Bdrm $815 $295 Nice Bachelor. ,.. SAOS/mo 546-0268 p 1110 , 11 • r $ 7 5 o cart. publlc ttnnl• court• $260 + u1t11. pref 1011. Su1>11 Ntlgllborhoodl 3 QfU.n vi-. bflc11 patlol. 2Br, 2B1 Condo nr Hoeg, LA OUINTA HERMOSA 1pontlbl1 p111on, no ---------626-21411 & go11 00\llte rlOhl bl-875-4843 752 1038 C.t••tl lot l t•I 4Jfl br, 2 bl, fem. rm. trptc. & gerage Avell Nov 1 or 18211 Pentlde Ln. I blk pet1. Ut111 paid. 108 E ..... I.ti Wtlt ... I hind pr~ty, onl)' ml· . ' • ••••'••••••••••••••••• 1725mo 11e3. 7888 be 1 0 re. $ 1 0 7 5 / m 0 P<>OI. dshwshr · no pell. w ot Beech, 3 blk• s. _B_•..;.'f_A..;.p_1 _11_. -----"' t BR, Ml ba, oceen vlewt, nut .. to Sttle Perk a Lu Kury IMng' M/F lo lhr Sl11g11 cir 011 20th St. 494_4632 $650 mo 788-7633 of Edinger ... 047·544 f "• Ii••••• ._•tLJlll 2 & 3 bdrm1, 1475 to pV1 dee"•· fplC, fn ,,_ btach. clon 10 every· P1rk Nwp1 2 br, 2 bl. Co1t1 MeH. S1or1g1 1575 ... THAT'S l113Br EASTBLUFF 3 bd, 2 bl, £• ••• a-•• a. ,1~, :'~'-.!:'••••~••'=••••• S02S, 5 pl1yground1, houH Av•ll now No thing I s415/momth. 1360 844-1817 , $65/mo 831-0921 2 beth home w/jacunll Chermlng 2 bdrm, 2 b1 frpl, av111 now S085 'I. -• 'I' "-' c 3 3 pool and blttlard tablet. p111. 1500 mo. lncldt A II bl O tob 15 F I 11 lbl SSO/ 286 Sm P • t o k . ch O • llouH. South Laguna. 3( •• ••••••••••••••••••• ..,.,..uH ondo, bd, bl, rmmed. occupancy. Cot· 11111 111. 1 .. t ~ ..c. 10·4 va • • c tr · · inenc 1 Y reapona 1 mo, garage, 4 830·7005 3 14112 WHt St . l arge 2 01 Arall1. 759·1914. luNury tludlo. free HBO. Pool. Rte Arlt, Attech net Felrvlew & Adami. Wkd)'11 752-8818, wtind• on• or two perlOnl only F1m111 25·311 yHrs to L1Sell1. Colle MH•· yard on canyon. 1825 3 t>r 2•..; be pluah condo phone, meld Hrv. •P•. Ger, Rell, S860/m o 557.,17115. Ole hrt Mon 4119_3,54 & no pell. Call owner et 1he11lu11ury2 Bdrm. Fun cen ell 5·30. llS7·2740 • ... !_OR RENT 2 BR. Wkd• 213-870-3511 nr ~.ter. poss. boll anp' 1130 Wk, 490-3015 526·7245 thur Sat." to 5, Sund•yl (114) 642·0138. hPorou•m·o· notov.'r1opo'k•TPoOwOnl-. CARPORT FOR RENT . ..._,., ••• thl• wtth o•---------111501mo ., II,.,,,..,,, ... , 31•• __ 11_1_2_5 ______ • ~ ..._ B I w 1 "ff • e N t reo-nice unit !or f1rnlly w 31 0 ""'I!,''.... 31 '" ,., •• ·~n.,... •:!!,f.. u~o Travel opoortunlt11 •• CN .. r. ewl)OI Call· •BEST, REAL TY •• ,J!~~.!f.i!!! ••••••• t 975-I038 851•8394 00•••; .. N·~,:0•!:-:~:·2::•8•,• •••1•~·,•1••IOUI••••••••• VILLA MEDEAA: 2 Br 2bt, .... UM .._ "' Inc.Id Rtr1. bockground Beeoh 04&-7t70 COST 5311·0190• 3 BA 2 8t norne, Laguna NPT CREST CONDO 3Br, ..,.. rn "' "'"~ 1sre E'tldt. ltmlty comp19x. •••••••••••••••••~:: ••••••••-•••••••••••• req'd Ca1t Al'l•wtr AO 01nt Pt alnote ll01t09. * 8 EST RE ALT y HIKt. 1150 per mo. Call new paint. $1000 mo. By week or month. l•rvt 2 bt 2 bl. frplc, O/W. 0111g1 Wtr/gH •741. 842-4300 24 h,. MCuted, 1t,..t entranoa, 63i-6190• Charlle egt. 5511-MOO 045 . .()295 873·7873 meny 1men11111. view. pd $525/mo • 1300 Kennebunkport? or wrtl•. p 0 00.11 35·B. :J4007 Qr1nad1. H O NEAR PERFECT 4 BR !-ft.••• ·~•ff J••4 -O-E-LU_X_E_3-BR-2-'.+_b_a-. -2I Wlnltf rentlll 1825/mo. Cell Anthonl dip 2324 Elden. Mgr 81lbOI l1l1nd, Ct 873--3313, 4ea.ot03 .. 2 b I ., ••• lty, lg& fronl yerd & ~itbll. Call ~Yn'd16!?·15~!:..•v1t Apt 1, 541-4147 02802 *"-fe ··~ ...., __ v--nou1e, a, c arp• •· ••••••••• ••••••••••• Wlll VQ ~ UJI., 't he 1111. A b d f ~ .. ,..... .. v. double gltlOI. lanced 3 br. 2 ~.family rm, tnel UPllllfl patio. 111 & IUI, llALn Eltlllde trlplex. 2 bdrm, 1 naSn '"e m assa or rom Fem . ~""view condo. .,.. S5 • 8t0f'l09 ~. yatd, kid•, pell 1700. llflurn. IOI yltd Nr II'• aecurlly $1200 pet mo .... ~ Oultt 3Br. bonu1 rm. ba. llrtpllOI. o-. cetpel. Australla Ondtr Teddy Roosevelt? Capo Bch, nr Frwyt. pv1 7&2-5122.. •539·11110• BEST d• echoOI. Aval!. 10/4, 631-5801 • ,, ... 1111 SOSO/mo 1 .. , 0111ge. d rlP••· l&tO mo Br l 81, 2 pool1. --------Open 1 d •. COST $860/mo. 876-2500 GrHl IOCa11on. 7&9·1243 049-280e 1290/mo Incl ulll Cd M Ci)AAAOI Lo• Taatefully Oecorlled 3 ..,,.---.,,------fV"'\ ~-"' '406-6430 tnOUQfl for C4lr a ator .. •ONLY 1350 HURRY• 1 575. 2 bd dllu111 Prlv bldrm 2bath 1pecl1lltyl OCEANFRONT 111J: mo-2 bd. 1 bl. lrpl, yard. no STUNNING large 1 l :Z Br 1 1\.....1 ......., ----------1•0I• SSO/mo. •f6..)lll4 Sp1clou1 4 room flat. Arta. Bell, 1pa, tennl1. Won't IHI at $050 +chg dtrll 3 I r. 2 Ba. 0 peta~ ptl•. 1v1fl now, 1885 mo. Olf4-n _,t 710 W 18th. M/F tllr hM, llllO mo.+ built In 1ppllencH, 111 4113· 113 I M8·7005 lor 1ppolntml'll AYlll. now to June 14. 55t·0285 St, If you're not s111t •hO (Of •h•I) Ktn•"'llOlt ••s.. v. u11f Non emoktt onty. 11!'.nolollO •Ingle garage .,.... peld hlret Ready 10 -B-C------1--. Matro gulll8lltH• rttUlt• _s_ooo __ . _u_3_·_80_40 ____ ---------dOft'l lttf bfd -you're AOI •tollf K~n~oort is c M, 1,11 l50-otl07 w1t1oreg1 11111t. 3 to thow tocl1y . Cell BEST H 1tflnl1, poo • grd d 1~ RU 2 IR I 81, con111nte111, * I • a,t Ont Of U dll.tioct1wt!J dlfltftnl •11.'rlnttnt llool pl.tfts Oehlll, OdM. 140/mo, ~1 .. 190 COST r;t•. 3 bd. 2 bl. tmmac. -• coz~. So. of h,. 'frt Soult! Cout Ptua .,.. Ii S&l•ind Yilbtt"' '"'"'""' 11 Bf.cl\ ~ Male 23•2t to ltlr 281 18. 67M5" •157$ MOVES YA• lfll~=7f;:129~1fZ ~,A~~?!!'-~••i•l{e~f ~:1:.~:!~al:..1 1..:6:..n.:;...::--.;.17:..;0:;.·_°'_, . ..,.:._·_8_·3_~_7_8_7_5_2_·.....,-0,,..t~;I :..~J,' 11 I• 7 5 ~~!tT~·~~ ~ ~~::~:r::~:o~u:i;, e,iMC>c~~e =2~1~ +Oli --'H-tt--._--,.,---.... -- M-tlc 3 Br. 2 8a Pwta •••••••••••'•••••••••• c 0• a. pie, ()id;' 1 er •n bite 1 aend "--1 .. t 11.I~ --~------bltftd of "''111' 11111 ... _ ..... , ..... 111 • .... _, ••Ill UCLA OrlO 11uoen1 wlll •••••••-z:r ....... l'.e'n' Ok ~ :rar::· nett TOWNHOMI! 3 bd 2 be din, wetb« oar 8"ul · o · "'"' I ,..,. • 11>1' or 2br uc>ttllrl ref• ···• ... , "" • '"'u •Ill.Ill •fflll:I• I ........... •' $430/mo wty 875-5710 •••••••••••••••••• ••• ' • ~ .. .__,i • .J Qll .. I DO'""\ ·~,_.. t.. *'I r~• telll ll'lltf bdrm to non. 1•-beldll a ST 53t~e1to Bllld• Plfk, i c't1oo1e: tur ....... .,11191 10 bch · ,. tequtred no 1)111, 312 ... "'""" -• "" ........,, •1 ... • • .,.., Hf 001 oue l200. 1 rOOfft flD 1100 aq 11 C09T -. No .... , 1 .. op•• $750 mo 492· Ill 10 •fl 5 Victoria. ... 1.11t t CKWI lw"m "" to lll•t ltMrs t0111h .. •Wlfll"""C • 1 t It a n ... di -.......,. ,.... " .., OC!ANFRONT two38fl'I ...._..._.... oool\ ·~•1ton•f111tllll\"jf 111101~ ~1·5$47 .. rom • aq .. • 2 8" wl&o Callf OLA· '91-1104 2 8r 21>1, 1xc.i toc llock • • ~_.._.. i bd. Ht bl. trDI. pello, .rid tmi*yrntnl tlld JO•., tot 1 fllfit lllYtllf ._, Mto.,., 2 bl, 2 .,. N.8 AllJ>C!~9!. .. 'r'! .. •n'fW'IS· MOURI --------· to bch 8ufn In• 1750, OM 2 IA. •VI now. From ••'*"' Newport H1loh11 .,.. ptOudlp ull hotlt (htll ~t'lllf~l*t') Cell ,_ -WI~ "lun111 pttlo" ".".ff!!.~ ... IM! 714111711·11185 ug~:t~f· Winter. 0•11 leeutltulfV ltndlC"ld A50.19'-I001,. °"' tlllll two "'tOOlll Ol't tllf two Ott' :c::::ri~~.b.·~~~·.~·. 18'1 w ........ Nilit 1621 Nottllr'G 'MCY 11ut 'COUid OC.1nlron1 Cyprue Sho· ..,..--------• J:::!!!!. ":: !..r· Heer '•"'~ , •. •'"-"''' lrom $0.00 n on•"' 11 r. 1 1 t 5 + to .000 "'· fl, 1• loot. •+'"'Chi MflTfl'IO t>t•ttft119 "Tl0" ~ltld comm. Flvt OCEANFRONT 1.te air •---=--• .. to~rug~·1• 1 le, ........... ,.,~ •• m 1.11ol0H ~Mt·IOll -.1ooe •-5 + l:M -...... 1 4 br 3 ba pano· It>• lt75/rno AYlll Ult· --.. .. .. _. -., • - INofl ~ dteem wl Ml TAO ":7{t-;ylo 1 ramie' view; 11150 mo 'u' n • • 7' · u U . I ldr21m ... ~.d· ;'.'no-"':iets: :-0, Looklnl '°''to* 3 tit ....... • •••-1005 A 75"' "' a.a 3T1'" .., -·-7 ..._ .. , • N ,8, condo with M IF, -1-tes-atrMI Now 4H + em -gt .-1 , ..,,..._.· -•--..,...,..--~~ cw _4905 lfo fW ._...,.1 111 "'1nt1 on VIII.,. *300/MO .,,._..., ,;;;; ttTi ~'i."i; -........ ~ • .,.._1,.... 20t Cotton, a Ir. 2 le O~tron11• .a.!! !,~· ....._ YlfM 2 bf, ~. II 'If O""-....... .._. ...... ..... ,......, I Alf' -"" ....,.., ...,... .,.,.. 1125/lno. y11y 11•1• b• '"' ir1-•7~...;.-· ... ,.,, 1 8dfm -.10 ••· aer No ~ Hloe 2 '-"-;~-;t.t.., l*ttf inn. 1112 . llACH HOUH M50! "'°4~ AQenl ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• " ...., tt1 I ltttl _.2.otM 1621. tn..31S '"~~ """1411f'" v.-.ir l.. ......,... 1He11 CA IO ttv 1 lftOll Meu\IM t.11 AM, Ul4US L.,t• 2 ltfml ft notd 8'Unt Sor, l \,t be, tam m lllT Tl IWI 81411ng 1ny1111n9 with • nt 2 It. 1 .. 141$, NICe 2 Ir. I ... "'..-. <1li1 IM 9'fl 3" t"""81 In ~ MrW' .,.. • I~ hf,, ....... -~ ,...... ~_mo .. br., bf'.1• 200 1 ':! HMr new 2 lktml, 2'-+ ~ Diiiy '1IOI Cl11•llled lid e r . 1.,. h . 101. E ctr.,.._ ..-ct !1_011,_!! Siii ~ ,,......•J.!!.." *!"~~ 'tin lllOOl I .,. 117 ._ flromtlMIO 111 " ,,_.,... -...., • ...., ..... • ...... conooa FrOfn MOO Pit 11 1 llltTIM matttt . • 1und1y tee . pool "° pett.. 8'1111,... "" -lllM wnt.,. -•II...._.._ '"° • O.W 11"'""· 11 per ell. ft ......, •tr• -~~7~~~~~~1~ ~=~~-~-~~=1:1:7:1~~~-·-~--~~~~~~~·--~NM1N~ ~ d~~~-~e~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~M~f~~-~-~~== ) ' l ~~~~~-i-~~~~~~~--~~~------~',~·- -------.. -~-- ' . 114 Or1npe Oo11t DAIL V PILOT /8undav, October 3, 1812 0 p l J lessianal SmWe Direl:I ~'~~t'.4A!e!ou~~1 '°'. 30 o•y •d In Ille l&lll PILIT 111¥101 IHllOTOIY 00 IT NOWI , ... ., a. •• ,. Your Dally Piiot Set1tlc. Directory Aepre1ent111ve 142-Hlli Ht. 122 ~!!! ... ~!!~ .......... . BOOKKEEPING SEAV Local woman will do bkkPO IM your busln11H or peraonat. 541·8272 ~!!.'.~IJ!!!. f !!!i:.-.t! ••• Applied. re-applied, guer .. lniured, llo'd. 41469 1. '30· 1900 free esllma1es. ~,~ .. ~·!!! •••••••••••• Art-Antiques-Jewelry Appralte & Liquidate Ml<:hffl Hein 953-07 17 ~,.~~!~ ............. . Orl~aya, Parking Loi Aepalra. Sealco1t1ng. S&S Asphll 631 .. 1199Llc Oan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co Aes/ooml. Lie 397804 842-1720 ~!}J:~!'!!!I ••••••••••• Tue•d•Y• & Thurad1y1 Aelleble M Oiiie•, my home. 3 01 4 year otd &&& 6446 ,.,,.,,, h1rl111 ..•.•.......••••••••.. ........ dllllll $10/monthly 861 134' f~!I!~!~ .•....••.... F1nl1n & roug11 carpaf\lry, c111>1not1, rm addition• 846-7228 f\emod & Aepalra Ftee HI. LO ralff. Deei..a. Ot· llO Steve 752·9!11511 f ~!r..1• !!!!l!f •••••..• No Steam/No Shtmpao Stain Speclatlat Fast dry FrM HI 839-1582 Shampoo & s1eam clean Color brlghte11ere. whl crpla • 10 min bleach Hall, llv/dln rma $15. avg room $7 50. couch $10; chr $!> Guor ollm. pttt odor Crpt repair 15 yrs e1.p Oo work myself Rola 531-0101 ---EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Bullington Owner/aper!llor Carpel, uphOI, areo rug cleaning ~ork gu11 Free ES! $45-1771 KUArS KAAPET KARE Oua111y work Rots Free 851 494· 1'29 f!!!!!~1 •..•......•... CHAMPENOISE Ftne Ca18tlng 1n 1he otd world iradlllon. 645·9858 ~JT.!!1!!!1 ••••••••••• f!!!!!'!I.~~'!!!!!~ ..... Loving home. ages 3 & up, Cemon1-Masonry-Btocll FIT $40/wk. + bel /alt Walls-Cust work LI<: schl, CM 556-3622 "381057 Rob 547-2683 ----1 ----M11ure lloensed babysll- la< tor day wMklng mo- 1her s onty M on·Fri In- fants 10 3 yrs $55 wkly. 642·0728 Ctr••it 1il1 •••.•••....••...•..... Kitch bath• an1r1es custom & oomm Free HI 640·2062 f~!!t.f.•!! •••••••••••• Chlldctrt wkCI~•. ored t.-oh•r Oroanlzta e<.U vll .. t C M 0415·40!57 Child ca1e by exp d mo ther, M·I'. nr l-81rvl-r. Adami C M 079·7386 Loving home, •g•• 2 & up f /T 01 PIT 14 /wk C M Sindy 641·4909 day1 f!!'.'!!.e.1!!!,.!!~N! •• R.J. lh1ff•1• I IH Lie. 3081188 Remodel. Add'na. Cat>lnet• 1146-8588/646 4844 AOO'NSIREMOOELINO Plan• LIC'd Gll()(ge Pllmet & Sona 1146· 11114 Mtlsonry, carpenrry cou· cre1e. add'n1, lnl/e11t re- mO<I Llc'd 846-0781 STANBUA INDUSTRIES Gen'I conlr Properly 1mprov 997· 1811 l8·5l Det0t•li11• ·········'············ CUST MIAAOA WORK Showor & Wardrobe doors. wholesale to the public by · Low Bid 1ns1111a11on1' 641-8888 RESIOENTIAL·INT OE· SIGNER Furn arrange· men1,. color schemes 955-2066 or 752-0322 0.•11lit ......•.•........•••.. *KA TAINA S LIVE-IN hskprs, dally mold aerv. otllce cleaning. crpl cleaning 835-2116 -----HSKPAS & MAIDS LIVE-IN HAL Y /WKL V Viejo Serv1c:ea Agency Lie dlbonded 973.9000 D1i•i•t. Sflritt ••••.•............... AT YOlll SllYICE Personal Qualified drl· vers ror your day 10 day eroands Shopping, dr appls. church. etc All needs me1 By hour or day 494-5857 !'!1.'!!!! •••••••••••••• ORYWAlLIACOUSllC A(H)alra, aml fob spec 1 I y11 exp Oud 662·9682 Well 1ea1ufH·ACOUl11C llang hpe-Slffl llUU• LIO 389944 1·832 8!l40 llHl1/t1/ ¥~!~!!'.~•A ••••••..•••. MAIN1 6 OUIUN Obefll11 l tndte1pe 6e1v W1t11•n agreement on mo m11111 80 1248 OAROEN wonto ~ull Setv1C11 011denlng lilt. 8111111 640·2922 •• • • ••••••••••• • •• ••• • 01t<.1•nlng, l.andacaplng. ELEC r RICIAN Priced y11rd m1lnten11nco. cltllrl rlghl. lree Hllm81• 011 u(.11, hit lllm 8 tefJlOlllll l&tQe or 1m1111 101>1 r 11111 e111m111111 1n1urod Lie 398821 873·03611 641.-4669 ELECTRICIAN Cipur Clard11n11r & clean Sml lob1/Repalrt Uc ur.>• Trt1e 1r1rnm111g I rtHt 233108·C· 10 !_"8·6203 H I Po10 G4 1. 1098 llC'O ELECTRICIAN II ' NEEDS WOAKI .!.'!.(!~~•••••••••••• Lie 4 111966 642·8023 Corpenrry C1btno11. RESIO/COMM'L/INO P1urrl1J Orlin c+ttenlng 20 yrt Oo n1y own wotk EleclrlCat • Tiie uc 27804 1 Al 646-8126 Reis Oon 966-0149 a I Gen cOnlf8C1 g, malnl, .!!/.'.".."A •• •••••••••• plumb r11petr. pa1nl'g. mObllll nomtt service TllEES Jim 536-99571536-3684 Topped/removed. Clean -up, t11wn renov 751-3476 JACK Or ALL TRADES TllE lllEH SOHE Lawn-tree-shrub 1n11011 Ttee trim/removal Lawn M11nt1Ro1olllll09 rrH esllmate 548-8085 Simmons Gardflnlng Ctn·upa, lawn care. lull comm & resld ma1nt Free HI 646-6684 Lendscaptng M1ln1enan- ce, Lawn & garden cara. ctaan up Kan Jones, 636· 1610 ref's lllllEllll WllTEI Mowing. edging. toking, aweeplng Frae esllma- lea 645-5737 -------FINESTKINO GARDENING Clean-ups, sm 1tndsc1pl09, monthly ma1nt Ne1t 642-6795 t<&O landscape Ma1n1 Aesld/Comm Clean-up Lite hauling 5411-2489 Coll Jiiek onyllme, day or 111g111 675-3014 NOME IMPllOYEMHT REPAIR • PLUMBING Carpentry, etec, Ille. Freo est Reas 645·2811 28 VAS EXP DUNHAM HOME IMPAOVEMENl Remodel·repa1rs-lenc1ng eloc1r1cal-ptumb1ng 63 1·8530 anyurne H11,11100' floou . ..••................. HARDWOOD FLOORS Be11ullluliy cleaned and we•ed 832-4881 ~~~!~·-'·············· DUMP JOBS & Smell Moving Jobs Cell MIKE 646· 1391 HAULING-GRADING domollllon clean-up Concrete & 1ree removal Ou1ck "rv 642· 7638 Heve something to sell? Have sometntno to sell? Cluallied ads do 11 well Classllled ada do It welt ~~~!~·.-............. . PROF 'IEflVIOl llaullng yrc:t clean uf) Ou1c11 I. c1t111 r, .. ••I ~~~!~!!'!!~I ......... . Mlddle •oe eouple will llOUttllll, flfl 643 061111 Cl13 01148 11.,,.,r ttAULINO ••uC1tn1 h81 •••••••'•••••••••••••• 1g11 iruclo. LOWHI rate ORICKWORK Smell IOb• Prompt <..111 160 1976 Newpart, Co.11 Meaa Ttiaulo. you, John lrvlno R-41 676 317!5 0 Cu11om Brick $tona CLEAN-UPS. QAAA ES. l!IOCk ·Conc:•tl• Stucc(I ANVTHINCJI CALL RANOV 842·11147 Rell Ftff .,,, !140·0402 Hauling & ycl Clelll·UP l re11 1r1mrn1ng, gar 1g11 otean-up Hob H0·9844 I 1mily ol 8 will 111u1 away you• old 1unk, trimming•. etc FHI. •lllCltlll W()flo. 067-3939 !~~!!!!~~~!~I ....... . AOAIN'S CLEANING ServlCO • • thoroughly CIUOll hOUIMI !540-085 7 Joen:O Cleaning S8'11lce Houees-Apts·Aontats 0 111ce1 540 1287 TIRED or HASslES? Ou1111y clountng help I• Mrtl Reta 960-7452 HoUSECLEANER Good ref1 NB & Irvine pref Glady• 541 ·0702 ---HOUSECLEANINO HOrleSI & Dependable Brend• 962·2690 E•P••11se HOUHlleeplng . !~!!~I ........... : .. . •A·1 MOYlll* Top quollty 8~1a1 c11e 111 hendllng 26 yr• eap Com1>4111t1va A1IH No ov11111mo 730-13!53 ·ABC MOVING· Oulck. Cartful Service LOW ratea 552·04 10 STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lie l 124-436 ' Insured 641-&427 WATCH US GROWi fll111it i. ..... . .........•.....•••... CHAMBER MUSIC l1:1.S1on1 for 1ha Novice wl 1 or more yra aiu> v1olln viola or cello Alao llmtted openings for pvt atudy Intl beginning cello Jullllard grad Reis Cati Susan I ·6Pm. 552-4697 We lurnlsh vacuum & P•iotia• supplies Kiiiy 641-4970 •••••••'•••••••••••••• Scandinavian wMnen IOO· k ing for housework. vxp'd & reas 548·6027 II you need a houeekeeper es lu11y as you are. cell 873-8890 Xln1 r11t1 Cu51om Hom11 Cleaning & Compl Meld ServlCe Prof Bonded • tns'd UNICLEAN SYSTEMS of Nwp1 B<:h 860-1200 Sell with EASEi ll'a a BREEZE Cl ... llled Ada &42·5678 FllE PAllTlll by Richard Sinor. Lie 280644 13 yrs of happy local cus1ome11 Thank you, 631·44 to QUALITY WORK -neat. reas • honest Raia UC 287107 Oa11e 964· 1045 CUSTOM PAINTING tn11ex1 AeSld/comm Free es1 Lie 644-4796 15 yrs exp NB/CdM I'm small my prices .,. smelll Ron 673-6477 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (~·••tralfteeSt.00) ft!~!!~I ............. . INf/fXI PAINTINO 6 WAUPAl>UllNQ Cuaiom woti. Fr" Hf RH• 8tev11 641·428 I HAR80R PAINTING Oulhl}' WOik ~ree otl Call all 8pm. 673-61116 OHTtM PAllTIH 26 yr• exp Uc 40304 1 Bonded Ina A11fa Color "~per1 063·00 I 1 01r.k ~IOLIO.f\Y PAINT TIME! 23 yre Al•O Odd jObl & ttPtlfl Bruce 972-0116 !~~~~'~ ............ . ~1r1n1no tnte11or 0.11gn HANOlNOIS TRIPPING Vl111°MC Scoll 1145-9326 ASA PAPERHANOINO 7 Y'' lotol OKP Gu1r work Price• 1111 1 111 $8/rnll AlflC 761 7027 Paper11onu1ng. 111ripp111u. po1n1lng xtni wotk , lg or smell fobs. r11111on&ble ratua Reis Free 811 Brond11n 968-7427 Jolly Cr1cke1er!> Prof Wat1oaper1ng & s1r1pp1ng Many relerences P&ul 857-0118 •1111ity ,,,., .... ,1., Suzanne 979·45f5 r!~~!.!~~!~! ...... . • •BAYANT'I* * Wallcova<lng Removal All types 642-1343 P•lio Covell •.••••.....•...••..... CUSTOM wood patio CO· vets. decks & fences by RA NOY 6-41·0622 r!~!!!!tt~'~!~ ...... . EO S PLASTERING Neal patches, tm/ex1 Re5IUCC05' 645-8258 PLASTER PA TC HING Aostuccos Int/ext 30 yrs Nea1 Paul 545-2977 t!~!'!~!~I ............ . A I LAS PLUMOINO & 11ee11nu •P9'ttllitng 1n rep11111 b4 II 111118 11 ILL 141· llH Weier lhutter S~11lt ?4 111 11tumt.er etc. ~!!!~!!~!~'··········· J o Hom A1illn1&t1lng Anl14u111. ~II C8blntl•. lln11 p111n11ng 1546 086~ ~!!!~!l!'!ll.~!t!!! ... MCllCULOUS MORT'S .... H()Mr RlPAJRS Rl~Oll ~ ..-11i II ~ RVICI • Carptnlrt • pJwmbr"' ~uni l1nr\t•t4 ll•Pt'nll'I eoooti •moklonJ\ '<•b1r.tl\ •\11flvin1 I •ut•h to ru•ee dOOI \Ol•OI\ 9,, or \111411 .. , do II •II 'a\I t lf1C1tftl \rMte 70 ,.i up l1trn)t 18lS2&SI 9~1-6067 ~!!.'!~!. •.•......••..• Huber Aoohng·&ll typea New-recover deck• • l IC •411802 }48-9734 HOF PllOIUM'l Oon1 reroot, repair st trac11on of 1t1e cost Cell l 'lfl 857·l890 ROOFING REPAIRS Smoll jobs o k free e~ll· rn111os Call Tom & Chuck 542-6392 ,,,., . .••................•. SOllf Con.ul11fl0 tytltMI lrOUb .. 1h001tng, pooll flOI wlr IPICe flttllng N11urtl OH. d.,egulallon 11 hefe Opllmtie your 1y11tm• tfllClene) Alao new 1n1lalla11on1 lit. 406544 031-2430 ~r!!~~J~!! ........•... 5FAVICE & AEPAIA \/an Opp11ria Service Co 838 4666 . "'' ...•••................ CUSTOM CEl\AMIC flLE WOAt< Free eat Cfll,'Ck 1175 6 100 ..., .. T1lf S11vle1 .............•••.•.... S LOW RATES I Tr1111 111m11emo11. clean up11 mow1no 854·7.017 llNllH Tiii lllYIOI 'Tree Work wllh a Con· 1c1ence" Trimming & removtl by Howard Doi· loll p 0 BOK 34, Colla Mesa, Ce 921127, Ph 642·1932 '!.".~'!!~~ •••......•... Moll subject• K· 14 Oay/evti S5 & S 101h1 Mr Morgan 1145-5176 !!'!~~!..~!~~~!~I ..... "Lei 1he Sunshine tn Call Sunah1ne Window Cleaning. Ltd 548-8853 20'1• Monlhly Olae<>Yn1 1n11ox1 Ae11d/comm·1 f'ree est 20•1, mon1h17 dlSCOUnl 644-47911 ~!!!!!'!. • ••• • ... ••. •• • CRAIG CLEANING CO MOBILE SERVICE Aes1dlcomm't Int/OJ. Rescreena/New screen~ Screens m1rro1s l adde N81CM Only 642·9552 work 0 w fl er op o -646-3089 You don't neeo a gun 10 draw 1u1· when you Have soma1n1no you want place an ad In me Oc11ly 10 aen? C1eut11ec1 ads do PU01 Wan1 Adsl Call no ii well I Call NOW, I 642-5878 642·56711 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 • Ollitt IHt•I 4400 Olli" 11•1•1 4400 ,,.,,,.,,,, ,,.,, AHOHtf.,.,, 5100 ~' S035 •••••••••••••••••••••• f!!!~~!.'! •••••••• !.~~! '!!.'!. .'!!~~'.t .. .!.'.~ '!.~'I.."!.•.".'!.~ .... !.'.~ !'.11..'lf!!'.'.'!.. ••• !.'.!'! !•11. .'If!!'.'.'!. •••• !.~~ IJ.'}I •• 'If!!'.'.'!.. •••• !.'.~ ·····•···•••·········· ...........•..•.•..•.. 400-900 PLU:; 1400 sq II Design. art. drafting space Penthoute Baytront Sul· In tight, airy Npt Be,., Adv •• ••••• •• • • •••••• •• • • • llMHTIC IHIE!I Liii& I YIOll1S ADYEllTISlll Banking Clerical ELECTllOllCS TECll. FILL/TIME TELLEll Good 1yp1no skills tor • GENERAL OFFICE te, perking, patios Art @!flee Furn S165 873· 1003 5"8·7285 IHI SPACE CIM AtuactlvJI .ruatk ups1alrs ae111no. we IUPP'Y desll. apaoe. copier You 9YP· ply ph<>ne, & $95 pr mo pr desk Call 644-7211 2000 aq fl w/500 sq fl storage. 0 C Airport aree $2000/mo 1151-8928 HLL OEITEI IEWPOIT IUCI COMPLETE EXECUTIVE OFFICE S ERVIC ES FROM S 165 to $965 UNEJCCELLEO SERVICE· S. ENVIRONMENT . STAFF THE HEAOOUAATERS COMPANIES l14/H1-0H1 IEWNRT IUCll MHltALlllTI PREMIER LOCATION Garden Bu tdlng 900 sq 11 Amenttles IU-2150 2500 10 5000 eq " Cd M , quiet & serene work a1moapher1 En- tranoe on Coaa1 Hwy & Fernteat, grea11oc Quick 1ceess 10 M acArthur Blvd & Fwy Ao11 Pro- per11es. 551-6130 4001-B Birch St NB 440 IQ 11 S 1 00 par sq 11 Agent 541 ·5032 hl .. t ttflcH Ae0hll1, Costa Mesa Su· btet 1776 sq 11 al 79c Aecept . work room. s1orage 67S-3882 10·5 SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bly. 2 Sultea avell Gd Hwy Vlliblll1y 497-2351 Oelu1te suite In Waler front bldg 2012 sq 11 S 1 50/sq It. 642 ·4644 •2500 sq.11. lnduetrlal unit with 325 sq.ti of office+ 5000 aq It asphal1 cove- red & feooed yatd. •2400 aq ft lnduattlal unit wllh 900 I Q It. of upgrao.d ottlce •2400 1q .II. tndua1rtat unit with 1500 sq.11. of upgredad ollloa. Have aub-lease tenent for 900 sq It of omoe apace II <It.ired la1ia111 ltal•I 44SO ••••••••....•......... Prime WH1 Cout Hwy, NB tocalloo N-1100 sq 11 evall C111 be dlvi• ded S2000tmo Wall•· fr ont Homo• Inc &31-1400 ..... Othoe l garage $285/mo Loe s1ou1oe g1rage 1200 Nt•• BatbOa Bay Clut> & COH1 Hwy 8-46· 764 1 •M o1tvated owner is ready 10 make a deal Call 714-751-4780 Prin- cipals only. c ••• ,,,;.1 -------l••l•I• 441S SINll IAllUll •••••••••••••••••••••• Exec. Suites Incl. reoept . 1150 sq 11. Easy ACCien aec'y serve. cont rm , See dally, 8·5 1700/mo k it . mall handlg. Ae· 1731 Superior C M 1ponalve to your busl· 6 4 2 • 2 4 3 4 d a y • neu needs. Adi 405 964-7294 eves Fwy In F.V tndlv oles. M otmo from S325. "3-&4-45 Coal• Mesa 1 Ot 2 room eultH From S75/mo U111s lncld 779 W. 19th SI 851-8928 IUITlf ll llWNIT 11m1 Wlt'1 Ult ol reception, conl. room, kltch. phone. MCre11rlal & word pro- CMtlng. Mall & message MrV evall teparately II desired Catt: Judy, 714/76-0-0100 llWITIWIUlllA ArcMec1 to ehlte 0t di· v1Cla •P•Ce w/Hp. en· Ir~. Delalla 497-1426 la'Httl•I ••• ,., 45 ••••••••••............ N B 3975 Birch 1000 sq II MIA zone Agen1 541-5032 $750 up. 2160 fl tndu· s1r1a1 • Office 111101 Ae· donoo Ctrcle /1 M & T Huntington, Beach 842-21134 Aenl MG 800 1q It $240/mo 2944 Ran· dolphSI C M •5 675·5116 le1iH,,/l•rt1I/ li•Htl ..............•.••••.• .. ,;.,,, ... '!fr.!!~~! !I ••• !.~. I .II. SATIUI Xlnt local "" Prof. PHOlO MODELS Mtrf&llt Ct. 111. brigh1 happy, energetic ESCOATSIOANCEAS SpecoaJ1z1ng In 111 & 2nd non-smkg tady will asals1 OUlCALL 24 HAS TO's 11nce 1949 you 11 hskpg. governess. 111-0201 Robt Sattlef NH/CM errands, party planning -~~~~~~~~~ ~ BroUi lJCJ AealtOf'f (prepare/sme). chauf· 6-42·217 t 545-0611 feurlng, eompanloo l .E LtHS lwail1lilla JUllll lll·IOll lsl 6 2nd TOs Up 10 90"/e L T v Tallorec:I 10 Ill your needs Al 964·71175 Wll I f•H' 5300 Of 581~ 1778 •••••••••••••••••••••• *** Atlantis Parlor Open 24 hrs a day 30% dlsc:ounl on S 14,000 TO. Due 36 moa S81 66 per mo As111ng S9800, 841·4409 For sale aged 2nd TO on N B nMne $31,500 teoe val\le. reduced llK an· nually Best oller 01 251< 60·8564 FOUND ADS ARE FREE 7 days•~ Jacuzzi, Sauna locals aa well 11 Tourtats BankAmer1card. Amert· can E•preas. Diner,. All welcome 714/645-3433 1 2112 Harbor Bl CM Oencera for Bachelor / Bacheloral1e Parues 738·8538 or 558-8538 A•••Htt•tat•/ ,,,,, .. ,,; wit Ir ... , ....•...•..••......... AllHHt••••I• SIOO ........•••••••••..•.. l ial 11 111,lratlH 76().0~4 SENIOR CITIZENS looking for a Bareain? Look no fart~er than our Discount Gulde for Se· nlor Citizen• publlahed espect1lly IM you H eh mon1h In ttte Dally P1lo1 Clesst'*fs The next s.nk>r Cllllllf\I Discount Gulde wlll be puOlltl'led on WednH· day, Oclober 8 Wtlch '°' 111 • ..., Plhtt Ol1111flt4 &41 CaU: 142-llll Lost·Cu1e custard & Wilt Cocker type mate dog. ·Fluffy' La9una Bch Family pet Aewa1d S200 (213) 701-5234 Aslo. tor Marlon --Siamese. Brue Point • B•ue collar Answers 10 NEKO 7S9·8959 REWARD ILIYEl1 2 yr neutere<l wnite Pera11n wi1n smoked grey mark· 1ng1 m1u1ng In The Bluf· 11 Reward 760-1100 ----Lost Gold Money Clip Sal -Harbor View Or, CdM Keeps11ke, Ae· ward 640·8060 Grey Stftped Female Cat Lost 1n Cannery Village. N.B Fri, 241h. 1173-3741, 673·4 568, 639-9870. Bud Reward Lo11 M Stainese cat, btue eyes. flea cotter. decta- w ed, 1n1 lo LeRoy. E!Mfald Bay. Lag Bctl 494-5661, 667-13311 LOST CAT. cream Per· slan. Male. REWARD! Bayllde OrlCdM area 759·8033 Loe1 F tortoise lheft cat w/1p111 ear. "Turlle". SA Hgt• 5411-2696 eve Found • Young Burmeae Cat. vie Edinger & trla, F V. 775. 71211 Found • 9·26 German Short hatred polnlor. mele. vie Bolaa Chica & Warner H B. 1148-4252 Found vie 01 181h & Santa Ana Pomaran1an male dog 9/29. 645-3767 Found· Springer Span M, nr Talb••t & 8u1hard, F V 9112-7347 evs C1t1tt• F1ataay Pliltat Converaallon wtlh Barbi MC/Vin 24 hrs 11311-0701 ,,,, ... , S11rie11 S360 .•.••••.......••..•... AT YOlll IEIVICE Peraonat, qualified com· panion dr Ivers tOT your day 10 day errands. Shopping . docto1's applS, Church. SIC All needs mat By nour or day 494-5857 -- SdHll I ,.,,,.e11 .. 1005 ...................... LEARN HOW THE CO· SMOS WORKSI Accre· dlled Science of Mind Clau tn Costa Meaa S1art1 Tliure Oct 7-7PM Phont l213) 431-8595 wrllellnlo Bo11 1514, Coate Meaa. Ca 92626 --- f!i!t!!f~!~! ••.•.••••• 1 ••• WHIH 1015 .•..•................. Young mamed man wlfl do general hendy work Cell eves & wkends, 972-9526 Part lime 18C'te1arltl Poll- lion wanted In NewPMl Cenrer l2·3 daye wlo.I Fast, accurate. depen· dabte. xtnt background 1142-8327 Matur• hea.llhy lady Xtn1 cook. nurte. versatlle aeeka emplOy u comp•· n1on.1oca1 re11. 675-71t4 Creallv• lndlv exper: DI· •Pl•)' dtatgn. u tu. mngmt DegrM. Olspley. det1¥n . T h omas 945-115 II ¥!.'l.!f!!t~ .••• !.'.'! AOGlllTAIT EJcecu11ve sufles, lu41 Mf• vice, gru11y reduced, no ...... 75 .. -0274 *"' mo. Mm•• ee 1 Oovtf Dr . .Sult• 1 ... tum S&Ln 7 11et1on1. buay, Coela 142-1111 Found· Thura 9123 grey male c•t. Ilea eo111r VIC E111 bt11hed Newport MeH/Newvort Bch 1re1. Wedding• Anywhere Any· A I I 1 P m c 8 I 1 time 2 m1n1i11ra l2 13) lrvlne. 552·7500 8Hch Aul E•tate In· vHtmtn1 •no OevtfOP· SALES Entry level POllllon Must be wott groomed People person Prot college grad Call Judy 859·7000 HllltO WHlllT llSTRIOTHS Pr<>f exc>r flMded Ap· ply In person t0·5 dally at BO<ly Business. 1777 Newport Blvd Cos11 Meta AniServ Plant 011-N B. PB)( swllchbrd e•per only need apply 3-11 lhllt 64 I ·5511 --Apr Manager, Htndyman & wile lor Coate Mesa complex. over 40 apt 1ncld 675-0447 TOO YOUNG FOR THE AIRLINES? Hl·pro has lmmed ope- nings tor 20 aharp guys & gals free 10 iravel coast 10 COHI Sino••. 18 & over Free 10 s1ar1 Im· med wm be demonll••· 11n9 new product 2 wits pd 1ra1n1no. average ear-nings $300 pet wk 4 up Call 750-8955 01 apply 12192 Cnapman Ave , EJ.cellen1 oppartunlty for e•per1enced person In allracllve savings & loan lmmed1111e opening ot· l ers varied dulle1 Ora11ge Q:lesrS~s & Loen. 1700 Adema. Costa Mesa Call Linda 754· 1801 EOE 8enklng TELLER hrt·Ti•t We are currently inter· viewing tor a Teller 1par1-11me) who wants to be part of our grow1n Setec led 1nd1111duat lhoutd nave a min of 1 yt r8G*11 uperlence 1n all phases of cMnmerc111 banking leller 1r1nuc- lloos Our sucoes1 In the lndu· s1ry allowa us to provide highly compellllva salary and benellta Including Medical. Oen1a1, Ptld vecalion and more INTERVIEWING av APPOINTMENT ONLY Plelae can Peteonnel Dept 7 14. 7 ll0-6000 Garden Grove Thia 1s ~ ~01~avn•___ ~ BABYSOTTEA '" '" '°' ~ ll:111k lnlanl, lull or p&~l·llme, I . •)f Mon-Fri 8AM·5 30PM, '- own rranap, roft req 1'. l."-•'J"lrt 559· 1859 I "I\ n " IAIHITTH F11· Tue• 6 mo & 7 yrs. Prefer our home. E/Slde C M l llOi wk 631-5426 iABYSirTE~Aesp­ •du11. temp agency C"arto11e·e Sitters 645-37411 Benk1ng PAIT /TIME TILLll Experienced Of wtlltng to train qu1n119e1 1notv1duat with cuhletlno & typing experience ContaC1 Ray Mo11er. 559·"493. for Newporl Baach branch EQu1t Opportunity Em· ployer So Calttornla S&L Banking TELLER EOE M/F BAR Ber help needed In 1he T-s Rts1aurant In tne Sur1 and Sand Hole!, L B Bartender. day lhllt, E~p prel'd and CoClllall w1l1res1/ waiter. E•P pref'd Apply 10 Palrtol< Beck 497.4477 IAITllllll $60·$110/ahllt Well known drinking uta· bllahment looking tor last paced Individual Call 835·4449 JOBS TOOAY, 2707 N. 8't1lol, S>-.. amall fM lllHHPH/nPIST Mon·Wtd-Ftl 1t1etnoon- 1. Musi bt able to do peyrOlt C<IM 95~ OUlll•ATH Ell!* Of trtlnee,<fltltlm• Ffdellty Fedartl 11 •ff· Laguna S.ech. 49'1·21110 king en u~rlenttd Tel· 011Nml P1rt-Tim1 ler lot our Corona Oet New po r t Bea c h 831·3e51. 7 14/857-0650 431·8595 R4IV Erni. Found! key•. on ramp ot mont Firm. Mua1 hive Mar Ofllc:e. SIK mont1u S9·S 10/hr. Gr HI bane• tllp&rltnce In an SJL or Illa C•ll 837-4449 JOBS TU.XEDO Commerc1e1 eank 1a ,.. TODAY, 2101 N.er11101, 2600 elf bHIO olc w / Sunrlee Sid Club hold• 111 qVlr•o Ou•lllltd Cindi· s A 1m111 ,.. elOtlQ9. By 0 C AltPQ1'1 111 mMllng Tuee Oct 5 da1ee •rt encourllged to --.. -.... ,---.. -.--.-- Harl>Of Btvd & San Diego min 3 yur• exper Prt-FWy 962·3686 I er R• a I t!atate / 151,~~2~1 m 0 T 0 m RENTALS ~~9s<;8;~~i1:~~= ·~:i contact· French 111:=111per • --8\iper o. c. Location. movie thown 10 ktck ott I I ... _ Call &40· '1092 ett IO•m 1 • r-5 AttraCI IMP $15.000 e.kl ... eon. For more Info ' •• n .. r CHll.0 CARE • H .. p rl'IO· Atty'•· CPA'• ' Prof Cl 0 w n 0 w c . p I) Call Cart II 651-1120 (211) 411-1211 ,,_In,_ homt. 2 chit· Newport Center Euc 737.9095, H8·1•20 •---------dren (9 mot,, ~I wll· lullH, fully tllfled, -------SCRAM·lETS 01""' ~5 731·81'711 Irv Nndle 111 your bualnes1 Sou1h COul'lly Arct d•. flDElfTY ,. neede., lnOMcklel omc... Loeallon and machine• ANSWERS OUIQM Ulll -Mo __ 1Mo, •• n&tii4···7•t8;9:--.--·1 ~rot~c•~l~n 80~~ Oen·~ FEDERAL Su1>1111u1e bl·llngu•t .... , b elt• • New.81 . Q I •• ., 0 0 m • I d e. • 598·289!5 Vlolln . Tamper I YI I L (Sp•nl•ll) nttded by UY NW Gloomy • Retlfy I ... Ill Huntington ltecf'I Olly ~ IUlt• on Newport l•ntl••I POLf'flClAN8 ........... Sc"<>OI Dlttrlcl a&,17/hf. Hlltll«. Appto•. 1000 eq a.-'W"' 1011 Al1t1 an avenl'h9 new w1tue11 t"t to be. Dl\'9f\ ft. 114 ..... 5-7100 •··-Mr-•···•••••••••• 1caa1 I ovtrhterd my 1!06 Oct I Apply 2lr•s 1 ,. _,, oft!oe .... t30C)tup "40001..,.. net111•;'°. 12!!,_4002~d• t1 e1011oor comment M/F Cralm1r L •n• H a ar8ftCllll ofllce .... '80/mo. "''i2t00 '3to '+' . .::.... "OM thing for aurt. we ------• 1e4 ..... ,,,,,., eerv .... "'MOltnO yr. 1 .~.to wi o"' ........... '""::'; ~veto at09 l>Vltll\O the Hl\19 ~hiftcl ~went•---------.._.. leedl7U-6409 now YI _,_ .... llfll offender• In ~ """" Di amond Wlntt~ Wiii PoOtlPl!ttt, 180'7 Illy to Nit?~ ad• do~ tOIM1NnQ ~went ,__,......., IH bulld prH tlgloua t "a "a r d e n • d l\ly 1 eerat from ~ete! panr Ctrctt, 1rv1,,e, Ca I 11 well t C a ll NOW. to Ml? c11t18111ec1 llde dO .: ... =ldle==~= .. =-==·"=2=·M=1;,I !::equl::::'=Y1=11 ="'=·=·=ll.t=l-=1=111=3.t=l=PO=U=T=IC=IAN=. =8=.''==:...J.:'*'=::Y::·.::'::nn=. 13=1=··~~~ t ... 2·8111 . It well ... 2·M71, /' Found· on Main St , Conetructlon Oene111 Huntln~ Ellectt. wtllle Ledger through flnanc:;lal kl11en ·2983 1111emen11 lxcttltnt w orking conditions ,,,,. .. ,, "" 11900 per mo ...................... PltlH ••nd reeurne: C0£08 -Would love to Howard, Howard end ~·rl~ wl'JtN. Cell Sue or 81rn1rd, PO Box 8430, 11 y en~llme J213) Ne-.pon a..ct1 tteeo 93 ... 4& 1. i ,., I 527.718' MlllTMT llllUll PUI Full ctt.,ge a or 3 <l•Y• I ... ,.,8 .. , per w .. lt. Oenefal lt d· • W•rffl I lnt9111gtn1 w/m O.,, 1•x ... payrolf lPae., , 38, avail for comp•· also have oon11 c1a · nfon1tllp tor 1,•ntroua 8meM but OtOWi"O corn· lldltl t<tn •t «8718 I piny with b41nefl1a. Send , reeume to Herman Ty· J I delail oriented work Brokerage firm expo· rience prel 'd Call 6<14·9111 Ext 202 or 239 M-F between 10 am • 1 pm_ Cook N19h1 eook. Con11nen1111 cooking E•per Pref'd, Conlact A1ch or Mane morn1ng1 497 -4441 PARTNERS BISTRO Laguna Beach C09K The Aa1e1gtt Hiits Hotpl· 111 alcoholism lreatmen1 latlllly located In Naw por1 Beech hes an Im· mediate lull time opening tor a Cook Eaperience In a ttosptlal se111ng IS pre· I erred Excellent lrlnge 1>enet11s For an 1n11rvoew call Lisa Licavoli or come In and 1111 ou1 an appllcallon 7141645-5707 1!>01 E 16th Street Newport Beecn EOE M/F -O .. ITEI llELP Part time. Mon through Fri 11 AM to 2 PM Appty 1n.pe1son 270 So Brlatot. Co11a Mesa -Dell Counter. llAM-2PM Mon-Fri See Harold or Duane 495 East 111n S1 C M -Oellvery/S1ock. Tues & Wed . 11 AM·8 P M Thurs-Sat, 2 PM· 1 IPM See Harold or Dttna 495 Eas1 1711\ St. C M DENT AL OFFICE MNGR Efllc:lenl. Enthu1t1111<: & organized .. w/bkkpng IKP81 4 dy Wk 546-3000 Dietary Aide The Aa .. lgl'I Hiii• HO•PI· tel 81ooholl91'11 1rea1ment lacHlty located In Ntw· POrl Beach. haa an Im· mediate full time opening l0t a Dietary Aide to aa- attt 11\e Cook In var1ou1 kltcnen duoea e~1en· Cl In II h0Spl111 se111ng II prelened e..ce11en1 !tinge t>enellta For an Interview call Llaa L1ca11011 Of come 1n and 1111 out an appllcatlOf' lH/ln·llOl 1501 E 16th Strfft NewPQ1'1 a.ech EOE M/F Imm Opening avail Temp position lor 1·2 PIT Hrs llUible. no exp yrs localed 01 Kerci..holl nee will train Contac1 Marine Lab 1nvotv1ng as-Arlene 559.3110 sembling & 1es11ng a Speclahzed counter & •Is General Oll1ce. typing. l»Oeialed ~lron<65 I 110h1 bl\kg Mal~ 09P- par1 or a program 10 de-ty ror expanded position "elop a gen8fatly useful Subml1 resume 10 1011 mathOd IM tab de1ectoon Br1010 Otlve Sia 111, or rad1oac11v11y ReQs c M 941627 min 4·6 yrs related ---work eap & underslan· GEN OFFICE. lull·hme, ding ol computer inter· book•eep1ng. hllng. lite laoe 10 peripheral ana109 1yp1no hvy phones 10 dlgllal 1npu1 lrou· SS 50 10 llart. Certillt!<I ble111oollng + compl&· Appliance 6~2-02~ l ion OI elec1ron1cs & GOVERNMENT compu1er courses deSI· JOBS ra1>le Pie&~ send re.ume 10 Kerckf\ol1 Marone Lab 101 Dahlia SI Corooa del Ma• California 92625 Aun Or A Britten CALTFCH P1s.t1dena, CA 9 t125 EOE M/FIH ELECTRONIC ASSEM· BLEA I yr uper In 01ec11on1c assembly. in· ctud soldering color code & schemauc rea· ding Good benel11s. CM aree Call 714/540-4293 FlllALE 21-31 JIS ffavet 10 Cabo Sen Lucas & Acaputco, Me· xlCo, IM 4·5 mos Spend winter. live 1n my beach homes All expenses paid ReQulremen1s speak Spanish & help drive Be a companion: your own bdrm & balh No se>t or 1nvotvernen1 I am a 45 y1 male w / Many pos111ons available 1n US & OverMas For 01rec1ory l3121 868-4347 E11 E·91 MULTI SPA COllSELOll Salary OOE Wiii train grea1 1ob for bOdy ~· ic1ou1 people Call 63!>·4449 JOBS TODAY 2707 No Bristol. S A small tee HIRING Hiii WOllEIS nu Locel firm hH 311 ope· nmgs in 5 dlllerenl de- parlmentS •• hj11trltatt i• ...... ,., ...... . , ... , .1 .... , .. ,1. .. 1,. l] 14) 964-5354 Call Sat · Wed Noon pt1ys1cel nandlcap labia Hot Roof8f1 w&nled Call 10 care tor mysellt & re· Bob or Nev 111 e a I quire someone to 1rav111 6"2·7222 wllh me Leave t>et Oc1 --------- 20 & Nov 1 & relurn in MllSEIHPEI M arch Motl Green . Love In $250/wll Beautl- 645·9137 fut home. nice people to --wotk tor Cati 835·•449 FINANCIAL JOBS TODAY. 271>7 N BrlllOI, S A am1fl '" ANALYST HOUSEKEEPER Live-In, for lather & 8 yt For growing lnves1ment boy, rm & board + 18la- Managemmen1 Co. Re· N _.. M 1 d I ~ulres related COLLEGE ry ons ..... r ua 've 675-3793, 523-4920 agrff(st. 8 years buSf· neu up er. wllllng 10 lllllH 1ravet. f\lgnty mollvaled Person to d o Ironing 1111 Stlrttr. unuaually your home Call aher 5 strong lnlellectutl cutlo-PM & wknd1 848-2872 111y non-amoker Exoel· M 557·11689 tent writing ability. w1H109 -------- to rnelo.• a comm11men1. Jewelry lalts PtrSH CompanHllo" to S36, , P11t lltne-tull lime. 000 &nd eace1tan1 bene· M J I 1111 IM lho right peraon ltJ tft '1 II you are not the b111. l•,.rttrt OleUt !ell your 1mart1t1 3400 Via Oporto S·2 unchallenged friend N • w p o r t 8 e •ch ebou1 ue Fleply In confi· 1173·15658 denc:e to Colllna A11oc llTllU llLP &87 Sen Ntcotu NB 9,oeo Only ex~r nltd eppty On-line ••wlence. Ap. lhttt. tratts,.rstt lllHll tfftol htaff Sl'latp penon tor tron1 ply bet 1·3. Tht l tue 8111 Cele, 107 21at Pl• c e. Newpor t Beach 976·3333 ., tr olltce Typl,,g, llllng & ,.xpandlng menuttciuref .. __ hOMI. 87$-9600 of audio equipment ·-">' P .,~- ueka meonentc •I & llMUL lffltl L~~7,::l.c, tor etee tr1c11 peraon to I l OOOtmo. IYP• .. & 8 cl'I Atty. Pl Pl.in~ crHtt drawl~• from 'Wpm .. tot• ot p eople Ctlmlntl, coml>tlltM M- b•lk layOUll lmum 3 contact. Wiii 1t1ln. Cell lery (7 14) .. 17--1789 ~lrt ellpetl,nct, beM-1~5-.. 440, J088 TOOAY, Ille ev•ll. &end r"4#mt or 2101 N Brtato l, 8 A. &...-llRI call fOt eppt, I tmell IM Malutt pera9n, reo.._t flO Q111 PllllOTI --experience Prlftrrect. ltH Pl~la A\19. OM Full/time, nlOfll•. ~ 11'1&45·'640 For Clalllfltd >-.d nent po•lllon APOIY In -ACTION ~~ lfler )pm "37 MO<'t liwntlles ere ge1llf'O Call I l Coeal Hwy, CdM the CamolnCI "bUO" 1hl• Delly l'llol ~ If ~hew a eem-A0-VJ8011l LI 0 U 0 Ill CI. I Ill K I per tt11t'1 not Qtlllng 142·H11 ::,nac:,i.. m11u,. H • ..-d, Mii It now wltl'I • MS-It 'I CtullftllO AO .. .. ' • Orange Ooaet DAILY PILOT /8u,,da , Ootober 3, 1112 · ••• ,. •• ,M'll. ••. JJ.ff '111..,Mfl. •••• TJ.ft l'.'1..,M'/1. •••• 1.~ff Mfrift ........ IJ!f ~um.a !'.~'!!llt~!!.~t •• HAf !~'!!JIH!!'.fl ... llM flt.'!.'! •••.•••..• 11.!f ~.~.IJ.if &.Ml ...... "11nlkl8 u.Tllf ~GUI' i110 Orltl'ltll ""I lllllltl -·-bl -I VYLOfl b04' 2 petton '11 ""' 1• =' .. ,,',m'••.....!'._•1•f~,',.' ~ f::0· -V:.'~'30M!! •Dll•t•M 1~L;~r= .._ hllM "'' d~ '50· • 10 :10 tone. Me .., " 1n11111011 bo11. no11 MIO ... t-7044 ICll _,. ""' t'"" rro ,..... --••-.. fllt-1 716-1411 etl)'lilftt Oj)4Wled I®. 173·N40 l'UCH MC)flfO atni eoncf VllM lndMd~• hl'fl• •• u;,·~0 Ho :.:ru::. •••• , ••• ,.. ... ·~~ '" , . un VIOM ... eu•o•1.u1 JHH. CM•· JI ,, .__. ........ _ ... 1260 10 Ml 111 ntw ~'1't~!f~~~=· ~~':'~ 1MO ~i;~:::•~Y o::'~. I~ -:. 'e. :"' Y_f,QJ J,!'_· ·'~··f-;-.~-#, 0t 111:.,:: Mi~i4i11 ::':OO~:r,!":~: ~ ~ :r.~~~.:1; ''"· '!4.:234 · • ----workln9 wltll eultoon • J r <I • ~ (S1tll3t•10t1 l•t 2239 bl• dMI tffl. ll1&-t742 #tl«qllfl/ L.o111 Offlc« ..... l~IOfl, OOfttrKJt,J:• ... .., ·~..... ., 1.. 1260 4..0·llt2:a Hiil ...... - --.._,.,, "" ....... Velltf ' llU..... Ollllt Of Otta, llM ord ••""bltlon ... eAIAGI IALI AH NOW ) / IN 0 U 8 TR 1 AL A IO 111' 1.,. 641•1147 ,.,,,, lfll•llll•tt '·'·r;'~tt .. -.. , ........ , •• ......._, • ......, ,..... lllrociettot Ind lftlNmul'I\ .. "' -CLAIW• H Cfnl .. ,, swCl!PfR, nr new, only "" ht•ltt H ...uuhll ·1~ Honda. lo•· ... :;:,~• 01 •·• tK"""'· t10001lft0 up OOI Clll lyi>lnQ Of 70 _,.,, ......_ 10 Wllletn lllltt blll• Ill tlLOW 26 11,1 on (ilOCll cot1 H . p11., 1n1mat 'CHpp9r, pro· ...................... d9d. llmott n-c:ond I .. -on ~ 1no ,,...,. eend r11U1111 wHll ~ ~tore ''" ApprelHll o o o 8 1 c: a a, a o o feulon•,.. model, xtnt M1tlnt E11Gtrlel111 HHobo. e31·0523 or pro '" onala. WI •Pl· uour own t•P•n•• 10· r'""ulremt"I 10 Ad Ho Md "-81r Cllnlcl t ........ ..._/lne'·"/..__,, •"1 ,_.. CllllH In MW Pf~lln ' • ..., " AOMl88ION t:S flm1 ,,, •n ~ftll #111 tei-0343 _ _ OOlld 199 8T5·7T " ....._, .., .._.._. -• .,..., I . Q••p/...... . 11t1, count. lnttfMtld't Call 1033 fllt Delly 1111101 , ~.. • •••••••••••• Qt1w wOtll. 549·25~ Ev 71 y ...... tlO 8_-1 •• ,.. """' ••• .. ,.. .. JON TOOAY p O I 1•10 C t ••••uh •••u•• · •• • Wedgewood Chin• 81"1 ELEOTllO ----!.. -em... ,.... ... a .._ .. TO'I ...,.,.... " ' · • O• " • oe 1 I Jou 4 bd '" ... t MULTI .. PT QarT 8•1• ' " ... .. •• , ..... .. ... I "--• "c"'-u ._..n C·~-..... 2107 N l rlatol, 8 .A Mtiltl, Cl t2tlt, Hrt, FrU&el llOOfl 10 t0M 'PIC 1 1 •ti • " -11,_! let • "•undll" •pm Shtll ptttern, per IHI 11,, -•I .,., ~. O!..,~" -· .,.,., _.. 111\111 f9t lundey noon to I pm 8PY0'"' .. amen ..... • " , ... cond a. •orifice HOO Lfl I II ........,.,_ "4·9090 (714) 2"·2044 lt7IO. mo 1&1.1015. to20 'ulltfton, CM 240·1263 11111 ••• ~.~ ........... v ••••u• 1 .. 2•08. ·eo. RlStOENrtAL Publllhlr llekl dynamic ......... , a N t ._ Sund I aaa .,.., ""I 8AAND NEW 13 EVlnr'"'"-,...,,...,,. " " MOATOAG! SERVICE' H IH P•rton w/1111vy ..._, • oon o _..,. ay. OARAOI ltAt.I ,tl·Sun. l<nt wller'*'· ~u1t1urn1 W.lf-,..L l&l&.I rom..,.. up 10 .,.., • ..,. """" blt1t I, wlndlhllld, ~ pllont 1 "lo•lno ••P Wgl.ln• Nlgutl. ~ (7 t4)2ff..2044 Corner Marigold, 8••· 100, H& Hg11.1rn:tfl1h 7,2 .. • ..... 1 1100 WMI brlna NmPlet 4 11/p outboard, never reek: 111 new, HO rnl &.m Wllllt.UU.. IUK pot_;;tlal. Oriw a :;t'.,!ii:.e:Pl'weo:-; LOCAL. PAATICIPANTI· vit'w. CdM Alter tOem Table, Chelr•. Infant• 11 .. ., . II I 714~1-6190 :r'er~~~~34~2-~~r:o f 7&0. 541-8791 NMd to ~ 10 IOtt Cl 0 mm b • n t I 111 • telephone uM I In pullllo 8an Ctemi Bobby hr· pllll111. adult otothu, knick ACGel.!_ lnel. 114l.005ll hm WANT TO SUV VESPA 8·21 Iba tn Oot . 8 hr &3S·Ml2. P<>•hlOl'I l'ltlpM, l'emlll•· man a COiby Antlque1. "E-; • ~neck•. 10,1, mite 1399 John W1yne Tennl• Cl1A!l llllttllHH•• -~otor 8coottt Pvt ply c omfeny prof I It . 11 _ _.llf II Ith bUlo buelneat New""" e .. oh: Countrz rf/.f, •• fff., •••••••• , Shannon 4t·Ol40 9.5 Femlty Member1hlo, Alcohol ttovt, 81ja tu11 &44-ten 11111 552.0 75, &-10 or 2·5. .-r•-r Y w ,.,...... •Lll•f _!!!~ _ IVOO 1nc1. trenaler '"· WlllH IOll lllttr, wood bike, pOflt,1--------20 & OYet, 10 work for proCldur••· l!llQAnct, La Vigne'• " OARAQE SALE Oe1n1 1149·4134; K .. lly ,_,••••••••••••••••••• etc t42·8e02 19111 Vamena SR 186 CC lllll11IAIOI/ Irv In• • x • o u 11 v •. ~.~~u 'e ~:"~;,.A=.•~~~. lllTlell lat/Sun 841 Suri St Wiiton 5U·8900 8~~~Jc~~~1 ~:~:: 8 Men innet.oll ,.11 wta l trMt Ilk•. Mint cond UI... M.IO/IW, Mon.Fri. Full Of ""t· .... "2 .,. • ......,.3 l cll: Otl 1111 Well tnd OCT I 646-7015 lllY IOfMI call Dln·Oe u 1.0706 HP motor UOO 0 80. MOO 646-0_490 ___ _ pen/ti,,,., Fot )011 Info, ...., -~ ............... T "'M "PM ..... -c &AA x ••1tv. 'f, w-... lng out· A .... 7•2.12'"". 1'111 en11 Anllqu••· • " •••ll~lt• •611" Pine cotor crib, atn1 -ED 00 -1341 I . Monewtl Or. 8.A. 'r .. Hond• X .,.,.., lnl -"'" .,_ " >IV u •tlngto Bell Old Oct 2, 3, 9.• -• WANT LI. HOUSE ~ollawll & EdtnP.:;r Cl11n I 1000 Call doo • nd."'tndtntl" SECRET •ny M/F " "u" n : " •••••• •••••••••••••• c;ond I 12"' 81rot11 r • " •' ~lonltt ""' • • vtetof WOfld'• "°'9nll1valltt. H•llOween/TllenktgMng CtotMI, boOll•, CC 6kl1, "• Large wooden one lor wn H.,l>Or & 'llrv ) .... MN. Hll·2339 Cell 13&·4449. JOBS , _ Memorlt• 2 l 3 word Chrlalmet a Ea•t"" •••oiler •Ira ••at. like mlnlaturff 644-4201 TOOAV. 2707 N Brlstol. 44~ dly9.d~. mo. Type ptOCHllng, •llorthtnd .. bOOll. pOIH. mite. new $35 Wicker lllmpet S.A . .,..,.,, ... " wor .... orto•o• req'd Work wttllout OAll!NTAL FURN. l(nlt. ctolll, orocllt t 10092 ThHIUI Or HB $15. ALSO WOVll'\ wool Mt•IC•n Pttoe Paying $1 banking firm. Telephone · 1 Hulch w/gtau doora, Item•. ll1qu1 decor•· (of! BrOOllhuret 11 lndli· •re• rug $85 4 x 8 Plf 100 ... ,, ,..,, ·eo YAMAHA lCT260 ••• ••'•••••••••••••••• Ollt11trt1t. Good eond c111elc Ill' L•P•tr•k• 1860. H8·5H8. 981· MANAOER TraYll agency M r 1 . F 1 n n I 1 conati nt iuptrvle 01\. O'fal coftel !Ible & 2 rnd llon1, ornamenta, llo· napollt) Si t/Sun g.4 559.9300 (2131 43()..$211 Top Ill plue lnoent Sa· 714-5.49·0117 for eppt. Prel m1tur1 lndMdt.1tl bl t I Wf4'•. TOii pllntlng, Por· ---Century bey bolt. 4 cyt, 2339 ber Computer• following wltll P~Ovlfl lllll .. /m91'1y "141 11 ••· At "' ceteln doll•. much mOfe. ,..,..,, lf.,6 CB $40 King Sz wa111 req 'd C a ll b.iore Recep0onl91 yra exper. OC Airport carving• of people & 33022ndSt.Co111 Me .. ••••"••••••••••••••••• bed wl reg mattreu, ll•llt1J Grey 13500. 875-t1tt -.7-5-H-ond--1-X-L i50. 1QO;; end rune great, mull NII 5g Chrl1cr11t, ou11tan-1500. 64'·8052' 9:30AM wlldy.. Wkenda .. Petton/Friday", L.lght 11•• 4011r1WMk.8tert t~;8~:3~31 · SIOOO Spon1 or1d by The llOlllY · mirrored t op S250. & 1..,.1 7141974-3036. type, flll, mutt heve c:ar, lmmedl1t1ly, No 1g1n· Plullr S hop, ~afa 20392 Bayview San t~ Couch Htde-a·btd, qn, ding COl)d., 22', wldocll, ______ ..._ __ l•1l1••1•I• IOIJ ............•.•.•..... ll I n I 0 p p I y f 0 r Clea ple111. 162-1491 Vlot0f'l1n(?) cllalrt. 7 Uglf' Mffl -Ana Heights (bllween O.lg• ' blk 160. MllC. "go•getter". $700/mo Olk. I wt •rm1, rtwOfk· · M"• end Brlalot) Furn, 648·3514 · nd c11h, muat NII. '3500 lulttaco Altlno 350 trtela YAMAHA Bu• Amp. OBO. 573·3481 bike, $600 Call ....... Man.,,,.nt ............. lllft 540 ·2950, 9·6, S ECRETARY/ • d . h I g II b. 0 k I Sewing M.1chl11• (hHVy elOthH. hOUHhold. mlac;, M·F. RECEPTIONIST 176()/obo. f-821•3313 duty, gear driven) $100, Fri, Set, Sun oc1 t.2.3, Door knob b1g1 Hold Head with a double 15" I~~~~~~~~~ 646-4755 PV apeaker cabinet All 1.: ......... W"'lr ll -79-Ytmlh--a -2_50_0_T_E_n-du-. ..... Trlillfl R-pllonl1t nHded lor a-a y llf ptOI office nr OC Alrpc>ft -••' Hf tlf 1 lull time or 2 pert time Sten ywr new career on po11tl0fl1 1vlff. Atk '°' our 3rd "1111, Mrnlng $4. Leurl Hiidy 833-0426 Up to $4 SO u you be- come more HP d. You lllTlllllT wlll be promot ed to Now Keeptlng aPPtlc•· mgmt, & aupervflOfY le· lk>nt fOf dty BUS PER· vela. Cell. 714-637-41140. SON, p/tlme CASHIER & Interview• held every day BAR S*'tOn. Apply Wed. 7·8 pm at 111 Del In pereon btwn 3.5pm. Mar, Co1ta Meu and 333 81ysld1 Of. NB. every Thurt 9 am-noon __ R_E_T_A_l_L_S_A_L_E_S __ It 1390 N Ctt. Hwy .. Lag. Bch E. o. E. Exptr video Hlet per· son, weoe. comm & bl· MASEUSSES • Good ~;.1~:44 C all Velarle working conds Good ---------pay. llAM·12 noon 2112 Harbor. Cotta Mese. (714) 646-3433 Mature Ftm. llYI In com· o•nlon hOultkteptr MUii drtYI. 720.()415. MIOUllO Front whHI allgnmtnt. Own toots. Newport Tl11 Ctnllr. 3000 E. Coaat Hwy, Corona det M1r. ........ ""''· FOf D1<matotog111, ~II office • exper prel'd. Newpon Center 2 lull daya week 640.4501 Typing, t>IUlng ••Plfleoee. Welcome RN'1 Full llm., 11t1ry negot. 840·4689 .,.. 6 Good 11wtlng-Mlery Mt bin.Illa ptc:1111g1, INTERVIEWING BY APPOINTMENT OHL V Please call: Pertonnel Oeptrtrnenl (714) 780-6000 EOE M/F SALES Ota. delk for _, lull mfr. Acicur•t• typing & Od· OhQne m1nner a 1'1'11111 tfltl 81111 1'7IO. Cafl lor lntrvw, 642· 1912 M·F For buty Chlroor1ctlc Ploc;ker $20., TV 1t•nd 9.5 advart11ln9. aemplH. Olltc;e muat bl ellerp Engll911 VICIOftln Armotle $5, chelr1 $25 e1. van -below cost "'759· 1903 In u celltnl 40ndlllon '""' • 1 *"50 $800ob0. W/115 HP Mttc Wooden ro .• n1 c:ond., .... . well Of'g•n zed. & dlPln: wl mlrror. rtllnl•h•d. 111t•. hl·b•ck, IWIVtl VARO & ESTATE SALE Up;lghl piano 1350, Gui· dlbte w/good pllon• compl1t1ly llned $250. $75 11 ... bot·aa.11 .l400. Furn., color tv, ball tank, tar $26 Snow chelna manner. Type IOWPM, 84&-0190 Scow 14 11. Sal/Sun ....... lawnm~. htndetllled CA 8 Ill Ol'll IPll cntr conlOll, many xtru 645-8001 ~~-~~r ~·-~~~I $6500 llrm 'll .. ,.., 210 I• = Good blglrl 815·8475 Vf/t"/ cleln & fall $425 10 key, good figure ec>ll· &.A.ta ....... _ ;•-.1-2033 Republlc CM. llern1 Sit & Sun 9.3 7 3f>.14 7 ·14 never 1ud1. exper, non•tmkr ... .,... _.w -114&-9550 511 Fuller1on uled 847·6258 Clarinet, 1"::: 28 ~:t ~ SlllPIKll, Den 848-11851557·5151 64e-3375 IO• 667•4768 '73 *WASAKI 176 dirt pr•I. 631·5et0 T.odey lhtu Oct 3, frM THE RMOS, 53 OT COO· admlulon, Huntington LEA UMd once $30 OLD GIBSON CLASSIC bike, need• minor wor~ Seer11ary IEOlnllY ' Center ~Ill. H405 Fwy & ,,,, ,. ,.. ''" ru.11.,, IOSO Call 673-8140 Beach B vd. B •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• W•I 11101 GUITAR Ofiolnal $850 25' Apollo 235 OMC c;llbln 1150. 648-5753 (2131 943.4425 ' crulHr wltwln axle lr1r, '76 KAW ASAKI 400cc 0.llth'J PIH FREE Wlllle, Blue·1y1d Ant1qu1 white tt111an $50 1164 2794 Cupboard 1625 pine ktllen1. 7'i~ wMk• old. Prov , 5 pc BR eet (Kg __ . --·----- I 13.500 831-8756. • Trumpet Yamllla a 1to great running cond Good condition ' ' Boll & Ou1tlde Mooring, $450, 673-6874 drop INI tabl• 12eo 4 642-7225. hdbdl 1275. 548-2380 Carpeting. high quallty rlne chain $200, brua llTilll I PIPPIEI Whit• vlnyl toote cuahlon ehag, gr1111 & white '4 844·5544 Newport Beech I t0,000. --- -973·0859 M I a • '1, • m P r •Pr o I 2 0 Pet Zoo •n· Plant• Too 1' eota, llO. yd 964-2794 - 559·8300 2330 NIWPOfl Blvd, CM 546 .. 1573 9• 12 Area Rug, Ok green OVATION 1olld body .... , ••••• , •• I electric stereo gulllr 22· Flberform, 1976, W/ li•lll,.,,fl 110 1250 (7 14) 873·9251 lrtlter. XLNT Cond Best •••••~-'••••• •••••••• ....... h•lrt FREE PETS 631-8350 HU O OLE ·Approx I 1x 12 pale yel· French d11lgn, veneer 5 female Lhaaa Apao mt· Bullk Bid• w/,,.;11tresae11 •ow. $36 ea 848·6806 llnten wttll mirror. $166 Kid pupplH . 7 wHkt Xlnt $176 649-4171 King site bed $50 Land· 1 Oller 870-715 I Rent 25' motor home, Oll1c1 ,.,.;,.,, • SABOT 5 II with 3 hip llpe 8, fully loaded or bat olr 497-6085 oarllng Call for youre. Bdrm Corner gioup 2 twn scape Pagoda llghll $6 -••• • ... -.. 851·3f01 bede, corner table & ee Light bulbs. eockel9 l••l .. 1•1 IOl5 mo1or No tailing geer 6'5-8el8 (Paull_ .... ,~•••••••••••••• $210. 963-5272 • RV & Boat St0tage. S1 per Desks. chair•. t>OOklhetl & ft Call Jot "'"'_. -• B I I 549-4338 1942, wood tegt, work• Fuzzy, Ill, lrlaky, triendly lamp o 11er1 covers oouc:h. $10 to S500 21' · Glaatron. 165 hp 110 646-8730 540·9922 Mtrcrulltr, Oaycrul11r ---- perfect (1st year tor ftlp-FREE puppies! 7 wtce old. also 2 Maple bookceM Attenllon Decorators ,..,11 $350. 639..()()72. 493.5084 • bunk bids 873·3458 e .. utilut turn of century Desk $80, 6 Chalra $72 w/cuddy cabin, clean, FOR RENT, 81 Tlogt mini low hrs, fully equipped motor home Sipe 5·8, w/cenvas, tandem lrlll· generator. t lr. •wnlng ler. ready for skiing & 646-3009 Of 982·9996 ,._. electric stove I t50 Good condition ANTIQUE UPRIGHT DELUXE KING·SIZE 673-6423 659-8300 PLAYER PIANO '•'•"•" IOSO WATERBEO & MORE EJec. $1650. 957-8281 •••••••••••••••••••••• HSHLO GOS 752·9227 Antique maho'Qanv Gabl· DOES IT All fi9htng. $4950 this wknd. J **I BUY** Good uHd Furniture A Appllanc11·0A I wlll Nit or SELL lor You MllTIH AIOTiff. ........ 111-1121 WICKER 3 chrs WI cushions. matching cot • lee tbl, gltH top $75 642·2749 Oeetgner 101• & club chalre. brown llllhlfel· 11. $450/obO 497-6372 nel wllll orig RCA radlO Vending macn, cold soll 760·8325 A•I• S.t•it1, 11111 & 1ecord player·S75; bl· drinks, candy. chips. 10 '80 171t Boston wha'ie.: I AttflHtlfl HOO lhroom "mtrble type" 1 u n ch 1111 m8 S 6 9 5 Monteuk, 100 hip Evin. •••••••••••••••••••••• sink In 1 door & 2 dr1w11 831•6199 LI k e new. n'o tr 1 r PAINT & Ille l>Ody WO<k, cablnel plua matching 2 IBM Set. 11 646-0483 up to 60% ott your l>Ody door well cabinet & Like new, $850 ahop ML Bill 9&4..0332 ·merble type" well 1hltl, 876-7883 1Ht11 •••I Auto Body & Painting all l0t only $100. tempt· Ci11t11 HSI Uaually 1 day AIU Ins red glass atlOWlf doors, IBM ELECTRIC typewriter •• • •••••• ••••••••••••• lobe welcome 850-4111 FURNITURE NEW like new. only 160 tor In woiklng Of'der. $100. Low rites Easy qualll Mull ralM Caan bOlll; new car H00t m111 404-0029 SAIL/CRUISE/PARTY Pottche pertt. 1991 SC Prices aten 11 (4r S20. new 14 inch light p 1 IOll 27' to 46' 675·7895 flonl atru11 comp! w/ Mattreaa•• & lound Ml atlOy rims (BMW'a) 111 of .!.!•••••••••••••••••• IH S 'J .._. dllCI & brk1 Conver• T ' 177 F 11 5n7 4·$20. 1wo new conli· II 1. L .. p ti, II ~• early car lo bellll bf'ks & win • u • IOa ••• ··~·· •••••••••••••••• ride Moll parta $500 Oueen S 147 • King S 167 nenlal steel belled radial 847·2473 ..,., & wknds 16 Hobie Cat, yellow w/ 631•4755 Sola Beds $197 urea 195170 HR 14·$100 1eq. 1unr11e t1il1. Like ---------Sola & loveaeal $247 642.0138 Collie pup1, AKC, 4 mos. new $2600 676·8161. Parting oul '71 Super Dinette wllh 4 Chrl $87 Old Western Movie Sii allO AKC Cocker pup1, 8 llt W/T I Beetle; •leo '69 1600 IQI DISCOUNT FURNITURE Saloon Store Front wka 893·4486 , I r r pc>ft eng 640..6383 1969 H1.rb0r Blvd ·uMd 10, bar. lie? $200 Free 4 healthy older kll· Incl cover , Ill other -- Cotta Mff} 831-6609 759.0097 lent nud homo 2 equip seso 675•8475 A.,.,,., 1411 .. _. -Sllt-55-;000 BTV--H fur-ma~a. 2 fem 648-4812 25· s~ . ...&1eepL4.JOC1 ••tMPORTANT-WonCi .. -- 0-f'A SE't Praypen MCf, WOtklng cond $50 SCHIPPERKEE from Bel· h .. d . llove & Ice box, TO REAOEBS AND =~·~.~· ,;:~:, xi~! 11. Four •••• kitchen glan 4 moa, ralt. •Int ~~~~;~; wOod hUll ADVERTISERS comlor1 New ,2500, •• c abinet• b•••l walt wllc;h dog. 780·8387 The price ol Item• ad· k I n g I 9 0 0 I 0 8 0 painted. Good cond 175 Shih Tru OR Llleao Apeo Beaullful Swedllh atoop, vertlMd by vehicle dea· 640-8165 al1 6pm ea 549-6945 Homea 1peclat ralHd 30 aq m111r. 44'x7', ..,., In the ....,tell Claui· COCKTAIL TABLES. two Gloria Mer1hetl Treat· AKC pupptea thott I $19,600 (2131 86!>-5211 lied ad119rtlatng columns menti, $940 vllue, $400 639-0925 Of (714) 652·3701 doH not Include any Cllrome bat• w/gl11a ,.d, u•• ... 1::6072 appllC•bll taxes. llcenae. top. 35" • 35". Make _.,.. ...... ,....,. French Lop .r•bbll w/ Columbla 22· very clean tr•n1fer 1111, finance eleQant 111tlng1. New UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC peper1, blk/wlllle ntc. 1Z with new Honda OIB. ctlaron f-l<>t air pol· 1300 ea. 11crtllcel 199 CLUB MEMBERSHIP cage $46 847080 eve Xtras, illp avall SOOO l~tton control device h ••o 8855 rt 8 o s o o · · OBO Cnll 966-1278 tlC , ,... • a pm. F R SALE 7751 B . Mini Schn•uura, specta. ctrtlllc11t1on1 or d11ler New mallrell 1111: 1011 752·5071 645·2293 cutar AKC miles. "1ow/ SabOI tO It saltlng como documtntary prepare · 165, quHn $105, king Seer• Garage OoOf Ope· pe1 $200 up 751·1333 wloara, 01r locks N-tlon c11arge1 unless S 125 Andy 750-5832 ner, $ 135. 8 mot old · ' · P•lnl '375 646-5079 otherwl11 IPtcllled by 646-5513 648· 1397 Charming. l>Mutllul adult 2 7 . E RICKS 0 N I the lldvertl-Luxur10U1 King 1111 Wtr bed Litt Blue VefYll & nit• ttand $400 J iii 551-0994 or 641·5036 ' New Swtll TelesGope 15)(180X pwr. w/Sttnd, $375 6 4 6 ·~513 , 646· 1397 F c11 . apayld & decla· w wed •hOh $5 outboard Good condl· 64~544 · 845•6072 lion $14,760 774-5807 htipll/ • a Or llH 26' EIJICKSON SLOOP Cl~uk1 ISZO 11•••• • fHI NB ellp 1 va11 $9800 ••••••••••-•••••••••• vAMAHA.aRANo.F>iAN'o 975.3922 . ~ "A"•I 6' walnut S6800/0BO. Spirit of America CATA· Shly rtplbt. p+ckupa & 873·8289 MARAN 18,~ 11 Ai 11 coupta. 4 10 choou Guldran•-Orn•n Alallo $500/bai 675-792<> lroml (008168) (Stk. _.. .-"3093) Pr1C11111ntng at model K. with exllrlor liilhltll MS •Y St,Hll Lesne tone cab. the•ter ••• ••••••• • ••••••••••• llyle. 549-8798 CUSTOM SAILBOARD. M_O_V_l_N_G_M_U_S_T_S_A_C_5-'8_, E•lra 1ell. brand nw Batdwtn Grand Plano , 1 c:ond $975 646·7200, yr old 676-9510 Mike 575·61 t5 THIODORl ROBINS FORD :lG'i': HUBOt Bl\10 CO~la lloOHA l>'l 0010 :· . • t'I 1 Ooatt O"lLV PILOTl8und1 , Oo•ober 3, 1982 .....: QUEEN OF THE SHOW • ,. Hen .... Molort.C:llt wtlh ~~ IHICIQe, IOU< l lllWOOll'll tnd 0 .. ,.., on 6eci( lo..iv 10 IOOll II ... 11111 ..,_ II Iha lo T,,. Wll .. Boal 11-29 tllfOUQll 104 I.loo V~ Morino Ed Alcherdaon Halter•• of Callfornla Lido Vlllege 175-1711 SHOWCASE YOUR BOAT A Regular Weekly Feature of the Daily Pilot Classifieds CALL Sall1 Lee 642-5878 t111h•qualhy racerl crulnr' from an . Q1mplute racln1 lnvuntory w/Hood ae.111 Ind. main. 120 & "O 61l'l\Ollt & 1plnn11kcr Kenyon lr\ltrunwn\,l(Te11k dock & tntl'rlor Fut MW 011 ·IA>ll tlel'lllJl by F.iv1nd SliU, det1ijfnt0r of tht• Flnnflre, \/, ·IOn world record holder A ~al 'Baby Bailie · New dealur's dumo offert-d at sacrifice price Orten & \Tades rol\llldured Sr•· 111 L11Jo Murina Boot Show !012 & 10/:} NORD YACHTS 3700 New port llvcl., Ste. 303, Newpott .. och (7141 67 7 CLASSIC WOOD CABIN CRllSER 1959 Owens 26 ft. Oas engine, single screw. Excellent bright work and paint condition. Restored to 100% original. New upholstery. Bottom In top shape. Owner needs cash. Sacrifice 'asking $6600. Wiii consider any cash qfler. Call A.0 Evans 631 -8000, 675-8202 F!~.r.~! •••••••••• !.~!! T!~.e!.~ ••••••••.• !.~!~ ~.~~'.~ !~r.!!!~....... ~.".'.'!. !!'!r.!!~ ...... . 'll,110&1T1S,ll '11 COllllEI ~ ... ~L ........... !.~~? f!l.'i •..•.•.••••• !!.H PIOllP 10 b41 1000 T1r•• '74 Yellow Capri Radio Very clttanl ( 171645) Very clean! ( 1N97029) 26,000 mites, fully loaded em/Im cass. Gd cond. $2488 $·291& sunroof. gd cond like Must sell Bsl ofr V new. S 13,400 080. 657-5009 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 6 4 5. 6 2 1 1 Eves . 16 C_a_p_r_I -11-.-.b-l-ac_k_ca-t-... 19202 Beach Blvd. 19202 Beach Blvd. 857-9684 days. Hnllngtn Bch 962-0829 HntlnQln Sch 962·0829 V6. air. a1ereoltap11. l-41 IOOO T11r•1 Sunrl, 1mmac. $2600. 1171 LH Tr1c• 1110 TIJITA Lea Int. All power. loa· 640·0020 or 963-2023 AM. CB. camper shell 1111 PICllP dad with 11tras. Leas than SOK ml. Clean, S2495. This one Is extra clean & 1 yr old 65QQ ml. $2,600 D•IH• 1120 OBO. has a ahell. ( 1Y87773) plut assume lae. make •••••••••• ••••• ••••••• 1 498-5514 831·4675 SQll oiler. M utt salt ._ '11 LIY PICllP .Ill IAlllt 714-955-3501 wk da With air conditioning. (IR03123) Reduced 10 $2988 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beach Btvcl. Hnllngtn Bch 962·0829 Toyota '76. AM/FM Ste- reo cassette. Small ca mper shell $2175. 673-6618 '11 TIYITA LH& lt4 Pich' Very clean. (1 P38260) Reduced to YOLISWAIEI 187t1 Beech Blvd Hunllngton Beac;h 142-2000 Aat11 WHIH ISH •...................•. WE PIY TOP DOLLAR Fiii ISEI CUI aw u1111 PlllTIAC/SIUH S&lll-IHYIOE LUllll 831-2040 495-4949 'lt llTSll 210 llLHE Very cleanf(1ATM151) 12111 BILL MAXEY TOY OT A 19202 Beach Blvd Hntlngtn Bch 9&2-0S29 \ l!.'11t.!'N!l.'1!. ...... ll.'!!1.lfl!.~'11. ...... ~1!111.IN!!.'11. ...... ~1.'!11.!~r.!!!! ....... ~.~~'.'.!~r.!!~ ....... ~!'!.'.· .. ~~~~ .......... . !11111!. ••••• =.d.{ff f'J,4f, ••.••••••• 1.':!f fttl11! •••••••••• !.~ff T11J!'. •••••••••• 1.~~f Y!!t!.-:~t!! •.• -.1.~~~ f!!! •..........•. !!!.f tlAlll Mnn't 1tr 4 Mud• Waoon "•· ·1e•• n4. •ff. ''llUMOkl, 1112 TIYDTll 114 r•••ri" N•w •"•'Y •U Afflllllll dlO. hH"'· auto trat11 I• a I he' 6 rtl o ' • lt O••••' 111111g rnwi mo1t11 t t!',00. PllUll pvt fmt>'. H•-Hn. 195001000 s41.ou6 l ~.r ''':'e.a 1 e;~o1r:~· :,·;.~~·2"~~~g fl'"" 11111 a513 IULlllllPl '::d:~.:)(!h:.~:.F~nf~ , I.OW m::. ~~~, 1n1. All ;,.:::·l.: a: H '71 Suo•r Uu1i.. 11ew ~~"~ .. ~~'o"ok ;,rs· ~t:i pl!lth 111fer 11ln1 cond. l)Owtr AC ci.ao rt\11'' palnl. 011.1tch Xlnl en~ POO 60311 lt100 OU~JG _.__ Mii •a•JtiOO oeo' :~g~·o~~,~~~ o~6~H I '611 ~81COll. uoou COllO 1ea fUC3 Wagon. new 7l4·t1>6·380t wk d• $4988 Mu\I ••II 111 HOO l•k•• eno. 11111 on wrnty, itlnt '70 llt4, Aun• l!oOllu lnt V1fr1 1112 11 673 11110 oond . I 1396. Good Nw rim• r1dl1l1. paint. •••••••••••••••••••••• trenep Ul·Htl. 13950 H0·8174. 11 1 , ......... , '1() LTD 2 dr. rtdlO. 111 e&t 8 1111 • T ti cond, n11w llrH. 82 ,000 -----•1!_1 -·i3v. 9t1f Yarga, Mi a lllJ IJ I 11 lr1111 Oe111trl "" a1n1 c one "100 FlllAlll 111111111 1131 • q u Ip . b I k on b I II , 11111 IHtlt llt4. IA 11···1··1· YIO 642 13118 '92 4001 Auto. 169,600 01.................... 19000/ofr 499·0720 ........ .... L t " f 66 Oorllr111, alr)l COM<l, tbll '82 4Q.otG'l. 172.500 MtMHltl No 4 Por11 ·73 Po rache 914 p1r11n11 112-0121 All UlllH 11r.o. e1011n 1n1ld• & ou1 '80 3a'eors1. S36 600 t.o ml, $38.600 oul from 126·$1 000 OVERSEAS DEllV[R'r \/Ml 64!1·2296 ·74 Dino Spydet Sat,600 714·9&8·8306 OMSC Call H0-17'18 ' '76 Corolla Wgn, 4 1pd, EXPERTS 1 14 068 8306 •IC. 1mlfm cu• • nu 0 ' •' #1t~Hll If•• 1140 '77 g1 t8 Targa, t /O, •1•· whltl llrH, lllnl cond HllU Ill 11)71 MllV8ttt.k, Ole•n runs good $3/b 642-'344 , ttrtttl ettrl,.rft •••••••••••••••••••••• reo. attoy1. mini. 64,000 12400/obo 631·88•2 YOLYO o.,,.,.t1.. ..,,......... mll .. l lA,&OO. Atll 10' 1980f4i,...1, AIC, AM/FM. 1966 Harbor Olvd M11a111r •1190 "•' ,,,, ...................... *FANTASTIC* *FIATS* tlJGC sntCTION m -OWNED FIAT SPIDERS & FIAT X l /9's '11 FIAT Xl9's 4 sp, stereo, mega. Only 57 K. (659SM R) s3795 '78 FIAT X-19 • sp, factory ale, stereo, tape, raeJ\, alloy• 43 K -A Aelll Beauty ( 1 euc1on s4295 '79 FIAT X-19 5 s p , Factory ale, Stereo Cass. Reck, Maga. (13090) s5295 '75 FIAT 124 SPl>ER 5 sp, S tereo, Mags. Air. Very Sharp, 6 f K (122NJN) '77 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 sp, Dk Green, Mint Condition, Stereo Caaa ( 1ACP577) s4995 Al Vllidn CiulllllM C»Mlil COUlfTY'$ OlDOT FAClOIT MJTHOllZID flAl-l.MCM OlAUJ DICK MILLER MOTOR~ We'll enow you 0\19r 100 <Had 7141648·7245. .. . C COST ••es ••••••A•••••••••••••• n1d1111, XLNT ond A"" A 76 "ercurv Bobc•t, gd ~·w ' UMd MefeedH· ·73 8t4 2 o. AMIFM Clll, $4460 b 646 3806 ..... t•oa a.ao t "l l ...,, M Sanz Come In & conel· xlnl oond, tow ml $4508 Oennia' 0 0 • ' " • • "" • " cond . new t1re1. ru111 der our leua arrenge· 876·9565, 675·7424. _ '87 12;i$, 818110n wagon. w a 11 S I :I 0 O 0 B 0 menta or long term fl· -;-81 SPECIAL EDITION 197g Toyola Supra. nttw rccl!nl t'"ll work s 1300 871·9331 nsnclng Take over laaae $434 tires. mu11 Mii lhl• w... 559.193;> M 1118 •15., House ol 1mport1, Inc kend 646-0107 U I. v El 01AL 213 or 714 645·8730 855-9189 '71 VOLVO 142 oMg 72K •••;••• •••••••••••••• 637·2333 ·59 coupe. Excellent f: I • 1111 m1 New p11111t. r11<J1111~. 11 IUITlll -'---------'-cond. No ruat. $6600 or .!.~!!I............... etc Au10 , s1ereo PI P Wllh ou1omallc trans , bat olr. 840·8398 1110 TRtl•Pll S 1975 P11 546-7638 power steering and air TRl OllYERTllU '82 Volvo Wagon OL <.C1Udt1ooning I ICIC 1601 You can afford to '77 924 Ellcellant cond lo ml , anrl, new paint buy your Mercedes S6850 oBo 840·8398 BeftZ from UI. '82 Targa metalllc pewter. $0 tan Int, polished alloys. Bose atereo. all options. Alarm, 3500 ml, assume lease plus S 1000 494-4521 Dow N ·77 Turbo Carrera, $7000 and aseume $19.000 leaae at $636/mo. New LEA E NCT'S, attlfeo. full leath lntr Rich 964-8171 & 532-2865 11•1•/t 11SS .••.•..•.......•••..•. H .•W IUlllTI ••d!OOlthm .'\A• tow • S4ttt'4•• ,.,.) ' . The all new '83 Affiance la heral Fuagos, Imme· diate detlvery .. UIE OOAIT 110/.IEEP/llEIAILT 2!124 11,atbor Blvd., C.M 549-8023 646-7770 '80 LeCer. dlK, zippy, lll)I CM• SI Neo.pcwt llllr:n sunrf, AM/FM casa Lo 7Wl3H300, 2131123-:icoo m I C a 11 C a r m i n e 11111111111111111111-5-4-5--9~73-0----~ --------~.'!!!.!!T!! •••••• !Z~ 'S 1 380 SL, 7000 ml. Wire WllHll . $3S,000/0B0 213·832·8979. MB t982 300 CO·TO. Sunroof. $30,900. Call 714/492.0S90 MBZ IOO Ill Large discounts -on our 1111 9 1982 SEL ·a 714·966·8306 ... ,. ....... ,.,.111 c.,,., .... . '66 Mercedes 230SL Cream w /darll brown sofl t op Hard top, 118ddle lntr Good cond s 1S,OOO. 673· 7543 '7S 3000· Mech sound, ne w ra d i als $14,500/0BO. 640·4019 "1 DEALER IN U.S.A. ~ ~_,,....J.16i(;NJllP#U'°''l!t ... "'1MNll~"t'Y'lo9 ~ -.-.n1w ,... 1110 ··•····••·•······•···· ltll WI tlLE SEUI This one Is all orlgtnall (21739) llLY 12111 .111 IWllH YILllWAIH IS711 ~·ch Blvd. Huntington Beac,, 142-2000 Optlona lr1c1ude air cond $10,300 $4988 & AM/FM. ( 1AP0224) Cllll 559•5 199 BILI MAXEY TOY OT A OILY Sllll ·73 Volvo 164 4 spd, air, 111~02 Beach Blvd .Ill 1111111 stunning blul! body & Hn1lng1n Bch 962-0829 YOLllWAIEI immac l)l~e ;n• N11ver ·74 Mustang II Ghia V6, all denied er 11ct cond power under 60K mites 167t t ~ach Blvd 1hq1ou1 Run1> sup11rb t lean '51975 573.7345 · Hunllngton Beach $2,650 648-7245 142-2000 Y.'!,!."!~I!~ •••••• !!.~~ 1110 VllllWAIH HlllT Automallo t rans .. air cond & low m11es1 (92606) .., 14111 ·L-tr. 18711 9eec:h 81vd Huntington Beach 142-2000 1110 YOUIWAIH HlllT IELHE 4 Or 4 speed 1rans , sunroof & eKtra clean• (9 13CEO). ·eo· OLE. 23.000 miles. loeded , bluu s 12.000/0BO 546·0315 AMC 9905 •••.••.•..••......•... MUST SELL '82 EAGLE SX4 Sporl package. ex· Ires. only 3000 miles. $7 .500 O wner Call 646-4&29 '67 Muslang GI Very clean 676-5911 70 Mus1ang, 302 V8. 3 spd, almost comp! reblt, musl sen $2295 759-05911(213)693-2255 'lO FlSTIACI 302 V8. 20 mpg, good mech cond Must sell S 1400/obo 650-03 75 lust Sell! '79 Muslang Ghia. fully loaded lo mites, new llres. am/Im c:asselle Best oller 966-6126 llLY 14111 .Ill ...... Ytl.llWAIEll 18711 Beecn Blvd Huntington Beaeh 142-2000 i a11." 9910 9Y!!'!!~i!! ....•. !!.~~ ~8," c~~;~;;~;·o."4~~~i;.; '79 Olds Cullass 30.000 ml. toaded m excel cond mo Besl Oller '66 B•Ja Bug. BeSI oller 644 -5613 540·7507 Clean Auna good Tral· 73 Buick' Regel. great '76 Cutlass s1a11on wagon ler hftc;h. Sttlfeo. Lugg&· trans car looks decent Gd con<l new brakes. i e rack Xlnt cond $700 642-9621 AIC AM/FM c.ass S2000 1500/0BO C - -OBO 54!>-0817 all eves '78 RIVIERA Loadeo. 548-4333. s4900 IOBO Owner an· 74 Cutlass Sedan, all orig, 1111 YILllWAIH xlous to sell 857-8461 AC, 1mmac car ------631-5661 l PAHEIHll 111 c.,m., 991 --- 4 speed trans. & AM/FM •••••••••••••••••••••• PJr.aoalb f960 stereo. This ona·s In I TIE UlllEIT ~6·3 ·v:1i;,,",~·r~bi,"ii~;i."s showroom condlllonl SELECTIOI new tores. 111n1 body, (9·225). $650 548-4109 OILY $1111 of late model. low milea-ge Cadillacs 1n Southern .Ill IUllllO Cahlorniol See us 1oday1 YOLllWllH lllERS lS7l I Beaoh Blvd. Huntington Beach ClllLUC 142·2000 2600 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 1111 rL YllOITI HOIU!H 4 IOOR 4 speed trans & AM/FM \ 1EPR794l Buy this one at wllolesatel or 760-04S8. 1 ... ,. 11fl '74 Bug, good cond. orig -.7-4-M~ll-Z_2_30_._4_d_r-. .,,,-1-fm-. •••••••··~··•••••••••• owner. has been well 540-1880 OILY $3111 Jiii llAllllO YOLllWllEll Salea·Servlce-L .. llng malnt $2500. 831-9627 e/c, good cond. 145250. •••1UUOI · PIP. S48--4890, -1111 YtlllWllll 11t•z•a1. ... kl ..... All alltraa, 62,000 ml. $28,500 very firm 731·5115 838-4342 11un 111-2141 411-4141 T,,la on!'h~!.n wall 'II llUll IL cared !or. (13522) 5 speed coupe. vary clean (43 tZEA) '65 Cpe de VIiie. complete overhaul . $7 00 631·8670 18711 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beech 142-2000 ·e 1 Fllwd Cpe Elegance • , t7 000 m1 V6. 1ea1,,er Potttl•t fl6. IO~dtd S 14,500. obo: JG•F;;;;,;:i~·s2soo··;;; PV1 ply 645-6730 m1 tan mornings only '80 Eldorado dtl, mini 673-1478 $3188 BILL MAXEY TOY OT A 19202 Beach Blvd. 2480 Hart>or Blvd COSTA MESA 141-4100 141-1411 llllLHlCI l•W 28402 Margutlflta Pllwy M tulon Viejo (Avery Exit ofl 1-5) .Open Sunda~ 'lt llTlll 'IO MBZ 3000. Tan w/ : '()fl WJJr1•· A,. 13111 BILL MAXEY TOY OT A 19202 Beach Blvd MU SOii , .. IUllllt YILllWAIH 18711 Beach Blvd. Huntingtoo Beach cond 26,000 m1. and , Ve • 991. loaded S1 2 ,000 ••'-••••••••••••••••• 644·6368 72 Vega aulo. magf HnllnQtn Bch 962.0829 IPEOllL PlllCWE N-'82 Jeep CJ'a. 10 to choose from. Includes winch jamboree package and much more. SAVE THOUSANDS WElft OLUI OUS Ill TllOll COHHRL CHEVROLET Salea·Servlee-Leaatng 'ta UOi's Art ltrtl Nloe Selecllon! * '76 2002, 4 spd .. sn/rf (917PVB) 310 II OllP! lvorylntr.Sunrf,$21.000. \J11tJ And •ilJ • 1 ' With atr conditioning and _4_94--·9_309 _____ _ stereo (534YUA) ---------11979 280 E Anthracite '75 Fiat Spider Red wlth gray, sunroof, xlnt cond $2975 wire wheels Xlnt cond. s 16.000. 7 t4·553·0335 S 1,000 below book . EvllS $2900 760-1996 -------* · 79 3201: 4 apd • loa, dedl (616XO~J llLL •on'""' * ·so 5281; au10 .. sn/rl 19202 Beach Blvd. Hntlngtn Bch 962.0829 142-1000 fon l• llfS '09 Squareback, needs ••'••••••••••••••••••• body work. S 1000/0BO ·11 Cellca. 5 •P<I coupe, _5_4_8·_0_19_5_. ____ _ Kint cond . many Ktras till YOLllWAIEI s 3 6 o o 6 3 t -5 s 1 4 , IAllEll 645-9442. This one ts extra clean! (453T00) 1981 Fleetwood Brouo· hem 2 dr. dsl Loaded. 20.000 mo, 36136 wrnly xtra fuel tank, 1500 m1 range $13 .500 493-4376 '76 De Volle Sedan Xlnl cond. loaded. S3200 644-0554, 640-6226 needa motor $20C 6<16·1321 Don Aatoi tl•e' .........•..........•. IUIH OlllT UIO/.IEEP/llEIAILT 2524 Harbor Blvd .. CM "-"ll.t•'•" t<. I ' , .. ,, I \H' . 546-1200 (486ZOJ) · Hunllngton Beacn 1 * '80 3201: 5 spd . toa-112•0821 '76 X 119, ale. at10ya Mint. ded! (231ZYR) --------Mint. Mini. Looks & drl- 'II OlllU LlllH ElfTitl llLY 12111 .111 IWlllO YllllWllEI C1•110 J91 •.••..••............•. NABERS < :,\f)ll .I .. 1\C CLEARANCE SALE! 549-8023 645-7770 -"'--------· '11 IATlll "°"' With Ullllty body and low mllel. (1S95471) 14275 lttlllYU Top dollars for Sports Cart, Bugs. Campers. 91•'s. Audi's Aall for U/C MGR .Ill IAlllO YllllWllH BILL MAXEY TOY OT A 1871 1 Beach Blvd 19202 Beach Blvjl. Hn11ng1n Bch 962·0S29 HUNTINGTON BEACH '73 Ford pwr-dump. 350 ___ l_4_2_·2_ooo ____ 1 1·T. stake bed. 4 apd. WAITED' rebll trana, VS. $2900. • 557-0058 Late model Toyotaa, 'IO TIT-& v01vos. Pickups & van1. • 1 Call us today1 Sii PIOllP With elr conditioning and 1tereo. (IU74313) Redu· eed to $4075 11u uxn """ 19202 Beach Blvd. Huntlnglon Beacih 112-1121 '80 FORD PICK UP. 6 oyl, 3 apd. 19K ml, $4200. 730•6117. '11 Ollltlll PICllP Extra cle..i with air con· dltlonlng. ( 1Z34130) Prl· c:ed to NII at $4388 llU lllllY TtYIH 19202 BHch Blvd. H\ll'lllnQton BHch HI-IHI l iarle Ike TOYOTA-YOUO ............. c .... w... ,.. u .. 0 0)., SO -H U * '80 633scl. loaded. ·79 Datsun B210, good vas like brand new. (5555346) <:ond S2SOO Call Cheryl $2750 548·7245 Asll for IH-3111 S91·2910 _A_m_y _____ _ 208 W. 111. Santa Ana l 98 TS S H1#11 l1Z1 Closed Sunday 2 DA Ull •••• •••••• • ••••••••••• HIUHmll't CHOICE INVENTORY ,.,, 01111 We can help! BefOl'a you VOLUME SALES extra Lew ..... ,. buy, check our unl>Mt.., ~ Ye•lolet blo aalectlon, aavlnga ~ Frt• ls ltw b and aervtce today! Ill •oLllEI ... Sales-Servtc.-Laaslng 8SO N. Beach Blvd. La Habra 122-HU Open Sunday 111&11r onm•s tlHST & $4988 1111 •u•J T111t1 11202 ltHft 1"4. llff•chl ... 112-0121 11m11m IAUI t IDftll 2850 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 140-1140 '• 18711 Be.ch Blvd Huntington Beach 142-2000 · 70 Camero 8 cyli11der, orig owner. great Shape $"3000 080 673-848 l Cbn 11/e1 992 •.•••..........•...... SEE IS FllSTI Wa have a good selac- 1 Ion ol NEW & USED Chevroletsl COHMRL CHEVROLET :x..> 11 •• 1r1111 Ji .. : ' • r.. l I \1 ~.'-, \ 54tr 1200 '71 OlttYJ IJY~tr $2200. 2+2 Hatchback, a;n/lm casaa11a. plush Int . clean body, 5 spd, 39 mpg 541-0777 Need some reliable tran- lportallon? Buy my 79 Chevelle Only 34,000 mi, new tires, AC, aulo, Call Sandy, 552-7182 1980 CADILLAC SEVILLE (673570) s12 ,995 1980 CADILLAC COUPE DE Villi (1AKK082t s9395 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILU (915XUF) s7995 1978 CADILLAC COUPE DI Villi (640UOT) $5995 1911 CADILLAC COU,. DI Villi D'ILIGANCI (180C305) s1z,995 Offer Oooo Thru Monday. 10·4-&2 .NABE:RS <:1\l)ILl..1\C , • Profound Thought For the Day ... we 6aT" ANOTHE&- SRAHO, BUT 11M AFRAID IT'S NOT YOUR FAVORITE NANCY .. I GUESS 5LUGGO, THE MOOCHER, WILL BE SHOWINv UP SOON TO GET A FREE SUNDAY DINNER IUNDAY,OCTOlllal, Hit • H CINH /()-3 BUT I'M READY FOR HIM TODA~-­ HE'Ll GO AWAY FAST ... . ' Dll lllEllll llllY PIPll . . . .. WE'RE ALL Ol/T OF TME KIND OF D06 FOOD . TMAT YOU Lll<E-••• Bad-News-can Be- a Depressant. By Ernie Bushmiller 0 i I I I J I HEAR HIM NOW, T IPTOEING UP I TO P.EEK IN THE KITCHEN WIN DOW LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES ' GARFIELD ® DD I I OH NO .' IT'5 TMEM! . ' ARRR(:;H/ DENNIS. THE MENACE ~~~~I ~£MEMBER! I had an, . . 1C.e cream cone~~ a-rt: it dropped ari the-SIOE- WALK I CJ CJ -,--~--. D D By Hank Ketcham P4.RKER T H IS IS S PENCER FARMS,TONY! SAM SHOULD BE HERE WA\TING I STILL FEEL AS THOUGH I 'VE FOR US! ABANDONED MY FATHER IN A TIME OF NEED, D. E3. ! r--..~---.:~ MEANWHILE, AT THE PASSMORE HOME HIS CONDITION 15 .UNCHANGED .. MR. C! NO, TONY ISN'T HERE ! THE LA5T I KNEW HE WA5 5 1TTIN6 OUTSIDE THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT AT THE HOSPITA'-'1 .. YOU'RE EXPECTED! PLEASE FOLLOW THE ROAD FOR A QUARTER MILE TO THE M A IN HOU SE~ YOU CAN'T MIS& IT! ~-:::-1 THlS I S JOE,M l55 SPENCER! D. 6 . CLARK ANDA GENTLEMAN ARE ON THE WAY! YOU F IND HIM , CHARLEY! ~ ....... TELL HIM TO BE AT ·rHE HOUSE ~HEN I 6 ET THERE LATE TONIGHT! OKAY? • FAU. HA5 FINAU..4 A~VED AND 500N WE lEAVE5 WILL. 8€ DROPPING! ~ 1J.4E 'TR&. ! MOON MULLINS .:.you BoUNCE OVER THOS~ AT 35 MPH ANC> You CAN SM.Ak 'METER UP AN EXTRA So OR 75 CENTS! WEU.., IT lOOK6 ~IKE 11'5 lfiAT 11ME OFlJEAR AGAIN! ' .. l'0-3 I CAN'T l.,>00 5Et="Al..1-THE Ol~ISTMA5 DECORA1ION5~ by Ferd and Tom Johnson IH' TAXI BUSINESS IS Y,A ~ET TO MEE:T LOTS OF FARE. HA! THAT'S A PEOPLE,,AIRPLANE5,IR,AtNS ..Joki:. BlJT SER ouS LY .. --BUT 'TH' MOST IMPor<T,ANT AND LIKE youRTSACl-lER SAYS, IAAT'S Voc,Ar10NAL EM~ICHMENT! i~ING IS RAILROAP1i<,ACKS. . ~ ..... -;:7 fv'..R. MULL INS --I -- HARDLY kNOW ~oW 10 THANK' ~._....~ You ... WOTCHA Do1N' TONIGHT? DOCTOR SMOCK -By George Lemont YA KNOW WHY :tNC'IANS NeveR osec::::> SAPP&..es :» \ J I 'CAuse -rHeY KNE!W 1'"HIS ESN1'"1RE! HORSe WAS COVE!RSP Wl~H L-E!A-r"HE!R ANYWAY.' " ,cl< -c~{ MeY! A WIL-P ANIMAL.- SHOW.' F • •' --u __ -_-,,~ e L-e w e £ ·2· -i~ $(SJ.( 2 2 5 2 0 t I ' . ... CZ c 0 • 0 0 ' ~ '::? IU:L.AX'1 Rit.L.A ••• tM ~ A MISSIONO'MOIC'(-Me JNI'{ E'RlJPPeR'S IN NEW- ------ 1 ----· -----·---_,_ . --·-. ' • \. ( CAN YOU T•UST YOUR IYISf TMN are at 1M1t t6a -91tfer. .-cet .. ••wl11t •t•llt Mtwten top aM ~ paMls. Hew 41Wkkty un yeu tin.-thetft? Cheda answers w• llllM '91ew. 6u"''"" \1 Jadd•l t Jell•"'t ft_._.,., ~ 1•11•,.., "t•M r _,,,,., ••• ••ac>t"OljS C l>u"'""" PY•M C l>u"''"' \! vlltS ·1 W>u•••ll!O 4 p 10 -------by Hallaufm•n------~ e eooD•UllNWNOts.mt"""9 .. _... ... ..-................ _a 1 .... ._.,._,,AnM.,a....s.wmr. ... .,LMMft.4.C._......,,." ..... 1.Me..-r "'90ra,.. NewelklalWCM,_C*'NCt..., ........ ,...,...,., • Yo~x--.., t .... 40 .. lltlftllM f *"> ,. ....,. I .... ~· I e luM S,lltl Spflt .o iftlD twt _,, M ht .... ,,...,..,plus ~If tht Wter ._.. ene·1l1tt\ "'-""" HdM to twice the '""""'. Whit"'"? "'"" .. .,.. • (Hy llldlP ldlfttlfy .... U.S. clt6tl _, ....., ..,......,....,.....,-.,. _ _..__, ·.-. ......... J '· ,.. ... _...'·"'a s.1'11-..o-ty.•. TM•1c 01Y.t.1t11ttewR. THI SAVINO GOH A r9M 11 a sort of cryptic r iddle, with letter" numbers. pie· tur", etc., providing clueJ to the '""'"'. For Instinct.• picture ot '" eve follow.cl bV \ CU could represent "I Meyou." . Just fer fun, i,t•a Ml • If vou ""decipher"" three 11v1no1 pretented In rtbul form •bove . ...,_.,. some further clues: 1. 1r1 1'""'9ant 11 "'" ........ rt. 2. Wfalt tftH fwl~ peM wlttt wealth. J. aM a1 1Mnt1 •rt, they 1Mua..1m,,..,.. ~ t ........ f ~) C .. IK'f ' '119A .... I e Ritldle·...,TN11 .., don• blttt towel go "ding •·ling"? Whet\ It's rlntlng wet. we-.t kind of..., do athletes ''w? Trtn·IPort planes. Which fle4r. llkH to t ing? A NllM·dttr. . _.. .............. t ,11 t o& A\H ·-> ''•ll C ~tt""''",.._.llfM I CHEERS HOWi What Utt you ~raw t9 cemplete tbt cheerlNtll,.. Kettt above: Te find out, Hd tlnea 1. 2, J, etc. . FOr ·Better or For Worse I\ NO LlKE MACAMONl COMEON- Of'EN OP. ---- I •. PICK·Ml·UftSI Attt>lv IN followlnt colon to th11 l•milU.r .....,.,. laftll •-Red. 2-Lt. blue. J-Yellow. •-Lt. brown. s-,ltslt. .-1.t. .,..... 1-Dk. brown. t-Dlc. purple. ._Or••· SPELLBINDER ICOll 10 ,..,.., fer U16nt 111 the lettetl '" h word Meow to form ___ .._. ___ _ two CM191ttt werdt: CNLOltlDE . . . . . ... THI .. IClrt 2 -~ for all word• .. '-' ·1etttr1 or more ___ ...,. __ _ fcMlftd ............. . ,,, ......................... . '""1 'll:MW ......... q!U 4d -------- ' m a as ( ~•1 .. •2•2 .. ._.•a•a ..................... s ..... ---------~~--~~~---~~~ -~~ "-£:, OAO, .. ~ OlOttl'T ft~L. M'i ot'A~G.£ JUIC& A\.L 1"t WA" 1'0 1\4£, 1'0P ! GORDO WIT# TJ.llS POPt.JLATION IAJCJC.EA6E I ~.'VEAAO 70 SHOE ~.:. l'LL 1lt<& Jf ' eACK ! Gus Arriola by MacNelly G'XV~Ef!~ WORM~!! GO COAJOO, • r Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your" Health. . ni. '-·. -....:1.0 .... nicotine: Plains. 22 mg ... ..,.., 1~ .................. At.Ripon Die. '8t ... f r------~oorc'0~~------ 125¢ SAVE 25C on pledge I I 111 • ....,.,....,.,....,..,._ .. .. I ................... ,.,,.. ... ¥1 ... .. I 7• ......... CNt ... .,~ "" .,,. """ _._ ... ~ ........... ... .... ~ ........... ctlltltlllltt "• I I ~ .......... .:=:r ......... .... I ._ .. ...,.., ............ ...... -,_.,..,,.,,......._llMlltri•~ Yw I ......... .., ,,,,.-i. c. .... ,,. "' *' ....... .,...... ., ... °""$ I ................. u,,. ...... ., •lc .... aa.i. ........ c:... I .. m\ o."" -=,,.. 1Any ..,. ., sceno [ _______________ __ $150,000 IN CASH PRIZES AVAILABLE GRAND PRIZE; 5 Second Prizes: ,25 Third Prizes: 1,000 Fourth Prizes: $50,000 $5,000 $1 ,000 $50 ---.. K THEffi · YOURSELF I Send llW ~ one ........... IO "!WT.." Flmlly WMlcly. a.1 ~A .... ,,.._ YOlll. N Y 10022 Wl'I cey 16 IOr ~ ~ ~we c:.n't .,_ OCl'4ft_ "At 14, I weighed 310 h .,. FOR KEN DACHMAN. author of The Dochmon Permanent ~lght.Lou Program Wen you chubby M a chdd? -K.8 . Dur· ham. N.C. •A sickly Infant . I was pampered and ovetfed by my parents. At 6 I had developed a 'dangerous pattern of overeating and w.ighed 135 pounds. Some local kids marched to my house carrying signs saying "Get out of the neighborhood. you big fat pig." Because I couldn't pursue normal physical actlvl· ties. I began eating more and more. I took In over 20.000 calories daily, 10 limes what an average adult should eat. AI 14, I weighed 310 pounds. Anally. in 1974 I started dieting and lost 250 pounds in a year. My waist went from 64 to 32 Inches. I believe now that the key to weight loss Is attitude. FOR DR • .IOYCE BRO'lliERS. psychologist Why do eome people n.wr lam lrom PMt m ......... 7 - M.M., &condldo, C..W. • Because he or she Is ~ng out of an unconscious need. U a man had a gtrifrlend who nagged him and he finds another who does the same thing, he is obey- ing his unconscious Instincts. You must ask yourself. "Why do I keep doing the same things?" By being aware of the pattern. you can break it . FOR SUSAN SARANDON. star of Tempat How cld yo11 become .,. ectrw? -S.D., Woodbury. N . .I. •By accident. As a child I wanted to be a wave in the ocean. I thought It would be fun to ripple back and forth all day In the sunlight. At college, by a fluke, I ended up In drama class. which I enjoyed. Then when I married , my husband. an actor, had an audition. I went with him and the agent signed me. FOR U.OYD DOBYNS. of NBC !'kwt Ouemlght wt. .............. ycMI .... to .... ~~? - T.R., Klnglport, Tmn. • Our competition Is not other sho\.llS, but sleep. The best show in the world can't survive If viewers are snoring. Actually, we won't get canceled because no NBC vice president is awake at 1:30 A.M. They watch us ln the morning when we're asleep. Then they can't reach us bec:aUJe our phones are off the hooks. FROM 1liE .. ASK .. EDITOR COMPOSURE: Count &.-. 78, never gets ln1tated or loses his temper. According to those who work with him. he always tries to see humor In a sltua· tlon. Orchestra leader Grover Mitchell. who once played In the Count's band. told of one inShlnce when Basie kept his cool: "We were at the airport on ow way to Denver. A lady spotted Basie In one of his favorite red caps, pointed to two suit· cases and said, 'Would you carry my bags?' Basie jumped to attention. picked A case of mlst.oken ldent1ty. up her luggage and took them to the check-in counter. 'And : he boasted. 'I must've ~one a good job. She tipped me SO c.ents."' ... As Albert Flnney's head was being shaved for Ann~. the actor remained calm But what was real· ly going through his nearly bald head: "What if Ifs the wrong shape or the curves are In the wrong places? My God, thls could be the most expensive hair· cut in film history." ... QUOTES: Bianca ~. said to still carry the torch for Mick J.gger. was overheard saying: "Divorce Is such a failure, the great· esi failure a person can have. We'd stUI be married if I had fo und some way of dealing with the other women." .. States sd·fi writer Arthur C. Clarke. author of 2010 Odyssey Two: "If you've never seen a U.F.O.. you·re not very observant. And if you've H seen as many as I have. you ope won't believe In them:· Bob Hope denies he·s guilty of dtsrapect toward any reJigk>n, even In jest: .. , wouldn't dare be offensive . I can't risk blowing the hereafter on a technical· tty." ... Singer K.nny Kogen. making his film debut In tSlx Pock. was asked If he prefers movies to records: "I'm a businessmen first." he replied, "and will use the Redgrave most energy where 111 make the most money .... " KIDS: Kelly, 12-year-old daughter of Lvnn Red- gnw and .aohn Clark. has suddenly discovered he:r father. which means she now showers him with affec· don Instead of her usual scowls and frowns. When •ed why she was always so awful toward her father. Kelly pondered and decided, "Well, I was much younger then -and being young made me absent·mlnded." ... Marte C>.mond . shov.otng her young nephew Mother Nature, pointed to the hori· zon, saying, dramatically, .. Look at that mountain ." "Why?" he queried, puzz:led ... What has It done?" PRO Smator ......_A. McOure (R.·ldaho). chair· man, Energy and Natural Rnources CommhtH PRO Ano con CON Repr...,.tattve Edward .I. Markey CD.·Mau.). member. Energy and Comrricn:. Committee Government controls don't work. Regulating gas prices removes the Incentive for lncreaMd production. When od was deregulated. U.S production lnc:reued. helptng to Jo.....,. prices. That's good for Americans, bad for OPEC. Fol· lowing natural gas shortages in 1977 and 1978. Congrns tried to deregulate gas but did not go f• ~-Total deregu· latk>n now would stimulate more exploration. drilling and produc:lion. lt would put Amerbnt to woric and fur. ther decreaM our dtpendtncc on foreign cncgy. Should There Be A Deregulation of Natural Goa In the U.S .? CQma ...... ~ ... ......_cw,. °'"81. ltlt I Decontrol. which means higher prices. would cripple ow economy -doubling consumers' heating bills and adding two to three points to the lnftatlon rate. h would alto cost 1.1 mllllon jobs, Increase the de6ctt by $26 bdUon a year ~d slow economic recovery. Gas prices have already lnaeued by 400 per· cent slncc 1974. lncreasfng thae COits further would only rob consumm of the money they need to In vat In energy contm1atton devlou such• lnsuladon. storm wtndows and more efftdent fumeca. e 1112 FAMILY WHKLY. All riGfltt ,...,_., Some ~ and client. 9INClr by Eileen Ford -othen about her. She'• tough, demanding and /feu. Aleo jamoua, potl1elfuJ and rich. Th'8 year her ~ 11118 book ~ than $20 ml81on. And modm are cheap to feed. was alra6d ol her 18 years ego when I began moddng for Ford Models Inc.; now at the age ol 38. f m d afrmd ol her. It II ~ comfort ttWlt aimOlt ewryone eJse Is, too. EiNn Ford 1nt1*a awe, respect, anger and far, but molt ol al far.. She Is lmpertous. djf. ftcuJr, demanding and fierce .• vengduJ fft- breathcr. And yet, she lova as 6ercely as she hull. And becaUM she Is the Bat at what ..__ does, you have to be'-w ttWlt wNt.vcr II .... dam do. lhe does It ...... She Knows Bat. In .,., ... Mocher. And Indeed, thll woman -who made the ~ of dealing In beauty what It II, who made the ~ a bUllnal -looks more like a subur· ban mom who hat put In her time behind the wheel of a ltatk>n wagon lhutdlng &om the Grand Unk>n to the cournry dub, than one who tm1fta models and dents .... Glamorous she Isn't; she looks, In ··~~.o-.. - fact, much 11 she did when I ftnt met her, although like rno.t ol our rnochen, she has goUsn both sterner looking and lal hard-edged, as If heavy weather has soltened her over the yan. She sdll wun no roakeup -leevtng that to her girls -and she stlU touches up her hak. She has the same love· ly hands. perfecdi; nwilcuNd, and she wan cJotha that would be u~ at a meeting ol the local P .T.A . But !hat famous temptr -altholq, no k>rlQer .. ungovcnab&e" (ha word) -II never far from the surface. It's ff11Y to get sSlged when the ..,.ks fly: "rm 11 ~ 11 ~ 12~~-old." Mys Ford ... My temper has been rapon1•>1e for some ol my worst mlltaka." El&Mn teO. on henelf and then smiln By Stephani Cook beatlfica.lly. "But rm not a regretful penon. I don't look back." Ford Models Inc .. the world's top moddng agency. is very much her t>.by. has and hutbend Jeny's. and Ike a beby, It has charactertldcs from both of them. EOeen retem the notion that lhe alone II Ford: .. No, no. It has always been 'we.'" People who tHm to know about such things an prone to whlspel-that It's a good thing. too, that Eu.en gm too involved, tMa things too pa'IOMl- ly, blurs the an. between penonal and profalional In ways that haw not always been good for bull~ MM. ( .. It's aD penonal to Ellnn," says a c.lmlt.) Ei&.en ftra things up, they My, but It's Jerry who makes It work, who cleans up the ,._, who moves things forward while keepfng Ei&.en In check. Technk:ally, EJleen oversea the mod.as and Jcny handles the buslnal. but dutla in al very looec. I I ------ 1 ,---------~:------- Stephani Cook, 1964, our author; Maud Adams, 1975, o Scandinouian model with "oll-Arnofcan" good looks; LA~ Hutton and Choy/ llega, two of the hottat models of rec.mt vean. The agency was started 36 years ago. almost by accident. After graduating from Barnard. Eileen worked at various jobs (catalogue stylist , advertis- ing copywriter, fashion reporter), during which time she met and married Jeny. In 1946. she found herself pregnant, at home and bored, and she of- feTed to take phone calls for two of her model friends. Before long there we:re a dozen girls and then a small walk-up office on Second Avenue In · New York. At the end of their first year in business the Fords had gr~d $250,000. Today they have 150 female modelS, 80 male and about 25 child models -and the agency expects to do over $20 milllon worth of business this year. Eileen, 60. and Jmy, 58. make a good team. and unlike most of the other people In the business, they are together after all these years. "The extraor- dinary thing is how anyone would put up with me for this long," says Eiieen. reflectlvely. "It hasn't always been easy. Every marriage has Its point where you ask whether you're going to go on with it." Eiieen thinks for a moment. "When you work, as a woman you get very bossy, but Jerry's a real man and won't stand for lt. Leaming to give In Is the hardest lesson, and I had to learn It. The most important thing is to be a good wife; a wife who's a good wife has a great sense of self-worth." She means It, she believes lt , this high-powered lady. That's another thing that hasn't changed. No more than Eileen and Jerry seem to have changed (Jmy Is stiU the dark. handsome hunk he was In college) does the agency seem to have changed, although It has grown considerably. To the •women's and men's divisions of a couple of decades ago have been added a 1V division (In 1968) and. more recently, a children's division and something called 12 Plus. for the heavk!:r beauties. A Ford model booked fof a day by a client w\ll earn between S 1.250 and $2,000. depending on cxper· ience. The youngest of Ford's women's division are 15 and 16. and though there's a lot of attention lately on "child-woman" models, the agency c.lalms their girls have always started young. The Ford look Is stiU all-American (Eileen leaves the exotics to the other agencies), and the girls, whether they are from Stockholm or Milan or Maine, all tend to have that California-girl glote - Some models stay in the Fords ' house until they 're established. "Anyone is welcome," says Eileen . fresh , wide-eyed and healthy -typified by Cheryl Tiegs and Lauren Hutton. "Clulic," ls the consen- sus. "Boring," chime In the trend maken. Eiieen makes the final choice on each model personally, though she does use scouts around the world. Some peop&e think that her "legendary eye" Is lest a gift of vlsk>n than a highly refined sense of what makes a glrl photogenic, a eense that ls shared wtth almost everybody In the business: at least 5 feet 8 Inches taD -and uwally not over 5 feet 10 Inches: a weight of 124 for the tallat and biggest; proportion; camage (Eileen calls tt .. line"), a certain wideness and clearness aiound the eye, good skin and teeth; and an "att1tude" that translates Into making peop~ want whatever you are selling. Ford also does so well because the best of the new girls tend to come to her first. Eileen, however, believn there's a skUJ to It all · "I've sent people aro und the world and no one gets who I do." Her ·stab~ hes Included Suzy Parker, Jane Fonda, Jean Shrlmpton. All MacGraw, Can- dice Bergen, Maud Adams. Jennifer O'Neill, Lauren Hutton, Shelley Smith, Shelley Hack and Cheryl Tiegs. She's not always on target. of course. She agreed to take on Lauren Hutton If she had her teeth fixed . Hutton came aboard. never got around to having the gap between her front teeth closed - and that gap became her trademark. Ford also decided against Marisa Berenson. one of the few decisions she regrets. For the most part, she Insists that those she didn't take she still "would tum down aU over agaln :· At the root of some ol the chaJ.lenges to her hegemony is her commitment to type: It Is the EJlte and Zoll egendes who are helping themselves Jo the dark·eyed. dark-haired exotics like Casab&an· cas's Esme. "Ellffn Is still looking forCherylTMtgs," says one model who herself Is cut out of the moki. The single biggest difference In the Ford agency Is the efficiency introduced by 1980's technology: Models and thetr prtces and avallabllldn can now be followed u cloMly as stock market trad.a. ln the pa.st, there was the "board," h"99 slabs of wood on runners lined with cards Ustlng all there was to know about the models, Including their atlign· ments and ~vallablltty. Today the board It In the computer, and the bookers (thOM who coordinate MMILY~f. 0..... I.,_ • 1 --PON» an the M1S9lments) sit at termlna.ls . There are still the phones, though, ringing In· casantly with requests from clients. and frazzled bookers -a true reflection d Eileen -with an at- titude that has earned the wrath and respect of the Industry: "Nasty, nasty, nasty," says a photognpher. "I swear O\lt!f and over that l'U never use a Ford model again because the agency treats you like dirt, but I do. I always go back." A fOl'd model who abdicated briefly says wyou can't beat Her reputation." ( .. HA!r .. always refers to Eileen.) MYou want class? You want prestige? You've got to go to fOl'd." Joey Hunter. who runs Ford Men, .------~by w_oy Q(explanation, wit's because she puts the model ftrst . The client is down the line. 1'1N!y have to deal wllh Ei&een, not she with them. They always come back." This doesn't mean that models always feel we.11- served by Eileen . A common comp&alnt seems to be that It Is the agency that comes first, then the model and the client last. Ford does lose modeJs to other agencies. but unlike a client or a photo- ~ -OI' another agent -who incurs her wrath and is never forgiven, any member of the Ford "faml)y" is always wekome back: the prodigal model who now regrets another agent's seduction: even the prodigal employee who has "'betrayed" her. ( .. Betrayaf' is a word that goes naturaly -and ftequently -with Eileen's concept of principle.) I witnessed a famous betrayal at the end of the 60's, when Eileen's top booker bolted with some of of Ford's heaviest hitters to start one of the first renegade agencies, Fashion & FUm. In time, Fash- ion & Alm folded. lllat head booker Is back with Eileen. helping to make Ford what it is. "I would neuer not rehire somebody." says Eileen, aghast. "I have an Aries mentallty. What's done Is done." This is Mother. This is Family. Ford is where they wi11 always take you back. Elle~ and .kny: "The extraorcllnaly thing ii how anyone would put up with me ..• , " she ICJVS. The family atmotphere of the Ford Agency Is as genuine as It ls calcu1ated; 'Wala Disney and fJleen Ford are the ~eatest beJlewrs in the word 'family' that ever ltwd," says fJ&eal . She Is Mmle, even a llttie smug. She knows wtNlt they think, that the 's overprotediYc, maybe too invo!Yed . \Sunogate rnott.? I Mee that role," she says. '"fm a •eadying force as wel as an agent .1 She allo knows th.M Ford Is envied because she is wlUlng t.o p&ay mother. bee.et• It •family. A model who hauls In the bucks for Elle -Ford's arch rival -a Ford "type" tomehow mmed by Ford, says wit's the mother thing. We all envy It In a way. Ford is a ral family. Sure It hat Its down side, but Eileen Is the kind of woman odM!1 modMn ae wtlng to tum their ~ owr to. You feel MCUre. protected. Some glrW n..t lhlil. k's a b6g city." New modd hquendy move right Into the Fords' Manhattan townhoutc and ltay urltil they're ~-"An~ who wants to C10me Is welcome," Mys Eiieen. So In the falt-moW'9 world d new, newer. newat, a.a.. .. ttubbomly o&d-faehioned, "wry ~. ~." She has no UM for the worn.n's mowment: "'\\brncn Bk.c me who work haw the ~cl trying to run a home and be a modw _,cf they don't haw time to worry .bout rWlll MCI 1hk9. I don't con9da myMif lhnted. My ...... ~ ••• hUlbsid, home." ThrM cl tw fow dti•1 work It the agency, Biiiy, 30, II vice .. elldent tor pubk .-.k>ns; Kltie, 28, II heed of~ pa.n,g; lac9Y, 25, • In ct-vs l of iPecal proj9da. ~ Jmm., M. t. asJMd ·-~ .,..._ r-...-of,,.. •· MocW R.w 'n.A b anodw .. " work.) When a... wt Jerry nnu "°"• ,,.. .--· -r ..,., II ct.~. they c:an ofeert be found &rno.mn, 17, won the,... /~-cl ond now'-Nwdl111 at._. c:oun11y ho\.-In ConMClicut. Ford ., '-future. How c:an at.ri dllrn not to be ._Mid wtlh what she has built? "I started working out of neceulty. or I would have been a lawyer by now. rve lived my life as circumstances dictated .. And. of course. according to The Rules· "There are rules to l111ing ... she says. "You have to follow them." Not everybody follows the rules. though . There have been challengers who thought they could beat 8'een al her own game. The last big stll was during the so-called model wan of the &ate 70's. when Johnny Casab&ancas. head of Elire, stepped up to the table and took her on. (Of her competition. Eleen ays self-righteously: "I don't beliew In cheating and lying. I believe In honesty. When IOmeOM isn't llonal, rm lhoc:ked. ") She lost some ol her t.op models and bookers to EIM. Some people think she tipped her hand by noddng al aD: "It WU the best pclllfble lblrt she could have gMm Johrmy. fighting wtd\ tum like that." says one fast-· duddng onloobr. A Ford model says: "E!Jeen was the first one to undencald that this ~as Is all hype. Calabtencat? It was hype wllh tradltk>n against hype wtlhout tradition. Tradition won." Eileen. who refuses to waste words on model wan In general ("What wars?") . and CasabWlcas In particular. observes cooty: "Of course he lost. People like that always lo5e. •· (Though Ford models still defect to Elite from lme to time.) Wtnnct and sd1 champion: Eileen Ford. Queen of the Jungle. Arbtter~Goddess of-Beauty. wielding ftre. Mother sul*k>f. And as any big game hunter wtl teU you, the one wtld animal n«ve:r to mas with ts the mother m11 defending the den and her young. IAJ ....,~.a.....a.-•• To Honor the 200th Anniversmy of the Amerian~ on the U.S. Great Seal Limited Edition Commemorative Belt Budde On"-2IO. 1782. lht ~ ~ ~ lht AtNnc.ln !11111. ow,...,....,..,.__ ...... -.... ....... ,.. ....... , ...• How. t.o honor dw 2iOOltl .._wy ol lht !llllt. wt ,_ Q-.11 ~ Collc:lo<• Bud* .... wilh pun ~. ~ .__,....di u.-. .... r..dl buddt .... lit ........ lwwl- -"##11 wlltl 111-.,., INl'llbn. Id ........ ....... r..ti ...._. _ ... br ~....-mid"' tht ~ CM ...... ______ , ArctWe o1•m1.lillila.iMint.nwbuddtwillt.4kliwnlf eo.,....."' a .,.ml c.oleacr'1 ~ C-.. Yow lltltfaaiDn It -..tel~ OJIT~ ... Guannlft. __,. I """ ... ~---------~-----~ I We ,,_.., urlf }QI IO Kl prorr4'tl)' to ,_ lht ~ ..., Nlll¢lln lhlt -llill -W.. I Limit. S budda pn ordlr .I °"' I ~-IUo z. I -« .,.,,,.,_........,_.,,.~ ..... u ... ,.,,, ·-.....-...... tic--.11e I l:===============-L-------....1 Solid l 4K Gold 18" Serpentine Chain--$13 Until November 7, 1982 We made a special gold pur- chase that you can now bene- fit from. We will send you a solid 14-karat gold noatir13 heart free with every solid 18" J 4-karat gold serpentine chain you purchase for only S 13 each plus SJ for postage and handling. And if you're not absolutely delighted with your purchase. you may retum your chain for a prompt refund and either way, the Ro.ting heart is yours to keep, free of charge! lt you order 2 or more chains (floating heart included with each chain) before October 31 , 1982. we will pay aU shipping and bandJin& cha.rps. There is a limit of ten 14-karat gold chains per address. No requests will be accepted past midnight, November 7. Any orders postmarked later wiU be returned. Please enclose this oriainal not.ice with your requesL You may charge your order to any m~ credit card. Just give us the name of the card, account number and n - pirllion date, or tend appropri· Ile sum totether with your name and addttss to: In- ternational Mint. Dept. SGC-lS79, 390 Pike Rold. Huntifttdon Valley, Pennsyt.- vania 19006. '-lttl... 1 , ... SOCIDBRm loo-BELL 77 100 shimmering bells ring softty in the breeze ... while ten brass chimes add me- lodious hannony! It's a solid brass work of art so pretty to look at ... so delightful to listen to ... on porch or pa- tio, or hanging near an open window. Beautifully made by skilled artisans, more than 30" long on its match- ing brass chain. Advertised by others for far more than our $4. n introductory price. Money back if not delighted. Send for yours, today. l k I tMl rW MEI 1111111411 ...... o.,t. ..... .,......_,"""*' 1•anV..,.M 11D ,..._"*'me __ 8Gldlr-Wlnda.n.{1)on~ lftGI~ .,.,.... °' .... llldlon ... Jul( $4.77 plut • • .a polllgl 8'1d t.ldlng eed\. 0 IAYll .... lWO.""' •. 77plut11.'6 polllgl 8'1d ....... 0 MW YOAEI Send TMAEE 11112. n p1ut 11 .85 Pl*• ... ..,....,.. ......... • (Pa.,.., ldd8"" ..... tu) On Ol'dlr'l tar 2 01 "'°'9 you INiy a.ve ., 0 YIM 0 ~ ~------C..•------------- .....~------~---­.......... ~----~-----­ ----------~----~ Cl:W -~--~~~~----~ ... ,._._......_ ---------------~ i I .. ,._,.,. ... ~, By NonNln Lobeenz HoWto Keep m0tt1age Alive Most studies of marttaJ happiness have found that the longer a couple is wed, the less 5atisfacdon each partner . seems to get. But there are many couples who report that the later years of marriage are the happiest ones. To 6nd out what diff erentlates satisfied from dissatis6ed older couples, Pur· due Unive:rstty psychologist Clifford Swensen and two as.sodates con· ducted a series of studJes lnvoMng nearly 1,000 couples. 'The picture that emerges," Swen- sen reports, ''ls that o\ler the course of a ltfetirM together both the amount of &ow cxprewd betWMn husband and wtfe and the number of problems they have dedinc. That Is, th«e appun to be less happening ~n them either for good or ill." But this "devttallzed" kind of mar· riage is not the whole picture, Swen - sen points our . Husbands and wives who are able to move beyond stereo - typical Ideas and expectations have marrlages that are based more on real needs, feelings and goals. Rather than avold1ng conflict. they deal with It by talking to each other. As a result, says Swensen, their mamages are marked · by more expressions of love and by more vitality: "These couples are able to perceive any gap between them , and they have the skill to bridge it and thus establish a more satisfying rela- tionship for the rest of their marriage." Pat11nif8 Suite Dada The bond between lathers and babies Is as close and lnlCtndi ve as that.between mothers and Infants. ac· cording to evidence gathered recently by child-are experts. For example, when psychOOgist Ross Pari<e had nurses at an Urbana, W. hospital take newboms to flrst·tirne parents and ask, ''To whom shall I give the baby?" f athen were just as keen to hold the infant as mothers were, and they were equally open In showing affection . In line with the trend toward par· ents' sharing chUd care, research indJ· cates that fathers can be as competent as mo thers at the )ob. Child psycholo· gtst Isabelle Fox of Sherman Oaks, Calif., says that "men quickly learn the techn1ques of feeding, bathing and d1apertng Infants. and they can be as sensitive as women can to such signs of disttess as sneezes and aies." · On the other side of the coin, In- fants seem to be as responsive to fath· en as to mothers. Research by pedia- IJician T. Berry Brazelton shows that a 3·week-old child can recognize his father's voice. And by the ttme the baby Is 2 months old . say researchers at Boston's Children's Hospital, he or she plays "louqer" and more actively with daddy than with mommy . ltadtlng the Facta of IJfe Most parents waft too long to give their children lnfonnation about sex and to pass on their moral values con- cerning sexual behavior, observes family-life specialist Sally Kobllnsky, associate professor In the School of FamUy Studies at San Diego State University. Koblinsky asked parents of preschool chlldre:n what sexual top- ics they expected to discuss With their youngsters and when they thought they wo uld Introduce each topic. Mothers and fathers agreed tha1 they would give their children Infor- mation about body differences, birth and reproduction. They were less bkely to bring up such subjects as menstruation. homosexuality, mastur· bation and venereal disease - though mothers were more likely to do so than fat.hers . But the most significant flnding, says Professor Koblinsky,_ may_,be that "parents plan to-delay talking about sexual values until the chdd's ado- lescent years. (But) the adolescent's ~ergtng sexuality and reliance on peers make it especially dlfflcuJt for parents to begin a conversation about sexual topics at this time." she says. Koblinsky feels it Is aucial to teach parents how to build communication about sexual topics with their chil-11111 dren while they are still young. IA6.I • .... .. D•lntt game. If you catch the Monday-mommg blahs tomortow. 1mag1ne you could /Wl erase the nexI 10 days That really happened 400 years ago. when Pope Gregory XIII o rdered a new calendar to replace one that had EclSter gradually slipping roward summer. The ··GregoMn .. calendar 5impl~· skipped 10 days. so Thursday. October 4. 1582. was followed by Friday. Ocrober 15 So you don·r miss two 1mponant dates this year. mark them on your calendar Su-;day. October 10. for the stan of anaher "M~ ~atre" season on PBS \l.ith To Seroe Them All My Days-a ranarkable drllfl'M about o remarkable man who rums from war to teaching Then. check October l2 for the scan of an all·new "Mystery!" season with Sweeney Todd "the demon barbtt" 1,1,ho guaranteed customers a close shave School due. Adapced from novella R. F. ~Ider· fMld's .. unaaham~ly autoblogrophlcal" novel of the same n~. To S~ Them All My D•y• tells the taJe of a shell-shocked Wortd War I vet who tNChes history in a private school. Ff& rich and rare life unlold.s-and mfo&ck you -owr 13 WHk.s, and you'll come to SH why the M'ri«s won saar John Oucrrine the British equJvalent of an Emmy Award fen Bat Actor. .. No thank:I. We re being brought co you by a grant .. _ 4 and 20 ba.dl beal'cM .... Swttney Todd opened on Broadway In 1979 to chills and chttrs. Now "M~r wlU glw you a Mat '1ront row un~r" In your IMng room for a brand MW wnk>n bued on the or!glnaJ 1846 •°"1· b's abo1a1 a l.ondoe barber wtth a •adly ruor-and the friendly proprieua. ol a bUay shop who fancies pe;mts. and ...... , .. ...a, ...... km mark thM Oaobft 12 Tuad!y In bright red •. for the "crfmc of yoc.ir It£" Gore. and mon. Anthony SklpiJng knows ho? ·s going 10 die. and when Problem ts. no one believei h1m-unnl one murder follows anoiher, and another Whodunit? '"Mystery!" knows. You will too. 1f you wetch Dying Day. It swts October 19 Next. rry Father Brown. a truly -divine .. detective H1s down ·IO·earth sleultling comes your way on November 2 for a three-week .stay Beginning on '.'lowmber 30. you· ve goto date wtth Mefr.sso. a sertes about a man accused of murdering his wtfe-at a birthday party he never aetended Then. sr,,rtlng December 21. ifs Ouret As A Nun. a tale of murder most foul In a convent All from "Myscery!" -the be.st ol lhe bloody lot. brought to you. by a grant frQm Mobil. on Public Broadcasting SeMce s!4tioru Check local hstings for broadcast schedules It's a fact: -Ma.sterplece Theein" Is one of the most honored programs on televlslon. winning 20 Emmys ~Ince 1970 l(ickin' Up a Ruckus Over Soccer In July, 1.5 bllllon ~ople In m~ than 100 countries tuned In to the World Cup, t.he world champion.ship of ioccer. Held every four yean. It's the m0tt imponont atliletlc event on earth. Some 25 million of t.he viewers were Ameriava, by for the largat number euer to watch the aport. The United Stot.e. Is sta11· Ing to get a ldclc out of toe· c:er; an allmatcd 2.5 mlHlo~ Americ::ans now pkly. F AMIL V Weeu.v Olked Kyle R041e Jr., odcnowledged co be che /inai American-born JO<:ttr player In hlatory. to tell us about his loue for the game -how he go( started and how other lc1d.s con, too. The 31-year·old Rote. whose /other was a former /ootboll great with tM New York G4arus. ployed pro ~for dght yecn and is ~ndy 0 TV and radio c:om~tafor and vice president of the Memphis Amerlcanl Indoor ~team . R041e In acdon and rm.ti getting an earlv '-orl from /ootboll 11t1r·/other. Kyle SI. ne summer after. noon, when I waa 16. an Englllhman ckow bl; my ~ ICfiooj In Dal9I and IWI a !JOU1> of us playing something approximating the lpOft of aoc:cer, We W'CIW y1ng on a football 8eld wtth football goals. W. didn't have a soc:cier beD, so we UMd a volleybel. At ftrst, · he waen't aire It was lboccr. Then he got af9Y. He Jumped out of hJa car and ~ us In midltr'lde. He was qulla emotional about the Rravaty we were comm.ltdng. We wee ruJn1ng the game thlt ht had !JOWn up wkh . that he loved . So he took a ltttJe dmt to teach ua thlt day -the only coaching ~ ever got In IChool. That w• my tntroducdon to soc:ccr. My teammates -rno.t of whom p!.yed high dlOOI foo«bell. bMkttbel and b•aabell -and I w.re looking for a way to ke.p In shape durtng the summer. This happcn«f to be about the time of the 1966 Wortd Cup. and we hed a c:hancl to 11e Peli and odMrr ~ runnklg wound the Reid for 90 minutes without stoppng. It made me think. If I can Incorporate that Into my own football and belket· baD pleytng. rd be a much bett.r' foot· baJI and batketbaM player. So, as a way to keep In touch wtdi each odMrr and to have fun . we started pleylng soccer. We were self <oached and Mlf-mottvated. We'd all get together after work and pAay from 5 until 8. Had tt been just a WQup of guys from gym clut. rm sure there would have been tmncn~us laughing and tCMing from outliden. But beceUM of th• quality of th• aahJeta 1n+ed - the ~ q~. th• captains of the beeebell end belketball tams (COflfinu.dl BY KYLE ROTE JR. !le ~....U.Y.0....1.- AO...nt•-1 ~ New''Willpower Diet Tablet'' 'I'hat Cari Make You S · y i I in 45 Days ••. Even If You Cheat!!! OR -DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! Have you e-ver tried to lose weight? Thm you know that it takn a miracle to really ovncomc a weight pro· blern. And you've probably tried l!Vcrything from "llarvation programs and painful.cxcmsa to weight reduaion clinics" with Httle or no resulu . If you arc tittd of the yo-yo cfkct and concerned about your wei1ht you may be intncst«i in a new "will power diet tablet" now being off'erfd to the public by The Health Energetic Corpor1uon. Thia unique t1bkt was spec1fially ckvcloped by a p oup of kadJna nutritioniacs a.okly for the pu~ of htlpin1 people who have tried othn mnhoda without succcu but arc very Sttious about losmg wright. It •hould not be UKd by people who only need to l<>st S Of 6 pounds or those who are not h1aJlly motivated. It contaiN 1 blend of ingre<Dmu rh1t hive been socn· t1fially formulated lO SUEJCT<hl!I< your entt(Y level ind, at the same time, deaUK your hunarr. Why an thCIC "willpower diet tabkts" help you &UC· cttd wbm IO many other synmis have ful«i you? BcaUK, an 1 world full of gJrnmackt, ic'• a ma,or brcakthroua}l. A wciaht loa plan that works on your hunser biolo1ic11ly and psychol0&ically. This p<>wffful combination of tabkta ii beina sold with 1 wci&ht reduction program th1t hu been pro- ttcted by U .S. copyright lew. Toacthcr, t~ elem.nu ire 10 dfective that the comp1ny rd'ulft co ed\lft'tiK the mulu! "Why ahould 11" says Leo 0.boub, Pr~dent of The Health £xca•dc Corp. "If l mm mtq pmp&t how they can &c>IC up to 7 pound. in the flm '48 houra end then continue to blast off their Cllcat body fat fa1tcr, even lf they w~ runnlns 1'4 mllet ntery dey, nobody would Mlieve me 1nywat," Therefore, lrut«ad of meldOf dr1m1tlc clelma or empty promi.a like this, Mr. O.boub iJ offerlna a leplly blndins iron-clad suarenctt. The suarancee ls almple. Here is the way it worlu. lf you order the produet and ute it aa directed for a trial period of 4S-day,, you mwt be 100% utisficd with your rapid weight loss or you arc entitled to a refund of DOUBLE your entire purch~ price. There arc no exceptions. Thia guarantee is iron-cl1d and legallv bin- dm11 rcprdku of your C\ltnnt weight levtl or how long you have been ovnwtight. All that is required is that you follow the simple ln struCtJoru and give the rf<luction prqgram 1n honest chance to work for the full tnal period. However, because o( tht natu~ of thi1 special offer. we can o nly guaranttt .delivery to the ttadtts of this public1tion who reapond within the ncict JO-days. Afttt that, orders will be flied on a "first come first 5C'fVed" basiJ 1J long 11 supplies lase. Here is a.o~hina else you should know. EYnl though The Enagrtk Weight R.educuon t.ablcu arc quite powerful and dfcctive, they arc 100% sefc. They can be taken over prolonp perlodJ o( dme. As e mettcr of fect, thia aa one of the ~ry few diet 1idt chit a U.S. IJOVttnmcnt J>8nel of medical and K~ntiflc a · pens approved e& an active Ingredient for lppt'Clte con.trol and weight IOll. !Xsidcs, it is not required to have a warnina on tht label! But, more lmponent, Energetic Wcic:ht Reduction h11 worked wonden for ovrrwd1ht pcop~ ... pcop~ who hid liven up all hope of CVtt loeint wdaht. And it can work for you too-as you watch the body of your druma tmtTIC· Now, with our reduction pfOFAm, you can: • Burn ewey a maximum amount o( fat in record time. • Look fant11ck In clothca you only dreerned of weerins lxforc. . • Improve your aclf·imeac end aelf-confldence. • fttl more m~c thin evtt H you drametlcally tranaform your body. • Put an end to snewlna hunter pan11. CAUTION: As )IOWT ~iiht bqtru ro plwmrntt down, )IOW should ~ )IOWl' iood ~ and noc la yowu~lf bcC11rM too rhin. Ir is ~ imponm11 co tal propnl . Stfort jUlrtinc any ~iglu Lou proft'am )OM ~ C01'1.S14lt )Olfr physicum to bc sure )'OI' art in nor· mal htolth. Now then, es you might imasiM. thia l5 one diet tabkt that docs not come chc.ap. The pri~ i& $19.95, and California rcstdenu must add 6% ($ l .20) for a total paymmt of $21 .1 S. Howcvn, if you are ~ about l0&in1 wdsflt, you should remem~ that thia la the only dltt product on the market that is backed by • DOUBLE your money b.ck auarantcel No one el. o&n this p&&ranttt. W~iaht Watchers doan't; Schiel doesn't; nor docs Gloria Manhall, Undore, Nutri-System1, or any othn poup, plan, book, or proCfU1 ... 8ut we at The Health Enawrdc ~eoon do, bcc.auK we know our propam an work for you! It is easy to or:der. All you haw t:0 do la write your name and addreu, and the word. "Wiiipower T abktan on 1 pieoe of paper and tend it with your pey- ment ro: ~ Health Enerptlc Coq>. Orpc. (•7.1 1011 8rioeo Or. 1107 Co.ti Mali, CA 92617 That'• all there 'la to it. Your order wt.JI be amt promptly by mum mall. 8y the way .. J( you...-,, you can dW, toll free, ('JOO) 854-6917 (C.lif. taldmb call 7t+S48-227l) and chllf'F your order to you r credit card. Ju-slve the tfrl who anaWttt the number and cq>indon dett ol your card and the name of thia public.don. P.S ... lf you'tt plannlnc a valic to the Lot A,.ac. am. feel free to purcha• your ubleQ direct, rilf\t owr d~ coum.r, ar our addraa abow. Office hourt arc 8 1.m. ri1 5 p.m., Mon. thN Fri. "' -I j I eocca -peop&e developed a quick respect for the game. Our overall agiltty Im- proved so dramadcally and we came Into the footbaD season In such great shape that It was obvious what soccer could do. The sport has blosaomed quJte a bit In this country since then. Soccer pro- grams at the youth and high 1ehool levels are av~ all over the U.S. But we're still mlalng our share of tru- ly outstanding natural athletes. Most are still choosing football, basketbaJJ or basebell, although the skuation Is changing rapidly. Ten years ago, soc· ca was a second-dul tpOrt here. a ·11 you want an insurance value, a lfl!HI price is just the beginning. Cbeck with State Fann: State Farm agent E. G. Warren, Gulfport, Mississi ppi. "A real insurance value is more than just a low price. It's protection that's tailored to fit your personal and fam - ily insurance needs, and service you can reall y count on. too. "And that's what State Farm value is all about. Good pro- tection at a good price-and personal service you really can't put a price on." For a real value on your life. health. home and car insurance, check your Yellow Pages for the State Farm agent nearest you. J!Afl ..... & IHtU IAN(I Uke a good neiahbor, State Fann is tfiere. STA'rt rAJM ll'ISVllAJ'IC& CO'oll'l\Wl!S "-Otflct.i llh-.rOI\ ..... catchaU actMty for the lesser-skllled kids. Today, Amerlcan youngllcm are playthg at hJghly competitive levels. In particular, our girls' teams have shown remarkable skill and progress. The profetlk>nal &eagues are pro- viding an example for youngsters. and Indoor soccer, deveJoped by Amertcans for American fans, has achieved staggering and sudden popu&artty. It may be that the indoor venk>n, with Its faster~ and higher scores, Is a type of soc:ca Americans can flnaly become excited about. ftaytng 10CCe II a barrtt:r breaker. k destroys social, c:uJtural, saual and age barriers. It is played by men, women and chadren. It can be played by people with any kind of sodal and economk background. Unlike most team sportS, soccer of- fers unusual freedom. And yet, wtth that freedom. there Is responslbllJty. Every player becomes the quarter- back, constantly assessing the defense, constantly making decisions. There's no helmet, as in football. and peopte can express themselves visually. The facial expressions. the body gestures are such that. IJ.ke a good actor or actress, a soccer player can let evecyone know exactly what's going on. The man In the last row of the stadium, 1.50 yards away, can feel Intimate wtth the player. There Is. of course, a negative side to this Intimacy with the fans. In 1967 EJ Salvador and Honduras played an Interna- tional soccer game and de- clared war after the match. It's difficult for people In our country to under- stand, but In some places soccer Is the only game In town. In Philadelphia, for Instance, If the Phillies have a bed season. there are always the Eagles. U the Phillies and the Eagles have bed seasons, there are the 76ers. If the 76en ... But take a textile worker In Argen- tina who makes $2 a day. He woriu five and a half days a week, and Saturday at noon he has a choice: He can either have lunch or, for the same price, go to a soccc match. While we Americans UM d1ac:redonary Income on sporting events, this man eea the match .. an lmportant eWtural event. He WM bom In Buenos Aires and 11 probably go6ng to dJe thee ... did .. father and grandfathe and !J'Ut· ~dfafher. He grew up pleytng toe· ca and following the local team. So.on Saturday, he maka that choa -to go to the toa:er game. He goes to the game hungry and his team mUlf do we.II for him to be .. tllfted. If not, he's ltlll hungry and, tmotlonalJy, he doan't have anothc tam next WMk to twn to. It's certain· ly noc aoceptablt, but It'• easy to uncMnit.nd why pcoblcms occur. 19 ,. ·---------.. ---! i I It malces thJngs particulerty dfftcuk for referees, whoee dedslons can af. Met the outcome much more In IOC- cer than In most other spoftl. lnat's why many countries design exb!nlfve acape routes for referees. On oc:ca- *>n, a hebcopter will come right Into the stadium to pick them up. Some referees wear dilgulses, dher In prtvate life or on the fteld, becaute they cannot rilk being ldentl&ed. Amatcans haw IO many dlfaent dtvenlons -· yea'·round mporta, 1V, radio -that I don't thlnk It's poedlle for IOClCa' ewr to achieve the promi- nent potldorl In Ota' cubN that It hat Si molt ol the wodd. But It can have a place. There may wen be tome .d- vantaga to toceer's late ltmt In Amertca. Up to this p<*lt molt My parmta• love aom unconditional. not bt»t:d on hou I paformed. Nla.r-.Y,0....1, -•• faculty. h can be quJte healthy for the kids to .,. the history te.m. out running around on a toOCll' &lid. When It was aD over, the woman -who had Id up the clinic for the tchool ad, "Well, kids. wt\8l do you think ol the OalM Tornado?" The ttudents tUrted tcranWlg and going wild mid we wa. wry proud. We'd shown them how much fun soccer could be mid they lowd It. And then lhe Mid, "I'm to Imp 1111d. When I alked you to come here, I had no Ida wtlat al you could do .... But I d don't -how you can do al thoee thklgl on le-.... " We knew we d had a long rm weytogo. ~ I I ~-~-___ ....,......._ A ltown Ba__ a lumpet of BeClutlful ~ ........ • know thlll you .. • .u..ble bunch, ~ milion peo- ple eaom the coun- try who carry lunch to work or IChool. In fact , accordJng to the Brown Beg In- stitute ol GNenl Farms, Conn., 200 mllllon brown-beg luncha .. can1ed ewry week; 50 percent ol ell house- holds brown-beg In • typical week. TheM days Amertc:ans brown~ for various l'AIOOI: Some ol us want to ec:otlOildll, IOme to simply Niu and haw lunch at our ftr""*•· 10me go to the gym I jog or Wlllt , end ldll others prefer home-c:iooMd foods '°' ftevor, nUlrtllonal needs, or diets . Whether you're a brown-begga or not, tt.. engi9lg Ndpes wll In- troduce you to a new WCJC'ld ol lunch- 11me ddgtits and tum your coleagua ~wlthenvy. I CM (IN-.) dikt.la ..... Iha-. ............ ,,. a-. a ti .. I ' ti I 111_,-. I')' JI o...i-el 11·· a•••._..._...._,.. , ................. o.lilw.-. I .... taa......_ ...... _. .... l a-. •• 6' .... Cllllmr 'hc-.•u , .... .-.-. I«..-......_. c:t.r, .._..._ l cm(leL)dlimm_....~ SI It • ..._ I. ~ bcMt. combN ...... Sllr9' root, Ollmy, ............. JID, omngl jadce and~. Cowr and ........ uni! ct6d. 3. Plldt Ir*> lmlll OOWNd CUiM,.. to '*· s.w wllh CXJCllgl cl-. Md ... cl ---blwf "'~ brwt. Mailille 4 .,,... 'h a-. a.1111.i ....... d1 • -................... 'h a-.hlll•C-..J' au' ...._ ._.. .... •a-. .... ':-..-...... I ,,. a-........ j I. C.ornbn &ulll Md juice; "* .... I '*Y "'* aA.ct.19 to~ tW Md wtwt • .. In ...,,,. Cowr " cha. I I. Padc Ir*> ... CUiltM• to tote, ... ebw"' "* wlh ~· M-..2--. {~ued) I I TAKE THtSCOUPON TO YOUR<R>CE.R _ ........ E-17¢ ... ..,p ... =~ _ .... ,. .......... .., .......... = ......... .. --.. ..... _ .... _ ... __ ,, ..... -------(£ .. ,_,,.,,...,.. ,...,.~,._ ..... _...,..,__ --·-,... ............ .... ..... -----.= ............. _ --·---.,,,_., .. ... ,_.,_,._ c:. l/IOO' ......... 0...., ___ .,.,. ::::= -. - Now.nvi•al your local supennartcet ... the CamPbefl Express! And it's not ust another wh~r We're~~ ti J <:afF of GoOd Foods from I, Swanson, •v-a• and Franc~American. It's a special shi~ of value and quali~ it's waiting fOf you al the Campbell station in your I And 't fcqet the valuable coupons below! Limited Edition H.O. Train Set Offer And here's a priority di~h direct to you from Campbell: be yours through our hmited-edition H.O Train Set Offer.· our~ Campbell Train Set, valued al over $75.00 purchase (5ft Order Form fOf complde details~ But HUI fOf Christmas, we must ~ive your order by Octol . ... •''M"• ............. flC..--~ ,.~-~-Tale these ·mupons: --------------------,-..--------------------------,------------~-~---....------, TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER TAKE THISCX>UPON TO YOUR <R>CE.R SAVE 10¢ SAVE 10¢ . SAVE 10¢ -°"'-·,_.. .......... ...._ c.... ........ .. -= ............. _ .. _...,..,.,_.,..,.. ...... ----=i--""----............. "·-· ...,..,_, --..-. .................... ..... ............... _ _..= ........... ---.......... ._......, ... ... ....... ,._ Cllll t/IOlaC:..-... 0...., ___ .,.,. ------.. ., ........... ~ .... .., .. . -=--. ....... _ .. _..,....,.. ...... .. .._--•WM .. -. .. .._.. -·---·"···---.-. . -. ................... ~-.... ------=---·---.... ...... .-. .,...., .... ........... Cllll ''""~-~ __ .,.,.. y~~ ..... ,.,., ·-._. .. ____ _... ................... c....,....., .. .. ~ ......... _ _. .. .._,,~ ...... :.":..if:!':.W......:m --IL'"•-a· -~-­.... ----. ............ .... =:-... -• ..-.. --=wr.,.::i ,, ... ~ ....... al store. 'Ni a trainload of savings can is ~xclusive offer ~ you or $25.95, plus proofS of •! In order to insure delivery !I' 31, 1982. l:ampbal's Linlld Edillon H.O. 'bin Sat Order Form Here'u uniQue gift'°' "kids" of al ageund serious collectors. too ~l's H 0 Train Set ii.,.. autn.hlJC PfClt<JCype feeturlng super~ deelgrla fOf added realillm. Set~ talnl. dietef IOcomotMt, 2 freight cars. 2 boX cars. 1hoA*.1 tanker. caoooee. over 10 feet of trectl. 3 bill>oafdl and a Ul-epproyed poweroec;:k. fnstructlons are included, fealur- lng a roll-free HOT LINE tor CJJicit customer .. rv1ce. Each aet 19 C<MWed by a lil'nlled guar- 8"1tee from the "*1Ufacturer TO OMER YOUR co..LETE CMIF llli l.MTID Bf11QH H.O. TMIN IET send 8 ~ proof&ofi1ufchale"-1 eechfromany8 of et-. 9 procllcts: ~·a Con- dlrlled Soup, ~·a 0v«y Soup, F~M1efan PM!a, V-8 CocktaW ~ .AJice, ~·s Beens, ~ ~ & ~ Fried OlicQn, Sww1IOn !Ulgry Man Meet Plea. S-..ieoi1 OtnnerslEntrees and ~ Frozen Breelefut Entrees-;ilul $25.95 tor eech ... ord9fed. -·-e•~,--CIBl•WY­..... 11: c r;a n.,....... ,.o. .. .,. a...,M1tOM •-l1-.,_., IY C191111M. • ~ -----·•--OC'9911. ,., CAMPBELL H.0 . TRAIN SET 112'l ~ & adlllrrM ..,......,~) Oly ___ Cosl _, --- ...,,.~-----------------~ , ... prinl dlltlyl ~~----------------~ ----------------------------------------------------------,---------------------------------------------------------, TAKE ™IS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER TAKE THIS<X>UPON TO YOUR GROCER TAKE THIS <X>UPON TO YOUR GROCER SAVE 10¢ . SAVE 20¢ SAVE 20¢ SAVE 20¢ ... .... --....... ~ .................. ~-..... ,.,~ Giid............. _°"'___.,,.....-,llllt ... •llflllllll- 0.-..""' .... -c.-iw 111'1...... ~""' .... .. ---.. ........ ~··-..... ~--..----·--~---..... ·--·-~,__ ..... ..,.._..,__ ...,,...... ...,...,...,,... ... m.,ew.._......,... • .,,.....,_ .......... ,_,,.....,,.. -·-~" ... -.......... .,.. ...... _..._ ........... ,., ......... ,_, ... • ........... ._.._'I ... ..._ • .,.._,..,..,............. • .. ._ ................ ._ ...... ,,...,..._.-~=-.-·----I ...... ..,._., _ _.. ..... ....,............. .,_...._., _ _..=_, .... ,,_.. .. ,_ .......... ·~_, ... ._ I ..................................... ._ .......... .-.... • ......... .. _... ........ e. ll!Olt~-°""""'· I ........... c. ... 11101t~-.._., ,_,..,.,..._ C. lllOltC...-... 0..W., ___ .,.,. . ___ .,.,. . ... .. .,.,. .,.., ...... Fw lrllktllt --... ,.,~ .................... c.-_..., ... . _ ............... --~--......... ---~ ..... ,.-............ ft.lliil• ---.............................. ........... --.... =-.-·----............ ·~---=·~.,.r 1/IOltC-... ....... I I 1~ SJ.ODO 211.f&.O&f i 20¢ SJ.ODO 320167 i 2()c SlOOO 3&f0l26 2()c 51000 320211 2CAN8 __________________ J. ___________________________ J_ ___________________________ J. ___________________________ 4 .. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- BROWN BAGGER'S ·~· ..... ....._ le..-.... _ le..-........ .,. •• IClllJI ........... ..._ J1"01 ............... 1 O 1a1.,..,. ...... a ... W IClllJI .......... ....... .,,,ClllJl ... ol Y,ClllJI ..... .... ""' .... "'• ............. ..... ·-· ._......... ... ... 1. ~ bulgur In tNd6um bowl end pow ~WMS owr It. AJoMi to lit for .a ... 1 hour lo lblorb rnotltuN. J. °"*' ~. tum Ir*> ... bowl and .id comm., ~. "*'I, ~. ~oil, lemon jujcc, ... end PlflM'· S. Cowr end chlll well. t . Tabbouleh can be ....,.. with ~ IMWil or cucumber lllca. It's Mc> weal with pb bread. Noa. 6 a,,. •9u1gur II perched cndt.ed what. ................................ .ee.. ....... -......... lma(9-.) .. ,.... • ....,.. .... 2 t 1 ................. .. "'ClllJI.._. ...... ....... l't4i " I 111 .... I"' ._......._..._. "" .................... ................ ICllJll._,~ I CllJll ._, aAliw 4 CllJll cu ... , mi: ..... .. ... IO I I Cf.4e. ..... '-..... .-.... ........... I. ~1CqJbof"9ln ..... eouppoc;.id ..... IMng ID• bol; Mn ....... of M· quid.~-.... I, Add ~. cnont, ~ . .at, ............... -Qllllc. I.~ ID • bol tglln; ....._ 1.-, QOWr .net .... 1 hour. t. Add anoe Md Cllery; cowr end mt- nw Y, hour longs or wd mllllt • bt& .... 15. IWmow bona from pot. 1i1m ~ from bone; dlacad bona Md return mllllt 1o poc. 6. Return 10UP lo bolling, .id the mec.e- roni end frOlln ~ beat'W. Sdr until IOUp Ntums to boil. 7. Cowr end .... 20 lo 25 rmnu. b'91' or und mecau d • tlndlr. Sdr ~. s.w wllh w*" ~ I. To ti:iee: Ladle delhd por1k>n Into wide-mouth wcuum coeam•. Add a tpmlds ol ~ Pa11w ct..... Re- ~ remlllnlng eoup, or tr.a. It. ~ JO _,.,,"111 I CllJll .... -. .-c:ll or ....... 1'141 .,... ..... ... "41ClllJI ...... ...... "41ClllJI .......... ..... "41ClllJI .... ~ "41ClllJI_ .... "4 ClllJI I I 0 ol I ClllJI._.,..._ 1. ~ ~. wheat germ, lilmondl. brown "91'· coconut and ......,. ..ts; mlll wel. Add oil .nd .,. ~ly. I, Spud mixture ~ In • large th.1- low pen ")llyd pen • perfild). 8aM In pel 3 I e 300° OWf'I for JO mr11.da, llfr- rtr.i ewry 10 rrinulll. s. Selr' In raillnl end a>ol. S.0.. In *-tWlt CUillilri•ln•illfr\iii.... Malla6a.p ,.._S.W•a.-.~.ar..-... on tap ol yagwi, coe11ga dMele. hlt'I or c.nr-s fruits. ~ ClllJI ...... c.-.. ct.- ~ ....... 'JI f.orl-............. I ,, 1 ,,,.....,_ ... ....., I ........ cmlW "' ClllJI ........... aAllw .,.. ..... ....... ,.. .................. ..... 1. In ..... bowl, mlll al ......... ... ~-Pd 1ntoC01••. cowr end ...... J.U. •a~~. or s-:k dlllhd .mourit Ir*> '"'81 couind con· lllnlr: ,,,,,,__2...,. ~ I CllJll ..... :--:-~~.,.,. I CllJll ..... ~-......... 't4i ClllJI... 2. le.-... ,...... .... ,....,._ l•' .............. .... • CC I I CllJll _.. • ,_, ._ I ...... ... I ...... ....... l ..-c-.--1 ...... ..... l ...... .... I ...... -.. , ................ . ,._ MOWN IAGGEl'S TIPS • To aw time In th. morning. s-:k al cold foods • dinner II claNd and re· ~. Add hot Oil frOl9l'I ......... before you i..w. • Ft-. .... cww al )Wee to peck wllh lunch. TMy ...... --foode cold wt be )ul3 th9 rWC lliopal!M9 bv k&ne:h tlnw • • ~ end ave 9INI. lblldy plMllc c:ocMiers wllh Ml toe.my .... poolb• of coetligl ~ .... Ind fruit. •• you rDlllre 14>. ~of~ or a moill. U11lifrOleld cMI. cut Into lllge lqUINI lmCf Wrlp lndMdUlly In emd pllllllc begr; chen ....... • Old fal/Oltlel : Saw • .,... ol fried chicken or meat kMf from fiaq n19ht'1 din· ner for this naa ~'• lunch. • An old ~ -.d\I. tune • now beer'9 pt0c1•1d Into• 5(),pllceril· reduced ..It product Md COF ... fey. orebly In .... to o41· Ind .. ---PllCMd tune. Try pktwd, a PK11k .dine pro- ~ .. tm\a -.-:t-t In .... cw. Nudk>Nllv. pllchlt"d compm91 ~lo bAM -end .. • lows~­ S..clt• .. allo good for brown-blig nutrtllon v.au.: 11-y .. low COit -usw'*'lltll hWt 1n cM:lurn. • MmM ......... al br..:11 - pl.a, whole ... ---.. pumpktn, •. Fr-. .... Jaw.~ N9dy lo ..... •Lookfor~ d ..... ~. beg productl: vecuum cor.ainert, lnluJ. ...t bega, COFIWI ... wlh ..-i _... lo .... ..... gooda -plltlc ..... , .. . • a. c:onedous ol good food..,. ... , tton md-iodt. K.-p hot foodt hot aind cold fooda cold In vacuum con.,.., or '* ..,.....av .._. 111111-chl con- ...,..ID ... Mid to foode. Rlifrtaa• CIClM food. --'~. Wiit\ COi....... \CUUm Mii wt COil1111*9 Wlh hot.·~~~ ~. To prewnt odon, lee to* In• belt· lr'8 eoda -.eon: ....... "'* Ind dry. Llna~•nrn..,.._..-, ca&.. lhol111•111 ....... and ..... '°' .... b 10 ........ lllling «G- *-wlv. Cool 10 ...... . I, In •• bowl. "*~tbs. blk- lrtg ... belclng powdlr, .. this"** end wMMI. Pour cool9d .......... rNmft ~dry"9ecbel•:"* ... · s. Pour'-Ir*> w--t 13 )I( 9 x 2-W:h pmt Ind belle In pNt I f 360° °"" for 25 to JO ,.,.... W1lll c..-al c:-. ..... beck ..., IWido,i ~ wlh .... Cur Into ..... wt.. coal. n. .. a moll3 c.aM, II ..... wel end can be frtmn_. ---_,,... 12-iuar- Note: n. II an old·t.Holied recipe from the Dep8illlun daya ol the JO'a. k cont8lnl no-ma. ~ ClllJI .... I O'I JIO'ol "' -... .......... ........................... "' --.c _.. , .................. I ClllJI......... '11• I ClllJI ...... .._, __ "' ...... ..-............ I CllJll a cc,.-...... I ClllJI ....... ~ lit! ClllJI ......... ....... ............ L In....__-... c::caerMw vlnlp, , 0 ti •-.r.•PllPPS-... md'°91f'a.'-wltlbkcr...a-. .,......,blind. I, Add glllc. ~. .. •••• ..., ......... ~. cimoa ....... andCINon; ..... . 1 C.owr Md ""lglt• --..I ..,._ er owrnW1I to "119111 .... Wll .... '°' ~ ndi¥. Mllrm6 ...... ~ WFitirllOU$: °'<w9d ..., llfoe. cc;ac;c; ........... Cllilmy .... ..., ~.Of dr-.1 CMMd dd p-. . Olftl IGI CaMI OW , ,.... .... ) .. a ,_._ I 1111 ......... .. , ...... ,.... a,,_...., I Q' I ..... 1. ~ .... J11 •unll .. W11'4ilr .... u. •• ...-far.tde....._.,.,ar ~ lned. A ..-U-hln6rl of hllh .... ""°'* ............ lion. ~ .......... (con•..., -l i I For LESS' A......,..LandK~ fAMll Y WHICl Y O•OflCA•D • 0 • • • • • • • ~ Key 322 --------------------------------- ,/ftf•ltson & ll~rlti11s lo: 322 Rose Lane, Medford. Oregon 97501 Yes' Please rush my FR EE copy of your new S.,:~ Fence Rose Brochure. PnntName Street ------------------- City This e>tCiting new brukt~ hybrid fro implic1 -bred·in vigor, free blooming! SIMPUCITV (Plant Patent No. 4089), it'•tl a ruo-down fera ... to define a property I ... ANOto crateaninexpeneive,~ State Zip ----- protects voor privacy. in an •ttractlve,frW1' / blooml for ctltting, beginning ju1t 6 to ~ ~ / / / ~~~=~.!.MthSIMPUCJTV.To reccivlvoorFREE,fulkoklr ,"\.~~l ,.,v ~~/0// brochuN featuring ttu. fantutk: new roec, aend in the po1tage.peid cm-d todaw ~ ~ J" -or '*the coupon at risitt. -~ / ==-,.,;o0n..,..~ ~' ~ / v~ c/ ~ . 312 ,.,. ..... Mdont, aw... 97501 2tC J 11 ................. to mix •nd ... tar aclllng ... loabl n. .... III In~ orglnlldanl De8'gned wtlh a luxurtoue lartolM lhell loc*, thte com- pm:t ••up'*"" brtnp you color~f. Miid _....... fq your~ ...,. and chul11. Ttne lndlvtdull llld9-out 8helv9e _ _.. • .,......_ .. bluahH Md .. llp cakn. Anollw draw holde 2 appHcatore ~ and 2 brultm. Topping It off le a~ llllflar. Now Wftt*IG you need for bWrty, -and night, .. yo&n .... Mmtngty low lnlladuCDy prtcel IC1 .. ---------------.....--~~ -... --.. nm-..... TI1 W....,. aw, T ..... ~- The 'Pol!!J_~"' t""' • c.. ONLY sges YE.Bl """me~ nwwv?) __ ,.., ••• .,.., ...... c.. flCltllt I for jult .. w:tt (2 for S1tACL3 for ... plus ltlflloilig .nd Mncllng. I undlr· ....,._.If, tor..,,_,,., I emnal ~ .......... wltlmr~ t cen Ntum It~•...,. for a lul Nhnl. ~ ata:K C,..) MITHOD °'MW Tatel tor Mlrc:Nndl• I I Do.. •"*-'1 ,, .... to "Ad I ti(') I I so ~ 0-...to~ . ! LlVllA o-.. CMI i....;..._.;.____;.""'Jiliiiiiiii-~iiiilirGii'Jiiwt ·I • I -·., c.oa .. ftMlll : ·-------------.1.-lvr. I Clllll .... I I :r.,-g:...."'"' a.trt• §f Ai-. ==---'--'-~.,;..=.__......,.._~~-----~ l;~":' ________________ ]!.. ....... . ROWN BAOOER'S Z n"'" a aN d'°"*9 ,.,..., . 1 dDve .,tic. awhell 11'. t I JGIMlailly ... .... t JGIMI..,.... ....... Cl'ITIJiMd o.llT-..,., 1. Combine aD 1J9cchents In medium saucepan. Brtng to botl- lng po4nt; reduce hat. cover and timme 15 minutes. · J. To tote: lAdJe dellred portion Into wtdc-mouth VKUum )er and cover. R~ Wtowr. Maka 6 NTVlngt ~ 11 a a=----t----=====-----=----.,.. ClllP ..._ laip- '6 ClllP .. laip11r'M~ Stt!JJGllM ..... 4 , rsaa•• 6Uu JGDM ....... .... a.pm t II .... ClllP ~ -.... (1(15• ' m 115., I ! ,....+..-KIM.,, Y.- 3 Q1119 ...... whoi9-whMt .. ~toSQIP9-.S.a. ,..,.. .. . Pour bolling water over ; let and until water Is ab- ' about 20 minutes. • In saucepan. combine water milk; heat to boding, • Sclr In IOllkcd bulgur. eaal. gar, salt. margannc and mai-H. Cool to luM'Narm. • oi.olve yeasc In 1/J cup very water In large bowl; stir di dleloMd. . Add luk«warm ceral mbrtuR! whole-wheat flour; bat un, smooth. • Add enoudt aU-purpo1e flour make a ldff dough. Tum out a llghdy floured tio.d and until smooth .nd claldc. 8 to 10 mkluws. • A.ca In ~ bowl. tum- to ~ top. COYCr and let In warm ~free from draft tll doubled. ,&ut 1 hour. Punch dough down. Tum out co~ floured bosd; dMdc Ml. P*:.c Into ~ )( s )( 3-tnch Ioli pens and lilt In wsm p&.ce until doubled ~ . .tiout 1 hour. • a.k.-tn pr.,, 11a1 d 400° own 45 "*"'-or until O\.t II brown Md loliYa tound dow when r'R*i· .o. Remove from pane and cool wn ndca. Cut wtd\ MtT...t a*, ,..... 2 '°°'* • -(1.,. ...... , ..... .... _ , ......... ... ~c-. ...... ..... ·~ Qlfll c:ooUcl, *-eel ~ ...... 1 ta~hrpallft ..... 1 I 11 a oa ct.II powds t.4 t1•1a•~~ o.ttiw..co o.ti .. opdcMalll 1 tMrllllSCllft&iMiv~ °"'°" 1. In bowl of food prooeuor with metal chopping blade, place beans, vinegar, chill pow, da, wound cumin. Tabetco. salt and onion. Proccu unlll smooth. Or mix by hand , mash, Ing beans wtth wooden JPOOO. 2. UM mixture as a dip or lpNad for a1lp rew vegetables: carrota, bell pepper ICl1ps, celery tddu, clwny tomatoa. broc:coll flowerct1, zucch ini sticks. cucumber ltk:ks. Pack dared amount In small oovered con· bllncr to tot.•. Molca about 4 .avln!lf STM-SlUDDID SANDWICHES • Siad mUlhrooml. red and ween ~. red oruon and Swtll OI Jart.t.g d-... •Sliced hard-cooked en. lllcied tomato' tip'OUtl. lllced C1'CUrribef. • Uwrwunt er llwr s>Mt, crtirp- cooked bee.on. c:ole aw on ~· • Tune curry wtd\ cumnca and ~Ull. ~ i.ttuce. • lNnty lllc:td Genoe ..i.mJ or P9P1*onl, **9 moms•. roemd ptppll'I, ll8uce . . • Cr-.n ct...., 6:..t cucum· ti.n,*ecll9dWw,etwedded drt.d belf' 1911\a. Eveqone Needs a Litile Comfort . A leisurely cruise on a paddlc- w})eel steamboat ... the perfect time to enjoy the companionship of good friends and the smooth, mdlow taste of Southern Comfort. Try Southern Comfort with Ocean Spray* Cranberry Juice Cocktail for a crisp, refreshing taste combination we call the "Scarlett O'Hara." Scarlett O'Hara .,our I jigger (1 1/1 ounC'cs) ofSouth~rn Comfort over ice cubes and fill lht' gbss with Ocean Spray• C ranberry Juict> Cocktail. Add a wedge of lnnC' and C'njoy. The Name Game TRUE OR FALSE? ·1. Arlt nama can play an important ro&e In fat lmpralk>ns. 2. A name change can reflect a per- tonabty change. By John E. Glbeon 3. It Is so common for a woman to advertlaement 1 Million Famous LCD Quartz Calendar Watches To Be Sold For Only 55 Apiece In Mammoth PUblicity Dnve AU who wish to apply for a watch should write to the company before Midnight, October 31, 1982 NEW YORK-One million famous LCD Quartz calendar watches wlll be sold as part of a publicity campaign for only SS apiece to the first one million persons who apply in ~riting to the company before ~idnight, October 31 . 1982. These arc the same nationally publicized LCD Quartz watches advertised in The New York Times. TV Gui4c, Parade and other leading publications. with a built-in computer so powerful it never needs winding and which is accurate to within sec- onds per month. Time and date arc displayed in full Quartz digital mode; and a unique .. backlight" allows viewing even at night or in total darkness. These famous LCD Quartz calendar watches will not be sold at this price by the com- pany in any store: To obtain one at trus price, apply in writ- ina to the company address (below) no later than Midniaht, October 31, 1982. • 1IN ~~A L.onl, Lid. Each watch carries a full one- year money back guarantee and will be replaced by the com- pany, free of charge, if it ever fails to function. There is a limit of two (2) watches per address at this price. but requests wruch are mailed early enough (before October 25) are permitted to order up to S watches. To apply for an LCD Quartz calendar watch, mail your name and address and this original printed notice together with SS for each watch desired. Add only $2 shipping and handling no matter bow many watches you are requesting. NOTE: Specify model and color choice for each watch as follows: Men's Gold (hem #2D710A). Men's Silver (Item #207208), Ladies' Gold (Item #20730C). Ladies• Silver (Item #207400). Mail to: Delucca, Goldrich A Lord, Ltd., Calendar Watch, Dept. 613-91, Bos tilt, Wnt- burJ, N.Y. 11~9!. (02t711) . change her name upon rnamage that this tradltk>n has no particular ~­ logical Impact. 4. If you want someone to remember your MJne there's nothing much you can do about It except ho pe that he has a good memory. 5. If you want to remember someone else's name, there's a simple te ch· ruque for doing so. ANSWERS 1. True . In a audy of ftnt names and first meetings, a team of Florida State University Investigators discovered that "In Initial encounters with others. -ther• Is often onJy a limited amouut of lnformaUon which may be utilized In forming a flut Impressio n , and the piece of Information most frequently d~ In such situations is the per· son's Arlt name." Thus, the re.searchers observed. the lmpralk>n created by a first name may well be a audal factor In the overall first Impression . 2. True According to psychological studies at Louisian a 'State Univ en lty. the desire to change one's name indi- cates the surfacing of new facets of per- sonality which have been previously submerged, along with a change In outlook on life. Or It can mean an al· tempt .. lo f Ind oneself' thro ugh selection of a new name which seems to express one's true Identity. 3. F°*. The Louisiana State Univer· sity lnvestlgAtors conduded that .. a). though for most women the name change may be of ltttle signlftcance and fo r some a sought·after ho nor. for others II may repraent a tignt8cant loss and the beglnntngl of a pattern of self- depredation and submission of one's penonallty to that of another." 4. FaJ.. A Cleveland State Univer- sity audy obMrved that when subjects were~ a penon's name Immediate- ly upon rnftting that pet«>n. they often had trouble recalling the name later. But when subtecb had the c:hanc:c to talk to an lndMdual and Jomaan-themtetYa wtd1 the new pcrton ftnt and then learned the M1M, It WM .... for them to r.qi the penon's name kffr. ThJt IUggatl that If you went tomeOM to NrMm· be yout name. don't Introduce your- tef und1 elm you and he hew had a lllde time to git acqumnted. 5. TnM. A tarn of tpettslWt at Bri-t• 'a~ ol i.....c.s.. offs an UlllJ method for r•mcmberta~ pee>· plie's names. The method lnvotves ftrst converting the name tnto an Im· age that II nnnembered eesDy. For a.ample. FJ.hter can be made Into /flh .t1r and be lmagtned • a ftlh ltlr· rtng, and Gordon un becom. gar· den. The next step tnvotves chOOltng a faclal feature and linking the Image of the name to It. Thut If Mr. Gordc>n hu a large note, an tmage coukS be formed of a garden growing ,_ over hll noec. la6' ... ,...v~.~a.,.. NATIONWIDE SHOPPER CATALOGUE SERVICE CENTER SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME., ENERGY AND POSTAGE! F ----···------,...,,. ......... YCKJa CATALOGUU TODAY! vou can tn1oy ho1;rs of snooolng 1n ywr own l'!ome. at your lel•ure II you requested these car.a109ues .no"' ouaJly frOM neh company lhty wou10 Cott you from 20C 10 S3 00 each use tne NATIONWIDE SHOPPER'S Catalogue Senttce, ano SAVE' Ali you pay s a small amount for oosiage ano nanoh"9 C1t011l09un c&r offer you a ""ond s worth of 1ar1ety c,,ooce •"4 COf'Yttn•ence F·'1d 1 spec1a1 gilt somethonc;i •ore re nOU$9. 9011raen an...,. out111 ano en1ov the e.ctra savings you II '\live wneri you sl'IOI> by mail To "!Iv• us reciu.s1 the u 1aloguff of yOJ' C">O•C41 J M the Catalogue SeN•Ce Reciuest Form llllAl<E BIG ~ITS. operalil'l() your C..-& --=::&::: own mail oroer bookselhng ouaoness ,.... ~ from nomt' RtQutS1 your F'REE copy EMnlltOA . CLOCK COWAHY of the AMERICAN BOOKDEALEAS Bullo your own ne1r1oom wotn oeau· EXCHANGE moneymaking BOOt< tlful Oo·ll·Yoursell '• narowooo DEALERS WORLD tOday• t11 Oranolatner clock '"" •~+-N•H f•"llH ~ISE AltT. t>uy craM SuP- pl..S oulk and save' Spec11.11i 1nc;i 1n bNOs ano plastic grios 351 HER"ICHHPS. INC. Color c1taio- g"9 1ea1unng complete ~•ts 101 •n•t· hng. crocne11ng, embro•oll!"f. stitch· ery n19 making & Quitting 111 ll~ WAAOI Color catalogue con-taining 100 s of tMe n-est sutcnery ano cran kits for !tie entire lam11y 72 P99"· 165 NACHV PATT'Ut.....Cnarm1n9 tun pare.ms 10 sew Dolls QU•'ts p. lows wall n1ngll\9s rayene nap 1ugs plu$h loYS b4laar •ltms k11cnen bath accnsones t23 PlNd PATTIRNI 'N THtNGS. tor me woooworker ch11oren s aoys D•9 1no smell Otrdhouses swings cab1· nets '" ano outdoor t..im1ture deco- ra11ve nems 551 ltl.ATYPUS COLLECTION. Out· sran01nq new panems ano •llS tor clorn OOll•. lays st1tcneon sew Slulf QUiit Cltalogue tnCluOel l)lll· ltm for Victorian 01nc1JS1t•on 7'2 "'tall O&.Aaa, Malle a Torfany 1amp- snaoe from a kif Easy •nstructoons Cast resin pieces trom en or19 naJ gtaM patttm. hght'flt'et9hl, so--Ins Mor>-v back guar 1tl lltOUllEl.S. WholeNle t '1111 sue>- 011es at c1os.ou1 pncn Super for•" cratt lovers. eiu:vtlent tor tuna ra.is- "9 churcn Oaz.aMS. etc TM .. ll..LCf'AFT. A~ s most ••· mous cat.11ogue tor latehet nook rugs. wall 11ang1nqs. pillow cov8f'a ,,..Oltpo1ftt. crewel 1nmo more ttt TAM>Y UAT'Hell co'Total IOU108 for your leatn., ftteOS Kits tools mo«. tOOhf19 leatrle<. belta & gar· meftt IM!l'l-()11.r 2..000 Item. CJ9'I WATeo-c>eMel. tieeubtul wood 11· n1~-. cotor oootUet Enat>ltoS .,,. yone IO crMle profession.I I ftoll\et tne first 11me ,,,,,n all woooa OM ap- phcattOn wata pnmes linot/'les ,..,. oena. prote(:ts & ou ut1fles 1121 M Wh1 """"99 ITA99. FREE ooo~ with l0teogn siamp aPOroYll M'VIC8 Buy 111y1none. r4141Jm tt>t t>a•ance 9"° canc:.1 ir.. MMCe anytlri!e r. WM•TIC oou..u:TOR' GUILD. tNC. Fo1 nvestors •no cot· leCIOtl they na.,.. d•tcont•nu.O U S mint co1t11 M.tny wof1tl toooi-. lace vatue Mii')' CMJr 100 years old tll aTBlUNQ "°'* Nor!Nn ~OCll· well collec:tJole P'l tn. liguru·•es ano oiner 1pecoa1 Colleetit>lt •lems 11 ¥tty lee.totlltlMI OftCff 215 btn-- GO TO ~ Hano-maoe ShffC>- Sklt1 prooucts • footwear car & b••• seats 11C~etS •tSIS nus rugs Mens womeot & Chtldrens ,.,., 1'1 MIO-WEITPN Dll"·WEAA Buy oeersi.1n garmenu gioves nanot119s and loo1wear tac101v direct '1unte"'1 T'f'1v 1an your c1>1r s111ns make orooucta •or vou 1 .. -·.f11tila11 ....... AVON fiSHION .. nas Olle" •75 """' styles al IOw no nontet'tse or ces Vou II oo .. remf c wl'etlltr )OU re soz.e5 or 18 Vou'll'M•el1me&mo,,ey Money back guaraftlet 174 BU.Off' .... 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MtCHEl.'S hH lresn end taou- loua boutlQue IHhlona • soil way n.gntgo..,.n1 Mnsuo14 180d•es lln· gw1e l or 1ooey' wom•"' Plut 111 ti'!• ngnl ICC8tlC)(<ts 4211 -··w.r THt KING am co. eon-0•94e 11ne of clot"-end acc.ssories tor b•O & 1111 rn... 96 PO COIO• catalogue m ORTHO-Vl-NT IHOU, men • Qual· loty ietlh81' tlloet wlt"I l'19•r u c1u11ve Sprtng·Stop • cushion W101ns lrom A·EEE over SS ll)llft 221 ,...Clliiiry MAIO M ICAM>INAV1A O!ICO"lr our amuing .. r.cuon or cook..,..,. caoie oal11ng dtc:oraltng c.ndy mati· '"9· 'f)ee1afboo~a Wtdd1nq & .,,ler- talntntnt tuPOfitl 10I YfT~ MIX 3600 grinds grain• mutts, kneaas 1n10 brNCI douqll 1n ' M•· nulltt, tu•Cat. cook a freNH mlkta yogut1. ll'luch m~ frMltt * MIS910N ORCHARD&. Color CBI· 11ogut ol fancy lru11s 01•nl't &flO Olher ovely 911! o<Jeu 101 every s~ clal occasion a.t NUTIUOG~ FAIUllS. featuring Ot10- c1ous C.hlorn1a almoft4' aro •••· nul$ tor eook•llg snac1ung 9 'ts TM PR I ESTER'S PECAHS 2• oage coior ca111ogue ol fancy pecan' •or all occa11ona ,..7 WIN SCHULER'S Feeturing se1ec1eo cheeses. snacks 9111 packs Famous to1 t>ar Cheese U..O on m1ny hne rH · ·aurants ano on many a111one lhghtS -oa WISC.,....,~,--,,.,....,N-::C.,-HE=U~E~MAH:-:-::.,-,-COIOr catalogue or 'yH r •ouno gills. c"eeH lt\.l•I nuts r1"e111 outne .. Also ou11< cheese 04t ALLAN'S PlACE 'pec111tz ng on over 500 or nature' prOOuC1s sea snens coral 1roptC1I • r p11n:s onttwOOO. sea tole sna,... s •ee111 nets ano wntQUe jtWelry lletTIS 1M A"TISTIC GAUTIHO CAM>S 75 tyoes or peraon111zeo Siii onery. ano llt>els woth name address city. etc Person11ozeo key cha1n1 luggaoe lags and greeltng card• 1Sa IAVVIEW llY"Tl.F#OOO MANU- f ACTUAING CO. Go~met oecora· 101 items anCI un•Qut canr1ft9S lrom 1ne 11rge11 Myrttewooo factory 1n Oregon emt>llshea n 1911 451 PUCI liOUfiO Us.elul gilll 11nce 1956 Out of lht ol'd1nary small 1ne•- pens1ve 1111ms oe~hZl<I 1aoeis notas. ttc :111 C..GWIOOO.. &1f'TS .._. Sl1t1t Map notepaper Aoacto 110-r If· ,..nger magic amp pla"1ar are leetured on catalogue ol oelOQl'!fluJly d1llertfl1 gtlts ...., Glf'T WEAR oo..-"-PIC• lime ar>o money "8Vtng g•lts Iron-erourd 1ne worro Affordaole A fun acOHsortea for 1ne family A home UnlQue ttiongs 1ou •e wanteo .. """"'ET CA"TP full-ootor 09' packed ...,,.,. unique. na•O·to-lmd gifts at •ll'Y aflo•dable p11ct1 Money back 9uerantee on all 1leMS 21'1 ........url Un1Que g11ta .O· v~nced eleclfOl'llCS nome ac:ce.ao- ""· ~ti .. 0s.. autoniotrve items, n1ffy gaogets At101dllble F'" gin •lllt\ Ol'Oef m Hlllttl.OOll GffTS. tolld brHS gills. coflM grinot"S 1an11cue 0tt09n11. c10110fl,,e. and brass onoao lram.s, rellgloua gills Al soecl&I savings 7t5 JOAN COOte U11usuaJ enc soecialty 111m1 tor gilts and nome A IOI of 1mag1nation goes into p1oouc1 m L...COU. HOl* 01111 candles ano stationery al 2~~ off regular r• :ail pneee oc ...... ....., ~ ~·· M011turtzlng cretMt' ~w slun cream wltll coll•• gen ttllsttn. and IOIObll nelPt lignt ~Ing tine. mo111ure lost, protectt aga1n11 oryftfft K .. PI 1k10 aolt Me CMl. LIONAAD'I HUA. TH CAM CATAU>OUe Unique h .. 1111 Urt 1ttm1 plut mo,. than 2 dottf\ loot c11e pfOClucta Color qtalog"e FREE S2 Gott Cert1f1ca1e incl 127 a.~ NUTRITION CO.. 11119 money w1tn Ult world'• largeet. qua- lity v11tmln. miner11 ano n1tvr1I coe- mMlcl Ollcourn llOutl 3 Million~ h...,. 01Jr FREE '8 PO ~LE CATA· LOOU£ How aoout you? • Al9T CONTACT L.INlll. Haro 1 ... Nn S12 I ten1 Alto aoll anel ""*' ..,,... GuarantMO ••.Cl CNO!teai. of your r>retct101•011 or money oack - ....... ·.j· .:t.i...m!l!ll •••·• ·' .• ----. R •p I HI ttsnea •n 1929. ca11logve leaturtt the n1gll811 Quality end belt v11ue tor na· tural vitamins minerals neallh a1d1 ano persona1 c•re prooucts 370 ;ng . u golf t>atts. grips 1talogue gives dorect1on1 for club reoalrs hats 1100 carts and ma1er1als °" ..... OLD HOUM .JOU"NAL. e-.erytn1ng at>Oul restorong ano rna1nta1n1ng tne older nouso Pla•n tallung 'IOW·IO- d<>-•t 1nstruc11ons worn over 10.000 01lleren1 proouCls and services 352 A El BUL.8 , ARMS. COio• brochure & p11ce 1111 or wor10 lemous lily bulbs ror garoen grttnnouSH or pauos Soecia11z1ng 1n ltloes sine• 1946 561 ~~.MO.E~manu· lacturtr ol un QUt la<ie '11Droc l l'd lake lur 11tm1 Tat>leclOlhS tied· ,prelOS p•acemats Cnr Simas 1"8 a ~111ty Reaoy-maoe ano oo-•I· yourslll k11$ Z2t SOBOL HOON Oua11ty lurn11ure up to45' ott •tulll F1mOusnames Tno-mnv•ll• Century 8r<>yn1ll lnaureo 0ol1ve1eo to your door TM TWIN OMS HAMMOCKS Hand «l ftad "8ft91n9 Cll&Jrl ~k l 'IO •C>Qe lu1n11u1e catalogue TH VICTORIAN GINGSt8MAO, IOllO pone reproouctoons l\anocraft.o tor eJ1tet1or 1ntt11or Fant. tcrolla cu1- 1om .... n9th panel' gueoos. more FICtory oorect pricing VINT AGE WOODWORKS t2S ~~~~~~~~ ..................... aus•NESS awra. ec11ert•s•ng se>e-c11111es golO 1l"prtnte0 wotrt your company mflllge c.alcul11ors ca• er>aara ~•n'(l ooel cases key 1991 oens W)NARCH MFO - EUN UMF<>"MS '9Clory oirect cat· a109ue ol work c1otrt•t'19 ind •nOuSt· rial ut11form1 a;a1lat>le ••I" cuSIOtl' lettering tor business enc .,.rson11 10e1111flca11on 2:30 AMUTY flftOOUCTS Home orhce t1us1neu ~pp1ies and e<iu•cment t20 page catalogue many IOW cost e11clus1ve 11tms oee gneo tor sm111 tutintsMS 14t AllllllttCAN HEM. TH llRVIQS,01 rtel by mail hffrong aid t>alttfl" at d1tcoun1 pr'Cff Duracell tM sound battery '11""9' ~ all popV· 1a1 1<.tn Also 01xoun1 neanng e da Ind M"YICt lllD EVaYO. w ... ~ mou· sanes of doll•rt or ..... ~ pttin to averyo<Jt wno plays tne oarne GJH proof WALSHMAA PUB. m oM:Vi.tT INC. coverlye for less uample 60 yH r Old male on good "Mith can 991 5250 000 annutl rt- newat>le hie 1nauraf1Ct for or>ly $320 •year ttt ROUSSEL.a Close out 1ewe1ry for as ltltle as SSC a dOlen lund ra111ng crites gtlta Carly favors tf2 THOMPSON CIOAR factory fresh Cl· P.ars o.rectty lrom Tamp1 ftlhon s one cigar cap1111 more than 100 011· l~L.t:ustom·rnaoe c.gaca ~ coqu11 1°"" factory dorecr proces 300 E E c ............... DU·SAY'1 New 10tu for <logs and oet IO¥trs Oft. eoe·s LTD. lt11er Sweet lotter box aod111ve A concentrated oowder lt'IAI el1m1nales ammonia ooors. dries lotter Safe' Reu'9 JP IO 10 UMM 391 :A T A L 0 ! UNrTEO PHARMACAL CO. Over 2000 ooo-s no~ties a"d nulth proouc1.s 1or oers and tne1r owners at IMTE" NEWS, 100 page Quarte<ly m~awlt Hunoreo1 of contracts & 11surgs Wor.o's 1ar9es1 oanerclas11· 1oeo secuon Free advert1s1ng fll COHTllT HOTllNE NEWSlETTD You ean oe a w11\fter leatn 8b0ut N sweec>stti.es ano contftl offers Q9ln 10 you trpa on now 10 win lnlorma· hon on oecom•ng • suoscnber • DIRECT MAGAZJNe. 11 you Sl'loP 0y ma11 1n1s is tor you• wn1t a 1va11ac1e. beautoful art•Cl•s. IT'!Oney saving cou- p0n1. more M1 , .... GAADUr#AY CARTS rotl .u.ly over any terrao" carry up to a~ tt> IOIO 1n Of'e easy 1np. saving 11me llnd mps 1va11at>le '" 3 s•tes m NEW 100 pg fu11 color cataloou. trolT' Fine t0o1 Shop 1 soo Quality wooowon<1n9 too11 you will not find 1n your haroware store • THf HMOWAM ITORf •fl your mailt>Oll 88 1191 """" fantastic selec· lion 01 las1entrs tooll ano organiz· ers Below •tll•I prices on teta 4 bul• O R I lndustrtes 231 ~ Mat11 5-mulh-purl>OM S tn 1 woodwonung too1 Plus hard to 11no 1001s ana 1ns1ruct1on1 on now to Ute thtm 795 G u E s au 1 asi 21 1 a ,., MGHTC* "°~ CllP'T. CM'W-o. a......-r l'OIUI QITQe......,. 07012 UQUUT 1 oa C••clt lhe numt>tr that Posuge ano Handltng Chart ALL Ad 11aa appears to 1ne r1g111 01 hlhnQ MO c•it1•• •1.00 OlfL1' I on rri. cou~ o.tow. "" '" tt-ac1u•11uee :0000 --.a•& tne 1nlormet•Oft c•tp on t11e •SO CM r' I '" --• .- OOC*I h.,. tnelOM POS!a99 11·AI Ca'rt1 •-14.00 STAMP! Ind henoltog ano ma1l t0dty' CL.t~ COUPOll ll&OW MAJJ. TODA 1'! _______ ._,_ . .._ ______ __,__,.,,. ... -~--- ' 0» 1~5 215 2et 32.4 457 370 154 ns 1" 920 041 181 221 218 341 487 ~ 755 781 91 I 921 OH tSS 221 277 352 <188 418 758 7115 912 923 064 174 230 299 358 S51 ~19 759 795 913 924 oe1 1ee m JOO 3st MS 420 ''° 199 911 ·m * ,.. 238 320 JeO 643 423 782 197 91t 92e 105 1M 249 322 Jee 645 432 764 798 919 W21 P-r.a..e•t 1-C.ta~t tor,....~~ 11"00 I l IC t>••f> 0••1 P4~ 921 O CASH N1m•------------------ C CHECK A<ldrat•-------------0 MON&VOAOEl'I Clllf Siil• ---ZtP--- A lflal eu«lacnpUon 10 IN NATIONWIDE SHOPPER. tne = •Dlll&Sl 1N1i-oro.r put111ea1t0n. ~11'"'.!'!~.~~0~ ~o __ I Ill Ind buys 11 lrteluded Wlm yovr ..... --.1141 r.....,_. ·-· • ·..- 111• ·-otflle .,ou, I...,.. ......... o . L tlltWOlllM .. ..,.,..~N.LIPl11 I ~----~---------------...._.. W.min11 Tht Surgeon Gtntrtl H11 Dtttrmintd n. Citnnt s.m..11.,....,. to~Hllldl. ~ ~------------------~----~------~----------------------------. ..................... .. Bye, Bge Baby: When to Skip the Slttet T fter. leaving her 7-yea-~ld twin 900S alone for an hour, a C.00- necticut mother returned to 8nd them~. l..afier. learned that they had a busy highway and to their baby siner's uM. Obviously, they 't ready to be left a&one observe how well he or she Is abie to communicate with yo u and o ther people. Should an emeigency arise when he is a&one. he may have to call on someone else anct must be able to dearly verbalil.e the sffuaUon." No matter how mature your child is. there are precautions you sho uld take before leavtng him or her alone. "One thing a child needs Is a backup system, a neighbor he can tum to In case of an erne:rgency," em- phames Dr. Judith Katen- berg, clinical professor of psychlatry at New York Uni· versity School of Medk:tne and co-dkector of the Center for Parents and Children in Rotfyn. N.Y. Ako, do you haw proper locks? Does yow child know how to operate them? Do you have smo&ce detectors? Hew you had practice fire drill? Are emergency phone numbers ealllly accastie? If th«e se sewral chlklren In the house, parents should be c:anfuJ not to owrburden the oldat slblng wtth too much rapon~ ... P..nts should not be gone too fre· quently Of for long periods." Dr. 1-Mmlt cautlonl, "because If the oldat chlld ,.. too OYntaxed In hll c.apedty to be raponlAM, he may ne- glect hill .... ln9lad of ~WlllU.Y, 0...a, -•11 heJping them ... If a child Is having emo- tional problems -as a result of his parents' recent divorce, for Instance -then he should not be left by himself. "When ch1ldren are ~ jeded to traumatic events, they tend to "9es5 and can become frightened ," ~s Dr. Hemtt. When parents feel thetr child Is ready, they should proceed by leaving him for short periods of time to see how he does. If he doesn't obey lnstructk>ns, becomes overly afraid or can't handle litde problems that pop up, he probably Isn't ready to be left alone right now. One last point: How yolA' child handla' hlrmeff without a baby sitter has a lot to do with how he's been raised. Or. Hemlt feels parents should prepare their children to cope wtth being on their own by being upfront wllh them. ~ who haw always been told by their parents when they were go· Ing out, where they were go- ing and when they would be back. are able to adapt much better than children who9e parents snuck out the back door as soon as the slter ar· rived." Above al, being open al- lows a chi&d to develop a sense of tru9t tn r~ to his parents, Or. Henk adds. "He wil learn that separa- tions do not mean complete abmldonment. By bulding your child's capadty for deal- ing wlh ~now, he will be a stronger chlld, rather than" a dependent r111 one. ..., r--------'SATIUACTIOH GUARANTE£D--611AIL TODAY! ---------. I OU> Vll.lME SHOP. Dlft. VZ·11,, 'MO ......... .._, ... 17JJ1 I I Y"' ,..._ ,_ .., "-"" ,_..,,, CZ!0550ll'I I I -, .. , ....., lecll lilwllltM. Alto MCloM..., NllH NM« I ,, .. "fl lritfl ., ..., • : C _,!) .....,..___ __ ~ __ AOOll'.SS 1 1 0 .. fot °"" $14• ..... $1.15 . ' ...... I 0 UK! 2 toquU25.7h1Jd $2. POA. & 11111&. CllY I I CllCloMd 11 t ~chtek or _, O<Hr) I I C.... m J AlllericMI h11rn1 CJ VISA STAT£ l" ---- D DI•• Cl• u Cart• llMclle 0 llladeteatd 0 Cll•O her• .,., Hiid so. '°' oscroeitlon lo I I A«t, llo. our catalo1 of 11 .. 1111• H d '"hlou I I ~.oat• ~. I L-------------e H..H .. a. •-"'. 1112 ---------------' FABULOUS BUYI Tiii CILLOl'Tlll-. n. ....._ ..... of~. .....,,.. .,, ..., Ew. (Md....,~ ... ....... ....._ HIN'I 1W ,_loft "Mltdl" Of "'9 1M10n ••• en _..AMI""''*.........,,-..""",_.__, ........... -good .... to ycMW lllin. The~ ...,.. '°' -""'''°°"" ........ ~ ........ ....... 111 I :1i· L.uldoul ...... ol etllly MOM ,..,._ "'...... ... ..................... Sidi ....... OORua ... ...,.._. INOC OOIW, M4 a._.. ... ,r...........,......,.w srtt.--. ..... 1111 ... .,, .................... ~ • Zllll?P ... ~ ....................... ttW ........ .,,. SALE! First Time At This Price! Dream-Soft Hand-Made Genuine Leather SLIPPERS Uke •Glove For Your Foot! Soft, Supple Brushed Leather •.. Fleecy 100% Virgin Wool Uning FabulOIH Chlll Cha .. "' Honeet to ~ handcr.tted, Mturel leethef-priced eo low you'll went to lfMt the whole femllyl Uk• e glove for your loot ... The ~t. IOflett, ........ " ........, ......,, fined throughout w th tOMty.wanll 100~ rirgln wool lie.c.t Incredible Valw Greet ,.or The Whole Farnlly' Cta.k: good loolle ---y-ll'tln', euy-tft()'lln' comfOft ••. Who "°'*'"'1 !owe ...... Amadngty -.ii, llgfltweitht, .. ,~':s.<t!J!!., ~Or9' ..... TM ..... tt 0.,. a....._ A,,.. QMf llalble ... Even the aol• ,,. eiepnt llexflt leather! N•tural bfowntone; thong lfttefl-trim, "lnvlelbte" hend 9tltctilng. Orut for klde and grownupe allU-. ~tally thoughtful gift tor oldef lotkl. 8enutlonel value et lutt •.-..o.t ru~~ RJLL MONEY BACK ~ ·~:.sir .. -.="· OUARANT!I! YIM.I muat be ~ delighted with the QUelllty, oomton. encl I:",.:: od too1ca of your 11 r a • ....._-......Hnot. alrnpty rwturn for 1 full, prompt rwfund of put· ch.-price. (•~ poet. & hdtg.) Old v-.. .. -...), .. ,,. ,----- - --SATISFACTIOH GUARANTEED-MAIL TOOAYI-------.., ow~--.. --. vz-a11a, • ,.._ -..---. M 11161 ........... _~ ..... .... a.... c CZlt Ill .,. ........ ... •i:~ ..., ... . A'11 ...... lllJP!W ........ . u..: ..... __ .... __ "·- fillclllell II (a.cl ar _, __, rJ O:."ci~ ~: ~.PcC" .... Aact. .. ... ,...,,__ __ .. -.: ..... _ ... _ "-lnrl-lt-"""' -------------8 ......................... ,. Intl ,_ I ..... ,_ )lit 91UI ... aM ........... a,.~ • .....,,_,, ...... ...,.,,. CITY mTI 11'--.... ,............. L Clilll-• _.,..,~If!:.!-...._•• oa.-.... twtumlll9t........... -----.... ~ ........... !\::"..''...................... ~!.:=.a=---:.::= '· ----..,.. I ......~--------~ ~-----~----------------------------~ A Ptlmet ·on Cutting College Costs By Peggy J. Sctvnldt If you're planning to attend college in fall 1983, it's not too soon to begin thinking about where you WW\l to go to dK>OI. The~ economy and continuing reports of proposed cuts In Federal aid to educa:.. tion are causing some students to Umit tha search to neaiby colleges or ones !that are state supported. But thar may be a mistake. say col· lege financial-aid experts. ~vou can't -.me that you won't be able to af. tuttlon at c.ertain colleges before 've lnwstigated al your ftnandal. options." says Danyl G. Greer. as· e director for Government rela-• at the College Board. Here are descriptions of the major $3,000 a year, regardless of their In· come level. at Interest rates between 12 and 14 percent. If the rares on three-month Treasury bills continue to go down, the current 14-percent rate will drop. The biggest drav.iback of ALAS is that ~ents aml !;Jaduate students must begin repayment within 60 days of bank approval. Your coUege flnan· dal·ald office can tell you If banks In your II.ate offer ALAS. c....,....e ... d Program.. Indi- vidual colleges administer certain Federal loan and grant programs. If you need money for coDege , it's worthwhile to apply to one or more of them, even If your family's Income isn't low. Just as important as income are the number of dependents In your · Undergraduate. whose famlllea have an Income of $30,000 or lea qualify for up to $2,500 a year. famUy (and the number of c:hlktren in college) and the cost of tuition at the college of your choice. To apply. you must ftD out the Col- lege Board's Anandal Aid Form (F.A.F.). the American College Testing Program's FamUy Rnanda1 Statement (F.F.S .) or fonns &om the college to which you're applying. (Both the F.A.F. and F.F.S. •e available from your high IChool guidance counselor or the finendal· aid office of each college you apply to.) These forms ask for lnfonnadon about yow-famMy's finances that Is u9l!d to cakulate finandal need. For a processing fee of las than SS. your analyzed data will be tent to the col- leges to which you 're applying. Among college-based P«>!J'&mS Is the College Work~ Progr ... which provides part-time )obs both on and off campus. You can cam up to $1 ,200 a year by working 10 to 15 hours a week. Another point for consideration: An lnaeaslng number of students are declaring themselves self ·supporting In order to qualify more easily for Federal loan and !:Jani prO!:Jams. Among other attena. you must not live with your parents for more than six weeks a year. The free booklet, .. Student Con· sumer's Gulde." publllhed by the Of. ftce of Educatk>n. cxp&.ins Federal program• In more detail. Write: Seu· J. Schmldl 11 thuuthor oJ Making h on dent GuJde, P .0 . Box 84, ,_ Fr. Job (Auon Boob). Washington , O.C. 20044. 1&61 .... ,... .......... a....., ..... -..19M11l • .., ....... ., .............. ~Wl.!Ola ..... .., •• ..................... ___ ... __ .-0 __ ,Liil .............. ._ 45 tllf-----~llm----S......----------PM! ..... _________ _ ,...---------=-==--oe, ___ a... ___ Zlf __ _ 1982 PRE-SEASON DIAMOND JEWELRY OFFER Genuine Natural Diamond Genuine Natural Diamond Genuine Natural Diamond Solitaire Pendant Ort 16-S Owtn -.25,, ~M Naf1.1r•I DiM'llOnd Solitaire Ring Stud Earrings .2S ,, Gefluine NM.ur-4 Ol.nond .25P't6-ne *""' .. o..mond 0 .... Me Qty. PUturet Diamond Solltal,. ~on 16"' S Chain. Only S2. 75 ff<tt plut S 1.00 ~ I handling. 0 lllllh fM Qty. PNtural OiAmond Solltllre IU"91. Only S2.75 each plus S1.00 ~I handllnQ. SNCln' MtG SID Sllt •S-Olr '-"'-°" S..•7-0lr .. ·~GI) Sia"-°" .. ••O-Olr 0 ltulh me Qty, Natural Diamond Stud Earrings. On~ ~.75 ff<tt plut Sl.00 post.afe. handling. ,.,.....,..,.... . .._ ...... 0 SAVI -lllllh me Oty. Complet9 wardrobft of Natu,.f Diamond ~'Y for only S7.50 plut S1.7S ~a Mndllng. Each W11rdrob4t c:om..im 1 IUnQ, 1 l'endant on 11" S Chain, •nd 1 1>9ir of Pierced Stud Earrin91. SNOfl_.SGI .. ~aw .... _°" SIR •7-Cllt s. ••-· -OW a...._____ s. •ll-Olr TOTALS enclOMd .. .,_*Iii_"" MoMy ,.furtf#d lmm«J,.tely if not t#llflltted. IHll C041pofl tocMy. Alh~ a WIUfleld, Uid. N-.----------------Jewelry Offtr H0-1 .. ~ eo.ns1 ......... --------------~ Hunti"f\Ofl S~IOft. Chy~--------------~-NY.11141 suJ. 6..._U-.RL 111, tlO_CU __ C~---.. -.-._..--c:m.'""'",-1t-Y.-tt-.. -------------- You, the Juty: What to Do When the Call Comes an Indicatio n as to when you will be able to serve. JUfO"S recerve from $5 to S30 per day, including transportation. de- pending on the state you Uve in. The length of service required as a pro- spectlve juror can vary, too. depend- ing o n yow location from one day In Dallas, Detroit, and Denver. to three months In Utah. where you are on call. What can you expect when you Bg Roealyn Abcevaya he verdict rang out dear- ly: Not guJltv bv reason of lntanlt}I. John C . Hlnddey Jr.. who on March 30. 1981 fired a volJey of bullets at Presi- dent Ronald Reagan. had been acquitted on 13 counts lndudlng attempted assas- sination. The verdk:I stunned the courtroom and soon reverberated across the na· tion. As aies of outrage came from many quarters. several of the Ju.ran stated that they had wanted a guilty verdict but had ~en In to the majori- ty -and now they feh anger and regret. For those of us who have ever moaned about jury duty. the Hlnc.kley verdict brings home the serious nature of performing this rite. What actuaJly Is the jury duty sys- tem all about? Jury duty in state courts (where some 97 percent of Utlganon takes plac~) starts with a notice that comes in the mall to the pr05p«Uve juror. The names of jurors are collected for the most part by a random selectk>n of registered voters. _ Gen~ those summoned for jury duty have to serve If they're at least 18 years old, literate and U.S. citizens. Tileft are exemptions; for cx.amp&e. if your health Is severely Im- paired. If you are the guardian of small chlldren, or If you're 65 or older. Exemptions vary from state to state and are listed on the notice you receive. Most states also allow postpone- ments. II you ftnd It lnconvcnl8nt or Im~ to serve when summoned \ ~ (If you've aJrcady paid for a vacation). • e telephone c:aD or letter to the offtc:e listed In the notice asking for a postponement wUI IUfftce. along with • Simply apply-Ill *Y-flll IWlf -1111 paper in ............ • Ends aMillt-ICflPill-...,... dlipping-......... FOREVER! • Alnazill e.a,e. ...... , .... ~" • ta1 ............ al ........ 10il peelslWlflUll Ubyou'dllftllllllll'l ... Pllllall-1 WDll(S • MY SllRCE ••• WUODt l 1111:1; METAL,~ am, SIJIE, ~! . , •AU.I•-- '1112 .,...,_...,.Ille ITIP t: ~ a1111 ~ wo11Ger·lormu11 a¥lf ofd 111· CNstecl Ollllt (Up la 18 ll'fl'IS l"Q)- r------11A&• r 111100. aw------ ......,a...11.-.~za......, ................ ,...,.. ~ AUSH INN ~ti N ·Pm. llllltf' ...., --~ ~ -. "'*"l'Cll~....,.,,111-,c·-.~·141totlC011SGI ... Wlfl tUll Cini tin0te ~ I ,,_, ""'" tor I IWI IWlcl !Im. POlllll lnO '**'O of CIM1t I et-=-~~ -$mlll s.a '~tot up .,3-roctll ..... 1°"".96 Pll4 Sl potUlgt ' l'llrlOlinO -•IOl!llOwl• s. lftllql t11111111Mr sianan..1cnvsis90 ""'s.:i-. a IWlllllQ fti IMM• =~I~-(~ lof UM WI llOfNI lllllll ~ ow.. Wl'll only 13115 plul 14 POl90t ' '**"·\'OU .. In.Ill AlnountftfOtm 1--(NY ...... oi.e.., .. mil NoC 00 I Ollme Cl4Mla m IS15 lllnmwll CNr,.1 -VISA C! -.en Cl'ldlt en -Biil 0..--- llirnl ~--------------~ Adllr'9----"'------------~ SS. ~P---- --------------------------------°" ............... " ---------' Rtct iud '"Y wlft' 1 Ftathtrspriffgs t wo days ago. Thty art s11pn -ntitlttr of 11s can btlit vt tlu rt111lt1. Sitt lfas had ttrrlblt fttl for ytar1; alrtady "" pain. '-------....J lncidtntally. Jiu sort lcn1t ls m#clf bttltr . . . As a rttirtd plty1/- clan, '"" r'11111 ;, amavn1. Dr.-C.O.C./Tucson. Arizona A/ltr wtarln1 Ftotltt,,pril'l1s for J motttlts. I wo.Ud lftlltr want to IH w/tlrofll tlwm. It's SO WOltdtrfM/ to wa/Jc wltlto 11t t v.ry step lt#rtin1. Tltty Ito 11t ltt/ptd my COrtlS, /,.. fl'OWtt tot nails, attd my 1111 oNI bod an 10 m11clt bttttr. Mn. C.F.E., Saruoca. Fla. "SI net I' vt bun wearing Ftathtrsprings I liavt bttn obit to wtor sh0ts I wasn't a bit to wtar btfort, Mainly btca11u of my corns and. call111ts. Titan/cs a h11ndred tlmts over." A.H./Eut Oranae. New Jersey '·My h111band ft/I a ireat relit/ and no mort pain. TMy art tr11/y on answer 10 011r praytrs, Only wish tliat ht ltod lturd of thtm tWtllty YtOfl Of()," Mra. P.J.S./MetAirie, Loui•iana "Wlllt I ltad b11/•11td '""' od flvt yur1 010." Mn. W.C .. Fa~. N.C. • ___ , _________________ ,.... FEATHEASPNNO INnRHATIONAL CORPORATION 11100 9'one Avenue, North. Dept FW412 SNate, WMNnglon M113 YES! I want to learn more about flelliblc Peat.beraprh'I Poot Supports. Plcuc send me your free brocbutt. I will watdl ror lbc lalsc PINK envelope. I unckrstand that tbef'C i1 no oblipdon and that oo uletman will call. Prial Nune S&a&e ~ WNl\111 ................... ....... tlUllY DUTY show up for jury duty? Be prepared to wait ln one of the jury assembly rooms before being called. Veterans of jury MrVice advise you to bring a good book. cards and coins for any brief telephone calls. lV. usually available, gives many their first dose of day- time "soaps." Once prospective jurors are called Into the courtroom, attorneys are allowed to quadon them on any matter which may disclose pre· judke, and they are allowed to challenge a certain number of appointed jurors; the num· ber Is set by the court. (If you 're choMn and the trial ls a long one. you may be ex- cused for a good reason.) "Lawyers are on their best behavior while questioning prospective jurors," says New York trial lawyer Aaron Broder, "In order to win their fruit and confidence and gen· to 'make points.'" In recent years there has been contToversy over the use by some lawyers of so- hlstlcated methods of jury leC:tion . "These days, be- ause so much Is at stake llln.ancialh.i, particu.Lsly In cor· and penonal-lnjury Ii· llmllk>rl, lawyers clamor for a scientific approach to oostng jurors -who wUI toward deliberating for heir side," says Lori 8 . drews. a Chicago-based orncy who writes on the ole of psychology In the urtroom. "Many lawyers ve openly admitted enlltt· the help of experts." lt's erfectly legal. reports ANtrft.,., but IOme quation ethics. ~ ury research ftrms have sprung up to help law· yen In this ... by ullng techniques that tnclude 8glng reheanals with mock 11ron before the actual b1al. One lawyer, Andrews re· ates, hired reHarchera to JroftJe the jurors mott likely to 9vor hiscllent, ah~ eehool 1lrt peralyaed In a alllh wt1i&e n a ca dr1wft by the <Mfen. ..... They NPOrted thM the .. )Won would be OMS WM> pa.c.d a high value on he future that '"' Iott to the ~. and thae Included !OUng. umn.ned __.. fllt'l lncoma under $15,000 -people who had high lopll for the own futwe. I It.lite courts: S30 per day plus I transportation expenses. aJ. though you can be asked to J serve as a juror a maximum of 30 days ln any two-year pcri· od. ln unusually long trials, you may be required to serve for the duredon of the case. But Federal court stadsdcs tn· dlcate that only one·ftfth of the trials take four days or longer. unlike some of the Htnddey juror$. doesn't have regrets later? Since It's rare that a judge Instructs the jury on anything but what kind of ver· ~ they may brtng In, these guidelines from Tom Mun· sterman, director of the Center for Juiy Studies.could help. The uoce •am In the 1957 moule drama of the triGs and fribuJa. ttom o/ 12 ~ Men. lf you are employed and summoned to jury duty, do you still get paid your salary? That depends on your com- pany's poUc:y. In most states there ls now legislation pro· hlbMtng an employer from not continuing to pay a juror's regular salary. How can you become an effective juror, one who , 1. Prep.e a bit of ilRMtS In the case for dltcussk>n . 2. Let each juror have his or her say, taking one l"ue at a time. 3. Vote on each lsaue sepa· rately to narrow differences. 4. Don't allow anYC>n• to in· timidate you by making per- sonal crltidsms, for exam~. "Yo u're so Indecisive." A good comeback: "Let's stick to the Issues. not l'!WI personalities." 11L1 For many lndJviduals. serv· Ing on a jury Is an tnteresling and worthwhde ~· Unda R. Cavlnesa, project director ol the jury standards task force for the National Center for State Courts, has criuCTossed the country to ltUdy the jwy-selec:tlon sys- tem, and what has lmpreseed her most is "the wtlltngnas and pnde people take In serv· Ing on a jury." Their biggest complaints? "The wafting to be called," Cavlne11 says. "and not actually getting to serve." There are good reasons why prospective jurors often have to coot their heels wait· Ing to be called. On any gtven day, a ca. may be Mtded out of court or pollpOned. Or wit· naees may not show. There are also Federal oourts whk:h may summon you to jury duty. According to Wiiiiam R. BurchJll Jr .. deputy general countel In the AdmlnlslratM Offtce of the U.S . Courts, ~ under 400,000 people served as jurors In Federal courts for the year ending June 1981. "One difference betWMn the two court tyllems," says BurchJll, .... that the types of Cales wh~ c:an be brought In Fedlnl c:ourt1 hew been ftx.ed by the U.S. Corv• acc:ord- lng to our Cemlltudon ... Typt. cal exampla of the CMG tried ere for criminal offenMI on Fedenl propaty. conttiu· tton.i mu., ltllgedon be· tw.en dlllml of dlff••••l .... The l'DOll CIAeba-.d: the w..rs.e IMI. The pey for Federail court ..vtce It -t.a... dWI for ,~~.o.-.a.-•• . aean up your Chrisbnas shopping between ~re-wash and spin-dry. . ·An<I save 1001'., -oo. Sears has a Christmas present for you before Christmas. 10% savings on orders of $75 or more from our 1982 Christmas Wish Book.through October 19th. Our SOth Edition Wish Book has 648 pages of great gifts. Name brands like Levi's~ Cheryl Tiegs": Strawberry Soortcake• and Pac Man"': And there's a special .. Electronic Section" with video games and equiP: ment. Order early for a nice present from Sears. 10% savings. You can count on jSearsl j 1-, In Callfomla these days, a telect group of pigeons II cboppitig more then the UIUal, a, stuff. One com- pany has taken to heart the maxim that the u .s. Mall II for the birdl and Is MndJng Important mauga via ear- ner pigeon. Lockheed Missiles & ... MlllU.-cu.o...a. - CATCH A ltlOUllllQ 8llOW Check out .. outrageous reunion later thJs month on Home Box Ofke. To cele- brate the 100\ anntvenary of Cald'i a Ril*1g S-. the fanwd New York club for aspiring young talent, alumni Pat Benatar, Richard BclHr, Oavkl Bnnner, Biiiy Cryal, Gabe Kaplan, Andy Kauf- man, Joe A9c:opo and ~ Wiiiiams showed up to per- '°"'1. and the bat of ... two nights w condenwi Into a 90-mlnute ipedal. Hl&NGht of the ~ we MW: Saf. utdov Nlgltt LM-Pliloopo ~ a dewllmlng bupe mlon ol Fr8nk s.n.. ~18 • rode medl.v. Nm l*Pan•on a few of the not~~. .. °""1d s.;h. whol!llUW/ldaout an. ... ~...., two-of und9rl ..... -the~ .. and the ~."Thin ....... Bl Mat.. who "'*'· , YOMd b John And99CM1 In 198>. Liit welk I .w hm n*dng Mys.~···" the 2S-ml&e ltNtCh betwea'I the ftrm •• main plant tn Sunnyv.a. and the Santa Crua test bate ln 40 rntnuta -about twice • fast as a cw could make It through traffic and over curvy mountatn fOllCll. • No ZIP code, no uty dertca end no ~ et ChrtlanM dher. litDl\\IBfl 1Jiie JINA 4 .. ,,.,.... .,, ~A-.,.,.. *9 N.Y. ,_ "·-==·~­Vloe~Mtr· ... ... ldltor, ,.,..,, Ooclp9t CMlnMft ........... Monofl ,,.,... ~A'8 llOI NOi NOi ·9111TlmAYS (Al Un) S.dey Chubb-;~ 41 .... ., -Chlrttoll H..aon 58; 5'aert Sarandon 36 . ......, -Glynia Johns 59; .w c.on.w.; 33. n-.. •-June ~59. FrtMv -Owvy a.. 39; Rona Berrea 46; .>- JlcMon 41. S-dey - Jeck9or\ Browne 32. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ~: 7111"w:·o.& .. lliclli11 100'•All:10 .... w:·o.7 .. *!'* 100'• MM:I .. "W:' 0.7 ........ ,. ...... m: __. Dlc:l1 .,..., .......... r-----------------------------------------------· I I I I I I I I I I I I -· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 40°TODAY· · I0°8ELOW TOMORROW! It's 10° outside ... Even getting colder. So you bundle up in layers and layers of heavy clothes. First with long underwear ... then bulky, restrictive thermalwear on top. . . Oh, you were warm all right. Like in a Turkish bath. Because you began to perspire from all your activity. And perspiring in that mountain of clothes is like perspiring in a plastic bag! The perspiration is locked in. So there you were. Wet and miserable. But now, at last, Damart has solved the problem. 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