HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-04 - Orange Coast PilotHarves t Festival A happy group of urgant7A'rs for the Irvine Harvest F estival began a massive cleanup pb thtB mo rning following thl·ir n·<'ord break ing lhrcc-dity 1•vl•nl at Herit.age Park A r eco rd 41 .000 peo pl e attended the festtval from Fndav through S unday evl·ntn~ . .in increase o f 6.000 ovt•r last y1•ar·.., total, said Chairman Tim Parkl·r M ore than $22.000 wa' collected at the gale, hP :.<11d Thi• board of directors for th<· nun profit festival C'Xpcct lo ann11unu· in two weeks the tou1I rPv1:nut• collected from the• gall'. r<•ntab for-about 175 booths and carnival riaes. he added. Parker said populanty or th1· 10-year-old fos tival h:1s n •acht-<l the point whl'rc• 1h1• board expects to rcalt7,t· a surplu ... of funds this year Directors arc• d1st·u•,o.,1ng whether some· o f the• mom v s h ould be tur n<•d bal·k 1t1 th(· community, t•tther t hrough gra n ts t o c har1tll'' or for community fae1ltt1C'S, ht· '><lld Mean whilt>. al lht• :tftt•rnoon tug-of -war con trs t Sunday. a m uscle-bound group of M;mnr-s from nearby El T oro Air Stalllm d e f e a t <' d t h t• d c• r t• n d 1 n g c hampions from the• Or.mgt• County F1rC' [)c.parlmt•nt m th< civic d1 vis1on Among scrv1rt• club-,, the Irvine Soropt1m1s t!.. ui.ing 12 women and two men. n•pt•att•rl as champions by lx•aung tht• Irvin<• C hamber of Cornrnl·r<'t" wh1c·h used eight m en (Rull'S allow two women for each man up to I Ii participants.) Woodbridge.• I ligh &·hool won the h igh school diVISl(IO. Local organrwt1ons appt·:1n•d satisfied with tht•ir att<'mpt~ al selling goods at thl· fl's t1 val. a primary fund-raiser for many local organizations Groups swh as Irvine PA Ws (Promotion of Ani mal We ll -bc•1ng). wh1lh p e d d l e d pizza . a n d thl' Woodbridge band Boosters' Club. which sold corn on -lh<'·mb and (See HARVEST, Page A21 ORAll;f COAST MO NDA Y OC TO BFA ·l l'llll ----INDEX ---- ,,"~ I Have the pn•to;;urt>s ol' winninl( at tlw hil(h chool leve l b.-<'o nw too hi~·~ An• acade mic losing'1 Hom~ K•uu-d Hill H11in th ink so ond tells why in lhf' fir. I of u th ree-port ~wrie~ in S ports. PuJ.(t' (:I . At Your Service• A5 Ann L11ndt•r11 A7 Erma Bombcck A7 Movu-s 13'1 Cava lead<• A7 Notlono l N1·wi. A:~ Clos_,iflcd C6-10 f.'uhll<: Notil·1-. l':).fj Coml<.'8 8 :) Sports ( • 1 Pl Crouword B~ Or St<'ln<'rohn A7 Death Notlcc11 C~-6 Stock MnrkNs 8:1 Editorial AG Tl•leviston BO Ent<!rtainmcnt &1 ·rh<•nt{•r" 8-f Hor<*Opc A7 Wt•i>lhL•r A2 , } YOUR HIMITDWI DAILY PIPll ORANGE COUNT V . C A LIFORNIA 25 CEN TS Embezzlement suspected • 10 Irvine firm Oelly Piiot Photo• bJ ChetlH S tett Hy GLEN~ SCOTT 0 1 the Oelly Piiot Steff A ll I n V (.• !'t ti g ii I I 0 I I 11 r I h I' I 1n:i0<·1<illy lruul>l1.'<l Wt·:.a ·rn l><ita Man;gt•nwnt L td or I l'VllH' wa:. launeh1•d this ~umrrll'r <JflPr I w u r I) rm l' r c x (' l' u 11 v l' !>. a hu.,lrn nd and w1fl', suppllc·d doc.·umt·11ti. to poltc.·l• suggc.·i.tmg th<J l morl' than $1.2 million may havt• bt·c.·n c.•mb<·7.7 lt·d , t·ounty n·n1rds :-.hu\>I(" · An l rv11w polir·c· inquiry lwgun whc.·11 Nseholas a nd Wt·nd y I l;ilapoff, forml'r vic1· pn·srdl'nl and JH'rSunnc.·I adm1n1:.trator , n•spc<·t1vdy, for tht· larlo(l' luan c;1•r v1c.·1ng firm . mc.·t Aulo( <M with snvt-st1gatur Paul Jc.•i.:.up Thn·c.· da ys lat c.·r. J1•:.su1i oblatnt•d a w<irrcinl l>y Nunh Orangl' County Municipal C1Jurt Judge.· J e an .Hhl'1 n h t·1nw1 10 M·<ir<:h Wt'Sle'rn Uata's off1c.·1· al I Wnglt·y Orivt· At·c.·ord1ng lo docum1·nt:-. fl'('l·ntly macll· publtt". J t"i.'>UP told tht· judgt· the Jlalapoff's t•v1dc·m·t· provsdt>d suff1c1c-nt prub;ibll· l'aU'l' to 1n vt·:.llgatt· poi.s1bli· l'nlht•zzll·nwnt He gave• 1h1"t·ourt photcx:op1t•s of financial rc"<.·ordi. 11htatnt'd by thE-Hal<ipoffs th<it purport 111 ... how th<i l at least $1.2 11111111>11 wus tran !.fl·rrt'd from tru!>l <i<<t'f1UnL.., mlo lht• personal .1t·1·ou n1 of W«·-;tc•rn Data l-'n·..,1d1•nt Sll•vPn .I Alderman lrv11w pol1c·c· 111vt•st1gators, Oll'olllwhilt•. huvc· not t'f,,mpleted tlw1r rt·vu ·w .. which likely will n·qusn· anothl'r four w eeks. fi.'l.·auM· uf 1tb lt'l..·hnit'al nature, poltt·t· huv1• h1rt-d a n at'OOuntant w t'l>ll'>Ult w11h off1eers who are work111g on lht· t·asc.• from a police :-.tat1or1 hal'k room .J<lmmed w ith ..,t11l'k :-. of tht· firm's f inancial f('t'f11'Cb 0 I f ll' I 0 I s r () r t h l' s l a t e l>t·parlm1·nt of RC'cs l Est.ate, who "'"' thn•t· snv<'Sllga ton. to Irvine ''' t·1in dut·1 thL·1r own rl'v1ew , also hav1•n'1 1i..,uc-d JJUbhc.· statements, l l11w1·v1·1. the• department has tslt·d papt•r., 1n fl•dc.•ral t'ourt 'o(-t·kmg a l'Ourt appointed trustee Ill run tht· bu!>l nl'SS W1·..,11·rn Data l'arher had filed a 1.>1·l1t1011 m fl'Clc·ral c.·ourt seeking (.' h a p I t• r 1 I ha n k r u p t c y pr•ic.·1·t•d1ngs tu reorganize its <h·ht.... But a l"<>mpany attorney S<J1d latt· last Wl'Vk that instead th1 · fsnn will fall• for C hapter 7 !See WESTERN, Page A2> Fool'' ork wa ... f a..,l a1ul fa n<·y a t th•· llant·l'll h ·..;ti,al Suncla). Tom Ni<·ll'l•·n ancl S anta Ana Heights eye s Newport annex Hi•· hu rd Caouon-----1 -8.¥-S'.rEltLE..MAR&..E .. --- lc·<I the• Irv i IH' 01 the 0 •11' Piiot ••.n Ht-ssdl•nts o f Sa nta Ana Company l t'lt lll into ll«q~hts. an unancorporatr d the mud wht•n I ht•y t·ommun1ty torn by e ffor ts to wen· O\••rt•onu• L) pl.in 1L.., futun-. an · c1n·ulat111g pt'l1llons dS a fu-st step towa rd the City of Irvine> annt'xalton to N<'wport Beach !-qua d . Grt·~ Tht-munty rsl;ind 1s s1tuatNi abovt• Newport Reach. ad,a<'<'nl Brin"I•·) a nd I l a nk to thl• Upi:x•r Nl'wporl Bay and ICa) moncl pull••cl tl1n·ttlv below t h e tak c·o ff p:111t·rn ~,r John Waym· Airport for lht· Ora n~•· For months. n ·sid<•nts have· Count) Fin• lit 1•n :,.plil on wht>lhc·r thc•y'd I) I prl'fc.·r lo remain u ndc·r th<· .-partnu•nt Hll Orange· Coun ty govN11m1•nt's lo~t in tht• final"' lo JlJrtsd1tt111n or bl' dnn1·xl'd tu lht~ 'la rilW1'. Ni·wpnrt P r op<' r t y ow n l' rs 1 n t h c· f:rippl•· Cn•(•k c111nmun1 ty. a slig htly rural art·a Clo~~•·r... wh1•1t• hor~ws s hnn· th1· roads wi t h nirs. 1.1lso hu vt· u 1·1·n •;ntt>rtai1u·cl lht• tl1•b,111ng whc.•tht·r Sanla An;1 «rowd. lk1ght.' should lx· µn"M·rvt'Ci a:..'' n ·,1d1·nll:il area or n •znnl'd f11r t'fl111m1•n·1al uo.;ag1 • Thi., Wt•1•k . Nc·wpm·t R1 •:H'h ('11~· Cou1wsl ml'mb1·ri. agrl't•d I h <I I I f l ht• r t• IS Io b t• an u1111t·xalron t•ffort. 11 will bt• uµ 111 t ht• n -:.1dt•nt:-. to gl'l rt st.arwd "Wc•'n • l.'.1king ti (the· volt•) a:. .1 guotl '1~n. a gn'«:n light to M-0rt t·1t·ul;111ng pt'ltlrons," said Jac·k Mulkn u h1•1ghts rrs1dr11t <ind rt·:i ltur M~lt'-fl-l~M1Wd~ ~uient.i-'>l--­ t hc t•11mm un1ty are largely o.;upportsvl• of the· anne xation ll'>.'{Ut• Ma rt ha Durkt't'. a heights rt•:-.1d1·nt '"'ho wa~ opposed to Jnn t•xa11o n o nly a yc·<ir ago, sugges ted tha t som e of h e r m•1ghhl'r" ft-t·I bc.•trayl'd by the t'flUnty Siu: ... ud n~1dc·nt.s spent nearly ,, V(•ar workmg on an advtsory 1umn11tL1-.· lo tht· County Board ur Sup<·rVl!'t(Jf"> and developed a pl<.1n fur thr futun· of Santa Ana I lt•1ghl., Sht• s;mJ thl' plan apears to h;1v1• lll.'t·n d11><:a rded Countv 11ff1c·iab presently are w11r k 1ng un a so -ca ll e cj l'ommunHy plan for thl' heights 1ha1 1s t·xpl'<.'ll'd to go far in c1 .. 11·r rninmg what the area will look hk1• in tht• futun• C'ou11nl nwrnht.•rs 111 Newport h,1\ll' not voll'<.l on whl.'ther they favor .1n1wxat1un and indicated t~wv'll wait lo SC'(' tht· r<>sult of 11w· 1wt1t111n l'arnpJ 1g11 before 1hc.•v du A111wx.1l111n prtJl'l'CIUn>s can be 1111l1.1lt'(l t•rlht•1 by thl' city or by a pt•111111n of .11 lt•ast 5 pcrt.'C'nt of tlw landownt·rs in Santa Ana lh·1~hl ... 1lnw1·v1·1 1f N1•wpor1 docs not ace 1'<lt· to tlw .1nnt•xauon request, 1h1· m.111t•1 Ju-:. Pilot s lig htly injure d in c ounty a irport c ras h No serious in jurirs wL•rc• rPported S unday morning aftl'r a singlt•-englne plane crash<'d into a runway at John Wayn e.• Airport shortly aftl'r takroff. authorities '>fm l • Pilo t Fritz L. Kra uth, 55. o f Nt>wport &ach was treated a t Cost.a MC'Sa Community Hospnal and late r r e l ease d Two f>USSe ngers in l hC' Bccchl'ra fl Bonanza were n ot injure d . authon ti<>s said. The• t'rash CK'l'Urred at 10:46 a .m aftt•r K rauth no ticed a n l' n g 1 n l ' p r o b I c m . R a 1 p h Odt>n walci. airport a ir tra ffic t'Ontrnl tower chief. said. Tht• plane dimb<.'d to about 100 frl't, return ed to the ground, s kidding d own the a irport's 5.700-foot long runway. The airport was c losed to nmimcrcial a1r11 n e traffic for about two hours, de laying 80me fhl.!hls Albuquerque balloon , blast kills 4 By STEVE BRE WER A11ocl119d ltret1 Wrlltr ALBUQUE HQ U J.<:. N .M P1H1!Wn l(Nll In o ho t-olr l>olloon wt•re about to "uppluud 11 gOOd I 0 n d I n g • . w h I' n t h (' (' r II r l 11utfdt•nly uxplndC"«I In (J(lm1•" und ichot skyward, ond tour JX'oplc 11honrd p l ummMt•d to tht•1r d <'nths. "'lvo others Wl'rt' injurt•d. "Jump. lt'at go1nli( to hlow1" Thomu Spt• r . 4:4, 11Jd ht.' ~houtc'(I tu hi~ !"llow pa11.11Cngcr:. n n lnAto nt bdor<' th<' b last S undoy durlnR th<' 11th annual A lbuqU<'rqu<• l nll•rn"trnnu l RA II non Jo'il'lll'1 • ThC' five p c•o pl<' lnjurt>d lncludNl pilot J ot• Gonzo lc11 of AlbuqucrqUl'. who wus hurled Crom the gondola when the flrl' cuulK'd on<' of I he prOpllnt' lnnks 111.x.>nt'd to c-rupl ir1 slu llng flumes Oonzult•s wos brln~lng 'tht> bnlll)On, <·ullc•d t h e El Clo bo Orundc\ ~Pntly to Eur\h at 9:!l0 a .m . whC'n !coking prup1HH' vapors opparcntly ignltl'd the wlc:kt•r gondolo. (S <' ln unch p1l'tuf'('?4. ('Arltf•r story. Pa"" A4 ) ·r h l' bu II () 0 n . w h I c h w u (.'l'\rrylna nlnt• J>t'<>Plt', f'Xplod<'d. Md four pa n'.lrs jumpro out I ot or near ground level, witnCSSC's 11a ld. The ba lloon . f ree o f t he' weight, shot skyw ard, nnd four others jumped or fe ll to their dt"a \hs from helghtlt of up lo 200 fl'Ct. "l turned around to applaud n good landing," said Speer. of Lakewood. COio. "When l .did, I heard a hlalna aound ond lftW vapors c1eaplng very rapidly. 1 recognized whnt was going to happen ... " Spet'r nd two other 1urvivol'll leaped fro m thl' gondola as It t'au11ht tire on the a round and Speer's wife. Ann, jumped lnic his urms as th e s udde nly llghtenC'd balloon shot Into the uir. After Speer MW that hls wife was sa fe . he looked sk y ward whcrl' the bluing balloon Qlrcody had c limbe d to m ore than 160 fe t. "At th9t point, a ge ntleman Jumped." S~r said. "He juat Jumped He was n 't oo fire. He wa8n'l th rown from the arondola Whe n I H W him land. 1 knf'w he wasn't alive. I could hear I\ wh n he h it. He hit and bounct'd .. 8 Orange Coa11 OAll V PIL.OT I M0 11a1y, Oc:tob r 4', 1082 'WESTERN DAT A PROBE • • • II ~oc'"'"·hngs tu hqu1dutc· hold111g' 1pnd go out of bu-11n1~' Aldt•rm;m , rt1t•nnwl11le•, llll'<l •• .\u wliU l l lu!>l month :o.1·1·k111g '11u nugt•s Cro m lht· I l ulupul fs a lleging tht'1r falSl' stut1·nwn1s about tht• t·ompuny I 111utw1.d 9os111o n lt•d tu 11, l'l'•111 1.1rnH 1problt>mi- 1 , W t•stcr11 Oa tn bl'I Vl'd as a ..Wearing house by fl'l't•tv1ng n·al 1111uitc Joun paymen t.:. from d1t·11L-. <jind alhx:atmg propt•r umou11L' 111 11Jold e rs of thl·1r trust dt•t•us f¥1onthly loan st•rv1c:1ng ft•t•s Wt:n• ~-barged. , , .Tht• firm has about :i ,000 pwitomers. o fftc:ials l":illmatt•d (J essup, in st.'l•ktng thl• St.•an·h 'i'Warr a.,nt. s uppitt•d tht· JUdgt· .p_J:iototopios of s tull•mt·nts of 1j\'VCSlern Data's trus t at·<·ounts and Al derman 's p1•rsu n ;.il acc·ount. Mesa police copter downed No damage or injum·:.. ut.'\'Urrt'd Sunday afternoon wht.•n a Costa M e s a P o I i l' e 0 l' p <i r I m t.· n t h elic:opl<'r made ;,in t>mt•rg1·nt·y landing in a pitrk in Sant;J An:.i. poliet.' said I h• -..11d th.11 tt't 111 ti, <1h11wt•d '\t'V t•t 1il d ,ilt'b Wl11•11 l.11 gt• \\ 1thd1 ,1w.1b Ill .1 II u -.1 .... 1111111 V.1 ·11· l111lt1Wt'll li y "1 :11~1· ' \I h ". q lll' II I d I' I> Cl Ii I I ' • ' I II I II Aldt•rn11111'., owr-...... , .... , 011 l\l.1rl'h ~:!, 11111 :!, 1111 111:-.t.111< •.. lht· I l11l.1111il h ' I 1'1111 d:-. I l' \' l'.t It• d $Ii!). 7 Ii !I II I w .1' .w11hu1 uwn from a 11 u.,1 .1t't't1U1ll .111d th1· 1·i..at'I a111111111l v. "' tkf">'tti·d 111 Ald1•1111.111'-., ,1, . .,,up told ll1t• JUd).(t' N1c:h11l.1i. I la l11pol I 111ld .lt·~uµ hl· hull bt.·gun 1 t•v11•w1n~ b1111k i.ta 11·11wnt:-. in th1· 111 Ill l' al 11·1 lll';1t lllj.( I Ullllll'S ill \\ 111 k th.it tlllt' 111 tlll' flrlll\ lhrt·1· 11 ll.,I .1l'l'tHllll~ WJ:-. 11\'l'rtlrawn, .1t't'01 d111).( 111 lhl· :.l'al'dl Wi.11 l'<lfll. ll;dapo fl 111111..illv d1-.111v1•n •d lht• l1 uo..;l a1'l'Ollnl wa' lo.,111g .1:-. mud1 ,1:-, $I llll,01111 p1•1 11111111 h lwg111n1ng 111 D1·1·1·111l11•1. l HHJ . J1·:-. .. up :-..ml I lalJf)(1fl l11ld r><1l11 I' •onw "u11u,uall} l.11 gt .. t ht 1·k, "g1w d by Ald1·1 rn.111 h.111 lwt·11 t•lldCl l'>t'tf With ,111 ,t\'l'OU ll l nun1he1 tlwt lurtll'd •llll 111 1,..lt>ng lu lht· pn •s1dl·n1':-. own ,111 1111111 , .l1°b:-OlJ ll ~lid HARVEST. • • buk1·d pnl,1t<ll''>, 1111 l'>...impl1" n·porlt•d suhst<inli;d p1 uftt:-. • Offu:l'rs David Bniok!. <ind David Keu·hum wt•r(' fl ying tlw hehcopll'r about i ::rn p.m wh1•n they Wf'rl' a lerted tu an 1·ngin<· m a lfunl'lion a nd wc•n · f11n•1•d lo land in a t·learing in (.\·ntt.·11111<.11 P ark on Fa1rv1c>w :.ind Edang1·r. gt. Alan K e nt said For 11lh1·r group.,, .,ut·h a:.. 1111· ' Nalumal Ch<inty L1·ugut•s lot".11 motht•r-daughtt·r group l·all•·d , T1t·ktol'k<·rs. making: 1110111·y wa:-.n't th1· must tmport<int thing The he lit·optt-r w:i!-. tak<·n 111 hn W ay nl' A11 port f111 intem1nte. ·•Wt• d1 cln'1 m<tk1· mul'h pnif1t .. 1·xpla1m·d vulunh'<'r Sut· S1·lnw11, .. b u l fl u I m J I n g II .ii \\ .. b t'Xf)l,.,Urt• oast realty firin sets volunte record J' •Cold well Bankc•r's rl•s1dt•nt1al <i llribUll·cJ lht· up:-.ur gt· lo ti" al l'Sl all' off1c:L' rn Nt·wpnr1 d1c•11L'\0 intTc•;Lo;mg to11l1clt·m·1· 111 ach had a largN numbt.·r of thl· t't·onumy. 1:1ncl 111 tlw 1.(.111\b 111 r ow OJ)<'nings an S 1·ptc•mbc·r th•· -stot:k mark<·t • an any month an 1ti. '.lO~yl'ar Tht· N1·wpc1rt l1 .1rl1111 <'11.,1 .. his tory, at·cord1ng l o .1 v1n· l\lt•..,., 8<1<1rd 11f H1.1lt111' l1gun .... president ----riii' "'St•pll'mbt•r ..... 1it--. \'Titum{";-lto-- The office. '.lllil San Joaquin not '>UAAl''I th1 (.'11Jdv.1·1l 11ff1ll., Hills R oad . in f'ashwn bl<and, n·cord !.a h•:-. Jr<' .in ,,, t .1 v. 1111· f'{'{'Ordcd <i volume· of $1 ;, milhon phcnurm•nun Dwight DH k•·v. in s ing le -fa m II y n •:-.1cll'nl1 a I pn-s1dc·nt of th1· boas d . l':1ut1011t·d properlics ranging in prit'l' from that his f1gun·., 111 11\' 11111 IJt• $17~.000 lO $2 5 mill1on Jo'our rl·prc•s t•nlil\IV(• Of lh1• t•Ollrt• h omes priced at m o re• than $1 t·ountv million wer e in<:luded. said Tht· bo..ird g1·t-. 11-. , • .i,., S l <' p h c n Su l h «.' r I 1· n , v 1 c <' 1 n f or 111 ;1 11 on 'o I t I \ f 1 11 m presidc.•nt and manag1•1 of th1· m1•mht•r. S<1l<-s 11•p•11 t111~ 1' 11111 fk<• m:md.1 ton· Alth ough a ~1·nc•r<i l Al t hough nr>1,tll1·-.(111w p rov c.• m c n l 1 n ma r k 1· t upt·nmg.., bt•c·11nw .•ti u.il ., ... It·:-.. nd1tttJns has tx·cn s<•t•n !'olnl'(' Sutht·rlt·n 'a1J lw.., l.111ly M ay. Suthcrlcn said. la!oot month's rnnf1d1•nt all th< S< plt·rlll>< 1 dt•JI., rgl• was n o t C'XJH'<'lt-d H ~· will tlo:..t· Local Tylenol 'safe' Hy Thl' Awsuclatcd l'rc"¥ Jo't11xl a11d 1)1 UI( Adm1111:-.lrat1un 11Hli·rnl11 s1wnl u w(•11r y w 1•t•kl'nd 111 (.' dtfu111111 ins pt't·tlng 1wurly :l, 000 boll It·., 111 1'ylt•nul t·upsult•i,, hilt 111111111 llU l'Vldl•tll't• uf l hl' t·y:11111Jt• po1-.on that l<tlh.J ~Vt'n L'hlt'Jgo ,1rd1 n·i11dt•nL., "Wh111 w 1•v1• dnnl· 1:-. I.I v~ual 1·xam 111 t•ud1 t·a pi,ull' f111 a n y a p~ll'lt f:11H'l' 1)f la111pN·111g anu 1h1·11 .1 dH·m1 l·a l t1•st o n t•at:h bottlt• Wt• an· rl•pc1rt111~ tht• claw 111 W ,1,l11ngt11n," whl•n· FDA ul f11 ·1.1ls w ill dt•t·idt• wht·t ht·r inort• publ1t· warning!> ar<· w a r r a 11 t 1• u . i. ;i 1 d 11 u r v l' y I l undlc·v. d1n:.1.·Lol' of tht· Lo' An~t·lt·s ·FDA lahoratory Tlw 1n :-.pc ·t·tmn fur Southt•rn l'c1 I1 (11r111u and Anz1111a was virlll<1ll y c·omplPlt• Sund:iy. hl' -.wd Tc-,11ng l'onunul·d S unday 1·vt·111ng 11\ San Jo'ram ·1S('O, where "miplt•' w1·n· brought 111 from 1111nlwrn C:all for111a, I lawa11 and Nt·v:.ada . .,;11tl l'n!>4:ilki Ban:kltJw, at•llng d1n'l t11r ol tlw FDA's San lo'r;t11l'l:-.t'll l.dltlf'UIOl'y "W1•'v1· 1·x<1m11wd I ,!'>70 hottl<-s .ind found nothin g ," llu ndl<·y "''"I A t<>Wl 111 Ii Ul4H rnpsul<'l> wen• t·xa1111111·d I•> Liil' Lo!. Angt•lc·::. laboralur; l><·lon· rt wound down opc·rat11111' Sunday, Hundley :-.;11d Guard killed · aiding driver; three injtJred An lrv11w Comp:inv '<t·c·u ritv gu.11 d was kdl1 ·t.l Sat ui d.iy 11ig ti1 \\111·11 .1 11uc k btrUl·k l11m 1111 M.11 A1 thu1 B11uh·v,11d "' ht· .1111 1111111·\I t•1 aid ,J .,t randt•tl 11111\1111'\L. lrv1nt• P11l1u· -..i1d M.11tlll'w A <..'11l1·m;in, '!.I, ol .._·r.-.1.1 M1·-..i, pulli·d 11v1·1 111 till' t I ' II l 1· r ti IV Id I ' I (I fl Ill th t' 11111 I hhCIUlld 'l<lt• 11( lht· ;.1 n ·c·t ,tlJoUt 7 :!O pm whl'll ht· >;<,1w two '"r' 'l1 a11rll·d a11cf lil11(·k111g the· '""thliound I.inc·-.. tr.1 tf1 c· 1n~1~\4•1-+ritf''I· Mtl1u .. ~rtd -- A 11utk drtV"n 111. P..i ul 11• 11 11.1 , .!:1 111 S11uth f.dgUn<1. U11,dil1 111 <1V11 1d lht• l'ill'' I .i1 1•t Ill d 111(0 th<•lll, killing ('1d1·111.111 Jtltf llJJlll lllg th1 l'I' 111lw1'>, Mtl1Uloo '\Clld Hall l<,11,1, hns, :H. of S.in Dll'W>. Juli l'.1tl1111 , :!-I , of C1111inc.1 d<·I M.11 .11111 K.1rl 11111111 IHI. of A11.d111111. -.urf1·11'tl m111111 1111u111·., 111 tilt ''" 1tl1•11l Tlwv V.t•tl' 1.1kt·n 111 1111.ig M1•111or 1al ll1.-.p1t.il lrn 111•,dn11·111 .n1d lall't n ·l•"•'<·d . l\lala11'> .,,,ad T h t .1 1 1 1 d t • 11 I 1 ' 11 11 d l' r 111\'1·,111:.1111111 hv lrv1111 Pol111· Fair skies seen f1ous1on lnt1anpl•s JilCltsn MS J!Kksn.tie Juneau Kans C•ly Kno•v111e Las veoas Fair thr~h TUMdey ••cept low Ullle Roc;k CIOudt along lhe eoHI n1ghl and Los Anoeles morning lloura and early mOfn•l'Q Lou11v•lle log In lo-eou1a1 valleys Locolly Memph•s windy lhls aflernoon 1n deserlt M1am1 COOier 1n COHiil sec:uons loelav Milwaukee ------------Mplt-SI P NMhlf•lle U N-Orteans • • S umniary New York O~la City Wt<lety aatllerl!<I thuno-.s10tm1 Omaha ll•etc:hed lrom 1outhe1stern P1>ilaOpl'llo Mlssou11 Ind norlhem A1k11n•aa 10 Pnoen" 90 70 The Foree.st For 8 a.m . EDT 78 so Tuesday Octobef 5 89 &1 •Low Temperalure~ 85 70 46 « 50 65 53 65 62 62 61 76 78 83 81 88 83 81 8& 80 70 65 81 85 74 8• 74 " 46 61 73 63 61 56 59 67 "=F,.;ro;,..n_t_s.....,C""r~•l•-1;,..•_• __ w.,..-.• -,,-11-w.....;:w:.....-:Oc:--·c..,t,...ud-cd-,-W-•-""'s""1-.1-1t0t1_i_11_y_•_•.J 58 ------------~--~- Fudug hi" fir~t monu·111 ... in a ... 1ran~t· n•·w l111ul , Ng Quoc Viet, 11 ,, fincls hinu,•·lf aucl h i.., I 0 Anw1·a..,iun t·orn1m11 io11-, th•· <'t•nter of a fort•!'!I ol' nwdiu t•amt·ra"' a ud rnic·ropluuw .... Viet kids, dads reunited 6 y RICK CZIMENT AHOCla19d p, ... Writ•• Elt·v1·n "'>lrung 11u1 " l1ut i.m ilrng Am!•ra.,1.111 1 litltl1 • 11 arnv1·d in Lo:.. Angt·lt·-. Su11d:1\ a nd ht·<idt·d fu1 11·u1111111-. n:11111nw11Jl• with llw t\1111•111"'"' who falht•rt•d Lh1·111 dlll 111~ 1h1· V11•1n11111 W:11 On1· 1,f 1 ht· 111,1 1, u1111111 ' 1Jttu1r1•d ..il S.111 1>11·~"' L1ndb11 gh Flt' Id. \\ lw11 I .11111-. (',If lo' Vii It· g •I'> .t t I\ 1I1.111 um.-.11 U!'l1on work1•1 111 V11111.1111 bt.•twt>t•n IYllfi and ll.175. g11·1 u·d h1~ V1l'ln.1m•·s1· wd1· \\ 11h .111 1·xubl•ran1 "Marna tvl111 '' a-. 'ht• .ind lh1·11 t hald1t II 'lt·p111 ·d 1111 ,, Nrn 1hw1·.,t 011l'nl l11gl11 1111111 Lo:-. A11g1·l1·' "I 111 ., f.1r11d~ 111.111 11g.1111 "'Ill h d V 11 h·ga• .. v. ho 11111,1, v. 111 k ,,., a M'< unly guard .11 tlw l' S Naval T1 ain1ng C1•1111·1 1n S:111 Dwgo "1 didn't know 1f lhr... d;11, would 1·v1·r 1·01111· " Vrllt·g;1, rt•111t-<I ,, hlu1· <:.111111.ll linwu,tnr to pH k up 111., '' dt· 47 q·.1r <1ld Nguy1 11 Tl11 <..'l11h. th1 11 'l1tltl11 ·11 M.111 o 1:1 J ,1nli l>.1 11 .111tl l>or.1 Ill .11111 lw1 tw11 d.1 tr~ h It,., Ir 11111 .1 pr • \'1t1u-. 111.1111.1gi· T1.i11 Tl11lli\1 I .! I .111d 'I 1.111 '1'111 Tu-.1·1 M.11 .!:! "'J'lw l1"l thing 1'111 g11111g lo do •' g1·1 llw • h1lt t11·n .,r 1 101 'l'h•1ol." \'all1·)(·•' lt1ld .• ''''""" ril fl'fJ'" '''" .111d 'ollllt'l.llllt•ll .... lltt· 'htld11•11 • r "\\ ti• d 'It v I v .111 d .., ii 1 • n t h .11111111d "l'v1 g11l tu l•·.tt h 1h1•111 •• 11 .1l><11ll lht· \\,1\ lh111g, .111 l11•1t• I \ r gut lo gt I I h1 ·111 '""II' 111 \\ 1 l11th • ' I \ t • ~·ol ,, 1111 111 \\ 11rk .il11·.1d 111 1111· • '1'111· Ill h1·1 Vtlllllg.,lt 1-. \lo lat1 .i111v1 ti 111 L•" Ang. 11 '"'' 111 r ~'Hl!ld.t \ V. t It ht·.1tl1 ti I 111 llf'\\ hri11w., 111 "' 111 .11 S1·.Jt1l• i\11.1111.1 1-'nr t l.1nrl 011· S.11 1.r1nr-ntT.- l 11t....,111 .111d l>.ilt.1 .. 111 ~.1u.1111<·nt11. H11 h:1rd .. 111d ll 111 h E v 1·1 11111 ;111d a M'ot l' of 11lh1 I It J.111\'t'' ~It t'll tf \hr 11 \\ I ti 11 \\I• d d all g Ii I I' I I 11 l.1 \\ N1'll\t 11 Thi San .111d lh1 11 1:1.111d1hdd1 1·11 N1•U\• 11 (Ju111 \'11 I 11 ·""'' k1111\\ fl ,\, I )r Jlllh Q .. .Junwr. and Nguytm Thi Ng1x: Loan. Ill. also known <as Susan l'ht· nlotht·r lTied. lht• t·hildn.·n \\!'ft' clrv l'Vl'<i Th<' l'h1ldn·n 's fatht·r. LA·nn1!-. Ev1•rt11n. waJ> a c·1v1lwn lnl'l'hanil· 111 V11'lna111 wh(JS{' plant· wus hll liv ,j :-OUI f;1l't• lO·l.HI' m1:-.:.ill' Ill 1'17:! i-:, t'I ton hkt.·nt'<.I his daughtt•r- 111 l.1v. to "th1· htllt· w idow in Luk1 Chapttr 18 tn th<' Bibi(' Shi ,,.., ''::.l••d And <,he· WJS ,,.,, ...... 1·d .. "I 111 going to 'uggt'l\l ;, private• .. 1 llrnil · Jo:v1·rtun i.u1d "It 's 11111 g1.1lt'<I No n 1nal prc•1ud1l'l'!> But \\ t 11 ~oing lo h·t ht•r dc.ot:ldl' '-·~~M f.'-4 IC W4.i~· noi ~om~ w pu-.h h• 1 .11 ou11d " Thi· duldren wh" arrivl'd Sund,1y sc.•vt·n boys and four girlb ;ag<.'<.i 7 to I 5 -comprise' the l.11 i.w.,t group allowN.I out ul th1• 111n1n1u 111 ~1 11altnn undc•r a 11 u1111111 progr.1m 1·st:.ibh:-.hl'll in l'l'i'~ I)\ 1·1ghl US volunlt'l'r Ill g.11111.1t1011' ------ the southern At11n11c and en11ern P1.1111>uron Gull eoes11 early 1o<11y, wh1~ rein Piiand Me al.o tell over the nor1hern Plains Piiand Ore and Paalte Norlhwetl Providence • 74 9!t 79 60 60 70 68 68 92 79 72 58 ,. 4 7 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------tt--~------------p· 51 The retl of lhe n111on enfOYed Reno clMr lktes S111 La~e Later today. more acalt•red San An1onoo tho-rs -r• predlcled lor 1n11 San 0teoo P I c: I Ii c: N or I h w • " w h tie San Fr an lhunde•llO<ml we•e roree.11 lor Sfoallle the 1oulhern Allen11c co111a1 SI Loott autea eno lrom lhe upper SI p hmp11 MIUIH lppl Valley lo the Upper S I Ste MBlll! 01 .. 1 Lakn Spollane Fair lkles wete forecasl lor lhe Topeka 56 San G1rnrw>I 37 s.1n 01..qn 44 S.in rr .. "<.•K<> 65 San Jos" 66 Santa Ana 5, !>anla Barba•a , 7 Sant• M•"·J SJ 1 San1 o Mt>mr t 74 1 S1oc~1on \tV :xi 81 59 76 56 79 A7 87 !t3 8:i' 48 8!> 41 T1 !i(> at •8 68 31 ll~ 52 87 57 35 1 Tahoe Vall"Y 42 fr>flrmal 43 IOHllnCfl ---------------------- caioary Edmonton Mon1raa1 Ollawa Reg on a Toronto Vaneouvolr w1nn1peg CANADA PAN AM •9 20 " 26 65 48 66 A7 112 311 73 " 57 •5 eo 47 rNI of 1111 coun1ry Tuct0n Highl In Che so. -· IOl'llCHI lulu from W11h1ng1on 1111e lllrough wastung1n w"lll'n Montana !Ind IOI Maine Wich1111 8• 58 ~9 79 93 83 77 79 S 8 60 s AC8pVICO SJ mog Barbadot 116 73 118 77 82 73 tit 46 90 77 88 75 84 63 118 73 '° S.•mu<J• Bogo11 Ille eoa l•om 1111 re11 of New Englend acrou the Ora11 l akes and from lhe norlh••n Pl11na acrou the north•rn hall ol Iha Pacific COHI e•~· WHlllngton rhe mld·80a over lhe aoulllern AllltltlC C01tl, nHr 90 In aouthe<11 Tua.a and In the mld·90• 11\rough the South-I. T """8fltur .. 1round lhe nation early lod1y ranged from JO In K1t11pell, Mone . lo 82 In WHI Petm BMoh, Fla CALIFOAHIA Apple Valley Bakersfield Barttow Beaumont Big Bear B1y1he Calehne Cutver C11y Eurelta Frnno Lance.le• Thf' A11 Ouahly Managemf'nt 01t1,.c1 pre<Jocls goo<! a1r quallly 113 37 lodly 1n •II ll••n OI llie Soulh 82 5 7 Coast Atr BHon •------------L°"IJ Beach Los Angetes 84 49 Good eir wtlh 11 F'n11u111n1 82 50 Standttd lnde• 01 100 woa 70 26 1orec11A1 lor lhll R111er11do Siln 89 55 Bernor<11no ll•H and lhe Sen 80 57 Ga1>r1111 and Pomona .. 111y1 88 55 Met1oe>0111en i..os Ano• le• should 59 49 heve 8 PSI of 75 while lhf' 81 •9 IOff'Clll 10< 1nl8nd Or•noe County 77 38 and ti.. San Fernen<lo eno San11 112 63 Clarlta •alfey9 W81 IOI a PSI OI S8 116 62 A PSI 01 42 w11 IOtt!U.!t lo• lhfl 113 49 coes1a1 Heme1 .£111no1e, B11nn1n9 70 50 ond Big Beer llll<e ereas olong 73 5 t with lht! high 11n<1 lnw dtl'lrll Temperatures NATION Ht Lo 70 52 78 51 43 35 78 68 e1 e1 7& &7 re er. 68 &e 74 4e 80 68 e3 611 77 ., 86 41 75 ., 81 &A 711 &a •• 6t to 02 ., t7 77 41 71 •• 77 42 11 et 41 ,. 70 i~ n 66 to 11 Monrovia Monletey Mi Wiiton NIHl<llOJ Newpor1 Beitoll 011tland Onl8tl0 Palm Sprtnga Paucena P810 Rol>IM Red Bluff Fledwood Cuy S1eramttnto Saltn .. San BetnerdlttO 811 81 78 56 76 52 85 48 jl'\ 58 811 53 116 43 711 48 711 51 78 47 80 46 86 48 Where to cell (1011 •reel for l•tM1 amog lnl0<m1llon Orange County 18001 44&-3e2f Loa Angelet County (800) 242·40U Rlve<9lde and Sen Bematdlno eovnllN (I00) 3e7•47t0 AOMO Epltoda Cent., (8001 242·4Me ~--> ....... ~u ....... Rf_R_IP_DR_l hft lurl '"'' ..... ..... • .... ...... A"t Ma• ''d A•t M4tr Dir ZuMa I 2 18 I 2 SW 8tntl Monica 1 2 18 I :! f W ~· BffCll 2 3 1s 1 2 aw ,.,, Oitoo County 2 3 15 , 2 aw Outroo.i tor Monday Llllle "Of Cuuw:ao Fte«l>Ofl GuadalaJ•r• Ouodeloope H11111na K1no11on Mon1990 Eey Matlltl&rt Mer!Oa California 88 73 88 79 118 73 111 17 9Q 75 Orang!' <..ovnly cen upec;I h1gh1 in mid to upper 701 111 b81ChH. 801 inland Lowa 62 10 68 MOnc:loy h1gh1 In 70t and low 80• Inland ••ll•v• will h .. e high• 85 II) CIO IOOAy 85 10 11:1 Mond•y tnw• 40 10 se Moun1111n• Cftn •·P~I h'Oh• 87 10 11 1ow1 1n 301 tnd 401 DKtetJ•ng wtndt Norlhe•n 01"911 htght In IO• low1 o lo ~· Soulhtrn 0111111 hl(lht In 001. Iowa 5• lo 02 NOtlhern ano Cen11ol Clll1totnl1 o•n a11pac1 log 11nd cloud• IOlllQhl Shghl ch1nce di lhOW.,. 1n 00t•h•1n mountain• Moally 111r tlMWhlltl t lllllt C~ MOtldty Tide TOOAY 8Kond IQW 4 &T pm e.cono "'Oh 1 ' 03 p "' TUllOAY 4 41 I tit 1101 am 11 48 pm 11541 pm 03 41 , 2 Ill oa • 43 Wool cheviot suits for the Brooksgate man The h anJ!\rnnc .1ppcarnn Ll' of WtH,lcJ <.. h cv1nt 1s pan1<..u larh \H:l<.nmc at th1' 11mc o f vcar. H erc. it i~ tailorcJ un our mm. l-hutton Rruuksgace nw Jcl for tlH' \oung cxctu11vc lookinl( fur Brook' B nllht't' 4uality a t pri1.cc; he can readily afforJ. 1 n lw11111.cbrn1c:o. o f 1itrl') 111 hrown. Cont, VC\I and t WU'>Cf,, $210 UTAlllSHIO 1111 - WORLD New Lebano11 v i<)l n e Bfo;IHUT, Ld>oru111 (A l') l11rnt• It t r uoµ11 <01111tl1t•d l h1· rug~l·d I A:bmw.s1• lull:. t'Ul•I 111 Bt•lru1 111cJ .1v f ur th t• ambu11 h c1 N \\ h u i.p111 vt'tl autu mlltll' w1·11p11 11 s .111d bl.lZ01lk'4 fu"t.• :.l u liut1lt1tHI of lsrot •11 l4old11•1-:., k 1II1111{ ,,.,, , 1111 I w ounding 22 Ml·1tnwhllt'. Lt·li1111 1°!'H' rwws pupt·rs rt•porlt•d tr1dt1y thut (IVl' pt<t>plt• Wt•rt• )<1lll •d and 15 otlw rs w 11und1•d 111 da.'lhl'S bt·tWl'Ml I WO Jll 1v.111· 11111111'' Ill tht lhll lllt•l II p111 l 11~ .... '1'4•11 '1'111 ' .... ucl 1111·111l1t•" 111 1111' 111 0 Sv11.111 1\1.ih U1·11 11J1.1u111 >,111 \ \\Ill l l ~htlll~ lh1• s II II 111 l\l 11 s I 1 Ill I ' 0 p ll I 111 l<1•1't1.,lttnr·...-l'rnn t , -w h w h Ill l 11·111·l\ ''Pl'"'''d tu tltt· 1'1<'"4 1111 .. 1 S\t l.111 ll'IHll)', Ill 11111 lh1·111 l.1 li.1111111 T iu 11 ""'1' 1111 11 1dH ,1l1 11 11 ,11 I \\h ,1 l l""""'''·d 1111 • 1·l.11'li 1•' ,, h,111011 ·-. i.1;1lt 1.111111 ,....,d 1lw f114h11 11~ p• ''"11·d tod"' & 70 hos tages r e lca ·e d NICOSIA. Cyprus (Al'I F o u r h 1 Ju<: k t• r :. :. t· 1• k 1 11 g asylum in tht· U111t1·d S t.111•:. l e ft for u n u11 s p1•1·tf1t·d dc..'Stination today uboanJ an Iranian m11ltc1ry t 1 a n :.µ01 1 a fter freeing mon · th.rn 711 hostages dunnl( u stop at lhl· Pc-rsihn Gulf port of J)ulia1 The• Gulf N1•w )o, A g t•nty said thP Hert·uk•:. ('. 1~!11 rn.ull NATION , 1 I 1 I 111 • l 1 11 ~· ' l 11 p I II 1 h I s11 .• ,1 •• 1r .111 1 .. 111 111111 .. ll11111d 1\1.111 ~:11111 •• , .. , Ill lht• "'"" :1!11•11111011 ·"It·• lt 'ol\'lllg I l11 li.tl l111u1 ' 1"11 lu·1 Tl11 1111111.it \ .111t·1.t11 w." hlJol l k l d 11\ I I I 111· J'l'l ,1<111 li u ll Su 11d ." 111gh1 .1 11 d l.111d1·d '" I h1h.11, ·""' Ill th• U111t1·d t\1 :iii E11111 ;111·'· .111 .. 1 11' pil111 "po1 l1.,I IH · \\ ·" lo\\ I'll I 1wl Court weig h s ahorti<Hl WASHINGTON cAl'I The Suprem1• Court tak<•:. un lhl• aborllun •~.,ut• llg i1111 111 1t:. 1 982-l~B:i ll.•rn1 The nint.· JU..,l 1n •.., Wt·11 111 open their n1111:-m111~h .,<·~""'" today. 1mml'<li.il1·ly <Kling on nearly l ,UOO ea ses Of lht• 5 , 0 0 0 dis p u 1 el> 1 h t· y a r 1• eXpt'<.·ted lo m n:.1cf<·r lJy Juh I I fl \\ I 11 1.. I.\.. I 1111 111 d I ll d· 1,111 1\IM •lll 1\\11 11111!1., Ill lhttM' :>JJi'l 1;d I .t'l'' h ,l\'I ,dft•ot th 1111 11 .... 1.~ti ·d 1111 11·111.1111111g 10 111 toll '·"' ... 111 I l 'U 'I\'• 1 ull fl \II \\ \\Jll 111 d lll'>l.'0 ,iflt•I th• t1 1111 li1·g1 11' Mo.;1 111 tl11· :'l,()(11) l ol!'ol ' \\di ht • d t•lllt'd 11•\ f l '\\' 11 .1\'1 11 g 1_111 ;11·1 In\\ l'I I I tlll l 1 UllllJ.!' Reagan s tump 111 Ohio WASHJNGTC>N CAP) President RPilgan is trymg lo boost Rl'pubh,·an fortune:-in Oh1n with a b rie f po l1t1t".il foray tnlo tht• MJd wt•slNn I u d u s t ri il I ~ l" l (' . w h I' 11 · un1•mploy11wn1 .-. mw 11( th<' m ~I JOr I S)>ll t·~ of thl· I ~Hi:! campaig ns. I\\ 1) 11 I' pl11118' T hi "'"' P""'P"'" d 111p '' pr 101.111 h 111 111 ·11 .. 111 H1·p Clar•·11 < ,. H l't1\\ 11 , \\ho 1-; (".II I\ 111g I hi H1 Jlll hi II .111 li,111111 I 111 I ht I ti 1 111 'lJI I 1 'Id 1t l11111g (,(I I' 1 .. ,, .l.t1111-. During his four hour l11p to the Colum lJus an•a todJ\. Reagan was l>C:hl'<lUk'<I 111 v1 ... 11 _____ , __ __a faC'lt!.!:Y..f!_c•livt·r a2~«'< h 111 Hli11d1·' H1 .1g.i11 ''·'' 111 1,. 1111 di ,1\\1/lg I""" 1... I\\ II 1111111 r.11..,1·1-. [111 B1•1\\11 o1 ,1,1u111 h ..,upprn lt 1 111 1<1.,1).(.1111111 111-.. 111 tl11 ll11U" \\ hto " ll.1 !11 11~ J),·lllfll l.11 l<1d1,11 ol l 1 •lt·~l1 • 111 th1 · poll.., -vc•lt-r<.ins' groups :.ind a ltl'nd STATE • Pair w1n s weep ta k e LOS ANG E LES IAPl The horse' 1s na11wd C(·ntur' Cn y ContraC'tor Gil Knapton 1s from Woodland ll11li. .• rnd h<' sa\'S th1· $1711,000 hl· wnn on lhl• Irish Swe·1·pstakt-.., "'ill buy him a y:..u:ht in Manna d cl Hc-y .. A 6 a ma 1 l t• r 11 C f ;11 I. ,1 frumd and I wt-nt down 111 Ma rina dt•I Hc·y tod;1y an d looked at vac h t s," Gii Knapton sc11fl-Saturday aflt·r 11'.ll llllll' ol 111 )!11od l111111 11t A :->.1111.1 Ho11h.11.i 11 1.111 IA ,1\111 .J 11 1111111.111 .1:.,11 \\'1111 11111111111 I"111111 "' '1711111111111 1lt1 f,irrll'd 1.11 111j.! •"'"I" tlll•>ll K11.1p1 11 11 . " .I I ',.;11 11ld lm1 lwl111 rt ·t 1•1\ 1 ii " 11 ,lq .(1.1m F11d" ,,, lltl' hi-~~ "' kc ·t "' '" .... '"' l l I' 1.11-.1 ... \\ 111111 I h111 11 " .. 'n 1 1111til S.1t111 d.1\ t h.11 lw )1·,1 1111 d ho\\ rttllt h h1 11 W1111 Carson exte nd contract LOS ANGELES CAP) Johnnv Carson C'«'le·bratl·d h1.., 20th a nnivt•rsarv as ho ... 1 of th(• "The T onight S how." and th('n d 1sclos(•d al a prt\i1ll· party that h1• has s1g nPd a n l'w long-t<.•rm l·on l rac·t w 11 h NBC T h(' new agn •t•ml•n1 l'n1i.. spNula11cm about w h l·lht>1 Carson would rc•m<J 1n wnh tlw popul,11 l.111· 111J<hl -.t111v. h• \'Olld hi., .!11t h \'('(II T h l· lt•1;g1h o f 1111 11•·\\ <1111l1Jl l .ind IL ... I in.11111111 11'1 Im, \\ l'l l" 111>1 ·illllllUll•1·ol l';1r:.oll -.1g111 d I ht• 1·1 H1l I ,1C'I 111 '-;t>pl1·rnlwr .111d ti w1•111 111111 •·flt't I .11 thal 111111 1 l·pl.1 n ng <t pn v11111' th"·" ,., .. 11· u m 11 .11 t \\h1t h '"" h.1d urn '"'" to I'll II Resis ter fa ces pri 011 Brown, U Jl•:t't•' Al>Llm Ol)ltle O•llJ lllllot II•" l>'or1111•1 li11v 1'Al111u11d "l'u l" B1 11w11 w1111 1111 1111• 111u111p 111 l>1'o111 g 1· (.'ou11t y l1111t w 1•1•k o l 11•1 I ll!( '4tlllll' lllllii(ht 11110 11011 J1·1rv"• l>l'l'>Ollllhty o-. w1·ll 1111 -.111111• la llw r Iv udvtt'\' ahuul tlw ~·11h' ol 1·1.m1i>~ninH. "l'1n d11w11 ht•rc• l'lllllpulg111nl{ f111 t hal •w11 111 IHllH'." iw1d 111 OWll, .. 11.1k111g h u111I:. w11h 11t .. 11 ly 1•vt•ry I l'p 11rtt•1 w1thlll 1·.111g1· ·' llr 'll 111:1°11 u ~oud ~11 v1·1·11111 . It '" 1w1 1rn11y bt·l 111( ~ov1•r11111 11f ( 'ulilw nm. I l"Un 11•11 VllU th.ii " T h i• 77 )'l'ttr olJ for11H·r i.:11v1·n1or p111111t•d oul for "lti of tlw lasl 24 yl'ars, ttwn•':, ~,.,·1·11 IJ H1 own 1n Saeramento •· l'11nt111w11t( his thoug h L., a long "1111la1 11111·'· Brow n said that .. v.·ry llllll' h1.• ~p1>ls a pn·lly wo111an ht• hkl'S to ask If Sill' IS n1:111'1l'tl "If sh1·'s no\, I ll•ll lll'r lll V -,0 11 1:.11'1 Pllhl·I Hiid tlwn· I~ 11 ;, EJ m u n d G B 1 11 w n 111 ,11 ound " A :-.k1•d wh v lht• y11 ul\lg1·r Brnw11 ha:. !.Udi a nqiairvt• 1111t1gt· a11111ng v1111•r..,, tht• l'ld1•r,. Brown 'Duke' ILICTION82 11tt'l1 th• t't' lllllu1•11 furrn luhm . llll' m1 'l lCIY and S upn•ml' Court .lu'>ll"' H•lbl' B1rd "Aht·1 l'lght yt '<ll K uf uc.Ull( ~11V1•r11oi , yuu iwv1• !!<• n11111 y 1·111·n111•1.," tw :o.111d Oi uw11 i.u1d lw 1111cl hh1 ~111 uu J l"i,11(1 t'l' 011 l l'l l.1 ln pc1l1 lll'UI IKll Ul'S "( d 1111'1 U.Clt•t• Willi 1•vt·ry1h11114 ht• 11oys by a lonKsh•)t, hut with tht• tvlahty, I'm vt·ry. vt•r y µroutl," Brown 1>11itl l It· ;uldt'<l lhal t'Vl'll ll11>Ul(h Ill' .ind h1:. 1'14111 do d l">fll(ll'l'. 1h1·y l(l'l ;dun~ vt·r y w1.·ll t'Vl'll thou Kh Jt•('f'Y IS "llllll l ', lrkt· his 1110\hl·~. 1111,n · rntrovt·rll·d than n1t· H1•puhl11·an gulH'rniito r1.il l"a11d1tlu1t· Gl'Of'l(l' l>t•ukmt•Jian'i. l'tm1 µa 1t(11 will mak\• a s lop 1n Oran!(1• l'uunl y al 7 u'd o1·k tcn11ghl wlu•n th<• lh ·p u bl1<«1n :.i 11orm·y ~1.·nt·rn l JUd11.•:.st·s 1h1• Oran~<' County Builll111U I ndu'll i Asso1.·1:.rl11111 al th1· Atrpo rlt·r Inn 111 frv 11w T1 t·kt•ls an· $:.!f\ fur nwmlwr~. $:.W for 111111 m11rnl1t •rs Will cyclotron unlock universe's fin al secrets? EAST LANS INl ;, M1l h (API P11wt·1 rut lll'W a lom-:.ma:.h1ng , ,,·lotr on' Il k<· lhl' unl' Ul•dtl"<1lt·d ;11 M1t·h1gun S talP UnrvN:-11y las1 ''1•1·k m<iy hPlp unlrx:k lht· frn;.i l "'" ll'l!t of tlw umvt•r:.i··, birth . 11udt•a1 ~·11·nll::.L' say Tlw mat him•:. w ill h1·lµ lhf'm ... 1udv h ow alum:. b<·hav1· und1·r 11111•1\~1.· hl•al uncl prt·l>SU l'I'. what th1·v'n • lllJUl' of <incl what forn ·:. Ii., Id t h "m log 1• 1 h t· r . l h 1· I l''t .u l h1·1 l> ..,.,1<1 at lhl· t·111wlu!->1on 11( ,, Wt•t•k lo ng l'onft·n ·m'l' 11f 111wlt·ilr ph v:.l("l!>l.'>, Th•"c· t·cind111on:. art• '11nilar 111 h11\\ t lw \\ 11rld t'X9'lt·d ,1 I rl.lc:l11m 111 ,1 """"d .rlll•r Ul-.1t1nr1, lht•\' ,,.,d l>t lv111g d«1·1w r 111111 tht· 111v.,lt·nt·!-o 111 th1· a tom w ill n 1rrv ..., 11·1111• 1·v1·n < l11.,r·1 10 1lw 1n)>tc11i1 111 llH !.1•g11111 111g "V\'1· an ,Jl ;i bJ.lt'l loll l llTll' Ill thl":<' h '1'+d wh~Ft-pru t(rt•iw. ,.., 1 rnning \'l•ry f<1s1," suid Arnand 1-.u ·.,...lt·r of thl' U n1 v1•rsi1v or T11 lnng1 n 111 W1 .... 1 Gl'I rn.in y - "Nu\\ v.c· w ill bl• ahlc· lo study 1 ht· nud<•Ub vt•r v ho t," he• ~•d - I It· and 111tw;':. t·omm<.·n tt·d a l l h <' 1· 11 n t• I u s i o n o ( l h <' l ntc·rna t wn&l Confl•rt•nC'(' on Nudc•ui.-Nudl·u::. Culhs111n:. Tht:V l.1ud1·d MSU'!-. nc·w t vclotro ri . " h 1d1 "I rl't1d v 1~ lwm~ ust·d to ... ll1dv th1· t ompos111on a nd furl't'S 111 1h< nu1 lt·u~ 11{ lhl' alnm l\ISIJ "nm' WC'll-1•t1u1 ppt'<i to h1 111 th< h·.ntmg group and !-Wl llrt d.1t;1 out," F;w .... .,ll·r i.a1d !Ir ~;11d 1 he• MSU l'Vd otrun ''ill 1n:1k<· 1onvt·nt1Unii.I "room 1< m1x·ra1u1 <·" cvdolron"> ubsoll•ll'. .111d thcN· of the· futurf· will bt- .. .,upt·n ondut·1111~" hkc· M1ch1gan St.1t t··., A 1·\l lotron ust·~ t•l1't·1nt·11y and h u g1• m.1g111·t'> l o J l cl'l t·rall' .11011111 p.11111 11•.., 111 up lo 500 rntll1u n mph Tlw p;1rt1dl·s an• IH"amt•d .11 d la• g1·t 11f ol h t·r ,Jlum:., a nd dd1l·at1 • "'11:.urs u..,t·d to )>\Udy what huppt·ns whl•n nud<'1 <·oll1d1· Thi· magm•l 1:. t 11olt·d tu -1110 d C'grt'l'' bt·luw 7l•ro lo rl'm OVl' t•lt•l'trll' rt·.,1:.t.1 nn o, µruv1 <11ng m 11 r c· p 11 w 1 • r t h a n a r o o m · l Pffij.)l'ralur<• ITiilUllt•l l'UUl d CJl'hll'\'l' Sut·h pov. l•rful l"\'t lot run::. abo 1wrm1l th1• al't.'l'lt·1 :1111111 :.ind l>tudy o f ··hl''-"'" 1011::." nul'lt•1 o f twavlC'r t•lt·nw nl:. 1h;111 pre•v1CJusly u .... od And 1ha1 w ill f:>4.'rm11 s tudy uf thl· t•ff1'l·t o f 1ntt·n.,I' µr<'~..,u11· ,tnd lflt'I t•th blt• IW<.1l l·h ·lmul Satz. o f th<· Un1 v1•rs11y of B1c·lt·kld m Wt·st G crma nv :.aid bl'lf•n11 sl'> fc't·I th<•y know th~· ,1\l)lllll makl·Up •>f lht• unlVl'l"S<' Jfll'r a hund n ·dlh 111 u m1ll1on1h of a sc-<·011ct follow ing birth of lht• univerS4· But thev m-<-od tht· r vd utron.' lo ht'lp lhl·m untk r..,lJnd t he ph:V°'ll'31 OJlUrt' of thl• UOI V(•n.(' t·vt·n "Vi1rl11•r " T h.it ma:-h <'lp the m undl'rs ta nd ho w 11 all sta rlC'd The• snt•nt1s ts said t hey an · studying the "Big &mg" theory A C'cord1ng 10 that theory . a 1 n ·mc nclo w .. amo unt of cnl•rgy Pxplod c·d m tu ma lll•r soml' 10 b1ll1on to :w billion yc·ar.. <1go and 1s s llll t•x pand1ng a nd wrll 1·xpand fon•\'t:r Thi· a lt1:rnauvc 1h1.'0rY 1s that the· un1vc·rs1· rl'JX•a tc·dly l.·xpa nJs, falls ba1k togc•th1·r under t he.> f 1Jru • uf ~rav1Ly. (•i..plodcs dOU l·xpancb u~a111 "If w1• knuw tht• phy:.1t'al laws. w e can taleulale hut k and rt·· tn •a tc· w hul h:.ipp<·m-<l ... f'al·:-:.lt·r said Gun law 'scares crooks' K ENNESAW . G ;1 cAPI A "'" month old l.iw rc•qu1rmg gu n 11wn<-rsh1 p l1y 1 c·srd1·nts o f th1!-t "1·onlr11vc•r.,1.1l but s<r fe" suburb 1s .... ·arm~ off tlw crook!-.. tbr m ayor .... I\' Crimt• 1:. dow n , lht· l<'g a l )o,k1rm1slw)o, h av(' s loppt•d a nd 1><«>pll· arc• fmd1ng b<.•tll'r things 10 talk <.iboul in thC' six months ''n ee tht• law re quiring C'ach house hold l o l)Wll a g un and .1mmunitw n wa::. pa)o,::,{·d Ma r,·h I'.°). 1own o ff1l'1a ls sii y o rd 1 n a n <" t.'. w h 11. h t· a m <' 1 n r t.•::.p o n l>t' lo a h an dgun b,1n paSS<'d in Morton G rovt'. Ill T ht· lriw too k C'ffe'l.'I Jum• I KPnncsaw has h ad no a rm1'tl ro bbe n t'S this Yt'ar. <:om pan•cJ w11h S<'Vt'n 111 19RI. Ruble said Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Mond1y, Octob•r 4, 1982 ~I on OC -husting '1'111 11111•1• h l>IKl'llll.lll llf till' 1:11 d C11nt(n'"'!'lt111rnl U11lrt('t H 1 ·JI u h I 11 11 n .J 11 Ii 11 nit' (.' r 1• 1ir1. w1111· 111 Ho n )'01·kurcl uncl l>t·1111ic.·1at H11y "1'111" An ·h1•1 w ill ha"li 11u1 n 1111µa tu11 l111ut·• tlu1 lllK u hvt· d1•li..111• ul 7 :m p rn 'l'ULlliilfoY lu UC UfUJUl:Ulll 1.iy KSHH 1•1M rnd111 Tlw dl'ha11·. 11111· 111 a 114•r11•K In w hll'h 1.111 thn·1· 1 .i11J1d11ll1' huv1• p.11 ltt lfJ<•tt'CI, 11> "l4°hl'<lul1'<.l lo ulr II II l 1· I 1· v I N I I) n a t y " m W1"d111 •111Ju y 0 11 T1m1•11 Mirror <."lllilt•vt'>lun: d ia1111t'I :i 111 ,uldtllOll , lht• tt IU ('Ull l>c.· l>('(•n 1lt·l 1.11111~ 1111 KtX'l-: TV's "Voh•r 'i. l'q ll'lt111•" M'f'I(•:> il l fl :JO J> Ill Wt·dn1· ... d11 y and a l 10 u.10. S.1111 rd 11y 1111 di:.inm·I :io Thl' l>ru.uk.1:.l :.ilso fl!ulun~ u dt•bate 111·1"' 1•1•11 :n nd S t•na ll' D1 s lric·1 l'.111d1d.1lt·:. Fronk Ba rba ro and 1'~lw.1rd Hoyl't' A l i. 11 o n W " d n <' s tl a y , AsM •111hl y m:.in J ohn VaS(.'<Jlll'l'llOS, U . S,111 J usc , 1s h o lding a fl.lnd ral:>l'r m lrv int• A .$IOU per 1wr:.1111 l0onlrihu11un 1s n-quested fur lhl' huff1•1 dinnl'r Contat·l Ja1k Baltlwrn. 7!l'l. 1204 La unching lovely 111 th1· wmµi.11~11 IH'adquerw t>j.)l•nlnl( t!t·1>t11 trnt•nt, [)(•moc aoh l1:111K1111, who l• running ii tht> IH>th A 1i1ttombl y Dlltrlc u g l• 1n11 l 1n1· um lH• n t N o I a 1 fo'n1tt•ll1·, l\u11 M·l up 1hop at 281 Jo: 17th St . MUil~ io7. C.:Ollta M Arni lkpuhht•im CaroJ Ha llett 1u1111l11g for lieutenant .iovernor Iii uJ>l!111ng hl•r t•ompatgn HQ wlU un opt·n houM' between 3.30 an< 6.:m pm Friday at 17116'1.·C Sit Park C1rclt>, Irvine· * * * Nt.·wpor t He a t•h 's Jame Roost'Vl·h . clJ4.'8t t!On or Prc..'tiden fo'ra nklin D H.OOIW.'veh , h as beer nunll'd l'ha1rman of Democrat: for Badham, a group s upportln1 Republltan lwbt-rt Badham's ~ e lel·llon e·rro rt 111 the 40 n C o n gress ion a l D1 s tr1 c t Rl'pu b lr c:a11 Bill Dohr l'h a llengi n g Santa An " I:X·mocral1c: Hl•p J<•rry Pattersor 1s getung mon• than a lmle heJ~ from the Na11onal Republican Congression al l'ommllll'e Thf national group 1s !outing the bill for Dohr's latest mailer APWlr..,._ Fi r!-l l "an · of more tho n •t.00 ho t a ir ~a~ hnlloonist!'i ri~es into s ky o ver Albuqut•rque, N.M., whe re flighty fie ('Ont intH''°' lor o week . and ta I t • ( S AN D I EGO tAl'I Con v 1e ted dra ft r c·:.1 s t1·r Be nja m in Sasw <.i y. up for sent1•nt·1ng today. sav ... lu··, "r<'ady and w1lhng" lo "f><•nd the nc•xt fi ve• yt•ars bd11nd bars w111 ·11 ol Jlll \ t111111d llltll guilty ot frnl11lg m 11•1-!1..,t1·1. 1·111Jld lw "111""' 1·d 111 ,, I I\ 1 · \'4"11 ll•rm .ind l1nl'd ~1 11 .11011 ll L'S 1>1 ... 11 1t l .J ud~1 c;11rdon ThomtJ'''" .11 1111pn..,1·, tht• maxunum pt •111111' "Evl'ry body·.., JUSI going about 1 tw1r businc·i:..'> ... Kl•nnc"'ilw Polll•t· t'h1d Holx•rt HublC' said our v;z.ry own ..sLroight 103 cuffM cordun:~·..s The i!l ·Vl·ar old V1sw m.m 1m pnsonc·d srnt•c· Aug :rn An 11 d 1 .it 1 pr 11 1 • ., 11· 1 :. 1.1lh1·cl Ill ... upp .. 1 t 11( S.t)o,\\',I\' l >ll lhl l '\'f 11f 111 ........ llh'll<lllj.! Ev e· n 1 h 1• Am C' ri c· an C 1v 1 I L1 bt•r l1C•o; Un1<)1l 1s satis fie d . lx-<.11us1• 1·xc·m p11ons art· allowt•d f llf l'OnS<'l('r1 I lllUS Obj('<'lorS Th<• tr>wn of 5.400 JX.'l'ple made• 11 1•w:-w ht•n 11 passt•d th1• We're Listening ••• Whul du \OU li ke at>oul thr Oarh• Pilot" What don't you like" Coll tht-nu mber al l<>ft and your· message will be recorded, transcribed :.ind delivered tt1 the appropnat.e editor. Thl' saml' 24 hour a ns wering snvlce may b(" used to record let· -tc•rf. to th<' 1•cl11nr on any toplr Mailbox. contr ibutors must Include thc·1r naml' .inti 11•lephom• number for verification No cirrulalion ca II:. pltta:.t' 642·6086 T<•ll us what ., nn 'our m ind hlyNet cw-y ............ ..,_,t F11d•r 11 you cro "01 h•vo yOv• j)epe1 Oy 6 '° p "' c.-o.IOt• , p "' •"d 10111 COPY wtll II• -eel a.11110.r -&Ullcl•y II you do llOt • K•,.,. you• ~ lly 1 • "' e.ii ""°'' 10 ' "' Md )'Ill# Ctl9'f wlll t>t--ed ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomen r. Haley '•IJIJ .... O"<J (lo •I ( •f'<Uh• "' Jone Amorl , ,.c.•iv• {dtll)I L. Koy Schultr Voe• '••t.;.,,. Olld O..e.:1or ol Ad••"•o4!0 Ra ymond Motl.eon ( r"1l11'111,., Mithoel ', Harvey 0"•' I<• "' M0<le1"'i l_,....,._ ·Kenneth N. Ooddord Jr. ().te<JOI' ol ()r..,01_, Cl111Ni.ct 1dvertl1ln9 71 •1142·M71 All other -.,.rtment1 142 ... 321 MAIN M FtCE U0 WHI I • SC • ( .. le-.. , (A M•ll •cletfnt lo• .,..,, COii• -... CA m2' COPvr'9111 1"2 Of ..... Ceu l "llMltlll ... C_., Ne,,.,., •ltt'Mt, rnw.irtllf'I•. Hlt.,lel m.,...., .. •••tlw....,.1, .,., • .,. ,..., N '"'M;oc• ,..._ .... <••• ••ml•-.. <-•11111-... , VOL. 75, No. 2n ~I , ou r wt.3tlhngord moot, f unct1onol pon~ du nns ~ fall C!l-rl w1nl¢r mon~ th:z. -wrli ~la ~ e blcz.nd ci' 88% coU.on and 12'Y.doc ron ond t.ha. nonow e ~colt.on ond ~ docon <iach pont ~ b\tz.ndczd fbr TT\O){\Um OOmihrt. and dureb1hty rn lotol , 20 9nz.oL ba~ic ernd. fai!.h10n c.olor~. tncludi~ ~. bluz.s,9TUC2n and buf$undy..a @J~o@@)§@ 44 FothlM l•land • N~wpor'f &och • 7141644·5010 1001 Wtttwood Blvd.· Wt-llwood Vfllo~ • 2131208-3273 " r(•s u l t Au..,1i11 Y aclilla. :!. of l.aµ.una Ht ·<wh f111d-. the· tH'I al L1µ::1111a· .. \lain Bt•&IC'h f>ark tt lut mon· 1'1111 lo d i111h than hi-. 1·ril1 at lto11w. 1.14.-.., ~1·11i 11 µ:: in \\ha l lwa..!1 t im1· I ... 1·a11 h 1•fon· 1111 · "'';,llh•·• l11r 11 ... 11 11fric·11dh . 'R' joice • u, Ftt1m 1rn1c:K ~('ll OEMIWL 01 lh• Dell~ Pllgl I tal! I t' "" 111110111111011 HI J.Cht Ill th•·,.,1· .11 I''' ·~• d 1111111111111 111111•" y<1llllJ.C . tall , 1111.11111 111111 w111 k1 ·1 i. llui.y pou111l111g 11uili. .11111 1111111111g PllM' "" u rww Or.inu1· County ·•I'·'' 11111 111 ll111ld1111( tukl·S shllJJl' It ''·"'Ill\• M'1·111· wl.,. 1't'\'t•nl hor8nturdtty .d 11·1110011 111'.11 tilt' mll·l'M'\'tum of E:ud1d -.;1 11·1 t .111d B.tll Homl In A1111tw1m nn 111t1 1-.1•1·111111 [11 • 11w11lhs a~o 1·h11kl•d 111 '>ll1•1k1.' ,11111 iilll'tt•d wtlh cmlx•rs us Ora1181' ('t11111tv'i-wrn"t l1n• look hold 1'111 111.111" 1.1111wd by strong, dry !:;unl« 1\ "" '' 111111', dPi-.tr11y1·d or danwgt·d •lllH' .1p.11t1111111 u111h tn ·IB IJuildtngi-., lt·av1ng l, :!.11 p1·11pl1· h111111•lt•b..., Durnag1· tu i;tructun•s .111d pt I'""'" Jll'CIJ>l'I t y l'Xl'l't'dt·tl $50 Ill ii 1&011 '1111 11 ".1., ,lfl11lh1•r unu-.uul sight this !-,.11111d.1\ 111 tlw 1-:ul'11d Bull nl'tghborhuod. 1'111 11111·1· h11111t·l1·-.-. Wl'l't' unloud1ng 1111111t1111 · I 111111 ;r ITIUVtnj.( Vdll . 1111' w1·11• 11•turntn~ \\ 1 '11 '.'>(J h.1ppv to tx· but·k," swd Waltt>r :\1111 pli\ ,,, 111 · l.urv1·yctl a rt•bulll .q1.1111111 111 l1u1ld111g ":ou havl' ,,to s ta rt '•\I I .,. Ill 11'1 lllll' y OU t•an l give• up 1\l-,.1 11'll11 lllng to lhl' m•tghborhood t wo 1111 lr-... I 111111 l>1i-.1H·vl<ind was J1•annt•lle l'o11 l-.1·1 .!H "It h.1d 0 b<-t·n our honw for 31/i '' .11 ' I t1.1\'1 11111 lt:lt at homl' at any of thl• .. 1111 I .1p.11 l1tll'llh Wl .. Vl' lx•t•n Ill s1nc.:l' the· 1111 . ,\dd1 ·d i':!. v1 .. 11 old llarrt1·l Shaffl•r, who '"'' .1 11 t1q111·..,, photo-. und 20 yl'ars of )'' 111 .. dn1~v \\ol'k 111 th<· ftrt·: "I clt'<:ldt-d I was 1•111 11~: 11.11 k t11 luc.·t· this thing ... P cupl<' • 111:1 11 111 11 ·1ow1· that""""' t·<in rl•build." \\ 111 k• •1.., 1 hough. hav1• a lung way to go I 1111 •th :w111'' lkrll from lhl' upurtrnl•nl 111 111 , .1 11 '"'d v r1·t·oni-.lrut·t('d u r under 11111 ... 11111 111111 ... 1.1ndi-. tl11· n•mindt•r of thl' ti• '·"1.t1111g p,11 l,v 111111·n111g fir(' '1'111 • l'.1lm Villa apartrn1•nL<; l'Omplex ts ... 1,11 111111ur11ft ·d hv f1·1w111g to k<·Pp people· ""' S111111 11f 1lw un1L.., lhOM· that took I 1111. d.111 1.1gr-.,land c•mpty Nearby, the 111111111 h" h1·1·n 11·mov1•d Only t·ontTl'lt· t,.r, .11 1tl -,.11111 plumbing 1-. k·h \\ •1!-.11.., \\111 he· lht•11', luo, suon \I ••111 "111 1111ll111n I'> t>l'1ng ~pent lU r(·plal'C' '" 11 p.111 ln11lding~. u<.·t·urd1nl!( tu Walk K 11k.li.111 1\11.1h1•1m'-. 1·h1 l'f building 11 ... , ... 1111 '1'111 11• \\ l>uild1ngi-. off1t·1.ib nott•d, will I" ., ii t I Sr\ d.o \' • ii l1 ·r t lw fin" th(• AnahC'1m C1 ty 1 .. 111111111u1(,,\,1•d untr1•awd wuod s hmgles • tl11 I\ 1w uwd 1m th1· buildings that I 1111111 d N1 \\ 111'1h ;111· ol ;1 1·111npos1 t1on mutl•n a l. l '• 111 ,,.,.. .. t 111 .. 1t1·d with llll' rt·lurdant • .we can rebuild' Cot1!'-lnu·tio11 '"or"-c·r:-. an· n·huilclin ~ and tc·nanh an• rc•turnin~ to upurtmc·uh flath•ru•d h) April fin·. • sti1dio----ia ~es fund misuse investigation 'hircl ti nu• 111 fou r \f •ar~ in,<· .... 11µ,ator-· laq.~•·t 20th C e ntury Fox JIULLYV.<>OIJ f \I I \ ,1tchdog 1,1,k 1 011• 1111 1rc•rt.1111mc·nt t r11111 ""h1l Ii \\ 1 nn< d 111 th1 "' 1k1 •11 t Ill' I 'Ii l l ' C.: k I 0 I ).! I ll ) ' \ I •I II d • .J •I I ,1umh1a P11 tun~ I'> '4 111111111111 tth l'1 ntur\ ~••>< 1111 o1 1~· 11111 ,Ulion doll.11 1111'•'1'f1t 111111.tl 11111 fund tnV• ~11~1 .. 1111' .11ol I "The t.isk toru 1.., l1~1k1111, 1111• ~siblc· m1s,1pp111pri.1t 11111 ,11111 bez7J1•ml•nt 1ol I u111I 1\ I bergat<'. '>P'1kl•\rn.,m 1111 I )1,1111 t urnt-y .. John Van de K.1111p ~d. AlbE-rgat<• ,,,,d th1 .di• ~·1 d lj sap pr 0 p I I ii t I fl II I I) v II h I ... h ousoncls or tlc1ll;1rs 111,,1,. mu<·h as <i 11111111111 W1· 11· 11 tlb. it <'C'rt.ar n a I th,.., 111r1t · · Thrs '' ,ii 11 ,, t th• 1t.11 I ''" 1 0(°C f'J'j'8 lf1,1I lit\\ I lff11lt 1111 I.I 1thorrt1c" ti, ... ,. f1~w .. 1·d "" !11:.. • T ht• lii\l ... l I ••-.t ·'Ill"''' 111 I\ I\'" 111~ 1f11l.t1111 I' .111 I 11•1 11.111111 'I I II• \ ) f11 I\ ,\•11,;f I! j I q11111 1 .t 111.t• I• 11d1 I), Ill• \lo l:t I h t, I I 11 I' I I" I'•,, t :11 t I· I l\d I 1\1 I 11'1 ,, jilt 111 \\IO h It .. I I , , I II I I I ... I h1 du:t d 11 flt t '1 IJ1 I \,It lll l C It ti -f I o 'I rnr'<tl'lt' 11! t11 111h .\i,.,., ~ti •·" 11d H11 t r'n:-. •11111 11 .111 .1 h111g 1ll1·go1l l .. 111 ..... .,a1v 1.dl1d 1.i1 1r 111·1 .olhl' fJI '" \\.. I· I.. tl11 llU I llllj..( F11, ',,. 1 ,, d111t !Lu11 1 I I l.1 1,1 ti !}11 (jt,• I I ' I I k }' .. ,., • II \\I I 11111• Ill 'Ii• I l11(h1 11 \ 1•1 11 •• do II 111~ II I "I t 1. J IJ ol 1t II I 11 r h1 \ \\ .1111 lo ... ubpcx·na us, • • d 1.. h.1pp\ to gu," MonaS(:h 11d \\' ll 1111( n 11ur book~" I Ii • 1111wd I h1 • rumors w1·n · r 111 \\ 111 k 111 ,, "d1~gruntll·d "11111 I I lllftlll\1 1' .. ,\JI>< I ~'..tit 1·111ph,!'171•<.J that thl• fi,11111 .t11111111 v·, task fon't· had 11• .1 ti• ·1 1d1 ·d to l.1u nl'h ,1 form a I Ill\ t '' 1~'.tl 11111 · \\11hou1 "'lid 1•v1d1·m·1· from 1 h• 1.1 .. 1.. li.n" prob<'. wp would 11111 1111t ·11 .1 1111111.11 1nv1·sttgat1on." ,\llM I g,111• ..,,11d ( >tl11 •1 F11i-wh1t1• c·ullar C'nmf's 1111 ludr· th•· l!.J7!1 l':tsc• of Daniel r'I• ''"''' .i rT1·d11 managt•r at the, 111tl111·, lli·h•xt· C1·1wral film lab ~11l1-..1d1.11 v. who plt•<idl'd guilty to ""' 111un1 1";11 h of mall fraud and l.1\ • \ .1 ... 11111 aftL•r lx ·ing ch argl•d \\1th 1·ml>1·11l111g $1 I million . 1111 1111lx•11h•nll'nl had t•omP tu 111-!ltl ,, \1 ,1r 1•arll<'r wht•n ~~ox ... u,·d .1 l1o nd1ng c.:ompany 1n Sw1tz<'rl<.1nd 111 r1·1 ov1 r 1111• money. Van d1• Kiimp h.i' ~td this 1nl·1dt·n1 \\ d~ JMl lll u l.11 I\' 1rksoml' ... nu· Fox h,1d 11111 notd1l'd dUlhorit11·.., 11 1 tlt1 m1sappropnat1nr1 In 1981. 11.eri l\ K.1tl1 m .111 . t'ha1rman of '.!Olh C1 11turv F11x Tclcv1s1on. off1·n 'll to n • ... 1gn .11n11t allegation~ of m 1.,.1 ppr opn.1111111.., and patd bat·k $1.tlOO, ;wt11 rd111g to his attornc•v quott·d hv tht• Los Angeles Ttmr'l-. Tht• pap1•r. wh1t'h did not namt• th<' lawv1·1. ,,11d Fox l·h;i1rnrnn l'11tt r <·°i«·t·u11v1· D1·nn1!'. S1<111Jill th1·11 11·'ilgn·1·1I whl'n Fox uw1w1 Man•tn D.w1-. c '' u n l l· r rn a 11 d I'd S t.1 11 f 1 11 · i- a c l ' 1 • p t a rH 1 • 11 f K a t I 1 • m ;i n · 1' n~1gna1111n Stanfill h<1d l>C't•n 11w11lv1 ·d 1n a power strugglt· with Fox v1<·t·· (.'hatrman Alan .J t-l 1rwhr1l'ld. who wantNJ KJtl<·man to ~tav on, accord mg to th1· Nl'W York 1 11111·.., '" w1 II·" th1 Lo' Angt•h•\ p.1pt I In 111 .. I• t\1 1 111 ll''t).!n.i1111n •1 I Op'\ 111 \\ h1d1 \Ao .I\ 111.1.tllll'd Ii\ I h1 Lo' i\ ng< It·' p.1 µ. r S 1.111 f ii I t l.11nwd K<11lt·111.111 lwd 111 lt·n ·d 111 11 "1).!11 ·"It I JI\ 1nt1 111;il pr Diii' h,111 llll llt d Up d1-.< I• J>.11l1 II' II) 1t1 ... 11.t\t I .tnd hu:-.111l' ... \ otllllllllh Thi· Entt 1 t.,1nnwn1 lndui-trv T.1i-.k F 1111 1· '' c1~ frn 1nt·d 111 I ~7H ,;1 l h I' \Ao ,; k ( fJ ( ;1 !\ l ' r I I ' ' II f I l11llV\\ 111111 I rna nnal 'l<ind.11... 1111·l uding < hl·l'k t111 gl'11t·i-111, 0.1\'1d &·g1•lm.111 tlwn pn•..,1d1·n·1 - 111 (.'11lu11d11.1', 11111111111 f>ll'I Ull' ;.111d II (1•\'i'lt11l dl\'1'1flllS lk•g1·lm.11l pll·,1ch·d no n.nt1·-.1 t11 grand th1·ll and \\,I\ f1m·d and ..,1•nt<·n11·rl 111 pro ha1111n thJt 111< lud1•d l'11rn111u111t v ..,1·rv11·1· llirs<:hf1l'ld h.1d l~·1·n p11•s1d1·nt or C11lumh1.i., p;1n·nt Columbia PH tun·' l11du ... 111l·~ dun11g th1• Bq.(t•l11w1 .,.;111d.il l>t•1111i ... Stanfill 171h & Irvin• N~Beach Open Thurld1Y nltMI until I p.m. Anthony's Shoe Service • Bank ol America • Charlot Barr Jewelers •Crown Hardware • Or. Lou Elder • The Hair Handlers Salon • Halllday's Men'• Clothing • Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty •Le Chante~ • HughP1 MHrkot • Mns Amles Teena • Nancy Dunn Antiques • Newport Balboa Savings • Paper Unlimited • Sav-On Drugs • Serendipity • <,torel<eflpor tor lier • Storekooper • Veta'a lmtlmate Apparel • We1tcllff Cleaners • Weafcllft 'COrnera • Weatcllff Shoes • Xavier's Florist • ) • • -t ' () 1 1 . . ,\ AP Wlrephoto Old cannons a l Fort Ta, lor i11 ,,,., \\ 1: ... 1 lie· i11 1111 ·11iur~ of h}~otw day wht•n 1h1·~ \\f•rc· a ... ~i;..:.1u·d po,i1io11 ... i11 lhc· l 11io11 blw·ka~lc· ot' the Confc«lt'ran . / Orengo Coett DAIL V PILOT /Mondoy, Octob r 4, 1982 Civil War fort dug up Kf<~Y Wto:HT . f<'lu (Al') A 14ti·yt•ur old (url 1hu1 w11111dowly cl uwpp1·1Arl11t< llllu lht· N1111d h 1111 provt•n 111 lx· 11 Ir t•wmr1• u·11vt• 111 t·1vt1 Wu1 urrnom1•11l!4, r<•stun ·ri. i.ay l-'orl Zm·hury 'J'ayl111• JJlttyt'<.l u v11u l rult• In lht· Unron h ltx:kudt• o f Cu nfc•clt·r utl• p u rl1t , u nd vlrlua lly ull lli. urmumt·nl cu nnons, mur tun.. 11hl'lh, Is !ill II lhl'l't'. "That fort hu!'.I m un · urlifot•t.s .and guns from lht· Civil W ar than ull other Civil War furls put t ogethe r ," s aid Rl•p . Oa nh· Fasc(.•11. who has lx•1.>n :.it·l1vt· m l'ffort.s to ~prcSl'rvt• th1· fort • Tht> l:J S Army furl. lcisl• uM·d during lhl• l lHl2 C uban m1s:-tl1· cn srs. ont.'C hcid thrL"l' IC'Vl•b ubov<' gro und. But lhl' lop two wt·n· blasted off Ill lH:iB bl-cause 11 wa~ thought lo prcst•n t tuu h 1gh a profile tCJ ultackmg :.hips. After it wus ubarn.Jont·d Ill lht· 1960i;, Fort Taylor fe ll into sut:h u s ta ll· of dct:a y thut one wriw r dubbed it "1''orl Forgottc·n " S l•ven ftoc.·I of sand and da r t bura~d lhl' struc:lu rl! and thl·rt· Wl•rt• t rc,'l•s ~rowang atop al H11l thut Wai'. l11•l11n• lluw11 1d 1':11Kl11111J 1·11111t• 1tl11111-: f<:11 gl1t 11 d , lh\•ll IJ l'IVIJ11111 urdu111:1 l1J1 th1· Nuvv. u11111v1·14 ·d 1tw l11rt'11 1<1·t r1·l d ur 111)( .1 tw11 Wt•t•k UK!lljo(llfllt•ll l Ill f llhll I li.t l 1·u11\1• ubuut w l11•11 l11s Nuvv lie''"' n1MVt·d 1n4u11 11 .. , ul.1uu1 th•· f1111 fr om 11 Mu1rn1 n1 ·w i.p:i111 ·1 Tiii' il!>.'>lj.(llllll'lll llJ I fll d 111111 ii l•I yt•ur l.J lrnr o f l11 v1· Tlt1• Ott vt·ur old Enj(lund. wh11 1 l'l11 1·d l rnm ha:-Nuvy JOb Ill I !17:.!, r:-. 1111w a park ru11Jo(t•r u l the_• fort, wlt wlt lht• slUll• luuk ov1•r In I Y711 I lt-·and 11th1•rs h11vt· rt'<.11vo·11•d ubout 211 gun:-. Mimt· n 111>1·1l with Jo(fl•a l l'll11rl Imm !>iJllU frllt•d l{Ull 11ic1ms Curn•ntly. ht• I'> 11~l111111g '>1)1)11' IJf tht!M• Wl'..l(JIJllS, '>Ul h ,1, ,o Gal1111g gu11 "Wt· ab.o found what hJd lo 111· tht· ftr!>t d1•salan1wtr':V1 pl.1111 111 thl· Unatt·d S tutc.•s.' s~11d ldot B:.a1-r1J11 . a form 1·r 111forrn;lf11111 ofrtl't·r ut lht· Kt•y Wl·Sl N;ov;ol This..· llwt surruuntls F111 t Taylor "f<:vt'll lht• knob tha t lur rwtf tlk la u<·o·t sllll wur k«d " Tlw unrl, clt·srgm·d 111 Bnt.1111 for UM• iJboarcl :.h rp!>, hrnlt·d .,..It WU ll'I ..im.J l'Onth•nS(•d tht· 'l<'Jlll lfl 7 1100 l(all1111•, 111 I 11•..,li W111(•1 ,1 II:., It v. ,,., 111,t.tll1 d .11 1111 1111 1 111 1 ll t. I ... 111l H.11 10111 w lt•1 11 ..... tluru lllUl It 111 lltt I l'M ,011 It lltlll llll t Ill , • ., It a..1111 v l•:11Ml,111d ;,,11tl I 11.1 I 111 I ht 111.111 V l '11111..,,11111' ol 1 .111111111 ., 111 U"'' dur 111i.: tit• < 'r\'il W,JI t.-v. 1 1 thJll :! :1 011 ""' 11 11 1n1 l11d111j.1 lht· 1111111111>11 111 Id Jlll'H , UtlOl••llllK 111 ii 11 ~· Jl ,1 l k ... , 1 II tJ o II II II l Y I llUI lltttll'I'' Jl1· lll'lt1·VI''> lltul 11 u11tll1·1 v.111 grow hv .o., 111ud1 II'• :i:1fl 11 .Jll tlw g1111"' hui u•tl til f o rt T:ivlor :111• i ·~·11vt•1 ••d ;.I 1lt,11k tl11 •\ l1urll'd 1111· 1•1111n· .01111.0111•·111 . 1·v1·1 \ p111 <' of 111cl11.11111· t·vt·r "·111 111 tltt IC1rt,. ho · ,,11d 111 .o 11t'l111 lltlt'I Vll•W 111 • i..pl.1111• d th.01 till' gun ' "''" "•'P"'''" .. , '" 1111 1 .• 11 1Hoo ... 11< .. oll't ' lht·\. V.4'11 11h'>11lt•lt• Jltd 111 lilt ""•" Al tlt1 111111 1h1•r1 v. •• .,;.·l 111u1 It 1 1 ..... ''' d11 wr lh llll'lll f•:v1·11 tit(· '>!I ·'I• dt·ldt•I'> Wt 'lt•ll I lllll'll''lt·d l>t 'I ;011 ... t• 111 lla1• !11!'01111111 .. 'l'lw l•H I w •• ~ •llll't' •Ill ll'> IJWll 1.,l,111d. "'fl.t1 .111·d 1111111 K1 ·y W1•st II\ I :!110 lo·l'l 111 111'1 .111 Hut rnJv. 11 ·, un th•· •k1 \ 1h1 II lxu .1U"4' 11( d11 dg111g .,11d 1u1..,l rt11llt111 Cavern find ':Phenomenal' I ~f\,\ L ""''\"~\~ Families urge.d · tO practiCe fire safety ~' CARLS BA D. N 1\1 11\l'I .\ 111.11111111°111 I••"' found in Carlsbad Cav1·rn~ '' • "' 1 '' d "11I1 1 • .,,. • d cr ystals and <.'Ont<.t1n .. "more '" .0111\ 111.111 '••to • .011 gescrabe," onl' or ·~ <11"4 11\1 11·1... 1" The room, asol.iH·d 11 11111 tit• 1., .it• 11 I"''" "' tourists and regularl'<irlsh,111•'Pl,,1•1' 1s 1 .... 1 ••• 11t·ol with ~litt.crang cakalt· 1·rv~1.i1 ... '''' . .J<i d 111 "' 0111•1 and red, and splaslwd with d11i... 1il 1111111 1.111J!ll•l! from..brown lo yl'llow "The most uut.-;tand1ng 1h1ng .al1111d tl.1 l111d 1 the d eliCa tt' lx•oUlV O f lh1;, 0 h tlllill'I .. ad I .t\' specialis t Ro n KNL~1 of th1· . .i 11111 . .J I' 11 h. S· 1 ·." • · one of the lhr('t' t'><plon·rs "ho '4•1111d th• 1•••111 Bob Peten., swff par h. 1.i11g• 1 .111d ·" 11111• I'·•' k superan te ndc•nt. s<ird lhl' l111d 1 1h1 111 .. 1 111.oJo•r d iscovery Ill tht· t:avt·rn!'. '1110 • 1•1111t The room "'a' <lt..,lt>\'t11d 11\ K· th• \ltl-.1 Qu~n. a pt.•trolt•um ~W••logi't l 111111 '"'·'" I· r.1111 1" • • a nd T om Hoh r<'r. c1 'u"' ''11 l••t 1111 ''ii• .. 1 California . Its ('l'ihngs an • <tl lt·;1.,l .1tt 11·1 1 111i.:lt. f,.. ... 11d .. 11.i the room mt.>asun"' m11n· th.in I '" I•• 1 1,, ,,, 11 • 1 Ker bo sard surveys wall tlt·t.·1011111 tit• • ,.,,,, r 111 The ch am b(•r t·o11ta111.., 1111111I111 11.iJ.!1111(11 "Christmas trN-s." whrl'h drt' · l11t11 lo• r 1.dl .ind .or• --d e lica te. bus h y -loo k1TTJ; t h-111~... 111 1.t• nl aragonite ('rystab." K1·r bo "'"" Ill· \Ii I<~ \l>l·.HS Thr:-. IS r rrt' I' •\•11t1u11 \\,. h. 111d lht· ln ~ura nl'e 1111 1111 1111111 ·ti. t11111. ur 1•1., 1•vt·ry family to d· •I • o1iof 11 • 111 •.• 1 111111\ 1 ·~ .1111 · plun ,\I ,, 1,, • "' ""' -,11111< w 1t1·1<· in l'.ilrforma • '' r \ t\'" "I tl111' n1 1111111·.., and t·vc·n your • ,, 11 l.1111t11 .. 1 l1o11111 < "" 1111 >1n 1t· a v1·ry stra nge l'l,11 • 111 tli• d.or k 111 .011 • 1111·1g1•1wy un l1•ss '"to'' 11.od 1•1 .. 11t1 1 111 g11111 1g .. ut fa:;l I 11 l ti. I t 11 • '""" .l.1.! 11\'•'' 111 l'<1lrfur nra 11111 '.011 • d ~II..' mJur 11·' 1111ir1· th;,in half rn 1 • rd· • 11 • 11 .. 1d .111d 111"1"1. I It r • 1 •• w 1 ,, 'T up .o t.11111h t'Sl'JfJI.' pl:in. -.;i..111t •I• 11\1111111 ( t'iH'h f111ur. 1111 l111l1loJ( '.\ 11111>\\' ol11'11'' .111<1 ;:,ljlr\VLI VS. :\l,,"' 111 • •I . to11101h 1111·1nl11·r " famalicir "111 1111 1,,,.,,., ll11·lr "'• op.1rlm1•n1 dwl'llt•rs be able· LO a('l Ill an t'm l'rge nt·y -A ss ign a fa "1 i ly mt•m bc·r lo l>t• responsible for the eldt·rly or vc·ry young to h ('lp the m c•scapc• Dcsagnall' a mt't'lmg plat't' out.side.· lht· h om e and mstrut·t everyone to go lht•r l· r n t'iJM' of hrc . -O nc t' outs adt-. count h l•ads, ~tay togcthl'r and 00 NOT go but·k rnlo lht• houi>t• for personal belongings. Tht• 1nst1lule urgt•s famrlres 10 rns l:1ll smo kt' dl'lC>t:tors on every floor of thc·ar homt•:- BEFORE <:i fare s trikes. For ftl!l! leafkts w ith "Be· rrrc• Smart" "Ta ps for Homl' Own~rs and Rl'ntt·r~ ... "Trps for H1gh-R1~ Apartmt•nl Dwe llers,'' "Trps fur Travl•l('rs." a nd "Trps for M(.'Ot1ng P lannC'r!>," write lo lht· lnsurant't' lnformallon ln:.lllUll'. 400 Mont~omery S t .. San r rancisco !HI 04 101 il•I h11• \', I• I••·'''""' 111 ''"I s liJrrwl.'lls • 11.t '•" \ ,,. l 1 I '" tl11 "' "' qu11 kl\ u~ fJllSStbk . Bug killers eff ective? \\',,,,_ .. ,11 t\'" ,.,,;.,,,. routt·s. af 1•· ti·, t"1, .. 1111111111.111.J 111a1k c'ht·m dl'arly DEAR PAT: Do those ultrasonic bug ""tit. ~. ,. 1, l\11h.1 1111· 1h1·11· a n • no kllle rs r eally work? Some claim they can 111,11011111.11 1., I 1111•, .... 1 .. 111utt·... drive away fleas, flies, mosquitoes and even I I• 1d 11, d1 tll, 1111 lud111g ~onll' a t r ats and mice. T h e r e we re sever a l such 111 ... 111 ... : '. 1_, 11~~, .. , whJt to do a n_d ___ d evices beinit sold at the Oraoite County Fair BENSON & HEDGES and I'm c urious uhout thl'm. :'\.I... lluntinglon U l'a<:h Fn ·d Bt ·,1111', 1 due .it11111 11111111111.11111 1111 O rang!.' County V1't·t11r l'onln1l Dl'>trn l told A VS lh<.tl 1lw1t· "1111lt .• rd ~11·ntrf11 1·v111t·m1 tu 1nd1c:<ilt· th;1l th1 !-.C' dt '1• , . ., p•·r f•11111 J '> advt·rtascod Rt ·,1n1' -..oad. "Wt· wi..lt tlw\ w1Ju)d work arad h;1v1· h<·1·n r ,.;11h11g 1·\'l'I'\ I hrng tlh•l has h1•l•n pulilr.,fwd about lltt·m. bu1 ...,, f;11 lhPy h avt• nol lx·1·11 lound 111 b1· l'ft1-t·l1v1• .. 111· uddt•d lhiJl 1nat·1· u11d 1.11-. rn;1\ I){· dnv1•11 :oWiJ\ ll'mpor;1nly by lht· ull1 <i ~ound . l>ut th1·~ act:l1mall· lht·111~·lvt·s lo 1t lx•fw, :ong lill'tdt•nt;tll v, tho• Vt1lor t'11nt111I 1>1.,11111 has SfJ1."1:1f11 1111;11 m.,111111 1111 ho\\ tq g. l r rd ol <my bug or rod1·11l th.11 111,1\' b• 1111ulilrng \11u1 hou:-t•hold .I w.t ph1J111 !4';' I :!4 :! I or drnp .1 1 .11 d 10 1:mo1 Ganh·n (;rm·t· 81\'d < ;,,1d111 (;1 11\'1 Y264:3 • c;,,, ,, 1110/1/1111 Tl1t·11 \11111 111 • 1 f>Jt I luttl\t Ill 1~ .• , \\'ti/ t lll It ·d '"'". - g 1•//111µ the ilt1,,111·1,, ,1111! ,w111m yutl .,... n 1•t·cl tu "ilv1• 1n1·1.1u111 1•, 111 governnwnt ,md liu1o1111·-..., /\I.11/ 1·11w 11u1 .,111111!'< to Par /111ruw 111. Ar \'uur S('11·1«. 01.111~·· Coast D:iJ/~· f '1/111. I' 0 Bo" J.5ti0. c o,1.1 Alt·'·• CA 926:u;' The Daily Pilot has special help for women wilh problems al home or work Hf.N S 0 N 1; 11 E IHiE ~ CL;_r,.fe t~· r1/4'rf't Y.{?A~1 , •h• •'it l'I YI •'-I N t01'• ••tf"-'f!f ... f'l• .. 4 ,,,_ AC.JU • Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be c.:alh:u <.klu\c. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has De termined That Cigarette Smokmg Is Dangerous 10 Your Health 6 mr1 · i.r" 0 6 n1o1 n1co11ne dV. ptr c1g11111e. by FTC mtthod. ' M aintaining a household while pursuing a career i sn 't easy . To help today's-women with those challenges t he D aily Pilot offers a wealth of resources. Sylvia Porter advises on finance. Ann Landers helps with domestic pro· blems and Sunday's You/Your Money sec t ion focuses o n area business trends and opportunities Other Daily Pilot money saver s for women include the Supermarket Shop· per column, advertised values, coupon savings and tasty recipes in Wed· nesday's food pages. And the Slim Gourmet helps wom en k ee p those food v alues o ff t h e family 's waistlines. ,, M r ;.in whilc.•. 1 hl' Ad S1lll·r ll'lt·phon<.· answering scn ·1c.·l' fn·c•:... \\o·omen fro m stay ing home whi ll• their Daily Pilot class ified a d works se lling household item s or by finding a babysitter Con s umer ad\'tCl' and help w1t h problem~ tom<.' tn th<' Dail~ Ptlot '-. At Your Se n It'<.' column lnformat1 vc.•. tn dt•pth ft'tttllrt''> on neighhorhood JH'ople. pl;.ice::. ancl trends an• founc1 on lht• Featuring pa gt.'S. E ver~· d<i~·. all <ilong lht• Orang<.· Coast . womt•n's l1 H·s art> made easier b \' information a nd a d \'act' found only in the Dail;.· Pilot ~ . Substrtbt· loch" b~ l·alhng f,.12 -1321 or b~· mailing the coupon tn Dail~ Pi lot. 330 \\' BLI' St.. P 0 Hox 1560 Costa :vtc.•:...a. CA 9.2626 STREET CITY __ ZIP ___ _ PHONE _____________ .. Daily Pilat 642•4321 . I ' 01 m1u1 Cu111t1 l>All Y I'll 0 l /M1111tl11y \)1 1oh111 •1 1'111.' A lngular di play , . ol' coi1nty la1·g·l ... ,._.,. ( )1 .111~:1 · \. '11tllll ~ -.11 111 I\ I .111 •, , 11~:.1g1 ti 111 .111 111t1 ·rc ·-.1111g l''1·111 -.1· l.t\I \\ 1·1·h.. 11111 111.11 I I tjllll I'd .d111lll tl1111 1!11111 " 111 o1 r 111111pl1 .,l1 ·,111111' I I 1111 J' t I 1.1 I I 11 l ti d I 1, I\' t I oc t II ho111dl1 ·d Ill J11llllll1· ... .\t 1·,-..111 \\.t' lht· qt11·-.1t1111 11( .all11\,tllltg l1d1·1.il 11\'t•llll• ... 1i •• 11111• fund 111 -.1111u Ill ,111·1.il 11' 111:1 o1111-.. o pt' .111 d 11\ fll I\ .111 g 1' 1111'" Ill tltt ICllllll\ 111 lif t!! lltt 'll1'1l\l-.1tl't .111111111 d .• p11l11 v d• .... lhlll d '"pit •• ' 11ut ,., 11111 , lu11d 111 g ttl 11 ,.. lll'llJ I .lll l'o II\ t I .I 111111 \l'oll 111 1111d, "1th l .11 It pl 11g1 .1111 111 ... 111g ::.1 I )I I I I II I t ii 'h I 'JI!() It \ I I 1111111111)..', .. \t'.tl llll ttl llH 'llJlp11t I 1·11111 d 'l'l11 t h1 tll \ \\ "' I 11 11-..1• t IH ll'\'1 11 11\ -.h.1111.IJ.', lt111d, 11111\ .l'o "ol I ti 11111111 \ lllllil 1111 fll 11g1 .tlll t 111tld \\ 111 ... 11II11 tc 111 '" ppt11 I I 111111 I>"'"'' ""'""'" 1~111 1111 Su1 1.1I l'1ng 1.1111. ;\ t I \ I '11 I \ ( 0 11 1 t I 111 I I I I I \\ I 1 11 I 1 111111111111 ... 1111· 1111 1~~1.1111•. l••I 11 ... 11 fll'I \'hi ti" I 1·( t11lllltl'IHl1·d I fi.11 I It 1 · 1·11 t I 1.1'• I, I 11 · p11 , I pi, 111 d I 1 •I "''\'I I ;d fll 11111.tlll' 1111 ... \t .II j.'I\ I II tltt dlll1111lt\ rol 1.11-.111g Jlll\'.ll• t t1lllJ ll1llll411h Ill lh1 · I 1111 I ltl 1·111111111111 '11111.llt· Tl,, 11111111 11 111 ·1 11111111i..: 111.11 1 •• "' th1 pt ·1~1 1.tlll \\ •HtliJ I ti' I\ I 11111\ ~ 1 flt"' 11l 11I lilt II JllHll ,, \I I l1111d111g lllldt I tl11 p11l1, \ I 1I1tlllllll 11d1 d 111.il .I 1111111111 I 1,, ,. t ,, 111plt d 1111111 Liii' ( 11111.11 I-. 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"IC t,d Jllttj'l,tllt I li,11 \\ 1 .cl11111I s.1. 111111 111 ,,, 111.111 11,, , .. ,,,1,1111., lt.111 l''"l"'·I·" 11111 l\tlt 1111fl1il1d """" I H 11il ... 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I 1 d 11l11 , ( '11d1 H111 1111 I .1 l'I l.11111' II 11.dl grn·.., .1lo111g \'.11 h 11.11 I' \\I Ill' Ill 'I H h II 1; cl I 1 1 "> Jln\\•\•l 11111, .. ., 1111 "''' It'\ l\ ,.,f 11111 1 111 111 1,...,, I~ 111 11111111' H• p 1d1li1 .111 I"' 1d1 1111.d 1111111 ,, ,,. 111 ( .olil••lllltl \\ii 11.0 t 111 I "111111111 111 \I• lcl 1 lto 11 pc 1·11·111.ll!I''> 111 t 111 f11l lll1!.tlt \\ 111111 I \\ 111'11 II lfl11f1.d I •Ill\ I 1111•'11 llttlt 111!( .. ,1l 11llJ1d I l..t.11 cl11.., I 1111 Qp1n1on'> 1•xpr1 '""Cl on thr 'P<lff' aOOv•• ,u1• lhov• ot th .. ,),1t1v 1'11111 11111 r ""'""'" • • prc'""d on lh•'> Pdgl drt lhO'..• Ol lhl:'•r dUlllOI • c1nel art• I R».JU• I '"""'""I I ... 111>111 eel AcJCln ..... Th .. Ddoly Pt IOI p 0 tt0l( t Sl>U ()')Id M ... " I /\ I/DJ(, f'hutll' I /11 bJJ 4321 L.M. Boyd/ Dope' Q Wh1<.h <amt· f11,l. tlat· \\11rtl "d11t14·" as in 1gn11ramu:-. 11r • tl•>IX:· .1s 1n clruw:· A A s 1n drug ... Tlw 11ld Dut1 h r Pl1•rr1·d l11 Hw st11 k ~ dollop lh<il rl':o.Ult1·d from h1•a1111g o pt lirn a' "d11op " L;1 tr•r. t h1· "10-,1d1• clop1· .. ;1llud,•d to knowl1·d~1· 11! wh11 h 1'1tlt•hor'lf•'l hud h<•1·n druggt•d "l>orw" as 1n 1gnoramu'i 1•volvl'd 111 1dl1nllfv '>CJmC'hc1 d v who at'l1·d ai:. Lhoulo(h druggl'd N o t all womt·n who 1•nga~1· 111 noonllm<• affmrs an· .1warf' 1,. fl!n· tlw fac:l thill thPY 1ntf'nci to do ..,,, Unumsc10us tfc~tr<· <'V1d1 nth h.1 .. mu<.h t.u do with 1l 011r Lovt• an~r W.1r me.in says thl'y m;cv 110\ 1•v1•n n ·,1h 7l why on c·c•rl<ltn mormn~s tlwv c ho1N lo we>ar th<.·11· pn·llH..,t undt'rthin~ ... Q I bet you tan't 1rnn11· tlw ra<.·c>honw th a t traint-d on du<. ks' 1·1u~i- 11nd be<>r A Clearlv, you b<>t lo ngshot.s Thr· ho1'M! Ntt•kC'I Coin wmi o lon~shot ·10 to on<>. But tl won the Grnnd National SlN!pk't·h ase in 1951 Clsin1 O RANG E COAST Daily Pilot .. Dutch WJ'> ii h.td 1111 It ii 111t d111 k-.' 1'~'1-:' ,11111 l)M'f, .1t1d "''"" t'\<'11 he ltt\!'cl ti Al11•,11h II P"' ''"I 111.11 ·' ""''''Ill.Ill 1111 .rn, It• ' g11111g 111 re Ion· \\ 111•11 ht• ''"' l.1·'11 ftlll l 1111 p111 .. r.111t•d \11 ml'nt11111 . th1111 glo the• • \jll • ''"'" 11r1gin.1lt·d """ 1111 lt.1111111111 \\hit nwant 1h1 · ,,1111!' th111g It 11·t1·n• d 111 r111l111g lit• Jllll' '" 1111111 11pl1 lite r;11lrw1d 1a1 .., 1111\\ 1111• pol111 • 1.11111 lt • .ulopl II 1 ... u11k1111wn \.Vr 111· .... 1 111o1n 111 tit• 1111ddl1 \'t ·"' H.111 I\ d o \·011 I 1 ·1 I '11111 .iw .,,., 111111 Ii ,,, Y. ltt·n 'e11111 kit! .i...k' '"" I In\\ 1111111· I h1 \ 1 ill '11u He d'" ' ~J t.,IUll k \\ h.11 -, tlw 11111\ /,11(1!,11 11.!ll lh.ot d111 II I h ,1\1' .1 ll\llll' t·n ·.1turt lor 11' ,y1111Jol' A Libra With 11' li.11.1111 ,. ".111• 1>111 I lc·ll YOll 1111111· g111111 .m1m.1I ,1n• kallc·d hy 1·a1 !I th.in h v ~1111'' Ovl'rWt•1~ht f)l·oplc· 1111111• 11 •,ultlv lo(t'I '>t'l\Sll'k I h,111 I h111 f1t'llpl1 Thoma • P. Holey , ' , , Jone Amari l··· • "' l '' t Barbaro Krelbich t t•i 111 ,. ( t1 Thomas McConn I ~ I,, , ~ U~ VO<Y WELL lRAINf.~~•. ~ ll«:U3l.£ M All. BUT AS ~ llf NTING UIM ON SUNDAY, I MUST ltLL '>W WE'V~ AL.Rf AOV Rf!.EIVEL> VON ~IG~ BIVS fRoM TI.I[ <iRH.N BAY PACKERS AND Tu[ L A. l<AID[l<'S Uk:raine: \VAS I llN< ;·1'< IN Thi n ·al 11 .. 1:-.1111 l••I tlw K11111li11111-.11g.1tt-d11.11kd11Y.111111 h1l.111d ,,.,,,.,<'IA 1l·p•11h :-.ugg1·,1 ''"1" 111 p11•\1·111 1h1· S11l1 d.111t ) 11111\l m111t li t1IJI "f1!1·,1d1ll/( lll lli1 fl ;.ll\'I llkl,tllll lli.'>lJ• \Ii• -.;,,," 1 l 1111ttl1 )lol'I fl1~1 !Il l' 1;dil1•' 1111111 l\lu"O\\ 111·111•111 .ill\ 1111 h111t '''P"' l" 111 ..,,l t11" ;111d )11 lllt'<;f do lllllll'•l l otllllll' Ill \hi l 'k1 .tllll B111 1111 1111 11111-.t p..il I thr..,.. h,1\'1• lw1·11 sp1111l.111• 11lh u11u111rc11n..it1·d 1n11d1 111' th.ii \\'t·I 1• Cjllll'kl'.' ... u pprt'\"•d lJ\ I h1 .111lh•111l1•' And th;.ct"' thr· \\,I\ 1h1 K1 , 1t1l111 11it<'11d-. to kt l·p 11 "A f' I E fl Tll E Hu-.-.1,111 H1 puhli1 1 ht'l I. tl1• 11 ,., '"' .01 ... 1 111 1h1· S11v11 t .. n 1p111· 1111111 1111p11rtr111l tu l\.lu'>'l.UW tit.in tilt I k1 .11111 ,, l11fJ o;c'< 11 I t'IJ\ n ·prn t point-. fll}1 '" 1 1" t h • 1 • " 11 \ " r t'.1 \\ h • 1 • · 11.ol1t111.d1s1 I• l\111 h.,.., p1·r'1't1·d \\llh 1111111 do to 11111J1iolH111 ind \\ ht•I 1• I ht l•'l•ll.111 ti ..... 1111111 ... 111l.l~11nlv rt'"""d il1•1.11l1 "' .ollt·m1•''"' l<u-.-.1(11,1111111 n .. I h.1 .. 1111.111 ... """'''''I har.ll ll'l'l"olh' \\ h11 h 1.1k1 11 l11Kl'lh1·r . ~1vt· t h 1·n1 " 11111q11 1 l'"'111l•ll Jn11111fo( S11\·11 1 n11111111111..," ''''"''tilt'< 'It\ r1•µ111 t. whwh " ,.., r, '11 \\, d lo\ 111\ ,,.....,,111.1\1 Dolt \'iill .\.lt...t._: £.•lllt.. ••l tlr1·" f1 .olurt•'> tho I 1, I 11 'I \'I 11 I ~ -:-:1-·l l.1"7 (' kl J I 0 I ,, II I" ·Jual.1111111 1lw 1·nt111inll1 "g111111 .1111 1· 11! I tu II .ti I ' 1 ho 111 ... 111111.d 11111K•'\'ll \ 111 lht l'k1 .i1111 ,,., ,, d"lllll I l'lhllll lllllllllllllll\ , "" 1 "•ll ,,f .111 111d1·p• 11<11 nt 1 ultur .I Soviet trouble spot lw11t.1g1· ,111d 1h1· L'kr .. Hn1 ·, ... u-.1 ·1 J•lil1alll\ 111 \\'1·:-11·111 n il1u1.tl 11d l111•tw1·' ''''"Id "'t'lll lll llH'lf',"l tl11 · ;.!11111 \ 111 1111• ll kr.1 1111.1no; l o 11·s1sl H u.,...,f,,,,11111 p11· ... ,u1 , . .., A11.11, ... i... .JI"' p 1111t1 11u1 '""'· l1k• Jl11J t11d (11{ \\ h11 Ii 1111 \'.'1,11 I ft lkl :11111 JACK ANDERSON \\ .1-. .1 p.1rt lwf1111 \i\'orlcl V•.'.u 11 t I ho l 'kr,11111 li,1" l..i1~1 tron .111 I 111.il 11111,..,.. "I hcN k1111b o f 1111 llt,lllL'" hLi\'t' t'll'ot\• d tla ..,,.1111t -.tit!.:. 111 l.1bu 1 pr11hlt·11" ,,... '111 ·, did 111 l '"l"nd · 1111\l•d 11111 • >-111 11 '1 rn ludrng lo111g h11u1.., "'' 11.1\ \\t • k" ,111d 11 1,...,Jl l• Wtll k111Ji( 1 r111dl ll1tll"" 11 \\ill I>< .1 1•111t 111li. n ·d l~h•I ~11lld.u1t\ 1 .. ~.111 ·" .. I.ii j '" 111" \' ' rn t II l II " 1 • ' II .. II t I ( ·1111111111111'1 Uf•l ,...lllJ.! 111 1111w 1111· ;u1.1h-.h '>llg~1·,l1·d 'I Ii• 111111111 111uld dt·v1·l11p' .ino1111~ 1111 l lk1 ;11111an:-. t11 m111.it1· S11l1ch11 11, \\'hilt· th1· Llk1 .11111.111 ( 'om111u111 ... 1 I''' 1' tllJ''''·' priv1l1gtd 1>11~1t1on 111 th•'°'"''' 1 l'111111l .111d l1k1,11ll1Jfl' ,11 1• lrt ,do·d 11•1 a1~ .ol1111"1 1·11u.ol f, 1<11111g ':' llh Hu'~'·'"' Ill I t·U Utl1111•11l (111 lttp )'1b" tlw~ ,111 ,11Jl 11111 \1 u-.t•·cl 111"1tho;L..1nd 1ht '>lr1 n "•llJ..'. 111 I kr.11111.t11 n,1110 11,ol,...111 1111 < J,\ ''I"'' """ ., Ttw l'oh..,h tr 1-11-. ".1 .. n I lltt 111 .. 1 11111• 11,. 1~1• 11d111 Ii.id t,HJ-..t tu v.u1rry aboul 1111· t:k.1o1111" In IH41. U kra inians \',• 11 .. ,.., d ll11lo·1 · "'"'"ling troop!> with II•·.•.• 1 '"" It •ii• d tlw111 <i'-llbcrc.llor!> 111111, !»1,.l111 .11111 1111 Hu-,-..ion o ppn.'SSOrs. l k.1 .. 1111.111 \t•llllilll'r'• f .. u~hl lhl'm with 1J,.. r,, '"""' o1)..(,1i11-..l tli1· H1-d Arrny 11, I 11111 1111 d1·11..,1\1 folt•Jr in the Ki< 11ol111',, d1•• 1:-.111n to invad e l '111111.-..1.,,,,k1,1 w ,,., ft·or lhat the ltl111.d11111g • lf11b 1,f tht· ·Prague ,111111~: "1111ld •.p1 • .11J ,;1 rir...., thl· border 1111•1 1111 I 'k1.11111 ,\nd four \l'dr!> lall·r , I 'lo .11111.111 I"'' I~ 1,.,.._, 1'1·tr Shc·lt~t wa-. ''"'\'ti \' h• 11 II•· -..hoY.1·d ,, ddngt·rou:. "11rl1 111 \ 111 i.:11 • ,,.,, t111 l,;kr<J1n1an 11.1111111 1li I 11• 1el1 Ill' 1111·. \1 \"' \\Ill) 1tllo(llH1 n·d Shc·il~t's ti ,, 111 .ti ., ,, t 111 111 .1d 111 th1· KGB in 1 I , 1 ' K 1 .1 1 11 • \ 1 1 ,cl \ Va" 11\ t• v I c h I• ,j,,,, 1,11~ 'I lo1111~h .1 l 'k1.;11H;;n ·he· had II• Ill 'I "h• 11 I' ljllJlm ... ab1JUl 111•1• '" l•I' l kl 11111 Ill .1 ... p1r<1t1<1nl> With II td ~I oli111'1 t '11hfi '"111''-' N .. 1 111p11 1111•1\ }nl1111huk· ... hard- 1111•' !>.llfll'" so.;11111 111 tht• L:kr a1nc· c•ndeared 111 , '" I.• ••111.t H1' 111111 ,. hunM·lf an .il1111 11 1 I 1111' l kr.11111.H1 ,;pparatus ~ 1 ""' .~ '"'" Ii• .111' th1 l'tll1rt· Soviet K<, II \\ • ·, r 11 11tl• llli.:1·111 • .it1C1lys~ note gl m 11, ,1 .11t\ '""" "ho put doWn-tl s , ,,·11 1 •' pl• "IJ,q,l1h '' 1JI hot unllk<'ly to h.olk o1' 11 111111: .i...,..,,,J, 11 1 throughout the !-\11\I• t l'nt• II \111J 1'1.1! 1:-. J>fl'\t~·ly v.hal lt.1p1n 111111' A barrage of insignificant law \\ •I • • \' I .1l I I . ,..,,, ,, , ,. ,, ''''"'' 11.111 II 11' "II 11 •11111 I" 1. td 'I lo• 1•11\1 "'''' l1o1, Ill d.o\., ,ol It I ,11Jy,ut ll.11,1•11\ 111 '.\ .Jdt l11l 1HI).. I. lltt 111 .. ""' I I 11111tlll. I ..... 11111•111 .. "'"'" .. 11 111" d•• k .011.f .tf'f''""' "' I")'" I Ilic 111 1\ I I \ I''' "I 1111 1111 ·•"Ill°' ht 1!,1-. •'l'I""' t-.t l'""·1rtfc; l t n.41 lnr thf i,1\\ 111.d<t 1 111 111 ai.: .i t.11111 .1 ... tho\ t.olltft•llJ.'11 f,.I II l L. tllllll T II E I· <\ l' T I s I t. ' I 1 II 11.. " f I 1 ... 1. 1•hl.i111111 .1d11pt•" ,.., llll1tlht·q11t 1111.cl i\.1111111 I ltotfl~t ·, Ill 1111 l.1\\.., fll\ ,,...lll 1'' 111 '"'"'I 1·11111, 111 I"' \Hiil"" fl·'''"' 11111 ... .111 .t 1 11111ll1l11d1 111 lt111111Ill\\11 " 1111 .1s111 t " I 111 t 111 111 111 I 11 111 1111 ,,J 1•<1\t I foltlt 111., ,ti 1 \ll "tl111111tl.tlll I',\ I II 1111 !1 l't"l 1111111 \\hit lt \\ill Ill' "·'"' d ..... '111.q111 ... 1111·\ 1•1111 llh. , ... 111 dllllllltl ... 1111 I II I 11111·1 ltt'\ oltl ... 1 11 f.11b flt J•lll\ldt ,1 l1111g I• 1111 '"111111111111 d1 .ol \\tilt ltl I l1lo llh Ill '11 I I I I ft,111 fl 1. • 111 tt ' I l ,j \\ "" .. oll1d,tl1olJ I• •l1tli11 tll Ill lit• ... 1.111 . :\1· d1 c .. 1 I''"~'·''" I• ... lilt"~ EARL WATERS I 111m 1111 ... m.1n.1gl·m1•n 1 .111d fr.1 ud. tltt l,1\' 1ll .. 1k1 ·i... 11,t\'I' ,11l1·111pl1•tl l11 hn11,I.! tho progr,1111 und11 1·01111111 throuRh 1h1· llf'.Jl11111 of J "' l'o..illnl 'fllt•d11al 11.11 • rl11 t1l1•<1 '" lu 1 llltll ,11 l Wtlh l\ll'fiH .ol I ,jf I' p1II\1111·1' It '' .J tlwo1 ~ \ t•I to he 11111\l•d l'11 hlll pl ''''l" c n ·,ullld 111 -.11111•• )l.llt h "11rk 111 tl11 111111111.11 l,t\\.., ltu1 11 "·" nnt • 1111ugli toi "''''I' 1tw l.1\\ .• ncl <II d(•I l1·~1 ... l,1l1tl '> \\ h11 '!•1111~1 I Id ,Ill Why do we eek divi io11? C >n1• quot..1t11111 that I hav<• < hl'n~lwd 1i.·rh"P' rno n • th<m .any othc•r 11v1·r th•· Vt'tlr~ I ;1rn(' r r11111 Irwin E<lm;m Ion!( .11-(0 \\ht 11 he wa-. -..1111 '"·" h1ng .. 11 t'olurnh1;1 111· ... 1111 "Ttw world " ch vtClt•tl 1nt11 tw11 kinds 11l 11t•n plt• th11sf' wh11 d1v11l1• lh1• wrnld 111111 lWto kmrf.., 11f 1)(·opl1., and thost• who dm1't " 41111• ;iparl Cr11rt> lhl· "''" rt'fll'XIV(' Wtl of 1111<. 11•111,1rk 11 1s J>t•rh'<'Lly tru1• that .1111111,1 .ill 11f us rin· 1o1u1l1y of tlw. nwnt..11 SYDNEY HARRIS .tnd mrn al s 111 !If d1v1dtng humantty 111111 Our Suri and TllC'tr Sort Ttw d1v l!\1ttns ('an be of any k111d nw1.1I, n ·llg1ous. nnllona l, S<'XUal, soc.:1al, intl'llt'l.'lUUI. p«i>ht1cal EvC'n invalids t<>nd to dlv1clt' 1lw world Into Rick pl'Opl<' und w<>ll ix•o ph·. Young pcopk. of l'OUrst', rcf(urd tlw e>Vl'r :lO da11:1 rt1' 'T'lw Otht•rs, tf 1101 ,..., Th<.• ~:n<'my Anti v ill111ot1•rs ltkl'wtst• Rk1•w l he lx1pul11t1on into Cou!"lry ft'olk nn<I C ity )N1ph'. 1111 1( c•at·h wen' a homogt'n rou1' ftl'<>Up, on<' posst'f!Ring oil the homely v1rtu<'S, ond th(• othrr a t.'CliSpool of vk-es. Only u m inority n 111nnll minority In t•wry ngt• has rPfuscd lo mokl' th •st• d1v1~1011•. Only ll fe>w l~k<.' p<.'?plt> wh,•rP ond how thl'y find th('m, judsang th<'m not by 1ome portic ul r or pnrochlal 11tu11dord , but by o broadf'r human • m1•a<;un•mc·nt Lhat t•111omp; • ..,..,, . ., th1• ,,.. hoh• ~J>l'l.'l<·s of mc1nktnd This 1i-what Edn\.\n mt•;mt Ii\ lh• st'\.11ncl group, to wlm h h<· l:x•h1ni.:nl 111 1•vt•r y e ra known Lo history. 1t ha:-. l1t.'t't1 .1 sm:11l group. and 1t doc~ nol ..,t'\'111 t11 I~ J(rowing largt·1. dt•sp11t· tht· fol I th.it tlw world l!'I l(l'tll11g snwlkr d11nugh 1h1• :-. p 1· c• d .1 n d 1• u s 1 • 11 f t r 11 v l' I a 11 d 1n t<·r l'ommuntC'a t 11111 T II E R E SE E M S t 11 h 1• '11 m 1· primordial 1wt•d in tlw hu1m111 anim;1I 10 1cl1·1111fv with d ~roup 1h,1l n·pn·...c·111s ,, -.uh,p1•1 II'"· CV(•n thnugh Wt ;11 I h111lc1~1l·allv nm· kind A psyl holoj.(11.11 drtV<'. ,1., V<'l un1rlt•n11f1<•d , st c·ni-. 111 1•11mpt•I u~ 111 dl\·1dt rl1thl'r than u11111• t'\'l'll thou~h tn lhi-; c•ra. ,,.. ,. a11• pmnfull;. ,J\.\ ..11 c· th.ti .111 of mankand ,.., 1111 ttw s;.1m1· ttny s1>-1t·Psh1p whirhn~ llkc .1 SpN'k of du. ... t th111ul(hnut an 111fm1tc <~-ismo<1 Sonwhow this 1s too mur h for our 11nug1na11on to grasp or a(.'(:ept, 11nd "° "'t• r <' l r t'<I l 1 n t o mo r c com (or t fl h 1 c• ns11un\pt1ons o f idC'11llly W <' d<•(i1w o unwlve11 by partial nllegian<.'<'S whlch soon lx.~imc predominant Only o f(•w hundn-d yN1rs ago. tht•n• was no 111ul·h thing as a ''Fr<>nchma.n" or an "lt.allan," ext'C.'P' in a brood geographical sens.., today. m ilhona w ill (lghl and die for sul't1 t111tlonalll'lltc obslro{'tlons. Mc.n connot give up one Identity (lh'· "Breton" or the "Venetian '') without ndopllng t.nolhcr lle need.1 aomt•thlng lorgcr tbnn hlrTUtclf. but lC!Ut thun the whol,•, to feel I\ part of. It 111 th1!l Moduru vc.-and l~•'choroUJ trait \.hut may In the end prove ou r undolng and doom u to extl~tlon as a apl'dn. .. j, I ,\I'll l 111111 \\hid\ \\ •'-' ti, \• 11 1 111 .lt1111 hut -.u ll i 11 11 11 ti• t 11tU t' \I' 111 l•C;.lll" "' p11l11ic f"''''Ul1• lht• 'I 'h I 11 'I "··· It· I l.1\l ... '" dt·.d "1Lh It•"''" Iii• 1''"''11111 '"th that l1•p1 l.111 '', 1t..11 I!• 11111• , d11w111111 t·\·c rv 11 l\' 1 \\ h11 r.c"' ''" ,111 .tic qhnhr ht'\·C'ra~,: . 11111 111-.1 • 111 d11111k I 11d1 I 1h1 · l:ow ''''"'" \\ 11!1 ,, I ll ,lit 11lt1tlu l1l11od lt•\'t•I IS .1/J llld~1 d .J1 U1th \\ 1111 Ii 111 l'llUI "I I!> 1111·d11 •• lh 111111111 1111 ,., .. 11111' kn11\\ 1h1s "1111 It ,.., 1111 11 ""''1 1111 111" p1·n..ill11•s .111 l.11 lo 11t.111 tlw\ o,h1111ld h1· for thi,.;e "Ito•·'" 11 ul\ dt 1111k .111tl d11 v111g I{! ... .i, .... t ll• I I·" p1111>11 Lil 111\l ll\'l'll Ill .111111 ·"' 1111 111-. " 11111 '" mu1 h th.at a "'"' I h.1 ... l~·t II dr 111k11w l1ul th.ii ht IS 11111111111111•ttt lo cl11\1 In tho f1r-.I µlm•t• l It I cl I h I l.1 \\ 111,1 kl I ' m <I I.. I th(' I 1 (111111 1111'111' ft11 drJ\ 11 .., Ill l'll'ot'<. f;1r 1111111 rH'•" th•• o1111d1 11l 1.1l1·s will • • 1111111111 ,,, 1111 11 h11-:h h 't b n gardlc·ss 0 1 "h.11 l.1\\, .111 f>·"" "<I r 1 ~.t1 dang drunk cir 1\'11t~: l'1•tl1odl!\ 1h1 m11 ... 1 ''~ntftl·a nl h ~· 1,l.1l11111 l'•"''t cf \Ao ,cs l h,1 I \ti lnlTl'aSt' 1h1 lt1111i... 1111 \\111knwn 1wn 1~·n-,at1on ,1\\ .11.t ... Bll' • \t•n 111 1h,11 tht· o;olons r, I 11 'd 1 11 1, \ 11 \\ th1· "ho lt pri,gram o111d • 11111·1 t •. ,,.,ltll.I! 1111 qu1111•!; to the '11111111\f '" .111d 1111 • mpl11v1•1·s \\II\ I' Tiii'. :--1•::0-SI<" I'''"'' ti 1s that t \I I '11111 tho .1d\'l·lll lll llH lull \101{' l1·~10,l.1llll • 1 ltt l,t\\olll,1ht IS IJ,:\'1' l>t'l'OOlf' "'' •)111 "'"' " 1111 ll I .111d nlOI ,. llll'apublc· 11t dt';ol1111' "Ill> 1111 i-t.111:, prohkms 1111' '1111ld 11 '1 ""l'll adopt a -;,111 ... 1.111111 v r• ·;q 1p111 t111111111•n1 plan The .1111 th•' did 1•.1-.:-. \\,1-. .,., mllr<1~<'0Usly I'• 11\111.111d1 11·d th,11 th1 \'11\1•1-... ICJN.:tl.od 1111\II\\111 11111111!1' A· Illa 111.1 11.1 1.(lllJ.! I he • 'tatl''s f1scat 111.111 th1· p.1ttl1\\111k budlo(l't~ pu~ 111..:' 1111 1 1h11111•• tht I'·"' 1w11 H·arii hav<t 1 .. , n "'lt11.11111.1lh u11i.11u nd thJl a ens1~ 1 .. 11111" .d11 .id "h111 111 1·1'th1·r !\tale J.!"" 1 rn111 111 \\ 111 l1t l111tv<l to tac<• up to 1h1 111 1·cl for nits or tlh puhltC' will be .... 11ldl1 ·d \\tlll 1·\1 n 1111111· '''"'"lo satisfv I he "Pt 11tl111~ th11 ''' 11f tht h•g1slators - lilOllY Sii Tlw d1von•t• r;1H• M'l'm' to lnd1r111t• lt>d.iy'i.. Vt1t111~ p1-c1pll1 have• l(•Vl't'l\~ t lw o ltl w .1111101-1 ""<l "11•111> lwfQl'l' tlwv l11uk ' ,· Cl 11\NGINC TIMES OIH"'Y CO... C•-M• •tt •-lttff W _.. ..... ~ _ ..... 11, ,. .. , •• ,,. ., ... , ..... ,.. .. __. --,_ ... ........ 0'-Y 0,.., D•llY 1'11 .. Orang Coftlt DAIL V PILO I /Mondoy, Octobnr .ii . 19Q2 1 •ANN LANDERS •ART HOPPE •ERMA BOMBECK Preventive surgery can reduce • • anx1et1es DEAR ANN LJ\ND~~HS: I must suy NC 1111Nl11n~ to that man wh084."' wl(L· Is l'oniodL·nng huvintt hN hcolthy tso for) hrcust.-. n•mowd surg1n 1lly lx'<'UUlil' or the ins&iunc.'(~ of breast 1.'llnt't·r an lwr fomaly T know only loo w~ll how that wom:u\ Ct't•ls be<.•ause 1. Loo, come Crom ii. high-risk fomaly I lost my mother, fivl' aunts (ult her sisters), iwo (irst l'()Usins and I hove had u double mfl.Sll'l'twny My ' POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRll;..l:-IANT l 'M CON DUCTING A SURVEY - AR~ YOU IN F AVOf\. OF ME 1 r1.1d11.·11J m11i<l.t'1..'lo111y Wll'< JJ1•rfur111t'<.I loUJ Vl'lll 1> 118" 1111cl I hi· lit'l'olld br·t·ulit. wu1> rcniovt·d 'h11r1 ly 1h1•1'l'll(kr Uli II pn•vt•OllVI· rnNoSUf't'. I doll'! blunw tlw w11m1111 (ur ht•111~ 1!•11 1111.:d llt·r hu11bund 11houlel 1 ry tu undt•1'Sll1nd h1JW Jo!fPlll thut f1·ar is Tltt•11• has bt-.•n trt·nwndn11:-. µro~r1•:0..' 111 tl11i. lwld Ill lhl· Inst (L•w Yl'ilrl> I havt• r·t-;1tl 1ha1 su1 ~t·oni. at l' n·moving brt·ust 11ssul' us .1 p1 1.•vt•1 · mt•ui.un· and pull111gi 111 saht·um• implun~ whc lht• 't:U:.t 1s 11.01 dast_•ast'<.1. This ll•tiVl'll I.ht· wuman it.h 1 u·11111I looking brcmils u ~udst·nd to t :1• w u :11't• dastrt•sst.•d about the poss1b1lity 11f mulllutwn lt'b too lat,. for m e . l must nuw, look into br1·as1 rL·t·ons1ruN10n, which has proved to b1• hl~hl y sat1sCal·tory if well done. but the imph1111 1s a lot t•aswr. Plcaiw. Ann, t'ht."<.'k with yuur l'XJ>t:rt.' .. nd l•·ll m<• i( my information is t:oa'rl'<.'l. If 11. 1s. do pui-s 11 uc1 REEN TllEHE AND KNOW THE f<'EJ\H DEAR 8 .T.: According to Dr. LaSalle Le ff all Jr., oocologic surgeon and professor at Howard University Medical School In Washington, O.C., your Information Is corret•t. Or. Leffall said, "Patients wilh strong family histories of brea st cancer who are at risk can have removal of breast tissue on both sides and repla<:emen! ~i&h sili<.'one ~ AllN WIDEIS Implants. The cosmetic results an• ex-n•llcnt. 'I has surRlcul procedure Is immensely ut1e ful for hil(h· risk women who a re apprehenslvt• and depre11st•d and can fi.Jld little joy In living bc<:a u11e of u pathological fc.>ur of t•ant'l'r. On balanc·c. thc/cat•c of mind Is worlh lhl' lime, trouble 11 n d i'i- <·omlort." J>f<:AH ANN LJ\NDEHS Th" lt ·11t·1 fr11111 1111 w11111an whu w:mh·d 111 know why l11•r 11t11ugli ts tu1·1wd to g111 nm1my 111 tllt' 1111ddll· of h>Vt•11wk111g n1.iy h,1v1· s111Jml1·d 11rt thl' w.dl 111 ~mw of your n·u~l1·1s, hut I knuw <·x..i~·tl y how -.ho· f1·lt I .... twwt'tl that l'Olumn lo 111v hush;1111I anti iu · ro.111'!1 Wt• liulh renwmh1·11•tl 1h1 f11 sl night 11( ou1 h11111•y1Ho11n lh-w:os 111·rv11u' and ~1 W.ts I In th1· 11111ltt'l1 · 111 •1lir lovC'1nak111g ht• -.udd1·11ly .1sk•·d. "II (:1'111'1.d M.1tA1tltu1 w1•e•· aliv1· l11d.i y, how old w1111ld ht·•ht·'."' I 111ld lt1111 I d1d11'1 lt,1v1 tlw ,(tgt111 ·,.t 1d1 ,,111111 tu pit .1:-.i g1 •1 tw. 1n111d 11.tl'k 011 wh.1 1 ti .. wai. drn11~ I 1.ik•· tlw p11p1 1 h1•l'0111:-.i• 11t yuc1, A11n K1°\•111111 k1 • 11111i.: "" M l<S K IN SJ>OK AN f<: .... BEAil MHS. K: If vour hu11bund 'hould osk th4' 'an11: question agtcin lh1~ yvur, lhc nnswl'r Is "102 ycur., uld " p1-:/\H ANN I .ANIJ1<:1<s My hthha11d .111d I <li t' pla11e11ng ll ll'IJI 111 l'u11111 v .. 11i1rla,1111r l11 st tu lhal p:111 ul th1 · wol'ld I l'i.1Slh1lly 11u·11t1111wd II tu ti rru·11d ut work w ho I'> d1v11ru ·d A ll·W d.1vs lutt·r 'he· a:-.k1'<l 1f I would 111111<1 1 I :-.lw a11d lwr g11 I I rn·111I look tlw Sitnlt' d 1;1111·11 'tl fhgtll I -.t11d. "01 t 11111'1(• llt>t .. Thi· l11f111w1ng "'-•·•·k 'ht• 11,lc.J 1111· llwv hJd 111.1n.1g1·d 111 g1·1 111t11 1111· ..,;11m• h111t·I my ltu:-.liu11cl <•pd I wt•11· ~l<• y1 ng a I ~:v1 •1 v day :-.Ill' nw11t11111:-. what .i 1t•1e1fll' llme• w1 .•r•· g11111g t1; 1i.,v1· 111g1·th1·1 Mv hu-.1>:111d h.1., 1nl111 nwtl 1111 th.ti h1· lias 11•1 d1 ·..,11 1· 111 1111'lud1• th1·....i · twu w111111•11 Ill 11u1 pl.111' I It· w;111I!> tl11.., ltJ Ix· ·• s.'t11nd h111lt'v1110011 I f1·1·l 1·x,11 ll y ·" ltt d111·:. I lo\.\ nlll I lt·ll lit·r Ill <1dv.11111• lu lt•,J\'I' u' :il11n1 ;• (iOI N(i BONKEHS IN {'/\Llf<UHNIA DEAR BONK: No need to tell htr anything. HOIOSCOPE Son's 'hotel' a ripoff Make plans for the coosomc l~osome and hold out, at all costs, against being roped into a boresome foursome, evt'n if it means saying. "Sorry, we want to be a lone." BY SIDNEY ~ARA Tuesday, October & ARIES (March 21 -Aprd 19): Huadbltx:k to finandal progress is rcmuvt.ACI Grec·n light flashl'S for approval o f funding M<tny person.., Jrt• :Jllr.1ctC'd to you, (ascinat.ed by your views and wall (ul(1fl your requests TAUR US (April 20-May 20): ll1 ghltght Independence, c:reativily. initiative, originality and ability to get to heart of matters. You'll bt· <iskt'<.I 10 pani1.:ipale an a p1onL>t.•nng proje<·t. You t•an Wkt· steps wh1l'h add to maturity and lt•avc behind dependents more dc>slrut·uvc than t•onslrut·l1vt· Gl:MINI (May 21 -June 20): Oldt·r family membN takl'S unusual inlert>St in your :x·t1v1 t1t-s. You'll gt'l s tory behind stor y V1t al1 t y mak~·s comcbac:k. individual c:onfincd lo homt• or hospital can lx'<:omc valuable ally CANCER (Junt· 21 -July 22)· Wish <:Om<~ trut·, romance IS part of SC'Cnarto, (or('('S art• Sl'allt•rt"'ti bul yolf display uncanny · knack for pulling puzzle· pieces togC'ther. You'll know instantaneouslv what should bC' done a nd when to t.lo 1t • LEO (July 2:i-Aug. 22): You'll bc aske d w dismantle current projc'Ct initial gloom, how1·vt•r, will Ix· replaced by dt•served optimism. You'n• being given chant-e to revise. rewrite. polish and rind a more suitable structure. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis o n t'Ommunication, publishing. long d1stanc:es. ability tv proj<:ct future projcC'lS. Gain indicated through written word. Express yourself in unique· mannt•r, imprint your own styli? LIBRA (Sept. 23-0t:t. 22): Money o ( others may be of direct ronccm Emphasis on paym<•nt.s. colltx·taon.'i, tax rates. special license rc:quarc·menlS. One who would be a colleagUl' may lack emotional. mental and financial resources. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be a shre wd. careful obS<>rver. F<tmiliariz.e yourself wuh legal nuan<X'S, triC'k plays. feints and bobbing, Wl'aving tactics. Ont> who a1dl'd you in past 1s du(· to makf' reappearance SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-De<.· 21). You'll be doing personnel work, at least in connN:taon with hiring and firing. Commun ication gap will be dosed. Relationships grow stronger. commitments arc made and some of your associates become valuable allies. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19). You'll imprint style, you'll also capture pulse of publit• Exciting changes occur, romantic involvement as part uf scenario. Pleasure principle as heightened. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-F eb 18): Ro lC' s hift occurs: you no longer are c:onfined, restractl"Cl or denied right lo experiment. Make inquiries, communicate with those who previously s howed interest m your capab1llt1es PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Short trip 1s highlighted: you'll regain sense of d1rt>t'l1on . Change o! pat·e is neces....ary, mP<:ting with dOSt> n<•ighbor or relatavc proves benefkial I ntuitlv<' intcllt'<'l S<>rV«.'ti as reliable gutde. W t! had alw<iys hopt.•d our son, Murdr<'tl, would b t• e 11 ml' a d o l' tor A n d h l' d 1 d p 1 t• k u p u VN L•nn;.inan's lil'l'nst' along tht• way But ht· 1wv1•1 prat:t1c:c'Cl Instead, h1• <ll'<'idt'll to 0 1>e·11 a lx•tl and bn·akfost My dPar Wlf(!. Glynda. and I Wl•OI OV('f lt• surµr1 S<' ham the otht•r day by lX'l'Unllng om• o f hi:. fll"SI paying gUl'SL<; Actually, 1t was Wt· who Wl'rl' :-.uq.>flS4'<l wht•n we w<tlked 1n th«.' door lnslt'ad nf tht• l'OZY parlor Wt' had C'Xpecled. tht·n· wa!> a l<trgt• waiting n>nm wath rows of t•hromt•·and-plastit' t:haars fanng a dt•sk at wh1t·h S<t t a grim young wom;m Ill ;1 wl111t· j<tt'kl·t "Wt•'d hke a room for 1lw n1gh1." I ~1d "CERTAINLY," SHE SAID, hand111g 1o;1d1 of us a dapboard padded with forms. ".Just fill tht•St• out wtth thrc-e c:rl'dlt rt>ft!rt'nt'C'S. the· numt)(:rs of your ansuranl'l' polac:1L·s. your prt.•sent salant-s. why you wcrl' firt.'Cf from your last .)Ob a nd your ru·I fanant·ial worth. Oh, and do indut.lt• your rt•hgum. your next of kin and your broker .. "What do vou thank we are ." I dt·mandt·d . "dcadbea~?" - "Here is your pt•rsonal m1mcographt'll m1•1\u." she said ignoring nw. "Kindly mark your d101('('S " I lookt'Cf at tht· t•hoact>s: "Unidc•nt.tfwblt• :.ll'w. unidcnt1f1able goulash, or unadcntaf1abk• surprise Strained turnips. strained suCC'Ota.sh or rold mai.ht>d potatoes Ho t water. te a Clavorcd or l'nffrot• flavored?" "Thank you," I ~1d. "But l think wc·'ll JU1'l h::iv1.: brt•akfast." "Thal as breakfast," she• ..aad "Nl)w. will voll w<inl a sax -bed room or ::i four-l>e:d room'.'" "What would l do with six lx.>ds''" l J!okt'll ''Share them with favt• othc•r p<'<>plt•." !.ht-!>31d "Just a room for my wife and my!>t•U ," I s._i1d "Good heavens!" she said "WC' don't allow r.cxual tomminghng an a plal'C like tha~ Mt•n 1n om· room. women an anc>thcr and no hanky-panky Now then, sign here relievmg us of any rcspons1b1ht y for Hard) w ork can OEAR DR. STEINCROHN: In celebra ting bis &Otb birthday, my husba nd bas changed jobs. This is what worries me. He used to sit behind a desk all day. as supervisor In a large office. Although he never went into sports or exercises to keep fll, he managed to do so by 001 overeating and not smoking or drinking. He has prided himself on his fitness. So much so, that be bas laken a job that requires heavy lifting on a loading pla tfo rm. Why would be take this on at bis age? More money and promises he would be made factory manager. I've told him he should a t least have a ph)slcal to make sure he can take it. But be laughs it off with, "Hard work never kllled anyone." Don't you think he should be checked ? -MRS. G. DEAR MRS G . ll<ird work n m ht• killing Strt•n uous unaecustomt•d phys1C'a l exl'rlmn has k1llC'd many an appan•ntly h<'alt.hy man or wom<rn Fo r <'Xa mplr. such unat:t'USlOm<'d l'Xl•rtton as shov<'ling .s now haii f<>llcd mflny a "slrong" mim . !<U ff C'rlng a heart 8 ltot•k :ind sudctl'n cle•u I h AIT HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER m1:0..<;111g .•l'lld(·~ 11r or14t111:-. Ah, lwn· t•1mw~ L>o1·t111 now" nocTmt. HECK. IT WAS MORDRE D. "Wh:.il k1ml ul lx•d and -bn·akf.1st .1l'l' vou running h1·n·. M111dH·d'"' I d1·mandt'tl "Oh. I thought you km·w. Dad," ht· '-JIU "I d1'f·1df'd 111 1.•1111ver1 11 into a hosp1 t.1I 111~tl•ad All I h;;d lo du was tak1 • thl· paintings off th1 · w.111~. gi·l ntl of tht• <111t14u1_· furn1tun·, hooked rugs .ind quilt.<.. \ind buy :sonw um·11111lort.1hlt· l>t•ds and blra1gh1- h;1( k 1 hairs .. "Wht•n did VtJU d1.-c1d1· tu do that''" "Wht·n th~· pn·sadt·n t anr1ounn ·d hl• wao; eliminating ·1.·ostly and unnt'<.'l-:-.sary· rt>gu l:1111m' f1Jr hol>p1 t.1l:-.. ~ovt•rning :-.t:tff 4ual1fll'<1t1rms. food. s<>t.1al ~·rVll'l':-.. !klnll.illllll .and t he· likt·" "Wh<il du you knuw ,Jbout running a hospn..il'1" "llt•'b al ~o L·l1m1nu t1ng l·duu1t1onal fl'ljUlfl'lllt·ll~ for hospital udrnan1stratori>" "Bui you're· not evl'n an M .O. You're· :.1 vt•I · "Did I mt•flllon he• wa.-. luwt•rtng thc· t·nu.ona for tht• m1.·d1t.,.1I stafr' Anyway. who 111 a hospital 1·XJll'<'L' to st't' <t d1.)l:l11r? That'-; the l..i't pla<'t' you'd look " "Wo•ll. I hopi• you know what you'rt• doing, Murdn·d Hu t wh<:•t's Lht• d1f!<•rc·nl'l' bt•IWl•C•n a pl1·<1sa 111. h1111wy bNI ,ind brl'.ikfast and a 1·old. :.h:rtll• h11sp1talT Mt>rdr<·d mll1'tl .11111 ruhlx'<I ht:-. hand!< "About $2011 ;1 da v. Dad ... tw '>.JllJ Smart kid llt•'b dll t ud y fagur<.'d out that wht•r\t'\'C•t th<.• prt.>Sl<knt gN~ lhi: gov<'mm1•nt o ff our bil<'k~. Sflm1·body an th1· prtval"e S('("tor as going to d1mb on b e killillg rou1 HEALTH DR PE rER J STEINCROHN Ovt•n•i.t•rl111n on a JOh Ill lllh'l1S<' h1.-.1t l•lld high hunud11 y l'an do lht• sam" I'll ·hgr<·t· that thc-normal heurt t·an w1th:-.tand 1·x1·rt1cin But ynur arprPhcns111n about ."OUI hu-;l>:ind IS Wt•ll -founclt'<I llC't'llUSl' hl· rt'fUM"'i tn ll·Jrn wlwttwr his 1"w:1rl t·an "tJkc• 1t." Unrlt·r su1 h t't>11d1111111s. h.1rd work po~~ <1 lhrecil tf a lhomugh phy,1\,il c·h<'<kup n·v<'als d normal ht•arl. tlwn ht· hu-. fortt r 11-d hamst•I f nguinst u sucid<'n al tut·k Te·ll your husband that fcot•lang Wt·ll '' nn guar:111l1't' that t·oron:iry das..•aS<• l!>n't prc•iwnt Only ECGs ailll ulht•r L'Xam1n&t1on.s will r1·v1•al lh1• tr•ut• SIJh' uf has hN1rt It'" nut tru1· that lw1d wurk "nc·ver kill<'d ;rnynn<•" B ags take n out of dog house I'll lx·I VllU uld-ltllll'I .... llUI tl11•n • l<Jll ll'llll'llllx·t wliv1 1 :i d11ggy 1>.1g w.1:-. .1h11g1111Hw111ng" IJ11111· th:11 J>1•11pl1· t11ok h11n11 · fn1r11 lh1· 11·st.1ur;1nl to lh1·11 dol! Hov. 1h11M ._,.,.,,. 1h1 d.iv-.. \.l.\•1t•11'1 lh•·v·• I 11'1111'111111·1 wh1·11 Wt· us1 •I 111 w.olk in th1 door .ind lht· 1111111111· Olli d11g would..,..,. 1h;.1 111111 ll.1g \.I. llh ,1 p111u11 11( 111111-..·lf w1 lht l111lll ht 'd JU111p h1glw1 11>.111 1111 dt.Nll 11.11111 I It ' I 111.d I\ :-111,11 l<'llt d UP TllAT BAG'S NOT f'Ofl HIM. In fal't. Iii<·' 11· n111 , \t•n l1.1g ... .111\-1n11r1· Tl11·y'11• 1..11 t1111' nf l1 •fl11\e·1 d1''l' .. uo ·~, .. h .... r .. 1111g.1n11rf lllllJ lx:.•n' .oriel 1 h11.·kt.:ll ~·nd rlu111plillgs Th1·\0 11·thuk1·n w111g-.. ,, limp 1:1111. ,, h.tll l·Up 11f soup till• :-.l.1\\ .ond 111ld -.tnngl> 111 Fr<·n1 h ln1-cl 1.w1laln1.•:-. EIMA BOMBECK AT WIT'S END I c.on 11<• h1m1-s1 alK>ut 11 11ow. Our dog 111'\'t 1 ~1w ;1 pu-tl' 11f l'Clld l'hwk1•11 111 h1-. t•11lll t lafl f\, 1111 1111' 1111 a-.11m.1I slt•.1k bon<. lh(•J1· w1·n rule•, F11·,1 1•v1·1 )•Jill \\11Uld pl< k ,II th1· nu·.11 It fl 011 11 1111 .1 1·uuplo · uf dttY' Th1·n I'd s urrou11d 11 "'11h 1hn t • 4u.1rl' uf w,11<'1 , a fl'W l'~ll 1 ol,, 111\tull' .ind ('l•h I\ a11d rw1k1· v1•g1•tablt• !<oup On th<' fourth d,1y l'tl pla1·1• 1111' 11ak1'<l. wh1tt· bon1• on .1 pl.111· in !hi' m1clclli• uf 1h1• k1tl'lll'n rloor .ind :111111111111·,., "II v11u hue v 11 lx•f1111 I cl11. it', your'.. · · I 11· 1wv1•1 h.1d u 1 h.1n1i· 1>1111•1, UM•d t11 lw Pmh.1na'-"'<I ,1lx1u1 dugg\ li;1.,:s I \,m H'<·<•ll 11rd1·n11g m:-d11ld1t·n t11 Ill.• 'lilt' .ind .1-.k 1111 ,1 h~1g and wlwll 1lwy dad I'd hlush •111d ~y. "My WK>thwss You'n • 1\111 ..:rnng 111 (',1rrv honw th:il h,111 plait• 11f spagh1·1t1 .ind lnl'illhalls a11• you'' M111rn11v will 11l.1kl· VOll :-11111{• IWXI Wt-<•k If vou'n• 1h;11 liu.11gi'y Oh. wl'fl. 1r you 1t11nk tht• du._: ,,·,111•:1l 11'" TllAT'S WHEN ONE OF THEM \\.11uld ~•v. "I XK .... I ha I llll'.m Wl'0ff' going Ill g1•1 a dog'"' - T 11 cJ .i :'>' • d o g ~ v ha~!-. • 11 1 • JI as~ l' d o ll I J ~ ·11wl'h.1111(•11 ll v ,1:-. 1h1· lull S11nwh11w, I.ht• do~y h«R h.1s opc.·nt'll lht• door for guts:v d11wrs who ff't'I that evc•ry rC'StaurarH is a g1a11t takt•·oUI W1• snw un t>ldrrly l'ouplt· Il l a rll':ll b~ lht11ur:an1 lht• 01lw1 night S8<.'k tip ,111 lht• l'l'.1ck1·r .... on lht• 1abl1·. tlw brl'ad. p;11s or lmllt·r. sug.1r t·anih1.1:11d t'r<•.1mc·r-. and l1•ttu1.e• lro111 thl• rl'f1:.h 1r.1y A.-. tht•y pr<•p.m-cl lo go sht• f.m·kt'<I uµ 1h1• ·"IHr.1v Th•· ~v1111n•ss s;11d . "Don'I to·ll m•· v1111r dog snmkt•.., .. U11dau111t•d. lht· l'l<h·rlv woman loliSt'(J It 111 he•r h.1>.t a nd smrl, "Wl''n• trying to gt'l ham to qutt!" Q.1-Neither vulnerable, 11 South you hold: +Ql09643 V'K72 0 83 +75 T he bidding hu proceeded: GOREN ON BRIDGE Q.6 -1-:11 .. 1 \\'l''' \ ulm•rablt•, ll' ~11111 h \'OU holci • 10763 • 75 986 + KQJ7 Nortl1 EHt 8htla Wee& I <::i 2 + Pa11 S + Obie P ... 7 What action do you take? A. -First o( all. partner's double 11 for takeout, not penalties. so you must hid. Secondly, partner h&s dou· blt>d in the direct seat. so he is bidding from 11trength and Is not just com~tlng. Con aldering thost' (acts. you have an excellent hand ror him-a key honor in his suit and a reasonable six card sui t o( your own. It would be craven to bid anything less than four 1padtt. Q.2-East Weal vulnrrable. 11 S0titb you hold: +e ~· OAl752 +AQH32 The bidding hu proceeded: Welt N_.... Ea.t s .. th I + P ... I NT ? What action do you t&kt>'/ A. -If partner hu a flt for either or your mlnQr '!Ull'I, you can ct'rtainly ('nmpt>H• for & pBrlscor'-'· and cnuld evt>n havt' o game. Bid two no trump. Whrn common 'lt'hllc telli1 you that a no trump b11f rnnncH h11,v(' itii nn turnl m1·on ing, it 'lhould bt' ron'lidrrr fl a "unusual" -i.t' . a takt>out (or I hl' lower unbid suits. rr you had a hand ~trong enouKh to makl' two no lrump. you woulrl hn vl' d(lubled On(' no trump. Q.3-Both vulntrablt>. ns South you hold: •QM43 <;:)AQ OQ432 +KQ The bidding hu proceeded: 8nth Weft Nortlt Eaet l + PaN I NT ftaH 1 What action do you Lake? BY CHARLE S H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF A.-You have tht maximum that the law allows (or an opening bid of one oC a auit a nd you could preu on by showing your four-card dla mond •uit. But would that he wise'/ .Even I( partner h11 • n:iulmum 10 points. game i1 extremely doubtrul-you have no sourer o( tricks. What you do h•we,. IA. a pr,1ponderance of st rcngth In your 1hort suits. whirh weighs In (11vor of a no trump ~on1r4c;t. o w.-would pan and hope th11t partner C\tn makf' ont no trump. Q.4-Hoth vul n~r1bh1, iu South you hold: .AJIU ._,7 o IU92 +K83 Thf' bidding has procf'l•dt"d: N•rtJi E11t ~outlt w,.., PaH l • PAii• I NT Pa11 1 What do \'ou hid nol4 ·: A.-Ynu hnvl' l\n np(•ninl( bid. and 14(' ho vt> alwey" prl't11.'ht>d I hat nn opening hid ral.'lng an opener should pro c1urt' gaml'. That 14 0uld 'ug Jtl'•t B Jump to f'lt her I hrN• no trump or I hrcf' diamonds. llt•r(', h11w('vn. pnrtnl'r ha ~hown no grt•at llklnic (or your sull and you c1•r1olnly don't. rant'' hi-. &O It would hf' wl~to to prO<'eed with c1u1inn.' Our Clrat rholce Is t 14•4'1 diamond•. to try to rhcll a tpl\de prf'ft rf'ntt. Ntxl 11 1wo no trump. tr J•trlllt't puaes eltht-r oC t hMt hlds, we doubt that we wlU have mis rd a game. Q.5-Nt•llht'r \'ulnrrnhli•. '" !-louth you hold: •Q6 7642 ·>63 •AK854 Thr hidding ha!! proei•edrri: Wu t North £a11t South I " I • 2 (".' ? \\'hat n<'l 111n do you lllkt''' A.-Partnrr musl he• ~hort in hearts. but he didn't makt a t1keout double. Therefore. ht may have no support (or club• or simply 9 limited overcall. Bul he 11 marked with • rlvf'~ard or longer spadf! 1ult. In a compt'lltlvt 11ltuatlo n. w(' prefer ral1in1 partntr'J ault Ir we c:an. pe~lally If hi" i• a major and our• Is a minor. On lhis au11tion, your holdin1t or Q x Is 1d•~111te trump support. Bid lWO 8plldt'I. T h1' hirlflini.: ha• 1m11·1·l'Of'd: ~orlh F.a11t South 1 • [)bl~ ? \~ h111 srt 1nn iio vou t:1ke'' A. -ll:il'l ~:11 .. 1 not intcrh•rt·d. "t' "ould hn v1• rc:;pondrd Ont' ~padt• ~ow , htm t•vt•r. "l' flon'1 wnnt 111 intruilu1·t· .. uch I\ \\'(•:1k .. ult frrt•ly. r n~te:1d. w1• wnulfl rois(' to 1140 1·lubo;. H not hing l'I§<'. lh111 11hould hrlp p11rtn1•r to "rlecl n ,n(to oprninic lt•ad 1( t he oppQnrnl~ buv tht' hand and hr h11 .. to a1i11rk 111 th1• opening icun. Havf )'OU bu n runfthtl Into double trouble? Lt1t Charlea Gor•n i-.lp you llnd y-our way throqh tht •H• of 00ll8LE~ for ,. .. 1t1 .. aod l•r takeout. for a copy of Illa DOllBLE booklet, Mnd tl.8& t• "Goren·Ooublta," care of •hit ntw1paper, ll.O. BH 269, Norwood. N.J . 07148. Mab thH~k• pe.yablt to New1paperboou. L I Ornng Coull OAll Y PILOI /Monooy. Octobor 4, 1082 'Iron Annie,' once Hitler's plane, up for sale ... ) Ol'A LUCKA. ~·1u IAI'> It tllll't' l'Hl I U'(I Ad11ll I l1llt•1, SlJllk Ill th1· ll y w1111•1' o l .1 f Jiii d .11\d w." ob.mtfmll'd 1111 y1 .. 11 i. on 11 Jlllll.(I. 1111,11111111 ~:t·uud111 Nuw th1i. pr,. W111 Id W.11 11 JU ~:.! l11111111111 . k1111w11 ,,, "l1 11tl -Ao1111"" 1., 11p lor i.;1lt· lor :St7r1. 000 "I ' 111 Ke1111g l• • 1111s' 11." ,,1 Y' ~ M11rt111 Cu1dc•n, an .1ut h111 pilot • who hud thl• 47 Yl'Ur-olcl 1111•pl,111t· -rt•buill SI>< yl'ari. agu aftl·r huy111g It 111 197:-i fur $5:.!,!ltJO a "But at tlw monw nf. 11 1' too l"XJ>CnSIVI' flll llll' lO kt.•t_•p .. T h <· • • l ' u r r u g ,1 t 1• d ., condorrunium.'' as Ca1din """' ll. 1s one of thl· i.tbutt•'t a1rµlam·i. eve r bu 1 I t I t s 1,· r v l' d ;i ' a • commcrt.·wl a1 rhnl'r in Norway and was usl·d by the Gl'rman Luftwaffo during World War II The JU-52 was dl•signt'd by llug11 Junkl•rs of Gl·rnrnny in JY:H and was usNl 11s an airlinl·r 111 f1!"> C'OUrlll'll'S "h 's thl• safl•st thing yrn1'v1· ef\>r flown.'' says Tt-rry H1tll•1, ' who rebuilt lhl· JU-52 m l!J71i a pro.)C(·t lhal cost $27!">.000 ":o.k111" .11111 1h11 k \"'"I-I' ( '.11d111·, phllll' ....... 1i .. , ... It p.111111'11 \\1th Wiii 111111' 111lu1 ' d 111 k g11 ·1•11 \.\ 1111 lh1· lllHh·1-.11lt• ,1 11111111'" I 10! 111111. Althuugh "l1u11 A111111 · w11gh:. 1:1.7011p11u11<li.1•111pty .111d 1·!111 Cly With J J.(11"'-W1 ·1ghl 11f :.M .!i(l(I po111111,, 11 " ,1 11111• ,11111 I lu•ld .11111 :Ill t 'l'IW ,J LJ :>:.! 11' 1111l I 1"l I 1 1 I llli.• .,., at 1 :S~l n1ph. :-.la ll' :11 le·s,., 1h.111 711 mph. 1:-.11'1 pn·'-·H11'111·d ,11111 h 1101 11 q1111 ·1 ;urn al I "It'' v1•1 y 11111i.y li•>t wh•·ll 11·, leot. ll1ld wlwn 11 ·, n1ld." ,,,y•. H11t1·1 "Bul th.11 ·, I ly.11g II y1111 w,1111 1111111111 t, f Iv 1·onlfrn•11·1.1I " 'l'hP Fe•d1·r"al A v 1.1tl 1J ll Ad1111111,11 .1ll1>11 h .... 1 t·111lwd 11 only u!> an "1·>-.1wr11111·111:il " .i1n·r;if1 Thi· 1·1~·kp11 11> :.mall A JU111p hl'<ll lwh111cl the• pil111 J llll 1·u pMot' " fu1 a flight 1•11g1111·1·r. ;di hnugh not r1•qu1r1·d f'o r 1101111;tl op1·rut1e.m ~·our ind1v1du.1I -.. .. 11i. .111· 1111\'d do\.\ ll e•al'h SILll' uf lht· fu,1•l,1g1• With .1 llJl'l'IJW •••Sil· Ill IJ(:\W('l'll Tlwn· c1rt• I w11 h.111 hl·' 1111 lop 111 tlw plc11w Ounng Wu1 IJ Wc11 II. {;1·rman t·n ·wrn1•11 c·11ulcl .. 111·k lh1·1r lwaJs thn1ugh 1h1·111 to m.111 n1c1l·hinP gun:,. w lH·n alt;wkt•d "Thcrl' an· o nly four of llw.,c· still flying 1n tht· wurld." ht· saul "The• otht·r thrl't' an' o\-vrwd hv the Sw1s:, govt•rnmenl .. - Tht-plum· as dts tirwllvl' on thl· ground nr in tht• air bc"C..·aus1· of its 1"' thn.•e lurgl' radial l·ngim•s. tail f whee l, corrugated alum111u111 Ca adan's J U 5:! rn11w off tlw De:-..,,1u. C:1•rman v. fm·t111·y llaw 111 I H:l5 lt was solcl ll> De·t N11r,k1· 1 ,ufllar tsl·lk:.ip. th1 · N11rw1 ·gia11 11al1t>ndl aarl&nl· Thi"' pn·-\\'ol'lcl \\'a r II trimotor ln ua"'porl, oiu·t• ll~t·cl IJ y tlw Cc·rnwn Luft waffe·, i ~ u p for "'alt· iu Flori•la. T tw o w rwr l>IH)'!. th•· 1 7-~ c·ur-ol•I c·raft i~ l oo t•x 1wn ... ivc· lo kc·c·p up. -· MAHC H AIR F'OHC E BAS E (Al'J Thi· B·52D bomlx•r. that dl•pcndahll· nlcl warl1tffhl' ;ii this Air Fon·e base sinn · 1949. ha:-. IJN•n put nut lo ~ pasture ~ Thl• aging JN. bumbl•r, of th<· 2n d 81Jmb Squadron 1.Jfl• tu Ix' n•ured tu a rn ilatar y ~·rapyanl in Arizom1 thts month The basl•s m1ss1on ('hans.wd Fr1d<.1y wht•n 11 became• th(• main Op<.'ratmg bast• on tht· Wt~l C1)as1 for the Air F'orl'C''s new KC 10 ;wnal rc·rul·hng , tanker. Two of the tankPrs hav1• b.<t•n dl'l1v1·r1:cl l•1 March Aging bombers fly their final missions The ch angrover a ffe<:L'> the Joll!-or about HOO of the baSC''s 4.500 m1latary pt·rsonnc•I MO!\l will U.· transferrt.'<.l . but about 350 new pos111om. for KC Ill personnl·I will hold tht· nl'l Jr,.,, :11 about -1511 personnel on the base'. ol't'Ordang to Lt Ot·borah Bertrand. base• public: <1ffo1 rs uffll'<'f Tht: s ix -man c·rc•w, thnt l'omp11:-.t· th1· ap:;>roximatC'ly 120-mt•mtx•r 2nd Bomb Squmlnm . whi('h has lx'l'n Mttr('h's prt•m1t•r unll .. 1m·1· l!HY. havt• bl't'n trans ferring ou t fur Sl'Vt·r•il month' Gonl' from f11ghl OJX•r<.1t11m' 11' th1· fam1li<J1 rustle of maps a nd charts "This time two monthi. ,1go, l'V1·r y um· of thl'SC' c ub&dl'i. would be full o f l'll'W' J11111g m1~11m planning," said MaJ Charl<-s F1L• .. dwn. B-:l:! p1l111 . .111e•1 lie· .ind h i'> t·rt•\.\ l1 1H,h1 ·d tl1111 l;"l d1·IJ111•fllll-( "It'' g1 ·1l111g qull't 111 h1•11 ," 1rn.111111111 pilol C.1pl Hoh1•1 t l>111111u1 ,;llll I t Wd' th1· la't hUl'h d1 ·lir 11 ·f1n g 111 h1 · t•11ndul'll-d ;1t Man·h Tiil B .>'.!D , tail numlie·r 007:1 th.it F11w lll'11 '-. l'fl'W broiught ol11w11 un 1 u111o1.-.1y :1:! !>hurtly \.\".1!\ th1· l11sl t11 flv '' tr;11111ni.: m1:-.s11m al lht· l>d,I' 011lv .. ,k1·l,.t;tl 1·1·,.w," llk1· F11~·h1·11·:-. 11 ·nw1r11·~I lo fill uul the· ... 4u.1d11111 ·, alt·r l duty through S1•pt :w. ~1d I>am11'<1 who wa-. 1111 la'\ Mondav·, rhght A.., th1· 1·n ·w "''' an the • d1·br wf111i.: 1 ulJ11 l1" A million-dollar knee LOS A NG ELES (AP) A Superior Court jury has 11rderl·d a group or tdl•v1s1o n prodUt'('rl> lO pay a 185 pound strongman $I malhon an damagc>s ror an mJury h e suffc•rt•d whill' lifting ..i 400-pound rt'frigl'ratur on a TV show Franco Columbo. who hold!:> the "Mr O lympia" titl<'. frll while thl· r<'fr1gerator w~s strapped to his bdl'k during tht• filming of a C B S program "World's S trongt•st Man Contest" on July 8. 1977. 1'hl' 1ury ordered dcfc·ndants CBS M CA l n l'. ow n er o f UnavNsal Studios where thl• contest took plac·<'. produc·cr Transw o rld lnternauo nal. a nd Zu ver Fitness lnl'. to p ay Columbo $1 04 millton an damages. Columbo's attorney . Gcorgt' Franc-o <.:olumho Royce, con t.ended that Columbo fell because th e apparatus that held the refrigerator to the body builder's back had not been properly tested for safety. "Our contention is that the equipment wasn't appropriate for someone of Franco's height." Royce said, adding that when the 5-foot·5 Columbo ran with the ·eight-f oot-lon g apparatus. 11 caused ham to fa U and wrench hts knee, pulling ligaments. The dis locate d knee le ft Columbo unable to e nter contes ts until l 1981 when h e w o n the Mr Olympia title:, which he had also hl'ld in 1976. suc'Cct>chng Arnold Schwarzenegger. Attorney for the de fc>ndants will file a ·motion for a nl'w trial b y t h e c n d o f 0 l' t o b t• r . T r a n o; w o r I d a l t CJ r n <• y B 1 I I Caqx•n11·r said Carpenter said that allhuugh h(• had ant1c1patt'<I a f1nd1ng an ravor or Columbo. he· Wa!> "tt•rribly d1sappoanl<·d" that the· Jury had awardl'd sul·h a largl' ,-- sum. "Tlw Vl'rdact 1s truly <• subst..111t1nl amount uf mnrwy I'm jus l di'>app111nte·d hl'1·aust· I thought thl· 1ttv1d1 ·1111· wa' n11I 1nd1cut1v t· of '111 11 .1 l ,1rg 1· amount li e· sa1 ~ th.it ,1g11·1·rn1·nts lll'l\.\tl'n h" t 11111p.11n and the• othr·r dl•f1 ·nd.int .... l1•fl Tr .in,\\ urld Ff'SJ)OR!'i.hµ, u.. p.I\ Lht' t-nllrc· amount. <i lth11ugh tht· othl·r .... were m.m1l'<.l m lhc suit al~o H nvl't• :-.1J1d ht' <"11 1·nt had sagneiJ a rl'lc·ust· lx-f• H 1• t•n\N mg the conll·st. but tlw wwvt·t W<1' not entc•n •d Hs l'Vld1·m·1· 111 the• nme-driv trial h<'<:aust· 11 did not tak<' 11)to al·t·ount lt•,tang a nd d<'$.lgn o f tht' t'<~uipnwnt Thl• l'Onll''>t or g,1n1ii·r. put out a fact booklt·I for l llllll•:-.tant .... wlm·h said th.11 1h1• rl'fngt•rator f ra ml' bu 1 It b y Zu v t•r was dN11gm.od so a !.trong man 1.:oulcl l' i t h t' r w a I k or r u n w 1 t h 1 l s trap1:><'<l around his b:1c·k "Franl'<1 w:1:-. lht· f1rsl guanra pig H1· rim with 11:· Hoyl·t· said c 0 I um b II r (•I I . bu l w H s pn·vl·ntc•d rrom bt•ml-( t·ru:>hc•d und1·r the rt>frig1•rat11r by a roll bar allarhC'd lo lhl· :jpparatus. Hove<' said ,;Thl· apparatu' wa .... too long for anvonl' of Frc1nl·o's i.17t' to run w ith ai.." hl'<.:ausc• ht: had to bend OVl'I too far to 1-ll'l lh1 · balk of thl· refrag1·n1tor urr lh<' ground. ROVl'I' sa 1rl Calling Dr. Ditto; third in practice FOOT SPECIALISTS HAGERSTOWN, Md . (AP) Edwurd 0 11111 J:. opened a medical practll'C hc•n • Datto his sor1 Dh to his grandson. F.dward Ditto Jr began the· fumaly 1rad1taon 111 prac·ticang mcdidne hl•re m 1920. OJ><'ning gl·n1•r:il praNlt'l' on the first floor o f his honw 111· was followt>d by h is son Edward Ditto Ill Thl• t.•lder Ditto di<'d 111 January and his grandson . Dr Alle n 011111. hN·am1.-1lw third g<'n<'ratlon of Ditto d1x:tors tn th<• c 1ty w h<'n h!• i;t'I up practice Sl'Ven w eeks af(o F.dward Ditto III. 58. !klVS lh<1t wtu•n lw was a boy, he was drawn lo his faLht•r'i. ufl 1l'I' "I UM'(I to go down to his walling room nnd tulk to h111 pallC'nts. whic h used to bothC'r him." ht· soad John R. Tait, D.P.M. Laurel A. Tait, D.P.M. NOW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH r'1L-.. ht·11·~ lllllllth ... 111•td1t•cl llltfJ ,1 WI V ~n111f• ,ll)d h1· wrung uut h" dwt k1·11·cl fliJ.:hl -.<"1r0f Ila.. gn•t·n rl1gh1 'urt .. 1111 w .. , damp J1111n t h<' "ho:-.t• d own" lht· ''""' m1111 l1t·1' 11-c1·1v1·d 1o1.lwn tlu-\ d1..c •111h.ll'ke'll lhl· pl.1111. T iu )11,...l d11\.\ n t·•1mpl1nw11L' of tht· b<•hC.' fin· d<·J>.1rtnwn1 '' 11 dd1t11m.1l (01 :.Ind Bomb Squ.1tl1 011 1111·rnlii·r' rl\1ng th1·11 11.-.1 01 1;1:-.t '"''-'>Hm:-. Th;1\ th1• tin· de •p;1rtm1·nl d1d11 '1 h•N· d11w11 tall nunalw·1 007:1 1' Jl(•rhap' ;i ,1g11 •1f rc •'tlt"t't 1111 tlu· ;1g1ng warhors.·' "I'm ...i1rry 111 s<'t' tlw l:lhl IJ fl>Jo:hl ," 1''1t-.<:h1·n ~lid 11<· .mci tht' olht·r n 1·w 111e·111b1·1' "'l'n · not l h11:-.t·n I>,\ <111\ i.p<-c·1.tl n1t·thc1d ltJ J<.1f.'k1·v tht• l;J,I ~lnlnJ.: flaghy ht• 'i<I~ --• , We've added $250 ,000 worth of diamonds to our regular stock and put this selection on sale! Save on dazzling diamond jewelry In our Fine Jewelry Department. plus a special one day only collection. You'll save on pendants. bracelets. earrings. cocktail, engagement and men's rings. Choose solltalres. diamond clusters or diamonds with other precious stones. All are In 14kt. gold aetllnga. Our Diamond Counselor wlll be In our Fine Jewelry Department to help you. Reg. 150.0qto 1295.00 .... 19.tffb 778.99 AP Wlrepfloto Thi· 11·1111·11wnt o f th« 8 -521> mc·:m!> more· than th1· Im ..... 11f .1 planl• llJ m1·mbt·r:-. of lht-2nd Bo nil.o Squ.ulr11n It m<·ani. Ila· loS!'> •1 f t hl'ir 'ljUJd11111 wh1t·h " tx·1ng d1sbandt•d Tht· sqw11lrun o pc•rat111m. bualcl1ng ha!> thc- lo11k <ind ft:l·I of ti high sc:hool on gradual1un dily Om· sign n ·mancb tx1ml~·r LTt·w members to ·-.1gn tlw l nd Bomb Squ<.1dron l>'Jsll·r" for t hP 11111s1•u111 Annlh!·r nollfiC'i. prlll·r;1st1n11tors to p1C'k up tlwrr B !">:! bnok:,. Cr t·w nwrnlx·r:-. 11wnt10111•d that tht• :.!nd Bomb S4u:1dn111 wai. nmsrdt·n·d 11111· of tht· bc.•st 1n thl· Su ;itt·gw Arr Comm;111d ;ind had ""'"' .,l·V1•r <.1l ..,qu.1d111n e·or11pt•t1l1on.., "It'' nu·e· 111 go 11ut J w111n1•r ," dlfl r<1ft 11;1v1g.1101 :.!nd Lt Hun 1-'Jl lwn.o ..c.a1d F1 1'>l h•·n '"1d th<'n· h;1v1· h1 ·Pn "'>l'Vt'rdl p;11111....-· .oml th1· m11ud ha' ll(·l·n uplif11ng ralh<·r t h:tll -.,1cl "Y11l1 11('\'l'I l't'<ill\ ll';1v1· \11u1 (1 ll'nds an lht· 1\11 F111u-." D:1111w1J h<J·ad · "Y11u l1•;1v1· k1111wmg )'1JU re· gonn11 ~~ that f>4'"01l •• g.1111." 1':1l'hl'<'I> :..lid A 11 I h1· nac·ml)(•r.., ,,f tlw l r 1·w haVl' n'<.-eavoo ..... .,,g1111wnh 111 11t h<·r H :1:! l>omh -.t.1u:idrtm!> around llw tou1111 \ .111d will I)( fl,\ mg th<' rww G -modc>I., .md II m 11d1·I' Hts curiosity extendc'<.1 to his fothc•r's mc'Cl1(•11I book11. whkh hc started ri•admg when hi· was 9. I ft • llllYll his fotht>r had to 5''fl'('ll th!'m hl-c·11uS1· sonw ''had naked women in thc-m " Edward Ditto t•Vt•ntually jotrwd tlw Nnvy. wOf'klng as a medlc3l c'<>rp11m in. ond loll'r Pnrrwd n m l'dlt·t•l dcgrN.' fro m h111 Cothl•r'11 ollnu motN. Jdf l'llOn Mcdlcul College In Philndt>lphio We are pleased to announce the opening of our new Huntington Beach office. We specialize In sports medicine and foot surgery. Senior Citizen Discount Thursday Morrlil1 Mervyn·• Ol•mond Certificate I• luued with eec'h purch .... At any time. the emount of the cer111te<1 Nlllng price (or the totel emount of peyment• m•d• on the price) mey be epplle<l tQWerd the purcheH of a more atcpen1lve dl1mond, providing the return 11 made with th• 011mond Cenlflcete and tha diamond It In th• Ori• glnal mounting, not matr*' or demaged. Some lllutlratlont may be enlarged to •how detail. Styl" may very by llOft ·~· tt Tuesday only October 5 Huntington Beech store 12 noon to 8 p .m. 1 Eventually he returnt'd hc>rl' to iwt up nn o((kt· ncMt door ~ his father's, Anti t•1wh wo uld sf'C'•k medical ltdvlc(' from the other. Now, Edward Ditto hu e nl'w medknl 1 c:onfl<h•nt -his 29-year-old son . Allen H e's a 1pc-clall1t pnctlc·l ng -whnt l'11r? fomily ~~~ I , 1041 East Newman #100 tUttlntton Beach, CA. 92647 Phone 841-0215 John. R. Tait, O.P .M. 4760 Barranca Pkwy. hint, CA. 92714 Phone 857-1279 la&Ktl A. Tait, O.P.M. Tuesday, October 5 Huntington Beach, 9811 Adams Ave . at Brookhurst St. , ... _.._.._... ...... , -----· --------· ...,.._...,_. - Monday, Oct. 4, 1982 ENTERTAINMENT 84 85 COMICS on Qu!et the set. • • Delly "°' ........ .,, 1'6c:Mrd l(oeNef Third grade students at Eader School in Huntington Beach will appear in segme nt of fire prevention mini-documentary during week o f Oct. 11-15 on channel 4 ut 4 p.m. KNBC cameraman Jan Anderson readit"S cam e ra while Lonnie Peek goe thro ugh mock window frame held by teacher t't>nton Martin. Huntington Be ach fire education specialist Martha Werth gives safety lecture ( bf>low ). 'Hare E ence,' the twtJ-day mini-erie about the perfume industry, is ronsidert--d 'bad trash .' 86. Coast couple hope new 'pet rock' will he wood By SANDIE J OY IO(' lhe Delt, ltilot Stefl Ht•mt•mber the pet rock? lt made m1lhons for 1t.s cn•ator Now, a Corona del Ma r couple. Margi and Ma rk Peacock a rc h oping wood can do the samt> for them . ' "l';wrybody d <X>s ll," Margi said. "Knocking on wood 1:o1 the oldL'SI supt•rstiuon In the world "Problt•m is," she• lamcnwd. "therl•'s not muc·h wood rc•ad1ly available• 1n our world or plastic and chrome>. ''What ·do you knock on th('S(' d ays," shC' askc•d. "Plastk? It doesn't havl' thl' samt' ring." T he PC'acocks are prepanng to market a hllll' round woo<kn disc callc'Cl "Kn<X·k On Wood." · Th<•y have 10 million pil'(.'l'S ready to go in antklpation of a Christm6s gift-buying boom. T he Idea w as Morgi'a but It was Mork. her spouS<' of two months. w,ho unearthed the idea while rummaging around in her old br1e kose. Margi came up with the Knock on Wood Idea whllt• su pc•rvlslng construction of a new home In Arizona. She was_visiUng a door factory wht>n she notlcC'd wo rk,•rs punching holes for lhc door knobs and wot.<.·hed the little round pi~t'S roll aiound the floor. Lal.C'r that day. after she and the friend with whom she was riding narrowly averted an auto accident, they aimultaneoualy said "Knock On Wood." But there wasn't a n y wood on the car's <laahboard "There'• never any wood when you nttd ll," the friend •Id. A lllht bulb went off In M•rgl'1 head. The next day 1hC' began the tedious pr'Ol.'t-81 of rctearchlng and lfogally ll't'U.rlng the Idea for a little piece of wood that would 80 4 • > ' onywtwrl' with you so you t'Ould knock on 1t for good luck. Ac·t:ording to ll noted anthropologist. Margi ~01d . one thing t'Ommon to all humans In a ll l'Ullures l!I supl'rst1 tlt1n Knocking on wood isn't JUSI a iumple supcrstJl1on. though. she• t•xplamcd. It is an ancwnt and t'Ommon custom found throughout tht> world "T u knol'k on wood is th<' Irish w oy of thanking thC' ll•prt'C'houn~ for bn{lging o bit of good luc-k." sh(• t•xpluint'd. "In om·1cnt llml'S, the• Dru1dR and spirits wt•rt• lx•lll'vt'Cl to hvc in trCC'S Thus. knoc:kmg on wood drovt• awuy tht.• l'V1I :.p1rits and brought up the good spirits. "Kn<ll·king on your ht•ad JUSt isn't t•nr1ugh." Mar81 qu1pJX'd. "Lu('k," sht.· suggestt'd, "is a pl'rfl'<.'l gift to a frll'ml, and that' what Knock On Wood ss all abou t." Tht• produtl itself com<'S <'OrYlpll•tC' with ms1rul'l1ons on the meaning of various knocks. For t•xomple. one knock Ill 8QOC1 when you'rt• 111 n hurry and fcding f'frici<'nl and leC'Un>, ah~ said. "One knock Is great for peopl<' who don't think they're suJ>('rst1llous, but just in l'a.!K'. This is on cxc'<'llf'nl poc-kt.•t knodt wht•n you're In o buslnf.'5S mtttsng, a conCrontalion with yqur mo thcMn-low, rn<..'t.'tlng a n<'w dote or in front of a judgt.'." • Th<' discs. which arc m11nufacturcd through n proc.'Css tho Pc;K'Ol'ks preft'r to k~p k'Crt•t, arc npproximntdy two inchcs {n dla~tt•r. So th<>y ran be stuck ju1t about anywht•n'. 1tw Peacocks p11ckqr them wl\h doubW~at1ck tape. • ~ mupk• ~ &M ~ be a..lk,'(f in n ~IU<.'l' 1\11 own« can ..ch t"Mlly ~ .. on ~ car dMhboorct. on a jut.•kt·t. dctk. ldtdwn Mk. under a pillow or any other plact' ll('('Urtty might bt:• "4.'t'CW. ~ TM Pt>acorka hope \4) markl't their produl't In th'· 1wxt mon(h or IO through dt•pQrttnent stort'tl ut'rOSS thf' nouon MHnwh1lt'. tht'y'l'f' both knocking on wood I .. .. : . :· .. .. 011..111gu CoHI DAILY PILOT/Monday, Octob r 41, 196:l WEDDINGS yer [) r M l' 11 "i. a A n n By(•r s, daughkr of Mr :.ind Mr.-Ch:.irll-S Bvl'r'> of Coron:1 cll'I M<ir, ·.rn<l R1l·hard Mil ha<·I Ra uh. son !J f Mr an<l Mr:-. Fr<1nk R.iuh of W(':.t Cov1m1, Wl'r(• marn<'<.1 m St John F1sht>r Catholrl· Church. Rancho Palos Vcrdc:s The newlyweds an· Irving tn Wh11ller R e cession puts chill on sale of wines By LOUISE COOK AHoclaled Prua Wrllar Th(' fl'<"(·"5ron has takl'n the· edge off Amen ca·s p • .tat(• for wmt· Shipmen ti. of wrm· 1m·n·ased only 2 8 perce nt 111 lhl' first !>IX months of 1982. down from a 5 6 p<•rcent rah.• of growth m 1981. a<.'COrdmg lo Marvin Shankc·n. l'drtor <ind publlshC'r of "Impact," an industry nt•wsll'lll•r on the win<• a nd liquor business. "T he ('<·onomv 1s really taking its toll right now." said Shankc:n The bad news for thl· industry may hav<· ct 1>11ght side for the ("Onsumer. howc.•vn Shanken said domestic winemakc·rs a rc trying to ~t business by culling pru.:es. When sak'S were booming. h<? said, thC'y Increased their pracl.,i. "Now, all of a suddt:n . with the softness and tht• reversal of th<' {'('()nomy. tht>y're in a very awkward situation and for the first time all of thc•st' want'riL'S arc h.J('kmg off th<'lr pral·es and offering <iubs Lanllal d1S<.'0Un ts to t.hc l'Onsumcr." S hanken ..aid md1 v1d ual prat"<' t·uL.., for U S w1n<>s range fr om 5 pPrc<'nt 10 20 pcrtcnl. dPpc•ndmg 1m tht· markc·t "lt"s wane on sah'." h1· sa11i. "You M·t· at m t•vc·ry oth<'r busin£•s.c; and w mc 1s now al lht• point w he re 1t 'i. p rice <'OmpNil1vt"" Sh1pml•nts of wane havC' bt•cn growing ropidly i.1111.'<' I.he early pan of tht• last dt'(:adt-. as Americans dc•vt'loped a tasl<' for hght<'r beverage•'! with lowC'r ak'Ohohc t'On tent than the 1rad1llonal drinks F'rom 1970 throu~h 1980, for example. shipments of 11nported and dnmesuc wme W<'nt from 267 m11l1on gallons to 478,'.l m1\11 on gallons . In 19ll0, s hipm<'nts ,,r winl.' outpacC'd shipmC'nL'I of cJ1stillC'd liquor for thl' first lime and thl' trend has rontmul'd Shipments nf table wines as opposed to thm.((s like V<'rmouth, champagne or SWL>et des.wrt wanf>f\ hav<' 1ncrNlS<-d cvl'n more than shipments or wane an general. ~omg from 133 m1lhon gallons an 1!170 to 361.6 mlllion gallons JO years later Table wlnl' at't'ountt-d for onl y 50 pcrt'Cnt of thl' wine markl?t in 1970: today. it at'C'OunL'I for almost 80 P''l'C.'enl Even table Win<', howev<'r. has Ix-en hit by the rC'<•css1on The growth rate during the first sax morith.<1 of 1982 was only 4.6 pcrt'Cnt. c:ihankcn said. down from 7 .6 pef"C('nl in 1981 and an annual rate of i 1.2 percent from 1975 through 1980. U.S .-produ('c.>d wines arc suffering more th11n lmt!<JrlS, Shanken said. Shipment~ of American wblc wines w ere up only 3 2 pcm.'i l during th(' rinA half of this year, whJle shipmcr)8f"of imporlS an lhe.&ame. cak'iory l"()S(' 8.9 percent H~ ctlt'd K'V •ral reason!1 for the relative success of •ho lm poru. • ''Part of It rehllcs lO the foct that there are o few brand• which dominate the lmpOrlcd win rn.rkct ... The?IC br11ndA srr "well poflltlont.>d ond 1•"1n1 tr~ndOUI adver\Ulng support .•. rC'Ally ~ itw rMr'rt with lhem." Champagn launches cookbook l<l''1l 'l IN I W:I S'IJ , Vt 11 IS I 'l.t\ I I A11d ,,.,1.1111111 tlu·v dul, /IHI ,111111~;. '" 1111 kll'k 1111 p111 I\ 11 1111 l.011111 lwd "II :-\ V I' .. 1,~ .111111111 1.t·11~u11 r. whu Wiii d o 11 ·u ~V I'" "I"""" 1111111tht·r NM 1 ""1u .. 1v1• M·1·11 1·ov1·11111< ,;01111• l'OUlun· Nt•lnuu\ Mull'UH 1111 thl!tr 11upporl. Hothmun Jm1l(•J1h'll pc•nsonulw'tl t.'Oplt.'11 11f "H S V 11 " lo l'11tntnlllt.'l' ml•mbt·r• Judy Suhcuy, Krlsll S kurmtm , Mory .Jo W111kt•l11t11nn und Manha J ohn11on umJ t<1 ~ruphl(' 11rt111lK Judy Pulll'llt: and Bill l'uylor of B Tuylur Dt.•t11Mn11 und Miki• Max!\IHlll ul f'ryt• ond Smith, Ltd , 111 llHt •r of th(• hook tlw .Ju111111 Lt·11~u1· 111 N1•w111111 1111111111 Hiii:.! 1•onld11H1k 1111d l'l1l1•1 l11111111H i.:u1d1 · dci·,tl{ll" 1111 "'"' t• 1111111111•qulni. 11l tlll' II• 11 1 v I 111 m·t :t!\ li111Ht•sst•w dun 11g l h<.• I :l w I I' 111 .~11111pltngN c·ut•h Suturduy 11nd ...,1111d.1v. •·>.1 lllll111u Ol"l :m N«'1111.111 M.111 11>. ho,ll'cl 1111' p111 IV Wt'<l111·.,.l.1\ 1 v1•11111u wlw11 11~ •fH 1111111 tht 111•v, h1•1k "1·11• u ... 1-..I l1v N M 1 111 1, l11·rnh·d h \ K.11t·11 ( :1.oll111'> 111.0 1111~'.11 '" J• "' tlt11"· who wu11l fu1 tht•1 lllt'(•ntlv1• 1111 l111 y111g 1111' gu1d1•, Nt•t1110n-M1.1n:u-. """ pl1 •clg1 d llJIJ J>l'ITt•n l of 1h1· prUl't"t«b 111 .. :ol1•.., dur 111g tlu· f1r..l two w1'4.•kr. 111 t l\·111111 r lo Ju111or Lc•agut• lo I><• rl'lurnl·d 111 ( >r .111g1· C:ounly thrnugh th<· L<'<1gu1•'i, v.11·11111' t'1J1t1111un11 y pror '<."L'I llH· ........ ' Z1H ti.11 1!1 .111111 '" 111 111.11• th• If t·&rly /\Ith'!> of "H S V P " are nny 1ncl1t'l1ll11n ul Ith NUl'l'l'mi, Junior Leaguers huw u l.><'!tl !lt:lll·r on thc.-1r hand11. There W«'rt• :i:HJ hooki. !!old <H lhe purly und 1, 000 sold al u pr t• pubhm tion sak'tJ <:onU.:'tll whu:h uw;,rd1-d wm11n Car('n McDonald (sh t· suld nmrc· thun 50) dannt•r for two al La Cu1Mm· 1111111plllllll'< 1111111 I 111 p111 ty 11 1<.Hf, It Y(•U 1111'~ d tilt' p.11 ty, '"" I .111 ... 1111 ll'i;t Ill•· 11·1 1111·l> J\1.l1 1'1·11111111:111 11 Ca1 1•n111: "II pt 1·"·11t I( S V I'" ,,1111pl111g' d111111~ th1• ''"'' ·, t•)\1 hhtVI ' 111 ~'.1.,1111111 1,1,1111.J (u1111 I Lii t :s I I 11111 ·1111~ 11( 1111• l"•ok Sui• Hob1.,1111 . JLNJ pn·s1dL•n1, was .r111u-..I liy Kunbt·rl y Hothman, ehaarnia11 o f tlH' I !18'.l coukhouk l011n11n1llt•1', lo I h.111k Tun Parke·• a11d Killy L(.'Shl• of Tlrr-'" • l-.1 1111 1 .... 11111:' will ho ,,.,\'Ml OORIS ORTLZ Trnu l t 111a u ( ri~ht ) join ... ( :c·lc•.,c· Uc·11111·rl inc· u ucl :\Jc ·rc ·clit h M illi ~a 11 Mood ~ lo c·c·lc·bratc• "H.S. \' .P.'' l.c·ft . Su ... a 11 ICoh i ... 0 11. Ju 11 icu· I .c·aguc• p n·~i•lc·ut . a ncl P a 11 ~ Cf I >t• ... k). far ld 1. look en c·r ''op~. T/Jo111:1 ... 011 - ( ;,, l ' i 11{.{I ()II M,1n <.',u ril t"ov111gt1111 .1 n d 'I'" "' Vv' 1 I b u r T h 11 m .1 " 11 11 • w Ii 11 1·x ..t1 .111 g 1·d 111 1·dd1n g \11".., 111 ( h11 I .. 1dv Qu1·1 11 1d Angt h (.'hu1 d 1 N1·" µ111 I B1 ,u·h "1 II 1t'l>tlh· an t.'011111,1 d< I l\l,11 Sht· 1:-. th• d,1ugh1<·1 111 Mrs C":omµln ·ll ll<.1 1 ri' Cuv1ng1011 of C.:oruna d1 •I Mar 11 11d tlw lat1· Dr Cnvmg11111 :md h1· l!\ tht· son of 1\11 .md Mrs Fn-tl S T hom.,1111 11( Cur11n.1 dC'l 1\1.•r "" Wlraptloto l>on na llar1mu 11 "'avc-!°a~c· 1w rso n in a u lll1U\t•ra~c· l'-ilua tio n :• W (•dd_i n ~s., f•n gagernt•n t s announct·n1t•nt rule F'o rm!\ for -.uhm1llang information for w1-dd1ngi. and t•11gaUl'm<'nls an• :wa1lable ul lh<' DJ1ly Piiot. :rn1 W fkly St • Costa M<.-s.'l or may bi> t>btam<'<l hy m:11I by SC'ndmg a self-addressed stumped c·nvC'lopt• 10 Wt'<lthng Dcpurlm<.'nl, P.O Box 1560, Col'!lll Mt•so 92621). Annount.•t•mcnts wall bt• puhlbhc•d 011 o space·avallablC' basis. P1C'lures w all not b<.' used w lt.h l.'ngogcme n t nnnounl.'<'menl Photos of the bride (onfy) muy Ix> subm1tl<.~ with w<'ddlng forms. RL-quired arl' blm:k and w hit<' photo Color and Polaroid pho tos can't lw UN<'d nnd snop11h o t1 are dts couq (al!(•'d (or reprod u c tio n reasons. Dc>odhnt•s: Wt'<ldinl( ro1 ms Ahould be aubmltll.'CI no later thnn om• wc•(1k following th ' wedding, Engogemc-nL~ Mhould be.• In this ofli<'l' nt lcaat six W('('ks heforc tht• wt•ddlng date'. March 10 your ~ 10 pit~ I fNl•.al11nQ ctcll• llfled 11C1 842·M71 ~I r .... J o hn,.,on }oh11s o11 - Raba n M<o1T l·ll1· HJban and Llrl'g J oh n son . who l'X l"hangc·d marriugc.· vow!> <tl La Vt•nta Inn: Pal~ Vt>rdc·" 1':.SWtl'S, arc· r<'S1dmg m lrv1m• She 1s the· d;.iughll-r or Harll'nl' Goodrich of S<.•al &ach a nd Robt-rt Hab an of Huntington Harbo ur. and ht' is thl· son of Mrs. Connie Joh n so n of GIPndorn und the late M r V1r~1l Johnson c·hroed e r - Church .... Tamm y Chur('h . d<1ughtl·r u l Mr. and ' Mrs H1ch;.ird C hur('h of• San Clc-ml.'ntt•. and Mark Sl·hroC'd<.•r . l>On of Mr. ;.md Mrs Rav S<:hroeder o f P lat'c r v-1llt'. were marrat-d an tht.· Luth(o'ran Church of Our Saviour, Sa n C I em{• n l e T h e ne wlyweds are laving an _..MW..,. Cost.a Mesa Not your average person • • • Br MAHl' ROSENWAS.~ER A .. ocl•l•d Pren Wrllar M< >St.'OW U rw Anwncan descrilx•h hl'r us a '1toopl'I No l <1hov1• 1;1king her sh0t·s uff. salting 1111 lh1• ll1wir and h:w1ng <l l'<>Uple of bt><·r~" J\11u11 ... 1 .... iv., o;hci• "look., like• an .:1mb.:tssador'Jo. \\ 1f1 Shi 1.111 n h h1 rw lf w1·ll. dn-s.._..._ nwt•ly, 1s soft .,pok1 11 .111d ·"" .1y' '''c·m t·oncernt•d wht•n she's l:ol k 11\g 111 "11rn ·t1rw ·· Wh,11 dot'' 1>111111.1 llarttmm . w1f1• of U S Am- h.1,:-.:111111 lo Mll!\('CIW Arthur Hurlman, thank or 1>111111 .... I lartm:in'' .. An ,1v1·rug<· p<•,...1111 1n an unavt•ragl· situation." ~tw ~''°' T~1ll <ind h·an wtth !(raying sandy·t·olon'<l hair, 1h1 .l-1 ',1•ar old mothc·r of f1 v<' ha.., not ll-d what m'"' w;1uld ~·on:-.1dl·r .111 JV<'rilf,W ltf{' Shi· 1 n1s(-d ht•1 ( h1lch c•n tn London. Brus.<,<.•Js . S,11gon and P,1r1!\, wllh mll•r ludt•!> an lhl' famtly hunw 111 Washington Shi• )iludwd ... l(·ial p:-.yl·h11l11gy al thl' London Sdiool of l-~~11111m1<'!>. ha:-µrm·t1t·1'CI yow• for S<'Vl·ral Vl'ill ' ,111d ha' work1'<l .it v;:i rious llmt"" :L.., :.i typist. ~nglt'h lt·adw r .111cl u1111111C rnal land-.<apt· t'Onsul- t,ml l\1.111v \.V<·'>lt 111 d1pl11rn,1L" <1nd 11urn;1ltsL., l'n· .·11111111•1 d1fl 1c ulrn .... I 1 v111g to g1•t lo know Sovrl't 11111 "' "I 1.olk 111Hus'>10111s 1·v1•ry day," sht• said. with a l.1111-lh "Thc·n• a11• 1111' hullc•rs. mrnds and gardt'nPrs Uh. Vt''· 1h1·1t· .in• th1• drivers·· S1·vl'~.1l wc·c·ks ·•RO Donna llarlmun l>tl"ppNI llllll U•IHI 11\'c•r.\ On h1·1 11\~·n 1111t1.11n•1• ..,h<· wC'nt to the apart- m<'nl of ~1v1N huni;tl'I s trakc•r Yun &'lovlenkov iJnd Lrll't.l to eonvmt (· ham lo s top h1'i fas t for the right lo J11111 has Amt•nt·an wife 1n th1· Urutl-<l Stales. "I was n ·ally UpM'l and f<'arful," sht• !k11d "'Hl.' WkS su sun · ht· wasn't grnng lo dH· and that lw was itmng lo win " Ha rtman pn'S<'nt<•d the J3-y£'ar-old com - putt•r programmt•r with a bright rPd r<Jl>t' picked from her garden , a laJX• rC'COrdang of thl· Upl'ra. "La Travww," ctnd a nott• that said. "To Yun. so that vou can hear lht• tx-aut1es of tht• world now that "you've set•n tht>m tn your duughtt-r ·· &lovlL·nkov. who days before had S<'t'n his 2-yc·ur-old c'hlld for lht' fi rst tame, later gavt· up his f.Jst but only after his waft•, fearing for has ht·allh. falsc•ly told ham that Soviet authonlll'S had de... Hll'(J to let ham l<'<tVC lhl' rountry 'Big Mac ' on campus LEXINGTON. Mass. (AP) -It's hands-on for t'ulinary arLc; majors who want to learn the fast- f ood business: A Mc·Donald's restauran t at the Minuteman Regional Vocational High School is showing them how The fast-food ventur<' as a cooperauve effor t an wh1l·h McDonald's donatl~ fac1ht1es a nd instructors, trams poumual managc•rs and tests new products. The studc•nts get a start o n their food care<>rs and 1hc•1r clas.'imates get to soothe their Big Mac· attacks. &·hool officials also say its helping them save monl'Y on their lun<"h program Most of the studC'nts opt for a Mc Donald's lunch although ll costs about 50 pert't.'nl more than regu tar public sch ool fare . TREND IMPORTS SALES 1200 W. Coast Hwy • Newport Beach 11 plea1ed lo announce • • • That our Service Department Is under new management! Larry Bleser, our service manager, with an engineering major, has had more than ten years experience In autom<?tlve technology. We wetlc on all Yectf modela of ttt. foffowln1 cora1 Rois Royce Porschts ind BMW's MBZ Ferrari's ind other exotics L We now hi ve ptctc-up .net dettvwy for the 1oc11 1rH ..• by appt. only Noun M-P L'IOAll to WPM CtoMcl a.turdQ wl a.., Telephone (7'4) 111 ... t • 111..- .. • How's this for a good answer: money. Read our newspaper. and cash in on advertised values, discount coupons. food news and consumer reports that can save you money every single week. We also save you time. Which is important for busY women managing a home. children and many other responsibilities. In the market for fun? We cover weekend enter- tainment and special events around town. TV and movies. Recreation , sports. hobbies. a whole package of interesting news and features to give you a lift! Whenever you have the time. So if you've been feeling a little shopworn lately . get some help. Get the paper. What's In It tor you? The answer appears on every page of • II 642-4321 ,.. on ay, October 4, 1982 Orange Co11t DAIL y PILOT /M d •H·I 01 n ti CoHI DAI~ v PILOI /Mondo 'Ootob ( 4, 1ea2 Aykro.yd nds silence '''The Chosen' ... lJy HOU T llOMAS .HK let ... lt1•H Wrtt4tf 11 01.LYWOOI> Al·lu1 l'111111·d1,111 111111 Avk11>vd "·'Y" lw 'ic no l1111K1•1 "t•111ot11111ally 1 11ppl1 ·d " liv c.-1f11w m1111c Juhn fl4·h1i.h1'ic d1•111h · "l lt•'i. nul ulwuyb tht·n · in my th1111~ltt-.. 1101 tlw wnv ll wui. In tht· bt•l(111111111( wtwn I w1>uld w11k1• uµ 11n1i think uf h1111 11111111•d111tt•ly," "l:Ud Aykroyd , wlw ha& bt·1•11 1111111·1•alily s1h•11I 11l.1<1ul his I rlt'11d, wh11 dll'ti Murl·h 5 uf u dru~ ov .. rdos1• "( kn11w wtwn ( go h lll·k lo lll Y h1111!w 111·1 M.11 tha':. V11ll'y111 d I will p11s..' hi:. Mr·11v;., 111111 I will h. vc to ~o th1·1·1• :rnd l':lt :1 d 1wk1•11 aml dt ink a st x -pu11k ," h 1 • i..ml Ay kroycl st11d th:ol ht• MllfJJIUl'h'd lht· Lo~ AnJ.Ct!h•::. County i.:1aml JU1 y 111vP1.l1~a111111 111to Belushi'~ dt•alh "I th111k It n11Khl d1!.<·ovn th.it h1· d1dn'l dtt· o l h1•11Jlll hut of natural 1·uu~o::.." h•• s.ud "John liv1·<.l 1w11·1· .i~ 111ud1 J' 1l111sl 1A'Oj)l1-." AykroyJ a(kit-d "I II• h ;uf ll\11·d 1111' l '()U1v;il1•111 o f tlli y<'al'l> wht•n ht• dw<I, 11111 :1:1 lit• was alwavs non::.tup, (ull-oul frnrn tht• £ir,1 llnlL' I llll'l h1111 " On his u wn in ,, llollvwcKKI m11VI\' 101 tht-f11-st t1 m1 " A y kroyd l>l't'm s 1·v~·1 1onS4 IUU::. of his "l,1lt• paruwr·." ,..f3t•lus h1 Ay krovd ""'' down f111 a rt'f•1·nt 111\l•1-v1(•W in a <.'ush1utkd '1t·ath1·1 d1J11 that h.11i lx>cn Bl'lush1's. Thl' U111vt-1'l><ll Studio uff1l't' wa~ ban· of cll~·orallon, ext"Cpt for J tolur poslt•r udv1•r11sing lht• lal<' John . Waym· Ill tht' movu·, "Jl'l Palul " Tlwn· was also a Q'llK>Sl' lw.1d with a l I as hl'd n11Mh·I of a WorlJ Wai I (;l•rman 1r1plt11w Ill 1to; anlkrs • ;.I mh1•n11 «I this of11n· f1•11 11 John. 111dud1ng 1nc11•w lwad." th1· r:111i.:y l'an:.id1an ~ud ··1 hump m y h(:ad on· 11 Sl'Vt•ral 111111·:-. a dav I 1h111k 11 m.i y IK· o;onw kind ol a nll's.o;ai.w " Aykroycf 1·u 1T1•nUy 1s s t;11 r111g 111 Un1 v1·rsal's "Or·. l>l'lro 11" a:-a 1"olh•g1• prof1•ssu1 who acnd1•nt.all y bt.'<.·1m1t·:-. t •nnwshl'll 111 1lt1• Cl11n1g" undl'rworld :Costly report l lULLYWUOU (,\I') Hnna H<1rn•11. lasl Sl't ·11 whl·n h 1·r N Bl' n1.1g;i1.in1· ,huw "Tt·lt·v1~1on lns1dt' ..ind Out' C.11h«J lU w111 V1l·\\'l'I' a llt·nt1011, 1::. bm:k w i l h a t• u n f 1dl'nt1;., I n 1· w :. I 1· l l c• r (o r th l' .. nu:rtainnwnt mdu'itl'V If vnu want to s t.ay ahead nf thl' nc.·ws vuu l'<1n ,tib~ 11ht• lo 1tw Barrt·ll Report for on ly S 1.ioo a year . . .. ...... ... , ... a.o One of the year's best!" Jvf!TOV I VOt• ~ AADO a'<.I WPIX rv EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT .-..1 11111111111 •-• 11A01 UJ·ll~ ITEYEAR NOW PLAYING lllU ll IOllO UA ~u", t a ... ,,o. "•"°° ,., ..• , • ·i~o •On ,9, 'iHO COil A M(IA I d••O, MUIH lllC f Oii IUCN C:-.OUthCG.t·t~1.t fCl•f·O ••·; ttJQtunl . .,,,. ~•lo 7111 ~•8 Olla OllAllO( OllAllG( h .. ' \ 01141,~,, b•t ,,. •n « .. •f\.!:dtame ~1• •lb• oJ• ?\\J Our · new season . l • 1sa CABLE CHANNEL 10 Not only hos our channel be- come a 10. but we hove o terrific new Foll Season that rotes o 10. too 'Ne're bringing our Newport Beach audience exclusive local programming durlnQ our new S00P'\ that starts October 4th. Shows like "Newport Now." "Citizens' Forum;· and our LIVE ··gavel to gavel" City Council coverage. Watch us during our kick-off week. as we bring you the Newport Beach Character Boot Parade. our solute to Hterary wit. "Those Funny, Funny Ameri~ons. ·· and our speciol 1·hour "Newport Now" toped entirely on Coto II no Island So don't miss out Subscribe to Group w Coble TY. and get all this .. entertainment and news It's worth o 10. Maybe even on 11. For Information coll (714) 631·5259 Programming that gets you right where you live! GROUP w CABLE ~-·----... ~.-- A Glorious Uproarious Low Story. IH)e .... ·-....... ~ nlP7f't NOW J'LAYING A'I f'llf."t; Sf't:C tAl.l.Y St'.LF.CT EO T llEATRES •COI UMtH --l dw41d•.low11t;ent11 (11 4)1~1 4104 Cll'tCtnltr (71')63'070 r-.i, ... ,.,,.. t o•rntt..-,~t..aMei•,•• I • Pt••ented tr~ 36mmCXJ ••.!:!!2) l UXUllY THEATRES lat Two Matl11tt Shtw l11sONl.YS'2!Q U1leuOtlltrwiseNettd S 113G1Mf1•lull6J63~2sssf~1~.) -A-FOR fUOl EXCITEmEnTI V111tOvr, .. w k;1;®1•ll;tlffilt1Hi•Uiil IW ;z;-~ ltlTIA O'TOOLa ~)~l~••>O~~,om Mv f.~~.~ a. 1110 / 70mm 12 l 1U a. 11:01 Plut UP In Smolce (A) Orov .. ln1 Open 7· 16 w.-nighu/7:00 WMkenct. Children Under 12 Fret Unless Meted _,.,...,o ..... ._ • .,._..,,._ .. IMltOllfAIH NOllCI 1 CMllOIUN U•Olll 12 fllU1 M ....... •-.._ ,,.. I• IOI S•11'°" i-. 60l I'll ClllMl-·-..,,Ull-11-"'-""ffl • ICI ""CM IWICI W!Tll -ACU~• IOlllOo -.. l'QlllMU 1•AU CM-I! -.. Gii AM - A~AMl 1lliil4 ANAHEIM DlllVf IN "BLADE RUNNER"! l'l.UI 1•1 ,~ .. , "THE ROAD .. .'-.£ f ,.e•G't ti Of \e "'Ol'I \t t7t·tHO •fHliiiii'UTiu: WHOllllHOUH IN 11XAI " 10' ..... "WOllllD ACCOlllDINO 10 0.t.111•" '"" .. _ 1"4U l l.Jf ,_,.A il'A9l BUENA PARK ORIVI IN h"< otn "" •••J ., I "°"' 121·4070 11..11 ~· •• .,. LINCOLN OlllVI IN I ""'CO•ll A<re W•t.t ot ·~" 121·•070 f OV,.' A1 .... FOUNTAIN VALUY DlllVf·IN '°" O·•oo .,.... o• •too.,h;ot Oo • 962·2411 "THE lAIT AMERICAN ....,. VIRGIN""'' "LITTLE DAALING8" 1•1 ,,... •. '°""° "ROCKY Ill"'"' l'l.UI "FAIT TIMES AT ,.., RIDGEMONT HIGH" Ciftf tt "°'""° A •4 A L'W.A LA HABRA OlllVI IH .............. ft e.ttA .,.,.. ' .......... t7HH2 w ... -.. •• WARRIOR" 1•1f,"::,:~ CIMI II \0000 1-tl'J .... "PINK FLOYD: THE WALL" l'l.UI 1•1 "lANADU" IPOI ,, ..... , sou..o "E.T., '"' THE EXTRA·TEllREITRIAL" ..... "I, THE JURY" ,., """' "THE AMATEUR" ,., "JEKYLL & HYDE ... TOGETHER AGAIN'' 1•1 ..... "UP IN SNOKE" 1•1 (:"'9ffl ~ _ ..... so.. J <i40 ........... _, 191·3693 " "IPLIT IMAGE" 1•1 l'l.Ue "FADE TO BLACK" 1•1 "AMITYVILLE II: THE P088ElllON" 1•1 l'lUI "DEATH WISH II" 1•1 Ci ... '' SOUND "PINK HOYO: AT THE WALL"'"' "-UI "XANADU" '"' ORANGE DlllVf IN "AMITYV~LE H: THE POSSElllOH" "'' "'u' "DEATH WISH ff"''" ... ..... . . .... MISSION 0111\lf IN "MY FAVORIU YEAR" '"1 "N 0 MMI£ DEAREST'" '"' "ON GOLDEN POND" ...., "'u• o "CONTINENTAL OIVIOR" '., .. . ". WARNER lllll\lt IN WOtM t Awe ......... c._ ... . 1·'7•Jltl - "Ail.I HTA l l OITAU.r COM ··•....O TWOC" • BARGAIN MATINEES • Mond1y """ S1turd1y All P11torm1ncH before 5:00 PM (htt,1 SiNClll fftf'tt1Mft41 1114 H.Wty•I · "VII, QIOftQIO" -1 .... ,,. ...... -. 11• .. JIKYLL a HY~ ... TOOITHIR AGAIN" 11u tUe, t:Je. • M. • •· 1.-1•M ·•'*!( 'LOYD! THE WALL" ........ _ ""I , ... l.M. .,.., ...... ·-1f• lAkEWOOO CENTER WAi ie •N "AN Ofl,ICUI AND A GINTLIMAN" 1111 11:4' Joli, ~ lttl, ,.,.. "I THI JURY" '"' 1t1.. ,,, ...... , .. tltte l"vti. OI (o ... te•OH 211/IJl•tllO "'*9C ,LOY01 TH9 WALL" "JllCYLL t HYOI ••• 1111 TOOITHIR AOAIH" l'!t ll:JO, ..... ,., l;4t, ..... '"" , .... 1111. t;ll. .... ,.,.. • tnt• .., WHOMHOUH IN TllCAl1' "TIM,.IT" "°' ..... ~ ... , .. ,.... ...... ... .... 11111 "'1'0"'..f!!I''" .... ""'-''-.:--------- lAl(IW00D" INffll \OUH~ "'• . ~ "VII, OtOftCMO" -....... "AUTHOltl AIOfrAMO AUTMO .. l" l •I 11 ......... , ...... ,.. '"THI LUT 1" PAVOlnl ftAll" .................. ... , ........... ,.. ...... _ ............ - "A CROWD Pl •&UR. ONI OP THI MOIT THOROUGHLY aNJOYABL8 FILMI OF THa VIAR." -YIAMM c.Mr, THa MIW YOM .,_ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday. Ot lob r 4 1982 'I.HE PE.\~l'TH b Charles M Schull --~~--~~~--. by Virgil Partch (VIP) •. \'till flR('l s -----HE~E'5 T~ llX)RU' WAA I FL~ IN6 Ac.E HANGING AROUND THE BARRACKS ... ~£ 15 RE5fLESS .. THERE IS NOTHIN6 TO DO EXCEPT PLAY CARDS . OKA'( MEN, lHE 6AMf 15 "Pl6'' ! IF YOU GET TWQ.Of A KINO, YOV PUT YOUR FINGER A6AIN5l YOVR NOSE LIKE THIS ... 60T IT ? ACTVALLY, FLYING ACES VE~ SELDOM PLAVED 11Pl6 '' "Quit kickin' me, Billy, or Mommy will stop the cor and you'll hofto get out ond walk.'' '9.\R~.\Dl"Kt: by Brad Anderson "Watch out ta< h1m ... he's affectionate!" WHEN 5AM TELLS A86EY THAT D 6 IS IN LOVE WITH TONY PAS6MO~E. THERE ISA SUDDEN CHANGE IN HER ATTITUDE ' f;.\Rt'lt:l .D J ; ~~~ / ~, ,~l '981.t-;W EEDS / ~ "' "Good morning, George." '\:\('l I MUST HELP AUNT FRITZI STICK TO HER DIET by Tom K Ryan IF YOU ASl{f:Cl 1100WAl{f vou?:i I COUL.17 1Et.l-'1'.>LJ A~UIMY ALLERGIES. ., by Ernie Bushmlller YOU ASKED FOR A SARDIN~ SANDWICH -~. , .......... ~ ... ~~ .. by Harold Le Ooux jPA~~RC •• WH' VI WOULDN'T HAVE 1 OOE5 THAT NAME { • AN'I lDEA SOUND F=AMILIA~ 7 AeBE'I ' by Jim Davis MAfl:°" KA..i~·t::­ SE:.\.IE:.R ..vT .:'fJL-../ ~A-:, -rA?1e &VT nE aot.J"f TvCC WITI l rr: t 'I '" \ M l'\kt:RBt:.\ '\ BF"lllJ; 'l(.llJP'£L..F I r /rj'JT HE.AR£..> 1'HAI lHf WE.E l'J (;{)l~l(., IO DPOP All. f)F tT:, LEAVES I WHI::"' ~ T i...10 C\: :'-Ml 11-.rrli:lll vi< ::-~ e: C\.. "'!: :-=-A.i-1 ,,, 1/J"f~~"-"~, ' .. : .,,. t'..()o'F'~ nDUIN(.J I ElJEf?l..) Lf Ar I < .\~~C'IN'-'"' "f"' 'T (i? H(.IA.-JA. 4\AA\...\ rT ii A SC""'~.\L~tN "f.:" nJ-fJTf by Tom Bat1uk I JA'", EYPEC.i l lG SOME. UJTBAC.K.S I BUT NQTHIN6 fl-lt'') SEVERE ' iARRRGHJ /IJ VERV F'UNNY, ODIE . NOW GET YOUR FACE Of=F' THE WINDOW I r, ( / ( r ) "00' ~ l . LI.I'S ® AW·· HE W,ANTS TO PLAY 8,ASEB,ALL,IOO ! ACROSS •6 Gol back 1 Current un•IS 48 Posted SATURDAY'S PUZZLE SOLVED S Dead ronger SO Jewish tO C1own month 14 Clubs e g 51 Shorl dllve> IS The Man 52 Condl1•0115 W1th01Jt • 55 Prolul>e1· Coun1ry anu 16 JOit de v1we 59 MenlCef 17 Unique chap 61 Rouen 18 Balletinas 62 Agents Sufi 2 llfOfdl 63 Patry ~ 811g11n 6A New Me~•CO event Indian 2 •Old$ 65 Boom O< - 22 Ot,ected 66 Was angry 23 Mountain of 67 Whtie stuff Eu1ooe DOWN 2• Canke< t - -now l " I l'HJ ~ 'c IS ll ~ IT -~ • 0 II 0 ~~ -~ ~ c s 6~ ~r ~- MIOIS l 0 I A II (• f u "A II 0 H f E H ,.. c ulll I 9 I l I H 11 I I ( l l - 111 0 Al• O H I 0 l -0 l ( H T I 11 1 PIO OS I ~ I I M Alll f T , PIA Lll II S 5 11.J 5 LO- I I f fl l t'OO u 5 I , £ v t II AH (I 1 11 ( H ( "c SI C EN.!! 25 GllH'<t • P11wiuy 28 FogM"' 2 ActO< P&u! 12llllrrMll 19 NA def OP 21 roo11>act 2• Examines 42 Jason s wilt u Jib eg •7 ·~r ot 'MC' 49 Watet bOditl 51 Stockholm« 52 f tektt part 53 By way of Oftnh 33 ''"" ,,,.,,. 3~ Apnllo t \l\IH 36 Y'IAlll 38 lntf'llOfld "' .. Od .. ~ Artllaoc: 0 llftcll •OOb 4'5 Nlltvt Of Svff 3 Jetty 25 le~s ruddy 4 fl'IOIOUi)hlAlft 26 Un111dtd s In $1n\llf '"' 2 7 COuntll 2 *Didi 28 ~OIOUI 6 r11thy tue1t '9 WOfd ot 7 To thtlttr moutl'I e Al.Ill ttound 30 Glowing out t C11>t1v1tt 3 t ,,, acs.a1tc1 10 lnfvm 3• Not at an II Toni ~Nd 37l«gt.i 12 Planet 39 rr .. 1tc1 13 Noun 9ftding mttel Vtt 54 War god SS Obaleeit S6JOM Aull 57 Lttf Sp S8 Warmtl'I eos1owe htrOlfMI ----, I 2 3 4 14 by Ferd & Tom Johnson Lf:T 111M BE TH' ProPL~ IN IH' STANDS 1 b.-- < >I{, < (1 ') DR \BBl.E (,(E, •f().f Rt I I{ I i-4£ KE.1.Y.>l'M'E.R O\f1(.E. £Jal.'{ 1~'i,MllL! DR.SMOCK \ \ Hf:Y, L..t't.. GIRL., YA WANNA PL..AY Df:N1"1S°f ~ ~ I WE. l l ,i' ~E. ltUU'i? OOIJ C,Ol fO f~ ~N'I Ml'>\~l<E. ~(. 010 \JC. MAl(E. fl.E.lOl l10N"l IN 11.\t _ _, l~i '~~E.? ~ 00 ~ RE.M€.M0CR ON 11.\f.. ~ORT~ l't\bf. Wl.\tt.l WE ~INTE:.0 M. ~OOl~Ll SC.~t Of 33 ro IO ~ oy <.;eorge Lemont IF 1"HA'1"' CONVf:R- SA 1"10N HAc::> ee:eN ,.APE:~ ~'D eAcK ,,.. UP.ANP se:e WHE:Re ~ WSN,.. WRON<S .' p I l- U Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, Ootobet 4, 1882 wo-pai-t TV miniseries bad trash pie themes superficial bore in 'Bare E y FREO ROTHENBERG NJ<;W YORK (AP) Therc'11 good tru~h ~nd bod trm~h "Olin' f.•nc.'\.'," 11 two pu1 t tnu\1 t:rac.·i; tonight urn.I Tu :tduy ubout tlw I J>t·rfum1• indu.ury. ls bad trash . <.:BS rounded up a t'Olll'('\Jon or TV 11t·w n1, ndudtnf 11o up opera 11t11r Ot•nit• fra11cl111, Linda h:vnn11 of "Dynast y " ontJ Brun· .Boxldtncr of "Bring 'Em Back Allv .,•· and manag1•d lo muku tho11c t>pi(' th4'm••s of wealth, power and roman1.•t> u su~·rticlul bore. · ., S plash it on. und it washes rig ht uff (It's on KNXT. Channer 2 at 9 p.m.) ' "I lx.•lic.•vt• In M'tlut•lton, not lllf>t•" "Muybc• I'm t111pt•lt.._..ly rn1ddlt· l'IUSIJ" "Tlw ul1."M1lult• bt'lCt time• to m td1 u huHhuml 111 w ht:n you still hl.IVl' uni• " And, w hlll• Wl1'rt· dn •sslng tJ uwn 111111 prt1Jermn'11 hum/M'r-stk kt•r JJh1 loi;or>hy. lt•t'i. hN1r II f111 l'I du• hu m11r 1 t·un v1•r1t1 u nul rnc.•lodrum u ulld whut p uNKt'K Cur dym.1mtl' dml1>guc. "Han• Eii.scnl't.'" o ffl•I s thl• Ntu11dartl HJ.1t>0( llnE' on TV m·w s, "film ut 11," 1t suu:;t1tutt•11 lll'bps 111 tlll' flil'l' for lc.·uit111wtt• t•onfnm lll \11111 , om.I 1tN mUJ<lr churuc tc•rs n 111s t11ntly 111111111 "bull" to Pxprc.'SS d1~lli.lu1·t11m ' enc ' l\mJ trw.h t1 ¥hu1om~i;1111•11 u11 l>ullocim1, 111111 II ul!fo m·t.s undl•r tht• notion thul ..ill \foc.·uuunN und dt•ul11 urt· modl· in lx'll l\4'f11n· lun.,;, Ty~c.·r 111 111 vuriouic !W11°kic 111111 1•111'111'ic 111 llw boardrCJom rt•ullw l1un thul pt•1 (u11w huN u 1,1100 1x•rt01'fll 111urkup u11d ltt lhl· futUfl' uf tht• n111~luuw1 u to· W1•'11• tlwn l'IUfJJJti!!t.•tJ lo !ill'l am lluddt• lew1k ul the· t·onfl1t·t 11 u nd pn·11i.u11•i; of tlw t•umrx·titivt· JWrfun>t· 111clu111ry, but lhl' M.'l'IJJl. hmwd on tlll' nuv1•I ht Mt·rccl1th Rk h, ne•vt·r ~1·lt1 uut of thl1 b<.1tlll•. Evc-11 tht• s\•l!c t hut llll!ilhl µrov1dt• l:IOllW luv1:.h ~IONS foll flut "Bure Esiil.'nl't•" wui. suppost'd to he.· tlw :sturl of Miss F'rands' nt.'w cun•t•r , lt·uvinµ d11 y t1mC' bt.od-hopptng fur sophistit·utc.•d purl:. und s turd um . It's no t ht•r triumph llt•r tc.><:h f!14Ut' of contQr\.lll~ hc.•r mouth tu d1spluy To attract large aud1enc.'l'S, tcl<'v1s1on often trump s up alr e ad y trump l'd -u µ "steambook11" from the likt.·s o f llurnld Rob bins und J c:ll.-que llne S usann Evl•n with a high mcamngk-ss quotient, thl-'M.' ualc.~ can bl• a bit of a frolic. Not cvl'rythang has to bt.· "Masterp1(.'('(.' Theater " In the priv ac.·y or your ho me , tht·r .. ·s nothing shameful about using mandkss pulp for a t•uddly fantasy trip. Whe n ABC hypc.-<l ond i.ensarionaliz.ed J ohn St.t•1n~·k's "East of Eden ." nobody got hurt. M ri.s Frunl'1s. L uu1 u f rom "G1·1wrnl lfosp1!~l" making h1·r pnmt· 111rn• dl'l>tll. plays I ygcr Huyt'll, a nalv1• l>cat·h l>um who tur n:. 1nt1~ 11 savvy w ht•c.•lc r 1h·al1.•1' lly Tuc.·sday nig ht In lht· orx·n1ng M°l'IH'. hl'I fotht•r a TV mov1t• µrod ut't.'r known for "Sorori ty Halluwn •n Mas.-..1t·rc" and "Thi• Wolfman of Tu<.'SOn" · hai. just dwd • •mo~1un dOt'Sn't W(•ar well It's sham m·tmu p<irl1c.·ularly wht>n tht• came ra hngc·rs, and she's fun ·c.od to bury he r ht•ad. T hl• t·a rdboard Bux lt•1tner, as Tyge•r's lovt··h?t<· subJl'<.'t, dot:sn't fa re lx•tl('r. Only L l'l' G rant, as lhe msmn•n • slt•pmotht·r. managc.-s to pull duggt•rs and Vt.'norn out of ht•r roll' 'It's this wa , dad' 4Hoelaled P1Ut Wtllff But "Bare Essl'nc.-e" is two waste...:! nighL~. Nothing much hap~ns, and tht.• tharaclC'n; utter tripe that pt..'Ople n<.·vc.·r say but T V writers think thc.•y d o: Tygl·r travl•ls to Nt•w York to t.'IJnv1m•c.• lt1t• t·e111g lomc-ra ll' bal'k mg lw • C.. thc.•r's c.·urrt•n t prudu1·t1on to k N•p t ht• funds fl owan g &'t.·aui.t• sh<.· hus "spunk." and bl'(·uus1..-sh<.• plays poker, tall<s to Tc.•umstt•rs and hus a strong h_andshakc." s hc.•'s 1mmt'd1a tC'ly h1n•d by tht• bag boss to cn.-:..tc her own pb. One ltnC' Crom "&re ~nc.'t•" sum~ up the· csS<'nC't.' o f barc-trush. "Make.• nu mistake· Wt"rC' nut selling pc.•rfumc. wc.·'rt• sl'llin~ St•)( SibSY Spac·•·k u'°' Lor.s:J,J u I,~ on t•·ll~ lwr duddy, pluy•·J h y l.C:'\'On,lt•lm. tha l ~tw wuub lo g••l m urrif'd in thi~ .~t·t·1w from .. C~al Mint•r'~ U .. u~hl•·r·~ \~hic-h pla~"· 10111ghl ut 9 °'' KA IU :. ( :ha111u·I 7 . 'll"IJ'' tt00 I a 8 NEWS CHANJE'S AHOEL8 . II EIGHT '8 ENOUGH • u·A·s·H • Radar 11 ace.pied to the "Famous LH VegN Writ- ... Scnool" and beglna recording hie lmprnelona ol the 4077th • HAWAII AV£.() • OVEAEASY "Weight ContrOI" Gues1 Valerie Harper (R) 0 Q1!) UNDERSTA~ HUMAN BEHAVIOR "hate. Smell. Hearing" CIJ C88NEWS i==Q (C)MOVIE * • "Let's Do It Again" (1975) Sidney Poitier, Biii Coeby A milkman and a 18ciory worker engage In betting end hypnolltm to , .. M lunds tor thelt loOge 'PG' CTil PARDON ME FOR LMHO M11gwet Hatnlllon tt111 In the 1tory of two t l·r-· olO• who tewn 11'19 lrue meaning or fTlendlhiP JENNY KOO KOO The frlendahip ol awo young girls teed• lhem 10 eaplore and underS1end lheir grlel and guilt In lol.- i 11'1911 t11her 11:30 ALICE DtCKCAVETT Guat: Bar.,,_. 1M Roth· llChlld. (Par1 1)CRJ ~:=POWER <II DON COfrf£U CID YESTERYEAR. .. ,. Thia retrospective of the period ol 1111tl-w• pto- t .. 11, the advencemenl of cMI rights, the blr1h of "~bury" and "S...· me Street," Rlc:hafd Nixon and Woodatock lncludM an lnlerylew with Mlfonaut 8uu Aldrin (J)MOY1£ •• "Hearl~" (11181) Andy ·-Kaufman. Befna· diltte Pet•a! In a world of the ,,.., M ure. two com· merdal robot• 91(peri.nte the vlc:itsltudet ol first love 'PO' .MOVIE * * "Wlndl Of Cllange" 'PG' 1:46 CZ) CHAN.El QtAMPl.JN OH THE F1l.M 8CENE 7:00 I Cll8 NIW8 NBCNIW8 HAPPY DAYI AGAIN I :.NIW8Q Cotlnne tnO\'W out: Burt announo111 tn. re1um of hi• IChlzopfwenlc: "9flltilo- Q\lllt eon Chudl. • THME'8 COMP/lltf 11 JC)f(llrl WILD ~ MflOflT CIJ P.M. MAGAZINE A low-cwt diet c:M19 tor the ·-· WOl'MI\, a youno women'• 11-<11y, traneeontlMntal bleyca. ;· !NT9'TAIHMENT T()N9GHT A tool< .. wtly mo'lla MQU· •-blobO•~. CD>MOYIE * *II\ "Follow TIMI Awl" ( t93t) F1.ij A91_,,., Qlnoar Aogera. 4 danoar In the Ne¥y lrlaa to Nip '* lor• ,,., pet1ner end ........ (%)MOYIE •• * * "f'lddW On Tn. Roof'' ( 1t7 ti T09(11, Nomla CtaM A peaMnl 111111111\M In hlfl'l·Of·lll•·cenlury Julie Andrt>ws stars in the spy thrilf Pl' ""The Tamarind Seed'' tonight at 8 on KHJ, Channel 9 . czarist Ru111a tries to ma•- ry Oii hlS eligible d8UQl118'S while trying lo hold onto "'' Jewtlh hetllage tn the lac:e ol opptllSalon 'G' 7:30 IJ 2 OH THE TOWN Featured • crt.i with a professional malellm•llet who Wflt• romantic; ptO- P<>Nll for ~.• lallt wtth lhe creetor ol lhe c.t1oon ch11t11Cl8f Gumby a behlnd·ll'le-tcenes lool< I I , .... lood used tor TV and movlet I 0, FAMILY FEUO LAVEANE & 8"1Rl.EY &COMPANY Whtie lrying to "'"t Troy Oon•hue on • moYle set, the glrla .,. m111e.ken tor ttunt Women. I EYEOHLA. MAOAME'S PLACE M'A'8°H B.J trlel to 0tgantze a present·d•y. state11de gathering ol 4077th lam1- lies I CIJ TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEll / LEHRER REPORT • GREAT PERF<>MIAHCES "Lincoln Center SpecraJ Balanchl,.. I Slr•v1nsky IOOth Birthday" Per-10<· mancet or "ApollO" and "Otpheul'" taped ., the New York City Bllllet'• r~I Stt•Vlnllty Cenlen- nlal CelebratlOn ate I>'• tenled HI l\olKW ol Igor S11avtnatiy's IOOth birth- day (!I YOU A8f(.ED FOR rT (ttJ RAC€ FOR THE PENNAH'T Bwry T ompk.lnt and Tun McC-c:ovet ell the ~ leading 10 the 11192 World Serles 1:00 8 IOUAAE PEGS Vinnie ano Jennifer ate on lhe outs when Vinnie •••rt• malting llY" •t Patti. his co-at" In Iha tchoot musl• cal. D QI LITTLE HOUSE: A HEW IEGINNIHG L11Uta and Almenzo lry to oonSOle their CleproMd young ntec;e Jenny, who bl•mn he<Hll when her flthef dlea Of a hNt1 1t111ek. (Part 21 8 MOYIE r-" * ·~ "Olble And Lom· batd" ( 11178) James B10lln, Jiit Cleyburgh Thlr11ee lllm atett Ci.tk 01ble and C•· ole Lombard dl.cov.r thel Mlfhet Ille movie mogul• nor lh4I American public •• ready to .acoepl their lllielt ofl·tcr-11om•~ 8 9 THATS INCMDlll.E FMturw a m•n jump11 f1om "' .,,.,..,,. •I 10,000 fMt without 8 piwaofMI, I Frencll d«ltltt w110 OC>e'· •lff on hl!Nflt, an lnven· tlc;n crHted 6y • man wllO Wl lChed YICtllnl 01 I l)lDM crash nounder In l1ee.zlng Wiie< CJ MOVIE * * • "The l amarlnd Seed • I 19 741 Julie Andr.,,_,, Omat Sh811I A lemai. Bri111h olhc;111 a suapocl<Xit m1S1rutt ol • Russian lntelltgence agent is trenslormed tnlo loYe lor htm • P.M. MAOAZIHf. A ptOhle of HoClywood columndl M111ltyn Beel!, a low-cost d .. 1 camp lor 111e 1ve<age woman • MOYIE • • ·~ • "Smile, Jenny You're Dead ( t97•1 Oevld J~. "ndr•• Matcov- ieci A p<lvete detecllve bec:om•• emoti onally onvalved "'1th the g1tl he 1a hired to prolecl • GREAT PEAFOAMAHCES "linc;otn Cenle< Spec;1e1 Balanc:hlne I Stravlnllty 1001h Blflhday" Per-10< • menc:es ol "Apollo" and "Orplleoa" taped I I lhe New YOik City B1lle1'1 re<:¥1I S1rav1n11ty Cen1en- no1I Celebration are Pf•• sented tn hOtlOI of Igor SlraW1sJ.y'1 100th birth· day CIJ PU8lJC AFFAIRS CC)MOVIE "• ·~ "Amettc:an GlgOIO ( t9801 Rk:hatd Gate. LllU· ren Hutton A &.Yerly Hllf9 gigolo t>«oma the 1><tme suapect In a mutder 1nvea- 1~11on 'R' (ff) MOVIE *'~ "HaflowMn II" (19811 JlllNI L .. Curtll. Ooneld P~ A l'IO(>eleuCy insane murder., conun.- hla 1.;gn 01 lerror In • tm811 lown 'A' ())MOVIE * .,_. "Any Which W•Y You Can" ( 19801 Clint Eallwood. Sondra Loc;ke 8ef0fe Nftllng down "'11h hi• girt and pea orenoutan. a bara-fllted fight.,. algna up for on. 1111. lucr111.,. milch. 'PG' ewow * * • "Flrll MonO•y In Oclot>er" ( 1981) Waller Mallhllu. Jiii Cllybulgli A Hberlll 81.iP<el'nll Cour1 Ju .. tic. clHhetl With lhe MW• nt member ol lh4I natlOn'a hf91't1111 COUii 1111 ultra• con-vetrv. woman ""'" ·~· 1:30 8 Cl) PfWA Tl ~ Judr II PfOITIOled 10 (Mn. .,., due to • Penlagon computererrCH • IO YOU THHC YOU GOT f"°'*-f.I t:OO. Cl) MN DllNCl CHAtlll LISTINGS A IC)Unky, young gill o.wl• OPll I -NI pwfume bualMN 10 ~ brine • laltatlno cono1ome11t• b4ICll to nnenollll et ability. Genia f'r~. ll<uot SO•· laltnw. L.Jnd• Evans lllld L. .. Ortllt ttar. (Plft ti D 8MOW • l(NXT CC8S) e KNIC INOCl • IC'fl..A (Ind.I .ICAK IABCI • K"M8 CCBSI • ICHJ•TV Clnd.I • KCST CAB(;) • KTTV Clnd.) • KCOf'· 'fV llnd I e KCU CNSI e KOC INiJ 10 1 °'1 'fV II ' Z: TV II HBO IC' l(lnflm•ltl lfl IWORI NY , N Y 01) CW18SI ti IESPHI I 1 ($11owt ltru1 I • 5000IQfll e IC41b1• ,,._, N•twer111 * * "Hoe>aeotch" (IMO) Walt., Mat1111U, Gllfldl Jaakeon. A '°'"* lnttlM· get!Ol 1Jg411lt .. llided lly .,, Old llllM In dodglne Ille KOi find tn. CIA, Wflo 1te ll')tno to ~I ltlrn from ~ll•hlltt llll INll'Olr• •lllMCMI • * • "Co., Miner'• DeueM•" I tMO) 8tMy lpao•k, fommr l •• Jol'9I ._.. on Lcntta """''' .,....,.,_.,. A YOU!lil glrl lrom a poor family 1n rural Kenlucky m•trt.s • much Older local boy who engl,_,• her rtae to 1tardom In the mullie lndullry. I MERV GRlfflN PUA8UfT Of THE MARVELOUS Hott Geo<ge Melly 1evlew1 lhll lnleUec;lual. hlll0tleal 1111<1 creative facrtors whleh reaullad In the 1111rreallst mov.,neru. (0) EHGlEBERT HIJMP£N)N( t:'°. PUMUfT Of THE MARVELOUS Host George .,....Y ·- the 1n1•1ectual, hlatorleal and crNtl~ f8ciora which rMUlted In the sun-eallst ~· (8) HOT NECE88ARll y THE NEWS Comedy 811 .. Chel combine wjth ctaaalc mm and - footage In en ottb .. t. Nllrlc: take-off tO:OO ! =. NEWS • * *I+ "BIOOObrothers" (111711) R!Qherd Gere, Tony Lo Blanco A young man dar .. to brHk lamlly tred· Ilion by working In • hOIPI· tel ward for children 11ll'lef lhan In lhll i-vy construc- tion butlnesl 'R' ffi)MOVIE * • * "Flrll Monday In October" ( 1981) Wall., Matlhau, JIM Clayt>urgh A liberal SoPfetne Court Jvs- llU cl.U-with the ,__ Mt member ol the n11t10n'1 ~ c;ourt, 1111 ull1• ~•II~ woman jurtst 'R' (Q)MOVIE * * .. ~ .. (1N1) Rot>- twl Mllctlum, LM Majors The MW head ol a major Arner!Qn M!Wftls.ng llrm u-• chllct1en'1 brlMlklU1 d•'"" cempaign to lransmit llllbllmlnal poh1ial ,._. ~·R' {.i)MOVIE • • • "F-No f yif' ( 1980) Stefan Arngrlm. K•lh'-1 Ro.. Mc:Allen An 18- yMt ·old hlgh adlool II~ dent o.tighta In declm•llng hit hOmetown, 'R' CIMOVIE ••"A "Pr1vala L"'°"' .. C 19801 Sylvl• Krl1te4, How· •rd Heueman A wealthy man ualgna hi• MductlYe hOoMkeeper 11'141 job of providing Ill• 1$-yeat·Old aon wtth hi• first MXual exper~ 'R' (})MOVIE * • * "The Ctnc;lnnall Kid" ( tllll51 Slave Mc~. Edward G Rot>- lnaon A young cardthatp 1rln to l;lNt the king 01 atud Pok., In a battle tor ptMllge 10'-*I • INDEPEHOOIT tl:001=~800t<a IATUN>AY NIGHT IN IEAACH Of._ THAT QUIZ SHOW ITMETIOFIAH "'-4..HCllCO When a c~ IHCher II accldent•lly shol, h• refu-lo let the pOllce •••mine the blih1 for fear lofloal~~ DOCTOR IN THE HOUIE Bingham and Maiy Par-ton• plan to gel married MCr .. I)'. t1~ I (I) NEWS a!THEIESTOF CAMON Hoat: Jollnny,,.C•raon. Gueat1: c 1or11 t.Metiman, 8atbllf8 Mandtlllt, Atgus Hllmll1on. 08Y. T ...... (RI I YOU AIKED FOR IT THI Jlff£MONI George ltnally .,.,."*"" Lk>Mt 10 Join the family ~. I fOCUI ON IOCETY NllATENGHT Hott. Dannie Wtlo6ay .MOYIE *'A "MlndlnOO" (1977) Jam" M"on, Suaan George A W•t African of Illa Mt11dl"90 ttl.,. 11 t>tOUOflt 10 I .,..t>t..O· lnO p18111atlon In Loultlene 119for. the '1911 of Illa CMC Wer. '"' t1:Me9 NIWI , 1:40 (C) MOYll •• ·~ "Brien'• l ong" C 1117 t) J-CMn, ltlly OM Wlllt-. two footbell pll)'W• llflara • 1 are friend• allCp 1111111 ~ alalrM one of tMll\. H:AI (B) MOYll * 1.t "EndltM l.0-W' (IN 11 lroOlla l llifldt, M#111'1 Hewitt. A 11·YMt-old'I Diil 111""9 tow llOr flll , ... "9f-old~lledlto· perentlil oonlkltl Md ,, ... cr.:v. •'.t ,,.,._ V*"/' (1Mfl , ......... ,..., ..... TUBE TOPPERS K NXT (2) 1:!:00 "SqUi.irc· P<.·gs." Vinn11· and J<•nnif Pr art• on th<· outs wht•n Vmnw s ta r ts m<1king eyes at Patti KC ET (28) 8:00 "Grt•<1t Pl'rform ances." '/Linl'oln C <.'Oll'r S p t•c.·iu l" ft•a lun•s performa nl'<'S of "Apollo" <1 nd "01 ph<.•u!-." in h o no r of Igor S t rnv tnsk y'!-. I OOt h birthday KNBC (4) 9:00 "Hups<.:0tc:h ." Wa ltl.'r ~atthau is a formt·r 10ll'll1gt•ncc· agt.·n l aided by a n o ld flaml', G lc·nd a J :.tC'k son . in dodg ing the KG B a nd CIA . KABC (7) 9 ;00 "Co<.al M1n 1.•r 's Da u g httor." S assy Spa('c•k won a bl'sl a<.'tress Oscar fo r h <'r portr:.iy<il of L on•tla L :tnn's rise to stardo m in thl' t•ountry music field. (Sec pho to cibuVl'). · i.y A Nft Y ortc young It er 11 aent to Arizona 10 vi8lt hla mother end 11um~ acron • -In ol gllaty murder• 'R' 12:00 8 C1J MOVIE • * \.\ "Biby Comes Home" ( 11190) Colleen Oewtlural. Warren Oates A mlddle-llg«S c;oup+e who have altead'( r11Nd thrN childn1n find thetnHlvet parent• IQaln CAI • ENTERTAMltEHT TONIGHT A aooa •• wtiy movie aequ- • are big boll olllce II MOVIE • * '~ "Wiid In The Slty" (1972) K-*' Wynn, Rob· art Lanting ThrM dMC>et· 11• 1><•-• enemc>t to • ;aCll..;pl- • • * ·~ "Ceptaina Cour• oeou•" c 19371 s~ T 1 acy. Freddie BartllOlo- ~ A IPOHd young boy INma many laaaon• on 1 rough lllhlng _.., • lOVE. AMUICAH STYLE "l o.,. Ano The GrHt C•tCh" Adtm Wett dropa In on Harry Clurman to t>uy aome1tamps' (O)MOVE • • "Anna 01>.-..d" (Z)MOVIE • •~ "Sunday Too Fat Aw8Y" ( 11175) Jacll ThomC>· aon, Mu Cullen t2..'06 8 <II MC NEWS NIOHTUHE tt:30 D Q! L.ATl HIGHT wsn. Do\VIO~ G-11 SI-LanClelberg. Brlll•h writer Ctemen1 Freud ·~AMINCAH ITYL.E "Lo.. And The 8tg Nlghl" Mar\ tall• hit eacr-.. ary lo '* apar11Mnt ~ of '* ,_ ol burglar• t2:36 • MOYll • • ~ "Journey From C>atll-" C 19751 Maro Singer. Kay LMll A bllnd ~ 11udenl ltrugglH lo be accepted 1n10 medl· cal echool. 1:001::_~ * * * '~ "GUfll At Bat18l" ( 19841 Rlcnard Alt"1bor· OUQl'I, Jac;ll Hawlllna.A pto- toeol•mlnded Brt11sh om- ~ r.ru-to ooop«ete wtlll rllt!M In an AtrlGen net Ion. (C)MOW * * • \t "Robin AM Mari- an" (197&) 8Mn COnn8fy. Audrey Heoburn An olc* and ....., "®In Hood retutnt from bltlle to Sh1rwood For••• 10 rec:lalm hie balo...a Maid Marian. Wf>O 11M "'*ell 1 C()n\19f!t and t•en '* itOWt 'PG' t: ti Cl) MOYll * * 'h "L1111Ch WIOOfl" (ttll) Candr Moora. CtM:ik MceclM A ltlO ot ~ M Into tr~ ffOfll C~ltOfl wtllla l>lovldinO ""''""'°' to hungry construc:llon wo•k· ... 'A' 1:30 a a Nee NEWS OVERNIGHT 8 GENE AUTRY (0)MOV1£ • • • • "Payday·· C 1973) Alp Torn, Anni C&Pfl A country •nd western singer ruthleasty m•11es his w ay to sterdom by manl9utat· Ing and d1sc;ard1ng lh<>Se around him (l)MOVIE * * "Tiie Sea WOlvN" C 111801 Gregory Pee:«. Rog- ., Moore Outing World War II. • g.roup ot 8'111Sll t>u11neumen form• volun· ,_ r41glmen1 10 datroy • G .. man tpy nest In the 1ne11an Ocean PG· t:45 CH) RAC€ FOR THE P£NHAHT B111ry Tomp111ns and Tim McCarver co-814 fhe bHe11 leading to the 1984' World Seriet 0MOVIE • ·~ "8o0y And Soul" (1119t) Leon Isaac Ken,... dy. J1yne Kennedy A young bteclt turns 10 prlzelighllng 10 raise lhe money ht needs for med•· cal aehooC 'A' 2:00 8 CN NEWS NtOHTWATCW 2:06 8 NEWS 2:15 (ff)MOVIE ... * • ·~ 'lion Ot The OeMrl" (19811 "nthony Outnn, 011~1 Ree<J A hlld-rldtng Bedouon leade< rHltls 11a1y·1 attempt• 10 oc;c;upy Llby• for 20 ye;n PG' 2:30Q!NEWS 2-45 (l) MOVIE • • 'Heartf>M9S (198 ti Andy Kaulm1n Bernll- dell• Pet.,, In a WO<ld ol the neat lu1ure. two c:om· meteial robot• expet>ene41 lhe v1C1Ultudes of 111 al love ·PG 2:56 (Cl MOVIE • • ·~ "Amflf !Un G lgOIO ·• ( 19801 RIChard G«•. Lau· ran Hutlon A 8everty Hiiia glgOio beCOM9S the Pflme 11119«1 In 1 murde< 1nves· llgltlon 'R' S:tel (0) MOVIE * * 'n "Follow The Fleet" (1936) Fred Attllre. Ginger Roger•. A d•noer In I he • Navy trtes to hctlp ht• for-mer partner and her liater MOYIE • * • "Th• Clnc1nn•ll Kid" ( 198 51 Steve Mc;~. Edwlrd G Rob• lnaon 3:45.MOVIE * "Tan.811, Thi A.pa Man" ( 198 I) Richard Harrie, Bo O..ak. Wiilie accompany· Ing ""' llth41t on • ~ for the ~lry Ele- ph1nt'1 Graveyard, • young -.. •bdueled lly an uncMllHd wt111e men wtlO wet 1alMO by apee In the~ 'A' • 4: 11 (I) W/lrCft.Y W0M.0 Of JONATMAN WIHTtN 01H111t Hnw~1t1 ("~Mt JOHN DARLING 4:45 1 Si WILO BABIES Tt11a documer1to1y cu1cho. many wild on1mal5 "b 111oy g1ow up and lea,,, to ~u• VIVtl 111 1110lr notUIUI n1\IJi IAI 'l'aw11day'• Boyl i•P .tlor,.-11 4:00 H * • • t ne P11vate Eyes C t9801 Oort Knoll~ l1m Conway lwo bum tl41ng AmertCan aete<:11•e~ are called "' to 1nve~l1Qdl" a seues ol murder• 1n an EnghSh callle PG &:30'C •• • ThaGreai Brain l-19781 Jimmy Osmonel, Len 9.,man In the early 1900s ~ youno c:on a1tist swindles 1lve1 y one 1n sight .ma create• !M!Yt'rel p10Dlems lor 111m sou G 7~00 ( 0 • • 1 Thc Lasl Day~ 01 Mussot1n1 1 t9771 Roo Steiger He111y rond'11 Near the end 01 the Sec: ond Wotld Wai ltullan las c1i1 premie1 8cn110 Mus'o llnl auempts 10 flee n1s deleall!<l country PG 7:30 0 I•' 1 Thirty I' A OaQ gerou1 "ge Cyn1111u \ t968) Dudley Moor" 1' clus~I p•an•st leels ntt must compose a maste1 piece 1>el0<e he reacne~ 30 ·years-Old Z • • " l ne tn•1s1ble Boy 119S71 Ph11tp AbDOtt Richard Eye< " mot'>•VI! compule< goes aw1y 1n 11\ a11emp1s 10 con1r01 1he WO<ld t>e<:ause 11 t1~11 10 ~leulate tne pewer ot human ixwnos 11:00 C * • • • Lil Sl1ad.1 ( 1954) Anthony Ou11rn G1uhetla Mesina A wilnd ering .tlrongmen aocc:omP•· med by lhe 11mple-w•1ted g111 he boughl to ~ h11 clown is gaednd into k•lhng en acrpbel wno 14'8'~ him H' * • Groon ICo (1981) fiyan O'Neol Ann.- Archer 'PG 9:00 Z * * * "Ari hut I 198 t I Ovdley Mooie. l•rn Mm· nelh w n11e h1• lam11y attempts lo l0<ce him 1nio a pre-a" anged marriage .l arunken he<lomstic play 1>oy falls rn love w1lh 11 p0or working girt PG t:30 G) * • • Wee Willie Winkle' (19371 Sh111ev Temple VICIO< Mc;Lagle<I A Snlall g11I De<:omM o POl)Ul&r ligure 1n lnc:ha 0 • • Grendel Grendt'l Grendel. 0 "Grendo4 Grendel G•end•I 10:00 G) • • • Tne Stns 0 1 RllCNll C•d• I 196 t i Angoo OOck1nson Peter Flneh A m1s1ionary loses 1ne r•spect ot the natives 111111 Iha auc:c;umDs to tempt• uon CC • • • R11n1ree C0un ty' ( 19571 Elizabeth leytor Montgomery Cllll Dunng Ille CMI Wat. • c;opt1vat1ng Southern belle 11 de1e1- mlned to havo the men ol her chOlo• reoa•dlest 01 lh• conHQuances CH)* *'t "l1lands In The Stream" ( 19771 Gti0tgo C Scott. C1111e Bloom Bated on the novel by E1nes1 Hem1ngw1y An ISOlatecl art1111a rorcad to rllYilet hit hidden emotion• when h11 lhrH u tranged 1on1 come to mn him 'PO ($1 •• 't "then• (1954) Jane Powell. O.bbte Rey nOldl A la~ end a llng ., INIT> UP wllh a pelf of 1181•• W!IO h ... with theil pec;ullat Clf•ndperenlt 1 t:OO COi • • • '°' "P1ttarn1" I t95el Vert Hehln Ed Bag '-Y 8aMO 04\ I dtlMI by Aoci Ser"linO • *** "MadAITltl l\n~ 119181 Simone Stg· 1101111 Cluude Oeupn1t1 A woman$ porsona111y undfHOOC~ an e•treme H~11str.nm1111on wnen she involve\ hersolt 1n a • oma11t1c. all air wh1c:h l>ridQcG two w1Cloly dill8f· 1ng Gullura1 levets PG' Z • • • MO<lctrn Romaoct 1198 ti Albert BtOOk' K&lnryn Harrotd A him e<lltor Ines repeal- u<lly to win Dack me neart ol me woman he lovllll R 12 00 0 * * • Fath<;r 5 Little O.v1dllnd I t 95 11 Spencer lr8Cy Joan Ben,..11 Alter h1~ daughter marries. a man t>ehe"es his lroubtes 8•" over unt11 he l1nd1 hes soon 10 be a gren<Jlalher S • • Mommie oa.ir .. s1 (19811 Faye Dunaway Ou1na Sc:arwid Fot11e• lllm s1a1 Joan Crawio•d r111r.e~ ncr 1•0 adoplttd chllelren in a domesl•G dtmosphe<e that vd••eS tiom lu•urtous com· ton 111 S.'l01'11G d1sc:1phne PG 12·30 Z • • Sundoy Too Fat Awdy 1 197~1 Jack I t•Omp~on Ma1-Cullen 1 00 C H1Qh l~e ( t9801 Dav10 Jnnucn l ony Mv•anw lhree moun1a1n thrnb4:ltS a,e retcu~ from on oti'l<.u1e c;llll a~ a •esu11 t'1c vdhan1 ettorh ot ~ vet· cran ronge1 H • •'' Conlfact On Cherry S1reet 119711 Fronk S1na11 a Vetna BIOOtn A 1><>11ceman oev· ,,..~ an unorthOdO• .1>4an tor t>rill(J•oO crimone~ 10 1ustic;,. 0 • • • lt»G111~ t t'l571 Gene Kelly M11v Gdynor An Ame,.can musical 5no... n11s the European circu11 when Gomp11ca11ons DllS(" 2 00 Z • • l "" 1nvior.ible Boy 119'>71 Pn1•1p ADb011 R1<.ha1d f ye< 4 massive comput'"• goes a .. ry 1n •ts &11emp1s 10 control tne world ~ause •I laJIS to c.alcu11111e lhf! power of human l>fl•no• 2,30 0 • • Tne lnc•ed•ble Sn1111k1ng w oman C 19801 Lily Tomlin Chorles Gro. dm A housew•te hn<Js 11 nerd to cope wnen sne 'udelenly Deg1n$ to snunk m Sil tl PG 3 00 0 • • • 1nv1talloo To The Oanc.e I 19Sil Igor Yous~ev11ch Gl'n" Kelly Th1ee Romsky·Korsa~ov danc11 ~uenc;es are prct- S4'nll'd Corcus A clown lolls 10 n1s deaO> lrorn a tigntrope Ring A1ound The Rosy An annive<sary gilt Changes llanos many tunes StnDad The Sallor A ~"aman e•periances 111c11ing odvenhKllS 3 30 H •• • Tultps et9811 Ga~ KDP4M. Berneelelte Pell!<S When he taus 1n love a suic;1d&1 man Ines 10 canc;el the c;onlrac1 he put oul 0<1 h1mM11f Z • * Pr ovt<Jenc;e 119771 Ellen Burstyn. John Gielgud A llleltme 01 1ecottoc1ions II•~ by 1n tne droom$ ol an eldl!ft; dy1ngm1n R • oo c •,. ·~ 111e ar .. 1 B1a1n ( llH81 Jimmy Osmond, Len Birman In 1 he early 19001, a JOI.Ing con er11a1 swlnd• ~­ one In srghl ano crN tll aeve• &I problems lor nlm· sell 'G' 4:30 (0' •,.•.,"Lat Thi! Balloon Oo ( 111781 Robert e.tttes. Jin Kingsbury A polk). 11ticken youlh ChlllengM hlmMll to p1ove hts worth+· ·-10 hi• l•mifV lll'd trien<1s ·a 0 * • 'Grendel. Gren- del Grendel' a.oo '~, • • '• ·T11e p'"'"' EYft 11980) Don 1Cno1t1, T 1m Cor!wey rwo bum• bllng Amenc;an daltcllvw 81e Ulted in lo 1n.,....~,. 1 _.._ 01 mUfdtta In en Engllth UJtt. 'PO' 6.10 (%) • • * ' MOd9fl'l AOMI~ {l9e11 AIWt 8rOOli 1. ICatnryn Hatr Old by Armstrong & B•ttuk Atlanta Hravt:>s, owrwr Tt·d Turru·r cele brul<•s di vision titlt· Suncl ·n . Dally Piiat MONDAY, OCT 4, 1981 ClASSlfllD AP Wlrepnolo .. Where are priorities? Bain levels· charges against prep coaches By JOHN SEV ANO 01 IM Delly l'Mol 11•" Hams i.cuunJ Ball &an da1m!> tht·n· 1::. ,1 hugL· inJu~ltt'l' l;.akang plal·c· an n maJonty of h1~h :.chool io.yio.lt•mi-thrnughuut SuulhL·rn Culifor nra. Bum ch orgl•s. umong otht·r thin!Ji-, that jl largl' mUJOri ty or tod;.iy's h11,th St.·hool footliull t.·otil'hl'S stress uthlt·tws ratlwr than Ul't1dc•m1t.-s. when il should 1.>t: JUsl tht• opposite•. "Tht•rt• an· ~) many high M:h11ols, ltkt· S t P<tul and Ed1b0n. that do noth111g lo push fuotbull." s ays B<1in. who f 'lr.ttt In a !ti~rl••.-. graduull'O fmm St P uul m H:l70 "All thc· cuat.·hl'S gt•t you to thrnk about is footbull, footbull, fuutball. Tht-y'n· nc1t thmking of th<.· kids . All they'1·1· thanking about 1~ wanning and trying 111 kt•c•p th1·ar Jobs Most of tht·m l'uuld can· lt•s..., if a kid graduatc·~ .. &111 had no fal'U. or f1 gun•s w lw11 hl· s l<irll'd on hrs sermon Thc• 011ly 1•v1dt•1wt• ht• hiid was somt· f1 r ... 1 h;1111J knowlc•c..lgL• "MY MAIN GRIPE 1s that my dud Hill Ba in pauJ $90 u mon th for m<> to go tu St P<1ul and tht> 1•mphas1s was on lootball, not a Catholt1· 1•ducation lik<· ht• thought he was getting nw," t•xplams &an. "The way I look lit It, It should h avt• bc·t>n tht· othC'r way around St. P<iul s hould havt.• paid tht· athlC'lt·i> tu go th<·re, same with Edison Bain !klYS that St Paul t•oocht.·i> t•v1•n Wl'nl as far, at ttmt•s. to t:hangang a gradt'. or talking a Jt·at·hcr into changanK ont'. an order to kt>t.•p an athlc·w t•ltg1blt• "h 's a !>(.'<.'(.) that starts in high S(·h ool and 1s t-onunued m toll cgc-." i.ays Bain "Wh<.at \\'l' rwc·d to gt•t are a few qualtflC'd tc•achcrs who ft·el th<'y don't huvt• to baby-sit " When Bain attcndt'd St Piiul, Mar11on Annch was the football lC'am's ht•ad roat.·h. Anc1d1 left tht• Sl'hool last year. how<'vt·r . for an assistant's position :.tt Northl'rn A rizona Un1vl'rs1ty St. Paul. ant.·1dt•ntally, as tht· def«nchng B1u i''1v1· t•h amp1on an football S<1y'> &in of Anc·1t.·h . "I IJlamt.• him bt>t«JUM· 111 tlw t•111phas11. hl• plac•tod un footbull H I h<id any problt·111~ with my das...c•s, ht• would JUSt gu l4.1lk with ttw brothc•rs und nu11s und str;_ughtt·n 11 all ou t. Ht.•11, 11 yuu'n· a kid an thut s1tuat111n, you think this as gn·at." G n· 11 t for t h e mom 1· 11 t . h u 1 pott·ntwlly ugon1zrng an lh1 · y1•;11 .., to nmw OF COURSE, &an 1s no1 th1· f1ri-1 p t·ri-.un to p o int o ut 1nl'qu1t1l''.'> 111 Cal1fornw's S<:hool i.ystcm F'oua y•·ar'> ago. th1•n · W(•f'<• ~vere at't'Usauon~ frtin1 Los Angt•lt.•s City high school tOal'ht·'> that not <inly was thcrc illegal n'<·ru111ng taking plan., b u t potential pro!>p1·1·t-. were also being wcxx'CI by frc'l· nw•1b, s ports ti<:k<·ts, r ecr eational ou t1 11g~ (U1 sm•y land, Magat· Mountain, t'll') ;_i11d, yt•s, 1•v1•n prom1Sl'S of haght•r grad1-s "It's on the uJiiwmg, but it's lx.·rng l"OVt.·rt.·d up and sheltered," ~a1cJ Washingto n High football coac·h Hon Fowlkt~ a t thl' tlml· "Tht· prnhlt•m 1-. g111 ng to bl· with us for somt· t1ml'" Mosl o f the Ci ty coal·h1•i. wt:l'l ho n1::.l when 1t cam(' to an!>Wt•ra n g t·hargcs bat·k in 1978. Cr<'nshaw ll1gh baskt·tball l"oach W1ll1<' Wt•st. wht·n <1skt•d 1f ht· rt'<TU1t1·d , smd: "Yes. bl-cauSC' I hav<• to " Lt'<inard J ohnson, who playt.•d a t Fairfax ll1 gh. lhf' Un1v1:r..1ty of Utah and UC lrvinl'. was ww of miiny µli-.1y•·r.1 n-<:ruitt.•rJ during that lime· ix·raod • "There's no d oubt thrngi. like th~ arc· going to mntmu1· ai. long <is then· <trl' dl•v1ou..' JX'Opk· out there· ... he · ~·ct So far. the CIF has bc•t..n able to ('S(.'ap<.• tht· :.<Jmt• kind of open warfare thjit l'XISI.:> an the· Clly. That's not to !>-•:>. thou.ih. that the· CIF is wrthout bl1•m1sh Rumors. strong rumors, uf n-<:ru1t1ng. grarfl' <:hang1·'.'> and pre fe rential t n ·a tm1•nt for n·rtain a thlC'l<·s hav1· <See BAIN, Page C31 Dodgers unable to help themselves this time Padres beat Brave , but Morgan turns out lights on Dodgers Playoffs at a g la n c e S AN FRANCISCO <AP> A ~"a~o 11 of seemingly c•ndll·ss c.:omt·b:H'k~ by th•• pt ouu defon ding world C'hamr1on Lr1~ Anw·t1·.., l>odgi·r-. and the• scroppy San Frann..c1i ( i1.111 h 1•111f1·d an a dou ble knoc·kout. Bitter rivals for tlt'(.'adt-s. th1 t" •i It •,un., k.JVcx·d eac.-h othe r at Candlcsll«k Park ;ind h·t tho· A1iant;1 Bravc>s bac k into th<· Not1011;il Lo .1g111· V.'l·-.t champwn~h1p On thl' 3 l"St anniv<'rwirv of Rohhv Thom!'>fln's "shot hc·ard 'round tht.· world" <1gaan ... 1 I ho· Uudg1·r.. in the Po lo Grounds. San rrnm IM'0° ... .J11t Morg.1n wallop<.•d a dramatic thn·<·-run hornt r Sunday to> lead thl' Giants tu a !'i-3 vu l111 \ .incl o·ncl tlw Dodgt•rs' hop<.>s fnr <J d1v1:-.1cm p1,,\.11rr .ig.1111 ... 1 1 h1 · Braves A day earlt<·r. thf' Uoug1•1'!'. H1u11 •d tlw (~1,1rH .... l.~-2 and e liminated thNn from tlw 1.n 1· Morgan's homer w<is a '>hot -.t·t·n 111.1,1 to C'oast and it gave thc Braves 1h1·11 ftr'>I dt\'"""' t111t '>Ill••· 1969 . In San 01l'go. th<· sull1·11 Br.1\t''>. l1t•l11\111g th1·11 pennant dream.'> might Ix· .. 1app1n~ ·'"'·•\ "' tl' 0 111· out from losing 5-1 to th<· P;idn-:-IA h1·11 l\lorg,1n ·~ tow line drive· clC'arl'd tht· fl·rn:t· 111 11gh1 f11 Id Tht• Braves saw 1t on telt>v1s1on and lt•apt'<I lo th1•1r fL-.·t. slapping each othl'f·~ han<b. hugging. dJlll 1ng and howling in ;py J n Atla nta. Brav1·-.· f.ini. k11 k1 ·d off an 111101111111<11 tl•lt·brnt1on, dubbing Morgan an instant Snuth1•1 n ht:ro. Bui Ill lh<· funC'rcal atmospht•rt• of tht• Los Angi·h·s drt·ssang room at Candlt•st1ck. rt·lit·ver .. T1·1 rv Fnrstt'r, who threw thC' pitch that lost the P• 11n.1nt. c hokt-d back tc•ars after th<• gaml'. "Ont• plt<"h can wan J>l•nnants for you or l1>sc.· '1·11~,.· F11r.,\c·r .,..id, h1i:. voit.~ cracking "It lost 1t for u ... ~·o"tt•r i.a1d as ~oon as h<• n •leaS<-d tht• ball. he k 111 "' Ill' J lllJdt· a bad p1t<.:h <1 hanging sl1dt'r "It w;1s thl· type of p1t<.:h I'll cJrcum about," Fu1!>1.A.:1 !:M.lld ··Jt'!> by far th(· worst scn•wup I've t·vt·r h.1cl111 my l'Urt-t·r 1 mean an a kc•y s1tueition Tht·rl'·., JU~t nu <'>WUst· for ll .. St1•v•· L;;_irvc•y, one of the saddest men an the 11111111 .... !Id hl· didn 't want lO lakt• urr has blue untf11rin fpanng h<' might nc>ve r put 1t on again ,1f11·1 1:1 !>"<IMms and 1,727 games, th<• last 1.1 07 1111h1•c u11 v<"ly Garv<'y is a frec agc:nt and the J>odg1·r.., h,1v1• not offC'rcd ham a t'On trat.·t for nC'xt v.-.1r J\)>kl·d 1f hl' thought his can 't'r an Lo<; Angeles \\.,1, l1V('r, G~1rvc•y c lutched htS hands around his 1 h,•,t dnd said. "It could be, and that's sad. It's a f, •·ling ltkt• µurgatory." (;arv1•y t.n lkt.'d about th<' c·haractc•r of the team, how 11 f11ll~h1 back all year, how h l' loved th<' Downing nOt ready to party He r e m e mbe r. the di appointme nt of th --'79 playoff By CURT SEEOEN Of the Dell)' l'llol llefl Brian Oow n ing hPuntt:cl out of tht· Ang<·I dugout to tak<' l'arly battrng pruet l'n • th1' lazy S unday, 1mmedwt<.•ly cotchang th(• a111·nt1on of 20-year -old Julie Ellington. Unm1st.akenly, the Chim> rc-s1dent •~a Downmg w or shipper H er white T -shirt 1:. l'mbro1dl•n •d across the front reading. "Brian Downing .. A button. with Downang's picture ts aho p<1rt of h<'r apparel . "I've come to almost evc•ry gam1· th1!> w ason a n d I haven't been abl<• to talk to him." she eonfosscs. "Next to his ware and d11ltln·n. I'm h1!1 biggest fan. We even have the sam1· h1rthdav (Ot·t 9).'' P urdon Downing for not bc•tng aw:.irc• of hili popularity, even with Juli<' Ellington Ill• has a tendency to keep his mind on ba84'hall. ond he· was especially cautious about over-cel<'braung Suturd<•Y a fle rnoon a ftc-r the Angels had cllm•h(•d tht• American Lc>aguc West champ1onshtp with 1tw1r 6-4 victory over the R.3nRcrs H is No. I priority today and every doy 111 ;an Angul victory such as Sunday's 7-6 v1t·tory oVl'r Texas. That goal ha.<i clearly lx'<.'Omt• more Important no w tha t the Angels hav(• a d•H<' with the Miiwaukee Brewers Tuesday <•Vl'nlng at Anaheim Stadium with the American League ch ampionsh ip' at auike. "1 think I aet my slgh t.B a little too h igh," Downing 1ays of th • 1970 a •nrs. in which the ~b were g iven th bo<>t by &l1imort• "Wht>n w~ win the playoCfa, thcrn you 'll 111•c m<"' celebra tJnl(." Sum. Downing wok !)Art In S11turd11y'11 JX>"t· farM chemP.'fJfll' hooplo In 1h1• A.111{1'1 clubhouse. bul ~ dldn t overlndulgf'. Not DownlnR. ••A bunch of the ployer11 got togNhf'r and we A \ u1d ,, 111111• n •lc•br;.iting. We we nt over to F red Lynn's huu~t· for a family thing . We ct•lebrated Frc•d', ktd J c•nn1fcr's birthday, Downing said. It's lx'<'n a sal.ls fymg season for Downing. H<' ha~ dt·vt·lopl'd into a multi-talented p layer -a prcm1C'r defrns1vc left fielder (he has yet to make nn f'' mr this season) and a power-packing lead off man 111 ... 28 homers ranks third on the club and he is 11rth 111 th<' lt·aguc in runs scort'd. With u pair of tl11ubles Sunday. Downing be<:ame only the fifth pluyt•r in club history to collect 300 toUll bases in a Sl 'llN<lll Such stntistks are nice, as Ca r as Downing 1s 1•11nt•t:rm'<I, but it's not evC'rythln,I(. "I don't go for statistics too m uch ," he says "Wc•'rP ot the point now that winning Is the only 1mporumt thing. If a gu y goes I -for-~. so wha~? Th:11 unC' hit moy be the game-w inner. "I h'<-·k. I'd tX' happy If we had a man on Kt."«>nd and I hit frw ground balls lo serond j ust to fil'I th<' man mto ~ring position." Such tt-amwo rk hat b«Jcom <.' lhr trademark of ,, th<' 1982 Angela. "T he team had etrugglcd II() much \ht P6'9t two yl'al'tl, It's JUSl areat to .ht' ablf' to come *k u a tC'am." hi' ~dd11. So. cx~"Ct to Downing and company trying to go at lcHt ont-1tep furthe r beginning Tu~oy . wben tht•y hoi.t th~ Brew~rt In aamc one of tht~ Amt•rlcan LeoRut-champlonahlp 1eriea. You con alto expcoet to tee one Julie Ellington wolthlf(, pen in hand, hoping fOf' an autograph and (Set DOWNINO, P11e C3 ) ,1 urg<m11.at1on . But as the emotions of tht· moment drqx:nc'tl . ht• S<."l'mt'Cl to shiver. "Come on, guys. I'm dying," Garvc•y told the newsmen pal·k(-d around h im . "This Inst al.'t 1s to ugh for mt• At lt•ast throw questions a t mt' so I c·an be glth .. G<irvt•y W<1::. the last Dodgt"r to take o ff his uniform Manag<.•r T1Jm Lasorda sal slumped on a tiny ~tool hy h1!> lockl'r. his words mere whispers and his rC'lldt•nt-d t·yt.-s J(lawd m shock Lasorda said hf.' didn't have any l·ho1ct· when he took starting pitcher Fe rnando Valenzue la out ol tht· gamP Valt-nzue la had allowed only two hits. rC'linng th<' last. 10 ba tters h e fac·cd, and appeart-d to tx• brt'l'Ztng 1<1 his 20th victory Hl• also had nine strikL-.1uts to raiS<• his season tot.al to 199 But Lasorda said the S('('()nd year pitcher to ld him his an n was url'd. When th<' Dodgers loadt'd thl' baSt.'!> an tht• top of the scvt'.'nth w ith two out. Jorgl' Ort<t panl'h hrt for Valenzuela and gruundt'd out Bob Brt>nl y then greeted Valcnzu ela's rcplact'mt.•nt. Tom N1t'denfue r. with a single and pinch -h attl'r Champ Summers followed with a double Onr oul later , Forster came in. struck out pmdi-h illt'r Jim Woh lford. then gave up the gamC'-w•n n m R hom er to Morgan on a 1-2 pitch CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Tuesday's game Milwaukee at Angela, 5:25 p.m. Wednesday'• games Atlanta at St. Louis. 12: 15 p.m. Milwaukee al Angela, 5· 15 p.m Thursday'• game Atlanta at St Louis. 5:25 pm Friday's games Angela a t Milwaukee. 12:JS· p_.m St. Louis at Atlanta. 5:25 p.m Saturday's games Angela a t M i lwaukee. 10 am. (1f necessary) St Louis at Atlant a. 5 15 pm (1 f necessary) Sunday'• games Angela at M ilwaukee. 1 20 p m (1 1 necessary) St. Louis at A tlanta. 5 . 15 p m (II necessary) uper-ub Ron Jackeon take with Manager Gene Mauch. °"" .... ,......, c..... ...,., tlme to renect on AL We l title 1 t ~ Or no AP Wlrephoto Raltinwn• twt•clt·tl a ~\H't'p of ib four-~a fl lt' ..... ,. ... ~, hut ii wa~ Mih,;mkt•t• holdin~ ttw broom Sunda). S triking players set for All-star game From AP dispa tC'bes WASIIINGl'ON Quartt•rhal'ki. [I] J11t· Thl·t-.mJnn of tht• W.a:.htngton «. t tfrcl,kini. Jnd Htl·h ... rd l'u<ld uf thl· Nt·\4. York Jl'b hl·<HI a 11..,1 of HO .,tnkmg playl·r.. who .,;1y tht·y an· u>mmttt.·d 111 µlay 111 tht· first of 20 Ndt1ort..cl Footb<tll Lt·agu1· Pl.av1·1-. A...,..,.,.,atton-i.pon°"1n-d All-Star garrn.-s ~u;1rt1·rb<1l'ks N1·il Lomax of St L11u1,., ;and Stt·vt• Grogan of Nl'W England also wt·r<· t'h1&:n by lhl· 1.500 striking playt•rs to part1l·1pal<' in Llw g;11nt· ft«Jt unng playt·rs from 1h1• 1·a i.11•rn d1 v1.,11ms of lht: NF'L's Amt'rtl'<l n and N<.il1<ll1dl l'lmf1•n •111·t-i. 111 thl· f1r~t g;u m" m·x1 Sund;" lwrC' .11 HFK St<1d1um . Tbt· NfLPA will go to fl'dt·rul 1.·11ur1 1111 Monday to '-<'f.•k a Lcmpornry r<">lrdtntng CJrdt•r tu hl11<:k h·:1gul· c•fforts to halt thc· t·ont<·-..t The M.111;.g<'m<•nt Counl·tl, thl' ownl'rs' nc·got1atmg lt'<Hn 1n th£• ~lkl» <tlmc-d at Mll•mpttng to h<1h the I :~ d;iy i.lrtkt•. said 1t cxp<.-ctc.'CI lo take IL·~al jll.'.Uun Munday lo l'njotn the play<'r; from a pp<'artng in 1h1 · all -.t;Jr gamN> Quote of the day Ray (Boom Boom) Manc ini, World Boxing Assoc1auon light weight l'hamp1on. after a r<.'<.-ent White House' ml'<'ttng with President Ronald R eagan: "It was Just lik<· meeting Santa Claus You go 111, gt'l yuur picture ta ke n wtth h im a nd then you leave." Occidental races past San Diego Va nce Mue lle r st·orC'd un a [i] 25-yard rush off an 1ns1dt· ha ndoff c ~ with 10;43 left 111 th<' g~1mt• to brt'ak ;1 • 20-20 lt<' and sp<'arhc·ad Ot·t·tdl•ntal Collcgl' lo a 34-20 victory over the University of San Diego tn a nat1onally -tc lev1sc.>d ~amc Sunday, Trammell leads Tiger hit parade Alan Trammdl horni·n ·d ;,ncf ii i.rnglhl t11 dnvt· 1n thn·1· 1 uni. .111d J er ry l ljdur ';(_·;itll·n·d st·v1·11 htti. Ji. I >N1 rnl h:1111111t·n·d Clt•vt·land Sunct1v. H I Uj<lur, Ill· Ill. ~lrul'k oul four .md w;clked om· bdnn· g!'lt1ng n ·l wf hl•lp from Howard Bailey 111 llH' n1n1h El~:whNt'. Tom Pal'io re k und Ha r o ld Baine htt hunw rum •• 111d Ma r<' Hill druvl· tn thri·c· 1 Ull"> ;i, l"htt ,1g11 whtpfH·d Minn1 .... 111;i, fi I . 011 La Marr Hoy t 's M'V<'11 h1t11·1 Joe Rudi .ind Davie l\frKay knt11:kl·rl 111tw1J1u11 ... ;11m·1:t· 1;, lc·;1d Oakl;111d lo .i Ii '.t dt't'ti.11111 nv1·r Ka11i.ai. l't t v Lo!>t·r , La rry Gura. IH I:!, gav1• up <c d11ublt· 111 Huelt tll th1 · "l't11nd lwforc· M<'K;1\ l1til11.idt·d l11i. f11urlh ho1111·1 fc11 <1 '.t o 0;1kla11d h-.1d D" igbt TRAMMELL Evans and J im Rice bt·ltt·d 111n"4't'Ull\'1• hom< r. in tlw f1r-.1 11111111g .ind R ick ~liller ... n.cppc·d :1 :1 :t t11· v.·11h .1 1 un 'l 111111g ... 111gl< tll th•· I Ith .. .., fXll>ton d1·ft•(.ctc'tl Nc·v. York.~ :t. to g1v1· hu1 l1·1 M ikl' Brown h1-. f1rs1 rn.111r l<·;1gu<· \I lt'llll \ Fanning ca lls If quits in Montreal Jim Fanoiog, undt•r ftrc· IH'<'"""' ii Monti 1·111 fatlt·d to n·pt•at tL.., N.1111111.tl L1·.iguc· i-;,,..,t t1 tit" n·s1g1wd J ' t IH Ell.po< m:1n..igc·1 Sund;1y. dt'< 1d 111g 111 11•1urn 111 tlw lt•..im's front ult tu ""\'II •· p11·-..icl1·nt f'.11111111g ..,,Jld t ht· di·l 1..,11111 ,..., to ""ho would m.111.J~t M•mtrl·al 1n l!lli:i would n ·..,t with lt·:im prt"·.tdt•nt J ohn Mcllale aftn th< .t-:xp•)), d'~>d 11u 1 t ht· I HH:.! "t'i.IMJll wllh a Ii I vu llJI ..,. PV<·r · P ittsburgh i n the Expos' f 111alt'. U111vl'ri.1t) ll1gh and Saddlt•b,1l·k Coll1.•g1· produt·t Tim Wallach drtlll'd ;i thrt·1.· run humi·r. hts 28th, :ind Andre Oawson <ilso homt•rc·cl Elwwhc>rc·. S teve Carlton po..,t<•cl hti. h ·.1gu<· ll'<Hh ng :!:lrd v11·tory wtth ;1 fuut h1t1t•r and Mike Schmidt n;wkt·d ht' :~5th FANNING homh 111 Ph1l.1dl'1 >hw', 4 ~ I ""1n ov1•1 tlw Nt·w Y 01 k Ml'l... oe l':ickro f11t•cl a 1hri•t .. htllt·r to ll'ad llou ... 11111 past Ctnl'tnnat1. :J.I), the· Hc'<ls' IOl i.t lo:-..-. uf th•· sl'aM>n Julio Gonzalez' fourth h1L of tlw g;mw. a t11·-bn•;1ktnt(. ll·ncloff hunwr tn lh1• I Ith 1nn1ng. eiwt·rt·d St Louis to a 5.4 v11·1ury OV('I C h1eago I'ht• vwtory gavt• the' Easll•rn IJ1v1i.111n 1.·hamp1on u1rdtnals a (m i.ti thrt•t•-gumt• t'Clgt· :.ind l>rokt: <1 four-game losing s tn•a k for S t L ow i.. w hich hadn't won s1m-e clinching tht• lttll• last Monday. • Holbert easily wins . Riverside Can-Am Prep f oothall sch e dule THIS WE!K'I SCHEDULE Thur.ct er RI VE R SIDE (AP ) Al Holbe rt b r eezed t o an l'asy victory at Riverside Int.ernat1o nal R9ceway Sunday, winning the• $171.900 Meguiar Grand Prix by 45 sec.'Onds over Al Unser Jr T he 35-year -old Warrington. P• .. driver led alJ 60 laps of thC' 152-mile r ace. a nd averag e d 13>.472 mP.h for a new record at the 4!.5-milc Riverside course. 11 wts Holbcrt's fourth win of the 1982 Can Am Series, a nd his ttllrd straight at Riverside. The victory, worth $25.500 lO t~ winner. moved Holbert to whhln 10 points o r the s<>rles champions h ip point lead no w held by young Unser. With onJy one race remaining. next Sunctoy ut.. Monte rey. Calif .. Unser hold8 350 points. while H o lbe rt hH a.o. "I wu s urprised thol we w ere a~ to mov(' that rar out on Al U~r in th4' race," Holb4•rt 11a1d o f h it 4 ~-ucond w inning Mtv•nta1te. "I thought w e might ht1vc t.r«tble malntalnlng • •trong I ad or1Ce I aot In traUlc. but oa It turned o ut. we wt-re able to lap 1low a r caar tHl('r than I had anllclpit1'.'<-J," Holbert added. Unk•r. who li4a lhret• Can-Am Vll'tOrtes to his cr<'<.ht this yl·ur. wa." nev<.'r .i fol'lor tn th<' ran• which was C'omplNC'ly dommall'<.i by H o l bert. a l though hi' ma naged lo h ang on to S<>t:ond place throughout the d1stant·1• Danny Sullivan. third pine<• 111 point standlt.gs. was also third in the ral·e. and w hill' hl' r<•mains in th~ ch<impion ship points racC'. he trails Unser by l!O pulnL'I Hogan s urvive rally by Peck F ive-time derending n attonal ch ampion Marty Hogan or San Diego regained hlii top position S unday by de feating Oovt• P eck of El Paso, 11 -10. 11-6. 10-11 , 9-11. 11 ·5, In the Pro Rm .. -qut>tball CJa.~lc rtna!J Gt K ing'" Court In Westm inster. Peck, aecdcd No . l In l ift• to u rname nt. wa11 down two games befo r e n•golnlng m omentum to win thl• third and fourth 11mes. Hog n. ho wever . put tht> match away In the firth same w ith a backcourt kill shot Into the left comer. Hogan wln11 $~.600, whll • PC'Ck took home $3.~()9 • HA VllW LIAOUE E•l•nd• YI El TOfO II Mlulon Viejo CINTUflY LIAOUI Foothill v1 Canyon al El Modene NON·LIAOUE Eellt()fl VI Marer ()el .. SA Bowl Schurr II Botsa 01ane1e La Quinta at La Mlr1Cle Magnot1e v1 Rancho Al 111 Geln Grove Frld•J SIA VIEW LEAOUE Irvine vs CoSI• M•H Ill NewPOrl Harbor Newpol'l Ho1bo1 v1 Un1ver1l1y a1 Irvine tOUTH COAtT LtAOUE L119una Hllll al Mlltlon v1a10 Wooelbrldqe al Cap1111ano Valley CINTUftY LIAOUI El MOCl.,,a al Tu11tn VIII• Parti YI Oranoe •I El Moci.ne SA v11i.y VI Sanll Ana II SA BOWi EWNLUOUI Kannedy YI Lotlll II L• Palm• Patil lo• Alamllot VI PKlllca 81 BOlll Grinde NOH•llAOue LB POiy ,,. Foun111n vaii.y 11 OCC Mattna It MMltk•n HUllllllQlon 8t1Cll II 8~ Clemente WHram 111 ocean vi-at Htn B•ICh LB Wllaon 11 W111m1n1ter 8'e•·Ollnd1 va 81nt1100 al Q1roen Orovt 8uen1 Park v1 Anallelm at La Palme Patk Fullerton at Otrdtn Grove Wllnut II le Hll>ll Sonor1 v• Norw•.., 11 Ekcelllor Hloh CallfOfnl• vt •unny Hllll al Buena l>m T101 VI S•v•nn• II r111lt!lOO SllVile 11 Garey V~aethtl"- leturday .. ,. v•w LIAOUI Corona 0.. Met VI 8addlabaetl II IA 8owl IOUTM COAIT LHOUI Laguna IMCft ti o.t\a Hille I 1 p m I ..... LaAOUll ,-..,anu .,. IC....._ 11 La Pllma Patti Ct OOfl<lo ve CYl)rlM ti WNtern NOtH.IAOUI O•rd4tn Grow al 'uf\tf10l'I Wallhangers Wake up HJ\l.'J'IMl)l<I· 11\l'I 'I'll• MiJy,.1uk1•1 li11•v.11 .., li.111 li1.J1d \llttllMl1 111 Iii•• 1.1l11111" fi.11 111111111 l.111' 1111 lhl< t d.iy.., .11111 1111\\ II w,1., llwll Ill 1 II "HI( 1-: w I·: H S," 1111 pl.1 Y• , ... I h .111t1 ·d Ill tilt l'lulil11111s1 , 11 1111·k111~ tlie· 1111 1 ,..,.1111 I l.11L1111•111• dt\'l.·1, 11l1c ·1 M1 lw,1uk1·• hud d1·11111l.-.l11d 1lw 01111lt·i. Ill :.! Su11cJ.iv 111 tlw w111 1l w J\1111·111.111 I .1•:ig111· l'.:••~L l'lllllllfJlllll,ht '1'111 Ur• "'1•1 -... w 1111 11p1·11 I lit• J1 .. 1gu1 d1.1111pt1111,liq1 "''11•·-.. .ig.lltl'I 1111' J\I . W1•'l C li.it1tfJlt1ll J\n1-t1 ·I" '1'111 ·..,d.iv • .t .... 1 t.1 uk1 111111 ,, 1'1111rui. o f . "('.1111111111.1 11111 W1 · ('111111 . ·" 1111' d1.11111><1gn«' f luy,,1d T iii•; THAIHTIONAl. ,·111111" lwvc·1.1g1 w.1,, n •;ulv 1,,..,1 wt•t•k 111 f~,..,11111 but Mrl\.'o,1ukt•l· loi.I 1h1· lui.I g.11111· 111 1111 "''' "'' .i11d Iii• <Ir 1111'-" s t..iy1•d ul1v1· liy lw.illng I >1·111111 • '1'111·11 1111· Hr l'W•''' 1 .11111 111 lblt11111ir1· and tlll' ( >11olt•s pullt•tl 1•v1•11 111 Liu· ..,ta11tl111g:. liy t;1k111g th1· !11 -.t llil«'• g.1111"' 111 lhc· w1•1 k1·11d i.1•111•' h y a t'11t11h1111·d :!fl i "''''' '" fJ11U1tcl111g 11111 Iii htL' l J111f;1l111t1·d. 1111' B11·wt·,... -.l111\\1 ·cl whv Ille ·\ ;111· l'illlt ti "I l.11 V • '""' W.illb,cngt•r., · 111 h11111;1 ol Ma11.cg1 •1 11.ct vc•)-Kl11•1111 ll\ po1111d111g f11U1 11111111• rur1' ·' 111plt· .111cl 1v.11 tl11uht.·, .11111111g tlw1r I l 1111:> 111 1h1· , •• 1,1111 I 111111 ... 1 Stirn hl•1p 1<1111111 You111 ,, ... 11011g 1.mtl1tl.11t· for M11i.I v.i1u.1l1l1 l'l,1Y1·1 Ill 1111 l1 .. 1g111 h.1d l\.\11 'tilo ......... ,, .1111 1 .• 11q1lt', .111d "'•lt•cl l11lll lllll:-1 ( '1 ·1 ii C:oop1·1 drtl\'t 111 lh11·1· 11111"> w1tlr ,1 -.11111 IHlllH'I , h ii. :1:!11d ;111d ;1 l\\11 11111 doulilt', .111d Tt•d S 11111111111.., i.l.11111111•d" tW11 11111 li111111·r t.1 ... :.!:!rd 11f th1• .,,.,1..,1111 .111 d N11 '.!Iii f111 lc .. 1j!l1t· l1·acl111g Mtl\\,1llk1·1· T llE T llll EE ""I" t.1111111, 1.1111•· 11fr .11111 l'.tlnwr I 1 .1 \\It""'"""" p11 I"'" 111111\\ ·"'" kd 111 ,111 Ullt'.11111'11 1 llll 1>1111 S11l11111, .i1qu111·d 11•1111 ll11u-.11111 1111 th1· Back-to-back titles for Haas J U) llU ll S ,1·111 t•d '"' "'t'1111d n vw1111 v 111 "" n1.i11v ,\;.1n-. Su11d.1\. l.ur 111111-( li;1ek !11111i1·1 W<1k1· F1111·">I tt·an1111a11 ('urtis S tra n,Rl' "111t .c f1v1 • 1111dt'I I"" 1i:1 for,, thn·1· ... 11uk1· triumph 111 th1· '1'1·~ ..... CJp1·n <.:1111 Tc1u111,1n11 ·n1 rn S;1n An11111111 11 ........ ·v. ho w1111 tht· I l.tll 111 F;111w C:la""' • two \\t'f•k.., .ego .114u1rt'(I tlw lifllt ltlll• 11( h1~ -.1ll. v1·,11 11<.;1\ T11u1 1·an•t•1 \\1llt ,, .!Ii:! lot.ti.-._. wh11fJpl11g IH ... ti .. i... un<l1·r fl·••. P a tt) Sheehan'i. 1111.il 111u11d h!I g.n·c· lw1 tin 111\\l...,l 7:! holt 1111.d 1111 1lw LPC ;A 111111 1111., y1·;11 .• 1 :!77. .1:. "'" t·.1plu11·cl tlw 111.1111011 (.'la .... .,11 111 S.in .J1,-,i IJ\ 1hr1·1· 'tr11k1·.., t1\'1·r 1un111•1 up .J o)<'.l' Kazmit•rski Teruo Su~ihara , .1 t :1 "'"' ulcl .J;!f1a111 ·"· pr11 l111 ·d a Ii 1111cl1·1 par lili 111 w111 tlw < i1·111 · S;11.111·11 .)1111 ( 'l;i.,..,w ;11 '1'111 l11g1 .J;q .. 111 U.S. completes Davis Cup sweep l'EHTll AU'>ll.tllit Till' L.:111tc·d ~ St.1ll..., 111nip!. lt·d ,1 5 II ''\ 1-c·µ of 11-. 1),1\'I<, l'llf• '' 1111f ll\,1J .1g,1111'l t\u,11.ih.1 Su11di1\ .1., .Joh11 Ml'Enn11· .Hld lt<•m M .1yt>r l111•1 •11·d tlirr1ugh lht· (111;.t l\\'11 ... 111glc· Ill.tit h1· ... Tlw A11wr 1t .1ni.. who 111111 he cl lht• r111·1•t S;111111h1v wh1·11 MlEllroc .md l'1•11r Firming <'apt1111 d 1111' t1 .. ubl1·i., atlv.11w1· t11 t ill· l1n,1b .1ga111i.1 F1.111l•'. \\lmh d11w1wcl N1 ·\\ l'..1·,1l.111d :1 :.! Thi· 111.111 lw.., \\ill he· h1·ld N11v ~ :.!B 1n ( ;n·1111l1lt Fr .11111 l\J.1\ll \\1111 fi.j h :~ 11\11 l\J.11k ~Alt11Clll'1lll -.ubh1ng 1111 Liu 1111un-.l P1 It r Mt N.1111.11.1 .11111 Mt Enrcx d1 ft.11t ·cl .J11hn i\l1•,,1111lt•1 h .\ Ii .\ Th• rn.1lllll's v.11< tl'clun·cl Lt• IJC.·,t l\4.111111h1i1 -.11u 1· tht• lltlt·d St.ill'' Jlrl .1U\ h<td I 11111 lll'd Thi· m :1llh1·.., \\c•r1: µl,1:'o't•d 111d11111 -. 1111 .1 s1.lt'l·1..tl g1 •-t·n..,.•11ou11 • ho'-t•n liy 1lw J\u..,1r .. l11•11., ht't .1u ... 1· tlw:-. th•1uglH th;11 o;u1 f.11" 11·.ii.1 lwl1x·d 1\11 Enrcw·.., g.1111t Walton takes part 1n work out Bill Wa lton. trying Ill ('<lllll' hat k m from " fool 1111un that f11n c·d hsi. abrupt n l11 1•rrwnl from thc· N,1tt1111,1I B.1 ... k<'lli.il I A'i.011.1111111. tuok µ.irl 111 ha... fu ..,l nl I tl 1.il p1 al l1e1· lhts w1 t•kt•nd ''lll'l' li1•1ng -.id1•l1111·d lwu Vl·ar-. ..ig11 Tht• h 11 W.il111n playPd :.! I rn1nut<•i. during .1 l><'rtmm,1g1 ;11 th<· S.111 Dl<'go C:ltpp1•ro;' tr:11ntng l.Jmp ..incl prompll•d Cnal'h Paul S ilas 10 t1111mwn1, "It's th1· i.:inu• nld 8111 Wht·n lw·~ on lht• 1·our1. lw brings out th<· lwsl tn olh1•1 pbvC'rs" Television . radio TV: No 1•vt·nt:-•.c:twdult•<I RADIO: Nu 1•wnti. Sl'ht·duil'<I • time ,1111111 "'"' 1,, Milv..111k•• 1111 J\11g :rn w1111 tw1 li1U1 Iii ,11 .11~:li1 '>11111 111..,1111.( 111111' /\I . d1·h111 I k111 \\ .• 11 .1l1111i: 1111:. 1 lub w,1,., ~•lll1J.l L11 win. with 111 w11h1111t 1111.," 'i.Jtrf Sut111 n ·11·., tht· lx'ISI t11llc11u11111I 1.1lt•111l'v1·1·v1•1 pl.1v1·d with I'm J(lud to 111• .111111 .. : tw tlll' 11d1·" Al l1•1 Y11u111 h111m•c l'd 111 1li1 111 ... 1 inning, H.1llllllltll• l'CMlk ll• (tlt•11 (.;ulll\lt I W,1., tfit11W.ll OUt (ll 1111· 11l:1lt· 111 Lh1· l111t111111 uf llll' 11 111111H w t.1·11 Ill' ran 1h111111-th lhlt ~tc1p i.1g11 11f 1hrrrl ti,..,,. 111.11 h ('HI l<1pk 111 Sr 1111 .c 1w11 11111 .. 111gl1· liy .1111111 J .11wc 11..,tt•111 Th .. 11111·;1111l'd r u11 111 llH' '><'l't1111I :111d ,rrw tht·r v1111111 1t11111t·1 111.Jtlt 11 :1 o lit·'"'' u .iJ11111111t· "'-cin·d 111 1111' 1lt11d 1111 t:llll1v1·1 ·.., f11..,1 111.1J<ll le .1gu1· hor111·r • ('OCH'EH, TllEN 7 1111 17 .1H.111i-.1 1h1· Ort11lt·i. "1tlt11ul .111 HBI Iii.-. ">t"'"'''· l11t 111.., 11111111·1 tn Lhl· 'Ill.Iii h1.•l1111 l';il1111·1 d1·p;1111·d H1·11 < >gltvll''i. RBI '111gl1 .,'f11l111\\ 111g Yrn1111'i. l11pl1., 11111d1· 11 :1 I sn tht.· 1·1gli1h .. 111d the· H11·v..1·1 i. 1 L1lil11•d 11 111 with f1vt· morl• Ill lht• llllltli , Sut1•111 .. 11 amlt·d 11trc·1· t'Ulllll'l i. 111 th1.· fifth \d11·11 lw rl'lt1 l•d 1111 d;111gt·r1111.., l-Ald11· Murray, <Jnd two 1111111 · 111 1lt1· 1·1ghth wl11 ·11Ogl1v11·1 ;iught ptnth h111t 1 .111• N11l<i11'.., ,)It 111g I h ,.., 111· ... 1111 ;wtc1:-..., the l••ll 111 hi loul 11111 1111 11,.., k111·1·' \'1111111 l1111 ... l11d lht· 1t·gul<tr "'""II \.\llh :l9 ho1111 '" .111cl 11 1 HBI. JIHI with .1 :l:ll ;1\ i .. 1g1· lost Litt h.t11111g 1 h.1111p11111~h1p b) om po11t1 to K<Jn.sas l'11' ·., Wrll11 \Vil'4111 , "hr, '<ll r1u1 h..., t1 ·;m1'1> ft nal g.11111 W11li .i 1 ltamt· tu wn~I tlit· t·n;wn ;,way wrlh ·• 1111 111 h1-. 1111.d .11-b:.cl , Yount w ;1,, -.tru1·k by a pile l11·d I 1.dl . K111 ·1111 , wh11 ... 1 .. n t·d htl>. 1·;in·1•1 •• .., ;, sliurLo;Wp .111cl \\,,,Al . l11·ll111g l'hamp 11111 111 l~~>!:I aft er ''\If• li1r1g 111 1h1· 11u1l11·ld, l'<.tllt·d Y11u111 1h1.· best •ill :1n11111d 'li111 t-.l11p 111· hai. t·vt•r ..., 1·11 ;111d S<tsd he ">l11 111ld 111 1111 11 .1gul'·.., MVP S11111111 \\ 1111 ..... uJ h1· wa ... "111 ·•"t' ,Jl things tlii 111.111 • .111 d11 .. -.;url Youn1 11111 11111' ..., .in MV-P .111d .111 t\11 .1.11 l>ut .,1.,u "All-wc11 Id · Braves toast Morgan's blast SAN IJIF-:<.:o (AP) Lo..,tng 5-1 and down to llll'ir l..i-..1 11ut. th1· AtlJnl<.I Bruvt~ knt·W th<'y nc'('Ck-d 11l1htd1· h1·J1, 10 win thl!1r f1r!'.t Nattonal League Wi· ... ti·rr1 1>1v1 ... 111n 11111.· :.tnct• 1!:!69 M11atul11u-.lv, tht·y gut 11 500 milt..., <iway tn S.t11 Fr ,1111 I'><11 to i.u1 vive· urw of bJM·l~ll':. w1ldc-sl 11111 I \\,1\ ldl't'' "'1111, " the \\ ,,, thti. 1·1.11.v ..,, .ii.on '>hould «'nc.l," l-.i1d H1 ;1v c·'.' ~lugg1•1 J),il< Mui phv aftl'r J ot· Moq.,:.111·-.. thn>t' ru11 h11nw1 111 1tw -..(•\f1·nth inning g.1v• 1111~11 l-'1.1111 1"*·" (;1:.irn ... ,, .> :.! v11111ry ovl·r Lh1· I .11 ... t\11g1 1,., D1Mlgl'I' Su111l.1:"- Tl11 (,1,111h \t1t1J1\ 1111•\tnli·d tht· IJodg1·rs f1 11m l\111g Ille Br.1v1 .., .1111f lrunng ,, ont• game pJ.1.,,olf F111 t\11.1111.1 5-1 111..,. ,-.., Ill S.cn l>n•go II w:.is c ""ugh 111 I 1111• Ii 1111• g.11111 .el11 .111 111 till Dodgt·n. .i11cl c.1.1111 ... 111 tlw NL\\\ ... 1 Hu1 tlw 1 li.i111p,1gnt t l'il·t.r.1111111 w,,.., dt'layc·d 45 111111ut1·, 11111 II 1111 Ht .1\ , . .., \\ .111 l11ng on lt·lc v1-..u11 as 11111 111 ·\\',11w11 \\'.111t·d 11uL ... 11lt· 1 h1·1·n ·d th1· f111:il out 111 S .. 11 Fr .int 1'l't1 Tu l\h11ph~. 11 ... 1·1·11wd ,, frt1111g 1·nd to a 111 I \I ' \\ 1,11 k111g M ',Cl>lfll ·\\'• \\ 1111 u 111 ,1 , 1m. 11i1 11 \\ 1· 1 .. ~. 1 !I .. f :n. 111111 11gh1 .11 1111 1 ..... 1 m111lJ1t \\1 h,1\1 111 \\,itch T\' 111 Imel 11111 11111 l.11t It''''"" hkr· Iii.ii', the· v.av 1t -..h1111ld 111 ... 11cf l\lurph' · 1\1111 g,111 111'>1.llllf\ \\,,.., (11,l'll·d 111 lhrc I ('lltl'l> S.in 1·1.11111"'·•1 .111tl S.111 l>11 ·g11 ""d Atldnt,1 ' \\'h,1l1'\ I r ,)tN l\)111 g.tl\ \\ .111t:, II ' Ill\ lft•;cl." .... 11d 1\ 1 l.mt...1 Lh11 d b.i:.cm.111 81111 ll11rrwr U(:J keep . . w1nn1ng Tlw lJ(.' Ir v1111 "".1tt·r p11l11 lt'.1111 k1•pt 1111 rolling Su11d.1~. '"'"1111g IL' 1·1gh1h \\Ill 111 1)111<' llUttngs. 9-2. 11\'1·1 thi Un1v1·r-..1l\ rd S1111tlw1 n ('.d1forn1,1 a t N1•\\ 111111 I f.11 h111 I lrgh Tlw A111t•a11•1..., <•rt• no\\ H I u\'1·r.ill \\1th lht· lur\C' lo .... .., 1 omtng .1g .. 11 ni.1 a \\'c · .. 1 <.;,·rm.in <.qllild tn the U<.'I T11u1 n.1n•1·nl Thi· -.c:onng \\ai. b.ilam1·d .1g.1111i.t 1111' TrnJans. as T1t•\'01 Dod!-.011, .John Ol1vw1. J1 rt (.',1mplx-ll and ( :1•orgt· Holwt l)'oon 'upplytng .1 p.11r nf g•Klh-apl<'l'<'. P1 •11 •r (.';1mplwl I t,1II11 ·d th<· ot lwt goa I Ut'I n ·111,11dwi. U~'LA Tu1•stlay 111gh1 al Bt'lmont Pl.11~1 111 l,cmg l~·ad1 ln·111r \\ 011 th« 11th1•r ml'l'ttng .1g.11rn.1 1 lw H1 u111i.. 111-ti Ut'I n ·1u111.., 10 1·11nft•n •nt·t• o< tton Satu rday. hosting lhl· Un1v1·ri.11y of P ae1f1t in a I o'cl<X·k matt h .ii N1·" ptirt llarbt>1· ' " r . Gene Autry i rmrrounded by hi 'poHf' a ter preHnl1ng Ooug OeCinc~t (left) with owner' trophy . ,. D•llY Pllol Stall Pholo It wus a day for hi~h -fivt'!"> and ('(•l•·hral ion "lw11 1lw \ n~•·I -. wrap1wcl up tht• Al. Wt•!>.l litl•·. Mauch can really feast After 23 years By CURT SEEDEN O( the OellJ Piiot Siert Unl1kl• his (1.;tlwn 1·qun1t·rp.trl ·UI m1l1•s up th1· fn'l•way , A11g1·I MJnagC'r Gt•rw Maul'h furgm·-. the· lavish pan of hut. bubblin~ la~1gn;:1 afl<"r a b;1M1b<.tll gamt• 1111 tht l>t·-.1 Ill lht Jio11'1 I"'' Ill .t 1 ,,..,,. of t'h;1111p:1grn .. 1 111111 11\\11 :->.t1111d1\ ,\111, \p lttl\ "''I 'I •,;,,~ Win or lc~c·, Maul'h t',111 usu;:1lh bl' found aftt•r <.i ganw st<.iring coldlv at a roa:.l b<'l'f on whit<• sandV.·1d1. th<·rt· on J 111111· paJ)('I" plait' atop a f i l e· on lht· uppos1t1on It-. 1101 knu\\11 ti :\l.ou<h It,,, -.1x·nt 1111" l.1,.,t ,.'.;\..,. ,, "" lt\111~• 1,. StUlll<Jl Ji lh1ng'o ltk< Ulllll Jiil 1111' <iflt•r g.1m1 d111111•r-. 11111 lor th• f11--.t ltrlll 'illll tl11 '" \I"' 11ld ... klJJf>l'I b4 •g,1n 111,lfl.t~lll).! I lllo1)'ll l1·.1gu1 tt·o1 111 i\l.1u1 Ii '' ,, ( h.1111p11111 I •ll l1h.1 I<•',, •. 1. .. ~ •. ,, I >11111 I 1• \ '"" t 1,.1, I\,,, ( .. 1 l<11d <.111,\ 1·1,cJI. 1111 B1 .. 111 I lo'I'\\ 111111: ,111d I 1111 I I 11 11.1\ \ In thL· d uhhuw••· nfll·r a ga11w. Maut'h 1s usual! v m·rvous tfr's ,s till thinking ~bout tht> most rC't"t•nt outt·om1· uf a nrn lt•s l l><'lWt'l•n his band of SUJ)(•rstars and thl' oppos1t11m Tht• sandwll'h sits I t has bc•t•n sl<Jrt•d i nto s ubm1ss1on b y Maud1 afll'f n C'arly 160 gam1-s Sun. ,,·, JU"t tit• ,\111• 111 .111 L1 ·.1gu1 W1·-.1 c r11\\ 11 11111 11 ,, -.1,1rl 'l'h1·11· 1-. ... 1t1 I " ,1op 111 Mtlw:1uk1•1• 111 Ire 111.1d1 And 111;1ylH• JU"I m.1ylH·, 1111"1 I' \\.JI 111 (Ill A11g1·I llltl'USl•HI 11111t1 N.1\11111od L1•agu1· turf 111 tho,; \i\'111 Id S1·111 l.t ti ol I I lt.tlllfJtlllhhlfl l>t l"I' IH1I :\l.1111 h" W1 II ''" 11111 11 .• 111,111,11 f d •• 1 .1~· It .1glli It .1111 11111~ .i... 111 lt.1'o \~ 1tli1HJI \\ 111111111• "'1111 k111d o l .1 1111<· "'1111 J\J.111< h , I 1111-.tolt•lt ,j IU1t"itt•f 1,H lt1 I 111 J.,1 It I d t1JI' lr1• M.1ueh 1s l'XIJ<'< 1111~ 1111 ,,.,, l1.11lh l"I 111111 ,, II 11\ •'I llt1 '• ,11 1·111 llhl.01111 111 I'"'" \\tilt \\ . .t11 1 .\I 1 .. ,, 1 .. 1 ··wlo1l1 1,1. .. , .,,, T od:1v. MauC"h l"an <;ay. "bring T 111 A fl g l ' ". I" I "11 I \ I I 1 • st·t·ond llll11' Ill Lh1 II 2:! \ '"" h1 sto1 y . h..i vt 1.qi11111 d ,, l'hamp1on.,h1p Thi ' \\ 1 ·'l'I" r1 thin~-. up with ,, 10\,11 ... ttov. 111~· !lit .di tlllll Jt.,I ,of 1111l1o1)'' I Ill \t .. 1 ... 111 ,1•1• Ill \11.t 111 h.r lllolllotl'I cl lft• • 11•1111 11111 I I 1111• DOWNING READY FOR Pl_J A \'()Fl~"S • From Page C1 ma vlw i·vl·n a wav<• I rom her hc-ro • S ht•'d also wlllt• for a lt•adoff d11ulilt Th1rc.J hasc•m:rn Doug Ot<.:1m·1·.., "'"" ... 1·11"{ lt"tl II\ h1.., lt«11nmatc•s to n •cc•1vc• the• Own1·r·-. Tr11ph\ wh1l·h 1s Jwardt:tl lo the club's mu:.l v..1lu<ilJll pla,v1·r Ttw Angeli., tht•n honorH:I C.:h<i1rn1 .. .n ol th•· &1<.ird C:c•m: Autry by rl•tinng a FrSf'Y 111 h1-. 11;H111· Thi· numlwr on tht· JNSC'Y l'o :l6 s1gr11fvin~ llw 26th n1an on th<' r<1Sll'r ·Pettis' first hit • a game-winner Hookw Gary Pt'll1<; blas l<'d a home• run with onC' out in the> bottom o f tht> ninth 1nnrng for his first maJOr lcagUl' hit. g1 vsng th<: Ang<+ .. a i ~h victory ov(•r thf' Tt>xas RangN'S Sunday Pl'tus· homc•r t«lffil' off Texas relwvn U.onn:;. Darwin 10-8 and mad<' a wmnl•r of M1tkl•\ Mahh·r. 2·0. th<' S<'V<'nlh Ang<'I pil<'hC'r The win was the third 1n a row of th1• Amt•n ean ~ague> W<'St champion Angl'ls, who 11J)(•n thl' twst-of f1v<> AL championship sc·r ll's a~,itn:>I M1Jw;iukC'c· Tuc•sday night at Anaht'lm Tht· Br<'Wt•rs won the· EastC'rn crown with a L0-2 win ovt•r Baltimore The• Rangl'rs had workC'd their way back from o fi.Q de f1t·1t and twd the scort> in lht• eighth on .1 two-run homer by 1-'t•tt• O 'Brlt'n, who lilso duublt·d home 1wo runs in a thrC<'·run s ixth Tht' Angt'ls c h as<'d Texas s turt<·r M1kl' Smithson w ith a f1vl"·run fi rst 1nmng . highhghtl'd by Rf'ggi<' Jackson's thrc'<'·run homer, his :39th of the season Jackson. who added an HBI double· 111 th<> fourth. finished the• year tkd with MtlwaukC'C'°!. Gorman Thomas for the lead m homers Brian Downing startt'CI the rally w ith a doublt· a nc.I SC'orcd o n Rod Carew's single• Fn•d L y nn d oubled before Jackson's blast to right Bobby Gm·h ·s RBI tripl<' made 11 5·0 Mariners roll, 39-0 The Huntrngto n VallC'y Marin<'rs 1mprovC'd their mark to 4-0 in Hi-Desert League ploy with an easy 39·0 sc-m i-pro football victor y over th1• Burbank Bandits at Ocean VIPw lhgh Sunday a fternoon. Doug Marlin caught a pair o r tout•hdown passes to le ad the Marine r attack , wh il P quarte rback Roger H Ill conn<'ctcd on 12 of 15 attempts for 95 yards. Meanwhile, Harry Newton ran for a pmr of touchdowns and Mike Wend Ung picked off o pair o( Burbank paaae11. The Ma r iners, leaders of th<' Cooatitl Olvlalon, travel lo Rooeevelt High In Los Angeles lo plty the City of Industry next Sunday ot l o'clock l ' I .d\\,1\' h1q11 '\I I. \I ·" "' "' I 11111 Ill\ l.1\i•l tlo I• ·•Ill ' 11••1• I \Ull \ .!1111111• th• 1•1• I..'. •II·• 11• ... ll\ "'"' "B111 I'"'' 11111hf11l f\ ,1\ 1111 Ill' 1 •• I gt11up 11! lo.oil p),1\1 I 111 I rr11f\ Ill.ti Pt• \111 •I lo.o\• h,11f li\11 11 .., 1111" ).!11',olo I I• .Olli Ill lo,1 • 11,11! loKI 1\ I ih1 Alli!• 1 .... 111111111111' d 11 ... 1 1111 111 ' , .. I ''•If) 1·v1 1 111,111ag1 Iii• 1 l11h Bill 1<11•111 ·• \\ 111 1t.1••"' 11111 tl11 f11 o.,t Ii.ill Ttu•-.1!.1\ 1 ,., n1111• 'l'li"" ''" • d11111 ~ \\ 111 111 ho111dl1 d \l.'11l tp ... .i .• , lo\ 1111• t .. t 11111111 I \1111ol klJ'fH'I .11111r11 )1,.,1 S1111d I\· ... I• 1•111.11 ,, .1 ·itl l I 111.ol· ""' ,. 1 .. 1 \\ l1•'f1l>lllg to_' li:!f1 111 lllglflj.. tho I lft.OI I I lltt lotl.ol 11 ,Ill',,..,'. t\llll I 11 .ti\ ) ,1 .tj'lh I•·• 101 .I ..' 1111, ,It.II \\'11h 111 ... lthl 11111111~ '"" .. 11111 h••llt• I H1 l.l!I• .l.11 J..,.,11 l11·d l\ltl\\ .111k11 , ( ;,,1111,111 I lt1o111.1• I r th• t\I. h111111 11111Cl•1h,1m1111111 ,l11p \\tilt .l'I .J.11 "'"" h.111 I."·'"" '"' "'' Ill "' 1111 '"'"'II "' lh• 11111tl1 11111111g 11· "·'" Ill 1111 "" dt'I I. '•I ,, ,\11111 1011kw c:.11, ,., "" 11 .. 111111• , .. 1 "' ""' 11 .. 11•• I 1111 lo gl\ l' tlll \11)!1 lo., tft1 II 1 h \ ,_ 11•1\ Th• ... 11 .. t ·""' ,~·''' ,1,,, """" 11111 1:1u ,.,, •1. -.t•a-.1111 tlH ""'h 111111 111 11'.IC lwd th,11 ftl.!1111 Ill hi-.1·..i11"1•r 111 .. 1 ... ,,1,..,,,1111 1111.,..,,11th1\11g.J 11 l'oll1" I .11 IP.1-.1 H>11 HHI 111 ,, ..,,.,1"'111 .J.11 k .... 11\, lilt 1d1 111.oll\ h ..... llt•d 1111 1111' 11111111• I 111 t ft;1lllflllllhli1J 1 11111·1 t11111 ·.., 111 hl'o l.tlt't I 111d \\,.II 11 11tt111gh1 11111\ 111111 .J,11 k-.1111 \,,,,th• 111111 11 gul,11 lo plo1\ 1111 , 11111 • g.tllu 1t\.lt11h '" h• 1111ild gu .tltc·1 1h1 1111111• 11111 ll I h• I th11ugh1 111.1~ lw Id II(· ,tlrl1· lu ..,.11 ,,I<, 11111 111111 • 111 .. Ill' .11t1111l11 ·d ;1flt'I th1· u111t1· ... 1 A11gi•I M.1no1g1•1 < :1·1w M.n11 h -.,1\ tw'll -.1·11d T11111111' .J11h11 111tlw111ll·t11•r T111 ·'od.iv. w• "t1h 111111·1 K 1-;011 · .. ,, Wt·drw-.d .. ,· ;ind tlw 11 u ... 1 < :1·1111 / .. tl111 111 th1 I h11 d gan11· 111 M0ilw.111k<·1· .J11h11 114 I:!) f1~u11· ... 111 h1 npp11..,1·d 11\ I'•'' \'lu km uh (Ill ~l l The J\11go•I" ~ht dult·d 1111 \\ 111 k11111 111d.1\ .11 An.ih1•11TI S1.1d111m "Y11u 1\',1l h d1111'111,.1·d 111 1111! \\lt111 \•>It\•• pl.l\f'd -.11 lllitllV ,.,1 1.11gltt tl,I\, ltk1 \.\t ft,,,., .. c "'pl.111w.t .. hnrhl11p T1111 Foh ~ -THI A NIGHT WITH 1i IARL'I JOE CANNON "U-HUflNO AT THE . All COHOlflOH!ffO IOlA.I WA !ff HlA flHO Rancho Mission Viejo M IHllOOM l lMOOalHO .. Sat., Oct. 9th ~.1 ..... s1en• •• v...,. 00oo (CIWI S •n<t n-""' Your A•HI 5:00 P.M. COST A MISA 641-1289 I S2• ..... ,_. 11~4 $25.00 MISMOH VllJO 495-0401 r u Oeduc tlble 21t22 C:.mlM C.~tlrene Conlribulion Includes is.,, ,,.... flrwy. el a.-.y "wy I Dinner, Oancin& lo live Country Western Band and Show with kle. For Tickets CIR Newport 631 1212 ( C•lt 642-5-78. l Irvine 551 ·4421 Put • few word• Minion Vle)o 831·6450 lo work for you. laruna Beach 49J.3331 I , . 01u11w C.llllbl !>Alty I'll() I /M11111l 11 II I M Frum J>.iql• C I I 11 •\ II \\ I 11 I" It I IOI \ ••• ' .. I ool • '""'' lllltf 11111'• I II' • 111111 f"•tlll•d ,11 \111111111 1111 h ••. ~ .. I I 1,1 11 111 111• I •.' 111 ' II" I 1 1.:1111111111.111 \ '" 11d1111 ... li11•l1 1.1111-.1111 11 1111 do 11111 ti!> f 11!11 I ,111 . .tl '11111111111111 "' 1110 .111d1 111 .. \1\11, \" H I· I 1.-.. 11.Y .1-. l,111 \I ,II j•dt "II lo1.,ll1,1ll fll ll~~l ollll Ill f d1 d IOf I ~Ifill I .Oil 11 .• II l1rn11•11.111(1 . 111 11•111111111• .111.I .11 1111 .11111 111 111 1~1.11fot I\," II 111 I .1 II 1111 I I" ti ltt \\ tJ., tll IH l1l.i111• ,.,, 1111 ,,,,,.Ill '11 1"11·111 t.111 I Id.till• I I "" 1111·111 11111 lltt 11 ,1111 ,il11111 I• 111 I 111.11111 II 1111 I I 1. 111 lt t I "u I I • I 11' ' I It\• lil1•u><I 1\ I~ 1111 t· .. 1111, di I' \\ 11.il ' t\. I 1 .... .i 11111 I .. 1 H1• It ft11 1fll llu It J1Hll1J• tt 1 .. ,.,. "'"'' 1111 •• ' •••• I 1 .. \\Ill II t11 d HI ;, I lit J''"'''' 111 ,., t Ht• d d1111 I l,11.,\\ \\ 11 11 11 • lih• • ti s I I'." ti I 1• " I ' 11 I 1 " I" \\ 1\.1111 , Id ti 11i.,1 11111 I ltfl •• .I j •I 11l 1l1 11 t 1111 It I fll II 11 • I• u 11111 t' I II• I ' I I • 'II d' Ill' I" I '" "'' I '' ,,, ,J i. \ \. lo 1 I lw I I 1 , • 1h,11 I·~·"·"" "' ,, II I • \\ 11tld j II I •I II ii I • f., I· ' ' II 11 \ "" I • " I I • I 111 "'·"'' 11, I' I I ·'" 1111•• I 1 I• •I I 1· • I • I ' \• II ·111 .• 1 """'" ""' I I" " 111 '"\•.if 111 •••. , .-11d Ill I 11' 11111• tlliltl ·""'' f,, \\It II ~~1,i >'•llll~ 1t1 d 11 Jfi 1111 I 1• 1ff1 I it .. , .. , l\,"0\\ ti \\I Ill tti Ill I 11 d l,1 ""ti I \\ ·' I 11 • I• d ' I If ... 11 .. .t I I I ' I ·' ' I' I"'' J' I 1, \I 11 I• " ' I' I I ' 111 .. 111•111 ( "' • ,, 111 \\ I I t ' I I ,, ' I • • I" • t I , ... ,., tf1 111 I Ii \ It I 1 I I 11 111 • ' • •Ill I ' • t •' It H111 '" 11· ' 111• ti I~ 'I \\ t If d If • .I • , , I I , .. 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I 11 t Ill I 1. 11111• 11111• ,, " 111.11 ,, .111 •I • I I I t I .... ' • I' 11 '' 11111 11111, I .11 k· 11 I l 'htl t.f• l11 I i'I I 11 •I 111• • 11 I\ 11• 111.t If t • f' II It ,\11 1111 • ,I I 'I '. l\,11 dolt lo ,\11)11 \\11 • .J, 1111 I 11111• I• lo 11111111~ ,.1 tl11 It I I 1,\ I j ~ ' I I I I 1 I t t I I I I I I I 1 ll•Jlllflfll It" 111111 l(•1LI' '·" k ''" "''I "'I "I 111 ( II•' ,.,,., .. H.d111111tJt f .... Ii· I J~1d1 H ...... , I 1 •.t11 l'l1d ,.), q.ti. I .1111 1 '"'' :1 .. 11 1•111 ,, .. , 1, 'I,,, I 11ol I• di I I 111• ""'''I J11t1\ I 111\\ ti d I 't1,1 lltjll• fl l1 q1 \\ "ljlltll ii f.f' I I l1.t1lljllltl1 l1q1 ' '"" I 11,1· 111 I .. I I,• I '"'""·•I ',,, ltl I l It t t 11. t I I I •I t •• I• H • t .. I ti.•\• 1tt.1d1 \I u~ t }t1d .1 t 1ift lol'o 11111,\ 11 Ill l.11k "'' it I"'"' I I I I I Ill I 11.1\ I 1.1 • .j •• '··~· 1'·•11 i\11d I), ( ''". ,\tilt (II lot•ll1' I 1111., 111() 'I I< Ill ,1 !1.1dt11,L! 1.111d111.1I• 1111 111 • \1t1• '" tfl l,1 •J'"' ,., • t \ tlt ••• t.J. • I J 11 \\ 1 I I \111 I 1 I I II • I I• I 11 I ti••\' t I II I I I I I I • I • "I I ' I It• I•• II \\ "' I tll \\ \\Jo I 1111k 1111 Iii• •I 1 I It I 1111 I I ' \ ";.;I I 11 , .. t. t I• .1d1: l 111.111 h ,,., I d ""' /, \ h11111• I .. I ht ..,, •*'''" \.lo fo11 11 1"1°1 1 .... 1 ,,,, I .. ,I) ·II 111.111 1 ...... ,~ ,,,~ .... i 1J1d H1 l1u t 11 I 11 1 o 1 I • I '" '\ f Pf , I 1~ • ., tit 1 t1tl 1 '\l' I 1i1 tf I'''' I 11111 •II \\' I ' I II ti I "I 1 \111! \\ • 11 t t It I•\ i II l~"'l1 II!" lltt l•ll• t 1 I <' "Jt11 11 1 11.t "I '' I' I '' ... I I l I ' I I I I 1 'I \\ I I 1. fl i.!ld,f111\ If I lt• •l I 11• 111 \ht I f•ll :\I 11'1 i 111 • • • 11nni1d11111 JH ,, p1! ' '. •I' J., I' I I 1 \' • I• '. 1~1' I •• "" "''I 1~1 JI I ' I l 1;1 .\ t ' !1, J • ., r • I 1 • ,1 i ~ ·•' . \I 1. '+• \\fl• 11 :\l.1 ,1 ,, dt 11 1d11 t1 1J11f1 d lill 'l ljl ', I' \\ • I j I It t .I I l' II• } I ti 1, " I.' I'' I I I ti I I I • ,\ t. .. 1 I Iii \ •II 1 .. /,ii II J '" • ~ ,, I• f I ' I " f I H I•"' 'l11 I.. •I d 1d ft 1 ( ••H I 1' 11 1,1111 di I t111I \' !11 1 .. 1 J.111 d 1tt11 c 11111 !"-\ 1111 ht I ,1 II t 11 fl pll• ho I d1H I\ Ill• I I\ ol• I • ' "I' I J. I It '"J'fH t I .• I. '• tli 111·' ,. II ' 1! 11 • \ I ' I 11 • ' I " II I I I ,,, 1.1, f-•11 1ddtol J•li 11 • p11 l..1 ii "I' () i < ,, Ir .f1d111 .• 11d I 11 I 1 '" 111111' lt,1\'i o1d.J1·d ll 1\ I ,ti It I )'ollll' .!111111 I •I :\I t llr1 ,\11 1• • 111 I• \\, l•IH IJ\111o1 11, I I 11 I 1.1 Id \\ 1 l.1111 '"' .. 1 .. \\ I.ii' ptl• Ito I r111tl '' ,, College football SATUROAV S GAMES WHI ''·'~' ti A ' , • '·"''Ht! ,, At I " .. ti I 1,,1 I al \ tt [• t~f ~t It tl•hl l Iii I tit fi,1 it t1 flt,.,, A, I( •t t 11 qr" til.t Hf'+ I r~•IJ 1t Nt·w V• :-1cn f I thut \I Nt'--. Mflt)uf O St n rt u 1 .ti lltat "' ...,.. 't 11 i .,, \I W"tw St t• ,,., [ >•• J· I di Ny 1rn.n\.l Soulh•••I 11 •II • '' 't H Arkai.""' .,,,~ '.d U,1 I r n Pt1rn1t1 V,,,..,, J\AM ett U1-.t•( p 1 '"'·'"' A.\M .1f HC'lu-tnn n lit ,,,,1,,.. '' r J~t u r,m., ~t Oti'" n ,, 11 1, '"• N lf••i1' •-.t 1t l~·••' Arllnotn" " fl•!•' 1t 1 (,IJ I MldWHI """'' "''" M 1 h1{JHt• •I ( .-ntt11 M r t1IOtU'! , ,,,,,ft••• h "-,• ., ( *'" ''""" f •' ' ••• ,, flllflfllt \'"v ' ,., .. ,, ,, ttt ht '~' ln111rt1 11 101.111•1 t \,'4tllo!JC~1•1 ,, .. tf•;\ .... St '-.4 rh q1u 'ti ttl Mlll•ti,ut1r f'.1 •"'" t Id nt N11•fr1~ Ot,f'rlft W1,con .tn Al Onu !i\1 fctnh<• At North~'n tf'!._... .A~tUf» ll [ .t ... tt•t11 I·'"'"" 8o¥whf'\O (.1retf" di ~1"m. 11 M1nr1,..1tntn nt North"A"''""'n c,,..,,., ,, M "'" •., ,., qw Mi•~,,.., ·.1 11\rht ~' ti tnw" ~' r •"'"'" Mit h•Q·U 1tt Tr1lf'f1.:l n o ... ~ .. Ill w .. ,1 .. 1n llhnl'.llt "HOlf'll' of IM Ooldfln TOOl'h" t:ael ''" ·•hJf ,. ,.,.,,., •' t (<•tf"t'I ti ti" 'V t•d Of ' h\ 011 ~., ti •• N II 1 l~'1•f'IU' •I,., t ''" P••l \-A IHI •I M ''"'I "'''"'"' Uuri1 tr.n• fl tt l"Jt >A u.tm1t1h" f4h(t(.lto' •~·'"'' et Nntl~tl tttu• Afl"''J tt Pul•l., '.II Oo"tt\h t 't·tp• at Wt tit V1101u H O<"l<•n II al ' tin Limited Off er 11 2626 Harbor llvd., Co1to Me10 5~5630 Aiancln~nllblt s•cted Mocltll ( 11 ) . ,, .. 1lt I I 1 ' l1. 111 . ,, I ' I 11 h• t ,, 'I It • ......... .. ' I ..... .. If ; 1 ' ~ I .. I •' .. I JOHNSON & SON µresents .. COL EGE Pich of the Wt1k P''"" 5tofe O YI I Alc1bonio * Oklol1onio 01er T 1• .1tO~ • At1zo110 Stoto over Stanford * Brighnm Young ov , New Mc->tito • UCLA over Ariton a 11 ,, I r. .. Jr .. It J • C'I 1,..1 1.1 , , " .,, .,, ,, It'• ... [.,• •• .. .. .. '. . , " •" ... Jr I " .. , .. ...... ... ... ... ,,, '•/ ... f, ... .~. ... ... ~.t '" '•' .. .... ,, , 01 nun C.01111 UAll v PIL01 /Mondeay, Octobor 4, 1982 ~ . ' ., " MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS Amerlcen Leegue WU fERN OIVll fON W L Pel OB ~ Angel• 'Jj •·" ,;4 l'\ .. n-...u c. it) ~JO 1.-•,• L J Lh1L1l4J\• ~/ /• '1 J1 b '.t'.11"0 7t. H~ 4b'I II n~~••nJ t 8 'l • 470 1~ I.,. .. , t.4 "•' 1!1~ 29 M•M•t•-.ul J bO tOl HO J t EAlllRN DIVISION • M+l111oJ11ii,•·• f.f~ t,7 ~ftb lhtlllfhOtt• q4 b8 ~fj() 1 Ur1 ... hm 8\1 I 1 ~~9 b 0.1'""' tu 1c1 •, n 11 Nt v. 1 11• f•J tiJ 4'88 16 (It ..,,.ilttlhl ;'t! tS4 lti t 1 / fur win ltt ti4 4t;t 1/ 4,.htu r1• d dM''°" 1111(' Sund•r • lco••• Angel• 1 l 1 "''" ,, lfHOUtU '• r_,,~.tftlt• ,' H•n1t1m •, N••v.. 'u•• -~ 111 +r1111ou"• U•"""' 11 ( h•t1t•l.tHll I l.hu 110• 11 M11lf11",0IH 1 0,1).lotu• t1 k.otll\d' • •11 j ~,,t1l;r. ,,,.,,., 10 H11ll1111,ot• J REOUlAR SEASON ENOS N1tlonel Lugue WES TERN DIVISION • AU u~I 1 OOdg••• ,, ~ f Jtl ,,, l"' I' ttrtt,'!th I W L Pel OB ~.aq """' 14 -S tit 1'> •JI ,• f' ~ • no ~I .. 'fl '· ,,, ., h1 'lt .. ·~ U S TCRM DIVISION I •I •t •I b l'hr l Jt< S f•I I ~f 1 '.4t.' ,..., ""' t tH If !.It h C• lt!>f>Ufijll 114 "8 ~ l'J /# \fl(,1•)• ""''i b'• J~I '' ~4t'h \"U'"' t 1 If 401 f 1 ll•I• h' •I 1 • t th Sunder • Scor .. II. llf • ,,,., Ood9•t• 1"'1 ohH· 11t t 4 111 .. N Y11t i. I V f 111•1' t i 111.nu'l.Jh t St l~i·S. ':. l' 1C t~' A t4 ·•·111nq~1 t-i ,,-,tuh ' ( .o 1·1r .JI n C,.tt [> .. -.,<I '• All.tttl • I REGULAR SEASON ENOS AMERICAN LEAGUE Angela 7, Rengera II TEXAS CALIFORNIA c ... ,.,, d A1t hdfC11 /ti Wriu,11 tf Hot1i,r1lt" tSh OOro•t1 1u 6>h ort 't' Ht>Of>f~t•I !I '.,Jlf"1fth• 11 •b , h bl •b , h bl 4 () t 'l t> .~,11111.J II 2 2? 0 ' n t o tt .. ,, <nj••t tt 7 o t o ... l 1 (J (If•·~ 1h '1 1 t t 'I 1 CJ r::t• nn1~t~ 11> 2 0 l 0 4 ? '1 4 AU1tni"t ,._ 'l 0 1 0 4 U \ ' t ,.nn c. t 1 0 1 0 I I (J P11tt1a 'f 4 2 1 I 00 (I "4i1j lt.fll,ldi fJh• ti 4 lo~u +1'" t } 0 1 1 f nt. '5 O 0 0 0 l 11lli" 11f1 .'\ l 0 (J U·ttl(,r L•' 0 1 0 t) 4,1;r1tU t ''I 't1 I 0 U 0 "._ llH•• r '\\ ;J 0 0 0 0.~t l • tOuO (,11(t1 ,.h 10 1 1 .'II II I ~ 7to ' 0 I 0 ttoo• • c 1 0 0 0 J t-1 v\t•• J 0 0 0 f.4 t •s. ,_ ;Jl.110 1 0 llC..••t• " 4 0 00 1 '" '4 • ' I_; {, 7 1) 7 Score by lnnl1"9t , ... , ,r, ,, . .,, ""'•l•••!l.t 0 ... 1,,..1" tl , "" Calllornla aOJ 011 ow 6 "00 10 00 1 7 IP H II Ell BB SO C, I 0 4 ' I I I I 0 0 1 I r Jr,t><> I 1C.OOO //o!I ;/ I U 0 I} I Af't'> I fJl)OO(J Cu<ll\'!1 1 I I) I Hot,•l•·t l t ' 0 ,,~,,.., l ~ 0 0 Mdt1h)f lW (H (, 0 'l "J 0 HhP IAo J,H lllM 1 n1w ''""'"~r1rtt f ? II) A b? O?iJ RuJ• II' c tff"4'W ~.tn,. lVI" tki'llrtltfti.l ~J•an 9""1qu I 8dyl0r G.t•Cf b?Ctn•' fo!• Jtwg1JJO' WMonq Ptth'l Bur"-1·>" Stootfll•' Ada,,.,i, '1tfiki'"""' 101.i, Angel averegea BATTINO AB R H HR RBI 14 2 ·~ 4 1 7 19 ~.t'l 88 lb1 'I , .. V• <t• 1n JO 91 471 ;() 141 }1 86 bo 101 •IJ l8 a• ),)() ~2 146 J9 100 ,nr ,., !>;-J .. ~ (,()8 60 1(,0 74 ')4 ">06 74 11;> ICI 6~ 4'' 4/ i I T !.8 ·~~ •f '· , J '>6 ... ~' l 8 181 1• 1~ I If ' ~ ' 1 1 4~ 4 0 ') ll I) 0 ' ,. • ? J !>0 11 01 SS328•4 1s18 186 760 PITCHINO Pel 3311 319 JOI 29') 281 275 26S 263 261 2S6 252 2'6 208 200 ,~., •'i• 14) •llO 2 74 IP H BB SO W·L ERA I"' 1'> "' 4 10 f ~ 7 (I I 00 Ht'lle< 11 '>~ •II lA 1 I 7 711 K•""• 147 170 4• ftl; 10 S 1 • 7 A••" ~> H lJ 40 J 3 1 16 Wiii I 7'< •Th 4 T e• 8 f, 1 so Jnlln 211 2J9 J~ I.ii.I u 17 31>8 ZaM2211 o 22S 115 I I 11-8 3 73 Ste"t'I 26 2~ 11 11 I 0 J 76 Foo cn22e 72!> !>7 73 13. 11 J 87 Golll 86 82 12 A 7 8 ~ • 08 Re11~0 166 18J SI 91 11·6 4 42 M0f9'10 40' • ~·· 2J 1'l J 1 4 74 Co<t:>"'' 7~ n ~~ ~1 t-9 ~ 12 l1on1 211'. 111 e 10 2·2 s 78 CU'"' 12 18 ) 10 0 I 6 00 Totalt 1484 1437 •87 726 93-69 3 e1 Blue Jaye s. Me1IMn 2 Seema 010 010 000 2 s 2 roron10 ooo 001 13. s •O o l"'I Moo•• vande~•ll (71 C•ud•ll 191 B Ctari. t91 Mvt~man 181 ano SWN>I Clancy and Whlll A Morllnl'tt w ci.ncy •• 14 l Ceu<11tt 12·9 HR SN1tle, z .... 1211 A 19 064 erewen 10, Oriol•• 2 M1lwuu~t:H t 11 00 1, 01~ tO 11 IJJllolJ>DI,; 00 I 000 010 I 10 I SuUtm ~4\Clufd Ho ttutJ S1r-nmuot r.1a1mer 1 M•utme1 tflJ 0 M11rtu,tt1 t8) f la11ag•n tlll •n\l Oum1-t•tty "40la11 W ~uuoo • 1 t P~1lme1 1~·~ HRt M11'""""..., YOv••I t20f CooPtH llll ~~rnmun' tll) Bol111nou.t Gulliver ( I) A ~I 642 Q,.•11n\l A':,~· R;cr;t•~I b II 0 t<~!l>OI• Col~ OOJ 000 000 J b 0 Cumov K11utJmu.n f4) t11mnt1 f It B••tct 111 .. nd Koarn.,y Gu•• HOO<! 161 8otltll10 Or 81d~• fill f•o•I 1111 •"O Watn•n Ouulil W i°>•nQmOu 4 12 l Gu'a 18 12 s Bo~•d c 111 •lA• Ollklnno M'K"Y 1•1, 111 .. 11 1~1 Kanu• C••Y WelhBro tll A 24 488 lled Sor S, Yan~e .. J 60~1011 200 00 t 000 Ol ~ 14 N"" Y1;1i. 000 010 100 00 J 11 I Hurol Bu19mu1~1 f41 Apon1<11!>1. tl1>yd tll M 9,own (8 ) ttntl Laf'.run&o•t Altta-inder R M.1y Ht) dnO Ctt•on_, W M Bt•Jwn I 0 l R Muy 6 6 HR• l:IO•lon fv.tn• ll21 Aiu 1?41 Nt'W ""'' Cvll·n~ 1J1 A 3 t 46~ Tigert I , lndl•n• I o.<11011 000 JOI 0) l •; 14 Ct~v«htnd 000 000 100 I I 1J10vt a •• 1 .. y (91 '"''' r •My Svitllll~ SmtHVoH• (tU .. ~1\@hu' 11) Gtyun (8~ 1111cl Ndn0'(1tllh W Ut<hH 10 10 l SuH .. l•llt• 1A t4 HH-, Ut•t1u11 lrammull (ti) WV< lu•uhu:" t8t A. 7 9'lA White Sor I , f •lnt 1 l.ho<.tll" 000 101 0 10 6 1 I M11m.,\OI,. 000 001 000 l 7 0 t-ioy1 •. mo t-ftll Hdv""" 8r)r1~ •Cit L•tflflll 14i1 dfliJ f\vh•,a W Ho.,.t 1~ 1 ~ l H h~O) 10 14 Hfh l..tlot<.6QU PdC~IOU~h 111 O<i1f1 .. ,. Cl~I A ~ 08'.1 NATIONAL LEAGUE Glenla 5, Dodger• 3 LOS ANGEL.ES SAN FRANCISCO ;., ..... l•lJ•Jft!:Ju• eaa.t" •t Uct,._.._~., ll Mvnd tt 1f c..~. Jb 5<10\.C.,1j MOUH~ b" fit.tdlf"y P' 1ea9er t Ru:.M.--41 S':t va1t.•n11u ~ or1"' IJff N1t•dnh " F<1tst~' ll to•uh ab rhbl abrh bl • o o o v~"J""' ct l O O O t 4 1 1 o won•l<1•U u 1 0 o 0 4 0 , I l"'r.ofg•n lb l I 1 3 1 0 I 0 (.1.10• rt 4 0 0 0 ., 1 IO RSmoU• lb I 0 0 0 .. ~ ' 2 (:h .. ffJff"idf lt. 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 (.an' lb J I I 0 I 0 1 0 lf'<lftiltd II 4 I I 0 0 0 0 0 l!rl'•llt ' ii I I 0 0 0 0 0 VMd\t< \> 0 0 0 I 4 0 1 0 Pet11ri1 '' 1 0 0 0 1000 !">umm~•'l'n 1010 1 o o o ~uw / " O 1 0 0 OOOOl.0·1•t>1I' .-OOO 0 0 0 0 l M811tq 0 0 0 0 :\~ ) 'f ' .,...,,_,..,,. i-1 0 0 0 IOl<ll\ 78 ~ !o 4 Score br Inning• t .,, Any<!l"' 020 000 010 3 Sa" f td.,<•K'J 0?0 000 JO• ~ DI.I los An9elO'> 1 I 0£l l 0> A!)QfllM ~ Sun J-ranc1\GO • }£:i Leonard SummfJ,., lunor•uitua Orlkt'f HA Cey •<41 l"'oroa" I 14f SB R Sm1rn 111 Loa Angel.. IP H R fR BB 10 'ldlM/uel~ L I 7 7 ~ 9 No..Oenlue• ll J 41 ? 7 ' 0 I F Qtjlt~ ' , t 1 0 2 San Francltco l illP-ef l 4'1o;t!floe '4101<.m +W 10 '' 1J o6 2101 0 10000 1 ~ 0 3 \ .t-iNlft p1tC.tltt<J IU WP l•S•ev T 1 balf,.I If'\ lf'I• 71" 7'i4 A 41 4~7 P.clrH S, Brneo I Al u11a 000 010 000 4 0 San ~o 000 0:.0 00> ~ 6 0 C.an<o MOO«' l'il M"""" 181 Wallo. 171 JOd B'ene<J91:1 5,,,_.f•O LOllAf Ot!leon t61 C>avec.a1 171 •ncJ I fC.•nMMJy W a• •6 fl l Camp 11 13 S 0fd¥f'C\., '1t .... n 4111,..111 I Harc;.f!W ~' • A t9 •H1 hpot I Plral .. 1 "''"'''"~' ooo •n ooo «> 10 o Poll\t;ur9h 100 ()()() 000 1 '\ Rt'JO~' ~ "''d C '' ,,., O F'•oo.n~on SGuHy 191 and 0,,., w Rogefl 19 a ' 0 Oooon.on I 'i I~ HRS f\IO<llfedl Wdlla<.n 1281 Da«\O<l 1231 A u 948 Cardin•!• S. C11e,. 4 Sll 000 000 010 000 11 -5 13 0 ChOLacOOlO 110 000 000 10 4 17 2 laP01n1 Sluper 101 Lant1 181 l<Hl 181 !lair 181 J Mallon 1101 l<eM•• f 111 numuoen ( l>t anCI Brummet B11d Proly 11) W Hernanop1 (81 Le Smith 181 C8mpb<'Jll I 10) Maril ( 12) o<ta~ r 141 Noles 1 u 1 a11d l"'n•eland W Ra.vnu$.Ston 1 ·2 l Kravtte l 1 HA , SI Lou1' Go<11a•e1 111 A. 21 41 t Aelroo l , Reda 0 (;onC1<1nat1 000 000 000 0 J 0 Houlton 101 001 00• 3 q O P••1or~ H""'' 181 and I/an Go•de< J N••~ro end Pv1ol~ W J N1f!t110 l7 n l Pa.lore 8 13 A 14 672 Pl'>llllet~.Meh 1 N.,.. too 100 000 000 4 0 PMtldf!lphla 010 '20 OOa 4' 9 2 Lvncn C O•at 181 and R~ynold• c. ..... on •nd e OtLI w Carlton 23 'I l Lrn'll 4 8 t<Rt Nf'" Yor~ Gard*f"lhtff' 131 Ph1l•l1.-.tpt11.\ Schmidt 1)51 ... '" J8l Top 10 lkffd on 475 al bait) AMUllCA.N l.EAOU£ WWotson ICC Yount M·• c ..... A1>99lt E M""•Y B•I COQPl!!f Mil G&r"11 Tor R>ce Bsn lllc:RH KC. Harr3h Cl• Breu KC 0 AB ft H Pel 13& ses 87 1114 337 IS6 63S 129 210 331 •38 s21 aa 167 3111 ISi 550 87 174 l 16 •SS 6~4 104 XIS 313 147 597 89 185 J 10 1•5 S73 86 177 309 159 613 91 189 308 162 602 100 183 304 144 S" 10 I 167 303 Hom• llluno G Tnomu Molwaulo.e• 39 Ille. Jec hon, Angela, H : W1nl111d Ne"' York 37 OQllYle. MllweukH, 34 llluna Ball.cl In MCR8P Kantlll C•tr 133 Coope• M1t,.avkH 171 Tl'101n1on C1ev11tAnO 116 Younl M1twaukff 11• O TnotnH M1twaukee 112 ,.llchlnt (17 r>eci.lone) P•lme1 Bellomo•• 1~,4 llukov1ch M1lw8'1kM 18·6, Burns, Cn~ago 13 5 Z•hn, Angele. 11·1: lll•n-o. An9ele, 11.e; Su1c;t1lfe Clevf]land ••·I Gu1<1ry ~ Yor-1'-8 ' SCOREBOARD NATIONAL LEAOUE (Jl1vv1 Mii Motlhx.• l'ljh Ou1hA•H Lt11 It• Sn11111 l>1l Uu4 .. kt1t1• Lh1 Ouetrero, LA D•w•ort Mii Balter, LA ti4'tn•n01 Sil I Peoo P911 0 AB ft H PcL 100 611 llO 204 331 154 568 92 181 3111 148 S39 84 1flj! 31:,> "~i~ m '~g ;~~ ·~ II>() )75 87 175 304 148 b07 107 183 301 147 ~70 80 171 300 lbO ~79 79 '73 299 138 497 53 14 T 296 Hom• Rune Kutgtn111\ Now YOt'°' )7 MdtPh)' Allanta 38 $chn11dl Phllad8tpl11i0 3~ H0t11"' Atl•t•to J2 Ou.neto, Oodt•u. ,, lllun• Balled In 011••• Mont••"' 1og Murphy Al•Mnlo 109 Buo11er Ct"'•OO •OS H•nd11ci. SI lou•~ 104 Clott k San rran<;1.co 103 "llchlng (17 Oeclalon•) P N1e1o.ro, Atlanta 11-4 Rog••• Mon1ree1 111·9 Carnon, Pllllade1pn1a 73 I I, Breining San Frenclaco. 11-o LOii•• San Otego 18-9, Candelerla, Pll1tbur9h, 12·7, Foroch, S1 Louil, 15.9 "-••· ~e. lt-11, Oek TrM (al lanl• Anlla) SUNDAY'S RESULTS (51h ol 21-d•J mHll1"9) FIRBT flACE. 8' 1 <u•tongs Nay110 8•Y (hlr•ds) !160 S 80 4 60 Ooodl>ye JV (Gue11a1 7 40 6 00 Cneei.io .. age (Mezaf 9 60 Alto <IKfKI Loll, lO•fl• 0moh8 Mcoe, Bold I a11a Sky l"'1as1on S•abl• Pal l<.'"11 Gonzo P1ason Tome I IS 21!> IECONO llACE 6 tu•IOnga lloCOtpo<OIO< tllltC1n1 7 40 .100 2 80 r 1ngal (0..lanouueret 2 80 2 60 Rovell Factor ICHta~a) S 60 Alto r1tced No Sn11n~s .So•"ijaoo K•tA•lan GrMn Gallant M'iJ'nty Retutn lime I 011 llS Sl DAILY OOUBLl 12 4f PO•d $38 (,() THlftO AACE 6 lutf()(lQs f abutou• NOl•on (Pn<ylJ 20 2 80 ;> 40 Co1lletand 10.•eo•I 7 60 3 80 Ally• LAdy 11111enzue1a1 3 <'Cl Alto raced A Lucky S•Q" lcu MQltuse Mon@y Sc.ttoo• M•'"' r•m• 1 09 11s FOURfH llACE. I II 16 moll!!\ Ouoel fhQMI jlllcCrnt 9 40 'i 60 4 00 A BIQ K1 u I Shoemake• I 9 80 S 60 811 Of Be8\I IHawa..yl 3 80 Alto •aG•d Why Zanttie face NO•lll I/el••• B1111 LOW81o." J1ogu l1m• I 43 31~ flFTH RACE & lurlOllQS Anawet Iv l"'vt•< 16 10 ~ 40 4 tlO :.nenek•te IH•w'"Y' 2 80 2 bO Oom1emy (S10111e1 6 70 Alto tat<!d Big P1P""'1l•l•On Snam s Foot l •u9n1r10 Boy With UOtHly Ao•oca11ng Tim@ !Oii 21!> 16 IXACfA 16·711-t••d StOV 00 llX TH ftACC fJ h.1rl0f'll• MtonSwH• 10 80 4 80 J 60 09Mt(I En•or 1Dfolanouuaye13 20 2 60 F.g1>11ng r1t (Mc;Ca11on1 2 80 A lto fK.0 Lampe.11n. Vt'lDeflil\O•nlt 10 Me M1Cn•9n1 Mone Overoty Sp"ng Otoat!t Slandup Comfld.a11 l l,.,. I 08 I S IEVENfH ftACE b lu•tonv• Mt COileio• 1Hen'M'nl 4 l'O 3 20 2 80 Shady Foa 1Cap1ta•""'I 4 20 3 20 Mot•Ytf'f tS•btll4't 7 00 AllKI •11<'.<lld co,o•P•o Son of • Dodo An(Jt"'-' R4la•ni Rope1 M8h0Ato lime I Oii 2,S '5 EXACT A 17 ~I 1>•td $Jt> ~ Sl PICK llX 14 4 I b 6·71 Pa•d ST \28 00 w11n 78 w1nn1n9 t•C.•ftft •su: hO•teu S2 P,c., $11 con•o•atton pa10 $98 00 'tllWtfh 67! w1nnmo llC'1ets. ffl¥e llOrHll llOHTH lllACE. I • m11fl• on tu•f lemtlfo• tP1nc•1 I 7 :xi 4 20 3 20 Creel11111 tShoema>.,•I l 20 2 10 Saro t 01e .. me1 tC.uc11at S 00 A110 ••ced At• l"'e noy•I Cap1t•e Hvgabar Sun Wor•nop Casu11,,1a Sword Blade T1mo l 41) Iii> NINTH AACl . l 1116 mol"A Sword Honou< IPncyl 8 80 4 b°hl 40 Mtyen (l/lnrtaf 4 20~00 BOid Otsplay tWatrenf 4 20 Alao racfKI Tne Bio I M• McMoose PleH8 Be on I om• Gebll • Danu• Cou1a1 Pride lime I 43 31!>.. S.S EXACT .A (S 91 paid S57 SO AllendancAt 48 194 Hollywood Perk eUNOAY'B "lSUl Tl (S1tll of A-nlthl ,,...11"9) FlftlT lllACI, Or.. mtM! pace Gozo Sia• tKueblfl•I 6 60 4 60 l 40 H11a<1ou• B•-(Sl>Orll 7 60 4 40 Glamour Boy N (Dunn.gent 4 00 A t s o raced Id••• Bab• GOIChllCO-ed 11 .... ,, • o. ... m N 1 en Pftfc.enl., Bon 91..., N Kendi~• Boy Tome 201 S3 EXACT A f) SI paod s5g 70 llCOND flACE One m-. ool FIDO(I Hanove< fP•lo.•I • 60 4 40 4 00 O•Mn GO<ld&H fHQjrN>t l S 60 3 80 FIHh S IO•m 1cu11, 10 00 Alao """" Regal Rt1rea1 Dear S11 8111nda Spe!!d Kalamoun Kimbal F Buck Stove, Chief Guy A Tim• 2 oo 21s THlfllO AACl. One mile pllCe Howdr Mo<! (Ad•m•I 1 00 4 00 3 60 El To••nto (0••••1 6 oo 4 20 Full J'09er (GonHlvUI II 20 Al10 receo An<ly'a P•PPI'· ro1eve• w11n Love. Comm0<111y. K 8 King, Tile Punk, Ooclo• ROH, freuvt• Hunt"' Time 2 00 315 *3 UA,CTA (2 11 pe1d $•4 •O FOUftTH lllACI, One mole trol Nobtt Tra¥eltf tS~rnl 10 •o 5 80 3 20 Omark (F1oco1 8 40 3 40 Htrdttly (HIOdftflOn) 2 llO Alto racl!d Honor Bound Andy t Mele<>f f o•y Marllenjay J111e1 Ac'"" Freoghl 041'!•• Jay r 1nal Gem rime :.> oo 3t5 FIFTH lllACI 011" mot" IJM(.9 H1101, He•••" 1s11n1 '" 10 !I ~·i J •O Ma911• C••I• jSl•eir•lll '•~II j 411 Moo••• Uendy l"'an 1Pwr1yf 4 00 Ahu ••1.•d f ly1n11 Tony• Andy• W1111tun N•nat.nl A ndya r tbt1t•• Sk•1>po1 Sna11no" R1aqve I ~c:Jy <.111,,yl R•u ,,,,,. 7 02 4/~ S3 IXACTA 11 4t POld $(18 40 llXTH RACE °'"' m~e pa..., l .gl>lno<l Sl•m (Bklf 3 llO 3 00 l 40 EIOQuent Roy S 1Pa1••rt b 40 110 Monterey Hl'utn., t6•1th11go<>r1) :.> 00 Also rft<..ed °""'' 5Uf' Pt1n1ma"-e• Her,:;::' 11 ~;n~~· t •Ir su""'' ll8••W S5 EXACU f4 81 IJ••d S•5 Oii BE\IENTH RACE on .. m•MI P"'" Ryd0<1 legacy ~P•U•I 6 60 3 40 7 60 Ooclo• Don N ICirundyJ 4 bO , w Gunner F10>I (lleno.,,-an1 3 00 AIM> rauo l oo••"ll C.•o<><J N Dallu• Spur J8nnya lfl\l N C.eme llutll.I•" Sulod~n l•mtt t !>7 31'.> SS EXACT A ,, ~. P•U\J se·1 00 EIOHlH RACE. oo .. mite pate I 0 E&GOll (Hndrso11f 11 lO ll 40 4 00 Mof81h' Dantttt 1C.•u11dyt 14 40 4 bO He(lge1ow ly1t• 1A11Lh1e1 3 00 Also n•tt;cJ lOQWIS, 01t!uf11 Ouy l ._.8t N Bra,1<11ng 11011 P1utt1u~111 01UWHH1 Ttrn8 I ~7 NINTH RACE. Ont1 m1l1• JJt1lt.~ T trn' Mol<' IKu~Dloq I.I 40 ~JO Soa Rove• N IT 0001 10 00 Mt.es Matin~ f Pfll• li!erl .lb() 4 70 ~ 00 Alto • ac1.a All> a Spur Santa~ Be" / AdoOS A l 1mtt 5unountu Aorun Chl'1 M t1t 1'""' 157 4 ~ $5EJCACTA11 l11rn11J \f;A 80 S2 PICK SIX 11 I 4 1 J 11 fJ.tod S I 121 60 ...,,,n i'O wmn1no h(lo.(tl\ tt•vf! flOtM\) S~ Pt(..._ Su c.ou,uf11it1rm p 11d Si'-t 60 .._..tn 10.1 ""''"n'"G "c •t•t' (l(lur no,setl S2 p,,.,, S•• 1'<.'•''" C.(ln1ouuion paid S J9 40 .-,.1th •9 ...... nn•no tit•et\ fHlrft' ,,0,~') O•ttl .Ct&ICht TENTH lllACE OM ""'" 11-•• lnufO.r Glooe 1L11go1 4 2(J 4 00 ? 40 Ao•f' Ci~ tC•oOrt•nf 7 ;>O .l 00 SGoll••n lcxn 1Vat1wrt<l111\frtdmt 2 60 AliO retecJ rac.t W•wt• tarport Oo.,ny Special Ou•hly BragdllO Roveo Man.ac H19f1 Moor~ Tome t Sa 2tS S3 fXACTA 16 8111111<1 $40 20 Attendance T 022 COLLEGE How r °" 20 •• ,.., ue,., \ hOw I~ loo T""emr ti'amt 1n ,,,~ A•'W'••IMI Ptf'n 'OlleQ• football poll l••ed Seturoa, 1 'N•\h1ngton 14 0 01 beet S •n Diego St •t. 7~ '-' P,u t.ilfi 0 01 llft•I 'IYf"\I V1•g1rua 16 13 3 PpH S111e t4·0 O d•O not p11~ 4 FIO<•<l• 13 1 01 IO~I ro L Su 14 1 l ~ Alet1•ma 1• O 0» .,,.,., Atkan1a1 St 34 T 6 C.e6•Q·• 14 0 Ot l"l"At M '"'"l>O• St 79.27 1 So ""etnud•\1 14 0 Or r;"•' N, T., • .,, St lb 10 8 PtfeDta\• • J t () OP•t Aubu'n 41 7 9 u<.11> 14 0 01 ~·· C..0'0<10<• )4 II 10 •••110\~S •4 0 Ot ,.,,.., ftoa' Cn11shan 3~ 0 l I Notre Dime I J 0 01 r; .. a1 M"n'llt" Sr 11 3 l2 North C.a,f>t11.a t1 1 01 D,.•t C...org1ill T ec;h 4 I 0 I 3 A111oni !°>l•I• I~ 0 Or t>eal K•n•at SI )0-7 14 WHI Vlfg•n•• fj I 01 Iott 10 Pitt •6· 13 1$ ', .. IS Cl·O 01 bl!!al Roefl 34 7 381~ Sou1n11•n Cal (J I 01 be.11 Oreoon 17 Mtom1 n .. I• I ()j bMI lov1tv1lle 78-6 18 Bo>1on Coll~ge 1 l 0 11 beet Temple 17 7 19 Mm~sota 13 I 01 IOtt 10 """°'' 42-24 20 Auou•n 13 1.01 1011 10 Neb•Hka 4 l 7 IUNOAY'I BCOllEI Occ:t<lentat 34 San °'900 20 B•IO....,,.WaMK• 11. W1llMC....g 14 Wnl Georg11 4 I M•ll••P• fl UTUlllDAY'I LATE BCOftU Wyomlftg 28 Hawaii 10 l•ma• 7& Te•at Sout-n 17 Lou•"•"" Teen 17 fll•H A•ltnglon 14 NE LOU•S<O• 3S McNeese St 'I SW lOU11Mana :W S fllon<U 10 °"° ... ft•hlna AAT'I LAN6tHO (-pon~ech) -•6 1n919r1 SI bH• 1Sg oon110 24 1 mK~Hel. 89 IO<k flall 2 ,.hlle M'a baH 2 yellow1aJI 9 tllf!l!!P&llHd 3 oculpln 1 tadtt~I DAVEY'S LOCKEft (Hewpo<I heel!) -•33 •no1et• 14 1 l>Of\110 n c.e1teo bu• 886 maGlo.erel, 194 rock flth 11 sano b•H DANA WHAllf -198 ang1er1 84 bau 513 bon110 I hal11>u 1 I 15 ma«erel, 37S rock '''" 3 anf!41pthead, 1 scutpin BEAL eEACH -11 2 angl1111 88 barracuda 18 bon•lo, 68 cellCO bH• 311 mac~..-e1 14S 1oett 1111> 17 sano ba11 ti •ht!ePthnd 10 11Cvl11tn 25 whlle 111111 (B••11•l -164 an91et1 llO b0n110 • halibul llOO maclt ate! 2 Mnd ban. 2 ooulp1n, 290 wllllt croake1 240 QUff<1 1111\ ·-----·------------~ • TexH o.,_n (•I I an Anlonlo) ,., J•r "••• s4~ ooo 2t5 l.Ut11\ !Jlr tf'Q.,. $? 1 000 2t7 K"''" I NljUl '17 000 ,.. I "'"Y bt ... -iJ~' \t;,(J()CJ L r nmp~n \9 .,J70 D A Wa1b11ng Sil !>()() 272 U111 t;ull"" S6 lbll l1m S•mf)~n $6 7bll 51"'" Vc11oto S& 768 lom 1<11" S6 168 Gary Mc.C.0td $6 768 Pett11 01.t•l~tt•u•• S6 761J Ua••d C.•ur"'"' St. lb8 273 fom Pur11ur S4 J7~ John M•hallcy $4 37~ J'"' Colbo• 1 $4 ·11~ Jim Tr1orr,1• $.4 11•, 274 Alltm Mlllt•t Si' r_, 1f:I ltifi ftti'l•f1(1 ,._, ~ •'.f Un111Jy Wuu""" \~ '> 1'1 Co•y llocn $2 "•ti <..taten<.e Rout Si~ •, i•J Hal Su11011 Sl ~ 19 Hulle•t G• .. Jn S? ~ •~ C'>a• 1 .. , C.00<!1 S2 5 l'J J C. 5fleo0 '2 5 1!1 Doug I l!!W•ll Sl SI~ C.~ M OIQdll $1 S 19 C..r.1tg Stttd1t·t S? ~ t<t 81..ce l ll'like Sl '>Ill 2n JPll Sotoc:J8'~ l I 4'.0 tltll 9erg111 l 1 4!>0 Jonnoy Mol .,, S 1 4!>0 6"1tu Baugh 1 t 4'..Q Sten -'llgell S• ·~ 6·11 K1alll!<1 $I 4'>1) 279 G"'>'0" .At(.httt S1 t:'"-> M •t> {)t-,•111d \1 l7~ Pat lind~•·1 '1 11"i 2n ,,,,, ..... , ,.,.,,@f $9:>., M••• 0 Me•td $92~ Ron Sl<'!t> S97S M1., * NK.olett,.. 592'; r"'"' Joni. tn' $92~ ,,.. Etoe• sn~ l!Pll c,.,..,,,~~"' S'i75 271 o.n ,..alldo1 ""·"' 16:.u B••<l Bryunt l6J4 Tommy Arm<>u• Ill $()J4 BOD Mvrphy $6:14 Ar'ltOn1u C..t!:,dJ S63.t M~rk McC.u<nll• • l6l 4 Steve l•<1Dle• SbJ• Sob Eut,.DO<I l6:J4 279 J4'k N• .. 1u11 S~55 Pel MtC..ow1111 $!>~~ [<1 FotJ11 SS5S Joe HAQ4't $55~ Vance Hettfnfllr s•.-.,~ 8HHA ~vl1tt S~~~ M·•• M<Cu11nu9ro S!>.,~ Wally AlmSlrC>n{I SS">'> G!IO'g~ C.•o,.. S!I~~ 6!> ()6.59 67 68-67-6• 71 67 1>4 f.19 TU bT 6ft 67 10 , , 6'J 69 63 68 70 70 64 74 b'> C.8 b., 74-65 71-66 tlH b'J bt·Otl 7 I b8 6~ 611 bbbll6b71 68 72 l>ll 6S 7 1 68 67 67 fjg f,6 69 llll r,1 r,1 c.11 n e'< ,,., n 64 70 bll 70 bf> 71 (,1 !)8 b8 70 69 67 68 1;7 72 67 68 bl 68 69 70 67776669 70 66-69 611 74 6., 6S 70 67·726• 71 6!>-71-67 71 69 67-67 71 bb 70 1 I f.6 (>SJ b8 72 (,1 66 70 10 6'l 70 69 117 b'J {)<! 61! 69 70 f>8 69 f,7 7 I 10 10 11e 68 7168b8b9 68 67 71 70 70 67 7) f;t 611b9 1'·Gll 70 70 69 £.8 66 7•·69 Gii 6'+ !la 70 Tri 70 fJ6 11 10 66 7 t 69 71 70 70 71 67 70·69 71 ·68 69 71 70 6b 67 70-72 69 7;> 68·6'1 GO 71677070 68 7 I 68 TI 69-66·bll-1~ 69 69 7).68 67 7~ ,, b8 ] L69 11 b8 71697•68 72 68 70 l;C, b8 71 70-7(1 73 6b 10 10 n &a 69 10 66 "" n T1 lnemorl CleHlc (al • .,, Jo .. ) 2n P•lly '·' "t'' A' l'2 !>00 "9 70·69 b'• no Jo.,,., t<ill"' ,,,.., S,. 100 ,., 04'" C 9"4'"'"' S •O '00 ,.. Sa11, l•ll•• SI 1•0 J•1,.tyn Boll St 7 '-0 l&S tc'11tlhy WtHt11o· 11h S'• 0~5: M1'• Ven Ht> f~,. $~ 01~ 2M Amy A1<.r.11t S4 700 8e1n Dan•m S• ;.>OO 217 S&nd11 H•~"'t' S1 ·~ lloC•• Fe-gon SJ 450 Cn"' JOhn'O"! S'.l •!>O 211 Karen P.,.,,...1111 H.~ B•lty Kong S? S6& Pa1 B•adlet S2 ~1>8 Pam Gt~l,.n '7 ~68 211 Lynn Adam• s I {14? Sa~dra Palme• St 9•2 Hollis Stacy s I 9A2 Sharon Barrell S 1,942 no 811tb••• Barro"' $1472 Juice Pyne SI 472 Qo<tna Wllll* SI 4 72 Pa111 R1uo S 1 • 72 TC.Ill 1>'1 6'1 70 7} • 1 /I n b<I 11 n 69 6#.f 14' ; ~ 69 7• 70 12 6974117; &en 1,,_.,o 10·67 76 74 b9 ,., 69 ,. n.n-6•·76 1$· 75-7fHll 71·72-75 70 73-75 70-70 71 ·68 75 74 74.71 ,. 70 73.72.74 10 nn-14 11 70-78-70-73 72· 10 7• 1A 73.71.72 74 70·1 I 76 73 73,7'.) 72 ,, AIYerelde Cen Am Re..,111 t>f Sunder • R1YGr•ode Cilln Am ,.,,,. lype ot ca• l•P• complelPO and ~nnttt 1 , .... , •o• \ON<J .,, mph I Al Hotl>o'•I VOS.00 I 60 120 411 2 Al Un-Roman w,,...,. 60 1 Dannr Sv11i.an Ma•G" 1117 59 4 Geoll B•al>Mm Rom11n W11ffll ~9 ~ JOlln Mo11on F11.s1>ee 59 6 Reno, l~•• C11ba11 Spec;utl 58 7 Joe C•stellano F1b1111 [n••Qll ST 8 rra!1~ Joy~e CAC 2 57 II B"'ltl Roos Marguey 5 7 10 Eddie Waotil Tolemal\ 260TCA 11 HO•ll Kwecl1 Tolem1n 260TCA 12 Robb Wotlrlng Fnubefl ~6 13 RICI\ Pe••ton ConQuetl !>6 14 Moch•11I Braylon Otoe T5JO ~6 I 5 I(''" S..11on Rall 56 18 JKQUlll V1U~nl!U•e BMW. 66 17 Tom T1u..,,..1n Mar'" II 12 S6 18 Biii Alsup Rall RT '2 S5 II Jonn Gr8ham Cob•• SS 20 Cnarlet Monk Match 802 SS Davia Cup ll!Mf,.NALI (al Perin, A11alrafl•I llno1 .. (,,111'.flt M •)4 t II • 1 1J ~f M.,, • (dO)f.>flfl 'Uh IAWtt' _.••I f <t t; J Jt1f10 Mt(nH1• ttJ ',, 1 1J1' J,,111· Ith 1umJ• 1 tAu\1'1i'••~ & > b t UJ 'i wlf•• '-"'•e• S Ot (•I Ala fn Provence France) llnQl•t '""'"'"' ,, ,..,, ',., •• LJ•' f.i,,,')••11 S1rft~_.-,1f1 1'4•--w /t•t1IJ11ch h I f_j 7 f, ? C..hfli low•\. 1N.-..-.. It•' 1t1 h 1Jt<if fh1~''f 1ulA\O• H f&fl(.tfl t, A f I f 4 ff f1thl r ._,.n, t.Ufft'\ i 11 OUALIFYINO ROUNDS (•I Moaco•) Sing I•• Al .. 11ut1dt•• /v••tvJ t~r,yml Urntm~ ChJt 501hu Mtmtm tlodut) 6 0 ti 1 J f1 (; t K.or1~tuot111 Puga,,,, t!.i1J.1til Ur11ut1J uttr ViJrt 't AnUl\fllj (lr1d1uJ f"" t h 4 t5t.t11U1I Ur110,, win~ 'lUI 1(f'I 4 if • .(•I Bucelona, Spain) lllnglH ltJ-.1" l ""'.,, M.1-•\IJ l'>t>••'''I d t•f AnUtftiN Ju11H 1fi,,.1tt111 I r, t, ·1 "f, I '; (~11r11• '"'rt (' (' """''" thH 10H1g m1tl"' ;.111°11l•fJFO•tl 111'111Hr f;+-( 1111• ... fjf u.i, .. n.~·.,, (•I BudapHI, Hun9arrf Slnglet Pt;lt"• 0,1\I J' H• 1n .. urn .... , def B•lul\ l1tffH Ii •H•HIU·•I~; t.1 4 (i ' rSt·fltt' lu•d I ,. w tt "'"' ,f1,,,,, n111trr1 "Cl\lr.10•" •l l.tf'(du~ (JI """'',.. '' (•I Me1tco Cflrl SlngfH fiaut nun t t!:I IM•u c ht d • t l1fl N~1 .. ~~R<Jn•nr•1J f, • , f ' f-~(tt n C.'""Qatt<• _.r .. 1At.rr ·•' J h I r '•'•t.1\CtA t.Aac.•tt t,.A~, ,, f , tJ • • 1 1ffon1•t•tM """'"" 'M'-f ft\ 'll (al Oubllnf llnQl•t J.Adfl (J , I ,,., t••d '11 ,. f--4,, •"cJ St•O~ ~C' tlwt1/f'Hit11•1t l; ••• ' ,,.. S-•t1 ,.,,.,p, -.1 I flt• t•ld •lul J 1r "'' tilei.t:~ l'i'llW•tlt'l'fl 1nd f n tr1t1 "'°''''' \.t•f1t'!> • t1 Men'a 1ournemenl (•I Monl••fll) SlnQlet Final J1mn., < '' ,, .. 1 J "> Ofllf &1r.1n &1g fSw~Pri f A #. j IC...<.t,.,H..11 .-i1n• 180 000 &r...1tQ w·o, S!.O ~ Women'• Indoor Chempldhehlp (al Phllaclelphla) &Ingle• fln•I BtvD.-.•1t P01ttif tu 5 I""' Pilm !,ht•l'e• (U 5 l f. .e t, I I µVtltl'' 'llt•h'> $i4' OOfl StH '""' win~ S t i OOOJ Doublet flnal Wer10y 1,,,fll.lufl tAu~1'1tt1~,, k''''" Cd~81~ IU S j O,.t PtJlht' ~A1d'C'' W 11l•h (US J t G 1 t o • 1 Tv1n11•..1il (.;a\.tl\ '"''' S8 81,1() "'""'' W••lt• \IJl•I \4 600• Meul CIHllC (al Walle•. Hawaii) Sln91 .. flnal JClf,n t•llO•' tl<S 1A1.1"1ril1 •111 tt•·f 8•1111 f@IM.tl,.t rU ~ I f. • f1 l F 11'.ll t 1 I) ,,..11. sioooo' Weier polo COLLl!OC uc ,,.,,.. 9, use ' Ul><. 0 I) uc. 11..,lllt" ' ~ ~ UC Jw1••f• M.Of•h, (J\MJ;.lrn.. Ohl-1•1 1 C..amr,Lttt• -S..r.r..u11...a1 , i c.amr t1H Pro Aecauetbell CleHlc (al Wet1mlnt1e1) Champlonthlp Matt) ••uQi\f1 fSA" 0.f"IQ<JI dt J Oav"' Pee• 1(1 PetM>I I I 10 I I 6 10· 11 9 11 11 S jHogt>n "''n' S~ ~00 Pf'd w1n1 Sl 'IOOI WMkend treneectlona BASHAL~ Natlonel League l"'ONJR[A~ EXP05 J•" r 1M1<'1) m'"'llO"' rtKtQn4'<1 CHICAGO C.U(IS I 1r•11 Solly Wtll11ma D·•"•' Q n .. tnKtO' lam t1ermon tlu11p1tri c i uh ttru.J t;o,Oy Ma<K•n1ttt .,,.,d hit'.-(t)lC,, BASKUBALL Nallon•I 1 .. i.e1ball htoclallon OET ROI T Pl~ TON'-, Jronn I '"'II gu•rcl eu11•,•d t • 1• m11lt ;•'·If t fu1'111r 1 Camel. Where a man belongs. B mg "1ar". 0 7 mg 111co1111e a~ per c1yarene. HC Repor1 OEC 'Bl Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. tar. 8 m1 \ J • I ...... :;;:--::;;~~:----~;------------:--::~-----------;:----~=--------------::------------------------------~O~r!on~g~~C~o!o1~t~O~A~l~L~V2P~l~lO~l/~M~o~n~d~a~y~.~O~o~to~b~e~r~4~,~1~e8~2~----!(~'I~ High sChool .f oothall log Catamarans lur~;~ •u:::. 'f.~ll"" 8:: ~. '~. ::.1::.~J-.. ....:.~':.".:-', • • ... M~ , ... , •••• "'"' , ... , ...... m y (h e, big fi ~ld •• Pvnellou l:t OG1 21 -WMlmllltl., (el OCCI 30 8itn Liii• 0-'llt>ll 1 Cl I040 " II U•Hlen Orove 27 Meter 0.1 (2 2) 10 [I OocllCIO 1 OGI 2t f~ (AM Stecll II 1"001nm .~ 14 l e@ull• Hllll II II Plue ill u 24 FuunltU• V•lley • "' Col'\t.•ICU.UlUI ftOtll 1111 ov.-r ttw UnJ\od St.ll .. u ~ ~~~ J ~ ~i'°~n:~1~:c:r1 210G~a 80U:•tuu~en O ~ ~:;.'n:::,., J~ g g:~~.~:•vl!::; OieQOI ~ ~6 ~ r~:~IOt 2 ~ w 1•1l U'-A~~1trullo undl thht• U9 Ohlll'd Arubp 1:4nlr•ta Oc;t 7-~eler Del (8A Bowl) OCI 16-EOl•Ofl (el GwtllOll OCI 7 t!I Tori.I l•I MVI OCI 0 I IOQuflll ltffl.h (I pm I 10 Ct H P\ 14 Ill •• l'XJ)l't' '.'Y \.Q uu.cmt t (' t annual rindlc·-16 OCI Ill Mt1ln• (Oatrlloel Hunllneton leech (4-0) OCI 2'-00.•n vi.w 1•1 Wm) OC• 14-UnlYettlly (al NH) OCI 10 W~bft<lg• II ",.,,, °'' 7 °tolllOl1 (8A 811wt1 CCitli11U1fLU) tUIUOrwl C'hamplonahlp11 ul Ot.-can Clly Ool 22-•I HunUnglon BMch 24 COfOI'•• o.I M91 ' C>Gt :ig -•t Wetlmlntltlf OCt n -•I~ H1t100< 0<;1 '' 111 lhn C•e~nt• Oei 111 Ml Plue X Md Sc.>p t 19·24 OC1 " Fin Valley (An• SIMI I 10 LOI AlllMllOI 0 Nov 6 Hiil lleacn ( w OCI ,0 llVIM !ti N•ll 01.I :..~ L•OU'" ttlll• l•t MVI Ol.1 IS 81 Pa I (SA Bo I Nov e •I w .. 1m1n11at as lot AmitOe '\/ t• No.. ,, ,,,,. v.-.., (~,~!.1 NO• 6 l ado1tt1ack ••• N111 No• ~ "' Mon•c••tt o.:1 J!I 11 8111~~ A,,11,," 1 lltmdy Smyth o ( Hun Un.item ll<·lM'h hi fuvorl'tl Nov 11 ~ vi.w 1occ1 &4 8olM O•t/IClti 21 NO• '' Co•••,...... 1a1 occ1 No• 13 M•won voe1o 1 t Pm 1 No• • "'"' 18A &uw11 trJ dl'f(•nd hl5 c·h m~10Nh6 In th.-c la&a. He tuu Oct •-at,.,. ci.m.r.111 Oce•n View (1 '") Nto• 1' c,.,.,,., l'iA 8ow11 w 11 n h (l th 0 r I n I I d t 8 1 I ,OOftteln YelleJ (M) Ocl 16 FOU111tln V•lley ... lt YIM ()·1) . r t• {l n n I) t 0 n M 14 Met« o.. 2 4 Oc1 22 edtaon :; f !1~~ .. ~. 2~ 1• leoun• 111111 o Letune .. eel\ (2· t ) d1umf'IU11t1hlp11 lh tht" last two ye.at'!$ 13 FoothlH 21 Oc1 211-<>oean vi.w 1' Cyo•e" ,4 •i> w ooot><telg• 1• '1 ~~~r:n: ~ In lhl· interim hl· and hU. crewman Jay G lut'r 1~ :;.:~:' :~ ~~= ~;-~~:~1~.:;n1 10 Sunny t11111 12 1~ ~~~':;:•bK.k 3 ~. I i a1111n11 111111 10 huw wun two P1·t' Olympk traming r~gattd Ol ~: ~i> ~~·~~:.~:n~i~ 0c;1 e C0tt• M••• 1a1 Nf~l ~: ~6 ·~~~111•: 11111• P 11,.,., I O 1 · Lun~ &ouch in lh~· T ornado catamarun clast1, back Huntington cracks Top 10 OCI 22 Merln• (•I Wtnj g:;: ;~ ~=d~·~ri:,1 Oct ? ' ., M11111.111 V11110 Iver ' Ill b1wk worl<i ch11mpum11h1~ In lhc Tornttdo <.:!MN Oc:• 29 11 Huntll\(ltor• 8"c:ll Oct 29 E•tanel• (•• NHI 0<;1 211 11 San C•etnen•• &i. Wl'll llB lhl' N orth American und EuropeJlO Nov 6 Fin \I~ (al H81 N • El T Nov 6 Cac>otlreno Vall•• w 1• 1 , 0 n l h '·'m p h Nov I I EOlllOll tal OCC! O• ,, O<O • ' ~1 ll)n 5 I Pl' • Nov I? Univ«111y Nov n WOO<lt>toOg.i T tw rllftJOI rontenders (or th\• Smyth& defo~t ult• Hll'h S h arp TC'XM, Dennis Coulter. F lorida, 'Al LPhman, Ar111,oni1, Le igh M a rlin , Cah fomla; AJt'\.' 'fhli(J.1t!t\, Alabama, Jack Soulhe r . Mic h igan. Jay lk r ry, Ohio; Juy Jones, North 'fcxru1; 11nd J im Pall', I lawa 11 . WHtml'!•ter (1·S) r LI Quinta I I P101t101 ' 0 1• 10 Newport HMbor (2•2) 8 Marina 3 Cyptau 10 16 3 1 Laguna Hiii• ( t•3) 0 lrvlr1• ,. Win title F or thl• Ctrst time in 16 years. Hunt111gto11 Beach H1gh's Oilers have earned a berth 111\ the Dally Pilot's Orange County T op 10 lts t of prep footbull learns ro lluwm g tht· Oilers' second stra ig h t 50-pmnt plus effort. 3 NtwOOrl H1rb01 0 Com111on 1.)(.1 8 LB Wilton Ocl 1S Oe"n view Oct 2 1 Fin Velley (el OCC) Oct 20 M1t1n1 Nov 0 Edison Nov 12 et Huntington BH<:h 1 10 WHtm1n1111 11 El TOIO CXI 8 Umvartlly 11rvttll) Ocl lS-11 lrvln. Ocl 2'-Eeiancll Ocl 20-Sadelleb•Ck (SA Bowl) No• S Co111 Mell (el OCCI Nov 1:>-Corona del Mo• 0 E111nc;t• 20 Un1ve<1lly 20 l egun• Beac.h Oc.1 8-a1 Mru1on v1a10 Oct 1& at Sen Clemtnt• 14 :;>4 1 Oct 23 CApo \/allay (al MVI Oct 20 Dan• Milla '" MVI Nov 4 WQO<lbtlOQt (11 lrvlr,.j) NO• 11 01umono B•r (•I M.Vl By The Assoc•iu tc d Press A I () l 1 v ('I II I I h (• M 11n l l'lo,J I F.i.. pt1). an cl Wtlll<' W1bu11 ul the· Kan ~"' (.'1ty Hvy.1 1 ~ u I 111 ff ll' IOI 11 y w fl II t IH' N11t1•1n.1I 1111d Am1·r11 an T o p l'Ontcndl·rs from Australia art: Andrew Smallman and Guty Bigelo w C urre nt champion and runnl"r·up fro m the U nited Arab Emiratc-s are Chv(• Holt.on und Maarten Van Der H orst. 11('1(' «lo .... ,.,,. out !ltf•rlP,,. The Oilers dcmuli:dw<l Bulsa Grund\• last week , 54-:n , and have m o vt.'d into th<' No. 10 slo t, w ith El Dor ado tht· lon e tc·am to L'Xl l thl' r a nkings artC'r lus111g to No :i rankt'C! Esperanza, 2 1-0. H A VIEW U AOUl COfona ct.I Mer (1·3) '1 Huntington e.acn 24 IHdtebac:k (4·0) 20 S•,.le Ana Velley 20 Sanll An• 14 e 27 7 MIH lon 't'l•Jo (3·1) 48 Tu111n 8 11' a~ lH· I> J t ll n H 11 t I 1 ·, o Suntl.1y , w11h W1hun lbh1;1 ('11nn1h1:in Ya('hl Club w111\l' luwc to 1b l~H~ -.c·v1·11 r;w1· Art)(t•lrnan St·rt<·., SiltU1dJy :ind S1111d11y ""1tl 1 lh11>t• ran~ :arciu11d I h1• buoy~ in lh•· "' l'dll td r N••WJJUI I Dl·ud1 Tht• i.t•rtt·s " (or P1·1I01 r11:011c e I l:i11d1t·up ll:11•1n.,: Vll'M tPll KJ.'J y;1d1h 0 San et.melit• 3 7 Caplttrano V•Hev 27 23 E.llanc:I• 7 OGt 9-Sadellaback IS A Bowl! Oct 15-EI Toto (II OCCI Ocl 22-al lrvlne Oc:1 29-Colll MIH (II OCCI Nov. 4-U'11 ..... ly , .. NHI 211 L• H1bt• 31 Irvine Ocl 9-CdM (SA Bowll Ocl 1()-Colla Mltlt (11 NHJ Oct 22-UnlvtlllV (SA Bowl) 0<:1 20-Npl Harbor CSA Bowl) Nov 5-E11enc1e (et NH! NO• 12 El Te><o (81 MVI 10 El Toro 21 Cat son 31 111010 Oct 8 ~aoun• Hiii• Oct HI Caplet1ono \/alloy Oel 21 u111unt1 Beacn 0<.I 29 Woodbt1dQ<1 (ltvlrl•l Nov 5 Sett Clemante ~~ ,1).~l,JI lllJ.: t11 ' d1.1111p 11!11 ... tip by l\lllltlj.( l•lll 1h1 H11y11 h,' I/1st g:11111 • oJ 11 ... 1Wu1'11rl < >v1·1.tll rl'blllL'> •Jl th1· w1>t•k t·nd r11l·1·s The upper half or the Top 10 rt•m a mcod unchangt-d and thl' idle Ediso n and Maw r Dc1 (a 14· 10 loser a t C r11sp1) sw<.1pp<...<.J the No. 6 end 7 spots This Wt.'ck 's vc•nu<.• calls fo r unly twu r a nked team s to lx· patted agai n st a no the r ranked team, and thl·y fol'l' each o lht•r No. 6 F.ctison and No. 7 Mawr I:>c-i, cal·h with 2·'.l records -T hursday n ig h t al Santa Ana Bowl. Nov 12 -II Newport Hatl>O< Nov 13 el Dane Htlll (I p '" ) Ol1v1•1 f 1n1;o,lwd w ith tV. II httl> Ill !ht t •t• oll b.t\>. <•nd b,11t1·d :i:n . 1·a~ily 11 outtl"1;ml'1n~ f11r111t•1 NI. 0 b,111111~ l'hiJITIJ)llJI) 13111 C.l ASS A I Sp1111 Alh•n Bro_, Voy11ge<• YC 2 Temerny lllCI Coete Meu (1·3) 12 6111111 A ... 12 Senuego 26 ,. Unlv•r•ltJ (2·2) 2 WOO<lbrldQll 17 13 Tullln 20 I an Clemente (3·1) ?0 M&gl'OllB K"'' B1n10 Cortnl01an YC 3 M0tnanlum Pell< long South She><• YC CLASS B l B1111er Paul Shatp, Ben11 Corinthian YC 2 Slrets B111ok1tt Joe• nnd B1u<..tl ~•raon, BCYC. 3 Ftyong Ctrcus N tC;k Talma,. Balb08 VC . ., Daily Pilot Top 10 22 LOI Allmllo• 6 Unoveraoty Oct 8-lrvt,,. (II NHI Ocl IS SaOOlebeck (et NH) Ocl n El T0to (ti M\I) 10 I I 24 Leguna Holli 20 1 / Coa111 Me$& 6 Oct 8 Npt H•tbor \81 Irvine) Oc:t 14 Ealenol1 I" NH Oct 22 S•Oelllbeck (SA Bowl) Oct 28 El T040 '" lrvlMI 3 C0tono det M~1 15 ea1anc1e 28 Woodbridge Oct 8 HunllllQIOn Beach Oct 15 Lagunl Hill• Oc:I 22 Dana Hiiia ClASS C '1 Aloho II Otunn Reed South Snore YC 2 Kanaollo Art CutC.llfl BCYC 3 Btuobettv Mullin Karen Maaon. BCTC 3g M adlt11..'k o f P111shurj.(h. w h u d 111>1•LI tlt1• y1•a r a l :n ~ Ll·••n Du 1 h ;1111 of th1 <:h1tag11 C'uh-. WJ). 1 ____ POO_L_IC_NO_T_IC_E __ _ Nil.IC NOTICE Pos. T e am, recor d Tbis week Oct 29 CGM (at OCCI Nov 41-CG M (II NHI Oct 29 l911un1 Beecn Nov 5 al M1as1on \1141110 1. Serv1tc O ·ll 2. Foothill (4 0> J . .Esperanza l·l·O) Garl'Y Canyon Kawll;1 Tustin Nov 5 Npt Herbof 1occ1 Nov 12 E111nc11 (OCCI El TOfo (2·2) 2 1 Cypreu NO• 12 al lrvlna SOUTH COAST LEAOUE Capl1treno VelleJ (2·2) 8 Foolhlll 14 Nov I? al Cap111rario V¥11oy Woodbridge (2·2) '7 un1vers11y 2 4. E l M odena (4 -0) 5 . M arina (:$-I) 6. Edison (2·2) 7 Mater Oc.•1 (2-2) 8. Saddlc•back ('1·0) 9. M isswn Vw)O (J-1) 10. H unt ington Beat·h (4-U) Milhkcin Mat(•r Dei Edison C dM Laguna H ills San C lemen t<' 0 MIHIOn Viejo 21 Vetoncl1 7 Newport Ha<bOr OGI 7 -Ettan<:ll (II MVI Oc1 15-Cd M (et OCC! Oct 22-Coll• MIH (II MVI Oct 28 Untverany (•I ltvltll) Nov 5-11 lrvlfll Nov 12-S1ddlebt1Ck (OI MVI 1 10 0 17 7 Esparanta 29 27 Ce><ono del Mai 7 57 Oana Hiii• o Ocl 9 Woodbrldgl Oct 15-at Mlsllon v1110 Oct 23 -Laguna Hiiia (81 MVI Oct 29--Chlno Nov 5-al LtlQuna Beach No• 12 San Clem1tt1te 14 1rv1nt1 15 23 Ota"Qe 3 3 sin C•emen•e 28 Oct 8 al Cap1$1tano V•lley Oct 16 al Dan• Hiii• (1 pm I Oct 'll' et Onllrto Oc;I ?9 MIHIOn V1110 (lr111r111I Nn• 4 I oouno Hiiis (lrv•nol NO• 12 ., LllOuM Buell <:?mmercialism becoming a problerp. R1 s1ng e xpe nses of r acing ya chts m a ke s ponsorship a n a lte rna ti ve Profession alis m or rommerc1aLisrn in yach t r acing? Unheard of -u ntil now Professiona li~m is still not <i m apr pro blem , ac.'t:.'Ord ing to Harman H awk ins. com modore of the p r estigious U.S . Yac ht Racing Un ion, bu t <:'Ommen:mlism is "a m ore pressing pro ble m " said H awkins. In the USYRU ho use o rgan Ha w kins expressed th e o p inion that "w e s hould t'On tinue doing as we always h ave - serve all sailors w i tho ut asking whet her they a re amateu r or professiona l." "TH E E SCALAT I N G C'OSl o f campaigning yachts m major e ven ts a nd the escalating cost s o f conduct i ng r e g a ttas have m ade co mmercia l sponsorshi p o f both racing yach ts and events attrac:tive adve r u s m g veh icles " said Hawkins. ' Rac ing rule 26 controls the use o r h ulls, equipment a n d clothing for advert~sing purposes. In the pas t the r u le restri c t e d a n d p rovid e d ror n o d ispensations. The 1981 versio n o r R u lt> 26. laowever , expanded a nd hberaliu.>d the rule. A n e w . sec ti o n 26.2 r e la ting to spon~rsh1p was added. 8lts 1cally this provides for th ree permissible action s d ispensin g w ith a ll or part of Rule 26 A n ati onal autho-r1ty c an app r ove sponsorship o r yachts. In conjunction w ith such s p o n sorship, natio nal a u thorities can waive the requirements of 26. 1 with r espt.-ct to a dvertis ing on cloth es unde r s u c h cond1t1on s as they d e te rmin e . The I nte rna tio n al Yac ht ~cing Union a lon e or in conjunct io n w ith a national au thority can arran ge for spoMOrsh ip. In the p ast USYRU h as opposed re la xa tion o f the prohibitio ns or Rule 26. ALMON LOCK ABEY "TH E Q U EST ION then arose -what d o w e d o w h e n o ne o f o ur m cmbt·r organ izatwns requests that w e apply to IYR U Co1• d1s p e n s atron o r Rule 2ti I There are those' who fed tha t o ur ba)>t<' oppositio n to any mod1ftcat1on o f Ruic 26 .1 .di.ct ales we should not give pcrm1ss1on to o ur ow n o rganiz.atio n s. This d oes no t SC'C'm very Cair lo me," said Hawk ins. "W e h ave also Ix-en asked to approvl· sponsorship of some or our own teams pla nning lo race abroad a nd n eeding financial s upport," Hawkins continu ed "W ill we permit such sponsorship? W c· h ave said yes "In other C'ases we have had requl'Sts from event organizers tu p ermit <..'Omrncrcaal s ponsors to put advertuung un contestants' clothing Wl' have d e n1t.>d s u c h requests. "T hese 1~Uf'S dkt.atc th a t we s hould review o ur polwy o n Ruh.' 26 T o da te wt• have t a ken a firm s tand a g ai n s t a pproving a n y adver t1stnj( I feel w c- s h ould adapt to an ~xpandmg sport m a ch a nging w orld "P ASSAG E R ACES art' here to st.ay. They will l.'On linue to be t'Omme r c1ally s ponsored. It seems to m e that the sport wall b e best served tf we grant a con trolled d ispe n sat ion whether the races originate he re or abroad It also seems to m e th at we sh ould perm it o u r own inte r natio nal team s lo o bta in financing through s p o n sors hip. ll 1s certain that other l'OUntnes will do the same for the1 r teams ·· romm erc1a ltsm and pror ('SS1ona hl>m will con tinu1• 111 bf> d1scuss..'tl at tht.• USYHU annual ml'l'ling ln Fo rt W orth, Tt•x in Octotx:r ;md askc-d 1111 USYHU ml•mlx·r.-. to prov1dt· some input *** Two o r the m <J!.t famou:. max1·yacht~ in the w orld art.' o n their w ay frorn SJn Franc•~'<• to M arinu dt•I Rev for thl' <itorl o r t h e famc..'.ci Cal t•up S<.'l'l~'S matt:h ran· st•hedult><i Oct 8-9-10 T h e l'onll'nders art.' two 80·roritt•rs Jim K1lroy's new K1aloo, c·ulltng M arnia d e l Rey her h ome por\, a nd Robert &•Jl'i, 80 -f oot Con d or h ome-p o rtl•d 1n Bermuda In prc•v1uus t•amp:-11gns this y<'ar the· Sou tht•rn Ocean Hat·ing Con f<"rC'n<:P an F lorida. the Pan Am Clipper St>rll'1' tn Hawaii, and the 81#t Boat Sern•<i in S .. in FranciSt:o, the two yachts havt• ht·t•n f~urly \'V(•nly m a tl·h1•d wnh K 1al11a h olding <• s light c-dgc•. It wtll be th e r1r s t a pp(•ar a l1l'l' 111 S ou th ern California for K ialoa Sllll't' shl' was built by Kiwi yachL" in Flur1da mun· than a y<'ar a_go. Condor. oualt in England. was 111 Southern California t•arl1l·r this yl'<tr for Long St"ach Yacht C lub's lfat'e Wt'<'k in which s he• w on tht• maxi dass ag<iin~l Wmdwa rd PassagC' and C hr1s une Both yachts were· designed by Ron H olland w11h only slight d1rfton·nt·1·-. Both yat·hts art• 80 :i· f P<'t uvl•rall Kmloa has a b eam o f 19 1 fl•N to 18 96 for Cond or Condo r's m nst s t.ands JOO 5 ftot•t to 98.6 for Kialoa. allowing Condor to s pread more canvas J,462 squan • r1-c•t lo 3.279 for Kialoa Bo th yachtl> art• sloops with almost 1dcnt1cal rating), Kia loa s hould have an edge by h <tVll1R sailed m ore in Santa Mumca Bay Kilroy also h as two Cal Cup wins tu his credit With K1aloa 11 h e beat tht• I 2·m1•11•r Columbia an the Cal an 1965 but lost to the' A ustralian yacht Ballyhoo. s k1ppNc'tl 1h11d .11 :si~ Wtl:.011 , h11w1·v t·r , t, .1 r t· I y n I 1J p t' d M1lwaukt·t··, H <J lJi n Y•JUttt for tlw AL 1·n1wn, :1:1:! ,,, :s:< 1 P1·1 t•11111.t1 h11 ting -.wr Hod C '<11 ew o l tl11• A11gt'ls r1 n 1:.hl'd th11 d In th1· A111t•f'tl'at1 L .. ;1gL1t· rttl't' :11 :Jw SPS S56... NOTICE Of' T .. UaTE£'a aAl £ NOTICE OF TAUSTEE'I SALE Lo.n No. t*'92 Ho. 20&3 T.e. No. 15950·1 YOU AAE IN DEFAULT UNOEA A BURL INOTON F INA NCIAl DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY •. SERVICES INC 8 Catofor,.,. IMO. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION c.orporallon a. duly appolnl•d TO PROTECT YOUA PAOPEATV. Trusta11 unOer 1ne lollowlng IT MAY 8£ SOLO AT A PUBLIC dest:t1be<I oe90 01 trust WILL SELL S ALE IF YOU NEE D AN AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE EXPLANATION OF THE NATU .. E HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH OF THE PllOCEEDING AOAINIT (payabl• •• ltme OI Hit In 11wlul YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A mon•y ol lhe UmteO St&IHI •II LAWYER. 11ght, 111111 eno 1n\erest conv•yed 10 On 0'10IJ1•1 I~ 198? 01 I I 30 and now helO by II undo• •••Cl 0..0 a no BrVrRt Y JAC.KSON 8' Ouly OI Trust In the ptOQetly ttere1Maf111t 11tilHHlll"d 1 ru\let' unth!I fnO deac111>e<1 """"'""' lu u..tto ol Tru~I t!JC.01(180 TRUSTOR JOHN LEMBECI< • MoJy ~J 1':!80 "" "'"'I NO :t•94 I ""O'• man boo~ 1361'; 1,JOQ .. 699 QI 01ttc.1ul BENEFICI AR Y MIDWEST Rt!t.tlld' e•l't.Ule<l oy f.tlcmflh M PACIFIC FINANCIAL INC. 61'1 low• Al.Jd• an unmarr•~d woman a cotpotaUon uualo•. m lhu ofloc..e ol 111u Counly Recorded July 31. 1981 H lnt11 R~o•do• ol Orono• County S111eol No 45043 In ooo~ t4164 page 6& of Colllornoo Will SEU Al PUBLIC Ollla el AeGOtds 1n lhti oNtee 01 1ne AUCTION 10 HIGHEST BtODER Re<:order ol Or1noe Co.;nty, .. ,d FOR CllSH IP&yable at 11~ ol H ie Olllld ol tru~I desc:111>tt II\• on lewful money ol 11111 Un11eo IOCIOW•ng p<~ly Stall!ltl •• lhe rnaon enlra,.oe ol lOI I ol TrllCI No 9242 1n '"• C•l1lo1"11 C•st1es 1ncorpora1eo Ctly OI Irvine Cou,.ly of Orenge locehtd at 806 S Beach Bl•O . St&le ol Cehfornoa, 01 pet map Anane1m Cllhfornoa 92804 •II rtQhl, reco1deO m Book 4110. Peg•• 47 lltle e11d 1nl111es1 conv11yeO 10 llnd and 418 01 Ml~eHaneou• Mep1, '" now held by II under s&od Deed 01 the Olllc:e OI lhe County~ec:o•Clo< ot Trust m 11\41 properly soluale<l 1,. said said Couttly County ano State 011acrll>e0 u MYOU A"I! IN DEFAUl T UMOl!ll PARCH I A 0£1!0 OF T"UIT OA T•O Untl .l!>J iU »11own llroO Oef1nod 7-U ·l 1. UNLl'll YO U TAKI orl '"at <.e11e111 cundomonoum plan ACTION TO ""OTfiC T YOU" rec.010t:O June 21 1978 tfl DOOk Pfl<>H .. TV, n MAY N aOU> AT A ------------1 12721 PAOC 1745 01 OlllC•DI ~IC IALI. IF 'YOU •ID AN PtJBLIC NOTICE ne cor o ~ 0 1 01ung" Couf11Y EX,.LANATION OF THI NATU"I! Mllwouk~·t·\ Gor111Jn Thonws ;ind lht· Ang<·b' H1•gg1t· Jal'kson . who '!luggi'<I thn-.• hum1• runs m I ht· ln.'ll thre>t.• days of t h t • s l' u so n . I e d l h"' A1111•11t ;111 Ll'Jgu1· and tlH lllaJOr ll.'<1g u t·S 1n h 11 mt.' r u n :-. w 1 t h :HI <• p 1 r· 1 l' • w h 1 I t· D a v l ' Kingman o r 1 he Nt•W York M1•ts tup1wd thl' Nolllln~•I Lt·agu1• with :n D;,iv(· Winftl·ld :.ilso h11d J7 hu ml•rs for tht· N(·w York Yankt>t•:. ------------1 c1111101n1U OF THI! .... OCllOINQ AOAINIT NOTICE OF T"UITl!f'I I ALE PA.ACEL ~ YOU. YOU IHOULO CONTACT A T.I . No. IOlt .. t An undtvt<!eo l/U lh 1111.,111 tn LAWYI ... " T 0 SERVICE COMPAN Y H duly a"<I 10 IOI I ot 1rac1 No 10 IJ7 It 45 Plymouth, lrvtne CA 02714 appo111110 Truttee unoer 1ne s1><>wn on• map •ocordod on t>oai.. '(II a strael eoorna or QOtnmOn lollow1ng deterlbe<I dlld ol trutl • 2 6 P • O ts 4 e Io 5 0 o I OHJgn1110,. II ahown 1bov11 no WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Moac;ellenenu• Mape Records ol w urlnl~ •• given •a to 111 10 THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Or81'Qti County C&l1lor111a. logelher compjeteneu 0t correclnestl ·· CASH (payablo •I t1tne ol sot• 1n w•lh nll 1mpro11emen1& !hereon lhe .,.,,..rclary under .. 1d OMO leWf\11 mon41Y ot the Unll&d SI lies) e•c:ttpltrtQ th<Jreltom couOomonoum ol l NII by •••ton ol • braacn 01 all rlgnt. ltll• and tflle<llt conveyocl uri•ti. 3 13 u .. ough JS6 1nclus1ve deloull •n 1ne obhO•llont secur.O 10 ano now nelO by 11 under 11!0 1oea1tK1 lhertton '""'•bY n .. e1ol0t• e.cecuted ano Oeed ol Truss 1n 111411 properly E•C"911"9 lhtt•el•om all 0tl Oii Oellve•ed 10 lhll unOersognld • t>tHe<nel111f OtSC:tl!MKI ttQhllJ m1ntora1, m1ne1el 11gh1t -111en Oecletauon OI De1aull ano TR US T 0 R BARB AR A ns1ur ti q.a rtghts nnd othc.>• Defnand IC>t Si le anel wrlltan notice HUMPHREYS an unmarried women ny<1rour1>0" wt>s•enctos below • ol b<HCh end 01 etecuon 10 c:-use 11 n d OO NA l D E o w t N deoll\ 01 500 ll'ftl unoe• IM porcet 1ne unoer11oned 10 1111 ae10 HUMPHREYS. Ill, a li~le mo,. ol lonel M1101,.<1bovc.> duscrobcd P•oi>e<1Y 10 111111y st1d ob11gellon• EXHtelT MA' wnhOU1 lhe roo111 ol .vrtM;oe entry IH a,.o tllare1111e1 '"' unOa1119ned MA RTH A J FLEENER • reserveO '" th" Ocod l•Om Qu1111 ClluMCI SIJCI nolrce OI l>rHCh ano OI m1r11eo woman as her aep1r11e Run Not 1 "wood n 11m11 e o eleeloon 10 t>e pr<>e>erly as 10 an unellvtOlld 8S~ pafloetYltP IOCOIOOO J•nulfV 12 Ret04deel June 23 1912 as In"' 1nteru1 g LON A FLEENtR g 1919 m t>OO'I 12998 Peoe 363 ol NO 82·2160211 ol ... o Ofhc1e1 MARTHA J FLEENER. l\utb•nd g Ollo<.1111 Re<.OfdS Rec0tOs wtfe H Tenant• 1n common es 10 en PARCH 3 S•10 Ula w111 be made bul u,.d!Ylded 2S~ 1n1ere&1 g lON A Af1 e•'lu,1118 ea,emenl lot w1tr1ou1 covenent or Wllfl nly FLEENER, Trustee under tile will of parko~ And rn1u1..o nurp0ses over expren o• itnpl~O. •eoarellng 1111e MILDRED J FLEENER deceuad 11181 p()rll0'1 OI IOI 7 01 SAIO •••Cl NO POHeet•on. or encvtnb••llCft 10 d•laO January 9 lllS8 .. 10 ... 10137 8$ ~ltOWll on E•h•btl A 10 pay 11\e 11"181nl"lj p•lr>C•l>ll ...i>n 01 und1vl0ecl 10'1• tntere11 lhe Oeclareto<>n 01 R1t5l1i<hont 104 11\e n01e(1l tJeeu•ed by ••Id a-f 01 RllGOtOeG July 17 11181 11 lnatr lhe $p11rig• Conoomrn•um huSI wtlh ontetHI as tn Mi<l"nOI• No 2•5811 1n book 14 14!> page 1ecord110 A11111 'l 1 1978 '" book p1ovt0e<1 advanc;es, 11 any Ulldar I 127 of Olf1c:1• Record• 1n the ollooe 1:?6U PIOe 820 ol Oltrcl•I R.c0<d1 the 111ms ol Mrd Delo ol T'u" ot the RllC:OfOet ol Orange Courily, and 1e.,l'lcorded May J 1978 '" tees Ch110ft and e•penMa of tM Uld dteO ol lrual descrobea 1118 book 12660 P•11e 578 of Olltc191 TtualM end ol lhe 1rusll crHllCI by following property Recotdt ot Orange 1.ovn1y, sold Oeed ot Trust Lot 2 01 Block 30 01 lh• Fot91 Clilllbrn1a (ht!rotnattot rclertod 10 H Said &all w111 be helO on Friday Aeldthon IO Newport Heogl\ta .. P"' 'Oecl.,1110"\ ... carpe><I •!*:•No October 29 1982 81 2 00 p"' ... ,,. map recorOeel on Book 4, Piii!• 9• ol 3S3 S aod auement •s turlhll• Chapm11n Av•nue enlr•noe 10 the Mlac;ellantlOUS Maps In the otliee 01 Clellnld Ind CIOWlbeCI tn Atlrclff II C1v1c Center Butl01n9, 300 Ee•I I~ County Rec;orele< ol M id c;ovnty •nG Ill ol tile D«l•rlllOt' Chepman Ave,.ue '" the City 01 YOU AM IN OE,AUU ""°'"A PARCH 4 Orange 0110 Of' TMJIT DA 1'110 ~ Y 15, ' A non·t•clu-1ve e11sen1en1 lor A I I h • I 1 m • of the In 11 18 I 1Mt. U.111 YOU TAKI! ACTIOM •"Q•HS egress u8e 1111d un1nym""' pybhcaHon 01 1n1s no•te•. 1ne 101a1 TO ""OTICT YO"" ""O"l "TV, 01 the commori 11reo de••on•led '" ""'°'"'' nl lhe unp111c:1 bllla11()41ol1ne IT MAY N IOLD AT A ,.UllUC Ille Oec;l11r1111nn ~••Cl 91111me111 ObllQOllon '8Cured by Iha abo•a I AL I . I , YO U N 11 o AN bllno t1111he1 d"hned end deKt1btld oucrtbed deed of ltuat 1no l lll'l.ANATIOM 0, THI NATUfll! II\ Arl•c••• II •nd Ill o• lhe es11ma1eo co•U •MP•n•H !lnO Of' T .. ll'fllOCllOINQ AQAINIT Oec:lerahon edv•ri<.et It '"~ 291 '8 Y~OU IHOUlO CONTACT A Ille Sllt'ttl 10dte11 enO Olh•• To de1e1m1n1 tlle opening 1110 l.A•TR,.. common OM1Qn•11on 11 any 01 l"e vou may"" 111•1 $94·8333 . "W e ar:e n ow faced w ith requests for d iapensattons unde r these sections and m connection w i th r esp o nding t o the requests, w e art' r e lhinkmg our attitudt• tow ard R ule 26." said Hawk ms . H awkins said thes£' i ssues o n S04 Wellmrn,1ar. N11wpo•I rHI ptOPllllY descrolled nbovo is 0.111 Sei>tll'llber 27 1982 r::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;~ S.ech Ceit104nt• 92683 purpotte<I to 04! 3!>3 S1raamwood BUR LINGTON , ~ "(It II ..... , eddrctH Of wmmon hvtM Cat1to1n111 FINANCIAL OH lgntlllOn 11 1hown obovt1. no Ttlll unile•"Oneo T1uS11U SERVICES, INC by Jack Rooklyn . Long Beach sailors dominate Lon g Beach sailors d ommated t he 15th A ndent Ma riner Hobie Cat Regatta Satu rday a nd Sund ay as 120 o f the rlec l t w in-hulle rs swar med over Ne w port Ha r bor. T h e even l was hosted by H o b ie Cal F leel 3 which Includes Long Beac h and N ewport Beach. The A ncien t M a riner regatta as one o r th e oldest a nd m ost popular H obie Cat even ts, attractin g skippers from all o f the H obie Cat CIWJS(?S. Wind a nd w eath e r for the evenl w as near perfect w ith just e nou gh breei.e to send the speedy cat s s k imm in g up a n d dow n the boy. onl y occasionally lifting a hull Largest t u r n o ut w as In th e H obic-16 class w h ich sen t four classes to the starting line C>ff the Ancient M a rin e r Restaurant . The firs t race on Satu rday sent the fleet ou taide to • finish off the-Newport P lt>r whore th e sailo rs beach ed their craft w h ile waluns for the i t.art of the second r a ce back inside the ha r bor. Sunday's racn w ere sailed ln 11ide the h a r bor. Summ1_ry of classef; I Hobl9-14 Turl)o -I Hltlry 8tOOltt, Newpofl 8 .. CI\ Hobl .. 148 -1 Jim l'Otlllf, Co••• MtH: 2 Ch••' .. frob•. ""'1tlngt0n a.acn. I HOW.,0 Ch .... IMnt 1f.A -t. Ff'"6t W••· t..ono e..ct\, 2 OOft CfteOr, Newpol1 :=: 3 MetV 0anlfW90. Coat• ...-.... • Joell McG•-. Hunllnglon , ... -I John F0tgra"9, Lono IMICll, 2 RMCty WtOf*, long llMc:tl: 3. Paul Tauat. LOllCI IMec;tl, •• Tom PaUlllOll, Coel• M ... 1..c 1. O-oe Manln..1. L:ono 9eaofl: 2. 81M Clartt, Lono e.aon 3 Jofln Draa, Lano lhllCl'I; •. P9191' ,,lootla, Lano 8HC!fl. ' , .. HtMcle -I lei ltudc. Lano e-n: 2. Tom Jac:kton. HuntlnglOll 9-:tlj 3. Hatty ~beMetn. Long leec.h, 4 Hlfo4d khnll01 l.ono leach t•A -t .• ...,,.. Myeter, LOftt llMdl, :!. 81 .... Tltntn, Lot1Q 1Nett: J ......... lelllotl 191and. • ff.I -I Mitt• Manctatll, tllf)09 "61nd; 2 Vlct0t ,.vrt_ ~ '-"· 3 l'and}' (og.tll, l.°"9 IMcf'I • rr•11e, •~ry •••n ••non John WhJt.e of Dana Point Yacht Club and Lew Beery. C.plttnno S.y Y..cht Club 1pllt ov.ra ll h o non In Dana P oint Yach; C lub'• ~1_naJde ( Argosy Saturday and Sunday. White, al the h elm of Serl•na, w o n the race from pa~a Point lo Ocean s id e Saturday, and Beery s It s Okay w a" lhe winne r o r the return ral.·e fro m Oceans ide lo Dana Point on Sunday Summary of results: Dena fl'Olftt lo 0Dt.,alde OVERALL I Serena. John White. OPYC. 2 Funny Featln' Pate Mffde. Cap111rano Bay YC. 3 Sunlhlna, Ron •nel Joan M1111~o•lly Oitna Point YC CL.ASS A I 11'1 Okay. lew Baer,, Capo OYC, 2 Altar Ego, Hugn Curran, OPYC; 3 Blue Mu.1. M•ry Anderton, C1p0 BYC CL.ASS 8 -I Sun 15hedow, 8111 Pollock, OPYC 2 No Y NO c natlM Betgll, DPYC, 3. Going Loll, Stotvl •nO Sue Fttnl•. DPYC . CLASS c I Slttn•. John wnna, OPYC, 2 Fu""Y fHfln' Pete Meada, C1po eve. 3 SuntNne. R(WI anCI Join Mlllnoolty. DPYC Oee1Mlde to DIM ,..,., OVEAALL -I ll't Oltay, Lew BWy, Cllpo 8YC, 2 Aoc;lc N Roll. J•ll •M Sue F\og••o. OPYC. 3 OotllQ loll, Steve Ind Sue Franla OPYC . CLASS A -I 11'• Okay. Lew 8-y. Capo 8YC, 2. Aook N Roll Jell anCI S.,. Aoollf•. OPYC. 3 G•nelall. Douo and Suunna Jon"' OPYC ' CL.ASS 8 -I Going Lefl. SleYI encl Sue ,-,anti. DPVC, 2 Moody BIUI. a.ifllle HlnlOll, Clf>O eve. 3 8un lheclow. 811t PollOc:k. DPYC CLASS C -I Sun1hlnl, Ron an<I Joan Malanoeky, DPYC 2 ~~~lclpallon, Bob Mcl111yra. OPYC, 3 ,-unny Faalln'. Pila MHd•, c•p0 ff'ulllt1en ,..,.1ure1t1 l'll•mplont!llllp MARINA DEL R EY •• Rob W u llf!l<m of Shark Island Yacht "Club. ot t h l' h e lm of Navlganu\ wu11 lhe w in ner of the Southt•rn Collfom ia lnterclu b C h a mpion ithip p r edicted log held Saturday o n San ua Monie.a Sey between the Venice Pier und u mark off SWUM!t Boul~vard WuUf1an'1 pcrttnt ol error w os a hlaih 2.~~3 becaute of ldverw current1 OVM' tho CO\.tr1K!. ln .econd place Swwet Queen . skippered by Mel Lurie, Marina Yacht Club, With itn trror o f 3. 17~ percent: thlrd was Lotaa 1..uck. Mark Rudin, c.J.lfom la YC. 4.317; fourth wu M laty Sea, Tom CoUtns. Hollywood YC. 4.437. 8"d fifth wu Jocona. Ira Blnllay, Del Rey YC. 4.740 1, PACIAC VllW ..., •• Al., ... Cemetety Mo11uarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 P11c1l1c View Drive Newpon Beact1 &U-2700 NcCOIMICK MOITUAlllS Laouna Beach . 494·9415 Laoun11 H•lls 76&-0933 San Juan Coo1•1'Ano 49S 1776 HADOI LAWN-MT, 01.1¥1 MC>fluAry • Ccmnltl"f Crem111ory 1625 G111e1 Ave Costa Mesa $40·5554 ,_CIHOTHHI llLl •OADW A Y WOITUAIY t 10 Broaowav CottaM11a 642-9150 ••L.Tl iiiiao.. IMfTM a """"'" W.:1ff'r1~~,... Co.la Mell 8•&<93?t warranly •• g iven •• 10 Ill (!1SCIA1m• ""Y hAblllly tor any By ID SERVICE c;oml)tll-8t ()< GOUllG1netltl '" 1nt.011..c;ln1t•~ ,,, 1n11 "'"' lldClrf\U COMPANY ~l Tne l>enallc;lary unO., 11kl Oii<! ""d olM• common 01'S1Qlltt1on 11 By Chtts Talalli•. ol I tut1. by rnson Of a 1>11.cn °' a,.y sl>Own h4'•M• Attt'11111t Secre1V)' Oetaull !fl 1111 obllg1110n1 NCuted S••d 111,. will I>" 1nAt18 bul 3&3.3 CtmlnO Del ~oo g 1na<eby, llera1ol0te extculld and w11,.out co~""""' or wa .. 1n1y Suite 204 dellvartd 10 1ne unelartlgneO 1 ewpreu 01 ompltf\O •egaroono 1111• S11n Diego. CA 92108-40441 w1111en DK.lerallon ot Daltull and potsen•on or •nCumb1t111tu to (7141 5841-8298 Demand IOI S•le, ef1d w11t1en no(l<:a P•Y the ,,,maonlng pr1ne1pal tum ol Publlll>ed Orengo Cou1 Dally OI t><aac:n •nd ol lllellon 10 C8UM thtl no,.,.,, St!CV<ed by stld Deed OI Piiot Oc:I •. 1 '· ... 1982 1n1 unde1t19neO to aell 111<1 Tru11 with •ote•est lher11011 u 4324-82 C>t~Y IQ Mllsty ~ ot>ltgellons. ptOYlded"' Mid no1111ai. aov111CQ ___________ ..;..;;. Ind 1ner1allar 1n1 und•••1on•O 11 My under tne 1e•rns ot MKI 0..0 "8.IC NOTIC( cauM<l "ldno1~ottir..c:nano o1 01 Tru11 teea charge• ano ------------fflectlon 10 bl tlCOtelad April 5. e.penMI OI tne Trull!!f'I encl o• lhe ..... MOit COURT OI' 1982 ... 1n111 No 12·111919. of l•u••• crHlld by Hid OttC!d OI c~~~ .... Mid Olllclal Aacotdl Tru•t lot lh!I ntnOU'11 1onon1bly In 11\e Matt• ..,, the =-....... S•ICI n la wlll b• mado bui tt11m•111d 10 bo S20.470 16 ... ..... WllhOUI c;ov•n•nl or Wl"a"IY TM Dt!tlaf1C111ry undOt HICI °""° ot MONllCA HllDI 1.U Al ,0, ellptMI 01 lm9fted, raoerdlng lllle Ol Trul l hfllttolore o~ec1.1led ariel C"'"-9 of ......._ ., CIOIMHIOll, 01 onc;umbllnClt 10 deltv•rod 10 tnl uridetllQlltd • _,_,.,.OA~·C UA• ) pay 1"41 ~ principal aum Of w1111en Oecta111000 of O.laull and .,._. --•--:~ Ille nott(•) eecu1od by Mid QeoC1 Of ()emend 101 Slltt •nd • wr111tn ~ CMAMOll 0# MAMI Ttutl, with 11'110< .. t et In .. IO noia Nollte Of ~f•ull 1nd Eloc:llon 10 LUT~A'lr"J.IOn Of M10Nlt<A HllOI provided, •dvancH . 11 1ny under Sell Tn1 undlf119nac1 cautocl Hid Of a"9t O nemo~ i!'I• 1erm• ol Hid Oetd oi Trutl, l'lo••e• 01 Ofllaull and Eloctton 10 r'9" 11~ In Cr.,'!1· ltnOhll 0 ''"· Cllat~• tlld t•l*'I ... 01 1111 Sell 10 ti. recorded 1n the oounly rom ..... •PP -•IO!I I •I TrutlHlllOOlll!altUtltCfHl.Oby wnet11111ertal1>ro~r1y l•lou1e<1 HEIDI LUl!l'IAS hu 111•0 ft Mid o..d 01 Ttutl 0•141 GtJl••ml>af 8, 11112 appllGallon Pfoe>otlno 1n11 hOf nJ~ StlO UI• wllt bo nold on ftev1tty Jt<:t..son b• oh1nged to MONIKA HEIDI Thu<toay, OC101>tt 2' 1H2 •• 2 oo •• MIO Truti.. scon p m et 1n1 c napma n Avenue By !Wtlfl}' Jtckton Now, 1norato11. II It harlb) an111ne1 to th• Clv•c: Conier tOe s ~n &Iva , 01<1erad and dlraclael. !hat all lulldtng. 300 Eul Chapmen An•halm, CA 9'804 pwt0n11n1.,..1ad In Hid mallor 00 Avenue In Ill• City of o,.,,00 fet· (71 4) et~-32)2 •PP•at b•lora lhl• oourl 1n Oalllornt~ ' Publl•hed Ot111oa Co•al Dally Otp1nm1nl 3 on the ~ro.~ay ol At 1111 t1m1 01 th• inlltal Pilot &.J>I ~o . n Oct 4, •98' NoY9f'lbof, 1112 •I 10 30 ocloc" pubtleallon of 11111 nottc>a, the 101ot 41)9·12 • "' of N6d o..,. 10 9'low GauM wily amoun1 ol lho unpaid ballll'ICO of tho llUCtl eppllcatlon IOf d)all90 of ,._ thOllld "°' bl trWtted -ObllQ•llon IOCUfad by tna l bOVI II .. ""1Mt Ofdefld lt\at • CCIII)' of CIHCt lbad d atd of tru•I and 1111• Otdat 10 Show CauH bo ..tllll•ttel COlll, Hpen111, •nel ~·~ lft the Ofll\00 ~ ........_ 1C1Vanot• II 142,879.00 I ~ To dt ttrmlne Illa opening bid. I 1101, • naw1pap1r o 9enara1 )'OV m., ca11 11141831.oeee Tum your c1rOU1•Uon. pt1n1ed tn u1c1 county. Dal• S.OttrnW 20 IH 2 ., ,..., OftClt MCll --for lout T 0 llflMCt COMPANY • UftUUbfes tum II'>• ..-a pr!Or lo Ille day ot • ...., Tnit... I .. MIO "-'lllO ly-1 D. 8UWlCI CO, II ,:r-o-ntf ftJ OI -.01.,.._ ae.m uuble ,,.. 1 , ,, . I)'. Linda....... C.111. Call ................. o..1 A ..... .,,, .... .,., D•lly -lot ....... L ..... -()119 ~tty IM, WWII, r"I U. ............ ~ 0r.,... ca111. u... ctallffled ._~. ... .,.. "' (7t4)........ M· ...__ '--CA .. , llw•tlltlef Ottll99 CoH t Delly &·-•· lt11 .. lllM aftte C~' Oalll , .._ 1 .., Not a..,. 17, OOI 4, 11, ~':;''"'2 .......... tl, Oct 4, n. 11. , .. ....._ ________ , U P\.U PlllCllaOTtml IMITMt' MOITVAIY ~1 Main St ~11nqeon llHC:l'I 53M539 I 1: 1· I I I r c a p F • I c• Orange Co11t DAIL V PILO r /Monday, October '4, 1982 ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT AGENCY P. 0 . BOX 4048 " SANT A ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702-4048 NOTICE OF COMPLETION EIR #316 PROJECT TITLE: ~'lrs l ComprchensiVt! l<cvi !'> lun-L1K. N l~ul•l l'lanned Co11u11un 1 ty LOCATION: In south Orani<c County , comprl s ln1: a 5701 .1c r c .1rea Kcne rally be tween 1-5 (San Di ego Frwy.) and Pac ific C:o.1~.t lll gliwt1y . DESCRIPTI ON OF NATURE, PURPOSE , AND BENEF I CIARIES OF PROJECT: The proposed 7.one Change r c:pr esents a compr eheni-. Ive n :vls I on to .md izat ion of the Laguna Niguel l'lunne<l Community ReRullltlons, and the of a feature pJan. 1hc Zone Chungc ;ind fP11t11rt• pl.in will rC's 11lt i n 1111 it increase from l '.>,987 Lo 17,865. modern- c rea t ion a dwcllln~ LEAD AGENCY EMA DIVI SION Advance Plnnning LOCATION OF EIR FOR REVIEW REVIEW PERIOD CONTACT PERSON Daniel L. Fric ke N it.IC NOTICE NOTtCI M TINITll0t tAU L-No.-7"3 T.t . No.1.-ot 9UTLI" SP ESCROW SERVICE, INC es duly al>l>Olnted Trustee unde< Iha followlno daMlrlbed dead ol trust WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at ttme ol tale In lewful money OI Iha United StltMI all right, tttla and lnte<MI conv..,.ad to 9nd now l'leld by It undaf Mid Dead 01 Truar In the properly r-.lnaltllf oatcrlbed· TAUSTOR· MOLLY B BUTLER, 11 wl<k>W BENEFICIARY SECURITY .PACIFIC FINANCE CORP Recorded May 22. teat .. 1n1tr No. 31230 In b0011 1'070, pa.ge 8 tS of Offlc:lal Aecotda tn the office or .,. Aacotdar of Otenga Coun•y •• .. Id OMd of trult datcrl0.1 Iha IOllowlng Pf°'*1Y' Lot 18 and Illa Sournwa11arty t0.00 IMt of Lot 15. In Bloc• 18, T•act No 772. tn Iha City or N9wpof1 Beech, County of 0.111'Q41. Slate of Callfornla, H par map rac:ordlld In Bo<* 23, Pages S and 8 ~aneoua M~. In Illa office ol \Ila County Recorder of H id County. EXCEPTll'IG THEAfFAOM Illa SoulhwMla<ly II 00 feat of LOI 15. • YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DeED OF TRUST DATED MAY 14, 1981. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROP£ATr. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLAl'IATION OF THE NATUR E OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU 6HOULO CONTACT A LAWYER • Tiie atraat llddr-ol Iha •bolle I• 330 Walnut Street, Hetotpol'1 Bach, CA. •("II a •Ira.I eddr-or comll\00 dHlgnallon la shown above, no parranty It given •• to IU complellon or oor1acinaas "I · ~ oen.flc:lary unci.t Mid of Tru9t. by raaeon of • braach d9faull In Illa 0C>li9atlona MCUf' tfMtat>y, llaratofora a1<ac:utad an dallvarad to 11111 undattlgnad Wrttlan Oedata11on of o.1 .. 11 and Demand tor Sala, and -111an notlOll of bfMCl'I and of -.clton ro ~ Ill• undaralgnad to tall said Dfoparty to Mllafy MIO obligaoona. •d thereafter tile undarllgnad OM.ad Mid notJce ol bfaach lt1'd of eleo11on to be recorded June 15. 11182 H lnttr No 82·204188 ol Oltldal ReQofda Said n la will be m ade. but wttllout covenant or 11 w11rrar11y. •X9'-or Implied, regarding 111111. ~on. or ancumbranc.a. to P4Y the rM'l8'nlng Pflnclpal IUm of me note MCUrad by Mid Dead of T'f\191, with lntllf•t 111 In aald note pro~. advancff, II eny, under Ille tllfmt ol aald Dead ol Trutt, i.ea. c:Nltgee 9nd aspen"' or tlla Tr:uet.11 and Of Illa 1'11911 CfHllld by Mid Dead of Truat. Said Mia wlll be Mid on Tllufta.y. Octobllf ;l1, 11182 a\ 2:00 p ,m ., et the Chapman A--entranc;.a to the Civic Center 8ulldlng, 300 Eut Cllepmen A--. In the City of Orange f.I Illa time o l the lnlllel "'blcatlon Of 11119 notkia. Illa 10111 ~ of tM unpeld balanQI of Illa obll9at1on MOUrad by Iha above cr11crlb•d dead of 1ru 11 and "'tlmaled coa11, Hpen1111. and adv1ncat 11 150. 788 74 To dtlermlne the ooenlnG bid, YoU mey ~ (714) 937.oMe. -c:=.=emt>er 15. tte2. • llJMCa, INC. ~: .... ~-=·· ...... °"9 cttr--=.: ..... o.-.a,CA-(1~)-...._ PubH.ried Orange Co111 Delly Not. e..>t. 27. Oc1 •. 11, llU 41112·12 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 400 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE SANTA ANA, CALIFORNI A DIVISION WEST 92702 #I FROM: 9-21-82 PUBUC NOTICE STATI Of' CAUl'ORNIA OFFICE OF T H E tT ATlf AllCHfnCT Ofl'A"TMI NT OF QENEflAL U"VICH AOYE .. TltEMeNT '°" 910 8 PUeUC NOTICE SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by Olllca or the State Architect. Oepar1ment ol Genarel Service• et tnouatry Hiiis Conference C11n1er, Ona Ind ustry Hiiia Parkway City ol lndu,try. Celllorn•• 1117'4 1A11ant1on. Roae Miiiich, Cete<lng S111es1 unlit 2 00 pm Thursday Ocrober 21 t982, It Wlltcll ltma they .... 11 be oubllely ~and reed In Room 11 at Mid lddreaa t0t Fir e end ltl e Safety Modlftc11 1on1. Oaperlmanl or 0-81 Sar'vtea. 28 Ctv>e Can1ar Ple1a. Senta Ana, County ol C>fallQll, Slate ol C111t1orn11 1w o oso 7 t7 1111 Tim P<Oject c;omprlaes alteta1ton1 tn c;onjunctlon with ganerel, mac:nanical end electrlClll work 10 meet fire and Ille ufety code raquttament1 111 en ex1111ng oo•ldtng Pra·blO Sitt 1n1pec11on On 'Tuesday, OclOOllf t2. 1982 et 10 oo • m 11111111 will be a pre-bid site ln1pect1on lour, II whtCh time rapreten11111v111 01 the Stet• and pr()ll98Ctlve bidders ll'laH meal •• 28 CMc Center Ptaze. Room 873, 8111 Floor. Santi An•. Calll0<nl• Bidders mey order pllns anO 1p11cHtc1tlont by contactrng Contract Manegement Section, P 0 . Bo• 1079. Sacramento, 95805, TelephOM (11111) 322·2871 Thllfa la a nonreturneblll Cllarge ol 128.SO (Chectl peyel>le lo Office ol the Steta Arcllllectl 10< -..ch Ml of ptena ar>d apec.lllc:atlor\1 Each bidder lhaU lurn11h peyment bond end p11rlorm1nce bond u required by law Pur1U11.nt to Sec:llon 1770 ol the Labor Coda. The Department 01 1n0us11i.1 Relatlons llu IUCl«1tllnlld Iha general pr1111alltng rate ol WllOff In the county In wll~ the worll It to be 001111 to be 111111d 1n tna Depart ment of Tren1porta1ton boOltlet enrnieo a-af Pravalllng W• Rites 01180 .. Ml fO<tll on Proponl Form Cop1111 ol 11111 boo•tat era on Illa at 1SOO 5th Str•t. S11c:um11nto, Cal1lornla, and Me avatteblll to any Interested party onr~t Berry Wesserman. FA I A State Arc;hltect Publllllad Orenge CoHt Deny Pttor. Oct .a 12. 1982 43S8·82 PUBLIC NOTICE ,ICTlTIOUt IW'*IH MAMI ITATl•NT T ha lollOwlng persona era doing bullnaa u P A CIFIC CO A ST HELICOPTERS/PACIFIC COAST AVIATION, 10300 Ike Jonea Ad 811111 An•. Ca. 112707 CARY DAVID MENDES, 1851 Tllhlll Or. Colla M .... Ca-92628 Thie bullnff• 11 oonductecl by en lndlvtdul l. Cary 0 MandH Thia ttalament wu llled w111t Iha County Cllfll of Oranoa County on Sept 23, 1982 TO: 11-10-82 Nil.IC NOTICE NOTICE Of' T1'UITH'I ULE T.t . C-31 YOU A"E IN D4E'AUl.T UNOE" A DIED OF TflU8T, OATIO JANUA"Y IS, 1WI. UM.EH YOU TAKI ACTION TO P"OTICT YOU" P"OPIE .. TY, IT MA"( II SOl.O AT A l'UeLIC U LI . If' YOU NHD AN Ull'LANATK>N Of' THIE NATUflE OF THE P"OCHOINO AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULO COHTACT A LAWYIEfl. On October 18, 1982 et 11 00 • m TITLE SERVICES, INC , at duly eppotntad Trustee under eno oursuant 10 Deed ot Trull recoroecs February 25. 1118t. H ln11 No 29 t to tn book 13959. p~ t.aoe. ot Offlclal Record• tn the o~ or the County Recorder ol Orenge County, Callfornla, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR C ASH. CASHIER'S CHECK OR CERTIFIED CHECK tpayable •I lime ol Miii 1n llwful money ol the United Stat•> 111 Iha tron1 entr~ to the 04d Orange County Courthou111. loc;eted on Senta A ne B lvd between Sycemore StrHr and Broadwey, Senta Ana, C111forn11. alt right, title and 1nternt conveyed 10 and now held by 11 unOaf aatO Dead ol Trull In the properly 11tu11red In Uld County end Stele dfferlbed ea Lot i)AA of Trec1 No 907' tn Iha Cnv ol l'lewport Beech. County ot 9rlfl90, State ol Calllornta, 11 par map rac:ordad In Boole 28 Pagaa 25 10 36 of Mtseananeoue Maps. 1n 1111 olllca ol the County Aacor~r ol Mid County, Tru sro1 or record owner HAROLD NEWMAN and GAIL NEWMAN, hu1b1nd and wife. u jo<n1 tenenta. The atr111t addren and o ther ccmmon designation, It any, ot the real property d11crlbed above II ourported robe 820 Via Lido !'lord. Newport 8eactl, CA 112863 Tne unde rsi gned Trustee d11c;lalm1 1ny lleblllty lor any lnQOrrac:tneaa of the 11rMt llddreu end other QOmmOn datlgn1110n, II any. lhOwll hllretn Said 11111 wlll be made, but without covanenr or warranty axprna or lmpllad, regetdlng !Itta, po..a1110n. or ancumbrancea, to pay the unpaid beta"" ol the note MQlrad by MIO Dead ot Trusi. ro- wll $380, t 3<l 72, Including u provided In Mid llOlll, ldVllnc:.t, II any. under the larmt of MIO Dead o f Trusl. fee•. cherga• end llllPll<\MS ol Iha TrutlM end of Iha rru111 crearad by Hid Dead ol Trust Tna benellClary under said Dead of Trull hefatofora Hac:utad end d1111v11rad ro the undersigned 11 wrnren Oeclaratlon of Default and Demend lor Sela, and 1 wrman Notice ol Oef1utt and Elacllon 10 Sall. Tile undaralgned CI UM<I llld Not~ of O.leult end Elactlon to Sall to be rac:orda<I In 1111 county wtlara Iha reel ptopatty II located TITLI H"VICH, INC. , Truat" 50I leftta Maftlce •hrd. No. 40I Saftte Monica, CA ICNOi (21S) ltl47ll C>tefte f 111111, Vloe Prae. D1111. September 17. 1982 Publtalled Orano• Coeat Dally Poot. Sept 27, Oct 4, t I 11182 •278-82 Nil.IC NOTICE TELEPHONE 834-3686 'fuiuc NOTICE NOTICE Of' .-tlll'AflATION OF NEGATIVE OICLAflATION 1118 IRVINE RANCH WATER DIS 1 RICT " prepa11no 0 Neg1111v11 Oecla1a11on lor the p101ect detc11beo Delow A Drolt" Neoatove Oe<:lararlon 11 011 roe at the 01s111ct olloce 18802 Bardeen Avenuts Irvine, Celolorn1a and 11 ev111111l)le tor publtc 1111pe<:t1011 A 1'111g111v11 Oectaratlon w lll be con110ered ror approval or disapproval by the Boero o r Duectors 0 1 the D11tr1cr ar Its meetono lo be lleld al Iha DISTRICT OFnCi: on Oclober 27. 1982 at 1100 pm Pro teCI Name MUIRLANOS BLVD DOMESTIC WATER MAIN· SANO CANYON AVE TO AL TON Localion City ol ,,.,.,,., Caltlouwe Th11 pro19Ct ""'" be consrructed t>eg1nn1ng near Iha 1ntt1<sec1ton Of the Laguna Freeway & A T &SF railroad ~nel It W111 then prograu through o0r~1turar areas along the future alognment ot Mu1rlanda Blvd and 1erm1nate 11 Alton Parkway 111 tr'lt Irvona lnouslflal Complex Eas1 Tn11 pro1ac1 will con1111 of the con1trucllon o• appro••mataly IS.· 000 fee1 or 2'·•11Ch CIOmettlC wate< main and 111 appurtenant lacthl1<11. and will be conatructed rrom Sand Canyon All8flua lo Allon Parkway alono the lulu•e allgnmenl ol Mutrlands Blvd S~1emtwtr 27 Ul82 .. u, J. '#tlelllar, a.c .. ..,, Pubt1S1111d Orenge Coeal D111y Pilot. Oct 4, 1982 PUBLIC NOTICE SANT A lllllAflOA .. ITA WATfll ottT .. ICT NOTICE Of' PWLIC HEAfllNO Notice 11 hereby Qlvtn lhll th• Bo••d ol D"ector1 ol the Santa M11rg1111ta Water Otstrlel will hOld e Pubt1c heer1ng at 2 00 p m on Mond•~ October 18 1982 •1 tile held ol11Qe ol the D1ttr1C1 tocated et 2720' EHt Le Pill Road MtU<on V1e10 Cehlo1n19 to c;on11dar the adopt ion o r an ordinance Hteblt11'11ng rulea dnd regutanons •ierd1ng 1n0u1trie1 wesre control he purP<HMt OI llltS O<dtnanoe IS ro provtde for tile maslmum b anel1c111 use o f the Senta Ma1go11ra Warer 011111c1 t1ct1111es tnro ugn adequate regulallon or 11wer use end 1ndu11r111 wasle· waler 01ac11argss. and to provide procedure• ror complylng w1tll 1ndu1111a1 waste d11c;herge rt1qu11ement1 placed upo11 Santa M1rg111ta Weter District by stete end lederal egenctea fhe ord1n1nc11 will aatabhlh the atanderd ma•lmum efltuent c oncenlr1t1on1 of varloua con1t11uen11 101 •II lndusrrlal dll4lh1tgo1 into 1"41 Sanra Margarita Warer D111rtol sower 1ystem and also 11111 propoaod spec;lllc proh1blllon1 for 1ndua1r1111 dlec:nargea Judy K Fink A11l11en1 Socrellry Publilhl!d Orenge Coast Dally Pilot October 4 11182 PWLIC NOTICE NOTICI Of COW\.n'ION . ,1•1t0 Publllhad Orenga Coaat Dally Pltot, Sept 27, Ocr 4, 11, 18. IN2 42M.S2 .... c .......... . I( • 112' ... ot.Mot 'ICTIOUI .,..... IW .. 111 ~1ta A,,.. IC NOTICC NAMI •TATnm.NT C•I• ...... c .... ,... m27 !"\a, The lollowtng paraon1 11111 dotnQ Mau Con101td11tad Weter ~=:A~=· bU:~~. t'ro 22t52 Alae!Oa 0r111a, ~~~:~J~ou~nJ~:1~ g~~01~: The followlng pattona are doing Sllita 140, Laguna HMlt, Ca 92853 SIS Blulla parallel lo Newport bu.._ ae SUTTCOA INT'L, 1 C111tlornl11 Bach Boundary. Eut rt1onQ tltl'I PENNY TY APPLIANCES. 1245 corporation. 221152 Alcalde Drive, Slr•t IO Pltcanll• Avenue. (J.ltr .... w L.tnc41n. Anellalm. Ca 112805 Sulla 140, LeQuna Hllll, Ca 112853 Renna, contact paraon) (7141 CHAU MINH HOANG. 1110 E AUTOMATl:O INSURANCE 831·"00 -------------1 18th 8111111 Ana, Ce.12704 AGENCY, • Celltornla llmltad Project oa1cr1pt1on of N1tura, P\aJC M)TIC( HUl'IG CHI LI. 1 '732 Puryear perlnerlhlp, 221152 Aloetde Oflva. PurpoM Ind ean.flcl"* .J ------------1 1.N, Oltdlln Grove. Ce 112840 Sulla 140. Legune HNl1, Ca 92863 Contt;uctton of 1IOO ,.,_ I ... of PICTTTIOU9 .u111•11 11m1itc1 pa11nar1111p oener1111>18 rtner1t101.p 111n1mlHlo~ p1~1na 10 tMprovt 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • -------------, __ ClASSlfllD 642-5678 H ..... ,., ,,,, HHlll f 11 1.1, ,,., ,,,.,, .•.•....•••••.........••••••••.•..•.••....•. c,.,,,/ JOO 01•11•1 1002 LASSIFIED Te "t~!~~. Call 642·5678 HOUS(S fOI SAll ~ ...... 1 H11J b•ltl()• hl•M lli~ A.Ibo• f'•,..Mi.tl• IU!Jl ! :::;:;-:r ~-~'h llHI 10:0 'W•Mru 11"4 0611• t'<HH( lllotl t.lT0<• IVM JUrtitHe1ft 'letl•• lu.14 1•1,;1111111\f'•ffll "-'•'ft """ ,._ ..... L•1w11e "'-•"h ..... IAtliHI• lhlh ...... , •~-tt.HI• .-.., .... IW Wnt.N.illl \1•_.., llAll ~-n:~.:;" llM lhtt '-" Jwen • .,,.,.,.,,,,-, .,, .. \.tM• A"• '""' '-'•I .._,....,~ I-"""""I •aWft• I-..... '"'"'''' . ICM .. Obt .. lt•tfM~ '•I• lllJI l(Al(STAJC Atte•i• fot \•l• l .tN "._.,,,. .. ,,. .. ,.,. , .... I UJ ::::!-!':~'')t1) ., ... ""' f •nwtu·) 1'Z I'>"'' IYN : :::.:,'.~:~,.:~~~:,, ...... ,,.,., lAWI•••• I 11uh '•I• ., .. , lkAf•••Htl.. M•1H4' l'ilJ'J lnr•wiWi t•rnp.rt't ,,,., IMt1it1io01al l'ru.,.n~ l it.It l.i111h •v-, .. , .. '~" Mt.bl•tt"" Srlrl''"' '"" M<Nntt1 I~,.,, Jh11o•HI 14'JJ '" •nr ( ,, '''""" ,...., ·~''''"'"'r•'"''' J_\'i} 014_,t'iih!• 'rnv """ ll•l\l'hO ..-._,no t+flt\>t\. /l(ll Hhi t.&l•t• t.tirhent1•1 ~-1 Hral ••l•I• 'A aftl•J : IENTALS lk"N'•' h1tnHh.-d uw~ l "'"'' nnh .. o ..... It(""'•' •111111t 111 I Al "• f~fT1•n1i,;rt1•tt1r" ,.., t ondom1nHi1nu1' n• ,..,, Tu.ftl'lllN11o•' ~"'" 1~u1 lo.Mli!.;111•\ f Al ·~ ·~·""••••llf•" )).., ~ir...:.::"' "' '"~ tiW Apn I f'lhJA llOI A~• l\ftft4w I"' ,.,,J "~""'"' ••I) Mt.->'n ' t\n.rd ..... tkoh \ii''""" ..... f,woUt.ttlir• ..... .._.,.,,_ .. , ··*'··· •:W \'.,•lltJ't """'•'• !bl ltt,.. •I~ t<J 'lrtaf •• '"' l1etalf>\ ff1' thM "'" '"ho· M•nt•l .. ., """-'" lt•ftl•I U "J '"""'"'''""'"hi •.J•J ~;::.~: Yt •M~ t'UI t.10 ;1 W 10 Mrj!M.i, ...... MfN(SS, INYES T MOU, FINANCE ...,.'""''' ,,..,._,, .. ••t. tkJttMH ._•,.teid \11.ijlt '""'''""'"t(~lt -.01~ l"•tUW..M i;.: ""°'"' YUi M¥'Wt h• 14>•" Y0 MVN') ._ tfl(rfJ• '><!>'! MOf111c•' lO • ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS. rUSONAlS & lOST & fOUNO A~awl'Ur"Wf14• \l(oJ '•' 1~w lllU ., .. , ~f.lliltC'tl """ l~t 6 t•....iftd ..... V•t""fftal111• ~·:.i ~ .. ,.,, 1vt.• ~ ,,.~.1· ~'" SERVICES ""1 • tn Im tf"tUf > ..... ; lMP\OYMENT & rtf:rAIA JION 'V_,., ltUUWhM 11•1; '°°"'••••11• . .,:-. llttf, ••MPG 'ti 6 t ""' MEICHANDISE Affitq"'°' . ..., A ... JftMh AVl'llOf\ 11111& ::u.-:; .. •l•ti•h tlQlo ( .,...,. ••• ft'-'lt"'_.M ltilU ..... ..J,\ IQ~ _, ..-.. ~\ftil ·:..~ t\tfAMW• -,,._, .. , '-... -........ •-.o ~'o-A• --~ , ...... ,.. ..,,,, U•"'-'' """ M,...flHrwn ..,,. liitttorf'H•MfM• -M••t•·U•""'"'n -.. ,......a -I \4w111tft l l••ltWl'tW"h .... (JIAhtt "'"" •• , ... ~ -""'' IO'.Jl1 t.~ ~~~f:~~~ --:I '-""•"& '·'~' ..... C\li_(Jlf'f ......... , ....... , ~ ~·r..ct .. ,., •. , .. rt," -..... BOATS & MAllll( UIUlrM(NT Gnwtal ..i10 ho•U Mt1M WhU-• -... t\ .... ,.,. ... 'Wilt; W\10 Al) ... ., .... , -..., ... "·~ ("ft••tfl ._:M ..... "-•• -...... "''"' Ooc '' -::::~.~~· --TIANSrGIUTION A1t1ta " •110 f '"'.,.....'~I• M•"4 t~nf"\•r• .... ... =~~·· .... t ft ~""· tlllt '-••HM• \,eW tf"'4 .... T'r .. ...,.. ,,. ... , •llV !::.~~~~'!"i.n, ..... ..... AUTOMOlllE lrflW••t .... AM.kfw• t ~•••11' ·~ ,.,.., .. ,HW\ \lt•w '"' 1MJ """" .. ,, .... 14.wt .. •>"' •WM-ft Uf1"'f ' 16.oJ ''""'-' _, ... .. ...... A_,.,.,l,.•••f'& ... ..., Avtw w.,.,,...;e -AUTOS, IMrGIHD ~f'MUI .,"" A•• ku,..o .... ,..,, •1111 "'"'•'" u ... 1•~ .... HMIO ¥111 .. ,,. :m ~~ .,,., 1 ......... ""' .. ,,.,. llU r,., •11$ lt.tHM:lt1 1u1 , .. , ... , Y7llJ J f'fh .. ~ "1..U P'•t::r"'' dth• ••.u \i."' ... 1 ... 1111 •1di1 •1• """"···~ '"-'"' .... lit. •It; 111\)lt vtu U!lo'I •146 ...... .,,. "111 V•Witlflv4 ., .. ~--"· ,,.., fl•••i;H "1» tl-04111 MO)fl 111 .. "°''' ., .. tflw :r.: r.,, ... :i.i ''•""'"" ~=:t••l•1' ''"" .,Tl Alli$, lf(W -·· -uTos. um U.••·• -I .. 11~ -...... 'fll• ~ ....... WU Le"'''"• ... , "'°"--\.""••l•f -~ .. .., ...~ ... ~ ....... i .... C«••U• -...... -":t .... -,.,..,., _, IMtrol• -1 ...................•.. £0UAl HOUSIHO OPPORTUHll1 Pullli1har'1 Mallet: ..•.•...•............. ···········~·········· HU: 011 LUH :mr. 2'JrS8 TE AINA MO· Pfl IN EAST BLUFf. Obi oven. hplc. 01hw1llf. COfflfll POOi 833 11187 dytl f!>ll 13 18 ovot '607 Viet& Orn11da Owner/apt 3'1• ~. ''. COLDWeu. BANl(eRtl ..... .,, ... •M. lthfl M.•VWC•I H YIHMS UH,000 All ""'' 8SIUlll lltl116rt18tld tn thl~ new spaper 1t1 11ulJJ11<.1 to 1ne f'ederat I Dir Hout1ng Act OI 1968 ' 1101 ''' wh1<.n make~ 11 111ege1 to Au lht111t1c n ew Oulch Colon101 homts w1th m1111y ma11y <.ua1orn o• 111111 ~lnHt qu1111y con ti ructtOrt & 10rn11r11lr8S llbr1uy playroom & 5 SA Lovtily bnc;k patio l htl k lie.hen '' a c.oOll a dehghl •<lvorll•e any preferen· Ove1 hlll acre early C•· ce. l1m11a11on or <l•~nm•· lllorn111 e1111e Sia IPI· n1111on based on rec;o t•ous be<lrooms lncred•· color. religion. sex or t>te storage. Hor Mt cor rat Separate lot taroe 144-tolO n1111onul or1g1n or 11ny 1 WILi TO ll&CM 1ntt1nlton to make any er1ough or 1en111s CO<Jrr 'uc.11 prelerence hr1111a-S550.000 Only $160.000 '"'' this 3 11onordl!Krtm1na11on · 131-lJOO B<lrm? 811 home w/ I sund6ek & lrpk; A1u1um11 ll11b 11ewsp>11)ti1 will 1101 ---------•I 9 25% loan itnd owna1 k nowtr.gly accept uny wtll carry 2n<l l O Won r 11dve11111111y 101 r11a111sl11 115 CA•YO•'S 1a.11 Call now 631-7370 te which la iri v101a11on ol VlllY I EST l lY ll•tt law I • Oulslondono Broad· TRADITIO\J\l Rb\l.TY I moor • 4 Bdrnl6 & F arn Room lllllOllS: A dvert1· •Boau1 Pool & Spa sers should check i •Etoctronlc. Sec Syetem •New Cpta & Ora!MIS their ads daily ~nd •New M arble Entry report errors 1m-Ftoo1 mediately The DA IL y PILOT as- sumes ltabiltty for ltllle Miss M ullet sat on a T u lfot «T'ono came a 8P•d8r and rend rn 11te Dally Ptlot Clau1f1ed sec;t1011 .ibout Mias Mui fer s lullet end bought 11 for S9 95 You can sell your tutlet 1110 lots ol otller tlllng s through Oa1ty P1101 Ctass1f1ed Ads Call 642·5676 the first incorrect Insertion only. Hou1t1 for S•lt ....•...•...•...•....• le•/ £1t•lt ··················••·· C~•tr•I JOOZ ..................•... FUllLY EXPAllDll5 Super M esa Verde t'lome 1ook1ng IOf a lamtly EAecuttve area near 2 prome goll courses Beaunlul living room e~ tended ram1ly room with lull we1be1 big b•g bdrms Huge covered patro with gas BBO elc , etc Call today wort I lasl, 546·2313 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For our new regular wMkly feature BOAT SHOW - CASE OllLY $fl&, 000 144·4110 4. I •, TAYLOR CO tit\ I •i• Classified works for you t M ore fem11tes are gelling tClassll1e<l Ads are the the c.amp1ng "bug" this answer 10 a succ;esslul year It you nave a cam- garage or yard sale' It's o per 11111 s 1101 getting better way to lell more u5ed sell 11 now wllll a people• Ct11u11ted Ad LIDO ISLE MOIES Primt· L1d1J Nord bayfront 5 bdrm. 51 , bdth Lgt· L H , 2 boat !ihps S 1,500.000 Evsry Seturday 1n the Dally Pilot Classllleds H(•moddl'(j 3 bdrm. 2 both -larg{" rec rm ---~~~~~~-! beam ('\'1l111g!>. fumishKI. pall06 $420.000 POPIW CUI EL OT This beaulllul Ceme•ol modal is rarely on tll8 market Tiie home 1s perfect 1n every way end ready lor move.in Btg big llvlng room lormal dlr'l•ng Eartntone carpels and levelors 1n Ille lemfly room Upgraded drapes 1n the masrer H11 s breoklast area end breakfost bar Sig. shim· mering pool. ~tc; • etc; Musi sell !his weekend T eke advantage e.nd cell now 5'46·2313 THE REAL ESTATERS BRANO NEW "Hearl of Orenge County' Town· homes • Lu•ury 3 bdrm homes beaulllully d•· stgnl!d. quahty bu11l • and ltnencing now 1na1 you 1u11 won t bel1svel Cell now Br•ndywyne Pro· pe<hes II 531-9670 LJmE l l WI 10¥1 Yll II Vf'fY saleable home near South Cont Plaza 4 Sdr m or 3 Bdrm and formal d1n1~ and family room Covered patto, spa. e•.,•1t GI. first TO Low down ano the owner wlll carry Call 5<l6-2313 TKE REAL ESTATE RS •UYFllllT* IOAT SLIP OPH l&IU 1-1 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrfTI • 2 batll NOW REDUCED TO $>4811,0001 ART llOYll ETII IULTH/IWllll ••11-1111• YA OUT 111 IUIYI Spar11t1no • Sd1m 2 beth wllll two flrapltoat. 1)(1· v•ll tpa. wood deckll)Q. atparate dlnlnO 1 11<1 moral Only S 142,900. 0111 nowt 8'&·1t71 TKE REAL ESTATS:RS PElllSILA MOIE CX~·an & JCllY v1cwi; Martnt• ruum. 4 bdrm :$ bath, 3700 ~fl Sl.:185.000 0...'t'anfronl Liiii ISLE llYFllOIT Lagoon vrc·w from 6 bdrm, 5 ti.uh, phty room. dark rm, dl'n Boat slip Now Sl.000,000 llYSllE PLACE si:x~·tm:ulur lJayfront dplx 2 br. 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 b3 d n. 2 boat s paet'S R.<'d uced S I. 500. ooo FllllllJllS llAICN Nt·w 4 hr. 4 11 l>a. custom Fn.-nch Nunn,ondy EBwtt• I 2 JJrlnw ut·re hillto p Sl.2!'>0.llllO IYALOI Fl'e :urnplt• t'OlW(lt° on quiet OescnnbO St (tn Flats) $145.000. OGlllUll CAYS <.:.orunado Island rust. bay front IOI 85° boat dock.~ns avail. Now $370,000 wl wrms BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J·ll Buy\·d• D• .• ·~ 8 til) l>'oi TAR GAZ .EK-~ ~c.=.:...:..:....,.. ____ , <t.A Y II. 1'041.•N--_,.----t ~ ;~~'::, ~ ~ ~ To ct ... ctoo m•uoo• fat #rilo"Ctor • ~ -000.<0tf~tngtO~t\ °' "°"' z-bl<1t. Mil'\ .. \(~; ....... I,.,. ........... ··-...... .,,.,. ... .... "'.,..,. ., ... ~ ,, ..... "",. l••tv ... . ..... . ., ... ,, ·••1 .. ••w~ JM::.Wt.D.!Zf .... ........ -,, ' .... UC' • ...,_.. ·-· .... .,.._. ..... ,~ .. -t •''"~ ...... ..... "''"""¥'-. ..... .. .. .. .-..... . """"'""• ·~.,.,.... ...... .. , t'I• ...... ... .... ~ . ,, .. _ .. (-• .... W•• + ..... )I ft I '" ..... JIM•• -.... ,. ,i •1r1Pt .. ,,. ''''*k-• " .. ... _ .,t .... , .. .... ..,~ .. ..... _ ... _ .. I . .... ··-.. r-....... .. ..... •1(11i ,, .......... ,, .. _, ,...,..,,.,.. ... ... "°"' ..... , ... ,, .... .... ,. •. ~ .. ._ .. .. ... llW... uo..-.. M \t+•e-1 ... _ ., ... ''"., .. .,,. ..... ,. .. _ ...... {)N~r.t ':~~~, S«!\\.~~ -" £trs· ------1-4 ~ (UT I POI.LAN er:'~':',..:··~,:: ........... ,_~~-"' I ORALHY l .... .... I( ,_ Tllll bulllneM le conducted by e Tllll bulllneM la CondUGtad by I 3 0 • I n C 11 d I I lft I t t r w a I I r 5 MAim ITA~ CH.AV MINH HOANG UTTC R INl 'L • fife now ~ad~ .. ,., P<Mlurl Thi IGlowlflt ~ •• dOlng Thlt ttattfl'llf'lt wu 111ec1with11111 CJ%"J'!'9nlti1cor8KP• ,. -•~-drop• m1 In tllt eou111wet1•n ..... JlM tt.., ft. OUtiMll •: Count ,.~~ ... ,......,... Countu on "'-A A.,, .. r_.....1 pert of the lrlcl, Ttta pro)tcl wlll ., PAYL.E98 IHOt! IOUACI No y ..,....,. V' ...,._.,,.. '' llllt 111tement wat lllacl wltll tllt alto 11tOW 11 more afflelant uM of ltft4le • 1200 ... ft, g•\H-UI _, ftf1tr) -~~ .. llllM Ml I GYNlL J 1 , . I I' I t J :Ult. 222t H•rbof blYd., Coat• Augu•t 31• 1"2 ,, .... County C1at11 Of Ottttte County°"' water eupp11e1 0111r1e1-w1csa. 111ut 6 h Let 1Hl1fO . ~ Celforflll tH21 P11blltltad Or1nga COHt D•I~ 8aptamb« 14, 1112 t)eneflt,, tM entire OiltrlCt. SH0,000 f:lf:..,_lon --..... ,~P·11• •PMOlalouflllo Piiot, hpt 21. Oet 4, 11. 1 , P "II l'I .. O C ,,.,O ... ll Clly o Co1ta Meea, County of .. at . ... ,., II : . . x IH2 11 .. • t v renga OHi • •Y Or•nga, IHI Pl•o•nlla Avenue. ' • T ...... l(an. '"°' ' 42&&-12 Pilot. Stpt 27. Oet .... "· II, ltH Colt• M918. Otllfomll 1212'1'. .. •• -·· Thltt ..._. It ootlductld by • i--------------'"--------.....;=-7::;3·~12 "•view Period: $1p1embar 23, 7 ---"• 001potmtlol1 1t12 -Ocle>Ott 21, 1182. _.r9R•-n On u11 9 011 oouttt. ~~~· For Id •ction Cal a Dafecl;l(';f'~ 13, 1H2 knpc;k1 often W'*1 YOU =:::,;;~~u~.3n:d;:. 1'lli9 .. ...._,. -fllad Wlfl'I the ft ft Otntr;·MIMOI' UM ttttull~Ul"Q Dally trM. H/111.500 .ith 10tl\ I ,fiNJ;f NVWIHO Ul1l0 r CouM'f can of°' ... ~ Daly Plot ·"·VISOR Publlthad Orenta 00111 Oelly 8 Piiot CIHI fled ~ ... to dO'#I'\ "'* .in Wf'/ ., l!:f -" WU1'!l ' ' .. NI PllOt, lept. 21 and Oct. 4. 1 ~. •2 rMCfl tnt OrMte C4Mt 11'-'~ ""9telt · • ~kt....,.i 1htlu ro I P""9Nd Of•nQI Coaat Delly •it..a merllet hr ....... lltr ~' •t41Wtt . ,..,. . ..,. n . ac. •. "· 11..i 1112 r_j2•S6JI ., to--=-90 ~ 142 ... 11 '!"! • •in.., " p1ece • ,... ~ __ _J~~~~~~=~~~=-~:':'n=~~...:-=•::::""':::~-=•:~:":!:11::.; .. =":";::":":•:•_:•~1.::•:_ llftld Id, .. , .... ., --Ii. ---• • ,, .... W I fE--' ,..... ... -_,.lflHf .it ••• Wit . ... ~.-. r r r r r I' I I I I I I I r Orengo Coaat DAILY PILO I /Mond 'I October 4, 1982 (:1' Real Estate . -the Complete Orange Coast Market Place !'.'.~!!!.~'.'.'-'-'-'· ...... !'.'.~!!! .~'.r. !.'.1.' ••••••• ~ .. ~!!! .!'.'. !.'.'.' ... = ~'.~!!! .~'.'. '-'-'-'· ...... !'f!~!l!~r.1!r.!.~¥ !'!.'!!!t~~!~!!~f!. ••.. ,._ I l""Z C ''' llu• JOZ" H · / lltwMtl ''''' JOll S"•'" !I 1Jnt1• LHl••d• ll111Mtl ''"' 3111 •••••• u.1.,.,,." ,,.,,, u.1.,.,,," · .•....•...•.....•..... .••.•......•...••.•... ~~~~!!. ¥~!~!~!~.'!. .. ~r..~'!!!~!!. r.-,!!.¥!!1 ~!.'!r.!!. ~~!!~ ... !.~t ~!.'!r.t.t .~~!~ •.. !.~~f .,..,,, "" • ' ••11•1 •• ...... .-.................. ' ..... o w e •• L• -·-••••1•···••••••••••••• • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • •• • •• ••••••• •••• ••• • ••••• ,,,,. I 040 ~';' t 6 .,.. u"":~ ·u"k ~ N f1 ' l .. ' 9 l c 0 n d u C1111 ///IHI 3ZZ4 lrvln1 3244 ........•........••••...••....•............. JIJ• 1611 (.ondn nr ~toag OCtANFAONT llrO-rno- r.rvf>I d1lrw•t11 110 P•I• d4Hn 3 Br 2 81 No pelll SO'>O "''' 768 7LJ'! AVRii now lo Juni 14 * llllH OWllUI Will OIHY •••••••••••••••••••••• ILUffl IARUlll 97!1 4:1113 B ... IJ 11 1 u I :I 0 I . v IJ IHIMLAlll• FOR 10 YRS/ IJ"l N~L!~~ltTYO O~~!~~ no 'You own m• 11111<1 2.000 WU111110t1 <1111 w1Cl11 molliltt StOOOtmo Au1 0411 0211'> S400 ~mMF Kid ok mo llHT&U 11111n kllt llwri pr1v111e l '" 4 ll<hma 11111111111 "' Se1111111onally 1em<X11th'd Wlt11 70'1. down vou con ctuNlllVlng ow11 your aq 11 :JlJr tim im, ''• llnm• &tor :J01 hooav u V I Ii ' & deGOtAIMI' b• nomo mi)v• 1111u llllt IOv•ly ' nom• 011 0111 un1qu11 611· wlCJll Oio.inl)ell. 11••1 lu»tln 101 1u11111ll dw11111' !'.~~!!! .• !'.!'!~! .. ~ ..• µ111k 11111 low 11111v111u $1011 10 $1311'1 Gllll NICu locu11on NLW llLN 1 Al!, 0All v Ars I '• tO 6190 LO::. I I A!>llJLIJ~I J 1>11 ') 1'111, tqil .11vt1il f111 w SOii!. :.>JO I Atolia 1~11 11114 ,900 073·60'0 HOH TH• I I um 1ental1 by wMI< (If tnOfllh Agt 675·1170 , 1e11u11ng twlmming "001 Ad1111 noinu. froahly ~11dr,.u "';p1111.1ot1on 11 pool for below m11i.t11 Gome p1 upuny (1 1') C I 3202 " 1~· " , T • " S:?4'> 000 w111 1e111e op 3,.,.. ,.,,, bonua rm ei.yt1te luah p111n vv ir1 ... .., w •• 1111nc•nu W11 1rav• b uon ui.1 &44 Oil' !>:>7 II "" •••··· .. ··E•l••T•l••L•I••••••• ~ enced b 1ullm huu•• wollo. t11ru 111n1ng 1001n full 1med kll<.h11n t11rgt1 ou••gu k1C111 Clk $b60 aesr i.:i11 ts too cosr p11v11e c~rlyerd. tplC . & '''11 loc.e11on A1k1no 110111•• 111 Hunt bet1cn $ 14, .000 r ()I •PPOl/11 J"A ... b ,~IV\ I "100 , __________ .. pl(IA M••• V111de l•P•C• 'J b• 2', '"' pluah c.ondo ru wahir IJtlH b(JlOI '"II S 11S01n111 Old•• I Br •;, blk lo ,.,,d $410/mo yrly 07~·67 10 •uumoble llntn<;lnQ 0 • • • """' 0 • atr~l•I Or•lll IOl\11 !!>% Yeurly Wt1okly·Wlnlo1. 2. Reduced to S2b0.000 1111111 t 1 0 "0 0 • c 111 tiff It Pny1nu11ta fl om IUl&MT IPT NOMI on 'Akr 079 4:1113. :1,4 Bel1m1 &7!1 19:JM ti!> 1 631/4 fff. For QulCk Hiii coll !140 I lb I $ t2.00 ''' $1!!00 1110 Call 0 FI I JIOOll llElLTY 750-t60t or 75:t·7373 G1tr11011 Arnok• Mo11 wau 11110 II Tllllllll P&RI !12'Uf.ftUI tnru 111. Tt41118t ~~~6 I 12.5,. f111vol haller P•ri. 1 hr PllOP CASTS10f b BA $47~ F4lnced yoru plus garuuo BESl !>39 6 190 C()'> T NP I l.flF!) T CONDO 181 11nw pm111 & toOO n•o tl4~ 0211'\ •" 5 QC( ANFRONT two 3 eA. om• 2 BA. evl now from '700 mo W1ntar Cati 07!> 431 t !fj\!t#Lt:J 4 Bdrm 4bD 3 cor ger. 1t om Cost• MHa, nor IWIEIEIT ' -------f\V U(;C.Q3' 2 hplCll Mua1 l Oki Perri•. 21 •Ptt.H 2 --------•1H1111ti•1to. Soo' housua. 2 76 ilcroa, In 171-1171 ~ Walker 6 Lee tu~tolufly ~0111lti<.1 3 Ir Owner Hll/21& S61) 1)1n1ng cov'd patio $135K Harbor 1.1nd BA· ker 963·0363. NEW COIDO 10 DOWI t.LOSE OUT • FINAL SALE 2 & 3 Br 3 Ba luA I H.,)011 104Z MULLAN Ill TV !>40·29fl0 c.ome $39.100 Owner • • ••• • •••••• •••••• •• •• ASK FOA lOAI w111 t11u1nce wllow down * R l D U 0 f D 1-ull price S345,000 Sl4,000• HHIOI VIEW ij3 I· 7370 or ~49-3646 I bdrm, wo lrpl~ t cnr l'o1y clo11111g co•te 8 gar $t7K l tt pon low yuu 18 111 41lf with over d n $ 8 't O O O Ph $50 000 "' upg111dn 840 6646 Wlo.ndslwkdy' D1A111111 Ag! RE /MAX Dll 5pm 75'.l IU 1 • VCHSAILLES CONDO TRADJ T IOML REALTY llutal/Yurlr Good 111111g11 cu1n11 "' :i 1 Oc1111n view lrom nit rooma lh1ee 1110 1y home one houae from beach Th1ee beo•ooms lhree Oalhs 4 :l goroges s12501mo •HEST R[AlfY• OUA HAN l EE SELECT ION NOl A RENTAL A~EN CV • (>39 6 IOO• !> HOOMS II llA $400 I nrgo un~luse<l garagu IO• 111., 1;111, k1d1 great molhor • kll~ht1n Thrs unll 15 111lltly COST you wrll never turn down BEST 539-6190 l•~d1m ')1111111 •1ioc.111111y1 OCEANFRONT lge 3Br J tr<J A~JllulJlu NfJW <J11r Wlll1 I 1.1~1 Ill \(Jt.0 • Chg 21>0 S9751mo Avail un· ll""tJ' Nu llo1, SU10Ulll> tl:Jtl 100'.I lur •1111n1111mnt f u 1 11 6 7 3 . 4 4 8 3 , llJ I llJ ''' 4WJ I flit, I Mutw 011<11 lllll"u~ 1e~ull• 1140<1'73 Wt)On11n11>r.r \1100 I N"111ui<1toru11iu1 could Oc11an1ron1 3Br 2ba. !-if)u1. 4 hr l '. 011 1111.ttlt 1 111 w11tr 11 lillh1 lLC" w1nte1 renlal $850 Play• IUllUHUf1"\l '·'"' "" I '!.)ti' I C.11(1 m•JV!j~ yOu1 ~ r 673 1900 "'''I. 1mllO!> Lu~u IJll(JI Ml I ft() 1 llOy5 II t I' II n I~ 6 4 0 1 '\ <' 1 636 700!> 2 BR I Ba yrly, reer ol oc.t11111hon1, $6~0 Pfo· perty Houii.e. 642-3850 ltw boell11t ... , .. ., ..... ,., .. , Granolose 2 sio1y home wilh 6 bdrms. Pier 101 lerge y&ehl ond side ue Unusu111 custom uu signed residence wllh soaring wood boameo celllngs. Indoor spa, 101 mal dining and unique open and suspenaeo la- mlly 1oom/hbr1ry, gour- met kitchen and break. IHI urea All decoralor dola1ls F1ench doors. ahullers. stained ,glass, more $1,69~.ooef on lee lend OW help finance and is ll\l6HIS1ed In eic· changing for oc6ll11lr or11 or smaller home 1n 1uea .. 1c: All 11mon111eo Ne~t lrvial 1044 dOOf IO all ShOf)t)IOQ & • • ••• • ••• ••• •• •••• • ••• I llr, t bll, SO)J,hl!m •~· posurn. s11bl111111ne1rn prlo.g, soc; entrance~ ou l sta11 d1ng pool/ clubllse By owner S98. 900 assumable S11nClro Ct14t/lar tre1t Av11iloblt1 turn 01 unlurn, lan1as11c locallon wl views. 2 Bd•m. seeuruy blOg POOi $995 '•S9 G 168 olr. 720 IJ1 I Bhrll~ 1 or '} • "" iom rm UNIVl:HSITV PK 3 en 2 • '!,1:iso mo J b• 1 revel East·Slde 2 tJCI twr11t1 u .. livllum '"' '} (,01 0"' $'JOO 1110 :l IH $1?00 mo VILLA AAlBOA Elegantly lhOOltl•' 7 14163 I· 5055 DISPH&TIOI SAUi ~ 2 Cewi1&IH 4 PltltS $1d11 lly arde Ouy 1 or bOlh Call 549 1366 lrpl, ua•, l11c<J yrd, olJJIJll<. comm pool. I'•! l'ooi-. Aljl i,44 01~4 lurn Condo 2 bd. w1lk $750/mo I Security $11~0 1110 '>5:i 8f141 to bch pool, apti $139900 5 yr uld 3B1 By o wner C1ve,m11 2'r b.i llOtntJ wi den S6K-lake over pymts Sushtrt/Yll/U•f11r11. 9!>7-2040 IUllllC HOCK 111 11m,,1 Sin Cltmfllll 3Z76 !>:,O!> 7405 -~ trplc $6 I 000 loan. as JBr 2b& Walnut Sq Will sume ot o• 9•.•1. St07 co ns1d111 any deal 642·6149 3 Bdrm In g1eat 1oee11on Laroe 9nd e 1ry $ t250/rno J Br ?bJ e1tt11 loc ft d SHOWING TODAY• 21 b\l11ut1lul lll(Jllllhllll Vlf'W •••••••••••••••••• B.loe··~ large 2b• burlt-ina 8 o•· bfl<Jrm '-rna~1er~ 1g« 11.,, p1.111o 10 be 11 Built ins $T!>O rage :11ep5 10 11n . 000 ovorluble at 13•1. 67"i 1018, 857 4976 &TIN: llYISTOllS house 1n p11me BIOS $450 gai Clc!lltH J 11.40111111 ,J 7141879 198., \650/yrly 01 S!>OO Wll)I· has enclosed garage Call I Glory $ 11!iCl 1 or {2131 446-92.lO. (2 '31 " \\ \I I HI lltl" lhl\11 .. '"' RU.l l "l"lt I I II Ill CHYOI IUlllllT Privacy, security ano a rolhng lawn 5 Berms. pool, spa end quelily crat1sma11sh1p Only $8<19,500 I JllliiH JU I 6 •t Ml' Realtors, ~5·6000 ''"" 111 .. 1 J 006 .•.•••••.........•.••. CHARMING REMOD 3 Br+IOlt Tradollse op1 for duplex or unn 673-8585 54;i 1060 .... un TREES plu) u ~ bdrm nomo w11n l11m1ly room A re11I showplace. oaautrlully deco101ed a110 enciosud put10 See 10 apprec1111e S 147,500 Call 979-5370 .\"{ :--1~111~·11 AfAl f'f & ,,_.,,.[STME~TS ASSUME Y.l ht TD at 8' r•t. on tnrs 4 bdrm 2 b<tll• home Wllh low ma1ntenace yard Owner will assist wrth llnanc.tng 1001 Seo 11 now Only $127 500 Call 979·5370 .\"f :..JLI 11~·11 J.l[Alf'f & IN VESTMt.NTCi LAUREL PT COIDO Fan1as11c buy• $126 900 2 bd 2 ba deslroble arPa Fast salP dgl 754 6733 * IEST IUY * rn Rancho Sen Jouqu111 Ou1s111nomg 3 b•. 2 be o" goll cour~e lge as· sumable 101ir1 $'125 000 By ownur _ 760 87061675 2144 Low Or No Down 111 lrv1n6 Groot ossuma· Ille 10.111 556 7687 Agl PRIVATE SPI 2 bdrm 2 bo Pinn 3 1n Orange 1ree P11110 Homes Profoss1onally decoraled Plu~h carpet. cuslom shullers E KCel- 1en1 amen111es S 136.!>00 Nuwport 3Br 2'"' bo P11 ced S 7 5 000 unde.r mRrke1 at S225 000 P11 11a1e pally pr1nc1pa1s only 662 -7367 83& 07114 eves VIEW COllOM& Ill Mlll Wattrfrt1tt No111u 131·1400 Mutro Alty 636·7005 chg r,c,.ry tl 1'Jl4J7 .JO~\:I S ~ 3280 !i 7 4 8 t 9 9 . P q I Small home ror youlchllO Jto1., f7 14)673 ll~llll I.!!'.'!.!'.'!!............ 4<16·4l 50 3206 1ind µvi $360 + ljfTI chg C.AI ff HOMES 4 bd hint REIT TO ow• l/111sa1lles mini t Br. on Well located away lrorn l•J)o. lll••tl r A o R c T v I I lht1 t.J11ach crowd wllh •••••••••••••••••••••• M E A L rm th•lcJrnn o k '"'Pill!> '~''"' new 2 Bdrm. 2'' be court 81 o/s'o~•; ne1r bay 4 ocean views 2 4 Br 3 Ba Den Din, gar. 636 7005 646 4784 or l!>'il 1c,01 , ,111101> From $BOO per bea c n 4 m o conuguous R· t IOIS . rio PtllS $I IOO/mo 2271 fAUIT TREES 8 BBO prl mo C.e1ll 964 6171 ~ 11331~:~.~~92 dey• ltw,trf/l11crt1f ove1slzed $595,000 Coral ?13l395·35ll moketlus3bedrmhouse f!l.".'!~.~.i.1.C.~ ••• 1.~~! 3 Br. 2•, ball•s. family tuich 25% down lilbo• I worth uvery ptrnney $650 llAABOR OCEAN H10NT C ~ . 6210 Oc.ean Front. 3Br rm µool Buy $75,000 K1ds/Pe1s allowed! Call Nu J:i'OO Ii.ix nm on blull onaom1nium1 lower dpl• rmmed occ~ below ma1kel a1 s ns. ,,.; ... ,. 3Z01 Melro tor app1 636-7005 180 deg vu OI tla1lior Unlu1ni1ltetJ 3425 pency Ill June 15 $7SO ooo Pr1vate party, prtn ONT·~e'ee;c~·2·;,·~:: EiSrde 3 b• 2 ba verv sud m1ns 3b1 :i1H1 ~o 3 ·0;·z;r;~;·~~~;·5;·c· mo 1213) 596-1709 eve C•Pill5 only 662 7367. condo ocean view. sec clean in 8 ou1. b•9 back I ~~so:irrnos~~;-~oo~/.111 Plaza crplng & bll·rni. to• 2 BR API. trplc. ,_ 836-0784 11ves $7!>0 mo 600 E Ocean lenced yard lrull trees Q-.,,1oo~s. greenbell home on lhe sand LIC'OSANDS NEAR fr on t 997 -8382 $6 25 642 8170 FMEAAIOBAV 3br 2 c;uols~pa:;&clubhouse $1000or $1200 Cell BEAClt AND POOL 638-3094 646-1277 IMri. I 11yloq b8 1600 sq 11 11111 ll11tk .iva11 Secu111y g ate 6 7 !> 3 703 83 I· 1400, Perfect Sia II el Wllh 3 /\ l)!Vll>IOll ur c ti I ltt 322Z pa110 wrth !>fill s 1600 $1>'.0 C.ill 97!> 8231 eves 675-4366 ..- bell1oorns. 2 blllhS 2 .!!!!'.~ .. ! .•• !! ••••.•• Dia• Point 3226 213/876 ;n~~ & wkrocJs Spacious 2Br apt, w1n1er. P .. 1105 'l,epla'e ·•nd be 11:.irhor f O\'l'~lml•nt C'rr 2 B 2 B C d .. M r a on o, c cor •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br t Oa c.u11.ige Cltfl f;(EC A( TA[A r on New· sleps lo bell · Pklng 11"' low milrkel prrcu ol l•--------•I garage 2 blocks 10 lra114 ••w llt•H St..'CllOn oa~ rang.-gor PO•l Be.Ir 1 B• penthou-dry $575 mo '673·6562 $159 000 644 7020 -ocean w l o r11lrrge Oona Po1n1 W11 lk1ng oe11er '"'"9 Avail 1018 se Secu111y pool spa OCEANFRONT c rau A:' LllCO REAL ESTATE r · Sil /I I I $895/mo 640-532• distance IO Bedell 3 ano w '11 I ed .. e 'a 1 'i g f m ,, 4 ) I! 8 6 8 2 llYFllOIT COHO Spacious Lido Park D11ve Condo wllh Sr i -down view Sec.unty bu1ld1ng Boat slrps Owner wrll cons1c1er excl'lenge lor uni., S525 000 l•l Ill • frH 4 bdrms $950 to $1350 494 01';4 011 t111~ """ 646 4;>67 qu1e1 lge Winter unlla Ow•et1ii• 2450 Nies 2Br t'., ba "' dPIS per mo 661 .3100 No pets 675·4688 • •••••••••••'•••••••••• Lrvrng 1m wllrplc sun Cu51om 3 hr 'J o.i lrplt 2br nia hay/ocean view. Condo, vacation lime decil gar. so or hwy OW 2 tllk6 lo V1c10110 poo1 J1Jcua 1 securrty A111t•t11l1 Sharing II\ t-iawall S6501mo 323'-. I ark H•11li1111on B1.n Ocean vu G.i1 bldg $925/mo Call u.1.,,.;,,,,, 213-796-4807 evs spur !>36·1'53 wkdys le•ci 3240 Avo.111 $950 894 8'i1ij Denny 64!>-2016 or •••••••••••••••••••••• Brand spartlung new eve· •••••••••••••••••••••• EMERALD BAY 3bA 548·!>833 l•IHI 0 I C 3 2, b Sharp 2 BA condo. 1 sly J. •I o •••IT 1ywnere bdrm. • a 41>8 J300 sq 11 . trpfc. 2 Br 2 Ba Condo Dal\8 fe•i11Hll 31ft1 •• !.~?.!!'!. ••••.. !.~~~ ~~re:;7 ~~~'°op!~ ~Oa~ ~~1~";:0~11 S~~ ":~r ~:'~,,'g1 g~~n ~~'~ ~:i :~u~e~a:~~~ ;,~~ ·~ 2·~d;,;.~·;~~·;,;:;;·dp;-; Solana Beach and Sun 64 1 ·4868 or Dave d -sa~ Ocea11 v1ew6 , e 11 1 g e $ 6!io1 mo yr1y Mature non-1mkte . l•lltff . lt•i•••I• 1001 --..-----i 't573CAMPIJ,Dl·IRVtNE .... •••••••••••••••••••••• S 12,000 DOWN COZY 2 bd house Close 10 sa•o MO. bch $275.000 Open · " Sal/Sun 1·5 544-1281 Spacious 3 Br + 2' 1Ba redwood pa110 8 spa C•t1•• 'ti II., 1022 handsome bid lrpic ••• ••••••• •• • •••••• •• • •tra 'Q\ '2 car gar aoe w/ TRADE .... w111e cellar 01 dork rm Mu si sell A S A P 646 5680 ~~l.'!'!~.~~ ... e.~ ... !.~~ DCEHFllOIT Lido Realty 673-7300 Beautllul Ocean Fron! 777-2233 HOMES FOR RENT $ lbOOtmo &73 4411 492-6700 no pets $700 X 3 Condo :\ bd. 3 ba, 2000 4 Br 2 • .., 01 FR-DA 4 3 8 4 Berm. $67!> 10 I 2t31799·4 195, 257-9792 $Q ft, $350 000 C rlf $775 Fenced y111ds 4 3Br vrew No fnd $l000 • irtm••ll Fat•t'i&.-~ 01 (71 416_73-3986 CULVER • •ssoci •-view o m pool, ion Kid • 1 mo 4!14 5641 wl<nds or n• "' ·- T .. Es" " nrs $1500 mo Ownr garages s " pe 5 •'"•••••••••••••••••••• BAY vu 2 BA. 1 ba, gar 756•2476 7!>9·8006 welcome 545 2ooo 1 811 6PM Bilbo. lll18tl 3106 apt W/D Gat sp . S600 New mobrle/mOdular ce· Liar college lrplc, on p111 b c h L e a s e t 8 " d I HI E1t1lr 6A:::· ,:o~:an Eleganl o~:~: :~o l~·g,u~= !1~:~ ~~~E.NEW··3·~~··2·~~~ H 67J.8276~~1 cedar & glass 2 Br & den. :i blks tQ bell Cnarmrng lrplc patio DOq wlk to S425 u111 po I Br Dplll. 417 2,, Ba $925,mo Plush oldt1r home w1tt1 lrpl bch S6001mo 675·5383 E Bay Ave . Balboa No CIPIS 8 drap11s All lhe OCl'Bn Vll•W bt1('k Pilllf)ll 3 br 2 tla 7 home~ from pe1s 547-1155 $6001mo 11 •1"\'. 1n1 1--------•1 Wutrtl 2900 S65 000 499·3816 • •••• ••••• • • ••• • ••••• • y~r t>Orlng Income pro· perty or outgrown res1- dtnce with largo equrly lor this neat rusllc and roomy 4 bdrm 3' • balh home wllh 180 Oeg ocean 111ew tn wolk 10 beach Corona del Mar 1ocallon REDUCED TO S475.000 with t t 75•1o Int TllULY SPICT&CULH l&LIO& ISLAll f!l.'!'!~.~}l.".~L.f.~~~ DR&STIC&LLY lllDU· Wanl to buy o house• Sta111ng ov111? Facmg loreclo-sure? Need e way ou1? Call Ba1b11a p11va 1e party. •II 5 30 842-8902 1nnos,acie.s t•· •llr h••• w/4tcll. 14,000/••· larth MacH~. 144·1200 Olt-m amen11re5 you oe & garage Avil il Nov t 01 Bay Avail now $850 mo '• Blk 10 bch. 2Br. 1B8. SHe oeau11lul 11a111ed be 1 Cl re S 1 0 7 '' 1 m n 760· 1977 lrplc garage. xlnt, qu .. 1 Country French 4 Bdrm ranch style house wlpvl courtyero Asking $174 500 Owner bought ano ther, make o fler Bi.r 848·0709 VILLE IE CERISE CH nlass window m1c1owa 494 4S3:> no pets 673-8955 " I O<lrm yearly l11eplac;e BEAUTIFUL MUST Sill TODAY! 1 Macnab· Irv me ve 11ash comp hydro· Cna11n1n9 2 bO<m 2 bo Utrl rncl o $425 Avail $295 Nice Bachelor. ra· spa m luxurious mas1r house South Laguna 67!>-'1!>2!> sponslble person. no OLD WORL D Huge 4Br 2Ba/ IB<. 1Ba TOWNHOMES Parllal So Bey View ba dbl car 11rlvo1e gars· 1 1'92 wesl SI Large pets u111s paid 106 E ge. fully m111n1 yo•d No yard on canyon $62S New 2 bO I ba Winier 0 A 9 By Howard Merk Co App1111se0 $600,000 RI· leal•ll pets, inquire al 527 18th wkdu 213-670-3511 A en t o I I o Ju I y 9 ay "'------ St 960·J;1 S52!>1mo Reis Ca• Porl 144-1211 PIUY&CY li&LOREI I from $159 000 d1culou1lr r ·reed al •••••••••••••••••••••• i·--------~~=d~~a~ ~~~~:S:i~ 4q-;.3244 760 9"J55 ~;~~O~~~ Call anytime HoHfl F•t•i•llH C II 3ZZ" 2b• dQI. cean 111cw f!l.~'!!.~}l!'.!L}.~H 525 724!> f!li!!!!~!.~~~~!.~!! MB •---------1•••••••••••••••••••••• ••I• Ill T ~a;~e!'Ym~~~~g ~~:~n1.8-----ll!Jl•l!llll• C.11111/ 3102 •••••••••••••••••••••• $650 "1"1 HunUnglon SI 3 b• ~ ba lamrly rm. encl l•IH• Dftlu1<e Conoo. 3 l>d, 3 bl, 536·3894 661·7622 a"tum lgf' yaro Nr gra lt•i•IDll 3701 Pool Rec Area. AllaCh ---------•!...................... 3 Ir. 2 la. $l l7 500 Make offer 0 v Ill C&IYll V NEWPORT Oceenfronl Frptc, renge. ya1d, gara- Broker 848-0709 v Fout L&rQll Bdrm1 large furn 3 Br yearly, ge. no pets Pr1v11e ONLY 5,. IOWI "' Wrop·a•ouno p11110 lower uru1 $850/mo $785/mo 151 plus sec 5 BR 2 , oa. t906 111 I r;-w11n lu51'1 lendscaprng ALSO lovely spacious 3 only 6'18 w 181h s 1 3 br. 1 ba 1 ctr ger 1 blk IO beac;h On 9111 SI S660 847-.i1788 Nr-Goll Course. 3Br 1•.Ba. vec.em. $750 mo mcl grdnr 840-1S7 I or 846-1371 E11a1e Sale Cape Cod dreem collage. 2br. 2ba 5<18-3112 673·'472!> Owner/Agent Duplex Re- ouceo 10 $250,000 owe 12'1't% Wiit\ $50 OOQ down 67S·3063 or 679-9667 v Ornmal lC hvrng room Br upper unH 1950/mo <199-1617. i~~ sc:,oal A~~;;ce ~~~~ .,-I rif lrealment yily Call SherOtl Jay al t BA TAAILEA P11va1e 544 8390 838·985l v Large master bd•m Wa1erl1on1 Homes Inc ( wrlh goll course ·-673·6900 or 646·0478 yerd no pels lJllls paid I $400/mo + secu111y People who need people "' () 1 1 11 1 e d 11 ' eve 499. 1617 h I h ~ $725.000·lee ~:,~1~e8~~~~ry~~ ,~: "') 142-1200 l•lh• 111111' 3106 e,.ecuuva Blull Condo DAILY PllOl ' Cars *b·l.k es• •••••••••••••••••••••• Like new. Bu1lde1 's Mo· COTTAGE rn Trt plex Ou1111 2Br $500 mo + $500 dep New range Ille. point. dbl gor. WIO hook-up CPISldrps ol· oer cou ple p1e1 893-4894 One .. of the ways homes are being bought and sold today 1s with Land Contract (Contract for Deed) A flna.nclng plan wherein t.he seller loans t.he buyer funds wtth which t.O purchase a property ts known 41-8 a land contract or contract fl')r deed A down payment. le required and periodic payments 1at an agreed-upon Interest rate and term or loan \ Impact on buyer • Down paymonL. momhly paymAnlR, tni.e~osL rates and t.crm •Jf 1111111 m&y hit negouat.ed • No lengthy waltln~ p11r1od Lo •tuallfy Cor loan • Becomes owner by recordrng of contract • Reco1ves de11r1 when Cf>nlract l8 f)ald 111 full Impact on H iler • Sales &41reemeM dee1gn11•I v. 11u1l partloul&r nl!flds • P'or t.1111 purpo11ea oen ht Lr11•t.lld as an tn•~!UlmtnL Hie Lhul 01Cpo11r.~ only down payment and pr1nclp&l paymnnt tn yt&r ot •IU• t.O oapu.&J ll&lne • "ddJL>on&I prom from 1nt.er1111L received on contrML • Re~ame deed unLll aontrao\ la paid m full The l,&nd "lOntraot Is a very erteot.Jvt: way t.o buy/aell property In times t)f h1Sh interest. rs.tee. A reaJ estate pro!esalona.I oan guide a. 1'uyer/seller In thla tre.naa.ct.ton . Steps 10 Bey 3 br 2 ba. del City 11gh1 s and •skate boards• Oii drnrng rm Frplc gar 2 Ocun view $1200 per patios $795 Winier mo trucks *baby , : • • OPEN 32e Sapphrre 6'2-3893 c a rriages•tea 644-o954 2 BA 1 ea dup•e~ pv1 c arts•trikes pa110 new paint. $!>45 rollerskates • -------•ll•IH• mo 833-8162 walkers•toys ,,.;.,.1, 3101 S•I 2 ~4r• C114o • wagons•.. • •••••••••••••• ••• • • • •• Nr SC Pia.LI 1n SA $425 Otitt Jt1l Elllll Wrn18f Rental Lgr 2 l>d ' N 545 1947 SCOOterS •hot •••••••••••••••••••••• ba ftp! pallo. W/O Very mo o pets . d • • Mobi/1 Ho•tl clean $9501mo !>00 Sharp and clean 4Br 2ba ro s coupes For s.1. J 100 West Ocean Front. Call Garooner Inc S8501mo t raile r s · h a rd •••••••••••••••••••• •• 63!>·5086 01 997.3910 Ph 546-9950 tops •convert-OCHMFllO.T -2-.-.. , ...... -,.-Nice 201 tBa. tncd yd New mob1telmodular Cf!· I - " ibles•mot or dar coiian• lrplc on pV1 $700/mo 573.4743 encl patio new pa1n1, -..~ I resp family $450 mo + hornes*lawn bcn Leaseiand S600 mo sec 2029 wa11BG11 Hae B mowers*limo s 11 ·.-... 1n 1 s 5 5.ooo £ •• ""' 3141 5•8-2778 499·38t6 .!/.~ ................ . •Corporate Cozy Laguna Beech hse. Owner tre111le<re0, prime h eadquarters Du,ltxll/ I close to l)Ch & dwn1wn IOC '" eward winning F I\ Or Un' S•£o mo cond'l complex, 2br. •gard en Cart s ••• 1!.'!f!~!!!Jf!!.!.~'!'! C~;, 213·540~39S3 2ba 1m11n1Uea Lease or Model A 's•••• E T • 1ea1e1op1 X1n1 terms I SIPlll TU Sil l In 2 bd t •, be home w/ Assum lo an Owner. • typingtables FOil llfYESTOIUll d1n1ng rm.'*"· 3 blks to 556 9283 wheelbarrows • San C1emen1e p11de or ~1~1~96_055~ '" 1 er 4 Br 2 Ba-Mesa def Mar. recreational ownersnip mO<lern Sp•-1 ----clean home qu1e1 s1ree1 v e h icles•golf n1sh 1lyle 4 unit apt t80 df19 Oceen view, 2Br $ 8 O O m'o Own r nouso wHh ocean/hills & 2b8, spa, S 1200/mo Ph 7~9·8006 carts•model goll course view Close 499-5304. 499·4827 - t • •b'k to ev111yth1ng only J ------Oen & nlgh1 view. 491, lam r a I nS I es years old 4 shows Ilk• Across lrom Mein Bch 2 rm 2 '>Ba , R 'V ., e 1 •pianos •car s NEW' New owner coulO Br 1ba condo in 1iop1-s1000 mo 631·1t53 refrigerators occvpy 3 Bdrm 2 bath cally land1ceped bldg city & ocean vrew ap1 11 $800/mo Incl ulll a •s kates•••••• applicable & renl lhe 11111as1 & sec Call all 01her 3 apartmenls lor 3pm <197-6826 income Seller wlll help hnance 4 SAVE buyer Nt•Mrl 11.ei 3161 thous•nda ot dollar•' ••••'"••••••••••••••••• REDUCED selling price UDO ISLE • 3 bdrm lam ol U95 000 00 Is way rm 4 Ba, $1700 mo EAST/SllE 1 b• Oph1. fenced yd, ,,_, OK $3115. Avall now 548·785516,5-7301 •Eot111de 2 br, 1 be, l(ldl Ok pels. 1 $595 Ulill pd 63t·4320 Agl BELOW current replace· 3 Br 2 Ba c1p11. drapes If •t • t ment 0011111 Prlnclpels OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. S875I I s go ONLY''' Call owner 11 t Be $700 mo Biii m~42•1334 Wheels, (7 141 Grundy. Allr, 075·6161. 'II - ---DUPLEX Eu111de 2 tld, t YOU move 642 0138 Boaulllul home for quell· be, gar, lndry i t faster in a • lled pertonl gracious II· $576 631·4584 Daily P i lot vlng $2500/mo IH ----People wno nffd people 675-1530 Eas111de Lovely 3 bd, 3 c lassified b• 11 .. m ce111ng11. gour-111ourd 1lw1y1 Cheek tf'I• C•nnery V1ll1ge Mobile mel kif. llghl & airy, prvt, ad. ServlC41 DlrtQIQry In lhe Home P1rk, 2 Or, 2 bl . 6 4 2 • 2 9 6 2 • i~=====iiii=~iiiiii.;D;A;l;L;Y;P;l;llO;;T •• 1 pool No pell OIOH 10 71417!16·3:?•6 shops 8 r•ttaur anti $700/mo yrly 673·3885, MESA VERDE 3 bd, den, t-525-t0<18, 1-772-tBOt 2 lrpl, 2 ba, gar. g•tdo· • nor. Wiier l)d $t50 NO WESTCllFF 3 bO. 3 b•. P•I• 557-503 I or THE 1111 OWIS 233 Vil IEIOl, LIDO ISLE Super Neighborhood• 3 br 2 ba, lam 1m lrple $725mo 963-7866 $575 THAT'S IT• 3Br 2 bath nome w/1ecuu11 Sm pet o ~. chg 636-7005 FOR RENT 2 BR $400 lakf!S lhrS wrth 08· rage. nice unit lor lam•ty Call •BEST AEAl TV COSl 539-6190• •BEST REA L TY S39·619011t NEAR PERFECT 4 BR house :> ba carpels double 11arage, lenceo yard kids pets $700 •539·6190• BES T Open 7 doy• COST * ONl V $350 HUAAV * Spacious 4 room llal bvllt In appllancu . all bills pard here' Reody 10 show todey Cell BEST 539-6190 COST •$575 MOVES YA• Majesuc 3 Br 2 Ba Pera ok Full epph1ncn . near beacn1 BEST 539·6190 COST 2BR w/So Calif GlA· MOUAI Warm ''Suntet patio $525 + •m chg METRO 636-700!> Beech combers dream wl x11ast Now $'35 + sm chg cell for Appl 830-7005 Breath laking 4 br 2', t>a paneled lludy. IPRCIOUI llVl"O room wl llone lrp Elegant dining. custom 11nctscap1ng IOO•y $075 + sm c hg M ETRO 636-7005 BEACH HOUSE $550• Lo•oe 2 b rme lencecc yard kldsl pel1 allowed Cell IOf llPPI 036· 7005 chg Big lot, 11 rooms, view of North bay, over 3500 sq. ft. of llving. THE BANK said "Ask $575,· 000". THE BANK said "We wlll flnanco, so sell It!" ,, .. ltNst for •fftrs S.at1., 2·1. neer perk. 1choo1e. 2 .. a e 1hopp1no st 17!1 mo 1"149,..·3 se ll••tl•1t•• 642·6e02 2 Bdrm houu, cl .. n, B"N•t 3Z4Z lieto Realty 73-7300 3 BR 3 Ba Or 2 BR 2 Bii, dlrllng Fncd y11d & P•· •••••••••••• • ••••• •••• tlo Oar t cnlld ok, no 3 Dr. 2 be home. Hunl oce•nlront. wkly/mo p111 1625/mo. Aval! Nov H11bout •rot Phone 752-9406 Of 073-0H t t ~8·3'10 Ue·0914 alter tpm OCEANFRONT No-;;:;;: Can fl h<>mel Ctlarmlng ,,.,., 3244 lttr•. no Ptlt, 111 and 38r 28• wlPOOLI l\Ot· •••••••••••••••• •••••• IHI Couple and/or 1 gy LUlllll Child $e28 mo Wtr, 01• olllclenl app,., CIOM pd. Oar. To June 1tt 10 tv.,Ythlngt NOW 16:15 642·3837 M I! T A O " EA I. T Y 3 Bdrm dtltohad home• 111 lllt04tlltnt trH Av•ll•• bl• l mmtdl1111y $800/mo on t ye&r leNe l'lvt Oll'ltra 10 ChOOH ltOM We're llMI Of\18 to For Clltllfled Ad ACTION CaH I o.ity Piiot AD-'o'!80R 642·5971 GU-7005 chg 0UAAAN1'£H RE• SUL TS! 8 ROOM HOME! plUI 2 Be cell tor ...... f!ull o•u1gt,)l•d• .,. tint, (IUJ., .~.. d • laundry hooll-upe In "al. ~I "'l\iuufl ft f400 HST. Open 1 ftcaltt dayt C0tt FREE REN1 • Al COUNSl!.LINO HUl'I· AS I :WOO AY CALL &30-9100 rra11n "'"'•'""'~ de achoo1 Avail 101• •••••••••••••••••••••• Gar Ref s. $850/-.,o S8601mo 675·2500 Wrnt.-1 Ren1a1 3 Br 1'• !>2S·7245 $5 7 !> 1 bd Ot•lu, e P11v B n I C 8 r g II r 8 g e Area Bch spa iennta S7001mo Steps lo bay. 2 493. 1131 Olks to beech 30 1 Ed· BCH tennis pool 9rd o gate 3 bO 2 ba 1mmec 83 t 2327 831-129'.l gewater !Coronado al BaylronlJ Ro1>1nson Reallor 548 56' 7 -Oc.eonlronl 8 close lo l//liuioo Vitio 326 Small 1 4 2 Br Apls •••• ••• ••• • '••• • •••• • • S350·S 750 Yrly & winter lOWNHOME 3 bd 2 ba. 575.510:,0 Bestde park. schools shops No pets alt 6PM Wrn1er Renlal 2Br pool. 1 951 6754 hOuse 10 b<h $550 P1ayo ~i.'!r.!! .!!~f~ ... !.~~¥ Harbor View Homes Ce• n1ul Mdl 3 Bt, family rm t ea!Ml $ t 150 6U·6977 Harbor Ridge le89P 4 Br 3 ea oea1.1t deco• 3600 11 pOOI lennrs guero ga1e $2S001mo B.>b 01 Dov•l' Koop Agt AE1MA)( 759 1'21 2 Br 2bA luxurv condo Nr bl'!l!th All amunl11es Most beauttlul cornpll'• S19Sl mo Harry P111e1 2131278 -64 00 or 2131670-3008 MOVE IN NOW• Large 1u "'''V condo $69!> 2BA E.tras 831·2686 eves HARBOR VIEW HOMES 3 Bdrm expanded Cer· mlli mdl View New cpl t800 111 S 1200/mo Cell Ag1 Gene Httl 642-8079 Beach hous11, 2 Br gar $700fmo 3 Br 2 611. g111 $8951mo mo Fred Te· nore agt 631 1266 631-2711 110 $925 Wit 8 grdnr rnc;I Elatn~ 5 48-1232 01 645-5963 THE ILUFFS 3 Bdrm 2ba, spolleu $1250/mo 2 Bdrm 2ba bHutllul eoull un11 S 12001mo Call Hotstern Real!~ 760·88t6 or 644-9152 Clos!' 10 bch. 11111111 11-1 JBr. 2Ba Ilse pool ten no-'875 mo 642,7787 5u .o 140 Horbor/Oc11an vu. 3b1 2bo $ t 185 239 Oc11t1n Vl8W 6 75 ·2967 5411·2407 BtOCk 10 bOllCh. 3 Br yetr IMH S8501mO Contact Mr Fuentes 833-0070. evvs & wknds 640-6398 A E 673 1900 l&YFROIT :? BOrm 2 be lrptc dl w, elec door opnr gas B90. pa110 wtgas lire ring Sandy bench Winier $92!>1mo 673 7538 '1 bdrm 2b8 includes tr nett d•ShP~ Cl• TV ullf1· Ire!. 673 4586 Winter tl1111 r11tal 2 Borms. u1rn 2 ba steps 10 bt"ec:h Coasl Properlies 673-5410 Coro., ''' "'" 37Z2 ........••.•..•••.•... Ocean view. oeaullfully lurn townhouse, l1plc pool 8 po110 S 1095/mo 673-0896 Co1t1 "''" 3124 ....................•. 1 .. ,trt Yllla1t a,ts Beau11lul landsceped Jr t l>drm with palro Gu and water Pll•d large recrenllon rm Includes games spa ind pool ta· ble T enn1s courts vol· leyball court 1ac1poo1 Call Hl-OOli Ir So Cst rt111 I bdrm, den conelo Pool. carport S450 mo S 150 cleanlngldam119e deposH t yr lse 675-9226 HHli1111,. ,,,,, 3140 ..••.••••........•.•.• YOI DEIEllYE IT! Beaulllul & perll Ilk• with lorreced pool * P11111111 Pallos • Cov&reO P11rk1ng • SplCIOUI Apll •01n1ng Arel •W11lk In c1oae11 •Homo 111111 l(llchens t blk to Hun11no1on Conte,, lr•n1po11111Jnn ~ trwv• ITILITllS FllH c.,, .. ,,, ,,., 3112 ..•....••............. STEPS Tl ICUI Large 2 br 2 be frplc many emen111e1. view S8251mo Call Anthony u1ys 642-5757. eves & wknds 631·6630 Quiet JBr bonus r m S950t mo lse Garage Great locauon 759-12•3 2 l>d t t>• frpl yatd no pets 11va1f now $8a5 mo 559·9265 COii• "'" 31Zf ..............•.•••••• mestia1111 lPAllTIIEITS , Buulllully land1c1p,•d garden •PIS POOi & Sp• Patlostde<:ks No p011 BachelOf $4 tO·S~ t5 2 Bdrm SS8e 2250 Vangvard 5<10-9626 ()( 6'42·4906 I Bdrm S47't 16 t E 18th 642-0856 Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba. 1425'.: 3 Br 1 'r Ba I' 7'6 Laundry lac , p ool. 548·9556 12·7PM BAY TIMBERS Spsc1ous t Br lrplc, pool 8 mo•e 646-9883 2 BA I BA. old houH,ii1 0 p11t1. child 01(. All ulll • 4 1 S Hemlllon. SS .5 641·0763 -----~ HHl llW ....... 2 Br 2 Ba 2 car get• wlOPener, wOO<I burnfnt lrplc. view of atteam & we1erlalls From 1788. 662· t309 .. -.-,-,-'"-,--.. -1-- Eesttlde S600/mo 2 Br 1• • B• Townhouse. ti& bu•ll·lns. lndry rm. c9f· "°''· yardl balCOny. ~ pet OK TSl Mgml 6'2· 1e6~ F1rep1ece. pool, df(ft! wa1h0r, p111 pallo x Lv G1rden 2 Br oo EJaio., $580 557 ·2641 1 BR, new p11n1. CPn.j drapu, d/w, no po .. , $400/mo 2265 Ml,,., 8'r 85t·2t75 111. 211. HI. HWPOllT OllEIT Ocun view. 3 Sr 2' t Be n•wly dllCOI et•CI No p1111 $ t050tmo yn111v 642·3400 t Bdrm From $515 1 2 Bdrm $t15 N•wly d•cor Qaa pd. enel gllr. dwahr, pool, bbQ no pelt 842-5073 l•rtl4• c ... t bdrm. don condo bOll ahp tdl to 8•1000 1118nd Pt~ B1rr111 Rily. Cook .. Allison 11'2-5200 LA QUINTA HERMOSA 1e2 t t Park•ld• Ln. t blk W Of BHOh 3 blkl S or ~lngtc 847·64' t f~l.~!~.l!!!~ •.• !.~~f Lu,ury e1vdlo, frff H80. phone. maid Hrv. •P•. s t30 wtt 499-.30 t8 ____ , E11tblvll HIC 11mlly ..... ,, ,,.,. ·'"' hOl'llO WllPll I t600 mo .................. :-•••• , .. Call All• 813·8580 OC(ANFAONl Ot• 2·• Br Tiit llulf• 3 Bdrm condo, B/: woo le or monlh 2 b e Linda Plln e 3·7t73 I t 2 0 0 I m o I • • , Wlnltf rtnlllls 790.tOOO, 67'·7881 now avallablo Celt tl1 GREEN CllJI for WHlll! 8'10l'llnt1 wHh I CltHllted Ad Clll 6'42·5871 ''°"' 11&&.n NIPllAIAll•IT 111.ena Weat:fleld .... u .,,..- OHultlul garden •Pit PellOtlOtelia Mo peU t chlldren we1eomo 2 Odrm I'.• Btth• "540 ~ Bdrm 2 Balh1 IM5 308 W Wiiton ' 03 1 -11583 or S42·4tol i"er S•H1mo a~~lor 1380/mo l tu S•0-3 ... or 4t1 ·2isf 8Uullhil 2 Ir 2 16 townl'louM , trplc, p9'IO. l nd111 rm, oood foe. IStO/mo T$L Mamt 842·12'1 142·1~ .. Orange Co•1l DAILY PILOT /Monday, October 4, 1U82 lesSianal Service Direct _________ ., ,!..l.!!'!!~1 •••...•.... ff!f!!!~.rt!~ •........ ~!!!!~1. !!.'."}!! ••••••• ~!!!!.".~".f ••• , •••••• ~. "'''""" """ ...•.•••.••...•....... ~~~!~!~~~!~t ....... . tf!!!!~I .............. !!~!!!~~!}!~~~ •••.•.. ,,, . . ......•....••.....••. u~.~A!e!ouDP~r Loving no~. llO" 3 & up, fll l<IO/wk. l btl 11111 Mlhl, CM. &56 3822 KllCll btt111• .. Wltoa au11om & comm r •• , .. , 840 '0111 lT YOWi IHVIOE IAHHlll WAITH tlAROWOOO rt OOAS BHUlllully CIHned l!Xpe!llH HOUHllMplno W• lurrl11n v1cuum 8. 16 vr• , • ..., NBICdM I rtt (0 & fllASl(l'llNG <.us roM CERAMIC Tll [ WOHK ~rH ••I C1tu1;1o. 1176·6 tOO .., .. l'trlOl\11 ~Ullllfl•d 1111 vf!1• IOr yuOr d11y 10 Olly error1d1 Shopping, or llPllll Gllur1.h, elC All llllOd• m•t av ltOUI 01 Clny 4U4 ·&6bl Mowing, adglng, raktng -W081Jlrtg ffree l!llimll IOI 1146 !1737 11nO wt•..0 83:> 481} t MJPPhH K111y 64 1 4970 •mall mv p11ce• ••• Neat p11c11111 1n11e~• •n'h•li' Aou 1573 l;S477 H1111tJ<t.Clt 04~ 82!18 IOI' • 30 dl y Id In the MIU PILIT lllYtol lllllOT•T 00 IT NOWI Att ,., ..... ,. Your Delly ?1101 S«Vlae Olrec1ory R~r ... n1ellvt ,.,,.,,, ,,,.,,,, f~l!~.f.·!!. •.......•.. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ch1tdc•r• wkdya, crad HSlllH Hlllll 1.acher 0 1oen11110 nctl· $10/montnty 11111·1342 v111oa t: M 1146 40!> t f~!I!.~!'~ ........... . Flnlth & rougn cerpon1ry, coblne11. rm •dCll1lon1 646-7228 Remod & Repairs Fuie etl Lo relea Oecka, P•· llo Sieve 752·9556 Cl\lld Cllrt by tAP il n,o. 11\ttl M-~ nr Palrvlow & Ad8mll. C M 970 7365 c .. ,,.,,,,, ,,.,,., ···········'·········· 11.J ............ .. UJ-Hll, tat. UJ f!!I!.'.!!!!!!!. ••••• .. L1c 306888 Remodel, 0Add'nt. C1blne1t 648·65811/645-<1644 ADD'NSIREMOOiLIHG Plans Llc'd Georga P1lme1 & Son11 648-78t4 No Sleem/NO Sllampoo ~ J St•ln Speclellst Fas1 •••••~-!!.•.f••••••••••• dry FrlHJ es1 1139· t582 BOOKKEEPING SER\/ Shempoo & s1eem clean Local women will do . Color brighteners. wh1 bkkpg tor you• buslneu crplS • tO min bleach Masonry, carpentry. con· crete. add ns. intle•• re· mod LIC"d 646-0761 Of' P9110rlal. 541·8272 . Hall. !Iv/din 1m1 $15. evg ST AN BUR INDUS TRIES Gen i conlr Property 1mprov 997°1811 18·5) ~!!!W!!!!.f!!!!'!f! ••• Applied. re-appHa<j, ou•• . tn1ured, llc'd 4 1469 1 730-1900 free ealimates ~,~~~·!.'! .•...•.•.•.. Art-An11qUff·Je-lry AppralM & Liquidate Mlcnaet ~tln 953-07 t 7 ~e.~!t ............. . Drlwiways, Perking Loi Repelra. Sealcoa11ng. S&S Asphll 631-4 199lic Dao Hallberg Grading & Paving Co Realcoml Lie 397804 842· 1720 roorn $7 50. cou<;I\ $ tO, cl\1 S5 Guar et1m pel odor Crpl repe1r t5 yrs ~ll•li•• exp Oo work. myself •••••••••'•••••••••••• Rela 53 t-Ot0t RESIDENTIAL INT DE· EXCEL CARPET CARE SIGNER Furn orrenge· mefll, color schemeli Jack Bulllnglon 955-2066 or 752·0322 Owne1/opera1or Cerpe1, upl\ol. area rug D1a11lit clean Ing Work ouar • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • •• Free Est 645-177t •KATRINA'S LIVE IN - _ llskprs oa11y maul serv KURT'S KARPET KARE OlllCie c111on1ng. crp1 Ouallty work Reis cleaning 835-2 t t6 Free HI 494-t429 HSKPAS & MAIDS f!!!!i~r ••.....•...... CHAMPENOISE LIVE·IN HRLY/WK LV \11e10 Services Agency Llc'dlbonded 973-9000 Fine Catering 111 the old Whet a Wonderful Worlo ldnilll•t, world tradllion 645-9858 01 'Shopping, right at •••"•o•••• •••••••••• • your llngerllpS everyday I f.'lature llcensed babylll· C••HllCl•tllll Dally Piiot Classlfied •.ter lor dey working mo· •••••••'•••••••••••••• Ads To place your ao. 11\ers only. Mon-Fri In· Cernen1-Maaonry-Block can 642·5678 ond let a fanls to 3 yrs $55 wkly Walls-Cull work Lie C1ass11teo Ad·Vlsor help 642-0728 •38t057 Rob547·2683 you !'.'1."!~!! •••••••••••.•• DAYWAl..l IACOUSTIC H11pell5, 1ml IOb •Put 11 y111 11•11 Bu(l 05,·UMI:> Woll IUllJrtll ACOUlllC 11111111 T&l)e·Sl1t&I 81uO• Lie Jll9944 1·5J;t.f15.(9 El•el1it1I . .........•.....•..... El EC I HIC:IAN PricttcJ r1g111 lre11 1111tm•t• on lll•Oll or small Job• lie 396621 073.0J69 ELECTRICIAN Sml 1oba/Aepo1rs I.IC 233 108 C 10 S48 ~203 LIC D ELECTRICIAN NEEDS WORK• L•t 4 t8968 642·8023 RESIOICOMMLllNO 20 vrr. Oo rny own work LIC 77804 I Al 646-8126 ~!!!.'.".{•.t •••••••••••• flN(SlKINO QARDFNINO CleDl1•UPI am 11ndac1p111g, monthly rru11n1 Noll 642·6706 K&O L1tndlCOIJl1 M11hl1 FlHld/Comm Cleen•up 1110 houllng 548·24611 MAINT 8. DESIGN Oner1111 L•nd1copo S1trv Wrllton •oreme111 Ort l!t(I 01111111 844 t 240 GARDEN WORLD full S111v1ce Oerdenino lr11. Born111 546-2922 <..t11rllun1ng. lttnOscapong, y11r!l mi1ln1enanc11 clean Ul)ll. 11111J 111m & removal F"re1t es11mo1e11 Insured 642·4889 ~~~!'~"·············· DUMP JOSS & Small Mov1r1g Jot11 Ctll MIKf 646 130 t HAUi ING OAAL>ING cJmnoll110n. Cl«1 •11·u11 Co11c1010 & 11oe romovol Ou1(;k 1111rv 642-1638 Pno~ SER\llC( Hauling • yrd cleun up Out<:k & cieon F1ff ttl 673-0648 HAULING • llu\111111 1\811 IOft truck Lowea1 ralft Prompt Can 769· t976 Thank you, Jonn CLEAN· UPS-:0ARAOES ANVTHINOt CALL RANDY 642_·7647 E•Pll• Oaroener A clean Houlrno g yd clean-up upa rree lromnuno free 611 Ptile 641.1096 Tree trimming, gerege '!.'.'!!r~~~ ...........• C1:1rpen1ry C31>1ne1S Plumb Drain Cla(lnlng fl6Clr1C81 -Tile Rois Don 986-0 149 Ch!lm·up Bob 850·9844 Family of 8 will haul away your 01<1 Junk 111mm1nga. e1c Fas1 ell1c14ull work 667-3939 TllEH Gen contrecl g rnatnl Topped/removed Cleon plumtl repair. patnt'g, up. lowr1 renov 75 t-3476 mobile home i.e1v1ce ~~~!!~!~~~!~I ....... . ROBIN S CLEANING Service • a thoroughly cieon house S40·0857 TME HEH SCHE LawrMrOfl·Shrub lnSlllll Troe tr1m1removel L11wn M11lnt1Aotolllling Free es11mote 548-6065 Sommons Gardening Cln-ups, lown care. lull comm & rr1s1<1 malnt Froe e&t 646·6684 Landscaping Ma1ntenan ce Lawn & garoon care clean up K1111 Jones. 536· 16 tO ref'• Jhn 536-995 71536-3684 JACK OF ALL TRADES Call Jack any11me. !lay 01 nlgh1 675-3014 Joan s Cleon1ng Service HOU68S·APIS·Ren101s Ofllces 540-t287 TIRED OF HASSLES? HOME lllPllOVEllHT ouati1v c1ean1110 11elp ,, REPAIR . PLUMBING here• Reis 960-7452 Carpentry. elec, Ille F'ree - Oil Reas 645-2811 HOUSECLEANEA Good refs NB & ltvln1 28 YRS EXP DUNHAM prel Gladys 54 1·0702 HOME IMPROVEMENT Aemo<lel-repairs·fenclng 110USECLEANING olttc.lr1cel-plumb1ng ltones1 & Oependablo 63 t ·8530 anytime Brenoa 962·2690 Cu••<>n1 Home Clentllng & Cornpl MAIO Se1v1Ct Prof Oonded lna'd IJNIC~ FAN SYSTEMS ol Nwpl Octi 8&0 1200 !'.0.~!~!~'!!~1 ••••••••.• M IC!Olt 1(10 COufJljj wilt hOUI0511, rall ~43 01180 ~~~~~!r ............. . BRICKWORK Smell job• Nowpu1t. Costa M .. • lrvint Refe 675-3175 -Cu11om Brick-Slone 61oc:k Contttlle·Stucco Reis Frefl ea1 549-9492 ~!!!l!f .............. . IN I /CX I PAIN TINO & WAlLPAP(nlNO Cl•••om work Ftoo ••l Heu S111v11 ~4 7 06 I HAREIOA PAINllNO Ouoll1y work i:;,.ll "' C•ll alt 6pm, 673·6166 CUSTOI PAllTIH :is yra oxp Lie 40:194 1 Oo1111e<J tr1e Rel• Color oxpar1 063-00 11 Ot<:k MOLIDAV PAINl TIMfl 23 yrs Also odd 1ob1 & rt11>6lr• Bruce 972 0 t 16 r~~~;!~ ••••.•••.•••• f-or111u1g lrtleroor O.a1gn HANGING/STAIPPINO \lt18·M C Scoll 645·932~ * l -1 IOVlll * ASR PAPERH)'NGING Top quallly Spoc1a1 care 7 yo 1oc111 ~P Gu11r 1r1 hendllng 25 yrs eip worll Prtc.es Sliltl 111 Compet111ve R11tea $8/roo Alec 75 t-7027 No overtime 730-1353 Paperhanging. s1rrpp1ng ·ABC MOVING· painting xlnt work lg or Ou1ck Carelul Servooe •niall 1obs. rea1onebh1 <low rotes 6S2·0410 ra1es . Reis Free esl ST AR\llNG COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Uc T t24·436 l11sured 641 -6427 WATCH US GROWi !~!!'!!~I ............. . FUIE PlllTlllt by l'Hchord Sinor Lie 26064« 13 yrs or nappy 1ocu1 cusiomera Tttonk you, 631·44 tO OUAl ITY WORK nea1. reaa . nonesi Reis Lie 287 107 Dave 964-t045 CUSTOM PAINllNO tml e•1 Res1d/comm l'rM est uc 644-4798 Bre11don 968· 7'127 Jollv Cricke1ers Pror Wellpape1111g & stropping Many relerences Paul 857·0118 Ou•lltJ ,.,., HH&i•& Suzanne 979.45f 5 ~!/.~~!.!~'!!~! ...... . * •BAYANT's•• Walicovenng Removal All types 642-1343 P1lio Cot1111 .••..•.•...•.......... CUSTOM woo<I paho CO· ve1s. <leeks & fences Oy RANDY 64 t-0622 Pl ASIFR PATCHINO 11HIUC\.01 ln11e~I •jQ yr• N11a1 Puul ';46 2977 !!~!!~!~I. ........... . A fLAS PLUM!ilNO & 11e1t11nu apec1111111rog 1r1 t41Pilll5 846 18811 ID ELL 141-1121 W11le• lleele• SP•Cl•ll :i4 tH plumber e1c ~!!!~!!~!~1 .......... . J O I 4orn l~etu11•tt1ng An11quu kn c1b1n111a, tine pumt11111 64~·066 ~!!.'!~1 .............. . 11uber Rooting-all types New recov11r.deek1 I ti. ... 11802 548 9734 ROOFING REPAIRS Small 101>s o k lree t•ll· mate• Call rom & Chuclt 542·6392 St111111 •••••.......•••.....•• MOBILE SERVICE Ao~retlnSINew scret1ns N61CM only 642 9552 So/11 '"' •.•.••••.............. ,,., '""'" ····s·~ow·RATEs·s···· T1ee 1r1m/remov. c;te•n Ul)I. mt>wlng 554· /0tl r.~''-'f~~ .......... ; .. Mos1 IUbjecll. K· t• Oey/tve $5 a $1011\r Mr Morgon 646·6 I 71 ~!'!!~~ .~{~~~!'1 .•... Let 11111 Sunal\lne In" C1111 Suns111ne W1noow CICllln•no Ud S48-8853 20•1. Montl\ly 01acoun1 1r111e .. t R1111d/comrn I Free ell '20% mon1hly (ll&CO\Jnt 644·47118 CRAIG CLEANING CO Au1<11C:omm I tnllext Sc;roens m•rrore Ladder work O w ner op er 648 3089 ltllle MtH Mulla1 UI on I Turtel 11ong came 1 1p1d41r and read 1n the Daily Pllol c1au111ed MGllOn abOUI MIH Mui- , .. 1 T ulfel ano bought 11 tor $9 95 Vou can NII your l ulle1 and lot s or 01her 1111ngs through Dally P1101 Ctan1t1ed Aos Coll 642-5078 So1a1 Consu111ng. svs111m1 11ouble ,11001tng. pool&. 11ei1 w1r space 11e1111ng Natural gas oeregulallon ---------·~ nere Op11m11e your systems ellic1oncy Also new 1M1all1111ons l..1c 405644 63 t-2430 ~t!!~~!!!! •••••••••••• SERVICE & REPAIR Van Oppens Service Co 838-4666 Shop al home 11 s eaay to uiace your message beto•6 1he reading public, phone Oa11v P1101 Class1l1ed 642-5678 wtlh claH1fled 6•2·5876 --------- for your c•m•r• • DOLLAR DAV DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commerclal ads. Call today for full detalls. 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 (Non~. E•t,. MnM euo) A,,,,_nll A,.11•1•1• A,.rl•••I• A1111m11111 1111.,.Juffl u.1.,.1.i" V•l•1•i••" v.1.,,,;,.,, ......•............... .......•...•.......... . ......••••...........••••••....•......•.... '!.•.!!!!il'!.0!!!! ... !.'.~ ~.'.".~'.'!.!!. !~!!!. !.~~ !'!!~t.-..~!~!~!. · · .!.~~ •00'''''"' ,,.,, so31: f!!!.~. [!.".'!~ •••• !!.~~ !!!!!!!.~' ••. · ··•• !!.!~ Pine Kno1 Motet on Coaa1 Female Roommate lo 2500 '" basic o l c w/ •••• ~!•••••••••••••~ LOST CAT c:roern Per-Custo• F••tatr Ptit•t fn!~.!f!!~ ••••• .l!.~1 f~!!~.!f!!~ ..... .!!.~1 H•;:~~11011 3140 ~.'.'!~!!.~!!!~ ••• !.~~! Hwy NB S t ep.s 10 sharelu•unoushomeon storl!ge ByOCAorport Ill SAnlER s1en Male REWARD• ConversettonwlthBarbl oce11n Wkly rale5 lake on Irvine sec.urily $1500 /mo Tom '• Bay,1de Or/CdM &reil MC/Vosa24 hrs UITlllE Near 181h/Pomona. t Br .•••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br 1Ba lrpl(. s1eps 10 645·0440 ga1e. provate beach, I•· 851-8928 ltrf&•&• Ct. lie. 759·8033 638-070t cuut lull lake prlv1lege1 l IO. f•(( Spe<JW1h1lng In 1st & 2nd Found Tl1urs 912J gre" COEDS Would loue 10 2 Br 1 Ba p004 l l<le ap1, t Ba. downs101rs. df9, 2 Br 2 Ba 1n 4-plex Nr ocn S650/mo yrly lndry rm. bit-Ins No carpor1. waler pd, t child Murdy Park. enclsd gar. A e f 9 8 4 2 7 OO 5 , IEED A PUCE! Call 55 1 ·3806 oays. n TD's since 1949 , • Reasonable retea Kii· 55t-380S eves I A11v·a CPA's & Prol Rob! Se111er NH/CM male cat floa collar V•c. porly w1you Call Sue or pell. Call tor app1 Ok. no pets $425 Agenl. ldry h·u, p11v pallo, no t 568-4306 $435-$450. no fee 962-0217 p e 1 ~ $ 4 9 5 1 m o 8echelor Apl amo11. no garage or launOty $425/mo iriclds u111s 646·6t89 I New,,orl Center E~ec A E Broker Bd Aeellor• Irvine 552•7500 Kall\)' any11me (2131 Chen1tlles. phonas. maid Roomma1e needed M or " ~ •ervoce z cnonnet mo· 1 ..,0 2 1 Su11u tully Stalled, 642-2171 54S-06tt Found keys on ramp ol 6 3 " • 4 S 7 1 I 7 1 4 I TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 Me111 Verde 2 br. lrplc. 645•9494 ~ em < • ba. poo spa. 1 <27 7 t86 VtflS SANOnlPEA ••o -0 l\endle all your business Harbo1 B1vo 4 Son Diego ~ • .. ..,. w1 gar securlly cl(>se 1 11 ll E ltHS bail• .. lt 2 BR 2 Ba S1u<llo. $575. pallo. gar No pets Nice 2 br. t ba 5 t>ll\S rrom cp1a. drpe. enc1 g•r. no S525 979·4383_ __ beach Upper 1n <lPI• No pet1 575-6606 Nice 2 Br t Ba in 4-plex. pets $495 onct u1111 6~L6t9~~t~;wport Blvd. ~oil b;:, ~::' 7:50~~~· ~":~otn:~:~~u1~9o ices 1s'1 & 2nd TOs Up to r~owyun0962o-3n68~•otn SI , ~~ma~a:7t~~~o~r;:mw:: -90'1• LTV Tallore<I lo Ill r "" M t c l\e 11 o 7 5 9 0 8 7 9 E•ec su11e w/AC 500 Ml your nee<ls Al, 964•7875 Hunhng1on eaacn while n1onsh1p 101 generous e11n •HA rt111 carpetS, drapes, enclsd J2 13>434•5 t48 $111 c1 •• ,.,, 3116 patio No pets $~85/mo /r.,i•I 3144 • ••••••••••• • •••• • • ••• Ulll& IUC• IOTOll 111 Wkndsleve~ 760-6000 tt wlba1h & gar $400 or 58 t-tn8 ~111en 960·2963 1ao1es Ken 497-S718 .c209 wlldy' mo 1175-3600 Like nu. tge t br epll, lrplc, o w . oar. $475/up Bech w/l rplc. pa110 . t.ioo Pool & tpa No pell 2850 Harle S.C&-2447 ~0·44&.• ••••• •• ••• •• •• ••. •• • • • 1 Br pvt deck. old world E SIDE· t Br. $400 mo Ultl pd Loll o l w ood 831-3646 eves/wtlnds \ltllas/Rancho Son Joa- quin 1 DOrmlden. relrtQ. microwave w esner / c harm speclecular ocean vu walk 10 beach $495 Contact Mgr el apt C 332 Enc1n~Ln _ Wkly ren1els $95 up C.0101 T \I 1rea. coffee nealeO pool & Sleps 10 ocean. Kuen s avail N B Wanted MI F tor 3 t>drm blk 10 beach S 225/u1tls Sco11 673-5764 IEWPOIY A11HHt1•1al1/ IH YIEW dryer $750 /mo 985 N Co811 Hwy Laguna Beech 494-5294 Othce su11e on N-por• ltlll•lll/ HarbO< Approit 1000 s<( L11I I Foa11' E SIDE ·2Br Duplex. 2br, ,,...,~ 610JoannS1 cp1t/drp1, 11ove. S475 Small dog OK 645-8453 mo No pe1S 675·2458. 548-7896 HIRY 01 Ill Ill( Roommate to shr C M tt 114 .. 545. 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••• apt $ t65 + • u111s A•110.11t1•,.l1 SIOO 646-5345 f!l.~!~.~!.t.t .. !.~~! on San Clem 181 Near NEW 2 Bdrm 1p1 wtll1 buill·tnl c111pe11ng d1a· pes laundry tec•l•ty. un· der roof carpo11s lor 2 cars publlC 1enn11 cou11s & goll course rognt be- hind properly, only ml· nules 10 Sla1e Park & ~h close 10 every 1111ng l $47 5/momlh Available October t 5, one or two persons only & no Ptt• Cell ownet 81 (714) 642·0138 631-0679 evemr19s only Full se1v office $300/up •••••••••••••••••••••• Rlllllil If St•t1 43H Branch 0111c;e S801mo 1111 H l•s,tr•tiH Ea11ltde 2 BR 1 Ba upltelra. neer 1c110011. no pell $4 50/mo 631-fS 155 _____ 11.agune CllH Of. ecroas SI I Br newly returb1sl\ed, trom Shews Cove 2 br good erea $400/mo patio. ga r $750 •••• •••••. ••••••••• ••. Ans terv SS-Olmo 760·050• MIF s111 hse S 180 mo + f!!!I.~~ J!!.~!.".t!.~~~ Newpo11 Beach 752-6408 '' Uhl Non smoker only Songle car ga1 20111 St. ~·Wt arl 01at11ng space 2 Br. Oup!fl, S535 645-6589/645-8 t03 333 E 2111. S1. avail now 626·21•9 2 Br twnhse •P•. beam Miii 11 •icA Jiii cell. fr pie, gar, laund ry •••• r. ........ •••••••• lec1 t. t vall tO l 10 .. NO FEEi Apt 'Condo SS251mo rentals VIiia Ren1als Nice 2 Br t B• New Bach ap1. avell tO/ tO 6754912 Broker paint. Carpets & drapes $285/mo No pelt in In good cond Yard, pa-1h991l ap11. 646-3420 Uo. no pars. $425/rno. 3 bdrm. 2 ba. cp1s. drps, 875·4886 or 9911·54 70 fireplace, pello, carport. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 2 Bdrm, to upper ap1. No pe1s $590 2515 gulel, no pell. laundry Orange 645-2 199 COUNTRY CLUB Lt\llNO IN NEWPORT BEACH lacll. 3 t t w Wtteon S415. 831-2177 IEW lllllY 011111 •.. ,.. ........ . All flHr PtalS W• It IO PtaH Eealslde, clean studio. A to tal environment new pa1n1 and carpet ap11rtmen1 communl1y on Fenced yd U111 tnc'd tne Upper Bay P1tva1e $390 1892'"' Orange clubhouse and heal11\ Ave Drive by first then spa. 8 1enn1s couris. 7 call 752·6499 pools close 10 buslneu, 1----------1 airpor1. Fas111on ISiand. Near So Coast Plaza Lge Convenient shops on 1 BA. palio on streem sue Unfurnlstle<I bacl1e· Frptc, elegant French Pool. spa, securl1y tors. t & 2 bdrm epts and windows. tn·horne Neu· $4501mo 770·8055 townhouses rlty, bdrm & studio unit• Ealal<le 17111 t 28r 1560 • $ tOOO lnel wuntf & dryer Also • nr s · Several bachek>fs and I lnci. pvt club wllennt1 •Pl 14 75tmo & SJOO Bdrm units feature line ell. g ym. swimming H e Joyce Wal1Z Re-dulgner furniture ano pools, llCUUlt't. sauna, max. 63 lbr garage. near acc:essorleS Move tn 10· bteutllully decorlted ocean . v ery ciea n day or ruerve for tu1ure clubhouM & muctt more. $390/mo 2131402-2657 From 5455_ Incl rnosl SM at 24682 Cor<lob• use Smartly lurntahed u11t1. t oo 549-3421 . _C>t __ A_P_•_A ______ models open daily 364 1 Bear s1. (bet Sun-ICUI YIEW ""-& MacAf1hur1 On Jamboree Rd 81 San Joaquin Hills R<I 144-1100 W11t•ia111r Jlfl •..............•..•••. 2 Br 1 Be carpel crepes. garage S435tmo 111 & 1111 plu1 S tOO 5<16-0 t 16 oft 5PM C M area 850·090_7_ Cos1a Meaa Storage 1n light, airy Np1 Bell Adv Looking ror F 10 ~r 3 br $65/rno 63 t·0921 Ari Olf1ce Furn S 165 NB con(lo wlln MIF, $SO /mo. gerege. 2864 548-7285 $J001mo 815-9643 LaSalle Colla Mesa IEWPOllT IUCM 25·y• old meie prof seek• Call all 5 30. 9S7·2740 •irllC&l lllTE 2 rem roommates 21-27 11; IQ Sh• 8 most l)eaulllut •Sale 11no•e Mesa Verde PREMIER LOCATION 3B1 twnhse in UnlverStty area S55 SIO!age only • 0-arden Building Pk Irv Pool & spa S275 752-5822 900 aQ It Amenmes mo ea oavs 759-2876, IU-2HO eves 552·6310 9!!!~~-~!~!~!.. •• !.~~ 2!>00 to 5000 sq 11 LIVE IN PARADISE ON •HlUH OFFICll• COM qu1e1 & serene Balnoa Penln Huge 4bd t room 10 2800 IQ fl work al moapnere En· home All ll'le lu•ury ac· lf&nce on Co111 Hwy & commoda1tons Panora-From $I 16 8 sq ft A<ll Fernleel. gre111 loc Oulck Alrpo11er Inn & Frwys Ai1tl•l1tll Fatllilt•' m1c view $350-mo Call AM 533•3223 eccua 10 MecArlnu1 0, U,,/.111 3,.00 675-9644 _ -.-Blvd & Fwy Rou Pro· •••••••••••••••••••~•• Female ioommale 10 51111• 1617 Wet<tc1111, N B 258 per11es. SS t-6 t30 IEAWllD re lut.urlous 2.bdrm 10 4000 'IQ 11 tsl floor 4001·8 Birch S1 N 8 u o home on Ille Lake In Agent 541'5032 sq II $1 00 per sq 11 YILUIE Woodb•ldge Securlly •IELIXI OfFICH• Agen1 54 t-5032. New 1&2 bdrm tuaury gate P11v t>eacl\ end Jae. From t room 10 3 rooms ap1s on 14 pt11ns 1 B<lrm F=ult lake prtvllegu A From $ t 16 a sq 11 No ltlWH lfflcts lrom $540 2 bdrm from slep above 11\e rest IOI ieue require<! Adi Air· Ae<ll\111 Co11a Men Su $595 Townhouse lrom 1he rtgh1 person Bua porter tnn 2172 l>YPoOl t>1et 1776 •Q fl II 79c $665 ~ poole, 1enn11 S51·3806 Call AM 633•3223 Recep1 work room wa1erlell1. pond•' Ges storage 675-3882 t0-5 tor cooking & hea11ng llarhr lllll&t Airport a<ea · Exec Sul· Delu ~e Suite on Water paid From Son Diego Lu11ury conoo. Ally. alra . les From 225-450 sq It Frwy drove Nori I\ on will 1h11e $550 $t per sq It Many 111ras frOn1 bldg 20l2 eq II Beach 10 McFadden 10 d a 7 5 2 • 9 4 4 2. e v Call 557-70t0 St 50l sq It 642-464• S e o w I n 0 \I I 11 II 0 e 640·2434 400-900 PLUS t400 tq II (7t4)893·5198 M/F 10 11\r 2 b-r.-1-•. -,-b-a Penthouse Baytron1 Sui· 1.,1.,11 RHl1I 44SO ...................... E/Slde 2 BA I Be, encl ver. deck. apac u111 pert pd, lndry rm, $490 &46-1509 IWJ mag FrOl'n Dene POint't mott secluded t cenlc bluff Like new! Only • unl1'. 2 Br wi den X1re lrg private pa11o No pet• From 17501mo Call 661.fS<l4 t IH•I 4000 apt. EIS•de C M Poo•. le. p&rktng. pa ttoa ·~ Block 10 beech. 2Br, •••••••••••••••••••••• t•c $267 50 Bob, 673-t003 brlghl & airy $670 mo S90 & up wllh kl1chen. 646·40841972-1300 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Prime WH1 Coas1 Hwy. NB loca11on New 1 tOO sq 1t avail Can be <11v1· ded $2000/mo Wata1- l r on t Homes Inc 83t·••OO **2 br tux. condo nr SC or M·F, 9.5 8.43·0212 Plaza.· pool. No pet• ' '520. 657·4516 2 BA 2 Ba & Oen. fplc. ocean view. encl gar wt $465. 2 Bdrm, refrtg, pa· ope!lfi 714·493-t030 tlo, no pell, •dults pref. ----------724-A Jamff. 673·7787 Studio apt wllull kll & PINE BLUFF APTS bell\, walk to Marin• 2 Br. 2 Ba. Child ok, P•· S350tmo. 8St·3653 Ito, vt.w, trplO, encl gar .• 3 Br. 2 Ba. oc .. n view, OH 1tove. dl1hwt11ler. d1Wlhr. alee •PP1. 1ndry epe, lndry rm. 1625/mo. rm. $625/mo 496-4179 SPMC e3t-eto7 2 BR. t ba. gareoe ..... _ E/Slde C.M CUI• bechelof Nr High Sc:hool. No ,,.,. ept, 1400/mo. + 1300 66t-1~1U. 559-1247tvu vr1y 968·8283 ~-r:r5 ':f48;nfron1 Mo· ROOlllATE W .. THI 2 bdrm, 1 ba. $S50/mo, yearly S1eps to beech t 116 w Balboa 213·866-2542 OCHIFH11 3 bd1. 2 bo ger grea1 IOC Winier Bachelor, gre11 loc yearly. Tll •&•t H2-1I03 FEELING CRAMPED? -Ulll& HACH llOTOll 111 Wkly rentals S9S up Color TV 11ee coffee. healed pool & s1•P• 10 ocean K11cll'• av&ll 98S N Cou1 Hwy, Laguna Beaefl 494·5294 K11 prtv, ChrlSllan Home, M stra1gh1. Nr Ben. Leg Bell $325 499-2286 Xtre large 1 Br 11eps 10 Beau11ful new 1ownnouse Male 25·35. 11ralght, non·smoker. 10 •hare like n-2 B<lrm, 2 ba, San Ju11n Capl11(eno conoo Flrepl11ce. pool. 1ocuu1, only minutes to beocl\ & Dana Polnt Hbr $290/mo plus 11> uli1111es Gelllard 17141 831·2040 or 406-9758 * lllTI llJLI * 0 .C Alrporl or111 Pro1 environment, lull aervlct. or no frll11 tndM<luat ol· fices or dffk space t 50 sq fl • 3500 sq 11 1 ~o FREE 759·8978 IHI SPACE 011 A11rac11v-e ruettc up1tttrs se1ttng We aupp1y desk, apace. c<>oltr You tuP· ply phone, & $95 pr mo pr dHk Call 644· 7211 Olllee & oaragt $285/mo Lot alorage g1rege $200 Near Biibo• Bay Club & COH1 Mwy 646·764 t C•••11t111 l1•t1l1 441S ..•....••••.......•••• t 150 IQ ft EHy Ac~11 SH dally. 11·5 $700/mo 113 t Superior C M 0 4 2·2 <1 3 4 deys 964·7294 ...... SENIOR CITIZENS Looking for Look ~o~!~J!i~!n our 01scoun1 Guide for Se· mor Clttzena publlthed espectally tor you each mon1h on 11\e Dally Pllol Classllleds The next Senior Citizens Discount Gulde will be published on WeOnes· day, October 6 Walch for 111 lallJ Plltt CIHslfltlll Alls U2-Hll SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS Hardly • Lylng Awelt.t • Touchy HIGHWAY We 11\oulO Slop com· plaining abov1 our road• Whal we call a po11101e. many coun1rl•s c•ll a HIGHWAY ~rtty No pell. Joyce end weetiends W.rtz•. e31·f266 egt oc:.an w/d. pa1io. rec rm 1 mt lrom UCI Call $425 675·3231 714/553-11244 F1mala only share beau· 111u1 new Turtlerock Townhome . Mu ter Br. ad) bath Shart wl1h young couple, great ror UCI s1uden1 or faculty 553·8029 belor 10PM 2000 IQ 11 w/500 IQ It 1torage. 0 C. Alrpor1 erea S 2000 /mo ,.,.,,,,,, L11t I ,, .. , SJIO l••t•I 4SH •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 er 1 ea .. oar 21164 Hldt«y Pl. 8 14t5tmo. 546-0258 B II ,. OCEANFRONT tee neighborhood 111 •• •f • L•1oe 3B1 2bl. $875/mo Co11e Me•• • room tn Prof non-1mk1, M/F 10 lf11lr 3140 Avl ll furn 873·4483, hOUH $200/mo plu1 ·~ 11\r 2br. 2ba. NB Apt rbd~~~·l .. b;~·~;~~;;; S40-3773 u111t Over 21. nori emo-S1r11ght, c11 10 bell. IMl*t• Wea...11 from beach CloH 10 3 BR 2 Ba, oceanl1on1, ker At 957-0128 1365/mo + ·~ ullls 2 & 3 bdrms, 1<175 to lranec> encl 1hope $485 $675 Winier. $ t 150 yrly Co11• Mesa home, mete 780-67119 1825. 5 pteyoround•. 720·0844 720-<169t p r 0 p e rt y H 0 u 1 e . tludent, non tmkr, n1e M/F 10 lhr condo. oceen :::::.O~ ~,.!y~~. 1425 t 8.R 1 Be, petto, 642-3850 prlv 1225 mo + S150 view, amenl11u . 1375 Mf l"•lr"'tew 1 Ad•m• 1n<lry rm. t ll bltn• Muet NWPT HOTS·2Br. 2B-;: cte11n1ng dep 548-9959 mo tnct urns 8424691 1157-4185 VILLA Mf!OE· I.. TL s Mg m 1. tpaclous. lvlll 10· 1 Pref Colleo• 1tuden1, Resp temale 26-35 10 '"' AA: 2 Ir 2ba. E'e+dt. I• &42· 1803 $700 mo 1145-7400 room IOI' rtn1. $230/mo condo In Irv 2Br + din. 851·8928 so LAGUNA 3 Arcn Bey 2 Sunn •v•H Gd Hwy \llllbilUy 497-2351 SIPH IMUlll ......•.•..........•.. N B 3975 Birch 1000 1(1 11 M IA 1ont Ao•n• 6• t-5032 $750 \IP iiio It tnd\I· 11rtet • Office 18 tO t A• oonoo C11clt • M ' T Hunrtngton, B eac h 842·2'34 A•ntMO 600 ,(Iii FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal: 141-Nll ltr1•111l1 SJS ....•.............•.•. Diamond Wanted W tll Buy 1 cara1 from pftva1e party cash 631-9276 LlllA I Y1Cll'$ PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS ,,,,,.,, S11rit11 5360 OUTCALL 24 HAS .....................• Ht-0201 *** Atlantis Parlor Open 2• nrr; a day 7 days 8 week Jacon• Sauna Locals lT YOH SHYICE Personal quetw.o com- panion <Inver s for your oay 10 day err1ndt Sh opping doclor s app1s cnu1ch e1c All needs me1 By hour or day 494-5857 as w ell es Tou11S1s £ l t Banlit.Amencard Amen· .!".f. !(~!~ ••. •••• •••• can E•pres5 Diners All Jo•• W••IH lOl S welcome 7 141645·3433 •••••••••••••••••••••• • ,2 !.12 ~~rbor Bl ~_M °t9.i!!'lll-"ll!!1le!Lmon ~I!!_ Dancers-for Bachelor/ do general handy work Bachetorelle Por11es Call aves & wkends, 738·8538 or 558·8538 972·952S Buying and seiilng 11 a ;;;;w;e heallhy lady Xlnt reasonable pr1ce·lhal'11 cook. nu11e. versallle wha1 olassllled 11 all seeks emplO)' as compe- aDoul 642-11678 nion. local refs. 675-7794 Watch this column or p aces t o play Bingo. This column will appear each Wednesday in the Mirror. To place your Bingo Parlor ad call 642 -5678 . Classified Ads. BIN VE Y M NOAY NI H Doon open 4PM. Earlyblrd camts start 6:30l'M $6,000 CASH PRIZES r ... ,o11 .. .,.., loll ol -11"'0 Blessed Sacrament School 14146 So. Olive St.. Westminster PLAY BINGO at Our Lady of Fatima Church 105 La Esperanza San Clemen te Eve.., W1dn11d1r li1ht Early Bird Special at 6:50 PM Fr11 Popcorn I Coffie f FrH H•rd C•rd ,,., Pwwon With thl• Ad -Exp. 11· 1·82 mlfy complex DIW, g .. 2 & 3 Bdrm •P•• Avl ll 2 Br 2 B& Cond o. Ntw· Blll10a 1al 673-2348 Biii 2B•. wellr/<lryr, 1315 r 191. W1r/gu Pd tmmedl•t•ly. *850 to por1 Cres1, $900/mo H1t1l1 1111111 fJH mo.+ .... u111 Non amkr Exec 9..,1, .. tnct rec.pt • 1to'y 1er111. cont rm , 1111 . mtll ll•ndtQ At· spon11ve 10 your bu•I· ntu neeo1 Adj <105 Fwy In F \I tndtv otca M o /m o from 1 325 983·6445 1 240/mo 2944 Aan·1 ................. , d ot p h S 1 C M • 5 -~!!!!!!!1!!!1!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!:;:::=:::;~!!!~ ers._01_111_ __ Lg~~;~:·tycs:•::1.' d:;'. AKRICAN LEGION r.tDWAY CITY '629/mo. I 1300 dep 1575 Frpfe. d/w. O•ragt Ctll e3 t..0480 ••••••'••••••• •••••••• C a I I J a n w k d V I 2124 Elden. Mor Apt 1, 1 or 2 kid• Oii. No ~·•· HA.LAH llTIL 720·<1806, 1vutwllnd1 COi'ia MHa I or ~ eultH. from 179/mo. Utll• lncld. 779 W 191h 8<11-4147 water P•ld •4•.2000 YALY ooe•n View 2 BR 1 501·0457 Of 675·8557 u "' 8 " ,700 Wkly rtnlll• now a11ell STUNNING ljlrge I\ 2 81 Agtnl, no tM. •. " cer •Ptee• I t05 & up. 0 0101 T\I Ir.den ... 710 W 11th, 2 br ant, oar:r: No ...,ti. m O e 4 4 • 6 7 8 O or Piion .. In room 2274 """ ...... S4&--3 le9 Newport l lud. o•• Avell. now. I && Cell ef1 •-------• m ... J • ._. 5, 84&.5938. \lt ru111 .. : 8pactou1 & 046-7445 ._ ... ,.._~, p•~.· ~-... llQll1 2 er. 2b•. 3rd lloor ....,.,, ~ ---1670, 2 br, pool, nr lt\ops, c 0 n d 0 I e 1 & I m 0 8 E I c H I R E I ! .. !. o o7a t • • I 4 7 a b c h . 0 n Ad• m • n r U2·fl 149 sendy • n n n -• lroo1111urat. 079·7829 1----------Apt tor ren1 year l y . $84/WL lbr or 2br VJ)tlllrl, NfL 31t. 2t.;le. frl>I01,.!f~ oar. 1180tmo Unfllfn 2 Br. 2 " required. no ""· 312 W/D hook.yp. to50 mo B• Wl!dYI call 87$-0t24 Aetrlgefator·Mlkl·POOI Vlctorte. 141-1111. "4·4833, 1-1128·~ Ult. lot Ket•. Wknot call Nwpt I~ J Wiiton I M , Ht be, frpl, Pttlo, I bf, 5 bUI• lrom btectl 973.3599 °" lor Jo Costa M... 541·0?6& Newpoft H ... ltte ArH Pvt petlO. ~ pet1 1370. Wint Ad .._, H_,,. ~01lng to tell? -· .... 6001. 1213>414-11.te '42·&e7e Cl .... 11.ct ad• doh we11 Amtt shr 3Br WOOdbrlCIO• St H t·8t28 COl'\dO. Irv, on pk, 1w1m, lac, etc:. jlurn. 1320 + ·~ ll&m"L uttl Orto 561 ·4861. llWPHT oama 54 1-1130 w 101 uea or rtctptton, CORONA 0'-L MAR eonl room, 1111c11, 1>h0ne, r 25·35 to thr 11ou1t, MCretert.11 I word pro· I 2 9 0 I m o N o w . CMtlnQ Mell I mteMOt 720·0150 ""'' a111ll aeparately If MIF wented to there o..im Ctll· Jl/dy, bt1chlron1 1p1 Non 7'417_!0.0lOO lmolt8', PfOl pertO!' ff-E11ecutlw eullea, Ml Mr• • I r t Cl I 3 1 .0 m o • vice. gr••llV ttduc.cl. no 541·<1141 ..... 7M.b27<1 "Fluffy" Leo ... n• Och 14ir.12 Dt•CH Bl.VO l•ll .. 11/l•n•t/ IL'amuv pe1 fWN.,<I $200. .,, .._" • tJ ... ,. (2131 101·8234 Aak for DOOH ~.,Mi OAMIS AT 7"M ••••••••• •••• •• ••••••• Marlotl IA•l Y ... DS •• :ao l•riHll ---MIOA'Y lv..eHOI o. 1 •I"' IHI Sttmtte, Blue Point · Blue ('~ rnl No. of 405 Fwy) , •• -.4r.!.~ ••• , •••• ,... collar. An1we1• to NEKO COMI JOIN USll mm UL• 1s ... esu r-~Y'ARo 1 etttlQM, llUey. Coet• L.Q•1: Oold Money Cllp. M ... 1~ 9Clfl.,.. lat • H11oor View Or, A ' I 1 ' "' c . I' CclM •• ke;g;111e, .-•• 7141857..otSt ward. MO· i0ui11 Oo7n1y Arcade. L.-oa-t; _M_l&el.,...-m-._.--c.i-t-. .l-OM-:--- 1.oetllOfl ancf machln.e tytt, ,... collet. oecta• or 1oce1ton onty Ca.ti wed, 1n• to Le,.oy, T o m o r 8 I "' o n 1 .,.,.,_ .. y. Lao left ........ ... ... , ... ,.~ St. Cath~rine 's -BINGO! Tlu16a1 Ewlfints -CartJt*ds al 7:15 Sntck lat -f rtt Coffee 3090 SOOTH COAST HWY. 4M·t10l - Co ... _ ~~~--=~~-:=:-~--:-:'::r:~~~-:':''.::r::~:i:--~~~--------.,...,,.~----~r-:---:-:-:-!'-----.,..,..-.--~--___,..~ ................ --~--~-----/ ffl ... !~'.~ •••• l.~! ~!.'1..f!!!'!!. •••• !.1.'!f IJ.'.11..ff!.'.1.~ •••• 1.'.!f IJ.•Jt..r/!!1.'l. .••• !.1.'!f ~IJ,1}!!.~~~ ...... l.~!f .. {'.C.'.1!~!'!!.~t •. l.~~f 'i'' f 11111:•• ·~~~::{, I SZO .J'.'.' . .'.11•1•1!11'-1 1•1··,·1•11•••••• .~~ ... '.'. f!'!r.!!~ ... .i1•1·i cr .. ,uwdlllCllV ••P't• OI "o~r~"IAONIC A8SLM OPflOl/011111111 llOlnAllY HAll80H AR(A ''-' Urhrnlll fluu Wltlll ·· .. ,~.f~~~.......... ...................... ,. r. •P ay •••on ••I••, L.. t '" ••P•r 111 Wiii h11v• lllv•r•• dull•• lllllHITIAL Al•l•llANC[ , ffWrCC 11111d tul ""•~11 I "•0 lt•••t•I •OJO 48 I orCI Oelu•• Club Cna l op Clollart lor 8po111 ••••••••••••••••••••• mnoml .._..I .. Oltplaw 1lttellnn1G HHmblY '" I "I di 11 w ~. 0 1'111 I ,,.. •· , ,..... c .. c ,. 0 cc ""V NTOAY • .._ r "" u no tiff If llP••ll • Mn luctm (IU•I ., ...................... RAnr rtNDI OtlQ 1u11n1no .,. .,uo• lff'IP•r• ... H I '" • :..~ •6~1J1 • I II o m .. ~~~~ :o!~~~~:itC: c?!~' huna bkl.g an Cl <111ec1 OOllTlllOTlll •1111111;11"'' ~4" JOI 1 1 N 0 IP.T n I AL 111 0 r 11 •NH A~ A(Jl C M•fllf1 Al gu1 rHlor•d 1n 71 II t• •· Audi• llOl Ut.4f SALH • ding Good be11et111 Ct.4 ih••IUllJ• wlln Ille pullll< h1111111d•11•• o11er111111 lur I IUY lP,LIA•CES !1Wrrf'f fl "' uuw only tel. U ~ w/Hll.ktl $600 lo<>I<• and rune or .. 1 Atl• IOI u 1c; MOR ·& • .' .., 1100 C•lt71•1 .. •o•,0J l~P4t• notuoc. w11111111n ••1.1a1arv ••l•Mr ''' .•!t111,1111ohH k •t>llSll 'luM111Mr f'l'Jfl1U •·.oooobo 9!>70li07 JIMllAll .. • 'I. ,,,,.,H .,.. .. .... .. ru11 ronu• CJI \,CJ"'1111"Y wur king With IU-ll'Oll I... 11"1 111 11 0 0 ti '1 .. I $ ., ') u (I ' ••• •"'•••••••••••••••• * r •sH10N COUNSlLOA ll•oulltt •v1111 Gont11c.1 v olll, /111/at••••t• ., ' '.111cJ1tlJull111 Cn•11101(Jr1 t8V71,L,l,.l_!,~Bltllvd I 0 I It LA 1118',-Apt Maneoer. tl•ndyrnan :' M M d) 11 •• 1r11C1ort 1t1111r11c.11 1n11 Wo•ll.,r lllyt11 H1tlr1U !!bl Ull•I St rvlt• IOZO :. p11u cp• Nice c.ar ,__., • 6 wlle lor Colla Meu I t:i'lflrB P/l · I a7<J3lff ~pl (',~ 13110 4"' "'u tl\IHll or<lo11 IUM Word lll•hwolltti f '""'"" Jnlllt W>1•r1t• I •Ill"' (,lull •••••• .......... ••••tt S 17()0 ;;r 131611? 17114' r1UNTINO fON 0 ACH ••• complex , over 40 IPI 1>•1u,1 u11ne11 I 4..,• l'11x .. 11•ll1 1111(1 r.11111rmm1 Xlnl <.und <141.t )84ti ' M1mnu r h1Ltrn.11" 1•2·2000 1'1Cld 076.0447 or 6:16 040~ SUVICK'I JEWELl•S ,0 I drllllV M11•11ll111•111r• r '>11 CllloVY 4 OH .. ·y typu;o ul w11m, fll•111"" IOLD REFRll. 1200 SIJOU ""I tronwlnr ,.., llh1••u1111r11.w111 i~ro1111lr IJ1111t O• 1400 101 •" :. e let Stlf viee • L eeMnc1 1160 N B•aGti Otvd UI Htbte TOO YOUNG FOR THE FINANCIAL l'en 11m• gem11•I olllc•. ..,,,, 1"M1111e wll ' 111 "'Y '} L>•11r111 'J4V 4634 Ke111y < lly wui~ !14ll 1112 v 1 828·3313 WAITED! typing 4 5 worn. QOOd rttqulrom•nl lo Ad No lllU IJy·•llJ• 646·70'44 Wrl1011 b44 6000 pf\orw monnera Coll 10:13 Hon 0 11lly P1101 H"'"O' WHllora, Orvor1 10111, /1111/11• ll:/ Co<I Conv Lil<• New lulfl moool ToyOlf•, IU·HU ANALYST 808 0!11!1 p 0 Bo• 11!60 <.:01111 M 1111y IO t l•UOI• .110111 Arlll(IUO m11tiuuu11y 1,11111 l•11l•••nl 9030 ln/()UI 510111\d tlnu '17 Volvo•. PK:kup1 & .... ,,. M41tt• Cn 02618 C..uur 1100/up 11!19 OGll2 nott w>lh mtg RCA r11d10 ••••'•O'\•• .. ••••••• .. • Mu•t Seel 111000 obo Call u• todayl ror growing lnvHtmont ,ART THIE • t. tOGUlfl ploy111 11'.I 1)11 HRANO t~rw '83 fvlnructn 0-,1 0607 Open Sunday OlllHI OHllTT'I ILlllT AIRLINES? Hl·PfO IJH lmmeJ ope· n111g1 lor 20 aho1p guya & gals, lree to travel coaat 10 001111 Single. 18 & over F1ee to 11ar1 Im· mod. Wiii be Clemonatra· ting new p10duc1 2 wk• pd training, averag• ,.,. n1ng1 1300 per wk & up C•ll 750·8955 or apply 12 192 Ctiepman Ave Garden Grove This 11 not a maou1ne lllYSITTH "Fri· Tues 6 mo & 7 yrs Prefer our home. EIStCle C M $60/wlt 631-~426 BAiiYSITHRS Resp aClufl. temp agency Charlo11e·s Sitters 645-3746 Banklog PAIT /TIMI TILLER Experienced or willing to train qualified lnd1v1dual M~n11g11mment Co Ae 1>1111 Tlmt ldulll lor plr s c• T •y/ E litrtl•• IOZO lhroum 'n1111hltt 1y11u 4 f\/p l)Utlloru u nwvor Qul•H re111111d COLLEGE •on with sc11uo1 ct11l<11e11 f nf In II CEPr. •••'•••••••••••••• .. •• •1r1i..1,, I door & 2 Orowur u1111t S!>:;>ll Duuu luttn Got4 Mt••• lltt4t4 d6QruCl(ll. 8 yeare buai NO (~pt nllt Appro• HllFVFI lfCHNOLOUY l l)cJ1111 :I 1pcJ Luropo1111 CllUIMI plu~ rrtnlC.hlflf# 'J Wik U7:1 104 IJ42 41110 19411 ~ord Woody Wo neU Uf)111, 'Wiiiing to I t11m I Jpm 0oskltt· Thu 1111t QIOWlng tn<lu quollly lmmw1 b>kll, good dOllr Wllll GObl11ul A llrr1 1JOr1, $13,000 1 hi hi d S ~••y llh1Chlf ''' r.ompwor ~1111d 140 (!44 lt0611 .. 111 1 • II I II 11a11•' g Y mo11ve1e Aot1b111a It & Crnem to Clt1volopmon1 tty11t1m11 mur o YIJ., w11 'l•l lo•I• low11 1040 sell at•11t1. llllut11ally re N U 1175·910 I I OOYS :;>O CYCLE·PRO 1111 101 only S 100 tumpu •••••'•• .. •••• .... •••• ttrong tnt•llttelull curio· 1188 lf!lllllll(>l)IN '1P"11"10 OIHI UIKL ST:> red gluu llhOW\H 1)()()111, c.1 11 01c. HI' I npatroko 194'0 F'o1d Moelel A Town S o<111n $10 ,000 illy nor1·1moke1 Excel-Pe1mo11e11t prut 11mt t or on u~p11r1oncad 545 6740 l>kw ""w <111ly $!>0 lor (..ent111y buy flout.• i,yl lent writing ability. Wiiiing cnahtor countor & llto ncre101y/r111,u1>llo11181, both, nuw ceu llOQr nllll• (iiuy $3(,00 675 6161 Ill!> 6101 10 make e comm1tm1nf I OOCI PllllJ 1111111011 tor Succeulul CIHldld•I• '"'"'"' (41·'20 11ew 1'4 111c;h ll(lhl ·---------1 ~ WL.a.a/ D11·u11 asso Compena•llon 10 138 tiuay l<tmoly owned sand must l'lavo JJl1111•1111t 111111 /llltllilll 1025 lllloy nm• (UMW !) 1111 ul "! ••• '!:: .•.•. : •.•. ! •..• 000 end e~collenl oene· wicf\ !lnop nuor Su Cwt phone peisonohty pro •••••••••••••••••••••• •·$20. two now <.OHll 'i9 Cf\,,acr<Jlt, oulstlln LAHOlSI JEEI> OEAL(R Illa tor the right person Pluta 9 to 2 Mon 11'\ru 1uct ii pro1en1011W nn11gu IOW •10 /FT. nnn101 11001 bullo<I rnuoul tJ>rig conrl '12 • w/dock 111 me W11s1 11 yOu are not ll'\9 !lest. Fri Pl'\onu 641·8209 10< & musl 1ypt1 minimum !>!i 411 hrt!'; li:l'>l10 Hn '"' $ tOO no c.ut1 muat tsell S3SOO Clo•poratuly nlltid• Pleaiw 11111 your smorteal oppl wpm Knowllldgu or word A1dwood 2•6 de1,k1ng, 64:;> 0138 000 673 J48 t y'u'r JEEP IJIOC8H no l'\alpl I E 4 20 101111. 111•0 , .idwu()(J VY unchallenged friend PESl CONTROL opera-11 1 ' k u • '""'"''' Ce1ll Jim()( Ken Old Wu•lurr• Mov•u 5.,1 ltfll Whir ll H1ghe11 Dollar P111C1 about u1 Reply •n conll 101, knowledge or plants ce en woi .. mg onvuon " Call Oury Ot•y dence 10 Colflns Assoc & •n•ect Id req'd Will mu111A topt>ener.11 S11 dnyt1me 77!'>-149 1 S111on11 Stora r1nn1 WA' •·p W 0111111! COAST ""67 S NI t N B ~ lary tommensurato wltll REDWOOD DECKING U!it>d 101 b111 utc? $200 I -. n MllrC oooon " an co as 1111111 $900·$ t 100 mo S 759 00117 tnt• con1ole rminy •l•t" lllC/JEEP/llEUULT 92660 l 1 o yd s N ursery eKP'1•ence end re~u .,,. .. s :13¢ 2X6. 49e 1.1e1 St>!.00 111111 GENERAL OFFICE Imm Opening avail PIT hrs lleioble, no exp nee. w111 1re1n Contact Ariane !>56·3 110 &HElllL OFFICE 646•7441 Ott' & salary history 10 II Glor1c1 Mdlshall Ir I.II bl!i IHI') 2574 Harbor Blvd CM MILEYEL • S.ivu" 99:. 0122 me111s $940 value $400 ~49 11023 645 -7770 ,ESTICIDE SPlllY I ECHNOLOOY IN(; 646·4544 64'5· 507? '18 'Wiii O•tt)ttl Sk1111l•t k 7!> Jp CJ5 RQIP p/5 V8 OPEllJTOll llEHED 18902 BarCloon W11y f!!'!t.11•1.'!! ....... !.~~! UNIVERSlfY ATHLCllC lc..olt<HI '>'II 4 1r,11 3 spd now trans. rr SI & !Elllenor) strong back-,.__.•r•v•ln•e•. •C•A•9•2•7•1•l'>-• Lanier word protessor CLUB MEMBCASHIP rll b• Wn Hbs bd re end ground wltf\ experience 1• l•ku nuw "'" Ou mu FOR SAlf \77'>10BO 25 A1icillo nr, OMC. tnn1n $ 3 0 0 0 I 0 B 0 Eve a roqul•e<l des11e 10 obt p11nt11r stands 4 prog T'i'l t,07 1 645 2293 c.1u1-.er w11wrn llllle rrl• '146·0403 0111 PCOIPCA llcense5 SECRETARY tlr~k ~ II e~l•u disks SIJ '>00 11.11 8756 Good be It 111 o C I M I I d SABIS Garage 0001 Optt """ ....... . c ......... . ""H•·flOhr '40.U H WE HY USf O CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FllH 1,,llllSIL Cot mter ·De Ullo CMEVllOUT tti2 I I BEACH BLVO HUNTINOTON BEACH Ul·•Oll, 141-3331 Top Dollar Paid For Y<>vr Carr JOMHOll I SOii l11eel•·lltrc11ry 2626 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa !'>40·5630 & S111n1 ·S<lrvlc• Le11tlog lUY CARVER R.U S R 11<. "E • ltviW ...... JliUIJt <i-114 ''"""'"'''.,."' ''_,.Cl' MIN ·• W M lbiWo' -.._.'11 .,,, 19 3201 low m1, 1unrl. log 11gn111 em/Im, 4 tpd. 11l11ttr/t>lk, ~uropean c.,, no emog, ctoan S 10,000, 64!'>·2606 12 BMW 2002 Sunroof. am/Im raC110 •• la $3000 640·!'>096 79 3201 B11gl'\t rid AIC am/Im canelle Greet cond Mus• see 10 ap- prec111te 65K ml 18~ 646-2088 , wl1h cashiering & typing expellence Contact Ray M osler, 559·4493. lor Newporl Beacl'\ brancf\ Equel Opportunity Em· ployer So Calll ornla S&L Sharp pe11011 IOI ltonl Olllce Typong llllng & heavy phOnes 61!'>·9800 ne ' 5 wi ll' LRQUllll Noguel R11qu>111i. ornp U5 IQul 1110 ner. $ 135 8 mos old AO•ll II Oulsrdo Moo11n11 wing company located In rn.,1 typing 55 wrim lrue 644 9800 (wl\dy' 8·~1 646.5513 646 1397 NHWIJU•I 010a1.h $•0.000 , , v l n e p I ease c il 11 OI e11ors EllPOllOllCe 1n U73 06!>9 72 Jeep Commando, new p,11111 new brakea, 1011 b 0 , 0 n d 1 0 m 11 e 9 H1gnH1 ca.sll 1mm&dta1e1y $2500101:10 . 552 ·6~36• ror your ve111c1e Do· f~I.'.' ...•........ !!.!¥ 74' Yellow Capri Redlo om/Im cass OCI cond, M ull sel l Bit o l r 857·5009 Banking Fill/TIME TELLER IEIHIAL OFFICE $1000 /m o, 1ypt1 45 wpm • 1011 o l people conlnt t Will t1111n Call 835·<14'49. JOBS TODAY 2707 N. Bristol. s A small lee Excellent opportunity for General Olfoca typing, experienced person In hght bkkg. Metu10, Opp· attractive savings & toan IY lor expanded pos111on Immediate op•nlng OI· Submit resume to 10 11 t ers varied duties B11oso Or111e Ste It I Orange Coast Savings & CM 92627 Loan, I 700 Ad•ma. Costa Mesa Call Linda, GEN OFFICE lull·lime 754. t801 EOE bookkeeping, filing, hie typing l'\vy phones BAR SS 50 10 stan Carllf1ed Bar help needed 1n tf\8 Appliance 642-0240 To-rs Restaurant 1n tl'\e Suri and S•nd Hotel l B. BartendM, day !lhllt. Exp pref'CI and Cockttll w11l1re1a/ waller, Exp prel'CI. Apply to Pattlck Beck 497.4477 MULTH IPA ClllSELOR Salary DOE Wiii 1ta1n. great job IOf bOdy con. SCIOUS people C all 835·4449 JOBS TODAY, l&llTEllER 2707 No Bristol, S A S60-S8 0/shllt Well small fee known drinking esta-Hot Rooters wanted Call bllshment looking lor B o b o, N ev r 11 e a t la•I paced lndrvldual 642· 7222 Call 835-4449 JOBS TODAY, 2707 N Bristol, S.A. small lee JHllHPH/TYPIST t.Aon·Wed-Frl ellernoon· s. Must be able to do payroll CdM 955-3004 CHE IECOlllTOll Exper or trainee. p/tlme Laguna Beacf\ 497 -26 tO CAllPEITER $9-S 10/flr Great bene· tlls, C•ll 837--4449 JOBS TODAY, 2707 N Britto!, S.A. small lee CMEF TUlllH Frencf\ kllcl\en exper Call 640·7092 a11 1oam lllllHHPH Live In $2()()/wk Beaull· lul f\ome. nice people 10 work for Call 835·4449 JOBS TODAY. 2707 N 0rls101. S A small lee HOUSEKEEPER Lrve·ln. 101 letf\ar & 6 yr boy, rm & board + sala· ry Nonamkr Must d"ve 675-3793, !'>23-4920 lllOlllH Peraon 10 do 11on1ng your home C•ll alter 5 PM & wknds 548·21172 Of 557-6689 1nc1H llELP 168-4751 • 1e1cpno11e ubu A 1t1 public !'!I.~ •.•.•• ~ ••..• !.~~~ Pm111ng poso11on flolplul Fam11111 Book pli$18•UP PI T Mon, rlly Will\ bO~lC DUSll>I08S 2 pm to approx 6 :10 pm p1oceClu'6S Tues. 10 30 to, approx SOUTH COAST YMOI 5 30 pm No E•per Nee 27781 '0 La Par Road Apply· Pennysaver. 1660 831·9622 495-0453 Placen11a Ave, C M P/Ti•t Salts llRHT PYllHHS ,UPS '} moa old $300 CALL 408/226-8 156 San Jose. CA Wn1111 lem Amer Fskrmo Loveable smart UKC, nou1eD1kn $25 673-62811 F111 lo You 8045 NIOW Swift rehJ!l\,OIJU 15Xl60X pwr w/slllnd $375 6 46 5513 646-1397 000 RUN Cf\111n lin~ 5 t>gt1 8wo. 10 Ing $3!>0 64'l>8029 647 440;> Decorallve wr ouuht 11ur1 room C11v1C1er t t ft X l II $ 100 63 I 2250 ,llH SPlllYH AIRLESS, Greco EM Mooel 380 wllf\ s1l1101 gun• 50 It "USt' lJrtO 8•1td 11ps $375 645 7836 10111 S1il -9060 ·····'················ lb Hoblll Cat yellow w/ teq sun11~u 111111s like new $2500 67!'>·6161 lite W /T rlr Intl covtH . 1111 o t tlor "ll"''' $650 675 8475 2b Sloop. sleeps 4, encl t1e11e1 ~•ova & ice bO•, ·new outnoard wood hull 14' 131 '!>9B 6527 f:l11,1ut•ful Sweo1sn stoop 30 ~Q met e• 44 x7 $1!1 '>00 (2131 865 5211 "'(714) 552 :1701 Supplement your income by doing onteresllng te- lephone sales work on behalf or na11onal com· p11n1es $4/hr guar ~ lu cra11ve bonus 1ncentrve programs 3 sl'\11ts 10 Choose lrom Sates e~· per pref but wlll tra•n me right Pfl•SOn F'Of int· erv1ew call Ms K•uk 81 !'>45·5776 SECRET ARY M/F Vl!Ctor Memorote 2 & 3 word p1oceu1ng sf\orthand req d Work without constant superv•~lon Prel mdture 1n<11vtdual w11n µrovt111 ~krllS/many y1s e~p11r OC Airport urea 40 "'' wetik Start 1mmed1a1etv No agen CIO'S plea~ 75'}-7491 SECREl ARY/ RECEPTIONIST 5 lemale Ltiosa Apsu rni· •ed PU1JP•8!1° 1 week!. Darting Call lo• yours 851 3101 Fuuy lat 1r1sky l1>endly FREE puppres• 7 wlls 010 493-5084 Seoko d•v•ng wJtCh. Omo ga Fhghl MaMer watcn •Int Cnristmas gilt Cntumtm1 22 vmy ciean 551·6121 allo• 6 w1ll1 rlttw Honda O/B Xltas sllp ava•I $'4700 000 Call 966· 1278 PllLIC IEUTIOIS S 1000/mo up DOE Call on companies and f\ave your own expense at· count lnteresleCI? Call 835-4449 JOBS TODAY, 2707 N Bristo!, S.A small fee -Publisl\er seeks dynamic sales person wtl'\eavy phone & closing &lip $35K potenllel Draw & comm benefits 835·9692 llECE,TIHIST 20 & over, 10 work for Irvine e•e c.u t>ve $6 5011\r Mon-F1> Full 01 p&rtlllme For 1ob Info call 752· 1230 R8CeplrornSl •' 1 Cla~ $900 mo Type 4S words M ortgege banking firm Telephone M rs Fennte 7 14.549.01 17 for appt For busy Cniroprat11c Oll1ce, must t>e sf\arp well 0<gan11eo & Clepen Clable w /good phone manner lypo 60WPM 10 key gOOd l1gu1e ap11. tude exper non-smkr pref 631·5690 TEACH OTHERS 6·9 f\rs week Earn $600·$900 m o no s.ell1ng nee F111ailu11 1050 ..•••..••............. **I BUY** GoOd used Furniture & Appllances·OR I w111 sell 01 SELL lor Ynu MISTlllS IUCTIOll •4•-1•1• 133-1121 850· 199 t I IUY FUHITlllE Magn1hcen1 011en1a1 rug 7x 10 Kasnan design Slue medallion cranber<) Sac $800 551·82"0 Cf\,,Slmas Collc>ctor~ lrnari Style po1ce111111 plain w 1 24K gold trim llm>led olle< Buy now• 1s1 20 orders receive FREE 18K gold 118Cklace !'>40·2300 )(It IS Telephone Sa1as Lil!> 9!'>7-8133 /lli1t1Jl1111011 s EHll llG MONEY GOURMET SERVER for Wut1d 1081 WOllll•G PI T outCloor on1er1a1n1ng •••••••••••••••••••••• $400 . $900 wkly Coll $400 7!'>9 1206 ev1 WANlEO DOLL HOUSE (7 !41 535. 7596 Ask !or wk11rh Large woooen one tor A H Dunlevy • Cu"ltom woll mounted m1n101ures 644 4201 w alnut sterned TV / Mex•c.an Pesos Paying $1 TIU,MOllE SOLICllOllS S t 11 r o o ca t> S 3 2 5 per 100 759 1206 ev/wknds 12131 430 5? 11 Work Evenings 1n New port Beat h Loll weel. our top person pul tn 241 hout1 and t>rought home $395 Cell 833-37410 alter IPM r 1111 Sile BRASS BED lhead & 10011 $4$0 759 1206 evl v.l<nds DESKS FOR SALF Oeski; and me1cnrng ct1011t at s&Gtlhce Pl'tOe TRAVEL 11 Sl'>50 Rep11cernent llSTlllCTOR cost $2300 Also orig $ 71111 Great beneltta pe1nt1ng1 CALL DAWN /11111ic•I la1t1u•11tt1 1013 .....•.••..•.•......•. YAMAHA Base Amv ~•eod wllf\ a Cloubte 15 PV 'l)Oaket ca1>1ne1 All In e•cellent condmon $8000bo Hl·Glll, l ·"M Sporn ul America CATA· MAAAtl 18' t II As rs $500/l>SI 675 7920 1065 ......•..•.•...••...•• Porsche designed sell· t>ourd. lilsta:st board 1n 11\e state A steel at $500 673 "739 10111, su,. Dodi 9010 ....•.......•••••••... Slips ovarl CdM orea, $9 /lt call Ca rrie 7 14 955-24 73 Wkdya 8 5 BOA I SLIPS AVAILABLE Newpotl Bcac.f\ 25' 26'. jO 35 •O & 45 C11ll 64'J·4&44 from 9 5 Mon F" MARCUS 04ANNEl SIOe 1re to 'J8 fl $150 eiso l>Oe up 10 18 II $ 100 673 814'> SLIPS AVAIL Hlrnl>ngton Hilrt>Ou r B•y D• ~0-~54!'> 846-7766. 6·9 P M 840 4 097 213 431 3764 Lv message T111tk1 9560 .........••........••. 'll COURIER rtCIUP Vary tleen! ( IN970291 $2975 UILL MAXEY TOYOTA •9202 Beach Blvd ltntongln Ben 962-0829 1111 LIIV Tr11ck AM CB. camper Shell SOK mr Clean, $2495 OBO 498 5514 831·4675 'll DlTIR PICHr Very clean' (171645) $2488 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beach Blvd Hnun;itn Bch 962-0829 Toyota '76 AM/FM Ste· reo cassette Small tamper sf\ell $2175 673·6618 'll LUY PICIUP Wttf\ 111r condl11on1ng ll R031231 Reduce<! IO $2988 Bill MAXEY TOY OT A 19202 Beach Blvd l1nllllgln Bch 982·0829 '7J Ford pwr-dump. 3!'>0 1 · T stake bed 4 spd. rebll 11ans, V8 $2900 5!'>'7·0058 'll TOYOTA LHC Id Pich• Verv clean ( 1P38260) Aeouoed 10 S3588 me\11C 01 101e1gn 551 ·8285 r - Aulol l•utlld 76 Capri II 'black cal", •••••"···'·-·•••••••••• V6. sir I atereolt•P•· Alli IO•IO 9105 Sunrl, ommac 12600 •••••••••••••••••••••• 640 0020 963·2023 LEAH I 1112 or_ --- ALFI ROMEO SPllH P.'.'!!.". •••••••••• !.~~! COllVHTllU $297.79 per montn plus la• 48 month open end lease on approved cred•I Cap cos l -$1 3 .150 . Resodual-$4300 & cul\ 1equ1re<1·$931 65 (15528) IEACM llPORTI 848 Dove Slrfft NEWPORT BEACH 112-0100 Audi 9101 .....•.••......•..•••. ID 11141 1000 T11r~• 26.000 miles, lully loaded sunroof. gd cond Like new S 13 ,400 080 645 821 1 Eves. 857-9684 days All41 IOOO Tur~ Lea 1n1 All power, lo•· ded wlll\ xtras Lau 11\an 1 yr old 6!'>00 ml $2,600 plus anume lse, make oller M us t sell 714·955·3!'>01 wk da l/llW 1112 .........•••••.••••..• . SIUS-IHYtof LUllll 831-2040 49!'>~949 'll IATSll 210 ·.l IELHE ·::1 very ctes2975151) ;~:J Bill MAXEY TOYOTA::? 19202 Beacn Blvd .• Hn11ng1n 8Gll 962-0829.~ 'll llTSlll •• 310 II otlPE Wltf\ air condlllonlng and stert'O (53'4YUA) $2975 llLL IUH TOYITI 19202 Beacn Blvd. Hunllngton Beacn 112-0821 78 0111un 8210. good cond $2500 Cell Cheryl 691-2910 1982 DATSUIS .. ,, ... ... ,. l•• .... .,. CHILO CA RE • Help mo- lhef' in hef' hOme 2 ctcrl· dren 16 mos, 4 y11) wk- day$ 9·6 731-8175 trv Only ••r>er need apply On·hne experience AP. ply bet t-3. The Blue Beat Cale. 101 2111 Pta. ce New pon Beacf\ 975.3333 Recep11on1St needed lor prol OlllCe nr OC Airport I lull trme or 2 parl trme posr11ons avail Ask for Lautt Hardy 833-0425 E Jt. c 111 n g Io b Ca 11 1._9 •. 5•p•m_M_F•8•3•3•·•8600 __ _ SJS-4449 JOBS TOOAY 1• OVA TION solrd t>oOy 2707 N Bristol S A 611 brnwn pl&•d sota elt!C1r1c stereo culler Bill MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beach Blvd Hn11ng1n Bell 962-0829 ~!!}!,.~!~~',(!. •. !.~!~ 64 Chev Suburba"-6 cyt. Ov6r eatras Good cond $ 1250 536-3367 SltlUllCI l•W 28402 Marguerile Pkwy Mtnron VleJO (Avery E1111 011 l·S) 0P9f'I Sundaya •••icl•• Fr•• ls l .. Is Cle<lcal Good typing skills tor Oete11 orrenteCI work Brokerage llrm expe- r le nce p1el 'd Call 644-91 I I , Ext 202 or 239 M·F, t>erween 10 em • l pm Cool! N~I coolc, COl'lllf\enllll ooolllng. Exper P11f'CI, Contact Rich or Marte. mornings. 497-4441 PARTNERS BISTRO Laguna Beach COOK Tiie Ratelgl'\ Hiiis Hoapl· 181 aloohoUsm treatment taclllty 1oc11teC1 In New· porl Beach. 118.s an Im· medl•le full lime opening for 11 Coolt EicperlenQe In a hoap11111 selllng rs pre- ferred Legal Secretary Exper'd needed tor Lag Bel'\ Ally, Pl Plelnllll, Crlm1naL compehlive SI· lary (7 t4) 497-1789 ----LI.IOI CLElll M ature person, racenl 8•P"rlence preferred Full/lime. ruglllS. pe1ma· nenl pos11>on Apply 1n person altar 3pm 2937 E Coaat Hwy. CCIM LIOUOR CLERK1 bond11ble. mature. ex· per Call 963·5 I IS LOH IFFICHS Aggressive Newporl Be•cti llrm seeks mot,. 11011d lnCllvlduals Terri· lortea open Must have R E llC Harbor·PIClllC 95S-0073 llESTIUlllllT Now accep11ng apphca· trons for day BUS PEA· SON pll1me CASHIER & day BAA l)iHSOn Apply 1n peraon btwn 3-5pm 333 Bayside Or NB RETAIL SALES f.Aper 1(1deo sales per son, wage. comm & IN· neflts Call Valarie 642-1944 RETAIL SALES Ma1or Department Storl' W111 1ra10 Great lor Slu· dents Outck Cf\ristmas money Cell 835-4449 JOBS TODAY. 2707 N B11stol, S A small lee SILES/Ce••iniH Unique lady' a clotnlng store seeks enMgehc la· Ci tes w llfl llatr lor loan Olllcer rast11on1 end modellng hHtai• Valley exper l'\elplut Apply in small lee f\roe n t>ed s75 Maple S2l'>O 171416739251 d"10ng !14!1 4 Cha111 S75 Travel Agent t yr min e•· per Computer lr11ined N B Call Marilyn Ill Small w!llle cf\1lds cf\11St 01/itt Far11i111u I ol drawers $20 Mens 10 £, . 63 1·!'>240 Spd F1ee Sp1rr1 bike Sl'>O ••••~~!-'~~~! •••• !.~~~ 2 I w 1 n b o o k c a s e Desks chair, boo~ sf\1111 4 headbOard/1001 $ t 5 ea coueh S 10 10 1500 TV COMMERCIAL CASTING COMPANY 1ntt1rvoew1ng 1ellabte people foi backg•ouno. non·speak1ng p1111s, for 0 O u b 11." b e Cl $ 3 I 540·9922 642·895• 1992 '• Meyet Ploce. C M near OMV commerc.10Ts such us Couch. I yr old, 7' r It 1ust po1a10 Chips. oes1gnar .\ blue ur1pas on tan pants 1w,mw11re (QOOd bacl\ground $250 000 Ian) etc No e~pe11once 640-675:! required By app1 only DELUXE KING·SIZE 7131846·8063 WATERBEO & MORE TYPESETTER HSHLD GOS 752·9227 0 C Magazona put>lisher leaving sl11te must sell all seeks operotor lor Com 1 11 r r1 1 t u r e 1 n a p 1 pugrapf\oc EC11twrller 64:i'-<1808 Musi f\eve produc11on, pll5te-up st.1111 Call (71<1) SOFA SET "Playpeo ' 497-1727 tor interview Changeoble units 11 prec;es 0111i.. brown. clnl Typ1S1 lgood) anCI Ille comlon N-S2SOO aa- Matura Olde• person k r n g $ 9 O 0 I O BO Pall lime No smoking 640 8855 aft 6pm DOES 11 All Vendmg mac['. colt! ~oil d11nk~ candy. cb1ps lg lunch it ems $6 95 831 5199 IBM Sol II Like new ~850 675-7683 IBM ELECTRIC typew111111 •n working ordn1 ~ 100 404·0029 ,,,, 1011 ....•................. llack Lab ,.,, 847-2473 eve. & wknda Colhe pupi AKC 4 mos also AKC Coc~er pup' 8 wks 893-4486 ORY STORAGE Mor)lnly boat storage .mv ,,ze 241 111 ae<;u,,ty lrtie l1luntl'\1ng •EWPOllT DlllllS 1131 lack laJ Dr H IU-0110 T!!.''.'r.!~~'.1i~~ ... ~ ... /110101ir1d l ib • 1140 ...........•......•.•• 11 1 VESPA 100 S6~0 5•8 7044 Vll~Pll 100 Smart IOOk1ng !> mo old w/w1nd screen •Int cond 1 yr wr nty 2 700 mr $800 Celt 67l'><l231 or 951·328A /110101c1tl11/ ScHl111 1150 ...•..•....•....••••.. 78 Yamaha 850 Spe<.1AI $8!>0 Atl< lor Ron 546 0554 Excetten1 '"nee benelrts For an Interview call Lisa Llcavoll Of com• In and 1111 OUI an •PPllClllOn ••rte-• Ce•,••J person Aleiia Natural -. Fashions 260 Forest St Looking tor 4·6 uper Laguna 8eacll 497.4777 prolHtlonels We ape· Dependable A.pply AM only SIGNET 312 t Red-COCKTAIL TABLES. two 1\111 Cost• MHe Chrome baae w/gtass IOP 36 x 36 ' Make !'logant sellings New $300 ea sacrrllca• $99 oacf\ 640·8855 all 6pm SCHIPPERKEE from Bt"I· 198 t Yam•l'la SR Ill!'> CC g1an 4 mos ral" arnl Street 0•ke Mini conCI WOICI\ dog 760.a:J87 S800 64'>·0400 714/64!'>-5707 150 t E 16th Street Newport Blectl EOE M/F CHml llELP Part lime. MOf'I tf\rougf\ Fri, 11 AM 10 2 PM Apply In Pltf•on 270 So 8111101, C0tta Mesa. c111tze 1n new programs. Sal11/Mkti1c I e OM?&? Earn up to S 1500 per RESIDENTIAL mo Par1 trme Must be M ORTGAGE SERVICE mature 559-9043 Leave LISE Wlll•T ·MllE SI Mesaaoe __ _ Need 20 people to lose SALES Order desk lor wet 8-28 Iba In Oct. Shr suit mlr Accu1ate 1yp1ng c om p • n y pr o I 1 1 a & gel phone manner a 6!'>2-0775, 8-10 or 2·5 muSI Slar1 Sal al $780 llllTEIAICE/ Call for ontrvw 642·1912 M·F UlllEIEll Salesperson & Caan1e1 w11nR1 WAITRESSES 1 50-$60/ehllt Welt i.nown •stabltaned New m11t1ress tell lull restaurant 1n Orange Co SB!'> Queen S 105, king IS looktng IOI 11111 PllC8<1 $125 Andy 750·!'>832 person C111 83b·4'49 ~u11u11ou1 King size Wtr JOBS TOOAV. 2707 N bed Lii~ Blue Velvel & Bristol. S A amall IM nlle s11nd $400 Jill WllTH/WllTllHI 115 t·099• or 64 t-5036 Min• Schnauzers SC>f!Ct• cular AKC males thOw/ pet $200 up 751· 1333 Cf\arm1ng 1>e11u11ful aClull F Clll, llPllYC!d & deol• wed StlOIS, SS 646-4544 545.5072 -!!~~.'.'. !. . !!f ~!'.'.!.~!! YAM AHA GRANO PIANO 6' walnut $6800/0BO 673·6269 7J KAWloSAKI 175 dtrl bike needt minor work SI !iO 646 5753 75 KAWASAKI 400cc. greet runnong cones S450 673·6874 /110101 Ho•,,, S•lri . !.~~V.~!!!~f! .• ,. !.~~ Ront 26' molo• home. sips 8, lully loaded 646·8616 (Paull DENT AL OFFICE MNOR Efficient. Enlhualasllc & organized .. w/bkkpng eicper 4 dy wk 546-3000 SG/hr up Working oul· No Sun<leys. No Nlgf\ts doors. Independently Hours 9·30 to 6 Call 836·4449 JOBS REINERT'S TODAY. 2707 N BrlelOI. 1818 Newport Blvd CM Wiii\ car lor wicker bas· lwn BR sits 8 pcs, kel luncf\ !Mlrvlce 9·30 10 dr1111, bk shelvH. d•k. 130 pm Mon-Fri Earn Ch s t b<I Saart new Stl'>O to $170 wkly M•ISI S 1600 N o w $800 De neat, peraonabla, 673.:3600 MOVING MUST SAC 6'8 RV & Boal Storage. I 1 p11r 811ldwln Grand Plano, 1 II Call Joe energetic g19.0747 at WANT On size bolt 11pr1ng yr OICI 676·9610 Mike 845·6730 Dietary Aide The Raleigh Hiii• Hoapi· 111 atcOlloiltm trHlment 11e1111y localed In Nl'W- pon Blach. f\H 1n Im· medial• lull llme opening tor e oi.tery Aide lo •~ tltl t"-COOk: In varfou1 kltel'ltf\ duti.. Ellperlen· c. lo • 110tt>1111 titling It pref tr red Ex<*lenl lrlnge benlllta For.,, lnl•Ylew call Liu Ltcevotl or com. In ltKf flll out en 1pp11ca11or1 S A tmell '" Sil.ES M ASEUSSES • QooCI PU0LfSKEA SEEKS 0y. working conClt Good namlc SelHper1on w/ pay 8AM·l2 noon 2112 hvy phone & c1oa1ng Herbor, Costa Men e•pr $35K p01enllal Snl (714) 845-3433 & comm , benelltt Mllure Te;;lji:,,e I; com-4135-9692 p•nlon houuk11p., Sal•• Mull drive 720.04 16 1m1111t 10 AM lor oppt and mallren Have twin Kawai 6' grand ple110. Wiii( OPE•&TOll sz 1sso1 will 1111de or huy welnu~.6!~Cllllonat 1 y• " 404-0009 new • ~ caan or flt· Brokerage llrm hll!I Im---sumo financing Pvt pty med open 101 e•per wire SohCI oek Cockttll Table 856·6420 operator. hrt 6·2 30, 111· 11111 Pro111nc1a1 S 150. - lory eommenturete w/ 759· 1206 evea/w~ ~r.!!!'!f.~Oo~! .. I.".!~ ••Ptr Foi •PP1 call He· Bteci. N11ugahy<le coucf\. Ruck. 2 mon 1en1 t1ov1. I 11 n M c G 1 n 1 8 Y • recliner end rocker Te· mess. aleoplng bag plu1 714·844·2292 ble anCI C ollee table more U* o~ SIOO •HHllC LOOlllng tor extra lnco-~,,,,., liltl 964· 1944 ____ e75·G20• Front whHI allgnment me? Try Pert·T1me Sele• •· Own IOOft N-pon Tire et 11\e PENNYSA VER, •c••• •••••••:;•••••••• 3 pc Bdrm H I, xlra long ff l1ii1 Ct nllr 3000 E Coast 1660 Ptac1ntla Avt .!!!!.' •• ~!!."!!! ••••••• Clbl bed comp1e1e . 2 Hifi ltflH IHI Hwy. Coror'9 d91 Mir C0tta MeH. Ask for Mre Sp•ctous • bO, 3 bl tn cll .. t• or Clr11Wers 1200 ••••••• :t •••••• ~··•••••• White Spyglltt AH •mtnlllH 494·0029 Iv mtg BEAUTll'Ul 28 RCA Co ••41Hf Assist. Sales s 1750 mo 769 10 15 • Formic• hble 4 h&r lor TV 2 Y' wrnly I 148 F0t 0ttme101og1t1, b~k Sl, .. llE•T with 2 •ddlllonel •••vet FrH de1tve;rv ()pon Sun office • uper prercs. ..... ""'''•"" Wood 109 In Pllll cones TV JoM • 848-1780 Newport Cen11r 2 full Tiii IHlll ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• '35, 960-5844 Plln1ton1c ;1charoehla days WMtc 640·4501 Work. PIT. 9 1m -2 pm A•tl••fl •oos . -·-AC/OC 8 . black and HllllY Plllll wttn lflt Lot Angelaa ••••'••••••••••••T•••• B1111•11' a.Hi -s whlll AM/FM tnclt IC· Times CrrcullllOll l H m ORIENTAL FURN •••••••••••••••••••••• ce uorles Like new l14/t41~1lll ,ull/llme Experienced In 1eltp~ .. lie Earn Hulet\ w/gleU ooore, COME BROWSl!I One of I l 200 1501 e. ISth 81,..1 lktde Nuf•"l'· C M Cell 1n hourly wag41 +comm 011111 coffM tthle & 2 rnd klf\cl obi.et• El/lfYll'llng for llPPI. 8'45·5782 Training provleleel For end lab I•• A II w I 0 o • • M ak• o II Ir EOE ~l lk.ch Noralng dllllllt C •ll (71 4 ) c1rv1no1 o f people J 84 t.t549 8 renel new C 8 radio M/F LVN for bot)' bKk Oii~ 540.0301 d r • g 0 n I ' 1 0 0 0 1ll1t1llHH•I '"' MUST SEl.Lll Bell ollern J F 0 /Tan· 58~1-13111242. Atk ror IOllOL_O_ll-.. --.1-11-1·8211·3313 •••••••••••••••••••••• 40 chll Mike 551·1381 11ttt • .,....,.,... .., llll•I.. VICto~?i Chalrtt, 7 11ger IDW• 2d ... 25" M1gnavox color TV, lttllhr 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil o•k, 1 w/arm•, 1ewotk· 8 to 20' long, 38' Ptf 11 wood contolt, g ooo IJt~ manultetur., 11 II .... S111 U ed . h 1 oh b 11 o k •. 775·1491 •nytlme, cond "~o l 42·99a7 ol eudl o equlpm11H --'f ' 1750/nbo. l •828·3313 SURPLUS J£EPSCm: tvl •••II• mtcl11nl 1u11 a .,..rww,-11, -o M s t u e1ec1rlo11 pereon t o Oe111try Pl.. oite •ny •II or n• "''' a ..... 1,, ... 1 1 llnocllt onen *".,, "°" t1oort chllOrtn aGrOH c b 0 10... 1 dll S&O 00 For Into Celt • ,.._ ereete .,rew1n91 rrom ' ""? lnt...,....11""• ..... ,..... vp oer ""'• p1 ne (312)93 t-tH I £)11 24131 ~-!f!'tll tMlllc ..,._,., ~ 3 UM r"ult-09111"9 Dally "" "'..... .... "" "'" Clrot> leal la hie 1210, •, _________ 1 ., , ~ --• ..___ ~not c1ee1llled AO• 10 an 1rter 1ahoo1 Por Olnt ctlitre u oo, br ... •• •••• • •••••••••••• .. ..._ • • ......,._.,_ --rNdl ttle 0renoe eo..1 Info. & ~tcetlon cont• 11 f 2 0 For ClaNilltd Ad •t.'"' Hlf Auto Sftrltt, 11111 I Atctu1ti11 1400 .............•........ PAINT & Ille !>Ody wor~. up 10 500,, oll you1 !>Ody 1hop e111 Biii 984-0332 A1t11 l•t l•I• ...................... tMPOAfAN T NOTICE TO READERS ANO AOVEATISERS Tht pr1e1 or 111m1 •o· Vt'fllMd by Vefllcle dH • ~I 1n tlltl vehlelt e1 .. a1- 1~ adverllllng c01umn1 Cloe1 not Include any 11pplreablt ••• " •re•nM. lranel er leH, tlnenc:e CMroee Ifft tor •Ir POI· lutlon control dtvlct c1rllllc1llon1 or d••llr docvmtntery pr1p11•- 11on cflarge1 unl•11 Olflt rwlH 1ptell1eC1 by IM lldYefll.., AatlfHI/ CJ1ult1 lllO ·······••••··········· lttlL ua1111 8h•y 11p11c ... ~kuP• & ooupet • lo ChOOH troml (0007HI j811r. A3093) Prlot• t l art n,, •t .. , P,1111 HHOOORf ROBINS 'll DlTSUI PIOH, With ulillly body and low mites pS954711 S42l5 Bill MAXEY TOYOTA 1~8eaet1 Blvd Hn11ngm Bch-962 0829 'ID TOYOTA Siii PICH, Wiii\ 011 conditioning and stereo ( 1U7 4313) Redu· cl'd to $4075 llll MUET TDYOTI 19202 Beech Blvd Hunllnglon Beach IU·Ol21 17 Datsun Piek up wllf1 stiell e1r 4 cnanneJ am/ Im can tustom whla anCI lites. 40 O•I o•s tank $3500 7611-3275 '11 COHIH PICllP Exira clean with •Ir con- Cl•tio111ng 1 IZ34 1301 Prl· ted to 1ell et $4388 llll Mun TOYOTA •9202 Beach e 111e1 llunllnglon Beacn 112-0121 'll TOYOTA PIOH, Wiii\ air conClltlontng and 11er10 ( 1565805) $3375 llLL MUIY TIYITA 19202 e.eeti Blvd Sete..se~v~LeM4ng r13 3201'• Art lltrel Nice Selection• • 76 2002. 4 spd . sn1r1 (9t7PV81 • '79 3201, • spd • loo· Cleal (616XDHI * '80 5281, aulo sn/rl i486ZOJI • '80 3201, 5 spd , loo· <Jedi 123 lZYR) • 80 633sc1, loaded (5!'>553"4111 ' •. IH-3111 208 W Isl. Santa Ana Closed Sunday $4988 1111 .... , ,,, ••• 11102 ltHll llY4, M1ti•cht le• H2-0121 74 B2t0, new eng. brk1 & clutcf\ 8!'>.000 ml $2 100.. 6•!'>·2910 '80 280 ZXIGL, $9800. ~Int cond loaded Blu4/ Sliver !'>!'>3·0506 or 752-1783° Marci\ lo you• phone to prace a 11111-acllng clas· Sllred ad 642·5678 Boat picture ads provide .. Hunllngton Beach 28· Ertceon Fully equl~ crulM, ff2·01H 6 sa111. UHF. compau, cover• Perteet condition S 18.500 A11111 WHIH ISH 123-4567 ·············••tr.••···· .,_ ________________ -t ~ WE PAY ·TOP DOWR Fiii 1111 Ull AW.._ NtftlaG/111&11 2460 lilll>Of Blvd COIT~ MH A Nt-4111 Nt·141l WlllY OWIUll Ill Tl•• COHHft.l < HfVR(llfl . ' . ' ' ', 4A I : '\ Set your course for raat nlu with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday, the Dally Piiot wlll offer you •d apace that not only deacrlbe• your boat. but picture• It •• well. The price 11 gu•rantMd to buoy your 1plrlt1 -$415 If we take the picture, and only S40 If you provide the picture for a 2 column 3" ad. For further d9'•11• about how Deity Pltot bOet plOtUN ad• oen work tor you and to IOhedule your 9d, catt __ ~ fetuflW Of f1*11•. Kl 'Tralllc Dept H~I • 8 .._'" .. ~,.! e P r o ACTION ° uuuonuu •00 --ltloctl Polic. Dept. 170 ., .. .....,., C.H a 11 ft ............. .. ••Hiii ,,.._ ... i-6111 $1 1\l l llt bare Dr . A l wa y • e u l t t n De!!Yftllot WOOdtn flf bfOI a tran. lwlr,,_ll ....... =~'~*~"~-~~·~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~=~'~k~h~9!™~3~.~~~1c~'~"s·~~s:·~~·~~~,~~~·:OJ• ~~~ ~v~-~~-~~~~- 142·M11 and MIC tor l.etr L•. r '>P [· , f 11_,,. •I , (' ''A ')I • · ' • • , .. ,....IMO ~ 4-3142. IOI Ml , ..., Cl-V 642·M 71 j---a:t•~i~·!t~78~:==J.~bte~OMl~~·~"~t8~.,~ 1f~7~1·!27~4~1J!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!LI:~ ... ~l~·tlf~l~::::;:=~=~=======:::;c:~==~====:!_ ' , Orang• Co11t OAILV PILOT /Monday, October 4, t982 ,,,,.,, ,,,, ••...•............•... ORllH OOIHY'I OILY AITHlllZH FllUll IOUHIUPI ,~•: ,u~u• f!.:i• ' ~UT MAIDA. '"'". fttnMn ...... , •ac1um WI MIU ~ COlll lllll !411111 I N~ 1974 Mll.tdu Wngon Rn· -, dlo, ho111uer. auto trans , 1.1Yt puty 968-2672 3100 Weal Coast ~•wy Ano '60. RX7. AM/FM. ti Ne-.port Beach spd, m11g wheela. enrl. 642-9405 ptuah inter xlnt cond ~ S9t00 644·0106 Fi•I ITZS .. •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.llt:HI• It•• 1140 '16X1/9, a/c, alloys. Mint. •••••••••••••••••••••• Mint, Mint looks & drl-'8 t 380 SL. 7000 m1 wire ve1 llk11 brand new wheet-·$36.000I OBO $2750. 546-7245 Ask for 213·832-8979 Amy. • --'66 Mercedes 230SL ~ H••'• 9TZ1 Cream w/dark brown ,..• •••••••4•••••••••••••• soft top Hares top ~ NOHl HITlll1 saddle lnlr Good cond0 !• We can hetpl Before you S 18,000, 673·7543 ii• buy, check our unboata-• -~ ble selacllon, savings 78 3000 Mect1 sound. •• and se•YICe today! n e w r a d I a I s !l UllYEllln ~,'~·gg~~~~o 640-40 t9 ~ SALES I SERVICE ·74 MBZ no.• dr. am/Im, :ii 2850 Harbor BIYd ate. good cond $6250 ~ COSTA MESA P/P, 548-4690 ~ 140-1140 ~ :S •= ~· .. ~ '71 ACCORD 5 sp, AM / FM, sih1er w/blk Inter gd cond, $3000 644-66t0 {~~~~! ••• ;~ ••••• !.~~~ '71 Ill 410 SLC. llacli/lllacli All e11tras. 62.000 m1 $28,500 Yery firm 731-51 tS 838·4342 '78 Jog XJ6L. llk11 nu. 34K, __ _ white w/blscult Int. '60 MBZ 3000 Tan wl $ 1O .90 0 I o b o 0 y s 111ory lnlr Sunrl, $21,000, 644-9030. e11s 644-4301 494-9309 K•rauo Gii• 9134 1979 260 E Anthrawe ••••••••••••••••••••• • grey, sunroof. xlnt cond '10 Convertlble, xlnt tOnd, S 16,000 714-553-0335 asking $5200 Eves Pete (303)443-2900 '82 300 SO. sunroof. PO· • M•1d1 9131 llshed wheels. cusiom •••••••••••••••••••••• s triping champagne 1973 RX3 Wagon. new Belge..meralllc The 1nt· eng. still on wrnty. xlnt e11or 1s chocolate. 1800 cond $1395 Goo d m1 Sold new tor $40. transp 655-9991 , 000. Sacrifice $34.000 859·1261 PIP 891·1588 811 5 PM YO&I can afford to buy your Mercedes Benz from us. .$0 DOWN LEA E Appl1et II) n-.w t.IHI .,, '''K i( On lllPPfOvttd ('tf!trJll 'IO 10 Oiu111 Only 2.000 ml Snrf, CIUlllO, Q/G, P7-S lthr, S:O .900 Wiii trade 702·670 718!> PIP Veoaa ·79 9 t tSC T &rga. lo11dod, 11lnt , $23.600 Ollttr 645-6 t 71. 645·6 tll7 '79''> 924. air. 01uupunkt. l11a1her & m o re S9600tobo 648-6746 'IO 121 Low miles Lea 1n1 All pow111. AC. clean, must sell $28.500 OBO 7 14-965-350 I wk du '77 9 115 Targa. at e. ste· reo alloys. mini 54,000 m11es $14,500. Ask for Ned 714/548·7245 '73 914 2 0. AM/FM CHS, ( ! \ Mini cond, low m1 $4508 1981 TOYOTIS Very 01111 Low 1111111• Vthieles Frt• ls Lew ls $3988 ~·c ~ 675-9565. 675-7424 S ,.., ·59 Coupe Excellent Of cond No rus1 $6600 or bsl otr 840-8396 1111 llHIJ Toyota ... -...... -lllllfl) 1) _,_,,.., r '77 924 E•cellent cond lo 11202 IHch llw4. il!10...•S1 t;r.pu<1 Bo"'• m1, snrr. new point Nitliitn lch 714/IU'I uio m 1w !iOOO $6650 OBO 640-8398 1•••••••11 ~.0!!!.~!1.t:.e. ••• -•• !.~~~ ·75 co~o~~-!~n~~ spd. DIE OF ITS llH , #l DEA LER IN U.S.A ate. am11m cass . nu FOii COLLECTOR wh1s111res. xlnt cond 011 IHESTOlllll fY""tv'. CARVER S2400tob~ ~3_!~884~ '67 Classic ''600" l'L..JI· ~ Ctiaul!eur partition w/all IOJ.S·1'L..I I\.... l possible options Metal-•·• -..,, , •4 ,,.. '" ""'" lie brown w/llght tan .,,,.. ,,.,.. · '"' ... ,... plush Ytllour Int Comp ~ WHOAn ,,_, laclory rebulll & restored to new car cond. Con- yer led to U S specs. Ong bills tor OM t04, 000 on hand -car pre- senlly stored 1n Germany but reedy tor immediate Shipping Selling Price $75,000 Please. onty qualified cash buyers, call (7141 642·0136 Sd•ra 9162 ...•.•............•..• '10 SUllRU DL 5 speed coupe. very clean (431ZEA) $3188 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beach Blvd Hntingtn Bch 962-0629 1982 TOYOTIS v.,, c1 ... Low 1111111 Vehicles Frt• ls Lew ls $4988 IHI 111111 T1yot1 11202 ltacll ltwtl. N1U11t11 lch 112-0121 -'11 OELICl SilYllr with wire basket wheels ( 159REWt $287& BILL MAXEY TO't'OT A 19202 Beach Blvd Hnlingtn Bch 962-0829 '71 CELICA Wltn s1areo end casset· le. very clean ( lBUC309) Reduced to $3450 '74 Super Beetle, 71K '"'· runa good. nu Urea, int 1 yr old $2650 Oeys. 73t -931l3 , eves , 552-7947 COHMfll CHEVROLET ')\," 11." I• .r I' I < I f-.1 \ \1 t ' \ S46-I 200 64 CORVAIA 4 dr AT. R&H red1al11 $850 Eve· ntngs 7 14· 536· 778 t $4388 ·66 Cortina. •Int cond. rblt eng, clean ln•lde & out $750 545-2296 !~~~l!tr •.•.••••. !.~~¥ '76 Mercury Sob<.at gd cond • ll(lw tlrea. rune w a ll St2QO O B O 671-933 t 446 E Coaat"Hwy '64 CORVAIR 4 dr AT, Newport Beach #1111••1. 99SZ '80 VW R11bb1t Conyerll· 673•0900 R&H radials S850. Eve· ••••••• •••••••••••••• '11 llUITAll ble, desperate must sell n1ng1 7 14·536-7761 Best offer Brwn, loaded AMC flOS 769-1691 9·5. 494· 1993 •••-••••••••••••••••• '11 OlttYJ lpy41r With automatic trans . eves MUST SELL '82 EAGLE S2200 2+2 Hatcflbeck, power 11eer1ng and air -SX4 Sport package, ell· am/Im caaaette, pluah cond111onlng (!CIC 1601 '60 Olll Vonagon 2 t,000 tras. only 3000 mlles. mt . clean body. ti spd. $•988 ml. Al end $7850. PYI $7.500 Owner Call 39 mpg 541 ·0777 • ply 63 1-1094, 642-9807 646·4629 -BILL MAXEY TOYOTA . '85 Chevelle, 375 sml blk, 19202 Beactl f31Yd 72 VW Bug Engine 81'· Bait:lt 9910 400 trana. rt1d . new Hnt1ngtn Bch 962-0629 cellent cond • body In •••••••••••••••••••••• uphol & palnl aaking ---good condition $2500 or '61 Century L TO 4 dr. low 55000 646_0355 ·74 Musrang II Ghio V6, all bast offer Cell Answer m1, loaded In ellcel cond powur. under 60K m1lat. Ad 624, 642-4300, 24 Best offer 644-561 3 Clu'f.dtl llZS clean $1975 673-7345 hrs ••• •••••••••••••••••• "76 RIVIERA L oaded, '65 Chrysler New Yorker. '76 Mustang II Oependa· '7 I CONV J1int shape, $4900 IOBO Owner an-clean body. runs good. ble. stick, emtlm cass t600 cc engine. $4500. x1ous to sell 657-6461 $8007/0BO 642-2641 Clean $2200 675-2774 648-6664 • a -·, do. eves 760-1109 C1ddl1t: 9~1s Con1111 993Z . ·77 Rabbll. low·tow miles. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 66 Mustang Converttble 4 spd. gorgeous brwn THE URIEIT 'll Otrnfft sharp. $8500 body, perfec t tan Int IELECTIOI Loaded $9400 551-9523 775. 156_5 Runs sup11rb, new tires. $3150 548-7245 011a1e model. low mile&· Ford ----9940 l111t Sell! BILL MAXEY TOYOTA '79 VW Bug ConYer1tble ge Cadillacs In Southern ••••• ••••••••••• •• •••• '79 Mustang Ghia. fully Calllornla! See us today• '11 ESCORT loaded. lo miles, new 19202 Beach BIYd A e d 1 1 . 0 0 0 m I Hnungtn Bch 962-0829 S 6 5 0 0 I o I r ( 2 1 3 I ----799 -2596 or (714) Y!J~.'.'!~I!!' •••••• !.~~q ~3?.!_2 both ~es '7 t vw Bug Lgl blu, em/ Volvo 9112 tm stereo cass 85 1 .. 1494 • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • wrk, 657-2929 hm '73 VOIYo 164. 4 spd, air, stunning blue body & 1mmac blue Int NeYer denied Perteet cond lhruout Runs superb $2.650. 548·7245 ·7 t Super Beetle, new paint. clutch Xlnt eng and Int AM/FM must sell $1950 OBO 675-0756 tires. am/Im cassette lllERI Very clean! ( lBOR4 t3t Bes1 offer 988-8126 ClllLUC $3188 01'iaobil1 9955 2600 Harbor Bllld BILL MAXEY TOYOTA •••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA 19202 Beach Blvd ·79 Olds Cullas~ 30.000 540-1810 Hnt1ngtn Bch 962-0829 m1 Best5~6'.%o7 Clusllled Ads are the answer to a successful garage or yard solel It's a better way 10 tell more '8 1 Fltwd Cpe Elegance 17,000 m1 V6, leather. loaded $14.500. obo. PYI ply. 645-8730 people I '76 Cutlass st11t1on wagon Gd cond new brakes A/C AM /FM cass $20()( OBO 545-0617 MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IM THE IOXES • ATLAS CHIYSl.&ILYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Meta. Tel. 548·1934. 3 blocks aouth of Sen Diego Freeway off HwbOr Blvd. Complet• body shop. Sales. Service. Parts. Service D•P1· open Monday thru Friday 7.30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. on Saturday. • • HACH IWOllTS '48 Dove Street. Newport Buch. Tel 752-0900. Call ua. ·re the spec1a11sts for Alla Romeo, Peugeot:SHb I °'~a1e1atl . THEODORE ROllNS FORD ~rn tafll. servlc•. partt, body, pt1lnt & tire cf1pt1. Compt1titlv• rates on f1aae & dally rental•. 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Cotta MIU. &42-0010 Of 54G-8211 . JOHNSON & SOM UHCOLH MllCUIY 2828)iarbor Blvd .. Cotti Meta. Tel. 6"4o-5630. 57 YHrt of fri•ndly f1mily service -Orange County's oldest Lin· coln•Mercury dHlerahip. SOUTH COAST DODCH HM Htrbor Blvd,, Coate M .... Jtl. l).40.0330. RV Mrvlce epec1111111, cuatom van eonvertlons. HIW,OIT IMPOITI atOO W, Cout Hlghwty, Newport 811ch. Tel. 142....0S/$40•17&4. Th• Ftrr1rl ~Ulftera. NIW,OIT DATSUN 888 Dov• Str .. t, N•wport BHoh. T•I. 833-1300. At th• trlangl• of JamborM, MacArthur & Brl1tol b9hlnd Victoria Station. ·Sales, S9Nlc•. LHalng & P1rt1. Wt make gr .. t deal al • HAIERS CADILLAC 2tlOO Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-9100. Orang• County's Largest Cadillac dealer. SalH. Service. LHI· ing. • DAVID J . PHILLIPS IUICIC.f'ONTIAC.MAZDA Sales • Service • Leallng 24888 Allcla P1rkway Laguna Hills 837-2400 G) CHICK IVERSON 'OllSCHl-AUDl-VW 416 E. CoHt Hwy .. Newport Beech. 873-0900. The only dealerahlp In Orange County with these three great m1kea under one roof! • ALAN MAG NOH P'ONTIAC·SUlillJ 2480 H1rbor Blvd .. Coate Mela. Tai. 549-4300. SalH. Service, Leaalng. "Mr. Goodwrench." • CLAlllC AUTOMOllLll 78& Newton Way, Coat• JHN. Tel. 831-1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIAL TY" XK 120'9/140't/160'a/E·T~ hlM -l«vtoe -Rettoretlotl• Off Plec.ntle ~17th' 18fh In eo.t1 • IOI LONGNI PONTIAC 13600 Buch Bl11d .. Weatmintt.r. T•I. 892·86151 Oreng• County'• oldest ano 1arges1 Pontiac dul1rahlp. Safft, S•rvtc•. Parts • DICK MILLH PIAT /LANCIA "Probably the lowfft priced Flat• (n Southern C1llfornl1" (Located 1 mlle north ot South CoH t Plaza near Main St. and Warner Ave. In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Warner, Santa Ana 657·2132 • SAMTA AHA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street, Santi Ana. Tel. 558·7811. Your Original Dedlcat•d Datsun Deeler. • MIRACLI MADA W•'va movedl Our new locatlon la 1425 Biker Straat, Coate M .... Tai. 5415·3334. Stop by & visit our brtnd new thowroom and aea why we're thl #1 MIZdt d11ler tn Southern California. Sales, Service, Ptrta 1nd Leaalng . • COltMlllt DeLILLO CHIYROLIT (,omwty Qroth OMYrolet) 11211 9MOtl Blvd .. Hunttnoton IMIGtl New • UMd • S.... • LaulnG • ,..,,, • e.rYlot Come by Ind ... our Huoe •~tCHYI 147.eot7 S-4t-W1. • SADDLllACk IMW{SUIMU 28402 M1rguerltt Pkwy .. AW/tfY Ptlwy. t11lt W. offer whet no b1nk or lt11t c~y can: 1. E11Plf'lly atantd, mott modem aervlct & pairtt dept,; 2. One~ IN 8outhl1nd't moat experienced NI• & INllng etlff; 3. Ellmlnttlon of the mlddlem1n by IMtlng detltrdlrect. 831 ·204<. MINIOn V o 411-4M COSTA MISA DATSUN 2M5 Harbor Btvd .. Cotta Meu. Tai. 1540-8410. S•Mng Orang• County tor 18 y1a,... 1 Miia So. 4015. SUNSIT POID, INC. (Horne of Wlllle thl Whale~ 5440 G1rden Grove Blvd .. W.tmlnater. Tel. 83&-4010. • OIANOI COUNn VOLVO 10120 Getdln Grove Blvd .. Garden Grove T1I. 530·9190. Excluelvtly Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirement•. New•UMd•81l .. •LMtlng•Part1•8«vlce•Body Shop Freeway clote In thl heart of Or1nge County at Gardin Grove Blvd. & Bf()()l(hurtt . • COHHILL CHIVIOUT 2128 Harbof Blvd .• Coat• Meta. ~ 20 y1ara Mr.ring Cringe County! Salff, ltaalng, ll!'Vlca. Call 154e·1200; tptClll p1rtt llna: 154e·9400; body ahop llnt; 7154-0400. 0 IOY CAIVB ROLLS IOYCMMW 1&40 Jtmbor" Rold, Ntwport BMch. ~ S•I•. s.rv1c1, Partt And L111lng. CONSIDIR IT SOlOI UNd C:ll't are In dam1nd 1nd aell qulc:1CIY ~n aovertltld In cllMifltd. To plt o• your privet• petty Id, clll Sally L .. •&42·5878, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT -'touR DAltY PILOT REP . • 642-5678 .. , -• 111111 CIAIT YDll HlllTIR llllY NPll MO NO A y. oc fO(jl: R 4. 1qrn OR ANGE COUNTY. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Embezzlement suspected in Irvine firm probe By GLENN SCOTT Of the DellJ "°4 lleff An investigatio n o f the financially t rou bled Weste rn ~ Data Management Ltd. of Irvine was launched this summer after tw o former e xecutives, a husband and wife, supplied documents to police suggesting that more than $1.2 million may have been embezzled, county records show. Th n·P days I a ll·r, J csi. up obtained u wanunt by North Orange County Municipal Court Judge .Jean Hhl·1nhe imt.'r to search W<..-stl'rn Outa'11 offiec a l I Wrigley Drive. According lo dun1mc•nts recently madt' public, Jessup told the judgf' the Halapoff's c•vidcnct> provided suff icient probable cause to investiga te possible embezzlement. He gave the c:ourt. photo<.'Opies of financial records obl{lincd by the Hulapoffs that purport to show that a t least $1.2 million was transferred from Irvine polict> inve11tlgutora, mt>anwhilc, have not completed their revww, which like ly will rcquirt' anoth<'r four weeks. &c:ause •of its te<.·hnical nature, polke haw hired an ac."t:o untant to cons ult with officers who are working on the case lrom a police station back room jammed with stacks of the firm's fi nancia l l'('(.'Ords. An lrvine police inquiry began when Nic h o las and We ndy Halapoff, former vice president a nd persol'l.nel admin istrator. respectively, for the larJ,te loan s~r'vicin g firm. met Aug. 24 with investigator Paul Jessup. · trust accounts into the ~rsonal account o f Wester n Data President Steven J. Alderman. O Cf icials fo r th e Sta t e Dc:•partment of Real Estate, who se nt three invcstigcttors to Irvinl' to ('Onduct their own review, also haven't Issued pubHc statements. However , the de partment has filed papers in fede ral c:ourt Judge's ruling flayed By STEVE TRIPOLI Of I ... DellJ Not Sleff O r a nge County's to p la w enforcement officials have joined a ch or us of protesters to what they con side r overly lenient sentences given two Huntington Beach brothers convicted of a brutal kidnap and rape. In a letter to Superior Court Judge Mark Soden, the Orange County Chiefs' o f Police and Sheriff's Association condemned • Soden's sentencing of Phillip and Randall Maldonado as an action that undermined the e ntire criminal justice system and left the victim without justice. Soden sentenced the two brothers in June to 12 yeaFS each in state prison. They could have been sentenced to as much as 140 years each . Th e M al d o n ados w e r e convicted o f abduct ing a 14-year-old deaf-mute girl in Lo6 Alamitos in 1981, then leading her through a :S~-hour ordeal ln which she was driven to several Orange County locations, repeatedly raped and forced to perform oral copulation, and offered for sale to other men. Soden said he base d h is sentence on the supposition that the incident constituted a single act of aberrant behavior and not multiple acts, a nd on the brothers' previous good records. An uncl"e of the brothe r s convicted of taking part in the incident received a 44-year prison term from another judge. Soden's action raised a stonn of protest and calls for his r e moval from the bench , including picketing on two occasions outside the county courthouse in Santa Ana. The county District Attorney's office is appealing the sentences. La Habra Police Chief Ron Meehan. president of the chief's association. said in the letter that the sentencing "has had a direct impact on our ability to provide safer communities through broad public s u ppor t of the crimina l justice system. "The public's disillusionment is clearly expressed as "Why bother (to support crime prevention) If that's what's going to happen." Meehan wrote . The letter further condemned the sentencing as "typical of the publicly rejected distortion of the criminal justice system which places greater empttasis on the future of a condemned rapist than the future of m any potential victims of crim inals encouraged to act out their perversions in a nticipation of light sentence." Copies of the letter. signed by Meehan, also were forwarded to Superior Court Presiding Judge (See JUDGE, Page A%) Grimacing went for naught Sunday for these luggers a t the Harvest Festival. Tom Nielsen a nd Richar:d Cannon led the Irvine Company into the mud-, pulled by the City of Irvine. Greg Brinkley and Hank Raymond pulled for the Orange County Fire Department but Jost to the Marines. 1100kln.g a court-appoin1.<.·d tru11tc...-• to run'thc buslnt.-s.'I. WestPm Data earlier had filt•d a petition in fodcral <..'Ourt 11(..'Cklng C hapter ,1 1 bankruptl·y, proceedings to reorganize its debts. But a company attorney said late last w<..>ck that instead the firm will file for Chapter 7 proceedings to liquidate holdings and go out of business. Alderman, meanwhile, filed a lawsuit last m on th s ee king dama ges from the Ha lapofls alleging their false statements about the company financial position led to i.ts economic problems. Western Data ser ved as a 1.•lear'ing hou1m by l'l't'l"Wmg rcul cswtt· lwm puynwnt:-; from c:lll'nl.8 and 11lh"::.itl11u ptopc:1' amuunL" to holde rs of th1•ir trui.t clct>ds. Monthly loan :wrvidng frl·tr Wl'rt· t·harged, The• firm has uh11ut :1,000 t·ust.om1•rs, off1t'ials t'st1matt.-d. Jessup, in St.>t>king th•'-' scarc.:h warrant, suppl1l•d tht.· judge photoc:oplt•s of s tawmt•nts of Western Data's trus t accounts and Alderman 's pers o nal act·oun t. He said that rcx ords showed seve r a l datl's w ht·n large w ithdrawals in a trust at:count wt•rc· fol l ow1:d b v "l ;ir~c· DellJ Not l'Mloe by ChellM Sl11r Records tuinhle at Har~est Festival A happy group of organizers for the Irvine Harvest Festival began a masaive cleanup job this mornina following •their record- br~aking th ree -day eve nt at flerl"'P Park. · A r ecord 4 1.000 p eople atlended the festival from Friday through Sunday evening. an increase of 6,000 over last year's total, aa.id Chairman Tim Parker. M ore th an $22 .000 was collected at the gate, he said. The board of directors for the non· profit festival expect to announce in two weeks the total reven ue collected from the gate. rentals for about 175 booths and carnival rides. he added. .Parker said popularity of the 10-year-old festival has reached the point whe re the board expects to realize a surplus of funds this year. Directors are discussing whether some o( the money shou ld be turned back to the community, either through grants t o c har ities or fo r community facilillett. he said. Meanwhile. at the afternoon tug-of-war contest Sunday, a m utCle-bound group of Marines from nearby El Toro Air Station defeate d th t• def l•nding champions from the Orange County Fire Department in the civic division. Among ser vice clubs, the Irvine Soroptimists, using 12 women and two men. repeated as champions by beating the Irvine Chamber of Commerce. which used eight men. (Rules allow two women for each man up to 16 participants.) Woodbridge High School won the high school division. Local organizations appeared satisfied with their attempts at selling goods at the festival, a primary fund-raiser for many local organi1.ations. Groups such as Irvine PA Ws (Promotion of Anima l We ll-being). whic h p e ddl e d pi zza . and the Woodbridge band Boosters' Club, which sold corn-on·the·t'Ob and baked potatoes, for e xample. reported substantial profi ts. For other groups. such as the Natio nal Charity League's local mother-daughter group called Ticktockers. m ak ing money wasn't the most important thing. "We didn't make much profit," explained volunteer Sue Selman, "but ou r ma i n goal was exposure." subseq u e nt d e posi ts" i nto Ald~rman's O\A'"' .,,.,.,., '"'l O n M arc:h 23, 1982, ror inst.an<..'<.', the Halapoffs' re<..'Orda r evealed $6 5 ,769 .0 1 wa s withdraWfl from a trust a<.'Coun t a nd .the .exact amo unt was deposited in Alderman's, Jessup told the judge. Nicholas Halapoft told Jessup he had begun revil'wing bank stateme nts in the office after hearing rumors at work that one of the firm's th'rN-trust acc'Ounts was overdrawn, acx:ording t.o the· search. >"arrant. Halapoff initially discovered <See WESTE RN, Page A2) Heights • wooing Newp~rt By STEVE MARBLE Of tti. 0 ... 1 Ptlol 818" R esidents o f Santa Ana He ights. an unincorpor·ated community torn by efforts to plan its future. are drc·ulating petitions as a first ste p toward annc•xation to Newport Beach. The t-Ounty island is situated al>0Vt' Newport Beach, adjacent to th<' Upper Newport Bay and d1rt.'l·tly below the tak eo ff pattern of John Wayne Airport. For m on t hs, r esidc.,nts have Ol't'n s plit on whether they'd. prefer lo remain under tht Orange County governme nt's jurisd ic:tio n or be a nnexed to Newport. Property own e r s in the C'ommunity. a slightly rural area whf're h orses sh are the roads with ca r s, a lso h ave been debating whe ther Santa Ana J foigh\S should be preserved as a residential area or rezoned for commercial usage. This week , Newport Beach City Council members agreed tha t i f the r e i s to be an annexation effort. it will be up to thC' rc-sidPn L<; to get it started. "We're taking it (the vote) as a good sign. a green light to start c·1l·ulating petitions." said Jack Mullc·n. a heights resident and rl'al t.or. M ullt•n dainwd residents of thC' comm unit y are largely supportive of thC' ann<·xa tion is.,.ue. Martha Durkc-e. a hl'ights resident who was opposed to a nnexatio n only a year ago. s uggested tha t som e of her neig hbors feel betrayc-d by the t-ounty. She· said rcsidenL" spent nearly a year working on an advisory m mmitt<'<' to the County Board of Supt'rvisors and developed ~ plan for the future of Santa Ana Heigh ts. S he said the plan apears to have be<.•n discarded. County offidals presently are wo rking o n a so-ca l l e d mmmunity plan Cor the heights that is ex pected to go fa r in d<'tC'rmining what the area will look like in the future. Council members in Newport havl' not voted on whether they f:lvor annexation and indicated tht'y'll wait to see the result of the· petition campaign before they do. AnnC'xation procedures can be initiated either by the city or by a JX'l1lion of at least 5 percent of the landowners in Santa Ana Hf'11(hL<>. llowcvt'r. If Newport does not aCC'<.-dC' to the anncxatlon request, the mnttcr dies. ----lllDEX---- Have the pressures of winning at the high school level become too big? Are academics losing? Rams guard Bill Bain thinks so and tells why in the first of a three-part &eries in S ports. Pa•e C I . Laguna p·et panel disbands in huff. At Your Service A5 Ann Landen F.rma Bombeck A7 Movtea Cavalcade A7 NaUonal News Ci..ifled C6-10 Public NoUcea C.omica & Sporta Croeeword & Dr. Stelncrohn DNth Notices CS-6 Stock Market.s ldltortal Ae Televl1lon Enteru.inment 84 Thea ten Horoecope A7 Weather ~ i ,·. A7 B4 A3 C6-6 Cl-4 A7 83 86 B4 A2 By STEVE MITCHELL O<tlle Dlll!rf'lletSteft Laguna Beach'• pro-life Pet Re11pon1lbility Committee la toalng In the towel •fter. eight years of volunteer work, sayinc It can no longer cope with what lt tert'N a continuing atrugle with city otflciala over opcradon. of the city animal ah.iter. The five-member boerd of th~ all-volunt e r 1roup voted late lall week to dlafonUnue lta proaram at the Laguna ahcJ~r. · Oen McMenomy. pl't'lidt1nt o( the or1anlutlon, aald "a de•loratJon of the relationship ltetwun the PRC and city admln....,aton" l~ to the board'• ltedslon. "The cit y uaft doean 't under1ta nd volunteer tam and community 1ervlce," ahe N id In • telephone interview today. "In.teed of ~ing itteted with 1orne kind of reapcct for the t.cql"O\&nd and experience we have., and lnltead of betn1 aaked for our input. we have been 1Cn9red," lhe •Id. The orpnlullon. made up of about 20 volun~. WN founded in 1976 with the goal of llndlng homn tot t nlmalt In the city ahclt.Clr. Over the yeara, thousands of animals h ave been ''adopted out," and during one 20-month period, the volunteers found homes for 640 doo and cets. tn addition to l\I adopt .. a-pet pro1ram. the fRC neutered or IPtlyed all animals. spon10rod rabies clinics, provided a lolt and found .ervlce. referrtld vlsiton to other a·helters to find a nimals, pr<>vlded telephone couneelint to pet own..n, and even chip~ In money for eofttly repairs to the. city animal facility. • The board's decision w cloee ltt opera\ion at the shelter ca.me u I retull or the city'• "inability t6 deal fairly with volunteurs.~ McMenomy said. "Wo flaured that with th., fi'eat city c:oww:ll we now ha~, and the shelter employeft wif now have, that If It 1\ill coulcln'\ work wl\h that combtnatlon: then we jUtt felt It WAI time '° get out." ahe uld. The PRC a p o k eawomaft CSee PET PANEL. Paae Al) , f • Hlf' Ot•no• CoHI DAil v PILOT /Mond1y, 0..tobll •. 1982 l:d' ~____;,,;_--H-B_c_o_u_n_c_il_o_n_T_V __ w_h ___ o_'_ll_w_a_t_ch-? ,,, Con••nued ... o.,·.. Hy ROBERT BARK EH l'Xf.'l;'C'lt·d fiurlnat lh(' uuy "The• lclt•V1M.J l·uvl'rll)(I' mtglll l II v t' r J. H •• ht• t ll ml' Iii ni u r \' •• , Gal • 1 OftMOellr,._.tt_,. 'Tht•ri• hu1n 't been ony 1;horkn Uw nit•t!llngJ, l hupt!," lw 1·i.t.1hli11lll'd Th1•1l• wall tx• guvt•I tu flOVl'I prumotlo11," Dll'ldnaon Pol'ifk am ici llf' p rcdh:tt'(I tonight'• 1i1v1·111K•· of tontuht'N Huntington CablctJyall'tnN proKrum rrmnuun rm·i•llui( will wind up !Jt·twt't·n JO 'l'11u11t·tl 111t•mbt·r. t·o11t.ictcd &•1wh l'1ty C.:ou11d l m<'l'ting &-rlnt• Arnold Nld Wtluy. "W1/vt.' uud 11 p m , ubo ul 1rn hour lhlll rllorntng MAld th(•y've mad.- PET PAN·EL QUITS • • • from 7·:W to whcm·vl'r for been buck und forth on whcthl'r t"urllc•r thun numuil ~mduHturut no 11pt'l'111 I prt>paratlona o ther 1hww w hu !Ill b!ll·rilw tu t•ublt• thl' ffil~·tlng would lx· tt·lt•vill('fl limn plu1111 lo w1•1tr doth•"' tht>y Ut'l'l 1 nt•d to bl' ll pl'l'I f il' U ll probl •ms that It'd to ttw IJuurtJ ':j dN·lslon. pointed out, hopdully w1• l'11Ulll huv(! 1ronc..-d tlwm uut," ht· !Wtd. ll'h•vti.hm We didn't know until mldwt-.•k C'1rn11 t'l lw11111un Kutil 1Ju1h•y huµt• will phow"n1ph w1•1l It 'i. u f1r11l 111 tlw t:lty luJil wt•t:k. "'111d 1dw hopt'li l'ouru:al mt·rnbc·n. Laguna oHtcluls (.'><prl'111wd i.urprise nt the bourd's twlion. 'Jlley have called for u nwt'ting between PHC leudc•rs n11d ci ty admimstraton; to ull<'mpl to 1rn11 vut differt.•nct.>s. PoliL'e Lt. Jim Spretf'\1•, whose• department ovt•n;t.'t.'S t\w !jhelter operat1o n 11, s atd ht' W8 1> completely "aught off g(Jard by the organization's dl'c1s1on to dro p out. ' "All of a suddl'n I get a letter saying ther<''s a la c k of l'-lmmuni~tion. I was cpmpll'tcly surprised," Syfein<' s~ud ·The pol ic<' offker said he disagreed with Mt'Mc nomy's ctmtentions. "She says tht•rl''s a l~k of communication, yN sml'(' l've been in charge. never once have I been invited to one of their meetings," Sprl'mc said. "If problems would have been Spn:inc: 1wld ht• hopt.•11 tu ix·tlluudc· tlw orga111u1tion to st.ay "h 's u vuluabll' prugrum," he ~ld. "l think llw 1-'HC has glv1•n n lot lo tht• 1'(1mmunily unt..I our h o p es o re• t h a t t IH y w l 11 rc.><:onsidc•r. But. he said. if t ulk11 prov1· fruitless. the dt.•partm1·nt will <.'ontinut• its p ro-l1fl· an1mul system "W<' wdn't change that." S preine said. "We )\aven 't mapped out a strategy yet, uut W<''ll try to l'Ontinuc tn lht•tr (PRC) foolSteps." A• meeting betwee n PRC representatives and Ci t y Manager Ken Frank and SprClnl' wl:IB scheduled for this we<>k. In the meantime. Mc:Menomy said he r group will l'Ontmu1· tn find homes for the two down ur so dogs and cats that r<.•mum 1n the shelter WESTERN DATA PROBE • • the trust al-count was losing as mu('h a s $100,000 pN month beginn1tlg in December. 1981 , Jessup said. Halapoff told polke .;ome ''unusually larg<'" chl•cks signed by Alderman had been l'nd orsed with an ac('OUnt number that turned out tu belong to the president's own al't.'OUnl, Jessup said. JUDGE ASSAILED .. • • Robert Rickl es and Urang<.· County Dastrtl't Attornl·y Cc'<'tl H1l·ks Sodl•n an the pas t has said through court aides tha t h e t.·annot comm~ on the case while the ser6'"encing 1s under :tppeal l'ilot slightly injured Rut till' qu1 •st1on, u111ong i.omt· t oum•tl nll'll1lwr11. ii1· Who will be· wutd11n~'! 'l't ... t'Uvl·ru~·· huu rc..-ct!lvud nu publ1t·~ty from Cuult> C:hunnl'I 14! by l h IS lllUl'n l llf( a It h OUKh tt•lt•v1sion announn•nwnt)l wor11 CM realtor Teregis, 4~ dead Furwrnl ~.NVll't.'8 wall be held Tu1•sday for long-time Costa M<-su rt><.1ltor Chris Tcrcgis who d tt.•d or an appart.'nl hl·art utlat.•k Saturduy. Hl· wus 4ti. TPn·gb was a m<'mbcr of the Nt•wport-Mc8<1 Board uf Realtors :.i nd was o wnc>r -broke r of Cl·ntury 21 Gold Cousl Realtors in Cost.a Mt"SU. He was an avid .supporter of school athlcu c programs at Golden Wt-st College and Cosu Mesa High School. where a ll three of his sons plnyed football. A Tsug1on :>ervice will be held at 7 u'l"l <x:k tonight al Harbor Lawn Mortuary Chape l. 1625 Gisler Aw .. Cost.a Mt'88. Funeral servic..-es will be held at 10 am Tuesday at St. John's Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, 405 N. Dale St, Anaheim S urvivors include his widow, Eleanor; three sons. Gregory. of Coota Mesa, Michael of Newport Beach, a nd Steven of M1ss1on "W•• dldn'l hove time to list it ·,.,,111 nut wlk 110 much uml st.:ly on '1'h1· n>unt:al will dllieuu 11 ~rletS In our tclevlt>ton guldt· or cto pn•ss th1• Huhjl'('t ut hond of ff·l' propu111.1la, Including relfo•filj(lg," llhl' twld. drnrginf{ 11 f1·1· fur library cards, Muyor Bul> Mundl<.: 11t11d ht.· <.:oum·1tr111111 Uon M;wAlllHU•r und d1111·u1111l1111s on a po11sibl~ hupt.'tl pt:uplf' wlll lx> wuwhan.c. "I 1>111d ht• hopes thut word w ill trm•h mllt'(:llon foe, pun:hwie of a think It will d<'pcnd on how SJHt'tHI 11mo11g tlh· 17,000 pola1·1• ht·l tport s1tt', tht' nudear intcrc..'!ltlnM the mt..'!•llngs will bt.•," lluntlngton 81•ach houHt•huld fr•1•1•zt· anatwtlvc and u master he said. sulnH·rilwrs whl·n tc•l1•v11wd plan fur purks. Chris Teregis Viejo, and a daughtt.'r, Debra Nettles, of Irvine . Other survivors tndudc• his mother. Pearl Tl•rcgas of Costa Mesa, brothC'rs Bob of Costa Mesa and M1.:hael of New York. The fam ily 1s asking that donations be sent to th<> Teregis scholarship fund. P 0 . Box 7373. Newport Beach, 92660. Valley weighs shift of city elections Tht• r ounta an Vallc·y City tu tncrca.w tht• number of people Counl·1l will discuss thl· poss1bl1• vuung in l'OUnc1l ra<.'t."li. reschc..oduhng of l·lly Plt.'<.'twru. ah a S hirley Oeaton, chat.'£ deputy rm•ans of bolstering voter turnout m th1· Orange County Registrar of for locul rates <tl U p.m. TueMlay Voters off1 t·t.·. said countywide al City Hall. 10200 Slatt·r Ave· t urnouti. for gc·neral e;cclions Currently, l'tly l'll'<.'t10ns urt• t ra d1t1 ona ll y run about 75 ht•ld on the sc.'l'onc.J Tuesday in i.x.·n·cnl, and m the 60 pt•rcent April during cvt·n -numbcrcd range for prtmaril'S. yt•ars. Las t Apnl's <.•lcl·t1 on In. the pa s t , a c ha~g t: 1n rcsulll'd in a turnout of lo.:3 t·lt.•c·uon datl'S has r<:qu1red an pt:f'l't•nt. l'><lC'nswn uf tt·rms for those T~IY80 coundl clc..><:t1on drew r t·urn:ntly in offat c., o nly 14 per"cnl uf 1h1• luta i But ~'o unta 1n Valli:y C ity voters. according to Ctty Clerk Attorncy Alan Burn!I said a ne"."" Evelyn McClendon. st a H · I aw a 11 ow s l'OU n c1 l Thl'SC Cigures promplt.'Cl some mc:mlwrs' terms tu Ix· mcreas<.>d l'oundl members to s uggest or dc><·rca:.c'<.1 by up to 10 months l'Onsolidating the local elections 1n t h<· t•vt·nt of a t:hange tn Wllh gt'nC'ral or primary e lections t·l<'l·tton datt.'b Coast realty f irin sets voluine record county airport crash No serio us injuries were reported Sunday morning after a single-engine plane crashed mtu a runway at John Wayne Airport shortly afwr takeoff. autho riucs said. The crash occurred at 10:~6 a.m. afte r Krauth noticed an e ngine problem , Ralph O d enwald . airport air trafhc t'Ontrol tow<'f chief, said. Mesa guard killed while aiding driver Coldwell Banker's residential rea l estate o ffice in Newpo rt Beach had a larger number of escrow openings in September than any month in ats 20-year his tory. according to a vice presidc:nt. The office. 2161 San Joaquin Hills Road, in Fashion Island. r<'l·o rded a volume of $1 5 malhon 1n si ngle -family r eside ntial propertil'S ranging in price from $1 75,000 to $2.5 million . Four homes priced at more than $1 million w ere included . s aid S t ephen Sutherlen. v i c e• preside nt and manager of th<' office. a ttributt:d the upsurge to his d1t•nl!.' mc-rea51ng confiden(-e m the l'<:onomy, and to the gains in the stcx·k market Th<> Nl•wport H~rbor-Cosla Ml'Sa Board of Realtors figures for &·pt<:mlx•r salt'S volumes do not su~gc-st tht.• Coldwell offil-e's rC'C'urd sall·s ar e an area-wide pht·nom t·non Dwight D1C'key, prc..•stdl·nl of th<• board. cautioned that his figures may no t be r<'prPst•ntat1ve of tht• e ntire t.·ounty Pilot Fritz L Krauth. 55. of Newport Beach was trt.>ated al Costa Mesa Community Hospital and lat e r rel eased Two passe.ngers an the Bct·ch<:rafl Bonanza were not tnJUr<'a , authorities said. The plane climbed to about 100 feet , r eturned to the ground. skidding d o wn the airpo rt's 5,700-foot long runway An Irvmc Company security guard was killed Saturday night whe n a tru<:k struc k ham on MacArthur Boulevard ai. he atte mpted t o aid a stra nded motorist. Irvine Police said. The airport was closed to commercaal airline trafCic for about two hours. delaymg some fh1thts. Entertainers protest mall LOS ANGELES (AP) - •Entertainer Walter Ma tthau, l'eter Graves. Nanette Fabray, ijo Swe nson. John Hallt a nd Dom DeLu1sc were among some 700 Pacific Palisades rt.-s1de nts at <i weeke nd rally to prot c>st a proposed shopping mall Saturday's gathering was prompted by plans by developer Roh1t Ja s hi to r aze th e 58-year-old Sant.a Monica Land and Wat.er Co. building here and rep lace 1t with a 60,000 - square -foo l , three -~t ory shopping mall Matthew A. Coleman. 24, of Costa Mesa. pulled over to the center divider fr o m the northbound side of the s treet about 7:20 p.m when he saw two cars stranded and blodung the southbound la nes , traffic lnvesllJ(alor Gary Milius said. Coa.~la/ Houston ll'ldenph1 JllCkSn MS Jecksnvlle JUl>e8U K1n1 Cny Knoxvllle Lii VegH Felt ltirough T uadey tnlc;ei>I low Llllle Rock Cloudl llong lhe COHI nlOht end LOI AngeleS mofnlng hotKI •n<I 9111)1 morning LOUllV•lle IQg In low9f COUlll Vll\eyl Locelly Mempfllt windy Ihle tlternoon In d ... r11 Mleml Jn coutll MOtlOnl todev MllweullH Mpt.,St P 1-------------~~--~NUl\~le lJ S New 0r1Nn1 . . summary N.-YOik Ot<le Clty I WIOely tcaltltflO ll'lund11Blorm1 ()mahl ttretch•d lrom 1ou1he1111rn Ph!ledpNa MlllOUrl Ind notlhetn ArlclnMS 10 Pll09nl• the toUlhetn Allenllc Ind eu1ern Pttllb<l<Qh OuH COUii early lodey, while rein Pll1nd. i..c. esao 1111 over the not1hern Pl11n1 Pra.nd Ott and Pec:ilic Nof1"-1 Providence The '"' or lhe n11ion enf(>yeO Rlno c:te11 lie let Sell lake t.1t1r today, more 1e11tered Sen AnlonlO 1hower1 were predicted lor lh• San Oi9Qo P1c 1 lie Nor t riwe1 t . wh ll• San Fr1n tllunderatorml wer1 toreca11 lor Seellle th• aouth•rn Atl1n1lc coutel St Louis 111t1a and lrom the upper St P-Tampa MIHIHlppl Valley lo lhe Upper 81 Sle Marie Or111 LlllH. Sp0111ne FIJr tklft WWI IO<OClll for the Topekl '"t of the counlry. Tue.an Hlglll In the 60e -• lorecafl Tu111 from W11hlng1on 1111e lhrough W11hlnotn _,.,.,, Monlllifll Ind for Mtlne, Wlc:lllll lh• 801 from "" rHI of New Englend ecrON Ille OrHI LlkH and from the nonhern Pl1ln1 CALlf'OftNIA acro11 1,,e nor1hern h1ll ol theApple Veney Peolflc Coul e•c.pt wut11ng1on.8eker1llel0 the ==-101 over the 1outhern8w11ow Altentlc I.,,.., 90 In IOUlhtrn8eaumont T lllM Ind the mlO·GOil tt>rougl'l Big Beer the SoutllwMt Blythe Temc>er1turH wound the naUonCtlallne 11rly tocl1y ranged lrom 30 lnCuiv.r City K1ll1pell, Mont . lo 12 In WHI Eur•e PtMI lelcll, Fie Freeno ____________________ Lencuter t..ong Bffeh Ternperatures ~"!~:r" Montllfey NAT10N Ml Wltaon "' .... ~Jet 70 62 Htwpor1 8Mch 78 61 Oatcllnd 43 35 75 57 78 66 I•, 68 SI · 74 46 ' A truc k , d r1 ven b y Pau I .l't>rt'tru. 2~. nf South Laguna. unabl1· 10 uvo1d the c ars. l'arC'<.>n l·d 1nt11 th1•m . killing Fair-skies 70 60 seen 90 78 89 85 •8 78 83 81 86 83 81 86 so 70 65 81 as 74 84 74 74 95 79 60 60 70 68 68 92 79 72 S8 74 6" S8 S9 79 93 83 77 79 61 ;:..:.~;;...;,,::.:.;~:.;:.:.:::..;~~.--.....,.--~~~ ....... ===-_,,"'=~===; 70 .. 50 65 ~ 65 62 62 61 76 44 46 61 73 63 61 S6 Na~ W••...., S.-v<" S9 N()AA US °"01 Of C•....,tn••t<• 67 Fronts· Cold ..., Watm 99 Occluded ~ Sl81ionary •• S6 47 --------------------------------------------·· SI 66 37 u 6S 66 OnrarlO Plllm Sprtngs PaM<Jena PQO Robles Reel Blull 85 46 II'\ 58 89 53 86 43 7!1 48 54 --------------------- 471 ~.Smog 3SI 42 The Air Oulllly M1n11gemen1 43 Dlatrtct Pfedlctl good air qu11111y 68 todey In •II .,eea 01 t"e Soutti 60 Cout Air B1111n 63 Good elr with • Pollutnnl 50 ':l landerd lndu ol 100 w11 83 37 82 S7 114 49 82 50 70 211 89 55 80 57 88 SS 59 49 81 49 77 38 92 ~ 86 62 93 49 70 50 73 51 M 61 76 65 76 52 101ec11t tor th• Rlver1ld1·6•n Bernardino 11e1 e nd 1tie S en Oebrlel and Pomona v1fley1 MetrOpQlfl1n LOI Angflel allould heve • PSI ol 75, whlla the rorece11 lor Inland Orange County and the Slt'I F9'nlndo ano Santa C1er111 v11tey1 w11 tor • PSI ol \I A PSI of o w .. forecast for t .. COHiii, Hemel-Eltlf'IO(e. Benning and Big e..tt Lelle lfMI. elong wfth IM high end low "-11 Wlltre to c111 (toll ltffl for lltttt tm09 lnformellon. Or-. C«lnty. llOOI 445-3426 LO• AngelH Countr (100) 242~ ,._.,. end Sen &.tnetdlno COUl1tlee: (IOO) M7 .. 7 IO AOMO l"4eOdt Cttltet: (IOO) 242 ...... IURf RIPOil CANADA Calgary 49 20 Edmonton u 26 Mon1rea1 85 46 0 11ew11 66 47 R901n1 62 36 Toronto 73 44 Vancouver 57 45 Winnipeg llO 47 PAN AM ACIPulCO 66 73 91rbeC101 88 77 Be1muC11 82 73 Bogoll 61 48 Cut KIO 90 77 Fr"90f1 86 75 Quld1l1J11r1 84 63 Ou1deloupe 88 7:1 H1ven1 68 73 1<1no11on 86 1t WonteQO E•v lie 73 Mautlen 91 77 M9f'ICSI 90 75 Calif o;.nia Orenge Counl~ c1n expec t high• 1n m10 10 upper 701 •I be1chf!1, 801 1n1end lOWt 52 to 58 Mondly h'Ohl In 70. 111<1 low eo. Inland vlllleyl will hive lllghl H 10 90 1oc11y. I& 10 91 Mondey Lowa 49 to 68 Moun111n1 ctn upec1 111gn1 f7 10 77. IOWI In 301 •ncf 40 1 OtcitllinO Wlndl, NOrtnttn d-1 hfOhe In &Ot, 1ow1 u to 54, Soulhern deterl hi(lhl In 90•. IOWI &4 lo 12. ~; ri ·· 80 51 ~ 13 69 liiri .. -.~ ................................. .. 11 e1 lilorll'ltrn 1nC1 Ctntr11 Cllllomte Cln uptCI log tnd CIOUCll lonlgfll. 8119111 Clltnct of 1Mwe11 1n norttitrn m0un11lM Mott~ flit el-'lefl, I lttllt QOOlelt Mondty • ,, • 6S 41 1& 41 • , 84 ~ 7t 66 HuntlnOfOll Bh.lffa • , " HuntlngtC)ll ""' eo ea Sant• Ml "'* .1et1y ti • ., 40ttl It Ntwpoi1 11 41 Hnct It Htwport 71 4t IMIOt WMQe T..,.., .,, .... ,3 1-3 4 3-4 0 M 1-l 17 42 ""£:'• Pier 11 ti Tref 41 24 CT-trMI) 14 10 '2 ·-.._.,. PQOl·fr PQO!·fr , .. , ,.., poor Awtr ... '"'"fOC>d • .., good r-. 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 71 5& lOftlofror HIQll TIOt 11 011 m. Low fide 8·46p111 lwetl D.fKtton eo 11 '°""' · ' Tides TOOAY ltcond tow 4 &1 p m . ltcond l\JO'I I I °' p fft fWIO•Y l'lf11 tow 4 •• 1 m =11 110la.m IOw 14tpm Mgtl I I M p.m. 03 .. 1 2 .. ot u Coleman and inJur1ng three others, Milius said. Bill Rawlins, 34, of San Diego, Juli Patton, 24, of Corona dl'I Mar. and Ka rl Holm, 60. of Anaheim, suffored manor injuries in the accident. They were taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatme nt and later released. Milius said. The accident ts under inves\Jgalion by Irvine Pollc.-e. Alth o ugh a g e n era l impr ovement in market condauons has been seen since May. Sutherlen said. last month's s urge was n o t expected Ht.' Wool cheviot suits for the Brooksgate man Tht' boa rd gt•ts 1ls s ales 1nfo rm at1 o n su lely fro m ml'mbc·r., Sal<'S rc•portmg 1s not mandatory. Altho ugh n o t a ll escrow openings become actual sales, S uthe rlcn said he 1s fairly l'Onf1d11nt all the Sepwmbcr dPals will d~· T he handsome appearance of worsted cheviot is particularly welcome at this lime of year. Herc, u t tailored on our trim, 2-button Brooksgatc model for the young executive looking for Broo k Brothers quality at prices he can readily afford. ln hcrrin1boncs of grey or brown. Coat, vest and trousers. $210 HfAklaHIO 1111 ) • • • , WORLD New Lebanon violence BJ!:lRUT, L<•burum (AP) lsroell troop 11 l'umbed tht• ruggl'Ci Lc-burws.> hillia clUit ol B e J r u t t 0 d a y f 0 r t h t• a mbus hl'ra who 11vrayC'd uulomutlc wt•upo ns and bot.00ka fll't' at a buslood of Iaraell soldiers. k 1lh118 111x und wounding 22. Mea nwhllt•, L1•banes C' newspapers reported toduy that Cive peop)e were killt'tf and 15 othors wounded In dashes lx>twecn two privatc »rmh•lf 111 tht' nu1 tlwrn port 11( 1'rlr.<>ll 1 lwy KUid tllCOlbtJl'ti Of tht• pru-Syraon Arab Dl•m<X•rutlc: l'.arly Wl'rl' fll(htll\jl tilt' , Sunni Mosll•m Popular Ht••lst;11w1• Frunt, whil'h as f1l•rn•ly o ppo11t•d t o the• prCSl'n<.'<' of Syrwn trou1>K In north •rn Leba1111n. Th~r1• was no l nt11 .ca tion o f whtlt proruplt>d the l'l»sh c11 . Lebanon's st.ate rat.ho suld th1• fighting pcrsislt'CI today 70 hos tages released NICOSIA. Cyprus (AP) - Four hija c k e r~cking asylum in the Un' tales left for an unspecl ied destination today aboard an Iranian military transport after freeing more than 70 hostages during a slop at the Persian Gulf port of Dubai. The Gulf News Agency said the Hercules C-l30 made a rt'>fuc:l1ng stop In ih~· Sharjah airport in the Unitt•d Arab Emira tes in the: l'1:1rly afternoon after ll•uv1Qg Dubai hours eurher. Tht' military am.•rafl was h1Jackt•d over the Persian Gulf Sunday night an d landl'<i in Dubai, also in the United Arab Emirates, after 1ts pilot reportl'd he was low on fuel Brown, "By Jl'.:f f ADLER Of IM Oeltf "'4lt ateft l"omwr G ov. 1'~Smu11d "Put" Uruw11 wul! u11 tht• 11tu111p In 0 1•11 n l(t' t:u l'n I y luH t Wl'l' k offt•rlnu llOm u 1ru1lght 11110 111111 Jt•rry'li pNllOllUllty us Wt•ll us tK)I)\(• fulht•rly advk't.' uhuut tht· pt.'rtl8 or cum pmgnlnl(. "l'm dQwn ht•rt> c1unpull{ning f(1r thul llOll or mtnt'," sutd Brown. s huklng hun<l!i with ni:ur ly c•vcry rcpurtl•r w1th1n 1·ungt-. "H e's bl·c n u f(ood KOvt•rnor . h 's no t eusy being govt•rnor of Callforn1u. I can tt•ll yuu !hut " T h e 77 -ycar -o ld former gov..rnor potn lt.'d OU l for "16 of ttw last 24 years. thert:'s bc..'<'n a Brown In SaC'ramento." Continuing has thOUKh ts along similar lines, Brown said that t•very Lime he spots a pretty woman he likes to ask If she is marriL'<i. "If she's not, I leU her my son isn't either and thl'n; 1s n o Edmund G Brown Ill around ." Aske <l why tht.' you nger Brown hus such a negatiVl' 1magl' among volt'rs, lhl' eld1.·r Brown Orenge CoHt DAILY PILOT /Mond•y. October '4. 1982 H/F 'Duke' ILICnGN82 l'ih·d thrt.'t' 1~uc·11 furrn lubor, tht• rm.Jfly 1111d ~uprCHl\l' Court Ju11lll'l' Ht>M• BarcJ "Af~t·r 1.•lghl )'l'UI i. of lJl'tnt( t(OVt·riwr. you huvc ""' muny 1•nt•mwH," tw stud 81 uwn muJ hl· und h111 11on Jo JISllKrl'I' un l'l•l'llJlll polil ll'lll l lllJUC'H. ··1 do n 't Ul(rl'l' wllh 1•w1·ythm1< he suyi; by u lunt'tih<>t. but with the tollllity, I'm V<'ry. Vl'ry proud," Brown 1S11ld l lt• udded thut 1-•Vl'fl lhuugh h1· unJ h1i. son do d1&11(rt't'. thl·y l(t•t ..ilonl( 91.•ry wt•ll c•Vt'n ~houHh J t•rry 1s "morl' hkt: his m11thL·1 mort• 11'\trovl•rtcd than me." Hqiljlb II can g u bl' r nu t ori u I cand1tla h· George• Dt•ukmt·jiun's C'an1p:i1gn will makl' a stop 1n Orangl· Cou nty ul 7 o'dock tonight w hen the Rt•publicun attorrwy gent'ral addrc•ss1.•:; lhc· Or1:1n~w County Built.ling lndubtr:i /\!1.q()('IUtion at tht· A1rport<·r Inn in lrvllll'. Tat kl'ls a n• $2:1 for m\'rnlx·rs, $:JO for non-nwmlx·n; on Thl• three h or1t·m1n vr the H rd CongrcHIOn ul Dlatrlct Rt•publkun J ohrrnit.> <:retrn, wrill·-ln Hu n Poc kurd a.nd I ~·111114.:rut Roy "Put" Art:her - will hash o ut cumpalgn i11ue11 during o llvt• debute at 7:30 pm T~H·Mduy to be bro»dt•1111t by KSBH FM rud10 'fht• dc·ball'. on1: ol u sen~ In what•h 1111 thr~ c·andldate11 have parLldputt-d, as ac•hcdull>d Lo Bir u n t ('l(-'v islon at 9 p .m . Wt•dnt•11duy on T lm d -Mlrror Cu hlc·v1s111n, channel 3 In uddtuon, the trio can be l!CCn dl•bnting on KOCE-TV's "Vote r's J>1pc:l ine" series a t 8.30 p.m Wl.'dnl'stla y and ut 10 a .m . Sutunlay o n channel 50. The brou<.kast also features a debate bl•lwN•n 32nd Senuk District l'untl1dalcs Frank Barbaro and F.dward Ruyce. Al so on W e dn esday, A:..'i<:mblyman John Vas<.'Oncellos, D, San J ose. 1s holding a fun<l -ra1st:r in lryane. A $100 per pNMJn contribution 1s requested lu1• tht• buffe t dinner. Contact Jal'k &ldwin, 752-1204. In tht• cump;.ii6'n ht·adqui.u Wf'I· opt·nlnl( dc·purtnwnt, Dt-mocr&t Bob llunHCm, who la runnlna.Jn t hf' 61hh A1111embly 011tr1t•t aguln1t ln l·umbt·nt N o lin 1-'rlzz.cllt" htl.5 11t•t up •h'1J' ut :Ao E. 17th St .• sultt• 207, C<.111U. Mesa. ' And Rcpublwan (;urol Ht1ll~ll. running tur lleth4:ruU\t govcmur ... 111 opcmlng her campaign HQ with an open house betwet.>n 3:30 aiW 6::iO fJ.m. Friday at 17962-C S..y Park Circle, Irvine. * * * Ne wp u rt H cach 's J amer. Rooeevell, eldest son of Prcs1dc;nt Franklin D Roosevelt, has been named cha irman of DemOc.'r~&.,8 for Badham, a group supporting Republican Robert Badham's rn- elct'tlon l'ffort In the 40th Co ngress i o nal D1 s tr1 1;\. R e publi ca n B i ll Dphr , c h a 11 en g 1 n g Sa n t a A 1).8 Democrat1l' Re p. JC'rry Patterson as getting more than a littlt· help from the National Republtci,\h Congressional Committee T_qe national group is fooung tlw ball tor Dohr's latest mailer. NATION ~--- Court weighs abortion Albuquerque balloon blast kills ~: WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court takes on the abortion issue again in its 1982-1983 term. The nine justices were to open their nine-month session today, immedia tely acting on nearly 1.000 cases. Of the 5,000 disputes they a r e expected to consider by July, 150 will b<· examinl'd 1n detail. · About two-thirds of those special cases have already OC-'<.'n sclC<'ted; the remaining 50 or 60 cases to rec·eive full rc•vicw will be chosen after the term begins. Most of the 5,000 cases will be denied review. leaving i nt act lowc•r <.'Ourt rulings Reagan stumps in Ohio WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan as trying to boost Republican fortunes in Ohio with a brief political foray into the Midwestern iudustrial state. whe r e unemployment is one of the major issues of the 1982 campaigns. During his four-hour trip to the Columbus area today. Reagan was scheduled to visit a factory. deliver a speech to veterans' groups and a ttend I STATE two rec·epllons. The once-postponed trip is primarily to benefit Re p . Clarence Brown , who is carry ing the R epublic an bannt•r in the raCf.' to suC\.'t.'E.'d rN1ring GOP Gov. James Rhodes. Reagan was LO be the drawing card for two fund- ra1S<'rs for Brown. a staunch supporter of Reaganom1cs in the House who 1s tra iling Democrat Richard Celeste in the polls . Pair win sweepstakes LOS ANGELES (AP) - The horse is named Century City. Contractor Gil Knapton is from Woodla nd Hills. and he says the $170,000 he won on the Iris h Sweepstakes will buy him a yacht in Marina del Rey. IC'arning of h is good fortune. A Santa Barbara man. Wayne J . HofCman, also won 100.000 pounds or $170,000 in tht· famed racin~ competition. By STEVE BREWER AHocl•led PtHI Wrller ALBUQUERQUE, NM. - Passrngers in a hot-air balloon w1.•rc about to "applaud a good la nding " whe n Lhl' cra ft suddenly explodL'd m flames and shot skywa rd, and four people aboard plummeted to their deaths. Five others were injured. "Jump, it's going to blow!" Thomas S peer . 43, sa id he shoutt-d to his fellow passengers a n instant befor e the blast Sunday during the 11th annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. The five people inJured induded pilot J oe Gonzales of Albuquerque. who was hurled from the gondola when the fire <.'auSt.'<i one of the propane tanks aboard to erupt in s1z.zhng flames. Gon zales was bringing the balloon . called the El Globo Grande. gently to Earth at 9:30 a m . when leaking pro pane vapors appar<.'ntly 1gn1tcd the wic ker gondola The balloon , which was carrying nine people'. exploded. and four passengers jum~ out a t or near ground level. witnesses said The balloon, frc·e of the weight, s hot s kyward, and four others JUrnpcd or fC'll Lo 1he1r deaths from heights of up to 200 feet Speer and two other survivors IE.'aped from the gondola as it t:au~ht fire on the ground a nd Speer's wife. Ann, Jumped into his a rms as th e sudd e nly lightened balloon shol into the air Afte r Speer saw that his wife ·~ WIApholQ. Aflcr ils fi e ry crash into the Rio Grande near Albuque rque, the ba lloon El G lobo Grande lowly deflates while a rescue worker sla nds in lhe . re mains of ils c harre d wicke r gondola (right ). Four wert• killed a nd five injured . was sale, he looked sky ward where t h e blazing balloon already had climbed to more than 150 feet. "At that point. a gentleman Jumped," Speer said "He JUSt Jumped He wasn't on fire . He wasn't thrown from the gondola When I saw him la nd. I knew he wasn't alive I could hear II when he hit. He hit and bounced." The man was Identified as Dick W i rth o f Londo n , a balloonist who wrote a book on his craft a nd was president of Thunder Balloons Ltd. The El Globo Grande was one of 200 balloons launched as part of the nine-d ay festival tha t attracted 450 balloonists. J.W. Nim.mo of Albuquerque. part of the balloon 's grouhd crew. said the lire s pread tb9 quickly for everyone to esca~. He estimated the balloon ro$e 50 feet before the woman lost her grip and fell. Immediately, one o'f the propane tanks exploded :.1\d tossed Gonzales over the side. "As a matter of fact, a friend and I went down to Marina del Rey today and look e d at y a c hts," Gil Knapton said Saturday after Kna pton . a 34 -year-old bachelor. received a telegram Friday saying his $2 ticket was a sweepst.akes win ner, but 1t wasn't until Saturday that he learned how much he'd won. State Tylenol pills tested, declared OK Carson extends contract LOS ANGELES (AP ) - Johnny Carson celebrated his 20th anniversary as host of the "The Tonight S how," and then disclosed at a private party that he has signed a new long-term contract with NBC. The new agreement ends speculation about wheth e r Carson would remain with the popular late-night show beyond his 20th year. The length of the new contract and its financial terms were not announced. Carson signed the contract m September and 1l went into effect a t that time, replacing a previous three-year contract which still had one year to run . Resister faces prison SAN DIEGO (AP) - Convicte d draft r esis t e r Benjamin Sasway, up for sentencing today, said he was "ready and willing" to spend the next five years behind bars. He was sentenced to 21h years in prison camp. The 21-year-old Vista man. imprisoned since Aug. 26 wnen a JUrY found him guilty of fa1hng to regLSter. could be sentenced to a five-year term a nd fined $10,000 if U.S . District Judge Gordo n T ho mpson Jr. imposes the maximum penalty. Anti -d raft proteste rs rallied in support o f Sasway on the eve of his sentencing. By The Associated Press f'ood and Drug Admm1strauon officials spent a weary weekend in California inspc'C'ltng nearly 2. 000 bottles of Tylenol capsules, but found no evidence o{ the C'yanide poison that ki.lled seven Chicago-area residen ts. "What we've done is a visual exam of each capsule for any appearance of tampcri ng and then a chemical test on each bottle We are reporting the data ·to Washington," where FDA officials will decide whether m o r e public wa rnings are warra nte d , sa id Harve) Hundley. director of the Los Angeles FDA laboratory. The inspection for Southern California a nd Arizona was virtually complete Sunday. he said. Testing continued Sunday evening in San Francisco, where samples were _brought in fro m northern California, Hawaii a nd Nevada. said Priscilla Barcklow, acting director of the FDA 's San Francisco laboratory. "We've examined 1.570 bottles We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? Whal don't you like~ Call the number at Jeft and your metaage will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour a nswerln1 service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox c:ontrlbulors muat Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. 642•6086 Te ll us what ·s on your mind ORANGE COAST ClaHNted adMfttatng 11',...2·1111 ~ Dilly Piiat All otMf depoftfftOnte 142 ... '21 ". Ulcc4 MAIN Of'PICI ..,.,.,.y " "°" :; DW ....... M .Celt•MHe,CA . ftqt ..... ,_.C."" lllUll..,_:a-IMl,C..U-..,CA .... 1•-*l11.ri1.~ •'f"' Tt..mot P. Haley ,_.,..,.. ""°'.:% , .................. c--,;: .J:.' copy wit De "~' o11e1 C"'-f Ewec1111•• Otttcet ..__..,.....I ..-.,.-..,..,,,.....,., ... "'11WfNllff ......... -.. ,..,... .. .....,. .. Nl!MY 11\0 1111\CMy II laytMnd MGd.oan ""'lel 119t'MKtllllef , ..... ~. )'W ~ not IK-ytivt Jane Amari ,,, 1 ··""· .. llflor• Eo9Qlflv• t'ditOf Cont1oil9# t.<R1~ .-1c1 .. C.••• ,_.. ClllfW"4•, :. 0::.:: t'Ollt ~ .. IV I • tlMlell lty <.,tier ... rt_,, ., fMll... """'"'' G'2**fe L Kay Schult1 MkhH P. H....wy , ... 0r-. =::'" "-'· """ Wl*ll " -f]' ,. lloe• ,,......,. 0..ector ol MOfl•MO tlMf -..... • ........... " .. Or .... ( ................. ~ ............... -..... Ol'ld D.tectot ol ~-0 _ IC"c•IOlll ~~,,...,.c-. ..... ~C-...iy .....,, a.ectl. ~-.,,....,, --ll'VIN,I.~, ( .......... ,....._ ln.'Ci"U "K.-.neth N. 01lld•d Jr. """"' It .,._. ~ ... :r:le TM r.•11e= t:=C." .... WMt..., -. ~ ...... 0..9<10t of ()peia110M .0. 1 M. C C81Heftlle ..... VOL. 71, No. m and found nothing.'' Hundley said A total o f 81.948 capi;ull'l. were examined by the Los Angeles laboratory before 11 wound down operations Sunday, Hundley said. Each caps ule was broken open manually and i ts contents poured out for testing. In San Francisco. more than 400 bo1 ties had been examined and about 1,500 awa i ted 1nspect1on . Barcklow said Word of the poisoning deaths spread so quickly that man y stores have completely removed all Tylenol products from their s helves. including those that weren't s uspect al this time. Barc:k low said . OCC1c1als at Ced a rs -Sinai Medical Center m Los Angeles asked the FDA to inspect a bottle of T ylenol after a young woman who had taken a capsule was b rought there unconscious However. tests revealed the re was no con tamination . said FDA compliance officer Lloyd ~ The bottle was not from one-uf the suspect batches. The wo~ appare ntly had been suffering from a n asthmatic cond1tioo\ Lehrer said. Meanwhile an lllano1s law enforcement task force has lwq dozen suspects and several "ver:,! substantial'' leads in its hunt (Dt a "random murderer" who kill~ seven people b y placing cyan ide in Extra-Strength T ylenoJ capsules, authorities sa:v. ' . . I "'. r ; Ol.>f ~t, .!Iii ling arrl ~t functional pm~ du~ Uu fall ani wmt.4.r monili5 •I \ th:z. 'Vida. 'l>.e la. ~ e blqnd,. cf 88X cot.kin and 12Y.docron orrl ti1tl. narrow ~ ~a::ilon end ~ daoon tU!lch pont )!> blendczd. fbr mox.iurn Comihrt end durebl hty tr\ totol • 20 9nz.ot. be~\C end !Mh\Ofl cola~. t.nclud\nA ~. bl~, 9TU<lO and buf$uOOy.5 44 Fo1hlon l1land • NNJ'O(f IJNch • 11•1644·50'10 1001 ~·twood Blud .• W,llUJOOd Viti~ • 2131208-3113 - . • I -· ----- .. 'Rejoice • • .we can re6uilfl' • I result Aus tin Padilla, 2, or Laguna Beach rind!!! the ne t a t Laguna's Main Beach Park a lot more hm to climb tha n his crib a t home . lle's getting in what beac h time ht• can be fore the weathe r turns unfriendly. Uy FRl::DERICK SC'llOEMlmL 0 1 Ille Dell~ ,llot lton (t 't> UI\ UIH'Olfllflllll li ll(ht Ill th4'1U' dt•J>rt•i.sed 1•1·11111111111· t1111l·i. young. w11 l'UO.-itl'Ul'tlllll WUI kl•n. hu11y pouml111g l\Ulb uncl run111t1u IJIJ>l' ll' u m•w Orunl(1• County apnrtnwnt hu1lchng lUk•'li i.hup•· It ww1 tllt• lil'l'nl' on u rt'('<.•11t hot Sutul'duy uftl•rnoo11 llt•UJ' ttw llltl•rSl't'llon or Eud1d Stn•t•t uncl Bull Rood 1n Anuh1•1m un 111tt'r!\,l·1·llon fl 11 month!! ugo t•hokcd in 11mokt• and llttcn ·d with t•rnbcrs us Ornni,w County's Wl)l'Hl r1n• look hold Tht• blow. fonn~·d by strong, dry Sunw Ana w1nd1>, dl•Struyt•d or dumag<.·d 488 uµurtnwnt unaL<i in 48 liu1kl111gs, le•aving 1,- :.!34 tX'Ople• homl'll:'lll!. Damug(• to structures und l>l'rsonal µroµt•rty cxc1•1•dt•d $50 nu I hon. Thcn • was <mother unus ua l sight this Saturday Ill the• Eud1d-&ll m:1ghborhood Tht• 0 1H.0t•-humcl<.·ss wen· unloading furnllurt• from a moving van. Tht•y wc•rc rt>turning _ "We'rt• so happy to Ix• bat·k ," S<Jtd WaltL·r Murphy. ab h i: s urve yed a rebuil t :.ipartnwnt building. "You havt• to start ovt•r SOIJ'lCllmt• You can't give up." Also n •turning to thl· neighborhood two malt•s from U1 snt•yland was J cannC'ltt· Parkc.•r. 2H "It had tx-c.•n our homt• for 3 1 , yc>ars. I huvt• not ft•lt at homt• at any of tlw otht!I' t1pt1rtml'nlb Wl•'vp lx·<'n an sini:e the• ft rt'." Added 7:.!-yl•ur-old Harriet Shaffer, who lost unt1ques. photos und 20 years of gl•rwalogy work 1n the firt•: "l dt'Ci<led I was going hut·k to fut·<.• t his thingo-. . Peoplt• ought to n•jrnt•c• that we t•an n ·build." Workt>rs, though, huvt• a long way LO go. Directly OtToss Ball from the apart ment units already rc•con s t ructt•d o r und1:r constru<:llon stands tht· rc>mande r o f the devastating l'Urly morning rirt> Tht· Pa lm Vilh.1 ap<ff tml•nt.:. complex is still surrounded by fencing to keep pc.'<>plt• out. Some of the• units those that took lilllP damage• stand l'mpty Nt·arby. the rubble has lx'l•n n ·movcd Onlv t·uncrNe slabs and some plumbing 1s left - Work e r s will bt• tht•rt'. loo. soon About $10 m11l1on 1:. lx•mg 1>pc:nl to replact• or repair building:.. according to Walk Kirk h a rt. Anaht>1m's c h ie f building ms pt"'<' tor. • Thc nt·w buildmgb, offtc1als noted. will be safrr Sax days after tht· fire, the• Anahe im City Council outlawe•d untn•a led wood shingles tht• ty pe· usc•d on tht• buildings that burned. Nt•w roofs art• of a C'ompos111on material. Ille• or wood tn •tlltod wath f1rl' n·tardant. Cons tnu·I ion work••r1-ar4' rebuilding and h •na nt'°' ar•• rPturnin~ to apur tnwnts fla tte ned by April fin·. Moyie studio faces fund misuse investigation ... Third time in four years investigator target 20th Century Fox HOLLYWOOD (AP> A wa t c hd og t ask f orce• on c•ntcrtainment l'rtm<'. wh1c·h was formed in the wake of the 1977 c heck -f o rging sca ndal at Columbia Pictures, 1s S<:ruunizmg 2CJ th Century Fox for a posstblt· m1H10n-d ollar m1 sappropnat1on rf fu'nds, investiga tors said ''T he task force 1s looking mto possible m1sappropnation and c·mbezzlement o f funds ," Al Albergate. spokesman for D1str1t t Attorney J o hn Van de Kamp. said . Albe rgate said the alleged m isappro p riation invo lv es "thousands of dollars maylx• as much as a m1lhon. We're• reallv not certain at this lime." - This 1s at least the third time since 1978 that law enforc.'Cment a uthorities have focused on Fox The latest case apparently wa.'i pnx·1p1tatcd by an artsd <.· in thc Pnlertainment nc·wspa pc.·r . T h<' l lollywood Rl·ponc.·r. wh1t·h had quotc>d mdep(fndenl produt'l'r 1Jan1cl Me lnat·k as d enying he• had r eceived a $I mtllt o n intcrest-frl'C' loan as part of h1f. e xclusive contract with Fox Bast-cl on this a nd oth<•r rumor!. in recent weeks. th<' dis trict attorney's t ask force h a d scheduled a meeting with Fox c.•xecut1ves to discuss possible misuse of funds. Albergate said But Fox o fficials . denying a n ything 1llegal had 0<-curred. angr ily called off thf' meet ing lxoeaus<' o f nt'ws "leak"" about the· meeting Fox PXcC'uUvc Vtl'P preside nt Burton I Monasch blam ed the district attorney's Task Force on White Co llar Crime in t.he Entertain ment Industry for the leaks "If thl'y want to subpcx•na us. w1.'d be· happy to go." Mnnasc:h ~1d "Wl•'ll op<•n our books " Ht· da1mc'<I thf' rumors wen· the work of a "dis gruntled form1•r t•mployl>c " Allx·rgall' emphasaU'd that the d1Mrtl't attornl:'v's tal>k foret· had nol dt>t:1dt'Cl to-launl'h a formal 1nv1:st1gut1on. _ "Without solid c•v1dt>ncc from th<' task forl'l' probe, we would not op<.•n a forma1 investigation ," Allx•rgatc s~ud . OthN Fox white collar crimes include thl' l979 case• of Daniel F leisher. a credit ma nager at the studio's Dc•luxe Gcncrul falm lab subs1d1ary. who pleaded guilty to on<> munt eat·h of mail fraud and tax t•vas1on after being charged w11h embezzhng $1.1 milhon The emb<.•zzlement had t'Ome lo hght a year ear lie r wh~n Fox sued a bonding company in S w1tzt•rland to rt•t oVt'r tht• money Va n cit· K;imµ hJs l><ltcl th11> Jll('tdent w.is ptcrt1t·u lt1rl~ irksome s 1nte F ox h.H.l n o t n o tified au1h o r 11 1e·1> o f tht· m1sappropnat11m In 1981 . H.irris Kath•man . c hairman of 20th Ce·nturv Fox Telcv1s1on. offt•nod to n 'S1gn amid allegations of m1S1J)Jµropnallons and paid h<sl'k $1 .0(Hl. at'C.'orcling to his attorm•y quotl•d by thL' Los Angell'S Tln~c-s 'rhe papc.•r, whtc:h dtd not nanw the lawyer , said Fox cha1rnrnn-L•h1c•f C'XC·c·utiVl' Dt•nnis Stanfill then rP:ognt•d wht•n Fox ownl'r Marvan Davis countt•rmandt>d S 1anf1ll 's a cl' c p t a n t' c· o f K a t I l• m n n ' s res1gnat1on Stanfill had bc"t•n involvl'<.l an a power struggle• with Fox v1t·e - chairman Alan J . H1rs<:hfwld. who wanted Ka tleman to stay on. according to the· NC'w York T1 ml'-' as well as the· Los Angl'les popN In h11> lr·tt<.·r of n -s1gna11on. a mpy of whll·h was obtaanc'<.I by the· LOb Angele'!> papl'r. Stanfill da1mc-d Katleman had o ffered to n ·:.1gn a ltl•r an 1nwrnal prob<· had turm'fl up d1sl'rC'pam·1cs in his tr:.ivl·I and business Ul'C'OUll L'i Tht• Entertainment. ln<lusiry Task Fon·(' was formed tn rn78 tn t h e wak e of a se ri es of Hollywood fmanc1al scandals. tnl!'luding c heck forgerae1> by David Bege lman. then-president of Columbia's motion picture a nd t e l evisi o n div1s 1o n s Bcgt•lman pleaded no t'Ontl'St to grand theft and was fined and sente nt·ed to probation tha t included community serv1ce. H1rschf1eld had been prcs1dcmt of Columbia's pare nt. Columbia P1cturC's lndustnes. during the.• Begelman scandal. Dolly Piiot Photo by l" '•YM Anthony's Shoe Service• Bank of America• Chari .. Barr Jewel«•• Crown Hardware• Or. Lou Eld«• The Hair Handtet• Salon• Halllday~1 Men'• Clolhlng • HIOkory F1tm• • Humpty Dumpty •La Chant-e liughet Market • Met Ami .. TMnl • Nancy Dunn Antiques • Newpon Balboa 8avtng1 • P!.f.>9r Unlimited • Sav·On Drugi • Serendipity • Storekeeper for Her • Storekeeper • Vata'1 lmtlmate Apparel • w .. tclltt Ci.inert • Wnictlfl 'COrnert • Wa1tclltt Sh~I • Xavler'1 Florist • , .. • • ' Orange Oo.ut DAILY PILOT /Monday, Octoa>.f 4, 1982 ..... now Stein-Brief relocates The Stein-Brief Group has relocated its corporate headquarters to 29982 Ivy Glenn, Suite 100, Laguna N,iguel, principals David Stein and Barry Brief announced. Offices are located near the 500 acres of Laguna Niguel coastal property Stein-Brief recently purchased from Avm Community Developers for $80 million. The group was formerly baaed in Irvine. Arco to appeal ruling LOS ANGELES (AP) -Atlantic Richfield Co. has been ordered to reverse recently instituted financial restrictions on wholesale gasoline distributors whic h a judge s atd were "deliber ate ly and intentionally designed to drive them out of business." Arco said it would appeal. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge John Cole Issued the order last week in a suit brought by a Lancaster oil distributor, Newell G . Little, and 26 other members of the California Arco Distributors Inc. However, Cole gave Arco until Tuesday to appeal his order and the company indicated it would. Huntington thrift opens Huntington Pacific Thrift & Loan Association opened its doors as the 69th thrift loan association chartered in the state of California. The n ew association is headquartered in 23,000-square-foot offices located at 19032 Magnolia Ave. in the Garfield Plaza Center. . Capilalired at $1.3 million, the institution ls headed by James A. Rust, president, and Russell M. Jedinak, chairman of the board. Huntington Pacific Thrift & Loan Association is a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Counties Bank Corp., a Huntington Beach holding company. S&Ls to change hands LOS ANGELES -Western Federal Savings & Loan AssociaUon President Robert B. Thompson said h,is association has reached an agreement to purehue one California Federal Savings branch office, one Lincoln Savings branch office and two First Federal Savings of Santa Monica branch offices, a ll in Southern California. The office Western to ~era I ls acquiring from • California Federal is located in the Orange Mall shopping center, while the branch from Lincoln is located ln Torrance and those from First Federal are located in Costa Mesa and Oceanside. Thompson said the purchases are part of Western Federal Savings' goal of strengthening its presence in the Southern California marketplace. The acquisition of the a.ta Mesa branch enables Western Federal to compete in a new market and will bring the number of Western Fede ral branches in Orange County to eight. Western Federal has been operatmg in the City of O range on Tustin Avenue since 1967. And the acquisition of Califomia Federal's interior mall facility will enable Western Federal to improve service to its mall customers and be a more effective competitor in that marke t Gol~ metals quotations~. . Gol.d By Tiie A11oclated Presa Selected world gold prices Monday: Londo morning fixing $392. 75, off $9.25. Loedoe afternoon fixing $387.50, off $14.50 Paris afternoon fixing $396.6 1, off $4.66. Frukf•rt fixing $394.99. off $5.01. Zand late afternoon fixing $388.00. off $15.75 bid, $389.00 asked. Hudy & Harman (only daily q_uote) $387.50, off $14.50. Emsetllard (only daily quote) $387.50, off $14.50. Ea1elbard (only daily quote) fabricated $406.88. off $15.22. Si.hr Handy & Harman. $7.96 per troy ounce. Meta& NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous met31 prices Monday: Copeer 67~-72 cents a pound. U.S. destinations. Leaa 24 ~ -29 cent1 a pound. ZIDc 42 cent.a a pound, deJlvered. Tia $6.21622 Met.ala Week composite lb. Al•mlD•m 76-77 cents a pound, N.Y. Gold $387.50 per troy ounce, Handy & Harman only dally quote. Sliver $7.960 per troy ounce, Handy & Harman only dolly quote. SDver $8.410 per troy ounc:e, NY Comex spot month cloeed Fri. Mernry $352.00 per fWJc. Platleam S28S.00·$290.00 troy ounce. N.Y. 1Go/J. coim Ou• to late tran1mlMOln today'• titting wlll not epS)Mr In the Dally Piiot. f .I ... ·I~ I II ,, •O . . ~ .. r ... •i : ' . :! ~ ,, .. ----- CllSSlflED 642-5678 ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT AGENCY P. 0 . BOX 4'048 6 4 2 ~ .. SANT A ANA, CALIFORNIA 927~2-4048 ,. NOTICE OF COMPLETION • ASSIFIED fa ~Pu~!. Call •.. , ,,,.,, ...................... ~~~!!! .~'.'. !.•l!....... ~~!!! .('.t. l•.1! ••.•••• 01H11l I 00 C.•111/ I HI . ...•••....•...•..•••• ······•·•··········•·· ,. 642-5678 HOUSU FOR SAU ,, ,..., H•• lllOl 1011 larl llXI< llf.ll 111111 1<114 10.0 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY UL.I II LUii 38r. 2'h8a TERINA MO· DEL IN EAST BLUFF. Obi oven, trplc, dthwlhr, comm pool. 433.g Hl7 dy•. 760-1318 "'"· 2607 Vitti Orne.de Own41r/,t. 3%. COLDWeLL BANl(eRO __ ............... - UYSHlll Slll,000 EIR 11316 PROJECT TITLE: First Comprehensive Revi s l on-Lai.Nigue l Planned Community 5 6 7 8 :::t ·-, IW lllll Pullllsher'1 ••tloe1 All real 11111111 aovert1aed In this newspaper le aub1oc1 10 Iha Federal Fair Housing -'ct of 1968 whloh mokos It illegal lo 1dvertlsa "any preleren· ce, llmllellon or dlscriml· nation based on race. oolor, religion , sax or national origin. or any Intention 10 make any such preference, llmlta· lion or dls<:rtmlnallon " Authentic new Outcll Colonl•I nome with many. many cu1tom de· tall•. FlnHt quallly con· alruc11on & amenities Library. playroom & 5 LOCATION : In south Orange County, comprising a 5703 ac r~ area generally between I-5 (San Di ego r rwy .) and Pacific Co;ist Hi ghway. ·-I Ult •O?• IOIO 1094 IOM 11• 111111 IAOI UY BR Lovely brick patio. Over half acre early Ca· TIMI kitchen la 1 cook'• llfornl11 Hiit•. She •P•· detlght DESCRIPTION OF NATURE, PURPOSE , AND BENE FI CIARI ES Of PROJE CT: clou1 bed'rooma. lncredl· 144-IOfO ble 1torage Hor11e cor-I•~~~~~~~~~ rel Separate lot large I "- The proposed Zone Change represents a comprehensive revision t o and ization of the Laguna Ni guel Planned Communit y Regulations , and the of a feature plan. The Zone Change nn<l f en ture pl an will res ult in unit inc rease from 15,987 to 17,865. moclern- c rea t 1 on a dw e 11 ing IJlVI IMI l):<il "''° l'lllO JD) IM 111111 ·-ZllC» enough for tennis coon. WILi Tl IUCI $550.000. Only $160,000 fvf lhl• 3 111-lJOO 8drm 2 Ba home w t lhls newspaper will ,,ot !~~=======~ knowingly ace.apt any aundeck & frplc. Aatume 9.25% loen and owner will carry 2nd T.O. Won't laatl Call now 631·7370 ndvertlslng lor real etla· le which Is In vfolstlon ol , the law. I Ill CAIYll'I VEIY IHT HY LEAD AGENCY EMA DIVISION Advan ce Planning LOCATION OF EIR FOR REVIEW REVIEW PERIOD CONTACT PERSON Daniel L. Fricke ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS DIVISION 400 CI VIC CENTER DRIVE WEST SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 FROM : 9-21-82 TO: 11-10-82 Nil.IC fl>TICE PtllllC NOTICE NlllC NOTICE ~ _NO_TIC_E_M_T_IW_S_TE_F_S_l_A_U!_ --.-T-A_TE_<W--C-A&.11'--~--A--l·-N-O_TIC_E_<W--TIIU--STE--E-'l_l_A_LI~ '-No.41W7443 o,,ICE 0, THE ITATI T.a .C-J1 T.I . No. If~ ARCHITECT YOU AM IN O.,AULT UNDER Min.DI DEPARTIHNT O' OINIRAL A DlfED 0' TRUST, DATID SP ESCROW SERVICE. INC. es HftVtCll .IANUAlllY 1J, ,...... UMUIS YOU • r Ouly ~nled Truatee undef the ADVIRTIM•NT '°" ..01 TAKE ACTION TO PROTICT "' lotlowlng dnc:rlbed deed ol trust PU11L1C NOTICI TOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY 81 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION SEALED PROPOSALS wlll be IOU> AT A PU9&JC IA&.a. W YOU TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR received by Olllce of the State •ID AN IXP&.ANATION Of THI CASH (payable et lime of Hie In Archttect. Oepart<Mnt of 0-ral NATURE OP THlf "OCllfDINO • lawful money of the United StatM) S ervlcea. 11 l nduatry Hllll AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD an right, tlfle and lnterMt oonwyecj Conlerence Center, One lndullry CONTACT A LAWV.fl. to and now held by It under .. Id Hiiis Perkwey. City ol lndultry. On October 18. 1982 et 11:00 • 0Hd of Truat In the property Callfomla 91744 (Anenllon; ROM 1.m. TITLE SERVICES. INC .. ea duly A• herelnerter deecrlbed: Millich. Catering S1le1) until 2:00 appointed Truatee under end TAUSTOR: MOLLY B. BUTLER, e pm , Thurlday, October 21, t982. purtuanl to OMd of Trull rKOrded widow. at wtilcl'I time they wttt be publlcty Februery 25. 1981, H lnat. No. BENEFIC IARY: SECURITY opened and reed In Room 1 tel Mid 29110, In book 13969, P909 140e, ·~ PACIFIC FINANCE CORP. llddr ... for: of Official Recofd1 In the office ol •• • Rec:Mded May 22, 198t M lnatr. F I re a nd L 1 t e S et e t y the County Recorde1 ol Orange • No. 3t230 In book t4070, page 815 Modl1tcetton1. Department ot County. Celltomle. WILL SELL AT r Of Offldal Aecofdt In the oft!Qe ol General Servlcea. 28 Civic Cetlter PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST the Aeciofdef ol Orange Coonty: I Pine, Senta Ane County ot BIDDER FOR CASH. CASHIER'S 1 H id d.-d of truat descrlbM the Ora~. St.ete of Celtt0<nle CW.O. CHECK OR CERTIFIED CHECIC, following propetty: GSO 't7 t8) (payeble et lime of Mle In lewful Lot f8 and the SouthwHterly Thia projee1 comprl-e1t9fetlon1 money of Ille United Stl1•1 II the ·""" 10.00 feet of Loi 15. In BIOck 18. In conjunction with generel. lrOl'lt entrlllCe lo the Otd Orange ~-"tract No . 772. In th• City of mechanleal end eleotrlOaf work to County CourthouH. located on ~Beech, County of Orange, meet fire end life 11fe1y code Sa nu Ana Blvd .. betwe•n State of C1llfornl1. 11 per map requirements In en extstlng bulldlng. Syc1m0<e Street and Broadway. : ,_ded In Booll 23, P8Q99 5 end 8 Pre· bid Siii lnapecllon: On Santa Ana. Callfornla. all right. title Ml~ Mapa, In the office of ITueaday. Octobet t2, 1982 11 tO:OO end lntereet conwyecj to end now ' th• County R•oorder of H id la.m there wlll be 1 pre-bid alte held by It under Mid OMd of Truat County. EXCEPTINO THEREFROM lnapecllon tour, et which time In the property 1ltu1ted In Hid the Sout"-lerty 9.00 feet of Lot repreHnt1llv11 of the State and County and State "-lbed u : 15. P<~tlve blcldef1 ahall meet 11 28 Lot 3« of Trec:t No. 907. In the YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A Civic Centtf Ptau. Room 873, 8th City of Newport Beecn, County of • OEEO Of' TRUST DATED MAY t4, Ftoor. S1n11 An1. Clllfomla. Orange, Slatl of Clllfornla, 11 per 1981, UNLESS YOU TAICI!. ACTION Blddera mey order plant end map recorded In Book 28 Pagee 25 , TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT 1peclflc1Uon1 by conte ~tlng to 38 of Mlac.llaneou1 Mapa, In lhe MAY 8ESOLO AT A PUBt~AL.!. Contreet Menegement Section. offrce of the CountY' Recorder ot IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION P.O. Box 1079, Sacramento. 95805. said County. OF THE NATURE OF THE T~(918)322·2871. Truat or or record o wner PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU There 11 a nonr.iurneble Ch11109 HAROLD "IEWMAN and GAIL •'SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. ol 128.60 (check payable to Ott!Ge NEWMAN, hu1b1nd and wife, H • • The atreet lddr-of the aoow I or the Stet• Architect) tor ffl(;h Mt Joint tenanta 330 Welnut Street. Newport Beech. or p11n1 and 11peGtttc.tlon1. The atrHl addrua and other CA. Eac:fl bidder llh•H furni.11 payment common Clalgnatlon. If any, of the ~•.'("If • ltreet adOr-°' common bond and perform1nc• bond 11 reel property d11crlbed •bove 11 dHlgnatlon 11 1hown 1bove, no required by lew. purported to be: 820 Via Lido No<d. warranty la give n •• to 111 Purtuant 10 Section 1770 ol the Newport Beech. CA 92803. completion or CQfrect-.") L•bor Code. The Oepertmenl ol Tha undersigned Truat•• The bet*lclllt)' under alld Industrial Aelat1on1 hu aac:er11lned dl1cl1lm1 any ll•blllty for any -Of Tt\ltt, by reMOn of • breech the general prevalHng rate of wllgM lncorrec1-of the 1lrMI llddr ... ~ det...it In the obllgetlona ~ In the county 11'1 Which the worlc 1110 •nd other common dellgn1Uon. If '=t thef•by. her~ofore executed • be done, to be lilted '" the any, lhown '*91n. delivered to the undaralgned • Oepertment of Traneport1t1on Said Hit wlll bl med•. but • )lfltten Dec11r1tlofl of DetlUlt end t>oolllet enlltled General PreveUlng w11hout covenant or warranty. Dlmend f0< Siie, ltld written ootic. weoe RllM. deled u 11t IO'th °" 9Jlpr-or Implied, regarding litle. ,, ol t>rMtCll and ol election to CauM Propoul Form. CoplH of thll po1M1aJon. or enc:umbranc.a, to ~the und111lgn•d to aell Hid booklet are on Ill• at t500 5th P•Y the unpaid ~of the note property 10 Ntlaty Mid obllglltlons, Str .... SM1ramento, Cllllornla, end MOUred by Mid Deed of Tru91, to- ,. land thetHtter the unde11lgned ar1 ev.U1ble to any lnterMted petty wit· 1380.134.72. Including 11 ceuMd Mid notice of bfNCh and of on request provtded In Mid not•. ldvanoM, If , election to be rec0tded June t5, Bltry Wataerm•n. eny. under the tetrna of Mid Deed 1982 11 ln111. No. 82-204188 of F.A.l.A. of l ruat. fees. charg .. and Ofllclal Record•. s111e Arctollect e•pen-of the Tru•t" 111d of the Said Hie will be made, but Publlahtd Orange Co111 Dally tru1t1 crHted by uld Deed ot ~ wllhoul cov•nant or • warr•nty, Piiot. Oct 4, 12. t982 Tru1t. expr ... or Implied. regarding tllle, 4358-82 The beneflOlary under aald Deed ~•ton. or encumbranoe1. lo -------------of Trull hef'•tofore executed and •pay the remaining prlnctpal aum of Nil.IC NOTICE delivered 10 the underatgned • "the oote NCUred by Mid Deed of -------------written Oec11r111on of o.tlult •nd 'Frust. with lnterMt aa In aald 0011 Oemend lor Sale, end • written provided. ldvancea, If any, under flCTfTlOUS .,.._,, Notice of Default end Eleclllon to 1t1e terma of Mid Deed of Truat. NA• STATE•NT Sell. The undefalgned cautlld tlllld • 1-, c:hafgM and exper11M of the The follOWlng Petton• •re doing Notice of Oef1ul1 and Election to '-Ttuat" and of the tru111 Greeted by bva"-8 u : Sell to be recorded In the county ""'.aid Deed of Tl'U9t. Saki Ui1 wlff be P A C 1 F I C C 0 A S T whefe the real property 11 IOcated. ,. Mid on ThUraday, ~Ober 2 t, 1982 HELICOPTERS/PACIFIC COAST mu MR~ .. INC. _,at 2:00 p.m .. at the Chapman AVIATIOtol. 19300 1119 Jonea Rd T,.._ A-entrance to the Civic Center Santa Ana. Ca. 92707. • ....._ ......_ ...,.._No. a au11a1n11, soo E .. 1 Chipman T .... 'tCIA0rA.Y,..f3._At~1e ... Me."'c°.~:2e~~~t Santa......, CA ICM01 A-, In the City of Orange. "'" .,.,. (11,1) 1114711 " At tl)e time o l the l nltlal Thi. bualneM le conducted by.,. CMM. ,...._ vt.. ....._ '"publication of Ihle notice, the total lndM dull. Oete: Sept.mber 17. 1982 l!ft'C)Unt of Iha unpaid b~ of the Cery 0 . Mendel Publl1hed Ot1nge CoHt O•lly •• obligation aacured 1>7 the above Thia ltlt-t -filed With the PllOI. Sec>t. 27. OCJt. 4, t t tH2 .. c:t .. crlbed deed o tr ult and COunty Clerk of Orange COunty on 42711-82 • , eetlmated coat•, ••~naee. and Sec>t. 23, 1H2. .. advanc .. 11 150,788.7•. To "•* P'ta.IC fl)TlC[ • cleterrnlne the opening bid. you may Publl•htd Orange Co11t Dally 'c.e (714) 937-otee. PllOt. Sept. 27. Oct. 4, 1 t, 18, 1N2 K • tm _. 0.ed a.otember t5, 1982. 4283·8.2 'ICTIOUa ..,._ .. .. lftcROW llRVIClf. INC. .,._.,. llnTJC( .,._ ITATIMlf"1' ,5'°· ....... ~·· ~ '1C= ;,...SI bu~:"ng l*'IOlll .,. dotng ,., C1tJ ~ WMt, NAMa STA~ TRAW, LTO. 22952 AIOllde Drive, IL CA -The IOllOwing paflOnl .,. doing &II• 140, L.IQUn• 11)111, Ca. 92863. (1M) -.... bullnetll aa: SUTTCOR INT'l , 1 CallfOfttl• Publl•hed Ot1nge Co•at Dally PENNY TV APPLIANCES. 1246 CO<poratlon, 22962 Alceld• Drive. ....... ..__. 27 ""'t 4 1 t 1N" .... ,,~ Sulte 140. Legune Hiii•. Ca. 92863. """'• .._,. '""'. ' ' ~ W. LlllOQltl, Al'lllleWnA C•. 9""'"· AUTOMATED INSURANCE ., 41112-42 CHAU MINH HuANG. 910 E. ------------1 llth 811!'1i. Ana, CL 92704. AOE"ICY. I O•llfornla tlmlled "8JC llOTIC[ HUNO CHI LI, l 1732 Puryeer P•rtnerahlp, 22H2 Alc4ilae Orlve, ,. Sult• 140, Legun• HHle. Ca. 1"63. -----1(---.--~-----1 LN, O.,.<*I Orow. Ca. t2&40. Thlt bumlna• .. coneluGtM by • l'tCTrnOUe .,_.. Tllla b\lliNla It conctucted by a oeneral partMrllhlp. : U. ITA~ lltnlttO cf::ne'~~· HOANO 8UTTCOA IN'f'L 1 ~ ~ l*tOM .,. doing 11111 1111amen1~ 11'9'!_~~" tllt ~:'~Va.me. Pr..iaent .. 1.· PAYLtlt I HOl IOVllCE No. County Olertl of ...,..91191 '"''"'1Y Oii Thi• lllltMenf w• liltd with the -: 1381, 222t Harl>or blvd .. Coett Auowt 31• tH2.. Coutlly Ci.ttt Of OrlllOt OolJnty Oii MeM. ~ t2t27 ,,_. S991em111t 14, 1H2. ,,.... voe.-.._ Coro .. 1 MWourl Publlah•d Orenga Oo11t Oal~ ,,., ... .,,..WflOl'alklni •31 E. lch; P.O. lo• ':::i ltpt 27• Oct. 4• 11• 1 ' Publlahed Orange Ooatt Delly "1 tit, TCIPlb. Kan, IM01 42ae.12 PllOt, ltpt 27. OOt. 4, 11, II, 10H. ,~ ....,_ 11 oondUc1ed irr ·~----------'---------•.....,73.< ... 1 ..... 2 atton. V ...... INeCofp. "., Mary lcld1. AVP •• '""' ........... Mid ...,, '"' -fANWt'f c:e.tt Of °'""' ~­ , .... Pu-"ifttd Otlftt9 OOMl Dally "'"°'· ._., JJ, 001. •. H, 1'1 INt •in.ea ''-"' For Ad Action Cal a Dlly Plot AD·VISOR 642-5671 TELEPHO~E 834-3686 NlllC NOTICE NOTICI TO CREDIT°"I °' auuc TRANIHR Notti:• 11 hareby glv•n lo all credltora 01 the wllhln named trantferor thel a bulk 1ren1fer 1a 1bout to be made on the peraon11 property herllnelter described. The Intended t11n1feror Is De Lorean Motor Compal'ly, • Mli:hlgen corpor•tlon, who11 bu11ne1s 1ddrn1 11 280 Park Avenue, N- York City, New York. t0017 The location In C111'0<n11 of llMI chtel execull~• 01f11:e or prlni;lpel office of lhe Intended 1r1n1leror 11 2055 S E Main Street. Irvine. Celltornla. 92714 All other bualne11 n1me1 end 1ddreues uted by lhe 1n11nded tr1n1feror within the three (3) 1111r1 pelt ao lar •• known to the Intended "'"''., .. 111. None. The name end buatneea 1ddreu ol Ill• Intended traneferr• 11 De Lorean Motor Company. Inc .. • Oellwere corporation, 2065 S E Matn Street, Irvine, Calllornll 92660. The property pertinent hereto 11 deacrlbed In general u p1rt1, auppllH. p1rt1 Inventory. furniture, tooll. fhcturea. compeny vehlOles and related equtp<Mnl Tiie locallOl'I• of ••Id property er•: 2055 S E Main Street. Irvine. c1111orn11. 29714; 3500 WHI M•cArtllur Boulevard. S1n11 Ana. Cahtornia 92704 The bualneu name uMd by sa•d transleror 81 aald loo•tlons II De Lorean Motor Corru>any Thet 181d bulk tr•neler Is Intended 10 be contummeted •• !he ollice o f De Loreen M ot or Comp•ny. Inc . 2055 S. E. Matn Street. Irvine, Clllfomla, 92714, on or 111er Tlluradey, October 2 t. 1982 This !Wik tranaler IS tubjeet 10 the Cellfor,,le Uniform Commerclel Codo SKtlon 6106. The ncme end 1ddre11 01 lhl pertOn with whom clllm• mey be filed 11: John S•lle<thwelte, 205~ S E M•1n Street. Irvine. Calllornla. 92714. and the IHI day tor flllng clalma by 1ny creditor 1hell be October 20. t9&2. which 11 the bua l neaa day b•for e the con1umme1lon dete apecllled here4n, OA TEO· September 30. 1982 OE LOREAN MOTOR COMPANY, INC John Z, Oe LorHn STATE OF CALIFORNI .. COUNT)' OF ORANGE 11 I On Septembef 30. 1982. before me, lhe undaratgned. • Notary Public In end for 111d Slate. peraonally appeared John Z Oelorean. known 10 me to be the cne1rm1n of the Board of Ille corporation that .. ecuted the within 1n11rumen1. end known to me to be the penon who executed the wllhln 1n1trum1n1 on behalf of the corpor•tlon ,,.,,rein named, and acknowledged to me th•t such corpo111tof\ executed the wllhln 1n1trument pureuent to 111 by.Jitwt or a rHolullon of Ill Board ol Oirectort. WITNESS my h•nd 1no olllcl•I CSEALI Carol• J. Ltb•"· No11ry Publle Publltl'led Or•noe Co11t Delly PllOt OctOl:ler 4, t98:! A3H ·82 Ml.IC fl>TICE D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D UUVH"\ t"Utn.tf'l,ff 1'°"-"'"'ll"furn"Md I~ •->urn Of' Unt C'ondom1Nutru ''"" COfldom1n1um• t:nf To-nhou-'ft Purn To••M\iou~tft-f Ow,p .. a;" f\frn <Np1 ..... 1 "' A,,Uf\,r-n ..\Pb l:nfwt\ Apo, f\.rn 04' \ nf kOC>ml ROOM • 8o._ro1 Uottlt ili4'11L4'1• G\Wtl Home• Swm,.,,.,r lt•nUl• VM1hon ft•nt•I• a.N•h 10Sti11•• G.V•I•• fOf' Ment C)tf1tt ll<nl•I llwl1n.utl•ftUI lftd~lr1et •hnl•I :~·.,: "•Mrtt N1t.(' KtMl l\ IUSINESS, INVEST- MENT, FINANCE ::::::: ~,,:.!t· ::::!:::: ~~) llf-1•ot.o.• W-.y•'aM~· llor1.t•IH Tll'' MIMOUltClMENTS, rftSOMAlS & LOST & FOUNO AftMUN•'™' Al' C•I PQ(llt t....f1IN04...-t..l6 ......... '•ftOftal•• Sot1el C:lola• Tnw .. • SElvtCES 1Wrun Ou~or> £MP1.0YMENT & PIEPHATION Srhooh lft•trWOOt' JOOW•1ttttf• ... ,, ••• ,.., '"• r MEICHANIJSE A&rtu ft Ceft"tptn Ml• """-El«tO<' C'lft a=-=~ ........ Mo&Or Hn".S..t. A•ftt TtetWnTt•W"I r~!~·~~-~··i.," Uttwr 1I ~TOMOllLE AftOq""" t•l•u 1c. •w-r·•--V-•'"''•• ~~.t~~:~f'(h tr~U v .... A~IOt...HU'' A\llMW1l'lll'd AUTOS, IMPHTEO 2100 n:o = llOO •Outstanding Broad· moor ~ -rioo llOO 2IOO *" Bdrms & Fam Room Elllllll: Advertl-•Beaut Pool & Spa sers should check •Electronic Sec System *New Cpta & 011pe1 T~\DI TIO\,\L RL\I r \ their ads daily and •New Marble Entry1------- ~j.': report errors Im-Floor Llltle Mias Mullet tat on• Jn med ia t e ly The OILY $1911r. Tuflet. along came 11 l«A1 u , spider and read In the >426 DA ILY PILOT as-OQO Dally Pilot Cleaallled = sumes liabiljty for section about Mias Mui· ::: the f irst incorrect 144·4110 lel's Tuffet and bought 11 for $9 95. You can aell : insertion o n ly. your 1ut1e1 and 1011 of =: ----------other 111 1nga through '°'° Dally Pilot Claasllled rnio B t S I ~~~~~~~~~j~A~d~a~, ~C~s~ll~S..~2~-5~6~7~8~=::; :~ .! ... !!! • .'! ••• '.! •...... !~ ---::: •••I l1t•l1 4.UO •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ao IH•1t•I I 002 ttle •••••••••••••••••••••• •bllO 000 FAllLY -. WO UPAlllll Super Mesa Verde home looking for a family E~ecullve area. near 2 pri me g o lf courses Beaull!ul living room, otended family room with lull wetb&r, big, big bdrms. Huge covered patio with OH BBO. etc , etc. Call today . won't last, 546-2313 LOOK For our new regular MOfe famllles are getting tClaulfled Ada are the the camping "bug" this answer to a 1uccenful year II you have • cam- ger11ge or yard salel It's I pet t h1t'1 not gelling belier way to tell more used. sell It f\OW with a people! CleaslfleO Ad. ,. ... ,.,h weekly feature LIH ISLE lllMEI 8 0 IT SH 0 W-Prime Lido NoJ;d bay{ront. 5 bdnn. 5 'l'i bath. 1100 ·, CASE Lge L.R., 2 boat slips $1,500.000. -Every Saturday In the o -mod )-·• 3 bd 2 ba h + La 111no Dally Pilot Claaslfl9da ne e "" rm, l rge rec!. rm. :f ~~-~~~~~~~~I beam ceiling:i. furni!ihed, pati06. $420,000. ---IO<l ---"'10.l -10'7> 11171 -... _, -U1 ------ IOW -------- •110 llllO ti JO , ... ... fllO tlTO tllO - PIPIW OAIELIT Thia beautiful Camelot model 11 rarely on the market Tn• home Is perfect In eve<y way and reedy for move·ln. Big . big living room. lormal dining. Earthtone carpets and levelors In the family room Upgraded dr11pes If\ the master Has bre1kf1111 11re1 and brellktl.&t bar. Big. ahlm· · mering pool. etc • etc Must sell this weekend Take 11dv1ntege end call now. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS BRAND NEW "Heart ol Orange County" Town- h>mes • Luxury 3 bdrm ttomu beautifully de· signed. quality built • 11no financing now that you Juat won't believe! Cell now Brendywyne Pro- pertlila II, 531-9670 ~1·•----------= UTILE llWI PEllll'U Ill.IE Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdnn. J bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1 .385,000. Oceanfront. LlllA ISLE UYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdnn. 5 bath, playroom, dark nn, den. Boot slip. Now $1,000,000. IAYSllE PUCE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces. Reduced-$1,500,000. FAllllllll UICll New 4 br, 4 \.'l ba, custom French Nonn;indy Estate I 2 pnme acre hilltop $1.250,000. IVALOI Fee simple c-ouage on quiet Descanso St. (m Flats). $145,000. 01111011 GAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lol. 85' l;>tat doc~._P~ avail. N~w $370,9(>0 w/tenns. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )J ~'1y\1d' ~'' v, ·~ B t.JJ·, , it :: MIYE Yll II :; Very aalileble home nur TAR GA'ZE~11 ". '* South C oest Plue A ~:.=..;..;.;~---a, U.A r ,_ f'Ol.U.,...--,.........,.,:':":"-, -Bdrm or 3 Bdrm and o..t, c...i. ,... formal dining end family ~ ::;.,, •• , ~: •••n V u-u1 ·11u1 room. Covered petlo, To dev•lop ""'"090 '°' MO"<loy 4W•""""'0 ''"° 8' •1. GI II I TO • ....:1_..._,ftll'l"d'"lltO,..,_. 4ud> • -.~~ IPll, ... • rs · ol~Zodlocb111!\&.,_ .... ,,A •w•I<> ·-low dowf\ and the owner •Mii' tlu wUI cerry Call 5415·2313 ;~,:. ;:;:-• :;::, C:•pt1 J11i >'•• »..._,. N G.,..... ~ :1:~ ;;.. ==-... ::---0.1-.... fl JO ...... •O.. ...... J'H r•ft f71l I... 1' ,._ •t ......,_.. .1ttl' '11J$ I C)e...... • f,,v~o1'91fll.U•H .. ·-fft.WJ• t1n • \_OVlfllt 11 ~.... • ~·, I i~;;iiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiii -0 MY-"• .O ...... tiCe ltllll#• J•IV.tt fl.JU -"'·~..c.r.-1 "~ nou J•n••n 'fl.lit 1,~ .,.....,.. ..,,,...~ K•rm.ft~lffh• :',: •UYPlllT* ::~· !!t'~ :!~tit, =~ IL ' ~ ~ .. ,\ .. _,,, .... ., r,: ... , IP ::~... :.~I ,..o.....-... 1t ~8.. ''" IPH l&ILY 1-1 ::::.: :;;,:.:, ~=-- 1i..1 :~:: 38 B.ALBOA coves. 3 ...,c:.:,;;~""I :::-:-· :z.._ :::""" "•111 .. • »W bdrm • 2 bllh. NOW ""-"'"•1 ••• 6 ~":: ;:: REDUCED TO $<t89.~I ~~.:;._. ~~: ... ,. ~g::' =:.~...:~,.. :~: HT lltVllltTP, ;;;o,:-=~::-::~:. 110"' .,,, IULTN/IWIH ~:::""· ~~.... :~:;· ~! llf: M<>._. ti'-M ..,,..,,,..., J:.'ii:N .'~1~~~·~1~1~·~·~·~1·~,~·~~1 ::~. ::-:;, =~ rn•mpll .,,.-1 Goo! A4..,. Nc;oml ~~~··••· ~J HOUT llli~~L..11.....::::; __ .;:;;:;;..._....;;;:;. ___ .... """'_,. 4 foyou • ..., ® ® () ~ "°=:. C::::"'-..=* QTIS, MEW All IEUYt l/, ~ Wlttf IMMftet . ..,.,., -· Sperl(llng <I Bdrm 2 balh TIM•_, C..l?'a <l ~"' -t:: S • ,_ ~ Ave. 2 MITOS US£1 with two llreplact •. prl-Nllllt P"-~~ ~· J.; -· ... c .......... c.... ..,, ~;.~rol • -· vale •P•. wood d9Cklng. ------·-~ a.AT I POIAAM Men ConaolldtteO W•ltr 1uro :I: uparete d i ning and ••-..,.._,. ol "'- 0111r101; !ngln••rlng Olvltlon: 1'•4'11•• "" morel Only lt<12,GOO , •-.. ,..,,.led -•I» N0<tht8outh P:Mder -Ph•M Ill: ~"::~, =•11 call nowl 64&-7171 tow "' '°'"' f...,r ...,.i. -"' SIS Bluff• parallal to Newport :11t1•t•1 I O R A l H Y I Beech Boundlrf, £18' alOng 191h llo-• Stttilll to Pl_,11• A-: (.ieffrev • f,:':~:'·1 -1 j1 I I I I Renna. cont101 Ptraon) (71") ..,._.r = . . . . '31-1200. PtidJ• - P10Jec1 dtt0rlpt1on of N•ture. , 5 ~f.r •• 1 ·=·=, ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~mj l G Y N l l I 1 , • ""l>OM· ano ... 1111o1ar.... ~.. . I I' I r c-t"'°'ton ol '1100 tinter twf of N;;;:''' . . _ _ 3 0 • I n C II d I • m • t • r w II er ~'!!':!~ I• _,_, .... • ll ..... ft, t :,',~n=-:,=:i:.:: ~ "~''::£: :I lfflH • 1HO "'ft. I [WA K 0 1.1 We ahOuld ••oP oomp111no drOll9 mall\I)' In tht aoYl"-t.,n 6 "•• ~ h Lit 1HJ1ff, I' I I I 1ng aboul ou110101. w1111 we pert of tile Olttrlct. The proj9ct wlll v •• :''°"""o ;;; 1211,llO call • OOlllOll, meny countrl .. lllO "°"' • MOt9 efllClll'lt Ullo/.. .(jf .... ,.,.. .-. * =1t=-tn~~11r:;:c::-· tnua 7 •1& ftlll ' C U T H 0 y t call a-. cu., of Coat• M .... County Of .... , ... '' 0 .. If coutu I I J r r • ~ ..... ~ .. ~ Ot•noe. lttl Pll0-'1111 Avtn~. · a:.,~' ~UIUI s IO,,.; ' • ..., t....~::. ~ .:!' Cot1a MeM, °""°""8 HQ7. · knocllt ofetfl WI*! you hOl'IM, "''"Y· many ••· -tJa~o::.~~,~~~ n . 8 ,;, ~ .. 1::1.'d1nado,-:: 1' ... tt1UOO """ ,~ • ~Jllltfl-~~mij r r r r r r r I 0e1ac1:.:ri8"11* n . 1t12 f ~ oown ""*will Gerry at -----, __.~ ~:::,~ ,~r.1~1••· •t:r=lnffes io l I I I I I I I ~b~;~~~~~~. ~~1 __ .J~~=~~~~~==~Ml=·~"~"~:::J~-~1t:•::Lm::~-:;•:: .. :~1a:.:•:•:1:•=r:•:•:•~':.:'.:•:_ 41Mof1 I -------·----- l \p - llAICE CIAIT., lllPllT lllGI I fllll llll:U MONO AV OC f O Bl::H 4. 19tJ:I ORANGE COUNTY. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Embezzlement suspected • ID Irvine firm probe By GLENN SCOTT Of tM D4Mtr "°' "•" A n investi ga t ion of t h t• financia lly trouble d Wt•stern Oat.a Management Ltd. of Irvine was launched this summer a ftl•r two fo rme r e x ecut i v es, a husband a nd wife, s u pplted documents to police suggestmg that more than $1.2 million may ha ve been embezzle d, county records show . An Irvine police inquiry began w hen Nich ola s an d W e nd y Halapoff. fonner vice president and pe rsonnel ad m in istrator , respectively. for the large loan se r vicing firm. me t Aug 24 with investigator Paul Jessup. Judge's ruling flayed By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tM Delly f'llot Sten Ora ng e Count y's t op law enforceme nt officials have JOincd a chorus of protesters to what t hey con side r overly le n ient sentences given two Huntington Beach brothers convicted o r a brutal kidnap and rape. In a letter to Superior Court Judge Mark Soden. the Orangt• County Chiefs' of Police and Sheriff's Association condemned Soden's sentencing of Phillip and Randall Maldonado as an action that u ndermine d the e ntire criminaJ justice system and left the victim without justice. Soden sent e nce d t h e two brothers in June to 12 years each in state prison . T hey cou ld have been sentenced to as much as 140 years each. The M a ld o n a d os w e r e con vic t e d o f abdu c t ing a 14-year-old deaf-mute girl in Los Alamitos in 1981, then leading her through a 5'1J -hour ordeal in w hich she was dnven t.o several Oran g e Cou n t y locat ion s, repeatedly raped and forced to perfor m oral copula tio n. and offered Cor sale to other men. S od e n said h e based h is sentence on the su pposition that the incident constituted a single act of oberra nt behavior and not multiple a ct s, a nd o n the brothers' previous good records. An u n cl e o f t h e bro t h e r s _ con victed of takini part in the incid e nt received a 4 4-year prison term from another judge. Soden's action raised a stonn of p rotes t a nd ca lls for h is rem oval fro m t h e b e n c h , inc l udin g picke t i ng o n t w o occasio ns ou tside t he county courthouse in Santa Ana. The county District Attorney's o ·ce is appeal' the sentences. abra olice C hief Ron Meeha • esident of the chief's association, said in the letter that the sentencing "has ha d a direct impact on our ability to provide safe r communities through broad public support of t he cr iminal justice system. "The public's d isillusionment is clearly expressed as "Why bother (to support crime prevention) if that's what's going to ha ppen," Meehan wrote. T he letter further condemned the sentencing as "typical of the publicly rejected distortion of the criminal justice system which places greater emphasis on the future of a condemn ed rapist tha n t h e f ut ure o f man y potential victim s o f crim inals e ncouraged to act out the i r perversio ns in a nticipation of light sentence." Coples of the letter, signed by Meehan. also were forwarded to Superior Court Presiding Judge (Sff JUDGE, Page A%) Thn•t• duys la t1·r , Jt·ssup ob tntncd it warrnnt by North Orangt• County Munidpul Court J ud ge J c.'ttn Rhc.·i nhl'lmt:r to scurch Wl•stt•rn DuUJ's ulf1c.·c.· ut I Wrlglc·y Driw Al'cord1 ng to doc.·unH·n t s rec.'<'ntly made publtc.', Jessup told the judge the• Halapoff's evtdl'nt'l' prov1dl•d s uffil'1cn t probubk c.·a usc to investigate possib le.• embezzlement. He gave th<' court photocopies of financial rt'<'Ords ~btaint'd by the Ha lapoffs that purport to show \hat at least $1 2 m11l1on was transferred from trust a<.'t'OUnts into the personal aC'c.·ount o f W este r n Du l a Prl'S1dent Swvcn J . Alderman. l rv int· pCJlil'e anvestlga ton , ra'wunwhilf'. hOVl' not c.·ompleted Uwlr rc·vlt•w , whi(·h likely will rl•qu11'c.• o no t ht•1' four weeklf . lk-cuuiw of its t(!(•hnil'ol na tul'c , polkc havt• hirt..-d an a<.'Countanl tu t'unsull with ortlccn; who are working on the case from a police stutaon back room jommed w ith i..tacks of t h e firm's f in ancial re<:urds. • o rra ·1u l s Co r th e S tate Dt.•partment of Real Estate, who :i;t·nt thrco invcslJgators to Irvine Lu conduct their own review, also haven't 1ssu<'<l public statemen ts. Howt•vcr, the d epartment has filc.•d papc.•rs in federal cou rt Grimacing wen t for naug ht unday for the~ e tuggers a t the Harvest Festival. T o m Nielsen and Richard Cannon l~d the Irvine Company into the mud, pull ed by the City of Irvine . Greg Brinkley and Hank Raymond pulled for the Oran~e Co unty Fire Department but lost to thf' Marines. iweking u <.·ourt-upputnu"tl lr1.111h ·t· to run the bus1m•1u1 Weste rn Daw earlw1• had f1lt-d u petition In fcdt.>rul t·uurt S('(lklng C h a p t'c r l I b a n k r u I' t c.· y proceed ings tu n •organ lzc ats' debts. But a company utt<>rnl'Y said late last wt--ek thhl lnstl•ad the firm will file for Chaptt•r 7 proceedings to liqu1datl' holdings and go out of business. Alderman, meanwhile, fllc-d a lawsuit last month st•eking damages Crom the Hula po fC s alleging their false statcmt•nts about t h e com pany f1na ocwl p osition le d t o 1 ts ccon om ll' problems. Western Data i..c.·rvcd us a d 1•Ltr111g hou1w by n'l'l.'•vmg n :ul c·stull' ln1J11 puynwnL'> frmn dil'nts u ncJ 11llon1t1ng pl'o!J<•r u111uun 1.8 lo l111ldt•1 i; 11r 1 ht·• r tr u111 dci.•ds. Munthly luu11 :wrv1c.·111g ft·l·S w1•rt• l'hurgt•d. Tht' firm hui.. a llllul ~~.0 00 l'USluffit.'rS, oCftC'IUIS t:'SlJmatt-d. Jessup, 111 sc.•cktng tht.· sc.•arch warran t. suppl1t·d the judge photocup acs uf i..tall·mcnts o f Wt.•stt.·rn D~1 ta 's trust an·oun ts und A lderman 's pt·ri..onal u<.•t:uunl lit• ~1t..I th:.it ll'c:urds i..howt·d 11 t· v t· r u I d a l t· i.. w h t· n l a r gt• walhtfrawals an a trust ac.'t·uunt w t• r l' f o I I o wt· d b v · · I a r At· Records tumble at Harvest Festival A happy group of organizers • for the Irvine Harvest Festival began a massive cleanup JOb this morning following their record- brea king t h ree-day even t at Heritage Park. A r ecord 4 1.000 peopl e attended the festival from Friday through S unday evenin g. an increase of 6.000 over last year's total. said Chairman T im Parker. M o r e th a n $22,000 w as collected at the gate, he said. The board of directors for the non- profit festivaJ expect to annourn:c in two w eeks the total revenu<' collected from the gate, rentals for about 175 booths and carnival rides. he added. Yarker said popularity of th<' 10-year-old festival has rca<:hcd the po in t where the boar d expects to realiz<' a su rplus of funds this year. Dire ctors a r e d iscu ssin g whe ther som e of the mo ney sh ould be turne d back to the communit y, e ithe r thr ough gra nts t o c ha r it ies o r fo r community facilities, he said Mean while. at the a fternoon tug-of ·w ar contest S u nd ay. a muscle-bound group of Marines Crom nearby El Toro Air St.nt1on d e f eated the dcfentl1ng ch nmpions from t h e Orange County Fire Department in the civic d ivision. A m o ng ser vice clubs. t he Irvine Sorop t imists. using 12 women and t wo men. repeated as champions by beating the Irvine Cha mber of Commerc.'C, w h ich used eight men. (Rules allow two women for each man up to 16 participants.) Woodbridge High School won the hi~h school division. Local organ izations a ppeared sattsficd with their attempts al selling goods at the festival, a primary fund-ra iser for many local organizations. GrouP6 such as Irvine PAWs {Promotton of Animal W ell -being), w h ich p ed d le d p i zza. a nd t h e Woodbridge band Boosters' Club. which sold corn-on-the-cob and bak ed po ta toes. for exam pie. reported substantial profil<i. For other groups. such as the National Charity League's local mother-daughter g roup called T icktock e rs. m a k in g mo ney wasn't the most important thing "We didn't make much profit," explained volunteer Sul' Selman, "b u t our main goal was cx~ure " !I U l.J K('(!Ul'll t dt'pOIH l b .. an to Aldt·rmun's own ,,,..,,.,,,t . On M urt·h :l:i , H.182, for 1rU1tant'l.', tht• llulapoff1.1' rt.'(:ordB rt'vca lc d $65 ,769 0 1 w a11 withdrawn from a trust at"<.'Ount and the exact a moun t w as dc•pos1ted in Aldt>rman's, Jl'SSUp told the.• Judge. Nicholas Halapoff told J essup hL· had beg un rl'v1cwing bank i..lalcments tn t he office after ht>anng rumors ut work tha t one of tht: firm's thrt.'t.• trust aC.'COUnts was overdrawn, aC\:ording to the M'Uft'h w arrant. ll;i lapoff 1111t1ally discovered (See WESTERN, Page A21 Heights • woo.1ng Newport By STEVE MARBLE Of '"-oe11, ""°' a i.n H l' s 1 d l' n t s o f Sa n t a A n a 1-fraghb. an unincorpo r a t ed t•ommunaty torn by <'ffor ts to pl;.in Its future., an· c.·arculatmg pt·t1l1ons as a first step toward annc.•xulJon to Newport Beach _ Tht· c·ounty island 1s situated ab<wt· Nc.·wpon &al·h. adpcent trJ thC' Uppt•r Nt·wport Bay and dart·t·tly IH•low t hf• takeoff put11·1 n 11( John WaynC' Airport. )o'o r m onths. r1.:s1dl'nts have bl't·n splll on wh<'lhc·r they'd l'rt'fl·r lo f'<:m;11 n u nd<'r t h e Or<.ingt· County governmen t's JUr1sd1c·t1on o r be annexed to Nt•wport P r o p c• rt y o w n t• r s 1 n t h e t'Omm un1ty, a slightly rural area w ht•rc• horses share the roads with cars. a lso have been de bating wh et her Sanl.8 Ana l l<'1ghts should be pr<'SC'rved as a n·s1dt·ntiol area or rezoned for C'ommt•n·aal .1.sagc· • Thu; Wl..'C k. Newport Beach Caty Counc-11 mc•mbers agreed t h at d thL·re 1s to be a n annl'xauon eHort. 1t will Ix-up to 1tw rl'stdt•nl!. to gt·l it started. "Wc'n• taking 11 (tht· vote) as a g(J(JC.I sign. a gr<'<•n hght to st.art t•1t•u lut mg pt•t1llons." said J ack M ullc·n, a hl•tgh L-; resident a nd n •altor MullL•n cluamcd residen ts of tht• commun it y arc large ly supportivt• of the· a nnc•xation ISSUl'. Mart ha Dur kt•1•, a heights rl's 1dt•nt w ho was opposed to annc>x;it1on only a yl'ar ago. s ugg<·s lt•d t hat some· or he r rw1gh bors ft'C'I lx'trayc>d by the l'OUOty. Sh<· SLitd rt'S1dc•nts spent nC'arly a year wur kang on an advisory c'Omm1tt<'<' to the County Board of Supcrv1i;ors and dC'vC'loped a plan for the future of San ta Ana Heigh ts She• said the plan apears to have bc>c•n discarded Coun ty officials pres<.'ntly are w o rking on a so-c.·al l e d t•ommunaty plan for the heights that 1s t'xpet·ted to go (ar in dNermining what the area wilJ look ltk(' in the ruturc. Council mt•mbers in Newport have not voted on whc•ther they favor annexation and indicated they'll wail to st'(• tht• r<'sult o( the pNitio n campaign before tbc•y do. AnncxalJon prOL'Cdures can be initiated either by the city or by a pc•tltaon uf at l<'ast 5 JX'rcent of thl' la ndowne rs m Santa Ana l ll'iRh l" lfowt•vcr, If New port does not ,1<'Ct'<ll' to the annexation request. the mottc•r d1c-s ----lllDEX---- Have the pre&s ures of winning at the high school level become too big ? Are academics lo1ing? Rams guard Bill Rain 1hinks 80 and tells why in the first o( a 1hree-part series in Sports. Pa~e C I . Laguna pet panel disbands in huff At Your Service A5 Ann Landers Erma Bomb«k A7 Movies Cavalcade A7 Natlonol News Clalllf-ied C6-10 Public Nolices Comiat ~ Sport.• Cnmword ~ Dr. Stelncrohn Death NoticC?ll <:6-e Stock Markel') r.d I t.orial A6 TeleviaJon Entertalnmt>n l 84 ThNten Horoecope A7 Weather ., I A7 B4 A3 C5-6 CJ-4 A7 83 86 84 A2 By STE VE MITCHELL 0("'9 Delly Not ..... Laguna Beach's pro-life Pet Responsibility Committe e 11 tos11lng In the towel alter eiaht years of volunt.eclr work. 1aying It can no longer cope wJth wha t It terms a conunulna 1truP,le with city o"1clult over operauoh of the cit}'_ 3nlmal 1helter. The five-member board of the all-volunteer 1rou p voted late Jaat w eek t o dis contin ue ll t pf'Olram •t the Lasuna 1h4"lter. Oon McMenomy, president of t h e ora a n l t a t lon . 1a ld ... deterioration o f the-relaUonshlp b e tween t h e P RC a n d city admlnlatrators" led to the board's dectaton. "The city tt•ff doesn 't unden tand volunteerlsm a nd oommunlty service," ahe .aid In a i.lephone tnWlrvle w today. '1JN~ad or being treated wlth 1ome k in d of reapect for the beck1round and t >cptrlcmc.-e we have. and lnltead or beln1 u ked for our Input, we have been ~ ... lhe .. ld. The orpnlaaUOn, made up of about 20 voluntetn, wu founded ~------t in 1975 With the goal of finding homes for animals In the city shelter. Over the years, thousands of an lm•ll h ave been "adopted out," and during one 20-month por lod , the volunte ers found homes for 640 dop and cau. In addition \0 lta adopt-a-pet program, the PRC neut~red or 1payed a ll animals. aponaor ed nb4e. clinics, provid«!d a lal\ a nd found -~. referred vt.sJ\on t.O other shelters \0 find animals, provided -.elephone coUNellnt to pet owners, and even chipped ln money for costly repairs to the city animal facility. The board's decision to cl0te lta operation at the shelter came u a result of the city's "Inability tb de1l fairly with voluntf'era.'' McMe nomy .. Id. "We tlaured &hat w ith the 1reat city council w now have, and the shelter emplOYfft we now Nivo, that If It 1tlll couldn:t work with that combination, th~ we just reh It wu Ume to ,et out," t he IA!d. Th f PRC •J>o k u w o m a n (SH PET PANEL, Pa1e At) .... Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT /Monday, Octob« _., 1882 NB (:OMPO ~ITE T-RAN 'ACTION OU Of .. ,,o .. , INCl.UDt .... ou C)tj , .. , ..... •D••. MIOWHt, ,. .. ,,,,, .... 1ouo .. OltlOlf .... , •• , ....... , HOCJI a II CM A NOH Ali•O ••fl'O• ti 0 '" '"' .... o ••o ......... . ·Clo•lng 803.11 now Stein-Brief relocates The Stem-Brief Group has relocated Its corporate hm1dquarlt'rs to 29982 Ivy Glenn. Suite 100, Laguna Niguel, principals David S tein and Barry Brie f annoum'ed. Offices are located near the 500 acres pt Laguna Niguel l'OaStal property Stein-Brie f recently purchased from Avco Community Developers for $80 million. The group was formerly based in Irvine. S&Ls to change hands LOS ANGELES -Western Federal Savings & Loan Assodation President Robert B. Thompson said his association has reached an agreement to pur\!hase one California Federal Savings branch oHlce, one Lincoln Savings branch office and two First Federal Savi ngs of Santa Mo nica branch offices. all an Southern California. The office Western Federal is acquiring from California Federal is located in the Orange Mall shopping <.'l'nter. while the branch from Lincoln is located in Torraoc-e and those from First Federal are local£>d in Costa Mesa and Oceanside. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS SILVER Hendy I Harman. S1 911 per troi I ounc;e GOLD QUOTATIONS 9y TM A•-IMM ""' Selected WOflO gold p<lctt Me>n01y· L...-.n mo<ntng lhllng 1392 1~. ott 19.25 L_... •11.,noon llKtng 1387.50, oft," s14 so I '•ti• 1ll•rnoon llatng S3H.S I, ott' 1-4.M. n ''-*twt n1ttng SSIM.99. off SS.01. Zwteil tala lftetnoon ftKlng $311& 00, °"SIS rs bid. $38900 Mllad j Haftdr a H•-conty d1uy Quote) • 13117 so. ott 114.50 ·~ (only deity QUOlll 1381 50, ottSf460 ,• I......,_ (only deily quol•) leb<IC4UICI J.4ot.N. off I 15.22