HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-07 - Orange Coast PilotllllllCUIT Ylll HlllTDll IAllY PIPIR THlJRS OAY OC TODI A I 1'111/ OR ANG E COUN TY. C:Allf-ORNIA 2!> CENTS ( Mesa efilployment firm facing state probe By JODI CADENHEAD 0.-tM O...,Notllalf A Costa Mesa busineMs that se lls job lists to unemployed people Is under Investigation for alleged misleading adve rtising practices by Costa Mesa police and a state e mployment aRencv. Help Wanted Publication, 21 10 1 Harbor Blvd., opeQed in August, has been the target of complaints from people who answered newspapers advertisements for Copter • • VIClllll · na1ned A pilot killed Wednesday an a mid-air helicopter explosion that scattered debris over a Santa Ana golf course has been identified as a 62-year -old Newport Beach businessman. Thomas A.' Batt<is of Newport's Harbor Ridge. was at the controls of the Robinson R22 helicopter he had purchased only the day before when the 10:05 a .m . explosion and crash occurred , authorities said. The accid e nt is ·unde r investigation by th.e National Transportation Safe ty Board. Santa Ana police arriving at the crash scene on the second hole at River View Golf Course found wreckage in flam·es and Ball.as dead, said police Sgt. Irv Mueller. There were no injuries to people on the ground. Ballas, described by family members as an experienced pilot, was the owner of a mobile home manufacturing Cirm based in Ontario. The helicopter had departed from John Wayne Airport only m inutes before the cruh, said Ralph Odenwald, airport tower chief. A witness, Joe Starbird, 20, of Garden Grove, said he waa en route to classes at Santa Ana College when he heard a pop. He said he saw one of the h elicopter rotor blades fl y off and saw the pilot attempting to climb out of the cockpit just prior to the explosion. specific jobs and were then told to pay $2~ for the lists, officials said . Sue Elias, a state employment official, said a letter was sent last month ordering the firm to stop adve rtising s pecif ic j obs 1n newspapers. She said the company is not license d a s a n e mploy m e nt agency and can only sell Hats of jobs and not advertise specific jobs. The sign sa ys it all Stev~ Shulman. u Cotlta Memt police lnvl'stlgator, euid he ha11 rl.'Ceivc.od JR•vt.-ral ~'Omplaints from diSSllttsrled customers. "It's certainly unethical," saJd Shulman. "A number of people w ho are buying that list are unawa re that what the y 're buying Is In the newspaper, which is not to say It's lllegal, but som e o f the ir advertisin g practices are." Help Wanted owner Johannes Vand~rro t:ould nt>l be reu<.•ht:d ror t.'Ommcnl. An e mployl'<e at the firm &Mid customers receive o refund offor good for 30-days If they are not satisfied with the scrvk"eS off tired by tire firm. A 47-year-old Costa MCt18 man who asked not to be identified said he turnt.>d t.o the publkatlon Monday ofter gt'lllng laid o ff from his job. O ne job h e was told about T her e was jubilation at the Big A for the second stra ight night Wedne day a s these fans watched their Angels rap out a 4-2 vi cto r y over the Milwaukee Brewers a nd inch within one victory o f their first World Series. P-uzzling stock rally continuing By CHET CURRIE R .,....._ .... NEW YORK -Happy days are here again, at least on Wall Street, whe re a stock marke t boom has confounded ex~rts who can't explain the rally while the economy is still in a slump. The Dow Jones average of 30 Industr ial stoc ks scored its second -b e st ga i n e ver on Wednesday, soaring 37.07 points to 944.26 -nearly matching the record jump of 38.81 points on Aug. 17. Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange, at 93.57 million shares, was not quite in the same league with the 100 million-plus days of a few weeks ag o and the peak of 137 .33 rrullion shares on Aug. 26. But Wall Street analysts said there was good reason to e xpect more triple-digit volume days afte r Wednesday's explosion in stock prices. The Dow J ones industrial average has now risen 167 points, or almost 22 percent, in less than two months. Buyers hav e continued to clamor for stocks despite many gove rnment statisUcs Indicating the economy might have weakened in August and S e pte mbe r . ins tead o f recovering. On Frida y, the Labor Department jg due to report on the une mployment rate for Last h M 0 . . mont . any private economists expect the data to show 10 percent of the work force out of )Obs for the first time in more than 40 years. F e w analysts had a re ady explana tion for the paradox. Som e ske ptics said the rally made no se nse, excep t as the prelude to a collapee -like the "false" rally in late 1929 as the De pression of the 19301 was approaching. Most agreed the re was an element of unreality to a day (Wednesday) when the prices of F.astman Kodak, Teledyne, Texas Instruments and Lockheed all rose at least $7 a share. "This is a buying panic by investing institutio ns who a re rus hing into blue chip stocks because they e xpect lo wer interes t rates," said Cha r les Jensen, an analyst at the firm of MKI Securities Inc. One important interest rate, the rate on federal funds - short-term loans between bankt -dropped Wednesd a y to 8 pe rcent from 10.25 per ce nt Tuelday. The red funds rate is frequently more volatile than other interest rates. Some Wall Street pro(essionals apparently interpre ted that drop a s a signal that the Federal Rese r v e had dec ided to (See WALL STREET, Page AZ) Panel may enter residency dispute By DAVID KUTZMANN O( .. o.lly ......... A res!dency dispute between two can d idates in Orange County's ne wly created 32nd state Senate dlalrict became the subject of apedal Inquiry before a two-man Senate committee. That wu the Lmpreeelon left with r eporten ln Santa Ana Wednetday when 1tate Sen. PauJ Carpenter, D -Cypreaa, announced that formation or the comm ittee already had been approved by Senate Pl'ftident Pro Tern Da\/ld Roberti, a fellow Democrat from Loe Angelee. However, RobertJ later aaJd In a telephone interview that he had n ot yet a uthorited a ny hearing lnto charges which were thrown out of court two weeks ago that GOP cand idate Edward Royce had failed to legally estabU.h residence In the central Orange County dl1trlct before taking o ut candidacy papers earlier this year. Royce la running against Democrat Frank Barb4ro In the d latrict that Includes Fountain Valley and HunUlllton Beach. Roberti said he waa waiting to receive a formal reque1t from Carpe nter before calling up memben of the rive-man senate ----lllDEI----.. At Your Se~ A9 Horo.iope Al 1 lnM Bombeck A4 Ann Landeni All Bu9'neaa 84-6 Movlet C8·9 Cavalcade All NatJonal News A3 0..f6ed 01,00.e Public Not.kft C6,D2-3 Cornk:a ClO Sporta Cl-7 Cm.word ClO Or. St.etncrohn All 0.th Hot1C8 D2 Stock Markeia 8& Editorial AlO T elevlaion Cll En~lnment C8·9 ThHterl a..e Weather A2 • ' Rules Committee, which would have to authorl~e suc h a ract- rlndlng probe. It later turned out t hat a formal request from Carpente r a rrive d , w h e n the Cypress Democrat drove late Wednesday to Roberll's Hollywood office to meet with the Senate leader. Rob~rti sai d h e would probably begin calling Rules Committee members today and' Friday, raising the posalbllity that hearings could be held in San ta Ana ne xt Wedn esday, when Carpe nter claimed they would begin. The Impartia lity o f such proceedings was ulled Into q .u e 1 t I o n W e d n e 1 d a y b y Republic.int, ho wever. Aide• to Koycc said that Carpenter and Roberti were two of tour Democratic legl1latoA1 who 1l11ncd a Sept. 22 letter aeeklna llnanclal support for Barbaro'• campaign. They aaid a n y h ea r l na• c ha ir e d by Carpenter would amount only to a "kanaaruo court." Barbar o , c o nt act e d Wednnday , aald he would be plea.ed to answer any questions pertaining to hi.I realdcmcy in the a ... 32nd Senate d istrict. "At this point, I don't know what the ground rules are," the Democratk candidate aaJd. ''But I am wllJlng to cooperate with any ~nate committee which wanll to Investigate my residency." T w o weeks a g o , Orange County Superior Court Judge Rob ert Rlc klea dt1mi11ed a lawsuit challenging Royce's candid acy becau se. the judge said. his court lacked jurildiction In the ma tte r . Only the Legislature 11 empowered to make determinat.lona conccmlna a candidate'• quallflcatlona for le~latJve oftlce, Rkkl~ uld. "rhree residents o f the 32nd dlatrict had claimed that Royce should be dlaquallfled bec:au.ae he had not lived In the dlltrkt at lea1t a year prior to the. e&ectJon. One of the plalntlffa In the 1ult was former county Oemocratk Party bom Willlam Thom. At a noon preu conference Wedne.day. Carpenw pve the strona tmpret11lon that a 1peda1 co mml\tee h e would c hair all'Mdy w .. In butineta. He aakl the Chy Council chamber• at Santa Ana City Hall had been <See RESIDENCY. P11e Al) \ turned out to ha vP bc.•cn tlllL'<.I 111 Septcmbc.•r. Hw mun &aid. He said ull tht• lips ht.>'a. bt·L·n given have bct·n jo bs thut tw tried that morning u(te r li<'<'lnlot tht1 uds Jn ttw nt•wspaper. m a 111lt•1111nt•(• nu-t·laurlll' I It· Wi.111 tuld ht· w1>1Jld huvt• to 8e•t $2~ to I l'(l'IV(• tha• liKt of JOl>l' Out of work five· 111onths. York Kttld he f1J(v1·e·d ll wus wort h a try "It's rough to be out of work," he said. "But getting r1 ppt•d off 1s r£'a lly bad." For $:.!f> York wwi gavt-n a list • 11( ,)ub:. OO('l' I.I WC..'t.·k und WW> told Arnold York, 47, Jiuntlngton B e a c h s aid h e sa w a n advert1scmL·nt in the Orange Co unt y R e g i s t e r f o r a tu <::.di hl·lw<'l'n 5 and 6 p.m . t•Vt•ry night fol' m·w lt·uds. "But l'vt-ry ,)Ob llwy told me· about I had ulrc·ady M'C·n in the (Sec JOB, Page A2) Airport parking in peril By STEVE TRIPOLI 01 th• D•Or Piiot St•" Orang<.· County supcrv1sors. w ho soon wall lx.· askc-d to t.ake th<• first st.cps toward buildmg an 1.800-c:Jr parking lot at John Way n e Aarpor l , m a y f ind thcmselvc-s fa<:mg an old nemC'Sas on airport as!.ues Nt·w por t Bca(:h 1f tht.·y <idv<Jnn• tht· plan Th e coun t y A i r p ort Comm1ss1on thas Wl'(.•k voted to forward a list o f potentia l designe r s o f the pro jct't t o superv isors. who arc• l'Xpected to L'Ons1der iJ c.·all for proposals on the $230.000 ,JOb within a month But NC'w pon Bt:ach offal'aals already hav(' made: at known that th ey may vaew s u ch a n expa ns ion as a v1olat1 on of a court ruling t hey won m Januar y against the county. Ir the 2upervisors go ahead with the pla n, a Newport Beach official said Wednesday, the caty will seek legal advice on the lSSUe with an eye toward stopping It. The city a lready has spe nt about $800,000 on tts challenge to tht: a ir port's master plan for 0.-,,.. ....._-,. CMrtN l4arr expans i o n , city Exe cu ti ve Assistant Ken Dehno said. That challenge resulted In Superior ·Court Judge Bruce S umner·s ruling that the en vironme ntal impact study for the $100 million expansion was inadequate. S umner's ruhng also en)Oined (See AIRPORT, Page At ) Sam Willett, 27, lands in front of hi adoptive m other Ru th Wille tt a he awaits arrival in Washing to n, D.C., of h iR adopted brother, pedaling a bikt-from a n Jua n Capistrano. Cyclist nears DC on b,-other's plea By ANN BLACKMAN ..... , .............. WASHINGTON -David Willett II pedaltnc hi.I bike from California to the nadon'• capital wher. he hopee to C!Onvln<'tl the 1overnment not to deport the Liberian man who hM Uved u 1 member of hl1 fa mily for 10 Yf'art. Ruth Willett aald tOday her eon 11 expected In Wa1hln1ton at about 3 p.m. PST. She aald 0.vld h a d covered 400 m l lt11 of exhauatlng mountAlnous tcrraJn durln1 the last two days. "I wiah I'd heard from him in the lu t 24 houNJ but 1 havcm't," ah~ said . Government offlc al• 1u1pcct the Willett f amlly adopted the 27-ycar-old t..lb rlan , whose name Is Sam, for the pur()<* of Hrvlna H a hired employM. accordtna t o Rep. R oman o MaizoU. D·Ky. (See BIK E, P11e Al) ' . ,. "'\' \\.\t. Continued stories ,11 ·JOB Pft()GRAM 111 • • • 11 JH'W"ifllll><'I tlwl llUJI l\lllt( ,111d l111d 111 ,JW"'' out 011." Y111k ,,ucl 111 ,. told lo pav $17~1 lt1 1,1k1" lit' i..11d D1•p111y D1:-.1111·t 111t111 t1PV D1.1111· StllVt•nh11 i.:1•11 :.aid I ha t a Joh ll11 hht•11111111 111 Wt·,11n in.-.11·1 , J11b lotl11w , t'liN·d frnH' 1111111111, 11g11 .it 11·1 a 1•rn11 pl;1111t w.11. f tl1•d for 1111~l1•ad111g .ulv1•1 lls111" pr .ll'lfl'c•s :'.:.BIKE BATTiE . • • ,11 l>J Vld M Wtll1•ll S1 , lhv , f u t h 1 • r . f I ,, t I y 1 , • J 1 ·' "' l h .tl ,., argu1111·111 '''l'h1·11· ill •· four kul' • , Jn ou1'fa111ilv .111d Sa111Ii.is1 h111 1·s ., \1kt• tlll' 11·,i of tlll'111 Hut tlwn·'s 1111 w.iv lw', a :-.1·rv:1111. 1111 w.1v. h1• -.;111} T hi• v11u 11 g1·1 l),1\1d , .111 ·•JJp11·11t11·1• 1•11g1111•1•1 wh11 1111 111•d :!I 1111 h1' 1h11·1· v.1•1•k Jlllll111•\ , .. RESIDENCY PROBE • • • ,,, 1 n.-st.•rv1•d hy h1111 1111 l11·a1111g..., .11 !I •1• ·a rn W1·1l11l'sdJ't •' Ht• sa11J ll ":·" "" ltopt• 11t.11 1 ••• Stat1· S 1·11 K1·n Ma d d v H Fn•snu. would h1· 1 ho:.1·11 t11 '1·rv1· J If un l ht.· pa1ll'I wr I h l11m I•' l';.trp1·11l<·r s.11d 1·v1·n t huugh 1 'hl'anngs wuuld Ix· 111·1<1011lv1w11 Wt'l•ks bt.'fon· th1· Nov :! l'l«'<:tw11. '111 ht• hopt·d any n •s1dt•m·y qu1•st11111s Ill WOUid ll•a<f l11 d1sqU:d1flt'il llotl 11f 1 da <'Und1daH· 11r n1111l 1daL1·~ an 111111• f o r pa r t y l1·;11l l'rs 111 p 1l'k l'l'plan •1111•11 ts T his would .,;,vp • ! l lW l'l):-.1 of huld1n g a :..p1 •1·1.al "i 11lt'l't1011. lw s;i1d Aga111. Koh1·rt1 d 1s;1g11•1•u 111· o;<.11d tht• Lt·grslatun • 1:-. Ill fl't.'l.''-' __ u n til 0c'l'l•mbt·r and at·111in by th1· full St•nttl«' l'oulcl univ tw lilkl'n ;ti lt•r I h1· \'O~t·r' p1t·k1·d ,1 111•\\ -.t.Jll' :.t•rialor 111· ~•d the Srna11• wou ld likely rl'fuS<.· to S<•at a ca11d1da t1· w ho h ad failt·d to nll'C!l rc.•sidt•m·y requ1rl'mC'nts Royce h as daimed tha t Barbaro also d(){-s n ot m1·1·1 res1d<·ney rc-quin :mt•nL" E xµla1 n1 n g h a -; ow 11 1nvolvl'm 1:nt 1n th1· d1::.µUlt'. C a r p c· n I c· r m a 1 11 t u 1 n t• d Wt:d nl•s<luy tha t h1' ap prmll'hPd Hober t1 about holding lll'clflngs ;.ifte r W cstm 1ns tl'r utto rnc·y Kt-nn1•lh G olde n 1.·al11>rl hi111 to suggl·::.I th<i l lhl' St·na ll' ought to look into th l· res1d c•nl'V rhuharb Guldc•n l'l'Prt·st·nl«d. 'l'h1>1n. tht• form t• r D l' mo c r :.1t1 <.: P a r l v l'ha1rman, in lh<' Orang1• C:ounty lawsuit AIRPORT PARKING • • • th l' e o u n t v f r 11 ni 111 u k r n g -;1gmf11·an t l'h~ingt·' ill 1h1· airport u ntil anolh1•1 1•nv1ronm1·ntal rt' p o r I tu u Id bt• a I' pr o v l' d E . D e I 1 n 1> t· h a r g t • d l h d t ~ns trut'tH>11 o f t hl· p <1 rk1n g factl 1 ty t·uu Id h1· u>n '>Hlf'rt•J a ~~ g n 1 f 1. c a n l t' h J 11 ~ t• u n d l ' r . l mner i. r uling "Thcrc•'s a g1ll><i 1nd1t·a11on thal h a t'::. b «:ang propos1·d v11>l<.J ll•:-. (Jdgl' Sumni•r's rult11g," h t· :wad Park ing and a1rp11rt ,1l'n·:.s impr<Jvt·m1•11ts w1·n · µan of llw or ig1n;il m.1st1•1 µIan.·· Dt·l11111 S<.11d, <HJd 1ng "Wt• s p1·11t $Hllll,IHHI hg htm g that pl.111" Dc.·lmo wnuld not 1·urnm11 tht· city to ci t'hallc>ng1· of tlll' 1><.irk1ng oposal. but lw s.mi 1·1ty offan.1ls ill m o n itor 1ls prugr.im.., rough 1·ou n1y govt•rnn1t·nl and thl'y (1•oun1v 11ff1l'ial:..) makt· :1 t'ommitme n t w C''l l sec if at viola tes Judge S umm·r·s ruling " K e n Ha ll, an a d m inis trative a1dt-to S upervisor T homas Hiley. said supervisors will rC'Vt(·w the p roposal "complPll·ly" w rth atto rneys bc•fo<"rl' gmng a lwad Wllh ll J la ll said ooard ml'ml>1:rs want tu be "<.-onf1dcnt tha t rf wt• m ov1• forward with this rt as not 1n volat111n o f Judgt· S u m nt•r's ru hng" Th(· pnr king a r c•a would lw lo<·a lc·d in the a1r purt's no rth ch·ar w ne, an a rea m<indatc'<.l fur hm1 t<'<i use by Frocra l Av1at111n Adm1n lstra t1 o n r u l l·s a n d tnte nded primarily <is a su n·ty bufft>r Th(• nor th clear w n e 1s locatl'd ut·ro~s the· San D1l•go FrN•way from thr at-rport's two runway::. ALL STREET RALLY • • • ;,tn<.'Ouragc ink-rest rat<"• to k<'<'P f.alhng _. Separ.Jlt•ly. H 11·h .•r<I P r.all ; .ch airman "f till' F\"<lt•r;il 1101111· ; Loan Bank S.1.1rd . d1'll.1rt-d th.it ·:~g1sl<at111n n·t t·ntly lJJ,..,<·d IJ\ -.. Congrc•ss to h c·lp banks ct nd ..av1ngs and loans l'ou ld l<'ad to mortg;,g1· rn tc·r<'Sl rah 'S d!> low .1..., 12 p('rCl·n l 1n j fl'W month.., II om1· mo rt ga g1• ra lc•s nu" il\'•·rat<(t' .1h11ut 15 p<•rt•cmt All Tylenol capsules removed V.1'1 k 1111' 111111111 , 111l111111•y IS y Tlw A 1111t11•lrt lt'd Prl'lls \101i.11111•tl 1 .1\111ul1·11. i.1111 I W111111111 h u l m 11" I 111 1· d 11 t I Ii• v 1 •'" 1 ~1111 1 .ii .... v11 '1'111 111.ilH•I 111 T vti·11 11I 11,,.., 1111. tt't<'"'"' rt111-t·t111 u f 1111• ... 1111tl n1111\11111y wall l111u1111 11.11 k ·11 ... Aiinl .s ""·"" 111 W1lli.1111 1Jt{f 11d 111 \11k1· h111k 1all 1·111r.11lt·i. 1111111>111u Ad1111111 .. t1u111111 Ill Su11 T It' T vll'll•il l.111q11 1111u 1•.,., •••• .i rir1.:111.dlv \\.1 .. 1ul1d ·' 111 tlw 11o1111 krl li•r "" 111v1'"''K••L111 -. l<'111111·1M~1 111v.,1t·flv 1111' kr11• k1 ·d 111.11 h Ill .,111, 11!1 l1u1 1'1111.ult Jpl11.1 """' r· • h11111 1111 11w sou11'1· 111 p111No11t•tl F DA , h 1·1111'" h .111 11111 vl'I 1w11 1·ut I 111111 111 1 \ • .t111 "'· 1, ,,1,1 111 d 1111 1.1..,1• .. 1111 1111 ilruw• 111111 lt.1v1· k11l1·d ••l l••ui.t un1111u1H t·d w tw 1h1·1 ;i f111111h Jnhn....,111 & .l11h1N111,.,t111.k ('la11.i).~" 11111:-.11 11 111.c .., .111d "· v 1•11 , 11 1 1 "' I h 1 · 1"1 111111 11 11 d " ll , p 11 111 u ... It" I I I 1 I 1, 11111 I 1 11 • l>r u V. .., t 0 1 t • 11I1< r • 1It11 ' '·"ii ..,, ii• ' d 1 " , , , , 1 11 I 1 h . ti , , I 11, 11 I • ', I ,1pp.111·111l v "" k1•111·d ,, (',ilif111·11111 C>r11vtlli· 1011t,11111•tl I"""'" 111 ;ill 11o1111 11·lll'V• '' ·"' """" J·.i.t1,, S11111u11t 'I ;11111.I 1 .• ,,,uli·., 111,111 S11111· lf1•1dth S1•1v111 •' 1 >111 ~ 1111 hut "11111· 1111 .... u1111·1-. •''' ,,.,.k111~: 11111t1d 111 I'·"'"·".., .q1.11t111•·111 Sw11· .11111 lt ·d1•1.1l111v1•H11g11t111 -.. l ~·v1•tl1 1 • M v1•1" 111 1 W1•d 11i'~d11y ... u 11 ... 11tu11·., f111 'I v i• 111.J , tla1 • 1,,11,,,111111 , v.1111.11 rh.11 """ 11111 '4'111 11'\•rl .1 :.!,OllllMjlllll't'lllll1·111 l•.t 111 d1•11•tl 111111\ly 1t11t l •llY h1·11lll1 11111 11111 ', 1>1· ... 1 "·ll111i: I•·''" rl1 t1•1 I• ii I ll tit• 111111.11 .a11n1111I 0111\llll•· W1·drn·Ml11y f111 ol fll'1.ds to 111111111111 1111• 11·11111v.t1 11·l11·v1·1 .all Tvl1•1111I 1.q 1sul1·s. lookir l~ l11r 11f 'l'yl1·1111l 1•11p>11d 1·' f10111 dr u~: Al11·1 11lv .1 l.1w •.u11 1111' h1 •1·11 11111{ 1111\llt"i •;1111il ar t o l h1· 1.tor1· ... 111 ·lv 1·' a11 d Ill u11 d ldr·d Ill 111\1' Ill 1l1•· lll111•11'i ., •.. 1111 ... 't rvl'l111111t • d11 ... 1•tl 'l'v11•1111I l111111d t llllSllllll'I s 111 11,1·t 11d 111 l lt t• I 10111 1•y,1111 d1· J.11 t·d 'J'y 11·11111 liv ( i1 l'g Blagg 111 lJ111vailt· l'apsull·~. 1·:q1s ul1·'· ..,,.,.k111g $1 ~1 11111111111 IU.11-:1-: suul Ill' li1•1'IH11t' all a lll'r Mt·N1•il C1111su11w1 1'1•1dtH·h . 1111111 .J11lt 11,1111 lV .l11h11.,.,11 1h tak111i.: tl11•·1· 1•11psul1 ·:-. 1111111 th1• 111Jk1·1 111 T vl1 ·111JI. 11f1 1·n ·d 1111 M1 N1 ·il ('111..,1J1111•1 l1111d111 t ' t.111111•.t hot\11· 'l'hu r:-..d11y, ,11 111 Wl·tl11l·-..d.-y 111 1·x l'l1a11g1· 1111 -.111,...11t1.1rv wh11 l1 .p111d11t1·. 11w1·,t1w1t111·, hav1· 11111fw·111·1·d tli.1t Tvl«nol 1 .1p,ul1 ·s 1111 'l'y l1 ·1111l 'J'yh•1111I a11d tv.11 't1111 ·i.. tw11111111'1 hottlt•.., w1•11• lrwl'd w1 1h 1.1lill'ts, a 1111111 wltu It lr.1'111 '1 111·111 M1•:111wl11lt·. llw • v.1111111 cl1 .,i1l1 1111· 1.11 pt11s1111 All th11·1• h111tlt·.., 1111p lw.11t•d 111 tin 11t11..,.111111g.., "" 11111111lt-. ,1g11 11( " -.111111 111 111 1.111w 1111111 .1 l,111 1g., J11ug St1111• 111 Thi • 11111.,.111111g •lf 1·:x 11.1 l'hrl.1~.h ·lph1c1. wli11 Ii 1o1..1•. 1uhd ,, C>111v ilh· St11•11gth Tyl1·1111l t·:q1sul1·' 1·11uld .. u11 ~ii·. m.1y lw l111k1 ·cl t11 1111 Hut lh•· f11llow up 'l'i11d1 h.1s ('O'>I .Juh11-.1111 & .John::.1111 $7~1 "·v1•11 d1·.1lh' (111111 1 v.1111d1· l.111•d , \1·1 111 ur1111v1·1 o111 v ;it.J<l1t11111<d 11 111111111 th1' yl'.11, a11:1ly'1' "'Y· T vlt•1111l 111 lhl' ('h11:1g11 .111·,1 l.1-.1 Mobile honie loans .. • granted in county. M•ll>tlt• home owm•rs in SOffil' parL'> of Orangl· County m;iy nQw quuh fy for low -inli·n ·st loans to n •hab1ht<ilt' lht•1r l'<>adws Und1·r t1 t•ounty gov1·rn nlt'nl l1.1l•k1·d progra m f1m111<.·1•d w ith f1 ·d1·ral fl.lf1tb. a!Jout $600,000 1s av.11 l:tl1lt-lo p eoplt· who m eet 1111·01111· ~u1<iclincs . In terest o n 1h1· 15-yc•a r lolin:., w hich are Cor u maximum of $ l ll.000. wall b e l'rth1·1 f tv(• o r 11 '1 pern•n t. d1·~·nding on anl·oml'. Tht· program rs availa ble o nly to pPrsons 10 unanco rpo r a tt•<l ;u 1•us or crucs w11h popula tion,, undl·r 50.000, 1n<.:l ud1ng the Orani(t' Coast l'l ll<'s o f Laguna Bl'a c h . S 1,al Bc·a<.:h a nd S a n Clt.>mC'nt•· C llH·i. with la rge r pnp ul.111 o n s t·an r un s imila r p r 11i.:1 am!. if th1·y <.:h oose w ith 11111n"v obla1n1·<l c.J1r<'t·tly from the· h•d l•ral govt·rnml•nl T hough 111.11.-.. 111 11111 ... t ll l'l'oJ:O. w ill lw h1111l1"<I to 1w11plc• 111.1k111g 1111 1111111· th;111 IHI pt•11·1•1\I of tlw 1"11Un tv's n11•cl1a11 111v1mw . th11M' h v111g 1n 17 s1w 1·1.d ly targ1·l1'l l .1n •as w ill lit· :1hl1 · t11 qualify w ith 1m·urrw as high as l:!O pc:rcc.·u t 11f thl' ml'd ian Spokl•swuman !Ylartl Guc rr;1 M a r u u f l h 1· 1·" u n l y E n · v 1 r n o m <' n l a I M o n a J( l' m <· n I A g 1· n c y · s ll o u i. 1 n g a n d Community f)l:vl·lup nll'nt Off•l't said on e.• loan alrl·ady has b(.'<'n granted undl•r tht· pro~ram 1:Jnd t ha t st•v1·ral uth1·r appl1t'at1ons are bc..•tng ums1den ·d The prog1 am I!> sim1 lar to om· adm1n1::.1t·rt'<i bv tht• 1 lED orf1t'l' whtl'h c1rft'rs low anll·rl'sl loan!> for h omt• n ·h.ih11rtat 1un . a lso fund c•d w ith fl•dt•rnl mon ey T hOM• ant<'rl>sll'd 1n lh l· program nm t·all tht• 11ffal'C' al H:H -5<!00 Res igns Was NRC at fa ult Cul if ornia ranl"h t•r u ucJ Reagau co nfida nt Robe rt Nimmo h a s re s igned a s head o f t ht· Veterans Admi~istrotion . llt· <'ited 'compt•lling p t•rsonul reasoni;." • Ill Onofre dispute? Film makers S AN D I EG O (AP) In llt·cnsing two rn:w un i ts uf t h l' San O no rN' nuc:lcar powe r plant. t h t· N u <.: I c a r R c g u I a l o r y C:omm1ss1nn 1gno rrd e vid enc<' 1h.1t It l>I L' j h11U-mtlc' from WI lllllve t'J r th q u a k <> f a u lt • opponC'nL.., dn1m A uurrll'Vb a pJ)('aring lx>fon• ... thrt c nu·mlw1 app('al board W1 d111·,d,1 v .d"' \ard nu pl.111 1''1:"1' fur tlw .,..rt· 1·vat·uat1on 11( '1 h 1111 I c h ii d r 1· n .1 n cl t h 1· h.1111111 .1pp•'<I An a tto rney for Southt:rn ·11 } Cali fornia Ed1::.tll\ Cu l'OUlltl'IC"tJ WI comp y that "the O rangc• County O ffil·c· o f Eme rge ncy Ser vt('<'S has thl' L OS A N G ELES t AP) pow1•r to l'CllT\ma ndt't•r th« bu..,. • ., M a k<'rs u f lht> film "Twtl1~h1 '.l.c1111·" h .. v1· agrl-t·d ln tur 11 11\'1·1 111 JO l'llll'rKl'lll) T hl· utility':, lawyt·r. L>avicl H d•H umPnts sulip111•11 .11•d 111 ,, Pil(utt, 'k.lld nmm~ ,Jnd lill·Jtum..., fl·cl1 ral prnlw uf J h t·IH·11p1t·1 1ir1· lw ing .. 11m ptli•d ,,f :-.h u t in.. 1 r d s h that k1ll1·d .11101 \'11 who m.1y h .. \'1· 11 1 ll4 · 011,v<'CI Bu 1 M 1111 ''" J 11d I'' o du Id 11 11 ,, h1· ,,1111 ,1 l l .. 1111 h\ µhY'>IC hl Jlr""'llll"I '-J~.., H1<h,ird S S1rnop' th.11 thl' pl.int ll11 ""'''1·r . 1\,,1,t.1 11 1 l'...., I' 1hn·1111•n1'(f by lh<· Cr1stwn1t<~ A 11 11 rn1'" J •' nH·' Su I I I\ •' 11 F ,1 u I t rt· I 11 ·' upon .. t h I' m II'> t rl i.' I r n '. d t " ' · • " "' It ' II I h ' i·)drt·m •· hvpothi~r..... rlo1·1111wnl-' would IK· ,11 111111111 ·<1111 1111· N.111011.d Tr.111 ..,po rl.11 11111 111\'I ... t1g,1111111 'l'lt• t 'lt11 .1~~" S 1111 '1'11111·..., q111d f d 11111 d •·11tll 11·d 11111111• '11\11 • t''-l11do1y ,,.., "••VIII~~ ;1 "'ill d1 w.1 114'111~( 111.1d1 Ill 1111· ('Jllldj.(11 .1rt"' 1111 .111 :1 ... ..,u 1.d•· ••I l'u" 11111 'I lat• ·'''"'I.tit· rJ, • .,, I aJ11 d Ill 111"w...,p.i1w1 .11111 h111.1dt ·"' 11·por h "',,cl• 111al .. 1ud1·111 ;it th1 l '11t \1·1.,.1v 111 1'1·111..,vlv.1111.i, d11 W .1ltt 1111•111 . .J11 I J'hrl,1dt lph1.1 111 1llC I 11 11 1\'f d ,lfl ,l(lllllYlllllll:O.. 1.1'11 ~.1y111g the d1 ·11t.d 'tlldf'l1l kllfl"'' "11111 \jllll~' .1l1<1lll It {tilt' d10,1thl Troop halt viole nce in Lebanon Hl-:11< UT. L1 l,;11101 1 I /\J'I I''"" 1 k 1· 1· I' 1 11 g l r 1111 p :. ;1 r 1 II flllljl •dl v 11\tl'IVl'l\lllJ.t Ill '>111)) 111 111.d1t v .ig.1111,t J•alt•s11111;111s hv l .c 11.1111·"· ,1 1ldt1·1..,, who h.J\.•• •,1·111 d hu11d1 1·d -. 111 ,,IJ1 ·g<·d 1·1111111i;1b, 1ll1•g.1I • .t11·11' a11d gum. Ill ,1 W\''I fit•ll lit ... ~, t fJ 11;11\ ·, .1111h;..,~,c1.,, t11 L1·b .. n11n -..11d al 1 .. 1 m11r1 111 ... ,.., arrl'sl:-. W1 d111·"l.1 v 1h.11 ltalt01n m1·mtx·.-... 111 t 111· 111 11,1t11111,.J )J1'.JU'k1'f•p1ng I 111 tt· It.id ''''l'I" d 1.1·han1·-.•· 1 • >4 u I a r ' I 1 11111 ti 1 J t 1 111{ ;i I ' . .It .,I Int.Ill l'rt "d1•11t A111111 (;l'nld'tl'I LUiu .111111 ......... 11 .. ,, 1111111 nations wh•1 I 111111 tl111l1·d Ill tl11 pt•;1l'C'kl'l'JJIOg 1111 11 tl1.1t 11111 1 !.A·h.m1~.1· ofl11 1·1, h ,l\'1' 111 1· II d 1 'll pJ llH 0 I 111 It I 111.d II V ,, II d I h ,el f ll t \I It \' 1 11 I. ti " 1 " " 1 II I 11 "· ,. 1 r • I\ JIUlll'lll'd , .f-11 Ill h tf1pl111 11,tl11 "•11111 '' ... 111 I I 11 .J1•1 ti..;d1 Ill hr .11 )I 1,f f II 1.1)... · .. 11d S:-1101 h." 11·1 u" d 111,1w1 ·1 · 111 1111ltlt.1111 ous w1 1lad1 •• w.d 1,f S v 11.111 .111.t 1.,1.111111•101" 11 11111 I .1·11.1111111 11111 th.11 th• Svrian I''" It I 1111 \\' •" \'It' V.' t•d J 0 'o ,, n 11 )11 lllllH J1l1"l111n th.it 111uld b1 111•gi1t1.ll1 ·d ., Ill'\ '·"" l. ~ p1-.11 I l'll\'11\' l\111111' l>1.1p1•1 "ho " n11-tfr.111n~ I f fuf1' II I g1 •l ,1JI f11r1•1~11 <II IOll~ 11111 of I .1·h11niin. inform(.'(f h.rdl'h 1111 111.11' th.it tlw Svr IJll'> want rh1 1,,,,, Ir ll•H1I" ~h11 111\,ulctl I .1 1,,, 11u11 f 11U r 11111111 h' .igo t•, It .1\'I• f1r .. t 1)1 ,l)Jll IA,I'> Ill ,Ji•1 11,,d(lll \II 111[111111 1 .. 1.11 Ii 1'111111 1\1111 ... 11·1 !\11 11 .11 ... Ill B· g111 .. 1 s, 11.1 ... 1•1 1111111 J..1 .11 h11ff1t1.11, """ l.1111 th • .a h11th 111111.1gr11·d 1111 tli1 I H I d I "' .• "111111 ••• 111 ·1111, '' ""l' \\ 1lh1 fr .1\\ •• 1 Sunny and breezy A rullnj(on lh1•or,.J .1r..:un\4•11L' S ;i fpty Hoard 11111• u f 111111 1:. 1·><1x-t ll'd 111 .1b11ut lwu m11nths I J I ;igt'llC'l('S lll\'l''l11-(.1l111g l It , U \ '.,!;\ 1 11 .I ;1 nu ;1 r y an d Ma v. .1('t 1d1•111 r1•:.pet·t 1vl'ly . l 11·{'ns111~ hoc11 cl "Thl'y have <>~fl'l!U tu l1m1µJv !°"l\11.111 l lllllJI' h.l\t 111·111 111 1.1 11.1111111 '1111'• thr 1 1111 o f lhr 1!17.1 711 l\J1"l1 Ill (.'hr l"\l,111 11\ d \\,11 \dll'll 11!1·\ ,11ft\fll l111d1 •1 .111 At 1111 1.t•.i).(llt' llldUJ,1ll' ,1:, J 1110,1u•k11•p111~ fort i ' ls r<.ll'h (11111·' lll\,1rl1·d l .1·h.1111111 on Ju111· ri lo rout th1· 1':111·,llllt' L1lw1.1•1on (}q-!;l fl I/Alt II )fl ._,, '<;a n ~ I a I Small c.rell edvl.o<y lrOtn POlnl Concepllon ov., lhe outer coett.i l tllrl lo Sen NIC:olH llland IOt 11 11;Pf1h-t wmc:11 12 to 22 knoll Wiii! combined -end awett 4 10 II 8 I-. t>ecoml"il n011-I 15 10 30 knoll wilh S 10 8 loot .... Out., waten aoultt ol SM NICOlu ltl~ -t IO no<1h-l w1ndl 15 10 22 11no1a Wlttt 3 10 5 1001 .... , 1 ll)net wel•rt llQhl end v•rt•t>le ,.Inda .. 091)1 IOUthW.ll 10 -· r ( lo 10 11 knoll 0or1no •lt•noon ; •nd •v•nlng hour• SovthwH l 1 jllW•ll I lo 2 feet C1 .. r1n9 by en.,noon .,.oepr '°"'" cou t Tttund•rarorm• end ahow .. a I •long I M TellH co••• end In • central Ovll CoHl alalH d•y wllh 6'.'I inch•• ol 1•1n ed In lhrM hour• In north- tret M1u 1u lpp1 At 1e .. 1 one perJOn wH forced 9YllCU8tl let• Wed""°l y nlgh1 e 10 the heavy relnl•ll In ln l11lppl'a Lel•yelle Counly, h•r• atre et ltood lng w•• td In ltle town ol Oi10td R•ln l•lt lrom the Gull CoHt •• thtQtlOh lhfl -.atAfn upper r•el l8ke a, I nd ala O wH ed In IM P.clllc NOtlh-JI, th •now ••POiled •I higher •tlOn• llow•r• •no lhunde11torm• ered over aourhern Florld• d • few ahow•r• w•r• ov•r trel Ce1tt0tn1• Haze 1111d log alt.cl In the mlddle All•nllc t •t•t .. The lorecH I tor l•l•r rod•y • '°' acelteted .,_, •nd llOttnt ''°'" ..... ,n end trtl TtXM "'° the , .. , of lite II CoH t at8IH tllrough lhe van.-, end m~ Allan11e ••t 1tt1", M w•ll H to rtte reet Lek" e11d WH t9fn New end -'>Owe'I -· lorec.t•t In • Peclllc Norrhw•ll 1nd tMfn G•M t 81.1ln Mo111y ltlr through 'rld•y IOf!lt patchy l'ow Cloud• h COHI el'ly Friday mC)fr\lno. oier tod •Y etono coHI. but -m1n9 "1diry ""0' Co unty ce n upltct In f~ 10., tow• 60 to eo l'j hlgl'lt 14 lO 12 end Ylllleyt will hi.,. ~ In IOe, 1-11Mt IO ...,. Qr\ 1-.otet """t to 111wu1 wind• 16·30 mph el 10 7a, 1owt <&Oe 10 to- •to ~'.....,. ts-30 In dlilefll Notthtfn __, • 7t to 16, towt .« to G-4 !>OUllMl<n 0-1 lltoha S5 10 93, Iowa 55 lo S5 lln9•<l"i1 tnow••• over n0'1tt •l•I• m ounl•l na tod a y Elae wh ere , perlly cloudy In NOflhetn end Cen1rat C9iif01n•e Fa ir e nd breezy to day. fair lhroughOUt r90iofl Friday Teniperatures NATION Albany AlbtlquerQVll AmllflllO Anct>Otege ~ Allenl• Allenllc City Au sun 8•1tlm0t• 81Hlnga Birmingham 8'tmarck BolM Botton Brownavlle Butt•lo BurllnQIOfl Caspet CnarlMlon, SC. Charleston, WV Ctta11011e, NC Cheyenne Cl>C•go C1nc1nne11 Clever and COlvmb•e SC Columbus Oel·FI Wlh 01yton Oenv•r OM Molnn 0.llOll Oulu th Er P .. o Felrbllllkt Fargo Fl•galatt .... Lo fl'qi 76 4t 74 42 71 48 33 29 79 54 82 &4 79 $4 !I() 77 211 7S 63 $4 32 so 64 35 33 95 71 43 S2 ~ 93 77 12 90 49 74 <12 57 3 I 02 S3 89 8S 56 M 63 68 32 S7 Il l Sii 1111 S3 60 S5 57 S4 5S 93 74 S2 59 SS 33 17 7t 54 01 81 52 4S 45 I 39 89 5S 3S 24 49 43 1 71 71 23 S2 33 82 52 $4 25 MP4•SI P1ul Nulwllle New O.reen• New 'fOtk N0tlOlk NO Plelll Oki• Clly Omel\1 Ortendo Phlledelpl\le Pho9!\I, Plllaburgtt Pt11nd, ~e Ptl•nd. Ore Provld1n<.11 Aale19h Aepld Cny Reno AIChmond Sert l ike Sen AnlonlO S.ellle SttrevllpO•I SIOIJ• Felli St lovlt !>() 38 67 73 I 23 65 81 40 01 87 47 t9 73 31 61 81 55 40 54 30 49 60 36 01 30 81 37 1• 19 51 76 72 17 47 I 11 4 1 74 oe 50 30 40 03 43 SS 51 71 67 FrMno l anc .. HW LOMil Beac.h LOJ AMQtllet Monrovl• Monllb911o Monter A"( Mt WlllOO NffdlH Newpo11 Beac.11 01kl11nd Onl11no Polm Spring• PHeden• P110 Robles Red Bluff Redwood City A•no Secremento S•ttnas Sen Bern•1dlnt1 Sen Oabr1e1 Son 01900 San Fr1nc11eo S•n Jote Sen11 An1 Sanll Berber• Senta C1u1 SAnte Mont<:• SIOCk!on Tel\04I Valley Ttletmel SI 4S S3 39 11 57 90 60 SI! 50 S2 54 6S 53 89 54 90 65 72 58 S7 55 SS 50 92 62 S4 54 83 41 68 St 72 50 69 30 89 4S es 47 88 4S SS 52 75 S2 S8 5• 70 47 7S 68 74 50 89 50 7• 68 77 47 117 211 94 52 Gr .. I Fatle HerllO<d H91en• Honolulu Hou.l:tn 1n01enapc>111 Jeckton. MS Jecll"''llHI Jvn..u es 12 oe S5 7S 0 1 IO 59 St P f•m1>1 SI 81• M1rle SpOUIWI SyrlQuM Topeka Tucton TulU We.,,.,,gln Wlehll8 71 87 M 73 IO 112 7S 83 87 79 93 79 75 82 7S as 64 S9 S4 65 87 ~ S9 47 88 S7 60 !'>9 73 71 91 S9 78 72 SS 03 ------------ K11111 City Kno•'lllle l•• v911 .. l lllle Rock Lovl1¥1IH1 LvbbOCll M9mphlt Ml1mt MllwlUkM 82 74 2 17 S5 72 04 4S 44 41 71 57 2t S4 58 79 52 77 SS 41 S7 S2 11 eo so 89 f7<1 85 7S 82 Sii CAUFOflNIA Apple ve11ey 8ek11r1li.ld Bent ow Beaumont Big Beu BMl\Qp 81y1h• C11111n~ Cvtv•r Clly Eur Ilk A 82 42 85 5• 90 53 87 49 70 2t'> 75 32 9t 57 78 57 80 56 S!I 40 .......... Drfj ..... --~u ....... R_f R_EP_DR_T 8Uff •wt '"" ..... ...... .,. .... ,,. ... Zume 2 3 10 t .. nt• Monie• 2 :I 10 t Newport 8Mcn ~ 4 12 t 81n OieOo County 2 • t2 , Outlook lor P:rld«Y 8tigti1 Iner-1n WM!tffy ..,.. . ... .... 2 2 a a . .... Dir aw aw .. w ew mog Wttart ro cell (loll llH I 101 l•t .. 1 •moo 1nl0tma11on Or'"Oe County 18001 446-3828 LOI Ang•IH Counly (8001 20 ·•0:12 l'llv11r11d1 end Sen Bernardino i;ounlle1 (800) 387-4710 AO MD Epltode Centllf (800) 242·48" Tides TODAY Gecond Pilati 12 22 p m 6. 81eond low 1 50 p m O ,ltlOAY Finl lllOll 2 38 • m a F'trtt low 8 44 • m. 2 lllCOl'IO h19n t 21 p m s ~tow t llpm O It.in .... today ... 2t 0 ,,, ,,_ ,,lday ••• u • '" MOOfl 11 ... lodlY It tO Ge p m _., 'no.y " I H.-a.m , ruli11gs dt"i<'rrlwd l h1· cl<•stji(n 11( w11h l ht· 11rd l'r . a 11d w 1· 1111 • n •.j('\11r Un1Lo; II .ind 111 <is str•mg .lrran g1 11 g a 11m1• 1111 1111 11 l'n ough 111 w 1t h s ta11d an y t11m p l111n t'<'." Sull1v.1n ~.1 111 l'll n <· c· 1 v a h It· C' a r l h q u l1 k t• Wt'llnc-s<Jay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Storekeeper Nels Ortlund Is wearing one of our long sleeve sport knits. These llghtwelght knits are available In a variety of colors, In solids or stripes, with a knitted or cotton twll~ collar. Nels Invites you to come Into our store and select one of these uniquely styled shirts .. perfect for the llfe style of our area. A store that offers fine tradltlonaf sportswear for men, women and boys. BankAmericdrd1Master Ch11rge WtttcU.ff Plau -------------= -~ ... ~-..-....-.--... -.. • .· !' - 10'8 Irvine. Newport Be•ch, C alifornia. rhont 642·7061 J ' ' ,. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thur1day. October 7, 1982 8 I NATION Lagµna eyes entra.nce project Military accidftlltS kill two civilians City (•y(•s 11urki111,f f1u·ililit•s, t~11ior l'itizt•n · hou.~ing 11rojecl 011 4 . .'>-ucre ite By Tbe A11o<:lated Preu A hand grct\Ade bclll'vt-d lO be n d ud and a n urt1llery sht•ll gone aw ry are being blamed Cor th e dea\hs of two dvillam in sep ara lt' a ccidc nti; ut mi II t.ary base&. A woman driving ht•r car on a well-t raveled ro ad throug h the C<imp Lejt•une, N .C .. bast' di ed of h e ad inj uries a fter she was hit Wednesday by shrapnel from the e rran t shell hf'\.>d tlt.Jrlrau u ro utine mllltury t•)(l'rchh'. authoritil'li iwld In Jo"'ort lrwtn , Culif ,•It mc•rnbt•r Of a CJVthan ll'UOI combing an Army weupon11 ran ge for urwxplodcd hund gre nades dl e J w h en h l' stepped on a h vt• gn·nud•· bu rlc-d in the tihtfting de1wrt sa nd . F ive o the r s w e re injured, t hree o f them se r io u s ly , an Arm y spokt.'Sman said. UA .W says pact doomed DETROIT -The leader of the Uni~ Au to Wor~ers a nd Chrysler Corp. ofCt cials say th ey doubt a new contral'l w ill be ratified by the "'"'4c and file, even though a Wl~k of ballot ing remains. "You could probably put m y e m otion s 1n t h r <'c categories," UAW president . Dou glas 1''raser sa id 1n u t e I e p h o n e. i n l e r v 1 e w Wedm.>Sday from New York "At fi rst I .was hdl>eful, no~ I'm doubtful an~ tomorrow I'll probably be hopell'SS" The contract. if defeated. wo~ld be the first re_je(·tc>CI by the UAW rank and ft lt· since the 1960s. Reagan 'callt'paigning' weeks. was trying to boost the pol1ti c <1 l f o rtune s o f Re pubh('an Gov. Robert List a nd C h ic Hi:!ch t . th <' GOP candidate trying to unseat f o ur-te rm S<'n . H o war d Cannon, a Dt•mocrat. By STt;VE MITCllt:LL OflM Oeler ...... ti ... 1..ugun11 flt•ul'll hull t·111lm1 kt·cl on un 1.1rnblt1ou~ 1'111.Jt'<'t 1ha1 1K L•xpc•cted to ~'"rt 11 l I y u ll•·v 111 tt• two vt·xlnuJ >161Jh·nll> 11 IJIC'k 111 pnrklntj an t1 llhorWJ(I' of low l'usl housing \IJ M·n1or 1·n1Lt'l\b Clly l'OUnl'l I ml•mb1•r11 vutNI unu111mow1ly 'l\ll'luluy to sl·t•k. pruptit.u li< tro111 1:unsultunt1i1 for whut tht•y tt•rm 11 "vlllagt· l'ntrurwt• prOJl'('t" olon.i L1.1gun11 Canyo11 Ro1.1d UdJ<H'•·nt to C11y Ha ll. T ht•y t'XPl'l'l lo upµrov1· a dC'velupml•nt plun for ttw 4 ~-Ul'rc• site• within st-•vt·11 monlhi. T hl· m·uon l'llml· JUSt wt·ekK a flc'r u l'uurwil majorit y shot d own u propm.<d for a multi lit.'red parking struc ture at a city-owned lot on Glt'nnl'y rt• StFl'e~ near Laguna Avt•nul•. In rt'Jl.'l'lini,t thal l1ll·11lH.m for u parking Sl/'Ul'lUrl'. thl'l'l' l'OUnl·tl m<'mbt•rs sauJ lhl'y w11uld prefer fol'us ing un pru1ll·rt 11•s ucros!I from tlw f't·s11vul of Art~ groundl> for futurl' parking <Jnd :.l·nw r t'tllZ••n hou~mg Tut·sday night tlwy told n ty su1rr ml•rnbt·r·:. 111 solktt proposal~ for a l'Ull!>Ullant s tudy uf thl' h;,ilf Jo:it•n ur so µrupt·rllt':> that m I g h l b t' I 11 dud t• d In l h l' unch·rta k mg Thl' city's ant14uated bewagc· treatmen t plunl, scht•duled to dOS<· l'arly m·xl y1•ar, as tht· fri1:al point of lhl' prnjt'<'l Tht· t·ounnl wa11 L'> to St•h-<:l :i \ \ •o 'v,' 4.< M AIN BE ACH Shu<lt•d an•u indica te proposed Hvillagc (•ntru1H't' projt>ct" a long Laguna Canyon HoacJ in Lu~&HHJ Heach. 1•u11sul\.Jlll hy Nuv ~ Hoh '1111 k. tiK-.11ttut1t to th ·&:tty m unu11t•1. Mi)'I! ll'1ltt•1tutltm• for propo'>ul11 JJr1Jh11bly will be· Mrnt uut thlK wt•t.'k' HuL wh111·v1·r tilt• ('O U'ncll t1t•lt"(·lM '° Utkt> on lht• pru).'\:l 'will huvc• to oven·11rn1· 1H10H! vc•ry s1gnif1l•ont hurdh•1t Tht· 111wlyi.1i. wuulft mdude an .u1111·11i.111l•1ll o f t h•· v:.ir\O u& prop<•rltl!S, lh1• l'OS l o f d e · molishang tht· 114•wuge treatmen t plant. rt•Joc·u trng the· Ed on fol•t la ty, ('OVl'rllllo( ()V('r U fttxxJ dl.'m u l1 s h1ng t hl• st•wage treatmt•nl plant, rl!locuting the i'~ason fot·tl ity, c-ovt·ring owr a flood t•o ntrol c·hanne l In t he middle of tht· proposed project a nd qu<-s tio n s o f land use reslrtl'llOru. and own<'rshlp. "It will t'Co'rla111ly not ~an l'asy ta11k," Cl;irk suicl Thl' t·on:.ulwnt will bt· asked to l'l>llSldt·r varwui. U!>C'l> for 1he l-<lmb1m'<.1 atn·a~11 1n adclt uon t.o atc·a ung iJ purking i.tructuv and affurd<1bll· slo'nmr huusing. Opll<mi. rt·l'urn m1·11dc-J might 1ndu d1 · u1mfll1' n · 1 Cl J r cl a i I rul·1l1111·!>. a hote l a nd/or n ·staurunl "Tho~•· foc1 l1 t1t·~ might be 1ndudt-cl in ttw ov1•ra ll pro)e<'t In ordl'r 10 nwx11nizt• rl'vc-nut• for D•llr '"''°' M99 t h t· p a r k 1 11 g a n d 1 o w . l' o s t housing," Clark .. :.iid lie ftgull~ J :.att· <1ncdysl..!> and a ~lud y 11( •oltc·rrwllVl• plans could t1.1k1• •• c1>ns ultan1 up t1J s ix month-. lo t·umpll'l1· W AS HIN GTON - PresideJ'.lt Reagan, w ho once took to the stage of a L as Vegas casino as a song-and- dan,·e man. is returning to N evada t o t h row t h e presidential spotli~ht on two l aggi n g R e pu b l ica n candidatl'S. The president, set to leave W ashiry gtQn today on h is fourth campaign foray in four Both List a nd Hecht have been loyal s upporters to tht· p r esi d e nt's eco n omic program. -Apartments draw official's • Jre WORLD Mesa 's H ertzog wants action against la ndlords to e n sure prope r m a inte nance Queen said outraged LONDON -A Caribbean fling by Prin ce Andrew and American-born actress K oo Stark , w h o h as a ppeared !1Ude i n e r otic fil ms. is cr eating a n uproa r am ong Britain's tabloids with stories that Queen Elizabeth II is "tn a rage." All tabloids today splashed their front pages with stories about the vacation take n by the 25-year-old actress a nd the prince, who h as been d u bbed "Ha n d y Andy," be t·a u se o f ht s many girlfriends. Some newspapers <1nd thP Br itish Broadt:asting Corp. t e l ev1s1o n n e t work o n Wednesd{v ca rried pictu res of Mtss Stark. 25, daugh ter of m ovie producer Wilbur Stark, appearing in that ftlm. Th e BBC clips sh owed her askjng a man to make love to her. Sub evading dragnet \ BERG A NAVAL BASE. Swe.,-ten -W arships a r e durifping magne t ic hom ing devices and "slT\art" m ini· torpedoes into Hors Bay to f lus h to t he s urface a s usp ected S ov i e t -bloc subm arine that h as defied their d ragne t for a week , Swedish newspapers reported l.oday. At t h e sam e ttme , t he S w e d i s h N ews Age n cy quot ed Na t ion a l Defe nse STATE Stafr officials as saying at was i nc reasing ly possible they were dealing with a new ty pe of unma nne d under water vessel that could evade their flee t of c ruise r s and helicopters indefmttely. The s ub was di.srove:rc-d a week ago lurking near Mus ko base, a top-secre t Swedish naval facility on Hors Bay near the southern Stockholm arch ipelago. Market bans medication LOS ANGELES -At least one major s upermarket chain says it is going "out of the eye a n d n ose medi ca t ion business" until pohct> and the FBI so l ve an I I -m o nth mystery of acid-laced eye drops in Southern California stores. E sther Kramer . spokeswoman for Alpha Beta ma r k e t s, said d ozen s of brands o( such med1l·at1ons have been removed from 128 markets in the Los Angeles area The supermarke t chain has more t han 200 stores an Sou t h ern Cali forn ia from Bakersfield to the Mexican border Movie strike averted HOLLYWOOD -A strike tha t th reatened to shut down pr oductio n o f all motion pictures and most prime -time te lP v l slon s h ows w as tentatively aver ted ear ly today when union negotiato~ f o r oU -camer a c r e w s approved a nPw l't)ntract. T h e set tlemen t w as reac h ed w it h the Inte rna tional Allia nce o l Theatrical Stage Employees the basic cra fts unions and producers. By JODI CADENHE AD Of the D .. lr Pilot 9t•ff From the· St't'ond fl our of h1:. $5 15-pi·r -munth ap<J rtmt•nt 111 Costa Ml~. J>a ul Bc·rnhardt. 4!6. can Sf'(• hundrc·d~ of brokt·n hc.·c.•r bottll•s l'OVl'rtng thl· roof of " neighborhood a partmen t c:omplex at 234fi Sanw Ana Av1· • J ucktl' and Don Rae hrs. who live at'ross thl! :.trect from th<' c-ompJ(·>C havl' put thetr $160,000 homt· up for ~Uk'. c·ompla1nang t hat thl' allegc·d overl·rowdmg, no i !H' a n d p u b I i c· u ra n a t 1 n g witm•ssl'd during tht• last two yea r s h as got ten to be t oo much "It's a dump," Do n Ra ehrs said "It's gl'lting to the point that 1t ·s unbc•a ra blt'. o wt• figured le t's get out of here." After receiving a c·omplaint about th e a11c·ged r u ndow n l'Ondittun of the• complc•x Costa Mesa Counc·llwoman No rma Hertzog called on her c:olleaguc~ Monday to enf1irCl' regulataons lo m a k t• I a n d I o r rl s m o r 1• acc'Ountabk "The complC'X as overrun with peo pl e who ~.irt· o f a n o the r nat1onulaty who hav<' a different a ttitu dt· toward thC'ir e n v arunnwnt." s a id He rtzog. following thP meeting "The re· art• 50 pcoplt• in six npartmt•n L'> and thl'rc arc drunken brawls " The two-tt·rm counc1lwoman, seeking re-clL'cl1on in November, said s he as concernC'd abo ut ovNl·r owd1ng throughout th<> l'llY and bhghtro rondauons that s h <' said eaust' s urround1 ng proix·rty valu1-s to plumm<'t. "fm not talking about somconl'.' w ho dOl•sn't l'Ul their lawn or their garagP ncc·ds paint." said Hl'rtzo~ H e rtzog sa id s hC' wa s corK.oerned about landlords "who urC' o nl y con cerned abo ut t•ollt•l·tang r ent a nd don't earl' about thL' quality o f ltfr. That's thl' pt•ople I'm a fter ." The rounctl directed the ('1 ty a lto rn<'y's office a nd the· D cvC'l op m l.'nt SC'rv1 ces OC'pa rtmen t tu look into ways they l'Ould force property owners to repair rundown dwl'lhngs. The 1ssut' goes beyond thl' complex sin g l<'d o u t Monday night Hertzog stud four or fiv< othe r apartment complexes in the city are suffering from blight and overcrowding. "I don't buy this thing that lht•re's nothing we can do about 1t," satd Hertzog In an interview We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number at le rt and your meuage will be recorded, traNCribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642•6086 T he same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topic. Mallboit contributors mu!lt Include their name a nd te lephone numbfr for verification. No circulation calls. please Tell us what ·s on your mind ' ORN«Je COAST Dilly Pilat L. Koy lchvltl Vo ''~ Glod o.teaor ol ~'-0 Mkheel '· Harvey °" 9CIOr ol Mott.i1111 10.tlllo!Oll ·Kenneth H. 01 .... -4 Ir. OifK10t o4 ~llfloM , CIH1"'-d adMr1111nt 714 .... 2-5171 All oth•r "9Nlr1rMnt1 142-4321 MAIN Of'FICI! mw ... ._ ... , .... -.c• llMU --h • U•,(•I•-· CA "'*' - .,.., fltlot ..... ""'° Boult--o;trt"w n garage roof is indicative of a lleged blighted co nditions and : over<'rowdio~ at , ant~··Ana Avenue complex . TueM.i<Av "I don't want to wait unlit 11:, d massive problem and peoplt' mov~ out o { Wle catv." Mnrtnko J(•rkun1ca. owm·r or the complex a)l)ng Santa Ana Avenut'. is in Europe. But his son. Anthony J l•rkumca, :l l, said he had bt>en left in charg{• of htS father's propNties . Anthunv J t•rkun1ca s<11d hti. falh<'r has-tried lo eval't many of thl• wnants "Ht•'ll n 'nt lo two pc•oplt· and tht•n I 0 more will move in Whl'n he rands out hl' gives them a warning." "They're awful tenants," said Jcrkunal·a. "We'll s pe nd days deaning up and then days later it will be JUSt as bad ... A r<'C:en t U.S. Suprcml' Court dc'<:asion has changro the number of unrelated adults who can live tn a h ome from (our to o n e pcrson pl'r every 50 square fC"Ct. About 14! people can llw in a· two -bedroom , 800-squarc foot a partment, s.i1d Doug C lar k , director of the city Development Services Department. Campaigns t o e ltman a t c over(·rowding o ften result m the dasplaecoment of poor tenants and s hif ll> the probl em t o a n<>1ghbonng c ity. said Eugeoe &'Orto. exc-cuuvc· darec·tor of the ruunty's Fair Housing Council : "Sljyang you'n· against , . ovl.'rcr owding ll> lake say11\g you're· tn favor of apple pte," sa\d S<.-ono "But peoplt' don't live tn bunc·hl'b bt>t:aUSl' thC'y want to. h 's economic They sh"ouldn't be l'hastised as being sub-human." Police· said thl'Y have betn cal ll'd to the c.omplex fo r nuisa nt·e compl ain ts that anl'ludt•d n otsc a nd pu bijc drunkenness. ' • U Orengo Conat DAIL V I'll 0111 llurttluy, Octobu1 1, 1982 Oliticos await bless figure B e more c are ful .. S HING'fON (Al') bllcana ure holdlng th1·11· . Democrat:> art• wahmH lo C'e . PresuJl'n t Rt.·usu n y has taken lhl• offl'n111v11 nd prcss-rel('asc wr1tl•ri. un• ge ating up for hurd-hlltlnM rhetl>ric. It~ a ll because lh<' govcrnnwn l 1s r'leasing new unt.·mployml•nt f1g\'rc~·s F riday that must O<..'<>tf>mlsts prc'<i1<:t w ill rl'<1l'h 10 nt, the h1shest pbless ruk cars. ll~ the m1d·tl•rm elt'l'llun J u s t 3 1"1 w <' l' k s a w a v . t h t' September sta llsllt'S ma y prov1c• to be Ii pOlCn t WC'U pon rur Democrats. who aln ·ady t.•ontl'nd that unemployment which ha.-, hovered at a pQSl·WUf l'l"t:Ord oC ercent for t ht• past two onths -1s the dumm:.mt 1s:-iw the campaign. · Alth oug h polls s h ow nemployment 1s an import.int 1mpa1gn issue. ll 11> l>l•1ng pbyt'C.I wn at the While l luuSt.-. wlm·h sists the main 1ssUl' 1:. wht•the>r e n ation should n •turn lo >moc·ratk economu.: polit.·1t·s ur l a y o n t h l' p r t' ., 1 d t' n t · ~ nservauve t'OUl'Sl' W h en th<' stat1st 1t.·s ar l' •leased Friday. Rt•agan will be.· cet in in San D1l·~o with a·bout . .me dic ines M1·xll'.111 l'n·~ult•nt 1·1t ... ·1 M1~u1·I cl1• 111 Much 1d l 111lt11lly. tl11· p1t'h1d1·11l pl.1111wd to -111e•111I ttw duv ut hli. runt·h nc·a1 S11 ntu Biti l.111rn , 11 11tl 11111!·11 tlt•11i1•d tl\I' pluns wt·rt' t·h11ng1't.I M• ht• would nut lw v .1t.·111111n1ng wht•n tlw Jobll'ss llgurt•11 .in· n •lt•aSt'<J Tlw prt•!.1dt•nt ha~ t11kt•11 thl· orft•rNvt• .cln•ac.J y hv hl;111111lg tlu· D1·m111·ru t s r11r t ht• n11t11111 'i. t'l.'111111m 1t.· wot.•s Throughout thl• l'am1x111o(n. ttw H<•puhlirn11 11luKall "stnv tlw t'OUl'St•" hu~ lx.-..·n gt.•un•ti luw11rcJ t•nt.·11ur11g1ng v 11ll'f'l> to lo(IVt' Ht•uK"an mor ,. tune.· WASlllN(i'l'ON (Al'I Tlw cl1 UK 1111 lw .. t1 v .uic l h ·cl1·1ul twaltli 111f11·1c1I" 1111 1>1·1111 l1111g 1111 w.1y, to !JI t 'Vl'lll llllllfll'l lllH w11h 11V1•1 th1 · 111111111·1 drug:., l1ut tlwy "'Y ti 111·vt·1 will IM· p11.,,11Jlt· 111 111 •>V1J1· iil l~ll llllt• f!lti11•1·\1n11 ;,gillll '<I ... 11111l.11.(•. l>t A1t11111 I 11111 I l.1 y1•., .Jr • l11·.1d "' tilt• ~ 1111d .u1d I )1 ug A d 111 I II I ... I I .1 l I "II . ... •• I d ,, II 11111-.111111•1., ... 1111uld 111· 1111111· w.11 y .1l111UI tit• 1111·dw1111•:-. llll'Y t11k~· l11llo"111g tl11 -.t•vt·11 dt-.1'lh' f1 .. 111 ( y.1111d1· t.1111l1 ·d Ty l1·1111l !'iJfJ'>Uli .... 111 tli1• t'hw;1~t11 •ll't·a l:i~t w1·1·k I I.i v•·' · .. 11d 1 ht Fl l/\ will lwg111 w111 k to tl1 ·v1·lo11 ;, l1•d1 1.d f o 1111111'1111'111 1111 thlll)ll'I ll'bt•tJtlll P••' k .1v,111µ, U111 111 II.lid, "I d1111't tl1111k 1111 tl11' "11 1 11r pruhl~m tl1111 11> .111 v •1lw k fix (. ·1111 llJoM' 11111,t .11\11 /J\ I lo pl 11\11 t t l11·1w,1•lv1•' I 1 um inJw·y Ii\ l.1•J1\j.( ,1w;111• 111 tlt1• (llf)dllllll11' 11! tl11· f»ll kag1·., th1·y huy, the 11111., o111d 1 .i1,.,ul1·' tlu·v u.k1· .ind tl11 l1i11111b tl11 ·y d1 uik," I lr1y1·:. tuld ;, J11·w ... I 111111•1 VII(,. ,1fl1·1 tht• I 11 ,1 1111 1 t1111• t •I ,, g1.v1·1111111•111 111du .11 \ .Jt1111t ( '1111111111111• 0111 I '111tl111 1 · S.11 l'l \' .J.11111·' () (.;11111 tlH p11 · ... 1d1·11t 11( tlu I 1111p111 t.11 y A"""·111t1ur1, .1 lt.1d1 ~(1 11Up 111 11V1 I lht• l'l)UllU 'I cir 11g 111.1k• 1, • c t 1111•d ll.1 v1·s· ,111\111 th.it I h• huvo·r n;u.,t f1<·W.al•• Tht· f.H't'!..1tl1 •n t t•t•hot•:. lhal thl'm<• on t hl• r1rn11wig11 trull. -,,1y 111g tht• l'hOlt't' .., b1•tWl't'l1 g 1v1ng him morl' llrnt• or i.hdmg 11110 "unolht.•r 1'l·o1111n11t· b1ngt• lik«: tltl• 0 11{' Wl\ll'h h•rt US With l•>tlay ·~ .f.!1 U1Hl1n1o:, n.111 0 11al Mission to r e ope n hang11vt•r. • /\ t•111111 ·1-:-tu111· l;,iy mg 1·1·r,i.·111111 1v Ht«1j.(Jll .1t.k1111wl1·clg1·:. 1111 1h1· Cll11st1,_11 Outn·:1l'h ur ll'mployrn1·11t .., too hig h Hut t \ 1111·1 111 SJnt.1 /\11;1 101 nll'r ly ht• bl.111ws tl on 1)1•11101·rali. by H • . b AP Wlrepholo tltt• Orang1· Cou nt\ I(, • .,. ut· 'kl) 111g ll alrc•ady Wd.'> high wlw11 • i o n I (' ea u l y l'1·11IL•f ' will li.1k1· pl;in'. al :1 Ji Ill ht· too k 0 Cf1n• (7 4 pt·rc 1·t1tl Sat111d.1y Though h<' d1)(·sn'1 11w11t11111 th1· P lust i<· sk in und. u computt•r-pro~ru ninwcl Thi· t t·nt•·1 11p1.·r.tt1·cl bv th1· r t•cc·s~rnn v1•1 y 11't1·11 Ht•ag;111 111111 profit M1:...,.011;1r11·., at I l1111w, maint.iiru. hi:. poht.·it-:.. <-rt'<latt'll by pout ruakt• th is robot ut u trudr .,how an 11 11 . 1:. t11t:ilt·d .it 1~01 w Walnut :-.om 1.· fur J drop 1n 1nflatw11. Tokyo look u littlt-n eon· . . hurn an. St It w • .., m 1JV1'<.l Crun1 d1Jwntown evl•ntually will bring about ~1 Santa /\na aftt·r IL' .. lo<:ullon lht·I'{' _n_~_u_,_·1_1l_,,_,_1_n_u_r_u_·m~p_l_u_y_m_f_~_l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--w-ah _l'_l;_11~~ l11r redpv1·lupn11·nt ) Robinsons Ji\ \111 111 \. Ht·.,.d1·11·t... 11l tho .ore•;, nt·at lht• lll'W, .... It lioJd I IOllllJl•tlllf•d that lht• • 1·11t• r whu It p1ov1d1·~ looJ find 11·11~1>111.11 v 1t .. u.,.·1g 10 1 11ftl1gi·nl fJl'llf.Jlt· cltcl ll••t lwl1mg 1n the· llHlllllUllll\ .11111 "'·'" l1i<<1lt-<I too f,11 1111111 d11v.11t11w11 Santa /\na. wli1·1t· It 1., ""''' 111 •·tlt·d Tl11· 111·\.\ f.11 tl1ty., m·1ghhu r!. v. c·n · ~l\'1·11 ,, tr1ur ''' thl' ~1tt· lei!>! w1·1·k SIX STAR ·DINNERWARE SALE OUR GREATEST NAMES. ·OVER 120 PATTERNS, NOW ' 1 - 15°/o·60 °/o OFF YOU1LL SAVE 20%·26% ON DANSK BISTRO DINNERWARE Hr>q 1' QUdrt COvf"rPrJ r,1._ r>rOlt> ~ 4 7 so Sf'rvtnq plallPr i>4 I) Serving bowl $11 'JO BISSERUP WHITE .., pc plac,.. sPltinq $37 50 Soupbo~I $1 0 Breadtbuller plr1lf-' 'bl ~I) 15% OFF DANSK TEAKWOOD Salp $38 $36 $30 $27.50 $7.50 $5.62 81sserup While Find tresh. contemporary patterns. beaultfully designed to coordinate or mix All . of lane oven to table porcelain that's mrcr owave and dishwasher sale Come rn now and save 25% on place settings. 20° 26 °1. on selected servrng accessorres (plus 20% savings on Oansk flatware S·pc place setlings an seven line pallerns) Ar d that's 1us1 the begrnnrng of all the other exceptional famous name dinnerware you 'll land. on sate now Hurry. our sale ends Novemher 1 Robinsons Chrna. 67. all slores except Palm Springs To order, call toll· free 1-800·345·8501 Any brrde who registers In aay Aobrnson·s through October 30 will receive a complimentary copy of the Bride Guide (while quafllitres tast) Be sure to ask about our Chma Club Plan Beautiful accessooes 10 enh;ince your nr>w settings at ftr sl time ev1>1 s a111ngc; Hurricane ltlmp Reg 32 50 Sate $27.50 S vrng tray Rag $60 Sale $51. Braserup Blue CHRllTIANSHAVN BLUE, FRIDRIKSIORG ILUE, MARllO AND llSIERUP BLUE 4·pc. place setttng Soup bowl . . . ....... . Bread/butler plate . . . • • . .. Sugar .......•. , .• Creamer .... , .. , ..••..•....••. Reg $40 $11 $8 $1 3 50 $13 50 Sale 130 H .25 •• 110.80 110.IO esP board Reg $37 50 Sate $31.50 0%0FF ARIBO COOK'S COLLECTION The perfect complement to your new Bistro collection Come choose from Quiches. ramekins. souflles, bowls and more all rn ou r beauhlut MaribQ pAtt(>rn ROllNION1 COMpyDRIZID WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY MAKI AN APPOINTMINT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROBINSON'S. •· M11ri111 W1U BOORD YOUR •IPT PllPlnNCll IN MitY ITOll VI~ THE ONLY COMPUTERIZED SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 1 • ' ' ... Orang• COHI DAILY PILOT/Thurad1y, October 7, 1982 • Hypnotism ruling to· a~d OC appeals? Monday'• U.S Suprcnw t'o1.11 t . ruling lhut lc•ft lntllt.'t u 1totf' Supreml' Court ban on tht· UNt• of hypnollu'<.i wltm"'*-'fi may haw u local lmpa<.•t bt•yond the 11lng h• Orungc.> County cmw.wh1<.·h It addresst'd Not 11urpl'lsingly. th1· c..lc.~·11>1ml haa roti>cd the ir e u{ l ol·o l prosccutor11 w hile being luutkd by a dcfcnsc attorney. T h'e rourt, without commt.:'lll, refused to reinstate the rape and burglary t.'Onvictaon of c•x-Marint.• Donald Let:' S hirley. who wus acquitted in his se<.'Ond tnaJ on the charges. That trial had not Included some testimony from his alleged victim. a San Clement.c woman, OO<:nUSt' s hc hnd been h y pnolll t'CJ tu l mpr uVl' lh •r ml'mory 'l'ht• Cullforniu Supn·m1· Cour•t , In OVl'rturn1nj( Shirl~y·s on1elnal ronvlc.:llon unu orde r ln j( the s ,. c.: u n d t r I o I , r u I c d t h o t "hypn11tlc.:ully mduct.'d l(•itlmony iii llO w ide ly vlt•wed ll8 unreliuhle thot It is inud mlss1bll•" Sunt~a criminal deft.niw ic pt.-<:rnhst Keith Munroo, culling the U S. rourt's d(.•d sion "a badly nc•e-rlt'd dl>eudon and .Q!l e that Is v1•1 y good," i;aid that ht> may use thl' ruling in his a ppea l of the m urd l•r conv1C'tlo n of Rodnl'y Alc:a la . l'On v1cted o! t he I Y79 murd<.'r of a Huntington Beal·h girl. T ha t l'un v1<'llon c·aml' after kl'y tl'1tlln1uny from a 11t•W101~I fort•11t rungt•r whu clainwd 11ht• hou M'\m Alcnln with lhe• victim s ho rtly ht•Con • thf> t•rinw Thv dC'h •nlil' cvn tt•nde•J t hot t h I' w I t n e II II h a d b (' ,. n "b r1u nwa11hc!d " through low· I e v c I h y p n v a I Ii b y p o II c l' invt•11tlga to r!I. T h t• prust'l'Utlon dt•nled that claim. A nothc>r ClllM·, thl' 1979 murd1•r uf a .Foun"-1ln VaUt•y h oWll.'wlfe ot which William Leto Evins i11 ac'C.·uk'd. also mlay be a!fe<:ted by the ruling. u pr·uSLx·utor said Any ne w a<:llon in e ilhl'r CBJK' de pends o n whether t he stute Supreme• Court dec1dc.'l! that the no-h ypnutk ruling 1s retrouc·u ve. :ntornc•ys said. . Monrol' said t hl· h y pno tism \ b!m 111 o jl1JOd 111w lx'<.'UUJRI 1t•vcral <'1.1111•11 h i.IV<' "cult u gr al big ('loud" OVl'r the crrdiblllty of hypnutl7.t:d wllnt.'1'1WK. 111 um· Torl'llm.·~· l'l.lst'. Munroc· 1uld, an ulll'gt.od <.·rln\t.• v1t·tlm gavt.• 11lgnif1{'ijn tly dltferent t~allmony ugui n1it o d l'f~nd a n t o ft t-r hyprm•ls. 8 u 1 J 1rnH' • E n rl g h t • t h t.· <'ou n ty'11 ch i1,•f de puty dlatrh:t a ttorney. said h ypno1111'i merely hl'lp1 dc frnda nt1 r~call what huppt.mud. "I think the• pt."Oplc who wrow thl' opinion didn't know w hat they w ere tll lk i ng abo1.1t .'' Enright said He suggested that a jud J(t.' or jury could decide if Robinsons w l tr1t•1111·11 hucl bcl'n unduly l nflut·nn•d by hy pno111 If ull 1r1 1d n la tcd h y pno11 11 w a 11 rt!l'Ord1·c..I and ploy1•d b&&t·k I n l'OUrl • A11Klliton t 011trk t Attorney Nlnu Brk«', tht· p rost't·utor in Sh lrlf>y'lj KC.'<:ond trial. ol(rl'<-'<.I "Tht· Jury 11 inw llagcnt enough to make that kind of c.le·U~t1on," bht· said . "Ce1rtalnly the cour t ought to be able t.o do llO on a ~K<.··by-c·~ basl1." t Mo nrot.• did not shfArl• Bm't."x vi cw "How cun 11 Jay jury ai;sc.>flll thl' 1mpaC't or a technique which , odm llte d ly. has mind-a ltcll.{ng capab1lhll's?" he asked. FALL SALE AND CLEARANCE I _L __ _ STARTS TOMORROW SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: FRIDAY 10-9:30, SATURDAY 10-7, SUNDAY 11 -6. WOMEN'S DRESSES AND SPORTSWEAR $59.99 SAlllUB. am DM-S l'OA Nii1WS Mm•-· Special. Flattering styles in assorted prints and colors. Rayon crepe, sizes 4-14 for petites and misses. Robinson's Updated Dresses. 135/Petites. 55. $79.99 MAQQY LONDON 90IS Dm CHI• DM-S Special. Soft. fluid dresses with a beautiful sense of design. Tuck-front float and V-neck styles·in blue paisley or red/white print. Polyester. 4-12. Y9ung Designer Dresses. 17. $59.99 ' CM .. DS CHI• DM-S IN ... LUANT STRl ... S Orig. $90. A dazzling collection in colors right , for the season-a SQuare-neck belted style from California Girl. Polyester. 8-16. Robinson's Casual Dresses. 51 . $69.99 LUXURIOUS CA .... AE PUU.OWRS Reg. $1 00. Our cashmere sweater; cowl or V-neck styles. in white. red. bordeaux. natural. heather gray. navy or black. 32-38. Robinson's Sweaters. 1. To order. call toll-free 1·800-3<45-8501. $23.99 •UIOANT SILK SWllA'ftRS Reg. S36. Our own U-neck silk sweaters 1n Jewel tones of sapphire. magenta. peacock, turquoise. rose, cream or natural. S-M-L. Robinson'sSweaters. 1 To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. FASHION ACCESSORIES 33%0FF OUR STOta MOUNTAIN HANDBAGS Casual. contemporary. butter-soft leathers in assorted styles and colors-each with a detachable key ring. Reg. S68 -S80. Sale $44.99-$52.99. And coated cottons for year-round use. Rag. $41-$49 Sale $28.99-$31.99. Robinson's Handbags. 149 /186. 33%0FF DS•Gl9R ACCaSSORISS From Anne Klein for St. Thomas. Orig. $17-$45. Sale 110.99-$29.99, and Christ ian Dior. Orig. $22.50-$66. Sale $14.99-$42.99. Wallets. key case s. checkbook secretaries. clutches. co,metlc bags and more. In sumptuous leather or signature fabrics. Robinson's Personal Leather Accessories, 111. 33~0FF LaA1"HmR•LTS Orig. 112-$21 Sale •7.99-$13.99. Just the right centerpiece to pull fall together. Fabulous designer belts from a famous maker. Robinson's Fash ion Accessories. 10. WOMEN'S SHOES $29.99 IUD•ICINWS Special. The clanic shoe shape In brown. navy. poppy red, paprika, toast or black leather, or black patent; from Attra. · Roblneon·a Contemporary Shoes. 6. To order, call toll-free 1-I00-34MI01. $24.99 ·-...... Orig. t 34. Luxurious 1tytlng In taupe or brown IU4tde; ' . by Andante. 5-10 M anC! 7-9 N Robinson's Casual Shoes. 5. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. $49.99 AMALl'I DMSS SANDALS Orig. S75. Just right fo r day-into-evening. Strappy suede in taupe, black, gray, dark brown or cranberry. Robinson's Amalfi Shoes. 177. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. $39.99- Special. Ours alone-alligator print on genuine calfskin In taupe, black or brown. Matching handbag. Special. •at.ff. Roblnaon·s Women's Shoes. 47. To order. call tolli-free 1·800-345-8501. $39.99 .... ... Al ............ Reg. 158. The low woven pump perfect for business In wine. taupe or navy leather {aelectlon varies store- • to-store). Robinson's Aigner Shoes,152. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. $49.99 OUR OWN WltlPSNAKS PU ... Orig. S80 Exotic snakeskin. open-toe pump in black. brown or wine. Robinson's Women's Shoes. 47. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. MENSWEAR $79.99 WOOL SPORTCOATS• Reg. S110. Sportcoats to build an entire wardrobe around. The neat herringbone weave in gray. brown. camel or olive. Or our shetland in gray. camel. blue or burgundy 38R -44R Selection may vary in each store. Robinson's Man's Sportswear Casuals. 123. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. $29.99 l'AMOUS ~ l'U.NfmL SLACKS• Reg. $40. The perfect complement to your new sportcoat. in gray or brown shades of polyester/wool. 2'8-36. Robinson's Sportswear Casuals. 123. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. $25.99 •L1WD CORD SLACKS• Reg. S36. To go with dress or casual looks. medium- wale cotton/polyester in assorted autumn colors. 30-38. Robinson's Spartswear Casuals. 123. $25.99 GMARDI• PANTS• Reg. S36. Just the right we ight for sparts or dress. in taupe. cocoa. grape or avocado polyester/wool gabardine twill. Color selection may vary in each store. 30-36. Robinson's Spartswear Casuals. 123. $21.99 ,,......., l'LANNmL PANTa• Reg. •30. The wonderful texture of flannel in easy-care polyester/acrylic/cotton/rayon. Charcoal. taupe, silver, chocolate. sizes 30-38. '°" Robinson's Sportswear Casuals. 123. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. $17.99-$19.99 l'AllOU8 MAIWR POLO ••RT8 Orig. •27-$27.50. You'll recognlz.e the logos at once on the atrlPed mesh knit and the raglan 11eeve llsle Polos, bOth In cotton. rn dozen• of colors, S-M-L-XL. Robinson'• Men's Knit•. 21. $19.99 l'AllDU9 llADR llUID •UIT8 Spec11r. Perfect for fell In 1~ cotton. or a very 1pecl1I blend of cotto" and allk. In a varied anortment .-of colorful plaids. S-M-L-XL. Robinson's Men's Sportshirts. 107 $29.99 SHSTLAND CA&a CMMaCK SWllA1WRS Reg. $40. The autumn classic in oatmeal. light blue. gray, brown, lilac. burgundy or green. "'obinson's Men's Sweaters. 195. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. $39.99 ARGYUI ~ Y ... CK SWllAftRS Reg. $55. The wool sweater for fall. with ecru. gray or navy grounds. S-M-L-XL. Robinson's Men's Sweaters. 195. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. •Nominal charge for alterations on sale merchandise. HOME STORE 51%0FF 1'.,_RWAM• tMIC. COOKaT I 79.99. If purchased separately, S 165. Heavy-gauge stainless steel with thick aluminum-clad bottoms that spread heat evenly and quickly. Set includes 1-Qt . 114-Qt. and 2-Qt. covered saucepan!:. 8-Qt covered saucepot and 1014" frypan. Robinson's Housewa res 62 To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. 45%0FF llAQNAl..l"IW• a.PC. COOKMT •128.99. If purchased separately, $235. Constructed of heavy-gauge cast aluminum with a crack. chip and peel-resistant finish -heats evenly and quickly Set includes: 1-Qt. and 2-Qt covered saucepans. 10" saute pan and a 5-Qt. covered casserole with meat rack. Robinson's Housewares. 62. To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. 38% -60% OFF AND MORE l'IRST QUAUTY NRCAU ....,._ Wamsutta~ Springs, Stevens and Martex• fine cotton/ polyester sheets to mix or match. In flat or fitted styles. Twin or king si zes. Orig. S10-S28, Sale '3.88-S13.88 Standard and king cases. Orig. $10-$16 pr. Sale $5.88-•8.88. Robinson's Domestics. 30 60% AND MORE OFF $29.77, ANY SIZE l'IRST QUALITY MWR COlll'ORTmRS A special collection In beautiful colors and patterns. all with cotton/polyester covers fluffed with polyestef fiberfill. Twin to king sizes. Orig. $70-S180. Sale •29.77 any size Robinson's Bedding. 54. Please. no mail or phone orders. SAVE 50%·5~ IRMCMJl..AR QUAK.mt LAC8 TA&aCLOTHS. PLAC8 llATS. ......... ' Ecru or white cotton/polyester In several styles. shapes and many sizes. You may never notice the slight Imperfections. Tablecloths. If perfect. S70-S140. Now •H .tt-•89.99. Lace mats. If perfect. se. Now •2.99. Runners. If perfect, S15 ·S30. Now •t.99-$14.99. First-Quality napkins. Reg. S4.50 each. Sale •3.49. Robinson's Linens. 29. Please, no mail or phone orders. SAVE '°S·.t6~ , ... .,. M OORONAT10NTOWll&.a Cannon'a luxurloua cotton terry loop towels In many cotora. The alight Imperfections won't affect wear Beth. If perfect. s11. Now •5.n . Hand. If perfect, S8. Now •4.41. With. If perfect. •3.50. Now t1.". Bath 1heet. If perfect, 125. Now •14.91. Robinson's Bath Shop, 31 IAll WOOTO.. i6i Wf INWMU WNmlll All W1PUL AND llUCmoNI IXl&mVI. AU.11 .. IUIJICT TO .. IOI IA&I. . rt r ., ,.,,, .. • r ' J ' l a • . ... I Experts caution solar electricity still years away By ROBERT LOCKE ., ....... "* i .. os ANGELES RCA '" prt•dlc t l ng o b 1ll1u n -d o llu1 buslneu will grow from au nc•w vel'ftlon of 1•l\~lrk1 ty-produclnt1 iwlur 1·1•11" hut 11th1•r c•>lfll'll t·11uth111 il 111 11011 11 11111.c wuy fl 11111 lhc luborJ.&!uty w Llw uM01 •111l;I" hrw Sulur l'cll11 111ltt·1111 "111•1•11 k1111w11 1111 ph11tovollo1t·i. thul Freeway become runway I hitll)(I' 'llllllJ(hl dllt•(•lly lfllC) 1·lt'l·trn 1ty wt•n • Jc•vl'lup1·d f111 1 lw 11pm·r I'' 11.crum ci<'<"D<i~•it OJ<n 1111d 111 t• lt•111011v1.·ly l>t'l llt( p111(1l1u·d 111mml'1t'mlly, 1111111tly lo 1111w1·1 '1111'11 thllll{H I.Ill 11wlult·cl AP Wlre1>ft9to A s ingle-engine a irplane takt·~ off from tlw -,outhhouncJ lurw of lnfers ta le 19 south of Tucson after running o ut o f gus shortly uflt'r its fir t takeoff from Tucson Intern a tiona l A irporl. Pilot Medinu Davalos sa id his t•ng ine quit a nd f or{'ed him to lune.I und r efue l. IK'l 'Ull ltu11y10 •II n11vt•ll y Wltll ht .. 11111l l·1tl1ul1110111 · Hut tht-11 polt•ntml "" 11 mt1.1or l>Cltlrt I' 111 1•l1-i·11 Idly, t•lllll'I 1111 h111111 •IW llt•r ,, 1 uofl •IJHI Ill IHI u t1l1ty pOWl'I 111011111. hut1 Ill/I tx•t•ll u •11lllt'<I ht·•·owow prn •'fl n ·mol n l11Kh Now 1\1 lliur H Jo'1n•t.t1·r of H (. I\ . II •• I I 11 l' ,. l II II • N J lal111n 1t111·1t·h i.ay:s th•· r1rrn'i; 1•J<fJt•1111u•r11ul imlur n •l l h hu vt• lil'cll 1HuVt.·d 1·ff1t'll·nl und lnl'l<IX'OSIVl' t·nough ''' <:ompt·lt· for l hl' f1n1t t11n1• with 1•lt~:trll'llY from 0 11 or gus. "Wt-fon'st•c• thli> Hh u tnllicm dollur bus 1nc•l'ts 111 1ht• 1•:11 ly HH.IOs ." Flrt·i.h'r said uf tht• u.uwrphuus 111lll'Wl t-i·lli.. invt•ntt•d t>tght y1·tt1"l\ 111(11 hy HCA Whl'rl' . lrt1t.l1t1011 a l n ·lli. art· sl1c.·t•i. o l ~ilkon l'rystall'>, ht• su1d 1n a11 an11 .. rvl1•w , HCl\'l>t v1•rl't1o n Jf>plll'i. a "j;t<tM'OUS '>(1Up" 11( !>llil'Oll lo a :. h l' <.· l o f g I a '.'> s ( o r ·• l h 1 n . 1nt·xpc•ns1vt• and c•ff1C'1t•n 1 layt·r t•ll't'll 11 tty ur11l ... 1rt'tll.1•r 1tr11d I II JH'l t'1•11t Iii tht• 1·u111m1•111ul lhn ... holtl Oth1•1 v 1,•11111111i. lt.1 v 1· 1111 t•fr11•11•11C'll'H 111 14 fll'rl't'lll lllld 11111r1• hul <'<1llt w1 111ud1 w. $:l0 u w I.I t t • f' I r ' .... l l' r " II I <I I II •• i.uh111•4ut•nt 1n\1·r v1t·w "Wc·'n 1·1111m11llng th•· cwt 111 f>ll l'l·rllis " WO ii ," ht• l'tll ld , add111" lhlt l r u r I h ,. r Ir l's (' i'I I' l ' h rll I u 111 l'Vt·11tu11lly duublt· Lht· t•ffl<'ll·m ·y "J!:Vt'll al 51) ('t'llll'I I.I WUll," ht su1d, "tl!•li'\.~uH 1x rwl ~omg w ..Ge lling inlo u •·ommerciul prodm·t is c.·omplt•x and risk y. I don't think this rules o ut a n y of ..... other a pflroach es ut thi~ timt'." l'OffiJX.'ll· with l'o1.1l and nud1•;u . !Jul wht1t ll will clo I!> Ix· d11•apt.·r th1.1n oil 1.1nd gas." h1· 'W.ltU l1111u 111 .. llllH Vt'Mllllll thul. l'lr('lllN i;.uld, would l.1t· two ll't'l uy rour fn>t "II " c omnll'IC 1111 pruclu1·1 111ulcJ tw· pul 1111 1111' murkt•lpluL'l' with 1l111:w 1i.ir.1m1·ll'I i. 1>( <·rf1t·u..ncy JllU 1'11'11 Jllll 111"1 hOHll'lh1ng like :lll vc•a1 11, tht•11 that wuuld lx· 1.1 1t·al burn h u111l•1," sultJ Tony l'l'llr'-'111. pri1~ro111 11dm1ni11trat1on rnun.11<1·1 ,11 lh1· Jt'l l'rnpulHlon Lul>11ra t11ry'i. ph11111v11Jlwc.~ <'N l lt!r Ill P11si11lt•1111 "But Kl'ltm~ 11111, J t•omrrw1-c1;,.I I" IMlw ·t lh t·o111/1lc·>< un<l n s k y," l 11•1ir1>1111 l'>IJld " d1111't think thus 1 ult·i. 11ut .u1y of th1• 11th<'r uppr(J<Wht'l\ ;,it th11i t1111c·" N wk J'<J I up11ff. µh1Jt11voltu1<.'1> 1·x1H·rl ul South1·rn C11l1forn1a J-:<11,un , i.u1<l tlw ut ility, wh1<.'h hal'> ht't'll working wrth iJ vurae ty 111 ... ol.1r ;ind wind l'nl'rgy ... y .. wnh. "'" vc·r y antc ·rt·l'>Ll·d in HCA'' d1·v1c·1· IL'., vc·r y promising Hut you'n · t;,ilking on the urd1·1 o f thr t't' YVi•n. just to get a m;111ufac·1uri11K lirw M·t up t•vt•n 1( yuu ... t:.irlc.'(J right now " r 1n· .. 1t·r .... 1d moving ln tCJ a HC'I\ n ·M·a1 dw1' 1't't.'1·1v1•d iJ ll L•nlhUl'>li.l l't lll' rt'l t•p1111n ..ii a 11h11tovolt.utl"?> t'Onft·r<·nt·l· 1t1 Sm1 UH'go l<1i.t w1·1·k b y n ·port1ng tht·y h,1cJ l'O:tXl'tl 10 JH•rt'(•llt t•fl tl'tt'lll'Y fru111 11 Mn al I t<•:.t v1•rs1un o( th t• d1•vwt• Eff1t·1t•m·y as the• p<.·n·1•nlag<: of th1· l'>Un 'i. t•ncrg y that':. con vc·rlc·d 1111 0 -==============================================~~-~___::_:_~ CJ l h t· r t' x p t· r t s . t h u u g h 1·nthU!>l<1s t1 1.· ahout thl· RCA l'PM·<Jrl'h . 1·a ul1t1n1·d th1.11 the 1t·i.ul ti. c.·amt.• f rum a h:.ilf 1m·h MjU~Jr<' c·u!>tom ct•ll ;.iml n1u!>t now b1: ma1nu11nc·d in mas.' pruduc.·l'd, 111unul.it·tunng s tag<· w all lake ;,ihoul f1 v1· yc·ar., <Jnd "by b usiness -.t a nd urd.,, 1t 'i. p r o bably 1·1rn.,1Jc.•r<;J high nl'>k We see "'°It' prohlt•m l'>, 1,~~ wt• don't sec anv l'>how ... topp<'r l't IStNATIO 80 LUCKY COUPLES Enter today at any 1st-Nationwide -Savings Office. Now ... New York . Florida and California are closer together than ever before. Now ... America is linked by the 1st Nationwide Savings· network. offerrng so many money-saving. money-making services. Whether you're in New York. Florida or California-for business. pleasure or retirement-your money is where you are Over 1401st Nationwide Savings offices give you a Network Fly Eastern Airlines to New York! Exciting New York -the "Big Apple"-1s /" of financial services and convenience coast-to-coast-to-coast. To dramatize this paint. We've joined with Eastern Airlines and Sheraton Hotels-who also offer you coast-to-coast-to-coast convenience and service- in bringing you this exciting oppartunity to win a glorious vacation for two. Be su re to enter right away! - Fly Eastern Airlines toRorida! waitir.g for you! And the best way to get ~ thereisonEastern.America·s ~ EASTE~N Favorite Way To Fly! You'll like ~ ~ ~ Florida! .. 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Sign up today at your nearest 1st Nationwide Savings office! ST Over 140 OffiC'8 Coast·to-Cout • Over S7 Biiiion In Asset~ ~ -. --........... __ . ,. College cheaper than state prison CARLSBAD, N.M (AP) -A woman <.-unvlcted of shooting htir husband hus bet.!n sent~nced to student lire by a Judge who says it's cheaper to send a person to roUege than to prison. I:?1stric t Judge Harvey F o rt sentenc.'ed Debbie Black &rrett. 27. of Artesia. to a probation that includes college attendance as lon g as sh e maintains a "C" average and abides by the terms of her probation. "As part of her probation. she has to go to <.'OIJege," Fort said or the sentence he Imposed Monday. He said Barrell, who wants to I be a journalist, told the m urt she has qualified for several grants or scholarshi1>5. lmprlliOnmc.>nt J e t t Pt• d 1• ni on . a s t 11 t t• Cor r ec t lon11 Dc1H•rtn11•nt spok esman. s Id 1t costs an average of $40 JX'r day or $14,tlOO l• year lo malnwln a st~te prison Inmate "This is tht• first tame l'vt' l'vt•r done anything lake thil'," f'ur t said. Barrett wn!I co nvic ted n n charges of kidnapping and nrmt'<i robbery and aggravat.00 batu•ry charges an connection with tht· Nov. 14. 1981 , wounding uf her husband. David BarrNt J ngo COUil DAILY PILOl /lhufldDy, Oclo~r 7, t082 1'7 LUS ANCl-:1.i':S IAl'I A lllth 111•1\111 t11111pJ 11y hu~ lu·1·11' ... 1.Jpp1•d w1 1h 11•·r111lt11·,. h y t':il1.(11r 11 111 h1·11lth und im(1•1y -- 111fu·1ol' 111 1·1111111·1·111111 w11h a lllt>Vlt' ,1111d1·11l lla,Jt kilJt.J Ul'l11r Vw Morrow 11nd twn 1'111ldrt•11, IJ1 111u111~: tu 11111fl• tlw n $1$:!,01111 lh1• l11t.d l1n1•' l1·v11·d h y i.tult• .1~1 ·111·11·' T h 1· I :1 I ,. l\ l pt• II (J I t I l' H • IJ1lnou11r1·d Tu1•i.duy b y tht· ( ';dif11rr11.1 (.k.T up.1llon.1l S aft•ty ;i11d l lt .. iltli Ac.l1111n1strathin, c<inw 1111l y th1 t·t· dayi. ht· for t• state A1>.<,<·111l1ly ,ind St·natt· cv111mttll't.'S w<·n · 111 hold a Joint ht·t1r111~ he rt• .. - 1111 ... atHy ... 1JndJ11h, an th1• m o tio n Jm lutt• 1111Jul>try /\ llh11ugh the• lwa1111gs ar e lo J1 .ti w ith lht• H ol l y w ood Fort said the sentence doesn't include the sta te paying her tllition. · "I didn't say the state had io pay," he said. "I'm anticipating that she has good e nough grades to 'et scholarships and grants. Fort sentem·cd her to nine years each for kidnapping and armed robbery and three years for aggravated battt<ry. The srnttHWCS. to run concurn•ntly. were n 'duced to six years for m1ugatang circumstances. Hea ding into hon1e tre tch AP Wlrephoto 1 11 d u i. I 1 y 1 11 g t' n .-r a I , t h l' "'I'"' al1gh1 Z11111·" a<.T1tl1·n1 as • 1·x pl•t·t1•d t o ht· a fot·u s o f Allt'll[IOll Turg<•I of <';ti OSllA 's lau·st 1"·11.tlt11·-; wen• thn·<' and1 v1duab d11111g hu,1111'~' J ' Tw1l1ght Zonl• • I'd like to send them to Harvard," Fort added, no ting that it's "c-h (•a p er" than Fort put her on probation with college e nro llment at Eastt•rn Ne w M e xico Univl.'rs1t y's Roswell branch as a condition of pro batio n . She al so muii t maintain a "C:" average and unde rgo psychiatric trt•atmt•nt l '1 •1du1·t11111.., movw d1rt_·<·t11r .J11h11 L;1ndh . t•xt-t'Ullv<· produl'l'r 1-'1 .111k M.11 .,hJll anti J ,,l,tJnt pri>tlun r (;1·org< Foli.t·y Jr ~S ·and SIIEIMl'ON HOTELS present ••• ONE-WEEK VACATIONS! ( Stay and Play in Style at Sheraton inNewfork and Florida! 40• California lucky couples will be treated to a week's vacation at an exciting Sheraton ""''"'· <-S~ ...... ~.. ~ ~ ~~ Hotel in New York and Florida. ....i.tr '·" • . ., 0 ;:::; .... ~ The Sheraton Centre Sheraton Bal Harbour tr ~ • •·. • ·· ~,, New York Aorida ~ , · .t· • t.~.a l .· The New York Sheraton Hotel P.G.A. Sheraton Resort, W Palm Beach .JJ 1 '.• ~-\ : ~f· Sheraton Caty Squire Sheraton River House. M1am1 ' :~f:S\ · . Sheraton-Russell Hotel Sheraton Ocean Inn. 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It's true with a minimum balance in a qualifying account we·11 give you a VI SA Credit Card with no annual fee There's more: with prompt full payment of your monthly statement. there's no interest Charge Vow VISA Credit Cdrl1 15 sut>1e<:I 10 l.fedil dDDtOval Important information about our Sweepstakes 'Prize winners will be selected from entries submattod from 1st Nat1onw1de Savings and Loan A Federal Savings and Loan Association I Association s 4 Marketing Areas on the following basis, • , • 10 Vacnuons 10 Southern Cahlorn1a • 5 Vac&honi; to Nor1h()rn Ca1t1orn1n • 5 Vacauons I? Floridn Florida Ar .. (Miami) • 10 V&e&tt0ns to Norm"'" Co1Horn1a • 5 Vacations lo Sovrh rn Cithtornia • 5 v..ea1ions lo Now York . Southern C.lltomla Area (lot Anoelet) • tO Vacations 10 Florida • 10 Vacations 10 Now Yurk Nofthefn Celitofnla Ar" (Sin Frenclsc:o) • 10 Vacations to Florida • tO Vacallons to Now Vork I(~ t rtb'y f ot,,. WJ t1HtNf dftlA ... rt4 .... Al illf '" Nlt,1"¥rdll u.tw"'Qt t.ftc ~~ f Nh"-'t rnu\t t,. ttt"O't\ •c .. 1 "''•..th'!'! 1h Hl ,,..,,,.... L'<*Jr>l1><"..,,...o"0..1otltf n llMIJ Nop~,.,. .. ,,.6bl4'1""'_'._"' S•-r"',.'"'~-•o•""""'"' •·I I •·'""• '~••M ""' New""'" .. ,,.,""" o. 1 .. 01•< • 111"' '"" '' V'tl••,ol •v•"-twf'f ,.-K>f( •n .... ,, ...,..,.,,.Ii '~ N•ttOl'IW~ ~·~ •·• 1#M'd ."fl() v1l(•Oc_,. ,,,. • ...,, ... .-~ • '"' 11 (it,._,.,.,,.. ''I'• '"' ift•t\I ·~• • '"'"'._,_. Nf) DU"(.t'\t'4f nrt'll("~ r M,..,,,. "-1" be ~ ..... }I~',.,.. , "'~ b'*n"' *"'1 cOf"'\Pf·ltt tut._ ....... '"t •t ,,. ,~,.tt()ln111111>111••• "•••·~,,,,,, ' . f ., i ,\8 Orang Cooat DAIL V PILOT /Thursday, Octob r 7. 1982 .AMA -µrges drug -. . 1nstruct1ons By CHRISTOPHER CONNELL 4-letM ,,_ Wrltet WAS l-llNU'rON With tlw b I e 1111 I n g u f t h t• R t• u g u n udminlstrullon. Lht• Amt•r1t·an Mt!d1t·al A11110<.·1alaun 111 uq~mg phyaictans lo givl' palwnts nt•w, easy-to-reud 1nstrut·twn s ht•t•t11 wtth 20 widt•ly ust.>d prescription drugs. • IJ'h(' AMA unveill•d 1ls $2.7 million, voluntary "Pat11·nt M ed 1ca t1 on lnforma taon '' program Tuesday By IY84, 1t hopes to expand 1L lo cover 100 drugs. The sheets will list the drugs' ma.)Or side cfft.'l'ls, advise patients how to take the drugs, advtst• pa11ents whether Lo LQkc Lht• drugs during pregnancy or certain illnesses and caution pauents about e ffects on drivmg and other activities. The o rganization of 240.000 physit·1ans waged a successful battl e Lo thwa·rt a ~Cartt•r administration attempt to requ1rl' warning li·~fl ecs with many prescription drugs. Thl• Reagan administrallon ·suspended that program in early 1981 bcfort• It started and formally S(:Ulllt"'<i 11 Wome.(J operate sperm ~ bank OAKLAND (AP) A feminist health rollecuvc has o p ened what its officials say 1s the first sperm bank run b y women and the first in northern California. "Women are not only going to con trol their bodies and reproduction through abortions, but they will also be able to control when they have children ," said Laura BroV(n, director o f the Oakland F eminist Women's Health Center. S h e said the center will help infertile couples. lesbians and single women who want c h ildren . She used herself as an example. "I'm not married. I'm not looking Lo be married, but l wanted to h ave a child," said Brow n , who was artificially inseminated nine months ago by a private donor and just had a daughter. "I wasn't prepared lO go Lo a bar and pt<'k someone up -not only for my own integrity but for the integrity or the man. I would feel just rotten treating a man like that. This seemed like the easy, honorable approach," she added. She said the-"Center supports "all loving. caring kinds of families that exist." Brown said that one in five couples cannot have children, citing radiation. toxic substances, hot tubs. tight clothes and electric blankets as contributo r s to the infertility rate. Aft er p assing a physical examination , women requesting insemination will choose from a catalog listing the height, weight. race, blood type and other charactei"\stiCS of d onors. who are identified by numbers. The men wall waive all custody rights to the children. M ore t h a n 200 potential donors already --11re being screened, Brown said Each must fill out a 10-page medical history form and provide a s p e rm sa mple for fertility testing. "The reason most men have stepped forward is they really care and are concerned e nough to take an active role in reproduction." she said. "They really believe In reproductive rights for women." Brown said the center will restrict the number o f children sired by Individual men and will keep records lQ.. assure that half-sibling's don't marry. She said she plans to tell her own newborn dau1hte r how she was conceived. "Being wanted is the concern of m ost children," she saJd, "and artlflclally Inseminated children are not Uk«>ly to feel unwanted." 111111 munth Dr A1;thur Hull 1 h1Yf'8 Jr .. th1• t·11mm11111imwr 11( tocxl und dru~lll. t' u 11 c d l h 1 • A M A 1 11 I t I u t I v t' "lt.•rrtllly l'Xl'lllllg " "'I'h1• lnf11rmulion l'tlllWN from Im pN'<'n b It• 110 u rct'l'I. IH'l' r n·vll•Wc.'Cl sourt'('S . . All of us will want to monllor whot in r11l.-t huppt•ns in phys1c1ans' 11Hll'\'li, clinks and hospitals around lht• t' o u n t r y . ' ' h t• t o I d u n e w 8 t'Cmfort•nt>t•. "But I bC°h(•Vc SUl'h u s trong start bodl'I> Wt•ll " Dr Jamt•s H. Sammons, tht- AMA's cXC.'<.'Utive vkc presidl•nt, said tht• Carter admlniHlration's warning leaflets would have u n n t• c: cs s a r i I y r r ~g h L en l' d patll'nlS. The· AMA 's sheets mut:h lei.s lct:hnac:a l versi o n s or inf ormation now prov1dl•d phys1<:1ans art• "honest. Ol't'UfUll'. rt'flt'Clive of fact Lind Yl't no t rrightcn1ng ," said S<immons. Dr Jost ph !-'. Boy IL·. a Lui. Angl'll•s 1ntc rn1 s t who I S l'ha1rm<in or the AMA'i. board uf tru:-.tl'l'S, said, "Up until now (pala·nts ) havt• had aviJilablt· only 111formullon that wus e1tht·r 11rnt•t·urut1•, 111t·ompl1·t1• ur (oo l ' o 111 IJ I 1• x f u r t h t• m t o Utlllt•l'HUllld." T iit' AMA l'tlOf>l'rlltt•J With II 8l11ntl.11 J -1R•tlmg group t:ull<'d tlit• U S. Phurrnurnpt•lal Convc11llun In µrt•purlnt( the ln11truc:t1on s hl•t•l.b on sud' drugs uii lm1uhn. orul pt•ntl·ilhn. bt.·t.a-blOl·kt•rs and nllroglyt't'rtn. Drug I I rm 11 don u l t' d $ I U m11ll11n for tht• progrnm und th<• AMA tht• rest The AMI\ will prov1dt• the sh('l'lS lo phys1c1uns at nu c:usL l'Xl'l'Pl for postuge and handling. The AMA shl'ets l'UVt'r tht• folluwang drugs or drug duss(.'S: furns1•m1de, a daun~ut, lhiuz1de d1url'ltl'S; urul pt•nid lllns: digitalis pn•µarat1ons; coumarin -lypl' ant1t·1mgulants, oral ant1daubet1('S, tl'lr:tl·yc:llncs, cephalosporins, crythromydn: non-steroidal ant1- i n f I 11 m 111 a Lo r y a g t' n t s : b t• n 7 11d 1azl'p1 n l" s ( s u t'I'\. as V;ilaum), s ubl1ngual n1troglycl'rin , methyldopa; insul in, o ral curt1costcr oids; dml'lldtnl:'; ~adonna and barbiturat es, -phen ytoan . sulf11namidc•i., a~i tx·w blOl'kers Now During rh <' l'Drt('r mln11t1l11tru11on. lht· t'l>A lulllnlly 1wught lo rn4ulr1• "pullent µ.ic:k.llHt' ln11t•rt11" wl lh 370 prt'll(.·riµllon drugs Jo'ut.>t'll with nn 1111luKtry uproar, IL 11t·all•d the• l>lunli buck tu a /'llut program n volvlng 0 dr ug •; p r 11 po x y p h c n l• ( D a r v o n ) , dml'l1d1n(•, dofibrate, amptt:alhn, pht!n yto1 n ; llt.•nzod 1uu• pl nc•11, dlguxln; mt•Lpux1mlcn; thluzidcli and &•ndt>cltn Sunw of thoSl• an• on tht· AMA'i. hi.t Con1oum1•ri. ~et lt•1.ifll·ti. ur dl•tail1•d labt·l11 on ull non pn1it·npllon drugs, but the• FDA f"l'tjUllt':> ll•UCJl•I.'> walh only a f~w pn·s<'riptiun drugs, 111duding birth mntrol pills and l'Strogens. In u lcltt•r to all 400,000 pr<H' I ll't ng U S. ph ys1t·1a n s , Sammons said 11 will be up to thl'm to dc'C1dc whcthc•r to give pi:.tllcnts thl· instrut·llon s het•ls. "Only you nrn bc:st dt'(·tdl• whl•n, how and 't11 whom you WI 11 d1str1butl' this mformat111n " Sanm1uns :-.aid "You cun .. rt·t·ogn1ze thos1· s1tuat1uns in w h ll' h t a k l' • h o m <' w r 1 l t c• 11 1ns1ruc·t1oni. will he.• mo:-.t us.:rul " and them. 41ng Vi ·iting mom Nancy Hcagun anJ h er molher, Ediah Davis, (•xc hunge i,miles upon lhe f irst lad y's arrival for u privalc visil at h er molht-r's Phoenix home. .. .. , Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determ ined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous 10 Your Health. Compet1trve brand tar levels reflect the lower of e111\et FTC method Of Dec '81 FTC Report SOFT PACK lOO's FILTER. MENTHOl1 2 mg. "tar". 0 2 mg nicoune av. per cigarette by FTC me1hod .. I I ,\.f.\ .,~ ~-p ~ '--'onsumer guide offered-~ By PAT HOROWITZ or.-Dtltr .... • • ..,. The U.S . O!flce of Con!fumer AUu1rs a nnounced the availability of the following new ~nsumcr .publi~auons. The Department of Tmnsportulion's new quarterly publication, "Transpo Topic.'8," h1ahlighta OO'l"lf regulatory and ll•gislatlve activities as well as ongoing initiatives such as safety bell nnc..I drunken driving c.·ampa1~n.'I It's Cree from the OH1c<· of Governmt•ntul Affairs, O rr1cl' of lhC' St•l'rl'ta r y, fOT. Washington, D.C 20590. The Center for Sc1cnt.·t• m tht· Public Interest's "Sodium &-orl'board " poster tells consumers the sochum c.'Onlent of more than 250 foods. both brand name and fresh foods:-' h 's available for $3 ($6 Jamjnatc.-'Ci) Crom ' CSPI. P.O. Box 3099, WashinglOn. D.C. 20010. Prit.'CS for bulk orders (\uoted on request. Underwriters Laboratories' ''Ha ndy Gua(ie to Safer Use of Household Appliances" is designed to h e lp consumers avoid over loading household e lectrical c1rcu1ts. Single t.'Opies are free from UL's Consumer Specialist, 333 Pfingsten Road. Northbrook, Ill. 60062. "At Home With Energy," a program of the American Assoc:iation of &.•tired P(•rsons. focuses on eight areas where older persons {'an make a big difference in their bills for relatively little c.'Ost. Although it is intended for middle and lower int.'Ome older persons. the information can be useful Lo aJI age groups and income leve ls . The program. whac.·h includes a 16-minule slide presentation with a companio n cassette tupe, a 20 -pagl' participant's mC1nual and a prt'sentcr's gu1dl'. is available for fre<' loan from David Gamsc. Program Department. AARP. 1909 K St N.W .. Washington. D.C. 20049 Ask BBB for h elp DEAR PAT: I order ed $127.90 worth of kitchen items from Sere ndipity in Amarillo. Texas. I've written and phoned. but can't get my orde r delivered. I think waiting for six months is unreasonable, and I hope you can get a refund fo r me. V.M., Laguna Heach Surry. but Amarillo's BcttN BusanC'ss Bur<•au reports thett St-rcnd1p1ty went out 1Jf bus1m.•ss in July •The BBB advises you to S<.'nd details of your order, plus proof or payml'nt lo 1t:. ofht.-c at !OOH W. 10th St .. Amanllo Tc•xas 7910 J. Stall' whl'thl'r you wash to rc'<:<•1vc: a rrfund or your rncrchand1st· (som e items arc still <JVatlablc) and the 8£6 will prcx:ess yuur fl'qUt'Sl 11nml'<i1ately :::nd bt• tn L'Ontacl w1lh you Jigsaw puzzle photos DEAR PA f : I wanted t o tell T.A .. Newport Beach, and your other readers that plloto jigsaw puzzles made from a phot o negative or slide can be ordered !rom Jigsaw Ma rci, No. 704, Parade Publications Inc., P .O. Box 29, De pt. JJ, Keulngton Station, Brooklyn, N.Y. I 1U8. K.E ., Huntington Beach Thanks for the information . The pu7.Zk'S are priced from $4.99 A $2 50 crf'dit-toward- purchas<' coupon and ord<>r dl·ta1is l-O:.l $1 50 • Got a problem? Then writ~· to • 1 Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut r~ lnpe, - getting the answers and act1<m you n e ed t o solve 1ncqull1£'s 1n government and busines..<>. Mail your qu£>St1ons to Pat -Horowitz. At Your .Scrv1ee. Orange Coast Daily Piloc, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA. 92626. LEAR# TO FLY II AUSTRALIA 8 week priv1t1 pilots coune includes: •Tour of the Outbac k * Visit s to Sydney & Provincial Cities VERY Competitive Price FOf mOJe information call lill Hawkin l&l-1311 Affer IP.•. Something Special ~feminine fashions < _,_~~; 250 E. 17th St. I ~ r & Costa Mesa 645-5711 OCTOBER SALE 20% OFF FALL cono• SlllTI I IUUIES 11m11 DI ESSES DOl'T MISS IT SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION (SELECTED MERCHANDISE) We Specialize in Fashion For The Missy Figure CSize 4 thru 18) · ·1s~e DOES NOT APPLY T'O SPECIAL. ORDERS) ' 'I Or ngu Conat OAILV PIL.OT/lhu11d y, Octobor 7, 1882 ~· •h ~"'"ersory ~SALE '229 • FREE cushions w1lh each purcnase while they tas1 e FREE Drawing tor $419"00 La·Z ·Boy Recltner on Oct 17. 5 pm No purcl'lase necessary Need not be presen1 10 win OP[N OAll] MON ·SAi 9 -6 SUNOAV 12-5 ........ $ptdllb not pielwtd in ad 1s pro ud to mtroduce I\ •iLANCOME'' Color Theory Tuesday, October 12 thru Friday, October 14 You are invited for a personal visit with one of our top makeup artis ts to discover your most glamourous makeup looks and en1oy a custom designed application of Lancome's exclusive colors created by seasons 1ust for you. Fee of $25. 00 will be -applicable to any Lanc8me p urchase. Please make reservations 540-3233,' Ext. 364 South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER FOR A FULL YEAR. When you mvcst in Bank of America's Tax Free Time Dcpoc;i1 , you nnd your spouse c:i n earn up to $2CXX) intcreo;t, free from federn 1 i ncomc tax~ That's $166 a month, tax free for n ycar!'-n (I ndividual~ may corn up to $HXX> tax free.) DOLLAR FOR DO LLAR, A 13EITE.R INVESTMENT Si nce thb income is tnx free, a Tax Free Time Deposi t mny octually give you moro doll ars aftrr tnxcl> thnn many investments, includinr. n1onc y market accounts. Compare for your- self. Ju st stop by or cn ll any Bonk . \)f America bu111ch . We'll show you J ollar for dollar how other invc..,t- mcnt.. ... tack up :i~ainc.,1:i 1 ;1x frn· T ime Dcpo..,ll. MOR[ Tl IAN A TAX BR[AK A<.l<l v.d uc to your uwcstmcm by uc.,in~ ynur T11x Frt•c Time D 'po-.it to hel p you qunltfy for chcckm~ free of monthly c h:ugc~ w11h our Comb1 ncJ Bt1lnncr Scrvic;c!M And t>f cou r!-tl'. w11h llnnk of Am<.•r icll you cHn honk on :i 11 the ~a fct y :in~ con vcn 1cnec of Cnltfnrn2a\ lc:u.ling bnnk . BANK ON IT NOW A ~Ol~ m vcstmcnt hkc thi~ won't BANK GF.AMERICA l:i..,t forc·vcr. By l:tw, Tnx Free Timl' LJepo~il~ can be openc.:J only thmu~h Dl't:ember H. l9H2. l.io be !-turc 1n ca ll m "!OP hy nn y branch !-.oon. A'>k :ibout .t 1,1x Frl'C Tune Depn~tt -t hc 1ax hr~·nk ynu c;in hnnk on for n f ul 1 yc:i r. I,,, 1•,t·r•1r111111 ""•tot r11dv w11hdr:1w11t plu, ,uh •Ltnll1l) tlllfl<"'l twn .. lt\ l\.1-.("d ••t111.,q•k"l•·pc1>1ttn1t } n l I 1111u11· .1v111I Jhk "" Ch111l>1·• t Dq'l<"ll 11m11un1 11cnl•·•l t111•111 n 'lU MI 1• 1t•tlun·•I 11 y1111 h 't< t\' tntt•rc•t rnyfllrnl• 1, ... frcq1u·r11lv t hH· v•·a1 1i:1m $ •l•I 111111111111111 .lrri••h 1.>1011111111 . ~llOl 1nJ 1v1du11l ldct1m1• ( -cdu•1n11 lr11111lc<lr111l1n.11mc till! fin r .• , rrc..-r ftnl l'>cf'fl'll• ,1nd 1llf 01 hrr tnVt'•tml!nl' 111 th I' I~ l)f' .1111n\ fin1tnn11I m•t1tu1111n BANK ON THE LEADER . t c f (' ~·· Or nge CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thur1day, Ootobor 7, 198? Newport water tests will bear watching Just the mention of aslx.'Stos In drinking water is Irritating anri repulsive, making onC' clutch the throat or swallow hard as if that would get rid of the problem. After all, the pes k y (ibNs that flake off some interio r building materials have bc.~n ruled hazardous to the health -or even deadly -for construction crews, offic:e workers and elderly s hut- ins who mu~t breathe such tainted air in close quarters. Now the Newport Beach City Council has agreed to spend $4,200 for a two-month battery of tests to find out where asbestos fiber s found in the city's drinking wate r are coming from. The analyses s h ould reveal whe ther the 'microscopic fibers an~ imported in water purchased from the Metropolitan Water D1stri<:t or· are sloughing off the asbcstos- lined concrete pipes that make up 80 pe rce nt of the c:i ty's water system. If the problem is a ttr1butC'd to the pipes' lining, Newport &•ach os a guinea µlg in st·ar('h of' a solution to tht· probkm would tx.• watchf'd cl()S('ly by dowm; of other d tiei. and t·ourHll'S thut 'huvl' t1pprowd the u~· of sud\ 'pipt.g for 3 0 y l' a r s . T h t' t'o n d u i t s ta re presumt.>d sMer than plastk pipes s uspC'cted of producin"' tan<:er· causing agents and iron pipes thut have a coal-ldr lining known to he dangerous. City e ngineers C'au tion that there is n o cause for alarm and no evidence that 'swallowing the· fibers is harmful.' But some medical experts say then• is research sh owang that asbestos. whether inhaled or s wullowt.•c.J , can t'flUSl' cancer. All the more reason why the.· Newport Beach testing should be c·xi:x'tlicnt and thorough. When the SlJUfl'C and correC'lion arc known, we a nd thousands o f o th e r Californians will know how to be safer and whether water qu<.iltty monilorings should tx.• reported as routinely as smog ak-rts. Hilly nest for seniors One o f the favorite tricks of whimsical Lagunans is to drive newcomers to the top of the 3rd Street hiU, where the roadway appears to vanish into thin air, jam the car into low gear a nd zoom down the awesome incline while passengers cringe . The block-long hill is so steep it can't be handled in either direction without gearing down - and on very rainy days the police often JUSt close it off for safety reasons. Does this sound like a great place for a senior citizen housing project? It does to developer James Schmitz whose Bea c h Construction Co. has plans to build 31 low-cost units on the hill. especially for senior citizens. And he hopes to be able to market the 500-to-600-square-foot Victorian-style units for between $72,500 and $89,000. That's weU- nigh miraculous in a community where the two cheapest houses c urre ntly lis ted are priced at $139,500 and $167,500. There will be a f ew conditions. First, buyers will have to be at least 60 yean of age and earn less than $25,QOO a year. If units are rented out, it can o nly be to older tenants and at affordable rates. And if they eventually are sold, there will be a ceiling on the price, determined by the rate of inflation. How in the world wall senior citizens manage to navigate the infamo us 3rd Street hill? There will be underground parking a nd two elevators to t.ake them to their homes in the eight-level, tcrrac.·ed complex. And there's an added bonus for Laguna. whe re a ffo rda bl(• hous an g for senior ci tizcns has always been in s hort s upply Unde r county government regulations, the city would st.and t o gain up to $620,000 in affordable housing credits to be used for future low-«>St housing projects. If all this seems somewhat far-fetched, be advised that Schmitz and his investors already have their plans in the hands of the city planning department and hope to break ground next April. Pe rhaps the inauguration, in good Laguna style. s hould be celebrated with one of 3rd Street's hair-raising uphill bike races. New look for recreation One of Irvine's long-standing planning problems has centered on a proposed "recreation park" on Michelson Drive not far from the Fluor Corp. Four years ago, the landowner. Architectural Design Manageme nt of Anaheim, touched of( controversy after submitting plans for what amounted to a "fun zone" on four acres of its 17-acre ·holding. There was much concern at that time that the park would become something of a hangout for teen-agers with nothing much to do. Some residents said they felt an undesirable element would be attracted. Today, ADM has a new plan -one remarkably different from the original proposal a nd one that should be endorsed by the city. The new proposal, like the old one. calls for a miniature gol r course. The similarities end there. •. • Under the new plan, lus h landscaping, a Balboa Pavilion- like building. a low-profile water slide and oth er attractions would be included. There also would be a so- called c hildren's e xperience center, spotlighting the arts. sports and computers. Obviously. the deve lopers are trying to give young visitors more than an arcade in which to blow a fistful of quarters. Beyond changing its plan, ADM also has changed its style. In conjunc tion with city planning department representatives, ADM will review the proposals with hom eo wners association re presenta tives in Rancho San Joaquin. All in all, it finally appears the city is in line for a tasteful and entertaining recreation park, and o ne that overcomes past community concerns. Opinions expressed In the space abOve are those of the Oallv Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader c:.omment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Oallv Pilot, P.O. Box IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 9262b. Phone (7 U l 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Ike's advice No U.S. President wu more noted f« •ylng what he didn't mean than Dwt1ht lr.i.lenhower. A. C.Ommandlng ~ of the Allied Forces ln World War n. he tent this note to his troope: "Do not needles1ly endanger your llvea until I give you the signal." 1n New York Clty'a Central Park are 48 bridaes, no two alike. Frederick Law Olmstead deaJgned them. Bridf ~ folk regard them H gC'od , mayl.Jti .,.eel. art. ORANGE COAST Daily ·Pilat , The eye of a man rovers one frame or v18Jon over about 45 degrees, ttae eye of an eagle about 110 degrecs. More than hnlf of a ll passbook savings accoun\.8 natlonwldl' belong tc> people over ~5. Arkansas law pcrmlta a m&n to beat hlt wife no more thnn on<X' o month. Suppose you knew that hair on violin bowa l'OmC.'S from hol"llea' tali.. Themot P. Heley 'llbii"* Jene Amerj f•KUll .. fdltOt ....... ICrellkh tdl!OllCll '9te ldi!or '"--Meeenn Moftot!flf ldolot ... R&rr.BL.AME CARTFR.rr ~IN'OO. Letters to the editor Give the Irvine Company credit T11 tht· Editor: Whalt• 1 don't agrc..>(.• with all that the lrvint· Comp;.my dr1e•s, I do h:.ivt• to t.akt• t•xt·1·p111111 to tht· t·omml'nlS t•xpn~-d by Brun• G · S:.iv1lle. M.D. lrl''his lt•tl(•r of Sl'pt 2Y wh1t·h swtes in part "Thl· toU:al lttt•k of t·onc:crn of Tht· Irvine Comp;my for our c111zcns and thl• c-ommunitt<·:. is <h•plorabll•!" Th e lrv 1n t' Compa ny and 1ls 1·mµloyc.·1·s hovt> demonstratc•d tht•ir t ' tllH' c.• r n f b r n u r c· 11 i z e ns a n d the tommuntllet; m a number of ways and ofl(•n don't rt'<.>elVl' full rc><.'<>grllllon for tht.•ir <:on1rlbut1ons Co11s1dt·r tht·ar support o f youth orga111u.111ons sUt·h M the Boys Clull of ttw Harbor art'a. Boy ScouLo; of Oningt• County. lht• ~'l>..,ment and Tn·atnwnl Centl•r, Y.S.P .. the YMCAs of Ornnge County lo name a few Tlw1r su ppo rt go<'s lH•yond the• lo11l11uutwn of fund:. and 1 rwlut11·~ li«1dt•n.h1p on boards of dtrl'('tors or key h.'adrrsh1p in helping to dl•vc•lop nC.'w programs such as the Boys and Garis Club of Irvine 01 the lrvtrw YMCA Servac.•e Cenwr. Add their support of th1• P:ic·lfi<' Chorall'. Balll't Pacifica and their undt'rwriting of last year':. 'Christmas Carol" production at the South Coast Repertory Theater and they support cultural developmt'nt. THEIR INVOLVEMENT tn i.upp<>rt of t·tluca11on includes the underwriting M'Vt·ral yc>ars ago o..Ltht• summN St:hool program for the l~c· 01:.tm·t, suppurt o ( t h c• N c w po r l · M <' s a Sc· h o o I 's Jo'oundal1on, and KOCE-TV in Orange County where 30 of their t•mployees assisted m the r~nt telefund drive. Add in the fact that 45 c.•mployees helped in the Back Bay Litter Clean-Up Day. or the company's support of Clean Harbor day and Lhelr key involvement in the Bay Dredging project. Coru.1dcr that they spon90r a free learn to swim program for Harbor area youngsters annually, support the Corona del Mar 5K run, the Newport Beach Character Boat Parade, th<' American Heart Assoc1al1on's Run fo r Heart program. the Boy Scout Camporee involving thousands of youngsters, and their lt-adership involve ment in the nnnual United Way campaign Countywlde we should remember that The Irvine Company has given key leadership to the Orangewood Home for abused and unw~nted children. The leadership has been in the form of time on the board of directors and dollars for the development of th~ ~w home.'. The Irvin e Compon y ha s demonstrated Its roncem for our citizens and the quality of llf f' quite outsi..ndingly! The prk-e of the Be<! Canyon land? Ir the Dr. Savillt.' is In private practice hnpc•fully ht• as doinl( what he wnnl!! th1· lrvint.· Company to do -negotiate on his f<'E'S! JIM dt·BOOM Airport l1is tory To the &tltor: Mr 8.J C. Fischer (Mailbox Sept 30) Is out ur has dl'pth. In 1942 (40 years ago -not 20) what wa~ then the U.S. Army Air Force. moved into Orange County Airport 1 hnpp<'n to hove flrst-h3nd lnformnuon tx.-cau~ I W"M chorg<'d with the move and the subll<'qU<'nt opern\lon of th<' airport. At that tim It ls true that th<'I'<' were not many homes Ddjaecnt t" the airport Itself. but thu area w(all well dev<'loped, ond certainly Nc•wport Jkoch. espt,--clally around th<' coast and the bay wos well Inhabited. The airport it8"1f had the remains of an uph1dt strip and wu In the Lhtoee of being paved to accommodate the Air Force opcnuJona. Until that time there WU but on oper&lor, tha\ or the Martin Brothers and th y did not attC'mpt to St>rve lndu1try a1 1uch -they were airplane enthusln~t.a and want.t,-d to earn a living tc?achlng othc-n to fl y and all that gUC'S with It. CERTAINLY THE elrport was not "th rt Clral." t llCC.'M to recall that within our current time frrunc. aay around 1912 wht"n the pavllJon wu bu.Ill there w~re peoplti living In Newport Be1ch and ther<' wu • complc:te at.nee or al1traf t ' MAILBOX let alone airports, which came much later. By the same token there was no "organized flight pattern" unttl 1942 or 1943. The Air Force personnel operating the airport at that tame developed and had pubhshed what I believe to be the first "pattern" and bears no resemblance to the present one. There is a legitamate right to peace and quiet. We all re<.'Ognaze the rights of others when they do no• impinge on someone else. It is not necessarily that the airport must go -onl y the jets. Certainly Golden West does not bother anyone. If Mr. B J .C. Fische r cannot :.abide those of us trying lo lave in Newport &ach . in peat'C· and quiet, perhaps he would be happier back in f'~lorida Newport Beach was hert• fi rst ALAN L BLUM Transi ents' right To the Editor· A response bcc.·omt.'S n('l"t•ssary 1n regard to Steve Mitchell's artide 1n thl' Sept. 30 issue, "Transit•nts Stay One Step Ahead of the Law m Laguna " Although the c ilizt·ns of Laguna Beach do not respect the hvmg styles of Laguna's transients. th('S(' pC>Ople have as much right to occupy an area as do the well~drcssed businessmen of the c·1ty If one of these "dirtbags" <:.i term lJS(.'(f by one or Mr. Mitchell's un1dentif1t•<J soUr<'CS suggested) breakb tht• law then ht• or she nhould be punish<'<i for suc·h al·ts. But lo sa nglE' ou t ~1 group of Individual s bt•cause th,•y h ave a different s ty le of living 1s a blatant ttct of bias. Laguna Beach Chief of Polire, Nc•tl Purcell, need be.congratulated for taking a protective attitude for those less fortunate than those ciuz.ens doing alJ o f the oomplalnJng. KEVIN M REX Church 'compromise' To the F.dltor: Your editorial on Sept. 30 concerning the dispute be tween St. Andre w's Presbyterian Church and the Cliffhaven Homeowners' Association st.all'S that the <:crntroversy f inally ended with a compromiae. But. compromise mean!' that both sides give and take If tht• re mainder of youa' cd1to r1al is any indication, one wondC'rs JUSt how much compromising really to"k plac<.' Consider: 1. When the homt'owners expressed concern over the height of the proposed sanctuary. the church reduced its height by 20 p e r cent. Wh('n that was unsatisfactory, \he height was further rPduced so that now It lS IC'SS than ontc0 half the ongtnal proposal. 2 When the homeowners expressed <.'oncern over the poss1bl<' increased dt·m:.ind for parking. the church agreed to double th!' number of on site parking palces thus requiring a multi-levC'I struelurr with it.'I added c'OSts. 3. When residents along Cluy Street t'Omplamed that the building would still thn•att'n thc•ir view, it wa~ ngreC'd 111 move th1• building 92 feet further ;Jway with a correspondingly greater impact c>rl the fau.• of t•xlstlng struc·tun~ AND ALL THIS took place after the propo!l('d plan& hod ~n i ppro" :.-d by tht' Plannin~ Commission. lntc?restlngly, that commmion wns able to uake sides on 3 controversial matter -something which, .,, you nmed, our City Council was unwilling to do. Not Is thi!il the flr1t lime that homffiWn(•r f<'ehngs obout the churc:h'll plOl'\.'I hav bttn voiced. Scv<'ral yt•ors uHO. St. Andn:w's was offC"red & chance to purcha1t.• propl'rty for A nl'w ilanctuory. At the tlml'. thtr ' wu 110m(" coll('.('rn In the neighborhood about \ht> cvrntual dlspo1ltlon of thf• c hurch'11 existing property. When " suggestion wos mod•• that It might bl' used tor low -lnc·om<' housing. the lovl•I of n<>lghborhood concern "*' comiderobly. Ltllt f\ 11-lt-•t«t•tl<-• IN rotM llt--1 .. l•n 11 111 .... ., •llM•Mlt 11 .. I " rtW• ..... ullt O ti .. ..... , ., , .. , Wiii .. ··-......... u 41111 ... \t>" -·· Ill Cli> .. t1tNlll•• •Ill -111119 ...,_., IN! IW-\ _, .. ···~119111 ... ·-·· •• Wfl((llilll , .. " .. I\.....,.,.. "-''' ,., .. ,.., • .....,.,.,..., u11 .. , ,..., .. , ... .,.... 1e.u.,... N•"'t 1111 ,._ -*' ti "'9 C tl'llflh•• _ .... """' 19r •• , thtahtl\ ,._..,., S1 n t't· the o ff t:r was eventuall y withdrawn. the matter never came up for publtt debatf' Sull. the incident gives ttw 1mprc.-ss1on that the neighborhood v1c:ws 1\M'lf as a clOS(.-d t'ommun1ty that is opp<ISCd to C'hangc. On om· pu1nt yoll are absolutely on targ1·l Tht• out.1:11mc of Monday night's mc·t·t111g will l'osl the church more 11101H~y s ince a new plan mus t be prt'pa n •d und brought back to the l'Ouc·il for review So. after nearly two yt·u1"!> of planning and negotiating. the congn •ga t1 on now finds itself bac:k a lmost wh e r t• it b e gan . Th e ir wtlhngnl'SS to a<:t·ede to homeowner n>n<:t'rn:., dc•monstral<'s how much thl'y w18h to bt• considered a part of the nt•1ghb6rhood . As Dr Huffman was quott'<f saying. "the church wants to Ix-a goud neighbor." II would hav<.• been ntc.-e 1f lh<' Uaily Pilot had S<>l!ght to stress that po~ its ed1tor1al Ont• would also hopt• th.it the message is not lost on the hm11l'OWn1·rs thC•IT\S('IVt'S WILLIAM S L<tSOR. JR. Bad bu ines To th<· Ed1t11r. It w-.s in b:.id taste• for th<' Laguna At·ut·h Busmt-ss A."5(1na11on Lo ~ponsor a "C'Cll"brauon" rt.1:c•ntly to honor the end of thl' tourist season wherein they hung ;1 touris t m c•ff1gy. dad in shorts and with <• l·amt·rc1 an1und his nt-ck Thl' hwllhood of the majonty of the bu..,m<~-..cs m Laguna Bt-ac:h 1s derived from thl· profit~ made from tourists v1'>1t1ng tht• :.irl'a How would the Pagc·unt o f tht· Masters fan• without Lounsts. 01 tht• Sawdust F<.'St1val. or the ht>tt·ls. rt'SWUrants, or a ny of the retail outll'ls for that matter? Talk about "biting thl' hand that feedr. you'" F'rom wh111 I have St't.·n o' some or the "lol·flls" m tlw caty of Laguna BC'och, it would havt• ht.'(•n belll'r to hang them in df1gy ralht·r than the tourists from whom tht· mt.•rchants derive their daily brt•ad If our J.>ft.'M.'nl l'<'Onomy l'Ontanuc'S, the mt•rc:hants m11y not havf' to "<'l'lebrate" n1•xt year' MRS G. E. DA VIS Child abuse To th<' Edator: Yesterday I felt a strong urge Lo administer a violent spanking to a young woman I wanted t.o hear her 9Creams of indignation, anger and phys ical pain. Why? Because I witnessed her abuse of two children , presumably hers, whose ages I judge to be about 3 and 7. The screams of the younge r child drew my attenuon to the scene which was in the parking lot of a local super market. My vantage point was from my :ipartmcnt perhaps 300 feet away. The woman was literally dragging the child by one arm while pushing a loaded shopping cart. The older c hild was walking behmd. I heard her yeU, "This as the last time I will ever bring you along " On gelling to their foreign -built station wagon I watched the woman shove the crying child mto Lhc car and slam the door. S h<' yelled, "Now sit there ~and shut up .. Then she pushed the cart to the rear of the vehicle where the older child was llfung the hatch. I saw her send that t•hlld rt>cling with a hard slap on the bottom. and I heard her shout, "Just l(C'I into the car." My 69-year-old heart is sUll bleedlna for those unfortunate children. And I am s\lll llffthlng wilh anger at that modishly dresst.-d, slenderly attractive, apparently affluent y<'>ung woman whose hHrt must be mode of stone. I hope you wlll publish thl~ and that she and other child abusuA will read it. Perhap!t the knowl ~gc thlllt they nre being obeerved will c-ncourage tht'm to m<'nd their ways. BILL COCKRELL 111111• What did we evt'r do ~font ~ h.c:I at. or lhete con.umcr advooat.et to PfOW'Cl ... from OUl"8e1Vct? .... ,.., ... ,_., ., ......... ~ ~ ..... .. -·-:x:.'::'' .... '"" ........ ,,.,, ... ,_. ....... ...CHtlt"IMil . ' U1011u11 Com1I fJAll y Pll l>T 1Thutt1d y, ()c;tobor 7 tee" I I •ANN LANDER'S •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE Medical school focus lacks human qualities lW:Au ANN I .ANI >to:1ts Yo111 11•11ly l11 "V1l'l1rn in Yuunu ... 111w11 " s1ll'll1•d out l'Xlll'lly what m y all.-«x·11111·~ arrd l w ho work .1l 11wdit·iil 1•1•111t·rs hav1· hc.>t•n suyll\g lur J lcJ11g 11111e· Y ou w1.•11.· nJ{hl 1111 wlw11 v11u -..11d tlw 1.·nh·rw lur l>l'llX'l111g m1·clu·al -.111tf1•111:-. .11 1· WI eel\){ '1'111' 1·11t11·1· l<x·u:-. Is 1111 g1 :1d1•:-., gr .11J1•:-., gr .1d1·., l'1111..,.'<1111·1'11ly. tlw llll'I\ arld Wuriwn who g1·1 1h1· h1J{hl y 1•1v1•11.J 11l..1t'\'!t 111 <>UI m1•d11.'.il i.<'hcl<ll., .er I' h111:-.l,l•1t "' 1·1.1dll1·v1·r-;, su1x·r-ug.J.(r1• srv1• 1111tf l11•11l'l:V 1111pl'l1llv1· l don't 1·1msrd1•1 th11s1• quali111°., tlw mc1:-.I cl1·.,1r;chh• 1111 a pit :vs11.·1~111 A:-. v11u .,,Cid . 1\1111. we· 111•1•d 1·1111111...,.,1<111,111" 1.·oring l11.M:l111 :. W1 • ;111 k1111w phy.,1c·1.111 .. who ;1n• brn1I< i.m11rl, h111 llll'V :ill• 1·ccld . 111o;c•n:-.111v1• ;c11d 11111111')' h1111g1 y h would Ill' ,c l11Mlll Ill .di 11ia11k111d II your po:-.1111m or1 1111., ,u1J~·11 g.cqll'd w11h· .1111·nllccll and l11•l1Jl'd dl.1ngc· 1111· :-0,\".,11•111 <ll'H SON DIJ>N'T J\1AKE IT 'I'<> llAHVAHl> l>EAH O.S.: You're right on t::irget. but the problem fadng m l'dit•ul cdut·atlon today is ho~ to selc(•t -;tudents ~ho t·an h andle tht· r equired • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Pisces: Foc u s on trave l , inde p e nde n ce Frida). Oc:tober K ARIES 1J\lard1 :!I -April l!I) <.:11,cl 1., 111 ..,1gh1. vL1 n ou., 1·lt·nwn1~ fall into pl.tt ,. t•:mpha.,1., nn ~1·1..·ur 11v 1111.il <.1gn·c·mt·nh. ,,tf1·t\' pn•t'o1Ul111n .. Yuu' I I h,1 v1· mor1· work r ng 1110111 TAtJRlJS !April :W M .1v :!0> You rnuld lw dt•lug1•d with 1t·qu1·o;ti,; fro111 tlu1:-.c· who 1r.1v1•I, wnl1· :incl who :1r<· JU:-.1 pl:u n C'Urtou~ Stnvt· for ~x1l<tn<.·c.·. pr11lt•t I y11ur 11\\'tl 1nt1·r£'sts GEMINI (M:.iy :! l -Jun1· 20) Puzzlt• pt<'<.'t:s Coll rnlo plac.'1.', vtiu'll know w hat should ht• dun1·, whc·n to do Jl and will gatn SJW(:1f1c 1nfurm<1t11m n ·garding puynwnts, t n•dll~. c·osts CANCER (JunC' 2 1 July 21) &1Ml' .1c..IJU!ttmC'n ls connC'CtC'd with propt•rty. homt· t·om1 into sharp. ch•ar (111.·u., Cain 1nd1<<1ll'Ci thr OUl<(h J>l'rsonal ,1p1.waram·1·-.. d1n·t l itppc:•als and .1n 1ml!:pt·ndc·nl t·ours<· of al'l1on LEO (July ;!:!-Aug 22). Whtot rxt·urs 1~ bt•h rnd sccnl'~" 1·11ul<I involve. clancl<'s t1n1• m1•Pting 81· d1s(:n •t•t. d11n'1 ll·ll cill you kn11w. m,11nt<tm Sl'lf l'St<'{·m l.X·f1111• tt•rms. pc:·rf<.._ l lt't:hn1qu1..., VIRGO (Aug 2:1-St!pt 221 A<"u·nt on dc-i.1n-s,, a<>pll <1\1011.,, l"'"'''r" of J>f•rsu,1o.;1on, .1h1lrt \. 111 mak" w1:-.h1·-. 1.111111· Ir u1· Prc•s. .. urt> lll•iunl!. 111 u111111,.·l11111 wllh tl'll•nstlu•c.I n•la1wnsh1µ '>JH'< rJI prOjl'< l. p111p1•1 ly inv1•-.lnwnt LIBRA 1S1·pt. 23-0C'l 2:.!) F1n1sh rulh<'r th<in rn1t1:1l1· 111 Oj(•t·I Lunur c·mph;,io.;.., 11n 1.1n·<·r. bu.smr·ss. prl•sllgt'. UlllljU<· p:crt1l'1p<il1<in 111 t·omrnu1111y proj1~·1 0 1w you n·-.p1·1·1 1·11nf11lc ·.., pr 11hl1•111, 'l'l'ks vour ('0Ul1:-.t•l CORJ>IO (0l't :.!:1 Nee\ ~II ll1 ~hl1ght' 1ndt•p1•ndl'111·1· 11r1g111.1lity. fri· .. h -.tart rn nt·w dirC'1·t111n .Judgm<·nt, 1ntu111on drt' on 1.1rg1·l know ll. be• t1inf1dC'nl. d1n:ct ,md '>l<tH· nt·t>cb 1n dc;:ir, C"11nl I"<' maruwr Opt•n lrnc..., nf 111mm111111·a1111n S AG ITTARIL1 (No\' 22 I><'< ~I I F11 ll11 ... through on f1r..l 1mpn-ssion... J.1 .. 1111 b~ ll•d<0h1ng Look lwyond the· 1ntm1•d1.1l1'. 1•:-.1111·1,dly wh1·rc· l're<lit rating., ,in· c:onl'<'rrwd Av111d h1·1·om111g c•nt.1ngl1•d 1n '''m1.•une l'lsc·'o.; fin:1nC'1.d dil1•mma CAPRICOR ll\ (Dec 2:.! J.111 141 Fu1·u., on murit;JI ... 1.11us, publa· n •l.1t1on..,, v1 r'>.Jtrlttv . t'Olilrdt'IU.tl 11bl1gL1t111ru. You'll hav1• rr11111· <11 t1s111 frc'<•d11111 AQ ARILIS (J,m w .Jo\·b IKI M.1rn1.1111 111.,. profrlt" g1•l J'>h clm11· in qull'I, 1•(ltt·11·nt m.cnm·r Co-work<>r. on<' whn shares basic· l"11n1."rn-;, will c·ooi:.K:rut.c:' You l'ould ht• mv1tc'll 111 gournwl dtnru•r P I S ES 1F1·b IY Marr h :rn1 Jo'i11·us on C.'ommu111n 1111m, 1.·hungt·. Vctrll'ty, tr.1v1 •I a11tl 1.·hant:t· to imprint your own :-;ty lc Onl' who <1dmtrt•d you al a dist.anl'l' m:_iy now c·hooSt• to !>J'<.0'1k up F1K·us also on <"h tldn·n ._,.,.,.·ulawm and hP1ghtl'm·d pll·u~un· pri nc·1 ph· QUfffllf By PHIL INTERLANDI of LagunaBeach ~ t .. !If Ilk·.~<. "Watch oul for hl1 i.carr." Sl·h•nt't' !!lkllh 'Ylt hout 111\<·rltfrlntt lht• hu11111n qualltlell you desc·rlbe. I c·ons ulkd with Dr. Duvid llogl'rN, prl'sldcnt of the llobc rl Wood J ohnson J•'oundutlun, und u fornwr dean uf J ohn11 llopklnii S<'hool of Medldne, end he had this to !>a y: "P erha ps II' m embers or lht• m cdlcul Sl'bools ' admissions c ommhtcc11 wer e the mselves screened for the qualities we nt'ed in physklans -compassion and $ensltlvlty to human needs -we m ight see more physicians who an• u c redit to the ir profession." I'd say Dr. Rogon is on to some thing. May I hear from the deans of so m e nwdll'nl sd1ools, please'! Is It possible to change the system '! If so, how'! . DEAH ANN LANDl•:HS l'l1•a:o;I' h1 ·lp 1111• I cl11I su1111•lh1 ng pn·11 V uwful cind now I d1111'1 krn1v. h11w lo wl things righ t I hv1· 111 .1 1·ond11 ThC' 111,1tlm.111 li'f 1 11 It 111 ·1 111 111-,• hni.. .uldt 1·s.,t•ul11 sonworw 1·1.,t· I k 111•\\ 1 ht· \.\t1111a11 and ~111 no~v 'l'ht> h·l\1•1 11111111 a 111a11) v..i:-. v1·1) .ifh •1·t11111.1t1· w11h 111:111v l'o111pl1111t•11h 111 w111tc, 11 \1111 \\111Jld l1k1· 111 "'' 1111 ,1g,1111 .irrtl I 11 ·11.11111\ l111Jll ' VllU clo , plt·.i~c c .ell 1111 ocl 111y lll'V. 11p.11 l111Plll ' 111• 1111•11 g.1v1· 111 ·1 1111· .uldn•:-.i. ;end h•lt•plic1111' llllllllll'I I lc.111 'l'l'll 1111·111 lu.;1 1111 I .1 1 uupl•, •ti 11111•., I le a ANN LANDERS ,;;: I~ VI I\. .c11 1.11·11 v ... 111cl II n1.11lt · 1111 I ll\'11111' l Ii.eve· kl'p l 1h.11 lc·ll••f' llll lllY t(n·-.~··1 1111 .d11111.,t .r 11111111h N11w I o11c1 :clr.crd Ill ~!1\'1• II 111 the· v.11111.111 111·1:11!"01· hrt1kc 1111· l.1w \.',lll\'11 I 111.11 ·1u ·tl 1111 • 1·11v1·l11p1 • 11 ""·"" 11w.111 .r11d Jll'llV tl11111: th.11 I d1cl ,111d w;111I lcr 111.ckc· ,11111 111b l'lt.,1M· 11 II 1111 \\Ii.rt lct dt• TOH~ll·:NT .. :D IN OAK I.AWN II.I. UEAR TOH: Put the lc tlcr and ''"' 1•l11pt• in anollll'r 1•1W<'IO p{' and addrt''i" ii to thl' v.uman. On th•· 1·11H lujw \\llh• "Ol'ENEI> UY MISTAKE." i No 111•. lt WAS u mii.lukt·'. A bi~ ont'.I Your hfrntlty w(ll rt'maln unknown a nd ll s just u W<'ll. IJl•.1\ll ANN J.ANJ>r:Hs I .111 1 .111 t·du1,1\t'(I '.II ''"" 11ld v.11111.111 v.1111 a ~1111d )'th I l\,1V1· tlf'V1·1 111:11111 cl li111 wnultl l11vc • 111 .1d11pl 1\ 1 hild (1111d1•1 two y1 ,,,... 111 .1~•1. 1 W111lld ,, 11 ·~111111.111 .1d11 pt11111 .1g1•11t y .,..111111'1\ 11111 .. 1cl1·1 11 1\ ·•f1pl11.1t1•111'' ll<>PIN(: IN n:xAs IH·;All llOl'ltl.C: Adoption agt·nl'ies hav.- dillt·r1·n1 l(U1d1•llrws perlaininl( to would-be parents. Start a~k in~ around. Ir you art-1 ll'~ihl{' a nd pn'iis lt•nl, you ~ill >iUt'l't-cd. /)(11~.'' /le•\\ 11tt11 /1 '·' /110 11111d1" 1' /xii()/{''/,\ l~lt'ol//l(' /IHI 111111 h '1 I.I \'1111 ti 1111, dupe II/' l 'IJ/l"Ollfc •f'lfll.J IL ~1 I 1\1111 /.;1111/1 ''' n/J l )t•\\ l11111k/r •/ "'f}w / ,1111t/1111111111 Uu1x• l-111 1 .. 1d1 ho11k/1'1111cl1•1c•tl, 't•nt/ $:! 11/11.," /11111: "'// ·"'"'''""'"· ''·""JJC'tl 1·111•1·/01><· (117 1·1 nh /'"''"~' J 111 t\1111 J .. 111111•1,,, />() Ho' I IYl/.5, I '/1t1 .1J..,'11 /II Iii/It! I • Payment policy. draws interest /\ fr 1c·11d "' 1111111· t n·" 1;11 11·1·~ 1111 11111v 11· .. wt110:-. 111 I lolly wood .111d .111\'1 r t1s111g I 1111" 111 N1 ·\\ Y 11rk \V1 h.1d lu111 Ii JI L1111·11111'., N11rth l\4 ·,11 h H1·:-.l:c111 .11 11 111 111n1•., 111 Sf m;1J1il)' to grv•· lh1· p.1sl.1 .1 \'111\ ul 1u11l1tlt·11tc· lie· ..,.,,d ''l'rn 111s1 .1bou1 l1111k1 l 1,111'1l1l.1111c·11 ccn H!'.1gL111 But it's <.t is11l1• 1·1 11•1·1 to th1· 1·1,1Ly 1~111111111\' 11·., .. 11nplv th.11 I 1,111'1 gf'I lug <1111111.11111'' '" p.1\ 1111· .. I le · 111l l1·d 11! I ;c lt:-.1 CJf his t·lrt·nl ... Hrg '' 11d111~ .111d .1d o1g1·111·11·:-. studdt•d with mtllrun cl11ll;c1 ,11·1·1111111:-. 111• -.;11d "If a c.·ornpany 1·;.i11 st;ill 1111 p;1y1 11g a 1nrll11111 111 d1 •llh lor a couplt· 11( month.,, llwy'vt· g111 ,1 f11rlu1w 111 111t1·n·:.1 Evt•n ,,, 10 J.Jl'l'l't•nl 1111111n111111 ,\nd 1111i-.1 111 1111•111 c..lo hdtc.·r lh:111 th.11 "Tlwv U'>t•d \II tt•ll Villi , 'Thi· ('ht·t•k' ... Ill 1111 111:111 Th1•\ don't (•V<·n tX11h1·r w11h th.ii anv111•111• Th1•\ V•· lx·1.·0 11w ar rog<Jn·l Ph111w .111d you· gd .. '>t'\ 11•1,1r\ 'Who'., this'? Sora y. Mr J11111..., ,., 11ut ' "1101.DING UP BILLS whilt· tilt• 111<111"' 1 .. 111v1·s1t'(I <Jt thl·st· high rntt•n·:-.t 1.1l1•s 1s tht• Ill'" l1n:1m ·1.d 1·dg1•" (;1'1 llng parc..1 !111 w1,rk 1:-. ;,i n1·w haz~1rd f111 tlt1· ..,111:.111 bus1nt'ssman Elt't'lrlt'1;1ns install ;1 sw1 t1·h111g syslt•m for a housing pro.)l'<.'t F111d tlwm:-.t•lv1·s in ~ ') lun g 11111111~1 1·111l•''fl"lldr·111 1• \\tlh lhc• 1111.11111111.( 111:-.lll,IJlll' c llltlfJ·•l1\ 111 l '11t1IH'('lll UI 'We 11111'1 h.1\1 \'11111' 11111 -. .,u1>1111lt1 ·cl 111 \1 lp)tt .ell• I I< , -~ STAN DElAPl.ANE AROUND THE WORLD 'l'ht· tn•t· l.111t·1·1· scud "Tlwv 1l1111k Uf> ,rll k1111b ,,f .. 1.illtng dt·v11·1·~ · "A 11111v11 .. 1ud111 .,,,rd 111\ htll h.cd It• Iii .1pp111v1-cl bv .1 ... ul1'11 l1.11 .v 1·11111p.111\ 111 Honw Tl11·v .... 11t.1 . ·U11t1111u11.111·1' lllJll (111111 11.tlv 1-. ''"""" but th" IS hc•v1111d llUI lllllllul ... I It• <,.Ud "Thl"SC.· <:fJmp.11111"s don't -.uff 'haM· l\1;111h:cll.111 H.rnks drt' vc·ry s\1·1 n • .l1<1ut g1·lt111g 1h1·1r mnrwy on t1mt• T ht•y'vt· g1Jl t1J111mando lawv1·rs '>1 ll111g around for ltt tc· shows. "Thl·y .. tall l ht• smiill<·r pt•oplt J-'11 ... l . tlwy krHIW a lawy1·r l'Usts us mon1•y II th1 ·v d11 g1•t a thrl-dl<'nrng l1·t1t•r. so what'~ The·:-· ap11log11t• and pay St ... ·oml. wt· don't w&nl to pu.,h :1 1·l11•nt around ... , \. GOif N ON BllDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF St•1t h<·r vulnNahlt' South d1•(ll .. :"()RTll • K fi 93 Q 10965 +Al054 " t:~ T t-:A 'iT +9542 •Jt07 K 842 Jto76 142 A 74 +!1 :12 +KOH MU Tit +A OH3 AOS KJ 3 • J 76 I h<' h1rld1n1: 'iouth \\ l't;t I 'T Pa'" "a'' , .... ., ~orth Eas t :I ~T t•a .. , n,,1 111111( l•·.•il ''"'' 111 •. Tlwrc: I' nu e~t'l"I' for 11111 1 ... 1111: ahl•• 111 r1111n1 1q1 lo 01111· l11d1·l'tl. \1111 don't 1·\1•11 h.1\1· 111 K" hl•\ond \t111r lrn~1·r,' Th•· l111l1liny, ",., ,1111 pll· I lllHll(h Jlo\\ l'\l'f. ,ill 11111 man' 11111•'' 1.<.c· h.1\t• 't't'•' "1m1· "c 11 cl 1·11nl r,1r1 r1 .. 1rlw1I "hl'n :\or I h ft•1•)., 11 1nr11111 h1 nl upon htm 111 Jllmp 111 t hr1•1• <J111m11nt1 .. in r1•,Jlnn•1 · 111 h1' p.crl nc·r·, 11pc·n1n11 hid "Hui p:irl uc•r, I h.1d .1 f1\1· c ,ere! "Ill " J:\l•n \\11r•1· I' 1.<.hc·n '\urlh l•Jll' lot hr<! I"'' tl1.1niunch ;-ind l.1n1•111,h1·' I h1·r• \Ir hmll{h 'url h h.1 11nl' 111111• i""n" lw d111 ... h.l\I' .1 r.11r fc\1• 1·,crcl '"''.ind KllH•I 11111·r11wcl1.t11·• '" 111 .. JUlllJl 1111 lw n11 I rump 10.1m1· , .. l11lh Jll'tdwd \\'ii h h" 11wlc·" h,lflll \\' .. .,1 1•h11"· .1 l11p 11l 1111tl111w 1,.,,tf It h.111 t r1·111•·nd1111' I huul(h 1111<11•" 1 \ l'tl. •11•'1'1 '" f lc•d,1 r1•1 pl.I\ 111 111\\ fr tot11 d11111tt1\ r .. l'I "•In I he •tll• 1·11 .inti 'h1f1 .. t1 111 lhc 1.1•~ 111 h1"1 r" I )1•1'1,1 re· r I rwd I h•· f1n•''"' \\',.,1 11111k hi' kin).( u nd 1·111111 no1·d h1•,1r1' .1 nrl I h1• 1h•lt•ndt•r., 1·11ul<I 11111 1 ... Jlrl'\ l'nl1•d lr11111 ~··11r1111( .11 lt·a'I 1hn•1• hPart lrll'k'. 1)11• :tl'I' 111 cli.1m1111d, anti .1 1'11111 I 1011 n on" I )nrc I h1• ;11•1· ttl tl1;11111111cl' " lure t·d •1111 . d1·~l.1n·r h.1, .11 1,.,..,, 1111w tr1c 1. ... ·1 h"n·lttrt•, I h1·rc • '' 1111 nr•1·tl tu Jl'1tr1.crd111· hi' 1·11t1I r,11•\ h\ f'l.1 I in.: ,I In" d uh lr11111d111111111 II 1!1-"1.1ri•1 r1"''i "rt h I h1· 111·1., the• clc·f1·nd1·" c an11111 ~!•'I m11rt· 1h.1n '"" lrll'k' 111 lh.11 ... 1111 lu·r.111,1· I h1• ro111h111NI .J Ill v,11;1r.1n11·1· ;1 "·1·111111 •IOJIJl"r l lt·d.1 r1·r 1 .in I h1·n prcw1·1·cl 111 ~. n 11 c I. 11 11 t I ht .11 c 11 I tl1.incun1t... .ind 1 .... th1 k1n1•11I .. p.1d1·, ·" .111 1·111n 111 1h1 1.11.lt it n• • c ''·•f\. 111 run 1 I ... -1111 ,\1 ""''I . curr•"I d1•lc·11-1· '' rll h11ld ch•l'l,cr• r \11 hr.,• ••nlr.1•·1 JI 1111• tlc•lc 11clc•r, 11'\ '" 11 ... 11 h1tt1 Ill I ti. I ltrl1 .. 111t he "rll 111.1k1 Ill Co\ c I' I I 11 ~ \\ell \\I c 1 ••r "'' I he• d.C\ "111·11 I h1 11 '' .c h111111 c 11111 Jllllt I It • \ 1°1 I l111cfj" l,clll1• fn ·'''''' 111 th• n11.ri1u ,, I"" Have> you beoen running in lo double trouhle? l.t'l ('harle!i Gorl'n hl'lp you find )'Our way throuich thf' mue or ooueu:s for pe naltiei; and for ukc>out. f'or a c-opy of hi1 OOl'BU:s booklc>t. 8c>nd 11.85 to "(;orn·Ooublei; •• rare of thiio orwa.paper. P.O. 8 011 259, :\orwood, :\.J . 07648. Makf' rhl'd1t1 payablf' to :'Ii ewspapf'rbooh. Treating common cold DEAR OR. ST E INCR OHN: llow do you feel about the old·fashloned rem edies for the common cold? Whenever I tell my doc tor tha• aaklng hot tea with lem on Is a n excellent re mt'dy for a cold, he laugh11 a t m e . Just lake an aspirin or two, he says, and wait for a few days or a week to go by, and the cold will be '-one -whatever you do. llow t1bout comfort? hn t lhal Important too'! -MRS. U. Dl•:A H MHS U .. Fr1"n lhc-1111w nl ll 1ppo1·1at1·~. you n m bt· sure thl'rt' huvt• llt-.•n 1·uuntle>~-. hfJnw rt•rne<ll<•!i fur tht· <'(>Id I lot drinks ht't'<I With lrnmn ort· right tht·n· 111 1h1• ht•ad of tht 11-.1 I nc>vt·r laugh at horn<' rC'mt>tli<'" thtil on•n't in thC'mllC'lveo.; hormful lo th1• pallt'nl Of ('<>U~'. you know th1· n1littn1' tn•otm(•nt for 1111~1 t-.1ldi<. t(1•t lntu !)('Cl fur ;r day or two, takl• as pirin to r1•li<'Vt• fl'VC'r and urht'11: dnnk fhuds. takl" an uc·1·11s111nnl drink o f liqum· If II 1w1'm ll to hl'lp: k<'<'P fl box o( l1l'l>11Jt•s handy, nnd 11 good book lo kt•<·p your rn111d 11(( you rm·lf. J\nuth<'r ft11:1<>r olt1•11 ovNlookc•d m Rtaylng home for ,1 eold: It prf'venta you from spr<'od1n(( tt oround In inncx-.·nt bystanders M<my patie n t. swear by ornngc jua('(.' to t·ut clnwn tht• !K'vcrlty of o cold Othl'ra say o mixturl' of hmwy nn(t vinegar will do llkewltJ(' B> now, m~t propl1• rc•ah 7A' thot tAkm~ J)('nl<'lJlin ot tht• ou\.s4•t or o rold IA "bad mc.'(flcin('. • It is not t•rrt't'l 1vt• Only WK'd wh('n thl"r1• I~ dangc'r o f, 01 :tlrNuJy pr1•st•fl l, l'Ompllcatlonll Ilk<' <'•r cir lung lnft.c.:Uon. l'ht• univ warning I w111 ,111·" " du11 ·1 pl1K r,1.,tinutc• wht·n lr1•;il111~ v11u1'>1•1f w11h your f,1vont(· h11m1· rc•m1'fl11-s If tht• 1.·old sc•1•111s to h.in~ nn lo11~~1·r than ii '4hould, 1f th(' <'Ullf.(h ~t·t... wor.,1• f1·v1•1 l11J.{lll'r .rnc..I dl>b1hty wor.,t•n.,, hl'\fl•1 r ail for YOUR HEAL1H DR PETER J STEINCAOHN µmf('8l'Ot•lll(ll help Colds thnt 111.st too Jong 111t' 1111 lon~1·r "n1mmon" c.•olds At-t'C'lrchng to 1'~'1mtly llf'nlth magrmm• 11uthor. M url11 l"l't, \hi' moc;t common i;<'nrc• wnrd~ tn 1h1• f11•ld u( m1'<.lidnt• itrlll prev,·11t1vt• ('lll'f' urt•. lll'IOSOI, 1'11o le:-tf"rnl. l'yl·lomotcs, l'O r<"1llu~t•n11. nllcrg y . hvp<.•rtt·nR1on. 1~llu1o nt, rudiuuon, l.'\Juni-t•llng (for psydu11111 t l.'VUnli<.'hng). I n 111 think <If 11 f1•w rnmt• opc.•r t11m . burnt hnmburtit"r:c, "ii.ho t," undcrPx<•n ·uw. hl'n·rltly, ovt•r •:i ttlll{, ... 11•f'plnr pills, tronqull111·r -i. h1•Qrt ntltl('k, l'H' In r. t t. bc>Jlcve wc'vr dt•vt•lopc'<.I too mony 1,hob1ru. nbout wht1l 's J(ood or l>ml (111 u11 As 11111• µoll(•nt sutci. ''Oh , for 1tw J(otKI old clayi< wtwn w1· tl1d n'1 h11v1• to worry 11IK111t l'Vt•rythlnR w e• did, or didn't do" 1/1.'c w,1111 11 p1 dt bu:-.1111·s.'> "'l'lt",., .111 too 1 lc·ar lo tilt' C11mp.111y lt11ld1ng uµ v1111r ,,,,1,,1111 ·111 l k11•1W ,, ht·,1d rn,11l 1n ;1 '>tUtllu I le told 1111 .l.11 k, 1'111 -.i111 y , I know hov. you f1·c·I Thi· 1t11ng 1' \\I 1.111 '1 .11lco11i to 11·1 go of lll~llll'V 1111 l11t11 ' u1111...,, ""' h.1v1· t11 . "So I .,,11d, 'M,cn, v11u kllC1W l'vt· gul 11•11t lo PJ\ Mv la11dl11rd h.1:-. :c fl111t h1·drl You 1:ould c·h•11 .11;11wh1 .. ,t1, oll 11 Ill ... a1<l. ·Jal'k. v.hl n tnl1·rt'l..I 1.111·., go dow11, lx•l11·v1· 1111·, your d11 ... ·k will hf· tl11· fll'.,I Ill llll' 1111111 '" l\EAHLY EVERYBODY 'S h .Hl ~0 1111 1>.1,..111·n11· with 1111· 111 ·w t'(.'urmmy A pul.ih~h ing h11u ... c· h·lb tilt' ,cuthnr "Our rww polrt·:-" l•1 P"' wh1·11 .vour l111ok 1 .. publ1~h1•d Tlw l>1~g··'l rnsuramt• i·111np.cn11·., WJllt mor1 and m1111 P"IK'l\.\ork b1.•f11rc· 1twv plly tht· da1m "Pk .... c· h.1v1• thl'"' f1gun~ sul>'>ldnt l:.ltC'<I by " Tl11 It 1 t l.1111 c·r ;,;11t.I. "An:vth1ng 10 pl.1y !or 111rn Ir, 11111 1h.11 1111' 1·11111p;1nu-:. ,111· hard l1t'.1rtL'1I Tiu ·\ r, · 11111 1 h1 ,, 1111g Th1·ir al'\'ount;in 1:-. h;1 v1 · told tlll'OI ·1 .• ~1k II \'llll C)\\'(' LI mtll11111 .11\d p.1y It tn1 11"1 1111111tl1 \1111'11· ;, ntl't• ).{Uy If yuu wall ur1td th• St~ one! n11111lh ,v11u'n · slrll ntt'I' t·ntJugh And you'v1· g1,1 :i p11<·k1•1rul uf 1·ash' " POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT BOOKS 1-fAVE MADE M E LAUGH AND C RY, UN ORTUNAT[ LY, N O BOOK ~~~~-:;:~_H_A S. L YC.. R LOVED M E ERMA BOMBECIC AT WIT'S END ~1 ~ Ir lt'rnl. I l.r1l'I. d ro11rc.·d In 1 h1· 111 h1 ·r <.hn .ind .,. .1.., um~111•d t1> find that anulhn l'htlcl had 1111•\'l'd h.11 k honw with u:-. · I ' Ill ., " Jt r 11 u d 11 f H u :-.'... 1 • I I :1 11 cl h 1 , 111cl1 1w11dc 111 1·" .. tw lirL1gg1-d "Y ou wouldn't n 1tC'h h1111 ll\·111•: .11 11111111 w11h us A!t1·r .di. Ill' 1s '.!Ii yt•.1r- old'" J>i~·., 111 h.cv1• h1:-. 1•v.11 .1µ.11tnwn1'1" I J<,k1.0 , 1\p.11 l1111·11t' J\t~ dt•.1r. h<" ha' ht., own hUUSj' ().111 .111d I I 1g1111•tf '"'might just a .. w1•1l hav1• 1't1Ull\' 111 .1 hmm• 1111111 11.1\ 11·111 on h1 ... ap.1rtnlt'1H I nw..ih ,11 th• 1·nrl 11( .ill thtN' y1•ar-., wh<1t h,1vl' v1111 gut {11 '""" for tl ''" 1·pl ,J h111wh of n·nt r1'(•t•1pl:-.'1" '\'1111 hn11.:h1 h i'> h11111t''1" "IT WAS TllE LEAST WE rnuld du .. ,ht· ~11d "Afll•r .di. wh•·rc· was hi' g111 ng tu put .Ill lh"I lut 111turt• h1· r.1rll'CI ;.1way f111 tht· last 1•11(hl y<'a~" It'!< .ell wnrk1•d 11111 1wrf1'(.'I Just wht~l w1• madt• th1· 1,,.,1 p.cv1111•11t 1111 h1~ 1·,1r. his lt•:.is1• 'W.1s up 11n th1• 11p,11111w111 " "\'1cu lk1u~h1 Ills 1·ar"" ·I tm' 1•1..,l' l11Uld h1· ~"t 111 ht:-. f.1tht•1 's µl;.1nt " Wt• 1•11~1n.1llv h11uJ(ht him a n1111111 t Vl'l<.· hut th0'.1· thlll~' icrt· i.11 dangr•ro u., \.V hc.•n WI' pn1d h,1s "'-'llr<llWt' pr1•1111u111s, ~·y told u., llf'(.1u:w h'' roc..11• a mot111c·v1·1t., 111 • w:1!'0 .1 high risk Wr 1·ouldn'1 afford th11:-.1• k111d 11l r;1\l•s" "You fl;lY b1' m surann•"" ,f "Onlv hrs c·ar and his h<•,11lh I m1•1111 wh:1t on• kid~ :-.11ppo~1 ·d to d u lh(•St> dnys'' Most o f tlll'rn can't 1•v1•11 .tftrnd lo he: sick W1• r1gured m suram·t· wai. :-.111 1•1 th.in to k111~ n d1ant·t• on b<>ing hit with 11 111~p1 w l ht II m id t ur k1•y Espcx·w lly sin('<' h<"ic taklnt: <oonw 111Mhl 1 la-.. .... •s and burnrn~ tht• camJlc• at both t'lld!o. .. "I\ lt;I of kid' ort· J(mng to school purl lime " "IT'. Al.I. WE CAN AFFORD." , ht" 111ct "Whal with hr!'I food. ut1hlrt•s, ..ind lht• nt•w bl1by c~m1111u "I k 's n111rrlt•<I"" T asked "Ag111n l·k'ltt'Vl' you rn ... tt's not lnU' that two ('tin hve t•h1·11pc•1 1 han onl'. T he· girl l'11L>1 llkt• Ii ho™" Bui shc"11 mudl nlwr than tlw om• w1• J>l•Y a hmo to. Now lh1•1'1'0s o pie"< l' of work I worry abo l RuSSt•ll, I 1t•ollv do /\11 1h:1t H•11ponslbihtv T ,. future.• IK M> 1rfv Out 11'11 like· Oan oncl l toid h1 You havl' to u1:1 out o f th<' nt'st nd slllnd on yo 1 own two ft'<'I ..,.,,,ll'llmv " As l ~nw her to tht• dour sht• lc·am'<I 11vt•1 111 whl'>pl'rt'tl. "l>o him 11 fovu1 Boot him out It'-. t 1• onlv way he' K"lll" 111 know whnl indt•P"ndc•nw ~ 1111 ~1huui tlt"ll l'lt~wr sink or 11w1m " "'. * t Orang• Co81t DAILY PIL011Thureday, OctoOor 7, 1ll8? Greeks to host food bazaar, Hispanics award prize for soup uLhunlk Gredl..Luod, U\WilL and d&a11clng will be kuturt•d SalurdMy and Sundoy, Oct. 16 at1d 17. when Sl. Puul'11 Crc>t•k Otthodox C hurch of South Otange County stage11 il11 annu11I Ort'clan F estival und Food Bazaar in Irvine. J ht• 1•\/N\l, ut lrvl11t• T11w11 C.:enwr. 201 Cumµu11 tlnv<', ~hr l'Omli\<'l'l'lul pluza u~roi.lf from the UC lrvhw campuH, will li1·~m ut 1 l a m both d11y!i and do.-....• ut I II p.m Satun.luy und 7 p 111 Sunday. rnlflt•1> Wiii IJ;· lll'ld (111 lrlf>' f1;1 t wu-t-u t i-r .. ~· .. , II u w l&J.J uui.l Mu.wtl1111. nrul otlwr µri11 '1> In oddillon to t ht· rcvl'lry, t'h r 1i. L 11u1 ic u ncl l'111h y Zugraf1(11 •s, 1·u 1'11ttin rw11 uf th1· h'l>l1vu l, p1 u 1111M· thut lhl• lumh, bh11:k olt Vl'~. l'rus ty bn•ud, ft·tu und pmitrtl'll will bl• pn·pun~I 11\ fb . ~·r-~ttkr s- 11A10 Fl#ISllED SlllRTS FOR ll#OOMPROMISED EIOELLE#t: Sustaining a tidy envirom~ent when time is your most valuable commodity Ory Cleaning Pick-Up/Delivery CJ CJ Serving Corona del Mar & Parts of Newport BACHELOR-ETE SERVICES ERRAND SERVICES • Soft-Touch Control• for Eaay Operation •Dolby• NolM Reduction Minimizes Tape "Hlu" • Output Level Control 13995 Incredible bargain! Features flUOf'escent peak meters for accurate level setting, selector for normal, metal or chrome tape, pause button for easy editing as you record. MPX filter "cleans up" stereo FM signals. LED indicators for record and Dolby NA. Wrth patch cords. #14-626 ·r M Dolby Lab0f910f-. inc Reg. 219.95 Stereo 5-Band Graphic Equalizer-Now 29% Off By Realistic Save •20 49!~.95 ·-· --··•-0 . ...,_,.. ... ' ........... . Slide-action controls boost or cut response by up to 12 dB for near-total tonal control. Eliminate hiss and rumble, add "punch" to vocals or in- struments, compensate for poor listening room acoustics. 131-1988 Minisette-"· 10 by Realistic ~~~~a save CUe/Revlew Flnda Selection• Fut '30 Reg. 89.95 5915 • Improves Any Stereo Syatem 's Sound • Ten Preclalon Linear Controls • Bypass and Tape Monitor Buttons Cut 430/o 39!! Reg. 69.95 Each Tuned port and 8" woofer work together for deep bass. 41/,." tweeter delivers clean higls. 18 x 11 1/2 x 7'/2". #40-1988 Record directly off·the-air, or "live" with built·in mike. Variable monitor lets you listen at any volume as you tape from radio. Battery/record LEO. #14-1000 e.nen..u111 Genuine Walnut Veneer- Not Vlnyl or Ptaatlcl Pocket Multitester By Mk:ronta" 888 Reg Save 10.ts •207 2" meter, mirrored acaJe. Measures AC/ DC volte, DC mllllamJ*, re8iatance. Wtttt teet leads. 1122-027 .....,., l lftll 8-Track Recording Tape Stock Up-No Umitl -~Oft Cut~ 40 1n IO 111 ........ laoh .....,... laoh ..... , ............ 2.111.-h OUr oxide codng etipturee more '""*· .... noile. #44-840l841 .. 270/o Off Aeg.14.H Remote can .innal Muter when tyatem le "offo~ Mounta on watl or detktop. With e&ft. cable. #43-221 IMttry • .,,. 1111tl11111ntd '<tylc• 10 ll llll'llUd u l't>C>k u fC ht•lcJ rt•l't•11tly al lht· Oru11g1• County Jl'11trgrounds ltr < 'Mt:r MC'llD. c1'tl 1•v1•nt wu1; 111.oonH1>r1'il by OlyntfJllJ l~·1·r and Stru11h D1i.11•1but1n.I( lH.1tt·h ul Mt•xtt·1w •11up * * * M 0 v J•: 0 v t: R d d I 1 f II II h Mt· 11 u ti IJ 111 0 11 p I(' y •"up c·o n luTnTn~ c•l1 rll f)OWdf!r, trtp<', ,111d h 111111ny Ttll' '-'Onll·111 wu11 t·uw d11wt1·d by tlw (.'mw1l10 11( OriulJ(C' <'11u11t y, u 111111 pr11t lt urg11111uit11.111 M•rving 22 H111punt(' j(rllUJ>N M.-11ullo 11< tlw ho t 1ww cll'lw1wy cu\ lh1· tu1k uf( dn·ull T h I' c (I It I II M l' " ll , .. I I l• Ut•p<11 l11ll·nl lt•um Louk third plut•1• 111 llw 11rJ(unlwl1un catt•i<ory (iru11d pr 1:iL· Wl·nt 111 1h1· (.'nlifornia I U.l(hw11y Putrol for It.., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ---------- Does your c er-or truck... . . nee.cl ~uali~y body and paint work'? If so1 _please. check these important feaiures at HOWARDs bod'i i pa~t shap ! • Consc1ent1ous expert techn1c1ans • Modern equipment • Any make car or irucll OK • Rental cars available • Reasonaole prices • F1oerg1ass body worll. a specialty • Towing • Big Spray King Paml Booth • Complete paint 1oos a specially • Acrylic lacquer . enamel 0 1 lmron • No 1ob too small • Free estimates • • • • • • • • e If your's is an insurance iob, ask • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • your agent to have It repaired at e HOWARD'S Body And Paint Shop. • • • • • • • • • • lnsuranee adjusters welcomell There's a special office here for your use. Use our large storage lot for your delayed settlements.' '-S-... , ftlWI body worts_,~ .... wt.en ,ert1c..e.r Melle 11 MW. lW'1 • f.-.Cy. • "'I IOO differeM:e wt.et ..... It I.. M.teil ~ ...... We w.tc-ell ...... of Cer'I md • lnKll1.'' lJC WllGHT lody Sllep • M .......... • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••• ENTIRE STOCK Ewerythlng Must Go-Flnal Week .. -' f~. ' ....... , ... HAIR DRYERS • COFFEE MAKERS· CASSETIE PLAYERS • SHAVERS LIGHT BULBS • TOASTER OVENS FLUORESCENT TUBES • BLENDERS FINS • CLOCKS • TOASTERS BATIERIES • RADIOS • IRONS VARIOUS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 111 MUCI, MUCI, MORE! ' •, "111 llH,,,,.I ,,,.,.,.,., ,,.,.,, 241 FllllT IVL UlllllUU 494-1517 ' THI CUii AID THI caum • l1llyPllDt lhureday, 001 7, 1982 SOCIETY BUSINESS 82 84-5 Tiu• l..ug u11u IJf.•1u·l1 A1·1 _!!11s t•11111 g'•ls a liule l'h eer. Puge 82. 0 0 University Club:· An upper-crust college • un1o·n By GLENN SCOTT OftM Delly Hot ltatt The newest bu1h.ling ut UC Irvine is not for studc•nlS. In the well-defml-d l'Olll·~1uu.\ social order, the new $1.6 rmlhun . University Club ranks high on the privileged list, too high to fling its doors open· to clasi; goors. UCI s1udt•111s. uf t•mJ 1'St•'. urtm'l 'le ft l'Ompll'll'ly oul In the m id They havl• thl•tr' uwn hangout, tht• Umvcrs11 y Cl•nt1·1', which Opl'nt•d 1n January 198 1 ll includes an it'l' l't't•um pnrlor, arcades, \I grill, Study areas, 0H1l·es, a mus1<· hstl'nmg room and a circular bcN bar VCI · f acuity gathering place exudes opulence Instead, this facility serv~ an opposite function. It is a rt.'8p1ll' for researchers, a privatl' plan: for professors. One might cull it an upper-c·rust college union for UCl's fal·uhy a nd staff. Administrators. meanwhile, view il as a needed .dash or prestige for entertaining visito rs and for a tlracung and holding onto high-powered e mploycl'!>. The 7,500 -square-foot building is d esigned as a meeting a nd dining fn('i lity and looks not unlike an elegant country club restaurant. It opened Sept. 15. Its dining room holds up to 14!5 people. A high-beamed ceiling and huge tinted windows make' the r o om bright and air y S c h olarly diners h aVl' an appropriately dista nt view o f Campus Park, and the c:o mµuter .science and engineering buildings from the site across South Circll· View Drive Crom new fa(•ulty a partments. The Un1verslly Club exudes ml>rl' pomp and proprit•ly. A grnnd piano sits in onC' cornt·1· of the dining room. Al'ross the foyer 1s a largl' loungt• with w<:1lls llnl'CI in book sht>lvcs. Most an• su 11 empty. Tht• loungl' includes u bar (happy hour is sc:hc<luh'Ci Friday c v t• n i n gs ) a n d b a r t l' n d l' r complell' wllh black bow Ill' Adding lo th t· t·ulturt•d atmospht•rl' arl' Sl'Vl'ral lar ge· painting!> uf Japanl'st• nallonal parks by ar11sl Kazuo S hibata. A collt•<·twn of his works was donatl'CI tu UCI by philanthropist and t•o untryman Katsuo Kuno. A St'J)aratl' portrait o r Cham·l'llor Dan1d Aldm·h Jr by Frederit·k M. Rash hangs in lht• foyN For UCl's professwnab. the, nc•w dub has lx•t•n a lung 111m· l'Om1 ng It rcp lan·~ a former lo1:a uon that most agrt"O lat·kl'<.l the rdineml'nl they sought. That Cac:ll1t;.i . inside t wo pur1o blt• lrailcrb, hus smt'l' l.x.•t..n rcturrwd to oHIL'l' space. A dub lmx:hurt• dcsn1bctl th t• o ld dub us "spurtan." If so. I h e O('W building IS Ath<•nian Tht• luncheon menu offt•rs 1·u1s1m· round only in texts or maguzml'S on campus. In add111un to u clu1ly bufft'l and sal~d bar, lhl· c:lub's nl'w c·hef. ·Ro b e rt LoVl'Joy, oHers sut·h samplmj.(s as t•o4uillt• S t . J acque Mo rna y ($4 95). turkey Man·o P olo 1$-1.25) or pot au Ceu ($7.50) Tht• club was funded through privall' grants . No tax dollar~ Wl•rt• involwd. ahhoul'(h the· UC Ht>gt•nts m 1979 did donulC' $250,- 000 in "oppo rtunity funds" ra1St•<l from private sour'l'l'S. The lart.tf•sl smgll· grant wus $600.000 from thl' Ahmanson Foundu11un Tht· dub's lxmrtl of dm .. 'Ctors still 1s s1·l·k1ng to ra1sc.• thc> las t $40 0,000 lo finan ce th e c:onstrucuon The Ahmanson Foundation donated more tha n a third of the S I .6 million cost of the Univer ity Club where the ('lite meet to eat a t -UC Irvine. Doro thy Sullivan was the firs t wife of the lat ~ II ow a rd P. Ahmanson, phila nthropist. Tht.· dub 1s n·g1sH.•rt•d us u non-profll t·orporauon and runs a 1w1C-suff1cwnl operation , said its t' x l ' c: u l i v t• d 1 r e c t o r . B 1 I I O' llt•11 ney. He was recruited from his position as C.'Xl'CUllVt' c ht•f al L ou1s1ana S t a t c Un1vl•rsily's faculty club lo ussumt• his nt·w position in June. M t• m b (.'I" b pa y a n o m 1 n u I initwuon fr<• and then quarwr~ r eeb, w hil·h rang<· Crom $1 5 to $33 , dt•pending on salary lcvt-ls. Tht· dub also is <tt't:epung about 100 tnl•mbe r s Cr o m the eommun1ty, who pay $250 1 n i 11 a lion r 1.• c• s a nd $ 4 5 pc r quarter 'l'h t· n t•w bu1ld1ng has suddt•nly attral'tcd people who nl'Vl'r bothl•rl•<l to Join tht· dub m its s paru.n days O'rlt·ant'Y said appht·at1onb have l.x.'<.'n <.'Ommg in Ul a rat1• of Iii per day s1nct' doors opcm•<l "Ewryone 1s .1us1 thrilled. We JUSt <:o uldn't ask for m ore 11upport frun1 our fill'ulty," h l· !lllld "~:veryorlt' w11i11.J ..c1 l11t1j.( for this dub, and now 11 ':. u rt•u hty." Tht• building 11lso 1n t:ludcs 1hr1oe l'Onft•rt•nl·<· room:.. making fu<·ul ly or s turr lunc h1c•un m c e 11 n gs b 1 m p I 1.• r W l' e k I y Univt•rsit y Foru m lun-<"hcon progrums hostt•d by flt·nry 0Jrd Meyer . proff:ssor t•mc·ritus o r history, will be m nunul-d m the m•w C&dlity. s t• I r Kt• I v (• I'() II 11 n t• rl l 11 • h rc•ak futtl!i 1.irt· u ff e rl•d an .. ;: O 'Hl'unt•y su1d ht· t»cpt•<:ll• to ~ h1•g111 M·rv1ng dinners m January.~ M1•anwhlll' tht· dub olKO ha~ ! tx'l.'Omt• an 1nstan t hit as a rented'.~: ftu·d1ty ror other sot·1al a nO:~ p1 u f<'&siunul t've nts , from.:•: <1t·adc•m1l' l'On fcrent't'S to w<.--ddmg'::: rl'('cptwns. O 'Heanc·y said he .:: ulready has 130 evc.-nts scheduled.:!: through Dec 23 -and even h~!~ a booking for January 1984. ~ ~,· .~ ·~ •• .•: 1, ... . ~· ·:: lligh-beamed <'ei lings a nd tinted g la s add lo tht-country club atmos phere of University <:lub at ue Irvine. The almanac's here mild winter coming? By STEVE MITCHELL O(ttwO.-,,... ..... Sandw lc p ed b e tw('C'n advt'rtlaemeni. for Madam Lee Fu'• utrology guide and XX-tra atrength Rooeter King Tabt (for men who are Unable and just plain Un-1ntcre1ted) ta the prt'd lt l1 on that s.o ul~ern California is in for a mild winter. Oh. there will Ix> storms on the west roast. to be sure. especially in the first three months of the new year But you can bf'l your Long Distance Ultra-Scns1t1ve Burled Treasure D1rect1onal Locator (see Page 121) that the 19 lst edition of "The Old Farmer's Almanac" won't steer you wrong. Afte r all , the authors boast they have a running historical al-curacy rate of 80 percent on their weather predictions, dating back to the da ys o f George Washin2ton. . 1 nl' O'mer side or the coin. one might surmlsc. is that "America's longes t -lived . continuou s ly publis hed per iodica l" Is dead wrong a fifth of the time. But it's here. T he 1983 edition of the folksy, yellow and black . 192-page almanac 1s chock-full of weather forecnat.s, planting tables. zodiac secrets. recipes. astonomical t a bles. t i d es, holidays and ccllpeca. Here's what we can ex~t In Sol.lthern California early next year: "Storm.1 In January, Jo"cbruary and early March will bring above normal a m o u nt s o f precipitation ." t h e• almanac predict.. Before thnt, we Southlanders CAn t'Xpe<'t • wintc-r that WUl be "much w•rmer and drier than usual." For ln1~nce. It'll btco 61 drgrl.'el (8 degrees above aver age) and dear out here o n Nov 1 Nol so for Ne w England, where the temperature will tx· 40 d e grees (5 d eg r ees below average) wllh heavy rams that day However. New Englanders can uike heart m th<.' fact the new almanac has a section enlitlcd "Rainy Day AmuSt'ments," with a half -dozen games, puzzles and quizzes to kl'ep them entertained indoors. A s i f t h e almanac is n 't entertaining by it.self. Folk remC'dies abound in the latest t'Cl 1t1on , ranging from cures for in so mnia (eat o nions. preferably raw, but stewed or made into soup o r jelly is also fine) to kt'eping eggs fresh , (unwashed eggs will stay frt'Sh up to six times longer.) There are t es t imonial advertisements. such as the one that promotes Cucumbre Frost for aging skin. The author's l 930s-era photo (unblemlshc--d, or cou rse) graces the full-page ad, in which she says she mt't an elderly widowed ne ighbor who govc her a jar of cream formulated by h •r latc husband. a physician. "For six-years, th1$ kind lady ke p,\ me aupplled with thl• cream." the author writes. When she died suddenly, th«.' widow took the 11(.'Cret reclpt' for clear skin with her. Armed wllh th(' last t hr(•(' remaining jars o f cream. the.' author had a chemical analy•ls mad '. "lt had a bue o f pure c ucumber juice." the a u thor wr1tes. ond ahe began making lhf.' •turf herat>lf. "following thf' chemist's instructions." Friends insisted she make the c.·ream available to others, "and my ('ream was put on the market with the Cinan('ial help of an uncle." Less drama11c are the classified ads in the almanac. One sugges ts in vestors can earn up to $1 ,200 a month raising earthworms (the soiless. odorless method.) Another says you can borrow up to $30.000 -interest Cree. All are eligible, the ad reads. The re's a lso a h ome study <.'OUrs<' for future piano tuners. and you can stay home and learn 1 drapery making. We <-an expect a wi nter "much wormer and drie r than u uni.,, i I s The almanac even oHers an essay contest, with this year'al• lOO·words-or-less winners liated along with their prue entitled, "Should Thomas Jefferson's Birthday be Celebrate d aa •1 National Holiday?" Next year's essay topic? "The• Worst Day In My Life." T he 1tory must be true. the authors· lnslJt, and the li\Wful events must t hove all t&k<'n pla<.'e the same f doy. • The priC<' of the latest alman11e has gon<' up a bit from when It . first 10ld In 1792 for slxpt'n~ (about 8 nL1). • But for th08C who like to mix l n os tola;pa w i th th~lr prognosUcotlona, It'" worth l'VCry pence \ ' . 01u11gu l.ou•t DAIL V Pll 0 1 /Thurld 1982 --/ • I Museum boast s "tailgate' party --:r-Now, 1h11> 1~ h1• t·ullt'<I H 1 l'UI tnllKUL•· pw ty A 19W n·<I uml blu~odt'T Tunrrmttx'tt lrui•k Wiil; purkl'<..i In tht• rrnddh• or 1111' j)UtlO Untl (rllNI wr\h dw1•ses und fruits Country busk1·t11 cl>nllllnt.'CI u variety ur nut.., mld hvt hon; d 'uut·vr1•s wc•n• puss."'<i umonl( tht• ~u1-sb1 t r 1. I ! r I } l 'l'o k11·k utr tlw oix•nrn~ of an 1•xh1b1t11111 11f l'tmlt'mporur y pustt•rs, "C11lifornaa. Ari on thl· Road," the M1ss11m VwJU Co hosu'Ci u l'ockuul µurty al thl' Laguna Bt.·ach Art Mu."4•um for the museum'11 adv1.sory board und board of lrustt'<'S, Philip Morns Co. and MV c·ompuny t'Xt'<'UtiVl'll. A s 1 x • p I l' l' c D 1 x r l'l u n d b n n ti t ' u 11 t• d t h l' M1ss1~1pp1 Muddt•rs M't a lively mood us guests l'ntt•rt-d lht• mUSt•um and workt-d tht•1r wuy out le> tht• tcnll.'d must•um ll•rruce. Un•t.'trng tht• gut•sts were must:um d1rc><:tor 8 111 " Otton. Marlu Hird, must•um pres1den(. and Phil l-Ren I I y, pn•s1de n t o f M 1ssion V 1ejo Co Those '· attending 1ntludcd the Boyd Jeffries, Mrs . • Levl•nng Cnl'lwrlght and MPssrs. and Mmes. Jac.'k ~ Boy le. Alfi t>d Ba ldwin. Tony Crowc•ll. Charil's :-Culp. Nick Vv1lliams. Tom Megonigal. Alcxandl•r 1• Bowie, Man o Tartaglw, Charles Heswr Kennedy ~' Galpin and Bob Searlc•s. l· The poster dis play will tx• shown through Nov. ' 13. O th<'r cxh1b1ts feature the· w o rk by !-contemporary €altk>rma arlls lB -Martha Alf. i• Gwynn Murrill and J on Swihart. , i. Alf, Murrill and Swihart were spedul guests al another part y hosted by tht• a ffiliates of the 1• museum. Preside nt Trudy Farrington was l0ha1rman ·· of the evening with Arnita Albright. Pat Atha, Hazel Castle, Kuy Courtney, Glenda Haggcnmakc·r and Geneva Livmgstone assisting. • I Community leaders and guests from the art community attended. lnd uded were David Rubin, art critic, Victu r1<1 Kogan, Pat Faun• o f LA's !: Asher/F aure GallC'ry and J oni Gordon from Newspac.-e Galler y in LA SOCK HOP: One guy showed up an a gold I· lame suit dresst'd as Elvis Presley and lht•re were a ·: lot of other men with shclted back hair. '<:hr is Mc K in le y und Judi D utton Mr. a n d Mrs. Alfre d Baldwin with Alexander Bowie : • The guests attending the Harbor Day School'& .. annual benefit really got into the spirit of the sock :: h o p planned with a '50s/t>Os t h e me. A nd :: Rumbleseat, a man-woman disc jockey team. nad ·: them on the dance floor when they played those .: OBGs. Chns McKinley, chairman, and her team of ;: co-workers. Kathy Applen, Hyla Bertea, Donna :: Devine, Judi Dutton, Mary Goctber, Tr udi Kern, " Caren McDonald. Knsti Skarman and Pat Collins ,; planned the hop and had the school gym dee.waled ;• so that you would have sworn the clock had been .; turned back :.W or JO years. !: The 280 attend ing grossed about $42.500 for !: the school's e ndowment. During the auction they :: bid on items that had been assigned a ·~Os·tiOs song :: tr tie. '• '• '• . '· ·, . ~= :: . .- Op ening Day :· Lynn and Clem t>n t H irseh . a bove, we re a mong the Nt·wport Beach residents a ttf>nding th<' 0 1>ening d ay o f the 14 th St'ason of O a k Tree Racing a t San ta Anita . O thers e njoying the r ac<'s in the directors' roo m we re the H a rry Rinke rs, Mary Lou and Ha r r y Axcn e, Mr. a n d Mrs. Stewa rt Bowie a nd Mr. a nd Mrs. Willia m Pasc·oe. BALLY OF swn-1.ERLANI> Mr. a n d Mr~. Cha rles Hesle r RUFFELL'S UP'HOLSTERY l sqt shtu 941 S... lfJJ ~IOI l lVD. COSTA MIU -541·1156' Decorator Art Show Sot . thru O ct. 11 ot Huntington Center ~i!~ SOU.I WA Tit MIA TINO IATHllOOM~ I I )' 116SI s.r.-c.. r.-Siana at Y<Nt Door tC .. 610<e -nt """" AIM) COSTA MISA 641 -1289 152' New,_, llv4. MISSION V1IJO 495..()401 ,..,, c.-.i-Ceplotno- "-0...-'-Y ... ...,~, I ht• \ t'r\ t.t,l11t 111.1hl1• .11td 1<•mh•rt.1l•lo i...111\ """ '" ut.tM• \ .. , ' '· 'J M '·~ \\ ,,f,tH1 Ht mntmm t'""' '' , 111 ''1th .1 '·" ~ hn I ~ tar~#-~~ SHOES ___ _.. #99 F11hlon 1111nd, Newport Beach 7S9·9551 NEW 51 IORi•i ERM ACCOUNT I 0.50% ~~ualized I 1.23 ~O * ~dalized •a 1117to 31 clays, Minimum Balance $20,000. Act today on thi s high rate account. Stop in at your nearest Al lstate Savings office or call collect (213) 240-5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. This account is fully insured up to $100.000 by the FSLIC. Allstate sav1nos AJlstate Savings & Loan, a member of the Sears farrul> Over $.1 btlhcin in as-<t-. c 198i1 1\ll..,tAtt· ~t' 111g ... & Lt1an • \ • l• 1• 1 I tl•f ''II t~t •If' I • ' I t<f f' f ''"' • o¥ • '•" • I ' I • ... FABULOUS DRESS SALE Sale starts Tomorrow, Oct.8th ot1 SA VE 50· 75°/o ~es Cashmette Dresses .r2:99 1 0 Reg.32-36 ChOOMI from ow~ ouort~nt OI styles ond colOls In lhese .on and loshlonoble drei ses Novelty Sweater Dresses R~c,To y . ?eg.40-42 An untleO!d OI price IOf the sfyling and ComlOtt OI salt km dres1e1 he4gntened wtm novelty hearts stripes ond rainbow designs Famous-Maker Dresses 6?;0j.:_ A hlJ()e setecllon o4 georgette woven and knit dreuea wtth plenty OI co!Ofotlons ond atytea 10 odd new exctremenf 10 your wardrobe A wide assortment of Dresses 11 •v:1 ~ ?!30-50 Fot>Ylou• ITIOfltdoWna odd to tne eKctlem.nt °' this llemend0u1 offering. ChOO .. lrom o wide osaortrnent °' atvle• ond lobfleotlon1. • OU.lftlC*f1 _....,..._ ... _ _ .... ~ ..... --·---j_ ... __ CNt . ..._ OOITAlllltAt _____ _ ---·•--OMl-.....,.., ..... OM1..-.---_" __ _..,._ ... __ Cl'MI - L.-..,....1 __ ..._,. __ , ........ __ ........ -...... ~­... ---.-........... _....,. ___ .... ........... --... -,..,,.....,, -· ·----· ___ ... __ ""'_ -.--·--·-.. -··-......... ------ ..... ., .... ,., __ ·-··-_,...,, .... ... ........... ,l ____ _ -·-·....i-.... --lit• - - !. • • • • • • • • • • •LllOTRIC8IGll • • CLOSI OUT • e ~llLLINJ. AT CO~T e : ~\.\'10 SIGN : Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Thur1d1y, October 7, 1982 Come show us • -----------1 'hua tt19• • • ·---· : ,,,: :~: .,.:: : wllat you've go • .u/ .,.,., .__ IO'°"' --• • • • • • • • • • ,_._.} cooking-. • EACH PRESCRIPTION 18 A SACRED TRUST b~7 n ... --A.Ph. , ... t't1 m 1111u 11d 11111 u n d d1Npt."ll8llli1 1m.·1«.·r1µtlu11~ •• u11hkl' tht• 11all' of 1ony ottwr pmdurt Nu•h1ng you l·un buy 1·1111 "'' .. rrc .. ·1 yuur tile 1U1 ml•dl<'lntY t:1Jl h pn•••·ripllun mu1l t·11nu11n t•xat·tly whut thc- Sign apparently placed by miff cd townsfolk alongside hig hway •H·nr Mammoth Lakes h as a ba r a~ro~s it to indicate u no volcano" a heud . • • AP Wlrepholo lh•lur SIJC.'<'111<.,, The d1.uigt• mu~t bi-~ll(l' and 11 IS a phurrniw••t'~ lt•gal duty w •·h1•"k 1h1~ de~" Eat·h m1"l1<·1n1· niu11t lflr.'fno;ih and poh·ntly 1n·11v.. You plal' .. your 1ir .. 1n ,, pharrnac1st's hamb with l'Vt'r)' 1r1t.'<11onl' you tak<' Phorma('llts will honor this <imf1d••n<'t' Seismic publicity bothers .merchantis MAMMCYTH LAKES (AP) Tht• area has ever y thing an avid s ka •r would want: beautiful m ountains. snow-covered ski s lopes a n u dean. fresh air. Not to menuon the ear thquake and volcano wat<:h. That's what concern~ l o('al merchants, whooe livelihoods depend on the sea sonal vacat1 onl.'rs w h o descend. or rather ascend. each wintN and summe r to slti the slopes and tht.· ' lakes. Recent publicity about geologil'al studies warning of the poss1b1h ties ur a volcan~c e ruptio n a nd m a jor earthquakes have made the tow nsfolk jumpy. This month. the state 'l>ffice of Emerge n cy Services a nd M on o County are each drnfting pla ns for responding to an em ergency in the· mountains, but it's taken awhile for the local people to ge t over their shock and anger at publicity a bout tht· dangers. Out.side media have been accusc'CI of sensationalizing a potential threat by making it sound as if disaster could strike any day. scaring away tour1s L' and potential real estate investors. a nyllm<' during 1h1· nt•xt 50 years. but ht• and USGS <:oll1·agu1· (.' Dan Mtlll·r· say th<'y 1·an'1 pre<l11·L 1lw exa(·t umt· "VokanOl'::; by th1·1r Vl•ry nutun· don't lx•havt.• Ill <J regular way," said &alt•y '"fhpy M•t •m tu IX'<.'Omt• acllvc• for u Ct.•w hundn'CI yeari. and tht•n gu dormant for a few thousand " Tht•y note· that tht• spccta<.·ul<.1 · natural b<-uuty or th<.· ar<.·a-was <.•alJS<'d by t h e· v1ol£>nt 1.•ruptwns. which OC'l'Urred within :.WO tu I .UOO yt-<trs ci e~·h olht•r Th<· la!>t blow-up in th·· arc·a. lht• st·1enllst~ say, wa~ lx•twec•n 250 and 400 year:. <1gu Tht•v lwl1<.•vt.· that anothc•r bla~t m1ght0 bt.• 1mrn1ncnt b1.·1.·a u:.1.· t h •· '"Volcanoe seem to beco1ne active for a few hundre d year and the n go dorma nt for a fe w thous and." A local cable te levision sta t ion westc·rn 1.·ornN of th<· I 9 -mllc bv re porting on the firs t day o f the 10 -milc L o n g Vall c·y. w h e r~· "Lo ng Valley Publ ic O ff icial~ Mammoth Lakc·s r<.>sor t is located. Conference on Volcanic Hazards and raised 10 rnchc.>s bctwt•l'n 1978 and Preparedness" in August said that 1980 and another three 1nchl'i "Nothing ne w has come out of th(• betw<.-cn Ot:tober 1980 and last July volcanic workshop." ~ The area is the caldera. or depression, The re porter said. "We welcome all formed fo l low1 ng an 1mmens •' the d ignitaries to our a rea and request eru ption about 700.000 ycan. ago. that when you re turn. you remember Oth cr indicat ions of geolog10.: the .beauty, the vastness. and that our at.·Uv1ty Wl'rl' -eight small t'arthquakcs community deserves to be VlSlted and th at occurred r('cently uoder th!.' n ot ruine d by o ut-o f -pro po rt ion S h c-rwm Creek campgrounds les'l pubHcity." than two miles southeac;t of Mammoth In July, t he Mono County Board of Lakt'S village, and sc1ent1sts' finding" Supervisors adopted a resolution that the quakes' epin~n tcrs wen· accusing the U.S . Geological S urvey gelling el()S('r to the surfat'l'. of publishing "m isleading and highly The geologists say that md1c.:all':. inflammatory press r eleases on that some• magma. or molten rock. 1s selsrnic activ ity" in the area. moving up Similar m<.'1d<.•nts p rcx·cded USGS Geologist Roy A. Batley says eruptions at su1:h pla~ as Mount St a major volcanic eruption could ()('('Ur Helens in Washington. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a dellvl'ry. We will dC'hver promplly without t•Xlro l·barg1'. A grt'll l many people rely on us for their health needs We wekome requests for dt:hvery aorv\ce ancj l'hargl' ll('('()Unt"' •• Turnyour unusables • into e usable e cash.call e Daily Pilot e classified • 642-5671. to Enter the Orange Coast Daily Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest. Look for rules O_!) Wednesday, October 13 in th.e Food Section. Tmns Newt 7 to 31 days Newl ~ths (91 Up 10 S2,000 tn 1nll'rn1 urnf'<I t'~tmpt from • s 500 7 .214'0 7.4803 Frdet.il 1a'<M. lnlt'rt'St compoundt'<i d11ly ENJOY THE LUXURY OF FINE CUSTOM SHUTTERS NOW INSTALLED FREE STOP BY OUR BEAUTIFUL SHOWROOMS :=::!!!!!~~ OR PHONE FOR ESTIMATE ~ Yeu ...... llolwtll'9f ...,_.., _,. l.ety ltytl t!Mltt, _, ... ,...,.., 9""" 11 \&1 n II eny ,,._, w .... ...,_la INWM IMlf INITALLlD AT NO CHA..01 ~.!~ 951-8799 ?:~NOi 998-3496 . Every dollar up to $100,000 is Federally Insured. Whatever yo ur savings goals, short-term or long, Gibraltar can help you put together a savings/invest- ment program that will pro- duce substantial,guaranteed results. And it's safe. Let us show you ho w easy it is to earn a sizeable return on your money. WE HELP YOU ~Afl~2LJR MONEY, vlH RITUR'E. Fixed Ht1te s 500 U.0003 Varidbll' Rat(' $ 100 9.7293 12.539% 10.3653 ChoOR the plan o1nd term that's nghl for you Ratr "h~ed for ltrm St"ltt1rd. ln1nrst compounded evtry 182 days. Ratt v u it'S rvt ry 182 days. lntrrHI compoundtd daily • ·I ht y1dd on llW~t' .l(('Ounl• l'JUm<'• that prtnclral •nd tnlt'rc.-sl art' rtlnveslt'd .al "1mt r.lll' , • .,,h m.alurily d.ate over .i one yen ptnoJ. By law, u rly w1thdr•wal from Ct'rt1f1t.ih• <lC<'ounl• n• uh& In subs11n1111l 1ntrrn1 pt-nahy. ~ J HUNTINOTON BEACH: f/l H~ntlngton Ctr. /(714) 898·9666 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: 3187'7 Del Obispo St. I (714) 493-~ 'SANTA ANA: 3925 S. Bristol St.1 (714) 9?9-7~ I LAGUNA HILLS: 24260 EJ Toro Rd ./ (714) 951-8454 4 RJU.ERTON: 255 W. Orangethorpt Ave./ (714) 871-6101 ~ NEWPORT BEAOf: 2100 W. Coast Hwy. /(714) 631·26U " /14 Santa Ana Fashion Squ~ I (714) 834-07l7 ' •• B·I Ur 1111uu (.uui;t IJAll 'r 1•11 U I I '1111 aduv. Ut l11h111 I lllll.' Citicorp setting trend national-liank1ng ?- 1.us ANt: 1•:1.1-:s 1A1 ·i t ·1111 rn 11. 1111· 11 .. 1 ""' , ><(>t.'Olld l11rl{1°st lm11k holdlt1)~ 1·11111po111v. "' .a hnlJl 111 !'n\'l•r th1• lu1·1.it1v1· (';dll11 1111.1 111.11 ka I .111d OflJ11111t'llL-. ft·111 II 1·011ld l1111• ... 1t.1dm\ .• ,w111111 .. 11l re11b uctunn~ 11! 1111· lm11k111g 1111111,11 v 111 1b1 l l111tt·cl Stat1•s ltuv. 1 Vt 1 "l'l>'>'>t 11111·1,t.11t lu1nk1n..i IM't';llJM' tllc ·y 11 ·111 lht•\' 1•m1ld 1\01 1·11111p1•ll' 'I he· F1·d ', d1·1·1.,11111 1111 l•'11li•l1 t V S,1Vlllj.(S, a tt·\1•1~.tf111 ptt•\'1111" p11ll111 ·• .. '' tl11• f11 ,l llllW •I li,111k ltolcl1111: 11111111o111" 11 ..... lw1·11 11ll11w1 d l•• .u qu111 • 1111 out 111 'fl.II•· Si\. I , 'l'lw f1'(lt•1.1I l h•:-(•I vc• Hrnud I.1st 0w1·1·l1 .1pp111vt·d CilK'lll p's at'tjlll'tllltJll .. r t1 11uhh'd r1t11·l1I\ S.1\ Ill~ ... a11d L.11.111 or S1111 fo'r .llll"IM II, w h11" h11d t)l'1•n upd '.1111\g und1·r tl11• ~u1dam·1· of ll'cl1•1 al 11·1.1111;11111 s :..111u1· Ap11l' Jo'1tl1·l11 v S.l\'lflg' tlw11 IMSt'tl "in< )akl11111I , w11s 111 "11• •lt' 1111ulilt• "" h1•11 t lw J.'1"lt•r,1I S.1v111gs a 11d Lo.au CITICORPO '"'l'h1' apf""'''I ,., It ,1llv a th• 1.11 lt1 11·\\.11L111~ ol th1• 11ut1111a.1 l 1,t11k1n~ lt1\.\ ' '•'V' L1111 l11 T ,,111 Ynl)K, th1· lw:ul of llw t'allfw 11111S.1v1n~i.1111d I .o.t11 t '111tim1ss11111 lr,.,111,trn •·Crn p l1111k 1t 11v1·1 111 Ap1il Hy tlw11, 1L' 111•1 v. .. 111, h;u l tl111pJ..Wd lo lt•ss tlt.111 $<!0 11111111111 'l'lic· l 1•d1 ·1,d n ·J.<ulalurs 11111v1·d 11 111 S:1n 1"1 .1111 1'4·11 ;1ml hq~.111 look111g fur ,1 '1rong1·1 I 11111 ..ls ,1 1111·1 ~1 1 p.iruwr It w:1s C1l1t'(>I p'' $11;;, 11111111111 bid 1h.1l w1•11 the· bo:11d':.. .1pprcJVul "What\, tu kt•1·11 C1t11·111 p 1111111 !(Obhh11g up 11n0Jh1·1 1ru.11tut11111 :11T •i:.s state· llaw ... on 1111' ~UI!'>< ul 11 bt•111~ a 's1l'k' 1nst1lul1un·~" '>Ill' usk1•d "f); l'ftf'< I, th1R 1s t'rt'atmg 11 na111n 111I i.y,11·111 ol b.1nk111g •· Cttit·orp says sudi wurra1·'> .11 1• u11f11und1·d " INTERSTATE HANKIN<; h.1s lx 1•11 h.1111 •d hy h'Clerul law s1m·1• tlu• t!J:Wi.. liut tlw 11,1t11111·.., tug hunks have b1•(·n puslu11g li.11d m It~ 1·111 ""'11" 1111 the-ban to ~ rr·p<'nl<'d Th<'v rontl'11d l1111t"< h,1v1 d1a,11g1·cl-i.1 1H·l' lhl· I>• pr 1·,s1n11, 1111t111g the· hu~g1·011111g "'ray 1Jf fm,1111•1al s1•rv1l·1·' 11wlud1ng t•hrckang llkl' <11<t~>u111' 111f1•n·d hv ftrn1s sud1 ;JS Men ill Lvrwh Jt1d s1:J1' Hcx•hulk ,111d Co m 11u N<: T HE FIRST six 1111111th:. IJI 1Y11~. :rn1 ,,1v1ng' .111d 111.111 asStw1ut1ons w1·1 I' mt•q(1•<l 1nt11 .,11•1111gt•1 111'1lllllt11ins or with om· 1111uth(•r 111 app1 11v111~ 1111• l 't tworp uc4u1s1lt0il, tht· F1•d .11t.1ll1t·d ;1 1111111IH·1 of n1nd1tiu11i. a1 mc•d al 111• v4·nt1111( ··u 11t.11r l'Ompt·l1l1on .. F1dl'11ty musl ht· "IH"' ·""ti ·•' .111 1ncl1·111•1Hl t•nt, prof ll ·:..t·<'k1ng tor poral11111 11nd nol 111 tundt'm with any olht·r ,111i..,1d1.11 v or { ·1111·111·., N1·1ther l'1l1t"urp nor uny of 11'> suh ... 1d1.1r1<·:. 1nav sol1t•11 dc·rx1~1t~ or luans fo1 M:-iny sma lll•r uank:.. .111d '·"·111gs .and 111;111, Ftdt lat\ tlf \'I( I VL'l'SJ The n ewt•s l l int•. A .. Wlret>holo lla rolcl Pol i n ~, •·,•·•·u t iH· "it·•· prc•!->idf'nl ol' l·o rel North Amt•ric·on Auto n iot iv•· Opt·ra tion ..... ..,how.., off th(• tll'W t•tlition of tht' T hurulc·rhir•I. I· onl \Jotor .... 1u·• .. ·•·11 tc·cl tlw I <JR:l lirw U'ednescJa) to rt'po rtt·r !'I u t a •·qwc·ial pn•\ in~ i11 l>c·arhorn, M ie·h . r,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~' I Me r c ury I NEW ISSUE 1• "• • tit I ... •1• t , I t.,,. ,,. 500,00 0 lo 6 0 0,000 S h a r es I n the a m ount o f \5,000,000 to $6,000,0 0 0 Califo rnia Con1mcrcia l Ba nksh a res •• !NATIONAL BANK f!OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA f 1 O•(ld I cl r I F ~'' c.t r.of1y 1n1 1 f>fn·,,,f•r 1d , t Ir•,... ''"''"I lfH1 O•!l«lllt cfl• • (Jl1•< 1 h1 111.1.i <JI t tir,111• (llJSTo\1\11 ('i·1111·1 llt1\1 · l ~th I h1111 ("11-,t.i ,\lt ""' t"1\ qLh/fl 17 1 11 Id I ii..!11 S aving e xpanding Mt·n·ury Savings has 1111n11unl't·d l'X pans 1on :11Hi 1collgnmt·nt plan:. th.H will r<·su lt 1n a 1'm1blt• growth oL asse~ r o r t h t· H u n t i n g ton &·ac·h-bwwd suvm~i. and lo.an as.<1C1e.·1auon An:ordmg tu u'Onard ShanC', <·hairman of lht· h o a r d a n d <' h 1 l' f f"Xe(" U ll V (' CJ Cf I l'C' r 0 ( Mert·ury. ll 1s anlrt·tpatcod the· atoq u1s1tion of Sl·veral r'lt'W locat i o n s will "'tn·ngthc·n Mt>n·ury'.; inarkL•l P'IS1t1on PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY S20 I ?• I t\I 'f•IO ... ~._,. t t./\~' tw " t• .tt• 'ti •t A ....-, """ ,, .. t y,,._,, ' ,...,., ,., .. """"* '•'"~ l~Mn O• 'ffl•OJ•rr,.nl ( ''' ''' ••t• Of t)t(rl1() •r·P 1 , t\.,,.,.. ~., r•CW't'WJ fM"f\.tvtOI r ,..,...~, t'"tM"'• Hft-•f"l'WI 6M<n . (714) 640·1268 YOUR TROMP CARD IS AT REPUBLIC FREE INTEREST-EARNING CHECKING S200 CHECK GUARANTEE • $2 500 LINE OF CREDIT f REPUBLIC'S Chek-ResNvf'/Check Guaran· tee Card. You get a Wtnninq hand o f r 1Mnr1al services with this on•' 1.onv<'nwnt card Free Chek/ln interest-bearing account. • Only $400 ave rage t>alcrn<"l' nPl'd1·d. • Only $100 average 1>,,1...,nc" rwedPcl 11 ~~ years or older. • With $2000 tn any Rrpllbli< Saving~ Ac count Check Ouara nlee. Ynur < hN k' up to $200 gu&ranteed at any Ml<1hll<1hed bu5rne.,., Chck-Reserve Une of Credit from $500 to $2500. Wr1lc checks for more than your cash balance. Arc e<,s to cash at any time. against your line of r red1t RPassuring overdraft pro- 1t•1 lion. Mo'>t fananc1dl mstltut1ons require a much htghPr bal.,nce for free checking Low interest c harge. too. on loans agoinst your credit line &t ~epubh<. The 51;4~ a nnual Interest on your c hecktng is compounded daily. Call or come by fo r full details. Check Guu1 .i11tt>t.• and Chek Rl.'st>rvc L11w uf Credit on np 0 proved appllcallon. Your saving• ln,ured to •I 00.000 REPUBLIC FEDERAL SAVINGS SAl'f'TA ANA I Ith St WtM ot N1•wpnn Freo~t,Y (714) ~I 52~ MAHl!IM 202 AMhf'lrn Pluo. 500 N I U( lid St. (714) '>'!16 8290 LAOUM l'llOW!.L )())1.7 Crown Vdll"Y P11rkwoy (714) 405 0850 WE8TMIN9Tl!R IJ4 Wt-t1m1n~o11 Moll OolM (, ~n Dlf(IO r wy (714) 8'l4 ~347 llr ... 1011 .... AlTAOlNA1JM,r1 l11k·A~, llll 17'1l lllil b/116611 4\.fAOI HA • ... ~Alll 1"' • l\lt( llll>•A. llUllhlll'tl\ • l I ~lfl .. ,,.,I 11 'l•I "'1<11'1 I HI ti ,lff Ill\~ If .. ,,,. HI lt,tH'l • l M1IJN,. l'll0(.ll'I tr~ A~I II , l'A'l'IPI "",Pit 011\1 l,A , -'"'" """, THOIJ.,Al'lnO\ll\. '11>1 ll"'llt"'lll .. • 'NOOOl 1'10 lllllS Jt•iH~ Y. M1·rlde w lw-. lw1·11 1.1µpo1111t·d v11·<· 1 >1 1·i.1Jl•11l 1.1nd 1·11111nwn 1.d loan o fr1n ·r o f Tht· .aj.(Ulll.I Bonk, ll Wol) a111111u11<;t·d hy .John Wutz, p11·io J 1·11t M1·r1d1 ·w bn11j.(~ 1111wt· 1ha11 2:~ y1•ors or 1·wn11wrl'lal li...tnk1n~ and f1n11ndul c•xpt•nt·nl'l' (II 111 1hos1 y1-.1r' 111 1....tl(UllJ Ht·ach) to Tht• Lagu11a B.rnk I le• was with Southw1•::.l U1111k I.Idun· .101n111g Tiu· Lagu11.1 l\Hnk K ing, u Nc·wpor l &a,•h rt'"ti1denl, has been with thl' firm for more than 11t•ven yeani, the la.st three yl·ars us purlm•r m ch arge of lhc NPwport Beach offkt' th.• h1 ::1t:tivt• in the H arbor ~rca and Oraoge County !k•rving on lh <' boards of dlrcc.:tors of the Nl•wport Harbor Arca C h am ber of Com.meroe and till' Nl'wport Hills Community Association . He la also a mc·mbt'f of ttw O range County Induatrlal Lt·agu<· and thP 55:.! Club of Hoag Hospital. Ka rl Berghccr . µ11 ·'1d1 ·11l uf tlw Sant:a Ana ba-.1•t.l H1·rgh1 ·1·r ('f1111pa11 y, hus ht·Pn «h·l·t1•d pn·::.1d1•11 1 11r tlw <>range• County Ch<tptt.'r of th e Bu1ld111 j.( lndu ~try A:.sot·iatwn o f Southt·rn C.:alllo11uu (Slt\/SC) The· BIA/SC 1s thl' Southern • Calrf1irn1a aff1laat1· vr lhl' IOH.000-nwtnl><:r National Assoc:1allon vf l lom1· Bu1ltlns and tht· Cali fornia Building Industry As!>o1:1allon Nt·arly 500 lo<.'al u 1mparm·s b<!lonj.( Lo lh<· Ur Jngt· Cuunly Ch;1pl1·r . . Ramona M. Da ly hali been prom o t ed lo devefopmen t.al manager of the Huntington Beach o ffice of Avt·o Financial Services (AFS ). The branch tS one of 14:i m Caltfornia and is located.at 17300 Bciu·h Blvd Daly .101m·d th!! company an March 1979. as • <·ustonwr sc·rv1n· rl'prl"S<'nt.a uve in the Ana heim· Thrafl, ~hfornia, office of AFS. Most rec.'E:ntly she h:.is b<.·t·n sl·r vmg as an assist.an t developme ntal 111anag..r in lhl' HunlmgLun Beach offtl~. Bl'lty .J. Vigil, .1 v«L1·1·a11 11f 7'; yc';1ri. 111 tlw Urn11g1• County t1llt· 1111lu:..try , ha:. JOtnl•d lht• Bustnl"""" l)\·v1·lopnwnt l>t·p.irtml·nt of lht· On.cng1· County d1v1s11111 of St1 ·warl T1tli• Comp:iny of G.ilifornw in Supu1 Ami, n•porL~ Larry L StS(."O, pre>Sid1•nt Sht· 1s 1.1 n-s1d1•111 uf Col.la MCS<J Earle V. King, par1twr in eh<1rgt· or Fux & Comp:m y's Orange• County 11ff1l·c· 111 J'h-wpurt &·at·h . was l'lt'(."\t..J Iha~ Wt'l•k lo till' board of dlrl•c.:ton. Of this n<tt1unal fmn c)f 1·erttf11'l.l public· ~1<.0(..'ounllmls al lhl' ann u<.11 m1·t'l1n>( ht·lll 1n Kan.'Kt1> C.:11y Thl• 11 • mt•mlK·f' board of dll"l't"lors st·Ls polic·y and <.1 11·1•<:l1un for Fox & Company. wh ll'h has 57 offtc1-s in the• Un~tl'C.I St<.1lt-:. with mort• than 1,500 <·mployl"('S and 4!47 p...trtn<>rs. C h a rles "Chuck " Hopkins, was recentl y promoted to equipment s h ow room mana ge r a l Kl'<!lcr Foods Inc .. in Santa Ana. He has been with Kt:der ~\xx.ls for more lhan 18 years. In his new pc>:>1llon, Hopk ins will be responsible for overseeing all fum·uons w1lhm thl' eq u ipmen t depa rtment mdudmg purchasing, inven tory L'Ontrol, sales and ovt'rall busml-ss planning Hopkins is a reside n t of Sanl<i Ami KC.'C·ler Foods, found l"CI m 1946, is on e of two d1stnbul11m centers owned by Dtstribuco, In<.·, of I luyward , Cal1r Keeler feature s a on e -s lo p supply <.·ont·cpt to restauran ts and institution s, offrnnJ( a wide range o f glassware, china, flatw are , k1ll'hl·n equipment, as well as dry and frozen goods. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS u~ U•I lO 1 .. 1•• 1 .. ... li>'w •.. 1 ... ) ,"';Y_ UpP<.\. t .. Up 1' 1 .. Up J:IJ \.'> Up i. 1 • ,.. Up Jlo.1 J Up 21 9 • 1..-, Up 21 1 , Up 211 '• Up JOO .. Up ~· I Up II 1 1.. • ti•Utf t 1101\M> s... .. ,.. .. , ... 11 " ... 10 .. •• 1)' I 1 J , ) •• ) . , .. 8•ntP! " B•t1I \ e .. MQt 8U>O(O 8ot0~ B•rl''" 8•t•OOf &on•n1 8r...,Torn 0u<•U-. l.lull.t• DOWIO ~\I ~~'l""~ CPI C•l'AllS• c..,,, •• , C•pton C..p\w>I C:.,;>Ait " Car~o Cett.1\ C."-' "'" Ch<m~ C.h•'1"'4 (hmlf'ot C~Ull ClliOb (1rf1c_u c •11\o(,,o {'1(VIA C•l1 Ulll tt•r•Jl MUTUAL FUND NEV. 'l'OAK 14PI I NI W\ 9 I• 10 10 lill•>to 1 W N Inv Sl• •• .. 71., '"""° I jt 9 Puln...., F-l n. IOll-•"11 -I,,.. • , •• 10 I Inv !.91 I u I.. Gt'"111 t JI • con. IJ ._ u ,, 1•11""' .._.,..., II• C•o I"' 10 01 Nl H1 Y•O IO., NI.I ,,.,. .,., •.. • >' NetllO ' 11 ' " 1,.1 t.q 11 e1 ''-~~·!,."""'s!c~~.', C•i::--••I ~~. I ") ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ :~l~IA•"' I~'!! .__.~ "'A'::, fll W" NL g::: :~: n ~I 0.•I~"· 1.,. •• Lquol t JI t 'IO lfllltl t SA Nl In Fo II .. NL GtWlll S.11 ) H .. 1111 I) IJ 11 JI IM otou•• el .. 111;11 (h•n<•ll"' (,roup lrtnd 77 llJ NI JP Gt'lh 11 • ,. 00 ln<om 1.11 a HI YIO IS 50 1• U tne.-_........ lllY~ • ti 10 )I FIOSllth II .. loll. JP ln<O • It • ., •• fr• '10 10 M ln<om • Jt ,.., (OlllO ,,.... -H1Mun I) •1 1• 04 FICISHllll IJ )J NL Je,.u• '14 NL MllOual 1111 NL lnwll • u 10.12 >OIO (W.1 e\""1 N()M 1• .. 16 Ol fl"Ml<••I "11> John Hen<OO MUI 5"' Jt .U NL ()o4n 11 M 11 n r:~~ :u. ~~ lnW::. :rn 11N~ ~~~, •• ~" :t ~~ .. ::!! :rn ::r·i! .• ':~ ~t ~:.~.Ea ~t ~M! .,,..,.,., -,,..,, 10 11 t1 1• >1 '"""'1 • 30 "'L vs Gvt a ~• l' Net tno 11 u "I. voveo 11 .. u 11 Sotll ... , lht> 011 •• 17 NL ln<om I .. NL I •• Ea ' IJ '97 Hal S..1111... Q<ulW• U.1• NL Able 1' II I'll C""•lnut lS,. NL f \I ln.,..•IOI'\ K•ulmn I• NL Bal_, 10 .. 11 14 Rel-l 03 NL ACO<ll r 1.) ll NL Colon••I f """' 8no Ap ll" 14 M tm.,.r Fune!\" BOtlCI J 1' JU ACKllh 10 7J 11n ADV ',.. Nl I""° •O t) "" D•>eO • ,. 10 ,, tn<om I .. • •I GrWll\ , .. • )I Sal•o *"' Afututt t>• Nl C,r-101 I II Grwtll I a 1.. C.•-11 Ot 1109 PrtlO .... I 00 EQllll t U NL AINI Fut'lh H• YIO • II I " ln<om ••• ., HI VIO • ,. 10 °' ln<om • » • u Grwtfl .. Ol NL {w'l'IO 11'111711 l<>tD"' • ., l?J N'1Re->M•I• '"""" IOJ111Jl Stoo .,. ... Ir><• I061 NL C.re,,_, Opln I It t ti Ooln 6 Of> t SJ Mun 8 I SI I U Tao (1 1.07 a lt SIPaut lnwttl 10~ 10 11 lAi.MQlOU ns1 , .. [I 11' ... <>Pin "" )04 TolA• .J.Jl SIS C"llll 10.111141 Ht'l'IO 'u '" Colv Glh ,. H NL ... Wl(Q , J9 • °' Summ ,. J9 10 10 F•lrllo I" , .. Gtwtt\ "·" 1J ll .t.•on• r II)) NL (wllh AB I 1J I» ... ""'•" 17 11 NL ...... 11 ,. 12 ll HELll• '""" SINl<I 11... NL A81t1111 ll/211f1C•llll (0 II) 11/fo\ler '" SJ,4 Tol AI IJUIJ .. EQllU 1001 1116 5"-fwnct\ A~·1~ .... ,.,~'10 lO Comp 80 • .. • u f no Gii• • /1 ) 11 us c;;,,, • " • It o ....... 11.'1 10 II Com §I 1) M NL ~.... .. Como fO • ,. ''4 f-.. "'°"" "·~·--" ltKom 1041 II JJ o.... .. .. NL :~II 1rn 1rn ~::~~1tvt'°t'n1 NL ?..'..::!: 1H: ~t ~~~ =~ :~~ au Atl Eq 108:1 n M CepG1f\ 80f'CI 11 09 •310 Fu!ICI 11 ... ,., Mui• •• Ill Cv• IM 1lll •01 lob ,., •12 IO.M NL fd Inv a It • ll lntom • 10 I 7• \p<Kr 10 II Nt Cu• Kl 160 • 31 "'9£'.:':';r' 1~m loll l~~n'o l! 'r, ~t G1 .. 1h 'II 10 /1 {OM Inv II 11 II U fr•n,ln Gr-Cu• 11.1 .. ,. t .. G""'d JI 14 NL MMB I 10 NL lntom I tJ t 't Con•l•I C. IJ 01 NL AGE J U J It C111 SI " n 1e H ~bfy ,u,o1 NL $p«I llf\a•atl IC4 I .. t 1 COfll MUI • H NL ONTC IJ 11 IO IS Cu> Sl I 04 I 6t ~...... NL S.tu•llY ,_ ~.~· rn ~ ~ ~:;·z.. I; {c: .:~ is;=. ~:; rn f:.-.. ~ : : : ~ ~·~ :u~ =t :=:, a: ~= "'"" Ml I.,, ... 0.1••••• C.•ouo. Ulll• , 11 , u te1Fr ' " , ... N••I 01 lO., NL lnwttl • » '°' Am~r C.Mrel Ot<e! I• :t V)I ln<cnl 119 1 ~ M•H II fl tt 1' Ntwl In< 1... NL Uflra 7.JJ LOJ i•~ lid 1~: t~ n g:::~ 1~ 16 11 ~ ~!pt~ ~ ~ ~: L•c!'t: t.f S t2 tt ~lf~1,• 1':: =LL Sa~~·-::.:~~ NL Hr vt • n • .,, 11 Ft• t «I • IO Equll • n ) .. 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S&Ls, hank gird for mutuals fight WAS lllN< ;'l'ON IAI') Bunk' ,111d '11111111oti. <Jml loan fl'\"K'1at11m11 ,JI l' l(t•Llf 111g UJ> 10 use• 1t m•w, h•t<h µayinj{ .Jl'<'11u11t tu d11 h.111lt• w11.p 1tw 111111wy 111.11 lu·t r11utual I ur 11.b uvt•r .11t1v1·1 :..' d111l • .ir"' T tw rww ''"''ount, to l.14 · 1'1'1 .. i11•d undt·r lt•t(u .. 1._111111 11ass1•tl l..i:.t wt·l'k hy < '011~r<'11!i .mJ 1·xp1·1·tt•d 111 hL• :..1wwJ hy l'n·Mut•rit lkaw111, will J(\v1· b;ankll • .llld S&Ls u t·ham·1· lo lun• bllt k l)firm• of th<·$<!~!> 1111111111 1·aplun·d by niom•y markl·I 111utu;.il funds, 111du:..try 11ff11·wh. i.;:1y Tlw off1n1ilK 1111• t•11u1111111o( on f1 ·d1·rnl 1nHun11u·1• l1.1Lklllg for llll· o.1u 11u11l lo g1v1· lhl'l11 tilt• 1·tlg1• In .1t1r;111111~ 11.JV!'r:.. w1>r1'11•d o.1lxJlll lht• ~f1·tv ul lh<'tr rnonc·y M11rwv markt•t furnl' ;11·1• 11ut ini;un·d Blue Cross tests due Blui· Cru:..' 11( Caldrn·111a h1111 lx.·t•n n11rn1 ·d by ,~llC· f1•d 1·ral g11.v1·1·11nw11t·, llt·&llh Cu n · Jo'1nane 1ng AdrH1nts tr<1t1110 to (•undUl l ii r1v 1· y1·;11 d1•n1emstr<.i\llJll IJl OJl.'<'t to tt>Sl .ilH·n1dllV•· .1ppro,1l'ht•'> to Jd1111n1 .. tt·rrng th\! 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Om· uf tht• :.!I HCFA Ml•di('<JI'(• <iwJrd s rn.Jdc througho ut till' l'ountry. th1' '' lh1· first s ut·h tt~t u { a It,. r n <it 1 v c· ml' l hod' des 1gn1· d tu <l t' I 1 v {' r <'<1mµrc•ht·ns1vt· h1·a II h t'art· lo l ht• s<'llwr 1.><1pu l<i llnn Auto sales 'dismal' D~:'J'HOIT <AP> Dw111•,t1L· uutomakt•ti. wrapix-d up a d1sm~I IYH2 n-111dt·I yc·hf with s:ilt•s at lhl'tr tuwcst l1·v1•l in :tJ yt•<in ., <.iml <11tiJl,vst ~ bl<1m1·d 11 on the t'l'onum,v not lht• l':.tr<, , Thl' ~1vc· .maJ<.>r US l JI c·tmlp<init•i. !:W11t.l Tut~ay t!1c: Y s1>ld .1.54J,006 t·ar11 fr11111 lll:.l Oc·tolwr 111 1 ht· t•nd of St•pll'mh1·r', thL• tratl11111nal m11d1·I )'l'ar Th<· lw.lll's wnc o ff I 5 !J JX•rcc·nt from lai.t v t·ilr"' <.1ln·~11h• cl<'pn-sst-d k·vc•I of U,590,U I 7 -. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT N[W YORK (API Set ... Wed P••ct 400 ,,.., (f'wlnQ!t" Oi 0~ flflttn mO\I cKt1Yt1 Nt'W Yori-. S'°" i. 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Wll\llfO .)I II ,.. t i •••• • Condt OAll. y PILO 1 /1 l\ur1doy, Octob.,f I . IOH? Slllngles $7!!~ won·r 3fMrtJ motsture ~ Ulrf won't ~ter, curt or l>Uckle Class A fire ra!ln9 A¥ailaDle In oewrt T<1n, Aulumn Brown. or Shasta White tONSTRUCTION QUALITY 1 " x 6 " x 10' SURFACED 4 SIDES Douglas l=lr s2•• 2" x6" x 12· .............. 3.49 2"X6"X14" ................ . 2"X6"X16'. ............... .. 3/4 "X4'X8' or~lcle oard &• , 3/8 "X4'X8' SANDED SHOP Plywood •&•• 518 .. x 12" x 48" RECULAR PRICE SALE PRICE MFC. REBATE ECONOMICAL 111 " x4' xs· •llee~rock s2a• 8 FOOT USED llollrood rles sa•• Dtcoratt your yard with Qllro<ICI t~ now Pfrtect tor t>orcler'S and fendnQ POWEil h Poo1 rob1e ea c Cedar Feneing 1" X 6" XS' DOC EA RRED Pick~• . . . . . . . . . . gge EA. 2"X4 .. X8' R•ll• •ou911 • • • . • • . • S t gg EA 4 " x 4" x s· Po•~• •ou•" . • . • • • • S499 EA fence In your yard or garden with cellar fencing Gtve You~ pnva<'f With a rustle lo0klfl9 fence m<llle from cellar On be palntell or n~ntll SINGLE HEIGHT 2 3 '' 111ork111o~e ssa•• TiltS comciact ~ an handle all t1le he~t jObS you llM to 00 At 22 lbS. VOU CJll set It up anywfleft. 179-00S HURRY, WHILE OUANTITIES LAsr1 119-009 WORKMATE ............. •S8.88 119-001 DELUXE WORKMATE ..... ····- 8" CIRCLE ,.luor.sc•nr Ad•ll~•r -··· 8" non met1'11C f<1ucet 11~ 1111 sundard slnH Featur~ attractive smok fCI acrylic hand~. # 1321 Kl~cllen l'auce~ -••!',~ 10 YEAR ACRYLIC caulk Sts• 1» TON llloor .lock -···· Ftatum extenslOn hanclf anc1 all Mttat Swtftl Wtlftl t« tlSl use. #659-J.1.S HURRY, WHILE QUANTITIES LASTI SHARP N' SAND •ond•r ,, •.. lnClucles Clrlll bfX-!t and sharpen· HUUY. WHILE OUANTtnES LASTI lledlMOOd S~oln #S S&'!.P EVERYD Y ••r•r •nomel Reg, '2 49 o n be u~ 1n v1nu1111v ;111 Ing 9Uldt attxhnlfnt Drll not In-Reg 115 99 on be Used on ~ tvllfS RfO. •119 1ntfr'IOf or fltfrior Caulking app!OtlOns Mlldfw reslS· dUOed. 17H95 Of WOOCI. lmpms a reawood ap-SOl'ill ~t F~t drying ., ==liitlianiit.li 10 1°1 1 iilil:iilil iii;lliii;i1H;U;1t;1trl. ;WHI" OCJANnnEs LASTll ;;iiii1i=;Pf;ill';anc;e;to;11gt1=t c;o1c>;rec1=wooos•iii=;rustm;r;esis;tant 11-or THERE'S AN ... ANG£LS IN YOUR NEICHBORHOOD SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9 TO 9. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 TO 6. . . ...... • 2317 E South SI 7800 Ecl1ngtr AYI 2~40 VlclOtV 3309 S Bristol St 10331 Magnolia 13999 S Wtsttrn 977& BaHlint Ad 23 14 S Mou11tatn 21849 5 W.... (213) 34l ·HSO (7141919-1111 (714) 687 2034 • (213) !>32 2933 (7") 980 0212 (714) 993 3844 (213) ~MIU (213) 429·7561 (714) 147·6066 , • • . Diiiy Piiat "THURSDAY, OCl , 7, 1982 ENT EAT AINMENT COMICS TELEVISION CB c10 C11 I So111e .ttt ub ·1 it uh'".'t for I h osl• ~"i111ulu y~ wit ho u I fool bu II. l.'6. 'Little hall' has A,ngels thinking big One more loss and it will be a Mauchery 8 CURT SEEDEN Of Ille Deltr "llot It.fl The cogs 1ru11de Ange l Ma nager Gene Mauch's brain, the on<.'fl that grind out a version of Uaiieball nuw known as Mauch · ball or Little Ball, arc at rest today. Ont't' again, the Angel s kipper hus hc.•nd1wd lrom JUSl the right bJe nd O( hunts and bombs, but this tamf' the end rc.'!'lult means so much more. Re~gjc Jadcwn's boom ing home run w ccntcrfield and plenty of sacrifice on th1· part of Tim Foli and Bob Boone carried the Angels to a 4-2 victory over the Milwaukee Bre wers Wednesday night. And 64.179 fans a t Anaheim Stadium bid them a thun derous farewell as they n1Jw trek to the midwt."St where they can wrap up the Amerkan League ch ampio nship with one victory in Milwaukt.'C with thret.• chanc<."S to do so. So: the Angels did what they wa nted t.o do. They swept the first two games of tht· Americun League playoffs. And they d id 11 Ill stunning fashion -through the work or two comple te game efforts. First came Tommy John's 8-3 triumph Tuesday night. but in no way did T J 's performance stand up lo that or Brue<' Kison's who held the Brewers to a S<:ant fi ve hits. three or the infield variety. Things do. indeed. look bright for the Angels. Believers m the past can take heart in knowing that the team which hostc-d th<> first two games ur the American League Now you A f, play olltt at a "'""<••• Friday'• ga.me Milwa ukt.>c, 12:15 p.m. Friday's phcben Geoff :Zahn (18-8) or thl' Angels Vii. Don Sutt.on ol the Brc·wers (4-1). TV -Channels 5 and 7 ut noon Announc.~111: Channc•I 5 Bob Starr. Rori Fairly and J oe Buttitta: {;ha nncl 7 -Keith Jackson. Eurl Wt•av1•r ;md Jim Palmt•r. KMPC (7 10) a t noon. Roh S tarr .and Hon Radio Announcers Fairly. Remaining 1cbedul t' S a turd ay's game, 1f necel:lsary 111 Milwauket.o, 10 a.m.; S unday's game.•. if nt.><.-essary: in Milwa ukee. I :20 p.m champ1onsh1p Sl'rles has gcmc On to Wll1 9 of the first I J series. More importantly. no team in league championship series history has ever won a series after dropping the first two games. "I'm no m athematician but I do know that one out of three is a helluva lot lx-tter than three out or five," surmised Mauch. "I like our chanc.-es -I liked them when wt• started." Still, Ma uch had to be a bat c.-oncerned abo ut the Brewers' starter Wednesday night. Right-hander Pete Vuckovich came into the cont.est with a 3-0 re<:ord a nd 2.35 see 'em -- <:urnt-<l run avcrtii<c.· :il(uanst ttw Angl'L'i in 19H2 And overall, VUt·kuv1ch ma111taint'<I & 5-0 rt.'<.·ord and 2.?:i EHA UJ<uinst th1: Angt•IB during his c.·an.'<.'r But Mauch simply munlA·n.'<l by pitching K1son, a veteran of fou1 previous lcagul' champ1onsh1p sen <.'?! und two World Sc-n t.'6 On top uf that. he's <tlWCIJS l>ct•n a fast f1n111her And th<tl wa~ the t•ase W<'<lnt'11<layt'l11ght. K1son nl.'cclc'CI JUSt ovl·r two hours w t.ame tht• Brewers, Jo:ung a bid fo r a shutout whl'n Paul MoM or's i.inking line drive l'ludl•<l F'n·d Lynn 1n n •nt1•rf1cld for a firth -inning. ins1dC'-lh1• pi:.!rk hnml' run with Charlie Moort• ahow <I At that stagt· of thl' gamt·. thl' Angels still h1·ld a 4-2 lead, and they did th(•ir U.\U<1I sc._-rat.chmg for thn.·t· or tho:-.«-· runs In the st·l'ond, L ynn opened w ith a singll" and onl' out later. Doug Dl-Cincc<S whal'k cd <a d<>ublt· i n to l1·ft·l'Cn ter Dc.·Cml·cs' hit lookt•d like nothing more than a smgh:. but th<· ball boum.°"'<.I ar. 1r 11 was on an artif1l'1al t·<irpt•t. nearly rolling w the fenc.·e VuckuvK·h th<·n hat Bobby Gm·h with a pllc:h lo load the: basl's T hat brought up Foll, whlJ would norn)aJly sque<·w in th<tt s1tuut1on. But Maul'h IN tht· llttlto' shortstop swing away and ht· lat°"-d a smgk· to left to score Lynn Mauc.·h savf'd tht• squ~ pl&y for Boonl• whu did JUSt what lw h<id don« rour ~See ANGELS. Page C4/ Presto! Like magic, Brewers are gone, but haven 't disappeared By JOHN SEV ANO Of l"9 Dellf "llo4 lt•ff 11 any Angel players are Still wondering what they can do for a living once their playing days a re over. they'll be ha ppy to learn that most could probably h ave luc rati ve career s as ma g icia n s. The Milwaukee Brewe rs would certainly attest to the Angels' slJght ot hand . .t:ven, with front row seats the past two nights, the Brewers are shaking their heads in be wilderme nt. trap doors, no c•urtains and no t·ollaps1ble boxes -JUSt two strong pitching perfo rmances from Angel hurlers Tomm y John and Bruce Klson. It was KlSOn, following in the footsteps of J ohn, who <'Ontinued to keep the potent Bre wer bats quiet Wednesday. as the Angels posted a 4 -2 ve rdic t in t h e American League Championsh ip Series was talking about. In I H playoff innings. the Brcw~rs hav<.' gone out an order n ine.• times and they've had lhe leadoff battt·r reach baSt.• only twK~ Milwaukee has also i,c:orC'<l a toPtl or on ly 11ve runs. aftc-r leading lhe ll'aguC' with a 5 47 average chang<.' llopdully. Wl''ll go l>;Jl'k tu M ilwaukl'l' and gl'l thing!> togNhl·r " "WE CAN t·omi> ba<'k I don't think it's 1m~11Jk" agret.-d &on Oglavw "Th<'S<.' lwu games . thcrl' was nothing we rould do about 1t Th<'y'vl' had good pitching and you have to give them crl-cl 1t. 0.-, ..... ~ ~ .....__ • ....., First baseman Rod Carew gives Bruce .. Those were two of the quickest games we've played all year." said designated -h i tte r R oy , Howell. "All we d id was blink a nd we're 0 -2," no ted P a ul Moli tor. "I'm not surprised we're in the position w~·re in because they have a good ball club. h 's just ever y thing h as ha ppe ned so quickly," continued Moli tor. "It's a combination or good pitching and we're not !>Wtnging the bat well." offe red Molitor, who provided the Brewers with t h e ir o nl y t w o runs o f W e d nesday's game.· w it h an mside·the-park home run with C h arlac Moore on baSl' an t hi.o fifth inning. "I don't think d~spcrat1on is th<.' right word to dt'S<.'ribe our pos1t11m We'n· not in a hfc-and · death situ3'1on. •We JUSl have t.o go back to Milwaukee with th(• frame of mind that we can wan 1t. Kison a congratulatory hug after the Angels right-hander pitched a 4-2 complete game victory against Milwaukee. For the Brewers. 11 w as that qu1Ck And. there were no "We've been through a lot of quil'k innings m this series and we'vl' had a lot of trouble getting the l<•adc>ff man on." M olitor k n£>w what he ·Rain falls on Braves' parade· "It's Crustra ung bccausc• we were on such a high l'Oming in here. I'm a little d isappointt'd, too. because I didn't exp<'Ct to sec.> a complete game in t h11> i;<.•nes a nd already they've thrown two a t us:· Much is g{ling to be said over the next couple of days about the Brewers' position. Nobody in AL c hampionship history has cvl•r come back from such a deficit ST. LOUlS (AP) -A restart is pending but Manager Whitey Herwg says his S t Louis Cardinals already have an edge over the Atlanta Braves in the National League Championship Series. "We were one run down. Any lime you're one run down and get rained out. it's to your advantage," said H erzog following Wednesday's wea thered-out o pener to the best-of-five series. "There's no d oubt it's a break for us." Probab ly d isappointing the Atla n ta manager the most was the groove into w h ich knuckleballer Phil N1ekro had settled just before the rams struck with the game JUSt two outs short of being official. Niekro, rocky at the st.art. wiggled out of a bases-loaded jam in the bottom of the St. L ou is fir st. He a lso surv ived Lonnie Smith's two-out triple in the third because Tommy Herr, the Cards' leado(f batter. was caught stealing after a smgle. teams had left the field. About 21,-, hours later, when it failed to subside, Williams ordered the gam e played over tonight. Niekro, a 43-year -old pitche r w ho had waited since 1969 for a return to the NL playoHs, made no f'f fort to disguise his dejection . W THERE is a team t'apablt.> o r accomplishing such a feat though. 1t would a ppear t.o be the Brewe rs. who have faced th is situation before. Last year, during their F.astern Division mini-series with the New York Yankees. the Brewers were 0-2, having lost their first two ga mes an Milwa ukee. While Her zog counted his b lessings. Atlanta counterpart Joe Torre had trouble accepting the timing of home plate umpire Bllly Williams' decision to suspend play. "I don't think the game would have been called that quickly during the regular season," said Torre afte r watching his Braves hold a 1-0 with on e out in the bottom of the filth mnmg· when playing was stopped. "I have no animosity. It's a playoff game, and he knew they wanted to complete it." Williams, an umpiring veteran of 20 m agor -Jeague campaigns, defended his decision to scrub the c.'ontest after Ozzie Smith grounded out to start the St. Louis fifth. "I th i nk a n y pitcher w o ul d be d isappointed at bein g tha t close," said N1ekro m respect to the baseball rule tha t robbed him of victory. "It's been 13 years. I t'ould have waited four or rive more hours." Herzog said Niekro's a bsence o n the mound for the Braves, possibly until Saturday, w ou ld w ork to his c lub 's advantage. • Not only did the Brewers come back to knot things a t two-ap1e<.'C, but they wer e leading m the 5eventh inning of the r1Cth gnme before the Yankees finally pulled it out "I d idn't wa nt a n yon e cr it icizing. whether it be the umpires or anybody else, that we played just to get tw o o uts," Williams said. "I wouJd have handled the situation the same -whe ther 1l wa.!1 0-0, 10-0 or, as it was. 1-0." A heavy d ownpour ensued o nce the "I'd have to say 1t favors the C.Srdlnals. It favors us because Niekro can now pat.ch one time,'' the St. Louis pilot said. "We're going to lose our best pitcher (Joaquin Andujar), too. You're saying that that game was ~oing to end 1-0, but I'm not sure it would.' "That's w hy I don 't <.'Onsider this insurmou ntab le," catcher Ted Simmons quietly explained "Baseball as a funny game and t he nice thing about at 1s that 1t't1 n o t p re dic t abl e Things l'an Sutton feels no pressure on eve of start Ex-Dodger hurler will b e trying lo k eep Bre wers alive Friday against A ngels By HOWARD L. HANDY °' .... .,.., .......... There's one thing aoout pitching an the American League that Donald Howard Sutton won't ml• from hts days with the Dodgers and A.atroa. "I don't rniu hitting one bat,· Sutton says on the eve of has moct important assignment since Sund•y with his latest te am, the Milwaukee Bre wen. "Now I don't have to show people .omethlng I already know. I can't hit." All he did Sunday was pit.ch the final game of the re,ular aeaaon to assure the Brewen ol a one- 1ame margin over Baltimore in a head-to-head battle wl\h a 10-2 victory. Now *11 he hu to do to prove hlmeelf again ls take \he mound Friday afte rnoon in Milwaukee apinat the An1elt In the battle for the Amemn Lea1Ue title. The Brewers are down 0·2 in the belt-()f.flve .erles and a loa will cllmlruite them. "What pre11ure?'' Sutton re.ponded to a questio n about enjoying the pre11ure cooke~ 1trno9phere he finda hlrrwelf ln with Milwaukee': •-n.er. isn't any ptt91ure ln being 1 ballplayer. Now If you are dltculllng the Sall trtaty, that's sn-.an. ''There are 6&0 playera In the major IHguea and there are a mUJlon othe• people out tnere ln the world who would Uke to be here dOh\I what we are • doing right now l don't feel any pr~re about this breaking ball, may be but that doesn't matter." game at all." Having never pitched against the Angels, does With his thinking a bout the Importa nt he figure it will be a help or a hindrance to him? as.slgnme nt Friday, S utton is look ing to Qther "We have a lot of gur here who have played worlds to conquer. against them and I'll read the t'harts. and re r?<>rts. "Sure. l have 90me goals and (hope to be able Obviously, any infomuatl()n l can ge t by watching t.o fulfill them with Milwa ukee. I would like to win television or in person here at the park will be 300 games (He has 258), I would Like to win n World helpful. Serles gam e and l would like to pick up 3,000 .. .,. "It's juat a matter of my going a nd gNling the strikeouts. llCOUting repol"ll and studying t hem . "Thoee goals will keep me working out this "When I'm pltch lns to Fred L ynn I'll be winter and It wlll be Cun to come home here to thinking Dav(' Parker (Plttabur1h). And when I'm Orange County (Laguna. Hills) aft.er the &eaJIOn.'' pit.chln6J to Tim Foll, l'll be thinking Ch rl1' Spier Hu the mood chonged with the Bre wers being (Montreru). two games d own? "There att a lot of compcarbona and I will put "I have n't aeen It cha nge And I like that," each AnfeJ b1uc r In a mold to conform w ith S utton saya. "This comet from the collection or IOmeQne know In the National Le.gut. people on thl1' club. They arc reonfldent but not "Montreal, Phllad •lphla and Pittaburgh are cocky Thla 18 the bett ball club l have. ever bffn OJ\ pretty good hitting team11 In the National League and that lnclud<!I the 1977 and 1978 Dodsert who and I have had my upt and downa with \hem. I waa werf' very talented. o.o In 10 Innings with Montreal, them th tY aot the ruN In the tlrtt innln1 the next Ume r pltched "But ~ia team Is the best collectJon 1 have ever-•l•inat them. But that'• tht! w•y \hlt 11me gon. bM:n with. "I have pitched more lnnlnc-thlt )'Hr than Other than the fact that he won't be hitting In any sealOn 1fnce untS. 1t ha• been 1 fun year, the American League w ith the destpted hitter, etped.aUy now belna In the l!l•yoff1." are there other dllference11 he hu noticed while Oeneral M•naaer Karry U.lton who hat put the oomplllns a 4·1 record with the Brewera7 cur"'n\ Milwaukee team t.oge\her in mOlt lnt tancet, "l haven't been able to ~IJ a dltreren<.-e," he made the de.I for Sutton juat befo~ th" Sept. 1 aaya. "There are more people here seared to hit the <See DON, P••• C•> Don \lltOn "Friday's g<tm<' will be the most important one of thc sc•ason for us. Just like Sunday's was in Balt1morC' ·• Aga1 n i,t lhe Orioles. lh<> Brcwc·rs rt•lwd on a crafty nght- handcr by lht• n amt• of Don Sutton to bail the m out of a tight ·spot. Friday. they'll ask Sutton to do 1t ag<un " T h 1 s g a m t• 1 s h a s c d o n pitching." Oghv1e add<.'CI. "Ir you have good pitching WC'IJ , let's JUSt sa y that right no w the Angels hold the upper hand " "IT'S ALWAYS been my contention that good pitching will ~at good hitting and they <John and KLSOn) haven't madl' a In t of m1 s1akes with the base bal l." analyzed Pe t e Vuckov1~·h . T uesday's losing pitche r Vuckovich . who came mto the game wtth a 3-0 r{'(.'Ord and a 2.35 ERA against the Angels an '82, wasn't that bad h1ms<.>lf d<'Spite t he defeat T h e A ngt·ls to u(·h ed the 18-game winner for two runs in the second. one in the third and one more m th<' fourth "Still , oul&de ol two pitches, everything I th rew was right (See NOW, Page CO th 1111uu Lum1I I IAll Y I 'II 0 1 IT l11111ul11y Ot.111h111 f IUIU he's ToCld Hart's hope for a Swift recovery ,. '111u may ll1111k you kn11w 11 1111, but 11 '•, 11 lul'I vuu 11·111Ty tlo11 ( ij1111w ti <Ill II you htiV'rtt'I ......... 1hc·1 t· H1•11t1111~ l111nk,. d111·ic 11'1 quill' nil tl A 11tl Ut'l'<lll"' ,.,)11• liu' ll4·1·11 th1°1l', .,11 111 spt•uk, 1>111111.1 Swill jU'{I h.tf>1i.·11:. to 1>1• '1'1Hld 11111 1\ 111•1· 111 th•• hoh• Tht• wilt• ol formo·r South l ',1:-.ad1•11.1 ll1~h t11111lw ll 111.ll'h K1•11 Sw111 .111tl " rn·114hl1111 ,,r San Ju.en ( ·.1111s11 u1111'i. Wyall .ind Sus.111 I l.111 . Todd', pun·11ts, s ill' h.1:-. ill'lt'<I u:. tlw 11ghl h.11111 '"' 1lw I larls !dlll't' thllt fatl'ful cl.iv 111 lflt' l<tl."4' Bowl. w h1·11 Loni.t Bt•twh S t.1lt• nwt u·l'LA Ill 1111' Hiii<! 1>/'llMlll foothull 11pt•11t•1 for ho1)1 sdt1H 1I' Todd I Ian Wl'lll dt1w11 .111d t. .... n't got1t•11 up \'1·l. Liu• Vlt'llm 111 a bmk1•11 rn'l·k llt·'s -(1111 .11 I l111111n~11111 M1·nr1111.ll l l11sp1l.1I 111 l'a:.ach·11u 111 till' 11111·11io.1vt• l'·" ,. 111111, s ttll 1111 ,1 ll'SJJll·tlw. ,llJI w11h .HI UJJl'll trndwc1l11111v. -,till w1 lli 110 11111\. l'll ll'lll hdow h1:. "i.h11u ltl1 ·is, ... 111~1nok1 ti up 1p his "ll:1lo Ca<.,l" wtth nxb stll'klll).( ~it u l ht11 ,• Davis denies report of Raiders' return From AP dispatc hes OAKLJ\N!) L os Ang1·lr·s [I] R .. udt·r-:. owm•r Al Da\'11> dl'~Ttlx·d as C t "pun· fahr11«1t11m" a publtsht·d rt.•pt•rl Wl'Clrwsday 111<11 an 111tc rnwd1ary for him hui. c-onlal'lt•ll tht· Oakland Coltst•uin ,1buu1 .1 de•al w rl'tur11 llw Ila1Lh ·n. to Oakland W1llwm B Mort 1i.h. l 0ha1 rman of th1· CultsL•um board's football l'Omrmlll•t· said h1' l't1mm1ttet· hJ5 S<:h edull•d a mt·t·ttng with Ur ' Robert Albo lo t•xplon · tht· prus pl·t·t s o f tht· Ha1dc•1 ::.' rNurn, lhl' O;ikland Tnbunt• Eas tuay TODAY n ·portt·d Quoung a n unidt·11ttf1t•d suun·1·. lht• lll'Ws papt•r s.11d Alho m nla('tt-d the• Co llSt•um d1n•t 1ur '> J lld 11u1linl'd tht 111iljllr l'OrH't'''ltlllS 1),1\ IS W<tllls T h 1· r t· a 1 1· t w o DAVIS dtffl'f('IH'l'S, tht• n1·w .. pap1•1 n11tt·d . fr om tht· dt·mamb D.1v1::. lllJdt· dur 111i.: 1h1 sc·vt•n WP1·k::. o f s1•c·n·t 1wgo11.1111m-. w11h tht· Cnl1-.c•um football t·111111ll1llt·1· wh1Lh (·11111-tl Julv 7 wlwn Davis s1gr11•d .Jll .1gn·1•11wn1 t" rn11v1• l11 L1.., Angc-lc•' Quote of the day "As a w1mwr. Sw1111·r w.is tolt·rabl1··10 m.in\ As·• losc·r. pc:•rhap., 11 IS 11m1· f•>r him lo muvt• on .. An t-d1tonal 111 th•· 0 ,ulv UklJh1Jm;111 that l'umpla11w<l that pc·rh;1p-. O klahoma Soonl'r foutu.;11 uial'h Ba rry Switzer w:1s spt·nding t<>o much 11mt> 1r1 bu::.1nt·!>s t.lt·altngs Al th«· PXµc·n.'>t· o f th1· Soont•rs football lt·a m Auto dealer interested in Clippers SAN DIE(;{) A SJnt.i .l\lmlll.1 auto dc·alt•r .;;iys ht· pl&ns to mt>t•l with Na 11on;,I B<i ::.k t·tb;ill A!'.50t'li:tl1on off1c1als n<>XI w '(·k fur a !>C·<:rmri \1m1· m to dtSl'U'!> th purc·hdSt• u f lht· s .. n D1 <>gu "' Clippers Swvc T;iul•. au. told Tht' San D1t·go Unum on Tuesday tha' hl' would ltkl· lo "gN <1 deal st:ucl. a!; soc n as poss1hlC'" <ind would kl•t•p the frall<:i.::•· I" ~an D1l.'go NBA rc·prescntallvt• David S tC'rn m nf1rmC'd that a meeung 1s schwiulcd next Wl·t:k in San Dwgo with Taub, Ted Podlt~k1. gt•nc·r.11 mancigu uf the Chppl'rs. and ll•agut· ofrtt"tals ROGER CARLSON l11·ml. -.11111111 lt11111y l1111k11114 111ad11111•s -.1111 w1t la1111t .111 y n •,1h:-t11· JJl•>g lll1'1'> 1111 Wlll'll hl• l .. 111 l')(fM 'C I lo h·11v1., .111cl .. 1111 h:111g111i~ 111 lh1•1t'. alll111lll{h h .. has 111-.1 aho111 :10 Jl'lllltd,, d11w11 lo .1l111u\ I J:1 'l'h1•11 · h.11'! 111•1•11 111111111v1·1111·111 , h11w1•v 1·1. ;11 \'111 d111~ ... 111 .. "11uht ltJ1HI .. Thi· 1w111·111.11-:1· 111 11i..vg1·11 II.is bt•1·11 11·d l1t'1·d .11111 IHH·1111111111a is 1111 l1111g1·1 ;, l.H"l1J1 And, '1'11dd J l,11 \''111 IHlllal d1'1l.1111 111 v1-c11t11s ti,.., 11·vt·h1·d l11•0s 1111>.11Jus lo si•t• li1s ln1·rHb Lafleur has hand in Montreal win '1·1 up tht g,11111· w111 111•1 liv llyan ' c;uy l.ufkur >;11111 ·d 11111' gnal :11111 tt..1 Wallt'r , 11"· k1·y ;11·qu1,1 t11111 111 .1 Montn•al 11 .11 11· Ill 1li1· •>f f sVi1M111. ·" tlw ( ',mJd11•11' p11s1t·tl" :.! I v11·1w y 11v1·r I l:111f11rcl 111 1h1· Nat1111i:tl 11•1\'k•·v l.1•agu1· ;.p1 ·111·1: Im both ll'Jll 1:.. W1 •cl111 •,d.i \ 111glt t Pier re I.a rout"he h;1d g1v1·11 ll111·1f111d ,, I 0 l1·.1d <":trly 111 th(' :-.t-c·1111cl p1·r111d Jo:b1·w lit·11· Ill lltt• NII I .. P eter St us tny rll'llt'd thr1•1• g111ds. 1111I11d 111g ,, I 111a I 111•r111d 1ns u1 .111t·t· 1.dly, :is Q u 1•h1•1· w ,. II' I II l II 13 u ff ~I I II ii 11 d k1111\·k1·d off lht· Sabll•s, li-4 Wayne Babych sc·11r .. d .1 pow1•1 pl;1v goal ~11 5··n 11f tllt' llt11CI JM•rtu<l hi h;111d St. L t•Ul!<o :1 11gh1 :L J Vl<'llll':V OVt•I' lktrrnt Ikd Wings' g1111lt1• (;Illes Gi lbe r t wa:.. g1v1•11 ;1 LAFLEUll IWll 11l1 11Ult• pt·11alty l•ir t-ross l'h<•t•k1ng and c·1·1111·1 De r c k Smith w .1s S<.•rvmg 1111 1wnalty w twn Babyl'h sltpJX·d llw "111111ng go.ti into lht• lll'I from ;i ~oal mouth i.t·r;imbl1· Mi k c Ga rln c r pu 1 i 11 a hal·khand1•1 wllh I 50 rl·maining 1n th<· g<.tnl<' lo ltfl Washington hi a 5 4 w111 ovt•r thl' Nt•w Yurk HJngt·r!> al M.1dtson Squ;cir1· Gardt•n Toronto v1·lt·ra n Bor j e Salm iog u r11·o rk1·d a !"1().fool slap o;hol with It·:..-. than two n1111ulPS lt'ft "~ th< M<iplt• Lt•,1fs -.;1lv;1gt·t.l .1 '.i.:i 111· 111 Ch11«1go Oino Ciccare lli '''t1f'l'(f a '"'" o>f third· 1wr111tl g11;d-. Ill .. :i:L M'l'CJlld i.µ:111 \II r:illy Ml11n1·,11t;i to a :, 4 "-111 :it Wtnntpt.•K Bear heaps praise on Penn State Tu-.. alc1tr...1 Al" Tlw l11g g;1111l' [i] .1g.i111,1 l'1•11 n St;1t•· '1111 w;,., 1h11••· c. t d.1\'' 1111 . l1u1 Al.il1.11t1.1 < 'o:wli P.till H1·.11 B 1\,111 t t.1·g.111 1h1· l'''·1·h11l11gw;il "'11rl.11 •· W1·dn1·-.dav hv <.,;1v1ng th1 N1tl.111\ l .11111' 111.t\ lw 1h1· 111·,1 lt•a111 111 lh1 111:0.l•ll \ <1( C 11llt•g1• r1M1lhal( Th.11 "' ,1,11'1 ri·;tllv v. h,11 Hr va111 h,1d 111 111111d \\ lw11 h1· ""d tit.ti lh;rd 1.1nk1·d 1'1·1111 St.11t• \o\.;1• pr11t..il1h llw g r1 ·,1lt"'t 11•:1111 In tlw t·11u11t1 y 111.1 \lx th• g11·,1t••.,1 t1nw 11f .Jll tmw .. S11111l'e1111· \.\ .1n11·d lo kn11w 11'-ht· n11·.onl 1h1 l.it·-.1 l·\'1:1 P1·1111 St<Jtt• 11·.om pt·riot.l Aryan t. \\ h11 IS ~n1.1r1t·1 than the· avl'r .1,.,:1· I B.·;ir) .,w1fll) I hJrlgloJ 1 llUl''>t' "I mt·Jnl Pt·nn Slat<' ... h1· ..... ucl, "h111 11 ti•uld IM· 1111' olhc·r ont .lt>1 • Patt rno is not only t1 gn .. 11 l•hJl h. hut .1 d.1" µo·r·,on l'v1• ~'l·n lht.•11 ll·;im on T\' .md 1111 l1h11 and .ul't11 tl1ng lo .101· 1h1s IS 1111 qu11 ko·'I 1t·.1111 1lwv0\.1• t•\ 1·r had "f'vt• h1"1rd .Iii.• ... 1y this 1' tht •tl•wk1•'1 1•·.tm 1 ... ·, 1•\'t•1 h1·•·11 .11 11und . thal l 'urt W.1r111•1 1' th1· gr•·.111•,t li.11k ht '• v1·r 1'11·1·11 .1111u11tl .111d 1h,11 1m h11 h·' 1''1,111n1 ll.1rrt' ;111d Lvdo·ll M11dwll :111d otlH 1' .111d 1h.t1 lilt' qu:1rt1•rhJl k 1T11dd Bl.11 klo•dgl'I IS \Ill' l it'°'\ J>•""'I ht•', 1°\'1 ·1 lM 1•n Jr .. u11d · Candlestick dom e may be In the works SAN FHANCISCO A 1nupr slt•p • 111 tht.• l11ng pro<'t'\S 111 l'on-.truct a $I 00 m1ll1t'll d oml'd <.,l~cl1um for lht• ~an FrJnl'l'>l 11 ( ;i:inls and 4!1<·rs by 1 l:IHU will ht• ~kl'll thl'> Wt<t•k Wh<•n ol b·udgc•l for a feastblhl)' ::.tudv on .t duwnt11wn ~1l1• 1' "'nl to Mayor Dwnnc• f't·inslt'tn Thl· $:!1111,0110 lo $'.I00,000 budg1•t will lw· St•nt 111 th1· mavnr "no latl'r than 1''ndav," Ot.•an Mal·n i-. tht· "T iu· kid s 1111111 S1•1Vl h' 11 1~11 huv1· l11·t•11 .1l1M1lu14'l\L Jo.Uµu_'' .:...iy:. :jwtl I "I It·"• 11l1ll' 111 •w1 IH 11ph J••sl .1l111ut 11 11y day .111111y (11•11.,.11111htr') 11mr" '1'111 111.1111111 v to 1•11·1111· 111·11v11 y h.1ic 1·uu ... ·d o1, ~" ·u l d1 • .t 111 ,f1·1·plo•.,, 1111(hts , .11lh1111gh TUI'"''" llll(ht WIJb ll happv d111ll).!I', w11l1 II 11'1'.t'\llll'" dt·e 1·111 1111(111'' .,1,.,.,, lm.1llv111111111g 1•11 lla1· Ill Yt'.11 uld "I d11 i.1·1· p111w1 ·,s,'' t1111t11111t·I'! Swil l '"l'ocllf'., h.1 v111g 1111111· ·u p ' ii.iv' 1h.J11 'd11w11' cl.iv' 1n1·111.1ll v "l 'r11 1101 ,j l'ully.11111.1, l'r11 u 11·1111" Hut I IM•lll'Vl' '1'111ld h:" lhl' 'o lt •<•I lo l>out11•1" I k1111w wli.11 Ill''-. .i.:11111~ tl111111gh , 111 lt ·1·I lll'l plt"•' ··s1111H'llllll'~ \'1111 W1111dc·r d 11 ·~ rill W•H Iii II, II 11 1A.011tcl11'1 i. .. 1 .. 1.,11•r Jll'>I lo h.1v1· ""'"'' plllg' 1111lli ·d "'1'11dd'~ 1d1·.1 111 pl •1g11·'~ IS ll111v 111g Murw1l1111g 111° n 111'1 111ov1· 1111w H111 lllh I'> tl11 · k111d o f 111ju1 y wlt1•1" 1h1· 11 "t·11v1·1 v c;111 IM· ,1 111ili111wtt·r a n11mtli " Swift k1111w' all l1111 w1·ll how 11kt•li;111 ht• In It ... w.o111111 wlw11· VllU ft•t•I y11111 11:11 k I'> lll lht• WlJll I\ Morey ousted from Senior Amateur 'l'LJ('SON 'l'ltr1·1· f1111111·r n · dl.t m p 111n:.. 1111d :i 11·c·11rcl S1·tl1 11g nwd • .t1st 'ur v1vt•d Wc·d111·scl.1y 's I ir,1 r111111d 111 n1;i1t'l1 plt1v. whll1· two 111111• C'l1:1111p D.111· Mun·v w;i-. t•l11111no11t-c! 111 tht· :!Hth ll ·S S1·11111r A11wl1 ·11i· ( ;1111 C 'h:u11p111nsh1ps. Adv:1111·111.I( 111 111d.1y'" '>t'h1·dule·d sc·1·u r11I 111und w1•11• Hl7H d 1.1111p K1 •11h C:l!rn pum vf S;111 A11l11111u. T1·x:i-., l!J7:~ lllft·h11ld1 •r Bill lfv ndman 111 Hu11t111g1t>11 Valh•y. P;.1 . and cl1·f1·11d111g.l·hamp Ed Upd1·grnft 111 'J'u(01>1>r1, w h111 ... pl:.ty111~ on his hornl· l'llUl''e oil 11.fill l v.u d 'l'Ut'-.t•ll C11u1111 v C.:luli H11g1·r Mi·Nianus. :1 n;1t1v1• 111 I l.1rl v11lt'. Oh111 whu si·t ,, '.Ill huh· 4ualll v111g n111nl 11f 1'12 011 M1111d:i y .111d Tut·sd:1y, a lso <.,lJl'VIVt·cl hy lx·;1t111g P:1tflt·k Kava 11( W;1!11aw;1, I lawa11 :! <J11d I. Mm t•\: who w1111 th•· 1·v1·11t 111 IH7'1 and IY77. w .... lwalt•11 liy l'h1i.·1m:'s 1)11 k Hil1 ·y :.! and I li11n1t·;illv. H11t•y llJtt 11 .... 1 lo M1111·v m las\ vc•ar's s.•n11f1n.tl:o. • Trio fighting for honors at tourney W ith lht• )'(;A luur w1ncl1ng • down 111 .1 dnM" Tom \\'atson, Cra ig Stadler Jlld Tom Kite an · atlt•mptmg lu n • .111 down g111f's nwJor -..•<ts•ill<.tl honors this Wt·C'k 111 lht• LaJl'l Cl;.1s...ic· 1n AhllL·nt·. T t•X<•i. Stadlt'I' h:is i:l $57.(111 lt·ad ov~·r PGA ('h,1mp111n Ray Floyd «'nll•nng l•Kl:.iy's t•vcnt, K1h lt·ads W:.i L<;0n 70 OH to 70 :l-t m tht• standing' Im 1h1· VJrd11n Trnphy. whll'h gut'!> tu tht· man v. nh \ht· l11w slrokl· avc·ragt• 1111 the· tour, and \Yttt:.on ft•ad" Sl.i1dl<'1 11 :t JOO un t lw l'on1pll<·•Hc'<.l point lt i.t that tk·h •rmuws P< ;A Pl;iy1·r of lht· YL•<Jr llar r) Gant, dnving J t a·r 11wmod by •lt't.or Burt R eynolds, w1111 lht· putt· 11os1t11m Wl'<.lnc·sd<ty• 1n 1jU<thfy1ng fur th1· Natmn:d 5110 'lot:k l'W rnc·1• .1t tht C.:h<1rl11llt· M11tor Spt .. '<lw:.y Television. radio l-11ll11wing Jll' 1111 · 111p 'I"" i.. 1•\'t·11ti. 1111 TV 111111gh1 H.11111gs an• vvvv '''l''ll1•111. vvv \\tll\h \\,otthing. VV lair. V ft>r,Kt I I\ e 5 p.m ., Channel 7 vvvv BASEBALL; Atla11t:1 ;11 St L11u1., Anno uncers : Al l\.lid1.11•I'. I lc1w;11 cl t.'uwll .111d Tom Lai-"' cla Thi· Natmn:il L<'<.tKUt· Ch;1rnp111n:..h1p S«nt" g1·h ,1 l>t•lut1'4I 11pt•nmg lhts l'Vt•n1n14 w1lh PaM.:U<JI P1·rn H -41 l(t•ttin,I( th1· as:..1gnm1·n1 ;.1gainM B.1h forS4:h ~ 15-10) of 1h1· Card1n;ll s Tht· r1n.1 i,t.1nw w.1-. P'"tpmwd h\ r.1111 in the· boltt•lll 111 t lw l1f1h \\'1th A1l.int.1 .1ht•.t<J. I II 1'11oth.1ll 1\ 11.1 Bt , .... I i I .1 Hawli.dl KNX I JOill> RADIO f':cl1-.c lll \'' l\lall'I J)t I .1 t :-,.1111.1 p 111 KWVE I IOH FM ) J\tl.111\.0 .11 S t L11u1 -. :, p 111 FRIOA Y'S TELE\'ISIO~ G 6 Noun. Cha nnels 5 a nd 7 V v V V BASEBALL~ Ang1•ls ut M1lw.i11k1'f· Announc•e rs : 'Ch;rnn1·l 5 Bob St;irr. Jill' Bu1t1tl11 ,ind Hon F':11r lv. Ch.tnn1·I 7 K1·1th J~1 k..-.un. Jun P,1lnwr .111d 't-:C.rl Wt•avt•r &-..·h . .tl KMPC ci to) RADIO Angt•I' al M1lw:iuk11-. :'I pm v11 11111 111 • .111• 1·1 .... 111 w.1•, told ""' II.id .,1,. r11t•r1th, 111 l1v1 I 11u1 V•'JI., 01j.(11 I l•·r 1.11t.+l1ly ·••Ml J4hl ,., ...... ~··I Ufl .. mJ l{U u111111d1· d1 ·f11 •d It• 1 \1111.1111111 .111d 11111v1d1·' 1)11 pr11\.1 II lh1t1f\ 1111 'f1~ld l f.111 "I l1~1k«l ... 11 l1,ul.' 11·1.1tl .~1v.ll1 ltidd1 ,.,11, 1,.,. .11 111 •,.1v. 1111 li111 ho w."'' I 1 •.di f•I 1 fl•'', d lu·l1111 ho111d . .01111 I 111 'llit• 11 v..1 . 'fllllt ,, ''"" k 111 "1111 1 Ir" •ll'f" ·.11.1111 f 1-.11 I ,,fl lit.ti j.(l h 1I 1111\o\ .11111 h• .i-.ko·d 1111·. 'Wl1v do, VllU kt•( JI ( •11111111~ 111'1 t' •' dUI lllj.( ••Ill ,, .. ,, .. .,..,lo\'" II I w11r k 111 l1111lr . 'J lofd 111111 II W," l1t t olll'>t J 111\1• lltt rf1 i\I t 011 Ii d.o v .. Su, 111 ro·,t111y, '1'11tltl ll.1r 1·, phv'u ti 'L11u ... 1' lll't•llV lllllf Ii llH· 1'lll llt' ol'> II h.1, 111•1•11 llti ll llJV( 1111 '111 IUl '-(lllH ' fllt1~(/ I'S.' 111 tlll' otll'ot t1f f l''Jlll ,1111111 ,tlld Ill 1111• 1irg1111111111t uf hi:-d;1ys 'l'h:1 1 f11s1 W•·t.:k tli• llJll hour d.1v I' 1'.11J1dl v •111111 •J.11 l1111g·11i1 111,1 1w1111 ti A 1111 uf p<•11pl1· :11t• 111 Todd lt:11 1', 11111w1 hut d 1l11·1t• w,., 1111l v l>ur111u Swift, 111,.. f1111111 t St-rv1lt• I l1gh s t..11 ww1ld ,ulJ 1,. .1 p1 l'l ly f1111u1111\1 · v11u11g 111a11 . . CfllX Kll"G Tiii': ('ORNEHS t•:,1.1rn·i:i l11gh l1,1'kl·tli:ill t·11,11 h w.arry S underman h;., l11ou~h1 1'n lro11111·1· .,t;1t Huy Orgill 111 bundle· orn· 111 hti. low1·1 d1\•1,11111 11 .. 101.' 1;1 pl;1n11g J ohn Carrido M01111w I !1gli 11111\b:ilt ( WH'h Dave 'Thomp~on h .• , r111pt 'l1 UfJ 111' lt•.1111 ·, I !Ill'.~ 111111 l1·ag11t 't lwd11l1· it'll llC' Es p1·1 o1111a, S t•r Vilt". J.'11111hlll. I .;1 (Ju1nl<1 and M 1ll1ka11 C'11,1d1 Rob~rl W1•hi.t cr's Lagu11:i 13< .. 11 Ii l l1gh v. .1 1t·1 polo playt·r. .11 •· g1·11111g -.it k (dlJ 111 th1·11 ""' 11 p1111I. dt•M·nbt·d 1.1~ " "c·1·.,..p•1ol" bv W1•li,lt·t ( 'h,11111 ',If( tlll' Arll-.L' lo\ tlt '>l.1\' out 11f lh1· wu11 ·1 f111 sw111• lllllt" at lt·asl 1111 1h1·11 own C«1mpus N1·\q1m l llltrhor lftgh b,1,k1·th:.tl 1·•1<11·h J erry De Busk lust II II 1·1·11111 Uy ron Ball ..... h• 11 th1· lalll·r tran.,f1 ·n1·d 111 Uc.·1•;111 Vu·w 11111 tw n;,., ga1nt·d Ii() gu .. 1d Bra d H a rke r 11 11111 llu11ting111n Rt·;11 h IJ1·Bu-.k s;1y-. 11.u k!'r will he· a slar 11·1 Thi· S;ulo" 111.1\ 111 w11hou1 gu<•ld!. Brian Folk 1k11t•t• '111g1 r v 111 1h1· si1111111l·r) :111d Sean Shewar.d (thumb I.wt 1.11111111 ur1til .J.inu~1rv M.1t1·r 1>1·1 t·11111111Ul'' l•1l14 tlwl\11•1.1f111 h11pt'fub AdclS,1nt;1A•1..ill1gh'' Ton} Hrown. ,, Ii :1 All Ci·ntury 1 ... :1gw· -.1w as u JUllllH . Ill 1111 M1111.11'1 h<,' h .... kt 11i.o11 I llSt• l Ed1-.11n ll1gh l1J11thall pr•>dU< 1 Sl'Olt Collins 1s rn.1~11111).( 111111111111111•1 "1c·n<1· .ti ( J11 ·g1111 lnsl1lUll' "' Th l11111li•J.!'' All-star games at a standstill HUl''l''ALU NY (API Alt• 111ph h) till' Blll t:il11 Bllb .ond St'Vt•J\ 11tlit·r N.oll!in,.t F.,.1th,1ll L1·,1gu1· !1•,1111' to IH1 lt All '>IJI g;11111•-. liv th1·11 -.111k111g pbv1" ... h1r11-.1 W1·d111 .... d:i ' I Pi111 <.tJtc t•i ft·d··r a l l'llUI I But th• 'tJtu' of l1t1g.111un h1 11 ht t :11111 muddlt•d ,, 'h111 I \o\ Ill lc• l.1tt•r Wl\1·11 .i f e dt 1..,f JUdgt 11, V.".1,hlll).(l•>11 '' lu.,.·d 111 1 .... ,u1• .•n 11rd11 th.11 v.oulcl h;1\'1• 1 l1•:111 d lit• w:1v f•11 1h1· '' 111 ' of 1\ll .. 1.1r gar11•" ,J udgl J11hn C.1rr l·lt P1•1111 11( C S 111-.1111 I Cour I 111 W.1!>h111g11111 ,1!'" rul1't:.l tho.11 .tll1·m~L., Ii\ tt".1111.' l " pnvc·nt lht·11 plci:-t·r::. f111m t·omp< ting m th• All -.1;1r g.1111•·' must 1111111· 111 ft d 1·1,d 1·11L111 111 \\',1-.1!111).(11111 "" 111 ht·r Thi· Bdl ... 11h1.11111'1J ,, ro ·,11,11r1111g ••rdt·r 111 .. t.111 · Su pr 1 1111 ('11u1 l 101.,t wc·1·k1·11d 111 pn·vt•11l 11 11f llw11 pl.1\1•1-. 1111111 p<1rt111p.1111114 Sund.1y 111 ,, \\'.1 ... 11111gt1111 g.11111 · ,p1111-.1111 ·d Ii\' tlw ... t1 1k 111g N f''I, l'l.1\1 ·1· ,, .. , .. c 1;1111111 ICilph I l:d1x 111. VJI ,. pn· .... dl'llt g1 111 1 <J! 111lll1"4·l I"' 1111 H1 II-. "11d t It• ro ·-.11.11111ng 111 cl1 1 1"111 ·d ht 11 t1\'1 I lht "t•t kt 1td fll\tltf 11111,tlll Ill I ffo 1 I lllllil (II "·"' h.ul 1·l,1p.,.·d lu11 ht• 1ml11 .111~1 lh.11 th•· l1t1g.1t11111 JI" 1l 1.olih \o\. ill 11111\ • 111 \\',1-.h111g11111 fx't ,Jll" 111 Judg1 I., 1111'-. t II d1 •1 Hit h.ild I S11lll\'olll l,1\\ \o I l•ll \hi I ( H11f, ..,,,ul lw h :1d11 I .,..,.,1 1'1•1111·, 111cl1 1 11111 h1 -..11.t ·J "ould 1h111k 1tw Bill-. w11uld f,. 1·1111111lt d 11 1111\ p11111 ·1·clin~ .1~.11n ... 1 tht. pla,\t ,.. 1111·1l ht•1 t ilt' t1 .. 1t 1.tl 111 '"'It t'lllrl-. hut "· S1ill1\".11t s.11d lw ''·•' 1·111 11111.1g1·d IJ\ 1l1t \\',1,h111gt1111 11ll111K .11111 -.d1d h1· pl oh.d1h \\ 1111ld 1l111\' 111 pll\ .111 1·11tl 111 1 lw Bills' <JC 11t111 II) 't:ltr C'llllr t ll.1lp1•rn ~utl tlw Wash1ngt1111 niltng \\1 1uldn'1 Th<> NBA's adv1<,or y fina nce' l'Omm1llt·l' n•cently n ,<:ommcndc d th<il the• fr<.incht~<' bt• .taken away from ClipJ>l'r ownf'r Don Sterling. a Los Angelell attorney and rc·al <-state' magnille • .t11~ I,, l.1 ..... -.u11 th.11 lh1· Bill' and -.1·\'t•11 ollll'1 NJ-'L 11 ·:1111.., l1h·d 111 S1:111· Suprt·nw C1nu 1 lwn· l..1:..1 wt•t•k 1111111•\1·111 Tu11111 Br 11.ccl1·Jsl111g rr11111 1t·l<'Vh1ng .111,\ 11( tht• All 'o\<11 g.<1111 .... ind to h.111 TUrtll'I rr u111 In lllj! 111 1·11t1c·1· :tll,\ pl.1.v1·r-. lo 1.1kt• p~irl 1n lht• gJmt·' L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~================---~~ ltty's T)1rt'llt1r of Pl::.nnmg. <.,..t1< 0l Wt•d nc·sclay '1t.. Th<' Angt•I., ha\'l' an oppc11tun11v 1111·omplrll u thn't.·-ganll' 'Wl'<'P whl•n tht•y st•nd Gl'<JCf l'..ahn ( IH·8 ) ag.iins t M1lwaukt•1·'s Don S ulton H · 1) New urgency Ill • strike talks NFL lo e anothe r weekend of g an1es with no t•n<I in ighl WASHING TON (AP) Tht· pro football strikC' is in its 17th day with no t>nd in sight, no ne w talks in the offing and lh<' lime· ripe for onC' s1d1• lu do somC'thmg dramatic-to end the 1mpas.<u:· Th.e growing urgem•y for a brC'akth rough becamC' apparent Wednesday whc•n the Nauonal Football L C'ague• announcC'd formally that tht• I upcoming wc.-ekl'nd's gam<'S h ad lx-<•n callro off It t-was an a nnounceme nt that also had bcc·n made· for I each of the two previous wrek. .... but this time there• was an added note. LeaguC' officials said they will attempt to reschedult' o nly two wc-eks o f s trike· v1ct1mtzed games "SINCE THREE rC'gular·S<'ason games havt" not been able to be played and in v1c·w of previous announcements that a maximum of 1wo W(.>ekl•nds of games could possibly be made up in the evc·nt of a prompt settlement, this means at lea st onC' weekend of games ha.~ ~n lost for the season." the• NFL said. Commission •r Pete R01.elle and othe r league officials h ave said there was sentime nt among en; not to resume the season uni~ at le;1s t 13 of the 16 scheduled gam es could be played Hours a ftC"r the league had callC'd o ff this weekend's gamt'S, the NFL Manage m ent Council, the club owners' negotiatllrs. spurnro tlw union's o ffer to resume negotiation.~ later this week In a message to th€' union, th<> manogement negotiators said furthe r talks "would produ<'e n o c'Onstrucl1ve results" while tht• union's dema nd for 11 wage scale remained o n the \.J'tble. The wag" S<:alc• has been the mapr obstaclt• in the nl'got1ations and trlggC'rcd thl' first in-season walkout in th1• lcaguc'11 63-ycar history UNION CHIEF Ed Gurvl'y nnd his a ides failed aeU the-wnse IC8IC" {.'()l'\Ct'pl to the mtin~<'mcnt '1'8 executive committee. co. naJ1Ung <1f six club nera, Tu4?Sd•r, in what was blllf'<f ns a non· Ualing meet "It· The club owncnt have avoided bltr1.alnlng table deapl~ ~ll• from the unlott tor r prew~. Wf'df\<'9day night, the n..anaaicroont council said own.en had not chan~c.'CI th ~Ir potftlon to Ieav ' thC' b.1r~ainmg to n<•.l(ot1a1111 J,1< k Donlan and th1· ('llUlll'lf Thl'rt' havl· l')('(•n no 11ff1l'1.il nt•g11t1alluns s1nc·1· last Saturddy wht•n lhn•<• riays u f talks C'nd<•d ""1th no hop<>ful o;1gns apparent Garv<'y 1s p1ctun·d by his ;11dl0!'-as rc•ady to :..ubm1t lht• dis pute to pnvall• mt•d1<:1t111n. wht11• Donlan ('OnltnUl'<I to l Jll for fl'Clt•ral med1<1tton Though thl' two sides WC'rt' nnl ballltnf.( at·ross ol b.1rg;im1ng tabl1·. I h £'1r t·o unroom skirm1s h ps contmuc'Cl A fc·dPr<il Judg1• on Wedm>sday barrl'd . At least one wec.•kend of games has been lost for the.> sea on.' t<.•am s from fthng l>UH al tlw stale• levc·I lo hl0<.•k lht• parllC'1pallon of thC'1r playl'rs m a SNll'S of unu111- sponsored all·star games At lhl' samf' ltml'. he· d1•nu:>d a union r<'qUf'sl for a tl'mporary 1nJUnl'tion 10 prohibit th<• l<'ams from mtt•r fcortng with thl· un111n gamc..•s. U.S 01stric1 Co u rt .Jud g l' .Joh n <..~ 11 r r Mt Pt• n n so 1 d th a l t<'mpornry n•stra1nin~ 11rd1·1~ obtmm'<.1 by five dubs in stal.C' courts wen• 111val1cl and that onv furthC'r litigation by lht• lcu~ut• or t h1• ind1v1<1ual C'luh11 would havC' to IJc• 111<'<1 111 lt'<lt•r:il court twr<> PENN'S RUl ... ING brought 10 an irnmt•chall· halt ti'\\' leg al cHor t'I nf Dallas. Philadt•lph1a. Uuffalo. St LoU1s ond Mwm1 to US<' is1J1tt• courts 111 bar lh<'tr player!! rrom thl' :tll·slnr lo(ames On Tu<.•mloy. fac·ing 11 ictt'ad1ly r11~1ng numbN of lawsuits filt'<I b y t<.·o mk around tht• JcajoluC', the unio n poSlJ><IO<'d tht• firs t l(Bmt• Of thl• 20-gnml.> •11•rl£•s. to be• played ht•r<' at l<ob..rt F Kflnn<'dy S1.1d1um. rrom th1-; Sunday to Ot.·1. 17 Ilt•urh•llt•d by P 1•nn°R0 dt'<·islun, LX1u.c Allen, a union oCfic:lal procleim<'d. "Wl' lltl' going utwad wtth the gamc·s ." •ft hi n major 8l<'p furw;.irct." Mid Gf1rv<'y. "We hove IH )('Mt for<.'«J th<'m to t.'f'ntralit.(.• the battle." Penn aaid th\' public's ltllf'rt'St would no t bl• ~rved by "pit'CC'meal htlgution." Allen said tht ru11nJ. would "end the h ar038nwnt elf players i!l th<' field.' Co.llege football SATURDAY'S GAMES WHI l\r11nn,, .~ U<'U\ a1 Rose Bowl 11 30 p m 1 San Jo~P 'lt •• Ca• SIAlll FullllflOn 11 10 p m ! Cahlornoa ••• w.urimgton IC"PI 111<1(>• l -I 1:> 50r•m1 Pac1hc. 31 Frni110 S1 n Ul811 di Hawa11 n Oreoon S1 al wa~h1ng1on SI I l!AOS £1 Pa\o 01 Ne•oOa I ••S V"<I"' " Reo1and1 a• la Vetnl'I Cal POI) !SlOI nl UC 08•t> n C.a1 I ulherar• at Cal Poly tPomt1"•11 11 Nor1h11<1ge S1 al Chico S1 n San1a C1ard 111 Huml>olOI SI ,. Sen f 11mc1sco St ill Sononrn S1 Aockle1 NO¥) ill All r OtCe S1anl0<1J "' Arizona SI " Mon11no et Bo•ee S1 " NebrHka at Cl>lorado Nortnorn Ari1on3 ttt Nt~vaaa R .. rm svu at New Me••c.o Tuls11 al New Mtt.,c.o St n lc:laho St a1 Ulah SI Monl(lnO SI hi Webe1 SI 11 Sen O•l'(IO SI Bl Wyom1n11 Soulhwul I ua& I cch n1 Ark~"'"' SMU el BaylOt n Ta1n A.SM Al Hou•lon n K•n•n Ill OklOhOmR 51 011.IRhOma at I 11•111 NOil" fe•rlS SI at To·~' "''"'lil'°" n Rice At TCV 11 MldWHI Lonn Bt11tc11 S1 at Cone 111nal• Poro.,. al 1111n0t$ lnwu 111 l11d1en11 MIC1Hi1All St 111 Ml(;t111111t1 W1~on5111 ol Ohin 51 M•nf'eso1a .JI Nonnv.e\\h~,,, M1uou11 at Kant.I\ SI M11lm1, rto 111 NOllP Damf' Kl'lnl SI el IOWol <;1 Dr&~e al Wl'~INI• lll•nO• WE"t.lern M1c.h1QA" Al Cflnlrt11 M1rh1~.a11 W1Cl11tB SI 81 llh110•5 SI 1oa110 at Not1he111 10...,0 BowhnO v•1>en al M·dm• t r .. ,,fl,,, M1ch19.ln ;)1 l o h·dn I South PPnn St 11 Alah.l m t ft.h u ut lQ 1 tu I l(enluc~y al AuLi111r Tl'nnessN' at LSO " M•S"•$S•PP• a1 C.r<>1q 1 lnd•AnA $1 al M11rylttnO Gt'org•J T ACh al T 111ent' ro flOflOil •I VanOP•lJ·'' " Clt'm!>On et V11o•n1a n Nollh Carolina et W&~t' Fnre"I Oa11mouth "' W1ll•.lm A M.I•) VMI 81 1111' C11uclfl n Vorgirna T ('rh 81 Ou~c Richmond 11 E11\I C~•ol""• " Southefn lll1no1co ''' FIO••t1 t ·' u Temple 81 L01i1w1ill' " $ M1n1n11ip1 DI M••S1 .. ,1111J• •I t ov1,,111na fftrCh "' Nf lOu+,,.•;tn11 n EH i Penn JI B1owr1 HOiy C10H 111 CO'QOI" Pnnc.e1on al Columb•.> L11111gll Al C onnf'rl•WI Cornell DI Ha••O•U LAla~lle 11 M111n<• Delllwllrt lll MM\t,C:hV~f'lh Svc.knell 111 Nt'w l~amo,111111 A•my 111 Avtoe•~ Botion Ci~ll!(ll' "I We51 V11g111u1 80tl01t U Al '1"1111' llmtttd Offtr ll!APJ. LINCOLN .MERCURY 2626 Harbor llvd., Cotta Meta M0-5630 1101 .1011101 JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLEGE Plob tf tit• W11• Penn State over Alabama * Oklahoma ov•r Texal * Arizona Stat• over Stanford * Brigham Young over New Mexico * UCLA over Ari on • I t DENNIS _ _BROSIERHOU..-~~ McNair hosts radio ·p~ogram UCI coach g i ves fj11J ess tips UC Irvine trat.•k coach Kevan McNa1r has ~n doing a daily radio s how on KOCM-FM (103.l) entitled the "Fitness and Running Report" airing twice a day al 9:30 a .m. and 3:30 p.m .. i;ieven days a week . McNair, entering his fourth year as UCl's head track coach , will be writing all the shows as well as reporting them. They arc geared to people of all ages, according to McNalr. The coach emphasizes that his information will focus on ge neral fitness for all recreational actlviJ,les, with about half the reports coyering the training and techniques of running. For example. one report might give information on running hill<>, while another might be geared toward techniques to improve quickness in racquetball. McNair stresses that the "Fitness and Running Report" will not only interest track and field bufCs, but everyone oon,-erned with total fitness. THE UC IRVINE campus will be tht.• setting for the second UCI Medical Center 5 and lOk raet.-s Saturday, Oc·t. 16. Divisions arc-available in all age groups for m ales a nd females. Thl'te is also a special wheelchair category. The race> will featurt.• liming splits at every mile, aid stations along the course and a vidco- recorded finish. Awards will be prcsentl>d al the s ite of the race imml'diately following thl· tabuJation of results. Check-in lime for the rac·('S will be 6.30 to 7;30 a.m. at Crawford Hall on the UC Irvine campus. Free parking for participants 1s available tn parking lots 6, 7 and 9. T he deadline for pre-rl!g1stration is Friday. Sponsored by the Medical Center Auxiliary, the races w ill benefit the• UCIMC Fetal Diagnostic Cen ter, which provides highly spec1ahzed servit.'CS for expectant mothers and high-risk pregnanc·1es Add1l1onal in formation about the r aces, registration and entry foes can be obtained by calling race director Roy Fussell at 855-1330. or Sona! Kapadia al UCI Medical Center al 634-5586 THE NEW IRVINE branch of the Boys Club of the Harbor area wiU benefit from the proceeds ol this Saturday's 5 a nd lOk run sponsored by Capistrano National Bank, which will also be the site of the start and finish of the ra,-es. The 5k "Fun Run" will start a t 7:45 a.m .. with the lOk scheduled to start 15 minutes later. The bank office is located in the Irvine Village shopping center at 15415 J eHrey1Wad. The course will then continue west to Irvine Center Drive to YaJe, follow Yale t-0 the bicycle path leading north, continuing on the path as it bends east toward Jeffrey Road and south on Jeffrey to the bank parking lot. Entry forms may be obtained from any of the fou r Orange County locations of the Capistran National Bank in Irvine, Fullerton, Santa Ana or San Juan Capistrano. For more information, t.'Ontacl Sharon DuPuis at 667-6684. * 11\JMMO ac: .. DUU a.twdeJOclt TMI• It MMI """ s el'ld 10ll-5k ·-b9Qln• at 7 45. tOk 11 9 • m Run to benelll th41 Boy's Club of 1,,,,,,. The ,_ wltt tlart and finish al the Capistrano Netlon•I Bank, 15415 .Htttray Road, lrYIM. F0t rnor• inlonnatlon. contKl Sharon at &e7-Ma4 nr. ~· Md ,,__ c~ a...-111-• .._ .., NeUoMI Fir• "HfffttlcMI ... -R.u beglnS II 9 45 Lm ·~ 511 lln<I 9 a.m. IOt IOk in Pleye 6el Rey at lmoe<lel Highway and Vista <191 Mar CourM rs almost enlltffy na1 wllh one ll'r\all downtlllt run end thrw tume. Weter encl IC>t•Y atetione ev81\eble COST IS ff WIT)f()VT T..,_, and S8 with Shirt A late S2 rt!i11St••l10n 1 .. 10< day of rec.. F0t mo<• 1nf0<mat10n, contact Junlot Chamber al (213) 492-131 t ... ..,.,,Oct.,. UCI ...... CHI« 5 Md 10tl -Chectl-in time lor 1"41 ·-""'" be e·30 to 1·30 am 111 Crewt0<d Hall on the uc1 c.mpue °'"'llOnt '°' meo and women 1n &ti age groupt Mid • wt>eelcnair c:11tego<y F0t mo<e lnf0<met10n. contact Roy Fussell Bl 955-t330 °' Sonat K•Pad•• et UCI M9dicel Cenlet. 834·5586 SIHMlaJ, Oct. 17 A 10-m ... """ -Al Maton Park In Irvine The race begtnt 11 8 • m with 1egl1treuon l•m•ted 10 the 11111 1.soo For more 1nlo1ma11on. contact 64 t-1709 Monarchs host meet Saturday Eisenhowe r Park in Orange will be the s1te Saturday for the Mater · Dei Invitational Cross Country meet, featuring men's and women's teams running a two-mile course. The event is slated to begin at 8 a.m . and among the schools in'lited wilJ be Newport Harb?r. M~ion Viejo, Rosary, Camarillo, Loara, Foothill, Orange, St. John Bosco, Riverside Poly. Saugus and Eisenhower High of Rialto. The Monarchs are coming off a triumph in the Costa Mesa Invitational last Saturday at TeWinkle Parle. Mater Del outdistanced rival Tuba City, the Ari%0na state champion, 34-47, to take the Divi.<llon U championship. Top finisher for Mater Del in that race was Ricky Martinez, who p1-ced third in the field with a time of 15:32.5 for the three miles. Meanwhile , the Mater Dei women's team finished fifth in the meet. The winner was Claire Feit of Mater Del, who clocked in at 18:07.5. Tuba City was the women'• team victor . A• required by law, new buetneeeee uetng a flctltloue luelne .. Name muet regleter that name wtth the County Clerk. Cati tM DAILY PILOT LIOAL DIPARTMENT for tonne end further lnformlllon. 141-4321 A llGHT wmt JIE 011101 AT THE Rancho .. lion Viejo Sat.. Oct. 9th 5:00 P.M. 121.00 ha Dtcklctlblt Cent,.,... lnCWn DinMf. Oancln& to Lin Culbl.!"'"" Band -..... F• Tickets Cal ....,.t 131-1212 Ir.. SSl-4421 .......;. 131·14 l ltldl UMJJ .. AD STARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SALES Y2" DRYWALL .39 4X8 A little aomething to go along with the Doug Fir. If you're b uilding inatead of buying a new houae this should be a winner. UMIT SO SHEETS PER CUSTOMER REPP. CIRC-L-CUT I CIRCLE cunER 797 Remember when people uaed to 1ay. "Are you hep. man?". (Oh. nobody over 50 out there?). Well. it wasn't thia Hepp they were talking about. Variable a peed control la at your Ungertlpa. callbrated tilting ahoe for accurate angle cuttlngto 45degr .. a. V>HP. FIRST ALERT PROGIWOllBLE ROME COllMAllD CEITER .7497 Sit ln bed and tum H•rything on and ofJ automatically. Ju at plug In th la Hom• Command and a modul• for .ach lamp or appliance. ModulH ar• •xtra. FOBDIOST MICROWAVE OYEN CART 33~! ,, Walnut llnlth. IYJM that r•alata ac:ratch•• and alalna. Eaay to put tog•th•r and loolrl juat au~r (la that lh• lat•at alang?) EIDURA BATH FAUCET WITH POP-UP 29 97,_~ <>ii ., Saya you mount II from th• top . '• Waah•rl•H . no r•plac•m•nl part• nffd•d. chrom• plat.d flnlah. . -" .... ... -.. < .. . SUNDANCE STUCCO • MASOllRY PADIT 6 77 GAL. Dtd we tell you a few week a ago that you don't hen• to pay high price• for good paint? Well. lt't atlll ao at our place. ICRYUC BOUSE PADIT 5 PC. TRAY · • ROLLER SET 3•• Ornnuu Coa11 OAtL V PILOT /l hur1ooy, Oetob r 7, 1982 .. DOUGLAS FIR Why a re we running th la again? Why not? The aalH were terrlflc. telling ua people want thia deal and we got more of it at a good aelling price. Standard and better. smooth four aides. 2X6 2 x 8 25tLIN. FT. 45tLIN. FT. 2 X 10 55tLIN. FT. 2 X 12 65tLIN. FT . 4X4 8 II. 4X4 HEM nR . Standard and better. smooth four aides. 287 LIN . FT. ' .. 'I I • HIRSH PORTABLE AlfD GALV AlflZED PIPE~· I I ' ~ FOIJDING tf~l SAW TABLE ,~r/:-' 37"7 S~klng of cops. did you h.ar about th• cop who gaT• out 40 parking ticket• betore h• dlac:o•,.r.d h• waa In a drion-ln mrne? (K .. p mo.,.lng. Olt.) Yi" 33t"'. .,.. " .,.. #TST-1 Nice, you can mount you r circular saw. router. or aabre saw and get table accuracy. Holda moat models. 20 x 27 work aurface. #3466 ONE GALLON GARDEJI MUMS 1 29 EA. Muma th• word. (Ob. I'm aorry for that pun. forglH m• and I'll think up a bett•r jok• nHI tlm•.) Lotta color. lotta blooma. At la1t. a cloaeout on Rubbermaid p lant., •. S..n waiting fora •u~r prtc•? I think thla la ii. Com• .arly. I~~ 3~!. COSCO STEPSTOOL 1088 Had one way back when we fl rat got married. Laated 15 years. been married 31. GueH it'a time to buy another. Uaed to come only ln black. now it'• Chocolate or Almond. MURRAY MONTEREY OR BALBOA 26" MEI'S CRUISERS #2·5022 # l ·5022X42 aa•! Nice fat balloony tires. 26" whitewall•. Coaster brake. slick b lack finish. K & R EITERPRISES ·FOOT PUMP 2 99 #f'P·l J .,ond•rll Mr. I Of Mr. ll crppNCla1e ... , ... their DGmtee lo 9lorloue blaclr and •bite type. Fait filling of Urea. '°'9•. mcrtt,..Ha. boota. etc. ...-.--......... _ ..... __ _ 3/•" 44cfT. l " 6-6•fT. SYSTEMS 4 ICEMAKER FILTER 8~!6 Didn't even know we aold this kind of atuff. So you can be aaaured of real pure water. Don't want no bad ice in our drinkiea. right? EYERYREADY ENERGIZER ~'.:9 !~~~s batterlea. Compore thl1 u a1·1U TWll PACI prlc•. C OR D TWDf PAK OR YOV1 C1101C1: 9 YOLT SllliLE PAK 88 t TOUR CBOICE 11 • PAK PAK GUMOUT PRODUCTS One clean• th• lnald• ol your fu•l •y•l•m th• otb•r eproya and clean• th••xlemal llnkag•• f!Rp} CAllOIETOR • 84 C ~ FUEL SYSTEM 8 oz. .. CLEUEB 120Z. I" , ., ~., JET SPRAY 13 OZ. $129 CUIUBETDR • CIOB CLEUER ' PHILMONT AUTO RAMPS PElllZOIL MOTOR OIL • W't . 88 t QT. llWI• WT. 98 t QT. Do you bcnoe any Idea o( how maay thouand people cbcmg• thelr owa oll? MalrH H nH at todaya prleM aad lack of ...... e.cuattee. • I • . , ('.. Oflnge Coaat OAILY Pfl OT /Thuredny, Ootobur 7, 198? I I NGELS THINKING BIG,. • , duFing the reJUl<ir sea.o,on ackson tne n fi v<:d up to h1-; o ber billing b y St'nding a ·kovic h fast ball over tht· ter field fence an tht' third ng for a 3-0 lead. e Angels' fourth and final 'came in the f ourth , pliments o f a walk tn inces. a sing le by Gr1('h, a 'fice bunt by FoLi and Boom··~ drive sacrifice to nght Little Ball is a big part of e's game," noted Foll who played an integral part an th<: J)(!t 's scheme. "He's given at and we have to respect and erstand it. You have t.o go out re and do ll to be SUCC<'S.5fUI .. li. himself, h ad executed the de squeeze bunt sax t imes g the regular season and is a diBclple of Mauch's. o \IVin a close baH game, you to execute. and tonight w as r fect example. I rhink ybody o n this club can te when asked to d o at," ntinued. re, I'd love to drive some in but it's just not part of ame. You need a lot of nt makers to have a good club," Foli added. Ont• of \he-makc1~ tlli!._ l.x:cu b<·hand thl· scenes all sc:cc.on lont(. and. in fat:t. isn't on the· Angt•ls' rost<'r Ht• can usu;,illy' be found S<.'Outang lhl' oppos1t1on and living a hfe on the road. It's not the most romanuc lafe to lt'ud, but chief scout Cook1~ Rojas drew gn:at praise from both Maul'h and J rJL·kM>n for his detaalc-d S<:outing r<'ports on the Bn.·wt•r<. "To mC'. S{'OUl'> a r c a v1·rv ampurtdnl part o f t his gam<.;, esp<:cially al tha~ point 1n the· season ." noted Jackson Addl'd Mauch . "HoJW·• as a vc•ry bright baseball man llc>'s bc't'n in at for a long time .. J ackson. m eanwhalt'. satd-h e as seriously beginning to believe all the h ype ~urrounding the Mr October brand he mhc•rited prior to coming to the Ani;:t'ls "I'd like to share• Ot:tob<·r with the ~hole team." ht' admitted .. And come Oct 15 we can all share at . Just send me the cht-ck. "l first heard Mr Q :tober my first couple of years in New York -'77 a n d '78. I r e member struggling during S...ptem bcr an 1980 a nd '8 1 a!ld this year I ---~~~-~--~ ---~----"' A n~(·I fou.-"'ure Imel plt•nly lo C'lwt•r uhoul U!-1 tht·y not only M 't un uttt•ntlurwt• rt•t•onl hul ul"o Muw the ir t C'am tulw a 2 -0 lc utl in tlw Ame ric an l.t-u~uc . C.:hum1Jion~hip Sf•rit•-, with a '1.-2 victory ' ov<•r Milwnukt•t• WcJrw~dU ). Dall,-Piiot Photo• br Rlch•rd Ko.hi., end Ch•ri.• Sl•rr • v. .isn't '""111g111g th.it v. t JI 1n !::x:ptembl.'r "But Sc>pt :m 1·amc• around .ind I hit a homl' run. and I said tu mys<' If. 'Gt>e. maybe th•~ Mr October stucr mc·ans !>l>mt'th111g ... Jackson !.aid hl• bc·hC'Vl-S 'd Int of h ts October suc.'l.~ stt•ms from thf' lovP affu1r with thl• cu v of New York "I l·arnc•d my strap<·~. so to speak panstnp<.-s 1f you want to call ll tl'".at It will take mt> a lattll' more llmt• 111 ~wt 1mplanlt'd an Oran)(<' County . but 1t v.111 happ<.•n ... Jut:k.-.un noll'<I And whilt· Ja<:kson hJ.., doni• has thing in Ot:tob1·r ove ~r tht• vcars. K 1~on h;1~ bt•t•n his p 1 t c h 1 n g e• o u n t <' r pa r t 1 n Septcmb<-r "An y t1m1· Bus ter (K1son ) takes the mound an St>ptember. I feel good about il.'' offorc.·d G rich "lie• k<•pt his a<'t logl•ther Hc>'.s b<-cn an pressure i.atuauoru. before•" .,.,... Catcher Boone', who h as bc.>t·n given a lot of tht· credit for the f iner mumt•nts from Angel pitchen. this season, smd K1son's victory Wednesday na~ht was tht- rcsult of simply putting the• ball an the nght location NOW YOU SEE 'EM • • • "Y o u 'v<> got t o mak<' o utstanding pitc h t>s to stop MalwaukP1'.'1 Boom• said And Boone. for on<.•. doesn't l'XJ'('l't the• Brewers buts to htay mum fon:ver or on t'nday "We're gmng to have to kt't'P putting what Gene calls our ·A' game bal'k on the fi eld What's happening now 1s monl·y an tlw bank, but wt' rt' going to havl• to put 1t as1clP," Boone addl·d · L ynn. mc•an whale, will hav1· J hard tame putting Wl·dnt•sday night's gamt· asidt'. Has fifth mnmg diving attempt on Mohtor's ball almost turned 1t to dtsas t<'r O nce the ball was behind the fallf'n L y nn, there was very lllllc to do but watch as the spt•f:d y Brewt>rs' lcudoff h itter l'1rd<'d the bases. "I thought I waa going to <:att·h the ball," L ynn admitted "But It was just o n e• o f thosl' things. You're hclplPSS I can't run aftN the ball , I'm on thl' ground. But that's just th<' way I play aggresslvt•ly " Lynn alen picked up a pair of hita on the evening, including a th ird-In ning grounder what·h looked llko an easy out until at hit the fir11t base bag and ('aromt'C.I out into 11hurt right fluid . * 'LAYO,, NOTIS -....... JHllMf'l'I lhltd·tnntng home run llfOUOlll willl II ABI No 18 In lellOU• Cll•mPIOnl hlC> _ ... Pl•Y· Nlllng • 1.co1dln 11111 c11eoory JecklOl'I 1n<1 lo<~ V.nkM 1e1mm11e Oralt Nettlee -• lle<I •l 11 Tllr .. ·Q•l'l'I• •w••P• In IHQU• chemp+onehlp M• .. • hove occurred elx llmet In Ille Amerlc:ln LN11ue 01111rnor• eHculed 1 ...._ lhrM llrna (196Q, 70 and 711. It did IO.I011 (1911) K1nHJ1 Cllr (1910) tlld Ille ,..w Vorlr 'l'lnll•O (IHI) , ••• ......,. .,,..._,flf-0.,k hOfl'le run w .. Oll4Y "'' ucond or tll•I n•tutt 111 IHlw• Ofltf'IPIOnehlp H llM lllt101y The Y1nlt"9' Hetl ... did It In tHO Tllf ~-= ~ tOI .. of 12Uft 1a • ~~.::e: .... -=-.:= In M!IWMN. Ille IOffCJ'~ for plltt!f .--.w..,.. """"'ltul'• 1111 lflO ~IOI •for...,....,.. aft,,. 'J From Page C1 \.\ ht•n · I w<.ontC'fi .. '>dad the n~ht h.111d<·r Orw )Jll(,:h Vul·kuv1th w.mlt·d h;1tk was ;1 "b1·lt·h1gh. right UVt•r · lh<.' pla~--{<>Om SC'fVl\.'l' f.1..,ll111ll " that< .Judhon lo~I ovt.•r 1h1· tt·nlt·r fll'ld f1·m·1 for J hom1• I llll T ll E OTHER was anothc•r fastb;1ll to Bob Boon<'. who h11 1h1• p11ch to right £wld for a fly h.tll out o,i..'Onng Doug De-Cann•-. from tharcl m tht• µrocess "Whnt W<' have• lo d u ao; not ~1v1• 111 or dlt'. wh1th v.1•'v1· 1wvt'r' d o n t' 1 n t h <· p H " t . ~ a 1 cl Vu<'kovich "W1•'vt• had our bal·ks lo the wull tx•fort-" "We're clown two gamr•s to non :· addc.>d S11nmons "It':. 11111 KOlnj( to be easy. but all w1· huve 10 do 1s win thrN• games " "I've b<.'<'n with this cluu for fiv1• V<'a r i. now." d11ml•d i n O~llvi1• "( know what Wl' l':m do" And what lhC' Bn•wl•rs appl'ar tht•y hav<.• to do •~ lhc 1mposs1bll• "f'RIDAY IS a game whC'rt' Wl' hove nothl n~ to lose und t•v<'ryt h1nl( t o gain." sa id Manag<'r 1 larv('Y Kucnn "N o doubt this will be the b1J(gt,st lnsk w e've facl'd a ll yc.•11 r ." Molitor l'On currl'd. "I rl'ahw tha.s Isn't tht• bc.'St posit.Jon tn l>C' in. I know nobo<ly's ''Vl'r dont• at before (com<· b<il·k from an 0·4! sUcrt) But thl'Y say thc·n's a f11~t lime· for l'Vl'rything "Tht: fm:t that WI.' were an a similar s pot last y<·ar gives us a I 1 t t I l' b 1 t o f h o p l' . I n a ' . ... 1tu.1t1on 1h.1t ·., 1•11t1 rd~ 11t·gat1v1'. \'OU l11<1k {111 "'1m1·thing pc~lllVl' "What w1· hav1· to do as stav n •laxC'd :ind rt'mc·mbt>r wha·t w<•'vC' dont• lo get us ht•r(• " Pa\JI Molitor core on inside-the-pa rk homer a head of throw to Bob Roone. HIGH ICHOOl. fOOTMLL AT rra IM!IT I Edison Chargers VI. Mater Del LIVE/ TONIGHT 1:15 PM Ml 1#0&.nMafT COWMr MOOUCTIO# KWVE FM101 I , f • • Oral'ge Co11t DAILY PI LOT /Thur1d1y, October 7, 1982 f' Weaver, Palmer . have called temporary true ~!.!?:.~~ O'AOOSTINO W...tl, 111'1 or tht· 111111• unywuy Keith Jw:klon 1111ld he didn't brlng his r('forec'11----1!h...-.fMtit • bt'>til ~k4•h1iiutf '° Tuc»c.lu.y's scrlCJa. aturl for tht> Weaver and Palmer Show I It• didn't optmcr\. whkh tht• Ang(•l11 won IJ J, t•unw In tlw lop n )(! It. of th<' flfl h innlnai. F.arl Weovt.>r, just rNh't.-d WI mum.igtir of lhl• Wt•uvcr: "Thfa'll be an t'Xl'tlin.i Kt•rh.•ti." Baltimore Orioles, and Jim Plllmcr. hli IK't' plt4•her Pttlmcr: "Only 1( you'rl' u hlltt-r or li fun " and chief antagonl•t, are toge ther again {Ill Weaver: "But, you know, Jun, u p1t4•hc•r t·un c'Omml•nt.atonJ with play-by-play man Jock8<m for t'Omc up with u gc}U(f game> and turn tht• rrminl'ntum ABC'11 teleca1 t of the Amlirkun L eo ~u e of thl' 11erlc·K In hJs team'11 dlrt-<.•lion." Championship Series lx>tween tht• Ang(•ls and ttw Pulmcr: "I with I'd had It Sunduy," whc>n ht• Mllwauk~ Brewe rs. und the O riolca lo11t 10 2 to thl' Brcwt·n In Bt'ason-cmc.J1ng showdown that gave M1lwuukt•t· the But for tht' most part thoy have left tht>lr l-clebrateq, tlHs behind. • In the broadcasting b ooth, If n ot in thl' dubhouse befor(', it's Weaver AND Pulmer, not Weaver VERSUS PaJml'r . AL ~t t·rown. "I didn't know thhi.unLll 11umebody pointed It out. But If I had beal.(•n th1.• Brt•weni on S unday, I'd have ~n tht• (1rsl pitcher to bt•at them three timt'tl this )'('Or." Wcavt'r: ''St't'? The odds w<•n· ugamst you " New arm, new start, new .style, new ·Kison Li By HOWARD L. HANDY OfhDell, ..... I .. " A little more than a year ago, Bruce Kison wasn't sure 1f he would ever pitch another game, let alone with an important mau·hup like the one he pitched W<.'Clnesday night 111h ••• flewpo<I ll•d ,, ...... ,aoa J>olmt·r. "Tht•ll yuu 11h11ultl hav(• 1turtt•d lli.!llW.wli' t•)lll'" Wt·uvt•r (luughlng): "~·d lTflf't• we i O uai.rn:· Thut wasn't thl' only vt·rbal .)oUJitlng, ol ('()unit• Th,m· WN't' n few ITU.llkrw ot pitching etruwgy. Aht•r the An(tl•l11 htid t&kt•n u commundlng kud, ~·uvl•r guc·ucd that Mllwuukc•t• Managt•r I lurvt-y Kucnn m ltiht coll In lnJurc'tt rl'llflt pitf.'hl·r Holllt-Flngt·rK. "I'd think he'd put him in the gome tonight," Sllid Wt.•uv1·r. "when· muybt· the gamc li.n't 011 ttw hm•" Palmt>r, the plwher, diaagroc-d. "I think they'd ruttwr do it tomorrow (Wed1wllday), where tht•y haw an off day nftl•rward, and he can r(.'8t up," he SI.lid And thun thcrti was Weaver's observation th11t , iw~1r11 Antiol 1tarh·r u nd w lnn«r To11rn1y J ohn weakening In tlw fuurth Inning uftcr rt• Brc•wcr 1.duwrs Oorm11n 'J'homns nnd 8cn on wt:ll hit ~Jrives to t'l'ntcr f1l'ld "lt1·'11 a(l•tung thut pll.c:h up I clorr't k won11t•rt•d Wcuvcr uf the 111nkn IJ11lh11g John. Pi.lmcr t•o unlnc•(J, howc•vt•r, by 11ot1n1( J ohn might have thrown htgh tnwnuonally Thomu!l prot'>libly wus looking for u sinker Oglivlt• 111 on~ of tht· bcKl low b&ll hlttt! baliCbull John wound up with a <'Omplc•Lc: game hltlt'r, giving µp only thre<> hits thl· lust six in ThO!i(' occasions were the t•Xt'(•ptJons M the evening, Wcuver artd Palmer stuC'k t.o their observu tlorus. • EVERY SPECIAL IN TOWN EVERYIM Y •Wt wMllMet...., ~llor'I pumntly •vwtlald price. DOWNEY LIQUOR BARN NOW OPENI • Bring In their ad and liquor Barn will meet It. •MllllDN •RANCHO •THOUIUD •PALM •8UNADA VIEJO UCAMOllA DAii ININll MILLI Mulfleftft e .. .......,. .._,.,, ,...., e ... ,... Dtlff ~· --...... I Lo l'H ........... • lf•lll ··-,~.~~, . •o-,, ...... ,.,, , ........ ,,, ..... .,.uu ,,. ....... ,, 2U·"4·7JOJ But i! there are any doubts around about the effectiveness of Kison 's right arm, just ask the Milwaukee Brewers. Kison pitched a five-hiller in the second game of the American L.eague championship st:ries as the Brewers went down, 4-2 before 64, 179 fans. •8AIDEN •CANDIA "He threw a lot of changeups and his slider was w'orking w ell both inside and outside," said c·atcher Bob Boone. "That made has fa'>t ball much more C'ffoctiv£'. "But basically. he was pulling the ball in the right position and becallse he pitched so well, he go t away with a few mistakes. And he p1tchc'<i from a lot of different angles, too" Pitching coach Tom Morgan gave this assessment of his charge: . "It was an outstanding effort. He had ~uper stuff in the bullpen when he warmed up a nd h<' had it m the game. Sometimes a pitcher will do well in the pen before a game and get ,ackknifcd in the game. "He never knew ho w to pitch before he had that ope-ration m 1980. He relied on his fast stuff "For a guy who is a power pitcher all his life. it's tough to try and do something a little different. He just doesn't feel he 1s doing his best 1( he isn't powering the baJJ m there all the time. ''It's surprising h e is as gO<XJ as he is In knowing how to pitch. Right now he's got good deception and the hitters have a hard time picking the ball up. They have less lime to see the ball." Kison was acquired by the Angels from Pittsburgh in the re-entry draft in November, 1979. He had a rocky year in 1980 and underwent surgery in July on ulnar and medial nerves m his right elbow and wrist. He was sidelined for 13 months and there are those who figured he would never pitch again. Bruce Kison m order> and I struggled a bit I used the slider pre tty much and 1t was breaking mside and outside from two different angles. l threw quiw a few breaking balls, too. "When I was m Pittsburgh, l threw mostly sidearm. Now l use different anglc5 and it has helped me a great deal." Kison has been dubb£'d a late· season pitc h e r and has had considerable suc.-cess at this time of year in Lhe pasL A "You certainly d on 't ha ve to motivate• people m September," he said. "But you also can't win without your teammaU>s' support. "l just hope I'm inlense in every game. I do e njoy pitching in thts type of game but I don't think I can gear m yselC up any more lhan I have. "I am primarily a s inker ball pitcher and when I am on my game. I get a lot of ground balls." •PASADENA llDVE PAM c--• ·-, __ , ........... ........ v ... o- 2U·IM.07H ,, ... H-•••• llJ·IM·H H Crown ..._ Vodkl u s411 •. ......................................................... Ur. ltallcllnap Vadb , ... 911 ............................................................... ML Heineken · Baer •MEMn •TDllANCE -v-.... 'i..IN . ... -.... ....,,__ ,,,..., .. ,,.. 114·tlt-lll1 Dunllvet Scotch II-Proof · $ 1.75 Ur. l'.elllc c_,....,..., . ...... JI ... , ••• , .. 1core1.., lcotdl , .. •a•1 .............................................................. Ur • cunr 1wt11cotct1 ,,,. •19•• .............................................................. LANCAITEll •ANAHEIM 12 Peck 12-oz. Cena Coanletr u--.e-......... .. ....... 8 .. .!211 • .1 "I went through an era where I had to learn all over again and Tom Morgan he lped me a great deal. He taught me to find the right angle to throw without pain and thro w effectively," said Klson. For the record, 14 of the 27 outs w ere r~orded on mfield grounders and eight others on strikeouts. Only three outs w ere recorded in the outfield and the two runs came when Fred Lynn tried to shoestring a Line drive off the bat of Paul Molitor with Charlie Moore on base. It was good for an inside-the-park home run. Ma111h11" lallr 8 •3•• .._.. ....... A-lox • •4•1 ........... ...... 6 .. .121• I 'I "After the surgery my hand was pre tty much crippled and I had a hard time bending the fingers. lt was a battle of patience to get back . It took time for the nerves to reeenerate" Kison was asked what pitch or pitches were mosl effective m his seemingly easy victory Wednesday night. The big bats that have been wielded by Milwaukee during the regular Amencan League season were silenced again and the Brewers gave K1son crroit !or his performance. "I don't do scouting repor ts and I'm not sell-analyzing myself. I did some different things out there tonjgtit "I didn't !ind him to be ovC'rwhelming, I just found him to be very good tonight," said catche r Ted Simmons. "He made good pitches a nd pitched very well. I commend him for his efforts." "Most major league hitters arC' good Cast ball hitters so you have to make the m hit the cripple pitch if you can. "Certainly I was getting a little tired alter the seventh inning (he retired the last 13 Milwaukee batters Oppbsing pitcher Pete Vui;·kovich who had recorded three-victories over the Angels during the regular season without a defeat. said: "I would like to emphasize that Mr. Ktson pitched a great ball game. He did his job better than I did." DON SUTTON. • • From Page C1 deadline to make him eligible for post-season play. "H e's a proven winner a nd a w o rld championship game experienced pitcher," Dalton says. "He's been in a lot of World Serles and he adds a dimension to the top o! our staff. "Don is under contract to us past 1983 and that's as much as I can say right now. We know h is goals and would like to see him complete them with the Brewers." 10 Britons balking LONDON (AP) -Ten England field hockey players are refusing t.o play tor their country agaJnst France and Spam Oct. 16 and 17 In a long- running dispute over British preparations for the 1984 Olymplc'Games in Los Angeles. The players ue making their stance in an effort to persuade their English Hockey Aaeociation to change Its mind over which players should take part In a .10-naUon world invitation U'>ul"nament In Melbourne, Australia, later this year. The AMoclation wants an England-only team but the players iNiat they should be part of a full Brl\Uh aide, claiming the tournament would be an Invaluable warm-up for quali{lcation to the Olympl"9, In which a Great Britain team takes parL Blue Jays raise prices TORONTO (AP) -The Toronto Blu~ Joya. who tJed for thcth place In the American League East w1th the Cleveland Indiana thl1 seuon. announced Wedne.lday • 50-ce:nt 1nc"*8e In 90fnC Uckcta for t~ 1983 bucbell ~uon. The field levtl box seata will be frictd at $8.~. up from $8 In 1982, whit Ut)per lcve box eeau wtll coet $7. Cheeks returns to camp PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Philadelphia 76ers guard Maurice Chee ks . wh o had shunned training camp because of a contract dis pute, r eturned to prac ti ce Wednesday ev e n th o ugh th e National Basketball A ssociat ion club has refused t o act on his demands. According to Harvey Pollack , spokesman !or the 76ers , the 26-year·old CheekA came to Phlladelphia Tuesday night from hie home In Chicago to dl11cu•1 his problem with club owner Harold Kati and General Manaj(er Pat Wlll~ma. Cheeks. through his agcn t , Lance Jay Luchnlck of Hou1ton, had Informed the 76ere he.· wentA to rcne1otJate hie llve·vear cont.rK't. Cheeka reportedly haa o pact that •tarted at $1 &0.000 per year a nd lncrt>uet .ch year to a mulmum or •2~.000. ., u ..... -........ -...................... ,_ .................. --·~······'--n .... e-.................... .. Warning The Surgeon General Has Oetermmed lha1 C1ga1e11e Smok111g Is Oanqerous 10 Your Heahh Cit~~!'!~ '~' Wine of the Week River Oaks $399 1981 Chardonnay ~~ 100'1 ....................... c ..... 1.H .__~-~~~------' 14 mo -.. , ... I I mg nccotlllt IV Pt' cig11.e111 bv f TC Method .. ,....., a '""" •"'9 LA CountJ '* lttver Medal WlftMf ........................... Ja ........ Elrty TIIMa Jim .............. Old Crow Wiii 11t .... LI• .,, .. Id\ ...., TIO-""· ......... ~ ... , ... .,,.... . .. TIO-""· lb8 '""' .............. ., ... G'8ft"V\t . TIO·""· outtto•" •11" T•""· .-arct••···"·"'...... •11" __ .......... . ... T•""· ....,.,,_.................. .,, .. .... T•""· Oblft ....................... •1411 , .. •1211 ..................................... ML .......... ,.. •1111 DI.._ .................................... . inUllll'I , .. '7" lrtlfl er._.. .......... , .................. ML ...... , ... 12" ................................................... ML ......... TIO-""· "'"" .. ......... .. .. ... . , ... _ _.. TIO·-'· """""" '"9' ........... TIO-•., ... """"4•°" .............. . ' V.I ................................... . CoumUllr VIOP ..... OUport ,....... lrlndy UJ lnndy ...... ......., ...... Cllrtatlln '.! '21" , .. m4 ,. Ur '" ........................ -·-~~" ,, ... ...... . . ............. . , .•• ,,., '3J •• Coora .................. ·~ .•• ,,., •20•• ,,.,.. .... . ............... , •• ,,., •24•• lo ........ .. .......... .,,., •3511 . .. .., .................. " .• .,,., •31 •• --...... "'..... . •11•• . .......... ·•·•arr. 1~•ra1uau Store • 8und•y·Thurld8y, 10 AM·I PM Houri: • 'rld•y·l•~urdey, I AM·I PM Pr1W 81121 .. OIL 7·11; 1m L iquor Barn ·~ .. C:• Orangu Cooal OAll V PILO r 11 huredny. Cl labor 7, 198:1 D..., ~llot ltelf l"tlolo Edison High quarte rback J o hn Nowotny takes a crack o t Mate r Dei's defense tonight at the Santu Ana Bowl. Boston releases Craig BOSTON (AP ) J im Craig, a former U.S. Olym p ic hock ey goalie. was r e le a sed by the Bost o n B r u ins W edn esd ay. o n e day b efore t h eir N ation al H ockey Leagul' season o pene r . play,:d mor<' th:.in a minor rolt• I It· was pla{'~ cm wa1vt•n; last Fnd ... y. but no N ll L team datmt-d him C ra ig, 25. spent two days of training camp this season on trial in WarC'ham. M~ .• where he was found mnocc·nt o f mot o r veh icle hom1<.·1de 1n connection with the death of a woman in-a tw~·car crash on May :l9 Ill M a t tapoisett. The· Bruins op1·n tht'tr f't•gular ~ason here L<m1~ht <1gatn~t M ontn·al wtth gu.iltc'!-. PC'lc· Pt't'tc•ro. und M1k1· Moffat Last St•ason. Craig pl.1yc-<I with Em• of th1• Anwru:an H o<.•k t·y Lc·aKUt· whl•n lw wasn't bt~t by tnJUrtc-:. A ftt•r hl'lping thr U S Olympic· tt>am 1.0 tht• hul·kcy KLJld mcJtd 1n l!J80. he• 1nn1-d Atlanta. now Calgarv. of th,• NHL H e returned t.o practice but nev«r P\lll.JC NOllC[ flCTITIOUI llO ... H NAME ITAHMIENT The foltowlno petaont .,e dOlnQ ~ ... FULLERTO N • GIL8E.R T INVESTMENT COMPANY , 505 No1th Tu1tin Avenue, Sune 150. Santa Ana. Ce1tlorn1a 92705 0 K INVESTMENT COMPANY, • Cellfornte ftrrw1ed pet1netahl0 505 N0tt11 Tuaun Avenue; Sulle 1so. S.nte Ana. Cahlornte 92705 Roberl H Grant, Trull" or the Robert H Grant Revoeable Trust establlahed Ncwemt>et 9. 1973 by Rob«t H Gr.,,I. Tru1t0<, 33 Hetbo< Island. Newport 8eacn. Sf11Mrorn1e 92660 . RICll1rd L Owen 31-423 S CoH t Highway. No 28. Soutll Laguna, Cellt0<nte 926n Thlt buelneea II condueled 0y • general pertnerahlp 0 .K INVESTMENT CO . • Celltotnle MmUed pertncnNp By. 0.atr. L. Argyrot Gen«el enner Tllla atetement WU flleo wltll the County Clerk of Or11nge County on S.,temw 21, 1912 HUPaTaDUA. -.u-. CAllUON a .. MIO.UY ... n. __ ...._......,.,. ~.....,c.....,.._. ,.111929 Publlthed Orenge Coe at Delly Pilot, Sept. 23, 30, Oct 7. 14, 1982 4227-82 P\lll.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUI auatNEH NAMIE ITAH•NT The fOllowing person1 1111 dOing buelnest es CYBERTECH SEARCH. 1 tol6 Coron• Lene, Cosla Men. CA 92626 CYNTHIA C BLAKE 1146 Corona Lene Costa Man CA 92e26 ERNEST W WALLACE. 15236 Vanldl. Le Mirada. CA 90838 Thi• 1>ut1nea1 11 conouc1ed by • gef*el petll'*ahlp Ernett w Wellece fhlt 911t-I Wal ltled Wllh the County Clerk ol Ot1nge Coun1y on Seplember l4, 19112 '1t1Jl7 Publl1hed 01ange Co11t Oa11y PllOt, S.,t Ill, 23, 30. Oct 7, 1982 4043-82 P\8.IC NOTICE Ol'll1NO• COUNTY MUNICIPAL COUllT HAAaOA JUDICIAL DllTlllCT 441Cl1 ,1...,bor .. •tvd. ... wport ~ CA "'90 PLMHTIFF: CIT Y NATIONAL BANK. • n ello n•I benlltng 11-ocletlon. v1. D£FEHOANT· MAURICE MALIN, 1leo llnown •• 011. MA URICE MALIN. IUMMONS c -No.40M3 NOTICE! Yov ,,.,,. ~n aued. Tlte court may ct.c~ .. elnet you wlt"-1 >'°"' being lte11d unlff• you reeponcl within 30 dey1. Reid lhe lnlorm1llon be4ow. 11 you ... sn to -me 1dv1Ce 01 an &ltouiey 1n thlJ mette• you ShoulCI 00 so promplly so lhel you• wr11ten responl8. II any mty' be MoCI on time A VlllOI U1ted h a e l do demendede. II tribunal pude cMcldlr ~Ire Ucl. aln ~le • -que Ud. r~ dentro de >O dlft. l ee le ffltormtctofl 4ue •lgue. S I Utltd desee 1011c:1t ar el c;onse10 de un 1bogedo en e11e ••unlo, debert• 11ece rlo lnmed1a1emer'lle de ette menere. au 1etpuest1 11cnte. II hey elgun• puecle set ~IGIS11:1l1J II uempo_ I TO THE OEFE"'l)ANT A CIVIi c:ompta1n1 h•• been ltlad by the p4e1n1tll aga1n11 you II you wltn 10 delend thll 1uwsu11 you must within 30 days all•• th•s 1ummons 11 !Mlfved on y0u lite With this court • """".., resPQnse to tile c:om1>4a1n1 Un~n you do so your ael.11\111 Wlll be enlereo on applic:ellon on the p4oonlllt ana lhls court may ente< • 1uoomen1 eo•tntl you '°' lhfl relief detnlnoed in lhe corn1>1a1nt wn1c:11 coulCI re1u11 In g11n11hment ol wogo& la1<1ng ol monoy or properly ot other re11el 1equeS11>d 1n lhe complaint Oaled June 2 1980 J. ~elerton, Clerti •r Tine Lone. Depvt)I JAMES '· DIEL OUEllCIO MAlllC I . TEPLllZ J21') M0-5&75 2.0. • llloabvry Of. No. 400 .. verly Hiiie, CA 90210 Publlahed 011noe Cont D•lly P110I Seot 30 Oct 1 U 21 19112 4321 82 MLIC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE c~ NOTIC• Of TllUITeH' IAU TruttM't No. t 1112 On Oc~ober 14 19112 ti 11 00 am FIRST AMERICAN TI TLE INS UR ... NCE COM PANY 1 Celllornle c:orporehon as TrullM. or Suc:ceHor Trustee 0< Substituted TruslH OI that cerleln 0.•d OI Trusl uec;uted by Etl EEN L TURIN, an unmetr1ecl women u 10 an undivided one·Qut•le< lnt.,HI MIKE TURIN en unmatrle<I men·, ena recordlld Sep1em1>e< 17. 1981 at 1n111ument No 21271 •n 800ll 14222 P•o• 1304 ol Oll•c:••I Racoras or Orange County Ca11forn1e. end purauant 10 1hll c:erta1n Notice ol Oeltull lhe<eu<id., •1c11r d•CI J\lne 10. 1982 •• 1n11rumen1 No 82 1t71s9· of 011tc1a1 Record• ol 1a1<1 County. w1ll under ana puosuant to ••kl OMd ol TruSI Mii et public: euellon IO< c:Hh, lewtui money of the United States ol A""'rca • ca9h•e< • Check p.1y11>1e to .aid Trustee dr1wn on • 11a1e or n11lon111 l,.nrc. 1 1111e OT federe c:redll union. or • atale or fll<lel'lll 1ev1ng1 i nd loan 111oc1et101\ OOmlCll9d in 1h11 1te1e. II thl main enlr enc.e to Fl rat American Tiiie lnauranoe Compeny loc:etecl et 11o1 E••I Fltth S1ree1. In ,,,. city ol S1n11 "n.~ C•lilom~ all lhet ~ht, title end ln1e<e11 ~ ~o ind llOW h9IO by II under Mid Deed of Trv•t 111 the property 11tuatad In Hid County •n<I State described H Loi t!> or Traci No 2992. 11 anown on a Map ti..<eol rec0<ded In Boo1o 96 page1 4$ i nd 46, M1sc:e111neou1 Mapa, reco1C11 of O••noe County. C•hfornta • H to 11n unCIMCleCI one·qu.,1er 1nter111 a nCI PAMELA L OOROON en unmarne d wome n as IO an undivided one-hall 1ntere11 •• Tt1nants 1n Common Tile """tt aCld•••• or 0111er common de319ne11on 01 1a1a P•OP«I)' IS pu1port8Cl to l>e 20-411 Paloma Or1vt1 Colla Mesa Cehlorn10 Said tale wlll be made wlthou• covenant or wtrranly, e•P••H or 1mptjed H tO lltle. pOIMSllOn Ot enc;umbr1net1 to Mlilly Ille unPllld bal1nc;11 aue on lht note 0t notea MKU•ed by uld Deed or Trust to wll $ 142,00t 92 plul lhe IOllOW1ng 1111m1ted co11a, e xpen1e1 end lldll11>c;H et lhl time of Ille 1n111e1 pul>llC.ellon or thll Notlc:e Of Sele S l,9&.o 31 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTlllOUI 9UllHH8 NOllCE TO PROPERTY OWNER NA• 8TATEMl!NT YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A ,ICTITIOUI ll0 ... 11 fht1 following petaon 11 001ng OE E O O F TR U S T , 0 A f E D NAMll aTAT .. 1011' bUt+nHI es SEPlEMBER 14, t911. UNLE8~ The lollowlng peraon 11 doing NAT I 0 N f\ l L IM I T ED YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT ~et. PART NERSHIP, 1301 Oove, No YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE 8 P A M EC H A N I C . 2 '4 S 0 280 'Newpot1 8Mch. CA 926'JO 80LO AT A PV8LfC SALE IF YOU Newport Blvd • Coale Men AANOALl EUGENE TRIBOl.E'T. NEED AN CXPLANATIOH OF THE Cllllf0tnl1 921126 71 Herllag1 Irvine. CA 9'7 lol N,. TURE OF THE PAOCEEDINO Thom11 Andy Richey. 1527 Thll bu11nn1 11 eondueled by a AOAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD Newporl Blvd . Co111 Mna llmlled partnership CONTACT A 1.AWVER. Cellf0<nle 921127 R•n<l•ll E Trtl>Oltll DATED S.O•emt>er 14, 1'82 Thia IMllMta It c:onoucted l>y Ill Thit 1tet"""'I wal llled wi1h lhe l'IRST AMERICAN 1'1TLE lndMduel County Clerk of Or1"90 County on INSURANCE COMPAN'f. ThomH A. Rlehey Septembe< 14. t982 • Clllllornle COtl>Oflllon Thia et1temenl w .. Iii.cl wllh the , 111i7t Dan Or,.,..od, Counly Cletk of Orange County on Put>41tlled Drang11 Cout Delly Auth«!Md Officet Stis"emt>er•1s. 1912. Pllol. S.Ot 16. 23, 30 ()c;1 7, 1H2 114 Elllt 'lfth llree! P:1t7•7 •0•7·8? S•M• Ana. CA .,.,0, Publlt hld 0 1enge Cotti Delly ------------111 1714) 6611 U1 t Piiot, s.c>t. 16, 23, 30. Oc• 7, 19112 PUBllC NOTIC{ Publl1hed Orenge Co11t Delly 4066-82 t------------1101. a-1 73, 30 Oct 7. 1982 -----------,ICTTTIOU9 IUIMH -... rtaJC N011C( NAm ITATl•NT 4 19'4·112 "1C'Tnl0Utt .,..... The IOlloWlng pe1&0n1 11ra doing MAim l'YAftmHT b\lllMll 11: TN~ P9ftonl •• dOlftO MO~~~~~ ~~T~A~~l:E: ~-2000 MAGNUM WUl IHOU9T"IU, CA ti:::r'°" BIVd • Coete Mete, '411 Wlnd.,n OrW.. HunllnOton JOAN MICHELE WOODBURY ---..;.£~. 'o~~u I HAN" a.411 H 30•A ...... POii Blvd Newpori ...,...... • IHdl, CA t2H3 ~·111 lfl 'OfNe, Hllmlfl010l'l 1Mch, H!NAY PAYNf' THAYER Ill A f2Mll.tNOA IHA,_I' IM1t Wind= 19!16 8endtrlll\8 ClrCI• Cotta • -......c A U626 • ortwe. ~Oft INdl, CA H Tiiie ~ la GOndUClt<l by • ""-~ .. OOMuc1ed Oy 1 genet .. &*ln«ahlp. ..... .........., "°"" M Woodbuiy ~ J, tNtp ftllt Nl~t -Med Wil,, !fie Tiiie "*"'9nt W8I MM "4ttl !he Counry Clttil OI OrllflOe County on CGUlfty Ollrtt Of OrMge COU!lty on a-1 .._. •• 1 ...... t ¥11 1• 2t, IN2 • .-.. em ..... ' ' .._ ,191_ ,.. ... """' Of•,,.. co!.~ P11&>1l•h•d Or111 .. co .. t D•lly ,.,... ._ n to. 0ot 1 14 ' ,.llOt, ...,, 1•· 23· 30• 0c1 1• '"' • -.:· · · • • • ..O•t-ta J I PUBUC NOTICE --'"=---~ ~-------=---_----==o._----=-=----------==~~- Edison-Mat r Dei tops prep slate .. l )111111ow I. ·1111111 v'i. pn·mll'• 1111n ·lt·11..iu1· t'Ollh•Nt t1f 1111' Wt't•k Hiid II 1111111'/\\ l'l'Ul'~ to S<·a "Vww .t'l'lUtW-~ romprillf' n I Wll "'llllll' put•kut(1• lllllll(h l I 111 hlo(h 1o4•h1111l fou1l>111l , 1•11d1 li1•j(11111111u al 7 .ill l•:cl11co11 i. I UlllllnU ~.11111• 111 lht• pui.I \1111 •1• /\Ull l"' h1111 hM•11 lwld 10 I MJ yur d :o. m-t nrid -l>c·r•t•lt <->11H H~11>-haN U11• 1111 ly 111Utllfll'lllll y111d1tl(l' (:Ill ('Of 111•' 1111 1111 .,,., h l11m1tt• qu11rlt•1 IJ,11 k:o. w1th tJ1•1•p 11111111 v l':-it1mmr'11 l'Qgrt;TJ rnllrr 111 Sn.11t J.>ttvhoi . to:J 'J'11ro 11/w111tt•-i lwh1nd QD Mlkt• l>ouul11-..-i, l 11• "'111 11( J>:mu 11111" ('OIJ(•h 1>011 IJuu~lu.,s 1>11v1w h11" 1·11111vlt·ll'd tO uf ·17 (111 ;tl);t y11rcl" Hllll IWU l11UdidOWOl1, wlllll' l•lllb<.11 k M.111 Spit'!> hux l11ggc·d ;i~:l y.11<1, 111 7:1 l'oll I ll't' (111•111 ly f1 vt• ya1d" oJ 1·nct•k) "Spit'll, l111wt•v1·r .. I.II> l11nitl'd lO :J:S y.1rd' la'l wwk El To1tf111 w111t11ul tight •·rul U11•1 1'<111111, whu ti. lost (o r lht· '4·a111111 w11h a hr11k1·rl h•H Tlw ~umt· 1' at M111:111111 Vll'yi 1111-t.h I h •11•'11 u lnwf look. l::dhcuo Vii. Mat l'r Dt'I Tlw C'h11tl(t•111 u f i':tll:44111 1•1111·1 11ft1·1 11 W1'\•k'11 l.1y11ff a nd 11 '11 .1 ~Ullll' µ1tt111u two \.? :.! t1•111111-with Ol':tl1>(t• l'11u11t y n111lw11< i'~l1"4111 ll> Nn ll, M :1lt•1 1>1•1 I" Nu 7 111 tlw Dully l'tlul rn11ktnl(1> t-::11'11 h11uiHi. ·• ll trOlll{ dt•ft 11:w (o;d11-1111 lt:ii. ,1 tW11 pmll.Cl'cl qu:11·1l·rl>tll'k .. 11,.w 111 Doi 1 C; 1 hhs (ti r o p 11111 k I :i 11 d J 1111 N 11 w o 1 11 y (:o.pn11l11Ul), whtlt• M.111•1 l>1·1'i. d111•f Wl'OIJll)tl ill'' Wllh II lll'nl Of rur1t11•1i, v.11 d :o.) l:thh-. h·" 1 omplt·lt-<I W 111 :w fur :!f1~1 vnrds 11nd urn· 11111c-htl11wr1, wli1lt· N11wu111y p11s1wd for 7U yanli. with u 7 tor I :s 1·111111 :1w1111111 A.1111111lg Tlw g .11111 1~ All Sa11tu A11u B•>WI 1•:1uancha v111. ti:I Toro Jo:;wh 1:; {I I 111 1h1"S1·:r Vu·w l .1 •11gu1 ,11111 lllH'l •ll•·" Wil li ttll I 1111 1'111>•, IJI l'd1l-.1l1·d 0111ur11I tlw f llll. ;11lh11ul(li 'I lw lml •. rnl• ,,f th1· St•J V11·w l.t·••l(Ut' ~·lwcl11h 11>:.; I for F11d.1y lllj(hl Filling those barren Sundays Cowen • questions llow dot•s a "S uitca (' S tornping Sturupt•dt•' sound '! comeback ""' By HUGll A. MULLIGAN SF.ATI'LE <AP) If tht• s tnk1· 11f pru fuotb • .tl p layer11 drags on to u t h(•r Silr11t Su11d.1y~. 1h1· n c l wor kii w1 II m •t-d rnon: than C:111ad1u11 l"1Jolball LcugUl' gunll'S and tc•runs or. old Supt·r Howls lll kn·p l hl· fun:; glu('d lo th1• S(:rc.>cn Crossing Brl'nll'rlon f1•rry un Pugl'l S11u11d lilt· ut ht•r day and s1pµ111g soml' t•cmS<.·musm·:-..-. 1·uis1ng sud~ ma wax JJ<cipt•r cup . I mulk·tJ llVl'r a kw 1dr'.1i. that m1gh1 provit.h' l'Xt·111ng l'OVl'raKe for the• ltkl')oo u( ffowurd Cosl'll. K<·11h J al"kson and l"r:mk G ifford Ferry boats mukl· t·xc<•llenl platforms for Jauncbmg prufou nd thought:. The> lov1•r.. 1·mbradng alun g th t• r:ul, tht· ~ulb totl1d1ng low fur pojX'<ll n tossc:d by gt·n erous mupJX'ts, the i.pan k rng wav1•:;, their enl•hant ing Spruce grt·l·n 1slamh, lhl• gl llt•nng ::.kyhm· 111dudmg El dtsl4nt Vll'W uf the• e m pty doml•d s tud1uni all sct·rn LO s timulate• t·ran1al c-rt'ativny wh11P 111 a ll'mporary s tate o f watc•ry l'apuvny. In t'trt·umsLanec•s like this, Walt Whitman wrote· om · of his mo::.t m ovm g and e nduring poc,.rns, "Crus.~ing Rrw k lyn Ferry," even 1f the forry hnc didn't endure, the las t one h avin g moved Ul'ms.s thr E<isl H1ver <1 <.'OUple u( dc><:udl'S ago, which was ev1•n t:)('fOll' Bri)oklyn gavf' up the ghost or pro football llERE THEN. for frt'<', not even the t'fJSl of thJl bl"<'r or the fc•rry ticket, a re a C'OUplv o f i.un·f1re t·v1•11ts that lhe b e t work s migh t rover lrvc· lu protc'('t themse lves from s erious a u d ll'nl·c withdrnw;il syntlrumc.-s during 1n<'rt pigskin primt• tim1• GALA G I ANT SUITCASE STOM PING STAMPEDE -Baggage handlers Crum N<·w York's J o h n F. K e nnedy A irport. C h 1t·ago's O'Hart'. M1.im1 International a nd London Hl·athrow t•omix·h· lO sc-e who t·an bust up th<' most ptec<'l> o f lu~~ugt· 1•oming off a jumbo jet. Extra points for muUIJttng SE>Ls of golf dubs. spltntt·ring s k is anti :o.hatll·nng s rx pac·ki. of duty frc•<' liquor DEH DUSSELtxmF MORGEN MAHATHON <.:t•rmar1 bustnt·~-.nwn going up t1, Bonn rush .1ho><.tr1I tlw TEE. tht· po~h Troni. Eurupl·an Exprt~ tram, 1n tht·1r loud 1 h11·k1'<1, lhrt'f' p1C'l'('. bC'll al lhl• bal·k . 1.<11j!.:.1t1 · fl;,1p h1·avy w11ol su1ti.. thc•n prtl(.'C'('<1 to push, daw. shoulder 11nd shove• tht·1r way Lo 1h1· vista domt· l·<ir !or a pnzt•d window s c'.1\ Oncl' e nsc.:onM.'<.I tlll' lJru1i.ed and hlnodll'd w1nrn:~ 1gnort• -MllC~--l FICTrTIOU8 BU81NES6 --F-IC-T-IT-IO_U_8_•_U_l_INE __ S_8 __ PtllllC NOTICE NAM€ I TATEllllENT NAM( I TATlllll€NT The rollowlng peraon •• ao1no !he 1o11ow1ng pe11on 11 aoino businett u buameu H EPIP.ROPCRTIESlTO •IOO PS GRAPHICS 608111h B11c;11 S1 New,.,ort Betc.h CA Street ,40 F Hunll1'9ton ee.ch 91660 Sul!' 100 CA 9?6•8 E P I C. E N E R A t POl l V T SMITH 608 171n PARTNERSHIP • •OO Birc;i. Str.-.ol StrMI No f Hunltnglon 84'1atn CA Newpou Bf'.1th < A 97600 Sull" 9?6'411 100 ~l"'"" '' ronllu<l•'tl Dt • This tx.l\•fMll •• tQndue•"<l by Aft 1nd•v•du8I geoer•I po>111ne•llh•1• POU y T SMITfl E p I (. _. 11 t ' u 1 Th1t ~t•t .. ~nl ...,._. t1..,0 WIU\ IM P•rln"'''"P COU"'t l 1.,~ 01 O••"Q4' County on tlw 11plt•nd1d vwws 11f th1· Hhtn<· Htv l•r .ind OJ>C•ri ~ult lhl•ll' u1p1t-l> 111 tht· i"rankfurtl'J A llt·l(t•111t•111l' 1"1d lhl· Dus.o,t•kl11r r ll<indt·lslilut hi jll'I LISI' ~ltJ( k t.ubl(·i. ull th1• ret1t of the SCl'llll' w11y NEW ORLE ANS TUHKf~Y BOWL Hl':VIVAL J\rnwblt• <:o n -man Allen LaComlx ., now fl;wk1ng f111 thl· Fair Grounds ra<.'t· truc k . us;·rl to ,1,,.~1· th1:. ;mnuul Tha11ksg1v1ng Day football l'lassw .1l C11y ~1.1d1u111 b1•tw1.'<'n •aandout sandlot u •am::. Mp<>n.'><Jrt·d n11~tly by lut:..il \.C:IVl•rns Tht• nwlP<•, ft·<1tur111~ ti high body t'Ounl , u i.u.illy pnx·l"l'<ic.'<.I without rl'fl·n ·n1•t· lo n ·fl•n 't.'S. rul•·s or wh1i.tlt•i. SUPEHMAHK1':T SUPEH BASKET S W EEPSTAKES A d og (·tit dog l'Vent 111 wh1C'h shop~rs mm~t1· tu inak<· l11t· most of th<· IO 1t<•ms legally allowc'<.I in tht· expn-:.s t·heckoul lam· A ladv .in our town of H1dgd1cld, Conn • muy hold the all l1mt• rtx:ord ol lour n 1rL'i thul r>vNflowc•d with tht'St' JO purcha:w~ a 50-pound s<t1.k o f powtot~. a d own pn· p<ickagc·d grnp<'I rulls. u n a l uminum t·ha1s1• lounl(l'. a 15 Coot ficus lrct..,.20 pounds of chHrcu:.tl. u ('USl' tJf bt•t•r , a :~~).pound f rozen fornil y meal pal'kJ&l'. a JO-gullun anunal-proof garbagt· l'an. :.i s;wk o f wild bird ft't.-d and a drum of dc·tl·rg1•nl plus IH'r <!-y l·ar·old t win::. nding tandl•m in tht· foklt'<.1-out t•wweml·ncl' raC'ki:. ROLLOUT TllE BEER B ELLY GRAND PHIX Wide W orld of Subst1tu tt• SporL' again rC'lurns 10 the Federal R epublk o f Gl·rmany for the• Ol·t olH'rfo.,l in Mun1eh. whtc-rt:' burly Bavarian bount·l'rs man. and MJm (•ltmt-s wom<in , whl•t•I h<irr'ows t<1 n ·m ovt• hor11.ontal sotldt•n t'l•lcbrant-. f Wiil the.· bt•t•r tl'nL' I NT E RN AT I O~AL NAPE RY FOLO UP FESTIVAL Mu1tr<·s d 'hntc l from th1· ll1ltu11, H ytill, M arnull. l ntl•r<.·onlml'n lal and otht·r big hull'I t·h;,ein, Ws l thl•1r t<i ll•l\ts and c·rc:at1v1ty 111 • •(111d1nj( n1·w . l'Vt·n mun· prc•h'nttol!h w;,1y~ t11 folu up Jn o rdrnarv lublc• napkin WPJI, th1•11· v11u hi.I v e: 1t. s ix sc·n s auonal 'fll'( t..wlt·i. to ttdc• rivN Huon1· Arlc-tlgt• a 11d his TV 1·ohm L' urHtl tht• l~·ht•molhs tn lht· laQut·rt"<I ht•l11il'l~ 1111c·t· .1ga111 pat k ltw1r t11•n1un•!> rm lup ::.h<·ll of tlwu s t;ulium ltl(,·kc·r.-and gl'l duwn to thl• bus1m~'I o f ma101111g t'dt h otht•r 0 11 tht• (1t:ld and fondling l'ach o lhl•t ltl dl•.11h m th1· huddl1• ;,ind e nd zon<:'b MILWAUKEE IAP) I•: v I' II .Jr I(' r i:J I (Jn g 'u1111111·1 r1f pun1:.h 1ng hii:. body ~ lifting Wl'lghU., running up i.11•p i. &nd pl:iy1ng rm·kup ~am(•!), Uavt· CtJWl·n i. 1:,n l sun• hl· <«111 :-.llll be· an c·ffoc:uve playl'f 1n tht· Nauunal B:;skt·lball AsscJt:1atton "Wh<il I'm drJ1ng this ( " r 1 ~ <.i p t· r :. o n a I chall1·n ge. to ~wt· 1 f I c<in µull this off ;,md mak(· a tont11bul1 on to th is lt•am ." Cowl!n:, sa 1t.l Wc·dn<'s<fay. "II 1 t·an, I'll Ix· vt•ry pl<·aS1.·d " Mtlwaukl'l· Buck ~' CfJach D o n Nl'lson hai. t a k l' n a c· a I l· u I a t t' d gambll· th.it the 6 ·8 Cowt·n s. a l><'V<·n ·ltmt: NBA All ·St.ar t·•.:n lf'r, can l'llffit.• bat"k a f lC'r a l WIJ· vc•ar layoff, lt·arn a nL·w p o i. 1 t i o n a t'j:t o w l ' r forwurd with a n ('w t c· a m a n d m <i k <.· a 'ubstanual t·o ntribuuu n tow(Jrd a <.hamp1on.sh1p Nt·lson . a f o rm1·r tt·amm:.itl' of Cowens. tradl·d Quinn Buckm·r . t11w "r th~ NBA'~ be::.t µ01nt ~u;:.rd ~. lo thl· BusL<Jll Cl•lttt"> for rights tu Cow<·n.'I, whu rNtn-d ;,iftl'f training c·;unp rn IYliO B ulkru:r !> VJlut· to tht• Bul'kS wa!> undt·r St.·on ·d I a ::. l ~ p ri 11 g a I l t• r h l' 1111ur,-d a thumb m late M an·h and m1::.s<:d the rC':.l o f the• ::.<•J son ~--Ptlll--IC_NO_Tl_CE ____ --==P\8.===,c=NO==Tl=CE~==~i ....... ,,.-,.Th•·---e ......... FICTITIOUI 9UllNEH lllllPOflll ANT NOTICI! NAME 8TATUllENT ., YOUR PllOPl!llTY •• IN Ch ' rh., IQllOw1ng pe11on 11 doing FORECLOSURE •ECAUIE YOU osen l:>uscneuaa A"IE llEHIND I N YOUR ••• SE W W HA t? 1 N r ER PAYMENT I, IT llllAY aE SOLD 0 f the NA TIONA L 177 R1v111900e WITHOUT ANY COUAT ACTION, ne 0 9A2v61'63s1.11tt' o Newpor1 B4>acn <..A and you mily h&•I' lhe t-oat "O"' in Y,.,.,..,._,,S best'." bflng your account in OOO<I siand•flil ~ ; SE'\IGI AKSOY 8860 l Auna by p11y1ng all 01 your P811 due Court F'>untatn Valley CA 92708 peymenls plus perm1t1f'CI co111 ondl -)Oft!~ l~ IA(;&SIWX) Th11 txnlne$S 11 conCluehtd by Ml e•Pflfl~ w.lhtn lh•M monllls rrom ona W"\X IV 1n<11v1due1 tltl' date th11 notice ol ~faun wet Sevo1 Akaoy recorded Tllia amount 11 S•63 ~ Tn" llile<nent wH filed Wllh lhe .. ol ... ugus• t7 1982 1na Wiii Coun1y C~rk 01 Orenoe Counly on increase until you1 occounl Sei>temt>o• 21 IQll2 bee~ current vou may nol h1v• Jarr"'1 C l091tn 5.,01 28 1992 Th•• 't1tem..,t wll• hlf'd "'111 H\f\ County Cler~ ol 01anoe Lnvnly '"' F1t .. H Flt1'M1 con• Oelly Puohahad Oren1;1e Coo1 01111v 10 IUIY Ille llfll11e unP•o<I porlion 01 your account e•en lhough lull payment was demandeCI. bul yO\I mull pay the amount sllled above Sept~t>t>r t ~ t 982 Puo1t,nea O•anoP ,117361 Poot Sep1 30 Oc;1 7 14 11 1982 PtlOI Sep1 23 30 Oct 7. 14 1982 43 19·112 '1~1 -82 Pubf"ttwa On1nge Cou1 ()etly P•IOI Sep1 Hi 13 JO 0...1 1 1982 ------------1 MLIC NOllC£ ---------•-•_n,_._,_, PUBllC NOTICE --,-,C-Tll-IO_u_1_eu_a_f_N£--8-,-- P\8.lC NOTICE FICTlllOU• 9UllNH8 NAME I T-ATfMENT 1(01717 "CTITIOUS 8U81NEl8 NAME ITAT£M£NT Tll• 1o11ow1ng pe1eon1 Atft ao1ng oua1neu at BOX SPRINGS COMPANY 7M Beker Slr••I Coat• Men. C• 92626 LE INDUSTRIAL PROGRAM · IJl7 2. 1.85 BAiler StrHt. Coate M .... c ... 92626 OLYMPIA INVES l ME N r COMPANY 76!'> Ba~ er St reel COllO Mno c ... 92626 Tlllt bu&•neu II Con<IUCll!O by •I gt1n11aJ partnetJ'ltP l "' ~n d u l I t ll I Program 19n l1nkl11tt111 Pro11"•ll11• Gtm Part JMI< 0 Jer)ll1n' lh1• \latom...I was hleod wolh tl\11 1..ovn1y Cler~ or Orange Coun1y on Sepl1>n1!>4t1 II 1982 F117076 Pub1t111ed Or•no" Co•" Daily P110t SePI 16 23 30 Ocl 7 t911<' 4107-8:1 PUBLIC NOTIC[ flCTITIOUI BUllNEll NAME 8TATE .. NT !he 1o11ow1no persona ••• doing but1ne11 es H I w ASSOCl,.TES clo Beauchamp Enter pr llH 4000 MecArtnur Boulevard S...lte No 700 Elllt Newporl Beach, C11lllo1nla 92660 THE PROSPECT COMP ... NY. 11 Connec ticut c:orpor8110n Ont Tower S q u ire H•rlfora Connectk:ut 061 t S HARBOR ISlf\NO WE!\T MAR IN ... 4 000 Mac:Artnur Bouleve•d. Suite No 700 eu1. ~rt Beec11. Cehl0<n11 92660 Thlt bulll\l!H 1a COf'tduclled by • gen11t1I 1>411tner1111p Her bat la land Wf'll M•flne RJCllerd L 8'Aocr11mp G-111 Perin~• • NAME ITATIMl:NT The lollowong pl'rton •• ao1ng Tl>e I011ow1ng Pf'ft.Onl ere dorng Ou•ln('n es l>utoneu .. COIJNTR'V FRAMERY 237111 P~OUO AMERICAN AACINO. Ml!•cury Road fl Toro (',.\fifOtnte ~2S \llc;tor•• No 92 Cost• Mesa 02630 Clllltornie 8'2627 A11,11a Lloyd w"""'" 6i9• E JUdy Mn Balley S2S VICtO<lt Wood•boro A .. enul' Analte•m No 92. Co111 Mau Celllorl\11 Ca11torn11 92807 92627 Th•• bus•neu 11 conduc1ed by "" f11cllerd Fritnk Cutro~ 5n, •nd1v1dua1 \/1c1011e NO 92 Co••• MH• A~l. WflllfV-C•hfO<nl• 92627 Th•s alatemen1 was l•lfld with the Thtt 1>uemeu 11 c:oncklc1ed by , Cl)<Jnly Cktr' ot Ooange Coun1v on hm1ted parlnersn1p. Sep1em~t 14 19112 JuCly Ann Balley Fttnn '"'' sieiement wts hied with the Publl'h"CI Otongo Cout Dally Count; Clerk o1 Orange County on P••OI S'1Pt t6 2J 30 Oc1 7 1982 September 2 I 19112 40•0·112 f1t1t3S f'uDllahed Orano• Cool Diiiy P1IOI Seot 23 30 Oct 1 1.-1982 41112.-2 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUllN£18 NAMI! 8TATt:lftNT lht1 ro11ow1no peraon •S CIO•no MLIC NOTICE bUl"ltlH .. -------------1 ~EGAl ENGIN[ERING 1660 FICTITIOUI 8UllHEIS B~!Jcoc:k Street Co,ta Men NAME STATEMENT C•11l0<n1a 92627 The IOllOMng peraon1 ere dOlr>Q f r, nlo A t u b re J k y 9 0 O buSl~e~aGe~ACK PRODUCTS g:1~:r~~d9:~;;'" Coeln Mua Bu Gp Ac K p ER r 0 RM AN c E Th" l>USll•M~ ,. conduellld by an PRODUCT 3!>60 Cedllt.c Avenue ondtvo<lutl Cotti MHe C1111t0<nl• 921126 rrenk A l ubreslly DEE ENGINEERING INC. I Th" •latemenl wiu h~ wtlh lhe C111torn1a corpor1111on 3660 County Cll'f-1.. or Orang" Coun1y o" C•dlllec Avenue Co••• \leu St'Plt•mhl'1 1• 1qe:> Celtlornla 92826 F 117>78 This buslneu It betng CQnductecr Publ1ah"<l 011r1ge Co1111 01111y by a c;orporeflon P110I Sept 16 '3 30 Ocl 7 19112 By Edward C f'uOun ~039-62 Preak!Mt 1111s e11temen1 llled w11h '"' PUBLIC NOTICE County Clerk or Orange COi.iniy on -------~~"'."'.":'=::--S11ptemt>er 2 I , t982 l'lCTITIOUI auatHEll AOHlllT II. WAllTMAN AttetMY et l- F117'11 4047 l.ent hectl ...... tct '°'t Office 9o• '7M I.one -..Ch, Celllornle M0'7 Publl1hed 01•,,a• cout 0111y Pilot. Sept 23, 30 Oct 7 14, 1982 •228-81 NAME STATEMENT Th• 1011ow1ng person 11 doing business H MOS PRODUCTS U 2 El Modena Newpo•I Beach CA 92663 MICHAEL OA\110 $HEAW000 442 El Modena N-PO<I 8HCh CA 92663 Tttlt t11111mftflt w11 ru110 wllh 1he PUBl.IC NOTICE County Clttk or Or1hge Coun1v on 1------------- Tllll bu11ne1• II condUCllO by an 1n01vlduel M•Chlllll 0 Sllerwood ffllt atatemenl WH llied Wtlll tilt Coun•v Clltfl< Of Or•ng• County on Sf!Pl4'"1b4r 14 I 08' SeplemlHlf "· 1912 '1CTITIOUI llUINH ,, ... ,, NAMI ITATl•NT Publlel'ltd Orange Co .. I Diii~ fhe lot'owtng Plt!IOl\t ••e OOl"Q Pilot, Sept 30. Del 7, f4. '•~1~~~ Dual~s~1Ar CONSTRUCTION. P\lll.IC NOTICE '1CTITIOUI 8UllNIH NAMl IUTHtlNT T n. 10110W1ng Ptt tOll• ere dorno t>ut1neH H (Al BMA, lll IHVfAAGE MACHINE REP ... IA. 131.-2 Oftfdtn Orov• Blvd Oeroen Orov• Cf< 9211•0 JON l\(NN!OY 3117 Klll11rney, Colle M... CA t26'8 MARC WIOOICOM8E 22 1:9 AOWl1ncr. G1n1t An• CA ffll• 1>utl11et1 11 conouet11<1 by • INC , I CeUf0<n1e CO•P01et1on. 113~ Whittler Sulla C.11 Cotta Mfte Ct< t~627 NORM P ... RI([~ Pru1oen1 2211 Lori Lent, S1n111 Ana, OA 92706 ST!VCN L JOHANNE.8. Vice Pretldenl, 2276 Orenoe Avenut Colle Mele, CA t,6117 J U 1 1'A [Y 5 ELSflN. leortllry/Trtuuttr. 12011 Nebr.._ Cottt MeM. CA 9212t fllll DutlMM II COf'Cluet.0 b)' I GOfPOf 11 ion W H. I H lllU' CO+IST,.UCTION. INC Jetl•ey • !lt1tn. he/ 8f'*tl 1*1Mflillp JOit Kennect1 T ret llll• ttMtn'lfi\t \ll'H lllld Wllll lN Thia ttel~I w .. fllt4' with 1110 Coll"'Y C1et11 of Or•not Counl~ Oii Co unty Ole 111 o t Count)' on .... emt:I« 16, tH2 t.Ptember t&, ltU l'ttr• .,.., ... ,uo111rrec1 oninoe CoHt o_.ir 1'110t11"4cs Oranoe CCM11t 0111r Hot, leclt tt , 23 30. Oc1 7, 1M2 PllOt. 14pt 1t, U , ~.Oct 7, ltt2 4C)IO.ta • '°4'ot2 \ ,, . .,. Publl1hed Orano• COHl Olllly Pilot $tl)I 16, 23. 30 Oct 7. 11182 •0&9·82 Ml.IC NOTICE PICTITtOUI IUaMH NA• ITATIMINT The tollow1r10 P•11on 11 dolnO IWIMMll .. THC TACO FACTOAY, lt120 OrOOlohu11t 81 , ,ovn1e1n \1111~. CA 92701 Merg•rtl Ann AO ll'lll, t 186 Glel'lHllle• T e1rece Coet• M41H, CA 9~'7 Th11 t>u•I'*• 11 conducted oy en 111(1111\Ck.18' Mw9er.I A Adtlmt fhlt 1111-1 "'U llltd lottlh Ille County c...-k Of Of'enot C-ty on l lf)ttf'lllMW H . 1912 ,, ... Pubhtfl•d Oranoe Co111 Delly ~· hPt :ao. Oct 1 14 . 21, '"' 42 ... ., Atter ttvee months from the dale ol rec:ordal1on or th'' docuf'l'lent (wlltctl Cla•e or rec01dat•on eppeen 1101oon1. un1e111 lhe obhgat1on being lorec•osed upon potmlla • longer !*IOO you h.eve only lho .legal rigfll 10 stop lhe loreclOlure by paY>no the enllre amount dem1ndad by you• credl!O< ... To llnCI OUI Iha amounl you mull pay, or to errenge tor peymenl to 11op 111e rorec101ure o• 11 your property 11 ttt lo1ec:1oaure lor eny 011t•r reason. conta'I ANAHEIM HIUS P-L.AN.NEJ). COMM UNITY ASSOCIATION PCM REAL T\' ANO MANAGEMENT Agent 23726 B11tch., Ortve El Toro C,. 92630 111•1 7611-7261 -------------- 11 you heve any quHtlons you should conlecl • lewyer or 1111 govemmenlel llJenGy whtCh m•y lltvt! insured rou• ioan Remember, YOU MAY LOii! LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT TAKE PlllOMPT ACTION. NOTICE IS HERE-BY GIVEN lt>et purauant ro Article IX SectlOft 7 ol EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT the Deel at 1111 on ol Cove n en II.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]!!!!!!!!!!~ Cond111ona and Res tr 1c11on1.i: reCOtCled Ap11I 28 1977 In Book t2 t69 Pao•• 209-327 of omc111 Record• Otenoe Counry CeJ110<n••. Plate NOTICE • b• .. Cll OI Ille Obl1ge11on or FICTITIOUI ll091Wll p1yment or useumena hn NAME 8TAT!MENT OGCU•led NOtlCe OI Hid breech end Ille l0Uow1ng pertons are CI01ng 1""1 wet ltled loo reoord on July 2 businest es 19112 es lnetrument No 82·'1312011, INTERSTATE P LAZA 1400 o l •••d Olr1c 1al Records No Br11101 Slreet Norlh Suite 24S payment 01 p1111 Clue amounls hH Newporl Beech CA 92600 occurred The<8101e, the Anel'lfl1m WIL LI AM K DAVIS. 1'00 Hills Pl a nned Commu n1 1y Bt111ol SI Norlh Suite 245 A11oc1e1ton does 11ereby elect 10 Newporl 84Mlc;h CA 92660 sell or CIUl8 to De aold, Ille R FRED WA L TE'FIS 119S ro11owing dtKCrll>ed 111•1 property lo Riverview Onve F1llb•OOll CA 11111ry 1he obllga11on 92028 Lot 28 ol T1act 7587 It pe1 m111> T1111 busine.s 11 condUCled by A 1ecord«I 1n 800k 3711 PeQet 21 to genera• pellne•shl(> 25 1nclus 1ve. or M1tc:ell1neou1 Wilham K OtYll Maps, 1n 11\411 Olhco of lhtt Orange Th•• 11111ement wH Med with Ille Coun1y Recorder County Cterk 01 O•ange County on Tiie 1ec:oro ve.ied ownere ot me September 21. 1982 pr09tfty more commonly kl>OWI\ ea 6861 ""enue O• S e n11ego Ane11t1m, C1lll0<n111, II Aon11d POio Ottl!!O Soptemw 8 t982 An-..im HMl1~1-*' Cem""'""' A-tel ..... llndeW"H9'1 ITATI Of' CALIP'C>MtCA) COU..TY OP: OlllANOE ) ff ,.,.713t llHOCMEI, KENDALL 6 HAllllllHOTOtt A ll'rot. Lew C0tpcwetlon 82tt MtcArtllur atwd ..... 108 ,.0 ...... 1 ...wpon 9Mcf\. CA 1M10 Publllhld Orenqe Co11t Delly Piiot. Sept 23. 30. Ocl 7, 14, 19112 4229·112 On Seplemb•r II. 100 b•lore 1--------~----me the undt111gned • No1ery P\lll.IC NOTICC ftubllC In end tor Hiii S111e.1--------.,-~~~=~~:­S*IOllllllY 1p.,.1rtd Linda Wt•ll•ll, 8TATl•NT OP' WtTHOfll.AWAI. known 10 me to bl A111 Secrtt•ry '"OM ~Afl'f,.,. .... ol tlle COf'PQfltlOn that HllCllled t,,. OP9"ATINO UMD9" wtthln 1n11nimen1. l\nown 10 me 10 flCTtnoua .., ....... NAMI be the perM>n who eaecuted t"-Th• fo11ow1n9 P•••on h •• wllhln 11\ttrument Ofl befllllf of lllt w•lllOrawn •• • Q81'141fel petlf\ef from co1po1e11on therein n11m•d. end lhe pertnerll\lp 0Qore11no itftder lllt ecknow11dged 10 mt 1t11t 1ueh 11~1.11ou 1 butlneu n e m • ol corporeuon Heculed lhl Wllhln CHIAOPRACTIC ASSOCIATES Of" lrlalrUlll4lfll l)vttuenl 10 •ta ly·L-• COSTA MEIA, 270 BrlttOI, 8uhe or • rHolullon 01 111 to11d 01 1oel Cott• ,,. ... , CA 92826 Olrec1or1 Tn• 11c1111ou1 Du1ln•u "eme ,-. a. WtllllftMfl tlet""4111t tor lhe p.,IM(lh!P WH Aftt, .... -·1111t0111 llltd O" Augull 10. 1t71 lrt 1111 ALI.IN AND 'un coun1y ot Orang. ~ .::1~ 91¥4. !full Name end AddrH:-: 1 : .-. m Pertc>11 Wlthdrewtno ~ ~. ~ t UfY JlAN liAAMON, 0 C ... onice. 4H2 Offf!'C-O. imn.. CA A~ ,_ AN-.C• Milli IH fU, 1I03 lo. C0..1 Of., Cotta 'LANMID COMllUMIT'Y Mtu,OAtHH, AUOCUnoN . 9elt1 J IWmOt\ ,ublllltff Orl l'IQ• COHI D•llY .-VOllt hed 01anoe C:OH I O•llr Not, 8-1 t3 30. ~I 1. 1•. 1tU "°' lecll ta, 30, ~· .,, ,., t"2 4Ut·tt 4.221.at .. I • \ ' AL f't.A YOff9 A"°9t84,9'.w••2 MILWA\Jlll CAL.,OflHIA Mo1110< ~o Vounl al C-lb S1mmon1 c OgllVI• II Thom•• er H-Clh Moore 11 Gani""' 2b Tot ala ee r llDI ae rhDI 4 " 2 OowJllllO II 3 0 0 0 •O 10 9ef1.quei 11 0000 4 o O O Ca•llW tb • o O o 4 0 0 0 ReJKkaon ti 3 I I I 4 0 0 0 Cl11k 11 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 l ynn cl 4 I 2 0 3 0 0 0 B•ylOr c:ll\ ~ 0 0 0 3 I 2 0 O.C1ncee l o 3 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 Gt 1C11 20 2 0 I 0 • Foti u 2 0 I I Boone c 100 2 32 2 ~ 2 . T9l•ll 2~ 4 6 4 kw• br lftflln98 Mllwtuli.M 000 010 000-0 Oal<IO<n.. 02 I 100 OOa 4 OP MtfwaukH 2 l OB Milw•uk.,. 3 Calilll''l•• ~ 28 O.C1nCH HA Re Jack eon ( 11, Molllo1 (I I S Boomt Foll SF -Bool\8 ............. llui.ovteh IL.0· If C811tofnia " 8 " REll81 so 6 4 • 4 • 1(110f1 (W I.ti 9 !> 2 2 0 8 HBP GflCll (Uy Vll~Ov1Gn1 I 2 06 A 6-4 179 COMPOllTE BOX MOlllO< Yoont C0094lt Simmon• Tl'IOm .. OglMe Money Moore Gant""' Howell Tot• Oown+ng BenlQueJ ~ Otleh 8•ylof J11ekaon Clark Lynn c..-FoCI Boone Tolall Betting lllllLWAUICH a11r 11aa1vr111 • .,. e 2 :I O O I 2 37S 8 o 2 o o o o 250 8 0 1 I 0 0 1 110 II 1 2 0 0 0 0 250 7 1 100 12 143 80 00 000000 3000000000 81 3 0000500 70 0 0000000 3000000000 116 5 12 1 0 2 5 182 CALWO.. .. A ..,, h 2b a1Mrbl n1 1 2 ' 0 0 0 0 143 00 00 0 0 0000 7 4 2 1 o o O 2M 6 1 3 I 0 0 1 .&ClO 111 20 1 0 6333 1 1 I 0 0 1 2 143 000000 0 000 8 2 6 0 0 I 1 826 8 0 0 0 0 00 000 6 0 I 0 0 0 I 167 5110002200 59 12 16 2 1 1 12 271 Pitching lllllLWAUICll • h Calc:lweN ((). 11 Slelon 3 1 3 3 ....... 1 2 Hl.00 1 2 8.00 0 3 0.00 0 0 000 • 4 4 50 8 I I 8 19 llldc:I 1 0 S..nerc:I v.-.cw1cn 10-1> 1 0 8 8 Tolllla John (1-01 Kleon (1-0) T01• 18 18 CAU,ONllA • H M 80 lflA t 7 I 6 3.00 ' 5 0 • 200 11 12 I 13 2 50 .... _, ........ Mllweul!H 0? I 020 000 000-S C.lllOfrlll 125 310 000 000 12 e_ -Cllkl-i, Molitor OP -Mltweuk .. 3 Loe -Mlwiulc .. '· CalifomTe 10 s -Boona, foll. Sf -Baytof. Boone HBP - Moofe (by John). Gtlctl (by VUCll-1 /\ - 12e.ses Pleroff ec:hedule CHAMl'tc>H8"W HIUll T....-,'a ecote ....... ll.Mllw-M 3 • ......, .• ec- ....... 4,Mltwauk .. 2 T.,..__, .• ~ "11.,,t• t i SI Looi.. S 25 pm Flldefa O...... ....... (Lann 18 I I al M...,: •<llM 1Sv11on •-11. 12 •s pm • A11er11a IC•mp 1I·131 11 SI Lou•• CSlvl>ft• 11-71. 5 '5 pm lalwdey'e Q-A119eh 11 MHw•u•ee 10 • m 111 n~tary) S1 lOUIS al "1.an1a S 1 ~ Pm 8Ulldar'• o-• Allt•I• al M1lw•u~ee 1 20 p m l•I ~~ .. •t Allen•• s 1!1 p m 111 'llCe~ .. ·11 lilloftd•y'1 Oatne SI LOv•S a1 Allanla 12 IS 11 m (I! neGl'Sta'YI WOfll.D Ufl!CI Tll8edey. Oclotler 12 Al al ~4L. S 30 p m Wedneedar.Ocl-•U Al Al NL 5 X) pm Frldef, Oct-.r IS Nl al AL 5 30 p m 8etwd9y, Oclobef ,. NI. al AL, 10 :po • m In Mltwl u'IH ' ?O p rn II /\"91111 8Ulld•r . Oct-11 Nl 11 AL (11 n-ea•y) TUMdey.Oc1oMt1t "l al NL, 5 10 pm (II ,__,YI WedMedey, Oc1obe< 20 Al el NL. 5 20 p m Ctl neceuaryl CoeetetH~ LAGUNA MACH •N'I Clue (M ,....,... C-"Y CMt) Low Net Tourn•mtnt f110111 A -I AMllOny Mcl( .... 18. 75-11-tiS. 2 (IJ411 8111 Moo••. 12· 15-87 •"c:I Eo Wiiton. 112·15 87, 4 E""'trc:I s.tlmet. '2·13-88 FMglll 8 -I Me1 C:..rpeni.t, H-19-70, 2 (11•1 Eugen• Brend. 17-18-71 end Ftrdlna nci Hall 87-18 .... 71, 4 C1111oro Anci.raon. 111·17-H FliQlll c -I Fr-H•nH nl 111·22-61, l Oao•g• Young, e:i-2~-11; 3 t11ei Holmen Reid. 92·20-12 a.Id 81""'1 Joll-. 93-21-71 Fllatll 0 - 1. Jut11n Goble, H ·74-n . 2 ~lchtrd P1IMIOl1. IOO•H -74, 3 Howard c ........ 100·23-77 F11g111 E -1 JOhn Brown. M-30-68, 2 Garrett Fagen, g&-21 71, 3 Lou unotnwood 105-21-77 ......... 8 .... , .... Cou.109 UC ~ def, C11ac>m1111. 15-1. 1!>-3. 1~.3 COMlllUNl1'Y COUIM OfenQlll CO.ti Ml Sen11 Monie• 15·8. 15-10, 15 12 C..rttot HI 0-W•I. CJ.10, 1&-11 14-16, IS.IQ, 15-10. ........ .... tchoo&. c... ...... 11.llT-I E Toro 1 2 I ,_ 5 C0t0ftl .... M# 4 4 I 1-19 ...!!_;!_Ole K«'"8 L«lr-1, Wltdofn t, -1,Y~f C«Ofl• NI M•t ICOflllQ lfllbe,,1tno 9. ~-•, lcioll 2. "'°**'• 2, ,.,.,... ._,,_..,.,,~,ow' vwrnnnr •· ht-'rl ll•ll-111) l I 4 IJ I If l ttanC:1• I •' ~ I U 11 Ulll••1ttly H UflllQ U••tl•tl I b Wu1tbou111e 4 '>~h•JH I i.u1om•11 I C-Olw!O. ~ Ct••oc.'• .rnuuv 1na1l1J011 1 r enl•; • WIC~I., """'Inf'"" kllC>h 10. W••lml,.•1•• t HUl111t\lll011 Onell ;} J J I 10 w .. 1mln11.. J ) ' 1 0 Hun11ng1on OHCh "011ng H•llt(HI 1 w .... ~ ll•v• I f ... ~ •• I u .. 1111h I ll•HO I Mlll91 I lltflO<a I , Wfflmq111e1 ICll<ln(I Uul~• I Pnm1..i111 ' Va1111 .. n1ot1 I. t<ltll<t•• u111va1ta111t1) F011nt .. n V•ll•r 10 ..... , ... • fOUl\lltll Vell<ry • I 3 I I 10 M.,11\/l ) } I I 0 0 FOU'lllln VeW.-,0 llC:()f1ng S.11lley : Cop" 2 Nomu•• 2, You/lo I, Wan 3 MAlllll tOOllllQ Hopllml 4 /ahHh! 2 O<ilnn•y I Wa11Je I B101het1on I 0 11\4H KOfe Cdieon 1 e>c-1 v • .,. ~ INDOOR SOCCER LA1er• home ec:~ui. Cat ,Ot11n" lfl919Wood) • tt Nov ~ Phoenu Wed NCtv 10 New Vntk Weo Nov II C1ovetiy1<1 f 11 NCtv /& C11oeao" 'llfl Nt1• 30 Bullalu S•I °"" 4 s.n 0.IMJO Jue'-. Dec. 1 Mttmptu1. f 11 . O..i. 10 Kanta• C••~ Stl O@C Ill S••• JO•ff lue~ 0<11. 2~ New Yo•• Mon J-11 14 SI Luu•' Sal J an 19 WICM .. w..o r eb 'J Pm•ou•on I uea f et> 8 Bullalu F11 . Fell I I Mumpn .. Well Feu 16 P"°""" Sun fell 20 San OoO\jo F11 Feo 2~ San Jo,.. Ive• M~t I Clev"1~1111 Mon M;o1 14 PoltiblltQh W~ Mai '3 8et111nu.n We<I Ma• 30 SI lOu•>, Sal Ap111 2 l(ansn• <..11y rues A1><1I ~ W1ehol~ l•M o.,,,.• t1••1 et 7 301 OekTrM (al Seftla Anita) WIOMEIOAV'I RllUlTI ' (ttll oe 27-der ltMKOUOllOrecl ,,...,1n91 Flfl8T RACI . 1 11 16 m1IH G111 Bane• tBlackl •6 00 18 00 10 00 AQllal•lflH 11/alef\zuel•) • 00 2 80 Slfawbe<ry Siie-CC.1011411 ~ 80 AIM> 'aceo GOlcl Counly Lii M•~· CiOO<Jy 00·$9fey Co1o9ne E-• Win H'llh CahDe• W•• /\hUc:I A•e Tne Odds fM van1e• Reasonc 1 Wo•c:I 00 F1n11ne<1 lhua <l•sQualllle O 31'\J OlllCll<I lt•lh Time I •3 41!> H COND llACE. 6 lur'Wl(lt Ov!GI< S1u<1y tHawMlyt 8 20 • 60 l •J Anna G•ye (MUal 44 80 19 00 C11cJeew•v (Olovar .. I 7 60 Alto r9Gec:I A "-' 0.letm•netl Spo11 Jell"'Q PoCly Tough 111,. low Game Citvv Maema , ... c.iuau BNuly lime I I 2/f> la PAIL Y DOUM.l \ 1 ·21 pa10 $270 80 THIM> RACE. II tu<tongt Flying C<llCJ< Cl•P"atnl i:j 40 0 60 3 •O .,_, AmOUMc:lol IV...,.,..e) S 80 3 20 Ho Ho lOelahouuaye) 2 •O Also ·-S1and Pal M•rble COU"I 80<1 Coot• Time I 09 215 'OUflTH llACIL One ,,..,. Olabio Lacio .. 1si-..-et1 1400 7 60 ~00 Ac1u.i eou .. 1 CMcH••ouel 14 so 8 20 SonlC Sl>Mc:I COelahouu ey•I 3 X> Alto 1K<M1 ~rly Ot wn Em'"""' l ltd o.tion ........ c Bt,.,, Ke Fhnl Fire AGIK uo leFl.- 1,.... I 37 415 FIFTM RACE. I'• m•lo• on turl IMV1tebl9 Lead"' tS10111e1 14 60 9 llO 4 •41 .tunoie Jove 1Fem11/lde1) 1 1 60 6 so Coun1951 fully (P1ncayl l 90 Also •Ked Le Norre Ch••941 Aceov"' w°"'"' H91i1hll. Cnaro•no St•• Roe_,..,, Time 1 •8 3/5 M EXACT A (5-61 p111d S621 SO IUCTH RACIL One mile Jet T••Y81 1~1on1 1e 10 4 llO l 20 POiey tPtneayl 2 llO 2 40 B••es MOii!\ Cl1pnam) 2 60 Also 1aco<1 Wesl C<1u1 Nelove Vnl11s c'r..!.~ s,•a;. vs &£VENTH llACL 6 lvtlonQs F~ p.,...,_,_ IHewl<tyl 38 00 16 60 ti 20 Wadding FIOwer (SllOemake<I IS 60 6 20 Waynu ,,na CCUlanellel 2 6Q... AIM> rtcllc:I Reel ~11111 Far Song r.aca1"' Folly NO More 81ue1 l e ll • fre .. ute Oec:1oa11le r\r11ona ' Bo1<1 Foth t I •ea1 Seraiu Time 1 10 115 95 D ACTA (!>-7) pe1<1 S637 50 12 .-.c11 1111 c2-5-•'6·4·51 paid s 109 204 "<I with one """""'0 10.ei I•" h<ll..n) S2 PIQll S1• eonlOiel-p11KI $S ?O• •O """h Mven '*'nn1no l1Che1S (hYe llO<~I ttlOHl'H RACI. 1 l111100Q1 0eM<t Wine (Shoeln.-~f 3 10 "9ul'e I Blecll I Criapen I PlnCrf l (Ho "'°"" Wlgeflng I AIM> •llC4KI l'lllallon Bui .. Time 1 22 3/S 95 lllACTA (4·1) palCI $2150 NINTH RACI. I 1/ 16 mtleS 2 40 OUI 4 00 °"' oul l ••-en tV•len•uela) 12 CIO 6 10 4 60 Pampa1 Car (Gutt<•el 9 00 S 40 Taco leco CP1.,ce 1 9 00 Al9o rllC4KI Sl9ent• GHI Fealhe< n-••c:I DancinO Hooke<, St•ay a l•llle Sh<! t 1 Gii Pellle R .. e Wendy• Roanelle W••I • MOfTMWll Queen Joule Time I 44 l/S ts I )(ACTA (7·41 pe•<I $18 1 00 Allenc:l•nce 20,H i Holtwwood Petti ~toA'l''IMIUlTI laetll .. ~...,--••"II '1ill8'T lllACI. One mllt!I p11ee Hlppoc.!lmPV• c (P•rket) 14 00 4 80 3 60 Our.,,1e (l.~I 4 oo 2 80 Aalll CC•OQh91\I 2 40 .AIM> ••'9<1 Fo• l>louno Bole•o Ch1et Sl•rt Becky S111nge M•o•c f ro11y Se"-. Mr Gun Au<>n•" Time. 2 02 115. ta Ill.ACTA 17·21 P•lc:I is~ 10 :.o. •• • llTTH llAC• 1111• """' f'•• .. AHtJ~ e U4•• IHU (t1•t ... , J Jl bU ~ lt\I • 41\1 At.0)'• Wmuw1 (V••t"9uliuwtut1Ul I '"1 t tkl ..... , f ... tt th........ 4 :Jll Al~o '•"-'' "llPtf' f~I t ,m t t •J·••t't At,.tv. kuth tt ••*"-~· • i .. ,. '"'-'•'• AJ1.&i;,. ....... , l1tt1t1 I OU U tlAC 1 A U •op 111t \·111 '111 alVINHlllACIVl1 •11·~ fl '"' thMJ, .. tf11tUl'fM• t11()H tJV I I 10 4 00 .. !Mt lhlli••I Mt1i .. ._tt11ij•lf fMm1thf '.,fJ 'OU '"'' t 1•1t tM .tH fu,un.JJ •, ~ Atao '•\ \'H ll1~oo•rtt•• 1 .. ~11 •• llH t t.o tir J•we• ()14 ll••Y Dully ~u flu r -.,.."•• l411nov., UUUll Hlo"91• • 1..,,. I \V I '. I~ l!IACl A I/ ~1 1""'' i111 •,u llOHIH lilAC( IJl•OI 1111111 11•1 v 11..J RICI\ fM,,.,1..,,J f/ 11(1 II• OIJ ~ 411 I<<••• (.ue•I (U•1"'u1 !'1 80 M ,Cl Al<l•ll N lb•~•• I I 40 Ahn 'lfC.•Ht t oy•I 1 •0 ~flfllttllff l"t HUIMth.utlJ [hut l)1y !.Hh ~ W1rn1HtH ' IM "-w• fluty Utt'f Miu thuotuo lun• I bll /1~ NtNfH MACI Orto tHi'-&J•o o l<l!f'lluc~, l<u'll ll'~"Yl II 4U A"'" flP••I lll"YUll I hU ~ •O 11111 / IJO I.Cl llft•W•V 11oou1 Alao 'At•'t(I '11111Jyof1&1rno1;.i1 Lnu, tofl• P111y ••e.m11h H*'1 'J 80 f uuOol~ Ku1u t1u1'tu '1totl Nor~~ ..... ";'t8 al EllACJ.A I~ II µ4111 SIOl 'IO 12 PICK 1111 11 a I\ I I 411rn1ll l 4.VllV 10 with f(IUI Wlllu+~U tf\.k ffl' tllv-. i"l(:H '\f'M~ $1 P<.ll S•• 1 <;n~r·l•tltm ftald \ l..-1 I 00 #tUt ~t. w101un\I he kflb Ouu1 ht••~•• \1 Ptf ll !;i. ~tl•ICtl ~Vh.ul1tl1un U*l•d \ht 40 w1U1 8•' w1muna ht kttl• Hhttto no,.•t'' •J•I'' 'M t ;Ht t11 TENTH RACI. Ontt n111t1 11ut..t1 St1101or N 1Auo1111 1, 110 4 !Ill I !Ill c;1 .. , '"" (l•mo111 J 611 1 &o M t Grahi•.rn &e•I CSh;•no1m._nf t1 JO Al..o ••f..fltJ f'llOI f 1110;t M )' Uu•l(..t ""'Uhl P8tlOQ H1 Id•'•' ~y,tJ f'we •••• 11 •,41111H1 Punawo Bu y Jornu"" I01yt11m lime 200 U EXACT A 110 Iii lld"I $ ltl 'XI Alftt11dunc.•• ~ / lfJ NHL CAMP8Ell CONFERENCE Smrt.,. Di.talon W l T OF OA Pio Vnrw_c.,.,,vut Eomo111rn' Klng1 !.Ul(jory .,,.mn1J>«"g I II I I I (I II I 0 U I ) 0 t 0 '• 0 I 0 • Muwmu1.t <,1 LOU•~ Ctuc. .. on IC.HtutlU 0.110 1f Notti• Olwl1lon I 0 ., ) . 0 l I I I I ' 0 0 0 fJ 0 0 I 0 ) , ' 1 WALEI CONFERENCE P•lrk:k Dlwlelon W1llOllU\jttJ11 Nuw JN t••y '111t&burgh Pnt1atic1c-111a rn RA"Qttt'\ NY Isle\ t 0 u ., " U I) 1 ' J 0 Cl I I ) 0 0 u 0 0 11 I 0 ~ 0 I 0 ~ Adam• Olvlalon Ovel>.,.. MOflltCHJI Boston BuU•lfJ Hftlford I 0 0 U • I 0 0 ~ I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 4 0 I 0 I Wedneadey'1 8C0tH V D'ICO\J¥lO 3 II 11191 3 Quuti.11. (J [111111111> • S1 l vo11 ,. OMuHt ' w .. ''"'•oton ~ "'~ .,.,,,., r_.4i,.U'''' • MOtlftf"_.t ' tiuttfOfc.1 ' 10"'"'" j l.hoC~ 3 MtUf10SOtii ~ W1m11peg A Ton'11hl'e O•mH Monl1uo1 HI 801tun OtR!1>ec .,, Ph1l41d fl-l(ihtD r Of°"''' 'll' S1 Lou•' N-YO<h IM•llll<!<> •I (,OliQ"''I' King• 3, Cen11ek• 3 IJGMe by ,., ...... I u n " I I 0 ' ' ' II I) 0 I ~ 0 4) 0 V•ncou-0 .,I ' 3 LOI At>geln 2 0 I ' l'i..t~ I Los r\~t S""'-1 COt<>nr,. 1 eytoo I. 13 2• lllP) 2 I O• ""O•IH lu-non I rOlonne. we1111 111 JS P.,.,a.111.. h y10t Lr\ S SS Smyl V•'I. 8 48 Rot11 V•n " ll ~'°WIN 3 Vancouv.. Otlldln 2 (Hlln-•I 18 11 IPPI Penal!,.. W..,, LA I 22. !Mllenc:I Van IS 08 h y!Of lA 17 02 fNtd~ 4 Lot ""Oele1, Olonne 1 (Evano), 3 '2 IPPI s V•ncou-. Lem•)' I (f•ll"l· 4 53 e VaJ\GOu-Ot adHI 3 (HllnU l -y) It 0, Penau,.. Oelotme van 1 u . Bon•• L" t SO L•nc:IQten Van. 8 SO Sholl on ooa1 V•ncou-10·•·8 n Los A"9<11•• 10 13· 12.35 Goalies vencouver. B'C1c:l•v• I 01 /\noeles. l .. koelcl A -8,440 Dffp •e• nahlng AllJ'8 LANOINQ (Newpo<t tffchl -i•, angle•• 25 b1u l • 00<\lto 141 mac,t •1'4 1 I 1oc;~ hSh I ~lpln • 01'QO 1 oPa' ...,.. DAVEY'I LOClllR (Newpo<I .. ac:lll - !>& ""Olfltl I 71 bQn1lo 10 C8h<:O OHi 18' m•ckerel 26~ IOCI 'Oc:I 10 Mn<I l>•n I COW CO<l DANA WHARF -82 ang1"'$ JEi 1 .. 1u •''lll l>OO•IO. 37 m11e,er('4 I •oc• 11111 IEAl •EACH -4!> ang•e•• t DBHllLudM 9 1Jon110 30 c:ahco bass 15 moc,••et 19e '°'' "'" 2 thffCSh<llld 20 Kulpt" t•••v•I -28 angl"'I 5 l>OnllO Ml m~Oll 3 !Mll\O bus 1 leulp•n. SO QuP<m fit~ Thlt wHk't trout ple nt• LOS ANOflES 819 kot• < •~"' Ci51AIC Laktt Ca•IAoC l"l)ot>n P...:k RnArl Pa'" Lal!,, Py•am•d Lttkfi VENTVllA P"u l ••n lllVEllSIOE I vlmni I""" 1111"•~1 l•" SAN BERNAROINO lvll• <.ro•• (M1<l<IWI FQfk 11nO Notlll f 01• 1 Sa,,1a ""• 11 • ..-S11v ...... oco La•• l((RN l<e<n Rlvn• 10.moer11 O•m '" KA 1 Po\llllttthoyae Bu1011 Powernnwu1 tn ,.,..moc.••• Otun KR3 Pow~hOUIU'I IU t ···~ 1uoe1te 1 IAN LUii 0 8 11"0 A1•oc•dfH ll l "<>Ut\I TULAllE I(""' Riv• (I A1•v.•w OMn tr. l(R3 Powe1hOuH• .Jnh11tonc:lal~ 811<1111t 10 F,,,,,..., 01tml IN'l'O 8•~,., C•IHlk t>iu La>i> C.OOOlli<' C1eek lnc:ll'O•nd•nc• C•eek Lnn,. ll1n" c;,,..1< OA' C•ff~ 1No•1h r "'"' I •tioo ... "''""' Tlt1ern•ha c ... , Count of Godo Tournement (•1 ..,ceh!M) l econd llound lt,....e 1111" lenc:ll ICiecholloveklA) dnl JIVl~I So••• (Sp111n1 7 ·6, 6·3 Guille rmo Vil•• l"•Ofllllln•I d~I Oo<nlniqu<t 8lc:lel lf•an<.<ii II 3 6 1 Jo.e Lu•• Cle•c IA•gen•1nal <let Slelan S•mO<luon ($weOen) i-0 7-S 6 1 Co11ec:lo Ba111uu111 111a1r) Otl Fe1n1r100 lull• cSpRlnl, 8·4. I.a. 10·8 Thletry ful .. ne CFnr1ce1 O•I E<lc:lle Olbb• cu 8 ). Cl 3. Cl 0 Hana G1lderne111er fCllll•I dtl Olanluta A1n11kMI (llalirl 3-& 0·3 6-J Malt w~ande! 1swec:1en1 o.I Joachim Nywom C8wlldenl II·' e.1. 6-1 M9n'1 Indoor tournem9"1 , .. ...._....Auetr•I , ... ,, ......... 8tftelff 1/1111• O .. u1a111a (U S I lltl Wlllly M111u1 IAuetr1Ht l 6 0 8' r 1io1 fetltc:llttt IU SI ael Ha•oltJ ~1an111(ln (Autllet191. II 4 1 fl MAii MllCllell IU 8 I (j~I llln Mayolle (II fl I Cl i 81 w~·•~t <••~.,-., .... , ...... fl04IM . A,,~ While IU 8 ) d'l.' H•n• Mandll-O•• 1c11c11011ovo 1a1. "/ •• o4 e. • a6 A11d1H J ug tr 111 I J del llt tr • etllut 11..,ttertancll, .. , ... 2. ,._ """"" tU I ) def 111• G1111tt (8r11atn) 6.0 •·• 'J;IVI• 1>191\lkl IWttl OeflNnl') Mt lllMon WM!! (U 9 ). 6-2, t .ft, Vlfg1nll l'IUl4CI (,.om•nle) dt! Kelny H0tv11" IU I), 8·4 1·6. 8 O. A"'n KtyOmutt (U I I d•I Wenciy lvrn1>1111 (AutOellt) , .... 1-•.i. (deftUll). VlrQ<nll Wide (l t1lt111I def .. II)' 810¥9 (HOllMdl, ... 6-4 YVOMI Vtrinull (kulll Atrlell CllC CllHftO a...i1 (Clilllldl), .. 7. .. t-2, Mllf'\' Lou 1t1a11111 oe1 Ann Hen•~h.IOll 1u.a I O·• • 2 C •n •dl•n Footb1ll LHgue l411111N 0tv1atON w ' ,... ,A .... I,,.,.,, T • 111t 1tltil fl1111,111.11 ,, ' 11 .... 11'1 t111..... ' t ,, ,,,.. j'•'• M 111111,1 : J 11 'tt1 t#'i WU llllN DIVltl()N "f:.,'1'~:\11·11 ~.1o11f1I : :! ~ t '4 ~.:: ( 111.., .. ,, ,, t _.,,, u11 I d 111t11th•11 Ii q Hilt •' t l •(I..,., •" ht1w1.m 1 u t.•o '"J' l•lti•d•~ 1 Oame M "'"••t 1tf tl•IJ•t lwntJ•' 1 O•m• I I~ IM II II I:' "' fl I ol I Hl•of 11111 fl 11 11u1t I 4 ti I p 111 I Monll•r • Oan1H '1Hfl .. tlll J1U'iflHt.ll •ti lt11lllllf111 lt1fC>hl•1 .1l'h°lfllUf•I,,~ COLLEGE RATING S NCAA Dlvltlon l·AA ' I f ••"'""' Jll.•1t1tu1 "'" 4 It ti I f l l.tro111f1IUIH 'II .. CJ U IJ lfhit M IWtlli l)tu11 .. 0 0 I 4 ttuty (,ion 4 U Cl •1~ •, fjo~l111u h •t•t•tl l u n ht1 t, (.tff0+1h 4 0 0 t I 1 ,..,., I fl\HIMHU " ' fl ,,., b '1oulhu"' 4' 0 (J •, J tJ J1tmtt~ M1ad1,.011 4 t fJ 4' • If) I CXJ1-.i1.t11•1 I t•f r1 I 0 '4..' 11 LJt~ttW1Ht I 0 .. t t i UU.\U '11 I 0 M I. Wu\h•th M14 tuu·rn I 0 I' 14 I lt)11du A&M 1 fl lh I'> IU111hu t II U1 .,, P11UHlll'(1V1Hlll ) It If I ' '""' Atlii UO\«t't .-,, ... ~ f) I t ttt f , .. "'*'"'" !.Jt j " I II' tO I t~ltt L l1u111,11uu 1t ' t II t t :iu Uolhuuo c .tltJll Hhll 4 t '' '• NC AA Dl11l1lon 11' ' ,w lthjJ .,, ' No•lh O.-• •'•• t j Jt\I lt.ttliffYlllt 11 1'111J .•.,.11111 l...t.1t11 ~ N"'''"' f 1IH1l111.J l .. 1~,,.,,., f, f11.-u-. Al\I I ?-,uuth c.,.,,.,, tot he ut '•• & U r11thfftt1 M•t •11uuu '' Nf'Htf\~tt C.1'4ht,iutu 1U rd•nhnro .,, •• I NC AA Dlvltlon Ill I W 1d•f1f•t P.w 7 h •ldv.+11 Vl1•lh•t t OhH1 J AllMfll <fl "W1'4<1111·.111 1,111ut ,_,vyu-.tuo.i Ill 4,, f M(Jftl<.l1w '>I N J r f M1J#'fh l.1•t •.1 U 1 W•·•h 111 (,,'" ·•\f •• " ~· 1)10 ,, ,, .. , '• th-.t10,, '••;1,f'J 1CI W uurn1t N ; 1 1 W ;H111,t1 lrnJ t1 I,.,.,.,,,, M,,; .nu t 1 1t M11u Ml•lr1 t-4 Adt•dft M11 t tf, I r 1H1tt1 IO>A>M Uu•I ti I HW'""' 1• ti I .t H CJ l,ft O II I 0 fJ •'t 4 0 U '•U 4 " IJ • ' ,. j c; 4 ' 4 fJ lJ ,. 4 t I UJ tC 1 ,PS 4 (J ti 1h '") • 0 (J 1.0 • O II '·t. J 0 0 'I "n n 4 I 0 (I J7 I Cl I I( I I) 1 JI ) U IA "IJ 0 .), 4 II 10 , Cl I ~I 4 0 ,, '" '0 ., '· ',, t '' fl 1)(1 • ' 0 j{J" Community college SA TUADA Y'S GAME1l Non -c.onferenc• ~JI I .... c 1\J .JI El ( itff 1,lf « ••t•O••h ./11•,t ut '•u11h1 M ,,111 1 1 1 '1h1ltJ•t•bu• i. ''' A1111•lt1''' V 11h•1 , 111 O•t"\t" <.< ut •,,,, Ut"••t.ttd1n• 1 •H• f •• ,, 4> t >CJ ' "JI• • ,, A. t ~.~~ll•••• •1 I A. tt.,tt ' (,r t,.•,n I It t• 1 tfl J•,111,rH,JI •I ()f ,fofl ( 1• l1H1~. °'' th1!11•t •'""' l .. 11:, .• It •• t iHl,j .•• 111+ ttl111t1 •.A.1 ' ti• A111.,., •' "'' lh .1 t t , tt•l,f At I .II f1,, 4 fl t /ti ,.J ' 111 ti 10 ,,1 P\!~t·l~•l4t (. •ltv~ ,1 M t ,_., lit• t * Ir> Ar11J••l1• V tlh•y ti (.1,m,,11-.r1 1 'JJ '->1•11tf•"-•~11 .. ,,., ''' M1•jt~•r·,t1' 1 Jo~ "• H.HI( fl(. .. 1t , •I I ilh~·f '" '" JI. IJ,-hfu.1 .f .11 w .. -.t l C'!'\ ,A(\(!f' I' ' (I n AU gem•• et 1 )0 pm uni••• otherwt•• no led HIGH S CHOOL Tonlglll'e GaMH llA VllW LIAOUtl [llll'ICIA .. fl I OIO al MIH tOfl V .. )O CINTIMY LIAOUI Foo1nlll vo Cen,_ al El Mooene NOM·LUOUtl E<11aon "' M11., Ottt a l SA ao-,1 Sc:t>u11 11 ~ .. O•en<te l • °"'"" ., l• Mwlld• MIQnol•a "° RanchO Al al Oon G•0¥9 ,...., .• a- llA VltW Lf;AOU. 11.,,,.. •• Coela M .. e al N9wl>Qr1 HllllOI Newoort HAI bOf vi Unlve<alt~ •1 trvlrwt IOUTH COAIT LUOU£ l lil""• HUii al UIUK>n V•fO Wooclbndo• e1 C~ffano ven.y CINT\MV LEAOl>e Et MDClena •• '"'"" Vlllt Par-•• O••"il'! 11 El Moc:len• SA V•ttev •• s.,,,. An• .. , Sr\ Bowl 1-IRI LtEAOUI! l<ennecly .,.. Loet• •• La Pelma Pa1' Lot Alamnoe .. P11e1!1Ga •• Bolea Otanoe NON•l.EAOUI l B POiy va Foon1a1n Valley al OCC M"r1na et M1!!1 .. 1n 11un11ng1on Beach al San C..,,..,eo1e 'N"l911\ ..,. Oeee11 v-•1 H1n Beach I 8 W•lton .. Westm1n11 .. a ... Olln<fl .,. S•rm-oo It 0 8109" O•O•• B"""a F'•r~ •• An ..... m al l • Palm• P81~ ru11e<1on al G1r<1.,, G•0\>8 Walroul •1 I• ll•bt• 4)( nnt• "' Nntwau, •t E•oeflljut Hi.gn Ctl•IQtl\ .... -· H"'• •I s.-. p.,, S t()y YI 5•11•nna at f' UO~ton Se•-.me At Garey llAlen<ll el ~Ullower l alurdar'• 0.mft HA VIEW LUOUE C.o•or•• c:I•' Mar vt S1<1c:lleoao •• S A 8()wl aoUTH COAST LEAOUE l illO<Jnlt Beach II O•n• ..... I I p m I Uilt'lllE UAOUI r a11 ... anza vo Kal .. le al ll Palrrtl Per• f l Oofltdo ••..grr.~~~~Hllttn Ol'Oen Grow al Fullerton Wednetder·• S port• tren1ecllon1 8AU9ALl • Ame~l•IQ1" IORONIO Ill IJ[ '"vs IHl<l .. d 00»' 'S t'ltpo na tf O,.nn1• How"'" 1tr1.0 l t•l•M McLaughltnJ '""'"'" l11r1 l'1omP~o11 •11•1 08-"•" I O"y r e<n•nclll tnorlllOP J•I• Rey~O' th1Ht hM,4trt'•" •H'hJ .. ,.., Ktnt''UUd ~alfield,., tu "'"'' t()\tN A•'hJ"f'd ••itn<.nv JOh'""n nv1httld11' Uttv,. Bit•,., t hHd t>tu etnun Jl14ut >10QOM>f" f1r.1 nA¥m1i01 "1uO .JO(.k110t1 '000 P•ICl'lf!I °'''"II''' 10 '!y• ... II\" ,., lhfl lnlfltnMlll;lnll I f'llQV• NellOf'lal Leevv• CINCINNA II liEOS p,.,,.,01.-n O u11 RUtftm;m trav .. rng ~retAt\' 1'1 tJU~lftr~' m•ri~{lef ellN :li.e Oel 16 8ASKET84LL Ntltlon•I 8Hke10.ll AH OClalfon GOlO(N S 1A T£ WAf1 f110f1'5 (.;I Matv,u Saffc>tO •nO Oa"ld VAhO uu•Ud' Uf'\~f Alo.ft trv1fl0 f01w•1d Aor~nc.o that !,;tfllJVtll A~khold forw1111t •11<1 Rav wn11koly (1\11•11 i.11 ump on 1~11 nwn 111 AH JA,, Cul Oobby l.All•Q• lu•wl rd St m Worllllln ou••d •1111 R'nn ~:.~: O~d IQ<watd. ltom ,,,... 111•·--HI 'OOHALL Unllecl 1111•• 'oolb•ll L• ..... ARIZONA Wll"NOLEAS lllQn~. foc:l<I K1....,ag411, Qul f1.,btck •n ' .. •It• or on• VIII• C0111/Klt ernt ll••IOn ~o H •e1y lo • IWO .,.., COflllllCI f AMPA 8o\Y GANl'>lf!I SIQMG Ollnny Buoot Wide rttettv•• WASHINGTON r((lf llAI s S1oned l l "Y '••nklln w1llt flt•lvet. llOWltHl J•t ktc>n '"'""'"O bar• M••t•n• Elnmtll ano "'""'" ""'" ll•let\ .. ve ov •• Angoto Well• Oe lant••• end I nfll ttoua1on 0H•nl1we Qull•IJ •• LI Kavin P •llt!rtnn lttlebtlCk"' HOCICIY N•llon•I Hoohr l e ..... OOSTON BRUINS Aell!aw>d Jim C.oa.g po8'111 NCW YORK ISl ... NOfRS tl1Qnet1 !Ce" Mo110.. ClelenMm•n •nO Oven. Sull•• tight wing 10 1'11ul~6~t'i:fll•Klol Mtflh Am«teJ111 a-r 1.HBue M0 NTR£Al M/\NIC fllu•P.aMd 0..111111 lOc:ltweoee oe11n1111 anel Lt lf) 0•11 ml(fl•elOtt ltOl'I Iha l <tmonlon 0.1111ft Ol .. ll&l US AMA HUFI 0/\ K TA lL "$00CIATION N•me<I Oaoioe Ao ellfli1 eM1tt1n1 ~" or 111e ttl• u.. Olymf>IC O•lk•tb•ll IH m end c M H••IO'I lie M•n•oer Named llol> Cll•IHl\811 .. .,,,•nl t>atllellla• COitGll llfl<I lon "''"II"' m11t1•0•• IO< 1111 1983 Pin ""''""" Ollne& Onu1uu Co I DAIL V PIL.OT /rhurtdlV Oclol:J r 7, 1G82 ('1 Uni, Oil · r ' FV • core narrow WID ('111-.. ~.11111•-. W•'ll' lh 1• 111tl1·1 u l tlw d.1v 111 ll1~h M l111ul WJ ll·I 1141111 111 11v t1 v W 1•d111·Mh1y , w rth I 111 l't' 111.111 lw~. d1•111 l1·d lly Ill)•· ~11al 111 t l11 S1·a V1 1•w Ll'1q.~u 1-. lJ111 v 1•1,1I Y W l'lll 111111 !->Udd 1 I\ d1 .1tl1 llVl'f lllllt' 111 l11p i':..t.1111 1,1 !I II .111d t '1111111:1 d 1•I M 111 1·;11>.1·d fl"'' El '1'11111 , I ll !• 111 S u nM•t I .t-.1gw· ,,, 111111 l lu 11t111glrn1 H. .. 11 h ...... 1 .. c1 Wllh I 1111111111•!\ ll·ft , .. fl If> w I 'I""'" ... , • I (J 9 ' ·""' F 11u111.1111 V 1dl1·:; 1<·q l11 r 1·d •1v(•1 t11111 · to ,top M.11 m11 h y 1h1 '·llllf' "'''" Mwh ;11·I H.11 111 11 "'"'"cl wt1h 111 1h 1· 111,t 1111nut1· ol •,udd1•11 d1·111h Ill 'J>Oll ,111 l•:,1arn·1a l'•mwh;u·k U 111v t·1.,1ty h :.d lt•J , II Ii. 1·11t1·1·111g tlie l1111rlh l\l.Jfl/,1 h 1·f1111· T1 •iY F1·11l1•y tullll·d lw1t·1· 1111 1hi.· 1':..1J(Jt•!> lO flll'j.(1' a IH S1·o tt W a i.hhout 111• pourt·d 111 t11u1 goal' to l1•ud 1h1· 'l'roJ:tll!i. whu rnov1•tf ton Ii 11v1·1all and I i rn lt·itl(Ut• plu y l '111·111111 d c·I Mai . lh<· Pl I•"' lo p IJllk!•d 1111tf1 t h.1d l1 l llt• 1111ul1h· 111 d"P'>l'>lll).t 11! No Ii 1-:1 'l'•J ll• l>av 1• l ll"l lw 1 n 1110 lt•d t h 1· S<·<• K111u!'I wi1h t 1v1· gu.1b w hil1· I ';it L oofbourro w .1d d t•d fo 11r "' l'd M rmprovc·d ill\ 1iv 1·1.1ll 11-t 111d lu t .I II (,11,JJi,. .Jrn· Ho h had a f l lll J(olllll Ill llw 111'1 , i>lllJ>J>lll~ J;l 'h•JI' .111d d 11111g .1 j.(1J11d Jlili Ill J<t·\1111..e llw oull••t fllllt" n ut In 1iw S u 11 .. ••l L PU.1(111·. Mtlt•!i N1m1w .1 rwth d tlw J(i•111f' Wllllll'I Willi JU't :'II ~'C fllHf, 1•J,11JM•IJ In t Ill' 11v l·1 111111· 10 1111 M .1r11111 WA T f ;Jl P<JI .. O IJ111 n ·ll 0 1•11r11•y 11 1 1-'ou11ta111 V .dl1·y }1.Jd fo rt 1·d llw t•Xtrl:I w l'> .. 1•111 l1y t1.1 Jly1nu w ith :.! ·I ~ • " 111.J 11111 lj.! M t11 k W ;111 lr.1d 1lm :c· gu;.ils fur t lw Harm" w hllt· Jdf H o pkin!i ~ 111 1«1 f•1u 1 am! J rrn i'~kasky tw o Im MJ11n.J llu11 t111S(ton Bl•<.Jd1 to<>k 1t i. lt·11~u1· 11p 1•111'1 ai S l01Jt l W11•st• lllllll(.Wd 111 Wh /Jt w~" to be tlw d1-c 1d 1·1 w11)1 JU!>\ I', n 1111utt•:; to pl11 y • Tht· Uil1·r s r1·t·1·1v 1•J sC'orrng :>UfJJ>Ul't f 111111 supho m ort:s R;.indy F olk <'I .111d lJJVI' M tlll·r . who w<ii. ''"' ll11g 111., fll '>I v;_,ri.1ly «1111ll~t 111 goal . St1·v1· l'a rml·O l H ·r !->t•1pp1:d I :1 ,fm L-;. I 11 I tw 11\J.1t•r Sutht·t m alt•h , l-=<J .... 0 11 I kt•lf 11Ut I) 7 ~I d 1-c IS Hlll ovt•r (.A·1•.i11 Vww Late goal spoils J(ings ' go~lie debut l .. 1 .. k 11,k 1 'fwnl lf11· 'Ulll llll I p 1 .11 t1u 11g f.,,. ;1 .,hot.11th•· N.11111n;il ll11l'k1·v L•·agui· h y d1·l l1-c·1111g h 11111 .. 1..,11, ... 1 ... 111111\'d • .i 111111 Ii:> hi'> g11 lf1 ••·11.d h u t 1111lllS<.l y w, ... nllll 1' 'Ill pri:-.t·tJ th.111 lh• O tt;1w;1 11.1t1v1• l•1 l111d 111111-;1·1! ''"JIJllllg 1111• ll'Ul tl1111g HI ltu• l..O). Ang1·lt·' K111g,· .,,.,1,011 o pt•m •1 · I wa:-. V('f ~ .. u r 1111'1·d 111 gl't 1111' ... tart t•i111ght I t·lo.fJ<'<'lt·d l11 Ix• ... 111111g 111 lh• ,t;1111t... w ,1tdrn1g." 1111 :!:I vc .11 11ld n1 •t1111nd1·r 'a11! . .t11·1 1111' K111g ... • :1 :1 ,,,. W tlh lhl \'l)ill111g V .int •IUVl'I C.11tUl·k:; · 1 k1ww t hi·re wt-n • 'POL' ~·n 111 1h1· K 111g ., org,11111,1111111, hU\ I \\lllkl•d httrd all ... umm1·1 " h1· sutd "I n ·ally d idn 't 1·x 1J1•t'l lo rn:1k 1• tlll' dub 111 m v fir'\ Vl'hl UCI, Pirates pos t vic tories I t W [l l\ oJ ll 1·~1 \V 111gh1 f 111 vollt•yball -.qua d s I r.•1m UC l rv1111 ,111d Ora n gt• C.'c1d~t hu l G o ld<•n W M.;t Cullt·~w l'>U ffl'rt'<l a tough l\" l lh tL' k , n 1 h S CJ u th (.' oa' l C:•infc·rt·nn "f'l'lll'r W1·dn1·,d<1 ~ n1..eh1 U<.:I Wt•n rls s ixth ..ir.11g h1 111 ,1td1 11v1•1 w lwl1111ng Or;111gt C:uuntv f111 · Ch;1pman 111 l1ttlt• n1o n · lhdn .in hou r . 15-1 I ,, :s. I . 1 :s M t • ..i n w h 1 I 1 • , 11 11 1 h 1 • l'ornmun 1ty t•ollt•gt• lt•vel. Ol'C 1•1111 1x ·d 111 a 15 H. J ~i 10 . l ~l I:.! n11n111nfc·111111• \.'t•r d11 t 11v1·1 S .111la Mnntl'a Aut Golck n W t>s l w a :, hanclc-<t a t1 v<· ~llm!' ~·that·k b y Ct•rntu:-, ti 1!"1. J!l 11 l·I flt. 15 10. 15 10 K1 ''l " ()f,1111 Jnd J .inda Ho hm pJ1ty t:d WL•ll Ill rft•ff'al llJI th< ttu s tlC'rl' UCJ 1' now ov1•1 t lw h n ·.1k t•yt•n m;.irk a t 1:1-12 f111l11win1o1 ''' t•fh v d t•l t.,ron al Crawford ll.111 Thi• Ant«'alt·r' w ill 1wxt lw 111 a 1·11o n at UC S1111111 B itrh11n1 F 1 u lj y night a t 7 :w O r P n ~<· C<ia l\l m11v .. c1 ill\ 11nnt·o nCt•r1•1WP mark to ·I II w11h 11-. triumph OC:l' 1s !-.l<1h-<I to nw<•t M l San Antonrn Ill 1l!. ro n f1•H ·n1" 11pt•1wr F'rnfav mgf11 .11 7 rn th1· 1'11 :1t1 «;' gym ti .., 1·,1w 1 1ally d1ff 1C·ul1 for a gn.il l1 ·11d1 ·r " l..i,k u ,kl ;1d1111ltl d llJ !>Unll' I 11 l'>t 1wnod Jllll·f~. "but :dt1.•r u f1·w .. hot!\ I w lll<'<l down I ft.•lt / q111t1 1 <1111f11rt,1h ll· <tflt·r w a r d " ('u 111 l o n.d Jl1·. l h a t ll\, u ntil V.11H 11u v l·r ·, Thom<i~ Gra d1n 11111dwd tw. '>('<.ond goal o f t ht! 111gl11 with f>7 St'(•o nd-. n ·maining tn 1·r;1St· .1 K ings' Vll'llll y • 1 "'11u Id h<t VI' lll•t!n <t 1111 h .1ppt4 I With o nl· 11•Sl\ goal .1ga111'ol nw:· Lask o,k 1 !>dttl of t h l· ti 11111 f I um bl'htnd M.'llr l' loggt'IJ "'lw11 tlw C:anul·k s pulll'CI goalie..' H 1l h Hr o dt•U r f o r a n l.'X lr<i .11 t.11 k1•r ' V .1 n r 11uvc.r Coac..·h R o g c..•r N 1·1bon a l!.o had a good w o rd for L ..... kus k1 who was tnVltl>d to lry ouc ,,\ thr· K ing.,· t:amp las t month .ii tl·r t o u r yl·<tri. al S l L .1w 11 ·111·1 Umvl'rs 1ly rn Can ton, NY '111• ln uk!i q ut('k a nd he l'Ol'll('S 11t1t o f t h 1.· m ·t w e ll," N e ilson ~1d "W 1• wnntl·d lo g .. t somt-~hots \'" ly 111 1lw ~amc..• agains t him b ut v. i· couldn'l gl'l mu<:h " La-;k11s k1, w h o 1urrw d away :.!2 l '.111ul'k s l'>h11b .1ga1n'ol 35 s hvts o n g 11,d b y hi!-. t1•<1mm<1 tc s . hl'ld \'.1m 11uvt•r "-'<>n·l<-s.-. u n ul I ..19 rn tin -..-<ond p<'nud. whC'n Grnd in ~1111 ·d his ftrl'>t goal from f1v1..· frl•l 11111 0 11 .1 pl)w1·r µlay with Ivan II lt11k.1 M.1 n c•I [)1onrw p;.ic·ed tht• K111g ' wnh ..i goal a n d 'Id up lWO 11t lwrs 111• pass«d to C harlie S 11111m·r v. 1th 6 36 ldt in thl· first JH 'l l•Kl. S 1mnwr con n•~ a•d o n a pow1·r p l;1y 111 ll('al B r u ch ·ur frorn I IV\' (1·1'1 "I C l\ 1iu1 .i b ad l'>l.trl ," s auJ I )11tnm• ·W e• p layt'<.l W<'ll a n d wc..• 11iatJ(• ., fr•w m1s lakc>1> 1111 o ur l'nd, .111d tlwy l'ap11.<1Tlzc'tf " Lo!\ Ani;wh·' made· 11 2-0 o n lfl(1k 11· Ulf )~ks.son 's :W-forller . wh1l·h wa:; also sc•t u p b y Dionne..•. Aftt·r (:rnt11n tnmmc'ti the Kings lt•.id to 2 I 111 thl' S('(.'Ond pcrrod. J)111n 1w ~·1irt'<f o n a pow e r play a t 1 hi' :1 22 mark o f lhf' fina l pc·nod 111 give· Los Angdc·i. a 3-1 lead Moc.· L c..·mav'l'> five frX>l<'r th<'n pu llc·d tlw C'unuc k s lo w11hm o n e j.(O.I( '• I" ,I . , I . .I ' . . .· ... ... ... .... ... '. I • ... .. Cal Cup scheduled Kialoa~ Condo r dr u .. J a t Marina d el R ey Uy ALMON LOCKABEY Oa11)' PllOI Boellng Writer One o f thl· m o ... 1 gl;1m11111u' y al·htmR l'Vt..nts o f llw Yt!:ll will bt:· spotlighted 1''r1d11y, S aturday and Sundoy wh1•n C a lifornia Y r ht C lub or Murano d P I R {·y pll8 two fomous "~old pl a wrs" flJ!B•nst t'ach othl'r m itw annua l <;al Cup match rot'inl( regaua The o ppo nl'nt!'I w i ll b<• .Jim K 1lroy 's n<•W 80 foot K1t1lo;1 o ut o f C ahfnrnta Yacht C lub, ond H o b t'rt Bf•ll's 80 ·fl•ot C o ndo r . whkh C't1lls Ekrmudn her h om t• port The voc.·hL<c wlll rll(.•1• ont' ro('(• t•nch duy s rnr tlnf( Friday a nd finis hing Sunday On thl' local scent'. Bulbou Vocht Club will con<iuct n o n c'- dt>tlgn rf'ROtta for i;mAll boot8 on ln11ide course& und larger kt•<'l b o ~ts o v e r ocean co urses Saturday 11nd Sundoy. °"Nt'wport Harbor Vncht Clu b will s<>nd l.t'htni.\n 12 dlnghtt~ In qUCtlt O( th~ Dodlc B~c k gobboon on Sunday. ond C p lstrano Bo y V41rht Club will 11tagc its Fall RC'atall.a Saturday and Sund11y 8l>utlll fl1 CllllOttU• Y•<:MlnQ A110Cli11on celtfloa1 .. I lo• Ang•fee-Lon9 aeaeh los /\ngeles Vachl Club 11arb01 Sefttt 1 Sun<ley C•b1lllo Beach Y1c111 Club Fell One ,,. 09''0" So11e 1 , 2. S••u•O•v J N•\1\1 Y1cht CluO or Lono Bee<:ti -NA~ • " O•y RllO•lla (lnv11111on•1) 8und11y bnte Moftk8 .. , C1111oon11 Vec;111 Club -C11 Cup f11d1y S.t~O•y Sun<11y King H .. bof Ytclll Club H11rt1cane Gulefl R4111tt1e (l.IQfltnfnQ) S •lurdey, Sul\d1y P9'11fc llAulnt•I YIClll Club -Mtnl· Womer1 Setiet •2 (P"iAF) Sund•y S•nlf Monie• Vtclll Clut> Gold Cvo •IC4 lfhorJ)fl s.t,.• • 3) S•turd•y Ian Dleto co1oneao 'l'1chl Club Pe1111ne hOl)hr . , .. •'I •• 11n11111t1on11 handlelap) St1u1111y, A1go1y ·-· __ !letutdty 8111 011100 YacM Club w m11m1 Cvp __ _ ca1b1tral')I 11andocap) SetvrO•y Nevy 8lf1hdty • ·-onv11e11onac hendtcaPf ·~ MIH IOll 811y YIOlll CllJI> ~1111 II ftll "'l CIHMll Sund•y OcHn1tOt •u cnt Cruo Argot)' r•ci• Sund1y .,"" ... ".,. • oil 8•n Oteoo Nllvy 8811tng Cl\ll> -N•..., Cup n~1111 (tn1111111on111 hlllld~) lutlO..,, S•n 01100 C•vttet A11oc1eoon -Nev; .! ·' L .. Qu• lrwlttlttOn11 P1tdtot10 1011 r•c• • ~~ Sund•y SOvlhw .. ttrn Vt Chl Club 1'111 ,,,,., • •,'10 (ll•ndtc•P> Sundt)' I'.' N«tfl lll'ld ~ • • .. < Peclttc Cofll\thliln YIClll CM> -tall le<- 112 (PHA'I Satvtd•v Stllll 8111>•11 Yl()hl CIU\) re11 S«rn ·~ (PHArl 8•lvrd1y Wot11111 Y1cllt Clvb (Olngll~I S1tvrd1y POllll Ovrne Yecht Club 8111' OleQo ()pet\ 9'901111 (811'10tt) Sllllfdey, llul\Ol y •, , Iii --------~-~-~- ca f i ~r-itons celeh:rate Beatles' 20th anniversary I LONDON (A}>) Lt. \!\'JAW 20 UOO L'uri:Jt1 1flt11n1ll'd "~'rom lhl· wu1·d wlw1 l' tw (11 ttl HllH'h•d with u l.ll•rtlul r1't·u1111tru1:t1on •>f HIH·~·r vundul1M111 Wt• hopt' to t't1ll•bruuon11. Md.:urtncy, 40, 1• ln I, I .. 1 y~ant ~ao that lhe Bea tit .. • tlrwl u rthplaL'tl. orlhc• Ek·ul!l'll" W\•nl drum Ill I nw u nd th<' hos p1to1 t~w ··luh I ~'-'un11lrU4!l UL lc!U!l µ.urt ~~ lh<· LC>ndu11 workltl& on 04.'W __E..tO• hit was released, Mnd Brlwn11 un AAle ut 30 J>l'lll't' !°l:l l-.·n~ wht•n· John L<•n11u11 wu11 born Ltv1•1 puol arc h1tt'l't l>u v1d t:uvt·rn tel II.II 111 lw1nul 11wk• JK'tli remember rd w Ith mu 11 I c each. durmJ( a ftit•nno11 jur nml 111 llHO Rm·khou1'4•, who dt'8lgnt'<I tlw $1 :l llundn·<.111 11( f un11 g1uhcrt.-d Gt•m Kt' Jlurrl1an , JI*, 1pc.:nd1 marathon., a apt.'t'l»I po11warJ und Hon Jont•i.. ruu111y 111u11Ht Thi• latl· t udd1tio11 tu tht• 1n1llio11 <h ·vt•lopm1·nt. 11utd lw uround tlw 111tc• lu1 u gllmp!k.' ur mO!it or ht• Unl<.' with hi.I NC.-ond n.'81.oratlon or tht• Liverpool Cuve dt•vt1lopmt•n1 ul r11:t•r whu hui. pllgrtmu~t· 1s l tl't't't'111 H1'f\.Clurunt . suirtt-d muppinj,( out tht• hulldmg the· urdwi. thut onl'C• supporlt'tl Wlfl'. Ollvau. gardoning on .hl1 wht:"-• It oil t:M>g1m. built up u &•utll•t1' 1ndui1try 1r1 u fm1t rto(lrt·urllt't'll fur hoppl'r8, tht· duy l.1·11n11n waH shot und th1· v:iullt'<.l dub <'C'1hn1< J :i -unt· l'1>tllll' ncur London The Beatles' first hat, "Lt1vt• Liverpool, lillld. "Wt· c'Ouldn't ll•t wht•rt· Jnn1•H &11d Ltmnun und h1H k11l1•d 111 N1•w York l>c·<.' ll, Jon~ 1U11d that c>thl'nf w1•111 tu wht·n· ht· l1vt•11 In a falry·lalt: Me Do," was rclcu11 •d Oct. ~. the 20th annavc·rsury or tht• ll1"?1t flr111 w1f1•, Cynthw. hod tlll'l1 IYIW tht! C:dvt•rn Mc·n:u. 11 81•utlt•H' p11lt1t•c• hualt by an eccentric 1962. The ret'Ord t•ruwlt'd up the rt~rd pas.Ii wllhuul murklllj,( It w1•c.hllng bn·ukfo~t o( imup. "I UM.-d tu go lo the Cuvcrn for mui.l'um run hv Jlm uru.J Liz mllllonulrt• In 1889. charts. t~rnake No. 17 a some way. l'hlt'kt•n 11nd lnflt· i11 11.Jf!2 lhl• lu1whum1· 11t'8Slons with tlw lluJ(hcw Ringo, &t 42 the oldt.'tlt t>f the modt.-strt'rst shot in a nJ<:k 'n' roll "That rc.~·ord swrU .. '{J u c•hum o( C~>m1truc·th111 1·n•w11 i.•xcuv11tt·d l~c·utlt•i;," he· 11aid. "WhPn tht• None• of the• surviving &•utl(ls !'IUrvivtng trio. 11 reported revo1utlon. tNWlt.s whll:h kl'cpli our tourism the Cuvt•rn C.:lub, tht! baSl'ment ( 11vNn wus dt•m11ll11hcd It wus w us 1 n L l v t· r po o I r or th l1 work1"lg on 1t l'Omeback album. L~al radio stutions around s~ff so busy thc11r duys with nights~twhr~thc ~ullN n~t -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Britain broadcast hours of inquiries (rurn all uvc-r th1· p luyt>d Thi• dub o n grimy LtJ<JIANO PA\TAROII1 Beatles' songs. In the b leak wurld." Mathl'W Stn•t•t dost.-d yt!art1 agu streets of economicalJy depr<.-'SSt.'d Thousands of fans huvt' v1s1lt-d and hus b1•1·n l'UVt'rl'd by u l1f Liverpool, fans listened to all· Liverpool this year for Bl'atlc parking Int. day Sl'SS1ons of Beatles' hats. Weekends organau•d by Jont·s· Now a mult1mlll111n dollar The M erseysid e Tourism office. They pay $6ti for u ticket •shopping mall, 1:onta1n1ng a Offke marked the "Love Mc Do" l.o ride-on a magic&I mystery tour bronze SlU lUl' or Lennon, Puul ann iversary with a special of Beatie landmarks, like Ringo McCurtncy, Gt'Orli(e Harrison and postcard. A limited t.'Cfiuon or 2,-Starr's old hom<.>," the hospital St.arr is to ht.• built on the site Brito ns liste ned to Beatles music this week , hono ring the 20th anniversar y of the group's first hit. J ohn Le nno n (second fro m left) was shot to death in 1980. He' shown in a 1965 AP file photo with s urviving m e mbers (from left ) Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney and George lla rrison. 'Lennon' misses mark By JAY SHARBUTT ~Of-• Writ., NEW YORK -It has a few good moments and a wide sample oC his music from "A Hard Day's Night" t.o "Imagine" to "The liallad of John and Yoko." And no doubt it'll bnng m many. many fans of the Beatles. But I rear even they wall tx• disappointed by "Lennon," the new off-Broadway musical based on the life of John Lennon. the l'hansmatic ex-Beall<.· whose killing here in 1980 stunned the world. The show. like the &-atlcs a L1v('rpool 1mporl. is surprisingly routine, long on old-hat Lennon histor y. short on imaginative s taging and fresh insights mto the man and his music Written and directed by Bob Eaton. at opened this week. starring David Patrick Kelly as a young. rebellious, vulne rable Lennon. and Robert LuPonc as Lennon in his pri~ -cool, detached . s<.•H · assured and even mildly amused after years of torment. (""". Neither resembles Lennon. And Gusti Bogok. a tiny, shiny-eyed gamin cast as Yoko Ono. Lennon's guiding light and second wife. doesn't even l'OrTW close w her in appearance. But the idea of the show isn't to give you a night of look-allkes from Bealledom. lt ai~ at showing what made Lennon unique. what shaped his attitudes, inrtuenced his hfe and music. Admirable, but "Lennon" fails at lhas, and takes a long two hours and 40 mmutes to do it. Nine younl( actors. seven men and two women, are prt>scnt here, sin.l{lng and playing a variety of instruments as well as roles As t he various charal'lt•rs an his life. most of thc·m and the show's two LA-nnons tak<.> turns narratmg his story Thc·y ll'll of his working-dass origins, his Aunl M1m1 who rn1st.'Cf him. his art S(:·h1.iol days, has first mN•ting with Paul MlC..rlney (Vint•t•nt lrazarry creditably esiiays him), his inner turmoil and lnS('('Urlly, and of the Bealll's' n se Crom S<:rufry h•athc·r · .Jal'kl·t rockers t.o world-famous mllhonairc.-s On an'd on th<.> story goc•s. chronulogJcaUy dc•ta1llng and depicting lht' varrous phases ot Lennon's hf<.> -the Maha ris hi and acid-laced mag•t«JI mystery eras. the Beatles' break-up. his rad1calii.at1on and "bed-ans" for peace with Yoko, his various trials. lnbulal1ons and dark "despairs. Finally. and with ~ l'Oy, stup1ryangly dull "hoUS<'-husband" vignette, you get to the peace and conte ntment Lennon finally found both as a man. and as an artist before his brutal death on Dec. 12. 1980. A long night. all of at playc'Cf out on Petc-r David Gould'~ ordinary black-and-whatc rock conl.'ert set. wh1C'h has large panels on which photographs of the real people an Lennon's life are distractingly displayed dunng the assortc..'Cf scenes on stage. Most of the Lennon-chronicling is familiar in thC' extreme. re-telling you far more about him than you really want to know whale advancing the not- t.oo·st.arthng notion that his music came from his life. • 'Pirates' opens 1n Cleinente "The Pirates of Penzance," one of the most popular of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, as now in residence at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse. the one newcomer t.o the Orange Coast's live theater scene this week. "Pirates," under the direction <>f Gary Davis, arrived at the San Clemente showplace Wednesday night and will play through Nov. 14. Performances will be give n n ightly except Mondays at varying times at Sebastian's, 140 Ave . Paco, San Clemente The volume of local shows ts being reduced by four this week as fi ve theater groups draw their curtains. Heading into their hnal weekends are: -''Bu llshot Crummond" at the Newport Theater Arts Center. 2501 Cliff Drive, Newpo rt Beach (675-3 143), playing !''nday and Saturday at 8 p.m . -"The Gondoliers" at the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vista St .. Costa Mesa (i 3l -5 l 10). playing Friday and Saturday at 8 p m and Sunday nt 2:30. -"L over s and Oth er Strangers" at the San Clemente Community Theatt>r . 202 Ave. Cabri ll o. San C l e m e nte (491 -0465). completing its run Friday and Saturday al 8 p.m. -"Bl ithe Spi r it" at Saddleback College m Mission Viejo (831 -4656), on st.age Friday and Saturday at 8 p .m and Sunday at 3 p.m. -"Rain" at the Westminster Community Theater. 7272 Maple St., Westmins ter (995-4113). closing out Friday and Saturday at 8:30. A half-doz~n other productions continue their e ngagements along the coast this weekend. They include: -"AU in Favour Said No!" at South Coast Re pertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa (957-4033), playing nightly. except Mondays at varying limes through Oct 17. "Dea thtrap" at the Harlequin Danner Playhouse. 3!>03 S Harbor Blvd .. Santa Ana (979-55 11 ), also runrung nightly except Mondays through Nov. 14 . -"ThC' Mind With the Dirty Man" at the Irvine Community Theate r in Turt l e Ro c k Community Park, Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Drive in lrvine (557-7297), performing Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m .. Sunday at 2 p.m. -"Arsenk and Old Lace" al the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds (754-5159). playing Thursdays through Saturdays at 8:30 until Oct. 16. -"Room Service" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (494 -0743), running Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. until Oc·t. J6 with a matinee Suodav at 2:30. BEGINNERS WB..COME! REGISTER NOW for Internationally famous Ice Capades Skating School. Whether you've Ice skated before or never lee skated In your life, one of these classes Is for you. Mna Verdt Center Harbor & Adams 2701 Harbor llvd. 979.aao r··---,~~;c.··o·r:~·-··· l Ice Skating Leaaona tor Bealnnera Onlv ,,,_. Coupon for OltCOJht E11plf• NoYember ae. 1N2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PUBLIC SKATING EVERYDA~ ONLV A BUS RIDE AWA.VI fl I A Glorious Uproarious Love Story. ~ NOW PLAY ING A'.1' Tlf F.SF. SPF.C:IALl.Y SEl.F.CTF.I> T HEATRES • C01TA MllA OllHCll lawwa' 10 .. ncen111 (1141/St 4184 C11vCen1t1 1114163•_.!_2_!! I '...o•UU\~U••10•0-1 ... t"4Ml.fW1tfJ •Pf06tffl1&fJ tfl )Sn\M OOIOCUf'f ~ LMJ!t•m"~RiJ ~ < 19111 MLMIUA l nlrt IJ110n "'' l NOW PLAYING lllU ll TOllO OMllCll UA ""''" l do 10\ ~· Jt~·'" Of.H•-Jf l»-1 .... , m •011 ~a I ~HO bl• 9Jbl CQIJA •U l d•M"' llUllllMTOll MACll Sw1n eo.. r f'wo I <1"•4101 tll>IMW>gton c-n, ~•6 ?11 t 1•1 OJU •BARGAIN MATINl!l!S • Monday thru S1turd1y All Ptrform•ncH before S:OO PM (h"Jt S,eclll hflfllMllll 111d Heltd1y1j "JEKYLL a HYDE ... TOOETHUI AGAIN" t•t ltlO, 2 >O, •..ao. tJO, ..... ICUO "I, THE JURY" 1•• 11 llO. I 10, t :IO, 7 .llO, IC> 10 -----------"PINK FLOYD: THE WALL" "AMITYVILLE II: .. ~,1,..,.0 H•1 1 12::>0. t.M. 6:AO • .,... t:M. 11100 THE P088ES810N" t•t U H , 1111, l.M. t -ot. 1C>:H LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC IN focw•P't ar Cono•••OOd 213/lll·HIO "PINK FLOYD: THE WALL"' "JEKYLL a HYDE .•. "'' TOOETHUI AOAIN" f1'J 12;ao, l:JI, ...._I M, l:tO, IHI .... J ti, t.to, t;00. - "THE •ESTT 1nu-•• T WHOflEHOUSE IN TEXAS" "TEMPEST" , .. , 12:JO •• ,... .... 1•1 , .. '--00. 7-00, 10:00 "NfOHT SHI~·.!!!•"::!!. ------ LAt<EWOOD CENTIA SOUTH WAL• IN __ , ___ , --· .. IMPOIHHT •OTICI' CMlllNll• U•OUI 11 fllU! -.,, ·-.. ""fft ,. -""""' .. , ..... °"""-·-.. CM-· --Ill •• .... CM---ta:f\IOln - -.. ~l·llU '*"" --· --... LADE RUNNER" {';;: l'\.UI t•I 't4ji ..,.. .... ~ ANAHEIM OlllVf IN "THE "OAD 1 .. 1n_~ ,__,tletl•-•• WAIUUOA" 1"1/'':;~rt:, 17t·•llO '"" .. -"'4it .... • ..;;:..~:.T ;:r:.'f,.1. '"' "PINK FLOYD: THE WALL" ....,. l'\.UI t•> "WOfll.D ACCOflOIMG TO OAllr'' ··•AN//IOU" IH I CHOI fl -IH I Clftl " - I 1 ''A I A;, I BUENA PARK OR•~· tit p ......... t LINCOLN DlllVf IN l"'COH'I ••• We tf qi l ftO" 121·4070 "I,.. ... ft..i FOU NTAIN VALLEY OlllVi IN Je• Oo•eo ,,.... ., .,_._, 11o1 Ml·l ... I "E.T .• , .. , THE EXTAA· TEAAESTAIAL" "I, THE JURY" "'' l'\.UI "THE AMATEUR" "'' "Jl!KYLL a HYDI , •• TOOETHEA AOAIN" ••1 ...... "UP IN SMOKE" 1•1 ""'''- - -ft-$011 1 i .___Got_._._,~_i"_._,-_,_· - "THS LAIT AMINCAN "Sftl.IT IMAOI" ..,1 ...... ~~ ""~ "LfTnl OAl'UNOI" l"I "FADE TO aLACK" r•t Cllll ,,_ "AOCICY lff" .,._, l'\.119 "'AIT TIMIS AT t•t •UDOIMONT HtQM'' CWll-. .. "~ ' IA t1ARl"A ,~ '" --·-........... ""' .. a --... CMflt- "AMITYVILll 11: THI! POSllSllON" "'' l'\.UI "01.ATH WISH II" r•t c"""- "PfHIC 'LOVO: AT THI WALL" 1 .. 1 "LUI "XANADU" 1,.l ORANGE r "'''" ,,. ...... Af'e f!Wf ., .... c-.. ~1 "AlilfTYVILU II THlll'O ... Htow·.., 'LUI "OIATMWteM .. ' _, Mt<.\l(IN I"''' .. "Wf ,AVOflfTI YI.A"" !NI "MOMMMI DIAMlr' , .. , "ON GOLDIN ftONO" ,.., -. ""' ' -"CONTMNTAL INYIDI" "" ... •• "CellOllA'ftlllTI .......... .. Cougar still r e bel without By VAROENA AltAI\ A-lel.ct ...... Wrlle1 LOS ANCa;Ll•:S lt 'i. tlll' ult.I story hlJout 11 ... amoll-wwn kid who nu1k1•H tt tn thl· ha~ 1•1ty 1\111 with 11lnK<•l'·!lon~wrltt•t' J 11h11 Cnuw11-. th1·n ·'s a twi1t llt' 11tlll llvt•K 111•111• if 11ol 1·xm·t ty 111 tlll' .amt• tunall lown. "I grew up in S<•ymnur. lr11l 1111111, but I ltv1· 111 the btg dty of Blooml11f<l1111 ," Cuut,:£11 suy-. "My friends ore moro tnll'n'litt-d 111 , 'wht-'ll01i yuui llu1 lf·y going to get out ol the shop''' My old frwndit u11· mon• intt.'restmg lo me· Hiun un>'U.KJy l'vt• nw t wte )ti. no off('l1Sl'." C.:()ugur's fll'-'l' a lot.or n1·w pt'{>plt• luwly, wl'li<'h Is what generally hap)X•ns when you huvc• a No I album "American Fool", und not u m· but tw11 smglc.-s in the T op 20 ut tlw samt• ttnll' "Jm·k urnl Diane" was No. 1 on \ht• B11lboord hst amJ "llur L'I So Good" was No 15 But wh1le-udmilt1ng he's worked hi.rd und Ion!( for his rt'l't'nl :>Ut'(.<ess. Couw:ir gives thl• 1r11prt·1>...ao n of trying to remain the hell-raising kid hl• wus in has Seymour day!!, the same r<'bt.'1 without a c1:1usl• thut seems to be speaking in most of his songs. H is appearan('e helps. Durin~ an intt•rv1<'W at manager Bill Gaff's Coldwutt•1 Can yon hornt'. lhl' baby-f aced 30-ycar-uld looks almos t l1k1• an Intruder tn jean11. om• tiny gold 1·arrmg and <J T shirt jagged at th<' t-djCt'S w lwrt• s k•t•Vt•s had lx·e11 ripped off .. The sound of thl• Midwl•sl still rings 111 his rapid-fire speech. lalx·rnlly sprinkh'CJ with t·ursl' words "I d o n 't work o n lht' rN·o rd l'Omp<iny 's schedule.'' he says. "1 makt• rl'<:urds al m y own leis ure. I ~o on tour wht•n I want to and I d o what I want to.' Tht•re have bc<-n, of l'ourst" some· l'onct>:s.-.w11s tu 111-. f11 "' 1r1.11111u1·1 .11111 k t•pl l ll1• 11<J111•· Uut Md!.·1111111111 h1111 1·11•pt IJw k 111 "'"'"' c1cd1a with C \1u~111 11•h·~.1lt•d 111 111uhll1• lllllllt' i.l•llU" Attt! 1111·11 tltt•11•-. the· mutt1•1 11 1 w ork :-.cu111 •1 h111g th.tl t 'uug11r ••nly d1·v1·l111H·d it 1.t~.t1• 1111 wt11•11 lw i.1·t out to 1>1· u rn1·k Ntur 1•1ghl y1·111 h .tl-(11 "I 111•v1•1 wantt·d to do 1111ytl1111g ~' brnl tlt.tl J d1<lll',1tn l 111y ltlc· tu 11 up u11tll I o;lJl lt·d 1111tk1ng I t'I Ill di'.," Ill' :--.cys I It· 11t·Vt·1 µlttyl•d 111 h11<h i.c·huul l.Mtttl'> "lx'\hU'(' l1t•111J( ha hunJi. mnmt you tmd tu 1 l'IH·a1 ,.,.. 1111d 1'111 nut 11110 1t·ht·u1 Ill•!:., 11110 111ul·tkt111-( " 111• 'ltoprwd pl1.1y111g gu1tur w ith h111 humli. i.t·v1•rnl y1•11111 a1ow a(tpr ht· l'(•alt1.t'll lu· lndu·d 1 lw h'd111k11I l'><pt•rtl.Sl'. Ai. u ktd. touga1· flll•ft•rrl•d drank111 g .111J wom.in11111g. und at 17 lw round h1mKdl rr1.t1 ru'tl, his duughtt•r, now 11. f11llowt•d soon aft1·1 While· h1i. (11 ~t warl'. Prlb{'lllCI, w11rk1•d 1twy h11 v1• -.Iran• tlavon.·t·d and hl' hru; rt•111ur1wcl Coug:11 Wt•11t to Vincl·n11~·s U111vC'rs1ty an lndmna a nd got a ch ·~n ·c· an ('ommunal'U lions. But ht• dl'\.'idt'd aftt·r graduation that "h1•111g a dl'l'JiJY or working al u 1wWRpupt•r 1i. not rny 1d1·11 of u good llml•," and took JUbs pouring <:om•n •t<· .ind "d1mb111g lt!ll•phone pult'h" N1•1thc·r worke d o ut l'o uga r wc·n l o n u1w111ploynwnt and ht-gun .t M'rll's o f v1~tL' ,,,. N1 •w York an l>4°nrd1 of a n "t·ord dl·al "I dad tt. oul o f spill' n1r1rl' lh:m an ytl1111g .. t:o.t., b1'<.·aus1• p1·oplt· sc,i1d 'pt •upl<• from St·y ni11ur dnn't make· n ·cords. Pl'o plt: from N1•w Yor k and LA mak1• rt'l·111·t.l-.'," ht• s<ild the business o f bt•mg u rtK'k star. The name as om· ~'l'etha Fra nkli n's fa m il y comes fi rst Born John Me llencamp. h1· was dubbt·d Cougar by More gold' for Aretha Afh'r Cw11 yt-ctrs of k111.11·k11t~ on door:., lw WJ~ :.igm 'll 111 l':~" ly l!J76 by T ony "Mi.1111 Ma n" !)(·Fm-:.. 0 Jvad 811\.\ u··., l>nc·-t1m1· manu8C't A f1ri.t rt'l'ul d came• out and floppt'Cl. Cougar went wtlh form1·r Hod Sll'wart manaiwr tiaff ... M1tl pul uut 1w11 mo 1t• &)bums tha t tlrd not do Wl•ll · '1,y SUSAN LISOVICZ f'-i.t.ct Pr ... Writer ALBANY, N.V. Arl'lha Franklin 's funky new record, "J ump to It." is propelling hc•r towards her seventh gold album But the "Queen or Soul" IS more concerned about how her 12-ycar-old 1s doing in school. !.'t~-T he veteran ente rtainer. wife of actor G lynn rman. mo ther of four and devoted me mbt•r o f the anklin clan . minces no words about how sh e Stacks her priorities. "I JUSt a llot so mw.:h 11mt• for my career and the rest for my family," Franklin said 'in a recen t phone interview from her San Fe rnando Valley b orne. "My family comes ru-st " f. Despite the heavy publicity de mands that llccompany a succe s s ful new r ele a s e . th e 40-year-old 1''ranklin catches a flight to Oetro11 every two weeks. whe re as a teen-ager she stunned many a congregation with her fire-bapuu'<.I brand ~f gospel. ~ Four brothers and sisters still reside there, but jince June 1979, Franklin's a tte ntion has been tocused on her father, the Rev. C.L. Franklin. The longtime ci.viLrigh ts acu vut. Xl-y~ar pastor: Detroit'• Ne w Bethel Bapust Church and gospel artist· has been in a coma smce being shot in h is home by armed robbers. It was he r father who brought such musical luminaries as rhy thm and blues great Sam Cooke tad hymnist Clara Ward to the Franklin household brly on, laying th e foundation for his second- youngest child's education in thal fonn or mUSJl' and foreshadowing a ca.r~r that has garnered 14 gold singles, six gold a lbums and 11 G ramm y Awards. The performer 1s "ver y sad" about her father's eondllion. but the tragedy has not shattered the f'ranklins In o rder to maintain her frequent commut1"g betwe en h er West Coast and Detroit homes. Fra nklin esch ews h eavy touring. preferri ng scattered performing dates instead. ThtS summer bas seen her sing in such diverse settings as the ~c Saratog~ P e rforming Arts Cen ter in upstate New York to the sprawling concrete of Pasadena's Rose Bowl. M eanwhile, the album is nearing the 500.000 ....... l lUO ~ IUQI OUml wtlTMIQTlA EdwaulS Vlt!O TWin td•.WOs Ncwpor1 Cinema Qnedomt Edwn~ ~ West 830 6990 644 0760 834 lSSl 891 3935 JIO ........ flCCO"fU,,., ~ _..._, LUKURY THEATRES lat r.. lltititt sa..i..1•YS2.H•lus0tlltnrist!Wt4 s ll'GB4•111tl6l6io12Ss11 ~~. J s 'tf FOR FUOI EXCITEmEOTl V111tOvr... * ARCADE of GAMES• ~·', ·.:.'.· 1tA; -rwJhff,t, m 11:10 J :JO S::IO 71JO • t ::IO / 70 mm NTll" O'TOOL.11 M'f.~~-~ (Erl 1:11 • IOcOI mark In sales. according to Arista Rec·ords. 1-'ranklm's suc:c:ess w ith Lulhl'r Va11dr11s:., who prOduced "Jump to It." has rnadt• h<'r t•agcr to work with him again. Sht· said she e xpt.'<.:l.s to gc·t tha t chance in January wht·n sht• next g<>t'S intcJ a rec.'Ordmg studio. "Soul S ister No I" also 1s sull c·oas ung Crom tht• favorable' r<>vwws ~ht' n ·ceived in ht•1 film debut as a lunc:hl'OncttP proprit•lrcss who tx•lt<'d out soul whC'n she wasn't d1sl11ng out BL T s in "Tht• Blues Brothers." Tht• 1•xpt.•rwncc has whcttt·d ht•r appetite for mort· work in front of the c:arnc•r:.is. Offers to p ortray gospt•I s ingN Mahalld Jackson on st.age have• been turned down "I don't really feel Broadway is appropriate for me" tx-c·a USt· of "the night after night monotony," she said Frnakhn's husband of four ye<H"S, howt•ver. ha~ take n lo the road m a s tate· production, as a mf'mlx·r of thl• cast in the "Proud .. The separation "sun· gives you time to miss a p<>rson." she said, Away from the mal-rophum•. Franklin •~ her own best p romoter wht•n ll comes to New Orleans gumoo. ch1thns, ribs and her other culinary specialties Tn a dilion t(. ht'r roa-r boy!'., stfe I s s tepmo ther to her husband ·~ thrt't.' l0h1ldn•n by a previous marriage. S he also has been kt.opt husy as chairwoman or the Art1st.s' Ball. a n a nnual charity gala. that this year benefits sickle cell anemia ... Soft -spok e n and rese r ved o(f thf.' ~tage . Franklin is a far cry from the splashy performer m the spaghe tti-strapped. pink Cringed dr~ strutting • to an energet1c version or Sam and Dave's "llold on. I'm Coming" before hC'r hand-clapping. dancing- tn·the-aislcs d1sdplcs Franklin has nc•ver quite> matchc."'<i hn faery streak of the late 1960s, wht•n she domtnated thl' air wavc>s with "Respect," "You Ma ke Ml· Feto l Like A Natural Woman." "Baby [ Lovt' You ," "Cham of Fools" and "Sinc:t• You'vt• Bee n Gone " Part o r the reason IS lhC' fal'l that her fam1lv does come first.. she w1U only give so much llmt• t~> her carl'l'r. Still, the qu£-cn as in no dedine now "I 'Jump to 11· all over the house." sh<• says Two jokers and a queen, but definitely three of a kind . a cause Jo hnny (:o ugar moving up . -----------------------------------ANY PIZZA I ANY PITCHER Oller good Wed 1hru Sal only t 1m11 2 Pizzas per coupon Not good with any other oller, liood et 1011owmg 1oca11on only COSTA MESA 187 E. 17th St. Corner of I Ith & Or c1ngP "1$.4• 1-...c-J For l.l"lt-'1 Sl"fvrt.e c.,11/ ahead 631·1992 E•p11es 10. 11 -82 ------------------------------------$11 99 SPECIAL ~ I Includes large Pizza of your ch0tce and up to 5 salads, plus one pitcher o l soft drink Serves 3 to 5 Pizza eaten Oller good W&d. thru Sat only Not good with any other oller Good at lotlowlng location only COSTA MESA 187 E. 17th St. ,Corner ol 17th & Orange lllFI Presents [-...c.o J Expires 10· 17 -82 For taster service Crill .1ht•.1d ' MEL McDANIEL TONIGHT at NO P•Mfl •"1pt•O IOll fNlt 1 .. UJMllll \ .. . c;11 Co111t OAll. y PILOT ll hUtld y, OctObi!r 7 1982 THt: ... ,,.,l \' CIRCl'N "I'm afraid this pvnle is too t\ord for you." "Then could I do a soft one?" ,..\R~..\Dl'IU·: by Brad Anderson "There ·s your place!" 1 ;: r J l ·r t :a • ,, ... ! l i • .. by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Georgt, you're ttlll three llttlt boy1 at ht1rt." ~ .o . ., • Jusr PUT ™EM IN 'l()LJR #JU~ ANO YAWN (),J 1HEM ... nti\TS WHAT MY 0AO WES.'' MP.. PA&SMOf\E'& WHERE'S HIS CONDITION I5 50N TONV' HOW STILL ITICAL.. COME I-IE AIN'T ACROSS 50 Gr11tly WEDHEIDAY'I 1 Or1wino 52 G..UC PUZZLI IOI. YED room S6 BllcJi c:uclloo 8 Sol1 muta 57 Accomplice 11 ~ 60 C1t1le IO\lnd 14 0.C:lfTll) 81 H1blt~tt 15 Quotient •2 Mutinter 16 .. -citlrl" 63 !»#el t7Fete 84 Exc:tuoe 19 Formt1 Port 85 Rtwritt1 co4ony DOWN 20 &tall I Sc:hlam 21 S bllls 2 Protected 22 P1tcet OU1 lrOfTI wind 24 Mild 01111 3 Gltl of song 21 Mounta 4 Htfberl work 27 Stpltlltd 5 Snout 30 It buOylnt 6 Kind 32 Mountlln 7 A~tneed rld09 I lttvetor 27 Tempo 44 Verb fOf·m 33 Lay9tl ltwtn10f 21 Lined up 4$ Foddtt 3A M• bird 9 lift Prefix 2t BanWwMilt 46 8oo 37 Soft dt'INI 10 ComPQli· 30 PtnaNud 47 Alilll city 31~ tlont 31 T1b+epat11 41Pflol 3t F0ttelt 11 IOJ't grouP 33 Tiet!• &I red 60 5'19hl 40~ rri 5t..Shor#'bl1 41 ~-2 wordt 35 &one· Prlfi• union 4.2 T•rt -t.2 V1t81 tUd 3t h..-.ct $3 Nobtlltl 43 won t3 5'ieep er• ae lltl of 1944 4$ Pvt on llMfl ti fllot'Ollgllf 1<1 31 AclPlled _.., S. L" II •t*WI .. AppotlO!lld n Obit• 4 t ~ ... o SS lempreye .. Mini'•... ff ......, Oltrl 42 MldlclM -• 51 Slngle ... .. Vital !Md " l'ainM Alt• ff SOCIMf HE~E 10 MEET ME7 OtDN'T VOU TELL HIM I Wl6 COMtN'? ~EEP ME FEED ME FEEC' ME FEE'7 ME FEEQ ME Pt.:A~l'TM by Charles M. Schulz --------iHE RED BARON HAS SUOOENLY, ANTIAIRCRAFT BEEN Sl~TED NEAR FIRE eeRSTS MOONi;> US! l?OUAI ... OOR MISSION IS TO Em1N6 ~IM DOWN ... , ~ 10 , o•-·-·---... Tl''9BtE•t.:t.:DN . AU-"IW1'1 INOC*'I ~J WMO IN fi.Atlil Al{8 'ft)U ?!! SHOt: ~.\~(''' TIME FOR YOUR MEDfCINE, NANCY GOROO YOU TOLD ME YOU HATED MEDICINE HE WAS Al.WAYS THE ONE i.I TUE FAMU. V ... by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmtller BUT I ALW'AYS GET A DOUGHNUT AS A REWARD by Gus Arriola I CAN'i llVIA&INE WHAi I'M 601NG ro DO ! HANGING F~ A BRANCH 15 ALL ! KNOW 1 IO 1 DR.SMOCK l 'M AFRAIP SMt!'S IN YOUR HANPS NOW, FA.,......f!A YOU DON'"f" L.OOK SICK 'fO ME!! se-r ~essec:> .' GiO HO.Ml!/ n••ETT1•••n••••11 'PJ ~ CJRS~s '/OJ Gel'" NEW et'ef ~. f\5'811:~ l l.AAJReNCe. ? • by Kevin Fagan ~.~. If~ E.~ \u.IE.5 "'~~.1\ij. 1(£ ~ l.i)OlO \5 ·~\}1'~~ by Lynn Johnston ~ I • • I • 'I I. 1: I I I I I I I l I I ' I . • • • CB top in prem1 re week lh Jl-:UltY UUl'K A,-r•lew OTOn Wr r I.OS J\N(iELl':..I.\ l'li~ WClll llH• t'llVl'll•U \llf' 11put Ill tht• w1·1•kly A(.' N1t•l!w11 ll•lt•v1M111) 1.llln!.()> dur111H lht• llllJXll t11nt (,all pll'nllt•tt• Wt•t·k wh1l1• NIH', 10lllll111.: 1111 ll~ rww 1•111111·clll's a11d dr:11tl:!.' '° hfl 1111111 111 tlti• l':tllll/.(1' 1·1· II u 1 • '-'"" hm· k 111 ( u 111II1.11 tt•1·r1t11ry third p h11·1• Tlw l11~ht-:.t I clll'\l i.hl)W (111 I ht• pn·111w1t: Wt•t•k wuis th1• n·t11111 u l th1· ABC t•1.1m1·dy '1Th1t•t"-l l'umpunv" for rL.., -<lxth y 1•ur (.'US. fti1-t 111tl11·1.1tm/.(' Cur th1• P·"' two yt•.i1~. -.t.u h '<I 1 lw I.ill s1•aso11 With .t 1,1llnj( ol 17 ~ whil•· ABl' \\'llS (11 .... 1· h1·h111d Wtlh 17 :1 Nill' w a o.; 111 thrnl pl.in· Wtlh 11 ·I ~'hl· 111•tw111 k i. ,,t V t h.11 l'HS' 1 ;11111~ lllt'Jll)> th.ti tn .111 ,1vt•1 .i/.(t' pt 11111' llnll' m1n1tlt'. 17 !I 1x•11·1·11\ of tht• nutiun's hrn111·~ with TV Wl'l'l' 1111wd to tlu• m•twork ABC h.1d ''x -<l111w~ 111 tht 'l'•1p Ill 1111d l'HS h11d l11u1 'l't·11 tJ I t h l! lo luwc11 l rn 11 •d i.howll fur· tlw Wt•l•k t•11d 111u ()1•1 :1 w1•rt• NBC 11ff1·rl11K11. 11 wl11d111i.i ~11111t• pr1tKn11111o 111.1 kn1~ 1 lll'I r d1·h u 1 NIH "1o h1Klt1•i.t 111nk1·d ... h II w w a :0. .I 0 h I 111 y ('II r 'l ll n • s 'il'llllllll'llllll lo111k hi 't111oo 20 Vl'HI lo m. hrnll 111 "'1'111· '1'11111~h1 S huw," \\hit Ii fttlt'<lll'd Ill 11th pl.1t·1· Thi· 111 t•1111t•11· u f N IS<", 111ys1t·1 y t·111111•tl y "Ht·111111J<t1111 S tt•t•h •" vunw 111 !"1211d "'l'a x r" tilt' 1·111111·dy NB(' pll'kt·d up .tflt•r A Bl' druppt•d 11 wui. !'10 t h "'l'lw l'ow1•rs 11( M.illh1·w Slitr," .1 ,tww with ,1 l oud1 of tht• :.up1·t 11111t1r1il .11111t•d a t youn~ pl·11plt'. was !)!lilt, \ht· 1·1111wdy "( 'ht·t ·1 '" wa~ tiOlh, llH· m y,l1·rv ,. " 111 t· 11 v • • T 11 t· n t: v 1 , .. C't11l11 t•1 1iun," mar k1111o{ Hu1·k llud>o11n 's l't•IUI II lo !>t•rf('S lt•l1·v1~1011, Wlls U:tnd , 1111d "Voyag1•1·s," <i d11ldn •n'" show .1b11ut llllll' lr.1v 1·I . wcis' an I.1s t pl11n· 1H 11:11 ti S11uw tt•t ur 111111.( NHl' .,how .. 11IM1 Cltrl'd hudl y-"1-'0lllt•." i. t1rn11111 sl't 111 Nc•w Y1wk'" 111u1i S C'lmul 1111 1111· l 't·rt111 n1111u A1 IH, Wll' Ill ,>hi pl11(I ', •11111 th1• f llflll'<l y "l.nvt'. S 1tl111·v ' w.11oo 111 :l!lth pl.wt· "Wht·11 1·t11111wt111~ KP•'< 111li. 1"11d and 1l w '>l'UM>ll wtllt·i. 111111:-.t•r 11·~ VN wt"'" W\' lwht•vt• NBC will 'how 1mpruv1•1111•111," ... 11d N n< · 11pokt•sn11111 (;t •111• W11hh Wali<h s111d th1· two hour pn•mt<•fl' C)( en~· "Ma~11u111, I' I " und 1111· 11111' h our Nf>l'( iul of ABC's "Too Clo~· for ( '11111r11r1 " l 1111 k v 11• w ,. 1 ' aw 11 y I I' o 111 "Ch1·1·1s" 11nd "Taxi " 'l'lt1• two h11ur A H(' "l.ovt• Hoa I" 1'fW('IJI hluntl·d tht• pri•11111·1 t· 11f "'l'lw · l>t•vh 11 Cm111t'\.'l11111 " Bl1st:b.ill frvl•r. h11w1·vl'I", l11t all tlir{'(: nl'lworks. 1•:.1J<1 ·1,1lly 111 L 11:-. A n~t·lt·s. ttH· rw 11011 ·, 'll'l 'Olld - l;1 ru4.!sl tl'lt•v1s1"n m.i 1 kc·l ----------------- THURSDAY EVENING 5:15 0 BASEBALL .. AH.Jn, .. JI .. l 1ul'!t on GanW> l or ""' Ntll•O""' Leagu6 p1 .. yoll> f) l<NX T CC.U~) 9 ICNU( (Nfl(I e l<TL A llnd 1 p Al\C 11\BCI 0 KFMB ICBSI D l<HJ TV llnd I D l('ST !Alltl D l<tfV find I •• KCOP fV 11"<1 l D KCff ll'OS> D KOCt: IPUSl 0 On rv I l TV " f'OO c C(t,..mit<I CWORt NY N '( ,, fW'T8St I fESPN) • 1Show1tmt') • SPOlllQ111 • l(<!Olt Nt!W) NtlWOfkl Oru110 Couat DAii Y P ll OT I fhuracJuy O<.IObftr 7 1982 f ' 11 TUBE TOPPERS KABl' (i) :1 l .1 "N,t1to11:tl l.1•:1gu1· Pl;1yoll:-" Atla11t:i .II St L11ul'. Kl>t'E (.101 7 :w "Thi l<1 v 1·1 111 1111 I )t'M'I t " i\ lllrn ;d)l)111 tl11 • l 'ol 111.1d11 H 1\·1·r 1·x:11111 111 ' 1h1· 1A.itt•1 111:-1 ... 111 1111 · S11ut liw1 ·~1 K N X T 1'.!J H lltl "M.1g1111111 PI " "S\lnw1 1'\· S 11111111" 111v.1dv M.tg 11u111·, 1u1 I !!1 _:1 l \\ o ltu ut I wu "'':!f' ">l>f ·< t;il Kt\IW 1";1 ~J .~11 ;d 111 ul •• du.ii !':ti l 'l 'I I l1llpl1· \\ti 11 IW 11 11•t•n .ip1· 1 l 1tld11·11 d1•l1u1-. ()HUii l1t•I\''~ 103fT ltW (.Jttf! ·•"" t.ecom•• iuvulvtuJ 1fl pnm1t1ve Uit1 ""~ W MOVIE • • • Au. 11 0 1 f nurnph ( 1948) l11qro11 Bergman Ch&•les BllyN An """"All ,..,rugee ~·tul.I•&• Puri" tor u G.1n 1apo "!1enl Q) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE lOvl' Aod Ill>! Opllmost A 1><>rn lo·.~• Q••ls a c;.111 h om a wcntt1Jn who ttuok• sho has c.,111•~0 the SU1c1d..-. Holp line $MOVIE •"' , Sphon• I 198 II rranl>. l llnQt•llD LHll'y Arlrlfl Oowo A rul'1181S f)lj\(,k mark"I anllQuoll,.~ ring OltlUTllJ" 10 SIOP a11 f gyplOIC>Ql\1 lfom Cl15CO• .. ,.no thl' wlll'real>Oun ot" (JU<.~~· 'ldtU,. !fl\4" Yt .. , vermtllf'<l I< _,...,. P(, @MOVIE * "' • M11iJeme Ro\a r 19711) Stmontt S1Qnore1 Claude Dauphin A wom .in s Pfl<llC<lltltty ulldt'fg<>eS i)n ed•em"' llUMIO<matoon WhOfl Shi' lllYOl•CS he•sell 1n a romaHhl. attau which b"CIQ85 lwO Widl'ly d1llf11 ·~ c;ullural lotvell PC. 12 30 0 O'tlLATE NIOHT WITH OAVIO LETTERMAN Guesrs Chnrtuy F 1n1ey 101 mer ownn• ol lhl' 0Aktanc1 A s co""'\11011 Rocha• d t ewrs-0 COUPLES Q) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE love Ano Tne MeC11vm Madam .. lyl)munclt lrtc>\ l<J dllracl Al Bt11ry to '111•-Wll l o•e AnCI T '"' MamAqe C.oun~"' Bl'<• ano J<"rry c11n 1 Cl«!".01' "" hH"'il d I-f.l'Clt-10•'1 Z MOVIE * • ' '>l;•"IJ"'ll Clog\ 119821 S11m tl1'•11 Warr1111 Oatt's 12 35 C MOVIE * , C.anOy 119681 Ewo Auhn MHrtun Brnndu A 1v~c1ou~ youno nympllnt heaCI~ lor New Vo1• .ift•" ~nQ rallt'O by a l>Ot'I ond .a Sporn511 gJ1df>ne1 1HOI) 'l MCCLOUD A l11dnnPP'" plants o t•mf' 1>omtt w11n n ... ealthy as11otogor 5 will' 1R1 1000 MOVIE fl • 1 Tilt> P..api.< N6•1 Door 119101 Eh Wl'llla<:h Juhe Ha"' /4 yovno mftn u1 banished Dy his tatntor who bnhttv"~ he 11 ro1pnn ~•bte '°' •ur,ptyonq druo• 10 ht!t StSlflf Q) MOVIE • • O<>alh Smiles On /4 Murd111er 111173) f wa Aulln Klau& K1nsk1 A yovnQ mlln tempers w1lh the 1up111n11ture1 11no a11emp11 10 ''"°'" hie 10 the dead 0 MOVIE * • Bnyon<l ON1lh • Ooo• 1108 MOVIE * • • SGA• s 0 1 O< acul• 111171) Chr11toctw11 IM Jenny Hant...,. A youl\Q C.OllPIO !lllUCh•nu tot 0 m1u1og rt•lel""' c!omo rac.11 to•IM;e wl!h B r!'d lat\Q<KI CIHIU•" ol Ill<' undHd 1·)0 G (J'J NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1fOMOVIE * * "Tttii Blue l AOOOrt ( 1980) 8tOOk• Shi.101. Ch<l1t()j)ll1tr Alklnl Two cut•w•y cn1t0r11t1 g1ow to 1dOleKeft(.1t on • 19"'ot•. ~t.uU1 ''·lf 1h( t\h.tnt> ·Hld u1fltsr111n4.l' 01~ Om10' of ltr'41 luv•• R 1·45 0MOVIE * "' • r 11 ~I l.Aortd~r Ill 0<.IOht"t 119811 W 1llt·1 l.Ao1lllluu Jill (.I 1y1Jur1jl• A hbuf .11 Supt em,. (;nurt J11S• 11<.tt tfJ!tflat. with th" ru~w •••I mt.!nlbel ol tho na10011 s 1 .. gh"'' court ''" u11 .. 1 <.OUM!r¥iJl1vP wom.tn JWJ!t.l R 2:00 IJ CBS NEWS NIGHTWATCH W HEWS $MOVIE • • Carr f 0f1 Emm1.nuelle A hf»1ulllul hul t>Orod d1ploma1 \ wilt• turn• lhe world ut IOt(f•on 11otic.y ups1Cle down with '"" Ml•ual edvt>rlluret R 230W MOVIE "' • • I hf< t on,. Rttnoer t 19!>61 <;1av1on Mom" Jay S1lvPrhee1s A wuallhy ranc;hong tam1ty 1nlerle<es w!l@f'l lh"' Lone Rnn(lm nnd TOfllO l•y 10 sellll'I •n 1'1!11 11nd1,pule ~NEWS l MOVIE *"'. Mmur t 198 II DvdlHy MOC.Ito, I •18 Min nell1 Wn11" h" 1,.,n11y 1111empb 10 lo•ee him 1n10 .1 r><t• ;irtao~ mamage a orun• eo hedon1\l1G play· boy tall! 1n tove wtlh a ooor wo• ~·no girt PC. 2·35 C MOVIE * "' Roc•show 11080) Paul Mc C.1rtr ,-.y &tfltJ Wm(r • fh•S rec,Ofd ot 1t1P band s U S tour 1nc1uoes pPdmmonces or Jel A•llHI On rnr Ru11 Silly I uvtt So119~ """ 'omt1 olcl &>Jll•• t .. ;naos r, 2 408 NEWS 3000 MOVIE • t * l!lt'y W"'" So YwnQ ( IY!>!>I Str>ll Br a Cly l~1.1ymron1I Burt A g,oup ot 1nnoc~rH rl'lo<1L-'f~ at!' ht4fd.-.O tQ '1outh Amet K .. l un<lfll' ttw lhtPal o l dP&lh 10 uioe• iii 1141Come lhtl pupl)('lS ol µowf'tlul 1tnd 1nf1uent1al men 0 MOVIE • • Road G3m"' 119811 Slitt:'r Kf'OCl1 J~m. lee Cunt~ An 4!CC1·ntr•C trut~ ,,, J tH•Oulllul ht1r. tth1kfU ~lld n p~yc;l10PRlhlL ~111(>1 IHNl'hn9 lhe SAmfl <nut,. 1>1.iy games 01 hi•• Mid CIPAl'1 PG 3 30 H INSIDE THE NH t.ono!.t'i lPn Oaw•o11 dnd NK t.. Buonocor1t1 prnsenl h111hl1u1tl\ ol lhll µrttVtOUS w•·"~ ., PIO toolhftll ac11on anCI 1nletv11'wS "'''" PllyPIS 1100 COBC!itt S THE THIRD HEW YORK BIG LAFF OFF Ro!Mlrt K1111n 110&11 ll tom- lldy 'howdowo lro1u11ng I••• ot New v °' k 1 bl.'•• •l•fl<I up c;omic• IOl>Cd ltv• al the Coo11<:n1>11n11 @MOVIE • * runhnvtto 11981) Et11at>elh Bernooo Sylvia Mllt>I Fou1 11''"' aoers ~d 11 lrighllul nlQhl on a car novel tunllOuM' tnheb•I Id by " dl'm<1t111!'d ha•ke< nnd till moua11ou1 son R •·oo m MOVIE • • ', The Lone Ranpl'• Alll1 l h" LOS! Cily 01 Gold t 111!>81 Clayton Moor• J~y $11vftr ht els Thfl lone Rangl!r 111111 fon 10 11111mpt 10 pu1 II llOP lo tndl1n mu1C1.,1 eOMmlnea by g•IMOY White mM 4 15 Z CHARLES CHAMPiJN OH THE FILM SCENE U51C fMOV1E JOHN DARLING - Show hui-.1 • • 6 '•lllHtrll~ C 19n1 ftou l) ,,.,,.,.1 c urt l t••• A. •t.uh•m tJ1uu flU'>tltH thH.1thr• ''' .,,.,,.,,., .111 ut rw. tJlltJl(IY lft M •f-ru1ttl lfhtllJI l.JtMI hHllHt~ (f,IUlflfJ trt1IH lht l1U'4H1t•'J•, It 4 300 ISPV H MOVIE • • Pu-..ut' l t~so,1\ 1 t<!llOt S.11•101 ~ '"tPl H"w 11rd Ht.:!>'•'HrllHt A 'Nf,allhy f!Htfl 11\~IQfl\ fli~ l)t•<JIJ(,.llVH w,,,s,ek•,fl'Pf'' lh~ ,ob r1f ,,.tov1d1nq hi\ 1«, J&df nld •,uo ~1th tll' lit \I ~·V1JI ''"' ""''"''" 1~ .. S MOVIE •• ,,,,;kt•r tt4»'t Altw' t f 11ir1•• r J11n1•"~ C ut1•1tt1 l '"' my\t' .. "'-'"'•• ch•.11r1~ ''' 1 •41t1t1~ ol l>tldu llful tUCJtJ~·I 1l1,.(Jto1+•d lfl •t fu•w 1uJv•·tt1.,.mu ptOJt!t t .irP l1IJMl!d ()II OH~ pl11•.ti(. "iW(Juon wt''' .,,14.1.1tuo on ttum1 Pr, l MOVIE • • •"' r >tllJIM Ori II 1 Aor,l 1 l'J/ tJ I ur,r1I Nor"'u C...tt.1rw A PH11-.drt1 m1lli\ma11 "' IV' 1t uf 1t1•• c.cntur-y f ldfl~t fiU,"lild lrtt!~ f(J m1H 'y ott 'u~ PltQ1hf'1 ti.auQnfrf., wh·f~ tr)'•hQ lo holtl ()r1to his Je'-Nt5h httttLnW tn lh,. f,H 0 t)t 0'1P"''\'l(JU G f 'ridt1f,.,, ll<1y1 Im.-ff11rf,.,, 7 30 Z "' • • Now1tron1 119181 S.ll Hunle< c..11.,s lloywOO<I 1 wo ""'' n-s· root companies allempl 10 lldge eacn 01 he• 001 10 a , ac;e t0< me Auslt llhlln ,_, v•-•I on the 40• PG e·oo H • •·· c"""oc rwo 119801 AICM td Bunon. Ta.tum O'NHI OUPllO alrong Pll•l!fllll oppcM1l10n a po.gnant 1oma"'4! d&vtll· ops bel-. 60-yeat·old A/1111 and • precooous ll!en·•gt1 scnootoirt PG O, * *"' F1111 Monday In Oclobe• 1198 It Watte• Mellhau Jill Cldyburgh A h!>e<el Su1-r&0u1 CNrl Ju~ 11ce dashes with IM roew t''ll meml>er ol lhe na11on ~ h1gnes1 c;ourl nn 1Jllt8· conse<v11llvt• woman 1ur111 R II 00 0 * • • l 11t• Gr.,.it B11n~ Ho•• I 1979) Ned ~1111y R1~h••d Basehart T nree d•ag• united ban~ eallt.ul••es dec;•da 10 \JOI 1ne rocries they 1861 \hey,,. pnlllled 10 by slAQ•no a robbery ot '"'"' own bank PG 11 30 W • • "' Dear B"9111e 119651 James Sleworl Bn gtllP BardOI An !!•Uhl Y"ar-otd malh w11a•d to• geots his ph1lanthrop1r 1n1eres1s 101 • scnoot a•I 1ou11da1oon when he devel ops a C8Ml OI PUPPY love 0•0• aclrells Brigolle Bar dot z "'• * • lhelrtai.oc OKS• Wilde t 19601 Petm r 1nc/'I, JamM Muon A (.l!h!l>Hly pl.aywt1ght S ltbet suol enos in d1s11sler 101 him 10·00 Q) "'"' • TM lncred10ll' Sarah ( 19761 Glende Jeck&0n Oan~ Massey In!' 1ogen<11ry Sarnh BernherCll bl!Como an 1111erna11onetly lamou1 "age acltosa known and loved on both WM ot Ille AllilnllC C Htgh ICll Cl 980) Oav•d Janssen. Tony Musante lhr96 mounreon climbers aro rescued from nn obscur11 clllt as a 1esu11 1ne vahaot t>llor1s of • vel Of&n ranger H • • 'Groen tee ( 191111 Ryon O'Neal Antle Archer ·po 0 • • tne ln<:redoble Snronklng Womao (19801 lily Tomlin Cherie. Gro- Oirl A hOUMWll• ll11CIS II hllrd 10 cope wnen t hfl eUOdertly 1W1Qln1 to ~""" lo Sile 'PO' $1 ••·For-Oetting ( 11150) LUCtlMI Beh. OHi A•nez A youno couple s matr1ag• •• HY9d by • guar 011n •noat wn o IHGmb .. t lilt Wllt'I llYOr 11•mo~1i.1 10 30 Cl • • Wind• Ot Cttallf>IJ" PO Eu1t·rlui1wr Unmn ~u y •· K'''"' 11 luulo(h from l>n·~ Burq n!ure•, ont' of lh•· •·hil•I .. 1a1·;, of '"E.T .. Th•· Ex1ru- l•·rre•1-tlriul." •luriu,.,; a hre·uk in I U f>lll ~ of t•·I•·' i~ion .. ,,..,·iul ou th•· u pt'ni n~ of tlw Ep(·ot t ;, ... ,,.,., Ku y•· i1-1 hu~l of I tw ~how , tu uis· (kl. 2:1 on ens. l 1 30 O " "'" ., He&•lland 11981) Rip rorn C0<>Ch8IA ~t,,rttll A raoc;llt and nos hou,et.eeper race the ••go•a or tron•Hl• 11111 "' HI 10 Wyoming PG' Z * * * BOdy HD&I ' 11981 t Wolhom Hurt Kath '"*'" 1 urner A am11llltt'T1<l 1 toroda lawye< 11 P41fsuad· ttd tiy his love• 10 rnurdttr foul hu&ba11d A 12·00 0 • • "• · Moonlloo1 119!>S1 Siewert Grnng&r Joan Gret!r!wOO<I In the 1100s o BrollSh advllfllur81' t>ocomM a p,,are or1volved on smuggling C • "' "' • La Slr8d8' I 19541 Anlhony OuU1n G1uhe118 Mesina A wand "'"'{! &lrongmen ac;c;ompa-niw by llie" !.tmple-w111e<1 gorl hi! bt uQhl 10 be hlS tlown •& g•1Jded 1n10 killing "" acrobat who 18QIM tt1m $ • "' "' • 6100dllfOlll· !!•\ I l918J RIChard Ge<e Toov Lo Bianco .A young man darf'1t 10 break lemoly 1180.llOn by WO<ktng m , It r1osp11111 ward for c.n1td1en raltier lhan '" the heavy con5tructoon busmess R 0 "' • • Tho•1y Is A Oen· oerou& Age Cynlhoa· I 19681 Oulltey Moo1e A t•auoc.11 p1anos1 10011 ne must tomPOMl a m111er piece t>elore ne reaches 30-yeers·OlCI 1 30 0 •"' The NIQhl Tl'>e l •OhlS Wenl Oo1 In Georg- 10 f 1981 I Kt1sty MCNIChOI Ml •k Hamill A b•Olhe< IMO StS1e< sonowr1llng CIUO have meny aClvlW\lur •• wtule l'V"ng 10 e11e ou1 a ltvtr>Q on the <:ountry·-'1· em c11cu11 PG '* l • * ·, Newslronr· C 1978) Bill Huntet Chros Haywooo Two nval ._.. re<t4 compenHls Allempl 10 eog• •aen 01h9f ov1 '" • r.ce tor lhft Aullrttlt•n -"'-<t<• in 1111 '401 PG 2:00 0 * "' • ' MadMJO Rosa I 1978) Srmone Sio· norel. Claude O.up111n A wom•n s person11t11y undergoes an extreme 1renslorm111on When Shi! involves he• sell In 1 roman11c 1111" which buc>ges IWO W>0.ly dtll@I 1ng cullural leYe!S PG 2:30 C * * ·, The G•eat Bra10 I 1978) Jommy Osmond len B"man In tile early 190<n • young coo ••1111 swindle$ eV9"(· one 1n sigh! enCI c•eales SEOverat prootems 10< ntm· ~I G H • • » C"cte 01 l wo ( 19801 Richard Burton. Ta1um 0 Neat Oesp11e sttong p11ren1al O(>l>Ollllon a POIQOOnl romance d~ ops betweeo a 60·year-olo a111s1 Ind a precocioos teeo.909 KllOOlg"I PG S • "' The Lillie 0..11 gons (198 II Sally Boyden Ch"' Pe1erson A gang or k•dS 1ra1ned In kU•1• fM· eue on• ot lh4!ir tt1ends when she 11 kidnapped PG 3 30 0 * * A H&pl>4!fl1ng In l~•IT14!4•n Z • "' Go•ng Ape• ( 19811 Tony Oana. Jes11ca Welltw Three or•ngutans hOl<l Ille purse sl""O' 10 e SS·mtllooo tflhertt•nce PG 4:00 C L 1ncorr1Qible 119801 Jean. Paul Betmondo. Genevieve Bulold A P••oted con artist encoon1ms troobl9 Wilen he reve<ta to h•S old way ol ltle S * * ·~ Black e.eu1v' (1971) Merk l eslet. W illet Slezak Biiied on lhe atory by Anni S....... A p1oud •rid awes.omety b91Utlful hOf.. uper~ m1ny dlVlltM! 0-S 5:00 H1 "WhO HU Soon The Wind' 0 • * W10010I Cn1nge ·PO %1 * * TheConQUlfOf' 111156) John W1yne, Suun 1-lnywnrd A mlgh1y Mongol werrlOr kldnepa lhe dAuQh· ,., ol • l)Owttflul T1n11 king Ind MIUN control Of ,.. •• 9/Ttpl•• 5:30 COi * • Ttie tncredlb .. Shrinking w omen" ( 1980) Liiy Tomltn. Ch•rlN Gro- din A hOuMWll• find• ti h11d 10 ~ wt*1 ~ auddenly 1>9g1n1 to thrltlk In fola PO' by Armstrong & Batluk I I C!ll Orange COtalt UAll V PILOT lfhuradny, Oclobt.H 7, UHl2 'Ted' hits training trail By ANN BLACKMAN a-• .. ••,,_ .,,.., WAS HINGTON A1> tlw 11)114 prt'tlldentlul mtAri.thon approocht·11, "Tt.J'' Kc•nnt•dy 111 like nn a\hlt!te in training, ruru\lnH hurd on tlw locul trndt Jnd dreamrng of tht: Big One. His hair ls shortt!r, his weight down. Ht> hr111 ~placed the old bifocals, which tt't'tered on hl11 ~· with modis h aviatof.11tylc glasi;es. And he is spending $i m11llon on. on almoe>t ~re-be( rl'·elect ion race In Ma11sachu1Wlt.s while b-U..Cros!llng t)le nation,' leflting anti-Reagan the mes tn appearamoes for Democratic candidates. K e nriecty lnSISlS he. has n ot yet decided ""hether to run in 1984, but there 111 no quC11t1on ht• tll giving the rac.'l' careful <.'Onsidc ration. And if he decides to run, he w-0n 't be t'Oy about his intentions. "He feels that in 1980 we weren't prepared," uid 'Bob Shrum, Kenm.'Cly's prt.'l!S secretary. "Too much time went into whether he should run a nd not enough Into dt."Ciding how to e xecute the race if he did. l hope we've learned." In seeking his fifth term in the U.S. Senatl', Kennedy faces Republic~n businessman Ray Shamie on Nov. 2. He is expected to wm, and easily. His Senate campaign includes $850,000 worth of TV ror'nme(Cials which address a p"roblem that plagued Kennedy's 1980 presidential bid: persistent re ferences to the 1969 Chappaquiddick aut o accid ent, his failed marriage and rumors of romantic escapades -"the character issues." His pending divorce from J oan Kenned y. announced the day afte r President Reagan's inauguration, is described as "4'0ming" by aides They won't say when. As he settles into the fall campaign,. Kennedy keeps one eye on st_ratcgy and the other on his waist.line. "He's cut back on thc chocolate-chip cookies and desserts and is eating salads. swimming and playing tennis," said Melody Miller, Kenned y's assistant press secretary "He always diets before a campaign." Campaign '82 for Kc•nnedy consists largely or statements on Reagan policies. -In May. Kennedy called Reagan's arms reduction proposal ''voodoo arms control." -In June: "Ronald Reagan deserves an Academy Award in reverse, for his leading role in creating the highest unemployment since 1932, the highest interest rates sin(.'(.' the Civil War and the highest federaJ deficits in history." • -At on e conventio n, Kenned y said thl• Reagan administra tion is "the most anti-c.·1v1l rights administration m the modern history of th as land." A ides say that while Kennedy has been spending two-thirds of his pre-Election Day sct!edule campaigning in Massachusetts, he also 1s stumping for Democratic candidates an Connecucut, California. Delaware, Kentucky. lllino1s. Ne w Jersey, New Mex1<.'0 and Ohio. Kennedy also has formed a polittcal action committee, the Fund for a Democratic Majority. "The fund was established to assist Democ:ratll' candidates and begin to cat.ch up to the right wing O\:building fundra1sang by direct mail," said J ack I:Aslie, the fund's executive director. He added tnat 1(-fnnedy has raised close to $6 million in the last t\1 years. : Kennedy is a lightning rod for c'Onscrvative pq}itical gro ups which sometimes blast him personally to boost their own campaign coffers. "The right-wingers hate ham, and it's a deep ~ed." ~hrwn said in an interview. "Even 1! they ttHhk they can't defeat him. they'll kick him as hard ae1.possible. That's one of the real reasons for ~~ n n e d y ' s c h a r a c t e r -o r i e n t e d t e I e v 1 s 1 o n ~mercials." • : The ads portray Kennedy as a compassionate Cf!n1ly man who has not le t a series of family ~edies keep him down In one ad. a c.'Onstnuent "hides to the senator's past troubles by saying, '!lSe's no plaster saint.'' • The ads come at a time when a conservative eJ>up called the Life Amendment Poliucal Action ~mittee is mailing Massachusetts voters a ai~page comic book called "Every Family Has One" !6,subtitle: "Even a black sheep can make it . ~ally 1f he's a rich black sheep." • Gary Curran. the co mmitte e 's press spokesman. said that since last July. 500.000 copies of the booklet have been mailed and the group expects to mail an additional l 1~ million copies ~fore election day. Terry Dolan. chairman of the Nationa l O:>nservative Political Acuon Committee, said the 1enator boosts their fund-raising efforts because his name is so disliked by most conservatives. "He's helped us raise at least $500,000 in the last two years," said Dolan, adding that his committee has spent that much trying to defeat Kennedy in November's Mas.sachusetts Senate race. R ichard Viguerie. publis h e r o f th e Q>nservative Digest and direct mail wi:z.ard. said that, as of now . he believes Kennedy will be the Democr_aUc nominee for president in 1984. But he aJso says that could change "Right now he's a repository for Democrats and liberals and anyone else who is unhappy with the Reagan administration," Viguerie said "He's a convenient place for people to put their f lings ... But I'm not real worried about him. Sbmething about Kennedy strikes terror in the hearts of a lot of people." \ Conservatives aren't the only ones who dislike JGehnedy. Earlier this month, former President Catter complained, "Even after Kennedy was mathematically d efeated. when there was no po19ibility of h is winning the 1980 nomination, he refuaed to support me and Fritz Mondale." At this point, national polls show Kennedy far ahead of fonner Vice President Walter Mondale m the undeclared race for the Democratic presidential nomination. But such polls really reflect more of an Bradley, keep up LOS ANGELFS (AP) -Gubernato r ial candidates repeat many old themes in a pew round of commercials. but Ma~or Tom Bradley i8 •1epplnM up clalma that h~ drew some 200,000 Jobe t.o Loe ~eles. Budley ts p •y1ng about f260,000 on short televisi o n adver· u-rnenta and f.40,000 on radJo apo" t.bU w~k. The Republi can contender, 1tate Atlorne_y Oeneral Oeor,e Deukmejian, p~ld_ 1or u ao,oo o ln ~~.butdoel "°' • .,,_,. ln any of the mmpatp eds. ' 'Duke' • • air wars Commercials that may not be aired, however. are the ones that had both political camps hoppi ng mad . The Deukmejian campaign obtaJned a cuectte tape with three Bradley commercials on It, said Ca rl H ag lund . Oeukmejllln's media consultant. Haalund wllJ not say apec lflcally h ow h e o bt ai n ed th e commercial1, only that they ca me Into hi• po11ettlon when he 1.rled t.o ,et a copy o( a Bradl y co mm t>rclal with r e r e r enco1 to "Watergaw." uwort•tw~'> 111 11 t·111ul1dul1• 111111 t(lvt• 110 1 t·ul 1rulll'Dl11111 of ltw outt1111 lt! uf tlw 1111111111ullun I low, ul lhlitPitllll(t' In tlw l(llllll". d ot•K Ktmn1-tly vu•w Mondulc ··~ "1'hcy'n • fl'h•rulit," Shrum 1Wlc.J "And M1111dult• 111 ~·1unp1uK11111t( fur KN1111-ily in Mru..-.ud 1u"4•lt1; lh111 Ot•tobt•r tor ww whoh· c.Juy." U.S .. S t·11. EdwurJ .""1\·J" Kcnnt-dy st.urcs o qui •1 mom(•nt on o i;pcake·r 'f.J 1•latform wilh actrei;s 1.ourt-n Hucall. CORONA QUALITY KEROSENE HEATERS ARE HERE! DON'T BE CAUGHT OUT IN THE COLD. BUY NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH. Five models to choose from. 12-DK ... REG. 259.95 ................. SALE 194.95 , 17-DK ... REG. 299.95 ................. SALE 224.95 22-DK _ .. REG. 349.95 ................. SALE 262.95 SX·2 . _ . REG. 299.95 ................... SALE 224.95 SX·3 ... REG. 349.95 ................... SALE 262.95 _.,u -'-. wtalle .,.. J ~~L Get '£111 ff ti ·~•l e. They're 0 a li1ht •11 101r life Sylvania soll white llgnt bulbs 60-75-100 wall twin pak Reg I 99 purchase or 2 1w1n paks C 1 00 manul rebate with 89 11r1lll ff 11 t111 110111 Glidden Spr9d HouH Paint goe1 on ... lly, drift quickly. Durable net nnleh, rMlm bliltert and peellno. Wttef c'"n·up. Rag. 17.H lllllllfOI 21" 1111110111 0011011 0011111uter color h • M•/300 Chassis • 100 on-line matnx tube • Random access touch tuning • High resolution filter • 105 channel capability 77911 • tnlrared remote control SCMO Reg. 829.00 0 • I 1•t11111tlo1H1 k••111 ro• llot lntermatic's "Little Gray Box" elec- tric water heater timer switch. UL LISTED. WH-40 440016 26,. Reg 34.98 111r1tl tll• 11tl1 Famout latex flat wal, paint from Glldden Beautllul flat rtnlth ec:rub1 clean, 111y1 color IHt EHy water clean-up. Reg. 13.99 COii kllll JOUr t1lu11tl11 under coter ••• B· B-0 cover that 1s Pro1e<:1 your 1nves1ment with this sturdy brown vinyl cover Reg t4 95 22Jl27x 18 8000 J ( ,.-. ( tJ1;J ~ L _J S. T.P. llS tre1t111ent 11 99 Saves gas, cleans carburetors. 89C re moves water. l1gh1s gas ltne treeze Reg. 8 oz. (10-14 gal) 405050 1.79 111 12 oz (15-21 gal) 405373 ~.~· .. ,. JOlr , •••• Jaaco 1 gal. paint thinner. 10 gal. limit. R9Q 4.69 60711 HARDWARE Wlt<'r<' 1··r1entl/1J SPr1•ice rs <1 F111111/11 Trwl111m1 let rour furn101 ltr11th• Furnace filters All sizes for one low price Reg 99' ••t•r he1t1r i11ul1tlo11 ltl111k1t Helps save energy by retaining heal tonger l' 9 Non-flammable Reg t 1.99 7000 SO·o•lfon waMr hMter with en•roy ••vlng wn.,.ratur• ltlut-oft. 11915 40 ....................... lrt.• IO ....................... 1 ... . SANTA ANA' HOUIS: WEEKDAYS. to I. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. to 8 .. Price1GooddvuOct.13, 1112 All 8118 ltema are Sut>Jtct 10 Stock on Hand All l"'OI09f•Ph~. TyP091apNcal. Ctettcal and PrlnMo '"°''are lubjeet to COfrection. ' , ClASS.IFllD DaOy Piiat Thuraduy, October 7, 1982 /,,ooking for a career in sales ? See today's llelp Want ed ads . classification 7100 . \.. - Real Estate ~-the Complet, Orange Coast Marik,et Place / CLASSIFIED INDEX IHI,,,,,, .......•............. , le Plact Y11r A,. C1H 642-5678 HOlfS(S ro• SAU i.-u .. , ... 1··-........... Mvl• c.,. .. , ........ ~ c .......... I M•r eo.a ..... . 0-l'ooM El't ... ,._•10Vall4) ......... Oii ... , .. l:.':.11o... • ...., .... """ =~::;:t ~w~fN8:~:1\ SM Ju.a" c.·1poh 11'\t; S..UAna i.. ...... '--IA••*• \l'fttft\tMlf' -ltllomn'MI• llAL mm An·• .. t fot S.I• AP61111'WM" fCllt '•f• ~~'r.:.'11) Cf'IM:tffy &Al• Cr)'pU ~.::~~~:~'%:7:'' 0..lo• .. llM•l'•k how.ft to bt Mo~•tl lftronw Pra"c•1 lftdval"•I t-rop.n1 U..for ~.1, M-..~ tltn« Trlr .,,,~ ...... ~~···'°'' :ti.,~,·~ .... <Mollilot• ~ ..... Jl_..,M,.f".,.m\ C.rovu At•I Elt•t• £11th•"•• Mtel t:.•e•• W111it..ti IDITAlS l~"\•WrM.aM18 ~n L"fv.rnt111ohff ~~ "''" Uf t_;ril t'•.-0ftUNWm• t"t..tft eo..m1N~m• t Af T0.~\4'-trutn To-'~'.,"'''"' ~11nfwt" 0 .. ,, .... 1..1 AIU"-'" Aflil' Uafw" A.U f'\lr""" LAI -· 11-•&o.rd •lotdi.Moub C~tffo.nr.,., Suml'l'Wr ft,..,,,,., \'M'Mtoft "'"'''' llMe.b ta ~•r•• c.,t«:n '°' .... . Offttt ....... . fhe•M\• fhftltel lfllllill.Mrtal Mf'Met ::.~"'."'"' ,..,_... R•nhh IUSINESS. INYlS T MCNt. FINANCE t=:~s:r!t· :::::::: ~~.:.' M°"'f; IGl..o•" Monty ~ilntf'd• M«11t1t• TO t AttNOUNCEMENtS. PCISONAlS & lOST & FOUND AMNNM•""'Ml t•er l"oot L11el Noc•n' '-• ,. ........ ,,..,..,.., .. _,.,°" .... T'tew-4• SEIYICES Srnt« Dtr•C1ot) EMrtOfMEIH & mrAIATION ...,.._., hv.lrw"OOft JMWeM"• -••9' ... M6 t MllCllAMllSE (J., ... Sii .. <111 ""'~· AIOtl•nt•' ..... _ tf:':M.tntal., ("a...,rn6 ~.,. • .....,M la-pulon f"ttt\O'tO.. l'lonolttn --·~GOOl'I~ '""')I l,.,\rtMOC~ ....... ._,. M...,.-en._...... MlM"ftl....,~YtaM...a MYWt'el fMl1"Mr"h Of~~ ""'". li:4tlfl• ,... t.,~~~f~~~ li!IOn•ot (;oocb !Mt+ tte;t1¥f'"•M ler ~·,r:...._H1tt Gf.,, .. IOATS I MUtNE [QUlrMUn CMetll lo1U Me•"' 'wr'11f'r ecta. Mtttrwr t:qu1a; ..,..,, Po-tf 8oM..t Rttlil ( A•rttr lloM>.S.•I ... lag, ... [)of .. ~ ........... '141 -.s. ..... TUNSrGUATION AJrr·,..."- l'•mPf'n.~•• ...... ,, .. DH1.rK' <"•rt a:,w=·~··· tll9'« H"" !w•• Rt'flt Ttatier-t Tr.1111,1 r~~~~·~tti •. ,, AUTOMOlll( Gtw ral • A.C.__, t,;IH••O k",_..,_,. Y•"'' W.4 :tr~,-i:::.~ .. h Trt.Kk.t v .... ."'"'~···"• 4_,.,,.w.•1•tt lUtOS, IMrGITED Wtwt•I AW"' lt4HrW• ....... A.,.4.,a U••••t llllW Capn gr;- o ......... ~:;.'•'• ·-· ,.,.,., Jff!Ho K•r-.an~•111• ........ """' tfa,H.t• =~o•ln8'oft1 MOii °"'' ,.,. .. ,. ........... ,_ ... ........ k f'ollt M('1t • 9'eu; ~f~ Teyet. Tr_ ... v.-. ••••• Volw AffOS, IO ,..,, tOOO 1001 tOll llW l<Qt tU IG.11 iak 100. ·-IMO tOlO tao.a ..... "' tClllll 191a tOl• l<ool ·-•• •• 1100 ,,... llllll IJ-.0 ...... 1500 '"'° llllO EQUAL ltOIJSl"IO OPPOR TUNITY hltlfsliltr'• letlot1 All real e11a1e advefllMd In this n-1paper la 1ub1ee1 to the. Fedet'al Fair Housing Act of 1968 wl\lal\ makes It Illegal to adverll&e "any preferen· ce. limitation or dlscrlml· nation based on race. cotor.' rallglon. se. or national orio1n. or any Intention to make any euol\ prelerence. llmlla· lion or discrimination " r111s newep1per will not knowingly 1ccept any advertising lor real es- late w111c11 Is In violation of the l•w lllOO t!IOO lOOl = iiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiii~-- DOO ).00 1100 WO -210Q 2'1JU Niil "'"' D;o llllO -)<OD ""' J.m :WO EllHll: Adverti- sers should check their ads daily and report errors Im- mediately. The DAIL y PILOT as- sumes liability for the first Incorrect Insertion only. = 1---------· = ...... ,., s.1. tOOO •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1111 ,,,,,, t llU •••••••••••••••••••••• ::: C.a111I 1 ooz 4lOI) •••••••••••••••••••••• :!':: Tiii LEVEL • :~ TDWIEll •i.:.t ..... """ -IVl) Sate or lease opllon on the beautiful. newly bulll Newport Heights town- home Greet for sharing or pe<lect for 1ne man on lhe gol 2 mastet' sultM. 2·~ baths. son decks. space age kitchen. Open living room. etc.. e1c. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS llllLIOllU YI CdM 4 Br home • fee • under seoc>K -owe - pool · eall me today Tim Rhone. 831-12158 or ' ... R&'M* 11 • , _________ ii .... , LOOK .. ,., """ For our n-regul81 ••• weetlly feature :i IOIT SHOW· ':! CISE = Evtwy SahHday In 11\9 -Daiz P1101 c1ua1fleds ::'! l~~~~~~~~~~I :: BAAND NEW "Heart of o t Orange County" Town-= hOmel • Luxury 3 bdrm 1U1 homM beaullflilly d• ::: signed. qu1llty built · and -llnanclng now that you -tust won't belleve! Call :: now Btandywyne Pro- perties It, 531·9670. •UYFlllT• MIT SUP IHI lllLJ 1-1 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm -2 bath NOW REDUCEO TO s..i89.000I All lllYlllTTI ::J.: IULTtl/IWlll "" ••ll-1111• '"' liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~i:i:I ... , .. .,,. tllllO t'6t ••••.not~. Ft. lfflot • 1200 s •• Ft. h Let 1201120. SH0,000 * MESA YHH On Ille goll courM. Cullom beautiful 3 Bdrm home, m1ny. many ex- tru. $279,500 with t~. down owner will c.rry 11 t2~% lnlefMI. •• , ... ., ... ! lltr. Ml-lltl II F•IOLllllE A OREA T STAEET Drive by 2048 Paloma. off 20th St, near lrvlne Ave. MXI door 10 ,.. __ pon. Great potential - large IOI -room to ax· I pend thl1 3 bdrm 2be home. A 11m11y ne!Qh· borhood. Cati for detalta, Try S 1811,000. .... rfr ........ .... 111-1• Hou111 l•t lih--H11111 /11 1111 •···•············•·•·· •..••..••.••......•.•• C•ae11l • lOOZ fhHt1l 100 .................•••.•..•.•.•••..•......•••• LllD ISLE llOIEI Prime Lido Nord bay front . !I bdrm . 5 V.. l,)uth . Lg<· L.R , 2 holll slips $1.:\00,000 Kt-11101.fl•lt.>d•:I bdnn. 2 b.11h I-larttt.• me m1 t.x•a111 ('(•1hngs. furrushcd, pallll6 $420,000 . PHllSIU NOME Ul-cun & ~lly vww11. Mari ne room, 4 bcl nn, :l bath. :1700 sq.fl. $1,:Ul5,000 Ol.-c1111f"J11I • ..... ,,, ,,,, •••••••••···········•· ,.,,,, JOO C•1t1 #111 1014 ..••••.........•.•.•.. ..•......••.•....•••.. BY OWNER At LOT EHllld• Co•ta Meaa P11n1 & permit• for a 111150 aq It hm Ready to build $86,000 11411· 1182, 842·290 I BY OWNER PAii LIN MUST SELL fl,.,,, 111 S1/1 01•11 111/ 111111 HoH11 V11l•ta/1tH •••m ll•l•tll/16" ..•........•.....•.... ••••••................ ·····················~ ··,······-············ ~!!!r.!!.~~!~ ••• !.~! "t:.:!~':f.'•'"i4~o ~!!~.!!!~~!. ... !.~~ f!!!~.l!!!!. ...•• 1A~f • •••••••••• ,..... •• ••• 4 8r 3 ea Oen. Din, g11. Sunny. 2 bd. 1 bl hOuM. ILlffl Ulllll, COl•dO. v1e1t1on time no pet1 I t 100/mo 227 fncd ~Bid, laundry '100- You own tile l•nd 2,000 lharlng In Hawaii Corel 21313911-351 t kup1. g1rage. ott 11reet IQ II, 38r, lam rm. 2'A 213·798-4807 eve Be ..... -h--•BR $500 mo. OH a wale< 9a, wide GrMnbelt, near llUt ..,... ome pd. Agt 875· 1842. l)OOl Far below market O•I •I C1••t1 3bl, bltlna. elngle ger, _ _...;._. _____ _ $2411,000 Wiii leaae op-11'Nttr ZJJO yrly $1100, Aeglr Prop 4 br, 3 b•. 2000 ~ 11 tlon Bkr 844-0134 •••••,."•'•••••••••••• 876·•000 condo, micro. etow, •--~~~~~~~~$Sota111 Beach pool, tennl1 . .ic Nr Baeto IEWPllT Reduced to St59,000 3 Neut and clean condo Bdrm, 2ba, lam rm. ne-an11 llYHTlll Beaulllul Oceen Front .,,... Bay 1775 87~277 Condo 3 bd, 3 ba. 2000 1oalaH/I 3101 3 bd, t ba. lrge fncd yrd, 2 ca1 g11. S8l!Olmo 111. Lit a S.Wrlty 759-)221 ThrlHI bedroom• Over-wer E'a!de home As· Newport 3Br 21~ be Prl· 100111 poot 1nd garden aume 111 & 2nd. cod 175.000 under Convenient to 1hopa, 842-2901, 5'C8-t t82 markel et $226,000 Prl· sq "· $350.000 •••••••••••••••••••••• CULVER & ASSOCIA· 3 Bdr 2 Ba. yaro, no pell, TES 1vall 10/ I S 1000/mO bank& and beaehu vela parry, principal• Liii& ISLE UYFllDIT Quick possession Sub· !·.~~l!!~! ...... J.~~~ o8n361y "111• •vMa682-7367. OREEN VALLEY LAKE 1ss-2476 .u. nenan mlt oiler S t•s,ooo H 1 1 3 eR 1 ,_ d 188 -v ~ v Lagoon view from 6 bdnn, :; bilth, pluymom, 1•1•1.ii00 • P · • p .... v · · MOUNTAIN HOME UUHMEIT n1-1na Old Spanlah hOuM on llrge Eut11de IOI 3 BR, !luge delached g11. Dtrly a ~d• work. vacant $1100 mo Call Larry or Dave, 540-1158 • • 000 at 9'~% OWC, llllliililr-------•I N•xt to national foreal, durk nu, dl'n. Boat slip Now $1 ,000,000 ~=:iiii:i:i:i:~iii~ $139.500 Marla, A IAl,JIA llWI akllng. boallng, ate 3Br, '-~3·_40_90 IWTIOALLY kltcnan & 'A, lndry rm. llv ON HIE BEACH 2 br, lu~ coodo. Qee•n vi-. sec $750 mo 600 E O~an· lront 997-8382, 838-3094 llYSIDE PUCE SP<-ctaculur ooyfnmt dplx 2 br, 2 bi• up, 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 bo11t spa('etl Rl'duced $1 ,500,000. FllRIUIS IAICll New 4 br , 4 1, ba. l·uswm Frnnch Nur 1nandy El.wit· I 2 priml' Ul·rt• hilltop $1,250,000 lYALOI fo'ec s1rnplt· <.'OtUlge on qu1t!l 1)(.-scaNIO St. (111 Flats) $145.000. CDllllH CHS Coronado Island cusl. bayfront lot. 85' boat doc~. Plans avail. Now $:170,000 w/tcrms':- BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )4 1 Bay\•d" D•·n N 8 b7S b lbt CIM 11111/lltT SH,000 HWI E.Slll OllH 3 81 condo In small complea Features v11,11•· ltd ceilings. qu11t1y c611· structlon and m1ny e~­ tra• Full price I 138.500 751·3191 3 Bdrm J bath home Corona del Mar location Rear apl la 2 Bdrm 2 balh $295,000 t litlilHJU I l it .Mti Realtors. 675-6000 The 1-.1e1t draw tn tne Weal. a Dally Pllo1 SELL Id le Items with e Classllled Ad 642·i 878. Dally Piiot Classllled Ad REDUCED TO: $799,5001 BA YFRONT-LINDA~CLOSING COSTS ONLYI Owner has had business rcversaL<i and must liq uidate! To a q ua lified buyer, this home may be purchased for <."losing <.·os ts only! Fabulous lowest pnt•e on cxl'lusive Linda Isle SuJX->rb lagoon locauon with pier/s lip for large yacht and a 5 bedroom home with large family room. Invest now before pr ice goes UP 631 -1400 ,. , ... t_. ... , , .. ..,...... ...... ._. 131-1400 II\ '4•rtA# \-.• .................. 173-8900 RfSIOfNllAI AUL FSTATE SfRVICES IAYHIHI 11, 1IO,OOO Front row center for the best wate rfron t show in town! The large courtyard patio & bayv1ew deck Invite entertaining. A guarded gate en try. Fee land & fina ncing arc plusc-s. Open Friday JO-12 al 2482 Bayshore Dr1v{!. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 WATERFRONT BALBOA ISLAND New on the merket. fterfect b••ch cott•e• with beeutlfully co·ordln•t•d decOf. Dock '°' two 11 ft bOete. Goutm.t kitchen, beam celllnga. Owner wlll coneldef Hchange. CaH tn-.too • \\ .\ 11 HI HO'\ I IHJ"11 .._ "' .. I~ "' ... tt j', .. , .. 11 , .... ••• .... WI J t If•. I, .... tf• '••l"'o•"'-••~ 131-1400 ii. \ht1flMI' ,.., ... It-•• I t .... .e 173-8100 IEOllln OllH lllT SLIP Securlly 2 bdrm fur· nlahed condo overloo· king turning bHln. Lo- west rate In town on slip Buv now & nave the best view In town lo• t~ Chrlstmaa Boll P81ade. Financing avall1ble. -673-7300 B ' 0 I rm rec rm, 2 frplcs, ••l••flH llH l '"·B•. completely lu•· .,,,, 1 HO lllT IELL TllAYI nllhed Good Income •••o••L•t•iE.Tl••OG•••1•1•·•••• 1 Hoge 4Br, 28efl8r. tBa property or 2 lam home 2 blks to beach. 2 Br 1 Ba, P11111ar So Bav View. t-867·3534 relrlg & atove. gar $675 No money down. no Appr11Md 1600.000 RI-O 1 1-11 -1 -yrlv Incl all utll No peta qualllytno own vour dlWIOUlly prleed at • ' I • 835-5445 home on our unique $0 5,000 Call 1nyt1me 1t1Ntlr ZIOO --- shered appreciation fl. 675•0652 •••••,."·'·••••••••••• OCEANFRONT · 28r, tea, nenclng We have 5 I•--------• 64 Acre• zoned R-4. lg lrpl, S800 mo Incl ut111 homes 1n Hun! Beach. Spanlah Homo, guett 673· 1309 38R 2'Aba, 1600 to 2100 TUI IDWI house, tiorse oorral, aq It P1yment1 lrorn Haig I borders 1own, panoramic C•11•1 '•I 1111 3ZZZ 11200 10 $1600 mo Call ~~.w~~1r1 Pr~"io a~~ views, WIClrenburg, Ari-5~;;;,;;·;·~~·;•b;·j~ Oeo1ge Brooks Mon $ 142,000 Joyce Wallie, zone $950,000 (7 14) Spygl•H All amenll1et. thru Fri. 7141891-5558 631-1286 337-2555 $1750 mo 759-1015 HHll•1t .. H1tH•t lHZ l••llll 2 Br 2 Ba Condo. 2 cir •••••••••••••••••••••• garage, 2 btocka to OPTION to bvyl Large 3b• 2ba home ... 11acua.ll country type kite,...,, wl . dllhWHher. kidll-pel Oil $650/chg 636-7005 IOI METRO REAL TY catetl the COAST AL 81eN In the bell WIY Thall why . we have an ottice cloee byl K-Mart Shopplno Mall 2200 8 H81bor 836-7005 Brllk JOo to the beach! 1 chlld, I pet ok, "415 Metro Realty wtlt ma)le applll 836-7005 Cl'IQ ---------· · · .................... . , ocean. wld, relrlQe BIHll T•t•llAH S8951mo 640-5324 SO COAST PLAZA AREAi carpeted home w/ut111 1ncl1.1dedt Childl pel okt TODAY $425 + am i-::::::::::~:1•IHICH Iii 114JOOO * Hl'T warn S259,llOO lee 4 BR. )( large 101. HVHomes Momego model Good financing Cell Gerry, 673-7781 -;;i.::01~i~~, ... Ji0f iBr : 2"h Ba. F R .DR & IUlll TIH&Ol Charn11ng 3 BR home with lols of extrea. Price reduced S•5.000 Fee land, S.aul lge corner IOI Motivated owner $320,000 Financing available IU-4110 ,,....-.------. I' 1TAYLOI{ CO I, •. --~ 1~'% V.A LOAI aaaumable on this 4 bd1m home with refu<- 1\llhed kllchen Ind low maintenance yerd Own· ., will aae1s1 In llnanclng tool See II soon Only S 127.500. call 979-5370 \ f >I l I ti I:· 11 •·t .. . '\ •• ·' ·~· ..... HS IUIU Cute ctean, ll'IBIP 3 Br Meu del Mir home Huge IOI on cul-69-HC Greet Joan Clll now on thlt Coste M"a cutle 631-7370 or 545-7836 TIUDITIO~\L RL\I TY LllELY I Yr. 114 U . needs family 10 occupy 111 5 bdrms and 3 baths C•oM to comm pool and I not l1r from lhopa Very -11 11ep1 Prlc. reduc;ed to $159,900 Call 9711-5370 now , Own., moving to Hewail and must sell their lovely ooeanlront home on BriOhlon Rd In eMctuslve Cameo Shorea De· •iOned by H1rotd ZOOk this beautiful home opens to the outdoor• from almost 8\19')' room The view with waves crashing on the rocks 11 jull apec'tBQUtlr $2.500, 000 atlra<:tlve 1erm1 av1llable I bdrm, lba, lrplc, I car gar I 17K tet. poss low dn $85,000 Ph 840-6646 Wkndsl wkdya aft 5pm lniH 1044 ••• •••••••••••• • ••••• • view Comm poof. 1en· Steps 10 Bay 3 br. 2 ba. n11, It 500 mo Ownr dining 1m Frplc, gar, 2 759-8006 Metro Charge .. 1 636-7005 d1y1" p•lioa $795 Wlnte1 $59S Th 1· 11 s OPEN 328 S1pphlre 3 bd 1'~ ba. hardwood 8 1 • uper 644 0954 llOOfa. hpt. dbl gar, $895 2bedrm lo1ded wlxtrasl Bluff& beat buyl 3 br. 1 • __ __ wrk 54. lam rm. prV1 sunset p1t10, kk:lslpeta level. pool. like new 4 Bdr 2 Ba. cloM 10 community Steps 10 ALL uhls Inell Metro * IEST llY * S t75.000 Bkr ~•·5215 shopping, bus, 11m11v or pool Spa & Tennis make• apptal 636-7005 D studenlS. $975 winter $1250 mo lmmed Custom 2 bed•m houM wl ....•................. In Rancho San Joaquin ILlll'S OLOSE IT 673-6582. 640-7114 occpncy 675-2740 d h k t Out11andlng 3 br. 2 ba TlllS WEE I Y _ _ wash· ry oo -ups, crp on go41 course Lge as-I IL I IAYHHT C•tll 11111 JZZ4 draperies. dbl gar $500 aomeble loan 1225.000 llll'llOEI 11201 3 t>d, 2 ba house. gir. •••••••••••••••••••••• Metro Re1lty 636-7005 e I:: • I 2 I Cl'IQ guerantees resu1t11 V owner. 8UILDER0S LOSS. dra-frpt, 2 pars. wntr. I • r. •· 760-_8_70_8_16_75·2_t_4_•_ metlcally REDUCED to $950tmo 675-0380 I Frplc, range, vard. g•· Family wanted lor thl1 l •• Or It ltWI aell IMMEDIATELY. I/"-· -----rage, no peta Private roomy 2br HOUSEi Yard BR D NEW 3000 I I -1750/mo 111. plue sec Is fenced. peta otc "450 In lrvlne Great asaoma-AN IQ 1· liai'aial• 3101 --•v. 6•8 w 18th St •• R 1 636 7005 ble loan 5S6· 7687 Agt cuatom 1330.000 Call •••••••••••••••••••••• "':'9~9'. :-:.-....16 ~ ... etro ea ty • I uo w RAE I ~ -1a11 Cl'IQ guarantees retultll Of appt. "' 4 Bdrm, bayfroot wl dOCll ---------lllY PAii TIWllH· RODGERS, 631-1286 $4000tmo yr1y or $3000 2 BR t 81 ouptex. pV1 MONEY TIOHTI only $360 SE wlntet' Ava11 1011. pa110. n-paint. 1545 lully equip kitchen and ··Hanover.. model Up-J.R. Pltnln mo 83~182_ eome utlla paid! M,.tro raded e.aut plantings. llAUIEMEIT Sharp and clean 48r 2bll. ;r3aa"..~~f ptal 128,000. 544«1907 •-----·=--------~ lll-11ll Gardener Inc. $850/mo chQ guerentees rnultsl 111w ITIPPllt nn llAll oenw Ph 546-9950 ...... ,.. Pl OI 4 d00<1 from oc.an. Wln1e1 ~tal Lgr 2 bd. t Eaatslde 3 BR. 1700, no D.a1 l•i•I 1111 ., .. ~.· fll&IOI IMI I Nwpt Pen S151UIOO bl. trpl. patio. WID, Very pets. lit, last & dep ••-;:: .. ··~·.·.··.·· ..... •••••••• .._, calh to ex1111no Ivan of clean S9501mo 500 642.6388 .. • So4tnlc Mounllln Vlew1. $100,000 Oya en .1090. Weet Ooean Front. Cell ---Dane Point. Walklno di•· Ind Sl ept Away Brllllant ev1 731·~44 Owner 835-5086 0< 997-3970 4 Br, 2 8• Mesa Clel Mar. lance to e.ecn. 3 and• blue pool mlnote to ma)la IOUIYIEW 2 .... I -Clean home. qule1 atreet bdrm1 $950 10 11350 Country Style Uvtno -r• •Ht $800 mo Ownr per mo 661-3100 molt an)oy1ble In thll $129,!IOO, 3 Br. great $650/mo 673-4743 _7_5_9_-800_ 6 DUPLEX 2 br. 2 ba. CM· Imme<: Gerden VIiia Hwmable Call lor de· B••ll•JIH Oen & night vtew. 4Br. lam pr1 No doge. s,.i95 Sp1Ql()u1 3 Bdrm Wind· tall• John Merlhalt. egt. If•• Jl~O rm. 2•,tea. RV a•ea. 5'C2·3517 730-7185. It~ Mdl. boUll moat 831·2242 •••••• : ••••••••••••• -:. SlOOO mo 831·1153 :':~T°";:' .. :;e;.:::: ·-,.--,-.-u-----1-,,-. DELUXE CONDO NMr •E••lalde 2 br. t t>a, ••• ,,.,, •• araa. open 1u-nllght kit· •• ~ ••••• ~!'~.'!.•••••••• t>each 2Br t'lo be, Jee, Ktcl• ok, pets, ? S595 lfHt 3141 Chen w/ma.lllve gel lo-Ocean vtllw 1 bdrm & den. poot, tennlS. very private, Utll1 pd 838mo s••h••••2••B•R••:,::;.•••,••,•• deco<llOf upg1aoes. no klda, no pall 842-1334 arp ...,. ... o. 'y, gethef area • •II wr· S 135,000 OWO apt La-1600/mo Cell Gevie •----------all bllna. pool, '550 mo rounded by walla 01 glus guna ShorH Really. 835·9011 or eve• DUPLEX Eut side 2 bd. t Call 540-1158. ul< lor & eontra1tlng Country Pr'""ler 494-0748 492·, 170 ba. gar, lndry _D_a_ve _______ _ wood deeklno Incredible -., · --S575 631·4118• IOW price or 1105,000 Wntai•ll•t IHI Ll•H• lfatt 3141 •--------HOMES FOR RENT with s 10.000 down, •••••••••••••••••••••• ••'•••••••• ••••••••••• EAST SIDE 3 bd. 2 ba. lrpl. 3 & 4 Bdrm l600 to l1097tmo p1y1 alt don'l BUSINESS LOSS FOR--2 bd, 1'~ ba. l\ome w/ pool, CCVlfed p1t10, r• $750 Fenced yerds & mlll 11111 one. CALL CES SALE. Nice 4 Bdrm dlnlno rm. deck, 3 blks 10 modeled kit, nw crpl9, garages Kk:ls & 1>911 NOW 2'A bllhl Only 1110,000 bell Winier I $950 mo 548-6906 welcome 545-2000 CENTURY 21 wllh $22,000 down end 2 t3t796·0552 --1EtSlde. 3 br. 2 be. very Agenl, no lee Walk·ll Rt1fty uaome S88,000 long 180 deg Ocean vtew. 28r clean In a ou1. biO beck 6 Blks to ooean Elegan1 111·2121 lerm loan $1050/mo 2ba. IPIJ. $1200/mo Ph fenced yard. fruit I•-. ceder & gtau 2 Br & cs.n. Bell., than renllno anar •99·530-4, 499-4827 S625 ~e-1211 (Mra 2\'t B• S9251mo. Plulll Pu. .. Ila ~Ill R & H In-Taylor) crpts & drepet. All the • veatmen11 752-2197 Acrosa from Main Bell 2 --------bll·ln amenmes you d.- ln lur1te Rock 4 bdrma, 8• lba condo In tropi-LUXURY CONDO 2 Br 2'~ sire, ~autllul slelned 2·~ bl one levet Pro-Oti11 111/ llllll cally l1ndscaped bldg Ba •traa, $650/mo glau wtndow. mlero- lel.llonally decorated •••••••••••••••••••••• $800tmo Incl utlt & 837-~6 eves wave. trlllh comp, Beavtltully tandlCBpeO C1a1llf1 Ull tstltut 4 sec Cell alt 2 Br 1 81 patlO, enclsd hydro·19• In kJxur1ou1 back vard. patio cover Cn'•ll 1500 3pm 497·6826 garage, 1enc;e0. carpal• mesrr be, dl>I car pr1va1e Thl1 l1amust"81>91ore ·····"'-"'••••••••••••••• ••llMtl ••ci 3111 & drapea No pell 1525 gar-oe. fully m1lnt. yard. deciding on anything 4 cemelary lots at H1rb0< ••••"••••••••••••••••• plus securlly 548-5442 No pe11. Inquire at 527 etse 1233.900 Lawn Memorial Prk, C.M LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam or 770·5629 18th St 9&0·6331 •573 ~J)a·IMfl .lllT llllT Sterter or retirement home • In lrvtne Grovn 2 Bd•m and 2 bath con- do Fenced gerden patio On quiet corner Juat few doors lrom pool I 139. 500 142-1200 PETE BARRETI .. REALTY Wiil NCrlllce lor $360 ea rm • Ba. S 1700 mo COTT AGE In Trl-....... x. For more Info Call a.. Eutllde l1rge lncd yerd. ........ vet'ly Clark 521·8868 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, hrdwood nrs. 2•' llvldln OVlet, 28r. $500 mo + t 81 $700 mo Biii Blea. n-crpl in 2 Br & 1500 dee> New cenge. O.~l1xn/ Grundy, Rl1r, 675-8181 den. l1rge kltch wl .. llng tile, p1lnl. dl>I gar, WIO II • • I 1100 area. $700/mo 111 & lut hOOll·up. cpllldrpe, ol· •... ! .. ~!!!.~f.! •••••• Beautllul home for quell· $400/MC 642-0857 der couple pref. llPH TU lllLTll ~~peiaonS2~~~tou~_:-_2_8d_r_m-.-,-b-,-. -,r-p-lc-.-g-,-.t _e_9_3_·•_e_9_4 ____ _ ,. lmSTHnt 6TS-1S30 . rage. lncd patio Supef NelghboftlOOdf 3 Sen Clementi pride of $595/mo LHse Beck• br, 2 b1, fem rm, lr91G ~·•hip, modet'n Spa-1 C1nnery Vlll1ge Mobile up lo gotl eourM 710 S725mo 963-7866 nlah aty1e 4 unit apt. Home Park. 2 br, 2 b1, Joann St. 2131472·8240 •S"'IO 2 II* houae with oceanl hllla a pool No pets. Cloae 10 • golf courte vi-C•ote 1hop1 a rea11uran11 2 Br I B1. attached g•· Pet'leclly done. g1rege 10 every1hlng only 3 $700/mo yrty. 873-3885. rage. 1ml encl. yrd, kk:la nlee, kitchen. meny Y68•a old a Showa Ilk• 1-526-1848. 1·772-1801 OK $530/mo 631·3672 Olherl avaU NEW! New owner could lBR 3 B1 or 2 BR 2 Ba. •HICH 2 II BEST phi 539-6190 occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 bath oeeenlront. willy/mo. l•H• _c_o_s_r ___ _ city a ocean View •Pl II 752·9486 or 673-0881 HOUSE IS RE.ADV for 3 B• 2 Ba frptc, clean appllcable & rent 11\9 quiet .,.. $835/mo. wf oth9r 3 apar1mente fat NPT CREST Condo. family & pet, enclld gerdnr 960•2714 Income Sellef wlH help S.autllul 38r, vu. garegetl llnencie a SA (/E buyer $ tOOOlmo Agt 845-0295 BEST RL TY 539-8190 Pet oil 3 Br SSOO'a thoYHndl of dolt-• WESTCLIFF * lllS PIT H Ill* Fully equipped kotehen REDUCED Mltlno prlea 3 b 3 b d 1 1 1 Olnlno r,.,, rem rm, frl)lc dbl ball\ rec room toot Of $295 000 00 la w•y r, •. en. 11 n$ ocOO. A full kltch. au,_r nlee. Unit la reedy today. • · Fully Of ptly lurn 11 ..--OrHI Joe. eELOW CUrfetll replace-mo 842-8eo2 $700. •NOT A LIST• • ment cosllll Prlnclpal• BEST RLTY 539-8190 BEST 539~190 COST •• ONL VIII Call OWnet It BHtn Da/•t•liiH COST 17 t4) •••••••••••••••••••••• CUTE E1.tt1lde, cleen I G.•11'1 JlfZ Br l\OUM . encloMd ga-•• •••••••• •••••••• •••• rage, large yard No P9•• llllllll $485/mo 548·8680. 642-0138 ' $400 2 BA HOME : • R .. dy now, ldMI lor , ... • • mlly. gerege tor pop'at Kltch9n ta clean for Mom, room lor kid. •OPEN 1 DAYS• BEST 539-8190 COST llllllllNH 2 lull balht , fncd Y8fcl, dbl oer-oe Kk:la/peta w.teome! BEST 5311·8190 COST 3 bd. 3 ba Fmty rm, fllg rm. din rm, jaouuf. bUlll-tnl , N-. S 1000/lftO 11111 .. 1 rent. Jenny 875·4H1 Reedy 10-151 1.0Yely 3 • 2 balh HOUSE. Mitten worlllhQ9. !enc.cl )'d lor prlvecy. Tocley Mt5 + ~ro ~ ut-7005 dayt" •' .. .. :· • . ' . .... r ' Or bllQ• Cou•I DAILY PILOT IT hu11doy, O c lol.>or 7, 1082 Ml.IC NOTICC Mt.IC NOTICC MllC NOTICE rtalC NOllU NOflct Of' 1JIUITH't IAlf YOU AM IH Dt'AU\.T UNOlll A Tl 4'11•0 T·...al L-Ne. tall~ 0 I I 0 0 P T" U t T 0 AT ID NOTICI OP DIPAULl NOltCI O' TMllTH'I H ll 1.1 . Ne. ?tlOt-1 OCTOlll" t1, IMO. UHi.iii YOU ANO ILICTION 10 llLL 4-oeo..1 .. I UllllNOTON rtNANC.IAl lAKI ACTION TO "'011CT UHOI" 0110 Of' 'MUIT YOU"'"''" D .. AUU UNOlll A 8tlRVICllll INC .•• Outy appo11119d YOUll , .. o,un. 11 MAY .. 1W0tt1.-.1 NOTICI ,')110 0, '"°" DATID AUOUlf fruit .. u 1111 a 1 tne 10110 ... 11111 IOLD A1 A""91.IC IAl.l.-YOU ., YO Ulll '1110,lllTY II IN 21 IH t UNLllt YOU TAKI deKtibett 11..0 11l 1tu11 WILL SELL NllO AN IX'UNATION °' THI PO .. I CLOIU"I HCAUll YOU A¢Tt0N TO ,llOTICT YOUlll At f>UIJltC AUC TION 10 THt NATU"I 0' THI ,llOCllDINO Allll llHINO I N YOUlll f'llOHlllTY,ITMA\'1110'-DATA 111011l &l UIOO(I\ "011 CASH AOAINtT YOU, YOU IHOULD 'AYMINU, IT MA Y'll IOLO 'VII.IC IAll, " YOU NllD AN IP•Y•lll• II lime ot .... '" l•wlul CONTACT . LAWVI ... WITHOUT ANY COUlltT ACTION, llllllLAHATION or THI NATU"I ttlOflt y Ill lhe Unttt el lltelHI e NOTICI 0, T"UITll'I IALI •llll yW m1y h1Vt1 lh• H!Q•I •'11111 tu 0' THI '"0CllOINQ AOAINIT tlQlll, ltllt ent1 illltlfHI c;otiveytd 10 TI, No ,., • ., 11111111 yo.JI a<.covnl 111 uom1 a111u111~ YOU, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A allCI now .... ., by It Ulldtlf Nld ~ NOTIC.I' 19 H[RLOY 01vri+-.,,., lly 11•v111g •It ,,, 'flJIJI lill'I cJu• 1.AWYllll 01 T1u1I Ill lite P•OP«IY htlf••nell., Ufl wao11ud11y Octoll•• I'\, 108' 1111yttHlfll1 f)lua l"1tm1tt;MJ 1 uota •1141 011 ""' t~tll tl•t 111 ()l.l<J~ftl tllll:> dHCtlbed •• II 00 0 CllK.k • m ol H IU (lily. '" ••11•··-.. wllhOt lllfM mourn• t•om ,,, ,r.. '""" ,,, I I 00 • Ill ., tnl 8111 IRUSTOR OARAV l AllO 1110 Ill• rown H I ltllldll lor con<luct1011 1ne 11911 11111 11u1oe.o 01 oe1111u11 ''"'' ''''""' tt11t1~111 tf 111 tltw lllW Cwnly Mt!l..ISSA t f1 t'IO . lllJIOMfliJ llld '•u••--·· 8 ntet, Wlll1tn lhe olllc;e1 .,, llMiO•ll;tll I ltl• 11111f)y(ll ,. ') JOI., .. (.(1111 lrllN~tl IOI 11t"O II 700 (.Mc wilt H l Al r S I AT F 8CCIJR1l1 t (I H ol !.•Ph1111hMt ~8 Hi8? Ol•ll will (.u11t•1 llf•v8 Wo l lr1mu11ly llflOWn llENfF ICIAMY Ml!'>WC ST S lHVll;I lc;>,et•(J el l10'0 NOtll\ 1111.1••"' ""''' yuuo •~c.Oufll •" 700 We~I 8th St•oel allu1'1ed "' PAClf lC rtNANCtAl INC •n tow• Broadwey !lu11e 206 tn tne Coy ot ltut.uma• tu"""' t h o t.. 1 I Y u 1 b I " I • A n e Cotpotlll0<1 8•" .. A"ll Covn1yol Or1n_111 S111e Vuu '"•Y ""' """" lfl 1>•y '"" (,uu11 1y ''' Oo•nga 8 1•1• ol Rec:otOed July 16, 11181 "''"'' o t C11tforn1e , REA L f S fAIC: ""'"• uni.utd 1J•Jrtr1111 u l yuut l.01 11 r111111 " C.O N l tNLNIAl Ho 1064 1 If) l>OOk t414 I, P•O• 180 SllCUAITll'.S SERVICE • Celll(lrrH• ...... outll 8Vbll tnw gh lull 11•yf11am All-<11 IAllY COMPAllY I (.(ll!l()<lllA 01 Olflct•I Reco1d• tn tile office 01 corvora11on, •• duly eppotnte" w11• t1•111unom.1 uu1 vou tnv•t l'"Y c.orv11111t1u11 n r1u•1110 unOe• ~ Iha R1CO•O•• Of 0 1ang1 Counly, Truttff un<111 and pu111.11111 10 "'" lltu 11n1ov11t 11o11ed ulJu~" ut l1 ut1 d~t•d Avuu•• 211, 1061 1110 deed ot 1ru11 oettolbH th• 11ower tll a1111 c;onl•"•d 111 lhat Alll!• "'""' 1111111111> room '"" tl•h• ,.. .. ,u1eo O) Oeo•11• KOl>(flel end tollowlno P•O.,.•ty c.tl••n 0..0 ol flutt uecule<I by ot 1 ero101111u11 ol 1111a Outume111 1 un1oetw l'OM:hel wtoo er• mau..o Lott 11 an<I 19 in Btoell 32 ol $AM A OUSH a110 MARY G BUSll lwf11c.t1 tltttl' <>I •H1.0fC1AllCH1 DIJP""" to "•'' 11 ""'"' 4111<1 1uco1ded on Iha N-potl lMKh lr1c1. In me C1.-, Hu1bend •nO Will 1nd PHILO II fl e11on) unt<11u Ille ODltgt11on ';lllJI I'. 1116 I "' l11ttlufl'leot No ot Newport Beech. Counry ol BIAC.11 t n uflnHorrl•ll ma n . 11w111g ICl•t!t.lo•"'' "II"" p11m11• 11 1111 10 111 1\r1ok t•:11r1 Pao•1283 01 Orano•. St11t ol Ca11to1nlt, 111 ~· fttcorded Octot>"' 11 1080, tn Book 1<111u111 11011ricJ you 1111v111 wily 1he Oll1w1t 10.,.011h C.uunty 01 Or •no• m1p lllCOfd«I Ill OOOll 3. Pag~2 . 1379• ol OlllCl&I RecooO• of H id lllljlll llQht 10 •loll th11 ln11«.l(llU1t1ly f •• 1111111 "''' U"t"' IQ ~llC.IJI O '"' Mt1Gella11eou1 Mept, In the 011, 01 Coun1y 11 P•O• t83l', Rec0td11'a "''Y"'IJ lho 11nwe 11rnovn1 ll•n1ur1<1ttd 1111ln111"o"n\~ "' tavor c1I fjani. ol Ille counl)I rtcotdet of H id c;ovn y hlll1umo111 NO 27110 Oy 1u110n OI lly yuuo c.11K111t11 An111111 '' Nut11111~I l•utt tm<I Sav1nga E~c.c>• 11111 potllOn ol H id Loll 11 nre1c11 0t Oeloutt tr• P•y~nt or Tu 111111 <J<Jt lho omou111 you"'"" A''"'·"'""" " na11on•I 1.11nll1no Conveyed 10 the LOI Angolet 11erlorn1•nce ot Ille obttg111r on• 1>1ty Cl• In '""'n\)" lo< IJ"f"'""' lu ,,,,,,. 111111111 lit 1eu on Of Ille breacn lnlerurban R1ilwey Company, • •eeur11(1 111.,eoy, 111cludtng 11111t &•OJJ thtt luo oc.t<i•uru. m '' 1ou1 111 1111 11h1tg11toun~ 'MlCU••cJ lhe•eby corpor111ton. Oy dM<la reeor<led In b<o11ch or del1u11 Notice ot which iuopefly I• tn IOrec.toauto lor anv r1ol1t.11 ot w111ch WH r.coroed on Book 103, P'{le 356, Deed•. and ttt wu recorded May 28, 1962. u 0111111 renon. contacl Ju111J ~ t•tA? 111 lnt 11umenl No BOOie t08.Page20 ,Deech R1co1der a 1n111 ume n 1 "lo 1111111 1ee1tvte An ocl11H. 82·1116(11·1 111 Olloctel RKordt ot "YOU ARE IN OEFAUL l UNDER tn 18•9 t6 Will SELL Ar PUBLIC Ame1tcen Nellonel 'r~rllH ~1110 01J11g1• t.e>wtly otoO more lh8n ADEEOOFTRUSTOATE07 8·81, AUCllON TO THE HIG HES I Attn:Aud1eyTweedt ""'"' "'''""'~ tuavt1 olupte<l sine.to AP Wtrepf\olo UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO BIOOER FOR CASH la~lut montty 210 W Ce,,ltoe Ave >ULio •t-c.•1•dtthflll will l>Oll 01 !ILJbl~ Atlanta jVlu yor Andn·w Youn~, Chumlu.•r of <:ornnwr<'4' Prt>!'icl(•nl Rolwrl G u ylon unvc•il hillbourd showin~ mc.•ssage of priclt• in PHOf~(.I YOUR PROPER I V, ll ot 1111 UnllllO Sl81 .. Of . CUl11et'I Anaheim. CA tUC.llt•h HI "'" '"U""" 010001 '°' MAY BE SOLO~ A PUBLIC SALE C:htlClt drawll on a 1late O< nallonal (11•) .... 1..0 ,,.,,, fJI II cu~t11e1 ~ ClldCk autwn on IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION b~rnk ii et ate or lt1de1al ctedil II you nu~u .,n~ qutt~llc111\ you 1 ~toto 01 nu11v1111t tlbllk, o &181e Or 0 F l HE HAT U RE OF I HE unlun OI a 11010 o• lederet aev1n111 •11uuld '()rtle'1 .. liowy111 CH lhu 110,.1111 c•llOll unlOll 01 • 1t•le or PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU 11n<l tna11 tHOCllllOn Oomtc;lle<I 111 govt1tn11tfl11I "00"'Y wt11ch ntuf louvu r. ''"'"' ~11v111g• .,no loan IH OC1bt1011 SHOUt,0 CONTACT A LAWYE R 111ia 11110 ell payable 01 !he 11me 01 111•ur11d lllll loan It 11111.1lt1tJ '" 1111~ stale payable al Atlnntu. 0 320!> W Balooe Btva Newpo11 "'"· 1111 ug111 1111• enu tntereat hela Rerne11111e1 YOU MA'f I 0 5f 1 n,. "' '"'" "' ldwlul money of Ille Beech, CA by II 81 rru•ll•. In 11181 ••al I (GAl RIGHl5 " YOU 00 NOT tltt .. (I C.t .. lt•• OI Arno•OC•I Wllhoul Atlanta repairs its image '(II e 11ree1 addreu 01 common propetly a11uate 1n sates County end IMIE PROMPI AC.TtON """"""' "' wu1rn111y •AP•OH or d111gna11on '' ehown abovu, no S1010.doacrlbe<IHIOllow1 NOllC E IS ttCRCBY (,IV(N ""I "~""' t11 11110 p~1 en1on or warran ty 11 given a1 10 111 Lol!>,Btoc;k ?ollrec1No 21 01 lllAI TlllE INSURAN(.f und 11nr urn1J1e nc."• I nterell c:ompl .. enea1 01 c0<1ectneHI 1110 Boulevard AOdltlOfl 10 Newpotl TRUST COMPANY <I torpo1a11on f"U•Wl'YllU 111 01111 now d by th" Tiie oenel'C>t •Y under u oo Dee<! HOIQhll 111111own on • Mep 1neteol ·~ ouly 1tpPOont110 l 1us1ec unoer <l '1110 I ru•ltw 1maer u 1d Deed of ot f1u11, Dy "''°n 01 • b••K h 01 recordea 1n Booll O. Pege 26 ol Ot•oo of Irv•• dal"O MMC.fl 31 198;> T 1 u~t "' •Hid to 111e tottow1ng Oelaull In 1111 oblio111ona IMCUle<I M11cell1n11ous Mlpl, ••C:O•dS OI e•t><;utlld by l<ENNETH SKJERVEM "~"'''"' IJflJIJt'lly !Mtua1eo '" the tt11!111by, nete1olofe execu1e0 end Htd Cou11ty. Cehl0tn11 111•11 DEi ORES S KJEH VE M ourily •1 1 O•d"ll" S1a1e o t . war on cr11ne B eleaguer ed S()utlicrn city launch e By SCOTT SHEPARD A11ocleled PreH Writer ATLANTA Thl• nrg htmun· tx·gan 1110 1t• th.rn thn•<• yt•ars u go wh1•n po lt('l' d1St·o ve•r1'll thl· bodrt·i:. of t wo blaek lt<t•n -ngers m a vut·ant l<•t Bt'fon · 11 w as nvl'r, 2!l you n~ p<.'o pl1• wur<.• Ul·ad . and tht• tmag(• o f a e1ty lha t syn1h11lr1t-d th<.· m ·w S o uth Wi4S tarn1sh1 '<I But now l'ltV 11fr1t·1ab ,1r<" lry m g Lu 1mprovt• tha t p1t turl' wit h an a ggrc·-;."1v t' war o n l'rrm1· It hus n 't bt'l·n t·osy Lo ng bt•fo rc· auLhorlltt·~ <.lt' 1d1-cl tha t a mai.s murdt'll'r w as s talking the: ('tty's young. Atl<int.a'~ h o m1c:1de ratt• wa-. d 1mbrng w rapidly that m 1979 11 w as labeled a "wur w m •" by som<' o bst·rvers. That year Atlanta rt><:orded :l:H ho m1cidl'S tops in thC' natio n fu r a ml'trupolrUsn ;1rl•a its siu· Thl' f'p1dt·m l( h·d G uv Gt•urgC' Busl.M.~ LO urdt~r stat<' trooper:. in lt,1 thf' t·rt v to assist tht• lx'lc·agunC'd police·. Amo ng thl· Vl<'l11ns w1·r e an < lh10 d o l·tor, gunm'CI d o wn during <1 rnblx·ry attc•mµt o utside his ho te l. und form1·r Ciov C a rl S and1•rs' sc"<.n ·ldry , s h o t to dt:ath o n u t·1uw<frd d o wnto wn s t n·t't Both deaths W('re highly puhlrnt.to<l ~ • Mos t u( tht• 197!1 h um1nd{·.., "h<id no thin g lo d u w ith ALlunta ," "did M ::.yor Andrew Yo ung m a rC'<.'l:nt intt-rvww "I think W(• got t·:.iu,1<ht bt'lWt<t•n thl· drulol, wan. m Octro ll ,tnd M1a m1 "A number o f pc.'Oplt· c:am<' h e rt' tu gt>t awny and l.'Oul o ff," hC' "did "Th1·:v wt·n •n 't tn thl· drug busin<:ss ht•n· Th1·y W(·n • '>urt of hiding o uL hen·. hut th<'y w 1.•rc• fo und hl'r<' <ind k1llrd hl·n · "Thl· missing und m urd t·re<i chrldn·n d o n 't know h ow to l'Xplain th111 ·· I ::.11 ll It damagt-d Atl<into'.!> 1ma~t· but d id n•>I hrc·ak its spmt. Youn~ stud "l don't know o f any C"tly m Arnt.·r 1<:a that hact the social a nd pol111eal fJbrtc in plat't' to huv11 d <';lll wnh that kind o f tT1S1s w llh i:.o littlf' turmoil," the• mayor said "Thi· lead C'rsh1p o f thC' <.'It)' w as bo th blC1ck and wh1lt· and tha t madl• tht• d1{f(•rC'nce " But the 2'.l-m o nth s tring of murdt·r.., tha t IC'd to thl' nrrt·st of W avnt• Wtlliams and hrs l'On V1(·t1em earlu•r this vc·ar ·in t.onnci.·tton with two o f th<' DllTH NDTICIS ERHARDT OS KEA . IVAN W ERHA ROT. CARY L 11 ARR Y re111de n1 or ldy llw1ld, Ca OSKEA. passed a way o n Passed away on CA.10txor 1. October 5. 1982 in Orange. 1982 Born J anuary 24. l89!'i Ca Me m orial ~rv1c-es will l.J\ nJino1s He rs survrvl'CI by be h eld al St. Michae l & All hts daughtc-rs Grc•l c h e n Angels Ep1sropal Church on Sousa o f ldyllwtld. C a , Friday. Octnlx•r H, t962 ul M ary L o u1sl' S t e w a rt o f 2 00 PM In ltt•u of (lowl'r... Garde n Grove, Ca and J <-an pl('as e ma k f' me m o ria l Moore o f FI o r t d a , 7 t'Ontrrbuuon.'i to lhl' K1dnl'y gr,andc hildre n , an d 2 F oundation P a c1f1c Vtrw brothe rs George Erhardl of M11rtu.1ry dert'\·tors Los Aoge les, Ca and Lcsltl· VAN ZANDT uhardt of Mary land, and a l'i':fER J V AN ZAN£Yr ~'3'\er R e na Spnngs tc·d of GI end a I l'. Ca p rt v a 1 <' age 46. a reside nt of K;:u lua. fune r al scr v 1cc·s w crl h1.:ld H o no lulu. Hawa n P a ss<'d y{!(h Interment a l Pacef1( away on OctobC'r 3. 1982 in Vie w M t>m o rud P a rk , an airplane c r ash 1n N e wpo rt B e a c h P aet f1 c H o no lu lu, llawa11 Ill· 111 \'(ew Mortuarv d1re(."turs ~urv1vc'CI by his mother M~ M ay Van Z andt o f :-;::=:=======:::;:;;:-i fall brook , Ca and the la Le• 'ACIAC YllW MIMOllAL PAa• Ceme1erv Morluarv Chapel·Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Oorvfl NewPorl Beach 644 2700 McCO.Mtae MOITUAllfS Laou11a Beactt . 494·9415 LaQuna Htll'I 168 0933 S an Jua n Capoc,tr;ino 495 1776 MdlOl LA W.._MT. 01.IYI ~1ua1V • Ceme1e"' Crema1orv 1625 G1s1m Avr Costa Mesa 540 5554 "BCI llOTHllS l&LNOADWAY MOITUAIY t 10 ll•oadwdv Co111a Me~n 6'12·9150 IALT'ltllGHO~ IMm4 & TUTHIU WUTCUH CHA,.l 427 f; t?th S I Costa Me&I 84&-9371 ,..CIMOTHBI IMIT'HI' NOITUAI Y 627 Main SI Hun1tn0ton Blach 53& 8'130 A ti • C .P . Van Zandl. he es also s urvived by 3 sons Pe w r J Van Zandt. J r. Chnsto ph('r 11nd Ansel Van Zandt He wa 'I V i ce Pres id e nt o f Pa norama A1rhnea. and wa11 a gradual.4• of Long &11c·h S t a t c <..: o 11 ('gt• a n d w as formerly of Newport Beach Pr1vatl' Sl'rvll'l'S w lll IJe held LOVE A LICE C AROLIN£ LOVE. 62. 11 mc·mbcr of one o f Huntlng1on B e a c-h 's founding fam1hes Passed aw11y suddenly Tues , Oct 5. 111 Pacifica H ospital. Mrs. Love was tht' clnughter o! Willla H tind ~thd Crane Warner 11nd was bo rn 1n W('lltm1n:uer, CA . June• 5, 1~20 She wu a m('mbcr of tht• Fil'!lt Un llt'cl Ml•thodist <..:hurc h o f H untingto n Beac h S he• had bC't'n e >elrt'rTlf'ly actwc Ln thl' PTA, holding tw.•vcral IOC411 offkw S h e I• belove d m o ther or Rkhard C. l..ov(•, Longview. W uh .• a nd Onvid P. Love, Waso. Tl'x AlllO survlvlnR are 3 1trRnckh1IJ.ren. RtC'k ic'. M ary rind Marcus l.ov<' ull of Longview. Waah Friend• may cal l ut P ierc e Brnthcu-Smlth Mortu ary Cro m noon un1ll YPM on Frday. F'un..-ral ll(•rv~ will be c:onductC'd rat 2PM, Set . Oct-9. Rc•v, Al J aNCn Putor of tht> Flra t Unltrd M .. thodlll C hurc.·h oltldauna lnt('rmC'nt will tJtO imdc In Thr Good S~ph rd Ceme\ary. Piel'('(> Broth«'l'I· bmlt h M or tuary Dlrect.o,.. ~36·6~39 d"llv11roa 10 the un00111gneO. The ll••o• adel•dOI 01 0111111 fo ut hand uno Wll ll C F S AA ;11lolt1ffl1f) ICJ W•I dt'<llhi. left Atlanlh w1Lh "<rn IHWgt• prohlt•rn," wr11111n Oecl•••llon ot Oelaull eno common do11gna11on or lhe 1eal OC.TAVIO SANl OS 11110 MARV ANN Lot 181> 01 1•3c.• No 7100 1n lhe Yo ung S<lld Ottmeno IC>< Seta, end wrlllen 11otoce properly hete1n1oove detcrlbe<I '' SANl OS 11 ut1ee o t lfHl Ce•al oly u1 trvoru· C.ounty ol Orange of breach and ol elflctlon 10 c1use pyrpo1te<1 to be 3776 Ctey Strltlll 0 <.1av10 and Mary Ann Sanlo~ Trusl Stal" <ii C..dhlo•n•a &~Shown on a "Wht•n you plll all lht•:.<• things tut(t•thl•f , you the underttgneo 10 1111 aoto Newp0tt ee11e11 Ce1tlo1n1e 011..0 J•un•1y t5. 198 t ena OAN ma11 •f'<.Cl•CIHJ on boo~ 324 pages do Kl'l a kind of p••r<.·t!pllon lh<rt c..-r1mt' 1s a problem p1oper1y 10 Hiiary 1a10 0011ge11ona. The u n oe, 11 0 n ed h 111 •by O CAL LAG•1A1>1 eno ROSANN£ 44 '" •8 1roclv~·•e 01 m1111<.6ltoneo<Js in Atlanta," hl' SHIU. "But thut'i. sonwthing wc'vt • 1no tl1orealter the unaerttgned <11ac1t1ma •II lltb•llty tor eny O CALLAGHAN. nusDand and wire map~ 011 ,,.., olltc!' 01 the county cuvsoo auch notoce 01 orenGn ano ol 1ncorrtctne111n H id 11ree1 edO•eaa a nd LAWR ENCE ARMAN 0110 '"'"""~' r,1 &aoa c;ounty lK•('n w o rking un and I t hink With snmt.• SUt.'t.'t.~." eleo11on 10 be Raco1oea June 3. o• olhet common de11gn111on CLAUDETTE ARMAN, hutbond and E11.u11t•f1(l ll'IJ1t'l•01T• att 011 011 To symbolii:t• that s Ut'<.'<'Sl>, tht' e1T y rt-cently 19112 u inti< NO 82·1118988 1<1 SelO sate wllt be made w1thou1 wtle, ano SINCLAIR WEN end •Ullt~ fl11M1;,1, m<nc rat 11gh1, W o mc1e1 Rec;Otdt werr1nty ••Pre•• o r lfTlp lllO, IRENE WEN hu10111d •nd wife ell 11t1tur .. 1 II"~ 11ght1 ana otheo l'rt'Ctl'<.l a hugl' S1~n whi(•h produ1rns " C havt • S•ld u te will t>• maoa but rogt•O•nu "'"· ponHtton, or •• tenenta 1n Common H T1u11or hydroc.a111eit1s lly whals°"ver nome ra ised a bravt• and bt.•auuful e1ty Atlanta," w1111ou1 coven tnl o • wa,,•nly. e ncumb,.ncet . 10 ••ll•ly Ille to 1ec:u1e ce11a1n 01>hga11011• tn 1111uw11 11101 moy bt' w1lh1n at unoer 4u o tmg from a a Sj'.X't't'.h madl· b y viurnalrst H enry oxpr•H or 1mplle<1, 1egera1no title, pr1nc;1ptt t>etanc• ot 1'1• Nole o• favor ol M11n and B• .. v•a "" IJdlC.('I 01 tand he111ona1>ove 1' po11011lon. or encumt>rences to other obflgallon H Cured by uld A1aoc;101e~ A t.snerat f'a1111e1 ""•(1111 .. 0 t(IQl'lher with l he W Grady in 18Hli pay the remalntnu p11nclp•I aum or Oeed 01 frual with tntereal an<J 1h1p . a& benel1c1ary rt1co1d11<l pe11Jetuill rogr11 ot d11l1t11g, m1111ng ThC' ml•s.s<tg<.• r<•p l;wed a brllbourd l'r<-'<:ted in 11111 no1Ct(1I MOU•«I Dy 1a.a Deed ot other 1uma u provided therein, • 2 • 8 2 8 s '" s 1' u'" 11 111 n o •PI0111111 •111d 01>.,•al111g lhe1e101 J 97y IJy an o utraut-d mt•rl·hant .. Warning Ttull. with onle•eat aa •n ••kl note ptua ao vancu , ii any. under lhe 81 t t620• 111 '"" OHrc;e o• the no •to11no •n .Jnd •emu•ono !he ., p1ovtcse<1. •dv1nc111 ti 1ny under fllflf't lhe•eol an<I 1nttlfetl on such Aeco•Oe• of Ora nge County ame ltc,m \•t<l tana or any 0111er vou art• In Atlanta, WhC'r<' po l1t•t• ur1• unde rpaid, the lerma 01 u10 0..0 ol Trutl edvances 1na plut IM• ChBIUH Ce111orn1a aesc111>ong tana therein 11no 1nctuOong lh• "II"' 10 undf'rmannt'CJ. unde•rt•4uqJµl·d Us e l'>Ct r emt' '"'· Cll••o .. •nO e11pente1 Of .... end e•Pttnte• ol the TruelH end ol 161 P11fl;e4 19 on "'" C11y of Oranue '"P•lo<k Ot (Joroc;hooally """ ano (·a U tlC)n whl 1 .. hc•r" .. TrullH end ol the 1ru111 c;roate<I by 11111 tru•te c1ea1eo Dy H•d OM<I ol county o t o, an 0 e S 1a1 e o 1 one trom lonoi. other lhtn 11105>0 • .. ••Id OMO ol T1ut1 l •ull l h• 101al •mounl or u 10 C111tlorn1a aa 111own on a map to1o0 e1eon8bO•e dMcrobe<I 011 Of gu Youn~ says things have l.'h<ingt.J Sala .. 111 wlll bo held oo Frtd•y. ob1tue11011, 1ncludlng •enonably m oook 161 pages u to ~6 o l ""' t11n""'• ana stiatts into. "What w e'Vl' tril'(j to do," Y o ung suid, "rs run 0 October 15, 11182 11 2 oo pm et the 0111m11eo I•••. c h••o•• ano Pa1c;e1 Map5 on the o•toce 01 the 111ourJ" or ec.ron 1r1e aubtur1ace 01 Chepmen Avtnue onl••nce lo the aa,pon ... ol th41 lru11 .. 11 the II~ county Reco1a.,, ot H•O County ~" '''"" hl!reonaoove deac,,beO ught s hip on o ur i,trc'i!ls o n tht· tht>0r y lh<tt the way C1v1c Cen1ar 8u1td111g 300 E111 ol lnot11t1 pu~tlon0111111 Notice 11 '8•0 o1>hga11on1 1nc1uo1ng on4l no1e .na to !/Ollom \Uc:n w•11p11ocked o: You prc•vC'n t t-riml' IS to esLubhs h o rdt·r Whl'n Chaptt11ln Ave11ue, 1n the Clly 01 S•:t.277 •O '°'the P11nc1pal •um or $304 86!> oo 11cc1tonut1r a1111ea w('Ha runnels lk ' 0 1ange Oiied Sep1embe< 20 1982 thitt lhe oenel•C••I 1n1ere11 unaor nd -''"'t• V""•' dnCI blln•alh or ix·oplC' gt't <J St•n sc.· that you don't t·ven jaywa '1 Al the ttme of th• 1n11111 RE.Al ESTATE t u c h o ee a ot 1 rut I anu 11o e tiyoncJ "'" i.1teoo1 l•m•lt the<eol d o w n to wn, the n that contr1bUtl'S to an orderly pubtle.ellon 01 th11 nottee. 11141 10"1 SECURtT•ES SERVICE ob1tga1tons n c u••d thl!reDy are no '' 1t•o 0111 re111nne1 equip Prt'Se'n l'l' and a rl'S"''<.'l fo r la w " emounl ot the ullP"d bet11nc..e of Iha e Celllo.n•• corp0tat100 P••Mntty nekl by the u11a.,,•1gflell ""''d'" • t>1Jao1 doe pen ano ~ obt1g111on 1ecu1.o by the •Oove •• hu1IM thet • 1><eecn ot ond d<1leu1t "' me l>•H&lt' d"Y ~uch "'\!tit o• monfJ> Gt•nt· S l;;ide, t•>Ct"t:UtlV<' d1rt'(·tor of the· µr1vatc•ly de1c<1oeo o eeo 01 tru11 1 na By OJ M0to•• obtoga1oona '°' w11oc11 wen 0eea 01 .... 1t0uu1 , .. , ...... e. 1ne HQhl 10 """ lundl•cl MC'tropoltUin Atlanta C1 rrnt• C o mm1ss10 11, os11metea cot1• e,;p•n111 ena n~ Prealdent 11 u1t 1s n curoty llH occunea "' m.,,., >tnr1: "'"1Cl•t' 1no operat .. Y edvenoes 11 S 1:> 1 3611 •I tSEAlj rn11t paymen1 nu nol ~n maae ot '""'"Ci" tr " w•tac~ ot '"" upper S<ltd thert· IS swt1s t1t•al t•v1de•nc:t• lo ~uppurt oun~fs To de1trm1ne tne opening t>•d ?020 Nor1 11 Bro aaw•v ""' ons1at1meri1 01 1nter11s1 wh1c.11 '>00 t~ .. 1 ut me t<JDW•IM.e 01 '"" daims yo.. may c;ell (71'4) 58'4-6333 5,.,te J06 b,.c8me <Jue August 2 1982 end jJlf sncJ '"""'"auove OeltflllCO a~ Thrnu"h &:pt 2:~ o l thr~ .Yt•,ff. I OH homreldt•s 011• Soe>l.,.,be• 14. 1982 Senta A111 CA 92706 1u11.oquent 1ns1allmeftts 01 "''"'"" e~e' '"Cl"' 1111• aeed lrom t/'le 1'""'t' !'.> BUALINGlONflNANCtAL Tel t71•1953·UIO 1ri a1 Oy '"'rton tnereot "'" Of'•P <l"f "W et.I Vo1g n oa had bc>t•n rl'('Ordt-d 1n Atl:.intJ ln I ~HI , lht•rt• W('fl• SERVICES. INC PuotoaheO Otano• Con t O•••Y ut1oets1gned pr11111n1 benellcoa•y o•po•·•'•"" •fjcoraecJ AuQuS t l 182 murdt•r s in lht• t•11 y . 1n 191jll, '.LOO Oth(•r "SOJO Trva1M P1101 Sep• '3 30 Oc1 l unde1 $uc;h Ooeo ol T1us1 nas 1975 •r Uoo~ 11477 P1oe 1• <it 0 y T D S ER v IC E • •97·82 11;eculecl eno 0111tvereo to ,_,o d<J·Y Ofloc•o• He<o•Os lhe •dd•llS$ or l'<ttf'go n c•s o f ~rlffil' dlso s ho w dc·d1n1-s, Ul't.'Ording to GOMPANY ttppornreo ftu$lee 8 wtttte n 01ner common 01111on•tl0fl '' .,,, Atlant<i pu llcc su1t1Slll~. eo•nt PUBLIC NOTICE 0ec101a11on 01 Dela<Jll and Oemall<l 01 tne teat propetty Ouc:t1 bod Aulho nttt':i -.tiy lhc.· dro p II\ lhl• Clt.Y'.., c..nnit· rail' By C11111 leJelu• lo• Sa111 •no has d11po&1t1•C1 w1111 a1>1>v" ·~ purp011ed 10 be 3782 Fe"' A .. ia1an1 Secrellry NOTICE OF TllUl1'EE:'8 SAL( ,8 ,d Outy 1ppom1N1 Trual-1ucn S tret1t lfvrne Calotorn oa Ille l·an bt· Lra t't.'<.l. 1n Mlm l' part, lo u fo rma l agrt't.•m<•nl 3C533 Ci mino Oet Rio No. TO.., ~11 01 rruit cind 811 oocumen., unO"'SIQne<I TruSlee a1ac1e1ms any b etWC.'t•n thl' n t v·.., po h t•(• d t·p o rtmf•nl and thC' South tM,OlltTAHT NOTICE TO ev1denc1ng ootogat•ons sec;urea 11•11""'Y '°' eny •nc:0t•ec•~ 01 111<1 I B • I h h Su11e ~· "'OPElllTY OWM": thetoby nna tia1 dect.,e<I eno do.t • d a'"'' o ' o 1 "e ' c; om m o n At ant3 usint·~s Coa Jttnn, w IC: rC'pr l'sen ts San0<ogo,CA92108-o40H YOU AlltEIHDllFAULTUNOUIA Mtet>y ooctar• e11,um• aecurea des•onatoon •l1nyshown hef .. n various bus inc.•ss organizations andudin$, the..• Atlunt.a Ttl 111•1 !>&4·8288 OEIO OF T"UI T. OATI D MAlll. >. the•elly om medtetety o ue 8nO 11 th!' etei1eu10 p•oc>e<ty nu no Bus 1 n C's!> Le a g u c·. th t• A t I a n t a C hum her o ( Publl•h•CI Or 11191 CoHI 0 11ty t•t. U~tl YOU TAKI! ACTION P•Ytble anO 1111 electeo end ooes t.tro11c en<1ruu o• olt•"' c:ommo" Ce)mml.~~· a nd the• Atlailtr• Con v <·ntron anc.J Vt~itors Poot Seot 23 30 Oc1 7 19112 TO '"OTIECT YOU" '"0'ElllTY, neroov etec:I 10 ceuse the t1 uat o.,~0""'"" do1t!Ct1on• os to llOw 10 , .. ~ u 4193-82 IT MAY 8E IOlD AT A PUILIC ptOQetly 10 be llOIO 10 sato•lt the tocaw a11c t p1ope.1t lf may I.II> Burt•Du S AL IE t F Y 0 U NIE E O AN oblog1toons !leCU•ed lh~eoy •l>t• '"'\! trom '"" ~"eltc.•••v un<ll'• Prop<ised "' !tit(· 198 1 <i ncl uppr OV•-d in Junt•, f'tlBl.IC NOTICE EJl,LANATIOH OF THIE NATU"E M•ln Ind •• , .. t. At.acl•I••· "'"' c, .. "o o• , , u>t .. wl•os" OF THIE rttOCEEOtNO AGAINST A 0.-el Pertnerehplp 'f'CIV" I tne •'''" ·~ Ill w. conouc1eo thl' pilt't t·stahl1i.h (-d 0 p;.1r1ne•rs h1p LO "s tnmgtht'n FICTmOUI IUllNEll YOU. YOU IHOULO CONTACT A PubllSlled Or•noe COIUI Dooly l)Ul\unnl 10 • w111te n 19QU11111 I fr •• t f ht ·• th t ts f th NAMa tTATEMENT LAWYER Pllol. Ocl 7 t• 21 28 198? \u1Jmllt"'1 w11h1PT ltm Oly6 lfom th<!! pr('S('n c• ur,s o 1g crime• ... n c· s re'{" o t• !he 1...,,_,ng _,._, .,. oeHng 0 9 N P S r 1• G .,....,_ ,...._. ~ ~ 11 Octobo• 21 I 82 et 10 00 44l0·8? t11s1 puhhtt4l1C1n 01 llus OllCC! lo 1.'Cnlral <:lly ," u b h< a l'ty \..(Jmmts...tonl'r eorgl' bullness ., AM BURROW ESCROW c o • HJt •• Uf'• """•'. ti thlO IOllOwong Napper said COLLEGC VIEW ' c o Gery Ca 111orn1• corpo•et1on u duty POBl.IC NOTIC£ .oa11·H BAN I\ 0 1 AMERIC A J G W•tcomoe 660 Newpo•I Cent111 I A T .. 0 l o··. l RU Cf • NO SAV•N'"S A -d 3,_.•rd1n" to busln"'"'ffiUn cw•I 'o Jdt...-rg ap1>oon eu tultee unue• •n FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NA 1 ""1 " " " "'' '""" c '""" ~ LA:' • [)five $<Joie 850 N-po•t Be11c11 purauenl 10 Oeeo ol Ttull rec0t<le<J NAME STAT'EMENT A ~ S 0 C I A 1 I 0 N l 0 A N who h eads the coahllon, "tht' rt':\ulL" h &vc s hown CA M•y 18 1982 •• Inst NO AOJU51 M[NI OEPARl MENT NO ht 'fi t Th wh th G ARV WES CO MBE C560 82-170520. ol 0 111c111 Rec;o1de '" lne fo ttnwono person o1 aoino 4327 rOR£ClOSUAf S ECTION w e wc..•re ng on ... rge . t-n• IS n u C'r<' neur t• N•-po•t ce~r·· O••v• Su••• u " •·uam•s• a• 0 E E " v-.. ~ """' 111• oltoc;e OI ,,,. County Rocotdorl u " • •5 SOUTH HUOS N AV NU c rime 1n downtown Atlanta now " as in 11nl7. N!'Wl)Ofl Beech CA 9?660 Of o .. nu• Count~ S lit• o t (Al ILLUStV( CONCEPf'> IBJ PASADENA CALIFORNIA 91101 Among o ther things. the· agree ment IC'd the·-J ACK OLDHAM 660 Newport c.i.10tnla ••ec:ute<I by R0 8ERT s ~~iE:P~?~c~c. .. D: ~~N~~!.'~ '"" unp••O batlltU ot t"8 nole poh<.-e dcpartml•nl to take offrt•ers o ut o f thetr (.'(!I'S ~:~:co;·;;~·'· 850 Nt wpott AUNGST 1nd Al<tYO AUNOSl C AST ING IE , EL MA GO 'Fl '41(Ull'O by .... a DeeCI of Tr<Jll With d l th lh t lS r b 'J't "E E ER '"60 huaben<I •nCS wile, WILL SELL AT CONCEPTS IN AOVERltSING 3"03 nt11<esl the<llOO 81 providld tn saoo a n pu e m on e s ret.' or m o r<' VISI I I y . Ml., M y ' " N1wporr PUBLIC AUCTION l O HIGHES T . .. 11')111 aov1nces ,, any unO•• .,.,. They walk beats nr nde horses or motor scooters C11n1er Drtve. Suire 11!>0 NewpQtt BtOOER FOR CASH IP•Y•Dle 11 H8't>or Btvo Suiie K·7 C.osta te•"'" 01 u oa Oeod 01 !rust Th I d ' I h 3' 0 BHc;h, CA 112660 time ot Nie Ill .. wfvt money DI Iha Mese. CA 92C52fl 111,1ucJ1ng fl!e ~ c ha rges e no e po l<.'t~ l•par lmcnl a so as up to PAUL PFEIFFER. 660 H~ U111141d Stelos) II .... front dOOf or HOWARD KEITH MORGAN e•pef1~\ OI Ille l1ustee .•• ol Ille undercov e r fomalc o ffice rs o n downto wn Slr'a'ts C.Ote< 0t1ve. Su•l• 6!>0 "l•wJ>MI &ut-f.ec;fow Co 2010 N Tu111n 38 t Tnelloro wav Cos11 M•u CA oat• of ,,,,. 1n11oa1 pubhcet10<1 01 1M d • b h to t tc h . g S.CICll CA 02680 A,,.,_ 5-nt1 A~ Caflfl)<nle •" $l'&'7 N011C't' of Sele 10 w•I $103 9• 7 .l• uring usiness ours prcvcn. purse· sna • in ST AN SOLOMON 660 N-POfl nghl. uiie "'° '"1.,~t conveyeo 10 11111 1>u1meu ., conouc:1eo uy 0 11 0.,eu Septemoer 10 1982 lt also operat.c'S a van whic h makes penodtl.' Cont•• o .. v•. Su11e 8!>0 Newpo11 endnowheldOyllun<tetHtdO..O 11<11v111ua1 NAml' Stie et AdO••n eno swc:<-'ps through the ('lty, picking ~P .dC'reli<.•t.s and ee.c:.l C~ O~~~ MA I( E R 6 8 0 ol Trutl 1n th• prOj)erlV 11tuo1od 111 1111 1141•~~,;'n~'d M~;g;n th th i111ephoo11 Numbe• 01 l ruatoe or taking them to mil, C'hurch ·run m1ss1ons or 5'>C1al Newport Cent~ o 11ue s.,11e ••". "Id Counly e11d Slltedoactlbed .. Co..~1" Clerk of o~:no• ~C;::•1ntw o! pe•»011 conoucllng ••ta " .r-~ • """ Lo1 21ollrectNo 0417,lnthe ' v vu' "CO NTINENTAL AUJllLIAR Y S("fVit"C' agC'nc1es NewPOtt e.ae11. CA 92680 City ot 1, ... ,,., as Pit< map rec0tOoC1 !~Pt •~ 1982 COMPANY The business t•o mmumty has m.stltutC'd grealc r GERALD l e H AMME ns 111 900I& •07 P1g41 18 10 18 111Clvsive F1t7•5 •s a. Hudaon Ave. 101 Fl. B•oedway Su11a 1 t!>5 San Q.40(> of Mo!ICellineous Maps 111 1,,. Office Puo1o11100 Or 11ngc Coast Dart~ ,Hade,,., CA 11 ,01 set•u r ity measures. mdudmg tht• hiring o f pohce to CA 9210 1 01 th• Counry Recoidar 01 H id P1101 Sep1 16 23 30 Oct 1 1982 Joon c. Ceu work as S('CUrily guards during off-duty h ours. fa lOUtS MALONE 500 Newl)0<1 Covnty •t03 112 b ·Otttclo ·~111 training its o wn employees in !k.'<.'Urity proc'edures O:!~~.~:i2~1e ?OO Newpott "" 111••1 oOd•H• and o t'1e• PUBllC NC>TIC[ (213) sn-eo10 bl h . f '°"""°" detlgnatton, If any. ol the Puo11~11~a Orange Cout o auy a nd c.•s t a is 1ng s c·c urity e•st·o rt ser vices o r RICHARD OLDHAM 18 17 , .. , propertv aa1crtbed ebovo 11 FICTITIOUS IUllNESS Potot Seo• t6 23 30 0c1 1 196? cmploy<'<'S who w o rk late K•noet>u•y Oflve Nea '1v rlle pu•POf1ed 10 oe 8 AIOll<lre. 1rv11141 NAME I TATUHHT 4100-82 Tennes-37215 c 111 It a lso d1s lnbut('S ant1-1.:f1ffi{' flte ratUrt.• and h as MARK HEMPHILL •20• S e Qtn•• !he follow111g pe rson II ll01ng The undersigned Trustee b<Js•nets 11 set up an a d visory pan<'I to a ssist thC' poliC'C' m Seputved• Btvd Cu1ve1 City, C.t. d11ct11me e ny 11eot111y to• any P ACIF IC S ANDS 1760 devising antt-enmc• pro grams ll0238ENNIS G TYLER _.000 lncoHeclneH ot the"'"' aoa1ess Mon•ovta C-2 Costa Meu CA and olhe< common dee1gn111on If 92627 Mt oArthur Blvd . Sull e 1000 , 111y thOwn 11.,eln ANN M WEISS 778 5<011 No DEATHS ELSEWHERE Paul S treger NEW YORK (AP) Paul Strcge r, a th l'atnc•al pro duce r who later bt.'\·amP an agent for s ut•h s tars as H enry F u nda and K a tha r in e Ht•pburn . died M o ndoy ait the agl' of 86 Morse Dial N APLES. F'lu (AP) M orse G . Dial Sr .• a former c h1d cxcc·utive o ffi c er and b o ord c h{11rmun of Union Carbide Corp .• died M onday. lie wn~ 87. Dini s pl•nt 34 yean with Un ion Cerbide, s tart1nR as a s oles sup<'rvli.or In UJ:lY. Dial was oppni n tl•d U n ion Carbide's c h irlrmnn in 1958 o nd r-.:tlrcd rive yeani lotn Heman Sweatt J\TL..ANTA (AP) - Hemon Sweatt, wh08f' 1946 lowsu11 (u r cc>d TexH to open 1t• Jaw sch ools to bla<'k l . died S u nday al age 69. Raal1ton Scboolfleld C HATTANOOGA , Tenn. (AP) -Raulaton Schoolfield •• 77. a 11cn<'r~l Newporl BM<;ll, CA 026&> Seid UIO Wiii b• m10e but •4 Coll• Mesa CA 92627 ALAN H WIENER •OOO w1tl10u t covenenl o• w111anly T11<1 ~neu 11 c;o11duclecl by t n M•CAtllhH Blvd Suite 1000 HPfMt Of impl•e<I. reo••O•ng hll• !lldlV!Ou•I Newporl Becocl1 CA 92660 poueatlon, ot enc;umb,.nc1s, I Hus Dullllffl It c;onduc;•ed by 11 inc 1ud1n o lee•. ch a r g cu and pen11ra1 pa11neran1p ••i>enMt ot the T1ua1 .. 11no 01 the Al•n H W1one1 Gero 1ru11t c;relltd by u td Oeed 01 Ann M Weiss rn11 s1a1emen1 wes Med with tho Covnty Clerk of Orange County on ~lllfl'lbo• 2 I 1982 Pllf1 Trull 10 pey the nwna1n1ng ponclpet F117MO PuOltslled Orange Coal! Oa•ly P1to1 Sopt 13 30 Oc:I 7 14 1982 41!>2 82 Th•• alelement wtl filed wftl1 Ille tumi ol the note(ll MCuled by u ld sessions JU<Jgl' who was County Ct.,k ot O••noe County oo Deed 01 fru11 10 w11 sso ooo oo impc•a C'hed a s a judge S411>1ombo1 is. 1082 Ftt1.e2 wu11 1111ttH11htteot' t1om June 19, 11181 et 13 Ptt•Cl!\I !>ft •nnur11 H 1------------- 3 n d d i s b a f' r (' d as a Lew Offlc" p1ov1oee1 111 aald notet•I plu• costt PUBLIC NOTIC[ l a w yer more than 20 ~Ol~~A~~,'!.!_~N 1nd •ny •dvanc;H of $13.87600 1------------ d d --"'"' .,._ wilh lnlWMI FICTITIOUI IUllNESI y •• " r s a g 0 . I e T .... , .. ,._ The Deneltcllry undet .. Id Oeto NAME ITATEMENT Wt•dncsd ay Qf A hf'art Newpoto 8eecll, CA t2'llO 01 Trull 11e1etofofe e•ecufed •nd Tiu• lollowtng 011rson 11 001110 attack P<Jbl•shed 01•110~ Cout Deity delivered 10 11111 underalgned a ou11rntu 11 Pllol. Sept 1S, 23, ~. Oc1 7. 1982 wrlllen 011Cta1111on of deleull 1no SASINI 293 I J Gr Ace lAno D <' 5 P i l l' h i 8 • 105·82 Oemend tor Sal•, 111d 1 wrlllen Cot•• Mese CA 92626 1mpt•athnH•nt In 19 5 8 P'UBUC NOTICE Nooce 01 Oeleull 1na Etec;uon to RICHARD I. J ACKSON JR oncl tlisbanne nl in 1960, Sell Ttto undetalQMCI couted Mid INC • Ce11101n11 c:o•OoH111011 C'.·hoolft.e ld WQS el""'tn.d FICmOUI .,..... NOllc;t o• Oelaull ano Etecllon 10 2931-J Gr•c• l a11• Co1t11 MflU ~ '-" " NA• ITATU•NT Sell lo be •ec:Otci.d tn the coun1y CA 02026 In I 974 lo the.• G<'ncral The tOllOwlng i>«eon• ar1 dOlng whet• the 1ea1p•openy111oce1eo r1111 bustneu 11 conducte<l by 11 S i Co t111Ht 11 Date Septembef 27. 11182 co1por1111on css ons 'url. PROUD AMERICAN RACING, BURROW ESCROW co ..... 1c1 Mll:llftrl'l l J0Gk1011 Jt '5 VICIOrll, No O:>, Cotti M .. a, lrutlH, 2070 H Tuttln Avenua tnc A 92t27 Sallll Ana, CA (7 , .. , 558-9212 J UOY ANH 9 A ILE V 525 8y Chert Wylell<I ICIOtla, No 92. eo.1. M•H CA Pretldenl ?627 PuOll•h•d OllllQ• COHI Delly dlrN·t or James R uuo, RICHARD FRANK C~S TAO Pllo1, Sepl 30, Oct 7, 14, 11182 who!«.• h it mu11icals in the 1125 v1c10t1a, No. 112. Coe1• M•••· 4296-82 James Ruuo PALM SP RIN GS (AP) Broadwuy I 9:l0s and 1940s featured ~~1!6~t11101• it C4nductCld by • Nil.IC NOTICE s tars suC'h :as C laudette 1mtt9d pe11'*et1:f ,ICTITIOUI .,. .... Pritt r1111 1101emen1 w1" l1ied W11h lhe COUlll)' Clef .. of O·~ COUll!y on Sop1tm00< 1•. 1982 '1t711t P111llltl1ed 01tnge COUI 0•111 1'1101 Sept 16 23. 30 Oct 7, 108' '40•6-82 Colbert. C harles Boyer Judy 1111 Bltlley NAMI ITATIWNT n nd Betti.' Davis d1c•d Tl11t •tatement •U filed "'11111"' Th• toltowlng "''°"' are CSotllO Nil.IC NOTICE d 68 • COVIii)' 0.tll OI 0t•fl04! Cou11ty on tNtlllHI al 1---.,------~~~=-- M on ay a t age . S.ottmbot 21. 1oe2 ,1,_.. 02 NNAS' l~01<1<CePiNo 'lCTmou1 eutlNSH ·-.,.... • ~1 .. A ... ,.,. • .., Mt.IC NOTICC Pvl>ll•11•d Ora11ge CC>lll 'li lly ., n•I ... 1.. WMI 81-•. Sullt ,,,. lollowlflO tMrtont .,. 60ill0 PllOI. Seen 23. 30. Oc;1 7 1•. 1N2 '°'° l2, 8an11 A"' CA U101 ~In-at 'ICTITIOUI .,..... •22~12 81~~~ .. L Hoe~~.l(e.:.!' ... :. A0£LANf0 P"OPEAltU .• NA• ITAT•MINT 1-------------1 CA 12707 ~t .. tde Ctrct1. Nt wport le.c;h. M•Tth1!_1,0111otwlnO oa11011 It doing DONNA McCLEl.lANO, 836 C•lll01nl1 02&63 '" ·-· 8 8 I • c A1ylen1 Mlr1c:11. 4 ltHld• NEWPOAT INTERTAA OI, 2Q16 WHI ltven• all e "'111• A Ctrc:lt. N1wpo1t 8HC:h, C1lilor11I• ~a1ob Newp()(I Beach, CA 12&60 1270T ~2663 JOM W. 81ldtldge. H 16 c s Thia bvtlMN 18 condUClt<I by 1 C11etlel OltOll IHI Kiie 0.1 .... ;.,01> Htwpoit Beac;h, CA HMO actus • Olf*el patl11«atltp Hun!l""lon le.Cft Calltomle 12946 Oonne l Beclt. . .,. l11tt bvtl'!Mt II C~lld by e . Tiiie ttll~t wal llled Wiiii Iha Tl11t bu"-II C:Oflduc;lld by e lfnlted PlltnettlllO DI f Cou111y Oletll of Ota""I Countu on ~trlll PllllnetlNO • JOt111 w 11111<1110~ rect rom grower .. ., • n~ Mw1c:1t fhlt tlll-1 WH filed With lllt l. S S.ptemblr 210 ltl2 Tl11t lltl~I wH llleO wll'1 the ~ ,....., 0t eou savings tnru ot. ot '1tm1 ,ou111y ..,_.11 ot llf1Qe nty Oii Pu1>ll1hed Oran~Cout 0 1111 ;:ou.11ty Cletlt. ot Ot•noa CO\lnty on ieo1lfl'l1>1t 28. 1112 H ,,,·ngton c t hotefl'lblr u . 11et ,, ... ,, u 1 en er. PolOI. s.c>• ia. so. 1. 1•. 1t1 ''*" Publl1hod Ortnge COHI Dt lfy 4" OH 't. sole t2.22 4 .. flvOlltft•O Ot1nge COHI Dally iltlOI, Saot 30, Oet 1 .... 21. ctn 3 f"" l6 W•nt Ad Halp? Pttot Stc>I )() Ocl t, "· 11. 1182 ~29!·U ..,,. 142·5811 094•12 • • MUC NOTIC£ HAllllOll O"ANOI COUftTY MUNICIPAL COUllT •IOt Jemb«M '°""we•d, P.O. 8o• 2610 N1wpo1 t leech, Ct lllo•nle t2t4IO-, )'47 PLAINllfF 0.A\/10 WARREN an 1n01v1Clulll domg b<JSlnH I Ill OAVID WARREN & ASSOCIATES OEFENOANl Al RABALAIS "'CS DOES t 10 111c;tu~ve IUMllllOHI c-NvmM< ~ NOTICll You hn• M9ft 1ued. Thi COUii m•r ~ ...... ".' JOU wllhoul you1 Mint MMd vnleea yov re..,ond within ao NJ'-"Nd Ille lnlormelloll below. n you w1111 to teell lhe advice 01 •n 111orney on 1111t metier, you 'houtO oo to ptt\"•Plly to 111•1 your .... 1111n 1111ponse. 1t any m•y be llll)(I O•' 11me AVllO I Utl•CI lie •ldo demendedo. II tribune! pved• Hc:ldlr COlllll Ud t in eudleftele e -qw Ud. tHPOftdo 4-fttt• ff a() dlH . LH II lnfotmaekMI qw ''\~'u1t1tO des •• 1ol1c1111r •I :ontefo <l" un •bogado en ••II 11un10 c.111oe 11a het erlo 11me<11e1t1man1e de ••It men••• 1u 1nwes1e eacri11. at hey elgunl .>uede Ml r41911tr1d11 I Hemp() I TO !HE' DEFENDANT A c;Me :ompl1111t h11• been tiled by 1t11 :>la1n1111 1galntt ov If you well! to tttla11d tn11 leweu•t. you mutt, Wllhtn )0 dl)'I after lhit 1um111011t It '6<vto on you. 111e ..,,,, lhrt eout1 • •rtlttn fl'POllH to !Mt CO/'lli)lalnl ..inteu you ao so, YO\lf Ott 1ut1 .ill oe on1t1•<l on appllcetlon ot th• i>lalnltll. eno 11111 oour1 m1y tnlet • IUdQmolll '0"'"" yov tor IMI ,., ... Otmlll'ded tn lllt complel11I. wl\ICh :ould fHUll In Qlllllllhm•nl Of "'llOH ta~•llO ot ttlOtMt'f or prQC>1911y ,, 01t1e1 1al1e1 •eQu .. lld 111 1111 :ompfalnt OAffJO AU9ull 10 t90 J Pttlfeon Cltt~ By 0 Mellt90nt OAYIO W~N a AHOCIATal ,,.,., .... Af'ttlUf .......... ...... ,.. ,,o .... ,..., .,.... c.....,_ ttn..-Tell 1h4) '1 .. 1'1' l'vbh•1110 0 ••1111• co .. , Oa1tr P~ol lttll 16, 23, )() OCI T. 1N~ •10...a , Ml.IC fmlC( •tlin NOflCI Of' f'WL.IG ..... °' NftloMAL. P910NftTY Nollo• I• 11.,•by l lv•n 111.1 puttuMI 10 "'1IOll IH Ol 1118 CtYll Codt. IS••I• Of C•lllOrfll• '"• i.11cte16101ttd wm tell al Pv* tei. by com~11u .... O!\Wlflll on 111e 121111 d •y ol Ootob••, 1112. •• a oo 0'1.t°'' IOCAllKI 11 P\ibllO l>lotl~ Ill~ 2005 Pl•~tnlll l ttHI m lh• Ctly Of Co11a Mtll Coufll\t of Orengt, Slalt ol C11tlo1n11 the 1b1ndontd good• Ch••ll•• 01 peflOtlal ptOjM!ly detCllbod b•IOw In 11141 malUlft ol RICHARD SABBA118 AnlttO OOllM lbl, 3 dl .. Mfl, ll•h U l)(llll&, 12 bO~H mtlM) CHARL ES f , 6ROWN 5 1111•111 n111e , lfllllltll, tlOllHOQ lltllC lttmt ' MICHAEL S NEWMAN lj11by buggy, 5 cn1111. l•un~. 3 11ocuum1, 12 bO•M mite , blld, 1>lclure. 2 11001 p()lltntrt MllC MOllCl ----NOflCI Gr euL.IC TftANIPIR , ..... ttOl 1 101 U.C.C I TO WHO .. LT ~A'f CONctflN No11c1 11 llt••t>r QI"•" 10 "" Crtdi1or1 Ill l'Ol 'l'COV U M C6k1Mnla eorpgr1t1011. 1 ran•lwor whott 11u11nen •d<l•H• 1t 11 t I w n111111 Av1111ut Colla M111•a C•lll0t11111112e21 Cou11tv 01 01a11u• 8•••• OI C•lllo1n11 !hot • bYlk .,.,,,,Ill HI •bOUI 10 b<t maae 10 H B 'UlltA COMPANY 11 M1nnHOl8 Corpo1111on T 1 an1la1t• who•• bUllnff8 ldUrH• 16 11307 1nouet11lll W•y, HOUllOll Ta.a.a 770 I I Thi ptOl)Or~ lo nt ll•11alt"6'1 " IOC•ltCI II 1 11 WIUtll•• Av1111ue. Cnat• Mu . C1lll11111111 028?1 Countr, o r 01•11111 . St••• of c1111ro1n 11 Nit.IC NOJIC£ 'IOUTIOUI l lHIH N4 ... ITA"MI Nf I 11• 101lowtno 11111011 t• 1101ng l>i.194110H U OltANUL (.(,)UN I y M( IJIA AIOOt.IA 'ION '"'II 11•1111111 A~•nUI •ull• 0 JO I l,;1>111• M••li Caklornl• fl2t128 Joy M •I•~ lt••~t •t••Y t1 •U Ul•rJ 1411)11 O•Al fluMI lt•IO. Cel1I01nt• 92714 1111• buolrlHt •• I 011Q111,.I••• lly 1111 un1111.01po11ll•ll n•0<;•a11011 nlli•• lhon a parl111ttthl11 Joy M•leh $.c;1wt111yl 1 rneu••r lttlt •t•l,.m•nt WH liltld Wllh tile County Clll11\ or 0!111011 County un Octobor !> IUll2 , lllttl'I Put1ll1heO Or1111g• Coatl Dilly P1101, Ott T· 14 1 t 28. 1982 A311t U2 8110 lllOPtrly II <11n1;1ll111ll 111 gene••' n All tqv111rnun1 of tnu1 r 11111111 Cov•• Mft11v1t1c lu1111g bu•lneO known o POI YCOVEl'l 1 ..... ------------USA. 11r1d tucaled 111 t t 11 Wtlllll4!1 PUBLIC NOTICC -'vtnue. Colle Meu. Calllo•olu 1-------------112027, County or 0 1111•oe $1at11 ol FICTITIOUS •UllNlll C1tilor1111 NAMI ITATIMINT I h. bu I k I I u " • "" .. 111 II e T 1141 IOllOWlllQ PllftOlll ... dot no eonammllled on 01 111tc1r thct 211th hu~1tMtu o day OI Octobet 1802. and Gllltnl BA" r I RE (; [NIE A 09 I m•v bt llled Ill WLLLS FARGO AillOOIPh Cotta M•H. C11hlo1n111 BANK. fll A . Eacrow Oeparlmt nl. 0'6'6 M llC NOltCC 11A11MllNf Of AaANOONMllNl Of UM°' I frtOf lflOUa M19*1H NAMI I, .. lollow11111 f>trtOlll ht va Mb8(l(I011ad Ille UM Of lht ltcotJllOUa l>\l-• nen141 VALLC \/l&fA C&tAICS 3080 l•ve llu•tJ Co•t• Mn11 Calilo1111• li?O?fl '"• r ii"'"'"' Uu•111•U Namw llllt"llllJ IU llhUv• WI" flltlJ Ill O•l"lO" Coo111y 011 Jvr .. I, 11182 rMtthln ~lloku1a11 KMt>Utllllo.1 Kt111111 I I lllhlll <>hoilu11n. K K I. • J""'"••• corµo1111011. 3060 J11va llo•<I Co11a MHu, (;1111orn11 926211 I hit bu1m•11 WU tOlldUCle<I Dy • torpo11111on Taltllln Shot. UHll K•b1.11h1t.1 Kol•h• By St•O• M O'Ell•, P•• Powe• ot Allorn•y 11111 t1111a111tnl wu 11111<1 with 111, C111111ty Gl111k or Or•not Cou111v 011 0;.11111.-6. 10$2 • ,ftANIC L. ICHMIHfl A lttofH•lontl Lew Cotp. M•r9dllh "n-lal C•nl•r, Norlh a111t01ne, 1m21. ••••n•"n111 •• .. Tu1lln, Calllornl1 t2tlO Publl1h11d Orange Coaat 01111y Piiot. ()(;1 7 14, 2 1 28. 1982 02<1-1!2 PUBLIC MOTICE Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thur1day, October 7, t 082 .,,.,..,, l•l11all6M •• ~'.~!!! .¥~.'1.'~{·.~!4 .. 1 !'.~!!~. ¥~!~!!.1!~.~.. l~~~J~!M~'!!~.. ~!!f~!!.!t.~!!~ HHll•fl•• !~~{~! .......•••. /.~~f ~!.'!r.!!.fffl! •. /.¥.f ~!.'!r.!!.!~!~ ... /!.~f •••••••••••••••••••••• f!!!t.!!M •••••• 11.f! lt1d JZfO ~01 LHM WOOdb1IOO-I•--------• Wlnllf r111te1t • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • ••• • Co11<10. 1 110. '1 b•. nr 111111 RIMI n0w •••ll•bte c .. 1 o ... ,.., 2 OA 1 D• nC)ll~ •dull pool a l•k• llTATll ., ..... IULn MAii .... w/pluah c.•rptllng & l700lrnu C•ll evt• p•ep MaM••ntlT 2 81 2 I • 2 Cet o-teoe <1111~ K1<1• OK, Pt•• 71 4 279 8322 Complelety cu11om1Jtd " -w/ooen«. wood 1>u1nlfto n~ 1525 ' em chg "LI UlllMOfll" wllh l•l>u· Ill·• na hple, ..... of llrMtn ' "Melro" 838 1006 POOL tiOUS[t 4br 2~1>11 1001 oc:11n vltl• end tk· wll•flellt From UIO SHOW CASE HOUS 1 c1.11112om Cletton tnel<!,•8t,. qulell• furnlthlnge ror llHT Rll &e_2_._1300 _____ _ t out car gar, now • uv tetM 13,900/mo Anll• Furn r•nt•I• bi wHIC or lllTa-Ill Thi• 2 bedim II 1lgh In M•tro Rt•rty 03G·7000 Sch•ndtllMtuf .. n -· lh• •OCletyl Llndeceped thg ou•r•nlee1 r11ul1JI While ~•·0200. month AOI 87 ·I l'TO f H lllllH N 26-S060/MO yard, dbl g•r, now $060 OCEANl'RONT, lwo 3 BR, 2 Br 1~ 8 • Townhou•. M111ro Realty 838-7008 £11,H• '"~· 3141 one 2 BA, 1vl now From 111 bullt·lna, lndry rm, ang gu.,.n11t11 reau1111 NAAOOA.OCfAN.rRONT 1100 mo w1111t11 c .11 c•1por1, ya1d/baklony, H•all•flt• Nu 3'100' lux hm on blull. 870·437 I 1matl 1>91 OK H1t .. •t JZfl 180 deg vu of hlrbor. OCEANFRONT LQe 38r1 TSL Moml. 842·!'°3 ...................... 0"'1, m'"· "" 3bL 2b• .. 76/mo A••I ~f """-· -· -· 2 1l0<y 4 Br, den, 3 Bt, MCurlly, 1eun1>. IP• Suptt H11bor/Ooean vu. furn 873·4483, wt lhe<, p\11 P•llo. X Lo pool, 1enn11. bOll 1t1p I 1800/mo 49b·7009 3br, 21)1. $1100. 239 &40·3773 Gerdtn 2 If. on El~ lmmtd ooc:up•nc1: C811 EMERALD BAY 3 br. 2 Ooe•nvl-876·29457. Ooetnlront JBr 2b•. I MO. 607·2841. 837--0680 Of 840· 26ll b8 1600 IQ II lr pl, tlflCk s_.c_9_·2_4_o_7______ wln1t1 rtnl81 1850 P18yt 1 BA, ,_ P•lnl, Cp!I, l.ano!<1fd r-voa Ille llQhl 10 b•d 11 1111 Hie. PurchH H mu11 b• mlld• Wllh Cllh onty end paJd IOI al Ille llm• 01 pu"huo All purchuod good1 art IOkl 11 11, ;ind mu11 be removed II llMI lime ol putehH41 Sale aubltol 10 pr1Q1 canct1l111on 111 lht avtnl or 1111l1man1 n11we111 lendlOfC:I and Obllgattd party Oaloel 11111 7th & 14th dey ol OCIOll•r 1982 Public S 101aou 1r1c; Re E1c1ow No 643 41 ti!. 880 PtrlO!n1111C41 MllkttlllQ Inc , I Ntwpo11 l.11nlc11 L>11vt. No 1.tbO. C•ttfo1n10 c orpora11on 691 Ntwpoll BHch. C•lllOflllll 92860 Rt1nou1p11 Coll• Mu• CllilOllllB County or Oreno.-S 101a or 026?(j 1-----T-O_U __ u_s_t .... -a-s--Ctlllornta ttua bu"11uh 1• c;0111Ju1.tlld by a FICTI I S I ..,. ftdal JZf4 p11to, wllh IPI S 1600 Newport Shol'H . 2 br, 1 Ir'• R E 673-1900 drtf)M. d /w, no I*• ••••••l••u••,••E•l••l•I •••••• 2 t3t876·2255 ba. wel' to ~ch H OO Veratlllei mini t Br. on $400/mo. 2286 Mlntt SI 2 Br I Bl COll•ge. ciiii mo 551-6037 IVH cour1, •II option•. M8f _eo_1._2_1_1_0 _____ _ Landlofd • All cla\m• rnull o. •1K.0t•e<I yt 111,1 \.(,,po1at1or1 NAME ITATEMIENT add•••• 1>y '"' 2:111d oay of Pt11to1111tt1"• Mtrk1111no Th• IOllOW1ng persons are Oc>o•'Q 3 Bdrm dtlechtd llomH In e11cet1erit 11111 Avail•· bit 1mmedl•1ety S800/mo on 1 year IHM Five Olher• 10 ChOOH from We're tho Ol\t• to ctll IOI te~Mt MGllOn. g111 r~. g•r· Be I view of llttbOI, bitch S546/mo dtner, 1elr1g Avall 10/8 ~on & llghla Lrg hou11 213/687-32g2 deya. 111.211.aaa. Publianeo Orenge Cont 01111y POOi, Oct 7, 14, 1982 •'1'11·!2 Oclobe• t082 unleu tno bulk Inc bUll~~~:~E TILERS tS28 Mes• treneler alto •OC'udM lllA t1•t1•lt11 OI Ila l-'1u10ttnl \/t•dtl Orlvt E Slore I t3. Co11a Wiii IHH S675 on 1 tert +lot on Cllll 213/387·5900 494-0 I 54 On but lint Or 3BA, 3 lull belha, c•n Ntwly dtcOf Ou pd, encl ger, dWthr, pool, bbQ no pe1e. 8"2-5073. PUBUC NOTICE hquo• hcena<1 "' wn1cn cU•. •II Th•• s1111emt1ul w11s rneo w11n tht MelD. C111it()(n1a 92626 1 SI o.. K ed t<f"lh Coun1y Clork 01 Ot1111uu Cuunly on c aims mu 1 -;v ~IO< " October 5 1982 P•ecctmekl!ft Inc . a Ce\110111~11 Welk to 1>t1ch, gJau & redwood. 3 Br 2'h Ba lam rm & 1tudy, hol lub aeparate up, lrom down1111lrs Both w/own kllchena, IMlllng rm & fr plC Fl\Cd p"1 hm In 62 tO Oeean Front, 3Br IOWtr dplx, lmmed OCCU• pancy Ill J uM 15, S750 mo (2 13) 598-I 70t ..,, NOTICI TO CftlOITOfta Of' 1UUt TftANIFl ft (lece. 9'01 .. 107 U.C.C.) ~~·~,:,;.:"~; :~'! ~:.,,,~.,;ns:' ~~ F1Nln ~':::.~·~~~; C~~~o!n~·~~~~6 B1vo • Ak;OllollC B11ve•1100 Con1101 Publisllull Orono" CoHI Delly Thia bu111ne11 11 conducted by II "'"'dhrld9c & spa 11400 Westfield FAM. y &nl. Nolle• 11 he reby gl•tn to credltort ol Iha wllhln named 111n1l•ror thll • bu" 1ran11er 11 about 10 bl mad• on P•rsonal propttty htratnaller dHCtlb<l So''' is ~nown 10 tile 11ansre1ec. P1101 Oct 7 141 'J t 28. 1984> to1por1111on •II bul•Mn nemH and 0001es1•1 4426·82 Ploctm•k•n inc KuhlJ ,\[II :llHHI 111u thr1 ittt .. I'""'\ It .,,n. 7141634·0966 Ev•• 497 t070 mtd11 ol park Unique. THE lle~lble nm 3000 •II S25001mo R & H ln-Bt•ulllul gtrdtn epl1 PallOllO.Cka Nu pell 2 Chlldrtn welGome . used l>y Tran&leror lor the tnree • PUBLIC NOTICE Lloyd Br•nnc11 year~ latl PDI' II dlllerunl lrom the Proaldant 1. HIJJ JZSO veatments 752-2197 . ~,.~~~ ..... !......... ''GOOD TM name Ind bu111ne11 adoreu ol the ln1end•d" 11an1lero1 are HENRY Mll<IEWICZ, 1701 Tu111n. Colla MtH, CalifOfnt• 11b8ve. 111e None FICTITIOUS IUl lNESI Th 11 lh 1~ eled Soptembl!f Jll. ltltli 1a statement wu 111<1 wl .. o H.I . FULLER COMPANY. NAME 8TATEMI NT COcou•o"b'~.c:••,"98021 Oronou County on IHITAU 2 story 3 bedrm 2 b•lh Styllan 3 bedim 2 bath equip kitchen w/brklHI 11uge sun deck, now 1650 2 Bdrm 1•1. Bllhl $540 2 Bdrm 2 Balhs $5S5 Tnu IOllOw1ng ll81SOn IS dOlf'Q a a A Mln1>Hol• C0tpou llon busmou 41~ f 1Mt73 2 10 41 bdrrna. starling at $700 10 s 1395' ••ea. fenced for Chldrn Metro a~:r:~'::· chg LIFE" 398 W Wiiton 631 ·5583 ()( 042·.C905 All other bu1lnt1t nam111 and edd•tlles uHd by Ille Intended tranaltror within lhrae years 1811 peat 10 ltr •• known 10 tne lntendlld 111nsle1ae •re none John Ray, "lc:a Pta1ld•nt LAM8 fNIBRPRrSES t 24 Publishe<l 01anga Coasl Dally Published Orange Coosl Dally Tn paz Ba1bo11 raland Co111orn10 Pllol. Oct 7 14, 21. 28 1982 $675 no tast monlh reQI --------- 636-7005 METRO AL TY J,,J ,,,,. 3214 YIAft·ftOUNO f'UN: /mo. P1101, Ocl 7, 1982 9266:.> 4423·82 443 t-62 w Lamll, 124 l Ol'lllL, BnlbOll £11.H• Nit.HI JZS2 st;,;;5;0e .. coLo~v··: .Soc1e1 Ac11 ... 111u $380/mo. Stu Of 41117·2338 PUBLIC NOTICf Tiie name ano home •dd•eH or FICTITIOUS IUSINE8S the ln\tndtCI lransl•ree 11e AVIN NAME STATEMENT ENTERPRISES. INC. 27161 Th1! lollow1no persona ore doing Pln1110, Min ion Vte10. Colllo1n1a business 85 92692 CROWN PAClftC MAXIM, 3194 That the property pe111nent 11,upo•I Loop Dt1ve Cosru Me~ll CA hereto Is dtKrlbed In oeneral II 92826 SERVICE STATION & CAA WASH EVANSHINE t.OMPANIES end It loc:.&led 11 1701 Tustin, Costa INC a California corpora1ion Mel8. Celllorn1a 319•-A -'"PO" LOOIJ Du.11 Cosia TM busin.u name uh<! by tne Mesa. CA 92626 aaJd '""'lllfor al said rcx:ahon is Tn1s business is conouc•ed by ' MIKES MOBIL & CAA WASH c01poro11on Thll s aid bulk 1111111111 •S [vanihire c~mpon•es Intended lo be conaummaltld al Ille Inc olllct 01 ONTARIO ESCROW SERVICE. Onle•to. C•lilornla on or Pres all11 Oc:lober 27. 1982 trus si1u1men1 wa~ liled w1t11 tne ISiand. l.ahformn 9268: Thi$ bUSlll6'9 If <.OHcJUCI Od by 8'1 1ndMdua1 w Lomb H11s 111a111mu111 w111 lileo w1111 lh6 County C1c-rk 01 01111100 County on 0CIOl>C't ~ 1982 F1Nt 74 Puo1os11ed 01 •noe Co.ut Daily Pilot Oct 1 t4 2 I 28 1982 41381-82 PuedC NOTICC FICTITIOUS I UllNE88 NAME STATEMENT ""' 1or1ow1no persons are do.no t>us111eu 11~ JARPAL CO TEXACO <'17!> New1J O• 1 Blvd Coa1 a Mor.o C1111101111e 92627 This bulk 1111n1ler II tubl~ 10 County Clerk ot Orar19tl County u11 C1lllo1n1a Uniform Comrne1c1a1 Oc•obe• 8. t982 Codi Sec11<>n ti 106 1ne name and adClresa of tna person with wnom Claim•· 11\ey be filed IS ONTARIO ESCROW SEAi/iCE, 712 NOllh Euchd A•e Ontarto, C•hlornte 9 1782 and tne 1111 dey 101 llllng claims l>y any crldllor .nan be Oc•obe• 28, 1982, Which Is lhe bultMSI day C>tlOte Ille eonaummallon dalt spec111eo •t>ovt Gusl&•O Po1ac10 3490 San Flt902l Marmo C11tlll Co~to t"•••· Celllorn<n 92626 Pubhsh•d 01ang11 Coasl Da11y Fernando Jarllm•llo 3490 Sen P1tol Oct 7. I• 2t 26 1982 Ma nno C1tcle Co~t.i Meta ______ , ____ 4_38_9_._11_2 C111torn1u 92626 PUBLIC NOTICE Th1r. 1>ur.1ne~s " tonduc:;tOO by a ~81al partnl.llllhlU -----1(--020--1-8_____ f'e1nont10 Ja1om1110 Eac:row No. ll0-1:MS1 Tlll5 statcmonl wus hle<I w1lh llltt NOTICE OF INTENDED C.ounly Cllll~ of Oronge Coun1y on TRANSFER OF LIOUOA Oclobcr S 1982 L.ICENIE Ofl LICENSES F 1 ... 75 Oeled Sepleml>9< 27, 1982 AVIN ENTERPRISES INC v D Prehm. (WI™ BULi( TRANSFER) PuDhShu<I 01 .. 11ge Cot1tl Dally NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN P1101 Ott 7 14, '1 t 28 1982 Pruldent Publl1hed Or•no• Co111 Daily Piiot. Oct 7. 11182 Tllol SHIRLEll M GRIE,R ak~ __________ 41...;;3...;;8..;.6_·8"'2 S HIRLEY MARIE OUPERROY PUBLIC NOTICE ltcen!lff wnose me11tno adClresa is ------------ 0 1n.1" 2680 No B. Orange Avenue. CoSla FICTITIOtJI aUllNESS -------------Mesa. CA 92827 and AUDREY E NAME I TATH HNT ____ Pllll __ IC_NOi __ l_C_£ _____ OUPERROY. llcensee wl\Ose ma111no The ro11ow1ng per1ons ere <101119 NOTICI TO CMOITOftl edd1t11 ls 2188 Maple Avenu<1 Apl busmen 81 (Dlwlalon t of lllt Co"'m•rcl•I F, tn the Clly ol Co!>la Mesa, County OE RMACUL 1 URE 2400 W Coda) or Orang• Slate ot Calllorn1a Coest Htghway Suite O. Ntwpotl •~-No. io-tMSl 84>627. intend to Hll us1gn •nd Beacn, CaJ1lorn11 A bulk lranafer II •boul 10 t1a n1lt1 10 C PHILIP PALK. Dian• L Btt kw11n 161!10 m8Cll lnttnde<I transferee wh<>H malhno Algonquin Hunllngton Beach. The n •m•• •no bulln••• 1dd1tu •• 615 Buth. PO Bo~ Cahlorn1a 926•9 80drH-ollllelrW1tter0t••• 40•2.SanleAne.CA92702 County C111g e Bec;kwlln 16810 SHIRLEY M GAIER. Ill& ol Orenge. State 01 CalilOf"'a tne A1gonQu1n ~~unt1ng1on Beien SHIRLEY MARIE OUPEAAOY 2680 lotloWlng ttconollC beve-age license California 92649 No B Orange Avenue Colla Mesa l'Hlle+ne lltt dMG11t>ed a110 •sweo r0t Tn1s Pu~"i'~• ,, c;onductea b'f 1111 C.i.tO(nlll 92627. and AUDREY E. Iha prem1w1 lcx:a1eo at 488 East inO•V•dunl DUPERAOY. 2l8S Maple Avenue 17th Sl•eet 1n lhe City ot Costa o.8,.0 8eckwitn Ap t F. Coit• Men C•lllornia M-.. County or Orange. Staie of Tlrn~ s101vrnen1 was llltd Miii the 9M27 Calrtomla County Clark or Or111~ Counly on The names llld bulinell 800, Pursuant 10 sucn in111nt1on th• OclObeT s !982 ot 11141 lransterM 8,. undtts1gntd are applying 10 tne c Philip Pall< 1115 Buan p 0 Department OI AICOhohc Beve1age Boit 4042 S•n"' Ana Celllornia Conlrot l0t llSYenct and transfer of 92702 · , lhe IOllowing a1eono11c beverage All Ollltr bualneu namH •nO t1cen19 ON·SALE BEER & WINE addrasstt ultd by lhe lranlleror EA TING PLACE NO 41 ·083290 ror wtlhln lh•M ya111 1111 Phi ao ••• H ,,.,. P••m•HS lcx:at9<1 at 488 Easl known lo tht lr•ntlerH 119 None 17th Slreet Coste Mou CA 92627 The tocallon 8110 g•ntral Amount of purcna~e price or d..crlpllon 01 Iha pr~IV 10 b<t con11oera11011 1n connection with tranaltfllld .,,. ••Id tr ans le• of said hceo1e ano Slock tn trede. fixtures and bUSl"9$S Is Ille $um or $26.000 00, oqutpmen(, 1rade name &nd 0000 which con1111a ol lhe 1011ow1no will of that ctn Mn cire known 81 1 1,000 Cash and $25 000 In " non· "Christina'• Cele", louted al 498 1n1eres1 bea11n9 note tto De E 11111 Sttoei, Coll a Meia. repleced 111 Cun p1101 10 clo!14! ol Calllornla 92677 Escirow) Tht place. •nd the dete on 01 II nu bMn ag•Md bolw~n &&1<l allllf wflle/'t, IM bulk tttnr.lor 11 1 ltcenlMlt and intended 1ranslerect as be con1umm11ed are requited by S ec; 24074 01 lh• Bank ol America Nl & SA Bu11ness and Profession' Coo ... Eaerow Oepartmtnt, Santa Ana thet 1ne cons1dera11on tor lhcr Mtln011k:e090,~IN MalnStrHt. transler ol sa10 license and Senta Ana, Calllornia 92701 bullness is to tie Pl•d only alter Nowimber 1 l982 HJd trensler nas been approved by LASl DAY TO FILE CLAIMS said Oepartmenr ol Alcoholic ,, ... ,. Pubhsneo O•anoe Coa11 Dilly Piiot 0c1 7 14 21 2&, 19112 41369.82 PUBLIC NOTICC FICTITIOUI 9UllNESS NAME STATEMENT The tollow1ng person •S 001ng busiri•ss H CAT S MtOW 406 32nd S11ee1 Newpott Buoch. Ct1lilorn1• Q2663 A1t.harO L eunor 955 w t9tn Streel Cotta Moto Co1tforn1a 112c, .. 1 This llutuness is tonduct«iO .,, en 1nC11v1dua1 RK.hl'l•d LMtnor Tn1s llllO<nllnl WU filed Willl tht County Cltork of Orange County on Ottobor S 1~82 ,, ... ,. Publl1lled 0111nge Co1111 Diiiy P•IOI Ocl 1 14 21 28 1982 436&·92 OCTOBER 29 1982 Bt•e••oe Con1101 at tile escrow Oelld: Stc>lernl>tt 29, 1982 dep81tmtnl of BANK OF AMERICA ----PUBL--1-C_NO_T_IC_E __ _ Shlrtey M Grier ak• N T &S A Santa Ana Main 90 -------------Shirley Marie ~perroy B•ar>cl'I. '1 S11tnle Ana in the Clly ol FICTITIOUS aUStNEal Audrty E Ouperroy Sfnlf Ana County 01 Orang" Srare NAME STATEMENT T1anaf11ora 01 Calll0tn•• 92070 t Tile 1011ow1ng petson 11 do•no c Ptwlop Palk Dated Septombet 28 1982 ou11oneu 81 Trenalw" 8111rlw)' M. Qrltf .tie C & H EX 1 ING UIS HER IAM( °' A•NCA IMflw)' Maflt DwpoHoy SERVICE 831! JOAnn Street, Cotte NMtoMI Tfllt• end A"*ey f . ~Of Mesa Cahlorn11 92627 ........ ~ lflttftlftd T11111•ler"• Vernon C1111g HOIS 838 JoAnn, to ...... 1 ... ~ .... ._!!O· ~·= ~~ ... ,.. Cost• MeM Celtl()tl\l8 92627 .__._ ~. C:=::_, __ 1 aANt< Of' AMEftlCA NT&I A Tn11 1>ustne11 i' conducted by 1111 --_._ .. ,v 1ndi..Oual Publlaned Orange Coaat Oa11y laftl• Ana Main Offtc:• 090 \/cwnon C Hon Piiot, Oc1 7, 1982 len~'1!.~ :;701 Tn1s sta1emon1 wn l~ed wtltl Ille ----------4-40Q_._8_2 Publlaneo Orengfl Cout Deily County Cl<Wk ol Orange C~nty on Pllll.IC NOTICC P1lol Ocl 7 1992 OclOl>er S 198') ,,,...., Put11tsh•ll 0111no1 Coul Oa11y P1101 Ocl 1 t4 2 t 28, 1982 43118·92 ,termoua ., ..... NAMf ITA1"1MINT PUBLIC NOTICE bu~~~"9 ptrlO,,_ •r• doing FICTITIOUS aUl lNEll ECKIS ANO ASSOCIATES NAMI tTATflMENT AOVEA1181N0 & OESIQN, 17748 The fOllowlng peraon1 are C10111g ::1,:•rk &Ivel. •2lS, lrvlnt, CA twtl~ ~NANO PULPIT PRESS. H O Al 0 N 6 E C I( I S 3 187·A Aln.,ey. Coale Mesa, CA ASSOCIATES AOVERTISINQ, 921126 17748 Sky Pllfk St'td .. •215. Irvine. THE COMPOSING ROOM. CA 92714 INC , a C111to1nla corpo•allon, Nancy Eckis. 1i42•37 River 3187•A A11w1y. Co•l11 MaH . CA 0... Row, Stn Oltgo, CA 92111 92628 Thia l)u..,_ It oondllC1td by I Thi• bUllllOH ,. condUC1ed by II twnftect panMr'lf1fp corpot atlon Nency Eckl• rna C0'"90•lllO Room Tnlt 111~1 ... !tied Wllh lht Inc: • Counly Cltr1t Of Ofange County on Ari Q11f11n PIH Sep'9ml:ltt 2t. 1 H2 ThlS flltM'lllfll wu llled wttn lhe ,,... County Cletk of Orange County on Publlaht<I Or•ng• Co111 0 11ty 8fc)tt<Tlblt 2t. 1982 Piiot. Sept 30, Oct 7, 14, 2 .. ~I~!:~ CAl'Mn a ICAI DA:1t1t44 rtaJC NOTICl Alttmtye el Law 2tl1 .,.,._a Cfltt. Of ktte 200 '1ICTTnOUI ....... ll"ftM, CA t211t-11M MAMI ITA,....NT Publlllltd Or•no• Co•11 O•••r The lolloWlllO P«~ 8tt dol"G P~. S.01 23. 30, Oct 7, 14. t982 ~-: 4230·1!2 PtllllC NOTICE flCTITIOUt IUl lNIH NAME aTATEMINT Tna lo1tow1n9 per1on1 •r• doing 1:>u1lnHs 11 VALLE VISTA EAST. 3060 J1va Road, Costa Me111. Cllllornll 92628 T A I S t• I N S H 0 K U S A N KABUSHIKI KAISHA (T 811hln S hokuU n K K : e J •p•n•ae corpor111on. 3060 Jav1 Aoed Cotll Meu. Cal1IOfnll 9:?620 Thll bur.mMI IA COllCl..C 19<1 by I COIPOtlllon T11an1 n Shok uaan K11ouan1kl K•buat11k1 1<e1111t a.r .... _., .... ~, '""'"' of •"orneJ Thll .. at""°"I wll filed wtlh Int Coumy Cieri! of OrtnQa Counly on October 5, 1982 ,ftANK I.. I CHMEHlt A ,f .... t ltntl L..w C0tpot8llOfl Mtftdfftl ftnancllll Clflftt ...., .. lhlMltlt 1TT72 .... atftllt-th ''~ IA) OIAECTORY 0' DENTAL 8EAVICE8, (8) 008, 8432 BOIN Avtt111t, H11nllngton 8ttch, C.a t2e47. -------------T11•tln, ClllMfnlt ntlO PWUC NOTICE · ,, .... OAAY T SCHMIOT DOS, INC. 1 1'1CTfTIOUI 9UaNH C•llfornl• 001/::!;~on, 603 81 NA• ITATl•MT AftOlew "'08d 1 8Mcfh CA Th• loltowlng p.,aon I• doing f2t1S, ' ' bUllMH 81: Of<>Mt WESTON MAOOO.X. 81LL'8 FLOWERS, 301122 80 •too I . ~ Pllm• A"9., No 205. Co111 Hwy, L•o11n1 BtlOl'I, CA MellelM, CA HIOS. 9285 I TNe .,..,... It condllcled by 8n WIHleM Ltwlt VOil Jr , 30802 IHliftCofl)Orl'9CI •..otltllon Oih9' (K·4 1) 8 COUI Hwy • l tgun1 1Mn 1 patlf•INO lltaiell, CA 112851 0 17 T leflmlClt DOS Tl'llt t>uelntaJ It con<lucltd bV 1111 tnc lnCIMd\lat 0-,. W Maodo• Wllltern L VOl.r. Jr TNI ~ •• llltd wflh IM llll• 11in-1 ... nltd wllh IM ~ c:e.rtt ot Orange Coun1y °" Coun1y CWk of Otano-County on 84 1•1 .. 11. 1Mf. hc>I 28, 1t82 ,.,... , ...... '"~ Ot•noe Cotti Olllly 'llbll•il•d 01•na• Co••• D•llY ........... U , IO, Oct 1, 14, IH2 IO!lot, '99l JO Ocl 7 141, 21, 1N2 4H4-t2 4U0·82 Publl•fl•O Or•no• CoHI Oally PtlOI, OGI r 141, :if: 211, 111f:ol ••25·82 NIUC NOTICE NOTICI OP NON""ll.-oNIMNUTV Nolle• 11 nertOy given th11 th• 11no111lgote1 !#IN not bt tft90nllblt IOI I lly d•b ll or ll•llllllltl con1t110tt0 ov 1nyon. Oth•r fn1n ~·· on 0t •lier lhl• dalt Ottt<I thla flh dt )' of OclO~. lt82 CIM C ..... Jf. ,,,u,.. ....... &.w ._,......,...._CA P1.1bll1had Orange Co111 Otlly Pttot, Oct 7 I. 14. 19e2 .... ,, .. 2 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI aU81NIS8 NAME ITATEMENT The 1ollow111g persons are doing bue.mesa ll!t • WESTERLY CONSTRUCTION, 2080 N TuS1111 Avenue. Santa Ano, Calllo•nlo 92701 Wea1e11y Oe•11lopmon1, 2060 N Tus11n A11enue. Santo Ana , Ca111orn1a 92701 Surco Develo1Jme111 . 11 ca1i101n111 corpo111110n. 10044 V1<.1011a A1vers1de. Ca1tt0<111a 92503 Thia' DuSlness 11 conducted by 11 gen01•l pot1ners111p Wes111tly Oevelopmenl NICllOIH Pappu. Partner Su1co Otvek>pmenl C••io Beckstrom Presodent this statemenl was hied w1tll lhe County Cler~ of Orange County on Soplft'l'bo• 30. 1982 F1*64 Pubhtlll!d Orange Coast Delly P1lo1. Oct 1 14, 21. 28 1982 44:.>2-8? PUBLIC NOTICC BCtr;;~~.~.-~~~i:•;rd~d bd, 4 ba, lam rm, newly ~ ~r: ~ ~ ~r •FI e e oa1e, 3 bd, 2 bo, lmmac decorated. ocean front. Bruncn•BBO's• 831· 1293 213·592·2365. P•r11et•Plu1 v:Cam 3Br 2Bo, lam rm, C .. ,,.U./••t OO o':~ m,.o~e 1111um. lg yCI S860 mo F•rai1tH 34 I " I c " E A T I o N : 875-2SOO •••••••••••••••••••••• f T e n n I I • F t e e " • • 11• • 3-21:1 HWNRT IEAOI t..aeona (P 0 & •S13.C\MMDl·IRVIME • .'.'.'!!~ •• r.~'J!.......... Lu• rm apt, prof dec'd, I • h 0 p I . 2 r H .. r:~ HOME FOR REN1 linens. dishes. kng bed, I Club1•Seuna• 3 bd Avelleble Now Gar-3 Bdrm . $750 Fenced sec grd, underground Hydro mHaeoe- dener No Pett 1930/mo yard & g11tage Kida & gat. ldry rm, wlk to bell. S wlmmlna•Goll 83I·1615. 41113-77116 pets welcome 545-2000 $700 694-8821 Dlrvtng Fl&nge 2 BR 2 Ba. CPtS. drpe, encl Agent, no lee c .. ,o.iai••• a E A U T l , U L $750 A' A" TM ENT a : g;~·.6606 No pets ~.'.'!r.!!.~~!!.}.~~! ... ~~!!!~!!~!!. .. !.~~! ~r~:.i:u:Ot:~ UNIVERSITY PK 3 BR.,,~ HarbOr VI-Homes C11t· EXEC RETREAT in N-· & f ' ' mel Mell 3 Br family rm porl Bell 1 Br pentnou-Unlurn11htd•No ba. llvt am rm. 2 ca r gar, Lease $ t l50 644•6977 941 Security, pool, spa, Pt11•Mod•lt Ope n applie, comm p001, Jee, ----gym. 642_8868_ delly 9 lo 6 S 1150 mo. 552·8947 Harb01 A•Clgt lease 4 B• 3 646•4267 OILWOO..I CALIF HOMES 4 bCI. lam Ba. beaut decor 3600 II, __ ---ll 11 BHutll 2 81. 2 Ba 1ownhouM, lrplC, P•llo, lndry rm. good loc:. $580/rno TSL Mom1. 642-6221 642-1603 UITlllE 2 Br 1 Ba poo4 llde apl, lndry rm, bl1·1nt. No pell Cell for appl $435-54150 TSL Mgrnt 8'2-1603 2 BA 2 Be atudio, S575, cpls. drpe, encl gar. no pets 675-6606 tltn IHA Pl•I Like nu, lge 1 bf epts, lrplC, ow. gar . '475/up Pe1lo or belcony Poot & spa No pell 2650 H•rle 549·24"7 rm Children 0 k no pell pool, tennis. guard g•te S77,000 ..... 646.47841 °' 759•1501 . , $2500/mo Bob Of Dovie FHA auurn•ble tst. a .. ~... 1 5't65 2 Bdrrn, refrlg. Ptt· ---Koop, Agt. RE/MAX 18~·"· '""""' 645·5188 ,...._ tlo. no pela. tdulll pref. WOODBRIDGE s 1100 759. 1221 D I ............ /... 724·A J81MS, 873-7787 Spec 4 br, 2'1t ba, nicety Sea View 3 Br 2'> Ba. •I IXf! 880 Irvine PINE BLUFF APTS lrplc. petios Lake, pool en. am Y rm, ooean •••••••••••••••••••••• (71.C) 6 '45 -1 104 & tennis 640-1327, city llghlll vi-. Hunllnglon Beech Be-llo. view. l•plC. 9f>CI Q8'. landacoped, lam rm. , d I 11 f•t•lliH JIOO (at 16t h) 2 Br 2 B•. Child oil, pe. 559 6 88 1 720 37• S1550tmo 5415-6685 chelor Apt, 5 blka 10 ll"'9ft le ... /S.. gu ttove, dlthwtsher, s UP E fl Io fl c 0 U fl T 0 F • 1 . o c .7 :!. I HARBOR VIEW HOMES beoGtl, ell ulllltles. stove 1700 16th SI. tpa, tndry rrn S&25tmo CALWOflNlA New 2 Br parklront condo 3 Bdrm, e•ponded Car-& Rel S350 + security. (Dover at 16 th) SPMC · 631-6107 . COUNTY OF OftANQE with view• lo N-port I mel mCll View New cpl. 960-8263 (714) 6 42·5113 Nr OCC Mtse Verde 700 Civic Center Drlv• Wffl Conlar End unit, no 1800 111 5 1200,mo. C•ll -------2 Br. 1 Ba . g81 l anla A~~~-c~.;O::. m02 pets S900. Agl Agt Gene Hiii 6•2·8079 ANrl•••I• fat•ltl1H r========-:-! 26&4 Hk:kory Pl. B PLAINTIFF 848•2650. •~•-••••••••••••••••••• 1----------$495/lt\o, 545-0256 0 r;miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•··-LIDO ISLE 4 Br 3 Be & '''"' 111 .. , 31H OCEANFRONT BALBOA 1--------s UTH ORANGE DEVELOPMEN1 1• den. 1 1400 222 Via Pa-•••••••••••••••••••••• 01111• W I CORPORATION,• corporation lermo 875•7166 N-2 bd, 1 b•. Wlnlllf Lrg 3 bd, 2 be, ger, lrpl, ,.. t tt•~ DEFENDANT ' __ Renl•l 10 July II. wld, wlnlet, no Pttl. 2 & 3 bdrma. '47• to KANE SPRINGS JOJ08A, INC , BtKll noust, 2 Br, g•r ,525/mo Aela. Cer Pon $900 673~0 1&25, 5 pl8ygtounds, ROBERT A HAMMACK ano DOES $700/mo 3 Br 2 Ba. gar 52s.7 i 415 AttenOon Park Newpon pool tnd blllltrd lllblee. 1 tf\lougn S. lnc:lullvt $395/mo mo Frid Te-residents M•lura Chi· lmmtd occupency. Cor- CAM :=::1___ nor•. egt 831·1268, 12 Br. 1 Ba, New dtcO<, cago women •Ktc:Utlve ner Falr'vl9w & Adema NOTICE! Ye>11 hew• ~n •u.cf 831-27 11 P•llo. Nr South Bey neeoa compltltly fur-557-.t 765 Otc twa MOfl T...._ .._,,,......, _..._ S800 lnc;lds ul... _,_.._. 1 ~ 2 Br ..... 1 thUt Sal g lo 5, &>nday9 ._ COUt1 mar --.......... '°" CdM H&lbot View Hiiia 673-3458 '" .. -.. ~ ..... 5 II .. ~~ '--'--....__d ·-........ ........._ 15·Ar; 15 Xlnl 11 lo • "'"'' '°"' ~ .. ._ -..... • hm SpKtoua 5 81 w/lge ..,.,.. 1----------r°" •ffpclftd wllttlft JO der .. "-eel bonul rm N~ •tta .. J)H rtl• 759· I 90 VILLA MEOERA· 2 81 2ba, 1141 1ni-a11on "*°"· • 1"""1mo 1•".s1"• ~ I 3111 E'·....... ,.._.... com""'"'-11 you ""*" to -lt>e .Ovtce ol !75~2 i•• "" ""' ~ 11ai.,• • IH Cll•Hll 3111 """'' -•mr .,._ an auorney In lttll mett•r. you v •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• OIW. gerage Wt~ &nould oo so ptomplly so tn.t ~ TIE lllffl Winier Rental 3 81 1~· ac:-,v1ew, l\lrn w•tc 10 pd $525/mo & wrntan 1e111on11 11 •ny. may t>t Be 1 car g8'19t beach 2 Br I\.\> Ba 089 2324 ao.n. ~ filed on 1~ 3 Bdrm 2be, 19<>t1Ha $650/mo Slti>• lo bay. 2 $500/mo 225 L• Po-Apl I. 54"-' 1'7 AV 1a o 1 Utttd II• t ldo S1250tmo blkS 10 beach 301 Ed· lorn• 637·7918 * 2 II a.a d•"""da4o. El trlbwnal p wad• gew•tllf (Coronedo •t ..,. dtcldtl C:Ofllrt Ud. 9lf\ audttMle a 2 Bdrm, 2ba. t>teulilul 8eyfronl) Roblnaon A/Mt,.HI• SOuth Coul Plaza ::• -qw Ud. ,..,_.. dtnlro •dull unll 11200/mo AealtOf 548·5647 u.,.,.,,." =-46e7g•lt 75 dt 30 dlM . L•t le lntofmte1on qw C811 Holattln Reelly Wlnlllf Rental 281 pool I ••• ••••••••••••••••••• i----------~~·U II ed den• so11c1l•1 el 760·8816 °' 044·9152 I house to beh S5s0 Pl•Y• •IHI /ti,., 31H STUNNING large 1 & 2 Br Clo .. lo beh .•• ·•1 11.1 n E 673-1900 •••••••••••••••••••••• 38fdtn 81>1 710 W 18th conso10 de un abog•do •n oate .. .., B a1urHo . d eber1 a rucerlo 3Br. 2B• hse, pool, ten-4 bdrm. 2ba. fllCludea 11• 2s/508J'~g•':f;.,,,N°cJ:.~ •--'--------- 11imed111am•nle. Oo este m•nora, nit, $375 mo 642·7787 . 1 nan dlSheS cir TV ullll· 2 131395•351 t 1br Of 2br upstelra. rwta. SU rOIQUtsl• 91Clll8, IM ll•y •lgun1, 5•4·0140 . ties' 673-45S6 • --rtQUlltd no pets. 352 puedt S9I ltQllllDd8 A tlempo J1JL--Vlc:IOf18, 645·81151 , 1 TO THE OEFl!NOANT A CIVO ••r•i4• c... OCEANF'~ONT, c1au A. ... complalnl 1111 been flied b\I tha Cars*bikes* 1 bdrm. den conClo, boat quiet, lge. winter. 2 unlls, lt•/•t•/• 3111 Ntar 181h/Pomon•. 1 Br. pl91n1111 •oa1n11 you 11 you wish to •skatebOards* '"P· adj 1o BalbOe ltland. No pels. 675-.t666 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 B•. down•l•lra, d/1, derend lhl• lawtult, you mutt wltl'lln Pelt B•rrelt Riiy. Cookie 2 bdrm, 2 bl _, df'-carpon, wettf pd. 1 chlld JO days airer 1hls summons 11 trucks*baby Alllson. 6412•5200 BAY FRONTAGE. bt8eh, yrty. M•lure non-em ra. Ok no pets S•25 A99"• ~ved on you hie with this co rl a • •t pler PfkO 2br 1800' 1b1 no pets S700 X 3 ·, 9452~217 ' w1111en reaponae to Ille comp:'aont Carnages ea The Blulll 3 Bdrm condo, $6s0/$oo0 Adltl, ull pd. 213/7IJll·41195, 257·97112 no ee . Unlffa you do 60, your Otleull wtN Carts•trikeS. 2 b8 Lindi P11n. 3-03 E Edgew•I... or (714) 673-3988 M818 V.,de 2 bf. lrple, be entered on APPhCAllOn of Ille rOf ferSkateS • $1'100/mo IM , 1/871 2866 patio, gar No pell. Pref ota1n1111 ano 11111 court may enler • 760· 1900. 673·7681 · 5't25 utll pd IBr Oplx, 4 11 cpl. Nice $525. 979-.t383 judgment eg111n11 you lor the retie! Walkers•toyS 3 bdrm, 2 be, lrpl, 1tep110 E B•y Ave. Balboa No 1----------demenOed '" 1ne comple•nt. wt11Ch •wagons•••• 2Br. 2B• Condo nr Ho•g. bell pell 547· 1155 E SIOE·2Br Duplex, could result 1n ga1n11hment or pOOI. dlhw1hr. no ...,.ta (213) 501 6 774 CPllldrps. llOVt, '475 wege• taking ol money ()t ptOpe<ly scoo ers $650 mo 768·7633 ·----------h 9 8 w 8tl ........ " "" t ~t ...... · 1 b•. ye•r •ounO ret11tl. mo No ftafS •75.24t•, or 01ht1 rellel requaSleO 111 tile od • • 1bf. year round ret1181, ne•r b41ac 1 • 046-53"5 compta1n1 r S CO S 3 br, 2';, b• ptul/'t cond o. near beach 918 W Bel· boa BlvCI $600/mo 1-------- DATEO Apr~ 29, 1992 traiters•hard nr w81er poU bo81 lllp boa Blvd S7001mo 963-4759 3 bdrm. 2 ba. c:plt. °'S-. LE.E A BRANCH • S 1150/mo 963 4759 • •• I llrtpl80t, patio. etrp0f1. c1et1c tops convert-675· 1938 851·8311.t • C.1.11111•• IH1t-1 No P4t• S590 2615 By Helen M 011111. ibles•rnotor C.11•• ''' ••r 3111 •• ••••••••••••••••••• 0renoe 1SAs.21H Deputy NPT CREST CONDO 38', ••••• ••••••••••••••••• Dtlu,11 C<>ndo, 3 bd, 3 be, 1---------- CHAflL.H w. PAMET hornes•tawn new peJnt. s 1000 mo ocean view. beaulllulty POOi, Rec: Aree. Alleen Euttlde, dean atucllo. DflUMMY QAflMTT IOHQ mowers*limOS 845-0295 turn townnouae, lrplc:, Oar, A9fl, $850/mo ,_ paint end c:.rpet .. H•ft'"tl...... I pool & pe1to $1095/mo 52S-7245 Fenc:.d yd UIU lne'd . .. .. " .,.. •corporate onuxE 3 BR 2'"' b•. 2 1573-0896 '390 is112-.. Or9ng9 *' MtcAtlhw atwd., sly, lge frOl\t y•rd & C•,.•• Iii.,, JIU AWi om.. by 11111 then l vllt 250• headquarter s u«i>tlalta pallo. N•ar c .. 1 •• ,,. 3114 •••••••••••••••••••••• cab 752-8491 .... pon .. eeh, CA l29IO •garden Carts btach 1st & tut. S.Cu· •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bd. 1 bl. g8f~, no 1----------(7i~b~,;:~s~rangt Coast Oa11y Model A's* .. • rity 11200 ~ mo. OIU H Ill Piii /mo, Euttldt. nr 17th it,~ P11<>1 Ocl 7, t4 21, 29. 1982 G3l·5661 ALL UTILITIES PAID 641 1"t391' 040-07G9 8'll '475/mo & 4421•82 •typingtables ITIPI Tt -·· ..c. Jayoe we1t:L ,.. ba • Bluff• 3 br 2'~ b•. lam rm -m .. 831·1266 Wheel rrOWS S 1250 mo 3 br, I level Comp8fe btl0<• you M•ny amenltltl lnc:lu• 1---· ------- PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllN£U NAMI ITATll(ENT Tll• 1011ow1ng P•r•on 11 doing bu1Mne1111 MIRACLE 'tE AA S PAE· SCHOOL, 320 E 18111 s ...... Coat• Meu, Calllatnla 92627 l.OI• E Sh•ll•r. 3 18 E 18111 811ea1, Coll• MtH. Ca11to1nle 92627 Harold 0 Shallet, 318 E 181h Sl•HI, Colt• Mau. Callfornl• 92621 Tiii• bullll ... II conducttd by Ill lfldMdual lOlt E Snellt< Ha10ld O Sl'lellt< T111t tle1tmtnl WH llltd wflh IM County Ck!tk ot Orange County on October 9 1982 "*" Publlthtd Orange Co111 O•lly PllOt. Ocl 7. 141, 21, 28. 11182 084·82 recreational $900 mo 3 bt 11200 mo rent Cuatom dts19n ding vlewa from d~, I Or garelen epl, atow. Vehicles *golf POOlt AQI 6-44-013-4 leaturH. Poot, bbQ. lrple, ete I llO pttl. $370/mo New be•Chlronl home 3 cov'rd garage, aurroun· ""Llrge 2 Br 2 ea $325 548-1377 Carts*rnodef BA 4lbt, S2000/mo Ctll ded with plueh 18nd11Clt· ,...L•rge 3 Br 3 Ba •·Nee--,-MW--3 -81-2-,-,,-Ba- trainS*bikeS l>lno No oe1•· s1200 1wnt1M tenc: yrd 2168· Bob Koop •t 759·1221 1 Br Furn $515 Ctll Anlhony dtya Miner i 750 8'0-6010 • p j anoS •Ca r s N•ar new modtl. 3 Br 3 365 W Wiiton 642· 1117 I 642·5757, ...... & Wllnde 1---------ref rlger atOrS Ba S9001mo. V~anl. STUNNING lrg 1 Br turn. 63 1·6830 MESA VERD£ apacloua, 2: •Skates•••••• 761·24412 228 N Old apt 1435/mo. 710 W. 2 B 1 8 por1 I pie bd. 2 be. MW dr=·· Ne'#por1 Blvd 181h. SI 645-5530 di~. y:tdc•r No · ;,.i.· 1>9tn~7~5:""· 50: lllrge • 8-d-,m-. -e-IOMd--ln--S850/mo. 559·9285 mo • · • P•llo St'""• 10 bMc:h. ••• leja/ 17-1---------13 ..o. ;er. trpl, patio, -.. • ........................... --11..artlMlr .............i ~t • .,... tmmac Avell now. Suptt ,,.., 1 Br tmall .... , ·.·•....-• '...,,.. S 1200/mo yrty 873·2507 vtlla, courtr:wd, quiet. The Shor.I In bMutlM S850 to S800 559·500•. S .,_,. a 3 33 CdM hH • & 2 bdrm With 40' dock ConClo In 4...,/mo." • 13 apta 10< rent. Cell HMll 2 Br 1 88, encl Gii'~· If It 's got ~';~. N:-:-rs:;:mo~ J'.~ •utl•it•• 01b1on, '4•-2811. :: ... ~~·87~71 50 •• Mi. Long 873-'190 •Mt J1ff On Avoc:tdo. OOlY upptt. ... 2 •• T wheels, -----''-------•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 e R. io.,.iy ,et1o. '420 L.ar91 3 .... .... own-you'll move 3 B•. 2 llOIY IOWl'lhouM. 2 , ...... ,. m 87S-eeo8; 6"2-3163 "°"",.,_ ~~. A~ ... : b1th1, pwdef rm VttfY .... ...-...,.... --· It faster In a pv1. comm poo1 &Nu•1t1" & '*11 ""' Wllh Cn11 11tN 1114 t1no so10 ~·. Dally Pilot 1900/mo, 87J.e8se ::=.i;:ioe .. ;~ .............. 17&.&941. classified WllTll lllTALI •Ca..td Per1ttnv ..._ ... 8 11 If ... to1mo. Catpet•. P1Jll. C NOTICE d 3 & 4 er CloM 10 wale<, •Spactou. APll ~~~ dt..,_, pOOl. No .,.it. I a • turn & unrurn, r...ona -•OlnlnO "'" UUi•ll 1_84_2 _ _...._7o_. ____ _ NOTICI °' llfTlllfTIOM bit, all emenlllts. ltoker •w• In~· IMullfUlly . ~ 2 8A, tarn""· .,.Clo. bltn TO INQAQI.. • 075-4912 •HOIM lllt• IOtcMnl gerden _,. .. POOi & 1t>9 110"9, WMllc lirtefl &. T .. IAL.f °' 1 blk to HuntlnO•on l'alio./O.Cltt. No I*•· enlry. "-"· MOO mo. AL.COHOUC •Vt"AQll • If ft'I got W"IC!ll" er•e, •vaM , 3 8R c.nt.,, tran9'>0f'8tlon & lechetor l•l0·'4l5 141-18N 1....., It•-•-2 ea. dbl oar. tpte I H5. trwye .... -· ._ t ldfm. 15t0 -1.-......... --1-.,--1111..--....... --. To Whom It M"Y ~n • ...,.._ 0tdn1 lnel Ellllne, .,...,,_ r-H&O Vtngu91d 1::;:._ No =....,.. Subteet to •Mu.not 01111e 11eentt -you'll grab &48·1232: 8•&·5"3 1 8clrrn FrOll'I 1515 5'40-MH 0t 142.,.I05 ::;.-:,·mo'' . 1 ... -. 1PP4i.cl ror. nottc. It lltr'°Y 91....., 2 • • 1115 _....,. ,,_ ..., lh•I llMI underalgned ll•oe>ottt to • .... 8~ IS~ND/llO CYN ...,rm ---Mt-1947 1111 t lCOllOlle blYtrtgtl ., Ult f .--f ? bl, 2 bl Condo. Ooff LA QUINTA Hl AMOI A 8aeMIOt .. ,0 -........ ---__,~..,,..,~ prtmlHI, CIHCrlbtd •• IOllow•: • .... " CourM .,,,..., .. roaln '"' 1 Par\llde Ln,, blk 1 8clrm '470 l atttide. CM. 2 8A, '471. 3333 8111t01 8tr11t, Coe1a Mttl. CA D•lly Piiot renl 11050/mo. W of BMcn, 3 bike 8, 11 ~· 11th '42-olM "° P9'•· 111, IM1, dip. t:Z828 Cl•lllffld PAClfrtC COAIT HWY Of lldl!IOlt .... 147·"41 ~lout a If. l la '42ll. _14_1_-t3t8 _ _,...~--"'.'.""'"':~ u:OU::~;i~.~o l~~~~L"fo' :::: •••• C.11 2,_.b.~~~~.~~-~m· ffl,•U ..... 11ff I r. 1'A .. '475 ... , .. t "'· 1 " Otf>81'1ment 01 Alc:OhollO tvtrlQI .... 2 .... 71 ••••••••••••••••• L.eundrY llO., poOI. lretflf)t ~. ~."' Con1t01 for 1uu1noe of en •leOhoflcl -·-~ C,..I, OCMn Llillllty tludlo, ,,.. HIO, Ma.HM •t 0 7PM aotlQOll, no p«t, b9¥9tlQl llCtnM ror 111est Pfeml-v1-111.c condo. I .,, , phontl, meld MN1 .,,e. '4601rno. N H l tU. •• totlOwt· ________ ..,. cM!l. oflte.. 2 be, formal 1130 wit 4"'3011 TownhovM 2 It, 1'A 81 .. .. ~ , .. ON IAt..f HllR ' WINE din --··blll, t9nnll ~ fir.! ,.,,, '""°·pool, epe, ttl9Ghed 1 0 •• A "'IOI P' 'I LIC , .. •rNO M-• 1a-1u-·-_,i.... ........ t lO ,, ...... • , ...... HO P9'•· A.,.,, PLACl r .., .. I ,;;e c.;;,~~ .. ·~;·1i,i': ffl.3313 .,.,., OCEAN;,;o..;c;;;.:·•. now. so251mo • ., ....... DAL AN oftou, INTlftl'ttllH, ~· 11 ~ ha"9 • ,.,,,. T • I 1y _.. 0t mont11, a'" 1 aA, o1c1 !\OUM,"° INC. P•r tllat't llCll O•tlfng 11rn lo IOdey I Cteaaln.d t?S·11U pett. chlld Of(, AM 11tll pd • P11bfllhtd Or•ngt CoHI Dally llMd ..... II now wl111. IOI lfl• 1tut 'buy1 118 Hamllton. ~6. H~ IOn*f'llnQ 10 Ml\' PllOt, Oct 7. 1H2 L~C~tulll~~ll9d~~A~Cl==--=-=-_JL.:0:~2~·~5~87=1~====~"~an~l~A~Cl~1~C..~~ .. ~t~·M~7~1J.! .. ~t~.0~7!tl:_ ____ .L~C*:•:•:•:hcl::.:•:,:•::.:11:, ... :~· 032·82 .. ' U I 1lr1u1vu t 1111i.t lll\11 'I' I'll (1 l /ll1ul'•duv \h t11h111 I l'JU.• ~ Pralessiarial Service Diredary !I · ~!;,8,4A~e!nu0p~~ l~J!J:~~'!!!l •••..•••••• 1 f~j!~.f.•!.~ ........... !'!!."!~!~ •..••.•...•... ~~!!.~~~~f ......••.... ,~~~!~•..,t ........... , .. ,~~~~~~!~~'!!I ........ ~ ~~!!~.~~~!~~f ........ !~~~,~~ ............. fl!l~.'t!! ........... . 11~1, 10 Habnll yuur C,,hlldc:ar• wkdy1, t 111d UllYWAI 11ACOu Brn; IAalHlll WAITll DUMP JOflS llOlllWllll PIHt/lr&H Tt1tlttr Jolly Crtcketer t Prof SEAVICfJ & AEPAIAC ttome I ull 111111 01 ~,,.,1 h•11rher <.lru•11t111d 11tll 11n111111a '"''I"" •Pet 11 Mowing eogll\Q, raking A. 8 ru•ll Moving Job• S IOlnr 1ll<:h 720•16411 wallpape11no a 11rlpplng Van ~'*"' &ervic. o ror 1 30 Cl•y Id In the I N, <; ,,11111 1 1 """, Y v11111~ c M 1141.1 4bb1 v•• '"" Rut.I '•!><' 11~11:1 awowp tng F re• •••l Cali..MtKC «140 1301 ,W&ml Meny ,.1erenciH P1u·1 ·~ 060-0100 111l11nlll're 11.hool, :.u I wull hl•lurot Arou1111. rn,llH fl•&-6137 t•AUllNO <lRADINO r1/•ll•1. 8&7 0 116 E·l LAY'N lllgh QUllllly hOoMwO#k ••••••• ••••• ••••• •••• -s kl« Landec:-pe l lllLll t.Anl my t•l nvtt•u t:oas1 1>111111 oro•, t.l•Y~ II. 111.11111 I 11f11> S1eu1 '""'' flNF~lKINO. 011mo11t1on, c.ltt1111 VI' I l ~PttllOllC4IO d1tpt1nda-fllll p•fllTlll eullh p1111 •••fill& prln •· ' wkn<h C..nll 860 11 t t l lRll94• t !'l'l'J !1~411 (a•ROE!NINO Cl an Co111.reh18 ltff1•mo~111 ' 11 "' · Guaranteed 638-2737 DAILY PILOT M nlltnr Wiii h11hy1111 lull It • " 11 upi, 0 •l<.k Hlv tl,2 7636 ltln 110111111, intelllgont, hy Rtc;hird Sinor Lie. SuLlnne 1170°411 6 __ --- 11 m" C M II , "i1 ' Cot1l,.cto11 01•11•/ EJ1Jt1iul am la111Jec11p1ng monthly I mell<.ulw1. ll•••nht I •m 2110fl" 13 'I'" OI hePPY 1-C 1111 SlllVIOI DIHCTDRY 00 11 NOWI Aili fer s .. t1r1 Your Oolly PllOI Servlco Olre<;tury I ~ti 116!>3 •••••••••••'•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• n1111t11 Neil 641 67116 PHO! D(RVICF I ll • I> fl 1 I Phone i«at c.u'10tnete P•I I •'1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• . S . R J MutflHa I SH 1t1 r c llllt.IAN P11t1Hl K&O Lou<ltr. .. pe Minll llt\111110. yrd clean up 6 7 J 70 12 11ller 6 PM rnank you, fl31 4410 CUSTOM·;~·~~~,:;~: TILi! INSTALLED ~.·!.'!!'!.'.nA •• ~!~~~~ ••• I LIL. :106866 f\umo1hJI, I rt(lhl, ''"' 011Umu1.· 011 Au•11t1C'3mm Cloen·u~ Oulc:k a Cleon rrff ... WtWk01• All doy SDIUI All KlnO• Ou1tanteed I "II ot>• '17~ o••8 I d11u "'' "u11d11y OUALIT'I' WOFIK • 11aa1, VIII , deck•' fences by R•I• Jonn 840·0217 .IAY!:i :,Pf AK~ A!;Y Aj1d n1, C11b1n1111 111 IJfl ur """ I u I ho houh11(1 !148 24 9 •• ' "~ ' " rooa , ~ioneat Riii Uc RANDY _. 64 t-oe22 C CEnu•ic /l.t•y •><.t .i-i1011 Pnr11111ht j 11411 t1586/646-4tiU l •f Jlltlll'Jt 613 03!11J MA.INT & DESION llAIH ING lludent llH Ho11Hlilli•f. 287 !0r Dev• 964-1046 ' -US TOM ""' ... h 11 t I '•I I l! I 4 I AUD• NSIRCMOOELIN(> 11< O l l (C lRICIAN Ollltlln LendllCIP* S1ttv lgu Hut.I!. low1111 r11e ••••••••••• •••••••••• -pJ.,t1!f..••~/1 TILE WOAK-FrM .. 1 C I f'.111111111 A Soni tl46 1814 ~reo usf llJ 1 601'J rflO m11lnt 644 \?46 Tnu11k you. Jollf\ 'hou1t1stl, reta lnllexl Aeatdlcomm Neat palchee, lnl/axl f: J ,fl J'ldpr111h.1r11•11v• IU·Hll. ut. 322 tJ/ij IS!,;i I Plnn8 ll~'d Clooioto I Ouul wo1i.ll~uu1 1a1es Wrllltn ugi1H11T1enl Ut• Prc1111ri1 Call 1!>9 Ill/ti Mlddl41 1ge coup11 will CUSTOM PAINTING •••;_0•8•PLAST·E~t,;0••• ChlJClk 676-6100...,.. .!!I.'.~.'!............. nrt:'fHl{,IAN OAROfN WORLU ClLAN UPS, OARAOI-;$ 643-0589 fi&e 11" L~ 644·'~!. RHIUCCOt. 645·826fl .1r. •• !;;1f! ••••••••• ~ ( 1111~11 A 1ou111t t "'l>•nlry M1t··~~u~ 1 ~~rpu:,~:,v..~~:: Sml ic.b~lf~Nl•1t1 U<. rull Satvlce Oirueninn ANYTHING! CALl Orogu11 gen con1t•c1or 15 ~II ••P N81CdM I'm PLASTER PATCHING •-•-t a1>111l'I' rn• .lddtllnn~ ,,., • 'c '" l ,., '108 c 10· '48 .L20'' .. OY 6 78 7 Ill hou1•111 p I I • •m1111 mw pr lc•• ar• ...... ~ 114 •• 12.,8 mod Lied 6•6·0761 ,.,~ ' " "i Luc 811111111 646-:IO:l'J KAN 42· 4 w v • 1 n "' ~ • • v Re11ucco1 tnllex1 30 Ylll --· ~!!!WI!!!. f!!!~".f! •.. v , gen 1epel111 646· 1367 amalll Ron ~73-1147~ yie Nffl Paul 54s..2977 -·-S TANBUfl INOUSfHlfS lit. 0 I lECfAICll\N OardOnlng I nnd1c11p111g. H~1111r111 & yd ClflOn-up _ "TrM Wort! with I Con-RrHnod A Auvw11:. I 11.111 t•~I l u mill• Dt1rk~ Pl• ll(J &lt'V" 7"t:.1 9!1511 Gen'I 1.ontr PrO'purly NCfDS WOAKI yard m1.11nt111111111<.11. (.11)()11 1100 lllmm111g, g&r•Oe L•uatlrr StrriCll INT/EXT PAINTING p/ LJ 1clence" Trimming & Applied, re-11ppllttd guar insured, Ired 414691 1=.0· 1900 .!!_ee osumotes f~!I!.'. !!!!ff! .... •••• 1mprov 9fl7 1111 1 (8 51 l •c 4 1611&8 042 11023 ups. 1ruo trim & 1umov11 clu111-up 8ob 8!l0 0844 •• • ••••' .. •••••••••• •• 1 & WALLPAPERING ••• •I. removal by Howard Dot· 0 B CONSl RUC... rtON nrs101COMM L/INO frue e,11m1111e1 111sured H I 1 ~~~H 1~~; & FOL~ ~utlom ;:"k ~~*;' e:~ ••ATLAS PLUMet..:a·a.. Iott. PO Bo• 34, Colle Ao,,1110r•• Remodal' ;>O Y" Oo my own woflo. 642 4_8811 •• ~~!~.~~~.~'··•••••• up very evei 981 .!:!..e •4 1 HHllng. 1pec1e11z1ng In Meu , Ca 02fl27, Ph " • ~ 8 ~" -OO"'IN'S CLEANING Crri<Jy 963"7237 1111 6 I HARBOR PAINTING repa111 845· 1888 842· 11132 ~tom1:11commt11c1111 111~ l 11 :>7U04 I Al ti4ti 11<' (~per G•rdnr1111 & cle11n u ----------Aarweti•f S1rvict Ne• :.1"tl.11'l/No !;l111rn1.111u •••• ••• •• • • •••••• •••• ~.tum !ipoc1u11"' f n·•t S11rv1cu o lhoroughly Tuttd ol d oing laundry? I Ouellly work Free est -~ '"'Pl.lir'1 1139903:' JA~111 r1 .. c •,.,,,v,.,,. 6 (;011~1ruc ups Trot• 1runrrr111g Free clean housfl 1140_0857 llull & !Old, hand wash, Cllll 811 6pm, 873•5 166 El Ill 141-1121 S LOW RATES I !10% OFF Fl~ST MONrH I dly I,, . ., "'I 839 l'l8'1 OeptnOat>le altordabte eea&n11a1 Answenno service. secre1a11a1 & business service•. mail bo~ rental. word pro<.tts bing T elei.· F acs11n11e I o•dllf entry. peg111s lease buy desk space 1ttr\lt1I D f rn ""' I 1c .11J211 H i Jo11n·1 Cluantno ServlC• lxp Runee 642·9787 CUSTOM PAlllTlll 24 hr plumber etc upa, mowing. 554-70 17 !>48·510'.t Don S'l 1 i " 1,,,,1 1 0 rnlt!s rrt't• uM• u¥1 Pn18 641 IO!l hirna llon MettculOut I __ Water Heeler Speciill Tree trlml remov. CIHn . ANSWER NEl WORK 63t 9131(ask101 /I.V I ~,~~ .. ~·.'!! •...•....... Arl·AllllQUM·Jewfllry App1a1&e & LtQUldlll8 s11.11111m•1 & sh•t1ry c leJn (' 0101 b119hll•11u1 S .,..,. I trlJI' 10 ITllll hlu'a'h 111111 11 .. 110111 ""~ $ t '\ tlWI h1()r11 $7 50 Ctlll\.h S 10 1 hr $a vu1<r ••hm lttol odol C,rpl t•'PtJI' I~ Y'' o•p Do wr>tk 111y•11•ll HPI~ 531 0 101 f)CC.fl CARJJE r 1..AHl J.trk Oull1nl)ton Owrm1 opt.-rnt<11 C" Ill P<'I 111>hOI uft!a r "0 .!.c.o_rt.!~1. ••••••••••• •J•.1 1738 847 •t t• .!.'!.1!'!~~•••••••••••• Housa1.Ap11-Ren1a1s 25 yr1 e•P Lie •03941 ---r 1 I • Hl:SIOENTIAL INT or Ir . . C11r11trllry CDblnol• Olh<.1111 540-12117 ,,.,0•1r. Bonded In• Aela Color ~!!!~!!~f~I ............ !.!!.~/. ••••..•••..•• ~IGNl n r urn art 111111•• .!!'.'.'!'/.•••••••••••••• Plumb Droln Cle~nlng TIRED OF l~ASSLES'I efiic~"woRK••;;~ji°1~·b; expert 963-0911 Olck JD Horn Retlnlthlng Most 1ubjectl, K-14 rn1•11I c.olor "h""'"" W(lOlJ 1 l Nt'fS/OAIES ri11c111c11I ·Tllo Quatlly cl110t1lng help ta Newport, Costa Mesa. HOLIDAY PAINT TIME! An tiques, kit cablneta, Dayl eve Sii & $101ht !!'>!> 20114:> or 752-0J22 ""'"'llrnl & Ht11.t<1na<J Ruta Don 966-0149 he1el R61a 960-7462 Irvine Reis 675-3175 23 yre Also odd jobt & llne peinllng 64~~ Mt Morgen 1146-5178 Do111~stic ''"" ''"' t.Jry 4!19 1724 <.en <:0111roc1 g, me1n1. HOUSECLEANING Cu~1om Br1ck·Ston1 repalre Bruce 972·01 1~ •Hfi•t. Computer . Electtonlc:I •• ••••••••••·•• ••• •••• G J1 i 1111 plumb repair. p11n1 g, Honest & Dependable Block-Concre1e-S1ucco PAINTER NEEDS •••••• ••••••••••••••• Sctence Tut<><, S 101n1 • KA 1 RINA s I IV[ IN .!! ... ~.'1.t............ noot:>lle home HIYICO B1endo 982-2690 Reis Free esl 5411·9492 WORK! 30 Vf9 exp, lnll Huber Roollng-•ll lypet, Rlctl 720· 11145 1t~i.11r:. dolly rn 111d 1orv TREES Jim 536-99571536·3684 -, ' New-recover-decks olt•c•• ,1.i111111)g er pl Experllse Housekeeping CUSTOM QUALITY I exl Acouallc c41lllngs Lie Lie •41 1802 548-9734 Wi•'•• Cl•••l•f r tt1~111r1(l 835 211& l<>1J1>utl removetl Cleon JACK OF ALL TRADES We furnish vacuum & any design-any meterlDI 366780 Free ell ------1 •••••••••••••••• ••••• up 111,..,, renov 751 3476 Cell Jaci.. 1ny1rme, supplies Killy 641-4070 .. 399032 Don 551•2867 Dov1s Palnllng 847-~186 ROOFING REPAIRS "Let Ille SuNtllne In" HSKl'l1S & MAll)S d11Y 01 nJ1ll1 PLUMBING Small 1obs o k lree ettl· Call Sunlhlne WlndO* I IVE. ·IN HRl y Wit.Iv TME QRUI SCEIE C.t1rptinlry, ele<.. l•le Frve Custom Home Cleaning Movi•f -r!l!.1!~J.............. mllet Call Tom & Chuck Cleaning, LIO 648-8853 V1c10 5urv1ct1s Agettt;y Luw11 Ir Oil· Shrub install es1 Reas 645.')811 & Compl Maid Service •••••• ••• •••••••••••• F lhl 1 1 1 De 1 542-6392 20"1. Monthly DltcOUnt Mltl181:ll H1:11ri 953 07 I 7 tll'<tf'\Jtt•J Work \IV'" -I Fret' fst 64!1 1771 l •' dtbond11d 97::1 9000 1 Prof -BondeO • tna'd ar ng n er or •on ~ 1100 trnnlr1:1mo•1 28 YRS EXP OUtiHAM UNICLEAN SYSTEMS •A·1 MDVIII• HANGINGISTRIPPING D · ' S ' f~=~5~1~,';,•~R~l~~11::0"g5 HOME IM PROVCMENT 1 01 Nwpl Ben 850-l200 I Top Qua1t1y Spec1a1 ca111 V1s11-MC Scoll 645-9325 ~!/.~!!'••••~•••••••••• "UM S KARPEl KARf llDOf PHIUM1 1nt1ex1 Ae1ld l comm'I Free eet 20•1. monthly d111coun1 644~798 Or1vew11ys Pa1k1no Lot Oua1i11 "'II'~ Reh .!!~!1!1 •• !!."!f!....... Remodet·repeirs·feocino --'" handling 25 yra exp ASA PAPERHANGING Don't re-roof, repair at tracllon o r coa l 857·2890 Aepairt.. Sealco11111111 frllti 0~1 494 1~29 S&S Aspnl1 63 l·•l 199Ltc C , I •ltllnt Don Hallbetg Gracing ••••••• ••••. ••••••••• Personol quahtted dn (;111 upr., lt1wn cure, lull 631·8530 anyllme son al 1oucn Bachelor No ovor11me 730· 1353 work Pr Ice s II art al AT YOUR SERVICE S11n111on6 Gart.111ni119 e1oc1r1cal·plumt>IOQ Ouallly work with a par I C0n1~1111v11 Rallti I 7 vis local exp Guer CRAIG CLEANING CO Resld /comm'I. Int/ext Screen•. mirror• L1dd111 work O wner o per 6-46-3089 I d • ok CM Irv. MB Beth vl'IS lot your < llV 10 ny ~omm o 1es1d motnl EXP(Rl HANDYMAN 8L0•0931 ·ABC MOVING· $81roll Alec 751·7027 mrand~ Shopprnq dr rriw •tM 646-668.t " Q -& Paving Co Res/coml CHAMPENOISE uc. 397804 842 1120 r 11w t;a1e11ng 1n lht' 0111 Sc1111ts .•...•.•...•........•. ldvritlilll I world tratl•l•Ott 645 9858 ···'·••••• ••••••••••• Cemtnl Contttlt Lovfng home ages 3 & u~ ,, •••••• • •••. ••• •••••• FIT $40 'Wk + bel loft C,t<mCn1 M<1Sct1HV IJIOC~ nPt>d~ mel By nour M l ilndstap1110 M()1n1enan· Plum1>1no. 111c 642·6013 Mo1e tamlllus are golfing Low rates 552·0410 I pe1n11ng Aini 'work. lg ~ •PPIS church ett ,.11 , -Corpenlry ·Roofing u.ck Ca1etul Serwce IPaparhenging stripping Y c lean up Kiln JC'"IOS. ••••~••••••••••••••••• year II you have a cam STUDENTS MOVING re1e11 • Rel11 _}.'ree esl lla 4q4 5857 ce l uw11 & oarden core, H•r-'wooi Flo•r• Ille camping ·bug 1n19 I Sl ARVING COLLEGE sm111 Jobs, reuoneble T ra<le you1 old slull lor I 5Jb it. IO rel~ HARDWOOD FLOORS per I hat S not ge111ng CO LIC T 124-436 Brendan 968·f 'l27 MOBILE SERVICE Rescreena/N-screen• NBICM ~ly 642·95521 Are you pltnnlng 1 move? Have aome1hlng you w1n1 Clasaifled ada wlll point 10 Hll? Ctaaslfleo nds oo you ln tne right direction fl well I C ell N OW , to llno the ho me you '\Chi CM 556 3622 W,1115.(,u~I ""otk Lit: nl!'w goo01e" w llh 11 Ha ... some1hing 10 sell'/ Beaulllully cieaneo useo sell 11 now Wllh • insured 641-6427 I 3810!>7 Hoh 547 ·268J c1ass1lled e.d 642 5678 Ctass1treo 11ds do 11 well 0110 waxl:lel 832·4881 ClaHllle<l Ad WA lCH US GROW• Clesr.1hed Ads 642-. 378 I 642-5678 nee0 642-sa18 • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. Sell y,our no-longer needed Items for cash. If it doesn't sell. we'll run It another 3 days FREE One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non·refundable. E'tra llnM 11.00) CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 r-------------------------------.....:.--------=-----~------------------A•••Hct•••I•/ 1,.,, I,, .. , 5300 •.••••..••...••....•.. P1111a•I•/ Found Large black rab· A,arl•t•I• Vol•r•i•itd Cort• #11• JIZ4 .....••.........•.••.. Newer I Br wl g&r age No pets $410/mo 645-5577 1 $395 2Br, lge 11pl quiet.• no pels lndry 3 I W Wilson 63)·2177 Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place A1:,r~::,~::;lttJ A'u:i.~::;,H A1:,~::,~::;"'" IJ.~t!f!,.1!.•!!!t..!.'.~ ~!!'.~ .. !.s.1~J~!!!.!.~~~1 9!!!~~.~!!'!~! .... !.~~'~!'.'.i~.t.'.'.~!~!~!.!.~~~ . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . ...... . ... .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . ................... ·· 1 IEEI I PLACEI Oc d /N B 2000 SQ t1 w/500 IQ ft I P11me West Coa.st Hwy, Huntington NtWDOtl BHcll 3169 S•n le•tnlt Reasoneble rates Kii· Room wlln P11v Bain area S:>OOO/mo SQ 11 8.,111 Can ba dlvl- •••••••• •••••••••••••• NO FEE• Apt & Condo MURRY II TMIS DIE t.t1rvrce Z cnannel mo-645· 1666 tronl Homei Inc Ult I F•••' brl Nr Elll1INewl1no •• • •••• ••• •• •••• ••• •• • Fountain Vaney HIHtl•t•ll 5100 963-1366 ...................... --------- 1111 11 IHflratlH 760..()$04 ----ARTIST'S llYITTI 10 ehOw & sett your an In 1ne wes1m1n11er Mell Fine Ari Show. Thurs to Sun • Oct 14-17 995.7509 Founo sm bllc dog, VIC Weslmlnller BlvO & Bu· stlard, Wntmln1ter. 531-2194 Found bllcit Lab m111 w l while m1tk on Chell 1 brown & I blue eye, VIC Broollhurel /Hamlllon 645-97115 I C 3116 ean vu con ° I s1oraoe o c A11por1 I NB 1oca11on N-1100 Buclt 3840j • • ••' • • • •• • • • •• .. • • .. • • • • •• •• ••• •• •• • • •••••• I c.hel'olles. phones m11d l enn11o. DOOi Female 851·8926 I Ol:lel $2000/mo Water· ren1J1~ V•lla Rentals on Snn C1emen1e1 Near 1 vies $ANDPIPER MO· M/F snr 2 bf CdM •Pl 2 SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bey 63 1•1400 Arlin1ton ,,,, I 67') 4912 Broker NEW 2 Bdrm •Pl w11n TEL 1967 Newporl Blv(S, S300 12 Suite$ avail Gd Hwy ---scR·M LETS Large ; !Jr 1 Be OulOI bu111-1ns c.arpellng. CM 645-9137 ~Ills ~~c7~ 27,.3 mo + V1s11>11tly 497-2351 Oll1ce & garage S2861mo n • close 10 beat" • Block 10 t>each 2Br dr11pos. 1.iunOry faclltty. I U"ll" IUC,. , Ull ~ ... 8'/I -Near Balboa Bey Club S S 1---------1FounO Female mla an.. OUPlEX 2 Bk I , mt tieaeti. $550 7S3 Stoll Pl s4oo me. 960 8656 b11gn1 6 i)llf S670 mo under root carpor1' tor 2 • 11 " Non smokrn9 fem to shr I SUPER llfllllll I & Coast Hwy 646-7641 AN W£R yr'y 968 e263 cars puotr<: 11:1nn1s cour1s MOTIR Ill :.>Br 2ba COM apt w l Eauc Sull&S Incl recepl COSTA IESA -Baboon . Fe+gn ltvint 3844 l IHlrm 1 Ila S5!>01mn A golf tour5>e right bll· Wkly ren1at1 Sll5 up same $315 6"·927~ I ~ y 1111<vt. cont rm 0 """ Locale • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n a op t onl m1 c T 1 ti -c 11 ma11 .. and lg Ret· Bldg C-2. ,., blk E ot ,,,...... • .E~ .. ~•lt~l:r I y1J.irly 'll"P' 10 D«>att> '" pr '" Y Y • 0101 V. rets co ee 1 h B 2B ~ " GARBAGE n s:; 1' '~' w Ualtioa I nu1e1 lo S1a1e Park & heated pool & steps 10 Male p111 s , N r ponstve 10 your business I N P Blvd 119 Cebrlllo T . fl I A pherd. blk & tan, maHI po1nter. llver/blk & wfll Mlle blk ' Ian YO<kle ' numerous cata. Newport Beach Animal Shelter 125 Mesa Or. Costa Meta, 114•·3666 673-6921 o ... ,.,., 3126 .....•...........•.... OCUI VIEW From D111a P01nl ~ moSI sec1uoo0 9C8nte bltifl like n-1 Only 4 units, 2 Br wi den Xtra lrg private pa110 No pet& From I $725/mo. Coll 661-644 1 or M F 9-S 643.0212 I 11p1 Biie 10 bch n....,,5 Adi <IO' Fwy in S650 645-2331 eves eenager s de n uon 2 13 865 254:1 Deacn c ose 10 every· ocean Knch'1 1va11 $2:.>0lmo £>46-98411 ,. ..,.,...V lndiu oles" ••o/mo .-.....'.. --nu1band 111omeone who 1· Found lemaHI Whippet Oo •• OMl.lu .. s I I lhlll01 $4751momlh 985 N Coast Hwy r • "" c I brl , .. _ .. _.. th I 11 I • ocra1FRO•T Oc 15 -Ir S32L 963·'"·4S •••trci• nos Ill '"' payc ......... , WI • 00• now • s:; Avatl!lble lober . Lnguna Beech ~ Sgl man wlyear OIO son om " ~ Ital.Jr 4415 and 1ei-: .. ou1 the GAR-Orange County Animal 1 BdrS7~~: :8B(x,I 1Da 1 ·~~bdwr 1n12erba gar Q1881 ?"n"oo~,w.o g:;s~:c~n~ lt•l•I• ,, s ... lt 4300 w1n1s 10 Sh• house In Costll Mesa 1 or 2 room •••••••••••••••••••••• BAGc Shelter 0 h h ·'bl ~ <> ... ~ • CM S200lmo & Vlr ulll •u11es .. ,om S7L/mo. 0111~• 01 re1a111oc11lon W JH ---------I!> was er ... oven (714)6420138 •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 r .. -·~ ... ' 5 , I SJSO I 1 & FEELING CRA .. PED? lfnmed occupancy Ulil• lnCIO 779 W 19th N~nm1 Beach Approx -•I• 1••• Ill••• I •uep ..C.f'I '"'pe 5 B3<;1lelo• greal loc .., 6•6· •04 I St ~8L 1.•928 • 550~-o;;;· ti SSOO mo. 1~-••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~r~~~ Lv w opl to buy ~orly IA,•tl•talS f•UiliH ~e~8~/~ 1s!:io~~:sr: Rmm1e 10 t/V Newport ,, 0 lal 646-8844 ~ lJHI & YlllJ'S oooa pubhc 1r1ns TSL •c•t 142-1103 1 ... 0•1 •• ~'!~!!! .... .!.~~ S425 675·323 • Terr Condo Non-smk• IHmflL li'•ltrl•I FOUND ai\S PHOTO MOO£LS w111k •o uc1 & stiopp1no FEELING CRAMPED? SEIWllD uvE IN PARADISE ON $310, • ., u111 c a11 ~ob HWNRT CllTIR ~500 IUI ESCORl'SIOANCEAS l 1 .. /1& 1 &Ill B d"" 979-5370. eves I Wilh UH of recepllon. •••l•I .. OUTCALL 2~ HAS • " • .,, 3 I ~:a~"~~~ 1p1;105~:s,: YILUIE ~~~~R :i~7~~ .~~ 4~ a•2-06410, '• ulll non conf room. kltch. pnone. N•5•39·75·9~r~h··:ooo·.q· ARE FREE 111-0Hl .. L•t.••I B~•c• 14 $425 675-3231 New 1&2 bO•m luxury commodallont P1'10f8· smkr, 01ve 644-0620 secfelertal & wO<d pro-tt MIA zone Agan! •• ••••••••••••••••••• •Pl•'" " plant 1..edrm ml(; VI-1350 mo 857• 1330 ceulng M iii & musaoe !>4 1·5032 c I L119una5C11ff OrCacros2s ~I OCEANFRONT lrom s540. 2 bdrm !tom 675 96..,. 2- -Br A.pl 10 gf;are.1 .-v a11etl M~telely ti a : * * * lrom haw s ove br Large 3Br 2be $875/mo I • 1 dfllre<I Call JuOy. $750 up 2160 fl lnOu· ----pallo oar $750 Avotl lurn 673·4483 s595 TownhouM ':im Mar"'•• Rl•c• $200/mo '' ull II Call 7 141760-0100 Slrlal • Olllce 11110 I Re-142-1111 Aff•..&:• Parlor 3 Br 2 Ba ~an view 626 21<19 540•3773 $665 + pools iennls. • George a1 642-638 1 ell 1 • _ _ dondo Ctrcre, p & T •n S1vd10 apl wllull kit. & 1>01n, walk to Merine $3501mo 68 I .3553 dawShr etec appl lndry woterlallt pon<l11 Gas Luxury conOo. Atty. s1r1 . 7PM & 8AM E1tecu1tve aui1H , lull aer· Hunllngton. Beech ~~~~~~~~~~l OC*l 24 hr•• day rm $625/mo 496·4179 Vrc.to11a B11ac;11 I Br $500 :?b• 2t>a oay,oc.ean v•ew for cooking & Meting will share. S550 --lo 11 ed ced no I-7 dayt a-" ----unlurn yrly S550 lurn crindo pool 1acuzz•. I p110 From San Olego oo 752-0442. "" F llff<lr. apt 10 Shi w/ " e, grH y r u ' 842·2834 Lott M SI.,,_ cat. blue Jacuul, Sauna Locela ')Br 2 B• ap1 in Dana Pt 80512!i'l· '25 I securrty bldg 59.,51mo Frwy dllve Norin on 640-2434 aame Pre! 10116 $300 ~ 754·0274 _ WANTED g.ar age or ~. nee c611ar, decle· u -II u Tout1•1• dshwsr SICivfl. ocean Studio unlurr,1-.ned , Call Dtinny 645-2016 or Beach lo M tFa<Jden 10 Mlf' 111-30--sh-r 3-b-d-2b-e mo 759·0879, 760-6000 2500 s/I btalc otc w/ tndulfrlal apace. min wed. en1. to LeRoy, BankAmerlcard, A"*· view $5251mo block 10 l>(>ach kitcn"n :,4s,5833 Seawind VIiiage •252 atorage By 0 C Alrpor-1 I 800 IQ II. for 11 body· Emer1tO Bay. Lag. Bch. lean Expr .. •. Diner•. All 661 1192 1714)893 5198 S1ep1 lo t>eacti (N B ) 2 B I S 15001mo Tom work, no paint CMIHB 4114·5661, 667· 1336 wetcome 7141114§..3433 neer shoppmg spucrous VAL ( oc.e11n v•-2 SR 1 34tn SI S276 875-3317 Lawyer Shares r sp rt 851 .8928 2 Br <Jen. 2 be lrplc:, n-l365/mo 494 5410 or Ba. 2 car splices $JOO Rooar 4000 level apt wnn non-amkr _____ 964.0332 LOST CAT. ~eam Per· 2112 Hw l>of BL CM c1p1 trg view <leeks. Im· 493-7137 mo 644.6760 or •••••••••••••••••••••• MI F to snr 2 br. l ''r be lem 2S-35, mull have gd E1.ec sune w/AC. 500 IQ 90•127 M·l corner wllh-111n. Mate, REWAROI On ... fMt~ "-" med occupancy Agent • $90 & up wllh kllchen. •Pl. E/SIOe C M Poot, reta & be neat $310 mo 11 wl bo1n & gar $400 S Bayside OrlCdM 11ea. N'"• 11 ......... 3169 646-3189 tee s257 50 Bob. 6 · bldg 991 W llltn t, 759_8033. Convef"Nltlon tti Betbl $7501mo Agan1 .. N .. •• weekly Ocean tr on I Mo· 646_40a A1972_ 1300 Please Iv mag 641·810 , mo 675·3800 Coale Mesi. 642•3480 ••civi .. 2 ... _ 496 680• ••••'°••••••••••••••••• 2Br 1Ba frplc 1tep\ to 1 67~ 87•0 ~ - -"" ~ '"• -ocn 56so mo yrly te • ------f" ~n.gmolcer 3 Br con-1 IEWPOIT 1 Stir• 1 4550 Lo•.' Man·• Diamond r1ng. 638.()701 Lorge deluxe 2 Br 2be & Rel s 642 7005 UH•A IUCM ROOMMATE W&rnll do $2001mo, • .., ut•I IAY VIEW 1 ••••• f•••••••••••••••• OriOle Or or P'-'llle COEDS • Would love 10 den, lrplc. ocean vu ern;I 1•568.4306 MOTi• l•I Mile 25·35, tlfelghl, S 150 dep nr OCC S.Cure aw.rage 11ea 1000 A.,., CM. Keepaak• Ae-g)lr, 7141493-1030 111 n non·amOktlf, to share 964·365'4 HB Ollice aulte on Newport ..-11 & up xlnt mu werd 549--0087 party w/ytN. 09" Sue~ -' COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Bachator Apt small no Wkly rentals S95 up like new 2 Bdrm, 2 ba. 3 br.-21~ be-condo .... 3-5 Harbor Approx 1000 sq 17th St Cos11 Mesa FOUND Be b b b Kathy anytime. (2131 Baalit11t•11 IN NEWPOR' BEACH I iarage or 11undry Colo• TV tree coffee. s c 1 t " ...., II 714·645-7100 •51 1611' · aut a Yr• · 834~571, (71'1 an Juan •P• reno incl u11t + $100 d""' -----0 • bit VIC ot 28tn St. •21-11 .. 1 ' ........ 3140 A 101a1 environment 425/mo 1ncld<t ultls ht>aled ~~· & steps lo condo Fir"""'~· pool ~.. .. 11 11 s3001 - - --"' "" "' •• ....... ~. • 846.0573, 631·5814 ru servo rco up lt•t•I• W.••t--' ~1-Ocean Fronl. NB ---------• •• ••••• •••••• • •• ••• •• ap&r1men1 community on 1>46 6181'l cx. .. an Kntn 9 avail 111cuu1. only minutes to Branen ollrce S80/mo •••••••••••••~ •• '! •• ~ 1 OOAM 873-7690. MllLJll PlH 2 I 3 Bdrm apts Avail 1ne Upper Bay PrivalC 2 B ., 8 1 ~,.,5 N 99c; N Coasl Hwy. 1>110ch & Dane Pom1 Hbr Shr 2br/2''>b8 conoo, CM. Ans urv SSOlmo '"'ouff/ AplfTrall•r to renl '"75-2570 lmmedialelv S550 to 1 ut>~··.-~rid 11eal1h 1 < 0 rom •·" 0 Lanuna Beach 4114·5204 S 0 •L II I D FB S29S + ,., v 0 1145-3&.48 I ~u vv~ u Pel Ac os,lornNew " 29/moplut n ull1H W I. gar. Newpor1Beach752-6408 Febr &M1rchfor vl111lng l----------1----------S675 Frplt O/w, garage 5Pll 8 tPr1n1\ tO\irls ~ ~ r ' Kil pnv Cht1s1tan Home. Gerhard (7 14) 831-2040 ulll Joan 648-9926 1 llEWaaaT IUOll p arenlt 645•8579 Coale Found · Blondlrld terrlat Warm & Intelligent wl m 1.~ 2 kids ok No Plllll poo1s c1os~ 10 bus1ne<>t. I ~~;'.4~;~c.h Goll Cour\e M strarghl Nr Ben. Lag or ~96-9758 -r-Mesa area mix tml male dog Nr 38. a11all for comp•· ~ pa.of 545-2000 errporr Fusn1on 111and Ben 5325 499•2286 __ Femele only lharot;;°au· lh ••• r.••.'.'··"·'·'····'·•·'·•4•3•5•0• MHIGll llm 20th St CM. E"*9 call nlonlhlp lot genwoue .,,.. ... , "°"' ee Con11emen1 \hOPli on S1eps lo The Beach 2 Br -'' PAEMtER LOCATION •2 yr old llreman loolltng 846-4348 ledlet Ken 497-.571t ~118 Unfum1eneo bac.he 2 B11 .3 1enn1s cou11' Cos1a Mesa hOm1, mete utut new Tunler~k S1ngl4I car gar 201h St, Gad B lldlng for room, prel Coron• 'F--ou-nd--P-r.-wom--1-0-.1-,.-1-. '0t·-.-m-ono--W-an_l_ed_: -w-1-11 39r. 2'~9a. frple, dbl gar W/O hook-up $650 mo 96•·4633. 1·526·3004 1 br, 5 blk• lrom beach Pvt patio No pe1s S376 (213>434-8148 2 br, 1 b1 5 !>Iii.• lfom beach Upper tn dpl• No pell '495 incl u11l1 (213)434-61411 CLOSE TOBEACH Bii cnelor. t rove & ref1tge 8" u1111 p<1 S3601mo ~7979 1015 1&2bdrm11p1send across Iha s1ree1 Very student non smkr hse lownnome Muter '· Costa Mete Storage 9:>C>•Q'llen uAmenlll•• delMar 9511-5321 di"" glatMt. B~~ B•" 1ownnouse11 clean N-Carpel $750 pm S22S mo + $150 adj b11th Snare wl1h S851mo 831-0921 .. ., -" , Buy 1 carll from prlv1te \560 S 1000 mo Yrty rent Call Kele c1e11mno dep 546·9959 young couple, g1eat to: 1U1• • I ~400 IU-HIO jl•dan1/l1n1t/ area. 833.-6S41 p11ty, calh 831-0276 5"vf'r&I b&Cht'lor, and I 675·0124 Mon F•t Jo -UCI student or lllC\Jlty VlllCI l•I• ,. --f.'/HUf FOUND e..ut Smell For Acllon Minded Men MeSll Verde lovelv mHter 553-8029 '"•for 1op•• ••••••••••••••••••• • • • I Bdrm unlls lt'l11ture fine 673·3596 Sel·Sun ' .,. "' 2500 10 5000 IQ It •••••••••••••••••••••• bird. trvlne T*'rece, SUl)ef Klng1 1nnennen 1 d bdrm wlbalh, xlnl food •llllll lfflCES• CdM. qulet & Mfen• l.,llHI Cd M 1144.9539; Aptwodlel de11gne1 urn11u1e an 'J Br I', aa No pets Ref's e11ch11nged M IF wanteo to enare I room to 2800 tq. 11 . k her E ~ I "001t Turnera, • accessorlM Move tn to s4soimo 5,5 2095 alt 4 beachtront apl Non From S 1 18 • IQ 11 Adi wor a1mo1p e. n-1Mrf1• hr ~ ~ 876-3882 Glnteng, VHamln E & dey o• rese<ve tor luture k prol ftA --... uanOI on CoUI Hwy & ••• "•••••••'•••••••• ---------Zinc. 80 11blet1. Ptlone ~48-2682 - --amo or, ,.vr~ .. .,.... Awponer Inn & Frwys I Fernteel. greet foe OulCk $0v1h Coon!/ Arcaoe FOUND. Abandoned, dll· u" Smarlly lurmslled Et Toro 1111 n<>uN prllll·1 11re<1 $3 10 mo C•lt ••••""-3223 H bl~ L... 10 orma110fder873-1650 mode4s open dllly 2 Sr 1 Ba yearly $700 l~H WID. member Sun 6•8-4 148 ° ..... .,...., 8CCflta to MllCAn llur Locetlol'I en mllChtnet ng " 1"• approx PROPERTY HOUSE & Soil club , pool, 1ennrs ------1817 Westclllf, NB 256 BIVd & Fwy Rott Pro-Of loc111on only Call wkt. Nd• good horn• ''"'•" on J11mbo1ea Rd a1 642.3850 642 1010 $260 111 & lea•. uUI Incl Female Roommate 10 10 4000 sq. It. 111 floor perllea. 561-6130 Tom or Simone _5_4_8·_8_2_5_8______ lfmm IJU Sfln Joaquin Htlll Rd 586-4036 ehare luxurloua home on Agent 641-5032 4001.B Birch SI NB 4,0 686-26115 Found Pa1101. Vlo. Wllaonl •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• 1.00 OCEHFflHT J take In lrvtne, ..curlty Pl c 11 Ola At, .. IUftll • 4 81 2 8 11 2000 ""' II C M Male, tennt1 cr1. glle, Pfl\llle belleh, fl· -.IEllll lfflOIS• aq, It S1 00 per ICI fl l•nll• .. t aoentta .,... a • ...... poo111ec1••un• sh1 B• n 1 L 1 ..... Agent 641-5032 ~ I ,,.11 ne btwn 2· 10. 1142-4260 P9tle>nal, quallfted 00fl'l· L1k• new S •850/mo -cuu1. ru .... Pr vi...,.•• From 1 room 10 3 1oom1 ,..,, •• t. -Mull dff<:rlbe penlon dr"'-8 I« ~ PROPFRTY HOUSE SIQO 648-8884 Call 651·380fl day•. From $1 UI . aq II No •• , ... ttftots ........... ,........ dey to day lftenctl, 64:> 38~0 642-10 tO lu~ury furn rm In H B 551·3805 e11H IHH required Adi Air· Redhill. Cotl• MeH lllTIALll Found Baby bllCkl wM• Sbopplnt. doe1Qf'• 3144 ........ ~W APABnlE~TS ~ow LEASl~G Wxxil:xid~ V1lli!) A~ Larg• aunny J bd 2 btll'I 11p1 on Newport Penln upsl&ttl 1n duplex I blk lr()fYI bo11ch, CIOM 10 atoret, $850 mo Agt 675·184') M/F ''On M"tlllr, kit prlv 3 br furn nouH Et Toro po<lei Inn 2172 Oupont s blfll 1778 eq 11 at 7118 N..o up to 15001< fM Kiiien. Vic. 921 E. Bal· •wt•. church, etc. An S300mo utlt Incl S300 mo & I uttl (Marine Call AM 63)-3223 R~ept , worll room. tub·dlYlaion, beet 1Ut>urb bOI Blvd. 675•5 102 needl met. 8y tiour ~ 642·6871 _ Lt) 855-96011 Airport arH • bee Sul· 1t0<1Qe 675·3882 10·5 of Brltbane. lllgl'I 1eturn, Found· Kitten, ell blecj(, dey. 494-5157. Hot1/1 /11011/1 4100 F1met• 2 Br, 1 81. I '" From 226·•50 IQ II. O.h.••• 1u1t1 1n Weter == t>y 11'::' A.1~4~ ::;,:~· WNICltn 11" Olli< t 01)ftl D•llr Luxuriou'I .1dult & lam•I\-IMO~ 10 .111 ,1\I (\(>\\-t ountr\ 'l'tlln~ I ~ & \ Bdttn\ AITI(>Oll1P' Inc ludt> '* R(•I C ,,,, R1111~L1 • T Ill "II li(H1l'OI)('~' * Ptl110i,unct1•1 k * ()1 .. h\\ ·''hl'f 111\pcJ'ill '* Drape~ colrpe11ng '* R~<.rl·'<'tlOn room '* .\11 1 on<l111nnrnlil Comt SH "'now for bnt Stttttion. hb W. ~alt lQ09 to 10 Thliftdtr Run In Irvine. (111: (i) J ' Yearly rent II 36•. 79• & 28r, IBe, n-rv romode led 124 •2rid SI 848-5710 evet, 67& 3132 dt• 1 61 8111pt 10 ~&e:h, Yf1rly. 01•&0• p11rktng l4751mo 6'5·3210 o• 731 ·6"0 NWPl HOTS-~er, 2911 IP6'IOl•t lmmed occ 17501mo 845·7400 Verulllet J1 18r, MC COficlO, IUIC amenlllet 1•76. &AO·&l 10, •• , 231 Oob tlrM 49)'0370 •• • • ••' • •• •••••• • •• •• • block from ~ach I I per aq. It Meny lllfH f1ont bldg 20 12 IQ ft 673·6338 AM/PM LOl1 Red ToY Poodle, Sat i..i-at llAURI MOTIL S3001mo 875-0563. Call 557·7010 115011<111 642·4644 on Temple Hiiia Or. 1..a-•• :r.'3n••••••••••••• Wkly ••111111 now evall Sn1 I tux nme w/~of ioo-900 PLUS 1400 ICI. II r••• ••If/-"'''i:J:"' ' ,,.,, oun• 8Gh Aew•dl JIM flaw H7f S 105 & up COIOr TV .~ft 126.. 111 I t Pentllou" 8aylronl Sul• n1111 & wwr•11n 1 11••1 •94_..115 ••••••••• .. ••••••'••• Phone• in 1oom 2274 P*'~·· "'· · · 1 Prime comm'I loe•flon, ~ Vouno ~tied .nan wit Newpo•I 81vo CM dep 086-8470 ~~3•1&•;1e no. patio• ne111 1e .. " r.celv .. ••••••••••••m•• ..... Found: bled\ & br°""' M cto generll 11~ wor11. 646·74-45 FI M lhr811001 tlland $4500 copier tor 1n11r1 I.I. IA II dog, OobelSl'lep(?). 408 Call 9"" & wtlandt. -cottaoe. 2 rm1 avail. tetm. no glmmle.k1 Call ltrtpct It, .... FWy nr Hli'bor 64'-097t t72·'5H. BE•CH •REA SP!~ & '300. 175-4200 •nnt IOU• tor Cletallt 96<>-1471 Specl~l',! 1,·~~ 2nd P:oul'WI 1011: ,, Cocker -.,.-.. -ure-,.... .... -.. -tiy-iaoy--. ~JOnt- " " m ~~I;:,:. :::,r~. Wltiiilm• ~Obi. Sattler NH.ICM Spanlel, Ctlple1rano coot!, nune. *Mtlle $84/Wk Outet, m1Wfa F 22·30 tllt Of no 1,1111, lndMdual 01. Oeluu on1ee or etOf• lU 9,~., 8d AealtMt a.acn. fff·2UO ..... 1 ::=. -;7~ Id Poot 3 bt. 2 b• 81)1 on ~h. lic.tt ()( dffll IPICe 180 •Ptee 14280/900 "' ft. 842·2171 145..()11 1 Lott• Bird gry/ yellOWIWM nfon. IOCel • A:~rii::.:·~~1ieon Ne Frj)IC, 2$' r>tllO, 111. lq It . 3500 lq ft 1 MO 1430411200 lq f1 lea«I ; .. TO. 1114,000 tac9. Cocklllli. "°Y9I Plllfn. HOUMlleeper. oompe!llOh Co•I• Meta 648·0755 lell ' MO 8t1tn FAl!I! 769-H71 Slvd liwn 2 lrwyt. CMo ~ dteCOunl, .... HO, MlnOfoe. Meu v.,. " OI ~ poMIOn __ _ e1a.6438, 87J-1s1t c.,,,., a~ C.,,ttN', 000 1, .. 0 *' 1 -• on fOlind « ...,, oa11 W9flffld, &nf, CStYt 1n Pina Mot Motel on COH1 F;, 10 1111 2 &r t Ba •Pl IHI Uall -:1.:0~~.~~ 179-H&t "°°·OOOu "term. ~1·7094' or '81-1368 N.I .. CdM OI 0 M. ~'~n NBWtll~llP~•t•f: w1'11'111, 1 llou• ltom Attraclhlt rut11C uptlalrt &47·148 t , 64•.0lts CadllleCHI to Go.Ce,,t ~l4MiliC.otlt;i;iiii'e:-dii;~;'d;t: 845.()"0 l>elet\ S300 Incl Ulll Mttlng W• eupply ~. lXEC tult .. HI 1276. Wiii putet\aM u.lttlnO ltt Wl\ltewt 1M Fed "9"1ona• ~ dn- 873·0129 l<e<en tPee•· C(lfllef 'f'ciu ~· w/CPA • Ally s.o. X• ~ 21'\d mottoaoee •• Roll • .,.,, off tM IMttltC ,,., .,,.... \IC> eoon ... Hive M>metlllng to .. 111 Gell 111~1 IHI wOll l.>•lty Shop 11 l\Ome, 11 1 MIY ply PflOM, & "' P' mo 1011 f'8Clf) evall I dltcount anywMre Wltll • Cltellflecl A4 = ..., 11110n!. CIMtllled •di 00" well. Piiot Wanl Ad•. wttl\ c1 ... tfled .. 2·&e71 pr Oetl( C•"..!44·7211 .. ;.8!!.!_ t•04)325-t100 Alftfll• Call ~ 141.sen .. I I .. , .. -... Or nge CoHl OAIL V PILOl /Thur1dey, Ootober 7, 1982 DI ~-!I. .tf t1.'!I. •••• !.'.ff ~'.' 1.!'f~1.'.t ... !.1.'1 #11• "'••IH 1111 Iii• W••~ 11M A••l/HHI 111111,11/t•'! 11!0 #11/ttl ~.1! •• f!!t ..... l!jf "'•'"'v."i,...' a.h/lll Tf~~ ••••••••• J!.~ ... r.nT ..............••• ..-•••••••••••••••• 1:':' .;r. ••••.••••.••••...• •0•••••••b,:•··,······~ ".. l••lt••••t• IOI• 1110-11 30 100111 111oa11 ••' '•"f' II 11 011•u•1 ""k 11" .w111\ ,... •• .. w ... "" • v " .-• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • ••••• .... ""' l&IL IOILITHllT !~'!Mn•·· K:~tt10 WHher, •1111 Chai••· 1000 v:~;,:;·Ai10··&;:~·~;:,~ ~~7~~.~~::1• 30 11~:,~~~~ Tll P&an'I tvll ' ~~.·"c.~~ 4c~~~;:;,-' :.~~ Ar• you • 9000 bC>Ok Full time Molher't Htll>tf -~· .. Ilk• hCKIMWOlk, wanl.U IC!f :I I MI Olllldr•l'I 3 d1yt, 4 llOU• • '"''Y 001 9.?g on l'lalboe olht1 day l!lfhr Cell P1111n1u1a 673·2300 at NMdtKI rot ptogreulve -.. 116·6321 714 1179"4184• Ive flllQ mutl Mii MOO Call tllOO•' llu11n ,11011 36'1 MUIST S!!ll by I0/16 1110 1110 40 gel gn u lon Some cllenttl• -llH 90 t AILOV,61Ar con 031 03l8 Hunke IOr II adult• full /7 Flel~ ' 81ttam 12 11m11 \JllOO f08·U75 073-3313 1 .. n0011 01W prer Sal•'Y· comm . :~ "-:' O~C:::,:n~,~:,,~~ f!rr.!f! •••••••••••• 1l 1amf1 tryl• f'a11111011e OVATION eolld bO<ly u•lltY " 11110 A1om1c •. ~~fdo~;o,~~~0~1:1; ~ 1110 veClllOn Mgr 640·89H h Om our Nt'#poll 0.ICh Mtnl 10 ll)ttd It• 1Plrll COIOrt Sacrlllcet 1400 eltM:lrlC iter.O llUllllr wllh Martel: P'OP, low rieltlg 411.000 ml On r!J.~••••••••••••••••• AlllllLY 0;:;;11 OlllOll P1op111y Mgml Co ,.._port 8Metl, ttlltf r-PllO· nltl, good rron1 OfflO• appMll~ & Pf'OfHllO- nel 1111111<1•, 1yp;ng !I& WPM req11lttd tor 111 tlOVI ptOJ«ll, hll t0·3 M•Th, ~llOlt •xpan elon 10 full lime po1111011 549·201111 N11,.1ng ortlc• In lht tvef\IOQ 101 t>lke 960 07' •d06 12&0 17 l •I 073 0:261 hou" rull •lactr0tilc;e 6 ownttr 1t1t11ng 110.<108 711 Ford ven c;U11vtttl0t'I, LVN 101 bu•y Oa<;ll oHlc;e Hulldty Inn'• ,_ lrevtl 842·H64 WA "" ULD VMr Auto 111101. .. Hiit (163 '187 .,,. C.I••"· IO ml, 14800 tlllllllWI I /l &57·3142, Atk IOI tlub Sllaty + co111ml1 King -111 hM l•I pad Aetlttfft l•lftr •••• IOCluUlng tplnnaker T llttn PIP 4114 li4 10 Joan Smllh lion + bonill Call Bxmoy• ~ond C•~=·0':?,· Oed ,1111 II& 114 1 ti I~ 1nc1edlblt lllllld cue I om wlnG"-t 120,bOO Olllot ft1Jllt1 f11r1/ 1J 10 19/hr Super Company C.11 836-4441 J088 TOOAY, 2107 N Brltlol. 8 A 1mall IM 133·3740 1f1tt I PM " M0t1m1n. w/c... 8117 4460 home •••••••:'/•••••••••••••• A•t" W••t" llH •••t011oa11111 8063 ltvtlt uu 4111 1800 6411 ·5030 11 ,,,, OAJ 1>.c1 t•ng1e •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • •• • Wiii hevt Ol~M dutlte. L-"lff bike '"'' 3 •""' l .. C l1ml teeolf~ toilet 11nk WE PAY Tl ....... 1u•1 "" ..,.. v .. y1111no goe• &OlllTIO lllTU Iv HOhl• ... ~·llow w/ dtrl bllr." ''"" 1000 1ncl11dlng cr.011 opera .. , u·s " OOOd col\d H OlobO. 1147 &211f 1eq 1u1111141 11111• Lii•• llOn1, bl\lt.g, and Olrec:I S1 1011\r Bul y Office 11•47·727 I wfcue, S90 497 t800 new S?~ 6711 6 llH OOO 11411 97114 JOP DOWI 11thfHf lt•-Str Malurt peiaon 10 work 011ll11Qt wllh In.I publle Call 936·44'40 JOOS ., ,,r, Mt41t. WrH&llt lrta &OtllTIO lllT&lt , 4 tllll7 ldHI 34' '"' oath Exper nol nee , wltt lraln TODAY. 2707 N Btlttol, •• ••I 2 bar 110041. candle bur Columbia 211 Mu•• '*11 eve1w op11011, Mll cont'd fll 1111 01111 ~ 11 f compan 5 .,,. /Ill lllf 1 h d 1 oe< wtceH . 1110 401· 11100 cv1 111g s 11.000 ' .-with t1l1bll1hed yOlllll ---------• coumHtllnQ lllm M u11 !Ml llllUL Off IOI b~n.:1~;o~v:11. Cont.J A •m•ll ,.. •••0 ••1•••••••••••••• ~1~9 c~g=~ ,!,=· 11mp 0~ 2 v1011ni 3 quart•t & hnlf &62·1> 133 ~J','\1.111:"11 All f> &UI M&I_. Mr McO.rmon. a.1 llW llt/n, "''" 944•11783 1ltN s 100 eecn 20· s10011, ''"P• 4, nncl POUl&O/HWI l f1'1p, ou1oolng, allrlC· 1950/mo I.lit 5111111. Iol a live p111on1111y. plaelanl ot peopl• contact C•ll PhOnt volee, end •blllly 835·4440 J06S TODAY. lo metl peoplt. '236 per 2107 N BrlllOI. s A week wn.,, Quell!led Call tmall '" 6•4 13110 TUYIL &llll R.o'wOOd 2111 dtdtlng, 58t.t176 or 5&fl·!l226 1it11d. elova & ice oo•. 11•1/111 Ulllltr 1110 ?4ijO liert>ot BlvCJ luulOl'I 1IWILlll r.,,.,.,. ___ __,,, ••1n 2·3 OED, Orlho hou11 lull ., •••• ••• -;. ••• •• "•• •• ••• COST• ••IJ•• • ,. ~ ,._ ,.,......,, ,., , 4-20' long, tlto redwood wflttmt I.Ike new O'"i f It I a now outboll1CI, wooo hull 01111 wheel 111111•1 ..:Int lor "" .., on Perl lime gt ntral ortlce. tyv1no •& wpm, good phon@ m•nnert Call 898-95112 yre lli:kt11ng N-porl 191\Clng Cllll Jlm or l(en Sl751ob0.847·7271 n.fl •t• •t • 1213)508·6527 Hl·•HO Beech Amy n 2.eoo11 an)11me. 776·1491 t .. 1 •••• , IOIS vw $100 .... , .. , 2 00pm·S.30pm 1~~~~~~~~-642·•32 I e.tcl 346 E 0 E. 1: B1bye1111< llM<ltd on BalbOa ltland for 7 mo old Aef11t cf d 673· I• 18 BABYSITTERS AllP ldull, lttnp agency Ch11lot11'1 Siiier• 6<45·3746 Ben king •TILLHI• IEllEllL OFFICE ParHtmt, 20 10 30111ourt pctr week Typtng 5!i w pm F1on1 atflce ap pear1nca Call 841-1411 ·----Halfllytl1I with following 10 work In n-Hlon In Corona dill Mar 11e• called Im~• 675~ Commerce81nk. has Im· m~nlnga 101 e111>4H lelfA We offer vtry compellllvt stlerlea & • lull range of xlnl t>eneflts Supet opplyl Pleas. call lllT /IOITESI IOt IPPI (7 14) 1151·9900 $5 $0/ht Gr .. I !01 llu• OIMIHOHAH a.ntt, Gooo hovre Cell PEST CONTROL OP«• 10•. 11nowtldg1 of p11n11 I In~ t 0 rt <fO Wiii Ir 11111 S900·S 1100 mo Uoyd1 NurllfY, 11•6·7•4 I PISTIOlll SNAY OPH&TH 111111 (El(lertor) strong back· ground wllh ••Pttlenca 1aqulred, de1111 lo obit· 1n PCO/PCA LICenM I Good benefll• with gro- wing company localed In lrvlnt Pleue call 768·•751 Equal Oppty Employ M/F 836·4449 JOBS TODAY PIYSIO&l TllUPIST Benklng 2707 ... N Br11tol, S A Registered P11yt1elan PAIT /TIMI TILlllt 1~1111~1~11!!'~"~~~-~~I spec;tahzlng In phytlCll Experienced or wllllng 10 1: ---m801Clne & reheblllta· tri ln q11allflfld Individual Hol Roofers wanted Cell uon P11rt1t1me, ld .. I lor with cashiering & lyplng Bob or Novllle at homemaker bcetlent experience Contect Ray ~~2 working environment Mo11e1, 559·4493. lor House Cleenino Selary negotiable N-· Newpo11 S.ech branch II vou know how to clean port Center 8<10-6610 Equal Oppor1unlly Em· hou&e, 101n us Morning ployer So California work 631·6223 S&L BANKING TELLER IEW ICCOUllTS .. llHllPHS Live 1n1ou1 From $80 week Low lee. Home Aid Domes II<: Agency !>35·0999 --HOUSEKEEPER llve·ln, tor tllhe1 & 6 yr bOy. rm 8 bolfd + Ill· 1ary Non1rnkr Must drive 675-3793. Pr11111ng Book pasle·up PIT Mon, 2 pm 10 app1ox 11·30 pm Tues, 10 30 10 appro• 5 30 pm No EKper Nee Apply Pennyaever 1660 P1acen11a Ave, C NI RETAIL SALES Exper video aalet pet· son. wage, comm 8 be- nefits Call Valarie 642· t944 rr · ---Simmon• Hid• a Bed E..tc· ••••'•~•••••••••••••• Colum1>11 22. VefY Cltt1n S411·4?2? TUYIL All AEOWOOO DECKING Ot4 cond B11111grMn IBM ELECTRIC lypewrller wllh 111w Monda OtB • WE llY 2 yN11 mlnlmvm e.p1 :2114'•~ 33&. 2X6. 4k P« s t76. 873·807 t tn worktng Ord•• $100, Xiru. 1llp ave11 S4700 A•r• lt1rit1, '•''' 101 1 pe1ton olll(lt 1n 111e tt 494·0029 0 80 Cell 066· 1?711 I A"'""'" 1400 OLUI IAll NB :1H 11 b<JOklngt 'OC: .f Sav.ll OO&·O l21 ¥.'.'!!!t~!~.~~!.~~ All narOwOOd 001k, 6 l1J/._,,,, IOIS PA~~;·&··,~;·i,;;Y·:;~; .. ~ All TllOll CO•OI na no ''"' Pr II' AOOA hl·lllt llldlng DRAPERIES dtfl'l!fll'. $100 •• • • •••••••• ••••• ••••• up 10 50"1. olt yovr body aemlnat1 Mutt .,. t ntr• t •u doo< 150 .. II' 10 • $100/ 752 7170 BRANO NEW CURTIS •hop"'' Biii 964.0332 g.11<:, -1hu111111c and 3 •• 477 .. x 11'· P1 • "'" N • new 496 7740 HAWKS, com11tete, lor • ''" 10 111ve1 M1111 •Pl· _ ----• ' _ __ • Ou k lop copl111. Sharpfn S625 6•5·'43 IO Eurap11on Mech1r11<. rtt nd 111 80 d•ya In No WELDER MarnlechflOtf, Jtrtlltr 1010 205 ilt11 cond ' Pa11ec1 pal" European cerll C•lll lor !raining A•· 11211 hll. on Cltl, gtHI ······"··············· lo• 1m of!lce ,,,,,, lli1• rrench Spkg 091-1229 1ume 10 FltelwOOd t hlpt Only 1800 MARQUIS-CUT OPAi •P· 7 H ·848·0227 $375 Offkl 1010 John EnterprlHt. Boll 494·2820 prox 19 X 7 mm llCI IBM M A 2 IBM 6240• •••••••••••••••••••••• For HI& lour liA78.14 c1111ng e-0mpany ,,.--.. 1350 642·5632 any time ag ' • MARCUS CHANNEL. side 1,11e1vlewlng relleble .... ,,,, • vyoec 1200 All on lie lo 28 It, S 150, al110 urns & white whltdta, crill people fOf 1>eckgro1.1nd, L•l••••I 101 21" 14K gold Chain 6 •maintenance agree-Ilda up 10 18 11 $lOO. 559.9599 ell 6pm nori·speakln" parli, 10, ••• ~.~ •• ••••••••••• huggel. noatly 2 011ncet menl a Take bHI 011 673•11 t45 A•IOI lot S•I' Commercl.11 .uch •• PP $6$0 63 I ·9276 Cell Joyce at 1140·56&0 WANTED · Zoom OI t•. .. -.-•••••••••••••••••••••• potato Chlp1, detlgntr ltnl for Memlye N/C Man I whll gold Oreu Closing OllU:.. OMkl , SLIPS AVAi~ Munllnglon , IMPORTANT NOTICE p1n11, sw1mwa11 (good 1000 SLR cameta wa1ch t>lu dial $55 dla· cha1111, 1abtes. etc Mutt ~:~~~5. 64:~f:166 ie: TO READERS ANO 11n) e1c No 111par1ence BeyOtltl m.ounl Pvt Pty mo n d •. a pp, I 9 7 8 aeltl 1827 Wetlclllt Ot ADVERTISERS required By appl onty Ceah Call An•-Ad $1500. 11100 833·7790 NB 631-0900 or ~~.431•3764 840·•097 Tiie p11ce 01 Items ad 2 t3/848·80113. 625, 6<42_.300, 24 1111. Seti or lrade/mk ofr 759. 167 7 v1111sed by veh1c1e <lecl· W&.ITll/ISS Olllmen'e Restturenl 80 I E BalbOI Blvd Balboa Apply II to I 1, Mon lhtU F11 ~~~~~~~~~~ Boe• <lock lor 1enl 24' lert 111 11111 vehicle clas!ll· = llJ1t1/11•HH IOIO 1111 1011 mu. low prollle oet1reo heel edve111111ng columns f1H It f •• IHI ••• •••••• • ••• • • ••• •• • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • • •• • • ••• 5 10 ~81h St Newport does no1 Include any ............................ 2d .... PARROT -TAME laland 673·3064 appllGBble taltH, hcen&e. 3 Adorable K11ten1. reedy 11 to 2o· long 36' per tt Umbrell• Cocka100 transler lues. finance for • horM 775-1491 11ny1lme $525 662•7637 lo.ti Stor•-e IOfO ctiarges loo~ 101 air pol 5~11---Ltvir l&llOO•' S AKC SPRINGER SPANIEL •••••'•••••""••••••••• lu11on control device W&IHl/W&ITIIHS FREE 10 good hOme, blk n Male, 6 mo5 needs lo-DRY STORAGE cert111co11ona or dealer With car 101 wicker bH· mete poodlt. ape>ro11 3 Send eomeona you love vlng home $ 75 documon11uy prepare· k81 lunch MrVlct. 9:30 to yrt old. 5<46·•1102 a beeuutul bouquet of 30 492·8992 evea Monthly bOal atorage, lion Chllrges unless CO..Hfll CHI VIOLET ')\,')< 11.u l•or II '•f'>I '.,n ,, S46-1200 IOIM llTH Top doll1tra tor Sporl• CatS Bug• C1mpe11. l) 14'\, Audl't Ask lofU/C 11.4,GA JIM MARIH YOLUW&IH 111111 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH U2-2000 WlllTED! Late mOd&I Toyota•. Volvo&. Plck11pe & Van1 Call us tndeyl Earle Ike I 30 pm . Mon-Fri Earn hell11m belloona Perfect any alre, 24 hr aecu,flyt ome1w15e 1pec1llCKJ by $1~ 10 $170 wkly Muat Fiii I IUOI LAI IOI' all occ111on1 Greet 2 Columbian Rad-Tailed lia. launching the edverti&e• I ._.....;.r.-o ... T.;;O..;.T.;;;A~·Y;..;Ol_..Y ... o.._-4 bt naat, part0nable, en· Neut 9 moa &48-91179 deCOfatlng tCleH Boas."'" tong S 100 ell •EWHltT 11111 ltU "--., 11•4 :;~·:: a~~:<>747 at 10 C111t & cuddly 10 WMlt old 6_7_3·4'!.!9 496-7393 1131 lack l•J Ir H lifHI/ c.,, ....... llghl grey klllan • hH w omen'• Fo1 Fur Coal. Basen11 Ctub wishes to 144 OllO ••• ~l!~~if! •..•••• !.~~~ "H•·•>Ol•H O.t01 W&JTllSS/W&ITHI ahota 573.2200 ~~4~on0111on $800, ~~~ YQ y~~~~~1usa ~~ f ~. IOllL "&"sl WI llY Corne111one Celt now Two mln1ttura Schnau-698-3628 .!!~.'~!~?J!~•••••••• Shay replicas pickups & USED CARS & TRUCKS hiring Exptrlenceo ttra frM to a gOOd Lido Grten houte, 12X 15 , -C $ / coupes 4 10 cl>oose COME IN OR CALL FOR Full/lime Apply titer 3 home Oyt, 631·4•02,I $7500 ortg, ~500 You CMIMUAMUf. PUPPIES •• ,,,., • ' lrom• 100676111 (Slk FllH &PPlt&Jl&l pm, no phON calls, 3000 780·0734 ..,.. move lmmed 871i·0695 PAPERS. SHOTS I 150 IHr II ZO A3093) Prices S1ar11ng at B t tot St C M ----Call 631·8025 •••••••••••••••••••••• Cormltt·Oellllo Llncoln Seli1ngs has two e11cl1lng oppo11unl1IM avelleble In lls t>eeutlful Laguna Miiis office. We'· re seeking 1 New AC· coun11 Rtp with one ye11 !titer and new IGCOVnts experience. end I Te418f wllh sl1 monlha H pe- 1lenct l•llhough -wlll conalder 1r11n1no a Teller wl•h ttrong ca.sh hand· ling bactlgtOllnCI) Bolh posilk>ns ofter 9.11oeflent salerln. great benefits eno good grOW1h poten· 1111. 523·4920 IOISHHPIH IEPT RETAIL Exptr'd Full & PT people for high !eshlon casual clothing alore in Newpo11 Beech 1111 Can 760· 1228 tor Inter· r 1 " Beeutlful ()oi(ien She· Anllque mahogany cab•· . 1 __ --CAMPER SHELL HU $1,IH! (;. $ / phetd. good pet, female. nel wilh orig RCA radio GERM AN SHEP PUPPY Short bed, •;, ton. xlnl .. !!I.~ •• ~!.~••••••••• 8 mos 540 -5727 & record pleyer.$75: be· 9 WKS OLD. $30 cond sink, upright coo· 1 THIODORI OllEYHLIT 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH al l he Sur1 end Send Holel needs o Super111- r.Of. full 11me1aph1 shill Blllnguel I Eng/Span) $4 50/ht Conlact Miu Marci, 497·U 77, E111 365 HJPll OllLI CUl We need 1<>meone 10 help 11s run our home 3-4 dayt/wetk GOOO pt y Mull apeak English. have own tran1por1a11on 8 ~ very relllble We wm be 1n1erv1ewlng 857·5333 on FRIDAY, Ocl. 8, ltom INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE 9:30 AM to 3'30 PM SPECIALIST Malh/ PIHM apply 11 Computer leb·Hlgh LllOtLI UY111S ANO LOAN ASSOCIA· TION 23ll01 Moullon Patlcwey lln MOUllon Pkwy Shopping Ctrl LIQlll'I Hlllt Equel Oppty Employer O&IE HOIUTll Exper or trainee. p/tlme Laguna S.ec:h 497 ·.26 10 SCllool 4 hour di\'· 179 day year, 82·113 scho<>I year only SS.&446.90/hour Proli· cleney IHI req11lr.O L•· gun• &tech SchOOI• E 0 E 548-7025 llYllTllY OLERI $160/wk Ker de• Sytlem Call 1135-4449 JOBS TODAY, 2707 N Btlllol, S A •mall lee OU I ff Ill Experienced. needed lo ltHtl &ffH4Ht drive 411" 11reteh C11dll-MOl'nlno• 494·54116 '" lor execullve corn· l egsl S.Crellry m11uno bet-n N-pon EKper'O needed 1or Lag S.ach & Beverly Hllll Boll Ai1y Pl Pt11nllfl Llmlleo evening work Crim nal compe1111ve sa· Mb 30 hour wMI<. · GOOd pay C•H Merilyn, tary 1714) 497.17119 720.0344 . C••t• #n• lhroom "mlfble type" ~40·0368 I '" & cuMom 1n1 •••••••••••••••••••• •• Abendontd 11 wk M Shep elnk tn 1 door 6 2 d•ewer -,-. -I O l-O $•00101>0 964·325• X pup Need• good cablnel p•ue matchlOQ 2 ••••• If••• "~ - -SWAP Min home <100< well cablnel & M"o~;~G·MuST.SAC •• 5~S 1 #ot11irH lib• 1140 SlllS/Ct••l11it• EvAl'W Sunday, llam·3Pm 548--1200 ° bl 1 · · au theft ••••••• •••••••• •••• ••• • 1 h •. , ----1 mer e ype w • Baldwin G11ne1 Piano. I 2 Puc.., running bike 8 Unique lady 9 c 01 Ing Orange Colll College fll•it•ll 11$0 •II tor only $100 tempa· yr old 67!>·95 10 Mike 190res S99 likes both s101e s.eka -geuc It· Fairview "& Arllnglon. •••••••••••••••••••••• red glut 1hower dOOts, --496 2966 497-6073 O•es w•lh n111 tor la· CoSI• Mesa AOmiaalOn like new, only $50 tor l(awao 6' greno pleno • • s111on& and modellng e•· ''" 10 t>Yyeta. Setler **I BUY** C>Oth, new car llOOt m11• 1 walnut. 1110111onal 1 yr PUCH MOPED alnl cond per helpful Apply In ReMNatloN/ Info 14)-120. n-14 inch llghl new $6500 caah or H · S250 low m1. lk new. person Alexla N1lur11 550-568() Good 11Md Furnlluie & 111oy rim• (BMW'•) Mt ot $Ume llnenclng PY1 PIY IHI. 6U -•234 Fashions 260 Fo1"1 S1 l ~~~~~~~~~~I Appll1nce....OA I wlll Mii 4·120. two new conll· 65S-6420 Leg~ ~~77 = or SELL for You ~111 lleet balled r101a1 A1ar1 -,-n-d-el-e-ven--cerlrl<I· MO<l·Vespa tc)(ooter. n-. INCAEOIBLEI SOii bed, •um• '"""' "'" 195170 HA 14-S 100 mull sell Int conO SALES m11ch1ng rock8t Anlq 1 ... ,..1111 IH·llH 642•01311 ge• $190 979·0494 111t•r $900 962-1713 CMIH I UMll l1blt. reclln9', wthrfdry. -----• 5 Ask tor Ched 'Ill VESTA 100 Moel lllllnfl dlneue. cir TV. blkH, I llf flllfTlll OIO Wetttrn Movie Set like new YAMAHA P11no 1 style Mutt atl(I Asking Spectally game s1ore haa 1011 more. 001 8• 1°· Lea 1157-11133 Saloon Slore 7 F,:~00nt Mdl P202 w/l>n<:h, 0 ye11 S 1200 7141962·8219 lmmed ..,..nlngl lor tn· Bo11on Way (OH Paul•· UNO fOt bl f, fllC ,.,. •• ,, $2000 642--0346 . .,,,.. rlno & FelrvleW) DESKS FOR SALE 759.0097 ' ' Moped. need• work try levet. lull llm• Htet -----Delk• end m11chlng --.. &li•f IOf 3 '100 position Game knowled· 8' Sole, ,_iy rtbll I up. chelra et aec:rlflct ptlct 000 RUN Chlln Hnlt " ••••• •••••••••••••••• 67S.77S3 ge and »Ill l l>Wly I 1101 w/plllow & colfM 11 S5~ "9()1_,,.,,I hgt!, 8wd. 10 1ng 1350, 19112 Ski N1u1lque mu11, na1r lor NII~, !IN table, 5'. GE Color TV. COii 12300 Al,O orig. llA2-80H, llA24•02 "2001" Only 311 t1ou11 #tllt~~J~I/ C:,~~:!,1 ~~~1 '9"• $l 50. A'-<> ~ p.lllnllnot CALL OAWN OeQorallve wtouglll Iron Alto have • 11177 For· kHllll flSO well ~. 9tl01um 9-&pm M ·' 133-MOO room Ot'<lldet 11 ti )( 7 f1 muta 110 20 It ltkl •• • ••••• • ••••• • •• • • • •• 645-5021 cryetell. ~ 1118')9, •IC s 75 831·22!1Cf NEWI Call (71•) 19111 HonO• XL 1115S lo Selesperton & Cllhltt 11 candle ~•. S250 4 Po llvlng rm Ml. 1 wMll ---------1142·2000 8 all! tor Jim· ml need• pe1n1 $750 No Sundays, No Nlghll Ae~ed odd Chlitl, old Cott S&oO S.CI Chf'ltlmH Coliec10f• my Jr II out, pleaM 552-9726 Hours 9 30 10 II dtlhtl, ~· 6 record•. S250 (213) 1·1183-7858 1m111 Style por~aln lel vl meSHge• REINERT'S Ward carpet IWNQtf, Buttel/Am Dlvldet. 3 dr, 3 platet wf 24K gold lnm 1616 N-port Btvo CM antique 1>11no t>enc:ll, ..,_10 $ ..... Limited oHtt Buy nOW1 ..,.ivtt ·~· '40. planta, owr, t7x4"' L. 1'" 111 20 Ofdefl receive lllll lampe Thu11 lhru Sal Wiii del 557..ot27 FREE tllK OOIO nec:kltCA p R PERSONS NEE· 21211 Elden. API ,2 BABY CRIB. 1111• new, 540·2300 )( 11 16 OED Magic 1111no 11 645•33117 Simmon• wtlltt wllh 0•· c;m;;0 ran 11111 In bO•. tooklllQ for I f-1ntelll· cii'A,;'i Yatd Stle • Fill ,!;_opy $l:l!I, 6"G..elll2', _ br1u w/4 t11llP llghl•. genl. allra<:IMI & tine.re Sel/Sun, oet 11111110 THk Bar. open1 10 5 11 Cott $240, Mii for $09 person• to rep1etant Lott ot 1111led Items. fl• It $400 Mandmedt 562-07116 them 1n lhttlt pY1 club In lttrnl , book & loyt. mite Cell 760-1310 Nwp1 Bch lnlervlew req 322• Mlnnes<>ll Ave • Cell lor appl 10·6, C M ~ H1tbor & GI· Oak C1plein I Cllt lr Mon-Frt Ask for Mr alef 75"·739<4 New nnlWI 150. Five mttrOfl. lwlll) 12)(411' $4 00 UCh 5411-4222 Beer Boa ,,.,,, ... , .. , .. ,, "' IHS ....•.••.........••••• Ret1llera Plate 01H t s110-.H w/1helve1 II It long. Ill" OMP, 311" high Walnut trim Gd conO $125. 497 296&. 497-6073 S-Bo•. good conO $200 557·6985 76 HONDA 7SOcc Rea, 5,000 orl(I ml XtrH. M UST SELL 6<42· 1929 7 1 KAWASAKI l"'..Z400 Runs ptr'lect. new lire•. 1e1>11 cerb. w/helm•l S700tobo 6•5-3• 19 ChOPPet t9e0 Monda 750 twin 011erhe11d c1m only ;>,000 m1 on eog. appret· aeO el S2600 will aac for I 1000 Cell Ravi 11 831-8676 ROBINS fORD 1060 HA .. O• llLVD COSTA MIU 642·0010 'i°3Sludebaker Champion !:> pan cpe Nice car S3750 213/!:>92· 1792 ........... ••'4•11 1946 Ford Woo<ly Wa· gon. t 13,000 l'l·IOll, Hl-UJ1 Top Dollar Paid For Your Ctr' JIHSH I Ill Li1e•l•-M•ro1ry 2626 Harbor Btvo Cosla Mes• 5•0·5630 1929 FotO MOdel A lown Highest cash 1mmedl1lely • o 000 lot your vlhlcle Do· Sedan, • 1 · meatl<". or IOrelgn 675·6161 551·8265 '30 Model A Ford, S·wlndow cpe. rumble A Ill l•Ntl" M at. n1Cely re1IOfed • !.. • '·•• ,..-•• ••• • • ••• • soooo 631·8556 All• lt•H 110S ----1 ..................... . 57 ThunOerbttO. 1 ol 211 lUSI & 1112 ~'u""sc:::= '~1~ &LF& l•H IPllll 331-2555 OlllHTitlE ~.~~!.~!!!!! •• !.~~~ $297.79 l ARGEST JEEP DEALER In th• Weal per month plua 1.a... oesperatety need• •II monlh oe>en eno 111 .. your JEEP on appro¥9d credit Cap Mlgllett Doller Paid cott·S 13, ISO, Cell Gary Gray Aettduet·S•300 & cun 11&11[ OO&ST reQurt80·S93 1 65 &MO/JHP/HUILT (1.55021101 II llNllT1 252• Hetl>OI Blvd • CM 549·11023 6<45 7770 11•11 Oolit StrMt '112 JEEP CJ7 Lid 5 SPd NEWPORl BEACH H eel cono Many ex· 712-0IOO lrH S 11,000 ol>O Hat~rg 675--0900 1 Call 780·11310 Legal Sectellry FRI/SAT ONLY 8-5 - Clerlcl l OllnlUTf Sales Brtng yer van & yer Aa11an F11rlll1ure 4 cllrt & T. 11. ..... •m•11• oough cvz yer oonn• 2 tlble1 $150 Good condtllon $200 557-69115 rv ••"•, Hifi ''"" IHI 67f>·273S 111 Alla Spyoe< VelocM ()rlty 13 000 ml Xlnt #llfl B••11, l•/1/ 75 Solverado 57K m1 cond $11.600 675-9036 IHtlll1t•f' 1110 16 5 chrome. cust suap .... ,,. •?Ol GOOd typing 1111111 Jor ,_., n " t bu"" We promiM you we C.it 760-11310 detell oriented work. Mary Hickle Agency L~•no IOf extra In· ,. •••••'•••••• ••••••••• mech perf_6_46·_1_3_67_ ~••••••••••••••••~•••• Ret11 26' motOI' home, ...... ~ .............. . Se111 3' x 12 POOi BEAUTIFUL 25 RCA Broker• llrm e11pa-19762 MacArthur Blvd come? Try Pen· Time got 11 I al Ille bel l DELUXE KING.SIZE rlence pref'd Call Sulla 200 Sales at the PENNYSA· prices. tOC up 326 Ee-WATEFIBEO I MO~E $<40 Color TV. 2 yr wrnty 11 .. 7.809) S1'11 Free dellvety stP• 8. fully 1o1oec1 f1•tl1 ISfO 10 &141 IOOO hrM 6•5·6616 (Paul) •••••••••••••••••••••• 26.000 miles fully 1010ed 8<44·9 I 11, Ext 202 or 239 Irvine. CA 92715 VEA, 1680 Pllcenlla lhtr HSHLO GOS. 752·0227 -1111 hv TrHll sunrool, gel cond like RV & Boat S1orege, $1 per AM, CB, camper shell now $13 400 OBO ------Open Sun Gul1er·12 1111ng llule, air TV John's 6•6· 1786 M·F, beiween 10 am • 1 No Fee 10 Appucant Ave. Coate Meu Aak lor pm. l~~~~~~-~-~~~I Mrs While cocKhlLS LIU tFFIOEll Seles S~·S60/lhllt. WIA Aoor•lllil N-l>O'• HlLHI known Retlav11n1 CaH Beech firm Miki mofl· 1135-4449 JOBS TODAY. v11eo lndlvldualt Terri· 2707 N BrlstOI S A torles open Must have amall ,.. R E Lie Marbor·PaclhC Famous lor the llmtll In fa ope.an awre lor O"Y• & gala 11 looking tor 2 sharp perton• 10 aslltl our cu11omer1 Fathlon background necta Potl· Ilona open 1mmed Cell In N-pot1 S.ach for I PPI Tht LOOk. 11•4.eSOO OHPUIH/Utt Mllvr• womlll lo live In w.lh elderly wortclng ex· eaJllv• Liie dulles In· eluding drMng 10 end from 0 C ofc No hOll ... cleaning, nice C NI ,.orne. P\11 rm 4 beth Wknds free Room & b011d plus S 100/mo Weel<daya coll 892·6127 & 5"6-91156, or 1tt 6pm & wt1nd1 546-3461 955.0073 Loan Off leer •••••••• v.11., Mtr111&• c •• , .. , Lootclng fOf 4-6 lllPCI' prolau lonal1 We 1pec. lalttt tn new programs. 1 e GMPIARM. OEM , 1t1 & 2nd TO's Cell John Cueack 964·9090 RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE HOln&at /llPll to work lor P R program In non-profll org11nlJ1- 11on. Heavy tyP•no, •hor· lhand not e_,,111.11 Art workteopy l1yovt upr helpful GOOd beneflll 8 working c.ondlllona Cell 979-7900 IOI an •P- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Man~• poln1rnen1 &lltrTltll 011Pll SECRETARY, M/F Veclor wllll marriage logelhef MflmOlll• 2 6 3 word PIT lhlt year for my processing thOl'lhend branch, FIT for y011r req'd Work WllhOul branch ne•I year High constanl aupervlllon llllPAllll 1111 $1·'9/hr Flex. Mii. Can 113S.4449 JOBS TODAY, 2707 No Btltlol. S A 1111111 , .. OMI (UIE) EJcpertence nteffllrf, Full/Ume Apply etter 3 pm, no phON cells, 3000 BrlttOI St . C M. lncomt. travel Pref me1ure lndlYICluel 775·5162 wlll\ proven 1klllttm1ny MANICURIST with folto-yra expet 0C Alrporl wlOQ, run yov• own b\.ltl· eree 40 hrt -" S1111 nett 11 the ou:z1er·1 1mmedl11e1y No tQ•n Sak>n. 1175-311211 cles pleaw 752· 740 1 llOUlfO MOP HELP Imm OPflnlno per1<>n Call OELTAONIC C M OIS·SA TISFIEO? Front wtlMI 911gnm~t. Earn an ••l•I $12,000/yr Own tool• Newporl Tue & keep your PfeMt\I Job C9111er 3000 E Coul lor rlqhl 545-0413 CORP . 1131·2001, 10·4 PM Hwy. Cofone Gel Mii ILlmlUl ...... TITCMEAY LOVERS, EXPERIENCED Pttme· ·--~'I) lelCh·atfl needlecrelt ntnl ~11ion 25 yr old OlllToy/VW IOOlt 53 l·M Oll .,.,... Flllme. D1111-Toyo1a, etec:tr1c11 co 1131 S11par1or, CM Hnlll11H TIOI 714/1150-7200 642·2434 Po1111on open In IHI ELECTRONIC ASSEM· MEDICAL ASSISTANT growing audio firm Mual Bl.EA I yr. tJCP9f, In PIT, must havt HP wl have good btekgrovnd llecllronlC tnembly, In· EKG'•. 493•4440 In 1111100 1rovbH11hoo- ctud, toldertng, COIOr ---------1 t1no. part• qutlllleellon. cO<M & tel\tmlllc r... Mdlt1l l1tl1t. reeord ketc>tno I people ding, OOOCI benefit•. CM For 0erme1otogl11. beck orl~led. Submll reaume tr11 Clll 1 14/~-4293. offle41 • will trlln N-· or 1p~ly OSC AudlO pOt1 c.tltet 2 lull daye ProdlJOll. 1926 Plectnlll FINANCIAL wtelt 840-4~ 1 Ave, CM. 02826 elepl\Ollt tolic1tor1, 8.i:-ANAl YST urdaya only, for mtlllng For orowtno invwtmen1 for Ad Action :f.0383 eppo1nimenia ~ eo. ,_. Cal qulr• re!Mtd COLLEGE a TILIPlfft degrM(t). II yMrl bull· oa:ay Pilot ""· llTTlltl MM e1tper. witting 10 I We nMd 9 good 1 .... lrawl, h!Qflfy mouvaled. phone rtpttMnltUvff In .... •1-191'. ~ •o VISOR lht tvtnlngt lor our L .. 1trong lnltllecfllll aUflo. " • gun• Hilt• office. e.t ap· t11y, "°""*"°".,· be.I· 642 5678 l)Olnlmentt for our ,,.. lerll writing •C>tllty, WllllOQ • tntrOY Hli1ng PfOOUCla 10 IN«• • C10mm11men1.1;ij~==~=~iil aa11-y + COl'llmlltlon + ~ie:~ .!!Fa? &onu• c 111 1ner 1 pm, 11tt tor 111e l1Vflt l*90fl To piece 'PX ~ _,_se-__ 1«_2 ____ _ If you ere not Ille bt9t, befOtt lht .i.onont Slltt _......, ,_ -1•, reeding publle. UM .. _, =:==.:= ~' W•Pll .,_ 1o: AMOo Cleetlfltd, 642·64171 1'00 • ltOO wtt~. Ctlll NT Sen NicOI• N8 ~14) &31·711M Alll for • 92990 . .... OunleYy 2 Set• ol Cadlllec Hub Onion•• aof1 I Club bruall. walnul chrs. Ceps. 11moS1 n-S1c· 1 cn11r1, brown IMlht<et· 645-6317 eves ~ slereo e-yalem, 6 110ce S25 set of 4 2129 It S4~/0b0 497-e372 --B pc, :20 wa11s of pwt, E.tden Ave Apt 2 C M ' HO lrain. ecllmenn eng $1150/obo •07·8372 -SOFA SET 'Pleypen." 4x8 detailed layovt. '" VIDEO RECOAOERrSonl B••li••t•• ll•d Changeable unll1 11 10 apprec '400/obO ••••••""•••••••••••••• pieo.e 01.l'k bfown, 111n1 662·7451, ~2-0143 p1ol mdl. VO 1800 MO~.~~~G ml~AL~"= comfon N-12SOO .... 115 yd• 111tl llke new c.a1-$200 OBO •9•·2905 nems O 17 Geo<g11. w/ ~11855 att =/OBO pet . tt11h1ones Beal of· TWI STlltH IPlll S.ac:tt Bl & oN lndlano-le< 1133-9700 ___ 120 bOlh 6411· 1712 pll• Fri/Sal COCKTAIL TABLES. two Avg t X14''t bl11fwt'll ···GN·v-ox ,,.,-.oe ...;._ ________ Chrome bate w /glau · ' ...... ,.. L••••• ..... i op 36" 11 36" Make Mound1looth. track. 1urn11ble AmtFm, ••'••••••••••••••••••• el;':&; nl Nit=., New 167 1133· 7790 like n-$110 5411·4~11 F1ecln111ng llem• from 1 ...... S15 lo 1 1.000 from OC'• 11· NCf .,,..., Pvt h lewnmowttr PANASONIC I., Inch Col· mott e141genl g1tegea each 64o-1855 •11 &pm Like new $311 or TV uoelltnl Cond Wiii be on .. le Sii Ocl 9 L11•11rlout King 111e Wlr __ _11_3_3_· 7_7_90 $130 8<42·6339 from llAM 10 4PM II t"-bed Liie Blue Vtlvel & EXERCYCLE lrvlnt Bowl. L1g11na nllt 111nd. $400. Jiii Practlcally new Beech For Ille Epltc09t l 851·0994 or SA 1·5036 $45, c•ll 673-6071 s.Mce Allllnce Twn BFI MfS, 8 pc:e, I RANCH MINK COAT Full 111 a. ~/ Ottart , btl lhetli ... d_., lenglll, Cullom mt<lt, rellt•••• II ch1lbd S..re ,,.. 1xee1 cooo Stre 1 Dark •• ••••••• ••••• • ••• •• •• $ 1000 Now $700 t>town S21lOOlobO 26" M8iJn&vo• COIO! tv, pecan, S111 Serl... r• mote control. •lnl cono $19!>. 64S.3430 23" COLOR TV Admiral consot•. $120 Xlnt con<I •98-77•0 ~lj~!:'. •••••••• !.~f 673·3000 714/752-0098. Vtc:torlan (?) chalrt. 7 11gtr Bleck N1U9lltlyde couc:ll. 21315~· 71129 IHI• I #•tlH oak, I w/11m1, rework· recliner '"Cl rocket &;;°24" 3 apd Q'i;f;"r1n11 ed. l'llQh back•. $1150 Teblt end CoHM llble •k•let 11 5 11111 new 01· OBO 1·628-3313 "4· 1044 faf 645·2 1115 •fl 3pm Oeli Obit School 0.•k 3 pc &<lrm Ml, inra 1ong Sto.by·l ldt. flip lop dbl bed complttt , ~ S 105 552·283g cl!flll of drt-ft . UOO, AM01'1.0 Ll1111or• Weter· ford Cry118I. Wlllon Armel11t Pewter. F1enk 552·35116 r..; .. ,., .•• "';1.~•············· c,.,,,, HIO •.............••••.... 15 flberQIH l IOWlnQ dOt)' S500 962·44511 office. 9&2·6772. hm A .. llHtH 1110 494.0029 Iv mlG .,-,.·-..:::.·e·o·A··:R··EA······ Fotm'A• Tab'-. ·2•52" I IN:OLATABLE Metzlar lu· .......... ... ... .. .. L .. vfng ..... N I mem· Ilk 9 5 '"' with 1111 1111 APPLIANCE SERVICE with 2 ldCllllOntl 1Nv11a. bef'1hlp In p1eallgloua $600 Su .. n M·F WOOd lop In perl C()fod N.8 Clllb •.; !>flee Willa 752 717" W• Mii recond • guar 135 090·61144 CIU$1fled Ad 1076, Delly • .. app11anoea 640-3077 --· ------P11o1. P o Bo• t560, ..,,,, #1/al1•Hfl I ." ·-ia-1 Flolllk>n kl09SIH Wilt!· CO.II M ... 9 2626 •~-J.,,. Hll _..,..._ bed Brand ,_ $4&0. ---------~·• LM 1157-11 133 Call Merli 644-2805 num ···~:;,;·E;..;;~:;:··· WttNlr·Or,er·Rtfrlg Soltbed 6 tt. S75. (Ptld Compuletlzed t llttCINf Oeslgnllnt11ll/~lll! ft Call Joe SOK m1 Clean. S2495 1 64!>·11211 EYet, 6<45-8730 OBO 85 7 968• days 111 Fore Trelilt 33'. clean ,.flll·551• 1131•457!> 60 Audi 4000 ale Bt•u· bed Nlu1t -lo t>eilevel ToyOI~ 76 AMlf'M S19-punkt omltm Cllt 4 dr. 12.000 ml141•. $511.000 ''° ceswlle Smell 24.000 mt •Int cond 496·U 16, hOme c.1mper Shell $2175 $6900 552 ·3876 66,.,.;1:.o:.30=7==---_;,,-6_7_3_·6_6_1_6_...:;=:;:;~l ·eo Aud• 50005 22.ooo Boat picture ads provide m1 lo1oed like new c hocolll e t>town eJtt teether "a" s 11.000 64 I •058 6•6-7033 ·eo 4000, 1mm1e air. aunroor. mutl ... , Se<:· rlltce. S5950 631-2991 '79 Audl 5000. Sllve11 blue lnl AM/FM. A/C, lo mllea. '6800 obO 845-260ll ~!.~'!~1!!~!-x ... !!.~ I 61 Buo·Eyt Maa Loli , Needt Llllle H11~f)' $2000 000 642· 1268 lllrl 1111 ...........•.......... S&lll·llltYIOI LUllll 1131-20 .. 0 •95-4049 SANUl&OIUW 28402 Merguetlle Pkwy NllHlon VleJo \Av'1f'f E1U orl 1·5) Open S11nOtyt Ot11'1we1Mt·Fretnr $400) Rut t t>fk Wfty. like Mw $11Cfllice Olly work &40·25~ Ev x1n1 cc>f'd 1146-5848 V"'Y gd cond:&40-0304 Sl 4115, 7511-0320 29· ~r1e.on Full}' equipped c1ufte. ~ ..,,, 11n1 IHI MIY1IO Bronn wither CRIB CANOPY ,MME IBM Typewrllt! Older mdl •••••'•••••••••••••••• 6 H iie. UHF. comptH. i:overs i nd dryer 1275, Good WNlt •ooo. 1211. w1c.1rl1g1 & ll•Y• Gd 19111 rtt>erglHt ClltMI p.,.1ec:1 condlllon S16,SOO S•le•·S•rvlCi•llltl"" wooklng col\d 160·83 IO 542·2839 cond l300, call Nordle. 1110 Full yaohl 123-4567 ... 057.3340 ''"' 1r1rn. lh• be11 aqulpl*I 'II HOl't &rt ltrtl Rtfrlg1. W••l'ltf•. DfYtfl, 611 blown pltl<I '°'' hlO.. fllitr bUlll. 4 i>eOt• Of Nie• Stltetlonl Many 10 cttOON from. •·'*' 176. Maple dlnetlt llJ1t1llHHH gear, Hklng $69,500 .. '78 2002, 4 •pd . en/rl 01111 11001up 859-0662 Mt. 4 c11111• 1111. •-•IH IOll Offkl• 807.,.4~: homt Set vour course tor fast sales 1011PVBI Faddtr• 11,000 BTU air "42·8054 •••••••••••••••••••••• • 548·5030 with· a Dally Piiot boat picture • ·10 3201, 4 tP<I . IO•· di lonet In d WANTl!O LMno room Oedl 11118)(0H) con 1 • x11 1 con 1· SOFA, Y9ffowlgreen .. 1. coue11. cf\11,., cott.. lt Mlc 111· Lai>ttrekt ad. Each Seturday, the Dally '* ·eo 52111, euio • .,,,,., S225 553-1111 f!Or ... 175 ti"' ... ~" 11 ........ , Olnwt· Cenl11i= ~I. 4 C"', 1•11•zO·J) ..... .,.. ..... .,... ,. Pilot will ofter you ad 1pace .. v AEFAIOEAATOR., llltt 1146-o1:u28 Lynn It Mu11 be In good Orty 616·8181 '* '80 3201, 5 lc>d . k>lt• NW. 2-dc>Or. tro.HrM Maple Twin Bed Set, •I 11111>41 a P'ICtd rauone-'74 Gl1ttron 25' A MI· that not only describe• your dedt (23 I ZYR) 11&& 1193-totO meur..... 1100 aet. ~ Cen eYet'lloO• GI ... f ly bridge twin bOat. but picture• It H well. • 'IO '33tc1. loeded WASHI R ' El.EC ORVl!R 646-2021 eve.. &H-5133 o4Me v.11· •• VOivo. OUI dfllit, Th• price la guaranteed to (5&553481 ... tor 115.00 good d't9 A .. IC)f Lynn • J " and lleilet (T 14) I $4* If IH·I n 1 cond 165-2203 King waterbed. 111n1 COl'd, •h:,,.•••lf 1..., 735·0737 17000 buoy your 1plr ti -'"' we 208 w 191, san11 Ana 6 mot old AlmOf'ld colored oompi.te, Wtln\lt lonea. ••••u,,•••••••••••7.': •91 8oalon Wheler wltrlf. t•k• the plotur9, 8nd Only $40 Ck>Md l ul\dey Ot l./Stetltt Q.N alov. 1135 1140-81&3 AMA A I A 40llp, toadtd. ""'Y ~n If you provide the picture for a CHOICE INVENTORY 1350. 4.14-2'011. OAK 110,.M HT 6 pc, ~ :.1h, ::,., .. ~/: •51ooi oeo 945·&9t9 2 column 3" ad. 1101..ulAL!S Ktnm«• 11 eu tt refrlQ/ con1emp, ·~· 1fnt PV ..,._., cabinet. All Vtleo 14' + trlr, 11ln1 con- tr.utf 1$()(). 494-2905 cone!. MClflllOt Wll. In t•otlltnl condition. dlllon. "&olol\'. on a MOOobO. 4t3· 1•ts 11t &PM. For further detail• •bout how Wefd• Menu·;:. 0.. '' ,.... bo t I t d ... ltWD ttOY9. ,,.,..,. • 2 yrt IOLIO AK WALL """" 1017 26' APoflO U6 ()MC OaJly Piiot • pc ure a • 12211 14t-M T wllMtefMnt ~ I 2 Gebln CtUI"' wttwtn bit can work for you and lO llW Ind ,,.. "'°"'°° eu.10fll P.A •YI''"'· VOi· lt1t 1 13.SOO 131·17641 ICMdut• yOUt ad. oall S11t .. atr..1ot-L ... ing Y04J dotl'I need a gun 10 11"'" conel. t7t-41N. I °' of lM TNet,. ~· 13-4 Botton Whettr ~ 8&0 N &Mch Blvd "drew , .. , .. wllen y ou S°'A• •• nw-ow p11. 4 ~· w/15" i'heca. w/40HP Mere; eng "--I ~2-5878 and Hk ft)( Sally Lee. I.& H•t>t• plllC9 .,. ed In ,,,. o.llY towe. eotd\ffoy r.o. 11tn1 horM a PoW" emp w/ "'°" clrl, botl 00\tef, 1 , IU·IHI Pilot w.m Adtl Cell no-GOftd tacrfl '* CW, ••• nu I IOOO, YI OIO ~HO ~ Op.I\ lundt y I 142-H71 972 .. etll 41 -4t 14 135-eetl,...,.. •~!7~3·:!1!!11'6~&ill::::;;;:;;;::::::::::::;::====-.l:=--= I , nuo l;Clull DAI L V Pll OT /l hur <Jay, Octollor 7, llJ82 ..... ·••·· .•• ,. .•.•••.••.••••••••• , •••.••....••.•.•..•• , .•••....•...•....•... , .•................... ~;.. .. ... . ... .. . c '''l '''' DH: "'' ...... ., , ... , •• " A.1 .. , , ... ,,,, A111 .. , , •• .,,., A•IH, , ... ,,,, A11111 , ... ,,,, I A•I.•! • .'!'!r.!!~~ ....... ~ ... ~'.'1.!'!r..~1.~...... ~ ... ~~·..'~t~!!!~ ....... ~ ... '!!1.¥!!1. •••••••••• 1111 a,,,.. 1110 ,,,, 1111 "''"'" ,,., 1140 #11c''" ,,., 1140 ,,,. 111a r.·l~~'. ••••••••••• 1.1.n Y.'!t!!!'.f!!' •••••• !.~~~ .! .. rM~! .............•••. ~~ ......•.•••••••• •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ······~.,············· •• T I I a11111T '71 Doda-Ct••I~ 14 X 11>. brluhl btue c.or1 ·······••II RO Mill '.IOOU '"" .,.1 80 Cub~ Jurllo 3 1 000 78 Toyo•• C.tlc• lifl '70 Volk1v1n, 6000 mll•• -l lr low miiet' 1982 DATSUNS vt•t lCtnt c;ond 12300 1.,,01 Y 1111, , ""'' SJ 1 000 "'' 11111uuu11k 1 11mlfm 01c~. ellv111 1pp11v ~lnl on tblt 111otur. IUP8f llLIOTIH I ·y~:-00 IM c!o ~'oc,o· You cnn 1tf10rd lo Ml4 111011 '10 000 OI ino<io' ..... 641; l!IJjJ 4114 3278 •v•• OI late moa•I low mu.. 14/')~ 1 32311 9tlO 2000 or ll08 11434 • I c;e11 ''"'''" •'" 1mmec <.ooo I u 1111 ~I 7118~ °' c.u1111. roll u1n1 13200 I Ytrr 01... ""'' 1111 bu M d 0 • 11 .. c1101111c• 1n aovm11n . • ... ,. Ltw ... 1.... •••••••••••••••••••••• v your.._ erect e1 "" Mil IOOll lu1hu .,.,, ove• pymtt 'lbi 387 74 Cllill(l()k P<llJ IUIJ mlr '78 vw A1bbll Auto 2 di, Cullfo11111111 SH u• IOdilyl lfl Ornnl AC 11110 Hant, .. 'll FlllTA 12000 Benz from UI . IJUlll!Ul.0 wl1I• IJll•lttl s 111J 11111n• lex»<• & 1u11• 6ullll •mllm , .... •Int I :)4 000 ml )(Int CC>f'd Vt .. JtlH 71)4• 141:i $0 l•111u ... ulm tt1111111u ~"'' .~.~~~~••••••••••••••• greul wlllle, now lllH 10 coml i38~ 87!> t:S~O IAIEI Ull601C>lr 1140-04l$ l'AOM AS I.OW AS lll'IW l 'j)l/100 llKklllU 81101 O••v•c•l111191!10 "'' 0•• t lOV• ....... .,.. •v OAllLUO r ' IHO HHll ITZ1 l:t~ OOO llO 1 ll}til SHIUHOl rnlrl(I $11000 1070 VW Ovu. Oood 2b00 ~lf•rllo1 lllvd ~~!••••••••••••••••••• $4988 ...................... 711 MIU w.~on 011 •u1ARV 04 1 40!18 tl4t; 1033 (;(Jnd Run1 well c.;os I A MfSA / 1 FOHD M1ver1Ck Ooexl llllA HlfTI .. t • 00 b c.ond J ·~ lifM. ec.on Yullow/11111 II e ""w IJl-20•0 •ll·U•I 77 lol ol• Cu1u1111, LU 111 ObO 4811804 &•0-1110 •8..,, 4114 32ll We c11n helpl Oelore you 1 M11.nullnll(1111wl. au11rool. xury o 11r, p1 reor U.. • "" t>uy. c;he<:k our unbHlo· DOWN M 1 · 14 vw Bug yellow, Ml 0 PS bl• Hi4'CllO•I. aovlng1 lllll/llll (.IUI, 01" II~ To1.011 1111 Wll(lw tl41IO(I, VlllC')ur '"""n ~ldt1l1, Porallu 1011/ (.;!unit, r1<10111do 67 FOIW WAG N ' llU .... , ,,,,,. 11202 llNh llv4. ....... ct .. 111011 H2·0121 1981 DATSUNS v.,, Git .. Lt• Mll1q1 Y1ld1l11 -FROM Al LOW AS $3988 IHI ... ,, TtJtt1 1Hlt lttoh lh4. ._ti•st•• haoll 112-0121 '70 240Z, new pelnt, me· telllc brOlllO, blaek ...,_ lher Int, asking $5000 port 646-~-__ _ M/FM '81 Datsun Truck. King • only Cab. Stelle Bed, 40,000 lfllles. seooo. 4~4 t6 '79 OAT8UN 510 AM/FM ··~ ca11ett•. 4 door, 1 owner, •lnl oond. $4000 · 842-4336 or 687-0686 .. I'---'78 Oet1Un 280ZX bllCk 1115 tJMury w/o<>ld tnm. Im- ·-.-.c l&900 OBO 978·0629 OHME Ottm•s ML Y AITlllllZll FEllUIU IUUHllPI llld M•vl<l• tod•yl ::~'1~"~'.':~~4~1g~ C.•11 •• ·aiLiaa·Lovilii.... :',~ho: .. s:1~g 41~~~0 ~¥c ~"'~, lCl11~J~d o~~; ~~.·.~~m "~: .. ·.i;ee. u:t·~· '~ <iftio ~1· rnulfl., lllVElllln I LEA E f so Do you rnlly love C• 1 "':I l4:J4 Dov-. (/IC) 8~9-6100 I !>rnOOlll l\HlrllnQ A1kl1l9 14 RancherO PIS, P/9 SALIS • SHYIOE r!!!!~.' ....•••.... .t.1 hcH? II 10, u·~· "'" II '71j Toyolll <;ollGD AM/f M r v.,, (7 14) 760 6036 s 1'>00/bbl olr 84'> 33117 AIC. Aini Wild . cempe< 28!>0 H11 bor Blvd c1111 Rt(lhl now I vo gol 11 i.11u cteun. I nwntir, 1hell $nOO 631 8656 COSTA MESA MEISTER 1ut1 01 I horn 1nclodl11u 534(111 11,.8 !i:>O1 811 Vo/ro 1112 'I! I l ldt>•tttJo 16 000 mi. • "11 CH anti lully loodld bPM •••••••••••••••••••••• •111110111 m•nt 11•1!•• '68 F111con GOOd cond 140-1140 'i~" .. sl oltll",~.(.'Bulv!I I !>u1.1r •' wllh I I opa 11 1 Y1IH 1 .. 1., I Utidlll IJIUO IJk $16 350 Musi Miii '" $500 l•k•t • ·73 Hond11 LJ, low ""· .. v., vu " JuNI uueo r11ll111Jtu Pllrly Vo/hwlffO 1110 h1 Ota•&• Cot1•tJI J,..u,.., b 11 1>!18~ " 671 1790 am/Im 1tereo 111pe declo. 0 111d11n 0 1uvu lo 1r11ike 4moll monthly ••••••• • • •••••••• •• • • 14 f I lJorttdo. Gold in & · 71 Ford L TO Country S 1595 644-1032 evs Sal11-Ser•iot 1.1uym11n11 No old corr . '66 Bale Bug SALES, SERVICE i)ul All op11on1 and Squue. 9 PHtMtOOe• 1t1· ... ,,,.,,., 10 ,,..,. '"" ,.1 hllCI 10 11ssumu no back C.lttun Run!> goo<J l•fll· I !lh11111 Ask $2:>~ obo uon waoon 9 ti(, rebll J•••lt 1130 ,1 •• • ,,,, "'''""""', .... 1.r L111I•& p11ymll11ls due ASK FOR te• nt1c11 Stereo lug All LEASlll 64t. .,2~"/ eng. power ateerlng & ••'••••••••••••••••-· 71• 131 2333 r;osr 646-9303 Ike uage rack lCtn1 cond OVERSEAS oeuvrnv '78 Jog XJOL, llk11 nu, 34K, ,. . • S 1500/0BO Cull llVH EXPfl'\TS 14 C.:udtllac, S11crillce br8k81, llr. very clein. Wllll11 w/b1a<:ult Int Jj l 1981 JQYQTAS 548·4333 •1100 o!Jo Mull "08 to runs gr11a1 642·8964 $lO,OOO/obo Oya S1111 IH. All. Wheel• 80 01• Vanogon 21.000 EARLE Ill •1J1J•11Clolt1 Bronte wilh Ll•tol• 1145 .A..) 7!> 91 IS Blk on Blk. wllh • .. _6_4_4·90_3_o._ev• 544.430 I S ~D~ u n d M v ' II S 13 . 9 9 6 VtrJ GI••• ""· A I end $7850. Pvt V.LVO w1111tt Vrnyl lop Reg gaa. •• •• • ••••••••••••••••• 111 ' a 31 645-11272 63 094 64., 96.,7 .._ Grti.il engine and lnl•· ,.,. I J1 Low 11111•1• YthlolH pty l· 1 • L • " 11166 rbor plvd ,.0, Good Tiles, 78 Merk v , 96.000 mu ... •••••••••••••••••••••• ....._.,., iJoo• 11~1(.) J '10 121 FROM AS LOW AS '65 BUG 1nrt, au olig, COSTA MESA 67:1 8840 )(1111 cond Make offer J~•: ,u~u• r1-· . • t'lllTMoU04 "' '"'"' . ...., ......... .. fACIJTll 1111 U&ll SI mu Wiii iil llh 1973 RX3 W11gon. new "ng, atilt on wrnty. xln1 cond S 1395 Good transp 855-9991 859-t261 '76 Mazda RX4 2·dl, 5-spd, good cond 60K ml, $2650 661·1853 -- ·1J1 Ibo'~ ..... ""' .,.~, tow m11er. Lee '"' All ~~~'beo 646_82r{/,m Ul-1301 HO-Ull Chrroltl 1120 496-4416 ll41&JJ9JW '1JllllJ ';JW powor AC, clean. mull $3988 ·79 265 WAGON AC.1•••••••••••• .. ••••• .. • #•II••• llSZ sull $28,500 OBO '71 CON\/ 11lnt ah~e. mags caaa le11tht1r tr\11.1 SEE US fllSTI •••••••"•••••••••••••• 714-95!> 3501 wk da 1600-cc engine, $4500 rool 'rack,' 2 yr 86rv Wo hove 8 good Mlecll: ·7:ie M~~!:":g ~:n,~:.4!:· 66 Mercedes 230SL 159 Coupe Eacellent 848-8664 agrmnt JOK m1 o11 or NEW & USED Cte~n $20oo 876-2774 Cream w/dark brown I cond No rus1 $6600 or 1111 llHJ TeJOfl '71 VW Bug Lg• blu am/ $11000/0BO 759· 1053 Chevro1ets1 da. ev&1 760-1109 &oil top Hord top. IJ&I ol< 840·8398 ll202 I h II ..i Im sleroo COH 851 1494 '74 VOL VO SI Wg 4 d•, 4 saddle 1ntr Good cond 77 924 Eacellent conO lo It ti _.••0 1 Vh•· wrk. 657 2929 hm cy, II lnj 011. 111k shit 111111 Sell! $18,000. 673-7543 m1. snrl now pa1n1 U• ••·•• 1ao 7 t Super Beetle. new $2495 642·5•25 79 )4uatang Ghia, lully CONMB.L CHfYIOLET $6850 OBO 840·83~8 I 112-0121 po1n1 clutch Xlnt eng :?r~~~ a~~lmmtl: • .;:- 'll lllZ •IO SLC. Turbo 924 '61, 6 spd, all ·77 Corona Wngon ond int AM/FM mual sell Best offer 968·8126 llaoll/~llCll ""°' plat/Ian tnt 30,000 MUST SELL S 1600 OBO 675-0758 .!X/21 ll~rt•or HI'·! 11r-.To\ \H.'>\ SU-1200 2 000 mites. m1n1 cond S 19 1 80 vw p u LX All ••l•as. 6 · mi 000 496 44 t6 home Immaculate 1n11de & outl ICk P gu . $28,500 very hrm A 1 11 11/c. alnl cond 30.000 73 1-5 115 838-4342 661 0307 u oma c irans · atr mites S6600 496·4416. 1979 280 E An1hrac11e g• .. y. sunrool, xlnt cond $16 000 7 14 ·553-0335 Eves Oil OF ITS llH FOR COLLECTOR OR llYESTORlll 80 PORSCHE 911 SC T hlS IS lhe llneSI Prtl owned Targa 1n So Calll All blk w/every conce1· vable op11on The car cond & economlellabte party 10 make amoll ho111t 66 1-0307 monlhly payments No '59 Bug su111oot 95Y. old contrecl 10 assume restored all ortg almost No back payments due everything new. asking ASK FOR ROSE $2500 631·2507 646-9303 Ike 67 Kormann Gh•B 1 ow· 1982 TOYOTAS ner. teas lhen 37 000 ml, orig lrnllh·ltlie new Clo· y.,1 Ole.. sesl bid to $5000 tokes II 557-5546 blwn Lt• llilHI• V.lliol11 4PM-6PM 445 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach 673-0900 A/llC 1905 ..•.•....... ~ ......•.. 1981 Chtivy Van Lo Mtles, Musi Sell SO down T 0 Paymnls 01 S7000, obo 891-0322 Co11liHot1/ 1130 ...................... 80 Mark VI MUST SELL candy 180, $2000 494.7997 Ol41•dil1 1155 ....•..•....••••.••.•. Trusl sale, 2 dr. 71 88 Della Cust Olds. P/W, AIC. redto call B of A. Mon-Fri, 8AM-4PM, 759·4362 80 Omega xlnl cond 49 . 000 miles $4,300 631-4459 "'"~" ... , 1140 r---------. ..................... . 67 Classic "600" Chauffeur part111on w/all poSSlble opuons Metal· he brown w/llght tan plush velour tnt Comp tactor~ rebullt .; reatored 10 new car cond Con· verte<l 10 U S specs 011g bllll lor OM 104, 000 on hand · c11 pre- sently sto•ed tn Germany bul ready for 1mmed1a1e Shipping , wa~ s:ored on block s sr11ce new Currently has less tha'l 4.000 m1 Wo w111 sel1 lhts p111111ne Porsche 01 midpoint between Wholesale & Reto11 which IS al least S 12.000 leas than ano· lhflr brand new Po<ache For appl 644· 1865 dyt 631-232 1 evea FROM AS LQW AS Re1101ed classic w/ MUST SELL 82 EAGLE SXc Spor1 package. ea- lrH, on•t 3000 miles S7,500 Owner Cell 646-4629 Only 13 000 miles on thli Cartier e<lllron Two lone silver wllh dis1tnc11v1 lea I tier rnlfH10r Has eve1y option possible for total luiury driving• (534ZEN) JuSI need re hable party to make small monH•ly payments No old contract to es· sumo no back p1ymen1s due ASK FOR ROSE 646·9303 Ike 74 Cutlass Sedan. all orlo AC 1mm1c C8! 1. S 1295 OBO 63 1 ·5661 3100 west coast Hwy. Newpon Be.ch 642·9~5 ........ 11111 ITZS •..••.•..•.......•.... l&:J..U'lilll~ .. '7'2 Flat 12A Spyder Conv. X1nt cond, am/Im cass rblt eng br1kes, new radial tires $24001080 1168-5172 UllPUE-llUOHU We'll show you over 100 New & UMld Me•ced••· Benz Come 1n & c;on11· der our tease arrange- monta or long lerm ft· nanctng House of Imports, Inc DIAL 213 0t 714 637-2333 Selling P11ce $75,000 Please. only qualllted c•sl1 buyera call • (714) 642-0138 642-5678 ~.'!!! .~!!.'! •....• !Z!~ "I OEAllR IN U.S.A fCNCARVER JOlS·~ ... _. ».A Ai ' •• N • '• ~,,,... ..... ' " .......... °"" k#Clon 12.1 $4988 1111 .... , .T ., ••• 11202 haoll lld. ll111tl1ct11 leach 112-0121 cuslom & d111tncttve look '67 BUG. Porsche red. Michelin 1nd11ls Super Slereo N-eve- rything Spotless S3900 739-265 I UCllFICEll 77 Conve<t, see to •P· I prec Am/Im, Chrome radtats S5900 631-8548 ••itk 1110 ...................•.. 81 Century l TD 41 dr, low mt. loaded 1n excel cond B&SI ol1er 644·5613 78 RIVIERA Lo11doo $490(J IOBO Owner an· 11.1oua 10 sell 857-646 t -~-- ""'' 1151 •.••••.....•......•... 75 P1n10 great cond, 60K m1 auto. S 1600/obo 846· 14!>4, 892-16114 1Htitt IHS .....•.............••• Catalina 1970, A/C PIS P/B N-T11os, Good Cond $700. 897-8419 MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NEWPORT DATSUN 866 Dove Stree1. Newport Beach Tel 833-1300 At the trtangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind V1c1or10 Station Sales. Service. Leasing & Parts We make grea1 deals' • MAIEIS CA.Oil.UC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-9100 Orange COunty s Largest Cadillac dealer Soles SeNtce Leas· Ing • SADDLHACIC IMW /SUIARU 28402 M arguerite Pkwy Ave<y Pkwy ex11 We offer what no bank or leue company can t E.rtpertly staffed, most modern ser111ce & parts dcpl . 2 One ol 1he Southland s most experienced sales & leasing slall. 3 J=hminatton ol the mrddleman by lea54ng dealer dtrec1 83 t ·2040 M1ssron V•O)O 495·4949 • CHICIC IVHSOM POttSCHf.AUDl·VW 415 E Coael Hwy . Newport Beach 673-0900 The only dealership in Orengo Coun1y With these 1hree great mekes under one 10011 • ALAM MAG MOM PONTIAC-SUIAAU IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westmrnster Tel 892·6651 Orange Coun1y s olClesl and large!>I Pontiac dealership Sales. Ser111ce Parts G) DICK MILLll FIAT/LANCIA Probat>ly the IOWes1 prtced Fiats tn Sou!hern Caltl0tn1e' !Localed 1 mile north ol Sou1h Coast Plaza near Main St and Wnrner Ave 1n Santa Ana ) t?O W Warner Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANTA AMA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street. Santa Ana Tel 558·781 t Your Or1gm1l Oed1ceted Datsun Dealer • MllACLI MAZDA We ve mo-iedl Our new location 11 1425 Baker Street. Costa Mesa Tel 545·3334. Stop by & v11111 our brand new showroom and see why we 're 1ho 111 Mazda dealer tn Southern C1t1lo1n1a SalH . StN•ce. Par11 and LHtlng • CORMllR DeLILLO CHIVROLIET (FOfrNtly Groth Cfwtroi.t) 11211 IMch l!Yd .. Huntington IMch COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-64 '' Serving Orange Counly tor 16 years 1 Mile So 405 SUMSET FOID, IMC. (Homo of W1llre the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove B lvd , Wes1m1ns1er Tel 636-4010 • OIANGI COUNTY VOL VO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd , Garden GroYe Tel 530·9190 Excluslv•ly Volvo to cover 111 your Volvo requirements New•Used•Sales•Leaelng•Parts•Servlce•Body Shop Freeway close In the heart of Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd & Brootihurst 0 COMMK.L CHIVIOUT 2828 Harbor Blvd . Cotta MeM Ov., 20 years Mrvlng Orange County! Si tu . IHslng, Mf\/lce. Call 548·'200; special parts llne. 54&·9400. body shop llne; 754·0400 0 IOY CAIVH •ous IOYCl-IMW 837·2400 2480 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 649-4300 Sate1. Strvlc.. LH11no Mr Goodwrench. New • UMd • Salee • LHllflG • Pent • Service Come by end Mt our Huge tnll9fltoryl 1540 JambOrH Road. Ntwl)Ol'1 Bffch &4(>.644' Salff. Sel"llCe Par11 And La111ng • Tel ' CLAlllC AUTOMOllLll 785 ~on W1y. Cotti M .... Tai 831-1303 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIALTY" XK 120'1/ 140'1/ 160'1/£. Typet a .... -Service -AaetOfetlon.e Off P1eow111e ~ 171h & 11th In Cotta MaN 847-eot7 &tt.3331 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO SE PLACED ON THIS AO , CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. 642-5678 ... 111111 CIAIT lllTlllTll lllCI I f 1111111 DlUI T liURSOA Y U C 1 OOl H I 1'1111 Of~AN<1E COUNT V C AL IF-ORNIA 25 CENTS '• Future of HB _police helicopters up • ID the • air By ROBERT BARKER Of'Ule Deir,.... ..... The fa te of police helic.-opter operations In Huntington Beach depends on tough financial decisions. It costs a lot to keep the four helicopters based at John Wayne Airport and It would cost a lot to move them to the city. The leaae for a hangar at the airport, additional fuel costs and wasted personnel hours are Copter • • v1ct1rn na01ed A pilot killed Wednesday in a mid-air helicopter explosion that scattered debris over a Santa Ana golf course has been identHled as a 62-year -old Newport Beach businessman. Thomas A. Ballas of Newport's Harbor Ridge, was at the controls of the Robinson R22 helicopter he had purchased only the day before when the I 0:05 a .m . explosion and cras h occurred, authorities said. The accident i s under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board. Santa Ana police arriving at the crash scene on the second hole at River View Golf Course foui;ld wre<-kage in flames and Ballas dead, said police Sgt. Irv Mueller. There were no injuries to people on the ground. Ballas, described by family members as an experienced pilot. was :he' owner of a mobile home manufl!cturing firm based in Ontario. The helicopter had departed from John Wayne Airport only minutes before the cras h . said Ralph Odenwald, airport tower chief. A witness, Joe Starbird, 20, of Garden Grove, said he was en route to classes at Santa Ana College when he heard a pop. He said he saw one of the helicopter rotor blades fly off and saw the pilot attempting to climb out of the cockpit just prior to th<' explosion. computed at $160,000 a year. City officials say the extra cost is unac..-ceptable: The only sure way to keep the helicopters operatipnal ls to base them in Huntington Beach, they say. But that raises other fihancial concerns. A si te 1n the Gotha rd industrial area has been selected as the best spot for a permanent base, but the purchase price is Sl.2 million. T he sign sa ys it a ll ll will co.t another $1 million to develop the site, ac.'COrdlng to estimates. · Ci ty co u.1 cl l m e mber s deadlocked 3 to 3 this week on whether to proceed with the purchase. They're scheduled to take another vote Oct. 25 after more deliberation over flnancH. City financial experts h ave warned council · members not to carry out the transaction unless they raise money in other areas auch as about $400,000 in fees for dt.y servlet.>fl and $800,000 to $1.8 million In trash collection chargeti. "It's not in the picture to contjnue the way we've been going," C ity Administrato r Charles Thompso n sa id Wednesday. "lt helicopter service 18 to c.'Ontinue. we'll have to bring it here. And H the city council doesn't approve the purchase of T here was j ubila tion a l the Big A for the secon d 8traight night Wednesday as these fa ns watched their Angels rap o ut a 4-2 victory over the Milwaukee Brewers a nd inch within one victory of their first World Series. ·Puzzling stock rally continuirig By CHET CURRIER ,., ........ ,.., NEW YORK -Happy days are here again, at least on Wall Street, where a stock market boom has confounded experu who can't explain the rally while the economy is still in a slump. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stoc ks scored its second -best gain eve r o n Wednesday. soaring 37.07 points to 944.26 -nearly matching the record jump of 38.81 points on Aug. 17. Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange, at 93.57 million shares, was not quite in the same league with the 100 million-plus days of a few weeks ago and the peak of 137 33 million shares on Aug. 26. But Wall Street analysts said there was good reason to expect more trlple-diL c volume days after Wednetday'a explosion in stock prices. The Dow Jones industrial average has now risen 167 points, or almost 22 percent, in less than two months. Buyers have continued to clamor for stocks despite many governme n t stat.istics indicating the economy might have weakened In August and September, ins t ead o f recovering. On Friday , the Labo r Department is due to report on the unemployment rate for last month. Many private economists expec t the data to show 10 percent of the work force out of jobs for the first time in more than 40 years. F•?W analysts had a ready exp lanation for the paradox. Some skeptics said the ra11y made no sense, except aa the prelude to a collapse -like the "false" rally in late 1929 as the De pression of the 1930s was approaching. Most agreed there was an element of unreality to a day (Wednesday) when the prices of Eastman Kodak, Teledyne, Texas Instruments and Lockheed all rose at least $7 a share. "This is a buyinR panic b y investing institutions who are rushing into blue chip stocks because thf!y expect lower interest rates," said Charles Jensen, an analyst at the firm of MKl Securities Inc. One Important Interest rate, the rate on federal funds - short-term ioana between banks -dropped Wednesday to 8 percent fro m 10.25 perce nt Tuesday. The fed funds rate is frequently more volatile than other Interest rates. Some Wall Street professionals apparently interpreted that drop as a signal that the Federal Reserve had decided to (See WALL STREET, Page A%) Panel may enter residency dispute By "DAVID ltUTZMANN Of'IM Deir Net IUllt A residency dispute between two candidates tn Orange County's newly created 32nd aiate Senate district became the eubject of epedal inquiry before a two-man Senate committee. That wu the imprt'91ion left w.ith reportere in Santa Ana WednMday when state Sen. Paul Carpenter, D ·Cy press , announced that fonnaUon of the committee already had been ~proved by Senate President Pro Tern David Roberti, a fellow Democfat from Loe Anaela. However, RobertJ later said in a telephone interview that he had not yet authorized a n y hearing into charges which were thrown out of court two weeks ago that GOP candJdate F.dward Royce had failed to legally establish residence In the central Orange County district before taking out candidacy pape rs earlier tbia year. Royce 11 running against Democrat Frank Barbaro in the dl1trict that Includes Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach. Roberti said he was waiting to receive a formal request from Carpenter before calling up memben of the flve·man senate ,. lllDEI At Your Service A9 Hol'OICOpe All &ma Bombeck A4 Ann Landen All Bualneas 84-~ Movies C8-9 C..valcade All NaUonal New• A3 cin.tl6ed Dl,03·6 PubUc Notket OJ.02·3 Cornlea ClO Spona Cl·7 Crcmword ClO Dr. Stelncrohn All DNth Notka D'l Stock Markeu 8& Edl\orlal AlO Teit'Viek>n Cll l'.nt.erta.lnment C&-9 Theat.en C8·9 ~ Weather A2 ~· J Rules Committee, which would have to authorize suc h a fact- finding probe. It later turned out that a formaJ r<!quett from Carpenter arrived , whe n the Cypress Democrat drove late Wednesday to Robertl's Hollywood office to meet with the Senate leader. R o berti said he would probably begin calling Rule• CommJttee members today and Friday. raising the possibility that hearings could be held In Santa Ana n ext Wednesday, when Carpenter claimed they would begin. The Impartiality o f auch proceedlng•i.:waa calle d Into question wedn eadoy by Republlcu\I, however. Aides to Koyce aald that Carpenter and Roberti wert' two of four fSemocratlc leatslators who 1lgnec\ a Sept. 22 letter 1eekln1 financial 1upport for Barbaro'• campal1n. Tbey uld a n y hearln11 chaired by Carpenwr would amount only to a "lumaaroo court." Barbaro , co nta c t d Wednetday, .. Id he would be pleued to an1wer any qutttJona r.ierulnln1 to hlt residency In the 32nd Senate district. "At this point, I don't know what the ground rules are," the Democratic candidate said. "But 1 am wllllng to cooperate with any senate committee which wants to lnvestJgate my residency." Two weeks ago, Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert Rickles dlsmlased a lawsult challengln1 Royce's candidacy becauee, the fudge said, hls court lAlcked JurildicUon In the matter. Only tht Legl1lature la empowered to make ~wnnlnaUont c.'Ol1Cemln1 • candidate'• qualllic6tlON for • legtalauve off~. Rlddtt eald. • "'Thr~ r•ldent.a of the 32nd dlltrict had claimed that Royce lhould ~dliquallf*f t.cau. he had not lived in the dlatrict at leut • r prior to the elect.Ion. One of the plainUffl ln the euit wae former county ~mocratk: Party bolt William 'nM>m. At a ·noon pre11 conference Wtdneemy, c.rp.nw pw the •tton• imptftSlon that • •pedal committee he would chair already WM in bullnell. H• Mld the Chy Council chamber• at Santa Ana City Hall had been (!ff RBSJDENCY, Patt At~ . • • tht: lond, It will be very difficult to continue operations." Mayor Bob Mandie agra-.d that if the re is to be he licopter operations, the aircrafl must be based in the city. But he and Pollc.-e Chief E.arll' ·Robita ille apparentl y have diffe ring opinions o n the Importance of the helic.'Opt.ers. Mandie says there l.s no way to measure their eCfectiveness in <.'Ombating crime. "Olhcr c1t1e11 don't huve them and th~y don't have any h igher crime rate," he said. "There's preasure from the public not to ra11c feca. Thia (<iroppmg the helkopt.er serlvce) possibly is one way of cutting down l'OSts. And we could P.ut more policem~n on the s treet. ' Robltallle has high praise for the aero squadron and t.ennB it essential to the local police (See COPTER, Page AZ ) Airport· parking peril • ID By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the Dellr "6ot Slaff Orange County s upervisors. who soon wiU be asked to take the first steps toward building an 1,800-car parking lot at J ohn W ayne Airport , may find themselves facing an old nemesis on airport issues -Newport Beach -if they advance the plan. The co unt y Airp o rt Cnmmission this week voted to f o1 ward a list o f po te n tial dt.c;igne r s of the project to su~rvisors, who are expected to c..'Onsider a call for proposals on the $230,000 job within a month. But Newport Beach officials already have made it known that they ma y view such an expansion as a violation of a court ruling they won in January against the county. If the supervisors go ahead with the plan, a Newport Beach official said Wednesday, the city will aeek legal advice on the 1-ue with an eye toward stopping it. The city alread y has spent about S800,000 on its challenge to the airport's master plan for expansion, city Executive Mlistant Ken Dellno Mid. 'That chaJJenge resulted in Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner's ruling that the enviro nment.al impact study for the $100 million expansion was in.adequate. Sumner's ruling al9o enjoined (See AIRPORT, Page A%) am Wille n , 27, stands in front o f his adoptive mother R uth Willett or. he awaits arl"ival in Wa1h ingion , D.C., or hi1 adopted brother, peda ling a bike from San Juan Capistrano. Cyclist Df!ars DC on brother's plea By ANN BLACKMAN ...................... WASHINGTON -David Willen" pedalina hll bike from C.allforn6a to tM nation'• ~pit.al where he hopet to CX>nvince the 1overnment not to deport the Libtn.n man who hu lived aa • member of hie family for 10 y .... Ruth Willett Mid today her son 11 expected In Waehtn1ton at about 3 p.m. PST. She 1Ald Davtd had covered 400 mllea of . exhaus\ln, mountalnoua t.ernln durfl'\I the w t two daye. "I wlah J'o heard from hJm ln the lut 24 houn but I hawn't," •he Wd. Government offk'lall auepect the Wiiiett family adopted the 27-year·old L.lberlan, wboee name •• Sam. for the pw'pC* of 1ervln1 aa a hired emplo1ee. accordln1 to Rep. Romano Maaolt l):Ky. (See 8DtE1 P .. t Al) ~-----------------~----~~-~-=~ uuy. ()c,tnbm 7. I 82 Mesa joll agency ethics probed : Dav id M . Wtll<·ll S r ., thl• !~;fa-th<.>r , f lutly re•Jt•ctH thut , ... argument "Th\•l'l· ar{' four kids our femlly and Sum has c·h11rt•11 ke the rest of tht•m But tlll'fl"1> • • • no wuy h1•'" 11 se•r v1111l, no wuy," lw 11J1td The> yount.l•·r l>u v ad Is an 1.1pprcnliu· l'l\J(lnt't'r who tun111I t I on h1!>! t hrc-.· we•c•k .iournt·y ESIDENCY PROBE • • • served by ham for lwurin~s ut lJ m. Wednesday. He said it was has ho~ that late Sen. Ken ~a dd y . R - esno, would be.> cha.en to st·rv1• the panel with him. Carpenter SHid even though earings would be.> held only two eeks before the Nov. 2 cll>t'llon hoped any reli1dency qul-sllon~ ould )Pad to d1squalif1cat1un of candidate or candidat1>s in t1ml' .{p r p a rty le aders t o pH·k replacements. This would savl• the l'OS l of ho lding U s pt•1:1<c1 l dection, he said. Again, Robcrll drsagrt•c•d I h · said the Legislature· is rn rt'(.'t·~ until December and m.:tmn by thl' full Senate could only tx· taken <•h<•r tht• vot1•1 s pll'k t•d o m ·w stall' 1wn11tur. H e 11a 1d tht· St·na lt• would lrkcly rc•fuS<.· lo seal a mndadatc• who had faJlc'Cl tu rm"<•t 1 t•srdt•m·y rc..oqulrt•m<'nts. Royl'l' has d a um·d tha t Barbaro also doc·i; not mt•t•l r l.'srdc·ncy requirenumts Explaining ha s ow n 1 ~wol vemen t r n th« cl ls putt'. l a r fJ l' n t c r m u i n t a r n l' cl Wedm·sday that he appru;.u:ht'<.i Hobcrtl about holding hearings afte r W estminster attorney Kenn~th Golden called him to suggest that the Senall' ought to look into the rt-sidency rhubarb. Goldt:n represented Thom, the fo rmer Democrati c Party t,:hairmun, in the Orange County lawsuit AIRPORT PARKING • • • • th e c ounty from makrng () 4ignaf1cant changl'S at tht• airport until a nothe r l.'nv1ronnw ntal report cou ld be approv ed . ,, ... ,Del 1 no ch a r g e d l ha l IJ14onstruction of the p a rking orh dlily could be conside re d a Utt i g n if i ca n l c h a n g e u n d c r 'Jl8umner's r uling "There·s a good ind1cat1on that ~hat's being proposed violates "'J\jdge S umner's ruhng," he sard '"~arki ng and ai r port IH't·ess '''l.mprovements were part of ttw •11bhginal master p lan:· Delino 11 S:iid, adding "we spent $800,000 fighting that plan." 1011 Delino would not commit the t>;dty to a challe nge of the parking q 11>roposal, but he said city oUrcrab will monitor i'ts program s through county government and -'if they (county orricrals) makt• a commitment we'll sec if 1t violall.'s Judge Sumner's ruling " Ken Ha ll, an '<Odmlnistrallvl· aide to Supervisor Thomus Hiley, saiQ sup<·rv1sors will rt·vit•w tb(• proposal "completely" wath attorn<'ys befoere gmng aht•ad Wilh it Hall said board inembcrs want lO be "confident that if Wt' move fo rward with this it 1s not m vola ta o n· of J udg<' Sumne r 's ruhng." The parking area would be located in the airport's north d ear zone, an area mandatt'Ci for limited use by Federal Aviation A d m r n r s l r a ll o n r u I l• s a n d intended primarily as a surety buffer Thl' north clear wnc· rs h:K·atc·d across the San OrC'go f'rt•c•way from the· airport's two runways WALL STREET RALLY • • • encourc1ge' interest rates to kl'<'J.l rl fpJling. ti..:<.. Separately, Ric hard Prall . ~c,nairman of the Federal Homl· lotf>an Bank Board, declared that ·>~gislation recently passed bv Congrc•ss to h e lp barfk:. and savings and loans could lead to mortgage• intercst rates as low as 12 percent in a few months Home· mor tgage rates n ow averagt· about 15 pen:.-ent. COPTER PROBLEM • • • .,. .,..rorcement effort. .. ' He said the Bell h elicopters, purchased over the yl'ars dS militar y su rplu s. wer C' respons ible las t year for 125 felony arrests. He said they were .. rst at tht• scene in nearly 5,000 1nc1dent:. .... a nd o n nearly 2.000 OCl'UMOn!> were oblC' to l'ant·t'I thu rr·ispom.c· of oth<•• unrt.s Robll~rlk· abo dSst·rtl·d that Huntrnglon &·al·h polrcl' have·n·1 been invnlvt'd rn a h1~h-spct·cl l'haSl' an ·1dt•nt srnn· ma king helrm pttor'!> the· l'hld rursut•r four ~ Uy JOUI l'AOF.NIU~AD Oftlle D•Hr flllol '''" A l'o1>tu M t•Mu liu1111w111i 111.1 I '\I'll& Jllh lasts to unl'mployt•d 1x.·11ph• ,,. u11dl•r l11vt·wtrt(atlon tor ullt•Kt-d 1111:.ll'IHJ mg 11dvt•1'll1il ng µn1t'lll'l•li by <.'otttu Mesa pohc..•t' und u 11llll•· 1·mploymc>nl uj(t•nc:v. Hl'lp Wonted Publi<'ullon, t 110 I lllrbor Blvd., opt•nt'<l In Au.cu11t, has bc.<t•n th« tnrg1·t o( t•omplulnts lrum p(•o pl1 · who ans wt•rcd 1ww1>pllJ.X'l'll adv1•rt11wnwnt11 for spec1fk jobs and w1•1•1• lht•n told to pay $25 for 1)w lists. offkluls 'klld. Sui• Elrus. a st.at<.• t>mpl11ym1•t1t uffldul, su1d u lettl·r was ~nt lwn monlh ordl'rmg th<• firm to Htop advt·rt1s1ng spl'<.·1 fr l· Jobs 1n news pup<' 1'8 S he surd the company rs n ot l1t·enst·d as a n l'mploymcnt Raiseless contract approved Coast Community College District trustees have approved a new contract with the district's 650 full -time tNll'hers, calling for no cost -o f -Ir v ing pay raises through rwxt Ju1w 30. Thl' agrc•c•ml·nt was approved lus t Wl't'k by tns truc to r s al Orangt· Coast, Golden Wt'Sl and C.:oastlrnc colleges. by a 2 to 1 murgin. The pact was prc-'S<'nted to district tru stees Cor mnsldt•rntion Wednesday nigh t. Drs tril·t officials have s aid serious cutbacks 10 stale funding prevented the b oard from granting pay rai!K.'S to any district employees. Pay sca les for administrators and classified ( n o n -t l' a c h 1 n g ) e m p I o ye es a lready have• b een frozen through· the end of thl' current 'o(:hool yc·ar. T h t' n t• w co n t r a c t w i t h tc•acht·rs includes l'hanges an 1nsuranc<· covl•rage. inl·rt•ascd funding for tc•al'hN sabbut1cal IC'avt•!. and pr o f C':.s1o nal confcn•nc·\•!>, and a requirement that fac ulty members pay l·ampus parking fees ($10 per S('mL'St(•r) In:.tructors w ill r e(·e1vc automatic "st c-p " 1ncrC'ases d e tc>rmined by length of employme nt and adjustments based on post-degrl't' education. year.. ago Thl• ('l\Y hai; baSt.'ll its l'Optcrs at John Wayri(• Airport for 4 ', Vt•;1r' · Bl' f o 1 t· t h o t , t ht• y w c• rt· .. tatrom•d ot a hangar acro:.s from the ll unlrngtitn B<·al'h Ct·ntrnl Library at TalbNt Avc'nUl' Sunny and breezy •1 > • SmllM c:ran .O'llllory lrom Point I\ tJon -\h9 OUIM COMtel wst•• to Sen NlcOIM i.iancS tor IJ nonhWMt wind• 12 to 22 knot• combined -end ""'' 4 to 8 ..... becoming norlh-t t6 IO 30 knou with 5 to 8 loot ... , -tr Out• w1ten '°""' ot Sen Nlcolu .,. -1 IO not\'-1w1ndt15 10 22 knol• with 3 10 5 loot -"'I lnnet w1tars llglll •nd v1rl1bl• c•:.o ~ ax~ .authwMt to -t •1 10 to 18 knoll OUr'lng 1llwnoon · end evening hOurt So..tlllwHI 1Tf 1wett f to 2 '"' CIHrlng t>y llft~ except '°"'" cout Tllvndefetormt 1no •lloweo lllol'f the Texu oo••• end In II• ce111r1I Gull Co111 •11111 od•Y with &'h lnchH of r1ln In lhtel hours '" north· ttll MIM'nfppl. Al ~ ON per.an wee fotcecl ..-1. lat. WldnMOty nlglll 11• to the heevy relnfall In MIPC>1'1 LAll•~ll• Coun1y. lier• etreet lloodlng wu ~ In tM town of Oxtoro llllelll tell lrom tM Gull Coatl WM tllfOllQfl Ille -•em uPs* Orell I.Ill••· I nd 1110 w11 f~ In Ille Pldllc NOf1tl-I. Wttll 1now reported al hlg"-r ...... ttone. lllo-• end t1111nde r11orm1 llf!O«ed over 1ou1~rn ff0tld1 end • tew 1how1r1 were over centre! C811fomll Hge end log pr...,tlled In the mldOle Atllnllc COIMll ..... Tiie IOfac .. t for feter todey cmll IOr ...,_Id ~· end ltlundtntorrne ltom .. stem I nd 0911trll T11t11 erld t1'1t '"' ol Ille Gulf Colet 111111 through th• ONo v~ end mlOdle Atlentfc eo.t ltllM, II well M 10 Ille Greet Uk" Ind -t•rn New ~~. -· lorac:ul In tll• fl eclllc Nor111w111 eno ~Greet e.elft. California bOUtllMn 0-1 lllQlll 85 10 93, "'9 1 ICMt For I p.m. EDT "-In• ... mi tows 65 10 85 • Octobef 8 Ling..1ng tho-• over notlh ...... •t•I• mounletn1 lo dey Eltewllere. parlly crouoy In Norllletn Incl c.tllfll Cllll0tnl1 Fl'lr tnO breezy loday, lelr th1oug110ut reoion Fr1<1ay T e nipe ratures NATION HI Le flcp Alb.,.,. 78 4 1 Alt>uqu«qut 74 42 Amerlllo 71 48 Ancllol'ege 38 29 Atl'levtlle 79 . S4 Allln{I 82 64 Al1111CIC Clly 79 64 Aus11n tO 77 26 BtltlmO<• 78 83 81ftlngt 64 32 Mplt-Sl.Peul 11 50 38 FtHnO 81 48 Bffmlngllem eo 68 NHllYllll 87 8:? Lenc.ater 83 39 Imme<~ 3S 33 95 New Oflean• 64 73 1 23 Ll>nQ 8eecll 77 57 BoiM 71 43 Nww Vorlc 1a 85 lot Ar 80 eo eo..1on 82 545 NorlOlla 80 111 Monf t 88 50 8rOWNv!le 93 77 12 No )>tau• 82 40 07 Monteballo 112 54 eun11o eo 49 Otcl1 City 78 87 Monterey 68 53 BurMnglon 74 42 Om•h• 83 47 19 Ml Wllt<>n 89 54 CUpar 57 31 02 Orllndo 87 73 31 Needles 90 85 Chllflelton, SC 83 = Ptlllldelpf\11 79 Ill N-por1 eeecn 72 58 Chllflellon, WV ee PMlnl• 93 61 Oa111anc1 87 55 Cllw1one, NC 14 83 Pllltburt 79 55 On1111o H 60 Cheyenne se 32 P11end. e 75 40 P11m Sp11no1 92 82 C11t;ago ST 81 Piiand. Ort 112 !14 .30 P .. e<ltn• 84 54 Clnc;lnnall N N Prov!~ 78 49 Pno Robl" 83 41 Ctev.tend 13 eo Rllelgh 8& &O Red Blult ee 51 Columt>I• SC H 57 Rapid Clly 64 38 01 Redwood City 72 50 CQlvmt>u• 84 58 Reno tit 30 Reno 119 30 ()el.fl Wlh 93 74 Alehmond 84 91 Secramanto 99 48 DtY10I\ 82 59 Sen L•k• 86 37 Sall nu 68 47 OenY91 68 33 17 Sin Anlonlo 87 74 19 San 8efn1rdlno a& 411 0.. MOl,,.t 71 54 01 SNllll 58 61 79 Sen Gabtlel 85 52 DllrOil 81 52 Sht9"990fl 89 12 11 San ()Iago 75 112 Duluth 48 4S 139 Slou• flllt 47 42 1 77 San Freneleco ea S4 El Puo 89 5e SI Louis 88 41 Sin JON 70 47 F1lrb•nkt 38 24 SI. P·Tampl 87 74 oe S1n11 An• 78 58 ""go 49 43 1 71 SI Sle M1r1t eo liO 30 Sanl• 8arb1r1 74 50 Aag~lf 71 23 Spokene 59 40 03 Senta Crut H &O o, .. fllllt 112 38 SyrllWM 73 43 Sant• Monie• ,. 58 Hert d 82 52 TQ9eke 71 68 Slockton 71 47 Helena 84 26 Tuct<>n 91 51 T 9'IOI V ljley 87 211 Honolulu 88 72 .oe TulH 89 71 Tllli'mal 94 52 Houtlon 85 78 01 w .. hlngtn 78 117 lndllnlPofi• 80 59 Wlc:Ntt 72 68 03 Jeclct0n. MS 82 74 2 17 CAL,,OMMA Smog JICkM~ 85 72 04 ,,_ 48 ... 41 Ape>le Vallloy 112 42 l(ant City 71 57 21 8tk1<tllel<I 85 64 81ratow 90 63 l(noavltle 84 58 8eaumon1 87 49 Whtr• 10 0111 (loll lrH ) IOr L .. VIOlt 79 52 1at .. 1 ~m1t10n. Ltttle Aocll 17 .. 41 BIO a... 70 2S OrmQI ly.JtoOI 445-3121 LOUllVllll 17 82 8llllop 75 32 Lo• Ana•'.. ounty (100) lubboell 77 80 81y111e 91 57 242·4022 M1111Plllt 80 " 1.74 C1t1fln1 78 57 Alvenlde Incl Sift ll«nerdlno Miami 85 79 Culv1< City 80 H oountlll: (IOO) H7-4710 MhlUkM 82 5t Eurtlla 113 49 AOMO EpllOde Center (IOO) 242-4tee SURF RIPDRT Tides TOOAV =::: lllgll 12·npm low 7·JO pm ... ... ... . ... ..... .... fl"90AY ... -'"' Af' .... IMr Flret hlOll 2H e,m. 3 . 2 3 10 I IW ,.,,., low 944 em 2. 2 3 10 1 I IW llCond .. t:a 1 o"' a, a 4 II 1 2 •w l900fld low • 1• ""' 0 a • Ill 1 a aw lun Mtl todll II t It p II' ,, .. '"°IJ 9' t 2 • m ~ '°' ,,.._ lllgllt ltlotWlt In ~ ..... Moon,..,~ It tO:OI p.m .... , -t1· &.lft & Ol(llll<'V 111111 t·un only jjl•ll llNt.-. of Job» u11tl 11111 udvt•rlhw HJx<t•ilk Jul• 8 tc•vt• Hh11l11111n. u l'Ollll~ Mt·rtll µoht'\• llWl'llti8UUir, Kuld hl· hllH rt>t't•IVl'd ll4•Vf'rul l~,~~n~ frn111 dl!>.'Wt"f lt'Cl l'Ulllollll'l 11 "It's t'('rlUJnly urwll:ul'ul," 111.ml Hhuhm1n ''A numbN of 1x-<1plc· who an· buying thut l1 11 t urc· unnwurc· that what ll1t·y'H· bu y anl( IS 10 th•· lll'WSJ)llpl'I . whkh l!I nut to i.uy It's 11lt•l(ul, hut so mt• uf lh1·lr ud vt•rt1s 1n l-( prucuc, 1' u re " He lp Wo111t.<.J owm·r J11h::innt'l> Vunderru t'1J11ld not 1,.. 1t•uch1.-d for com rr II' 111. An nnployt..>t· ua tlll' firm said custom1•rs rl~'CIVl' a rt•fund o ffl·r good for 30 days rf thl·y a11· nut sutlsfle>d with lht• 11t·rviccs 11ffl'rt·tl by th<• farm A '17 )'l'lll (Jld l'1111111 Mt-NI 1111111 whu 11-.kcotl not lo bi· ldt•11llfll'd ,,,ad Ill' turnt'<l 111 tlw puhllc·utwn M1111Juy 11ltc•r ~l'tllllK l111d 11(( frona hire Joli Onl' 1o h lw WIHi told 11 lrnut nirrn-<I uul tu h11v1• lx•t•n fllh·d 111 S1·pl1•111bt•1, the• 011111 i.urd J (1• !U&IU till the• tlf)S lll'0"1 lil•(•ll f(' v1•11 hove lw1•11 Jobs that ht• I 11e'CJ thll I lflllllllllj( {J fl1•1 M'<'lllj.! lht• ud?> in the• 1wwi.pup1•1 "lt'K rnu~h Lu l>'• out of wu1•k." h t• '>ltlll "f~u\ gl'lt1n~ ripl>«d 'uff 111 fl•,rlly had " A1·nolJ Y111k. 4 7 , o f I lu11tln"'ton &·ut·h i.tard h•· !\aw an .11lvl'rt l1:1t·m1·nt 111 th1· Ornngt• l' o u n t y It <· .:: 1 i. t 1· 1 f ti r a tnt11nlt·m1m·1· ml-t:lwnrt· I It• wus t1Jld ht· would haVl' tci ~Wl $25 to n 1•1·1ve· tht• l111t of jobs Rllilners boost Valley High te8m More than 120 people look part in a "lOK and 5K Fun Run" ut Mile Square Park to rarse funds for the Fountain Valley High School c ross country team Winn e r s 1n the .f1 ve- kilomeh·r race. from first to fifth place, were Bar ry Mlgllorlnl, Andre Hellams, Sean Wa lke r , Mlb Pyclor •A seminar for parents on h ow to d1 s c 1plinc their childrt•n more effrc trvcly will be c·ond uctcd Saturday a t G o I d (• n W t· s l Co 11 e g '-' rn Hunlrngton &•at·h Thl· program tak<·s place f rom Y a m to 4 p m rn and Doug Mann. T o p finisher:. 1n th e 10-krlometer run wt-re Steven H eyl , S te v e S tnltb, Dan Moran, Ra ul Duarte and Ric k Wa rd. Women who fmistted frrst t hrough fdth I n th e 10 -kllomcter contest wer<• Ke rri Draper, Adriana Gilbert, Carol Baker, Vale ry Kinney and Angela Ramirez. lleallh Scumre 11 7. T opics w ill inclu de the importance· of adult authorlty, how to avoid power struggles and how to bal ance involvement and detachment lU.·gis tra lion f ~ 1s $15 per p<.·rson or $25 p<.•r couple uu1 of wrn k f1 v1• 1nonth11, Y 111 k 'Cl11d tw I 1J(u1t<tl It wait worth tt ll y Fnr •~:'> York ww1 1(1 v..,1 u llKl 11( ju~ rnwt• /J w1·<•k ialld was told tu t•o 11 lit-t Wf'l'rl ~, am! ff p m 1·v1·ry 111ght f(Jr 1ww lt•uds "But l'Vl'ry JCJI> ttwy t.old uw alK1ut 1 twd alr·1•11i.ly St•t•n 111 thct rwW!>JmJJt•r that rfl<irning .mll had ~rnll' o ut rn1," Y11rk 'Hml Om• of th<· J(JI»> Ju;U.·d 1n th•· l'Ompuny pUhlll'UUUn W (tll ft>r ~· J11·khund It turn1·d out to I)(• a d a:..i in Lvnu Bc·tll'h that ht• was 111ld to pay $1 75 to U1kt'. h{' iwrd.' Ut•puty Dai,,trwt allurnt•y lJranl' Stav<•nhuf(l'll i.a 1d thut u job ruhltcatrtm 111 Wt·ittmrnstcr, J ob lotllrw. dc>M'<.l four months ago ufll'r o rnrnplarnt was filed for m1!llt•<1d111g udv1·rt1s1nl( pral·lkl'I, Champagne buy ni~ed by council T h l' r c· w o n · t h c· a 11 y t'hampagm· purchast•d out of th<' ll untingtu n B l•a t·h genl•ral budget. No t this W{·ek, anyway. A requ<'St to US(• c·rty monc•y to buy 50 lx>ttlt>S 1Jf the· i:)(:•v{'ragl' at s:J a bottle· wa~ madt• by thC' caty'~ Alll(•d Arts Board. Members of the• fund-rarsrng panel fi gured tht•y could sc•ll champagne· at $1 ix-r glas:. and nus<' about $300 Bul th1· d t y e<>unl·ll wouldn't '>Wallow ll · "It's hard to JUStrfy buying l·hampagnC' out of the ge m•ral fund," said Councrlman Don Mac·Alhswr The c·hampagnt· was rnt·uluded an a requl•st to borrow $8.000. Allred Arts members expecll'<i to wk<.· in cibout $12.000. at a Nov. 7 fund-ra11>1ngeVeni.' enough to grve $4.000 to HR• lrbrary and to pay back the crt y City Council mt-mbers said thrs Wl'e k thc·y apprel'latC'd the thought but tha t rt':. not a good prinl·rplt· Lo advanl'<' c·1ty money in ord•·r to n11sc· rnoncy ' Officials an· turatt•mplatrng 11thN mt•thocb P~rking crackdown ~cuts • cr1D1e The Orange County Board of Supervisors got two for the prrcl· of one when at de('rded to crack d own on parking ml'U:r vrolators a t south county b<•ut·hc.-s lnt·rc·ast-d. v 1gilant.·t• t h r:. :.ummN by spN·rally cii.:.agned dt'puty :.hC'raffs prndut'c·d a 49 JM.'rC't•nt n-duc:uon rn tht•ft.c; from lcJCkc'<J and unl1.~:kl'<l vehrdl'S as w1· II a!> 7 µe rtl' n t incrt•a:.t• in pa r k 1 n g m t· t c· r rt• v e n u es. aCC'ordrng to c:ounty offll·1als. Revcnul·s for Junt' through August of thlS year tot.alPd $73.- 988, about $5.000 more than w as colk>t·lc-d from mNers during the same pt•riod last vtmr, said Juli<• Adams, u t•ounty Admimstratav<.• O ffk·t• swff analyst From July through September ,,('has y('a r . th e s h c·rrff's dc·partmt•nt rl•porlt•d 17 tht•flS from loc:kc·d curs and 35 from u nluc:kt•d vehrdc•s During thl• ~Hill' ix·nod las1 yc·dr, tht•n• were :H rc·portc'<i loc·k<'Cl-car burglaries and 61:1 thefts from unlcx:kt-d t•ars. !>:.trd s he nfrs s pokc•sman Sgt Lynn Nehring The• program was startt•d on Junl• 1 and will t•nd Aprrl 30. Hl83. Tht> additional depuuc>s are patrolling parking lots al Cnprstr:ano Beach Regional Park. Oana Point Harbo r and Salt Storekeeper Nels Ortlund Is wearing one of our long sleeve sport knits. These llghtitielght knits are available In a variety of colors, In solids or stripes, with a knitted or cotton twlll collar. Nels Invites you to come Into our store and select one of these unlquely styled shirts . . perfect for the llf e style of our area. A store that otf ers fine tradltlonal sportswear for men, women and boys. • Crc-t.>k &-al'h ·.rh e rc's nuthLng mag1<:al (•Xcept for the fa< t that 1f you havC' blac·k -and -wh1te un rts prc•scnt you're gorng to havl• a n ·dut tr on rn crimt>," Nehring !>aid "Wt"d like t u sec· the program l'Onlinuc· bl•C'au:.t· Wt! want to :.how thcit th11. WO!) re•ully l'fft'l:tlVl•" Adam!> ~aid e·o:.t fo r II~: ud d 1t1o n al Jaw l'nfo rccm<.·nt pe•rMJ nnl'I al tht• beacht•s was $52.677 for June> thro ugh Augu:.t Cost figun•s were not avruLJibJc for last year because th<• program was not rn e ffec-t th(•n 1026 lrvine. Newport Se•ch. C1llfomi1. Phone 642-?061 • J ---_ .... ---..... -.-. -.... "" ~ -. • NATION Military accidents kill two civilians By T'e A11oclated Pre11 A hand grenade bclal•ved w t ~ a dud Mnd un artillery shell gone awry are being blamed lor the deaths of two civilians In sep~ra t c accidents ul military bas4.'S. A woman driving her car on a well -trave l ed road through the Camp Lejeune. N .C .. base died o f head injuries after s he was hit Wednesday by shrapnel from the.• ..rrunt she ll fire.-<! during u routine military t'Xt'rd11u, authorities said. I n F o rt Irwin, Cali(., a rnomber of a c1vihun team combing an Army wcapont1 range• for unexplod(.od hand gr1.•nades died when h e st<'pped on a live grenadt' burk>d in the shifting de1wrt sand Five o th e rs wert• Injured. three of t h e m s eriousl y, an'Army spokesman said. UAW says pact doomed DETROIT -The leader or the United Auto Workers and Chrysle r Corp. ofCicials. say they doubt a new contract wiU be ratified by the rank and file. even though a week of balloting remains. ''You could probably put m y emotions in three categor ies," UAW president Douglas J"raser said in a teleph o oe 1ntc rv1 e w Wednesday from New York. "At first I was hopeful, now l'm doubtful and tomorro'w I'll probably be hopeless." The contract, i( deft>aled, would be the first rejt.'<.'.ted by the UAW rank and hie since the 1960s. President Reagan gestures a ngrily at cong ressio nal candidate Gory Richard Arnold of Santa Cruz, who is restrained by an oide, ot a heutc>d White I louse session for (;Qp c·undidotes. Arnold rt'fJ Ca tedly ch a llen ged. Re agtrn's nlh ... ~iancf' to <>onser votive causes. " Reagan 'campaigning' WA S HI NGTON - President Reagan, who once took to the stage of a La!> Vegas casino as a song-and- dance man, is returning to N evad a to throw th e presidential spotlijlht on two lagging R e publ ican candidates. weeks, was trying to boost the p oli ti cal fortunes of Republican Gov. Robert L ist and C h ic He cht. t h e GOP candidate tr ying lo unseat four -te rm Sen. H oward Cannon , a Democrat. With friends like this • in GOP • • • The president, set to leave Washington today on his fourth campaign foray in four WORLD &th List and Hecht have been loyal supportcr<i to the presi d ent 's e c ono mi c program. Queen said outraged LONDON A Carilabean By TERENCE HUNT A .. oc:leted ,,_ Writ., WASHINGTON A Rc•publican c·and1da tt.' whCJ created a sc·enc at the• Whitt> Hou~ and was told by Prc.'S1dcnt R<'cigan to shut up SClys ht• spoke out lx'C'ause "Soml>l>Ody has to say that the e mpc•ror has no dothc-s" "The re a rc two Reagans." Gary Richard Arno ld t'Omplaincd W e dnesd ay aft C'r hi s extraordinary <:onfront.allon with the president. "I agree with 90 percent of what h1.• sa ys. and disagree with 90 percent of what he does " Acc·using Reagan o f g 1v1 ng only hp servic'C to conservative cau!i(.•s. Arnold said, "R1·agan has lust lOU ('h with Hc·a ganom"·s RN1g:m I!> not Reagan " A r nuld , a S a nta Cruz businl'!>sma n try ing to unseat L h r c t• -t t• r m D (• m o c r a t i c c:ongn•ssman Lt·on J>am•lla in C:ulifurn1a's ltith Distril't, touched o ff lh l' 1n t:1dt•nt 1n the chancJ1:hl'n ·d East Room of the Whllt> House as Reagan was giv ing a pe p talk to 90 GO P candida tes. Rc•agan was tryfng LO make the point tha~ b<>fore hl' took offk c, gowrnmt•nt spending had been rising fas ter than Ame rit·ans' waRC'l> Sudde nly. Arnold rose from his back -ro w c hair and intl'rrupll'd the· prl's1dt•nt In a de fiant tonC', Arnold c h a rge d that Rea g a n was responsible for the· largest tax inc rease in hi s t o ry, had aba nd oned Taiwan, h a d increaied trade with the Soviet Union and had not carnC'd out the Republican Party platform of 191:10 Arnold said Rcpubh('ans who opposed the tax mcrcast· - including him'iCIC -were denied GOP ('ampaign funds. Two or three people tr1 t-d to push Arnold down into his ('hair but he brushed them off. "We have a Tylenol taxation situation here, and wc have a Reagan-mortis setting ul1o the nation's body politic," he argued Across the room. an .umdent1f1ed man !>tood a nd a pplaud e d Arnold Rc'<i-faced and angry, Reagan stared directly a t Arnold and re plied: "Okay. I don't know who the two o f you arc. but you havl'n't said a word that's true y~l It For the next five minutes, Reagan a~ered charges from his challenger. who stood 25 ft;et away and inte rrupted the preside nt at least a half-dozen limes before it was a ll over. _, 5ec.:ret Service age nts did not intervene but watched Arnold inte ntl y Two me n took up pos1t1ons behind Arnold fling by Prince Andre w and American-born actress Koo Stark, who has a ppeared nude in ero t ic films, is creating an upr oar among BritJ\in's tabloids with stories that Queen Elizabeth 11 is ''in a rage." the prince, who has been dubbed ··Handy And y," b ec au se o f hi s man y girlfriends. Some newspapers and the British Broadcasting Corp. t e levision netwo rk o n Wednesday carried pictures o f Stark, 25, daughte r o r movie producer Wilbur Stark. appearing in that Cllm. The BBC clips showed her asking a man to make.love to her. Tylenol niakers remove all capsules All tabloids today splashed their front pages with stories about the vacation taken by the 25-year-old actress and Sub evading dragnet By The Associa ted Prus The ma ke r o f T y leno l has agreed to take back all cap&ules of the pain killer as investigators hunt for the sourre of poisoned drugs that have• killed at least seven acr oss th<' nation and apparently sickened a California man. St.ate and federal investigators SL'Oured a 2.000-squart'-mlle area around Oroville Wednesday for all Tyle nol capsules. looking for an y bo ttles s imilar to the strvchnine -doscd T vlcnol found by Gn.·g Blagg or Oroville. Blagg said he lx-<:amc 111 aftN taking thrc•c 1.·apsulc:, Crom the taintl'd bo ttle Thursday. a nd Investigators have c•onCirmed that two othl'r bottles Wf're lared with tht• rut poison . All thr~ bottles came from a Longs Drug Store in Oroville. But thC' follow -up search has yet to uncover any addiuonal po1sonc.'CI capsules, said William Hill. regional director of the Food and Drug Administration in San Francisco BERGA NAVAL BASE, Sweden -Wa rs h ips a r e dumping magne tic homing devices a nd "smart" mini- torpedoes into Hors Bay to f lush to t h e s urface a s u s p ect ed Sovie t -b loc submarine that has defied their dragne t for a w eek, Swedish newspapers reported tOday. At the sam e t i me, the Swedish N ews Age n cy qu.o ted Na tional Defense Staff officials as saying it was increasingly possible they were dealing with a new type of unma nned underwate r vessel tha t could evade their fl e e t of cru i s e r s and helicopters indefinitely The sub was discovered a w~k ago lurking near Musko base, a top-secre t Swedish naval facility on Hors Bay near the southern Stockholm archipelago. Deaf Orange Countians use 911 number soon STATE Market bans medication LOS ANGELES -At least one major suf>ermarket chain says it is going "out of the eye and nose m e di c ati o n business" until police and the FBI solve an 11 -month mystery of acid-laced eye drops in Southern California stores. Esther Kramer . spokeswoman for Alpha Bet.a markets, sa.id d oze ns of brands of such med ications have been removed from 128 markets in the Los Angeles area. The supermarket chain has more than 200 s t ores in Southe rn Californ ia from Bakersfie ld to the Mexica n border. Movie strike averted HOLLYWOOD -A strike that threatened to shut down pro duct ion of a ll motion pictures and most prime-lime t elevisi o n s h ows was tentativel y averted e arly today when union negotiators f or of f -camera c r e w s approved a new contract. The settl e m e nt was reached with th £ Inte rnatio nal Alliance o l Theatrical Stage F.rnployees the basic crafts unions and producers. Deaf pcoplc residing in som1• sections of Orangc County who own special telephones will be able LO use the e mergency 911 tele phone number s tarting Oct. 15 The entire county pro bably will be tied into the syste m , believed to be the first of its kind In the state, within weeks after the initial hookup, officials said. Use of the 911 line became possible with the recent donation of two telephone devices for the deaf -known as TDDs -LO the c'Ounty Sheriffs Department by the Roscoe Moss Company of Los Angeles. With TDDs law e n forcemenL officials will be able LO receive messages from the estimated 1,000 other TDD units in the ('OUnly The Dayle Mcintosh Center fo r the Disable d will train dispatchers in the use of the TDDs, prepare a tr aining manual and periodi ca lly t es t th e machines. The TDD, about the size of a desktop adding machine, has a hookup into which the telephon e receiver is placed, a keyboard for We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot ? What don't you like? Call the number at left and your message will be recorded. traNCribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642·8086 The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on a ny topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name a nd telephone number for vertfirallon No r•rculalion calls, pleue. Tell us what's on your mind. ......... , ' 0 9 0 1E..c-iy MMnt ~..51::11 ORANGE COAST Dilly Pilat ThemMP. Meley ,ubl,_ OllCI Chle* bte1111ve Ottoc .. L. K9y Schufta Voe•'~ Cllld Otr.cior ol ~ IOJ'Mf'41 Mod.Mn COlllr., •1tennefh N. 01dd•d Jr. Otr.c:IOI of ()petO!oOM • CIHelftff adwef1f9fftg 714Jl42·M11 All other -.rtment• 142~'21 MAIN °"'1CE . • wMC .. '4 , C•t• INM. CA AqH .......... 1111, C•I• "'"8, CA _.. cenr._ tWlt 0r .... c:.tt ,..,...,,..,. c_., ,.. -• ~. lllvtlr_....,,, M"tti.1 ~tf .. ¥tfllM_.. llfftlll lll•Y IM , ... -. .. •""8111 ...... ~"" ........ ,_, __ .. ,, VOL. 11. NO. 21t t y ping mcst1ages a nd a small scrt·l·n s imilar to that on a cakula tor which displays both the• m<.·ssage being received and that being sent Units range in pm-c from $300 to $1 ,000. The Oct 15 hookup will be only for unincorporated areas and those ctties which have contracl<'d with the she riff's dl•partmcnt for law enforcement st•rVIC'l.'S Poht'C' departments in aU other t•1t1cs are expected to be equipped to transfer TDD-originated 911 calls to the sheriff's department around Nov. l. FDA c hemis ts had not yet announced whethe r a fourth s u s pic i o us bottle fo und 1n Oroville contained polSOn St.nte Health Services Director Beverlee Myers on Wc'Cl ncsday ordered county and t.,ty health off1c1als to monitor the removal of· T y lenol capsules from drug s tore s h e l ves a nd u rgt!d ('Ons umers to get r id of the t·apsulcs Mobile honJ.e lotinJ granted in county •. Mobile home owners m some parts of Orange County may now qualify for low -interest loans to rehabilitate their coaches Under a county govc rnme nl- bat·ked program finant'ed with federal funds, about $600.000 is available to people who meet income guidelinl's. Interest on thl' 15-year loans. which are for a ma ximum of $10.000. will be l'lthe r five o r I I 111 percent, depending on income The program 1s available only lo pe rsons in unincorporated areas or cities with populations under 50.000. including the Orange Coast cities of Laguna Be ach . Seal Be ac·h and San Clemente . C1t1es with larger populations can run similar programs if they choose w ith money obtained directly from the federal government. Though loans in most areas will bl' limited LO people making no more than 80 pert't'nt of the county's median income. those living in 17 specially-targeted ar1.•as will be able to qualify with in<.-ome as high as 120 percent of the median. Spokeswoman Marti Guerra M a ra o f th e count y En - v 1 r n o m e n t a 1 M an age m e·n t Ag e n cy 's Hou s ing a nd Community Development OfOce said onl' loan a lready has btien grantc'CI under the program and that several other applit·ations arc bt>ing ronsiderl"d Tht' program is similar LO qne administered by the HED ofBce which offers low -intcretit loans fo r home• re habilita t1on, also funded with fede ral m ontY· Those inte rested in the progrfm can call the office a t 834-5200 ._...... ------_- • Orcange Co11t DAILY PIL01 I fhurtdoy. October 7, 1082 H/F NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN 'AC"flONs' QUOfAflON\tN(lUDl •••o••ON "" "'"" •O•• lliUOlllrf\f ... ,.,., "'"' •OHOw 0111011 ••D CIHtlHHAll \ICX• •• , ...... or• AWO ••N•t•D •• '"' OIA\D •110 llll UllO ' \•I•\ H•\ '•In frrrii•t \•I•• ..,,.,, \•I•\ Nrt \•I•\ N•I lit l nth C•O\# l~ t1 t h~h I h•\• C "4il t• l h(h f '""" f "\I f' l """ t ~u t nQ 1• I hth t hn• t "41 ~m. v •O "ff '.. . '-U•nJ' t .,. ,. u I J.. I. MM•IJ• •,,'.1U ~ 11 .. 11 •• • .... tr I au U1\ 'P11 • fiuto( u t /U I "''" 14 ~. • • rlellf tt II 't'• t >l tlAnJI I..... 1¥ I•'•• I '"" /W I\" l•arlN 44 11 JO 1111 , 1 lo lu( I IOI I '' 0 t '• 11lJ 41 1111* l;t.1 ~ UMl!ll<I I• 140 .... MM~',1'lf.._!ll //4 11)1" ''• t•or(•lt /0/11 lllJCl uli'" '• Nl t11 •Wt I "'111•~'-• 4, nn1, I• u JI I ....... ll•ndfl "'" , ... ,.. • v u -~' ... '~ ..... ,' :: "••h<I~ •• JI 111'1 • • •• }'II po.'' Ill 40•·. I • 'woo.-Not E"'' I 10 4tl 11t • • ., H•n"• 1 40 11 \/• JO , , MM•·~~~111 1 ~I 11v1 •• Iv • 1'•"00 Ill• • .l.J ''• .,.,., I /IJ I tilt J\ , " "l IHI\ \'V"' (~ •• HI 1)014 ,, I .. tl•tll1J I • h i1111••h• I r.... • 1,\ 40 ••• f'•nC11> ..... 11 ..... m·~ ''° 10 11 •I •• a~,.. '~ • · ·~ l!.:: '~: i:. 1 1 I!: nn ~ ... ~ •'" ~::~~ ;1 1 ' ~: "':'·. • :~:~~~ '°" ~ :~~ .~ .. : I •• ~:~~,i: ~~ u .~! : : .. 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M•r<<I.. •• )II ,.. f'fjlwl i 'Ill I l'I• , •• t •• ~wu •• , I ., • ••1 ..... ,, ACI '1• 11• ~ • I\ ~ )( • ll)O ~'·. 1~· ul.•"' t'O 1610 !!"" Ho~h ,. IU tu lb~. '• MtrMIU I H ) .. ) '"'• •• Ptnw f)I I t.o 10 I/ , .. r n1 n I/ • II 10h ~~~ (,p IM s:n :::: o I~: tt' : II 1f ,.:!: )~ O~e: :, ir I~ ul' ... : :':! t!9'l•M /I• IQ 1)1 !''-' ~ ~=:~~t srn 1!t }: .. I r.:::~S", 1: ~ 1:~ u::~: o, t;~:;~, I:; I~ ·~ ::~' •1 AMllwt '70 H" '-'• ~ 9'I ~ U! f:~•I 001111~·.~?.~ 7 fl'• 11:1~~ 16010 ~.,J!~:: "'N\-rrlol JOI)¥/) •'th1t Ptt0pl n 1 \l l'il 11, ~llO<ll 14 q\ tH•• '• AMII pl 2 II 1t 14'-• '• .. ~, • • ,.. • # 14 Jt~, \, M•l...C 111 W" 1'. Mr\llM 1 JU U t•) 't.i.", p, "•P•ll.O 1 •I 1J IJIMI u•• 11, SllO"Y I If/ • 1111\ 14.._, "' All'L ,, s >4 ... !WI ™ Uf :u• .t~. ·~ ·o~t.'1t "° .. / • .. , H•111n1 , '°" 110 •••·, " M•rlM 1 't1 • .,. 11• •••• ,,.,,c. \0 11 •>JI }\ .... )•"'~ 1 >1 1 100 }.I • , ;~ ~ ' 0 .~ ~": ;~ e:~m,,.t • • ,. 1'" • •1 &"° pfA "~ • 11f'~ 1 11;"' • ~ H:~':'l. ,, s >:t 1! .. : :: ::·l~ ~ ': ~~ "~ .' •:· :::~·.~ ... 1 ":: ~ ,•r • I ~~~i:o : ~ .rn~ ..::: : ... ~\/Jr. J1 U 'N U\, • It C l • t 40 .., I/'-' 1"' QllQ I I II j(xj • HfHUI\ I J1 10 1140 11'• t • 1 M•\tO .. 11 1\11 J'I • • I I. Ptlll\ • )'9 JI 11'. t • )l•l•J IO • .I04 II • • ' Allll.<11) ... ,, IMS ,, ... oil! (•m~ J IO ' UJ uJ'fh .... UllQ Ill , 120 '"'• •• tlerll<;. n •• ... ••• • M•Wlll f\ , .. ,, ••• I Plt1•1 •" IJ JJn ull •••• (11111111 "I> IJ IJ'l 11"" il• A<Me(: I 40 I •• JO-\.• ._ CAlnP I U 1'17 ••' 1' Ouq pf 10) f llO Ill)'-' \o HtrllC (Ill )0 1 I•••• I, M••M I lw 10 110 111\•o • '• l'""llJO )01 \(j) 11\o 1 .. )IMO!\ St 10 110 u1••• 1 I" Atm•E n UD 10 It /\, (dP~g I 40 !..!! , •••• 1~· OllQ Pl , 01 110011li~ ..... H•''"' JIO • It) ........ MA\fYI ISi .... '• Phlbro ... tO .... ,. .. 1•. IOllC:I 140 • 11'1 JO ACll'nOt CM • 0 ·~ ~. ~·nPt 9 IO ""' •• • • • Out OIM;1 IO • .,.,.. •• HfUIOll IOI \ w. M••tfl 'St ,. 10... .. lltl•l•ll I •I I 1<0 •• 10()()11 I'° l JO)tl ,, .. • • Ad<ll•,1)11 ., ....... •ntN .. nu • ., ...... Du Pt 13I 1100 II • V1 .... lnpltllk 10 •••• ,, Mttlnc ·~, IJ 10 •• '1>1111[ plJllO 11411 "'· IP•<Cll 101\ '° ''•• " AdmMI :ao. II u ''· C•P 1" IS JJI u'1'•. 4" UuQ pr 2 I\ llOO , ... I ••• H•uOlln , 17 'II )I•, I.,. MAIW~ )}1 10 15q ••••• , .. 81111[ •.•• ~ , ...... 1) 1 ••• ~-. 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IV I !'IY ••'•. • Sl .. flO Ut> II II , ••• AlrllFrt 60 20 111 IJ'•. •rP pl '., • 11 •• ~ t.~~!~ 10 ,. .. 1141' •• , Hiiton I io 10 6114 ,. ••• ·~ Mc Orm 1 IO ) •oo ...... Plllll pl I IO 11llO ~· • I Sl.,<111 I• H • 10 • .. ::~"''k" ~~ ,~·· :~:r..~:.~~ ~ En <O .;;: H m: ~n~·.~~,n';:~~~ .. u~:.::rn:::~: m ~··: .:~~1:~.::~.11~ i: •• ·• ~:~~~~.[j.~ .• ~~ ,:• .. Al•P Op1 e1 0 ... ArlHw I 1111 'IOI 14\.o • • • E••IAlr IO/) • HllOyA I IOI J \f'4'" t .. McOnh • IJ d41 u60 tl PNIMr 1 "I II II~ v\• • I'" SlnnJ I 10 • Iii II .. AltP pl II 140 II At tH r 1 I ,.,., '1 ~~},,w~ •'I ;~ an:' :: HOllYS I IJ) .,.. I M<OnO It• • IOIJ .,,,. " Phlllnct \111 IU 11 , "' Stwllltr •I .. 14 10 1H .. \, AlaP pl I I• •440 i..•,, •• C•rlW " • "" 1•1, • 1, E\Alr r> 10 tO ,.,., '• ~~~~r1 !X Slit~ JL • 1~, ~~g~~ I ~ t~ m :r·: ! ~~:w~r17 ~ rn:~ ~;: •,; ~M~<. I ~ J ~ uJ~ "', Al•P pl • ,. 1:111 ~9•. I C•K NC. I ., • "' • L•UC. I~ • •tJ lOloo •• , uo~· J~ 10 ... JJ • J .... 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Ctttron 60 • •n 1•"• • '• l:clu·rd 9111 '111 ll''' ~= t1c.nptp u llli 711" u•I'• • ' Mellon 714 • 101 )I••, 7 Ptun•ur t " A/4 ti • • '• SttidAlt I jA '0 t91 11'• 1, ., ••• , 131 ... • I Cenl•I '10 I Jt9 "" ••• :~::~; \ ~': : !~ ~~: .. Mol•lln ) II ,. )\ .... :: Me•••ll• I°' 11 .,.. "'° •• J. ~lrlt•~I :: :~ ,jo• i· . ' .. s .... ~ .Ill s ... 10 ' " AllOCD 10l I,.··~···· •ntfA 1S•• ,,)4 )().,. E•P•~ 141 1101.0111 '• HO.-OM 1ti010 l'l ull'•• •• ,,,,,,.! .... ,IOl\llU• IU111 •I•, ,.t nr ', "~UY•. 11• SuoP1(,t M.l() / l-) ")'f., ~· A .. lnl 140 • lril , .... 1'-CtnSoN I .. I 1SIJ ,... • Mou•Fb 40 I) llt u1• ••• MtrcllU\ I to • ., II ' ~11n11" I ,.111o1Q • 11. .... "' 1•~ ••• " A""'I~, '' • t• •. • enHud 2 41 !t 1, 9 Jtt. , 11 E PG Opf7 JS 7•S ut¥ • • Hou\ Int 1 •S 10 1\I09 2J • • 1• """" '=-' 11110 '''" u..O\tt • t ~ Plthtn t.o ) /WI IJ •• •• \une'' 1 .; 1•1 JI•, , ·:r."'• c a . ' • I lPGpl )I\ u ,, ... '• Holnlp11IO •• JI .1 MeWPI IO ••SO-..... I P••nN\ot • -Moel ••• •11n~h ... ~1111 •••• ' ':' II 1S t?l I~ •I 1 •nllllll1 1 ::_ ]QI !. '' 1'• El<or ]Q oil 1111' • • .. HOlnl pl• JS .. Sf MaNll 111• MJ Jl'°', •• Planlrn I• IJ 1"4 I/ , • :.,,. 0 J •• , lf'•I " , ~1 t 1 40 I tJll .,,, •• • '• 11 IP • ~ 1 -El•<A• u ,.. • 1 H ... INI 1 I• • 101S ?O"', • M h -I PlollOr 11 II I : '; v AIM<\G I It IJ 14 nlLI pl 111 '2!0 11••' • EDS .. n l\ll uJI , I" Ho1iNG 1 10 \ io. JJ , '-M!~; •>~ ; 1;;ij\ 1.o"' i'"9un"' I 1(1 •16 110 : .a.: ~~~,f, t ~ • 1.! ~·:: 1" ~:!:c': Pl~ ;'t • 2I~~ ~~: 11, =~~.I~ r :i ~r. 11~ ~ ' I.. ~~:,, I ·~ ;: : '' ~~~~~ 1 ~ 4 ~ I~ : ~ MIE pfQ 'IO 14'1 IS , I' P::f!l'O e4I IU JI• 1• • • SunMn Sil 9 , , •1 AkKppl 11 I tlhl '• UoEln IJ .. ,, Et11ln 160 • ~1 11'• MowP1 40 11 h I••• \ MIE p1JIJ1 1\0 IO I ~OAttd ~.i 191' 1~ .. " S11n\l•I Oil o 6 '· AlldPd Ill 10 ••• l•llp14 II • w . '• r:mnlot 7 11 ·••s IS . '1. HUbll1d ' • liO .... ' :!~t.: .... :r1 ':: ~:~: ' .. ;:;~~ IO!~ ':t: ~ ... : 1. 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Im c·xt•( ut1vc., pleadc.·d HU•lly in Ft.•b1 u.1ry I ~HI to two t:oullL'I nl trunsporlltlU Ktol1•n l'hl-<:kb A t•11ll to r ox Prfltwls fo1 t'CJmment Wt:dnc-sdoy w.1~ r1111 m111·11 rl1,111 ly rc·turnPd M exican s to r e pay d ebts SAN Dlfo:uo (A~) J\n industry ~pokei.m;.in S<JVl> &11! CiJltfwma 1111•1th.111L' h<>fX' to start rt>paying .i repo1 ll•d $500 million own<•d to US business s upplier ... by lhl' end of N11vt mix r ' All ~us1m•sst's r1ow an· In th< protcss of 1t•gunt 11ng Llit•1r fo1t•1gn dt•b ts with lhP minister of f1nant1 ' l>Cltd Curios BusLamuntt'. who htads the &p California Dtvclopmt nt Council A~ut. onc•-third o f tht· mone>y 1s uwed to Caltforn1a bu:.1nC'sses Bu:.lomantt told a gc•ws tunfl•n:nc t• Wt'flnt.'Sd.1y in S.111 D1tgo Grocer y ads protest e d LOS ANGELES (AP> A <.:onsumer group urging pas.<;agt• of Proposll1on 11, the state's so-called Bottlt! 8111," sayi. supt.•rmarkl't choins are unfairly .. •' placing • No on 11 mt'SSClgL'S 1n and on grocery bags ReprcsN1ta11ves f rom the California P ublic lntc.•H•st Rciwu1d1 Group held news conferences Wtdn< sd;iy 111 supermarket park111g lots around the stat1· to rnmplutn But opponents o f the measure, 1m lud1ng gru<trs say the-ads an· lcg1t1mate a nd JUSltf1rd The· propos1L11m would'rf'qu1rC' a minimum 5-cent deposit on v1rtur.tlly all can-. and bottles of bc.'C'r and soft drinks sold in the state 1( It was approved by volt.•rs Nov :l STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW 10RK (AP) ll•ln Wect PU<• •net twt "~ ot trw t11t,..n '''°'' .cu~ New Yori. \foe:~ E•t n.M\Of ''""'' ~~Cl~Jn .... 1,_11, •; 1~1001~.".~~ , ''" Am•' 1&1 14'1,tOO ~1.,., •'"' IBM I )ft 100 1' • J't FtON•t MtQ I tl1 100 1'•• • H. t:.ol KOCMlo I OJl lOO 94'• •I~ WlllrlPOOI •tt 000 J4I • • 'lo Cll•<O<P • 100 JI.. • .... ~llh;mbfg ISJ 000 :14"> '' f:HIM"l .. 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CONSTtlUCTION QUALITY 2" x 6 " x 10' SURFACED 4 SIDES aouglo• l=lr J/8 "X4'X8' SANDED SHOP . PIVllllOOd •&•• •••• 2"x 6"x12' .............. SAii 2"X6"X14" ................ . RECULAR PRICE SALE PRICE . MFC. REBATE 2"X6"X16' ................ .. Or1er ,1011n C•811H1e , ••.. ... '11Ut . _.. Oak allllMt tNt wl ,,_ • tllftl IDG tlf ti· trast9flll'lllCl.fln. J/4 " x 4' x 8 ' or~lcle oord , .. CMClE ,.,,,,,,,..c.,,e .,,.,,~ , •.. SIB" 1t 12" 1t 4a" Klecll•n ... non mtUllc fMtt fits ,..uc.e all standard sinks. • ' •• g Featum ittrxtlft smok· • ed aallC llMdes. 11521. ftG. '19.M 10 YEAR ACRYLIC C•ulk •ts• ltg. 'Ut . tan lie used In Wtualy all CaullOnl applbttons. ---mis-t.ant. 10 Ol. THERE'S AN .•• AN88LS IN YOUR NEIOHBORHOOD SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9 TO 9. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 TO 6. · ECONOMICAL 112" x 4 ' x 8' ~ •11eeerock •••• BFOOT USED ••llril•d r1 .. •a•• Cedar Fencing 1" 1t I " 1t 5' DOC EAltltfD ,.1c11en •••••••••• gge EA. 1"" .... " •. ••II• ._,, . . . . ....• t gg EA . .... " .... " .. .... N .... ,, .......•••• EA Ffncf In your Yan! or ~ Wlttl cu fflldn9 <ilft YN'5fff ClftVXl With a rustic lookln!I fen<f lnD from ced¥. can lie painted or rtJIMCS. 11 .......... ~ SINGLE HEIGHT 2J" ""ork,,,oe ~•sa•• Tlll5 comeact ~ aft handle all tllf ""'' ll(lgllt JobS fOU hM to 00. At 22 lbS. '°" can set It up anywfterl. 11"05. 119-009 WORKMATE ............. •S8.88 119-001 DELUXE WORKMATE ..... •88.88 HCJllltY, WHU OUANTmES LASTI ~N'.SAM> •. ,,,,., ,, ... •..,.,ood •e.ln IS •al!!' ·age: ...... • 1511 Nof1ll Miiis 394 Orlftll Sflow \OH& E Fifftlone 12112 Ctllp!Nn 2317 E South St 7800 EOlllOlf Awe 12140 VietofY 3308 S lfl .... St 10331 Maonolil 13"1 S w.twn 977& ...._Ad nt4 S ........... (7'4) 124•1tn (714) ...... , (213) ...... , (71 41 7'°"3441 (2131 42"7&et (7141147-ICJee (213) 341·N5o (714) 9~·1111 (7141 llMOM ll13) &32-2133 (714) MC>-0212 17141 913·3944 .. - I Illy Piiat THUA80AV, OCT. 7, 1982 HS ENTERTAINMENT ca COMICS C10 TELEVISION C 11 Sonu• ~ub titute for those ~ u11day witllout football. C6. • .. ~Little hall' haS Angels thinking big. One more victory and it will be a Mauch_ery By.CURT SEEDEN O('the DellJ..... ..... ' The cogs inside Angt>I Manager Gene Mauch's brain, the ones that grind out a version of baseball now known as Mauch- ball or Little Ball, are a t rest today. Once again , the Ange l sk ipper has be ne fited lrom JUSt the right blend of bunts a nd bombs, but this time the end result means so much more. ReJU(ie Jackson"s booming home run to centcrfield and plenty of sacrifice on the· part of Tim Foli and Bob Boone carried the Angels to a 4-2 victory over the Milwaukee Brewers Wednesday night. And 64,179 fans at Anaheim Stadium bad them a thunderous farewell as they now tre k to the midwest where they can wrap up the American League championship with one victory in Milwau~ee with three cha~ lO do so. So, the Angels did wha,t they wanl(.'CI to do. They swe pt the first two games of the American League playofls. And they did it an stunning fashion -through the work of two comple(e game e fforts. First came To~ John's 8-3 triumph Tuesday nig ht, but~n no way did T J 's per formance stand up to that of Bruce KiS<>n's who held the Brewers to a scant fi ve hits, three of the infield variety. Things do, indeed, look bright for the Angels. Believers in the past can take heart. in knowing that the team which host.ed the first two games of the Ame rican League Now you AL playallN at a 111aneP Frlday'a same -Angels a t Miiwaukee. 12:1~ p.m. Friday's pltcbers -Geoff Zahn ( 18-8) of the Angels vs. Don S utton of the Brewers (4-1). . TV.-Channels 5 and 7 al noon. Announ<.-ers: Channel 5 -Bob St.arr , Ron Fairly and J oe Buttitta: Channel 7 1 Keith Jackson , Earl Weaver and Jim P almer. Radio -KMPC (710) at noon. Announcers -Bob S tarr and Ron Fairly. R e maining sc h e dul e - Saturday's game, if necessar y : in Milwaukee, 10 a.m.: Sunday's game, if necessary: in Milwaukee. 1:20 p.m. championship series, has gone on to win 9 of the first 13 series. ·More importantly, no team in league championship series history has ever won a series after dropping the first two games. ''I'm no mathematician but I do know that one out of three is a helluva lot better than three out of fi v&i" surmised Mauch. "I like our chances -I liked them when we started." Still, Mauch had to be a bit concerned about the Brewe rs' starter Wednesd ay nighl. Right-hander Pete Vuckovich eame into the contest with a 3-0 record and 2.35 se·e 'em -- earned run average against the Angels in • 1982. And OV('ra ll, VuckoV1ch maintained a 5-0 record and 2. 73 ERA against the Angels during has career. But Mauch simply l.'OUnlt!red by pitching Kison, a veteran of four previous league championship series and two World Series. On top of that, he's always been a fut finisher. And that was the case Wednesday night. Kison needed just over two hours to tame the Brew ers, losing a bid for a shutout when Paul Molit.or's sinking line drive eluded Fred Lynn in centcrfie ld for a fifth-inning, inside -the -pa rk h ome run with Charlie Moore aboard. At that stage of the game, the Angels still held a 4-2 lead. and they dad their usual scratching for three of those runs. In the second , Ly nn opened with a single, and one out later, Doug DeCin<.'CS whacke d a double into le ft-cen ter. DeCinces' h it looked like no\hing m ore than a single, but the ball bounced as if it. was on an artificial carpet, nearly rolling to the fence. Vuckovich then hit Bobby G rich with a pitch to load the bases. That brought up Foli, who would normally squee-ze in that situation. But Mauch let the little shortstop swing away and he laced a single to left to score Lynn. Mauch saved the squ~ze play for Boone who did JUSt what he had done four (See ANGELS, Page C4) Presto! Like magic, Brewers are gone, but haven't disappeared· By JOHN SEV ANO oru. .,..., ~ "'" U any Angel players are still wondering what they can do for a Living once their playing days are over , they'JJ be happy to learn that most could probably have l uc r ative c areer s as magicians. The Milwauke e Brewers would certainly attest to th~ Angels' shght ot hand. ~n. w ith front row .. ta the put two nights, the Brewen are shaking their heads In bewilderment. trap doors, no curtains a11d no collapsible boxes -jus. two strong pitching performances from Angel hurle rs Tommy J ohn and Bruce Ki.son. was talking abou t. In 18 playoff innings. the Brewers have gone out in orde r nine times and they've h ad the leadoff batter reach base only twice. change. Hopefully, we'll go back to Milwaukee and get things together." "WE CAN come back. I don't thank it's impossible," agreed Ben Ogilvie. "These two games ·· .. there was nothing we could do about it. They've h ad good pitching a n d you have to give them credit. It was K.ison, following In the footsteps of John, who continued to keep the potent Brewer bats quiet Wednesday, as the Angels poste d a 4 -2 verdi<'t in the American League Championship Serles. Milwaukee has also !ICOred a total of only live runs, after leading the league with a 5.47 avera~e. Deir ""''PMte ... MoMrd " ...... "Those were two of the quickest games we've played all year," said d esignated· hitter Roy Howell. "All we did was blink a n d we're 0-2," noted Pa ul Molitor. "I'm not surprlsed we're in the position we're in because they have a good ball club. It's just everything has happe ne d so quickly," continued Molitor. "It s a combination of good pitching and we're not swinging the bat well," offered Molitor, who provided the Brewers with t h ei r o nly two runs o f We dnesday's game with an inside-the-park home run with Charlie Moore on base in the fifth inning. "I don't 1thjnk desperation i.a the right w ord to describe our position. We're not in a Life-and- death s ituation . We just have to go back to Milwaukee with the frame of mind that we can win it. Finl baseman Rod Carew gives Bruce Kison a congratulatory hug after the Angels right-hander pitched a 4-2 complete game victory against Milwaukee. F or t he Brewers. 1 t wa'S that quick. And, there were no "We've been through a lot of quick rn.rungs an this sen es and we've had a lot of trouble getting the leadoH man on." M oli t or kn ew what he "Friday's game will be the most important one of the season for us. Just like Sunday's was in Baltimore." _, -Rain falls on Braves' parade "h 's frustrating because w e were on such a high coming in here. I'm a little disappointed, too. because I didn't expect to see a complete game in this series and already they've thrown two at us." Much is going to be said over the next couple of days about the Brewers' position. Nobody in AL champions hip history ha'S eve r come back from such a deficit. Aga inst the Orioles, the Brewers relied on a crafty right- ha nde r by the name of Don Sutton to bail them out of a tight spot. Friday, they'll ask Sutton to do at again. "This game is b ased o n pitching." Oglivie added. "If you have good pitch ing ... well, let's j ust say lha l right no w the Angels hold the upper hand." ST. LOUIS (AP) -A restart is pending but Manager Whitey Herwg says his St Louis Cardinals already have an edge over the AUanta Braves in the' National League Championship Series. Probably disappointing t he Atlanta manager the m ost was the groove into which knuckle baller Phil Nie kro had settled just before the rains struck with the game just two outs short of being official. teams had left the field. About 2 ~ hours later, when it failed to subside, Williams ordered the game played over tonight. Niekro, a 43-year-old pitcher who had waited since 1969 for a return to the NL playoffs, made no e ffort to disguise his dejection. lF ·THERE is a team capable of accomplis h ing such a feat "We were one run down. Any time you 're one run down and get rained out, it's to your advantage," said Herzog following Wednesday's weathered-out opener to the best.-of-five series. "There's no doubt it's a break for us." Niekro, rocky at the start, wiggled out of a bases-loaded jam in the bottom of the St. Lo uis fi rst. H e also survived Lonnie Smith's two-out triple in the third because Tommy Herr, the Cards' leadoff batter. was caught stealing a fter a single. though,it wouJd appeartobe t~e .• ! "IT'S ALWAYS bee n my ~rew~rs, who have faced this contention that good pitching satuallon before.. will beat good hitti~ and they .~.t year .. d~nng. their Eastern (John and Ki.son) haven't made a D1v1s1on man1 -ser1es w ith the lo t o f m ista k es w ith th e New York Y81'.'kees, the Brew.ers baseball." ana lyz:ed P e te were 0-2. havm~ lost their flrst Vuckovich , T uesday's losing While Herz:og counted his blessings, Atlanta counterpart Joe Torre had trouble accepting the Urning of home plate-umpire Billy Williams' decision to suspend play. Williams , an umpiring veteran of 20 magor-league campaigns, defended his decision to scrub the contest after Ozzie Smith grounded out to start the St. Louis fifth. "I think a ny pitc h e r w o uld be disappointed a t being that close," said Niekro in respect to the baseball rule that robbed him of victory. "It's been 13 years. I could have waited four or five more hours." two games ~ Milwaukee. pitcher. Not only dad .the Brewers ~me Vuckovich, who came into the Herzog said Niekro's absence on t he mound for the Braves, possibly until Saturday; would work to his club's advantage. back to knot things at ~wo-~p1ece, game with a 3-0 record and a 2.35 but ther we re leadan.f m the ERA against the Angels in '82, seventh mning of the ft th game wasn't that bad himseU despite before the Yankees finally pulled the defeat. "I don't think the game would have been called that quickly during the regula r season," said Torre after wa tching his Braves hold a 1-0 with one out in the bottom of the fffth mrung· when playi~ was atopped. "I have no animosity. It's a playoff game, and he knew they wanted to complete it." "I didn't want a n yone criticizing, whether It be the umpires or anybody else. that we played just to get two ou ts," Williams said. "I would have handled the situation the same -whether It was 0-0, 10·0 or. as it was. 1-0." "I'd have to say it favors the Cardinals. It favors us because Niekro can now pitch one time," the St. Louis pilot said. "We're going to lose our best pitche r (J oaquin Andujar), too. You're saying that that game was going to end 1-0, but I'm not sure it would." it out. The Ange ls to u c h ed the ''That's why 1 don't consider 18-game winner for two runs in this insurmountable," catcher the second . one in the third and • Ted Simmons quietly explained. one more in the fourth. "BasebaU is a funny game and "Still. out.slde ot two pitches. A heavy downpour ensued o nt.'e the the nice thing about it ls that it's everything J threw was right no.t predictable . Things can ISee NOW, Pa1e C4) I Sutton feels no pressure on eve of start Ex-Dodger burler will be trying to keep Brewers alive Friday jgainst Angels BY HOWARD L. HANDY dolng right now. I don't feel any pressure about this breaking. ball, maybe but that doesn't matter." or .. Deir P99' .... game at all." Having never pitched against the Ange ls, does There's one tnins about patching an the With his thinking about the important he fl~ it will be a help or a hindrance to hlm? American t.ea1ue that Donald Howard Sutton assignment Friday Sutto n Is looking to other . 1 We have a lot o{ guys here who h ave played won't mt. from hia days with the Dodgers and worlds to conque r. ' agalMt them and 1'11 read the charts and re~rts. Aatroe. "Sure, 1 have some goals and I hope to be able Obviously, any Information 1 can get by watching "I don't ml.a hitting one btt., .. Sutton says on to fulfiU them with Milwaukee. I would like to win television or In pel"'llOn here tt the park will be the eve of hia most important auign~nt slnce· 300 games (He has 258), I would like to win a World helpful. Sunday with hi• lateat team, the Milwaukee Series game and I would like to pick up 3,000 "It's just a matter of m y golng and getting the Brewers . "Now I d on't h•ve to show people atrikeouta ICOUling reporU and studying them. womething I al.ready know. I can't hit.". "Th~ goals will keep me workl"g out this "When I'm pitching to Fred Lynn I'll be • All he did Sunday was pitch the final fame of wmter and It wUI be fun to come home here to thlnklng Dave Parker (Pittsburgh). And when l 'm d)e resular wuon to aaure the Brewen o a one, Orange County (Laguna Hilla) after the 111Cuon." . pltchln1 to Tim Foll, I'll be thinking Chris Spier paw rnarain ovek' Baltimore In a head-to-head Has the mood changro with the Brewers belns (Montreal). battle with a 10·2 vic1ory. two games down? ''There are a lot of compart.ons •nd I wlll put Now all he has to do to prove hlnwelf again is .. 1 haven't aeen It change and I like that," each Anfel batter in a mold to conform with iake the mound Friday afternoon In Milwaukee Sutton aays "This cornea from the collection of aomeone know In the NatJonal League . .,alnlt the M&ela In the b9ttle for the Amer1can people on this club They uc confident but not "Montreal, Philadelphia and Plttabur:ah ar~ ~ title. 'l'he Brewers are down 0·2 In the cocky Thls Is the ~t ball club t have ev r been on pretty good hlttlna teams Ln the NatJonal Le.,ue belt=of-flve 'leriee and a la. will ellmlnat.e them. and that Include. the 1977 and 1978 Dodsen who and I have had my ups and downt wtth them. l waa " s d d l • .-.a 0-0 In 10 lnnlllP with Monll'ffl, then they Col six "What pressure? utton retpon e to a were very ta fftACU. runt In the flrat lnnl the next time r pttched quesd~ about enjoyln1 the pre11ure cooker "But this iMm I.I the bftt collecdon I have ever aplnat them. But that~the way th11 prne ps. atmc:llpheN he flnda hiJNeJf in with Milwaukee. been with." "I hllve pltehed more lnnlnp this year than ~ ..-i't any d:::re t~:1&ft a:i:~r:i··s Other than the fact that he won't bf hlttlnl In any teaton ahK'e uncs. It hu been a Cun y_etr, ~_,..,,., you are n1 ' the .Am@rican tAouu• wlth the detl6JN1ted hitter, npedally now betn1 ln the r>laYOfft." ..-,are. aft there othtt dllCerencee he hu noticed whlle Oeneral Manapr Harry 'Dahon who hN put the c:omplllnc a 4.1 record with the ~wen? CW'ttnt Milwaukee teem t.opther ln matt instances, "I haven't been able to wU a difference," he rMde the dee! for Sutton ;mt befor. the Sept. l 11ys. "TNn an more p10ple here pared to hit~ (Sff DON, Pa•e C•> Don utton f • • llllCICUIT . T IHJR S OA Y OC T O Hl II : l'HI/ OF•ANGE COUNTY . CALI FORNIA 25 CENTS Mesa employment firm facing state probe By JODI CADENHEAD OfltMDeltyNotllaft A Costa Mesa business that sells job lists to unemployed people is under investigation for alleged misleading advertising practices by Costa Mesa police and a state employment a1tencv. Help Wanted Publication, 2110 Harbor Blvd., opened in August, hu been the target of complaints from people who answered newspapers advertisements for Copter • • VIClllll nailled A pilot killed Wednesday in a mid-air helicopter explosion that scattered debris over a Santa Ana golf cour# has been identified as a 62-year-old Newport Beach businessman. Thomas A. Ballas of Newport's Harbor Ridge, was at the oontrols of the Robinson R22 helicopter he had purchased only the day b efor e when the I 0 :05 a.m . explosion and crash occurred, authorities said. Th e a cc ident is unde r investigation by the National Transportat.ion Safety Board. Santa Ana police arriving at the crash scene on the second hole at River View Golf Course found wreckage in flames and Ballas dead, said police Sgt. Irv Mueller. There were no injuries to people on the ground. · Ballas, described by famil y members as an experienced pilot, was the owner of a mobile home manufacturing firm based in Ontario. The he licopter had departed from J ohn Wayne Airport only minutes before the crash, said Ralph Odenwald, airport towe r chief. A witness, Joe Starbird, 20, of Garden Grove, said he was en route to classes at Santa Ana College when he heard a pop. He said he saw one of the helicopter rotor blades fl y off and saw the pilot attempting to climb out of the cockpit just prior to \he exploaion. specific jobs and were then told to pay $25 for the lists, officials said. Sue Elias, a state employment official, said a letter was sent last month ordering the firm to stop adve rtising speci fie jobs in newspapers. S he said the company is not licensed as an employme nt agency and can only sell lists of jobs and not advertise specific jobs. The sign says· it all Steve Shulman, u Cost.a Me.a police Investigator, said he has received several complaints from dissatisfied customers. ' "It's certainly unethical," said Shulman. "A number of people who ar;e buying that !1st are unaware that wha t they'r e bu ying is In the ne wspaper , which is not to say. It's illegal, but so me o f the ir advertising practices are ." Help Wanted owner Johannes Vonderra could not IX' reached for c'Omment. An employt't· at the firm said customers receive a refund offer good for 30 doys ii they arc not satisfied with the services offe red by the firm. A 47-year-old Coeta Mesa IT\lln who asked not to be identified said he turned to the publicauon Monday after gelling laid off from h is job. One job he was told about There was jubilation at the Big A for the second straight night Wednesday as these fans watched their Angels rap out a 4-2 victory over the Milwaukee Brewers and inch within one victory of their first World Series. Puzzling stock rally continuing By CHET CURRIER a1 ........ ,..., NEW YORK -Happy days are here agajn, at least on Wall Street, where a stock market boom has confounded expert.s who can't explain the rally while the economy is still in a slump. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks scor ed ils second -b es t ga i n ever on Wednesday, soaring 37.07 points to 944.26 -nearly matching the record jump of 38.81 points on Aug. 17. Trading volume on the New York Stock Ex~hange, a t 93.57 mUlion shares, was not quite in the same league with the 100 million-plus days of a few weeks ago a nd the peak ·o f 137.33 million shares on Aug. 26. But Wall Street analysts said there was good reason to expect more triple-digit volume days after Wednesday's explosion in stock prices. The Dow Jones indus trial average has now risen 167 points.' or almost 22 percent, in less than two months. Buyers h ave continued to clamor for stocks d espite many government st.at.ist.lcs indicating the economy might have weakened in August a nd S e ptember, instead of recovering. On Friday . the Labor Department is due to report on the unemployment rate for last month. Many private economists expect the data to s how 10 percent of the work force out of jobs for the first time in more than 40 years. Few analysts had a r eady explanation for the para dox. Some s k e ptics s aid the rally made no sense, except as the prelude to a collapse -like the "false" rally In late 1929 as the De pression of the 1930s was approac hing. Most agreed there was an element of unreality to a day (Wednesday) when the prices of F.astman Kodak, Teledyne, Texas Instruments and Lockheed all rose at least $7 a share. "This is a buying panic by investing institutions who are rushing into blue chip stocks because they expec t lower inte rest rates," said Charles J ensen, an analyst at the finn of MK.I Securities Inc. One import.ant inte rest rate, the r ate on federal funds - short-tenn loans between banks -dro ppe d Wednesday to 8 percent from 10.25 percent Tuesday. The fed funds rate is frequently more volatile than other interest rates. Some Wall Street proCesslonall appare ntly lnterpreted that drop as a signal that the Fede ral R ese r ve had d ec ided t o !See WALL STREET, Pase AZ ) Panel may enter residency dispute By DAVID KVTZMANN O('hDl!llr .......... A residency dispute between two candld•tes In Orange County's newly created 32nd atate Senate district became the subject of apedal inquiry before a two-man Senate committee. That w., the lmpre98Jon left with reporters in Santa Ana Wednnday when at.ate Sen. Paul Carpenter , D -Cypreaa, announced that formation of the committee already had been approved by Senate President Pro Tern David RobertJ, a felJow Democrat from Loa Angeles. However, Roberti later Mid ln a telephone intervi~w that he had not yet authorized any hearing into charges which were thrown out of court two weeks ago that GOP candidate &!ward Royce had failed to legally estabU.h residence in the central Orange County district before taking out candidacy papers earlier thla year. Royce ls running against Democrat Frank Barbaro In the· district that Includes Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach. Roberti said he wu waiting to receiv~ a formal request from Carpenter before calling up membera of the five-man senate ----llDEX---- At Your Service A9 Horo.cope Al ( Erma Bombeck A4 Ann Landera All Bu.Jne. 84·~ Movies C8-9 Cavalcade All National New1 A3 Cl...tlled Dt.DS>-6 Public Notkee C6,D2-3 Comb ClO Sporu Cl-7 0-0.Word ClO Or. Stefncrohn .All O..th Notlcft D2 Stock Marketa & lcU1oriaJ AlO 'televllion Cll F.nterialnmen t C8·9 The.ten C8-9 Weather A2 j ~ Rules Committee, which would have to authorize such a fact- finding probe. It later turned out thal a formal request from Carpenter arrived, when the Cypress Democrat drove late Wednesday to Roberti's Hollywood office to meet with the Senate leader. Rob e rti s aid he w o uld probably begin calling Rules Committee members today and Friday, raising the possibility that hearings could be held in Santa Ana next Wednesday, when Carpenter .claimed they would begin. The lmpartl•lity of such proceedings waa called Into questio n Wedn es da y by Republicans, however. Altiea to Koyce said that Carpent.er and Roberti were two of four Democratic legislators who slaned a Sept. 22 letter seeking financial aupport for Barbaro'• c:ampalan. They said any hearln11 c haired by Carpenter would amount only to • "kancaroo CO(U'\.'' Barbaro , co ntacted WedJ\etday . Mid he would be pleated to anawer any que.tiona pertaining to hit resldency In the A 32nd Senate district . "At this point, I don't know what the ground rules are," the Democratic candidate said. "But 1 am willing to cooperate with any senate commltttt which wants to Investigate my residency." Two w eeks ago , Orange County Su perior Court Judge Robert Rickles dlamlsaed a l;awsull challenging Royce's candidacy because·. the judge said. his court lacked JurhidlcUon In the matter . Onl y the Leslslature la e mpowered to make determinat.lona concemlna a candld•te's qualification.a for lelislaUve office. Rickles said. "Three resident.a of the 32nd diltrict had claimed that Royce ahould be dlllquallfled becau. he had no\ Uv~ In the dlatrfct at ' leut a year prior to the election. One of the plalntlHa in the auJl w .. former county OernocratJc Party 00. William Thom. At a noon preat conference Wedntlldaty. C&rpenter pve the •t.ronc 1m.,.....ion that a al*lal committee he would chair alrNdy w• lo butlnett. He uld the Chy Council chamber• a\ Sant.a Ana City Hall had bet?n (See RESIDENCY, P11e At) a turned out l~> have 00.m fllll'd in Sc•ptt•ml:)(:r, the man said He said all the tips he'll lx•(•n glvl'n havt• been job!! that he tril'd that morning after SC'i!lng the ads in thl' newspapl'r "It's rough to be out of work," hl' aa1d. "But gelling rippl'd off 1i, really bad." Arnold York. 47, Hunungton B e ac·h i;aid h e sa w a n advertiseme nt in the Orange· Co unty R eg i s t e r for u maintcnancoe nwchunic He WWI t11ld he would have to get $25 lO l'\'l'C01ve thl' hst of jobl Out of work five months, York smd he figured 1t Wall worth a try F'or $25 York was given a Uat of JObs om-e a week and w a5 told to call between 5 a nd 6 p.m . every night for new l~ds. "But every job th4' told me about I had already seen in the (See J.08, Page A2) • Aii·port parking peril • • ID By STEVE TRIPOLI ofttw Deltr Pt6ot Steff Orange County supervisors, who soon will be asked to take the first steps toward bu1Tdmg an 1,800-car parking lo t at John W ay n e A.irport, may f i nd themselves facing a n old nemesis on airport issues -Ne wport Beach -if they advance the plan. The co unt y Airp o rt Commiss10n this week voted to for ward a list o r p o tential designers o f the project to supervisors, who are expected to t'Ons1der a call for proposals on the $230,000 job within a month. But Newport Beach officials already have made it known that they m ay v i~w s u c h a n expansion as a violation of a court ruling they won in Januaty against the county. If the supervisors go ahead with the plan, a Newport Beach official said Wednesday, the city will seek legal advice on the isaue with an eye toward stopping it. T he city already has spent about $800,000 on fta challenge to the airport's mas ter plan for expansion. city Executive- A.ss1-tant Ken Dellno saJd. That challenge resulted in Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner's ruling that the environment.al impact study for the $100 million expansion was lnadequate. Sumner's ruling also enjoined (Sff AIRPORT, Page At) Sam Willett, 27, lands in front of his adoptive mother Ruth Willett as he await arrival in Washington, D.C., of his adopted brothe r, pedaling a bike from San Juan Capistrano. Cyclist nears DC on brother's plea By ANN BLACKMAN .......... ,,..."'"" WASHINGTON -David WlUeu II pedallna hit bike from C.Ufomla to tht natJon'• capital where he hopet to ronv!nce the 1overnment not to deport tht Ubtrian man who hu lived u a member of hla fa mily for 10 y,,.,.., Ruth Willett aaid today h r ton It ex~cted In Waahlngton at about 3 p.m. PST. She aid O.vld had C('Vered 400 mllu of exhauat10, mount.alnoua terrain durll'\I the wt two claya. "I wish I'd h eard from h1m iii the Jut 24 hours but l haven't," ahe said. Government offlclala auapect the Willett family adopted the 27-year·old Liberian, whoa• name la Sam. (or the purpm ol serving H a hired employM, accordln& to Rep. Romano Mau.oil. 0-Ky. (See BIKE, Paa• Al, J ....... ----------... --------------~-------------------------------,-------------- ' 190(1 \ Was N"RC -at falllt in On of re dispute? B PROGRAM • • • nl' of the· Jl >b.'I ll~led an ttw pany pubhcLllwn wus 1111 a khand. It turnt·d out tu hl· o in LonH 13cuch thul h1.· wai. IKE BATTLE avid M W alll•ll 81 . t ht· the r , flatly rl•Jt.><:l s t h a t ment "Ther1.' an· four kid !> our fo rr11 ly and S am has d w1 t'~ the> rest of t hl'm. But th1.·n ··, " told 10 p11y $1 7~ to litkt•, lw Nilld l>l•puty D1stn~t uttornl'Y Diu111· StnvcnhuJ(t•n 1rn1d thul u j o b 11ubht·ut1or1 In Wt•11trnm1iler. Job lvtl11w , d1>st.'C! Cow monlh11 ut(O 1tf tt•r n l'Ompl:unl wos falt•d Cur 1111sJ<·udanK advert111111u prul·l 1c•c-s. • • • 1111 wuy lw'b a 11t•1vunt. nu w.1y, lw s.11d Thi• ) o u ng1·r D11v1d 1:-1111 .1pp11•11lll'l' l'nganl't'I' whcJ tua rll-tl ~I llll his thrc-c-W<'(·k ,1uur n1•y ESIDENCY PROBE • • • 'rvl•d by him fo r ht•aring!. ,1l H .&1tn. Wront'sday Hl' s;11d 1t was his hop1• 1 h.11 S tatt· S<·n K t·n Madd v . H • Fr£>sno. would bt· ch0St·11 t•; M'l'Vt· un thl' panel with him Carp<•ntc·r saut l'Vt•n thou~h hearing~ would bl• lwlcJ onl y two weeks bC'fure tht.' Nov :! l'l<>t·taon, hr hopc.'CI any n.•sick ncy qu<'st111n!> would lend lo d1squali f1cat11111 of 11 cand1dall' 01· l'and1dall'!> in lllnl' • ( o r p a rt y I e a ch · r s t o p 1 " k l'eplan·nwnts T his would !>i.IVI' h tlilC' <:ost of holdi n g a sp1•t·1al 1•l<'<.·l1on. hl· smd 11,, ,Again. Hobt'r l1 d1sagrt•ecJ . lk h ~d lhl' Ll'g1slature 1s an rt'<.'t..~'> ru twlll Dl'<.·t•mlx·r ;m d aetton by lhl· uciull St•nutt• could univ Ix· lclkt•n ·IUI <ii ll'I' tht• VOll'l'S pll'kl•d II n1•W <;lalt• St.'OUlOI', Ill• said the Se>n utc would likely refuse to seat a can'Cfidatc w ho had failed to meet rc·sidt•ncy r~uarcmenlS. Roye£> has d uiml'<i that Barbaro also dOC'S not ml'«'l rt•s1dcncy requ1rcmt•nts Ex pl aini n g h a ~ ow n 1nvolv c mc nl in thr d 1s putl·. C a rp~n t er m a 1nta 1n cd Wl•dn<'sday tha t he a pproached Holx-rll a bout holding hC'urings a fll'f Wes tmins te r a tto rn('y Kt•nncth G olden callt•d h 1n1 tu suggest that the· &matt• o ught 111 look mto the res1drncy rh uhurb Golcfrin repreSt:nll'<-f Thom. lht• fo rmer D c· m o c-r a t 1 c· P :1 r l v l'hairmetn, in th<• Orang1• County la wsuit AIRPORT PARKING • • • ._•I 1f'lt h e co u n t y from m a k 1 n g 1•19igniflnant changL•s at thl' a irport .,,tmtal ano thl·r t•n v1ron ml·ntal . •· r.e p ort l' o u Id bl' a pp r o v l' d D e I 1 n n c· h a r g e cJ t h d t con st rut·tio n o f thr p a rking '1't'-.tci11tv could b e cuns1d1·n ·d a ":sig n 1°f H '<t n t t·h a ngt· u nd l'r •1 '$umnC'r's rulmg "Then•~ a good md1ca tion t ha t ~a l's lx•ing prupo:.C'd v1ula tt·s Judgt• Sumncr'l> ruling." he· :w1cJ P a r k 1 n g and a 1 r pc rt an l's~ 1mprovl'ment.s wL•re part of t h1· origina l mastl'r p lan ," Dl'l1nn said, adding "w<' spt·n t $800,000 'tighting that plan " 1' • Dehno wou ld not <.'Ommll the· 'I ~ 'p ty to a l'halll'ngc of the· park mK .°,Proposal. but hi' said catv off1c:1ab •I • )>V i ii m o n ito r its prog r a m -. ' through <.:ounty govnnmc•n t and "If they (county offac1als ) makC':.. t·omm1tme nt w e 'l l sec if at viola tes Judge Sumnl•r's ruling " Ke n Ha ll. a n adm1 n 1strat1ve aide to Supervisor Thoma!. H1leyit saad supervisors will n •vww the pr oposal "<.·o rnplHt>l y" wnh a ttorne ys befoert· g oing a hl-<.ld with II Hall said board mc>mlx•rs wan t to Ix• "confadent tha t if wt· m uvt• fonirard with this 1t I!> not. 1n volatao n of J u d gl• Sumn1•r 's ruling" T h e pa rking area would bt• loca ted in the airport'!> north d Nar zone, an area mandat<'d for ltmtted use by Fecfora l Av1at1on Admini s tratio n r u les a n d inte nded primarily as a su n •ty b u ffer The north clear w ne is locatl'd across the San Diego Freewa y from the airport's two runways. WALL STREET RALLY • • • ent'Ouragc interest rates lo ket'p falling Separn tt>l y, Hat•ha rd Prutt. 1·ha1rman of th<' FL"'<icral llu ml' Loan &nk Board. dt'("lar<-d lhdl leg1slat1on r<'<.·t·n t lv oassC>d bv ,,,.,. I Cungn·ss t o ht•lp bank:. and hltvangs and loans l·u uld h:ad lo mortgage· interest rut<'i. J~ low a-. I :! pl'rce•nl 1n a ft•w month~ 11 om r-m o rt g ag l' r <.i l l' i. no w ;n:l•ragc-about l 5 pc·rc«nl S A N I> 11-: U l) ( A I' ) l n hl'l'll'-lllU twu 1w w unllll o f Lhe S<an 011ofrt• nudca r powc•r plunt, t h t• N u t' I t• o r ll c• t( u I u l o r y C:ommlli:<lull 1u11 ur l'cJ t·Vtdt•nc·c· thul ll saU, 11 hutr-mlh· from un u l'l I v c• "'11 r t h q u u k t> ( ll u I t • op1>011cnl8 d ulm Attorrwy11 "l'Jll'Urlllg l>don • 11 'thl'\.'t' n1t·111IH'r oppt·al bo 11 rd ·Wt•d 11l'tH.l uy nhua 1m1d 110 .µJun l'lrnHs for ltw 1mf1• 1•v11l'Ul:ll1on nf :. d 1 " o I 1 • h al u 1' l' n u n d t h, t-• hu11d1t·11 ppt'tl. Troops halt violence . in Lebanon BEIRUT , L e ba no n (AP) - Pea c:e k c <'p i n g troo p s arl• n ·porll'd ly inte rven ing to stop bru tality against Pak-stinians by Lt'llanc•se s o ldiers. who have Sl'IZC.'d h u ndn•ds of a lle g e d crirmnals. il ll·gal alums and guns in a W<.'Sl Beirut sweep. Italy's ambaSSt.1dor to Lebanon saad a fter mo re m nss a rrests Wednesday thut Tw lian members of thC' tri-nataonal pt>rtC'<'kecp1ng forn • h <1d s lopp<.>d L e ba n ese• l'l•gu lars fr o m b e atin g a .Vall'Sltntan ~ P rt•sadc·nt Amin G<'maycl told ,tn1hassadors from na tions who t•11ntnbut<'ll to the pea<.-ckc-eping for~'<' tha'-four Lebanese officers h a v<.· bl' e n d 1s c1 pl i n e d for 1.Hut a lat y a nd that f u ture v io la to r s w i ll b e sever C'ly punis h ed . Jt~re nch diplo ma t1<.· SOUfl't'S said. In J crusak•m , Israeli officials said S yria has rduscd to agree t.o s1mulla n t•ous wi thdrawal or Syrian and Isral•li troops from Lc•bG1non, b u t thut the Syrian p u!>1t1o n was v 1t•w e d as a n upt·nang posataon tha t could be nt•gotaall·d Thl'y ~aid U S pea<.·e e nvoy Morns D rapt.•r, who 1s mediating rffort:. to gN all foreign ann1es out of L<·l>imon , informed lsraeh officials that the> Syrull\s w ant the lsn.ll'li troops who invaded Ll'banon four m o nths a go to ll•iJVl' first. Draper w as an Jerusalem to inform Israe li Prime Minis ter M e nach em Be g in o f S yria's position. lc;raeh 0Hu.:1als said later t ha t both m c•n agreed on the need for a simulta neou s troop withdrawal S yrian troops have been m Lt•biinon s1m·c• lht• e nd of tht• HJ75-76 Moslc·rn -Chnstlan n vtl W<tr wh1·n I h<"y arrivc•d und('r an Ara b Ll'aguc· ma ndut c as a p<.'t1l'C'ku•p1ng fon>t• Israeli forces invade•<! Lt•banun on J une 6 to rout tht• P.tlC''l llllt' LlhPrataon 0rj(ant7~llon Sunny and breezy r .... ~~~~~~~~~- lo a l4 t n / 11 Sm.it cratt M!Vlto<y lrom Point e.nc.p1aon oYer lhe oulet coulal l'lflWt 10 San Nl<:Oln ISiand for KOrti-1 wind• 12 lo 22 knOI• :., h c:omblneel ... ano await 4 to 6 IMI. becoming no<ll'lw.al 15 10 ') knoll wtlll 5 10 8 foot seas ter _,.,, .c>ulh of San NlcOIN > Wiand -110 nor111-t w1nd1 15 22 knoll will! 3 to 5 1001 MU n., wa1ara.Jlgll1 and verlable ndt axcepl .c>uttiwHI 10 -· 1.0 10 te knola during ahe<noon d evening noura Soutl'lwHI I 10 2 feat Claulng b y : oon ••Ciel>• .ou1n eoast. Tll11ncHrttorm1 and anow•r• 111on9 tlle Tex .. coast ano In e central 01111 Coa11 11a1aa day wllll 5'" Inch•• of rain ed In tllree l'IO<lr• In no<lh· Ir .. MINMelppt Al teat one perwn was lorcec:t ev1C11ete late Wedne.day night e to tile lleavy rainfall tn IHIHlppl'• Lafayette Counly, lier• t1rae1 floodlng waa eel ltl Ille town of Oxford Aaln fell trom Ille Gull Coast lllfougtl Ille -tern uppe< real LekH. and alao wa1 ed ltl Ille Peclllc Nor111-I. 1111 enow reported at higher atlone. Sllower• and 111underatorm• ad over toulhern Florida o a , .. tllowera were over trel Caltfornta ~are and tog e¥ela.d In Ille middle AUanllc , ... , .. he toracHt tor later today a for '"nered lhower• and etorm• lrom eaatern and tral T11at and 111e reel 01 Ille 1111 Coast atatee through Ille Vl//W; and mlctdlt Allanlle NI •l•IM, u ... , •• 10 !tie , .. , LallH end wattern N- II ~· -• forecatl In e Ptclflc Nortllweat an d i.rt OrNl 8ailln. ::.outhern d-1 htglll 46 10 93. Iowa SS to 85 Uno-ring lllow.,a over nQf:lh l 1a1J moun11 1n 1 t o day EIH 11., •. Plfll y cloud y In NOl'thef n and c.rttr 11 CallfOtnla Fair i nd t>raazy today. fair tl'l<oughout region Friday Ten1pPral1Lres NATION Albany Alt>uqutl<Qu8 AmatlllO Anc;h0r90e A1tlevllle Allenla Allanlle Clly Aullltl 81Jtlmore 81ltlng1 81rrnlngllam e1smarell 8oiM Boat on Brownavlla 8\IHalo 8ur11ng1on Caaper Cllarteaton. SC Chatlatlon, WV CllarlOtta, NC Cheyenne c11eaoo Clnelnn1tl CleYe!1nd Columbl1. SC Columt>u• Oal·FI Wiii Dayton Denver Dea MolMt Oe1roll OulU111 El Puo Falrt>an111 l'argo Ftagttall Gr .. t Falla Hartford Helena Honolulu Hou II on tndlanapotl1 Jeckeon, MS Jec:ktnYlle ~ "' Lo ll'qi 76 41 74 42 71 4e 341 211 79 54 e2 64 711 64 90 11 2e 76 63 114 32 ao 68 35 33 115 71 '3 82 S6 113 77 12 80 411 74 42 57 31 02 63 611 H 58 64 63 541 32 87 el ee ee 83 80 85 57 84 5e 113 74 12 511 68 33 17 71 S4 01 61 52 46 45 I 311 81158 38 24 411 43 1 71 71 23 82 3e 82 52 64 25' ee 12 .oe es 1e 01 eo 511 92 74 2 17 e 6 72 .~ .. 44 4 1 t<an1 City t<noxllllla LU Vagu Llllle Roct< LouleYllle Lubbock MemQlll1 Miami MllwlUllM Mpi.-St Paul NuhYllte New Offlaan1 New York Notfo4k No Plane Okla City Omeha Orlando Phlladetpnla PhOenl• Pllllt>urgh Piiand Ma Piiand. °'' Pr~ Ralalgll Rapid Clly Reno Richmond Sall Lake Sati Antonio SM me 811revepor1 SIOll• F1llt St. L.oul1 St. P·Tempa St 81e Marte S>'facUM 71 57 21 84 58 711 52 11 ee 4 1 87 82 71 60 80 811 1 74 8S 1e e2 se 71 so 38 47 112 44 73 I 23 73 85 eo 81 e2 40 .07 78 e1 63 47 19 87 73 31 711 St 113 81 711 55 75 40 e:i 54 30 74 411 es eo 54 36 01 811 30 84 41 85 37 117 74 Ill ff SI 711 89 72 17 47 42 1 77 H 41 !!-. 74 oe eo 50 30 1'\ ·~ ....... 7?rii ..... ~U....__Rf _RIP_DR_T ,..., .. ..... , .... 1-2 1-2 2·' 2~ 2 2•4 M 1·2 2-3 1·2 1·2 .... . ...,. poor POOt fair talr ••Ir-poof poor poor .~ ,.,, .. ... .., ... Temp • && 97 88 ea ,. 68 .. .. et 66 66 12:2J D II\ low Tide l •M ll.tn 1"'41 Topekt Tucaon Tulle WatNngtn Wlehllt 71 se Ill 51 1111 71 711 417 72 58 .03 CAL.IFOflNIA Appia Valley 8aker1field e2 42 es s. llO 53 47 411 10 25 75 32 111 57 7e S7 80 SS 63 411 e1 411 93 311 71 57 80 eo 68 50 82 54 68 53 811 54 llO 65 72 58 87 515 ea so 112 e:1 84 54 93 41 Bar11- 8eaumon1 Big Bear 811hop 1!1yth• CataQ11a Culver Clly Eurelc1 Fre1no L1nc.a11er Long e .. cti LOI "1\gelH Monrovia Montal>ello Monla<ey Ml WlllM>n Need ... Newport Beech Oakland Ontario Palm Spring• Paaadena Peto Robin Smog Where to c111 (Io tt lreel for 1a1 .. 1 1mOQ 1nrorm1t1on Or~ ~ty. tlOO) 446·3826 Loi AngalH County. ceOO) 242·4012 "'*side llld ''" lematdlno COll'ltltl 18001 H7-4710 AOMO 1$>1eoo. c.tlttt. (IOOI 242·~ Tide TOOAY tf-'Ond 111g11 12.22 pm 5.9 Second IOW 7 60 P m 0 4 ,,. . ., "r•t fllOll 2':tl I n'I a II '1rlt 10W t 44 •"' 2.1 hconO lllgll 11 f p 111 II 4 ~low t ·ttpm 0 4 avn eet• fOO~ " I H p m .. , .... ,,..., Ill • 12 • "' Moon riMa IOCl9r II 10 ot p 111., .... ,, ... , .......... I An o tt11r n1•y for Southt•rn CulifornlU 1':01110n Co. <.·uuntt•1 lo<l \hut "ttw OrunRC• County O Hie-..• 11( 1>;11wrgc•nl'Y St•rvk•c•h huli t h1· J>c>Wl'I to l'<1mnu111dc't•r th1• hu:.c ·'< in nn c•mc·ruc·m·y " 'l'lw ullllly'N lawy1.•r. O.i vld H P 1g(Jll, !lhld nomc'ti 11nd 10<.·uuons un· bt·in~ Mmpill·d of i.h ut 111:.. who muy huvc• t11 ht• rt11Jv1·u Dul hl• 1rnl d a d ulm by ph y1111·ii;t IUdwnl 8. Sl11111n11 that thl• pla111 111 thr•·uwrwQ liy the Cr u.u1.1nHus Fu ult rl'lll·s u po n "the· mo:.l extrcnw h ypotht•11111." Flower culture slide show set A 1 ullng un tht· orul a q(u mc·nL-. 111 c•>qX'l'll'<l in 11b11ut two 11111111~1:. 111 J t1nu 1.1 r y a n d M .1 y . rt•sµ1.•l llVl·ly. llcc•n!>1ng board rulln~I' dl•M'rtlx•c.l the· design of n •ac·tur Units II and HI ru. stru11K t·nouuh to wi t h s tand a 11 y 1· u rH ' l' 1 v u b It• c· a r l h q u a k 1• Shukl·dow11 lt•sting 1s undN way ut U111l II . wh1l'h Ediso n t'XJ>l'<'L"i to g1•nl'ratl• 1,100 megawatL'I u( power l.iy Ja nuary. "W <• we r~ d e n ied a fair ht'armg and a fair opportunity Lo prt'S<'nt our case" in m1d-191i l , said R ichard J . Wharton , an a llorn t•y r l'presenti n g a nti n udl•ar groups Whurtun said tht• l1t·e ns1nij b oa rd n ·fus cd to l1s tL•n l o tt·st1n1011 y o f S imons th;,it a s many a~ 20 earthquakl's mig h t hav1· 111.·t·urret.I ulo11g an extl'nsion of lhl• l 'rast1a111tos F aull s1m•1· 19:J2 Tht• fau lt t·uts through coasUil bluffs i.l half-male south of th e· plant a nd <.'OUn.t.>s northwestwurd in to the distant hills of Camp Pc ndll'lon Seismologists testifwd f o r Ed ison that it is n 't o dangl'rous fault caused by la tl'rul earth movem e nt a s the S&n Andn·as A sll d 1· p n ·st•n tu t 1011 11f " F I o f 111 d1 · I H II :l ,'' w 11 1 lw pl'l•M•nt<'ll by th•• l"r11•nch1 11f tlw l111rt1 ·11i.t· M1tt1·r (;a1 d1•11 111 L;tKu11;1 lit·<wh Oc:l H 11l 7.:ltl I' Ill T h 1· FI u 1 1 ,, d (• t ' a • 'I' h (' s II u I h c " u s l Auduho11 S111.'ll'lY wall c·11ndu1·1 a fwld tnµ tu Sanllagu Oaks (kl I fi. wa t h part11·1pun ts m1·1·t1 ng u t 7 a n1 111 S an l'l1•11wnt1• T ht· pl<i nl u nd un amu l • T h e f a I I r e c rt• :.. l 1 o n pro~ram as u n dc·r w <ty 1n Laguna Bt•cic·h . but th1·rt· art• still op<.'nmgs 111 Mlllll' da.'iS4..-s A new s1::r1t·:. u f l l'nntb l'las:.1·~ bt•gin:. Ol·t I H. a nd •Thl· UC lrvinl· L a Ruzu Asso1·iat1on will hold IL'> i''ifth Annual Scholan•h ip Dunn · Sa tu rda y , O ct I ii, al thl• Quahty lnn an Anah<'1n1 T he· fund-raising 1•v1·nl Is 1n t 1•ndl'd to suppo rt l h l• '- o rganization 's Sl'ho larsh1p pro~r.im. what·h i.ln n ua lly p r ov'-i d es aw G1 r d s l o u11dcrgraduatc, gradualt' a nd 11wdwal stl!dcnts. HB copter future up By ROBERT HARKER oftlle D.U, .-..01 llaH The foll· of polll't' he licopter Op<.'rat1ons in Huntington Beach depC'nds o n t o ugh f inanc ial dec1s1on.s It ~ts a lot to keep the four heltcoptC'l's based a t J ohn Waynt• Airport and at would cost a lot l(1 mov£• thC'm to the dty. Tht' lease for a hangar at the airport, additional fuel oosts and was te d pe r sonnel h o urs are computed a\ $160.000 a year. City officials say the extra cost is unacceptable. The only s ure w ay to keep the he licopte rs operational is to base them in Huntingto n Beach , they say But that raises other fma nc1al n inccrns A s ate• 1n t h e G o t h ar d industrial urC'a has !)(>en selt'<·tcd as the lx>s t spot for a permunenl base. but tht· pun ·hast• prt('t.: as $1 2 m illion It wa ll t•osl a notht'r $1 malhon lO dc·vt'lop tht• Sil('. a('('()rdmg to C'st1matc-s C i t y co un c:1I m c-mber:. dcadlc><:kl-d 3 to 3 thls wl'C'k on whe thc-r to pr 0ceed with the purc l)aSt·. They're scheduled lo take-":lnot hcr votl' Oct. 25 afU>r mo re dt•hbera tion over financ<.'s. City f1nanc1al experts have wa rned council mem°ber.> not to carry out t he transacuo n unless they raise money an other art•as such as about $400.000 in fet-s for city services and $800.000 to $ l.8 mil hon m trash c.-oll<-t·t11,1n t•hargc•s. "It's n o t in the p1ct urC' to continue the w ay wc·'vc beC'n going ,'' C ity Adm1n1s t ra t or Cha rles T h o mp s o n 1i a1d Wedn<.'Sday. "If helicopte r sc rv1c·c• 1s to t'Ontmue, we'll h ave to bring 1t he re And if the t'i ty t·ounc1l doesn't approv e the p urchase of the la nd, it will be very dafflcult to c'OntinuC' operations." Mayor Bob Mand ie agrL-t'd that af t h eri• 1s to b e h e lico pt er ope-rations. tht· airt·raft must bt· bas<'d in the city But hC' a nd PolacC' Chll'f E•.arlt· R ob1 t atlle a p par en tl y ha v1• d lffl'ring o p1n 1o n !> o n t h1 1mportanc·e of the hC'ht'l.1ptl·r!. Mandie· says lhc•re 1s no wuy to mr asu n · their <'ffc•<.·t1 vt•nt•ss an l'Ombaung en mc "Other Cities d on 't havt• lhl·m and t hey d on't hav<' a ny h1ghc•r l'rlmc rate," he said. "Ther e's pressure Crom the public not to r aise fcc•s. T his (dropping the he licopter scriv<:e) possibly is one w ay of cuttlnll Storekeeper Nels Ortlund Is wearing one of our long sleeve sport knits. These llghtwelght knits are avallable In a variety of colors, In solids or stripes, with a knitted or cotton twlll collar. Nels Invites you to come Into our store and select one of these uniquely styled shirts . . perfect for the llf e style of our area. A rtore that offers fine tradltlonal sportswear for men, women and boys. 1·1•lt•lwat1011 of flow1•1 cull un · lll'ld 1·ud1 dl'<.'ll<h· in 1 lollund !11m:c I ;$8:! Thl· sladt• sh11w wall l.1t• lw llh ,, , 1 ht· Lui.iun.i 1''1.·dl'rtd S avtrll{.'> t1nd LtA•n (11mmun1ty 1110111. :.mo C)t 1·.111 Av1· n·~·rvc: 1s ltx·atc·d 111 Or·a 11gt'. a nd S uulh l.'11.ii..l rrtl'rl'lbt•ri. wall n\l'l'l .il Thrifty Orug. cat • lht· <.:un wr of El Camino Rl'al .rnd E&·alont·:. a t 7 a rt1 For me>n • 111l11rr11at1<>n, c·all HJ!}.() 107 . . r••g,..tr<Jllun 1:. on u ftr!>t t·ornt" far:.l -:-.c·r vl·d ha ~1 i. F or rt·l·n ·ullon anf11rmal 1on , s lOJJ h v th•· t·11 v·-. rt·1.·rc•.Jll o n d c·1i.ar l1111•1\I a l 515 f''tir (•!>l Av1• . w l'lJll 497 :iJ 11 T h<· 1 ot·k t;,ial d am ·1· will r 1· ,, tu r 1· mu :; 1 l' o f .1 I l p1·r ... ua:-.11m!>, dn·ss i ~ iH·m i lw tltJI Adm1s~111n I!> $H 1w 1· µt'l '>l1ll ur $15 pt·r rnuµlt· Tilt• Quality Inn ii. a t thl· t·orm·r uf C11nv1·nl1un Way i:l nd 11<.irhor Boulc·vard in Anahl'lnt Mon · 1nf11rm<•l111n nti.ly ht· 11l>l<iin1-.I hy l'<•lltnK Barbara Aya la, H:i:i tiH81i. ur Robert Gomet JI U3:\.fiH81 • • Ill air dow n l'OSU> And Wl' could put more poh<.·(·mc·n un lhl' !.trt"<·l " Rob1ta11IL· h a.-. high pra1M-for tht-aero squadron ttnd tc·rrru. at l'!'\St•ntial to the loca l p o lit'l' l'nfort·t·m t·nl l'ffort H~ s<J1d tht· &•II h&ltl'optl'rs. purC'has<·d OVl'r tht· yl·ar!'\ as m 1 I 1 t a r y :. u r p I u ~ . w t• r " f'<•S puns1bll• lai.l yt•ar for 125 ft'lony arrt·sl.S He s::iid th1•v wc·n · f1n.l at lhl· o;c·e·m· in nt·cirlv 5.UOO anc·1denll> and on n<'arlv :!,000 ot·t·a~1un5 wc•re ab le• to <.·a m·C'I th1· rl~ponS(' of otht•r una L'> Rob11a11le• also as!>ertc·d that Hu ntington &·ac·h po ll<'<.· haven't bee n involved 1n a hig h -speed l'hase accident s1ncl' ma kin~ he licopters thr Chll'f pursut·r four y<.•ars agr) The clly has baS<'U au. coptcn. i:lt J ohn Waynt· Airport for ·t 1 . \'l•ars -B I.' fo r c• th .n . t h t• y w (' ri· -.wt1onro at a ha ngar acnlS!. from the Hunungton &.•at·h Cc-n tra l L1 brarv at T allx•r t A vt•nuc· But t h e 1.; nd s u bs1d t•d a nd t h «" la n ding p a d buc k lt•d and a hangar door fell off T h e prof osrd nt-w loca t10n ronsasls o 4.85 a<.·n ·s 1n the ind ustriul a rea o f tht· city on the W('St side of Gothard S trft•t a nd , n o rth o f Ellis A venue 8.1nkAmtricudtM11ter Charge m l028~rvine. Newport BHch. California. Phone 642·7061 WeetcUff Plaza t a ' .,., -~ ~ --·· . -. - . . llllllCUll 1m111111111 ' lltlJll '1DAY Ill 11>111 IC : 1·1:1.• OHANGl COUNTY CALIFOHNIA :l5 CENTS Mesa employmen.t firm facing · sthte probe By JODI CADENHEAD Ot'IM DellJ ...... llMf A ,.Costa Mesa business that sells job lists to unemployed people ls under investigation for alleged misleading advertising practices by Costa Mesa police and a state employment a~encv Help Wanted Publication, 2110 Harbor Blvd., opened in August, has been the target of complaints from p eople who answered newspapers advertisements for Copter • • VICtllll naIDed A pilot kilJed Wednesday m a mid-air helkopter explosion that scattered debris over a Santa Ana golf course has been identified as a 62-year-old Newport Beach businessman. Thomas A. Ballas or Newport's Harbor Ridge, was at the controls of the Robinson R22 helicopter he had purchased only the day before when the 10:05 a .m. explosion and crash occurred. authorities said. The accident is under invest igation by the National Transportation Safety Board. , Santa Ana police arriving at the crash scene on the second hole at River View Golf Course found wreckage in flames and BalltJS dead. said police Sgt. Irv Mueller. There were no injuries to people on the ground. Ballas, d escr ibed by family members as an experienced pilot, was the owner of a mobile home manufacturing firm ~based in Ontario. The helicopter had departed from John Wayne Airport only mlnutes before the crash, said Ralph Odenwald, airport tower chief. A witness, Joe Starbird, 20, of Garden Grove, said he was en route to classes at Santa Ana College when he heard a pop. He said he saw one of the helicopter rotor blades fly off and saw the pilot attempting to climb out of the cockpit just prior to the explosion. specific jobs and were then told to pay $25 for the lists, officials said. • Sue Elias, a state employnwnt official, said a letter was sent last month ordering thc'flrm to stop advertising specific jobs in newspapers. She said the Company is not licensed as a n employment agency and can only sell lists of jobs and not advertise specific jobs. Steve Shulman, a Cost.a Mesa police lnveJtigator, said he has rcccivLJ(J several t.'Omplaint.11 from dissausfied customers. "lt'!I c.-ertainly unethicul," said Shulman. "A number of people who ore buying that list a r e unaware that what they're buying is 1n the new!lpaper, which is not to say it's iUegal, but som e of their advertising practices are." Help Wanted owner J ol'lannes Vanderrn could not be rouchcd for t.'Omment. An employce at the firm said customers receive a refund ofrcr , good for 30' days if they are not satisfied with the servlc.-es offered by the firm. A 47-year-old Costa Mesa man who asked not to be identified said he turned to the publication Monday after get.ting laid off from his job. ~ One job he was told about The sign says it all -"totally awesome' ~ There was jubilation at the Big A (or the second straight night Wedne day as these fans watched their Angels rap out a 4-2 victory over the Milwaukee Brewers and inch within one victory of their first World Series. Puzzling stock rally continuing rJ'.~~!J -~~RRIER NEW YORK -Happy days are here again, at least on Wall Street, where a stock market boom has confounded experts who can't explain the rally while the economy is still in a slump. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks scored its second-best gain ever on Wednesday, soaring 37.07 points to 944.26 -nearly matching the record jump of 38.81 points on Aug. 17. Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange, at 93.57 million shares. was not quite in the same league with the 100 million-plus days of a few wee.ks ago and the peak o f 137 .33 million shares on Aug. 26. But Wall Street analysts said there was good reason to expect mCJte triple-digit volume days after Wednesday's explosion in stock prices. Stock prices surged ahead in record volume tod .. y as . falling interest rat ~s continued Wednesday's powerful rally in the stock, bond and bullion markets. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials by noon stood at 959.99, up 15.73 today. That came on the heels of a 37.07-point gain. the second-largest daily increase ever for the closely watched average. The Dow Jones industrial average has now risen 167 points, or almost 22 percent, in less than two m o nths . Buyers have continued to clamor for stocks despite many government statistics indicating the economy might have weakened In August and September, instead o f recovering. On Friday, the Labor Department is due to report on the unemployment rate for last month. Many priva~ economists expect the data to show 10 percent l)f the work force out of jobs for the first time in more than 40 vears. · Most agreed there was an element of unreality to a day (Wednesday) when the prices of Eastman Kodak, Teledyne, Texas Instruments and Lockheed all rose at least $7 a share. One important interest rate, the rate on federal funds - short-tenn loans between banks -dropped Wednesday to 8 percent from 10.25 percent Tuesday. The fed fund& rate is frequently more volatile than other interest rates. Some Wall Street professionals apparently interpreted that drop as a signal that the Federal Reserve had decided to (See WALL STREET, Page A%) Panel may enter residency dispute By DAVID KUTZMANN Ot'llleO..,Nee .... fl, residency diapute between two candidates in Orange County's newly created 32nd state Senate district became the subject of 1pecial inquiry before a two-man Senate commfuee. That wu the ,lmpre.ion left with reporters in Santa Ana Wedneeday when state Sen. Paul Carpenter, D -Cypress, annowK'ed that formation of the committee already had been approved by Senate Pretident Pro Tem David Roberti, a fellow Democrat from Loa Ancelet. However, Roberti later said In a telephone interview that he had not yet authorized any hearing into charges which were thrown out of court two weeks ago that OOP candidate Edward Royce had failed to legally estabUah residence In the central Orange County district before taking out candidacy papcra earlier thia year. Royce is running against Democrat Frank Barbaro In the district that Includes Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach. Roberti aaid he was waiting to receive a fo;:JitaJ request from Carpenter before calling up membera of the five-man Senate ----111111---- At Your Service A9 Horoecope All Erma Bombeck A4 Ann LandenJ All Buaine9I B4-~ Movies C8·9 Cavakade All Nellonal Newa AS O..Uied Dl.03·& Public Notkee a,02.3 Comic. ClO Spona Cl-7 Cro.word ClO Dr. Steincrohn All DNth Notlcet 02 Stock Markeu • l'.dl tori.al AIO Telev1"on " 'CU En""1alnment C8-9 Thee ten Cl-9 Weather A2 ~ Rules Committee, which would have to authorize such a fact- finding probe. It later turned out that a formal request from Carpenter arrived , when the Cypress Democrat drove late Wednesday to Roberti's Hollywood office to meet with the Senate leader. Roberti uld h e would probably begin calling Rules Committee members today and Friday. raising the possibility that hearings could be held in Santa Ana n ext Wednesday, when Carpenter claimed they would begin. The lm per\lallty o f such proceedings wu called Into question Wednes da y by Republicans, however. Aides lo Koyce said that Carpenter and Roberti were two of four Democratic leglalators who aigned • Sept. 22 letter 1eekln1 fln1nclal 1upport for Barbaro'• campaign. They said any hearlnl• chaired by Carpenter would amount only to • "kana•roo court." Barbaro , contacted Wedneeday, said he would be pleMed to anawcr any quntlona pertaining to hi• ~ldency In the (, 32nd Senate district. "At this point, l don't know what the ground rules are," the Democratic candidate said. "But [ am willing to cooperate with any senate committee which wants to Investigate my residency.'' Two weeks ago, Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert Rickles diamlued a lawsuit challengln1 Royce's candidacy becauie, the Judge said. his court lacked jurildlcUon I n t h e m a tt e r . 0 n I y t h. e Legislature is empowered 1(0' make determinations concernin«i a candidate'• quaHficatlona for le1lalative offlce, Rickles said. Three re1ldents o' the 32nd cilatrlct had claimed that Royce 1hould be dl1quallfled becauae he had not Uved In the dla\rict et least a year prior to the election. One of the plaintiffs In the suit wH former county Democra\lc Party ~ William Thom. At a noon prea1 confttrence Wedne!lday, carpenter pve the •trona lmprttllon tNlt a •pedal committee he would c h air alnady wu in bushw.. He sald the City Council chamber• at Santa AM Cit)' Hall had been (See RESIDENCY, Pa1• At) turnt.'tl out t.o have bevn filled in St!ptember, the man said. He said all the tips he's been given have been Jobs that ht> tried that morning after seeinl( the ads in the newspaper. "It's rough to be out of work," he said. "But gettmg ripped off 1s really bod." Arnold Y ork, 47 , o r Huntington Beach said he saw un advertisement in _t he Orangr County Register f or a ma1n~<'nt1nt•e mf'<:hunJ<:. H(.' wu told he would have t.c> get $25 to re<.-e1ve the tun 0£ pbs. Out of work five months, York said hf' flgun.>d it was worth a trv. For $25 York was given a llat of jobs om't! a wook and was told to c·all between 5 and 6 p.m . every night for new leaq,.. "But every job they lold me about I had already seen In the (See JOB, Page A2) Airport parking a> in, peril By STEVE TRIPOLI Oft .... Delly "4ot Steff Orange County supervisors, who soon will be asked to take the r1 rs1 steps toward building an 1.800-~r parking lot at J ohn Wa yne Airport, may find themselves facing an old nemesis on airport issues -Newport Beach -if they advance the plan The c ounty Airport Commission this week voted to forward a list of potentia l designers of the projec t to supervisors. who are expected to co)\sider a call for proposals on the $2:30,000 job within a month. But Newport Beach officials already have made it known that they may view suc h an expansion as a violation of a court ruling they won in January against the county. If the supervisors go ahead with the plan, a Newport Beach official said Wednesday, the city will seek legal advice on the iaaue with an eye toward stopping it. The city already has spent about $800,000 on ii. challenge to the airport's maste r plan for expansion, city Executive· A.sai.stant Ken Delino said. That challenge resulted In Superior. Court Judge Bruce Sumner's ruling that the environmental impact study for the $100 million upansion was inadequate. Sumner's ruling also enjoined (Sff AIRPORT, Paae A%) Sam Willett, 27, stands in front of his adoptive mother Ruth Willett as he awaits arrival in Washington, D.C., of his adopted brother, pe daling a bike from San Juan Capistrano. J Cyclist nears DC on broiher's plea By ANN BLACKMAN .......... "'"'....., WASHINGTON -David Willett 11 pedallnc hl1 bike from Call(omla to the nation'• c.apltal whett he hopes to convince the 1overnment not to deport the Uber1an man who has 11ved as a memb r of hl1 family for 10 YM,.. Ruth Wiilett said today her son is expected ln Wa1hln1ton at about 3 p.m. PST. She •Id David had ~~vered 400 mllu of cxhaustlna mountainous terrain during the last two days. "I wlsh I'd heard from him in the last 24 hours but l haven't," she said. Government offld•la sutpert the Willett famlly adopted the 27.-year-old Llb rlan, who• name la Sam, for the pur~ al aervln1 as a hired employe•, eccordlna to Rep. Romano Mauoll, ~Ky. (Sff BIKE, P .. 1 Al> I ~ Was NRC' at fa ult in On of re dispute? s AN l> I 1-:u 0 l A J>) 1 n ~·---- OB PROGRAM • • • Wlfpupt•1 lhul m11rrun1-t nnd had t\t> out un," York !i<Jld wld w pay $17:'> to tukt'. h1• ~•d l1n•fi11111t( twu new unill of the Sw' Onufn· nud •I.Ir pt1Wl'1 plunt, t h l' N u 1· I 1• u 1 R cg u I a t 11 r y ( '11m11111'1~1u11 1gnort-d t•vldt•fll"t' that 11 t11U. u hulf mill· frnm an 111· l Iv t• (•I) r l h q u Bk t• f Bu 1 t . op I" llll' n ts d Ill 111 1'h1• uulaty't1 luwyt•r. Unvid H P~oll, mud nu1111•• and IOl.'Ulh11U1 ttrt• bl•ln.i l'Omplled o( Mhut -lms wh11 muy huvt• to Ix• rnuved Rut h l· 11.11d u l'l11lm h y phyim·1i.1 Htl h1111.l S Simons thut th1· plunt Is thr1·11tc·m.-d hy thl· C'ri!fllunltOll F uull rl'11t•N uµon "ttw moi.t t'lUrcnw hy polht'lilti" Charity jaunt p of \lw joh8 llslc..'<l In t lw upany pubhc..·uuor1 w11:. £or 11 ·khw1d. h turrwd out to ht· u in Long Bt•adi that tw Wm; IKE BATTLE avid M . Wd l\tt Sr , th c- th c r , f I ;,1 t I y re J l' l' ls l ha l ment "Thc•n ' ate four kids our family and Sam has chcm•i. e lht' rl'Sl or them. Bu t lhl'ft•'s l>i·puty Dh~tm•t utt11r111•y D11Hw Stuvcnhugen iw ld th1Jl u Joh puhlk1ttlon In Wl•111tminlilt'r, Job llutllnc•, dosed four monlhis a~o ufter u complaint wu"' "11-d for m1sl<>nding udvertislnR pracll<.<t'i; • • • no way he's a servant, rw way:· lw s;11d Tht· younger Gav1d 11; u'n apprt•nt1ce r ngineer who turn1•1I 21 on hss three-week 1ournt•y. ESIDENCY PROBE • • • rved by hsm for hearin~ "' 9 l'lttm. Wednt•sday. Hl' said it was his hopl· th;,tt State Sen . K1..·n Madd y, H Fresno, would tK.-chosen to st'fVl' on tht' panl'I wsth him. Caq ><>n tt•r sasd cv1..•n though hearings would be~ only two weeks before tt\~ Nov. 2 clccuun, he hoped any r1..>sidency questions would lead lo disqualifkutson of a candidate• or l"andidatcs sn t1m1• •for party leade r s t o p i<.-k r«:placemcnts. This would savt• b\'~e c:ost of h o ldi•g a spt•e1al election. ht• said. "'•liAgam. Roberti d1sagre<.-<l. Ht• b91t'd the Leg1!>lature is m reccs.' 014Jtnil Oec'C.'mber and action by ttw IJf\111 Senate t-ould o nly bl' tak(•n •)lJ1J a rt<.·r 1)11..· voters plt'kl·<l a nt•w st.all' senator. • Ile said the Senatt• would likely refuse to seat a candidate who hal· failed to meet residency rc-quiremt•nts. Royce has clasmtc'<i that Barbaro also does no t mc.-et n.-sidency requirements. Explaining hi s ow n involvement in the dis pute, C arpenter maintain e d Wt.'Clnesday that he approached Ro berti about holding hearings afte r West m inster attorney Kenne th Golden called him to suggest that the Senate ought to look snto the residen<.•y rhuburb Golden represented T hom, tht' f o rmer Democ r a ti c P a r ty chairman, in the O ra nge County lawsuit. .AIRPORT~PARKING • • • 1 •1\{1~e c ounty from making l'J!l nificanl changes al the a1rpC'Jrt ...,~ til ano ther environmc>ntal ".f'~porl C'O uld be a pp rovrd commitment w e'll see if 1t violates J udge Sumner's ruling." Ke n Hall, an adminis trative aide to Supervisor Thomas Riley, sasd supervisors will review the proposal "completely" w ith attorneys befoere going ahead With It Attonwys 11p11e·ur·ing lxifort• u l h l"C'I' 1111• 111 llt' I H p pt•fl I bou rd W1•1Jtwsd ay nltm 1m1d nu plan l'Xi?'llS for lht• S1tf1• l'VIWULlll(}I) Of ., 1· h o o I c· h I I d r 1• n u n d t h l' tu11ul11 ·11 p11e •1 I An u 1 t11r11c•y for Southern C.tlsforn11.1 1'~1son ('11 «ountrrcd lhdt "'the Oran1t1• Cuu11ty Office 11f Em1·r1ot1•m·y St•rv1cC's has the puw1•r lt1 l"Ommund('(•r lhl' buses 111 un t•nwrgL•nt.•y " Barricaded Irvine man _. surrend.ers A man was admitted to the UC I rvin e Med ica I C e nter for psych i a tr ic eva luation Wednesday after h e barricaded himse lf inside his Irv ine a partment with a s hotgun and refused to comL• out, police said. Daniel Dennis Driscoll, 34, surroundC'd himself w ith guns about 6: 15 p.m . a nd threatened to s hoot anyone who approached him, Lt Bob Lenner t said. Off1ct·rs from tht! Special Operations Unit w ere called to Driscoll's apartment . 44 Fallbrook in Woodbridge. By thl lime they arrived, Driscoll had lef t t h e apartment and surrendered. Driscoll, a Vie tnam veteran , was stopped by police for a minor tra ffic violation e arlier in the day. He had suffered physical and emotional problems for 80l'nC time, Lt'nncrt said. A rulmj( on tlw orul uq(unwn111 111 l'><pi'l'll'd in ttbout twu 1nonths. I n J11 n ut1r·y and Ma y , respel'\IVl'ly, lltensing buu rd ruhnw; dt•M·rtbcd tht· dl•l'lign 1Jf real·t111· Un11.H IJ und Ill as stronu 1· 11 o u ~ h t '' w 1th s l a .. n d a 11 y 1·unt·1·1vuh l1· L•arthquukt• Shukl·duwn wsung ss under way ul Unll II, ',llhll'h F.d1son cxpt'l'L'> lo gl•llcrtlll' I, 100 mcguwall'> 0£ poWl'r by Junuary. "Wt· w1•r t• de\l1ed a fair hcorinli( und u fair oppurtunity lo prl'Sl'lll l)Ur CUSC'" in mid-1981 , said Ha·ho:i rd J . Wharton , an attornt.>y n•present ing anl1 · nudear gro ups. Wharton said the licensing b oard refused t o lts ten to testimony o f S imons tha t as many a11 20 earthquakes might huve ot't.·urrcd along an e xtension of tht• Crist1anitos F ault since 19:1'.l Thi· fault t.•ut.s through cuaswl bluffs ii half.mile south of tht· plunt and cuurM·s northwc-stward into tht· d1sto:inl hills of Camp PL·ndlNon S.•ism ulogists testified f or Ed ison that it is n 't a dangero us fault caused by lawral earth movem e nt as the San Andreas. It hasn't budged in 125,000 years a nd possibly a million years, th t• utsllty's experts tesli fsl'd. Charles E M cC lung Jr , attorney Cor an Orange County organization called "Gr oups Against Hadiation Danger," said t h e util i t y's e m e rge n cy evacuation plan amounts to Little mort• than in ve nt o r y o f equipment slated • ID " OrKtW11.er:i 11r1• I i!l"l llltlllij part11·1p111H s to JOlll lh l' "01·anKl' Tu.It•" for a run, 11111 and wal k u thu 11 u rl ~uturduy. (kt :HJ, a1 uund S ky P11rk C.:11dt• 111 lrvinl' Tht• l'Vt•rll 11> Npon"'1n·d hy t lw 01 ungc• Coun ly Ch.1µll'I u( the Huild111g Industry Ai.,tK'la\11111 111 lw11t'f1l YSP I 11 1• ( Y 11 U l h S l• f VI l' t• !> l' r 11 gram i.) a n d o I h 1· r pa111up<.1tsng chunlw:. T ill' fund-n1 1s 1111:1 l'V1•nt b1·g111s al 1J a .m ., Whl·n porticipanls set· how muny Qu;,irtcr-mile "laps" th(•y can •A ont•·day M•1111na1 will l:>c• prc•stmtt-d Saturday lo help high S<:hool studt·nt.s M·k'<:t a t·ollcge and win admit Utnl'<• Tht• even l, sponsured by lht· UCI Exll'nsaon, w ill bt.• h1·ld beginning at 10 a .m. In U C I · i; M e d i ('a I Sc· 1 t.• n t· e Build i ng , R oom .l"-1 10 . Speakers im·l1trt•• ~usdancr •ThL' UC Irvine Ln Haw A'IS'x:1at1on wsll hold 1Ls Fifth Annual Scholarship Danc:t- S aturday. O('t. 16, a t the Quality Inn in Anaheim Tht• fund -raising event stt 1n tl'ndcd lo s upport t.h e o rganization's scholurs hi p .Pr<Jgram, wh it'h annua ll y provide s awards t o undergraduate . graduate and nwd1t·a l students. Irvine r11111plt•tt• In ont· hour . Tht·y """ l'Ull, wulk. rolll'r skou· or l'Vt•n pr·d ol lrn·ydt•s o n the 'llfl'l'I northchlil of lh1• San Dst·go Frvewuy and In the lu·art of a bu~sn css and andw.tnal arl·o:i Prize!> from T -i.h1rt11 to 11 t rsp tu San F'rannsco are 11Cfl.·rc•dt to purt1c1punts who o;olant pl<'dl(l'S for <·a<:h lap 1·1m1pletc..'Cl To ohta1 n sponscJr sht.>t!ts qr 111ort· mform:n1un, inwr<.-sll·d pt.·upll· can ronl::it'l tlw YSP ,ifftl"l' 1n Co!>ltl !Vlf•su al !'>40-6Y2 l • l~Junsclors Peggy Ogden and Virginia Soth a nd st•veral rt•prt>st'n tatsves from public :u nive r sit y syste m s a n d private inst1tut111ns Mure 1n1ormaltun about tht• s<.·m1nar l·an bC' obl<:lined by c1.1ll1ng th1· cxu.>nsson office:: at 8:13-54 14 The· cotk tatl d<.t nt·t· will f ,. a l u r c m u s I c 0 f a I I pt·rsuas1oni.. d n,ss 1s sem1 - formul Adm1sswn ss $8 ~r J>t:rson or $1 5 per m uple The Quality Inn 1s al the l'Ornc·r of Convention Way and Harbor .Boulevc.rd sn Anaheim. Morl' information may tx• obt.aint'Ci by calling Barbar a Ayala, H3:i-68A8. or Robe rt Gomez at 833-688 1 De-ls n o charged that rr £pn structson o f the parking i.,;(ftcslity «ould be consid ered a • ·~'ign 1 (sea n t c·h a nge u n dc•r "{Sumne r's ruling "Thc>rc·i. a good sndscatson that -what's being proposed vsolale!> Judge Sumner 's ruhng," he said Parking and airport at·cc•ss in:,lPC.OV<'m<.•nts were part of th<· origii'ral master plan." Dclsno said, adding "we ~pent $800.000 Ha ll sasd board members want to be "confident that 1f Wl' move· forward w ith thss 1l ss nut in vola t ion of Judge Sumnc·r's ruling." Future of HB police copters up • ID • air i:iMhtsng that pla n " C/l,• Dellno would not commit tht• 11it y to a challenge of the parking proposal. but he swd city officials .,l'M ill m onit o r its programs through county government a nd "if they (county 0H1c1als) makt• a The parking area w ould b(' located sn the airport's north dear zone, an area mandau'Cl for limited use by Federal Aviation Administ r ation rules and intended primarily as a surety buffer. ~ The north clear zone lB located across the San Diego Freeway from the air port's two runways. W.ALL STREET RALLY • • • cnt-ourage inter<-st rates to k<'<'P falling. Separ at<.·ly, Richard Pratt . ('hairman of thC' Federal HomC' Loan Bank Board, declared that legislation rc•centlv passed by Cnngrpss to he lp bank~ and S<Jvsngs and loans c:o uld lc•arl tn mortgagt• interest rates as low as 12 pt>rc·e nt in a fow m onths H um<' mortgage r atc•s now JVl'rage about 15 percent Bv ROBERT BARKER or,.,. 0.11, P11o1 .,.., The· fate of polkl' helit.-opter operauons sn Huntington Beach depends o n tough financial decisions. It costa a lot to keep the four helicopters based at John Wayne Airport and it would cost a lot to move them to the city. The lease for a han gar at the airport, addsuonal fuel costs and wasted personne l h ours a r e computed at $1 60,000 a year . City officials say the extra ~t 1s u nacceptable. The only sure w ay to kcc·p the h elkopters operational is to b ase them m Huntington Beach, thC'y say. But that ra1St'8 othe r financial r-nr.c'<' rns ~\' Sunny and breezy flu~ttotma and 1how•r1 1110t1Q ftl9 T UU cout and In <>•ntr•I Oull Coaal tl•t•a d•Y with 5'A lnchaa of ra in .CS In tlll• houra In north· II M1Mi911W1. At IHM -~eon -IOt~ ~•1• i.10 WednHda~ nlQht • to lllO h••"Y rain all In Hlpp1'1 Lalayollo County, ,. atr••I flooding w•• In tflO town of Oicl0td Aoln ... I from tht Gulf CoHt IN~ tho -19NI uppet ••I L• o t , and 1110 ••• ocl In lhO Paclftc NorthwMt, 1now ropott•d •t higher atlone. ow••• and thundoratotmt H o"' IO\llhorn 'lofld• a raw •"°"'"• wor• ove r 11 Cellforni. Hau ~ fog allad In t"O tnldda. Atlan11Ci at!M .. • foracatt for lator today fOf ac;att.,H ~· and 810tm• lrorn -torn 9nd rll T-oncl 1"9 , .. , of lho " COHI •••••• t1'1rou1 h "" V*'I encl mlddlt llantlC •I ......... """ .. to tho ~" and ..... ," ,.._ l:IOUlhorn d_, hight 115 10 93, IOwt 55 to 85 Llnott<lng 1110.,,.,1 OVtlf norlh 11111 moun lllna toda y . Ela••h •••. p a11ly c:.loudy In NOt1horn end Contral California. Folr end br•eiy today, fair lhtoughout r-c110n Frlelay T e nipera tu res NATION "' Lo ~ Alti.ny 78 41 AlbuQv.fQUO 74 42 Amatlllo 7t 48 Anchor• 38 29 Athr/1119 ~g ~ Atlanta 64 Atlantlc Clty 79 64 Au111n 90 77 2e Btiltlmor• 79 e3 81nl"O• 64 32 &wrningham 80 ea 81tm.,dl 35 33 95 BolM 71 43 Bolton 82 5e 8'owna\lti. 93 n 12 &ftlllo 80 49 Butllnglon 74 42 Ca~ 67 31 .02 Cll9•10etOll, SC 113 69 Ch.,lffton. WV aa 68 Ch1f10tto, NC "' 83 Ch9Yonno 68 32 cnc100 87 81 c1nc1nn•11 ae ee Ctovelend 113 80 Co1umbl1, SC 116 57 Columt>ut 84 5e Ool·Ft Wth 93 74 Ooyton 82 59 o.nv., ee 33 11 °"~ 71 $4 .01 Oolrolt 81 52 Duluth 48 •5 1.at El PHO " se Fairbank• 38 24 Fargo 49 43 1.71 Aag1t1n 71 23 GrNI Fal!t 82 $8 Harttord 112 52 Hta.na ... 25 Honolulu 88 72 .oe Hout ton es 71 .01 lndlanlC)Oll• eo St Jadleon, MS 82 74 2.17 JICkan\ltlt 95 72 .04 "-49 44 4 1 rfte,...... For I p.m. EOT ,_.. • October 8 . ........ ·v~~::.,.J-=..i 21 Kana Cl1y 71 S7 Knoir\ltlle 84 Sii l.Q V9QU 79 52 Utt• AOdl 77 ea 4 \ l.OIMvlli. 87 82 LuC>bock 7T eo Mempf\19 80 89 I 74 MIMll es 711 MllWMll't• 82 611 MOii-St PMtl 7t so 311 ....,,,,. ... 117 82 ""-Ori.an• 84 73 I 23 .... YOik 73 es No(IOlk 80 et No Plano 82 ~o 07 Okla City 78 87 Om•h• 113 47 t9 Orlando 97 73 31 Phll.Oelphl• 79 81 ~·~ 93 81 Pltllburgh 79 55 Piiand ..... 75 40 Ptlend. Or• 82 !>-4 30 ~ 78 49 :::n.fY es eo 54 36 01 Aano 89 30 Aldlmond "' 11 1 Salt Lallo 815 37 8an AntonlO 87 74 19 Sffttla !18 61 78 Shr:-r.:t 89 72 17 Stou111 1111 47 42 1 77 at. Louie 68 41 It. P·Tamp1 87 74 .08 81 Sto Marla eo 50 .30 .)"KUM 7'1 '"' Topeka Tueeon Tutu waalllngtn Wlehlll 71 58 91 St 89 71 78 87 72 58 03 • C AUfOMMA Apple V allay 92 42 95 54 90 53 17 •9 70 25 75 32 91 57 78 57 eo 55 83 .. 9 81 411 83 39 77 57 eo eo ea 50 81 M 68 5$ 89 M 90 85 12 ea 87 55 .. 50 92 82 ... 54 93 41 8•k orallM<I 81r11ow 8taurnont 8lg Boer Bia hop Blytho Catllln• Culv., City Eut_.,1 Fresno Lonca11 .... Long 8oec;h Lot AMQ411et 1 .. MOflfovlia Mont~ MonlOf'ay Mt W11aon N..Olao NewpOt1 e.ach Oallland Onl9'IO Palm Spring• PaNdonl PHO Aoblat Smog Moeuy 11ir thtouo h flrldtJ IClrM HtCflY Jow clollde ....... ? liiliii-..11___.. R_f R_IP_DR_T Whore to call (toll lrfft lot ..,.., 9"'°1 lnfomlatlon. °'""9-9 coumy, llOO) «~H LO• AngtlU County 1•001 2 .. 2-t022 lllMfetcla lfld "" lttrwcllfto countlM· (800) H1-4110 AOMD lpltodo Cont.,: (IOOl 242·4"t ooMt ...,, (llrtOay momlnt W.llltofl tafey llOllQ CIHI, bvt Huntington ltuff• ~ Hunltnolon Pllt n .. Covnty Cl n ••pool •lent• Ana l'llvtf J•ll)' .... ?Ot, 'loM ff IO eo. 401h St Nawpett flllM U IO a . i2nd St NawpOt1 ......... MW lllftla In lelbol Wedge .... = .:::.._ ... to ~Olla. Lllgufl• ...... 1t·30 '"P" == •• n .... • • • "" Clamant• '"' T'r1t .. IT•llroot) ,, .... ...... poor poor 111r ltlr l•lr•pOOt poor poor '*T .. ."' ... r-... .. 81 68 ea 68 68 .. .. 81 u t8 IWlll Tides fOOAY ~ond hlOll tU2 p.m U Socono tow 7:60 p.m. 0.4 liR!DAY nrtt,. ..,. '-"" u "''' tow • '4 •.m. • • leoond 11114'1 t 11 p.111. IA IOOOftd tow •. 10 p "'· ... ~ Mta IMev .. l lt p 111., "-,,.._ ....... ,.. ""-' na....., II 10 Cit p.m , .... ,,._ .. tt;~llll • , A si t e 1n the Gothard industriul area has been selec::tro as the b<>st spot for a permanent base, but the purchase price is $1.2 miU ion. It will cost another $ l million to develop lh e site. accordmg to estimates. · C s t y co un ci l members deadlocked 3 to 3 this w eek on wht>thcr to proceed w sth th<.' purchast• They're scheduled to take anothl'r vote Oct. 25 after more dc·hb<.-ratson over finances. City financial exi;>crls have wamc'Cl <.'Ouncil mem bers not to t.•arry out the transac·u on unll>s!> they n11St.• money sn other a rc·as -su«h as about $400.000 m frC'S for c·1ty S<·rv1t'C'S and $800.000 tu $ l 8 ms I Ison sn tras h collec-\1on C'hargl'S "I t 's n o t in the p1t·tun· lo con tsnu t· tht• woy w e've bt•l•n going," C ity Admln1slra co r C h a rl es T h o mp son said Wront'Sdav. "lf helicopter service· 1s to rontinuc, we'll have to brm2 it h er e. And if the cst y rnundl doesn't approve the purchase of the land , it wilJ be very dsCCicult to continue operations." Mayor Bob Mandie agreed tha t sf the re is t o be h e licopte r operations. the aircraft mus\ be based m the city. But he and Police Chief Earle R obitaille a pparently hav<' dsffcrsng o pin io n s o n tht• importance of the hehc·oplcrs Mandie says there is no W<J Y to measure their eCfc:ct1vl'nl.'!.~ in t"l>mbating criml'. "Other csues don't hav1· lh<'m and thl'y don't have anv h1ght·r t•rsml' rate." hl' said "Th(•rc's pressun• from tht• public not to ra1Sl' ft'C'!. Th1!> (dropping the helimptt•r -...•rsv<'<') possibly ss one wav or t·uttine down costs. And wt• could put morl' pohcemen on the• str('('l." Robitaille has high pr'aL'iC fnr the ae ro squadron and terms st l'Sse nt1al \O the local police l'nfort-ement effort. He sasd the Bell helkopters. Storekeeper Nels Ortlund Is wearing one of our long sleeve sport knits. These llghtwelght knits are available In a variety of colors, In solids or stripes, with a knitted or cotton twill collar. Nels Invites you to come Into our store and select one of these uniquely styled shirts . . . perfect for the llfe style of our area. A store that offers fine tradttlonar sportswear for men, women and boys. B•nkAmtrlc•rd1Mnttr Ch•rse Wetlcllff ...... • purchased OVl'f lhl' ycari. as militar y s urplu l>, wt•rl' respon sible las t year for 125 felony arrests He sasd they wt·re fi rst at the scene an nearly 5,000 sn«1dents a nd on nearly 2.000 occasions were able to cancel the response of other units Robstailll' also asst•rted that Huntington Bea,·h pohc-e haven't been involved in a high-speed chase accid e nt s ince making helwopte rs the ch1C'f pursuer Th<' d ty has based 1ts m pters al John Waynf.' A1rpurt fo r 4 1 / y<.·ars · B e fon· th at, they w1·rt• stationed a l a hangar across from the H untington Bc·at·h Central L ibrar y at Talbert Avenue. But the land s ubs sdt>d and the land ing pad buc kled a n d a hangar door fell off Th'e proposed new location consists o f 4.85 acr es in the industrial area o f th(' dty on thl' west side of Gothard Street and n orth o f Ellis Ave nue . 1028 Irvine. Newport Buch. Califomi&. Phone 642-1061 • II ClllA 1111 1111111 I . OHANGECOUNTY C AL l f-OH NIA 25 CENTS Mesa employment f irln facing state probe By JODI CADENHEAD Ofitt.Deitrfltlotlleff A Costa Mesa business that sells job lis ts to u n employea people is under in vestigation for a lleged misleading ad vertising practices by Cost.a Mesa police and a state employme nt ajlencv. H~lp Wanted Publication, 2110 Harbor BJvd., opened in August, haa been the ta.rget of complaints fro m people who lnsw er e d news papers advertisements for Copter • • VICtllll nained A pilot killed Wednesday an a mid-air helicopter explosion that scattered debris over a Santa Ana golf course has been identified as a 62-year-old Newport Beach businessman. Thomas A. Ballas of Newport·s Har bor Ridge. was at the controls of the Robinson R22 helicopter he had purchased onJy the day be fore whe n th e 10:05 a .m . e xplosion a nd crash occurred , thorities said. h e a odd e n t is u n der an estigation by t he National Tra~rtalion Safety Board . Santa Ana police arriving at the crash scene on the second hole at River View Golf Course found wreckage in flames and Ballas dead, said police Sgt. Irv Mueller. T here were no injuries to people on the ground. Ba llas, described by family members as a n experienced pilot, was the owner of a mobile home m anufacturing f ir m based in Ontario. The helicop ter ha d departed from John Wayne Airport only minutes before the crash, said Ralph Odenwald, alrport tower chjef. specific 'jobs and" wero then told to pay $2~ for the list.I, officials said. Sue Elias, a state employme n t offlciaJ, said a letter was sent last month ordering the firm to stop advertising sp ecific Jobs in newspapers. She said the company is not l icensed as a n employm en t agency and can onJy sell lists of jobs and not adverUse specific jobs. Steve· Shulman, a Cotlw Mesa police lnve11lltJ1Hor, said he has recelvt.'<f sc:veral l.'t>Mplalnts from dissatls!icd customers. · ''It's certainly unethical." said Shulman. ''A number oC people who are buying th at list are unawar e t hat what t h ey're buying as 1n the newspaper. which ls not to say it's lllegsl. but som e or th eir a d vertisi n g practices arc." Help Wanted owner Johannes Vandcrra could not be ruuchcd tor commont. An employl"<' a l the firm said customers rC<:elve a refund offer good for 30 days i( they are not satlafled with the St!rvkes offered by the firm A 47-ycar-old Costa Mesa man w ho asked not to be identified said he turned to the publication Monday after gelling laid off from his job. One job he was told abou t The s ign sa ys it all -'totally a wesom e' . A witness, Joe S tarbird. 20, of Garden G rove, said he was en route to classes at Santa Ana College when he heard a pop. H e said h e saw one oC the he licopter rotor blades fly off and saw the pilot attempting to cli mb out of the c;'OCkpit just prior to the explosion. The re was jubilation a t the Big A for the second straight night Wednesd a y as these fans watched their Angels r ap o ut a 4-2 victor y over the Milwaukee Brewers and inch within one vic tor y of the ir first World Series. Puzzling stock rally continuing By CHET CURRIER ,.,...._.,... NEW YORK -Happy days are here again, at least on WaJI Street. where a stock market boom has confounded exper ts who can't explain the rally while the economy Is stm in a slump. The Dow Jones average of 30 industr ial s tocks scor ed its second -best ga in ever o n Wednesday, soaring 37.07 points to 944.26 -nearly matching the record jump of 38.8 1 points on Aug. J7. 'l'rading volume on the New York Stock Exchange, at 93.57 million shares, was not quite in the same leag ue wi~ the JOO million-plus days of a few weeks • ago a nd t he peak o f J37.33 million shares on Aug. 26. But Wall Street analysts said there was good reason to expect more triple -d igit volume days aft.er Wednesday's explosion in stock prices. Stock prices surged ahead in record volume today as . rathng i n terest r a t es co nt inued Wednesday's powerful rally in t he s tock , bond an d b ullion markets. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials by n oon stoo<t a t 959.99. up 15.73 today. That came on the heels of a 37.07-point gain. the 9eCOnd -largest daily increase ever for the closely watched average. The Dow Jones industrial average has now risen 167 points. or almost 22 percent, m less than two months . Buyers have continued to clamor for stocks despite many govern men t statistics indicating the economy migh t have weakened in August a nd Septem ber , in s tead of recovering. O n Fr iday. t h e Labor Depa.rtment is due to report on the unemploymen t rate for last month. Many private econom ists expect the data to show JO percent of the work force out of jobs for the first time in more than 40 years . Most a greed t here was a n elemen t of unreality to a day (Wednesday) when the prices of Eastman Kodak, Teledyne, Texas Instruments and Lockheed a ll rose at least $7 a share. One important interest rate, the rate o n fede r al funds - short-term loans between banks -drop ped Wednesd ay to 8 p ercent from 10 .25 percent Tuesday. The fed funds rate ls frequently m ore vola tile than othe r interest rates. Some Wall Street professionals apparently i,iterpreted that dro p as a sign a l t h at the Federa l R eser ve had deci d ed to (See WALL STREET, Pa1e At) :~~~?a~Jab!~~n1u~w~~~j~op~~~opl: ~:~~~~Y :.. Of'IM 0-.,... IW space ranging from 900 to 1.200 alifc: ):as sparked Interest and would let the Irvine Com pany I n a cl t Y wh e r e h omes square feet. some criticism from residents oC build up to a maximum of 750 frequently go for $1 million or The project would require city East b 1 u f r . a (ash ion ab I e u n i ts w i t h 3 1 4 o { t h e m highe r , a N e w p ort B each council approval and would be community the Irvine Company designated as a ffordable units. development flrm ia being Mked the city's f ir s t a tte m p t at alJ!o built. to provide "affordable" homes provid ing so-called a ffordable tailored for the family of modest housing. F.astMluff resldenL• turned out means. . The council w ill review the for a Tuesda y evening meeting In Newport Beach. affordable project during a study session this week with the city and the m ean• a $126,456 home and Monday afternoon but wllJ not Irvine Company. Some residen ts modest mH ns translates to a vote on the fate of the proposal. complained t h e a ffordable family with an Income of $42,000. The project would be located ho using project would bring too The Irvine Company, which on Irvine Company land known much traffic a nd too man y would build the development on u North Ford, situated between people Into their neighborhood. a 35-acre chunk of land near the Jamboree Road and MacArthur "I t>eueve the feeling 11 that City's F.aatbJu.ff community, u Jd B o ule v a r d a n d n o r t h or this would definitely be too high the affordable unita likely would Camelback Drive. 8 den•lty for this a rea." aaid Barbara Quist, a n Eutbl u Cf resident ----lllDEI--- At Your Service Erma Dombeck Bua!nets Cava~ Cl--'Oed c.omb en.word Onth Notka Editorial !nteruilnment A9 A4 84-$ A ll 01.0 3-6 C IO CIO 02 AlO C8-9 Horoecope Ann Landers Movies NatJonal Newa Public Notlcee Sporta Dr.S~ncrohn Stock Marke ta Television Thea ten Weather All All C8-9 A3 C8.02·3 C l -7 All 85 Cll C8·9 A2 "But w e're n ot a gai n s t a fford a b le h o u sing a nd l port0nally think there could be• compromlae reached on thlA plan," t he added. O!U ciala fro m the Irvin e Com~ny Nld 10me reaide nta are w orried about "what kind of person" would bt movln1 Into the alfordabl unlta. T h e> 3$.acr e plot ot land curr ntly 11 zon ed for J 20 An alternate plan calls for 465 unit.I with 172 of them listed as affordable. The ci ty, which is being sued by a coaliUon of legaJ aid groupe t h a t clalm a Ne wport Be a c h discriminates against low a nd mo d erat e Incom e hmille1 lncludtn.r blacks and Hlapanlca, qreed more than a year ago to try to lncreue the density on the remaJnlng undeveloped 1-nd In the city by 2S pem?nt. What hu h•ppcned, expU.ined DavC' Dmohowakl of t~ Irvine Company, 11 that the c1ty hH teken all of th e d e ve lo pmen t firm'• vacant land In the city, lncreued density by 2S pe~nt and shifted the tot.ti lncre-qe to the North Ford land. Eutbluff retldc-nt.1 .. id they are aware of thll and are put out t hat their nel1hborhood h as become the "~mpin1 ground" for 1n much affordable houtln1. l tUrnl"'Ci out to huve been (Hied In S.-plcmbcr, the man &aid. He said all the tips he's been given have been jobs th at he tried thut mormng aft.er seeing thl' .ads In the newspaper. "It's rough to be out or work," he: s~ud. "But getting ripJX-d off 1s really bad." A rno ld Yor k . 4 7, of Huntington Beach said he saw an advertfsement in t he Orange Co un ty R egis t er f or a mainwnance mechanic. He was wld he would haw to get $25 to rt-'<'f>IV(' the hst of jobs. Out of work five months, York said he figured ll was worth a trv. For $25 York was given a I/at ~ of pbs once a week and was told to call between 5 a nd 6 p .m . every night for new leads. "But every .)Ob they told me about I had already seen In the (See J OB, Page A2) Airport parking peril • Ill By STEVE T RIPOLI Of the D.ity Piiot at ... Ora nge County supervisors-. who soon will be asked to take the first steps toward bu1 ldmg an 1,800-car park ing lot at J ohn Wayne Airport, may f ind themselves facing ;m old nemesis on airport issues -Newport Beach -1f they advance the plan. T he co u nty Ai rp ort Commi~ion this week voted to fo rwa r d a IJS t of P.Otent ial design e r s of the project to supervisors, who are expected to consider a calJ for proposals on the $230,000 job w ithin a month. But Newport Beac h officials already have made it known that th ey may v iew 11 u c h a n expa n sion as a v iola tion of a court ruling they won in J anuary against the county. If the s upervisors go ahead with the plan, a Newport Beach official said Wednesday, the city w ill seek legal advice on the Ul!Jue with an eye toward 1topplng it. T he city a lready has spen t about $800,000 on its challenge to the airport's maste r pla n (or e xpansion , cit y Executi ve- Aaaistant Ken Delino said. That challe nge resulted in Superior Court Judge Bruce S umne r's ruling that the environmental impact study for the $100 million expansion was inadequate. Sumner's ruling al.lo enjoined (See AIRPORT, Pase At) a m Wille tt, 2 7, tand in front of hi a do ptive mo ther Ruth Wille tt as he await& arrival in Washington, D.C., of his a do pte d brd\her, peda ling a bike from San Juan Capistra no. Cyclist nears DC OI) brother's plea · ... ,· 1 I ., By ANN BLACKMAN -......... ~ .... W ASHINGTON -Davld Willett la pedallftl hla bike from California to the nation's capital where h~ hopee. to convince the a ovarnment not to deport th e Llbtrt.n man who hu lived u a m mbcr o f hla fa mily for 10 )'HJ'S. Ruth WlUell N ld today he r aon la expected In Wa1h ln1ton at about 3 p.m. PST. She •id O.vid had c;overed 4 00 m l Jes o f 'j ' e><h•utllna mountalnoua terrain durint th~ wt two days. •11 w lah I'd heard from him in the Ju t 24 houn but I haven't ," she uld. Oovernme nt offlclala autpect the Wille tt ramlly ado pted the 27.yen -old Liberian. w h oM name l1 Sam, for \he purpme ol eeh ln1 aa a hlr~ e mploye., accord ln1 to Re p . R o mano MaPOll, ~Ky. C&ff BIKE, Pate Al) , ' -----·-----------------------~- IA i CIN ll11mou Cour;t UAIL Y PllO f/Thurtday, Ootob•r 7, 188~ l _u_t_u_r _e _o_f_H_B_p_o_l_ic_e_h_e_l _ic-.o-p_t_e_r _s -u-p-in_t_h_e_a -ir- Ol ltOIU.;tl'I' HAttKt'-t 0(11~ O•llY ,llvt ltell l'lw 1.111 • ul pul111• 111 111 u pll'I op.•11ttt1111' 111 ~ lu11u11gl1111 lk•ul h •d 1•1w11di. 0 11 l11u~h t111.11w1<1I •lJliuna. lt t~~l.'i u 1111 lo kh•j> lhl' four lkopwnc bu t'\J ul J1Jh11 Woy rw r'J>Ort .ind tl w1111ld 1•1ist 11 ll>t l1l ~»ivt• tlwm to 1111' 1·11y ~ Thi· lt•UM' f11r 11 hu11gar ut th1• purl , udd1l1011.i I I Ut•I l'll!il.s 1111ll 11\uu Pt•rsoo.1wl hours 1111! puled u\ $160,0tlll u y1•u1'. 1ly olfictalli llllY tlw 1•>Ctrn t:Oli\ utrncceptobl<' Thi• only !lun· .,.. .iv 111 k t•t•p_, lh•· twllc:u1>tt•r11 "/"'1 ut11mul ts to httiw 1tw1n m I 1111U1tijl0n fktll'h , tlwy Pi.OY Hut thot r411~'ll ollll'r f111t11w111I 1 um1•rt\h A M I t l' I n I h l' (~ 11 l h U I d 111dustrtul art•u htt.l'C lM-.•11 M•lt'(·h'd IL"I tht• 1)4'111 s pot tor· a 1w 1·mon1•n1 hww, hut ttw purdHl.lit' prw•: tx $1.:.! mllllun II Will ('\),'It lll\OlhN $1 1111111011 tu develop th~ 11ih-. uwordmg to l'Stimllh.'11 C I I y <' o u n t' i I ml' m h l' r :.. d(•odloc·kl'd ~ to ;j lh1s w 1't'k 1111 w lwth1•r to p r·ot•t•t•d with tht• fl1Jrt·h11~1· Th1•y'r'' 11(.'hC'dult.-d to 1uk1• 1111111 h1·1 vutt• < )(•t 2~ oft.t.•r 11\1111• th•llh1•111t1on 11v1·r r1r1um't'!I ('11 v (111111\l 1611 l'>C1J1•1 t• huv1• w11r 11t'll 111um 11 1111'111\it•r'M nut Lu 1'111 I y uUl lht• 11'111\IWC:UUll unit• ll11·v l'•llM' 111111wy In othl•r orcna sud1 11~ 11lx1ul $4110,000 1n f1'l'li f111 t'llY WI Vil~''-111111 $800,000 tu $1 II ,;11llto11 111 tr·u~h l't1ll1.·ct1011 dl11rg1·i. "ll'w n ol 111 lh1• j>tl·tun• to c·o nt1mw 1lt1• WOY wt·'v1• bN~n ..i11 111J<," C11y A dm111llilr11to l' C ti u r I 1· i> Th 11 m p 11 on g a 1 d w .. <11w sclu v "It hc•llcopt r l'l'I vll-1• he tu l'<>ntinuc-, wt"ll hnvl• lo hrm" ll hc.•r« Aud I( tlw dly rnunl'll dU('til\'t u pplUVt• tht• IJUldlUN• or thl' l11nd, l\ Will bt· vt•r ~ dlfrll'ull to conunuu opt."rullon.'i.' Mayor Koh Mu11dk ugriot'<I thul 1f tht.•rt• ll'C to be• h1·l1ropl PI OJX'rul111111C, tlw um•rult rnu11l bt · l>IJlll\'tl Ill the· t'ltY But he und 1Jo1t1·1· l'hj<.•f J<:t1rl1• .Ho hltualll· uppa1 untl y huv1• differ 1 n~ u p l n llHHi 011 t ht· importuttt'l' of th<.• ht•Ht•opt1 •11C. MuniJ1l' HaYH lht..•n • i:s 110 wuy to OlCUHUfl' ltH'tr l°Cff'('li\/t'IH'Hh In 1.'tUObltllni t•r l11lt' "0 thl'r c•1111~ ch111 't ltJVt• tlwin 1111d thc·y don't havt• way h11(ht·1 l'I tnW nil•'." Ill' 111.1111 "Tl11•1 1•':c pn·sl'CUr 1• I rotn llw pu hi H: no t lo r ulxl· f 1•1•11 T hu1 ldroppinu lht..• ht•llt'Oplt•t w r lVt•t') fJllMilhly IN Olll' wuy of l'llltlllll d11w11 t'OHlK Arni wt• n1uhl put 1111111• p11l 11·,•m1•11 111l the· st1·1-.·t " Ho ht tm Ill• hus h igh f'r:mu• f111 th1• m•ri> i.qµudr·1m an1 tl·rrni> 11 1•!'1Ht'll\i11 I t,n lh1• l1w a.f pol11·1· 1•11fort•t•rlWl1~ {•ffort. He strni iht· Bt•ll hl'ltl'"fJtt•rK, pUl{ho,wll u Vt'I till' y 1·0111 a a rn 1 I 1 l u 1 y 1 u 1 11 I u " , w (.• r t· 11·s111111i;1hll' l.11.t yl•ar fot 12 ~ h•lt111 v t1rr•'ltl"' I I•· w td tlwy wt•it• f1 111t ut the• S('l'nt' lrl n1•11rlv ~.ooo l111:1dcnl.lf ,111rl Oil rll'lt1 ly 2,11011 l)('('llllllH'lli w1•r 1· ubh· lo n in1•4•l th<.· rt..'lll~''\M: of oth1·r t1n1~ Hol>1t11tllt· also aiowrll'd th:Jl ll untm~to11 Uc.•uclt poltt·t· huv1•n 't bt'l'l1 m vulvc•d 111 o ht~h-spl't!d dta!>t' ;1t cld l0 llt i.tnCt· making hdwupt1•1·11 ttw <·hal'f purRutr Was NRC at fa ult • Ill On of re dispute? O B PROGR AM • • • 111 w ... p;1 1l(·1 tli.11 nuir11111g .md h.111 1:•11111 o ul 1111," York -..1111 < >m· o f th1· .101.>!. l1l-l1 ·d 111 1111 · 1 lllllf':lll)' pulllt1.1llClll WJ'-1111 ,1 d1x kh:ind. It tur 1wd out 111 Iii• ,1 1 1 ..... s m Lon..: l~·al h th.it hl· w ..... told to pay $175 to lakl'. he said Deputy District attorney Diane S tavenhage n said lhat a Job publication in Westminster, Job Hotline , dosed four months ago Jfter a complaint was ftlt'd for misleading advertising prac:th:eti. SAN IJ It-: C.i 0 I AP) In lwl·nl.111~ 1 wu rll'w units of the San ( )1111l r01• nudt•ur powc•r plant, th<.· Nu dt·u r H e gulato ry Co mm1i.1>1on igno r ed evide nce thut 1t sits u ha lf-mrlc from an tlt'llVl' (•arthquakc fault , oppom•nLo, c:lalm. Atl<lrrwys appearing before a 1 hn•l··nH·mbcr a ppe al board Wcdnt'sday also said no plan l'XtSL'\ for the safe evacuation of s c hoo l c h il dren a nd th e handicapp<'d. .Jl ll(E BATTLE h ti O:iv1 d M Wtll1·tt S r tht· • • • no war he 's a servant, n o wuy." hl' s:ud. I An attornl'y f<>r Southe rn Cuhfornw 1-:clason Co. countered thul "tht• On.mg<· County Office l ;ith1•1" flatl v rt·J•'l'l ' 1h;11 rt/~' gu1111•nt ''Th1·1 <' un· f11u1 kuls 0,,1'1 our fJmtly ;i11d Sam h .1:. d i11n·-. /lw tlw n.·st of tlw r11 But th(·11:-. 11( // ,,., ., 'fl.J 'I The younge r David ll> an .opprenttct· engmt~r who turnt•d 21 on his three-WC'<'k .JOUrnt•y • • ./}IRPO RT P ARKING . l·o mmitment w e'll see 1f 1t vio lates Judge Sumner's ruUng." 1ncrtr 1• lountv I r u m rn.1k111~ l~sign1f1t•;rnl l'h~1ng1•s .ti th1• .Jlr porl ·11l~lltl a n o th1•r 1·11v11 onmt·111a l 1IU\l'JHH I lOUl d ht· ..i pprovt•d D e I 1 n o {' h a r g 1· cl t h .i t l'lm s tru ct11J11 o f th1· parki ng •tlf..1c1hty could bt· <:orhld(•r£'d a hl1;1 ~nd1 C'an1 t.'han~l' ur11..l1•1 4-Surnn<'r' ruhng "Thl•rt•'!. J good 1m.l11·a uon that --*1rnt's b1•1ng pn1po~1·d v111l:il1·' .Judgl' Surnm·r'l> ruling," h1· -...utl Pa rking ;uid airport a t·1·1·:.:. 11nµrovcnwnts w t•n • p<i rl 1>f tht• originrd rrn.1 -.tt•r pla n ," D1•l11w -.:11d. addtng "W(' !>JX01lt $HOO,Oll0 1,( 1gh11ng th<tl pla 11 " ; : · Dc·lmo would not 1·111111"1111 th•· l,~ity to a l'hUIJt•nUt• llf thl' parktn).( '•·r.. . ,, j,.l'ifoposal. b u t ht• "'1ld uty offtl'Wl'i .,,frill m o nitor 1l:,, pr ogram~ ll1 ruu~h <:ounty govr•rnnwnl and "1f they ({'(Ju n ly offtctJb.) make· a Ke n Hall. an administrative a1d£' to Supervisor Thomas Riley. o;;a1d supervisors will review the propos a l "compl e tl•l y " with atto rneys befoere going ahead wrlh 1t Hall said board members want to be "confident that 1f WC' movl' forward with this 1t is not in volat1o n o f Judge Sumn l!r's ruling." The parking area would be located in the a irpurt's n orth dear zone, an area mandawd for limited use by Federal Aviation Administratio n rules and intended primarily as a surely buffer. The nor th clear w ne is locatc.od alTOSS the S an Diego Freeway from the airport's two runways ~ALL TREET RALLY • • • t·nt'OUrage inwn•l-l rJ ll'S w k~·p t;.Jlmg Se pa rat~I ). liac hard Pr<s t1 1 h:111man of th<• l't·dt·r<i l llomf• Lo,111 Bank Board cl1'C'~art"<J that It y,1.,l;Jlton n ·t·1•11t lv IM~M·d h" C o ngn·ss to help bank s and !-.1vings a nd loans t'Ould k •ad to mortgagC' mkrest rates as low a., 12 pl•rn•nt in a ft:w month'> ll o rnl' m o rtgage ralP ~ n ow <1n·rc1gt a bout 15 pen.'t'nt 'ol l'.:1111 •rg1 ·m·y St•rv1ccs has the p<1w1·t lo t·urnmandeer the buses 111 .111 <•nwrgcncy." Thl· utility's lawyer , David R. P igott, said names and locations an• bt•mg compiled o f shut-ins who may have to bl' moved. But h1· said a claim by physit·1st Barricaded Irvine man s urre nde r s fl. man was admitted to the UC I rv1 IH' M C'Cl aca 1 Gen tcr f o r p s y c h i:1tr te· evaluation Wt'<lnt•sdav after he barricaded h 1 m Sl' I f · 1 n s i d e h i s I r v i n e a partm ent with a s hotgun a n d rcfusN.I to {'Orne o ut, police said. Dan i<.•) Dennis DriS{'Oll, 34, ~urr<Jund(•d himself with guns about 6: 15 p .m. and threatened to shoot 1myonc who approached him, Lt. Bob Lennert said. OfC1eers from t h e Special Operations Unit were called to Dr1 s co ll 's a p a rtme nt , 44 Fallbrook in Woodbridge. By lhl time they arrived, Driscoll had lt>ft the apart m ent a nd surrl'ndc•rcd Drist·oll. a VIC'tnam veteran, wa~ stopix.'Cf by poht'C for a mmor tr.ifflt' v101<1uon carl11>r in the d.1y lie• h~1d !tuffnc·d physical .ind cm<>llr>na l pro blems for some t1m1· Lt•nm·rt ~11d Sunny and breezy I SmaH cratt •dvll<>fY from POlnl tlon -the outet coat1el :.outl'lefn de,..-1 high• 85 10 93. Iowa 55 IO 85 Ung•ting -1\oweta ove< t\Or1h ll•te mountain• tod•V e11awhere, pattly cloudy In Nonnem •nel c.tltral C.HIOfnf• Fe tr •nd breezy loday, l•lr 1nrough0ut reoion Frtd•Y, at•• to San Nleolu 111and lor T florthwNt wind• 12 10 22 knol• e nip era tures th r.omblned ... and await 4 to 6 IMt, becoming nonh-t 16 10 30 knoll With S 10 8 loot -u1er w•t•• aeuth ol San Nleolu ...... Cl_, to northw-Wind• t6 (o 22 kno1a with 3 to 6 loot -net w•t•r• tlghl and va11able I llllG9C>1 .c>lllh.,et1 to -· JI> 10 ta knot~ dumig •tt•noon ind ennlng hours SouthwHI well 1 ro 2 IHI Clearlng by "'1•noon e.ccec>t IOUlh c.01111 1llund•r11orm1 and ahower• along me Te•at coul and 1n e calltr•I Gull CoHI t l•tea day with 6 '1\ lnchu or rain ·1ed In tnrM houra In north- tr•I Ml•al .. lppt "' IH•t one perM>n WH IOrCacl evfM;uat• late weoneeoay 111Ql\I • to th• heavy r1tnl•ll In l11l11lppl'1 Lalayatt• County, here •tr ••! 11oodl11g w•• ac:t In the town or Ql(lord Rain , .. , from the Qull Coa11 N through the we1tarn upper real Lek••· and a110 wet ltd In the Pld!lc: NOtlll-11 I n anow 11port1d at nlgh•t Ilion• 8hOwtt1 •nd 1hund1111orm1 o•t•d ov•t IOUlhe'" FIOrld• f\d • few •nower1 •••• over 1rat Ctllfornla Hau and IOQ 9Y'11ed In Iha mlddl• At11nllc ti "81• Th• loraoH• for lattt lod•y ..,, tor ecanarltd ~• W>d ndefatorm• lrom ... ,.,., ... cs tral Te•• end the r"t ol the ull COHI etll•t through th• hlo Vllley end mtodle All•llllC I llatM. 1• -4'1 U lo lhe HI L.allH •nd wattttn New NATI<* HI Lo "'=' Albany 78 41 AlbuquerqU41 74 42 Amartllo 7 1 48 Anc:fl0teg9 3e 29 ~ 79 54 Atlanta 82 64 Atlantle Clly 79 64 Austin 90 11 28 BaltlMOI'• 78 83 8"1lngt 64 32 S4rm1ngnam 80 S8 Bttm.,ck 3S 33 95 BOIN 71 •3 eo.1on 82 6& Btownavtle 93 n 12 Bull•IO 90 49 8urMngton 74 42 C119pef 67 31 02 Charlfflon. SC 83 5g Ch11tlMlon, WV 88 6& Ch.,IOll•. NC 8• 63 Cheyef\M 68 32 ChC!JOO 87 61 Clnclnntll ea tie Clevel•nd 83 80 Columbia. SC 85 57 Columl>vt 84 58 0•1 Fl Wlh 93 74 O.Y1on 82 59 OefWt< S8 33 17 OH Moine. 71 54 01 O.tron 81 52 Duluth 46 •5 Ult El PHO 89 66 Fal<t>Mkl 38 24 Fargo 4g 43 1.71 Fl~111fl 71 23 QrHI F111a 82 3t H1nr0<C1 82 52 Helen• 64 25 Honolulu ea n .oe Hou11on 85 71 .01 lndlM~lt 80 69 Jac1t.on, MS 82 74 ~ 17 JKlll<WI .. H 72 •.04 JunHU 48 44 41 KaMCffY 71 S7 21 Knoxllllle 6o4 s8 LU Vega9 79 S2 Llllle Roell 77 88 41 l oullllllle 87 62 Lubbc*I 71 80 Memc>hl• 80 9g 1 74 Miami 8$ 78 Mltw.ul!M 82 58 Mptl-St Peut 71 50 38 Na.iwilte 87 82 N9w 0r ... na 84 73 , 23 N9w Yorll 73 85 NOffolk 80 tit No Plett• 62 40 07 Olllt C11y 78 87 Omatl• 93 47 19 Orlando 87 73 31 Pllll.cs.tphla 79 81 PllOen!M 93 61 P1111burgh 79 55 Piiand. Mt 76 40 PU•nd. Ort 82 54 30 Provldenee 78 49 Ralelgtl 86 GO Rapid Clly 64 36 01 Reno 89 30 AlchmOnd 84 81 Seit Lake 66 37 ~Antonio 87 74 1g S..tlle &e 51 78 •iw=. " 72 17 SIOU11 1H1 41 42 I 11 It. LOUii ee 41 91 P·T•mP• 81 74 08 81 I le Ma<le eo 60 30 lyrllCuM 7" "' ~~>:~,._su ...... R_f R_IP_DR_T n ' L ... tton ttu11llng\(>n Bhlfl• Hut11lnoron Pier San11 An• RMlf Jetty 40th01 ~' Hndll ~ llalbOI W~ Roc;11p1i.. Laoun• 81Mpy HOllOw Tl'Hl11 .. 1toou ..,, Cle!Mnta '* "Tr•laloet (T·ltr"I) TMe!'• ... ,.... 1·2 1·2 2-3 2-3 2 2·4 1·2 1·2 2·1 14 1·2 .... .. ., ... ..... ,_,_ poor ee p<>Of 81 fair ea 111r 88 ftlf·poor . H poof 68 poof 08 ,.r.:o, N N ''" es flllr 16 Tomorrow HIOll Tide 12:H D rn low Tlde l .H 1 rn lwall D!f8C1ICWI, aou.t/IOllt,_..1 se.lol wy •• Topella Tuaon TUIH W11h1n9tn WICMI 71 58 91 61 89 71 78 67 72 58 03 C AUFC>ttNIA Apple Vlllley B•ker1fleld B•rltow Beaumont 81Q S.•r 811hop Blythe C11alln1 CulV•r City Eur1U • Fretno L1nc111er Long S.tch Lot Angelff Monrovia Montilt>ello Monterey Mt Wll.on NMCllM Newport Beach Oakland Onl.,IO P•tm Spt<lng9 P118(1ent P110 ROl>IM Smog 82 42 85 54 90 S3 87 49 70 25 75 32 91 57 78 57 90 55 83 49 81 48 83 39 17 87 eo eo 88 so 82 54 88 53 89 64 90 e5 72 6e 61 55 .. 50 92 82 8<I 64 83 41 Where to e111 (toll lrff) for ••teer l'YIOQ 1ntorm1tton· Otanoe County (IOO) 44t-382t Loe AngtlH Ooun•l'· (800) 242·4022 Alv.rlllde encl 81111 ..,,.,~ counllM. (IOO) H7-47 tO AOMO lpltoda 0anl9'' (IOO) 242·41M Tides TOOAY "°ond hlOll 12'22 p 111. hoond tow 7:IO p.m. ,. . ., u 0 4 FWll lllOh ~ H a rn. 3.8 Fl!ll lo-. t :44 am. 2.1 8econd l\ltll 1:21 pm, 54 hoonO low .. ,. p "'· 0' ht! .... 1CM1er ., t :lt p,rn • ,.... ''*Y ...... ··"' "'°°" ,._ 10C19r et IO;Ot p ,111.1 ... ,.,.., .Jt" ...... •• H1{'hard S Simons that lhl· plant ts thwatent·d by the Cnstia111to:. Fault r<.'ltt·s upon "thl' mui.l extreme h y pothc.1M" A ruhng on the oral o.rgumt•nL., is cxpa·ted in about two months. I n .J anuar y a nd M ay , r espel't1vc l y, licen sing bonrd rulings described the d<'s1gn <if reactor Units U and III as strong e n oug h l o withs l;.ind a n y con ct' 1 v ab It' c-a r I h qu a k 1.• SraukC'down Ll•sung 1s undc·r way a t Unit 11, wh1l'h Edison l'>Cf.X.'(;ls to gcneratt' 1.100 mt•gawatL'I of pow<.·r by January. New roofing law going .into effect • • Wt' w e r ts d (> n 1 <· J a f u 1 r hearing und a fair opportunity to present our cast>" in mid-1981, said Hichard J . Wharton, an atto rney re pn•scnllng anti· nuclear groups. Wharto n said thl' h ct•nsing b oard r e fused lo lis ten lo testimony o f S imons lhal as many as 20 earthquakc.'S might have 0t-curred along an l•xtension of the Cn sllanitos Fault since 1932. The rault l'UlS through ('()a.SI.al bluffs a ha lf-mile south o f the plant and courses nonhwestward into th<.• distant hills of Camp Pendleton. Se1Smolog1sts testified for Edison tha t 1t is n 't a da.ngerous fault ca~.scd by la te ral earth m ovement a s t hl' San Andreas. C h a ril's E. M {'C lung Jr .. attornl'y for an Ornngc County organization C'a llc d "Gr oups Agains t Ra diation Dan1wr." said th e util ity's emergl'ncy eva1.:uat1on plan amounts to little m ore than 1nvt-ntory or equipment A nC'w ordmam:t· requiring Costa Mesa hom eowners to inswll fire-retardant ·ruufs u11 ne w buildings wilt go into eff~t Thursday. The fire retardant or Class C roofs will be rt>qum .. -d only on new buildings or when more than 50 pcrt'<•nt of the roof is replacC'd • The Natural H istory Foundation uf Orange County will s tage a "F eed Y ou r Bon<•s" fund ·ra1smg party Sunday a t Cano's Restaurant m New port Beach Proceeds from the dinner and party will go lo h elp establish a natural history • An aucuun to IJenefit th•· Family C ris is C<mtcr of Costa Mc.~ will be held Oc·t 17 al the B a lboa Pavilion 1n Nt>wpor\ &•ach . C hairman of tht• a uction. tu begin et 3:30 p.m . 1s a{'tor and If It·!>.'> than 50 pt·rl·t·nt of thl· roof 1s rt.'plact'Cf only thul ar1·u rt•p111rt1cl w ill b<> a fft'<:ted Hoof n •pa1rs involving ll'SS t ha n l 0 pt· rt· t· n t o f t h<· original roof an• l'Xl·mpt from th<' m·w law Fur mun· information call 754 5277 -muM·Um in Ora ng<.· County A dL.,play of fo<.S1b found in O r angt' County will bt' t·xh1b1tt-d at tht.· fund-ral.S{'r Cano's t!> llx:all-d at 2241 W C o a~t l11 ghwa y and n'SC·rval1on.s can be· made by l'<illang 63 I I :nu Tht-party tx·g11~ at ~ pm Balboa Jsiand r<-s1dt·nt Buddy Ebsen. For mon· infurmal1on. ,M,} 11 fi4 2-H:rno Thi· CT1s1i. t c•nll'r. upt•n1u-d und1•r th<· d1rt•l'l1un of the Orange Coast YMCA. servc.os Newport &•al'h, Costa Mc"S<J and lrvint· Newport nuinber busy address The address 1s 177 F R1 vers1df' A ve . Newport B eac·h and according to th..-Orange County Registrar of Vo ters. 78 pc•ople hve there I t a I s o 1 !> I 1 s t <' d a s l h t' h eadquarters ro r Frtt>nds u f Jackie Hc•ath<.•r. ;.i support gro up for tht> city's mavor. and C111wns for a Bct-te r Nl•wport. a nothN group ac:u vc 1n the Nov 2 c·tty e lection But, m truth, nobody ltvt>s ut 177 F Riverside It 1s a pnvalP mall box bus1 nl'ss . 'popular bc<:ause its d oors stay Opl'n 24 hours a day. The two pohucal orgaruz.at1ons s imply keep mail boxes then• which 1s both legal and vc·ry common, a spokeswoman for th•· n •g1strar said But 78 pt·ople. who rN.·c·11tly n •g1stcred to vote·, ar{' using tht• H1vL·rs1de bw.m ess as tht•ir lt•gal addrc>s.-;, w hich 1s nol l<'gal. tht• l>pokl>swoman said Sh1rl<.'Y Deaton, a Registrar of Voter!i offu:ial. said the matter was bro ught to her attention rc<:c ntly and th a t shE' responded by writing le tte rs to a ll 78 1nd1v1duab. asking the m to Storekeeper Nels Ortlund Is wearing one of our long sleeve sport knits. These lightweight k nits are avallable In a variety of colors, In solids or stripes, with a knitted or cotton t will collar. Nels Invites you to come Into our store and select one of these unlquely styled shirt~ .. perfect for the l'fe sty le of our area. A store that offers fine tradltlonal sportswear for men, women and boys. BankAmerlcard1Ma1ttr Charge 11111 WttkUff Plau 6111 provide their legal address Deaton '\aid shc· informed thc nc·w lrsl o f voters that they w ould havt.> until las t Monday to n ·-rC'g1stC'r Many of th1· INwrs. she ~rd. t·amt• bat:k to h<•r o ff1t'C' st.amped ''rt•turn tu \t•nder " Of the rt•ma1n1ng p<'Oplc" shc• said some havl' rc•-rc·g1s t<'r<'d a n d somt.> havl' not S lw said thl• newly regi.swred voters who did not m eet the deadline by providing a legal addrt'SS will not bl' permitt<.'Cf to vote in the November election . 1028 Irvine. Newport Beach. C11ifomi1, PhoM 042-1061 .. , • llAlllCUll l tH JflSUAV 0( IOtll lt I 1'111.' OllANGt: COUN I Y C ALlf O HNIA 25 CEN TS Mesa employment firm facing state probe ,. By JODI CADENHEAD o<tM0.-,"94 aleff A Costa Mesa [business that sells job Hats to unemployed people is under investigation for alleged mlsleadil)g advertising practices by Costa Mesa police and a state employment ~encv. Help Wanted Publication, 2110 Harbor Blvd., opened In August, hu been the target of complaints from p eople who answered newspapers advertisements for Copter • • v1ct1rn named A pilot killed Wednesday in a mid-air helicopter explosion that scattered debris over a Santa Ana golf course has been identified as a 62-year-old Newport Beach businessman. Thomas A. Balla.'l of Newport's Harbor Ridge. was at the controls of the Robinson R22 helicopter he had purchased only the day befor e whe n the 10 :05 a.m . explosion a nd crash occurred, authorities said. T h e a ccident is und e r investigation by the Na tiona l Transportation Safety Board. Santa Ana police arriving at the crash S'cene on the second hole at River View Golf Course round wreckage in flames and Ballas dead, said police Sgt. Irv Mueller. There were no injuries to people on the ground. Ballas. described by family ~ members as an experienced pilot, was the owner of a mobile home manufacturing firm based In Ontario. The helicopter had departed from John Wayne Airport only minutes before the crash, said Ralph Odenwald, airport tower chief. A witness, Joe Starbird, 20, of Garden Grove, said he was en route to classes at Santa An a College when he heard a pop. He said he saw o ne of the helicopter rotor blades fly off and saw the pUot attempting to climb out of the cockpit just prior to the explosion. specific jobs and were then told to pay $25 for tht> list.I, oUlcials said. Sue Elias, a state employment official, said a letter was sent la.st month ordering the firm to stop advertisin g specific jobs in newspapers. S he said the company is not licen sed as an e mployment agenc~ and can onJy seU lists of jobs and not advertise specific jobs. Sleve Shulman, a Co.ta Mesa police investigator, said he has ret-eived several C.'Omplaints from dissatisfied customers. "lt's certainly unethical," said Shulman. "A number of people who are buying that li st are unaware that what they're buying is in the newspaper, which is not to say lt'sjUegal, but som e of. their advertising practices arc." Help Wanted owner Johannes Vanderra <.'Ould not be reached for comment. An employee at the firm said customers receive a refund offer good for 30 days if they are not satisfied with the aervlcee offered by the firm. A 47·year-old Cost.a Mc.>sa man who asked not to be Identified said he turned to the publication Monday after getting laid otr from his job. One job he was told about T h e sign sa ys it a ll -'totally awesople' . T here was jubilation at the Big A for the second st raight night Wednesday as t hese fane watched their Angels rap out a 4-2 victory over the Milwaukee Brewers and inch within one victory of the ir first World eries. Puzzling stock rally continuing BULLETIN The stock market set a new volume record w ith the Dow J ones average of 30 industrial slOCks soaring 21.71 pointa today to close at 965.96. By CHET CURRIER ,,...._.,... NEW YORK -Happy days are here again, at least on Wall Street, where a stock market boom has confounded experta who can't explain the rally while the economy ls stiU In a slump The Dow Jones average of 30 Industria l 1tocks scored ils second -bes t gain ever o n Wednesday. soaring 37.07 points to 9.44.26 -nearly matching the record jump of 38.81 points on Aug. 17. Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange, at 93.57 mUlion shares, was not quite in the ume league with the 100 mJllion-plu.s days of a few weeks ago and the peak of 137 .33 million shares on Aug. 26. But Wall Street analysts said there was good reason to expect more triple-digit volume days after Wednesday's explosion in stock prices. Stock prices surged ahead in record volume today as falling interes t rates continued Wednesday's powerful rally in the s tock , bond a nd bullion markets. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials by n oon stood at 959.99, up 15.73 today. That came on the heels of a 37.07-point gain, the second-largest daily Increase ever for the closely watched average. T he Dow J o nes industrial average has now rl.sen 167 pointa, or almost 22 percent, in less than two month s . Buyere have continued to clamor for stocks d esp ite many government statistics lndlcaUng the economy might have weakened in August and Se pte mber , instead o f recovering. Most agreed th er e was an element of unrealtty to a day (Wednesday) when the priC.-. of Eastman Kodak, Teledyne, Texas Instrumenta and Lockbeed all rose at least $7 a share .. One important in t~reat rate, the rate o n federal funds - short-term loan.a between banks -dropped Wedneeday to 8 pe r cent fro m 10.25 per cent Tuesday. The fed funds rate ls freque ntly more volatile than other Interest rats. Some Wall Street professionals apparently jnterpreted that drop as a signa1 that the Federal R ese r ve h ad d eci ded t o (Sff WALL STREET, Page A!) 'Affordable' housing for Newport? By STEVE MARBLE or.,.D..ir,.....,. ln a city where h o mes frequently go for $1 million or higher, a Newport Beach deve1opment finn la being aeked to provide "affordable" homes tailored fOf' the family of modnt meana. be condominiums with a living space ranging from 900 to 1,200 aqua.re feet. The project would require city council approval and would be the city'• first attempt a t =~I so-called affordable The proposed development already has sparked interest and some criticism from residenta of Eastbluff, a fashi o nable community the Irvine Company also built. Eastbluff residenta tumed out dwelling units. T he city plan would let the Irvine Company build up to a maximum of 750 un its with 3 14 o f them designated as affordable unlta. An alternate plan calli for 465 W\Jll with 172 of them listed u affordable. turned out to hav~ been flll('d 1n September, the man said. He said all the lips he's boen given have been joba th1tt hd tried that morning after seeing the ads in the newspaper "It's rough to bC out of work," he 118ld. "But getting ripped olf is really bad." , Arnold Y o rk , 4 7, o f Huntington Beach said he saw an advertisement in• the Orange Cou n ly R eg i s ter f o r a mainttmance mechanic. He waa told he would have to get $25 to receive the ht1t of JObs. Out of work fi ve months, York said he figured it was worth a trv. For $25 York was given a list of jobs once a week jtnd waa told to call between 5 a nd 6 p.m . every night for new leada. "But every job they told me about l ha~ already ~n in the (See JOB, Page At) Airport parking peril . • l_D By STEVE TRIPOLI ()(the Delly "°4 It.ff Orange County supervisors, who soon will be asked to take the first steps toward building an 1,800-car parking lot at J ohn W ay ne Airpo rt , ma y f ind themselves facing an old nemesis on airport issues -Ne wport Beach -1( they advance the plan. T h e co unty Airp ort Commission this week voted to forward a list o f potential designe rs o f the p ro ject to supervisors, who are expected to cortsider a call for proposals on the $230,000 job within a month. But Newport Beach officials already have made it known that the y ma y view suc h a n e xpansion as a violation of a court ruling they won In January against the county. If the supervisors go ahead with the plan, a Newport Buch official said Wedl'le9day, the city will i.eek legal advice on the i.ue with an eye .\OWard stopp(nc it. The city a lready has spent about $800.000 on its challenge to the airport'• master plan for expan1ion , cit y Executive' Asaiatant Ken Delino said. Th.at ~hallenge resulted in Superior> Court Judge Bruce Sumner's ruling that the environmental impact study for the $100 million expansion was inadequate. Sumner's ruling a1ao enjoined (SH AIRPORT, Pase A%) Sam Willett, 27, 1tands in front or his adoptive mother Ruth Willett a& he await& arrival in Washington, D.C., of h is l ' .. I • In Newport Beach, affordable means a $1 26,456 home and modest means tran•late1 to a family with an income of $42.000. The council will review the project during a study ~sslon Monday af temoon but wlU not vote on the fate of the propoul. · for a Tuetlday evenlnc meetJnc thil week with the city and the Irvine Company. Some residenta com plai ned the affo rdabl e housing project would bring ~ muc h traffic and too man)"' people 1.nto their neighborhood. The city, which IJ belns sued by a coalition of legal aid groupe that claims New po rt Beach dlacriminate1 against low and m oderate Incom e f amlllea including bladu and Hlspanlca. alf"d more than a year qo to try to lncrea.e the density on the remalnlf\I undeveloped land In the city by 26 ~n\., adop1ed brother, pedaling a bike from San J ua n Capistrano . ~· . TM Irvine Compeny, whJch would build the development on a 3&·acre chunk of land near the city'• l!'.Mtbluff community, aaJd the atf ordable W\Jtl likely would The project would be located on lrvlne t.ornpany land known u North Ford, situated between Jamboree Roed and MacArthur Boule vard a nd n orth o r Camelbeck Drive. .-----llDU------. At Your 8ervke A9 Horoecope All Erma Bombtck A4 Ann Landen All Bullnal 84·~ Movift C8-9 Cavalmde All National New. A3 C...fl..t 01,03·6 PubUc Not.kee ce.02-a C«n6ca ClO Sp0rtt C1·7 Cro.word C lO Dr. Stencrohn All Dlath NoUcll D2 Stock Marketa B& Zllttorial AlO TelevWon Cll l'.nwnaiNnent C8-9 Thff-.n ca.t Weather A2 "I believe the feeling 11 th•t this would definitely be toO high a den1l ty for thl• area." 1a1d Barbara Quitt, a n Eaatbluff resident . "But w e'r e n ot a1alnst a ffordable h ou1ln1 a nd t per110na1ly think there could be a com~romlae retched on this plan,' she added. Official• from the Irvine Company .. Id IOme ~ta are worried about "what klnd of penon" would be movln1 Into the affordable unlta. The U ·acre plo t of land curre ntl y 11 zon ed for 120 • • What has happened, explained , Daw OmohowelU of the Irvine Company, la that the city h•• taken all of the dctvelopment flnn'1 vacant land In the dty, lncreMed denmty by 2& J»l"Cllftt and 1hlfted the total lncr'fflt '° the North Ford land. r .... tbluff reai~ta Mid th•)' are aware of that and.,.. put out that thtlr nel1hborhood ha1 becom9 the "dumpftl lfOUnd'' for 10 mueh affordable ~"I· l Cyclist nears DC on brother's plea I' By ANN BLACKMAN exhautlif\I mountainom t.errain •r rr' tr•.,......., dunn, the laat two days. WASHINGTON -David "( wllh I'd heard fl'On'I h1m b\ WWett ta pedalJna his blkt from the lMt 24 houra but I hliwn't," California to the nation'• caplt.al 1he aald. when he hopea to convince the 10Yemmen\ not to de port th• Government offtdall •U8plel Ubt..S.., man who hu Uwd u a the Willett family adopted the member of h l1 famil y fol' 10 27-year-old L ibe rian. whoae ~· name ls sam, fOI' u. P"1'P* ~ Ruth Wlllett aakt \Oday her aon tervln1 H a blred employ• la ex,.ct.ed tn WHhlnaton at a ccordln~to Rep. Romane about a p.m. PST. She 11iC1 Dlvkl MauoU, ~ ~y. u had c_,v4'red 400 mllea of CS.. Bl&o, Pap_, / r r------~-~~--~----~~~~~~----------o-~~n~ge C01~0Al~PILOTn~r~~.o~o~r1,1e~ NB .. NV "~ <:OMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS. OUOUTIOIO INt LUflli t •AOC\ 01'1 UH l'llW TOIUI IJj!IOWl\T "AC.,IC l'•W IOUON 0 1 feOlf ANO (IN(llfNAtl H OCW f a(MANO'\ AND• l'O•flD l 'I' TMI NA\D ANO INltlNI f • • Dow Jones Final UP 21.71 CLOSE 185.18 Check scheme figure ' I hired as consultant llO LL YWOOD I AP) Twcnlal'th Ot!ntury Fox .. 1ln1 Corp , facing a possablc· dastrac:t attorn(•y's probe Into allt-ged masappropnotwn of funds, hai. lost a pn'81dt•nt and r('p<irt(-dly h1rc-d as a <'Onsulwnt a man t'OnVKlcd m ....,stok•n (he<.:k c.'i:I~ Ja y Em me tt 1J fu r m e r t u p Wa r ner Communicatwns Im t.-xec ut1ve, pleaded guilty In f'c bruarv IYl:ll to tWIJ c:ounL'i or transp<Jrt1ng stolen { hl'( k~ /\ <all to Fox 11ff 1uC1ls for commcmt W1.'<1nesday w.1!. not 1mrm-<l1ate ly 11•tur m-d M exicans to repay debts S AN DIEGO (AP) An industry spokesman savs & ia Callforn1a m<:rchants hopt> tu sl<lrt repaying a reported $500 m1ll1 on owned to U S bus iness suppliers by the end or Novembt:r 'All business<'!> now an: in th e process of regis tering thl•lr fore:1gn debt.<; with the minister of fananc:c· said Carlo!. Bus tamanl<', who heads the Baja California Dev<:lopm<'nt Counnl About o ne-third o f the m on ey 1s owe d to California b usine!.scs Bus tamante: to ld a news w nfe rl'nt'l We<.lm.>sday 1n San Diego Groce ry ads protested LOS ANGELES <AP) A cons umer g roup urging passage· of Proposition 11 th<: states so-called ' Boule 8111 ' says SUJX.'rmarket d uuns are unfairly plac mg No on 11" m<:ssages an and on grcx'NY bags Represcnta llvc:s from the Califo rnia Public lnt<·r cst RrsL•arch Group h eld news c:onfere nces Wednesday an sup<.'rma rket parking lots around the sta te to compli:i m STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS P(I up )0 i uo 111 Up II 0 UP I,</ Up IJ) Up 11 t UP 11J Up 111 Up II 9 UP 118 Up II I VO II I VP 10 8 Vo 101 Up 10) Uo 9 9 Up 9 I Vo 91 UP t • Up t ) VP t) Up ti uo •o Up 9 0 uo •o METALS NEW YORK (API -Spo t nonre,,0111 ,,.., al ptic.t todey • Cepper IJ7 "' 70 cen1t • pound U a• -tlnetlOna lAoM 13-~ CMll A PQUnd nic 40 42 C*'llt • j)OUncl __ .., Tift S6 21J22 .,_etalt WNI< eotn90Alte lb A........._, 71J C*'llt a POVnd N Y Geld SA llJ 50 per 11oy ou.-Hand) l He11nen (only dally QUOl•I ... _, 1370 00 I*' llUI>. N ~IAll"""' $1117 00 SJ03 00 llOy ounc:C SILVER GOLD QUOT A TIONS •1 Tiie A...a.IM ,.,_ • s ...... ., -Id gold ""'*' w--.. L-... motnino "•'"ii '402 so up s12 25: Lo11do11 •ll••noon ll••ng $404 00 up S13 75 ,..,. •l!emoon li•lng '401 II? up S 12 33 ,, ... Nit "•Ing $404 00 up s 15 ?7 Zuricll lala •ltetnoon hlng '401 00 up S 1 I 00 t>id $403 00 U~e<I Handf & Hermen tonl~ d.,ly quoter • $404 00 up s 13 75 S ,,...._., lonly delly QllOll) S404 00 up 13 75 • fft9elll••d (only d•llr QUOIA) l•b•IC•lec:t S•74 20 vp S 14 44 SYMBOLS