HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-15 - Orange Coast Pilot--~-~-~----·-=~ -=----------- -111111 ClllT YOUR HDMITQll DAllY PAPER rRIDAY , OCTOBER t~. 1~82 OHANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS A great Laguna land buy, for mountain goat ~ Bv JOEL C. DON Ofetteo_..,,...,..., Pusat! Wanna buy some cheap la nd in Laguna Beach with an ocean view? These 2,500-square-foot lots are a steal at prices as low as $250. Come on. friend, this 1s your once-in-a-ldtetimt.> opportunity to own a chunk of property i.n an exclusive coastal community. Heck , a t these p r ices, you m ight as w ell pick up two or three lots. Beach murals sought By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(' !tie Delly f'lloC ltaft Officials are looking for additional artists to paint murals along a concrete retaining wall border ing Bolsa Chica State Beach. More than a dozen colorful paintings already brighten the beach wall, which extends from 9th S treet to Golden West Street in Hunungton Beach. "It's kind of a cultural thing. and it pleases the people who come down here to the beach," said Debbie Friedman, a state lifeguard who ts coordinating the art pro,ect The paintings also beautify a stretch of oceanfront marred by several oil wells. T he effort to improve the appear ance o f the beach wall actua lly began in 1980, w hen several a r tists, without state approval, pain ted appealing pictures of Laurel and Hardy, the Blues Brothen and Charlie Chaplin on t_,,e concrete. The murals became so popular that atate officials decided to launch a program to turn the entire wall into an art gallery. L ife guard F r iedman said beach and recreation themes are encouraged. Artilta may not use the paintings to p ublicize a product or business. S ubjects muat alao be ln good taste for a family recreation area, she sa.id Ir the offer sounds too good to be true. perhaps you should take a hard look at the tine print of this seeming land bonanz.a of the century The parcels for sale ure loc.•ated in the majestic but slide-prone Atth Beach Heighu.. They are a bit on the rustic side, covered by thick chaparral and located on steep h illsides or in drainage ditches. T here's no access to the lots by streets and no available sewer aervice or utilities. And, by the way, you can't build on the land. ., That's propably the reason tht· owners haven't paid their properly laxes during the last five years and why thl:' lots are to be sold at auction by thl• county t.ax co LI('(: tor But with minimum bids set from $250 to $1.~00, you too may own a piece of Laguna And not much more. To put it nor so mildly, thu; land is worthless. "If the lots had much of a valu e and were a potential building spot, people would have paid the taxes," said City Artists' m ural proposals must be submitted to Fnedman, who obtains final approval from the state parks and recreation area manager. The state will pay for a beige base coat for the wall, but artists muet purchase their own paint (See BEACH, Page A%) D.U, l'tlot f'tlolo by ltlct\Md Koetl!M Papie r·mache supervisor keeps up the spirits o( muralists along Huntington Bea ch wall. Sex class prof files suit Newspaper, three people face legal action by Singer By JAY ARNOLD An nlr ... ,,_ Wrtt.r LOS ANG ELFS -Saying he WU a v1ct1rn Of public "hysteria," a profeuor who uaught a sex p1yc h olog y clasa is s uing a newspaper and three individuala for implying h e was mentally de ficient and had required or enticed studen \a to have aex. Dr. Barr y Sin ger said Thursday he w ae su bject to "eensaUonaliat.ic" media coverage after a 1tudent complained to governme nt a nd relig iou s offidala about hil "Psychology of Sex" coune at Cal State Long Beech. Th• course offe red optiona l credit for a number of sexu al . actlvilin -including gay or eJCttamarital 8eX . Singer. 3~. who had admitted he had been romantically involved with several students, resigned in June after being given a 30-<iay suapena1on while university officials 1nvest1gated hU1 course curriculum. The syllabus for the course offered studen ts credit, with "prior instructor approval" for "new experiences involving sexual beh aviors," l i ving as example• "ext ramarital sex, group sex, gay or lesbian eex. ruual sex." Singer admitted to report.era Thunday the syllabUI had been "clwnaily written." But he aaid university a u th orltlee had approved the course and now were engaged in a "witch hunt." ----llDEX---- Sculptort with true grit will gather Sunday for the 21 i t a nnual Sand Cattle Contest a t Bi& Corona State Beach. See Weekender fo r detaila. A6 82-3 A9 C6-10 .84 .84 85 A8 Weekender A.7 A9 A.9 lntennmlon Weekend r Ann Landen A9 Movie. Weekender Mutu•l Fundll 82 National New1 A3 Public NotJcel BS-6 S port.I Cl·~ Dr. Stelncrohn A9 Stock Marketa B3 TeleviMn TV ~ Thft\tfl Weekender WMther A2 J Singer's attorney, Dean Hyatt, who accompanied his client Thursday as he spoke to reporters, said umvennly officials had made Singer a "scapegoat" to squelch criticism "instead of defending him as they should have." Singer said he resigned, not because of the mvesugallon, but because he was under duress from public and media pressure and from anti-Semitic death threats. He would not say if he was Jewish. Named as defendants In the $7 million libel-sla nder action filed Wednesday. were Knight-Ridder Corp .. publisher of the Long Beach Pren-Telegram, a n d reporter Doreen Carvajal, along with student Betty Willman and Roy Heintz, a professor. Willman, who h ad attend ed Singer's clasa for two days but never enrolled, and Helnt.z tnade libelo u s rem a rk• r eg ard ing Singer that were printed In the Preu·T elegram . the S uperior Court suit claims. It aek t $1 m illion dam ages from K.n.UEht·Rldder, $3 million from Will man a nd U million from Httlnu. "Our coverage wu balanced and fair," Pl'ftl·Telearam editor Lar ry Alllaon Hid Thur•d•r· "The lawsuit It without merit.' "Not havln1 ,..n Lhe 1ult, J can'\ really make a comMl'nt," u ld Willman, tay lna t h e auended the claM for two daya before droppln1 o ut and complatnln8 to public offidalt. "I think It'• Impro per a nd unjuat," .. Id Helnt1. "I am an employee of (Cal S tat~ Lona Beach) and the •'-te arid have acted . . . properly ('~ Munagl•r Kt•n !"rank "A11y111w who buy11 tlw•w lot K 'lhould realize It's not lt•HHI to build now and it's unlikt·ly you'll Ix• ublt· to build in th1· fu11ln•" Thl• rt•ui.un the· lots Jrc• ava1lablt: for '4.llt· d.1t<•,.. to a tlrnl· lx•forl' the..• city w;c, 1m•orporutl'd, he• «xplmm·d Jn 1911, c:ounty _QU.tcial'I subd1v1ded the ar~a into Tc>i:S meru.urang 25 feet by I 00 k't'l w 1 l h o u t r " g a r d l o t h <' topograph t<'a I f l'H tun•s o f t hl' land. That means tax BSIK.'SS<>r's rnup:. show strc.•t•ts that don't exist and l11t11 lhut n mnot h<' dl•vt:lc1pc•d 'l'houHh you m•l(ht not mind hu1 ld1nu your drt·Jm h11w11· on till' fau· 11f J '>ht•t•r d1ff or Ill u dr..i1nul(l' gully, tht· uty rnuy h.ivc· J fc•w ohjl·t·tiuni.. !''rank rnu!'t(•d N••vt•rtht·h•!>.'>, tlw Jund will Ix· up for '-<1lt• and tht•n•'s ulwuy1. u buyc•r "Somt· JJl•oplt· would buy unythlllj( to own land," suugl'tJl.\•d Do11nu S hutt , t{I>< dc·cdL•d propc.•r ty ugt·nt with thl• Orungt· Cuunty Tax Collt><.·tor'i. offu:t: "h d1·µc·nds ,on wh,Jt tlw value is to tli..it ~·rwn "It's ·nuyi.•rs hc:ware' We Jlwuy1> lc:ll thl·m to look al the pr11p(:rty " Tht: eurn•nt owners may keep thl·lr land , though, If they manage· to pay uff all taxes and penalt1c-s b<'fon.· the upcoming aUC'l1on . That probably will be lhl• C'<UK• with om• uf the 14 Arch &•aeh Heights lots for sale, the only bu1lJable pan•cl located In thl· !WO block of KDtt'lla $tree\. (See LAND, Page A21 Bottle battle argume nts aired in N e wport debate By JEFF ADLE R Of IM D8lly Piiot 11•11 Ot.•bating thP pros and cons of the bottlt• und can deposit 1n1t1at1 ve, Propos1tton 11. a lt·adang ::.pokc~mun for opponcnL., conceded Thun.d..iy the pra<·t1<·t• of rrturmng rl'f11lable bottlf'S for deposit!. was sut'n'S.'lful when 11 was l·ommonplan· yl•ars ago But R1<·k Mantc·r, reprl'st:-nllng Californians for Sc·ns1ble Lawi., argued that Proposition 11, though "wl•ll-intt>nlioncd and laudabll'." •~ a t·ostl y and l'Omplil·at('<.i 1mt1allvl' that ~hould tx-defcatc-d Nov 2 Arguing in Pro12os1tton 11 's favor, form<•r Irvan(' Mdyor Gabrwllc• Pryor . represl'nt1n~ Cali rorn1ans Against Waste, dedarl'd thl' mt'ru.ure should lx· approvL>d bc"<:au.w "II 1s a private· incentive for tht• public goo<l " The pair squared orf al a sparsely attended f orum sponsored by the Town Hall of California at the Newporter in Newport Beach Countians By KAREN E. KLEIN °' .... ....,,.., ..... MC I T elecommunications Corp .. a dl9C'OUnt phone company. a n nounced Thursday that 23 Orange County rommumties will now be able to utilize ·•0mm-Call." a low-cost routing system that provides a<~ to all 48 ront1guous states Prior to th<.' in1t1at1o n o f Omni-Call. MCI subscribers rould dial to only 42 st.ates, or 70 percent o f the natio n , said Randall L Ickes. Orange County branch managc•r. San Francisco will bec."Omc the• second West Coast area to hook into Omni-Call whc•n the serv1cc- 1s inaugurated therC' Tht· urgument.:. ra1sc'<.1 during th1· 45 minute d ebatt-ech o<·d those that have been hl'arJ t hruughout thl· fall campaign Spl'ak1ng ftr!.l Pryor contendt:d thl· ml'asurl' would lowt·r l'lisL., to laxpayl•rs for p1l·king up roads1dt• httt'r, now esumall•d al six l't•nt.s pt'r l' o n t ~ 1 n e r b y l h l' U S En v 1 r o n me n l a I Pro t t· c· I 1 on Ag<'nt'Y Pryor said the mc,asurl· would l·u nst:rvc resources. such a:. mant•ral dt•pos1t.s that would nut be needed for can manuful·turmg. would redU<'<' the: t·ost of beverages packaged m rc:f11labll• bottles, 'would rl'Clur<· th<> ml'ldt•nn· of broken glass inJUrll's to children in publ1l plact:s. ;.ind would prov1dt• a "nt•atl•r, dl'aner stale" The· ml'asure, she said, t'Ould raUllt' a slight increase an the c.'OSl of beverages packaged in cans or plastic bottles, could cause some an1t1al Inconvenience, and cost ~me skilled JObs. though thoee would be.-offset by a net gain in unskilled jobs Manter , on th<' utht-r hand, dd1mc>d that Propos1llon 11 will t'OSt Cahformans $300 million a yt:ar even after 1ts benefits are subtractt:d This estimate. he said, was mad<• by a Chapman Collc:gc..· group l'Ontracted with Californians for Scns1bl<• Laws tp study th{' mt'asure If passed, thl' in111at1ve also would <'OSI tht• statt> 17 m1llton gallons of gasoline· (to haul the l'mptws) and one billion gallons of water (to wash the bottles) per yt•ar This would mean a net c•nc•rgy loss for the state. he said. Manter addt•d the an1t1at1ve also would put about 1.000 rf'Cyclers out of business. require a 400 perce nt incre ase in storeroom spraying for pests and put an end to the jobs of 4,800 ' skilled workers m the beverage (See BOTTLE, Page At> c an c ut phone c o s ts MCI chose lo introduce the new system in Orange County becaUS(? of the large cllentelc it has here and because an Omni- Call termmal is located in Sant.a Ana. Ickes said. , The Omni-Call service. c~renJly available m 36 c1t1es. will expand to include the enure country by the end of the year, Ickes said Overseas calhng ability with MCI ts projected to be instituted w1thtn six months to a year. MCI. founded in 1968, offers savings of 30 to 50 percent off Bell System prices. A call from Huntin.rton Beach to Dallas, for example. lasting 12 m inutes. would cost $3.28 on AT&T and 1 $2.08 on MCI, represen ting a savings of 36.6 percent. Omni-Calls do not o ffer as high a savings as other MCI calls, Ickes said, because MCI haa not built termrnals tn all the c1t1es Omni-Call provides access to. An Omni-Call to FlagstaH, Ariz .. from Costa Mesa, lasting one minult'. would cost 25 cents, as compared to 35 cents on AT&T rates MCI holds 2 percent of the $44 billion a year telephone industry AT&T <'Ontrols 96 percent of that pie and the other discount companies, such as West ern (See PHONE, Page AU Front o ( the Litton plant in Toronto is open to the out1idf' world a(ter an ""Pio ion pee led orf the building'• brick wall. Toronto missile plant blasted TORONTO (AP) -A bomb blu t ripped the brldt fron t off a su b urban Toronto pla nt \h at makes guidance sy1wma for tho U.S. crulH mlaalle, mome nta a ftu p o llcf! r te lved a n anonymous i.le phoned threat, authortu .. id &Odav T he bomb, hidd en In • van, exptoct.d In a flrebell Thu~y n laht tnjurln a five t o n ln people, at I Ht t wo aerlousl)'.· The bl t 1httt.Ptt'd window• and \ hurled debra hundred.a of yarda, wh ncues tald. The two-1tory plant l• owned by Litton Syatema Canada Ltd., a t ubllctlary of Litton l1ldustrl11 lnc .• of Beverly HUia, C.Uf. Po\lco .. 1d five peopJ we,.. hurt. but local ho9p!W. reported nine Pf'Ople w r admitted for t r eat m e nt and two wor noualy inJu~. T he exploalon came minute• •Ile r pol lc.e received a n anonymout telophooe warnlna. . ~ and less than a day alter a Ju<W r uled t ha t L itton O)(ecuUvu could not be forced to \Jty a J trial of local anu-war .o\Jvttta. "l don't know the det.aJll about what w .. aafd on the phone, ~\ ahortly after our m«!n anivtd l\ exploded." a pollco t poknmee. Mid. Pol declined to NY wbat the call r •Id, but Conl\able Rk~ Halnee .. ,d the b o mb WH deliberately •t. (SH MlS8lLE, P•t• AU I 8 Orang• COHt DAIL v PILOT /Frid~. Oatober 15, 1992 ""'\' \\\*t. Continued stories LAND IN LAGUNA. • • The property has a mlnlmum bid of $17,~. Shutt noted ahe ha.a a file of more than 300 proapecuve buyers who'd probably love to get a crack at the acenic lot. One other mlnor detail. U you }\ave the thought of buying a lot (or under $1.000 anrl pitching a tent or other make1h1h trnmo, forget It. Though city olflclala had no control over the way the land was subdivided. Frank said there are plenty of regulations on the book.I to fruatrate any would-be cliff dwellers. ·.BOTTLE BATTLE. • • • ~ontainer manufac turing b\dustry. spent $600,000, according to Pryor Tax assessor's maps show ro1tds on these hillside lots in Arch Beach Heights, but you'll have a tough time finding them. "There would be more costs •than benefita," Manter said. "We .iteady have Utt.er laws that are oot being enforced." • He said a more realistic alternative would be to educate •Phlldren about the value of a fitter-Cree society, enforce ~urrent laws and provide eonvenient recycling centers. Questioned about the financing ot. the two campaigns, Manter tepe>rted the anh· 11 forces have ralaed and spent $3 million. Pro-11 groups have raised and She said contributions from those favoring the bottle deposit law have tended to be small and from Individual s while Its opponents are organized grocers, bottle and can manufacturers, bottlers and beverage distributors, Manter aaid. uespne m~ oouar aavantage held by opponents of the initiative, Pryor said that in other states where the measure was considered as long as the dollar ratio dad not exceed $10 anti· dollars to every pro-dollar the law had a very good chance of passage. MISSILE PLANT. • • Acting police Inspector Gordon Fenton said three policemen drove to the plant aft.er the tip was received and found a van with a small box inside marked "Danger Explosives." Early reports said the vehicle was packed with dynamite. As the men walked away to radio for assistance, the van blew up, Fenton said. Moments before the blast, a security guard told workmen al the plant about the bomb threat and told them to "get out of here fast." "We started running toward the exit when suddenly there was a big bang and everything shattered," said technician Leo Bailey, 50. Bailey said he and two fellow workmen were trapped inside thE: building by debris until firefighters rescued lhem. Firefight.er Jim W1lhams of the Borough of Etobicoke Fare Department said 10 trucks and 40 firefighters rushed to the scene at about 11:30 p.m, EDT and quickly extinguished the blaze caused by the bombing. PHONE RATES CUT. • • Unio"n and Southern Pacific, hold the remaining 2 percent. MCI subscribers must have a push-putton phone, but there are no installations or changes made on the customer's phone when he signs with MCI. Full -time access to the network costa $10 a month plus the cost o! the calls For evening (4 p .m . to 10 a .m .) and weekend/holiday service, the monthly subscription charge IS $5 plus the cost of the calls. MCI won an anlltrust suit m June, 1980, against AT&T. They collected $1.8 billion, the largest antitrust award in history. Knife victim said serious The 27-year-old victim of an •pparently unprovoked stabbing was in serious condition today in Fountain Valley Community Hmpital with 24 knife wounds. Gayle Bohmert, the victim, was resting in her room at a board and care home at 314 N. Cooper Ave. in Santa Ana when she was attacked, said Santa Ana police Lt. Ken Hall. Another resident in the home, Evelyn Lacour, 25, was arrested at the scene and booked into Orange County Jail on suapiaon of att.empt.ed murder, Hall said. Chance of fog tu11ng1on eo 43 .01 Cuper 70 39 Ctlertltoll. SC IO 72 r----------Ctllwtlen, WV S7 51 Mo1tly llghl verlebl1 wind• through night .. cept WHI to 1outhwe1t I to 18 knoll ett.,._. Sollth to aout~ 1 to 2 '-~ northwlet to 4 feet outer wet.,, ,..,r :::::c::~ IOw Cloudl -- CM11one. NC 72 eo 01 Cheyenne 84 33 ~-1 83 47 .............. eo 51 CllMllnd . 5e 50 . 17 ColumtMa. 8C 78 ., 38 Cdumbul N 51 .01 ~t WOf'lh 78 51 Deyton 58 41 0.-.. 35 Dee Mom. 70 38 o.ttolt 5 7 40 U.S. summar-v ~ ~ !: • .I Feirt>enll• 23 ·5 A I-ltiht "'-' llft9eted Fargo et 40 owr die ..Cem hfl>.thltdl o4 Ille F\ege11tt 81 22 OrMt Lall• region end n«thern Of'Mt Fella 74 48 • Miine on lllundey, and centrel Henf«d 87 53 08 Flondl hed ~ ......,,. 811 37 C1o1a ~ t11e Ot11o v~ Hon01u1u • 73 n-. Oii iN ~ • Hol*on 78 58 74 45 ell 11 northern Celllornle, 111d191iepoM 57 41 ~tn 71 S3 nOf1twn N9¥lde end P9'tl of the '**""·MS 14 41 Wldllte 73 37 IQ~ldo ....... Jec*arwtle 81 .. .20 Fog covered th• nor1hern "'-48 38 CAL1'0ttNIA 7,. .,. T ehoe Valley Thermal T0tnince Yume .. 31 ~ 51 ee se. 92 eo Peclflc eo.t end 101M o4 lrMrlor . K.-Cty :: ~ =:.=-r eO 8, =· tr-tl'le Aodllel ~ eo 52 ler9tow 85 52 d ......... ' --Rodi 70 47 e--,1 12 48 • --IUnny. ...._ ..... ...., 83 25 Fort~. ICllt*ed "'--~ eo 41 ...,. er• forecHt from lh• •-Lubboc* 73 38 liltlop 78, 3S rHI Lall•• to nor1tle'rn .,,.. ~ ee 41 lltythe ff 63 nglend, with • cheno• ol Mllml N 7t ~ 18 &e hunder11orll'le In 1outllern ...._.. 82 44 eui-City !87 ~S ........ t P.ul : :; ~= S7 H ....... .._ .... ______ ~on-. 11 eo ~· 19 41 ~!,Ofk .. st .01 Long lleKfl 8887 ~ ...... ....... 70 61 1.40 Loe Angelee .... No. l'tltt• 74 2t MonfoYI• "' 51 :w~ ~~ := ~ :: : Or1endo '3 72 Heedlee " 115 .,,.,~ " 51 ~ 8eedl 77 57 ,...,.,,.. 87 .. Oaltfancl 85 58 PAN AMaRICAN Ac:ec>ulCQ 88 Barbedoe 93 Bermude 79 Cureceo 91 FrMPQf1 92 Guld•l•f81'1 82 OuedfloUpe 92 HavlN 82 Klngllon 92 Montego e.y ee Mcatlan 90 Mend• 90 Mexico City 83 Monterrey 72 N.._, 18 8111 Juen 90 T eglldgelpa 11 Trlnkled to verecna ea CANADA 73 78 70. 79 .. 55 I 73 7& n 72 ' 73 76 57 &I .. 7t 78 73 73 ":"ri 57 43 .01 Onllt10 " llO p 0:-84 112 .43 :~ng• :: :: ~on ~~ :1 Ptlend, 74 45 P Aoblee 90 43 Montreel 58 47 PrcMOencle 98 58 · 1° ~ ee 52 Otlew• &a « "IMilOfl 74 51 .&a Ii" ... ~City 72 17 Aed""" 81 112 TOfOftlO ,. ..., ,_., 12 32 Aedwood City 10 84 v_.,. 81 43 NdlmonO 11 H .oe lecf-10 82 ao ,.w_1nn1peg _______ 8_2_" Seit LMe le 41 8ellnM 18 4g ·~ A_....._ 7• ~! len llemwdlno .. 52 s ~......... ee _ aan Oabt1el 92 52 mog • ""°""" ~ A 1ttte COCl6er =.,-:r: ~ ~ ::: =-: :: -Where to o•ll (toll Ir .. ) IOf -._. oe.-~. st.Louil ea ao 1411\ JoM 12 u ~ ~'°'"';:;r4*-M28 ..,_._ ______ _.. It P·Ternc>e a 18 ,47 '*"•Me r. :: Lo:'fnoelH 'county: (toO) ~ --It 81e Mette 41 44 .14 Seftla larWa 75 M 242...022 .1 emperature• :r.:: r, ~ :::: ~ ~ :: ~-i'ae~r~'*o"'° unoee -T°'*' 72 ao =·~ 17 to AOMO ~ Cimfi1lllO) ......... fUOIOfl ., 111. 241 ...... ~~-., ... 111 "1111191Alr.10iiio---------------__ ......, ____ ii&....,, __ ;,;;:;;-~ ~ 1 · 14 Tides =..• : : .1' •• 111f~IPIRT TODAY A""* 70 61 ---hcoMIOw 30lpm 04 ,....,..Qty • .... 12 ~~ t11.fm II ~ 10 It UTUM~ .....,_. 17., 02 .... _. .. ____ -i~----l'lfltloW 3·tllem OS• = 71 N ..... -.... .... .... ,irtthlelfl 1-27111'1 U ...... • 47 .01 ~ ..... -..... 11 Dir 8econO loW 3:41 p '"· 0.2 --.--11 II _,.. I l IW 8eoond lllatl t ~ p.m 8 2 _..-f4 4t ..,... Monlce I I 11 1 IW tun Nfe 10Cll~ •t I 11 P m .. 17 .. .1t ~'!!'= leed\~ •• ! 1111 1 IW ,.... ltlturdey at Ut Ull ... ti -• I IW Moon neee todey et UO llfl., .. .. for -. Uttle...... .... .. 1.03 p"' • Two Marines captured in purse thefts Two Mannes stationed al El Toro Air Station sus~ted of s eve r'a I purse s n a t ch 1 n gs involving older women were arrested after a police chase Thursday rn Hunungton Beach. Fullerton polic~ officers booked Robert Styve II. 21. and Royl'e Taliaferro. 24, into their city Jail on suspicion of armed robbery after apprehending the suspects in their small foreign car at Pacific Coast Highway and Warner Avenue, a po l ice spokesman said. The Fullerton officers had tailed the two men Thursday because of suspicions they were responsible for two purse· snatchings In their city within the Last 10 days. At least nine samJlar robbenes had occurred in Orange County dunng the past month, they said. Ort1cers said they began their chase after watching the two men sneak up behind a 58-year-old woman and knock her to the ground In the Boardwalk Shopping Center parking lot an Huntington Harbour. Prison riot blamed on overcrowding . CHINO (AP) -Overcrowding may have contributed to a riot of urn prlaoner1 In which one Inmate was killed and a1x others Injured. according to an official at the CaHfornta ln1UtuUon for Men at Chino. R.eetna Stephens, tho prlton'a pubUc i'lformatlon offlaer, aaid the mlntmum-IM.'CUrity area of tM prtaon, where t.h -43-mlnute riot occurred, wu de.ianed to hold 978 priacmel'I, but nouted 1,813 when th• m•1H took plac:c Wedneeday ntch\. Two ,uudll were ... uh~ but not ttricx.ly tn~ durtna the riot, Steph nt MJd Thurtdav. ' . . DeltJ Woody, above, is boldly colored like a child's jigsaw. ea window by Carl and Kathi Riby has more subtle tones. BEACH MURALS. • • From Page A1 and brushes for their parucular work. Ex1stmg works include surfing scenes, .;l{I ocean Vll'W as seen throug'h a window and a pair of st.>a birds Fnedman said beach ofhcaals plan to use special protective l'oatings on the murals to combat the graffiti that has damaged some w~rks. "The response lo the mural program has been very positive so far. but we're lookmg for more part1c1palion now from school groups and other people," she says "My goal as to get the whole walJ filled up by next summer " Artists can inquire about the program by calling Friedman at 536-~07 Enrollnient plunges 11 percent at OCC ~nrollment at Orange Coast College has dropped 11 2 percent thia fall, the flrst reducuon at the Costa Mesa college since 1976, officials said. Ken Mowrey, dean of admisliona for the college, said a survey report shows that there were 27,126 studenta enrolled as of Oct. l, compared to 30,551 last year. Mowrey figured the enrollment drop wu caused by the loss of state funding for community colleges that resulted in a loss df 285 recreation and self-improvement classes no longer t>l1gtble for state funds. Coast Community Co)lege d1stnct offaoals are estimaun8'a 15.3 percent reduction in enrollment distractwlde at Coastline, Golden West and Orange Coast colleges. Despite the enrollment drop at Orange Coast College about 75 percent of the classes offered were closed before school opened Sept. 7, Mowrey said. In the past enrollment on the Costa Mesa campus has Increased about 6 percent a year, said Mowrey. Battling a bru1h fire near the inten· ~tlon of the I· 10 and 1-5 f reewaye in Loi Angeles Thunday afternoon, a city helicopter be1fn1 • water drop that wu one of veral drenching pa •n1 can and pro•iding motori t a free car w•ala Oii th (reew•y. ... ' .. ti I• .. ! '· -J Orange COHI DAILY PILOT /Friday, October I~. 198~ S WORLD Laguna nixes school land buy Deadly cyanide stolen in Tokyo TOKYO About 5 pounds of dendly sodium <:yanlde, <.'nough to kill 10,000 people, wa11 s tolen from a Tokyo 11torehouse, poh<.-e said today. Local prt·s ~ re ports speculated the t.·yanide may have been stolen t.o commit random murders similar to those in the United States, where the deaths o f seven pt>ople in th<> Chicago urea haw lx't'n llnk<.-d to cyonide- 1 act• d Extra -Stn•ngth Tylt•nol Th<> Tokyu Met ropolitan Poh<.'t' Dt.•partment confirmed that the cyumdl· compound wa11 Luken from the storage h ouse of Turnanrtsu Shori Company. a m1.-tul plating fnc·tory in Tokyo. somf.'llme dur111K lht· past w<.-ek Iranian prisoners freed FRANKFURT, Wf.'st Germany -Twenty-six bearded Iranians waving posters of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khome1n1 and shouting pollt1cal slogans boarded an Iran Air jet for home after spt.>ndlng almost six months in West German jails whale authorities haggled over thl'ir deportation. The 26 Iranians leaving STATE Thur:.day Wl'l t' among 86 arr<'sled April in Mainz after a brawl bNwN•n two rivul groups of Iraniun students wrel·ked a lt•<.·ture hall at Mainz Un1vt•rs1ty and ldt sc·yernl p<_-ople injured. Forty-thn·P Iranians tHl' s till h 0 t!ld 1n Mainz Jails, authonlles said It 1s nut dear wh<'n thl.'Y will leave West G1.•rm .. my · Quake shakes Simi Valley SI MI VALLEY -A sharp t'<Jr\hquakl' wok(• residents m IWU count1<·s early Lode1y , ).t ndmg fin· 1.•ngmes out of 1lw1r stations and knoc.:kmg llt·rru. oH sht-IVt'~. authorities ~11(1 It was h1llciw1.'<.l by a 'it"'<.'ond .inJ largl'r quake e1n hour l•1ll'r about :mo m1k~ offshore. M%molog1sL-. !><11d Tht•r<· were 1111 n•p1>rt~ uf clamag1.• from 1.•1thN quak1.· Thl· 2·57 a m tC'mblor n ·g1st1 ·r<.-d :i I) 011 the R11.·htc.•1 ~-all .md was 1.·1.·nten.·d m tht· S1n11 Ifill:. on tht· Ventura Lo~ Angt.'l<·s tounty lint• bt•twt•t•n S1m1 Vullc•y and th1· Lu:. Ang1.·l1•s su burb of Canoga Park in lht· S<ln Fc•rnando V;.illt·y Bradley backs tax revision LOS ANGELES Mayor Tom Bradley says if t'l<'CtC'd g1w1•rnor, ht• would pu~h lo h..iv1.• stale m1.'0me taXl'S twd to ft•dl'ral income taxes in 111 <.Jc·r to save Californians th<' trouble of h<Jvmg to fill out I wo M'parat1.· t.ax forms "Ask any taxpayer 1f they llkt• makmg uut a separate tax form for th<' ~talc•, and they'll tt·ll you no, th1.•y don't like 11." Bradlc·y to ld rc·por11•rs ThurM!ay HL· smd if th<· plan wc•n· adopll·d. Cdl1forn1ans· stalt· tax would simply Ix-a hxt-d p<•n·1.•ntagP 1Jf lh1·1r fl·<.lNal im'tirnt· t..axt·s .. Tlwy"d simply us<· ._1 per1.en1age of th1.• fc-d<'ral m<.um1• 1.ix. and they would simply use th<' om· form.'' Bradlt>y said Social Security 'issue' LOS ANGELES Congr<'SS will dodge the 1ssu1.· of Social $<.'cur1ty if Dt·mocralS sc·ore a big wm m ui:x.·oming elecuons, accord- ing to Sc-n Robc:ort Dole, R· Kan. 'J"m adVCK:atmg that WC :-.<1vt• the system," Dole said Thursday "WC! sh ould dul With Social s~urity In th{' NATION post C'lc'Ct1on St•ss1on this year. but 1f thl'n··-. J t·hange o( mort· than 20 <;<•ats in the Hou<;<·. any t.·han~f's an Sc.x·ial Sec: u r 1 l y a r 1· o u t I h 1· window·· Ill• c:a llt•d Sex·1..il St•1 urilj tht• "hlgg<"Sl 14'SU(' W<' d1dn"t race> up to in the la .... t twn yc•ars .. Phone listing riles chief MANHATTAN . Kan The new Manhattan city d1rC'ctory has res1dl'nls· ndmes. addrc•sses. phone numbers and 01.:cupat1ons. but tht• chief of pohre doesn't find 11 amusing that page 345 hsls Arlie Mo!.s as a city fire lnSp<'("lOr Moss was 1.·onv1cted of hurn1ng down a lumber c:ompany an M.1y 1980 and 1s in the Kansn.'i: St.ate Industrial R<'formatory in Hutchinson. 1:rn miles t·o tht• southwest PCJht•t• Chwf 8111 Smith wanL"> a n t• x p I a n a t 1 on f ro m l h e company wh1c·h produc-1•s tht• d1rc><:lury why Moss. wh" was convtt tc•d of ar.,on in a $I millton fir<.' Jl the Ramt•y LumbN Co . 1s hstC'd a"I fir<> IOSp<'l'tUr Miami rounding up bums MIAMI -A specia l police "trash patrol" has swept hundreds of vagrants off the streets this week t.o impress a convention of travel agents, but the move has upset civil libertarian.I who say M la mi is putting on a "phony face " Smee Sunday, whC'n 6,000 mcmb€'r& of the American Soc1<>ty o { Travel Agents arnved here for a conven•ion, police have arrested nearly 400 people on misdemeanor charges such as sleeping and drinking in pubhc. R.v Jot;L (', DON Oftlte Oe111 ~•I ltalf Tl11 L11uu110 Bl•uch Un'ifl~d St-l111ol 01i.trkt ha1 som~ .urplua l.llld 11 would lov1• to flM•ll but It JU'I l'un't l!t'l'OI lu fi nd uny h11v1·1i. 111 ,111 1•ffort to find u wuy to •wll 11 e ..ilrt'!i or luntJ 10 thl' Top 11! tlll' World nl•1ghborhood, st•houl th11tr11·1 olf1cmls called on 1111· L:igun..i &·a<:h City Council Tu1·-.d.1y n1~ht for ht•lp The• eh,1r11·1 w;ints 111 C'llhl'r M.•11 Irvine bridging the gap By GLENN SCOTT 01 lhe D•llY Piiot lt•n A m <.' a~ u n · I r v 1 n l' v o l t' rs a ppn" t.'d m the Junt• cll.ocllon as a railruad trat·k-lowcring project lw~ turrwd out ins t1.•ad to bl• a b11dg1•-builJ1ng enll'rprise, CounulwomJn Barbara W1em·r da1m~ But ~ far. tlw nt.'wly ch.><:U.-d l'11unc:1I nwmbt·r hasn't l'Onvmc.'C-d ht:r tolll'agul->s that a two-phasc.-d pla11 ;.11mt-d at St•paratmg ~1Jroad tr;.11 k::. trom busy sln'C·L~a bad •1ppn1al·h Thi., wt•t·k WienC'1 ch.1lmC'cJ 1 urrl'11t proposal!> lo build ovt·rpLl'M''> first and then seek funds fm lowering railroad beds wou Id ht· .. dd fit·u It If not 11111.>1i~s1 1Jlc· lo Jllsllfy." If uv1•rp:.i~::.i·s arc built, she• ,1rgue·d. nu uUL'>ldl' ag<.'OCY would he• mtt·n·~tt·d m offering monc·y Im w~wl would st:.'<'m a cosmt'l1c .11 t 1if dropµmg the trndc.s mlo a JO fool -dt•t•p l hannel U l h t· r t o u n c· 1 I m l' m b E' r s d 1 s d lo( ri· t• d. how c• v er, and oulho11zt·d Publi1.· Works Director Hn·n l M udww to pr<X"t'E'd with "11 .ipµlllallon to th<' state Public L'ttl11u•s <:omm1ss1on for $5 mlll1on lo nmslru1.·t ov1.•rcross1ngs '>panning th1· tra(·ks al Jeffrey Hewd .md Culv1·r Dr1v1.• At ISSUI' 1'-whether the l"l lY !>hnuld St'i•k the $5 million only for thl• 11v1·rc:rossings. whteh MudHiw say .... 11 has an excellent l·h.mce of r("<.·1•1vmg. or ask for mor(' than $I 0 m1lbon t.o finance thl· <.'On<.·urr<•nt track lowenng Muchow claim s the city's probability of rec.•e1v10g (undin~ would substantially drop by .isk mg for so much The ovl'rpasses would stand ahuut 29 feet above ground level ltwr1 or three feet more for railings) 1f built bdore the lov. <'rmg Thal height 1s s1m1lar to thl· h<'1ght of the existing Yale Av1·nuP pt'<il-strian ovt-rcrossing, ~lut'how not{'<.! If lhf' ov<>rpaSSC'S wc•rc built as I r.H k." wc•rt• lowerC'd. thl." height rould lw dropp<.'<.I seven to eight fc•N . he said. calling it "a minor d1ff1·n·m<• m 1·levat1on we• feel IS part of thl' 11 adl'Off " W1c·m·r Sl:lld voters, who gave 74 pc•rt·<·nt c;u pport m June for • tht• µroJ("'l"l, will be surprised t.o d1st·ov1•r how their lowering prol(.'('t has C'han~ed. But the treasurer o f thC' (•ampa1gn pushing for the ballot mc-asure. Bicycle Trails Commllt<'<· Chairwoman Juanita Mot!, argu<:d that ballot d1•!H·r1pt1ons explained (•oniit rut1 1on might take place in 'ilagrs Noung that the caty might never hav1.• the same chance for the-$5 m11l1on grant. she said, .. w c· l' an· t a er or d to tu r n 1 t down " Muchow said several public sl·mma~ will be held soon for nt•1ghborhood associations ba'led near the Santa Fe Railway tracks. Dates for the firat seminars should be announced within two weeb, a department spokesman said todJly. A c'Ommlttee also 18 expected to tx• formed to make suggKtiona on landscaping for the overpass l'mbankment.s, Muchow added. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot' What don't you like" Call th~ number at left and your message wilJ be recorded, tranacribed and delivered t.o the appropriate editor. The same 24 hour answering service may be used to record lel· ters lo the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors mull Include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please 642•6086 Tell us what·s on your mind ~ ......... #J .. I OAAHGE COAST ·.. Dilly Pilat L K11Y khutta Vi<•,,......,. llllCI OlfKHlf "' AdveN1..-0 loymond Mod.Mn CootroAe;· Mkhffl '· Hcwv-, l>w.CIOt ol Moll•l"'O IC1t(lliofoOlll CIHtHled edv.rtltlng 7141142·5171 All other depertmente 142 ... 121 or c.Jonuu.• 1.1hou1 4 i,., utrt.'11 of thl' laand to tht• t'lty tor u recrcatlonul pork In ~xt.·h1i1n6'l• for approvul ut a 3 1-lot 1ubdlvl1lon u( th£• r<'malrilng pam:!I Council mcmbt.•rH, huwt1VL•r, Huld they couldn't tukt.• any 1nunt'<ll1tll' al·tlon on thl' proposal The dl11tricl, they llllAd, muict flit 11n l'nv1ronmenwl lmpuct rt.•port, upplicution Cur subdivision ond other land studw1 with c:lt y planners The cost for tht• 1tudte11 and appllcnUon wuld run a• h16(h &&11 •60,()()() Sc..·hool1 Su:r·rlntl!ndent Biii Born..-11 notl' atatt• law proh1blc.. lht• duatrkt from ualng I I.If t'<luc:"llunal r1•vt•11Ul'tl to fund 1uc:h 1nudlc1 Tht.· d111tra·t t.•ould cnllftt a pnvutc d1·v1•lop1•1 to fund thl' 1·nvt1·unmt•11tul n•poru But ,.dlvol d11nr ll"l IJuord memben. 11atcJ dt·v1.·lopt>ri. are wury of taking on a JJrtJj('C.'l unleMS they'rl' sure of how tht• c:ity plans to subd1v1dl' lht• pur<.l'I .. Thi· 11•111 p1ohl1·rct tl11· "'lu>ul dlNll il"I 11' f,11 lllJ( I' 1111 h1"1'llljl lllJlkl·l 11> "'' d1,..n1.1111 .. IM1<IV' ,, .ollv wont,. 1h1· p1111.11·1 I\ 111111·"' ~1•\ l'Ufl t(t•I 11 oil J 11 .ol d11 I clll'·IJ• P,fll't•." •1.11d ('11y M.111.lf(l'I f I,. 1"runk Hur111·1o ... e11I 0111 "if!I'' .l• d ul1t•rn.H1v1· " fur 11 .. cl1s1rti { t•1 d1m..ilt• lhl• 1 111111• p.111 e I leo !Ito c•lly und ttw11 1e·.q1 Iii• 111e111•1·d from the• s1cl1· ell 11!1 1,\1\rl Est1rn11t1·d v.d1H "' 1111 prupt•ny 111 .1l1<1ltl $.s r111ll111n · · D.ilr Piiot Photo b1 Riche rd IC q.othler Methunt• ga~ vent, a 12-f oot hilli_,idt' landma rk in Laguna Beat·h, wa"' "'ilhout·tte d b y fl amt'~ a t 6::JO a.m. Sunday. Home blaze scorched canyon. The· fm· that S<'<>rched 35 atn•s of land an Laguna Bea<.·h was started tn the L1·wt•llyn Dnvl· home that also wee. <ll'l>tmy1.-d by the blaw. fin· uff1uab havl.' d <'lC'rm in ''<f Tht• blaZl' t·rupled early Sunday morning <.ind black(•ned a hilb1cJc from Skyline Drive to buildings on Luguna Can yon Rood acros.'> r rom the Fc·suval of Art !> ground!>. Thomas Du<:k worth 's home and rear gul'!.I hous1· dt 1199 Lewt·llyn Dnvt' wen· lt·vl'led and there was mmor damogc> to a home at 1345 Skyllm· Drive, J ew(•ll said. Fin• off1c1.els ha\ 1· pl.11 1·d. ~I" t-st1mal.(>d n•µl.1l emt·111 t •i'>I 1,.J. •th• Duckworth rt"'>1dt•111 • .it l.1.! .!. 111 Lt..~ than $~1110 da111.i.i.:• \' ·'" <l• ''" to the• Skyltrw Ur&\'• 11111111 ., Th<> t•a use . howl·Vt· r , I\ a mystery because or what ltttlc.• evidence remaint:d at thl· site. according to Laguna Bee1ch Firl· Department Capt Hl·rb J ewell. Cuunt v :.ind lllV 11ll1e 1 . .i, IJ1•"1 surv<·Ytocl th< fin; .111 .1 le11 wll.ot may ·be u ~.SU 111111 1 111111 :1 prt•venl fluodmg and mud J if • ~ Th<• h1lls1dP l'o lc> bt· rc .... , ... .i. d ; • ' They do -all 11 ,674 of the n1 Ceremonif"f' in Seoul, South Korea, unite 5,837 couples fro m n:i countries in marriage, the latest such tna s wedding b y l nifirution (:hurch lead er thl' Re v. Sun Myung Moon. Church follower.., !-Hicl ia was the la rgest mas wedding in history. TheAnsd)IV Premiere Collection. There's never been a group of carpets like the Anso IV Premiere Collection. Or a better time to save money on carpet of Anso IV nylon. rhe original soil and stain res1stanc fiber The Premiere Collection was created by bringing together the co~of-the-hne styles from each of Amerrca·s top carpet m1ll<i Ar H l now through October 2 3 we· r < • oftenng spectacular saving\ or 1 every Premiere Collection carpel and on every other carprt mMdc of worry-free Anso IV nylon Come 1n today. and ~ee ho\/\t little 1t costs to own the best Cl1c1 t money can buy PRI \I RI ANSOIV C 0 1..._...._...::.ol.---=C I 0 N 646-4131 \ . ' . .. , .: • I ., j . . : :· .. -: .. . ·! • •.• ·1 I I .. . ' f''' .... •:. .. ~ - -------- A4 • Orange Co111 DAILV PILOT/frld1y, October 15, 1882 onroe's d!ary 's~cret' C~~~MBUS, Ohio (AP) The content11 of Maril yn Monroe's so-called "red diary," recently tht! object of intense fublfcity, will remain :iecret a11 ar ~s actor Ted Jordan 111 (.'Onc.-erned Jolrdan , an an lntervH•w Thutsday, said he returned to Ohaolfrom Loe Angeles thas week to dii up a jewelry box which he aald contained the diary and othetpersonal Items belonging to the tr~. whose Aug. 5, 1962, deal was ruled a suicide. "I rought it back to Ohio in Octo r 1962," said Jordan, who clatnled he buried it a t that time atop ount Pleasant "in his native Lan ter, Ohio. He dug up his 20-ar old buried treasure W esday. ut it there for sentimental -just for memories," sal he 57-year old actor, who play d freight office operator Na han Burke on thl· ''Gu smoke" television sertl'S between 1964 and 1975. J ordan worked with Monrl)(• when both were under c.-ontract at 20th Century Fox an the 1940s He said they became lovers an 1944 Th e existence o f th C' mysterious diary, however, remamed unconfirmed. Asked to show it to an Associated Prt.•ss r eporter and photograph <•r Thursday, he said he had mail('() the book to Los Angeles H(• refused to say to whom he· had S(:nt it Jordan has made a numbN of inconsistent statements about thl' diary. In August, h<' went public with news that he had the diary an h1~ possess1on. Later that month, thl· actor said the "diary" was merely a book of love poems he and thl' late actress once shared and that it was stolen from the trunk of hlS automobile Thursday. Jordan produ('(•d Actor Ted Jordan sorts through articles from jt.>welry case at left which, he said, contained the missing red diary written by Marilyn Monroe. thl· i.l·arrcd and faded leather Jl'Wl•lry box. The box 1..'0ntained what WNt:' a pair of gloves that suppo~-<lly lx·longed to Monroe, a!> wPll J S a knit sweater , a bra<:elct. an assortment of costume Jl'Wl'lry and a locket holdmg thl'1r photographs i''nendi. or Monroe who be- l 1l'Vl' thl• diary exists say she was murdered becauSC' she was about to reveal tts contents - purported government secrets she teamed through a n alleged roman<·e with then-U .S . Attornt.•y General Robert F Kennt.'Ci y ThOSC' se<:rets alleged I y includt-d a CIA plot to kill Cuban IPader Fidel Castro. Jordan refused to comment on whether the diary contained such alleizattons "l don't want to d1sc:uss thOS<.' things." hl' said. Jordan said he fears for his safety because of the pubhc1ty involving the diary. "Maybe they thank I might know too much,'' he said, declining to identify "they." Jordan said he intends to ("Ontact thf.' Los Angeles district a ttorney to d1scus.s the diary. "I wish they would drop the whole damn thing and let her he in Pl'ace and forget the thtn.8." • ID 'pal' • SUit Liberace Danctl!r eeks $1 J .1 n1illion, claims relatioJJship By LINDA DEUTSCH ~,,.. ........ LOS ANG ELES A 23-year-old aYplr1nw dancer flk'<i a $113 million "palimon y" ault aaoln1t Liberace Thur11day. cfulmlng he had an "Intimate sexual, emotional and bualnea r e lationahlp " with the flamboyant entertainer for six years S<.·ott Thorson, wearing a brocade dinner .)8l'ket and rumed shirt, told reporters at the county clerk's ofClce that the liaison ended last Apnl when Liberace had him thrown out or the house they shared. Thorson refused w discuss the case m any detail. but told a reporter he had tm.>d to settle hts disputes wit h Liberace out of court but the famed pianist "would not cooperate." The 6-foot-2 blond appeart.•d stunned by the t·rowd of reporters and photographers that showed up for his pre-announ<.·t.>d appearance at the courthous(•. saying "I didn"t expec·t this." Thurson's attornl'Y· Michael B ROS('nthal, •~uc-d a written prc'"SS re lease m which he said that Thorson and Liberace hud ml't whc•n the aspiring dam·er and composer w a·s I 7 and th l' ('ntertamment superstar was 57 and 1mmed1ately began "a datin& relat1oru.h1p." "Their agret•ment .required Thon;on to cohabit.ate and share in Liberace's lifestyle," the attorney said 1n the wrtttl•n sta tement. "Prov1s1ons set by Liberace called for Thorson to terminate has st·hooling and future professional endeavors as a dancer and composer to provide· exclusive service as a chauffour and c'Ompanion" "There's absolutely no truth in ll," Liberace's attorney. Jo<.•I Strole. said when 1n formt·d of th<' suit . "It's absolutely absurd " He said he couldn't <.'Ommt·nt further because he hadn't yM seen th"e suit Scott Thorson (right ) waits his turn to file $1 I :J million Hpalimony" suit against Liberact!, who he claims was his lover . AJthough prt>vious cldtm\ havl· been f1k-d by p<•oplc daaming to be home>M.•xual lovers undl·r tht' landmark Marvin vi-Marvin palimony luw governing live-in relat1onsh1µs. Ro~enth;,tl said Thorson's ta~ ··1s strungN than previous pahmony claims in that we C'an show a valid pNsonal serv1ct.>s c.-ontract exislC'd " Ro!M.mthul said that an addition to a monthly salary, Thorson wa.-. to rec:CIVl' l'QUl ty tnlC'H'St In real t.•state, wm<.· personal propt>rty and promotional prof1L'> Thl• attorney said that Thorson has apPl'arl•d in Lilx·race's stage show and hai. Ix-en photographed freqUl·ntly ::tnd dt'S(·nlx-d as th<' 1•11tl•rtatn(•r's constant l-ompamon Ht>:.l·nthal alleged in the lawi.u1t that L1beral'e 0 s n•pn•:wntatives forced ThorSL>n to ''gn a "l1t1gat1on settlement <Jgn·c·nwnt and mutual releru.e" Jftt·r hl· was evicted from L 1 h 1· r a cc• · :. h o m l' a n d t h l' n·lut1on~h1p l'ndl>d Hoi.l·nthal also said that hl· h<.tS fllt·d t•1vll ussault and battt•ry l hargt·s ·against Liberace· and four men who bodily removc·d Thori.on from the entertain<'r's Bt·vl·rlv Boult·vard res1denCt! Tlw 'suit was dc'l>C.-r1lx-d by th(• attorney as both a "palimony"' at tum <1ml J bn·iJ<'h of C'Ontrnl"l ... Ult Reagan taking Wall Street'~ bull by the horns !'J' ~i!' ~~~~~ARS WASHINGTON President Rl'agan is bullish on Wall Street -for the moment That's the same Wall Street he onre said was out of touch with America and a poor source of economic advice. The market was down then. interest rates were nsmg and the financial c-ommunaty was a center of skepuc1sm about Reaganom1cs Stock pr~ have gQne up lately, and the president now describes the stock marke t as a leading ~ NIWB INAlYBIS economll' indicator He did say that he stopped counting when stock prict>s slumped a bit the other day With tht> unemployment rate at 10 I pNCC'nt and l'Ongressaonal c·ll-t·t1on'i three WC'cks away. Republinrns are looking for every positive E'C'Onom1<.· signal they can fmd. He listed them,n hlS nationally broadcast address Wedneaday night: 1nflat1on rate down, inte rest ratt>s down; the value of the dollar up on world markets, stock and bond markets surgmg. "Recently, we have seen a surge of investment in our stock and bond markets," the presJdent said "This is no flash m the pan . the trc•nd 1n th(• Untted St.ates is up .. He said that 1s bet"ause investors '"r ealize this administration means busmess m the battle against inflation . Their doosjon to put cash on the line is EXTENDS PICK.:UP & DELIVERY SERVICE Harbor Ridge Spyglass Hill Sea View Westcllff Eastside Newport Heights Harbor View Hills Big Canyon East Bluff West Newport lido Isle Irvine Terrace Baycrest Dover Shores Bayshores Balboa Island Balboa Peninsula Point loll Ari ol fJ11m1nl Care 1494-40441 \ • DRY CLEANING • HAND FINISH • FINE LAUNDRY Drive Away! Sail Away! Fly Away! Register at any South Coast Plaza Store during 15th Anniversary Sale October 14th-17th for Grand Prizes! • Choice of ISUZU I-Mark Deluxe 5-speed or ISUZU P'up S·speed truck . • 7 ·Day Hawaiian Cruise for 2, courtesy of American HawaJI Cruises. (Airfare not lnclud~). • 4 PSA trips-for-two to San Francisco, including lodgjng at SHERATON Fisherman's Wharf and use of HERTZ Automobile. • Plu5 two $25 gJft certiflcatu courteay of THE LIVERY, and many more prizes. SOUTH COAST PLAZA VALET PARKING-all Mall houra: 10·9 wH.lcday1; 10·6 Saturday; 12·5 Sunday • a strong vote of confidenc"E' in th1· foundation being laid for America's recovery healthy. stable growth that will bring new pbs and opportunity for our people without returning us to runaway inflation and interest rat.es." ··1 have news for you," Reagan told a campaign rally in Irving. Texas. Monday "At the dosing bell at the stock market on Wall Street a few minutes ago, tht· stock market was over the magic 1,000,'" as measured by the Dow Jones industrial average. .. Thl•tr comm1tm<•nt tu put rnld, hard <.J~h un thc· hm· <,1gnali. a vow of confidence In Aml•rica·s future." R<.·agan said. Reagan and Secretary or the Treasury Donald T !Wgan havt• c;omettme11 blamed, someumes c hallenged. and only lately prn1setl the fmandal community for the way markets and interest r a t l' s h a v e r c· a c· t 1· d t o adm1n1strat1on t.•conom1c- prograll\!> Th<' business and f1nJm·1al establishment was overwhclmm ly Rea an's in the 1.·le<. L1on thdt 1nstallt'd the Hc•publ1c·an adm1n1strat1on Ht.·gan caml• tCI Washmgton from Wall S tret·t . where he was 1.·h<11rman ur Ml•rnll Lynch & Co giant of thl• investment bU!>lnl'SS. But !>kl•pllnsm set in. dnd bt•f ort' long. thl• president and tht• sl'l'rt·tary Wl'r<' suggesting th;1t tht•ir old fr1(•nd:. were t1m1d or worse ··1 havt• n(•vc•r found Wall Stn'(.•t a sourn· of good fmancaal advice." Reagan said after he'd bN·n 1n off1n• four months ANNOUNCING OUR FALL UPHOLSTERY SALE All sofas, loveseats, sectionals, chairs, etc. reduced from 15°/o to 40°/o. Names like Drexel, H·eritage, Woodmark, Stanton Cooper and more reduced for this event. We Carry the softest, most inviting sectionals ever built! ~-~.!l .. All stock leather 25 to 40°/o OFF. Also all special orders reduced for this event. ' ALL STORES OPEN MONDAY THAU 8A'T\JlllDAY-9 AM TO 5 30 PM 2nd ma . rr1age l~ctures set Two sessions I P1t1ata p anned at OCC ;'ill be e~~JQaibilitJes of rom 7·30 9 30 tonight . aecond m ColleP·· c~ p.m. In !loo""" Oct. 22 I •mag .. em11try Bu1ldl m 207 of Or n lt!<.'tures 1 Tlcke'" are ng. Seriet 1.::•te Cout ocated I h on sale I 2701 F n t e colle e' n the OCC Ti week.t!lrvlew Road lb! Admlni."atl eke! Off•re from 8 rm'~m 8 ~.m \! r:-The ~r.,!~~dlng'. noon. p.m., and S open Tick atu,day• Ser' eta will also be medial~ l~turer ts J sold at the door Mediatio; g:ith the Or1:~1.me M. Richardso training thro nke, Inc. S he.,:.• Coun t y Fa n/ Aaoclation 1."CU:!'.d National 'r.~f' •pcchill:J I "S a, Md. ' Y Mt'<iiation econd opportunities marriages can ~=ta 1arni."; a~nonal g~~':;/,•i• wundcdul n says. set up new goalsas da couple "Ai an •deal•·· as the n~::JI with advanta ' relatlonahi y structured rf~· there can be dynamic• ps and mmia m•IY deals with potfalb offapri "between ge" and en prevoou• • ep-parc>nts, an~ 08· paren ts s t counters th Bypass deinand leveling BOSTON (AP more faciliti ) -No opened es should be coronary bt o Pe rf o r m bPcause thy~ surgery thia expeO:iveemand for appears to be operatJon off, a stud leveling Docto y says. Clinic ~dfrom_ t~e Mayo ~nd in o~t l faed the an Minnesota ted County said nation~ an~ they reveal a siroiia!. figures They noted change. than half t that fewer h osp ital he nation's open-hearts oa r e ~01 ng Provide peratJons to results. the s a f est "The data v i e w t h a t a~pport the growth in th u r t h e r cardiac cen e number of avoided .. t~rs should be The doctoey wrote. the numb rs complied h eart o er of ope n - p r I n c i pa~ f r a t i o n s ' surgery Y bypass catheteri~~~d cardia c ray test tha~ons, an X- p r e c e d e frequently operations s h e a r t In 197l I County, th n Olmsted c o r o n a r ere were 15 operation/{ b Y P ass 100,000 or ever thia hads>e:<>p1e. sy 191i in 1980, i~ to 40, but The re.e at 37. b y D r arch, directed Kenned . R o b e r t H in torJa/~ ~as published Jocurnalof Meed.~gbnd or o n a r icme. surger y . y bypass performed' s usu a 11 Y angina chest to relieve controversial pam. It is ita high cost because of about Its eff and doubts preventing ~veness in heart d " eath from The De. Health aP:Jtment of S e rvices Human hospitals p~actk th at !d~icea should ~ these 2 0 0 t catheterizati o 300 o P e n -h ons or erations eart op ke each y -:::if up their Ii ear to . But in 1980 evel of percent of th • only 45 p e r f o r m e ~ospit.als recommended e t h e open-heart number of and 6 o operations enough p e r cent d Id Th e a;:heterizationa h ospitals a~ m b e r o .f services c d ing these arow how ontinuea to , • ever. Community Bazaar Thia Fri. ·Sot S H ·• un ot ~ untington Center. '° Community or~lzotiona ••II lt•m~~;:;, h~ndmode unv roi1lng. '" Orange c . .. OHt DAILY PILOT /Frida r-Y_._o_c_t~ob;•:'_.::16~,~1e~e!2----~~ I Al I l\ ... f'holo b • 1 nlchMd l(o.Nef more s pecies is prevalent? In a hurry , Did this Bl just spot ue H e ron the bay ~ morsel in Peninsui8 :(f Balboa bird coma . .r was the t mutmg b o a nest a t B ack where his o.lsa Chica . • :: ~ ··'' ' .. ,J .. . ... t: .~, .... t'I '• ,. ~- ' .. . \ i I j l i I ' ll ---~ -~ _-...,,_ - ~8 Oran • Coaat OAILY PILOT ffrlday, Ot.IObtr 15, 1982 French • • connection 1n • wine scam N l'~W YOHK (AP) Th..-loool it'ad t'h11lt11.1u Mouton R(>thschlld lff76. but it muld hav<' bl•c•n Rutt~n Rud Hlt12 Thl• d1sc.·n•pam·y produl'l'<I th., t.irrl'IUI uf two Sun ~'rat\1.:1'>(.'I> urea rnt•11 and t& Nt•w Yurk..r '.1'111.•y fuu· uv Lu 12 yt•uri. In prh.on lot t·hu1111ng out t·ht•ap Amt·rtl'UI\ '"bit· wrru· und pt"<ldllnl( tl fur $1 ,000 u l'Ust.' u11cl1•1 c>rw o f Jo 1 anl't•'s ftnei.l lubt•l11 rn thut l'ountry'i. first wine· t.t.•am rn o dc'<.'.mlt• At't•o1dtngly, unyonC' who dld nol rN.-oain1n- thl' lmporfl-<:t1on1 In thfl wino'• label, c.-ork or bot\lt• would no\ hav.-dl1COvt1rl'd th~ mi111nk1· unu I 11Jll2 JnM·ph Dugun. u •vokl'llmlln for lht• f1•dt•1 ul Buri•au 11( Al<:ohol, Tob1t('<.0 ond fo'irc•1111111., mud It wa» r..uid1•11.r how n11111y 1·,111t•H huu tw1•n 1old lic.•Core Tu1•iid11y·~ urrt•11l11 or ,( 11ny bot(U!I MoultJn R uthM.'h1ld remu1111'<.l un the nu:irkct Dugan twld, und If o..vnv11.·k-<l on ull tht't'e char.it .. , t'llCh auapoct 1.wld tJC .enwn''t'd to 12 yf'art in prlaon. At«c•ntM llCIZl•d 29 1.·011t•1 o f w ln1• ut K1 •111wdy Airport Tut'M.luy uncl 11rn•8h'<l tlw trio on 1.·hargl'1 of ht1Ung tu 11liw111 11 (1.J1•1 ul wx 11\t.lmp for ukohulk ht·v1•1 l.IJ(l'fl Sundny, O«totwr 17, 1982 I 0 n.m.-fi p .m . ()run J.Ct' County 1•1. irgrou nd8 ('oH lH M esa ~1 Wrrw t•xpt•rts ht·n· sulu tht· 11175 vinlugt• wai. a pt>rfi•cl 't•lt•l'lton to "o with t·o unl.t'rft.11 ing Marta Marunc•1-Alt>mun of l ht-Bordt•11ux Information Burt•au, explatrll'd that '7';) Bordeaux will no t bt· rt•ady for t·u11sumpt1on for ,1nflth1•1 10 y 1•111 ~ Tiil' 11u1pecta Lours F1•hc1ano. W. 11( Saut.altto, Calif , Rosie Toylor. :J'..!. of Ouklund. Calif . u11d John RoblfU!.l>n, 4 ~. 11( Manhattan Wl'fl' being he ld ut lht• fodt•rul Mt•lropohum Corrl-'<.'llomtl Centt•1 111 MJnh<ittan . Dugan suid Thl'y fa<.-e poi.ittulc· l'ha1 t-(t'i. of l'Onsp1ral'Y um.I Wirt• Cruud. E&rlwr In the thrf'I,• month 1nvt•fUl8hll~n. agl•nta had purth~'<.l :w cUM.-11 whl<.'h lht.•y plckt.•d up ul u Nl'w York warl'hou1w 11pec1fl1.-d by tlw huttJeni, Dugan said The win<>, which not mully rt•Uiilla ror $1 ,000 o cusc, wwi purch~>d for ubout $350 a <.'UM!. Offk1als at the Bordt.•aux lnformutlon Bureau l'stlmated that poor wint.• n m be product..'CJ for a~ lllllc as $4 a bottlt- 0 Ad11ll!. :i.:!Oll ('hddrt·n :ii i .IHI f 'hildn·u l 'ml1·r r> FrN• •Over J ~O boolht1 prl'fH•nlinl( 1111 urr11\ uf 11..rul·I lmportw ,Judaica & luformu110 11 I RECYCLE YOUR CAR! • l nlt'rl'Klin..: & lnfurmuliH· l'.).h thi t H & DiKplay;o I I I Don't snap up the deal By PAT HOROWITZ 0 1 the O•llY Piiot ll•tf DEAH HEADERS Om• humln·d r11lb of Kodak film for $JU som(·ltml-:. with "Koc:l.tk prOl'l'S.'>tng" al u1~oun~ of l5 tu 40 f.X'H't•nt and .111 uf tt s rpoS<'<lly b.itkt•d by E.is tma11 Kodak Co It's a dt·<i with a lo t of ..ippt·al. but F-1i.tman urgt>i. prctun•-t.ikl·ri. to g1v1-· tt J lot uf thought befon• ~napping up the· offt•r · · 0 f f l' r s I 1 k c• l h :.i t a n <l i. 1 m 1 I a r ·onn· 1n-a -l1ft•t1me dt•ab' arl' p<Jpping up nallunw1dt• with 11wrl'as1ng frt-<.JUCOl'Y.t' says W1ll1am J Z11nrnc·r. Kodak's l'<1<>rd1nator of Photographic Marke ttng ldt•nuty "Buyers an· 11.'d to !x>lww th~1l they'n· gt•tlrng LOO rolls of film al no furlhl•r t•ost. Some arl' told that prot'l•ss1ng at·tually wall be dont• 1n Kodak Labs And olht•r.., assume that tht· good name• of Eastman Koda k Co '>tandi. l>l'htnd thl' promotion Non<' of 1t 1s trw .. • " lnsh-<•d of I 00 rolls of ftlm. Z1mml r sav'>. Lhl• buy(•rs rt'<.'l'IVt' I 00 coupons rt·d1-.·mablt· onlv whPn fi lm 1-. sc·nt to a photof1111~h1 ·r for pnx.i.-ssrng -on<' roll pt•r l 'oupon Zrmmt>r Slrt•sses that Kodak h.i" no pd1 t rn this promotton .. This ti. bitter m·wi. for th1• coupon buyL•rs hl'<'ause thc•y wert• undt·r tht· 1mpn'l>.'iton that the offor was bc111g madt• by Kocfak " Zimmer adds that Kodak 1s now hcdrtng of off<·rs for "charity" Fund-raising groups arc· rnntrnually calling tc> dewrmine whether thPy i.ho uld participate and "resl·ll" th1· c'Ouporu. to ra11.t• monl'y for their good <:ause. Zimmer !Hlys he c:an't l'Omme nl on lht legahty nr valut> o f the offers, but hl' makc·<i thc•Sl' suggl'sllons: "Thrnk twice tf you'rt· purchas ing th<.· coupon books bcc:ausc you beltevl' Kodak 1s sponMmng the promotion And. play 1t safe by buying your ftlm from rNail outl1·ts you feel comfortablt• dt>altn~ with Letu:rs l'Omtng into K1xiak mci1n1tc· that many people· wish they had " Ceramics c lean ed DEAR PAT: Tbls Is an answer for N.H., Costa Mesa, who wanted help finding a cleaning compound for a ceramic cook lop. The one I've found to be most socceufal Is "G l ass Ce ramic Coo k Top C l ea n e r Conditioner." Ifs put out by General Electri<' Company's Range Produces Marketing Department, Appliance Park, Louisville, Ky. 40%25. The catalog numbe r Is 864x50%0. I a lso purchase this product at Davis-Brown on E . 17th St. in Costa Mesa. E.C .• Costa Mesa Thanks for your help No expiration date DEAR PAT: I sent a coupon for Downy di spensers and a $1 check to tbe address on the coupon . Everything was seat back to me with a note from Pr~ter & Gamble saying the request was postmarked after the offer's expiration date. My problem ls that there was no expiration date on the cou,ron! I'd still like the dispensers. Can you help. U.H., Costa Mesa N<•xl t1m1· you have a problt•m with any Prcx:l<'r & Gamble soap or cleanjng product. phone' (800) 543-7310. That's what /\VS dad and your dis pensers are being ma1lt.-d lo you A VS will forward your unc<AShed check and th<• coupon to Proctor & Gambit'. • Got a pmblem? Thni wnlt to Pot 1... l Dunn Pal Wiii cul r~ to~. gf!ltlng • lht' ansWt'rs and actwn uou nud to • solw 1Mqu1I~• in govt'mmt>nt and ,.... bu.91Mu Moll your que1hons to Pal I I Dunn , Al Your ~nnce. Orange Coo.ti Daily Pilot. PO Roz IS<iO, Coata Mew, CA 92626. A3 many U!ttt>rs a.. pou1ble will be oMWt'red. but phoned mquine1 or lettt>rs not mcludmg IM reader's Juli name. oddrt>U and bwme11 houri' phonc! number cannot be conatdcrt'd. Th11 column appeor1 dally ez rept Sundays " Donate i t to OCC's Recycling Center Do you got rnd1gcst 1on 1us1 looking at that old heap s1 11 cng 1n your driveway ynrage b.1ck yard or patio? Want 10 ge1 rtrJ ul 11 once dnd lor at!? If your car can be drcvun or 1owud DONATE IT lo Ort1r1gc CoHsl Collf>gn s RN.yclcng Program• You can reCl'IVP a tax <leduc!lon--and teel qoocl about help1ny a i.1r ong ri•c.yc.l1ng program to be< orne self '>lllltC 1cnl II you d like lurther mlormation abo ut how you can RECYCLE YOUR CAR, contact Curtis Fleming 111 OCC s Student All airs Oll1ce al 556-5646 Orangr: Coast College's f oundation exists as a duly registered wq,1n1za11u11 w11h lhe I R S a11d can accep1 1011 deductable g1l1 5 ii 1 1: I . I I I • l Hrul'li Jt'olk, & S1•ph11rdi(· l>uncinte & lnt1lru(·tion 1 • l'ont inuoui. l·,111t•1 t11innH·n1 • Kruv Mul(11 I J<uridt•) l>1·monstr11lionw • l10racli & Ethni)' Foods 'l'H E EXTHA TEHHE:-i'I HIAL i\Llr:i\ IS C'OMI."-.<; TO T HJ•: TENTJI J\N N l 'AL ISHAEL FA IH DON'T M ISS Tiii-: 1-:X<'l'l'E~lE~T~~ II I A1 II''-uf lrt•t• parking 1hr11u~d1 v11lt• .\t\ .. 11 Arlill~litll Ill F 111T\lt"..\ I ,,...,, 1 .. 11 .. " 1111· •11.111g1· 11.!•• Ii Ii ========-=A C..omm11n11 y ">t1r \.t1 +'of J ewli.h t-l'derallon of Ordl1!Jl' County -- 11rales of 'the lt Frame Sale ~ Sale on thru Wed.,Oct. 20 ~ Classic Tale of Saving Pennies n<+' upon II nm" "' .i kind 1<'11 f.u .1"'" '"'ii '"' vl'ry cr1111llvl' brorh"''~ Tlw "kl .. 1 hr111h .. r .11rn1.,. .. t h1mwH by m1.1k1n(j thl' most bt>o\utltul fr,,,,,,., 111 tlll' , ' land He mllde fancy haml'' 1rnd ""'' •!. "'"""' plt<>tcrham .. ,.md ..... t11t>11 fr111n"'' plll<,1• "''l' 1t.r111-" fr \II"'' .t1.JfMml'SW1tht:J~~<u1 ll.~km•~ '"'' \\;htl..•lt•"l.'~""I'' b1otlwr e<1l~ .. d i:wnnl<'\ 011 .. t..lt11, 1h .. '" ,.,,.,,.., hrroth.•1 bo.>rnm.-wry !toad M .. -.aid 111 hrs bfnthl'r 'l t,,l't\. d11y v• ''' make more and mort' Ol!aunful hon"'" bor I t.<1H· r , , "''"' pennie~ lo add to my collection '-'•rt. .. ukl .. 1 l>1 .. 1l,,•r wh""'° twan wa~ even bigger 1han h1~ frame colwch1111 said 10 hos you119"r brother "We wtU MU OM> • here's no plac~ hke Aaron Brothers. there's no place like Aaron Brothers," she repeated as she framed photos of her fnends dur .Ing their proudest moments and Toto. too • Ith the help of her fairy god- mother, she ' bought one bHutlfuJ &amt at Uw regular price and • eecond &ame th•t co.ta Uw Mme or leee for Ju•t • penny mon: h um ttlc'll day oo fht.Te was~ evt?r)Mohere and ~J ""'I' 11nQllWT cle"<ilC tale nl sav1n~ ixinnie5 Ont,. 11ems f•lf ..aw are rtw hom<1\ ( u-tr1m ""'"''~ 60<1 L,I. ,, ol 11• lu.l;-cl nd when she saw the frames they had pur- chased at Aaron Brothers. she ex- claimed. "They're just right'" frame at the regular price and got a second frame that cost the same or less for just a penny. "' ven when they grew up. they returned to Aaron Brothers 1¢ Frame Sale to frame pictures o1 people and places they once knew y t l w f1r..,1 htt le p19 . '-': h111h t11 ... fr,1m•· •. •1UI >f rKh ' v..:< i• 1dl!11 ..,~cllnn":> Tl1e ·•·c 1J11d lit1l1• pig made 111 ... ft11me •1u t (If ..,lel'k rrw1,1I wrt1r1rt'> And the 1h11d hlllf! pig pur togethl:'r ti ..,i:t• through fr dme of <. ll'dl pld~tlC 1rror mirror on the wall. who ~--"has the best -frame deals of allJ" ..,1w asked "Why Aaron Brothers. <>f cc 1ur~." anc;wered the mirror HUNTINGTON llACff 'N10 ~ve./Open MON • .f'Rt. fM1 SAT. & SUN. 1H COITA MUA 1714 Hluapo11 ,/Qpen MON • .fAI. M , IAT. & SUN. 1CM IANTA ANA 2111 I • .,..... le./QPen MOH • .flRt. fo-t, IAT, & IUN. 1M • Orang• Coaet DAILY PILOT/Frldoy, October 16, 1982 A 1 rnffirnrn~m ~mm ~nee-valuable soil s~ver runs amok Kudzu form e r miracle vine re~ega t ed to ranks of pesky we~ed CHIPLEY, Fla. (AP) h on<:t· wus known us a miracle vine that could savt• the South fro111 washing away. Now the leafy t<'gumc called kudzu has been relegated t<> the runkts of a pesky WN'd that won't go away With Its heyday us a soil l'OOSCrvation tool lung past, kudzu has been radtculLA(J, cur¥ed and reviled .n Southern folklore as a crt.'{.'pmg mt:naee that ipread.s so fast it can Ix-at Canners homt· from the fields and swallow unsuspecting cows promott.>r11 bl'lll•Vl' llM lull (rom g111L'(' wa:. premature In Knoxv1llt'. Tl•nn , tht· New Prospt..>cl Craft Center holds ;.m annual Kudzu fo't!sl, a day-long celebration that promotes kudzu vint.• .baskets, kudzu fiber paper and a kudzu cook·uff "Cuss-vou vane," as SOffil' rural folk call at , wllS' ~ven immortalir.ed in verse by Georgia poet Jaml-s Dickey. His poem, "Kudzu," was first pubhsliL'<l 1n the New Yorker m 1963 In Japan, one of the vane's nat1v<.• <:ountries, hundreds of thou.sand» uf pound!. of kudzu powder go mto confections each year "Tl'll' Book of Kudzu" suggests Americans use It as a thlt'kenang agent, -t5ase !or noodles and <.-oatmg for frwd foods. The plant's phalosophlcal home remains the uny Florida Panhandle: town of Chipley, with a population of some J ,350 While many of the tales arc tall, the so-callL'Ci 'mil~a-minute vine" does run rampant in many :>arts of the Southeast, covering fields, trees, utility ooles and even unoet·u pied houses I Indeed, kudzu's legendary spreading ability 1s 1 >ne of the drawbacks that overshadows tht' vmc's :>enefits as a soal saver, says Dr M1kl' Owl•n, an tgronomist at the University of Florida "Il is considered a fairly maJUr problt-m 111 Flom.la md the Southeast.'' Owl•n says, part1l·ularly 1n I ·orests, where 1t can laterally strangle trees and shut >ut their light. Controlling kudzu, usually with herbicides. is a :ostly process that ncvC'r has bt"<.•n undertak<.·n on a arge scale. But if most scorn kudzu as a oncC"-valuabll' soil .aver run amok, the vane':; varied dl'fcnders and It was here. not far from what now 1s Inte rstat e 10, that a turn·of-the-century photographer and naturalist nanu-d C E Pleas laun<.·hed a 20-y<.·ar crusadl' to l'Onvant.'e Americans of kudzu's v1rtut'l> Kudzu actually wru. introduced in thl' Un1tl'd S tates an 1876, a t the Japanese pavalaon of the Philadelphia Centennial Exposatwn. where it served an an ornamt•nl-01 vane Thl• plant, which may bloom into wisteria-hkt· flowers in lute summl'r, was Usl'd by some as decorative fohagt• by the time Pleas, In 1902, noticed his cows greedily mum·hang it. Eight yt!ars later, P icas had the firs t comm('rc1al planting of kudzu, some 35 acres of pasturt-. and dl•termin(.>d the vim• t·ould be cured as hay for hvc.>stock Soil disease probed HOUSEPLANTS Wes H umphrey will ~al k on soil -borne .liseases at the 7:30 p.m fuesday meeting of the Horticultural Society of Orange County . The ~ession wal l be at :aJifornia Cooperat ive Ext e n sion. 1,000 S Harbor Blvd., Anaheim Humphrey is a farm l d viser wath th e :OOperalive Extension. The Tustana African Violet Society will meet i t 6:30 p.m. Wednesday H Me r cur y Savings, 1095 Jr vine Blvd .. Tustin. Cheryl Moore wall talk Jn "H o li day H o r s D'Oeuvres" a t the 9:30 i.m . Wednesday meetmg ;>f the Sp yglass Hlll Gardea C lab . Th e -oeeting will be at the :-fewport Beach home of Beverly Monigal. More nformation is available 'JY telephoning 644-4443 Mary Dawn Dewees, a flower show judge. wiU ipeak on fundamentals f flower shows at the 10 .m. Thursday meeting f the Newport Hiiis ardeo Club. A luncheon Will follow the meeting at the No. 2 clubhouse on Port Carlow in Harbor fiew . Jn formation is evaiJable by telephoning 340-8396. I Colorful •Delph1n1um s, rlrnroses and columbine r e a f e w of the renruals that are now vailable to plant for a rden color you can epend on year after ear. •Keep faded blooms lcke d off your rose ushes. This encourages rolonged fall bloom. •K eep bu I b bed a ttract lve and plant nnuals as bulb b ed ers. You'O double the for show. •It'• ume to clean up garden by removing laeaaed branches . plng the fallen leaves bloaoma picked up g:lvina the garden a l ean-up ap r ay to Uml nat.e pet ti. •Ane m o n e a n d anunculus bulba ahould be at the top of the u.t when bulb 1hopplng for brighter apring. :IUFFELL'S Uf'HOLSnlY I,, 'f $ ...... IHI MAl!IOR IU•. ,corr• MllA-1.a.11w. WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC 50% OFF SPECIAL PURCHASE PlllU191'11 ALL POTTED PLANTS 10"-5 Ft. ARECA PALMS SlOOO (Ll•lt 2 per c••to•er) 6'' POT .. -=-:-:-........................... S 35I 8'' POT··································· s7s1 10" POT •.......•.••..•••••••• *1011 a lJP Afghan Sox You'll want to buy Pier 1 ·s thick . warm sox t o keep your toes snug. but it's also fun to hear the padding sound of leather soles as you wa lk around at home Anyone in a dorm needs them to keep feet warm on even the coldest night All our bright, colorful designs a r e woven in Afghanistan -and you can imagine what winters are l ike in th e Hindu Kush M ountain s! Find your favorites today before you begin to get cold feet! Afghan Sox pair I J 99 lhenew Pier1 collections UAlllll -509 Katela Ave., 772·2472 OllTI IUI -2710 Harbor Bhd., 540.7337 I• Reu<:tiun w~ cuut11>U1> 111 lht· South, w ht•n· thl· chmaw WIJS ideal for tht· vim• Hy tht• mid-I u:wti, 1t..; rl'putauon us a "miradt•" 11t11l suvt•r blos.'iOml•d Oe<:adeti of l'Olton prudul'taon had Utktm u tull on Southern l·ropland, and millions of acn·i. Wl'rt• damaged by L•roslon and murrt>cl by gulh<·s 1 Tht· U.S Soal Coni.t-1 vat1on Servin· lwga11 recommending 1t.s UM' for 1•rnMon mntrol an 1935, later ats soil slab1hwt1un µrupl'rlle:. w1.•rl· w1dl'ly proclaimed und a hugt· planting t•ompa a~n was undertaken. By 1943, the Atlarlla-hmll'U Kudzu Club of America had 20,000 card t'urryang mt•mbcrs who held rallil'tl an support of th<.• VIOl' But the love affair didn't last fon·ver St·vt•rul fal·tors. ancludang tht• growth o f t1mbN as a Southern l'rop, lt•d tu ats dl'<:l1m·. al'n1rd1ng to Robert MacLau<:hlan . t•h1cf p ldnt maH·raals spedah~t for tht· Soal ConSL•rv:.auon St·rVll't' Aft.er World War 11. t·ott.on and l'ornf1t-lds gaw way2 o pastur<'S und fon•st..s, wh1(.'h Wl'rt' mon· vul rablt· to kud1u 's attal·k , a1:t:ord 1ng to Mac ughlan ~ Florist Special CARNATIONS Fr.,hly·c ut. M•ny color• OAlt~ H SUN ~~30 2640 Harbor 11~0 . Casto Mesa Ad900dtt\toughOc1 tt t912.wt11luupplyl .. t• e Dally Piiot e classified • ads. call • 642-5678 (-~ I -~ LLOl'D•!i garden shop .1 I ~.J GIANT FALL 1 c SALE ~ SAYE UP TO 50% ~~ Violas I Pansies Whit• pony p1k BuJ one ponJ p1k at reg. price, get 2nd one for 1• r-BULBS 1 luJ 1 dozen R1nunculu1 ii r11. price &et 2nd dozen for 1' lw, Big B ig Big SPECIMEN TREES ·~ ~~- Lare• 11l1otlon of 11 1•11111 11tcl ltt1 frets 1/2 DFF larhll Price ,..-.. , -.~"" -•• "" " .. _ <O>c.. ... ~.·' _,,... •"'~ .... -.,, . RYE GRASS lireen u11 JOUr l1nnutl1 lawn with winter rye. Cower 111d with topper on .. , t ,or' __ ••I• now -Rec. s43, $1.41, llOW (---P-UMPKllS -,J 120% OFF ~I II lerhll Prlo1 j , Exp. 10·31·82 I ' , \ / ._______ _ ___ / ,,,,..------------------, I ' I Ill I 111. '""'~' I ••• ,, .... , ~., 2 I •• ,... 11rto•, 1•• . d; . I lrtl pl11t of .. ,~~,"' I I ....... , ~~~! .. I I .... ., Ylllt ~f °Mt-• I l~-~~~~~--------1 LOFTS GARDE~ !~~D l BuJ 1 Pkg. . ... of aeed at I Reg. price, I get 2nd one fo; 1e HINGlllG BISIETS ALL HAlll18 COLOll IASlnS ~OFF Markell Price CAM ELIAS MEW SEASON JUST STlllTllHi MEW SHIPMENT JUST II -- S1lect1d Weed li111rs ln11oticid11. FEITILIZEllS 40% OFF SELECTED WEED llLLERS, llSECTICIDES I FEllTILIZEllS 40% OFF ,,,,.-.--------------, (Ill 1 811. Shrults 'i 1 and planh, ltur 2 l I at R11. 11rtc1, 11t . , • ~1.: 1 3rd ,1111t of -1t~' , I I etmual or l111or .:tf!!~~;· 1 I ¥11111 for 1 • ~~ I Exp. 11-11-e2 r~, J ', ' ' -/ '---------------- ) 1.,/--lilf..dllr '''"'' ---,1 luy 2 at re1. ,r101 lfi I II ••• 3r4 ., •• , •• •'° I ~Ill 1r • I I 11111r ••I•• I I ,,, 1• ' I ~ l!xp. n· 11 ·12 ) ....,_, _________ .... ___ __ M .._ ............. "'IWlf ........ ..,_.. 1 .. 11 .. "' ....... -.. O...~ _ _.. H ,M M*I LIOvd's Nuner.v and LanilscaP.• Co., Inc • .._-:.,.. toz I . Me .... ~,_, 1w SU C.t .. NeM. CA 6t6·744 I ~ \ .J... .) . "' Orang• COHI DAILY PILOT /Friday. Octob•t 15, tGe' High-risk job can be first step to success They buy their produl'l outright from the manufacturer a nd assume res p onsibility for delivering it to custome rs . They must collect from customers, or they themselves are out the money they pJad They must keep meticulous ac.'Counting records. Their job doesn't stop if it rains or if they'r£, tired. They work seven days a""'week. Besides servicing c urrent c ustomers, they're always on the lookout for new ones. On top o{ all that, if the c u stomers co mplain , th ey complain to the manufacturer who has t h e powe r to' c·ut off tht• middleman. Even 1n days of high unemployment, this sounds hke a high-risk. very tough row to hoc. And yet, it 1s the prowince of youngsters throughout the country. Th ey are the newspaper carriers, and w e honor them this week. The Pilot has 748 of these young people delivering the daily paper .. They are essential to us. and we don't o tien s top to tell them that. Tht•y wdrk very hard, and they take their resporu;iblllties seriously. For many of them, newspaper routes are al so routes to responsibility and maturity. This is often the first time these young people must deal with the public, manage mone y and, frankly, hustle for new business. lt was the first step Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman took pas t childhood. The same holds true for the late Chief Justice Earl Warren , astronaut John Carpenter. Walt Disney , John Wayne, Bing Crosby, and thousands o f others across the country who grew up t o b e responsible adults, good citizens. If the experience or a newspaper route can do tha t for our young people, the> Pilot is happy to be a means to that end. But most of all, we just want to thank our 748 inde p e ndent contractors. You do a good job, and wf>'re proud of you. Broadcast boondoggle The Reagan administration has proposed beammg pro-W est programs at Cuba from a new propaganda o utle t t o be called Radio Marti. The objective is to give the Cuban people "accurate information" about their country and presumably weaken the Communist regime of Fidel Castro. What 1s more likely is that the U .S . wilJ accomplish nothing with the type of Cold War tactic Radio Marti represents. The U .S . has attempted to weaken Castro ever since he came to power with one confrontation after another. The result after 20 years? Castro is still around and Cuba is still in the Soviet orbit. The theory behind Radio Marti i s to beam pro-West 1 messages to Cuba, much as Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty do to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. There a re several reasons why spending $7.5 million for Radio Marti is unnecessary. Strictly from a fi sca l standpoint . th e r e is no n eed because Cubans already have a ccess to information from the U.S . via the Voice of America and radio and televts1on stations based m Miami. More impo rtantly. the U.S . could suffer diplomatic damage simply from the radio station's name. J ose Marti, namesake of the proposed s tation, was a 19th century Cuban writer revered In both his h omeland and throughout Latin Ame rica as a freedom fighter an d op ponent o r colonialism There could be some resentme nt at the U.S . for co- opting has name for propaganda purposes. Thirdly, the result o( Radio Marti broadcasts could be Castro efforts to jam the station, blocking signals from American outlets Giving a taste of what may he ahead, Castro on August 30 jammed five AM frequ e ncies, interrupting stations across t he South and as far away as Utah with pro-Soviet tirades. Radio Marti would be one more e xample o f the tired, ineffec tive confrontational approach to Cuba that has not succeeded in s taying the C uban dictator's heavy hand and may have driven the country further into the Sovie t camp. The radio station proposal should be rejected and the administration should rethink our entire approach to Cuba. Solving foreign policy problems with shouting and bluster has never worked. Confusing nunibers ganie ll is a tradition in professional sports to retire the uni f o rm number of a ~er who 1s so memorabl e it would seem inappropriate after the player's retirement to assign the number to • anyone else. A writer in the Los Angeles Daily Journal suggests it would be a good idea to app}y t.hat policy to ' the ballot , reserving the Proposition 13 designation, in perpetuity, to \he renown ed initiative of 1978. That tax-cutting measure became so famous, not only in California but across the nation, that i'ts ballot number instantly conjures up a specific issue -tax cuts. Atte mpts by other stat.es to enact tax cuts inevitably draw ' comparison with the California m easure. And public age ncies, • large and small. continue to c ite Propos1 t1on 13 in the a r complaints about funding s hortages. Proposition 13, to almost everyone, is about taxes. Now California voters are faced with another controversial Proposition 13. This time, No. 13 of the 15 propositions on the Nov. 2 ballo t , has to do with water resources conservation and management. Already i t is generating a lot of discussion. And the hapless news writer or broadcaster reporting all this must explain every time that this is a new Proposi lion 13 that. has nothing to do with the 1978 tax cutter. It's all very confusing and we agree that Proposition l 3's notorio us number s h ou ld be retfred in the interest of saving ink and breath. Opinions upressed in the space above are those of lhe Dally Piiot. Otner views ex- pressed on thl~ pa9e are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment 11 Invit- ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1.560, Costa Mesa CA 92626. Phone (7U) 642-4321. • L.M. Bovd/TR'.s slogan Maxwell House Coffee Company record• l!redlt none other than Teddy Rooeevelt aa the origin.at.or of their 11opn, "Good to the wt drop." Ia anybody In your family cursed with t he condltlon known u "pendiculation"? Probably, probebly. h 11 iaraon tor • tendency to Iauah loudly. NO\ u teriout u •temutatJon. another name for meezing. Q. What kJnd ot sun klUA!d Anwar s.dat? ORANGE COAST DailyPi~at A. A Sovtet-madct AK·-47 auauJt rifle. SeUen retail th~ worldwide for about $7&0 apJ~. Q. ttow much would lt eott me to hutaU a one-lane bowlln1 alley with automat.lc phvetter ln my buement? A. About $32,000. At wt report. Q, Who Went the flnt chlldren lO reoelve polio v.oclne? A. ThOM of Ill lnventor, Jonu Salk. ' n--.P.tW.y ~"* ,_,_. AfMri b ,......f.._ ....... Kr.aMch fdotorllll '°" (dlfot 'Th.tMt McCenn ~rc111ot . ' , -'HE 's !~N TR1EP ?RAYE~ To END THt Nf L. STRIKE TMANK You VERY Ml..ICH ~ JAMMIHG MIS ™NSM1SS10NS. · Pro athletes' pay ludicrous '1 It has been an ex<.·ruclating exercise m restraint for this old sports writer to keep mouth taped and not swmp into the middle of the National Football League players strike. Promises, promises have been made to wife. children, grandchildren and household pets to stay the hell out of 1t My points have been made at home, to the other three disinterested members of my golf foursome and to Malt -the drowsy family golden retriever who, actually, seems pleased that Howie0 CoseU is not now delaying his Monday night beddy-bye. But now, after reading and absorbing comment from sounder and saner observers, I'm going public. It is d ifficult to get my sympathy glands flowing for those who gather an average $90,000 annual wage (give or take $10,000 or $1 5,000 on the low side and $200.000 to $300.000 on the up side) and stdl want to strike! FOR WHAT? A second Mercedes? An average $90,000 income 1s nol striking money in most leagues I know about. It LS ludicrous when stacked asidt• a national unemployment rate of 10 percent. dis tressed employees of bankrupt airlines, laid-off employees of large institutions who have spent years at their craft. " wilting steel and automotive industr y and the low incomers scrambling for dollar-a-loaf bread to put on tables. The whole profesalonal athletic Industry 1s coc·keyed -overfed by television revenues and overpopulated by overpaid hunks of muscle l'm a down-to-the-core sports fan who patronizes with dollars 1 earned, but the entire scene is out of balance with the real world. The aforeme ntioned sounder a nd saner observauons need to bC' r~pcatl'd -like Echtor Marvin Stone of U.S. "-1\ _Hl_ll_M_cl_ll_GH_T _6 News and World Report, who editorially reminds that football players like rookie George Rogers and Walter Payton make In the neighborhood of half a m1lhon dollars a year, and yet people complain about firefighters seeking a raise to $20,- 000 a year or police officers asking for advancement towards $25.000. "The argument is made that the career of a professional athlete is short," wrote Stone. "But at thC' ratel they are paid , most of these athletes c an retire comfortably -some even extravagantly -on the money they earned in their prunes ... " Or, if they had been look.mg ahead, stored a little to bndge them into new fields. My other sound source. Dr. Louis DeBak.ey. professor at Baylor College of Mcdu:1m·, 1s quoted: "The thrill and beauty in a champion athlcte'11 phys1<:al dext.c-rity cannot be ga1nsa1d , and a ll wh o rl'ach for ex('('llence in any endeavor should be adequately rewarded. But the quest.ion ls wh e th e r an obsess i o n with e nt erta inm en t , a nd its overcommerc1alazal1on, should override health , education and highest human values. Recreation is import.ant, but is it lifr's primary goal? 00 THESE pros invt-st more time and money than phys1t·1ans in l'<iucauon and tramang? ls the ir performance more socially benef1c1al? "Do we honestly expect to motivate young pc.>ople to take S<'hool seriously when sol'iet y reserves 1ts highest mo netary and social rewards for oc-eupations an which education is not paramount and is o ften e ven unnecc-ssary?" Carry on . Professor. right through your "It's lime we stop the profit-hungry pleasure p ed dlers from try ing to brainwash us into thmking that 'having fun' supc~t-'S all else m lift' and that the performers they have carefully packaged, promoted and sold us are worth the money they re<'C'1ve" The question as not wh£•n NFL games wtll be resumed 1C a t all. in this nonsensical situation but, as Ed1t-0r Stone asks: Is something wrong with our sense of values? Slow demise of a key state industry Excepting for an occasional story in a local newspaper, one of California's largest industries has been slowly fading from the scene. Once a vital part of the state's economy. representing the largest payrolls m many communities including such as San J09e and Sacramento, the canneries are becoming part of the passing scene. The decline of the industry as a major factor In the California economy has been gradual. But from the heights of its salad days when tens of thousands were employed in a multitude of canneries throughout the state, the numbers have dwindled down to where only 23 canning plants are still In operation in the entire state. TIM E WAS when there were that many JUSt canning fish in Monterey alone. Other fi.sh canneries were located m San Francisco. San Pedro and San Diego. Only one remalna, that in San Die.go. The others are all gone. So ls Libby, McNeill and Libby, once the giant of the industry. They had pioneered the California canning Industry back in 1900 with their first plant at Sunnyvale. Eventually the company operated 11 canneries wlthm the state. Now they are all gone. Gone too are moat of the other big names of the industry s uch as H .F' Ball , Richmond-C hase. Tallies. and ~ost ra-entJy Schuck!B. Down, but not quite out and hoping for continuance under the bankruptcy act, LS the T.H. Richards cannery in Sacramento. Many of those still operating have cloeed the doors on some of their plants. consolidating inw newer, more efficient faclUties. That is the case of Del Monte which started life as the California IARl WATIRS Packing Corporation and has grown Into a national giant. It, like CAmpbells Soup. 1s one of the few r emaining propnetorship companies. The rest have become, like Tri-Valley, Kai-Kan and Pacific Coast Producers, cooperatives. What has happened t.o bring about the downfall of this Industry? According to Lawrence Tabor, a representative or the California Food Processors Association which has replaced the once powerful California Canners League. "the industry is st:UI flourishing." But he concedes th'lt people have turnl'd away from many tyJX'l> or canned goods in favor of fresh or frozen it.ems. This IS particularly true of fruits which had been the mapr part of the seasonal packs o f the canneries Basicall y a dessert item. today's supcnnarkets offer so ma ny alternative choices not only in frozen fruits but other packaged sweets, both frozen and quickly prepared dry mixes. HE SAID THAT t·anned vegetable sales have ahpped too because the canners have failed to convince the public that canned foods are just as nutntious as fresh or frozen "ActuaUy," he !Wild. "studies have proved there 1s hardly any difference." Be that as it may. the hard fact is that canned foods no longer enjoy the high volume of sales in the marketplace and the industry has suffered There still IS a high demand tor some canned products such as tomatoes and related tomato products including juices, 58ucet and purt'i.'S. Olives and soups a.re also high an demand. Yet It remains that the t·urtain has rung down on the hey-day of the canneries and those that are le ft represent the last stand of the once booming Californ1a industry Geographical quiz for literat1=1re fans Not too many books or play• cont.a1n the names of cities in their thJea. For today's quiz I have a."lembled a collection of such, ranging from the 11mple to the more esoteric, and from the claMical to the modern. None of the works or authors are obecure, though they vary In popularity IYlllY 111111' • and thua In ~plunce. Onc-four1h ldenutted properly la a rc•pectable, th®&h not an e111Jmabl•, 8"0ft'; l 1hould Judae that one·balf corttiet ii mor'f' than most college araduatet could manage. Bon vovu•! l. "Appointment In ------- by John O'Hara. ~-"'rtte M•yor of ----·· Thonw Hardr,. • 3. •Bound Eut for ------Eupno CYNeW . '4 ''Th ----Stoey" by Philip Barry. ;. ~ •1Eyele11 In ·----" by A1doua Huxltv • 6. "The Bridge of ----- --" by Thornton WUder. 7. "Reunion ln ----" by Robert Sherwood. 8. "The Pirates of -------- .. by W.S. Gilbert. 9. "Death In ----" by 1'homas Mann. ____ .. by 10. "Dido, Queen of Christopher Marlowe. 11. "--Not So Gay" by P~tn Ut&Jnov. 12 ... Ml.sslon to ----" by J<>tM!ph Davfea. 13. "Thf' -----Womt-n" by Euripides. 14. "Journey to -----" by Maxwell Andenon. 13. " and a Villa" by Eleanor Clark te. "The ----" by James Joyo.·. 17. "To and Back" by Bfon H«ht. .. by 18. 11Paaaen1•r lo ---- Agatha Chrtlt.lc. 19. " Ohio," by Sht>rwood A.ndfl'IOJ\ 20, "Ooodb)'e to -----" by Chriatopher Iaherwood. ANSW!RS: l . "Ai>Polntrntnl In 8an\ana " 2, '!The ' Mayor of Casterbndgt•" 3 "Bound F.est for Cardiff." 4 "The Ph1ladelphl• Story." ~-"Eyeless in Ga:za." 6. ''The Bridge of I San Luis Rey." 7. "Reunion in Vienna." 8 "The Pirates of Penzan<'t'." 9 "Death ln Venice." 10. "Dido. Queen of Cartha~e." 11. "Paris Not So Oay." 12. "Mmion to M08COw.'' 13. ''The Trojan Women .'' 14. "Journey to Jc.-rusalcm." l~. "Rome and a Villa " 16. ''The Dubllncn " 17. "To Quito and Bac k ." 18. "Pauenger to Frnnkfurt ." 19. "Wlneaburg. Ohio.'' 20. "Goodbye to Berlin Orengt Co111 DAILY PH.OT /Frl~oy, October 15, 1982 At •ANN LANDERS •HOROSCOPE •DR. STEINCAOHN Homosexual's parents should strive t.o care DEAR ANN LANDERS: We have a problem that la destroyina my husband and me. Five years aao our'°" Joe lnfonned ua that he la gay. We have told no one ln the family because we are too embarraaed. Joe live. ln a distant city. Our daughter is getting married ln a few montta, and J oe wants to brlna hil lover to the wedding. Our daughter knows nothing about hi.I lifestyle, and we don't want to tell her. She would be shocked. We want Joe at the wedding, but we do not want hla friend. We've seen hlm bristle when ·relatives ask, "Why aren't you married -what are you wai Ung for?" Pleaae tell us what to do. Our daughter will be very hurt if her brother doesn't attend he r wedding. -ON NEEDLES AND PINS IN FLORIDA DEAR NEEDLES AND PINS: Tbe experts are ID 1barp disagreement as to wbat cau1ea bomo1exaallty. Parenti of bomo1exual1 need to uadentand that tbese children did not cboo1e to be different. of LaQuna.Beach "It's mak1ng funny noises. Not 'ha-ha' funny. but 'kinky-klanky' funny." llOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA -Morale soars for Taurus Satarday, Octeber 11 ARIES (March 21-April 19). De~ works m your favor: play waiting game. gather additional information and realize that more money than originally anticipated is involved. Review legal documents. · TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Avoid scattering your e fforts: concentrate on basic Issues, keep ret0lutions concerning recreation, diet and health. You receive aurprlse invitation to social a ffair. Morale aoan as res ult. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): What appeared to be a eet pattern will be overturned -know 1t. prepare accordingly. Have altemauves at hand, be willing to dlvenlfy and remain mentally alert. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Message received concemlng property, offer to purchase or special 1 sale. Don't give up eomething for nothing -protect territorial rights. Member of opposite sex becomes valuable ally and could help in making neoeuary contacta. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Important domestic adjultmmt oocun. Be flexible, make intelligent conceaions. Gift purchue for special annlversary helps clear air, restbres domestic harmony. Short trip may be ~ in order to validate claim VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be open-minded, but not gullible. Deflne terms, outline needs and prepare a working budget. You'll lOCDte item that had been lost, ml.laing or 11olen. See places, people ~ u they are, not merely u you wish they might exia~. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): This can be your power-play day. Lunar ~ numerkJll cycles point to product.Ion, reaponalbllity, Intensified reJati91'lShJp, promotion and chance for substanual reward. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Finish what you atarl -someone works In your behalf behind lt'enel. Keep promilel ~ to friend or 8SllOciate who la contiMd to hoepital or home. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec:. 21): Be ready for MW aiart. fresh contact.a, meeUna• with exciting, ettaUve petllOftS who booet yoer morale. Lunar ftnphMil on p:rwen of persuasion. friends, hopes, wt1h" and good news concerning business or caNR". CAPRICORN (Dec. 2Z·Jan. Ul): Conaolidate NClftt p.tna. Prof•onal appraisal la 0«99ary when pn>perty r18)\ll att concerned. Contractual obll9ltion la .abjeet to ttVtew. Jt .. pc)lllbl Ulel a ...... dfivo1*t to Nne,OdaUnl oert.eln Upectl of .,.....oent wtll take pleot. AQUARIUS (Jan, 20~Feb. 18): Lona-dl1tance call aide ln c:lat'lfytnc ..,... of dir.cllon. Socla1 ~y ICCIWa• more 519110111 art lnt«ttt.ed tn )'GUI' vMWI Md you're .-ktd to~ btfore 1peNI 1rouz. Gemini, Sa1f U•rtu1 per1on1 fl1ure JN• ..... ,. • Your ion 11 lettlns you know be 11 out of tbe clo1e& and 11 a1kln1 you to accept blm •• be 11. 1 bopt yo11 wm permit blm to brla& bit friend to t.be weddtas. U yo11 ref u1e, you mlpt force lllm to make a cbolce. If It comes to tbat, be may cbooae bl1 friend bd pat you out of bl1 life permuently. 1, tlll1 wut yo. wut? DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm so tired of reading about traffic deaths In the paper. You recently ran a letter from a woman whoee husband was killed by a drunken driver. h waa heart-rending, but the bottom line haa to be, "Was h e wearing h is seatbelt?" People ride around with children cllmblng all over the car, making them potential human projecUles. Our local paper reported two young chUdren died when they were thrown from the BACK seat of the car. In my eyes it was murder - by the parent.a who didn't strap them In . I'm not going to rehash the atatasl!cs because the public hu heard them all. But statistics aren't numbers, they are people -lylng in cemeteries and hospital beds. ~ ANN l.AllDllS There Is a wonderful film available from sui te safety councils called "Room to Lave." lt makes many good poan ta, one of wh1ch is that police at accident BCenet should stop telUng peopll' they were lucky they didn't have their seatbelts on in u particular accident. God is the only onl' whv knows what might have happened. Maybe the freedom we have in this 't'Ountry has gone too far when it allows us to commit murder and suicide on the highways. My role' A driver education teacher who is trying to save IJves. Now, may I make one final statement. If I should die on the road, 1t w11J be with my seatb<'lt on. I became a true believer when I heard th{> line an "Room to Live" by the narrator. He said, "In my 20 years as a st.ate trooper, I've never unbut·kled a tlt!Ud ll\Uf\ " N.J C:HUSADER IN MOHHI STOWN, DEAR MORRIS: Thanks for a 1ocko letter. And now I jult hope tbe 1tate 11fety councll1 around lbe country have the fllm "Room to Live," because there 11 1ure to be a load of reque1t1 for lt. DEAR ANN If my brother, age 79, hlUI money m the bank and something happens to him (lake death). can I get at out? What would I have to show? -NEED TO KNOW IN N Y. DEAR NEED: If your brother dle1, tbe bank account ti part of bl1 e1tate. But don't go 1bopplng yet. II be bas a wife or children. they are ahead of you wben there 11 no will. Jr's nor always easy to rc.-cogmze love, esp«1ally the first time around. Acquaint yourself with the guidelines Read Ann Landers' booklet, "Love or &x and How to Tell the Difference " For a copy. mail 50 cents und u Jong, self-addrC'SSOO envelope with your rcquc:st !<>Ann Landers. PO Box 11995, Chu:ago. II/ 8061 J For most, life is based on trust I shook two aspirin into my hand and, for a brief moment, examined them. Round. pure, white. For that brief moment, I hated the crazy egomamac in Chicago who laced Tylenol capsules with · cyanide. It was not IO much that tha5 psychopath had killed, seven people. Scarcely a week goes t.y without a mass killing somewhere. I usually glance at the headlines, shake my head and tum the page. But this time was diffe rent. This time the murderer had added another nit of fear to my Ufe. This time the murderer had killed another tiny bit of me. How thick the cocoon of fear grows. I looked out over a view of San Francisco the other evening. The golden lights were coming on in the skyscrapers. Their alabaster sides glowed warmly in the sunset. Below. red taillights paused and darted An a!rcraft. winking white. ghded across the panorama. How incredibly beauoful! Then, before I could bask in that lovely feeling, the thought overwhelmed me: "How Jong can all this last?" I was instantly sad and afraid . The nuclear warriors have done this to me. How free and open we are with friends and ART HOPPf THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER family in secure surroundings. How easy il ts to bubble with the joy of life. But each tame another nit of fear clings to me, I turn protectively inward and another tiny bit of me shrivels and dies. I examined the two aspirin I had never examined aspmn before. I had simply shaken them from the bottle and swallowed them without thanlong. Nothing safer than aspmn. But now ... And what of the bread in its crinkly cellophane wrapper, the margarine in its vulnerable cardboard box, the mayonnaise in its acrew-top Jar. the . But this way lies madness. And I suddenly realized that while I mistrust a few of my fellow citizens, I intrinsically trust the OVl'rwhelming majority. I trust the baker. the margarine packer and the GOif ii 011 lllDGf {_BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF mayonnaise bottler not to try to poLSOn mt'. And they don't When I step from the curb with the green hght, I trust the motorists to stop. And they do. I trust the cop on the rorner not to shoot me. I trust my dentist and my doctor not to torture me And I trust the sender of f!Very package that I open not to include a bomb. So my whole hfe is based on trust. I havf' no choice. Without trust, I would have to barricade myself in my room. I think our very c1v1hzation is based on trust, not laws. Laws are for the rrunority whom we term criminals. I think that is why this parucular crime so angered me For th1s anonymous random killer had shown how frag:le was our trust. How c·asy 1t was t.o kill us with a weapon an which we all had such unquestioning faith lt was another nit of fear, another crack m our trust, another step down the path that leads to Beirut, &>lfast, and the dark jungle beyond. Yet ll 1s not surprising that someone would commit a deed like this. What lS surprising is that so few of us do. So I will go on trusting. And rightfuJly so. I swallow(.•d th{' two aspirin I felt better North·South vulnerable. South deals. NORTH + AKIOU <:.?ll108 0 v.w + 1097H WEST EAST +Vold + QJ 9854! l:'J9780Z ~Vold 0 976432 O KQ8 +Vold +HZ SOUTH •1 <:7 AQ5 0 AJ108 +AKQJ3 South LO make six no trump against any defense. Obviously West cannot lead a diamond. so assume that he starts a low heart. arler which he plays no part in lhe defense. It is the EHt hand that is crucial. Declarer wins the opening lead 1n dum my with the eight and runs five rounds or clubs. ending on the table. Eau must rind three discards, and so far hl' has no problem -he can let go of three spades. Now South leads .t heart from dummy. and East is in lrou ble. He must make a deadly discard from one or his holdings. hearts and dummy's sp1de takes the lut trick. 21 Suppose E11t sluffs a diamond. Declarer wins in hand with the heart queen. cashes the ace of diamonds and concedes a diamond trick lo East. East's forced spade return is taken in dummy. and declarer returns LO his hand with the ace of hearts to cash his winning diamond. For those who submitted this solution lo Bridge World magazine, we congratulate you on your ingenuity. Unfor· lunately, there's just one tiny hitch. The question posed was for South lo make six no trump against a11y defenu. Whal happens ii West luds the jack ol hearts'! Thia 1mashes declarer'1' communications to smithereens and he can no longer squeeze East for his l welft h trick. Try it ii you don't IM-lieve us. devastating eHecl of the Jack of hearts lead. your free copy or Hridge World containing the solution will r.-ach you soon. for the rest. a subsC'np t ion to the mc.gazine ~hould make It simpler ror you lo \olve this kind or problem In the future Rubber brld1e club• lhrou1boul the country uae lhe lour-deal brlqe formal. Do they now aometlilq you doo't? C barlea Goreo'• "four-Deal Bridie" will teacb you tile 1trateJie1 ud tactic• of tbl1 fut·pu.cl IC· tloo same t.bat provide• the cue for ueodlq nab!Hera. For a ~PY aod a ecorepMI, tend 11.75 lo "Goreo·Four Deal," care of tbh aew1,.per, P.O. Bu 259, Norwood, N.J . 076'8. Make check• ,.yable lo New•· paperbook1. A few weeks ago we p1•bliahed this hand as a dou ble dummy problem. Readers were in vited to decide whether South could make twelve tricks at no trump, 1nd to submit either the win ning line or succusful defense. ll Suppose East sluffs a spade. ~claret wins in hand with the ace of heart• and leads a spade to t he king. He cashes the ace or spade• and concedes a 1pade trick lo East.. pitching two diamonds from hand. He wins East's forced diamond return with the ace. cro11e1 to the king of II you spotted the Hyperactive fetus not unusual DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: My ion wa1 a "kicker" before be wa1 born. It wa1 my flrat prepancy. I recall IM>w I worried &Ut my baby mls't be bon wltla severe abnormaUtles. My ob1tetrlclaa told me I llld 10 reaaoa to be co1ceraed. Re t•raed oat co be rlsllt. I llad a urmal prepucy. Bellen It or aot my 10• wllo 11 a eopbmore lD collese, 11 tlae klcktr for tlae football feem . I'm cHcened ao.ht. My oldest da•pter 11 'now pre1aut wltlil ier Ont clllld. AbHt tllree weekt before expecte4 delivery, lier bab'-11 evu more active tluUI 1111M was yean 110. I m afraid tbat 1be may 10 Into premature labor. -MRS. O. DEAR MRS. G.: You can ~vo that aome mothers ere having problem• with fetal hypetactMty. They beCome concerned that It~ produce premature blnh, or caute lnuauterine (njury rsultin& ln maUormatJon. I hope, Mrs. G., P01 SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRIL.:CIANT T rou1 HIA11H OR. PETER J . STEINCROHN that your anxiety la not contagious. Young molhen·to-be have enouah on their minds without the added concern about the health of their lnfantt. ln1\eAd of worrying your daushter. tell h er these welcorn~ 1tatl1tlcs. Studies of hundreda of prepant women at the University of Mlchl1an Medical School indicate that hyperliCllvtty befON birth does not ca~ premature bfrth or fetal inJw'iet. Of CO\.lttl!, there are alwaya excepdona. But be thankt\11 that odd• are ln your daul)li.r'• favor. · DBAll Dll STBINCROKti: lutead or ,.tu.a ._ &lie ,...,.., pill ublt. .. 101 tlillak I more ••••••bit ftr mt to take Hm• llqHr before Wttmef T1Mre'1 M lllttorf of aleoMUtm la m1 family. I..,,.. to llete CH 1&•ff, escepl a llHlt wlat. I llavt t.t mall a cllolce, H laeomaJa 11 1•ttla1 m• tlowa . MR! . .J . DEAR MRS. J.: I'd haw to know more about you and your phY**J and tmollonal condltJon But, =~•I rule, U I had to choose betw 1n I llniU pi. ol WiM (tlf tUlhbMl OI' 111i1 of bM') rather than • ........ pU), I woUkt Cholall t!w fclrlmt'. However, 1°" m\Mlt knoW that ut'Oliill .._, lnvan.blJ *' • a 8ldl!Uw ll k~ ~-awau And. mind you, ...... lf.clhe • ...... be .... you dari't ..... tato lht habit of tak.&nil ,• unie mare teeh Nct:i&. U ~ dQ, ~ haw'I .................... '°-= ......_ wlao innH• thitr doitlrllt and beoofne uw . • DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: A1 a diabetic, my fear l1 bllnclaes1 as a compllcatlon. 1 am •5 and llave beeD on ln1uUn for about JO yun. My doctor te1l1 me my diabetes It under control. My eyealpt , 1eem1 to be all rl&llt. My l.DteraJ1t uy1 Ile flDd1 •o evtdtace of trouble in my eyes tbat mlpt .. uest bllad.ae11 later on. It &bere uytbiD& more I can do to le11en m y uxlecy about my condition? -M.R. T. DEAR MR. T.: You seem to be a coo~rative patlen\. Jn your visits to your doctor, I pretUme that he checkt your blood sugar levels and pn!9Crlbe.e mcdlclne to control your blood pret11ure lf It I.I too hl1h. Th~~·• 1e>mothlng elte you can do. Aak for conaulta\fon with an ophthalmolofrllt. It'• true tha\ dlabttlc reUnopllthy ii the leadlnc cauae of adult bU.ndntwa ln the United Sta'419. But lt can often be arrested lf recognlicd early and treet.ed. Unfortunately, the d1Qnol1a of retlnoptlby t. often overlooked by ie!nctil phyaidana -but rarely mlHed wh•n examined by 1 retinal 11,.dalltt. Blood veaela In tti. blck ot the ep (retina) prouterai., hemorrhaa Into the pl that till• th• oytball -which Tead1 to partial or comi>_&ei. bllndne11. But trHtment by luer phoi.oeOtC\lladon of U.. blood v lt ln lh eye can reduo. tM rllk o1 proareulY• lou of vlalon, accordln• to Jay 8 . Skyler, MD of tho University of Mlamt tit Medldne. lt'a ~klent, Mr. T., that ~ • 1hould also H•k routine •Y• care frotl D Ophthalmoaopt. .. -------· -· . • 41• Orange CoHt DAll.Y PILOT/Friday, Ootober 15, 1982 THE 1983 ST ARION: An aerospace, super-performance Hatchback coupe. Powered by a superb turbocharged 4-cyllnder engine . Features advanced aerodynamics and technology for ultimate road performance. Compare with the Porsche 924. THE 1983 CORDIA: A sleek, styllsh m id- size 2-door hatchback. For driving pleasure and fuel economy. Sets new standards for quietness, safety and comfort. Features f ront-wheel drive and 4-cyllnder engine. Compare with Datsun 200SX THE 1983 TREDIA: A super-dynamic luxury sedan, both spacious and compact. ., ;;-;;;---=:-:::::;:::!<J For 5 passengers. Features front-wheel drive. Combines sporty hatchback performance with family-car practicality. Compare with Nissan Stanza and Honda Accord. THE 1983 TRUCK: Available with 2-wheel or 4-wheel drlve and a choice of 3 engines, Including the turbocharged d iesel a first In Its class. Features performance for fuel economy and power. Is the first Imported truck ~!!~!!ll=liiii with dollble-wall box. J' D1llJ'llat FRIDAY, OCT 1~. 1982 THE CUST AID THI caum BUSINESS COMICS 82 84 IH o negligent Small Busines Admini tration contributing to the bankruptcy toll? Page 82 0 o~ Enthusiasm's easy ~o spot By GLENN SCOTT Of' Ule Delly .......... Impatient youth had its run-in with the civilized adult world T hursday al Los Naranjos Elementary School an lrvane, and it was terrible. T o clarify things, Principal Dennis Gibbs hailed the day a grand success when 3-month-old Skeeter, a cheetah cub from Lion Country Safari, paid a visit to the c ampus w ith traine r Ma r y MacConnell. But that's an adult for you . For the youthful members in attendance -and that includes Skeete r -the restraints were just about unbearable. There was Skeeter, a member of an endangered species mind you, sitting atte ntively on his haunches on a foot-high wooden stage inside the modern school building S pread before ham on a bright blue carpet, and not situng that differently, w e r e a sea o f prosp e«ta ve play m a tes JUS l staring back at ham for all they were worth. With everyone sitting tht!rl' at the same level, except the adults w ho w e re towering abo v e everyone as usual, 1t was d1ff1cult to decide w ho was looking harder at whom. Macc onne ll; who believes Skeeter thin ks she·s his mother , had him tethered o n a leWJh, But. at least she was alert enough to notice how curiously the anu~J surveyed the score~ o f a le r t heads not much larger than h1S. "See how he stares around and watches you very carefully?" she asked . "That's because you're satung at has eye level. Cats don't really like to look up so most pe ople seem ver y bo ring to them." She talked some more about how cheetahs are the fastest land m am mals on eai:th, how they come Crom the African savannah and how Skeeter was bom at the San Diego Wild Animal P ark but w as re j('<'ted by hlS mothe r This latc.>Sl statement came as quite a blow to a few children m the front row. one of whom was the first to ask why during the quesuon-and answer session Skeete r was bo r n i n his mother's first latter , ans we red MacConnell. "S h e Jus t didn't know what to do with h1m " About this time during the assembly, especially after the eye -level kids s tarted as king questions. S keeter just couldn't hold stall anymore Luckily, he doesn't go to Los Naran.JOS or has teacher might have gotten angry He wanted to play He really wanted lo get rad of that leash. He started dancing around and fl ipping o nto h is back a nd play fu lly c he wing o n has trainer's shoes The more excited he becamt•, the more tbe children laughed. And that only made ham wan t to play more Gibbs explained that students wo u ldn "t be allow ed to p et S keeter beca use th ere we r e simply too many volunteers And things might get a little crazy. Thas was school. after all. Actually, a few of the younger kids did enJOy a brief mome nt walh the spotted cub later. So pretty soon , the assembly tha t a c tua lly w as called to acknowledge thoee studen ts with "positive student attitudes" was dasmlSSed and all the youngsters told th<.'1 r teach ers th ey h ad posata vc a ttitudes to becom e cheetah trainers. And S keete r bounced out to the truck. a veteran of has second student assembly. but not before has tra ine r , m o the r and a ll- around adult restrainer stopped to admll that young animals SC'em to prefer young humans "It's more excaung for them to see little pl'Ople," she said . "They sc-<>m to a hiwe a better tame " Adrian Pe rez, 5, tries lo sture down the cheetah whilt• clatis mute Tommy Embree , 5 , wa its his turn to shake a paw. Mary MacConnt>ll from Lion Country Safari · introcluc.·es the :l -month-old Sheeter to students at l..o~ Naronjos Ele m entary School in Irvine. South OC s helter to give battered women new options By SANDIE JOY Of' .... o.ltJ .... •'-" Battering is physical abuse Usuall y, it escalates as tame goes on . Alwa y s . i t res ults an the int im idation of t he battered spo use because ph ysical a n d psyc hologic a l v iole nce a r e inaeparable. Battering shatters the family s pirit. These are th e views of the women w ho are aiming to do something about battering, the members of Human Options, a Lagun a &e ac h -b ase d organization aponsoring creation of a new aervlce for battered women and thelr children . Under aus p ices o f Human Options. a alx-bed s he lter for batte r ed w o m e n and their children la opening today. It'• called simply the Battered Wom e n '• She lle r o f Sou t h Orange County. It's listed that way (n the phone book becauae, said Vivian Clecak , It'll be easier for women to find the hotline number. Clecak, a licensed clinical paychologlat and aoclal work- er with a priv&t.e practice In Million Vie.JI>, la a consultant for the new shelter whoM toc.tlon, like all auch fadlitiea, la belna kept aecret to help auure IU clienta' safety. "Wta:ve ~n told for yeara there'• no abuse In the aouth county beqau.e we're affluent." 1aid Clecak, who apeclaUses In rnarn.ae anc1 Wnlly COUNMillni· u~ don't lee a hHd for the IMI• ln the eouth county and yet the other IMlt.en -both In the northern part of Oranae Coouney -are too far away. "Abu. ls hap~n1 here," ahe contended, • but olten we doe't'& ,_,.about It._'* molt women are MhanMd. They won't tell their mo ther or sister or m inister lake they would about other problems . "This is not a dirty problem. There's no shame seeking help. oUr calls range trom we11-to-do women, waves ot protessaonais to t he 17, 18 and 19-year-o ld women out here alone from the East. It extends across economic barriers." The idea for a shelter came out o f a committee that bega n loo kin g i nto t h e problem o f apouae-battering an 1977 and w hich, In 1979, began operating a hot line. ·"Without any publicity," sajd Clecak, "we got at least one call a day from people re ferred by word of mouth." For the past year, Clecak's main objective has been to raise money for the shelter which she described as "a warm, friendly hom e, a nice house in a nice ne ighborhood." Th e a h e l l e r i s a r eal c o mmuni ty p ro ject, a h e emphuiz.ed. with all the money railed thus far coming dJrectly from the communJUea it 'll eerve. In one year, sht' said. S00.000 haa been railed, enough to fund the facility for 5 ~ montha. "Another $48,000 la needed to make It th~sh the flnt year." Shelter funds have been re- ceived from churchea, women'• clubs. ctvlc aroupm. United Way, Fluor F oundation and trvlne F o undation, and 1eve ral !ndlvlduala. Clec:ak and 1helter director Mary S~ncer said the •helter bu Ml up a daily fee of $3 per family, "S-:.t," aatd 8J)91'Cer, "nobody wtll b9 turned aw~ jult becauae they don't have money. We'll work IOl'net.hlna out." Spencer, 1116 1 mania&• and family COUnMlor with pr•vaw . ' Mary Spencer, teated, and Vivian Clecak will ovenee Human OpUon11helter. office• In El Toro, e xplatned battered women u1ually d on't hav much or any money. uoener•Jly,'' 1he Mid, "th y're In iituat.loN where the husband II controlllna tM moMy. Not. ln \ all cuea. But mott tJtntt, It'• th c...-." Thua, not only are the w~n afraid to lffve their ·~ IM explained, they find It difficult to do ., for finanNl reuona. "A woman who as battered," said Clecak , "is one who has bought the extre me version of femininity. She doesn't beheve she has rights. She tends to feel responsible So. af her husband gets drunk and bea ts her, she thin ks it'!! some how her fault." Spencer added, "One of the problems about these women leaving In the first place as they're absolutely terrorized. If they go to family or friends, he's going to find them very quickly ." Wom en who enter the new shelter can remain there for 30 to • 46 days. Spencer explained. "The goal of the program as to he lp them raise their self-esteem to the point where they are able t o go ou t a nd tak e care o f themse1ve1 and t heir children. We'll really be exploring their op tlona with them and their children, h elping them to see they do have other options." E x p lai n ing th at s h e aeea battering as a family problem. the director said the shelter wiU do outreach oowuellng with the huabancb or sl1nlflcant others. That coun1eUna, 1he said, wlU be done In her El Toro office. Also, ahe said the 1helt.er will run weekly aupr.>rt groups for women who aren t ready to move lnto the •helter or who need follow-up coun1ellng. Womon who want to talk about the problem, she .. id, can c•ll the sh elter hotline. It I• •94·0367. The ahelter bu11lnea number for people who want to don•te 1ood1 or money 11 497-7017. Both Clecak and S pe ncer admJtted baueri.ng la a dlf(Jcult cytle to break. "Battered women .tenerall)'. tend to havo been abuaed 11 children thl'Mlelvtt. which la one redSOn the cycle continues. They do n't know this isn"t the way they·re to be treated. And , they generall y tend to be dependent pt'rsonallties. "l could 1escribe the batterer this way, too," she said C lecak said th e battere d w o man "g e t s to fee l very helpless The she l t e r i s a n opportunity for them to build a whole new life." Spencer said the shelter will work with both the mothe1-s and children. pro,··:iing them w ith assertion training and relaxation therapy. "W e 'r e ai m ln' tow ard o utre ac h children s suppor t grou1>9," she said , although that program won't begin for a few months. at least. "The important t hing," ahe said, "is to break the cycle." She added, "My hope for the 1heller l1 to be a haven for battered w o m e n a nd tt\elr children where they can feel aafe and protected and can rea.lly lW'n and set In touch with where th.y are and see they have other • options." :• Clecak aald ah e ho pes th ahelte r ca n h a v e • lo t of prwvenutive Prosramt 10 people will learn prevention techruq~ "INtead of hittina and beatlnc." Spencer added. "I don't think anybody wanta to h~ anybody they lovt and care ab6ut. "Batterln1 men and wo11TM1111"'lc1 don 't w•nt to do that to their apoUMe. lt'1 more they jull don't know another way." Emph .. l1ln1 the community lnvolve menl In c:reatln1 the shelter, Clec.k Mid the fidlity baa a 1peaker11 ~. "So," aht 1ald. "ff an)'-•.J«IW'• wan\,I Ul ... lt:J come out and .... ~, -and make dOnallonL" ,I • I I ' t l l 1 j l l \ l t \ \ f { Orange Co It OAll.Y PILOT/frld1~, Ootober 1&, 1082 Windmake r in the making Insta lling a device like this huge air blowe r m ay mean getting o bscured in the immensit y of it all~ as this wo r kma n is. (See a rro w a t right). T he work is being do ne o n the Ho uston Ship Channel, wh ere Tenneco and the USS Ch emicals Division of U. Steel Corporatio n a re b uilding a facility to p roduce specialty ch e micals. a1U11c1um10111111 Professional Women 's Club to hold annual celebration JaoJce G. Kelly, sculptress, will be honored as the Woman of Achievement for 1982 by the El Camino Business and Professional Women's Club at its annual celebration o( National Business Women's Week in San Clemente. Ruth Marquard, president, announced that the dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m., Oct, 26. in the upstairs meeting room of the Ole Hanson Bea.ch Club Dr. Teresa Lynn, vice chairman of Orange County ERA and a professor at UC Irvine, will be guest speaker. Rep. R obert Badbam, 40th Congressional District, will be guest speaker at the October general membership luncheon or the Laguna Niguel Chamber or Commerce Oct. 21 at the Crown House Restaurant. Laguna Niguel, at 11 :30 a.m. Membership plaques, decals and rosters will be distributed to members of the chamber prior to the meeting. As part of a recent expansion and restructuring of the company's marketing organization, Gt!nlSCO Computer Corporation of Costa Mesa has named Robert Peckham of South Laguna as vice president of national sales, a new position. Milt HUI of AJexander's Moving and Storage of Huntington Beach. an Atlas Van Lines agent, has been named SaJesper90n of the Month in national account sales for September. Hill represents one of 450 Atlas agents throughout the nation. Data Syst<'ms Division of Pertee Computer Corporation of l.rvme, artd Computer Mart, Inc., of Colorado Spri11gs, Colo., have signed a major distribution contract. Tt-P comruter franchiae chain will purchase more than $I 0 million In Pertee microcomputeni over the next 30 months, according to Robert Hagy, president. Pert« Computer Corp. than $450.000 pre-tax, Forster said PriceMark Corp., has completed the move o( its international headquarters to expanded new quarters at 3420 S. Bristol St , Costa Mesa. Since Its inception in mld-1981, the property and casualty insurance franchise firm had been located at 695 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. B. Lee Karns, president of cOmprehenslve Care Corp., has announced that the board of directoni has approved a second quarter dividend of 6 cent. per share, payable No. 18, to shareholders of record as of Oct. 29. Emulex Co0rp., of Santa Ana, announces a reg:iatered public offenng of 700,000 shares or its common stock at a price of $21 per share, of which 603,037 ah.ares were offered by the company and 96,963 shares were offered by a shareholder of the company. Tim Kreaier of San Clemente has been rwned conceuions man.ager for Szabo Food Service at the Anaheim Convention Center. Jolie Foagate He11U has joined Hunter- Korobkin Corporate Communications of Newport Beach as an account supervisor. Don.aid W. Vlvrette of Miasion Viejo ha.a been promoted to senior manager ln the Newport Beach Executive Search Department of Peat. Marwick, Mitchell and Co., international public accounting firm. Tom Dye of the Newport Beach office of Bustneea Properties Brokerage Co., announced that La-Z-Boy Showca1e Shoppe hu taken a 10-year lease at 528 State Colle,e Blvd., Anaheim, for a furniture store. ..c.. • National Designs Concepta. Inc., hu moved Its lnfoecrobe, Inc., of Santa Ana, manufacturer of a matrix printer line. hu appointed Richard A. Barry aa vice presldmt of marketJna. offices from Garden Grove to larger quarters at 181~2 Beach Blvd .. Suite 140, Huntington Beach. The new telephone number is (714) 841-1886. Longo Travel, a full service agency, hu siifled a lease for offices in Executive Park, the lrvlne Company'• new offi<.'e complex at the.lntenectJon of M.aln Street and MacArthur Boulevard, lrvlne. Fredric J . Fonter, chairman and president of Newport Balboa Savings, announces a numbe1 of l"tC'C1rd.I durlna the first aix months of ti.cal 1982-83. The youna Newport ~ach-bued aavtnp ond k?an uaoclation p.lUed the $4 l million mark In · a.eta, wrote • record $33.9 million ln new loaJ\11 • dl.lt'tnl the pMt six montha, and e.tabliahed a record ldx month.I' eamin& figure for that period of more ac>MA&. '9tOPILa INVINTOftV t10 I Identify .,_ """" lo M..-or • -~ AIM eYli 'lreM VN t,--·if! ........ ......_,_ ,....,,..,, ,., Pl ...... u= _,., "*':..,~ lb:fle. ' ·~ .....,.,..~ I (714) 840-1211 C.11142-H?I. Pul a few word• to werlr lot u. 695,000 seeking jobless · insurance WASHINGTON (AP) -Deeplte Prnldent Realian'a claim that the naUon ta "reoowry·boUNI.'' another 60~.000 Ammc:ans filed finM1me cl.aJm1 for unemployment bmefl'-In the w k endtna Ort. 2. th Labor Dcparunent reJ)Ol1ed Thunday. It waa tho a.condhl1ne1t fllln1 alnce the current recealon bepn In the late aummor of 1981, f alllna 8,000 clalrnt 1hort of the record 703,000 initial pleM for 1overnment relief that w~ filed in the week, endin.g Sopt. 18. , ~ 69~.ooo cl&lmt, pJ.act.d with em9lo~nt officel In the various at.ates, were 12,000 ~ than the previous week'• ,..vlud fl1ure, the depart ment'• Employment and Tratnlna AdmlnllttlUon •Id. The •ncy ablo r ported that In the week endlna Sept. 25, there were ~.461,000 people clahnlna rtplar urwmpk)yment benefit11 undtt the bulc 28-we.k payment period, 84,000 t1Xn than the ~ ,,...,., and the hllhelt lince the peak of the 197& rece.ton. Is SBA contributing to hankr~ptcy ·toll? WASHlNGTON (AP) -il'hc Small Bualneea Adminiltratlon 11 punulna Interest rate pollcle11 that are enrichlna& bankel"I at the expense of flrm1 that obtain loana aiuaranlffd by the agency, a COfllttlllonal panel aaya. added The CNmocratlcally t.'Ontrolled 1ubcommlttee uid tht-SBA should atop using 'the prime tak u the benc.hmark for guaran~ Joana. Inat.ead, h aaid, a new formula placing loan rates somewhere between the rate for Treasury securi Ues of the same term and the prime should be created, thus "preventing a windfall to lenders." Variable interest rates also ahould be llirut.ed to a 2 percent increaae In a single year, it added. While •Yin& they f.il"eC!d wtlh "the neud to acvelop an Impro- ved prtcina mechanbrm for SBA loans," the rnel'a RcpubUcan memben aal the l"flCIOmmenda· tlona "are inappropriate at thil tun~." "The concept of the prime n1te la '° central to the practice of bankins the money-lending functlon that we are reluctant to recommend ltll abo1Jt1on ln the adaence of any con1en1u1 on w~t~rtof mechanimlahould be U8ed to replace It," they said. The SBA has been "seriously negllaent in allowing bank len- den to dictate lntereat rate'll far higher than juatlfied for a 90 percent government-guaranteed Joan," Rep. Benjamin Roeenthal, D-N.Y .• said ln a statement ac- companying the report by h11 House Government Operations subcommittee on commerce, con - sumer and monetary affain. Rosenthal also faulted the SBA for "not establishing inter- est rate caps in variable rate Joana, as the Comptroller of the Currency has l"equired on varia- ble rate mortgage loaN to home owners." USA TODAY, reports 222,000 circulatipn He cited testimony that for some small-business owners, in- terest rat.es on SBA-guaranteed loans rose from 12 percent to 23.5 percent in one quarter. "Interest payments on loans have increased so dramatically and unforeseeably that in many cases 1mall-buaineu borrowers have been forced jnto or close to bankruptcy," the study conclu- ded, and "present SBA policies and procedures have contributed to the problem." WASHINGTON (AP) - Acceptam.-e of its new national newspaper, USA TODAY, has been greater than anticipated and th e paper will start publishing in two West Coast markets earlier than planned, Gann~t Co. Inc. reported. An SBA policy that pennlltl lenders to add up to 2. 75 percent to the prime interest rate on agency loans "can unjustly en- rich lenden, particularly thoee which sell the 90 percent gua- ranteed portion of the loan ln the secondary market," the report AJJen H. Neuharth, chairman and president of the large communications company, said Thursday average daily paid circulation or the paper in the first 10 days of October was 221,· 978 -considerably ahead of the 200,000 cil"C."Ulation that had been anticipated for the end of the year. USA TODAY will start publication in the Seattle - Portland area on Nov. 8 and in the San Francisco-Sacramento OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NIYf YONK IAPI CotrTt• 20'-20Yo lntofl'fl JO JO\I, Petr tie 1IV, 11"" lt:IM'" .. ASOllQ ...-..-Cot.a. .. ,, ~1· lnt.....i ,,..,, ,,,.. Peltlbon 1411. U V> C'E.I -... """"' tlldl CemCIH ,. •• 60 llllmtG• IJ .... IJ"" ~ ...... , ~~ ~~ lTJ: DC -1-toffen':l ~"''"'' .. , ·~' lo•llWtfl .,.. "-PlerceU m•rktl -•t,•• mwle1 , .. i., "''1 lweSoVI 11'• , ..... Pln,rin 6l M I:~~ Tllura. Pr-nol Con Pei> , ... 1t J •mlby ,. ..v. Plo<IHI t J).lo. ,. 1 ... 1 ....... 1 iner'"" CorOI• ).I 34.\co Jerico 2•14 ,.,,, Pl••ll,. ''· I TtcumP n'W''°"""'• "omm. CrOITr• , ...... '''-•lJltty • J.1• ,, Pouh " ... " ... TtlcmA IHlo<I lor Tl1un4•Y Cvllrl'd ~ ,.,,. 'k°'lyn ' ts u~. Pr .. GM ,. ... , ,. .. , TOf'l.ent StoO Bid AU. tr~~. . . .... •llSI pl 1• ,, '" p,.5,..,., ...... ~::.U>T1 AEl. Ind U UIH u~. n K•lver ,,,_ I ). 1' Pro0rp , ... Hit AFAProf 1t', J11.1. 0.ytM 1"'-14\1) IC•mMI ui. n v, Pt>Sw .. C '"" ... ,. Toyota • AVM ~ .... 4 .. 011 .. r SI" SI> K•lySw s 1't,. ,,.,, PvrtlMn 11 u1,. TW•llEa ll<MllM It It g:~~~ ··~ , .... ~.~ 1 .... " TrlcoPO :::,~:::i tl\.1 1He '°"' 1''· J Klm bell "', 10 10'• JI TuonFo 11v, 1J 0.-yEI ,... ,., l(lftQllll '"" Jl't ~~~ .... I vnM<<;11 lldw.-aa1 4'• H• Ol<ICrv• 11 ,..,, KlootG >S''" ,, .. Rey lt\.. "..., VS Enr Alllltfl ,..,, It Ola..Cn. ~ 1t ~~:f:v ,,.,, 14 .... """" ,,.,,. JI .. VS Sur lte t t; Allt.oln< lS ,. Oocvt.i '''• ···-lt11lltll• ,, .. n1~ R-Sw ""' u VS Tr<• Al'T)er•• "' s~ OollrGft 14 , ••• LAn<.• t 11 ,, •• .__., '°'' ti VV•Btfl A Furn . .,, ... ~~.~ 151;. 1S"4 1.•ndRn ... ,. ~ Rov .. U"> 1)'1. ~~r.~ ... 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SwflS... i.v, ,, ... Wl-0' esoo s. .. """ ~.r~ • •111 MCl'8fl .,.. .,,. Slandyn JO JO'h WotwAJw llelr~ I .... n. ,~ , ..... ,_ ~= UV. tf'h SfdMkro ., . .., ., .. w ....... a.i1y .......... ,. ... JS I) .. tJ .. SldR ... ,. H'n W-1.0t e.neHE 11 u .... ~: ........... ... It,, .. Mld .. W 104-""' si ... -,,.., l6 Wrl:r;:w Mdlde# . ,, ... Zk>n t area on Nov. 15. Both editions had been planned for next year. The five -day -a .week newspaper started publication Sept. 15 and is now sold In four areas -Wa1h1ngton. D.C.-Balt1more, Md.; Atlanta; Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Pittsburgh. The company has projected a circulation of l , 150,000 by the end of next year and of 2,350,000 by the end of 1987. In the first three months of next yea r , editions will be published in Chicago. Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami . New Y or k , and Philadelphia, though not necessarily in that order, Neuharth sa1d -~l .... I I •'• UPS AND DOWNS I 1•-. s..1• "' '1 .. ,.,.. .. 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"' • • ,. 1 Tllmllet t 11 If » !J•• llCA pl J 11 U2 ,,.,, w "°"''" .. 14 U 11\11 ... ACA 111 i •J n ti\>• "° Tllm-10e 1 :14' u11-.. • '"° llll.C n M t 1741 tto, '"' T~l11y Ill • ff2 , • .,, • ._ llTI Cl • 17 l 'Wo T ••o I.JO 1 17 .,11.., • V. "•"""' 71 • ,.., .. .... ' .,, '° s l!J JIY,. "' =:::::t 1 80 " ru ,;: I~ i:2::1" 1 11 1 :} J"°, ~ 11-o M t » IJl4i, lie TIMI 1Jf81 57 • M In ll•y<m ~ .. IJ • lJ~ " Timi plCA JO u ""' • "' ••Y-i. "', "" TlmeM 11J 11t !J"', 1.;, ll•yfl"fl t 6 ltl Ullo-w Tlmlll\ J • I llO ..... • '• ••ytM 140 II ZJtS 4Jh h f Sl\p I 11 S ti Mio ,.,. 11.,dll ID S itlt IJ T•llm M 10 »I 11'1 • ... llflet plJ IJ • 11 lllt + le f .. £dlt J Jit • ltfl , .. ,_ ... llltaef I Ole t t ... ~. T•ll!CI IJfl Jt U ..n"' • \of 11ec11eci m 1y,. y, 1 .. ec1 p12 .» 1 """ ... "'°""' JO JD ,)2 t"-'t Totl[f llfl 21 . I II .. •.ec• .. ~ 4 Tonu 40 1> ff 11-. "' 11 ... 1 !' 1 1190 l'lt + Vt T-Rol .-I )4 Ith ~ 111erc11C .• 11 UJ 14\lt Tttllmll I tO I wt» ,..,.,_ "' R•oAlr • . m sy,, .. T.,.9'e tt I~ 1.;, ••llCI .. , " "" ... ,_. ,. ' .. , 11 .... llfff'l\I I 20 t) JO U \4 + "° T-1• .44 t ti ,, .. • '-llfllHY I e I ,. )4.... llio 't-i. lltf 41 , I 14 \4i llN'\' J1Q. U . 11 241.;, Toy Ill/' l, .. , 111-'"' llllY plAJ 10t JOD ""°"• "" Tr«W t • • <llO ~ • .., 111 .. ~ I• 0 1 11t.lt ... f(w"'?. I.» 1 u, ffe ~ :::c ;,,""l'J • ~ \~\ft: 1..., ~ ~ JI ) II> lltlle9t n • '°' ...... " ~w..... 2 ~~ .. ,~ • ~ Ill•¥<• • It $7I ,..., \It tW~ = I tO 144 "q"' • w :::r; ,_.. 'i .: ~ ~ w~ llf , ... '~ y, .., llntn IJf J 10 Y, raMll'I 1 90 1 Iott .,. y, 111::~~ ,·g J :~ m:::: 1~!~ :i:" ·~ 1tt ,. "! 1r. •Ylllll t. 71 M-\41 m};J ij .Q + ..... 11 .. "'F" . " • ~ ,If\ ". ,. '"'· •• •Ylfl ~ -rO It MO 11 + 1\ot ieyMI 1•11 J ~ .. fOl'plt. 1 11 .. •~MlllMJ 1llO JJ t w 111.ofl , .. t w II d I ,. " "' ,...,.,, ~ I » 14\ot. " ,. 11"a-.,. raw It' I l 1 1111 ~ • \-. •• ft "" r a l l4\lo-" ... ' , •wUYI• ~ .. Gold jumps; dollar lower .. I =-~ ·~ ~.~ ... By Tbl' A11oclated Pre11 • •• Golt! pm't. .. clJmbcd nearly $20 un oun<'t..· 111 t•ari~' EuroJX>an tr111d1ng Thufij(fuy lollowlnK fJ 111mllAI' bha.tJ:S. rise an New York the prev10Ub tfoy The dollar turndd• mostly lowt•r .·:: Gold hu11 lx.onefill'd from 1ht.-dl'('lin<'t in U~·: interest raws, which rrwkt· golrl pur<'hilllt'tl on L"t : ll'!li expen1uvt' and irnprov4• tht· t•om~ullvl' value • : bullion ag::ilrut the dollar • =! The dollar, howevl'r. often IOSt.>t. ground wh1ic>! rat.es fall because lower rates reduct' tht• y1t•lds ot:: dollar-denom1nated investments ( Gold for t:urrent delivery t.'hmbed $16.80 to t.'IOl!e.~ at $454 80 a troy ounce Wt'dn1.'!Kloy on the Commodllf• Exchangt• in "New York ' Irvine building bought :~ • ~ Ban kers Life Company has pun.·hased a• 37,000-square-foot, two-story reflecuve glass orfi~ building and Its 2.06.,acre 11ite at 2415 Campus Dr!ve Jn: lrvme from Vondevc'O, Int. in a transaction hand led by: Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate Scrvkes : Mark Greer a nd Rick Duggan of the Coldwell • Banker company's Newport &ac·h offo:c, wuh tht- assistancc of Brian Corrigan of Coldwell Banker ~nslJtut1onal Liaison Services, rl'presented alJ part1esf m negotiating tht· traruwwllon, valued a t more 1han SS million . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS •1,· l . '-ll'o 14>o ''-1 .. >"" ""' . "' .... "' "' .... HEW VORt< (APJ S•let 4 ~ m lhurltd9'f pnco and n.1 Cll~ 01 mt ,.,. moat •dll•• Amertc:•n Stock E•ch•nge \~,, l•!d'"Q na11onally al mOte """" SI l>c>mt "'" lllJ, too , I) " ... Klr~ .. l."lO .... • I•• --·~~;;' 114 200 ... , • ~ ~~<,..J~no m,: '!"' : I~ Wano B 111,&00 o .. "' OH11con 11\C 177,tOO 11 , t ... lnfeoEng n 177.tOO t"' • v. Re,rUnt A tl).)00 '"· • \._ Al.L A" ltl.000 I"• UPS ANO DOWNS COLO COINS Ptl Oii uo Ofl ll I Oii •• Off •• Ott • , Off •I Ott .. Ofl I • Off •• Oii I 0 Oii It Otl , ' Ofl , , Ofl 1 I Oii 11 Oii IS OCI I l Oii 'l Ott II Oii I 0 Oii • , OCI •I °'' •• Oii •• Oii •• Due to late transmission to~ay's llatlng wlll not appear In the Dally Piiot. DOW JONES AVERAGES Nl:W YORKIAPI Flnal Do.. J-. ..... tor lt•uoci.y, Ocl 14 ::Kl 'lli': l7 :4o!t '1 ~I ~'*r, I~ 10 lrn «IJ IJ 0 1 SI <II>> U «)f • ) I) Ull 1n SS IU 7) 110 80 111 ti 0 •S Slk Ht U 1'11 .. lll to Ml ot S. 11\du• t,f'IO, Tr.,. 1, to'l, Utllt ).)St, •l Slk IS 1)1,)0t WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( •AP> Ort 11 Ad•tn<tO 0e<11nacs Un<h"'9f<I fot•I l"UH New "'9"> N•w tow\ • ..... t is• WI 1 .. l'OI• ... ) N EW YQRll IAP> U<I It AOw•llC.t'd 0.Cll...., Un<hM'9fd T04•t •-• New f\IQM New ~ METALS ,...,...,., )// ,.. "' ... .., I NEW YORK tAPJ SpOI 1101\ferr.u a mel81 "'"""° Thu<ltd•y C•pper 10 73 c•nta a pound US a..111\attOM L....i :n-29 Cel\ta a pound Zlftc •0 .. 2 ce<lll. pound o.l•-.a 'flft SCl 23311 Mel•la W-Come>O .. lt lb Akffnlf\111•1 7 6 ctn II a POvnd N Y lllefc"" 1370 per na.io. l'tetlr1vm '3J8 00 I J U 00 uoy °""" NY SILVER H11ndy 4 Harman. '10 01I P<H t•ov ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS er TIM A-.'96 ,.,_ St1te11e1 wona o-"'"'" r1>u<ac1r, London morntng ••••"Q $.429 SO ofl S 1 I 1~ LofldOI\ alle•l\Oon fmno $4111 7~ o ll $17~ ,..,,, allernoo<> """'G $12~ II~ off $9 11 Fr•nlilurt 11 .. ng $430 00 oll $ 10 VII ;twrlcll l•I• all.,nOOf> l1•rnQ l•JO 00 oil $~ 50 Dod $43 t-00 aliled Kandy & Harm•" !Only ol••I~ QuOleJ '428 I~ Oii $12 50 l"9'0-CI tonly datl) QUOl•I SOii IS oll $1' so l l\gtlh•rCI tonly d••ly quolttl laDioc;elCld S•SO •9 ()It' IJ •2 SYMBOLS d N•,.i, ;••'*V 'Ow u Neow .,.-.u~ n'9f' \J •Hit\,\ 01n~~--·~ llC>i*<J tah•-. ot t.J1,.•0."0> •'* ~t1nu•i O•~Nr~lt f·....-0 on t ... latt Q\i•r l .. f t QI ,.l'T'll llf'I"'-'• dlllt.11'•1•0n "'P'H'• ~ ... .,. d1w10f'4\0\ Qof c· .. ~·· ftQt CStt\•~"•lr<J •\. 'f"0\114" "'"' •d•nt1hed 11t tf\il fQltftftlt\Q IMlrtc I" q A.l•O •'"" 0' "•'''' t°' Annual ••t• v'u• ••or .. t11¥1c1•tH1 c t 1qu•'-'••1no O•v•O•no ~hotttJ 01 PA•O 1n 0fK4'dM1Q ,, M~lha ()ft(1~1"'1 O• O~t<I alle• tiu..• dt••d«'O O< •pltt u'' 1 ll•1CS 1n1t ye•t ct1""1ttnd °""''" ,,.,.,. • ,.., 0t "0 .c..tton ta'-.M• •' •••• O•'tflCHif\O m,.,.1•"9 ~ 0.C.1.,.0 Ot paod lh•• 1'9., 11n kc.~•h~ ''W. w1t" d1vrdeif'.Ot tn .,,..,. n ,,. .... '""" I 0ecl .. eQ ()I i>t-0 on Of..:.Cl"'Q 1.~ ,uonH•\ P'4'' \tOClr. dr~ I l'N lf't .,vc:• •n P<K4'<1•"9 12 mon•hl ••toma l.O ualt ••tu• on t • 0""4'°"" °' ... ClotlflDUllOI> o•1~ .. c .• d•'f•tJflrtos Ct' •• t'tQht• .,.e.~otvtO«WS •nO UIP• "' lull •. s .... Ill "' • Co<1 ( Allel! wd W,.,.,. dl\lrltlufCld WI Whotl ti,ufll(1 ww Wtlt'I w•"•"tt 1w W•tt'G"'t ••"f'1t• Jdt• [, d'IH•OU't'O" Pf 1a1to ltt.. P<tC• 04 A IMOC• •t • mulhP'• o! pet .,.., •• .,,,~ .. .,..,...., l>y d•...0"'9 1 ... ialfff 1'·"'°"111 tW""'Ol I~ lllOIHI Mlt tee i I I f 2 33 • ,. Orange Co11t DAILY PllOl lrt1d1y. October 15. 1982 THt: t'\'111.\ ('I R('l S .. by 811 Keane HI(; Gt:ORGE ' . by Virgil Partch (V IP) "Jeffy's not very brave, Mommy. He looks inside his sandwich before he eats it." "Wh1ddy1 m11n, why don't we hold h1nd1? C1n't you Ht I'm r11dlng the piper?" by Bra~ Anderson ,,...,..,- ~ "Hold your ears. Grandma ... Marmaduke wants to woof goodbye to you!" . ~ · ow that you've baked a " .I'll bet the kid will be Jl Df;E P \Rkt:R resh batch of cookies over here In two minutes " lT'5 FRANK FF".OM THE HOSPITAL' SOME 'l'OUN6 DAME ev THE NAME 0 ~ C:LM~K TOLD THE NUR&E TO CALL .-.Ef\, DAY OP. NIGHT. IF THERE WAS ANY CHANc;,E lN PA&SMOf\E'S CONDITION ' wwee THt5 15 nE ~ ~E 6EEN V"AITtN' F0f'1 LET ME TALK TO HIM I by Jim Davis i I f f PEA~l'TM . HERES THE ~lO FAM~ LAWYER ON MIS WAY TO THE COURTHOUSE YOU'RE NEW AROUND HERE, AREN'T YOU? \J GOROO 1 &• -~· .. W~EN LAWYERS SAY ,, SINE ·MORA " TMEV1 MEM ''WITHOVT DELAY'' - SAY, HOW ABOUT A DATE? / SURE MAYBE YOU CAN MEET MY OTHER NEW FRIEND ~'f U.i'vf: ~1E ALC'-IE: wrn~ A l-L ™':7 'v.>.L.1..l..\['-L.l ~(.)FF,' X BRABBLE ACROSS ~ -Guev1ra • THUfllDAY'I 1 flower 57 Got>hn PUmE IOLVID 6 r ovcll upon 59 Hafl911f -on 10 Hockey uem 61 Snoe rep&1r 14 BlllllfY par! 64 Mt11C1n IS Unescorlt<! Jhawt 18 As 10 6i -Cllon1 2 ..,OtdS 68 WorilffS 17 Freshwflet 2 words fotfl '1 llWOtOS 70 Ntglhvet 19 Afr1ean town 7 I Ofln epocn 'lO A"48 •I'd 7'J OcUSIOn 1 wnr01 73 Sof\ot 11 Vary hot 7 • Burgundy '13 Mild goofs end Wint 'IS Antique 11110 7S Hldll 26 $N«M DOWN 21 011 Pref11 I GWTW m1n ' 19 Humrd 11011 I I 0 31 811CJi talll 2 ltttl num 13 Sm1ff lll'ICh()( .. Hint• l3 Cnry room ~ 18 Cono~t •8 Inured 34 Milli' v()f('r 3 Blllllld1 22 OrudQe'l 5 t Frown ~ W()(k 2 WOtdt 24 M8<1rld ltlle ~ Tlble-#Are 'fJ SOUll\f>fn • Ulopllln 27 8tble "'-n SS AMII Capitll c:cwmf'11111""' !>Cont•-28 ltam1 t11nc1 5f Ancestor .u I daoed ' MAIM Gym 30 Stupid on.t 68 Blai• 44 ClJmplrtMI 7 Cllmfitot 32 T lblel l!O Onifl much d fl,IQflony •"'Oflt 3S Aftoll t2 Caatlt moet 41 £119"• I Soft 37 Mettnl V1r .. f1P'ft t Btougllt -2 WOtdt t3 Miid Ollll ~Pvt -Svbdllfd 38 w~ U Cont"* H SpM\1111 tO ~· 31 ~ M 8ul)tft11~ .,_ 1 t Colllll"Clton 4 t ~• endingt W -'"'"' 1> 8'rd 43 COtfCjj)ft ff Somt ARt 'IO.J Al!l~ .. 1'ALL~ ~()1(£. 0.0'5 Nb) eoJ\.IN& 1eofll'4, 1'~ 'I().) fAIN'fE.O ~ \1£ CAME.~ lltlf. mctf.O\, '4. by Charles M. Schulz --~~~~~~--C••,...,,....,......,....., LAWVER 5 SAY A LOT OF THIN65 o.4 \a<S \.lE. ~E.N 1'14f. ~-4 by Tom K Ryan 'N'e ~~YOOTFOR1HE 01...'IMPICS ~ESTT<IAN 11:.AM AG-Al/IJ~IS ~R. by Ernie Bushmtller by Gus Arriola by Kevin Fagan ~ roN'i l.}OAA-., ~ ll)E. MA'4£. iMf.. ~Ufl ~ MDM'~ ~E.i ~ ~l\)N~~ ~~- ~V\14(, "'"' OllUl'lf.0 11>\l\Lf. l: l; I (;,t\)( If \'lA"( i()(,E.'fME.R 1l1&:N~'D PE:OPLE KNOW '/OU WAS E :r.• ? C.ONiR.Ol . ' I : • • ' I , . ' • ' l ' • • . • 3 I#~ Kenneth Canon, an East Coast tourist, takes an illegal dive olr the famed "Dead Man's Clifr' in La Jolla. Thrill seekers lured to 'Dead Man's Cliff' By NORM CLARKE AMMllted "-Wrtw LA JOLLA -"Dead Man's CliU," a craggy 100-foot precipice overlooking the Pacific Ocean, claimed one of its first victlma in 1898. It'e been an Irresistible magnt?t for the macho and a dilettmu1 to city fathers ever since. "For some of the. guye. it's their Acapulco." says lifeguard Chris Slmpeon, who has n!'9C\H!d dozens or stunned divers who survived the plunge into pounding surf. ln 1962, dty officials banned diving from the cliffs -less than 100 yards from La Jolla's famous ocean-sculpt.ed cove -but it failed to halt the dangerous activity. Every year, about a daz.en people sustain serious in~. from spinal damage to eplinten!d skulls. Thrill 1eeker1 who ftnd "Dead Man'1" too terrifying aetta for "The Clam." • 35-foof clilf locltted a few yarde away where t.houaanda of jumps are recorded per year. Simp1<>n, a lifeguard at the nearby cove, ahakes hia he9d in dl.asust. "We have major problem• ove r there at 'Dead 'Mans Cliff','' said Simpon, "and the biggflllt one I.a that we have abaolutely no enforcement." Simpeon, 28, bu never handled a fatality but knowa one ls inevitable and the prospect does not thrill hlm. Although deaths are rare. t!le cbffs have taken a heavy toll over the years. "I've aeen people tot.ally scalped from hitting the rocks. A lot of broken a rms and legs too. Twenty five percent of the Injuries at 'The Clam' are to the head. At 'Dead Man's,' they're moatly neck, back (injuries) and concussions," he aid, frowning. About five years afo, bumper aticken proclaiming " Conquered The Clam" were an instant rage In the area. But city o~s quic kly confronted thl' printing firm und "d iscou raged" tht>1 r d istribution, Simpson said. During busy summer months, when jumpers swarm the d tffs, a lifeguard rescue boat 1s routinely assigned to the jump zone "We've pulled at least 10 people out after they went off 'Dead Man·s' They were tot.ally d1sonentt-d Crom t he impact." he SC:lld Treache rous tides <:ompound thl· danger, he added. "and watt•r depth 1s only eigh t feel at ml'an (avNagt•) tide." Lifeguards at thl' <.'f>Vt' have <>nough on their hands w ithout worrying about d iving casualt1('S, said Simpson Checking a lifl•guard log in the shack, he cited the regular summer rescues: 47 m July. 73 in August and more than 70 in September "You always havt• drin k ing over there and that adds to the problem. But most of 1t (the Jum ping) comes from p eer p ressure, somebody wanting to impress somebody." That's nothing new Near the tum of the rentury, many of San Diego's 17,000 residents rode horses and buggi<'S wvcral miles to watch hometown darl'devils leap from the sheer cliffs Bert Reed, 21, was among them on August 14, 1898 when he plunged off the cliff now known as ··Dead Man's." Paralyzed from the stunt, the son of San Diego Mayor D C Reed died three months later "We don't have the personnel or the budge t for en forcement," says Lt. Al Bruton. supervisor of the La Jolla area. "The kids just tear down the 'no diving' signs and throw them in the ocean. We can cite them a nd arrest them, but that doesn't stop them. "It's one of the n tuals of manhood you can't do anything about. but you have to have rocks for brains to try It." r•c.ec YllW ..-.oawr1t11 CemttetV Mortuary Ch1pel-ctematory 3600 Pec1f1c VtftW Drive NewPort Beach ~()() Breaking of sound barrier recalled ' McCCMtMIQ NOnu.-1 Laauna Beach 49''9415 LAIQuna Hlllt 7M-0833 San Juan Capistrano 496-1 776 ___,. EDWARD S AIR FORCE BASE CAP) - Vete ran t est p ilo t Charles E. Yeager has reli v ed the 3 5 th anniversary of man 's first 1uperaonic flight. and hla own, by flying Northrop'• latest fighter, the naenh.ark, at more dwl 1.000 mph. ''A plec."e of cake." sald the 59-year-old Yeager after landing Thursday on Rogera Dry Lake, 1cene o f decades o f aviatio n •nd aeroepace tat flJghta and the main lasadlna etrlp tor th~ epece shutllea. Y eaaer w1 s a 26-,Year-old Air Force captain s trapped in a b ulle t -shaped X -1 rock et-plane w hen h• becam e the fi rst pe~n t o brea k t h e sound barrier Oct. 14, 1947 Named "Glamorous Glennis" after his wife. the X-1 w•• d roppe d from a B-21J bomber over the Mo.J-ve Desert. Its e ngi ne Ignite d a nd Yeagor was/ropelled to 660 mph an 40,000 feet before the historic fUght ended. Oreng1 CoHt OAIL V PILOT /Friday, 0C1ober 1&, 1982 81 NllC NC>TIC£ MUC NOTICC PUBl.IC NOTIC£ rueLIC NC>TIC£ "CTITIOUI IUl ... 11 "OffftoVI _,, ..... NAMI HAT.MINT NAMI lfAflM«NT flCTITIOUI ltU ... 11 'ICTITIOUI IWllHlll HAMI tTATIMI~ NAMI ITATIMINT bv~~:~~1ng peit0n1 a1e d0k19 lh• lolkl'#ing '*eon• a1• do<ng Afll 18 l IC l!MISROIOl!AY, bllll~~llY CL-fANlfll, 112 1 r220 Nownop• 191 • U11ll '. l M1 y b Lind• Otvd ~•o.ntla lh• fotlCIWlno ~IOl\1 111 doing • Tiie tollowtng P•••o" 11 dul"g bvlllllN " 1J111lMM 11 I CIJllOM F'INllllil!ll. 1700 C AL IP CJ AH I A l U 0 0 A 0 f f oun111n Valle~. CA 11'708 Ctllf ;: 1 • ' M•rw t CollGChlC), 90• 1 tl1y ~· • 0 h 0 " 0 I 2 ., 0 0 Monrovia Ave Cotti MHI, CA IJNLIMITCD. 007 Lombetd CIMlrt, U027 Ciotti MMe. CA t2eH ITIVIN C ~llCHEA 1710 Ne11 1 Je1" Outnn. 102 ~i;:.~o-. Hun1111g1011 Oeec;I\, CA Wyok~,~~•m Pleet. l'utter 1on. C H MOlll~• 102112 NII 111 Clltfttnla 12t:J:I MonfOYll Ciotta M ... .L CA 12021 l0tnb810 COllll, 00111 MM• CA MA,.tLYH H TuATOAICI. tn2t Or Hunu11gtO<• 0.41(.ll CA ,28~e I o Ii I o • n O h..a 1 • 2 1 o O Th•• bu61r-11 ounduc:led by 1 Wyolle11h1m Place. 'u11e11on. t 100 Monrov11 00111 Mn• CA Th11 b\llllWIN It ~190 Dy an 112027 11\4MOUll Cllll61ru1 12633 general P•11~.n1p Thie bullnffl II c;onduc:led by e C H MOll~I l h11 O;Jt•ne11 11 '°1lduc:led Dy I Nltlit J4Mltl OUU'ln g-•· 0811!Wlfthlp '"" .... ..,,..,, .... fllecl ...... ,,.. 811-.n c l'..W.r Collnty Cle<k o• O••no• <.ou111y on True 114lll-•I .., .. hied with Ille lndM<lutle (Hut bllld & Wllll CouHly C..,11 ol Orenge County oo 0111 .,~~~ ~:111ec1 wtlh 11141 1 "'' 1111emen1 WH llllld wllh 11141 Oc1 13 1oa2 County Cle<k of Otano• County on '1"* Oct 13 1QU '""" County Clt<ll or OlllflOI Coonty on Publlthed 011ng1 ~OHi Dll~ hot 22. Ul82 Piiot, Oct 16, 22. 211, Nov 6, 1H htt• IM•.,. lnletllfl ... , lno. +tt&-82 IOI N. T111tln •-• .. lultl tto ------....,....----..,. .. AM. Cttlf. tf10I i>.p1em1>e1 20 1192 Publlahed Or•110• C..ou1 fD111v P11M01 PllOI Oct Hi, 22 211 Nov & 1082 Publllh•d Orange Cont Delly 4!>00·12 POOi, Oct 1, II. I& 22 1111~3.31·'2 PUBllC NOTIC( PUBt.IC NOTIC£ ,,...,... Ml.IC NOTICE l'ICTITIOU• l.ullHlll P11bll•ll•d Or1no• COH I D•llV -----...----..... ~--NAMI ITATIMINT jtjCTtTIOUI IUllNlll PllOI. hpl 24, Oct 1, 9, 111, 18112 PICmlOUI M.lllHI.. The 1011ow1no peraon It doing NAMI ITATIMINT 42~·82 NAMI ITAttMINT llUetneet u The fOllowtng l)ef.ollt lfl dOlng I------------Thi tollowlno ~IOfll 111 dOlflO 0 IVE RS I F IE 0 0 E N r A L bu91,_ u . nom• •C ""tfC( boAinlll M OES•ONS. 139 Town & Country. CAL-CO IMPORTS. 3S111 nlDU "" GAAPHlc.'S ONE (ST~E •62). Or•~. Celtlotr>I• 02aae BMc:h AOMI. C.p111t1no e..ctl, CA 'ICTITIOUI IUllNl81 1$8111 Oolh8f<I 81 . Hun1tno1on Herold Nemetz. 2 102 North 112624 Nill& ITATDllNT 8"Cll. CA 128'47 ~.Santi An1. ClhforrlY C ALLINAN FAMILY Tl'IUST. Tne IOllOwlng p8feon II doing Phillip LH WhH llf, 24708 Thie bu11n1M 11 condu4;1ed Dy en 3 6111 BHc:h l'load. C1pltlrano t>ut•n.• 11 Clatlngton Dr Legun• Hiiie, CA lndMdutl BMc:n, CA 112t24 ET EQUIPMENT, 16131 Triton 112853 H1told ~II BltY Cllltnan • Lill• No 11 1. Hunllng•on Blach, Ann Miii• WhH le l, 24106 Thi• .. ,,_, WH ltled Wiii! 1hl Thi• 1111-1 wu filed IMlh tile Celllorn•• 12a.11 Cterlno1on Dr , L•oun• Hlll1, CA County Cllfk o1 Ottnge County on County Ci.tk of 0tlf!Q8 County on Theodore O'Toole, 3478 92863 OG1 13. 1082 Auguel 31 1082 WI d H nllng1on e11on Tiii• bualneH la conducted by ,,"'7t ,,.,. c11~ror'!t~e~o•e · 1nc1Mdu111 1Hu•b1no & w1111 Publl•h•O or1ng1 co111 Dally Publl1hed Orange Co111 Delly fhll bUllMll 11 conductod by an Ann M11ll W"""' Piiot, Oct 16, 22. 211, Nov &, 18112 PllOI, Sepl 2•. Ocl 1, 8, 16, 1982 lndlvtdul l Thi• lll llm4"\I ..... 1111<1 with lhl 4538-a2 4m:!? TM<>Oore o ·toole County Clerk ol Or•noe Coun1v on PUBLIC NOTICE ----... ---1c_NO_T_IC£____ fhl• l llletnenl WH lltld with lhl Sept 22. IH2 -----------!".._. County Ctlfk of Orange County on '1tl014 •ICTITIOUI IMJatNlll 'ICTrTIOUI DUllMH HAMI ITATIMlNT Thi following p1r1on 11 doing bualnlh .. COASl CAARIAOE. 34278 Camino C1p11treno. Ctp0 811011, CA l :?d2• Jack Hul~ll, 881 ROH SI Cotti! M .... CA 112827 Thll b\JJ!t\4181 II conduc:11d by an lndlvldu1I Jack Hulb1r11 Thll ll&lflmOnl wH 11190 wtth lhl CIMlnty Clerk ol Orange County on Sept 22. 1982 1'1M011 Published Orange Cout Delly P1101, Sep• 2•. 0c1 1. a 15. 1082 4188·82 PUBLIC NOTICE F1c m1oue •u11H1E11 NAME ITATfMENT The lollow1n11 p111on 11 doing butlneH H CRAIG CLEANING COMPANY, t826 Pornona No 20 1. Cosll Me11, C111fo1nl1 92827 Rian Gellaghe• C1111g, 1826 Pomona No 20 I Cotta Men. Calllornla 9262 7 Thia bu1ln111 la conducted by en lndlvldual Alen Craig This 11111men1 was filed wllh the County Cterll of Ot1ng1 County on Oo100.1 6 1oa2 F19904t Pubh1hed Or1nga Co111 Dally P110t Oct 8 15 22 211 10112 443•·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U91NlH NAME ITATEMIENT Tt1• following person• are doing bus1n1n~ as ADVANCED SOL AR APPllCAllONS, 7131 Slal•r Hu1111n91on Oeacn CA n647 ROBERT E KEllV, 7131 Staler Mu1111ngt on B@ach CA 926H JAMES B SWICK 100 Via Trieste Nt'Wpotl S.toll. CA 92663 Th11 t>us•neu 11 oonduclec:t by • gencwal p1rtn...,,1p Je..-e s~ Ft_. PuDllahed 01ang1 Coaat Ollly P110I Ocl 1 8. IS 17 1082 4309·82 rta.IC HOTIC£ Septembef2t. 1982 Publlthtd Orang!' Co111 Dally NAMI ITATIMINT ''"'°' Ptlot. Sec>I 2•. Ocl I. 8, 10. 1882 Th• following pe11on 11 doing Publl•ll•d Orange Co111 Delly 4215-e2 llUllln•u .. PllOI, Ocl I II 15 22. 1982 ---.,.---.c-W'l-fj_C(___ PR 0 FE 8 SI 0 NA L H A IR 4341)..82 r\IDI. "" D!.810N BY HAIR SlJAQEONS ------------i 'ICTlTIOUI IMJatHlal 2200 So 8111101. S1n11 Ana, CA PlllllC NOTICE ...... ITATl•NT 02701 FlCTlTIOUI •UalHlll Thi IOllOwl"" ~tont ITI dOing I Nook A C P11tyn1m1 1562 . .., <.anel Way r 1111ln CA 82880 NAMI ITATIM£NT O;JtlneN II lht1 °""""' 11 conduOllC Dy an The tOllowtng r:MlftOnl 1111 d<>4ng CREATIVE OAADENING ANO lndlvl<lull bullnlH et· TREE TRIMM ING 332 Vtct o rla - CHARLES STEWART DATA, llD204, Cotll M .... CA 92827 Rock A C Pa11yn1ma 11011 Hiven Pl&c:1, Newport Beacll, Had I Javed I, 332 Victoria Thia 1111ement w1.1 ftled wHh me CA 02883 11D20•. Coate MH&. CA 112627 County Clerk of Orang• County on Mark Ch1rht1 Sreveneon. 2093 Lot! J1v1<1I. 332 Vtc;1orl1 OGI 6. l082 FtllOlt Maple Av•. Coll• MHI, CA 92627. •0204. Cotti Mell, CA 92627 Jay S 11w111 T h1yar. 1708 T'hll 0011neea tt c;onduOled by en Publlthtd Orange Cou1 Diiiy Haven P11oe. N-l>O'I Beach. CA lndtvldual Ptlot Oc1 16 22 29 Nov 5. 11182 92663 Hl<lt Javadl •533·82 This llUlll'IHI II conducted by • Thi• 1111emen1 ... 11190 with lhl general p1r1netth1P County Clerk of 01111119 County on M11k S1evenl0f'I S.Ot 22 1082 Thi• S11temen1 waa filed with Ille County Clerk of 011nge County on Oc1 13 1982 F1tt5n "'"°" Pub1t1n1d Or1ng1 Cout Dally P110I S.Ot 24 Ocl I 8, 16, 1192 4 184-82 Pub111ned Orange Coaal Dally ----.,.-1D1-1-C-NO-T-IC_E __ _ PllOI Ocl I(') 22 211 Nov 5 1982 n-. •517·82 l'ICTITIOU8 •UllHE81 PUBLIC NOTICE NAME ITATIM&Nf' The tollowlno pe 11on la doing FICTITIOUI 8UllNIEIS bu11n.1 u NAMI IT A TIMENT ( A I r E D G I E s E N & Tile tollowtng j><ttsona are domg ASSOCIATES INSURA NCE bu11neu 11 SERVICES (81 GIESEN & SON THE RENOVATORS 310 INSURANCE SERVICES. Da on Vtclotla A·20 I Colla Mesa CA Centre, 1300 Dov• SlrMI, SI• 200, 92627 N-porl Beech. CA 112800 PUBLIC NOTICE FIC TITIOUI 8UllNEll NAME &TATIUt!.NT The following l>lflO<'ll ere <101no bu11n111u Bag l1dlu 50 I 171h St Hunllnglon 8each. CA 028'48 Jullann Ctbel Ro1em1ry Cowell, 601 171h SI Huntington Beach, CA 026•8 Thll bullneaa 11 conducted by a oene1 al p1r1ner1tllp Juliann Cebil Tn11 11e1emen1 wu Ille<! with I County Clerk of Otanga County ' OG1 13 1982 ,MS "~ally Publls!led Orange Co111ga2 Piiot Oct 15 22 211 NO• 44119.82 M1r11 Ch11'" StevanlOf'I 2093 Udo ThlO<l0te Joeec>h GllMn. Maple AYil . Cotta Meaa CA 112627 17011 Sima. Hun11og1on Bllch, CA --------.. Kllny Ann Kephart 3 tO 92~0 POOllC H()ll( V1c10111 A 20 I Co••• Mesa CA Th•• bull!'ltlll II cond..c:ted by.,.. ___ .:..:::::::.:....:~;;;:;;;--1 02627 1nd1v1dull l'ICTITIOUI 'llNEll lhl• OUllnetl It conducted by • Udo o-n NAM( I\' MIENT gen&ral p111n&r11'11p ,,.,, a1a1eman1 w11 filed With the The toltowt"9 raon• are domq Mirto. Sutvlnson County Cle<k OI 01•1111• County on l>UJ!neu II ,c, NICK CAR p ET T1111 Slatemenl was f11e<1 w11n tile Ool 6. 1082 ENG l r County Clerk ol Ot•noe County on l'ttt038 CLEANtNC:. l66S 1 Go1n1td St Oct 13, 1982 Pub1t1ned Or11no11 CoHI Delly l~un1tnglr "4l•cn, CA 926•7 1'11957' P1101. Oct 8 15, 22, 29, 11182 RI ..,.d A Et1gl8 • 17 Sutlalde •3110..a2 Sport Blach. CA 92663 Publ1ane<1 Or1nge Coall Dally -----------Cl.~ t<nlCkltbocker Jr 2349 P1101 Oc1 is. 22 19, Nov s. 1982 PUBllC NOTICE ... ~"·Cott• Mesa CA 92626 _________ 4_s_1a._82_1 rn.11 1>u11ne11 is con<1uc1eo by a FICTITtOUI 8UllHl!l8 aneral p1rtneran1p NAMI ITATlMINT Rlclltrd A E'1911 .... t2e2S Tiie tollowlng oa11on •• <101,. Tn1a •lllement Wit hied w1lh '"' Pt.el.IC NOTICE 'ICT1TIOU8 9U81Hela bull,_ .. -"2 County Clerk of Orange County on NA.ME &TATIMENT FOX & ASSOCIATES, CA S.01 15 t1182 Thi IOflowlng IMlftOnl .,, doing Newpotl Blvd . Cotll M~ 1'111511 bu~ 11 12627 N COM' Publlah1d 011nge CoHI Delly P·K OEVELOPMENT O Plaza Bllbtt• J Fox ':i;leech CA Pilot Ocl lS 22 29 Nov S 1082 $Quer1. Or~. Callf0tnl1 t2&e6. Hwy • 321 Newonrl · 4535-82 Tom J Kamb• II 44 PJua 112603 • ,.i\ducled "by an Sque11, 0ret1Qt1, Clllllorn11 t26et Tlllt buNnetl '~lellon Othl r PlllllC NOTICE FICTITIOUl 1tUiiNia1 Le non F Pom11oy. 111 44 un1nc;orpora11<1 --,.-,-C-TI_T_to_u_1_•_u_a1-H""'1...,.a...,.1-- NAMI ITATU•NT Plue Squ11e. Ot1ng1, C1lllotnt1 than I perlner J Fo• NA• aTATlfMINT The followtno oe11on 11 doing 92Me Bar t w•• flled with lhl The 1ollow1ng 011•on 11 doing b\Jilneai 11 Thia bullneH 11 eonduc:ted by • Th11 1t11 01 Ot1nge Couniv on buatnee• at F I E L D ' c R A N E & 0-11 l>llfl!WlflhlO County c 82 NUTRIENT PRODUCTS 42• w ASSOCIATES, 4500 Cempua, Suite Tom J KamO.. 11 Sept 2~ '1tl020 CommonwHllh, Fullenon CA 30, NflWPQl"I Beech CA 92&eo e generel Pl<1'* ,,.Aiied 011nge Coul D•llY 112632 Clltlllopl'ler Alden C•-· 3052 Tllll .. .,_, WU fllec:I •1111 lhl p~· 24 Ocl I 8, 15, 11182 Perry Millon Menn P~I Jr . S Mein 818, Senl9 Ana .;A 112707 County Clerk of a..,. County on PllV 4203-82 1100 PllClenlll A,_. Fulll<lon, CA Tn11 °""""' le c:onducled by • Seot 21 t082 1'1ll011 " PUBUC HOTIC( T11t1 t>ua•!'ltllt '' c;ono1JC110 oY an gerwrai Plflrw<ll'llP Publi1h1d Ot•no• Co111 D111'.l-----------,.---=~~--trldM<luat Th•• •• ;~="=' .. A~·:,,. lhl Pllol S.01 2•. Oct 1 a 15 1118 FICTITlOUI .ua.... ThtS •• :~~ ~:llO Wiiii ,.,. •2• NAM! 8TAT'E.-:NT County Cle<k of 011nge County on l-----------.r-Thi lof"""""" pereone .,. dOlng County C19'k ol Or1nge County on Auo 21 11a2 ~--.,, Oct 13 111a2 F1M311 llUlliMll .. F111$41 Publltlllld Otenne Coatl Dally I----,.--=,..,.,.....,.-...,.-...,.,..--SIOUX/CREE 152• Sylvll Ln · Publl•l1ed Otange Co111 D•lly • FICTITIOUI •u Newport BMcn. CA 82660 P110I. Seot 2•. O<;t 1 8, IS. 1982 NAME 8TATE Diii R CrM. 1524 Sytvll Ln. P110t, Ocl 1S, 22 ~. Nov S. t982 •241-82 Thi IOltowlng P4l'IO are dotng IWwP<><1 BNch. CA 12060 •S-01-82 -----------11uc'""' .. A 0 E M e N 1 Kathryn s c'"· 1524 sy1v11 PUBllC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE O RDON M 30111 Sl!eel ln,Newp0<18eech,CA ll2&eo l-------__,.-=....,.--- "ICT'Tlou •• u.,...11 SERVICES, 2 lh10tn1a 02663 ' Thia welnete la conducted by an FICTITIOUI •UllNl81 ,,."' Newporl Blach 1ndlvlduet NAME 8TATIMINT HAME IT A Tl'•NT Wlllllm E auell Sr 209 30th Dtle R CrM The followlng peraon la doing Street, N~r1 Beacn C111tom1a Thll lllfemenl wH llled wtth lhl The lollowlng 0111on " doing t><nlneaa .. 92663 "-· I --~-k of "'"""""' ---~ty on ~ .. 0 TE PROPERT ES BONNIFIED TRUCKING. 13111 Mer Emmont Oarrell. 209 """n Y....., ..,._.,... """"' WESTP IN I t<Jloll, WMlmlnller, CA 11-3 30111 .... NflWPO•I B~.ch Oct 8 f862 'tteor7 aaa 8111• St . Sult• 405N, Coe•• Brytn Bonn. 13111 Knoll Cehl 1 82683 Publllh•d Orange Co111 Diiiy ~;:,:~o~o Cooney 2330 WMlmlnaler, CA 02683 T but1ne11 II conducll<I by Ptlol Ckl a 1S 22 29 11182 w .. t~~t9' •-.• "-11 ~. CA Thi• b\Jllnen ta O()CldUC!ecl by 111 n<I and wife • · ' 43116-82 .,.... .... """' lndlvlOUef W E 011re11 82627 Bryan 8on11 Thia 111t-t wat hied wilh lhl ------------1 Thll ~IS condvc'led l>Y Ill fh4t 11e1emen1 ,., .. ltled with tl)f County Clll1t ol Otl<'IQI County on ----~--_IC_NO~TIC(~=~--11n<llvldue!Dlnlll J Cooney County Cl«li of Orenge Counly I" Seolamber 23. lN2 FICTmOUI llUl*ll8 ...... 1111-1 wu lllld With the Sept 21, 11181 Fttl11S ..... ITAT'aMINT ''" F,,,._ P11bllth•d Oreno• Co111 Dtlly "-Collnly ~ ot Orange County on Publlahed 011nge Con t De lly Pilot Oct 1, 9, 16. 22. 1192 Th• lollowlno pertona 11 doing Set>I. 22. 1182 11182 338 92 l>Ualnlll .. ,1ll012 PllOI, S1pl 24, Oc1 '· 8, ,,.240..a2 4 -Au T 0 MA TED E NE R 0 y Publltll•<I Or•no• Colll Di lly mmi IC ""TICE SYSTEMS, 151177 Ml. J1c;k1on. Ptlot, Sept. 2•. <>et 1. 8, 16. 1g112 -----::-:-:-:-~~-------'" ...... ---""------! Founlllo Veney, C.A 82708 4163-32 PUBllC NOTICE FICTmOU• aua ... 11 FREDERICK BLAU JR . 1sgn FICTITIOUe 8UllHISa NA• ITAT .... NT Ml Jec:kton, Founttln Valley, CA ----NIUC---N0-T1-C£-.--- HA ...... IT.-......... The lollowtng oe11on II doing 112706 ------~__,-,,..,..,...,..~-=--~ ,.,,._,., ._._.., Thill bull-It con<Wcted by an _,._ I The follo••ng p1rton " doing .,.._.-.. AC~• --• °""""' •t SUN9ELT PlJ8LiCATIONS dbe ~ FredetlCll 8leu Jt ..._ ITA,.._..,. NAN A s s p 0 RT s MAN 6 WORLD WEST PUBLICATIONS . -~ ·•11emen1 -tlled With the Th• lollowtng pereon ,, doing !\EST AURANT I l31 S.Olc Bay OfM db a HOUSEHOLO MAGAZINE. ,.., • ., bull-.. BIOQ O Newi><>n Bledl. CA 112MO 1 AIOhlfl A~. ll<lg l·:xle, County Cieri! of Ortng1 Col.my on SP!EDIAl COMPANY, 421 R O S A N N A M Y R T l E C:0.11 Mell.. CA t 282t Slc>t411'1'1ber 21• 11192 F-Vlllla TNGtll. N.-pot1 &Mdl. CA Dl!llOAAH L ME8 NA. t• 17 ,...,_ ,....,. BOTILLER 1000 Edmote Ave . Hendel, 8uenll Plf1I. CA 90621 Publllhld 0 11no• Cout Dally "'F'rld Capron COi •21 VIII• Rowlencl Helghlt , CA 11748 Thll ~ It con<luc:led ..... "' Pilot, &ep1 24, Oc:I 1. I . 15, 1N2 TA.-. • ....__..... ............ :. C"' .. 2 .. .,. f'llll bullnlll It conduc;led by In v 7 411Ma ,....,_, .....,...,..... , ....,.., " r """ !fldtvtdu11 lncSM<lual. -TNI ~ 19 oonouc:1ed by an Rollnn• Myr11t Bollllt< o.borlll L Meenl ______ C_NO_T_"'_r___ lndMdl.lll. Thia 1111emen1 w11 fl..O with Ille Thlt tllt~I WM lllld with 1111 Mt.I ""' Fred Ctc>ron Coe County Cll(lc ot Orange County on county ci.tll Of Ortnot County on ----~~~----'""' fllttfMlll -filed With Ille Set>temt>er 29. 1ea2 Slptembef 29. 11112 eoun'h Cltftt ol Orange County on ,,..... C ,.,_..0 II e.p.. ' IN2. • ,-... Publltll•d Or1ng1 Oe.1t Deify Publl1hld Orenge ~•t • Y ·--PtlOI, Ocl I, •• 15. 22. 1N 2 !IOt. OCll I ••• 18, H . 1M2 Publlt"td Or•no• CoH I Oelly ~2 , ___ ..;;;;;;;... ____ uo_1_~ "°'· 8tClt 24. Oct. 1, •. 1s, 111u •• 41ee-82 ---MUC--MO-TIC(-. --Ml.IC MOTICI'. "°"'°"' _ .. ..... .,.~ TM IOltowtng pweon II dolns ~-· Vl 0A"0, 21otl 9footlllufll 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A ' L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ' • . • . \ . • ' ' ' . .. .. . . .. . ' ' ' .. / •' . , ... ~ -: . , .. . p .. Oranae C oa11 DAIL 'f PILOl /Friday, October 115, 19152 MOC NOTICC PU8llC NOTICC Ml.IC NOTtCC NILIC NOHC( Mltc HOTICE Mt.IC "°TIC( • i8TIOI °' TIUHll'I a.u.a YOU A.Ill ... DIPAOL T UNOtl\ ,. NOTIOI °' TIWITll'I ULI tfOTIOI °' Pf',INQ MoTIOI o• TMllTI··· IALI T.I . Ne. I.a.NI 0 I I 0 0, T fl U I l DA TI D L.Mfl .... ,AL.AOI Ofl A~IOATl(»fl IN 1.1 ..... C...... K-o»ll l 0 HRVIO! COMPANY •• CIUIY NOYIMIU "· IHI. UNI.HI T.i ..... o...... OOMNICTION WITH 'D llAVICl COMPANY .. dllly IUH•llOfl OOUfn °'THI llPIJOll\ta o True tu uru1e t tne YOU TAlll AOTIC>tt TO ,.._OTIC'T I MI OOAPOIU TtON " Cluty l"AHCH ACOUll nlOH a ppointed Truetn unde r Illa I TATI O• OALN'OltNt.• tollowlng Oa~bed CIH ll ot truet YOUll P'tlO,lflTY, IT 1111'-Y II appollllell tnnlee un!Jer tne !1111 I• to 111t111m tn• pylltit. tnat lollo-#tnll deMOlllled 0"'9 ot truet COUNTY Of' ORA.NOi WIU OPl.l AT PUOUC AUCTION ·~DAT A llUeUC IA.LI .... YOU IOllOwlllQ OHClll>ed d..O QI tr11•• Ullll•• houo" H3 n1111 ut "" Will Sill A.l PUILIC AUCTION 700 Cl'tle Cen!M on.. W11t t o THf HICIH!IT llOOt A rOA NHO AN aX"-AHATION Of' ntl Will H U AT PUISltC AU<;TtON Rul9• .nd 114tgvletllltl• lor ln•U1ar....a l O THl HIOHU T llOOfA fOR 11111• AM, Cetlfenlle ft70t CAI H (ply•b .. at ume ol ••le tn NATU"I 0' THI '"OCllOlNO lO THI HIQHf81 UIDOl" P()H ot AU.wota end let.1100 t/41\ 14(•1 CASH (pay1blt at ttm• OI ute In ll'lelntlffi, le'iwful money Of th• Unlltd &t•t .. l AOAl,.IT YOU, YOU IHOUl O CAIH (j)l yl bl• •• '~" ol H Ht Ill 01 lh• Rule• •nd ll"1j11l•l10t1a IO• th• t41wful moo.y ol the l);~led Stal .. ) ALICIA LOflll, P Oll,.11110 1111 rtohl. !Ille •lld 1111elt•l c;o11vtyed COffTACT A LAWYI"-lew1111 ~Of the Untied ••• , .. , r-..111111 ••~mo• .. 111 LOlll Gyatarn •II llQIH lltle Ind lnlOHffl c:on.-.yed .... LL.NO 10 and now lleld by II um.1 .. Mtld NOTICI o• TflUITll 'I IAll Ill right. lltle allO '"'"'"' ClOlllle\'IMI Pac:1llc; F...te11t I H l••u• end l01111 to ll'ld-..-held by II und•• H id o.t.ftd41"1l 0 H d ol I"''' tn Illa p111p•t1y T.I . .... ..... lo l lld llOW held by It Ulldlf H id A•••M.ll llon, l.o•I• M••• Calllornl•. Dt•d OI T ruel In th• pr 011•••y AL•N IPA,,OflO, CflAMlll 1Weln1l1et dMCrlllelJ NOTICl IS HEREBY OIVCN, th .. OH CI ot lru1I 111 th• pr op.,ty 11 .. llle<I 1 llr •n<lh 111111llC111011 1nd h•relnal11t dHCrlbed 11. I C T "0 N IC I , A.LP fll I 0 l RU 8 l O R C 11 1 'I I CH I on Ft1d1y, Nov1n1be1 ll. tOo:l. •I ll4tll ln1l1., dtecr1~ ••I •111111e111un lor pe1n11111on to 1AU6TOA JAMLS 0 JONPS and ANTHONY llfllAfllOINO, "OAO &tiLIBBURY, 11 1100 o cioc;ll 1 111 01 .. cu Uay In 11,. TRUSTOR OlN Vtl!V( f>ALACI' 1nc••H• ...countt vi •11 l11114,111bl• INU A I JONES. hu•b•nd 1nd wit• "UNNI" CATlfllNO, end 00tl8 1 a EN E f 1c1 AR v (. t t v Of room aet u1t1• for 1..onduc11ng , 1h1Qle woman tyve llY , .. ,oi, uf II•• eequ1.i1ior1 ol u 101nt t•n•nta lhtovgh 11, lnoW1IM NEWPORT 8 CAC:l1 • Mu11l~IP•I Truat .. e 31IH. wlll\111 U1e OlllCl4Nof Bl'N(f tC.IAHV f RANCtS 'bt•n<oh OlllG• ol Wffl1H'1 l etl.,IJ nt N(ft(;IA.R'f Pllll JP A IUfllMOMI ... pot•tlOll REA l ES I A f I !I FC U RIT I E:S SUITON. 111 unmem ed wom•11 8•v111111 end I~" AMQC;ll ll(l11 lo• KEl!f LFI •110 !IHIRl £. Y Kl HER N9. 12·'7-U Rlc:Ol"-d Mey 2 t, tHQ 111 1na11 SERVICE IOt•l•O 11 2020 N0tth Aec:ur041d September 16. tH I aa AflOelH C11U1urn1• 10<.•lctd •t t 700 nuat;al\d 11ncJ ""''• •• IOlnt ten111ta HOTIClt Yo11 h•wa been •u.d. Ho 21aa11n book 13613 PllO• 4J 01 8toeow1y &une 200. 10 tn. C11y of tn•tr No 33120 111 booll 10;U No11n Ve• rnont Avenue l ue R41c:orded O.C.ntlet 2 198' H l he ._, ,,,., dtcl4e ete4Mt )'CM& Qfflolat ReeOIO• In tn• olltu QI 11 .. Sant• All• County ot 01anoe St••• pege II~ OI Oll!Cl .. Rec.0td• 111 lh• A."() ..... (;•1tlOH11• 111111 No J400 In l>OOk 14308 Pll09 wlltlovl JOUr bett'lt helfd ""'"' fllteOrdar ot Or1nge County Hid ot Celt ro'"". Af Al 18 l A. T ! offlCi• ot the Ae<.oroet ot O•enge Anyo11e m•v writ• 1n tevor or 187& or Ollict11 A4ioc;0td• In the olll<lt yoii 1Hpon4 wllltln M cl•Y•· "•ad d ••O 0 1 trull d .. Grlbu l h• SECURITIES SERVICE •• C•lllomt• Cou11ty. N ICI CIMO OI HUii dltc;tlbff PIOI HI ol "'' •llllllLl llOn You ol tl\a Rec:Ofdlf of Ort111Q• County, Ille lnlormallon Mt-. IOilowl"O p100-1y corpo1at1on, H duly •11po1n1ed the tollowcno property c;ommenta m•y CJtswH , llut •r• not n ld OH O ot tru•I IJH t•lblt 1111 II you wl•h lo IMlc 11 .. a<Jvl\11 OI Tn11 portion o1 LOI oa In Trtcl '"'''1111 u11chlr and pur1u1r1t 10 the Loi 24 01 l rtct No 3380, ••per 11mH•ll to. "" 1p1111~e11t • rOICioro ot tot1ow111g prop111y • 111 1ttornay In thl• m•tt•r. yo11 ..,.701. tn the City 01 N•wpotl power ot n l• conte,,•a In 1n11 map re<:ordtd In BOO!< 133 PIQH pe1tor111•nn In h1lvtr111 llJ 11110t the lot t8 Of TrllOt 10287 •a P'I• n11p thould do eo promptly eo Ill•' your ~. County ot Or•no•. 81111 ot c;erlaln 0..0 ot Tnitl H .CUll•O b)I 34 39, 11\Clullv• ol Ml•c•ll1neou1 'r • a 11 II •• Cl. Cl I It . I 0'. I rec;otd9d Ch Book -4311. Pao•• 18 10 wrttt•n IHpOnH . ti •ny. may b• c:.urornla. 11 PIH map rec:Otdlld In o O M t NI C 00 N l E 0 NA A 0 0 M1p1 In tll• olltce ot tne County com111unlllff rour cople• t0ut1 bl :13, 1netu1••• ol M1-411neou1 M•P• lli.d on time, llOOk 62. p ag•• 9 1 110 tO. CtOCIOLA A. SINGLE MAN Rec:otaet ot Mk! CO<Jnty, S111a ot rece lv.O l>Y Superv1tory A111n1, In Ille Olllte ot the CO<Jnty recorder AVllOI U•t.ctheekto~efo. Ml1G911•neoua Map•. en th• 01!1&4! ot r.co•d•" Novemb., 24 11181 tn CalllOfllll Feaerel Hom• loa11 B•nk or Sifl of .. 1<1 County I I 1111>u"1I '4IMe ..._., °"'" tj'le county rtQOrde< ol Htd county. Boot. 14300 of OlllCl•I l-leco<Oa ot VOU ARE IN OEFAUL l UNDER A l'r•nctaco 1100 C11t1orn1e SltH I YOU AUE IN OEFAUL 1 UNDER A Ud. eln ...,,.,,..._ • -.,_ Ud. dMcrtbedN lollows 1 1 td Coullly a t p a ge 872 DEED OF TAUST OA T CO Poat Oriice Bo~ 79•8 S•n DEED Or l~USl OATEO r~6entretltl0dlee.l.ffle 8 e g Inn Ing •I t 11 • mo ti Rec:Ofder 1 1n11rum«tl No 2fl4 18, BE Pl EMBER II, 198 I UNLESS YOU ,,.nc11cu C111torn11 84 120. by OCTOBEH 16, 198 I UNLESS VOU tnlor"'eeloft .,_Malle• loullltlty c;ornet 01 1.01 88 ul Hid by r .. eon ot • btHCh or del•ull tn TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Novtmb•r t, 1982 An 1ddtt1on11 20 TAKE 11C llON TO PROTECT YOUR Tract 110 t, thenct NortneHltrly p1yment or parlormance ol lhl PROPERTY fl MAY BE SOLO AT A dey• to submit cornmentl moy bl PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO Al A e t on g 1 cur v e . conc•v• obllg1tlona l •Cur•d thereby. PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN obtllned. provtOed auch teQue1t la PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN NOtth-lerty end having 11 tl dlut 11\Cludlng th81 btHCh or deleult EXPLANAllON OF THE NATURE t•Ce tve " In wrlllllQ by t h e EXPLANATION Or THE NATUHE ol 440 IHI, thru a o•ntral 1ngl• of 2 Nouce ol which wat '4!GOlded Jur,. Or THf PROCEEDING AGAINST Supe1v1ory Agtnl lty Novombef t OF l HE PROCEEDING AGAINST CS.Or-311' <40" a Ol•t11nce of 20 31 22, 11182. •• Recoroer I lllttrument YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACl A 1982 YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A IMt, thence NOl1h 311 degrMI 38 No 82·2 I •368. Will SELL AT LAWYCR Anyone Hnat11g a tubllDlltlal LAWYER 00 Eaat • dlslanoe ol 45 00 IHI, PUB l 1 C AU C 1 tO N T 0 THE 202 t J1v1 Roed Coata MeH, C.A protea I may r eQueat 1n or1t The eHMt a<ldreH ot the above 11 INnce South so Oegr-22 ()() HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH '(II .,,, .. , •ddreN Ot common ••oumarit on Ille apptic:•llO<I ..... 4287 Campnor Ave nue Voroa E.111 along tn• Soulheuterly lewlut mooey 01 tilt United S11tM. d11lgn1t1on 11 ahown l bO••. no IO<th en Secuon S-.3 2111 ol the Rule• Linde CA No warranty ra given•• llf04ong111on of th• NottlleHte•ty 0t • c11n1er'• ch.Ck drawn on• w1,,1nty is give n 1 1 10 111 eno Regul111on1 101 Ill• Fwderel 10 II• c;on11>4at•MH Ot correctn .. • lot 111141 of Lot 88, a dlat111c;e ol !><> 00 •t•te °' 11111ona1 bank • s1111 or completen111 or c;onectneatl S1v1ng1 and Lo•n •y•l•m For • Th• t>eneftellry undet Hid D..a fMt, in.nee South 39 degrMt 38' leder•I er.Oil un1011. o• • at••• or Tiie bel\4tflelary under aald Deed pro te 11 to b • c; on 11 d • r • d of Ttu1t. by ••Hon ot • brHcll or 00" W••• • dlatanoe or 45 00 '"'to teoera1aav1ng1 11\0 lo•n UM>Clallon or fruit, by rN aon of e t>reach or •ubttanll•I, 11 mu11 be wrlnen. default 1n th• oblto••IOn• ae<:u•l<I !he begl11nlng ol cur11•, c;o11c;eve domoclll<I in lhll J latw, •II pay•ble a.t1ull In the obllQallon• aecured recelv•d on 11me and c;ont11n et the,.by. heretolore oecuted and North_t.,ly and having • 11d•u• 11 the lime of 1ale all right, title and thar•bv, haretolore executed and least the follow111g. (I) e 1um,.,,ery ol Oellver•d lo tho undere1gn1d • Of 411() IHI, thence SO<Jthw"terty 1n11•HI lletd by II et trustee. tn d1llvered to tht u11der1tg neo 8 tne reaaona ror the prote1t. 21 the written Ooc1ar1llon ol Oelaull and eiong ukl curve thru • C4111trat af\Qle lh•t real propenv 11tu1>t1 In "'" wrln ari O.Claratlon ot O.faull and 1pec1hc man111 objec;tlld to 1n the Oemend tor S11e. end wrtne11 no11ce Of 2 Oeo•-311' 40" 1 dlate~ ot Cou11ty •no Stat• dtllc11b•d u Demand for Sele, a11d wrltt.,, notice 1pp11ca11on or In th• 1ppl1can1·s 01 breach 1110 ot etectlOn 10 CIUM H 112 IMt. thence NO<th 47 deo••H fOllow•· 01 breacn en<I ot elect1011 to ceuae communtty aervlGe record 3) Itel•. Ill• u11ll1ta1gnod to ••II aatd 4 1' 20 We ll 110110 the wU(Hl81T A" Ill• undera1on•d 10 "" aatd 1nclud1ngenyretev1111 econom1Cor proper1y1011flsfyH•dobl1Q•t10na. Soutl!Naterly protongauon ol lh• PARCEL I property to 11t11fy ..id obllQ•llona. 1tn1nccet 1nlormet10n. whk;h •uppo<1 and tnerHlter the un<11111gn1d loutn-••ty tot ltne ot Lot 88 • F e e 11 m p I 11 I t I I e t o 1nd th••••lt•r 111e unda,.1g11•d th• protea•. anu 41 •ny euvarae ceuM<I Hid notice ot b•each ana ot dlatence ol 5Q 00 feet lo the po<nt ot c:o11dom1ntum unit No 22' (th• c:auaed uia notlGI of OrHCh alld 01 all•cl1 on your org1nllat1on or tlectton to Ill r..c:orde<I June 25 1gln111ng Containing In •II 3, Untt 1. •• all own upon the eleetlOn to be Recorded Ju11e 211. communtty w111cn may rnull from 1982 H lntlr No 82·2191140 011.,d . 4 76 equare fMt cond ominium plan ten11111d 11182 u 1n11r No 82-223398 In 1pprovel of th• eppt1Get1on OHk:tel RecorOI D A.Al IN DEFAULT UNOl!A A. 'Condom1n1um Pl&n or Loi t ot Ofllc181 Record• You m•Y too~ at the appl1G111on S•tO H I• will b& made but OF TAU ST OATIO 11101 No 10587' I County of Said u le wlll be made, but ano all commenu toted 111 the without covenMnl or wa,,a nty. ~~~ lfll II, 1171 UNLfll YOU Oran9•. State o l Calllornta (the without cove nant or wa,,enty, Federal Home Loen Bank ot San ••P"" or tmpllea. r90ard111g title. YOUll CTION TO P"OTICT "Pl1n ·1. rec:otded on Juty 12 11179 exprHa 01 1mptrlld. regarding title f r1nc1sco. uni••• a ny such poaHn•on. or 11ncumbranc:11. to 1~0 A.T '""TY, IT MAY IE u Document No 15610. In Boolt po\~uton or encumbr•nc11. to m11.,11la •re exempt by law from pay Ille rem•1ntng prtnctpa l tum of .. 10 AN auc SALi. IF YOU 13226. P1ges 7& througn 115, pey the ttmlllnlf\Q pr1nopel aum of e>ublte 01sck>sure1 II you nave any the 1101• secured by aa1a Doed ol NATUfllE 0 NATIOH Of THE lnciuSlve of Ottcc:111 Rec0tde of salO tlle nott(ll secured by NJO Oe&d of qu1u 11on1 conc•rncng then Trutt with 1n111es1 Hin"'° 11011 Sr Ull•d d•H • e ollcllar el conH )O d• u11 1bog1do 111 HI• 111un10. d 1 b e rta h •c•rlu 111mlld1a11me11tt, Cit H tl m•nor• •u rH PUHI• •IOrlt• ... h•Y •toun•. pued• Mf reg111raaa 1 llempo t TO 1 tiE DEFENDANT A "vii compl11n1 nH b••n ftled by th• ptamutt eg11n1t you II yw w1111 10 Otlarid 11111 tawr.ult you mutt within 30 d1y1 •ll•r lnte •ummon1 I• aerved on you, Ille wllll 1n11 court I wrttten ,.,ponM lo Ille compta1nt Unl .. a you dO eo. your d•ftvlt will be •ntared 011 appllc•tlon ur the pl1t11t11t •n<I thla court mey 11nt111• 11 iudomant ag11n11 you IOt the rt111e1 uemanded '" the 'omp111nt. wt>ICll could •e 1ut1 on gar1111nm1n1 ot wlQH taking ol mor.ey or praperty or oth•r relref requa11ad 1n 111e COfllPletnt O•tl<I NO• 15. 197ll lee A Branen Clerk Ethelyn Wero 0.puty 0 1 M•rco a A.reulo A Prote11lonal Law CorpcH•llon 1200 N. M1l11 81rHI, Sult• 20e bnl• Ane, Celllornt• t270! (714) UMltO Publtslled Or1no• Co81t Detty Prlot Oc1 15. 22 29 Nov !>. t911i 4534-82 AQA.IHll y E P"OCEfDIHO Orange County, whlCh plen perl•rns Truat wnh 1n1.,n1 at 1n .. 10 noll pro c ea u' • 1 cont 1 ct 111 • provtOed 1dv1ncea 11 any u11ae1 CONTACT A LA YOU S HOULD to lhet propatly dtscrtl>ed on Tract prov1<1ea edv•llCH. II 1n) under Super•raory Agent at the Fed•••I Ille 1arm1 of HJd 0.ed ot Trull nun• 'C NOTICE A No 10587 recorded 1n Book «9. term• of Utd Deed ot True• IM• Home lo•n Bank ot Sal\ Fr111c1sco , ... chatget ana eapenM• ot 1'11 n'°u Th• property • · ducrtbe" Pages 5 througn 6 ol M1aceilaneou• cna•g•• •n" e•pen111 or 111• Publlsned Or•nge Co111 Oerly Trustee anu ot lh• ltusls crHtotd Dy CPI' 2921, doe• not h•Ye • 81' 1od11M or Mape, Recoro~ ot 18td Orange TrustM 1n<1 01111e tru•U creaflld by P1101 Oct t5 22 t982 sala Deed ol hu11 Said u le will o. No. 1 0211 c:o::imon d~a•gta,~o 111ctlo11 County said Deed ot Trull •538·82 neta on Ft1d1y, Octobet 29, 1982 II IMPOflTANT NOTICf. eu lelenl to OC8 • 1 p lly moy PARCEL 2 Sela .. le wlll be neld on Friday. 2 00 Pm , at the Chapman Avenue IF YO UR PROPEfllT Y II tN oe obtitnea by submtltln m1111 An undtv•ded 00261 percont Oc1oblr 211. 1982 at 2 00 pm. fl nunllC NOTICE entran'e to the C"•c Center re:iueal within ten deya n'° 'O"tCLOtUfllf lfCAUl f YOU •• 11 ~·bl'~etlon 01 lhl• not-• t1hn'e 1111eresl tn ano to the common areea Ille Cllepman Avenue entrance to Building 300 E ••I Chapman •• 1 1 .., ... 1 ... 0 1 .. y 0 U" •• """ "" ~ as anown end Oefrned on the Pl1111. tilt CCVlc Center Building, 300 E111 NOTICE OF D E ATH O F Avenue. en the Ctty or 0••"9• " " "' " '" " b•n•tcclary wllOH name d ei.,ept .it 041 gaa ana hydrocatbon Cll1pman Avenue, 111 the Ctty of CAMILLO 8 . Z IPPI A N D Al 1n1 ltme ot th• 1n11111 PAYMENTI, IT MAY 1 1 I OLO lddrlU 11 c/o Robert Ii Butnll ... ~ta~~ ~·eth • "-th ot.L"" 0 ,.,,,... 1 I h I 1~ 1 Ill WITHOUT AMY COUfllT ACTION, •··""t t Cl A. I Cit He -u• ·-~ .,....... .....,. """' -·• 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 pub IC•hon ° 1 11 no tee '"' 0 .... w-· --hew• the :'f:' r ... tll .....,. an ty 1 Ofney Y ~HI tr om Ille aurface or Mid land A 1 t h• 11 m • o I t he t n t 11 '' emount ol Ille unpaid balance 01 tt>e • .., ,~ .. _, "' 3300 Newport Blvd Newport ~ no tlQlll ot surtaet aritry above pVbftQHon ot thta notlGI the tolet ADMINISTE R EST ATE NO. obllgatron ucureo by tne tDove lo bring JDUr •ccout1t n tood 8Mch.CA92663 Itel from tilt surface of aetd emount ol llleunpaldbalenc•ofthe A-11 5386. oeacr1baO oeed of tru•I en" •tendlnOllYP.'1ntlllof)'-PMI "Ill • atr .. t add••aa or common I• , as reserv•d by William J 1 1 d 1 0 d11• P•rmente plu1 permlltecl Ou lgnellon 11 1hown •bove. no cag.~n unmarrlttd men tn the ~~1!~~111~~ds~~~'c,d :r ,'rn:,~~0;~ Tdo all hl:'trsd, bcm t'f1c1anes. :~v·~~ 11 cs°.~ ;·2:~~en•11 en coeta and ••penM• wlthl11 thfM w•,,•n ty 11 g111 •n •• to tta oeed 8 ,,L60• P crl' 1tors an l'On lt n~ent. Date S:fctem~, 30. 1n 8.. month• lrom the d•I• ot tlll• .. 1 otoea 1n OOI< ,,~ ~ est1m1tea c;o111. ••P•n••• a11<1 ~ .. • ......... compltttne .. or correctne.11 838 o · trt>dilors o.r Camillo B. 1p p1 T.O. IEAV CE COMPANY 110ttce ol deteull w .. , _ _,, Thi t>enefk:lary un<ler .. 10 Deed PARCEL 181 R~o•ds •d;~":~~~~1~~817h~9~pentng Dtd and p ersons w ho may b e "-.Id Tn1tlM Thll amount •• S• I 1,467.37 u ot ol lruat by ,..,son ot • br•ech or An e' 'us i ve '•oh I • n" yO<J m1y ce ll (7141 937-0966 olht•rwtse mlt•rt'fill'<i in the Clnclr khoonower, Ant. Ste. July 27 1982. end wlll 1ncreaM unllt oefeutt In the obttgettona MCured aasement •~..., the balcony area D•t• Septembel 30. 11182 One Ctt at d w 1 your llGClount become• currarit You thefeby nere1010t e•Kuteo 111d aesrgne<I B-on.-on tlle Plan and SMI CORPORATION will and/or NI.alt• Orenoe.YCA."..;;...•• may 1101 have 10 P•Y the e ntire d•llver•d to the underslgneo " being llPOUrtent.. 10 the Unrt 11 HJd Trustee A ~lllJOn has been filed 17141 Nf-1291 11npa1d portton ol your ac,ount. wr1ue11 Oecletetron of Oeteull ano PARCEL • By T 0 SERVICE by Tun y z 1PP1 1 n 1 he Pub~•hed O••noe Coast Oeoly •v•11 thougll lull p1yme111 wu Damal\d tor Siie, and wtllllHl notrce An e .c I us r' 11 Oh I • n d C.OMPANY. egent C ( U p I 0c: II IS 22 l982 d<lml naed llul yO<J mull ply lhl :i:,:r:c;.~~~O ~.~~o~~~I ':~~ ~::i~~1oo~':'n!n:11'~~~~~..: By Cindy Scnoonove<, ~~~~~n;c.>qu~~~~go tha/~~~; 'ot ' . 4383112 ·~;\~,•~ad,!,,~ rrom IM 0111 p<opatty to .. tlsly Hid obltglllons •P•Ge No PS 195 ~:'b~~t it:'~lary Z t pp t be aµ pot n It'd as PUBt.IC NOTICE ot recordallOll ol thla aocument end 1nera11ter 111e under11gned Tne stree t •dareu , other WHI O•&l'\Qtl. CA 112668 pt·r~nal r t>p rer.l:'nlatlvt• lo YOU•"• .......... ULT'....,."'" .. (wn1c11 d•ll ot rec0<d11ton appeera CIUM<I said notice Of btlOCh 11\d Of Common de11gnat1on ot 1, teal 17 U ) 835.8288 h f ., ., ''" .,,.,.,. .,,..,., '" hereonl, unlelS the Obtlgatton bamg 11ect1on to be Recorded July 6, prol>'lrty herernebove dHC•IL..i 11 administer l r est alt' 0 O f EO 01' TflUIT DAT IE D foreclosed upon permits • tonger 18112 n 1ns11 No 82-232405 01 pu•oo<ted 10 be 100 Scholz ""-a Publtehea Orenge Cont 0 •11Y Camillo B Z1p p1 (un der th e ll!flTllHf" 1t, 1HO. UNLEll period you 11ave only the leget rlghl Olflcial Records Penthouu ~ Newport Bea11 Ptlol Oct B, 15· 22 1982 4384 82 lndPpendt•nl A d m tnU.tratton YOU TAKE ACTION TO PlllOTfCT to llOP the torectokr• by p1y1ng Sa id 1111 wrll be made IJut Calttorn•• ,.,..0 ,IC NOTICE 11r Elstates Al'l ) The pelllton YOU" PfllO,l!ATY, IT MAY ll the ent1" amount d•mfllded by without covenant 01 warranty The un<leracgned he>t et>y . n.oDL n.~ IOU> A.T A. l"U.UC IA.LE. W YOU your c1ea11or a•preu °' rmplted, rege1<11ng tolle ocsctarms •II trab11t1y 101 1ny ------------ts S('l for hl'aring tn ~-pl HEED A.N IJlP\.ANA.TI<* Of' THI To ltnd oul Int amount yOu mull e><>e .... ton or encumbrances 10 1nc;orrectnas in aa•O 91, .. , •ddre.. K -02048 No 3 al 700 C1v1c· Cenll•r HATU"f o, THE flllOCEEOINO pay or 10 •rranoe for peyment to pay tilt remaining prcncrpal r.um 01 or Other commO<I <>esogn11t0n WIL ICE OF DE ATH OF Dnve, W est tn lhl' City vf AOA.INIT YOU. YOU IHOULO llOP the rorectoaure or ti vour Int 110lt(1J MCureCI by u10 Deed or 6a10 stle woll be made without AND M GEOR GE FIS H Santa Ana C·iliforn ta on CONTACT A LAWYl!R. p1operty 11 1n lorecloaurt tor any Trull, with lnt•est u In aa•d !'Ole w1rr1 n1y e•preu Ot tmplteO ' ' NOTICE Of' lltUITflFI SALE other reuon. contact provldtcl, advances. 11 eny. under rega1<11110 title poneu1on or ADMIN P E TITIO N T O Ntivt:m~r 10. 1Ytt2 •11 9 30 T.I . No-POii SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL IM tetmt ot Mild 01e<1 ot Truat. •ncumb,.nc;es to 11t11ty tlle A·ll ~alO. \r.R ESTATE NO. a m . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. tna t BANK. SPECIAL ASSElS DEPT H •-. cllergaa ana expens11 ot Int prlncrpal b1lance ot 1118 Note or " IF YOU OBJ EC'f t.o th<> on Friday, October 16. 11182. at 9 00 13·6. 333 S Hope StrHI Loa MOC NOTICt HOTICI M T1Wei11•1 141.1 L.lNft Me. IOI It IMO T.I ........... flUIUR IAN CO A.8 fA (,, COHPOAA TION aa duly llP9Qlllle0 Trua t•• 1.tnd•• the loltowlnt ~Ibid OMO Of ll\IAI WIU Slll AT PUi l iC AUCTION TO THI HIQHl!IT l lOOfll' FOR CASH (P•Y•ble et time of Nie "1 fewf\11 money o f tlle United lttlH , 111 right, 1"11 ll1d !11terffl oonv~ to lfld now held t>y It under N td' 0.-d of Tluet In thf ptOi>8flY t1et11nalllf deterlbed TRUSlOR ROBl;fH 8 Clll!f:I< lnO DIANA L CfllE[l(. ~ and wife. 11 )Oinl tan111te BCNtFICIA."Y aueu "8A.N COAITAL CORPOAA TION I c:orporetlO<• ~·CleO Oec.m~ 18, 1910 .. llllH NO 20001 I" book 13180. pege 1<460 llf Of!ICMll Aeocwdl In fht o!llce ot "" Aeco1der OI o;~ County, Mid deed of tnnt dMOrlbM the IOltowtng pt009ftY PA~llL I l.01 '8 ol Tract No 103.te. 1n ,,,. Coy ot ltVIM, Counf'f ot Orenge, Stet• Of Calltomll. • per map ,.c;orCled '" book 4 72, p 1ge• 41 to 6 0 '"elu e twe . Mtac.llllMOUI Mapa. tn the ottlOe ol 111e c;ou111y rKordet .ef NJd countv EXCEPf THERIEF .. OM all olt, 0 •1 . mtn arel • 1 11 4 Otl)l t hydrooarbon•. bef-a o.p111 of 600 te11. wlthoul the right ol 1111faca 1J111ty, 11 re1etved I" ln•tnimeotl of record PARCEL 2 E-1• II ... rorth In tn a Secllon• •nllll•d "Cert•rn E•Mmentl for Owne•• Support , S e1 1te me nt a n o E11croechm1n1 ' I nd "ComlftOI\ Drrvew1y E-r · 01 '"' Artlele e '11111ed "Eeee m enta" 0 1 the O eclero11on o l Co11ena 11 1t. Condltlona Ind R•11tlctlon1 ue~cr1bod In "Sub19Ct 10 •· botow (thlt ·0oc11ret1on"). PA. RC El 3 EeNmtnU •I Mici) HMmtOta ere part1Gulerly Mt fonh In tne Ank:le .,,1111e<1 "EaMmlflll of tne Ot1clara11on ol Coven1n11. C.0110r11on1 1nd Ret1rrc110111 d•a<:rtl>ed tn Subleet lo below (the Mester Oeclaratlon") unoer '"• Sectoon heed1ng1 In SYCll Ank.:141 entllled H l0How1 ·•0wnera R1g111a and Ou11eslUttlltlH and Ca Dll Telev111on ', 'Sldeyerd EaMment• · 'Support a11d S•lllement Encroachm¥il' • and Community FllcihllH Ea~I" YOU ARE IN DU.AULT UNC>ell A. DE E D Of T"UIT DAT ED DECIMIEfll 12, 1HO. UNlfll YOU TA.KE ACTI<* TO ""OTfCT YOU" PfllOPffllTY, IT MAY If 8~0 AT A l"UIUC IA.ti. If' YOU NEED AN UflLAHA. TION OF n4E NA TUR! OF THE P"OCEEOINO AQAIH8T YOU, YOU I HOULD CONTACT A LAWYE"- 10 WllObrook, lrv111e, Celttornoa "(II 1 111ee1 addr••• or common dea1gna11on 11 1nown above no we,,1nty II Qlv•11 •• IO rl• comc>te•-0t correctneul lhe beMfrccery under Miid Dead of T ru1t by ••NOn ot • breach Ot de!IUll 111 the obtlgallona MQJr.O thlr•by, neretolo11 executed ana delivere d to tne u11<1.,a1gned • written 0ec11r1tton of Oolault ana Demand fOf Sale, eno written notice ol breacn an" ol atectlOll 10 cauae the uno•r .. gneo to tell •••Cl properly to .. 11,1y .. Id obllg111011a. 111d 1h111•1t•r tne unoer11gntd couMd Hid notoce or bruefl ana 01 11ecuon 10 be recoral<I June 29, 19112 ea rnatt No 82 223390 ot Hid OfhClll Record• Saia 1111 w111 be maoe but .. Ml.IC NOTICE ~ze.=· lht IOllOWinO per.oil• 111• dOlnfl bullnMI .. MI WP O fllf C t .. C LI INflfllNATIONAL, 711 LICIO fl11k DI •A. HewpOtl -..oh, C,_ t~ LMll• J111 Loftal\CI, 111 Udo P.nl Dr '"'· ~ 9Ncfl CA 12Ml Jett Irene Lotteno, 7 1 I Lido P1tk Dr I A, H9WPC'fl Bucfl, CA rnHit llllt 11u11,_ 11 cond11111ed by • ~al Plli11*1111P f,.flllle J Loa.nd flllt ~ w .. tlltd wtOI 1119 CMt•r .C-k of Otenot COur.11 on leipt U . IN2 ·~ ltut>lllll\•CI Orange 0 0111 Oelly Pllol. S.Ot 2-4, Oct 1. I . II. 1"2 420'2·12 . Nil.JC HOTtCE 'ICTmOU8 llU ... H MAMI ITATl.•NT TM tofloiMtlO pereona 111e ~ ~ .. OfllANOl C O AST PA IN CENTER. 1712' flleactl IM'fd .. l tt 4:11, Hunttnu1on leeoh. CA t2t-47 Neuropeyc tllt ttlc M•dlca t Oroup, 17122 eeac fl ll~d . 81• 4'1, HuntfnOlon hedl. CA 112641 Tiii• bualrMIN la cond\ICted l)y Ill unincorporated 1Hoole llon other t*Mitl • par1nenhlp K.,_lh R Antman, PhD Tllla atlt--.1 WU flied wflll Ille County Cletk ot °'"'°'County on Oct 1 1tt2.. ,,..,., Publlelled Or•no• CoHt Delly Piiot. Oct 8, is. 22. :zt. 11182 4390-12 PUBUC NOTIC£ '.CTITIOUI 1ua•H NAME au Tl.MINT T t>t lonowtog '*'°"' 1111 Clotnq butlneN U MARKETING SERVICES GROUP 2845 Met• Vatde Orcvt Eut Su11e • Coatl Men . CA 92826 Edwilfd A M1llra, Jr , I Almon<t Tree Lane. Irvine. CA 92716 William B Htll, 2821 VI• L• Selva Palo• Verdel , CA 90274. Thoe bull,_, " conducted ll'I' •n uncncorporatea &HOCllllOn Gillet thin I pat1..-&ll0p E<Jwerd A Mllha Jr Tllrt 1111.,,_.,I Wat hied .... th lilt CO<Jnty Cterll ot Or1noe County on Oct 12. 11182 ,,...., Publl•h•O Ora11ge CoHI Deily PolOt Oct 15, 22 29. Nov 5. 111192 4532·82 NJLIC NOTICE FICTITIOU8 IUSINEH HAM! ST A. TIME.NT 1111 1011ow1ng p.,eon la doing D\Jll ... H as THE WORO SHOP 160 t Dove StrMI Suite 145 Newpon Beec:n C1lttorn1e 926e0 Linda L Sp11r. 40 Wnrt-•ter 011•1. Cor0t1e Oel Mar. C11trl0<n11 92&25 Th•• bulln..s ra COndUCfed Dy on 1ndlvldu11 l•nda L Spa" Tlltt etetemen1 WH hte<I wnn Ille County Cte<k ot Orange County °" Ocl 13 1982 "'"" Puo11aneo Oreng• Co111 Dally PllOI Oc1 15 22. 29, Nov 5 1N 2 4537-82 w11hou1 covenent or warr1n1y. -------------••P'"' or 1mplted, reo••O•f\Q 11111, NILIC NOTICE posH HtOll or tncumbrancea, to------------- P•Y lilt remalntng prcncipel sum ol FICTITIOUS 9UllNE81 the note(ll MCuted by said Deed of HAlllf ITATIMlNT Trust woth 1nter1111 u 1n .. ,Cl note fne IOllow•no peraona are d0tng pro••de<I advencea ti any un"er bua";';~~~ DESIGN ASSOCIATES me '"ms ol .. ra Deed ot T•u•I ,_ charges and ea pen-01 tlle ~ 1141 Rrcnmono Crrcle Huntlllgton Trustee ano ot Ille trull• created by ~acn Celtlorn11 921-4& said Deed of Truat Said sale Wiii be l•ur• P McCar11'1y, 11652 Borb• 11e1a on T...-<Sey. November 2. t1182 Cucte Huntington Beech. C.tornla e t 2 00 p m a l 1111 Cnapme n 921-48 Tru11H1n<101tlle lrustacreate<1by other ob1tg11ton aecur•d by 111d To all h eft bene flctanes, arantlng of th e pNIUon you o'olock1m of aaldday.1n t11cu~ Angelet, C1t1 to11110 90071 llld OMd ot Trull Sat<I seie will bl Deed ot Tru11 with 1nlere11 and e d tors a n~ " d h ,__ Ml "Ide for conducilng TrullM a Tele p hon• Are• c;o"• (2131 llllCI on TUMd•Y. November 9 1982 other sum• .. p1ovrO•d therein. er 1 tlliont1nge n t 1houl eit er apijear Ill lr..: Sale• within the olflcet of REAL 613·6587 11 2 00 p M at the Chapmen plua ad111nc11 11 •ny under 1111 credit.o~ of Wu:1o.vn George h earing and 11talt' your ESTA.TE SECURITIES SERVICE n yO<J ll•v• 1ny queattona you AvenuetnttancetotneC1v1C~ter te<ms tll«eol •nd tntertst on llUCll fuh and person5'1ho may objection s or file written toceteo 11 2020 North Broaow•y 1houtd con"ct a lawye r or the 8 ulldt11g 300 East Clla pmen aovencea . .,,d plus teea ch11ges be o therwise lnlet"-ted tn ObJ~<"tions with the rourt Sult• 20fl 1n the City of S111111 An• government egency wh>c:h mey heve Av.,,ue entrance 10 the CIVIC Center 011ne H•nne. 9552 Borb• BUlkllng, 300 E Chepme11 Avenue. Clrc~. Hun1111g1on 8eeCh, CellfOfllll tn the City of Or•nge, Celllor111a 02&411 At the 11m• ol tht in lt lal P•mtt• Manson 2114 I A...,_ 1n Int Cll)t ot Orange CA ena •xpenses or the Trustee and of the will and /or est.a~ befort-the ht'artng Your Cou111y ot O range S li t• of 1n1U1ed yO<Jr loan ,_, 111• tome of the 1n1t1e l llltlru1UcrHteClbyW.tdOe.aot A has bee C e lllorn11 RE A L fST A TE R•me mber, YOU MAY LOSE publleation OI tnls notle• ,,.,. lotal Truat The IOlal •mount ol HIO peulton n 'ved appearance may ht-tn ix·~n SECURITIES SERVICE .• Cett10 ... 11a LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT emount ol the unpaid batal\Oe of Ille obltgatoon, 1nclud1ng re uon ably by Michael W Fish in ~<· or by your alt.ornt>y. corpotallon ... auly 1ppolnted TAKE PROMPT ACTION obllg1t1on aecurea Dy '"• above ut1me110 tee• c nergu 1nd S uperior Court of Oran~ I F y O U A R E A Tl'\ISIM 111\der •nd pVr114,1ent to the NOTICE IS HEAEBY GIVEN. Thel ducrlbed de e" o l truat and expen-01111alruatee attne11m1 Coun ty r equ ei;tlng tha C RED ITOR or a ronunut>nl power of tale c;onfeHed 1n that EOUITABLE DEED COMPANY • 1111m111<1 c;oats ... penees ano of 11111111 pybllcellon ol tnlS Notl08. ls M h 1 W F · h b , " ce<'l.,n Deed di fruit ex.cuted by corpor1tton. 11 auly 1ppo111t•dl advencea 16 $I 1,253 42 To $45 117 SO 1 c 11 e 1 S c 'l'edtt.or o( the de<'t'a.!ll'<i, you JOHN l EOWAAOS 111<1 DOLORES Tru•tM un<lef •deed ollruat dated dattrmmethe operitng 1>10 you may Oated October 13 1982 a PP o' n t e d as P e r son a I "'I.st file your cla1m w 1 th the M EDWARDS lluabcan<I ano will , M•y 1, t981. made by He1rn•n M C81t (7141937-0966 R .. t Ell•t• represent.alive to adnunat.er coti.~r prl'sen l 1 t lo t he rec;o<d4'd October 3. 1980 tn Book Cooper u Tru11or to ~r• centtn Datt Octobet 7 11182 s.corn-Setvte4. the est.ate o r Wllliam George per al rep resentative t3773 ot Ottk:lel Rec:orda 01 ••!d obllga11on1 111 •••or ot Security T O S«llK:e Company a CaJ1torn1a corPOtation Fish Coata Mesa Cahforrua appo d b h t County. at page 124 Rtcorder • PICllte Neuonat B1nll • Nauonat 11 Mid lruttee 11 Tru1tM · • le Y t e c our 1111triiment No 4609 by ree.son ol • B.tlnklng ANOCA11ion u Beneflc;lary Merco Bt_, By tSE.ALJO J Morger (under the Indepe ndent withm~r months fromthe breech or dafaun in P•ym•nt or recor"-d Mey5 188t 11 1n11rvment ANlllllll Secretaty Its Pretldent Adm tntSlratto n of Esta tes date o f \rst tllSUBnCe o f parlormanc:e of tlle obllg1tton1 110 50U '"800k 140-4~ P11041 1522 Ona City Boulella•d West 2020 North Broadway Al'l) The pellllon Ls set for letters u Pl\vtded tn Section H Curtd there by, 1ncludl11g thel of Ottlclal Reco•d• In the Otftce 01 pul:>ltca uon 01 th•• notlee. the totet Rrcllmond C11cl4' Huntington amount ot the unp .. o baloarw:. of tilt 8eecl1 Clllfornll 11264fl obllgetton seocured by tile •bov• Tll11 bu-11 condue1ed Dy • deac11oeo a••o ot trust eno 11m11eo parlneffl\IP elltm•t•d co1tt eapensea ind Pamela Helen Menaon ltdv•nc•• 1t $ 114 292.90 Thrt statement waa hied"""" tne To oeterrn111t the op1111nu 111u County Cle<I< 01 Ot•tlil• County Cl< yO<J may call t7 IAJ 937-09fl6 Octot>e• 5 1982 ,,_1 Pullllshed Qr8nge Cout 0 111 PtlOI Oct 8 15, 22. 29 1982 4445-82 Date Ocolot>e< 1 1982 Suburben Coastal C0<p as utd Trustee. By t 0 Service Co IQe<\I by Sh•• 1111 Nerc;e ,.,.,..,.n, Secrel•ry One City 8oulev1rd West Orenge Clllfornia 92Me 1714) 835-8288 Publlaned Orange CoHt Detty Prlot Oct 8 15, 22, 1982 U 05·112 Pl&IC NOTICE K~ FICTTTlOUt llOllNEll MAME ITATOltlNT Tiii fot\oWlng pa<Ml'll 11e doing bultMU H ~1~~~:2:~668 ~~~~.2.:.. CA 92706 heanng 1n Dept. No 3 a t 700 7.00 .of the t!te Code of !'.~~:C:~~o:!'~. ~96~~~ ~':1~1~,::1°r:o0·;~f1~~ t~~ Pubhehed Orange Coa11 Oo11y {7141953·8tl10 C1v1c Cen te r Drive W est, California (' \1me fo r 8oolt 14259 of Offlclll Rec:ord1 of An gel" Count y, Ce llforn111. Piiot. Oc1 15. 22. 29 1982 Pub111ned Or1ng1 Cout Dally Sant.a Ana, Califomiii 92702 hhng claims w 1 no t e xpire 111d county, a t page 118fl. d~blno propertlea 111ere1n NJLIC NOTICE •641 82 Pltot Oct 15 22 29 19112 on November 3, 1982 a t 9 30 prior to four m °'ths rrom Alcordt<'• tn111u,,_,1 No 22230. Th11 1he 1>ene11o111 tntet•t ulldet !------------------- F & S AOVERllSING 3J33 Mlc,,.IM>ll 011v11 1rv1M C1lllornla 92730 Fluor Corportcton 3333 Mtelletaon Ort•• lr•rn• Caltlotnla 92730 ------------45-40-82 8 m t h e dale o r lht• ear ing WTo'LL,JEEL~IGAHlEPSUTBlBICtOOAEUCRlJOONR eucll d••d of l rua l 1nd th• "cTmOUI 1Ul llft8S Pl.a.IC *>TIC[ BllDl lC NOTICE CF YOU O BJ"'""' h __, bo .... n • obltgt11on1 l l CU••O tnerab1 NAME ITATEMENT l"UUl. CA.. ' l<> I e nou~..,.,. a ve CA.SH ll'#lul mor>ey of tilt United 1nc1uo1ng 1 not• for tlle 1um ol Tne 1o11°"'1no peraon• we Ooo"O NOTICI TO CM:OfTOfl8 s u p E 1111 0 R c 0 u 11 T o F granu ng of the peUllon, you YOU M AY EXAh INE StltM, t4 a cut1I«·• chaClt drawn 1750.00000 111e pr_..tty ll4lld by ~,,...at Of MIUC TltA.Nlnll CAUPOflNlA sh ould either appea r a l tht> the (tie kept hy the rour I( on • 111te 0< neoonel bank. • atete the un<1era1Qned. lh•t • brMCh ot KENSINGTON GARDENS 335 (-.C..'101 -e101u.c .c .1 COUHT'l'Of OflANOL h e a ring a nd sta t ~ yuur you are tnterc•l~d m lie or i.defelc:o.ctltunton.or •st•t•or end <lefeutt In, Ille obllQaltona tor sou1hCS1rMt Tu111n CA92680 Notice II hereby given to Ille In the Mitt~ of b j I f il fll lederat MVlngtend IOen UtQClatton wlltch 1IV(:t1 deed ot trutl le MCUrlty M.,gatet C1tt1l1 H1nna11t oredllora of RONALD l MURRAY 0 t'('l o ns o r e writ t('n ettale, )'OU mJaY t' 8 reques\ ~omloiled In tf11Ut•te. a.II payable •• llH OQW"ed In ,,,., payment ,,.. 14722 8rO<lllllne W•y Tustin CA an o TR Ev A J . Mu RR" v ~ ;'....,,... o b jecllo ns with the court with the cou r t to rece1vt> 'le time ot ..... 111 tight. title end no1 l>Mt'I made ot 92680 Tren1far0t1. WhOM h04M adar1 .. 11 FOf Cllenoe of.._ before the h earing y OU r s p e C I a 1 n O t I('(' O ( t h e llf'e r .. t Mid ll)y " u TruatH. Jn The arillrl prlnclpat bat111Ce prua Elltabllll Ann Htnn1nt. 14722 9063 B1rkarvllt• Ava City ot No. A111111 appeara~ may be In pel"llOn m ventory or estat e assets '""' rH t pr~rty s11uat1 111 1110 accrued lnter•at, whcc;h •u m 8root<llne Way, Tu1t111. CA 926&0 Whittler. Cou111y ol lot Ano••H ON>tifl TO 8HOW CAUH or bt your a ttorney. And of thr no>tl l1<>ns. accounts C1~ end Slate, OHerlbed " r•prn•nt• th• obllgatto"• 01 Oellld George Htnnal\I. 1.r22 ••••• ot C1lllot11I• 11111 • bulk FOfl CHANCW °" HAMI ,... Hetml ll M Coop•• Ulld•• 11111 Broot<UM Wey TUSllll. CA 926"0 .,.,,,,., 11 abO<Jt 10 be m•O• 10 0 E d F ha 1 l Y 0 U AR E /\ and reports d escrlb"d In A ltuthold 1n1...-111 lllld to certain Ge ne r al Conllnuing . Tlltt but1,,.111 'on<lucted by 1 SHANTI S DEWAN i nd RENU 1 1141~~ ..,~.: c:::.., '0t:= C REDlTOR or a contingent S ~c l 1 on 1 2 0 0 o f t h e lot 7 ol lrllCI .. 26. M ~on • Guetenty <111.0 July 31, 19711 By ~rTllltd p1t1nerahlP P£WAH. Tr1111afer-'*"°" home 1t1ow1ng petitioner to change hie creditor or the d eceased, you C~liConua Probtlte Code Mep recoided In Book 23' Peget the term• of G•nerat Conll11ulng Ettubllll Ann Hinnant ~11~1~3 =~ :~,~~11~Z 11arne trom George Edw11d Fuent" must file your claim w ith th~ JAC K S 0 N , KIDDE R & t! '!i:e: ~~~':; ~ ~uu:~,~ ~r:'t:,".,.M oot'fo0.~~ c!;::/t~~·;:s,,;,~~~~Y •: llt•I• ot Clltf<>'nte '01~~~~r~~d~~h•t 111 court o r presen t it to the SUCKLING Mid County ot l rt111powar Tool Co.. 1no 10 111e s.p1 21. 1992 : TIM property to be H•n•l•r.O •• peraon• tntereattd In the manar p ereon al r e p r es e n tetlv(' 660 Newpor t Cntr. Dr. The UrH t UdrH1 O• oth~r Bank '118321 Pubh1h•O Or1no• Coest Delly P110t, Oct 15. 22. 29 Nov 5. 1982 e.tM!flbed 111 generel u A.tt 11oe11 tn aloretakl llP9M' bef0t• 11115 court a ppo l n led b y 1 he cou r t Suite 1414 commo11 dettgnetlon of 1~ •H I Thlt by reNOn of llUCh t>ra-all tlle 4-433·112 Thtl buS>neaS IS c:onck<CleCI Dy e 0..-111• corporeuon Flu()<' Corpor1t1011 R B Humbert Senior Vice PretoClenl fn.a aleternenl WH lllecl wttn IM County Cieri< ol Orange CO<J11ly on Ocl '· 1962 M. U. Mec:Nlweft·YCM&nt. l!eq.,.,.. U» Mtcheleon °""" lr¥1N. Celltomle 927'0 ,., ..... Publl9h•O Orang• Con t 011ty Prlot Oct 15 22 29 Nov 5 1962 4538-12 P\111.IC NOTIC[ 1'1CTITIOU8 IUl .. U NA.Ml I TATl!Ml!NT ::':t ~~!~r:n=': ~ ~en°:'!.'ti~' ~.~ ~.~~ ~ w ithin four mont.hJ from lhe Ntwport Beacb, CA t2HO ~=ed ~:'~!bo;18 Cl=~~':!,:! ':;'~<l:r•'~~~· l::;-~~ ~:u":tf~c~•~ tnown •• "BALBOA SUB Calllorllle.on Nov 3,1982,lt1030 d 1at e o r first issu a n ce-o f Publishe d O r angt' Coast Orlve,CotonaOet Mat.Celilorni• H edanddell'tet.Oto M.ldauty I TATION" a11d toceted at 19 10 o'clock 1 m end thin end lhetl letttrs as provided ln Section Dally P llot, Ort 14, 15. 21. Tiie u nd1retg11ed here b y •P P fll•CI Tru .. •• • wr111an l•tb o1 Btwo . City ot Newport .now c;euM, 11 Illy they 111,,., w11y 700 of the Probate Code of 1982 4535-82 e111clatm1 •II ll1blllty tor any DaGlet~ Of Default end demcancl leedl. County ol Orange, S111e of aald 1>9flllon tor cllange 01 neme C alifor nia h e tim e for lnoorrtet,_ In MIO 1treet tdclr-IOt tale. •"·Cl hu depo111ed with Celllornl• tnould not ba granted r 11.... ro MLIC NOTIC( or OllW common detlgMUon Mid duty ~led Tru1tM audl fne following peraon 11 d oing bUtll\e ..... RESOURC ES IN TE.FIN A TIONAl 21562 PolynHlln L" Huntington Beecn, CA 92Me IT•TIMINT ~ITHOflA.WAL ChrtStrne (oulM Welk., '1!1e2 PA"TNf fllMIP OltffllA TINQ P01yn111a11 Ln Huntington e.aoh P\B.IC NOTICE The bulk "'"''•' wlll ti• ltlt lvrtr-ord«ed thll•CXJ9Yol I~ .. claltr\I · "°' lC n! Slld a4lle wf• ba mede wUl'IOul dead ot tr 111d 111 document• cionaummated on or 111., tlle 21\d 11111 otd•r 10 •how cau .. ti• prior to four m J om K_.,,. warr1n1y, uprn1 or tmpllld. evtoanotng Ho1t10111 H cured Olly of November. tH2 •I tO:QO publlall•d In The Dally Piiot. • the date of t h e ea Ing FICTITtOUl IWl•ll regerCllng tlll•, pou•Hton. or tri.raov. anct ~dectated end doee "A.M. al WHtern Mulu•I h orow ,,_.PtPlf 01 ~al clrculallon. noticed above. NANI ITATIMINT •noumbrancH , to H llely lht lleteby decitare IMI aum• MCured t:orp. Attn: Mlllttyl\ Westmoreland. publianed In llll• county 11 teHI Y OU MA y EXA N E T11e IOll-lng perlOlle ire doing prlnolpet balance ot lhe Not• or thetetty lmmadl•lefit due. aJ\<I hit <jltloM a<ldr-i. 140111 8 Yorba once 1 ...-101 four GOllMCUllYe bullMM ae: other obllgatlon 1ocuted by 111<1 ~tad and doe• h.,eby efecl lo a t lull• 10 1. Tue lln 921180. WHlll p rior 10 th• d•y 01 H id the fUe kept by the . If 8 Ull OER 8 E XC HANGE Offd ol f'rutt. wttll Jnler"t and et uH 1111 prope rty Clft crtbed In Calllotnle. That the IH t d•t• tor heerlng , y o u a r e ln ternted In the ASBOCtA. l ES. A CALtFO ANIA. 01t1et 1um1 a• provldad lhertln. Mid reoorded deed of "utt to be ~ oltlml In the MCtOW rel•red Oiied Sept i4, 1982 estate. ~OU may file-. uellt LIMITED PAATNERSHIP. 118 Eeal ptu• 1dv1n041. It '"Y· undet Ille •olO I" I CCOtde no• """ lh• IA....__._ le ~t>at 1, 1962 Fr....., "---"'al~ 171~ SI t ,, __ ., __ c~•f t terl!\I lllereot and lnlarael on IUOh provletont llltfeol 10 Htlaty lhe ,. ·--· ..... ...,,..._ ..... '" w ith t e ~ourt to r~·lv• " , .. • ......... -· -orn • 1 So 111 ••It k nown 10 tne Judoe of Ille " ~""' • 112827 aovaneea, Ind plut "'· ClletgN otMlg1t'°'11 MC:Uted tlllraby "ft•n•f.,M•. e ll 11ualnH • n•"'•' &uperlor Cout1 1 p e c I a I not I c e o f t he JllMt w Ray, 18 l lonewell end •• ,,.,,_ ol ltle Trvt tM and of 0t1td· J<;y 29, 11182 4 nd •Odrtl HI UU <I by •II• Publlslled Oreng• COHf Dally Inve nto ry of e 11tate a u.ts lrvlne, Cllltor"'4192114 file trvtte llfMled ll)y Mid oa.cf of SECURITY PACIFIC t 1-ltfor• for Ille PN I lhtM ......... p ..... ,.._ 8 1• 22 -,..... and of ... _ petJ•• ........ --·n•• Mlellatl 0 Rtr· 408 Hual Truet Tll• total emo11nt Of U ld NATIONAL BANK eta 111M. ""' ""'' • "· • ••· ""' ""' ..,,... _ _.. .. "'I • "~one dtl 1 c I" t 1 obllge llon. tnetudlt'IQ feltO"Ably By W A Munet•. Jr . ()eled: 8epl*'1bw 17, 1982 44"3-92 and r e portt tleacr ib ed In oaea6 """' r, 1 nOn1 .. 11m1led 1 .. 1. Cihetgo a nd Aul.~ PtM!denl SHANTI 8. DEWAN -----------8 e c t I 0 n I 2 0 0 0 ' t h(! Tiii• butl"-t •• conducted by • t •l*l-Of tilt TrutlM. It Ille time Rl!COROED AUOUST 2-4. 11182 RENu oewAN Pla.IC NOTICE eauromia Probate Code. 11m1t1<1 oenntl'lllto °' '""111 pyblic:••ton of trite No11ee. 1e As 1NGTRUMlNT l'fO. 12.149413 lrantfar------------• Q II d M ti b J w Al 16-4,2711.66 ANO AEAECOOOID OCT 4. 1912, flutlll•lled Or•no• Con t Di iiy •UNNOR COURT°' e er aa ., a, y: ,..-=.. D Ay Oiied. Beplemt>er 21. 19H INSTRUMENT l'fO H -3'481111 IN r'tiot. Oct 1&, 1N 2 CMJPOMIA RoNld 8. Mart.la, AUOl"M)'• MIMQlng it:fnere REAL ESTA.TE OR A H GE. C 0 U H TY A N 0 44112 12 COUNTY°' OAANOa ., La•1 .... Dove Street, lN• "'""*'' ..... IMtd wHn ,,. SECUAll tES SERVICE. fllEREOOAO£D IN LOS ANGELES. •ICTITIOUI 9UIMH NAMl ITATIMINT "' tt1e ..... of -. -.111•c..-Selle tut, Naw,.n Budl, Col#lty ewti o1 Orenoe eo.,,,,1y on • Clfttornta oorPOf•tlon. OCT 4, tN2 Al IHITfllVM!NT HO efGIMALUIN\.TA. Calllorala UUt ('7lt) Oo1 T, ltt2, ;'~J1~, "P:~~ed 01111ge CoH t Dally .... A-UA1J lll-1'7'7t *"" "-c........, 111 p~ Piiot, Oct 8, Ill. 2.2. 2t. IN2 ~~~=-l'ubll•b•d Or•nc•.Coeat D•lly ~=.:,,-:::.:... lllALI 4-453-12 UNDa" CA 1121-4fl FtCTTTIOU8 ........ NloMI ThlS buelneu 11 con<luc:ted by 1111 Tiie lo tlow lng pereon "'' lf\dtvtOuat .ttlldrewn H •~al pert..-fr OM CllrltllM Wal-er Ille P•rtnetltllP opetltlng un<IOH Ille Tiii• •t••-t ..... llled wllll Ille llotltlou• bu1 lnee1 n•m• ot ,,County Ciertc ol Or•nge Counly on WESTPORT ANIMAL CLINIC at 389 Ocl 13. 1082 - E 17th Street. Colla M•tl. '•-•• Cllllornlll 112fl27 Published Or1nga Cout Di tty Th• 1tottt10111 bua lneu nem• PrlOt Oc1 15, 22. 29, Nov ~. 1"2 lll t-1 lor tile petln«ehlp wu 4534.a2 ftted on M1rc:11 19, 11181 In th• PtBJC *'TICE County of Of'lll'GI Full Heme end Addreaa of the petton Wlll!Ortwlf\Q Or 9Y""IJ Ill ~In O.V.M .. 2123 Tiffany "'-· 'ullerlon. Cll.lffornte llHS3 0.V M /1/ Dr Oyu"g tk Min ,, ... Publllhed Oreng• COHI 0111)' Ptlol OCt I, II, 22. at. ttl2 qt1.aa NOTICI OP AP'PUCATlOM TO llLL ALCOHOLIC HVIMQH To Wh<>m 11 Mly Conoetn. OAEA T A.M l!ft t CA.N RESTA.URAHTI. INC II !lpC>tytno to 1111 O•putment of A.loohotto ......,. ConttOI IOt en On S• ..., & Wine Eating Pl.ce ~to "" alcoflollci be.,.,19" at 3QIO H1t1>or Blvd .. Colle MeH, CA lil2t ----.,.---IC-HO--nrc----·I Pubtlatled Oran~ Ooe•t Dally ..._ ·-Hot, Oct t&. 11112 l he IOllowlng pet font •r • dOing 9w',,.. ... WlleteM. 1t1e 119000'' of 0tne L• Pllo4. On.•." l). 1en m,..., aoao Nortri 0101d11w1y, s.pe1" h• bael'l llled w1111 ttie cllftl -•0 1-n M ...._ ~ ,..,... llltt• ::iot. c NOllC£ •teTIT10U• .,...,. ot tttll c:oun for .,, otd« c:l'lan;lnQ .,._IC HOT1C( ,......_ ~ tnot-1"9 8an11 Ane, OA 921C>e PUBll NAMI l'fAT'IMINT ~ • • • &IAT CHfR 1:0Ul f ll 8. • '~If P11'11*1Np, 211 t I Le Paz e d, Leoun• Nf9uel. C1U1orn11 117 Petlllo~·• 111me from Oln• ~ ,--. '9"11t Tel· (11'4) 1163.-8110 ..OnTIOUI .., ... ., Tile tollowlnO pert0n1 -clcMnQ 9 pelll to t<t lllertne lllu b ttll 8TATl'MIWf Of' ~1.-ottMIMT Pulltttn.d Oran" Cotti Dally ,.ullllaned Ot ano• Co111 Dally NAMI tTATDll:NT t>Utl,_. M NOTIOI IN¥1l1NCa 111M 8WWin• Of' Ull °' '9CT"10Ut Piiot. OC1 15. 21. "·Now •• 1tta "°'·..,. ••. OC1 '· '· 18, IH2 The lollowlnO "'ton• -doing QLAll!O MI MOAIH . 1010t Nolk:e I• llerfty....., ~ the • 8t erwlon R Birtcher, 2 71 II Le fu fllo9d, Laouna ~ Celtlomil !ftln •' l lttCllet PIA:illle I g1n•t 1I tlllf>, 27111 LI Pu Rold, Hlgutl. Clillf«n&e t2tn • bueit\1118 .. c:.onductld ll)y • ~· ~'i:. 11,;en-~ Thil ttllerMlll llwd fittd With Ille ·County Cllitll ~ OJtnot Co\m!Y on =IM2. v ... ..... _. ........ °"" =~ ..... 977 .... CAll7,J r.-11 flllOllelled Otll\QI COHI Ql tt)' ,_., ()at. I, t. 10, 't2, 1H2 m1.aa I IT 19 HIN9Y OflOEAE.0 tllet .. IUIMll ..... _________ ._all_,_ .. _, 4233 •a ~... •UO ,,.,., AW . '°""'..,, Veit.v. loetd of huoetlon or ... IMM peraona lnlttlllld"' Mid melt• Tiii tottowlnQ P••tOft l fl•v• __ .,. IW\~ IC( L AVtNDl fll A.NO LACI! CA t ltol Unified kl!Ool Dlelrlet (If Of-. tppeer b9for• inte coun 11 Dep1. a1 aoancloMcl ,,,. uee OI in. 11c11uow ... _ """-PlaJC NOT w E o o t Ho I I fll v 1 c I!, a oat "009' Anthony I lyma. 22121 Co11n•r.1. ~attl0tnle. wllt recehr1 No¥ 11, 1112 In ~ OOUNOOtl'I °' Dllt lne u ne mt Al'fT HOl'fY f!CTITIOUI .,...... PlCnnourtl _...1 Wet1,.,...ater A,.., Colt•......_ CA. lelctdot, MluiOn VletO. CA. '*I Miiied -up lo 1'00 P-"'-Of,.. 700 CMo Cclnler ~lent• Ana. ICHOOLI at 4311 l lrcn '""'· ..... ITATUllWT •AMI l'fATl'MIWT tatV. Olly 0 Andtreon, '3tt1 Httl day of OctOblt, 11'2. ll ,,._ OA to 1flow oau u w h)' 11111 H-r>Of1 e.torl, CA t 2tto Th• following PlttOll 11 001110 Tiie tollbwlnt l)ltrtOl\ 11 dotno Hanry Cloyd Heno1te1otof\ Jt., Snec111e1on Ille, LleYM Ntouet. CA llm• H iii bid• wtlt be pubtloly appllc111on for <lhenQ• of n•"'• Tnt 11c11110111 bu1ln1u """' butlnMe 1._ butllllMI IOH Wo11m1nater Awe . Cott• t:M17 opened encl '9'd !of OOll.ATO.-~ l\01 be Clf'lll!ted. "'""'" 10 ebove was flied In lhe MAlil" Hll''/ICI •..=A 8 0 A v~11'. I M 0 BIL I ,AU T 0 MMe, CA talll7. Donald 8. Tippin,. 11951 W/l l'ACKlfll ANO IT11'Ct41ft. lld 1T 18 'U~THl!R OAOfRID tn.t • Collmy Cllflt'I otflOe on S.tt-79 , co• A ... .,,. 211• •• , .. ,. I • ,....,. lendtl Lee Hendf'IOlllOtl, I020 MllOArtllllfl IMM , CA. 112 II . Condlllone Md lnlltNetioM Mii lid oot>r 01 11111 ordtt 10 ahow caiiaa be NIO "-'dent k11oo1S, in.. ~I O "' ,., ' vu ~ ~· .. t A~o 1· ti''.,....,, W•tm!Mi.t Ave, Calta MtoM. CA l'-ranll. Y Hopkln1. I 1931 l1n lofl'!lt 1N'1 be OOt..,,... .. tN ...... p11b111Md once • •Nit f0t tour attdl l trett, l'fowpotl 8udl, OA ll'ldo:!'.:;r',,!,~·,2.!:':es. -~ ra.: ... i s. A¥OCedo 1112? 1111 "901111\e, H\lnttnoton leeet\, ot "9"1 911pport ..,.......,,.'!i! tUCMM11.-11HtO"OINd11Yof t2MO. Newport~¢.'~ It Coel•~cA•*' Uncle ~.1 ... Monrovta/>.01, CAt2?0t. AllOJllAwettue,!Mne.~ ·-..,. 11Htino In 1'tle Dtlf)' flllot, e Thill ~ _. OOfldUCted ti, a Tiiie llldlnll '11 condue1~ oY an fNa ....._. • IOl'OUGli.s oY 111 11 Coat& ....... CA tltt1 Tl1111 llllllMll II oondutled ~ I Oltl!tet ,....,... tM ,,.... to ntact RUl&lap« of ~Ill circuJatk>ll eorporltlon , ll\dMdUll lnCllYldllll., Olli IMINl6 le~ by e OIM'll pertnettNp. Mt Of Ill atclt 4" IO Wlht Mr primed In ltl9 COl#tty Of °'*'09. Jef1n1f A .,_ VP JoM PedlclN Dr1fWt llllil ..,..,.. pen,_.,., . AofW. A. 'WM lf,...-n• OI 11.-.V-.. wir Oet41d· OctCINJ a. 1112 Tl\14 flal.,,.,,. w• ftt.9ci Wttll 1111 ''* teel-1 w• 11e11 ~UI IN Tllll •~ ,... lllid wtltl ""' H9Wy O. l4aMtldlton .it TJ\11 91lrltmenl WM ltled wltll 1M llOI 9' In tftl ....._ ,.,.,. D• • ••~ eowniy 0er1c ot Otwlglt ~ on CounlY °""" ot °'"'°' County on 0oumy Qefll °' 0r-.. County °" n. 111WMr11 .,.. ,_. wttfl !tie ~ Olerll ot Otenoe CountV °" .....,_ ~ ..._. Diil .,....., 1411>( n. 1H2. Oct. ,1, !Ml Oct \!I.,.., COllll~Ctoatt ct°'""° COut\l'f Clll'I 0C1 , • •Mt ,,.... ~· •••• ~ • ......, a... ~m.-r . ,,... ,...., Old. t . 1112, 0 Putljl•/l•d Ot•nO•. Oo•at Deity l'ubll•ll•d Ot•"CI• COH I 0111~ fl11bll•h•d Otano• Oout DlllY P'Ullll•fl•d Ortnp CO••• Oalty .,up •Md C)tlnM Coett Otf!~ l'vbll•'*' Or•~· eoe.t,1 ~!l ~Ubll•ll o,.,... Del~ Plot, Occt ... ''· 2r. 2t, '~..-u Piiot, Oct, ,, '· "· u . '"~, .. 2 ~.Oct "· IZ, a ....... ~~2 ""°'· OCI It. H .... ~ ~ Piiot. ()Cf II "·"·New. h:~ Piiot, Ot;t 11, "· *"· •• ~,;a Piiot. OOt • , .. ,.. ........ • DlllJ Piiat l'RIOAV, OCT 18, 198? ClASSlf 1·10 C6 It could get Harry Stanford has a real catch in ex-Baron By ROGER CARLSON ofthe D•ll~ flllot It.ft Th<' Unavcnoty of Southt•rn Calafornw 1s on a three-game roll a nd No. 14 un tht' nation's h11t of Top Twenty football teams, but a dl'fin1tc· ambush appears in thl' making Saturduy al Stanford Always unpredictable sn ll'rm:. of de(l•ni.c., always predictably exciting on oHensl', the Stanford Cardinals are the same old Cardinals they'll take their lumps against San J0&· St.at(• and hand out the same when at Ohm Swtc The key as All-American standout J ohn Elway and has passing gamt' and the sophomon· who as bec:oming has favorill' receiver as Fount.am Valley llagh product Emile Harry. Harry , who was the CIF Div1s1on l Player of thl' Yc•ar after leading has high SL·hool teammates to an 11 -3 season an l 9 7 9 , caught the· win n 1 n g touchdown pass against Ohw Stale (23 20), among othc•r endeavors this season "We expect a tough ganw," Harry responded whe n as kNJ about the· Cardinals' possablt• makl'·Or -brcak notc·h on tht· ladder to thl· RoSt.' Bowl. STANFORD I S 1 -1 1n L'On(er~nct• play after last WN.·k's 21-17 loss to Anzona Stat(• an tht· c:losmg seconds. but Harry says there 's lattl l' doubt an tht· "U~C's alwayi.. bt-t•n known for 10, ~"t-ondary," L'01H1nuci. Harry ''Browner IS excellent The bas"· wm• 1s all tht·y'vt: played I think but usually you ncv('r see what you've seen on fi lm." THE 168-POUND 19-ycar-old say11 the Trojans an· JUsl another sn a list of big games for the Cardinals "USC's w ri of a rivalry and n 's very important m the won-loss column," he contrnues "But it's not hkc this 1s the last game of the season" 1 larry wa1> m the Cardinals' pactur(• evt>n as a frt•shman and <·aught his fi rst pass from Elway agam1;t USC m thl· Coliseum, but for a while, 1t tladn 't l'Ome easy for the fluid llarry, who rrutkl>t. most thmgs appc:ar t>asy "Elway thruwb rec.lly hard." ::1ays Harry. "and at was a btl( <.idjustm<'nt. Tht•re as a Jot of vclol'lt y :rnd d you d o n 't t·om·t•ntrate it'll go right through your hands "But the coaches huve bet-n n·al posallvc with me with my t· n t 1 rt· g a m e a n d I r c a 11 y appn'<·aatc· that." HARRY HAS ALSO bt:-en saddlt·d with nagging inJunes this yt•ar first 1t was has foot against Ohio State, nuw 'a "houlder an;ury agaanliJ. Anwna Statt• last wc•t>k but at isn't t•nough lo keep ham out of Saturday's lineup Cardmal.s' t·amp that the onl' los..<. Emil.-H arry will hardly keep them from a "I'm relatavl•ly sat1sf1ed with mysdf at this point," adds Harry. who s.tys has h1~h sc·houl expc•ral'rll'<.' gave him a running start on has oppos1t10n an lht• Stanford camp. Artist at work , Kevin McDennon and his Laguna Beach High teammates e ntertain Bonita tonight in their tune up before continuing league play (Prep roundup, page C2). New Y car's date in P asadena. . "WC' have just as good a shot as unyom'." says Harry "We're one down, but lhl'Y (Washmgton, Anwna State and UCLA) havt• to play evl'ryom·" As for conte nding with USC's st·Lond.iry, Harry says' he has seen th<' films. and as 1mpn"ll.'><'<i with the hkes of Joey BrownL•r. Tony Brewf'r, Troy West and Darrel Hopper In a reserve role for th<• Trojans and almost certain lo SC'e action is corncrb<K·k Duame Jack.-.on. <i sophomore out of Edison High "We dad so much that they do ht·rt· at Stanford an wrrru. of basics." says Harry. "H's d1.'fin1t.t•ly a maJOr part of my SUC<.'\.'SS " USC has bl-en anstalll'd as a 5• ,·pomt favorite, Saturday but that <.'Orne~ as no surpr&!>t' to Harry "Every big team 10h10 State• and Anzona State) W(' play IS a 6 I ·-point ravortll'." says Harry It's that Stanford l'h"t·tncaty that has Harry (See HARRY, Page CS) Money talks at Nf L negotiations Cardinals relying COCKEYSVILLE, Md . (AP) - Money, the hardest nut to crack in the NaUonaJ Football League players' strike, ·is on the bargaining I.Able today. And Sam Kagel just may be the nutcracker lo "ure them out before they tire me out." As Thursday became Friday, he called a halt to negotiation s on peripheral issues. more than 15 hours after the day's bargainmg had begun. 19 houn> of bargaining on Wedn<"Sday And on Thursday he got them start<>d agatn at 9 a .m They were suU gomg mto the predawn hours "That's what's amazing about Kagl•I." said Jim Miller, the M<inageml·nt Council 's public relations director "ffr just keeps gomg and going wath tht• sam<' kmd of enthusiasm. lf hl· kl~ps th1i.. up for a t·ou ple o f d ays hc"s rt>ally <'X('('ptaonal " The feisty 73-year-old San FrancillCO lawyer had negotiators for the owners and players meeting far into the night And one source monitonng the talkB said Kagel was "knocking heads, twisting arms, pushing them together" in his effort to end the strike which today en tered its 25th day and has knocked out four of the 16 regular-season weekends He commanded both sides union chief Ed Garvey, owners' top negotiator Jack Donlan and their aides -to address the uruon's demand for a 'wage scale and a central salary fund, the two issues which have kept the owners' hackles raised ever since they were fir11t proposed. The owners have ms1sted all along on maintaining the existing system -mdivadually negotiated contracts. Kagel matntamcd h as virtually a1rught news blackout Thursday, a ppt.'anng only on~ for a news briefing that lasted l~o; than a mmute. KageJ denied Thursday a rumor that a settlement is near, and appeared as fresh as he did when he arrived in this Baltimore suburb Tue9day rught, vowing Upon his arnval Tuesday rught, Kagel brought the sides together for 2 'h hours Then he began his war of attrition with He re p eated Vt.•rbat1 m h is stngle-sent.ence statement or WeclnL·sday that both sides were examining proposals a nd counter-proposals and UCI an unkno-wn quantity Mulligan will find out quickly with a challenging early slate By JOHN SEV ANO Of'tM 0.-, Not ..... Cautiously optimistic. That's how UC Irvine basketball coach Bill Mulligan is approaching the 1982-83 season after unveiling hl1 new squad -minus All- American K evin Magee -on media day 'Iltunday at UCI. "U I could tell you what w e're gotns to do (this seaaon). then I'd quit tomorrow and become a gambler,'' aald Mulligan with a sheeplth grin. "We're totally unknown," added MulUgan of his eeniorless unit. "I think the 1ehedule is too demanding to think .. .let'a just aay lt'1 the toughest we've had and next year ia even touJ(her." The Anteaten wlll open their 1983 campaign Nov. 2'l hoeting the University of Alberta in an exhibiUon. What follows, however, are games lPlNt the University of Oregon, Univenity of San Diego, Pepperdlne (an NCAA tournament e ntry last yHr) and the Unlveralty o f Idaho. And, that'• not even counting UCI'a Pacltlc Coast Athletic AlloclaUon elate &1alnat the likes of J'reano State, Nevada-Laa Vea-and Cal State Fuller10nr Thme lhlW cam., along wtth UCI. are the early favoritat for a conlerence tttle and a poealble ~ bid. But. flrat thtnea Mu.t.Upn, with hll team betn, .. )'OUnl .. l1 ... dotm't ""' ... hll ~ will come out of· the .... ,_ •N-.oc>NALD aenlor on the team and only one starter returning." The only starter coming back from last year'• squad that flntahed 23· 7, best ln the achool's h.Wtory, la 6-8 junior captaJn Ben McDonald. McDonald averaged 11.3 points and five rebounds per game last aeuon and was named aecond· team All-PCAA. Aa thlnp auand today , Mulligan plans o n switching McDonald from a forward to a point iuard. Lakers, McAdoo , agree to terms LOS ANGELES (AP) -Bob McAdoo, a •tar off the bench f« Loa An1ele1 In the National Baaketball phyolh and champlonahJp aeries lut aeuon, hu aareed to new contrtct terms with the La.ken. The o nly other s t a rting positions sewn up have 6-2 George Turner, a transfer from Saddleback College and last year'• Community College player of the year. as a small forward, and Cypress College transfer Jud Beardsley as the shooting guard. Everythmg else Is wide open as Mulligan plans to utilize has entire bench. shuffling aa many as JO or 11 players In -and-out of the game. "There's obviously a lot more we can do with this team ," explained Mulligan. ''There are things we can do now that we couldn't do wilh Kevin." Besides McDonald, there are four other returnees -junior ce nt e r B o b Thoront o n , sophomore forwards Rick Ciaccio and Mark Spinn, and eophomore guard Jot\n Barkey. The rett'of the equad Include. junior Michael Seana, a transfer from Long Beac h CC, junior M ike Lopez. a traldfer from LA Valley, frethman Ken Bardsley (Costa M eu H igh) and aophomore Brian Mulligan (Saddleback College), eon of the head coach . Other new facet are forward Ronnie Orandl10n, a freshman from St. Bernard, aoph omore Troy Carmon, who redahlrled wt year after trantferttna from .Colorado St.ai., and frethman Tod Murphy (LakewoOcl Ht1h), wt y 1t'14·A play 1' of tht year. <.'Onlmumg thl•tr negouaung Then. with one more sC'nt(·nt·e. he emphaucally knocked down a rnblE· tc•lcv1s1on network r e port thut a M>llkmenl was ammment And, finally. as he str1Jllt•d down tht· c: ti r ri d o r t o w a r d t h e s C> a I l• d o f f negotiating room, ht• commc>ntNI off. handedly. "It t.ukc's nme months t.o hdVl' a baby It'll tak<' u few mon· day~ to work out a thmg lake this .. . But therl• apparently was s1gni(1Cant progress toward resolving the non - l'conomac issues during Thursday's mommg and afternoon sc·ssaons "There has been a good deal or give-and-take by both sides." a sourt'E.' at the talks told The Associated Prt'fi.'I "There has dehnatelv heen some movement " · "We'll •et better H we •o alona," MUii.Jpn cont.ended. T·1 w"ouldn't be happy fJnf1hln1 fciiUnb (in our confennc.), but .... ,.. that'• r.aa.uc Without • "W e have reached an ar.en..nt anc1 1l 1a in the handa o the attomeyt. Wt andct_pei. no problemt," .. ld Jerry Bute, owner of the defendln1 NBA thamplona. Ttrma of the aaroement were not revealed. "I 1uea1 the only poaalble e-ncore for ut would bi to wln more than 23 aamea \hlt yMr," notf'd Mulllaan, who lJ In hl1 third year at lJCJ (4-0·17 Neol'd). "I dOn't know If we'll be 11 IOod 11 lbt year but I'm loof(lna forward to coachlnt more thl1 year than I have In a Iona tlmt.'' Whiley Henog 1trnll acl'OM Coonty Stadium on the ev.e ol •the third •me of th World riea. • ,, on Anduja.r MILWAUKEE (AP) It was om· of Whitey Herzog's leu· ht>raldl'<.I trades. CX't'Urnng on the ev1• of la~l summer's baseball strakt• and more or less shrouded an S('('r<'CV But the• acqu1s1t1on of pat<:her J oaquin Andujar has been a major lat·t.or m the construction of the St Louis Ca rdinals' National l.Ragut.> Championsh ip. And so tonight. Herzog wall hand thl• base-ball to Andujar for game 3 of the World Series agamst Milwaukee. The Brewers will counter with Eet.e Vu.ckov.Jeh. an t>x-Car<linal On TV tonight channel 4 at 5 traded by Herzog an a seven· player deal with Milwaukee at the 1980 wanter baseball meetings lt was six months later, a week before the strike in June 198t that Hen.og went after Andujar, who had been buried on the Houston patching staff "I nl'eded a pitcher,"he saJd. "We had thr~ double-headei-. on the West Coast They nHded a cente r field er when Cesar Cedeno got hurt. Tony Scott was playing out his option. They couldn't sign Andujar either." One and one makes two, a.Ni the trade w u made . AlmMl Immediately, Andujar began paying dividend• for t he C.rdlnala "He likes to pitch ," Henot said. "H e:s a tough guy, • competitor. The guy wants the, baseball. Houston had 1isned (Nolan) Ryan and (Don) Sutton. He had become a number there;•: At St. Louis, Andujar Sol wodti from Herzog . H e won alx . ol aeven d«ialona for the Cardlnalt and flniahed the aeaaon at M . Thia year. he waa the C.rdlnalf' most dependable pitcher with ·a 1~·10 record and 2.47 earned l'\IQ averaae. He waa the Nattonel ~•iuo'• Pltcl\er of the Month Ja September when he won five p.mea and potted an 0.62 ERA;·, "What turned ll around (or hlm wH the opportunhy lO pit.ch," He.rma aald. "He U\row 90·.ome mil• per hour, hu aQG11 control, keepe lt down, &hrowa •' hard 1ll<* and he'• not afrakl .. i corM lNlde with It.'' • In Houston, And"-Jlta-!! lemawhh~L • ~been fln.t with t.n. "I IU4111 whm you pl~ fOOI, It'• euy for the front omce t.o ~ (let CAflDI. Pac• Cl) ' Martin r e porte dl y to manage Indians l'rom AP dl1patcbes CHICAGO -Billy Martin ha~ II agreed t.o leave the Oakland A'a to become manager of the C leveland Indians, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Thursday. The Su11-Times said an announcement Is expected this week Cleveland president Gabe Paul was reported en route tO Milwaukee for the World Series and MARTIN was n o t imme diately available for comment. Rut Indians general manager Phil Seghi told Chicago radio station WGN: '"I can only say that I have no knowledge of 1t I haven't been talking with Billy. Gabe Paul has been talking with Billy. Any £1nalization of the terms w o uld ha ve t o go through Gabe Paul." "Billy Martin is one of the finalists we're talking to," Seghi said. "He's had a tremendous impact on teams he's managed and he's a good man. He's been known t.o be very charismatic. And he appeals t.o people." At the A's office in Oakland, traveling secretary Mickey Morabito said about t he ne wspaper report, "Billy is going down to the instructional league m Phoenix now, and as far as we know there's no truth to it." Martin, just back from a hunting trip, was scheduled to watch the A's team in an Ariwna m.structional league game Friday. Quote of the day Ken Stabler, quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, complimented on his somewhat short.er haircut: "Do you think I'm growing up? One of thetie days I may buy a ;;talion wagon and a dog." Goring triggers Islander romp Butch Goring scored three times ~ Thursda} night, twice with New ' York short-handed and once on a power play, lead.mg the Islanders to a 9-0 walloping of Pittsburgh m the Nationa l H ockey League . . E lsewhe re, Dino Ciccarelli and Mike Eaves each scored twice as Minnesota exploded for four first -penod goals and went on to ddeat Toronto, 6-2 . Morris Lukowlcb netted a pair of goals and Gerry Butler added a short-hand ed tally, propelling Winnipeg to a 5-2 triumph over St. Louis . Ray Neufeld scored a power- pl.ay goal with 1 :52 left m the game to lift Hartford into a 4-4 tie with Edmonton Ray Alllsou's goal at 19:14 of the third p e r iod h e lped OONNO Philadelphia c linch a 4 -2 dectSion over visiung Buffalo . Normand Leveille tallied both goals ai; Boston edged Vancouver, 2-1 . . . Mark Napier netted two second-period goals to led Montreal past New Jersey. ~3. the Devib' fint loss of the season . . . Mel Bridgman 1eored seven seconds into the game -a club record -and Kari E loranta notched three as.siata as Calgary knocked off Detroit, 6-4. Kings still unbeaten after tie his first goal of the year at 10:35 of ' QUEBEC -Marc Tardif scored ~ the third period t.o lift the Quebec Nordiques Into a 4-4 tie with the Los Angeles K.inp in Nat.ion.al Hockey League play Thuniday night. Tardif took a pus from Real aoutier and drilled a wrist 1hot over Kings' goalt.endtt Mario Lessa.rd's shoulder. The Kings had taken a 4-3 lead when Pierre Giroux, playing his fiM. NHL g.ame. 11COred his first goal at 7:56 of the fin.al petiod. The King, remain undefeated In four starts. with a 2-0-2 record. Quebec haa a 2-2-1 mark. Dale Hunte r , Mi c hel Goulet and defenseman Jean Hamel aJao acored for Quebec, while St.eve Bozek. Bemle Nichols and Charlie Simmer replied for Loe Angeles. The game waa marred by an incident between Hunter and Kings deferweman Uerry Korab in the final minute. Korab wu asaeaed a IO-minute penalty and a game ~nduct when he swung hls 1Uck In Hunter's face. Hunter had drawn a minor penalty for slashing Korab. Americans advance In match play Three Americana moved Into the • ~nd ro. und of the World Match Play Golf Tournament Thurtday, u Bobby Clampett, Lu.Dy Wadldu and Tom KJte .cored victories. Meanwh~. in a eenlor . tournament at Melbourne, Fla., Doa Juuey fired an 8-under-par 64 t.o take a two-1t:roke 14!'ad over Miiier Barber ... The Edmonton Drtllen of the North American Soa.-er Lea,ue h•we folded. at.'C'ordlng tO the team'• general ~·. ,. Colbert. T elevtslon, radio Followlna are the top •ports eventa on TV toniC)lt. RatJnp arr. vvvv excellent; ..,..,.., worth watchJng; ..,.., fair; v forget It. • 5:U p.m., Claaanel 4 V V V V WORLD SERIES: St. Louil at Milwaukee. A.utueerl! Dick Enbtra. Tony Kubek. Joe Guqtola. Bob C.O.ta. and Tom Seaver. The seen thlftt to Mllwauk Coun&y •StadJum t.Onlaht for the third pme with Joequin Andujar (1~10) takinl the mound .,alnst Pete Vuckov1c:h (18-e). The 8et1el le even at• iame api.c. alt.er the Brewen took the opentr, 10-0, and the C&rdlnall reboUndid with • , ... Victory ln pme &wo. LU>IO BeMball World 8ert ... 8\. Louf1 at Milw.._, &:I& p.m.. KNX (l070). ~~ _. t..Jien It Boston. &;ta p,m_, ~ Kt.AC (~70). Sunset play begins Marina vs. Edison ha top billing By ROGER CARLSON Of' IM Oellr ~ ltaft S un•e t and Ani(t'lu' Ll'u1£ut· lootl.>011 action opt·n~ tumuht 1111d Sea View unJ Sou th Couat Leagut-warfare t.'Ontinut'!> with kickoffs acheduled for 7 :rn m each mst.ance Her~·" 11 look I.It each: Edlaon vs. Marina A Sunset Lengue showdown 1n the opener between tht• favor1t<- (Mar1na) and leading challcngt•r (Edison) ts set for Cerritos College. Edison's fort<t this scu110n has been defense, led by defensive back MJll Hombs. while Marina strike:. with a v~r of f e n se geared around quarterback Bill Marler <ind halfback Eric Karman Fountain Valley v11 . Huntlnaton Beach Another Suni;el L eague crucial, Fountain Valley 1s looking for its first win afl.t!r f1vl' non-league losses. Huntington Beach, off to its best start in years (4-1), Is led by fullback Danny Thompson a nd defensfve back Louie Cerda F o untain Valley counters with sophomore running back Dave S wigert and a solid defense. It's at Huntington Beach. Ocean View \'S. Westminster Ocean View (l 4) will be trying to make it thr<.-e straight over its Sunset League rival with quarterback Chad Pariseau al the controls. Westmrnster. also 1-4 in non-league play, is bigger and deeper, but hasn't been able to put Its offense in gear, yt•t Westminster's power rcvolvc.·s uruuncl 'J.'J.U pou11tl '1'111 T11murnu,.u1 ll '' u I W1•i.lrn111Mt1·1 Nt>wport lhtrbor VH. Irvine 'fhl' Suilm'K ur Nl•Wpw l I lurlio1 Jre on a thrt•<'·Ktinw w1nr11nH i.lrc..ik (twu slralght in tlw St•u Vit•w Lt•Ql.(UI'), whth· l1·v111t•'• Vu4ut·ros u11 • hl•Udl'd 111 1h1• 11thc-1 d1rt•l'llon (twu straight ll•t1gu1· losses) Nt>wport'111 111tn :ngth lwi. with junior ta1lba<.'k Stevl' Brazui. (IJ·3, 207) lrv1n1· r1·l11•i. 011 'llll<'km~' OUl or a wmgt•d T ll'' al Jrvtnt• E l Toro vs. Corona del Mar A matchup of two I I Seu View Lt>ugue teams, El Toro boasts tailback Jl'rry Eldridge out or its I-forma tion. whi11· Corona dt•I Mar's gamt• n!volves around the tentat1vent•ss vf running bal·k Lance Martin, "'hose.· left hand wa:. frat·tured lu~t Wt'<'k A t•ast has bt.·l'n pla1.·e<l on the inJury and Martin may not play lt'' t.•I Orangt• Coast Coll<·gc Saddleback vs. Costa Mesa Saddlcbat·k (2-0 1n Sea Vww Ll·ague. 5 0 overall) 1:. ranked No. 8 in Orangr Count y and n· I 1 l' s o n a d e r 1 n 1 1 t• s pt• t' d atlvantagt•, wh1h• Costa M ci.a (I I. 'l.·3) puts the t•mphai.1s on an upt1on ofrl•nsc. K('vm Br<idley 1s Saddleback 's No I running thn•at wh1lt· Mesa has a lt•ndent·y tu throw to its light ends It's al Newport Harbor. Bonita vs. Laguna Beach Laguna Bt.:ach (3 I oVl'rall. I I in th<.· South Coast Lt•agut'). hai. a byt' 1n 11!. sevt>n-ll'am l1·;:1~ut• ... 111:iwduh· 1111(.f 1rwl•t.11 thl' Jkarml.ll {:t :l). who hove• t•njoyt·d t1U<'t.'t•l(.-1 with qu1<·knt·n Crum thtiu• fHu•i.lllJ< untl running. Laguna &•ud1 may h1· without running but k lkd1· Aruht.•, but i.ophomort• Murk Dra1wr and quarterbal'k Th .. Hl Bau:. un· taking up the slm·k. It's ul Lal_(una. Capo Valley va. Mlulon Viejo Ttw South Coast L eag Ul' :.howduw11 is 11el for the two lr<11h11~ t·ont1·nders Mwion, ll-d I) y q u a r t 1• 1 b a <.' k K I a u 11 L1•1li'J1bi1U{'r und w ilback Roger Brown, 11> No 9 In Orange County with records of 4-1. 1-0, whilt• Capo's game, which i.s led by quarterback Burt Call and runn•·r Randy Lanham, has matun·d to 3-2 (2-0 1n league) good for tht• No. 10 spot 1n Or::ing1· County. It's at M1ss1on Vtt•J11 Laguna llllls vs. Sao Clemente San Clt .. mt·nte's run-run-run 1.;1ct1t'S haVl' led to a 4-1 re<.'ord. (2-0 in ll'aguc.·) with quar t.erbuck John Wet~r and running backs Rog1·r Fickling and Jim Arno the kc>ys Laguna Hills (1 -4. 1-1), IS led by quartl•rback Lee Plemel. lt'!> .it S<.1n Clt•mente Mater Del vs. Plus X Malt•r Dt·I (2 -2-1) opens the Angt•ius Lt·ague on the road against the.• Warriors (3-2). w hose fortl' l1l•s w11h a multiple look . Mat..r D<.·1 1:. banged up aft.er its 7-7 tit• with l'::.dison Linebacker David May !broken leg) is out. Matt•r De1 owns a 13-1-1 record dating bai:k to 1954 against Pius X It's al P1ui. X m Downey Big turnout due for CdM race It's not exactly New York, hut it w ill be a challenge The Corona del Mar Chambc..·r of L'ommt.•rl't'. tn conjunction with the l·1ty of Newport &·a<·h . has announced a "Fall F'1v1·-mill.' Hun" lo h•· hl'ld S unday. CX:t 24 The event (•Omes on the he<.'ls or th<· "Sc:·1·nit 5k Run." which was also put on by thC' Chamber of Commerce. "This tim e we'll tx• ready for a big turnout," says Chamber president Jim Wood "Our first ract.· (the $cemc 5k) Was a box OHl('e SUC("t'Sb, but mc.•t with some cnucal comment from hard-<·ort' runnt>rs This time, we plan to win on all count_'j.'' The event will s tart a t 8 a.m on Oc<'an Boulevard at the entrance to Big Corona State Beach The Irvine Company ha<; agr<'<'d lo sponsor the event and a turnout or around 1,000 ranm·r' 1s anticipated. THE FIVE-MILE (OURSE pr<X'(.'<-ds south on Ocean Boulevard to Poppy: north to Seaview, civer the 50-year-old footbndge and north to the.· lip of Irvine Terrace. then back to the pomL'I of origin Je er Kolin of the City's Parks, Beachc-s and Recreation Department, who laid out the (•ourse. said , "If runne r s an• look ing for som ething different. scenic yet challeng1ng, fun, but a t times grueling and o! m oc.ls!rate distance. without repeating it.self. then thts is the race to tnter "We're reaUy excited about the ennre day " Kolin further noted that CX:t. 24 Is th«.> day of the New York City Marathon, wh1c:h will be telecast nationally. He added that A T L<'O's 1n C.orona de) Mar will host the award ceremony and have the marathon on its wide-screen television. Other sponsors or the run include Nl'wport Balboa Savinp. Newport Harbour National Bank, Unique Homes, The Sport S hoe. The Diet Center, Newport Center News and the F1v1' Crowns Restaurant. AUNN~ DENNIS BROSTERHOUS awardc'<l to th<· top thrc~ mall' and female runners in an award~ <..1:remony following the 5k Fun Run For more info rmation , l·ontact Tom Barth, NSGA Trade· Show Sales Manager a t (2 1 :!) 439-4000 or Elaine Robinson al 897-222'/ A REMINDER thnt two arl•a evcnL'> are slatl"d th1 i. W<'<·kend Th(• UCI Medical Cenh·r 5 and 10k will Ix· held Saturday with cht'<.'k-m time from 6.30 to 7 :iO u m at Crawford Hall on the UCI campus Mason Park in Irvine will bt• the sill' of a 10-mile run Sunday with rt.'g1stration llm1tt'<I to thr first 1.500 For mon• mrmmdtlUn on tht• 10-mak• run, <'all 04I·1708 * * * flU .... INO 9CHEDULE -.Ciwdey UCI Medical C•nl9f 5 and 10ll -Chec~·ln llme lor 111e r11Cae Wiii ba rrom fl 30 10 7 30 1 m ,. Cr•wforo Hall on the UCI campu1 OM11on1 ror men ana women on all eoa O'<>YP• ano • wtleaich11r ca1eoory For mo<• 1nlorme11on. c:on111C1 Roy F"us..ir et 855-1330 or Sonal t<epadl• at UCI M.OJCel Cant9f 63•-5Sll8 lundey A 10-ml .. Rllft -Al Muon PMk In Irvine The ·-b410ln1 •I 8 • m With regt11r111on 11m11e0 to lhe lit11 1 500 For moie lnformellon. Gall 641· 17o& II ,.,, 10 Pl•J Ill llvn -Bog1n1 •• 8 1 m "'"" warm.up anO 11re1cn1ng P"oOrlm 1>410lnn1ng •I 7 30 Tropl\let -•rd.a lo the lop 1nree male end female runllal't For mor• 1nlorm111on. c;ontecl Elalne Robinson.•! 897-2227 llHMSef, Ocl. 24 Fell FIY....,lla flun -Bag1n1 8 • m •• ,,.. 1op of Coron• o., Mat ... ,. baech elOng Ocun Boulev.,O F .. It $11 (S 10 ,,.. Oay Of ,,.. ·-> whlen includes • T ·lhlrl •fld 1wero1 Wlh l>e P•-1.0 10 the top flw fln11nor1 In eech 01v111on For more lnf0tm1uon contact Steven Badoll10 11 720--0372 Eagles lVin 'mllst game' Estancia blanks Uni, 27-0 By ED ZINTEL IPfflal lo IM Oelly f'ttol Th(• FAtancla High football team gave itlell a pr<·sent c1f sorts Thunifay riJght -an even chance. By virtue o f the ~agles' 27-0 win over University in a Sea View League game at Newport Harbor coac:h Ed Blanton's team gets an extra day to prepare for Newport Harbor, the Eagles' opponent next week. E.stanc·1a won its first league game Thuniday night, improving its rec.'Ord to 1-2 The Eagles really had to win this one to stay In contention for a possible lc.>ague title or at least a CIF Central ConferenC'e berth "I think Newport Harbor and Saddleback are the class of the league," Blanton said Thursday night "We won't be able to roll over them. I'm .Just. happy that we got the wm tonight and were able to open up our passing game." lndeed, the Eagles demonatrated a balanced attack. Quarterback Scott Davis passed for 120 yards and one touchdown while running for two others to lead F.Bt.ancia. Meanwhile tailback Matt Spies rushed for 74 yards and one' touchdown to pace the Eagles' runnin~ eame which amassed 166 rards. All in all. when combine d with a superb defensive performance. 1t was a solid night of football for FAtancla. ''We wanted to w ork on o ur passing game tonight with Newport Harbor next, though we didn't u.ke Um lightly." said Blanton. "I thought Davis 1mprovl·d a lot, he was very pauent and threw the ball Wl•ll." Davis l'Onnl't'ted on 7-of -12 passes and threw no mtcrcepttons Hl' re<'\!1ved exrellcnt protection throughout from his line o r Rick Recio. Paul Sanchn , Robert Lee. Ed Deaton and Pat West. Estancia srorl'd on its first possession, marching 80 yards wtth Sp1c-s sc:oring the touchdown on a 9. yard run. Midway through the second qua rter, the Eagles moved 86 yard s, capped b y a 4-yard touchdown run by Davu, University had a chance to get back in the game early in the third quarter as the Trojans movE.'d the ball to the Estancia 7 -yard line . Lmc·backl·r K en Evans had recovered a fumble for Uni at midfield to set up the drive. Howt•vl'r. a holding penalty stalled the drive ,md John Pe1rano'!. 47-yard fiPld goal attempt fell <;ho rt Estanl'la scored again as Dan Ludwic k gathered in a 32 yard touchdown pass from Davu lal<'r m the quarter Th(• t:agles finished their sconng with 9:32 left in the gaml' as Davis took it over from the 5-yard hne Eltenc1a 27, Unlv.nlty O kot9 br Ouertere Unlvenity 0 0 0 0 -0 fellncll fl 8 7 6-27 E Sp;as 9 run (klCl< 11111<1) E-O•vl• 4 run (SplH 1un) C -LuOwlCk 32 pue from 01v11 (81tregan kl<:lll E-08\llS 5 run (lltck 11111<1) At1en<11nca 1 llOO (Mllmat.01 Oema lletlella u r1111 Oown• Ru.,....ya<Ot Pualng yarO• Pu- Puntt Fumbi.s-losl II 29-74 fl2 9-18·3 ..... o J.o ( 18 •l · IMi 120 7-12-0 2·30 3-1 Pe1u111,...y1rO• 4-eo 2·30 lftdhrlduel fluatllna U-Zlldlv.,, 11 -30, 11nuu1. 8-39. BalOlllotlll. 5-lor-mlnut 11. c11ng1n 2 ..... Wetaon. 3-12 E-Sp1H. 1S·74, Devoe. 7·35, S and•••. 3 · t. Woll, 8 ·27 Anguiano. 1-0. Eat•. 2·1or-Mlnul 3. eotNUt. 3-32, Gfehem. 1--0 tndtwt...,,llMIN U-B1IOlll01kl, 8-15-3, Sil, W11aon. I ·3--0, 4 E-0.Yla. 7-12--0 120 lnclltct•u• ~19 U-Kern. 3·3fl: Zeldlver. l ·I , Wlleor'I, 1·5. Sneed, 3-23. E-Covey, 3·44, Guyot. 1-11, LUOWldl, 3.59 SAID RACE DIRECTOR Steve Badolato, "Each o{ the patron sponsors and City Hall will have entry blanks We'll start practlce runs of the course every Tuesday at 5:30." The advance race entry fee is $9 and includes a T-shirt commemorating the event. Race day entries will be $10 which wUJ include the T-shirt. College football Proceeds from the race will go to the beauUflcation of the Corona de l Mar shopping area and to purchue recreation equipment for the city o f Newport Beach ... For the convenience of the runners, water and ERG will be provided at the halfway point and ffn.lsh and time 1plits given every mile Awards will be preaentf>d for the first five places in each di Via.Ion. THIS SUNDAY, the "It Pays to Play 5k Fun Run" will be held, starting and fimahmg al the Anaheim Convention Center. The rar:e la orgaJ\Jzed and managed by R,A.C.E. (Runnlns and c.c>mpeUtJve Enterprilet) and the price ls righi; reatstrallon I.a free. Trophies wllJ be Alter leads regatta SOUTH P ADBE ISLAND. Tex.aa -Hobie Altttr Jr. o! Cap61tnno S.y wu well on hit way to defending hit national champjonthlp In the Koble-16 a-Thuncby with a tow ecore of 71,i point.I aft.er 10 recet1. Th~ chamJ>lonthlp wtll be dedded with th~ final rtcet on Saturday . BOATING ln second pl.act. •wo Pointl be-hind Al~r wu Carlton Tucker of Fort Wilton &.ch, Fla. In third plece WN Jeff Alter. • bC'()thPr of Hobie Jr .• wtth 12~ ootncs. tourth In the fliitld ot t1Yer 60 boeta wu Chuck Mllkr. Cotpu1 Chriltl, rrex., with 13 point. and flf\h wu Tom M11«n1, Sherman Ookl, with 13. Hobie Ale.er Jr. alto holda N naUcmal uu fn u,e Hobte-18 ci... He and Jeff are '°" of Hobie Alter. \M ~ of th• Robt• ltn. of cawnarena. Alter St. Iii UID ..wnar In th• repua. n,. H~1811 IM moat ~lar of th• Hot»e Une y.ihJch am lntJUdei \.he ~14 and "'*°•18. IATUflOAY'I GAM£1 . ... w111ong1on SI vt UCLA el RoH Bowl ,, 30) USC al StanlorO (Chenne4 2 II 12 45) N-M•xklo et Sen Olago SI , n Lonq a..cn St 11 Sen Joae St . n WUhlngton 11 O<egon SI Oregon al c.!lfornll Web« SI at PMllenO St . n Nor1harn Colorado et Cet Poly (8L0), n R4Nllan<lt 11 Atuaa Peclllc cal lultlllten 11 secr-10 St . n Cal Poly (Pomona! " Cet Stat• Hayw.,o U San Dl«lo at u Vetne Whlttlet at l>omon1-Ptt211r. n Occidental at Claramont-Mudd "°"'" Col«ldo St ., Alf F0<oe h•11-Et P110 •I Arllona SI , n Hewell 11 evu ldllhO at Montene 9ol .. SI 11 Montana St Fraano 8 1 et Ne-tldt-IWw> ldllllO 81 •I Hof'llltfn Arlt.one. n Navllda·LP Vegat 11 Ulah Peclrlo al Ulllll II C.. St Fullerton 11 WyominG ......._, 8aylOt II TeKU MM Houtton at SMU, n Tt•M T9Ctl at Riot Tu" Ar""Oton at aw l.OUll48n• H! ~ et ArllmnMe It ~ o.oro1• Tech a1 Aubutn °'*' " ClemlOll W T-.i .. It 11 AorlOt tut c.tOlna ., ,iono. 11.," \lendefbill al 0-0!8 1.au 11 1<t111ue1ty. 11 . Wmlle l'OtMI II M..,iellO MllNeloOI It 111 MIMll (Flt I TCU11M~ Homi C.,Oliftl ti. 11 Nortl'I CttOllM f\Km1111 1c SOiltl'I Cerollne JOHNSON &SON presents .. COLLI GI .............. Non Dome ..,. Arl1ono * Stanfwd over use * ua.A - Orange Coatt DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Oolober 1 &, 198;> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------....;.----~ Weekend sports on television, radio !ltalurda.l· TELEVISION 10 ia m (4) WORLD SERIES -St LoulB ul M1lwuukl~· 12·:lO pm m COLLEGE FOOTBALL use at 814\llluru I pm (4) SPORTSWORLD f''runk "Tlw Animal'' Jo'll•tcher ( 15 2-1) mt·l·l11 JHmt·s "lli.lrd Hot•k" Grel'n (I~ I) an a 12-round USBA m1ddlewelghl title bout 4 .30 pm. C7) G R EATEST S PORTS LEGENDS A lnbut<-• t.o Olympic chumpum Raf er Johnson, who won tht• decathlon gold n11'<JJI al lht• 1960 Gamt-s 1n Rome in one of llw must t'XUlllll( f1m:-h~ in Olympi<.· history 5 p.m (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Euseuio Pt•droza (J:J.:J -1) defends his WBA fratherwe1ght title against Bernard Taylor ( 18-0) an a S<:h .. -dult-d 15-round bout tapc..>d at Charlol4.'. N C Chris Schenkl·I reporlb Kll.A,6 11111: Auto Supply WE'RE HELPING YOU DO IT RIGHT! 10 µ m W> NllL HOCKEY Thl• Ktng11 ml't•l th<· l~lund,·r-, 111 Nt•w Yurk. lapt'<.I um llt•r In lhl' l'Vl'lllOI& 11 µ 111 (51 ('OLLEGI:!: FOOTBALL Ww;hington Stull' ut Ul'LA. Ulp<.-d t•urlln an the day at thl' Rost· Bowl World St·l'll''> ." m. KNX ( 1070) l\AOIO S t Loua!j ul M1lwuukl't', JO Fuotbull Kun'iu'> Sw11· ut Nt•brusk&, 11 ::.!~ u m . KIEV (tl711)t C'al St<llc• .l<'ullt•rton at Wyomanlo(, I:.! 10 pm, KWVE (IOH FM) und KWHM (l:J70), USC al S1o1nfu1d, I~ 45 pm., KNX (1070), Washington Stutt· ul UCLA. I.JO pm , KMPC (710). Cal Poly Pomona ul llay wurd Slult'. 4 pm., KWRM (1370) deluy. Long &•ul'h Stutt• at Sim J(JS(' Stall'. li.50 p.m ., KWVE ( lOH .l<'M), Pulomar al Saddleback, 7 :m p.m. KSBR Hl8 5 FM) Hu<.'kl'y Kang" o1l Nt•w York Islander.., 4::JO pm.KPRZ(ll50> 0 () 0 PRICES EFFECTIVETHRU TUESDAY, OCT. 19, 1982 WtNiE·illzE:·NOW· 0 Buy 2 Gallons . REEZE COOLANT 3e00 CASH REFUND SALE 349 PRICE GAL 6 98 Cash Refund (By Mail). 3 00 . NET COST (For 2 Gal.) ..... . 3 98 FINAL COST 1 99 #41343 LIMIT 12 GAL GAL RESISTOR .99eA INFLATE All l SO - Operates on a cor's cigorette lighter lnflotu anything up to 1 SO lbt. per sq. in. #2239 10 AM' mol'luol bottery chorger & 50 AM' engine ttarter #J412 \f& MOTOR OIL Engineered for smaller cars. lOW-40 20W-SO YOUR CHOICE .99 30% OFF EVERYDAY l~ DRIVE· RITE FAN BELTS '0• MOST CAllS A NO LIGMT r•uel(S NEW IMPORT r. WATER {/· PUMPS For most Datsun's 1968-'80 (Except Z con) without fon clutch. for most Hondo's 197.5·'79 For most Datsun's with 240Z-260Z·280Z-280ZX with L28 engine & 81 0 with l24 engine 1968-'80 For most Datsun's 1968-'80 (Except Z cars.) with new fon clutch Toyota 1970-'7 4 with new fon clutch with SR, 8RC, 18RC engine (Cotono, Cor?no MKll, Celico, Hi-Lux from 5172) .......... 1280 N. Euclid 77~ • 2340 W. llncoln Ave. "9-1621 .... Pwttr 5256 leoch lfvd ...... 1aal DAB Im Auto Supply ' . ttunda.t TELEVISION 9.30 om (2) Nf'L REPORT. 10 u rn (i) CBS Si'OftTS SUNDAY -Four boxi11g rn11tdll'K, thf• tin•ut Pool Shootout of 1!18:.! und Mr Univt•rM' lrmn Bt•l6'14m IO :m II.Ill (4) Cf'L FOOTBALL -WanlllJ><:g ut Toronto 1 .4 ~ pm (4) WORLD SERIF:s Milwuukt·<• at St Luuai. 4 p.m (<!) COLLl~GE FOOTBALL USt' di Slimford 'l'<tJX'(I Suturcfoy RADIO World St.•m•i. St Louts al Milwauk1•1-. 1.15 JJffi .. KNX (J070) Huckt•y Kings al Nl·W York Hangl'n>. 4 :.w pm . KPRZ ( 1150) THE NAME YOU CAN TRUST IN CAR-CARE PRODUCTS GAS TREATMENT ••• EA 8 oz. #2050 CUANIR CONDmONIR 1 29 EA 1601.#6616 PROTECTOR BEAUTIFIER 3 69 EA 16 oz. #6516 For most Ford & Chryder products •LFlVP CASSI I I I OR I· TRACK CAR STEREO ii·• • s ~ Tone ond balonce controls. AM/fM tllde Ht.dor. #51·200, #Sit.JOO COAXIAL SPEAKERS Two 6• or tutpenlion woo'M, Wh.lft cooxiol 2" ....,....,., 20 01. mogMts #SK-620 .~ " ,, HAPPENINGS IN TllE DAILY PILOT~s AlJTO MAHKET ... "'·" t~Hfl Ut;At.11 . . 'l'ltt• Sw1•d11,la ,. .. ,,1,. u1r11 hav~ long bt>C>n knuw11 (c,, 111.1ny ~'' l11clu11t1 y flrt1l8 Bxdu11ivt· f1•111ur ...... ud1 w. 4'1111 dtugonul brakt•11, tht• ht•uh·d dr 1vt 1 ' •<1·11 1 .111d turbcx·huq(lnl( wc•n· among 1h1 1nr1uvo1t11111., 11to1t Saub p1unN'rl'd Tht• 1 IHl:i Su.11> ... 111 1111~. 1111 d11>play • •• For 191:1:J, rt.•porlli Jam Put k111K1111, p11•1t1d1 l'\I .j( &·ul'h lmporta, Saub offon1 t11111tlwr 111dw.11 'i fi1 l U!'lbt:st.os-frt.oe brukt."8. Thl' new Saub bn1kt: 11y11t1•111. wl111 Ii u •1l sc•m1-meU!lhc brukl' pads on tl1t· I 111111 t11.1k1"• 1111 I organ1<.· rru.Lt·ru:tl putls un lhl· rt·J1 wit• , J . 1111, 1., , numbt-r or import.ant advant.ul(t.., • Up t<i thrt.'<.' t1m~ th•· lilt· .,f 1111 •·•·•kf puds, I Improve.'<.! braking pt·rf11111a;w11· 1111rl1•r .oil driving c:ondit1ons. thank" lu the· ''11111l1111;it111t1 ,tf puds with dlffort•nt <:harallc•nslll-:. '111 ti 11 I 'CJ1tt and rc.·ar brakes • By not ~sang astx.-sto .... tlll' I ms:l s.,,,i,, ,fl I ) c:ontribute to improving lhc· 1•11\ 11111111w11t h .. 111 1 trnffat· and in auto workshop'> The Hl83 Saab line· of <'ar~. wl111 h 1111 l11.f1 .. 11 S;,1ah 900, the· Saab 900S, .Jlld th•· ~;1.1lo I 111 I., models, all avatlablt· in 1•1tla11 11t11·•· cl11• hatchba<:k or four-dour •wd,1n v1 r ''""' 111 I (·quipped wllh t•alhl·r f1v1· 'l"'"cl 111.11111.11 , i.IUtomau<: tr&nsm1Sb11Jn , 1s no"' •Ill displ:o\ .11 J\t ... , lmpo~"ated al 848 Duv1· St1 t•1·t N1•wp11r &·al·h •• * I . I I tlH.tl-Pt:HFOH\1/\ '\Cl-. •.~c UH I 'I It• 1''111 Escort -America's bes t st•llang '"' .,ff• s1gn1 ficant amprovt'ment.s ag<11n for I'll! I "1tI1 1 high p<>rfonnan<'t' GT modt>I, ,1 favt 'I~ 1 d 111,111~ transaxle. ele<.·tronal· fuc·I ln.)l'(·uon and tl11· \\ 1tlal most advan<"<-d l'lt.'C'tronK· t•ng1111· u11111•11 I h•• i.) mod{·! features fum·uonal front <ind 11 ,,, "l"'~I· It fog lamps, flat bla<:k t>Xlt•nor lr 1111 lllll'l~'l taallamps. full instrument:.1111111 "JI"''' "'' • 1111)• WhC(>I, reclanmg sport seat .md ;, """I olh lll'ol st t·xhausl. The <'ar will acc-elt'r:lll· ln.111 o 11. •II 11 1l•t pt•r hour in about 8 5 se<.'fmd~ <tR A ,t,•~ Lt>l 'T\ ... Fu1d J._,,nrt ! ·Amerit•a's besl·S<'llmg l'ar. fo11 ·1gn 111 .!111111 · 111 : offl'rs s1gnaf1<·ant 1mprovc•n11·111 ... <ig 1111 l11 r 1~r :1 with a high ix·rformanc.'t.' GT m1xlr I. 11\1 1 • • t! manual transaxk'. electronic. full 11111 ''"" II· I-II the world's most advanc<'l.I l·l1t1111111• ,.,,,,,,,, rontrols and a h0ttl uf o thl•r nc·"' f1•,1l111•" • "The E.'lCor\ GT for '8:{ bnngs \11 1li1 · 11111 1i1 i• lrU{' performanc.·I.' c·ar in both ''Pf" aro11111 · •-'•ff f unl·tion," said Louts E Let taa f. l"ord \ 11 • I", '"1~ ''' and Ford Otv1s1on general mar1Jgc.•r : "Exceptional handling lhP I Ir ,,.1111 11 1 ~ provided by a smooth sh1f11ng ,,,.,."'"•ti transaxJe and 0 to 50 milN.-pt.·r hour an:1·l1 ·1 o11111t1 of about 8.5 &'t'Onds will hav1· stwng :oppi·,.I iJ those customers who want dr1v1ng <a , ·11 111 l>t f' «.>xhilarating exp<>raen<:e " -: 1 The sporty Escort GT tor tt.l Ii." 1 '4 appearance 1ns1de and out \'-Ith fun• ll•1111l 1111 and rear spmlers. molded whl't·llap 1·xr. '"'"" •t lamps, flat black exterior tram, unaqt1o t.11111111 treatment, new rechmng sport '>eat tlt.01 p111vjrl1 rxcellent lateral support, d1st1m·11\ • .,~, 1 steering wheel, a consol<', full 1no;t1111111111.1111.f1 with arc yellow graph1<.'S, and iJ '>JJt~ 11111\ '"'" f exhaust des1gn<.'d to give· tht'> pt·rf11r 111.t11• 1 ~ morl' power and a sportier sound Also standard with tht· GT 1s th• I fo lrtr j CVH four-<'yl1 nder engmp with ;, "''"""''''·at• I multiple-port, el('(·tromc ful'I lll.Jl<t. l11111 '' ,1, 111 'I I I svstem enables pree1sc-tonllol of Iii• .111 l a:o~ rOlX lUre for eac.·h cylinder and rl .... Ull'o 111 llllf'I • •\'• lt drivabihty, hvely part-thrnltlt· r'"P'"'''' .111.t I!•• . ., f Ul' I ec:onom y. 1 Preliminary pro1ectioni,, 1nd1l .ir• 1111 ~.r. vc.•rs1on of tht> I 6-hter cngmc• will de\I 1111• ;1l)(J 84 horsepower at 6000 rpm, c.·omp.111d 1 .. 1,1 horsepower al 4700 rpm for th1 ba"· r ni!1111· An integral part of the.• !:.Fl sy..,u 111 1<; Iii world's most advanced elC'Clrllllll 'llj.'.1111 ( onv• system -a system so pow<"rful 11 L'.-in p1 ,,, ~ mllhon commands a se<'Ond • The new fourth-genc.>rauun syt.tt•rn. ~.l<:C 'f incorporates the latest micropnx:essor l<'<:hnolog to rontrol engine operation pn.•nst•ly anol ansu""11 over the full range of dnvmg _l'Ond1111111" ' At 55 miles per hour, EEC IV c.·an 11·ad 'l•'Vt• l'ngane parameters and c ha11g,• :-<•\..i·n t'ng/11 functions In less than one engine rc•volut10H' three-hundreths of a second The· cvmpul..atao performed during each minute of Png11w opnattoti would take a human an csumatPd ·11 "'' 11s •t . more using a manually oi:x•rak>d cakul.11111 ' • The higher-output versmn or 1111 I ti i111 base engine (introduced 11'1 an option ·I~ February) will continue to be.· avaalablt• 011 illl Escort (except the GT) in rombmalaon with rttht the automallc or five-speed manual tr an-..'lxlf:'.• Standard on all Escor1:-equtpfH'd \\Jl four-speed manual transaxles 1s an l'IPt'lronacnll controUed shift indicator light. The h~ht ndtft11t the driver when a shift to a h1gh<'1 ~!'<tr wa provide comparable power with low<•• t'n~11 • revolutions for reduced fuel l'Onsumpt1on rh . electronic "brain" that provides mformatmn to lh 1hlft Ught ayatem also shuts off fuel during <'ng'I dc.ulMat.ion for added fuel economy ' For better traction In snow. a 11 cic11~ rt.eel-belted, radial-ply tires. capable of handlln all kinds of weather. are standard equapn'tf'h They have the added advantage o! reducro rolltn realatance, which lmprovet fue l economy 1 Escort handUng is enhanced with the 1' Performance Suspension and Mwhelm TltX llt which are standard with the GT and opttonol wit other F..acori.. Other Eecort featuiles lncluu•• n cutwf'x n\fJf 1urface for expanded field of vision, a rt-mott• (u filler door refeue, fold-down C'l'nter armrc-,t C the OL/GLX and OT. and adofuon ot n AU\ntttY extended ranae (13 gallon) rue tank. The Ford Eecort for Ul83 11 now nvnltp°bQ. the foUowina d al nhlpe: Theodore RoblhJ lo in Co.Yi Mesa. Wlbon Ford In Huntlhgton & t SoUth Cout Ford In Laauna Be.ch, Bill Corwl Ford In Oranp. Villa Ford In Orancie. hlryru Ford in Placenua, Sm.ilh Ford In Garo n Gr&t Ted Jon• FOC'd In Buena P1rk. McCoy Miiii For ln Fullfltton, SunMt Ford ln Wettmln1l•r. ClementAt Ford In San C~n~ and Jim Ole;: Ford In lrvhw. 'IV (:4 Or1nge CoHl DAILY PILOT /Friday, October 1&. 1882 Ex-area stars shining on the four-year level By CURT SEEDEN on"" 0.11, ,.11o1 1i.tt · .,SOth Ptc.:lfk'a Tony Camp and 1''rC11no Stale'• Stcphorw Pal&tt havt> db1t.'0Vl'rl'd the good ltfo In thl' Podflc Coast Athlt•tlc ASliOClation Camp. a junior tight und out or 14~tmwlu Hl~h. wwi the F<.:AA football Player of th1• Wt>t>k thl11 wt.-ek after catching four tout·hdown paSM•11 an a 49-30 St.•lback lo Fresno St.ult'. Camp. to c.luu., hos caught 31 passea tor 369 yards Meanwhile, Paige. 1.1 forml•r Suddlt•bt1ek College star. caught six passet1 for 176 yards and three TDs ' ln the same gaml' Ile wab tht> conference's Player o( the Week two weeks ago when he hauled in a pair of touchdown pwist.•i. und threw a TD pass on a 68-yard '11c"a flicker play against Uwh State But Camp and Paige haven't t·ornert•d the entire market on exploits b y former area performers. Here's an update on what some of tht' others hav~ tx:en up to around the country. At Long Beach State, Guy Jobnson is 5-fur-5 in the PAT kicking department. He's also hit on J of 7 field goal attempts. J ohnson 1s a former Cap111trano Valley High and Saddleback Col lege locker. . Ex-Fountain Valley High standout Gary St einke 1s a lso 5-for-5 an PATs at Cal State Fullerton He's hit on 5 of 8 field goal attempts for 20 points -puttmg him in the No 5 spot in conference kick-scoring . Fre!>no Stalt>'s (ex-Capistrano Valley). is fourth m the t'Onfert'nl't' in punt r«.>turns (5 returns, 80 yards) Ht''s also managed a pair of mtercept1ons. Paclllc-10 Stanford's Mike Dotterer a S4:!ntor who playro high ~hoot ball al F.dison. has done quite well thus far as a second string running bat'.'k. He's the Cardinals' third-leadmg rusher with 89 yards on 25 carries and two TDs. He's also caught 10 passes for 78 yards and one TD. He made the most of a starting assignment two weeks ago. repla<:tng Vlnc~nt White (Shoulder injury) ag..amst On•gon State ... Meanwhile. ex-Fountain Valley star Emile Harry has been on the receiving end of 23 paSS(•s for 409 yards -tops m the Pac 10. yardage WISC.'. for the Cardinals. Yardagc-pcr-recept1on-w1se, he's third on the Cardinals. And af you want to i:tet t.echrucal about it. he should be listed as fourth. That's because Stanford quarterback John Elway has caught one pass for 23 yards -making ham the team leader in that department. Who threw the pass'! It was Harry. Harry, m fa..·t. has thrown three passes thtS season. including TOHV CA..,. ,.eclfto tTlltNONI P'AOe ''""° ., ••• aRY.AN CALDWILL ArlHft• llet• um.> to Chrl1 Dre11el last week in the Cardinals' 21 17 selbul·k to Ar11ona State Harry's pass. on a flunker revt•rse, iwt up Stanford':. touchdown that uuw the Cardinab1 u short-laved 17 -13 advantugt>. But ASU rallied with a long drive an thl' final 40 st't'Onds to pull out the victory Washington's J eff Partridge, who played at Golden West Collt•ge. 1s the No. 3 punter in the L'onfcrem:e with a 4 I .4 average.· for the No. l ranked Huskies Al Arizona Stale, ex-Fountain Valley High star Willie GIUen1 has ground out 326 yards rushing on 68 carries fof a 5.3 average. He's the Sun Devils' leading rushl'r . . . Ex Baron teammate Bryan Ca ldwell, mcanwhalt" has been the key to tht· Arizona State defense Thl' 6-5, 245-JX>und SC!ntor has 20 tackles, :rn assisted tackles. i.ln interception (good for a 4!0-yard touchdown) and two fumble rt.>covcries to ~o along with three quarterback sacks to date Harry BUlups, a JUnaor out of University High. is the No :i rusher for lhe winless Oregon Ducks after five games Billups has carried the ball lY limes for JO:i yards -good for a 5.0 yard per carry av<>rag1• Other St!hools At Kansas, the Edison connection wall be brnl'ing for the Oklahoma Sooners an a game to bl' playL-d Saturday at La~rent'l' Junior quarterback Frank Seurer is rt>t't·1ving plaudits from Coach Don Fambrough. PVl'n though the> Jayhawks boast a 1-2-2 ret'Ord .. I thought Frank show£-d why he as an all-confen•m·c quarterback." Fambrough noted a fter tht• Jayhawks deadlocked 24-24 with Oklahoma St.ate last we<?k "He's a very gutty and fierce compt•utor who does what he> has to do" In two years at Kansas, Seurer has now passed for 2.· YJ4 yards and 1s lht• No. 2 passer on the all-lime Kansas hst Sophurnore Dino Bell, mt·anwhtl(" has p1t·kt>d MlttlDOTTUllfll lten..,d J.,, P'ARTRIDOI WMlllfttllwt M, llAONAN«UI ..... , up :l34 yards on 70 carries thltt 5"'ason. wh1lt> oldN brother Kerwin had problems with a 11uff knl.._. two W<'eks ago agaunsl Tulsa, mt»Scd th<' Oklahorni.I Stale game lasl wt-ek und 111 hst.t.-d u:. "extn•nway doublful" for Saturday's gamt> Ex-Charger Dave Geroux 11> lasted as questionabll· for the· Sooners' game as he allows a shoulder strain to lwal At the US. Naval Academy, thcy'rt· kcepml( u close wat.<:h on the numbers by former Huntington Beach High standout Marco Pa1nanelll. The senior quarterback. m his a«-ond year as Navy's starting signal caller, haB come up with 1.776 yards pas.<1ang (149 o( 2~7. 12 intert'.'eptions, 8 TD ~li). Two weeks ago m a game against Duke. Pagn;rnelh hat the first 13 pas&.'S ht> attempted and finished the• day with a 15-for-l 7 effort. That round11 out to an .882 percentage which broke Roger Staubach'& re<:ord. Stauba,·h complet~ 14 of 16 pa:.sei. agaan:.t M1ch1gan an 1963 for an 875 perccni.agt· f'ollowt•rs in Annapolis say a strong fimsh by Pagnanelh c:ou ld move him into the No 5 spot on the all-tame Navy passing list · Staubach is third on that list, while Mike McNalleo (68· 70) is the all-tame passing leader with 349 completions In totul yardagt'o Pagnanelli ranks 10th in Navy history with 2,0Y3 yards . On the defensive scene. former Saddlebat'k Collegt> msade linebacker Biil Fairbrother as the leading tackler at San Diego St.ate. Fairbrotht>r has 18 unassisted tackles. 22 assast.t.>d tackles and onl' anterceptton At thl• University of San Otego. a trio of former an•a stars makes up the ba<:kbone of the Toreros' defensive backfteld. Former Mission Vtt!JO High and Saddleback College standout Chip Jarvis and ex-Mal£·r Dei players Craig Carlyle and Jerry Schmit and are all starters Jarvis has a pair of interceptions And then. there's Michael Rish, who has caught 236 passes for 449 yards and scored Cave touchdCJwns for the Torcros. RtSh. another ex-Mater De1 High star. as averaging Q •1 h k h • 17 .3 yards per reception. Ual C U ar Un fJng seasons 0 nen San Diego also has Greg Stein (ex-Edison) ' r who has two int.crccption.5 from his dl'fensive bal·k By JIM NIEMIEC D.ltr Piiot Outdo« Writ-. and quaal should bl' reward<.-d for their long drive as hunting 1s good an most areas i.I re as 1 n R 1vcri.1 de. s an p<>Slllon. and yet another former Mat.er De1 player. Bernardino a nd Kem l.-OUnti('S Phil Spencer, who has done a little bat of Making their pr~Menc •known "UIHfNQ W Olltene, J.oun111n VaJ141y Ariz St Olno a.o. Edtton, Kana .. tob et 70 19 26 18 II 17 32 , •••• ld .. 33e 53 0 43 234 3 3 0 11 Harry Blllup1, Unlverally, Oregor1 Mike Dotutrer. Edl1on, Stanford 0111• Oerouii, Edtaon Kanau P Spencer. Maler Del, u San Di.go Kerwin Bell. Edt1on, Kan1H ea a o o 2e 89 3 & 2 1e 59 3 3 1 10 48 4 2 0 Frank SeYr•r. Edllon. Kan111 42 2 I I 18 ·23 ..() 7 1 11 PAlllNO ~ Frank Sevrer, Edlaon. Kan111 M Paonanem Hunt Beach. N•llY Sam Atello, Golden Well. Tenn pa Po Int rd• td 132 76 8 938 6 117 89 6 7ewl 7 2 2 0 5 0 RIC•IVINO pc rd• ewg kt ., M Rllh Mater Oe1,U , Sen 019Qo 28 449 113 5 1 Stephane Paige. Saddleback, Fre1no 18 415 23 O 5 73 Emile Harry. Fin Val141y, Stanford 23 409 17 8 3 48 Tony Camp, E111nc11. Pacific 31 389 11.9 4 K Margerum, Fin Valley, N. Arizona 13 229 17.8 1 42 Mike Dotlerer, Edlaon, Stanford 10 78 7.8 1 16 W Giiien•. Fin Valley, Arizona St 10 75 7.5 O 14 Dino Bell, Edlaon. Kan111 8 e3 7 9 0 20 Kerwin Bell, Edlaon. Kan1aa 3 24 8 0 0 12 Dave Oeroux. Edllon, Kan1a1 4 20 5.0 0 11 OIFENll ut •I lot Int B C•ldwell, Ftn Valley, Ariz SI 10 39 511 B F•lrbrolher, S1dd • San Diego SI 18 22 40 Brad Rowland. Golden W • N Ariz. 18 19 37 Lee Knowles Merine. UCLA 20 8 28 Tom Pl1tole, Golden W . N Ariz. 13 13 28 Mike Ounlvln, Capo V~.Sadd,LB SI 6 18 24 J Tyaylor. Hunt Bch, WC, Colo SI 9 12 21 Kennedy Pola, Mater Del. USC -11 Mike Womack. Golden WHI, Tul11 5 6 11 0 Gullerrez. Golden W Vanderbilt 1 0 1 ORANGE COUNTY «:@i>ft,5«.:'!~MAMA GIN SHOW .... & llTT8 THAM IY9t Oct. 16 & 17 Sat. & Sun. BUY -SELL -TRADE 250 TRADE TABLES Featur1ng Guns -AntiQue & Modern Ammo -War Relles & Surplu• Indian Artifacts -Rugs & Jewelry -Coins Admtaaton $3.50 Children Under 14 S1.50. HOUIS: SAT-SUN., t te I OUHfH COUNTY , .... OUMOS MIW ,.OOUCTS PA YIUOM, &M. I 0 Ww Chh ).A ........ Dr-c..te W... ,.., lee~ .... : t71 41 f"·7617 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Upland game hunlt'rs will be heading lo the foothill and desert areas o( Southern California this weekend with the opening of the quail and chukar seasons. Waterfowl hunters wall JOtn the hunung rank~ lhl' following weekend (Oc:t 2:i) as tht• duck hunting season opens for the balance of the st.ate The outlook for ducks and ge<'Se thtS yl'ar lS good overall despite the fa(·t that sprig numbers will be down from normal years It as hop<'d that mallards. w1dg1.•on and green wmg teal wall make up for the d1ffe1 encl' m pantaals The Canadian Honker 5(.lason everything. Spencer has pickl'd up 48 yards on 11 wall not open up or Southland carries as well as earned the No. l kickoff return ~latter gunners unlal Nov 7. ~d~u~l~i~~~·~H~e~~~~~t~u~m~ed~s~ax~roir~l~55~y~~~ds~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ olthough 1l opt'ns an the n.,rthcastt:rn part of California These birds will be found an good numbers thu year due to the abundance of food and water during the spring months. There should be good numbers of birds located around water holes and springs with the s12e of the coveys bemg a bat smaller than normal due to r~nt rains. Also. those who decade to make a trip into Baja Mexico for dove AM/FM CASSETTE OAS-TRACK CAR STEREO a.J~i~ UST PNCE 1111.M ~,. ....... ~.NAT $2995 .8ANVO ••Wiim .. ...., $4872 The Salton Sea area should be very produl·llve as wt•ll as private and sem1 -pnvate shooting th1S w('(.•kt·nd with a limit of one honker during the fu'St wec.•k of thl' season Orangt> Coun t y boating enthusiasts will get a chance to see some of the fastest boats on water over the last weekend of October. The ll:llh Annual National Drag Boat Association Nationals will be held at Irvine Lake Oct. 29-3 I • HIGH SCHOOl. FOOTBALL AT rrs BEST I Edison Chargers vs. Marina LIVE! TONIGHT 7:15 PM AN ENGLEllRECHT COMPANY PltODCJCTION All OR WR~TWATCH! .. ~~=-Q ~$399 "', JVC AM/FM RECEIVER HIWATI~.ezzz.1 I' I Is--. LIST UOIM ~ $13995 f..out IW(lll 1t"COL8ATV Ull4"00 lltlWIB0..'1 KWVE FM108 • PRICES GOOD THROUGH 10-19-82 INCLUDE LCD QUARTZ WATCH PEN $79.96 VALlE ROLLAWAY TOOLBOX 9 DRAWER MANUFACTURER$ DIRIECT I , I I ~ ., . . . WOfid ...... et a 9IMM T__,.....,.. Mllw ........ 101 81. Lout. 0 ........ ,... ...... 81 lOUla 8. M ...... 4 (Ser._ tied, I II T~'•0- 81 LOUlt (Andulet 16-10) et Mlhoreu, .. IV-oW'll Ii .. ). l"*I P m .............. 81 LOIM el ............ 10·20 • m .......,. . .._ 81 Loutt et ........... I 46 pm r......,. ...... Mlt•eukH el St Louie, 8·20 p m , ti _... • .....,..o- MllweukM al 81 loula, 5:20 pm ti --... ....,, l.Sm4th H.tn.-nda H4r10rlCll r.,_ Pon.. o,_, oc.. ......... O &mth ·-~ iorv AefnMy Tot ale COMPOllTI BOX .. "'"" ••AUICl• • r llJtlahrftlla'lf 1127000283& 10 2 5 2 0 0 3 500 1131001333 • 2 3 0 0 2 2 376 I I I 0 0 0 0 126 7 0 1 0 0 0 1 143 &100000000 2110001500 II 2 4 2 0 0 I ~4 72201022N 77 14 27 6 1 2 13 361 IT.LOUle . , ............ .. 8 I 1 1 0 0 1 187 7 0 0 0 0 (j 0 ,000 7000000000 7200000000 4 000000000 7 0 4 2 0 0 2 571 4 000000000 8 130001500 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 , .. 0000001000 4 100000000 2010000500 0000000000 81 5 11 3 0 0 s 180 Pftcttlna -.wAuecb . . .. , ., Clldwell (1-011 II 3 o o .......... 1 3 000 1 3 eoo 2 2 e 11 2 0 0 00 e a 2 &6 S..tlon 1 e 544 McClure (0-1) I 1'A 2 1 I ~-~:~~ IT.LOUla Forecfl IC\-11 r st ~o 'e -:' 1'*, • .~: KM1 2 2 2 0 0 1 I 000 ~Point 1 '" 3 2 2 1 0 10 ,. L8'IU I ·~ 3 2 2 0 15454 8typw 14 84433100 a.Ir I 4 I 0 0 0 3 000 Sutt .. 11-01 I 2\'i 2 0 0 I I 0 00 TCXM 11 27 24 12 7 10 800 ._._,...,.... M-•(A) 212 122 004-14 81 LOUla IN) 002 002 010-~ E-HernenO«L. OQll.te OP-St LOUii 2 L09 -MllWIUkM It. St Louil 11 s -GMlllW H8P-~1 by For9Cll WP - 8tuper 2 A-107,44e Oa• TtM (al IMI• Alllt.) """"80AY't M8UU8 I IMfl .. 11-dar llwW .... MlrM ,....111\fl .... T llACR e furlong• Ewa OulQI 1Mc:<:•rton1 10 ao e 20 4 JO CtPtur1 Ille 8pltlt (DlhNYI 14 80 ti 00 Hot Trltlil ll••nMl'I 17 80 AllCI rlLed l/h•vlYOOm ltl1 S"lllU AlonQ. Aon Jo11, Qlov• M•n, nee1 Oa1111, C ap1 n A1phy 01•t11l1•1u Onctatoundllll'<le<"k lime 1 10 llCONO llACI . 8 lu11011ga OOIOen M•<I•• lltP"....,l 1 flO '.I 80 l 40 P•111e Pow., (811111141) J 00 I tlO Ooo•lt• (Blaci.1 • 00 Alao r •teO W•nc.Jy • Uu•nelte Dawn l yM a F ency Rothno O•• I Otemo• '° eo.1 Pt1"'"t l .. len lllM I 10 US 12 DAll.Y ooueu (1 ~I P••<I SH 41) THHIO llllCI. 8 lu1tor111• Out O..llny (McCerrOll) 6 20 • •O ) 10 Rao 1 Secret (Hawi.y) ~ 00 J io l'<I lie Proud (CHllnacll) 3 80 Alto rec;.O F0t Jeanne Pauk1e1 a P11ue L.,.1dy By Oum Star 8u1h, SpertaLulo1 B1au. M•kUlu•. Social Pentlen1 Ro111l1 BrlllM P0tl, Ila Sr111n · Time t 10 3/li FOUllTH llACI. 6 lu1101190 Mytllcel SllllMU (Hwtyl 25 40 1 80 • iu Suri., Boy (Ot1va1"') 4 GO J 00 Aamblon AIO"i) IOel&nouHayel 2 80 Al•O raced Lvm1n•,•ov• 01a1.,111• 01enol1 Fonon Potrne• Bola Jal Be f\Mplef><letll Ttme I 10 215 ,IFTH llACI . 8 • IU•l<IO\I• M ... Adlll)t., 10-ral IJ 80 5 80 2 :?0 Roll a Nelu< .. (Pte<ce) 5 00 2 20 GIMm Macnine tS1>oem1i.e<1 2 20 AllO •at•O c p A•t•CI H•n<hom .. Pac:hege Ttme 1 15 315 95 RXACTA (3 41pa•OS137 SO llXTH llACl. 1 II 16 mllea BIM:kWell (P1nc.yl 9 80 • 80 J 40 Coun1er1n1u11 tMcCaHOlll • •O 3 00 Ct111gwr (H•wl1yJ 3 00 Alto race<I HOlmoy Hiiie, Site• N S,,.•ky ~~'!.'"u11~~:;.: ~~r. .. ~·~~~~nw•~ Time 143 2/S IE\'INTH llACE I 1116 m•ltt> An N&n H-IH .... leyl S 00 J 00 1 10 FtQ•~ann tCHlana<lal 3 40 2 20 Doon 1 Leoy (Guen al 2 60 Alto rec;e<I Glfl Baller O.•co G111 Mo BOio T,_ r~ 143 • IXACTA (5-41 paKI S36 !>O 12 "1CK Ill IS·4·9-3·&·5J paid SI 2~6 00 *llh Ill winning ltekela (1tve ll0tMt1) $2 Pick S11 conaolal1on p11d S27 40 with 930 ... Inning lldl•I• (IOU• llorMa) S2 Pie• 91• 1c111cli con•ol•Uon p110 S33 00 w1t11 33 l wlnntng llCl\111 lllltM hOI .... OM KtftlClll llQHTH llACE. 11-. lu<IOnQI on lurl Cnampagne Btd 1S11>1H•> 15 eo 7 80 6 20 O.....t Envoy (Caa1enec1e1 1 00 5 00 Aclt.,men (McCat•onl • 00 AllO raced F\oalroe>ovocll M1on1gn1 Mine Ho Choy Valent•ne l•• He Men Sem Kong I Flnde< F1gh1t11g Fol World Aule1 Bn1mor• e..tt.1 T~ I 12 316 NINTH RACI. I 1116 ml!M VICI Lao•• (Black) 38 40 1& 20 12 40 ltnpeluou. Billy (Toro) 11 00 7 40 Random Wtn<l fHawley) 6 20 Alao rececl Sr.~az T uaor Nancy • Honey Suaann• a Boy Olymp1ao Hoa1 Sanda ot VIQH. China Puzzle. Barnc10e Mr Allle<I Here Celmff D•vt Time 1 43 315 U l.XACTA t5-71 paid ,803 !>O Allendanca 17 106 Hollywood PMk THUllll>Arl ltEIUl Tl (44"1 of ~I -"'"lint) ,llleT llACI. One rntll pace Pn HI Saturn (Ktltel 107 20 20 40 7 40 Golo Ster fie-I 3 00 2 40 HtlatlOUe II<-l~I 3 40 Aleo •ec.cl Hen<y'a 0r ..... N Von eiu. N Big Spflng \toc1or C"erlet A•Ot Tim" ,,_ lime 2 01 4/S a IXACTA 110·3) Plt>d S809 00 llCONO llACI. One mile t<OI Canny Maang< (Slthl 4 IO 4 00 3 00 t C P (L..,.,,I 1 80 4 ?(I SO.hO<ll (Wine Ii) 2 &o At10 raced R E rooo To"'d Beau Shanna. Star. HIQh Cltm1>9r Super EOen Mini Pr•to Pompano JOlln Tome 2 0:1 llS TMflO llACL One mlle p- Belll JOiie (PetUr I 6 20 3 20 2 40 CM10<,.. Sufi• (Croghan! J 40 2 40 Calllom1a Sk"'9* IM-) 2 40 Al10 ,.,tc, Young Trader. fhund•r 8Nul'f Spec1a1 Fhgnl E19111 De C0tps, OOICl St1a1>111 P acAIC Deen l W T OC!O Tome 2 02 315 IS IXACTA (8-11pa.aS2340 FOUR'TM llACE. One mile PKe Andys Frenc.. f P•81)1Ml I I 20 ~ 40 .l 00 Pape Joya (Pierce) ~ ?0 J 80 lwo Oceana (BICl<l0tdl 1 00 "'to rec:e<I Flying Tonye Bye Bye Scolly Andye Ralph Stare Bec~y Cheryl n~" Sl<IP1)41< Stlannon Rtsque lady Time 2 02 FlfTH llACE. One mKe ~ Ml'1<11., llacllay) 15 tlO 6 40 l 6U Mount l oOeli (lOOO II) 5 40 3 •O Cl\Wl.,.., Play l~I 4 l'O Abo •ec:e<I Kan5"* Cny Jual a Smooth .. Sno-Oetice A. o-1.y Lobell Tru.e TrlC•a <" Ntml'le v ....... N 9ryM N Tome 15113/S a IXACTA 12-31 paid 'ft I 30 llXTH M CI . One mlle pace Merr, LeM CLC>f190) 3 00 2 llO 2 40 Nathen 1 Hope (Lac:i.ey1 6 :>o 4 oo ~ Cllance (Sllethl J 00 Aleo rac•<I 01Hel Eno•11e T•lom.,~ Notlllern F•e•IOd•. JHnam1na M1tc~•ll "4ercury, Cap1.in Whll• Tome t 6tl llS N ~XACU (fl.II) pa1<1 S-42 00 11\'UfTH llACI. OM mile PK• O..ry Junior ( And9' IOnl 7 00 • 00 ' ,0 C..,..ey (RalehforOI II 00 4 00 ~ .. ...,. Joy (8ayleeal s eo Al90 rec..s FamandO ~ HOIN Chenoa Moody 9'19 N, PWI,,., 0....1-R-1 Ool<I T etpOr1 BMc:I< ,_ 200 115 II lllACTA 11-8> Pa1C1 t 120 SO UOHTI4 llACL °'19 ,,.. ... l*'t T llC1 WaY9 (l.ongo) 1& IO • eo 8 IO Wltllerlo (Plet<»I 11 80 t to Roeelllll(f 8ret (Vellllll(f•ngfl•llll 5 20 Al.O r-4 Alclen N, KON Coaal, High Moo<t. Ra...,, ManlK W•ll•t, CockY9 Only °°Tm. I 61 215 .. CXACTA (10·31 pllld S1117 70 -.TH llACL °'19 mite PKit Flldlbuln IT OCIOI 7 IO ~ 20 3 40 Oetl& And OutlY (Ounnlgen) 1 eo 3 •o La Norm (Kutbiet) 3 80 Alto rllQed Btllllelll 0 8"'41 T111IMl(e< Su1>9r 811• N. A•mbro Br •<I N 'amoua l(nlghl K..00.. g,_,,., N lime I lie 2111 .. RXA~A (9-2) palO ht 10 ti ,tCa e1X (~·2·1· I· 10-1) Paid 117 6tt IO With -""""'"II llCltet Cti• 11« ... I 12 Pldl II• OONOl•llOl'I paid~$ 00 With IT w1M1n9 llClketl (IM hor-) 12 Piek Sia WllCll coneolellOn 1>1141 SI.Ott 20 with 10 wlnnil\O ltell ... (touf "°'-· one w1tel'll TUfTM llACL Ona mt1t pau er.-i• .... ., (Kutt>HWl 3 eo 2 eo 2 eo 9cflOlet N (A<lbinl >..-O 2 IO luc:ily C.,d A (Sl .. lllJ 3 00 Alto 1eced Putin.JI. Orll N Wall•k1 a..or-. Slit* TtO. Oec>Oll time , ... '" D HACU (4·11 p.id h I llO Att~t'*I CtOH OC>tlftb)' HIOM 8CHOOL .... "' . .,_. .. _ .. I Umttn (M). 16 If' 2 Coe !l'I 16 1• l Vou1111 IE) 16 40 4 Kta-(f I te 01. & t.1ey11.,d (Ml 1& II 9 l-11 (Ml 11 16 I Ha1111 (M) 1$ )0 I ()elltlne IM) 10 ) I J l'ellnO (() It 33 10 Gteuon (Ml 18 43 MunlJntt.., ...... 1t, ,_141111 Yeller U I Baugh IHI) 16 ~· 1 C."•v• (HIJ ,. 0 I 1 JOMton (H81 •• 10 • MeM 1rv1 1e '6 $ Gould 11 II). 111 :io. I Callla !Hiii. 16 41 1 Edwwd• (HBJ 16 •9 6 ll•tyn HBI . 16 SI U l110ma1 (Hit ti bl 10 Ml\jllOtlnl lfVI 17 07 Oc1an I/law IO. WHlmlntl•• U I Arl)llb•ld 1ov1 10.0 I, 2 Mut IOfl (WI 10 J3. 3 Upp 10111 1e oo. • Aob"'ta 1ov1 1e 6&, 6 Soto col/1. 11 02, II Konlu.• (W) 1709.1Llaw.ltyn(OV),1713 8 11.,n 1w1. 11 13 II F .. 1• (WI, 17 2& It T °'' 11, lal-1• '1 ,,., ........ ,_..,1 II Toto 11, lrwlne M I Spenc;er fE Tl 15 34 2 Cunt11ng1tar11 tl fl I~ J4 3 Enk (ET) I~ 34 4 Meketlt• IE fl 16 34 s 11-11 (C!J, 16 •6. e Whol• (II. II> 01 1 Mcfadden 1ETI 10 17 8 Pwra IEI 16 24 9 Roi-11 tfl 16 :.O& 10 !la1.,mo Ill 16 31 Vnlwlf•llr I?, c .. 1 ...... 40 VNY9falt1 11, laddlffeclt '5 Coela Meu 2A, ladcllel>ecll >1 I t<r•bt IUI 16 6tl. 2 Whlttl•y IUI 16 69 I Shulla (IJI, I~ ~g • Sliva (SI. 1& 10. 5 NlllMlll CUI. 16 18, 6 Ooo<I cCMI lti 20. 1 tt111>11n ILMI 16 21 8 Greenberg., IUI 16 34, 9 1..0ll>y (CMI 111 39 10 Mc Benn ((;M ), ICIH D•n• Hlllt 22. Woodbf169e M I 1<11lly t0H) 16 Oii 2 FO<IO< IOtl) ltl 13 J W1la011 tW) 18 20 • M1ddle1on (WI 10 23 ~ Wtll1ame tOlil 16 2Q & Crowe tOHI 1& 41 e Sc~....,norn rwt 18 411 1 'llm• IDHI. 16 ~fl 6 OonHleo (OHi 17 11 9 McManuo tOH) 17 17 WOMfH Vnlv11a111 II. Coat• Me•• 40 Vlllwe•altr 1•, laddteblcll u Coeta ..... H . 1~11 37 I 8a1t1ot (U) 1& ~. 2 Mcleuglllln (VI 16 53 3 S.t-IUJ 18 53 4 Mor<ll (CMI. 1!1 16 S Salazer (UI. 11132, 6 Hall•y !CMI ?O 09, 7 Herman CUI 20 2~ 8 l 110 (U) 20 25. t Ne .... y .. 111 (SI. 20 6tl. tO King ICM) 1122. Edi.oft 11, Merine 49 t Prall CEI. 18 45, 2 Wlllte (El 19 S9 3 htrenove (E) 19 5tl, • M1cKeMI• (l!t. 20 10. 5 Michel IEI 20 211 & B1a1101 IEI 20 40 , 7 CJer11no tEI. 20 44 8 Rltcl\Ot (E) 20 •S. II SlrnOnMI' (M), 20 53, 10 Powell 1M) 21 43 Fount.in I/alley 21, ltunllft910fl haclt II I G1l1>e1t (FVI 111 27 2 Cr•blr .. IFVI 10 26 3 lletl<lly IHBI 20 H A No, IHBI 21 01 5 G1raoo1 ffV) 22 OS 6 0 Con•IOI If VI 22 40 I C.0111rerH 1FV) n OS 8 Bacllmen (H81 23 011, II Strelow IFVI 23 14 10 Kenny (FV) 23 18 ,,., .... 2t, lt TOfo 2t (lrvl,.. wlna wllh bffl al1lh nntaher) lntlna 16, Eatancl• IO II Toro II. Ealancla IO 1 B1gger1 IETI. 18 2tl 2 Buck (ETI. 111 !>5. 'l N•u1oh1 (II, 19 11 . 4 Romero (CT), 19 4:? .. WrtgM 111. 19 51 6 Tucke• 111. 20 t, 7 Ourroo c 1), 20 12. e Clloaoel ( 11 20 17 I ROM! IEI. 20 211 10 Lum Ill. 20 31 Dene Hiiie I 5, Woodbf'td99 4> 1 Hagan tOt•I 19 43 2 Jellert tDHI JO ~ 3 Coale (OHi. 2 t 02 4 l<Ollr !OHi " S9 5 Ballte<•• IOH1 22 02 e Schaf .. (WI 22 19 7 Ser (WI 22 4;? 8 Meuler IOHI ?• JJ 9 R90oain (WI 24 S3 10 Cr-IWI 7S IS Htah ec:hool trec:k OAAH4°l COUNTY lllCOllDI MIN 100 19 51 Aon Pnatn• 1Ane,,..m1 1967, Otlvon Tranam (SaoOklbachl 1971 Kerw111 l:leil 1L01.on1 1980 220 -121 61 Clancy Edw••d• (Sent• Anet. t973 440 146 71 lony Kuy1011a1< !Garder\ fHov•I 197 t 880 (1 •ti11 Oenn1t Can (Lo..,•111 1963 M~ 1• O!> •1 ,,u,, Scr1111tno <G••o1r1 C:.ro••I 1972 2·mole-(& 44 &I Ero~ Hult! ll •gune Beach) 1978 120HH -113 31 Jonn Pet1tton ·~i.i1t175 330LH-C37 21 Marlt Hiiie (Kai ... ) 1981 440 •al•y-c• 1 41 Sen11 Ana 1970 Mlle relay I) IS OJ Senll An• 1172 HJ lf>..1 1 l Jey Tl>Onon (Laguna BaM:"I. 1981 B•llO H•rr11 tlOI AtamHotl 11179 LJ (24·51 Tony Pilla tS1n1e A~ v.u.y1 197& TJ-(~·41 Ken Wt1llem1 CTroy)t61 IOw) Pl/-118·61 Oreo Ern11 (El OO<edo) 197& SP -(69 9'•) Jim Ne1dh•rl (Newport 1•a1nor1 1073 OT ( 187 71 Scoll ••uoaon 1M111ton VtfftOI t!ICIO ("1elrlc;) 100 110 41 EOO•• Mu•"• (ttur1111u1<111 e.aai1 1940 200 121 39) R .. Brown (()c.,an V-J 1982 400 <48 llOJ J•tt lloecll llaquna Holllt 19112 600 t I SI 341 Eric B-1\ring Cle Habra/ 19&1 I !>()() 13 ~ 21 Er" (.,llr"'IM""'" 1Ed11un1 1917 1 f>OO t• 06 75t Jon 8u1l111 IE<l•1on1 19&1 1.000 Ill 17 SI Jon But• ([dttOn) 19&' 3 200 lft 46 78) Jnn Bull11r IE011on1 1981 5.000 ( 14 16 21 Ralph Sern• tl o aral 1974 1 IOHH ( 13 • 11 S1ev41 K••hn (M11a•on 11 .. 101 1082 ' 300LH-135 851 S<••• IC•r110 fM1u1nn v .. 101 19112 400 1aley 1~ 101 Irvine 1980 I 600 relay 13 Ill 411 F ounlain Valley 1981 IS II 27 23 17 12 19 20 22 ltl 13 Ill 17 111 18 2!1 18 16 '6 16 70 (l e !l ' 3 ' !I 4 ' 1 8 II 6 • • 3 • 7 • 2 I NAIA"Ghl1k>n II I Wm J--U Mu CIOI •·U U J 10 300 )14 270 ,., > Clll l11lllei en l~I & 0 0 ) w .. 1m1n11er fie 4 0 ·O 4 NO<lh-1etn low• e o o a llnlwtld O•• \'I 4 ~ 0 e Sul Roat 81 • •••• 4 O 0 237 nli 217 ,,~ 7 81 Jotln 1 M11u1 • 0 0 • ,lndlay 0!1111 4 0 0 I Hano-Ind • 0 0 10 (.;Ot1'0IUI• M•lll 4 I 0 t70 110 132 1n 11e 82 ,. tttel 810U• Pelle 8 U 6 0 0 11 Aualln r. .. a ) I U 13 P9C)ll~u111wan w .. n 3 1 o 14 81 TJlom••· Mlltn 4 •·O !6 Wilmlnglon on10 3 I 0 10 Ben.Otc:llne, Ke11a 4 1 0 17 61.,llllg. l<•n 4 .o 0 18 Dlck1n1011 81 N 0 • 1 0 611 ~~ 62 15 1t1 C11au1on St N"" • 1 O 20 Yankton !I U ~ I 9 NAIA OM1lon I t HllltNJale, Mk.II ltll 2 Moor11eeo M1on c•1 3 NE Oklellome (2) 4 Ho<lotk S I V• (I I ~ Carton N-men l1nn e M-. Coto 7 Owdn« Webb N c; 8 Soutnern Cotor eoo II Ouacllltl 8ep1tat A•• 10 Pltllburo, 1<111 II Wotfor<I. SC 12 Wit ·l•CrOH• 13 Cenl Wu11111g1011 14 Coneo1d w Va IS F•1tfYl<>lll W 1/1 lti C.nl ArhnHI 17 Eton.NC II Cenl Ohtalll>m• 111 Oraoon Teen 20 w V1rg1n1e St 6·0·0 0.0..0 5-0..{) $00 6 I 0 •-0 I ) I 0 4 I.() 4-1.() 3 l.0 • 2·0 • l·O 4 1.0 3 I 0 a I 0 2 I 1 I 2 0 4 J .Q J I 0 J I 0 l13 l04 292 265 234 223 209 198 1711 173 1e1 147 13ti 118 104 90 ~:i ., JI 28 HIOH IC HOOL ST ANDINO& 8•• View L .. gue Newpo" H1,bu1 SadOi.back C0ton• a .. 1 M•I Coll• M1H El Toro Eat an<.•• un1ve•"IY lrvi1f"' L ... lle Owetall w l w L 2 0 J 2 ' 0 !> 0 I l I • I I 2 3 I I J 2 I 1 J l I 7 2 4 0 7 3 2 I llur ad•y'• lcor• E11a11<.1n 27 Un1ver11ly 0 "PA .. 311 120 56 37 &2 &ti 86 72 53 104 55 ~6 138 !>() 6? Tonlehl'a Q.met Newport t1atW a1 '""'"• El T0<0 v1 Coron• Oel M•• •I O••noe COHI Saootebe<• •• Cn•I• M ... •I N....pOtl H•thc'W" Angelue Le-au• League O'w1ratl WLT WL T Servile t 0 0 l I 0 Meter Def 0 0 0 2 2 I 61 Paul 0 O D 4 1 a Ptul X 0 0 0 I ~ ll Sena 0 0 0 1 :t I Blallol> Amal 0 1 0 5 I 0 Thu<adaf• lcor• Servtle 311 81.r.ap Anl•I 0 Ton'911l'1 o-• Mele• De< al PIUI IC S..ra al SI Paul Other ICOf .. CINTIH'Y LIAQVl Senta Ana 33 11111• P111> IO FoollMll 35 Otange 0 lllU'Nll LIAOUI Pecthca ?1 El Oo•adO •• OtlANOE lljl.QUI Maqn011• 14 Btea 00n<I• II A11.....,1m 42 l:ia.enne 12 P, PA 108 43 8? ~ tl3 6$ 59 112 30 93 106 90 8unlr" .. n'°'9 Cle11lc (at-ne.Fla) Don Jam.ittrv MIMer 8arb9r Bot> OOlby Jacli Fleck G.ar<I-Oich1nt011 Sam Snee<I Dow F1n11erwa10 Oen S11<1s Oennta Hu1cnin.an Gay8t- 8ot> Ertdlaon How .. Jotin11"" Arnold Palmer -s1-Pau1 Hwney M*tf~k Al Bel<llftg .ler"f Barber O«Hve B..,.. BIM Collini EO CauMy freddte ...... 00<0on w110 .. ,iu1~ Jim F.,re Doug Ford Frtef Hewk1nt B'"Y Me•well Siii Jotlnoon H.,m.,, Kaiw 1ua-11ni. I Id l(rotl Cllwtey s1noro P-Coopee Uon•-t p..., Runy11n An Slfveetrone Mike~ Be<1.WM- 8ob Hammon JU-..°°'°' Mar1y Futgol Hanry Ranaom Tom Nieporle Ed Furgol J.C Goo,.. 8oO Rou Guy WOllletlhOlm W•ll•Butkemo JOMnyP-JW'/t .,.,,.., 32-32 ... 35-31-IMI 33-34-67 34.33 67 32-311118 38-32·88 33-36 -69 33·311 69 36-34-70 36-35·7 I 37.34.71 35-36-71 37.34.71 37-35-72 35-37·72 37-35-72 34.35.7 J lll-37-73 35.37.73 35-34-73 31J.3S 73 38·35-73 34-39·13 36-37-73 37-37°74 34...0-7• 38·36-74 36-38-74 311-34·14 3&-37·75 3&-37·75 38-39·7S 3&-38-78 34·34-78 37.39.79 37.39.79 34-42°78 :le-4G-7& 3t-38-71 39.34.77 37.40-77 3&·3tl·77 31·3t-71 40·>8·78 ... 37.79 39·3t-71 38-43·71 41°39-80 4J..3t-&2 43-43-86 WOfid Match"•>' Tournament (lf~W .... ,l,..a-1) ,,,... llOUtMI 8 obby Clampell CV S t d1I Man, l(ut'MIOIO CJ ..... ~ r. -• L9nny WaOklna IV S I def 0 1•y Ple)'9' cSou111 A1nee1 2 ano 1 Tom Kii• (Us ' o.i Cu<llt Strll\Qe (V 9 I 2Md I 81ndy Lyle (B"1a1nl Oal NtU Feldo (8rll8111), 7 and I I •••~• ~·---­U*en IH. lftdl-103 W"'*'l!ton 11'1 ... llweolk• H New J«NI' ta. -YOf11 ~ P~p,,.-1 1 !:I, lllMM W. Pfwletll• 103, U~ llllle Ill I T.....,,.'tO... ~ VI b lot! 11 Hllfll«d. Conn 8Mltle VI Ulell el .......... Mon1 Ollll• .,. Oenwtf .. Urll!ll9, Wyo Oolcletl l11ta VI Potllencl al (11119"" Ott "'-'• •I Sift 0teot Orange Cout OAILV PILOT /Friday, Octobef t6. 1982 Cl : -· ··r Oilers run pa~t ·., Fountain Valley/ .. : Vikings, eahawks also • Win .. -< Hu II t I llj~ tu I) B t' J dl 111 g h ha11dt.-d Fount~m Vallt•y 11.t. f1ral Sunsc..•t Lt·ugue duul Ion •im·1· 197\:I Thurwday , 111 >l'.l , tu h1J<hl1~ht mt•n'11 t.·rn1111 L011untry ul'I i1111 . Grt.'l( &ugh won lhl· ra<.'l ' at Central Purk with<• t1ml' of 1~:511 to ll•ud an Ollt•r swt...,·p of tht.· I.Op thrc•t• µlot·(•i; Martin Cuevu (in111h<·d '>t.·t·<md <it 16.01 with Todd John'lon 1>lm·111u third <1l Iii 10 Fuu11t.um Vulley's Doug Mann uni; Ed Gould Wl'rt' fourlh and f> fl h, rt'Spt'<.'ll vl'I y In othrr Sunset Lt•agUl' mL'l·U., Murmu t.•dgt-d Edison, 27 -:.!Y, and Ocl•11n Vfow took Wt•stminstcr. 20 :15 In lht.• Sea View Lt.•al(Ut'. El Toro l'CJstly swept Irvine and Es1anL·1a and Un1vers1ly look Co.,ta Mt•.,u and Saddleback m lrl·OlL"(.>~ Mt'anwh1le. Dana Hill!> too k a South Coast Leagut.> !>howduwn from Woodbndgt• In womt.>n '!> action . 1t was Ed1!.0ll ovl'r Marina, Fountain Valley defeating Hunungton Beach. Irvine topping El 1'oro and Estancia, University ovN Cosw Mc~ and Saddlcback, and Danl:l llllls beat1nK Woodbridge Prep runners vie Saturday Saddleba<.:k College 1s the scene of the 16th annual Orange• County c r oss cou n try champ1ons h1ps Saturday with virtually all of Orange County's top prep runners on display It gets under way al 8:30 am with 17 ral·es scheduled. 1nC'lud1ng races on the vars1 ty lt.•vcl for men and women Among the entries are Maler De1, Huntmgton Beach, Corona dcl Mar , F ountain Valley. Edison, Estancia, Un1vers1ly, Costa Mes.a, Woodbridge, Laguna Beach and Estancia. lnd1v1duals expected mcludc· Huntingto n Beac h 's Ltus Quinonez, coming off a kn<'l' lllJUry, unbC'aten David Anderson of Corona del Mar, Mater De1's R1tk Martinez, Mitch &ldy' and Jim Toner, and on the women's side, University junior Teresa Barrios and F .• c:hson's Leslie Prall Tht-Murlt\u men Improved thcu Sunset mark to 2· 1 u K'nlor Jim Smith won ln l:);l:l for the Vikings. &llaon flnl.tlhed In the rwxt three apot.11 with Mike Coe, Wall.t:>r Young and Mark Kulner. but Marina had sufficient depth to outscore the Chargers. Ocean View captured at.a (Int league meet in beating winless Westminster as Seahawk John Archibald remamed unbeaten Ln CROSS COUNTRY l eague by running th e Westminster (..'Ourse In 16:07. The &!ahawks also plac."ed third with Tracy Lipp. fourth with Make Roberts and fifth with Robert Soto At Irvine High, El Toro upped ats mark to 4-0 by taking the top four places. Allen Spencer, Dave Cunncngham. Mike Erik a nd Mike Maken.s all completed the thrt't! males m 15.34 to pace the Chargers University had little trouble in its tn-meet wath C.OSta Mesa and Saddleback, thanks to the trio of Junior Bruce Krebs, sophomore Greg Whitely and Marty Schult.x, who all posted 15:59 times m IL'adm~ the entire race Dana ""tlls handed Woodbridge its first league loss, despite a third-place fan1sh by Warrior Brian Wilson In women's action, Teresa Barrios was one of three University runners to record an 18 :53 lime. with Judy McLaughlin and Julie Sehene I tn1shing with Barrios &Jason's women are 3-0 after shutting down Marina . Leslie Prall was victor1ow in 18:45 wath Sheri White runne r .up and Steffenie Terrenove third for the Chargers. Fountain VaJJey's women are also unbeaten Ariana Calbert ( 19:27) and Dyana Cr abtree (20:26) finished one-two for the Ba rons. El Toro's Nicole Biggers set a tourse record in running an 18:29, but I rvine won a t ie- breaker because of havmg the top sixth finisher Kell y Hagan of Dana Hills led a sw~p of the first five places as thC' Dolphins topped Woodbndge. 15-43 ·~ I .. '• !• Corona del Mar • renJa1ns unbeaten Thl' Co rona del Mar wome n 's volleyball team rl'main<'d unbeaten Thursday night aflt>r polishing off v1s1ung University, 15-4, 15-0. 15·6 m a Sea Vww League mat<.'hup. The CIF's second-ranked Sc:-a Kings were paced by senior outside hitter Dana Allen and senior seller Leslle Pittman Corona del Mar is now 9-0 In S unset League act Westminster as 4-0 an overall after defeau 15-9. 15-8, 15·8 Con 1e Watson pul away 11 shots m the hrst two games and junior Melody Heximer had four kills m the last two games to highlight the Lions' victory Founta in Valley is a step behind at 3 -1 in the Sunset following Its 15-8, 15-10, 15-12 • verdict over Ocean View. Seruor outside hitter Sam Arledge notched 11 kills. while Piper Sexton added eight and played well in the backcourt for the Baron~ Marmn evened iu record In league play a t 2-2 by beating Huntington Beach, 15·7, 15-10, 15-7, thanks in part to 20 a.ces. Dawn Cunningham had fi ve of the aces, while Ann Walt.er and 90phomore Margo Kuester. who came oCf the bench. enjoyed fine ouUn~. Mater Del is 3-0 In the A.nJ(elus League thanks to an easy 15·9, 15-4, 15· l triumph over Blahop Amat Junior out.ir de hitter Erin Burke pa~ the Monarchs Jn South Coast League piny. HARRY • • • From Page C1 t><ctted -the blend of ac dtmlct and football. keyed by the razor 1harJ> pustna of Elway. "Football la ucitlna h•r•," continues Karry. ''SomctUmol wet lt'O~ a lot, thouah. and I haw to admll our aame with Oraaon State wu pretty bortna.'' Ontaon S\.t\e wu • 4~-5 lo.r to Stanford. And, Harry thlnkt It'• Ju1t ~n.ntnc. ~r.i can do better," he MY• .. And • 1 \Mm we can plly • lo' beta.er. We'n playtd well ln lpOta 1nd J t.h1nk Mt *' (to thal &h11.w.t1t -asv. ·~ t ~­at.irpri•.'' Dana Hills and San Clemente posted v1ct.on es The Dolphins, lt.>d by outside hitter Kelly Moomaw and middle blocker Leah Nolleau, tripped Capistrano Valley. 15-6, 15-2, 15-3. Meanwhile, San Clemente is 6· 1 in lea ~-1 overall after the Tr1tons beat Woodbridge. 15-1. 15-2. 15-6. Senior Jennifer Adams served for seven straight points m the first game, four fo r aces. Sophomore power h itter Tin~: Adolph also played well. • On the college level, Southern • • California College lost a home • match to Cal Lutheran. 16-14, 1 15-13, 15-12 in an NAIA District 3 mat.chup. The Vanguards dropped to 3-2 m conference play followmg the defeat. They will play a critical conference match at Cal Baptist this Tuesday mght ' • • CARDS ·~ . '• . • , I f • • • .·): ;: .. .!d: along withlou," cracked Herzog. '"• : ~ven o Andujar'a 10 louett "'·~ ; From Page C1 came in games In which the ; Cardinals scored two OT le. run.a. • "That's pretty good ," Hid '',,_ I Herzoa. "He wa1 8-10 at one.,...r:a. point and he could have been U-3 II we scored more runs. That'• how well ho pitched." Andujar's lAAt loss was Aue. 6 agalnlt Montreal. the flnt time he h•d lo.t to the Expo11 afwr be•Uns them 11 U1'1'1ft. Kenoc thlnk1 t.hat could mean 1ood thlnp tor the ~lnalt t.on11hL "Their lineup l• ... food u MUwaukee'1 If not better." Httt.OS uld. Cor.c~rned wt th hit ow llntup, H.rao1 said hct would IW't the um. uNl lMl ~liwhd a ~·4 vkulry In G&me Two, to th• Serl••· "That'• If I ca rf!membel' "· .. he aid. fferlOI UJd that eoN.lidft1n the fact lhat M Mil not hed a f tc)m thrft of St. LcM.Ua' Important beta -Kett Hemandn. LonNe 8mh.h Oeor1• Hendrick -lte •Udltld wh.h • apllt of the tw0s.1iel~ a a £ ('8 Orange COHI OAIL Y PILOT /Frldny Ootober HS, 1982 1982 prep grid. log IUMllT 1.IAGUI ldl•on (2·2·1) o Pun•nuu 10 Cl Ool&llO 0 Vitia 1 8•nnlflil 1 Malet 0.. Oct 15 Marina IC•rtllOAI 1,J I n 20 1 Oct 22 111 Hunungton 8ea,;l'I Ocl 29 Ftn Valley (Ana St•ll I Nov 6 II WHlmlnatet Nov I 1 C><.e&n View tOCCI Fountain Valley (0-5) 14 Male< De< 2• 1J foothill :.18 t2 St Paul t3 7 Servile Ill O long Beech Poly 6 Oc1 tS 11 Huntington Beach Oct 21-Weatmonaler (•I OCCI Oct 211-Ed11on (Ana Stall) Nov S-OcHn Vlht (81 H8) Nov 12 Marina (CertllOI) Huntington Beach (4-1) 24 Cotona del Mar 7 10 LOS Al&mllOS 0 SS Los Amogoa I 4 5• Bolaa Goande 2' 23 San Clemente 26 Oct t5 Fountain Valley Oct n Edllon Oet 29 Ocean Vtew No11 5 Matlne (at Wm) Nov 12 WHlmtnllltf Marina (4-1) tO Newport Harbo• 6 lO San Lull 01>11Po 0 lt Foothill t3 n La Ouonta o 17 M1ll1~en t5 Oct 15 Edtaon (al Ceu1101) Oct 22 Ooeen view (II Wml Ocl 29-el Weelmlnllet Nov 5-Htn Beech fat WmJ Nov 12 Fin Valley (Cem101) Ocean View (1-4) 14 Eetancoa 1 13 La Ou•nla 20 17 Cypress 24 10 Sunny Hiiis 12 14 Western 28 Oct 15 at wea1m1n11er Oc;t 22 Matin• (81 Wm) Oc;t 29-at Huntongton Beach Nov 5 ftn Volley (et HB) Nov' t 1 EdllOn (at OCCJ WHtmln•l•r (1'°") 1 La Ouonll 11 Pacific• 3 Newpo<t Harl>Or O Compton 1 Long Beach Wilson Oct 15 Ocean Voew Oct 21 Ftn Valley (al OCCI Oct 29 Ma11na Nov 6-Ed•ton 0 ,. 10 7 19 Nov 12-at Huntington Baacn SEA VIEW l.EAOUE Corona del Mar l1'""1 7 HunllnglOn B .. ch 24 0 San Ciemema 3 1 Cap1111ano Valley V 23 E1t1nc1a 1 O Saddlet>acl< 2 t Oct 15-Et Toro tat OCCI Oct 22 at Irvona Oct 29 Costa Meaa (al OCC) Nov • -Un1va<.,ly (at NH) NOV 12 -al New~I Hatl>Of Co.te Meu (2-3) t 2 Santa Ana 25 12 Santiago 1• 22 los A1am1to1 10 fl UnovarSJty t 7 l7 lrvtne 10 Oct 15 SadOlebKk (al NHI Oct 22-EI T0to (al MYI Oct 29 CdM 111 OCCI Nov 5 -Npt Harbot (OCCI Nov 12 Estancia (OCCI El T0to ()-2) 11 Cyprfls 1 O Moasion voe10 10 21 va1enc1a O 7 Newpott Harl>Or 17 23 Estancia 19 Oct 15-CdM (I I OCCI Oc1 22-Cotta Meu (at MVI Oct 28 Un1..,11ty lat 1rv1ne1 NOY S -al Irvine Nov n -Sa<ldlebecl< (at MVI Eetenela (3-S) 7 Ocean v oew 14 t4 Laguna H•01 O 30 San Clemente IS 7 Cotona del Mar 2J 19 El T0to 2J 2 7 Untvar.,ty 0 Oct 22 at Newport Hart>or Oct 29-Irvine (at NHI Nov 5-Seddlebecl< tat NH) Nov 12-Costa Mesa (al OCCJ lrvlne (S-2) t• Laguna Hiii• t5 Woodl>tldga 14 Tuston 7 Saddtebeel< 10 Costa M ... Ckt IS ~ HatbOt Oct 22 -Corona Clel M11 Oc1 29 E.atancl& (•I NH) NOY 5-EI Toto NOV 12-Unl'Wl'Slly 0 14 1 31 17 Newport Harbot (3·2) 8 M'""'" 10 J (.yJl•tota 1!1 tO We1tn11na1<11 .l 11 (I t()ttl I •e Un•••••lly n °"' l!l &I lrVlfUI Oct 'l"J Ealall(1• O~t '19 S•lltllllhA~k t8A Bowl! Nov 5 Cot111 Musa (•I 0<..1.a N11v I:> Co11,,111 lfftl M"' laddlebeck (5-0) JO <i .. na An• Vallo~ u JU S11111a Ana 8 28 I a Hat>ra 27 JI lrvon;t 1 21 <.;orona dal M111 O Oc;I I!> C0'111 Mhl (Al NH/ O<.t n Uro1111tttlly ISA Bowll 0<;1 29 Npl H11r1>or (SA BowU Nov 5 Eatancoa 111 NH) Nuv 12 El Two,., MV) Unlv•r•lty J w oo<Jbrrllue 11 11 I ullon 20 14 l agvna Hiiis 20 17 Costa M.,..:i 6 O N"wpotl H.;1t.01 46 O latonc1• U Oct 22 SadCllnbftLk (SA Bowl) Oct 28 Et Toro 1111 llv1neJ Nov 4 CdM 1~1 N~tl Nuv 12 at lrvtr1tt SOUTH COAST 1.EAOUE Capl•trano Valley (3-2) 6 f OOIMI 14 7 Esperanza 29 n Corona oel Mn1 7 57 Oene Holl• 0 37 Woodt>mlta 7 Oct 15 al MoU•Oll VIOjO Oct 2J lagunu Holla (~I MVL Oct 29 Cnono ' Nov 'i at L "li"''d lleach Nov 12 Sa11 Clt•me111e Dana Hiiie (0-5) b C.•rOen Grovl' '17 6 Pous )( 22 b S8n Marco> I $1111 Oo"(lOI j 4 o (.ap1s11ono Valier 57 11 L .1guna Bear n '11 Ott 16 WOOtlLflOga I I p m I 0<.1 n at San C.•emente Oct 19 l&gunol lllliS tat MVI NO• !> al MOnlClrl" Nov IJ MoO•Ull V1e10 '1 pm ) Laguna BHch (3-1) 16 Savanna U 1 Els•nore :. 7 L"guna H"'' 20 2 t Osna Holts 13 Oct 15 Bom1.1 Oct 21 at M1~~1011 v1010 Oct 211 al San (..l11menle Nov 5 Cap•~trano V&llet Nov 12 WoodbrrOQI' l.guna Hiii• ( 1-4) O l1v111e t4 0 Eau1nc1a 14 20 Unoverauy 2• 20 Laguna Beac11 7 2'J M•l'l'On V•e10 36 Oct 1 S al San C. '"""'"'" Oct 73 Capo V•lltty (al MY) Oct ?9 Oand Holla {al MV) Nov 4 Woodb••dge 1at 1rvone1 Nov 11 Ou1mond Ber lat Miii MIH IOn Viejo (4-1) 4fl l """' 6 10 El Toro 0 21 C•r&Qn 35 31 Indio 22 38 Laguna Hiii' 22 Oct IS Cap1str11110 V11tey Oct 21 Laguna Beech Oct '19 -WOOOl>todQtt (lrv1ne1 Nov S San Clemente Nov 13 at OanH Holla I I pm I San Clemente (4-1) 20 Megnotll 6 3 Corona oe1 M.tr 0 215 Ell&n<.•a 30 8 Woodt>rrdga J 28 Huntington Beath 7'J Ocl 15 Leguna Holla Oct 22 Dana Hoitt Oct ?II -Laguna Beech NO• !> •• Mou•on V1e10 Nov 1:.> at C•P•1trano Valley Woodbridge (2·3) t 7 UmversJty 'J 1• Irvine 15 23 Orange 3 3 San Clemente 211 7 Cap1111ano v111 .. 1 3 7 Oct 18 at Oan• H1Wa 11 p m l Oct ?2 -al Ont•r10 Oct 29-Mouton Viejo (lrv1ne1 No11 4 -Laguna Hiii• (Irvine) Nov 12-11 Laguna Beacl'I OTHER I Meter Del (2-2-1) 24 f'oun1a1,. Vlllfry 14 • I 001 Pueblos 0 10 los Allo1 21 10 Cresp• 14 7 Ellison 7 Oct 15 -II P•ut 'I Oc1 23-St Paul tSA Bowl) Oct 29 et 81111<>9 Amat Nov 4 Serra ISA Bowtl Nov 11-Se<vlte f$A Bow11 All-stars on TV Turner's station will carry ATLANTA (AP I -Turner N1·two rk Telev1s1on ts proceeding with plans to lt'lt•v1S<• th<' National Football League Players Assonat1un All- 'llar games nationwide, acC'ordmg to M1kt• O~lesby, a spokesman for Turner Broade(l.!'ltmg Svswm Inc. The {1rsl telecast 1n the planned nin<.>-week season is scheduled for this Sunday from RFK Stadium an Washington. D.C .. when th<' F.aste m Division of the National Confl.rence plays the Eastern D1vis1on of the Am~rican Conference Oglesby said. The second game lS schedult.od for Monday. Oct 18, from the Los Angeles Colisc·um as thl' AF'C West plays the NFC West. Spor tscaster Mel Proctor and forrm•r NFL playena AJex Hawkms and Roy Jefferson will be the announcers for the Oct. 17 gamt>, with Chick Hearn, Paul Hornung and Ke rmit Alexander calling the Monday night action, Oglesby Mid Fans split on strike ' t.' 'fhe nwrket place 011 the nran~w Coast 642-5678 ... , ,,,,,, .....••••••........... Hou111 /11 l•I• '!.'.~!!! .{•!.!~.'! .• .":::. j K~!!!!.(~'. ~~1.'. • • • • • • ~~~!!~ .~~'. ~~1!. ····~I ~~~!!!.~~~ ~~1.'. ····•·I ~~~!!!..~'.·.~.'.·'····-Gi~;;;j" ........ ·iooi f!'-~'!L ........ !.~~ ~ ..... ~~~L ........ !.~~~ f .'!!!'.~ .~~!.'!!! .. !.~~~ f !!!!'.~.~!~.It!!! .. !.~~~ f .'!!!. !!!!~ ...... !.~~~ ••• ••••••••••• •••••••• ·~~ ASSIMllLl OOK LIDO llLI HOlllEI ,.. ' lmmeculll• ) 80rM L Vrlrnc Lido N ord bay1runt f'ti<frrn, ri I ' bath OPEii ,· n OLD COM l'IOM• wlll'I "'•111cureel for our n ew t ogul•• Lgc L H , 2 bcJlit 11llptit $1,!100.000 l•nO•c1p1ng ec1ou the t'.OUAL HOUSING OP ,O ATUNITY weekly , .. ,ur• Sat. I Sun . 1-6 p.m. .., .. ,,,om park near So BOAT SHOW-COHI Pteu S1•9 $00 Remodt'lt'd ;j bdrm, '.l hath • lnq~1 11-t 1111 c an eg1 11 ~8-'S092 CASE btonm (.'t•tllnga, (urn111h1-d, pall08 $4'.ll!,UOO H••li•flOo N11 1•'1 dllpl•·>. ...,,. 111 llv.) 1,,,6 J040 Pultll1htr'1 "•tlot1 Every Saturday In Ill• PE••••UL.& HOii Ou1 ~1.u1d11q,( '"' .ol 11111 c;11·.1l ..................... . Dall Piiot Cluallled• Occ1m & .)t•tty v1cw1 fJli.rine roon1, 4 bdrm, :1 "''u11i.1bh 1111.11111111! .I 111 '! h.1 1 •o IOW•·10'-l•t. All rHI allate advar111ea MEI& VERDE 1n thll nawsp1p1tr 1s subject 10 the F"ederal 1&111&11 Feu Hou11ng Ac! of 1968 • wl'l1c11 makes 11 1tl&g11I 10 Vocanl 3 Bdrm 2 bllll allvarllH "any prataron near park• and tcl'IOOll ca 11m11a11on or d1sc11m1. 1 Priced ll'louHnd• t>elow nation t>ued on race othe11 ll'l 11'1• area• Won·1 color 1a11g1on se.: or 11111. at only S 129.600 netoonet origin or any l'ICI nowf 6•0-7171 1n1an11on lo make any '~*!? _ :~1 such preference, llmlla· ~~ uon or e11sc11m1na11o~;fu;J;; t1111 newspaper w11f no1 I :::::=-.~-!•·•·!-•!•!•!!.! knowingly accept any!• advarll1lng for reel H •UYFllOIT• lale which IS In v101011011 IOAT SLIP ot Ille law OPH DAILY 1·1 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 bdrm 2 bath NOW HRORS1 Adver t1 -AEOuceo TO S•89.000I sers should check HT llOVIHTII their ads daily and llHLTOIVOWllH report errors Im-•173·1111• mediately The l--------1 DAILY PILOT as-LllHT-- sumes hab1hty for the firs t incorrect 1 fllElll Herbo• View Homes 3 jnsertlon only Bdrm 2 beth home on 1·---------1 lee lendl Owner mu11 sell I •nd wm carry lonencing Hoa111 for Silt ...•••....•..•........ IHI,,,,,, ...................... Gtot11I I OOZ .............•.....•.. Super 1arm1 end loca11on lor youf Reduced 10 only S2 14 .000 ·act now• 646·717 1 THE REAL ESTATERS 3 IEDllOOll ID DOWI YI $93.$00 E11cellent star I ter nome with 3 Bdrm1. * nicety sllueled in good MHl YEllDI area 01 CoSI& Mesa 1 on 1110 golf course Welk1ng distance to Custom t>eaulllul 3 Bdrm school• •nil shopping I home. many many 911. E•ce1111nt t>uy for Statler tres $279.500 with tO'I. l'I om a o r 1 n v a st o 1 down owner will carry al 5-46-2313 I 12r-.% 1n1arHI THE REAL ESTAT&:RS C~SIFIED INDEX It Plact fw M. Call 642·5678 IUOttS A4•trfh•rt •1111••14 cto.c• -.. -., .... ,.,.,.. .,,..,, ..._M.ttfy n.. DallY l'tlOT -~ ............. __ , ~ .... HOUSU fOtl SAU tooi. 1100 OTHB llAI. ISTATI uoo . noo ... uu JIOO ·46H IUSIHISS. IHVISTMfHT AHAHCl IOOI · HU .AHHOUMCIM~TS ''" LOST & FOUHD uoo r&ISOHAl.S UH SHYICl DIHCTOIY .... SCHOOlS& IHSTIUCTIOH 700$ JOIS WAHTto ,.,, MIU' WAHTIO "" MaCHAHOISI Hfl ..... Rtlf TO YOU 104' IOA TS & MARINI ~' TRAHSl'OttT 4 TIOH ti 10· 9400 AUTOMOllUS HIO • t"4 For Claulfled AO ACTION Cell 1 D•lly Piiot AO-VISOR 842-5878 lley Mc01rtlle, llltr. Ul-7121 ocu•FttHT 3 1>arm. el'lake & shingle ttome on Balboa Penln Ownet wiH help finance Priced to H ll el $800 000 EvM 842·22S3 associated llllOK(llS llEAl T(IRS 10)1• "#I leiti~,., • ~ · '''' ••s•lfloHt Chltuu htat• over 6,000 .,Q 11 , 11 2 Acre• of prome 11'10· rougl'll>rl!d property 1dj to Jack Klugman Estate nr Fa1lbrook Eve•y Oauhng amenity. cl'lam p1onshlp tennta court I $850,000 te rm• Ag! I 2 131275-2031 ~. ·.· ' TH YEllWLLH Ona bedroom condo Ctul>houee . pool end 1pe Security gate S7'. 1 000 101n 11 I 1"'.'\lo Ow· nor will c1try ••cond lrual deed S 115.000 111-1100 SPYIWI YllW Two Story Nantuek•I 5 Br wttl'I t>eeulllul SunMt pool IUrtOUoo.c! by 14, 000 red brlCkl T_.etulty oacoretad tl'lro11ou1 wt wellpapetl and lflutlar1 Show a like • modal ttomet M1ny upgr•d•• Seller finance Submit down 1760,000 Incl lend 144·4110 r.-~-~~~ -TAY I ~OH ('0 l f &••• , I ~--------- To place your me11age bef0te the ru dlog public, pt\Ofle OeJly PllOI Clu.llled, ~2-&e78 PRIME COSTA llSA- 15% DOWN 4 ltlr• 2 ••· A_.l•I ttll,100. 1% 1tt Tit AIHMHLI ftr H0,000. ltlltr ..,,, .. ,.... •• 12~/l ,,.. ., .. HHAY 1·1. 114 M1r4•tfft Ir. (Ir lrlsttl I PHl1rl1t). ,, bath, :noo llCI ft $1.385,000 Oooanfror1t :!hr :! 11.1 1 .uh ,, • , ·•I I:·•• ·•J:•· BHul cu•tom home •u l 01 OG<tlln walk 10 .... no LllDA llU HYFROIT . Lugoon vlt•w from 6 bdm1, 6 bath, 1-1l.1yroo111, dark rm, den Boat ahp. Now $1 ,000.11110 .. < >wrw1 ·•~1·111 Ii 1 111. ll 2 131 :i 3 3 3 8 4 6 o t 423 CARNATION 902 12911 llHllUPT POOL HYllDE PUCE G11111•I JOOZ Co1t1 Mt11 1024 ~·;~~v·~~~ 0~~;· :/~~y Spectatulor bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 bu up, 2 hr . ····;0~·;Mlfj .. ('ST;I··• ·,.·;;.;~1~;.-··.:·;r·~~~··;~r Hutty call Key 96:t 7788 '.l ba dn '.l boat Sp&l't!ti Redu(.~f $1 ,M)0,000 : I 1 1 ••• ,,,,,,, .. wil.1111 rm o• TME ''"D I 4 hllrm llD8 Wlllo '><Jloor lqol1 1of>1 oOO 10.111 111 fll".•111 RllON 11°01 ond •1111 cm l 11cr11• "'""' "' <1 , , \ Hll ooo l111k Ftr1ol11ur1 • wt • Sldll bdll• L1IR<J .,. ,, ... '" ,, IJ•1. it story 'l bOtl"' I, t>a N 1·w 4 In 4' 1 ba, cw.tom Fren<:h N11rnm111ly Ar.,na oak 11u"a S2 t0 i..i;> 1oi.o ullacll Condo co op &,ua!A' I '.l pnme acrt' h1Jlt.op $1 ,'.l'lll,11011 000 Cull Pdt Agt tor Pool uuna "'111g111 .&YALOll Fee s1mplt• cottage on quiet De&<·<tn.'>(1 St (111 flat.SI Ht'<.IUl't'<l to $100,000 OOllOIAH O.&YI C-Oronadu island cust. bayfront lul H5' IJ•.mt dock. PIM.Oii avail Now $370,000 w /t.t•nns BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 8oy\1dP011v1· N 8 (>7~ (>l(>I For Cla11tlled Ad ACTION Cell e Delly Piiot AO VISOR 6•2·5878 To piece your mesaage before The r .. Olng pul>llC phone Dally Piiot Cla11lfled, 6•2·5678 Turn to today• CIHlllied I Nevi' in town? C1en 111ed I or 111 e I> e 11 buy 1 can l'lelp you meet many 642-5678 of your nee<11 642-5678 ---- HILIH OLHEOIT * 1 l'X. FIHHIH-10% DOW"* o n l h 1 s b u 1 I d l' r (') o !. <• 11 u l ' ' Extrl'lnl•ly splJ(.'tuus tuwnh1Jllll' fl'a tunng 2 ma:.tt•r ~u1ll'-. & .. ll<Kht·d garag<' Prtl'(.•d to '-t'll NOW al $149,950 Call 759 l 101 or 75<!-?:i73 for dt>tatls llEWPOllT IUOM OFFICE 2110 .... ,, .. , '''" (11C) 711-1501 (71') 712-1373 NEW ON MARKET-PARK LIDO New on the market with grMnbelt VIEW. Upgracs.d with •hutten • • Pat101. work bench area, term1. Owner wlll cerry on lhl• 3 bed. 1150,520. BLUFFS -L OW PRt CE/ REASONABLE A quiet locallon on a c entral Newport •trMt wtth an lmmeo11l•I• and 1p.c:lou1 2-etOty condominium rHldenee. Private entrance to thl• :t bedroom home with 2'h bath• •nd encloHd patio. Lowtty land•caplng end •dlolntng community pool. Petfect "rDove-ln" dec:of. Two-car o-rege. S115,000. FM land. 131-1<&00. \\ \I I Ht HO'\ I 110 '11 4. "' Ill \I 1••11~ •,1 H11.1 ,1 , •••• , ... , \I ./I tf't . •-• H• , ........ 9'. .... 831·1400 t I f ''•• ,. \ • M.1-.. • I ...... 873-8900 RfSIOOHIAl Rf At fSIAIE SfAVICr s UIHl IUCll ltH,000 OC'ean & city hghts from this pnvatt> 4 BR estate on nearly '• of a c r e . Sel ected a s h omt' o f archit.cc·tural iugnifkance. RRstorl'<i in '8 1 Gazebo, greenhouse• & hardwood beams Privacy IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 , . \ t11oc11u1e 1 674 'ltlJ& 10,.,,.,., 4 11<1 10011 >'l It room sul> par~ 1ng h78 2014 A•.~m "''l" llW(, $11,l Ocean and Poer View LUCKY SEYElll [ '.'.~.,r1 14~11o•, MtK111ll•y listed al $160,000 $65. " • 000 under marl<at All CONDOS 1• Ml ~A vi R(Jf ~Elr cash or new ton Graal t 'J or 3 bdrm~ All turm~ pool ,,~d S t•!I !KIO As opp y tor someor•e who 1nclud1ng VA FHA & ~un•Jblt1 lu•"' 54'..!'J90'4 con eel fast Agent tease option Pr1t .. f>) I 531 8100 A11< lo• Jim range from SlolJ.'>00 lo 1---------•I R1gl'le1mar .\'f >Ill llh"ll 5239 ooo ca11 ~oon• HTERTAIMERS 979-$370 O"llGM~ GREA l' LOCATION 3 bd. I: 2ba 1rplc s 1nooo M(Sl YE DE o B o o w c J<tAl IY & ,.,_f 'H MCNI S S 15,000 DOWll E/SIDE CM&Rll ASSUME 11 so• VA "' 01 $9 7 !>00 2nd ton Lovely '4 bllrm lamolt t oom Mint conlllloon Cell O na, 631 1266 bHd•Jl•'ully ,,.,n,,df'lttd 5 liolrno J•lu~ touq•· tamoly ,,,,,n, IPatu1111n I 'encll tJ'"''' r:1nd WHHJOwS all "',"" lit t(.hfjn pr<1ft!S~10 n.,11, 1.JrtO.,, tJ:'-'.-.d Irr.,, 1nd Ooc• w.tt ..,,lf~ns•ve f 1 1• o f r,,., • (.Judlitt de~ r.<' 1ltr1g lhl1jh\JI TC.RAJ I f II, f INAl~CINC. AVAi l Atll l A~~'"Q $239 oon f ,,, en '"~'' 10 ~ t;Clll '.40 11< I Ga111d comm t.st m ---------nomes Call M 1 o u Agent 495-1064 770 8694 MAME YOUR TERMS 3 Bdrms 2 baths com plelaly remod,.lell '" E 11de CM Ow1,e1 vfl11 lle••ble w1good l1n11q c1n9 Open hOu&fl Sul I ', 425 E Bey St ROHRS REALTY lli·2311 WOHY-FllH THIS 3 lrg Belrms 111m11y rm country kltch G1e111 neighborhood Good to nenc1ng ava11 S 13 1 900 751-3191 llllll IPPtllTHrn1 110" HW" SIC.HO! Lew PJ•tal ' "New" & tPllCIOuS Ger· Oeo VlllH wllloot to Gel· ting llrepl•c•• NEAR I BEACH 1. 2 & 3 Bdrms from S8•,600 Below market Int rite allow• for pymtt 11 lo w aa $7115/mo IE aty Ouehtylng) POOi taonll & MCUrlly glttld ptfv•cy TAKE AOVANTAGE OFI THIS O NCE IN A LIFE- TIME OPPORTUNITY CENTURY 21 I ....... ll11lty 141-IOIO TWO STORY UEU .. C( I LOW DM! LOW PYllTS! ONLY SU,0001 , lSSU MHLE h t I 2•4 D£SPERAH OWNER MUST SH l A9<luced to 51~<! 000 3B' 21>• ne- w p ' E ~ 1 d " '' o m e M, l'lO 1 ~•8 1182 A'>~ rmato'to loan Rl' IOI S 110 000 SUNCOAS T n F Muro1¥n Coomb& 63 I 7090 A 64~ 19 I!> C.hum1ng l br 'l be nome w (lttl 7 car gar Ar.ross t rom C...harlesl Hf'lller P.'fk ll37 Kno1 Pt S 145 000 B~ owner Du't 41sturll fHHh I IY APPT HU, 9:?6 1537 ""\ 925 6796 111uo '" 1unH I TRIPLEX Owner w1111 carry 111 13''• lo• 10 years wllh S37.000 dn Prteed at S20 000 unde• market lo 911111 now Aslnng $175 000 Atk IOI K11tr1y ROHRS HAL TY llS-2111 SHARE 11l1s E11ta1Cle 2 OR Clupl•, end hi ve tow • peyments, or livfl 1n one 1nd ronl 1n11 o ther, bu! 1nyw11y you loo~ 111 II Ihle ptoperty 11 en •~· eallertt buy N•• carpa111or1pe1 new coc>~• plumbing 2 large yerd1, w1cnnt1der VAi ,HA Atktng S 135,000 Dtvln fhel E•lat• 6''·8363 (213)530-5159 •AU HOFFER Lrg 3 Br 2 Be end conllo Great Hunllngton Beach 1oc1111on Frp1c 'l c;er ga- rage & A C among •IS many leature~ Anume Isl. OWC 2nd ruu pr•ce s 1'14 000 63' 7'.\10, !)49·3546 TRADITIONAL REALTY SllOW STO,,H! A•lZIH PlllCll lllZllC FIHHIHI Scenic Movntaon v1ew1 & Slape Away Brm1ant l>lue pool mingle to me~a Counlry Stylf' Loving most en1oya1>111 on this 1mmac Garllen Villa Spacious 3 Bdrm Wind· llower Mdl t>oaats most oulragf'lov~ maste• au11a w/own prtv Clr~ss,ng area o~n sunhght l<ot· chen w/masslve deck gcit togetl'lt!!r are11 ell sur rounde<l by wall1 OI gleH A conlrastlng Country wood decking lncrecl•l>lf' 1ow p11ce of S 105 000 with S 10 000 Clow n $1097/mo pey'J all dont mou lf'llS one CALL NOW 2 STORY UHHOE LOW H LOW PYMTS $11,100 Shimmering POOi MIC' careumg sp1 surround 1111s 2 story e•eo•nl pttde of ownorsl'l1p Garden Villa Protass•onelly Cle· coraled lh•u·out Orea· my m11ster sutte wla•!I• 1'11Cla·a·aw ay clo1e1 soace As you Ilk• •t toll lc.r •dded bdtm or Quieter momen" Has commanding v111w 10 open 11a1rc11e •nd entertaloer's llv rm Hard to fond at $89 900 wotl'I SSOOO dn pyml el· tows asaurnptton 1 I 9~ efl 1n1 rel• S9791mo pays elf OHTUllY 21 WALl·I• RUL TY 117-2121 ---r-IEllSll&TOll MODEL In the Deane Home• • t>Orma 3 b• Cu•lomltec:t shake front ••lartor 0000 siled YJird • dee· k ing 1nd p1t10 •t•• Gooo IOCellon, 12•9 ,000. IUITlflU.Y ........ S.ULM&. 3 IA hOfM In UnlVertlty Plltk ror ..... -n.•aoe. Ml l>lt end prlwlt p.t• tlo, HOl,00 C•U now Anita Sct11no 1 1 Orange Coaal DAILY PILOT/Frld1y. October 15, Real Estate ~ !::':~.~~-..... ~~~!!!.~~'. l~''....... ~!~!!.~~~t~~'!!! ..... I !'.'.~!~!.¥~1~!!'.'!~ .. ,... ~~~!~!. v.-1,.~~~·>.~ .. 1i .. ~!!! .¥~1~.,~1!~ ... t .-¥.'.~!~! .¥~11!~.'!~.'!. .. ~, ... ~,!!~~1!.!!!!'.'!!'!. A"rt'r"r j" IA'U.'i'·1· ." '-'•• IH4 ITYIH 1044 IH••• ,,. .. ,,,, IOIJIJ ltHtll JIOJ C.,I• /1111• 3114 l1rlH 3144 ll•wMtt ll•fl 3111 ll•w~rl 10116 3111 •••• !.~!~.!••••••••••• •••• !.!!~.!••••••••••• .............................................. ···········~···'···••l ............•........• ········•········••·•· •.••......•....•...... ······~···· ....•.•.•..................... ------------------'w111 lrad• dbl wld• mobile RllT•LI H•TALI Nwpl 1111no w1i.rtron1, oceANFRONT BALBOA f!!!t.~!!! .••.•• !!.~1 f!.'.'.•.!!~~ •..... /!.~1 L-•T·IH PllOI TIRMI I home &tor 30r hOuH. " llW lllulllE ., d 1 lgt; 4 t>r 2 b• upper du Lrg 3 bd. 2 b•. 011. lrpl. ._ 1 1 • Tui11n for partial dwn In· Yurly-W .... ly-Wlnttr 2 ' ' 10 4 b rmi, ttlrl fl() 111 ' /<J I Sp11c1oue i Br 1 Oe 14211 Lo81Mdl C M 1 Od. 1 l)A llOtLLlllPAH come property (714) 3,4Bdrm• . . Luxury lll60•o 11386 I rr:.~·~::.1~rP,1~~~p,;:~· SlloO e13'664ono pelt 3 8r 1'1r 81 1475 1500 eeo 11138 or Beautiful tri-lcvel S&S 4 BH. 3 BA, ulr 661-8390 JAOOll 111•Ln a ...... ,.,... wtly 871141811 v II 8 luundry lac . pool 9118 963• " • / t1raa1 •• mint 1 r nn 6411-95118 12-7PM :iond .. t.•lf'Ctronic air purifying isy:<tt•Jll BY OWNER . R 1 LOT PllOP 1 nn 180 • ., BR .. ~ 8 .. 3Br. 2·,~e11 plu•h condo nr court. near beach. rec ---I! 11de, near 11111 St. 'J H bd h E Id C •• "" "" '" • I $ .. '5/ Townhoute 2 Sr 1•1, Ba . uae master rm Wit lt!I own pl'I Ull e 0118 ... e.. •&•·•••EIT FROM $700 10 lllt>O water. poulbl• boot ellp fl(; "'· ..... roo BO rm •Pl 14 75/m o bal b. Plane a permit• for• • 11160 mo 0711-1938 or 2 1:.1/087 -~2 112 day1. hplc,poo1.1p1,11t1cn.o 5300 1eo. Joyce w1111 vate cony, custom ca incL'> 1n fomlly 011 O"' No 1 • 1 _...L 19!>0 sq It hm RHd)' to 171•1111 Olshwaaher a Oouble 861·8394 2131387 5900 r .,e Pe I ... vat Re/Ma11031·1268 rvum, brick firepltK"e. tastdul uiw of wull bu 1 1 o s 8 6 . o o o Oven r1ow '820/mo 631-4984 ._ ri g J QJ ls 548·1182. 6'42•2901 a y THE COVeS Clean, tulurn 1 BR. Igor 2 bd, 1 bl, Wut-llde • ..,ve n s. ymp1c community poo . n11ttal • 1arlr Flr•pl1oe1. Cpt1/0rape1 floutllul 1 Bdrm ptua ap. ') bfk 10 bell Oct 2 BA t BA. 010 h<WM. no 1oca11on 15001mo. $160 S:Sl,000 down to existing Joans, or owner c M Huge quality ouplu Good thing• come In 3'• 1 Yr ltlM w1opt 10 buy oen condo with boll •tip July 1 p111aon No pelt pel• chlld OK All ulll po 1ec u rl 1 y C a II 8e 1t1 maycarrywlchlessdown.178,500 Jtrplc.3gar.copper 311oryilome(1houM Goodpubllclraneport•· Conoo11s12oomo·•llP $4 :.!5 120 36111 S I 41 5 H11m111 011. 1575 631-5230eher4pr11 u1111b'no $t25K, eaau-from beach), 3 be 11on. 11.571c M•aaft... jeu""'E 11 1272 110 mu c 1111 6 7!1 IH2' U41 07113 mable loan al 12% Int droom1, 3 bath• end 3 walk 10 UCI and ahOP· .,. " A """""' ",."" Cooktt ,.1111011 2 br apl, cteen. quiet.NE I s 1 15K1 0 fr A. 0 41 n t geragea . S 1250/mo ping. Barrell Alty 642 5200 $19!:1 Lg 3 b•. newly lurn llSTAIT Ill Cotta Moe Enc II" 642-8666. la"'rHl/Fure. Oall 114/111·1111 2 BR 2 Ba. cpta, orpa. encl Nr t>ch (2 13) 265·3!>07, E1111s1de S625-$8Wtmo rage $475 mo pet• Oupiea blk to ocean, lg IOI, lee s 197,500 Mar- shall Reelty 675-4800 1• gor. S750 No peta Jll0-5 46~ 617 -358b 2Br 1'"1 Ba TownhOuM, 547 -4111 day• Avail now. lg dock 3 __ ___ 675•6606 OAIHO MllMUIDI duyo all bu1t1 -1n1. fndry rm. 559-61113 evet 0 u t at •no I n g Io c 4 bdrm~ 3 "b::h ~ondo. WOODBRIDGE S 1100 1'11ree bedroom home SHORT TERI ~mall p~t OK '' 1 bd. 1 bl . no pelt Nice Ewecuuvo 4 Br 2 Be, 3000 -------------------• sq It HB home S250K. equity S86K. Trade for Bdrm w/famlly rm IEA• 1•ot1 l'Y I "ighly d•alroble area r.ntport yatd/balcon"' ----- $JOOO/mo pool. 1ennl1, etc S775 Spac 4 br, 2'"' bl, niculy Sll<:luded locallon Pool Furn rentals by wee• or TSL Mgmt 642-1603 Loe. MOO plut"' dop Liiie l1l1 /U•f11r1. Call 675-4277 landscaped. lam rm . Loaaa Ot lean option mon111 A.g1 87S·8170 5"6"9860· blwn 9·4pm Fan1aat1c loctcallon. 2Br., _ _ lrplc. palloa Leka, pool S 1100 per montll • ~ 11 oplace, pool, dlah-1581 Meaa Or , Senta fireplace, new kitchen. House with pool, obi g11-& tennta 640-1327, Oalebout THE w1t&litlf, pvt patio X lg Ana HI• ~l.'!!~.~il!!L.!.~~~ VILLE IE OEllllE BEAUTIFUL OLO WORLD TOWNHOMES By Howerd Mark Co lrom $159,000 495-324• 760·9356 ~!.'!r.!! .!!~!~. •• }.~? ap~s or.!. 548·8859 UST ILUFF OOllO ~Pie•. Mesa Verda (Spice 3 br like new Xlnt lln Sts), great loon 15"1. S139'.500. Ownet. down Bkr 979-4383. 673-30691(213)281-0365 lormal Olnlng. bright end rage. lncd yerd. 5 Rma. 559-6188, ofc 720-7373 Bay & Besen Rily Gardel'I 2 Br on Et atde. 3 BR, 1,,.., 01 gar tpc, airy $1100/mo opt/buy $595 Best, WOOOBRIOOE ARBOR 111 U00 S!>50 557"2841 pc1110. new <lecor S595 W1terfrHt M1•t1 S39-6 l90. Cost Many LAKE Private security • ''GOOD 1 BA. flow P•ln1, cpte. 544-5939. 846-5976 131-1400 others available g1tedcommuntty,forme1 drapes. <J/w, no peta E' --- Weau1tde 2 t>r. 1 ba du-model. professionally Yearly renlal Baylront S4001mo 2265 Mlnet St stde 2Br 1 ba upstairs ' ' &.-/ ~ 3 6 d d e 851.2175 Fresh paint Nr scnls. no • -• fllO• 20 plex, encl gar, pvl yard. ecorale • et11ocallon 60 It ftonlage Dock 10, LIFE'' pets $450/mo 63 Hi155 3vl~~/g2rnbeblll.ndp~oto~~j •••••••••••••••••••••• no pelt $485 & $49!> on lhe lekel 28A.. 2'hBA. large boel St• be 1111. 2111, 1111. Spac1ou• 2 bd. 2 ba. ~ 4 Br 3 Ba Oen. Din. gar, mo 548-6680 aft 5 & lg patio & many Miras drooma, five and 11811 ~ ·~~ lorappt to see. 6-40-0888 ATTENTION 1n11estora no pe11 S1050/mo 227 wknda incl. a priv lanai & Jacu:r.· baths 5,.500 per month YEAR-ROUND FUN: Newly decor Gas pd. c rpta. drape•. goo d 5 11ood units, make good sen110 at 15•1. dn. E/Stde CM Prln only 549-1366 1% IOWI IEWPlllT 00110 by owner e•cellent Eaatalde Costa Coral 213/395-3511. ---zl, No pets $1250 mo ,Social A.ctlv111ea encl oar, dwshr, pool, Eaa1111de 1oc1111c•1 $475 jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml Men 2 Bdrm duple• Lease/option. 2 br, 2'n ba 551-6417 or 833-8201 Lease or lease o~uon O 1rec1 or • Free bt>q no pet a 842-5073 See Mangr 147 E 18111 1 0 2 X 0 r 0 8 8 • new Beaut toe home. 4 BR condo. 3 level, 3 palloa, __ _ Oateboul S d St 4 CM lid 3ba. lam rm. blllns. aln-Nwpl Hots $850/mo + Wdt>rg twnlls 2Br, 21>a, Bay & Beach Rily u n 8 Y • q • Fanl18tlc view. location - 2 Bd -feat escrow • move-In cond. -Call Tim Rhone today 631-1266, 901 KINGS ROAD carpe rapes, new cop-gle gar, yrly $1100 A.eglr utile. 631-0715 30 Briarwood $700 131-7100 Brunch•BBO's• ••~ 2 Br. l '."1 Ila. 323 E 18111 per plumbing. clean Prop 675-4000 -The Springs: Condo 2nd Per11ttt•Plus Wwt:!!ltl..I-=---St No pets Gar $660 lnstde/out Good rental - -4Br. 2Ba. a11oll Nov 1 111 10, 38 Streamwood , ----much more Fllllll 1'TS Sierra Mgmt 641-1324 r 01•• ••• H)IJ tht '"'"~ wl•• Ire• this h1Hrl111s rt114Hoe. =~~a ~r1.:~r': ':~~v~~~ c,~~;m~~~o~~ta~~·1 :afaj ~75~1 mo :s~t1 1~;~~eq S525. Ag1 541-5032 I Su 1rl111 : : €:ET AT 1 0 N , Beaulllul oar den ap11 Mesa Verde 2 br 1 /p, Asl<lng $135,000 Devin br 2ba jull ;edec $8°50 r:::ny ;:v:rll e :/added PA RKCREBST2'PETER~ ••• ~~!!~.·.'!~ •... !.~~! 1 en n Is .Fr a e Pa!IO&/d8Ck8 No pets 2 ttncl gar No pryd $500 Real Estate. 642-6368 1 _w1nter 675-5319 __ , dining rm 3 BR 2 Ba I 1H10ME 301 r. It Ba2. llv 4 BR 2 Ba, •Int San Juan ~~·~opn)a.~r~e&a~tr~ ~h~~:~~ ~~1~~~~ $540 1-\lepoall 979-4383 Loll lot Sil• ZZOO B1lbo1 lam rm. 1ge yard. $890° m rrr;. n Orm. far Capist rano locatlon. Clubs•Sauna• '' 2 Bdrm 2 Baths $565 Redecorated 1 Br. relrig ··av·OWNE·R~·R~·l ... T.. IHia1a/1 3201 Incl grdnr 549-86~ 1 gar w opener. •PP s, $830 mo Evs. 493·2448 Hydromasaage• 396 w W•tson incl . 19200 Wallace 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 d 28 2 c5o52mm89f'7ool. Jae $975 S -,, A-1 3"'0 Swimm1nl11•Goll 63 1-5583 or 642-4905 $410 76-0-8376 RVMt-X Ope• Sit. I Sua 1 t1 ' ., ~, .,, ........ . !'.'!r.!!.f!f!! .• !.~! 131 -4300 ., 173.3100 Easts1oe Costa Mesa. 2 blks 10 Beach 2 bd, 1 eluxe con o. r 'ltba. -.. •• a 1<· RI Plans & permtts lot 1 ba w/refrlg stove gar frplc, patio, extraa, $650, Unlve78l1y Pa.:kJ br, 2 I>; N~~;·3•9R ·;~;b~·-;;;t1e• ~r~l~g ;"'o; U Large 2 Br new paint. Easls1de nou11e. 2 Bdm 1950 sq 11 hm Ready lo s65o 111.l Yrly Includes 837-2686 evestwknds c 0 n d 0 , 1u 91 red ec 5650/mo 3 yrs 010 "tos • P U I l carpe t S525t mo Stu den, lrg lrnt din, nu cpts, b I d $ 8 5 O O o " ,. A R TM ! N T 8 : 497 ·2338 or 540-3666 lrg fncd yrd. pel OK $650 u 1 • all utlls No pets Quiet. Clean. 2 bd In $840/mo. 548·0397 and pets possible Im-Singles. 1 & 2 1s1 4 last, sec s.coo 548-1162. 642·2901 835-5445 court New carpet• ga-L --- -m11d occup Ed wa1111 Bedrooms•Furntshed Beautdul 2 Br 2 Ba 6'2-0857 ILIFFS llllUJI You own the land. 2.000 ~~~~~~~~~· IQ It. 38r. fem rm, 2'h Ba, wide GreenOOlt, near I pool. Far below market 1235,000. Wiii lease op- tion. Bkr. 6-44-0134 -r d ~~;., l•RH Bt1tA 3Z41 96 6 7 U h t I '" S Leg 25• tOO' unlmpro· Penln Pl 5 BR 3,,., be age. yr • comm"""'' noi ·•'••••••••••••••••••• 4 . 1 1 a nfurnishe<l•No town ouse, rp c. patio, Ready to pack bags and ved property, 180 degree OR. lrg petto, s·1200 mo: Pela $575/mo Mgr 2453 HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Co•J0-.1•111,11•1 Pets•Models Open Ind r y rm. good loc 12 ano 3 bdrm, 2 ba, avail PRICE llHUCED llEHCHI SEA.VIEW -eleg1n1 & c harming Hempt on Model. fabulous views. d ecor, tpa, private comm w/pool a tennis laclllllet. $450,000. Open H OUH Sat/Sun 12-5 1903 Yacht Colina move Enjoys sunsets wh1tewa1er view Loma 10 mo Agt 673_9060 B Or~nge A.venue CM I Nu 3200' lux hm on bluff ... oally 9 10 6 $5110/mo TSL Mgmt now S 5 7 5 Io S62 5 and spa from prime 1rac1 blk 3, 101 10 Best _ _ 3Br 2,ltBa frplc comm 1eo deg vu 01 hOrbor. Faraill•H 3400 0 k d 642-622 1 842· 1603 557-4785. Mon·Sat 9.5 :~~~nl~~ s~:l~I~~ ~~-1 ofter 493-670• --f!!~!'.' •. ~!L'!~! .. !.~~! pool &spa, 2 ca; garage surf. mlns, 3br, 3ba, ... i(w;oiii.iuoii... I woo HSTSliE afld Sun 11-5 vale snowing v•c••t LOT Spacious 4 bo 3 ba In w/aulo drs. nr So Cst securtly. sauna. spa Lu• rm apt, prof dec'd, • .,... 2 Br 1 Ba pool side apt, c .. ,. ,,~.. 3124 A A . p I a z a S 7 7 5 m o~ $1800/mo 496-7009. '·1ria1•tl • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• ••• Jo-Ann 00<1n. Bkr 1 Tranquil E'slde CM loci-Spygleas All amenlllH, 980 3296 linens. dishes. kng bed. lew"",•rt 11 .... ll/le. lndry rm, bit-ins No Free bachelorelte ex-759·0619 lion with many treu $1750 mo 759-1015 I __ ·_ EMERALD BAY 3 br. 2 sec grd, underground I .., pets Call for appt. change for bat>ysi1trng iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•mJ 2!>3 Flower St H1s1or1cal 4-B-;-2''> Ba F R o R &-II E W C l p I C O D ba l600 sq 11 frpl, brick 9ar. ldry rm, wlk to bch. 880 Irvine S435-$450 and work 545-00:l4 As- FEEL l •All llEW custom home next ooor ' c · " 1 1' TWllHI patio, with ape S l600 $700 89<1-862 t (at 16th) TSL Mgm1 642· 16-03 lam n view omm poo . en- 1 , 2131876-2255 _ - New 11s1~ng on Kings $95,000 nts, $1500 mo. Ownr· Decorator perfect, spa-------Coadoaiaia•I I (714 ) 645-1104 FIRESIDE COIFOllT Bdrm, 11..,ba trplt o/w. Road We re ottering this 759-8006 ctoua 2 Bdrm 2'1tba 2 Br 1 Ba cottage, Cllll U I • a. ~ 3425 ltw,ert .. u .. /le. L11\e nu. lge 1 br apls. pvt patio, garage. no bea llf 1 1 " ~ --· · sec11on. gas range. gar-O 8IDU•t11 1700 l6 "l St 64-4-1017 ESTATE HIE I u u v ew ome, on I .t'i lllllptlt h it lsta!e Elegant 3 bO, tam rm, prvt pool. j ac. recr eat Ion dener refrtg A. ail 1018 1 •••••. •••••••••••••••.. trplc, OW. gar .. $475/up pe1s $520/mo 634 He· tee land, to those who~ I Asatebtn I communtly Steps to area pvt potio, t>alcony. W 111• 1 v $ 8 7 5 · 13 Br Condo near So C (Dover at 16th) Pauo or balcony Pool & mllton. 543-5478 want comfort. beou1y poot Spa 4 Tennis large garage Decorator ease I Plaza, crptno & bl1-ln1. (714) 642 5113 spa No pets 2650Harla and Pacific peflorama 3 1114) 64H67S s 1 2 5 o mo Imme 0 wall paper, draperies and 494·0154 On bus line. overlooks green bell, • Mesa Pln8$ 549·2447 1 BDRM tN DUPLEX, ulll Back Bay erea. 3 Br 2'"' Ba. 2500 IQ. rt. Security gate, prlv1te community. $395,000 5•~ Down Wiii consider trades. e1c. Bdrms. large llVlng roorn _ occpncy 67 5-2740 more S 1150 Incl pd utll lease or lease Option pools, spat. 4 clubhouM _ 2 BR 2 Ba studio, $575, includ~ll ~~7940 and dining room. welbar. lloa•l•ia /hurt Call 673-2311 from I New eoc homo 38r. 111111 Securi ty gate aeparate office or work I ' '2400 Brand spanking new eve-9-5pm. j view. S2000/mo Agen1 S650 Cell979-8231 eves Sia Cltatatt 3116 cpts. drps encl gar. no 2 br In newer tri-ple11 nr room lovely landsca-11011 rywhere 3 bdrm 2''1 ba ----497 1761 & wknds •••••••••••••••••••••• -~ts 675-6606 SC Plaza gar No ~1· ping, full length belcony •••••••••••••••••••••• Oeraga. patio $1,000 D••• loi•I 3ZZ61 ---Oceanvtew, furn walk to · ... -0 Armlt~ Really 714-544 2484 opening ofl master lrPU YlLLEY Ml. mo 607 1r11 641-4868, •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bd, oen. 1'• ba, newly EXEC RETREAT In New-1>eac11 2 Br 1•-. Ba 5465 2 Bdrm. retrig, pa-1545 833-9293 I .. I I 110 no peto. adults pref. . t>drm, living room and Reduced S 10,000, no 777-2233. 673-4399 rift• IW •••I redec panoramic ocean port Bch I Br penthou-S5001mo 225 La Po-724.A Jame•. 673-7787 Bachelor. Ulll s tnclu<led dining room $525.000 qualllying 3 Br 2ba. 3 yrs BARGAIN RENTALS Oat'la Polnl Walk Ing dla-; views A.BH avail Nov 8 se Security, pool, ape, loma 63 7-7918 -I Prk'O space Back yard 3 er 2'n baths family 142 1200 18 mos llnanc1ng provl-1 b 1 57001 borms $950 10 S 1350 L Ni I 32S2 6 4 6 --4 2 6 7 • ( 2 1 3 ) A,1tt•l1tll 1 Br w/lol1 Child ok, 552·9389 ltWJtrf/llJOFISt lee Cati for details old Landscaped, v, acre. 2 br 1 ba $800/mo lance 10 Beach 3 and 4 1 $850 494-1177 gym, S600t mo (7141 PINE BLUFF APTS $300 Call al1er 6 pm rm. pool. Buy S75.000 • ~~a\ S~ ~;~.oat 2 b~ 1 ~= $5001~~ per mo 661-3100 .!1!.'!~ ••• 1.".~•••••••• 613-1000_ Valarai16td patio, view, lrplc, encl 2 bo . 2 ba. Frpl. 01h 000 Private parly, prln· , , , S:1e'n~ 247·4288 or qu c M Ferguton & Hahn RE a 11 a 1 I 8 b I e now I gala, 3 bd, 2 be. lmmac cular 111-Security ga· l•/ltol 11/10, 3106 ~:;~,e~.o spa. lndry rm yrd 830-4456 below market at $225,' rm A k• in S~S sJo I' Ink 2 Dr 2 ba Big Cyn S 10!>0 House -Condo -A.pt All BCH 1ennts. pool. grd'd 1' LEAS. E/OPTION Specla-•••••••••••••••••••••• gar ' gas stove, dish-washer garage. prl\ 'g. clpalt only 862-7367, • - -&42-1183 631-6512 $650 -$950 j 831 -1293 led Harbor Rt<lge Ten-•••••••••••••••••••••• ·---- 83&-0784 eves • ORI of CfRlll1 714/493·0467 Lovely tPI CIOUI 3Br, 3Ba I n1s. Pool, Spa S 1995/mo 2 $~ro~f:n~ar:~~· .,Ni~~~~ SPMC 631·6107 EASTSIOE-Lg 2Br. garage Ouplu : 142, block lo ltOHllfl 2550 CtrlH 411 lar 1wnhte. p\11 community, at !46!~.: _ _7~-9307__ 213139!>-3511 EtS1oe C M cute bechelor ~e ~~',P;'.' : 5Y~'o flt~v~/ OCMn. lge lot. Fee $197. •••••A0•"•••••••••••• Nearly n-3 bdrm. 3 ba, H••tl•flOa pool/tac, 2 ml to bch Foul'ltaln Valley. 2 br. 3'"-apt, S400/mo + S300 631-0754 600. M erahall Realty GREAT BUY. cloae 10 Solana Beach 2 fireplace•. 2 cer gar lt1tli 3Z40 S600 mo 499-1101 ba. end untt, bonua rm E-Boytron1. L1111e late. MCur11y No pet$ Joyce -------- 1175-4600 t>each-2 BR 1 Ba 11119 Beautiful Ocean Fronl Balcony Gardener, -1 •••••••••••••••••••••• • 5625/mo 847.6100 agt pier, 3 story 2Br. $1800 Wallze, 631-~66 ~t _ 2 BR 2 Be. avail approx Wiii $111 000 could be the 11ari you ~~°s3~g~ ba, 2000 ~~;6om~o;:ve leeae •••21, a"'* '!.~·!!!!'.X~·J! •.•• !.~f{ -mo 67!>-3067 STUNNING large I & 2 Br ~~;-1~.,~oo~e;:8 -~~6755 •1200 , • 1r I always wented 1owaros CUL.VER & ASSOCIA.· 551_4693 111., 6 PM ,3 full bath•. mulll !amity HOME FOR RENT Autl••all f•tai16ttl On Grand Canal· Spa-gatrden apl 710 W 18th evl/wknds ln , creating your own per-T OK Frplc \palde, pool 3 Bdrm . $725 Fenced .r.-••••••••••••••••••• ctous upper apt. 2 br. 1 S View l o Palot Verdet lect Newport 8eecn 1 7u ~~76 2Br, 28a dramatic apllt-too. Bott, 539·1890 Cott yard & garage Kids & l•IH• lllH' J10fl ba Yrly $750 673-8457 VILLA-MEOERA 2 Br 2ba. 2 BR 1 Ba OPlll. new cp1s1drps Clean 1n11de/ out No pets S550 mo 1s1llaat & $275 rerun· dable oep Devin Real Es1111e. 642-6368 wltl'I breethlaklng night home $189, 500. Devin .,.,_ level. park Mntng, frpk:, pets welcorn41 545-2000 •••••••••• •••••••••••• -tight panorama. Exec:u-Rell Estate. 642-6368 GREEN VALLEY LAKE I dbl remote gar dr $985 Sharp 2 BR COl'ldO. 1 siy, A.gent no fee . Furn 3 bdrm, 2 ba. mo-Pv1 2 BR. sundk. Ip, stv. E'sloe. lamlly complex llve 2 bdrm+ formal di-MOUNTAIN HOME m o Avail 11 -1 2700 all bltna. pool, $550 mo ' · oern Spanish apt Steps relrtg, $700 306''r Coral O/W, garage Wlr/gaa nlng, wl1h comm. pool & S•• Clt•Hlt 1016 Ne•t 10 nallonal loretl BayStde Or Shown by Cell 540· 1 l58, Hk for N1•Htl BHti 3261 10 No Boy Winter S600 I Appt only 213-277-2120 PO S525Jmo & S300 1enril1. Seiter will contld· •••••••••••••••••••••• skiing. bolling. etc 3Br '. appl 675-6675 Oeve __ I ••••"'"•••••••••••••••• 873--0571 1 BR apt, utll paid par11y dep 232 -4 Elden, Mgr er any offer Call lor Exceptional value 39r · kitchen & ·~ lndry rm ltv · Juat look at this liner 3 BR HARBOR VIEW HOMES Ii/&... lurn . garane Apl 1· 549·~14_7 __ _ · t~·Ba home $128,000 · · Cotti /11111 3224 fl 5525 1 3 Bdrm, expanded Car-_. " more details 646-9911 A.lk f0< Denni• 493-6628 rm. rec rm. 2 trplcs, •••••••••••••••••••••• at month y Kids mel mdl. VI-N-c 1 Pttti•lall 3701 67_3-4236 or 675-2355 Near 18th/Pomona. 1 Br. WANTED; By p P. !'tome I or 498-4950 Lingo RE 1'<,Ba. completely fur-•PYT llllSI S410* are OK Good eafe area 1800 sit $l200/mo. c':i11 •••••••••••••••••••••• Bill,., 1 Ba, downstairs. d i s, pref. Seavlew, Jasmine nlshed Good Income 2 BR ho th I' f -at Best, 539·6190, Coat Agt G-Hill 642·8079 Winter Ren111 2Br. Pool, 1 , carport, waler pd, 1 child wt·•t•l•lltt 1-• pro ..... .-or 2 tam home use a s en P•a1a1al1 3•01 ok. no pets $425 Agent. Cr or 81ulfa Loe cath "'" • "~ 1.86,.....7_·3 •1._3• ced. 1a1,,.. garage. kid•' HOMES FOR RENT house to bch $550 Ptaya " 844-7070 8i.jslN ESS .. L.Oss·,~;;; " .. pets we~me. 3 & 4 Bdrm, $725 to THE ILIFFI I RE 673-1900 2·bd;~~·;b~·~;:.i~~·~~~ll· no lee 952 - 0211 ... •-llW--T sale· 4 br, 2'1t be. good Rtol1J1 Best. 539-6190 Cott $750. Fenced yards & 3 Bdrm 2ba. epotleH OCEANFAONT·2Br fur_-yrly Mature nor1-1mkrs. 3 bd. gar. lrpl. pallo. -•tv r... neighborhood Assume •••••••••••••••••••••• garages K ids & pets S 1250/mo nlahed. wlnttlf $575 mo no pets $700 X 3 Newport Helgllta area llUll 111111 $88,000 loan Only a ..... F111ai16'4 3 Ir. 2 ••• welcome 545-2000 675-5102 2 131799-4195. 257-9792 S8SO 1o S800 559-5001 D111• 1•i•I 3126 ···•··•••·•··········· ICUI Yl(W From Dana P0tn1'1 mo11 secluded scenic bturr Like new! Only 4 units, 2 Br wi den Xtra trg private pallo From $725/m o Call 661-6441 or M-F. 9-5, 643-0212 Extra large laland kll· S 1050/mo Beller than •••••••••••••••••••••• Frplc. range. yard. oa-Ag8f11. no fee 2 Bdrm, 2ba. beaulllul or (7141 673-3986 Large 3 Br 2 Ba Town- chen. 4 luxurious be-rent al1er 11x benefll 1'-••r•/ 3JOZ rage no peta Private adult unit $1200/mo 4 Br 2 Ba. acroaa from 11 ,_1 1 -$1501 1 t 1 *1 .. 21 2 Ill I•••* d b I / · f $425 Ill pd 1B O I 417 ouse In Qu ... comp ex. 2 Br den 2 ba, frplc. new drooma wllh plenty ol R&H Inv 752-2197 •••••••••••••••••••••• mo s Pus sec ,. Call Holstein Realty san , a cony w view o u r P x. I I o werdrobe 1pac•. Matr 01 IALIOA ISUll only 648 W 18th St 2 bath. balcony, vi-. 4 760-8816 0< 544.9 152 ocean 1340 ~5-0340 E Bay Ave. Balboa No arge poo oar en set-crpt, lrg view decks 1,.,,. •99 1617 tam d~11 encl g8f ·-pets 547 1155 l•no $675 645-336l, med occupancy A.gent Ile has hi• & her balhl Ot .. er .... , .. ,,.,. Adorable 3 bdrm l'IOUM .. --· ' • ~ OCEANFRONT, DELUXE--675 5949 Ow ~•it fl ....... • "'" ., ,. lllls rental and others 11 Lovely 4 Br 2 Ba crpt. I/a -~ S 7 !> 0 I m o A g e n I rier .. , nance ...... ow •••••••••••••••••••••• & guest house $850/mo *2 Ill HSI 1.11100• * • 2 Furn. quiet, lrg .. winter, 2 Studio apt SJSO/mo utll --- mrkl r11et M ullan realty ll•)il• a.... BA.YFRONT wltorever Prvt dlnll'IO 'roo~. d!.p Bett, 539-&190 Cost ;~·~it ,;::;:•r; ~~::w:~~~ rentals 675-4688. Incl 151° 4 last All 5 e srde l8r Iba. pool, 4~"6804 5-40-2980 F• SJ 1100 view 4Br S1600/mo p<lecarpets,mostappllc CLOSETOBEACH·Brand Clltf Or Gardener Nol Ii 21 h I t Wkdys693-6228 laundry No pets OCEANVIEW,2bd.2ba ASK FOR LORI ••• ! .. !.!••••••••••••• 8 A. Y FR 0 NT 3 Br w/ encl oar Kida llne n-2 Br beach house, pell $1000/mo Avail Cl r II IP • 2 bdrm 1 b&. sundeck, $38!>/mo 833-7890. duple• lrpl. new carpeta ls •I Fl I Exc:eptlonal 24X60 2 BR, $1500/mo Best. open 7 days. Coil, all ullls paid. akyllght, Oct 191. 548·6089. Furn $650/mo 673-4743 block from beech 212 646 · 1947 4 d rape a 'No Pats .... 1 ftlftO •I lam rm, 2 ba. S Star Park Weekly 8ayfron1 ren1111 *536•6191* suri. deck. tote of wood. Newer 1 Br w/garage No S625f l'flO 675-15• 1 or 1806 Pt Taggart 1 219. nr So C•I Plaza Betow from $700/Up frplc. bit-Ina, 2 Clf o•-The Bluff• 3 Bdrm condo CftOlll ,,, ,,,, 3122 30lh SI $625/mo yrly pets ... 10/mo (213) 316-3145 500 Perteet Monaoo k b I w f H I 2 BR 1 B d I 2 b a L I no PI ' I ...... •••••••••••••••• . 675·3206 ----- Speciout CdM duplex. 556-6715 171-1100 ~~1~3;_~~6~11111. 1545 Hartf0<d, drive by & then 760_1900 873_7681 • turn townllOuH. ftplc. C010111 ''' 1111 3122 E-SIOE sunny 2 Br ga-ocean view, balcony 113 Potritelfle ,295 000 mar e 1, y own r ater ronl omes, nc a up e11, pvl rage. greatloc at 217 S 1 2 0 0 / m 0a 1 : ~ I Ocean vtaw, beautllully -645-5577 28r. garege. near ooean. J662 Crestview $310.000 'i UllU lllLLS lilJN. 111,., JIOf call 536-7979 · PoOI & patio S 1095/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• rage.· deck $450/mo $480/mo 213/402-2657 '8aythores dotl llOUM Beautiful 24x60 El Oran· •••••••••••••••••••••• * c 0 z' ' II •• ' •• Ill a IATll• DELUXE 3 BR 2'" be, 2 673-0896 STEPS Tl OCUI 160 21st St 548-0165 See OI 24682 Apt A ALSO de 2 BR. 2 BA., Corner Steps to Boy 3 br, 2 ba 1 ... 1* Incl family rm, 1645. dbl tfy, tge fron1 yard a IC I 81 -312~ Many amanlttet lnclu-Cordoba Or N CA.LL s •• 1 d 2 ,_ ,.. up1111ra patio Ne et 01 I,,.,., ., ding views from decl<. YILU CORIOY' ----are ... arv n, 1 o t . new carp et• a 1n1ng rm. oar. palou• Prioes or .. , lor I amity on garg, kldt/peta welcome ••• • ••• • • •• ••• • • •• • • • • hplc, etc • Studio 11p1. retrio. we1 bar. Unique Hornet drapes 1111nd Kl1chen S726 Winter OPEN 328 budge1, hat all modern tiere Call Beat. open 1 1 beech. 1'1 & lest, MOU· E aide. tunny lrg 1 l!lr. utfl Sp1c1ous E Sloe A.pta $275 mo 675-6000; 675-5e88 Fam Rm Light Inferior Sapphire. 844-0954. convenience HereC·unlt d1y1. coat rlly. S 1 lOO per mo paid, fenc yrd. $450 vLarge 2 8' 2 Ba ss25 Encl ger. patio, dshwhr & 641-1391 iiiii~~~~~--L~S~34~.~500~._:5~40~-5~9~3~7~~ 675-8573 at Beat, 539_8190 Cost •Hl-11IO* 1 631•6861 646-4631 ~1~~.ge 3 Br 3 Be slove Most utll lree No U .. ISLE A D 1 I I "I .,~ 3 Br, 2 tlO<y lownhouM. 2 Furn 1 bdrm apt• C--3•5 C 811 • I h d s pets H1111ti•flH ,.rtao•ll •al 0 • " -4 Br, 2 Ba M ... def Mtr. ON THE SANO bath•. pwder rm Very • u ,..n ony IY 2 BR. 1 person $510 l•1t6 3140 IAYFHIT /ft l•I• 1300 E.;~··;·;r~"2"i,;·~~~d; clean homo, quiet 1treet View or the ocean. 2 p v 1 • c 0 mm p 0 0 1 ;~~0 ':fewpe~~ 31:~·~~· !;~:~~g~· eve• & wk'\ds 2 BR 2 persons $545 •••••••••••••••••••••• F AN TA ST IC •••••••••••••••••••••• ocean vi-. pool, tennia $ 8 O O mo 0 w n r 8 0rmt. t'ltba. guarded $900/mo. 873-8866 5_..a-4968 1 BR starting at $435 Deluxe poolttde •1ra large TERMS ... 0-will car-WT O.M. llPLU Compl furn 760•8466 759-8006. gete, pool, aaune, gym, Ct 11t ltwr/lboArtt.•r 2323 Elden Ave. CM 2br. 2 ba, bllna, dswtir, ry long term 181 Tru1t 2 2·bd. l'ltl"Y ah•k• roof, (8-5); 240·3201 (ah 8) •EMm uo•IE* $600/mo 213/333-3846 w .. 1clltt area, av111 .. 3 BR Olli IE 0110 Th Oeed. Pr iced to tell 1 000 " 0< 902-1298 2 Ba. dbl gar. lplO. 1925. N Ud Cl bh & lrg yrde. only 142• L .. 6 JI 41 Chlldren/pete OK Fncd g r d n r Inc I E 111 n e . ALL UTILITIES PAID Cd ,;_'::,, ~rta.u WI~~ I .I. FHICLllllll .!/."!!~ ••• !.'.......... yard. pvt g1rage 1495 c 2Br Condo, 1't~B1. cplat 1 548-1232; 645-5983 8P modate a large yacht j 1 yr otd. 2 2-bd unl18. 11t 180 deg Oce1n vi.w. 28r el Beat, optn 1 days , drpa. clubtlM. Jae. pool · 111 C Compare before you GI t 1,300,000. • blk to ocean No down 2bl. 1pa, $1200/mo Ph CCMlt I $550 mo. 788-7633 ewport retl. ocein rent Cullom dolgn 1Br Poallbl w a d 1 "" "" view •ec condo, 2 br. ~Ye m. Sh!:..,. !.~7n81'e~; 4...,-5304. 4.,.,.4827 •539-6190* 3 & 4BA houM. clean Call den. office. 2 bo. formal featuret Pool, bbq, 15 ._ ·~1· .,...,.. .. ~ Elgl 1 1 cov'rd garage. eurroun· 64 a 898l Attractive cottage 1v1ll Oen & night view, 4Br. lam n. gen din. wet-bar. 1ennl1, ded with plulh landaca-_ Oct 15 lo Nov 27 rm. 20,;ea. RV aru. 531-9481 poo11, etc 1 1200 plng.Nopela, 2 l111A 1t•Hrt. l 350 S 1 7 51 wk U ti I Pd I 1000 mo. 031-1153 5 b1Jt1 to ocean. e1-an1 2 673·3313 1 BR. Furn. 15111 •••••••••• ~ •• ~....... 49•~0011 -· e• ldo ea ty 101~ Duplex near 45th 11 •Eaalstde 2 br. 1 ba, BR. tam rm 4 den. 1875 4 B R, 3 Ba Nwpl CrHf 365 w WH1on 642·1971 " NB. 3 br, 2 bt. upatalrs. w•••• Mi•••l JJSZ Kid• ok, pelt,.., $595 mo Plush cptt, 2'"' bl. condo. lmmac Agl. Car-••• ,,.,,.. Oup 673-7300 2 br. 1°;, bl. downllolrt ••'•••••••'••••••••••• U1ll1 pd. 631-4320 A.gt cedar and 01111 Sun-lerie, 675·1771 'i vie tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:1 = :"wr,~ ~~11'g'f:7,"::i 2t9~B!, 0"' golf courM, 2 Bdrm, 1 bt, trplc. o•· ~~f:· ::.~~~r :,vrtd 0'No LIDO ISLE· 4 Br. 3 8• & ••• '.!.~!. .......• JJ.~f U tor S875,000 & up. (plant Tierra Oet Sol Atty r 8 O • • f n c d P •II o · pelt lnq, 527 18lh St d4tn, $l-400. TOI 11111¥1 fTI evH IUO •• •• •11 a approval• obtained) 497.1744 $595/mo. I.HM. Back• 980·6331 222 v11 P11ermo. 9eaullf''I & park like will\ 2obw n -up 10 golf cour ... 710 1175-7188 I v ,. Cuttom 2 ttory hom• A7 r:r5• 1 t 820 . Re 8 I I y ...... ,, ltact 3111 Joann S1 213/472-6240 Oceen view. volley ball Cl, Lido '•I• b•"'ront. 8 br, a I •.e"PrecedlvatePoOIP1t1~ $650/mo. 559-0286 !~31~1/3m2~-Slerr1 Mgmt., Ill\ pal Sk 11 ht t i ... 44-484. ••••'°••••••••••••••••• 119 Huntington St. 2 BA. ' , · " vw ...., .. b.,. ~ ~mg ~11~ Duplex on the tend. 30lh LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, fem 2 St 1 81. patio. enc:lld I 1850, 1 BR, 1600. or rent bl. pl9r lrid tltp. LeaM I •covered P1rklng 1 Lg 2Br. 281, tr pie, 1 Ptr· 1535 Ouplex/l ll80 Houte e Stiores In bHullful 842-7805 M hat 1 a 2 bdrm I UHIY OllllS IS tor reot Cell Helen 2 Br 2 Sa. tncluellno 2 bson, 644-2811 car garage w1op11ner, • no pets. no garage wood bUrnlno lrplo. mo1t 50 mo. Avail Nov 7 u l tll paid. vl aw of 4-7809 streams & waterfall•. bd. 1 ba. ger. frpt From 11100 C I II 180C)Jmo 662-1309 1-1391 1nd 640--0789 SPACIOUS 2 Bd. 1 Be. lu 2Br 2ba, frplo, Beam oelllng1, ""' bar. Wooo cab . no p elt . w , ahr waah/dryr. $475. 2256 M :gt1. oo / rno 646-0883 548•7366 or 673-8 3. A r. 1 ba, carport, lrplc, 2 Br 1 81. 2248 Canyon Or upatalra. no pet1. • yard. No Ill Clng. OwMr may conal· In and out 3 br .. 2 ba. & drape• No pell. 1525 538-9802 or 861·11122 Uon. Open Sun 1-5. Cell •Dining Arn mo tat & IH I + $350 333 e 2111 St 17eor30 1'" mites beach No pets. $500/mo 536-8362 WOOIUIE Spac 1 & 2 br. lovely ploes a Slreama. sec. gatea, entry by phone, lge rec area Incl gym, pool & spa. 846-6591 2 & 3 Bdrm apts. Avail. tmmedlllety $525-SllSO Frplc, dlw. garage No p e ta , weter paid 545-2000. A.gent. no tee 38r, 2'i't8a. frplc, dbl gar, W/O hook-up. 1650 mo. 964-4833, 1-526·3004 MAlllHH WAU LrQ 2 B R lownhouta apt a. encl gar. lrple Nelr Hunt Hrbr. from 1545 Children 0 1( 640-6807 and more. Super flnan-11. NB. Newly remodeled rm, 4 Ba, 1 1700 mo. QlrllQ•. IOl'loed, carpet• • n t I ro d p 1 x I 1 12 6. 12600 mo. or IUM GP· 1 •Spaclout Aptt I king IP. NO PETS. $700 s326 Bch/Opn tO~rn Cler u~t 1280,000. upttelrt. 2 br • 1 b i . OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, plut aecurlly 548-6442 8'44·9687 or 759·9182 •Wtlk ~CIONI• refundable Oep Qualified 645_81031645-8689 ,._ ,. • 1 e 8 I 7 o o m 0. B 11 1 or 770·5629 2 bdrm. 1 b1 hM . nr bch, Agt •Home Ilk• 1<11c11en1 a p p 1 I c an 11 o n I y ----------< -" t7 .... v2 0 I down1111ra Min 10% ud, i:r 1800. No pett . CONDO .. bd 1"" b I 2 Br 1 Bl, polio, O"· no I down OWC balance I I Qrundy, Rlfr, 1175-8 181. Npt Hgll arH. 3 Br 2'i't 61 e'3• 2" Pentn. Point 2 br, 2 b•, 1 blk to H11ntlnglon 67&-1667 ~ . I . w p111, Bt1oh. Warner. v-• I seoo Centw , tran1port1tlon & --I •~pl, pooll '425 mo. 111 & 14•01 847 o"'·8 t3.9% lor 5 Yrt OrMt fOf Oover ShorH. Lovely condo, family rm, frplo, • •P• to ocean, 1.....,,. 2 Br 2 Ba. So of PCH, IUt. 1200 cleanlrig dep. " mo • ... · eummar rental•. 17311, newty rtfurbtehed thrM I • u n d r Y r m . O •' • Spoll•H 2 Br lltacl'led I e • • • o-r a • t e . Ag I '~,m.UTlll Fiii ntW bldg, lrplc. 1705 O 982-9157. 8484140 I 000. Armitage R.,lty bedroom, two bt th, pool, SU&/mo J~ Witti e, dbl gar, W/O hookup, 760-ttll2 Of 673-0850 P11h, ownr11g1 Re/M ax --------- \I >I I. I 1l F ti ' . . ... '•' 114-54•-2<18-4 cor ner 101. bcehent eg1 83M28e ~~~ :~~'fno"."'s':i Newport Crnl 3 l>f. 2'Aba, J t~: Ffom =~: 769-1221 L::r~ c~oi:. b!fe~;·i~, ,,.,, .... ; tocellon l lHO/mo. Bird 3 Br 2'" Ba. 1800/MO. pet POii. w/d1p. Mc-pool, terintt. No P•t•. I.A QUINTA HERMOSA Ouplll nr ~,, 2 b<I. 2 bl, 3090 Mtoe. W/Pedco 111.-... U•/tl lot l..J• llH & A1eool1tn 832·8800 Fr\<1 l e n o re ' ag t . Ft <lderi nr 8HOh 8 1. SISO MO 842..3490, 111211 Ptrkaldl Ln, 1 l>lk MC> yd, gar, lrpl, rio pelt • ....., ........ ti ............ ..-: ........ WESTCLIFF -38r . 381, 031-128e. 831·2711 . 893·4194 w11ri 40' dock 101' l)OW9f U SO. 640·7742 I BR f 8•. eMI • .,. pllt ~t • II, ••tr den, fully/ ptly turn. EHfllde condo. 3 br, 2 • bdrm ... "• Wet .. to bOat. 3 Ir 2'A 81 condo Ll••ll IHfi J"f 2 Br 2 8 1 newtu painied t polio. 1 t10 Vlct ofla. LAST I l 100 mo 10·81011, b• den Ir""' 2 car g.,. ......... • .... "1 ~ 1 ... ,."... tn w Newport t 11&0 •• , ................... " d 1' • frnlc. t un' 1410 mo. 6St-t112 ~...... tenn•!oJ.· u1rded g1t•2 ,.~ H25~11·8fl6 ='.' e' 1q\l>.187 ...... u .......... w/o d ock. St380 wllh Lu11ury ltudlo, fY9I H80, new r r 'd .. . • •1 BA DUPL!X• -. • ._ • ....... _, l-·~-. ·-_....... ra. • d~" 81"·' 1""' ~one, maid Hrv, •P•. d •ck e o . Ag t . I .......-.. -• ..... ., .,..,,...,.,,.. """' • r .v ,.,, ..., ..,. II 81& 8811 415 l~ldl'IO utll1. 2208 -••·y/-1•IPI 8', patio, Ph 493-4947 3 bd, 2 bl, d/w, huge •••l.t~'I• ' ""Wk 4.,... • ...,1 -• A. Pl ti t _._ -CHANCE "=]jpjiiiii;iii;;;;=:;~ yard. wuher & dryer. 1' •· ......, t>Mchfront ltomlt. 3 acen a. no pe 1. 111' hft leMeJ ~. 1850. &41-70«. .,, •1 Jiii er 4 ea. tum. 12280/mo, M.-n a.-t 31~1 l!fff• lff!' //.'4 1.,.,a..,,__&·_94..,..94_. ---..,...,,..i l .... t 1_,_.;..;.,..,-;......;..._ ____ , ...................... llr!f\ltn SlOOO Call lotl ~e.:~1=c;:2~··~; i..... .. ........ . .. Nlee. QUlel upat11<1 2 BFI, ••-_... pool, 11>• Qtt l otp no cloH t o Htrbour & If u1111 I"-122 H .. -llton • !Kurt1r ~tin • P(IOI & f'8c 1100111 • I & 1 811 ltatlO Al li • ll•rOfll LfllOMIOlllO • Ot1ftwn lltra • aao. • JoO 10 8-tl 6 Sll011t If _ 10 ouy tilt• ti.•utlhil 3 • If lt'SINM 281', 381 lovely twnhH, 2 Ir t ltb• 1ownhouH , i<oop Ii 1H·tta• 1~ •••k 0 , m o nlh. me81iB" 2 be, •r.•· IH O, mott !!!!~=!!~~~!I = c::!.! ~n~~P-~I!: • hlncllft ,,.., IUS mo. t71·Y113 oonn t H O, •~n. tHI llufft ) b~ t 'A bl.,,.,. • 3·7113 af&alllllTI 1 11 &4U~11 _,, ......, "*''-wtth OOHn, hill•• 'YOU'llorab 3 BA. l1nt1 An• HO••. 'I GltY t>e•1·.:• ~l:1i. 1200 Wint., rentai. 1 e111urut1y tend•o•P•cf I''' Tr11 .. ,, 1221 & up. 81&;'o~'':~~u'r'~ \~o' 1y O'lrft«, choice qu .. 1 oott oourM vi.we •t 1 1 Nie Be, fned ,.., )'.,d, '750 2 8A Z"' oa. °'"''al htll• ino. ' ' now l\'ellllltlf. Cd gtt~ 1pia Pool & 8p•. t 1eo Ho ~. No OoOa-2t3/~·7040. ..,._IO,. ........,.,, a Odrm, t 1>1. lremend~ NVlno• c11o 111-In mo. ~..,.,tt ""' a .ir, OIW, ''•· Hr, 11\.tle, tri-ltofll, con· .-S IULn l'ttlOtldeelte. No...... 1i3 1 11111 11 .. lc>llOI ....... 4 ..... , __ ...-..-= Poof--2---..... rect ''°"'the owner bee _. 1re111 comptr, IC.Ito,., do lt'I HMtt Cr•. MIO --•••-le .......... 42 C M eu ti"" '"" ""' """" ""''"'" ,.,.. ...C.uU'Ct' T20K. fora belnt lltl•d with D•llY Piiot Nr a.c Pll.&I ' "· °"*' 0 p."., •• 0 Q ,,., 0. "'° lt&.418' .. '""' llM mu·· tt;~1o V•nouenl ... ,. . . . ..... 1.1111• pd. 201 0 1110190. prleff ~o~utok Hie. l>f~ A.Cit HOWtll Clll c:=MHled r,::'·/e:.'tt.:r&l'owie 114-tH·UH~ Iv•. l•yfron1, I "''" 4tJCM MO·Hlt OI' 142·4tol l'eop!e ~ ~ ~ :rt :ef.400 plu• d•P· AlldM --AOO ,.._, OOlWI* •t (114) t.42..0131 "_..f 213-tlt.ottt, 80' OlfY ~ QuliM ~ ~ 1210 OOHll ,t ont Hr Thar _..... !tie •'-· OlllN $Wt 1-t~ 'I ...... dta• lrl tile • •""9°1 Trdl·~°"' old •1Uft I« -~bloi 714..UMIM NODodat7~'7t13 ' IOWlffotll !fft1Md0.CU. llCIMlof ..-10 DAl~Yl't._01 IDdm'ltntOcMn.Utll~. d ... ~"::;~·~---~~lli~.,t~ln=H8:..::°'d~·='='·~·~1!,a!0.~•~11llt!Y'~''!"~~~~~~~~~f!~••~·~1~o~o~d~l~e1~w:tt~1t;tg1blgl=LL~l4'~le~lt~•m:'::w~11:ll~ 11j~~=~~=~::::L· ~Pll~~~~tM~:ki~.,_~1t.~t1~10~.;::1~88~·d~rm=~l~ll~J·~ .. l~"""~S.~ICl~=lllW=~IC~l~Ol:MO~~T=O=AVd.:~,-rl«IM=·= .. ~"°°~---'_"-_ ' .... ,_.. ~Ad. Mt>M7t. Otwmld Id. t4t•M1• -"'°'Cl...,.._ Ad, Qlllllftld Ut ~rt mo 111) '"''1ot.,. • -.....,M It 1tt atMMI ?S."l4r . .. -·---·-. .._ --. --- " ' . t ' , ' I Cl Orange CoHt DAILY PIL.OT IFrldl V, October 16. t982 ~!~t'.4A!8!0IR!J '°'. 30 day ad In the l&JLY PIUT lllYlOI llHOTllY 00 IT NOWI All ftr ladre Vout Di lly Piiot Servtc. DlreetOf)< Repreeentetlve 142-1111, .... 122 '1!! ... ~!~.t •••••••••.. 800KKEEPINO· TAXES Smlll bullneN 0t pert Jeanne 875-5288 ~~'!!!!~I. I!!!!!! •••• 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable. •lf0td•bl•. e11ent111 Antwerlng tervlee, ••creterlel & bu•lneu tervlce1. mall bO~ renltl, word procea- 11 ng. Telu·Fecalmlle. order entry. pegera-1 .... buy. dH k JP•ct rent1I. ANSWER NETWORK 631-9131 (uk tor AV) ~'~~~~·.'!! ••..•••....• An-Antiques-Jewelry ApprelM & llquldele Mleheel Hein 953-07 17 ~r..~!~ ............. . Orlvew•y•. Parking LOI Repaltt, Sealcoellng S&S Atphlt 831·'199LIC Den Hellberg Gr•CS•ng & Paving Co Rea/coml Lie 39780<4 842·1720 ~~.·~!'!!!I ......••..• CHILO CARE my home. lunth11nac111 lnetuCled Latge yllCI &46-7939 ~.'Z!!1.~!I........... f~!r..1.1!!!!!~ ....... . lhbyt lttlng FT /PT ell Ill"· r .... retM, mffl• & Clltll 11\CI 7&4·730t ~!!!!~!.'"·. ~!!!!~ ... JAYS "SPEAK!.ASV" An~ occeaton Por1 bet 1-621·814 1, 1!79-7562 l!!~~!!t!~r ..•....... KURT'S KAflP!T KARI! Ou1llly work. A4lf1. FrM H I. 41M·t0i Carpet lnttelletlon & Re- pelrt 3Q vr• bpe<. Car· pelt WOrkt 6&1·8206 Stiim duet 1g11111on 2 rm1 120. hell $6. cOUCfl $20 No hidden ChlrOH Carpet r•luv Guu 893·0103 f.'.'.'!f! ....... ~!'A. Kit 1emod, cabinet•, vi• Cleo tntettetnrnent unit•. l'r• Mt. 8'42·0881 ~!!.~~!-.-............ ~~~~l!!!~ ••••••..•.•• J ~~~~~.l ............... ~~~~'··············· !!~~,~~ ............ . Tllll 28 VAS !.XP. OUNHAM Ouellly WOtk with • per I •A· 1 lltvtll* hperl wallcoverlng in· Top~dl1tmove<t Cleen HOMt IMPROVl!Ml!NT tonal touch B1chttor Top quality 8peol•I care 11111a11on R .. • prtc•• up, liwn 1tnov 761•347e R.,nodel•rapatrt•ltnctno ok CM, Irv, H8 Oeth In hindllng u yr• ••P I Cont ullu•H Au1gnmen1 DH• Ill - - -etec;trlc1t-ptumblng 160·01133 Competitive RitH ~ 681·8690 •••. ! •.• ~#............ TICl HID SOHi Cl•S*ll'Y 831·'630 lllllWOll No ove<tlm9 730· 1363 1 ti C AESIOENTIAL·INT 01!· L1wn·tt ... 1hrub lntlall ICuttom woodwork, r~h ·ABC MOVING· .! •• t.!!!!! .....•.••. SIGNE.A Furn arrange. TrM lrlrn/rtlfTIOvll 6 ftnl9'1, mlllonry. elee· WAIJll OulCk Careful Setvice CUSTOM wood P•llO CO· ;'s~~~0:,C:' 7:i.~~';:' Lawn Mi lnt/RototllMOQ 1 trlCel flutl ff8· UMO Hioh quality houtework Low 1atH 5&2·0410 ve.t deck• & lence• by FIN Mllm•t• 648·80851 -------E11perlenc•d. dt ptnd•· -AANOV 6.C 1-oen IH•••llt -Stmmont Gardening H11'w--' flHt1 bit, honHt, 1ntelllg1nl, STARVING COLLEGE 11 v.'I I n-upt, awn cere. u HARDWOOD FLOORS me cu out. el! e em CO Lie T 124·438 •••••• •••'••••••••••• !r!!~ .. !!~ •.••..•••••• E·Z LAV H Spttnk*•· ~tCAOtt GuerenlHd &30-27)7 "'' •••..........•.•.••..• TIL[ INSTAl.1.EO All l<llld• Guerenl..O Refa JOM 8'40·9217 CUSTOM CERA~ TILE WOAK·FtM M l Chuc~ 1!75·6100 evH Computerlted bookk .. • ping lrom S60 mo Alto mill 11•1 ·& payroll 882-2430 •••••••• ••• ••••••••••• Cl I I llj ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••••• ti I ti lbl I 8 TUOENTS MOVING l l l•t ••• I 118KPAS & MAIDS comm & retld m1lnt BNYtllully clellltd I ht b e at Phone lntured 641•807 ED'S PLASTERING C•ll li•• LIVE·IN HRLV/WKLV FtM_llll 646-0684 end wued 832-4611! 873-7012 t l let 8 PM WATCH US QoOWI NHI patch••. tnllext •••••••'•••••••••••••• lliejo Se<vlcet Ag.ncy wMlldtyt All day Setur " Rettuceo• 6'5·112511 ,,,, s11~le• ......••......•••.••.• CHAMPENOISE Llc'd/bonded 973-9000 MAINT & DESIGN HulJ•• --day ind Sundey 1 J I/ llPll• C•tM•ln Fl,,. Catering In jhe old Oberlin L1ndteepe S.rv ••••••"'•••••••••••••• .!.~ .. '!f.••••••••••••• PLASTER PATCHING flfl • ._.,.R ••• ,.-••• ~,............. world lrldltlon. &4S.9858 ,,,,,..." • Wrllten llglMmtnl on I DUMP JOBS FOR A SUPER CLEAN Fl I n Rutucco• Int/Ill 30 _ .... ,.,. Flnllh & r~ll c1rpenlry, ••'•••••••••••••••••••I mo melnt 6'4·1241! & Small Moving JObl HOUSE. CALL CHRISI I PAI Ill yrl NHI Ptul 546·2977 "TrM Work with 8 Con· Clbln•t•. rm 1ddltlon1. c .... ,1c,.,,,,, ORVWALL/ACOUSTIC o·AoEN WORLD I Cell MIKE 640-1391 631·0893 _Good,.,. by Richard Sinor Lie IClene•" Trimming & 645-8618 ••• ••••'•••••••••••••• Rep1lr1. 1m1 Job epec. 11 " 28064' 13 vra of happy 1laabial. removal tr; Howard Doi· Cemeiit-Meaonry-Block Full Service Gtrdenlng HAU'LiNO-OAAoi'NG-If you w1nt your hOuH local cuatomere •••••••• ••••••••••••• tolf P.O lk>• 34, Coete Remod & Repelrt free Wellt·Cutl.work.Ue yre exp Bud 552•9682 Ztce.tn&l6'6·2922 demolition, clun-up REALLY CLEAN, C111 1 Thenkyou,831·4410 ATLASPLUMSINO& MeH , Ce 92627, Ph. M 1 10t 8L1o•vree17n52_~5!•· P•· •381057 Rob 5'47·2683 Well te11turN·Ac:oo111G jGCI L Concrete & tree removal Lind• 869-0318, Good -He111ng. 1pec1e1tztng In &42· 1932 "' "" Heng-Tepe-St ... tludt II tnlng, 1n<11ceptng Ou1ck eerv 842·76311 Rell QUALITY WORK nHI, tepllr• 6'5-1688 1--------------------ICJji1' c.,, Lie 38994' '632 5549 yard m•lntenence. CIHn -reH hOnnt A•I• Lk: -s LOW RATES I E11per carpenter do•• •••••••••••••••••••••• · • upt, ''"trim & 1emov1l PROFSERVICE--1, 00 267107 D•ve 96.C-1045 24 •r El 141-1121 TtH trlm/remov clean eddlllona, remodel•, C1hei 8 1dchcearre0wri:k8Clnylz•e·dcar•cdtl· ORVWALL TAPING Free Htlm11n lntured Hauling . y•d clean up quellly houtecieenlng, C-S-----40 g11 w1terheater 1225 upi. mowinn 654-7017 docks Skyllghll & re· All Te11turH /Acoutllc 6'42·4889 Qulek & clean FrM H I e11p d & lint, local rela U TOM PAINTING --"' __ _ p1l1•. Free H I Din, vttlet C.M. 6·'4857 FtM eel K.itln 875-9088 673-0648 6<46-2101 I lnt1e111 Relldlcomm l1/lo/1AI•• 1 T•llll'oi• 9e2.0915 fxper Gardener & Gleanj __ __ ----Free eat Lie ~ ..... 4798 ••••••••••'••••••••••• •••••••'•••••••••••••• --lnlenl/Pt•·•ehool, so llHt1/t1/ up1 TrN trimming Free CLEAN-UPS GARAGES 'Carpet & uphol, genertl ------J 0 Horn Rtltnl1t11ng Moat IUbjeet• K·" Addition•, carpentry, m1· Coast p1821 area, days a •••••••••••••••••••••• ell Pele 6'4.1· 1098 ANVTHINGI CALL · hOuHcle1nlng. Flt we· ~ARBOR PAINTING Anttquee. ktl c1btne11 I Oey/eve $6 a 's 10/hr ~;~·e~~n e~~d ~~~~ wknd• ca11_11_&0-__ 11_1_, __ 1Er~:h~~~~~,~~,;,~;~c~~ °"LAwNMOWING SERV RANOV 642·76•7 ~~~~56~~·· n1 Guer I c.~·~li :~ :;~5~:e ~e pa1nt1~H66.c° Mr Mo•g•n ~6-5t76 494·1003 .•• , 724 Looking tor xlnt chlld· ltlgt or •m•ll IObl Netl·depend·r•lll FrM Hauling & yd cl1an-up -----HOLIDAY PAINT TIME! FURNITURE·KIT CABS I w· ' Cl•• ,. care? In my Colle Meu Lie 398e21 873·0369 Ht 848·0956, 968-7479 TrH trimming, garage L10,1tl•l•f 23 Catm 11n11riet rep1111 •• ~'!.!! .•... -! •• f ••••• Maattr Crafta•H home. lull tlm• only $40 -L-d 1 Yd Cl ·1 ci .. n-up Bob 850·9844 •••••••""•• ••••••••••' yrs Alto odd Job• & doors Joe 673· U69 Let the SIH'lthtne In" Flnlth & rem'dl crpntry Lunch antcka. TLC Lin· LIC'O ELECTRICIAN ~n ~~p 711• nupi ~ --- -20 VAS EXP Hauling, tree I 1~111 Bruce llJ2·0 116 -Cell Sunshine Window Reterencn 499-3105 da 751·23'2 Ou•I wotk/AeH retH '" rm temov-Malnt B1•ti•• trimming, tindteeplng PAINTER NEEDS--IHI/•• CIHn1n LIO 6'8-8863 lrtJg Jim 851·01291 ······"'·············· Bro1hef'I Contt I 0 ······'··············· no. C1tMI S11rit1 Happy, H te, loving child ••• ,-.-••••• ••••• • • • • • •• care Nutritious meale, Shampoo & •teem C141Bll snack• n /PT I 1 50/hr Color bnghtenett, wht AgH 3 up JemborH, Ctpts . 10 min blH Ch PCH, N B 675-078' Holl, llv/dln rma S 15, avg roo•n $7 50, couch s 10. family Dey Care lor chll· ehr 16. Ouer. ellm ptl dten. up to 5 yrt, Mon· odor Crpt 1ep11lr 15 yra Fri. 7 30-5PM lle'd . exp Do work mytell 1514 Ruth Ln Wu tclllf. Aelt 531-0101 NS 6"6·9028 No Steam/No Shampoo Stain Spec1ellst F1111 dry Free est 839-1582 EXCEL CARPET CARE Jeck Butllngton Ownlfl operet0t Carpet. uphOI, area rug cleentng W0tk gu11 Free Est 6'5· 177 t c .. ,,.,,,,, •• ,,., ···········'·········· 11.J. M•ff•11 I lee lie 306888. Remodel, Add'n•. Cabinet• 6'6·858616-45·48'44 ST AN BUR INDUSTRIES Gen I eontr P1operty lmprov 997-1811 (6·5) FrM 811. 831-5072 --, · H • fl . 'I •4l• ll2I 848-0555 W AKI 30 yrl ellp. Int/ Huber Roollng-ell lypet I 20% Monthly Oiecount ELECTR C HHlr••• r ••t Acouttle celltnga Lie N-·reeover-deck• 1 / R Id/ 'I I IAN •••••'•••••••••••••••• Furn EVE'S LANDSCAPING· 366780 Free ell I nt est et comm Sml jobs/Repelrt Lie Cerpentry • Muonry ROBIN'S CLEANING & I Davit Palnllnn 847•5186 Lie •4 l1802 548·!734 Free HI 20"1. monthly 233108-C-tO 548-5203 Rooltng • Plumbing Service . • 1h0toughly ~:;::.1 ,·~~Id ~~~51e .... HOF PllOIU•t I dlteount &.C4..C798 Drywall · Stucco -Tiie clean houH 6'0--0857 llT/EJT PlllTill Oon't re-root, rep11r 11 CRAIG CLEANING CO 2~EY~!o~o:YM~~~~~rk. Remodel J e 8'6·9990 Joan'• Cleenlnn Service L•••'" l•trle•1 Ou•llty Oen 6'!5·7220 1r11 c 11 on o 1 co• t RHldlcomm'I lntle11t C C ... •••••••'•••••••••••••• 857-2890 Screen•, mlrr0t1 Ladder lie 278041 Al 846-11128 arpentry · t blnet1 Hou ..... Apt1-Ren1111 Tired ot doing laundry? I 11Nli•• I Elec Service & Con•lrue-Plumb . Drain Cl .. ning Ollleet. !>'0-1287 ltulf & told, hand w111h, .. , •.••• -,.••••••••••••• -ROOFING REPAIRS wor k . Owner o per tlon Lo rein FrM NII· Eteclricel •Tile TIRED Of HASSLES? hand ltQn Metlculoua ASA PAPERHANGING Sm•ll 1oba OK Free ~6;4;6;·~30:8:9::~===~-Reta Don 966-0149 0 111 1 1 ....., Exp ReoM 6'42-9787 7 yra local up Gu11 ea11m11es Call Tom or metes Lie 333217 ue Y CHnng ,~p It __ wort. Price• •t•rl at Ch·~k 542•6392 I 557.1739 847·4714 JACK OF ALL TRADES hetet Rete 960-7452 llHHIF I 18/roll Alec 751-7027 v~ • .,, .. limn ----C111 Jec.k enytlm1. E Ptfll H ..., •••••••••••••••••••••• _ Stl•l•I knock• of1en when you f!~t·'~~ .. CE• .. ••••••• doy or nlllght 675·3:4 •we 1!9n1t:!,1cu9:i'~1~ BA~~~:o~l~~o~::;a~~~:~ J~!r,P~~~;':~~11:;,~~ •••;_;c,e;LE.SEAVICE••• ~:t'Ci~'~~~~·~~cf.811~ !aln lln~ Anll~~/~gma MOii I PllOYEME.1111 supplies Kitty 841 •497o Irvine Ref1 675-3175 Many relerencee Paul. Aeacreent/New sc1een1 reach the Orange Cout REPAIR · PLUMBING Cuatom Home Cleaning 857-0118 NB/CM onlw 6'42·9552 market. 5•8-5493 S.C0-7751 Carpentry, elec, Ille Free & Compl M1id Se<vtce B I d --, WOOD FENCES/OATES HI Re11 6'5-281 I uy no an H lllng 11 •8 Have you reed todey'1 Selling 1nythlng with 1 Ptione &42·se7e In.II "--' & o~·tr'"" Shop et -home 11·1 •••Y ProfC. Qonded • lnt'd r .. aonebl• price-that I CIHtilled Ads? II nol. Dally Piiot Ctaullled Ad """' ,_,,.. ..., UNI LEAN SYSTEMS whet cle11llled It ell you're mlulng the belt 11 a llmple mallet FtM est Oery 499· 1724 wilh cluti~lecl 6'2-5678 °1 Nwpt Bch 850-l200 about 6-4 -6e78 bergllns In townl Juat ~ll 6'2-5e78 Clueltled Ada 6'42-5e78 for your camer• - ·-?' I /1 I DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS tor Merchandl•• under 11,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'I! run It another 3 days FREE .. One Item LINES • ,·1,~1 \· per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commerclal ads. Cal~ today for full detalls. 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-567 . -(~. l irtr• ..... 11.00) ~~!!1.!!.~!'. .. !!!~~ FllllOLIHIE IELPUIE ••• S.lllfi••• 65t-5995 A,.tt•••I• A,.11a1al1 J I ..... fJOO l 1•t1J1 11 1"111 4300 Olllt1 •••t•l fflO C••••tti1J l•'••lli•l 11"11•'•11 Tred A,.11a1at1 U•l•1•i1AH A,.tt•••I• ,,.,.,.,,." u..l ... 1, ... ~ "•l•t•l1.1..-~ ••I• 1 11 ••U• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• J I f41S J I 4SOO °"'' SOJS ... ... .,. .... •••••••••••••••••••••• o ,.,. • 1•1• I ·••·•••••••••••••••••• s 1 1 uiel. r .. p lem. to •hr E11ecuttve 1Ulte1. full ..,. ·R····,,····, ............. ·~·;;;;;·;;;;, .. ·;1&; -~:;;;;·;;~; .... ;,;; ;;;·t;~;;;;; .... ;;·;; ~.gn,ui2:r·1.~'r~~'. apt $212 50 mo + 'h vice, greatly reduced, no ~~~-;~;·;;::~·~·;;·;~~ 9o:·;;;·~~;~~;·;;:;·~; I.II. HmH •• •f •• •••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••"••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• dep 96&·8479 ulll 6-45-3083 evn ..... 764-0274 IQ tt .. ocean view. •Int smell bldg 1>91 W 191h I Mert1•1• Oa. let • ... t i Jlf0 NO FEEi Apt & Condo 2 bdrm. 1 be. S550/mo, Nr SC Genet1I Ho•P. ---Ammete to lhr epeciou• 2500 t/I bHlc ore w l perking lea11/opt1on St.C M 642-3490 S~l•llzing in tat & 2nd •••••_••••••••••••••••• tentele. VIiia Rental• yeerty St•P• 10 beech 3Br. lrple, 2Be, atove. M/F nonemk1 wanted to 499.~9 --TO's since 19•9 Hr Beach 3 bd. 1.,, be. 87S-'4912 Broll.er 1116 w Blllboe cote Aval! Nov t 1535 thr new 5 br SJC home home. NB Wik to beh ttoreoe By OC Altl>Of1 Crettaman w1n1ecs to Robt S1111er NH/CM c1p11, drps, bltna, frpl, 213-1165-2642 mo (714) 9g1.11M4 w11pe $27! 491!·7840 $250 mo 631-7325 S 150 0 I mo Tom Bllboe Ptn ' NB IP-1h1re ehop Prat eer1· RE 8'0ket 8d Reelt0t1 enc gar, $850 Cell ...,. LIVE AT TME IUCI 851·8928 p1ox 600 IQ It, on Nwpt m1e1S250mo 499.5501 6'2·2171 S.Cs.-0811 538-0921 2b'. 2be, b•V'rc"i n ~ ~!!."!! ••••••••••• !.OJJ.f Reap lem. lurn rm prtv be, Fem rmmte wanted to Ellec IUlle w/AC, 500 IQ BlvCI, l 700tmo ulll• tnol St11•1• 4SSO WIDOW HAS SSS fOt TO'• 1 bd, bttn1, erpta, drps, ~nu~l~y ~ . s:~5~:;o· S90 & up with kllehen. pool. tee f V $240 mo lht Bel 111 home $286. II w/beth & gar $400 875·0120, 675-4830 ••••• •••••••••••••••• RE Lo1,.s. !OK Up No frpl. enc glr. w/d hkp, COUNTRY CLUB UVING Clll Denny. &45-20t 6 or weekly Oceanfront Mo-Incl utll 9~·2380 eve uttl pd 875-9142 mo 875•3&00 RENT OR LEASE Newly St0tage theda, lltreetive Credi! Check, No Pen- petlo, tm yd $495 Cell IN NEWPORT BEACH 5'48-6433 tel 615-8740 Spectacular view. pool Promontory Point Fem Full ..,.,, ottiee $300/up remodeleCI home with wHther proofed wood ally Oenntton & A..oc. 53&-0921 A tot al environment I •PB tenn11. ~ec gate to th•r• 2 BR 2 BA Branch office · S&o/mo lerge lot Commt Lonlng Pot II bit cu11om & ll73·73 11 IP•'1met>I community on VAL V OCNll ~ 2 BR 1 1245/ + Ill H k Ocean view $400 mo An• -v $50/mo •Cit 10 Newport Blvd modulet Ruu 988-1~0 Avell now t Br 1 Be the Upper Bay Private Sa, 2 cat IP90e$ 1700 lllTtll 111 mo • • P II Teri 983•7873 9111 238. NewpOt1 Beacn752-6'408 8.C0-1334. 651-9689 0•1tt•/S'11lau upt t elra apt, dtwahr. clubhoute end health mo fl 4 4 • 8 7 8 O or Wkly r•nllll $95 up 759" 1428 o-..net or 2nd end 3'd TO private patio. t ingle o•· •P•. 8 tennla court•. 7 6'6-3189 Color TV, Ire• eotlee. Mii 26+ Lib grad. •tu· e.u ..c3119 '4001-B Birch St N B 440 Otflee, w0tk lhop & out· at No 4 R~y Point wll· '•II• No Pell, water pool•. eloM to bull'-1. 2 Br 2 Ba ftom 1525. No heated pool & ll•P• to denl or ce1eer petton to lal laft Sll0/110•/4 tQ 11 SI 00 per IQ It tide stor•ge $550/mo l alla#ll/l•Hll/ ling 10 NII II• dlacount. ~4~~ SA~?,~:,:. tlrport. FHhlon lt llnd. pelt AerON from N-· ocffn Klich'• evell. thr lurn 2 Br 1 Be terot1 ltlllt l. 979.teff dye Agent 5' 1·5032. ~~~~~66 ]~~,f M •• f.i!'.~'!!!............ This ptopertJ " In tore- ------''------I Convenient 1hop1 on port Beech Golf CourM 91!5 N. Coe.et Hwy. from tend 1290 A •;, utll P 11 SC hf•H tffl•" I I cloture en coulCI be-L 1 br llO ....,,.. tit•. Unturnllhed beche-5'45-4855 Lllgunl Beach 494·529'4 645-0340 oo Jee 4 br home, ReClhlll. Cot ta Meu l•i•illil l •• ••II come the lnvntment of a oe . P• • ,,_,.....,gar. '°''· 1 & 2 bdrm ept.s end Plue. M 21·35. ltr n-s ~·-1 1776 .. 7""" o ... ,, •• ,tr SOOS hlet1me Alli lor Steve H e gate, OW $476 townnou-. l.atge 4 Bdrm. cloMd In Kii prlv, Ctirltllen Home, Shr lux hm• w/I non tmkt. $250 6'1·3623 u..... IQ" 11 -l••l•l 4SOO •••~""••••••'•••••••• 714-e7s-3265 892-41746 evs 1560 • SlOOO pello Step• 10 b••ch M 1trelght. Leo Beh. srnkr, m1tu1e. $300 tt t. Reee pt . work room. •••••••••••••••••••••• south County Arced• <>-·-•I b~~~, end 1 lmmtc •veil now S275utll. 499·2288 11111.dep Rel• 6"0·4999 Strt rmmte 2 "''NB apt "°'809 675-3111!2 10-5 $750 up. 2160 It lndu· Location •nd meetllnH Ltg 2 bd trlple11, garage. .....,.,~ -·-~ " w /2 t l 1tr1 1225/mo, 1111111 ·Office 18101 Re-petl0.1480 1209 Florid• Bdrm unit• IHtute fine $1200/moyrly 673-2507 El Toro, ell hOUM prlYI-Fem. rmmett w•nted to $350 2 mv In 9t12-9469 WllTltllnll dondo Circle, P & T ~rol~ce~l~n So~~ oCn•~ (213) 493·t6S5 dHlgner furniture and Slepa To The Beeoh 2 er. legel. W/O, member Sun ah• IP8C 3 BR, 2•;, bl •ft 4 Oelll~• olflca or 1tore Huntington. Beech 586 2895 Itri•• Jiff 8C()NIO(iel Move I'\ to-2 Be 3 tennla court• & Seit clul:>. pool, tennla Full tecll condo 8 C space 1'2801900 IQ 11 842·283'4 ·------- •••••••••••••••••••••• day 0t ,.~ IOt future 80,00 the tlrH I. Very ~~ & 1881, utll Incl. :!~:3:H $275 mo Lf~1~0~'%..:~~~ ~~ 1430411200 eq ft Beech 3200 eq ft with AiC'();:' MOVINO OUT OF STATE OrenglrM adult comm 2 UH Smartly tu1nl1hed clNn New Carpet. 1750 amkr 10 •hr 3Br. 2Ba Blvd etwn 2 trwye, Cfvle llOel Randolph St CM Ctothlng Contlgnment bd, on l ttH m. $550 model• open dally mo Vrly rent c.Jt Kate E'llde C.M Pvt tum rm & ROOMMATE WANTED CdM apt $260 mo + ..... c.nter $hopping Cetlter. Spr inkt•CI w /comm Shop CdM s t 5.000 857-'4993 or 873-3116 875-0124 Mon-Ftl Jo beth Own entr1nce Incl M/1tralght, no-smoke, utH 613.4053 pr1m1 location 979-8889 frontage 548·1663 875·3589 A. .... , •• ,.,,; ,,,,,.,,.; t.11 I l•H' ....••................ All .... ,., ... ,, 5111 ................•..... llal .. tnJfr•tlff 760·0~'4 On JemborM Rd el 873-35ff Si t-Sun. ulll 182 Ceoll Pl (C), $250 + •;, utllt Dy• °' 660--014' f!l.~~~.!!!.'.~ ••• !.~~f Sin t~llOO Rd, wtml IEIT&U '316, 873·75'4 _a_4_2_·5_4_4_e_. ev_1_1M_2_-66_2_0_1 ~!!l.~~J!!.~!.".!!.~!f HW lfFH Went Ad• Cell 6"42·6878 H~;:.,-=·~~~~01f. :i\1' se11 ld1e ttema 8'2·&e78 IOWYIEW 3 &<48' Ck>Mto weter, Bdrm w/pvt entr•nee. Oulet.mllureF22·301hr WA NTED: garage or OlllCetulte on PeeCou t to mlnut .. '° of Legone ·~ Block 10 beech, 2Br. tum a unlum, tN90nl· c101e In Male ptel 3 bt, 2 be apt on beaetl. lnduttriel 1pece. m in Hwy overlooking New- on Dene Point"• moll b:lgf'lt & a1rf $e70 mo bit 1111 emenf1 .... Bt<*er $45/wk. Laguna Bch N B Frptc. 25' Piiio 800 aq It, lor It body· port Harbor ApptO• H cluded eeente bluff, yrly 9e3-8263 67S-'4912 494-5380 1285. '"· IH I & H e w0tk, no paint CM/HB 1000 IQ ft Below mar'llet Ilk• n-. 2 Br w/Clen, _.:......;,_ _______ -1----------4 8' 2 Be hM , W/O, kl1. Brian 873-1519 116'.o332 1ete 71418'45·7 tOO x1re large private patio, Beechfront winter rental Npt H11 2 Br. 1peclou1 oueoe s725/mo. C ell Oct·M•Y· 4409 Su -apt, quiet metu1e edit etc. 1225/mo 120 dep. Shr lovely 3Br 38• CdM Garage '°' rent lSO mo &lll-8'41 01 M·F. 9 •6 lh0te 2 Br. $700/mo. 3 $700 lnot utll, 875-11202. 6-48-8388 aft 7. home wlmother 6 ton. :Zll84 Le Selle Coat• 643--0210 &. S800. uui. paid Can 831-11000 Leg Bch, nlee br/l>a. re-new cpt & paint In bdrm, M .... Afl 6. 957-2740 ••• "n. 1200 IQ f1 • '800/mo b t I u r n I ' h • d trig . pvt t nt, RHP n/ garage, gardener. W/O. E Sludlo. ''• blk from Main 71'15"4...()81'. 981-.11 ..., 111'\kr 1265. 49 •• 2921 trple l300 + 'I\ utll. 110-H lllde garage for llo- 328 No NewPOtt Blvd. 720-16&5 Beecll. ~ kltch. Utll lnci 1-----------1 ,_...... .... ,, -;;-;:;:::-::::;:-:-;::;;--;::::=~1-~nea~t.:..., :_::rell=:.•ble~::_· ~&4:4-'4~.'.'.:118::5~1 '80' S76 -.-----.-T-.,-.-N-.-,-...... n. ~ _..,,.H a..ehlront wlnt8' rental v-.. ...A.ate 2 bd -'• N e N--k •·n l\OuM ~5--723-4 """"' •" ...,.,., '" ~ Oct-Mey 2914 Ocetn· -,·vr.;·aa11 ........ IYI...::= .. ,,:.;, .. "' Fem rm mete~. 2 800 to 1200 tt 11 90C Sp1e 3 bd, 2 be. Frpl, Lndry, Nr Beech. $950. '94-3"46 front 3 Br. Newly remc>-., .. ....._ Pf ......,w:.; '"'72"15 bdrm apt, Balboa Pen O/Jlt• 11•1•1 4400 1qllt, tneludH j1n1tor deled. Can be turnlel\ed. Large floor plans. o•r· -1-'326 mo, utll Avall NoY •••••••••••••••••••••• end utllltlee. Utll• INlld. 71415'M-061.c den• 1endec1pe<1, pool, Room. no 1mok•11 or 111. 875-5328 •IRIU lfFIGH• MULLAN REALTY JecuuJ. GrHt LooetlOt!. drlnkert Working per I room to 2800 1q II. 6-40-2980 w••H fl•••l JIJZ IOUIFlllT eloH to 1verylhlngl 90'1 prer;d 648_.814 • WOODBRIDGE rm wtpvt Ftom s1 10 8 IQ ft Adj. I---------- ••'•••••••'••••••••••• 3 ..... Some 101!.nhoutH and be, •hr hff. pool, tpl, Altporter Inn a F,_..,• * 111 * On Goll Court• Wee1 ""''· 2 bl gtt gfMt 1 • J ., I 4111 t nl ,_ .. , .. ry P -' F · -, Nine Condo 2 BR 2t>e.2 net evell No Ptll Pl•••• •••••~••••••••••••••• C an reduce r eh l w / ••H& -"" I loc: WI 1 ap1rtmentt w th d en ,.ftf I ,.,,.I en '· ..... "' · r., Celt AM 833-3223 WO--•-1 Cat Qar w/OfJnr WWII From teeQ..$730 llALAJll •m haeelng Q le 00 hr t6 17 Wfftctltt, N.B 268 Full HfVio. Keep your dryer. Lower unit w / Bachelor• greet toe Ullll•t •-••1 Wkly rental• now evall. $225 Incl utlt 551·1682 to 4000 eq. ft. let floof overf!Md low & profff- patlo, redecorated ~r!y. " ..-Agent 5'41·6032 tlonal lmege hlgll. Pr.-$726/mo. 7 141770.1950 TIL •1 .. 142·11Da U&IT911TI •106 & up Color TV. Roomm•t• Wtd. ~guna ---------1 at"'IOvtWM1cllffer .. of PhonH In room. 2274 ...... S200 + ..__,,, 3 •-llll IFFIOll* "' I 124-4 lrvlM Ave, between N Bl c•• ""'" .....--.,& N-port eaech. 881 Do-... ,,.,,.. B••ll•flla WHt••ttt l Mutner Or. twPOtl vd "" bdrm hOUM . 4117·1630 From t room to :t room• ...., Or. Ste 14, 8Jt.Jea1 ·t ·t .... 6-48-7445 .. ~ .......... !.~f ..• ~ .•........ 1!.~f~1~1~4~&4~5.()2~~6~2~~~~1et[1•~c'.iflJ•liRIEJ•ll Rf:.~ ,:;r,'~ut~'~ ·~ :::;: ~~~~!,id~!~ owe• •pae• l o• ..... . 1 BR_......._ ... ,..... •o ft ft ft Bttt. 6-42-e&t I porter Inn 2 172 Dupont H.B nr A~lr~t Seer•· Kennebunkport ? Isn't he the guy who kicked the winning field goal in the ·74 Superbowl? ~fD ~ tt you're not sure who (or Wiiit) Kenncbvn~port ""· n't fffl 1116-yOtl're not llofte. Kenntbun~port rt ont of 14 dtsllncltvely different apartment floorplens at Suw1nd Y•Uqt 1n Htinllnrton Buch. S.1w1nd Villqe Is • 1esult ol totally per10111ka d 111ofewonal planmna. Tiit bid of 1tttnoon YoU dtattvt A perlect blend of netwt ond kv"' -llfttled In 1 fomt Wtttl lltblllilll IW*s end qutet ponds, cooled tir 111111111 oetlfl brtfln. A.dd to ltlat tennts courts, sw1mm1nc pools, • ~ •nd • convenitnt locet.on ne1r shoppina end 1111 ymtnl Ind you've COt e pt.Cl •nyone wou ptoudly elft home (Even Ktnntbull\port) One end two bedroom. one and two bath "*1n*llJ from $.540 5v.1 . J.aj ~,, ... l~~~aMe.M~~-.. CA (714) •tM1 froia Ult SN Oieet ,,..., •w. ~ 01 leocfl te _,,.., --04' .,.~-lo .... wi.et. ,.,,.... ...... -., 10 . '" .. ..................... • Call AM tary Ind ter aval- OCMtHlnglt.2S360. $84/wk Room tor Rent . 60' trom · 833'3223 ltblt 1·2 or ~II• M 2·5oo heeh. 1235/mo. 111 & Alt port ., .. • Euc. Sul-offlc. evallebtt Ind uM 1 bill 10 Beh. \.ower 2 ~. Refffo-r .. 1or·MlllO-ltOOI 11111. s100 depotlt. Call t ... From 226-'450 eq. n. of conl•reno• room dt n, 2 be, yrly. bltlne. Nwpt Blvd a Wiiton Jett. 8'2·8131 SI ~ oq. It. Many ictru. (71'1 H5·2S80 telTlg. '150 076-9839. Cotta M .. a Ml·t16& -NewPOtt---IOll--ep-t -,0-.-,1 o.ll &67·TOlO 800 oq It Offlc.. Newly Loe bed\ ec>t Inv.,......, Pine Knot MOI .. on Coat f /M, 28r, 2h . Ind ulll l 400-900 Pt.US 1400 oq. fl. dt coreoted, Bteutlful PH 27, o verlooking Hw y . NB . 81•P• 10 JMRlno $2&0mo +0ep P.,thouM le}front Sul-wood p•nt llng en d courtyard. pool, Jee, oce•n Wk l y r at••· Prtl mature over 35 t•. perking, P•tloe. bOoll"*--Id.el fOt I iu lg llt r m , walk t o 645-CM40 831-:11010 173·1003 or 2 ,,.o.,.. Cotner of b 8 3 tat St J Newport IM:t. Hoh. ubttrr1nt1n 110 A PUOll M• 11ty/r .. 1 •t•t• ci.. IHI VAii .. '560/rno 876-3561 lt..'lJM . • 8 0 0 m 0 . A•HOl'lebl• ,.,... Kit• vtlOper .... tern• to Alll~lve Mlle uptteJrl ·--------- CheMtt .. , ~ maid IOcal•. rent end IC>llt ... Mtllng, W• tupe>ly dell!, DELlll sum 2 BR 1 Be. !pie, otepa to MrYI~. z channel mo-'*'9M tor ec>t on llalboe epaoe, oopiar.· Vciv "'P- oen. 1850/mo. y rll . vi .. 8ANOP"IA MO· lllend. Cornmvt• ''°"' pty pflOM, a b5 pr mo W• Preet llM A • t . • . e 42 -1 0 0 : TEL. IM7 Newport IMS, OtttYel Ind only In a.I. pr '**· Cell M4-1211 20 t2 94 " (can dMCI:) 1-He_.* CM 046-ttl1. Mo n tllru '''-OlflH 2000 IQ ft 1100 eq II I U O/eq ft '42-'tM Nwpt HOit 2 br, 2 bt, &Jllll llall ffl•&OOI. Alll IOt l.loyd. llOflQe, 0~0. Alrport 1"1..;.__l_..;._.-... -f-a/-~-ff- 1p1olou1. Av•ll· now. -• Plfk Newport, 3 bt twnh·, • r • •. S 2 0 O 0 I mo .• ~J.!~r.= ••• u. S7a5/lft0, M&-1..00 -•-H . M/P, vu beck bey. Ht·lt21 ..... " IP..£'1111!'! .... ll!.f S tit, I .b..'.t...Pttlo, 9811 & ..... """''"°· + ... l'llng a dep. H 1-Htl M Wlcty r•nt1!1 l tll up, pool, l t nnla. ape. Ji n • • Color TV. frff coffee. 7M-()048 10. 1.AGUHA. 3 Atef't llty. 1200 eq " ·MOO/mo M lted POOi, I ltepe 10 Fern w/h.IM Ind cat loo-2 lult• bell Gel. Hwy '21 No, ~ ~ 00Mn. l<ltct1• t\'111 klnQ fOt ec>t or tiouM to Vlllblllty. •t 1.us1 120-1tl6 Ml N. C:O.t twwY. *CM Area. MT.f20f Ootta MMe 1 or I room 8tudlo ap•t • to 1111,., LIOUna leeot\. 4IM-&1iM IWltH , ''0"' 115/mo. C.M. AOpto11 I ll/mo. ,,,,,,, ........... , •• lll•rt OCH n view epl , uttt. lnekt. 71t w. tl1h .. 11AM. &H-$343, tll'tl 1••••••••m,n1 •• rn1 Promonlory fi'Oln1. 29'. It. M,.21 t t 2 • o 1 • o o r ,or rent O'f9t CMltm•I I B !i_.n on ·• m kT . _..._ 213/&N~ New Y..,.e J tit • be I _1_1_&-_HVD _____ -f _,.....,. loft Vtctori1n "°'" In Fem to lfW w/Ml!l. wtll loO •WFllY ...,. ~ H11 A1t19n, Cotortdo. o.tty HWC>t CoMo u ?ll mo Wlll'I u.. of reoeouon, ...,.,,.,., 1W1ald Mrvlce. JClnt loo. t?~ °'""· t'OOlll, ~Clft. ~ ..................... . VI•• or Atpen mown· .,_,..., I 119fd pr~ OMa9 or ,...,. looetlon W ltlnl.Cloeeto town Aleo l"•m to thr l l r. H • .....,.., Mall a fM11M18 ~ leecft. ~ hu b!b .,.,, .. pleno. ·~ fOt ... mo. 8171 ~. ~· s ff :0 :l :.~aro-to-'4IOI t ,.... call, "'o. lnel VIII. Hr 1.0 . ...,.,, c.ii ..... ~:. ·--·-------''°"' °' 71CM4ee fllau.. ........ 114/t-.vt w-..,.. Cllll ...... 1. ,, • A Salute to. • Notable Businesswomen National Women i11 Bu~i nes. Week is October 17 through 23. To honor local women in business, industry and commerce, the Daily Pilot wi ll publish a spec ial feature in its October 23 edition. This is an exceptional opportunity to introduce a new or lo ngtime as ociate to the people of the Orange Coast, or to honor awards, achievements or contributions. This Is the Actual Size Ad FOf bell reprOductlon, I otetl' black end wnlt• Phc>to ot eny t ire ce n be vHd. Your metMOe Wiii eccompany u. plCIUfe In Ihle ~-11 you Oh OOH no t to publl1h 1 picture. 1111 th• •P•C• with Y®f"*'I09 The cost of each notice. with a photo as only 132. Don't a:nias De!idline fo r thia special opportunity, reaerving space is October 20. Call today! • --· 642-?678 ( ) Or1no• CoHI DAILY PILOT/Friday. October 15 , 1eei • ftfJ.f,ftMt, ... l/Jf rtmr.J!.,,.,,,,l,~ft ~~It .rt.'.-.t~ .... !.{ff ., .. Jl.!fM'll. .... IJ.ff l•J1.811.'11. .... IJ.ff ~ll}!f!W. ...... ,l.tf il-lililili.111,-Wiillllllimllllllll .. _._ 00109 • Would love to CA .. l'IT 6 D"Aflt O V Ull mlWf l'IT Dtvtlloj) blltlnMI to A.fl~~= t.~ICI f111lt•t1 llfd #J111JIH#ll ••••••••••••• ••••• ••• 1 W••IM •Ill IC Ing 1111 m1ttre11 ind ••••••••••••••• ••••••• siwty w/yflv. Cllt 1111 0t u let pe,.on. YoUllt a Motlvllted ttyMet l'IMdeCI mwilet .-urfty eye1em. FNU\ IM l<ethy 1nyllme. (tt$l IOOteulve, .. I* ~ lot 'rott .. •I~ t alon t arn talrl 11000/mo .!!!.';!!'..!,.cond~~~H \M1ll Nltl t 3 4 .4 111 , ( 114 1\11 Call 131...0t Mil IOf l t lary, Comm , V101 l 1g11 lnte rprlu11_---.------- 19£ FREI &IJ.71N J&etl tlon MQf. ~·... M1·6'07 I'" &nUAlllt M .... UM PLH °"""1'"' Wanted. larn Hlltlfylltl wtth tottowlnQ "4Nt 1!111tt Lu ff?·ttU C.. l4 .. H4t UOO to HOO pet mo to WO.ti In MW Mlon In IM "Loen OftlCltr Tr... WllMr•°'Y9r·"-ff~ • Mut t have dependable Corona del M at .,.. nlng a.mlnel'" td OllhwUl'ltf·I',..., • 011111011d, Wan ted· ~ '*· Qood drlYlnQ record clll9d imao-11a.1131 4-WI MJ ... 11 Buy t oat•I trom prtv1te 1 prool ol lnNrence Ato90llonl1t1Typ111. N 8 )Ont c;onct. 14 111011 1p1 1no1 l'ramt WMHIDI Oood UHd 1 146 Oood c;Ol'l d retr1ger11orl fre11er. 807~1100 rro•l·lret, w11n IOI· 111111er Mull bl In H Hllent condition c 111 142-6171 ... 320. • 30·130 Open Mt11th ldrm HI ChHI •200. dreuer HOO. mirror '100, nlte lll'ld 1100, • bed lrl'M 1100. 142· 7284 .... ,,., T;'unoi. e.d Conttrnpo-l••ll••••ll lllJ petty,~ f31·t271 A.ppr•. hrt. UM·I AM: HOUHKHPI~ • a dye l1w llrm, a ood typing R;fr1g1, Wul*I , 0ry.,., ~~~~~~~~~li11"ti•oot1t1o~d~1~n;;o;e7r;1"itiCo>rrl Open1ng1 e v111. In wk 1 :e~·:J1°· own ei.~1~:00 •11 Lui•• M1ny 10 ohoo11 •.rom 1100 llWlll l ac;helor/ lacheloratte Nt wprt loh, OdM. Irv trantP -14 Gu1r 1100/up, 1611·Get2 rary dMign Xln't condt • ••••••••••••••••••••• llon 1100 17&-94117 YAMAHA .... Amp. ltllJ HElll•I TAILI Heed With 1 double 16" LOST OAT CMo btown :u•~:;_ 7H ·U31 or ~6~~~1i2h~o~~F~1 111.:M P 11111~ t llOlmHtlT Wero• Menu·Mrlo 1111 ff/mel~!!!lf}~ •..•. f!!!~.f!!!~••••••••••• wl gold ey11. Vlo of 10 11AM ' •raone ne •ocioun 0 C Airport 1111 tor In· 11ove, harve.tt d. 2 Yll OAAAGI SALE 2000 Ml• ""'' 6 •P" bike ••" Al· Monar le A · ldmln Min 2 )'l'I I09"0Y v"tmenl real 11t1te & 1 190 5411·H7 " "' ·~ ..-... 1cti0 "Mr,.,.~P..:! For Comp1nl0ftlhlp, mu-CHILD CARI! nH ded 2 exper. ,red 8 Jemee a IOCI 011 101 Light ___ ramtr Of . lllbOI Ptnln mo1t new pueh mower PV tP91k., oablnli AH 120 673-8987 1n Hoellent oondttlon roRT ·A·GRll HOOObO ~·2.o.311i:" :;r.6'f1: driver oatl Ken h11. e 30 to 1:30 em. 3 or Co. Irvine. C111 Don Wit· phonH •typlng·bkkpg. e Retrlg:'''~r d Ilk• new. 81t18un. &7342113. -l w1011cner 178 11711·008'1 4 morning• wk + 1 wknd ll11n1, 782"°990, EOE ti.1111>1t hrl per day 11rf~ ret, 00903.ooeo C111H ''' /1111 1 Wllll'len HO &7HH7 Ut-ont, 1·1PI Solid O ak C1p1t1n '1lllii~~~~~~~~ Loi l : llu/Oold M101w, Lletenlng Davie" home, mo. Loo: 8twn O.C I LADIES: Xlnt lnodme. lll•llll · ...................... , f1P.•l1I• V11/'.f. IP• 2 mot ago. leli.v.d otc. tactMy, Uc, r-ep di-UCI. Wiii Gonllder llve-ln. "&nohenttd Led~'•" GE Stove. w/mlcro'w1ve, King 1111 bt d w/fr1m1, •• •••••••••h ••••••• Ch1lr•. r.tlnl•hed. COfTIPICI Pl1nol1 pl1yer '60 H 780-8310 pl1no Good Condlllon to be In l1lbo1 1r1a. acreet g,vt r. 6118-7811 046-07&& h~-/.ar••·-. hi -lun, •ilr• .., ... ,-~ fllM NII-clean, 1utometlc. Al· 1150 080, king bedding, SAT/SUN 9AM·5PM OU Aewatd. S42·tl07. Gary ~·-,,.. •• n • ,., "'}, .. -d •600 dbl bed. 1100 080. 48" p1lnt1ng1. furniture, kit· Llquld1tlon hou11 1111. Jult moved lrom Florid• CHILD CARE NEEDED. earn atbara &8 1·814& ••• ••• •••0 ••••••••• mono. NW con · • iound lormlce tiblt, 1' Chtn were, dlah11. co•· 1CC111or1t1, turn chine. l __ .. 1,... r-· tr'~"•· .,.. .. ,,_ ., and • "''· 2 ••• • Rellable ohlld titter tiff-4116·2639 1 lb'~ 11 ood od 1 11600. lnc:lud" over 100 rOlll. &73-M311 LOii: Sml tern. gray dog, lookl Ilk• t1rrl1r . red b1nd1n1, IHlh I flll collar. Mell del Mer CM. Very 1ad. Rewlrd IM6-e024 """.... ~ _.., .... -,. __ .. ., , .. LIVE IN with l1mlly I nd did. prlrnetlly eve'•· Own le•I' II chrs, •100 080 IOI .... re w • go llf Vtr. c hind• 1111, 111-30. Brion, Charlotte te<noone Ptf weetl, our ci r• lor emell chlldren. trine, rater. N rrvlne t yr old Gittere & Settler clothll & mlec 2111 junk 16038 C1r .. ton St. h11hld goods 10 be eold &46-H12 houM In Coron• c1.i Mer. ~ust be wllllng to lrevtl 857·0421 git etove. beige, 1350 Merguerlte, CdM. Sat FV E or Hrbr ol Lll•G 11 v.,y low price Mu11 Oood Looking WIM 34 need G41r, rate 14 hr. 6 able 10 drive. Light 411~5 only 11·6 _ O arege 8111, 81t 11-4 cill for appl 10 1111 thru 1v1ll1bt1 tor oomp1-759-38&8 wkdy9. houeekeeplng & oooklng IALll R1tr1g, *Hh1r & dryer, Y1rd 8111 beds, blk11, Furn ' kit •lull, bOOkl, g1te 7611-03811 , cuh Student Flute, xlnt cond., 1170 714-848·0220 . 213-1124-3&1$ Olllt;-,•-,•-l-11-,-,-,-- nlon•hlp lor generou1 req'CI Mull epelk En· LllHt In Ellro~1n Ill· must Mii to bell otter kit llt>I•. perty tibiae. 1oy1 & tr .. sures. 17815 only By •PP• only Found: Cat, Tabby matka lldlM Tooy 642-78M OllPUlll AJll Qlllh No tmoklng & No neM. Ellortle11 electro-Good working eond Clblnete, misc Item• Sin Milz tS or Siiier, lifa llit 0H4 on MCtl tide rH I 'Wtlt drinking. 846-7689. Relt. nlc exerclNra. A1 ... n •57•47 ... '" &PM w 1 E clld) •••~!!f~~~! •..• l.~f All herdwood d••k, 6 dr-195 vie: Santa An~23rd St 11111•'1 Up lo '350/WIC. Clll to-req'd on T. v. Port•ble unite tor " .,.. 60C·I 100 S1f/Sun 10·4 ° u s 100, Hwlng m1chln• CM 142_.315 lfmttl t J3f0 d1y. JOBS TODAY , home uae Ptrt time or MAVTAGWalher6~. &07Dfchld Verlety. 1m111 to large S75.t:>edrmlurnt1ur1 762-71711 ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• 8 3 5 • 4 4 4 11 , 2 7 0 7 N Loen Otfl<:« tuH time Clll 976-0& 111 bronzt. good working GIANT OARAOE SALE-Boll, motor & trllllf 1nc;1. 6411· 7235 SCM Copier. Model 142 Found : Afgh1n Hound, AT YOH lllY10I Brlatol. S.A. emall IM !:!!:ILe:,_cnedOtf~~ Nter1w1: or &73-611311 cond 1250. 760-3310 Antiques, lurn, relrlg, H11hld Item• 17082 Sol•·t>ed. t>lue dbl• II. roll·led 1500 • lnc;W.. Newi1ndl Garfield, HB. p 11 .. ltled com ~·~ -,,,_ D 11 bOOk•. GOli.etlblel Ev .. Colonial Circle 175 or re•• 0 11., 011• of toner Ind 2 o a I I •tor B • v • r I Y :nT: cir:!"er1 for you; COOK. feed. evenlng1, nlng Mrnlner lncludlng 1Alll/Mll111 Frlgldllre ryer. wor • rylhlng mu et go Set H I •-L 1179-11536. 832-711e5 c1te1 or roll• ALSO IBM 844-77311. eJtt 242. 8 to d•Y 10 dey errende. t>rolllf, eeute '"'*Mo-FbNMA30p~~1·~· ~to-Earn to l 15001mo. PI T. r.'~~hly2 ~~5 efler 5 onlyl l0-4 812 Btgonli , •• 8!~!.'!f!!~.~.~~.... _ -, 18' caulege •lee type-5:30 M-F only (wor1l) Shopping , doctor'• c;111 Gord• Liz , er • o ... 1y nn. M ust be mature CdM(lnllley) GIANTOaregeS•le 9_..01 7 Sol1-grn yetlowplatd, wrner $150 642-33711 Found . B eaut . golden I PPI•. church, etc All 780-0971 Interviews ~1o510t1CM11•11"R' Ell·L~:.3.~ 5511-11043 Leave Mii· S1t,Sun C11t1 .. ,,, B1eekw1ter Cr H.8 Oct 's1'!6 w~-·~~tngroc~~t>Seh50r OFC IHI I OIAJR _..__.._d ...,.....,.. •--n~"• met. Bw hour or btwn 3-4:30, Tu•• thru • · "' • ~ REFRll. Sll. It• Far, ,., " 10 H llt IB h .. " ""'~ ..... 4 .. .....,_ •""""' · ""'' ""'"' , F 1 ••••· 20% dlac FREE •••••••••••••••••••••• •· "" on ue "" 0111 end 11>1 sso Oak 175 661·1364 ' ITIOI. 640-572 d•Y 4114-6857 r JOB PLACEMENT AS· SllM 11711-H96 olc; 11-6 •m11u1 aw•• MEil B1cvcLE STORE s61P•'.3n018'~ bench 17 ~ '''' IOl1 FOUND: Fem Calleo pro- blbly mlu lng Hverel Wka 8 n.w klltena, HB .,..., 1183-1304 $200 REWARD for return: blue Ov1tl0ft guitar, 24K gold tuning peoe, #328. &46-e827 111. 6. Found: M Golden Rel mh1; M Sl'lePIRet ml11, t1wn & wtllle; M bll Ck Lib w l blue b1nd1n1; M black Cocker Spin. N-porl Be1oh Anlm1I Shelter. 126 Mell Dr .. C M . 644·3656 Rel1tlon1hlp Recovery. COOKS. lull 6 PIT, hre 6 SISTANCE Bponaor· n SHll Elec Dryer, IVOG "' J .. Learn Mw to 1top the mooey lo be 1rranged. Funding Coordln1tore. Looking tor Hlrl In· Hiii MnlOf Every Sund1y, 8am-3pm. GARAGE SALE 't•-f/t-1010 B~~jl•r~a·:;t~:;; Pein of not bel"" loved & Th9 Grinder A.ltlurtnt Re11rvld IHtlng onll come? Trw Part· Time *160 &46·8968 Oreng• Co11t College SAT 10•8 AC<lell . .,, rr h ~ 111 .... 1400 w PCH N t Bch 7 , • 6 ' 6 blk •••••• ~............... PY1. • ow pro• • w to build new rel•· · • P Cell lor lnlo, ( 1 ) Sil" et the PENNVSA· Fairview Arllngton, componen • es l&K goldldllmond pen· c;o-own, $360. 911-3828 t1on1hlp1 wti.n old ones 642-11&&1 968-52&0 VER. 1&80 Plectnt ll Olbaon AIR SWEEP Air Co1t1 Mell Admlulon 2-WHEEL TRANSIT cond 220 volll, $175 tree to buwer1. S1l/1r 401 Mein, HB daot. 35 Cll diamonds, TAlllE IAOAW S1100 h • v • bro k • n down OtllSILlll LIQ If PIOlll Ave, Colle M ... Ask lor 645-81168 , 960 762 gem lab epprelMd S9b0, Oroup111e now forming. People needed to trlln Aggreulvt Nawporl Mre White RM1<V1t1onal Into . 1 Hktng S600 631·11276 Green wings. gorgeous 040·8300 .t ti 1015 566-5880 bod" & leethers, lov11· 11 Counaelors to aid BelCh llrm ..... , moll· Sein n•c •• jijiijiijiijiijiijiijiiji; u .LJ 1011 ' • 0 T' d T I •••••••••••••••••••••• Ro•ll•••I•• .. ,,.1.-01 "'''• •ftT, t>le alltet1on11e very ULE E O II others in dlllr"' or with Vlled lndlvl u1l1. err · llPPLlMllT • •••••_.••••~•~•••• ••••••••• •••••••••••• 1 a,;, e II m 01 ' 0 1 d Cell Rod 720-1645 probt1m1. Thie new tori•• open. Must hive Jiii llOIMI Hiii IHUl SALE TABLE SAW 10" Rock· 543•6485 technique re1ult1 In 1 R.E. UC. Harbor-Paclllc IUYIRI P&llAllHI well Nev., used $300 la•l•f•fol well and h•PPY person. 1156-0073 WOfk PIT, II 1m • 2 pm, &•TJOllS 00111PUY HUGE ESTATE SALE Everything lrom b1by dellvered 549.3152 Golden Retriever Puppies, •• ~ •• ••••••••••••••• All welcome to 1pp1y. or 4 pm • II pm, With the I AUOTIOI IALLIRlll Vre or eollectlt'lg, 1000'• Items tq furniture. 10381 AKC 6 ahot• Jd1 WHIH 1015 Contact: 041net1es c.nt-Loin Oltic;.r Loe Anget11 Times Cir· of exc;ltfng 1tem1 al Kukul (Brookhur111 end Ni1c1ll10Hfll 1010 1250111 557-9695 •••••••••••••••••••••• er. 774.0121 between Pt11t1l1 YtlltJ culltlon Teem In tale· "mutt iell" price• Garlleld)SlllSun 9 ·1112 •••••••••••••••••••••• Young m1rrl•d mill will 9 30 AM end 10 30 PM, lillrfllll Ot•JllJ phont 11111. E1rn en PRESENTS AN Bookl, pictures, lramH, /nl•t llUW~ hi Hca. do r'.neral hlndy work. Mon thru Fri. Set 11:30 Looking for 4.9 .,1per hourly w1g1 + comm. 11mp1. dl1ne1. trunks. •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 to 20 long. 364 P9f It Loet: Orange c;at Cel evll 6 wkendl. AM to 4:30 PM prolffllon•I•. we IP«l-Training provided. For ANTIQUE qullta, etc Sii , Oc;I 18, Sii 10116. 9.4 CouchH, 775-1491 anytjnie Herbof Ridge. ~11~7~2~-11~5~2.:5 ___ ....,..--li='.;;;:;;t;;;t;;;;;;--;;;:;i;d"d,:; 111111 In new progr1m1. d • t 1111 • C 111 ( 7 1 4 l thru Wed 10·3 Every chelrs, clothea. decor AKC Yellow Lit>, 10 mo. lem. lh<>lt. gd rem dog $100 631 -2231 , 646·11666 780--04Ge, 117s-oll41 Exp precl. nur11 Reis, C~~~':'no het!,:~~7. I• OMP/ARM, OEM. 111 _6_40-0 __ 30_1 ______ 1 INVESTMENT day un111 stufled g1r90e ttem1 13 Songep1rrow LOVE IALLOOIS LOii: Orenge P9'911n rem tr1n1p . dya. nit•• FIT, 30846 CoHt Hwy, & 2nd TD'1. Salll 11 empty 2272 Avllon (Wllne< & Culver) Send aomeone you love cat. Nellie, B«* Bay, NB 548 •8~2 Mrt Derek So. Lag. 4911-lllt5 Cell John Cullck TIE LOii AUCTION ~It Wiiton Ml Hart>or & Multi Family g11age sele ~e~~11~~111=~~.~:~ Darling 6 mo Old 11ndy· hllrtd ml.11 Htl lhOta end lie S20 obo 760-2880 lrM. ~d. 644'-4293 eves ff.4-90llO F1mou1 lor the llnes1 In ~llrVllw~~~).~~~~~~ lurn, clothel & mllG S11 tor 111 occutone Grell Loit: Eng II eh blue ci t Sell mollvlled, cr1•llve IAICE IUOI 1&101 0 RET0SID0EENTSEIARL CE European lttlre tor guyt •-t .. ir 11 = 8-3. Sun 12-4. 16 Whll-de c 01111 n g 1d,1 1 Reward. Vic &oollhurll Individual Nik• CIMllv• F1mou1 Fred A1t1lre M R A VI 6 gal• 11 looklng tor 2 00-_.1 -GARAGE Sale Priced to ney, (Nonhwood) Irv I _673-0 19 AKC Cocker 1 Sutt Mlle 559-9607 & Hamltton. ~1 emp opp VIC 538-44111 Studio lffklng 1ttr1e-Loen "'"P ladlel 10 ..... tour 2• 1 ., II• nWJ 111111 Fri 1-e. S11ISun ~~.~ble1• ;:'"1 .,~~ p II IQ 111111 / cb~klgro~.!~'..!.!.'. hPlo~~-ltt 204 11·& 2362 Fordh1m Or URHE HTATI HU AnttQue mah0g1ny c1bl· llWAll Bt/• Wl•IH 1100 ~·~· v•-., ,. ...,,. _ ""'"" ·-., f'urn . c:oll1C1lbles Sil net with orig RC~ redto AKC Vorkle Pup•, 1 Fe, •••~•••••••••••••••••• $7 Ind up u profMllo-EIOllW tlon•openlmmed Clllln Mltsite Ylejt Verd Sele. Sit/Sun 11·5 9 .,. 3 701 Fenn St & record p11yer-f75, 1>1· $350 3 Me111. S250""- L041t Jewelry In red bl'o-Atft PrtJ Mal nit blllroom ln1tructor1. Min 2 yrs exp Procl PMwport Beec;h lor appt. 2272 M1pl1 St Dllk (Culve<dale) lhroom merble type' 8 2 8 • 1 .. 8 8 or ( 2 13 r c;ade b•g. Bentlmenlll Eaperlenoed In Import• No exper needed. Wiii E.lcrw Cler1eel. ""ht If· _The LC>Ok, .,..4.9500 FEATURING Ou11llty 10·1Pd & mtlG sink 1n 1 door & 2 drl-947_·4_0&4 ______ _ value. Into. call helplul. body work too trlln tree. Full or par!/ r1nd1 Smell N""ewport ---------1 Eur~ Antique urnl S tl8 V I II Klng-n wltert>ed. oak cet>tnel plus mltChlng 2 Ptnk Meulolltn P1tro1, w/ Mimi 4117-3672 M h h FI S 11-c-•1 (213) .,..,. """"' IEOlln••y lure, 6 lneludlng •com· I un· MP•. urn ure. s,.,.ivee. suweo & spkrs door w111 c1b1nt1 & on t roug r ome 13·:-10 p""M) ......,.....,,.,. Mortgege Co. 861--0444 an pllle Welnut t>Clrm eulte clothH. etc 861 ROii .,91 rug 6 other atull. lge wroughl Iron c1g1. Found: Suo. 10th, gray & S1turd1y1 Newporl Newport 9Mc:h area lew St CM 548 7044 · marb~ type" will ""41 S800tob0 540.5399 wttlte YO Cocttatlel, M..-Wnt Imports Ray. 1t1••-at1T from Au11rt1. m1rbl• • · • ___ 100 Sit only 10.-4 4871 111 ror only 1100. tempe----------Woode. c.M. 557-11111 831·8M6 Dentel Ofttce Mgr Meture. -• llrm ..... expenenc.d topped w11h 111nd1, ESTA-TE SALE-Sm appl. P1MO de Vega. Campu• red gl1H showet doors, 1il•ll I Dr.1•1 UIO 1---------1 ea_per. In ~boerd, In· with cltent•. 31176 Birch eecretlry wlmlnlmum 3 commodea & ermolfee 1>ook1. kllChenwart, & Culver. Turtle Aoctl ltke new, only 150 ror 1 ••••••••••":'--·•••••••• SCRAM LETS 81byeltt1r w1nted. cloM turence. plilent IGhtdu· St, N 8 545-7112 yrs txpr wtto II wlHlng to from Au1trl1, Frena. & S1t1Sun 11-.4. 2116 H1no-both Call 842-0136 I01k Upgrlgh• pl1no, • to Bonl te C1nyon _•_1n_11_&_b1_11_1n_g_._4_'A_d_y_•_. 1 MAllOIRllT·ElJtru, ~:;:r .. ~~·m~~~.~~~1111 1t11y. Country French var Or CM f!l.'!!~.!'.'J!!......... -need• nnllhlng Scl'IOOI. Irv to •II my 9 )'I' C M. 831-1420 • , pine cheats. cabinets & --CAR WAH 1850 548-7272 ANSWERS old girl 111 1chool. 645-5370 w/e>iptr M edlCll 6 I E I It I COLLECTORS Console, S d O 12 OOI S t d -553-0554 lt1ttl Astht•ef d1nt11 bt nttlte. Non ermo r•!,1 •qu ~-· ~ see to apprec . Furn, Gerig• Sele llur •y nly 11' ur •Y Yam1h1 Polished Ebony Reiher · H011t Dent1I ottlce Newport Mllure, worll ethic, lght tmoker. woven w.., 1~:"7" 0 mllG 2041 Charlie (reer). end Sundey 9am-4pm Oclot>er 16th. ;m 10 1 ,. 8 · • p 11 no . U 1 R Uthe . Plenty BM.uty . Ea11bllshed men 8 h h I Id I bk ood tfloe 1knl CALL KAREN 851-1005 m1ny 11111 '" II gn1. -25042 ErlClon W1y. pm, 10350 Ellie, oonllln $3500/bll olr 966-8677 .YEHOLES a *omen• hi lr atyllng eee .. ~.e ,.!3r2• • '" •· $lP0"1100· g No k'' i---------Porcelaln1 ol the Meiji Antique 1>•111 bed. eewlng Laguna Hiiie. Valley 1 blk East or - ,,.. 1 MW bride mv wit-' .n09. Orange Co. 1lrport tent . .,.. .. """ up. on-Im r, llOY/111 tPO and Edo period• ot JI· m1ch , detk & misc ~~~~~~~~~ Broollhursl Help 1tnd Skii•f. IOfJ trtedherhandat kntttlnO~ atea, hll good openfnO DESI< CLERK needed. F/1_8_73-_3_511_1 ______ Lind ci.v.IOl)menl com-pan. jewelry & other lurn .• ttc.11c Sii 8103. II 1 ,_ II our youlh c hoir to ••••• •••••••••••••••• 1 wu 1119 only guy who tor alylllt prel wl time. no uper nece11 Mech1n1c. 1m111 engine. piny. heevy phonae & ltem1 too numerous to 21187 Crot1don, SI, C M .• !!'!r.! •••• f! ••••••••• Colorado Flret Sou-1.~200821.~~n~~~t~~: hid 1 tUttle nedl eweeter ~•lowing. High pe<cen· The Seelerk Motel 274 Experience Nece111ry. typing. Short hind or mention. (Off S.ker) 540-4668 Sii 10116. 81m-4. Copy ~n 81pllat Church Also hive ~ 11177 For- wtth EYEHOLES g I 548 ·113 7 7 ; N-port Blvd. 646-7445 Appllclllon b~ Agf1 only equiv. req'd M1ture, non PllYllW1 BACHELOR GARAGE m1Chlne, Stereo equip Lioy'a raccoon tur eo•t. mull 110 20 It Hice -----_..,,~.,..-· -~-2--020!5 Dental Miiitant Call 839-~54 . 8 Ollo-emkr Send r11um1 6 11· 1 41J If 1111 SALE·T0011. stereo. e1r Sar relrlg. kid• Items ~. length. •erely worn. NEW I C • 11 ( 7 1,. I FOUND: Blk/t1 n mix Boe\ D"peretely needed trlbl.ltlng, Or1ng1 H lary requirement to· Almtl 1Pll lttlfJ S225 E•c Si t Only~ 1883 Port Renwick pl, excell cond Slie me· e .. 2.2000 & Ult'°' Jlm-~;~3·171med2m.J'°".v ,,'"'::· BOAT REITAL R.D.~.:. N4!~odport Be11cht ltrtll...... ~~~Z~~ewi><>rt No minimum• No r11•1_3_46_v_111_1n_ov_1._c_._M ___ 1 NB d11.1m 1350 1142-7107 my. Jr u out, plet1e ._,.... ..-.. pr1ct ... e ,.. em. ron Plrt time Food broll•.1---------erv11 No buyer pre-SATISUN 9 tHI 4pm ~ LIH ISll leeve rneeugal ~ar~r !~-Ht ~t~~ olflca H per helpful women more 1u1t1bla, SlfYlce Statton Attendent. mlume. thing, 10011. loy•. vw Furniture. Clothes & WANTED exarc:IN t>lke I 1• "--~ I~ n """ ... _ .,. -........-POllttve lttltud• 4'A day cer nece1aa'J Catt Fri exper. 1pply Sh911 Sii· Bob GrMne & eng, t>ooks, record• 6 HO<IMl'IOld Items. Sport• Reuont1>441 P ..... c;a" .r.!.!!I.~! •... ~-:? rlenc«I llllor KnowlaO-wtl Cd Julle, 842-4832 Oct 16th 1n Mon Oct lion 17th 6 Irvine. N-· Dl'llld ,,_ millC 3029 S.bb St CM Equip Booll• & Lot• or A n • w. r A d 6 2 6 IE c11m ,,,..,,,,, S350 ge boa1 & outbOlrd -rum"'·· H ..... ,. 18th 1149'-0$74 ext 17 port 9eedl A~•. MIQulntS. 208 Via Udo I 642-4300. 24 hrl OllU •••••••••••••••••••••• o•ne rec>alr '*9fut SSlhr -.... ·---------For Info 8SM26e. Motorcyci... •urt botrd, s 0 u d s AT u R 0 A y --------.... OIUICTHI 1..alftOIJ'1 tostart.(213)271·2&77 EXP1:RIENCEO. Parma-UIL""'1WllT SEWING •A.CHINE 830-7&21 boogleboatd1llfll .lewn ONLY,9-5 All efectrlc hospltelbed lllW OOl(l(EEPER •ss'T nent poettlOn. 25 yr okl Needed for pr0gtntlve OPER. Eltpr. l1ctory ·~~~~~~~~~!! rnow.e, 11ereot, blk•. I .... 1 ........ u-PHOTO MODELS 8 " • I.ctr I c. I c 0 Hlon. Some cllantele production llne . Pc. I-mUlc: 278 Albert Pt CM Moving ..... lot• Of good ..... -r..... OCTtlU 11 I n ESCORTS/DANCERS ~~llonmed!!_Flnul1~ 7141859-7200 prel Sel1ry,&4()..8889comm , ~~21~ .. 1co1ta Mee a F~ .... m~·.fllldulu ~""'! S11urd1y 8 10 S · · turn . 1ome •nttque1. ! s7oo 644•9664 Fre• t &II tt I,. OUTCAU 24 HRS ... .,........ ,...v-..... v~·tlon U..r -....... """ v~• R ...... • "'ano. etc Frt1S11/Sun HMHT comp.,.,y HI eo.11 Mela F1tne11 oriented S•••· -...,, • conorete mlAe< Avlll tor GARAGE SALE ,....3 T Ym•-~~~~~~~~~ to ulle1 with p1-otl & 1per1on1 to dl1trlbut1 ............ Ital~ I hota.l•I vllwl"" Mon Oct 18th S1t1Sun 10-4 2868 Hie· 4 1 Viale ruehl, (next WEE 10111 llY · llU • •--,. E El ~-·'V S ··• to E11tblull Shopping F ""' r atl Invoicing Type 55-60 lhl new urop11n • LVN tor bl.II)' t>ICk ontce omew ere out there trom 9 to 4 pm et Foun· k or y ( n r H 1 r b o r 6 Cir.) COLLfOTIILES ellur".,. -pon• o *** wpm & good eomputl· forlleu exercl11 ml· FIT 567-3242, A1k IC>< t'*'9 mutt be I pereon t1ln V1lley City Yard. Ademe) eru Swords, coins, w1r .ti • ..&:.. Parlor 1lonll lkllt1 1 mullt Call cihln•. comm1111on1 Joan Smith O¥er·&O pertl11P1 retired 18240 Werd s1. eubmlt 1-0-.,,.,--, ... --_-E-.,_,.--hl-ng-SattSun 10-4. 2 lof11. 2 Ll•ltd Ultl11 eouvenir1. entlquee •nd llH• Cermella. 714-56S-2&66 71 41 84 6 -0846 or 1---------1 nowwtto11 looking tor Mated bids t>y Fri Oct "-..-S Su.~,. ehllrl, 2 din aet1, king SIPEll SALEI thou811ld• Of collectible Open 24 Ive 1 day 2131592-4239 Nurelng honHt work In t1mlly 22nd 11 3 pm lo Foun-must go Ill n 91m lo m1ttre11. atereo, rugs. item• 7 daye 1 weetl BOOKKEEPER/ •---------RN or LVN needed lor .buslneu . 'f"• n11d 1 tlln Villey City Hell. &pm 830 Joann St, CM I Odyuey & mite Xlnt 2s•;.. OFF 111 collector 1 o RANGE c Ou NT v Jacuzzi. Sauna. Locale SECRETARY llffllDEIT .1111 FIT daye In convaleecenl pe<IOl'I who c1n repetve Purct\lllng Oec>t . 10200 Misc biby lteme. hMllld oond 4 l8 St Andrews or pl1te1 Oc1 16-111· 111·20. FAIRGROUNDS. Colla 11 well •• Tour ll U PI T for N.8 lnveetorl 1mmedl1te opening• Ho91> Xlfl1 Sllary & e.-6 lhlp merctlandlM. do Slater Ave Min bid• tor goods. ctlllng l•n. & cell 645·8400 1130em-5 00pm 372 C•· MIM. enter g11t 3A ott BenkAmerlClld, Amer· Motels, Relleurtnt. R.E overMll Ind dotMltlo. nent1, lnctudlng Ins. Sick 1111 hencfyman }ob•. keep each w1n be poeted other anorted Item• lcLOT"'ES in" smell mtno de E1tr1111 Sen Artlngton St Smell salary but oppty lo 20,000 lo S0.000 + I Pay, and Vecallonl Ap-our pt-clean 6 contrl-8 S n " Ctemenll 4118·88 t 1 _..;;...._ _____ _ lean~. Dlnere AH grow StudentO.K.OoocS yMr C1H (312) 1120-H76 ply Beverly Manor, 340 bl.It• to the friendly and 11141 Anehetm 1 un 111m1. 1819 Port Whee·j•~~~~~~~~~ S.I E••a,.Ht ..ieome 71'1046-3433. typing 1blllty. po1ltlve EJtt 2239 Vleiorla, C.M. chHrtul etmoephere PUBLIC FURNITURE Only. 9.3 548•6103 ler. SA TURDAV ONL V 1: Olln Miik IV 86111. polet, _2_1_1_2_H_art>or __ 81_· _c_M __ I 1llllud1. lhlrp appe1-1----------1---,-.---.-n-.-,---hara We pay modestly * •ucTION* MOVING SALE Sii & Sun 9.4 . ICI creem. freezer 'i~ end Llngl Booll 1 100 Ott ......... , Pliltet r1nc1. quick mind 6 GOVERNMENT JOBS _, eo It would be helpful If n Oct 18th & 17th. Furnl· Hairdryer .2s Delles Down s!Hplng t>eg 160 ConvWutlon with Barbi happy person1llty man-M1ny fob• IVllll ble In ORDER l!NTRV you have HI et Ing In· E , 14 lslOPll lure 1ntlquee mite Item amtllS .. St de '11>111 s I 5 Schw inn Ver11ty blk• MC/VIN 24 hre d1tory 646-411& U.S and overMl8. For PROCESSOR come. Wa provide midi· ftrJ I IJ 1017 Corona 'Line C M. Furniture, prints. peln· 652-0856 S 15 1163-7513 638--0701 IH llY Directory 3121888-4347 lrvlne b...cl m•Hnger eel & other lnter11t)ng Lovely bdrm Hll, ar-979-70711 . ling•. collectlbles. Alto •Jon--n-w-.-yne--T-..,-n-11_C_lu_b, eat. E·91 MNICe ntlld1 patt·tlme ~Ill. Must be neat & molree. llvlng rm NII. toy1 bolt equipped. t II b ehlp to fV, 1.141•, MOf9 ,..,,.._.,.getting Needed 11 the Suri Ind •--U-11-11-1-111-0--1--• pereon 1:30-6:30PM To bond•ble P1NM phone lllde-e-bed. PLUS LOTS ANNUAL SURPLUS SALE 11n1.' mite 1101 M1r1-•;: L:'"~tt" ' Rffl lttrH lnl ...._ ....--.. ..,_ .. _.._ Sand Hoi.1 Towwn Rel-ane phonM. tllke ordlfe M M f I t MORE. 80AT/CAM PER CA.Bl· ner1 Newporl B11ch N 7.,9,., "•':9 ••••••"••••••••••••••• , ... _.,.... .. """ "-t1ur1nt Dey 111111. Con-Be your own boMI Bat & enter order1 Into oom--.n:· 17~:,rg:1~s3' er· Sift PYE PYE NET SHOP • T11k s111Sun 11-3 .,.,...... BEAUTIFUL 2S " RCA yw.. "you haW 1 cem-tlC1 Mitt! Domtn In the r • n I d • 1 1 In C M putlr termln1L Siert .... w h B IA MC door1/dwr1. lea bo1111. Double bed wl 1nt1qu1 Color TV 2 yr wrnty per that'• not getting AM 11 497-4477 548-3448 $4.60-SS.50 per "' can TEACH OTHE"" M "'-1 onor ~ ' · 1wn1ng1, VW curt1ln11 5 Femlly Sale. •nt1qut1. tr1me 1100. tibia 11w s 148 Free d•llve•y uaed, ... It now wtlh • 1---------1 ... •~ Hk Eern 1&00 1900 VISA, Cashier 1 Chtetl• tire recll• II Zodiac In-turn· tooll. baby 6 cNl-•100 *•*17..,. o s CIMtln.d Ad. ClaMlfled Adi &42-54571 o..tfled Ada 142-6111 Barbara 5.,........21 :o. no u11ln9. ne e & Cun NO PERSONAL n1t1ble 4HP Mere outt>CI dren'1 toy• & turn I-• . .,...... ""' ~ ~n·a 846-178& ---------1 850-tllllt CHECKS PLEASE Food Roper di• g .. oven 4: things 2282 LI Lindi Unlverelty Athletlc Club I - _, -(At)Cf-____ , de) ()rd - Bea part of CopadeOro •.• a legend in the making. Copa Is a truly unique reRtaurant. paUtmed alter the splendid temples of ancient Mayans. The cuisine will otter multinational delicacies-the setting Is incomparable. Now hlrtng experienced ot highly trainable peop le to provide top quatlty service. Positions available: • Bartenders • Cocktail Servers e Hosts/Hostesses • Food Servers •Appetizer Serven • Buspersons • C&shler •Doorman 1v1ll1bte Item• at.tbjeet th4pl whMI. time c.OC.., Sii & Sun. hm·? rnemberlhlp. 1660. epllt TeMptlOMUU Ills .... _,, 10 pr..-much more. S11 9.4 Washer. Dryer, Retrlg trtneter I•• . Doug .._, ll&S1DI AIGTlll 1U5 Whllll•r •A-t 1. Furniture. Water Bed, wtldye 762·2100. eve or ...... p IT 2075'A Newpott 8'vd CM C M. 646-Hall Mopad Bike and hOu• wtlnd 836-M02 1-400 • HOO wtlly. Calt ll:J3.H25 14t Nee 11em1 4-461 WMt eo..1 CHEMICAL LAIS SUP· (7141 53t-76118 Aetc for H1V9 eornethlng to Mil? Hwy. Set-Sun, 18th 6 PLIES. 1n11rument1, 4 R H Punle¥Y llnrln UM CIUeHIN edl do It well. ll'ttl t-5 PM. organic ~are Hew ••••••• ••••••••••••••• °' neer no.. 25% to ~ TIUPllll 0"1'• Sdlwlnn PINI Pb(le r •lfltt HSI otl 1-6PM M·F. 10·5 llUllTlll Wiiiower ... t LMle ,_ 1•m'9tt IOSI .N••••••••••••••••••• Set. 932 N Main SI Work l!W9nlnOI 1n N--IS$. W-3222 •••••••••••••••••••••• Orenge patio chalrl(4), Of1nge 1139-7071 port .. "°"· "lAlt wMlt woman·• 10 ap0 blCyele, * *' BtJY* * thick remoubl• cu· 131 Tenntt bin mlCl'llnes, our top pereon put In 24 good GOndltlon MS or Good uMd F\lmllure 6 ""°"" l80. 568-0998 upholatared 10111 & hour'• and bfougt'tl hOtne otter. 759-0097 Appllanoet-OR I wtn NII 6 piece dining llble Ml. Chllrl, t•bl .... much 13115. Cal esa-3740 attar ..... 10 ___. ..... ,........ •ELL 1 y good condlt Ion seo more 1 PM. ..._, ....-..-e, """"' °' " or ou Coll11 table '20 C111 Second Chence Antlquee cond. Puncture proof Umat AIOT1H &48-7230 1724 Tuetln Ave., CM ~I ~.166 oeo.145-4505 ....... 111-HH PAITMP PllUI _ .. _ ... ________ ,----------1Ant1que 01k Dining Rm Bumper pool/ping pong Itek Quadrllek, b111y SCHWIN N Pl•lt , lllllt I llY fllllTlll tbl w/4 entl. c;ombo. 1100, Flllftr 8 ate<eo 6 11pe decA with record collactlOn, bar 1n- 1l d1. t111hlng llghll, $500 556-0998 Spenllh Mehogeny M1g- n1vo >1 stereo con1011. good cond S4001olr 830-8it9 JBL Speeilere Pllr ol 12 .. K 120 1mp 1peeken. good lhape S 150 RAN· 0ALL P A C1blnet1 w fl s.. speeil ••• pair of RS·115·2PH <*MMt~ IP"kerl ' homa, 1h1pe $450 p11r 80. PEAVEY Ampllller "Bldl11191 30" pncttoe 1mp. Ilk• new 1100 (Tom) 761-861& or &48-0llll5 C.M. Print etlop. bper. llrla. wltralnln" heet1. I.Al 957-8133 S31l51otlo. &4 t..Qllet ~pin bell mach, · ,.. I I t 5 ........ " 0.k credenza, 1400. o nry. "'1 1 or •PP · 5. 1411-........ Formic• Tlble, Ux82" fwtn bed.1. Jtlnt cond. MS H1mmond tleo org1n , IYUMm IYIAll ,_.,.._2_-0_1_"------18CHWINN hntam. llttlt with 2 lddl11onll 1 .. -. Atter 6 l"M 1750 6«·2119 Compl. "~ eyetem, 6 . W A I T E R I e a • & boys, w/tfllnlng wnMl.I. Wood top In perl cond. 8'7W2tl ~ CMI Food p p c , 1 2 O w 1 1 t a • BA,.TEHOIA/HI NI!~· SH . 645-ttee. $36, 960-5144 New 8foyl'llll D1n1no Set. I Koeuor nevef out of.::. 165()1080. 4t7-6S12 ~· A:.11~·~·~~~ l•IUJ., .., blown plaid eota hl<M-oh1lr1, 2 le1v11 11150. valued 11 1325. H ll Mo1oro11 23·• oonaole, 8t C:ta M... . • f«lm lfll •bed ITS. Mapledlntt1t N7·2320 1221/otr. 6 41·81164, good cond 1'75. ' • ••··'·•••••••••••••••• 111. 4 chalre 1 7.6 . Quwnbed,C4.letom011hO 6415-1491 Me.t2S5 •nti•llM .. ll•ln. 142·et54 lnc:ludlng lrt me. Good 1·....,,--.,-... -1,...,--coa-,-.-11n-• --------•••••••••••0••••••••• AedW~ b l dteklnO leby Strott.r cond 1100. 4.97·IOl6 36 to 40. Zip out llnlng ..,,, I,,,.. ~tJfl!J ••••••••• ~f ~20' tono. lllo r;;;;;od twin. ~om. Perd degollkAM Old Wicker Rooker. 145 &45-9621 •• ~.f!!!!•••••n•• Mnctno. Cell Jim Of K.n I CCH I lnClu • • . • Trunlla. I All'I Tltl6ee. Aepubllo "Kida ~ Free" ~ l • WUT~MuA>T•• _,.,_ 176-1481. new. S17S .7 .. H 19 t 73-34t0 ........... -"· •• ••n •• ,. II .... "90....... _,,.ft.... ...... ............. 6 ~ -...... ••••••••••••••••••••• Al8IY MOWOOD O!Ct<INQ Olk OWtlng Aoom Tlblt & BMu"UtUI ,teen flnlal\ed 1ti11/12 2 tor I 110. 12' alUm boe111rlllW, 7.1 AHTIOU8 MAU. b.4'a, u.., 2XI. .... per t upholt le<ecl Chairs. Oreu•r wllrg '"lrror t13-tU7 hO motOf. awe. Oii tenll, 11711 W•n•,.._ Aw. ft. )(I " • con o I I 0 0 I 100 HfGht •taftd 121. Radio tontrOlled Falcon atoo. 49+2906 QA:~.:"" ~ ttM122 • 141-20a 142-3t4S. Senior model 1ltpl1n1 ~~~!!!~~~~~Pr e· AOOA hMltt ~ 80lld Oak tcflool ~•It. Oeetgner aofe a. clut> ~ 5 cti Al rectlo gear. ......... ...--......... C4.lt 0 1a•1 d 0 0 r 1 1 o, wl•wlv11 c;halr, 1250 ~ bfown teethtrwt• I 3 I 0 . 0 • n • ,..~,~~.*.aw Ml-4411 U 0-1277 AM l H rly le, 1450/0llO. •W-1312 (714)641·2429 Mt 11'76, M'7·2S20 f, • r., ,_., PM DIM11t Of game .... IOI TAP WATER PURIFll" K ......, l --.m •... ;:. ....... r..; ewtom IWttltd 41" oomtortabl• chra 1.i1. Tr1p1e Utter, d t llolou1, enmore d 111 -r;;· To td holfte Aftha11 tound table UO. me. 7•t42t "ouH hold AavtrH· fltlumblng, •lt ctr loal, 111n1 con • HO • 14"updot n\111. ICNl't9d 640-tfil 01ltl'otll. Wttnnty. lo-woodWOttl. QwMy """· MA-t(N eft 41\llltlndt , i '"1) y Cl 0 0 ' • Col«fVI hOmt otlloe ~ dtum. CIOrlM, AIOeltoa, oompelltt"'• ,,, ... Collectcn !Mm,,.._. 11"M0-32Cll M~t: -'WI~~ 'tftu ... t.nlowd 1149 13 t·'7t 13 • r.-.. is f •i.r-.a ~at Odltillltl&ldWl'l."9nd lfol(tn 4*Nnt ffMI pa.-'4o.1n 1 • , , 1 _•_1111_-1_•_1_•_. --.----1 ... ._ MM ~yo a One 0 a NUU "'~"'._ty reltaUrant from otl'¥M of tN I.Mt lup. tlo ..,... ~. toed fOr ., UIO Atdwood '•tlo , 8 •t . 1 Pona .. Dltltll n\lilllfM. •••• 'h.-.ir.e•••••n'.ll El Torito. offering tx~Uent starting pay and ~nefits. C:-.0,..~ ..,:c.u•"1f· w.,,. =~;,~. :o:~ ~;0t :.~r;0' '"· 11 ,~ .... 111~. 1111 t1b.,011t1 •" .. ' N14'ot ,,,_ 1'm.M, I .-1, Mii _ I.._... 1t1·14ff ...,,. ~~~l~v:.:~eo:: Apply In pel80n 1ma11 ~""~"• Ot•H:r ""'*'· M4101 ·.f·; C•"" 11DM. •11 llHvy l'ttnefl ''oYlndel "'*"· • ~= =~~ .,,,, ltu•n. ' P or MoQday .. Saturday ~ u~.'.J.1.i~· . ,,.. to ... ~." ::r..::r~ •• r.:-~-=-o'o~:.~ '°' =, .. ~1 • ., ~ ~~1:l.::1 ,: 9100.-5:()() Mt!Que lllldler ~" ~-ON°'"'*' ....... , .,__ 1reft .....,.. ... """.,,.to,O ~·-5'_ .. _MJ0--_,.----- 653 ADml<lrco.... Mei& '' "'°',. Ml .._..otH1 ...... 11 -.._.el;,w/_.. Nori ., .. ounct 11# •11111• HO• Wet""°, 11"19 ,_ ca,. Oraa,10 II' L .. atrell.t -0-.. LI! CA117M111 ,,._ 0..... "-fWMf ...... 171, 1M "'8 .. W9' "*"°' e100; ~ talna ••I w/llnlffOf ed Century 1MW 1tOet 4 ~ i-o _ _ \...-,;I-..~--J ·.· .. , , fM" c....,_ N I M ' t lluOoud 1400 Ore1. ltl00,l1Mtl1 Cla'OllfromloUthCO..tPLmfforrJ) :i: ._.~,..:: ...,..,,... "~1:•.-.v• ...... m .. NMt7• -,. ..... ,......, .., . .. !_-:'1~-'--i1P~~'-~_ .. ~!"lil·-~· .... ~:_,.,._,_ ... -...,_tiiii ______ ,~1~.--1 ---.:··.-.--.-........ ,, i =,..,'ftw, ':: .. "'!"f:-~1.lf c;.:~·~r:: •-~=iallfi,~==:a::,_~ .:~'"' .,·., .... : ·----~ ,=---=-I'--~-... _!. -I .. - ,, , «=•• Orange Ooa1t DAit. v Ptt.OTIPrlday, October us, 1oaa '11.'h.!f~ .... "-ff -:!:~~=:~ '"~•f T!l!.~~ ••••.••••• 11.ff ~.'.~'.~ !~r.!!!f ....... ~1.'111.!'ll!'!!ll. ...... ~l.'1!1.!fl!!.'d. •••••• I ~1.'!11.!'N!!!.~ •••••• ~.'.W.!!!r.!l!~ ....... 1~1.11!1.V1!1. .......... 1~1.~'!1.Y!tl. ......... . 1!,.=" ~=:·1~0~1~ ••••• ~.·m•·••···'-~• 'll IWtHllll A•" 110• l!ff IHf ,,,_., ••1 "~f l"•flt f."11 V•lk1w11•• ITTl•C11/ll11 H lf f~ "'f .. ll&OO "° ..,,.1,81 Of "•nt 28' motor hom•, ,.1, pt>. auto "•"'' 11,, r.•••••••••••••••··-•··' .a •••••••••••••''" 'el'.99911 .u~ •••• 11.1 1·•••• ••••••••• 1 •• , ~~··•••• '•••••••••••• 1••••••••••••••••••••• .n: ••••••••••••• 1T.l ~1•1021 tip• I . tuHy lo•ded new reo1111 iuni cona 13 Audi l8100 aooo •F•Nt•STIC* 11 llW •IUIUI 71 vw 8quereb1Mlk. run1 ,77 Oed e e11uie. 11in·i ·r t LTD. t111 wan,~ &46·1118 (Paull 12HO t•O· l449 COfldlUon 4 Or 8 1200 " n to chOOM fr:m I Olffl. Meld• bOCI~ wo1k condlllon MW ,., .. Y• rlor condl nu llr ... de· TMOl8Mullful22'Clltlt ···-74 F lCLT I., 016 71(1 *FIATS* You can lfford to A• low .. 149. ( .. , H 261ofr 130-1910 low ' y'e 11ow .,;lo; l*ldlble H3·2tfl Creft l'ull option for wvv Old · '°" wt lll'W 11 . 13t01 wf\Otnale 646 30-41 ----auto NHd 1renaporta· Mu11 Mil by 1011& 11 •hell. 111 thk•. oa cona II KIG( $£l£CTDC b&ay your Mltaedel The •• n.w ·u Alllll\Oe 1 t3 evo lt40010eo • #111•~ 11.!f llon today 8011 woith Flalc;J a S tream ;.12 12300 048 9&0' •••••••••••••••••••••• .-.£.()MO ltnl from UI. 11 hef•I F~•· Im~~ lollel tn(lllle. <.19111 77 l!ldo Fuel 1n1.c11on •••••• ......... •• 13llOO Mark 873·340 I f0odr 3801 Relt dlnel f. I $0 CllBle dell"-'Y M2·067• loaded, 40,000 ml, 18' '10 0HW ..... .,. H ' W H ft l /f le 4 .!IOO ml 9&3·2107 .!.~! ......•....... ~~f HUH HAIT ·ra Bug, Sunroot, ••eel "9.e'· mini. Only 1&99 1-4000 01t·HN dyt 1871 ne! 2•:: HP OMC flllllll fllnl 1110 '8 1 Vi n Conv11110n flAT SPl>ERS & AllO/JllP/HIUILT co"d Run• graal 12600 fle1 8 PM 879 7229 II 1 Hll hit tri. VHF.''" 1 14, •••••••"•••••••••••••• lllllT l llL 211i4 Hatbor 81110 .. CM obo, 840 9806 1111 OUILUO •• !!.~!'I•••••••••••••• 1972 22' Ken1klll Trtvet cu 110m1 cu 110 m 1 f laT X l/9'I • t 802 ~S 7170 1 '70 Ohl•. fully IOeded. 4 950 Tiki O'l9f pym11 treJl11. OOOd Condition C•Jttoml l lk• new wtlh " .,.e • 3 . I OieMI Jell• lo m1, 8 I IL HllAH llAlllTZ ~.new tlf .. SKI'~ 8KIPPIA YACHTS $2&"" 7 & " 3 7 ---~. blk air, tnrl 1m/fm ' "''"'" 1121 of Nl!WPOAT BEACH """ ( 14) ..,2v·4 1 only 10,JOO mil .. bul IALH•HllYIOl '78 FIAT DOWN l1Jl1 l•f.H f.111 o u1 . e101n •••II ltHEL ...... ----Udo VNlage 873.11200 31 AIRSTAEAM INI S Pluel'I velour c1p1 •••••••• •••••••• •••• 1 S9000obo 892 9024! Tht1 yellow on yellow · 76 Mu11ang II . auto. loaded, 1&500 obo Ch&lll wlmetchlng 1011 UHi•• x.19 LEA E •1 DEALER IN U.S.A 13 bUuly II fully equipped lldlolh••••'· gd cond 14 ti llbetgllN boal, lrlr 013.oa7a btld. cu11om ••• & morel 831 ·2040 485-4949 4 •P. 1 •clor y al e. Kher man Ohll Con· wllh ell opllOl\1. including 11200 AuN Ha-1640 & 22 hip motor wl tc· t 1179280) Jull 11414'<1 re l&llUl&CI lllW lier•<'. tepi, rack. f™~ ve•llble eKcelMlnl condt o+onll &1ereo Can Wire c • • 1 o,I•1 s 9 7 5 . '82 Ideal 32'. rr ba. •V9fY liable per ty to m •~• 29407 Merguerll• Pkwy alloy• 43 K _A Real tton H l>OO 873-9055 wflMI C!OYlfl and much 01'1•••111 Hll tl 11 aluminum Sear·• 1111 Alt S.891-1588 No old cofltreo1 10 ••· (AYeryExnoffl-5) ., '' , .... ,_ •• ,. ... ,...,,, "'''" w/blk lop AHum lee .. c.1d11 wt1ol•Hte.onty Th~~1'.'c~•91 20~~i.7;1:, 963-5272 option. 111-conl · mull emell monthly peymen11 Ml .. ton Vie jo Beeuty (t•uc•o•) · 180 R1bb1t Conv wh111 more Lie 397XUE Prl •••••••••••••••••••••• Jon,3 hpS.a11,Jlcilel1/' II Vl/Jlt lllO ~~r;··:~Kb•;~~·~os~· OµenSvnd1ye s4495 •:::.,11·:.:::.~ ........ ,"""'.· !.6.K •• m031 gd cond 11111 AIC, radio. call 8 of A. -~ .. A·· •·26 ...... &272 .!! •. !!~ .••••• 1....... ---· ...... ..... .. It' I •••• •p•• __________ ...... _._., __ 1811 lll llMl,eurgebrel<e. 8d41r6·9303 lk• Import• ~~··R ... on ·~· ............... . 13'/\' Bolton Whaler w l lende m aale. $800 ~ Yll. 71 VW Rat>blt eu10 2 dr pv C:hic:k IYerton togo 789-_4_38_2 _____ _ '78 20 HP Meri: Set up 545.3049 .,,., 5pm , •• ,,. 1112 1unrl, AM/FM CHI •lnl vw PORSCHE AUDI 1ecu11aee Supreme Del tor bHI and ocein -----VIII Salee·Servlee·LHllng ,79 ffAf Apl)hH le>,. ... u" "' ••8••,-_••6••••1•••L••••1•••• cond $3800 875 1350 445 E COHI llwy 54.000 ml, AIC, I ulo 53000 Obo "4·41152 A•I• $•1~lt1, ,.,,, " 1112 lllW CLOSEOUT " ··~k On •PlllUYtHI UtKhl ..... erv ce ... no 8VI N-port Beteh 1ren1, •••r•o. PS/PB, I A I HOO OOllVIRSIOllS Nice Selecllonl X-19 IAHLHAOI 873-0900 metl brown wlfawn 1n11 ~!!,.~~!L ..... ~f PAiNr·~!~!i!~~!···;r•k• NEW • ·r. 3 ocs. 4 •Peed 5 •P. Fi c loty etc, Yi~ ( 1 \ IUIAH 0:J:,:c~~.e~~.~:.n·::,~~ Cinr•l•I llZO 14850. 71412'0·2119 Blgge1t 30 fOOllf 1noall y ~ ... ~ co•o .. 11•sT1• 196-0NACI S tereo Cau. Reck. '<"';! •• 1·20•0 •••·•••1 llrlpH. Int . Bergman •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 OLl•HILI lmmecullle flbergt•n up to 50'1-oft your uuuy • " • " '* ·77 3201 4 •Pd eun Mage, (13090) 2180 Ouel Waber1. cent IEE US FllllTI Columbla 30 lnl11ior shop _ell Biii 964•0332 VAIS •llLllllTID ~0~79124382l01AA} •pd 8 n $ 5 2 9 5 fl'IOllS T.•f.~'!. •••••.•••• !.~~~ er llnH. 1011 or cnrome. we have 8 goO<I MllC· OITWS llNllH bigger than mo•I 35'•· I Europ11n Mechanic re lfllOT VAii " ' .. w • u •~-"---~ YiJi[l'ilfli m • n Y e • I ' • • lion of NEW & USED HlllUll OHPI Bunk• tor 8 adull1 Full pa1r1 European car st 1t•ll·IAllP roof l849VHZI _ ... _ ~-7 OlllOA LOVEH S6S00/080 647 8224 Chewoi.tel llllEL galley & head Alomle 4 French $pkg 991· 1229 " * '80 3201· 15 •Pd · iun 1301 ~" •w• llwc:ll Do you really 1011• C•· -with Marlee prop. low John U•IM&Rl 1001 (659ZOKI I IWllUlOO 11)11lHOOO llCH ? II tO. give ma • 78 vw Campmoblle wl hour• Full e1ec1ron1C1 & PAOIFIO& * 80 3201 5 1pd •tr call Right now Iva got a popup top Aulo, Good VHF. Auto pilot. 4 aalle 7 new llrH. 950x16 !> 10 cond (1ASXO.e81 •75 FIAT 124 _ ton or lhem. tncludlng ~~7~j·800L•gumnta ~h· lnctudlng eplnn•k•r. 1 ply, lor heavy duly pick 131-3 111 ST OT. and fully loaded ....- wll\Che1. 129,500. Ollie• up, $700 556·0998 USED 208 W 111, San1e Ana I SPIDER '81 380 SL. 7000 ml Wire Supra'• wllh T-Tope Squer1b1ck Type lllVw 8 9 7 • 4 4 5 O: ho m • AUTO PAINTING 'll DODIE VAM Clo11d Sunday 6 ep. Stereo, Mags. wheels $38,000/080 Ju•t rieed rellebl• party engine only Weber carb, CONl'IRL CHEYROUT .:x;,, llJrl.,, II: .•I '1~1 \ .. H .. -.,\ S41>-I 200 548-15930 Up lo 50% off your body Cruise. air cond II C B CHOICE INVENTORY I Air• Very Sharp, 6 f K 213·832·8979 to make tmall monthly new gen 1650cc .eoK shop est em 964 0332 11327691 VOLUME S"LES J ( 122NJN) peymentl No Old con-ml 1350 875-4859 1972 Vega 18' Hobie C11. yellow w l • S'"tt• " '11 lllZ '"10 ILO lrecl 10 ueume no beck Good condllion S575 leq. 1unrlH H ill Llk• "' v &' I "' • peymeoll due ~SK FOR 19114 VW · new pllnl. 642~884 new. $2600. 675-6161 A•lo• /01 ,.,, r! s3995 llaoll/lalaoll ROSE 646-9303 Ike AM/f'M redlO, body Ok Ill.IE 11 ••IMPORTAN.TNOT~CE•• '11 lllC CAM R ' All u 1r11. 82,000 ml tmporll . dlr rune exc1llen1 St 675 '79 Chiv Caprice C111n1c TO READERS ANO HI back chairs II ttll I 0 I II 0 L l RE I $28,500 very firm lilt TOYtT• I 6311·9469 aller 6 or oil 4 dr. omlfm cese. 50M llllOO 6•2-5290 ADVERTISERS wheol (510523) 731·5115 838· .. 3•2 • d11y WHkenda m1 Clean $3900 obo 2•' l1l1nder 10 hi p In· The price of lleme •d· SHH llW '77 FIAT 124 OOIOLU IHH 1·75 Bug. 1mlfmi'i ape new 846 3075 boerd. 5 ••lie. heed vertlsed by vehicle dee· Sales·Serv1Ge-LeaS1ng SPIDER OH Of ITS 11111 Opllon1 Include 11n au10· r11dt1l1 ctuleh, brk1 Ne· Eleganl Cap Est cstm l i•t• 11$1 ge lley. on new treller, lers In lhe vehlc:le cleUl· 'l l DODIE MUI 850 N Beach Blvd FOR OOLLECTll I meflc 1ran1 & i n AMI dine ~2-4000 Mon-Frt wgn 53,000 m1 en cn1r1 •••••••••••••••••••••• need• work . $5000. lied edverll•lllil columns F11g. bey windows II e11 Le l'iebra 5 sp. Dk Green. Mint FM (50822) -6-w seal• 1-oeck $1525 73 Plnlo Aun1bout 945-3244 doee not Include any cond (239052) 122-1333 I Condition. Stereo OR l.VEITHlll OILY 13411 '80 RABBIT 28·000 mi. ex 642-0955. 2300cc AIH, A.T. 84.000 epplleeble laices. llcente, $1111 Open Sunday C1111s (1ACP577) '67 Cleea1c "1100" cond, Sunrf, amlfm caH --m1 S800 OBO 968-1640 .... Save 45% on ,_ 14 fl n llbo1t demo• 559-8930. 43&-3474 1ran1ler fe11. llnance Chauffeur perllllon w/111 .1111 M&lllll S HOO. 631 ·2017 111 CoaliH•l•l 1130 1-• OHHE oou•n•s $ ISWAll• 8Pm •••••••••••••••••• •••• llr• .. 1• _., charges 1-lor air pOI-'ll FORD CAMPER 4 g g 5 po111b1e option• Metal· YIL 80 Merk VI •• ••••••••••••• •••••• lullon con1ro1 device OLDEST lie brown wlllghl tan 111711 8"ch Blvd 75 Sc11occ:-;;:1 owne• n;; M•IT SELL ·80 Plymouth Vallant. II cerllflcallona or dealer Sink frog & steeper $• plu1h velour 1n1 Comp Hunllnglon Beach p11n1/llr11, xlnt cond cyt, pu1h buUon au10. doc:umenlary prepare-(628619) tec1ory ••bullt & rHIOred I 142-2000 $2450 840-1449 Only t4.ooo mllea on lhts xtnl cond Orig own., UITI OllUZ 40 llon cha rges unius SHH Al Vtlidtl Giufanlttd 10 new car cond Con---Callier edition Two tone 16 o o o o m 1 I 8 7 5 (40S)475 9627 0 otherwise epeclfled by ve•led 10 vs. specs. '75 Aebbll. 4 apd, ale, sliver w11h 01s11nc11va 5,8:4109 -81 lhe Long B~ICh 1he adventlOf' '11 FORD "AM I OIUO: COUNTY'S Orig bllle tor OM 104, 1981 TQYQTAS new brakes . em /Im 1ea1her 1nlertor Has ------8oat.Show, Oct. 22•31 --------' ~s;~.,,~~e~nRg OLOUT FACIOIY ooo on hand . car pre c • 11 C LE AN every opflon po11Mble to r lo.ti•t IHS C.at,./ fSJO Wtndow Pkg . slereo & l'l..JI ~'\V C AUnD121l> senlly stored In Germany Very Oleaa $2700/obo 552·3460 or to tal luxury d <1v1ng 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11t male w1r11ed 10 help •••••••••••••••••••••• '" cond (A !8845) D'"ll ''S Dt ~ '1:.,m. .nA FIAT-LUfCIA bul reedy for lmmedl•l• I Lew llilH&• V.hiolH 1~511_5_1 __ -(534ZEN) Just nood re-77 ven1ure H1ct11>11. tlvr. er-37· 1allboel alreedy 11111 "'-.JU.. l'IL'1'. c: 1J1v1n shipping .58 vw VAN CLASSIC ltable pany 10 make Qood cond 12000/0BO anchored In Molco LUSE OR llY ~~:.--:,".:~ •."':'~"~'" DEALO SOiiing Price $75,000 FROM AS LOW AS I l200cc. rebll en8lne smell monthly peymen11 492·833_4 _____ _ L • 8 v • 0 c 1 2 3 S 111* TMIODOllE °"" WHDAVI 1,., Pleue. only quelllled S800 080 968· 16'4 No old contrect lo H · 67 Flrablrd, red ctaulc 805-644-0309 ROllH FOH CHh t>uyen. call _ __ _ sume. no bllCk payments conv New eng/lrana. deltver• any i.ese vehicle 78 BMW 5301 ell •Ires. (7!4) ~2-0138 $3988 '09 Baja Bug Slrollg 1600 due ASK FOR ROSE xtnl cond 138150 OBO •••••••••••••••••••••• Aulo·Me1e'1 actual de•· COSTA MESA tank. altc wtndowa l '70 Marc.oet 280SL. •m· Bllsteln ehocks. meny dlr R"ick " l•ilh.t'I IOfS or buy• 1ny c er ov11 2060 Htrbor Blvd cn..se control spare gH I eog looks & runa good 646·9303 Ike lmp?rts . 8, 1•043 1 or .. 45• 1442 Sallb oerd, brand new. ler co11 142-0010 140-1211 doors. tinted wtndows, mac compl serY re-11111ru MUST SELL · never uMd. Still In box No 111 or 1111 pymt au1ome11c, new llrea cords 2 toPI. eulo. air I S2400 OBO 540"136 '73 MARK IV '76 Grand LeMan1 9 paae. Worth 1800. sell tor No HCVrlty deposll '64 Ford van. Econo 6 cyl $8495 493-4406 S 17 . 500 8 5 1. 62 26, 1111 llll•J Terttl · . ., Ne"' paint. clean 1eathe1 w9n 71 ooo ml 1575 ~5-1876 No llC4K'IMI fee hM poli~~~~498 74 Bavarta 4 spd-s;;;:;R't ·77 124 Spldlf, N-top, 720-1090 eve 11202 ltaolt llYlll. 1111 R.llllT ~Cheap 6-42-9574 $2100 . 953-9231 ,..,,, SJli• ~opmU~~r"~=~~. Very good cond $4200 em11m C4111 clean. run• 1 75 450 SL Bolh 1opa Miuttl•sf•• leaclt 2 dr cu11om 4 •Pd. sun 66 CONTINENT AL 4 d• I ~ 1 -1114 IJ«kr f010 6 1~ 000 '13 DODIE VAii 1173-2545 0, 1175-6484 ~I n 1 1 3 5 0 0 ob o wire whls excel cond 112 0121 roof wllo mllH In good run1 good . go cond .!I.•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Y' • ml warranty Headers. duels. cepl 494·6875 WUI deal ior cash 119. • condtllon Ltc 275TRU S300 499-5501 ' 72 Vega. needs motor. BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE. ~o"rYelmgn•koer&domm°.?eetllc cha1ts. $1800 850-0202 81 3201. air, 5 apo. atereo I '76 S TAnON-WAGON 1 900. wkdya 89.e·0563,.. C S Only Co ... 1111 aa32 $200 Call Don,, Newport &each 25'. 26', .-v I cass Flawiees S12.500 S wknd1/eves 846-6487 70 Toyota orone 800 12111 .. ~~ 646 1321 30', 35'. 40'. 4 •5' Call 'Wllh this ad 58 vw VAN CLASSIC 631·2991 isoo OBO I or beet otler •••••••••••••••••••••• -·----- 6 42-48 44 lrom 9·5. t200cc rebll engine -962-9757 •It 5pm '78 3000. loaded, new 960-0834 •1• ·77 • eulo, II blue mil / Call Auto-Male 81 $800 OBO 968 !640 IC••1i 111 S 76 f'tel x 19 grait .......... 1 , e d 1 e I•, s 1 1. 5 o o 1 .._. grey teether tnl . , .. , A11t01 U11' Mon-Fri 111-2400 . ••'••••••••••••••••••• S2800 v ... ..... a.40~019. 760·0489 1982 TQYQTAS --..,.. spkrs/ equalizer etum • ................... .. MARCUS CHANNEL Slde A•IOI Wulff -ISfO '73 Ceprt V6 AC, stereo 5.e8·7044 1·11 250. orig cond ,-;e. i/w PORSCHE AUDI I whll Be11u111u1 cond tie 10 28 II: S 150. el10 (Asll fer Jeha ••••······E···,·,··,·•••••• ¥~~~5cofld 642•9620 Yery Cit.. •45 E CoHt Hwy Seti offer 644·9582 aid• up 10 t8 11 s 100 _____ .. _..... MllSt lolll --~~·7~;~f6s8ar gatn Lew Mlloqt VthlolH Newport Beech 1 ,,,, -1140 1 N 1\.BE,RS. 87J..8145 63 WILLVS 327·305 D1I••• 1120 74 124 1po11 coupe I 673-0900 •••••••••••••••••••••• SLIPS AVAIL Huntillillon auto . 111-new gru1 TOP DOLUR •••••••••••••••••••••• $1800 080 498-40~8 8ix~:izc2o~~L 1A1b111;;;g F~ AS LOW AS Volro 1112 Thtdere lit.las' ( :1\l)ILLAC Harbour Bay, De cond S3000 960-8681 FOR 1111 Cllll RH'' 1121 Musi sell th11 week •••••••••••••••••••••• FORD ~~5 .. :·48:,s:11e:; 6;~ A.,;,.,,; --Au• 11111011 ···11oiii.iiiliiii81 ... I 545-1764 II 645 8~ 8• ~u'sr ~s;~LLE CLEARANCE 2IJ..431·3764 .J ••• ~l!.'.'}!! ••••••• !.~~f POITllO/SH&H w1 can helpl Before you 11973 450 SL Derk brown $4988 Top of the line model I llUITAH IT'S SALE! 8011 dock lor rent 24' I MllEL HA"sl 2480 Harbot Blvd buy c~ o..ir unbeel•· S t.e 900 760-8765 ev. 0 • wolh low mites super 1 1 .1~ fl•AICl•I max, low profile detlred Shay repllCU, plcilu1>9 & COSTA MESA bla selecuon. uv1ng1 833·2~ __ CIHn lee1her lnlerlor, OVER 20 IN STOCK 510 38th St Newport coup.. 4 10 chooH Hl-4100 end service today! llC 1142 1111 llU•J TtJlfa :1:,r;;.:'l~~0~1~~~: lmrned1e1e Oellveryl 111and. 873-3064 ~ rrom1 roo1118a1 1s111 Hl-1411 UllVERSln ••••••1•1•1·~·.··1••1·r······ 11202 l11oh llt4. etc. p 173911 Juat nee<! Boat dock lor rent. front A3093) PrlCM llerltng 81 SALES I IHYICE • Mu1tl1&fH leaoh reliable pally to make UHi OAR lie. UC> to 30-32' lenglh OILY 11,tllf WE IUY 2850 He1'>or Blvd Thll one has ' eunroof & 112·0121 small monthly payments DISPOSAL SAU se ()() ~" 67S-48&6 OLUI 01111 COSTA MESA II Vlf'Y cteant (1EBH094J No Old conlr8C1 10 ... THI ODORE Sllp for rent, Mein Bay 1982 DATSUNS 140·1140 OILY 12111 82 pickup longbed wt sun-... no baek p1ymen1s 35d'/\ tt se 11 All TlllQIS Jill 1&1111 ll'lell a1n1 cond hke new due ASK FOR ROSE ROBINS 973-53Ml Very Cit.. 78 C1v1c CVCC 4 spd YOLllW&IEll $6500 64.4-0364 6d~6-9303 Ike Import•· FORD COHHfll ***311 Edgewater. up to 33'. Powet or aall 873-19'3 '2060 HUl!OR lHVO COSTA Mt SA 64'2 · 0010 CHEVROLET t L .II Aini $2975 , --ea ra ew Hit 545•9904 18711 Beech Blvd 111••-' 11611 VthlolH -I Hun11ng1on Beec:h ••••••'"• • •••• ••••••••• 1: 1 Vtllt Dealer 1977 Honda Accord, j 142·2000 1110 TRIHPll la Orat&O 01111ty! 20'. 30', & 40' .,tpt avall --------FROM AS LOW AS Sillle</ Blk inl ale. amt -Tiil OHPE now Balboa Fun Zone 53 Studebaker Cflamplon tm 13900 673"3172 llCI 1144 Op11ons 1netude etr cond M11lne. 5156-1711 5 pan cpe Nie• car --==.=,.=.=1=,=,=E=.==-80 Accord-4·01 AIC. xlnt ;91o·'Ma·0·~;~~~~.·;~o· & en AM/FM ( 1AP02241 I ... ,' '---'I I 13750 2131592·~ " $4988 ccnn extrea end carba. new top. OllLY Sllll ftl IOIO lee4 Me•H ltttilttil Cars Bug1. Cemp1r1. _, bod 1 JIM M&llllO .'X-'« ILu ta it H ! •lt-1\\1~,, S4~1200 lllES, SERYIOE HIWSIH OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS '{ •rw-I Top dolle11 101 Spor11 96.e·9718 epoke wheals roll ber. •••••••••••••••••••••• 19•6 FOfd Woody WI· 914 s Audi'• 1981 Accoid LX. AIC ~ ~ ''?~-01 { r•e>•' VOLISWAIEll 18tt Sleek Crall. 455 Ott """'· $13,000 Allk lor U/C MGR 1111 llUIJ TtJlfl PIS P/B 4 epkr Stereo. 1 2 4 EHLE llE v~· .AM /FM wlcau 13 mo • .. 1 ... 1 18711 Beach Blvd engine e.Btey jet. Ian----.1111 UlllH 11202 le10'" 11....1, Old $6900 549 -9039. ~!.••~!. ........ ! •• '?. Hunhnglon Blach VOLVO dem tr1ll1r Xlnt cond 1929 Ford Model A Town VOLllWACEll • n• G A • 1'"2 2000 1966 Harbor Blv<l 1 4200 'Aller 6 call Se d • n , S 1 o . o O o lfll1tl1sf•• loaoh '90__ 1112 PE IEIT "' • __ COSTA MESA •52.· .. ~· 875*161 187 11BeachBtvd 9 -2 STIR II IE ., ........ "" HUNTINGTON BEACH 112·0121 '7 Honda .Accotd 4 ,000 IOI I IE L ·eo TR-7 ConYert amlfm 141-UOI 140-1411 31 Std Model A collec1or 142 2000 ---ml 1owner,1llve1 eu10. Aulomallc crans 1un-c111 AIC. 5 •Pd. De· ---- ear Rune grett A4.lmble ---------1981 OATSUNS a t r 1tereo. $6000 ro of. pwr 11e~rlng-1 pendeble. Ort Cond '82 VOivo OL Wtgon, xlnl DRY STORAGE Seel lie S7000 call WAITED' 759-9032 window• 11 door tock•. 19400 675·742.e cond 1 11,900 559-5199 7 1 4 .752 . 1194 or • Very Cltaa 1 1111 110111 AM /FM 11erao ce ... ue. Vilk;;;:;. 1110 1?1 votvo Pieoo E Au10. Monthly bo•1 atoreo•. _7_2_8_·4_2_4_0 _____ -1 Late model Toyo1e1. L llll ., cru••• con1tol, alloy ••••••··'··••••••••••• AIC . 10 ml. gd cond any .a.. 24 hr eecurlty .. 55 Chevy 881 Air wgn Votvos. Plekupe & Vent IW H&t weltlole1 OIVIO OYOO wheel• & morel (316686) '66 VW Bug. tmmec tn & $4500/obo ev 548-7998 tr .. ~ 350 rebll eng rune Call UI lodayl 5 1pd, equipped with $13 950 out S 1800, bit o lr .-.-0 GLE 81 -d- greal AM /FM cut, GT tn good condition I ' 23,000 mu .. S12.000 '71 lllSTH& t 1370•9) 12115 '11 HAMADA ( t 15497) 12111 '11 FAIHOIT ( 138422) 12111 '11 FllSTA IA78550) 12115 '11 T·llH (1597011 SHH '11 PllTO (, 13295) 12'11 TltEOHRI IOllH Fiii llWNIT Mttfl FROM AS LOW AS I AIC Xlnl Tranepor1atlon 831-71 42 548·11903 " ue, loede · 11J1 .... laJ It •t mags St .000 5'8-8898 $ 710UZA Pr1cea 81 """'°" IUCll lllPlllTI VW S1ndrall Funy equip-080 546-0315 1••0110 ... .,,. msg 3988 848 Dove St I ped wllh 2 bucket INll. -TOYOTA·Y0\¥0 leaale. Only ree full ,011 cega. 4 queru 88 Vol110 144S, 4 dr, auto, '90 Plymouth va111n1, 8 , • 12111 NEWPORT BEACH headlamps, 2 complete lfc. looks 11 rune xlnt. t 2060COSHTa!b~rE8Sl~d r. , ,J, cyl. puah bulton 1u10. 1 UN..-, ·~ j 112 0100 owner S 950 1obo ".., " ,.., .. , • •• I 0"' c .... ,..... °II ---aete 01 wha•I• ~ llree. 1•2·0010 •'"0-1211 •••••~••••••••••••••• x nl cond r'V owner ,.. u •.tJOJ • u .. t07 II 6 l 1SO long 11nge fuet tank & ~·202!.__ ---"' v .. Alrua/t Ill ~P.·~10,! ml 18 75 11 llUIJ TtJttl '£0N1 f!!!!.! ............... muc h much mor••I 71FOAOMev_...k Good •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~ "" 1120• le 11 .......__ A U. H ..... FOR LEASE • Moon•" WE llY " Hla ttil. VW PORSCHE AUDI (348101) PrlCe of 12995 •Ill I c:ond 3 new"'" econ 1911 CADILLAC COUPE DI VILLI D'IUGANCI (IBGC30SI s12 ,995 1979 CADILLAC SEDAN DI VILLI (172YHL) s7795 1971 CADILLAC COUPE DI VILLI (782TZW) S6995 1 1977 CADILLAC t ELDOIADO COUftl (822SZG) $6995 1910 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (1AKK082) sgg95 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (915)(UF) 231. o .c . 180 per ht wet 4 WiHI Dtlrll ISSO USED CARS & TRUCKS 1 .. t1 ..... ltao• I 445 E Coul Hwy MEISTER tncludH • !rick lr•ll•r -;···"·,···········1·1·0·1· $850 494-321, E •3" 3322 •••••••••••••••••••••• COMEINOAC"LLFOA •• Ne-:~-0900 ... ach PGllOllE/IUll Stuer Mo1or1. 2925 vt•lll v.. v '. 0 , 112 JEEP CJ7, l td CUit " 112 0121 .... •••••••••••••••• •••••• It STATIOll WA"O• 7eo-ea35 FllU UPllAllAL • Harbor Blvd . Costa Come In & IH Newport • I removable hardtop. 5 , 13831 H.,t>Of Blvd Mesa 979-2!500 Beach'• finest Mlecllon Ford Felrlane. ctoan s7995 c .. ,.,,, lall I •e>d bo•. 11ereo. many Cofmtet·OeLlllo 70 0111un 1900, 3 11 IJ••••t 1110 Garden Grove bOdy rvnl alnt 22 mpg ·-, , llZ'" more xlr•• Warr 11111 o•EVRtLIT Aoedsler •Int cond Ve-1··'· .. •••••••••••••••• l alet-S.-to• 1171 YILllWAIEll ol pri vtoutly owned 543 6485 Pvt ptw . -• " Id 1 11 000 O BO lue $4200 Make <.lfer 1"71 Jeiu•r "KE. .. "'' I Po,.che·s . Audi 1 and 1--· ' -•••••••••••••••••••••• va I . 182,, BEACH BLVD .. " " L I P2l CAMP • VOi .. Cat>ovet c.-lor Im-975-2743 HU NTINOTO,.. BEACH 646-313.e beautiful 12 With • r.,• eat•& I .. ew.gena 69 Falcon. vary good poft ttuclt.··~. 111blll· 1.r•t LI ISIO 147-IOll, Hl·Ult TURBO '81 Del 280ZX 4 •peed ellck thltt. Thia 114 IJl-2HI ~~12r,'8 Is immAc:vlate! •• cond. P•. •mllm c11s., -• ~-~ ,..,,.,, $7"" • Lo ml, full" 108 ... A ... Low car It FASTI Clutlc Brl-•ON meg1. new ttru. orig (7'14jf4i5e0e "" T~~;;·.-1e.AMiFM .. S1~: ptlee 592-2328...... lllh Aecing OrHn with 'IO 121 --OILY 11111 '44 :-:~~:-~;;·y ~.~~.b,c,-:0~,·;~~·1 rao ceuet1• S mell Top Dolar ••11 IHlher Inte rior Low ml ... L•• 1n1 AH ollM IUlllt N '11 Dodge eemper con-h ti S2175 '77 Oateun P/U, 1 ownet. (040EPV) An lnll .. 11'*'1 ..,.__ AC _ ... _A mu•I "tL11w••1• ~73 ~ ~l387. ~, Otter Good Thru Monday. 10-18-82 -NABERS ·c :1\ I >I I .. I .. AC 11e11lon pop-top, •le. camper • • · p 'd I wlcamper & 1001 boa et only IH95 Beuer Mfls28 500 090· • a..: Bl " -..~ 1990 2 dr Ford F111111 1 ,_ emlfm cete. 111reo, 973--Ml& 31 12900 931-6045 Mo1ore, 2925 H1rbor 1 ._95• .. 350 ....... 111711 vd ·73 Pinto Runabout. Xlnt Cond 19,600 mo llnll ••~ °"" relrlg IPIOIAL PlllOla•1 ForVovrCarl '7"'0 "TSUN 280ZX Blvd .• Coll• Meu 1 .,. 1 .... d1 Hunllngton8"eh 2300c<:AIH.A.T 84.000 S6900 495 ·118 03 ., 2tOO HARllORllYD. IOI•' of 1t~t•"• • erulee' -1111111 I 1111 "' " "'7" 2"""' '78 9 I• 2 0 II Exe I 142 2000 I 1•"" O COIT .._, .. "• '12 CJ' 10 • 27,000 m llu , white ...... ~. .. . ' • • ml """ 8 09e&-1840 5·10PM j "'-• .. eom , MW u,.. & pelnl. New Jeee> • to LI -• 11 cond . new br•k•• & ---1 )Cini oond . lhruout chooH from lncludH ...... trOlry mek• otter 780-1237 1110 YtLllWllll AJIC IHS M h I h 540 1860 IMM130 winch J•ml>Of .. pecklQt 2928 Harbor Blvd' ·79 Oattun 15 •e>d. hetcn· I 1111 -lllUll ::~h ~1·':!'~1~ ltnlL Wiil •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •o ,:.~r,~n:1.: A SIX ,AC "bover for Im· 1n~~~~~ANOS H~~;~AS::=. baclt, x1~~~9 I.I IUl ft IOU Obo, 553-06$4 ~1i;:~"f'<'• an AMI ,·72~~~.~=· Kini cona. :ll~lled~~lld~~~~2~·~6e~7~8:::::i:~!~~~~~~~ port truGlt, 111ru ll500 "' HAlll otAIT dlelely lor your ~hlcle. Auto .. 515,000 ml .. Oflg. '91 3588. re-bit. no ru1t, OILY 14111 ! 536-3410 bet1 ott«. 831-8271 AllO/.lllP/llUILT domntlc or foreign *'74 280Z 2+2 )Ont cond. owner. Red bt . aitc 11!1 • nudt aome worll . l•lt t 1110 2524 HerbO< Blvd .. CM 651-112&5 Auto. N.W rldlale, AM/ chrome wire wheel•. N 100, 404..fl875 JIM llAllH •••••••••••••••••••••• 549-I023 ~s.1no•--------1 FM. •Ir . low mll.. 8ody&lnt.,wdllM11'1ef. '11 ....... I YILllWMD 'IO 8uldt Lid tu1111ry dtl. ••lnl ,,._ 1141 A /. A~ 1-4900 ~9983. compl, IMtOred Run• .... 1871 1 ........... ........ 11900. Xln1 cond •.:.•,••.:=:.:•:=••••• '80 Toyota 4K4 long bed .... 1!11 •r..rt-•• perfeolty1 ProfeH. tlO· 1124 TU.-10 White. Hunll""'ic:'B:.ch 780-8786, 833·2501 ·• -.:• -1• 14995 or lrede fOf old.f '"'l.·,;1·,·.·,.••••••••1·10~ 'll lthtll 110 rea.Concoutt COndltlOn. cllerrv o ond. fully . .., Good cond. 831-8349 PU or? 842-8013 '!!.': ••••••••••••••••• '! I 1 O, II O O FI . 0 a rl equtp'd . 1111 below Uf·llOO '73 BvlCk Centurion, r-'78 VELOCE SPAIN~ 4 Door, AM/l'M •l•rao 8 4 2.'. 0'. 0 I y. merk•I. 84a-3718 1ren1. A•ll•bla, Aun• •--·-v '78 CheY , ... ~~AA v. T 4 ' ca ... u. lllCOlltenl con· 1"'70 e· ... IUG t 1.,00 ·~· ..... ~., .. ,_ ,....,...., $-4900 II~ •tc lepe wkend• bel. '11011 9 T-• AC/PW, No"'t ~""'"AA *•""'. 0r1e .,.........,..., """" II$ x 4. 350 hydro l4&oO -"1t.1flt. IO rni 529wou' dntotl 14.000 -.... ... ....,.. ·• .......... ( •30 •••••••••••••••••••••• 090 ~6-13e7 Dir ~6-2"3 842~ °' U7..oeN •II le11n.,, lo rol. mull 192 ......._. belt yr), IMftlCO Alpine> 3e0 trtlle :;.7;;2-:"'-Ea::nc:=n.t:;:o-:w1:Wth:-:,;;:he:iull~~~::!!!:'.____ #1111 11U Hll Wife'• Cir Mell• eno /ood, but hi ml bike, u oo. c10 av... Must .... 11400 ·11 or. 49M. buroundy. ·11 uoz. Only HK ml. •••••••••••••• .. •••••• ,.... ofr. ~5-f771 1tll ..... YtLD11W~ll ~10~~:1t';1'Qt '•· ...._.7f$ 073-3149 •Int fll,900. per fe CI In l 0 U t '70 911 9 8rown/T1n. r.. " • ..._ .,1 Yamehe aao Mldnlt• 5'0·1Ht 119 o s / o 8 o p P. 1>1111t engine. new ctutefl. TM• one 11 '*Y eteen a C~IJl1i Hll 8'ecMll. lhowfoom oono. 1~0,:n10w~~: ·79 IJpydet oonvwtlbte ~$-17•3. new tlrH lh••~•kln llH IO'# mllet. (4788) ·rh•••••••••••••••••• lo w lftl. 12700 010 muat N II Au;.'°"ji;;~~ Xlnt oond ~llkt, al· l t2.000 . ....._2)18 llLY 11111 Tll UIMIT 611•2tt1 1960 Cell 175-7360 efi toy whit Afw~ !Ir•• 70 914, IOOkl and runt. -.... lll.llTlll .,. Hond• XLfJOO, xlnt 8pm. (led. IHOO. 49 t01 8 lllnl. 13,160. Hew paint I YQIWAlll of laM MOdel, low mllM- .,... IHO °' Mtl offer. i'iO"Toyota cu11omlted A1ll 1111 1111 .. 1111111111111• 1 ""'' MCH1J4 11111 8eec:ft Blvd. 0-cecllllace In lou111ttn '40.al a. •l•k• bed truck Air ...................... 111 111 "j '14 1111 OPI Hvn11t19ton e..cfl Calllornlel ... Ut tOCl•Yl .,. , ..... n• cond. etn/fm CH•' .... .. AHi .... ,..... fOI 'tOlll • xlnl COl\d, no N i t, klO U2·ttlt ...... .._., ,_, "°'* IC)fodl reo Moon roof, d1111 26.~ mllM, tvt; ~ _ _.. .... 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I~ • ..... ....,."._ · • ·:-:~A"::;-:-:i;-:"'7.a':"':"-.:':°1..!MOfl:=~'":.::ru:=..::'"'.!:·-11ereo. olr, 111n1 concl ou dOn't ~ • tJVr 10 t4i.M71 You dOfl'I ,,.., 1 tun to ''7 CtlMtO 81. HO LTt, YA A~AI: 'IO y Tri· ·ra OttMI ~~ .,..,... ~ ta1•2ttt *~' ...... "Clrew fa1t . WMn you "dllW ...... .-n.n you' fdlb• .. '9tlf ... IOI Mllll. '11 MX1't. 1'74 lli.40 IO'#,.,. LOW ml, t OOtMI fl'ty .-. lft lld In ltw ~ Dlect.,. eo In ttie Delly l!Mdt, 4 ... rlld1 ,... Ml100. 14 .. JtOI 111 t lJOo 1TM2 .. 1'tCt•ve IOtMCNnt lO..., v.i1ow Muet H Ctlfloel flllot Went"'-' Cell now ~It to ... ? ~ Wlftl Mel Cll l'IOlllP ttu n . U 1-t h• I ;J..,_.~~~~~:.._~~:::;::;:::=::::::::::::::;::~·~~....,~ltled~-~.,.~~do~"~--~.~~7~&~11~~~a~••~~:O:~~JJ'~~l4~2~~~!!'.;...__.. .... ..:.~~C';:::11:1m:.,:;.:ooe:.!do:.:~~..,...:::.L~'~l4::;2·:M:'~':..~~--·'=~=..._~,='=JO::::===i====:=r~==l:ll==:iiiiiiiiliiililiiiiiii!iiiiilliiii~ .... • October I 5, 1982 • I 1, 1\1 l ( 1''.: I 1 I I ! ! I ii I I•' I I . ' : I . I I' ,I( i' .. "1 Sand Casale building gets to be serious business in Corona del Mar about this time every year. Castles in the sand • • • Working to beat the tide In Newport Beach, there's one final ritual of summer to complete before the beaches are returned to the joggers, the sandpipers end the funny l.attle men with their met.al detectors. It's the annual sand castle building contest, a two-hour spree of childlike creativity near the waterline at Corona del Mar State Beach. Barring high tides, tropical storms or beach altering winds. the 21st edition of the castle building contest (known as sand aculpting to the pro) will be unveiled Sunday at hiSh noon. The contest has become something of a living legend along the coast with men, women and children going to extraordinary and often comical lengths to leave their mark on the sand. Some show up with no more than a shovel and a pail while others carry ln gadgeta and gizmos by the armful. Some come equipped with sand castle blueprints, ~made molds and bioaegradable food coloring for added touches. The~ wu the year a group of aavinp and Joan officers showed up for the contellt wearing tuxedol and turned their plot of oceanfront acreage lnto a mJnatu.tt aavinp and loan office with nick.let and dimes for doon and windows. · A IJ"OUl> of children later "robbed" the tiny uvtno and Joan, rnak1nc off with all the windowl and cfoon. There wu the group that carved out a small nuclear power plant complete with a crack runnJnc down one tide. AAbthet pot.Ip S>Ut f.OCether a IOUY By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dally Pilot Staff but easy-to-identify Medfly. Last year, a team of professional sand carvers protested the two-hour tJme lim.jt and continued work on a multi-level castle while an awards ceremony for the rest of the contestants was being held. This year there's another fint. Two longtime sand castle builders have decided to get married and to take their vows on the beach following the contest. "We've both been involved in the contest for 15 years or so," explalna Vicky La.Bore. "We went our .eparate wa)'11 and then got back toeether again four r.ean ago at the contest. • We flaured the moll logical and romantic spot to get married wu at the contest." The newlyweda-to-be, though, have agreed not to let their weddina plana 11.anCf ln the way of the sand castle bulldll!S cont.est. "Sure we've aolng to be ln the contellt. We'll build our castle, IOrt of waah up a little btt ln a camper, get married and have a barbecue u our ret'eptJon. "Some people think we're kind of nuts but It's all part of the fun," the bride uys. "We're PJ1I to build • wedd1na cut1e th1a yeer!' Jade Hester, • ~ Beach architect and a six-year veteran of the contest, won't reveal what. his group -the Whiz Bang Blues Band Choir and Constructlo.n Co. -will be building this year. "We usual1y try to stick to something humorous." sa)'11 the man who has built the Med fly castle, the Urban Cowboy castle and the roller ska'te castle. "We don't build castles.'' he adds. "At least not your typical castle." Hester says his group usually spends a couple of hours drawing a rendering of ita entry but does no other planning. "We just show up. It's spontaneous. This isn't suppoeed to be a job, you know. It's supposed to be fun." Like other seasoned veterans, Heater has develooed h1a own phi.lmophy on bulldiJig a sand castle. Water, he obeervea, is very important. "Sounds 1Uly," he aaya, "but becawie of the time limit we usually spend the fJrat hour just IOakina the sand, getting It ready." He ·.uaesu d\il practice reduces last-minute tript to the ocean for a pall of water or a final bucket of wet sand. Hts 1pecial weapon 11a1pray bottle filled with water. Bob Walker,· who h.aa spol'l80ttd .everaJ hlah IChool and Boy Scout '-I'm over the put 19 yean, 1&)'1 then'• been no ladl of Unag1natkm when lt • See &nd ca.tl~, P-.e 6 [ • •~-------------------------------4(, ___ A_t_t_h_•_M __ o_v_i_•_• ___ ~ ...... ------------------------------~ ~Tapped out • • • 'Lookin' is 'lackin' in ·sparkle _8 By PHIL SNEIDEBMAN o Of tile DaJly Piiot 8talf 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 At a time when many people are >.having tro uble making h ouse ~ payments or buying basic groceries, ;E il'a a bit difficult to w ork up . sympathy for a man who squanders al $20,000 in horse race winnings, runs 'g up a $10,000 card game debt. then ~ flees to Las Vegas in search of "the i big soore." ~ But that's just what actor John Voight asks ua to do in "Lookin' to .2 Get Out." 0: Thia pro ject waa obviously a personal one: Voight co-wrote and co-produced the film, chose the director and co-sta.ra, and cast himself in the lead role. But despite the glittery Las Vegas setting, "Lookin' to Get Out" is sorely 1ackjng in sparkle. It suffers from weak plotting, unlikable characters and an abeence of charm and hwnor. · Voight portrays a New York gambler who drives an old Rolls Royce and wean a dingy whjte suit, a man who undoubtedly lives from one (noney acheme to the next. Burt Young, who hu played SylvHter Stallone's crude brother-in -law in the "Rocky" fllma, co-stars at Voight's somewhat aldw-witted aidek.ick. The partnen travel to Las V egaa to evade two thugs who are determined to collect on Voi&ht's cant game debt. At thla point, the credlblllty stralnlng coincidences that serve as plot twiats siart piling up. First, Vc>Wlt And \"oung get to stay m a plush MGM Grand penthou.e because Young just happens to have the same name as a friend of the hotel owner. And the two just happen t.o bump into Ann-Margret, who plays Voight's former girlfriend, now partnered romanUcaUy with the hotel owner. And Voight just happens to recognize the room service waiter (Bert Remmen) as a foi:mer blackjack champion ..... Director Hal Ashby ("Shampoo," "Bound for Glory" and ''Coming Home") unfolds this material not for laughs but as a s traightforward character study. Yet the characters are never really fleshed out in the 8Cript by Al Schwartz and Voig}lt. We never learn how Voight and Y o ung became such compulaive gamblers. We never learn what Ann- Margret aees in Voight (his character i1 more annoying than charming). And if the waiter ia such a blackjack whlz, why did he ever stop playing? Voight gives a hyperklnetic performance that wears out its welcome in a hurry. His character ia always "on," and you keep w&Jting for him to ease up juat once for a moment of honest lntroepection. But it never happens. Young does well enough in a role that doean't atray far from his "Rocky'' character. Ann-Margret ha.a the most underwritten role in the movie and ought to aue for neglect. ''Lookin' to Get Out" finally catches a bit of Ure during a high atakea blackjack game in which Voilht. YOW\8 and their waiier friend are waged"' thousand.a of dollars they don't really have. The .equence conclude. with a blzartt free--for-all Popular pianist Roach will perform at OCC Pianist Kathleen Roach will perform Saturday evening, Oct. 23, at Orange Coast C.Ollege. Popular on college campuses and with community arts organlzatioN from New York to Hawrui. Roach plays music of the "ereau" with an l11tens1ty of feeling that ls matched only by her technkal skill. During her OCC concert. Roach will perform works by Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann, Maurice Ravel, Franz Liszt, and Antonio Soler. Roach was granted her master's degree cum laude from Indiana University under Hungarian pianist Gyora Sebok. She received her doctorate In piano pe rformance from the University of Southern California.Jier teachers included Howard Karp. Daniel Pollack, and Bernardo Segall. Roach la on the music faculties of California State Univeraity at Loe Angeles and El Camino C.Ollege. Tickets may be purchased by phone. using Visa or Mastercard, by calling 556-~~27 . The concert will begin at 8 p.m. in Fine Art.a Hall Advance tJckeU are priced at $3. They are on sale In the OCX: tk:ket office, located in the college's AdminislraUon Buildina. The office LI open Monday throuah Fridal from 8 a .m. to 6 p.m ., and Saturdays from a.m. to noon. A $1 dlacount Is available for Gold Card holden (1enlor ciUz.ena) and children under 12. Gettin' ready for the big game in 'Lookin' to Get Out' are (Crom left} Bert Remsen John Voight and Burt Young. ' that includes the thuggish New York debt collectors and the snookered hotel owner. But this lively confrontation ia too Cotdurov for Foll ... little, too late. Most moviegoers will leave lhis film the way moet people depart from Las V egu: a few dollars lighter and not much wiser. Ticke~ will be 10ld at the door for $4. Keep an eye on local government Hant we fealln our 'l9fV own pie-ftnlshed lhln·'#Cle OOfd pants The pont 11 CM:JllOble In ton. ~and aean. Complement tt wl1h one of cu closslc cordlgOl 1 ~ ----------------- ... ~~[; 56 FASHION ISLAND · NE'NPORT ~ · {714) 644-7030.:.·.: · ·,··.····· · 1 . ,, ... -.i S.:t , • .,.......,.,. ...... 1~••••••*•••••~-~--"••~-~-~~•~w~WAQ••~ '"--~---""-·....... ----~~- ~--------------------------~-------'~ ____ i_o_b_l_•_t_o __ ~_o_b_I_• ___ ~,__--------------~----~----------~ Capistrano Depot • • • Not .just another milk S!OP 3 ~ ~ CAPISTRANO DEPOT, 26701 Verdugo St., San Juan Capistrano. Lunch served from J 1:30 a.m . to 2:30 pm. Monday through Saturday Dinner served from 5 to 9 p.m . Monday through Thursday, 5 to 10:30 p.m . Friday and Saturday and 5 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday. Sunday brunch served from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m Lunch from $3.95 to $6.50. Dinner from $7.95 to $14.95 Sund11y brunch $6.50 Reservations By JOEL C. DON Ot the Daily Pilot Start Guests may dine within rull view of the Amtrak trains in the area that once was a walkway or in mumate rooms that housed the old depot 0H1ces The fmery of the passenger train ts ever - present, with white napery and elegant place settings accented by handsome Chinaware. The walls are decorated with posters and other original railroad paraphemaha and the greenery adds that California touch. .,.. vegetable and cho1ct· of potato or rn:e pilaf It's ~ generaUy a pleasure to discover a clam chowder a. with the ri~ht hint or spices as well as a light. ~ creamy texture. The Depot didn't let us down on ~ that score. a My guest selt:!<'ted the ftlet or sole ($8.95). 111 topped with a creamy wine sauce and bay shrimp '< and accompanied by glazed carrots. The fish was 0 tender and flavorful and the sauce none too g overpowering. g recommended. Most restaurant developers find a spot to settle down and then haul in truck.loads of atm06phere. The Capistrano Depol. however, was founded under quite the opposite circumstances. When Pete and Jim Tyson stumbled upon the abandoned railroad depot in San Juan Capistrano. they quickly realiz.ed the site suggested a special romanllc quabty. Never mind that neither of the two had much experience in the restaurant trade. They saw the potential for remodeling this tum-of-the-century structure into one of the county's most chanrung dining spots. The deteriorating bnck building that was the original train depot, was renovated and modified to conform to current earthquake safety standards. They sealed the majestic archways with plate glass and added six freight can and a huge platform to the s1t.e. A fashionable Pullman car sita acroa from the bar area, a rustic saloon carved out of the old The menu, with its Saturday Evening Post cover, was designed to orfer guests a sampling of entrees served before travelers zoomed throughout the country aboard sleek jet a.iplanes. The cuisine is American with a few variations and a fresh fish or two is offer<..id nightly. We decided to embatk on our meal wlth an order of fried zucchiru ($2.25), a cnspy appellz.er that could well have served four very hungry diners. Dinner entrees come with soup or salad, M y terlyaki brochette ($8.95) was preparnd as ., ordered but was a little too dry for my palate And the beef was covered with a light tomato-like sauce. somewhat offbeat from the traditional sweetened and spiced soy sauce. Other entrees t.o be considered out of head chef Brian Leahy's kitchen include rack of lamb ($14.95). braised veal shank in a tomato-wine sauce ($11.95). honey-glazed fried chicken ($7.95) and F.astem scallops with bacon ($10.95). The Capistrano Depot features nightly entertainment in the bar area and diners can e nJOy the music from the restored Pullman car. The restaurant is a bit out of the way from the hub of Orange County. but it's one st.op you'U want to make depot freight house. The depot aune to life agam in 1--·--------·-••••-•-••••••••-•••••••••----, 1975. Last Week 01 Our Bit 10' ~'- The Tysons must have had every railroad buff ,,,.,,__..,,......,..,._ 11nl,""llll.On n 91.,1 11 S•'e · from Chattanooga to Sant.a Fe in mind when they ....... =:""' .. !:;":.":'!::...... II • 1 ll•i· •I' searched for the dt'COrative furnishmgs from an era And At Pumpkin Tlmel when trams whtsked the nation from coast to coast. f"1 ~ AOU AOYmo The Capistrano Depot evokt"S the mood of the ~ a.. .. __ ,---We Put The Pumpkins In post-World War II '40s. with appropriate music of For Extra Bonui. that period and a spirit that pays respect to the rii"1 ..; great American passenger trains. ~~:_o:.:_ ~ •' W1 lln1 tile wllelt .. ttt fer Though passenger service to San Juan was I II I I •i "'"""-.............. hau1ted in 1970, lhe federally supported Amtrak 1 ..... • •• v.n1, ~, .corporation has helped complete the picture with 12 riil .._.TJlllC'Tl:o Cer• St1lk I, let't tl1011rt1 I Flew1r OPEN DAILY 'TIL 6 daily passenger train st.ops within full view of the ~ ~,..:.:~·a:o.::·• 11 irriq••••h I• 1 , .. ,.i• I• lir iwir11 . e :..:;-dining room area. In (act, the Tyaon.s note some _,._ diners arrive from Loa Angeles, Santa Ana, L==========.J111 wi1•i91fl ... r1lte11! ~ =1!' Fullerton and San Diego via Amtrak transportation. _..,... -----------------------------• Order Yours Now 645.Q093 ·- Everyone has nightmares about the ugliest way to die. r----R·l tr:l• m-----, r-----((1111:2• 11.r---,r-----((1Jlf;l1J.tl----, 1 29' la. tn Moet ae°"' I I 10 TOft To CttoMe :1 •• In I I CIUO I I ''°"'' I Moet It°'" I I CARROTS 11 PUMPKINS .1 ITWAN ZUCCHN I I 11 YOUR CHOICE II SQUASH I : 1oe._ :: 1oe 11 : 1oe : I -II Lb. I Lb I I Umft I .... I I L11nH 3 """s*ln• II Um1t 5 U.. . I •---------------1 •---------------'L----------:.---~ BUY THEM ALL, GET 2 CANS OF PEPSI FREE! r----r4'•l•l:M11-----1 r-----((1llJ:2•11J----.,r-----{(11TJ;ltltl----, I LOWHT "'9CIE YET I '10ftlt 90NUS It LOWHT lll'RICIE YET I I ~"" Plctled '1 tHORT 8TIM II OMd ... I I SWEET eCORN I ROSES ll CUCUMBERS ! : : 10 ... I: 1oe u; 1oe :: I U.,.E.r II la. "I ... II L----~!. _____ J L---~~~---Jl ____ .~~.! .. ____ J : BUY THEM AU, GET 2 CANS OF PEPSI FREEi 1 I 1-----((tlltL!.11J-----jr-----((t}IJ;J1f.iT :--,,----~J£l•J1}----~ :· II LOWUT "'ICE YIT 1 I LOWllT "'9CE Yn , , LOWHT "9CI YET I • .._._.,...._ 'I .... ~ II FRESH ' I ONIONS ! POtATOES i! CELERY ! 1 10~ .. p toe • :: 1oe .~ : L----~~~----: !____ ~!!!--~ _Jt ____ ~.!'..?-~~--J c ...... ~,.....,, OoL 11 .. -• ,...... 1 N co : Pirates of Penzance. • • Lightweight delight ..... a; It takes a good deal of musical rouge to paint .g over the str uctural pock marks on Gilbert and 0 Sullivan's "The Pirates of Penzance," and why this O Juvenile operetta haa remained such a classic ower ~ the years is among the mysteries of the ages. ~ Still, Gary Davis' production at Sebastian's -.:: West Dinne r Play house is animate d and ~ entertaining -and kept sufficiently in motion so G> the audience rarely has tame to dwell on Its -g contrived complications. G> What Gilbert and SulHvan we re lampooning a i century ago. an Englishman's unshakable devotion ~ to "duty," comes across more silly than funny today. The satire-is there, but it comes at you with .2 a rubber sword instead of a shar~ged rapier. ii Fortunately. Davls has managed to pump a good deal of energy into his show, backed by a resounding c h orus and one Lenore Turner, probably the sweetest soprano yet heard at the San Clemente showplace. Miss Turner, in the role recreated in the recent revival by Linda Ronstadt and Pam Dawber, actually has little to do, but what she does. vocally. is sensational. '1IUMf,I Mill ~ ._ __ ~ . - By TOM T ITUS Of the Dally Pilot Staff In the show's central assignment, Tony Genna gives a strong performance as the young man apprentic.'ed, by mistake, to a pirate band. Genna somehow lends an air of credence to the winds of circumstance which buffet him this way and that. Less effective in this regard is Michael G . Hawkins as the pirate king, a role wfuch would be better filled by an older, more macho-appearing actor. Bess Meisler is quite good as Genna's nursema1d who hopes to become more to him aince she's the only female face the lad haS seen . Two performers who wring every drop of C-'Omedy from their roles are Robert Grosaman as the meffectua1 major general and Lyle Kanouse as the police sergeant. Gr06Sman employs 110me basic Jerry Lewis shtick while Kanouse and his Keystone Kop cronies (Marc Cardiff, Rick Stockwell and Greer Thompson) do a deh~htful bit of Mack Sennett as the reluctant bobbies. Fe w musicals make outrageous cerebral demands. and this one makes fewer than most, but as pure entertainment, "The Pirates of Pe nz.aoc't'" is an evening well spent. It continues rughtly except Mondays through Nov. 14 at Sebastian's, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Albertson's • Bank ol America • Bilbo Bagg1ns •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades • Mamselle Beauty Supply • Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel • M1one's • Music Market • Photography by JeHrey •The P1ecemaker • Southern Cal1lorma Optical • Spa lady• Swensen's •Upper Cuts 2701 Harbor Blvd. • (Harbor & Adams) Ca.g Meu, CA The Pacific Chorale will open lta l&th eeuon Saturday, Oct. 23 with a celebration of the Wth birthday of Fram J011ef Haydn hr, pre9e11Ung the majeatic "Lord Nelson Maas. ' Ludwia van Beethoven's "Choral Fanwy, Opua 80" la abo .cheduied. . French pianist Francoise Rea,nat wlU be featured in her prem.iett performance with the Pacific Chorale. The Orange County Pacific Symphony also joins the chorale for the aeuon opener. Pacific Chorale conductor J ohn Alexander, who is also professor of music at Cal State Northridge. was recently honored for a decade of distinguished leadership by Dr. James E. Dunning, Pacific Symphony concert set The Orange County Pacific Symphony will present the first concert of its classical music series Sunday, Oct. 17, at Santa Ana High School Auditorium featuring violinist G lenn Dicterow, concertmaster of the New York Philhannonac The program, conducted by Keith Clark, the symphony's music director, w1U Include Dvorak's "Carniva l" overture, Tchaikovsky's v1olan conc.-erto and Shostakovich's symphony no. 5 "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!~' ..,,...,l'l<Y• Wf"J!JSDl>OOoroWN. rv ,II Committee for Arts Presents TNR -The New Repertory Multlcultural Dance a Theatre Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 14 & 15 -8 p.m. - VIilage Theatre General -$5, Sr. Cit. & Studentt -$4 THREE'& COMPANY/WE DANCE - UCI Alumnl Patrick Nollet, Jean llUCS, and Betzl Roe and the&r Comp11ny of 10 dencerl Sat., Oct. 16 -8 p.m. -VIiiage Theatre General -$5, Sr. Cit. & Student• -"S4 ANDY NARELL QUARTET- They perform Of"lalnat composltton1 & folk pieces with Afro-Carfbbean. Brazlllan, c.ttlc, jazz & classical lnftuencle. FREE ADMISSION SUndey, Oct. 17 -a p.m .. Concert Hell LES BALLETS TROCKADERO de MONTE CARLO Sundey, Nov. 21 -7 p.m. -Crewford Hall Pacific Chorale set~ to open 15th season pteektent of the Pad& CharaJe baud of cllNCtDn. and dMn of adm1llklna at UCL OuUtmu with the Pacific ChonJe .. planned for Dec. 10 and l t and will include favorlt" traditional carols, Britten's "Ceremony of Carola" and seasonal classics. The Pacific Chorale will make a special appearance at the Los Angeles Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion on March 6 where it LA MlllAOA OlllVE·IN 12TH SMASH WEEK! ISN7 IT TIME TO SEE WHAT 22 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE BEEN RAVING ABOUT? . "The kind of love story for which the public'• been thirsting." -0.M att8't\, TOMY IHOW "A crowd pleaMr. One of the most thoroughly enjoyable fllma · of the year." -Vincent Cenby, THE Nft YOM TIMaa Battet clusk:s 11nd modern worb Mtlrtt~rt-t"t--K._ men dancing the women'• u well u the men'• rotes! Hllatlou•I Floor -S10, Bleachers -$7.50, Balcony -$5 For funner '"formation call Committee for Arts at 833-6379. Ticket• avallable et the ASUCI Box Office~ ' '1 '. 1 ''..., 1 r \ ' , , \ • • 1 • 'I< '· 1 \ 11< \ 1' 1 IMA _.,.TIUCa ..._ Mann ... ._. (O*lldJ Nftpotl c.ne,. CtnHolnt a21 uu u• 01eo n• iu3 OrM"lfl "' un MIUtOIWIUO WUTIMITlll ldw'etdl v .. Twill 130 Hto ldw#CS c:..iia Wul HI 3tH ------ will perform Berlioz' monumental .. Requiem." The chorale will be joined by the ~ C.oUnty Pacific ~ =~ny and the Nor1hr,dp Muterworka - On April 9, the Pacific Chonle cielebrata the I charm of chamber lnuaic with the PacWc Stnpra • perfonnl~ Handel'• virwoeo "l>lxit Dominua," ! l\avel'• "Clwwona," new worlca _,.~County _f compoeer John Bias and U,hts I.e. For the 9eUOn finale, the! chorale will celebrate ::t' Its fourth European concert tour (Summer of 1983) Ci In a bon voyage performance on May 21 at the ~ Crystal Cathedral In Garden Grove. The chorale will be jolned by Samuel John Swartz, one of ~ Amertca•s premier organists. 0 g Bobble Mltchefl• Commerclel ActoH Studio Invite• Orenge County to Attend A FrH lntormetlon hmlner Meer the ptolessionats in the Commercial t>Ytlneu and learn how you can sren yOUf ec11ng career todey Hotted by me R•cherd Gold11one Produchon Company. one of L A !> leading production houses Oct. 2tth -7:30 to I p.m. Slmma LMge Group c.nter Newport ...,._ Hteh khool IOO !MM Ave .. Newport .. ect\ For your reserved 1eat, c:atl 213411·1308 You h•vt.> SfNfl Bobble! Mllc"-'1 in num1110U1 H•tlOfl•I T e1ev1e10n eomm.r~ &i."" '"'°" _., prnllplOUS Adlwt""'1Q Awli'dS '°' ~oM ACllf'l(jl -~----- "W 1\1"1 Hl·.SS" i~ tot.allv o ff the w.all ... fril•ndly and 1,layful." 1\11111 h, I/\ l\, 'ill< I\' -·-~---~I,. .... ~ ......... uM~----onll1't M.-._,,__"'1 .. _.•~ C9. __ ..._ ........... -.. ll ... ._ .. _., -W,_CIUll ... .._ ........................ .-.-___ ..,..,. .. , . ..._... I ' ' " ..... .: ,, •Q1[1lifl" ·. ~ .... .... co CD I\) \ 6 N Cl) O> - COSTA MIU I ..... EdwardS S<Klth Coast PIUa S•6 2711 c.neoome 63• 7553 (NO MSMI M:CUnO '°" T_ IJIQAQOIOIT, "77rl mo.¥ l«lps ltJ SOtM Slnlnft, battmd vktory on tlte/orceof tlris ~ dasskaJJy Amnktur pn/ormllllU by Jon Yoig/11. '' -.Aid hlll. ~ax R -~ ---A~TPW;T\ff" NOW PLAYING ., . COSTA MUA OUMGE · Edwards Cinema Center 979·4141 Qty Center 634 9282 NO 'AMU ACCCPTIO 'Oii fMll ~NT Use Answer At/ service when placing your ad ... .,Piii 642-5678. uuu 1 o 1uiu u ••tt •••war•• .............. ............. anti I ............ Hteany ....... CHAAUI CHA"l'UN. l A Tl"U 1•• ,.,, ' ' ,.,., '· ~~ ... ,. ·44 ,._., t Exclusive Engagement NOW SHOWING UA CINEMA COSTA MESA • 714/540-0594 .,.,., • 40 • 1 lO • 10 It,.. ........ 12 S6 • l 411 • ~ llO • t lO •I lO • 10 lO""' -stDE-SPU1Tl•Y FUl9tYr -........ lf9'CA1U ... ClllTIC * "FUU. OF SNAP AND WIT.' -Dfttd ANcn. NlWSWllJ( * "Vat rum m a.s or n ravomta mvm." -W tt. Crill. W08-TV * "GOES BEYOND lAUCHTER . :: -llkhanl SdllcMI. TIME M~N~ ..... .,llUllS • ...._,. ... Gl80l,..,,.. IUI0'11U· fmlM'{J· .... aa•-.--....•WM .ut IJUIM•-su..•-..... ···-·-.... .,.. .. ..aDlllDln-.Y · EDff.,.._ -'*"""°'~..,...__,.....~.,..., .--.. ~ NOWPLAYINO .U El TOM IMIT..,_ IUCI UA MoVllt &wWd& SldOllOlcll f.dwd HullllnQIOft C'*"I tlO 40%1 H I 5UO l•I 03" .. , ..... ~ SolMI °*'Pim ••2711 --------------4.( What'• Hop, Sand castle building on tap for Sunday From Page 1 comes to selectmg tools for building contests. "One year some engineenng finn came with molds and mixed flour m with the sand and then heated up the molds with a blowtorch ." Kitchen cooking utensils. he says. are popular sculpt.ang aids. Some entrants, he notes. even import their own sand. The rules of the contest are remarkably simple. F.ach team (there can be up to eight persons on a team) gets a 10 foot by 10 foot plot of land and two hours to do its thing. The <..'Ontest is scheduled more by the tide table than the calendar and there has been only one year when the surf came close to interrupting the castle construction . ''As I recalJ," says Walker. "some of the people that year had to spent as much time building little dams to hold back the cx:ean as they did workang on their castles.'' Watercolor exhibit goes on display at city hall An exh1b1t of waten.'Olors, acrylic, and mixed media by artist Judith Alterman is currently on exhibit at the Newport Beach City Hall Gallery, 3300 Newpon Blvd .. Newport Beach, from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. The exhibit wtll continue on d1Bplay through Thursday. Oct. 21 . This ts one of a conunuing senes of art exhibits planned throughout the year by City Arts Commissioners Pat Kendrick and Bill Agee Judith Alterman, a resident of Newport Beach. received her B.A. from Hunter College, New York. and her Masters from the University of Minnesota. S he studied art at UCLA with Jan Stussy. with Joe Mugnami at USC and an a music and art course at ldyUw1ld. She also studied art at the University of Minnesota with Walter Quirt and Cameron Booth. She has lived in Newport Beach since 1970 and has taught art an the Newport Mesa School system for the past lo years. ( LUXURY THEATRES ) ~ 1tt•lbthlttU..hlo0.US2.au.uOtMnNeM1tt4 " S lliM#¢•X11il6lt>J.i 2Sss1~-;:,) S FOR FOOi EXCITEmEITTl V111t0Ur ... * ARCADE of GAMES• :· •• ~:.- .J&K YU. IJ HYDE 151 ... ••••Cher ..... 0t 12111,lJJ.! J':SQ.. t:~,t 1llTl~I' Y:Vr'"l"rl.'il' Jazz singer McRae set at Irvine Bowl A fire last Saturday night came dangerously close to the Irvine Bowl on the Festival of Arts grounds in Laguna Beach. Saturday night there could be some heat on the Irvine Bowl stage but in quite a different way. Carmen McRae, a jazz singer with a "hot" voice, is scheduled tn concert at 8 p.m She lS such a "hot" performer, she's "cool." Critics have called McRae, who has appeared in Laguna several times, the "singers' singer." Her renditions are sometimes mellow but McRae also has the ability to hit those extra high not.es that make a listener take nouce. She has been performing since the days of the Big&nds in the 1940s. Cam>en, who wall share the stage with Bobby Shaw, trumpet.er and flugelhom player. and the SaddlebaCk College Big Band, is appearing as a benefit for radio station KSBR 88.5 FM. The station broadcasts frorrvthe campus of Saddleback College in Mission Vjejo. Tickets at $9 and $12 are available from Select-A-Seat or at the festival grounds box office at 7 p.m . Saturday. Arm wrestling championships to draw lots of muscle The fifth annual Buena Park amateur arm wrestling championships will be held in William Peak Park on Oct. 17 starting at 9:30 a.m., according to John Corbett, head of the Southern California Arm Wrestlir.g Assoaation. Corbell said he expects over 100 contestants this year, 60 percent of whom will be first-time arm wrestlers. Arm wrestling is a sport which ls oorniJl8 into ita own, he said, it's a one-on-one competition, It's not expensil.re and virtually anyone can do it. "It's a great family sport," he satd Women can participate, as well as teens (applicanta under 18 need to have a parent's signature to compete). William Peak Park lS located at 7225 El Dorado Dr. an Buena Park. For more information, call 522-3316. """ SWOI'()~ SOOCERER8 PITfft O'TOOLI 1 nw:a _., "MY ..,.:i~~ --"'"_,... ... _ "DON'T GO INTO THE WOODS" !Ill FAVORITE THE WALL"(lt> YEAR" CNI ,... ... t:11. 10:1' FN. 1:11, 1:1S. 10:11 8AT/IUH. 2:00, 4:00 SAT/IUH. 2:1S, 4:1 ,!:00. 1:11. 1°'11 1:11, 1:11, 10:15 ""' AM l1W1 lJ..f D · l!I ~'"(~ Frt. eM Ullvft. 1:11, IM, 1:45 CLASS OF '14" Cftl frt. 7:00, 1C>AS _..!!tllwt. 1:11, 7:00, 10:AI POLTE~GEIST..E! ,..._ 1:210 SAT /SUM. 4:GO, l:GO T.~Ot~m ... "'9. *21 UT/euN. l:1t. 8119, ,._ __ .,., __ ..... "DON'T QO IN THE WOODS" (II) ...,,:.~=- "SPLIT IMAGE""'' .. CLASS OF '84" 1't1 "MY ...... FAVORITE ""-•• ...,--·· "I, THE JURY"1111 ...,,,_ ~ -.-YEAR" "WAITRE881"1,rt ~. l'M. ~ "" .,.,, .. t:tt. M9 .,.,:-=. = -J:et, e:.41, e:AI • ' "':l..'""' M .111t. tOM ...,._.ML ,,, .. 1..0 (") .l&ltYU.(I """ 10!i0 '1 I MOVll f'AIUC H 10mftO 4 TflACtC DOLaY IUMO ET.·=~~L m • """"'•~\ "'Cfullf ""'· ... t;11. 1o:20 SAT/MIN. 1:00, '='° ... 1:11. 10';20 "THE BOAT" tftl (Form...ir "0 .. 9oot"I Frl 7:11, 10:00 savsun. 1, •. ):11. 10.00 "SPLIT IMAGE" ~~~ ::.'/! Fri. .,., FN. 7:11, 10'.AO .. lllvn 4:2$, 1:4$ SAT/SUM. l:fO, 7:1S, 10:40 "I THE JURY" "WAITRESS!" 1•1 J'rt a:., 1•M (ft) All. t:OO _.;;.. .. ;;.;V;...;S-.;.;;;;.;. ;...;a:20;;;.-...;..• lc30~..:..• _10:itS---'-4-SAT/SUN. 2:10, l:JS1 t:00 AMllYVll.lf U: .-::..--=.. T.~Ot •1r. THE ~ION1111 ,..._ ~ 10:15 -.-. "'"_ _ _ SAT/IUN. l:IO. t:aO. 10:11 ..,AST lW'U AT "ROCKY Ill" (l'O} ~:::"··· fN. t:20 "-a-. en1. -SAT /SUN. 1:00. 4:JI. l:2IO " .. ,.,... ....... ,.ICAADYOQ POLTERGEIST-'! Frt. l:OI ht/S-. 4A, t:.08 FN. 1:20, 10:15 0 SAT/SUN. 2:JO, t:20, 10:15 T .~ • ~ID ••CllOll Frt. t:1S. 10:10 FM. 1!1S (PO) lel/S-. 2:11, 1:11, 10:10 SAT/SUN. 4:20, 1:15 "CLASS OF 1lllPISJ m ~~ '84" (II) ~R --,... 1:10 • "'~--SATllUN. l:iO, t:10 -. -qJ:i,~~ll!IJ UT~ 1a.-.- "WAJTRE88r' ~.;G .. "'.. 'DON'T QO INTO -Ml. .... ,.... f;11, 1°'41 THE WOODS" "--.riw..-SAT/SUN.1~ ,_,__ 1:1 10:4I .,.,,_-. , .. - "WAfTREISr' "'1 Al. tl4I SAT /SUN. 1-. t•, S:45 "l.OOKIN' TO on OUT"'"' PM.914'Mltl --- --.______ ---- 7 0 0 0 CT ~ ... ' • N ~ The San Frand8co Symphony will appear in ,.. Oranae C-ounty for one niaht only, Wectne.day, Oct. in 20, at the Santa Ana Hia}l School Auditorium, ~20 ._ W. Walnut, Santa Ana at 8:30 p.m. .! Sponaored by the Orange County ~ Philharmonic Society, the renowneCf orche9tra will 0 make Its firat and only appeara~ In Or.n1e County, with Edo de Waart, mualc director, ~ condUCtifli and 2'.oltan Kocsia u piano aoloiat. ~ The program Includes Respighi's The Birds; u.. Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 4, featuring ..: Kocsls: and Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 in A -8 Mapr. ~ De Waart made his debut with the Sen ~ Francisco Symphony in 1974, was appointed i pnncipal guest conductor the same year and became ~ music director in 1977. ~ a: JW COClllT AU WTI llUUVUI 11HU·ztl1 CLARE FISCHER MARK DAVIDSON UllY FOSTEll ANO WOODWIND CHOIR Suncay Oclooe1 ~4 1982 • 3 pm & 7 30 pm • Soutll Coast Plaza Hotet 'AClllC IHU taU ~IV( 1• SWll' MUil ,,_.,,,. ,...,. IVCAll ou t,., •n •t AllAHllM OlllVl·MI l!AAIOI IUC IHllVI Ill 6 OU"'( Ol lVI IW e ia. fl J II!• \.AfUUAf 6 IU.Ut llU ,uw1-. lUlllMft "' t.llll .. fttf U.._,. ..,..,,a,.....,,.,. -11,.;,,o,. IM,OIUAIH NC>TICl' CMllOfll• UHlfl 11 Jflll' -,,.. ._ .. ,Olk• a.-o.., •••• CM-1!-·-&MCNl _ll __ ,.OOMICM---~­--MI ,._. ,.'U a.II -m .. 4111 - ............. ANAHEIM DRIVE IN t O..C-•C. .... ,......,., ...... 0... , ... ' e..... a C-...• -.. ._. 1•1 1c ....... ac ...... ,..,,_... '"• , .. ,.~ t i;f ... A 'A_,ll CUH :!, t-· 1111 ~t~- .. ll<:A,. nlOlll ' rJ' NIW YOM" ••• i':,;l];_ tw.'--..."' C*h-~t ... •a.JYVUI. THI ~1 .. lllOM" l"l °'"" .. THa IL--111 'AllTY MAllAClll[" <•I Clfff"- "E.T., .. , BUENA PARK Ol!IV! IH THE EX TA A-Rl"lllllUAL" i-......... ., ...... _ 121·.070 I it,,.a ••lt• LINCOLN DRIVE IN t•""C04ft A•e .... Ol l,.O" 121-4070 . . ... "' FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVf IN _ _..,,..., et--(M) HZ.t .. 1 ,,. v •• . HI WAY 39 '.JQIVI IN •.ue OWIClll AM> A QUITUM.Ur1111 ...... ,... ............... Cllll "-°'OOWT 00 If Tffl WOOOI" ftll ...... -1MI 11UA tuft nu-.... _,._ ...... LA H A~RA ..... --·-... ·--ln-IMI .. 'THI IWOtlO ANO fHE IOACIMll"' 1t1 ..... "ICA-111"1-1 -WMTN1lr1t11 -"IOUH:ZI l'LA 1'" lllt ·-·-r._.. AM ,_,.... •L Oft.fl C9t') I ,..._.. • a....---.c:t .. _... _.. •c.......·~· .... .....-, .. Cllll "- •l .. eWOM AND lMI eGllCIMll" 1111 --.CAMSM"• 0 5lANGE [JQlll! IN M ISSIO N [Jlll.,/f IN .~ . -0 "'CUN~ ..... ..,HT,...eAT lllOG9MOMT MIOff" l't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .... ' Bay Area symphony schedules OC concert De Wurt bepn his mu9cal career .. an obolll. While a member of the Arnsterdlm c.oncencebouw Orchestra, he began atudytnc conductlns. In 1964 he won flnt prue In the International Dimitri Mltropoulos Conducting Competition in New York and, as a result, was choeen by Leonard Bernateln to serve as his assistant with the New York Philharmonic. In 1967, at the age of 26, he was appointed joint permanent conductor of the Rotterdam Philharmonic, and from 1973-78 he served as music director. 'ROCKY 111' WIN.NER AND STILL CHAMP! NOW PLAYING CUfA..U (dwMltl BllMQI ~40 1444 COlfA..U f.dwaids c.n.ma Cel!llf 9 79 '141 U TOICI EdwaidS SllllCllllbk~ st1 SHO AMl'TA&tl •llUf F ll\'lly T w 111 H2 1241 (_, ____ .__ I!'!!!!) *BARGAIN MATINBRS • Monday '"ru Saturday All Perfont1anc•1 before 5:00 PM l&ce,l I,_. Cll .... •tlltl ........... • .,. ". I> ""'. LA M li:lAOA tt/A.11 I~ LAl(EW000 C UHE~ ~·· P ., "'PN( A.OVO; THe WAU." • tt;M, a:.. .............. ".llJll'LL. . •. YOG11"19 AGAIN'° "'1 ......... _ •TI41 l.AS'f ,.....,. ~ ·--. l Al(fWt)CO < f NTfR ,.J(_) I j; ~· ~' ..... "'~0:':.r '1llY 'Aw:rLYWMI" - "THICHOUN"-_____ ... AA a guest conductor, de Wu.rt h.u performed with the I~ on:hetJti'u throulhout the United Stat.es and Europe. Kocsis, at 18, wu awarded the top pria in the Beethoven Plano Competition 1pon1ored by Huncartan radio. In the wake of his AIClCel9 at the Beethoven Piano CompeUUon, he has become the moet popular perfonnlng artist in Hungary's concert halla and on Hungarian radio and television . For concert ticket Information contact the Orange County Philharmonic Society office, 234 E. 17th St., Suite 112, Cost.a Mesa, Cal. 92627 Phone: 646-6411. • ----------1( On Stag• Carousel. • • Music good, but t here's no real p izazz ~ it A aong in "Carousel" asks "What's the Use of Wond'rin if he's good or if he's bad?" It's an inquiry that with some paraphrasing could apply to the Long Beach Civic Light Opera's current production of the popular musical by Rtchard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstem. There 1S lots to wonder about. There is some good. But unfortunately there as much that as wrong. What's good is the mUSJc. Some have ~uggested that Laurence GuHtard's clean appearance isn't Hppropriate for the bullish BiUy Bigelow. Agreed. But there can be no denying he has the voice, especially on such numbers as "Soliloquy." There w ere severaJ "bravos" heard from the audience opening night. Allison Gregory. no stranger to the part of Louise-the daughter fathered by Billy-is a wisp of a girl whose balle¥ a delight to watch. STAG CHINESE CASIO We're llstenlng ..• Look for the By JERRY H E RTENSTEI N Of tbe Dally P ilot Staff Her dance with Carnival Boy, played by J . Wilham Burns, and a dance number by the male cast or the ensemble to "Blow High, Blow Low," are among the too few highlights. Bjgelow'a death scene is the only real drama thanb to clever staging and lighting. The acene had many audience members crying. James Oybas, though a bit miscast, is a good Jigger Craigen. He simply doesn't have the sinister look associated with Jigger. His singing works. The vocal efforts or others fall short. Julie Jordan, played by Lisa Cutler, is lost. Ditto for Pamela Mah.ill as Came and Rick Pierce as Enoch Snow. Too bad. Those characters in other productions have won the hearts of an audience. Snow's role 1s DIXIELAND JAZZ FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Family (. ~~~ fUMM ll lfn.TIOMl. ETMIUllTS . . 4111 •RCH 155-2414 NEWPORT BEACH Comer of Von~ ~&Th.Jrs. 8:30pn-100am Fri.&Sit. 900pm-l~am .,. usually good for lots of laughs. Not thlli tJme. ~ The LBCLO made much of Sharley J ones' a. portrayal of Julie in the 1956 movie version of ~ "Carousel." A full page of the program is devoted to ~ a reproduction of a Feb. 6, 1956 Lafe magazine cover ii of a young, Innocent looking Jones on a carousel m pony ~ But one gets the impression the effort lS a $;> promotion g1mm1ck to call atte ntion to Jonei.' 0 starring role an the next LBCLO production, "Bitter g Swe<>t" ~ Lighting plays a key role in "CaroulK'I" yet a OI disturbing thing about the otherwise workable Terrace Theater is a bank of lights that when ~ utilized cast too much 11Juminat1on on the front ~ rows of on:hestra seating. "Carousel" continues al the Terroc<e Theater, 300 E. Ocean Blvd , Long Beach through Oct. 24. Performances are Tuesdays through Saturdays al 8:30 p.m .. Sundays at 7:30 p.m and Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2:30. r & Chateau lllair Luaac "V" sr.•UOll 4 S~drilter 01stin.cuvc W.crfront Duling • Oyster Bar • c.ocktlili }))) W. PaafkCoen Higt.nny, NfWJ>Of1 Badl Rac:rv.X.. AaqJted • 642rlm WI 'IMISI YOI HOO CHllllSI 1000 WHCMU • DINIS • Q()flt(M COCKTAILS ~ IAllUn FACIUTIU ' , ... cAiatNG * H>OO TO 00 · , lfl1! 7 DAYS . •• • I I -I 10 N GO O> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~CurrentlyScreenlng ~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated iri R. s tars Richard Gere. David Keath, Debra Winger and Louis Goaett Jr. There are very few surprises z but some beautifully drawn perlormanc.u in this 0 tale of boot camp and romance. It's roted R because 8 of language, sex and adult situations. >. AMITYVILLE 11: THE POSSESSION: More «1 horror in that handsome. haunted Long Isla nd :t home. What starts out as laughable turns scary and LL unpredictable, thanks to Tommy Lee Wallace's ... shrewd script and the bravura direction of Italy's ~ Damiano Dami~ in his Ameracan film debut. Burt ~ Young, Rutanya Alda and other children, Jack ~ Magner and Diane Franklin, are the new r<.'S1dents ! James Olson 1s their local prlC'st ~ -THE CHALLENGE: Best Amencan -made .Q a: martial-arts film yet, plus a view of Japanese culture rare in American hims. Scott Glenn is & foot-loose fighter who gets mixed up 1n a bitter family feud in Kyoto and falls unde r the spell or master of the sword Tosh1ro M1fune. Oirei:ted by John Frankenhe imer 1n top form . R rated for v1olenc't'. THE CHOSEN: A warm film or 1llummatmg "'motional impact dealing with friendship. love between fathers and sons and what 1t means to be Jc.>wish . Based on the Cha im Potok novel Rod Steiger, Ro bby Ben!lon, Barry Mille r and Maximilian Schell star. PG rated for adult situation. CLOCKWORK ORANGE: Rated R. Stanley Kubrick's film garnered c ritical acclaim when originally relf'ased in the early 70s E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG. stars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed .cience-fantasy film deaJa with • young boy who befriends a little Jost alien from outer space. This family fi.bn has been touted as one of the best in yea.B. FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH: Rated R. st.ans Sean Penn, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Judie Reinhold, and Richard Romanus. Thus film deals with teen-agers pursuing drugs and wx and more Movies now showing along Orange Coast sex It originally was rated X but w~ edited down to an R raung. Several impressive newcomers I.I\ th.s tale of the carnal side of high school. It's rated R because of its emphasis on sex and some nude scenes. INCHON!: Rated PG, this war picture s tari• Laurence Olivier as Gen. Douglas MacArthur, and Ben Gazzara, Jacqueline BtSSet, Richard Roundtree, and Toshiro M1fune. Centers on the landing of U.N forces at Inchon durmg the Korean War I, THE JURY: Rated R for excessive violence, stars Annand Assante. Barbara Carrera, Alan King and Paul Sorv100 The.> resurrection of Mickey Spillane's private-eye Mike Hammer. JEKYLL & HYDE . TOGETHER AGAIN: Rated R, st.ars Mark Blankf1eld, Bess Armstrong, Krista Errick.son and Tim Thomerson. A chemist takes on a weird second personality aft.er tnjeSting his own potion MY FAVORITE YEAR: Rated PG, stars Peter O'Toole, JessICa Harper, Joseph Bologna and Mark Linn-Baker. A braght comedy in the trad1uon of last year's "Arthur," about a lovable drunk and his exploits. Set in 1954 during the Golden Agt• of television. PINK FLOYD THE WALL: Rated R. stars rock singer Bob Geldorf. Pink F1oyd's album "The Wall," inspired this nightmarish film. which c.•hronicles a rock star's overdose. POLTERGEIST: Rated PG. stars Jobeth Willia.me and Beatrice Straight in a tale of the supernatural. The story is by St.even Spielberg; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for auspenae. ROCltY m Rated PO. stan Sylvester Stallonie aa the gutay Rocky. who battles to defend hi.a crown. The PG rating ia f« violencr. SPLIT IMAGE: Rated R. stars Karen Allen. Peter Fonda, James Woods, Elizabeth Ashley and Brian Dennehy The story of a young athlete who ·gets involved in a religious cult. ST AR TREK II: Rated PG. stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuing quest to seek out and explore strange new worlds. The PG raung is for action. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS: Rated R , stars Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, Dom DcLuise. There's not much sexy or lively action m this film, which inflates the charaderS portrayed by Parton and Reynolds to larger-than -life images. It doe:m't hold the audience's attention. It's rated 1t for language, sex and bawdy situations. THE LAST AMERICAN VlRGIN: Rated R, stars Lawre n ce M onoson. A music -filled exploitation film which tells the story of three high school boys and their sexual encounters THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated R. stars Robin Williams, Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn Cloee and John L1thgow. This fi.bn gets to the heart of author John Irving's sprawling novel It la deep, meaningful ands speaks directly to what really matters to us, m films and in ltfe. It's rated R TRON: Rated PG, Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, David Warner, Cindy Morgan and Barnard Hughes. YES. GIORGIO: Rated PG. stars opera great Luciano Pavarotti in hlS him debut, with K.a\hryn Harrold and Eddie Albert. A comedy about an oi;.era star (naturally) who courts hla throat specialist. Sa ve money and shopping tim e Read the Daily Pilat [) ~--DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE TAB HUNTER Starring In "Here Lies J•remy Troy" A Hllarlous,Comedy Wrltten By Jack Sharkey Now playinc thru Oct. 17 ~ ... "GIGI" Opens Oct. 19th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--4c-___ ~_0_1_v_•_,_•_l_o_n_•~~--~======================================11 -PLAYS------ "ALL IN FAVOUR SAID NO!." South Cout Repertory'•~ comedy, oomplet.-lta run at the Fourth Step 'Theater, 66& Town Cent.er Drive, O.ta Meu (957-4033). Clolin& performanoee are t.ontaht and Saturday at 8 p.m .• Sunday at 7:30, with weekend matinees at 2:30. "ARSENIC AND OLD LACE." the comedy clulic about a murderously funny family, winds up at the c.o.ta Meu Civic Playhoule on the Orange County Fairgrounds (764-5159). Ftna1 perfonna.ooe11 will be given t.onilht and Saturday at 8:30. "DEATIITRAP," a llllpen.e thriller, cont.lnl.le9 1ta run at the Harlequin Dinner Playbou9e, 3503 S . Harbor Blvd .. just north of c:o.ta Mesa (979-5511). CUrtaln times vary Tueedays through Sundays until Nov. 14. FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 Includes choice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pilaf. .4 -* ' Call For ..... . , R.Mnation.a -'r-.-• --~ 673-772& · ~{~J?!f.~~ IOI · BALeo A L lalMa lln. CALABASH LANDING I 'It I. 11 .. IL, Celta .... la Yta't IMt1I• Ctr. 642-9155 Fri .. :ts: 11111n FLYERS Monday Oct. 18 Tundly Oct. 19 LOST ll&ELES Ill 111111 ....... 1111 w...., -,., ,....,, TIE APOLLOS nus. & Fri. 211 22 LOST lllELES WHll I A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winmn~ traditional Japanese cuisine and s uperb western·styll' specialties Your favunte ~afood. ch1cl en, and steak. Delicate M>ups and delightful :,alads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful c;ettin~. Di~over Yamilto ... cJ very ix-cial dining experience VIUDBiO 60 Fashion Island N~wport Beach / 644-4811 Ctntury Plaza Hotel 271·1840 :P. What 's happening along Orange Coast "EL GRANDE DE COCA COLA," a muaica.I revue 2° In "Span1li1h," cloaea out this weekend at the < Huntincton Beach Playhot.we, In the Seacllff Village ;: ahopptnc cent.er at Main Street and Yorktown Avenue in Cl HunUnston Beach (&47-4465) Final pef'fo~ are : tonight and Saturday at 8:30. :i 0. "CAMELOT," the mualcal about medleval F.ngland, oont.lnues under the tpon10r1hip of the Newport Beach Parka. ee.ches and Rec::reallon Deputment at Lincoln School on Pacific View Drive In Corona del Mar (640-2271). Curtain limes are 7:30 Fridays and Saturdays, 1:30 Sundays through Oct. 24. Cl :' ''THE MIND WlTH THE DIRTY MAN." an R-rated comedy about blue movies, i1 on at.age at the lrvme ~ Commwuty Theater, Turtle Rock Commuruty Park on a: Sunnyh11l Road off Turtle Rock Drive 1n (rv1ne Ill (557-7297). Curtain times are Frlday1 and SaturdB)'ll al 8 -:C. p.m .. Sunday at 2 p.m. through Oct. 23. ~ 0 "OLD TIMES." a drama by Harold Pinter, opens a two-weekend run tonight at Golden West College'• Playbox Theater (894-&>70). Performances are Fnch)'ll and Saturdays at 8 p.m . throu&h Oct. 30 with a 2:30 matinee Oct. 31. i .. "ROOM SERVlCE." a vmtage comedy, is cl<Jlling al che La~una Moulton Playhouae, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (494-0743) Final performances are _. tonight and Salurday al 8 p.m ui as See Diversions, Page 12 All you can eat each day of th~ week for oDly $5.50 Bnny thlS coupon to the Big Yellow House. any day of the week. and every adult member o f your party dines for o nly $5 50 That's a full dollar off our regular dinner price! And what a d inner Jt IS ... all you can eat of two delicious entree~: our famous fned chicken. plus another that varies daily. beef ribs with barbecue sauce. roast beef. tn tip steak and so on. There's also a tureen of steaming soup. cnsp garden salad. vegetables. mashed potatoes and gra"Y and plenty of hot cornbread with hon~tt~r Kids Save a dollar, too! Kids always eat for less at The Big Yellow House. according to 1he1r weight on our old fashioned scale. and with this coupon. they ~ve an add111onal dollar. too So bnng the whole family ewryone c;aves a dollar on dlllner' -~~ond~!!~~~~~~use Saturday. 4·10 pm, Sunday."3·9 pm: Sunday Brunch. 10 an1'·2 pm. In Mission Viejo at 28381 Marguerite Pkwy. In Cerritos at UlOS E. 183rd St~ (714) 495-3340 (213) 924 8120 In Garden Grove at 9100 Trask Ave. In Costa Mesa at 3010 Harbor Blvd. (714) 891 2809 (714) 549 0310 ts J -<O co I\) .. ~ ..... I ~ lt~---------------------------------1~ ______ 0_1v_•_r_•_l_•_n_•-----~~--------------------------------~ ~ From Page 11 O> : -All------ Orange County <.:enter for Contemporary Art through Oct 22. Aho, phol.oirapha by Darrell Curran, draw11ljll and paintings by Maureen Ivey Hours noon-5 p.m Wedneeday-Sunday ~ ARTS AND CRAFTS FAlR with Chrustrnaa items 11 ZJ Oct. 23 at Speech and l..an(iuage Development Center, o 8699 Holder St., Buena Park. Admisalon free. g -ETC.---- CHOCTAW ARTIST JERRY INGRAM'S paintings >. and llthographl and Comanche artist Karita Coffey's ~ earth potlery on display Oct 23-Nov. 7 at Galeria ;£ Capistrano, 3.1681 Camano Capistrano, San Juan C..pistrano. Art.ista recept.lon 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 23-24. OKTOBERFEST is Oct 22-24 at Orange County Fair8J'OUnda, Costa Mesa. Sponaored by Lion.a clubs. Call Jim Ballinger at ~5-8685 for uckel.S. "TWAlN ON TOUR," a production about events in the life of Samuel Langhorne Clemens a.k.a . Mark Twain ls 8 p.m. Saturday at Golden West College's community theater. Huntington Beach General admission $4. ~ -0 i ! ~ ~ a: "SHAMAN'S SONG: ROCK ART OF WESTERN AMERICA." opens Saturday al Bowers Museum, 2002 N Main St., Santa Ana. Adrnllllon by donation. Hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and noon-5 pm. Sunday ''CELEBRATION OF THE FAMILY." a work.shop examining farruly types, ls 9 a m.-3 p.m. Oct. 23 m Forum ll. Golden West College, Hunungton Beach. Regu1tration "GAMES OF ART' by Darlene Kuruwell are at OC entries inDoo Dah Parade At least C1 ve entries have been received so Car from Orange County for the annual Doo Dah Parade in Pasadena Nov. 28 this year Peter Apanel, founder and parade director, said the list of entries should be available 1n early N ovem be r so those interested are advised to contact him immediately He can be reached at 539 E Villa St . No 20. Pasadena. Ca . phone 796-2591 The route for the a l ternativ e to the Tournament o f Roses Parade will wind for 14 bloc ks through old Pasadena (·enter at Colorado and Fair Oaks The Pasadena Centrat' Improvement 1s planning a weeklong fes ttval in l'1>nnect1on with the parade A Doo Dah queen will be c r own ed S unday, Nov 7, from 1 to 5 p.m. at a party in Poolue's, 34 East Holly St .. in Old P~dena Adm1ss1on 1s $3 at the door; music is by Snotty 5<.'0tty and the Hankies. A pub crawl starts at La Fondita. 55 E. Colorado at 7:30 p.m Saturday. Nov. 27. The parade costs are $10.000 so an entry fee of $.1 per person Is charged. The fee for children 12 and under and those 65 and older is $2. Entries are on a Cirat· come. first-served basi•. No motorized vehicles a.re allowed. The fun type parade may include topical humor, odd entries of various kinds (bankers dl1patch case team and mechanical lawnmower precision drills). and various kinds of IJ'OUP8 including conaumera, nudlata (clothed), .those aeokint mari ju ana Te1all1o&lo n and "no-nukes" advocate. amoni o&hen. ST. PAUL'S GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY PRESENTS & FOOD BAZAAR SATIJRDAY OCT. 16 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. & SUNDAY OCT. 17 11 am. to 7 p.m. IRVINE TOWN CENTER BLDG. 4201 Campus Dri''e, Irvine Across from UC I Campus ''·' ,,,, f •II I 11 \ "'~ IRVINE ( \.\11'1 ... nnu f I '\:IHt • UCI $JO includes lunch. lnfonnaUon 891 -3991. SF.cRETARIES CAREER SEMINAR is 9 am -4 pm Oct 21 at Golden West College, Huntington Beach. R.egutralloo $20. Information 891-3991. INTERNATIONAL SAlLBOAT SHOW is Oct. 22-31 at Long Beach Convention Center Admialon $3.75. MOVIE AND COMIC BOOK CONVENTION pre9t'nll "A Tnbut.e to HoUywood'a Great.eat Comedy Teams" 10 a.m.-6 p.m Sunday al Elk Convenuon Cent.er, 11551 Trask Ave., Garden Grov,. Film seminars, nostalgia items. Information 530-3584 or 751-9935. AdmJ.ss.ion $3. GOLDEN BE.AR MUZZLE LOADERS CHN AREE 11 Oct 30-31 at Hobby City, 1238 S. Beach Blvd .. Anaheim. Bluegraa1 music, blacksmith demonstrauona and folk dancing. Admission free Information 821-6655. Greek Food & Pastries • ~ee:ccoeo:xoc::::2:e:a: • Ch eese Pita •Gyro Sandwich • Shish Kebab • llors D'ocuvres Dishes • Loukoumades • Baklava & Other Delicious Pastries Coffee House ~.' C:t<E00:>~£0iJ ~~~~!21~aR~n~!l3 3~ • Dance Demonstrations Music by: • The Olympians • The Bill SoteropouJos Band For the Children aeeeee:seeoeeeeaaaaaea caaa&aaaaaaaeeraE • Video Games • Horse & Buggy Rides Raffle ~:eeeee ~'989El89@E e e aeoe •WIN TRIP To Greeee @DOR Hawall rwo Mazatlan • Plus 25 Other Prizes of Super Value Drawing at Fe Ul1al ocr. 17, II P • .ttl. FREE ADMISSION Daily Pilot MAIN OFFICE 330 W. Bey St., Coste Me .. , Ce. M•ll •ddrHa: 801 1580, Coat• Meu, C•., t2t2t Tet.phone:l42-4321 Program information 1s provided by the networlu and 11tation.s and is subject to change without notice. -lnclex TV Antenna . .. ... . .... .... ............... ............... Page 4 Daytime Drama . . ................................... Page 5 Daytime Schedule .. . .. .. ......................... ... .. Page 6 Sporrs .. . .. . . . ............... ...... .... . ....... .... . Page 9 Inside TV . .. .. .. . . . . .... ... ... .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. ... .. . .. . Page 11 Evening Schedule ................................... Page 13 TV Puzzle .... .. .. ....... ............ ............. ..... Page 39 Letters ............................................................ Page 39 (2) KNXT, CBS, 61 21 W. Sunset Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. (4) KNBC, NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank Ca. (7) KABC, ABC, 4151 Prospect Ave., Loa Angeles Ca. (8) KFMB. CBS, 7677 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and 47th St., San Diego, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. _ ............. .. (5) KTLA 6800 W. Sunset Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. (9) KHJ-TV, 5515 M~rose Ave., Loa Angeles, Ca. (11) KTTV , 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca. (13) KCOP-TV. 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angetea. Ca. _ .. ~28) KCET, 4401 Sunset Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. 50) KOCE, 16744 Golden West St., Huntington Beech, Ca. 56) KOOC-Ty, 1730 Clementine, Anaheim, Ca. -P!yTV 24) CBS Cable 0) On-TV, 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale, ca. Z) Z-.TV 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica, Ca. H) Home Box Office, Time-Life Bulldlng, Rockeftlter Center, N.Y .• N.Y. Cl ~nemax, Time-Life Building, Rockefetler Center, N.Y .. N.V. E ESPN, Brl1tot, Ct. L SefectV, Marina Del Rey, Ca. (8) Showtlme (8) 85)9ttlght (C) Cable Newa Network, Atlanta, Ga. -1 .. 2·22 (9) WOR, New York City (1'1) WTBS, Atlantl, Oa. 2 Friday, Ootob« 18, 1982 • VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE ALL THE MARBLES *NICE DREAMS *AUTHOR AUTHOR *BEACH GIRLS *HANKY PANKY *SWORD a THE SORCERER *QEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID *WRONG IS RIGHT •s.o.a. *CONAN THE BARBARIAN No club to join No membership fees All ratings 1,000's of movies a val/able 1,000 of movie• lor ••I• or rent See lhe Video ..,,,,, ., Video t:•11ett1 R1nt1l1 ,,,,,... ,,.,,,.. •lwl. c.,. .... BfB-lnl ~ The New Piiot I' .. •'Reallty' look at OC TV Antenna, 4 •Soap star gets offer Soaps, 5 •Oct. 15 -Oct. 21• Fly fllm too much Letters, 39 Rob Sharkey and Nicole Pierce of KOCE's 'Inside Orange County.' (See TV Antenna, Page 4). ______ .... -TV Antenna TV Takes look at county 1 reality' By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(ttie 09111 Not lt..ff In recent years. televisi o n executives have dtSCOvered that "real life" can indeed be more interesting -and a bigger ratings draw -than fiction . A hard-news magazine approach to current events made hits of "60 Minutes" and "20/20." Buffoonish hosts and features on quirky American people and places have garnered big audiences for "Real People" and "That's Incredible." Locally, KNXT (Channel 2) and KABC (Channel 7) have jumped on the realitv bandwa~on with their own Cluffy magazine shows. "2 on the Town" and "Eye on LA." Now. Orange County will become the stomping ground for a new lifestyle series produced by KOCE (Channel M) in HuntinHton Beach. "lnalde Orange County' debuts at 8:30 p.m. Thunday. (It will repeat at 8 p.m. Saturdays.) The program marks KOCE's return to weekly coverage of Orange County people and places. But "Inside Orange County" will not resemble the 1tatlon'1 respected hard -n ews proaram. "Newscheck," which left the air earlier th11 year because of mounting ~peNea and cutbacks In funding. The new magazine-style format will not emphasize breaking events. The emphasis will be on light, timeleea features. With four or live \lelJnenta planned in each 30-mlnute lbroadcaat, don't look for ''60 Minutes" ... tyle depth. 11\e flnt ept.ode, for ex.ample, will feature a look at Ben Vereen'• benefit performance for the Laguna Beach Mu.um of An; a converaaUon with Carla StuckJe, who made headlines ~ her affair with State Sen. John Sclimltz; an oxamlnatlon of "E.T." merchandlM floodtni Ora.nae County t10na; a report on the United Way'• 11~t hi.unan chain" formed 1lon1 th• Santa Ana River; and rnan-on-the-atreet tntervlewa Condl.lded at the WestmlNler Mall. rutur. Pf'OlrAll\I will look at th world'• ll'Dlllelt cathedral (loc.tecl In Wcu.na Beech) Marion Knott of &he farDed Knou'1 ~ Farm family, the Rlldlo City rocbbfuy nJ1ht club ln Anabetm, male strip 1how1 at the .. Leff Stop'' . .,..,. Newport BHCh And a dnmk-dl'MnC '-\ I.ft O.c. M ... Plod\IOlr·hwt8 of the-"•.,.. Rob lharU1 Md Nlaol. ~. who have had experience In the new1 4 ,rtdily. bctot>er 16, 1"2 departments of the network-owned stations in Lot; Angeles. "I don't think the purpose of the show is to be newsy," explained Pierce in an interview. "It will be more fun-oriented. It will lean more toward '2 on the Town' and 'Eye on LA.' which is a bit more sensational." Sharkey and Pu~rce are not only acting as on-air reporters but are editing the footage used in each segment. The result is some very long work days. particularly because Pierce commutes from Pasadena, Sharkey from Glendale. "They're working us to death," Pierce laughed. But she admits some of the pressure for excellence is self-imposed. "I keep accusing Rob of trying to paint the Sistine Chapel in every segment," she said . Opinions sought on TV Whet ore your favorite shows In the new television 11eaaon? Which ones deserve a swllt cancellation? Send your opinions on these or any other television laues to the Daily Pilot TV Log. We'll print the best comments In future iaaues. Leuen should be tc?nt to Dolly Pilot TV Antenna, 330 W. S.y S t., Coata Meu. CA 92626 Although its equipment may not be quite as sophisticated as lhat of the major Los Angeles stations, KOCE does have some pluses, according to Pierce. She claims the station's young camera and audio technicians are flexible and enthusiastic. "They're not jaded ," she said . "Their backs haven't been broken by people who Wied their stuff and didn't give them any credit. What they lack in technical knowledge, they make up for in creative energy." An advantage to being aired on PBS, Pierce adds, is a break from the conventional ratings race. "Inside Orange County" has been funded for one year, she said, an d station officials will decide whether It is to continue for subeequent season. Pierce is no stranger to Orange County. She lived for a time in Corona del Mar and still has relatives in the area. In Los Angeles. she worked in the news department at KNXT and latA?r became a writer, segment producer and mint-cam reporter for KNBC, Channel 4. Coming from a hard-news background. Piette says she'll have to adjust to the liaht.er "Inside Or~ County" tonnat. Uke the hoets or 2 on tho Town" and "Eye on LA," ahe may have to inject herselC tnto the 1torte1 lhe covers. "What aeema to be sellln1 thne days Is not the kind of joumaliam I learned," 1he maln\alned. "I'm a little uncomfortable wU.h stones that end with report.en doing IOfN? silly thinp. "But IOJn8 people like to la\llh at reporten. I aueu they're th• new comedians. ti Frank Buck role fun LOS ANGELES (AP) -"The other day 1 wu on the jungle aet in • du1out wrestlJ.na ~ 1\1)'1 and Cake crocodilet." uya Bruce Boxl•ltner. "I love It. I pt to p1-y Clark Oable, Spenct"r Tracy, Gary C.ooper, John Wayne, and Humphrey Boprt all at one..'' Boxleltner muac.chloed, hi.I hair paned In the rnlddle, wearina a pith helrnet, Jodphura and kn••·hllh IHtMr' boota. ii.an 11 tNI edwntww and wild anlmaJ colledOI' l'r'ank BUck ln CBS11 .. Brtna 'Dn a.ck Allve.'' It'• lit\ In 108 ~. WMN the real ·lth Bucal bed ll1 hffdquartera, huna a..u at the tamow RaUJea Hotel, and carowed whh hll clotHt frl•nd, "ff.ff," for Hit Hia)\n4111, the .WW\ of Jahore. Buck e1prund wUd u,en. wrtlltad a ldna cobra, and once knoc:"*9 out a 11an1 oranautan with a Mlle~· [n the 1920I and 'SOI he WM a aMdinl aupplin ol wlld anl.mall '° '°°' ma dl'CUla Lib a..ffalo SW. he Md • wonderful MnM of Mlf-promot.lon and a flair for the roman\k. He er.tad the INlnd ot l'nnk '.'9rlnl 'Im 8-k Alfve'' Buck thro\IO • ....... ot bookl and ~ .. will .. ·by numerou1 n•••p•p•r and m.,.,..,,..._ AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JIEP--UHAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-1023 SADDLEIACIC BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831 -2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640..6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa A na -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540..9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 H arbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 0: 1;419 4 ;IQ 51#' .111 i: I ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach-833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -· 540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540..5630 SANTA ANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-051 I MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE ftOMTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -63'-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast HWy'. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 H arbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636·2333 SAAB BEACH IMftORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855! VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 1871 1 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE llCE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 -Daydme • IEIAlm.,..., (ll)Q DOIWla TOPIAlm IOml (Piii) =.=...u .. (M) ==::-~=.,(WID) ,..,..,...__ -a.mcl =-~Of IOOl(WID) ==M) .,. .. «?) flClfU .. .. By LYNDA HIRSCH "ALL MY <..:HlLJ)Rf;N·" Whc•n Jesse 111 taken bl•ck lo Pine VaJlt•y on t•hurgt-. thlll h1.1 tried to rope Llia, J,•nny also returm1 to lt•ll ~1u1 to drop uU~.>mpted rape <'hur~w11 against Jesse Out o( ,){lil. Jt-sse joins with Angie 11.> try 1.11 get Jenny und (irl'g bat•k togctht-r. When S1lvt•r C'utcht'8 Kent kl~lng th«' ''><Otic CounWK.-. BlanC'a, he buyi. Silver's s1lenct• with promltie of a small aoap o~ra role. Jenny Is rcunllf'd whh Opal but says ah<' plans to return to New York to work on her modeling career. Terrified that Hay try&nl:( t.o harm ht•r family. Ruth buys uun for prou.oellon F.steUe and Rack adrrut their lovc for one another but a date Is squt!lched .when Estelle must ao to a Gambleni Anonymous meeting with Benny. Joe tninks Rick is just out to hurt &tellc. Ninu tells Daisy she's au racted to St.eve "ANCYI'HER WORLD " Blame and Sandy arrive tn Claxton, and when Buzz spot:i Blaine's photo in the local paper he starts to stalk her. Steve refuses to build a new Cory Publishing plant. Matt tells Rachel she can visit Amanda whenever she chooses. Jason wants Steve to go to hotel for Ilsa. Not wanting to lose Sally, -!,pm1e promises to stand beside ht'r no maner what • "AS THE WORLD TURNS:" James ls stunned when Ariel claims they are brother and sister. that Greta is his buys silence rt·ol mothf'r, and thot Crt•ta w iled u baby awlwh llt birth. Jwnt.otC LA horrafu.>d at th~ thouiht of not beina aa Stenbeck und nut being 'of "blu<' blood stock." St~vt? i11 upti(lt when he learns Betay UI goina out with Craig. James ordera article: that Gunner lcf t Barbara at hosplt.ol found and destroyed. BeUevtng James and Ariel are lov~ra. John plan.a to trap them ao he can divorce Ariel. Betty tella Steve that the two of them caused Nick's death and now they can nevQr be together. "CAPITOL:" Trey checks out or Riverside Hotpital ev<.·n though he's warned that the subdural hematoma he has on the brain could cause him to lose hla eyt"llght permanently. . Trey pleads with Kelly to stay at his side and she agrees, but she tears for Trey's health and also what will happen 1f he learns that she ia really Shelley Granger, the hooker used to set up P h ilip Dade. Tyler opens his campaign office. Sloane receives call from Julie'• nurse about Julie's whereabouts but does not· give the word to Tyler. Mt>anwhlle, Julie regain.a <.'Oruiciousness but seems to be suffering from some form of amnesia, alt hough she does rt><.'Ogniz.e her mother and Cather. Danny takes Wally to Atlantic City where Wally starta losing big and Is into Oanny for lots of money. (See COCAINE, Paie 11 ) FUJI FILM CAPTURES THE MOOD YOU WANT 4x6 GLOSSY COLOR PRINTS! 33% MORE PICTURE AREA . REG. 48°, SALE PRICE, V2 OFF 23c, OFFE111001 TILL 10-22 Snap your favorite sltbject and see the results in a snap! Fuji's 12 exp. color print film makes It all possible for every 35mm photographer. Go to a party -and use up the roll. Have a picnic -and use up the roll . Root for the home team - and use up the roll. You don't have to wait h111t FUJI Fil.¥ for months - or waste your time. Qa·--v--e··:s···::~~--·~-i?~Z~~f ii::~~~~:- • ONE HOUR SERVICE ERA l~UZ,tOIJ J • CUSTOM B&W 474 E. 17th ST. 411flJ1il . • HUNTING LICENSE PHOTOS COST A NiSA 1-•c-I • TRAINED PERSONNEL ----·-··-·-·-···---·----····-----EXTRA ADDITIONAL BONUS GOOD FOR 1 5x7 PRINT FROM YOUR 135 OR 110 NEGATIVE Friday, October 15, 1982 5 -Daytime Coal • .. .. Jack LaLanne leads a daily exercise class at 9 a.m. on KHJ, Channel 9. -~Conl. Phil Donahue, who thrives on <'Onlroversy, continues his daily talk show at 3 p.m Monday through Friday on KNBC, Channel 4 . • . • ~ I I " I II I Ill 1111 Ii ill I II I 9!8191111!1 5 r111te1•sm11111s 1 ·~I!· ••2 uiiMI.--~ I --- 1 · • •1 ! .1 lht ~I ! rt If f ff :i, r ! ~I I ~fi h riU [ •. : _U · 1· -di . II Ill I I II ii ill II II I I. __ :~ l r ?r· ill'i1J~nn,1PiF1Ptill J 8'1~r1n1:HHf ii 1 iilifrui 111 -gG! '.Jl!ul!i JI 1 lfl I Iii II 1l11i11 Iii ~ f, I .rr~ 'P.11P111 1i ~ 1 " a H r ¥1 ;1; 1 •t I re • .. -.. ·I Jr ;t ~ n u· , tr• f-. 1iJ!l!1 1!1 ; ,fi ~i ' •t r! ~ I I ' I Ii Ill Ii ill I I II I I II ·s I I II 'I ' ~'S!!ll!!l!t!IC I '!I~ ~lil!fil1 I !ff l'J; ~ 1·~~·111i1l~1 1s:;i1r 'flf !;1p1 ~ 11~·r11 • ti~" 1Pl .. t1 _'.;!lllfi ti i f f I I •• if 1 .. .... • -'N ~ Jr h 'II' " ' - ii i i I Ill i I II 'I II I I iii II i I . HI I I f !'f ~ i ~Ii . •B ! i ~ J!~Jm.ill~l§JI~ SL~ n1re 1 t. ~ •:1 if hntH 1s Jlh ~ ,. ~; f ~ !1,. ~! ~~ •t! IP ~ 1 ::1 ii J1J~l l-J hli!Jii i! J~Jlf I ~ i~ Fi !r1a ii~! 1-J ;J"i ~!f !f !' 'I I • , , f ~f i9& . , , If •• .! ,.,.,, . • t ci f .!f¥f Ill II i ~ i ~ ;-n~n ~l8f i. 2 ~ c ~ fli'~lil!lri·~l' ~; ~ ~ i ''!i1r11 ... 11!1a,11 ~ .:.. ~ c;. ,. •II J J F ' :s ... e') ~ I !El I :s ; = °" If 1•1111 ir l' ~ ~!-~ · 1 ·1 ft I\ :r -=r:--• SL :r ~ II If if ~ : g' • .,.~ .,e')c:r' 3 J 1 J, , , c:: 5. ~ = (JQ ~ CD I I II I ;. ~ i •1 @1s11a~' (I) 2 ~ ~ i~f i; I Ill Ht g Q] ~u -uew·1~1r' f nlU~ii!I H ~ !, 1!11 I Ii : !f ' "~ ' -•rrw.y----· ,,, jiNM)Qlll ••111 •CI> ''P~•TMIHLUI ...... .... Of C-*Y.....,. Tllll ...... ...., ................ ..,, ... Lew-................ Cllt ......... ,... "' a I ........ c.n.1a.. (t .... ..... , ---a--•n..• ............. -~ .. --n~ et···m.~S .... , .... ,, .._ .......... ........................... ~ .. n~t... ..... ...... -., ..... ··-....:.·= ............ -........ ... .. _ ......... ~ ...... .... ...... r..,...,_ ..... .. !;~--~----­:-. .._~ ... -..=~ Ct -. 11 ......... °"'''' ...... Jerry Reed will join with other country performers in a picking and singing roast of the "Alabama Wildman" at 5 p.m. today on KHJ, Channel 9. • C:IHtOU.YWOCID ,..., so::4 Ill 1 rtsr • Hintlt ,. ...... DIUI ........ -.. ,....... ...................... . ... ..................... ...... ................ ,1 .. ,. ---{I) WMn"' umcAI " ....... • 1eo1r • .. .,...._IR .... YeltrCMfla _.. .... I Illa Jiik .. Hts ~ .................. ...... wir.6w-m.".W~. .. .. ,. ..... · . ...... ................ ,.. = .................... .. ._ .... ,..,._ .... ,, .. .... -Tuesday IWIW>OM t:a9 MCl9U__,.. W CGCaTO I fill ......... DIRUfte fHI•• ~ w11111~....., ... ......,.v. ~--MDtlnt ....... ,...,_ .... ,, ... , W CI) rAam TAU TMIA'11m '"R J 11 • ~ ...,,,. '111 Jt be .... -• ........................ _.. ........................... ,, "'·' -= 91 w 90Cll'TT Ol lla&M llJIW,... ......... ................................. h ...... In II .... ter HIUllJM "' ............................. ltrw ........ ,, ... , ~ 1::9 Q.f CIUI-W ldialn OI LS0&.11 CIWTll ···-,... ....... .... .,...... ....... ........ .... ..... .._,..... nu 1a1t ter 1111111 1 :Z ................ ID ...... IMIJl- llrwMdll•-.(tlw.) tt98 0 .. ""*' , .. " ..... ...... -....... llllR .... "''1111it .. ........... .., .............. .. ..... ........ ~ ... .. A8C, ..... AIMii.. ...... ::i::•e1 .. •=••• .... IJRH(&UI Clara. (1 lw .. . .... , • Cocaine st ash found on 'Ryan 's Hope' From Paae 6 "DAYS OF OUR LIVES:" Roman notlceti sca111 on Anna'a boc:k 41nd vow• to find the man who did thlA to hl·r. Marlena ll beginning tO believe that Anna and Roman tart> •till In love and thut !!he may loee Romun. Eugene lL"lk.s Marlena tor a date -a real date -and she accepts. Mickey conUnues his lnvesuaauon into the causes of Evan'1 death and aearches for more clues about Evnn'K lifHtyle and the OiMerwi. Don is growing cl<>St!r to Sandy Sandy fears her medical career is at an end as the hOffplt.111• commission s tudies the events that l'lurroundcd Evun's death on the operating 1.able. "DOCTORS:" Kit t.ella Mike that sht.• and Jean -Marc were once lovers. Kit then tells Matt than J ean-Marc was once sued for malpractice. Natalie tells Billy she'll give ham what.ever he wants as long as he keeps giving her palls. Billy does not teU Natalie that Ph1lhp Manning is his drug conn~tion. ""' Adrienne becomes uneasy when Jeff talks about their having a family once they are married. As Natallt' continues to depend on drugs, Luke feels their marriage 18 over. Murray tells Maggie he wants to marry her, then tells Matt about his desire to make Maggie his wife "EDGE OF NIGHT:" S ky comes to dinner with lan and Raven. He then drives Raven home and sht! gets Sky to stay over with her by saying she is fnghtent.'d of being kidnapped again. Val hides m the closet while Foley and Yvonne diacu.M seu.ing fare to the closet, causing Val to run out. When Val does so she snaps photos of them. Foley and Yvonne escape and lat.er word spreads they were killed in an auto accident. Mike 1s told that the "song book" contains names of all undercover agents In the world. This knowledge in the wrong hands could prove disastrous. "GENERAL HOSPITAL:" After Holly tells Lukl' the· truth about the scam and declares her low for him, ht• promises to protect her from the family Scorpio g0t-s to South Africa to track down clues concerning Dan's stabbing. During a lucid moment Dan says the words "spring bok." APANESE RESTAUR ANT TRY OlR DAILY SPt.:CIAl. Eojny Tf'rl7•kl•Tf'mpt1r• ~hu,.111 b.r l'"'P9"'d by -· ,.,..._. Jal"'Df'W C.:hr( •S....r ""hi<' •Salu· Now Open For Lunch Mon.·Fri. 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner from 5 p.m. Sunday from 4 p.m. Closed Wednesday ~g isa. JAPANESE RESTAVRAN1' 3840 E. Coast Hwy. ' Corona def Mar 673-3933 Charlo• und Rt.•gln••ld 11teal cht-..·k11 from Yont for Holly Lo 1lsn when ahc rt'turns. &ail trm.•kif Holly and Luk(' to Myau~ry Moun~h1 In o ch~·. Holly man"get to escape but Luke is rt'nderoo unc'Omrduutc. Alitn ls told he musl have a million tlollani put an Jasor1'ic trust In 10 dbys. J le g~ to Lila, .who In turn ask8 tht-Coraos for $:.!M,000. Bryiln ng1tatcd wht•n his father • .E<ldlf', t.'onta<.•f..ll him on<.-c again . Rose worr!E.-d that 1fhc'11 n o t intc lllgent or soph!Bttcat.c..'<i enough for Murk "GUIDING LIGHT"' Vunt-'illa 18 aware thut Lewllf Oil 1 on the vf'rge of bankruptcy Floyd Sh'!'! hta world crumbling around ham with his rt'<.'Ordmg career over, H oving Lo move out of Uw mansion, and having broken from Leslie Ann a fter sht revealt'<i her past as a hooke r. Josh continues to st>e Morgan. Kelly r<.>m8ins on i1uitpension with both Ed and Hillary dlsgustcd with his poor attitude Deeply In love with Amanda, Mark unable lo poison her. "ONE LIFE TO LJVE:" When Albert and Dorian are unable tCl persuade Kyle to release them, Kyle demands a helicopter to take him and Dorian to Canndu. A,; the copter lands, Ed surprases Kyle, arrests ham, and fr~s Dorian. Asa enters Llanvie w Hospital for a checkup and Drew makes sure he is assigned to the case so he can gave medical mfonnauon to Euphemia Learning Dellla staying with Bo, Euphemia heads for Llanview. Bo learns tha t Delila lied about her last job and tells her he wants the truth Wanting to ma ke Mimi Jl'&lous and ge t her to aCC'ept his marriage proposal, Asa flirts with Delila. Mimi has second thoughts about pursuing acting lessons in New York Feartng that Katrina will never allow her to sc-e Mary again Jenny considers 1 unning away With the l'hild. "RYAN'S HOPE:" China as arreswd and thas enables the police to search his safe where they dis<.'Over millions of dollars worth of <.'OCaine Dom 1s out on bail and JiU promises to defend him. Siobhan report.t>d Mitch 's illegal C1ctlv1tv by plantinj{ drugs on Dom and China originally Without proof she gets nowhere with superiors Johnny udmits to Siobhan that he went to Mitch about Dom's meeting with the racketeers. 7.lr/~1'1/ }J~/l<A h1/11J (IHI.. "Club of Champions" Facilltle1 include: • 19 Tenni1 Courts • Jr Olympic Site Pool • Dining Room • Bor /Bodcgommon Room • Match Mate Boll Mochine • Prof .. alonal Tennis ln11ruc1lon l ... Membenhip1 Avail: • Corporate • • family & Single • Junior Executive •Swim • Ju"ior T enni1 • Annual For MoH lnformotion Call 644-0050 2601 Ea1tbluff Drive, Newl)Mt Beach Friday. October 15.1982 11 -l'riclay Cont. W ee> ''The Amazing Mr Blunden" (1972, Fantasi) Laurence NatSm•th, Lynne Fred-erick 1 hr .. 30 min ) e " hleves" ( 1977. Comedy) MarlO Thomas. Charles 010dln (2 hrs ) .. ® "Ad'lentures Ot The Wilderness Fami- ly" ( 1975. Adventure) Robeft Logan, Susan Oemante ( t hr . 40 rrnn ) tD "Jules And Jim" (1961. Romance) Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner (2 hrs.) CJ) "The Birthday Party" ( 1968, Orama) Rober1 Shaw. Patrick Magee (2 his . 5 min) •GZI "Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves" (1943. AdVenture) Jon HaH, Marla Mon- tez. I' hr. 55 min.) .. cm ·Cannonball Run" (1981. Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Dom Deluise ( I hr • 35 min.) __ ........ -= .... C81 ... ~ ...... MC ... Q rA-.... ......... OW9I UIT Oueat· jazz pianist George ! "Any Noolber Can Play" 949, Ot'ame) Clark Gal*. Alexls h. An honelt Ind carefree gambler's Al1 19 belet with a eerlet ol tragedlet. ( t ht .. 45 min.) Cl) .. ''The loved One" ( 1965, Com- ..... ,. IMy lllWSl IM JOI! ••• b bulriea er pluslt• • .... JOI! ,, -pill UtOCI to ,. llrltf'L fOf J) ,.. --'" .Wiiy. ..... ,., ....,... contJM ........ ,... Diil ....... ~ ...... IMlllld IO .... b' ....... ....... ....., .......... ,. ,.. ......... ,.. . ......... *1 .... 11111 "' -.. .,, -flll -'-'""-- edy) Roberl Mou;e, AnJClnelle COf1l9f The nephew Of a "9ceated Hollywood star incurs some debll and headaches when II comes time to make lhe funeral arrangements. (I hr . 65 min.) OMCMI "The Wlldemess Family. Part~ .. ( t978. Ad\-enlure) Robef1 Logan. Susan Daman1e Shaw A modem PtOOMf family laces a biller Wlnte< lf'I the Rocky Moun- tains. ·o· ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) I TMI .-cl• llGllT ..... u.YlalB =--._, LOWI A nine part leftea of Napoleon end his rising lame In Paris {Part 5) ( 1 hr ) • CAMPMmt 'tl:TMI DBATU ''38th Con· gresab\81 District" Jefry Pa1terson vs Anita Ban (I) fllA N.&. COMTM:T IMATI C<Nefage ol the U.S Bantamweight Championships llrom ~J~ ( l hr. 30 min.) ,. C81 ... *"TDAYI AUii ==·A looll at the socceu of Strawberry Shortcake products. an East· ern woman who became a Grand canyon i mu':t,,lnnef .. nm~ ~~t....-r ,_..0/9,., _.,.WU r. ...... /ff Qt)_. Tltl IR The latesl develop- ments 1n lhe NFL strike are examined ( I (id MOWll "Harry's War" ( 1981. Come- dy) Edward Heumann. Geraldine Page A small-town postman comes 10 the aid of his aun1. whO owes the IRS back taxes 'PG~~T.OJ ~ MOWll "Savage Harvest" ( 1980, ~venture) Tom Skernlt. Michelle Phllllps An Africal'I drought drives wild animals into populated areas ·po· ( 1 hr • 25 mll'l) 6D ~ CO&llTl TODAY 1::8 8 IC* Tltl TOWll Featured a visit with a mtin named Mr Santa Claus, a trip to the Los Angeles Times test kitchen, a girl who races midget autos • ITIA...., IMOltTCAa: PITI C* 'AMiii Animated The kids end theif pets march and perform as they vie for first prize In lhe Annual Strawberry Land Pet Show 8 ITI C* L>. Fearured a report on hoW to beat cellulite, part t of 1 report on the lllolent crime of rape, the new sport ol rhythmic r.mnastlcs. the new trend In lr7~T~DCIUGM UD«tm'IPUCI ""AU. YOU Alla PCM IT ........ .-aTUM Guest: Gordon 0.vtdlon. ...am.1..-~ Mark Twain's Medleval Magic The Myaterloua Stranger. A young printer's apprentice discovers a magical friend on a fantasy journey to a sorcery-filled Austrian castle. Chris Makepeace, Lance Kerwin and Fr Gwynne star . -................ ,,..._ •• "Royol Wedding•· (1951. Muelcol) f!led Aalalre. Jone Powoll ( t hr . 3!> min) •CID "Adventures 0 1 The Wllda111t1M$ famt· ly" ( 1976, Adventure) Robert Lc>ylln, Susan Damanto. ( 1 hr , 40 min.) CD) "Cannonball Run" ( 198 I. Comedy) Burl Reynolds. Dom Deluise (I hr . 3b min) Cl) "First Monday In Ociobar" ( 1981 . Comedy) Walter Matthau •• Jill Cl1tybur~t1 L1hr .40 min) .. <Ill "Because 01 You'' ( 1952. Romancti) Lorelle Young. Jeff Chandler (2 hrs) CJ) "Black Beauly" (1971. Drama) Mark Lester, Wafter Slezak. ( 1 hr . 45 min) •CC) "Millon Ooflar Face" ( 1981. Orama) Tony Curtis, Sylvia Kristel. ( 1 hr .. 40 min) .,.. "lnvltallon To The Dance" ( 1957, Musical) Igor Youekevitch, Gene Kelly ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) •cm "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980. Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke (1 hr .. 45 min ) CZ) "Savage Harvest" ( 1980, Adventure) Tom Ske1rlll. Michelle Phillips ( 1 hr , 25 min.) lt:ll CC) "Animals Are Beautiful People" U975) Documentary ( 1 hr • 32 min ) &a "Hobson's Chorea" (1954, Comedy) JOhn Mills. Charles Laughton ( t hr . 4!1 min.) •e "No Place To Land" ( t958. Orama) John Ireland. Mari Blanchard (2 "rs ) •Gt "Aonoho OelUKe" ( 11H6. C,ornody/ Jell Brtdgea. Sam Wotoreton (2 hru.) (%) "Sweel Chatlly" ( 1069. Mue1cv11 ShlrltSY M11cLalne. John McMarlln (2 hrs . to min.) -(!) "My Favorite Spy" ( 1961, Cornt1dy) Bob Hope. Hedy Lamarr (4' hr•.) m "Youngblood Hawke" ( 1004, 0111 ma) James Fr11ncl &cu11. Suzanno Pleshelle (2 his) CC) "Take this Job And Shov11 fl'' (1981. Coinedy) Roborl tlaya, 601bara Hershey ( t t" , 40 min ) (}{)"House Calls" (1978, Comody) Wttl te1 Malthau. Glende Jackson ( 1 hr • 38 min) (0) "Top t111t" ( 193!>. Musical) Fred As1a11e. Ginger Rogers (2 hrs.) CID "The Little Hut" ( t957, Comedy) David Niven. Stewart Granuer ( 1 hr • 30 min.) .. n1, "Gold Dlgge1s 01 1933'. ( 1933. Musi ca~ Joan Blondell. Ruby Keeler (2 hrs ) -o "Madame Rosa" (1978. Drama) Simone Signoret. Claude Dauphin ( 1 h1 45mln.) Afternoon Movla• 12a i> "Men Who Could Chea I Death' ( t959. Horror) Anton 01llring. Chrislo· (?her Lee ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (°C) "The Greal Train Robbery" ( 1979. Adventure) Sean Corinery, Donald Sutherland ( 1 hr .. 51 min ) CID "Coe On One" ( 1977. Drama) Robby Benson. Annette O'Toole ( 1 hr . 38 min ) (.0) "Voyage fn Douc«1" I t982) Gar al dlnfJ Chapnn. Dom1r11quo Sanon "R' (2 hrs l 1Zr1I (%) 'Ttr!ll MoncJey In October" ( 1981 C"omody) Walter Matlhou. Jill Claybu1gh iJ hr . 40 min l 119(1) "flrflt Munch1y 111 Oclobor'' ( 1981 Co111ooy) W111tor Ma1th11u. Jill Clayburgh ~hr • 40 min ) "Come Have Cnfloe With Us" ( 1972. medy) Ugo TognalZI. Valentine ( 1 hr 30mln) 1•(!) "Where fonu Begu11" ( l!l/8. Sci enc11 fiction) Konnuih Mur11. Pepe Munne ( t hr . 30 min ) a.O "Hub~on'!f Chotc.e" ( t9b4, Comedy) John Mills. Charles Lauohlcn I t hr , 45 n1111) (l) "Sovaga Ha1v11s1" ( 1980. AOvenl\Jre) Torn Sl\errltt. M1ch11lle PtillllfJti ( 1 hr 25 rnlr1.) 1::11 (C) .. Anlrnals Are Beaullhll People · ( 1976) Docurilentary (I hr . 32 min) (SJ "Sp1111 Of Ttle Wind" ( 1979. Drama) Chief Dan Geo1ge ( 1 hr . 4!> mrn ) a.(HJ "Portrall 01 A Rebel Ma1garet Sanuer" ( 1980. Biography) Bonnie Franklin, David Dukes ( 1 hr , 45 min.) (i) "The Jau S1nge1" ( 1980. Musical) Neil Diamond. Laurence Olivier ( 1 hr., 55 m111 l ai:ll(O) "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1949 Romance) Jean Simmons. Donald Hous ton (2 hrs) · [Z) "Solo" ( 1978. Orama) Vincent G11, Perry Arms1.ong (2 hrs ) HEADACHES? Allled Lighting Is YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL 645-5300 For Complimentary Consultation WESTCLIFF CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Dr. lobert A. ladg., 2043 Weetcllff Dr., Suite 108 Newport leach (neor Coco'• on 17th ond Irvin•) Most Insurances Accepted Southern CaUfornla's Most Compfete Selection of Ughtlng At Competitive Prices. * Over J 00 Un r s In Stock * We Repair All Makes of Lamps * lnstallatlons * Over 20 Years Serving Southern California· s Lighting Needs. * Ser Our Complrte Selectlon of Celling Fans (Free lnstallatlon) * Energy saving fluorescent fixtures w COME IN ANO BROWSE You w o n 'r bellevr our selectlon, you'll love our prices. '~T~ 1 ALI.IED I lighting ~~ Hours Tues -F11 8·6 Sat 8·5 30 Closed Sun & Mon 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa jacrou lrom Nurstrylancl Nursery! 646-3737/646-8194 Friday, October 15.1982 13 ----------------------------~ -l'ritlay Cont. e llCMI "Tentacles" ( 1977. Adven· lure) John Huston, Shelley Winters An 80-loot octopos enraged by the undersea activities of an oceanographer goes on the rampage near a small Calllomla com- munity (2 hrs ) ID mAT I & OMMClt ''The Mysteri-ous Stranger" In an adaptation of Mark Twain's last novel. a printer's apprentice (Chris MaJ<epeace) daydreams himself into 1 medieval cas11e and meets a myste- riouS yOU1h (Lance Kerwin) who has stranoe mystical powers ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (J)TCJP:W. IO-Cove<age of lhe Mar- vin John9on I AMno Manson 12-round light heavyweight bout from the Tyndall Arena In lndlanllpolis. Ind (2 hrs . 30 f!!ln.) CD llDN•ll 1 AT llVlli Maureen O'Sulli· van, Kale Reid. Elizabeth Wilson and T8'e&a Wright Siar In thll powertut dr•ma abou1 four sisters who 11rvgote with long- bUrled problems that surface unexpected-ty_,_~, 10 min) CZ> "The Arst Deadly Sin" (1980. Mystery) Frri Slnetra, Faye Dunaway A veteran New York City police dttec1ive. Whole wile Is 1Ufftttng from a aerloul 111-nese. tries to catch a brut•I killer le«orlt· Ing Menhett.n. 'R' ( 1 hr . 52 min.) ...... •;w•.-.~• ., ...... ,, ... WOIJICll • LOWI A nine pert terlet of Napoleon and his riling fame In P•rls. ~art5) (tilt.) (II) _. "A1$I Monday tn Oclober" (1981, Comedy) Walt• Mallheu, JH1 Clayt>urgh. A llberel Supreme Cooft Jul.. tlce claltlel with IM new9l1 member of the ne1lon't hlgheet court, an ultra-con-tlve woman Jvrllt. 'R' (2 hr .. ) .,. "The EnfOfcer" (1976, Orama} E.Mtwood, Tyne Oe.ly. "Dirty Harry • Cehhan It Joined by a r.m.te roolcle In hll putlUlt of a group of Callfotnla revolution· •'* ttrrOf!Zlng Sen Ff.ndlco. 'A' ( 1 hf , 38mln.) -· Cl) PM.CC* cmlT Anotla IChetnM to Wllktn Chatt'• poW9t ~ • batlla OV* water 1lght1. and an angry caoo Agreth a1t8Ck1 Cole C 1 tv.) ILOOIATUI !'l:!fV:~m "The Race For The SUpetlotendent Of Public lnstruc t IOfl" Biii Honig vs. Wiiton Riies ( 1 hr ) (C)9IMI "Candy" (1968. Comedy) Ewa Auhn, Marlon Bral)do A luscious young nymphet heads for New York after being 1aped by a poet and a Spanistt gardener U hr . 55 min.) Cl) llO¥K ''First Monday In October" (1981. Comedy) Walter Mallhau. Jtll Claybufgh A libe<al Supreme Cou<t Jus. hce clashes wnh the newest membef ot the natlOfl's highest courl. •n Ultra-con- lefValive woman iurcst 'A' ( 1 hf • .ao min) • MO¥ll '"Thieves" ( 19n. Comedy) Marlo Thomas. Charles G1odln. A daffy couple try to recapture their IMOcenc. amid the cOl'ruption of M•nhatt•n (2 hit.) I M VIWlmll•-.tlll .... -... ···~··"'* ... .-an. Guest: Gordon Oavtdlon ... tltllMllmt -9IMI "The Gunslinger" ( 1956, West· ern) John Ireland. Beverly Garland When a lady takee over tor hef dead husband 81 town m9rsh81, she becOmes a target IOf execution. ( t hr .• 4'5 min.) '*lll•&r •tlMCMGr-......... 1MAT-IMOW l!mTIGrUlt .. -..CO -IM "Animation: Slalt Of Ari" a tootc Into,,,. hltlory ol commetelel anlma· tlon of the U.S epannlng IM golden •gee ttvOUQh current renalllanot. 11L41~-·--­DOCTG1•MMDU11 .,. "Beau-Pert" (1981) PatrlcM Hrt, Aeiel Beste 'R' l1 hf , 50 min.) ttrtl .. "Julla" (1978 COmtdy)8yMa el,Jean-C~ ~A Yotlt\O men apenda hit eomnw veeatlon with hie play· bOv lathtr. 'R' ( t tv .. 25 min.) Portable-Manual Electric Slightly Higher tW 8 (J) llO¥IE "The Last Hard Men" ( 1976. Western) Charlton Heston. James Coburn An aging lawman comes out of re11<emen1 10 hunt a11 escaped convict Wtio ts determined to avenge his wile's death (A) (2 hrs . 10 min ) D GD fOllGHT Host Johnny Carson Gvests Joan R1veis. writer Te1suko Ku19A:g1~r.J.c.m.. I YOU MUD FOii rr 1111&0£ ICllll lll'INOYlll'I -~-&AA COMCDTO Arthur Rubmstein is the soloist for the orcheslre de Pans conoucled by Peut Klock1 1n this pe<lormance of Beethoven's 'Emperor ·• ( 1 hf ) • DAYll IUUUI) "Cocaine The $30 a.thon EptdemiC"' (I hr ) Ii) ... LATlllClfT Dr Sidney M. Wolle, authol of "Pills That Doo'I Work," 111lks about drugs that are sflll on the market despite lack ol evidence as to the elfec- lrvtness. Dr Anlhony W Jackson discusses the stereotyping of blacks on ~~'~ (H)llCMI "Private Lessons" ( 1980. Com- edy) Sylvia Kristel, Howard Hesseman A we.llhy man aSSigns his seductive house- keeper the JOb of p1ovlding his 15-year·old son with his first ae1cual eiBerlenee. 'A' ( 1 hr ,30mlnJouu. tW1=~~ (Perl 5) -.. _,TOllQHT ([I f!M)AYI Guett host Valerie H11rP9J Gueats The C.rs (A) ( t hr .• 30 min) G llCMI "The Nl1,1hleomets" ( 1972, Suspense) Marlon Brando. Stephanie Beacham Two OfPhanod chUdrtn end lhelf goyemess fe" uncle< IM lnf'kJence of 11 cr~lllVlng gardenef (2 hfl.) CJ) ;'II'• A Wonderl\11 World" ( t95&. Comedy) George Colt, Tfftnee Morgen A Ft~ ~ htlPt to promote • mualcat ~x petpotrated by • polr t)f WOUld-bt :::&:r (2 hr• ) 15=rmu -l'rWay Coad. e WM.L.tTmf-"Let'a SIMI Aw1y" GU.et Chlrlet Bradford. vie. P'eaicMnl. M9f~nch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith CD) "Any Whleh Wey You can" n980. Comecty) Cltnt E11.1twood, Sondra Locke a.tore settling down with hla girt end pet orangutan. a bare-fisted fighter •Iona up tor one last, lucratlve match 'PG' #hr .. 45 min.) MOVll "Pride Of The Blue Grass" 964. Ofama) Lloyd Bridges, Vere Miles A provd and noble horse ovtdOeS himself on the racetrack circuit ( 1 hr . 30 min ) .. 8 Cl) TMI IMO 0# MADAM Ttie only wltneu to a hijacking falls In IOve with Coy, but Is afraid to speak up and uve l! ~r: trom Boss Hogg's accusa11on1 • ~11awell To The Planet 01 The Apes" ( 1974, Sc1ence-Flcllon) Roddy McOowan. Aon Harper Wl1h ltle help ot Galen ttie chimp. ~ronauts Burke and Vlrdon build a glider to escape trom ttie Q2fllla_polloe (2 hrs ) • (II AUATAll ,Aa.Y flUD Richard Oawaon hOsts this competition between the stars ot several popular da~Uma and nlohttlme dramas. including "Dynasty," "Knots Landing." "General Hospital" and "Al~ildren " (1 hr) D "Shadow Of Fear" ( 1974. Mys· tery) Anjanette Comer, Jesoo Evets A woman whose past life was plagued with schizophrenia Is stalked by an unknown enenl~, 30m1n.) i P.& ~A prohle ol country· western star Charley Pride, an Eastern woman who became a Grand Canyon muleskinner. e ..,_ "The Marcus-Nelson Murders" (P1rt 2) ( 1973. Mystety) Telly Savalas. Marjoe Gof1ner When a black ghetto teen-aget 1s pinned IOI two bizarre mur- defs he didn't comffill, a police detective tries to find the real murderer ( 1 hr . 30 min) @IDIDUG "An1mauon State 01 Ar1" a lool< Into ttie h1Slory ot commercial anlma· 11on oJ the U S spanning the golden ages thfouah current renaissance Claude Akins stars as a deadly killer in "Shadow of Fear," the million dollar movie ot 8 p .m. on KHJ, Channe l 9. • G:"M!TC* wmt • .V.W ct) "The Great Train Robbery" ( 1979. Adventure) Sean Connery Don· aid Sutherland Two expert turn-ol-the- century con artists a11empt 10 pull off the seemingly lfllpossrble robbery of a locked safe aboard a lasl·mowig locomotive 'PG' (1hr,51 min) (() WGITIC8l'llJI (II) OM LOCATIOll "Catch A R1s1ng Star's 10th Annlvetsary" ( t hr , 30 min I CJ.) llOWll "House Calla" ( 1878. Come dy) Welter t.Aatlhau, Glenda .Jactleon A widowed doclOI halt• his Caunov• tend- enclet I~ enough to tall fOf a dlvoreee whO doHn t believe In Philandering 'PG' i hr .. 30 mln) MOVll "Eyow1tnns" (1981, MYtterv ourney w eaver, w111111m Hurl. A teievf. lion reporter becomes Involved with • jan- itor whO may know more about a rnurder that h8 wit~ than he la saying 'A' ( I hf . 43 mill) .. al) AU.• TMI PAa. Y .. i MAWAI fWl.f IOYOUftm YOUQOT.,.... m1HO'tllf't l9IW ,..t'*6,.,._..imo Ar1hur Rubinstein IS ttie SOIOltt tor the orcheStre de Paris conducted by Paul Kteckl In this performance ot Beethoven'• "Emperor " (1 hr.) • WAU.ITMIT-"Let's Stee4 Away" Queal. Charles Bradford, vice Pfealdent. Me1~i=· Pierce, Fenner & Smith. ID ,.._ "Phoenu1 House A New Ute For Addicts" Jrm Cooper takes a look at thla drug rehabllltallon center In Santa Ana llll GZI .,_ "The Ste111e Cuckoo" (1969. Ofama) Uia M1nnelll. Wendell Burton A lonely, mlxed·up college cCHld tries to manipulate a naive. sensmve freshman Into a romantic allak (2 hrs . 15 min) M (?)awut~C*TMI ... - .. G Cl) DAUM J A trl85 to posh his mothet and Bobby rnto opening Jock'1 will, end Lucy's depression prompts Pam to tell Bobby about his niece's condition ~ ~ .... ftUlln'LNO'YCCIUM • 9 ..,_ "For Lovers Only" (Prem- lete, Romance} Deborah Aattln. Gary Sandy Three couples In search ol the "perfect" honeymoon visit 1 sensual r8SOft dedicated 10 1ne fulfillment of romantic tantaSfeS (2 hrs ) .18¥ ..... • IOOY • UITtOlt "Naming Of Paris" Or Jonathan Miiier argues that our igno- rance of baSic physlology leads to unusual a111tu<leS about our own insides (A) c:;i (1 hr l .~~~1 '1 0 ~ /~{? '·~cM,t/r1'1/IYl·(/l'K~I ~v~~ Use Answer At/ service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad ... we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is onlv $5 .00 week. For more information and to place your ad call 642-5678 . c@0 ~ Crc:trin· )L'wd crs. Inc. "IO;:;~~::::.r,r -t:> _:>, ' , ,"'!":' (L ; /" ~;w/li ..... <f ry,nA'l'I' _/t1 J t;ll' J IYl'IY'f Classic Jewelry for Today's Classic Fashions Diamonds • Pearls • Gemstones COMPLETE JEWELRY SERVICES Custom Desogn1ng Remounting • Aepa111ng Manutactur1ng Friday, October 15, 1982 15 -lalurcl Oil _,. Tiii 19\. The latest develop- ments in the NFL atttke are examined ( t hi) 1tll I Cl) ,., ...-T ilMD Ml Oii ALL-cTMI Htgh school athletes and top celeb<itles compete IOf fabulous prizes at the Grand Prix All-Star 1 Center in CahfOfnill 9 ' •CMUlmlTAM) llAllC Oii OI. ,.,.. _,_YUM .,.. "The Brothers Karamazov" ( 1958, Orama) Maria Schetl, Yul Brynner l2 hrs .. 30 min.) . (Q) _,.. "Follow The Fleet" ( 1936. MUSK:al) Fred Asta11e. Ginger Rogers (2 hrs l (%) .,.. "First Monday In October" ( 1981. Comedy) Walter Matthau. Jill Clayburgh ( 1 hr , 40 min ) ,,,..,. Ricky Schroder a nd Joel H iggins star in uBoys Will Be Boys," a t 8 :30 p.m . on 0 Silver Spoons," KNBC, Cha nnel 4 . aemlflnala matches from Italy. (A) (2 hre , 30mlnJ.. ~:,. "The Tunnel Of Love" ( 1958, Comedy) Dorla Dey, R.lchard Wldmorll. 11 hr ... 0 min.) g Mum.I "'DITl"'IC~ ... TM .. Wh«\ the pdlce refute to believe hll 1tory about • bend of thlevft, • young boy pla~ detective 10 lloP themy hr ) -,~---., .... OUml&mTI .,.. "The Bount Men" ( 1972, · Mtern) Clint Wallcer, ~loherd BallMrt !ht . 30min) ... "The Oloty GU)'I" ( 1866. ettern) Tom Tryon, H•rvt Preenell (2 . ,~·"-a,. Guett: Gordon O.YICllOn 'I C•M--_,_ ... ''The Clncltlnefl Kid" (1"6, llml) SIM Mc0ueen. EdWetd Q Aot>-ioton .. ( 1 hr .• 45 min ) CD) .. "Cloud o.ncer" (IMO. Advsn- 1\n) ~ C.rYedlne. JennH.r O'Nelll, ( 1 "'·· .. min) .... ,.. ROie BOWi 8toiy" (1162. liMtrtNll ""°'"'*"• Vera Mlllt. .. --Ml lllfll llDn: ..... Of Alt' • ~of ODrlVl•cMI ..... .... ............. ... • • I ''\ " ' I ~ i . r , -"~ ' I I and Richard Moonz star In Leme1 and Loewe's claSSIC Broadway mvslcal taped al lhe Winier Garden Theatre in New YOfk (2 hrs . 30 min ) g .,_ "Hear1beeps" ( 1981. Come- dy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Pet9fs i ht . A5mln) 1::11 .n'OllWlll IJ.Ul11IATID .. <* CA9UI "Graduate School Ot The World •• Claremont' e .,_ "The Woodars Of Aladdin" ( 1961, Comedy) Donald O'Connor . Noelle Adam (2 hrs ) ~ :=. ... llLIDIT * .,_ "Della•" { 1950, Western) Gary Cooper, Ruth Roma~) @ ... ntOVlll'I ..._ "COllCD,_...,TMO Arthur Rubinstein Is the lololst IOf the Ofcheltre de Paris conducted by Paul Klecl<I 1n thts perlom1ance of Beethoven's "Empefor." (1 hr.) • IC -dCIM I tlmm llTO ... (Premiere) Wiiiiam Goldmen dl9CvSses his work and shows film chps from "Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid" and "AH The President's Men .. • .UT wca.11 ... tBOll The gieatest baseball player& of all times. trom Rulh to Rose. are prof tied ..... ""9 ([)m¥11 "Cholces" (1981,Drama) Paul Carofatn. VictOf French ( 1 hr • 30 min ) (%) m¥il "The Sjnhdey Party" { 1968. Drama) RObert Shaw, Patric!< Megee (2 .. hr·~ a:a ~nmu.u. ATT199CMll •11MCM•-lll .... .-AOPIOOU a..-..T _ ... .. "The Club" ( 1980. Drema) ack Thompson. Graham Kennedy. (1 ·1"'·Eiu:-llOAD "9-• .,-w. .. "The Tlaet'I Clow" (, AdYen-tutei.~o. (2llfl.) ~ ........ .... "High Vetoolty" (10n, Mwrr tlKa!een Gai.w1. 8'111 Ekllnd (2 '::/.. 9 ...... UM Anlna~ Of Napoleon and hie tlllng lame In Petta. i lrt IS) (1 IY.) MNU,¥.U.t .. "~Wilt\ A Oun" (1Cle9 • 11tem) OleM Ford. C.tOlyn Jonta. (2 ltn . ..,_,_A_.. .. "The MlrtOr C<11clt'CI" ( 1980, ytttfY) Bubtth T•ytot. Kim Ncmk. (1 ~ ~ "Meo'• 1n1emetlonll ~mpbl8Np 8emltlnalt" .)eny HlltChaf e~) The A19t·· (1931. ) fred Attllrt. ~ Aogef1. ( 1 - aon*I.> ..,,.. p _..., .. -''hHthaertt On tt-111, ~) Aly Middleton. L.UOllll "" -au.t tenatorill Cand- -lalurcl ) .. ,Cl..-nlft•a.oml' ...,...,. J"M -• TMI MUI I "S!Jf* Bowl I Country Music" Thia unique country muele tntlvel toatur .. Jerry LN Lewl9, Ronnie Milsap. Carl Petklnt. The Kendall• and Helen Come11us ( 1 hr , 30 min.) " ll0¥9 "Come Have Cottee With Us'' -~.,....,. 1972, Comedy) Ugo Tognaui, Valen t ne Jjyhr . 45 mln ) tNAIOUT -,~POl-MOWll "SOio" ( 1978. Drema) Vincent , Perry Armstrong (:> hrs ) •al)YMATGR. .. (B)-IOUTICI Henry ronda end Myrna Loy s1ar as o married couple who reflect on their 50 i,ears together .. CAPTAll l'llGWIOO ••iwm .....C:AlfAMI ,_TALI _Oii ...... .. mr\191 QOOODAYU IA1\llllDAY ..-a GIWIYm MOVll "Road Garnes" ( 198 I, Mys- tery) Stacy Keach, Jamie Lee Curlis ( 1 hr. 40 mtn) (() Mw. aioRT A sc:ient1hc e11pl0tatlon ol athlellc petl0tmance wtliCh can aid alh : letes In lmprOYi~helr ~ome ; ...,...,_ BHICi* .. Ct¥UIATIOll ..... • MAM 1WAll THUm "The Buried Treasure" Tom Sawyet and Hucklebefry Ann go In search ol buried treaSYre along the Mississippi ( 1 hr , 10 min ) 1:11 nlAT'ICAT PMiiiiiiiM GflOlllGYIMI voca•~n. YOYMI DAftl NC GIOUA1" IT'UOUll • 11 •11 ll..-TM'f ... ... Ill ICMOOl. Tips IOI beller skiing Fll=~on, Vt) (A) M DUln"I I-IOI• e nt1.urr1T•~ ... --.. a::s1 " nouLIGa DAftl NC GIOUA1" DOCTOll WHO LAlllTa.o NITP81oet YOU POlt MIA&.1" WCT ~ Uve coverage ol the Fall Finals sem1f1nals matches trom Italy (3 hrs) (B) llOY11 "Bear Island" ( t 980. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Vanessa RedQfave ( I hr 43 mtn ) (0) llOWll "Cloud Dencer" ( 1980. Adven- ture) David Carradme Jenmler O'Neill (I h<., 48 min) 0 Tiii UT1U DOIClM When lhe pollOe refuse 10 betleYe htS story aboUt a band ot thieves. a young bOy play11 detective 10 st~lhem {I hr) (%) m¥1! "Strange Behevl()(" (1981, Suspense) Michael Murphy, Louise Fletcher ( 1 hr 35 min) ml:'. "Custer 01 The Wesr· (1968. Western) Robert Shaw, Mery Ure (3 hrs) Telly Savalas is still solving crime myste rit-s on 44Kojuk" seen . aturday& at :J p.m. on KHJ, Channel 9. 1:111 l'flYUTa a TWUTY I DAffl & .UOY ti) 1MI ..-r TAI.II .-..-u <II PAC-llAll / um.I RAICAU I flQIE I-a.~: ...... ....... llO¥ll "Carohna Moorr" ( 1940 We'>I l~"~:J IAnlmAY...-0~ MmlCM ITOllY llO¥ll "La Strada" ( 1954 . l)ramo) AnthOny Ou1nn. G1u11e11a Masina I I hr 50mln) (S) llO¥ll "Looker' ( 198 t, Scienct-F IC 11on) Albert Finney. James Cot>urn ( t hr. 34 mtn) 0 llOVIE "Thret> Warriors' (1977 Ol.i ma) Randy Quaid Cttarle'> White Eagle (_1 hr . 49 mtn I a:l m¥I! 'fury In Paradise' ( t955. Ol.i .. ,;::~;~=--::.:.-" WU.11U WOii.Ji '11 ~ T111wm•u••LL M llO¥ll "The (ducallOO 0 1 Sonny Cd• son" ( 1974. Biography) Rony Clanton Don Gofdon ( 1 hr . 44 mm ) .. , WVI IT TO llAVlll 9 .,_,_,, /LAWW..&..uY · tilllTALI TMI tWIDY IOYI I llMCV DMW lf'ft- ~~-; iiCJT"MIK'• Peer pressurt' is lhe crux ot 11'111 11ory eboUt • rt.n·eoer'• problerm .. with(:~~ I 1'MI ...,COi m&N IMOW NC*-T WU.11UWUT IMMPIA,,_ "Swilly" Tom reluctnnl· ly 1<>1n11n tho c;ernp race and learns about ~·~c:o~,. and teamwork CID llO¥ll "The Privaltt Eyn" ( 1980. Comedy) Oo<t Knotts, Tim Conway ( 1 hr .31mtn) <OJ lllCMI "Two Weeks In Anolher Town" ( 1962, Orama) K11k Douglas, Edward 0 Roblnsoo~~ -a<&'WOllJI..:. Game 4, from the city of the AL charnpk>n (II the AL chem pion 1s the Calltorflla Angels, the starting time wlll be 4·00 ( T.) (3hrs.) l lMAllAllA Im ICooeY a ICMWY D00 / PUfll'Y 0 MOVll "The Buccaneer" ( 1988, Adventure) Yul Brynner, Charlton Heston l~~DOUMMNt IOelC>ml Tiii OU)~ Bob Vila lakes viewers on a tour of a 191h·century Greek Revl\lal farmhouse whteh will be transformed Into an "idea house for lhe 80s " I!> IUCnoM '11 (C)llCME "The Great Bank Hoa11" ( 1979, Mystery) Ned Beally. ~iehard Basehar1 ( t hr . 27 min) CEJ ~ lf'ORT A scienllliC e11plorallon of athletic performance which can aid alh· leles ~roving 1he11 game ($) "The Club" ( 1980. [)Jama) Jack Thorrtpson. Graham Kennedy (I hr . 39 mm ) 0 llO¥ll 'The Wilderness Family. Par1 2" ( t978. Adventure) Robert Logan. Susan Damante Shaw ( t tu 45 mm) a:l .oft 'The longest Hunt" ( 1968, wes1em) Brian Kelly Keenan Wynn (2 hrs) ,.. (1l) ilOYI! "Hercules Against The Barbart- ans" ( 1960. Adventure) Mark F0tres1, Jose Gree• (2 hrs ) -1 Cl) mATULll a IPAHTT1 IHAMAllA · .oft "The Bandits" ( 1979, West ern) Rober I Conrad. Jan-Michael Vincent U hr. 30 min) m nt1 LHIMD Of DIG AR'11UI To quell Jealousy among his knights, Arthur con· ce•ve5 the Round Table. he marrleS Guinevere. and M0tgan steals Arthur's !>WOid (Part 2 of 8) fZl) nul>AY COOK.a wmt MCGWI ... (Premiere) "Souttle Of Lelluce" Mast8f Frenc.h chef Jacques Pepin demonstrates !.eparatmg and beating eggs. and d1!.Cusses varlO\JS kitchen equipment (E} Cfl fOOTIALL Cdmonton Eskimos al Mootreat Conc0tdeS (3 hr!. ) Cl > 1M1 _,,,,., Of .VAMIZ Animated The greedy J B Trumphom crash-lands on the ISiand of Nevawuz and 1rtet1 10 mOOetntie 11 !Of h1S own petson&I 031n (I hr) tttl I OllWOllJI .-cA'ITOPl81 Ill WllUMD ftCW. ''MISS Swtteh To The Rescue" A mysterious grit sends two youngsl8fs on a fantastic journey to the t7th century. (Part 2) (Al O I PONYI l OLM ICM. TllMI lllCMI "PlllsWlg~· ( 1942, Orama) JoM ~· Marlene Dietrich (2 hrs ) ID AVI COODA'Y Ci) GflORIQ YIMI Friday, October 15, 1982 17 -lalurclay Cont. CZ) llOWll "Flftt Monday In OctObe<" ( 1981, Comedy) Waher Matthau, Jill Claytiutgh. A liberal SUpn1me Court Jus- tice ciasties with the newesl member of the nation'• l'llgtlest court. an ultra-con- MNetlYe woman juflst 'R' (2 hrl.) e llOWll "The Royal African Rlflea" ( 1954. Adventure) Louts Hayward, V•onlea Hurst In the early 19008. e Bri1· llh olfic. In Atrb Is eulgned to recover 1 llden ~ (2 tV'8) ,.,=, I M 09 LA Featured: clothing that dOOblea u art; a PfOflla of Yves Montend; la lf,a;:i=~en a • .....,... M c:.R • IOll A king and his eon Mt out to r9C8Ptur• the crown ot the undar~OUnd kingdom of Bogg. ... Cl) WALT_., ··~r•ky Friday" The world It turned ~ for a mother =ra Hanle) end her taen-ege ter (Jodie Fo91er) Who maglc:ally twitch bodlel one fateful day (Part 2) (1 hr.) • •• WWWWI.,..... Arnold offert to help hie bahflA buddy Dudley win the attectu:;~ lady. Q • ~TJ. _...Romeno'• fellow police ==.. Qrltlctz. him f()( not taking the chance to lhOot a c:op-ldMlng )lNenlle. ( 1 hr,) • ... "Bkx>d From The Mummy'• romb" (1972. Hor::=.:,ew Kalt, V*18 t..on. When an l9n queen It !JnCCMftd In en ar dig. her MYertd tWtnd ~!ti 10 membln of lht-== = 1UILl_i1119_ "Jecklt " Hott: Ken Howard. .. "~Town" (1947, COtM- Jtmae Si.wan. J9ne Wyman. A tmall. peeceflJI town undergoee a ~ tor the worM •'*~~•an 10 other towns. 2 twt.) ·~ ''J1*. ml ...,,._ 8tewtt1. AlcNr WJ6. matte. Dhct«I by Jotin Ford. The cnmet-· lo a.odUI of cnayenne ~ extendl from en Oldahome r....-wtlon to their rrr-=:. ;Q ~J;l proftle of a.. with oowregt ol hit...,.~ 08ft et Cemeg6t ~ lnC*.d!lO --greett •Tony a.nnett, George &eneon. 8at9h endJoe~ (2twt.) .... .,,. Ancient Meltneta" ~-· f'ICOnlMrUOt "" .... °""*" ol ~ ~ ..... of..,.,,. ...... fl'om mr.. .. -. IN! ... In ""~"*" ttlOUMndl ~-N '1 W·\ A tllm ebout : c:.;;; "* ....... "" .... .,.... In "" ~ end "" ...... end ,....,,.... 90f088 wfiOh hlM preolpt-r. ... "OfdlrW'Y ,__.,. (1llO, er.. N) ~~ DafWcl ...... IMd. A ~..,..,.IO~ ........ ..-.... ..:.:=: ........... .....,.., .. •••• ca ...... ,...., Island end e11perltnce the pangs or llr•t tove. 'A' (1 hr .. •5 min) cm MOY11 "Body Heat" (1981, Suspense) Wl"lem Hurt, Kathleen Turner A smaUtime Fl<xlda tawyei Is persuaded by hts lover to murdef her husband 'R' ( 1 h,,55mln) ()) ,._ TAU 1111A1M "Aumpelst~tl­ kln" Herve VtUechalze 11en as a strange NUle man Who helps e mlllef's daugh18f llQlr\ 11rew Into gold ( 1 Iv ) g.owll "Private leseons" ( 1980, Com· edy) Sytvle Kristel. Howard t-lessemen A wealthy man assigns his aeductlYe house- keeper the job of providing his 15-year-old &on wt1h hiS llrst eexual experience 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30mln ) .. al.I ... .. U • &• WOOl9 Ricky IS convinced that his lather dotln'I IOve him because he ™'' punished ! ,_M)Oll'fll.T llCMI "The Searle! Pimpeintl" 935, Adventure) Leslie Howard, M8'1a befon. In dlsgulte" e gentleman ol the English Court. an underground hefo r• cues noblemen from the guillotine during • the Franch AtYo4utlon ( t fit . 30 min ) .. • CJ) m.. "Hotline" (Prtrni9re, ~) Lynda Certar, StlMI F«r•t. A 1truggllng 811'-1'• enthotlatm for her ~ Jot> answerlng phonet at a crilll center turns to te<ror When the 18 threatened by a ll!)'C;hotlc ca.lief. =) U e -A S.m ecqulrea en lmeQINrv friend lht '"' of the family want• to get t1d o4 l .,__,nm_ 9 LOfl llQAT Stubing meets an o6d IChoOI chufn at the lhlp't coatume party, 1 coopla dlaaorM about their Mure. and ~.~~a frlck on htt beautiful friend ~~ • llflmlY (Seaaon PremMM't) "SW. <-.y Todd" Fl'9ddlt "°'* llatt U lht leg-tndaf! Vlclorlen "demon barbtf of RMI 8tr .. t ' wt'°'8 clentt myttertoulfy dllaP- r. Q~ min.) c::K" EdtnOnton &klm08 al ,,.., Conoordat (R) (2 tn . 30 •>llMIZ "Cennonbd Aun" (1981, ~) Burt Rtynoldl. Oom o.wea. VarloUI oddbd ohatlOI.,. compete In a COMHC>-coeal auto rec.. 'PG' (1 ht., 35 ~"'9 "Tattoo" (tMt, Drllf'llll) Bna ~ Maud Adame. Alt Oll11111 d lattoo 8'111t kldn9pt • flltNot\ model and pro- OMda to COY8f •• body wtttt hit hanel- t. 'R' (t hf., 45 min) .. "Str•noe ~· (191t, ) MlohMI MurphV, LoulN FltlCher. A Poilloe offlo« lrwttttoaM • Mrlel of bNlll murdn In • 9lnll Wld- D OOllGt town. 'A' ( 1 ht., 36 mt\,) .. ''1-'ld Of .~· (1 ... ) Mercedee ~ ....,.. lcNI'. A tuo'td ..,_ oorwtotl lmpf1ts onecS on tht ooeec ot '°""' Mtoa try to CGP9~ .... ~--· e bi ..... (1 tW ...... , -.. ·-n.e ONln ....... ct• = Jotw\ WIYN! a.wt ~ A .,..."""*" ............... "' •I llll'llllJ W'liltlii,_ toY. lronf 9lwe Wiit I llilld --•·•••• Cltn.l -,"_...,.,..,.. .. ti111 '1 ........ .. ,,. ........... .... ..... ....... -~ ................... ..... <*er wtlo II stalking her oondOmlnlum com.1:9~ hr.) I 'rt' PAllfUY aM9 (Seaton Pr..,,_. iere) A new e11ecut1Ye flndl she mutt Uk her teefet8'Y to endure the Mme lndlgN- lles she once tuft•ecl. and a men tr• to lree himself ol a dreem In wtlich he mut • ~ hll wtfa D 11 hr.) G K llOCllY LOI Angetes Klnga W. NewYorit ~ (3hrl.) (!} llCMI "The OmegaM" ( 1968, suspense) Keith Laiwn. Ingrid Pin. 1n the Malayan Jungle, a c:elebfated artll1 plots revenge against his wife and her lcMlf. (2 '"'~ 1-~ "' -Six FUiien artllt• and P9ff~ In exla. lncadng MtkhaU Baryshnikov, \l1edmlr ~. Joseph Bfodll(y, Vlc1or Korchnol. Michell Chemelldn and Ernst Neizve91ny, ~ their feelings toward art treedom, A~ can and Rtmla.. ( 1 hr.) • ... "8flgad0on" ( 1~. Ml= ~ Kely. Cyd CharllN. Two stumble upon 8f1gedoon. a Yll9Qe In the Seottllh hlglll8ndl. wNctl comae to llfe tor a tlngle day .....y 100 yeera. (2 hrl.) CID llOWll "Endlela Lcwe" l=i Romance) BfOOk• Shleldl. Martin A 17-year-old'a obaetalY8 loW for hit 1&- year-old glfltrlend IMdl to petentll con- lllota and tragedy. 'A' (I hr .. 66 min.) CD>~-,_. ~ Chase. Loraine Ntwmen. I 1 hr.) .. CC> ... ·'n-. Gresl Bank Hou" (1979, a.fysl.,Y) Ned Beatty, Richard 8aMhatt. Thf• dllgtuntled be!'* ~ dedde to j)9I the r6ohe9 they fell tt.y're enttteed to "!f "Una a robbery ol 1'*' own benlt. ·PQ···2~) -1 OCJ•ED•••mll'lllM.M ... "Scavenger Hunt" Pfo. ,..,, ~· llMU8I ..,... ,.qui, • Ing atudenll 10 !Ind.,...,.. to tOO llgll queetlonl In thrtt myt II altAICkfd by • 1~==0----;•·---,.. m -ln.A ve. w ... r.on , .... (2 tn,, 30 min,) .. ''Command ~ .. (1 ..... l!'N) Oltk Gable, John Hodlafc. UM are l9CI ltloed In a ltrateQlo move to Oomb IN air'*"8 ~ ol ~. (2 In., !:_~·----" 973. .~>:.::.:.. ~ ~ for two btaWN ,,_,,.,. ~ •• °°"'""·. ~ ---.,.. to !Ind ... flt~-·:r.tJ. .. A pr-. ol ~ ... W\ocw111olNIM~ 08ft .. OIJMOlt Hll~ --= e=== ·-=:-:::.. ~"~ """ .............. • "IOlllll9_. .... Rmldllllll .... ........... , ·-a=-:rn~ -,..,.. Jl!l!le ~.:; •t:t5 Qt ...... Ill' .... =a.::~ -latmclay Cont. --11.1l·venlng IC ';J;i'l'e;rH& aro ox11rn1neo ( I hr ) ~ l'Olt A RWOM .~08t Bank HOllX' ( 1979 My••ery) NOO 04ta11y Richard Basehar1 lhr. 27 min) 41:9 tm1W1 POOTUU llDO«T ...... ~ .. UIDDI .UYIOC* 'IZ twPY DAYI 4GAIM ... WOMJ> Oii IPORT1 Scheduto\J covor11ge ot 1ho l 11seb10 Pedroza I Bor nerd Tnylor WBA World feotherwetghl Ch8mp1om.111µ bOul (from Chartotlo N C ) 1 ' hr • 30 11w1 I Cl) 11•A l"H (I) llL MOCKn Mon1rea1 Ct1n.1d111ns v& I NeMt:.k nongers (3 hrs) IOUDOOLD A~ TO COUNT 1Am A ptoflle ul Counr Basie wrth coverage ol hrs ltva con cer1 al Carneo1e Hall 1nctud1ng such ureo1s as Tony Bennet!. G11<.>rge Benson Sarah Vou~nd Joo Wllllarr111 (<'hrs) I!) WNGHrl IHOW "Roy Be Nimble, Roy Be Ouock How 10 1u1n a dead 1ree 1n10 a candle s1a111J 1urn1r1u tops on •l ~1ng pole lathe, carvrng c;abnole legs VllllOMOOX lllOVlf "Inside Move!." ( 1980. Orama) John Savage O;iv1<1 Morse (I hr 53 rn1n J (%) llOVll "Savaye Hnrvost" ( 1960. Adventure) Tom Ske11111. Michelle Phrlltpi. l h1 25m1n) ft)(OVlllOMI .. NCAA l'OOlWALL Oreyon Slltlt! Be.ivers vs Wastllnglon HuSkKIS (J hrs J 1:111 IA Wllll It IWWW ... LAW. I --.n a CGllPA#Y ': WOM.11 Oii IPORT1 Schedut&O coverage of lhe Cvsebio Pedroza I Ber nard Taylor WBA W01ld Featherweighl Charnp1onsh1p l)olJI (lroni Charlolle N C I ( I hr • 30 min I flD f'l..QMIAQE TO llECCA Thrs trim docu men1s the ptlgrrms' 1ovrney and lhe cere monlel of the H1fl, the gathering of lhe , Moelem t11thlul In Mecca In late S.pt1111 bof. r1v1 ting run and 11tualt which no noo-MOllem fa altowed 10 tee In petlOn ! ..... '°°' .... ,. IO-live cov.rage of the Clint ockeon (Tenn) I Robbie Slmmt (N V.J tO round jvnief-mlddlewelght bout •nd lhe Howord Dav11 Jf. (ro(Y ) I Cocoo Sanchez (Dom. Rep.) 10-round tight weight bOOt from the Gold•n Nugget In Atlantic City. N J (2 hre. 30 min ) CID llOVll "The Prlv3te Eyes" ( 1980, Comedy) Oon Knous. Tim Coowoy ( 1 hr, 3t min) lmlT'IM,Al&Y Cl).,. "Looker" ( 1961, Science FIG lion) Albert Finney. James Coburn ( t hr , 34 min.) fiD TM1 NOTICTOM ·1w~ ... i;,:t.~ Tunnel •• ~aiders From 0ul9f Space" (, Sclence-Flc1lon) Jame' Darren. Lee Merrwelher The U S Army secrelly builds a 11"'16 machine under ground and sends 8 man bnck 111 trme (2 hrs) I IUTOll...., Rew. nml'I COWNIY llOVll "Hawmpsl" ( 1976. Comedy} James Hamp1on. Chrlslopher Connelly. A group of US Cavalrymen try 10 adjust 10 ndlng camels rnstead or horses 1n the untamed. lawless Texas or lhe 1600s (2 hrs.) fl) WLD AIEICA (Premiere) "Watching W•ldllte" Naturallsl Marty S1ouH1t1 tells where. when and how 10 took '°' Amert ca's wild animals rn lheor natural surround ~n s WOflL.D Oii IOOll I ) llO¥ll "Road Games" (1981. Mys· 1ery) S1acy Keach. Jaml8 Lee Curlts An eccen111c lrucker, a beauutul hitchhiker and a psychopathoc killer travellng the same route play gJmes ol hie and death 'PG' 11 hr . 40 min) (O)llOVll "Two Week11 In Another Town" (f9&2. ()rnm11) Kirk Oovglu. Edward G Robinson A m1~v1ded actor finda happl netS 1n 11n 111111~r.in1 pioouco1'1 Job (2 hra) lllMoN "Inside Mov111" ( 1960. Ornmn) JOiin S11vugu. Dovld Mor"4t A newcomer 10 thfll group of rt111ulara al on Oakland oor may hOld 1h kny 10 111ek1ng Iha t>a11en der 11 dream ol bo<;omu~ o pro bHkalball p_l_11y11t a r= 'PG' (I hr • b3 min I QB AlJAI AND M>IRI .. I uJP.-:. AIJCI WHY• TMI WOflL.D • mM PMYlrWI Neal Gabler end Jet Irey Lyons review "I, rhe Jury" end "Loo1<1ng To Get Ou1" MIQWUl~OMTMIAL.MICM ,. • llAllCM ""-NHT IAC« 7 OM LOCATIOel f eatured an ettrobte WOlkOUI With thtt nangers hockey teum, 11 husband and writ! tatloo team. a d<>11 thal'a e marathon 1u11t1er Cl) MC& Nl>DIOM CONFIDIJmAL D 11tl tWIDY IOYI I IWICY DMW .... ,... I IO YOU 1-YOU GOT TRCM&ll ...,... wmt LAWMlllCI WllJ( WMEJI I 1-Oii flUltlA Six Russian 11111s1s and pertormera In e11lle. 1nclud1ng M1kha11 Baryshnikov Vlad1m1r Asttkenazy Jot.eph Br od!illy. Victor KorchnOI, Mrkhall Chema1k1n and Ern&1 Ne1zves1ny, drscu&S 1he11 leeltngs toward an, freedom, Amert can and RuSSla ~ I CAl.RlllAC IMOIW ~ 1141....,.. AU. CMATUMI QMAT ~ lllALL l THI CCWXIOMI • COllCDT ·'Easy ' 'Three rimes A lady 8nd "Wonder land are among lhe hrls µerlouned on con~ The Commodores (I,) "The Gumtmll ·Rally" ( 1976, Comedy) Michael Sart8l•n. frm Mclntrre A gumball machine is lhe yrand ptrte rn a New York 10-Los Angeles car race which brrngs all sorlr. of zany c.harac1ers onro lhe na1ton's hoghways and back roads. PG 11 hr 4 7 min I COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS 1t1101Jw,. reaso11 why ... ilJ the Air National Guard the sk y isn 't thr limit \l c• 're• lookinl( for 1u-nplt> who wa nt to !>pt•c:inlbw in t•ommunicutionl'I elPc tronit.'8 or who how Ill""' iou-. militar) t•x p .. rit>ncf' in thi& ra pidly t'l(pondin~ fit'ld. Aro. an 1\ ir Guurd t••lt>f'ommunication& orwrationi. .. ,, •. c.·iuli i;t , C'ommunicalioni; s y"tems. c-ontrol or maintenance speciali11t, wide band t•111nmun icat ion;-, t-quipmenl specialist; you'll lt•uru to in'-lull. rt'pair a nd maintenanc(· wide· hand f'ommu ni ea tion & 'Yb lt'rn'>; li•lerommuni<'alions t•qui1lnwnt or to monitor unJ onul ) ., •• lt>lt>romrnuuiC'ation& &y!lem &. You'll rN·~ivt• Kood pny • .-xccll.-nt training, a rf'tirt•mt•nt plan, low-coi;I li(e insurance and much more. All thi" for )Our pur1-1imt• work in the• Air Guard. If you'r e rt'ud y to l1•1un an importunl &kill, earn an exct•llt•n t 1n 1rt-linw income, and help proteocl your country, .,tah• und home town, call your local Air 'ulionul Guard R ecruiter tod&) ~S~t Gehrin~ ot ( 7 14 ) 979-7:16:1 Mon thru f'riday ftA~ 1il 4 rM. 2651 N(>wport Bh·d ., Co!i ta )1t•.,u . r:Jll1-1 NATIONAL GUARD The Guad belongs. We Guard America's Skies Friday, October 15, 1982 ·19 llomlng ___ _ -;mTWACI M. PAUL Y<*GGI CHO .. CMfOOMI .,_ "The M'""' Crack d' ( 1980. Mystery) Ehl&belh T dylGr Kim Novak 11 tv , 46mln) .. (%) _,.. "The Educ.ahon 01 Sonny Car 90n" ( 1974) Rony Clanton Don GOldon 'R' (1hr.46M' •8 ,_OUll "rrom B+11rut A Reltg IOUS Repo<l" Ma!O' Lebdn~ rehgt00s leaders discuss lhe Chm111an presence 1n =[ES-.... 1"1 ~ "°"° CM9U1 ~ tW"'°"1 OM llml- "Heallh Abuses" Guesls Roberl Mendelsohn. M 0 . comedian Tom Orenen. L0<et1a Hollaway UDAY-YOUTM ,_ TMI lllWI "Can The ,_,_.....,.. Break Even" _,.. ... ... llOOll .-:u.,,.. u.u _,.. "The Sea Wolves" ( 1980, Adven1ure) Gregoiy Peck. Roger MOO!e 1l hr•.) .. al) llOWll "Jonathan u111ngston Seagull (1973, Fan1asy) VOICes ol James Fran- eltWI, Juliet Mills ( I hr . 65 min.) (I) llOWll "The Club" (1980, Orama) Jack Thompson. Graham Kenne(ly ( 1 hf., 39mln) -L01T••AC1 • ••• m ~ICIM.LD -YUM --..., ... RMOUf .. -,.. ...... ftllnCAT • LmUMICM.t ,, .... P..!..~ &W ''The Peace M<Mm1'11 In Utopt" Pltflt Sallna« talka with three prominent IN<*• ol fhe EuropMn peace I t In Bontl2ott Oefmany -~119MV WOODJWIDlf'ICmWJwt ....... '" .-C•• .. ''Blue Fire ~cty" (1978, Dr•· tNI) C.t~H11rllan, M11111< Holdtn ( 1 hr 31 min (j\ -OP lmAIUI A~led. fhe arttd1 J o Tr~n Clllllh•noa on the ~ of Ntvawuz and "'" to moder~ It IOI his own peraonal girl ( 1 ....... _ -·---~ ([) WcT ,_ "Fall Anals" Live cover· age ol the c:hemoionahlc> match from Naples. Italy (2 tvi . 30 min > 1:11 (fl) _,.. "Pal Joey'' ( 19S7. MUSlc81) Frank Sinatra. Rita Haywor!h. (2 hrs . 15 min.) .. a.w••••n: 1111ant1UN ...,..,.,_ •••llllMHm -LIT,_•aarr WnDOILWI Ull flUCI Wini IM,,_ ..,,,.-.&. ~ ILIC11IC Cf9111'f (9') ...... lid SM OUf: TMI lmCILTI M(1.I UP This sequel to the popular ~I ''Who Are The OeBotll And Where Old They Gel 19 Kids?" Updates the llOfy of the exlraordlnery lamlly which now Includes 20 physlcai!y,-Mncficapped ehtldten. (IV llOWI 'Toby And The Koala Bear" ( 1981. Fantasy) Rolf Hams (1 hf . 20 min) (I) HOU.YWOCIO HollYwo<>d reporter Biii Hsrrla present• up-cioee report• on the people and even11 which are mel<lng news In the produe11on and glamor capital of the movie lnduatrv. Cl)llOWI "Solo.r (1978. Orama) Vincent Gu.:;~~2 tvs) .. • OOY1mY "Ministry By TINPhone" ~uesta: Jerry Katz. director of "Ann Step,'' The Jewish TMf'I Conn.ctlon apon- IOfed by the Jewish Federation Council of Greeter Los Angelee: counMIOr Joenne Bruckner of Glendale: Rev. Ralph Tuck· man. minister ol tht Bur~nk· TolUca Lake Flfat Church of Rellgloua ~. PIOfllf -~­_,__ATCM.VMf ....... .-:IL,_. &IC1lllC 009Mn' fQ ...YOUlml ... "The Lllllt Oregone" (1981, Adventure) S.ly Boyden, Chtla Petlfeon, ll hf., 30 min.) .... "HNrtbMpe" (1981, Come- dy) Andy Kaufmen, O.nedett• Petera ... '~'~ .. E uu••Y111111 .. •. .... _,. .... 111-r~ --··Grtenlot" (1911 .~•) 0' ...... , AnM Aletwif, ( 1 ht , 6& I -· llll SIOOTIALL Allanta Falcons al Detro« Lions (Ten1atrve) (3 hrs) l llll• 110W1 "The Wondefs Of Aladdin" ( 1961. Comedy) Donald O'Connor Noelle Adam. (2 hrs ) I ~...,..'111MIMOM ~"'~ llOWI "Texas ACfOSS The A111e1" ( 1966, Western) Dean Martin. Alain Delon. ~ hrs ) 1----•llD ~----Correspondents Lon-da Wenheirnef and Cokie Roberts totn Paul Duke for an up-10-the·mlnute sum· ma~~~: actMhes I =:--POOTIAU. Arizona W11deats at Notre Oeme Fighting Irish (R) (3 hrs ) Cl) llOWI "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Cllnl Eastwood, Sondra Locke ( 1 hr .. '6 min.) • lilOWll "My Champion" ( 198 t , Or&· ma) VOl<o Shimada. Chris Mitchum ( 1 hr .. 45 mln.J.u. -1 ~ flOOTULl The regularly &Cheduled games may be pre-empted II the NFL owner I playe< dispute remains unre- aotved, wilh alternate programming e<:heduled on a week-lo-week basia. (2 hr1 .. 59 ~ 8 0 OIDIAM"°""TOO Gi.letta: gymou1 Kur1 Thomaa, IOul llngef T=grua. actor Jeff Conaway. A).,:,=. ...,, ..... ---.. ''5 " (1966. MUSICal) Praeley, Sh Faber.. (2 tn.) • WAU. ...-r "Lei' a Steel Aw&y" GU.tt. Charies Bradford. vie» pr~t. Mefrlll Lynch, Pierce. Fenner & Srnllh . I Cltl.Ylltf aw& tW .. "Dattu'' ( 1950. W11tem) Gary ~~g.hrj~aon Ptem- let•) "To S.W Them AN My O.ya" Fol· !Owing WOtld War I. a young Wtlahman folna lhe ataff ot en upper-<:tUtt pilvell achOOI rathtr than retl.lfn to the COii pita Of hie ntl ..... ~(Pett 1} CJ ( 1 fl(,) I ... 1111 ....a.,,..,. .. "lelendl In The Str .. m" ~· ama) ~~ C Scott, Clalre . =~Straoge ~· (1981, Michael Mtuphy, lOIJIM . I lw .. 3& min.) ... _ ...... _,., -laturclay Cont. tin Ptlelan. In t1'141 oaya 01 rhe Av.trauan frontltt, tht badly mltrre111~ lnmatH at a womtn'• P'ltofl tt•go n bloakout and aet up tM!f own aoclety In lhe Out~k ( t ht .. 60 mffl) tW I Tiil IO•CICOCJOa.llll NII • llAA U¥I Gltde 11odner repilses eomt of her "Saturday NIQht Live" char eotert In 1hl1 lllm record of her 1979 one· woman Broadway show. 0011 Novello 1ta11 H Father Guido Sarduccl ( 1 hr., 30 rnlnJ.c ... I= "Never Give An Inch" ( 197 t OrltNI) Henfy Fonda Paul Nownllttl An Oregon logging tomily <leVlse a way to ClellVef a large order on schedul4r when strlk8'8 sabotage the11 equipment (2 hrs , 15mln.) Cl) ..,.ecerra (0) MCMI "Run Rabbit Run" ( t975) Ant~Steel. Francoise Prevost ( 1 hr , 30mln. g "Body And Soul" ( 1981, Ora ma) Leon Isaac Kennedy, Jayno Kenne dy. A yoong black turns to pr1Zeftghtlng to raise the money he needs for medlcal school 'R' ( t hr . 45 min ) G MO¥ll ·"rhundenng Jets" ( 1958 Ola ma) Rex Reason, Dtck Foran A pilot who le unhappy as an instructor must prove himself wtleo a student panics white flying {?hrs) tw1• llllO'ftl "A Rellection Qt rear" (1973 Suspense) Robett Shaw, Sally Kellerman A man and his mistress are deeply aflect ed by the actions of the man's beau11fut but schlzophrenlC daughter (2 ht6 ) tW CC) MCMI "Confessions Of A Window Cleaner" ( 1974. Comedy) Robin Ask wllh. Anthony Booth A British yooth, who w0tk8 as a protessional window cleaner, spends his off.the-job hOUrs putting a sparkle Into the lives of the many womon he beds down 'R' ( t hr , 30 nun ) -(!) MO¥ll "Ctuc1ble Of TerrOI'" ( 1972 Horror) Mike Raven, Mary Maude A mad SCUIPIOI' uses the bodies ot hve women IOI his wax sculpt"'es (2 hrs) Cl) IODlll Cov8'age of the Clint Jackson (Tenn) I Robbie Simms (NY ) 10 round luni01-m1ddleWe1Qht bout and lhe Howard Devis Jr (NY) J Cocoa San- chez (Dom R4tp.) 10-round llgtliw.lght bout from the Golden NUOQet In At .. nllc City, NJ (R) (3 twt ) (JD CAim.OT Rlchatd Harri., Meg Botlet1 and Alchard Muenz 1t11r In Lerrwr and Loewe'• olatelc Broedwey mueloal taped at the Winter Garden Thootrt In Now York, (2 hre .. 30 min ) a.tm .,_ "Sergoant Oeadheed" ( 106&. C<>medy) Frankfo Avalon, Deborah WAI ley After a space trip, an olflcttt jtoperd lie& Doth hi• careef and love Ille with hla newly acquired peraoneUty ( 1 h1 , 65 mtn) 1&11(}J llO¥ll "Hot Times" ( t97•. Com.<1)') Henty COf)'. Bonnte Goodef A Mxually 1ne11pertenced h~IChool student au1tera the tea&lng ol a of cheerleaders but manages to fullm Is goals 111 1 New Year's Eve parly 'R' ( t hr . 30 min) (1)90¥9 "First Family" ( 19&0. Comedy) Gilda Redner, Bob Newharl The MMU&lly repressed daughter of the country's weirdest p1eatdentls1 fomlly complk:atea her lathe<'& attempt& to conduct the affairs of state 'R' ( 1 hr , 4• min ) mt8U.Olnt1U.. CZ) llO¥W "The Birthday Party" ( 1968. Drams) Robert Shaw, Patrick Magee Two suangera arrive at a British boarding house to 1ake one ot the residents to a speclal kind of blnhday pany (2 hrs . 5 W lrrun Jv...ATTMl..W IUTOl....,,RGAL "'8 I,_ OI .._. Six Russian arusts and per1ormer1 In eidle, Including Mikhail Baryshnikov. Vl&dlmtr Ashkenazy. Joseph Brodsky. Victor Korchnol, Mikhail Chemalkln and Ernst Nelzvestny, discuss their feelings toward an, freedom. Ameri· can and Russia ( t hr ) CID llO¥W "Asylum" ( 1972, Horroi) Pet8' Cushing, Rlehatd Todd A docior learns the btzatre and disturbing case histories of sevflfal patients while visiting 11n asylum {g_hrs.) (OJ 90¥9 "The Joy Of Footing Aroond" us~· (lhr .~mln) t1ll CC) "The Ctnclnnall l<ld' ( 1965. Orama) Steve McOueen. Edward G Rob- inson A young cardsharp lrles to beat lhe Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities kJna Of llud pOkor in 8 bottle lat pt..ilge !h1 .•&min) till .W. "The Ktnluciklan" ( 1956, dvtnturt) Bu11 lancaater. Diane Lynn A man and hit ton fight their wey acrON the Kentuc:ky Terrll01y Into Texas. (2 htil) m llCMI "lhtt Horoos Of Tetomark" (1965, Or,,mn) Kltk OouglnG, Richard He1111 A weter plMt Is aestroyed In WOffd War II to itave off Oerman developmenl of an atomic bomb (2 hta . •6 min ) m llO¥W "Inside Movet" ( 1980, Orama) JOhn Savago, David MOl&e A newcomer to the group of regulars at an Oakland blr may hold the key to making the t>arten· der'a dream 01 t>ecorn1nQ a pro basketball ~ye1 a re&lily 'PO' ( t fir . 53 min I b9 MC ... IOI IWILIY a THI WM.al In lhls coo- cert taped at the Santa Barbara Bowl. Bob Marley & The Wailers play uuch claS· sics as "I Shot The Sheriff," "Jammln" and the poollc "llmbebwle ( 1 hr) •B MDVII "The Affair" (1973, RomnncoJ Natalie Wood, Rober t Wagner A eenaJtMt rove song compose< crippled by poflo. lolls In love with a dlv0tced rnan who lenr'g,~Me ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 'Ml WID • IAlllAU 90¥9 "f'.'ear No fV1f" ( t980. Horror) efan Arngrtm, Kathleen Rowe McAllen An 18-year·old high schoo4 student delights 1n dee1ma11ng his hometown 'R' i hr. 40mln ) ..... ~ TO• A*OCllCID llCMI "The Sundowners" ( 1960. Ora· ma/ Debornh Kerr, Robert Mitchum Aus- tral an sheep drovers lace problems In their work and In lamlly 1elallonshlpa ( I hi) (8)90¥9 "HaHoween II" (1981, Horror) Jamie Lee Cu111s. Donald Pleasence A hOpelessly 1n~ne murderer continues his retgn ol teuOI 1n a small town 'A' ( t hr • JO mm) (Q) llOYll 'Body Heat" (1981. Suspense) WMliarn Hurt, Kathleen Turner. A srnall11me Florida lawyer IS persuaded by hts lover to muruer her husband 'R' ( 1 hr, 55m1n I I lc1rbor I~awn ·Mount Oli\'e ~ lcn 1or-ial Pari\ · Mo1·tua rv · ) lausoleu m.'-; • Bunal I n Any Cemetery -Shipment --Cremation Plans Available 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (GISier Ave. et Herbor Blvd.) Ph-540-5554" Friday, October 15, 1982 21 r -Sund CD ._ "The Gfeat Muppet Captf" i 1. Comedy) Chat1es Gtodin. Olene ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) llOlUWCM» Hollywood report., BIN preMf'lta up-elose report• on Iha people and events which are making news In the prodoctlon and glam<>f capital of the movie Industry. • ~ VGUIYULI. CSUF va. Irvine -Jl> ~ ALMJ Gues11· Hank Thompton, Moe Bandy. Klefan Kane ( 1 ~ .. (Z)mwll "The Education 01 Sonny Car· ton" ( 1974) Rony Clanton, Don Gordon .. 1 .R. ~..:inWI) =·....., let1911tf .... DMCe W0-1 API llA~ A documentary on this acclaimed ~al Bal· let prOducllon of "Maytfllng' with ex~pta from the performance at Covent Gart»n.~2 hrs.) ., ·= llt lllOIJC• .... " ""' ... ""allnwl 9fW Joe Namath __ ..,. ..... • Andrea Marcovicci is Cleopatra and Phineas Bogg series star Jon-Erik Hexum in "Cleo and the Babe" on tonight's episode of NBC's new series, "Voyagers!" on Channel 4 at 7. and pet Ol'angulan. • t>ar.-ltst9d fighter lllQne up IOI' one lalt, lucrallve ma let\. 'PG' (J ~J:s15 min.) ...... ..... CDJ L IOI EE:-' ... -·---.. "Bf""'• Sona" (1W71+Dt•ma) Jamee CUn. Billy 0.. w-.m.. WO foof· bd pleyttt lf'Mlll 1 rare frllndltllp untM cencer <*lmt one of thtm. (1 ht., 10 mini -! ·----Olopef(a la tr • to N9W Yortl City In the AOIW'~ after klallna "'**" ano JeffrtY .,. thet Bebe ~ '* beoof'1I • v.-. .!a. 1hr.) Mm --" .... ,... t ; • rOyll IOwt 9"9lr thtt lld to the ooronetlOr'I of 1 -....on queen: Ul'MIMI ~ the~ of~ ortti ... 9'1"8«· flri'dt ' t lw .. Cl> mwll "Strenge Behavior" ( 1981, ~) Michael Murphy, Louise Fletcher A police otf1ee< lnveallgates a wlet ol brutal mufders In a smaM Mid· lwes~;~~ln) .,. ... 119 .. ~''Marshall Dodge'' A kX* at a Down Ea&t yarn splnnei whO =along hefltage ol Northern New • mwll "Savage Season" ( 1970, Adventure) Ron Harper. Diane McBain A group ol fortune huntefS acan a deMf1 in ... rch ol ve1ua:.=,.1run (2 hft ) ... Cl) Mall P\M2 Billie gives Stephenie ie.ons on how to charm a men G e a.I Ponch becomes a celebfl1y When he takes a parHlme job modellng '°' ~':~':~~~) I (11 llAn MOUITC* A top model asks Mall to lnveslloate the murder 01 • lamous fashion deMJnef when aha becomes Iha ch191~1 hr.) ·~,-* ... "High Velocity" ( 1977. Aaveo-ture) Ben Gazz.8ra, &ltt Ekland When Iha top •x~'C\ltlve of a globel COl'pofatlon It kldnappe.:I. lwo Vietnam vettlfana use guerrllla tactics to subdue his a~10f i ~ "Myttefias Of The Pacific" ( 1979) Documentary. An examination ol an Island wtitlf• ancient s1one temples have bMfl ddcovered with no other !race l ol lhe people whO bufft them. (2 hra.) _,,_Guest: Norman Ccoslna. IAT\m "The Fllgtlt Of The Condor" Ot. Donald Joheneon 1akn vlewert on a rare ~i llvough lhe AndlS Moun-telnl. (1_ hr. • 1M11'11111•8CI~ TlllA1M "To ~ Them Al My Days" DIMd 11f* on a holl- dly end mMta • young nuree who lnvlt• hm to Cllebtate tw birthday with h« ~art2)D~ CC>...,.. On The Aoof" (1971, Mullcal) Tot)OI, Norma Ctene. A peeaenl mMkman In tum-of·the-<:entlMY ciwllt Rulllla trill 10 merry off his lllgible ~ Ifft~ trying to hold onto his JlwWI ~.-race Of opprllllon. ·a· (2 ~-7J!' S. WoMlt" (HNIO. <Mnt\Kt) Ol'eoorv Pack, Rogtr Moote. Dumg WOtld Vitt 'tt, I QrOUP o4 Britleh ~_.,., form a volunltll' realmlnt to deeltoy • a.men ~ nett In tfie lndlen 'PO' (2tn) .. "Antu" Ji:=-Comedy) Moore. Lila . WMt Ha temly att~ to lofce him Into 1 pr.- arranged tMrrlaae. • drunken. hldoflliltlO pll)'l)Oy .... In Jow ....... poor wortclng ll!r.l;'PO' (1hr.,53mli\:)..._ Cl)-'Atnettcln Q(golo'' (tllO, Of•· ma) AlcNrd cw.. Laur«t Hutton. A llY· ttly ... glgolO tlt00f1* ..... prime .. In murder lfWtiMIOlllon 'R' ( t hr .. .. ~.,.. Mondly In Octoblt'' Cottl9dy) w... ........ .. A ._., 8Up9lnt OclUr1 Jul• .. "" ,_.... """"* of .. NtlOf'l'I Nghelil court. .. ullnt~· -1~'A'(ltwt.) --1). ~,.,,.!Mt.,...,. ···~1111 , .. ,.., rliliia"'. -luncl • lllMI "AbbOll Alld Coalello In HOiiy wOOd" ( 1946, Comedy) rrancea Reifer !li_ Robert Stanton (? hrs ) • 'ANll CMAll "Sc11v11ngor Hunt" Pro ltMOI l<lngalleld'• 1innu111 O)(orc1se requ1r tng 11uden11 10 find enewe1s to tOO legnt Que111on1 In lhfee d8y1 11 attacked by 11 retentl\JI lacully (I ht ) 8D UMD911TMlllM tlJllAM llMAW.. (O)llOVll "The Jau Slrll,lflt" ( 1980. Mub1 c:nl) Nell 01t1mond, Lourence OIMor I I hr. bb min) CS,) lMI MAit WHO LOVID llAM Honry f on de narrates the story ol Morly Stoulter'8 personal experiences with 11 b61:1r while hv 1ng a frugal Ille os a wrl111r 111 o r111110111 COl<>r11do v11lloy I t hr l .llCml ''RoYal Wedclang" (1%1, Musi ca11 rreo Asta11e. Jane P0wet1 ( 1 hr 3!.r rmn) e".a llOVll "Return Ot Jai;k Slad11" ( 19~~. Westem) John rrrcson, Angie 01ck1n::.on 1 hr. 30 min) -DmCTIOlll ... TODAY :::..-::::-o Of AmW.I ..... ...-rAlllleO tUWt llMAYICM 1M llOVll "Sweet Charity" ( 1969, Mu~ cal) Sh11ley Maclarne JoM McMa11on (i' hrs., 15 min) ttt 8 C1J .._ f:OOTUU l os A1111eles R11rnb at San Francisco 49e1s ( renlallve) (3 lhrs.~~ MMllW. llEP'Ofl'T tBMAW l'WlJC~ ~11 MAl\MI (Premiere) 'The !'.'light Of The Condor" Ot Donald Johanson takes viewers on a rare rovrney through tho Andes Mountains ( I hr ) CID .._ FOOTIAU. Kansas City Ctuels at San Diego C~ (Tentative) Q(DAWA1f_,,.....,1•ENT CE) Cfl FOOTIAU. Hamlllon Tiger Cats at Catgay Stampeders (2 hrs . 30 mon ) CHl trlh WO our: THE DE.Olli MOW UP Thes sequel to the popular special "Who Are The OeBolls And Where Did They Get 19 Kids?" updates the StOty of the extraordinary family which now 111cludes 20 phys1call'A'9.1d1capped children CJ) no I Tt11 s oocumentary catches many wlld 11n1mats as lhey urow up and learn 10 su1111ve on the11 nalurat habitat taD ....,.,.. Game 5 from the city ot the AL champ!OO (of necessary) CID WOILO.,.. Game 5 hom the c•ty of the AL champion (1f necessary) (:> hrs 3 1 (Tllfl ) 1:111 WUTElll OUTDOOalWI P.TlllOOP 110V11 "Goodbye Mr Chops" ( t9n9 MUSIC81) Peter O'Toote Petula Clark t? ht!I, 30 -~ I =.u "°"" LJGDDt .-CM QO"tUll IElfT lllOWll "The Hound 01 The Bask Pr v1lles" ( 1978, Comedy) Peter Cool\ Dud lfil' Moore ( t hr. 18 m111 J W lllOWll "Spoilers Of The rorest" Rod Cameron ( t hr , 30 min ) • 1 AT Giii Guest Judd H11sch ( 1 hr ) GLUUlrlmMD lllOWll "The Tall Women 11966 Western) Anne Baxter Mana Perschy (;> C'D h.. AllAmO ~ 9 llOVll "The Golden Voyage Of Sin bad" ( 1974 rantasyJ John Ph1lhp Law Erik Estradu is a fighter from thf' barrio who find himself in a t•hompionship bout on Hlfon.-yboy," on ''Sunday Night a t the Movies," at 9 on KNBC~ Channel 4. Carollne Munro (:.I hrs J G) llOVE "tn lhe G111ter Palace" ( 1977 Orama) Chad Fve1att, Barbara Hershey {?hrs) Cl) llOYIE "Rampage" ( t963. Adven ture) Robert Mitchum, Elsa Mart1nern 12 hrs J @ A nmuTI TO COUNT Mm A PIOflle ol Coun1 Basie wrlh coverage ol his lrve coo· cert al Carnegie Hall 1nctud1ng such great& as Tony Bennett. George Benson. Sarah vau=nd Joe Wilham& (2 hrs ) flD .,_ .. TODAY "Running A Movie Theater" A man who books mov16' and another who owns a small theater dos r.u~ how easy 11 1s 10 own a theatre and how d1llicult •I •S to tun one I!) ltnM)OUCllQ llOLOQl <Bl MO¥ll "Spmt 01 Tile Wind" ( 1979, Ofama) Ch1el Dan George ( t hr 40 min) fOJ llOVE "The Unseen" ( 1981 Horror) Barbara Bach. Sodnoy I asslck (I hr 35 min) (SJ llOVE T orever Oarfong" ( 1956. Com edy) Lucille Ball, Dest Arnaz ( 1 hr 3~ t:lllm1n~mMD Nll9m I lfTROCMICM llOU)Ql ) llOVll "Rarntree County" ( 195 7 Of a ma) El1zabelh Tayl<». Montgomery Chit {g hrs . 50 min ) t:11 QZ) U1111WA WOILO fW ™I CCIUl-TIMI .. B Aln'I Of AllA MO¥ll "l1'I Abner' ( 1959 Musical) Pete• Parmer. Jul1e Newmar (2 hrs J ~ IAm.llTM cw.AenCA ~WID•..W lf'l1IOOUCM llOl.OGY }lllCMI "Refuge" (1981, Otama) Anne Twomey, Jamn C(>ngdon ( I hr 30 min) , a llCMI "lmpropor Chnnnehl'' {1881. Comedy) Alun Ar1<111. M11r1ef111 H11r11ey ( t hr., 32n1l11) ~ MO¥W "Cu1111111 C11ll At Ca1;tu11 CrtMik" 960. Comedy) Oot111ld O'Connor, Gale orm c(~ a:aD OI ~11111ured u IO<Jk 111 nutt1lng and refiPlretory thOlnpy ol Mount St Mary'• tlo11lth Scl&l'ICM program • -·~a. Hoel Merk Shltldt 1001c1 lll the lnt11rplay ol polltlCI. r>owe1 andQ le In lho nutlcin'~ capltol ~ -·••ra tt0m lf'flllOM HDMI RACIMI na&.Y tl'W • Tltl HI.LI I "Super Bowl 01 Country Music" Thle unlQue covntry mu51e feslfval features Jimy I tte Lewis Ronnie Milsap, Carl Pe1k1nu. Thct K&Odalls and Helen Cornehus ( t hr , 30 mm ) (Z) MO¥W "Altered Staters" I 1980. Sci &nce·Flctlon) W1ll1am Hurt, Blall B1own .. J.!i~~ .. fj COUI• l'OOTW.L St1111to11J v11 USC I ~:~ AllNOUNCID ATlMl.w.J WLCOm IAC«. KOTTIJI M0¥11 "Blood rwrn 111., Mummy'<> Tomb" ( 1972 Horror) Andrew Keu. Valerie Leon ~I ~~~,.... ii llCMI "Hlgll ,Veloclly" ( 19H. Ad11en ture) Ben Gauara, 81111 £kt1:111d (? hr6) ti) lllCMI "The P111k Panther" ( 1964, Comedy) David Niven Peter Sellers 1:i hrs) @ WHDI I ,..... Of llllllA S•• Rus:.1an artist. and PfJrfom1er:. 1n e.icrle 1rictud1ng M1kha1t Baryshrukov Vladomrr Ashkenaiy. Joseph Brodsky. Victor 1<01chn0t, M1kha1I Chema1k1n and frni.t Nelzvestny, discusi. their leehnus 1owaro an. t1eedom, Ame11 can and Russia ( 1 hr J fl8 WAU. STM:!T *'D · let's Stettl Away" Guest Charles Bradford. vice presldMt Mem=h Pierce Fenner & Srmth Cl) "Murph The Suri" ( 1974 Adventure) Robe1t Conrad Donna Mills i hrs} DIW*-•tlJOOMI IPOllTIClllTU lllCMI "Green Ir e" ( 1081 Adve111ure) Ryan O'Neill Anni• Arc.her ( 1 hr , ~1'i m111) caJ llOVIE 'All Noyht I 0 11g" ( 1981 Come dy) Gene Hackman Oarbra S1te1sand ( t hr . 28 min) .. Q1) WM.IT\.llQ d D ..,AY loca11on llve from Kelter Cen· ter Auct!On I Grlm0te Adobe Estate. l os A~( I hr) 1--=-~~Olf Of Tltl YUlOI W~Olf Wl'.EJC • IWVIR -..0 wmt CIC>Y llOVll 'Th1o~es' I lql I (,omedyl Marlo Thomas. CtWJfY <lroe11n (7 hrs 1 .. , """"DAYI AQAlf MC ... ..... °M ~ TAUC Courtroom CUf1tr0vor S!eS" (I hr ) I =1\MI Guest Norman Cousins .-Glm Tiii OU» HOUCI Bob Vola shows how to 111m windows am1 doors and gives &dvoee on preparnig ancl parnlong 1ntc11or walls (;}J«.uo.fOOTllJ.J. Uklahom.1 Sooners at Kansa!> Jayhawks (3 nrs ) Friday. October 15, 198~ 23 -Sund Based on lhe play by Neil Simon. A trio of romantic comedies are set 1n the honeY- moon su1re of rhe Plaza Hotel ( t hr . 40 mlfl) 11::11 fJ llOVll 'Rellections Of Murder" ( 197~ Suspense) Tuesday Weld. Joan Hacke11 The wile and mistress or a dletatorlal schoolmaster plot his murder (2 hrs ) ~=MCMwmLY --~Cl) llOVll "N111nsky" ( 1979. Orama) Alan Bates. George de la Pena. Triumph and tragedy punctuare the stormy rela- ll()(lsh1p between the great Russian ballet star and his Svengall lfke manager 'R' (2 hrs 5 mon ) tM (E) CR. FOOTINJ. Hamilton Tlgef-Cats at Calgary Stampeders (R) (2 hrs.. 30 min} tll@ ... ITOlmB.Lllltl "Marshall Dodge" A loOk at a Down East yarn spinner who passed along her1t11ge ot Northern New E~and t'9 I '::"ONE Guest authOr John G1egory Dunne ( t hr) CB)llCMl "Green Ice" ( 1981. Adventure) Ryan O'Neat. Anne Archef An engineer and a soc1allta attempt to rob a South AmeflC8n em9fald smogglef' of a for1une ~s PG' (thr.55m1n) tzJ llOVll "Gel Out Your Handkerchiefs" ( t978. Comedy) Gerard 09pardieu. Patrick Deweere A young and optimistic husband goes to almoet unbelleveabte le~tha to 905Uf'e h11 wife's happiness 'A' •1 00 ~m ... llGHTWATCH UT,ATWO&. llOVll "The Unseen" ( t981. Horror) Barbara Bach, Sidney La811ck. A TV newswoman and her two aalatanta find lod(Jlngs et a t>oordlng houN Inhabited by a disturbed brother and alaltf and their monstrous ofl8')t'1ng 'A' (1 hr .. 36 mln.) e llOVll "Improper Channele" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Marlette Hartley A aeries of mlsunderatandlnol ceuaea a social worker to &Ulpecl the 6-yaer-old deughter ol 1 separated couple II the vic- tim of child at>ute. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) .... ... ---.. •••lllTMTCM rrnaut•,•••• ..... • awi.. .. _,.. "L'tncorriglblt" ( 1980, Come- dy) Jean-Peul BttmondO. ~ Bulold A paroltd con erlltt lnCQUfltart troublt when he reven1 to hit otd way of l!.!l (1 hf , 4'0 min ) CIJ.,. "Atneficlln Glg(Jto" (1980. Cre- me) Alchtrd Ott•, Lauftn Htnlon. A Bev· arty Hiiia gjgolo beoofMI the pt~ ..,,.. t In • tftlKdtr inYttf9tton "" ~, "'" -~---'· ... "F"irtl MoncMV In Ootao.r'' C<wnedv) WtAflf ~nNu. .. , t:llUf(lh.· A· ltiertl liJpremt OOurt M- llOt ~ Wtttl "" '*"" ~ °' fhe nsttofl'• hlgheat court • ., ~ ..-iw women Jurttt 1' I t hr., 41 • -''Thi 811 Wd/M' et•. =::5~ "":IC ,!I!~""" I --to ,..,,.. ., ... '""· ..... ~g't~ "'- Sally Struthers as Gloria gets advice from Dr. Maggie Lawrence, played by Jo de Winter, in "Gloria," at 8:30 p.m . on CBS, KNXT, Channel 2 . -·nclayl -......... Mo.,.._ a.g "Strange Behavior " ( t98 I. Susp.nse) Michael Murphy, Louise Fletcher. ( 1 hr .. 35 m n) M C%) "Savaoe Harvest" ( 1980, AdVenture) Tom Skemll. Michelle Phtlhps ( 1 hr 25 min.) •<II> "Three Warriors" ( 1977. Orama) Randy Ouald. Charles White Eagle ( 1 hf • "49 min.) .. al "Female On The Beach" ( 1955. Suspen9e) Joan Crawford, Jeff Chandler I?. hrl.} Nt(H) "Adventures 01 The W1klemess Fami- ly" ( 1975. Adventure) Rober1 Logan. Susan Oemante ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) • "Arthur" (1981 . Comedy) Dudley Moore. Liza Mlnnelli ( 1 hr . 53 min ) 1:11(%) "Journey Among Women" ( 1977, Adventure) Jeune Prftchard. Martin Phe- lan. (1 hr., 50 min) M~ "Hell's Angels" ( t930. Adventure) Ben Lyon. Jean HerlOw (2 hrs. 5 min) Cl) "Arttlor" (1981. Comedy) Dudley Moore. Liza Mlnnelll. ( 1 hr .. 53 min ) •<II> "First Monday tn Oct<>bef" ( 1981. Comedy) Walter Matthau. Jill Clayborgh .. i ~he Hound Of The Baskervilles" ( 1978, Comedy) Peter Cool<. Dudley Moore. (1hr.18mln) (%) "SWMI Charily" ( 1969. Muslcal) Shirley Maclalne. John McManln (2 hrs .. 15 min.) I ''&Jfrendef" Walter Brennan (2 hrs.) 118 "Shadow Of The Thin Man" ( t94 l, Myslery) Wllllam Powell. Myrna Loy (2 In.) -~ "The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek" 11M4, Comedy) Betty H'U1ton. Eddie acl(eo. ( 2 hrt ) • "Stle" ( 1985. AdventUte) Ursula Andr .... Jotln Aic:hatdaOn. (2 hra.) Cl:) "The Man Who Woi.Jd Be King" ( 1976. Adwnture) Sten Connery, Michael Celnt. (2 rn.. 9 min } CH> ''Thi Jaz Slnget" ( 1880. Mualcal) Nill Diamond. Laurene. Olvlet. ( 1 hr., 65 (t.!0..th Va~· 1882l Mystery) Paul LtMat, Ptter . ( hr .. 26 min.) -Cl) "Athene" ( Comedv~ ...,_ '50wtll. Debbie~ (1 hr .. ~ min.) -"Angtl Fece'' (1953. Otame) ROblr1 ctun, Jtan 8lml'nonl (2 M.) -"8tlr0rt:Y" (1990,Comtdy) Richard • Otne Wiider (, tw •• 6, min.) "9 "T~" (t936. Mualcal) Fred tW ·'Ttie 81tt~~~. Drema> hw, Patrtctc . (2 tn. 5 rftln.) -landay Cont. 9 DMClll llM'91 ... llA,__ A c10cu"*'1a1y on thbl 1ectalmed ~al 8at- tet production of "M1yeillng' wllh exotrpl1 from the Plfformonoe 11 Covent Gerd«t. (2 hra.) ... (I) 1MI •••ttllSllZ•C~-· Florene• pt on t1rllte 0\19' her '-Cl( of I penliOn plln and Oeor!'' rel\Jlal 10 do anything lbOUI n D llO¥ll "Honeyboy" (Premiere, Ofame Etlk Eatrllda. MOfgen ~•lrehlld A young boxer from lhe blrrlO tells In love with hit ptesa agent as he bec:ome9 an oYernlght media hero end 11 conten<ler for the mlddlewelQht champlonahlp (2 hrs ) ~ llC:HAllD •r • 9 llO¥ll "The BIUel Brolhefs" 980, M~I) John BelUlhl. Dan Avt<roya. Two blue11 &lnge111 musl contend wfth lhe Chicago police. the CIA, Neo- Nazls and the U.S Army to put together a benefit conce<I to raise money lot their ~lsh e.,<2 hrs , 45 mln ) l15 ~ "Three VIOlenl People" ( 1966. Western) Charlton Heston. Anne Baxter Two men and a woman become lnYOlved In a 1rlangle while f~tlng an unfair provl· ~onal governmenl. 2 hrs ) • llAllW•CI TM "To Serve Them AH My Days" David goes on a hotl day and nlffts a young nurse wtto 1n1111es him to celebrale l)er birthday with her (part 2) D ( I hr ) GD llY*19tY (Season Premiere) "Swee· ney Todd" Freddie Jones stars as lhe leg end&']' Vlct<><lan "demon barber ol Fleel Street • who6e clients myslerlOusly dlsap- e!_ar D (1 hr., 30 min ) (() c:alLltl POOTIAU. ·North Carolina State Wolfpack el NO<lh Carolina Tar Heels (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CDllCMI "Ta1100" ( 1981, Olama) Bruce Dern. Maud Adams An obsessed talloo 11111s1 kidnaps a faShlOn model and pro- ceeds 10 cover her bOdy wllh his handl· work 'A' ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) CI) MON "Sweet Charity" ( 1969. MUSI· cal) Shirley Maclatne, John McMartin T1<ed of her 1awdry existence. a dance hall hostess with a hean of gotd searches for true love and the &1mple married ltfe (2 hts. 15 min) .. all OfBl UP .. 8 (() 0.. DAY AT A Tm Schneider tears that Alex is solleflng from an over-abun dal\08 of women 1n his life I === MON "Thunder Over Arizona" ( 1956, Weslem) George Macready. Skip Homelef A crooked polt11Co attemp1s 10 win contrOI of a valuable new Sliver mine ; hrs.) M IOU"._ -(() TMlftlt ..._ ao. Dan Cupid zaps Or Jackpot Jackaon. stuffy Arnold Slo-cum. and ladies' man Trapper John ( 1 hr) l u~, Kia SNllM I WOii> lfTO llAQI Paul Mazursky talks about hts characlers and Why the themes of ma,,1age, 1nhdeltty and new Utestyles have become hlS 1rade- mark CID MON "Firsr Monday In October" ( 1981, Comedy) Waller Mallhau, Jiii Clayborgh A ~befal Supreme Court Jus· 11ce clashes with the newest member of the nation's highest court. an ut1ra-con 5efV8trve woman )u11s1. 'A' ( 1 hr . 45 mm) CO) MON ''The Jazz Singer'' ( 1980, MuSl- cal) Neil Diamond, Lau~ OIMer A New York cantor break!! with family tradl Mike Wullace is back on the po 1mlor ~·60 Mi nutf's," ut 7 p.m . o n K NXT, (;hannel 2 . tton and !.els oul to find success as a pop mus.c sta~ 'PG' ( 1 hr SS min) CS) llOVIE "Body Heal" ( 1981, f JSpense) W1ll1arn Hurt. Kalhleen TutMr A smalll1me flortda lawyer is persuaded by his lover 10 murder her husband 'A' ( 1 hr ~5 min) 0 llOVIE "II Rained All Nighl The Day I Left" ( 1978. Comedy) Tony Curtts. Sally Kellerman Bumbling gun smt.JQQlers wind up 1n the desert bieke11ng ovet water (2 hrs) ,.. OZ) llOV1E "They Made Me A Crlmlrtal" ( 1939, Orama) John Garfield, Ann She11 dan A ftgh1er runs away alter being made 10 beheve tha1 he comm111ed murder while 1neb11et8d 1:.~ --1,Amf• WIBDI» "°"'' ~ .-rnAOGMT .W ITOllYTl11.DI "Marshall Dodge" A took at a Down East yarn spinner who passed along herllege of Northern New Erigland .. ,,. fl) TOlf'f .,...,.. ~ "'The VtlntSh- ing Tribe" The story ot a tribe 1n Soulh AmtW1ca believed to be pure African 1s loto 81) ....... lrlOCT ~ "CIO\Jds 01 W11ness" LOtd Pe1er Wimsey unearlhs an important clue which produces an unex· oected conlesSIOO (Parr 21 I 1 hr ) IUllDAY "°"1'I PA.GI D Cl>G> ... WOliO Oil UMYN. UM'f,~ NYQIC'"810-.. .,.., 'ALWB.l ~lw. Guest N0tman CousiM MM Pllfteft Neal Gabler and Jet· Irey Lyons review "I The Jury • and 'Lool\1ng To Get Out (C) llO¥ll .. Any Number Can Play" ( 1949. ()lama) Clark Gable. Aleios Smith An hOOesl and carefree gamblet'5 ftfe is besel with a series ot tragedies ( 1 hr 45 rntn l C()llOVll "Comllle 2000" ( 19ell. OfamnJ Oontoi. Gaubert. Nino Clateloo<7¥o A young woman •ddk:ted 10 druo• •d• a Ml'" ol men 11110 1raok: 1flali• 'R' (2 11ttllhra.~ min ) 11:11 ..0:.-NW. 'ACUITTBI UMY'~ TAUi Oil THI wmPIC1ID DMCI: fUCW I Mn JllAYllU9Q A umon1a1y on 1~ 11C(:IAlmed Royal Bal let production ot "Mayerltng' wl1h e.icCOf Pl• lr0tn the per1ormenc& al Coven1 Garden (2 hr• ) ! TY QUMTIMAael "Syrecur.e" MON "GOidie And the Bower Go To ottywood" ( 1981. Comedy) 0 J S1mp son. Me1tt1sa Michaelsen A champion ooxer and his 10-year Old manager. llee 1ng lrom a 11~1ul lighl promo1er and ad<>p11<>o aulhor1ttes. accept a Holtywoou producer's ofter ol help (A) (2 hrs ) QI!) COUJQI FOOTUU. llQHLJQHTI "K,,n sas State vs Nebra51\a" ,,,_ w~ And the Bo~et Go To Hollywood" ( 1981, Comedy) 0 J Simµ· son, Melissa M1ettaelsen A champion boxer and hlS 1G-year-old manager flee· tng lrom a vengeful ltghl promo1e1 end adop11on autho1111es. accept a Hotlywooo i odu. eel's offer of help (RJ (2 hrs.) Ill ... 110¥11 "Body Heal" (198t Suspense) Willlam Hurt, Kathleen Turner A smallttme flonda 111wyer 1s persuaded by his lover 10 murder her husband 'A' ( 1 hr . 55 min I I awulCHAl9\Jt Gel TME B.11 ICBe 1t.e 'ACI TMI MAlloel 12:9 1'1CWI WON.DV.. llOWllE '"The VagabOnd King" ( 1956. Musical) Kathryn Grayson, Oreste Ktrkcp The ooel and advenlurer FrancolS Villon. leads a revoO In Parts in t463 (2 hrs) I OVT'lllLMTI TMEIOOKlll llOVIE "Body And Soul" ( 1981, Ora ma) Leon Isaac Kennedy. Jayne Kenne· dy A young black turns to prtzeftghllng 10 raise lhe money tte ncedS IOI medical schOOI 'R' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) (SJ WMAT'I UP ,,._AJ Featured a look al 1he grat1111 scene 1n New YOik C11y. a Mardi Gras celebralion wtlh lhe Ca1tms some of Ame11ca s favor11e skinny dipping holes fi) llCMf "Alten" ( 1979 Ho110t) Tom Skemll. Yaptlet Kono Ttte crew o f a spa ceg01ng scrap carrier follow a mysleroous signal 10 a supposedly dead planet and afier landing. discover lhaf the message was a warning to stay away 'R' (2 hrs 4 m1nJ Cl) llOYIE 'The Educauon 01 Sonny Car· son" 11974) Rony Clanton. Don Gordon 'A' ( t hr , 45 min ) tHI@ lilOft "Raiders Of The Seven Seas' ( 1953. Adven1ure) John Payne Donna Reed A botd p11a1e cap1ures a coun1ess 10 save her from lhe rascal she 1s 10 marry. and lhey tall 1n love ( 1 hr . 55 mtn ) ~UMC .... 9 llOWllE "The Resurrec11on 01 Zachary Wheeler" ( 1971. Orama) Angle Olck1n son. Bradford Diiiman A pot11tcal figure 1s repaired attet an aulomobtle accident w11h parts from e "soma " a syntttette organ bank (2 hrs) 1t:lllJ llCMf "Plala Sulle" ( 1971. Comedy) Walter Matthau. M11ureen Stapleton Friday, October 15, 1982 25 -•.-lay Cont. e fllOOTIM1 .,._.,. Twelve of P<O foolbell'• greatest stars compete 1n a grueling' wlea of athletic events (from ~ ~"t· Floooa) (2 hrs ) 0 IWmTAM Twel\fe of pro football's greatest stars compete In a gtUellng aeries of athletic: events (lrom ~ Bi9caQ;. Florlda) (2 hrs . 30 min.) I ':"mw. CBGIW'MIC RCIAl ''The Shattca" Extraordinary underw&l8f film foot&g4t of how sharks feed, rest and why they attack J)<ovldes a new perspective on lhlt fa9cinatlng and fearsome fish c;> ( 1 ~ .,_ Coverage of the Clint Jackson ( enn.) I Robbie Simms (N Y ) tO- round JUfllOl·mlddteweight bout and the Howard DaVIS Jr (NY) I Cocoa San- chez (Dom Rep) 10-round llghtwelghl bout from the Golden Nugget in Atlantic: C!!!Y. N.J (R) (2 hrs . 30 min ) (I) _,,. "Worlds Apart" ( 1980, Romance) Amoa Kollek, Shelby Levering· ton A young 15'aell falls In love with an Atnef1can gtfl who Is IMng In 18'881 ( 1 hr . 35 min.) CD> lllMI "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mys. tetY) Paul LeMat. Peter 91111ngsley A New YO<k youngster It .-ent to Arfzona 10 vlalt Na mother and stumbles across a Mrtes of mtKdefa.. 'R' ( 1 hr • 25 min ) ... "Journey Among Women" 7, Adverlture) Jeune Pritchard. Mar- t Phelan In the days of the Australian frontier. the badly mistreated lnmatet at a women'• P<lson 1tage a breakout and Mt up their own society In the Outbeck. ( 1 hr .. = e POOIULL--..nl Kansas .. YOUA.-POllT fiwks vs. Oklahoma Sooner• ( 1 hr.) ..... ,_ LOft A nine part eerlea of Nepoleon and hit rlllng fame In Paris. -1·w:~t .. IC AIZBIW I ._ lfl'O W auf Manltlte~ at>out hit charact.,• and why the t of merrlage, lnfldellty and MW tlf•ty!H have become hie trade- met1t. ml ... "The Elephant Man" (1980, Of•ma) John Huft, Anthony Hoptclnt. A dedleated phyticlan takn under 1\19 wing a horrlbfy deformed men Whole Ille untl then Md *" apenl In Cheap fr"k e11hl- E 'PO' (2 hr8., 3 min./ .. "HallowMn II" 1981, Horror) l• Cuttle, Donald ~. A hop1t1111y !Mane nudtrtt conttnuea his reign of l«rOf In a ernall town. 'R' ( 1 hr .. -~ "Beyond Evll'' ( 1980, HotrOf) ~ Dey Otorge. John 811100. A young bl'td8 II t«r0f'IZ9d by M fOtcte lufklng In e~ .. 'lt (1 '!·.1.~ "*'-) "8tlr Ctl.ZY'' ( ,.,, comtdy) • Pryor, ~ Wlldef. Two men .,. ,.,,....,.. b' _. robtltrl and Nnt lo JaM. . IOI l!'"~) -• .,.,_ Trojein Womtn" ( 1172. ) KeltwlM HepOurn. ~ ~,.,,.~Of.,,. Qt .. .,. ' '° ....,,. .,.,.,., ..... (2 - • Andrew Stevens and . Yvette Mimieux star in "Forbidden Love" al 9 p.m. on KNXT, Channel 2. tlce claahel with the newnt mem~r of the nation'• highest court, an ultra-ooo- MfVatlYe women )ullst 'R' (2 hit.) (%) .,_ "Crultlng" ( 1980. Myttery) Al PacinO. P•vl 8orvlilo A rOOl<le New York City cop II aent on an un<lefcover aealgn- menf 10 find lhl Pf)'Choflo killer behind a 1W :~11j,ii;~:vrdera 'A' ( 1 hr .. •11MC11or-.,. ... ,., ___ mmTIWIMMMl:llCO --"lneldt, Outllda" A lootc •1 t l)f°'*"'8 of lncleptlldtnt hlmmakn whoJ'i\~lethlwalll. (Plr1 1) ......... ~--"Neuahty ~74, Com-, edy) Brendon Price, Logan.A V8CUUm dMntt aalalmen me9tl up with tome frt.ndy ~ who •• hie ltt tctv!IQule.'R' ( 1 1\1., 25 mlfl,) tW ) _,.. .. U. A wm111g1y ~· confronting • Mttoul ~0¥9t 10 be I lonely, frtgflttned Al (t hr .. tO rNI\.) ~ ~ hoat. 81 Coe()y, -~·-,__,,. oonoel10 '91""91 Aleldl W:::"':~•=a•::u 1. -"' ......,, Yon tel .. ..,.,, ...... 1UI (JI) CAE0T Richard Hanis, Meg BU$$8f1 and Richard Muenz star in Lemer and Loewe's classic Broadway muslcal taped at the Winter Garden Theatre in New York (2 hrs . 30 min ) 1119 (I) llCMI "lmJ><aper Channels" ( 1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Mo11e11e Hartley. A Mries of misunderstandings causes a IOClal worker to suspect the 5-year-<>ld daughter ot a separated couple ts the vie· llm ot child abuse 'PO' ( 1 hr . 32 min ) a.1 ..,_.,ro.mrr llCMI "The Bia Bounce" ( 1969. Suspense) Ryan O'Neat. Lelah Taylor- Young Aftef he ts booted out oT a migrant worker camp, a man becomes kWolved In !.P= heist ( t hr • 30 min ) U "The Spy With The Perteet Cov- er" ( 1966, Suspense) Robert Lansing. Dana Wyntef An intelligence agent Is aid- ed lfl his esplon&Q4t work by the enemy's belief that he 11 dead (2 hrs ) (I) llCMI "Strange Affection" ( 1957. Drama) Rk:hard Attenbofoogh. Colin Peterson Following his arrett for his fathef's murdef, a young man attempts to J)<ove that i1 was a caee ot jualiftable hom- lcldeTO ~~--I .,_. "Ale Of The Golden Gooee" (1969. Drama) Yul Brynnef, Charles Gray. An Amertcan secret agent lnflttratet a counterleillng nng with help from Scot- land Yard~ hraJ. I L.Oft.I JC ln'LI _,.. "Funhoule" ( 1981, Horror) EIWlbelh Berridge. Sylvia M-Four teen-agers spend e trlghtfUI night lo a car- Mlal funhoulo Inhabited by a demented berk8f and his monetroua aon. 'R' ( t hr • 3s r~ .. G UIOM -CC) 90Wll "Elcape From New YOflc" ( 1981, Scienc.-Flctton) Kun Rueae11, Adflenne Barl>Mu. In 1997, a hardened etlmlnal la olflfed a pardon If hi cen r• cue the P<etidenl of the U.S. from the prison city that Manhattan I'll• b9come. 'R' (1hr ,40 mln) -·. U11 Wwmt DA• Uh 'I <lUeita; coemettc. entrepreneur Meiy ~y~n Larry Miii«. ( 1 tv.) ' =..-c•mu ~M9LMA nlntpetl ..... ~ and hit rlllng flllM In Parle. c~~ -A M.1 I ... "Modern Aornlnce'' c19l1 • ) Atbtrt Broolct. ~ttvyn Hwrold. A film tdltOf lfltt ttpeltedly lo win bed! the hMt1 of lhl women hi lovtt. 'A' C 1 lv,33mln) {itj ... "~ed Aftemoon" (1911) A young g111 111111 out In en .-a.nt ~ ..-IPe thin~ hlf ltlluil cMrmt on ~lttbllrt drame c:oec~ hr , *>min.) .. "Artt y In OCtot>er" 111. ~) WalMf Mlnheu. .. ybUtft A bral Supreme Court Jue. llOe ....... wlttl "" """' """*" of the nellon'• ..,_ court..i.:..,, Ulba-oon- MM!lw WOl'IWl jUt1tt. W ( I hr., .0 min.) •a> .• ,. "The ~· (1947. ~) Joen C..Mlld. a.. ..... A radio~ ..... .......,, ol • ~~ .... '**'°"'""'*·Cl fttl.. I 8'. > --•cm• 1°"1 ... , .. .... ...... .... .... ...... _, • _.,, .... llovle9- Wl(l> "Strange e1hov101 " (1981 Q SU•penM/ Michael Murphy. lovlae f"letchOf 1 tv • 3& min ) •CJ) "lti1ptope1 Chonl\8l1" l 1981 Come dy) Alon Arkin. Mallelle Hallley ( t tu 3~mtn) U "lhtl Oreisl B1111k Hoax" ( 1979, Mys te1y) Ned Bently Alehard Ballelhart ( 1 hr . 27 min) •c..RJ "One Oo Ono" (1911 P,oma) Robby 8ef10011, AM41110 0' t OOle ( I hr . 38 min ) •(O) "Gr11110o1 Grtndt!I 01ur1del" ( 1980) L_I_ hr • 30 min ) (%) "Tho Fduca11011 Of Sormy Censor\" ( 1974) Rony Clontcm. Don Gordon ·n· ( t hr . 45 min ) W (C) "Thtt Greet 01a1n" ( 1978, Ad\lentvre) Jimmy Osmond, Len Ohmen ( 1 hr , 30 min) CL) "Marco Polo. Jr " ( 1973, Adventur ·) Animated Votco of Bnbby Ayuell. (I 111 50m1n.) 0 "30 Is A Oariuerovs Ago. Cynthln" ( 1968. Comodyl Dvdley Moore, Swy Kendall ( 1 hr . 40 m111 I m CI) "Spul! 0 1 fhe W1nrt · ( t979 Oro1111.1) Cl11el Dan GOOfl)e (I hr . 4 !1 min ) .,.(!) "Pan1<. In The S1reets · ( 19!>0. Ota· ma) R1ehard Wldn1ark Paul Douglas (2 hrs) Ol) "Three Warnors· ( 1977, Drama) Randy Quaid. Charles White fegle ( 1 hr 49 mtn I .. dl) "Love St0ty'' ( 1970, Romance) Ah MacGraw Ryarr O'Neal (2 hrs . 5 min ) H Cl) "F1rs1 Monday In Oc10001" ( 1981 Comedy) Weller Matttiau, Jill Claybvrgh 1_I hr . 40 min ) •CCJ "The Man Who Wootd Be King" ( 1975. Adventurtt) Sean Connery. Mtehaet Caine (:>hrs. 9 min) 00 "Adllentures 0 1 The Wtldemess r 01111 ly" ( 1975. AdVentvre) Rober I Logan. Susan Oamante ( I hr . 40 mtn ) OJ "The Prrvate C:y"" ( t980. Comedy) Don Knotts. Tun Conway ( 1 hr . 31 min ) --llilvenlng .. u="AWU CM ... ...r•IDIOUGIH MtC ... n ........ "'f KAWAI PIWl-4 ::".::' Guest Willard Scott G I ~a..-tulMIEH.IWM llOVW ·Arthur' ( 198 t Comedy) Dudley Moore L 1la M1nnelll While h1b lamUy attempts 10 l0<ce him 1n10 a pie- arranged mamage a drunken. hedontStlC playbOy lallS 1n love wuh n poor w0tk1ng I 'PG' (I hr 53m1n I MfWCl•llCINT .. =-&Ult AUCI ~ ,,_ LOWI A nine pan 1e1ies of pqpo1eo1i and hts rtS<ng lame in Par1s (part 6) (I ht ) • CMl'Am 'II: TM1 CBATD ' 36th Con- gressional District" Congressman George Brown Jr vs John Paul Stark QID-f'O'llR Cl) Wl'U • MmfT Mal Avery Schreiber and !=h11111na Fe11are host a IOOk at TV's most memorable commercials l1om the birth of the med1ull1 to the presenl day ( 1 hr 30 min I -1[=1= ~:JI. No Leot. All Heart the ~=ton P06t't euque11e cOlvmnlli m .9111: UDY IWIDOU'lt CllW.l. "~ovety" During their throe y"rl In Ire land, Randolph'• otoquont IP"Chea on the lrtth QVOtlllon goln him 1nc11eelng r&G· ognltlon In Englond Jannie gain• a devot ed admirer tn Coont Char1" K1n"'v ( 1 lnr.)~~~wr U .... ftD ....... ~ "The No>lf Mon" ( 1976. 018· mo) Soan Connery, Coinello Sharpe. A female assassin Is hired lo 1<111 a Mlddlo East dlplomar wh0111:1 lden11 and rooom· mendatlons are jeopardlilng the ov11en1 business trnn58ctlone ot n mator oll com-e!OY ( 1 hr • 40 mtn ) CO) llOVll "lop Hal" ( 1935. MuSk:HI) fred As101re. Olnyer AOIJ&rS A man has lrOUble With hlS ijlrlfrtelld because She thinks he·s married lo her best friend (2 hr11) (Z ) llOVll 'The Ahthduy f'arly" ( 1968. Ofoma) Aot>e11 Shaw Pa111ck Magee Two a11a11uere. arrive at a B1111sh b0ard1ng house lo take 01111 ol the res1denls to e spec1.a1 krnd ol blrlhday porty (2 hrs 5 mtn) m 0MMGE COUN1'Y TOOAf 1:11 (JZ) ... 7:118 2 oet TN! TOWWI FOtMTM ~ RCIAl featured h1ghbghts lrorn over 600 episodes. updares ol peocl &rid pieces leulured on 1he pro~rdm "!>k>Qpers · audrences d1d11'1 gel to seu I GI) PM&Y fllUD LA._ 6-.rY • CO.NIY TO••..ot._ 41J nc TAC OOUGltt llADMm'I PUCI YOU AIUD '°" rT ....... " ~~~~~m M•-• $ 11019Y UTTIM A fast paced oocu· montary examines how 10 cut tood bllls dresllcally and hOW to save f'l'\OOeY bV Gal e1~opp1ng G "Back From The Dead" ( t957, Myst8fy) Pegy1e Castle Arthur frar11 fl woman is possessed by lhe Splrtt ot her husband's liri.1 wife (I hr 30 min ) .. 8 IOUNll PIOI l aur11n cor1v11~ a skephcal Patty to jOln her on the Weemawee gofs' football ream IJ fJD IJTlU N0CJR A ........ ~ La1Ha and her daughter are held cap11111; by a der8nged m,1n who 1h1nks !ihe eno lhe child ar!! ll!!o own wile and baby ri ( 1 hr ) .....,, 8 90ft Sweet Hostage· ( 1915. Ora ma) Linda A1a11 Martin Sheen An escaped mental pallent kidnaps a tough teen-age g111 end ellempt'J 10 reach her lhe hnet things ot llfe (2 hrs ) G 0 TMAl'I mm f'eetured a machine mat allows men to tty by them selvel>, the wedding ol two window wa&hers that 1<>06< place 15 lloot• up out Sode 8 Reno hotel, three team9 OI we1gh1 hlte•s and football players co111pe11:1 111 a train tug (I hr ) Cl)~,,, .. • MDWI "The Day Of The Dolphin" (1973, Drema) Qeo(ge C Sootl, Trleh Va11 Devor• A group of dolpt\lnl 111 kld- nop~ from their traui.r by .. bOtetKI WhO ore scheming to blow up o yocht eor· ~~etlOlnt of the US (2 hre) • 'JI. llAG'~ rnllllon d<>llar lotte<y wir\ntl, Vlllll • nudhlt country club. 41J MDWI "The OthOI Sldo Of The Moun- tain Port II" ( 1978. Orama) Merilyn Hanett. Timothy Bolloma F0tmtf chem· PiOn U..ler Jiii Kinmonl. rendered o QU"dfl· ple(JI<: by a traglC accrdenl. wrntlee with 'Htlf.doobt whM 11 new love entett her Ill• (2hrs) CB lmXID IAO "l11&1de. Outside" A IOok 01 lhe problems of lndependeol lllmmakert who are 1ry1ng to tottle the wall11. (Part 1) • TMI IHAIUNAM PLAYi ''King Lear" Jonathon MIUer'a now producllon ol one ol Shakespeare's moet comple11 and pro- found works Is presented: lhe CHI 1r1cludes Michael Hordern. Brenda Blethyn.-Fronk M1ddlemass and JOhn Shrapnel (3 hrs ) QED Ul\IM "The Fltght Of The Condor" Or Donald Johanson 1akee viewera on a rare jourr11:1y 1h1ough the Andee Moun- tains (I hr I CC> 110VW "High Ice" ( 1980, Orama) David Janssen. Tony Musante. Three 1nounta1n climbers are rescued from en obscure chlf as a result the vallani elf0<11 ol a vt1teran ra~ ( 1 hr "0 min } (()~ICIM (ff)llOVW "The Jau Slfl081" ( 1980, MUSI· cal) Neri Diamond Laurence OIMer A New Y0tk cantor breaks wtlh lamlly tradl· 1100 and sets out to find ~ as 11 pop nlVS>C Siar 'PG' ( 1 hr . 55 min ) (S) llOVW "Atthur" ( 1981. Comedy) Dodley Moore. Lua M1nne111 Whtie his lamUy attempts to torce him 1n10 a Pf&- arranged marnage, a drunken, hedonlatlc playboy falls in love wilh a poor worlllng ~'PG' (1hr ,53mln) U llCml "Madame Rosa" ( 1978, Ora· ma) Simone Signore!. Clauoe Dauphin A woman's perr;onatlly undergoes an exlrerne rranslormalion when she lm1olves herself 111 a romantlo alla11 which bridges two w1'1ely dllferrng cultural levels. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min) t:tl (f'1) AU It TMUM& Y d f) ()) MVATI ..,,._ Boojam1n sets 001 to demonstrate the shortcomings ol a robot soldier i HAWAIAVl.f IO YOU.,._ YOU GOT TlllOWl.ll MCl&'.-oPP'I PWIO COIC810 I This popular conGerto features Alex19 We1ssenberg. sototsl wllh Herbert Von Karaj&n condVGflng the Berlin Pntlhar· monlC ( I hr ) .. (JZ) 11Cm1 ··Public fll61ily" (1931. Ore· ma) James Cagney Donald Cook A racketeer ratsed 1n a tenemenl rrses 10 and fall$ from the heights of P<JW« ( 1 hr . "5 tn1n) ... ()) llOVW "FOfbi<Jden Love" (Prem- 19fe. Roma~) Andrew Sleveoa. YVette M1mieux A young doclOI and a weanhy dlVorcee IWICe his age shock and ange. 1het1 lrleOOS and famlly when they tall ~ 1n love wllh one another (2 hrs ) D llD .,_ "Farrell FOf The People" (Premiere. Orama) V11le1le Harper. Dennis l 1pscomb A New YOfl< aSSistent district attomey ts laced with a brilliant ex· convict accu5ed of murdel. his celebrity sponsor. and a renowned defense auor- ney In her first mat<)( case (2 hr• ) Friday, October 15.1982 27 -!!-•clay Cont. -W CID "House Calls" ( 1978. Comedy) Wal- ter Matthau, Glenda Jacl\son ( 1 hr . 38 min.) W (f) "Twillgtll's Last G1eam1ng" (Part 2) ( 1977. Suspense) Burl Lancaster, Rich- ard Widmark ( 1 hr • 30 mm ) ~ "Papet Tiger" ( 1976. Comedy) David NMlf'l. Tostwro Mlfune ( 1 hr , 39 min) .. cm "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1949, Romance) Jean Simmons, Donald Hous- ton ( 1 tv .. 45 ITlff1 ) Cl> "The Club" (1980. Orama) Jacll Thomplon. Graham Kennedy ( 1 hr , 39 min) e "Heartland" ( 198 I Drama) Rip Torn, Concheta Ferrell ( 1 hr 35 min ) llllC%l "First Monday In Octobef" (1981, ~y) Walter Mattha•J, Jiii Ctayburgh !hr , 40mlr'I) .. "PC>flra11 Qt A riebef Margaret nger" ( 1980. Biography) Bonnie Franklin, David ~es. ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) CD "Dlaappearance" ( 1977, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Francine Aacelle ( 1 hf .. 40 min.) •CC) "The Amazlng Mr Blunden" ( 1972. ~ntasr) Laurence Na1Smtth, Lynne Fred- erick. 1 hr . 30 min.) -~"Sleeping Dogs" (2 hra.) .. "Strange Behavior" ( 1981, uspenN) Michael Murphy, Louise Fletcher ( 1 hr .. 35 ITlff1 ) 4111(0 "Separate Ways" ( 1980, Orama) Katen Black, Tony Lo Blanco ( 1 IV , 32 min) •Cl> "How To Steal A Mflllon (Dolle,. And 0V. Happily EV8f After)" ( 1966, COme- dy) AUdrey HepbUrn, Peter O'Toole. (2 "''·· 30 min) cm "Nichole• Nicllleby" ( 1947. Drama) Oirell Bond. Cedric Hardwicke. (2 hrs.) •@ "PromlM Her Anything" (1966, Com· ~~ Wanen Beatty, Leelle Ceron (2 __ .. ......, The people of Nepal are on the brink of ecological di&aster and human tragedy. Their plight is explored in "The J:tagile Mountain" at 8 p.m . on PBS, Channel 28. Ml 8 1 0ii lMI TOR FeatU<ed a look at the Merwyn Monroe Fen Ck.lb. an update on the Smothers Brothers. the Safvauon Army Band'1 w~ly march down Holty- wt..>d Boulevard l ll>PAm.YPBID LI.-. 1-.Y I COWMtr IYI Oii U. Featured people watching, lhe an-American paslllme, Los Angeles residents who wtH compete In the 1984 Olympics, a new exercise l)fogu1m fOf ~nlwomen. ) • TIC TAC DOUQM llAOUW'I N.ACI ... .,~ YOUMm>PmtrJ ........ -1\1111 Guest· Fredeflck Forsyth. IMCIB./~-.T IMllC •• ,um. .,_ "Legend Of The Wild" ( 1980. Adwn!Ufe) 'PG' ( 1 hr , 40 min ) • .,. "II Takes All Kindt" ( 1969, Suspente) Vflfa Miies, Robert Lansing An American sailof It conned by a IOvely e11lortlonlsl In Australia Into 11ea11ng a valuable piece ol Slained glass ICK hef ( 1 hr ,30mln) .. 8 Cl) -•MCI ALM F'rantc Buck, • missionary's nleoe and lour children are Chased through the Jungle by Japanese eotdler11 ( 1 hr ) II. PAnB......, A teller ol taH tales convinces the townspeople that John Murphy ts a notorious bani\ robber C 1 hr) 8 llON "Smash-Up On Interstate 5" ( 1976. Drama) Robert Conr1d, Buddy ~been A masalve 39-car co4llllon occurt on a Catllornt. freeway at the cloee of a holld!t weekend (2 hrs) • U MUPf DAYI Joenle's departure ilVeatens the Cunningham's marriage, and Fonne ts forced to put Arnold'• up lot aele.r:::J • .,. "Von Ryan's ExP'..... ( 1966, Orama) Frank Sinatra. TrwYOr Howard. An American teadt a l)flsotlert' revolt 8Q81ntt the Nam teklna them to Auatrla (2 fir• ) !IUD,.IA.ACI ' P& IMM11" An un<s.rground olty In tr .... a man .no l)ttl«:ted 1mc:i.n1 ~to 00 houMw0111 . .... "New Vork, New VOttc" (1977, MUsloal) I.It& Mlnntll. Robert DI Niro (Ming the bla bend tt• of the '-iO.. a dtdlcaltd muiclan lh:tt hll dlYottOn tom be'""1 hll muelC end hll eongel,.. a-iJI~ e .,, "The Frlgllt Mountain" A rfPOrt on the MYlft IOM eroelon In tht ~yu that II thfN= the eurvlvtl of the Meo ....... Pf td CJ ( 1 hr.) • lmiWf "OVtno ~" A men'• (lln ~) amuttment With 1 ttpt left on hll ttlin by• Wow commut• tumt to Mr· Rlf ...., I'll ~ " Md heM "'° peqp!e ptottlnQtolclNm (Patt 1) C (1 tv.) CC> ... "T"8 ~ kid" (t981!, °'9fnl) ...._. Mc:Oueen. ~ o. ~ INOn. A young oetdlherp !Mt IO.,... the ""' of ""° pOller In • titltte '°' f)ftllttga. (' Jw., ""*") U~· • .-.. "loot .,.. .. ,, .. ,, er.tnli) !dwltd """" Olmol: In ,... . ....... E owr dfmt1nM11of1 ..,_.""" 11W l'IUdlr. 'fr ( Hw .. , • mftl "The C>ne Thal Oot Away" {1958. Advontu1e) Ha1dy KrUQttr. Colin Gof(j()tl The urvelenllng dtltem11n11llon ol n Gertnan POW to ncepe flom lho AlllM finally peya ott ( 1 hr . 30 min ) Cl)~ P001'ULL OMlahome SOOt1ttr11 et Kenae1 Jeyhawlu. (A) (3 hr• ) w, ... tll mftl "HallOw"n II" ( t98 t, Horror) mle lee Cu1111. Donald Plcasence A ~Y Insane murde1et conunun h11 reign ol te110f In a small town ·n· ( t ht 30mln ) • *II. ~OYmlGH -----rr W = "Tho French Womnn" ( 198 t, Drttma) Francoise Fabian. 011yte Haudon A bordello being kept open by o govern ment subsidy IS the &Gene ol murder anu poutlcel scandal when e VIP customer In -~oe=~~iJ..hr . 37 min) ~ "Outcast 01 The Island~" ( 1952. Drama) Rober I Motley, Ralµlt Richardson Based on lhe novel by Joseph Conrad A man's moral fiber 1s des1royed wtien he becomes involved in a Malayan smuggltng opera11on (I hr . 40 min) (0) 111)¥11 "Top Hal'' ( 1935. Musical) F1ed Asta1re. Ginger Rogers A man has trouble wllh hls girllriend because she lhlnks he's rnarned 10 her bel>t f11end (2 hrs) ClllOVll "The Greal Bank Hoe•' ( t979. Mystery) Ned Beatty, Rteherd Basehart lhtee dt50runlled bank e>r.ecuttves decide to gel the riChes they teel lhey're enl1lled to by staging a robbe1y ol the11 own bank 'PG~1 . 27 min) -~.,.."One On One · (t977 Drama) Robby Benson. Annette O Toole A b<>y who goes to college on a basketball schola15"1p 1s abused by the coach scorned by his lulOI and used by the school IOI 11s own purpose!. 'PG' ( 1 hr 38mln.) &11 (%) llO¥w "Sirange Behavior" ( 198 t. Suspense) Michael Murphy. l ou11>e Fte1chGr A police officer 1nves1tgates a series of brutal murders 1n a small Mio wes191n coll:'jf:ia. 'R' (I hr , 35 mm ) :;e:TLMQI 1:9 ~ llCMI "Emily" ( 1976, Drama) Koo Stark. VlctOI Sp1ne111 In 19;i~ Fngland, a teen-age girl comes 01 age through an affair with an Ame11Can sch0olte11cher I I hr , 25 min) -~-..wm.--~= "Hell's Angels I 1930 Adven IU<e) Ben Lyon Jean Harlow During WOfld War I. lhree OxlOld bvdd~ beeome drvtded when they are conscript ed 10 Ughr on opposite SICleS 'PG (2 hrs 5mtt1) D llOwtl "Madame Rosa' ( 1978 Ora ma) Simone Stg001el. Claude Dauphin A woman's personahly undergoes ,n e11treme lransl01mal1011 when sl'le involves helseH 1n a romantiC affair whrch bridges rwo Widely d1tlo11ng cultural levetc; ·po· ( 1 l'lt , 45 min) M CH)9CME "The Jau Singer" ( 1980. Musi cal) Neri Dcamon<l, Laurence Ol1v1e1 A New Yori< cant01 bleaks w11t1 lam1ly trad1 lton and se1s ov1 to find success as a P<>t> muSIC Siar 'PG' ( I hr . 55 min ) .. (!) __., IWAGGMT IT> lf'OllTIClllTD Louise Fle t<·her s tars an HStrangt•r Behavior" the 2 : 15 a.m. movit• on tht• Z channe•I. '~1 llOft Dea1h Volley ( t982 My!> lery) Paul li:Mat Peter B1lhngsley A Nt>W York youngster is sent to Artzona to v1'>tt his mother and slumt>les acrOS!J a sertCY.> ol frtslY murders R ( I hr 25 min I CZ1 llOft ·'Cruising' I 1980. Myslery) At Pacrno Paul SOf\11110 A roolue New YOik City cop 1s ~111 0<1 an un0ercove1 assign ment to hnd the ~ycholtc k11lef behind a string ol homose~uat muroe1s 'A' ( I hr 46m1n) W@~ d ~ L.Aff-A-TMOlt A comedian host and lour c.on11c contl'st1111ts whO c;o111µe1e against one another c1re featured 1n this uncenS01ed comedy game show 4:11 C!l • IMIP 4:11@ 1 DMAll Of ...... -Tuesclmyl -llornlngllovlu- .. (I) "Sp1111 Of file Wind" ( 1979, Dranta) Chltt Oen OOOI~ (I hr . 45 min) •11 • "funhooM ( t98 t, Hoo0tl £hlllbelh aif1~. Sylvia M1lo9 ( t hr • 3f.i mln ) •CC) "Poper T!Qer" ( t976, Comedy) Oevtd Niven, l' Oihlfo Mlluoe (I hr • 39 min ) (Q) "Ntcholas Nickleby" ( t947, Dran'4) Derek Bond CtldrK; Hardwicke (2 hrs ) (%) "Beau Pere" ( t98 t) Petrick Oowaere. A11el Besse 12 his ) .. (JI) "The Greet Man" ( 1957. Drema) Jose rorrer. Deon Jagger (2 hrs) 1•9 "My Champion" ( 1981, Orama) Yoko Shimada. Chris Mitchum (I hr • 45 min ) •CC) "The C1nc1nna11 Kid" ( t965. Otama) Sieve McOueen, Cdwerd G Robinson ( 1 hr , 45 mm) Of) "Portrait Qt A Rebel Margaret Sango1" ( 1980. Biography) 8011nle franllltn. David Dukes ( 1 l)r , 45 min) (0) "The Gumball Rallt" ( 1976. Como dy) Michael Sorra11n, Tim Mcintire ( t ht . 47 min) ()) "Ttie Ctub" ( 1980. Dram11) Jack Thompson. Grah<lm Kennedy ( t hr , 39 min) {Z) "Gt.ti Out Your Handkerchiefs" ( t978. Comedy) Gerard Depard1eu, Pa1r1ck Oeweere 11 hr . 40 min) •O "Winds 01 Cnange" (1978. Fan1asy) Animated Based on themes lrom Ovid's 'Me1am01phOS&s " 'PG' ( t h1 . 25 min ) G "Back Door To Heaven" ( 1939. Dra- ma) Van Hefltn. Wallace Fotd (2 hrs) .. ., 'September Afla11" ( 1950. Romance) Joan Fontaine. Joseph Collen g tirs ) ,..(!) 'Too lale Blues (t962. Otarna) Bobby Da11n. Siena Stevens (2 hrs ) Cl> 'Breaklhrough" ( t950. Otarn&) David Buen Frank Love1oy (2 hrs ) (C) "The Great Bank Hoax" ( 1979 Mys lery) Ned Bea11y. Richard Basehart ( 1 hr . 27 min) (tf) "legend 01 The Wiid" ( 1980. Adven· lure) ·po· (I hr . 40 mm) (0) "Cannonball Run" ( t98 I. Comedy) Burt Reynold!.. Do111 Del u1se ( 1 hr • 35 min) (SJ "The little Hui' I t957. Comedy) Ava Gardner, Stewart Grang81 (1 hr , 20 min) <ZJ "Solo" I 1978. Drarnet Vincent Gil, Perry Armstrong (2 hrs ) -@ "Hello Down There" ( t969, Comedy) Tony Randall. Janet Leigh 12 hrs) .. 0 "Myslery Island" I 1978. Ad~enture) LI hr 30 min) 1~(C) "The Great Train Robbery" ( t979. Adventure) Sean Conne1y Donald Su1hertand ( I hr 5 t mrn ) (l l 'Sweet Charrty ( 1969. MusiCal) Sh11ley Mac1 a1ne JOhn McMartin (2 hrs t5m1n I -Afternoon Movies- 1!.98 "The Racker (1951. Myslery) Rob- ert Mitchum l 11abeth Sco11 ( 1 hr 30 mm) COJ • House Calls' ( t978 C<>medy) Wei 1e1 Mantiau. Glenda Jacksoo ( t hr • 38 ltllll) (SJ "f'11st Monday In Oc1obe1' ( 198 1 Comedy) Walle• Mallhau Jill Ctayburgh LI hr . 40 m1n ) 0 'Tarzan. Ttle Ape Man" (198 1. Adveniure) Richard Hams. Bo Der~ ( 1 hr . 52 min) Friday, October 15, 1982 29 -_.._....._ovles_ ... "Knightridefs" ( t981, AdVenture) Ed Harris. Gary Lahti (2 hrs , 25 mlO ) .. ~ "AnlmlllS Are Beaultlul People" 1..!.975) Documentary ( 1 hr . 32 min ) CID "Siience Of The Nonh" ( 1981, Adventure) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skenltt i_!ht ,35mm) -~ "The Country G11t" ( t954, Orama) B1rig Crosby, Grace Kelly (2 hrs.) .. cm "Anhur" (198t. Comedy) Dudley Moore. Liza Mlnne1t1 ( I hr . 53 min ) 79()) "Black Beauty' ( 197 t Orama) Mark Lestlf. Wallet Slezak ( 1 hr . 45 min ) CZ> "Solo" ( 1978. Orama) Vincent Gil. Perry Armstrong. (2 hrs.) 79~ "The Brothers Karamazov" ( 1958, Orsma) Maria Schell, Yul Brynner (2 hrs , 30min) CID "The Sea Wotves" ( 1980, AdVenture) Gr~ Peck, ROQef Moore (2 hrs.) ... 'Come Have Coffee With Us" ( 1972. Comedy) Ugo Tognazzt. Valentine (2 his.) .. (%) "FtrSI Monday In Octobef'' (198 t, Comedy) Woltftf Matthau, Jill Clayburgh L! hr .. 40 min) ... "OrlftwOOd" (1947. Orama) Ai.Ith Warrick. Waller Brennan (2 hrs.) ... "Thunder In The East" ( 1953. Adven· lute) Alan Ladd. Oel>o<ah Kerr. (2 his.) -Cl) "Jamaica Run" ( 1953. Mystery) Ray Milland. Atlene Dahl. (2 hrs.) e "The Wonderful Country" ( 1959, Wntem) Robert Mitchum, Julie London !?_ tlfS ) CC) "Fiddler On The Roof" (1971, Musi· cal) Topot, Norma Crane. (2 hr•, 59 min.) (JI) "The Private Eyes" ( 1980, Comedy) f Knotts. Tim Conway ( 1 hr .. 31 min ) "Sunday In New Y()fl(" (I~. Come- Clllf Roberteon. Jane Fonda. ( I hr . min) "Heertbetp9" ( 1981, Comedy) And'/ l<avtmen, BerNldette Pet8fl (I hf , 46 -~:IThe HoodlVm Priest" ( 1961, Orama) ~ Mutray. Cindi WOOd. (2 hrs.) .. CZ) "Sav11ge Hatv91t" (1980, Adventure) fOm Skenltt, Mlchelle l>hll!IPI ( 1 ht., 25 min.) -cm "Body And Soul" (t98t. 0tam1) Leon llUC ~. Jayne Kennedy. ( 1 hr., 46 min.) tWCID ·~ Of The Nor1h" (1981, AdYenture) Ellen Bur1tyn. Tom Skerrttt i hf .. 36 min.) "~111def1" ( 1981, Adventure) Ed ,,,., Gary Lahti (2 M.. 25 min.) tMI ~ "the E~tlon Of Somy C.taon" 874) Aony ci.nton. Don <JordOn. 'R' 1 ht., '15. min l Terri Trea s and Richard Dean Anderson star in new series, 44Seven Brides (or Seven Brothers," at 8 p.m . W ednesday o n KNXT, Ch annel 2 . a. '9 "Come Have Coffee With Us" ( 1972. COmedy) Ugo Tognazzt, Valefltlne (2 hrs.) •cm "Toby And The Koela Beer" (1981, fanluy) Rolf Harris ( 1 hr .. 20 min ) -~ "AnlmaJI Are Belvlllvl People" ,75) Ooo\Jmentary J 1 hr .. 32 min.) 'Spirit Of The Win " ( 1979, Orama) f Oen George. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) d CZ) "Solo" (1978, Orame) V~I Gii, f>efrv Armstrong (2 hrs) • 1 ·1Svn<1ay Too F1t Aw.y" (2 hrl) .. "Some lllte II Hot" ( t959l COmedy) ,:;'~ eoni.. Jack Lemmon. 12 hrl . 30 CD "The Formula" ( 1980, Or1mt) Mat· Ion Brando, Oeoroe C. Scott ( t hr , 67 rnlfl.) Cl) "Blad! BNuty" (1071, Dr•m•) Mark L•ter. Welter Sle:t.ak. ( 1 hr • 46 min ) CZ) "Strenge Behavior" ( t 09 t. SulPtftM) Mich .. , Mvrphv. LoulM !tch«. ( 1 tv .. 31 min.) • "Welt Ufllll Dirk" (1987, 8UtpenM) udrey Hepburn. A1tn Atkin (2 tv1., 2& -~ tTht Brothn KtramllOY'' ( t961., ~lme) M.lfte Schell. Yul Bf)innef. (2 hr• .. 30 mil\.) 1---wmalf~tUIMIMMAW. ft.O U.I This document11ry calches many wild animals as they grow up and learn to survive In their natural lhat~UOOIOO '"'llllCI. MM1' .. U'ltiD =.r Tm ,.,_ Three ol New York's ciassleSt cabaret 111ngers such as Bobby Shorl, Hugh Shannon end Mabel Mereet 11ng selections from Sondheim. Gershwin. RoOgefS & Hart. Cola Port9f and others ( 1 hi ) e CMIP ... W:TMIDBA1U "18th Cell- tornla Senate Olstrk;t" Assemblyman G&ry Hart, Assemblyman Charles lmbrecht. H Bruce OrlSColl I -pow. MOWll "tnVltatloo To The Dence" ( t957, Muslcal) IQOf Youskevltch, Gene Kelty Three RllT1$l(y-Korsakov dance sequences are presented "Clrcut" A clown falls to hiS death from • tightrope, "Ring Around The Rosy" An anniversary gift changes hands many times. "Slnbad The Sailor" A seaman e•perlences eJCclt· l =:O."~" 30 min) 19 .... me ... HAIPYDAYI MAii -... a. PA.,,, A man Who customlz" lu•ury cara In Hollywood. 1 group of gifts 1r11lnlng for the new Olympic sport of l wal:o=nclng. ...,~~ ,_..w 1=--• 11111..-T CMl 1'111 D9Cl.11 .. "' It Mq\Jel 10 the ~ epecill "Who Are The OeBo111 And Where Old Th4w Gel 19 Kida?" IJC)(lal• the llOfY of the ••tr1ordlnary l1mlly which now lnciudel ~ physlealtV•handicaftOAd Chll<lfef'I. CIJ .. ''Rock.,.,,....-(1979. Mullcal) Leroy w~. Jacob Miller A dr\lmm8I' ••tract• revenge on the 1yatem wtWch hu ~~~I hr., 40 min.) CJ)~ Bot>by Vinton perform• IOm8 of hit ~ hftt. lndudlng "BIVe On Blue" ~..,,-~~For A Blue Lldy," trom the Sandi Hot411 In Lal ~•• (ttw.) .. "Flr1t y In Octob«" 1, Comedy) ~ Mlttl'lau, Jiii yt>t#oh A llberll 8uprtme Cour1 ~ tic. cllihel with the ,,...,.. mtmber of the ri.tlOn'I NQhe9f OOUt1 an "''a-oot\-NMttlve womlln Jijflat. ·A' ( t ...... 40 ;''-mo-r,,.., .. -Tae•tlay Coad. e.,. "Boejy And Soul" ( 1981, Ota· !NI) leoo IMIC KenO.Oy. Joynt Kefl'- oy A young black turns 10 p112etighllng 10 '"'"' the mooey he rlffd1 101 ~I •m~•l;a;. 45 uwn) 11118 9 LA~ a ...., L1veme haa 1u lace lht protp4KI of tMrig ttont whon Shlrley wrltH her 1 note taylng the'• mov I I 10 live with het new hveband Q Mem,_IOOllVILT YOUTtm YOU tor11ICMLll CH'?DP W 90CWTY tll &MCGlM Soprano Judith Blegen nnd trum pe1 tofoist Stephen Burns. IOln the lomed ensemble fO< aelectlona by "3vel. Handel. Scarlam, Bened1c1. S1111u&a and Brahma. It hr I 1111 a> llOVll "The Flame And The Arrow" ( 1950. Adventure) Bull L&f\C&ater, Vlt· glnla Mayo. In medieval llaly, a mountain rebel leads his people In revolt against the H~hr .5Smln) .. (I) ~ONTNIPUltcm .. B Cl) MOVIE "JOhnny Belinda" (Prem· lere, Orama) Richard Thomas, Rosanna Arquette A v1olen1 chain of evl!nls threat· en to destroy the fraglle relationship between en ldeallellc social worket and a ~'!il. deaf girl. (2 hr8.) U QD QAYJ.M (Prem.ere) A lorrner CIA agent uses his new m1n1 submarine lo t'lelp a sctentist rescue her kidnapped husband fl~ n.:l'I COWMY Jack Skates into lhe m1dsl of a rOfler rmk rendelVuuS 1nvotv1ng a cache of d•amunds lhal could ii him tn lhe slammef Q '"1AU. _...,.. llY1TBY "Dying Day" A man's 11an McKellan) amu5emenl w1lh a tape lefl on his 1rain by a tallow commutef 1urns 10 ter· ror when he plays 11 and hea1s 1wo people ~lllng 10 k1tl him (Part I) D (I hr) ml MOVA "The f'rag1le Mount!ln" A report on rhe sevete soil erosion 1n the Himalayas that 1t lhfaaten1ng !he sur11111a1 01 the Nepalese 19 pfesente<J o ( t hf ) {E)COUIGIFOOTIALL Oklahoma Sooners al Kansas Jayhawks (R) (2 hrr. . 30 min) ([)llOVll "Thal's The Way Ot The WOfld" ( 1975. O<ama) Harvey Kelle!. Ed Nel- son A 1alented and ambitious record pro- ducer 1s introduced to the b11tet world of compromises and setl outs 1n lhe recOfd· ~~ bUSiness ·po· I t hr . 40 min.) lQJ llOVllE "The Gumball Rally" ( 1976, Comedy) M1Chaet Samwn. Tim Mclnlire A gumball maclMe is lhe grand pille In a New York to Los Angeles car race whtch bongs all sorts ol lany characters onto lhe nation's htghway5 and back roads 'PO' (I ht . 47 min) (%) llO¥ll "Beau Per11" ( 1981) Pe111ck Deweere. Ariel Besse (2 ht& I mlOlDa.a 11118 9 I TO I Mr Hart s new compule< goes on 1he fflll end Judy ends up w1thoul ~b YOU AlllD JOll rf ~Am LOft A nine part &el.es of Napoleon and his osmg tame 1n Parrs ~art 7) ( I hr ) CH)MCMf "Tattoo" (1981. Oroma) Btuce Dern. Maud Adams An ot>eessed talloo artlsl kidnaps a fastuon model and pro- ceeds lo CO'lle< her boOy with his handl wO<k 'A' ( I hi . 45 min ) .. D GD IT. all'IMIM (Premiere) The doctors or Boeton's St Ehglus hospltal search tor a mlSSlng mental patient while a voung resident fights 10 prevent surgery from being done on 1 young woman ht) • R Mo-::r Whllt In London with ~~an. Jtnnllo1 11 Iott hc.>ldlng tht ~ overyone want• When lhe reluctanlly beComet a c1rri.r plQeOn lor a mytltflOUI baron D ( I hr ) POl1lll I.OWi Cir A_., CltU LUIW tll ~ YOTm OGll_. amATa Promm.n1 momt>ert of bOth lht HOUN llnd S."-lt debftla lht lMUM facing vot1<1 In lht NO\ltmber tlec Ilona (thf.,=~ ID ICIOY • "Naming Of Patta" D< Jonathan Miller trOuot lhal our Igno- rance of basic phytl()l()gy IMdt to unuaual i'.{l~':f' aboul our own lnaldel (A) Q CC) llO¥ll "The Great T1a1n Aobbef)'" ( 1979. Adventure) Sean Connery. Don aid Sulh&rland. Two expert turn·of.lhe- century con arllate a11emp1 10 pull off the 11eemlnoty Impossible robbery ol 1 locl<ed safe abollrd a f11t·movlng locomolfve ·pa~{t!lr . 51 min.) (l)~MCl:LOVlllVWI (Part 1) llllOVll "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981, Adventure) Richard Harris, Bo Oetek WhUe accompanying her father on a search tor the legendary Elephanl'a Graveyard. a young woman 19 at>Oucted by an unc1vll12ed whrle marl who was raised by apes In the jungle 'A' ( t hr • 52 min~ -;COi===-~ .-11w1111•""t•WOM,_ ... M0¥9 "Beach Party" ( 1963. Come dy) Dorolhy Mal<>ne, Aoberl Cummings Researcn into lhe sex habHs 01 rnode<n youth leads a m1ddle·ag00 anthropok)gy profeSSO< 11110 lhe teen age beech scene ~hrs. 5m1n) llClllAn. Guest Fredet'lck FOt"syth llO¥ll ''Privale Lessons" ( 1980. Com edy) Sylvia K11stel. Howard Hesseman A wealthy man as51gns his seduc11ve house keeper the 1ob of providing his tS·year·Old son with his f11s1 sexual experience 'A' ( t hr , 30 mln.l_ ,,. GG CIJtm lD ... IAY\lltAY llQHT • llMClt "'-ICll .....ut THAT QU?Z lltOW nmTIOf IMPl'IOICO QU?ZQDI DOCTOll• TNI _,. lfC)¥ll "Swedish Fly G11ts" ( t97 I Comedy) Berte Tove, CHn1on Greyn A Danish 6tewardess embark!i on an e.11haustlve aearch IO< Mr Righi 'R' ( I hr . •Om1n.) ©) .UftOY ON 1MI All (%) MO¥ll "Gel Out Your Hllndkerchlels" I 1978, Comedy) Gerard Depardoeu. Patrick Dewaere A young and opllmlstlC hOsband goes 10 almosl unbeheveable lengths lo ensure his wife'• happiness 'R' 1! fu 40 min) 1tlll'J cE QWCY Owney sospe<:IS Iha! II young bOy 1n11otved In a car ~iOeot may be the VICl!m of Child abuse (A) ( 1 hi • 10min) II f.D TimCINT Guest hosl Bill Coflby Guests Jerry Lew11. Phyllis OIJler, Dana Hill J_1 hr) 8 9 t11ylfl._WW.,..•nn Ted Koppel encho1s an eic.amlnatlOO of lhe reporting of recent wars by lelevlSIOn news with Pet&f Jenn 1ngs and Hlttary Brown of ABC, Pet8f Arnell ot CNN, James Hoagland of the Wa.3tllngton Poet. and media COO$Ullan1 David Garth ( I hf . 30 min ) fl YOU AIDD JOll rf l.!•J&&• CW IEP W IOCllTf tll UIDa&Ji Soptano Jodlth B~ and trum- pet sololtt Stephen Bu111s, jOln the lamed 00Mmb4o IOI o;o1o<:Hon1 by nav.i. Hanct.I. Sca1t11111 Benedi<:I. Slmvts and Br1hma ; ht ) •t11---,. LA1-T HOit DcH1r111 WllONry hf) IPCllllC&1• ON LOCATION ··catch A Alling Star'. h Annll:.~ ( I hr 30 min ) , .. ~= "Ordlnnry l'eoplo" (1980. Dr• ma) Mary Tyltll Moore, Donald Suther 18nd A gulfl·rlddeo teen-age1 trying 10 pul Illa Ille back together attar his brothe<'e death and hlS own suicide attemp1 reach- es ou1 to his complacent father and his cold, roearvod mother 'R' (2 hrs. 3 min.) ,., ...,~TOllClff llCMI "Ring Of PaSSlOn" ( 1978. Dr11 ma) Bernie Casey. Stephen Macht. Two heavywelghl prlzellghlers, Joe Loul1 and Max Schmellng, square ott for champion· ship matches In 1936 and 1938 (2 hra.) (J) MOVIE "Snnga1ee" ( 1953. Ad11en1ure) Fernando Lamas. Arlene Dahl In 1781, a doctor cornea to a Ge<>tglan p1an1atlon 10 menage his deceased benefactor's esta1e. (2 hf& I 4D 90¥ll "Harry In Your Pocket" ( t973. Drema) James CobUm. MIChael Sarruln A team of professional J>1Ckpockets devel· ops sophrst1eated techniques as they :set i and fleece :icores of vic11ms (2 hrs ) LOVI. AlmlCAll tm.I llOfll "H 0 T S I" ( 1979. Comedy) Susan K1ge1 Lisa london A soroflty reiect deddes to form her own club of co- eds who concentrate on grat1ly1ng &ell· atarved cot169,1&nr. 'A' ( I hr . 35 min ) (S) MOYIE r11~1 Monday tn October" (I 98 t, COlne<ty) Waller Mallhau, Jilt Clayburgh A llbetal Supreme Court Jus- ltee clashes with the newest member o t the nation's hlghes1 court. an ullra·con servat1ve woman Jurrs1 'A' ( t hr . 40 min) ·=~ngDogs" (2hts) tt'9 II f.11) LATI NIGHT wmf DAWI> ~ Guest · comedian Michael Keaton ( 1 hr) I~ Am LOft A nine par! sefie& of Napoleon and ht!i l•Slng lame 1n Parl8 (Part 7) ( 1 hr ) ([) CR. fOOTIALL Edmonton Eskimos al Montreal Conc()(des (R) (2 hrs 30 min) U:al(fl)lleml "Monkey On My Back" (1957. Biography) Cameron Mitchell. Jack Albertson A bo.11er siruggles 10 overcome ~ a~tetlOl'I 10 dtUQS (2 hrs. I 1219 a Cl) WW' All a WI A hot rempered lennta pro 111 ~ted 01 murdering a wealthy buf.lness magnate (A) ( t hf . 20 min) 1219([) llO¥ll "Separate Ways" ( 1980, Ora· ITl8) Karen Black. Tony Lo Blanco A young couple's la~ure to COll'l(l'MJnlC31e nearly resut16 10 the deSlruction of tl\elf mamage 'R' ( I hr 32 min I ._ 8 m¥E "An American Dream" ( 1986, Ornma) Stuart Whitman, Janel Leigh A lelev•SIOfl repotlet is caught between the syndlC8te 10< eAP<>Srng the11 pollee con- nechoos and the Police for his wife's mut· der (2 hrs) 8 MO¥ll "The Double Man" ( 1986, Su$pense) Yul Bryonet. 01111 Ekland A CIA agent dlScovers AVSS!an agents plOll· Ing to replace him with a menial and ptiys· 1eal dQubkl ( I hr . 30 min.) Friday, October 15, 1982 31 -W.dnesclay Cont. • 111M1 .. A Gulde For The Married Woman" ( 1978, Comedy) Cybill Shep- herd. Charles Frank. A young housewife who feelS that married kle IS closing in on her dreams ol having an extramarllal affair. (2 hrs ) CJ)_,. "The Redhead And The Cow- boy" ( 1950, Western) Glenn Ford, AOOn· da Fleming. A g<)\'efnment spy Joins a pair of Southern sympathizers planning lo deliver a message 10 Coolederale irregu· tars (2 hrs.) e llOYll "Juggernaut" ( 197<4, Suspense) Richard Harris, Omar Sharif A holiday cruise becomes a nightmare when the authorities of a lu11ury llner receive an omlnoue bomb threat and an extortion note demanding $10 5 million (2 hrs.) • LM. AW:Mltm.I CD _,. "The Howling" ( 1981, Horr<><) OM Wallace, Patrick Macnee A woman reporter IS menaoed by a kUler who seems to be a werewolf. 'R' ( 1 hr • 3 t min.) <D) llOWll "American Pie" ( 1980) Eric EdWardl, ~West ( 1 h< • 30 min) _, T llCMI "More Then Friends .. (1978, Comedy) Rob Reiner. Penny Mar- lhall A yoong couple try to cleclde II t~'re better at being friends or lovef1 IRl ( 1 hr • 55 min. I -· e UTI .mtrwmt DAVI»~ Guest: comedian Brother Theodore. ( 1 lhr.) Enc•1m.1 .,.. ,._ Three of New one's clea9iMI ~ba1et linger• euch at Bobby Short. Hugh Shannon and Mabel M9foer ~Ilona from Sondheim. Gerlhwtn, a & Han. Cole Porter and other1. (1 r.) CE llCT ~ "Fall Aneta" Coverage of ffii chamolonshlo match lroV" Naples. It•· Iv. (R) (3 hrs.) . _CB>.,. "Green lc4t" ( 1981, AdventlKt) AY•n O'Neel. Anne Arcri.r. An englnMf and a eoclallte attempt lo rOb • South American emerald amugglef of a fortune In • 'PG' (1 hr .. 65 mln.) .. .,. "The Offenoe" ( 1973. Orama) COnnety, TrlYOr Howt1d While tr!Klklng dOwn • chlld molester, a London dettct!Yt llowty edges himeelf toward a E l>fNkdown. 'R' (1 llf., S. min.) ... "Bnu Ptl'e" (1981) Patrlek •• Mel e.u.. (2tn) -Im .. "F\Jty Of The Apecht" (1965, W•tem) Frri latlmCHe. A cowbov rides to the reecue of 1 rancher and till wn. who ert hlvlna trouble with their neigh- • ( 1 hr . &cfmln.) w .. "Chubeloo'' (19ee. Crime) 0 EOllfl. Cf'lrlltoptw "°'* A yQUth ,..,._ acme 1nn1r ooofllcta wNr\ ,... [Stunt~""'· ,2 hrt.) .. "Tht Nlaht Flghtert" (1M0, •) Aobeft Mttctun. Den O'Her· lfW. A '11ucttnt yqiing "*'.....,.a tale In tt'lt lrlatl 1'Mllutlon. ( 1 hf.. 30 wt~~ "Dey Of ll1t E'11 Oun" (1"8, 9M). 01tM Fcwd. Mtu l<enntdv. A ,,., ... the llc2 of 1 ooho'1 to. ,.,,,. doMt ... --·-.who~,. .... ., . , ..... 30 "*'-> -·=;:.,"'""' ThafW ........ Iii ....... e='*· ...... •• ~an -·-tfip,t' ,., • ,,.,~ ,1112 Lisa Whelchel as Blair has to do some r ast talking when an IRS man played by Kenneth Tigar questions her in "Daddy's Girl" on "The Facts OF--l:are" a t 9 p.m. on KNBC, Channe l 4 . CDlllMI "Green Ice" ( 1981. AdVenture) Ryan O'NNI, AnN Archer. An angineet and 1 10Clalt1e allompl to rob a South Ameflcan emerald amugglef of a fortune In Qeme. 'PG' ( 1 hr • SS min ) r·· _,Chevy Chatt, Lar.loe • ( 1 hr.) ._ "Mandingo" ( 1917, Orama) J•mee Meaon. SuNn 090fge. A Wt1t Afrleln of lhe Mandingo trlbi la brought 10 • .-V.l>fNdlng plen1a11on In loulaWoa -1:----..ATCIM ibtfor:,::: ,.""' of the CMI War. 'R' (2 -... -... "8~ Of The Nofth" (1981, dllentur•) Ellen Surttyn. Tom 8kerrtn. In Ult8, • young woman'• mattltQt 10 • lrappew IMdt het to a II,. of hat~ In -.. 1111.,...,. !the t1r':"::') of nor1hern Ctntdl PG' .. "The Magnltlctnt Amber'aont" ... 942, Drtrna) Jolepl'I Cootn, Anne xtar BaNd on Booth TnlnOle>n'• noY-tl An tcoenlric k'ldlenla family ollnge lo lrldltion duflng • time of r.pd cNtngt, C 1 I 4'5rN\) = "PllY'dtY" ( 1173, Dr..,.) Alp om. AnN:.:=A countty end...._,, ..,_ ,.,... flit ri..:. ..... dOm _,, end ding IE '*" (2tn.) =OnlNAlof'' (tlU, apel...,_()rWA,_,. ,,..,_ In ""'"" ... ., - Russia Irle& lo marry off his etlglble da~- 1ers while trying 10 hold 0010 his JewiSh hefilage In the face of oppresslOn. ·o· (2 hrs . 59 mm) M (1)MO¥E "The Educauon Of Sonny Car· son" ( 197<4) Rony Clanton, Don Gordon. 'R' ( 1 hr .. <45 min ) •• mWll "Fhghl To Nowhefe" (19'6. Mystery) Alan Cortrs. Jack Hoo ln1erna- 11ona1 Si>les vie for accesa to vital nuclear sec:teta ... 1 hr • 30 min ) ~-... • ~ ':' ICHOCll Tips for beller sllllng ifilmed at Kllllnglon. VI ) (R) M (J)lllMI "Naughty Wrves" ( 1970) Bren- den Price. Jean Harrtnglon. A vacuum clctaner salesman Is seduced by his clients Into an energe1k: demonslrallon 'R' (1 hr .. 25 min.) M 0 lllMI "Death Valley" (1 982, Mys· tery) Paul LeMat, Peter S.lllngsley A New Yorlc younga1er ts sent 10 Arizona to visit his mother and stumbles across a se<les of murders 'R' ( 1 hr • 25 min ) 4119 IWMUll'T .. ,..,. UMIAZll:-CWDIA11f ......... " llCMI "The Phantom Of <42nd Street" ( 19~5. Mystery) Dave O'Brien, Kay Al<lrleh A theater In New York City becomes the soene of a horrible murclef i hr .• 15min) .. llPY .... llCMI "The Sea Wotvea" ( 1980, Adllenture) Gregory Peck. Roger M00te. During Worid War II. a g.roup ol &ttlah bu8lnel$men form a volunteer regiment to destroy a O.rman IPY nest In the Indian ~~~ ~ llCMI ''Strange Behavtof'" (1981, ~nse) Michael Murphy, loulN Fletcher. A police otnc:.r lnvesllgatM a Mt1M Of bNtal murdef1 In a amilj Mld- W91tem ~town. 'R' ( 1 hf .. 35 min.) •a>• __ ,,, ... Glenn Ford II In two late nljht mo•.-, "The Aedhe11d A114 The Cowlao1'' oa DJ, a.a .... '· ... "Olly OI Tlae Eril 0•" oa KABC. a.a. • .a 7 • .................. ---------------~~~ -Wadnestlg Cont. ID -ITOl'I RCW. "Nuclear WtJr The Incurable DllMM" The medleal con aequenc" ol nuclenr wor .ar• dl&cuase<J by Soviet and Amor1C1111 phy81Cl808, HOddln~rter host& ( t hr ) e c • YOUIYIAU csur v¥ CSULB ( I hr 30 min ) .. 8 Cl) ... _.'°" .... .,,.. m MAL fllOfU reotured adult ttlcy clo races. o golf goma played in !ht tmow, ballel stat Jacque11 0' Amboise le8cho• modern dllrlee 10 schoolchlltJren ( t hr ) 9 MOYm .. The Hindenburg" ( 1975. D<a ma) George C Scon. Anne Bancroll A wary Nazi secunly olti<;er trlel to prevent sabotage ab<>ard the historic and ulll matety doomed 1937 lllQhl ot the Getman dirigible. (2 hrs ) G 9 TAI.II oP 1"I QOlD -*DY Jake. Corky. Louie and Jack undertake a pe11 lous mercy m1ss1011 at the request ol Jake's old llylng buddy ano n maje511c; Watusi ch1e1ta1n ( I hr ) D lllOYlr '"Deadly Hero" ( 1976. Diama) Don Murrey, Otahn Williams A lugger happy poOceman's career md u ktdnap vlCllm's Ille are jeopardllttd whon he res cues her and kills her ebdUCIOI (:>hrs ) Cf) llADAm'I PUCI G> PJl. llAQAZIMI A n1an who CUSIOmtzet luxury cars In HollywootJ. a urcxrp ol y11ls training tor rhe new Olympic sport ol water dancing e llOVll .. Run Silent Run Deep"' ( 1958 Drama) Clark Gablo. Burt Lancastet A submarine crew Is dl11ldeC1 between boyi; and men during a baltle oll lhe coast 01 ~n (2hrs) Q§ mu reatured ll look al v1cJeo rock with performances lrom var10us rock sing ers e CllllAT ~ 'live rrorn Lin cOln Center New 'for~ City Opera MacJama Bu11ert1y .. Judith Haddon. Ju<l1th Christin, Jerry Hadley ancJ Alan Tiius are featured 1n the New York City Opera·, p.Oductlon ot"G1acomo PucClfu's "Mada ma Bullertty·· Christophe< Keene con ducts (3 hrs I (CJ lllCMI .. Father 0 1 The Br1\Je"' ( 1950 Comedy) Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Tay lot A father expenences all ot 1he ioys an<l headaches involved with the prepare· tlons lor his daughter's upcoming wed di~ ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (l)WORTm CB) .aWll .. The Sea Wolves"' ( 1980, Adventure) Gregory Peck. Roger Moore During W0tld War II a group ol British buSlnessmt!fl form a volunteer regiment 10 destroy a German spy nes1 1n rhe ln<l1a11 Ocean. "PG' (2 hrs ) CD) llOVll "'Body And Soul ' ( 1981. Ora ma) Leon Isaac Kennedy. Jayne Kenne dy A young black turns to pnzehght1ng 10 raise the mooey he needs lor medical school. 'R' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) Cl) llZMm John Bynor shows yO\J things stranger 1han 1ru1ti. tarl?81 than hie. and umer than anything you ve ever seen 0 lllCMI "The Formula" ( 1980, Drama) Marlon Brando. George C Scort While investigating tile murdef of a colleague. a veteran cop uncovers a consp11acy tnvotv 1ng the suppression or o synrhehc luel tor mula by an oil cartel ·R' ( 1 hr , 5 7 mill ) .. IMAWAI~ IOYOUnm YOUQOT~ All•TMlfAl&Y ITU~ A musical biography ot composer Igor Strav•nSlly lollow1ng the lhree stages ol hos crea1ive lite (Part 2J U hr ) QI!) ILK1IC* 'a Cl) IU.O. It M ta.LI I "Su~ Bowl 0 1 Country MUllC" Thi• urilQOe country mullc fHtlvel loaturM J.,ry L" Lewll. Ronnie M11Np, Carl Perklnt, Tn. Kendollt llrld Heloo C~ 1 hr . 30 min.) .. CI)CIWUI C*TMIPU teem 11119 ()) AUCI A newspaper atory ravoall tha1 tho f<>rmef ownot of the dine< moy h11ve burled n oundle 01 1001 on tho prem I set II Cl) M 'ACTI OP UPI Blalt's rolllllon· &hip with he1 t11thor Is pyt 0.1 the llne when 1he beeomes lho v1c11m ol an IRS tax audl!.:_O . G ltl'MOWOI "The M11ln rvttnl" ( 1979. eomedyl 0arbf8 Sttel98nd. Ryan O'Neal A benkrupt perlume company preslcJent ii lorcecJ to lall back on her ona remaining a5Set •· a prllellghter who's afra1<1 lo light m>~rs) ~ lllOVW ~elt Handed Gun" ( 1958. Western) Paul Newman. Liia Mllnn, A youthful Billy the Kid uv91'1iJts his employ ef's Cleath and then escapa5 to Madefo ~hro ,6mln) ~ROCllO (lt) llOvtl "Death Race 2000 .. ( t975, Sc• ence-ncuon) David Carradine. Simone Cl11llllh In the year 2000 A D hll-and run d11v1ng 1s a nallonel sport Ill which temnle 111ct1ms are wor!h tO points 'A' ( 1 hr . t9 tnln I CZJ llOVW "The Education 01 Sonny Car ~on" ( 1074) Rony Clan1on. Don GOfdOO 'R' ( t hr , 45 min ) m10t.Do.a t:a II Cl) AL THY llCH Marshall sets out to prove 10 Carlolla lhat hll s really a macho man. D G 'Al&YTRI The Kea1una re-exalll 1ne the11 views on law enlo.cement and ~n control el1er ~hell home 1s bu1g1ar1zeo YOU AIUD fCMI rT CMAllT Tm 11llEI Three ol Now York's classiest caberel singers such as Bobby ShOrt. Hugh Shannoo and Mabel Mercer sing selections lrom Sondheim. Gershwin, Roogers & Harl, C<ile Porret ancJ others ( 1 hr ) al) WOUI Of womJI YOlDlt ~ ~ 1119ATEI Prom1nen1 members of b<>th 1he House and Senate cJebale lhe 1t;sues facing 1o1otors In the November elec· Hons 11 hr • 30 min ) <.Cl llOYW "Animals Are Beau11tut People" ( t975) Documentary Creatures of Alu· can ..wtldhle are seen in the11 natural habr· tat 'G' ( 1 hr , 32 min l M IO) llOYW "Art11u1· ( 1981 Comedy) Dudley MOOle Liza M1nne111 Whtie hlS tam11y attempts to lorce htm into a pie arranged marriage, a drunken, hedorushc playboy falls 1n tove with a p(lOr working 0111 'PG" ( 1 hr 53 min I 1Ml 8 ([) TUCUll'l wn'at Amanda's llaf>hos prove 10 be rtght for a chflnge when a mysteoous neighbOI ol the Tucker's gets involved 1n a fatal shooting ( t hr ) D GD °'91CY A hon<licappetJ 1;01oner attaclls Ou1ncy lor oetiev1ng in lhe lnno cence of a man suspecled ol murcJe11ng hts i son I I hr J ~-~~l'asy . "Three Times A Lady .. end .. Wondef land" are among lhe Ms pertorme<S 1n concert by T~ Commooores CS) MOW 'Naughty w 111es" ( 1970) Bren den Price. Jean Harr1ng1on A vacuum cleaner salesman 1s sedUced by htS clients into an ene1gehc demonstration ·R' ( t hr 25 min l a llCMI "Death Valley" (1912, M~ tery) Paul leMal, Peter 8111~y A New York young1ter It aent to ArfzON to vltlt hit mothet and 1tumbto6 actota • Mflet of ifbs~~· ( 1 hr , 26 min.) -i COUllMm TOCAM MB Bllllf'I' •tWWW ... · ~,,_ Oueet. Jasoo Robarctt llO¥ll "The Gerdan Of Venus" ( 1980. W91tern) Mlcheel Conrod. ~ Con- nor1 Membefa 01 B Mormon family oocome tile targtilB of their greedy nolgh- bor11 when they movti to an Arizona ranch that happens to be sitting oo toP of a ,,.,~tiDD Jt.:t .. 26 ~n) It llMCM ""-M PltA-.U. TICAT CMIZ IHOW l1"MIT1 Oii IM ,,...,..0 tml Feetuted e look at vldeO rocie with performances from various rock eing.. ets l lUll ... MICMIT DOCTOR It TMI _,. llO¥ll "Take This Job And Shove II" (1981. Comedy) Robe<t Hays, Barbera Het&hey A youn11 COtpotate executive runs 1n10 resistance when he returns to hie hometown to revltell1e a company brewery 'PG' ( t hr 40 min.) (() Mu. IPOllT A sc1en11flc exploration ol athletic performance wt'llCh can aid ath- letes In Improving lhelr game. (R) CID MIMI '"Halloween fl" ( 198 t, Hom>r) Jamie Lee Curtis Donald Pleasence A hoPelessly insane murderer continues hit reign ol terrOI In a small town "A' ( 1 hr , 30m1n) (.I) ~ "Strange Behavior" (1981, Suspense) Michael Murphy, Louise Fletchet A J)Ollee oHl<lflf investigates a series ol brutal murders In a small Mid- western college town "R' ( t hr .. 35 min l 1,.@ lllCMI "LecJy From Loulslane" ( 19'11, Romance) John Wayne, Ona Munson. A LOUlstana lawyer's romance with the daughter of a well known gambler comes to a hall O\let the question ol gambling ( 1 hr . 45 min l 11~ fJ Cl) MCtm! ....a PUCI Archie's bookkeeping practices get him In serious trouble With th" state tax department (R) D G TOMGKT Guest host em Coabv Guests Kelly M11nreHh Mel Torme. Marilu Hennet ( t hr I 1 1,~,:.~ TMl&UZt• ITU~ A muslcal biography ot compose< Igor Stravinsky following the three stages ol hrs cresttve hie. (Part 2) ~':ob.<* IOCllYT 15 ,.. LATlllGHf Host Dennis Wholey i~TICllna nam ..... D llOVll '"Body Hest.. (1981, Suspense) William Hurt. Kathleen Turner. A smalltime Flotld11 lawyet 18 per!J08ded by hlS lover 10 murder her husband 'R' ( t hr . 55 min) '1ra~GAU.8Y u.1 aTBT~TOMGKT 9 I.Oft IOAT The captalfl Is reunited with his love child. a rnlddte-aged woman trlf!S 10 catch up w11h the times. and feud· 1ng 1ur0ts take lhe1r case to see. (RJ ( 1 ht tOm1n) Friday, October 15, 1982 33 1., .... , ... u.-a_., a cow,,,,, IYI GI LA. Featured· men watchers rate the Southland's most handsome men, where the next big vOlcano eruption mlgtlt taxe place, a contest ror cats with the best meow. lo nc TACDOUGlt ... flUCI -GI .. ...., .... '°""' rA-rtt ~nm Guest: Onana Falla<:• llACl9. I Liiia 90llT WLD .-cA "Swamp Critters" Marty Stouff8f loolls at the varied w11dl1fe of Am911ca's 80\Jlhern swamps. CB) -'l'tll 19\ The latest develop· menta 1n the NFL slnke are examined ( t ~ CD m¥ll "BIOod And Guts" ( 1978, Ora- ma) Wllkam Smith. Mieheline Lanctot A young wrestler loins the team !IOOn shows eoough potent!al to bring 8 snot at the top.notch compe11t1on within reach (2 hr•) Cl) ~ Gel In shape, loOk good, and feel great with thts phyalcal lftntta ~ogram. G .,. "Escape In The Sun" ( t957, Adventure) John Bentley. V«a Fusek A big-game hunter lalll In love with the wife ofhlt mllllonalre client during a talarl In Afr:-J 1 Iv • 30 min.) :1 Cl) ..... 'J. TC's chopper, with TC and Higgins aboerd. It hijacked lor UM In a apactaculat prleon break by 1 convict D e ~ Sam's 1nteni1ew with a tocal sportecast91 Is bumped by a more relevant piece on John Mc~oe. • 9 TOO Cl.Oii POlt CGIRIT Henry and Muriel reaAza that Andrew cOYld toon have a Nttle brother or slal8f unless Henry takes a drastic step 10 change hes life i ""ALL ...... DU""'*1' M 1Nl-DllAITWI The 1979 Air New Zealand crash In Ant· arctlca that claimed the llves of an 275 ~~ll_!_mlned. (I hr) • IMSllllP9Cll lNIAn. ''To Setw Them AH My Daya" David goes on a hoff- day and meets a young nurse who lnvttes him to celebrate her birthday with her ieart 2) D (I hr.) (DJ ..... YAW ,_1NI ....... Many of Frankie Vail's great hits euc:h as "Sherry," "Walk Like A Man ... and "Rag Doll" are featured In thll oonceft from Chicago's Park Wast Club. ( 1 hr.) CZ> llOWll "Att91ed States" (1980, Sci· ence-flctlon) William Hurt. Blalr Brown A Harvard ldenllst'a genetic structure II altered wherl he conducts mind-expend- Ing t•pef'lmenta with Isolation tanks and powerl\JI hallUcinogtna 'R' ( 1 hr . '3 mloilcu .. 1 'fF When Slmti. leaml that Lalka has unfaithful to her. tradition dio- tat• that aha rec:lprocal• with one of the cabblee. (P~ • 9 rf T TWO HOUMhold ctloret start to take their toll on Sam. While Molly II ...,, to Jell for contempt of court. Cl)YOUMl8,_rr ta UNLW •WW A nine part l8l1ea of Napol90n Ind hie rlllng lame In Parle. ~~-... "SMrch ~rov" (1981. OYenture) "MY King, Don Stroud. A for· mer South Vletnamete omct.I Mel<• re¥90Qe aQalnlt the IOUf Ameflcanl who abendonea him In an ambulh duttng the Wit. 'PG' (, hr .. 35 min.) -· (I) _,. ~ v...,.. 1ape1 her ~· ttlk..ahow lrlteN!ew l)fOlnO!lng her bo<* With Mike OolJglel and ZM Zea QlbOt. (1 ht,) • • &L ----Cllptalrl Furllo Wttiii to MW GoldbM'ne'e bedga wt'8R a IUl)aflot defnencll that.,. ba lltad. Ren- ko tume 36. end LIAue and WMl*lgton •~buddlel. (1tw.) fl& , ,_ "°" n. COWOOy rree· New ..,.__ and .,,., mma ~ Iha tim.hanortd tradltlOna cil rend*IO -end IN !Md ... (A) Q ( f ~ •• ''TN Mirror Cnlak'd" ( , .. ~J Ellltllttl T=-~· =. o:.:.~ Ml ... ~ ......... r.:,m;;-;.~ ..... t!'r~t~~~. A ............ .,,II ....... w ...... (1 - 111• "Body HNI" ( t981. 8VIS**) Wll-ilam Hurf Kathleen Tum.i ( 1 hf. 56 min ) •CC> ''La Strada" ( 1954, Otama) Antr)Qny OUinn, Glulletla Mona ( 1 hr , 60 min ) (Q} "Any Whleh Way Yoo Can" ( 1080. COmedy) Clint Eastwood. Son<Jta Locke i_1 hr . 45 min) •Ill) "The Lady Gambles" ( 11M9, Olama) Barbara Sranwyc;k, Robert PrHlon (2 hr11) 111(%) "Altered Sttllff" (1980. Science-Fie· !loo) William Hull, Blair Brown. ( 1-tlf • 43 min.) 1:11G "The Flrsr Time" (2 hrs) .. CC) "Aoad Gemes" ( 1981. Mysrery) Sta· c;y Keach. Jamie Lee Curlis ( t hr , 40 min) OD "Adventures 01 The Wiiderness Faml· ly" ( 1975, Adventure) Rober1 Logan. Susan Damanre ( 1 hr • 40 min ) (I) "Improper Channels" ( t981, Come- dy) Alan Arkin. Marlelle Hartley ( 1 hr • 32m1n) (%) "Strange Behavior " ( 1981, Susce1111e) Michael Murphy, LOUllMI Flelcher ( 1 hr • 35 mill.) -cm "Modern Romance·· ( 198 t, Comedy) Alben Brool(s, Kathryn Harrold ( 1 hr • 33 min) G "Lady In A Jam" ( 1942. Comedy) Irene Dunne. Aalch Be"amy (2 hrs.) 11:11 e "f'unny Face" ( 1957, Musical) Fred Astaire. AUdrey HepbUrn (2 hrs ) g "Th& W•ldefness Family. Pan 2" ( 1978. Adventure) Robe<1 Logan. Susan Damanre Shaw ( I rv . 45 min ) M CI) "Solo" ( 1978. Orama) Vincent Gil. Perry Armstrong (2 hrs ) -(!) "War And Peace" (Part 1) (1956. Olama) Audrey Hepburn. Henry Fonda. !l_ hrs) 11J "War Of The WildealS" ( t943, Adventure) John Wayne, Manha Scotl !l_hrs) CC) "Hell's Angela" ( 1930. Adventure) Ben Lyon. Jean Harlow (2 hrs .. 5 min.) (I) "Three Guys Named Mike" (1961, Comedy) Jane Wyman, Van Johnson ( 1 hr , 30mln) -(Ill "Casanova Brown" ( 1944, Comedy) Garr, Cooper, Teresa Wright. (2 hrs) 1W(H) ·one On One" ( 1977. Ofama) Aobby Benson, Annelle O'Toote ( 1 hr , 38 min ) CO) "Dangerous Davies" ( 1981, Comedy) Bernard Cribblns. Biii Maynard ( 1 hr , 50 min) 1t11(Z) "Allered S1a18'" (1980. ~Ac­ hon) W11ffam Hurt. Blair B1own (I ht .. 43 mm I ........ ..,,._. ... "Arena " (t953, Olama) Gig Yoong. Jean Hagen ( 1 hr , 30 mm ) (I) "The Formula" ( 1980. Olsma) Mar· loo Brando. George C Scoll ( t ht . 57 m1n ) 0 "Eyewitness" (1981, Mystlly) Sigourney Weaver. Wtltlam Hurl ( 1 hr , 43 mm) 11:19<1:) "The MtrrOt C1ack'd" ( 1980. My5- 1ety) Eltzabeth Taytot. Kim Novak ( 1 hr . 46 mtn) ttl(HJ "ISlandS tn The Slream" ( 1977, Ola- maJ George C Scott. Claire BloOm ( 1 hr . 45 min) (%) "Solo" ( 1978, OlamaJ Vincent GU, Perry Armslrong (2 hll.) t:a (!) "Those Magnlflcenr Men In Their Fly· ing Machines" (Part 1) ( 1965, Comedy) Officer Renko, played by Charles Haid, ha his problems o n his 35th birthday in u Ra in of Terror" on NBC's "Hill Street Blues" a l 10 p.m . on Cha nnt>l 4 . Srua11 Whtlman Sarah Miles I 1 hr JO min) ta(I) .. House Calls" ( t978, Comedy) Wat ter Mallhau, Glenda Jackson ( 1 hr 38 min.) g "Ar1hur" ( 1981, Comt"dy) Dudley Moore, Liza Mlnnetlt ( 1 hr . 53 mt[t ) 1:9(C) "The Grear Brain" ( 1978. Adventure) Jimmy Osmond. l en Btrman ( I hr , 30 min) (Z) "Savage Harvesr" I 1980 Adventure! Tom Skerrlll, Michelle Ph1tl1ps ( 1 hr 75 mtn.) a.CID "Advenrures 01 The Wiiderness Femi fy" ( 1975. Adventure) Robert Logan. Susan Damante ( 1 hr . 40 mtn ) CD "Red, White And Busied" ( 1972, Ola ma) Darrell Larson. Healher Menzies ( 1 hr. 30m1n) (JD "Dange1ous Davies" ( 1981. Comedy) Bernard Crrbbtns, 8111 Maynard ( t hr 50 mm-) W (C) 'Millon Doltar Face" 11981 Olama1 Tony Curlts. Sylvia Krtslet ( 1 hr . 40 mtn ) 0 "The Wiiderness Family Par1 2" ( 1978. Adventure) Robert Logan. Susan Damante Shaw ( t 111 45 m111 I (%) "Sweel Charrty' ( 1969, Mus1C81) Shirley MacLa1ne. John McMamn (2 hr6 . 15mln) t:a(() "Jonah Who Wiii Be ?5 In The Year 20oo" ( 1975. Olan18) Jean l uc Bldeau i_1 hr , 50 min ) •C!J "Lovtng" ( 1970. Otama) George ~t. Eva Marie Sam1 (2 hrs ) CO) "The lncredrble Shunk1119 Woman" (1980. Comedy) Liiy Tomlin, Charles Grodin ( 1 hr , 24 min ) .. (Ill "Some11'tng For A Lonely Man" ( 1968. Otama) Dan 810\.ker. Susan Clark. (2 hrs J •Cl> "llTipfopo1 CllU11nttl!i' ( 1981, Coma dv) Alan Arkin M;irlitllll 1l11r1hty (I hr 3~ min) --imlvenlng .. WWJ.u Cll ... mff•DOUGH AIC ... Q .. , .. ... MAWAIPM.f Gm WY Cuttr.t& Th!J flr1JM1Mllton MaH Jau Bi;nd Q I==. THROUQM 111! MTS ~ llCMI "Any Number Can Play" ( 1949 0f8rnaJ Crork Gable. Alexis Smith 'An hones1 and coretree gambler's life Is beset wllll 11 Sl'rles of tragodtos ( I f'lr , 45mln.) ([)TOP .W. IOXINQ l 1ve cov1irage of lhe Felipe Canela (Cal ) I Frankie Davis (Nev ) 10·roond 1unior wellerwetght bout from Laa Vegas. Nev (2 hrs. 30 mtn J 0 MOV11 "fr Rained All N~hl The Day I Leif' ( 1978, Comedy) Tony Cums. Sally Kellerman Bumbling gun 'ltnuyglers wind up In the desert b1cke11ng 011er water I' 1'ra {,. -llE= I =.io..,,., LOVE A nine parr se11es ol Napoleon and h•s 11smg lamu ut Parll> (part 8) ( I hr ) • CA9Aat 'It 111! OOATH '?3rr:I Con· gresslonal O.s111c1" Reµre<.en1a1t11e Antho- ~Bellenaon vs David Armv1 .cJRIQ YUM YUTa'tlM.. ms IOe llA&IY a THE WA.I.EM In llus coo cert taped at the Sanr,1 Omtiara Oowl, Bob Marley & The Wailers ptay s1ic:h ctas- StCS as "I Shot The Sh011ll " "J,1ntmln" and the poeltc "Z1mbabw1t1 t 1 111 ) .W. fOllDA'I WOMM W011.D °' PIOfU M CMA1U1 CMA1R1t ON TH! AJI ICDm NI Cit ... me ... IW'l"f DAYI AGAIN AIC ... O ,.II. llRAZINI A lt1t1k trt~rc.le O.SneyWortd's new tl-'(;0 I Genier lhe i~~~i:'""' G)IOl:.a'IWU e • ..... ""°"' llCMI "Modern RomancP t t981, Comedy) Albert Brooks Kalhryn Harrold A him e<111or tries repeatedly lo win back the ttearr ot tne woman tie oves R' ( I hr 33mm) (l)llCMI ··soto 11978 t1tdr11a1 Vtricent Gtt. Perry Armstrol\\} A fiercely mdepend· ent Australian woman wl'IO work!> as a toi est 1anger l)eeomes 101101vl'<J N1t11 .1 hre i t (2hrs) OIWIQI CCMn'l TOOAY NI PIOftl FOR lllf AIEICAM WAY 1:11 t C* lllf TOWN f'eatu•ec.I now special affects were done tn lhe early days lhe romance and charm ol some of Los Ange- les old-world apartment courtyards. a visit ro "Mr Deco." a shop wf11ch spec•altzaa In art deco cloth1tig and furnllure Friday, October 15, 1982 35 I " Telling jokes takes guts for Rudner By DEBRA MORGENSTERN KATZ When Rita Rudner abandoned singing and dancing on Broadway three years ago to try to be a stand-up comic, ahe had one goal: to be funny for five minutes. So she stood on Line for five hours in pouring rain ju.st to audition at New York's Catch a Rising Star and then she had her shot at five-minute glory. "I've never been so scared as when I went on that stage," she says, m a sweet, soft, little-girl voice that's punctuated by pauses and giggles. And, ahe says, her worst fears came true. "Nobody laughed." ''I went to the bar and drank -and I don't even drink -and then I went home. "Nobody ever hated me," Mass Rudner says, "they just didn't think I was funny." They think she's runny now. Tonight, Home Box Office preaenta "Catch a Rising Star's 10th Anniversary.'' an hour and a half of comedy veterans and music that was taped at the club m August with comedy veterans Robin Williams, David Brenner, Gabe Kaplan, Billy Crystal and Andy Kaufman and Joe Piacopo. Six unknown comics alao performed at the club but only one remained in the tape for the HBO presentation: Rita Rudner. Sharing the stage with auch luminaries and appear- ing on television for the lirst time waa "a big deal" to Miss Rudner but, she says. she didn't notice any more nervousness than she always feela and she didn't do anything ahead o( time to prepare other than what she always does. "I just had my little routine and I kept going over and over and over it. I juat concentrate real hard and I'm oblivioua to what goes on around me," she says. "And ,when it's over, I'm so relieved. If it sounds like torture, It ts, saya the 28 -year-old Mia Rudner. (That's why, she thinks, there are so rew female stand-up comics: "Women are too smart to put themselvefl through it.") So why did she walk away from eight years of dancing and six Broadway shows including "Annie.'' to race a sea of hard-to-please expectant faces every night? For purely logical reasons, she says. tlJ wanted to be successful and there were only a handful or female comics. I figured I'd have a better chance to succeed m a field that wasn't so crowded " Was she a funny person? "No." Did she have any experience with corruc roles? "None " After her friends saw her perform for the first time, all they said was, "You've got guts." How did she ever get the "guts" to get up on that stage and tell jokes? She can't, for the life or her, figure It out. "I was always very quiet, very shy, never said a word. That's why I was a dancer -I didn't have to talk." Her routine reflects that. Her style of comedy is quiet, "serious humor," something she picked up, she says, from the comic she idollzee, Woody Allen. "f'm very laid-back, I don't yell. That's hard sometimes because people expect bawdineu from women, hke Joan Rivera who's very aggressive. Sometimes they don't underst<mrl what rm doinf,. 'It's offbeat, but serious. The audience has to listen U they don't listen," she says, "they won't laugh." Now. after HBO and the "The Dav1d Letterman Show," which she did last month, and n lghtly performances at comedy clubs. her goala are only •lightly altered. To keep buty while she worries about what's funny, there's the dancing (ahe takes dally clasaet) and TV first I wanted to be funny for five minutes. Now. OK. l'U try 10." 1 Days of Our Lives' star bachelor Q: Cu you J>leaae tell me aboa& Tlilaao PeDaa.111, wlao 11 Toay on "Days of 0.r Ltves?" I dllak lae'• jHt f1bllo.1. -L.H., Dade City, Pia. when he wu quite youna. He ts linale and hu appeared ln many motion r:uret, lncludlna "Raiden of the t Ark." Before Jolnlna "Daya of Out Livee," Thaa.o appeared on tho eoep opera "0.neral Hotpltal," whett he played one of the Casaadlno brothera ln the atoryllne that involved Lil Taylor. Hughes'• mother, Helen Wasne r dectded to dcp&rt the show af~r 20 yean bclcaUM her part ~ lea and le11 lmportant to the 1how. Holen, an ~x.cellent actr'e:m, dedded to exit wh n ahe wun't suara.ntffd • more central at.orylln . A: Thuo wu born in Greece, but tm\larated wtth his tamtly to Aunr.U. Peter Fonda proud of dad Q: CU yoa &ell me wu& ... ,,.. .. te die actrtt• wlto_pa.ye4 Carla Rall H "Oae Llft t• Uvt?" -L.M.C., ~ca10, DL A: Ellen HoUy ~ t.o leave the ahow on her own She It 1UU Uvfnl in M.anhat&an and la wOridna on ..wn1 the.Mr projic\l_.~e '..Ole of Carla Hall II open lf uwn ahoukl WW\ 10 return. ln \he 1toryUM, Carla lefl lJanW.W IO au.ad lilW achoal. -' ,,,..,. . ..,..,.~ ...... J•Ut:l,::ro1, ... r. .,,,.. ,. =:1=' r..1 r•· -:.l" "' Jl, .. t'Stl Cl9 LOCATICll "Cetch A Rlelng Star'• ~h Ann1ve<w,r c 1 ht .• 30 min > -~••mr••www ... .,. "Herculn And The Mlllk9d '' ( 19&0. Ad\let1tu11) Al1n StMI, rnore Manni A Spanish aoldler teame up lh a band ot gypsies ( 1 hr • 65 min.) ~nm Guest ()(lane ra11ac1 raan~ MON "Nljlntky" ( 1979, Ofama) Al1n tea, Oeo1ge de lo Pen1 T rlumph Ind tragedy punctuate the stormy 1eiatlonstllp ~tween the great Ruaalan ballet atar and hit $vengalt-1Tke managet 'R' (2 hrt . 5 1•1mlneuu ... •llMCMOl-a•um• TMATGmlllOW IT1BT1 Ol IM l'IMCllCO cou..u.uetm Featured: 1 IOOk at a qulll·meklng co-operative In Wast Virginia, collectors of pressed gloss. rnechanloal banka. l ....... 9Gllf DOCnM•THIHCMm 19l.U(ll) 9CWW "Journey Amonu Women" ( 1977, Adventure) Jeune Plltchard. Mar fin Phelan In lhe days ol the Australian lrontle<. the badly mtSlreated Inmates al a women's prtson stage a breakout and set up their own society In the Outback ( 1 hr, SO min.) 11:11([) llO¥W .. B1il1ts" ( 1977. Ofama) Petti 0' A1banv1lle, Mona K1istensefl A young girl's sexual awakening occurs during her stay with a lamlly fnend one summer. 'A' l! hr. 32 min) tt:9 G Cl) GmK:'Y Oulncy tries to clear an eic convict who has been un,uslly arrested fO< the murder of a nuclear technician (R) l!hr .I~ u e Guest host Bm Cosbr Gues1s Bob Newhan. Gary Coleman 1 lhr '1,:-,:.~ THl&iE l• mzAlre lfWI .. , llO. a I HAW. .,..an llO. 11 Karl Boehm leadS the Vienna Phllharmontc 1n Symphony No 97 with Leonard Bernstein leading the New Yo<k Phllharmontc in Sympnony No. 35. Ji.:. 'NJ, 01 ... tUIAll • NI LATlllml'f Host Dennis Wholey i~ ..nGM.&.aY 1W mWll "Atst Monday In Octobet" ( 1981, Comedy) Wall8f ~atthau. Jiii C&ayt>urgh A liberal Supreme Court Jus· 11ce clashes with the newest membef ol the nation's highest coun an ultra-c;on- se1vatrve woman 1uriSt R' ( 1 hr . 40 min) ,,. CC) MOWll ··confessions Of A Window Cleanet" (1974, Comedy) Robin Ask· with. Anthony Booth. A Blilish youth working as a professk>nal window cleaner spend& his otl·ltle-JOb hours putting a sparkle Into the lives ol the many women u. he,t;:.tr. ·1~~) 9 WIGAI Dan Ines to ptotect an old rlend whoee lover was slain while Inter· rupllng an assa11&natlon anempt (R) ( I hi , 10 mtn) D .,_ "Rogue Male" ( 1979, Adven- ture) Peter O"roole. John Standing A man whO made an unsuccesslul assaSSi· nation attempt against AdOlf Hlllef. becomes lhe quarry ot Nazl ag&flls (2 hrs) T om Selleck st a rs in the regular CBS series, "Magnum, P.1 ." a t 8 p .m . on K NXT, Channel 2 . (!) lllCME "Thuneler In fhe Sun" ( 1959, Adventure) Susan Hayward, Jell Chan- dler A love triangle occurs during the 1850s among a group of Basques pur· neytng to lhe Cahtornta vineyards (2 hrs ) (D llCME "Saturday Night And Sunoay M0<rnng" ( t 960. Drama) Alber! Finney. Rachel Roberts A young working-class Engllshman. unhappy 1n his l<>b. releases his tension In a wild weekend (2 hrs ) ., 1.AM.AIEICAN Im.I CO) lllCME "Every Which Way She Can" ( I hf • 30 min ) 0 lllCME "Tha Hound Of The Basket· villes" ( 1978, Comedy) Peter Cook, Dud· ley MOOle Mester sleUlh Sherlock Holmes 1nves11gates myste11ous golnos-on at BaskeMlle HaH and begins to suspect everyone. tOCludlng h1mselt ( 1 hr . 18 f'!l_lnJ m """llAll* tHI all .,. An AlllgalO< Named Oa15y" ( 1957, Comedy) Diana ()o(s. Donald Sin· den A man has surprises walling when he brings home the wrong suitcase and dl&- covers an 11lllga1or Inside ( 1 hr . 50 min ) 11:11 D GD I.Aft l9CllfT wmt DAYID ~ Guest comedian A Whitney B1own ( t hr I &.OWi, YB CAM tnU I CCULD IWl'OLIO. MID &.DWI A nme part series or Napoleon and hit r~ fame In Partt (Part 8) ( 1 nr ) CCl TOP .,._ IOJm C .>verage ot the Felipe Canela (Cal) I Frankie Davis (Nev.) 10-round 1un10< wel18fwefohl bOUt from Las Vegas. Nev (RI (2 "hrs, 30 rntn I (%) _.. "Swe.I Ol'larlty" I 1999 . ....,... cal) Shlf'-Y Mecl1I,,_, John Mc......, Tlted ol her llwdty IXlll~ •• dance fl.ti holt"' wllh a heart Of gold ... ,CMI IOf trµe love Ind the llmple mer~ Af1. (2 hrt., 16 min ) ... Cl) llCClOW McCIOOd J>Vl-.ies a Pfll· ly tfiTel Into the middle ol New Ye>tk't crl"=dlcat1. (A) (1hr.,20mln.) (I) "Houte Calli" ( 1978, Conwt- dy) WAlllf Matthau, Glenda J8Ckton. A w\dowod clOCtOf hMltt hit C.NnoYI llfld enclet long ltlOUOtl to IAll I()( • dlvOtC. whO doltn'I believe In ~llandeflng 'P()' !hi. 38 min.) W mWll "The Viking Ouiln" (1967, ctvontura) Don Murray, Adrllnne COfrl. An lll·l1ted romance develops between 1 Roman mllllery leadel and a beaulllul lrlt>- al monarch 11 a ttme when Blllaln It 81rug- gllng uO<Set a massive pollllcal upheaval ~ h~ "The Dark At The Top Of The ~lrs" ( 1960, Ofarna) Robert Preston, Ootothy McGuire. Based on the play by William Inge Member• of nn Oklahoma family In the 19208 struggle wllh the prot>- lemt ol avery,day Ille. ( f ht., 30 min.) CD mWll ' The Trials Of Oecar Wiide" ( 1960, Orama) Peter Flooh, Yvonne MltcheH.Scandal breaks OUf as Iha Mar· queae of Ooeenat>ury accuses Otca1 Wiide ol having an affair with his son. LOl'd Allred Douglas (2 hrs , 5 min I d8 llOW• "killer Bees" ( 1974, Suspense) Gloria Swanson. Edward Albert A peculiar old woman can. 11 wlll. release a swarm ol killer bees ( 1 hr .. 30 n-'n.) tllCll)mWll "One On One" (1977, Ofama) Robby Benson. Annette O'Toole A boy Who goes to college on a basl<etball schOlafahlp 19 abused by the coach. acorned by his rutor and used by the school IOI' Ifs own purposes 'PG' ( 1 hr , 38 min) t:118•• ... o•-rr CC) iiCMI "La Strada" ( 1954, Orama) Anthony Quinn, Giulietta Mesina A wand- ering llrongman accompanied by the aim- pie-willed girl he bought to be his clown is goaded Into kllllng an acrobel who teases him (1 hr . 50 min ) CD) 90¥ll "Any Which Way Yoo Cen" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Ea.alwood. SOndra Locke. Beloie settling down with his girl and pet Ofangufan. a bare-listed fighter tlons up tor one last. lucrative match 'PG' .l! hi . 45 min ) IB mWll "It Rained AN Night The Day I Lett" ( 1978, Comedy) Tony Qlnls, SaMy Kalletman Bumbling gun smugglers wind up In the desert bickering owr watar (2 a.lhrt LC81 ... llGMTWATQf ..... t:11 IATPA1lllOL ~(1)-lmn:lt • .,. "They WOO'I ~Neve ~e" ( HM7, Drama) Robert Young, Suun Hayward A man laces charges of murdef· Ing his wife atter she commlts 111.1lclde. ( 1 =lh'··e::TLMIR .. ..,... "Savage Drums" (1951, Adventure) Sabu, Uta Baron An lsiand native returns 10 his homeland to squelch the warfare that has erupted from lnved- "' trying 10 M129 power av« lhe Pf~ ~lty. ( f tw , 30 min.) . ....... .,..-:J Frloay. October 15.1982 37 'With thlt program, I llked the food a lot, axpeclelly all th• cholcH I hadl Not having to ptan rMala or count calorlel all the time really tit Into my llfeatyle, and I learned Iota of aenalbla new eating habits, too. I've triad other plans, bvt Nutrt/Syatam wu the one f0< ma.' •No diet pills, no lnjectlo"a • Professionally supervised • No starvation or rooa Cleclslona • Wide choice of delicious, Nutrl/ System meals • NO conatant calorie-counting, mlatake-proof food plan . • NUtrt/Syatem guarantee: Follow the NUtrt/Syatem program end lose · weight quickly, often up to• pound• dQ. Achieve your ~I by the date aOedfted, or pay no addltlonel chara.a for Nutrl/Syatem servlC•• .. I ~ I 111tll you do. ,. ... - -TVPumde ACROSS 1.5 Shown, plays Cousin Gerl on Factsofl1fe 11 Role for Darryl Anderson 14 Miss Newton·John 15 Derek or Hopkins 16 Miss MacGraw 17 Fabray. to friends t8 Mr Nolte's lnslgne 19 -and Abner 21 Mr Zlmballst 23 MISS Rehan 24 Personality 25 Begley and Wynn 26 Role tor Richard Sanders 27 Greatest American - 30 Jones or Martin 1 Played Rhett 2 Eight Is - 3 Neighbor of Mass. 4 Miss Hogg 5 Shlrley or Spike 6 Character actor Jack - 7 Tnumph 8 Mr V1llella's sign-off 9 Plays Barney Miller 10 Turner and Cantrell t2 Cakes and - 13 Facts of - 20 A Stooge 22 Mr. Dreyfuss· inslgne 23 - -carte 28 Played Mike Sti111c 29 -Dly at a Time 30 Sandra or Ruby 31 Audience 3" Miss Hawn 35 Sanford -Son 37 Altar words 38 Actor Robert - 39 Haley opus 40 Debbie or Richard 32 Switch setting 33 Plays Lou Grant. lnlt 3" Kaplan, to friends 36 Se11areld or Ambler 39 Ely or Glass 40 Played Maude 43 Polka - 45 Thia -House 46 Jane or Henry 48 --OearOay 49 Overdose: Abbr 50 Paid athlete 51 -of Consent 53 Rlpples,e g 5"4 Lucy on Dallas 56 Plays Potter 58 -Street 59 MASH star DOWN 41 Mr Nugent's slgn·oll 42 Allen Wiiiiams on Lou Grant 44 Urich on VeoaS 46 -Here To Eternity 47 Bygone 50 Harper Valley - 52 Cy Young Award stat 55 Mr. Starch's lnslgne 57 Miss Lollobrlglda's sign-oft SOLUTION -Letters 'Return of the Fly' ~aught family lesson F .Y.I 'FLY' -Please tettle a bet I have with my 1l1ter. I HY there was no fllm enll&lt!d "The Son of Cbe Fly"; 1be 11y1 there wae. Would you 1al•o print tbe tlllet of tbe film• In the 1erte1 and yun Ibey were releaaed. T he oriainaJ clas.s1c, with David (thl•n AJ) Hedlaon trap~d in nis new personu IO th1• 'iJ'ltlt•r's web, WU released m 1958. A year later Ure·\\ Hul-..c·y played the mltbegotten scientist's grown up !.On 1n "Return of the Fly." The family finally ll•nrnt'<I 1Lo; ll'"-"on, and the series ended there. 'DA WG' DA VS -Wh en wn11 "Deputy Dawg" flret on? I say between 1965-70, but a friend says 1980-64. The cartoon about tht! c.·ntthll' luw t•nforc:ement officer first went on-air In 1961, ns u ~yndll'11wd, not network, series. NBC first ran it in 1971. GARFIELD ARRIVES -I have been bearln1 rumors that there Is going to be a Garfield cartoon on TV. ls lbl1 true? Jim Davis's popular tumll' .. u 1µ ~at will come to animated hfe in "GarfJeld. G<•t Lc"'t'" It .ms as a prlme- t1me spcdal on CBS this iwason (Send your letters to Pt•pp<'r C)'H111·11. Umted Feature Syn dicate, 200 Park A venw', Uoom fiO:!. New York , N. Y. 10166). EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED · WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient e/tern•r111e ro hotprr•/ emergency room• for It LNE'i~ INJlJRI[ '> rnACTttRl I llurouul'I Prol"1>~1c,n111 & P•••'..tJll<1l•1'•<1 (.,.,.., AOUL TS ANO CHll [)Rl N No Appointment NeedPd • tmm.-c~ 1'11 AP•1rH1t)ft <J•Vt<tn WORKMAN S COMPEN!-iATll ,, .AU.I Pno OPEN; 1 DAYS A WEIEK 3U OA'l'S A YIEAll I A M.·11 PM (714) 752·45300 •M•RG•NCY DOCTORS OFFICE 4030 Btrch SI Suite I "17 NewPOtt Beacn E 5 15oFF E = T your first visit = - - -wtth 1h .. co11pon -• See what we have to offer• --:11111111111rcouPo•1111111111 r: Friday, October 15, 1982 39 llllllCUIT FRll>AV. OCTOBER l!l, 1982 l • g ... --------D9 ·--=-..- . . .. ~. 1111111111 1111:1 I f1111111 llllri~; • ORANGE COUN rv . CALIFOR~IA 25 CENTS • • • • • A great ' • Laguna land buy, for mountain goats! I I I I I By JOEL C. DON Of"ltle Delp .......... p_,t! Wanna buy some cheap land In Laguna Beach with an ocean view? T hese 2,500·square-foot lots are a steal at prices as low as $250. Come on, friend, this 1s your o n ce-in -a-ltftet1me opportunity to own a chunk of property in an exclusive coastal community. H eck , at these prices, you might as well pick up two or three lots. If the offer eounda too iood to be true, perhaps you should take a hard look at the fine print of this seeming land bonanza of the century The parcels for sale are located In the majestu: but shde-prone Arch Beach Heights They are a bit on the rustic side, covered by thick chaparral and located on s teep hillsides or in drainage ditches. There's no acx."eSS to the lots by streets and no available sower service or utilities. And, by the way, you t·an't build on the land. That's propably the reason the o wners haven't paid their property taxes during the laat five years and why the lots are to be sold at aucuon by the t.'Ounty 1.ax collector But with minimum bids set from $250 to $1.500, you too may own a piece of Laguna And not much more To put 1t not so mildly, this land is worthless. ''If the lots had much or a value and were a p o tential building spot, people would have paid the taxes," said Catv I Beach I murals I sought By PfflL SNEIDERMAN Of"tti.O..,Pllotlleft Officials are looking for additional artists to paint murals along a concrete retaining wall bordering Bolsa Chica State Beach. More than a dozen colorful paintings already brighten the beach wall, which extends from 9th Street to Golden West Street in Huntington Beach. "It's kind of a cultural thing, and it pleases the people who come down here to the beach," said Debbie Friedman, a state lifeguard who is coordinating the art project. The paintings also beaultfy a stretch of oceanfront marred by several 011 wells. The effort to improve the appearance of the beach wall actually began In 1980, when several artists. without state approval, painted appealing pictures of Laurel and Hardy, the Blues Brolhf!rs and Charlie Chaplin on the concrete. The murals became 90 popular that state officials decided to launch a program to turn the entire wall Into an art gallery. L ifeguard Friedman said beach and recreation themes are encouraged. Artists may not U5e the paintings to publicize a product or business. Sub/'ects must aho be In good taste or a family recreation area, she said. Artilt.a' mural proposals must be submitted to Friedman, who obt.aina final approval from the state parks and recreation area manager. The state will pay for a beige base coat for the wall, but artists muat purchase their own paint (See BEACH, Page A3) OMty "!lot~ b1 Rlchetd Koet\ler Papier-mache supervisor keeps up the spirits of muralists a long H untington Beach wall. Sex class prof files suit Newspap er, th ree people (ace legal action b y Singer By JA \' ARNOLD -. ........ ~ ..... LOS ANGELES -Saying he wu a vict.lm of public "hyatena," a professor who taught a sex psychology class is suing a newspaper and three incUviduah for lmplyln1 he was mentally deficient and had required or enticed student.a to have aex Dr . Barry Singer said Thu raday he was subject to "aenut1onallst1c" media coverage after a student complained to gove rnment and religious offidala about his "Psychology of Sex" coune at Cal State Long Beach. The coune offered optio nal credit for a number of sexual actlvltlea -including gay or extramarital leX. Singer, 35, who had admitted he had been romantically involved with several studenta, resigned In June after being gjven a 30~y suspension while university officiala Investigated his coune curriculum. The syllabus for the course offered students credit, with "prior instructor approval" for "new expe rien ces Involving sexual behaviora," glvlns aa examples "extramarital sex, group sex, gay or leablan sex, caaual 1ex." Singer admitted to reportera Thunday the syllabus had been "clumsily wrl~n." But he aaid university authorities h a d approved the course and now were e~ed In a ''witch hunt.'' ----lllDEX ---- Sculpton with true grit will gather Sunday for the 2 h t annua l Sand Castle Contest at Big Corona State Beach . See Weekender for details. lntenniaion Weekender Ann Landen AG Moviee Week~nd r 1 Mutual Fuf'(ll 82 N1Uonal Newt A3 PubUc Notkea 85·8 Sport.a Cl-5 Dr. Btelncrohn Al 840dl Marb" BS T.~ TVCOI 'l'hM._. W~r Weattwr A2 Singer's attorney, Dean Hyatt. who accompanied his client Thursday as h e spoke t o reporters, said university officials had made Singer a "9Capegoat" to squelch criticism "instead of defending him as th ey should have." Singer said he resigned. not because of the Investigation, but because he was under duress from public and media pressure and from anti-Semitic d eath threat.a. He would not aay If he was Jewilh. Named aa defendants in the $7 million libel-slander action filed Wedne.day, were KnJsht·Rldder Corp .. publisher of the Long B each Press-Telesram, and reporter Doreen Carvajal, along with student Beuy Willman and Roy Heintz, a profeseor. Willman, who had attended Singer'• class for two daya but nevet enrolled, and Heintz made 1lbelou1 r e marks regarding Singer that were printed In the Prea·Telegram, the Superior Court suit claims. h ask• S l million damages from Knlaht·Rldder, f3 mJUlon from Willman and 13 million from Helnu.. "Our cover11• wu balanced and fair.'' J>rell.Telqram editor Larry AlUaon ufd Thuradar. "The llwaull ii without merit.' 11Not tJAivtn.a M4tft the eult, I can't really ma~e • comment:• uld Wtllm1n, uylna ahe atc.idld the 6-for two da~ befor• dropp1'n1 out •nd complalnlna IO publk offidala. ''I thinli ll'a lmprorer and unjult,t' Mid Kelnta. " am an •mployH of (Cal Stl\e LOna leech) .nd tM etate and h.ve 1ci.d properly ~ Manager Kl•n l''runk "Anyont' who buy11 tht.•se lots s h ould realize It's not legal to build now and It's unlikely you'll ~ able lo build in the future " The reason the lots &r<· available for sale dates to a time before the city was 1m:orporatt.'Cl, he explained In Hll 1. t•ounty offtc1als subd1v1dt.'Cl the area Into lots measunng 25 fet."t by 100 k<'t without n•gard t o the topogruphu:ul fcuturt's of tht• land. Thal me<ms t<Jx ru;st_•ssor's maps show s tr('t'ts thut don't exist und Iott> thut l'annot be d1•wlopt•d. Though you magh t not mind building your dream house• on the· fal·c· of a shl't'r cliH or in a drutnOJ(l' guHy, lht· <.01ly may havt' a fC'w obJN·twn1>, Frank ffiU!)(od Newrthc·IL-8.'>, lhl' land will bl· up for lM!lt· und thl'rt•'s alway& a buyl•r "Som c· pi!upl e wou Id buy unythang to own land," ~uggl>sled D u n n a S h u t t , t n x d t• t.' d e d propt.•rty agent with the· Orungt• County Tax CollC;.«:tor"s offit·t· "It dt·p<·nd11 on whut the value i1 to that pcniOn ' "It's 'buyers b~ware.' We ulwitys U!ll them to look at the property " The current owneni may keep their lund, though. 1f they munitge to pay off all taxes and penalties before the upcomina auction That probably will be the case with one of the 14 Arch Beach Heigh ts lots for sale, the only buildable parcel lcx·ated tn' the 900 block of K1u.e1Ja Street. (See LAND, Page AZ) Bottle battle arguments aired in Newport debate By JEFF ADLER Of the DllHJ ""°'It•" Debating the pros and l'OOS or the bot t le and can deposit 1n1t1ative. Propos1t1on 11. a leading spokesman for opponenl..!> con~'Clccl Thursday the praclll~ of returning refillable bottles for deposits was SUl'(-essful when 1t was commonplace years ago. But Rick Manter. representing Cahforn1ans for Sensible Laws, argued that Proposition 11. though "well·mtentaoned and laudable," 1s a c·os t ly and compltcau.'CI. 1n1ttat1ve that should be defeated Nov. 2 Arguing in Proposition 11 's ravor. former Irvine Mayor Gabrielle Pryor. representing Cal1forn1ans Against Waste, declared the measure should be approved because "it 1s a private incentive for the public good." The pair squared off at a s parsel y at t ended forum sponsored by the Town Hall or California at the Newporter in Newport Beach 'fht· urguments ru1l>ed dunng tht• 45-minute dl•batc· et·hol•d tho~P th<it have been heard throughout the fall campaign Spc·ak1ng first . Pryor l'Ontended the measun• would lowl•r cosu. to wxpaycr:. for p1c-king up roads1dl• litter, now <·st1mated at six cents p<•r t·onti.11ner by the· US Env1ronmt'ntal Prot<·1.·t1on Agl'm·y Pryor said the mcasun: would 1.:uns<·rve resources, such us mineral deposits that would not b<' needed (or c an manufacturing. would reduce the cost of beverages packaged 1n rcf11lablc bottles, would redut-c tht' incidence of broken glass 1nJUrtt'S to children in publll' pluce:., and would provide a "neater. cleaner staw." The measure, she said, t'Ould cause a slight increase in the cost of beverages packaged in cans or plastic bottles; could cause some in1ttal inconvenience. and cost some slulled .)Obs, though thoee would be offset by u net gam in unskilled pbs Manter. on the other hand, c:La1med that Propos1t1on 11 will cost CalJformans $300 million a year even aft.er its benefits are subtracted. This esumate, he said, was made by a Chapman College group contracted with Californians for Sensible Laws to study the measure. If passed. the init1at1ve alse> would cost the state 17 million gallons of gasoline (to haul the empues) and one billion gallons c'1 water (to wash the bottles) per year This would mean a net energy loss for the state. he aaad. Manter added the an1tiat1vt <ilso wouJd put about 1,000 recyclers C>Ut of business, require a 400 p ercent increase in storeroom spraying for pesta and put an end to the jobs of 4,800 skilJed workers in the beverage (See BOTTLE, Page At) Countians c an c ut phone c o s ts By KAREN E. KLEIN Of"tti. 0.-, ......... MC I Telecommunications Corp., a discount phone company, announced "Thursday that 23 Orange County t'Ommunities will now be able to utilize "Omni-Call," a low-cost roultng system that proVJdes access to all 48 conuguous states Prior to the 1n1tiat1on of Omni-Call , MCI subscnbers could dial to only 42 states, or 70 percent of the nation, said Randall L Ickes. Orange County branch manager San Franc111CO will bK'Ome th<' second West Coast area to hook into Omna-Call when the serv1ct' ts mau~urated there O r egon sinking MCI chose lo introduce the new system in Orange County because of the large clientcle it has here and because an Omni· Call terminal is located 1n Santa Ana. Ickes said. The Omn1 ·Call servac:e , currenity available in 36 c1t1es. wall expand to include the entire country by the end of lhe year. Ickes said Overseas calling ability with MCI as projected to be instituted w1thtn six months to a year MCI, founded in 1968, offers savings of 30 to 50 percent off Bell System prices A call from Huntin~ton Beach to Dallas. for example, lasting 12 minutes. would cost $3.28 on AT&T and $2.08 on MCI, representing a savings of 36.6 percent Omo.a -Calla do not offer as high a savings as other MCI calls, Ickes said, because MCI has not built terminals in all the cities Omna·Call provides Q{'("ess to An Omni-Call to Flagstaff. Artz, from Costa Mesa, lasung one minute. would eo&t 25 cents, as compared to 35 cents on AT&T rat.es. MCI holds 2 percent of the $44 · billion a year telephone tnduatry.: AT&T controls 96 percent of that · pie and the other discount ; companies. such as Western CSee PHONE, Page At) Betty Jordan of Granada Hills keeps tight grip on the leash of h er dog, Hobart, as they peer over the edge of a truck-sized hole appear ing in a s.t reet in Jacksonville~ Ore. Historic town was built atop 45 mine shafts. A Worthy name for HB park~ The laat m1jor perk to be developed ln HunU.naton Beach may be named for Norm Worthy, a man obeervera call the father of the city'• p1rk 1yatem. Worthy, recoverlna' from major 1ur1ery at the UCLA Medlcal center. WU th• City'• dlNCtor of J*'M ~ rectMUOn for about 20 Yt'•"· K became superintendent of park development whe n ~ta w.re CONOlldated a few yan .,o. Chy park• won na\lonal i«lllm for their eiccellence of • destp under Worthy11 dll'f'ctlon. lt was hi• concept to place parka In varloua city nei&hborhood1. More than 400 acttt have been develo~d Into city parkland. Hunttnaton Bt1ch haa three major communhy parka, &4 compltted nel1hborhood p1rk1 and \ho aprawllna Central Park. Thia week the Community Servlcea Commh1lon ~that. 12·~ park belna buUt acl'Oll the '"'"t from Hununaion BHch Htch Schoel a,. named for Wonh v. \ Tho park will Include two llahted athletic field.. an LndoQr racquetball court and play~ ~ulpment. Coau eatJmated 4t 1734,000 are betnc wred by ~ dty and the HuntJ.na'ton ~ Union fflah School Dfat.rlct. Tht city council la experted \0 act Nov . l on th• recommendation for the name chanp. Worthy, 08, la I MUW aon 0( Kuntmaton BMch and II• ltd f eduate of Hununcion ~ lch &t\Ool. > ( BOTTLE BATTLE. • • c tl n l a 1 n e r 111 u n u I a l' l u r 1 n g and us try ''Then.> would be more costs than benefi ts," Manter said "We alr(•ady huve litter law11 that are not Ix-Ing enforced." SJH.•nt $600,000, ut·c:u1dlnK to Pryor She said contributions from those favoring the bottle deposal luw have tended to be 11mall and Crom individuals while 1ls oppont•nts are organiw<l grfJCt?rs, bottle and can manufacturers, bottlers and bl'vl'rage distributors. Mani.er !Wud • Despite the dollar advantage He said a more r1:ul1st1c atu.•rnuuve would be to educate chtldrcn about the value of a litter free sonety . enforce c urn•nl laws and provide <.'Onvt•nienl r<.-cychng centers. held by opponents of the initiative, Pryor said that an other stall's where the measun• was t'<msldL•red as long as the dollar ratio dad not exceed $10 anti- dollars lo every pro-dollar the law had a very good chan<.-e of passage Tax nsi,essor' maps show roads on these hillside lots in Arch Heut·h lleights. hut you'll havt• a tough timt• findi'.!_g them. Qut>Staoned about the financing of thl• two campaigns. Manter reported the anti-I I force5 have raised and spent $3 million. Pro-11 groups have raised and LAND IN LAGUNA. • • PHONE RATES CUT. • • Union and Southern Pacific', hold the remaining 2 perc:enl MCI subscribers must have a push-button phone, but there are no mstallations or changes made on the customer's phont.> whl'n he signs wnh MCI. Full -time access to the nNwork costs $10 a month plus tht• c:ost of the calls. For t•venmg (4 pm to 10 a m ) a nd WN.·kend/ holiday st•rv ll't.'. lht· monthly subsL:riplaon t·harge is $5 plus the cost of the c:alls. MCI won an antitrust suit in June. 1980. against AT&T They colll'('ted $1.8 billion, thl• largest antitrust award in history. Dreyfuss released, faces drug probe LOS ANGELES (AP) -Actor Richard Dreyfuss has been released from Cedars-Sinai M~1cal Center aft.er treatment f o r 1 n J u ra es s u rf t• r e d 1 n a weekend auto accident. "He was in good cond1t1on when he was discharged." hospital spokeswoman Tess Griffan said after his release Thursday "We conduct<.'<i tests for internal injuries but found none " Dreyfuss. 34. who won an Os<:ar Cor his starring role an the "Goodbye Girl" in 1977. was alonc an his car wht•n at went out of control m Benedict Canyon. hat a <.·urb and a palm tr<.~· before flappmg over. He was bookl•d for investigation or driving under the an£lue nce of alcohol and possessmg a white powder that was being test<.'<i for any narotic properties He stall has not been charged. however School appoints administrator Duane Dishno has been appointed assistant supe rintendent of educational services for the Huntington Beach City (element.ary) School Das tract and has other respons1b1ht1es. Has salary lS $49,745. It -Uso has been disclosed that Robert Hawthorne. the district's associate superintendent for fiscal services, wall retire next February. Ttw proJX•rty ha~ J rninunum bad of $17 ~00 Shull null'd sh{' ha.-. a hie of m0rl· than :mo prosµt'(:t1vt· buyl·rs who'd probably lovt• to gl•t a tTl.ll'k ii I till' SCl.'lllt' lot One• olhl·r rrunor dl'l.<.111 IC you have tht> thought of buymg a· lot for undt•r $1.000 and pitching a tent or othl·r makc!.h1fl homt>:l- forgPt ll Thuu~h l'lty off1t·1al!. had no t:o ntrol over the way tht> land was subdivided. Frank said there arc pl(•nty of regulations on the books t.o frustrate any would-be cliff dwellt>rs Dashno. 40, has been director of special edu c ation (for h?nd1capped and g1ft.cd students) since 1977 He ts m charge of curnculum Hawthorne, 55, has been employed by the district smce 1973. A search wall be held to find a replacement. a district spokeswoman said This Laguna property has a great view of the ocean -but you can't build on its hilly t~rrain . Chance of fog (;oastal Fair today with aoma high Q4ou01 at tim.. Highs 78 to 8' Night and early morning low clou<I• tonloht end Saturday With me 1ocar log Otherwl .. lalr LOIH tonight 55 to 82 High• SetUfdl)' 7 to 78 Elaewher•, from Point Oonoepllon to the M••IGen border end out eo mllea Nonh-1 wind• 10 to 20 k"°'• end 4 10 a root c:omblned -over outer watera todey end v~ -e lor-t from 78 to 85 Saturdey With Iowa from 48 10 Ml Sant• Barbara and Ventura County C:OHtel Mee high• may alSO rNCtl 115 degf-wtth IOwa In Ille 70t .-~and mostly In Ille 50• elMWt>ere Saturdl)' the _,,.., MtvlCle ..,.. Tho long e.ecin. Sat>ta Monica bey end Orenge County ueN thOuld -high• from 70 lo 78 Saturday with Iowa from 55 to 82. 'Temperatures MATlOM .. L.9 Pep Albany 113 39 18 aturd•y. . . Loeally llgllt varleble wind• night #Id momlng ho\n, t>ecomlnO aout,,_. to -t II to 111 knoll 1n the af1emoon• 1odey Ind Saturdey. Wind w-1 to 2 Ml and aouth 10 eout'-t ...... \ tO 3 feet Some low doud• and patchy denae log tonight and Albuquerque ee 3e t 14 Amaribo &4 37 ~~:..;:.;:...::=:...:.:..=.;;;;.;;::;.=:.....;::_..,,.... ___ _ arly Seturdey. otherwlte lelr t hrough Seturdey with aome venabl9 high c:toude- Ancho<-0-28 28 15 A.tnevl11e ee 411 Attenla 70 53 Allentc Clly 811 54 12 Hou11on Auttln 80 58 lndlenepolla BMUmore 87 48 02 Jadlan. MS IMlfln09 78 5S J.U1t111!a. 8lrmlngham • 47 01 Juneau a.em•Ck 72 3t Kanau er, 8oiM 74 43 Knokllllte U.S. summary :-10:9Ylle ~ : · 111 t:i:: California Buffalo &8 48 04 LO\lltvllle A few llghl lllowera llngered Bufffngton 80 43 .0 t Lubbocll -the eulem two-third• of the c...,., 70 39 Mempllls OrMI Lele• reg!On end northern Chetltton, SC 80 72 Mleml Maine on Thundey. end oen1rel Cherleln, WV &7 51 MllweutlM Flottde heel lhunderttonn• Ctw1otte. NC 12 eo .0 I ~St Peul <:aoudt _.ed the Ohio Velley ~ 84 33 Nuflvllle end moet of Ille~. M CNcego 83 47 New Ora.-well H northern Celllornla. Clnclnnetl 80 51 New Yortl nonNm Nevedt and pvlt Of Ille Cleveland 511 50 17 Nor1ofk CG!oreclo Aodclel. Columble, SC 78 81 3g No Plane Fog covered lhe northern Colum~• !18 &1 .01 Ottla City Peollle COMt end -of lnlllflor val·Ft Wor1h 75 51 Om•h• Wutllngton. Dey1on 58 48 Orlando EIMWl\efe, from the RocklM OenYef 118 35 Phlllldelphlt -'WWd. llktea -•tunny. o.. Molnee 70 31 Pnoenl• For loeley, teellered .n-1 Detroit 57 40 Plttat>urgt'I Wef• forecHt from lhe lower Dulu1h '3 42 Pontencf. Me OrHt Lelle• to norlhern New El Puo 7& 43 Ptlend. O<e Englend, with • chance of Feirt>en... 23 -& Pr~ lllunderatormt In aouthern '""o ea 40 ~ l'1oride. -Fi.oetaf1 81 22 Aac>kf City Oreet Feltt 74 48 ~ HllflfOfd 87 53 .09 Rlctlrnond Helene llt 37 Seit Lelle 78 58 57 411 74 48 111 &8 20 48 38 89 38 66 51 80 52 10 47 80 48 73 38 88 411 ea 111 82 44 811 44 ee 47 11 eo ea se 01 70 !18 1 40 74 28 7& 42 71 35 83 12 811 51 u ee 57 43 01 &4 52 43 74 4& 88 58 10 74 58 53 72 37 72 32 73 88 011 ea 41 78 40 Honolulu Ill 73 hl1 Mlonlo Southern Cellfomle't WMllend .. --------------------_.._ ttlOUld beglll wttt1 t!IOMIV ooolef tempetetur• tlld eol'M ~ Gloudt end log elOf'O tllt coHt, th• Ntllonel Weetller l4'MOe Mys lllf REPORT High• In Lot Ano•••• were 1 IOfecMI -IO on leturdey wftll t IOW of ... OoMtll t1""'1 lllQfM inty reno-from 11 to 0 with "'""Y folr Ole• tftd P•tohy TMW'• !.!!!.. Awr ... GIGI dlMM, ~ Awe/lllP -T._, ~ .. llWll me¥ rweoe Huntington 11111111 l ·J llllr 18 ftOllt IO to .. ~ wfttl '°"' ~ttnaton PW M fM"f>C)Of .. fMlllY In tflt 4(1t. Tfle fftMt:NI"/ In a.Mt Me~ Jetty 14 IM.good ta ()Mitt V~ NY ao,> MIO wlttl 40ltl 11 H9WP«1 l•J felr.good ti • 10W "°"' JI IO 4& on ---~ I~ It "'""" M poor ta :-rt:o:::"-::r. ~~=,... :~ = -~ to M 1ow9 ll'Olft 4t to Mend Tr .. ...., ~"91) :t·J pd 11 ..,,,....., wlnde ll'om 11 10 to Cotton'• s '* ea -...... 111 ~ deWt.I T,..... I ltlr ta ': frOfll " 'la u on ""'°"°"' a rat u lfttM=~~:1;. ~O~h Tld•: t :21 arn. low Tide: t·•f p.rn. Awell rlel eftd Ian •~nerdlno ' • } • • Seettle Shreveport SIOUX Fells SI LOUii SI P-Tarnpa SI Ste Me<te Spokane Syracuse Topel(t Tucton TulM INuttlngtn Wlehltt 89 48 75 47 ea 34 83 50 113 78 47 411 44 14 &4 4() 81 48 n 30 83 57 74 45 71 53 73 37 CAllfOflNIA Apple V•lley Btker•lleld 79 38 90 81 85 52 82 48 83 25 78 38 119 83 118 58 88 58 117 411 87 58 19 41 88 56 87 ... 114 51 .. 50 Beret ow a.eumont Big Beet Bit hop 81y1he C1tlllne Culver Ctty Eur eke FrMno llncett• Long a..c:t\ LOI AnoelM Monr«Ma Monterey Smog • Where to cell (toll free) for letMt tmOQ lrltOrm•tlon· Orenoe Couftty: (IOO) 446-31H Lo• Angel .. County: (100) • i 4t-4022 Nwttlde end • .., lenWdlftO oountlte. (IOO) M7-'710 AOMD lpl9ode c.nttt (IOOI ui.....e Tides TODAY 8ecOno 10W 3 OI p M 0 • a.cono hiQll t n p m U IATUM>A1' 'lftl IOw 3 II I Ill 0 3 '1ftt """ • a7 • '" .. leoond' tow s ... p '" 0.2 ~ lllafl 16' pm U 11111 Mf• tod•V tt 1·1t p"'. n-ltlllfdlY II I 61 • m Moon 11M 1oo.y el &;IO t m .. "1•••~p111. • Two Marines captured in purse thefts Two Marines stationed at El Toro Air Station suspected of sevPral purse snatch1ngs 1nvolv1ng older women were arres ted after a pol11:e chase Thursday in Hu.nungton Beach. Fullerton police officers book•-d Robert Styve II, 21, and RoVCC' Taliaferro. 24, mto their city Jail on suspicion of armed robbery after apprehending the su.'lpects m their small foreign car at Pac1f1c Coast Highway and Warner Avenue. a p o lice spokesman said The Fullerton officers had tailed the two men Thursday because of suspicions they were responsible for two purse- snatch lngs m their city within the last 10 days. At. least nine • s1m1lar robberies had occurred in Orange County during the past month. they said. Officers said they began their chase after watching the two men sneak up behind a '\8-year-old woman and knock her to the ground an the Boardwalk Shopping Center parking lot 1n Huntington Harbour Prison riot blamed on overcrowding CHINO (AP) -Overcrowding may h•ve-contrlbutc!d to • rtot of 1 ~O prJ1oners In which one Inmate wu killed and atx others Injured, ac:cordlng to an official a\ the Callfornla lnatltutlon for M n at Chino. Ro I.no Stephens, the pr'*>n'8 public Information otfl~r. said tho mlnlmum-eecurity 61tea of the pl"Ulon, where tM 4~·mlnu~ riot occurred, wu daJtned to hold 976 priloMra. but h()Ull'd 1,813 wh n th m lee took place Wedr'lelday nlaht Two prdl Wf'r. UMW~ bu& not 1erl0utly In~ durtn1 lh• rJot, St ph~ Mid Thr.v , ··\'' FV .schools study rubella records Fountain Valley School Dastnct offacaals have begun a check of student records to determin e whether youngsters are an <.'Omphan<.'(;' with a new state law covering rubella immuniz.ataon. A student as properly 1mmunazed af he or she has rt't.-etvl'<i one dose of rubella vaccmc aft.er has or her fLrst birthday. or has had the da!>case. as confirmed by a •Tw o workshops for people looking for a new )Ob arc planned at Golden West College m Hunungton Beach A program on r t'sume wntm~ wall be held from 7 tD 9 30 p.m Tuesday The M.><:ond workshop an preparing for an effective iob interview. •The hrst annual book and bake sale ia scheduled Saturday by the Mam Street branch of the Huntington Beach Public Library. The sale wiU be held from •The Edi.son High School Acaderruc Booster Club has scheduled an art auction at 8 p m. Oct. 23. al Huntmgton Central Library. 7111 Talbert Ave. Sued Pianist Liberace ha b een hit with a 113 million "palimon y" uit by a 23-year-old dancer evicted fro m the entertainer'• home. e Page A4. phys1<.·1an's written statement A l hald 1s exempt 1f an aff1da v1 t as submitted 1nd1cat1ng 1mmunizat1on 1s contrary to family belief or may poti(' a medical hazard to the child. Students who need addauonal 1mmunizat1on can obtain 1t free at clinics held from 1 to 4 p.m on the second Monday of eac:h month at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center will bt-held from 7 to 9:30 p.m . Oct 26 Both programs will b(' t'Onducted m Business Room 212 Registration fee for each workshop as $5 More information can be obtained by calling the community serv1t'<"S of het', 891 -3991. lO am J p.m at tht-library. 525 Mam St. AJI proceeds wall be uS(>d for refurbishing the Main Stre(!t annex and w add to ats book collection for mort' mformataon. call 960-:l'.344 Proceeds will be ui.cd to support acaderrucs at Edison this yea r For more 1nformat1on. call E laine Wadleigh at 962-8726 Reagan bares new RlJssian grain sales WASHINGTON (AP) President Reagan was to announce today that the United States w1U oUer to sell the Soviet Union up to 23 million tons of grain this fi.!lcal year, according to congressional sources. In a radio address from the White House. Reagan also was expected to assure that grain contracts made with the Soviets d ura ng November will be honored under any circumstances. The new "contract sanctity'' policy 1s an effort to restore U.S . credibility as a grain supplier. which was lost during a partial grain embargo Imposed by President Carter in reta.hation for Soviet 1ntervent1on in Afghanistan. The issue involves pennltUng valid contracts to be honored after an embargo ls impoeed. Eye drop victim commits suicide SIMI VALLEY (AP) -A man who told police a week ago he'd burned his eye1 ualng eyedropa tainted with acid bu apparently taken his own llfe, offl~rs said. Albert Dekal. 48. of Slml Valley told police a "burning occurred" after he uaed ClN.r Eyes he bought at a Thrifty Dn.ui Store on Oct. 7, Sgt.. Mar(( Layhew aald Thuradey ~hen pollce announc•d they were lnveatl1at1na the alleaed contamination. Knifing, suspect held Th 27-year-old vktlm of an app1rently unprovoked atabblna wu ln •rioua condition today In Fountain Valley Communl\y lte11pital wUh 24 knife wound.a. Oayl• Bohmtrt. tho vlctlm, w11 reatlnat ln her rootn at t board and care homi el 314 N. ' Coopeor Ave. in San\a Ana when lh~ wu au.rick~. aa d Santa. Ana police Lt. Ktn Hall. • Another ,_.dent In the home, Evelyn LIC.'OUr, ~. WM U'l"el1ed at tht teen• and boc>ked lnto 0ra.,._ County Jail an ~ of etM>rnpted murder, Hall .llkL ' \ • WORLD Deadly cyanide stolen in Tokyo TOK YO Abuul 5 pounds oC dl'Mdly sodium l'yun1dc, enough to kill 10,000 p<'Ople, was s tOll'n from a Tokyo storehoui;e, pohc.·t· swd today. Loca l pn•ss fl.•p o rts speculat~d the l'yun1d<' may have been :;tolen w commit random murdl•rs 111 m1lar lo those in the Un1ll·d Stutes, where the deaths of sevl•n pcopl<> 1n th<• C.:h1rngo ar<'a havl' bct•n hnkl-tl to t.·yanidt•- 1 u t.• e d Ext r41 Strength T yll•nol Tlw Tokyo Ml'tropolltun Pollcl• Ot•p.'.lrlnwnt conflrnwd that the t·yanldl• l'ompou11d was tukcn from thl· s t.orugc housl· of Tamo.inl•tsu Shon Company, a ml'lul plutlng foC'tory 1 n Tok yo. somt•lllnl· dunng th•· pu.,t w• ·t·k Oren;. Co11t DAILY PILOT /Friday, Ootobar 16. 198' Iranian prisoners freed FRAN KFU HT. Wl•st Germany Twl•nty six bearded Iranians w a v ing poslers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khome1n1 and s h ou ting political slogans boardc.'Ci an Iran Air JN for honw afll·r spending almrn.l sax m onths in W est G erman Jails whllt.· authorities haggle.><! over th<'tr d eportation. Thursday wt rt• ..inwng ~i arrcslt-0 April an MamL .1rtt•1 a brawl bl'lWl't'll two nVJI groups o r Iranian stud1•nh w rcl'kt>d a 11·1 tun· hall ell Mainz Un1v1..·rs1tv and ll·Ct Sl'V c ro.i I pt. ·up I 1..• Ill Ju rt. 'Cl \\'oocly, n hov(•, ii, boldly (•olort>d like a child's jigsaw. Sea wiudo~ h~ ( :a rl and Ka thi Hi b y has more s ubtle tone . Otht>r arti&t!!! are •·ru·oura f.(f'd to ••xpres" the m s•·lvt'!-t -if tlwy bring the ir own puint. Thi' 26 Iranians lt•uving STATE . Forty-thrC'e lrana:.ins an· still held 1n Ma1n1 Jails. authuntll's S<Jld lt 1s not dl'ar when they will leave Wl'sl G1..·rmany · Quake shakes Simi Valley SIMI VALL1':Y A shat p l'arth4uakc• wokt• n •s1 d1•nL'o 111 twc• <:ounl1t•s t a1 Iv todi.iV 'ot•ndang fart· t•ng11ws out ;,r their stations .md klllx·kanl{ ltt•ms ofr Sh<•IVI"•, ,1ulhonlll'S ~Id It was I ollowt'<I h) .1 ~><:on<I and larger 4UJkt· an hour l<tter about :mo mall~ ufrshort" se1smoiog1sLJ> ..,.mJ Tht·n• wt•n • no reports ol <lam.i~t I 10111 t·1lhl'f 4uJkt Thl 'l :,7 ,1 Ill It 111111111 n·g1sll·n·d :'Ii 1m lhl· H1d1t1·1 ~:alt· and WJ'> l1..·nlen·cl 1n th1• S1n11 llills on thl· Vt•11tu1,1 L1J'> Angl•ll's l oUnt' ltn•· bt·twt·C'n Smu Vallt·v and tlu Los Angelt•s suhurb 111 C<inoga Park 1n lht S.111 ft'rnanclo Valh•) Bradley backs tax revisio11 LOS ANGEL~:s M.1)ur Tom Bracl lt•v ._.•vs 1f t•l<'l'll'd governo r, hi• would push to have stall' 11wom1· t;ixt•s tll'd lo fede>rJI 1m·1mw tdXPS 1n ordt•r lo savl' Culrforrwms lhe· trouble• of hav1n..i lo fill out lWO separalt• UIX (orms "Ask a n y taxpi1y<'r 1f tht>y lrke making out a S4.'paraw tax form for the• stalf'. and th<'v'll wll vou no thev don't like• it." Bradlt·v told 1 •·rorl<·r ... Thursday Ill' said 1 t 1h1· phrn wt·n adoptl'd ' Ca II rorn1ans' Sta l1· tax would simply IX' a (1x1·d pt•rc.·t·n tagl' of th1·1 r frtlc·1"1 I IOl't)mt· WXl'S "Tht·y'd .,1mplv use a pen·entagr 111 th 1• federal rncomtc" tax, and th1·v would simply U SI" thl' oni· form " Bradley said Social Security 'issue' LOS ANGELES Congrc-ss will dodgt• the• 1ssut• 0 r s 0 l' I a I s (' l u r I l y I r Df.'mocrats S< on• a big win in upc.·ommg t•h•ctions. accord- ing to S<•n Rob<·rt Doh-. H- K an "I'm advocaung that we· save thl• svstC'm." Doll' said Thursday -.. w., sh ould dc•al with Social St'c·ur1tv in the NATION post-elecllon session this Vl'ar. but 1f then"s a l'hang-l' 1Jf mon· than 20 sc·als in lht· HouSt', any changl·'> in S1x·1al Sec u r 1 l v a r c• 11 u I t ht• windnw" H e callt•d SuC'aal St'l'Unty the "biggf.'St ISSU(' W(' didn't face up to 1n thC' lai.t two years" Phone listing riles chief MANHATTAN. K an T h e n l'w Manhattan utv d i r cc t o r y has re· s 1 d c· n t s· n ames. addrt•sses. phone· numbers and <X'\Upaucms. but the chwr of pohe<· do<'Sn't find 1t amusing that pag1• :H5 ltsLc; Arlie M oss ac; a t 1ty fin· ms pee tor Moss w..i<, lonv1l'll·d of burning d own .1 lumbt·r company rn Mi.iy 1980 and 1s in the Kansas S tate Industrial Reformatorv an Hutl·hmson. 130 miles l-o the southwest Pohcc· Chief Bill Smnh w ants an explan ation from the company which produces the d1n'<:tory why Moss. who was convicted of arson 1n a $1 m11l1 o n fire• at the Ramev Lumber Co . 1s hstro as flrt- tnspe<'tor Miami rounding up bums MIAMI A special polie<> "trash patrol" has s wept hundreds of vagrants off the streets this week to impress a convention o r travel agen ts, but the move has upset c1v1l libertarians who say Miami as putting on a "phon y face " Smee S unday. when t>.000 members o f t he American Society of Travel Agen ts arrived here for a convention, police have arrested nearly 400 people on misdemeanor charges such as sJeeping and drinking in public. Enrollment declines at OCC }';nrollm1•nt a l Orange Coast Culll•gc• has dropp<od 11 .2 percent this fall thl· first reduction at the· l'n<11a Mt•sa l'OllPge since 197ti, nH1c·sals c;a1d K (•n MowrPy , dean o f adm1ss1ons for th<· college. said a .,urve v n·port "hows that there wt•n .li. I :rn ,tudc'flts enrolled as 11f (.kt I. wmp<.rn'CI Lo :m.551 last \;f ... M 0 .... r (' y r I g u r (' d t h ,. t nrnllnwnl drop wru. cauS<.>d by thl· lu~s of state funding for \Oll\murnty 1..'olleges that resulted 1r1 .1 loc;s of 285 recreation a nd "''lf-1mpruvl•mt•nt c lasses no lm1gt·r 1•lig1hlc· for state· funds t'oas t Commun 1 ty Col ll·gt• d1 ... 1rac·l offK·1a ls ar<' esumaung a I f> :i p•·rc·C'n t r e ductio n lin t•n1ollnH•n t d1s tr1 c tw1dc· at l'lla~llrnt'. Golden W est and Or;111w· Coast <·ollt>gt'S l.><·sp1t1· th<• Pnrollmcnt drop al Urangt· Coast CollcgC' about 75 pe•ru•nl o f the· <·lasses offered wc•n• clc>S(.od bl•forc school opened Sept 7 Mov. rey said In tht• p;l'll enrollment on the Cost;i Mc'Sa campus has increased ahout 6 p<'rc<•nt a year . said Mowrc•y Tht• lall ;;U1'vey n •porl a lso 'howci that make• up 51 percent of the· studt•nt populatwn at Orange Coast Colll'g<'. compared to 50 r><·re·ent lasl :vear Also 114 8 p <•r ct•nt of the stud ents are over 21. and 51.4 percent plan to transfe r to u four-yl'ar college after leaving ucc. Business admninlstrallon has the largest enrollment, followed by data processing. engineering. elcclron1c tct.•hnology a n d occounting We1re Listening ••. What do you like about t he Daily Pilot' What don't you like" Call the number at left and your message will be recorded, tranacrlbed and d elivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24 hour answenna serv1ct> may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic Ma ilbox contributors must Include lhe1r name and telephone number for venficallon No c1 rculallon calls. please 642•6086 Tell us what's on your mind °''*'"" ' ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo1 '· Haley 'ubl••'* olld Cll'lltf he<vl••• Offoe., Jon• Amari h11tU1ov• tdo!Of L. Koy Schulta Va rt~ olld O.rectOf ol Adv.,tiJl!lg laymond Mod.eon Coltroll9f Mkhoet P. Harvey 01t11CIOf ol MorlttlllO ICir~>O<ll ·Kenneth N. O..t~•rtl Jr. Olf tc!OI ol Op.O'tOl'I ClaHlf .. ct acsv.ttl•l"g 11"42·5171 All other depar1ment1 M2,.U1 MAIN OfF•CE ldO WHI ... •t , C4"tl o\WM, CA ""911 _,. ..... IMO, C•l• AIMM, CA .,.,. ,...,,....,. 11'1 Or.,,.. (Mii 1tWllll!lf>t ~. N• newt ,..,.,. l!lv.i,.ti..t, Nlttflll lllehff tf ... o '11Nll'ltlltt lltr•i" ma, M t~N wttMwl .,.Clll pt""lt"1tfl Of CettYtitfll-t Free car wa h BEACH • • • From Page A 1 und brush1·s tm tlw1r l''-'I 111 ula1 work ~:x1st111g work~ 111dud•· ~u r r111g Sl'l'lll'S, illl •ll'l'<lll \II'\.\. ..... M'l 'll thr11ugh ... wmduw and ,1 pair •ii "'ti bird., 1<'1 11·d111a11 s.11d lw .. 11 Ii 111t11 lt•b plan lt1 usl· s111·1 ia I p111t1·1 t1vt· l'Oallngs 11n lht· rnur;.,b lo ll1ml>.1t lht• gral !111 lh•it ha ... dam.1g1·d -.onw ww k., ·Thi· I l•'opOll'>I I ll lht mu1 c1I program h.1s b1·1 11 v1 r1,; p1,.,1ll\ 1· °"' far. hut '' t' rt· i. •Jklllg f111 nion pi.ifllll p.i llllll rlll\.\. r I IJOl 'l html ~ruuµ:. ;.ind olh• 1 J.Jl'uplt · she -wy..., "Mv goal 1' lo gl'l 1111 wholt wall hlll'<.I uµ b\ m·xt :.unull1·r Art1sL'> • c1n 1114u1n Jlxiul th1 prngr<.Hll hv lall111g f.11cdrn.111 ·'' 53U-880i AP Wlrept.oto R a uling a hru!->h firt• nt>ar the inter~t·<·tion of tht• 1-10 a nd 1-5 freeways in l.o!'I •\n~eles Thu~d ay a ftt•rnoon, a city fwlicopter be~ins a wa ter drop tha l was on<-of 1'<'Vf'ra l drenching pa ing ran. a nd pnn·idin~ motoris ts a free car "a~h o n tht· freewa ~·· Missile plant blasted TOHON'I'<> !t\1'1 i\ l10J11l1 Iii.isl np1.M·d 1111 11111 k lr11111 •li t • 'uburhan 'I 1J1•11d•• pl.1111 1 I, 11 111.1kt•s gllld.111n ..,, ''' 111., 1111 Iii• lJ S ii Ul.,l f(ll.,..,iJ,. 111lll111'4 ol" ,if t 1·1 p ull<•· I• 11·1\'t·d "".11. ,11JllllYITIOU'! l1·l1 ph1111"d lhr•';•L .1ulho11ll•·'> .... wt tod,n Th• li11111b, l11tld1 II Ill •• ,'1..111 1 \plnd•·d Ill ,, 11"' b .. 11 Thu11(ii,y 111ght lllJUI 111g tt-· It 11111 JJI 11plt• .1l It ,..,1 l\.\.•1 '>t 1 l<JU>I Th• hl,1...,l sh.11 '"'' ti \\ 111d 1 \' 111• I 4 hur h"<l dt IJI 1~ liu111lt • c).., •if \ult• " \~ t 1111 ''o'>('' ..... Jld Thl , .... ., 't "' pl.1111 .... ""IU rl 111,; Litton s,.,,, 11i... C'.in.id., Ltd. 1 .,ii11,11l1.i1 v 111 L111.,11 l11d11>lr t• 1111 111 H. "'''"' lltlb. < .d1I 1'11h11· .... 1111 fl\• '"""" 1\1~• hurt. but 11~ ,.1 1>11 ... 1111 • .i ... 11·1.111111 I 11111(' pt•Uplt• \.\. 1'11' oJd1111lt1-cf I• I l I \ • ill 1111 • II I o1 11 d t \\ " \\ • " -... rlllU.,) V 111 JU I I •d , Thi· 1·xrlos11111 1 o11111 r111n\l"t1 .1 rt (' r p o I 11 ( r l (' r \ •·<l ;i 1. l .11111nv1nou' tt l1•pli1111• \\ .11111111 ,111d lt•S.'o llt.111 .. d,1\ .d ,, .• •' Jlltf .• 1uh•d thJt L11111n 1·x1·1·u h\•1 • <'l•Uld not I)( fon 1·d t11 tt .. uf\• ,,f , trial or local anti•\.\ ,JI .11 ll\ .,.(', • "I tl11n'l knuv. th<• dt•t .. 11.., .11•111' ~ wh.ll \\,is s.11d on 1!11 l>ht1llt I t shorllv .irll•r <1111 nll'n .1111\'1•cl 1 1•xpl11ch·d •• pnl11 •. 'P"k' 111...·. ... 11ci Pol111 lh '< l11u-d t1• """ \\ h,1! • t <:alle·r ~11d IJUt ( '.,11,t.1l1h Hu r ... u ll J1n1• ..... 11d tlit· t.111111• \\. d1•ltbt•rilt<•l1,; 'ot I Acltng polu1 l11'Jl'~ t11r <, 11d •1 Ft•nton 'oJld th1 • •· p11lll •' dn1v(• 111 the• pl.1111 .1!1Pr ti• • 1• was ll'<t'IVl'd ,u1d lound ,, ~11 with .1 small box 111 .. 1111 111 o1 kfd "D..ing1•r Expl11 .... 1•:1., I"''(' rl'IH>rts '>Jld th•· v• h11 I• ~' t p.H k•'<I with dvnJm1tt· "' As lht nw11 v..ilk1·rl ,1\\8 \ '" rad111 lor ""1s1.1111 •" tlll' \,111 lol1 \\ UIJ, fo\·nt•>ll "'111 Mo1111•11ls lwlnll Iii• l1l,1"tl'' '>t'(:urity ~uard told \.\.11rk1nr fl ,11 th<· plant Jb~1ut th< homh thllf•' .met .t.old th•·lll to gi l out or "~r· ( ..... 1 1 '\i\1 ,,l,11Ltd IUtllllllj.( toW&fd the• l'Xll wht•n ..,utlde 111\. thf'j 1 w,1s ,1 br~ l><1ng .111d l'Vc·rvthtflot ... h.1tll•H•d.' '><lid lt<t. h1m·1an l..j .. 1 8<11lt•\ ~lll ., BJ1l<>v <;<11d ht• .ind twu felldw worknwn v. 1•11· 11 u ppt>d rnsi~e l ht hutld rng b\. d<·hri.., ql'\f 1 l rrn fr~htt·r. n·'><·ut-<l th1·m ! 1 The Anso·) IV Premiere Collection. '\ . There's never been a group of carpe ts like the Anso IV Premiere Collection. Or a better trme to save money on carpet of Anso IV nylon. the ong1na1 sorl and stain resistant frber The Premiere Collection was created by bnng1ng togeth er the top-of.the-line styles from each of America ·s top carpet mill s Ancl now through Oclober 2 3. we're offering speaacular savings on every Premiere Coflectron carpel and on every other carpet made of worry-free Anso IV nylon Come 1n today. and see how little rt costs to own the besr rhar money can buy P R I \I RI ANSOIV ( 01 .. ( () I\' DEN'S :iiiiii11itioli: 'cu1tom dr1p1ri11 UC.NO .... • CMTA IESA. CA 92627 • PHONE 646-4838 Mi" "I "°' tlOw A-A .... ..,, '" .\ .. ACf 11' , tn ll"?• AM'-I )t t ttt 1•\o AMA CO "! 1•\>• AMII wl • )'Ao AMII .. 1.11 . IJ U';, APL IJ 2~ AllA J 10 141 ~r: MA a. 12• u •• AVX JJ,. U tlllo, • AOILMI M 1• IS. JI"°, AcMe(; 1.0 I :M 10'• ACM•I! "»ti 10 t Ho • .... Oii °' 1 ., ... AOaE•-1 Ue lS 1s11o, • :~gMI JOe ~ uJ l{~,: AM wl It ""' ~l\lf 1 U I IVO ~ Mllll Pl 1 I t0° I + Af? pf I OJil 19> uit4. + " n• '° n """ : ~1r1':i IO i I~ J~:: + A tl)Frt tO 10 'W 1»1. + AIMoe I' Ill 1 ... At•P pf Al "1 t 1'I AleP dpt ti 10 1 AJeP pf t 1JO •l AllP pf I a 1•)0 tO I AllVKO I t0 S JI IS'-, Alt>eny I «I I 1 2t•• , AlllerlO )0 t .. UI<. Aleen tO 11 u1 13.,, Al<OSld I OI 9 211'1 H._ AluAI nl ~ t IJS 14 AIHclt 4l 10 Al~p I OI I ,_ 41'1\ , ·1 p pf'J,~ 13 2>•· A M I ) 10 14 , Altl~ 1 I 2t 11"-Alel Cll H 1J IH+ AllO 1 <O I JI• U •. All.,G I II 11 14'-• AlldCp 2 «> c ..0 :M t Al«:ll Pl• 14 142 Sl\o ~==1.ipt I\~ ! '!v. AlldSlr I '° 9 ln l>\o AklTtl n I I 19 :IO'i•, AllltCI\ 111 '"' All.Cl\ P14.41J .. 11"4> Alpl\Pr JO 14 ... 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Amiee 1 .. 11 11 t•lo :~; ':8 lt s11 Hr:: ~ ~~~ 'tO ,~ 2! ,~:!. :: AM•tet I t0 • .. »•• • .. ""'''DI ., > "~ .._ Am•i.ct I t0 11 IS. 1• Altempn 1224 ltS 11\io "'"°9 • D :II n• .. AM-I :i. t SS IS + '• AnCley I J1 • nt JS.._ I• AllclrG" 10 t tO 1111o '·• =!.'! .::~,;: =~ ,1. Anlalr 10 IS IM !JV. '·• NIU " St s 11 ll''• """"'' '411 10 IS 4to • V. AN<,_ 14 II 27S 11'• '-AKllP"" 1o .. n"' ,,. ,._,... p1c 11 n lO"' '> AllPI Me Qt II 161 IM<. ~. """°" 1411 •• ,, " h Arl1PS 1 S2 I Im 2• 1 '" Ari P pl J M IS 1'' • Afklti ~I 14 ••• "° Artile • .i 10 a 11 ._ Arin"' 1 21t ,.,.._ 1 n .t.rmeclt 10 '°"' '• Armc.o 12010 ts.ti 1•'• + '" ., .... pf 2 10 4 """ h Arm" • .., • 111 n "' Al"ll'IWln 1 10 27 1 l:IA 11 \o .t.r1nw 11n " 1100 JO', 1 ArOCp '° 10 l .. • '. Arow( .. tO .. IJ~ •• At1ra 10 M 1\ 111 I t V. An.In I 12 U D I~ Arvll\ pl 2 4 ,. .. ... ,co ., I01 ,, , ... Aefll()ll 1 411 I 1tO D"'-II\ A ... IO Pl• ,., 0 ,.. ' "' AJlllOpllQ.. • JI '" AtclOG 1 11 IO:J cs• 1 111 AtclO DI 4 IS .. It<> '"' Altll-I 40 I 4 II°"' 'I'< ~Cy(I Jll I •1 ~ . AllMlro .oe. 1 1 It lj. I• • ,.,. Alllll<I\ 1 «> I 1UI -I AtlAc pl l IS 110 M ... • •• AllA<Jlf UO l 11• 1'-AUMCp 259 1 ~ IS ... ..._, J2" " ••• .. "'*°' '°,. 2271 .... ~. AWOCtl l 1111 10 441 14 ''> " AVCO pf l.1111 I• 50' t • I ~:9,,;t ~ :~ ~ ~ . .._ ·-, • ll)ollt ,.... \1 Alll• ' ,, t 11 " .,. A...,.n t JI %Jt l31'1 + llol. -._. - l!l<MO )0 1 24 ltV. r1n11 " • 1au 1"" ·-J1 ll " "' • .... u .... w ~ tldU pl t.o• l 107 ... ~ • '" 1A t:~E i.: : lA:; ~' 1410 . llO '•ll " loM • ft •• A41 ....... tl!l2 " :~~:·lL~ ! II\' JA II I07 r; 1.11$ s •.n .. 2.JG ' f ·"'° ,. " _,. ,. '° ... ll .... ,. Ml "' ·r:t• 1 , ~ 13 ''° •" ••oo !. 13"' , ... ,. 119i y 'a 2.JD 1t' I~ tl!ll I 10 I Jl Fd l~ • 11 .. II U • 11 triD 1.10 11 22t ,r, ':I J! • NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS QUOU flOtO lllll;LYDa UADU Oii llll NIW YO••• MIDWllT, ltACt•tC, •IW, lotTOlll. OIUOIT ANO ClllClll"'fl UOCa ••CMAlllllt ANO lllNUIO IY Tltl NUD UID 11111"111111' '~ I) 16, 1982 HB Ba Dollar rising hut gold drops LONCX>N (AP) T ht· dollar rust< LoJ&y Ot1· forcll(n market.II, h1u111g u rt<t'Ord high agamat tM Italian lira in curly Europt·un trad1ns void prh.'Of droppc.od mon· thun $14 un oum•t.• on tht· bu•lll e>( rumon of lurf(t• Soviet bullum iwlt'K ~ The dollar hit l ,441 llru ul mld·ruotnlng in M1l~tF l11te1 bank trading, u Jump of rnort• than l 0 hra frcl!Tf. late Thunday'11 rult< uf 1430.20 · • Dealers said the U S currerwy was bent>fllt1Atf Crom h igher Eurodollar mtert.'tlt rutt'!l and from 11;f: e xpectation that U S. mom·y supply figures w b6 released lolt!r wday would show d big mcrelLllt.' ,• ~: Car sales sluggish DETROIT CAP) R11ang unemploymt>nl 1s' holding back new car buyers. one auto industry . analyst said. as the five maJOr domestic carmakers reported sluggish sales m the first JO days of thLS month Tht: camu1kers SCA id tht•y i;old I :i I ,426 l'ars 111 the Oc:t. 1-10 period, compared with 147.088 in th<: p<•nod a year ago So far m HIHi. the auto111Jkt•r11 say thc·y have delivered 4,394,021 cars. down t:s pen·ent from la!>l year's 5,072.97 l Brani11 still alive FORT WORTH. TPxas (A P) Bra n if f International Corp .. wh1(·h gruunded iL'i plan<:s May 12 a nd filed for bankruptcy prol.C:'Cllon. may soon reach a JOmt operating agreement with another carrier, an a1rhne 0Hic1al says In testimony before a f<-<kral bankruptcy Judge, Braniff executive vice president M. Philip Guthrie said lhe ai rline ts st'ekmg a n op<>raung agreement with two unnam ed carriers and had ''extraordina rily active" talks with one of thl•m las t weekend Judge John Flowers, meanwhile, granted the a1rHne a 30-day extension tD <:0m pleU> a reorganization plan and lx•gm paying off its $1 b1l11on debt. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT '• .,. .. ..... AMERICAN LEADERS NEW 'l'OR1<; tAP) Situ 4 p m 11\ytllelay ptlc:e and nol C:l\81199 OI lhs Ian moa1 ldllv• Amerlc•n 81ocll E•ch•t10• !fMI~ '''!cl'"G nellOflalty al mot• then S 1 OomePltl llJ,)00 1 1' 16 , .. ~~:;.~. m:: :~ : ·::: ~~:!!':i,.., ~·= 1:\o : I~ w~ a 111,.00 03.. .. Oto I< on '"" "' • tOO 14 • '"' lnlttl"9 n 111,900 1\o • h R•utlnt A 1n * "" • " All R.. ••>.GOO 141 UPS ANO DOWNS GOLD COINS Due to late tran1ml11lon today'• llatlng wlll not appear In the Dally Pilot. DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS 010 H(W YORK IAPI 0<1 U "'1w~.o O.Cli-Vf\Ch...., T°'ef 1'6W\ N•• "i9"' New ~ Thur• I~ "' , .. 1014 io. J HEW Y0 AI( 1.API 0.t 14 Aav..,ud 0..11-Unch.,.a TOI., I~ Htw ht~ H.-w tow\ METALS Pr ... C:-J, ,. ,,.. lOll .,, ' p,. ... ~. ,., ~ • J NEW VORll (AP) -Spot 1111rtl811out m~lal ptice<I •Ocl•y Cojtpet 10 1~ ce t11t • pound u S cio.11na1 ione Leed 23 28 <»nll a pound ZIN: •0·•2 _,,,. pC>uncl __ .., Tln ~ 213~ Ml1al W .... COMl>Qttll l D AkH'nlnvm 16 C«lll a poun<l NY llt¥0f S9 155 l>el' lte>y ounc:e NV Comeo fPOI m0t1th CIOMd fl\ul Mof<iur1 $310 oo l>el' n,.11. "•llnum 1331 00 S3H 00 lroy ounce N V SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS " N•w y••tly IUw u ....... )'I.,,, l\19h U ""'' 011\tf'"''"' nolltll tlllt OI Ol•tt09"0t .,. 1nnual 1t11bur~•t1•• o .. .a °" ,,.. ,,.. Qu•rt.-.rty Ot ttm• annu•t dec.t•r•t•tH\ SPf(•l l "' "'"• cl•~• or pey._,11 f\Ot 4"•19n•l..O at teQvl•t •• ~l•I-"' 11\e IO\IOW•'il IM lnoltt • A.I.a •1tra °"' ••ttet O·Annu.f t•t• ptu• uoo Otw•ll•"" c l •Qu•Olllt\Q C11•1~nc1 o.c-11rt111 or pal() If! p<ecectine ll monlht 1·0.CletOO Ot ~Ocl alt., llOU Ot~ Ot tPlll uP I IOIMd lhtl ye., d•YIOenel omit1.0 oel11t••cl °' no l(lfOI\ 1a11.en 11 IHI CIMdlihG moe11no k·O.Cl•rOCI or IM!d 1n1t )'Ill. an ttc:cumulall•• ••-,...,,. elf•telendt 111 •t1-• II H .... ••-1•0.Cllfed Ot !*Cl In ll'~lnG 11 monllli OIV• llOCk clMclend l•llltlf In "°'" •n 11'~"0 12 MOf'llll. tJltlil\!SllCI u•ll ••luO on •• dM<loncl or ••-Olarl'-"loft cllll • •·I• Cl<vtOOftOI Ot ••"''91111 y·I•·~ _, .... .,.1\111 ...... lftlull c•d C-WCI W"9n Cl<tlt""'t.O -wi.. ...... o ... W1ll'I wer••ntt -··Wlll)Oul '"'"'""'" •cllt Et C1•1l•lbllttor1 ' , [ ,.,,., t l\e l)flff Of • tlodi .. • mull~ of Plf•ttl11• Mtl\lnOt~...O 01 cllvldlnO Ille 111••' \t -MOlllll Nfl\lflol fltur• lnlO ,,,, .... OllC• • llllllCUll lASllA llACll /lml 1:1111 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1ti. 1987 on ANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS A great Laguna land buy, for mountain goats! • . By JOEL C. DON or ... ~,... • ..,, P.sat! Wanna buy aome cheap land In Laguna Beach with an ocean view? These 2,500-aquare-foot lots, are a steal at prices as low as $250. Come on, friend, this 1s your once -in -a -liftet1me opportunity to own a chunk of property In an exclusive coastal community. Heck, at these prices, you might as well pick up two or three lots If the offer sounds too good to be true. perhaps you should take a hard look at the fine print of this seeming land bonan:ta or the century. The parcels for sale are located in the ma.iesuc but shde-prone Arch Beach Heights They are a bit on \he rustic aide, covered by thick chaparral and located on steep hillsides or in drainage ditches. There's no ac\.'CSS to the lots by streets and no available sewer service or utilities. And, by the way, you l'an't build on the land. Thill'a propably the reason the o wners haven't paid their property taxes during the last five yean and why the lots are to be aold at auction by the county tax collector. But w ith minimum bids set from $250 to $1,500, you too may own a piece of Laguna. And not much more. To put it not so mildly, this land is worthless. "If the lots had mud1 o f a value and were a potential building spot, people would have paid the taxes ." said City Manager Ken !'~rank "Anyone who buys these lots should realize it'• not legal to bulld now and It's unlikely you'll be able t.o build in the future " The reason the lots are available for llale dates to a lime before the city was incorporated, he explained In 1911 , county officials subdivided the area into lots measuring 25 feet by 100 feet with out r t'gard to the topographical features of the land. That means tax asse>SOr's maps show strc.-cts that don't ex1St and Iota thut cannot be dev(.lloped. Though you might not mind building your dream house on tht.· face• of a 11heer chtr or in a drainal(e gully, the• ('aty may havl' a few objections, Frank mused Nl•vertheless, the land will be up for sale and there's always a buyer "Some people would buy anything to own land," suggeslt'd Donna Shutt. t ax deeded property agent with the Orange County Tax Collector's offire. ''It depends on what tht> value .i. to; that person "It's 'buyers beware ' We always tell them t.o look at the property." The current owners may keep their land, though, a( th~)' manage to pay off all taxes and penalties before the upcoll)ing auction. That probably will be the case with one of the 14 Arch Beach Heights lots for sale, the only buildable parcel located in the 900 block of Katella Street. (Set LAND, Page A%) Beach HJural& sought Bottle battle arguments ......... -·aired in Newport debate By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or..._~,...,..., Offic ials are looking for additional artists to paint murals along a concrete retaining wall bordering Bolsa Chica State Beach. More than a dozen colorful paintings already brighten the beach wall, which ext.ends from 9th Street to Golden West Street in Huntington Beach. "It's kind of a cultural thing. and it pleases the people who come down here to the beach," said Debbie Friedman, a state lifeguard who IS coordinating the art project. The paintings also beautify a stretch of oceanfront marred by several oil wells. The effort to improve the appearance of the beach wall actually began in 1980, when several artists, without state approval, painted appealtng pictures of Laurel and Hardy. the Blues IJrothers and Charlie Chaplin on the concrete. The murals became so popular that state officials decided to launch a program to turn the entire wall into an art gallery. Lifeguard Friedman said beach and recreation themes are encouraged. Artists may not use the paintings to publicize a product or business. Subjects must al50 be in good taste for a family recreation area. she said. Artists' mural proposals must be submitted to Friedman, who obtains final approval from the state parks and recreatJon area manager. The state will pay for a beige base coat for the wall, but artists must purchase their own paint (See BEACH, Page A3 ) Deltr P'Hot Pfleto by Rlcllerd K~ Papier-mache supervisor keeps up the spirits of muralists along Huntington Beach wall. Sex class prof files suit Newspaper, three p eople lace leg_al action b y Singer By JA V ARNOLD .......... ~ .... LOS ANGELES -Saying he wu a victim of public "hysteria," a profeuor who taught a sex psychology clasa is suing a newspaper and three indlvidua.la tor Implying he was mentally deficient and had required or enticed atudenta to have sex. Dr. Barry Singer 1ald Thursday h e was subject to "aenaational.lJltlc" media coverage after a student complained to gove rnment and religious officials about hir. ''Psychology of Sex" coww •t Cal State Long Beach. The cour" offered optional credit for a number of sexual acitvltlea -Including gay or extramarital leX. Singer, 35. who had admitted he had been romantically involved with several student.a, resigned In June after being given a JO.day suapenalon while university official.a lnve1tigat.ed hia course cuniculum. The syllabus for the course offered students credit, with "pr ior Instructor approval" for ''new experiences in volving sexual behaviors," giving aa examples "extramarital sex. group sex, gay or lesbian sex, casual aex. '' Sln1er admitted to reporters Thunday the aylJabua had bee'n "clumsily written." But he aaid university authorities had approved the course and now were engaged in a "wit.ch hunt." ----INDEX------. Seulpton with true gril will sather Sunday lor the ' 2 ht annual Sand Castle Contest at Bis Corona State Beach. ee Weekender for details. A6 82-3 A9 C6-l0 B4 B4 & M Weekend« A'I A9 .u lntermlulon Weekender Ann Landen Ai Movi Weokender Mutual Fundt 82 Nauonal Newt A3 Public Noticell 86·6 8porU Cl-6 Dr.S&elncrohn A9 8\0clc Markeu 83 w~~ A2 Singer's attorney, Dean Hyatt, who accompanied his client Thursday as he spoke to reporters, said university officlala had made Singer a "1Capegoat'' to squelch criticism "instead of defending him aa they 1hould have." Singer said he resigned, not because of the investigat.ion, but because he waa under duress Crom public and media pressure and from"anll-Semltlc death threata. He would not aay if he was Jewish Named as defendants In the $7 million Ubel ... lander action filed Wedneeday, were Knight-Ridder Corp.. p~blleher of the Long Beach Pren-Telegram. and reporter Doreen Carvajal, along with student Betty Willman and Roy Heintz, a profHlor. Willman, who had attended Singer'• clus for two days but never enrolled, and Helnll made llbelou1 remark• regarding Singer that were prtn~ In th~ Pre .. ·Telesram, the Superior Court IUit cl.alma. It aaka U million dam•a•• from KnJaM·Rldd r, $3 miWOn from WUlman and U million from Heintz. "Our coverap wu belanced and fair," Prftt..Tei.ararn editor Larry AlUton .. td ~huradar. "The law"11t la without merit,' "Not h•vln1 ... n th• ault, I can't really make a comment," uld WlllP\an, uyln1 •h• atumded t.h9 clMI few two dayw b•for• dro,plna out and oomplaJn.lna to P'.Ublic offldall. "f. think It'• Improper and unjutt,'' Mid Hetnts. "I· am an employH of (Cal State Loni BMich) Ind the ttti. and have acted . . . properly By JEJ4: ADLER Ofllte Delly Pilot llan Debating the pros and l'Ons of the bottle and can depo!>l t init1at1vc, Propos1t10n 11 , a leading spokesman for opponents conceded Thursday the practice of returning refillable bottles for deposits was successful when it was commonplace years ago. But Rick Mant.t'r, representing Californians for Sensible Laws, argued that Proposition 11 , though "well-intentioned and laudable," 1s a costly and complicated m1llat1v~ that should be defeated Nov 2 Arguing m Proposition 11 's favor, forrr er Irvine Mayor Gabrielle Pryor. representing Californians Against Waste, declared the measure should be approved bc<:ause "1t is a private incentive for the public good " The pair squared off at a sparsely attended forum sponsored by the Town Hall of California at the Newportcr an Newport Beach Thc arguments raised during th(' 45-mmute debate echoed those that have been heard throughout the fall campaign Spt•ak1ng f1r s 1 . Pryor contended the measure would lower costs to taxpayer& for p1<:kmg up road!>1dt· litter. now esumated at six cents per t· o n t a 1 n c r b y t h e U . S Environmental Protecti on Agl1nl'Y Prvor said the ml'asurl' would <·ons.<'rve resources, such as mineral deposits that would not be needed f or ca n manufacturing. would reduce the cost of beverages packaged 1n rt.>hllable bottles, would redu,•e the· mc1dence of broken glass inJuries to children an publ1l' plal·es, and would provide· a "neatt>r, cleaner state." The measure. she said, could cause a slight increase in the cost of beverages packaged In cans or plastic bottles, could cause some m1t1al inconvenience. and cost some skilled jobs, though those would ~ off~t by a net galll in unskilled jobs Manter, on the other hand, claimed that Propos1uon 11 will l'OSt Californians $300 m1Uion a year even after its benef1l8 are subtracted. This estimate, he said, was made by a Chapman College group contracted with Californians for Sensible Laws tb study the measure. If passed. the init1at1ve also would cost the stat.e 17 million gallons of gasoline (to hauJ the empties) and one b11llon gallons of water (to wash the bottles) per year This would mean a net energy loss for the state, he saJd. Manter added the 1nitiativf also would put about 1,000 recyclers out of business. require a 400 p ercent inc r ease 1n storeroom spraying for pests and put an end to the jobs of 4,800 skilled workers m the beverage <See BOTTLE, Page A%) Countians can cut phone costs. By KAREN E . KLEIN of't1MD"'1"-tl*"" M CI Telecommunications Corp .. a dl8count phone company, announced Thursday that 23 Orange County c'Ommunities will now be able to ut1l1ze "Omni-Call." a low-cost routing system that provides access to all 48 cont1guous slates. - Prior to the 1n1t1at1on of Omni -Call, MCI subscribers could dial to only 42 states, or 70 percent of the nation, said Randall L kkes, Orange County branch manager. San Francisco will bec'Ome the second West Coast area to hook into Omni-Call when the servwe is inaugurated there Oregon sinking MCI chose to introduce the new system in Orange County because of the large clientele it has he re and because an Omni· Call terrmnal is located In Santa Ana, Ickes said. The Omni-Call service, currenily available m 36 cities, will expand to include the entire country by the end of the year, Ickes sajd Overseas calling ability with MCI is projected to be instituted within six months to a year. MCI, founded in 1968, offers savmgs of 30 to 50 ~rcent off Bell System prices A call from Huntln,llton Beach to Dallas, for example, lasting 12 minutes. . would cost $3.28 on AT&T and $2.08 on MCI, representing a • savings of 36.6 percent. Omni-Calls do not offer as • high a savings as other MCI calls, Ickes said. because MCI haa not built terminals in all the ciliH Omni-Call provides access to. An Omni-Call to Flagstaff, Ari%., from Costa Mesa. lasting one minute, would C08t 25 cents, as , compared to 35 cents on AT&T rates. MCI holds 2 percent of the $44 bllllon a year telephone Industry. AT&T controls 96 percent of that pie and the other discount· companies. such as Western; (See PHONE, Pase AZ ) Betty Jordan of Granada Hille keeps tJgha grip on the leash of her dog, Hobart, as they peer over the edge ol a truck-1ized hole appearing in a street in Jacksonville, Ore. Historic town wa1 built atop 45 mine ehaf ts. A ·\:l' Qrthy name for HB park? The lHt majo r park to be develoJl'l'(I In Huntlnp>n Beach may be named for Norm Worthy 1 man obMrvel'I call th~ father of the city'• park 1ywtem. Worthy, recovering from major 1ur1ery at the UCLA M.cllcal C.nter, Waf' the city'• dJrector of .,..-kl arid recreat.lan for about 20 y..n, He b.ceme superintendent of park d•vtlopm•nl when ~g were con10IJcta'4ld a '"' yon.,o. City parka won national .a:lalm for th Ir .xcellence of delip ul\der Worthy'• dlrecllon. It wH hit conctpt to place park• In varlou1 city swlahborhooda. More than 400 a<:J'ft have been developed Into city parkland. Hunllnston Beach hH thrH major community parka, 54 completed n•~Jhborhood park• and the 1prawuna Central Park. Thia wHk the Community Service• Commlulon ~that a 12-acn park belnc built llCl'a. the etreet from Hunlinat.on Bilach Hl,t'l Sc:hoOl be ~ fOf' Worthv . The park wlll Include two U&h'41d athletk fields, an~ ~uetbeU c:ourt and pllypvu.nu equls>men\. Coeu 1tthnat.ed ~ $734,000 ere belnt lhaNd 'it,:: dty and the Kuntil\IWR Union Hlfh llchOOI Dlatrict. The dty coundl li ~ to act Nov . 1 on th• recommendation f Of the n.am. cha.,..· Wonhy, N, 19 a na_.ve ~ HWlUnctGr\ Ba.Ch i1it '9 a l anctu.M of Hun\lnp>n Ri8h Sc:hool. I BOTTLE BATTLE. • • IJ ontnint•t m1111uluctu11ng : us try · "There would bt• mort• costs !'Ian benefits," Mantt•r said "We • · b't•udy huve llller laws that nil· t bt•ing enforcl-d " ,,, Ji' H t' s a 1 d a mo r e n· u It s t ll" '~lt(•rnuuve would be to ~ucate htldren about the valut: or a 1 li'tter-free society, t•nfon•t• • 'curn•nt laws a nd prov1d(• •1"('~nvenient rt>Cyclin~ t.-enturs ~Ut'Slloncd about tht.• fuumdng of the two campaigns. Manter rf'ported the anti-I I for<.'l.'s haVl' rutsl'd and s pt•nt $3 m11l1on Pro-11 groups have rut!>t.•<l and .,pt•nt $1100,000, IH't·11rdin1o1 to Pryor She 11tdd contributions frorn t h()S(• favoring lhl• lxmll• dt>poslt luw huv<> tendt'd lo bt· smull and from 1ndiv1duitls whill' Its opponents ar.e organiwd grcx:ers, bottle and can manufa1:1un•rs. b o l t I <.• rs a n d b t• v t• r a g l' d1str1butora, Mantt•r .,.ml Dcsptlt.• the d ollu1 advantagl' h t' I d b y o p p o n t• n l s o ( l h e 111iUallvt•, Pryor S(jtd that 1n otht•r sUHcs wh<.•rc the mt•asure wus 1.•on111dcr<..od as long as tlw dollar ratio did no t ex1.·et.•<l $10 :tnll· dollars lo evf!ry µro <lulldr thl· iaw had a very gooJ 1.h.mtt• or pa~gt• I ~,!!;~ ~!':rn ~c~~~ ~he~!!.~:, .. ;,, :.°' ''"''"'"" j th1• rt.'ma1mrig 2 pert·t·nt ( 4 p m lo 1 0 a Ill ) a n d MCI subscribers must havt.• u wc>t•kl'ndl holtday sl·rv1t·1-. thl· push·button phone, but tht.·re are monthly subscnpt1on t·hargc is $5 no installations or chcsnges made plw, thl• t'Ost of tht· mils on thl• t:Uslomer's phom· wht.•n ht· MCI won an anlltrusl su1l in J :-.1gns with MCI Jurn•. 1980. against AT&T Thl'y Full -time ac·ct•ss to thl· <:olh•<:tC'd $18 b1ll1on. tht• largest nC'l work t·usts $JO 11 month plu::. ,1nt1trust award m history :~'Dreyfuss released, ... ·:faces drug probe •=• LOS ANGELES (AP) At-tor ·,~frhard Dreyfu:.s has been ··~'>leased from Ct•dar s -S 1n a1 . l•d1t·al Center aftt•r trt>alment i: qr injuries su£ft•rt'd in a • ('i:kt•nd auto accident "H<· was m good cundttton ~'°W.\tl·n h e was d1st•hargt'd ," ',h.q~p1tal s po k eswoman Tess · Ct'iff1n said after his release 'fhun.day. "We conductl'd tes~ 't<$r mll'rnal mJunes but found t•M l .. l'l~ne. 1 Drl'yfuss, 34 . who wnn an ... t)s(·ar for his starring role m tht· "'Goodby<.· Girl" in 1977. was Jlont· m 0h1s car wht•n ll went out or nmtrol II\ Bcnt'Cltt'l Canyon. hit a curb and a palm lrt't' twfure fhppmg over. H l' w a s b o o k L' d f o r invc·stsgatwn ur clnv1ng under tht• 1nfluc•ncc of alcohol and posst>SStng a whttl· powder that was bt.•mg t<.-sted for any narouc prop<•rtws He sttll ha.., not !wen charge'<.!. howevl'r ·:lleward up to $20,000 ,· .. :in Newport gem theft HJ·~A Newport Beach man who 11~/Ccred $10.000 for information 11 l~4ldmg to the arrl'Sl of a lhid '•who burglanz(>d his Big Canyon home has mcreGS(.>d th<' reward to no.ooo , Tom Evans, 55, !Wld he'll pay J}0.000 to st-e th<· burglar 1.·onv1cted and a total of $20.000 for the rl'C'Overy of the gold and •:diamond studded .)<'Welrv valued ·••t•$70.000 l Evans a ~ ht s wife were preparing for a trip to Palm Spri~ last Friday and had left the valuables out. When lhey returned from diner al 8 pm. the 50 to 60 pieces of uninsured .iewelry were gone Anyone with any Information can contact the Nc.-wport Beach Policl' Department by calling 644-3765. T ux lHtht'e2'or's m u1>s i.ho w roudi-on these hill!ooidc.• loll'! i n Arc·h Hc.·uc·h lle ig h1 .,, hul you'll huvc• u toug h tinw finding ttwna. LAND IN LAGUNA. • • Tht p111p1!rlY h.1s .1 111111111111111 IJ1<l of $1 7.f>OO Shutt notl'd !>ht• h." a llh· of mon· than :mo pnJspt'l. llVI' buyl•r!> who'd probably lov1• to ).tl't a l'f<ll'k al thl' ~ensc lot l!·nt or otlwr nwk1·sh1fl 11111111•. f11q.~1·l 11 Om· ulhPr manor dl•t.111 If you h,1v<.• tht• thought of buying a lot fm unclt r $1.0011 and p1ll'h1ng a 'l houj.(h n t y oft 1u.ols had 110 t:ontrul uv1·r lht· way lhl• land was :.ulxl1v1dt'd. f'runk said tht.•n.· an· pk·nty of regulal1ons on the books to ftustratt• dl\V would-be • d1ff dw1·lh·r.. French Alliance This Laguna pro1>e r1 y ha~ a gr eat vie w o f thf' oc·ean -hut you c.·u n't build on it!-! hilly terr a in. Ineets • ID All1ant·e F r<1n<.·a1st• will rn1 ·t.·l tomght :tl 8 o'chx:k in Bndgt· ll:tll of Congrl'gatwnal Church tn Laguna &•al·h Tht· Spl'ak er will b1· M . •Laguna Bt·<.1111 fall 11'1.·rt•auon program wrll starl ,1 '>l'UHld 'CSSIOll of lt lll\I~ b1·ganning Monday Cla\'>l'~. for bq(1nnrng • q " a II t· 1 r 1 c· k . aclm1n1stratur uf lht-Lagun;;i &·al'h Free C hnll". ha.., lx"l:·n appo1ntt>d 10 th<· Orung<.· County MdU:rnal. Child ;md Adolt•M:cnt Health Advisory •The Friend~ of Nl•Wport Bay will begm monthly tours of the Upper Nc•wport Bay t'lulo~tl·al rescrvl• lx·~inning Saturday The tours run through March. The departure point ts the tnU?rsecUon of F.astbluff and Back Bay drives. Groups will leavt' everv 20 minutes •A ftnal evening lit the Balboa Fun Zone. i;cht'duled rur destr uction next yt.•ar. will be.• held Oct. 27 st.artmg at 6 pm Sponsored by the N1:wport Harbor Area Chamber of Laguna J ean -J acques M a ltam , a~ ... 1~t.J11l tu tht· f'rl'nch 1.·onsul 1n L os Angeles Ht• wtll d1~cu!.., tht.• am·<·stor l"Ull of VIC'tnJm through advan(.'{·d stud1.m,L'I. :trt· $20 for l·1ght lt•sson~ Jo or rnor1· 1nformal1un «a ll .i97 :i:S 11 c·xt 20 I Bo<.1rd hy th,. Bua1d o t Sup<•rv1Mws H1•tr1ck, a Lagun:t NIE;Ut•I rt• s 1 d <' n t . w 111 rt• pr l" s <' n t ht•alth l • ..tr<· d1mt-s throughout thl· t•ountv lx•tw1·1·n Yam and Ill :ma m Thi fn·c· walking tour::. t;1k1• abuut two hours and int:ludl· information talks Crum State Dt'parlmt•nt of F'1sh and Game offtl·tals Tht• nc•xt tour. are slated for Nov 20 and Ot.·l l K For more 1nf o rmat1on. t.·all (2 13) 590-5126 or ()46-8009 Cumn1l•n-e . tht• evt•ning 1s b 1 I I t· d a s · ' T h e L a s t H1•nd1.'zvous" imd will ft·ature a d a n c t• a n d a f 1 n a I opportunlly to rtdt' the Fun Zom• Fl'rrts wht-cl T1l·k(•!.!. arc $25 F'or mon• an formation. eall 644 -8211 ·~" .~ .. \~ Chance of fog Two Marines captured in purse thefts Reagan hares new Russian grain sales I A ,_ light thower1 llng erlMI the -t•n two-Owdt of the M t Lall• region and nOttham alne on Thundey, and C41ntr al lofld• had ~tonn1 Clouds co"9f9d the Onto Vali.y mo.t of""~. -tll u nortllarn Calllornla tWllKI• and part• of Iha adO AodclM Fo~ covered th• northern aclf Coat and 90ITl8 of lnttrlOr Uhtngron. El.....,htre, from Iha Rockl•• h•ard. &klM -• llHlnY For tod1y, aeettered "'°-' ••• lor•CH I from lht lower real Lakll to northern New ngland. with • chanot o r hundaralorm• In aoutharn Ida. valleys we<e :::ieca•1 lrom 78 to 85 Saturday !ti Iowa lfom 48 to !16 Sant• Barbar• and V•ntura County cout•t ., .. h!ilh• may also re~ es 0.01-wtth lows 1n the 70. n.er l>CK'-and mostly 1n the 501 elMWher• Saturd•y. the weather Mrvlca ~ The L~ a..ctl. Santi Monlee bay and range County ar111 ahould -h~h• from TO 10 78 Saturd•Y with OWi from 55 lo 82 T e ntperatures NATION HI Lo Pep Albany 83 39 t8 Albuquerque 85 38 , t4 Amerlllo 84 37 AnchOrage 28 26 15 Mhavllla 68 49 Atlan\8 70 63 AtlattlC City • 64 t2 Auatlll 80 sa BaltJrnor• 117 48 02 Bllliflga 78 63 Blrrnlf>Qh8m M 47 Ot 84ama<cli 72 39 BolM 74 '3 Boe ton 87 55 Ill 8rown1Vlla ... 83 8vHalo sa 411 04 8utllngton eo 43 01 Cap« 70 311 Ch«ltton. SC IO 72 Chw111n, WV 57 51 Cherlona. NC 72 60 Ot ~ne ... 33 Chic.GO 63 47 Qnelnn•tl eo 51 CleYeland 58 50 17 COiumbia, SC 78 8t 311 (;(llumbut 58 5t 01 0•1-Ft Wor1h 76 51 0.ylon 58 48 Denver !Se 31 OM MOIMI 70 31 OelrOlt 57 40 OUlllth 83 42 El Pao 75 '3 Fetf'battkl 23 -6 Fargo 68 40 FlllQ81efl e1 22 o, .. , Fant 74 41 H•rtl()(d 87 ~ 09 HeleN ee 37 HonolUlu 88 73 Hou1l0!\ lndlanapoila Jaelctn. MS Jaellenvti. JuMay l<•n ... Cty l<nCKVllle Lu Vagu LlltS. Rock Loul1vllle Lllbboek Memphl1 Mia.ml Mllw9uk .. Mple-SI Paul Nat/Wiiie N-Orleenl New 'l'Otll NOf1olk No Pllttt Okie City Omah1 Orllndo Phlladefe>hll Ptio.nl• P1111':1.h Pofll , Ma Piiand Ora Provtd- =~•y Reno Rklhmond Salt Like San Antonia 78 57 74 81 48 89 85 80 70 80 73 88 ae 62 69 e& 77 68 70 74 75 71 83 811 87 57 84 74 68 74 72 72 73 88 79 58 48 46 88 3e 3e 5t 52 47 48 3e 48 78 44 44 47 60 20 se 01 5e I 4-0 28 42 35 72 5t ee 43 Ot 52 43 45 se 10 68 53 37 32 58 05 41 •• SURf RIPORT ~. - r.-,., .,,., .... ·3 1-2 ·~ 1·S 1·2 l·S 2•3 Suttle 811 ShrlY&port 75 Sioux Falla 88 St LOUtt 83 St P-hmpe 83 St Ste Mltlfl 49 Spollant 84 SyrlCUH 61 Topeill 72 rucaon 83 TulH 74 ~UhlnQtn 71 lellll• 73 CAL"'OflNIA ApPla Valley 8•k.,slleld 8trtlOW Beaumont Big Bear BlahOP Blythll C1taltn1 Culver City EureU FrHnO 1.encut., Lono Be8CI\ Lot Angtlet Monrovia Monterey Smog 48 47 34 ~ 76 47 44 t4 40 46 30 67 45 53 37 711 ~ llO 8t 85 52 82 48 83 25 78 311 89 53 88 58 88 58 57 48 87 S8 711 41 118 58 117 84 114 61 ea 50 Whart 10 oell (toll lrH ) lor .. teat tmOQ Information OfMQe COunty. (IOO) 4.S 3121 Lot AngtlH County (1001 242-4022 ~ end ..., etmMdlno count•. (IOO) Mf-4710 AO"'D bltodt o.rtttf· (IOO) 2.42 ...... Tide 04 6t Two Mcifll\C'~ stallont.>d at El Torn A11 Statum su-;pt><.'tl'd of svvvral pursv snatch1ngs involving older womt•n WC're arH•sll'd after a pol1u• chase Thur..<l:ty m Huntington fkach. Fu l lC>rtdn pol ict' o ffice rs bookt.'<I Robert Styvl' rt . 21. and Rovw Taliaferro. 24, into their city Jail on susp1<.·1on o f armed robbt>ry after apprehending the !.USl>t"l ts m their small fort•1gn car at Pac·1fl(· Coast Highway and W il r n <.· r A v c.· n u e . a p o I 1 c e spokt•sman said Th" Fullerton off1<.•(•rs had tatl<>d th<.• two mt•n Thursday bt'<·aull(.• of suspicion.' th~y were respon'>l ble for two purse- sna td11ngs m lhC'tr l'1ty w1thm th<' last 10 davs At least nme s1m1lar robbem.; had oc:(:urred in Orang<· County durtng the past month. they said OHt<.·c•rs said they ~gan their chasl' aft<'r watching th<.· two men snea k up behind a 'l8-ycor old woman and knock her to the ground 1n the Boardwalk Shopping Center parking lot tn Huntington Harbour. Prison riot blamed on overcrowding CHINO CAP) -Ovt'l'('r<>wdlJ\I may hawc-contrlbut«l'd tt> a riot of 130 prlaon<!rs In w h ich one ln.mott> wu klllcd and aix others Injured, K"COrdlng tq.nn ofh<'iol at the-CnHforn lo l nimutlon for Men at <!lhlno. Rcglntl Swphens, \hf' prl.on'1 public In formation ortlC"t"r, aald th mlnlmum·l«'Urll)' ar 11 of th priaon, wh~ th 4&·mlnutc r1ot occurred, wu dn lgned to hold 976 prtll:>Mrs, bUt h oWIC'd 1,613 wh n the melu took place Wfdnelday ru1ht TWo pafda w "'••udwd but not •rkKAlly in~red durlna the not. S~ph N iakt 1urwdav~ . Pianist Liberace ho bee n hit with a 113 ri1illion "palimony" Huit by a 23-yeor-old doncer victt"d from the enaertainer's home. . et" Poge A4. WA S H I NGTON (AP) - Presiden t Reagan wa s to announ('(• today that the United Stal<'S will offer to sell the Soviet Union up to 2:l m1l hun tons of gram th is fiscal year, acrordmg to congressional sources. In a radio address from the White House. Reagan also was expected to assure that grain rontraCl'> made with the Sovtets during N ovember will be honored undl'r any circumstances. T he new "contract sanctity" policy LS an effor1 to rest.ore U.S. credibility as a gram supplier. which was lost during a partial grain embar go Imposed by President Carter in retaliation for Sovie t 1ntervent1on tn Afghanistan. . The issue involves permitting valid con tracts to be hon ored alter an embargo is imposed. Eye drop victim commits suicide S IMI VALLEY '<AP) -A man w ho told police a week ago he'd b urned h i1 eyes u sing eyedropi tainted w l\h acid bas apparently t.aken his own llfe, octlccrs said ' Albe rt De ka l. 46 , o f Slml Valley told police a "bur nlna occurred " a!~r he u1 d Clur Eyes he bouatht at a Thrifty On.ta S tore o n O ct. 7. Sat. Mark 1..ayhtw uld Thursday ,wh n poflce announc d they were I n veatlg1tl n 1 t h e a lleaed contamJnatlon Knifing suspeet held Th• 27-y~•r·old vlcthn ot a n 1apptmllly unprovoktd 1t.abblna wu In .erlous condJUon today in Fountain Valle y Community Hoaplt.al wtth 2i4 knife wound•. Gayle Bohmert, tho vlctlm, we• re1Un1 ln htor room at a and care home at 314 N. • Cooper Ave. tn &ult.a Ana when ah WU attacktd. Nld Sant.a AM poll Lt K.1-n Hall, Another Nli~nt ln I.he home EWlyn l.At'our, 2~. W• arnei;d ot lh• 1cemr and bOoked lnlo Oran&-County Jail ~~~ of aUl'mpt.ed murd.r. llallliWJ. fl---• ti llllCI 1:110 IOHH 1111111 . fHIOAY. OCTOBER I ~. l'JIJ;t OHANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS . • . .. . • • . . . A great Laguna land buy, for mountain goats: By JOEL C. DON o{'tfle ...., ,,.... ..... Passt! Wanna buy some cheap land in Laguna Beach with an OCffJ\ view? These 2,500-square-foot lots are a steal al prices as low as $250. Come on, friend, this is your once-1n -a-liftelime opportunity to own a chunk of property m an exclusive <.'OaSta.l community. Heck, at these prices. you might as w ell pick up two or three lots. Beach murals sought By P HIL SNEIDERMAN o(' UM Dally Not Ii." Officials are looking fo• additional artists to paint murals along a concrete retaining wRll bordering Bolsa Chica State Beach . More than a dozen colorjul paintings already brighten the beach wall, which extends from 9th Street to Golden West Street in Huntington Beach. "It's kind of a cultural thing, and it pleases the people who come down here to the beach," said Debbie Friedman, a state lifeguard who Is coordinating the art project. The paintings also beauufy a st.retch of oceanfront marred by several oil wells. The effort to improve the appearance of the beach wall actually began an 1980. when several artists, without state approval. pai nted appealing p ictures of Laurel and Hardy. lhe Blues .Brothers and Charlie Chaplin on the concrete. The murals became so popular that state officials decided to launch a program to tum the entire wall into an art gallery. Lifeguard Friedman said beach and recreation themes are encouraged. Artists may not use the paintings to pubhcize a product or business. Subjects must also be In good taste for a family recreation area, she said. .. Artists' mural proposals must be submitted to Friedman, who obtains final approval from the st.ate parks and recreation area manager. If the offer sounda too good to be true, perhaJ>fl you 1hould take a hard look at the fine print of this aeeming land bonanza of the century. The parcels for sale are located in the majesttc but slide-prone Arch Beach Heights. They are a bit on the rustk side, covered by thick c.·haparral and located on steep hillsides or in drainage ditches. There's no ac.'CeSS to the lots by streets and no available sewer service or utilllles. And, by the way, you can't build on the land. That's propably the reat0n the owners haven't paid their properly taxes during the last five years and why the lots are to be sold at auction by the <.'Ounty tax rolleclOr But with minimum bids set from $250 to $1.500, you too may own a pit><.'t' l)f Laguna. And not much more. To put 1t not so mildly, this land 1s worthless. "If the lots "1ad much of a value a nd were a potential building spot, people would have paid the taxes," sa id City 0..., l"llo4 ~o bJ ~ Koetller The state will pay for a beige .base coat for the wall, but artists muat purchase their own pamt (See BEACH, Page Al) Pa p ier:mache supervisor keeps up t he .. spirits of muralists along Huntington Beach wall. Sex class prof files suit Newspaper, th ree peopl e face legal action by S inger By JAY ARNOLD •11111 ... d ,.,_ .,.... LOS ANGELES -Saying he was a victim of public "hyatena," a profe1aor who taught a sex psyc hology cla11 ia suing a newspaper and three individuala for Implying h e was mentally deficient and had required or enticed student.I to have sex. Dr . Barry Singer 1ald Thursday he was subject to "1ensationa.liltlc" media coverage after a atudent complained to government and r eligious officials about hil "Psychology of Sex" course at Cal St.ate Long Beach. The course offer ed optional credit for a number of eexual activltle1 -including gay or ext.ramarltal wx. Singer. 35, who had admitted h e had been romantlcall' involved with several students. reelgned in June after being given a 30-day suspension while university officials investigated hla course curriculum. The syllabus for the course offered students cr edit, w ith "prior instructor approval" lor "new experience• involving sexual behavlon," giving 81 example• "extramarital sex, group aex, gay or lesbian 1ex, casual 1ex.'' Singer admitted lo reporters Thunday the l)'lla bua had been "clumsily written." But he said university a uthorities had a pproved the course a nd now were engaged In a "witch hunt." ----lllDEX---- Sculptors with true grit will gather Sunday for the 2111 annual Sand Castle Contest at Big Corona Sta te Beach . See Weekender lor details. Ae Bi-3 A9 08-10 84 84 & A8 ~ A7 A9 A9 lntermiaalon Weekender Ann Landen A9 Movtes Weekender • Mutual Funds 82 Natlonal New. A3 Public NoUCet &--6 Spot".W · Cl ·5 Dr. St.elncrohn A.9 Stock Marketa B3 • Televlaion TV Lot 'nMtatert Wtebndet WHther A2 Singer's attorney, Dean Hyatt, who accompanied his client Thursday as he spo k e to reporters, said university officials had made Singer a "scapegoat" to squelch cMticism "instead of defending him as they should have." Singer said he resigned. not because of the investigation, but because he was under duress from public and media pressure and from a nti-Semitic death threats. He would not say If he Wl\S J ewish . Named aa defendant.a In the $7 million libel-slander action filed Wednet!lday. were Knight-Ridde r Corp ., publi1her of the Long Beach Press-T elegra m , and reporter Doreen Carvajal, along with student Betty Willman and Roy Heintz. a profeasor. Willman, who had attended Singer's class for two days but never enrolled, and Heintz made llbelou1 remarks regarding Sincer that were printed in the Pren-Toi gram, the Superior Court '""" cla.lms. h 11k1 fl mllllon da ma1e1 trom Knlihl-Rldder, $3 million from Wlllman and $3 mllllon from Meints. "Our coverage wu balanced and fair," Pre.·Tele&J'am editor Larry Alll1on 1ald Thured•r. ''The lawsuit la without meriL' "No1 havlna eeen the 1ult. 1 can't really make a comment," uld Wlllra•n. uylna 1he aµendeci ttw ~ tor two days before dropptn1 01.u and CCll'ftPJ.ain1nl co publJc offlcllll. "I thlnlt It'• improper and unjutt," eald Hein ti. "I am .,, employ .. of (Cal State Lona Beech) and the 11.ai. and have 1 acted . • . properly Manager Ken 1''rank "Anyone who buys these lots should reallie li's not legal to build now llnd il's unllkely you'll be ablC' to build an the future " T h e r e a so n t h ,. I o ts a r t• available for sale.· daws lo a llmt• before the ci ty was incorporated, he explained. In 1911, c.·ou nty ofCic1als subd1v1ded the area into lots measuring 25 feet by 100 foet without regard t o the topographical foatures o f tht: land. That means tax assessor's ma~ show streets that don't t'XISt and lots that c.·annut bt! <foveloped Though you m ight not mind building your dream house on the fa<'t.' of a sheer d1ff or m a draanag(• gully, tht' c.·1ty may have.· a few object1ons, Frank muSt.'C.l Neverthel~. thc land will be up for sale.• and thc-rc"11 always a buyer "Som<> p eople w o uld buy anything to own land," suggested Donna Shutt, t ax deeded property agent with the Orange County Tax Coll('(:'t.or's office. ''It depends on what the vali,ie l1 W that person. "It's 'buyer11 bl!Ware ' We. always tell them w look at the properly." The current owners may keep their land, though . If they manage to pay off all taxes and penalties before the upcomlni aucuon. That probably wlll be the case with one of the 14 An:h Beach He1ghlli lots for sale , the only buildable parc.-el located In the 900 block o( K.atella Street. (See LAND, Page A%) Bottle battle arguments ·aired in Newport debate By JEFF ADLE R 0( the Delly Piiot 11•" Debaung the pros and c:ons of the bottle and can d e posit 1nitiat1ve, Propos1t1on 1 1, a leading spokesman for opponC'nl.8 c.'Onceded Thuniday the practice of returning refillable bottJes for depos1l8 was suc.'C'eSSful when 1t was commonplac.X> years ago. But Rick Manter, represenung Californians for Sensible Laws, argue d that Pro position 11 , though "well-intentioned and laudable," 1s a costly and complicated 1n1Uat1ve that should be defeated Nov 2 Arguing in Proposition 11 's favor , forme r Irvin e Mayor Gabrielle Pryor , representing Cal ifornians Against Was t e, declared the measure should be approved because "1t is a private Incentive for the public good " The pai r squar ed off at a s p arsely a ttended forum sponaored by the Town Hall of California at the Newporler in Newport Beach The arguments raised during the 45-minute debatl' echoed those that have bc~n heard throughout the Call campaign. Speaking first , Pryor contended the measure would lower costs to taxpayers for picking up roadside litter, now estimated at six "ents per co ntain e r b y the U S Environme ntal Protectio n Agency Pryor said the measure would t•onse rve resources, such as mineral deposits that would not be needed f o r c an manufacturing; would reduce the cost of beverages packaged in refillable bottles; would reduce the incidence of broken glass &nJUril•s to children in public places. and would provide a "neat.er, cleaner state.'' The measure, she said . rould cause a slight increase In the cost of beverages packaged in cans or plastic bottles; could cause !IOme initial inconvenience; and cost some skilled jobs. though those would be offset by a net gam in unskilled JObs Manter. on the other hand, claimed that Proposition 11 will <.'OSt Cali fornians $300 million a year even after its benefits are subtracted. This estimate, he said, was made by a Chapman College group contracted with Californians for Sensible Laws to study the measure. If passed , the initiative also would cost the state 17 mUUoQ gallons or gasoline (to haul th~ empues) and one b1Won gallons of water (to wash the bottles) per year. This would mean a net energy loss for the state, he said. Mclnter added the initiative also w ou ld put about 1,000 recydeTS out or business. reqwre a 400 p e rcent increase 1n storeroom spraying for pest.I and put an end to the jobs of 4.800 skilled workers m the beverage (See BOTTLE, Page A%) I ~ j~ ., Countians can cut phone costs 1~ By KAREN E. KLEIN or ... .,.., ,... ,..., MCI Telecommunica t ions Corp .. a discount phone company. announced Thursday that 23 Orange County communities will n ow be able to utiliz<> "Omni-Call.'' a low-cost roullng system that provides access to all 48 contiguous states. Prior to the initiation of Omni -Call, MC I s ubscr ibers could dial to only 42 states, or 70 percent o f the natio n . said Randall L. Ickes. Orange County branch manager. San Franci900 will become the second West Coast area to hook mto Omni-Call when the S<>rv1ce lS inaugurated there Oregon sinking MC I chose to Introduce the new system m Orange County because of the large clientele it has here and because an Omni- Call termlnal is located in Santa Ana, Ickes said. The Omni -Call service , curren~ly available in 36 cities, will expand to include the entire country by the end of the year. Ickes said. Overseas calling ability with MCI lS projected to be insututed within si x months to a year. MCI. founded in I 968, offers savings of 30 to 50 percent off Bell System prices. A caU from Huntinl{ton Beach to Dallas. for example. lasting 12 minutes. would cost $3.28 on AT&T and l $2.08 on MCI. representing a J savings of 36.6 percent. Omni-Calls do not offer aa rugh a savings as other MCI calla, Ickes said, because MCI has not built terminals in all the cities Omru-Call provides access"lo. An Omni-Call to Flagstaff, Ariz .. Crom Costa Mesa, lasting one minute. would oost 25 cents, as compared to 35 cents on AT&T . rates. MCI holds 2 percent of the $44 billion a year telephone industry AT&T controls 96 percent of that pie and the othe r discount: companies. such as Western : (See PHONE. Page A%> Betty Jordan of Granada Hills keeps tight grip on the leash o( h er dog, Hobart, as they peer over the edge o ( a truck-sized hole appearing in a street in Jacksonville, Ore. HiAtoric town was b uilt atop 45 mine shafts. A Worthy name for HB park?,,. The latl ma jor park to be developed ln Huntington Beach may be named for Norm Worthy, a man oblerven call the father of the dty'1 park 1yistem. Worthy, recov1rln1 from major 1ur 1er y at the UCLA Medical C.nter, wu th• city'• clittctor of parkl and recreatlon for about 20 )'Hn. He ~ tup@rtn~t of perk development when depart:menta w•re coNOUdated • few yMn qo. CUy parka won national AC.'Clalm for thfir .xceU.nce of A d an und r Worth)"• dl~lJon. It WH hl1 concept to place patka lo varlou1 city Mtahborhooda. MOC"e than 400 acree Mve been developed Into city parkland. Hunt1n1ton 'each h11 three major communhy patk1, ~4 coMpleted nelahborhOod parlu and u,. aprawlfna ~Wl Park. Thl1 week tht Communlly Servlc•• Commhaion rec:omrnended ""-'. 12~ D9rk betn1 built llC:l'Oll lh• IU'Mt from Huntlnaton S.ech Htch School be named for Worthv. The park will Include two llahted athJeUc (lelda, an lndoot racquetball court and ~ equipment. Co.i. .. uma\ed al $134,000 ..... boina ~by ~ city and the Hun~ 8-dl Unlon Hl1h School D&trict. The dty twndl a. expided to act Nov . l on th• recommendation for the name chanp. j . l .. --------------··-- '. .))OTTLE BATTLE. • • l.,~ontainer munufac turlng ~uatry. • '"There would be more c08ts han benefit.a,'' Manter aa1d1 "We ady have litter laws that are t being enfon..'Cd." spent $600,000, acrnrdlng lfJ Pryor She said contributlon11 frorta those favoring the bottle deposif law have tended to be small and from lndaviduols while its opponenta are organized 1iroc-ert1. bottle and can manufacturers. bottlers and beverage distributors, Manter said. He said a more realistlt· alternative would be to educate ,c:bildren about the value of a ~Utter-free society, «.>nCon·e • ct,rrent Jaws and provide ''·ronvenient recycling centers Despite the dollar advant.age held by opponen t s of the initiative, Pryor said that in other states where the measure wa11 considered as long as the dollar ratio did not exceed $10 ant1- dollars to every pro-dollar the law had a very good chanc.'(.> of paMage. Tax a1;s.-s or's maps Rhow roads on these hillside lots in Arch Bea<·h Heights, but you'll have u t~ugh time finding them. Questioned about the fmancmg of the two campaigns, Manter reported the anti-11 forces have raised and spent $3 malhon Pro-11 groups have raised and LAND IN LAGUNA. • • PHONE RATES CUT. • • Uruon and Southern Pac1f1c, hold the remairung 2 pen..-enl MCI subscribers must have a push-button phone, but there are no installations or changes made on the customer's phone when he signs with MCl. Full -time accc11s to the network cosl.8 $10 a month plus the c.'OSt of the calls. For evening (4 pm . to 10 a m ) and weekend/holiday service, the monthly subscription charge is $5 plus the cost of the calls. MCI won an antitrust suit in June, 1980, against AT&T. They coUected $1.8 billion, the largt!Bl antitrust award in history. ::.Dreyfuss released, , .. ::·faces drug probe •' LOS ANGELES (AP) Ac:tor Ric hard Dreyfuss has bC'en ~jeleased Crom Ceda rs -S1na1 \M~1cal Center after treatment 1or 1njur1es su CCered 1 n a '-Weekend auto ac.'C1dent . "He was in good cond1t1on "when h e was discharged." •'hospital spokeswoman Tess ·'Griffan said after his release Thursday. "We conducted tests :tor internal injuries but found ·'none.'' ,, 'Dreyfuss. 34. who won an '• Oscar for rus starring role m the "Goodbye Girl" in 1977. was alone in his car when it went out of control an Benedict Canyon. tut a curb and a palm tree before fhppmg over. H e was booked for 1nvest1gauon of driving under the 1nCJuence of alcohol and possessing a white powder that was being tested for any narouc properties. He still has not been charged. however. ::(fleward up to $20,000 ~in Newport gem theft 'I •A Newport Beach man who '-<>ftered $10,000 for mfonnauon "lHcling to the arrest of a thief "Who burglarized hJS Bag Canyon home has increased the reward t.o f20,000. Evans and his wife were preparing for a trip to Palm Sprinp last Friday and had left the valuables out. When they returned from diner at 8 p.m. the 50 to 60 pieces of uninsured .'!ewelry were gone. Thl' property ha:i ti minimum bid of $17,500 Shutt noted she has a file of more than 300 prospe<·tavc• buyers who'd probably love to get a crack at the sc:cnic lot. One other minor detail. IC you have the thought of buying a lot for under $1,000 and pitching a tenl or othl•r muk{·:.h1ft homt'. forgN It Though city oCCit·1uh, had no control over the way the land was subdivided. Frank srud there are plenty of regulatwns on the books to frustrate any would-be cliff dwellers . ' Tom Evans, 55. said he'll pay •10.000 to see the burglar ; bdnvicted and a total of $20,000 for the recovery of the gold and .•dtamond studded jewelry valued . 1at $70,000. 1 Anyone with any infonnalion can contact the Newport Beach Police Departme nt by calling 644-3765. T his Laguna property has a great view or the ocean -but you can't build on it hilly terrain . ,,Jr, Chance of fog v•lleya we for.cut ltom 18 to 86 S1tu1dey w11h lowt from 48 lo &e ~-----------Sent• 8arbar1 ind Venlute ,,_.~_... County coutal 1r11 high• mey lllto reaeh 85 degr-wllh lows In IM 70a near bMChet Ind mo6lly In IM 601 elnwtlerl 8e1utdly. IM -111« ~ NY'! Thi Long llNch, Senta Monica bay end Oreng• County ereu ~ -hight from 70 to 78 8-'utd8Y with low9 ttom 55 to 82 Houaton lndleNtpolll Jec:Qn, MS Jeelu1nvl'e Juneeu ~cey KnoxYllle Lu Vegu Lltlle AOOk ~OIJl•Yllle LubboCll Memphll I Mleml Mllweuk.. " Mpl .. 81.Peuf NNhvllle New Or1Mn1 New YOt11 Norf Ollt NO Plalll Oti!la Clly Omaha ONN!o PhllaOelpN• Phoenix Pttltbufgh Ponlancf, Me P11end, Or• PrewlclenOe :=rCll ... Reno ~ Sllll Llllt San Antonio 78 6' 57 48 74 40 81 ea 48 38 89 38 es 51 80 52 10 47 eo '8 73 38 68 48 88 79 S..llle Shr...,epo<t SlouK Fant St Loult 20 St P-Tampe SI Ste Marie Spok1ne • SyrecUM Topeke Tucton TUIN WU111ng1n Wlchlle 89 48 75 47 88 34 63 50 a3 78 47 ,, '' '' 04 40 81 48 72 30 113 57 ,, 45 71 53 73 31 82 44 et " ee 47 11 eo CALl,OflNIA Apple Vllley e1ker1lleld 79 38 90 81 85 52 82 48 83 211 78 38 89 53 ea se 01 70 58 140 74 28 711 ... 7t 35 t3 72 Gt 51 87 M 117 43 01 84 52 43 74 45 88 M 10 14 Ill &3 72 37 72 S2 73 M 01 81 41 71 41 81tt1ow 8eaumon1 81Q8- 8ltho0 BlytM C11111n1 Culver City l!uttka FtMnO Lanceetar Long IMCll ~~ Monl•8Y Smog 88 58 I 88 58 57 48 87 118 71 41 .. 5' 87 84 tA 111 118 so · W~r• to cell (tOll trN) tor ...... lftlOl IMOrmatlOrt: Sllf·BIPIRT Orlnllt county. (IOOI 44MIH t.oe ~ngtlH Oounty: (100) 2Al..oit ~ Md .... lemwdlrto ooume.1 (tool MT-4710 .... ..... ,.,, ,.,,...,_ flllt-oood fllr-fOOd m 11,::,d ,.,, ,.., ... p "'· twtfl AOMO l,+tooe Center: (IOO) .......... Tides T'OoAV 8econc1 low l ·OI p m. 0.4 l.cond ~-~'~/'"' • 8 lllfeclow 3•11am. 03• "'" lllQll 1.27 e m, I t ' hconcf' loiir I ..e " m 0 2 leoond lllGtl t ~ " m 12 tun ...-1,tN•r ti I 11 pm .. ,...letw ........ f'!I. Moon,,_ ... It''° Im., ........ ''" ~----- Two Marines captured in purse thefts Two Marines stationed at El Toro Air Station suspectl•d of seve ral purse sna t chi ngs 1nvolv1ng older women were arrested after a ' police <'hase Thursday in Huntington Beach Fullerton police officers booked Robert Styve n. 21. and Royce Taliaferro. 24. into their ('aty J8il on susp1c1on o( armed robbery after apprehending lhe suspects m their small foreign car at Pacific Coast Highway and Warn e r Avenue, a police spokesman said The Fullerton off1 c«.>rs had tailed the two men Thursday because of su11p1cions they were responsible for two purse- snatchings in their city within the last 10 days. At least nine sinUlar robberies had occurred an Orange County during the pa.st month, they said. OCCtcers said they began their chase after watching the two men sneak up behind a 58-year-old woman and knock her to the ground In the Boardwalk Shopping Center parking lot 1n Huntington Harbour Prison riot blamed on overcrowding CHINO (AP) -Overcrowdln& may have conttibuted to 1 riot of 160 prl1onera In which one lnma~ WN kllled and 11x nthen . lnju~. accordl111 to an official at the California lnatllutlon for Men at Chlno. Rtgjn• Stephena, the prl10n11 public tnCorm1ulon offl r. "''d the mlnJmum·teCUrlty area of the 1prllon, where th~ 4~·mlnul4t riot OCC'Url'f'd, wa1 dnt1n-ct to hold 976 priloMn, but houted 1,613 when t he melH took place WedNlday ni,ht. Two~ WeN _.ulteid but not .. ~y 1jnJur..ct dwina t.M riot. Sl4ts>t*'I Mkt Thundav. t • Irvine seniors plan magic party Irvine residents are inVlted to attend a special Hallowetm magic party at the Irv.1ne Senior Center featuring mag1c1an Al Lampkin at 2 pm Thursday. Spt><·tators are em-ouraged to dress an costume for the • T h e C o 1 1 e g l' P a r k Elementary School will stagt· 1ts annual fall ccl'rn1val bl•g1nn1ng at 11 a rn Saturday. Its theme thlS yl·ar 1s "Clowning Around " Tht• l·arn1val will run • UC lrvinE-'s Sc.:!1001 of Engineermg wili host an open house and researC'h rev1E-W Tuesday 1n th e nl'W University Club on campus The event is open to a 11 members of the engineenng 1.-ommunitv whhout charge. It •The Friends of Newport Bay will begin monthJy tours of the Upper Newport Bay ecological reserve beglnrung Saturday. The tours run through March . The departure point as the mterwection of EaatbluU and Back Bay drives. Groups wtll leavl· every 20 minutes Sued Pianist Liberace ha been hit with a 8113 million *"palimony'' uit b y a 23-year-oJd dancer e ;cted from the entertainer's home. ee Page A4. fest1v1t1cs Adm1ss1on 1s 50 n•nts Reservations can bl' macft> by culling Bebee Gomberg at tht• t·cntl'r, fV>0-3889 The c.'t'nter Li. l(.)(·au:d at 3 Sandburg Way. next to the Ram·ho San Joaquin Golf CourSt.' • through ~j pm :.at thl· ~.:hoot <.ind wall 1ndudt· s u t h at·t1v1lll'S as a hauntl'<i houst> and l'a k{· walk as Wl·l I as oth<•r food booths and garnl'l>, s aid Ellubetb Sullivan, publat·1ty t·haarwoman will run from 3 to 6 JO pm at thtc-spat•ious club nt-ar the Eng1nt"t'ring Bualdang. Rcs<'rvallons arC' requirc.-d and can be made by calling Charles Meeks at the School of Eng1neenng. 833-6418 lx-twt'en 9 a rn and IO·JO a.m Tht· free walking tours take about two hours and include information talks from Sta le Departrnen t uf Fish and Game 0Cflc1als The next tours are slated for Nov 20 and D('c 18 For more 1n(ormat1on , call (213) 590-5126 or 646-8009 Reagan hares new Russian grain sales WASHINGTON (AP) President Reagan was to announce today that the United States will offer to sell the Soviet Union up to 23 million tons of grain th.ls fi.1JCal year, according to congressional sources In a radio address from th'- Wh1te House, Reagan also was expected to assure that grain contracts made with the Soviets during N ovember will be honored under any circumstances The new "contract sanctity" policy lB an effort to restore U.S. credibility as a gram supplier, which was lost during a partial graln embargo Imposed by President Carter in ret.allatlon for Soviet intervention In Afghanistan. The issue involves pennltting valid contracts to be honored after an embargo ls lmpoeed. Eye drop victim commits suicide SIMI VALLEY (AP) -A man who t.old poll~ a week ago he'd burned h la eyea u alng eyedrope tainted with add haa apparently taken hla own Ute, officers llid. - Albert Dekal, 48, of Simi Valley told police a "bW'nina occurred" after he uaed Clear Eye1 he bouaht at a Thrifty Drua Store on Oct. 7 . Sat. Maril Layhew aald ThuncJay .when police announc d they were Inv 1t11alln1 the alleged cont.amlnatlon. Knifing suspect· held The 27-ycar-old victim or an apparently unprovoked at.ab~na wu ln eenoua condition today lri Fountain Valley Communtly Hotplt.al With 2• knlfe wounda Oayle Bohmert. the victim. waa rHtln1 In her room It a board arid CAR ~ at 314 N, > C.OOper Ave. In Santa Ana when •h• WN attacked, Mid San~ Ana , poll~ Lt. Ken KJU . Another ,..dent ln the home. £wlyn 1...aicour, 25, WM ..,.Mid at th~ acene and book.ct Into Oranp COunty Jail on -..plclOft of attempted mw-der; Hall Mid. ' ) 111111 ClllT ·•111111- f RIOAY. OC TOBEn 15. I'll!] Oll ANCE C O UNT V. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS t ' A great Laguna land buy, for mountain goats By JOEL C. DON °' .. .,.., .......... ~! Wanna buy some cheap land ln Laguna Beach with an ocean view? These 2,500-aquare-foot Iota att a steal at prices as low as f2M. Come on, friend, this is your once-in-a-liftetlme opportunity t.o own a chunk of property in an exclusive ooastal community. Heck, at these prices, you might as well pick up two or three lots. Beach murals sought By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O('hO..,Netttllff Officials are looking for additional a.rtista to paint murals along a concrete retaining wall bordering Bolsa Chica State Beach. More than a dozen colorful paintings alrelldy brighten the beach wall, which extends from 9th Street to Golden West Street in Huntington Beach. "It's kind of a cuJtural thing, and It pleues the people who come down here to the beach," said Debbie Friedman, a state lifeguard who is coordinating the art project: The paintings also beautify a a1retch of oceanfront marred by aeveral oU wells. · The effort to improve the appearance of the beach wall actually began In 1980, when ~veral artists, without state l{pproval, painted appealing ~icturea of Laurel and Hardy, the Blues Brothen and Charlie Chaplin on the concrete. : The muralt became ao popular that state officials decided to 1-unch a program to turn the $\lire wall Into an art gallery. Lifeguard Friedman said beach and recreation themes are encouraged. Artiata may not uae the paintings to publicize a product or business. Subjects mutt al90 be In good taste for a flunlly recreation area, she said. A.rtista' mural propoeala must be submitted t.o Friedman, who obta.ina final approval from the aiate parka and recreation area manager. II the otter eounda too iood to be true, perhape you should take a ha.rd look at I.he fine print of thia teeming land bonarua of the century. The parcels for sale are located In the majestic but slide-prone Arch Beach Heights. They are a bit on the rustic aitte, covered by thick chaparral and located on 1teep hillsides or In drainage ditchw.:c.There's no access t.o the lota by streets and no available sewer aervioe or utilities. And, by the way, you can't build on the land. That's propably the reuon the owners haven't paid their property taxea during the lut five years and why the Iota are t.o be told at auction by the county tax collect.or. But with minimum bids set from $250 to $1,500, you too may own a piece of Laguna. And not much more. To put it not ao mildly, this land Is worthless. "If the lots had much of a value and were a pot e ntial building spot, people would have paid the taxes," said Cl t v Dellr .... ,...... ., llllGfllnl ....... The state will pay for a beige bate coat for the wall, but artists must purchase their own paint (See BEACH, Pace A3) Papier-mache tupervi.sor keeps up the spirits of muralists along Huntington Beacll wall. Sex class prof files suit Newspaper, three people face legal action by Singer By JAY ARNOLD ~II( 1 $. ,,_..,... LOS ANGELF.S -Saying he was a victim of blic "hysteria.'' t profeaor wrc: taught a sex t-ychology claaa la suing a Qewspiper and three indivldualt tor Implying he wu mentally *fJctent and had required or enticed atudenta to have .ex. ·:Dr. Barry Singer aaid 'thunday he wu subject to ''9enlaUonaliatJc" media coverage alter a 1tudent complained to government and rellgiou1 oftidala about hia "PaychoJosy of Sex'' coune at Cal State Long Beech. The courM offered optional credit for a number of sexual actlvttlea -including gay or extramarital eex. Slnpr, 35, who had admitted he had been romanUcally involved with eeveral student&, re1lgned In June after being elven a 30-day suapenaion while unJvenJty officiala lnve.Upted hia cou.ne cu.rriculum. The syllabu1 for the course offered 1tudent1 credl\, with "prior inatructor approval" for "new experience• involving aexual behavion," giving aa example• ''extramarital aex, group 8eX, gay or lesbian 8eX, caaua1 eex.•• Singer admitted to r.portera Thunday the syllabua had been "clUl1llily written." But he aaJd univ\!raity authorities had approved the course and now were engaged in a "witch hunt." ......----lllDEX--------. ~ul'pton, with true grit will gather Sunday for the 211t annual Sand Cattle Contest at Big Corona State Beach. See Weekender for detall1. ' A6 lntennlllJon 82-3 Ann Landen .u Moviee ce..10 Mutual J'unda B4 Nadonal News B4 PubUc Notbl 8pc11a Dr.8c.inaohn StOdl Marlcei. TtleYtllor\ Theet.en w .. &Mi- Weekender AU Weekender 82 A3 a&..e Cl-5 .u 83 w..1"~ A2 Singer's attorney, Dean Hyalt, who accompanied his client Thursday aa he spoke to report.en, said university offldala had made Singer a "scapegoat" to squelch crlticiam "instead of defending him aa they 1hould have." Singer said he resigned, not becau.e of the Investigation, but becauae· he waa under dureas from public and media preaaure and from anti-Semitic death threats. He would not say If he WU Jewish. Named as defendants in the $7 rnlWon llbel...i.ander ec\lon filed Wedne8day, were Kni1ht .. R1dder Corp.. publisher of the Long Beach Pre11-Tele1ram. and reporter Doreen CarVajal, along with 1tudent Bett)' Willman and Roy Heintz, a profemor. ' Willman, who had attended Singer's clUI tot two ct.)'I but never enrolled, and Heinta made llbeJoua remark• regardln1 Singer that were printed in the Pre11-Tele1ram, the Superior Court au.It clalma. It aakl U million da:ii!ea from Knlaht·Ridder, 13 on trom Willman and $3 mJIUon from Heintz. "Our. cover-.. wu balanced and fair'' Pr.--Tea.ram editor ldrry AlHIOn 11ld "l'hurtdar. ''The law9U!t " wilhaul mmit.' "Not .._Yinl ... n \M Nit, l c:an•t ,..ny niaM • comment," utd Willman, Hylnc ah• au.ended the ._ fOr two day. before dropplnt out and oomoLtlnirw IO pubUc Oftldall, "f think ll'• Improper and unjuat," uld Helnta. .., .1m an employ" of (Ca1 State Lona Biiich) lrid t.hil .... and have ~led • • ..; ~roperly .'' ~ -• Manager Ken Frank. "Anyone who buys these Iota should realize It'• not legal t.o build now and It'• unlikely you'll be able t.o build In the future." The reason the lots are available for sale dates t.o a time before the city waa incorporated, he explained. Jn 1911, county officials subdivided the area into lota measuring 25 feet by 100 feet without regard t o the topographical features of the land. That means tax 888e8SOr's maps show streets that don't exist and lot.I that cannot be developed. Thqugh you mlgM not mind building your dream house on the face of a aheer cliff or In a drainage gully, the city may have a few objections, Frank mused Nevertheless, the land will be up for sale and there's always a buyer. "Some people would buy anything to own land," sugge9ted Donna Shutt, tax deeded property agent with the Orange County Tax Collector's office. ''h depends on what the value II to that penon. "It's 'buyers beware.' We always tell them t.o look at the property." The current owners may keep their land, though, if they manage to pay off all taxes and penalties before the upcoming auction. That probably will be the case with one of the 14 Arch Beach Height.a Iota for aale, the only buildable parcel located ln the 900 block of Kat.ella Street. (See LAND, Page A%) Mesa reaction f avorahle to new development plans By JODI CADENHEAD OftMDeltr"9t ..... Elected officials m Costa Mesa generally have reacted favorably t.o news that a new Town Center. four hotels and a sprawling condominium project could spring up where beanfields now flourish in the city. Developers for C.J . Segerstrom & Sons, builders of South Coast Plaza and Town Center. submitted plans to clty officials thla week calling for 2.7 million square feel of commercial office a.ad retail development and two 400-room hotels on 98 acres bounded by the San Diego Freeway. Fairview Road . Sunflower Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. Also, o fficials for Curcl- England Co.. developers for the Sakioka family, have proposed construction of between 500 and 100 condominlwns, two 350-room hotela and a retail center on 30 acres east of South Coast Plaza Town Center. &th proposals are scheduled to come before the Planning Comm1ss1on in February for general plan amendments that would permit development. Although most of the council members indicated tentative support for both developments, several said they were worried about housing and traffic problems and the high number of existing vacant offices. "Costa Mesa has a reputation that we're willing t.o work with developers," said Mayor Arlene Sc hafe r ... That's why people think they should come toward But we have t.o take a hard look at what's coming forward. "We've got a lot of empty offices space and what you're doing is adding competition on top of t"Ompetitaon, and is that really the answer?" A recent survey by the Newport Econorrucs Group found that there are five million aquare feet of vacant office space in the county Cou n cilman Donn Hall andacated support for both developments but said the number of vacant ofCices shou.ld not be a consideration when city ofhcials review the proJeclll. "From what we've seen In the· past developers don't bwld their entire project out and then hope they'JJ be able to rent it." Councilman Ed McFarland said the Sakiokas' reque1t for high density residential zoning that allows up to 50 units per acre was the "only appropriate place in the c.ity" for it. He added that at may be daHicult t.o review the plans for development on adjacent land owned by Arnet Development Co. in June, if the Segeratrom proposa l is approved in February. Arne! 1s proposing condominiums and a 43-acre commercial cent.er Dave Leight.on, leader of the North C.OSta Mesa Homeowners (See MESA, Page Al) Bottle battle waged in NB : BJ JEFF ADLER °' .. .,.,,... ..... DebaUnf the pros and cons of the bolt e and can deposit initiative, Proposition 11. a leading spokesman for opponents conceded Thunday the practice of returning refillable bottles for deposits was successful when it was commonplace yea.rs ago. But Rick Manter. repreaenting Californians for Sensible Laws, argued that Proposition 11, though "well-intentioned and laudable," is a costly and complicated inJtlat.lve that should be defeated Nov. 2. Arguing In Proposition 11 's favor. former Irvine Mayor Oregon sinking Gabrielle Pryor. representing Californians Against Waate, declared the measure sho•Jld be approved because "It ls a private incentive for the public good." The pair squared off at a sparsely attended forum sponsored by the Town Hall of California at the Newporter in Newport Beach. The arguments raised during the 45-minute debate echoed those that have been heard throughout the fall campaign. Speaking fir st, Pryor contended the measure would lower costa to taxpayers for picking up roadside litter, now estimated at six centa per co nt ainer by th e U .S . Environmental Protection Agency. Pryor said the measure would conserve resources, such as mineral deposits that would not • be n eeded f or can manufacturing: would reduce the coat of beverag~ packaged an refillable bottles: would reduce the incidence of broken glass Injuries to·children in public l e•aces; and would ,provide a ~ 'neat.er, cleaner state. • The measure, she said, could : cause a slight increase in the COit ; of beverages pack.aged in cans or ~ plastJc bottles; could cause aome :. (See BO'M'LE, Page A%) ! : ~ I I $ I , I , , , , I ! • ~ J Betty Jordan of Granada Hills keeps tight grip on the leash of her dog, Hobart, as they peer over the edge of a truck-sized hole appearing In a street in Jackeonl'ille, Ore. Hi1toric town wa1 bulh atop 45 mine shaftt. ~ Countians can cut phone costs BJ KAREN E. Kt.BIN O('IMDllfNIC..... , MCl Telecommunlcailon1 Corp .• a dilcOUn\ phone t'Ompany, announced Thul'tday thal 21 Oranp Count)' con*ftunllf• will now be able to utlll•• •Qmt.C.U," a low<mt roud.nil .,.... thM ~ .... tO ilD 41 conutucu ltala Prior to the lnltlatlon of Omni.Call. MCI 1ubacrltMr1 could &iiA1 IO ~ 42 ....... Ol 70 pe.rc_ent of th• nation, aald Randall L. ldl9I. ~ ONnty tnnch~. A I f Al CIN Orange Co11t DAILV Pll.OT/Frtd1y, October 1&, 19112 ·~----------------· > BOTTLE BATTLE. • • • Initial lnconvenlenc~. and coat f. aome akllled jobe, though those k: would be oft.et by a net galn In t• unskilled jobll. ~:. Manter, on the other hond, !· claimed that Proposition 11 will • cost Californians $300 million u •. year even after Its benefits are subtracted. This estimate, he l'O ntalner manufacturing Industry. "There would be more COila than benetlta," Manter aald. "Wo already have litter laws that are not being enforced." • said, was made by a Chiipman College group contracted with Californians for Sensible Laws to study the measure. If passed, the 1nlt1at1vl' also would cost the state 17 m1lhon gallons of gasoline (to haul the empties) and one b111lon gallons of water (to wash the botlles) per year. This would mean a net energy lass for the state, ht· :.aid He said a more reoliatlc alternative would be to educate children about the value of a litter-fr ee society, enforce current laws and provide ronvenlent recycling renters. Questioned about the financing of the two campaigns, Manter ~ported the anti-11 forces have raised and spent $3 mtlllon Pro-11 groups have raised and spent $600,000, according to Pryor. Tax o sessor's maps t1how roodtt on thette hill8ide lots in Arch Beach Heights, but you'll have o tough timt-findi'!_g the m . LAND IN LAGUNA. • • Manter added the in1t1at1ve also would put about 1,000 recyclers out of business. require a 400 percent 1ncrl'aSt' 1n storeroom spraying for pest:. dnd put an end to the .)Obs uf 4,800 skilled workers in the bcveragc She said contributions Crom those favoring the bottle deposit law have tended to be small and from individuals while 1ts opponents are organized grocers, bottle and l'an manufacturers, bottlers and beveragl' d1stnbutors, Manter said PHONE RATES CUT. • • Omni-Call to Flagstaff, Ariz . ·from Costa Mesa, lasting one minute, would cost 25 cenLo;, as compared ID 35 cents on AT&T rates. MCI holds 2 percent of the $-14 billion a year telephone industry AT&T controls 96 pen.-ent of that pie and the oth er d1st·oun1 companies, such as Western Uruon and Southt:rn Pacific, hold the rerruunmg 2 percent. MCI subscribers must have a push-button phone, but there are nu 1nstallat1ons or changes made on the t'UStomer's phone when he s.igns with MCI F ull-time access to the m•twork costs $10 a month plus the t'OSt of the calls MfSA DEVELOPMENT. • • Assoc1 at ion, that had once successfully blocked the development of more than 650 homes and apartments on the Arnet property , said he supported the Segerstrom oevelopment. "i think that everything tht'y (the Segerstroms) have done in the past has been done wf'll They've come out on top and helped the community" Said councilwoman Norma Hertzog. "All of their developments are well thoul{ht out and planned, so tt's d1fhcult not to be in support " By 1990 Town Center, the largest commercial center tn the e11y. will have three million square feet of office development on 62 acres About 1 6 mtlhon have been built. Reward up to $20,000 in Newport gem theft A Newport Beach man who offered $10,000 for mfonnauon leading to the arrest of a thief who burglarized his Big Canyon home has increased the reward to $20,000 Evans and h is wife were preparing for a trip to Palm Springs last Friday and had left the valuables out. When they returned from diner at 8 p.m. the 50 to 60 pieces of uninsured .iewelry were gone Thl' properly has a minimum bid of $17,500 Shull noted she has a file of more than 300 prospt.'CUVe buyers who'd probably lovt' to get a crack at the scenic lot. One other minor detail If yo~ have the thought of buying a lot for under $1.000 and pitching a tent or other makt-i.h1ft homl', forget 1t Though <'tty offtt·iah. had no control over the wuy tht-lam.I was subd1v1ded, Frank said lht'rt' are plenty of regulattons on tht' books to frustrnte any would-bl' cliff dwellers Tom Evans, 55. said he'll pay $10,000 to see the burglar convicted and a total of $20,000 for the recovery of the gold and diamond studded Jewelry valued at $70,00-0 Anyone with any infonnallon can contact the Newport Beach Police Department by calling 644-3765. This Laguna property has a great view of the ocean -but you can't build on its hilly terrain. Chance of fog valley• -• l0<ecu1 from 78 10 U Saturd•y wllh IOWa ftom 48 10 50 Fair 1ooay with eom1 high a •t tim.. Hlghe 78 to 84 tght •nd e1rly morning low ~ tonlaht and SetUtday with S1n1a 8erb1r1 end llen1ur1 Coonty COUl•I ., .. high• m•y 1lM> rNdl 85 deg<-with ~In the 701 Mat ~ and mostly In th• 501 elMWhere S.lutdey, the -"* l«VICe ~. TM l.oflQ Blech. Santa Monlu . • IOcer 1o0 01hef'#1 .. •••r j..owa tonlgM 65 10 82 Hight ~ turdey 70 to 18 bay and Or•noe Coonty areu ll'OUld -hlQlla trom 70 10 78 S.turdl}' with !owe from 55 to 82. El••.,h•r• from Poi nt onceptlon to th• Mexican • T · - !>Order end out 80 mlle1 emperatures """""'""-wind• 10 to 20 kncm • • to 8 loot combined -, , var outer wllert today 1nd NATIOM aturday. Loc:a.lly light Yatlable Albany ..,. night and mot'nlng houn, ~buqulrQUI MoofnlnO ~t to ..i 8 to .. rnerllto ,. ktl(l(I In thl ~ today and Saturdey Wind..-1 to 2 ~ and toUlh to aout~t Niii Atlanta 1 to 3 fee4. Some tow ~· and Attemc City atchy denN fog tonight and Au.tJn early 81turday, otMrwlM f1lr Bal11mor• through Saturday with 1om• Biiiing• varial>le high clo<ld• . Blnnlngllam Blemlltdl 8olM V .S. aummary =av11e 811"• A , .. llghl aho-• tlngered &urNogton ~ Oller 1M ...iam two-1twcle of the ~ 0'"1 IAk• region and northern cn11 .. 1on, SC Maine on Thuf9day, and oentral Char*n, wv Aorlde heel ll'IUnelerttorrne. Chenot te, NC Clouda-ed the Otllo Valley Chey9nnl and moat of the AppelaetllaM, .. Chll:ego wall 11 northern Callfornl1, Clnclnnett "°"'*'" Nevadtl and petU of the Clewland Colorado Aodllea. Columble. SC Fog covered Ill• northern Columbul .Pacfflc: Coelt and eome ol lnterlOr o.1--Ft Worth Wallllngton. Deyton EIN'#tllfe, from the l'ocklH o.wer .,....._d, .... -• eunny o.. M~ for today, acaftef9d "'--o.trolt -• forec:Ht from lh• lower Oululh Qr .. 1 Lair•• to northern N-El Paeo Engl and, with a chi ne• of FalrbenU 111undet11orm1 In 1ou1hern Fargo !!!:Jride. -Ftaot1aff California GrN t Falte Har110fd HllleNI HoflOlullol .. Le PqJ e3 39 18 85 3e 1 14 64 37 21 28 15 M 49 70 S3 • 54 12 eo se 87 ... 02 78 53 • •7 01 72 39 14 43 87 66 Ill 64 83 68 48 04 80 43 .01 10 38 80 72 57 61 72 80 01 .. 33 83 47 80 61 69 50 1J 78 81 311 58 51 01 78 51 " .. M 36 70 38 67 40 83 42 76 43 23 -5 ea 40 81 22 7• ... 87 53 .ot ee 37 " 13 Houelon lndlenlCIOll• Jeeltln, MS Jecllanvlle ~ KM ... Cty Kno)IVllll L.Mllegaa Uttle Floctl LouleVltle Lubbodl MtmpNa Mlllml MtlwaukM Mpl8.-8t.Paul NMtwtlle New OtlHnl PWw YOfll Nofiolk No. Plall• Ollle Clty Om~ O!'l9n00 PtlMlldelpllle Phoenix Pttt•lxlf Gf't Ponlancf, -... P11end, °'• Pr<Mdence ==r'Clty Atno Alctlmond a.It Llllt• Sen AntonlO 78 68 57 •8 74 48 81 ee 20 .. 38 89 38 88 51 90 52 70 47 90 .. 73 38 ee " " 79 82 .. 89 44 ee o 11 eo 88 5e Ot 70 68 1 40 74 28 75 42 71 35 93 72 " 5t 17 M 57 43 Ot 14 J2 43 74 45 MM 10 74 N 63 72 37 72 32 73 M 06 M 41 78 49 BURf REPORT ~· ~ .. ... .. .. r, ~ :: ..... Seattle Shrewpon Sioux ,alla St Loult St P-Tampa St Ste Marie Spoll1ne SyrlCuM TOl>ek• TU<:M>fl Tut .. w .. hlngtn Wichita Smos $t.b0Nfy•• 811 48 75 47 68 34 93 50 83 78 47 411 44 14 &4 40 et 48 72 30 83 57 74 45 71 53 73 37 711 38 90 81 85 62 82 48 83 26 78 38 811 63 88 " " 58 67 .. 87 51 711 ., 88 M 87 64 .. 51 .. 50 W"-t• 10 Hit (loM rtM) lot ...... ttn09 lnfonNtlOft: °'Mtl CWlty. (IOO) "8-M2t LO• Allt•IH County: (100) 242-400 ~ and ..,, .. netdlr!O oountllel (IOO) M1-4710 I.OMO ""°" Cellt«: (IOO) 141 ..... ........ - Tides fOOAY 8eoond tow • °' p "'· 0,4 ~ lllfl\ t :11 pm u · tAfUMAY "'•t tow 3111 a.m. O.S• ,., .. ntata t:l7 a.m. I.I ' e.oon4" tow .... p "'· o.-..... t.Npltl ti lun Mt• IOd•r at I: tt p 111., ...... ..,,..., ...... ··"'· Moor! ,... ~ ... .., • "' ' ...... ,111. Two Marines captured in purse thefts Two Marines stationed at El Toro Air Station suspected of several purse s natch1ngs involving older women were arrested after a police chase Thursday in Huntington Beach Fullerton p olice 0Cf1cers booked Robert Styve II, 21 , and Royce Taliaferro, 24, into their city J8tl on suspicion of armed robbery after apprehending the suspects in their small foreign car at Pac1f1c Coast Highway and Warn e r Avenue, a p o ltcc spokesman said The Fullerton offtct'rs had tailed the two men Thursday because of suspicions they were responsible for two purse- snatchings in their city within the last 10 days. At lcast nine similar robberies had occurred in Orange County during the past month, they said. Officers said they began their chase after watching the two men snea k up behind a 58-year-old woman and knock her to the ground i n tht" Boardwalk S h opping Center parking lot in Huntington Harbour. Prison riot blamed on overcrowding CHINO (AP) -Oveiuowdlng may have conUibuted to • riot of . l~O prlaonera In which one inmate w .. killed ind alx otb rt lnJured, according to an omctaJ at the California ln1U\ut1on for Mm at Chino. &,ma Steph na, the prilon'1 public lntormatlon of(lccr, aald the mlnlmum-«CUrlty aree or th priton, wh•,.. the 45-mlnui. riot occurred, w• d-11ned 'to hold 976 prf.lorMn, but Muled 1,613 when the m•lH took plac• Wtd.-dey nlcht. Two suardl w....-ult.ct but not •rlWlly ln~ dW'lnC Ow riot, Stepherw Mid rurtdav. Esta·ncia's hand parade champion The Estancia 1;11gh School "Eagle" Man:htng Band took th e ·sweepstakt•s award during the recent ninth annual Hoyalc Paradt· in Monwbello In <.ll.ld1t1on w th<· top honor rt'<.'clV<'CI by the CO!>ta Mc•s<i • Pubh< SC!fcty off 1tcn. m ,Nt•wport Bea c h will be honorl'd Saturday during an t•vt•ning dmner sponsort>d by tht-Newpo rt Harbor Amt•rn:an L<ogion To bl' honored is Nl'wport Beal'h police officer Craig Frinell, city lifeguard Tom Taylor. fire Capl. James • •A final evening at the Balboa Fun Zone, schc'<iult•d for destruction nexl year. will be held Oct. 27 starting at 6 pm. Sponsored by the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of •The Friends of Newport Bay will begin monthly tours of the Upper Newport Bay ecological reserve begmmng Saturday. The tours run through March The departure pomt is the intersection of Eastbluff and Back Bay drives. Groups wall leavt> every 20 minutes Sued Pianist Liberace has been hit with a 113 million "palimony" uit by a 23-year-old dancer evicted from the entertainer's home. e Page A4. mureh111g band, 1nd1v1dual third plaCl' awards wt·nt to the· drill team. pt-rcusi.1on M'(.'llon and tht• drum mapr Tht· high st:hool marching band. 1nduding 1lb tall flags. drtl I and bu nnl·r t<.-c,ms . eompl'lt•d uga111~t 11 tJlhN IJ<1ncb Topping and Oran&l' L'•Junt)' Sheriff's Harbor Palr1Jlmctn Donald Joraleman All four wt·n· M•lt'<.·t.ed for honors by th~·1r f<·llow workl·N. Tht• fi.:m pm dinner will bl' hl·ld at thl' AmN1c·an L<.•g1on PoM. :l15 15th St For mor<.· 1nformat11Jn, t•all ()73-5070 Comnu•rct.:. lht· t'Vt·n1ng is b 1 I I c• d a s · ' T h l' L a s \ Ht•ndczvuus" and will fcalurl' a dance and a final opportunity to ride the Fun Zone Ferns whed. Ttck<>t.s arc $:l5 For more mformat1on, t·all 644-8211. bt·tween Yam and 10.30 a.m. Tht-fr<'e walking tours take about two hours and andudc 1nformat1on talks from State Department ..,f Fish and Game offtclals. The next tours art' slated for Nov 20 and Dec 18 F or m ore 1nformat1on, <:all (213) 590-5126 or 646-8009 Reagan bares new Russian grain sales WASH I NGTON (AP) President Reagan was to announCt" today that the United States will offer to sett the Soviet Union up to 23 m1lhon tons of grain this fiscal year, according to congressional sources In a radio address from the White House, Reagan also was expected to assure that grain contracts made with the Soviets during November will be honored under any circumstances The new "contract sanctity" policy 1s an e ffort to rest.ore U.S. credibility as a grain supplier, which was lost during a partial grain embargo imposed by President Carter ln ret.alu1Uon for Sovie t Interventio n i n Afghanistan. The issue involves permitting valid contracts to be honored after an embargo is imposed. Eye drop victim commits suicide SIMI VALLEY (AP) -A man who told police a week ago he'd burned his eyes using eyedrops tainted with acid has a pparently taken hls own life, officers said. Albert Dekal, 46. of Simi Valley told police a ''burning occurr ed" after he uaed Clear Eyes he bough\ at a Thrifty Oryg Store on Oct. 7. Sgt. Mark Layhew aald Thursday when police announced they were lnveatl1atlng t he alleaed contamJnatton. Knifing suspect held The 27·y u ·old victJm or an apparently u.nprovokC!d 1tabblng WU ln nous c:onc:Ut1on today ln Foun\atn Valle)' Communlt.y Hoepltal with 24 knife wounds 01yle Bohmer\, th• victim, w•• rntlnl ln her room a\ • ~ arid ca.re homo at 314 N. ' Cooper Ave. l.n Santa Ana when ah• w .. att.Kked, tald Sarna Ana J>C?ll~ Lt. K~ Hall. Another rmldenl ln t.M. ~l Evelyn 1.Acour, 2&, WM al"Nl'8CJ 1\ tho ec•n• and booked Into Ortn,o Coun\)' Jal.I Cll'I _.,.._. of eU~mpted 't'Uidft', Hall !Pl· l 111111 Cllll FRIDAY, OC TOBER 15, 1982 ) llWPllT llACll I Hiil lllCU O H ANGE COUNl Y. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS I 4 f 4 A great Laguna land buy, for mountain goatS. 1 By JOEL C. DON or .. o.., ..... ..,. ~t! Wanna buy 10me cheap land ln Laguna Beach with an OCH.n view? These 2,500-square-foot lots are a steal at prices u low as $250. Come on, friend. this 1s yo ur once-ln -a -ltftet1me opponunity to own a chunk of property in an exclusive coastal community. Heck, at these prices, you might as w ell pick up two or tKree lots. 1 Beach · murals sought By PHIL SNEIDERMAN of'hDely .......... Officials are looking for additional artists to paint murals along a concrete retaining wall bordering Bolsa C hica State Beach. More than a dozen colorful paintings already brighten the beach wall, which extends from 9th Street to Golden West Street in Huntington Beach. "It's kind of a cultural thing, and it pleases the people who come down here to the beach," said Debbie Friedman, a state lifeguard who is coord inating the art project. The palntingJ also beautify a stretch of oceanfront marred by '.several oiJ wells. The effort to improve the -appearance of the beach wall :.Ctuallr began in 1980. when •evera artists, without state approval. painted appealing )>ictures of Laurel and Hardy, :the Blues Brothen and Charlie • ~plin on the concrete. : The murals became eo popular !that state officials decided to :lau nch a progam to turn the ;entire wall into an art gallery. Lifeguard Friedman said .beach and recreation themes are encouraged. Artists may not use the paintings to publicize a product or business. Subjects 111ust al.lo be in good taste lor a :family recreation area, she said. lt the offer llOUnda too Sood to be true, perhaps you should take a hard look at the fine print of this seeming land bonanza of the century. The pa.reels for sale are located in the majestic but slide-prone Areh Beach Heighta. They are a bit on the rustic aide, covered by thick chaparral and located on steep hillsides or In drainage ditchee. There's no access to the lots by st.reet.s and nq available sewer service or uulities And, by the way, you can't build on the land. That's propably the reason the owners haven't paid their property taxea during the lut five years and why the Iota are to be 10ld at auction by the county tax collect.or. But with minimum bids set from $250 to $1.500, you too may own a piece of Laguna. And not much more. To put It not so mildly, this land is worthless. "If the lots h ad much of a value and w e r e a potential building spot, people would have paid the taxes," said Citv : Artists' mural proposals must he submJtted to Friedman, who obtains final approval from the state parka and recreation area manager. ;· The state will pay for a beige :l>aae ooat for the wall. but artists ·must purchue their own paint ~See BEACH, Page A3) 0.-, ..... Photo a., NoMrd IC..._ Papier-mache su pervisor keeps up the SJ>irits of muralists alo ng Huntington Beach wall. · " ~Sex class prof files suit N e wspaper, three p eople I ace legal action b y Singer ~By J AY ARNOLD :Jll nnl••• Prw W,.._ ; LOS ANGELF.s -Saying he ~as a victim of public "hysteria," ~ professor who taught a aex l>syc hology clau ls suing a ~per and three lndlvtduala ;for implying he was mentally ~eficient and had required or ienticed studenta to have 11ex. ; Dr . Barry Singer said 1'h unday he wae subject to "aenaationallstk'' media coverage •fter a 1tudent complained to aovernment and religious oftidals about his "Psychology of Sex" coww at Cal St.ate Long Beach. T he course offered optional credit for a number of sexual activities -including gay or extramarital lleX. Stnaer. M . who had admitted he had been roman tically i.nvolved with .everal 1tudents, resigned in June after beina given a 30-day suspension while univenity officials inveaUgaud bia course curriculum. The syllabus for the course offered student& credit, with "prior instructor approval" for "new experiences involving sexu al behaviors," giving as examples "extramarital sex. pup 1ex. py or lesbian 11ex, casual sex." Singer admltled to repor\ent Thunday the 1yllabul had been "clumsily written." But he said university a u thorities had approved the course and now were engaged in a "witch hunt." -----lllDU-----. Sculptors with true grit will gsther Sunday for the 211t annua l Sand Caatle Conteat at Big Corona Sta te Beach . See Weeke nder for detai11. ln~on Weekender Ann Landen .U Movies WftkftMier Muwal Funda 82 NatJonal News A3 Public Noticet m..e Sporta Cl-~ Dr.Swtncrohn .U Stock Merket. Ba TeJ.vWon TV Lot n..w. Weebndei' W•ther .U ' Singer's attorney, Dean Hyatt. who accompanied his cllent Thursday a s he spoke t o reporters, said university offlci.a.ls had made Singer a "ecapegoat" to 1quelch criticism "instead of defending him as they should have." Singer sa!d he reslsned, not becau.e of the lnvestlgatJon, but because he was under dureu from public a.nd media preeaure and from anti-Semitic death threata. He would not say If he was Jewish. Named as defendanta in the $7 m.IWon llt>el·1lander action filed Wednetday, were Knlsht-Rldder Corp., p_ubllsher of the Long Beach Preu-Telegram, and reporter Doreen Carvajal, along with 1tudent Betty Willman and Roy Heintz, a prolemor. Willman, who had attended Sln,er's c1ua for two daya but never enrolled, and Helntz made libeloua remarks resarding Sln,er that were printed In the Preu-Telearam , the Superior Court .Wt claims. It aak 1 $1 million damagee from KnJaht,.l\ldder, '3 million from Willman and ta m illion from Helnb . "Our coverase waa bet.need and fair,'' PrW-Telqram edit« Larry Allllk>n Rid "'I'h undar. ''The laWNlt ii wtthout merit.' "Not havl"I '"° lhe sut~ l can't really mlAke a comm.nt. .. aald Willman, uyln1 •h• atlended the clall for two daya before droppl na o u t and comolatnlna to pubUC offktall. "f th lnll It'• Improper and u njuat," .. 1d Helnta. ''J , am a n employ" of (Cal s~i. LOna Beach) and tM *'-and have act~ . • • roperly ." ·-· • • Manager Ken Frank. "Anyone who buys these lots lihould realize it'a not legal to build now and it's unlikely you'll be able to bulld In the future" The r eason th e lo ts a r c available for sale dates to a lime before the city was anc:orporated. he explained. In 19 11 , county officials subchv1ded the area into lots measuring 25 feet by 100 ft:et with o ut rega r d t o the topographical features of the land That means tax assessor's maps show streets that don't exist and loUI that cannot lx-developed Though you m ight not mind building your dream house on the (u(.•e of a sheer cliff or an a dralnaf(e gully, the city m ay have a few objection s, Frank mused. Nevertheless, the land w1U be up for sale and there's always a buyer. "Some people wou ld buy anything to own land," suggested Donna Shutt, tax d eeded property agent wllh the Orange County Tax Collector's office. "lt depends on what the value is tO that pe.-.on "It's 'bu yer s beware.' WI alway11 teU them to look at th• property." The current owners may keep their land. tho ugh, 1f they manage to pay o!f all .taxes and penalties before the upcoming auction. That probably will be the case with one of the 14 Arch Beach Heights lots for sale, the onJy bulldable parcel locaud in the 900 block of Katella Street. (See LAND, Page A%> Mesa reaction f avorahle · to new development plans By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM ~ lllttot ..... Elected 0Hac1als m Costa Mesa generally have reacted favorably to news that a new Town Center. four hotels a nd a sprawling condom1n1um project could sprang up where beanf1elds now flourish in the city. Developers for C.J . Segerstrom & Sons, builders of South Coast Plaza and Town Center , submitted plans to city officials this week calling for 2. 7 milJion square feet of commercial office and retail development and two 400-room hotels on 98 acres b o unde d by the San Die go Freew ay, Fairview Road , Sunflower A venue and Harbor Boulevard Also. off1c1als !or Curc1- England Co.. developers for the Sakiok.a family. have proposed construction of between 500 and 700 condominiums, two 35-0-room ho tels and a retail center on 30 acres east of South Coast Plaza Town Center. Both proposals are scheduled to come before the Planning Comm1ss1on in February for general plan amendments that would permit development. Although most of the council members indicated tentative support for both developments, several said they were worried about housing a nd traffic problems and the high number of exLs ting vacant offices .. Costa Mesa has a reputation that we're willing to work with developers," said Mayor Arlene Schafer "That's why people thank they should come toward. But we have to take a hard look at what's coming forward. "We've got a lot of empty offices space and what you're domg 1s adding competition on top of competition, and is that really the answer?" A recent s urvey by the Newport Economics Group found that there are five million square feet of vacant office space in the county. Councilman Donn Hall indicated s uppo rt for both d evelopments but said the number of vacant offices should not be a consideration when city officials review the pro,ecta. "From what we've seen m the past developers don't buiJd their entire project out and then hope they'll be able to re nt it." Councilman Ed McFarland said the Sak1okas' request for high density residential wnang that allows up to 50 units per acre was the "only appropriate place an the city" for 1t He add ed that it may be d1fficu!'t-to review the plans for development on adjacen t land owned by Arnet Development Co an June, 1f the Segerstrom proposal 1s approved 1n February. Arnel is pro posing condominiums and a 43-acre commerciaJ center Dave Leigh ton, leader of lhe North Costa Mesa Homeowners (See MESA, Page AZ) . Bottle bf)ttle waged in NB; By JEFF ADLER Of'h 0.-, ..... ...,. Debating the proe and cons of the bottle and can deposit Initiative, Proposition 11 , a leading spokesman for opponents conceded Thursday the practice of returning refillable bottles for deposits was successful when 1t wu commonplace years ago. But Rick Manter, representing Californians for Sensible Laws, argued that Proposition 11 , though "well-intentioned and laudable," i s a costl y and complicated initiative that should be defeated Nov. 2. Arguing in P roposition 11 's fa vor, fo rmer Irvine Mayor Oregon sinking Gabrielle Pryor. representing Californian s Against Waste, declared the measure shO'.dd be approved because "it is a private incentive for the public good." The pair squared off at a spa rse l y a ttended forum sponsored by the Town Hall of California at the Newport.er in Newport Beach . The arguments raised durirw the 45-mln u te de bate echoed those that have been h eard throughout the fall campaign. Speaking fir st, Pryor contended the measure would lower costs to ta~payers for pick ing up roadside litte r. now estimated at six cents per co nta i n e r by the U .S . Environmental Protection Agency. Pryor said the measure would conser ve resour ces, such as mineral deposits that would not. b e n ee ded for ca n manufacturing; would reduce the cost of beverages packaged in. refillable bottles; would redu~ the Incidence of broken glass: injuries to childre n in public: places; a nd would provide a; ''neater, cleaner state." • The measure, she said, coul" caUBe a slight lncreaae in the cost! of beverages pack.aged in cans or~ plastic bottles; could cauae ~ (See BOTTLE, Page AZ) ~ Betty Jordan of Granada Hilla keeps tight grip on the leuh of her dog, Hoba rt, as they peer over the edge of a truck -1ized hole appearing in a street in Jacksonville, Ore. Hi torlc town was built atop 45 mlne shafts. Couiltians can cut phone costs BY KAREN E. KLEIN o<-.Deilf ......... MCI Telecommunlcatlona Corp., a <l*ount phone compeny, announced Thursday that 23 Orance County communtu. WW now b• able to utllt10 1~n1.ca11:• a low-<Oet routtna IYlten\ tl\tt provtdel ~ to all 48 contieuout ai.tet. Prior to the lnlll~Uon of Omni-Call, MCI 1ub1crlb•r1 could dJaJ to only 42 N-. or 70 percent of t h e n a Uon.t 1ald Randall L . ldl-. 0ranp U>Unty branc~ rnaNfel'• . l San .Frandlco wUI becon'i. th eec:ond w .. t Cout area to hook Into Omni-Call when the aervtca la tnauiunted t.twn. MCI choae to In troduce the new 1yawm In Oran1• County beet~ of ttw W'p cUen .. i. h h.u here and becaUM &n Omni· Call termlna1 la Joca\ed ln Sant.a Ana, tck .. Mid. The Omnt-Call nrvlc•, currenJ)y available tn M dU.. will expand io lndude the end.re m\lft"'Y by the tnd of the yeer, 1d6la Mid. 0ve,... Cal~ ablUty ~lh • I Orange Coaal OAll.Y PILOT/Friday, Ootober 15, 1982 NB U NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS OllOfloflOMI INCL\101 •••o••Olt '"' ..... o ............ ,,.(1,1(, ..... eOUOlt, Dlfl OIT AND CINC•N•Afl UOC• laCMaNeU ANO IUOUlil» I Y fM I NalD aNO INUl•I' CLOSING 913.09 Dollar rising but gold drops .• . .. I LONDON (AP) -The dollar rose today 01\ foreign markei.. hitting a record high againat .the. ltahan lira in early European trading. Gold priCH dropped more than $14 an ounce on the basis of rumors of large Soviet bullion sales. The dollar hit 1.441 Ura at mid-morning m Milan Interbank trading, a jump of more than 10 lira from late Thursday·s rate of 1430.20. . Dealers said the U.S. currency was benehttang from higher Eurodollar interest rates and from an expectation that U .S. money supply f1gure11 to be released lat.er today would 11how a big increase. Car sales sluggish DETROIT (AP) -Rising unemployment la holding back new car buyers, one aut.Q industry analyst said , as the five ma.JOr domestic carmakers reported sluggish sales in the first JO days of this month. The carmakcrs said they sold 131.426 cars m the Oct. 1-10 penod, compared with 147,088 in the period a year ago. So far m 1982, the automakers say they have delivered 4,394.021 cats. down 13 percent from last year's 5,072.971 Braniff s till alive FOffT WORTH, Texas (AP) -Braniff International Corp . wh4ch grounded 1ts planes May 12 and filed for bankruptcy prot.a·llon, may soon reach a joint operating agreement with another carrier, an airline official says. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS . "' UPS AND DOWNS MElAl.S • 14 14 . "' -.. NEW YORK (A P) 61>01 npnlerrou1 metal C><ic. IOOey Cepper 70-7~ t e1111 • pouno U S !Metinet-• L.-23-19 ew>ll • POund ~ 40 42 ~ ... pouna•o.to••ecl fin U 2t3~ ~•I W-~te Lb AtlHn"-78 c:.t>ll e poun0 N Y ..... $111$$ per troy ounc>" NV C- ll(IOI n>onln -Thvt .... _,, 13 70 00 '* llMll ''•""""' '3~ 00-Uu oo troy Ou"C• NY SILVER GOLD QUOT A TIONS