HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-18 - Orange Coast Pilot- .. llllllCUIT YHI 111111111 IAllY PIPIR MONDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1981 ORANGE COUNl Y. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS AirCal 'certain' to lay off 300 employees By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of ... DaMy ,.. ..... An official at Newport &ach- based AirCal said today it ls a virtual certainty that the carrier will proceed with plans to Iay off 300 employees, thereby reducing ita work force to about 1,700. The statement by Mark Peterson, the airline's director of • communication, came ah er i5 stock clerkl> re presented by the Teamsters Union rejected a company proposal to take u 12 pen..~nt salary reduction. The salary reduction proposal -designed to mainta in the carrier's profitability this year - also was vetoed by ramp and maintenance personnel. Castles rise as thousan.ds crowd sand By CAROL MOORE Of IM Delly flMot IUft E.T .. the Extra-Terrestrial, ran away with the Most Humorous prize at the 21st annual Sand Castle Contest that could have used some extra terra for spectators. Thousands of teens and adults swarmed over a strip of Corona del Mar State Beach Sunday for a brief glimpse or desperate, overhead snapshot of the latest in constructive kid's stuff. The Michael C hiavettas of Huntington Beach won the sweepstakes award by topping their hilltop castle with colorful pennants and surrounding it with a protective dragon. And the Walshes a nd Lynns of El Toro carried on their tradition of winning the family division by sculpting a playful dragon toying with a mini castle on its stomach. Second and thlrd places for families went to F.R. Nickel who lit charcoal briquets to make Puff the Ma~c Drag~m·s nostrils smoke and to three dolphins chiseled to perfection by a Sandman, Inc. team seemingly coached by Benny Bu fa no. Peeks at the contest's 42 plots focused often on E.T. The perennially priu-wiruUng Whiz Baruz Blues Band Choir and Construction Co. ol Newport Beach topped the humor category this time. They mounded sand into a rotund E.T. · likeness sitting in a beach chair outs~e a phone booth, munching candies and dozing off to e ndless ''wrong number" recordingJ. Estancia High School's Think Positive Club fashioned a h~f telephone with dangling n;ceiver and " Home" ~ge to win the youth division. And the Newport Jaycees carved E.T's magical flf\len grasplfll a beer can. ..-----~......-........, .................... LO-W..A·.ed.JA.explain_t.heJ.n:~·ieaeaes..._ of drip sculpting. used b.y D•nielian.and Associates to create a virtual forest around their entry, a chlld too short to see piped back, ''Oh, I do that all the time at the creek." The crowd was bewildered at fint by the 30th Street Architects' presentation of headless bodies of four tourists who had stayed too long at the beach . But the sculpting crew cleverly positioned their own smiling faces in the neck niches when the judges arrived .. !t wus endors1 . .'d, howl'vt1r, by n o n -u n i o n m a n u g c m t· n t employet.'S and Clil(hl allt'ndant.s. Ah-Cal had spec:1fu.-d the salary r e d u c ti o n:; w o u 1 d n o t b t ' implemented unll.'SS cnclor-sl•<.l by all employc...· groups. The a lternative, the "'carrier said, was to redut:e tht· work force by about 300 worke rs. As a contingenc y measure, layoff notices wt:r<• sent about two. weeks ago rn affec:t ed personnel, Peterson said. The layoffs will take e ffe.-'C't Oct. 31. Seniority Is thl' factor being used to determint~ who 111 laid off, Petl•rson suid. AirCal, wh1C'h operates a route system in five Western sta tes, now e mploys about 2,000 Marriott Hotel staffers "painted" their shapely Space Shuttle white by covering it with shredded coconut. Their effort earned third place in the business division led by Basmaciyan- Darnell Inc. of Newport Beach and the Jazz Exchange. Fans who came to see sandcastles. specifically, were not disappointed. Michael Chiavetta, art department colleagues from Ford Aerospace and-families won the Sandcastle Contest I I Kent Trollen and friends started at 6 a.m. (See CASTLES, Page At) sweepstakes prize under watchful eye of papier-mache supervisor who oversees their Huntin~ton Beach murals, too. Former first lady Bess Truman dead KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - Bess Truman. the nation's oldest former first lady and the lifelong sweetheart President Harry S Truman called "The Boss," died early today. She was 97. The Truman family physician, Dr. Wallace Graham, said s he· died of congestive heart failure. Research Medical Center said she was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital at 4:38 a.m . She lived longer than any other former first lady. Edith Wilson , wife of Woodrow Wilson, was the oldest at a"e 89 in 1961. Mary Scott lllDEX At Your Service A5 Erma Bombeck A7 Cavalcade A7 Cla.uified C6-9 Comics 85 Cro98Word .85 Death Notices C5 EditoriaJ A6 Entertainment B4 Horoecope A7 Ann Landers A7 Movies 84 National News A3 Public Noticel C3,C5 Sports Cl-4 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Stock Marketa B3 Televiaton 86 ThMten B4 WMther .~2 /, ' Harrison. the second wife of Benjamin Harrison, died in 1948 at age 90, but was never fint lady. The oldest living first lady is 70-year-old Pat Nixon. The fonner-fint lady had been plagued in recent years by a variety of ailments -arthritis, abdominal stress and high blood pressure. On Sept. 2, she was rushed to the hospital from her home in nearby Independence, Mo., with internal bleeding. Graham said the bleeding. which he attributed to an ulcer in her duodenum, stopped the next day. but she was not released from the hoepital until Sept. 24. She was hospitalized for tix days in Auguet for treatment of hyperkalemia, a potaulum • buildup caused by dlmln1ahed kidney function. She ouUived her husband by ne.rly 10 yean. Frlendt eay thelr childhood romance never fl.aed -that he wu the only man she ever really ·1oved and 1he the only sweetheart he never had. In ~3 years of ·matriace. Bela Truman much enjoyed the traditional woman'• role of the unaHumlng but thot'oughly devoted wife and mother. But Tnaman aid ahe w• h1a claletlt contklanc. and adviMr on every lmPonant thine he 9WI' did - lnclucliftl ~ leadlni to h.la upaet victory over Thom11 E. Dewey in 1948. ••t never wrote a s peech without IOlJ\I over It wllh her," I Bess Truman, widow of former presidenC Harry, S Truman, died today at 97. She is seen with the ex·pre8ident in a 1958 visit to Washington. ht Mid of lhe woman who sharc>d ht• rite from county official to lhe U.S . Senate to president. To aome. h er d tsnlty and re.erve left ta.e lmpl'ellion that ahe wu auatere, w ithdrawn and > ' colorleas, but thoae intimates entJtll'd to caU ht-r Setete knew her as warm and gracious. wluy and wile. She said In 1948 that being (8" BESS. Pase At) workers. ln August, ltiO workers were laid olf. A s k e d if the t:arricr 1s considering changes in its route system, Peterson responded, "We are reviewing those alternatives at this time." Since 1972, AirCal consistently had been a profitable carrier. Th111 yec.r , ho weve r , 1t has sustained substantial operating losses, in large part because of a prutracted fare war with its main competitor. San Diego-base d Pat:ific Southw<.-st A1rlm<.'8. AirCal is privately o wned by two investors, deve l o pers William Lyon and G eo rge Argyros. 14 die • • Ill air crash By RICHARD GREEN AMMlated Pr ... Wrh« TAFT -An airplane that stalled and crashed in flames on a parachute drop rone, killing the pilot and a n 13 sky divers aboard, was carrying nearly twice as many passen ger s a s it w as su ppose d to , a f e deral investigator says. "That is not a 14-passenger airplane, ev e n wi th modifiC'a t ions," said National Transporta t ion Safety Board investigator Don Llorente, who is probing Sunday's crash. "Under norma l seating capacity there would be six passengers and a crew of two, of which on ly a crew of one is required." the pilot and owner of the plane was identified today as Monty H. Yarter, 65. of Mount Helena Street, West Los Anlleles. A ss i s t a nt K e rn County Cor~ner Don Wigginton today released identities of 13 of the 14 people killed when an airplane crashed in flames· on a sky diving parachute drop zone near Ta(t. The victims, all from Southern California. including two from Orange·County are: Martin Eetrada, 3&, HKlenda Heights. Rlc:herd E. Hayden, :le, Torranca;Glenn w Raclc:h ... 2. Manhatlan 8each. ic.tll Kinzer, f6 . ...._8evetl-XJ:1!!!.L ary tae Rfiloe1. 28.Sanfa Mari. David Lindeman, 41. Quall V8'18Y. Michael Lombardo, 35, Santa Ana G141nn W. Racicll, 42. Manhattan ueac11 Brady L. Sander., 59, Fullef1on. J•mes Kenneth Sword. 22. Bakeralleld. Etoul• Van Pett. 38, Losl Hills Terry Ward, 40, Pe<rls Monty H. Yarter, 65, tile pilot, Los Anoe!es. The crash of the twin-engine C-45H -a Korean War-vintage plane designed for military use -o.ccur r ed at a pri va tel y operated former military airstrip eight miles southeast of Taft and 130 miles northeast of Los Angeles. The trif is used by the T aft School o Sport P arachuting, w hkh h as ope rated the re for more than 20 years. "It got 150 feet in the air and stalled out," said Art Armstrong, (See CRASH, Page A%) American prof wins Nobel physics prize STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -The 1982 Nobel Prize in chemistry waa awarded today to South Africa-born Aaron Klug, molecular biology reaearcher at Cambridge University, for his worl< on electron microscopy and important nucleic acid-protein substances. American Professor Kenneth G. Wilson, of Cornell University, was announced earlier in the day as recipient of the 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics for his theories about changes In matter under i nfluence s uc h as heat or magn etism , the award s committee announced. The-46-year-old professor was honored for his theory on "c riti cal phenomena in c onnection with pha se transit.ions," that aolved a claMic problem in phy1lc1, the •nnouncement said. "I expect lhat the champagne will flow freely" at Cornell today. Wilaon said In a telephone interview from his home in Ithaca, N.Y. "Y el\ I wu very IUrpcUed and etpedal.ly ao that I'm ptUna_ the prl1e alone," he told The A.ociated Pre.. He aald he wou Id have expected to share lhe. award with Mfchael Fisher of Cornell and Leo Kadanoff at t.he Univel"lfty of Chlca10. The three ahared larul's Wolf Prlle In Phy16ca 1everal yean •IC>· he uld. The &6.yeu-old Klu1 hH Kenneth G. Wilson worked 20 years for the Medical R esearch Co un~!l at the molecular laboratory in the English university town. He has headed the council's division of a\l'UOtu.ral stu.dies silX'e 1978. H e was cited in the off.lcial Nobel announceme.nt by the Swedl1h Academy of Scf•ncee "for h is development of crystal1 01raphl c e lectron mkroecopy and h.11 eluddatlon ol · blolo1lcally lmpor~nt nucleic acid-J>f'!>tein comJle>eet ... Klua·waa tne aecond sole wlnnei"of the pt'e9tisk>ul pr;.. • I • . ' "- , ( • < ( j ., ·- 11:1'1 S Orqng• C.oa11 OAIL Y fJll OT /Mont.I ~. Octobor 18, 1982 ~~, "' \\.' Continued stories ,, II I ----~~--------------------------------------------t;:'CRA ll KILLS 14 • • • rf ' pwner o( lht> club "h Vt-t•r..d off .. , l.:intll-d on alb ldt wang lip, .1mi ti. bunn into flunwi. hkl· u b4.1mh " Llu1t'11l l'Ulrl what ,1ppc•111"\-cl to .. ,. be o pall )'JI wa~ found on till' • \pllol. o nd 111vt'hll~1Hciri. w1•r1• rO frying to dt'll•rn111w wh111 kind of li'r pilh1 Wt'rt' ins1d,• 111' al:m said thc11• wns nu 1•v 1d1•1H.·1• ut t.11 l"toquart>d pa.'>S4.>ng1•r i.tra~ in tlw "4 1"horrt'<i Wrt.e>Ckagt• of thl• J)lam· ... , A1rplant' pass1·n~1·1s arc• n ut ''1requ1red to hav<' St~ub. Llorenh· ::"$Gld. but pas:wng1•r r(•i.trmnL'\ ou· 1bt'lts a r e "r1•qu1n·tl fo r all wkc'Offs and lam.lan~s .. ,.,. .1 l The plant' 1s t.l1.•s1g1wd to l'HI ry u :1; pay 1 o ad o f :! , O 0 0 po u 11 d ~, .... t Llurcntt' ~11tl Tlw ix•opll• ul.Jo;ml hr eat:h Wt'l~hed an ,1vl•raMt' ol J 71) ~pounds, <llld l'<ll'h hnd u :!5-pouml ·,·'JXlrat:hutt>. for payltx1d of ,1t lt•a:.t ' • ll.730 pounds. ht• Slllll I ,., A1 m:.trong 1clC'nt1f1l'd th1· 1 . v1c-t1ms only as tht• plam•'s pilot : ~OWl1l'r, ;m obs1•rv1•r, .1 sk~ rl1v1ng • s tudl'nt. J sky d1vml( 111!otru1·t11r. ,and 10 t·Xpt•rtt'nl't\d s port paral·hutists 1 Tht• pll0t wa.' u Lv!o Angl·lt>s , _'man w hu o pera ft'<.! hi!> plant• out .of Van Nuys Airport 111 tht• San , ·Fernando Vall('y n11rth o( Los 'Angelt•s. Armslro11~ S<lld. and · Llon'nll' conf1rnwd lht' planl' 'wnl> from Van Nu)'s un~mally Armstrong :.aid !ht' v1c11ms • WC're fro m Santa Burbara . Lompoc. Santa M:inJ und San ·'· . .. l. U I 'o () h l i'o p 11 It C' h ,1(1 1111 .uld111111\.1I ho11 wluW "' K1 ·111 ( '11u111y .. 1w1ti1·, l.1 Jt1h11 I lowu1 d iwud 1rll•11t1llt'!\ l'1Uld nut • Ill' cl lsdos1·d 1lllllll'tl 1.111 · I y h ll 1·uu1ity t•11ro111·r"s anv1·-.l11{ator~ strug~lt ·d lo 111.Hd1 11a1111•s w1'h I h1· d 111n 1·d lx>lht·s "'l'h1-. " tlll' ftt l'ot t111w Jllyth1n~ 111 1h1-. 111ai;111111tl1· h<t:. •IC.\ urn1I." -..11d A111~1rong i',,y1•w1 tm·!>!> 1 lt•t mJrl Dul gudz ... 11d mu:;t uf thi.• lxxhl'l> n •rntiitll'd 111 tht• Wl't"<:kllg(• :1fll·r th1• plam• 1111:.1• d 1v1•1l to 1111• ~1uu nd . .1ltht1ugh lw s.1w 11tll' body ubo11t 10 f1•<'l awuy I>t-putv Hall W11nd1•1 ly salt.I t'llll'ft.(t•m·v wurkt•rh c·al11'tl to the l'ra:.h Sl.'l'ti1· 11nmt•tl1;11t•ly 11~h7t'<.I 11 wa:. "nµ u:-1•" to look for surv1vo1 s Thl• aush <X.'t.'ur n·d 111 un Opt.'ll. l••vt•I field pop11l.ar with s k y d1vt•rs fur 111a11v vt•urs. 1'hl' ~parsdy poµulatlJ a·11 .. 1 :i5 1111h·~ s u u th w l's t u f B ,1 k 1.• r:. f 1 t • Id supports so mt• .1g rat•u 1 tu re a ncl l'Xlt'n:.1vc ml d1 dlang Last month. an Arm y ~ l' I 1 t· o p t e r c <• r r y 1 n g a n 1nwrnat1u nc.il sky diving ll'am crasht•d 1n Mannht•1m, WC'sl Germany, -k1ll111g 46 ix-ople -- l'lght Amenl·an, 2:i F'rt•nch. n inL· Bnllsh, and six Wi.•st German Th<• tc•am wus partll'lpal ing in an air show ... O•lly Piiot Photo by Cary AmbroH All n1il es Ch ri~1i1u• (:luus ori i~ h uppy lo h e.• <1ut•(•n ot' ()ran~(· ( :ou~l Collt•gt•'s llomc•t•omin~ lhu l had llawaiia n llW nH'. Sh t> wu~ c·r·ow1w d a l h ulftinw o f foo aha ll g cutH' Sa 1 ~1rdn). . :.BESS TRUMA N SU CC UMBS AT 97 • • • I first lady rl"qµtrC'd "guod health ·and a sen se o f humor .. Of ;·:t riuc1sm of her husband. she srud l;, :tmce. "aftt!r 25 years m politics. :{;:J've l earned lo t1l'l'(:pt 1t - ~:slmost " White llouse hostt'ss and a woman with an amazing ab1ltty to remember namt'S. tht.• Wh1tl' llou:-t• arul ul the fam1lv mansion in lndt.·pt.•ndt•n<.'C' Kn.own as independent and athlt'lll' during h1.•r girlhood in lndt·pcndt•nct• wher1• one maguzant• writer n ·porlt•d she wa:. tht• unly girl abh• tu whistle thro ugh her tt•c·th Bess Truman was th€: CJnly daughter m a !tCX'tally prom1nc•n1 family. r~ And despitl' ht•r eagl'rnt>SS to ·:a void publicity for hl•rsdf. shl' Observers regar ded il a s characteristic that sh e redUl'f'd the White House staff by almost half alter her husband bt.'Came president. Guests descnbc't.1 her as a housekeeping genius. both m ~:b('came known as a gracious ~, . ~ CASTLES DRAW BIG CROWDS • • • and predsely trowell'CI a towering. eathC'dral-like struct ure for the 2 p.m judging Their feudal castle wnh gabll'Cl roofs. rimmed turrets. entry facade and tunneled moat. easily copp<'d the .. Anything Goes" honors. Frosh-soph water poloists frOln Corona del Mar ~1gh &:hool opted for a rondo-saz.e castle with minimal but flourishing landscaping and the Newport H a rbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors d ep icted how "Cottage· to Castle a Realtor helps." 1 George Patrick's entry was well moat~ and d e ftly ruled to indicate masonry while the . Dunedigge~brought pr"-''"'fab-.1.hat.ched -r-OO!s and greener y to decorate their version of Camelot. Once the romantic backdrop was finished. two of the Duned1ggcrs. Rick Findlay and V1ck1e L aBore of Costa Mesa C'xchangcd mar r1ag<: vows m fronl of the crowd Their wedding cake - • ~ under a lent a few yards away -was topped by In othl'r nov1•lty l·ntnl':s during this las t • r11ual of summ<'r s µonson-d by tht• Commodort.·.!. Club o f the Nl•wpurt H arbor Chamlwr of Commerce:. Ellen Zakour s tood on crutc·ht•,, pro\'ullng thl' prototype' for her Orthuped1c Group·~ "B11•.1k a Lt.•g" a t'Om1cal t·ast wnh giant tcl4.·<o -Casa Colma lloi.pmil i.alut<.-d wht•ckh.11r basketball champions NERDD's Con~trut·t111n Co madl· .i scx·1<1I s t.at.em en\ with Its thrt'l' bll'Yd(:> stands marked "R.l p .. . -Reµrt-st'nt.it1v1•s of thf' Tu,. Shop 111 Coronn "df'I Mar h~u nn structor:if d•1wnfoll w orries ac;; th<'y s1mpl;.-~hovc•ll'd up .1 mound of sand. flattenC'Cf 11 Jnd u 1rvt'll out <1 wc'<igt· Vrnl:i' PaC'-Man' Gerry Kirk bal.mn·d a loll·m polt· ul Sl'owling Viking fau ~ a lop :i ltalluwt•1•n pumpkin. all carvt't..I out of sand. naiurJlh I ~ · a M ndmtle '<phc. ;~\ Slight cooling Fair today. 1ncre•11ng nigh oudlnest 1on1ghl and Tuesday ow clouds near the cont late lonlghl and Tuesday morning W1th e~ og lncreaaing into inland valleys 1n ••rly mornings today •nd TuMd•y A ltlllf! c:OOlf!f bOtll daya V .S. suninia ry Extende d f precast SOUTHERN CAl.IFORNIA COASTAL AN O MOUNTAIN AREAS -Some n1C;iM through mid-morning low clouds or 109 neu Ille c:oalt Otherwise variable h•gh cloudiness Highs alono the coa91 ranging lrom at>oul 70 at the beaches to the valleys Lows moslly 1n lhe 50s end lower ~ Mou111am highs in 60s Lows 1n the 30s •1'<1 ,05 Na"O'WIJ WHlll<t• S.-t Chitty air moved sou111ward out N()AA US 0.01 OI ,..,.,,,, .. (. ol Ca.nllda on Saturd•y. keeping S afternoon temper11 turea well mou Fronts Cold ..., Warm ..,. below seasonal norms throughout ~ much ol the llUtern third ol the net Ion Hlglla -• only In 1118 •O• and 50s ove< a wtde region ••tending lrom the GrH1 lalles and much ol Iha Olllo Valley lhrough lhe cenlral a nd norlharn Appalaclll•n• to lhe Atlantic Cout. Some sectlonaJot the llra1 snow of the ~, th 1now and r1ln 1howera ac•tt•red 1croH northaa1tarn Ohio Into weslern Panntyl\lllnla and mc;h ol upet•t• Na• York and p,.I• ol New ~ •. • ,_ thower• -• ac a11arad over Illa Pacific Nort,,_t and Iha no1'-" Pl91nt. ' .nth light rain over much ot t~ Florid• Panlnsula. The Air Ouallty Management O•strlCI pred.c.1 good air qualtty today 1n moat portions ot the South Co•ll Aor Ba11n wllh unhealllllul air Qu•ltly preO.cled in lhe San Gabriel and Pomona valleys and Ille R1verllde-S1n 8amard1roo area Unnealthful •I• quallly for Mtllltlve people II loracut In the S•n 01b11el and Pomone vialleys wllh a Pollutant Standard Index ol 138 and the 1R 1vers1de·San e.matdlno regton wtth 1 PSI ol 125. L•nc&1ter Long Beach LOI Angeles Monrovia Montlfey Mt Wilson Needles Newpo'1 Beach Ontl.(10 Palm Spr1ng1 Puadeno Paso Robles Eedwood City Sacramento Sa11n11 S11n Be•n•rd1no San Otego San Francl9Co San JoM Santa Ana Sanla Barbare For tOday. contld« •bl)' olOudy tklH with acatterad showers were lorecHt from th• Pacific Northweet lnlo the utrem• nor1h1rn Roclrlea and over 1111 Good a11 11 fOfec:Hl in lhe San Fernando and Sa.ota Clarola valleys wllh a PSI ol I 00 matropolttan Lo• AngelM wtth • PSI ot 87, the Hemet-Elalnore ., .. ""'"' • PSI of 58. Banning with • PSI OI 50, •nd PSI 42 for Inland Orange County. the Big Be1r Lake re<;ilon. coaatet 11r1111 and high and low deM'1t NATION nonh..-tem QU«1ar of the OrNI ----------- Albany Albuquerque Amarillo Anchorage AlhlWllle Atlanta All•ntlc City Aull In Bllltlm0<1 · e1n1ng• Blrm1ng111m B11m11rck 8o4M Botton 8rowm11llla 8ull91o Burlington C6t08t Lall• rag!On Cloudy lltlea ware · T l '°'_,'in _tam New vor11 llnd enrpe ra ltres rnucn of New England ----CAUf'OflNIA California Soutwn Clllltorr\la will 1>e 1111r tllroug h Monday but high eloudl""8 at llmM. Patehy log or low cloud• early 1hla m(.rnlng alono the coHI lncrHalng •I'd berum1nQ more axtan.,.... lontght ~ Mondey "'°'nlng. Orange Cu11nty can up•ot ll'OM In 1M 70., coollng • I-~ Monc:lay lon tonlgt\1 1n '°' tnl4lf'ld vlhya WIN ha ... 11101\t In ltYa IOe IOdfY, 111>1* 70. MOf'day I.OWi In ao.. MounlAllna will h""9 hlg/11 ti& lo 71. 10M 42 to 62 HonMrn ct.ett lllaM 7• to IA~ 90lllfWn ...,,. II lo '3 ltetclly fog and low clouds along notlll COHI. Cllance ol 11\owera In a 111tema nortll, tpr.ectlno to n«tll«n lietru Motflv flk ll•Wflel• In Horti.n and c.ntral C.llfornla tllrOUOll Moncley • ._. ~ ~. t Apple Valley Bak.,1lleld Bart tow Beaumont Big BHr Bllhop Blyt~ Catallna Culvef C11y EU< aka FtMnO HI Lo 83 40 85 58 93 sa 88 52 78 28 17 36 ~ 58 72 52 83 57 &a 47 85 50 Cllar' ... ton, S C lwf ... ""1 ... ""' .... ,,_ Zuma 2 3 13 Santa Monie• 3 4 14 ~ 8"c:ll 3 6 14 San Dleao County 3 4 14 Outfoolt lor Mond•Y: Uttle "111ng1. .... .... 3 3 3 3 82 41 82 58 85 63 9, 51 68 53 12 55 92 60 74 ~ 90 53 98 84 89 57 85 52 10 51 76 49 72 62 87 49 78 60 8' 6-4 69 so 82 57 75 50 Ht Lo 51 '0 68 46 71 40 3 1 23 82 48 67 51 66 46 87 SA 56 43 74 51 89 51 ee 33 78 4• 67 "' ta H •5 36 47 42 " .. 73 5G ..... ow aw :: SW Charleston W V Charlolle. N C Cheyen.,. Chlcag<> C1nc1nnau CleVelanel Columbia SC COiumbus OaHas-Ft Worin 011ylon Denver Des MotnH Detroit Duluth El Puo F91rbanlo.I F•roo Flagst•lf Graal Fiiis HartlOl'd Helena Honolulu Hou1ton lnd1•nepot11 JaGkaon. Mlsa Jlc:ltlOIWllle Juneeu K-Clty l<no•vllla UlsV .. Lltlll AOek Loul1lllllt Lubl>OC« Memoflle Mltml Mllweuk" Mpl .. lt P•ul Nalhvllle New OflMn• New YOl'k Notfot N0tlll Platla Olllal\oma City Ott11n1 Orl•ndo PllllM1elpt·1111 Pl'loatllK Pt11tbu1gh Port11nd, Ma Porll•nd Or1 C.lg.lty eamon10tt Montr"I Ot11wa Atoln• Toronlo Vatte(1<.1¥11 Winnipeg CANADA 53 42 68 49 87 '° 52 34 59 39 •8 •3 72 49 50 39 16 10 so 38 72 40 61 35 48 35 42 29 78 52 33 07 54 31 69 27 68 55 57 41 6!l 42 89 71 80 60 58 37 74 53 77 49 •6 27 61 35 65 43 83 52 71 SI eo 44 73 45 69 61 94 83 $1 40 55 33 60 •• 70 5& ' 57 40 83 55 73 ~ 71 47 63 38 73 82 56 47 08 8& :te 31 57 37 61 85 - Olivia gets physical Irvine concert • 1n By Jt;l\ltY llEltTF.NSTEIN I ht•1c• w ..... 111111 h 1<111m1wk1 y 01 the 01111 11'1101 111tt ( >ltv111. t'lllH'hull11~ u 11•11d1111m H111j(1•J Ohvta N1•wt1111 .Juhn 11> ul tlw llllt• ~111~ fr1m1 111'1' 1nov11· 11 ict•llM>lll'CI 111•rfurml'r whu know11 fhip. "X1111111 lu." 1lli;;1p1x-L11 t·d 111 a whut work.;, 11t11·k~ with tt .1111.l pul I 111 ~11111kt· ,1 tut of lr11 k1·1 V pluyi. 1t (111 all 1L' w 11r1h to ;dim~ J 111'oh111w 1 ll.111J.{1· Anti wl11h· :.tw hui. 111a11y ~(lld M1y:m ul hit Miii.CS tu h£'r l'rt"<hl. 1111th1ng ·~ Silvl'I lo(ht1t•1, .1)llllj( w ith two m11r1· tdt•nllftl'd with tw1 1ha11 1 uhh1·1 t lm·kpn~. f1·ll I 111rn lht· th1· JUI 111t~ Slll'\'t'S." of u y1·t1t agu '-l'al loldtnj.( for h1·1 ~ot 1J.{ 1111 tlw "Phyi.ll'ul " 1•11v11 w111w111 , "Sllv1'1 y H11111 " Thus nn y11111· "i)1o unt1npal1•s Phv1o1t·al M'l'lllK tlw plXct• bhmth' 111 tht· Thi· t h11·kt·n,, al1111~ w1tla flt•llla t·an t•Xpt'<.'I not on ly Olivw t11w1•b th11Jwn hv llarnl 11wmh1·1-; I.Ju t hl·r t·ntiri· x huw to hi· at Ill<' ... 111J.{1·r w1•tt· .11111b111t-c.l tu phyi.1rnl 'l'h1• band, lhl• pro!>' art• I 1n.1l1· "C'l';111111•s.'" phys•<'lll Th1·11· w.1~ J nu.vu· 111 Oliv1;o (t's t•X:tl'tly what a ~wllout l'luy111g with tht· 111'W lovr•:c of c·c·owd of l:!,000 WllrH•Si.{·d w1 hit•. d olph111i., :ll'('11m/ia11 lt•d Sun duy night at tla t• Jrvani• by hl•r 11ffs u1g1· s1ng111g o '"!'ht· M<:adows Arnphithl•Ult•r. Prcin11h1 ' ('l'ht· Dt1lph111 Suni.t)" Thl' only physu:ullty 1111ss1ng l'hv~1rnl Oh\•1.1 .incl Tufano hl'ld hand' was Olivia':. unwllh31g1ws.' 111 gN ('oiy with the audwnt:t'. Sht· uM.-<l and w1111.!ll·d llw11 ton.rn. 1n :.ong:. a <:ord h:ss n ul'fophon1· but nt·v(•r from ht·r h 11 mov11 · "(in 'U'ot • .. ··-" ff I Ph y~1t·al onC'l• Vl'nlUl't"U o s tugt· t•s 1avt• some pt•rformcrs. A n ti N l' w t 1111 J" h 11 , 11 u w Hugs and kis.'ll'S wen· n•st•rvc•d dn•ss1.:d an wh1t1• gy111 ~horts, fur the• male vm:ahst of hl'r tl'nnit•i. and swl'at ~hart that troupe· Dennis Tufano ..-'~yri•klt·d:. su~l'd. I~''.'' hit song But, wow, the sh ow was "hip." l-'}1yi.11.-;1I foe th1 . I.1s t • . • .. , It was the finale of a l'ross-fh1s t11nt· the .llldtt nu s.mg cuu tHry. 60 dates Jaunt by ulunginacunt1.•s1 by'>l.'<.:~1on!->~>f Newton-John, born m England, who had the• most phy:-.1tal vo1.:.1I ru1St..tf in Australta t·hord~ Tht• band obviously l'nJOY<'d Sht• k1ll'h on t11Wl·b tu g1vt• th~: 1~1f. Olivia sang and s wivt•lc-d aud1t•1w•: a rnlll'd for '.'.mW 111un" ht•r trim hips at band mc•mbl'rs. a lovl·ly n •ntl1taon of I l l1ml's tly And lhl•y antl'rat:ll'd animatt<dly LovL· You" Stall tll1· t·n1wd with one another yt·llt·d for mon· (:.ire• Or.J11~:· A sl'rl't'n behind Lhe bund show<.>d shdt.os of Oh via from little girl w1~h blonde curb to St·nsuous poses that havt• g1vt•11 ltt'r a Ol'W imagC' County <1ud1encc·s t·vl'r ~u:.f1l'd 1- -but didn't .l{C'l 1t Ohv1a was lt't..I from 1 ht• s tagC' b y f1vl· p1 ·11 plt· dn·bSt.-d tn H alloWl't'n n1ask:. Th(· concC'rl wa~ ont· 1or (•X pandc•d rep<.' rt Ill re· I or Olav1a -· Slw 1·;11 t'' 1111Jrl· Sht· tolk(·d to tht· Jud11·nlf' l1ut 1t would havl' lx't.·n ttll't' to 111 ... r m ore t·hattl'' Nl·wl1111 .John'!> p1·rform<inl't· • WJ~ pl"t'('t•dt•d liy her hand ll'adl·r and ~ind pl<1y t·r Tom Sl'oll plav111~ 1 01k wllh ~tro ng t · m p h J :. 1 s o n "' I t· l t r u n 1 t g1mm1t·kr) Ht· tndudt·d cJ v11t<il 11umbl·t from hr:. IJll''t ;ilhum . "l..>t·'oll l' .. It w:1!> 1411od phv..,1t.ol \\'.Jfmup Court SA ol»scenity case • nixes WASHINGTON (AP) Th(} Supn.•ml• Court n·fuS('Cl today to aid thl' C<1hforn1a t•11 y of Santa Ana in IL'> efforts to shut down a theat c..•r that s h ow:. St·xually C'Xphc·11 movies. The· <.'OUrl, without t'Ommc•nt, IN st.and a ruhng that tht• nty on-ly t:an bar the sh owing of movies JUdgcd t o b(' lc·gally obsl't'nt• The city alrC'ady has bc"C.•n to the· SuprC'me Court o n othl'r occasio ns seeking to shut down the M1tt'hl'll Brotht•n.' Sant.a Ana Thl'all•r Tht• city, m 1ts lalt:'~t appeal • said n should bC' allowed to d()S(' the thl'ater as a "public nu1san<.'l• " LowC'r <.'OUrts said the city only ('OUIO oar the-exhibition of obS<:t•nt• mov1t'S thC>mst•lvcs. C11y attorney &!ward Cooper also object ed t o lower court rulings barring him from lx·1ng awardt•d the coslb of pur:.uing lht" law::.u1Ls against tht• M1tl'ht·ll Brntht•rs' lhea ler. The> Su pre m e Court. 1 n an carlwr part of thl' quarrc·I with l h e t h e a t e r . r u I c· d t h ;, t c11mmun1t1l'S seeking lo ban pornogr::iph1c mo\'ll'~ do not havo to prov(• "beyond a n ·asonault· doubt'• th<it t h l· mo\'ll')> <11t· obsc.·<·tw" Th t· h 1 g h c· o u r l 'a 1 d 1 n N o v <· m bl' 1 . I 9 8 I . I h :J I l h l' stand<lrd 111 prno f rl·qu1n·d is "soll'lv ;1 mtilll'r of st.at<' hJW " Thi· l 'UM· PVC•ntually was St'nt twck to a ht~ll' trial t'OUrt, lO give t hl' nt v .t t·hant't· to trv to bur tht· :.ho~ Ill!( rJf ~1>. alll'g€:dl) OlN.'l•ne 1novic·' Tht• c·11~. '"' 1ng that n·mt•dv ""'' an~uff1c·11 ·nt thc·n falNI 1i~ lutt·:.l appt.·al \\1th th<· Supn·1m· Couc t He'~ not horsing around OAKLAND cAPI A m.in who pum·hed a pulit1• ho rse in the-fat·(• when off1t-..·rs trll'd to st(JP hun from juywe1lk1ng h,.., bl.'t·n frt•cd from Jail a ftl'r pleading guilty to disturbing lht• JX'3Cl' \\' .1Ik1· r J .i l ks on . :$ I . u f H1<.hmond. had bl·t•n arn•sll'd Oet 7 1n Oakland a ftt·r ht· h1l one c•f lht· honws with his fist He wa:. l'h.irg1 t.l with l rU('ll y to animals and resisting arn~t a nd h c·ld in lll'u of S!'i.000 T h e c lassic flan nel su ic ta ilo re d in our work room s An impeccahle look. rcsultinJl from the fine hanJ nf the exclu sively woven wur~'cJ~ as wdl as the cxactin).t work of our nwn craftsmen. We o ffer this 3-button model in ~oltJ grcv, $400 01 of our Golden Fleece doth in ha lk st npc~ 011 n avy o r grey. $4 20. Coat. vc:.t and trou~c..·1!\. /1t add1111rn '" rtNul.u. 1ltorr, lllnx arrd '~"a h>n11. tho<: ""11 "" of/tffd '" ""'l111m 1.irri. prnpM11u111J fur mt11 ~ '10" ,,, fl' ISTAIUSHIO 1111 0J}~r;}4#!ka, -------------( ( ; c lL © 1r JnJ u a~ 1G :.,: ) · . ._.. -=-~ ...------ Fu mis ht n~9 fo r ~rn omen ~· Boys 530 \\EST 7TI I . T R EHT. LOS A:\CftU.F. ',CAI.If·. h \SI I ION ISi '"\~D. NH\\ f'Oft'I' IH\AC I I, C 1.-1 1~ . ............ r 011111uu {.;ouul DAILY PILOT /Monday, Octobttr 18, 1982 s WORLD • injury suits Computer assists lD Train 32in era h kill Argentina Bllt-:NU S /\IH~S . Ar.:t•ntma (/\P) 'l'l11rtv t wu !Jl .. >ph• W(•rt• klllt•d aml ;., ll•ost 70 mlll'rs 111jw·1•d wh1·n u pu.-.st·n~<!r t1'alr1 :d111nmt'd 111\0 tlw reur of un11th1•1-. n11lw;1y offldah. ~1d toe.Jay ThP o f f 1n 1.1 I ~ s;ud th" Sunday night l'fu:-h 11111v huv1· be<•n c1.1us1·d by a L111lt y !\ljtl 111 I Tlw c n1:0.li 11(~·urn·d wht•11 11 i.1wt·d111H pas1>t·11~1·r 1•xpr't'll':O. tl'.111), l'll I 11U\t• fr u lll l lH• 1lt':1i.rd1· 1'4'$0l't ul Mur <kl Pldtu to H1H'11os Ain·s. plow,-.1 1pto t h1• r1 ·11r o l a ~1·1·0 1111 pi1:>M•ng1·r 1r.J1n wh1l'h had i.t11pp1"I Jlllil hfun· n•1wh111~ t h1 · (t111l1111·s s\at1011 . Ex-Fre n c h premie r dies PARIS (AP) Pinrc· M e nuc•s-l"r ant·c>, a form1·1· Frem·h pn·mit•r and Wu(ld War 11 resistant·t· fightt•r w h1) became famous for t•mltng France's m ili tar y involvl'mt•nt in Indochina, d~"Cl today, his llSSO('l!ltC.'S .said. Hl' WI.IS 75. • Mendes-France, a lawyt·r· who became premier for• seven mo:iths and 17 days 111 1954, was responsiblt· for th1· negotiated selllc·mPnt that :. p 1 t I V n · t n a m t 11 l u t w o 1wt1011s lit-later dl'OpJX-<l out of pul1t1c.:s but bc.·<.·ame u n'Spl 't'lt ·d govt•rnmen t critic lfr a1tr;1t'll·d atten110n as a m tlk -drmkmg preml('r among It I !!> w I II l ' • cl r I n k I n g c.: o u n l r y nH' n . Th l' i mag l' lwl1x•ci 1mprl'SS Ins imagl' on newspapl'r rt·aders abroad . hut did littll' tu wm volt.'is at 11111111'. Royalty grab headlines LONDON (AP> Pnnt·l· lsl<111U~ Wi.lr w1th Argentma las t spnng. eut s h ort hrs post-war st<.1y on the island of Must14ue last Wl·d n esday a ftl'r Bnt1sh n e w sp;1 p e rs trumpt'tl'd his t·om panion's p<.ast rulL·s 111 blul' movies. MOlJN'l'/\I N v n.:w. l.'ulll 1Al'I Tiu• t·w111.1utt-1 hu11 1•011w to tilt' hid 111 th1• IJl'llll lltal iflJUI Y l~i wy1·1 . h1 ·lp1111( q uil'kly tu n·1111lv1• 'l'lllt•1111•111 d11;putt."H that ntlHht ltuv1• dnil(j(t·d 011 f11r Wl'l'k". n11111th!t 111' c•vt•n yc•ar·~ Thi· 1•0111putl'I 111 0 1w1 utt'<.I by u 11 .. w t·o111p:u1 y n dl(•u Ll'gul l-.:t·1J11•11l11t· J•:voluutton'-. H small liut ntp1dly ~row111J.( hus1nc•11li Lhut h·t~ atlo1'111•yi. ll•l1111 w1thll1 111111utt'b ur ltuur~ tlw vulut• uf 11 dtl•flt'" loss m prr,onul Injury und wr1111~t 11l d1 ·at It l'ai.t-:; 111 tltt• 1'1J111 pll'x and a r1·a11t• wul'ld of :1n11 u11u•i., dl•f!•ffed pu y n w 11 ti. :.. n J µ ro Jl '<.' tl'd uwu nw. Bn·11 l IJ:m11111g1·r. who ht·ud.s lht· 1·ompany. 1>ayi. tht• Sl'rv1c1• 111 1mµorta111U.·L·aus1•1t'i. u1u4u1• und 4Ul<'k Bu t t h 11 I ·' ll •J t l ht· on I y ut.lvci11tag1· 'l'lw twrv11.·t· also is valuabl1• lll't'ilUSt' unlll n uw , atlw'111•yi. fur thl' tnjun:d party Wl•l'l' .it a d1satlya nt1.1gc· 1n n egottat1ng with 1ns u rant·l· 1·11011Jall1L·!. 111 ct!rtatn c.:aSl's. "Tht•sL· atturrn·vs have all the probl1•rns uf ;,a' bltntlfol(frd matador t.Jt•c1.1USl' you ve gut to trust thl· bull not to gorl' you," Danrungl'r S<11d. "You don't knuw what the· uther s1d(''s g(Jl." Dannmgc•r ust·d the Pxample of u ca!.L' involving a severely 1 n JU n •d ~ · yl'ar-old w host• law ypr wa s 11 I I 1• r 1• d a s <.· ll 1 cm c n t a11111u11ung t11 $1:3!i n11l110)') over the· t'h11tl's lifcumc. "It i.oundl'd Ilk<.· a lot of mCJney t o tht• <'hilt.l 's attorne y,'' lJ<mntngt·r s<.tid "But when we KaV(T' him our analysis of what t h c· ti c f l' n d a n t 1 n s u r a n c L' company was actually going to h<1vc· to pay out, the attorney t·o mp11ny wciu ld p&y for un un11u1ty, whH·h wo uld in turn pmv1d1· the cp1hJ with ht• future tl)('OllW " With tht· nt•w mtornu1t1on, the .1nor1wy rt·~'t·t.-<i the offer and prt•l'Kt•d Cw u ~lllflm(Jn\ which 1111HI' l,<11 r I y rt! prl'tH' n lll the 1n1>urun<.'l' l'umpany's fanam:htl rt•11porn11b1l11y. Danninger aaid. Tht• l'o111puwr lb tht· key to the rH· w h u i. 1 n c Ii s • w h t l' h t h e 24-ycur-old Danmngl·r rurui with purtnl'r Robert J ohruson. 35, and . ..,. one· em{)loyl'(' "Unt I we t·wne along, rl could take an 11ttorney two or three W<'eks to get an analysis of a proposed sNtlemcnt from some spt.'<:aally l'Ompany or e<.'Onomiat.,, and 1t might cost $800 to $3,000,", Danntn~er su1d. Danninger advertillct; that the co mpany will m ai l th.-e , mformauon within 24 hours or provide it withm as little as 15 minutes by telephone. And instead of sever a l thousand doUars, the cost ranges from $50 to $1 50, depending on the type o{ case, he said. The business. which ii outgrow ing its one-room office, got off the ground in July, but now has handled about 500 cases, . some of them repeat business., Danninger Said. The partners w ere able to launt'h the operatio n because they bo th had w o rked for compa n ies doing similar work without the sophis iticate4 com puter system they have created . said · Danninger, a. Stanford University graduate with a degree in econorri1c:s and philosophy . Roberts holds -. Stanford MBA. Andre w re turned lo Ruy<.il N avy duty as <i hl'ltl·opll'r pilot today after a ht•adltm·· grabbing Caribb:<'<l,11 holiday with a n Ame rican al·tn·ss Prince Charks and waft• Diana cut short a St·o1t1~h vacation after a reporwd spat about the ratn al a royal estate. Andrew . who flPw a Sl·a King hebcopter with th<.• 88:! Squa?ron in the Falkland ML·unwhllt•. Prince• Charles and Pnneess Diana cut shorl thetr autumn v<ic.:a t1on al thC' rciy<.il famtly's Balmoral Castlt'. rl'portc-dly after Diana told Charlt·s she wouldn't stay any longt•r in ram -soaked Sc·otl:md. Pt•rso naJ-injury lawyer Brent Dannin~t·r with on•· of thr-important tool~ of hi~ tradt•, tlw •·ompuh·r. AP Wlrephoto n·ahzt·d ll was substantially less thun similar t'ascs had been st·t tll'd for. "ll was about $2.o million - the amount o f m o n ey the A long with the s peed and . lower expense, Danninge r said cases prev iously thought too small to bother with may now be brought t.o action. NATION Other medicines tainted By The Associated Press n;isal spray Wl'rt· re moved and later n •sto rcCI to a drug stort· sht·ll m Las Vt•gas. tn st·par<1tl' 1nndc·nt'>. • narcotics Reagan's crackdown cheered Taint ed~yc drop:-. mouthwash · nasal spray were rcpo d found 111 sea t tered e1 lies over tht• weekend and author1t1t•s a ttributed the tampering to copycats set off by the death!!> o f seven peoplf' who took poisof'fed Extra-S trength . T yleno l. Lavoris mouthwash was pulled from· the shelves of a sta rt• m Clearwater, Fla .. and bottles of Neo-Synt·phnnl' four woml'n in Palm Beach Cnuntv. Fla . complained that th(•lr eyes burned after using V1smc• AC. L•yc>drops. Two of tht· bo ttlL·s u sed by the women c:ame from the same lot as two bolllt:s were found to <.'Ontain hydrochloric acid in a similar inciden t in Mesa, Colo .. authorities said. Auto talks ~roken off ~ :m:::-AND 1' ARK. MiCTi-:- 1AP1 -Thl' United Auto Workers union and Chrvsler Corp. t>roke off rnntr;it·\ i.alk!!> today after the company sa1<i 1t could not give autoworkers the pay increas<' th l'y demand. raising the Spt'Ctc•r <1f a strike against the No. 3 automaker UAW PrC'!>ldt'n t Douglas Frase r sa id at a news STATE f'nn(f•reru.e-tnat the un10n would dis(:uss w hat to do next after a m('('ting 11( thC', UAW top le<idl'rsh1p and a m eeting Thursday o f the u n ion's Chrysler ·coun cil, composed of o ff1 c1a ls from ·locals nat1011w1de "Tht·y want to rearrange thf-total labor costs a nd we're unwilling to do II," Fraser said: 'Commuter train debuts LOS ANGELES (AP) - T he first morning run of a daily Oxnard-to-Los Angeles commuter train got off to a slightly latE' start today with 87 passengc·rs aboard aftn last -minute negot1at1ons brought agreement Crum SquthC'rn Pat'1f1c to roll The tram departed Oxn ard at 5:39 d.m .. nine minutes late. said assistant chief clerk Stan Moffitt at Southern Pacific's Oxn<ird d epot. He said the lateness had to dn with "th<· passen gers. ~ettmg thl'm loodl'<l .. Brush fire contained SAN LUIS OBISPO IAP) -An l.800-acre brush fire was con1ainc d early tPday after burning out of control to w1 thin I 00 y ards of the D1ablo Canyon nuclear powt>r plant California Departmt•nt of Fore>stry Capt Dennis Toeves prt•d1ctl•d the fire would be controlled by 7 a .m Tuesday "As of nght now, the ftrc is 100 percent contained," Tol'Vl'S said. That means a fin: hne has been extended around the full perimeter o f the blaw By the Associated P ress Presidt•nt Rt•1.1g<in's n:.1t1tJnal narcollc.:s task forl't' 1s an 1d1·<i long overdue. law t•nfort·t•mt·rH agents say , espl'c1::illy ~llll't' <• federal cral'kduwn m southt·rr1 Florid a has c·rH:ouragc·d drug traffit·kt·rs to take tht•1r busmc·ss e lsewhere. "It's really welcomed," said Lt. J oseph Newm an. head uf 1h1· Baltimore Police De partme nt's nart'Otics task forCT' "It apJX·ars to me this 1s a liltle more than a finger in the dike solu111m. It's been needed for some time "\. R eaga n an noun,. e d in Was hington Thurs di.ly that tedmcil off1C11ti~ W'01:tld-l1ltrnk-t>- thE· nation wnh 12 rc·gional task forces. ThP $200 mtll1un effort would add up to t.:rno f1 ·deral agents and investigators in Boston. New York. Baltimore·. Atlci nta. Houst on. S t Louis. Ch ic.·ago. Detrml. Dl'nVPr. Los Angt•lc'S, S<tn Frannsco and San DiC'go. .. 0 u r c I) m 1111 t OH. n l t II l h Is program 1s unsh:1k1«iblt· We· tntt•nd to du whiJl 1;, nt>ct·ssary In end the drug menal·e and 1T1ppll• organized l'rtffit'." Reag;in ~id Across the country, news of the federal plan was l'('t'C'ivcd with open a rm:>. PSJX'(.'lally in the South, whert· officials havl.' bc: ... ·n • calhng for help s1nn· Man·h . when Vice Pn·sit.l e n t George· Bush was appointed head of a Cabinet-level task force to fight drug trafficking in southC'rn Florida The Florida dfort has pushc•d drug smuggling opt>ralions to othc:>r t'<>ast.a't~lPS hkc> Louisiana and Georgw. off1c:ials say "lt's hk<' squc•e1.ing a balloon." sa id Jimmy Davis. a Georgia state invt-stigator "You squeczC' on e arc•a and 1 t pops out in anNhcr" Ray Vms1k. head of tht· DEA off1eC' 111 Atlanta. said rt'Cc'nlly that thP Bush uisk force-probably increased smuggling m Gt'Orgia. "h 's put a n awful lot of pre~<>ure on drug smuggkrs to try to fin d other ways to gN drugs into the United S tates." Jean Phillips of tlw Louisiana itta~lice said. "We• ntJl onlv We're Listening ••• Whal do you like about the Daily Pilot? Whal don't you like'> Call the number at left and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appro priate editor . 642·6086 The same 24 hour answering service may be used to record let · ter s to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include the1 r name and telephone number for verifica tion No circulation calls, please. • Tell us what's on your mind. ORANGE COAST CIHatfled edvertlalng 714/M2-~7' o.1ty Plot All other d4tpertmenta ~2-4321 Oehwy Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE .. 0. UWileH lJO WHl ltW 51 , CO\le -... CA M""°"y ''"'"Y 11 'fl!'• 00 Mell~u·t1011 IMO,(CBI•-•• CA mi. not "ave y~1• C>•CM't by Thomaa P. Haley C01t1rrl9hl IW> Or~ Coe~I P\lblltl'lln(I C-y 630pm ..el!r.l()f•lfl" en<J V<>U• ( <>Oy wll II• Ho MW~ \lof .. l, lllu\ltell°"\, .Olto<'lel m .. l't< Of .0--eel PubJ,,119, olld t.n ... 1 E •ltful•v• Ofloeet ,..,11 .. .....,h ,.,~.,, mey ti. r•i>ro.tutH wlthOul 6atv•0•1 •no 8vnoey II -lel pertnl\\-of <Ot>Yfi9fll ... ,.,, you llO M l •-C ..... VO\lf Jan• Amcffl Raymoftd Mod.eon S.COllCI t•••r.t..• .... a •• (0\1• Mn•. ~lfonll• cc.!l'l' by I • "' QI !>ek>t• f tf!('.ljl•Y'I t d•IOI C0111roller II) 4 m "'6 Vol ~ .... IVP1 1....0 , SUO\<rl'"-by r etrier t' 11-l't' .,.._"° by Mall .... 90-1"4y ar.Ae, ... , l . Koy Schulh Michael P. ttotv.y ,,_ Ot..., C41\l Daily l'llot. wltll Wfll<l'I I\<-.,_ .. _,., .. ,, .............. , .,.. °' ..... 'I··--Vou P1nd~ ()i,~IOf ol Mo;let,;ig Coe" ,.._.,,.,,. c...,...-,, =' ... ""'-- Moel o"<I ()lr""1tlt ol A0-.-1••"'9 tC•rcwlott0nl "'*"-_....J ........... c: .., C•I• Mnt, ~:r Ccuftrt .. ,..,2, H••"'"' leed\, ............. II, ,._,..._ 11 .. ley, Intl,,., t....-. ....... """"COi" A tltltlt ~ ~ ·Kenneth N. Gectdord Jr. Mltle!! It __...._ ....,._en ..... ~ TtM! -.'i.1:°" t.clo l'l'f*l,al == ...... 11 el QO .,. 9eJ $1,_, i.W -.. == D1te<IOf of ()pttOl!Oflt l'.O. lo• lloO, C•I• MeV, Cellftf'11le.,.. L~~ ' VOL. 75, NO. 291 ' ,, ' ,_, ;.1pJ>fl'l'l;1tc· but wt• Pxp1·1·t a-;s1st<jl1l'l' from t~H· IL•dc•rcd govt·rnnll'nl .. f3!'l·aus1• drugs t'OrTIP from ou1s1<lt· th{· c·11u 111ry. s h e i..aid. "This 1s not ;1 -;tatc.· problem This 1s an mt1•rnat1onal problem" Tht• ft•dt·ral tas}< foru· wtll "makt· a trC'ml'ndnus d1ffl're>nl't' in our abtllly to invl'stigah• and prC>st·c\J te" drug n1slo's, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Nelson m Sa11 Ull'go. cons1d1•rt>d onf:' of th~ nation's chief narc'Ot1c; smuggling points. "San Diego alway~ ha" had a tremendous proulC'm wi th n an·o11cs traffJC'," said Nl·lson. ~·ff" thl• l1rs l por o rllle Umtt-d Stalt>S on lht• WPst Coast so. gPugr a ph1l'ally ~pC'aking. drugs an· going to touch this area in ma.JOr quant1t1tPs" "Wl''n• e•liJted Wt•'ll f1ncdl y h a v t• t h t· m a n p • 1 w t· r a n d l•qu1pmenl.·· s aid Hudolfo R a m 1 r l' z . a f e d l' r a I D r u fl/ Enforn•mc·nt Atlm1111s tral1011 spok1-sman tn &h1mnn· l ' 11 rn m a n d l' r L :1 w r C' n c· l' ForhNg. of tht• Chiccigo Police D1:partm<·nt's nan·o\Jt'!!> u1 v1s1t•n, said. ·'L1kl' l'VC'rvhodv 1•lst•, we• Ol'l'd thl' ff'SOUfl'I-_~ W't· llvt•d the _ manpciwer. W(· nt'<'(i I hl' Jlldg1•s to swnd up <ind ht· t~1unt1·d .. M1ch;wl Hurlt•y, DF:A t'hll'f 111 L1ttll.' Roc:k, Ark .. has a -;ta ff of four, indud1ng unt· agc·nt who returnt.'d last w<.·c·k from th•• Florida task force l!P said air smuggling 1s "more• than w<· c·an Presidt•nt Reagan unveils a new government crac kdown on c rime, saying "'The time has com e to cripple the power of the mob in Am e rica." handl1•" ,.......:..:..::.:.....:...:...:...._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~.- our wxyCNJn our hl.9t. !!Q.lling and m:J5t functional pon~ du~ Uu fen arrl wi nt..<z.r rrooths Uu \Vida. ~lei i!'> e bl<Z.rld-d' 86X coUon and 12Y. docron arrl I.hi nerraw \s ~cdton ond ~ docon q.ach pont b blendcid fbr fT\OXlUm Cornfbrt and durebil ity m lotdl, 20 9nzat baste end. ~\OJ'l cdor5, mcludiJl$~. bluz.s, gm.an and but$undy.s norrow weVz. 44 1-·ashlnn Island· Newpo11 &och • 714/644·5070 ,.,.(1()1 Westwood Blud. • '4.¥stwood Vlllagf' • 213/208-3213 • -- "4 Orange CoHI OAIL V PILOT /Mondav. October UI, 1982 Media events, forum s multiply By JEFF AOU;tt Of Ille 0.-, ........... Tht• •l:ir ll C11 11 l(1t'!lb lonu l Ol:i1lrlt'l t'l11\h'llt t'l111l11\u1o<l t•ru11ly ulo ng la11 l w1•t•k ai> oil thnT cand 1 du l l'it r ut·n t 1n<·v1 w h I y towi.nJ l'lt-c·l1on clay. now 011ly two Wt.>t>k.' awuy Eal•h of th1· thr1,..• 1·umJ1duh•11 Rt.'publ u·an . D t•m o nut on d Re publit•a n w rill'-tn h l'ld news conrcnmt't'S within hours of o n e a n o t h t• r t o u n n o u n l' t• somethinte or otht•r inte nded to PlllTICAl NOTIS boost the ir l'll'l:llon chann ':l T he contest, by tht• wu.y. 1s one on which not l'Vl'n th1· pund its and politkos are w illi ng to venture a prediction The fi rst o f tht' thrce media eve nts was t•alll'd by w ratl'-ln .candidate Ron Pac kard , thl' for mer mayor of Ca rls bad, to !announce he had rC<'dved the endorsemept o f tht• Washington -based Fund tor a Conservative Majo ril ). th <' nat io n 's t h 1rd- Jargest polillcal acuon romm1tte<· T he endorsem<'nt will bring with it a cash contribution. The n ext morning , it was Republican Johnnie Creon's turn. He ca lled reportc•rs to~cther to watch as his fathl'r delivered the muc h a w a i t e d mcss agl' h e promised in a l<'tt.l'r, co mbative in tone, tha t he personally delivered to Packard. T o everyo n e's s uprise. the elder Cr ean. million<J1re board c hairm a n of F lC'C'tw ood E n t e rprises I n c . a la r ge r e c r e ation a l v e hi c l e rrumufacturing t'Onrern. said he would refrain from personall y criticizing Packard during the campaign's waning weeks. Instead. John C Crean said he w ould campa ign on h as son's b ehalf at var ious s h o ppi ng nters in the d istrict. T h e Democr a t . Roy "P a t " Arche r, elbowed his way onto he news conference stage with f orm e r Gov. Edmund "P at" Brown at his side several hours a ter. Brown told r e por ter s that her can win if he capitalizes n th e disarray in Re publican anks, keeps Democrats united d attracts independe nt voters his cause In a n end orsement le tte r igned by Brown. w h ic h also ~eeks campaign contribut ion s. H1 ll\'o II !Hiid .......... H1·1>11hl1t .111 1 u11d1du11· 111 l'ula(t1rr11u', '1 :11 d L'o11 8r1•111111111 u l l>1 i.t r 11·t w il l 1wU·dt•i.1rut·t, 1( Wt' p111 v11h· 11 ll lllt• tn·lp As hlth· u11 $1 0.000 n111y d1•lt•r1111m• Whl'lh,·r th1• -1:\1 d 111 ri·pr1•H1•n ll'd b y 11 qu11llf1t·d 111ud1•r1.11 t• D1·m111·r11 1 us• li y u Ht•11ttun1k lk puhht·u11 " Whllt· 11 11 l h t• ~Uh Jt•t'I or fund-m usi ng in tht· ol:JnJ, Cn·irn 111 spcmsorl n~ a $150 JH'f' rwr~on fund-raiser at The Nt>wporl1•r 111 Nt•wport &·ut h Friday that will fou turl· ECrt•m Z1rnb<Jllst J r , Dun K notts. Chl•ryl Ladd, Van S<·ully. Jal' k Jon I:.' s. <,; t• o r gt• G o lw I . Danny T homas, :rnd a hosl uf o tlwrs And that's oot to mention Sl•11 T 1•d S tl•vcns , R-Alas k;1, a nd Agrtl·u lturt• S t'l'r t•t;i r y J ohn B lol·k also will sto p ovPr u n Crl•an's behalf S tevens was ht•r<· last Wl-ek, Block is schl'dull-d for S un day. * * * * Most -1· ff N 't 1 vc -ca m pa ag n prt.'Sl'ntatton -oC -th l•-Ca l I-season k udos must go to th l• Pean· and Frt,..oclom Party l·andadalt.' in 1h1• '12nd Congrc.'SSional D1stnC't raC'l'. J ohn Donohue. Asked what he stands for at a rl'l"C'n t ca n didate's nigh t , Donohul' quipped , "SIOl'l' l'v L' thrown my ha t in thl' r ang , I'll just read from it." He pnX.'t'<.-dt.'Cf t o rc•cite t he s loga n s f r o m t•ampaign buttons plaste rt•d <J ll ovt>r a floppy leather hat. Som!' .examples: ·•A g ood planet is hard tu hnd"; "End U.S. l n tNvention an El Salvador", "Stop Diablo": "t.:.KA ": "1''reew." * *' * * De mocra t Frank Barba r o , SC'ekang e lection in the 32nd stat<• S enate Dis trict an northwe s t Orange County. jumped on th(• press conferent.-e bandwagon last Friday, claiming his Repubht.·an o ppo n e n t, Edward Royce, o pposed Soc ia l S eeur i ty. a minimum wage and East-West trad e while a member o f th e conservative Young Americans for F reed om g r ou p during rollege . "He's intractable a nd rigid and l'O m es Cr om t h e Libe rta ria n e lemen t o f the Re p ublica n Par ty," said Ba rba ro. pointing o ut that R oyce's· c:a mpaig n literature promises, "My political philosophy is the same today as ii was yesterd ay -and will b1• tomorrow .·· Shot back RoyC'e. "Yo u ca n take any 50 or 60 positions an G ubcr nuto riul candidates in t•o unty Wt•d nesday. Tom Br a d ley 111 g.11111~1111111 look uvt'r a number or v1·.11..., .incl Cand a h<tndful you did nut support .. Ile saad · h e suppo rtt•d lhl'n . as no w , t h L' Sol·ial Sl'l'Urtly system, free t radt•. inl'ludang that with the Em.tl'rn bloc:, and thl' conl'Cpt of a minimum wage * * * * T hi::. wt•t•k':. pe>hlll·al l'alt·mkr 1s Jam-pac·kl•d with candida te Cund-rn1scrs. C'a nd1date forums and ckb;,1 tl•::. U pl·orrn ng <'Vl·n ls andudt•. TUESDt\ Y Tht· LA·agut• of W<mwn Vott·rs' Vall•nl' Ha rt will J 1st•uss tht· Nuv1•mbl'r b<Jll o t proµo::.1111ins lw fur" <1 lunl'ht·on ll\t'l'llng of th<· lrvtn<· Busml'ss .md Proft·i.~1onal Woml·n. T hl• 11 :!() a m lunt'hc'On will bt• held Introducing TODD ADAMS, D.C. Family Care Chiropractic HOLISTIC CHIROPRACTIC HEAL TH CARE PRACTICE -Specializing In - • Family Chiropractic Care -• Progressive Chiropractic Treat ments • Athletic Relat ed Injuries • Nutrit ional Counseling • Deep Muscle Therapy • Exercise & Body Toning Programs INSURANCE CASES WELCOME AUTO GRO UP WORKERS COMPENSATION UNIONS MEDICARE mentary Chiropractic llOn And Consultation CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT NOW (714) 553-8236 TODD ADAMS, D.C. ~-AfJ'Hlrlcan ChkOprllCtlc Aaoc. ~,,., c.Nfbrnl• Chlropr11Ctlc Auoc. 4 J 2 J W••terly Place, # J 16 Newport leach, CA. (,,._ J.hn Woyn• AlrJ»rl) • ,., 111 Iii• I l1111K1 y 'l'1K•·•. S u11u1 A11.1 ( ••• fl d I "<• I I'' I 11 1 I h , . 7 Cl l .. A"1·111hly DIMll 11'1, 1>1•111111 I JI I .11111,1 W~·i.tf ull um l H1•pulll11 ..111 1111 11111l11•11t Mui 11111 Hc·1 ij1'11AJI\, w all cl1·ha 11• u l '/ JJ 111 ut ll<·v1·rly S 11v111.ci. 11111.I Loun A1t11oclut1on . 'l'u!'.1111 Add1l1tmul 111rormut11111 llloJ)' 111· oltt111rtl0d throu8h tl11· '>IJ•J11 .,.1 r i;, Or11 11u1· County <. '1mh110 11 for tlw ft~uu l H1 Hli.t,., A11wmlnll'11t, ut ~HU 2:1~0 W E D Nft~SD AY C :ut11•r1iator lal tunctaduu·~ Gl•oru1· l>1·u k11w JHin a nti Tom Brudl1•y a1 1• !tl'lll'd uh•d to l'umpa1g n Ill OrangL' C ounty Bo t h tht· lkmocrul und Rl•pulll1l·an will s p1•a k a t thl' 20t h An n u;..i l &·o num1<· Outlook Conft·n •nl't• spon:.tirt-d by tht• Orungt• County Chamber of Comnw 1 t·t• a t lht• Ana heim Ct-n tcr . Fo r t1t kl·ts li:M -2!HIO Asst-mblyman Nolan F ri1wllt·, !K't•kmg r<'·l'll'l·t1on 111 th1· li!:lth d1:.trll't, will guthcr an ;..ii..wrtmt.•nt of Republican leaden. wgNher for a tund -ra1SCr in h1:. twhalf at tht• Sant.a Ana Country Cos t a M es a C l u b M ore information at 966-6686 T H URSDAY A two-hour d e bate be t w e e n the t h ree candidates r u nning for thl' 4J rd Cong rt.•ssional District at 7:30 p.m. in t he l'ity of Vista's St•ntor C1t1zcns Nutrition Center. lli Escond ido Aw. Libertarian P a r ty U.S . Scnalt' candldatt· J ose ph Fuh rig will speak al lht.' Libertarian S upper Clu b o f Ora ngl' County. Cocktail party fund -ra1sc•r w ill pr ecede the c:vcnl Call !:1 75 -0905 . T h l· Huntington Bt'<~ll'h Rcpu blac:a n A ss emb l y w i ll h os t a $ 2 5 . p l' r -l' 0 u p I{' d I n nl' r f 0 r R ,. pu b I 1 t· a n Caro I H a 11 t· t t . r unning for lieutt'nant govC'rnor. a t thl' honw o r Dr and M rs Ansc•lmu Puwc..la in 1 luntangton Harbour Hcservallons may be 0 b I a I I\ l' d b y I t• I t• p h 0 n I n g 5·Hl -0286 or lH 6 ·57ti3 The R l' g 1 o n a I CC' n t l' r o C 0 r a n g e Cou nty will s ponsor a candidates' night for a ll Assemb ly and SC'nau• district seats in the coun ty at 7 pm. in the• Sant.a Ana City Counc il C ha mbc>rs . 22 C1v1t Ccnwr Pla za. Sa nta Ana. F HIDA Y Loc:al J ohn 81rd l D•llr Piiot Pholo br Q.,y AmbfOM Pie r pe da ler Sol'll't y c h a ptt'r!> w 111 spo nsor India n a s tult• ll•g 1s la1or a nd n·ttn·d poht't• c·;..ipta in Anthony M1 h ·s w ho will d1 sc:u ss gun l'O nlro l a t 8 p .m . i n tht.' Saddll·bul'k In n in San ta Ana Rescrval1ons can be made by Cyclist r e laxes and ca ts u long s h a dow while s he can at 11.:30 p .m . in llun ting ton Bea c h . I n a no tlw r month , it will be d a rk by tha t hour. ~ ealling ll-10-6392 or 543-5898 Leon's lnt•r ors Has Now Gone DISCOUNT es, now even you can uy a OWEJrPRtCES Than most Interior Designers. After being in business in New port Beach since 196 1, I have decided to go completely discount, and well to the public at the same prices I have been selling to designers. That Is 35% Off ALL WALLPAPER ALL LEVELORS ALL FURNITURE All DRAPERY FABRIC ALL UPHOLSTERY FABRIC CARPET-CARPET-CARPET-CARPET ILL CUPIT ALL Wiii FLlllllll ILL YllYL FLlllllll ALL 11m1111 Just '1.00 per sq. rard above cost Just .35° per sq. foot above cost Just '1.00 per sq. rard above cost Just 10% above cost DISCOUllTS IEAll llOTHlll& WITHOUT THE FOLLOWING I. No private labels -This m eans all items sold will have the mfg. names• so you can really compare. 2. The same quality workmen that we have had in the past. (Draper. Installer & Workroom -6 years) (Upholsterer -18 years) (Carpet Installers 6 & 2 years) (Shutters -16 years) 3. We still guarantee everything we sell 4. No seconds or damaged goods. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE NAM E BRANDS WE CARRY. WALLPAPER I FABRICS CARPET 1. Van Lulte 7 Keoney Bros. 13 Wallpaper lno 1 Cual om Weave 7 Western 2. Schumachef 8 Ourla'" 14 Bob Mitchell 3. Grett 9 J.P. M•rl•n 15 David & Dash 2 Dawn 8 Fabrlca 3 Sunwest 9 Gemini 4. S H•rrlt 10 Char'" B•f<>ne 1&. Kenneth McOon•ld 5 Slnclalr 11. Brunawtck & Fiia 17. We1tg1te 4 Royalweave 10 Poclllclal 5 Navajo 11 Gener11I Fell 6 Cumberland 1' Palrlck &. Strohelm & Roman 12. Wiii Pride 18 Kravet "°""811 A& TLL ... fl.Ill. ............... ..,.,~ r @ nterioNJ , \ I ' , ,t ., Ornngo Couf t OAIL Y PILOl /Mondfty, Oc;lober 18 , 1982 AG ,~~\ ~'"~ ~ Nurs ing home data given * * * Robinsons * * * SIX STAR DINNERWARE SALE ' By PAT HOROWITZ Of IN Oellr .. llol ll•tf DE AR PAT: I MDI t rying to help my parents check Into tlndlng s good nursing bome for my grandmothe r. Sbe can no loog~r care for herself and m y pareot11 wouldn't ht> able to meet her oeeda either. Oo you know of any Information that could bt'lp us with tbh; difficult choice'! K.F.., Fountain V11llt·v The Counc·1l of &•th•r Hus11wss Hutt•aus offers a free booklet. "T1µs un Ll>ll~·Tt•rm Care Facilities." It dt.-:;cnl.:ws d1ffrn•nt typ<•s u( nursing homes and related st>rvin•i. <1hmg with specific-tips on f1nding a su1tablt• fanl1 ty Information on Med1l'are and Nh•d1l·a11J programs and a lis t of qut•stions to ask l.:wforC' sig n ing an admissions agrel'nll'n t also art' included. To fl'qut~st a c·op y . st'nd a sC'lf · addressed, stamped bus1nt'ss-s11.t• t•nvl'lupt• lu the Council of Better Businl'SS Burt•aus. 515 Wilson Blvd .. Arlington. Vu 22.WY Clean b el'o1·e f1 ·eezi11g DEAR PAT: Why is it necessary t o wash and blanch vegetables before freezing? I'd rather do this when I defrost them for use. 0 ,~ Also, what kind uf 1mlt 11nd vlne1ar 11bould I us~ lo pk ldln11f! l'.0 ., f'uuntaln Valley S1nl't' ffl't.'llll~ 1·1•turd!'i but doc-s not kill lmt·ll'nu, tt'~ l'&IC'n lllll thut food fur frt>Ctiug bt• dl•an Ext•t•pt for gri.-t·n• pt.•ppc11i und mature 1>nlun11, all v1·~1·1ables ml.Isl be blum·h('d to dt-stroy l'nzy11w11 that t·uust.• unwunled l'hange8 111 food l~llllr. ll'XlUrl:' and flavor U~t• C'llllllllllo( or pi{-kling SUit (uvailablc• wlH·n• you K•·t yollr eannmg supplies). Uniodizt'll tublt• S<Jlt may make pick ling b rine · doudy. Do not use iod1u-d table sail. sint.-e il will darkt·n pu:k les. Use l'ider or white distilk·d v111egar. Do not d1luw thl' vinegar unlf'ss thl' redpc calls for it. If you want lt.'SS sour pit·klt·s, add sugar. Two U.S . Department oC Agnculture boo klt'ls, "Home Frel'zing of Fruits and VegNablc•s (Dept. 2 12K)" for $3.50, and "Making Pickles and Relishc-s at Home (Dept. 21 :!K)'' for $4.50. can l.:w ordl•red by writing to Consumer Information Cen ter, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. • Got a prvblcm? 1'hen write t<i • 'l Pac Horowitz. Pac w11l cue red tJJpe. • gt•tting thP answers and action you ~ : nt>ed t o so_Jve inequities in governmf'nt and busint'ss. Mail your questio11$ co Pat Horowitz. ~t Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot. PO. Box 1560. Cosui Mesa. CA. 92626. . OUR GREATEST NAMES. OVER ·120 PAlTERNS, NOW 15°/o· 60°/o OFF SAVE 15%·600/o ON WEDGWOOD DINNERWARE Find an e;-.c1ting collt!Cl1on of Pdlll''"" 111 f111e 1y designed. durable drnnc>rwnre you II 11e(l•,ure for year!> to come Find your lavoriles (Ind ~P.1 d bP<wt1ful new tat le tonight Hurry 1n now. safe ends NoVf~mb.,1 1 Robinsons China, 67 To order. call tl)ll ftf'P 1-800-345·8501 Be sure 10 ask ano11t our Ct11na Club Plan ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY. Make an appo1ntrnen1 with our cons111tan1 al your nearest Robinson c; We'll record your gift preferences 1n ever~· store via the only computerized serv1cP 111 Sou1hern Cal1lorrna Every b11de who 1eg1<,tP.r<; 1r1 any Rob1n~,on s through October 30 4 v-All receive a comol1rnentary copy of !\ie Bride Guide (white llJdl1t1l1P'-> In ') WEDGWOOD BONE CHINA SAVE 20% ON 5·PC. PLACE SEnlNGS AND 15% ON OPEN STOCK PIECES. COIOllnJ<'lP l:ll<tC~ Reg $1<,5 Sa1e s,24. White Dotph1ns Reg SlSO Sale 1120 Bianca Reg s1ao ----tm-1--------51!~ ... I ULTIMAll SPECIAL NEWPORT EVENT THE SEASONED TRAVELLER YOURS FOR ONLY 13.50 WITH ANY 7.50 UL TIMA II PURCHASE Everything you need to took beautllul. day or evening, .fflcluding Ciara perfume to add a very special finishing touch. COME MEET MICHAEL COPE, ULT/MA II MAKEUP EXPERT Mr. Cope will be in our Newport Fashion Island store Monday through Friday, October 18·22. and will conduct patch tests on your skin with the CHR Skincare Computer. a diagnostic tool that gives a scientific reading of your skin's condition ... and suggests which CHR products are suited to your skin type, Call for your appointment today: (714) 644·2200. COSMETICS I NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND LASTING IMPRESSIONS BONE CHINA SAVE 20% ON 5·PC,. PLACE SETIINGS AND 15% ON OPEN STOCK PIECES. Gardenia Reg S75 Sale 1511.115. Rnseela'"' Rf"a i ·~ SalP S59.95. M •.1ot>11e Reg $75 Sa1., S59.95. MIDWINTER STONEHENGE S1111er [rm,ne Reg $75 Sale 1511.115. SAVE 40%·60% ON 5·PC. PLACE SETIINGS AND 20% ON OPEN STOCK PIECES. Wild Oats Reg S46 S11e S21.80. .. 1t111na11on ReQ $48 Sale 128.80. Seoscapes Aeg 548 Sale 121.80. ;-• 'I -..-. . . . ., J .,. .. .,. •' .. .I :~ ·' .. ·' • .• I ·~ ~ •' . . ' -'• Orenge Coa11 OAILV PILOT/MpndaV, October 18, 1982 Board's airport action could be far-reaching T h e Orange County SoanJ o( S u p e r v 1 so r s h a'S l a k l ' u a 11 extreme ly significant ac:tion on llw county 's avia tio n needs. a n action that almos t w ns overlouk l•d because o f the speed with wh1d1 1l occurred. "V At the s uggestio n uf boarJ- Chairman Br u cl' N c>s t a ndc. supervisor s. in a n a rrow 3 to 2 vote, made two s tate m e nts . El T or o M a rine Corps Air Station will not be the s ite o f a ne w commercial airport. Nor will such a regio n a l facil i t y b l' bu i l t anywhere else in the county. U se o f El To r o a s a comme rc1al lacility -either with or witho ut a military presence w as r ecomme nd e d b y the Southern California Assoc1at1on of Governments. SCAG 1s a regiona l planning organ ization t hat delves i n t o nra n y i s s u e s a i r transportation among the m . The boa rd's rejection o f the SCAG r ecomme nda ti o n isn 't s urprising . S u pervisors have said several times in the pas t th at EJ Toro is the wron g p lace for a nC'w airport. Whot as surprl 1H11 ~ 1s ttw d e cla ration thut nu o the r s ite e xis ts for on airpo rt. R a thl'r cleverly. the boar.d h us r •je(-ted t1 pro post.'Ct Sill' an Suntaa~u Ct1nyon e a s t 0 r 0 r a n g ~· li s i l l' rC(.'Omme nded by, a "blut• nbho11" pane l of bus iness and indus t ry leaders w h ich e xaminL'<i th P siting issue . Wha t's interesting 1s that s upe r v i sors n c v ('r pub l 1d y di sc u ssed the blu e ribbo n committee re port, yt:t esst•n twlly have tossed it aside. ;The ne t <'ff~·t of thl•sc actions st)ould bt• rather d L·ar If no othe r airpo rt site exists, then O range County mus t live with w ha t it has. That means Wl' mus t li ve w1lh tht• only existing ('ommcrt:ial airport an th e co unt y -J uhn W ayne· Airpo rt co uld b e ex p a nde d , per haps ver y subs ta nt ia lly. By necessity. the re w ould be mo re flights. m ore tra ffic: and more activity in the airport a rea . T hus, n u o n t· s h o uld bt• s urprised whe n the o tht!r s h ut· dro ps a nd superv isors take actio n to m ak e J o hn Wa y ne a m uch - expanded fadlity. Councils shy on bed tax The Ne wpo rt Beac h C i t y Council has back ed away from a pla n to raise l h e city's hote l - motel bed tax from 6 percent to 8 pe rcent witho ut c:on s ulting the voters. In two succe ssive e lections, the proposal. which wo u ld add a n estimated $500,000 a year to city reven ue, w as narrowly d efeated. Each time 1t obtained approva l of a majority of the voters, but fa iled to achieve the two-thirds majority then assumed to be necessar y for any tax increase. Then came a state Supre m e Court ruling th a t l oca l government bodies cou ld approve g e ne r a l tax in creases witho ut viol ating the Pro p osi tio n 13 requirement for two-thirds vote r approval of any specific new tax B ed tax r evenues g o into the general fund and thu s w o uld cpr.ri+ty--f o r-s -i-mple c o u nci I approval. So both the Newport Beach an d Irvine city councils prepared to hike their bed taxes witho ut voter action . But in bo th cities the re w as strong o p pos1uo n from h o te l a nd m o te l o wne r s who feared the ancTease would d amage their business. Irv ine now h as set th e m a tter aside. p e ndin g a r e port f rom a committee of local business people on its possible fina m·1al impact And whe n it cam e u p in Newport the council, on a 4-3 vote, decided no t to take the actio n . The council had s trongly s upported the inc rease both times it a ppeared on the ballot an d, indeed, 1t d id w in m ajority vot <.·r s upport in both e lections. But fear o f going <.igamst the spirit, if no t the court-rul<.>d lette r. of Pro positioh 13 w on out. Since the bed tax increase would add o nly a do llar o r so to the average h o tto•l bill, and would be paid only b y rn;m -resid e n ts o f the-e<ttn mun 1-+y;--i t re m a-i-ns -a sen sible w ay to raise n eed ed revenue But no t suff1c1en t l y sensibl(', a ppan•ntly. to give city councils the cou ragl• of t h e ir convictions. YES on Prop. 3 Two bond measures involving state aid to hom e buyers appear on the Nov. 2 ballot. One m e r i t s s trong suppo rt. The o the r does not . Proposition 3, the Veterans Bond Act of 1982. would continue the highly successful C a l-V e t home loa n program that, since 1921. has helped more than 375.- 000 California ve te rans obtain low-interest loans to enable them to buy homes and fanns. In its 60-yE!ar histo r y. the Cal-Vet program h as n ever cost the taxpaye r a pe nny . The $6 billion vote r -approve d b onds issu ed s ince its inceptio n h ave been e ntire ly repaid , alo ng with all adm inis trativ e costs, fro m p ay m e n t s m a d e b y v e t e ra.ns h olding the loans. The foreclosure rate h as been m inima l. At present. 90 percent of the loan requests are from Vietnam w a r veterans, a long with vete rans fro m f o rme r w a r s who w e r e w o unded o r disabled. They cannot possibly a ffo rd to buy h o m es unde r present I nte rest rates. I n addition to helping the vete rans. the Cal-VPt hom e Joan prog ram b oosts cons truction . insura n ce. <t pplia nce, h ome furnishing and allied industries. Proposition 3 merits a YES vote . • • but NO • '-.._, on Prop. 5 Propos ition 5, the First-t ime Home Buyers Act of 1982. has a nice ring that cloaks h idde n risks. It is d esigne d to h e l p the estimated 400,000 persons in the 25-34 age group who now cannot buy a h o m e because o f high interest rates. B y raising $200 million in general o bligation bonds, the act w ould e nable the s tate to loan buyers e n ough mone y to pay down p art o r their m o rtgage interest for the first five years. The first year , the state loan w o uld b e u sed t o pay the equivalent of five pe rcentage points of mortgage Interes t, the second year four perc entage points, and ao on until the sixth year, when it is assumed the buyer would have sufficient income t.o make the full mort1age payment without -1atance. On a $9~.ooo h ome, ror example. with a 10 ~rcent down ORANGE COAST ~ D1ilyPilat p ayment. moo th I y paym e nts w ou ld r Lc;e from $725 to $1,084 in the s ixth year . · It is emphasized tha t loan applicants w o u ld be care full y scree n e d to provide r easonable assurance tha t the ir incom e l'OUld be e xpected to increase ove r the loan period. This. of t.'OUrse. is the catc h . T oo man y h o m e bu ye r s in Ca lifornia , en couraged t o buy beyond t.heir m eans. h a ve been c aug ht up i n the so -c alled "creative financing'' that assumed both income and rea l estate values w o uld rise s teadily. Now . faced with much higher paymen ts. less chance of sale a n d some times with reduced Income, they are losing their hom es. This is just t h e risk containe d in the First.time Home Buyers Act. Tbe Dally Pilot recommends a NO vote oa Proposition 5. ThMtot P. H.tey 'llbl"* JoM A"*f f•.CllllV• (ditor ....... KredMch fdt40tlol 'oOe Edtt0t ~hemot Mceenn ~ldilor • ' ' ... • I - Cuts don't help little guy NEW 'l:C >HK -I wa' dl'ltghlt•tl tlu oth(•r <fay to ht•ar my pn·~d1•11t lt •ll ll1• that intert•sl rult•s art• d1,w11 Su I w ;ill<•·d over to th1· bunk uround ltw 1•or 111·1 la,1 Wt>dnesday anti J.Sk1'<.J what tilt' 1.111 "',,, on p<>rsonal lo.ms. "It'.!> 1~·~ IJ('fl .. 't·nt 1111 C U S l 0 nl l' r S , 2 (J I l p (: r l' (• 0 I ( 0 r nun·t:ustonwr..." wus th•· ..in:-w1·1 Tht• prcs1dl·nt and I, ll s1•1·rns. :-1wuk ,, d1Herent lunguagc .. lfo w.is ..,,.1y1ng th.i! the prim1• n.ilt• has drop~-cl .ind 11 ti., .... from J9 pt'l'<.'t•nt a yt·ar ag11 tu .1hc1ut I :1 percent now Bui I'm nut J "p111111·· gu~ T he mtcn•st ratt•s for or<.l1n;11y pc'i 1plt· on consum(·r l()ans and n101 tgag1 ' havc not gom· down very 111ut:h ..it all In places tht•y .H L' s till g111 ng up, Mr Pres1d<•nt I MAY , 111 f..iL·t. Ix· lut·k, Th<: ral<.'s at my bank. Chl·m1cal Bank' 1n New York. may havt· st•1.0ml'd imp<h~1bl y high to nw . but thC'V ;-11·1· lower than rates 1n other parts of t he· t•ountry In Sun Franc1s1:0. the Bank of Amt·n c<J I!'. t•harging 25 percent 1ntt·resl on pt•1-.unal luans Mortgag1..-s around thL· tuuntry. at't'Ording lo the Ft·dt•rnl· fl<mw L",111 Ban k. Jrt· averaging Hb<>Vt· 17 pcre<·nt Pres1dc•n ts. l·t·ono1111 !'.I!'., bank1•rs. corpor a tion pres1dC'11 ts .111d fort•1gn f inann• minis ters art• t·1•h b r..ittng .1 "dramal1t"' d('<TeaM' 1n 1nt1·n·st rate·~,. but, ltkt• iJ0 lot of thing:. tht·-.{· Jays. 11 1i;,,11·1 111• kl1 d d11w11 111 tl11 , .. ,1 111 11.., i\111111!1•1 • ,.11npl1· .111d 1111·11· .111 111:111\ , .. Lt11 1111" "l 11a1u1 ;d g.1!'.. 'l'h111 1' I n • .. d ,, II• 1111 ndous o\11'1 \U fJfll V 111 g.1~. ".jJ ---~ RICHARD REIVES ,; " th1 µ11 l 1 ... houltl g11 do\\ 11 Bui Lu111• bl.111d I .1ghtlll).{ ( 'o It JI, rrn· I "'di I)( !Jl1Vlllj.( .1hu11I Ii JJt•111•11I 111111t Jri 'I < Uhll f1,;1t 1h1l> w111t1 •1 " It dot•sn't tak(: a gr·niu:. 111 t1gu1 l ' lllll that 1f tht· <..osl of thin~s and lllll 11· ... 1 rt•tl'!'> rc·prl·st·nt lht• l'll\t <1( us111g 11wn<'\' 1s dt~ n•asmg dl tht· top but \t;1ymg tht' s.lilll' ur rnt n ·.1-.ing <1t thr· bottum, th1•n ;;11m1·•1n1· in lhl· m1drlll0 1.., tlo111g pn'lty well . Th i• liank ... Jfl· JU"'t rt•d 1str1huung morl· of our mm11·y and ned1t tu tht• govPrnrnl·111 to pay thl' r1s1ng nat1on;1I dl·ht. tu furl·l~I\ govc•rnnH•nts th<.tl lo.ln 't n·p.1v 111 corpor.1t1or\s to makl· wt•;.ipon:. 0111d to Lakl' OVC'r t·ot•h othC'r and to 1 lw11 u~ 11 profit..., Tht•\'. the· b;_ink,, ,1rt· . .i,o kt•c·ping our mom·y longer In Nt•\\.' Y ,,,.k for m-'i\ant'c'. 1l has lx'<.'Ornc· t•ommon prnt t11 ,. lo "d1'.a r·· (make· c:.1'h availt1bh f1111 11111 •ol 1.111 '111, k ... 11rdv .die r ,, Ill dav \\,111 ~1111 • tho li.111k ' !ht 111st lv1•-. lndV ~r·I 1111'11 1111111•' 111 I"'" da'f'" ~1mt·•>n•· Ls 11 1 \'Jtl~ th• Ill •II IJll• I• ... , f1 1•i l11,1n for • 1~1t1 d1 """ 11 Id· ,, .... 11,, !ti !llll1c ht'<:k 1111111111,. .. "' 111. t..111k 111 N1 ~ Y111k :.ind 11 '' It 11d111i• 1l1o1r .. 1111111 t•1 thl guy next "''"1 ,,, .!I 1·• ''' 111 '" "' 1ti1 hnnk tould • 1111111 ·"'""' ~.1 "' 11t1111 I 1111111 tum over '1,1111 l.1 ,.., "' 11 "" 111 p.1 \lnl-( 1n1" ;,t, say, !I JI• 111111 1111t111d ~2 I Ii• b.mk " .. tlwatl "• \\ti • 11 11 • .011•h•11 11 11d I•• M1·x1(1J or '" 11.t 11d1\ l '11q 1 .111d I r1111ut :S:! wh1t'h ( 1111~.ht h,1\ I lhl d !•1 l•lJ\ •t Jl•tJI 11f ~X:kl> .Ot \'1i !Jt1ll I \i\ illf 11 1111 Ill 1111 '\ 'tJ>l nding OU I ~.! ·•Jiii! 1•111' l 11q.~l 1I kl•lp <' j(iiJ ..it a tt·Xlll• pl .• nl rn S11ulh (\1rolina am.I th1· \.Voolt <1 11111 do1,\ n th1· ~lrL-t•\ might .,lo:< 11111·11 A:\D, IF 1 llt·: 1ntN<''' ratl'l> w t·n· lo\\ r r. I 1111i,:ht • \'t 11 h1111 ow th1• monc\ t•> ltUV ,1 1 11 Ill 11:-C llJI tl11 h11UM• Ill (!f{1·d . h111ng :111 ;1ut11\\111 k• 1 for a mrJnth 11r ,, 11 ~ \\111k1111•11 f111 ,, 111uph uf wc·1·k:- P1 1 h.•IJ' I 111 11"' 1111p;1t1M1t 111 not smart 1·nough '" 1111d• 1,1.,11d lht ~111Hkrl ul thing., Ill\' 1 \'l I upltllll'otll' p rt·Mdl'l\l hJ:. ht:t•11 d11111g 11.1 1111 .111ll n11llu1n-; tof 11thP1s Bui I 1,rn'1 J'i't ...,.,. hCtw h1<, (anc.1 niyl rt ~\''"'"" \\ 111 1·nd 1111lt·~' l;.irg1• nu111l)(•rs 11f t\ni• rh .. n h I\ 1 I Iii 1 ..... h <111d l t 1•d1t t•1 I"'' 1111 1!1111~!' n1.11l, .,, 11thu n11ll11Jn, of ,·\"'"'ff .111, Today's unemployed more choosy The govC'rnor of Iowa, Rubert Ray. has.asked lhe ~of 65,000 comparu.L'S in that. i.ta te each to h ire o ne mon· p e r son There are 80.000 people unemployed m Iowa and 1f only half the companies do what their governor ask.b. 1t would he lp a lot. That sounds like a great idea bu t I'll be surpnsed if the governor gets much of a result from It. The problem IS matching unemployed people with the wor k that needs to be done. A junfor executive who has been le t out o f a Job with an insurance compa n y 1n Des Moines doesn't want and couldn·t do a job at a furniture factory in Cedar Rapids. Iowa City is an important medical center, but there are also a lot of hogs raised around there. No one who works for a company dealing in surgicaJ instruments is gomg to take a JOb with a trucking ftrm that carries hogs to market. THIS RECESSION is different from the Great Depression of the 1930s. Unemployed workers today are not yet willing 10 do any thing to get enough money to feed themselves and their families. They want a .)Ob rn their hn<> of work and you can't blame them A young woman who has JUSl graduat«:I from college with a degree m librar y science doesn't want to 1.alre a job doing housework for the rich people in town The young man looking for a job as 11 compu ter technician with IBM. doesn·1 wa nt to g e t sid etracked by taking temporary wo rk as a house pamtl'r lt isri 't always fair to say "they won 't work " W h J l 's h ;J p JJ l' n l ' d 1 s l hat '' u r CXJ>C'Cldllon:; are h1ghl•r than tht•:--r1n1 •· wen· [l's no long<>r go()d enough for u ... lt) ~ offl'red th<' mtn1mum wage for .1 -AND-Y -ROD-NE-Y -ft job WC' don't want to do. We're all trying to ge t somewhere and we want to w ork at the kind of job that will t.ake ui. tht•rl· Just eaung isn't good enough. The word "unemployment'' must have been invented by someone whu had J )Oh and didn't want those JX'OPI<' w1thou1 one tn fl•el bad abou l 11 It w ,1s ,1 pohttnan, probably ''Um·mploycd" ha., a softer sound to n than "out o f work" and polit1c1ans Lry 10 put the best face on everything Even the word "employed" 1s pretentious compared to ju st plmn "working" I t 1 s a b s. o I u t t· I y b e y o n d m v under!'.tond1ng why ." wit h all the comphcah.-cl things like plumb111g that c1v1hzat1<m has ftgurrd out for 1t.•wlf. 11 has lx~n unabl~ to figure out a systt.>m that lt•ts JX-"<>ple work who want to work There 1s St> much work to be done thal 11 doesn't make any sense at all not to h11.ve pcoplt" d6mg it I'm not an economist of anv lund l ban~ly got a passing mark in a freshman l't."01lom1l'S c.11uf"S(• I l•lOk m college. but 1t louk.., tr1 mt· a .. ti llUr C'i.11nom\ has fallen 1nt11 J l tmk b1lw(·en1ru;tn(•s§ and C11\'1·rnn11 nt ;\O 0:\ ~~TART~ o hus1m~ Jnd hires ;, l11t 111 p<« >pit .irltl ri:;k:-a lot of money unlt·s' h1 ho!J''' to g1 t rich For a long t tml' 111 1h1-. 111u n t ry 11 was t'asy fo r l>U'-lt\t''"'" n to l(l'I rtl'h, but then. grttdu.ilh ~t ;di ht·g.m to gt>l sore• We _didn't think 11 wa-. right to have a few vPry. v .. r~ 11t It IJ''ll!Jlt' and m1ll1ons and mtll1mb o f \'t·r ~ poor people. so we s tarwd tn do ~11nwthmg about 1t. We elcctt•d rongrc .. ; .. <;ml•n who passed laws and 1t•gulat1ons that made things tought>r on busmes-.,men and heller for work mg po '<JJ.lle At about the· sanw lime government L'U rbt•d 1Ju~1n<'s~. tt got mto b usiness 1u;df 1-'ohuc.·aan:. W<'re after power the way bu:;inessmen ~t.·re a fter money, so poliuc1ans kept giving us more and more a nd dotng thmgs for us that we used to do for ourselves It gave them control ovrr U!. puwc•r \\'t•ll. "'t•'rl \t'rV fickle About 10 )'l·.11-... ·•).{" we· hl•r<an to get ured of too mu1 h gu\'Nnmc•nt JUSl the way we got llrt'(! 11( too mw h bu<;mess and finally we l'I•-<. tc't.l a 11l'w pn·s1dent who cut down on .111 tht• thtngi. our governmen t was dmng fnr ll" And that's about as much as 1 t'.Jn f1gurl' from what I learned m that fr('shman t'<'OllCll1'1l'l> course Right now ne1th1.•r hll!lmt>SS nor go,·ernment 1s doing mudt for us ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- History • filled with facts about flowers IS Things I L £•arne<I 81<m .;111g 1hr1111>fh "Flowers in History" by f't•tt>r Co.Its That 1 rises ~row tofwt hc-r rn sul'h u tigh t waterproof mass that In som<· p;irt•. of T urkey peasants' shot·ks an· roof1.J with iris. for s helter. no\ for show -That magnolias wc•rr l'Ulllvatt-d for ccnturit"s In China not Cur tlw1r lx.•nlrl v but for lhe suppOSl'Cily nphrod11;ra1· quality of their powdered bark -Tha L popp ie s g r ow o nly o n c ultivotC'd lnnd. 1f land 111 l<•fl unllllrd for I o n~. p opp1e11 w ill d ii.oppcor h y IYlllY HARlll cxhou~tlng the soil on w hich they j(row (To have them In a rornf1l'lrl 1~ 11 sure• -ign of bad farmln8 ) -That in the Bible•, ll'H' ro1w I~ mentlo nl'd only twlct>, 11nd I\ IR dc-biltal>I«.> whether or not the common al\crnone ill ~ant hr, II (Al!tO. "CON d <-r lht" 1111 of the fie ld ' in thv Sermon on lh(' Mount '' consldel'\.'d by BibJlcnl !K'holnl"'I to bl' 11 I o.1uhy t1 .m ... l.1t1un. lur lalt1•" did not i.!111\.\ wild 111 lht• llolv L..md ) Thnt d1..•mat1fo ('an t':JU<>(• n r.1sh and ri-il m.1rk1> un lht• s kin ltt.,llnti for months. wl11t·h wa" llSC'<I b~ prnfr:-.sinnal lwj.(g.tro, in t~c· pao;t to e1<-.1t1• woumb anci thuo, l'X<+il<' c·ompas.,.1on m ;1 lm~ ftlV('r ... Th1H thl' ··Ladv of the· C<mwllras'' 1n the· '"w<•I anti c'1pc·rn fnvorPd tht l"amC'lha 1.,.'<·au:w 1t hns no St't•11t. and 'lhl was allt•rJ?i(' to lhl' odor o f ~c·t•1111•d fh>w1 •1 ... tThC'v rn11d1· lwr cou~h } Tha\ thl' :JtJ,JC't.'llVt· "pink" as .1 m lrn wai. not known a!< latt· os Shukc.,;pt•11rt•'!oo t1ml'. ond 1hn1 tht• (lt)wt>r guv .. 1\.~ rlllllll' to 11 l'Olur. rnttwr than lht• J'('Vt'f'!\C' Thul c-.1momil1• is a m.lSO{'h t~t u pl.ml n 11d thrtvc•i; nn tll trea\ment. 1t at·tuall y ~l •flVi l<> L'l\JOY bcinj( wnlk1'<i uwr (Jo'g lsuirr 1n lfonr,v IV i1:tys of tt. "Thl' mort• h Is trodden on. t lw fast('r 11 ~rClW'I ") 1'h111 thl• <•nlyxt• ... ol tht• l'l\T n•tllon hnv1• ofll'l'I bN.•n uM•d In history 111 t'lll'lc't•nl SC'<'rC't ml'l'>...:1.i1•s, often rom11nl1t . in the Jo'rcm·h R1•v11lutlon. onl' w11s uwd 11\ n fru1th'8.'I f'tfor1 to qov1· 1h1• lift 111 Maril' J\111ou·wttc\ but tht• ml'Sllltj(t• '' .1" ant<'r<'l'ph-tl by tlw guords m lw r <'t•ll, and she w s <'>eecutcd. (You ml~ht 11ay tho l'SCl\fX' plt>t wns nlppc.-d in tlw bud ) Th t In Gerrna.n y t h1• pr 1mro1t• bcaroe th r r umbt•r>1om <' nm<' 11( Sdtu,,.l'f/•/111111 I k1" l lu\\ 1·r") for its ,up111.N·d ;ilt1litv 111 B.1v.1n.m 11').tl'nd lo 11tJ1'l1 ln•,1,U1t• l'ht•:-.1" Th.11 th1· D11 11'11 pa111tt·1 Hac ht•I Hu'" h p.111111 d 1111\\l 1' \\'llh SU<'h 111 flnt It ( ;11 1 .111d pl I' l\IUI\ I h.11 11 took ht·r '""''" ~1·,1r-. 111 produl't· '"" p1t·tu1-es. !'hat v111l1•1:-h.1v 1• ht~n ust'CI &.s a l'llllW ... llbl1• and .1 d1 u~ 11111n• than Co r fl11rnl dt-i rna111111 .11' ,, lwnd.1dw n •mC'dy, t1 l11-c,111v1· (11r rhild1111 ~1 eurc-for the .1f.tllt· .irid lhl' "f11•111 h pox.' as '"<'II 3" in tlw m.1k111w 11( "'lad-. .1nd slwrbc.•ts and 1n.111v 1111th't·t1011.1111·-. lilOOMY GUS Wh.1t will !"~•pit• "'tth ado1111w habita do 111 1 JM' 11r .1 1111turt1I 111 man-mado d 1"111,tl'r wn ha 1\11111\<;'l FREl:: & CLEAi\ o ....... ~ <•"""•"'• ., ........ ," .. IJt ~ -.. -""-•n•Nlf loil ... I ,,.. •••••el IM,.._.__ ~ ·-... ......... o-.. c..... 0••'• 1'•1•1 ' Orungo Co111 DAILY PIL O f /Monday, Oc1ob1tr 18, 1982 ,\ 1 •ANN LANDERS -- •HOROSCOPE •ERMA BOMBECK Who's real, the • man ID kilts or the poodle? !>EAR ANN LANDERS. That letter frv1n "No Double Swndttrd in Vermont'' wwi as phony as u $7 bill. ln h is letter suggc11ting that men :should wt·m· 11klrt.s, he says, "ln Scotland. whc>rl' l Wll8 horn and rul11ed, we all enjoyed tht> family ge t·togethers w here the men wort> kilts I ulso pltlYl'd in n m arch ing band when· kills wt•rc port oC tlw uniforms." • Ir that person w2~ rt•ully frvm St•otland hl• would know thnt the plural llf kilt 1s kilt. No ''s" ot the end. If hf''S from s('Ollund. I um a Fn·1H'h poodle! You'Vt' been had , ArH111• I DAHO READER DEAR READER: If you're from Gla.sgow, it must be Glasgow, Ky. A ccording to We b s t e r 's T h i rd New lnternatlonal Unabridged Dictionary and Mode rn American Usage by Wilson Fullett, the plura l of kilt is kilts . Plea se write again. It's not every day I bear from a Frenc h poodle. DEAR ANN LANDERS: l am cndosing a QUffllf By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach f ~~ .. -. ;,... . ..... -""· '":,• IC>l9 ~M..X.z_--d,_, ..... "'"' ll""V •Jo,.~ .. ~ ""' "''.,,, .,,,_. ·-~ ''Fr~r:ik l y. I hav~· no op1 n11.m about the creep." Slow down, Gentini told l'OIUnlll t h~:iVl' l'Ul'l'll.U w·ound rur ~o r11uny YNll.,.. 1 nt'l'tl u m·w <.'Opy Tht'lk.• two ll1tl<'l'S pt1t·k o wullup. l'h:•u s~" Ann. 1>luy 't>m llj(Ulll Mrs ~ R , UNIONDALE, NY DE AR MrlS. K il.: Ghad tu ubllgc. llcrc Ibey are: DEAR JAC K: For what 11ee m11 like tbe millionth time I walked Into the house lonlght a nd you are no t here. You aren't out fouling uround. You are at work on the night shift. I never wanted you to take that shift and we argued abuul It. You thoufbl It was wurth the extra moner.-I told yuu I dido t care about the muncy, tha t Id rather have a normal family llfe . But I lost the ba ttle. O ur children art> sick of hearing m e say, "Shh -your fa the r is asleep." They can't bring their friends home afler school, nor can they practice the piano. I can't have a table of bridge or the garden c lub meeting here. You need your rest. The years slip away so rapidly. We. seem to be growing further apart. Then there's this matter of ~AllN UNDllS ~---- your beulth. I look at you and sec a tired, middle· aged man who needs rugular buu n. regular m eals and a regular routine. I realli e you ate doing whut you think 111 bcsl for m e and the children, but you'rt- wrong. WJll you please reconsider? I love you. - YO UR WIFE Here's the second le tter which I malled last night -10 years later. DEAR JACK: Wh en the judge said, "Divorce grant~d." you vaguely resem&led a man I used lu know -but you looked a bout 30 years olde r. There is no r olnt in going Into the whys and wherefores, bul now wonder , if you could have gazed into a crys tal ball and seen wha t the future held, would you have dune thing• dlffc:rently't Our children view you as a »lraoger -you mlntid out on a ll the fun when they were growing up. The few guud friends we had dropped us along the way. We rould never seem to get together. So now our marriage I• over and we mutt both make new liv(!!ll for ourselves. Had It been another wuman I wuuld have felt be tte r , but It was something far more l111ldlou•. It WH tbe nl&ht iiblft. Goodbye and good luc k. -YOUR EX-WIFE DEAR FRIEND: I print them for tbe value they have for others who m ight be atrugglln& with the sam e problem . Perhaps someone, somewhere, will learn from ft. /)1s<'ovt•r how tn ·be datt• ba1t wJrliour llJl/1ng l11wk , /1111• 1111</ s111k1)1'. Ann L anders' boaklt>t , "IJLJting Do':. and Don'1.~." will help you Ix• more 1x.>1sc·d 11nd sur<' of your~<·lf on dates. Send 50 t•en!S uln11g with a long, stamJX'd, self-addrt'ssed envelopt• wllh ytJur rc-'<JUt.'Sl w Ann Landers, P.O. Box I 1995, Chil'agu. Ill t1q611 There's a madness • Ill had hacks For years. l'v t• btc-t'n St:arelung rut that 0 11(' l'ommon denominator that wuulJ bring thC' J.>t'Uplc of this nallun tvgethl'I'. SOIOt.' Ul11Vt'rsal lOJ>ll' or c1Jrwersation that would unitt· C'Vt'ryorw 111 a umr1t'd qut•st for lht' truth l'vt' found ll. A cure for a bad bat•k. Everyone in tht• world has a bad bat·k. hacJ a bad back 10 years ago. LS going to have a bad back knew someon e personally with a bad back. or took a person with a baa back to lunch once. NONE OF THEM ARE HAPPY people . They gather around punch bowls and gas pumps and open a conversation with. "Can you remember where you were and what you were doing the day your back went out?" Back sufforers are on a first-number and namC' basts with all th(' Vt'rtebrac of their spinal column They also shar<.• anoth<.•r bit of wisdom. They can cure. you 1r you l'a11 stand th<' pain of lislC'ning to thl' treatment Hang from a towel bar by your feet cind run the showe r, inhaling as mueh stt·am as your lungs can stand. Q.1-Both vulnerable. as South you hold: •A7 '?KQ1063 v AK83 +KS The h1dding has proceeded: flMA BOMBfCK AT WIT'S END lmport 12 Korean aerobit'S i~·trut·tors to d a111·t• on your spine . Sleep in a cradle in a retal p.1s1 11 With r-teddy bear between both knC'cs. S leep on a vibrating bed uf H1v1·r H11t·k. L ive on a diet of St.'awct•J, k1•lp. raw fi sh and a vitamin supplemt'nt. Havt' a member or your family sneak up behind you and u~ the He1mlkh maneuv(•r on you whc·n you least expect 1l (H uve a good lawyer lx•fore you try this on1· J SOMEONE WILL INVARIABLY rec:omm<'nd a d1x:lor he swurl' by who pluc·ked him {rom year~ of GOif N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF pain by t·unng him w11h only ont• v1s1t. This doctor alwayi:. passt•d tlli two yl'ars ago. Ahh<iugh :-.ome ur the stories are 40 or 50 years vld , b<1l·k suffrrers n'<:ount thC'm with the viv1dnc-ss und detail or yestt>n.lay ··1 was driving down Route 66, gumg at about 55 miles a chp, whe n a bit of pulil·n about as big as the tip of my small fingernail caught m my ·IH1se 1 rcmt•mber looking over a t Carl. you remembt·r Carl. our basset hound, who had his head out of the au· vent, and I sneezed. Right thf•n, I knt•w my b~ck went out. Florence grabbed the Whl•C•l. and SUmC>hOW W C pulled ofr the road " &d backs WC'rE.' invented 200 years before fire and have somehow managed to elude the instant l'ures of scient·e ror several thousand years. I suppost• 1t should be uf some l'omfort that we can still rnunt on th('m to rc·pn-sent not only a challenge to the mcd1cal t•ommumty but to serve as a social cummunieution throughout the world It should be, but 11 isn't The h1ddl11K ha:. pro1·1•t•dcd We11t North 1::ut South l v l w<1 nv t rumµ. ::\1nft' I;; points is Lhe top of your rangt" bid six no trump . 1 2 +•:J v ? • preemptlvt' Tuesday, October 19 ARIES (Marc h 2 1-April 19): Emphasis on communication. abiUty to express ideas in unique, dynamic, creative.. manne.~~QS.l·M:..~L~ becomes valuable ally Focus on education, spiritual values, transportation and ways of cutting travel expenses. EHt South West North 1 + Obie I + Pui 2 • ? ~a-1 action <fo you iillc? A.-On this bidding. partner ,•un't have mut·h. But then you don't rl'ally net·d much from him to lw ahl\· to rnm pl'lt· nt tht· I hrt•1• It•\ 1·1 . t•s1wcially SIOCI' your king o f l'luhs <1ecms 11.Pll plact>d Lcni,:th rn eitht•r red suit in parlnt>r's hrtnd l!ot1ultl suff1e1'. ~nd ~ht• 11o :1y lo g1•1 h11n lO l11d is l<> douhle again -.mre Ill' h.1, rHJt y1•t :.pok1·11. 1 h1' ct;ou hit·'' Jh" for 1.1k1 .. 1111 somt• otllt'r lt)ad. you m.1.\ bt· St'l. 111 wh1l'h t'.l'l" no game w;1 ~ po~~1hf{', ~•1l~ l hat a JUmp uvt•rt•all tn lhrt·e no trumv dn1·!> n11t 1n' 11 .. p11r1 nt·r in1n th•· aurtwn ht• ,..hould rdrain Im m b1dd1n~ l:VCn wi[h a lon~ SUit an 3 weak hand. Q.3-~('ii her v11l11t"rahli•. as ~oul h you hold What ,11•11on <ln you 111k1•.' A.-At this vuln1·ralnl1t\, you Jn· 1•1·r1 ainl) i,:111111o{ to -..rrfirln 111 fnur !Spal'lr. ..,ho uld 1 h1· .. ppnnrnt;, gl'l Io lnur ht-.trt .. ll11t you may a~ 11o1•1l !»Ulo(Kt"'l ,1 <ldl'n~•· lo part m•r 1•n rnl•l" f11d (our o·lu h.., un lh1• 11.,t\ lo fuur ,p;11lt·'· 11 t h1• opp•Jn1·n1s 1''' lo I he II\" 11•\'1•1, pa""· With ,1 1•luh l1o;1d . you n111ld t'asil) ddl•at ,1ny rontra1•t al I hat It•' Pl Q.6-tto1h vulnerable. South hold: +8742 '964 ) A872 +A6 fJ11rtnt"'r <tftt-n., th b1dd111g- w11 h ont• h1•ar1 Wh;11 do you r1•spnncl'' A. -Tht·rl' 1,, a I Pmptat1on lO r1·spnnd «1n(' no tr ump .rnur h..inJ '' h,dan1•rd, you r 'f111d1· -.1111 1' "t:11k and you hu\1· 11n l) t hrn <"ard wppurt l11r h1 .. 1n ' llut vuur hand j, r.-alh 'oUlt llflt.'Oll'd bt•f':IUSt' \1111 hold I"<> an·s. a ruffinK valul' and :.canl 1nt1·r 11ll'd1:tll'' Wt• hd11·vr }1111 :irt lo·5~ l1k1·ly l u r111l1l' l.fJ Krit•f ,111<1 mon· l1kl'h 10 r••:n·h your tw-.1 1•on1r~w1 tf )OU t•lt•t'l l11 r.n,t· t•1t 1111 ht•arls . "··-., .... TAURUS (A-pnl 20-May 20). Gift purchase may be necessary to soothe ruffled reelings. Be diplomatic, make intelligent concessions. Emphasis on other people's money, credit ratings and interest ra tes. F ocus also on security , home and basic domestic adjustment. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Lie low, go slow, define tenns and play waiting game. You are not seeing picture in its entirety. Keep maJOr goal in sight . Someone may be trying to sell you proverbial bill of goods. Check for loopholes m any written agreement. CANCER (June .21 -July 22). Analyze factual data. What you ~ may be more valuable than originally anticipated. You'll obtain needed cooperation from individual who controls funds. One who relies upon your Judgment will express appreciation . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Finish what you start -many persons are watching, listening and ready to become vocife r o us s upporters. P e rsonal magnetism soars. members of opposite sex comment on your charisma, you make changes which provide opportunity for greater reward VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Breakthrough indicated; negotiations which had been bogged down will be reactivated. Focus on property rights. long-standing transactions. Red tape faUs away. you'll have chance to exercise greater Independence of thought. action. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Confusion exists in connection with direction, messages, test results. Go to source. be versatile and display humor. Hunch pays off, relative in transit calls with needed Informa tion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Element of luck rides with you . Puu.le pie<:es falJ into place. You press right buttons and additional funds are on way. Popularity increases, you 'll be asked to make special speaking appearance. SAG ITTARIUS (Nov 22 -Dec. 2 1): Q.2-A-. :-iuulh. \Ulnn ,1hl1· VflU hold : ·+K6 J k7 AKQJ I054 +A 'our r1Kh4' hand t1Jl1'V01•n1 open~ th•· hiddin>-: with •>Ill' .,padt" Whnl ;11·11on do vou tal. l·: A.-Wt• think lh.11 thrr1• nri trump 1~ a n •,1"•n.ihl1• l(am ble . Evt•n it partnt•r '"··om plt'l1·ly hrokto. a ~p;IUl' lt'.10 1>hr•uld iri v1· ynu an rxn•llt•nt r han1•1• to run ninl' trirk!». On + A652 · AQl073 7 + KQ5 Tht• lw:td1n~ h.1, prrn·eeded: South West Nor th [a11t I ' Pa1111 2 (, Pass '? V. hat do vou hul now·• A. -F'irsl. you did well not to open one spade -the suit is too weak .i.nd the hearts loo strong to hid 1n an unnatural way. Bul you arr not .litrnng enough lo rcv1•rst• 0011. with two spa dee; )' ou !>houl.J '>Imp ly rd1id two heart ~. Ir part n(•r h11s a spad1• \Ull, ht• <'an 1ntrorhirt II intn th•· aurt1un ,lt hi' n•·>.t turn. Anrl rlc.n'1 rdmJ no trum11 11o 1t h Jn 11n halann.-d hand Q.4 -~;11,t Wt•:.I vulnt•rahl•'. a:. South you hold: + 8652 952 · 9144 +AK :1 Q.5 -l!olh vul111•rahlt'. a' ;o;outh ) 1rn hold: + K 5 KJ96 AJll3 • K 97 Thi• h11ld111K ha~ pron •t•dt•d '.'iorth 1-:ut South \\'e!Jl I + l'ai.11 2 '\'1' Pur. 4 'i'J' Pa'>i. ? \\hat Jl'llttO rl11 )H \J l,tk1··• A .-f1r~I. 11 )llU think that pa rt n1•r '" ,1,kinK lor at't''· ma) I rl't'11rnnll'nd unl· of our honk~ nn h1dding 1'11rl nl'r 1,, ni,1k1n11. .1 4111,1nuL1ti' r· rnl!>•' in no lfllllll• 111· h .1-.kini.: you to 1>1.J .1 ,l,1111 ti vou an• nw " 1m um lur .Yll ll r Jlllfll• rt'Spon'•' H()w do you choost' thl' be11t opt'ning lead? ('harles (;oren has the answer . For a ropy of "Winning Opening l.eadi.," send Sl.85 t o "Goren·Leads." care of this newspaper, P .0 . Box 259, ~orwood . :-1.J . 07648. Make cherks payabll" lo ~e ws· papcrbook~. 'Time's a. was tin' I or acne cure DEAR OR. ST E INCROHN : I have three cblldreo. I suppose I should be thankful that only one suffers from acne. My 19-year-old son and 17-year-old daughte r have fine complexions. Rarely bave tbey ever bad a 'fimple. But m y 15-year-old son bas a face full o blackheads and pimples. Hl1 acne bas made a change in bis Ufe. He is withdrawn. He comes s traight bome from school and practically bides in bis room. My other two children try to be sympa thetic, but this only makes U worse wbea be looks upon their c lear, pimple· free faces. We have been trying to get blm to our doctor, but be won't even agree to that. "Doctors can't he lp pimples," be says. Meanwhile. Is there anythin~ we can do to help? He !lpends much of bis lime an tbe bathroom, looking into the mirror, squeezing blackheads and applying bot towels. -MRS. Y DEAR MRS. Y .. First things first. KL'<!p trying to persuade him t-0 see your doctor. Perhaps it was true that years ago doctors m uldn't do much more for acne patients than offer them the nebulous encouragement that "they'll go ;!way m time." But now, we have methods that arl' mere successful in managing acne: anlibiot(cs, special soaps. artificial sunlight, ct(• Anot h e r con sideratio n is 13-CIS -Retinok acid. T rou1 HfAlrH DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN frequent checkups. Why borrow trouble, sbe says. What do you advise? -MRS. G. Circumstances take sudden turn in your favor. -1--------------------....., Move rapidly. get rid of old-fashioned procedures, Meanwhile, whnt to do? Try to keep him from overtreating him.self. EXt.'t.>SSive use of hot towels, irritating ointments, and daily use of hard prC'SSure on blackheads a nd pimples on ly aggravates the condition. IC his face is oily. fi nd a soap, u.'«"d only twice dally. to remove cxces,., oil. Being out In the sunlight helpei. (In wln:cr, an ultraviolet lam p properly used.) DEAR MRS G .. Jt's not so much what I advise as what expenenc'ed gyne<:ologists and obste tricians advise Your daughter should be agreeable to about a~d oien visits during a n ormal pregnancy Obstetricians tell me a woman should see her doctor every month for the first seven months. Then every two weeks until th e 36th wet•k, and once a week until de livery. ln spilt' o( wha t your daughte r beHeves. pren{ltal care CJ\ll prevent complkations in both mother and child. bring files up-t o-date . Wea r b right colors, emphasize freedom and arrange to make as many pel"llOnal appearances as poMible. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·Jan. 19)! Answers are found be h ind scenes -be ana'lytical, reject · superflc!Al explanations. Someone may want you tO participate in nefarious scheme . Turn thumb11 down. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18): Your sales ability soars -popularity Increases and you aucceaafully utlllze abilit y to win friends and Influence people. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 2-0): individual who makes promJ.le8 may be alnoore but mlalnfonned. Know it, protect your own lnt.crC'sts and avoid tendency toward• 1elf·decepdon. Yo u 'll be ln contact with one who la d~lc. direct and a promoter. ·~ 1, ··par SHOTS 1 ~y ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT 0.-.,..~ ONE WAY "TO MAKE A e>IG MISTAKE tS TO START BY PU'l"TING MANY SMALL- Mt9TAK£S TOGETHER. ·==:re:-= e=: tr- There stlll nre conflicting opinions Jbout the nC<.'d for restrictions in diet. But 1t won't harm to delete greuy foods. nuta, <'hocolatc und sweet drinks. Howev<'r, as I sugg sled e1,1rllt"r, M rs . Y .. "lime's & wostm' .'' If you c~n per!luade you r youngatt r to visit your doctor for a course of tatracycltnc or other antibiotics. and later on the now 13·CIS-Rellnoic acid trcatment tha t is being studied. he will be a happier younptcr Too many teen·agers suffer unn~rily. DEAR DR. ST.SINCROHN: My daulbter Is pregnant wllb Iler first baby. Sbe 1blak1 It's unneces11ry to go to ber doctor 10 often for FOR MRS . W.: Undeniably true: aome people hve mto their 80s allhough they've been !lMOklng most of their lives. They are the e>eceptiona. Most of us. sensitive to the e ffects of tobacco, aren't so fortunate . If we puff on only a cigarette or two. our blood pressure rises. our heart speeds up -. even tht' Akfn temperature drops in hands and feet, and the bronchiat tubes become irritated. Think of how a pack or two daily aUttt th• he.n and lungs. Ur. S tcincrohn wclc0mcs reader m•ll bu& ii sorry he C'Annor nnswcr pcrson•lly. L.ert~rs of wf<ksr inl(:~!t will be aruwcred Jn hS. e<>lumn. ~nd your quesrJom ro him. In catt of th~ D1uly Pilot, P.O. Box 1$60. CGWtt Meu. ~/If. 92626. •' \ f "' Or•nge Coa1l DAILY PILOT/Mond•y, October 18, 198' Tylenol faces long road to vindication By MICHAEL 8EZOE K thl• aub11ld1u y 1hu1 mukt•11 'l'ylt•11t1l, '1-..Clt '('llvc• ut tlw 1•ur11•11t 111tu11t11m ," th11 1•.1q wrl11 11rt· lt•Hti 11 u r r uboul "11•••tellll ~ WtH• uld lht· bttttll' tu li8Vt' tlw 11111111 111 tu .. · lw 11111J Tylt·nol Ttw drul( 111 the· h•ut.llng NEW BRUN S WI 'K , N J puln r1•l11•vt'1' wall~· wut(t'(I wtw1tw1 l 't.11·"'1 would nut 11p1 "·ulult• 0 11 tlw p rud m ·t um onl( 1io Johruwn und J ohnaon & J ohnson t'Xt't'Ull vea any ur not u11t. .. ta a rv nmdt• d11lln 1 111111' 111 J11 t11111u11 & Juh nrmn, Julm11C111 Huh1ddlurwic, but U<.'\'OUllt.111 for tht>y would llkt• to b••tiln in earnt'llt He aaad tht· ..tfurt m volv•·H hoth whu:h h ud 111.1h•t; •lf $!'><I l111l1on 111 11)11 1, 1111ly 11buut 7 J>t·rt~nt ~( c.vtnpliny 11Ulc11. the task of r •hub11itating Ty hmol'11 Tylenol the: nauon'• h4·wt ai•llllll( hlll 11111d th1• h rm c·xpc'(:lai w 11-.•I thl· Tht• p rodul·t'11 ch1<.•I ll&llt'IAI, 1tnuly11ta l ood nMmt•, but the c hore w ill l>t' ovf'r-tht't.'ounter paln·rt•lu .. vc•r until ampul"I of lh\• p11l1wn1ng11 thr·uugh s u l d , w e r e lh l' fa ct thut n o diftk'ult unul the poiaonings of it'Vf.'n two Wt>l'kli ago 1111d Joh11111111 & um:! munufu<.·turn l'rror WUJC lndlculL"'Cl In peoplt> are rl.'liOlved. Johnson, bct'llUllt' "tl1t•re 111 11 dt•IJr A 11a J y11 l1t h 11 V\' ''" tlrf\IHl•d I UK 1 Uw dl·llth11, 11nd tht• !01 thright way "What we nt.-ed ls u fast arrl'Sl," numbe r o f ~·01111umcaa whu now Tyll•1\UI llU.llt.'11 at aboul $400 mllhun, Johrau n & J o hnson excc·ut1 ves uld l..awrence Foster, Vl(-e prn ldent adentHy J ohnson & JohrllliCm as thi· rm· u :l7 J)l•rc.~·nt 1thiart> of th(• analge!lll' n•ur tt'tl t-0 lhl' poisonings. Anothf'r for pubJic re lations for the Ne w -mukerofTylt>nolalongwithMt·Nc.·11 " lllJrkt.•t mon • thun Ann<.·ln. &yt·r pl us, ex p e rt11 s uy , Is cons ume r Brunawlck-bruk>d health cure giant Chiesa tuud lw would not dt'tail usp irt1i, Buf forin and ~;xt·i·IJrln c·onfa den cl' In tht· compa n y a n d Johnson & Johnson officials say plans for the rehabilitation effo rt, l'Ornbilwd. Sales of Tyll'nol, which Tyle nol's previous popularity. they've done everything J>OllSible to h h d Id b "On tul rHi th<> a"pa'r i n "UIJ"ttlU ll' Suvport for Johnson & J uhnson pedi th f h except t at t c• 'pro uct wou t• ' " " • " h r h ed •x te e capture o w oever put d ut<t•t:.eminophen, h uvt• doubled l>tnl't' as com"' rom sut: van ~>Ul'Ct>t> as cyanide in F.xtra-:Strength Tylenol ma e with ne w tampe r·r<'sasta nt 1976. ana l ysts, g overnment off1c 10 ls , capsules, k1lllng seven people in the paC'kat'g a nd the na me T ylt•nol competitors and even the New Jensey C h icago a rea. And they've a lso would retained. Nt•il S w eig. 11 ht:ullh prudU<:ts Coun~·ll of Churches. And the 1.200 worked hard to help consumers. Keeping the name IS a w1St: move•, analyst for S h NHson American em p I 0 ye es al M c· N e I I • 8 For l The company has recalled and said S tephen A. Greyser, a marketmg Exprc.'SS. said the poisc.mm~s ('Ould C."t>St Washington, Pa .. plant offered to eac·h examined millions of Extra-Strength professor a t the Harvard Business the fa rm about $75 m1 ll1on an rw t provide $100 toward a reward for and regular Tylenol capsules, offered School "The cost of relaunching profits whoeve r fi nds tht' t'ulprtt whn a $100,000 reward, set up 8 telephone even though that would be e xpensive H e pre dic t e d the recall a nd tampered with their product. The hotline, cooperated wtth investigators -would be less than startmg a nl'w destruction of capsules would bc offer was politely rejc'<.'ted by Johnson and hired private detecuves. It also brand name." he said. • reflected an a 25 cents per 11hare loss an & J ohnson. has offered cash refunds or tablet Chiesaalsosaidthecompany hasno the th i rd quarte r , and that Prosec uto r s say they bt•lievc exchanges for some 22 million bottles plans to elimin~te Tylenol capsules in re packaging costs would r esult in someone introduced the cyanidt· to the u wtr9'1Mto of T y le nol -offers Johnson & favor of tablet apd liquid forms. imother 15 cenL'> per share loss in the Extra-Stre ngth Tylenol capsules after Mu pie Plain (;o . (Minn.) e mployee J ohnson h as said could cost $79 which are aotill sold. fourth quarter Johnson & John.son they left the manufacturer -making Sandy Motzko is s urrounde d by mail million. New advertising for Tylt•nol will last year earned $2.51 per share. this case unlike others in whwh Joseph Chiesa, president of McNeil "be diffe r e nt than o ur no rma l Swaeg and others said Johnson & producer s have been bla m ed for carts bcuring packages of Tyle nol Consumer s ubsidiary Products Co.. messag es" o f t he p a s t a n d be Joh nson will be able to rebound. but skknL~ or death. c·upsulf>S re lurned b y consumers. Herpes • vaccine studied WAS HINGTON (AP) -Researchers say they bave moved closer t o ; develo ping a vaccine against herpes infections, including genital herpes. by using a virus protein t o trigger natura l defenses against them. In a report published in S ci en ce magazine. scientists say they used genetic manipulation to isolate and produce a herpes virus protein tha t they say could lead to a vas.'(:ine. R e searc h e r s with Molecular Genetics Inc. in Minneapolis said the pro t ei n s t i mul ates production of antibodies against itself that also attack viruses containing the same prote in. While the scientists caution that much more testing is needed before they know if a vaccine is feasible. they te rmed their work "promising." However, any potential huma n u se is years away, they added. Initial t es ts w i th rabbits infected with two types of her pes viruses S"h-o-w t h e protein stimulates neutra lizing antibodies to both, saad the report. But it is not yet known if this antibody reaction can be made powerful enough to kill virus in animals as it does in test tubes, the researchers noted. A vaccine that could prevent or treat herpes infections is the goal or numero us r esearc h groups because there are few effective treatments for the family of herpes infections. Genital h e rp es , primarily cau sed by t ype-2 herpes s implex viruses (HSV-2), is an i n c urable v e nere a l disease afflicting millions of Amer icans. T ype· l Infect ions cause cold sores and a range o f other proble ms. Dr. RogerJ. Watson.a research scientist with the firm, said numerous animal tests mus t be conducted b e fore the development reaches the vaccine stage. Even if alJ an im a l fes t1ng as succe ss ful , human testing probably could not begin for at least thr ee years , h e estimated. The Minneapolis 11nn has signed an agreemenl9 w ith L e derle Laboratories, a division of American Cyanamid Co .• to jointly develop a 'Vaccine. Wal80n said in a t.eleP.~one interview. ' Children's Halloween For fun & pritu Huntin9ton Center ·~ Hofloween heodquQrl•n for the kid1 Pick op schedule & detail$ in moll. Co1tvme porodt Oct. 2.S & 26. Trick or T rtot on the moll Oct. 29 & 9oblin fe1tlvol Oct. 29 & 30. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---!'.__~~~~~~.:..:....:..--=-.:....::..::.:....:.:.~:..:....:...:_~- At Glendale Federal, we have a very speciatfeeling for Newport Beach.We plan to be around to serve you for a long, longtime. So to encourage you to get acquainted, we're offering for a limited time, a free gift. All you do is come in and pick it up. Whether you work in Newport Beach or live here, you'll find Glendale Federal one of the most convenient places to transact your financial business. Come in, get acquainted and get your free gift. Because Glendale Federal •Newport Beach. Get a little Glendale going. You 're going to be all right! Branch Manager: Carol Borzansky (714) 833-3606 . ogo~LENl4LE FE .... _ NEWPORT BEACH: 100 Newport Center Dr. (across from Robinson's) 644-5300 • Monday thru Thursdov 91111 4:30. ~rldOy 9 tlll 6. Saturday 9 till 1. RAL I II With over S8.6 blllloo in assets and more than 165 offices In Florida and Collfornlo. we're ooe of the largest savings and loons In the workil ~~to.woonol.Oan~ - I · 1 THI CDAIT AND THI COUNTY l•llJPllat MONDAY,OCr rn. IUH~ SOCIAL ~EW S COMICS TV LISTINGS Hyun Whi11wy, I l . t•Xdmint•,, llw juwhmw of u h it( crnt.• 1hut got uwuy untl trit.•i. lo imu~im• tlw s luu-k's full i.izc·. Classwork's a cut above By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of IM Dally Piiot Sl•lf Just when you thought 1t was s<.11l• to go bal·k in tht· classroom.... i This time it was thl' :.harks that Wl'rl· u n der attack by ~lemcntary studt-nts at Courregl'S St·hool in F'o untam Valley. The youngsters wC'rl' learning lo dissect some dogfish sh arks during a wee k -long confert•nt·e dt>s1gncd to h(•l 9 teach ers learn h ow tu prt'sent advancl.'d subJl't'l:. to intellectually gifted s tudt·nts Judy Diaz. the Fountain Vallt'Y St'h ool D1s lrn:t's d irector of spc('lal pro.Jl'<.'ll>, said nm~ultant Susan Kovalik showed loca l teache rs that sonw ~tudy a rl.'as traditionally reserved for high school. 1ncluch ng animal disset't1on, t'an Ix' lntroduced sut'\'.essfullv to t•lprrn.•ntury stude nts. Under the instructors' supt·rv1 s1on . tht• stude nts t ut open the preser ved sharks. l'Xam1m•d tnternal organs a nd learned how these watt·1· nl'alun•s t·ompart' to o tht•r animals. The theme o f the w eek 's pro,gram. "Sharks <JOcJ Whales," was carrie d through 1n otht•r areas s uc h ;1s research and group presentations. Participating in the confc•rt•nce Wt'l'l' 50 ll'aehC'1~ who work with gifted ehildren throughout the dis tm:l <.i nd 50 Courregcs students from gradt•s thn'e through sevt•n . 82 BS 86 1\111·1 Vo111u·l{ul 111·11i .... , ..... ''0111111')', ..,, ..... 1,•1·11 .~ong.~ fo,. tlu•ir ."i/JOl'I Sl(Jl'if • ' • • • 8 4. 0 ~ D D•llY Pllol Phol09 bJ P•lrlcll O'~ Sarah P yle and Liz Fry get the feel of dissecting lippe r y flesh . Eric Huseman brave a look a t the intestines. When Sara Ellen Morri1 or Co8ta Mesa turned 100, more 1ho n 00 friend1 turned out and preset;,tted her o lei. I .· ·.· Look, but don't go back :;:: By CAROL MOORE 01 lhe D•llJ Pllol 11•11 Sara Ellen Morris isn't so s ure about this ncw.fanglc•d push for l'ncrgy conservation. "Scc•ms hke we're going backwards," she says. shuddt'ring to Lhmk how far. Morris, who JUSI turnc>d JOO. doc.-sn"t want lo haul wood agmn. thank you. or use> side irons "with met.al handl<'S that burned your hands and heat that SCOl'C'hed your d oth<'S 1f you weren't paying nttt>nt1on ·· ShC''s happy hvmg m the Costa Mesa houSl' her late husband of 53 years Arthur Morris bu1h. in 1926. It's now on Maple StrC'Cl but "when we came here there was nothing but lemon groves and only one house between us and town," she explains. , She was born in "l!:mporia. Kansas. they call it toclny It was only a bunch of grass when my grandfather brought his sons there so they would take no human lives in the C1y1l War." Her childhood memories involve Indians 10 whom doors meant nothing. "They would romc up to the window and pull their blanket.'! up over their heads lo shnde their view into the house." she recalls. "Then they would just t'Ome inside • "When my father would ask them to stny for dinn<'r. lh('y would only sit on tht' floor, never at lht• t.able. But it saved his hfc onet>. A 11tra ngt-tribe was going to scalp him until the Indians h<' hnd l:x>fricndeq said no." Another prn1 rle fright was fires "They could spread clear. to tht> rive r in no time," she says. "We would have to hitch the horses lo the hayraker. load up water buckets, hoes and gunny sacks and try to set a backfire." She met Morris while they w ere boarding at Scat\t.'rgood In W l Branch, Iowa, which <.Ul $30 ror the thr(.'(>-month 9Chool year. Th<')' ex• changed picture pms and when they married, at 18 and 20. she made her white, wool dress with plenty of plea~ and wore a ribbon in her hair. "Ribbons were quite the thing in school. but mother said they were JUSt stylish a nd not needed." Morris says. "One day I ripped one off a paper I found in a drawer and later got such a scoldin~ because it was the deed lo the house." Her eyes still twinkle at t he mention of their engagement. especially the times her fa ther kiddingly salted her Ciance's roffee because ''if you salt a calf. il always comes back." And she n•meml:x>rs how her homesteading grandrather r('('t'1ved a lifetime pass to ride ~ railroads free. a common trade in those days when acreng<' wns taken for track rights-of-way. On o tram trip of her own m the 1920s. In- dians in Arizona came up to the windows and sh ielded their view with blankets again, lpls time searching (or souvenir customers. :: . Her enthusiasm for transportation fades. though, after the automobile. "I've never been on a plane because I can'\ figure where you get out and what you s tand.on if there's trouble m the air:· she says. "Ar\41 l don't want my family to live on the moon be:- cause .,1 won't be able to go by shuttle to vtAt them. · ... Two Ironies of c1vk responsibility sum :\&p her motherhood years. . · •. Whllf' too few people can put World W~.~ Into perspective, Morris can stJU see her hua~ "bounding up the driveway and 11houtlng t~~ the armistice had been signed just days before~ was to be called up." ;:::. Later when the Harbor Atta held an e~~ tlon to build the first high echool. Morrl ad~ "Thn!f! people asked me to vote that day, hl¢i thought that was a man's job. ; .. :· (See MESAN, Pa1e Bl) ··: =r---------------.,....,...--.-...,......,_~·----........ ------~~-~---...-~~ ~ J BS Ornnnu Cot11t l.JAIL 'I' PH Ol /Mnnduy, Ocl ob r Ul, 196" ~, ~ • DD/NQS (;,.11y-ll11 y ko ME AN CELEBRATE A CENTURY .. .: ll~bi,,s- 1';'iJ,,,,,,,,/st>11 q;.. v I d The• II d (I I ,. Hublrui und h111 l>mfe•, th1• ( o rh1 e r Lu u r u J a 11 l' ~~'!iondS()n, are rl'1>1d1ng 1n 'Justin. 'l'twy wcrl' n~icd In St. Jo11t'hin 's L'a~olic Churd1. Cc1:'l11 Meit.'l . Pare n ts of tht' Nc~lyweds ore M r. and Mri. Tht.•odore Robins .Jr. 'of Newport Bea,·h a nd Dr . H ugh A Edrr\ondson and J une 1'~d"1ond so n o r l!:din a. Mi~. .. ·: £: .. H~mi/1011 -.. R;lbb :· ~ne Marie Robb amt Bri&fl Patriek Hamil ton l'X~anged wedding vo~ in· Our Lady Queen o f ;..nie:s Church , Newpo rt Beac h Tht'V a r e:; r es 1 d 1 n g 1 n Lo ·s Anifeles . Halle and Vi ~~in1a R obb or Ne;Vport Beach are parents of' the bride and the i;ridegroom is the son o f la ill and Dolo res Harifilton of Beaverton, Ore:· .· Mrs. Hobins Mrs. H a milton ANNIVERSARIES tlle Baileys cele brate 50th wedding anniversary Virginia and Allen Bailey. 29-year residents of Laguna Beach. t'elebralt'd their 50th wedding ann1v<'rsary at a party 1n tht' United Methodist Church m South Laguna More than 170 family memb..-rs and friends attended th1.• 1.·vcnt hos ted by the celebrants' children, Mrs. Robert Creighton of South Laguna: Mrs. Michael Stoner, Lagun\'.t Beach. and Allen D Bailey of Fremont. The Baileys' grandchildren. Jl•ffrey and Brian Doner. Laura and Lmda Bailey and Susan a nd Ginger Creighton attended the guest book. The following day. family members including Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ruble of Houston, Texas, Mrs Louis Lessard and ~n Lloyd of San Diego. Mr. a nd Mrs. Maurice Bailey of Phoenix. Ariz. and the Albian Baileys from lndepend£'nce. Kansas and Mr and Mrs. S .M. Baill'y from Newark, Del., attended a champagne brunch at Ben Browns. Costa MH>a Golf and Country Club was the setting for thC' 50th Wedding Anniversary party for Chuck and Hazel Haley. res1dt'nts of Costa MC99 srnce 1950. The Haleys were gret>ted by 76 relatives and friends. including seven of their 10 grandchildren. Family member s traveled from a s far as lnd!~apolis, Ind. and Cmdnnau. Ohio. to attend the celebration. Three of the· grandchildren were unable to travel from Indiana for the party. Mr. and Mrs. Haley were married Oct. 2, 1932 in Pendleton, Ind., and resided in Indianapolis until 1950lwhen they moved, with their th ree daughters, to CQ!sta Mesa. Chuck retired from Royal Industries in 1?'75, a nd ma n y of his co-wor kers were 10 attendance. ·! '• · . . • ·: ·: 8 TENNIS LESSONS •2000 Costa Mesa Tennis Club 557-0211 fRESH LOCAL LOBSTER j~ DINNER '8.95 :; Includes choice of soup or salad, :: and potato or rice pilaf. :: A :·,,,,, :; .1 ; Call For ': , Reservations :~~ ~ --fj}J 673-7726 }i1(!tt~~~~~;) IOI •• BAL BOA I. 1.1 ........ ·: ,h11111·•· 1'1111 vl1n l luYko 1111d t i1•11·y K111 I l ;,•tty w'·n · 0111rrll'd 111 SI AmJr,•w'11 l'n•NhyLt•l'l1U1 l 'hul'l'h, Ne•wpol'L 13.•uc 'h Tiu-11t·wlyw1·d1> Ufl• 1t•1t1J111.i 111 l 'ostu M1 1su, whe•r·e• itw1r '\'"' 1·11t1>. M l'l'i Wlno1111 llayk11 u11<t M1 wul Mrs Ho 11·1·1 Harton 1111>11 n "'uh• Web,,,. -B111·li111(/111111 Slwrl Hurl lnKhmn, du ugh tc.-r of Ru th und Georg<' Burhni.:hum nf 1-'on •tsl {;rove" Ore., und llobn t A W<'l:wl', son uf .Ca1'1111•11 and Bob Wdx•r o f L11guna &•11d1 , Wl'rl' m 1u·1·wd durltlj.( u l'1•rt•1uo11y In F'orcst Grove The ru-wlywl•d s will l'l'1mlt• 111 Rt.'<iwood City Buck-Munroe From Page 81 '"l'lw 111.~111· lrnll hy o rw vol;o 11r11f "lff 1lull.l{li11·1 hod tu 11d1· 11 bu11 1111 tlw way 11v1•r l11 Sunt.11 A1111 I c.J('C'ld1.J t•vt•r 111 Lt•1 thut vot1111( ww1 we11111·11':. wurk, too, 1111J 1w1'Yl•d 011 ,.1e,.·111111 buurtls (w yt·urs," T ht' tion. duughtt.•r, 111x g1·undchllcJn:n, 13 ~ rt• u \ g r 11 n d c· h II d I' t.• n . K 1 x u ri • u t H r" a t grurn..lchildn·n untt 76 fm·nd11 who h t•lpt-<I Mur 1·111 1·e·le·bratc: ~wr t.'t'nlt.•nruul mostly comnwnu·J 1.m ht•r t•xp..rt 11u rislng ,.;k1l111 "Sh<' took tot.al c.'hurgt• when ht.·r 01111 tw,. WllS purulyu-d by a Slrokt• Hild k1·pt stowks o f lt•dgors to moultor dad's food IM'l·aulle• tw wal'! d 1ubellt' und eou ldn't take· m11ul111," suy11 Morrr:.'i. duughkr, Dorothy lfoy lc of CoS'tu M•·:-1.t Gl'am.lduughk:r Dorothy Baylti.s udds. "Shi· won't givl' up Neighbors would <.·omt· ill .ill hour"' of lhe night to describe u t'hild's rc•vt•r or ht>Ul>t' hold emergt'ncy a nd lw n •assun·d by her t11lvlce." Morr1 x nod b 1n 11 pprt•,·1u11on and trnc:1·11 twr fortt-to whc-n "phy111ology Willi my fuv111 Ile· i.ub,Jt·t·t 11t !-k111t1•rl(ood ond in gradt.• 11dw11l , 11h e·ad CJ ( K''"K''llphy uncl t•l vll guvc ·1 u11w11 t " Another l11n1etmw OVtX-·:.itum 11; thl' outdoors. S he· r1mK.'d n1b!J11Jc for 'lllh• "Sc1rnl'tlmt'I I hud HO d 1>1.,,.. 1111<.l wwld1·d 11 p1l·k to plunl 11 trt't' wht•11 :.tu-was 110 Mm·n " rc·murn,. .111 fur pro~r c·i..'I. t»«-epl for tnll buildings I luvrng W.Jldit•d .111 thl• d1unru·yx e•xn·pt lwn, for mllt·1> /J10u11d r;iJI durwg tbt• t9:t:l 1•ar thquak1·, slw lhmk1> two floors 1s h igh E'nough a11d "I NUii• w111lld11'1 WUlll tu ltvt· dost' to thOS<.' glui-i. 11ky1>1.H11x•1::; at South ('oust PlaZCJ " Ai. fut ltll' fut11n', Mo111s woult.1 like tu "walk "" fr olw ag;un <.H'rvs. .. th<• µlaans" and lui1x·s twr d1 ·-;1·c·nd:.11t1> "will h<1v1· it <·asi<'r than l'v1· hm.1 " A <.·cremony 1n Community Presbyterian Church, Lagunu Bcat'h, u nite<l In marriage Carol Louise Munroe. daughter of Marit• Munroe of t.aguna Niguel, and Robert Durol BuC"k , son of the· F r a nk Buc k s, also of Laguna Niguc·l. Tht.- nC'wlyweds hnv,• establish ed a home in South Laguna. Focus on final stage at OCC Sakioka-Crane S tephanit> Willard Crane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T h1.'0dore J. Crane of Newport Beach and George Mark Katsumasa S~.kioka, son of Mr. and Mrs. J ohnny K. SakJOka or Santa Ana, exchanged marriage vows a t Community Chu r c h , Congregational in Corona de Mar. Thd newlyweds are residing in Irvine. · A three'-hour workshop. d<.:s1gra·d for JX•rsons who musl l'Opt' with tht· slrrss of lwmg with somt•om• who 1s tcrm111,Jlly 111, will lit• pn·sun w<l a t Orange Coast C11JIL'K<' on l'~ritl1Jy, Oct. 29. Titll'd "The Final Stagl· of L1fo," thl' St·ss11111 will assist such farruly memhl•r,; and frit•11<..b to learn to deal with their innl•r nmflwt~ 111 a supportiv(• group environment. fJ rn. in Hol)rn I 1 'l of OCC's Couns1.•l1ng and Admissions Building, Heg1:.ter 1n OCC's Communi ty SerVll.'l' o rrict-. IOClitt d in the t·ullt•!w's Admm1strat1un Burldrng, 2701 Fairview Hm1d, Cosu. MeS<J. wt•ekc.Jc.1ys from 8 am. to 6 p.111 , and Saturdays frum 8 a m. to noon. The fee is $6 for the session frum f'i::rn.!J.:JO Workshop lcadl'r 1s S hirh:y Lam~rt, an OCC psychology rnstructur a nd lu:ensed marriage and family counselor. For more information, µhone 556-5880. No other newspaper brings you more of your city council, planning commission, school and college districts and county goverhment than the Daily Pilat Start Being The \\bman lbu want to Bel Make th111mon 1our turning point' Call 01 come today 101 a comphmentarr analy111 and prociam d11curnon Cal: 101 tree 1ntormahon ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN & COUNTRY. ORANGE (714) 547-8228 What to do ii you should ever smell natural.gas. ( . (Jf) k11\ ml If yo u've ever had a whiff of natural gas, you know its not French perfum e. But that's one big reason it's so safe. We add the sme ll to natural gas (which is normally odorless) so you can detect eve n the slightest leak. A slight odor near an appliance usually means a pilot light is out But if yo u have any doubts. just call us. If th e smell is strong, open the windows and doors. " / Don't light any match es or tum anything electrical on or off, not eve n th e li ghts . Any elec trical sw itch ~ ~ ·( ,. . co uld cause a spark ~ -- hea ters. They can cause fire, asphyxia- ti on and deadly fumes such as carbon monoxide . If yo u're not sure if yo ur heater is safe, call th e Gas Company. We11 check it And be careful where yo u dig. Gas line~ are und er yo ur property, so call us before you excava te. We1l help yo u find them . ·-' Alert everyone in your home and get out Alert yo ur neighbors nearby. Then , call the Gas Company. (But don't use the phone in your home). If the gas odor is outdoors it could be Please keep these tips in mind . even more serious than a lea k indoors. ~By usin g natural gas safely and So·call us right away. ,. ~ . efficie ntly, you1l be keepi ng Even if you don't smell gas, we hope '\ ~ your gas bill as low as yo u'll keep safety in mind. d possible. Never store any flammable materials And that's nothin g to sniff at. near a gas appliance or your ~meter. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I g~e I COMMNV \ . -. • How's this for a good answer: money. Read our newspaper \ and cash in on advertised values. discount coupons, food news and consumer reports that can save you money every single week . We also save you time. Which is important for busy Women managing a home, children and many other responsibilities. In the market for fun? We cover weekend .enter- tainment and special events around town. trV and 1 movies. Recreation , spo.rts , hobbies, a whole package of interesting news and features to give yolJ a lift\ Whenever · you have the time. So if you've been feeling a little shopworn lately , get some help. Get the paper. What's In It tor you? The answer appears ~n every page of 642-4321 . ---~ 011111~oua1 DAILY PIL '• 01 /MonlJny, Octobo1 18, 1982 B•t Or rigo COttlil DAIL V PILO l /MomJtty, Oc..tobm 18, 108.' Jlonky-tonk record tells woman's • view - 8y JOE EOWARDS A.-lai.ct .-, ... W1t1 .. . N A s Jl v I L L E . 11' I. II II C>nml' 1 luni.on. the 11\1•111oruhlc• rf'dht•ud, M or s hole nt.', 111 tlw moVlt', "Urbun (.'ow bvy.'' ha:. lwr tan t l'\.'C'Ord nu t :And it'll ulJuu l lht• hn11ky tonk lltl'Stylt.• John T ruvolUt l'11juy1-.I m tht• movw. l'Xt'l•pt th1i. 11-from u wmnnn's i:x•rs pt'<.'t1vt• The rt.'l-c:m.J ts "l lo11ky Tonk for Wo m en.'' a h.ir•d l'uft• l'ou11try m usic son M about a "pr,•ssu1 t• cook er." A "prC'SSUl'l' l'OOk l•r " 1s a dub Whert' WOffil'l1 L"Ol1g'.regate d ur ing t ht' d a y a f t l' r ~ e l t an g t h L' I r husba nds uff tu work a nd thL' kids ocr lo Sl'huol ll'i. called a '.'pressurt! cc>0kt'r" bt>caust' the w o m e n can p ut m e a t 1n a pressure cooker. go havt• tht•1r fun and still serve a fine t>Vt•nang m ea l that look s hke at look a day's w o rk m the kitcht.>n "It's a terrific song u ll UL' and traditional l'Ountry song w ith the tradiu onal country sound." H a n son said an a a ·lepho nt' tntcrview from Houston. wht•rt• she lives. "h 's a dant'<' hall kind o( song ." Hanson as tx:.st known as lh<' curvaceous waitress 1.1 "Urba n Cowboy.'' whose key scene was a rendezvous an a trailer with an ex-conv il't who was T ravolta 's rival. " 'Urba n Cowboy' wasn't a singing role for me.'' she said . "Tht· rtlOVll' WUK II t1•rr1t11 b reak fur ml• und now I l'Ull lt•t 11t-.1pl1· know I'm u 11>lll~Pr und I alw.1yic h11v1• hc·t•n ," s tw M11d "l'vt• bt.'(.'ll wurk111u 111\ 1h11> n -."rd for two yt.-.1n •. u11d 11'1> 'u' µ1 1~-.1 a Int ol l)t-.1plt• "1'111 1·0111·1•111 r;1t 1n g 1111 nlV mus1t.· 1 tHltt rww, hut II an1>1 l11·r ll)UVll' t.'Ontl'l> .d ong, I'll l'llllSltl1•1 II " A liuut lht· t1m1· i.lll' 1111tdl· "Urbun Cuw bt,y.'' l1:111~m h,ul .1 role · 111 "H ot W tr't.•" :.tarring Ut'<lrfo(t.' KL·nnt'lly "I was typeq,1sl," sill' s.1111 "I ployed ta v1.•ry loy~· wa1trc•s.." I gut mad somt.•tim c:. bl'l'UllSl' d ow11 th rough t he year:. 1.•ull g1rlis and prostit u tes in the· m11v1l's .1r1• ulways rt'Cllw ads." A na tural n '<.lht'ad , 1>ht• gut th1· part 1n "Urban Cowboy" throut(h an unusaal serit'S ol 1•vt•n L' Sh« was driving 111 I lou'>l•ln um• duy when sht• lll'.ud on 1111• radio that aud111oni. would lwg111 an :.w manutt•s for lll-y1·ar -ul d '> tnll'l'l'Sll•d Ill f'x•111g 111 lht• r110Vll' Sht• hurn cd to thl• aud1t1ons ;ind nolt('NI shl' wa.' olJt•I th.m lht• o thc•rs "I s:ml, ·Huw s1uµ1d I .m a'' and s t a rted t u wal k :it·ross t hl• h ighway to tht· ,·ar· w lwn guyl\ began w hastltng al ml' S o I though t. ·Not bad'. I wt•111 b;wk and fudgt.-cl on my agt.• .. "rwo days latt.·r i.hC' had tht.• part Shl• won't g1vt' lwr ,1!¥-" but sht• has four childn•n. 'The Paper Chase' back on pay TV LOS ANGEL ES (API -"The Pape r Ch ase," t he crallcally acclaimed series dropped by CBS after its first season m 1979, is going back into produC't1on for S h owtime Entert:iinmcnt's pay tele vision sef'.{'tct.' John Housema n. who w on a n Oscar as best supporti11g actor for his role a s K1ngsf1e ld an the mot io n pic tu re. a n d J a m es S te phens will rC'turn an thl'1r roles as K 1ngsf1cld a n d Ha rl T o m F itzsi m m ons . w ho a lso a p pe ared an the series. w al l re turn a s H a rt's fellow law student . F ranklin Ford Ul. Th e series. adapted from the movie. was tele(:ast on CBS in thc· 1978-79 season. and was lat<.·r s e e n o n P B S . B .... r a r e 1 t ~ appearance on publit• td t•v1s1on 1l was h o ped that n1.:w ep1s1>dl''> could be produt-..>d. but 11 rwvt·r came about "T he P aper Chru.c" will bl• thl• first o ne-ho ur d ramdlll· Sl'rtt·:-. produced espN·aa lly for pa y te lev1s1on . s;11d Harris Kattkman. president of T wcnllt.•th Century Fox Television. Although ''Tht Papt•r Chm_. ... a t t r aC'le d a s m <1ll but loval following. 1t never was abl<~ tu m a k e 11 compc l1t1 vely in lht• ratings. CBS cancl•lt•d the show a fter a year. Affair 'pays' ------ for actress l\ur·t Voruw~ut Counl1 .. y 111u called good, sho,.t s tory • lC NASllVILLK Tt•n n (1\P) 1\Uthor Kurt Vvnn egu1 sa ys 1·11l111try musw su11gs ;in• la k1· ;1 good short 1>1tll'y l'lllll'ISL' a11d Wt·ll--.trUl'IUI l'd Wt th Jn 1dt•a h1<'\1ghl It• ,1 cond~11m "ThP alc>~1s ar ... usuull v ;·11111pl1·l 1·," hL· s;11d whili· 111·1·11m pa 11 ~1ng hi s wilt•, .Jill Kn·nw11 t1 .• 1 µhut11g1 apla1.•1 1 11 a:-.s1gnmc·n l h1·r,· fur l'•·oplt• ma~;1z1m• Country lllUSll' songs ctrl' "4Ulll' sal 1sfotl(lry short 'tun 1•!>, .. sauJ Vo n 11 L·~u1 . th~· uuttior uf "SlaughtL•rhuu~· 1''1v<.•" and "(;11d Bit·~ You Mr . Hos<.·wat1·r " "I would tr y .ind 11kt• Aull l>yla11, for lll!.lant•t', <'Xl'l 'f>I J'n1 too lilt r<.1ry.'' he s~ud ··111· will h:1Vl' ont• t•x plos1vt• s 1•111 1·111·1· nH11plet1·ly unsupp11rt1·J bv all thl· olhL•r sL·n ten<:l'l> .1ruund . .,u you JU"l h.JVl' lo """' (111 II Ill tt1ml' up agaan and !o\.1v '\\'ow' That's right'.'' Countrv music. lw ... 11d ···~ mu< h more c-arc·fullv 111.1d t• Thl·rt· :in• supporting ai gu11lL'lll1> th<:l build up l hat ahs11lut1•ly unUL·rl1m• thl' l'horus .. incl nlilkt.· 11 tnt•Vltablt•" ti t• s a id his 11wn favo11t1· l'OU ntr y su n g 1s K r i s K rasto ffe r so n 's "Sundav Morning C-0m1ng Down " · HO LLYWOOD (AP) -K a thleen "Koo" Stark 1s more valuable to produ <..--ers now that she's had a m u ch -p ublicized Car ibbean fling with P r ince Andrew of Great Britain , her father says. llllA IUWP'OllT HACN OllANGE WUTM111$T(R Wilbur S tark. himself a producer credited with "'J'he Thing" and "Cat People.'' said he knows of ~veral offers for his daughter since sh e left for the is.land of M ustique wi\h the pr ince. . ''T h e r e h ave Been c a lls fro m a g e n t s. mentioning specific pictures.'' Stark said. "I can't give you any specific information." He noted that producers w ould naturally be more interested in her a fter the news surro unding her name . The British press has had a £lurr y of headUnes since she left, characterizing Stark as a "sof t porn" actr':55 and saying the queen has been outraged by the trip. "Anyone looking at it objectively an d knowing tbe e ntertain me nt industry has to assume that any tremendous pubhcity, as she's getting a ll over the world, and n otoriety -w h atever you call it -has to ma ke her more valuable," he said . Star k . 25 . s p e nt eigh t d ays with the 22-year-old p rince a t the h om e of h is aunt, Princess Margaret . o n the island o f Mu s tique be fore reportedly leaving in tears last Tuesday and flymg with two friends to nearby S t. Lucia to cat.ch a Oight to Miami. "I don't know if th e relationsrup has ended.'' ~r father said. "I don't know w ha t happened." • Prince And r e w . 22. l e ft s h o rtly a fle r - ~ard. The cou ple origina lly planned to vacation tC?fJelher until Saturday, but Buckingh am palace siud the prince , seco nd o ldest son of Queen Ellizabeth n. made an "entirely personal'' decision to c urtail the headline -mak in g holiday w ith the aCtress w ho has appeared nude in films. Suit ag8inst 'Dukes' stays SAN FRANC ISCO (AP) -The C alifornia S upreme Court has refused to throw out a Warner Brew. lnc. suit seeking $45 million Crom two Conne r s \an of,he Dukes of Haz..zard television show . The action , a countercla im to a suit Clled by atara T hom as W o pat a nd Jo hn R. S c hneid er , charges they faUed to tum up for the start of the t982·83 .euon In June. The court, In an order pfocet8ed last week, de nied w ithout commen t the "1ton' request to disml.IS the actk>n. The two stan filed suit In May. claiming they ·:ere beln1 "d e frauded out of 11ub1 ta nlla l ~andlllng royalties" 1temmin g from the TV lilliia. They claimed Warne r Bros. had breached ~lr contract and that oxcwie<f tht'm from havlng t.a ap~ for \he eeuon'a 1iart. :~ TM following month, Warne r Brot. flied a d6unterclalm, aJJeglnc the act.on had b~hed thelr cf1_tnct. The tult asked for .. ~ mUllon demaget a(lld threatened to 9l"ek an lnjunction barring the ~ (rom workhll fM anyone eble. ' .: The actor• then p t UUoned to have the ~ ~. 'J"My dalmed the threat of ~ ~ latinUdlted others from htrtna them ~ ~ted them from eem.Jn1 income. . . j -. ... • Mil!n 8'•.1 Pl.ttA !o .. a o ~'"Pll'' l.,.;••r4 C"'f'Onrlt' l>J<OI' .. .,.., )9 ~'9 nJ'I 6•• 0160 MISSICHI YIJ.JO £d°*.i'0' V.itfO '""' &JO 6990 bJ• 2\~] °'" 8~1 )b9l WUTMllllSTlR ta .. ,l!O C~m, W• t ~9t l9l~ .. ~JHE CRITI CS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM ,;,. "SIDE-SPLITIINGLY FUNNY!" -........ IYMCHCATID nLM ClllTIC PU ll TOH UA Moves [Owi!Os ~leDK~ 990 4022 ~81 5880 COili MUl [dwardS Soutl> Coist Pl.ua 546 ?11 I IN•ll..CTOI BUCH OllAHI E clwi!Os HunttnQtOI' C·rem~ Ctnt<lomt 8480388 6~•?5~3 lA MABRA AMC f ~~Mn 5Qu~•tt i>91 ObJ3 LUXUltY THEATRES 1st TM Matitttt Showl~oOte\YS2jgUnlcu0tlltr•iwlllettd s t113GU•r•Ii,Jl6l614 2553/~~. J s FOR FUnl EXCITEffiEOTI V111tOvr ... ARCADE of GAMES• ·;:.~i:~·.· THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN * m ~:: ~:f.ii::.•,,., Orn, .. ln• 01Mn 111& WHllnttflH/1 00 W•lltlldt Cltlldre11 u.flr lZ Frtt U.ltu Mtttd Best Of the worst Bes l of awfu l rnovit•s st•t•n in au·w Pararnounl n •l•«t..,(· 1101.LYW<XJD tAI'' H1..•n\c111l>t-1 "Att.u1 k ol lh1• .•O 1"11111 W111111111 '"' "1''1n·m uidl'nli o t Ulllt•1' 8p.111· ·• '"1'111' l11l·n -.111i1t· Mt·ll•nu M1111 "'' Y 1111 dun 1'' w ,.11, y11u huvc tlw l'lwm~· t11 M't.' 1lw111 .1lo11~t with 10:1 11th1·r 1nonunw11L' 111 11111v1l· Ii( hlil( k II\ l'.11 Jll)UUlll l'wlun"-i IH'W rl'll'llSI', "II t'.11111· 1-'rurn I lullywi1t1d " "Y111 1 1111ght ('Ull 11 "l'h l· O tht•r S tdt• uf "Th~1l 0!i 1-:11l1 •11.a11111w11t" ' "1mv'> M11k•ol111 LL ... 1, L'll d11·1 ... ·t11r uf tin 111111 ·•s1111· llll'iw film' a11• .1mong tht· 111111\I 11d11 u l11w •. 111d .1hsunl 1·v1·1 m adt· Bui lht•r,. 1:-. gcio<l lJ,1d .111tl t lw1t• l!t lJud had Tlw 111ov11·., w1· w)l'\.'kd ...,,.,,. ~ood !Jud gt.•111!t uf l1l111mak111K that sh1111ld lw 1m·M·rv1·d " Srn1wh11w P ur.1mou111 ){Ill tlw 11 ll•a o f mak111g ti tull IL•11gth l'u111ptla11011 111 tl11 · hc·'>l of ;_aw ful n111v1t.:s ThL• studio l•nhi.h•d Mull-ultn Lt•o and Andn·w Solt, youthful t·xpt•rts an the art 11f making something big 1111t of h lll1· µ1t't'1·s Among their pruduNiun. "T his is Elvis," "ll1•ro1·~ of Ro<.'k 'n' Hull" and "Bob 1 lop<•'s Ovt.•1 .,1·.1~ Cl11'1i-l111:.1~ ToU1'1>" . V..'t· It.id lu rt•VWW ·IOO llhlVll'"i to l111d what Wt' 111t.t.h-d. "''d l,1·11 "N;11urullv. Andy .oml I t·uul<ln't "'" tlt1·111 ,,11 Wt· h:a v1· .111 t•xt•;•ll1·111 stal f tu lwlp U1>" Soll, 1>11111 111 Lo11d1111 but ru1s1·d 111 South Atr tl'a ;111d .1 gr;1dualt.· of UCLA, ud<lt•d "0nl't' wt.• h:1d s1•1•11 the ftl111i-, ll11·y sta r tt•d to fall 111t11 suh.)t'(.'t t .1lq .(11n1•!>1 ~unlla1>, 111us1l·ttl nll'm.•:n1·:.. tr\111hh-d lt'l'll agl'I '>, ,1lll'lll\ f1 om 11Utl'r :-.pat.'t' l '11111t•mporary t·o1111cs wc•n • l'hosen to mtru<lul'C tlw -.q~nwnL->. 111dudmg Dan Ayk royd. Chct.'t'h and C'h11ng, Gild~1 H.1d1wr and Juh n Candy u f "SCTV " "'l'h1·1;· all1lud1•s dt•tt.•rm1n L'll the sub.)l'l't 11\allt•r £111 1lw111 111 du.' -.aid Lt.·o "G1ldiJ wanll'd to do :-.clfllL'thang phy'>lu1I, ~1 -.he wa:. a nal urn~ for 1111 · g11rt Ila SC'Cl lllll "Wt• h:1vt• a s1·g1111·nt un 'brain' mov1l':. ''l'lw Evil Bruin F 111111 Outl'r Spal't•.' 'Tht' Bram That Wo uldn't I >1l•.' l'tl' Ay k1 uyd n ·spondt•d tu that ll 1) llll 'll 1:.1 h: t .v .. ·· Hl't'll'r M.1d1tl•s:-." and rl'lalcd ftlrn:, w,·n• n,1turals for Chi.'l·(•h .ind Chong. w ho also h;.andle thl· ''j.~1an1s ;111d 11 111t•s" -"T he Amazing Colossal *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Pt rlo1m1nces belo•e S.00 PM th ctpl S~ec"' Eng1gtmtnll 1nd Hohd1y11 '"THI l AST AMUUCAN YllllOIN" I ,....... \•I "'AST Tl~I AT lllOQEMONT HIOH-t•l .., .... ,1 WAITAflS' 101 t1):t .,, •• SOUffZl l'l AV" 1•1 t-.JI ..... THE IWOllO A1.o- THf SOACl AElll" 101 t•• ••• ,..... ·•OAAOO..ltAYflll" tO<lt , ....... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC ·IN "PINI< FLOYD• THE WALL .. , "" 11 >0 1 "· • '°· • ·~ 1 so 10 n Jfl(VLl I HYO[ TOGETH[A AGAIN ' •1 ,,., .,. '" THl LAST AlillAICAN YlllGIN , .. •• .. ,. c•• LAKEWOOD CENTH SOUTH WALK IN f.oc:VltV Al 0.0 Amo 213/U4·t211 "THI H ll l.lnl.r-1 WHOAlHOUN IN T[XAI ' ,a, l , ........ ··Le>ot11N' TO a«T ouTr· ,., .,. l <tt ..AN Of'flCllll ANO A OINTllMAN" 101 .,.....Ull.. ........... "THE CHOSEN" 10<11 ,, .. t ................ ,..... .... "CHI ECH a CHOHC TllN'll COMeO" • ·r-.oa AM '°""'°'" AU. OWi .-Ull ·--1 llaCI' ....... ,., ...... I .... ~t•)~-· 'ocull'f 01 Conot••o.:;) 213/531·9510 ) •T ... I WOllO ANO TH( IOllClllEA' 1•0 ..,.., __ OAAOONSl A 't[A' '"°' u• •'t •• TEW lST" 1001 ,,.. ......... MY ,AVOAITf Y[All' ,...,, ,,.,_ "THE CHOSEN" ,..,, ...... , .... ". ' OOH 1 0 0 IN THl WOOOI 1•1 ... , .... •THf. Hlt..ll HAYE EYll 1•1 ,,, , ,. "• lo• 0!0<1 ~ Ollt UO •• .... Utm U S • • llllPOllTAllT lllOTICI• CMllOlll• U•OIR 12 fll((• -...., "-... °""' c.-o ........ ~-·-~•CM _ll _Pl.Mfll o 00 4'0 CNI ilAOIO """ -O!UUClllT ----.. IOll..U t• AU CIMl-4'! -D Olo .. _ AM AMll ... ANAHEIM DlllVE ·IN ''••.at tt ot l•~ lt Ut·H IO t C......._., l C""-"'41 .,,...... 4f• ,....,. All 0.•" ~·I ' c ........ ,.....,.. ..... Or...-,., 1c. .... ••c.,...... ,..,,.o.,. 11t1 crlflH •1 SOUNO 1Utfrr4A ,,,,,_ BUENA PARK OlllVf IN l•ftCoA~ A•• W•1i o4 (N" U1·4070 lut N • ,..,"" LINCOLN DRIVE IN l.,.<Olfli A•• •• , ... (f\Otl 121..-010 IOlJNTAIJ>f FOUNTAIN VALLEY D IVE·IN Sort o..eo ,,.., et ttoo•'""1t Clo) t62·24tl "A,. Ol'PICllll ANO A HNT\.IMAN" 101 ...... ..... -c.,. ~o 1•1 CMO(fl- "OON'T 0 0 .. THI WOOOI" 1•1 ..... "THI NIU.a NAVI l'fl l " ,., c.,. .. _ II. •I A fll.' A LA HABRA lll/10,f IN _ ..... ·--·--•n·11H • a ·~ •ClAll ~ ttM• ,.., .. ' .• !~p H C AN "'Ott ~ . f-7 ..-w •Ot1tC· ttlt ·~.,~ • c,....,_<t~ "AMITYVlll.I "" ~ THf l'OllESllON" 1•1 ""'"'THE M.UMeEA l'AllTY MAllACllE" 101 C•tol ft SOU°"' "E.T., tP01 niE EXTRA·TEAAESTfUAL .. "'"' DlllAOONSlA\'[11" , .. , •·TH( I WOllO ANO ntl tOllCllllEll" 101 .. .... I CA-AS" 1•1 "WAITlllttr· t•t ...... ·tOUf Elf l'LA\"' tO\ -..... so"' J ~-li'-••-'191·369~ 1c:-.....•c. ..... ,,.... •M '°""°'"All ovt• 1•• 'c..c111 • c._.·, -.c.1 ... 4•1 ,., t C._..• t c,_,..~, "'" WO\'W 1•1 CIOill1- "fHI IWOllD AND THtt IDflCINR" 101 ..... -.c.--11.-.411 ORANGE OlllVl IM "Wt\l'TMllr"" ..... "IOUCl'ft P\A'r' flll a •' • , MI SSION p111v 1 ,,.. .. . ..~ - WARNER ( g VI ,,.. _ ............. _ "'ClAll °" ,... 1•1 """' "fAITTWUAT ... .,.., ......... , M1J11" .md · 1111 l11111"d1t.lc S l11 111k11 1i: 1\11.111 ( ',111dv 11111 oclun·., 'Ill'< ral l'I ti 1 '' 1li.11 l.11lo d l•J w111 A1·.1<~·111y Aw:u d -, l It· .1lM1 1111111dl1t'I"> u If 11J11t1· 111 ~:dwiof d l> W111Kl .• 11 w ltust '(;h 11 ,111d <:Ii 11cl,1" ;i11d "l'lilll N1111 l-'111111 ()Ult I S p.11 .... 111.1111 111111 "K111H 111 ll11ll\.w1.c1d 'I 11 1 k1·yd11111 ' 'Nl>lll• ot 1111 l ilms WI' "'" w,.., rnH·11l11111.1lly 1 w1111 ," I .l ·t1 '>.ild ''l'lwy ht-. arn• wJ1;1l t Ill'\' .11 l' bc·1·.1us1• ot 1>lirn·-.t1111j.( budui·t., "' !l1111pl v 114 1 ;111.,1· lh1· f1lt11111.1k1 •1-s rrw ... 1"<1 lhl L.1.11 THt; t'r\MILl' CIRC'l'H "See? We were only in there for five minutes." "I didn't know it would toke so soon." by Brad Anderson "The mobile you made for Marmaduke is neat...hope he doesn't eat it!" 6AR•·1•:LO l'M NOT LEAVING-0EP, I'M NOT MOVING-A MUSCLE. IF r OON'"T' 80THERMONDAV,MAVB£ MONDAV WON'T eoTHER ME ACROSS &2 llolaled SA T\MOA Y'I 1 Suture S3 In ,...,ve· "6ZZL1 SOL YEO 5 8llnd • -2 llOtdt S4 YNrlago: 9 AdtlllM 2 wordt 14 Mede-M Alto-fin molNlle 87 8utlllo Ill KIM of 88 Mt. Gwyn pudding ee Alnglet 11 WOttled Ot< 70 Moll1 17 O.tructlon 71 Stonewwe: 19 Filfl IMture Fr aG P9rfect DOWN 21 Comper'ly VIP I Letter 23 Cofrllled ttrolle 25 ~ 2 Slip pell 2t Silllworm 3 Fatelgn 21 An lrOQuOlt 4 Tlweetent ::J'J.iULI ~:J!'JUll IJ[]Q '.JJO:JJ :.13:JOl:I i:t:ll!l ::J:.l:JOJ :JJl.:JLIOCJ(.]CJU :JLILl~.:.'.l :J~CJ(][) J:.11U .:J Ji1~1:J iUJ!J[) ::u.:i 111:.u.:.:ic:J .J1B~U .:J:.oJ~lJ~~lm JJJJ:.J!JLI JO:.n :.HJIJ .:lJJ:.l.:JJ.!U 1.1:.JiJ(JrJ J.:JJOllJJ ::JrJ(J 'JH.J .JJJ:J:J .Jl:JlJU .J1UJJ .Jll.J.:.J] .J.I JJ'J J.:J.J'.l '.l::Jl:JUrJ .JJ'J J'JJ.JJ llCJIJlJ[J .J JJ .JJ!J.:lJ :.J()i](J(J 32 Dnri: SllllO 5 EST plut OM 37 Prelrilt llOUf 21-"0!Mllo" 4f Thougtltt prodUc:I e El'tic.merit roe. 47 lmPffllM 38 Mt. U11NM 1 M_.4'1 pleC:il 30 F•IOn 49 F0tmlng tool 3t Hnlng lleell I Tlnttr t111M 52 Menu Item ,_ tao.. l)y 31 Singer Wil• 53 H1td Med 4t Diiiy 10 ~Of lilml 55 Solitary one ., ._.., 11 g,_. ....,,. 32 f Owfl fNIP 5f IWlttve .. ....... 12 ,., "'* 33"*'11111 $7 Oerindl 41 V.,, Ml II ca.n.i '""' 34 Clliln M °""°' ·~ .. W"'*'O' • a... Nb 51 --. .-.. ltOo-.fll 22......,_ Nlalll "'* IOC#lfty .. °""" 24,., -: a., 40 ..... ,, w... · ,..,.. 27 ". --1n ac..-"°'' ~ .. ...... ........ • .,... 44 Jollll f6 Jclltr BIG Gt:ORfa: by Virgi l Part ch ~VIP) Ill II "I hatt Mond1y1." • SHOt: ~.\~('\' I WISH THAT NEW BOY WOULD ASK ME OUT ON A DATE GORDO I CAN'i BELIEVE Ii I WE. FIN AU.4 WON A GAME.! ·~ ... 01ung ~00 I DAIL y PILOT /Monaay OclObef 18, 1982 . , PARDON ME DO YOU KNOW THE WAY TO THE MOVIE THEATER? AFTER AU...™£!>£ t.,1£AR5 OF ~IN(, "THE FIELD 10 C.0N6RATULATE 1liE Wl~ll.llNG C.OA~ I A COACH t!:> FINALl4 GOING 10 HAVE TO CR05o -rnE FIELD AND CONGRAIU l..A'TE ME! - !:>TOP Pl..,\'11 '-J(';- ~AMt:o;!., Ll'Pf:Z ,' by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmlller I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER A SK -cv L..X'1I< AWFUL[ -r::D MVUl ~Ult.A ~llJ LA~ ""'*'1"f- by Gus Arriola by Tom Batiuk NICE 6AME ~I SOIV\EH()(JJ 1 £XPEC..TED MORE !;>y George Lemo nt ' 'J,M N O .,.-G OING "'fO FOL.L..OW 'T"HA"'f U P wrr H A QU6S'T""ION .' :: .. ,..---........................................ 11111!!111111111 .............................................................................. ~~~~----.............................................. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -. •• Or•11uo Co ti OAll V Pll 0 t /Mand y, Octobof HI. 1084' usan \UlNDAY EVEHtNo 8.'00 IJ 0 U NEWS 0 CHARLIE'S ANGELS Sabrina fallS fOf a aky1•ck Ing murder9f wno para chuted away from autnon ties two Y"'' ear11et 0 EIGHT IS ENOUGH Tne Bradford cn11<1rert plan Tom and Abby s wlldd•no (Patt 1) -m ,.....,.~s·H Ma1 Houlihan s l1anc11 arrives nt the 4077tn n"o shocks Fronk by oskong t11m to bl! hos best man IE HAWAII FIVE..O A travel •oent opeoator.Q gamb1tno 1unk11ts 11 slain u a warnono to hos partn8r to stop compe11no lo< the ·oamblino bus1n11n EiiJ OVEREASY Guest Woll••d Scou t) {Ii) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR "Subhmonal Pftfcep11on ca8NEW8 ®) ABCNEWSQ ~N8C NEWS f;}MOVIE • • * A1thur ( 1981) Dudley MOO<e L11• M on. ne111 wn11e nts family all&mpls to lo1ce ntm onto a pt&-arr•nged m•1nage 8 .--1~---00,.,..utr"4<-'~" ·~-~ bOy l•lls on love with a po0< worlong oorl PG eoo m ALICE EiiJ CAMPAIGN '82 THE 0£8ATES 36tn Congress.onal Ott • ttlct · Co no• euman Geotoe Brown Jr vs Jonn Paul Stark ml SEWING POWER ([~NEWS @) BARNEY MILLER Barney 1$ turned down ror a promotion 3nd while 1-. b<OO<ls about 11. h11 men brl"O In a t>urolar who got 1011 In Iha 109 $1 WFLL BE RIGHT BACK AY9f"J SchrP•ber and Ctu 1a- ·1ina Feuare host a loo~ at TV's most memorabl8 comme<c1als from the bortn of the medium to tl'le p<M ent day T."OCI i) C8S NEWS 0 HBCNEW8 0 HAPPYOAYSAGAIN Fonz'8 as«s RiCh .. to k~ ar> e~ on hit g1r1tt1en<1 wt111e ne " out ol town lo• a ........ II ABC NEWS CJ 0 SOAP lngrtO r11res a German dat8C11Ye 10 ciear Co11nne or the murd8f cilerge Q) THREE'S COMPANY To Impress ,_ 90U<met bOyfrleno. ChroHy uks Jeck to cook a meal '°' wt>K:h •"• can 1'k• the Cfedft II) Q! JOKER'S WILD f&) '11) BUSINESS REPORT CIJ P.M. MAGAZINE No Lega. All Heart. tt'te WHhlr>glOr> Poll'• ell quette columnist ®J EHT£ATAJNMENT TONIGHT A recx>rt on a.k:onuttlm 1n HOlly#ood 10 MOVIE • • •'I\ "Top Hal'' I 1sr.JS) Fred Aalalre, Ginger R<>Q· era I{ ma" hU trouble with Illa glrtt•l9nd ~ alle thin!!• he's manled 10 ,_ be81 tl'lend rl l MOWE • • .... "The Blrthday Par· ly" ( 111&8) Roe-I Sh- Pe ttlell M•o•• T.,.o alrtn09<• ltrlw at. 8t11ith boerOlng hOuM Io I ek • one of the reelden11 to • tpeGI.. kind of blt1h0ay patty 'Dalla Uy Jt:t\R 'V Bllt'K ·~ l •le•lfllefl "'" .. LOS AN<.a:u :s f111111 "l>11llm," wh11 'l'e ·X.l-< ' a c tr Su-..111 ll11w.11 cl 111 11111• JM'l '>1111 n ·.llly du •. , ""II II '11111 h Ill l111wu1 J i.1111 h 1111t 1>111111u l'ulv1•1 1\.1 l'llb" "" tht• h11 l'IJS "'' "'" (fr 1d11v11 ut II 1111 l'h1111111 I '..!I .1h11u1 th" oil 111'11 ~:w111g lo1111l y 11f S1111t ltl111 k. Harwh Shi• 1111d lwr llu,l>.111tl. mciv11 · 1·Xt't·u11vt• l '11 lv111 t't•nl <.'hnuw. 11w11 u tt.? 111'1'1· ra11dt 111•1.11 l wt l1t•11ll'luw11 uC Mun;hnll , 'l'l·xus "Wt· lx1ulo(hl ll w l w11 I w 1u. 011 'Pt•\1111.'t·lh.' "'iht· ,,ud. "My 11111\llt'r's 111 tlw n •.11 <'"llllli.' hus111t·i.:. a11d sh1· foun;I 11 Wt• f1111sh1.J litttld1111o( 1n Muy W1· Nt1td jll tlw 1·att lt• tu rny b111llwr. 1>11 all w1• 1'11ti.t• right now 1s ft't"(I " llu ward JOIOC'd "));11 1111•" 111 llriY 111 tlw Ill v tUilton of prudut't•r IA'tlllafd Kallltlttn. who had .ibo pro<lut•t.-tl "Pc•tnx:l'llr " Slw Uf.>JJ\'llrt'<I 111 JUl'il Ont' ep1sodr tht' fu:.t yt•jr r a n c h own r • liw "' 11·1 1111111 u"tl K11·hl1.' ll11w111 d ,,,y, "l ht· w .111 .1111111·t1•d l11 1111• I 11111 llC'h'I IK't'/lllM'"'tll• Will\ 11 1111111.,_,,lllllllt Wf1llll.1fl .11111 1111' 011ly 11111' 1111 "l>,11111'" wh11 w.1' 11111 malt• d11111111/1 ll '(J '"1'111•y'd llt•v1•r h1•f11n• h.ul 11 woru:111 who w.11\ 1111 lll'r 11w11°.'' i.111' SHUI "N11w the· 1r111:.l 11111M1f l.1111 fhllll.{ 111 lwr 1111• 1i. lw1 lllUt 11.1~1· Wt· l(Ul a 1111 u f ll'e·dlim•k 1n tl11· l11·j.{11111111~ th11t that was n11sis111~ Stu-wu,.; tlw only ~vo11au11 0 11 ~·uu llu!-1" not ruul••-clomiu utt·<l . Fe m a le f o otba ll "Leonard ci.llt•d rm· up al>cH1I tlw :.how," l>ht• said "He sent nw ~' ~:rtpl , hut I didn't hkt· lht· 1·harac·tcr. F our or f1 v 1.' wt.-t•ks lat1.•r ht• n 1ll1>d agaa11 .md said he had wr1ll1.'n a S(:r1pt with nil' rn n11ml " Her charactl'r, u puhuc·ally J>'JWt·r ful widow, 11nmro1alcly 1.-su.iblrshc<l a n ·bt111n!.h1µ wrth Hay Krt.•bbs. playt.'<l by Stl.'Vl' Kanaly "I told Steve he shouldn't g1.•t ll\Jrt'll'<l bt."t:aUM' hi!> c haracter w<ii. lhl' unly !>lll~lt.· man on th1• :.how." slw said "I told htm tu kt•(•p 11 that w.1y " Shl· bt.'<:anw ,, n ·Kular o n tht.• !.how. and ht·r "HJy Krl'IJbs hud a lot nf prubl1•n1s," sill' s.11d "I It· didn't huvl• his 1dt•nttty lx~·uust• ht• wa:. nut t1't'OgntZt'tJ a~ a ~1 1 11( Jtl(•k Ewl11t( But pt•opll' Lol<J us tht•y didn't want llJ itl'l ' lhot Now ht"1> rt-t' u~11 1wd ai. a son and n•tt·1vt'Cl hts inhl'rrt;111l't· ~v t•rybody wants lo Sl>(> lhl· good guy th(• MWhoy lb t•ml'rgmg again A rt>al caring for valUl'b lb t·mt·rgmg and that':. whiJt's h::.ppt·ntnl( 111 our ruk·i." There I!>, of courst>, 1111 loVl' luM bc•l Wl't.'11 Uo1111a Kn.•bbs and J.R. Ewmg, µlayt•d by Larry I lugmon Sht· was a polrlkaJly puwt•rful w1duw a11d wnwr tht• widow of a polrt1t·1.111 jllcl lht· i.l1·pn11>th<·r of a US stmator' Amy Link«•r a s Lauren Hutchinso n a nd Suruh J t>ssica Park t>r a s Pa tty Gr een e join W ct·m uwN• llig h . ch ool'b girl foo tball , I George C Scott s ta rs in HT he Oay Of T he Do lphin'' ton ight at 8 on KllJ, Cha nne l 9. 7.30 I) 2 ON THE TOWN'S FOURTH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Featu•ll<I h•Qhlrg!)_ts_!.'om o ver 6.00 episodes. up<1a1ea ot people and plACes leatured Oii t"8 pto- o• em bloopetS audlflnC ea dtcln t get to -0 ,. FAMll Y FEUD 0 LAVEAHE I SHIRLEY I COMPANY ' LllYf!lne seeks Sturiey s ,,.,.P on developmo a m0<e ~O~t'I~ U TOBEAHNOONC£0 0 MADAME'S PLACE ID M 'A'S'H The y•ar 19S t seems to fly by lo• tne 40771h (Part 21 Q) I TIC TAC DOUGH EiiJ MACNEIL I L.Et1R£R REPORT {Ii) SNEAK PREVIEWS iio YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured 'Ge<many·s Fly· •no Snowsteds" and "The Mal'I Wf\o Drills G0t•llas· loath " H MONEY MATTERS A last-pac&d docum&ntary eomlr>es hOw to cul IOO<I bills dru11cally •nd how to save money by c:~llalogue shOppono 8.00 i) SOUARE PEGS Lauren convuxes e P"Pll· eel Pany to 1oon "8< on Iha WMma•ee g11I• tootbal1 teem 0 Jf UTTI.E HOUSE: A NEW BEGINNING ~ura and het~a hie< ere neld c:aptove a dlfranged man Uwnks she and Iha cntld are his °"'"""''"and baby 0 IJ MOVIE • • • "Sweet Holl1tg41" I 197S) Linda Blalr Marton ShMn An KC•ped mental patoent ~ldnaps • tough teen·-oe girl and attempts to 1 .. cn h8t ttwl llnll<' th•"O• or hie U ® THATS INCAE018LEI Featured a mechlne thal allows men to lty by tnem· Jetves. Iha weddino ol two window wuhart that IOOk place 15 floors up outside • R""o hOtet. thr• team• ol welQhtllller1 end loot· bell pleyw1 compete In a train tug 0 MOVIE • • • 'The Day or The Dolphin" ( 10731 Geo<ge C Sco11. TtiSh VIII Devere. A group or OQlohlr>a era kid· r>1pped from their tr•lnet by Nbol8Ufl WllO are Khttmlt\g 10 blOw up 8 yacht carry1n0 Iha ptMI· dent Of the U S m P.M.~ A mlllkln dOllw k>ttery ...,.,,_, .n.111 nudltt c:oun- •2ctub II) MOVIE • * • "The 0th« Side Of The Mountain -Pert II ( 10781 MarMyn H-11. T1~thy Bottoma Former thampton skier Jill Kofi mor>t, rendered a qu&d11· pteooc by a 1rag1c acc1d11n1, w<estles wt1'1 sell·doubl wnen a n-love enter• rte< Ille EI:'l THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS 'King L..., Jonaahan l.Aol· let t MW production OI one or Sha,e1p11are • mos1 comple• end p<o tound wori.a •• p<esented I,,. CHI includes Micha41i ~ e~. 8181¥ Franlo. M1Cldlem1u and Jonn Sh11pne1 {Ii) NATURE T"8 FhQnt o r T ne Con· aor Or 0ot1a10 Jonanson 1akes v~~'' on a rer• j<>urney thrO<JQh Iha Ar>d•s MOYr>truns _I . PUBLIC AFFAIRS C MOVIE High Ice (1980) Oav1<1 Janssen, To11y Musante fhrM mountain Glimbe•s nre reacueel lrom an obscure Clift ate 1e1u1t tl\e vahant •llorts or a •a•eran ranger H MOVIE * * The Jan S•nget" 11980) Nell O.amond Lau· ranee Olt•Mtt fl New York CMllO< brfl8kl With family tradlloOn and MIJ OUI IO fond llUCC8H H 8 1>0C> musicatar PO $ MOVIE • * • Arlhu< ( 19811 Ouoley Mooro. llza M•n- nelh Whole his family attempts 10 f0<ee him lr>to • pt •-arr M>Q8<I m•" leOe. a drunlutn, nedon1111C play· bOy fella tn IOve wllh • poOt working girl 'PG f;}MOVIE * • • M•darne Rosa" I 19781 Sunone SIQnotal Claude Dauphin A wom- an' a 1)8teonal<ty und«goee 111 e•lreme t1an1formallon wti8f1 .,,. Involves herMff 111 a fomentle 1llalr which brtdgea two widely dlltat · •no CU1turel teve11 ·PG· 8:30 i) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Benjamin MIS out to Clem· Ot111t1a1e the mortcomlngs of a robot aoldfilt< ID SO YOU THINK YOU GOT TAOOel.£8 t:OO tJ I MOVI£ "forbidden love" (Pram· ierel A"drew Stevena. Yvette Mlm18'1• A youno Ooc1or and 1 -althy dlYOrOM t...tc. hla age shock and anger lhelr fr'S'<I• and family Wiien they f•ll deeply "' '°"*with oneano1h« O ~MOVIE 0 MOVIE * •,, 'Oealh Valley ( 19821 Paul LeMal, Pehrr B1111ngs- 1oy A Nttw York youngslor IS aont to Ar11ona lo •ISll hos mOll\01 and Stumble$ ncroH o a-011os o( grtsly murders R l MOVIE • * * 11,. 'Jourrtey Among Women (19771 .leune P111Ch81d, M111lon Phelar> In the days or th11 Austl8· ltan lronU1tt, the badly mos· •rea1&d mme1e1 at a wom 1tn s prison 11age a b111.U. out and 181 up thelf own society '" the Outback 10.00 o om IE NEWs '1!) SCREENWRITERS I WORD INTO IMAGE Paul Miuu<sky tali.a about nos cna1ac18fs or>d why the themes of marnaoe. tnh- deloty and new 1ttes1ytes have become hos Hade· mari. C MOVIE • • • •, Yl_e Elephant Mon 1 198~Jolln Mufi Ar>thony ~op111ns A dedl· c aled phys1c1an tokes unoe1 llts wino a h0f'T1Dly oatormed man whose hie until thM had been sper>I on c:neap freak e•h•Dlllons 'PG H MOVIE * •, "Halloween II ( 19811 Jamie leti Curios Donald Plea.sence A hOpelessty lr>aane murderer co1111nues hos reign of le,,or on a smoll lown R S MOVIE * S.yono Evil 11980) l ynoa Day George JOhn Suon A young bride os latrO<lllld by evil to1ce~ •urkl"G 1n a tr<>OtC:•I man· loon R f;}MOVIE • * • "Stir Cruy (19801 Rtcharo Ptyor G-W tld· er T.o men ••t1 m111aken 10< bAnll rob~s and ~I r01sit~ 10.30 IE INOEPENOEHT NETWORK NEWS {Ii) WORLD OF 80()t(S 0 M OVIE • * * Fors1 Monday In Octobe< 1198 I) W11tltf MDlth8u, Jill Claybv•o" A hbetal Supreme Court Jus- tice c1uroe' with th• n-· 811 member of tll41 na11on's h1gl\e11 court, en ultra· conaer•ehve woman 1ur1St 'R Z MOVIE • • "Cru111ng' ( 19801 Al Pec1no, Paul Sorvino A «>Okla ....... York City COj) I• ...,, on •n un09fCO\f9f euogn"'4!nt 10 llnd tne psy· ChOllC klllet behind a st1lng Of nomoseaual murde< 1 'R 11-00 1) 0 U IIJ~NEWS IJ BATUROAY NIGHT Host Catrla Flll'lar GUitlla The Bluet Brotn. 815 0 I~ SE.ARCH OF ... ID THAT QU(l SHOW ti) STREETS OF SAN FRAHCl8CO When • woman a husb...CS diMOOear• .,,. tears he has met death by the racll· •• end lhAI she Wiii he ..... Eli) 8U81HESS REPORT {Ii) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Ouncar>. Paul ar>d O.ck oeclde to ante• the real- Htate market 11:30 IJ (]) TRAPPER J<>tiN, M.O. A 111emlng1y confl<lar>t soc1allee conh ontlng • terloua Injury provat to be 8 lonely. ltigM8"fld Child. lR) O ~tONIGHT GVil•I hall 8 111 Cosby GuHll Lynde Carte<, Rlcherd Slmmon•. Aot>e<t Urk:ll D O A8CHEWS NIGHTLM 0 YOU ASKS> FOA IT Featured "Ger~ny'1 fly· Ing S--.OS" and "The Mert WllO Orllll GotlllH' T•th " 8J THE JUFEMONS Loulla'a art clan ta ... 1gneo to akateh a """* model ft) FOCUS ON IOCtnY '11) "98 LATEHIQHT. Holl Oennl• Wl!Oley I l:N I~) CAMEL.OT .. h ·am o n "Sq ua re Pegs" tonight at 8 o n KNXT, <:ha nnel 2. TUBE TOPPERS b11<1gea two w10111y 01ller ong culturtl lavels PG' 3:~5 H MOVIE KNXT (2) ~:00 "Fur ba.ldl'n L ove." Andrc•w Stevens and Yvt•t li.: M1mieux star an story uf young doctor and wealthy d1vorcc•e who s h ock and a n ger t he11· friends and fomaly whl'n they fall m lovt: with each other. * * T tie Jat1 S111ger · ( 1980) Neil 018mond, Leu rer>ce Oll'o/18< A New York cao1or brooks with lomwy 1ra<1111on and aell out 10 lor>d SUCCllH 81 II pop mullc: star 'PG' "'4:00 0 MOVIE • •, "Death veuey· I 1082) Paul LeMat. Peter Bllllng•· ley A Rew Yo<k youngll11r 11 5-en' to Arirona to vis~• nos molhe< and !tumbles acrou a H<lell ot g1111y murder• R' KABC (7) 1:1:00 "r"ootball Supers tars." Twelve of proft•ss1onal football's stars compete' m a st•raes of athletl(· events al Kl·y B1S<:aync·. Fla. - Z MOVIE • • CrulS1ng t 111801 Al Pac.no, Paul S0tv1no A rookie New York City cop 1$ sent on an unde1covftf as5tgnrnent to hnd the Pl y· 'hotoc killer behind a st11no of nomoMJ•ual mu1oe11 A KOCE (50) 10:00 "Sc:reenwnters/ Word Into Image." Paul Mazursky talks- about his characters and w h y themes of marnagt:. mf1dc•l1ty and nc>w lifes tyles h avl· lx'<:omL· his trademark. 4:25 $ LAFF·A· THON A 'omeooan hOSI Ol'ld IQUr r.om1c con1e5.,n1s who comp111e agaontt one anothe< am leatured 1n 11'llJ uncens01a<1 c:omeoy game 5hOW • * Tho Bog Bounce \ 19691 Ryar> O'Neal. leign Taylo<-Voung Allor ne ti tlOOle<I OUI 01 8 mogr8n1 worker ccmp a man beeomes mvOl•ed ma poy· roll l\eofl 0 MOVIE * * "The Spy Perlec:I Covell With fM I 1966) Robe<t L9n•mg Dana Wyntet An 1ntell1gt1nce agent ,. e1de<1 '" "" espt0r>age won.. by the enemy s 1>81••1 that "• •• <l•ad g, MOVIE * * Ftle Ot The GOiden Goose ( t9tl91 Yul Brynnilf Cha1les Gray An Ame .. car> sec<et oqtnl mt~11a1es .L Clh.IO.l.8llti~OQ 11ng w11h l>elp lrom Scot land Yard Q) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE Love And Tne Ou8 A press •oen• 11 Chall~ 10 a duel L.ove Ano The Note Jae~ b<•g' 10 Henry nboul nos cha<m ..,.,, wom· en 110 TO BE ANNOUNCED f;}MOVIE • • l'unhoula I 19811 Ehzsoeth Berndoe Sylvia Miies Four teer>·Bg&rs spe"d a trlghllut night "' a cer nrval tvnhouM 1r>h&b1I · ed by 1 demenled Dark•• and hos mon11rout son R 12:05 C MOVIE • • '> Escape From New Y0tk 1198 11 Kurt Rusl&ll Adr111nne Ba<be•u In 1997 a haroened c"m1r>al 11 oNBf eel a par don 11 "8 een rescue the p<es>dant ol 1ne u S lrom the p<tson c•ty mat Manhallan has become R 12:30 0 iJ9o. LATE NtGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guatls cosm~ttc a entrepreneur Ma<y Key comedian L11rty Miller U COUPLES ti) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 'l ove Anes Tne Bu<gl•• A pennlleu wrltel' mall" on allempt at bu<gtlty Love And The Many·Mirr•ed Couple" Movie ldo4• ra•a•I m•ny sec:reta durlno an lntaf'Y- 0 MOVIE ·'Naked Alternoor>" ( 1981) A youno Qlrl llarts out In an •leQanl BevClfly Hiii apa then works her M•ull charm• on a tett>ltn drema coec.h ZI MOVIE • * • "Flrat Morlday In Oclobet" (lie I) Wa.llH Matthau Jiii ClaylM!rgh A hberal Supr...,. C~ Jus· floe era.,_ with the ,_. est member of the natl0n'1 hlgheal courl, an ultr•· ~t8'Vattve woman jUlltil 'R' 11:40.. COUJMllO CotumbO trlM to ••l>OM • llUeW J>9YChOfOOlll IUt- pecled OI slaying hit beet Irland (RI 1:00 I =AUTRY • • • * "The One fha1 Got Away" 119S8) Hardy Kruger. Co11n Gordon Th11 un1elent1nQ oeterm1na11on Tew11day"• Doyfinat» .ffot•it-llf ol 11 German POW to 5:00 S • * "Sp111I 01 TM escape l•om lh11 Allies WonO 119791 Cnoel Dan ltnllly pays oll George A young boy over I 10 10 NEWS tomes "'' handicap 10 1·20 S MOVIE DeCome the World Cham· • • • Halloween II" ( 198 I I p1011 Dog Sled<lllf PG Jam111 Lee Curlts Donald 5· 15 0 • • Funhouse Plwaor>ce A l\opelessly 119811 fltZabe1" Bom dga 1naert11 murdore1 continues Sylvia Moles Four IHn h11 retQn ot 1err0< on • &g8fs speno a lrighllul small town R' night In a CBtn<val lun 1:30 0 N8C NEWS l\ouae lr>heb1ted by a OVUIHIGHT <I-led barket and h1a IJ OENE AUTRY mOt11troua sor> R U NEWS 6-00 C a * Papet l 1get 1 50 C MOVIE t 19761 David Niven • • The Fran<;n Women Tosh110 M1tune Tl'le tut0< ll~A.ll franc01ae Eob!an, -l--_JQL..&......lllDaJOJll1& .anuiu.u Dayle Haodon A borOello oor s son lor>d• ne mus• betng kept open Dy a go"· ~ve up to h•s greatly e•AQ etnment Subsidy tS the 09r8lad lales OI nar0t1m ~ ot mu<dftf and pohto· wl>en me boy 11 1'•0 cal scandal wr.en a VIP napped cullomer It. pholographet1 0 •• * NIChOIH NIC· at play R hleby f 190) 0.<ek Bono 2-00 i) « f' C&S NEWS Cedric Hard,,.leke Bued NIOHTWATCH on Iha CIUllC by Charles 0 MOVIE Oor:ker>s A youn9 lad •• ,. •• 'Tep Hal f !93SI a11emp11 10 P<Ol8C1 l'l•I Freo Aat&ore G1noe1 Rog-1amt1y lrom 11n ur>cle • ers A mar> has trouble woclo.ed influence will\ h11 g1rllrle11d ~use Z * • "B.,au Pert ahe thonkl he's marned 10 ( 19811 Patnck Oew&l)(I ha< bell lr,.nd Anel Besse 0 MOVIE 7:00 0 • * 'My Champ•on * * • "The Great Bani. I t981 I Yoko Sh1mnoa Ho1u ·· (19791 Ned 8ea11y Cnrla M11cl'lum Tl\a true RIChard Basenart Three t!Oty ol a female J•pAnese d•sorur>lle<J bank e•ecu-running champion It tOld ltves <lectce 10 oet tne 8-00 C • • • Tile C1nc1nna11 nche• ,,,.., feel tr...y'r• KtO I 1965} S1evo ent11i.cs to by stagino • McO..-Edward G Rob rc.bbet"y of ,,..., own bank. 1naon A young cardsharp PO 1r1es 10 beat the ktng of 2<05 H MOVIE stud Poker In • ballle fOf • • • Ont! On One prestige (1971) Robby Benson H • * ·, Po11rat1 0 1 A An,..11• 0 ·1 OOl4I A bOy Rebel Margaret Sanger whO 008' 10 colleQ8 on a ( 1080) Sonnie Franklin. bUkelball scholarship •a David Ou .. et At tl'le lurn of •buted by 1ne c:oech Iha c:entu<y on. cou••· aco<ned by hot 1ut0< and geous woman balllel gov· ueo!d by Iha KhOOI lor Its ernmar>I rneo1cal end own pu<poses PG <el>grous opposlhon 1n an 2'.15 Z MOVIE effort to educate women 1n • • '' "St•anoe Bett••IOf" birth conl•OI methOcls ( 1081) Mtchael Murpl'ly 0 ••'"'"The Gumbel! LoulM Fletch8' A poltee Rally" ( t0761 MIChaet S••· officer 1nvest1Qates a..,,.. " razl"-Tim Mclnllre A gum- of brul•I mu•dara '" • bell machlr>e 15 Iha grand •m•ll Mldwe.te<n COll90e ptlze '" • N-YO<k·IO·LOS town. 'R' Angeles car r8Cla whleh 2:30 ~NEWS brlr>O• att aorta of ienv 2:55 $'MOVIE ciharactera onto the • • "Emily" f197tll Koo nation's highway• end Sterk, Vtj:lor Spinetti In back road• 'PG' 19201 England, a t.......-oe $ * • • "The Club" gl<I comes ot 8Q8 thrOOQh ( 1980) Jack Thomp1on, '" affair wtth an A"'4HK:•n G1ah1m Kenr>edy The ec:hOolleacher coach ol a hH·be8f't Au•· 3:30 C MOVIE tr•ll.,, lootbell team llM• •·~''Hell'• .AnQ81•" (11301 the oc>1no r<>uQh both on 88'1 lyon. Jear> Hartow the playlno ri.ld and In the During World War I, thr• board room where he Oxford bl/Odin beCOtne recee .,, antegonittle club divided wt*1 I.hey ere con· pteeld9nl KrlpleO (O 11(1111 on OC>C>O-2 •••• "Gel Out You< t.lte lklea 'PO' He"d-uchlefa" ( 1078) O MOW Geraro 0e9aro1eu. Petrlek * • • "Madame Rosa" Dew-• " young end I 1178) Slmc>M Stgnore1. opllmlatlc; IMl!lbenO ooes to ClllUCM ~ A worn· almo•I 11nbelleveabl• an'• pereonallly unOetgoee 19nOtfle 10 81\eute 1111 wtle'a 8" a.tr-tranafomlatk>r> II~ 'R' l wt*1 me '""°'ves l'letaett e:oo O "Wind• Oi Cl'lenge" In a romantic: •lfalr ..nklfl ( 10781 Anltnt18d BaMO On theme• ftom 0Ytd 1 • MetemorphOMI .. 'PG' 0:30 ID • * '' "Sep1emb<Jr All111" 11950) Joan Foo· 161ne Joseph Cotten Two people b<Jheved killed 111 an 011plan1 crash con11<1er 11arll"O Ille ove1 90a111 109ether 10:00 IE * • • Breaktnrougn" I 19501 David Brtan l'rank Love101 l r>lantrymen IOQ8lhe1 S•r>ee early traon- '"g race their llrst b!Q onva· s1on C • * • The Great Bank Hoax ( 1979) Ned Beally R1cne1d 88Mhar1 1 hree <l•so•untled banll e•ecut••es <lectde 10 gel lhe rtC"8S 11\ey leel they <8 ent•tl&d 10 by •tAQ•no a •obbety of their own bank PG H • * Legend 01 The Wild'' I 1980) PG' 0 • • Cannonball Run 1198 t) Burl Reynolds. Dom OeLu1w Various oddball characteos compete in a coaal·IO-C0811 auto race 'PG $ * • * The Wiiie Hut t t9S71 A•a Gat<lne<. St-· "'' Gtanger Two men and a woman 11\16 a c1vthu1d ••15tenc;e wl\en they bocome shopw<eciled or> an island Z * • 'Solo' l 1978) V1r> c:ent Gil. Petry Armstrono A l1erc:ely independent Au1tr1han woman who workl as a IO<ett ranger becomeli on•Olvlld wolh a flraptlOI 10·30 0 • * Mystery laland" I t9711 Four c:holdren s11ar>ded on en ttland 111e ehued by • ,... mll and do.co,,., a caM of coun- lerlecl money 11.30 C • * T,,_ G•MI Traon Ro bbery (1979) Seen Connety Donald S...ther· land Two ea pert lur n·OI · tne•cemu<y con-.nm11,~1--­ a11ernp1 to PUii oft the seemingly 1mpoS5'bte •Ob· 1>ery or a ioci..ed uie at>Oard 1 IUl·movong loco- molive PG Z * • • Sweel Chatlly ( l!Hlgl Sh11ley M ccL.aone Jonn McMartin Torell of h8f l•wdty e•tslence a d•nce hell h<>fl8H With 8 hea<I of gold .. a<ches fOf trve lovt and th" somple morr l8d lite 12·00 0 .... ' The RRcket pll5 II Robert l.Allcl'lum L1r&belh Scoll A reckel· -II doubfe.<roueO by ll•• own men when ha has a p0111ica1 candid••• stool ~killed 0 * * • 'House Calls" ( 1978) Waller Mallheu, Gland• Jacllson A Wld· owed doctor halls his Casanova tendenc-10nQ 8"0UQh 10 fall '°' • dlVO<· cee who <Soesn't 1*18Y8'" l)hlland8'1ng 'PG' $ • • • Fout Monday In Oc1ober' (1081) W•tte< Matthau Jiii Claybu•gh A liberal Supreme Court Jua- tl08 claa!Mls woth lhe ,_. Ml mamba< of the natk>r>'s hlQhes t coun an ult••· conser•allve womar> tum• ,R 0 * Tan.an. The.Ape Min (1981) Richard H11rt1s eo Derek While aecompanylng her lather on• Hlrch '°' 1118 legend· e<y Eteoh1nt'1 Graveyard, • youno womar> le abduct· 8d by an unclvlllz8d white men who wu raised by apea In Iha lungle. 'R' 1:00 1H l * • • "HouM Calls" ( 1978) Waltef Mlll'1au. Glenda JacltllCMI A wfd· owed doctor halll Illa Casanova t&n<lencles IOng enough to fall for a dlW>r· OM whO doeen't bel~ pl\ll1ndetlng 'PG' 1:JO IC)*• "PAC* liQA<" ( 11761 OaYld N iven, Toet*o Ml"-The lutor ol • J~ emt>uu- Oot'• ton ""<II lie ,,_I HYe up to hit greatly alllg· ll8f ••80 ,.... of l'lero49m wtlen Ille boy la lllcf• nl!P990 2:0010 **~"The8tue Ugoon" (1049) Jeell Sim· mon1. Oot\eld Houeton JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk \~HANHEL LISTINGS "Fetretl FO< The People" (Pretnl8'8) Vale<l8 Harl)8' Oe<lnl• Lipscomb A "'- York Htlttant 0111r~1 ottor~ 1a lecad with • brlllllnl ••·CIOnYICI ac:cuMO Of murder, hit Caleb< lty SpotlM>f, and I renowneo <lalanM altOf· ney in ,_ llrat ma)o< cau U (fl) FOOTBALL 8UPERITARI Aleherd H1ttrta. Meg 8u1- -' and Richard Muanr ala• Ir> L8tna• and Loewe'• ctu11C Broadway mualC•I taped I I the W~ler O•r- CIM Theatre'" ....... York '1 P\.Ay THI! COFFI!!~ MICHINe!S WHEN 'l'M .... ~I!.' ' 8 KNXT ICBS,t 8 KNOC !NBCI e KTLA llnd I .l(ABC IABC I e KflVllnd I • KCOP lV (INS I • KCiT IPB!t> e Koct fP8SI 0 On TV z l rv " HBO c l(•nt•tn;\A) IWORINY NY If tWlU!.I t t CSPNI • • • Twe!Ya of pro tootball'a graatMt Ila,. compete In • orut111no ..,,.. ol athlellO -II (frOM Key 81ecaY™t. --fide) MllW O!Wt'IH NATIONAL Ga00"""41C lll!ICIAL "The 8fllfllt'' EmtraotOi· tllll"f 11~1• tllm fOOI• • Of how tl\8fkl ~. , .. , Md why lfley ltlKa ~ . -.,.,..,.. tMI Ofl tl'lla fMClnatlng IJr>d ._.,... lltil Q 1':461 Sl MOVll * • "tmpr098f Channel•" (lot11 Al•n Arkin, Mari.tie He1'11~ A -lee of mlton• Oe1etanOlnga c•u••• • .oc1a1 work• to llllll>*Ct the &·)'Mt-old 09110lll8f of I MP41'tleO couplt I• Ille v!Gtlm of otllld abute 'PO' 11:00 e INTIMAINMIHT TONIGHT A rtpOfl on Cllooflolltm '" H~ • MOYll Dilly Piiat MONDAY. OC1 18. 1982 ClASSlfllD cs Robin plays bat-man for Milwaukee ~ Yount _h elps bring Bre wer s closer , 6-4 J MILWAUKEE (Al') lltts att· <.'Ommg an buncht-s for Huban Yount, bringing has Mtlwaukl'l' Brt•w<.•rs within on<.• victory of wanning tlw World St>rws. Milwaukee used Yount's iwcond four-hit game of the Series und somL' ~ratty p11t:hing by Mike Caldwe ll for a t>-4 vH·t orv over thl' St. Lo uis Cardmals 111 S unday's pivuta'I fifth game T hat gavt.• the Brewers a 3-2 L'<.ig<' an the tx-st-of-sevt'n Series. with gaml' ti sc-t for Busc.·h Stadium TuL'Sday night. Veteran Don Sutton w all try to finish t hl' Sl'rll's off for Malwaukl'<.' whalt· rooktl' J1>1'1 n Stupl·r gvl·s fur tht• Cardinals. hoping to fort·<' at to a d<.•c1s1vc· seventh ganw Wl•dm•sday night. T ht• BrL·wcrs were on th<' ropes 111 the St•rws. trailing two gamL•:. tu one and losing 5-1 m the scvt•nth inning of gaml' 4 Tht•n they exploc..lt'<I for six runs -two of them on a dutt:h smgll· by Yount -to win that gamt• and came right ba<:k Sunday to take j(mut· [>. with Yo1111t 'i. hl~mng hat h.•1H.l1ni tlw wav -V- Su. ~uddt•11lv . Milwaukl't.' •~ an <.•har((t' of thh Sl•n1·~. put an that l)(>S1t1on by \ht· i.hvrt:.ll>P who en..1oy<..J a tlrl•am Sl·ason u11C.J ~·ems <.·a pabk of lifting this ll'llnl by thP i;cruff Of 11.S ne<.'k w lwm·vt•r lll'l:t.·s.-..ary. Brewl·r fans <·hunl "MVP . MVP, MVP!" evt•rv Lunt• Yuunl comes to tlw platt'. . Thl'y'n• talking 1tl}llu t h is 331, :!Y-hume run, 11·1 runs-balled-in M•ason But his Sl·rtt·~ numbers of 11 h1L-; in a 524 h,1111ng avt•ragc. 17 total h.1st's and s ix H81 bordC'r on thl· awesomt.• I las -;lugging pt'rcentagt.· is IHU and d1mb111g MVP. andt.•t'll "I havt' a <.·oupk of cars." Yount sc1d "I don't llt't'd •mntht'f." He muy just havt.· lo l'OJ'X' with tht• problem if he kl'('f>:> up this one-man assault on th(• C1.1rd1m1b p1U:hmg staff. Yount's 11 hats ure one Short of the re<:ord for a s1x -gumc St.'nes set by Ball y Mui tan uf tht• Nt·w Yo1 k YunkN>S m IY53 <:Hld two shw t of thl• ll'l'urd for a sevt>n-gunw M'rtL'S, S<'t by Bobby Rtl·hardson or lht· Yunkt.-t'b 111 I 1164 cind matc·ht.•d by Lou Broc·k of tht• Cardmals m 1968. Tht• irony of Yount's cxplos1v<' Sl·rlt'ti is that It has t·ornl' afll.'r a puor playoff Tht• shorstup slummt.·<l a pair of honw runs on tht-Canul uanll' of thL• r t• g u I a r s c u so n . t u r n 1 n g b a <.' k Balt1m11rl"s t:ha llenge of thl' Brcwt.'rs 111 tht• AmPnL·an leagut' East But his h a t f t' I I s 1 I e n t 1 n t h t-A L Championship t'rtl'l> with 4-for-16 aga1n~t Cahfor a H<.· hatl nu RBI "All hatters ow the rt· an• going lo bt• s tn.•aks," e sci1d "You don't .1 lways hit the ball that well and you tlon'l cilways :>e it that well. During thL• pluyuffs I was not St•cmg tht' ball well. Now. I m .'' Yount ha four hits an the first gcimt.• or the. n es, a p<!rformttnt.•e that was somew at overshadowc'<.I bcx:ause Paul Moll r, his partner at tht• top of <See YO NT, Page C2J Cards' task Tueadey•a gem• -Milwaukee at St. Louis. 5:20 p.m. TuH d ey'• pitcher• -Don Suitor, (4-1) of the Brewers vs. John Stupar (9-7) of the Cardinals. TV -Channel 4 at 5 Announcers - Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola. Tony Kubek. Tom Seaver and Bob Costas. Radi o -KNX ( 1070) at 5 : 10 p .m. Announcers -Vince Scully and Sparky Anderson. Remaining schedule -Wednesday's game: in St. Louis. 5:20 p.m .. if necessary. • IS clear Change of scene r y giv es them hope- MI L WAU KEE (AP) -The S t . Louis Cardinals need to win their next two games. It's a~ simple as that "[ know tht• oods are getting short, but I havE faith m our dub." St. Louis' Ken Oberk fell said Sunday after the host Milwaukee Brewers downro the Cardinals 6-4 to·takc a three games-to-two edge in the World Series. Game 6 1s scheduled for Tuesday night in St. Louis. Game 7. 1f ne<·essary, would be Wednesday nig ht. also in St Louis. "WE'RE JUST going to have to go home and get our fans revved up like they are here. These fans are some thing else." Keith Hernandez, who sn apped out of an O-for-15 Series slump with a pair o{ doubles and a single. agrcc'Cl "Our backs are against the waJI. We'll JUSt have to see what happens." he said. "Maybe when we kept the Brewers' team batting average at a lusty .30 l for the series. S t. Louis Manager Whitey Herwg. keepmg a stifC upper hp. <.'Onf1rmed that rook.le right-hander John Stuper wall carry the Cardinals' Cana l hope into game 6. Some have suggested that Herzog should go with Joaquin And u1ar. who was impressive in winning game 3. "F:ven 1f I used him (Andujar) and won , I'd still have to have a pitc:her on Wednesday." Herzog said . Our back s are against thP wall. We'll jus t h ave l o see w h a t ha ppens. Maybe wh en we get hom e ~aga in we can turn ii aro und. We've don e it be fore. -ftelth Hefnl ncMI get hi2,_ gam we can turn it around. We've done "We'll just have to see how it goes. Our club isn't it befo his time it's now or never." going LO quit." itttng the ball hasn't been the Cardinals' problem they had 15 hits against Milwa11kee on ST. LOUIS catc-her Darrell Porte r said the S unday. Yet Hernandez contends St. Louis has Brewers' hitters. espa·1ally Robin Yount, who we nt "-:---lf--_....,,.,._ ... hit.t-ing the ball at-M1~wat1*ee-fif'lde~ .. wh·~o-..... 4-1-f .... or->t:-were mo~ a('t:ive a e pa e tlfan usual --- have been making good plays. "I've always known Yount was a good hitter," "It's called 'hilling the ball hard but right at he said. "He hit a slider for a double and he hit a someone'." he said "I'm not mad. I'm n ot fastball for the homer .. frustrated. I'm JUSt 01sappomted. The solo shot was Yount's 11th hit of the series, "They made the plays when they counted." two shy o f the rl'cord held by the New York said He rnandez "We JUSt hat the ball rtRht .?~ Yankees' Bobby Richardson and S t Louis· Lou somebody. but they've played good def ense Brock throughout the series." "It's not lake when he comes to bat. we say, 'Hev. here comes Koban Yount:· Porter :.aid. "We LONNl t: lSMJ'J'H, who singled twice. thmks a sutf think we've got a chance to get h im out " c:hange of S<.'encry may help. Unapologetic for the two runs he yielded in the "Wc'rl' JUSt gomg to have to go home and keep eighth inning was Cardinals relief ac.-e Bruce Sutter. hitting." S mith said. "l think on the artificial turf. "I've never <.'Orne in the game when we were we may have a little edge. behind before, but I've never been in a World AP Wlrepholo Milwaukee's Robin Yount con nects for ho m er ~ning of unday's World er ies ~ame . an the eventh "It seems LO me they've got the type of balklub Series before either," Sutter send. "I made some we have. they JUst never quit swinging." good pitches. I made some bad pitches. Obv1ously, I Milwaukl'<' banged out l l hits Sunday. which made more bad ones than good." .. _ ... , ~oney s till J<ey issue ~ at talks .. · .; :; COCKEYSVILLE. Md (AP) :;.... Union c h ief Ed Garvey ~turned to the negotiating table 1ltl the National Football League ~ayers' strike entered its 28th Clay. following a secl'et meeting 9ith Dan Rooney. president of "~e Pittsburgh Steelers and a member of the owners' executive ~Htee. · :.f Garvey and several members ~the NF'L Players {\.ssociation's t~otiat an g committee met · day with Rooney at Martm ... Jrport m Essex County. Md . ~ than an hour's drive from :>&ls Baltimore s uburb where .jntense and extensive talks have ';jeen going on since last Tuesday ~~der the direction o f private ~jator Sam Kagel. ;. >:Neither the nature o f the ~ey-Rooney meeting nor who 'ilked for it were known. Both. ·~ney, contacted by ~lephone lit his home. and unioh sources iefused comm<'nl , ;: 'Rooney and Garvey set up a ~ting of the union chief and ~h e ow n e rs · a I x • me m be r ~live committee here Oct. 5. .ptaen Garvey failed to !M?U the i>wnera on the union'• wage-tcaJe i oncept. a pivotal part of Its demand• for a new collect.Ive baraalnlng •IV ment. • The t.alka, ~hlch receseed at ':JDklnlght Sunday, have yet to •ddress in der.th the econocnlc JllUH, the pr mary reason the '4\lon on &pt. 21 C*lled the flrat. linHaaon strike In ~e 1'FL'a Q..year hlst.ory. J • Overflow crowd sees Muldowney win By HOWARD L. HANDY 01 , ... Dally Piiot Slatt Sharley Muldowney won the National Hot Rod Association (N HRA ) t o p fu e l n ational championship and Frank Hawley captured the tunny car title but neither was around for the finals at the Winston World Fmals at Orange County International Raceway Sunday. A s un -d renched c r o wd announ<.'ed at 30,000 was on hand for the finals with another 12,500 in attendance on Friday and Saturday for qualifying runs that saw individual c hampions crowned, in 11 categor ies and NHRA nationaJ title winners m at IC?ast three djvisions. Jim Barnard. a newcomer to the top fuel circuit on a fu11 time basis this season. defeated El Toro's Gary Beck in the finals when Beck appeared t o have trouble just after leaving t he starting line. Barnard posted a 5.925-second. 233.16-mph run In the finals. Tripp Shumake attained a bit of revenge for car -owner Billy Meyer when he defeated Kenny demstein in the funny car final. with a 5.864-second run after Meyer. NHRA champion Hawley and Don Prudhonune had been s idelined ln earlier nc t1 o n Sunday. Warren J ohnson. the fastest pru stock driver the past month. won everything in aight In his division. defeat.Ing nallonul champion Ltt S hepherd In the fl~ls with a 7.784·k"'Ond run. Muldowney won her third toP. futtl championship but wasn t exactly in a happy mood followlna her elimination for rtd·llahuna at the startlns Un In the quarterflnala. She had picked up enouch pomta (7,902) Two cars head down the Or a nge., County International Raceway d rag strip befo re 30,000 fan unday durin~ Winston World Fina l • before the error to win the t1Ue nnd the $40.000 that goes with It. "It was a dumb mistake J made but It happens to ever ybody,"• Muldowney said of her start. ''It was the flnit red light l have had this year. J just loet my timln~. h's as simrle aa that hut It Wtlan t for lock o concentr1uon because I concentrate ev.-.ry tJme I get In the atr." Beck, the defondlna World Finals champion, had suggested that perhape Muldowney didn't hav<.' quJte enough hont'power Ir. htr car prior LO th weekend. "It 's not a ma tt er of horsepower," Muldowney .-Id of the statement. "He (Beck) hasn't won a race this year. Maybe he haR too much horsepower. h takes more than power to win." On a happie r note, she. said: "lt'a a domn good thing It wasn't the flrtt round that It happened. 1 like to wm every ume out and tt would have meant anothttr $2~. ()00 but I dJdn't do it. "This haa Men the great~a\ year 1 have ever had and lt wu a wonderful year for Alan Swindle. our car builder. Ht' ls .~ the one responsible for t he wheelie bars on the back of the cars and I fee) they have really helped. They enable us to hang In there. The wheelie ban are a bnNlth of fresh air." Barnard, a virtual unknown ln tht-1port, aatd hts crew had made a few adjustments to the car before the flnala apinst Beck. "Wtt did some things to improve my leaving time and 1 felt more comfor \eble," he Mid. "Thia WU the flnt Ume l have ever bffn In the flnala of an NHRA tvent and thlt la our flrat full year on the national circuit. "I waa happy to be in the right lane for the finals. Yes, there was a bit of psychology being used at the at.artJng line and I tried to get the odds In my favor. But 1 at.aced riJht after his Unal light went on.' Hawley. another youna driver in hla Cirat full ae199n on the national circuit. won the' nationa.1 title In funny car cef"lpelltlon with 7 ,446 point.a w ith Meyer second al 8.9~2. When Hawltty advanced to the aitmltlnala before (See MULDOWNEY, Pac• Cl) ' j (I Oratno Coull DAIL v PILOT /M o t •luy, Oc.tnbnt ta. 10tl1 y UNT ~PARK From Page C 1 t)W h,1111111( Ill d1•1, ...._,l II l\'\tll ti Y+ llJi (I Vl' '<1lt•l11•s 1\111 \ t1Ulll 11t11Vt<tl 111 th• hunt 111111 un Su111luv l>t,u11i1· tlu· 111,1 m BI\ l'Vf'r tu hJvt· two four l11t S1•111·' gamett "l'nl llot oUl lO IJ1t•,1k UllV I ('t 111·1h.," ht• ~u.I. "lC lht·y t'Ollll'. th~•t':. 11111· But winnml( tho· World S1•1 i.•s 1:. thl' 011ly goul l'Vl' 1•v1•1 st'l That'~ w h.11 I -.111 vt· tor." Yo unt got tlw Bn•wcr,; 111Url1«I 111 th~ first inning S\lnd11y w ith 1111 infil•ld slnglt• I It• 111ov1«I u p 1m a h11 by Cet:il C'04.l1>t''" 1111d lioth run m·ri. .:.idvam:ed 0 11 l'u1 d111ttl plll'hl·r Ho h Forsl·h 's wild p l!'koff throw Ted .Simmons' hllun1.,•r ,.;c'tm '<I Vuu111 St Louis tlt'(I tht• ti('un • 111 tht· third un a triple b y David Grt•t..•l'T' und u d uubh• by Keith llernundl'z, w h u sn appl!d out of un 0-for· I~ SC'nes lump with thrt~· h1t.s. Jn t.ht.> th ird , Molitor walhd. Yount · -ther~·s that man again d oubled and Coop e r del1vl'.'red a n RRI groundout. C h arli1• Moon• doublt•d and S<.'Ored on Moh tor's smglt· to rn.1k,• it 3-1 in the fifth BREWElt ' • • • 11\'t•t llW pl.lit•," SHiii YllUlll "Tiu y VI 111'1'11 plldttllK 1111' llWUV lht w h 11l1 s ••• ,., .. Thul, upv.11 t•11tly, I" hy dt•-.1.i11 "Wt• kC'I)' lrVlll~ '" "1(l'I lht• l>llll Ill u "Pol," :o.;111 ( '111 d11111I M.11111~1·1 Wh111·v lle•rt.ol( ·-.111d 1·v1•1 y 111111• w1· l(t'I 11 111 tlw s~H . lw lllL'f II .. A. .. 1lw ulJ ll1•1111y Y11u11~111.111 )11k1 !:'"'" "A 111un )(Vt'!< II• tht· 1h11. lUI' <Hid i..1ys, 'II h uni; wlw11 I <Jo lh1:-,' 1111d th .. d1K:tor rt•plh•s, ''l'lw11, d1111 '1 do that'" "It's 11 lllllt• slll p1•1s111g th1•,v stay 111 •Jiit' spot," 1w1t•d Yuun l In till' bourn1111f lh1· 1·1~h1h. ll1•r1111-t w1·111 lo ltw bullp•·ll l11r llru1•1• S11th•1, who lws mw w111 .111d 11111· ~1v1· 111 this S1·r11•s 'l'tll' 11h •:a w.1i. to k1•1•p th1• B11•wt•1 s 1n tlw l'u1 d1n.1 ls' "'~Ii b It J1dn'l wurk "l us(•d l11n1 lx.'(·auM· I \ ,1nt1·cl 111 stay ckr.>t' und t;1kt> .1 -:hol ;ii 11," sa11I llerzog. "llt• g.1v1· up two 11111s" And l111s t1111t'. tlw B1 t•Wt·r~ did ttw1r d.1m.1g1· w11hout Yount Sm~lt~ by &•n < lgltvtt'. MoUJ t• and <..:,.muwr. ~11dw1dwd .11 ouml .1 v. .dk. 11\:tdl' II ti -2 .tlld 11 l11oko•d l1k1 · ,1 l.1uji(lll'r Tht• C.11d111als had u11ly th11 ·1• 11ub lt•ft but <.. ·.1ltlwl'll, who had bt<t•11 s laggt rang. d11ln 't h.1Vl' th.1l lll.tlly ---·--.,------------- Oellr Piiot Photo by ClwlnM at.err I I The Cardmah.· ptl'kt'<I up ;1 1 u11 1n the seventh on a walk and h11. .. hv Lc>nnt<' S n11th a nd Pt.'orgt• l lt>11dnck. but Yount Mot that run hal·k with ;1 two-out homvr in thl· bottom of tlw seventh "It was a (ru.tba!I up a ltult• .111d out Ht• had p1h h1·d ;i 1hn ·1• h1l ,..hu111111 tn tht• 11pcn1•r but had ~u1TP11d1•11·d \Wit'\' thJt m..i11y rn tlw l1r .. 1 tl11t•t• 111111ng,.. Sundav El Toro .,~ f ;ary Bt•(·k ('OIH'('lllru tc•s hul lost·~ in ah .-World Final a t OCIR. Honeymoon starts at World Series F rom AP dispa~es MILWAUKEE About 56.ooo ri spec..·ta tors wen • on hand Sund<iy for Cindy and Phtl Boz1ch's w!'ddtng rec..'<'pllon. not counting the telt·v1s1un Sabres explode early, down Edmonton· H1111k1t• dt'ft•nM•11i;111 Phil llou:-.lt·y ~ M'lll'1•d Olll' i.,:11.il a nd M'\ UJ> tlt1 i't' ' 11lht·rs 111 le<•d Hufl;tlo to :i Ii I vu•t••I v over Edmonl1111 Su11d;1v 111 1111· N.1111111JI I l111:k1•,v LP;1gl11· i lou-.lt \ op1·111·d th1· •>c:unng \\'Ith h1:-. ~l'\•md g11.d 111 1111 v1·.1r 111 1h1· I 1r:-.l pt·riod , lht•ll ,1,..:-1:-.ll·d 1111 M'UI ,., liv (.i ii Pe rreault. Dave Andrt>ychuk a11d Mike Foli~no J~ the Saba~ opt..•m,1 .1 ~ 0 11 .. uJ 111 1 ltt• 111K·11111~ ~r1od i':h1·v.h 1·r1· 111 till' N H L . ~1t:?'-1·1l.:>l·mc1n Paul Reinhart "4m 1·d lu-. f11,1 gu;1l 11r the• M·a~n with :.!-:rn h·ft to lift l ';ilg.11" 10 ,, :i-:1 tie with 'IN1nn1pl·g lklt•11 ... ·rn..in B ob Mur~ay brokt• .1 :.! :.! 111· \\'Ith ,1 ~111 luot .. 1.1µ:-.lmt 111 tht· f11-st pl'nod a11d Bob Preston c 11111"< lt·d ,, pa11 ul Sl'l'tmd·pl•flod gu.1b tu glVl' <.'h1t .og11 .1 ti--1 triumph uvc•r w111ll's." 1>1 .. 11w1 Tho I I.I\~ ks. 1111\\ -I · 1-1. 1110Vl'd into .I l1r,..1 pl.1u· IW Wllh 1dl1 l\lmn1.•:.ut.; 111 tht· Norn~ U1v1:-.11111 .oftl'I l'<Jptu1111g lht•1r third t'UllSt't'UllVt• Will viewers Ballesteros wins In sudden oeath Th(' organist was Frank Chark•s. tlw hClll was MllwaukN• County Stadium. and lhl· Seve Ba ll i:steros drnp111·d ·' n gathering induded thl• Milwaukt>t' Bn·wt·rs and :HI f111H pull 011 1h1• first hoh· 11! S t Louis Cardinals 'utl<lt-n dt'alh to d1•fl'•" Bri1<1111 '-: The bride and groom. sllll dotht·d m ttwar Sandy Lyle .ind w111 thl· W111 ltl M.1ll'h wedding finery. allc•ndt'Cl Ganw 5 of thl' World Play Golf Champ1<~n:.h1 p Sunday 111 V11 g1n1" Serles, tt•lting rc•porters lht.·y had JU::.t goltt•n WCJt<·r. Engla'nd Tht· matl'h wa ... t.'•Hlh·~\t'tl 111 .i marnt>d driving rain wh1l'h had put tht I 1rs1 h11h• partl\. Telephone 111qu1rtel-confirmt·d. huwl·Ver. und1.·r water In a matl·h Cw third pl;ott '. La nn} that the coupll· had b«>n marned Saturdav at St Wa dkins defl'all·U T o m Kite. :~ and I Alphonse's Roman Catholic· Church 111 ::.uburban Mille r Barber :.htJt .1 Ii u11d1·1 p..11 lifi lor tlw Gret:ndale fourth cunst'l'UllVl' clav to win tht· Surlltt•t· S1·11111r The pair d1sapp<:arC'd aftt:'r a rl'staurant Cla!>. .. 1<· bv fivp strokt-:. w11h a four d ,1\' t11t.1l or recept1on Saturday.andshow1.-dupforSu11da)·s :!64. 24 ·undt'r par Don Janua r y 'wa' till' game with uckets that a rl•la11v1• had provided as runner-up with a I~ undt•r-pur 2ti~ tuwl a wedding gift. " mc•mb<-r of th<· family smd. Cook denied fourth power boat title Th(' bridegroom 'aid tht· lll'kC'ls \.\'l'rt· a Be tt) Cook or Nt•v. port &·<1lh. .__ ___ surprise .• -'-·-r . "Cind~ said, ·You're· 1dd111a -.-~,-d~,-m~.-t-l~h-1n_k_-4l.f'lA""l......,g'f'.rt~inn~ tt~tH~Htt't64~,,,....-pq; " bo<1l 1aung. m1s..,t·d htr fourth llliill s he rl'.'ally wantc<d to go.'' Bom:h rc·latC'd "I kind nationJI l hJmpiun~htp b~ fmi!-.hing of had to drag ht•r ht'rc· It was kind o f a wroding st-t·unJ lx:hind Tony Garcia of San Fr.imiS(ii m present from a good frll'nd of oun... 1ht• M1t·hdt1b L1ght-Gr.1nd B..ih,rn1a r;:itt' m .• l 11( Quote of the day Gary Gaetti, Minnesota third baseman. aft.er a sw eep of Kansas City brought the Twins' record to 56-93 while the Cincinnati Reds w ere 55.94 with two we<!ks lef t in the season: "The Reds are now the worst t~am in bascbaU. G oing ahC'ad of them 1s belier than beating the Royals " Moseley's boot lifts Nationals WAS HI NGTON Mark [il Moseley of the Washington Redskins t II t kicked a 45-yard field goal with l ·O I remaming Sunday to hfl the National Confercm·e team to a 23-22 v1ctorv over an American conferC'nCC squad in a umon-.sponsored football gamf' before a spafS(' crowd in spacious RFK St.ad1um . The Nationa l F ootba ll League Players Associa t.Jon, the union which put on I.he game. said that 8.760 u ckets had been solrl for the game. But the crowd m RFK St.ad1um, w hich nonnaUy holds 55.045 for Washington Redskins games. appeared w be much sm aller. Moseley's third field goal of th~ d ay -he al.so connected from 43 and 39 yards -erased an American margin gaine d o n a 61 -ya rd touchdown pass from Don S trock of the Miami Dolphins to Ray Butler of the Baltimore Colts. Adainson • WIDS Fre>eport, Grand Bahama C ook driv ing ,1 M1chdob L1~h1 c·.iwmaran hull. ban•ly in1 "-«<·d h1•r st•(·ond <·o nsN ut1v1· :ind f11u1 th ov1•1,1ll n..it1o nal llllt· by fin1:-.h111g "1.x mmul<'l-lwhmd Garcia Tht• St'C.'ond of a ..,1•nt•s of pl;.111rn"<I All-star gamt'S san <·t1u nt•d by tht• Na11011:1l Football Leagut-Playt•N< AS..'>Ol.'ldllCJn w1 II b1.· lw ld a1 the Los An~wlc•s Coli-:Pum tonight ;.ii Ii p.m 11 has bc·en rcportc>d that llt·kt•t scdt•s for lh{• gamt' have.• gonl' fairly slow. dt•s pllt· prit.•t·s ranging from $6 to $12. rar tx•low thos<' for H<tidN~· games Da rrell Waltrip Wl•nt 111 I ro11t for gl)(){J on the JNth lap and brt•l•7t•d Ill •l two- st'('(Jnd VH:tury m t11e O ld Dom1111on 500 (j t;lllrl Nauonal stoc:k c:ar rat(·, tht• I I th t.:rnnd N.11mn<1I victory of the• seu.;on for W:1hnp Diete r Brock thr.-w two touchdown pa!>."t"':. and ran for a third as Wihmpcg knockc'Cl off Toronto. 29· IH 1n a Canad1on Football L t•agut· gamC' Sundav Meanwhlll'. Darrl·ll Moir inu·n ·t•pted a Tom Clements pass and relUrnl'Ci 11 20 yard~ tor n touc·hdown with 1.09 IC'fl lO give Calgary a wild 55·48 VIClOry OV('r llamtlton 1;hc lOla} or J()] points set a CFL r«.'Or<l for :i s nlgle gaml• Tel~vision , radio TV: Superstars -12 NFL stars l'Ompete in 10 superstars events ml'luding. weight lifting. 100-yard dash. bicycle race and obstacle course. 9 p.m .. Channel 7. RADIO: No events scheduled • • racing series Soviet s kater hi ts firs t goal for Kings Nt-:W 'r'UIH~ tAl'l Wiidt• V11·1111 Nt•l'11.1t•V w ...... 1t•idt11g l t'lllt'I "l.tj(I' hy h1'( 11m111g th1• f1r"l Sovlt'l .. k.il<·r to M'ort• :.i gu.il 111 thl' Natmnc1l line. kt•V Lt·:.igut'. Bl•rnit• Nll·h o lh 11110 c..;ar v L.t:.ko~k1 put on .1 ll1l11· .. 1111· ,1111~ or lhPtr OWll Nt•t hat·\' Jl\d Nu hull .. 1.ilht•d thr<'<' tJf u,i:, Ang1·h·l-· 11\'t• KOals and follow rook1t• L:i:-.ko:.k1 madt• :rn savl's .is 1h1· K111gs ch·fc·:1wd tht' New York H.1ng1•1 .. :l :i 111 .in NHL ganw Su11d.1v night NC"t:hal'V, a :.!7 ·Vl·a1 old from Stlwria who m,;d<· h is Nll L dt•but Saturdo.i y. l'ap1)l•d a th1t'l'- goal firs t-period outburst liy tht· Kings. f1nng a :~11.foot slap sh•Jl f)<l);l Rangers goullt• S t<:vt· Wt·i·k:. \.\'llh 2·45 ll'ft Ill lht· 1'.X'rlOd "Tht• Hus. .. 1a11 n ••ii Iv has a good -.hl)t." said Wt·t'k~. who wus tes11.'Cl ~W lllllt'' IJ, tho · Kings Darvl Ev.inl-. \\ h11 pl.iv .. on tht• ~me hnc• J' N1'(hal'\'. ... iv" the· S<w1t•l skat1·r 1:. h·.1rn1ng • "He ll•arn(·ci nwn· wh1·r1.• ~ ~houkl ht.· tonight, .11111 hl· lt·arnl'<i wh1.•rp WP should l>t.'. "lm·h made· u~ all mul'h m11n · l'fft.< llVl' than ld"l night. Evan ....... 1d. H·l1·rrNg to t 1 ings ""' to tnt· l'W York lslandt·r .. UC Irvine tabs Palmer UCI Athll'tll' D11«·t•ttll Linda JJ1•11lJJSt•y has ann11un1'l'<I that .Joni M Palnw r will l>1• U(.Tl- "uil1ng l'oach 1wxl yt•ar Palm1•r , :.!4 , 1s c1 native· of Columbu:.. Ohio Sht· grnd uatt•J frnm M1~1m1 Un1v1·r,1tv 10h1trl m I YHO w11 h a dt•gn•c• 11; I'( 011nm1~ ... J nd 1·o mt·~ to UC I w 1th .1 n l'Xlt'nslV(' ).Cllling b<ll'kground Fro m 1974 111 19tt I P ,ilmn w orked at Lt•.1th<·rllp!> Y:llhl Club 1n Columhu..,, r1r-.1 a s ass1sl~nt and th.in J~ h1 .. 1d -..111111~ uu.trut.·tcir In 1979 '>ht· ~' .... tr.llm·tl in fiberglass hull l'Onstrucu on and the production of Th1sllt• Class sailboats at the Great M1dwc•st Yacht Co. in Sunbury. Ohio. Wh1IC' at M1am1. Palme>r was the sa1hng team C'a pta1n and coordinator from 1977 to 1980 She was 1nduc-t t•d 1n10 tht• lnterc·olleg1ate Sa11a ng H all of Fame as a n All-American in 1980 PERSONA:.. PROFILE INVENTORY $20 ;:;:::c, ~~w .!~» ~~~: :'~ T•t-" ., Poll!,,.. P•-Team °"""''OPl'l<tnl re< l>'IV•I• 01 11'""1> K ath y Adamson of Dana Point Yacht Club .Jon the fifth race of the Orange County Women's Ocean Racing Serles Saturday to eme rge as the 0verall 31l!ries winner. •ll!l'I 0'\""9 r..lro I~ e.llAVIQ< Runner up was a n o the r California n , Tom .c-ui.anto Ne!-~~~ The f inal race was sailed in the ocean cff ;Newport Beach out o r Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. . Second overall m the sen es was S ue Fr1m ta. Dana Point YC, at the helm o f Going Left, and third was Tres Gordo. skippered by Nancy Jo Price, ~YC. Jn the No Spinna ker Class the winner was :Seador a. J a n el Bro ugh ton. DPYC. a nd the :runner -up w as Gold Rush . sailed by Ann lk-<'kN, !Capistrano Bay Yacht Club. . Winners in th•· final ral-e: 1 SPltlffAK!R Cl.ASS -I 811ng 8eng Max~I. Kathy Ad•mton, ;Of>YC: 2 81<10w4n9f, Kerl'l Siu.I 81!hla C0<lnthlen 'l'C, 3 Going L•lt. -.,<1ue FrMt• OPYC. ~ NON SPINNAKER l Oold Aulll. Anrt Beet<.,, C1pl1lr&no Bay •"C. . ~lter Ir. llellle·I• e•••1llon i SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, Tex. -Hobie Alt.er )Jr. or C.plstrano Beach ls headed home from Tf'Xtl!I .Y..lth h!A eecond CONeCUtlve national champion.ship • ln Ow Hobie-16 cu . It ls hit thlrd natlo~l tllle In the popular ca~ran clua. " Aller defeated more th.m 50 competitors in the lO·rac:ci &ene9 w1th a low acorc or 46 ~ polnta. t, Materna of S henna n Oaks with a score of 58. Third (714) 840-1211 was Carlton Tucke r. Ft. Lauderdale. Fla .. 031 ~. ~==;=;=~~~;;;;;:;~ fourth was Mike Sheare r. Salt Lake Caty. Utah , II 1f I 64 ~. and fifth was Dave Sloan, Clearwater. Fla. S0"4 Others in the first ~ were: ti. Richard Karran . !~.'1:J .-CONDn a1•1• Tampa, Fla .. 83: 7 Pat McConnick . Long Beach, 85, 1aA1 •• ,. MM,_ 8. Bob Seaman, Los Angeles. 86~: 9. C huck Miller. _.,~~ Corpus Chri s t a. Tex. 90: 1 0 . A I an Egusa. $tlt¥lct TlrN l lM1• .. ,..., 0eot Hawthom e, 92. 1c.ii score -"°"' AtMl COSTA IMSA M 1-1289 Del• t'u eaptures Sanl•n•·~U ,,,. .._,... lh1' ()ch Vu. skip""red by Janl' &·hod<. Nc•wport :.MISSION VllJO 495-CMOl .r .... ,..,, e....i ... c:.,i. ...... Harbor YM·ht Club. was thl• w 1110er o f the 1t--.""" ... A.-y"""'' Sanwna·20 C lass in Bl1hln Con nthian Y;t<•ht Clu b's ..., _________ _ Octobl'rfos t Hcgatla . f:i('<'Ond phtt•t• wt'tll tu Bullet, ~iled b y OiC'k Brown. BCYC In th(' Shields C lass the· wlmwr was Jeon. Brian He nch. UC I SttlllnR A~'IOCrnt1on. followl<d hy Columbia, Blllin~ nnd Collln11. UCISA. Loekney llrt1t. In Lldo-14 rr11•tU1 Morty Lockney of thl• ho~t dub wns the winner of the Lido· I'' Ch111JC lr1 Lido b l<' Yacht Cluh't Fllll Regotu.1 • Wlnn<•nJ In th<' S&bot A and 8 romblncd clBSSl'"I w<•rt': I Carl Orodoch, L IYC. 2. Enc P roul. Bolboo VC: 3. Mark F'ronco, LIYC Winners In tht' Sabol C· I nnd C I. l Clolrl' Robcrl.3. &I~ YC. 2. Qimml<> Ttnstle r. LIYC '\ Al required by lew, "e w bual ne11e1 ual n~ a Flctltloua Bu1inH1 Nam• must register that name with the County Clerk. Cell the OAIL Y PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT for form• and further lnformellon. MULDOWNEY WINS • • • From Page C1 los111g 111 M1·vi·r" .. 11 ·:1m111.I\•· 'l'npp Shu111.1kt'. Ill' v.a~ v11 tu;olly a~..,Ut 1'<.l ul till' lllll' .u1cJ tht ~ lfl, OIHJ 111 '>l pr 111 · M1·v1·r w1 ·111 111 tht· llm· right .1!11•1 the· Shuniakt .. H awlt•v nml 111111.1111m ... i.;.111l:-.t &·rn~u·1il .ind .ol:-11 lin.t Shumc.ikt· c!t•fca tt'<.I H.•rn'ilt·1n m tht· rmals and S<otd h•· had lx"<·n f1rt'tl a~ dr1v1.•r r1f thC' 1 .Jr Ml•Vt•r will driw· nl'Xl ~aMJn llaw.lev n·ealll'd <in in<:1d1.·nl lhat hapP<,•nt-d lwo Wl'-'k.-; ago at fremont in Northt•rn Califorma "Kc•nnv tuld mt• tht·n. 'don't w o rrv <i hout 11 o r f P<·I h;11I b('cause vou fini shed st'l'u11d hl·r<.• You· ;in· going tu win tht• world champ1onsh1p and I'll ht·lp YOU du ll ' "!IP helf)4:d me out there loc.Jav hy lx.•a11ng M1•yer although Billy was CJ lung sh1H at that unw 1f ht· W~L-: going tu wm. Ht• h;od to win the World F inals and abo sl'I two na t1ona I rc'<·ords "Pcoplt• In Las V1·gc1~ mak1· mu1wy un long shots. though Th<'n today. afl('r his run ..igJ111st MC'Vt·r. h(" said. ·[ told vou vou would win and I w ou.ld ht:IJJ vuu.' "In that run against Shumakt>. the motor in the car gut weak at the ~t.art and I saw him ou1 tht·n · a coup}(• of ll-ngths Tht·n· wa1' no 1.·ham'(· to catch him " M M'<·r said he didn't knn~ who won h1s racl' With &·rn~H·lll until ht• S<-V. thl' C'ame r..inll n ~omg to h1~ upponl·nt "[ ncvN sav. him on tht• tr<1tk &su..lc:s. I wasn't running .11 <i n·t·ord p.in· so I don't think I 1ould hu v 1• t·a ught Frank a11 vwav Gt<ll111~ 5''<.'0nCl 1::. IX.'llcr th~n third." .r S huma ke'. dnvmg a Ford EXP a s a hirt..·d d rivl'r for Mt'Yl'r. guincd a 1)11 of rev<'nge for his c·ar ownl'r by winning tlw lunnv l'ar lltil• Th1.•n • was a po~s1 1J1lll\' thJI lh< two would mt·••t 1n lllt' {inals "If that had happt.•1wd, I would h<1v1• te1k1·n ;, fall and ll•l him w111• 1h1· ra c·l· ... Shumakt· :..11d ·Lu<·k ilv f o r mt• 11 ne>\'l'r happt.'nc-d 'th.11 w e• rnn'Cl aga1n~1 t'at:h othc•r .. Billy "111 llt dnv111g the· 1 a1 ne·xt year and I hav1• no plan ..... 11 thl' pn.'St•nt lllTil' I ft•h fortun<il<.' hl• c·c1 I lc·d nw a ft..r I n<h' <1 nd .1,kPd mt• tn dn\'(' for him ttw n-st of this year But I was f1rl'<i ·illl'l'th1·1.11• l•l\l:.1y "I h:id "''"•' rt·llri·d .md I didn't rn1"" l h1 1 .w111g bu I J <.hd miss the pn1pl1 and 11th1 1 tl11ngs around 1h1· \r<.11 k Uut Y+t·'ll wait and sc·<: about nl'x I Vl·ar " Warn·n johllMlll won the pro .. t•x:k v.udd fin..ib llllt· and ft:~ls Lhc·rc <.on· four ('<.irs o f e q ual abil1t v 111 that f1l'ld now after a lw)g tlon11n<111on by Bob Glidden "I think '>om<' or the other 1.1l"l•r.. would llkt• lO ('hange the ruh·" in an <·Hort to s low me do\.\ n . · J o hnson said "They didn't 1 t·.itl thl· ruk~ un how t.o d1,1ng1· a t·ylindt•r ht·ad and this ha:. h .. t µ<'ti rnt· "Wt· didn't g('l an early start th•'> v1·;1r but o ur l!:'am cam~ a rnund and fin;illy g o t things togl•lht•r Lt•t· (Shephe rd) had thl• l·h;1mp111n~h1p sewl•d up a month ago ;rncl might h ave hHt'k•·d up u l11tk• at th!.' end." * Wlntton World Fln•l• (•I Ot•ng• County lnttrn•llo~ Rac•W•J) FINAL ROUND RESULTS TOP FUEL -Jim Barnara Porlland, 5 92~ 111apsed lrrrfb 233 lb mr1es per nour aet Gar, 8t!ek Et Toro 7 286 120 96 low ET 5 585 Beci.. Tops~ 255 68 Matk Oswald L°"' Qu .. oher Seek 5 !>85 FUNNY CAR -Tnpp Sn..omeke. Pt10en11< S 86' 243 2• del Kenny Bernstein C>allas 6 237 2n 34' Low ET C>on Prudhomme S 767 Top ~Pl'llO Craig Epperly 247 25 Low quallhe• Pruonomme S 767 PRO STOCK -W•rr~ Jonnson N0<cross f.a 1 18• 11& 81 1111! tee Shephe1 II Arlington Tex 1 8ti!I 111 llt> t..ow ET -J nnso,.. ~ 7 39 Top spe!'d -178 92 Johnso,, Low ouaul~r Johnson. 1 139 PRO COMP 811d And1t1on Covina. 6 •!19 715 82 del Al Oapouo Nor1,.6'001>. INS 6 759 191 •8 ALCOHOL ORAQSTEA -Al Oepou o Nor l"t>•Oo~ Ind 6 616 206 •2 del Don Woosler Wtr•Chl'Stl!f l(y 6 707 189 87 LOW ET D.ipo u o 6 5111 Top speed 214' 26 Oarr .. 1r c,.,""' M1am1. t ow Quallhe• Gwynn 6 ~;>ti ALCOHOL FUNNY CAR Braa Anoe1son Covina. 6 7 35. 211 26 dll Bob Goll$CM1k Or119on. Oll•o did not siege Low ET 6 521, Gonsc;,.al~. Top ~peed 215 31 Andetson Low qua1111er Gollschalk 6 579 TOP FUEL MOTORCYCLE -ll'try Vance SJ11ta F <' Spr1n95 7 JS 1 179 6• <1e1 Date WJ l•e• s~nla C111t 8 270 163 63 Low ET Vence 1 290 Top speed Vance 182 SS, lO .. qu&llllO!I V.ince, 7 290 COMPETll ION -... Aul Mercure. Berkeley 9 792 137 40 del Oan11y Townsend Muncie '"" 7 560 1 ;• 8t> lo"' Qu8lll1er -Oav1<1 Coo• Hou.Son Ii 931 SUPER GAS -Al Scn .. anze. Greeley Colu 9q18 138 67 der Gary Coolte Lano Bl'ach 9 830 135 54 tow ouallller -Ken Jos1m;i Agnu•u 9 90• SUPER STOCK -Ron Zoelle West C->•"'" 10 865 I 15 38 del Logan Sm•lh Belmont tu llJW in 78 Low qu111r1er -var Heaworm Rowland He•o"I• 11 363 I I 36J STOCK -Don l•llle Westley Calol I 1 7&-0 IOf> 00 del L•rry Ma•-11. S111nas 13 IJO 100 89 low qualotoe<-La•ry Harrell D•amond Bar 12 OS fll •. L ~ • Yo~rofess1onal ~ ·· Flonst FLORIST 29 15 Red Hill Avenue A 108 Costa Mesa Stone M tll Business Park 641-0810 OCT. 22, 23 and 24 at the INN AT THE PARK 1855 South Harbor Anaheim, CA 92802 (one blOck soutti of Disneyland) 1 DAY PASS $ 4.00 2 DAY PASS $10.00 chlldren under 12 s 2.00 ~""" HOURS: fr1doy 1 to 6-Soturdoy 10 to 8 ,,_I ~ SUndoyll to4:30 ( .•••"V••tt ·l....:----· Don't miss this opportunity 10 see tnt finest knlTtmakers lrl the wO<ld. Come'" the practlca1, 11ard-wmlng hunting and n1t11no knives mode of the NOh• qualify steel. and t>eoutlful, exotic period knlVes with pearl. ond precious ltont and metal Inlays. 65 top Amtrtcon Knlfemaktf'S will be present along wtltl engrovera. schrlmltlanoers. and dtoters to dllplav and Mil "'..,wort!. PRIZEStlr Ooncr1td custom knives and gm c.rtmco'" ff om Plozo Cutttry. WOf1tt ~of dolklra. wtll bl ratftld oft ttwouQhOUt Thi w.Mend. oum10NS? eon thOW lpGnlOf ~ CU'*Y at (TI•> 541-3932. •, / 011mgo Cona1 DAii v f'ILOl /Mondoy, October 18. 1982 Cl Story on prep athletes irks readers Edison teachers, doctor, pare nt , 'uperintendent giye their A ~·· llt} .. tlee In l'\'!&pt}l'\8t' lO John Scvano'11 r('('t'nl article (Oct. 4) on high IK'hocJI ialhl•·Ut'b 1mplylns the k ld1 urt· bt•lnte. quott.- "pushcd Into playing wlilli: they're mjurt-d .. .''. a great injui;t&l'\' wus l(iVl'n lo the SuMel Leugut• uml ~J>l'l'lf1('ully tht• medlcol care bein g utir11lr1IHlt'rl'<.l l>y tlw a thlc>lk traln er11 l•mployc9 br th(• tlunOngton Beach Union ll1gh &·hool District and t:!Aeh :i('hool's rl'Spt.>ctivt: ll•mn physician. To m ake s u<.·h a s t rong sta tement simply on htiresay from a person washing lO re main anon ymou s und without further invesugation as u nbelievable and cannot be toleratt.>d. I h ave been employed at Edison Hjgh School as the a thletic traine r for the past nine years and "never" has a C.'U&Ch ever asked an injured player lO participate an whic h either myself or the attending physician advised against h is playing The implicauons of Sevano's remark insinuating there is a "wan at &U <.'OSt" a ltitude prevalent m the Su t League a nd s pecifically aroun d1son (an reference to the mann e arllde was written) are totally and wall not be condoned. I person a 11 y s p o kl' w 1th· 'l his anonymous phys u:ran and was told hlS rem ark s were an fact ta k e n o ut of con text and that Edison High School was not one o f the schools implicated in any of the incidents mentionl>d , T o which my reply was, "it couldn't have been." The Huntington Beach Union High School District (Sun.set L<.:ague) sho uld be complime nte d for the ir con cerns about the m edi<.·al s upervision the athletePIPP receiving on and off the playing field. The implementation of an athletic training program at each school since 1976 demonstrates the concern this league has for the 1n1urt'd student- athlete. • The Sun.set League and its member schools stress safety perhaps more than a n y o ther league 1n the s tale o f California and for a journalist to print that the players are being pressured by school officials lo play while injured. witho ut total "f acts" is absolutely ludicrous. I would hope that the public and thl· Daily Pilot staff recognize this artide was written in very poor taste and is a classic case or irresponsible journalism. Randy Williams Edison High Athletic Trainer Parents 11r•lse Edison As a parent of an Edison High School football player , let me explain. and tell Mr. Bill Bain. about our experiences with the football program a t Edison High School. First, le t me tell you that this is our son 's fourth year of Edison football. He has never been a s tarting player . has always worke d hard a nd loves the activity! He has had lots of bruises. no senous injuries, and four years of learrung team 1-~SPCIA&i.ibil~.developmg beu er ~·ai Citn~. and a desire to d o better m his academic work. Mr. Bain indicates that the c.-oaches care only about football -not about the boy, or his academ1c accomplt..shments or personal accomplishments Let me relate some of our experiences. Whe n Bob was h avin g a little difficulty with some math work, Algebra-Trig .. the coach said , "I thought you w ere a good stude nt." Our son's reply was "I'm trying, Coach." "Let's see some greater e ffort," was the coa ch 's answer. Needless to say. greater effort w as extended and the grade came u p. At the end o f the first week of school the team members were asked where their seats were in their vario u s classes. Before t h ey could answer. th ey were informed that they .t.iPlJllT.t; Jl1il I J,llA (; wc•rt.• IO 1:11.· Ill th•• (1u11t of t•.11 h 1111.,,.'I, "'' they l'UU ld ~tlll\ tht• llHISI uut t•I t·11d1 lCUbf'<.'l , f..\it.•ry lhfl'l• Wt"'l•kx grud1• d11.,·k!oi 111 1• drmt· tu mukt• sun• th•· ll'llll1 111t•111l1"""• ore t1ut fallan" lx·h111cl tn 1tw1r M'huul w ork Dcit•s that sm111d likt• t'l>Ut'h1·, who don't t or<' obuut 1ht•11 l1•a111".; "·lrnol work'! Wl• ~w ~1 hll 11( r>t•rsor1ttl l'llf 111~ wh1•n our son cunw down w ith a sev .. n · ea, .. or mononud<.>OSIS last ~·u~J11 , and .1 11111111• ~tud y progrurn ~u h1 · w11uld11'1 1.111 bd11nd 111 has i.t·hool work wlwr 1• t lw coaches' t-on<.-crns, NOT 1( h1• wuuld bt· ready to play footlx11l We saw personul C'Olll't•rn wh1·n 11u1 son rt.'(:elvt.'CI his Eagle &-out Award, for sitting in the audi1•11ct'. on a Suml.1y evenin g. in the nuddlt• u( fuuth.111 waMm, was Onl' of the Echson t'O:l<:ht"> No. our son as not a slur fnotlhill player. but ht' ri. ,1 you11f.( 111.in wJw bt'nl•f1tt•d tr~H·nd o u,l v from I tw football program <it Bd1:.ui1 1111-:h Ma Bain. I suggest that you t•nnw .;~wnd o st•ason al Edison and S<"l' what tlw H·al l'Ont~rns arc an this progr:1111 In simple t<.'rms I'll ll·ll yuu. Frr:.t, prl'paring young mc·n atackm11.illy to gc1 on to school or find a tart'l:r which m•·<·ts their t~lent.s. S(."l'onc.Jly , bt• oul.!)tand111g tc·am me mbl•rs. Thank you Coat·hes w.,rkman. What•" PumeU. G loshen. Takk111l'n. Lonmt·t.c-n and Hyder. for making 11u 1 younK man a better young man. Robert and l:ktrbara Smid~ After rc·ad1ng John S1•v.1no's i n t er v 1 c w w 11 h H 1 11 8 a 1 n 11 11 t h t' ov~remphasas. of high school ruotb.all. I was seething. &in mat.IL· two n •frrt·nt-es to Edison High SL·houl ;mt.I '''vt•ral blanket slatemC'nti. t:rat1t·1211lg high sc·hools rn general. /U a history tl'tit'hl'I' at Ed1scm. I par t1t·uhtrl y look 1:x<·t·pt1on to the da1m that sc·hooh like• Ecl1 wn "d11 nothrng but push football'' ~11HI wh1·11 Barn d rives by high sc:hnols h1· "'<'<'' k1cb leaving without a singll· book 111 lh«11 hands .. It's a well known fat·t that at EJ1son if a teacher has a prl)blem wllh ,1 f11t)tl>1.11l player. a qu1tk word to Co.wh Workman results in an 1mmt·d1all' 1·h .. tngL' uf attitude_ Coach Workll'kln has tl1st:1pllnl'd S{'Veral players an tht• past by 1 t•fus111g to let them play when they w1•rt• <'lig1bl1· lx."t·ause their dassroom a111 1111ll' nt•t-dC'd ad Justing . Jus t this w eek a fool b.111 t•o,1t h released several f1r-t ::.tnng playt•r'> frurn practice t o allow them t111h· t•1 do r esearc h at the UCLA l1hrt1ry 111 preparation for acadl·nlll' l'tm\pc•l1t1u'11 As to M r. &m's l'la1m of no book:. an their hands. he would do well to u~'rv<' the change in limes hkt• lx11 kp;1l'k:. The common complaint ht .. ird .1r11und the camp~his ..'fC'ar ~~ n11~l ::.tudt•nL' r::. "loo much homC'work Mr. Bain made SPve r<al ,.,J1d points while discussing has pen.onal 1·xix:nl'ntL~ in education but hl• ow1•i. tht• F;d1s1111 High football st.a H a Slnt'C'rt' <i pc1l11~v fur lncludrng lht•m m hts tnl<'rvw w K1•n Arnrn.111n Doetor erltlelzes star .•· The Daily Pilot has d on1· ~1 d1s..;crv1l'<' to the coach es. physscsam. <inJ athll't11· trainers of the S unset L<.·agup as a r~ult of J ohn Sevano's article publishNI Oc•t 4 I was disappointed to Sl'<' tht• 1-'llot's rnvestigative re porter comb1n1• Bill Bain's criticism of St Paul f-111-th School (which he attended) with has' nt1c1sm of Edison High School (wl11d1 he• clad not attend I i llowt•Vt·r. I Wtll> UJlflUll1-ti hy I tw poor 111v1-i.lll(l1t1 v1• rl·porl 1111( whh:h <1uowd on 11111mv1110Ub 1un1•) r.oun·•· who unpllt•d 1hut·111eJ1t·1.1 l ol>u1w11 1ir1• r1111qw 111 1h111u~huut lht· Su1111e•l Lt•uKu1• Ttw lrnct pm t11111 of th<' orllC'IP 11ww1. tliut tl11 • Su11::wt L(•IJgLH' t1 ·11mH (11 11 ly l·~hi.<•11 nwntw1w<J) h·I 1111111111~ ~tumJ 111 1111' way o f w1n11111~, 1111! t•Vt'll lllJUry t•I 11lrw:..'I Bv indudinK t his quul\' frurn 1111 11n1111ym11ui; soun·t• 111waki. •JI thr1.•1· 11111ta11n•s ;1s .C lhl'Y Wt•f1• i.tunditrd prot·t·du11• t'lu11cr r<•ad111g. h1.w1•v1•1, 'hows thu1 0111· of tlw 11w1u1·11b took plan· l1t•tw1 .. •11 till' 1t•u111 ilot·tui u11d url 11v1•1 ly 1•1Hlius1usu1· fotht•r who wanll'll hh -..m to t'ilnllnUl' playtnK an .;pall· or tht· 1111 A I \1•r a disL·u:.1111111 , tht• UOl'ttJI ·._ Judwrwnt pH·vu11t.~ b thJt cvtdl•J'Wc of ml>ci1c11I or <.·cx1(:hang lnt•k of t•ont't•rn'J Allolht·r l'X<implt• Clll'd IS lhl• µu1 port1-d ltl.Jl't'lron of ltJ(:al arw::.thl'lll' In J Coutb.all phayt!r prcs umubly to allow h1rn lo ploy 1n Spill' or lnjllry It 11' i,w111·r;ill y .&l'knowh•dgl•J b y spurts 111l'dtl·1nt• ph_vsrc1ans that llljt.'l"l1011::. u( l·~:al <t1wsthd1l'S 11110 .1011H:. dua 1ng an uthll·llt' evl'nl are m<1dv11><'tbk If 1111i·t·t1•d at halrt1ml'. 11111· mus t qut'slmn tlw tloc.:tur's 1udgml't1l l>t•furl' 0111• at·cuSt.•::. the SunsN l.A>al(u1• t'US«h1•:. 11f cl "Win by any mt•ans" UllllUdt• Tht·st· 1ns1ant•es of ml·dical l'ar<· pniblt•ms do not. tu m y mind. t•onst1tutt• ~UffH·ti:l1t l'Vl dClll"l' tu t•ondl'llll'\ t ht• quality of c·un· or t•oat·hing an tlw Sun.set Ll'<iguc ThL'V .;hould not h<1ve bet•n 111dudt'<.l 111 Brll &m's n •minisc1·nc·cs of a lost high '>i.·h ool l•ducation (St. Paul, nut Edrson) and rdkt.·t unfavorably on lhL· l'Onccrn of lhl' Sunset Leagul' coa('ht-s. lt•am J ot·tors. and a l hll•ti<: traint•rs for thL· health of thC'1r athll•tt-s Th<' six sc.:hools o f th1· Sunsc..-t Lt•agu1" through thl· foresight uf the Hunungton Bc-ach Union High &:hool D1stm·l Board of Education. havL· assemblt.>d a truly L'XCC'plaonal ht·ahh can• sy::.tL•m f<'r thf•1r ;.1thlct1·~ employing athlet1t• tri'11m•rs al l'al·h S(;hool. Thi• trJint•ri. an· t·ha rgl'd with lht• r1·spons1b1l1ty o f trt'atm1•nt and pr<'vt•ntum of a thletic inJUnl's. and an my 1·x 1H·r1t•1H·t-. fulfill lh<>1 r dut1cs Jdm1rably Th<' Ually P1lol alt.<u:k s lht• profl·si.111n.d 1ntcgr1ty or these h ighly sktllt>d , consnt·ntaous 1nd1vrduals by sugg1•stmg that their 1n1ury dL><.·1s1ons a rl· J1s m1ssC'd by c·oat·hes whenl'Vt.'r 1·xpc.-d1enl - T he Pilot also suggests that ('uacht•s supl'l'S<'tll' the medical dedsions of lC'am dudors 1n thl' Sunset 1-A>ague f'or th(• past sc•vt'n years I hovt• bt.-en a team ph ys1t·1an al &:11son High School. wh1lt' 'IX m v associalt'. Robert &1rd. M.D . has tx-;c•n the tcam phys1c1c.n for Fountain Vallt·y High School for the past two v1•an. In our a<.·c.·umulatavc nan<.• years of cxpcr1l'nce. wt' have never be<.•n .ipproa«h1·<l by the c·oachang staffs uf either school LO "patch up" a playl•r so 1hal h<: might play when UlJw:cd. Our o rd l' rs h a v (! n e v e r b (• c n ~ut>Sllonc'CI or countermandC"d by either Coach (Bill) Workman or Coat·h Make) Milnl'r To suggest that Lht>sc• Sunst't L<'ague coaches would be guilty of playing <In Injured player IS Unf, 1r lo th(~ fuw l·haractc'r To s upplt•ment your anonymous ~1Url·1• ston es permit mt' to add two of my own ·Last vcar al the &:11son-Serv1I<' CIF f11o tball .playoCC game an F..clison running h:wk sustained a pos.<>ibll' fra<'tUrf' of his arm. I k wa~ held out of th<' game for th<' t•nlln· Sl'l-ond half an spill' o f hrs r<'qUl'SlS l11 play with the arm splint.eel , paddC"d, <'IC Th(•rt• was absolutdy nu pressurl• or quc~tllll'Hng of the medical adv1cc by Coac h Workman and hrs stare <'Ven . views thuuj;(la "" pl.1v111~ 1·11uld lwv• 11i..1d1· 11 !!ll(lllfl(>ttfll ,11t h•r.,.rn •· 111 1lw •1llkwm• ot tlw unnw Tw11 Yl'lll .... 1.i11 •. ti 1111• fo"11u111,1111 V.1ll1·v l·All,On L'll<' f11oll.1Jll 1111111 , 11111' 111 t-'nun't,11n Vull1•y'p. lt·ud111i.: 11111•111(•11 lllJUl"l'd t11 ... i111klt· W.1lk111M 1.v1·1 1111111 till' f<A.ll M111 lw11d1 I 11d v1i.t-d 1111 l-'1111111 11111 V.lllt•y :ih1ff tl1.1l I f1•1l l11' 1111ur·y dwt.1tc-d tti.11 hi' not pl11v 1111 Iii•· 1t·11i:i111d1•1 111 1111• li;il I t'wll'h Mtlrll'r .1ml 111, .. 1afl dl'('1·pl•'l.l tilt' ll't'lllllllll'IHl11l11111 11f th•· Ed1~111 dtN'llll With 110 I 1llllj1lollllh. d1,tJlt•11/t•11 111 lfUl''ltllHI:. l'Vl'll lhllllj.(h Ill'> I•~'-' lllilll•l l,illy affl'l"lt'll 1t11• wm11• Hq(rt•tlulily I 1w111ot :.11t·ak 1111 .di th1· l•'tt1n:. 111 1111 Suwwt l.l':tj.(lll' 111 l1k1• 111a111wr, 1111' I >ail v t>alol -.huultl l1t· 111u1y :.pl'l·rf1l' 111 1L' ;11,.·u._;1\11111' Ii. Bill Ha111 ii l'lt'tlllJlt• '"Ul<'l' l 11r 1nfo1111al111n n ·i.:;.rnh11K ~·ounldlll VJll1•y J_nJ &11!>011·• I tl1111k 11111 ls th(• l>.i1l y P1llH'' H11llt..'1 l J. H11·l1·n , M U ~upt•rlntPndPnt dl!itaflrt"f"S I Wuuld hk1• 111 t;1kt• 1·>.n·pt11111 111 a por111m of J11h11 &•vJ1111':. 11111•1 v11•w with ·Hall Billn llMl 11pµ<-.1n•J Ill tlw t),uly Pilut Ot:t -I ~:v1•11 thou~h I do n11t <1gr1 ... w11h Mr Ili1111 ·~ fll'r<'1·pl1u 11!>, I n ·:.1wt·1 h1:. <0.1nd1<l111·:.s ;111d 11gh1 to 1·x µri·s~ h1::. f1·drnf.(S Whal I d11 d1,,1gn•t· with 1i. th<• l't111l'lud111g J.>itl'l of lht· ;.irt.1d1 · Iha! (lUOll'S an a11011y11111us Or1Hl).{l' Cuurny sur·genn n·garding u1wth1l':1I pr.wun•s by Sun.'lt•t Lt•agu1· football coul'hl')o m d•·allng with l'illll'r 1nJun·d or sic-k uthl .. 11·s. Tiu· ~1rt1d1• hJi. gt•1w1-;1ll'(I !'alls 111 my ol flt'l' tjUl'Stllinrng thl· 11\lt·~nty ul !>(Jilli' Vt•ry tfrdwah·d young nwn. aml, m'tll·1·d. u1:.t:. :t ~hadow on th1· anll'gnty of ;ill football n1acht•::. This 1s mos t u11f111 tuncitt·. 1-spt.x•1ully wlwn you t"t1ru.1dt•r th<it M1 &·vunc1'i. d ('S(.>rlpllon 1JI thL' 111l·1dcnti. as gr11s::.ly lllHl'l'Ur<tlt• It would St't'm that :.i t·all lo Rill Boswell, 1>1stne l Athlt•l•t 01nx·t11r. 11utlinsng th1• alh·gatu1ru. m<sdt.· b y "Dr An<Jny muus." would h.1vt lx.""•11 appropri;.111 · hdvn· wriung 'u «h Jn arlld <: J...m.t Vt•ar, illt'rallv hundn'Cls o f hour::. Jnd l'Orts1d<•r <1bll• mu1wy (approxlmatdy $fl.0{l(l) W<iS t'Xpl'ndl'\J lu IOVLO:-llgdlt~ i.111 a n o n y m o u i. I (' t t e r w h 1 < h a 11 q~ (' d m1scondut·l 111 lhl' ~d1son alhl1o•t rt p r <1 gr a m T ht' 1• n d r l's u 1 t w a s t•xonerauon by an ouL ... 1dt• 1mpart1al law JUdgl' Hc·n • WI' an' again h.avmg tu r<.>act to unvt-nf1t-d, ;.irnmymous stCJll'mt·nlS in ordt•r to prt•sc•rv(• th1• rntt•grity of our <-<>at·hes and ext:l'llt•nt program Su lc·t rn1· s <iv th:1t thl'H' IH'W a lll•galluns 4t'1<1v;. bl'en I horuughl y anvt·sugatt•d b y tht• D1slr 11·1 A thlt•t11· D1rl'l.'lor Nt•1lh<'r thl' &mrd of Trust<'(.~ nor I wuulcJ n111cl1111l' th1 · acts d1-st·nbt-d by J ohn ~·vano 111 the Daily P1l11l a rttd .. Any ('oat•h who was guilty u f s ut•h intulcrabll· limdu1·1 would 1mrnf'd1a1t•ly Ix> termmav'd Coaching IS a labor of love tl<svrng th<' r<'Spons1hihty Cur the well-IX'mg of a group o f eager young men or women ~ an awt>some kl.Sk Certamlv . tht' modt'Sl Sllp<'nd our coat·hl'S and o tiwr persomwl who work W1lh UJden~ 1n th1• ~...,._ t·urnL·ular art•a ret<t.·1v1• 1s not the• ri:a::.on th<.>sc dt•d1<.·alf'd pl·oplt• volunl<trtly assumt' lhCS<' roles Thl'Y do 11 lwt«1us1· ttwv t•nJOY tht· s p1•t·1al rl•lalw11sh1p th.11 'an b e dt'V<'lopc'd bt.'t WP<·n t"t>at•h!t.lrn>t·tor and p<'dorml'r In orJ1•r t o atl..1111 this relat1onsh1p, th1·y must n11t only hav« th<' c-onfid<'n«• ot llwtr ::.tudt•nL ... but the parents as wt'IL Unvcrifit'<I st;1ll•mC'nL,, suc•h as th<' orws mad<' by Mr Sl•vano, l'an undt>rm1rw this conf1dl·IW<' wh1C'h might havl' takf'11 months or po~1bly y t•ar s lo Cos lt•r T<.>at·hrn~ young JX.X>plC' 1s 3 matlt·r of public trust So rs responssbk Journ:il"m f~rank J Abbott Supt'rmlA.'ndc•nt of &·hoots llu111111gt.o11 &·ach Union l l1gh School D1stnl'l Prep boots 64-yard FG flt&IC NOTICE NOTICE INVrTIN0'8tOS Notice II nereby given lhel lhe Boe«! ol Trustees of •lie Hununoron Beach Union High School OtslrlCI w lll 1ec e1ve sealed b•ds l or suppl~·ng OA TA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT meet•og Of equal to lhe spee1hcauon1 on nie tn ..... ottice Of WiO OialrlCI College football AOOURA (AP) -A "You're not supposed to 16-year-old h igh school be able to do that " junior with a bad cold But Panizlon said the h as s h a t l e r e d a wind probably added 10 53-year-old r ecord by yards to the kick kicking a ti4-yard h eld "I don't want to take g oal. Erik Affho lter's anything away from the kic k was even a yard kld. He's a great kicker. longer than the National but there's a pretty good Football League mark. w ind tunnel up there," Affholter's Oak Park the Ca rpinteria coach Eagles were b e h i nd said. .. 14-10 with four minutes Affholter said he's ' l e ft i 'l th e gam e been practicing 62-yard • Saturda~ whe n Coach field goals all season ~ Fred Yamano sent him long, "because my coach · in to try the kick. The !' a id t h a t w a s t h e Eagles lost 14-13 t o national record." a nd Carpinteria High School, adds, "l could probably but you wouldn't have kick 60 yards withou t 5 known it from the cheeB the wind." Kent, Wash . a nd tu'Cl an 1975 by Russ Wheatll•y of Odessa. Tex T om DempsC'y h olds the NFL record with a 1970 k1t·k of 63 yards. "It's like a dr<'am." satd AfChollC'r "I thank back to when 1 was 7 or ti a nd kicking out rn tht• street wrth my dad. I never thought J would h ave a nalwnal rt'C'Ord ·· ~sades kicking, the 6-0. 180-pound JUmor as an a ll -l eague w1dl' receiver a nd dcfC'ns1vC' back . but the cold had limited has rfforl Saturday. "I didn't tak<' part m warmups because 1 hucl ii 1:1101 trie11 be clearly marked O.t.T.t, PROCESSING EQUIPMENT BK1 •S()g • eddlessed 10 Allyn E Rowley. Purchasing Maneger. Hunt1n91on Be•Ch Union High School 01s1r1c1. 10251 Yorktown .t.ve HunllnQlon S.ACh CA 926<16, end received al 0t belOfe 2 00 p m Tue,d•v November 2, 1982 al which llmf! .,,d place bids w111 be pu1>11c1y opened ano reed In Bu11d1no c. Room 361 Eech bid •hen remain valid fof a perioo or 30 days elle1 the oate apoc;llltld f<>t lhe r-pl ol bldt Tile board ol Trulleet 8h811 be the 1ole judge ot 1r.e qv1llly of equ1pm41nt ott.-od llnd r__,ea the rlOhl 10 re~ eny or Ill bid• end lo wlll,.. any lrreQYler•ty th0<9ln Oetlld Oclob.f 14. 1982 Allyn E Rowk!y PufchatlnQ M•n.- Put>lltfl8d Ot1nge Cout Delly P1101 Qcroi. II, 25. 1982 4552-82 f. that followed the kic.k. The high school mark : "l just 90rt o f froze for of 62 yards w as set in : a minute," said Yama.no. 1929 by Kelly Imhoff of bad cold and I rcll r<.>;illy 1---------- sick ," said AUholt<-r "8.tC NOTICE . "I couldn't believe it. 1-----------------------1 : 11\e stands went crazy. • "He dkln't just barely : make it," Yamana added. ·: "It w• pretty well over. : One wril.er estimated It !could have gone 74 A ! yards. . "I think it would have ; g one 70 yard• easily," AU'holter said. ~ He laid be w• aided : by the wind, but nOt a : c.all wind. ~ "It WM blowing .,,_ : the ~Id." be .ud. "'On : my record kkk It kept • bkrwtnc I.ht ball co the :l e ft and •nt o the : upriOL" -"Our kid• w e re In : ilhock,'' Mid Carpln~ ; coach Lou Panluon. l ' I \ I I\ "' I I ) 1 ) I • \ l ; I I l H '\ I ·\ I H \ I '\ l Tht Infamous Professor Ki~fitld of "PAPCR CHAS£" lOlll HOIJSDIAN returns to UC Irvine Tuesday, October 19 8 p.m. Crawford Hall To apeek on uptWapect1v .. -The Stete of the Art•" 0.-11 Mmllllon ... : ~ Cltlnnt. 0ttw 6tU<lenle. VCI ~ ~ 13_ TiCMtl ASUCI Bo11 Otllee 9 30 1 m ·• p.m Mondlt' Fl'ldlty Of Tlcketron outlet• Information 714 133-8379 ..--------------------------------------· '1CTmOU9 ., ..... ~aTAT1...-r TM ~ ~ •• dolnQ ~-P.t.CIFIC CO A ST HELICOPTERS/PACIFIC COAST A\11.t. TION, 18300 Ike JonH Rd San11 .t.N, ca 9:1101 CARY OA\110 MENDES, 1851 Tl!llill 0. Co111 Meea, Ce 92828 Thie bvt1MU le oonduc:tecl by en lt1dM6v8I c .. yo~ thl• ••• ,.,,_,, ..... flied ..+th the County C'91'k c>f Or .. County Oii ~t.U.1982 , .... Pu1>U1hed Orenge COH I 01lty PllOI. hpt i7. Oct 4. t I, 18. 1H2 <1263-H Helpt March of Dimes Fight Birth Defect.a SATUN>AY'8 QAME8 WHt Otegon St al USC (I 30 p n1 oll ~A Cohseum1 UCLA al Calolonl<e Lot19 8-11 SI 81 S... Diego SI n Neveci.Aeno el Cel S1e1e Fu1141rh'ln Notr9 o-at <>reoon Fr~ SI. 81 San JON 81 • n l .. at T ec:to at "N Uhl!>Qlon s1.,,lord et Welht!>Qlon S1 Cal Stele Norlhrldge el Cal lutl>c'tGll Occid«llel el Whltller. n S•nle CU1111 •I Ctl Poly (Pornonel n Cla1emont-Mudd et ~leodt ri ~ ... Pllciflc II .t.llZor>e. n WebOt St el Balle SI • n Colotll<lo SI al BYU Montan• SI ., IOeho. n Montane et ldahO SI • n New Mexico SI •• New MOXICO, n E WUlllnQton 81 Ne>tl!Wn Alll<>NI, n Ureh al WyominQ ~-· Ark.,,tes 11 Houa1on. n Oklah<>me Sr 11 Oltlah<>m• SMU e1 leua Air F0toe •I le"e"'EI Peto. n Alce at T ellP A&M ~etTCU Not1n Tell• SI el W"t Te.11u SI McHeeM SI al Ark-SI ---t MICNQan et Nortr-tem ONo St et ino<ene Pvfdua et MldllOen SI Iowa Ill MlnnelO'la. n llllnole et WIM!oMln ~lllK-SI MIMOUf1 11 Nlltlfnlla Tex-Arllnglon el Wichita SI w .. 1.,n MlefllOan •• e .. SI - Tuls;) 01 Ora~e C_.,llr I Mtt:h>QMl 11 f(,f'f\I SI Eastorn ~n a1 MOfl,,..•n lltoN>11 lof<>f,._n Moc:l'ligar> 11 No<111f!fn Iowa n Mu11n1 0 al Of\IO U IOd•Af\A St 81 Soulfler'n lllinoos Bowl<t!Q GreM al Toleoo n Soutti C1ncrnna11 111 Alabama Tennessee 11 Geo.o•• ll!Ch Georgie a1 Kont\IQ<y n Scull\ CarOllne al lSU. n Ou~e 111 Merylllt'd f\vbvm a\ M•SSJSSIPOI St C14'mlOl1 111 Norlh C11rolln& SI VMI al R~hrnond LoulsvtlMI '" Soulhllfn MISSIHIPPI n Mempflll SI II Tulvne. n MIWtalppl al Val'darblll n Weke l"0tes1 01 Vlfgln•• "P!»l!Mlhlan Sl 11 V11g1n•• TMh fHinott St 81 EHi Carollna Wlltiam I Mary 11 James Medlson NW L~ene 11 Loulsl.,,11 Tech .t.k1on et Mlr$h.llll TOI~ leciJ> el Me>telhMd SI SE Lo.MHana 01 NE lou•tlana l..lllnlll DI SW Loul~llll• n (M l Ponn SI el Wosl V1ro1n11 P11t' e1 svri.cuse Colgate el Ru•oe<• Ha"'••d al Pr1nce10f\ Yare 11 Penn TM Cltldel 11 Nk1Y Botton College at Army MHMdluMlll al Botlon U Holy Crosa 81 Brown ~nell et Colut!tbla M-11C~1<:111 o .. 1mouth •I CO<,,.. ()&Vidl()n I'll I 818.,..1", Limited Offtr M26H.,..._~CestaMa1a ...... Edi on, Mater Dei move up W11h unly om• h·um In Ori.angt- t'1Ju111 y'" 'l'uf> 10, we lk"le<:u-d by th'· D.illy >11 01, alHwrbing •• •w tli.u·k , tlwrc was vc·ry l11th• 11H1 V1•111vnt 1n tht• rur\klngi. f11lh1w1ni.c th1· Jt'UlltHl'i 111xth Wl•l'k Mr..rant1 H11(h'1> Vikings Wl'r""' 1111· l1ir11· tl·u111 u1 foll, dropping a ~:i 7 tlt.'t'ti;11m 111 fo~Ju1on. a reeult wh1l·h drop:-. 1111' V1ket1 from Nn. !'> t1J Nu H, wl11ll' ~~1son ond Muter l>t•1 ~hut t' tht.• i;lot vacated l>y Mas llUJ M1ss1on V1t·JO and Capastrano V~llh:y. rankt·d Nu 9 and 10 bdor'· their 7-7 South Co;u;l Lt•11gu1o• st.an<leirc. rcrru11n 1n 1h1: rankin~s. sharing the No 10 spat Thi• o nl y newco mer 11' undt•fl'til<.•d f'ulll'rton, whrch ~hpJX..U into lhc Nu Y berth. Thi~ wc'C'k's sc:hL-<lulc finds no rankl'<.l lt-am up uga1nst an other 1n Orange· Count y, allhough MJtc'r Dea as fact'd with 5-1 St P~ul Saturday nagnt. SL Paul. lucall'd an Santa Fe Spr;mgs. is tht• <.:IF~ Five· Conference's No 3 outfi t (Mater Dea I!> unrankt:d> * O•llr Pllo1 Top 10 Orange Co;inty tileh Khoo! football P'". T .. m. r-d Thia weell 1 Servile t3 11 Ptut X 2 r oo1hlll (6 01 San1a An• 3 £speran1a (6-0) Low e 4 El Modena 16·0) San11 Ana Valley ~ th411Eo1aon1:1-2.11 Hun11no1on a.ec:h M11e1 Oe4 (3-2· 1 I SI Peut 7 Saddlet>ac~ (6-0l Un1vers"y 8 Ma11na 14 21 ac.an V- g Full.itron (6-0) Sonora 10 11 .. 1 Miu.on 11 .. 10 (' 1-11 L•otina Beach Cao1strano Velley 13·2-1) Laguna Hiiis Prep f oothall schedule Thur9dar IUNHT LEAGUE reiv ...... ,, \/alley•$ wea1m1nllet •t 0.&"941 C..vttal C<Jlltlot' IOUTH COAST LEAGUE Laoo11• h a1 M1s$oon Voeio IUll'Nllf LEAGUE l04'' •• hp~••nia al \lalen<:1a ORANGE LEAGUE l,!aQnohw vt Ana1>e1m al La Palma Pa1k Sa1i11annu 11 WM1etn fr~r l l*IET l lE'AGUE Ed.on 41 l1un11ng1on Be6Cll Mrmna vt Ocean Vtew at wee1mma1,., llA Yll'W L.EAGUI C..<M<t• MttU .. fl T0to •I M•AJ•On \118)0 c.,. ona oei Ma• at 11 .. ,.. hl anc•• at N9Wl)Or I HI" bo< vn.v,.."'' '' Saoo1eoac• al Santa ..,,. Bowl IOUTH COAIT U AGUE n.,11, """' a1 San Ciem..n1e AHO«LUI U:AOUI 5<><11t a1 BtJ/\00 Amill CENTIMY l lUGUE (; an~on ., 0. ano;o 11 e1 Mooena "'H" Pat• •t Tu11tn E-E lEAGUE l.n"~ vs ~eq al LA P81ma P••ll PK•fq "' l(~y a1 Wesietn CENTURY LEAGUE c.. .. nvon •• 0.•"040 •1 E• M~• VtH• Paf• at T '-'ltlf'1 FREEWAY LEAyUE l•uy .II l'l_,I Dar• 5ofwJf • •' F uOet ton Sunny M•ft II Le HAOI• ORANGE LEAGUE El• oa Oi.not al \la'C>f>C•& Oltlll0£H GllOVl lfltCWE Botsa G111n<1e at G•rOen Grove lOt An'llQO• vs l\ancf\O "1am11os al 8olsa \.fttndf\ NOft·lfAGUE WOOODflOQe otJ Onlario •I Chall•y t'IQI' Seturder IOUTH CO.t.ST (£AGUE C~p11lrono Valley .a L1gun1 Hllll 11 MtH•O" \lie10 ANGELUS LEAGUE SI PllVI •• Malet 0.. II San•• ""8 ~ OAllOEN Gi.<>Y£ l[AQUE L• av ... , .. vs Sanhaoc> II G8'CHn Giove EMPME lfAOUE El Dot olMIO •• Los ...,.,.,.101 •• w.r .. n JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLI GI ,. ............ Kan sen Ov.f Kanta• State * Nebratka over Miasourl * SMU over Texa• * 1ri9ham Young 4W9f Coletacle Stet• * UCLA .~ • .. • 1 • 1'. ... 't ' Orang• CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Monday, October 10, llHl2 WON.D URIEi a,.wen I , C .,cffnale 4 1a-s1 a T'. LOUla -.wAUICU ........ .. ...... l..Smtth di\ 5 0 2 0 MOlllO< 30 4 I I I Gr.n II 5 2 2 0 Younl .. • 2 • I ~n~ lb 4 I 3 2 Cooper 10 4 0 I I HM411C~ 11 5 0 3 2 Simmon• c 3 O O I Porl .. c 5 0 I 0 OglMe II 4 I 2 0 e·A.,,,ey pr 0 0 0 0 Tl\olnea Cl 4 0 0 0 MOO.Cl 5010MoneyOl'I 3100 0bel'kl911 30 4 0 3 0 MOO<e r1 4 I 2 I b·T ... P" IOOOQan1,,.,20 4 011 ~· 20 • 000 OSmilh •• 3 I 0 O Tol•I• 41 4 15 4 .Tot••• 34 6 11 6 e -pi.,<:h·r9n for POr1et in lhe tlh o-mecs cM 10 i.tt for OO«t<lell In the 9th ._....., ........ SI LOUii 001 000 102-4 Mllwauk.. 101 010 12•-6 E -Fo1ach. Gentne<. Hetr DP -SI Lovla 2. Milw111.1k .. I l08 -SI. lOUI• 12. Milwauh .. 1 28 -Hernanoez 2. Y0unt. MOO<e. Gr.n 38 -Gr.n HR -Yount (II SB -l Smllh 11.LCMlle Fo,.ch tL.0·2) Sulla< _ ....... • 7 ' H lllJl•IO • 4 3 2 3 3 2 2 t 2 c~• (W.2-01 ''"' u • • 2 McClure {S.21 ... I 0 0 0 T -3 02 A -S6,se2 COMPOSITE BOX .. -:~ .. ' ............... M0111or 23 •ll000334l! Youn• 21 9 II 3 0 I • 524 Cooper 2• 3 7 I 0 1 s 333 Simmon• 17 2 4 0 0 2 3 235 OQll• .. 19 3 • 0 I 0 0 211 Thornes ID 0 3 0 0 0 3 !SI Ho...it II I 0 0 0 0 0 000 Money 10 4 3 , 0 0 1 300 M00t• 20 3 1 3 0 0 2 350 Gani,,., 18 3 • 2 1 0 • 333 Tolale 178 29 S3 10 2 • 27 301 eT.LOUta ..... a. ..... .-. .... H.,1 19 I I I 0 0 3 OS3 L Smith 20 3 S 2 I 0 0 250 Ha<nena.t 19 I 3 2 0 0 2 ISi Hendrlcli 18 3 5 O O O 3 278 Tenece 8 o o o o o o ooo P011.. 19 0 6 2 0 0 2 319 Green 9 2 2 I I 0 0 .222 O~lell 16 3 1 I 0 0 1 353 0 Sm1111 16 2 3 o o o 1 1118 er ... n 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 000 M~ 16 4 4 0 0 2 4 250 IOtg 10 1 • 2 0 0 1 400 Aamaey 0000000 000 Tollll 188 20 40 11 2 2 ta 238 PllchNMI m.WAUICh ................ ~2·01 2 °17'1 17 . 4 3 6 208 Sullon I 6 S 4 4 I 3 6 00 M<:Ourel0-11 4 4 J I I 2 S 2 2S LIKIO '> I 0 ,0 2 0 0 00 Vltvch(O II 8'' 6 6 4 J I 4 15 Hail I 5'"> 7 5 4 2 3 6 75 ~lor'C I 01 I 2 1 0 0 2 I 0 00 TO!llf'J S •• 40?0 "1t ,, 19 3 C8 eT.LOUll .... llr••-·· For~o-11 2 12'1 18 10 1 3 • 4 97 Kaai f 2 1 4 I I 2 2 3 &e LaPOonl 2 8"> 10 6 3 2 3 3 24 Lahtt 2 '"' • 2 2 1 1 10 ao Slupet I 4 6 4 4 3 J 9 00 Balti0-1) 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 900 .. r>Cll't I ·01 1 6 ~ 3 0 0 I 3 0 00 Total& 5 43 SJ 29 23 17 23 4 111 SI LOUla" 1-.. _,_NM -lhen ....n ol ~ pnc:hW"• ~ ,.,,,. due lo ~llOtl ol Nie 10 1e i 1n ci-- 4.1 aow.., ........ Mllw ... li .. {Al 313 142 744-29 SI LOUla {NI 133 033 313-20 Hendr1Clt reeched -on c.1ChW'a lnterlerence In $th tnn1n9, Game 3. E -H«nanoez 2. Og!Me, Cooper. G•nt,,., 3, SlmmON. Yount. LaPotnl, Forach. Herr OP -SI Louie 7. MilwliUI< .. 3 L06 -M ...... • 37. SI. Louie 33 SB -Molllor. Meo .. 3. Otlel1t ... 2. 0 $mltll 2. L Smftll. S - GM!,... SF -_., H8P -(Howell) by Forecl\ WP -SIU()er 2. H6M. KMI S..... -S..11er. ~ 2 A -277,124 0-1 Allendence 641.MJ Net 1.c.1Pta SM2.170 48 Comm1-·a -• S141.430 ~r Pla\l'Wt Poot Non. L•a11u• 11•d Club SerlH 111a1H '200.359 91 T ..... All.,,.,.,_ 217.124 ..... •ecelPl• "4.924.752.87 eonvni-·· -· Ml92.712 ,, Playere P'oot. • •.871.780 2T l..MQll9 Md Club Serlel-. IS13.· 3200! Wotld a.nee •I • glance T,.....J'• lco<9 M•lwav~ .. 10. SI LOUii 0 ........ , •• 1c ... SI l0u11 ~. Mllweuk .. 4 , ...... , •• Scot. SI t0u11 6. Milwa"k .. 2 ........ , .• kol• M1twavk .. 7. SI Lou/a S s-cleJ'• lcot• M1lw1Wk" 8, SI L0u<1 4 IM1lweukoe iHd•-... 3·21 T-*r"•O- M11w1uk" {SullOI' 4-11 11 S1 LOut• 1s1 .. per 9-7J. 5 20 P 111 WedMedaJ'• O-M11Wauk" al SI Louie, S 20 pm II ne<l8SS4tY Wortd SertM rK«d1 Reclord• Ml end lied 11VOuQh the ""' ""'°~of llla 1912 Worlcfs..tea .................. Moet hill. ci-. 5 -Paul Molitor. M .... -.. {AL), Oct 12, 11112 Moel al ball,~~ 1 -Peut Momor and ROl>tn Yount. Mil•-" (ALI. Oct 12. 1912 (UM 20 -.). Moi l hile. two con..cullv• a-. one ..-7 -Paul Mo11or. Mllw...., .. (AL). Oct 12. IN2. S hlle, Oct 13, 2 Ma 11-'°"' __ , Moel on.-lllta. game • -p..., Molitor and Robin Yount. Mltw..,. .. (ALI. Oct. 12. 1912 (0• 11 -.). Moel home ,...._ gMle. by rOOll.. ~ --McGM, SI l-(NL). Oct 15, 1912 (II .. CNw1le K .......... YC)f1o (~). Oct 7. 1939. Tony Kubell. -Yorll (AL~ Oct S. 1957). Moat u ..... ew&rci.d '"" b• .. on c a1c11ere inl.,lerence . gem• 1 -George~. SI Louie {Hl), Oct 15. IN2. 9\11 ""*'9 I~-. Roger P-lnpeuQh. Wlllltllngton CALI. Oct IS. 192S. 111 lnnlnQ. At1huf Me(Mny, ,._ Yorll {Al). Oct 8. 1143. 8tll lnf*IQ, K.,. 8oy9r. SI. lOUle (NH). Oct 12, 19'4, I• innlnQ. "9te Aoee. Cincinnati (NL). Oct 10. 1~70, Slh inn1n9). Moet rune ti.lied in. on one MCrlflol lly 2 -Tom Herr. SI lOUle {NL). 8COfM Wlllle McGee from ttolrd end ODie $mltl'I lrom MC:Ond. a fly to oenler llelcl, MCOnd lnlllnQ. Oct. II, 1912 Motl rour-hil ~ In 101.W World Se<tn 2 -Robin Youn1, Mllw--!AL). Oct 12. 1982. Oct. 17, 1982 ..................... M-_..., p11ci-. ci--2 -Jonn SllJC>er, SI LOUii (NH). Oct 13. IH 2 ,, ... -ott>eral Gwoer'lll ...... Le1ge11 LCS·WOtld $911e1 pleye< poot S4.S00.4t7 71 SI Lo..ta NL Vt --AL. 1912 ()ell y,.. ( ........... ) SUMDArs •SUL.TS (,...,27.., _..,., flltll llACL II'"' turtono• Se<>IOf 5-alCJf (Vlnn817 eo0 4 40 3 XJ M«>dera ,.._, 6 00 • 40 Reedy AeO !Oltv••I 4 ?a Also raced lnHerchot Shoo11e e.nn ... F.,,,18•• Tune. I'm • Beelnlil. T Olaf'. MeiguMd , Ttme I.IS 115 UCOMI llACL 6 ~ Ut.n Gallanttl.pl'lml 11 oo 8 20 3 ao Mighty Retutn (lamb«!) 6 ao 4 00 Smoltln' Nanw tsnoem••I 2 ao Also raced J im TH. A11101011•• O.-.. Of Fwe. Bold Top r-1.09 315 ta DALY~ 1~11paod S8700 ., co..aou. T10M DAIL y ~· 18·5) paid S6 20 TMRD llA~ 6 luttonos Aecord ca1c:n tSllmll•~ oo 20 ao • 4< ElleluSIW Or""*1 tCltndal 9 00 5 40 8<Joed T rMUra (Toro) 5 00 AllO rec•O N•IJOliale. MOO!S Moun1e1n, Somewhe re in Time. Comanche•o. Co1n1a11 WafftO•. Al Khahta. Trleky W11!1 Tnblln Cantore Tl>omdal• Trme 109 415 fOUitnt llACE. 6 1Ur10ng1 c.nctv·e ~-!Colnt7S 4016 20 6 00 ••ea., 181eci<1 3 ao 3 oo College Money Co.i.houSMY91 3 40 A190 r..i L9jM. 0.-er Gold. Ncl'a Bwd. Sloc:lt Splrl T-. 1.IO 215 FW'TM M C€. I 11 1 II ,..... t 8•1• Motel (Loon--1 e 8' • llO • 00 Pettraa C8iadcl 23 80 12.00 wa1 Coast N.._ (Mw• 8 20 Al90 rllQed· TanlJC:O, K ,_.,.., JvN;/19 .io.... Cha<glnv SI••. ".i-. w .. 1ern, Roman MejMly. Florifr > Time l·•I 315 115 UACTA 110·9) r IOCI SI. Its 00 SIXTH MC£. 1 11 111 m-Flllh Ot-. (Amerol 10 40 & II() 4 IO Sometl'l..-.o 8eyoncl (Shmkr I 13 00 1 00 Est_..io (Mc:Cerron) 5 20 "''so raced Actual Count. Emonenl L.O. Sontc: Speed, LOUllvtlle Summit. Mr..:;. "':"~2~~ Le A ..... 7 20 4 40 Nriifn4 llAC€ I 1116 ,,_ wn·n on Ille woo 1tro1 I~ IO 7 20 4 40 P-er °'9>' (M<:Canon) 8 00 ' IO Lm.-1 Brother f""'"rl 4 <I() SCOREBOARD ..,,.o 1a c eo Setund NaH•e Oeca<111ehm. en-On (.;1 .. hhOUN In Iha Rye Twne I 40 41!'> "UlACTA 16 ,, oatd sn 1 !Ill a f'tCK II• t 1 t 1 10·8~> paid s1e. ~'S 80 w1111 ,_ win<1•nJ1 lickal• 111 .. llorMll S2 Ptck St• conaolaliotl pa10 H 22 80 wiln 112 w1nn1no llCkel• ''°"' nor-1 S2 Piek s .. ecr11cn conaotahon P•id U3~ 60 Wllh 10S ..... n1no lt<:•e1• 11ru .. llor-. one acra1~n1 (IQHTI4 ll~Cl. I'• milel on lurl M-(OlnyH•I n 20 II 20 s 00 l.tMllUt tMceat1on) 10 20 S 20 11 & T Ila Ona (Vaienzvel<I) 4 00 Also •ececl Jolln Henry, Roo Sollly t>-1n Rtc:h And Ready lime I 58 3/S '5 IXACTA 17·41 oeid '418 '>II NINTH llACI. I 1116 m11ee A11r011no tP1etce1 18 20 7 80 4 20 GrNI Gtanoeon IRometOI 10 80 4 80 OO·•nc:orpo .. 1or tMcCa11on) 3 oo 00 Flnlaheo ""'· d11quai111ed and p1ac.d lhlr o A1to ;.o.ci c a11D"onge; ·c ... r vird1e1. P11nce Cl1c1e, R1ve1 • Factor. Pia'• P11nca Al. Pal's Lad II~ 1 ~' Ll':l II IXACT A (1 ·4) paid $474 00 All..,danca 40.044.. Hollywood Park IUNDAY'a l'llaUlTa (41ltl of A ·ftlefll -ting) Fll'llT M C•. Ona mile paoe Scorpio G tParkatl 4 90 3 40 3 00 El Tor..,10 (0a¥1a) 3 llO 3 20 Jtn<1a1 tmaQe {March•ndl II 20 Aleo •aced El VM Jay, Forev .. With lo ... Mon&tgno• Dele, Httcyon Hero Darong 811an. A11yd1 Ursula Holly• Away ,.,,.. 202 115 $> lltACTA ( 1·51 paid $24 60 al.COMO M CI . Ona mlllt pace J.,_ And•-\811tgn1 7 llO 4 llO 3 20 Gunner Froel lParkttl 3 40 3 00 Strip Squaeze (Wtlhamt) 6 80 Aleo rec:ecl Royoon L911ecy Della• Sl>Uf. Hedgetow Lyn•. Loolung Gooo N ltma 1~4/5 TMRD M CI . Ona 11111e pac;e Cryat .. Mntry IVllndQhmP 60 2 66 2 60 Wanda Nevada 1Cto0l'l•n) 3 20 2 llO ArQC> Stat CMerrtwnl 1 40 Al90 lllOed Tnayer W1nnle Ona Time Catdonla. S1ara Becky SutltageUe Andya Hulagtrl, Zaneclu Time 203 1/S ta lllACTA 18·•1 paid SIS 60 F°""TH l'IACI. One mite 1rot GOiden Pride (Maler) 4 40 3 20 2 110 Green GoddeH (Hotmeel 4 40 3 80 Final Gem tDunnlQanl 4 00 Aleo raced Aeclmonds Joy. Brend• SP•ad, Regal Relreal, Flf &h Storm. l(ombai F Cneo!lul Moose Ber roon County T.,,.., 2 01 21s Fwnt M Cl . One mile pace H A Fo• t811ekme"I 63 00 20 80 15 20 ForMI .. (Perket) 1 80 s 40 Andya Wlntlon (Gr..,..,) 10 00 Aleo raced HI c Sk1P9411. Ooul>le 0 Dancer M1 Hol S tull. Boomer Hilt Hun•••• Bebe . Ouela no Time Y •Chi OtOlier Tome 201 115 a 1ucu 111-91 paid ss16 ao IUrn4 llACL One ,,.. .. pace Roy .. EdWetd (Pn1) 4 00 3 40 2 llO ~N l"'..olt\I 120 420 Frt1 en.-(Beller) s ao Aleo raced Calm You1 .. 11 Mar~ Morro•. Real LumDa•. O.an& Stone Oner\1-, ~. Rai>u< Pr>nc:e Tome I St 21~ • 5&ACT A 12.lll p.ao4_~0Q.. RYOfTH llACI. One m1 .. ~ s.n ..... (Gl\lnClyl 4 00 3 40 2 20 laCMWI {Feneughly) • 40 3 00 EloQuant Roy S 1P•ka<I 2 llO Abo tac:ed Hey Guy I Ar>Clys Abe Oner! Son 10ddilll OeslQn. Sctarnb61ng Rall. 8lact< Rog.19 fime 1 69 115 • lllACTA 1&·2) paid $All SO OQMTH M CL One mile 1101 Pro ol Ctlet (Andranl • 3 00 2 40 2 60 Fo•y ....,kenJey tRt1cn .. 1 5 40 • 20 Acme Frelgnl {Grundy) 9 00 Aleo recad NoOI• Trev••••. Flagg Hanover, Om•• k, Andy"• Meteor Har<IMIY Time 159 215 ta illlACTA (8-21 pa1<1 '33 00 ~ M CI. Ona mite pac:a "-'•Gold tPrlifl 12 80 9 ao 11 ao Hu$llln Rus9 {Balllargeon) 5 00 4 20 Slou• N tKuebferl 3 80 AND rM*! Soclailsl, Tarpor1 Donny. Home Chance, Flying Bo•car. OK·• Au91y. Moody Blue N. Jennyo Lad N Time I SS 315 a lllACTA 14-1 1oaiO Sl2090 U P'IClt l tX 11·&·2·1 ·8·41 p e ld $317 40 wotl'I 71 winning 11c1<e11 111,,. hor-1 S1 Pleli Sl• coneolahon pakt 13 ao "4ttl 2.011 winning 11d<e11 (lour "°'~ llACI. One mt .. pace Anania {Tremtllay) 20 ao 7 20 II oo Oon Cera Siar (Aubonl 3 80 3 20 Arelens Petry {8ellletgeottl 6 00 A/90 raoed RIO Vatel Adre. Snecli Pec:lo.. P-*'IJ HI CMbk> N . .lull Guy A. El Cebello A lrme 2-01 2/S ta illtACTA (2· 101 paid S 108 60 An~9.m Woftdll9tdl,._,. CMm91DMftlp <• ~ ...... ,.,._o c ........ ...... s.... ea11eet .. oe ISPatnl def Sandy Lyle t8t11alnl on llrtl ••tr• hole {Bal ... lllfOI WVlt M0.0001 Tlolrd ,.._. Lenny Wadkins (U S I del Tom Kile (US I. 3 end I .. n10H c1e1a.o (al ........ M ,rle.) .. Miilet Bat Def. S22 .600 .. Oon J"""ary S 13,!IOO 111 Gey 81-Sll.000 .. HOWie Jonn_, &7 200 ., Jim Ferr ... $A 960 JU Sam Snead. M .050 -., Boo Go .. oy. 13.333 091' s ...... 13.333 ChaflM Sifford. Sl.333 .. &7·77-86-71 89· 74· 70-70 1s..aa-11-0t Paut Hatnay. s2.eoo 12-10-11-11 o.,d,.., Olcli•,,M>n.n .eoo ea 11 74.11 -Ftecl Hewklna, U ,900 111 Juliu• Soroa. '2.350 Arnold P.Wmer. U ,350 Dow Ftnal-ald.S2,350 Mike Felchlck.U .350 -Boo S1one.s2,060 hd t<ro11. S2,060 .. Freddie Hua, a 1.llOIJ But Johnaion,S 1.eoo lt1 Billy Mu...it, SU25 Lionel Hetler1. Sl,125 Jacit Flecl<. S 1.925 1112 17.911.71.10 71-70-74·12 1111.n -12.,. 72·72.ell-74 72-73..U-75 75·70·71·72 74.74.73~11 7~.72~9.72 711-744 11-72 67-75-73-78 Oenla Hulchinaon. Sl.537 70-72-74-76 Bob E11Ckeon. S 1,637 71·12·1'·77 SWIH 1'"'-l~I ,., ...... awtuertend) ........ , ..... V1nn1clo. No•h (France ) oet Mau Wdlll>dat IS....,.,.I 11-4. 8·2 11-J o-tMea ,lnal Noal>·Hen11 Laconia (Francal del F1111 Bue1tn 1n {US )-Pavel $10 111 ICiecnoelovak••I 6·2. 11-2 WCT ICK.1rnemenl latNeplM,ttalJ) ........ Final lven Lendl tCzechotlO••'••l dtl w o11ek F10ak 1Polenol. 6·4 6·2. 6 I {Lendl w1n1 S 125.0001 Senlof• 104.lrn•ment (at Atlanta) ........ , ..... Mally A,.._, IU S I <lei Rod L••ll' (A .. st••ll•I 7·5 6-3 (Rteuen win• l11000) DOOlblM , ..... R--tU s ~r ..... McM1ll•n (SOUOI Alric•! oer Jaime Fmo1 tChilel·Cohn 010tey tAus1t•lle). 7 ·11 1 6 !R•anen McMWlan I04tl '4.0001 Au11r.aten 1'"'-ICK.1rnamen1 , ... ,...,, ........ , ..... Jolln Mc£ruoe IU S I del G-M..,... !US I 11-4. 6-I 6-4 Women'•l~nl (elP' ..... IWtle<.F'4) ....... , ..... Cnm EV9fl Lloyd (U s ' a.I And•H Jaege< IVS I 3-6 11-I 6-4 (Lloyd wins '22 000 Jaege< Wint S 1 10001 0...-...Flftal Ann K1yomura tU S I Paul• Sm1lh tU s I de! Mary Lou Plalell (Us ~Wenoy WM& IU S I. 6-2. 6-4 Women'•l~•menl , .. ,._....._,~) ........ F'lnal L•u Bonder tu S I del S ne1<y Solomon IU S ). 2·6. 11·0. 11·3 (&on<la< wins S 13 000. Solomon wina S6.900) O.......FINI Brenda Aemlllon tA .. a1te11al-Nao'o Salo (Jai>•nt def Laure DuPon1·8.,be1• Joroan (US 1. 2-6. 8·3. 11-3 NFLPA ALL·STAR GAME ...ttonel 21. A~ 22 aow.., 0-W. Amerlcen 0 12 10 0-22 -7 ' 1 8-23 NFC -Spagnole 13 pen from Oar-.1..._.,lilCllll Al'C -Moore 10 oeu trom °'ogan (klCk ,.....,, NFC -F-0 w_., 43 AFC -Moore 21 PMe ltom Grogan (k.lcll lalledJ Al'C -FG WOOCI 24 NFC -Mel Gray 41 pua from o..-c..._., kK*l AFC -·Butler 81 PMe r.om Sttoc:ll (WOOCI lo.IC*I I NFC -1'0 ..._., 39 NFC -F-0 M-., 45 A -&,780 CC>UiQE How Top 20 f-.d 119fe'e now Ille Top r_,1y 1earn1 in lhe AHOdaled P'aH c:ollege 1001111111 pol tared SatUl"dllY I WuNngton (9-0.0) bNI 0.119011 Stale. 34-17 2 Ala b ama tS · 1·01 1011 lo T-.3S·28 3 Pill {5-0-0l•bMI Temple 38· 17 4 Georgta {9-0-0) !>Ml V.,,.,...Olil. 27·13 5 Soul'*n Methocl1l1 (l-0-01 llNI Houston. 20-1' 9 NebrUka 15· 1·01 beal Kaneu Slalt. 42·13 7. AtkenMI {5--0-0) d4d not play II P.,.,. Stele (6-1-0) OMI SY'-· 211·7 9 Nol•• Dame {4· 1·01 1011 10 Arirona. 18-13 10 Arizona Stale C7~-01 0..1 h••~· El Paeo ll-6 CAMEL FILTERS NEWH PACK II N<Hlh t.arohne 1!>-l·OI C>e•I "fOtih Caro11na S1a1e 41 D 17 UCLA t5 0 II b .. I WHl'llllUIOn S1a1a 42· 17 13 Weal VitQIOI• 16· I 01 Oe•I V11g11u• Teen 1e I> 14 Sou1na•n Cat (4 I 0) O••I 81anlord. 41 2 1 15 '"'"°'' {5·2-01 iO•I 10 Oht0 Sl•I• 26·21 16 LSU (f-0· 11 0..1 l(""lucky 34-10 17 Mtanv Fla (5·2 01 llN1 MIMl•"Pfl' S1a1a. 31·14 II l eus (3· 1·01 01d not 1>1•1 19 florlde Sl•I• (S· 1·01 bH i EHi CarOlina. !>6· 17 20 Cletn•on (4-1· II bell Duke 49.14 Cotleae IAT\HIDAY'I LA,.l ICOllH Pugel SOund 21. NO<lhtidge SI 14 N A11zon• 1a •oano S1 16 N COl<><aclo 14. Cel1'0ly (SLO) 13 S Utah 38, Sonoma SI 17 Weber SI 20, P0<lland SI 6 W Carolina 42. MarSllall 10 Boaion Coll-14. Au1oe,. 13 NHL CAlllP9IU DIVlltOM ....,...Dtwteliwl W L T GI' QA l'b. 3 I 2 21 11 8 3213020 7 2 3 2 3S 39 II 2 4 13'316 1 4 I 18 22 3 ---~ MinnMOla CNcaoo SI LOult Toronto 0.llOll • o 1 21 19 4 I I 211 25 3302020 0 4 2172S 0 S I 12 31 WAL.II COMP'IJllMCl ~ .. tlctl~ NY llllenOera 5 1 0 211 Pnileclelptlla s 1 o 211 -Jeraey 2 I 3 2.2 WaaNngton 2 3 o 18 NY Ranol<a 2 5 0 24 Pllllburgn 1 4 I 111 Monlt ... Bot11on Quebec Buttalo tlarlloro AO-.~ s 1 0 31 3 1 2 20 2 3 , 27 231211 1 2 2 19 ._, .. ._... Klfte• S. -Y()(!< Rangera 3 Buffalo 6, Edmot\lon 4 Calgary S. Winnipeg S Chicago 9. Oel1ot1 4 T""""t'a O- Pnlle<JelPNa ••Hew JerMY SI LOU4t al Mlnneeola Klng1 5, R.naen 3 ._...,,..,..... 14 21 22 25 31 31 ,. 21 29 28 20 g II 8 2 I 10 10 7 4 4 3 10 a s 5 4 Loa Angelaol 3 2 0-5 NY Aangere 0 2 1-~ ---1Loa~~8 (~1. 2 08 (pp) 2 Loa AngelH , Teylor 2 1ev-1. 13 ,. 3 Loe Anoa'ee. Noc:fl-. 11Ev9ntl. 17 IS ~--Clore. HY. 2 0 I G1<0u•. LA. majOI. 1 oa FOllU NY mafQf 7 08. T eylot. LA 10.04 aeowod--• New Yo•-. Oon lilaTo ne y 2 \Jo11na1one. Dew MelOneyJ. ~ S l.oe AngelM. S-4 (HOC>k.lns). 4 00 II N-Yor-. O•v• Maloney I {Rogert. Ruo!Mlalnenl. 16 48 7 Loe ~. Nlcnoll• 1 (Fo•. s1....._1. 19.•7 tPPI • PeneltiM -M MUl"j)hy LA, 9 25. W-. LA. 9 34, Duouat. NY. & 34. Fotlu, NY, 10 17. L-.-L.A. mlnor·ma)Of, 14 25. Bee*. NY minor-major, 14_2S. Nlcholla • LA. 19 30, llll<ll-. NY. 111· 19 T»d--8 -York. ~OliU I IHOVlsaal.,'*' Allison), 2 26 Penalltes -None Sholl on Goal -Lo• Angalea 14-ll·S-30 .._ Y0<1l ~14-13-33 GoellM Loe Angelea. ~oalcl New Y()(!<, w-. .A -17.432 Allrt ~ -:'..!.8:,'\..c.., _ 93 8n1Jlefl 43 bast 269 l>ONIO. 2'2 mad<erel. 44 loeil ""'· 27 .,.....,_ 5 ac:ulptn. I Ir .. flan. II 0-c:roal<er DAYIY'a LOCKDI (,,....._, .._, -216 •no•••• 304 t>on110. 8 caltco t>Ua • l\el!Oul 5S 1 mac;:1<erel 609 rock ood.15...at>Ua DANA WHAllF -173 •ngtera 45 -. 412 l>Onl1o. 243 -er•. 137 roek 11th. S .,_.,_ 37 sc:utpon 14 -perdl alAL I EACH -73 engier1 10 11Qn110. 8 Calleo b&N. 20 r04;tl ltSll 6 &end t>esa. 1s.e .culpon. 7 wNle 11511. 6 $11111J ray ( ...... ) -103 angler• 7S 1>on110. r h•llbut. 300 111aetca1e1. 1 -.lpin. 200 -· aOW.•. 140 -""" Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 17 mg, "rar". 1.3 mg. n1coune av per c1garatte by FTC method. Old Domln6on 500 , ............... ., .. , l Ila or def Of llnllll In Sunday"• Old 'Dominion 500 Grand N•ltonel e1oc:k c., 1ac4 el Marllnavllla 8peedw•r wllh 011ver m.elle ol -. •-completed and aver age l()Mcl OI winner In mph I 0errel4 Wallrlp. Bulc:io. 500. 71 3 IS 2 RICl<y Rudd. Pontiac. 500 3 Rlcl\erd P.ity. Pontiac, 500 • lerry Labonte. Chewolel •Ill !> Joe Rullman, Buick. 4118 II Buddy Baller, Pontiac:, 49& 7 Jody Rldtey, Ford. 4D8 II Harry Gani. 8uldt, 497 9 0.011 Boolna, Ponlleo. 4V 1 1Q. Buddy A•••nolon. Dodge, 4111 If Jimmy MNna. Chavrolel, 490 12 DK Wleh. Bulek. 480 13 Tim AIChmon<I, Bulek, 475 14 Roo &oucherd. Buie~. 411 I 15 Jo McOume. eutct1. ~22 16 Jam.. Hy11on, Cllev•otet. • 11 17 Tom Gale, Ford, 402 18 Morgan S ....... d. BuletC. le I 19 8oOby AIMM>n, ci-<otel. 3&4 20 Marie MerUn, Buick, 295 21 Kyle Peny. Ponllec. 241 22 -eonn.11 Ford. 2:s 23 Jimmy Henaley. 8ulek. 202 24 Joe Fielda, Bulelt. 198 25 Ronn.. TllOmaa. Pontiac, 177 29 eu1cn Undte>y. Butcll. 141 27 Oaie Eernhardl. Ford 1111 21 o. .... Mateia. Chewolel. 17 29 Lake ~. Pontiac, 36 30 Darryl Sacle. Chewolel. 25 31 Rldl ~. C-otel, 20 NBA Hhlbltlon ,_,, •• 1cor .. wun1ng1on 104 Cteve4ano 95 Denv., 134 Kanllh C11y 128 M11wa .. 1o.ee 99 New Yor~ 93 P0<lland 114, PhOen•• 112 Ton1t11t•1 C- Oettoo iwa lnd••n• •I Bloormnoton Ind u11n .. "'lian1a Pnoem• v1 Seallla a1 Anrno•age Alat~a .. Misc. w..-enct treneec:11one IAMETaAU. .................. A-cl• .... DALLAS MAVERICKS -AetHM<I =dAnc:lltum, Terry SIOlll and Mtc:Uy SEATTLE SUPERSONICS C111 ;::::.!""·· O--d. end Allen Rayttom, UTAH JAZZ. Cul Cell Noelle. guatd : • f : I i I ~ ' I J, I. I I I. 1 .. Exhau t ed AP Wl••photo MllC NCHICC Lon hot NOflCI Of' fltua,::~1 IALI .. _..., ... n T.I .... Y41t1·1 up et NfWIJOOf llOM( lOAN INt. •• du•r t111XJ<11t.a f •u•IM uno111 11,. 11111ow111v tl••<:"IHl<I deed .,, 1ru11 J h H Will 6 ( ll A I llUULIC. AU<. !ION 0 n en ry 10 ltt( IHOll(t)l UIOOlH '()14 CASll lll•Y•IJle et Um• ot NI• In lewtul ,.1oney ot lhe Unit.a lt•IMI AHl'Al>IA IAl'I ell t1gtH lllleen<l lnl .. HI ~~ M I I I() 911<1 now 1\41kl by II Ull<I .... 111 •· 11111·1. •A 111 I 11 111l , 0 • .,0 "' lru1t 1n "'• proP••tv lu• I ii II rr r u ~I d II 'C 111 H 11 .. 11111•11•• d•114rllJ•O l'1.1t•llUI\ l o W iil lhl· rnusrou WllllAM MARAIOH ' , , •nd PllY ~l l:!l 11 MAHHIOl I. $ I 0 II , IW II l a r I 1 • 11111 I-hutb•nd enll wll• Ourk1• I l.111ll ll'llJI Ul S;111l a lllNU l(,IA14Y NLWPOHI llOML A . () k 'I' LOAN rnut;T •112 II I ' II i.. u I l ' t ' Hoco•llod Mey 12, Hiii t •• 111111 111 I' I' I I II U b V .1 ht• h d NO M2 13 111 IJook 1401>4, poge 340 S u 11d.iv whllt• l11·avily of Ot11c;101 Ro<.o•d• 111 1110 otlii;e 01 r I J I 11 11111 Aec;o1d11r ol 01nno11 t.oun1y, u vor,·< ti 111 1•nry1 th1• etd uo .. d ul '"'" duc;110.,, tno o n ly lhuruu~hbn·d t'Vfr 011ow1110 p1op1111y tu lCUl'plli1ic tlu· $:i rrulllt1n lot 94 ot Treen No 8&23, In th• Cny ol lrvmv Cc1un1y ol Ornnge, murk In t·1111•1•1 Vi1nu11w;, S1•1• of C1thfu1111• '" 1101 map wound uµ fourlh tn lh,. 10..01<1..o 111 ooo~ U14, p11011• 47 10 ( I I f , bO 1nc1011vt). M1111.e11t111.ou1 Map1 trt II' ( fl M'\ I'll lhft otllGfJ Of 11 ... ~Ourlty rtH.Orll•r Of Mt•h1111•l , ,1 Wlftnt•r 111 UHi cou111y 1ou11111er with •n l h I ' M II II Ill ti u r h 11p11urt1111nnl nort •uClult•• 11 I easement tor 1ngr&1s and ugreu ,Ill( 1~·ap Ill lll1' IU!\I !Ila! l over lot 148 of sata 11ac1 Uri Aug ~I, l1 ·d mu'I ,.f EXCEPT THEREFROM all 011 g .. lhl• WllV 111 rt'<'t>rdartu ht . minerals ana otlte• nyaroc;11rboo• • .. l'i below 8 aeptn or 500 tMt w1tnout hfth V1t•t11ry Ill 11 sl~1rls atte 11g1tt 01 surlace enlry •• I ht" Yl·ar lfOWl'Vl'I thl' rt1S<>rve<1 1n 111111umen11 or •'1<:0<1l • ' YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A .j y1·ar old Kc·ntut'k y-OEEO OF lRUST OATEO MARCH ll r 1• ti ,. u I 1 was 3 t98t UNLESS YOU JAKE h,11d jJl l"Wc.J lo huld utr ACTION TO PROTECI YOUR • , PROPERIY IT MAY BE SOLD AT A ( r<11.·laui.. ;i I :l I '>hot. Ill PUBLIC SALE Ir YOU NEED AN the• lalt• g111ng 1.r tht• EXPLANAllON OF lllE NATURE 11 I S OF THE JiROCEE.OING AGAINST I 11~1 l ' t•Vt'lll on J11la YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Ant t~I )o turf l'OUl~l' LAWYER John I lt•nrv wh 1 w · . •5 A1t1 Tre. trvfne, c1u1orn11 • • ' Wi 92716 "Ill • 11reet •OOteu 01 111ak111g hai; f1r-.t ~(tu I common Ot1S1gnat1on 11 snown '>I ltt't ' lat• s u f ( l'1'1·d ;i 11 above. no warranty la g1van H tO 111 Uit.•tt•r Midwl!-Wk<'~ a lll't'a" from hi~ dulit•!-a:-. U<:LA m nsc·ot during halftimt·. On a "'arm cla ¥. Micht•I · pt~r~1)in·~ 1•rofu~t·I)· iusid4..· ttw <'o"iltarut:. k I comp1111en&1s or corrKlnelt)' lt h (• In JU r Y W h I I 1· The bentlt1c1ory unaer said Dood f 1111sh111g th1n l in tht• 01 rru5t, by reason or" btuoch 01 San Luis Ht·v J l aml ieup detaull in 1he obllga11ons socurod S · thereby flere1olore execu1e11 011d a t ;.1 n l u An 1 t a I a s t 11ellv1Heo 10 the unders1oned a Man·h 211, l'an third rnos l written Declara11on of Oelault and 0 f I h l' w I y bl' f II r l • Demond lor Sole, and wrlllen notice • ol breach anll of elecllon to cause PUBLIC NOTICE Erskl.ne can . SUP~R~~:g~~:T OF COUNTY OF ORANGE In the M•tl•• of the Appllcallon of MONll(A HEIDI LUERAS For drnpp111i,: Uill'k to fourth ane unders1gnea 10 u11 se1a lalt• 111 thl• 1·at'l'. properly to sahsty said ob11ga110115, J I 11 and therealt111r lhe unaerslgned 11 l n t' n r Y • a caused said no11ce ot br eoc:h and or 7 -y l ' a I' ti Id g t• I cl 1 r g e1ec11on to be re<:o•dtld 09G41mber 11 w n l' cJ by Sam Jn d 28. 198 t as 1ns1r No 33051 m "'· -t>ook t433 7 p11ge 1002 or u1d 11orl)lh y Huban, l 'ill'f1l•d Olflc1a1 Records Sa.od sate w111 be hank on it ANDERSON , Ind (AP) N l'arly :itl )'l'Jl'i after h e was a W urld &r1cs hc•ro. forml'' Brouklvn Dodgers pnc·hcr Carl Erskrnl· 1s thankang about figu res o t her than runs. ht~ und l'rrors Er~krnl'. now 55. ts an e x ecutive v 1t-e prt!s1dl'l\l of t he• F'trsl Nat io nal Bank of Anderson ''l'M INVOLVE D tn all phascl> o f tht.• bank. making pol u:y. comp<'lang for tummNt·ial loans and d et ermining inwrest rates," said Erskinl', who sC'l a W o rld Series record on Ol·t. 2. 19~:~ when hl· struck o u t 14 N ew Y or k Yankpc•s Sandv K o ufox brukt• t h at m ark with 15 against tht• Y ankl•t.'S 111 l!:lo:3. Bob Gibson is the •pn .. >sPn t n'<.·urd h uld!'r w i th 17 agaans t Detroit in 1968. E rsk ine. w h o h e l pc-d pat<•h tht• B rooklyn tl'<im i n to. five W o rld Sl'rte!. returnl'd to th1~ l'Pnt ral Ind ian a communit y wht're he• was r a 1M•d aftc•r ret iring Cro m bas<'ball 1n 1959 "I was o nly 32 whc·n I reurcd I had nothing beyond my baseball ear <'Cr ." h e said "I didn't kn,1\\ w h at l was ROtng to do. I had gone fro m high sch ool. to l h t' US Navy. to basc·ball I had a few o pportuniues m baseball. bul my w ife a n d I decided to return he r1• where WC' were raised It was a real c h ange to readjust tu lhl' r('a) world "I HAD NO balkground in hanking. but a frie nd who 1s n ow the bank's pres1dc·nt <Bob W right) suggest~ I give thC' business a lry H e poin ted oul that this was my hometown. t h at l WJS respected and that h e tx•ltevl'<i the opportunlly wa!'> a good one " _ Erskin e beg an his banking ca r eer an 1964 as a direct or and o ffice r o f Fi rst Natio nal, dealing m ain ly with o utside con tacts to a ttrac t business. H e gradually became m o re· involvc.od with d:iy-to-day banki n g , working o n l oan s a nd comml'r eial b usiness. E rskine , r egarde d as o ne o f th<' National Leag u e's top r i ght-han ders o f hts lime. crE-d1ts teamm ates su ch as PN· W et· R IX.'se. Gil lludgt•s, J ack ie R o binson. R oy CampanC'lla an d Dukt• SntdN for makan~ h i m a suc'CT'SS "We had a lot of good pitchers lake Don N ewrome. J d o n 't thank I Wa.!. that c·X<.'t·ptto nal a pitcher ( w as JUSl lucky to bC' playing Wllh SOffil' Hall of Famers and great playl'rs." ErskmC' <;a1d H e also w o n 't a<.-ct·pt credit for the bank's growth. Total assets. $7 mallaon when h e ,1011w<l .• 11 e today hsted a t $85 m1lhon "We JUSt h ave a staH that as w1ll1ng lo work h a rd to gain the respect <.f tht• t:ommunlly," hC' said McC:O.wtar '"901TU.4111S Laguna Beach 494-9415. Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAalott LAW.._MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler A ve Costa Mesa 540-5554 PUBUC NOTICE K 01122 FICTITIOUI 8USINE88 NAME ITAT£MENT TM loltow1ng persons are doing 1>u~1ness .. PAYLESS SHOE SQURCE No 23!> 1, 222 I Har1>01 blvd . Cotta Mesa C1lllo11111 92627 Volum• Shoe C0tp • a MIHOUrl corpar111on. 323 t E 6th, P 0 Bo• 1189, To1)41k•. Kan 6660 I This bus<nes• 11 conducted by 11 corPOrellon Votu,,.,. Sh<MI Corp Mery Eddy. AVP Thd ttelemenl WH hteO WOii the County Cter'k ot 0r•"99 Counw on 5epl 14, 1982 Publlthed Orenge Coast Dally P~ot Sept 27. Oc1 •. 11. 18, t9112 •272-112 Chenv• ol Name. No. A·115125 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME lne app1tca11on of MONIKA ttEIOI lUERAS lo• cnange ol nome n .. v1no 0-1 "'"° 1n Court ana tt uppea11ng from sa10 application 111a1 MONIKA HEIDI LUERAS hcB t1tea an appll(:at1on or01>0s11111 mat ner name De cnanoea to MONIKA HEIDI SCOTT No"' tnerelor" ct 1~ 11e1eby orderea ano d11ec1eo that all persons 1111ert1stit<I on said matter do appear 1>.,fore 1nis court 1n Department 3 on the 3rd aay ol Novemt>er t982 at 10 30 o cloc;li. a m or said aay to allow cause .,.hy Suell apphca11on tor Change of name ~llouta not bu granled It 1s turttter oraered that a copy ol 11t1s Oraer lo Show Cau~o 1>e pu1>1tsnoa 1n tile Orange COllSI Daily P1101 & new6paper ol genor al c1rcu1a11on prmtetJ 111 sc11a county al least once e<1ch week tor lour successive Wl'ltlkl pr1or ICI lhu day ol sala nearing Daleo this 23rd ooy ot Sul)t..,m1>e1 t982 F••nk Domenlchlnl Judge of ••Id Superior Court Robert E ... ker, Eaq. Lew Ortic•• ol Stenn RoHmen 1309 W. Ith SI. 3rd Fl. Loe Angeie., CA I0017 Pobl•ahed Orang!' Coast 01111y P110t Soot 27 Oct • 1 t 1e t982 •271 82 Pl&.IC NOTICE $7,500 fur his fourth-maae. bul w1thou1 cove11ant o• I. , f h warranty e•press or tmolled P <ll:l ' tnl!\ · rogard1no ttlle pouesslon or encumbrances 10 pay 1ne PUBLIC NOTICE rema1n1ng pr111c1pal sum ol Ille no1e --====--=------secured t>y said Deed ol T•u'1 w1tn FICTITIOUS BUSINESS interest as 111 said noae provided NAME IT A T£MENT advanoe' 11 any under the a er ms ol Tne to11ow1ng P9<Sons arn doing said Oeea ol lrust tees. charges business es and e•penses of me Tru51ee and 01 PENNY TV APPLIANCES. t245 lne lrusts crealed l>y saoa Deed OI w Lincoln. Anahelm. Ca 92805 Trusl Said sale will be neld on CHAU MINH HOANG 9 10 E Monaay November 1 1982 at 2 00 18th Senla Ana. Ca 92704 pm al tne Cnapman Avenue HUNG CHI LI 11732 Puryear entrance to the C1v1c Cen1er LN. Garden Oro•• Ca 92640 Bu1ld1ng. 300 E Chapman Ave on This bus1nets is condut:ttl<l by a the Clly ot Orange. CA l1mlled partnerShlp At the time o l lhe 111111a l CHAU MINH HOANG pubhcallon OI lhlS llOllCe. lhfll lotal Th11 statement was t11ea with the amoont ot the unpaid balance ol the County Clerk ol Oranoe County on lobllgellon se.cureo t>y the ebove Augu•t 31 1982 described deed of trust and F1"539 estimated costs. eKpensea. end PubhShtld Orange Coast Dally advances IS S63.209 7 I To P1101, Sept 27 Ocl .c. 11. 18. determine tho opening bid, you may t98' call (7 141937-0966 •256·82 Date October 4 t982 ----PUB-l-IC-NO-Tl_C_E ___ Newport Hom• Loen. Inc. Al Hid Trutlff, YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY t. 19111 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION 10 PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION OF THE NAT URE OF T H E PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONT A CT A LAWYER NOTICE OF ~UITEE'8 SALE By T.D. Service Compeny, egent Cindy Schoonover, AHi. Seer. OM City 81vd. Wett Ofenge. CA t29U (714) 13S·l2SI Published Oranoe Cont Deily P1101. Oct 1 t, 111. 26. t982 '4464·82 MLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ~USTfl:'S •ALIE No. Pac ....u 01·1000UI K . 1m FICTIOUI eualNEll NAME STATEMENT Loen No. 1*3U On November 9. t982. at to 30 T.I . No. l5050-$ a m Sen Marono Servooes Inc a BURLINGTON FINANCIAL C11r101n1a corpora11on as duty SERVICES INC 11 C•l1fo1nra appointed T •u•lee under end COl'l!onmon es oi.iiy epporn1ecr oursu•nt to Deed of T1US1 "9CO<ded Truste• under the 1011ow1ng May 12 t98t as mslr No 14205 descfll>ed deed OI lrusJ...WILL SELL book t40S4 p90e 325 OI Olhc1al AT PUBllC AUCTION 10 THE Records e.<e<:uted by Leste< Leber HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH ano Terry Leber Husband and (pay111>1e al ltme 01 sale 1n 1ewru1 W1te es truslors 1n Ille ottce of the money or the United S1a1e1l all Coonty Reco•Oe• ot Orange Coonty r1ght t1t1e ana interest conveyed to State ol Celttorn•a. WILL SELL AT and "ow lleld bt 11 under said Oee<l PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST or Trust on the proot>rty hett1tn11te1 BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at oescr1bed lime or sale 111 lawful money ot lhe TRUSTOR JOHN L£MBECK .• Untied StelU) Ill ootslde the fr()rll single m11n en1rance to l awyers Title '""''•nee 8 ENE F I C I II R ¥ MI 0 W ES 1 Corporlll)(I, 520 North Main Street PACl~IC FINANCIAL INC . an Iowa Santa Ano Calllornoa. all right tllle corporat1on end 1nte1eSt conveyed to and now Rec:ordeo July 31 198 t as 111111 "eld by It under said Deed ol Trust No 45:)43 1n book 14 t64 page 66 ot 111 the property s1tua1ea 111 said Olt1c1a1 Record• 1n tne othce ot tile County end State describe<! as The reltOWtno persons ete doong bU$1neu as TRIAN L TO 229~? Aleatde Drive ~'11flr ,..o. LllglJ118 Hin•. Ca 92853 SUTTCOR INT l e Cet1lorn11 corporetoon 22P52 Alcalde Drive Suite t40, Laguna Hiiis. Ca 92653 AIJTOMATEO INSURANCE AGENCY a Celltornoa limited pertne•shlp 22952 Alcalde Drive. Suite 140. Laguna Hills Ca 92653 This bu51ne» Is conducted by a genef11I partnership SUTTCOR INT L a California corp JAMES AISKAS, President This statement was hied wnh th• Counly Clerk of Orange County on September 14. 1982 F197oW4 Publislted Orange Coast Dally Pilot Sept '27. Oc;t 4 t 1 18 t1182 4273·82 Recorder ol Orenge Coonty, sail! PARCEL 1 deed of trust d1Uc111>es tne LOI 5 of Tract No 9988, 1n Ille 1------------- followono property Cily ot Irvine. County or Orange. I PUBLIC NOTICE lot t ot Traci No 9242 1n lhe Stale of Celllornoa. as shown on a 1-. -------------C1ly or t1v1ne County ot Orange. mep recorded 111 book 422, pages OFFICE OF THE Staie of Ce11rorn1a as per mao n to 2:; 1nc1osi•e or Misceoantl(XJs SHERIFF·COflONER recorded on Book •10 Pages 47 Mops 111 Iha ottice ot the Counly COUNTY Of OflANQE ana 48 nf M1sce11eneous Maps 111 Recorde• ot se1d Coonty EXCEPT NOTICE OF SALE tM Oflic;;e ol the County~ecorder of THEREFROM 1111 oll gas. mmeial5 UNDIEfl DECflEE said Coonty end nthet hydrocarbons below 11 Of FORECLOSURE "YOU ARE ,,. DIEFAUL T UHOEfl deoth ol soo teet. Without the right c 0 Iv" r a" I e c 0 mm" n I t y A DEED OF TRUS T DATED OI surface entry es reset•ed 1n ssocoatoon elc vs KllZUO lbuth1 7-15-11. UNLEIS YOU TAKE 1n11ruments ol record t al ACTION TO P'flOTIECT YOUfl ALSO EXCEPT theretrom all No. 37e255 P'tl0P£RTY, IT MAY IE SOLD AT A water and subsurle<:e water rlgr.ts I tl'le undersooned BRAD GATES. PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN below e depth ol 500 tHt, Wfthoul her1H-C0toner. County ot Orange EXPLANATION OF THE NATUflE the 11g1tt ol surface entry es tale ol Celll0tn1a do lle<eby certify OF THE PROCEEDIHO AQAINIT Oed1ceted or reserved 111 hat l>y virtue ol Decree of YOU. YOU aHOULO COHTACT A lnatruments ot record oreclosure ind Sele 1n tile LAWYER." PARCEL 2 uperoor Court of tne County ot 45 Plymoutn trww• CA 92714 EasemenlS es sel to•lh 1n the range State of Cahfornoa enlered ·111 a street address or common Sectro.ns entitled Certain n September 7 1911 2 and des1gna11on is sl'lown at>ov• no E11emen1s to• Ownert' end ec0tde<1 on September 7, 1982 1n w arr an 1 y 11 g 1 ve n as 1 o 111 "Su PP o II Sett 1 em fl n t • n d he ebove enlllled actlOn. w11.,t1tn completen.-ss 0t correcanent.. Encroachment" or lhe Article ~ulverdate Communnv ANOC1et10n. The 1>enehc;1ary under salt.I OM<! en11lled ' Easements" ol the Calltorn•• llOll-f)foftt c:orporetlon ot Trust. by rHson of a breach or Oeclarel lon o t Covenant s h• •bove nemed Pl•lntlll(a), detaull 1n the ob11oat1on1 sec:ured Conditions .:ind Restrictions ~leined a judgm•nl end aecrM ot theret>y, heretofore •-Kuled end 1ec0tded In t>ook 12696, page 874 'f0te<:IO$Ure end aale •oaonat Katuo dnllvered to tho undersigned , o I O It 1 c ta I A e o or d s ( The I bush I • n a Sh ll u It o 11> u • h 1 wrlllen Oec:leretlon of Default and • · 0 e t: I• r • t 1 on · I and 1 n y delendanl(s). tor lho sum ol Elgl Demand tor Sale. end written notlGe 11mendments th-to !Hundred Forty Four end 591100 of 1>reecn end ol electlon to cauH The s1tee1 edorus and o ther Dollars, lewlul money ot the United the undersigned to 11111 aald common design•llon, If eny. or the t•IM. and by virtue of • wrll ot property to 11at11ly aatd obllget1on1. real properly deacrlbea above 1s nlor~ment in said aGllon iuued and thereetter th• undersigned purported to be I 1 Sunrose. Irvine. n September 16 19821_1_ •m caused H IO nollce of t>reach end ot Calll0tnla 92716 mmanaed to sell all the Pl'GPOflY etecllon ao be The unde111gn•O Trust ea n the County of Orange. S1111e of Recorded J\111• 23 t982 RI fratr drtcl•1m1 eny llabllHy tor eny 1lllo1nla detcrlbed as followt1 No 82-216029 ot u1d 0 111c111 lncOt•eclneN or the strMt address lot 42, ol Tract No 6962 as Records end other c;ommon oesign111on. 1t ecoraed 1n Boal\ 263, Pegff 39 to Seto nl• w111 b• m•d• but eny. shown 11.,11111 2. 1nc1os1ve of Miscelle"eoot wltJlout c;ovtnenl or wurenty. Sttd ••le wtll b• made. but tP•, 111 IM Oflloe of the OrA"91l rtHC:I .. OTHllS llU.. .. o ... ow ... " MOllTU.41Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 6-42-9150 ••oreH or 1mplted. regudlng title. wllhout Goven1n1 01 we11enty, ounty Reoorde<, Calllornt• pouession. or oncum1>1ences. to uprMs or tmplOed, regerdlng lltle, The Pfope<IY 11 more commonty pey the rem•1n1no pr1nc1pal tum ol po11e111on, or encumbr1ncea, to nown as 17SOt Teac:nera Avenue. Ille notlM•i ncured by H id Oeed ol P•V tM r11m1lnlng Pflncipel eom of rvlne. Ca111orn11 ---------------· Tn11rt. wnh ln19"eS1 '" In H id note tlle note(•) MCUfed by MIO Oeed Of T~her with ·~ end 11nguter lhe DlllH IDTICIS provided. edv•nc•s. ii eny under Trull, wllh tnter•ll thereon, •• enementt. heredllamentt end the term• of ee1d Deed of Trutt. provided 111 Hid noae(a). edvances. ppurtenenc.. lher111.1n10 belonging 1-. charo•s end aapen ... 01 11141 It eny und., thll ,.,m1 of .. id o..a lfl enywlM •P1>011e1n1no IALTZ IH6HOfi' SMrTH a TVTHtU WISTC:U.. C:HANL 427 E I 7th St Costa Meia 84fJ.937 I ,_C:I laOTHHS ~s· NOITU.M'I' 627 Main St H1Jn1;:::-ach BRINTLE S LANCE BRINTLE. resident or Cos\3 Mesa. Ca P~ away on Oc~r I~. 1982 He Is 1urv1Ved by his wife 0 . J anet of th~ home, 1randd9ughtur Ruth Ellen Schmuu of Ar<-•dla, Ca , 4 n e p hew• J<'ffrey N Crabt rN! or Lona Bcoch , Ca .. Jam es A. Crabtret.'. MD of L o• A n g eles, Ca .. Biii Cr abtre e? of Idaho 9 n d Jeffrey Moad of LAl«-wood, •· •nd a n iece P a m l'l11 Ini.1llt1~ o f Ora'lgel Cu rivale family tervlCM w ill held on ~ay, October 19, I 982 at l'aclfk V 1tlw Me morial P a rk Ch•~t>l , owpon B eac h . Ca . nc.mwnt •t Pa<'lflc V iew emorUl Puk Padflc View onu.vy d lrt.'t"\On Trutt .. end ofttietrutttcreatedt>y o l Ttull, tee1. chergu and PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY H id Deed of Trull •• pen ... OI lhe l•t.illM end of ,,.. IVEN TNll on tuee<11y. November Seki Hie w111 be h•td on Fr1oey, trulla cruteo by H id Deed of 18, 1982. •I 1030 o'clocll. A M ol OCtobel 29, 1982 et 2 oo p m et Ille T rutt tor the 1moun1 reHon1bly h•t dav •t Mein Lobby Cou1thouN . Cflapman Avenue entr•nce. to the nt1ma1e0 10 be S 143, 109 53 700 Ci\lie c.n111t OrlYe Wnt. City of Cllllc Cent•r 8ulldlng 300 Ettl The beMllc;lel')' undel Mid OM(f Ante An a, I will Hit the ebove Ch1pmen Av•nu• 1n the Ctty of of frutl fleratofor• uec:uted I nd •lbed Pfopet'ly, und4lr Mid writ Orenga delivered to th• undettton•d a deeree, or IO moch 1"41rll0f u A I I h. 'Im. 0 t th. In I t I• I w•llllll'I DKl•t•llon Of 0.fllUtt and •y be necHHry 10 Hlllly H id publlcellon ot=llla notice the totel D•m•nd for Set•, and • written menl with lnterHlt end colta, 11moun1 of th41 •Id t>•l•noe ot the Noll~• of O.l•uli and Election to o the hlghelt l)ldder, fOf cath In obllgtllon 1ec111 y tne ebove Sell The und.,llQMCI ~Md M id twtur money or the United StllM dUetlb•d de•d ol 11u11 and Notice of Oeteull and Elecllon to D•led at Sen•• Ana, CAlll01n1e Hllmeted co111. e.penau, •nd Seu to be record.a In the county obef t 1. 108~ edvenc:H 11 l4ft,211 t 411 Wllt<ll ,,.. rNI PfOPllt1Y la locel.O BRAO GATES. To d•tarmfnt th• opening bid, 0•11 Octobtl '· 1982 Sherlll·Coroner you mev t All (7 1'1 584-8333 Said .. ,. wtll t>e conducted t>y: County Of Orange, O•t• Septembef 27, 11182 L e w y • r 1 TI 111 I u tu r I 11 c: • Celllorn11 BURLINGTON Corpor1llon. 520 North Mllln Str .. 1. By• K Brown. FINANCIAL Sant• An•. Ct lllornl1 9270 I (7141 _, ...... _.. SL•100,nv' ,._ SERVICES INC 847·5171 ....,_,,, " In _......rt Br T 0 SIHIVICE S•n Merine. Servlc ... Inc.. ttt? Wl8tc1Nt Drift, COMPANY, ~I 11 .. Id Trott.. Wte .. Ir Cllrft Ta11rv1. PeelflC SMll~ Coto. ee.oh, CA l29IO A1111tant S.Cr9fery AOllfll PubllllltO Oreng• Cout Delly )033 Cemlno Del Alo S 8y. 8~ t<tlty PllOt. Oc1 18. 2$, Nov I, 1982 Sult• ~ 8t2t South hclufYeda '542-82 Sen Ofeoo, CA 12108-40'4 8f¥d (7141614-U.. Loe AnQelM, Celft 90041 Pu blll hed Oran~ C0.'1 Ot llr • Tm tH:J) 776-1201 Cell U2-H71. Pilot. Oct 4 11 11. 1tu Publl•h•d Orano• CoHt Dally 13U•l2 PllOI, Oct I I, II, 2B tN 2 440742 Put• rewword1 IO WOtlc lor Ou. , ____ ...... Orungo Cooet DAILY PILOT/Monduy, October t8 1982 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 ·7 8 , ClASSIF 110· CLASSIFIED INDEX ,,, ,,,,, ..........•.....••.... He1111 /er l1J1 •...........••........ , • .,,,1 1002 •...........•......... IAOIUFIOE Tl rtlct hur Ad. Call llU 642·5678 HOUSES FOR SAU lOUAL llOUllNO 0 PP0ATUNl1 Y r •ka •d1111n1110• of 11111 ltgttt onll etry fium• wtlh 01 .. t OCHll bl MZ•t ') 1pac1ou1"'bdrmt. 111oe 11 vino 1oom •nd dining room All Oft 11 quit! Cul 11• •()C. 8 1k t Of I~ 10 lhl bu ch Nealltod •mono very opentlve homa• Neer propoted mu1na Betal!r nuffy, mu•t eell thll weekend 5411•23 13 .... ,,~,·· b•lt.•.r• hl•nd tt.u .... 11 ... unt.wl. ( •5'1\tl•Aol• o ..... . ..... .--. ., .. , ... . t '-..... '40 • li4Uhl f1CMOI t i loto tWrH•I~ \ •llP) tlw•;.l1f1C\t~ •W•"~ ln11w l .... WJ\I hf"eltl '"''""• 11111• •••wlh '•llw•I Mu,\M<IA \,,.~, ~:n:!:..~: h '-" Jueh • •J.l"tf •'" '-••A•• ............ '""''"' I •IVfU IAo•n11n\t"' '4Wt,. uon ... ,. '•I• IEAL mm Al l••i• lut '•It Av•• ht.-.Hh hlf ,.,, .. """••"' y , .. .,..,., •• tkf\llW'H f1t1~r1\ r flnwhn t.io1h • f'tPI : :::.:.',~·.:· .. !~·~;· 11iv,1,.~ l "'''"' , .... lfW~ IV_, '4V\•J '"°' wrw l'rup.-rH INlu\IU•i .,fttp.fh ,, .... "" ,., .. 'At.l(Ht~ tho" 1•1r .,,\ "4uuMn On.-" M• u1tl fif•Af• I" 9't11" !~ ~. ~~~·~'~'~'" t\•n• h• t-•"""' ,,,11\ '"' H•tl t'At•h t ''h•rlit' ltf'#I t Ahl• \tt•nhO RENTALS lltJU\""' turt11'1iohPif lh.IU\"'' I nrvrnl\hf'd 110w, ... >wtn .,. t n1 f 'fMil1m1A1wft\'lio • .,., ,. I iandi1tnuu111n1"' I ,.f I 10-.nf\.tM.I'°" t-vn1 I to,.,nf'HN~o 1 "' IJU"I• "'' t vtn l llVSll".,.''"' AUi'lio .. "'" AVh l "f\f/,, 4uh t ~,, • .,, I nl kc...,fth k<•1tu A. Hu•t'1 I U1ilrl"' \li~hh f.1V(\.f .. ,'"'' "°"'"'""°' K•M•I• \•t thllf• k•n,.1, ..... •h 11. v ...... , .. , .... "' "" """'' flif1rr H•nt•I bu\I,..,. .. ftt"flhl INlu•ih•I lhnl•I ~·.1: ..... 1"9 """" ttr,,hh BUSINESS. INVES J. MCNT. FINANCE kw\1MHf-!°Pllf-"\• t:k.,\IM\''4•tlt•d 1 In\ P'lioln.,.ftt Opp<Jtl • lft'\r \fft\ .. 111 "'•fUrf1 MOf'lif'., lv I '1•n MUIWl>' V. t nl•d' MO·flC•I•• Tft' ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND """'.u~1 rm~nh ( •' Puol lit.al "lilu411 •' .._,_t 6.t •AJM t f;;,~,·::;)11. ',,.,.,. 1 ........ ""~~!~ICES EMPLOYMENT & PREPARATION ~hc-.:.1\ ll"l\ttliH'h"" Jotl'tlt..n•.,t• •t•f6'\tt•ftlN \41~ t MEICHANDISC '~·.:~: ...... A""'41•tVr' Awt~ ==~~~,. •ltfa.U ( '""'' .. 4 • Q~•fl" ,.,., ..... .,. p..H..-"' f't~IO ~°'.i ""''"'""'" llor>tt •M.>w~·ho)lodt,.,.,.h J•••lt) .,.,~,.,,.,~ \l•t"'"'') \41.c"ell•M0.1' M1w•ll•~' \ll•"hd """'" ... ,,.,,,",.....'"' tMt11 r •wrn & •A&u•., ..... '"'"'°'' t>tl•"' ~"""•Ina"•• h1n•' 'P'J(\lr\f (1f111i_h .... Of .. tfM\t11"<1nt ti,•1 ~~ if'..cf.u tt1 t. 't•t~· I BOATS & MARIN£ EQUIPMENT ..,.,"", .. Htl•O. \teiAI .... t\lfr l\il)•h\h r1"..-tqow1• ~••h Po-.r' 8n•h Krft' t ff.rtrf f'o•h 'Ull so.1 .. ~ • ..,.. '"'•"• f\-1 .. "'~ .. ~, ..,.,.,, ""'' .,,. IUNSPORTUION ,,,,,.n c •"'Pf''"',,, .. ""'". tl-fflru c. •" a:,"'~~~SrOOll•r'' 'll .. or tc"'"' 'wtr ft•"' Tr~Wr' Tr,,.,.. !:;:,:,~.!~0i.n. AUTDMOBILC lafMl•I Afth .. W• I t.uut"' Mr• '••h•6'\ \ """"'f'' '-"•" "•'"' Mttid'-1 .., ........ U'H" rr"' ~' \an' '"'"''"".''"' \wh-'A•Mrl1 AUTOS. IMPORTCD l.•ntt•I \If• Rutrw•; \"'11 f \Voll1ft ..... ,,., H'IV.' .... p.-. ""-,.,., o.-.. , .. , .... ,,.,. •••I ·~'-, .... ., Jtn""" lt.•tm..nn \1h1• ......-111w .. ,.., ... .\ll•ftf'• ... 'lio ,..,.,, .... 'IUfl llpol .. ..,.,. .. ,. .,~" .. t-wu~ ltflfU-'U· 11ta11, .... , •• flMrt )Ub lbll .WINfv "-· frnuflflt v.-._. • .,.,. V•h• Afl OS, •EW 11>.U ,,.,. ,,.,, 11.H" !Vil'/ 11~4 1 .... , '"" iu.,,. ...... IW 1-Jt(llt """ 11-.1 """ '''lit IU•• 1-.... I""" ..,,. flfl_J llltJ ,..., l.h > ""' P111tl11her'1 •ot1oe1 All •Ulll vttlllll &OvftrllHd 1n th" new1papa1 11 ~111Jj8c.t to thto f110t1rel f •If Hou11no Act or 19611 wluc.n n'lilk .. II Illegal 10 .iaver111u • any preteren- ce "''"1a11on or dlt1Crn111· nallon t>aaeo on race. co101 religion. 1ex o• nat1ona1 orig10 or eny 11tlent1on to J""&ke ony i.ut:h ptelarenct 11m11a- t1on or d111G11m1na1100 'l n1s newspaper will not i..now1ngly eccep1 any a aver 1111ng tor real es- t ale wh1c11 1s 111 v1ola11on of tne law UHRS: Advert1· sers sh ould c h eck 1he1r ads daily and report errors 1m- m e d 1 a t e I y The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for the firs t incorrect 1nsert1on only. tJU!ft1 LOOK For our new r egular weekly feature BOAT SHOW - CASE IEIA VERDE llRllll Vacant 3 Bdrm 2 t>eth neo1 parks and schools Proced 11touM1nds below others 1n the areal Won't last. at only $129.500. ac1 now• 646· 7171 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS !~1----------· :~ Hou111 /or $1/e .tli... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , __________ _ ~"~ Ru/ E•l•lt •HYFRHT* IOU SLIP '"' .•••..•••.•.........•. ~:1 ,,.,,., 1002 uc-: •••••••••••••••••••••• OPH HILT 1·5 :~ 4 IEDROOI 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bd1m • 2 balll NOW REDUCED TO $'489.0001 PROIATE SALE Excellent 2 sto•y home w11h generous s111d rooms tnroughoul For- mal hvino room crack· HT lilOYllml REJL TOR/OWIH •llJ-1111• ling l11ep1ace t>lg m aster !~:::::::::: suite best buy 1n the Ii area Take advantage Cal 546-2313 * MESA VHIE On 1tie golf course Custom beautiful 3 80tm home many many ex- tras 5279.500 with 10•1. WlTERFROIT aown owner will carry a1 Pool-tennls·deck -3 Br -12 •'It 1n1erest steps to sand · 10-0-0.,. Rep loC1rlll1, Rltri dwn Call Tim Rhone to-&•I-7721 aay 631 -1266 011· .... ~~~~~~~ I • ••c•lflc11t Claatu11 bt1t1 over 6.000 sq II 1 I 2 Acres o l prime tho- Have something yC>Y went rought>red property ao1 ,..,, to sell? Claaslfled adt do to Jack Ktuoman Estate 11 well. 642-5878 nr Fallbrool< Every RVM* daullng emen11y, cham- SELL ldle lleme wllh • p1onsh1p tennis coun Dally Pilot Cl&SSllHKI Ad $850 000 terms Agl ""& 6'2-5678 2 t31275-2031 ......... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil. ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .. .., ••I ..... 1 .. .., ..... "9fli) '""' ...... ... , .. ,.., """ Vl\!1 't'l\16 lilitn '1711,) '1111 t1!) •·u• 'lf1'1 ,,,,, #1.U r.u Y~tf t1Jll ,,.., •l.J> . .. "" •Ito •iu ., .. ., .. 9;., ,, .. ... ~'~ .,;,. t'f), LllO ISLE llOIEI Prune Lado Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 51·~ bath Lge L R . :ur t'Ond 2 boat slaps Sl.500.000 Remodel{'(! 3 bdrm. 2 bath -large l't'(' rm beam cetl.mgs. furnished. pa.llal... .$420.000.. . PHllllU HOJIJ C)c(•an & .)Ctty views Marine room. 4 bdm1. J bath. 3700 sq ft Sl.385.000. Ckeanfronl LllDA ISLE llYFROIT Lagoon Vll'W from 6 bdrm. 5 bath. playroom, dark rm, den Boat slip N o w $1,090,000 IA YSllE PUCE Spect.acular bayfronl dplx 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br. 2 ba dn 2 boat spaces. Reduced-$1 ,500.000 F&lllAllS R&ICll New 4 br. 4 ' ba. {'UStOm Fr~nch Normandy E.<>t.att> I 2 pr1mt• acre· hilltop $1.250.000 IYALOI F'~ stmpl« <! br l'Ottagt' o n qu1t•t Dc-sc:anso St (an Flats I Rl'dUl'<'<i to S 100,000 COROIAIO CHS Coronado Island cust bay!ront lot. 8!'>' boat doclr. Plans avail Now f370,000 w /t.enns. BILL CR UN DY, REALTOR )4 1 Boy\1dP Dr•vP NB t-7) t>lbi _-.J1'47 • \4 \I ,, A''!~''!! '--.... , It ~ • 10" 34 1-;~A1 IOl1 ,,..._ ..... ... ,,. ltf I i.: ,,,, ... •• Jlllf,,f ·~"''' •• 1 611 .• ,, .. ". ..,.,.,,. 0 ,, "'•'•"r C.. k .. ,,. ~ ) , .... \'"' l ''""'"' • ·~ • v ,. I ._ ~ '•'"'' ,,.1 . .. ' . . ... .. ' w • .. ' .... . .. .. .._. . . h IV ... " r .. . .. .. ... ·~ .. . I , .. . .... ... . -· . .. t ..... ·~ . " Lit•• •.f• Jt. ••ly• ,\ ·,~;:~ \(0U t0 • JI "' ~ J •• , It. )I '6 ':· \AG~f"f.UIV\ ",.' ,, ... ~; :i.: n ... a C.A•t l(OIN Oft If ' .. ~ .... ~ :; :rn:Jt •OV••1ui •"',. -.,, .. ,.,,~ ) !: 1: l6 ; ••• l'Ml lclt" 51 'Hllll S©~~lA-" ctN~· ..... •••• •lfl :m o ·-· Irr NT I l'C)UAN ------ ••0"•"9'9 i. ...... l °' ,_ ......... ..., _,,, "'-b. &a-..-, •0t 1111 fOlri#• .. MO.. WOid ,, S WORDY I .1 I I' I I I 0 X A H I I ; ' I' I I I 1J I C U S T 0 I I r I' E A R P R Y l <.ltott\)u Cu.u1I DA IL V PllOl /Mondu)', Octob t 18, 1UQC' ~Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast M9rket ' Place Huu1 lot $1/1 'N..,,, 111 11/1 -111•11• l1t $1/1 ~~~!!!.~~'.~~/.' ....... 1 !{~~!!!.(~'-~~/.' ....... f.•!.~'.I! ............... ~ •• ~~!!!.¥~!~!~.'!~!! ••. IJ.'.~!!!.f~f~!~.'!!tJ. .• ~~~!!!.¥~!~! ..••.... 'r..~1~!~!!.!!!.•.'!!tJ. t:~·~;:;i · · ...... · i'ooi 1:i~ ·1~i~~·; .. "liH c;;;~ ·;;;;; · .. · .. i ;;11 !~!!~t .......... 1.~1 ~!.'!r.!t.•!~!~ ... 1.~t !'!.~!!! .!~!~k~!!.. .. . f!!!~. f!.t1!! •.... .!.~~1 •• .. •11•11•• ,240 ~!.r!mt.~! .. !.~t •·,.·1! .. 11•• ,,4, •••••••••••·•• •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •--------~·--------•i • to I .__.. •et la-I t H'"RBOR Vl"W HOM "'S ..-A C:.llAAMINQ AE:MOD 3 0.•111/ 3/0Z 11 " 0 ,A v.-.'" ' "' "' "' "' •••••••••••••••••••••• llAlllOR VIEW MILLI u111u11 rraoe11 .. op1 ror IEW"H Wl&ll THTLIHGI ILH I Ll,,I UllAll •••••••••••••••••••••• rm, 2 ' Ba, Rv area, 28;,"ie~·c~ci;·,;;M~: 3 Odrm, ••l*'0.0 Cat· Yll 11111¥1 m llUH Hiii ouplnA or unit tl7J 8&8!1 ATllllMll lllLlllTll Tr111f1r '•flH lal1 YOli QWn '11"' l•nd 2.000 DI l&LHA llUll I IOOO mo 1131" 1163 pool, d•h-.tir. no e>e•• ~~ ~"roo~" (!~1 e.eu11tul a l*k Mkt wuh Oulttt ll41•k like Hllln\I • llOyr• plMll It)• gr••I IO· 811. wlOU 0rff0Utl1, llHr A \jUltl ltOUH 18:'>0/rnO ma•l•r b tlhl, 10 rn111 "0 " •Prtvt1t Pa1104 11111101 11111llll11'"""''111111 f!!!~~.~!L"!~! .. 'J.~~~ S lH,0001 -1101 l•.I 1.1tlt01t "'''Y • aholl wlllk POOi r ar ootow markot BAY~RONT w/lor•v•r olne, gOYrmet kllch and 4 II, 2 IA, lllO TIE ILlffl •Covtt.cl Patklng .EA.I. OEILl ••• I A •POiien 4 Ur Olen llQ ti l l:lr, lam rm, 2'\ Ador11blt 3 bdrm houto [tautllul C/61de 3 BR, 2 h 60 mo 1fl8·7ll33 ! 1 o'~ne ~Ill ~~807~ t•rraa.d pool llC>l)t Orl!let lor 011.Mw Moder1t, detachl!d tim, 10 p()()I nncJ '•""'' Re 1236.000 Wiii ltilM o"-vlt1w 4 Or St800/n10 now S626 Metro Au lty. With c••Ptt•. retu 1no •SpoclOU• Apll (;ul do a.l, •t J Bur"" TRAD[ unlquulv dHlgno!l oy ducod ove1 S20,000 lot lion 0kr 8•4·0 t3• 8 A Y F R 0 N T 3 e r 836 7006 I 'p o M •tr o R ••II Y 3 Bdrm 2ba, tpot1oe1, •D1n1no Area f11rn rm \J/11.500 "' 1110 MHhlrt of Indoor/ fut •Alto C.11lttl11g 111 11' I 1600/mo Br 1 Be at10---.nci1d 636-7006 S 1260/mo •Wolk In CIOMlt •••·•110 vou• bOllng inoomo pro outdoor env1ronrner11 usum11bl• at 10 70% I llOIAITIO llEWPOllT WHkly 8eytroni ront•I• erao•. l•n~6d, 'cu ••• ON THE SANO •Hom• Ilk• KllclMln• -'I I I °" TAYLOH CO. h i \I 'fl, I 1 Ii. . - ~ •'' t9' ~ ' ·,· " ' ~ I DOVH SllORH Wotorhont locauon wlln P'tlr 11nd ,up Throe bu <Jr ooms D1 arnauc I.Illy 1111.s c.11~ 11un1io ~1ow $10.ty 1.,.,1 on the wahlr Owr1er will Cotty 'ubst11n1101 •O cofulilr y lt114111(u1g Now S460.000 131-UOO COLDWeLL BANl(eRD TURTLEltOCI 1310,000 Or1ly 10•1, down Luxu r 1ous rom1ly en1onaln- mer11 home 1r1 a pr1vote sernng with custom spa, 4 BR. sµac1ous 1<1tche11, master suue incl den, J lpl oak lloors & -;hullers One year newl 5U-tOIO * FOltECLOSUllE * r1i.e advantege of e•- c;ellent PrtClng On lhtS 3 BR nome w 12 ,•,. assu· maoie 1oan Bargain prt-ceo al S 146 500 wtth VA terms 1v1118bto Cell 759· 15 I 01 752·7373 perty or OutgrOwt1 '1181 LIUhl i.11<! 11ry 1n1ar1or NOW ONLY $268,500 lllUI MDIII lrom 1100/Up i drapee No ptll ~26 Vlww ol th• ocean 2 ~0~1fr:,:j, 2,",':i~~~lllul I blk to Hunflngt on r;n~~,,w::~lj:a;e:11~q~~~ w/skyllQhta, 3 Q&r<l.in 14 .. 1211 E11tr11 htrU• ltlDnd 1111 W1!te1!rOf1t Hornet, Inc plu1 .. curlly &•6·6•42 B<1rm1. t 'hbl, guarded Cell Holtttln Really Ct11t&t. tranllf)Of1atlon 6 roon1y 4 01lrm 3'\ b•th 11111unu1. bv41mod col ... Chort o4 lu1tu1lout b•· llS·llOO or f70·11629 gate. pOOI, aoun1, gym, 7&-0-8818 01 e.-•-11162 rrwv• h(ln111 w11t1 160 dog ltng5 "'"ii 81,id lldrni~. drooma w"h plonty ot li/"'·i llll•' 31~ 8 173• 1800/mo 213/333-3840 ITIUTIH flH oc.u11n vlow 111 walk 10 f1w 111y room w/b1t & \. • wiirtltob• •PllCt M atr ••• :!' •••••••••.••••• ~ Br 2 •. ,./mo No or Q02-1208 The Btull1. 3 Bdrm condo. 1 Bdrm From 1616 ; WliilS ol o•a .. 10 1)11110• • ' ' '.,. nu• hll • lier both• Stop• 10 Bou 3 br, 2 bo poll 806 Joann St 2 b. L 1 n de p'. n 2 Bdrm se1s :~~~1~0~~r~•u~:6 ~O Euioy •un 011 <l oy on o~no~ w11111~anc• boio:. 01n111g rm, g•r. 2 pat101 6U · l836 2:;P;,0~,~~ ... :.~~:C. cg~~ S 1 2 O O I mo I••· l1' QUINTA HERMOSA I H:'>,000 wllll 11 1~'Y• 'Pilv&t<il Root Svf)()t!Ck m1kt rtlll!ll Mullan really S725 Wlnlor OPl!N 328 Npt Hgt• ereo, 3 Br 2'h Ba $550 mo 758.7533 760-IGOO, 1173·766t 16211 Parklllde Ln, 1 bllt lf11ert111 Only S 10,000 do wn A Bv ownor TM Coloiiy. 3 5•0-,060 S8pp111r111. 844-0954, condo, lamlly rm, llplc, DELUXE J BR 2'"1 be, 2 W ol S.ach, 3 blkl 8 144·1211 S13951rno"yn11s II you lid 2 bU.alc.lrgklt,lmly ASl(FOA LORI 676-8573 laundry rm , gar . 5blka toocean Eleg11n12 i ty. tge Iron! yard & ot EdlnQef .S.-7-.6•41 are look1~ 101 a UNIQUE rm. llih p~nd wtll1 10 Dial tii•t JJJi $625/mo Joyce WelU•. BR. larn rm & don 1875 upat•lra pi llo NHr_ LI ••I ,.1.... 31~1 ~ HOME AT A ST EAL. ~:~,:' ~:il.~ict11e511:5~~~ IHCN WALlll •••••••••••••••••••••• ao• 631-1266 mo. Pluah cptt, 2'h b1, bl!eth 111 & '"'· ..cu •• '1. ........... -. •••••• "'.. we vo ~01 111 obo 55 I 8356 ovoa or Cu&tom ' atory horne ir.ec 2 br, 2 bo condo. 2Br. JBa lovely twnhae. coder end glen Sun-rll V SI I 00 p er mo Luxury itudlo, lrM HBO. . ' . ENTUR\' 2I wkndt Wllh spal Skylight, wet ocean view pool, 1t1nnl1 deck. dbl car pvt o•r . 631-5861 phone. meld "rv. •P•. Walli·I• llealty bar. Opttn beam ceilings Compt lurn 760-9466 pool, spa, Oii & clp, no lully m alnt'd yard No 1 30 Wk •90 3015 141·8010 PRIVATE and more Super linen-(8-5), 240-3201 (alt 8) r>el• 1725 mo 615·7 l83 pell lnQ, 527 18th St 3 Br 2 111ory 1ownhouH 2 1 ---·---- c1ng Owner may cons•· I • 3141 3 BR, S4inta An1 Hgts, t 960-6331 bath& pwder rm Very LeDM. lmmac Apl. Ooean Own..., 4 bd 2000 sq It • Assni lonn OWC $ 133 Co1t1 #111 1024 900 3105 M c Kinley SPA der eachangel $280,000 .!#.~'!~ •• !.'.'.......... Ba, lncd rear yud, S760 Ocean view. volley ball ct. ~~im~.06%~6~6°01 :16d50olhwy, 2 b<I •111_1581 Cell 979-5270 180 <leg Ocean view, 2Br mo 546-4 13 l 119 Huntington St 2 BR • •••••••••••••••••••••• 545·7••7 2 bdrm i bll Pion 3 1n Orenue Tree Patio ~tomes Proleaslonally 011eor11tuo Plush c11rpe1, custom shut1er5 EKcel· ltont omt1nt11es S 136,500 ;.lf >IL/ 11~·1l 2ba. apa. $1200/mo Ph 3 Bdrm , 2 ba condo $650. 1 BR. $500, or ront 499-530•. •99-4621 E'Slde 2 car gar Poot. en 11 re d p Ix S 1 I 2 5 ltAltf O"ORTHITYI "0 " DOWM 114,5001 Low 'r •tsl New' & IPBC•OUS Gar- den Vlll11s wllloor lo ce1- 1tng llrepleces NEAR BEACH 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms lrorn $64,500 Below market 1111 rote allows tor pymts as low as S795 1mo tEasy Oua111y1ng1 Pool. tennis II secumy gated privacy fAl(E ADVANTAGE OF THIS ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY CENTURY 21 Walli-11 ltt1lty Hl-1010 IEW,OltT llEHiNTS Charmmg 3 br, 2 bo home wi de! 2 car gar Across trom Charles 11e11e1 P11rk 237 Knox Pl S 145,000 By owner Mt Al r 1 <\ 1".;wl-'lTMt "t' ~ I J • 3J6J 1acu1z1, trplc, lge yard 536-3602 or 661-7622 '."!r.! ••• !~f......... S 7 0 0 . 6 3 I · 7 9 0 5 . 2 bdrm, 1 ba hae, nr bch, --------=-DO ISLE 3 bdrm, lam 631·0303 yd, gar $600 No pets ~~!'.£~'!!!!'.'! ••.• !.~~~ m, 4 Bo. Sl700 mo UAll HOI HY 836-9829 xcepnonal value 3Br. OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 4 bdrm, 3 bath condo, Spott _e_s_&_2_B_r_a_t_ta_c_h-ed 1 ~.ea home $128,000 1 Ba $700 m o B111 pool. tennia, ate 1775 dbl gar, W/D hookup, Ask tor Dennis 493-6626 Grundy, Ritt, 675-6 161 Call 675-4277 $500 & $500 dep Oulel. 01111 dlstur .. fHHfs IY APPT OILY, 926-1537/evs 925-6796 or 498.:..4950 lingo A E WEST CLIFF -3Br. 3Ba. Westside 2 b•. 1 ba du· ~~i';~:, '~fg!';,0 ~~~ WHlaia1l11 1018 den, fully/ plly lurn plax, encl gar, Piii yard, I Fadden nr Beach Bl SHARE lhlS Ea$1Slde 2 BR •••••••••••••••••••••• s 1100 mo 6•6·8635 no pet a $485 & $495 893-•89"4 duple• and have low USINESS LOSS lorces mo 548-6680 1111 5 & payments, or live 1n one 1ala 4 br, 2'h bo, good WATERFRONT, lge 2 br, 2 wl\nds. and rent lhe other. but nelghbotllood Assume ba moblle, w/wesher, anyway you look at 11, 't57t CAM"'''"-·fRV ... E S88.000 loar) Only dryer, relng, micro, oes 4B1, 2Ba, this property 1s an ex· J rv A/ti "' S 1050/mo Better lhan BB 0 . Io 11 e I Y I urn . $750 mo c arpet1/drapu, new f!l.~,~.~!.'.~t .• J.D.4.! R&H Inv 752-2197 dep. 680-1179 days. T-Plan lav copper plumbing. 2 large Lower Three Arcn Bay 673-3909 eves dining rm yards wl conslder VM Priv Area Great Vlow 01•11 111/ E1t1lt Balboa Bay Club pen-tam rm. lg FHA Asl1tng S 135,000 New 11nanc1ng 4 bdrm ••••:••••••••••• .. •••• thouse. 3000 SQ 11, 3 br, Incl gronr . Seespray • t level 3 Br avail Nov , 2be condo Pool, tennis 1 ml lrom ocean 1mmed. lsl & last reQ a ve ll $675, Call I 651-1769 64 2-9~ 968-8426 or ---orlle w/added 2131531-78•5 , 3 BR 2 Ba, lll•PET•FIU e yard 1890 549-6664 This house Is reedy lor c e II en 1 ll u y New -~ent alter to benefit $975/mo yrly. 111. laet. Family pre De Y 1 n Re a I Es I a I e Pvt Pty 499-3 14"' 0/11/1 HoaH 3 ba, $3500 673-6066 •r•cM 1 ..... ,. 642-6368 ___ _ • For $iii l lOO Deluxe con iut --L•'l.u' N11,•1/ l 052 ••••••••••••••• ••••••• LllO ISLE trpic. patio lllWI MOIEI F~~a 511~~ bbu~~~~~~;: ··,,·L·L••E ... l.f••C•E••ll•l•l••E•• U&IH lllLLS 3 bdrm. tully lurn nome 637-2686 111mlly Modest kllehen at do, 2Br 2''rba. $425. Reedy for ren1 lo· . eatraa. $650. dey Best 539·6190 Cos1 FULL PlllOE Sll,000 huge 101 Designer's Boeulllul 241160 E• Gren· Avail Nov 191 1 1600 mo/ Ou1e1. Cl This bflghl & cheery home Mesa oel Mar BEAUTIFUL de 2 BR 2 BA, Cornor ye11r-1ease Call Oelorea court New uo•den Villa tends llsell S169.500 5-40-2616 OLD WORLD 101 . new carpets & TS L PllOPEllTIES rage yrd, to hlQh·Slyle t1111ng w/ 1---.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil TOWNHOMES drapes Island Kitchen 1'2· 110S pets $575 IUXUflOUS earth tone C••· OW•Ell WILL c•1111Y By Howard Mark Co Fem Rm light Interior B Orange peung thruout Beeutt1u1. • lrom S 159.000 $34.500 5•0-5937 Narller Ylew 111111 JBr. 2.,..,B• well co·orc1nated win· FOii 10 Ylll· U 'X. 495·3244 760-9355 1-tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3 BR 2 Bo, loll. large lam pool & spa eves/wknda * $400 2 Ill* --ean. 2 bd In Allordabla home This carpets, oa· unit will be shown all day comm pool, no long Kids no problem Imo Mgr 2•53 See now Best 539-6190 Avenue C M Cost , lrplc. comm •1Hc91 Place* . 2 car gerege westcltll area, avell , 3 BR Ill ti J.1t• 3111 2 Bo, dbl gar, lptc $925, ••• '!r. •••••••••••••••• gr d n r In cl Eta1ne, OCEANFRONT Olx 2-4 Br 5•6-1232, 6•5-5963 By woek or mont h Newport Crell. oceen view ei.ec condo, 2 br, den. ollloe. 2 b•. lofmal din wet-bar , tennll, POOll, llC S 1200 613-3313 LIDO ISLE • Br, 3 Ba & don, St•OO 222 Via Palermo. 675·7166 Penln. Point 2 br, 2 ba, steps to ocean, 1600 leeae or ael e Agl 759-9182 or 673-0650 673·7873 Winter rontals now avllleble. Cell JACOIS llULn PllOP IWUIEMHT lll·llll llOllT TElll Furn. rentel1 by week or month Agl 676-6170 62 tO Ocean Front, 3Br lower dpl11, 1mmod occv- pancy Ill June 15. $750 mo (213) 596-1709 eve Newport Crest 3 br, 2'hbe, OCEANFRONT BALBOA pool, tennis No pell Lrg J bd, 2 ba, gar. lrpl. S950 mo 6-42-3490 w/d , winter. no pets With 40' dock for power $900 673-66•0 boat 3 Br 2'h Be condo In W Newport S 1 1 SO A,.rl•l•I• w/o dock S I 350 With U•fu•il•H dock 673· 1190 • ••• ••••••••••• •••• ••• N-beachlront home 3 l1IHI /did 3106 Br 4 Ba. turn $2250/mo. ••• • • • •• • • • •• • •••• • •• • S C B 2 Br •Pl garage No pels unturn 2000 •II ob $700/mo 227'1t Coral Koop 81 759. 1221 2131395-3511 ---------E -Bay Iron t, Little Isle . ' Clow uea1men1S & mes-With 20'!. down you can /[ tJ . 1061 ltEllCEll rm, 2 lplc~. lully turn w/auto o 1 I Stve k•ng Size bdrms all move into this lovely 4 .!."!r.! ••• !!f •••.•.••• Double wide 2 bdrm Wosher/Oryor Incl P t ara ~=~~~==~~~ set 1n prime locauon A Bdrm ho me, lreshly 3 bd, 2 ba lndry room, Cameron with attached $1500 mo TLS Manage-980·3296 real gem of a bUy al Ille painted In and out Tor· v1ew/grn bit pool Call sunroom and carport 10• ment. e.-2.1603 ' ---low price o l 569,000 rtl•C locatton Asking tor 8PPllO SM. 640-0888 cated In 5 Star G1eenleal Sia c1,.,.,, 3116 • ( w c rs, nr So Cst s 77 5 mo AP£ COi 2 BR, fully crptd, rock lrplc. oncl gar. $400'• Hurry, Best. 539·6190 Cost * Could It Be? * Blurts 3 br, 2'h ba, green· bell. near pool S 1000 mo. Bkr 6'4"4·0 t3• 3Br 2't'1Ba, trl·levet. con· do 1n Nwpt Cros1 S650 mo 836·0556 pier, 3 slory 2Br, S 1600 mo 675·3067 Pvt 2 BR. sundk, Ip, stv. relrlg. $100 306''> Corel Appl or'llY 213·277-2120 Cdll IUPLEI MAIES CHTS $5000 moves you In w/ S 147,000 For appoint· by owner p8,11 Mollvaled seller •••••••••••••••••••••• TW tow mon1hly pymts of men 1 to see . c a II BEST DEAL IN has reduced parice to .... FantBllllC 4 Br. incl Fom 3Br. 2•11Ba plush condo nr Nea11 12% 11nanc1ng with 10•1. cin j:\ents ere stea- dy Tree lined s1ree1 convenient to l•llrary. s11ops & oeacn S289 'iOO S 7 I I HURRY • won I 540-1151 HARBOR RIDGE $33. 175 and will flnancel last• 964·3311 Beaut 3 BR home with 6 73-4400 Beach. tennis. guarded g111e, new, modet town· home 2 Br, patio. Ph "493·•9•7 Decorator water, possible boll slip. CIOuS 2 $1 150 mo 675-1936 Of perfect. spa· rm. kids/pets $585 Prv1 Bdrm, 2't'1 be, gar, tlat Besl 539-6190 .. , ... ,,.;.,.,. 3111 TWO STOltY ELH.HCE LOW H I LOW PYMTSI ' "-It I I I • 111. OILY SU,0001 ' • ~I ., Steal the show w/thlS Realtors. 67.5·6000 hlQhlY pampered two ---•-----•I atory Garden Villa 10'9 nnERU TI! Dy namite style runs rampanl thruout walls 01 mtrrors & t>e11u11lul wooO 4 tid m nse with solar paneling Uppe• leve4 ol· poot 80d spa on 2 acres llce + big & beautllul w 4 s111ll Darn L1 ted decoretcx bdrms Prlvato Are11a oak trees S210 cockllli p11to ovtflooka 000 Call Pet Agl tor 1usn gr~nbelt bc111ng b•ocnurfl 1 674-3836 tow price ol $92 000 & t.78 2014 _I was 10,. es $10.000 dn Lucwy SEYfllll S812 mo pays all A " " M UST 10 SEE TAKE CONDOS ADVANTAGE ~--1 ~-,_ ~ .c..orma. A ll te 500 to $239.000 Can sonn• 979-5370 .\f >ILi 11~·11 RE&!. TV & 1,_.V(STMtNT ~ TRIPLEX 1241,100 Great inveSlment oppor 1un1ty "'''" seasoned rental record Each nome 1s complete with lenceo y:trd Ouahty construe;. 11on N6ar SChOOIS and shopr. Exchange ponl· ble • -\\\II HI HCI' I I It t\11 ' In< ...._~ Rf"'l f "IAIE ,....~···1 H l lOUS TO SELL J 81 2 Ba solar pool Owner will be extre~y lie.. S 133. Full price s 133,900 751-3191 C::. C,fl l ( I CHTH Y 21 WAU-IM ltUL TY Hl-1010 If it's got whee ls, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad . Call 642-5678 and a friendly a d- viser will help you turn your wheels into c ash. ~HERITAGE R~ Roati•1to• Be1c• 1040 ..•.••.••.•.•••.....•. H DOW•· 1 n , l•t. Beaut custom home. vu ol ocea11. walk to sand 2131 333 -3846 or 1ncred view. $465M HARBOR 760·9307 I llEW lllDS S "10•1, DOWN"" lmmac 3Br. 2Bo + 3 car gar +-pu111ng green I \ IJ,, '""in 111 Won't tast at only $375. II .11 h111 Ill\ t''l m1•11I l 'o 000 POOi. l8C 851 -839"4 11re1 p\11 1----------12 bdrm, 2 be ne-<lpl11 large gsra Baycrest custom design. 3 yrly Mature non-smkrs, wall paper BR, dining rm, lam rm. no pets $700 x 3 more $ 1 t den, 2 •ty, 3200 sq.II lge 2131799--4 195, 257-9792 Call 673 yard S1250mo Kemble, or(714)673-3986 714-956-5730 llHTALS 9•5Pm ---S•25 utli pd tBr Dplx. • 17 \'earty-Weekly·W•nter. 2. 12 bdrm 1 $950/r.>o 2 Br lux condy, E Bey Ave , BalbOa. No 3,4 Bd1ms $470 per overtks huge perk A11ell pet• 547-1155 uco1s llEaLn N d Nov 1sl, no pets. non----------.,. • 0 o gs Z s m k r c 9 11 J e 1 n Studio apt, $350/mo. u111 ,lo, 6'46-7017 760--0166, 2131556-3040 incl 1st & last Call aft 5 recreation 2Br Condo. 1'h9 a. cpts/ patio, balcony. drps, pool, 111c clbhse, ga Decorolor no pets $550 mo. , draperlas end 768-7633 50 Incl pd ulll Lg 28r Twnhse. 2 story. ·2 31 I lrom I '"1m1 lrom bch, patio, --very clean $550 mo 96 7 • B Cherie 960-0622 mo 1 child ol\ Haalia1t1a 642-2259 . ---B1rh111 .JZ4 ..............•...•... ......•............... Ho•111 Va/uaid1H ...................... C.aer1/ 3202 ...................... S 16.000 DOWN 1111•1•11 E•ec 48, 288 nr So Cst wkdys. 613·6226 ___ ___ No QUalilylng 1mmed /or $1/1 1300 MAlllEIEIT Plaza lormal din & llv, 2c~~s!'"1~8 ~c:i~~~ou~s~ 3 br duple•. I house from --------- H TH SHI ~~~~Pg~~~ 2~~ar~ ~~!1 .. (aSi'c:ti:·;i;i·ii.. 111-1113 t1e;e~';:,epsoo. 51.1-:0•0 +ma011 ocean $850. 831-1266 ~!~~~·e~e;;11~,, F~,'ti f!!!!~.~~!J!~! .. !.~~ 902-1298 IHli hreclHUfl Only $229.995• Call Jotin 2 2-bd, nea"Y shake tool. !---------957·8461 evn/Wknds Gary hook-ups $975 yrly snn Tl IOUI 2 stcfy 2 bdrm 1'" b• j••Z•a~tv~o~1~(~B•1t.r1111~7~60~-9~66~9~l lrg yrds, only S1•2,000 llH1AL • YWLY 2 BR 2''r ba. central nu-873-4889. keep try1~ •• 111 1 1 h C d C G~ .. thl I J' Eastalde, pool, 3Br. "Be. ...any amen •• nc u-ouc on ° co-op II.I . FOltE LOllllE """ nos come n 9 ' ung & air. OIW. ronge. Yrty 3 od, 2 be, evell ding v1ew1 trom deck. Poo l sauna we1gh1 SlC,OOO IOWI 1 yr Old 2 2.bd unlls. ,.., Three slry home one lrptc covered patio, re-trash comptr, auto ger immd Nwty remodeled trplc, etc room sull par1<1ng blk 10 ocean No down house from beecll 3 modeled kitchen $950 opener $900 mo Must rent ltlll weekend "'Large 2 8, 2 Ba $800 Ocean and Pier View 2 Br luxury condo w / ble w d 1 Bdrms. 3 baths 3 o•· mo 548-6906 71 4-956-2273 . Evs. 124 •2nd St 6•6-"'7 !0 "'L aige J er 3 B a L1sled at S 160.000. $65. 1 Sh Pl I hi b I hi poss• e can ea s 1250/ • ., 000 under market All Pu c •g r 0 agt Sheryl 640·7814 or rages mo SMrp and ctean 4 br 2 213-291--0222, BGI Gery ex 675-3132 $1175 c:asl\> e• Aew ltfl Greet in tenor overlks huge 558-8981 Wl•ter ltt•tals b a Ger Cle n er Inc I ~Qef~~o~b~b1~0::_. !_72_1"'::·~6~32_1-:_;1~2~66~itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Ca II An I hon d e s prk Mufi sell now,~ ava1 e re now Frrc•s s 8 5 o / m 0 p non o I . Jz~~ &.-2·575'7. eves iids opp y tor someone ... no tor lease Call Jean •1ltx11/ r ange from $600 10 5•6-9950 IYl•t -.-. IUCH UY 83!-6630 can act las 1 Agent 7 6 0 . 0 168 0' bus v.;,, for $1/1 1100 $1800 Call lor delalls ----....... iiiiiiis....... llEITAL ·---------- S3 t·810-0 Ask tor Jim 2131556-3040 •••••••••••••••••••••• Oceantronts evellabte 3Br ~800 mo Have 2 10 4 k .. rms. Slar1lng 111 Charming wa1trlront CeHt Mwy/laolrtlt1r R1gne1mer C4l/l•f•r•. o thers Newp t , C<IM "" home,•'·• bal BR. 4 BA. Th• Shores In beaulllul lrviat I 044 liiicii'woiliiiir 3 BO. 2 BA Condo Across trom swim club/ park s 116,000 By OW· ner 851-1566 SHOW ITOPPHI AMUIH PlllCEI AMUIH FIUHIHI HPElll FIHICIH LAST w & 1 3 B 1 Fre d Tenore Agl SSSOlo St395. din rm, sandy beech & COM haa 1 & 2 bdrm ood g 8 55 r n 631 · 1266, 631-2711 ap11 lor rent Call Helen 24 S.ALZBERG Qui et 1oc Balcony t e nni s av e ll a bl e Gibson.644_26 11 Privacy 1n ml111one1ro s $900/mo. yrty FRENCH OU/II.ATER $3000/mo Mary Lou locallon With lovely vlewl CHANCE WATERFRONT HOMES 3 BR 2"> ba, lptc. w/d & Marlon &4•·8200 ,.1_5_5_0_2_b-r.-1-b_a_,_b_l_tn-s-. Substanttll assumable 631·1400 relr. dbl gar, temlly con-pool, no pets. loans and ow ner will do. no pets $750 Agt. Agent 675-6180 cooperete wllh '91e or 1"1HI 111Hi JZH 6o46-4J80 lease Our dramatic 3 to buy this beautiful 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1Br, no pell, no garage. Bdrm condo la ottered at veer old. " unll epert-• Br 3 Ba. Oen, Din, gar, lAlllE CO•H 1550 mo Avail Nov 7 su9 OOO, lease s 1900 mant house In Sen Cle-no pels $1050/mo. 221 3 Bdrm l2'-' be. clean. S.-4-7809 mo mente wllh ocesn. hills & Coral. 213/3116-3611. dbl gar, 1011 Of amenlllH ll 200 goll course views at a I IHI $7501mo lo mo No lse 1 1 BR, 1390 142·1 tremendous savings di· I Fplc. mtcro O/W 't5 3C,Ui1"'5Dl:IRVM ~ =~: :;~ rect lrom the owner be· ,,.i•Hll 3Z01 549-6366 2 br, 1 ba. carport, frplC. OW . yard N o pets S650/mo. 559-0265 lore being ltsted with •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR 2 Ba. cpts. drps, onci 4 BDRM 2 28 le 1 Scenic Mountain Views & 2 blks to S.och 2 b<I I N & s 3 2 s s 7 5 o N Motro Realty. 636-7005 Lg Br· •. lrp · Ptr· Steps Away Br11Han1 blue brolce19 Act NOWll! Cell · • 911 cneap, gar. 0 pe ts king sp, NO PETS. 1700 owner 11171416•2-0138 ba, wtrelrlg, s1ove, o•r. bungalow, Into al Betl. 675-6606 Si• C.''t•t•tl 1z1~ mo 191 & 1111 + $350 j PETE ' BARRETf .. REALTY pool mingle to make $650 mo Yrty ln<:ludes 539-6190 Coat ---------' • Country S tyle living •tO•f l r•Mrtr· 2000 ell utlls No pelt WOODBRIDGE $1100 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.lundabledep Oualltltd most en1oyable 1n this J".;, 835--5445 IESlllEI AllU Siii Spec 4 br. 2'h ba. nloely 2 Br condo, 2 be, lrplc, a pp I I c a n t a on I y 1mmac Garden VIiie 1-:::::::::~1w1;;·,;;.;;•;bl :.id. ;~bi.; Beat 2 B R 2 BA, ro-landscaped, t•m rm, den. wet bar. gar Stepe 675-1657 Spacious 3 Bdrm. Wind-Ii LIM llLIE home &/or 3Br house, Penln Pt. 5 BR. 3'>\ be, mantle. Frlplc. Mciud6d lrptc, patios lake. pool to beach Beautltul turl 2 __ B_r_2_B_a __ S_o_o_l _P_C_H_ flower Mdl boasts most Tustin tor par11et dwn In-OR. lrg patio, $1200 mo lncd, .. d gu J Shop Call & tennis 6•0 -1327, v le w I 7 5 0 I mo · · outrageous master suite This cnerm1ng 3 bdrm come propeny 17141 to mo Agt 673-9060 a.st r0r dilllll• Coat * 559-6188. otc 720-1373 492-1619 ~~~:~:i s~:,sM~ wlown pttv dressing beach home IS In en e•-557-9390 C•r••• ''1 llir JZZ2 539-6190 • Wdbrg lwnhs 2Br. 2ba, S.•I• A.• JZIO 759-1221 :.;,:, :,:~~~,~~ ~; ~~!:n:o '~~:'~funbh~~;~ TllAILEll PAii .. 9,~·;.~·9~:·:r{"o'R~·& -,.,-no_1_h_er_hou_,.-.-tv-•_1_s_s_50-. 3o BnerwOOd s7oo. Ni~;·3·9A·~~.;;·~;;1~· ··c-.-,-,1-11i-1-.,---,,-,-,- 1oge1ner area • all sur-octllltltes. tonolS & swim· Travel Trailer Park. 1 hr v'--Comm pool. 1-. liner 5 rm, lncd/p111 w/ The Sprl~s. Condo 2nd 1850/mo 3 -•old Kld1 ••• ••••••••••••••••••• t C M ""-v.. kid OK M t llr tBr, 38 StreamwOOd ,. _... rounded by walls ol glass ming Features e unique rom oSla es1. near nls. s 1500 mo Ownr gar. • us -,525• Agt 5• 1_5032 end pets possible. Im -~•liBJIY '•--------DI & contrasting Counlry circular 11reptace, brick Lake Perrl1, 21 spaces, 2 759-8006 today li•tt Alty Cost med occup Ed Wa111 . _ ·-·-----------1· wood decking loc:rodtble patio & lovely shade houses. 2 76 acres. In-•----------539-6190 PARKCREST PETERS 9&.--6171 APan.DT1 -t"" PHOPf P I 1(. ' , "•------------------•I low pr1ce ol $105.000 trees Completely prl11a1e come $39,700. Owner Elegant 3 b<I. lams rm, Prv1 * •l•t-lllO• * HOME 3 Br 2·~ Ba. llv/ 3 Br. 2 Be. convenient Beaulllully landaca~ ~ w 11h S 10,000 dow n . 1 bdrm&, 1 beth upslalrs wlll fln1nco wllow down community 1•P• to • fom rm, Oln'g rtn, 2 car garden apla. Pool & Spa . • Sl097/mo peys all dont with outSlde entrance Full p rice 13•5.000 poor Spa 8 Tonnie Ftal altordable 3 BR 2 0., w / opener. appl's. $700, 111, test plus $200 Petloe/decka. No Ptt•. You CA mNOisws thlS one. CALL Pr1Cedat'34o.soo 1131·7370ors.-g...3549 $1250 m o lmmed BA, dlx decor Gourmet comm pool. Jae 1975 r e turnabl e c t n g Btchek>t $4tS oc:epncy 675-2740 kllcll. pool & yl!d Kldl / 552•8947 83 1-2000 2250 Vanguard ---~-Brand spanking n-ev•-e!~~.~=~ $ 625 Mase Woodbr ldge-Herillge C••i••i•i••• 5•0·9626 or 6•2·4905 COUllT 2 STtllY ELHHCE rywtlere 3 bdrm 2'' ba S.at Alty Sm COit Park 3 BR, 2 BA, dbl U•l•r•i1iH 34ZS Low •• Low ,'Ills Garage. patio. 11.000 I• garl"" Patio. f...v-. OIW. •••••••••••••••••••••• BICM IOr $410 mo. 607 Iris. 64 1-•668, Nol . reota .. gency .-... ¥ EXEC RETREAT In New-I Bdrm S..-80 . II ••• loo formal dlnlno Avail Im-""2--085'" I Lid n . ty 777-2233. 673 .... 399 3 Bdrm. 1 b•. l•noed yard, mediately. No pets 1850 port Bell. 1 Br penthou-16 1 E 161h ""' v Shimmering pool. end 0 rit80 no pets Santa Ana Hts mo. 213 ... 23 ... 69• se. Stc1urlly, pool, apa, •EASTSIDE 2Br 2ba · careulng spa surround 67 'll]JQQ OtrHI 4el Mer 1750 Agl 646·0814 gym. 1600/m o (7 14) Klds/sml pets ok, '575. 'CLASSIFIE 1 this 2 story elegant pride ..J9 1 Nearly new 3 bdrm, 3 ba. 1--------l.l•HI J.ie• JZ41 6 4 6 .•2 0 1 , ( 2 1 31 ulll ...,. 631_4320 ..,.. ol ownership Garden ...__--.....-_..;.. __ --4-C M. Huge Qu•I ty duplex 2 flreptec•s. 2 car gar. Senta Ana Hit, 3Br, big ••'••••••••••••••••••• 813•1000. ""' • .,,. ; VIiia Prolesslonally de· 3 Ir pie, 3 gar. coppor Balcony Gardener, Wei yard, no peta 1750/mo. HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Spacious 2 Br. 1 Ba. S•2S ... To help you sell Items vou don't need To help you lind Items you'd llke 10 buy To help you publlclze Bn event or make t1n ----t1nnouncemen1 To ttelp you 11•• moMy-•nd gut corated 1hru-ou1 Or11-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil plmb'no Sl25K, an u-bat. microwave. L•u • ,_s_•6_-_o_8_1_4_B_k_r ____ Nu 3200' lux hm on blull Aurl•t•tl l•r•l••H 3 Br 1 •1t Ba. S•75. my master suite w/extra AIH•illle fl••••l•I tnablo loM 8t l 2% Int. $1350 per mo Dl•I ltl•I 3ZZ6 180 deg. vu ol herbor, •'•-••••••••••••••••••• Laundry lac: , pool hide-a -aw ay c:loa•t l806 PortTaggart St 7 5K t ol t A gen t 55t-4693allM6 PM ••••••o•••••••••••••• 1urt , mi ne. 3br. 3ba. ~}~!!!~~!. ... /J.'!f 548·955612-7PM. Spar• As you Ilk• It loll 642-96M 1----------I ~ .. .. ••(urlly, ••una, spa . ~ $210,500 Br. 2Be dramsllc aplll · rl•• W •H Furn 3 bdrm, 2 ba. mo· BAY TIMBERS fo r added bdr m or p f •• •TT"'NTION lnvostors. D p·• w lkl .. 1 11600/mo 496-7009 d S S er ect "'onaco ,... .., level, park Ntllng, trplO, ana .,.nt I no u 11-Mn panllh apt. tap1 Spaclou1 1 Br. frplc. pool quitter momen11 Hu 713 PolnNllla excetltnt Eastalde COiie dbl remote gar dr 1965 llooe to e.Kh. 3 and 4 12 Br 1 Be cottage, Clltt 10 No. Bey. Winter $&00 & more. fl.46-9883 commanding view to 1295.000 I Men 2 Bdrm duplex. mo "'"'" 11-1 2700 bdrtnt 1950 10 $1350 MCllon. gu rltlQe, gar-673-()571 o pen ttetrceae end Spac1ouaCdM Oupte11 10 2X oro1a , n ew Bayild• Or Shown by permo l!fll-3100 dener. r•frlg. Wiil ltaM ----------12 BR IBA,oldllOuM.no entertainer's llv. rm. 2ee2 CrHlvtew cerpet/drepes. new cop-•• 50 494 OlS<l o bu 11/... pell, child OK. All ullt pd. Hard to Und et $80.GOO $3l0.000 p11 plumbing . clean 1--IP_P_I_. _57_5_·-68_7_5 ____ · HovM ·Condo · Apt All ffn. · n 1 li•l•Hll 3101 41 5 Hamilton. S575. wHh $5000 <In pymt •1• Bayshores doll houM Inside/out Qood ront•I C.1t1 11111 3ZZ4 1 v • I I 1 b I • n ° w 1----------• •• •••••••••• •••••• ••• II• 1--0763 lows assumption 11 0% ALSO ere6 OWner 11 motivated •••••••••••••••••••••• I 6 5 0 • I 9 5 O Lease or tease Option. Winltr Rent11· 2Bt, pool, 11---11-IT-llT--llt---- ell Int rete 1970/mo Naw Vlct0{1an on Balboa and wlll work with you erpeted 1 BR, tnodarn 714/493--0•87 N•w u•c home 38r, houM to bctl $550 Pieya payt all liland 1595 For mor• Asking S135,000. Devin •qulp'd kllch•n. H ly view 12000/mo Ao-ii. RE 673-1900 Easlllde U2S.U50/mo. OEITlllY 21 Into. R•••E11a11,llo42-63118. ttrma $250 Me1to H••ti3t•• •07·176t 2 Br 111t 81 Townhoutt, "-I ,..,,.1005 OCEANFRONT ·2Br fur· II b 11 I 1 .. WALl·ll RULn OALL SAIA MMYI• .... a ty. """" ... ~ JUI Deluu 2 br , 2 ba or • u I· na, nvfY rm. Utl /111111 Z#Ol---'-1-1--2-1 ____ •••••••••••••••••••••• beKh vi.w $1200/mo nlMlecl, wlnttf, $576 mo carport. yardlbetcooy, lll-2121 UNIOUE HOMES •••••••••••••••••••••• r. •• 2 ... 2 U, .. H Call•.;.._ ...... ,_ ...... _ .. ,· 675-5102 amall pet OK. 675-6000 Ot 1176·566a . LfO 2Sx100' unlmpro-Frplc. tang•. yerd, 01· Flr'1 only. no IHI. For ... ...,.. •••'""''"' l-OC-EA_N_F_R_Otf'T __ • O_E_L_U_X_E-I TSL Mgml. 8-42-11103 Put your ao~no me•· N ge Where tile rHderl ar• e.-2-5678 Buytt "'"'' Ml'-·wlth ~ tfftctlve claH llled ad, ~!.".r.!!.!!~~ ••. !.~! _e.-_2_-_K7_8 _____ _ Ill CllYOI 3 LEVEL ,TOWIHOUSE llRDEI I IOIE Must Miii Over teoo eq n 2 bdrm, 2 ba ew«looklng golf courM In Nwpt Bch. Fam. rm. wtwel bar & frplO, din. rm, c11~ral a.Hinge. patio + 2 balconi... Pool. Jae, tonnli. exotic landacape, 2 cat gar. Aaaum. • 1toK mrlg 26K dn, c111, diamond• or I I TO' a. Price: 2861</mlke oftflf, Out of et•t• owner. Appl 769>-tost. 8r(.<tllfl ptotected. I L :~l~w~Y~1~82 ~~ "~· no pate Private good ttnnant1. Children Luxury 3 bf, 2'-t ba, •ludy, Furn. q\li.t. lt'g, wlnttf'. 2 Flttplace. pool. dlah- lrllci blk 3, 101 10 BMI 17 /mo. 111 plvl MC a pall M•tro RHlty view S 1500/mo Call rentllL 67~1186 watlltt. r.: pelfo, IC Lg only 648 w llllh. 8 1. .. .... 700.. \ •o .... sa..1 evs/Wknd1. G ..__ ... .., ... ...._ olltf. 493-e70<I •99-1617. """" " _ ... I If ... /.... ar...... -· on .., ..... . Sharp 2 BR conoo, t ity, CINn 2 bt hOUM In VII· Furn. USO/mo 673-4743 SstO. 657-2 ... 1. Orll ti C•••IT reno• Coast Coll•o•. all bl1n1, pool, 1550 mo 1•oe. Frprc, beam cell, t BR. new paint, cp11, ,.,,..,,. ZSSI CIOM • Rtn, 2 ba, mo-Call !140· 1158, 11k for yetd & Ollf. Kld•l peta <*. C.,.,,,1 l•I •1r '1U drapH. dlw. no pt ll •••••Ao•#'•••••••••••• dern blloe. klOllplll p ave MOO. 4t•~2678. •••••••••••••••••••••• l•OOlmo 2H5 Miner SI ol1n• e.Kh wtlcOtnl $625. Mitro ,_._ _________ 1--------..,....,-.,. Oct1n ttl•w. bHutllully · · 9Hutltul Onan Front Realty, 636-1005 1400 ""'* 2 big bdrms W•••• •l•••I 'IJI furn. townhouH, frplo, 1_8_6_1._2_17_6 ____ _ Condo. 3 bd. 3 bo. 2000 wllh garage. m any all• ••'•••••••'•••••••··~· pool & patio. $1006/mo. 1U IU Ill ~ tt, 13!0,000. tr 1 I Ma 1 r 0 R .. II y. BCH ttnnla, pool, grd d &'13.0IH • • O • .. CULVER & A 88 0CIA· 636-7005 g•I•. 3 b<I, 2 ba, lmmtc. . Newly dtcor. .. p ... TEa 831-1293. c.,,, .... 1114 tool gar, dw1hr, pool, 766•2 .. 111 HOMES FOR RENT Lowtw -*"loul 38,, 38a •••••e:l':":":••••••••••• bbq. no ~ti. 842·!013. 3 6 • Bdrm, $725 10 • ..,.._,. frurn 1 bdrm apt1. '318 QAEeN VAi.~ I.AKE 1150. l'•no•d y1rd1 6 twnhM, PV1 com~lly. 1nd ~ Qlrl Qtl . MOUNTAIN HOM! O•tao••· Kid• .. pell poollj•o. 2 ml to boh. 2\10 8lvd CM N1111 lo nttlOflll fOl'Ml. welcome. 11411·2000 '800 mo. 4tt• l lOl • 641 ... He 1k11no. boating, eto. Hr. Ag9r11. no t... lflulM VI~ 1111 &ml t er"°"" ll'alde. no ~~~: ~~~r':.c'!': a 11, 1u.1111 ···;:oM9iF°oA·M;;;-·· siet•. ms l'<.Ba, completely fur· oem, eperkllno 2 IR Laro• bdrm•, m aat er ~ ldtm .. 1125. P:enc.cl eell 8't-lttS nl•h•d Oood lnoome hM, Qllllge, klcfa/pell. bllhl, huge walk lhru • yerd ' o•r•O•· Kid• .. .... With l!AS!I C)ropwrty or 2 tam home. I HO. Mt1f0 Aulty, llltctlen1._~d/pet . Matto I petl ~ 6454000, "'•a IM.IZI 1_..745S-4 ~?OOS Aeelty, ~100S Aofnl, no tee. . Cl111lflld Ada 141·St71 ' 0 • I I fi , ' , Orango Couf DAIL V PILOT /Monday, Octou 1 18, 1982 C1 lessimtal Se•'Vice Direct u~,~!'!ou~~r 101 • 30 dey au In lhe l&IU PILIT llHlll lllHTllY DO IT NOWI , .... , .... r. Your Oany Pilot Strvlce otreo101y R9')r•Mflt1llve 142·Mll, t1t. U2 ••• !~~-~~A.~ffi~ ••• JAYS "SPfAl<(A8Y" Any oc:cJuwon Porl bar 1·~2HS 14 t, 879-7552 ..... ~!!r!~'·········· ompu1e1111C1 bookk••· ping from S~ mo Aleo mill 1111 ' p ayro ll 882 2430 f~!I!~!~ ........... . Flnl•h & rough carpentry, '8blrleta, "" eddltlon1 646·8816 Remod & Rep1111 Free eat Lo ratff. 0.Ckl. pa· 110 Sleva 752-9566 Exper c1rpanle1 doe• ~~~~~~~~~~! eddtllons. r1modela, ~.~~!~.I .......... . deck• Skylight$ & ,.. palr1 Free est Oen. 962-08 15 f.'!r..'. !!!!!!~ ....... . Shampoo & ''""" ~r' Color brtgh1ene,., Whl crp11 • 10 1111n oteaen Hall, Uv/dln rm• &15. avg room S7 50, CCNCh $10, e11r 16 Guu eum pal odo1 C1p1 reriatr t 5 yt't •"I>· Oo wo1k myHll R•I• 531·0 10 I No Steam/No Shampoo Stein Spectat111 FHI dry Froe ftt. 830 1682 EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Bulllng1on Ow11ei101-19111or Cer1>41t, uphol, .,,., rug eleenlng Wo1k gua1 Fr" Ell 545. 1711 f !!!!~!/.~~~!!!!! ..•.• Cetnent·Maeonry·Block Wolls-Cu11 worll. Lie •361057 Rob 547-2883 BOOKKEEPING· TAXES Small bllalnen"' pare ~ne 075·5288 AddtOons, cerpentry, ma· X·P•rt brick & cement ---------aonry, design end Clt1t· work. NwpttC M since A.wlft U '-· ling, BBO'a etc Dive 1969 Cell now & save •••••• ! •• 1 ••• m!~.... 49•-1003 . .,,, 124 645·85 •2 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Oapendeble. elfordable, esaenttal An1wertno aervlce. H c retarlat & bu1lnH1 ae1vlce1. mall bolt rental. word proc.1. sing. Talu-Facalmlle, order entry, ptigen-lel.M blly. Cleek 1peoe rental ANSWER NETWORK 831-9131 (Hie for A.V) ~!/.~~!~ ....•.••••••.. OrlVitWaya, Perking Lot Repair•. Sealcoallng. S&S Asphll 631 ·4 199Ltc MHttr Orath• .. Flntsn & rem'<ll crpnlry Aelorencea 499·3 t05 FHI HTIM&THI Aeasonabkl prlcoJS, 1111. pr ofesslon•I work cuatom work tool No fob too 1mall or too blgf C1· blne1s. kitchen remoctel & ftnlsheel carpentry . etect I plumb I cabinets/ counta11op1 I do every- thing from start to flnlshl Call Brod at\ (l 1') tll-3210 Cii1' C111 ••••••••.•............ Look 1ng lot xtnt ch1tel- c11re? In my Costa Mau nome. lull time only $40 l unch snacks, TLC Lin· Cle 75 1-2342 Happy, safe, loving chllel care Nulrlt1ou11 meals, snacks. FT /PT $1.50/hr Ages 3 up Jamboree, PCH, N B 675-076 I Dan Hallberg Graellng & Pevlng Co. AH/coml Lie 397804 842· 1720 Famlly Day Ca1e 101 chll· dten, up to 5 yrs. Mon. Fri, 7·30 -5PM llc'd 1514 Ruth Ln. Westctltf, f f!f!!.!!!!l!!. • •••••• 1 _N_B_6_4_6_·90_28 ___ _ KURT'S KARPET KARE Lb.ill;• Ouallty work Rets. ';;';'h-;. •• !':f ••••••••• •• Free est 4194-1429 SAFE/FUN CHILDCARE Carpel Installation & Aa- Ages 2'"" & up, E/Slde pairs. 30 yrs Exper Car· C.M. l<aten 645-4205 petS Wo1ks 661-8205 C .. l,.Cllll fhHt•J ···········'·········· ............. s .. Lie 306888 Remodel, Add'ns. Cabinets 646-85861645-4844 c •• 1,.,,.,, ,. .. ,,, ···········'·········· SlANUVR INOUSTRlf l) Oen I con tr Pr opett'( l1Y1p1Q11 11117 11, I 1 (•·5) t.u11om Aamod/Aeld'n1 Fl .. Ml Ou8111y 2nel 10 nonel Oamlet Conti I IC 41111610 548-427 I f.~'.'!~. !~.~~~!~. Kit. remod, aablnafl, 111. oeo tn1tr111nmtf'll vnlla ,,, ...... 842·01181 '!!!!.'~'!~I ........... . RE SIOENTIAL·INT OE · SIGNER Furn a11enge. menl, color 1chema1 956-2066 "' 7!!2·0322 ••111/t ...•..••••............ HSl<PRS & MAIDS LIVE-IN HAL Y IWKL V Vlefo Servlc;H Agency Llc'dlOondect 973-9000 ¥.'11!~!! •••.•••••••••• DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Aepelra. amt fob spec t t y1t eap Bud 552-9582 Wall tex1uras·Acou111c He.no-Tape-Steel 11ud1 LIC 389944 I .5n.5549 DRYWALL TAPING All Tu1urea/Acoo1tlc 11«11,, ..•...........••••.... ('18'; 8etvk;e I CO<•llrvc.;- tlon LO ,.... Fr .. M ii rn•••• Uc .333~ 17 667 1131 147 4'14 !~~.',.'~~ •............. A&K ~l!NCI! wood & chain link. Reellndtcom 1148·~493 540·7761 WOOO FENCES/OATES lnllalled & Repelred ftff '" Gery 499-1724 ~!t. .. -.!-.t •••••••••••• TIHI TOJ)ped/removeo Cleen up, lawn renov 751-3476 TH 11111 IOHI Lewn·lree-•hrub ln1tell Troe trim/removal Lawn MelnlfRototllllng FrM Hllmete 648-6065 ----Simmon• Gerdenlng C1n-up1, lawn care. lull comm & restd malnt Free e11 64~8684 GARDEN WORLD Full Servlee Qerdenlng lac Bernal 648-2922 Gardening. Lendaceping. yard melntenance, clean ups. tree trim & removal Free eallmaies Insured. ~~~. r!'!~~ •••••.•••••• Ce1pentry Maao111y Roofing Plumbing Dfyw•H • 8tucco • Tlte Rwnod4tl J 0 848 9090 Carpentry Ceblne11 Plumb Oraln Cte1111lng llleclr 1ee1 • T tit R1l1. Don 1188.01•11 JACK OF' ALL TRADES Call Jacll anvtlme, 11•Y or night 015-3014 ltMI IMPHYEMHT REiPAIR • PLUMBING Cllfpentrv. aloe. Ille Frff .. , Reu 545·2811 28 YRS EXP OUNliAM HOME IMPROVEMENT Remodal·rep1lr•·fenctog eleCHICAl·pkJmblno cerpentry 83 1-~30 ~~!!!!!~~~!!f •••...•• hperllM MOUNtlMl)lnO We tvrnllh v90wm & 11.1ppllH Kiiiy &41·4970 CuttOM Hom. C1tan1no & Compl Maid Servtce Prol -Bond.cl • ln1'd UNICLl!AN SYSTEMS OI Nwp1 Bch 860· 1200 Quatlty work with a per 1011al touch Bechator Ok CM. Irv, HB. Bath 860.()033 IOlllWORI WllTll ~Ugh quality hooMWork Eapet1enc10. d1pe11de· ble, honHI, lnl elllgenl, met1cu1oue. llealbkl l am t h e bll91 Ph on e 673-10 12 etter 8 PM weekd•y• All day Setur· ~~~!~·4'·••••••••••••• day llfld Sunday DUMP JOBS FOR A SUPER CLEAN & Small Moving Jobi HOUSE. CALL CHRIS! Call MIKE 640-1391 831--0893 OOO<I rel• HAULING·GAAOINQ If you wenl your hOUH damollllon, c;lean-up. REALLY CLEAN, Cell Concrele & tree removal Linde 669-03 18, Good Quick H rv. 642-7038 Refa PROF SERVICE I DO Haullng • y10 clean up quellty houaecleantng, Quick & CINll. Free eat '"P'd & i 1n1, local refs 673-0548 646-2101 F"tee est Kevin 87S-9088 642"48_89 ______ Hauling & yel Glean-up 11rpe1 & uphol, general llfft1it1l ••.•••................ EAper Gardener & clean Tree trimming, get1ge housecleanlng Fir wa- ups Tree trimming. Free cleen-1.1p. Bob 850-9844 icing, 1tee ell Guar ELECTRICIAN -Plloerl right, lrae estimate 011 large or email )Obi . est Peie 641-1096 838-5543 Lie 396821 873-0359 LAWN MOWING SEAV Neat·depend-reas Free eat. 848-0955, 988·7479 LIC'O ELE~ T AICIAN Oual. work/Aeaa. rates L11ndsc11plng-Yd Clnups Free eat 631-5072 Tree trlm/remov-Malnt lrrlg11t1on. Jim 851-0 129 EU:CTRICIAN Sml fobs.'Aepalrs lie Mowing & Edgi ng, o r 233 t08·C·10. 548-5203 comp melnl. clean-upa, ---------·• Free Est. 645· 1587 ~ .... ,!~~ ............. . 24 '" El ~· 141· 1121 Fumece-pool-water hee1 ~~!.~~~~!~1 ......... . 20 YRS EXP. Hauling, tree trimming. landacaplng Brothers Const B J • 646-0555 •• ~~!~.~~~!~f•••••••• EVE'S LANDSCAPING' R<;>BIN'S CLEANING Service • a thoioughly compl serv & haeclng. clean houH. 540--0857 comm & ruTlred o f ---------doing laundry? I fluff & RE SIOICOMM'LllNO ---------TIRED OF HASSLES? fold. hand wUh, hand 20 yrs Do my own work Shop at home. It's easy Ouatlty cleanln-:i help Is 1ron Metlculous. Exp Lie 27804 I Al 848-8128 with tlusllled 642-5678 heret Ref a. 960· 7452 Renee 642-9787 •. ~!!~!l' •....•........ BRICKWORK 8111a11 Joo• N-l>Oft, Coet1 MeN, llVlne Rall 075·3 t 75 ~~!!~f ..•.•••••••...• •&~1 •VIII* Top qu1111v .;o.xl•I ca11 In hlOdllno 26 Y'. ••P Competitive Ratea No ovwlllme 730 1363 -ABC MOVI~ Oulck. Careful Servua I ow 1111ea 552-0410 STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lit. T 124-430 ln1ured 64 1·8427 WATCH US GROWi r~!~!!~I ............. . FllE P&JITlll by Rlcharel Sinor Ltc 280844 13 yr1 ot happy local custome•s Thank you. 83 t-44 10 OVALITV WORK • neat, rees . hones• Reta Lie 287107 Dave 964· 1045 CUSTOM PAINTING Int/eat Reslel/comm. F1ee ast Lie 644-4798 INT/EXT PAINTING & WALLPAPERING Custom work Free HI Reas. Steve 547-4281 HARBOR PAINTING Ouallty work. Free eat. Call alt 6pm. 673-5166 HOLIDAY PAINT TIMEI 23 yrs. Also ode! Jobs & repairs Bruce 972-0118 PAINTER NEEDS WOAKI 30 yrs exp, Intl elCt. Acoustic callings lie 366780 Free est. Davis Painting 847·5186 Ill /EO Pllmlli Duality. Dan 645· 7220 !!~~,~~ ............ . A8A PAPtR~IANGINO 1 yr• local ••P 0 1111 work Price• •tall •I S61r0ll Alee 1&1.1oa1 Jolly Crlck•ter1 Prof Watlpapa11119 J 1trlpptrio Maoy telerencH Paul 8&1-0118 Fxp.,t wallcover1110 In tlallellon AHa price• Con•vll•nt A111onmont !1111 ·81190 111/1 C1rt11 ...................... CUSTOM wood petlO eo- vora, deck• & f1111cea by RANO'I' 64 t--0022 fl!!!!!.t~!~!~ ••••••• ED'S PLASTERING Neat patchn lntte•I RHIUCCOI 845-8258 ------PLASTER PATCHING Auluccoa Int/eat 30 yr& Neet Peul 5415·2977 !!~!'!~!~1 ............ . ATLAS PLUMBING & H11tlng, epeclalltlng In tepelra 846-1688 24 llr El · 141-1121 40 gel w11erhHler 1225 ~~!~~!!!~~~ ......... . AC AAINGUTTEA B ondect • tnad •lie B3414764 Free eat 1·524-5824 ~.'!i~!!~!~I ••••••..••. FURNITUAE·KIT CABS CSlm llnlahea, repairs, Cloors, Joe 673-1489 ~o.·!!'!I. .••.........•. Huber Aoollno·all types N-·recovar-<leck• lie 114 1 1802 548-9734 ~!'!!!~'··············· lltf PIHllM1 Don't re root, 1ep11r •I I r • cJ I 0 n 0 I c 0 • 1 ·~7 211M> ROOFINO REPAIRS Small joba OK ,,., .. 11ma1ae Cell Tom Qt Chuck, 6•2·03112 ltllHI ......•........••••... MOBILE SERVICE Fleecreen•IN-ec:t'-11 NBICM or1ly 642·9U1 ~t!!~!!~!! •.•••••••••• E·Z LAY'N Sprinkler•. Landecape GUllf81lteed 538·2737 '"' ....................• TILE INSTALLE All l<lnels Guer teed Refs Jann 0-11217 Fore,;o;i ~I• Co for quality ce•am1c Ille ln- 11a11e11ona 673-5578 TtH hrrit' •.........•...•••.•.•• $LOW RATES S l 1ee lllm/remov, cle1n ups. rnowrng 654-7017 r.-.~·!!~~ ............ . Moat 8YbJ9Cf8, K· '" Day/eve S5 ~ S 10/hr Mr Mo<gan 645-5176 !!!-?~!~.~!~~~!~I ..... "Let the Sunehlne In" Call Sunehlne Window Cleenlng. Ltd 5418-8853 20% Monrhly Dlscounl lnt /e~I Res1e11comm'1 Free eat 20% monthly dlacount 64•-4 798 • Buyer meets seller-with an Clusmed Ada, your one-effecllve clasa111ee1 1e1 stop snopplng c.nter 642-5678 for your camera -•.. .r • I '/ , -I ·\-_;)J DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn'1 sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commerclal ads. Call today for full details. 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 (~. htr. .._ 11.00) ·A ..... , ..... A,.,.,,.,.,, Aaa11•1•1• A 1 , -,, 1-• 1 •L ... , ~100 IU'l· • 1 1 ~~00 ,. · 1 -x .. , .. ".,.,,-n ,,, ',, •• , s3oo ,_., ••• r-,,_ ,., •t• I • 1111 I,.... ., "'· ltl 18 • "'"' "l••lttll •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• U•l•r•i•iH U•l•t•iliH U•l•t•l•iH u.1.,.,,,. s-···················· ........... ........... .,.,,,, 441S LIVE 30's-40'a. Music lor ·--------· •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• "' to tu; ;;n· wl prot IEll SPICE 011 •••••••••••••••••••••• your party Newpof1 Jazz FOUND •os C11t• 1111• 3124 Clll• 1111• 3124 HHli•flOll lltWNtl ••d 3111 llt•Wlll l11ti 3161 person, 2 • 1'1· IHI, Attractive ru111t upaleirs Office or rellll tocellon W. Group 644-7490 " •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• · B Ai 3140 ••••'"••••••••••••••••• ••••'"••••••••••••••••• dep 9&s..e•79 sentng, We auppty destt, Newport Beach. A.pprox AR~ FREE Beautiful 2 Br 2 Be 1 BA I Ba. encl gar, pV1 •••• ~~!••••••••••••••• NO FEEi Apt. & Condo I Br. I Ba epts on Penln. Shr lu~ hme w/f non space, copier You sup-550 sq tt. $500 mo. to· OPPllTllITT 1ownhouse, lrplc, patio, patio, 1110 Vlclorle 2 & 3 Bdrm apts_ Avail. ren1al1. VIiia Aenllle Upstairs ·~ blk lo beach. sml<r. mature. $300, lat. ply phone, & S95 pr mo tal. 646-8844 ~· lnelry rm, good toc $410 mo. 631-6812 lmme<llalelv 1525-$550 67!>-4912 Broker. Close to shops & restau· last, dep Reis. 640-4999 pr desk. Call 644-7211. t• . 'ti 1560/mo. TSL Mgmt , rants F1om S450 mo. Laguna Beach new 500 ,. 642•6221 842•1603 3 BA. ,,..., ba. gar. lpc, Frplc, Cl/w. garage. No Agt 675-1842. Fem. rmmlle wan1ee1 10 000 sq ft w/500 aq ft sq It .. ooean vi-. xlnt pauo, new qeco1 $695. Pe Is. w a 1 e r P •I Cl shr spec. 3 BR, 2'~ be. 1torage, O.C Airport patklng, lease/opllon. WTSIH 544-51139, 848-5976 545-2000. Agenl. no lee. I•• Cll•l•I' 3111 Full lacll conelo S.C. 1 r ea S 2 O O O / mo 499-5648. 2 Br. 1 Ba pool side ep1, 2 Br, 1'h ba, 323 E. 18th 1 bd. bltns, crpts, Clrpa, •••••••••••••••••••••• Plaza area '275 m o 85l-0928 _1_B_a_l_b_o_a_P_e_n-.-N-.-B-. -.-p-- tndry rm, bll-tna. No St No pets 011. $860 lrpl, enc gar, wtd hlcp, 3 Or, 2 bi , patio, gas & !>45-4356 O LAGUNA 3 Arch Bey pro• 600 sq tt. 01> Nwpt pefl Call lor •PPI Slett• Mgml 641·132• pello, sm yd '495 Celt COUNTRY CLUB LIVING ~l~lger.,$~p/m~3~-i~8S Oulel. m111ure F 22·30 Sllr 2 Sult•• avatl Gel Hwy Blvd, S700/mo, \JlllS Incl $435-$450. 536-0921 IN NEWPORT BEACH 3 bl. 2 be •Pl on beacil, Vlslblllty 497-2351 675·0 120, 675-4630 TSL Mgmt. 642·1803 Meea Verela 2 br, l/p, eve N.8 . Frplc. 2"' patio ----------1 encl g111 No peta. $500 Avell now t Br 1 Be. A 101111 envi ronment Nr S C. General Hosp, $265, 1st, 111~ & sec FlllSllE OlllfllT + ct.poslt 1119-4383. upstairs apt, dswshr, ~:':i~rc:r..,mu;::~af. 3Br, lrplc, 28a, 11ove, Brian 673-1519 Llk• nu. IQ• 1 br apta. '"R_ed_ec_or_a_le<l--1-B-r.-~-e-lr-lg-1 pnvate ,f•llo. alngle ge. clubhouae anel he11th c;pts Avail Nov 1. $535 Fem im male ..--...-... 2 lrplc, OW, g8I .. M 75tup Incl , 19200 Wallace rage 0 pets . water mo (714) 891·1644 ,..,..,..,.. oata Mesa 1 or 2 room 1ullea From S75/mo Ullll lnctd 779 W t91h St 851-0928 RENT OR LEASE: Newly remo deled home with 11rge 101 Comm'I zoning. adj to Newport Blvd. Patio "' balcony Poot & 1410 760-8376 p a I d $ 5 O O I m o sp1, 8 tennla COi.iiia, 1 octrm apt, Balboa Pan 1----------spa. No pell. 2850 Harte. 545-2000. Agent, no lee pool1, dote lo l>llalnea.a.1·L-g_e_2_B_r_,_2_b_a_._2_0_4_W_1 S325 mo. 1.1111 Avllll Nov tumfll 1---------- Meaa Ploel 549-2447 Easlslde house. 2 Bdm airport Fashion laland. M • r I r o s 1 . $ 4 3 5 151 675-5328 llWNIT CllTll Olflce, work shop & out- S.Q-1334, 851 -9889 s s s s s s s BINGO s s s s s s s -·-----------------·------ d I 1 di llllUlllS W&LI Conve,,1enl ahopa on 63 aide s101age $550/mo $465 2 Bd el "" .,,, rg mt n, nu cplS, . I I ahed _8_3_8_·_1=1=or=54=8-=•=16=2=-Room w/klt prlv S250. With use of reception, 438 ';, E 17th C M 1-----.rur-... ... ...-..rm, r ''V· Pl· JLQJocd yrO.. pelQJCS65Q_ l..LJL2_ 81Lt0.._w nhou11 s le Un urnl bache· -eonf '°°"'· 1111 , • ~66 • 124-A Jemes~~1~l~· ~~~8~~"· eec. S400 :fu~i e~~b~~'i1'~i: $~r :~~~~rm apts and hf!.~f.t! ...... !.~1 ~& ~.:6:,1~ nc HWPt HCre11r1a1 & wore! pro-• Teorrear- atch this column or p aces to play Bingo. This column will appear each Wednesday in the Mirror. To place your Bingo P a r-1 o-r a d c a 11 6 4 2 --S 6 7 8 . Classified Ads. chlld ~ OK "•0-••n7 $560 • $ 1000 ceasing. Mall & mesaage l•'Hltill PINE BLUFF APTS Free bachetorette. es.· 1 ___ r_~_._._.,... __ """__ 'ti ~ It letcill Fem w/lum and cat loo-Hfll. avall sep1rately II 1 B w/lofl Chlld ok 2 B Several beehelO<a ind 1 L 3 bd t: b 2 king for apl or hOUM to desired Call Judy, lull} 4SOO Pall~-le '1 p1c enci change for babysitting S2r,w/pallo, 1s1&$1'!'' Bdrm units feature fine u•ury frdm, •,·d shrCMArea 887-9207 • 714n ll00100 •••••••••••••••••••••• . v w. r . and work. 545-003• As--00 secur -4.,0 designer furniture end story, pro ecore e . 1------·----$750 up 1180 11. lndu· gar · gu 91ove, dlah· lam 213/693·70.0, 536-5018 aocessortes Move 1n lo· S 1 • O O 0 m 0 · Share ocean view epl, 2500 alt basic 01c w/ 111111-Ollloe 18101 Re-washer, epa, lnd1y rm. 2 13-596-0403 d d c 1 p & T $625/mo 1 BDRM IN DUPLEX. urn 1 bd. 4 Olks from bch. All day or reserve for f\Jture Promonlory Point. 2Br, storage By O C Airport on o 1rc e. SPMC 03l·6l07 Included S350 ullls pel 207 Chlcego, use Smartly furnlahael 2 B •, non · am k r S 1 5 O O /m o T om Hunttnglon, Baa ch 11 962 7940 apt 4 $400 plus Clep. models open dally A f . &..J 675-3605 851-8928 842-2834 E/Slde C.M. Cl.lie bachelor ___ ca ___ .____ 985-4954 ,.,,.,.,, •1•11·-·----------1----------W_A_N_T_E_D ____ _ apl, $400/mo. + 1300 2 br In n-trl-ptex nr i----------On Jamboree Rel at OI U•f•,. JIOO Rmm~e to shr specious Exec II.lite wt AC, 500 sq garage or security. No pets. Joyce SC Pia.ta, gu No pets 2 bdrms nr Ocean Ulll pd San Joaquin Hills Ad. • ••••• 1 .• 0 ....... 1 •. 1 .•..•.. home. N.B Wik to bch 11 w/bath & gar S400 16n0e10ustrlal space. m in Wllltze 83l-l268 ant. s545 833·9293 Frielge. $500. 506 B 9th. 144•1100 $250 mo 831-732!> mo 675-3600 sq ft, tor 11 body· ' -• 675-7450 work, no paint CMt!-i8 STUNNING la.roe 1 & 2 Br EASTSIDE·Lo 2Br. gatage 1--------•--------YILLAIE LIYI lT TIE 1001 Full serv office '300/up 964--0332 garden apt. 710 w. 18th. + carport & yel. stove/ Lge 1 br, patio. pool, gar . ·~ Block to beech, 2Br. Fem rmml• wanted 10 Branch otflce.. $80/mo. 1---------St. i al rlg , $.55 0 mo . sec gale, OW. $475. t>rlghl & airy $670 mo New 1&2 bdrm luKury shrBal Isl home $285, Ans eerv . SSO/mo 3200 sq It. with AIC of ----------1 631-076• 892-6745 evs yrly 988-8283 apls In 14 plans. 1 Bdrm urn pd 675·9142 Newpott Beach752-6408 fices. Randolph St, C.M VILLA MEDERA.2Br2ba,, __________ ,----------from $540, 2 bdrm from,__________ Sp rtnkleel w /comm E'alde. famlly c;omplH 2 BR 2 Ba, avall approK 2 bel & Oet> townhouse. 2 IOWFlllT S595, Townhouse from Promontory Point Fem 4001-B Blrc;h St NB. 440 f1on1age 546·1653 O/W. o•rage. w1r/gu Nov 1, no pets $485. ba, F1pl, Tennis, Spa, nr bdr. 2 ba. g•r gieal S665 + pools. tennis, to share 2 BA 2 BA aq 11 $1 00 per aq fl Pd. $525/mo. & $300 760-1418 or 548-8875 bch 2202 Hess Ctrcle toe Winter waterlellt, pondal Gas Ocean view 1400 mo. Agent 541-5032 110x l 27 coiner M-1 w/ 7t4 960 3745 I kl & h II T I 983 7873 2"8 1----------small blelg. 991 w 19th dep. 2324 Elelen. Mgr evs/wknds • • or coo no ea no er • HI "' , ltlllt tffloat St, C M. 642-3490 Apt 1, 548-4147 Bac helor, g1a111 toe paid From San Diego 64'4-4399 ----------11 bel Cluple•. cerpts. bl· I. • JI .,...,1y Frwy .Jrlve Nor th on 1----------Redhltl. Co•ta Mau Near 18th/Pomon1. 1 Br, tins, drps, gar No pets. ,,,,., 44 ,_ Beech 1o McFadden 10 Ammata wnente<I to Sllr 2 Sublet 1776 sq h 11 79c l•li•111/lnnt/ 1 Be. downatalr1, di s, 1400 2229 Orange Ave 0;;~~;r;;~d~~:~;;.;:·; TSL •r•t H2-1IOI s ., 1 w 1 n Cl v 111 8 g e BA 2 Ba. fem. non amkr Recepl . work 1oom, fuHtf ca.rport, water pd, 1 child 493-0678 bd, on stream. $550 YAU' ocean _,....., 2 BR 1 (714)893-5198 CdM $300 700-3633 11orage 675·3882 10-5 •••••••••••••••••••••• ok.nope11.$425 Agent, 3 bel, gar. frpl. patio, 357--4993or673-3t 15. Ba, 2 car spaces. 1700 I 4000 Erica WHTllllSTEI IHhn1 no 1 .. 962-<>217 Newport Heights area m o 6 4 4 • 6 7 8 0 or .~!•••••••••••••••• Roommll• wanted Prof OafulCe office or siore IJ.Nrl••itr, 5005 LMga 3 Br 2 811 Town· S850 to S800 559-5001 L• •• •-•tL 31~1 646-3 189 Kit prlv, Chrlstl81'1 Ha.ne, fem to shr 2 bdrm. 2 b1 space 1428ot900 sq h •··--""'"•••••• •••••••• houae In q1.11tt complex. 2 bd 1,., ba Studio Pe· •• '-'! ••• !':' ••• '! •••••• -:. 2 Br 2 Bi from 1525 No M alralght, L•o Bch. apl. Nr So Cat Plue Ah 1430411200 sq h Beach South County Arcede large pool, garden HI· lio . N . ' • ICWI Vllnll pela Acrou f1om New· 127!> u111. 499-2286 O Mlct*i. 558-7234 Blvct Blwn 2 lrwya. Civic Locellon and machines ting. $075. 045-3381, ,gai o pe a n~w G or locatlon only C all 675-59•11. $575 5-48-4291 tO mintJtes ao of Laguna port Beach otl Courae El Toro, 111 ho1.1se prlvl-IEWPllT IUOI Center Shopping Centat, T 0 m 0 r s 1 m 0 n 8 on Dane Point's most 545-4855 legff, W/0, membet Sun t blk from bffott Nice 2 pilme toe.lion 1179-8889 586-2695 E'sld• 1Br 1ba pool 2 bd, 1 oa. w/gar. S-475 aecluded acenlc bluff, Large 4 Bdrm, cloM<I In & Sell club, pool, tenn11 bdrm. 1 be. gar Female "'600-0144 1---------- laundry No .p e t•' No peta,watefpd like new, 2 Br. wi den. pello Stepa 10 beach $280.1at&tast.utll lnc1 non-smoket, no pell VIEW lfFIOl 1 386/mo 833-7811 0 . 754-0986 ~Ira lat~ prtvaie patio, tmmec Avall now 588-4038 $295 mo. 111, IHI. $100 Ofllee9'1tteonPecCoast 6'48-l&4i' 11STUT II garage. s725tmo. Call S1200tmo yrly. 873-2507 E'1Jde C M ~furn rm & dep. 675--05&3 Hwy ovtrlOOklng New- $.8" 2 BR • b 661·644 1 or M-F, 9•5 Newe< 1 Br. w/garage No .. " mo. 1!/• a, Stepa To The Beach. 2 Br, bath Owl> entrance. Incl M/F Chnatlan & reapon1I-port He1bor Approx ~·-$.410/mo. lndry rm. carporl, •11 1_64_3_--0_2_10______ 2 8 • 3 tennle court• ulll. 182 Ceoll Pt (Cl. ble. CM $2 15 plua utlt 1000 aq tt. Below merllet 645-5577 011n1. cpll. drpa. TSL Studio, •t. blk from Main acrou the llrMt. Very 1315, 673-7544 John S.8-6213 rate 714/645-7100. ----------1 Management 642· 1603 Beach. gel lcllch, Ulll Incl. •-.,_ c t •750 E-SIDE. tunny 2 Br ge-I> c ... an. ,...,., arpe · • 4 Br 2 B1 hae. W/O, kit. MIF snr beaut. Baell Bey llWNIT &llNIT ~~~!T.!!.~.! •• !.~~f FlllOLtlHl IELPUll ••• StlllfiHI 8!>1-5995 rage, deck. 1450/mo. $350 4 4•3044 mo. Yrty rent. Call Kett etc. 1226/mo $20 dep. condo Poot jec tennl1 800 to 1200 11 11 901 160 2111 St. ~~185. ..... 2 &...a 1&.. 675-0124 Mon-Fri. Jo 64~8386 ah 7. ..,00 ;..5 51'23 ' · .. ,';;::J,111 111 f.t••I ---------w.l•I 111•1 31U ,..ea -r•, •I 873-3696 Sat-Sun, .., · -• 1q/ft, lncludH j1nllor ,., SPACIOUS 2 Bel, 1 Ba. •••••••••••••••••••••• Nr blNocf'I. patio $700 1----------t'N.B. Non-amkr. lull house c, /, It t 4110 end ulllltlel. 1 5035 BMm <*ting•. _.,,, bar. IOUI VIEW 780-2561, 494-8300 W1ml IEllTlll prlvllegea, S295 •• !!/.~~.!! •••• "....... MVLLAN REALTY ••••••••••••••••••••,•• W ood cab , no pets From Dana Polnt'• moat •·ltt lettl 1..._ 3 & 4 Br. CION to water, 031-7215 Garage tor rent S50 mo 540-2960 I.I. SATILU S•75. 2250 M1pte. eectuded acanlc bluff. -r ,..,. fum & unlurn. reaaon•· ----------1 2884 Le S1lle Coal e•----------M rt 0. I 548-7358 or 073-8803. Uk• newt Only • unite. 2 2 bdrm, 1 be, Cape Cod ble, all amenltlea. Broker !,~1!}!,.'!!!!!! ••• !.~f! MtM. Alt 5. 957·2740 * 111 * • la&• ' 90• Br widen xire tr" privet• charmer In. town. nr 575-4912. llEOITIYl llml Spec;lallZlng In 1st & 2nd 2 Br. 1 Ba. 22•8 Canyon patio. From s7'2s1mo. beectl, yd. lrpo $750 IUL&al llttll Ealfslde gat1ge for 110· Full Mt'Vlc;e, Keep your TD'• since 1949 Or. upa11lr1. no pall. Call 881_8441 or M·F, 1 __ 760_-_2_ss_1._4_9_4_-830e ___ Npl Hll 2 Br. 1paclou1 Wkly rental• now avaU. rage. 176. overhead low & profH· Robt. Saltler NH/CM $430/mo. Sierra Mgmt. 9•5, 843--0212 COZV 2 Bel, w/l\.lll kit, half apt, quiet malura adll. $105 & up. Coloi TV. 846-723• •lonal lmtge high. Pre-RE Broker Bd Real1ora I Doon open 4PM. Eartybird cames slarl 6:30PM $6,000 CASH PRIZES ,_ eofl .. -IOlo Of 11#11'"9 Blessed Sacrament School 14146 So. Otive St., Westmilster PLAY BINGO at Our Lady of Fatima Church 105 La Esperanza San Clemente Every Wednesday light Early Bird Special at 6:50 PM Free Popcorn I Coffee 1 FrH Hard C•rd ,,_, P•reon Wlth thla Ad -Exp. 11-1-82 AADICAN LEGION MDWAY CITY ?4512 BEACH BlVD. OOOltS OPIH ~. OAMIS AT 7,M fAltlYllaDS 6:30 AtlOA Y !VININOS ('~ ml No. Of 405 Fwy) COME JOIN USU St. Catherine's -BINGO! Tlvsday Ennklcs -Eartybirds at 7:15 Snack Bar -free Coffee 3090 SOUTH COAST HWY. 494.9701 ..,:64::::..1:.:.·.:.:13::2::4::_. _____ t;-;;:-:=;:-;;;-;:::--;::=;::-:::::::-blll 10 botl. $4IO, lncld• '700 Incl utM. 875-8202. PhonH In room. 2274 Ollln lt•l•l 4411 •tlOIOut W•lclltf erH 01 842·2171 645-0611 1535 Ouplell/$500 HOUM Br den. 2 be. lrpk:, !*" ullla. 1st mo. plus SSOO 631..aooo Nawpon Blvd. CM. •••••••••••••••••••••• Newporl Beec;h, 881 Do-IOOW MAS$$$ IOI' T0'1 1;=:::;;:::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:=:==::==:=====~ S325 Bctl/OPll lC>-epm Ct'PI. 1ro view dedl1, Im-HC. 10 move In. Hotel 1 BR·pool·blocll 10 640-7445 *llLW IFFllll* .,., Or Ste 14, 031-3051 RE Loena, 10K Up. No B I N G 0 ...... E 2181 St f78or30 med occupancy. Agent .,. 27"7 ~ •""" 2 oo t Credit Check. No Pen-_.. . S 7 5 0 I m o A 0 • n t Callfornla epll. 4--., ocean .... ,,,.._ E A C H A R £ A t room 10 8 aq. 1 Office •P•c• for leH•, -_645--8 __ 1_00_164_M_50_9-l •99-6804. "'49,3.1137. 642· 2 From 11.10 a IQ n Adj. N.B nr Alipori Seer• atty Oennlaon & Auoc .. I rt I & F 873-73 I I I::-:::-::-:""."'.'"'.":':':::':"."~-:-:-~-:--W •Ji J JISI 1 Br bachelor. blll 10 "rpo er nn IWY• lat)' and Computat 1\181• 1---------LDltlY -d1.1~~-~~n!w ~: •• 'l.~~ ••• I!.!........ l>Mch, lro deck, ulll pd, $84/wk Call AM 833-3223 table 1-2 or 3 MPar•te Oe1tt•/S,nl111 IWlltY TUHOAY AT Jl11 f'.M.. 2 81. 2 e.. lneludlng 2 & drapH No P ete. On Qoll CourH Wtal $305 8•0-37e7 Aat119«ator·Mald-Poot 1017 WHltlltt, N.8 . 258 OttlcM I VllKeble and UM Owntf of 2nd and 3rd TO CAPtlTRANO YALL..eY HIGH KHOOl. car garage •l op1net, 1825/mo 875_ 154 1 or NIM Condo: 2 BA 2be, 2 1 blk 10 Bch. LOW9r 2 bd. Nwpt 8Nd 6 Wllaon to 4000 aq ft l at. noor of conference room at No • Roetly POlnt wll· .. , VIA llCOLAllt wood burning frptc, mott (213) 3111-3145 car oar. W/Of>M Wun/ 2 b I Coat• MeN 641-9765 Agent S4 1-5032 (714) 955·2SIO llng 10 ..,, at • dbcoun1. MllltON Y1IJO CAl.lf'. 1.11111 paid, vltw of dryer Lower unit wt d;",:_ 57:0~7t~in•·1...:..:.:..:..:.....:.;,,:,::..:....__::.....:....:..;..:.:...1-:-::===-::==:::=-:-'---------Thia prQperty 19 In IOf• f'tlllNNTID aY fffe '1'10 strHm1 & waterfall•. 8t. garage.""' 0099n, pello, redecorated. r ''V Pine Knot Motel on Coat *11110 lff1111* IELUIE SllTE ctoau,.. a1,1d could b•· Fro m 190 0 C •ll ocean view, balcony. 1725/mo. 71•tn0-111!50 Lgabecf1apllnV8tNll!w, Hwy , NIL 8 1•P• l o From 1roomlo3rooma ............ p--II~ comethel"""tm.ntot• e&2·t30t $490/mo 2 13/402-2tS7. PM 27. overlooking ocean Wiiiy rate1, Frvm $1.14 I,. II. No .,... ,_, llltllme Atk for Steve .J Fr-r_ Lucic 7'1 P9' person Set 81 241182 Apt A. ·~!I J.«i Jiii nourty11CI , pool, jac, f4M440 '-1'9qUlred. di. All· 2012 Sq Ft jean d ) 71•.f76-3285 th th 9d • explrH 1118182 •t BR DUPL,EX• Cordobe Or ••• • ••••••••••h••• wei ght rm. walk t o llD l PUOll POftff Inn ,172 Dupont 1 1.5011Q II. 842-4644 ----------• "' $415 lncldng utllt. t2te ---------•Lrg 2 bd, 2 be Apt In the .. tech s bttrrenta• c.11 AM. 833-3223 --!'';:.-:ii.._~ ... A Plar;enlla, no pet•. tudloap1,1atng,wetbal. Bkllf• frrpl S1.1p411 loea-~",,,'/o·a.ul800 mo''. AeHon bl•,., .. Kit 1------,---.,--1Furntanac1 11U1lew/oulllde Ill ""' 645-9494. 1275 mo. lion & very private. No 4_0 1 • · • Atrport .,.. • !Jtte Sul-ent. !+#pt lch. OC AJr-941 1391 ............. _ .. 211 cMnt1t .. , ptlONe. mtld , ... From 225-•50 IQ. n. port l200 mo. 857·8343 Ntoe. quiet uptl*' a BA, • ~·· ..,, "· '".,.., ---------H rvlce, Z channel mo• 11 per aq. It. Many 1tlre... ll1 2 be, apt. 1560, moat •utUfle• BALBOA PENIN 'A blll IO 2 0~~.1 s8:s~~:t";~1l1~ VIH. SANDPIPER MO· Call 557·7010 EXEC·Oftlc11/ap1caa, GAii U111t Ind. ea Ht.mllton t.fft #4f boh. 2 bd..1. 1 be, yr1y, R 1 t , • e" 2 • 7 o 0 • TEL. 1941 N9WP«t 81Yd, HB 1135-$325 mo Ste· Plllll St. 54a.o.n ...................... c' p, I '5 . 0 m 0 . 1-Soa-.308 CM &4&·9137. 400..000 PLUS 1400 ~-~· Xatox & raoepl. avalt. !.1IC1t. ne•r 11th 81. :l .. l>()ol9lde lllta lltga ·-'5-2-·-~--· -----1-N_w_p_t_H_0_1_1_2_D_r_. -2-b.-.···M•ll• ... ,11. 4.a i:'.'1~19:1 ~~,::~10~: 11 1""'1 .. SCRAM-LETS Bdrm apt. I H5/mo, ~~;J..:·~"'N!=~· 3 br, 201. upatalre w/ apeclov•. Ayall. now. ;;~:=•Ch~;~~;-;: 173-i003 -..... '* MO. Joyce W.,tz, UOO/mo ~2 . aundeck, oot1n view. 1735/mo. &4&·7400 ~ Yt0t't , 3 bl,• be a, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Olfic. on ind lloof..t ap-ANSWERS Ae/Maic 8'1-fate • Yr I Y. I 7 & 0 . AO t . Iott Vlctorl•n home In ·--•• •• pro11 HO alt. loot vout Ot-• Alllom 1 bd 1 be ..,. _1 Nloa 311, 2'Mta, fl'J)k:.e= ger, 173-3355 31r. 2h. 3 w g.,aga, 1 ..,,. w Hwy wlocten bretaH --·• • • .,... .,.. · WIO hoOfc-up. mo. 1 N Du le 2 blk to oon, IHO mo. AIPln. Colortdo. Otlly 0.0. Alfpof1 ""· Prof. 1 n d , u n n y p 1 ti 0 • Scol.lt • Prw,. l.oc. a.tOCI P'llt ..o. dip. ~3. 1.aM.3004 " ewpott P x, f76-t17• mtld aervlc•. )Clnt 100. enwonment, 1\11111n11o1, IHO/mo. Avill Nov ,, TUXEDO 5'8-tMO, oni.n t _.pn'I, bd, 2 bl, Oowne11lr1, View of A1p1n inoun• Of no frllle. ~of· Cell t 10 1, 171-HH Our town tnl)'Ot It ••· 1681 Mell Dr .. 81nl• Nr hech. 3 bd, 1" be. It$, dthWtlt, 1>41110. OI· 8peo2bd.2'Aoondotype tflfte.Ctotetotown.Aleo flote«0."*'9-150 t~oonaei~Hlt /ll'fe Hta. crpta, ctrp11 bltna, frpl, rage, MOO mo. a..ndey apt In the 8lufl1. flrpl, ha bi 9r1ftd pleno. eq " • uoo aq fl. , MO. iiU. ICllt lltmt wttl\ 1 ldet of dl'9ltln9 o.'91 It tnc Otr, •no. C•ll 710·724 1; wkd•y• Ntw C ttptt. No P•I• $4601 . t.,..... Call, ,,.179f.·•1• Oellyl'llotOIMtlfledAd. wHrlng 1 lt l1ur1 TU· Cl...mect ACM 6'2·11171 ~1. 175-1M2. ~. 1825 M&-e21e 7t0-f • 7........ • ' Mt-1171. XlDO ' . r.tssion Viejo Ells 25092 Maf9u.,lte fltiwy, ltwiy Bird. b90M1t 1:30 PM. Aeoul•r 8lftOO I PM. All PtOCMCI• lfl lor ctlMlttDle ~ Phene 13o.&KS • • Cl Orang• Conti DAil V PllOllM011doy, Ot>lubtH Iii, lUUi fnJ.,.fl!Hi •... l.'.ff ,,,, • .,, HOO f\fWMIO lt11 1eh1m ltnlttl IJIO .• ~1.. 11.~'l. •••• !.'.!f I}.~ 1 .. tlf.·.~~ .. ~ .... !.1.~ ~'.11..~! ... ~'!. .... !.'.!f !'.!.'I. .tlf.· ... ~ .. ~ ..... ~'.~~ '!.'.11. .~!!.~-!. .... !.'.~ OUHILHI PHT·Tl•I na1v1ee b111io11 A1111nctan1 TIUPllOll T1111t11• IO 0 rv, ••'1•, A•t• l•t~ltt, ,.,,, ~~·~;·z,~;~··b;,;,:,:;,~·; HITt Jt1rH 1011 I At1t11nl11 lfH b6ue 0 '41aUon ounat ,,.k ••• • • ••• • • • • • • • •• ••• • • goto 111n11141 peg•. • 3:tt IUll llGtlTI 5•&·M :I' •II r, Can UOCI no 1114'\ loll Pno11111 o•u• eat P101 8tud11t11 ltlel81*Jtt< Aew11d 'VIC Brnollhu•tt matHQ• -;0111 llllm• 101 & Ham111011 H 4 8541 M Of f l om llll J0/7 HWlll LOel J-.lty In 19(1 bto cad• b ag S•nllm•n••I value Into cau Mimi 4111·~72 l oll Ma.n·1 Bulova Accu Hon watCtl at Ml Can Retturant arH, t 7t'1 St CM Oanerou1 reward! High atnllmtntal vaiut Mika 11411·00 t 1 Lost Hlrrtalayn fem••• c•t "Lul u" Oeclltw•ll VI( Holly & Tu111n, NB 114S.2418 or 645· 1eoo Loat. Paral1n kllten, tor· 1olse an•ll F. ana to ET Nr 111th & Hlrbot, C M 'R-lrd 645-53411 SdHll. IHll•tllH 100S ...•......•.•••.•.•••. 8•11 • ••ow.ii u ... t1on1ca Cou1H ln1.hu.11no t8 Volum•• or wlec;1r 0111~• 1111111no lrom bo1lc to •dv•nc•O TV ••IHllt, • OHIOn Con101e ror lab ••Ptttlmenll. 11 111011111 111ulllm•ler. • aoltd 11•1• hl004f•ell l wffl) Oal.1110 •GOPCI ftnd a 211' COIOt Tv w1lh dlg11a1 clock, dlOltal Ch•llnel 1Jl1011y A eloctron1c tuner all u1• 1~e1tnk1ta & ell eon1ple1t end brand new Thll 11 o S 1700 value Wiii sell tor S700 831-9106 Found M blk L a b w / b1ndan1 M Rel/Shep f~.f!!l!'!!!! ..... ••• .. mix, lawn & wnt. M mla Jdl W••IH 1015 Sl'\e p . ten & blk . M •••••••••••••••••••••• Coclcer. blk Newport Young married man will S.ach Shellllf. 125 Me11 do general handy wo1 1o. Of .• C.M 644-3656 Call eves & wkends Found Englllh Sheep 972·9525 Dog, H B erea hp prac1 nurse Reis. 9113-6-085 tr11nsp Oya, n1t1u los1 Picked up In Bui· lock• Wllahtre P•rklng lot a tweed pants 1u11 wllh fur collar . blue/ green a!lk b;ouae liberal r-•rd. 675-5108 548-6572 Mrs Der elo. eves '!.'.'I..~!~'.'!. ••.• !.'.~ Banking PAllT /Tiil TILUR Found Male long hair Apply at Hunt1ng1on puppy Olk w/wht on Savings & Loan. 6967 chest Vic Seaclltt C C Worner H B E 0 E In H.B Bill. 892-5225 REWARD PURPLE JADE RINO NB/CM area 546-6636 lost: CAT. Long hair HI· • malayan. wht w/blk & orange points Down town H.B 960·3897 Re ward Found Man• cat Verde area. 10· t5 546-6772 11111••11 SJSO •.•.................. Liii& I Ytoll'S PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCALL 24 l'iRS 111-0207 *** lttantis Parlor Open 24 hrs a dly 7 days a week Jacuu l, Saun1 Locelt a s well as T ourlSIS 'B1nk Amerlcerd. Amer· lean Express. Olne<s All welcome 714/645-3433 21 12 Harbor Bl CM O•tt .. FHtasr Plle11 Conll9fsatlon with B11rb1 MC/Visa 24 nre 638-070 1 Beauty • Established men & womens heir styling snop Orange Co a1rpon oraa hos good opening l o • s1y11s1 pref w t IOllOwlng ti 1gh percen- 1 e g e 5 46 6377 , 552-0205 80111 IOIT RENTAL Ment1Q8f tor t-1unt1ng1on HAtl>Our Musi oa 1i.pe 11enced s1111or l(ncwteO· l)tt 0081 & 0Ulboa1d en u1ne repair helpful $5/hr 10 tlar1 12 131271-2677 B001(KEEPER SECRETARY P T tor N B investor• Motels Restaurant. R E Small salary bul oppty lo grow Student 0 K 0000 typing abll'ty pos1t111e 1111tude sharp appea· r anee quick mind & nappy person•llty man datory 6•5·' I 16 HS Hf Needed 81 the Suri and Sand Hotel Towera Res· taurant Day snllt Con· tact Mark Domen In the AM at •117·4477 HSIHSS FORMS CO. needs fapt'd Order Des~ person Oood typing and gd phone personality a COEDS • w ould love 10 must Fest pace office party w/you Call Sue 0, 1_6_6_9-_1_0_3_S_T_u_s1111 Kathy anytime (213) Cast11er 11 3 4 • • 5 7 1 . < 7 1 4 I PllUUll LIT CASlllH S27·7186 E1101 1c dancers tor Bachelor! Bachelorette Partlea 738·8538 or SSll-8538 For Companionship, mas- sage or • drive< call Ken 49?-S718 6 mo to 1 yr eashlenng experience. pleasant person1llly, out·g01n9 & well-groomed Hrs. 9·6. 3 dlyt • weelo. Appty 81 Tiii IRYlll CllPUf l Autu1t1ne 1061 CamelDack Newport Beach 92660 720·2680 Ladles IOf comp1n1onshlp or Just to talk call Ken 497-5718 CH•LO CARE needed 2 I lt\)-1 s.c,,.fa1v ••U•t •PPIY ._,t1t1ll tit•; 01apou n •• uimr H 1 N' ''y 11tJot• • 't" , 1.v1... H-, soucnoaa •11 210 VrtO<..lt.801\ port Beac.n Wo1h I ven1no• 1n N•w • hvtt•tt baatMI 11'1••1Htflll"1 I poll U•ll• h l eti w•ek LITlllTlll '"'"" • nM <I• P•fl llm• t..fvice Ot•llOfl Atll!Od•nt "'" tuo '""M1f' put 10 24 te Ill 100 111t111111 t 10 'I jQPM lo P/lllt•• aM111 S 1"10 t11 "''"" snel blouglll llonie M11t. lltt~I~ AU••ll• ltll~ pt11111•1 t•i.e ut1t111 t :lbO IJ•r wh 0411 !r/111 \IU'l C.t1llHll 1140•11•1 l.\ •ttltlt o•IJ•J•e 111tv 1 nn1 a1t. 1111 W 1ll110 t l'M lllft1i M111 Arllt1Jt lllv1I trnlnt lni ttllt1•I S I•• I '•u•ltt ••00 ,4 '>tJ ·~ '>0 pet hi l.1111 hv1tl• r A 1)/11~ tt111htttr1 !>'>II 11'1:111 No I .. to A j 1111 tlltl TRAVU AHIT ...... , .. ,.., ....•......••.••••.••...•.••••.. 11 ~" 11 •... "'It 11 • .. I li(,A Ill Poi ••bl• l.olOI f>AIN I & •1•• llOOy ll'OI~ ,.,,fogy t IJ'I ~40 111117 Iv W<llkf gOOd IJP Iv w-;. off YOUI t>O<Jy It UH lul ol bUUlll Ul ~4!1 1140 111116 11\0fl •It 8111 084 0'131 Ilk• "''w 11u11l1ty 1111111 (..OIOI TY /J ... OIO•OI• l urop ... r. MKhar1h; ,. lulft 1n J111t1111110 Cra•k 11t1t1•l.1111 w/twi.ef llAhll 1u11te I uropo1n c a11I Owne1 mu.i "'II c..nll •I t 100 '1.,ll 14 .. 11 111111<.n ""•!> 110 t 12211 I Mt ti fJM 760 Cl .14~ Jt11111 fJ•ople 11 .. 119'1 Ill It 1111 ae t:ou,,-aeton to •Ill otn., • In 111111en m .. 1111 p1ot1l•m1 I hla n•w le(.hllltlu• 1e11llll 111 • W•ll lltltl lllljlrJy f.191 I Ull All w•I\ 1111111 ht apply l;ont"'-1 01111at1<.1 Lani •• '14 0 t? t bel .. •e11 0 lO AM •ml tO JO PM Mon 111111 I n ~et II JO AM hl 4 JO PM i------111111---1•11 ti.veloµ 11u1111•n to 'l f W I N U MA (. Ill NI Ol'LH l •l>I lec.l ory 11100u1.111111 '"" l'l t Wlea Cual• M11 t11 d4;t Ubt.1 l •l)fH .d 1)1881C.lll 11gt1lll !'J11bre tlMllltl(l ll'"fllt Alli• wllh u l ollow1no C.:•11 W11<.1nn<11y 1>"1 2 J302 "'"IOI Milt .. AN I IOIJI 0111111'1 I alllo w/4 blul'I ~h•ll• I ~ 11ww 1111111 S.1<''1 111J o 14(1 Pe<lOltlll Cllrtllll1 W00<1 gre111 111bl11 4 lt11w1ve11 c.11111111 )(11.i le111 111!1 !.!12 ~:lti'.t !It.A 7•, 111th rolot Iv (,011ver 11111.-t un104!1 .. ,lh I 1J1llOI" 1.rrntr ol 11 ~ e flrlW S:l50 l'I' IJJ I UU8 l af.Hl llUIO l•Mlll fur 73 6 tyl AM(, totally 1ebll WI lhOIJI rUIQUll C-011Yl110r 'I~ I trm •,411 7232 Utt11t•I Ort1co Mgr M11tu1a fl•l>8• '" ~411,11>0•10, In ~u1 ll/11.11 pa11en1 achrttlu 111111 & t11111nu 4' 1 I.Iv•. l. M 631 1420 I lgtll rwuaa wurlo. Make mo•l• or11J holp O• •o IM1ty Mual 1111• 111 <11111 t111 v• t •1 N pl U1.ll 11411 OllOI\ OLNIAL OfflCl MNOH I Frt1t 1ent Enthutill•ll<. I\ orgontled w/bkkµny i••P•l• 4 dy wk l\46·3000 LOAM OFFIOHS Ao or••••v• Nowµorl u .. ,, ... ~, 11rrn •1111k• ml111 \lllhttl 1111Hv11Ju•I• 111111 D11tal Auhtaat Uttnt111 olllc• N•wpott Ba11cn. cn111r sio11 ... ,,. lltnl 644-0032 0£SK CLERK 11e&doo 11 limo no eJ>.per n•ceu Tne Sea111rk Motel 274 Newport Blvd 646-7445 Dental Ao1sl•11t Desperately neeoao R 0 A Newport Be1en practice MoCern. front oll1co e"'per h•IPl•1I Pos11tve 11t11lude '''day wlo. Call Julle 642·4632 ELECTRICAL IHIHH EXPERIENCED Perma ne11t oos111011 25 yr ol<1 ele c t 11c11I co 7 I 418S9· 7200 EA1Je11enced Cooks neoi· ded tor 0111ner house N11e or day sn1t1 av111I Apply between 2 30 and 5 PM Mon-Fri 990 Dove St N B '*FASHION COUNSELOR S 12/flr PtT ladies A µ parel Bus1n11ss 731-4347 or !>35-0496 F11r111ss 011en1ed Sa1e- sporsons to lllslribu1e lfll! nuw Eu10111en El l orllos$ e~e1G1so mo· chine comm1ss1ons 7t 4 18 4 6 06 46 or 2131592 .. 1239 FOLLOW TMI SH Wori. and play 1n Palm Sp11ngs Les Vegtts and 1esor1 •reas demons1ra t•ng t1ac11111g new pro duct Travel with cha~ roned group transporta 11on lurn1 1ne<1. return guaranleed, paid lta1111ng •nd nigh earnings Must be weir groomed arid st an 1mmed1a1ely For in11ttv1ew call 6'6·4 167 1 I am to 4 pm Parents welcome Full Time Handyman 10D tor l8Jge otf1ee complu reQulres eape11ence in general ou1101ng repairs (714) S56·699 I 9· I l 30 am Only GOVERNMENT JOBS Many jobs a vailable 1n US and ove1seas For Otrectory 3 12/888-434 7 ext E·91 llAIR snUST Motivated Stylist needed tot P1ogress1ve S alon Salarv Comm . vaca· l•on Mgr 540-8889 111&11 SCllOOL Ha11an Leilrn Trade wnlle doing misc production equip maintenance & soma 1111111a up11r1 Mu11 1111v11 R [ l tC l~nt tlOI f>oClfir 116:, 0013 luu11 Olfl<:ur F11111t1l1 YalltJ Mtrt&•l• 01•,11r l uok111g for 4 6 upuc 1>rote1Uf(Hlill~ Wo SP&<. 1ahzu 111 now programs I Cl ()MP/ARM GCM ·~· & 2no 10 a Call Jonn Cu•ilck 964-9000 RE~IOfNTIAL MORTGAGE SEnVICE LOSE WE1Gt1T MAKE SSS Need 10 people to lose 8 211 lbs 1n a mo Shur11 Co profits 552 077S Male P [ Muro• wtrn oi: gree lor branch Mgr Boys Club Supe1111sory Ellper 11eeded to roply 642-8372 betwe11111 9 5 .Pm, M F MAllOURIST ·h,er'tl. 5'45.5370 M11111re wor" e1h1c, 1g111 l.lkpng. gooo 01t1ce s~llls. $ 1000 up Non smkr 673·3591 MEOllAllC r1on1 whe111 111to11men1 Own toolb Nuwpon Tire Ct1tll1!t ·3000 E Co8SI ttwy Corona del Mar Macne111c small engine E:.pe11ente Necessary Apphc1111on Dy Appl only Call 639-3540 ors D11· lr1Dut1ng 01ange HIL SCILPTURIST Needed lor progressive s&lon Soma c11en1e1e pier Salary comm vaca11on Mgr 540 8889 NEED EX fRA MONEY? Wor~ at noma or PIT soldertng arts & crells t all (7 14) 549·7932 Nursing LVN for busy baci.. olhce FI T 557-3242. As~ for Joan Sm11n Nursing RN or L VN needea lo• F/T davs 111 convalescent Hosp Xlnt Salary & Be· nelits including Ins. Sick Pay end Vac1111ons AP· ply Beverly Manor 3<10 V1ct or1a C M ORIENT AL Rattan turnl· lure designer MuSI have had 2 yrs 8API & e>1pr w /rallan & bamboo mata11als lleAlbll11y & color adaptab1llty For 1nforma11on call Far Eas1 1n1erna11ona1 Inc 11'175'·750 I d11111ng M UST have The tastast draw In tne 1111111.ttl fll'-Urlty ay1twlll I 11111 11A 118 S 2000/ lflO (l\QI• fntntprltae 11'1'.I tJllO/ f llel t!l)llOtUlll I YI/Il l. N f} 1t1w 111111, gooo lyp1ng •k 1ll 1 C 1111 lultt 1\40 ll!IOU nH1Uut•1il MLA I Sll<..fn Ano Por· 11011 control peraon to Ollll• 8111 HOb1111 Sliee1 f•IJ•• Pref 0 bUI Wiii 11111n 9 ao AM 10 6 r M. Mon l hur 6 AM to 1 PM Suiid11y Apply tO AM lo 14> Ot :> PM 10 4 PM l Ori • Kllchttll 3077 S lilHllOt Blvd (HtttbOt at Carr1wo11 Or I S A Sol11i. SUPER STAR ... Oy111mlc. l11ve1tmen1 Co tltflUlrH A SUPFR SIAR wllltng lo lenrn our bu11 11••• Cun1µ1111111tv11 lo S36,000 plu1 oonutt uml 11~c11p1101111f t>•n11l11, Opportunity to 1rov111 tor e brtghl. 111g111y mollvn t•d 11111 atarter Raq Clg Cl!l(Jr&e llfld e11lcJ1111c:11 QI 1upe1 1111 1ccomp11111 m1!11l11 11 11111 11n t you please 11111 your !ln1a111191 •l•r quollty '"•t•d ttDout 1111e ad Non smok11r 11 pleose Coll1n1 Auocla ,., S67 Sen NICOii• 01 NB. 92660 TYPIHTIIH I PUTl·UP PHSH 11 01" 011at11111111 nu11v (.; M t)rlfll fthllfl f~Plr n11ly C t\l l 101 11iir11 042 0 t~4 WAITH /WAITRHS Wilh 1:1u 101 w1t.ker 11¥• ~ill lunc.n 14"~1c.a ll 30 to 1 :Jo IJ"' Mun F11 f1u 11 $I !>O 10 i 110 wkly Mu~I be neat ll"''"""Ole, ''" 111oe11r. 979 0141 111 10 AM 101 llPJJI Hot111 1060 NMW I'S X'>(I l11111l11blo ~"lllt llUICI tlll l.11 C.tyll•I ~11r1 tonlrol •200 '1'1 t 41411 • •••• • ••• • • •• • • • •••• • • 10111 A M11in• Bonu11t1il S1m<.u Rop111g Suoc.1111 x1111 C.cmtJ N11w l1111i•••nl $100 I 111111 S'1:>~1 UfJ(J •••••• ~ ............. . 11<10 11 wo Bo.11, M1int•11uc1 Stoiet 9020 Ho11uboltl Gootl11065 .... ;.;1;,~~;·~~;.,~~;;···· ; ·~71~· ;;;,·.~;~·A~,·0·,·;~; 1 l>tt%•un1h,•t•1tt nn,n111 !!l!IM I •Vllrtllll) lot 10 K ()Uy WCllk !.411 2~70 lv othcu 7 K II 1111r11Ml11<1 l"'lum1>111u "'111.1111..111 l)ltill!I" tont111.1 Ii' I)) wtloOw<tt" Ouirllty wo1i.. 438 8'4:>8 con11.1 e 1111v11 prrce1 WIRE OPERATOR 1!.~~~!'!!!T ••••••. !.~~~ fill 791J M11r In<! Mi11nl ocirv Qua ltly wo•k ~1Jt1Clllltllr1Q "' 1011111ry 1er1a11 p11n1 & v11rn16h Cull (;llutk '14 846 !1134 Brok••11oe '"°' ""~ 1rr1 I Slllll·TZU PUPPIES med open 101 exper w11 -. AKC Champion 1tne all ope111or hrs 8 2 30., ShOl5 8 wki> Wiii hOllJ SJlary commensura111 wt tor Chr1stmas 1?0·01191 t1a11e1 ro1 11pp1 t all He 553-0644 TU re~wllt tra11. $4(')0 5•1l ll 101 YW nlHS 'II $ 1110 '>•8 6107 AutOI (01 S•/1 ..........••..•....... IMf'ORI ANl NOTICE I 0 llEAOfnS ANO AOVFRTISERS I hci p11ct1 or 11em1 to· ""' llse(l 11y vun1c1 .. dea '"" 1n tht1 ""hlcfe class• ltttl.I 1HJvut11s1ng column• doe• not include any 11p111tc11bltt l••e• hcensa It 111111111 lees finance cna1 OH lees '°' lflf pol 1v1ton control de111ctt tert11tcet1ons or dealt!• documen111rv prepara 11on cnergos unless 0111e1w1ae spec111eo by me •Overt1ser GUYS GALS HOT NEW PRODUC T coiled Sobe•·up Earn up tO ten M cG 1nley 714 644 2292 ,1!.~•.c.t.'!~f.'.0.~! ••• !.~~~ BHtl Power 9040 G•11111/ 9510 ·····'················ ..•............•.••••• $1000 WK CALL Ir. Davis 121-1000. SAUS CURI Newport Stationers has n pert time position a11a1. luble Wiii train 55 7 ·92 I 2 M• En1mons TEACHERS- is It Time For You To Chance Careers? ~!!!/.~.~~!~~ •..•..... ,RHWOOO 2d DECJJllQ Huti•ftOn lt1tb 8 to 20 long :lf)( pe1 II ••••••• •••••••••••••• 775· 149 l any11mo OIANT G11111ge Sale 940 I Breakwater C1 H B Ott !I 10 Hanunon/Bushard ,,, """"ti;,, •····················· ~!'.'iJ!'.~~ ..•.••.• !.~~~ 10 be11ut1lul antique sta1 118(.1 gloss w111dows from mid wes1 c:;nurcll 63 1-087 t. 675-9144 SALES-HARDWARE F111me pos111on 1n retail llorcJware store, see Steve. H W Wright Co 126 Rochester. CM Do you like teaching? But. oo you need tnoi opportunity 10 work ,,,. dependen11y &nd to earn more? AnltQue manogany cab•· 11e1 wllh ortg RCA radio & rtieo•d player-$75. bli 1nroom marble type' Sink 1n I door & 2 d1awer tab1ne1 plus matching 2 d oo• wall c aDtnet & • ma1b1e 1ype· wall snell ull lor only $100 1empe· red glass shower doors like new. only $50 tnr both Call 642·0138 ~/l.~i!!'.C.~~ •••••• !.~!~ 110 gallon AQuarium. HARBOR AREA custom stand & access SAUS/MITIH Con,.der 8 career 85 an IDS Represen1011 ve Pro· v1de your commun11y with professional money management services • what people are ask 1ng for and need rtght now APPLIANCE SERVICE $150 847·2684 We sell recond guar Earn 10 $ 1500/mo PIT Mu s t be m11u1e 559·9043 leave Mes· saoe Sales RETIRED? ilPPllences 549-3o77 l•w•A-N•T•E•D-e.Jte•r•c•1s•e-D•tk•e• I IUY A"LIAICU Reasonable Please call Lib 957·8133 Answer A d 626 642-4300 24 hrs Washer·Oryer-Retng 011nwasne1 ·Freezer Xlnt cond 646-5848 12 Uprtght treezer S 100 Runs like ne .. 546-3375 John Wayne Tennis Club tamtty membersn1p lor sale Make olle• 760-0499 looking for eatra In· come? Try Part-Ttme Sales al the PENNYSA· VER 1660 P1ac:en 11a Ave Costa Mesa Ask for MIS Wltite Our d1s111c1 managers income averages over S-45,000 and our 01111s10· nal Managers over S70 000 per year Opportunl· t•es to advanc e are abundant and we olfer complete 1ra1n1ng Retngs Washers Dryers Double bed ...,1an11que M any to cnoose from lrame S 100 table sow Guar S IOOtup 859·0682 S 100 646-1750 Sales SU,,UIHT fOUR llCOIE Work PIT. 9 am • 2 pm. or 4 pm 9 pm. Nllh the Los Angeles Times C1r- Many 01 our most 5UC· cesslul men and women come from !he .. eaCh1ng profession You could be our next success '9ory Relr1gera1or. Westtnghou· se whtle excel cond Sl45, 547-2916 Relttgtlrator like new fro~• tree 2 dr Bumper pool/ping pong combo $100. Flipper sryte ptn Dall mach $400 O ak credenza $400 Hammond elec organ S750 644-2119 culat1on Teem In tele· To attend our Career phone sales Earn an Sem111ar at Hun11ng1on hourly wage + comm Beach library on Oc1o· Training provided For t>er 23 call 833-9450 for de t a 11 s C a 11 I 7 1 4 ) your reser11a11on S16S 893·9060 BEAR CAT #250 SCAN· Retrig lros1 tr ee w110 freezer works good. S75 548·•485 540·030 I Rel. Stde x side F F ice Secretary IHulon Dlversilittl malo.er ei.c.ellen1 cond Someone wno Ooes11'1 Services, 110. $200 546·4485 mind wortuno tor a ltvlng Equal Opp Empl M/F Brand new deluae Taµpan R111ses w1tll0ul asking it 30' gas range, ? ovens you're wor1n II 3 girl of· ( 1 cont cleaning). cost lice Expertenced or lrai-EACH OTtiERS 6•9 nra '8 9 9 s ac r S 4 5 0 nee 64_2·9237 ---week Earn S600-S900 552-3075 SfCY/&E• OFC mo no selling nee Frost lree side by side Land development com. 850-1991 refrtg 19 cu It Ltke new pany. heavy phones & Telephone Sales $27!> 857-5088 typing Shorthand or URI 115 •01n MAYTAO Wasner & Oryer f!(lu111 req'd Mature. non E el o " S250 D 1n smkr Sand resume & Wlllll5 P/T •C C nu 0 S11la1y requirement to $400 • S900 willy Call 5"0·0337 PO Bo• 7006, Newport (7 14) 536· 7596 Ask for Freezer ve1y gd cond Beach CA 9266tl R H Dunlevy White lock incorporated. NER S245 546-2855 MA TTRESS /BOX SPRING Double. Firm $80 675·0!>55 M·F 9 5 Eileen Tile top 54 round patio table wrought 11on base with 4 told•no cnairs. $50 673·6466 AQuartum liller s 11ea1e1s t1sh. everytnrng goes 960-7192 11lt 4pm Mi1ttl1111toas Wutttl 8011 1981 f1oe1gtau d1e •el NorOt<. lug (ult yocnt tflm 1ne oe~t equipped t!Vt'f DUtll 4 pages OI II""' a:.k1no S59 500 0 1t1te 897 4450 nome 548 5930 c 1a~s1 c 18 Laps1rake Ce111w y bay boa1 4 cyl l..rey $3500 675·616 1 18 Sou1n Coas1 101811y restorecJ Nie.est 111 N B $6500 obo 63 l· 7765 01 631·70'22 !RADE Beaulltul 22' Cll"S Crall Full optJon IOI auto Need lransporl&· 11on 1oday Boal worth S3500 Mark 673·3 48 I 24' W1llcr1ff S/F 1978 new 250 HP OMC Ba11 tank VHF lrlr S14 950 Take over pymts SKIPPER YACHTS ol NEWPORT BEACH lido v111age 673-5200 A BrtSIOI Cnrts Connie plus s11p S5K dn payt owe t.ta1 11 t4J 8•0·3646 or 12 13J 592-2384 S11ver1on 34 Con11ert1ble. 1980 Electronics + Xtras • Loran C SS9 SOO 17141 673·7791 I01t1 S1il 9060 ·····'················ Biggest 30 rooter afloat• Immaculate l1bergleu Columbia 30 tntertor bigger th8n mos1 35's Bunl<s tor 6 adults Full gal1ay & head Atomic 4 w1lh Marlee prop low hours Full elec11on1cs & VHF Aulo p1l.>I, 4 58115 1nclud1n9 spinnaker 7 w1nwes $29 500 Office 897 445 0 home 548-5930 LEASE OR llY Slit* ae1t11er ~ any lease veh•cle 01 Duys any car over Auto· Mates actual dee lur tOSI No Isl or 1as1 pymt No secvnty depos11 No h<.t1nse lee 60 monln 11nanc1ng Top U tor trade-ins 5 yr ISO 000 m1 warranty Any make & model F'ore•gn o• domesllc • Wtlh lhlS ad Call Auto Mate at 131-2400 (Ask fer Jeh•J) A•tifaei/ Cl1uit1 llODIL "A"s! 9520 Snay cepltcas p1c1<ups & coupes 4 to choose 1rom1 10067681 !St" A30931 Prtoe!> starting al HU St,Hi! THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HAHOI &lVD COSTA MISA 60·0010 53 Sludebaker Cl'lampron 5 pass cpe Nice c ar $37!>0 2131592-1792 &oetl Mo•u httlttl 1946 Ford Woody Wa· gon Sl3 000 1929 Fora Model A To .. ,, Sedan SI O 000 675-6161 68 Cnrysle1 Con"ert 38, 16 Hob>e Cat yellow wr 000 0,.0 m1 S20001Dsl raq sun11se sa11s L•ke orr 499. 1997 new S2500 675·616t ---- St600 6A2·5290 7 1 Ma•k 111 Classic 1 owne1 lull pwr ate leath uphol etc superb cono 68 000 mt a must see ca• Best ol• 831-9927 Del 9pm ciean he Neat appea-wesl a Dally P1101 A 1 w ays a s 1 1 • t n Buyer meets selle<-w•1h an ranee Full·llme 5 dy Class1lted Ad Cati Today c1ass111ed-read the ads et1ect111a c111sllted ad $350 646-5752 11nyt1me 24 Islander 10 ni p In· board 5 sa11s need galley on new trailer, needs work SSOOO 64!> 324' --------------• lw'9 &-3-0 to ~a ...weeLS1at.1 .. H.~ca 8 alt IOAM 549·2231 "'t=::::'.~ ~l!I! !!!~ •u_..,, u !.01g WANTED' Good u•ed re 1 r1g er at or t tr eez er lrost -tree w 1tn ice· maker Musi De 1n e•· cellent condtt•on Call 6 42·5678 e.1 320 8 30·5 30 $1'5 I Save 45._ on new 14 It sa1lboa1 demos ~59·6930 436·347• E•oor 1100 Convertib le 1975 brown loaded te11ner •ntr $!>700 646.09 I 7 t .. 4 mornings wk + I wknd mo Loe Btwn O C & 1etu•.J UC• Will consider h11e '" 1108SHHPU PROC .KA MMt.I<' • S men·s N1sh1k1 with sun1ou1 cyclone sh1l11n9 S 125 5co11 642·8534 /11111it•I 4 Wiit•/ D1ivt1 9550 ,,,,,,,,.tll,, 1013 ......•.....•......... .....•.•.•.•......••.. LARGEST JEEP DEALER S.mtn S310 646-0768 •••••••••••••••••••••• CHILO CARE NEEO"'Ei:> AT Hiii SHYIOI Ages 9 and 6 Y"-' 2 al· Responsible person Mon ·Frt 8•m-noon Start S5tnour l aguna llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Niguel Call Mon Fri .., _____________________________ • 10 speed boys All-Pro sso wti1te 5u .202s go cond11ton YAMAHA Base Amp Head w1lh a double 15 PV speaker cabinet All 1n e~cenent cond111on S8000DO SHTl CRUZ 40 t 408)47!>·9627 or In tne wes1 desperately needs your JEEP l'i19nes1 Doller Paid Call Gary Gray Personal, qualified com-tetnoons per week our pinion drl11eta lor your nouse 1n Corona del Mar day to day errend~ need car refs S4 nr Shopping, doctor s 759-3668 wkdys appts. church, ate All needs met By hour or Ce•,HiH/Ai4t d ay. <194-S6S7 Hskpr, Slay week·ends Rel11lonshlp Recovery Learn how to atop the pain of not being loved & w/elderly ladles can live In, no smoke CM 631-7156. 642-3481 lo bulld n•w rel1 ·COOKS full & PIT hrs & Uonshlpa when old ones money to be arranged ha ve broken down The Grinder Restaurant Groups are now tormln9 1400 w PCH, Npt Ben 640·8300 642-6881 493·6480 -----HOUSEKEEPER • 2 dys w k 8 30-4 30 o w n transp 752-7037 IHURHCE Personal 11ne account admtn Min 2 yrs agency exper Fred S James & Co Irvine Call Clon Wll· l•ams. 752..0990. EOE friiniono 01 a new home lor spong? See the m•ny 11s11ngs 1n today's clusi. fted columns 642-5678 AutUtM,.11 Siii A.. .... , •••• ,, 5100 .... ti.tell 5100 •···•·•··••••········· ..••.•................•.••••...•.•••.•.••.. A Salute to. • Notable Businesswomen National \' ornC'n in Bu ... 1111•-.-. \\ eC'k '"' October 17 through 23. To honor local wome n ·n business, industry and commerce. the Dail y Pilot will publi h a .,.pecial fea turr in it~ October 23 edition . This is an exce ptional opportu111ty to introduce a new or longt m1e assoc iate to the people of the Orange Coast, or to honor awa rds, achievements or contributi on . • This Is the Actual Size Ad For best reproduction. a clear black and white plloto or any elze c an b e used Your me.11ge will accompany the plc;ture In this SpllQe, ti yoo c:hoose not to publish a plelure. 1111 th1t •Pace w1111 yOlir message The cost of each notice, wi th a photo 1s onl y 132. ' Don't mi ss this special opportunity. Deadline for reserving space is Octohf.r 20. Call today! .,Plat 642-5678 FORTRAN Programmers Tired of Driving to Los Angeles'? Ultrosystems. Inc. hos immedia te op e njngs for Fortr an Programmers . Senior, Intermediate, Entry-Level For long·ter m DoD p rograms. * * Familiarity w ith DEC {VA X/VMS) Ope-r a ting Sys tems a nd DA T A TRTEVE or VAX DBM S Softwa r e desirable hut not mandatory. Mus t he able to qualify f or DoD Security Clearance. • Send c urrent resume to: lailtli•1 ,,,.,,,;,,, 1025 ..•...•.•......•...... NOW He/FT. Redwood 2•6 decking •·20' tong. also redwood 1enc1ng Cell Jim or Ken anytime. 7 75· 149 l REDWOOD DECKING 2x• s 33¢. 2X6, '9C per II S111e11 99S·O 122 Frtt t• foa 1045 ...•.•..•••.•......... 1ee Samoyed mate un· altered r991S 4 yrs C•- t n y Cray. 6 42 -5713. 675-6000 dys ree luttens 8 wks DO• trained 64&-3107 er•itare IOSO .••••••.•••........•.. **I BUY** Good used Furniture & Appltances·OR I w1!1 sell or SELL tor You IUSTHS HCTIOI 141-1111 112-1125 I HY FIHITIH Les 957-8133 II brown plaid aol1 hide· a-bed S75 Maple dlnelle se t. 4 cn 111rs $75 642-695• rass table w/leaves & 16 Ch8111, $500 714·979·4188. 11111 mag place dining table set. g ood condition S60 Collea table S20 Call 646·7230 EORM Frerteh P1011 Set Otesser w/mlrror & 1119ht tllnd S 150 SS 1-5007 A TTllESS & BOX SPRINGS Obi Brend New I S t50 5$1-5007 131-0511, 1-IPI New a cco 1d i a n $30010BO Greal tor ktds Heather 646-6705. 752-8383 see at the Long Beacn Boat S'1ow Oct 22·3 I 1 sl mat" wanted to help crew 37 sailboat already anchored 1n M e•1co Leave Ocl 23 805·644·0309 Bo.11, Slip1 Dock• 9010 ,.,, 1011 •••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••••••,..•••• BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE KEESHONO puppy AKC. Newport Beach 25'. 26 , c"8mp lena 9 wkS s ISO 30 35 40 g •S Cell S5 t-5v07 642 4644 l1om 9.5 GOiden Re1never Puppres • AKC & shots S2SOtoa 557-9695 AKC Cocker I Bull Male 559 9607 Mon·F11 SLIPS AVAIL Huntlng1on Harbouc Bay Oe 840 5545 846-7766 6·9 P M 8 4 0 -4097 '13·<13 t.3764 -Boat dock tor rent 24 · Piu11 I Orfllll 1010 maa low prolile destred •••••••••••• ••••••••• 5 •0 38th Si Newport 0 8 k up g II 0 h t p 18 n 0 ISiand 673-3064 needs f1n1sh1ng S850 548-7272 Yamana Poltsneo Ebony 48 piano . UtR $3500/bsl ofr gs6-8677 Sllp tor rent. Main Bay 35x8 1 It $8 II 673·5340 Bo1t11 S1•H I ORAIH COAST AMC /JffP/REMAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd CM 549-8023 645-7770 82 JEEP CJ7. Lid cust r,omovaDle hardlop. 5 spd Do~ ster110 many more alras Wa.rr sttll 11811d $11 000 OBO 67S·27•3 11ack1 1560 ...................... Toyote 76 AM/FM Ste· r eo c asselle Small camper shell S2 17 5 673-6618 72 Renchero with snell Must see S 1400 673·3 1'9 1 • Ford XL T '1 Ion. w / shi!ll a1r shks gd cond $2300 6•6-6502 80 Plymouth Arrow Pick· uo Go cond. xlnt me- chanical A/C 1111 di• lntr Must sac111lce. be- low low bluebk $3300 Cable upogl>t piano llke new $1000 Ski 1010 ••••••••••••••• ••. •. •. Orm 968·3••2 aft 6 on 1811 Sleek Crall 455 Ols I Sunday 646-6201 ---------engine Berkley Jet, ten· --- oem trailer Xlnt cond V1a1 9S10 ~~!!~I ........... !.~~~ 1982 S11 1 Naullque $4200 After 6 c all •••••••••••••••••••••• 2001 Only 38 hour,. 552-4344 64 Ford Van. Econo 6 cyl. ----nas po1en11at ~!!.'!,.~!~~a,f! .. .1.~!~ 75 FoR~7-:-~-~-9-5-6_3_K_m-1, Also have a 19 77 For· mul& 110 20 fl . like NEW ' Call (714 1 842-2000 & ask tor Jim· my Jr II out. please leave message! DRY STORAGE RUNS PERFECT 962·094S Sk " & bo ot s. Fischer 180CM Sr 10 1 yr old SSOtbst ofr 552-3519 Monthly boat storage any size. 24 hr security lree 1auncn1ng IEWPORT HIES 1 U 1 lack l•J Ir !II !r.!!!~t.~'1!! .. ~.~!1 144.oa to Olin $~~,~~~~::.•!oles T!!.e.'~!W}~! • ••• •• • Ind Lsnge Boota $100 c •• ,,,,, s.1. Down sleeping bag S50 JHt 11ZO Schwinn VarsUy bike •••••••••••••••••••••• S 15 963-7513 CaDOver Camper lor Im· port truck boot, t1ablh· rvl •• ,;., 18<1 cornot llCllS S750 BiFi lterH 1011 (7141 645-5898 ...... ~............... ------ BEAUTIFUL 2s· RCA #•l•rtftlfl/ Color TV 2 yr wrnty kHl•ll llSO S 148 Frtfe delivery •••••••••••••••••••••• Open Sun F1n11stlc M otorcycle '73 TV John 1 846-1786 Hond1 XL250. atrl/dlrt . Aato1 WHIH 1510 ....•...•••••....•.... WE PIY TOP DOLUR . FOi no OAlll AW llAllll PlllTIJG/lll&H 2 4ll0 Harbor Blvd COSTA M ESA Ht-4100 141·1411 WE Ill CLW DUI &II TllOll T .A . Jenkins ola & LovHHt. earth· Blaupunkt cus Ster•o 2100 ml Look• & rune like new• SISOO, 407-1807 COHHtll CHfVIO LET tone pl11ld, tOlld wood. CR2001, Used t week qlly const F11r cond S250 960-9927 •11es ultrasystems, inc. 2400 Michelso'n Drive Irvine. CA 92715 1 150 &40·0168 Bell & Howell Etectronlea EW F1ench Prov bdrm, armo1re & bllrtaua & din rm Ml 84 t-3239 l tt a ..... Htrc:uton. brown and . beige, good Cond 185. 548·:1687 * An equal opportunJry employer BUNK eeos 1---------------------------ll & dr .. Mr to metch 1100 648-1067 •· • - - -j drm Mt Dbl bed, 11 pc1 F1 Prov eolld wood 1 390 or b ee t oh ...0-0331 Course lnctudlno 111 Votumea or etectronla1 lltlnlnQ from b"lc 10 ad111nced rv rep1lr, • D••lon Coneoie for ltb uperlmontt. 1 digital mulllmllet. • eolld·lllle trlg04tf9<1 aweep oocltlo· scope and a 2&" color TV with dlQllll CIOCk, dlgltll channel dlJplay a •lectrontc tuner. all •rt HNthlOI• & Ill eompl•t• and bt•nd MW Tnta 11 • I 1700 value. Will Mii fot 1700 '31·9106 '80 Yamflhl 1100 Spacier New only 650 ml cuatom 1Ht S2600 S411·4843 •• ,., ,,.,,, ''''1 .!.~~!l.~!!!~l! ...• !.!f Rent. H ' motor hOmt . 81pt 8. tull)' lotdoel 845·18141 (P1ul) '""'" ,,,,,.,, 1110 ....... ~ ........•..... 1972 :12· r<1n1klll T1ave1 trtll•t. Good CondlllOn 12600 (?1415211-4$17 X ,_1141!11 f • "'I I 11 f SU -I ZOO ......... Top doll1r1 for Sport• Ca11, Buo•. Cemp•ra. 014'1, Audl'I Aa11 fOf U/C MGA ..... vtUIWMll 11111 8Mc:n I Mt. HUNTINGTON BIACH Ul·U. '12 IOHI 32'. " b•.-rv Make your ef\Ooolnt_ ... option, 1ll·cont.. mu•I ~ by 1.111ng the ~ Mii All 5, HMHI ftllot C ......... ,,., - J r· Or ng Cnuat DAILY PILOT/Moni.Joy, Octub r 18, 1£18:1' ('8 ~ ... '.'.• .. '!~!.'!!. ... 1.~ff ~.".1.'.'.!~t!!!!~ ....... ~ ... ~ .. • . .'~t~!!!~ ...... . ~.1.1 ... 1 • .'~n! !~~....... ~.-.'!!1. !fr..~1.'I....... ~.~~·.' . .'!'!r.!!~~....... ~.~ 1.'.~ !~t~! !!! . . . . . . . ~ .. ,.~._,,. !'!r..~1.t!. •• • • . • ~ ... ,_. .. ,. !~r..~1.'!....... ~.u. '.~· .. ~!~~ .......... . WAITED! f!f! ............ !.~H IJ.•!!~! •..•.....• ,!.~~, rt~! •.••••••••••• 1.~~~ ~~~~~!tf!~.' ... 1.~~, ~!!~~!!.~!~.' ••• 1.~~flf!!!!~.' .......... f.~~f r!!t!.'!!t!~ ...... !.~~f r.01~.o ••.••...•.•. ?.~~~ !!!~ ............. !.~~~ 17 1:14 Sptder New t°'1. 82 Mbl 38061.-allver 71.> U 11 b Drow11/ la11. 1e ~ bUO I 1400/0UO IJO vi I IJlu• 10 .. t.tell I I I 01411 Mu••'"-~ tlrJ<xl l •t• MOd•I Toyotu, Votvoe. Pici.upa A V1111a C•ll ua todeyl WI llY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR F9'1E &PPUIUL Cormler·Dellllo OIEYHLn 182 I I BEACH Bl VD HUNTINGTON BEACH 141-IOllr 14t·JU1 Top Dollar Paid For Your Cart JOlllSOI I SOI Llaoel•·••ro•rr 2828 Harbor Blvd' Costa Mesa 540-5830 HIGHEST CASH tmme· dlalely for your vehicle domesllc or torelgn 55 t-8285 ~!'.~'.'1. !'!!!.'.'.'!. •••••• A//1 loaH f10S ...•.••.••...•.....•.. "78 VELOCE SPRINT $4950 5 spd, ale. 1epe, whts. 1111. to mt. 529WOU Dtr 645·2963 "78 GT. 49M, burgundy. xln1 $5.900. 540-8969 ·79 SpycJer converllble Xlnt cond. Btaupunkt. 81· loy whls Always gere· geo S9500 495-0738 A•'i 1101 ........•.....•..•••.• IO 1114! HOO Tuitt 26,000 miles, tully toacJ"KI sunroof. gcJ cond Like new S 13.400 OBO. 645 -8211 Eves , 857·9684 days S&LH·SHVIOI LUSlll 03 1 2040 4Y~ 4940 UHLHACI IMW 28402 Ma1gu.,11e Pt.wy MIHIOn VtelO (Avory Eall Oii I $1 Open Su11cJey1 sa1 .... serv1o••LH1lno 1112 I~ OllSIOIT Nice SeiectlOnl • ·74 3 ocs 4 •PHcJ (HONAC) * · 17 3201, 4 spd • sun roof 1248TRAI * · · 79 320l, 4 •Pd , tun root (649YHZ) • "80 3201, 5 spd . sun roor (659ZOK) • '80 3201. 5 spd . air eond ( IASX048) IH-3111 208 w Isl. S1ni. Ana Closed Sunday CHOICE INVENTORY VOLUME SALES "$ IOI lloLAllEI llW S111es·Se<vice·Leas1n9 850 N Beacll Blvd La Habra 522-6333 Open Sonday Olllll&E COUITY'S OLDEST $ Sates-Serv1ce·Leas1ng IOY'CARVER ll. llS fl¥ 1 · Ki\ f\ \ ~ .... ~ ... ' ... .,,,. ..... . ... #, ,,,1• \ot"" .......... 0... WHllAYI 12·) '74 Bavaria. 4 spd, Sun Al, Very gooct co11d $4200 673·2545 or 675-6484 ·75 Audi Fox Needs llttle work S 1000 or best of· fer 857-4 167 61 320•. air. 5 spcJ stereo cass Flawless S I 2 500 63 t-2991 80 4000, sunroof. 4 spd, stereo, air. xlnl co no $6200 631-2991 ·73 AocJ1 LS 100 Good concJlllon 4 Cir. $ 1200 675-7721 0 "76 BMW 2002. •ln1 COflcJ $5200 or t>esl otter Call atl 5 pm 675-5290 ATLAS CHRYSLER.PLYMOUTH 1982 DATSUNS hry 01 ... ... ,. lt• •11 .. ,. v.1110111 FROM AS LOW AS $4988 •mllo1 c:att, 1;l••n run• ur•v w/IJlnk "'' 3000 1111111 •"U'"•· ne.,.. clutch !;oltcJ eng1n• 1.tean JJ 000 11111t1a S IJ 000 • o,r•O J ,,_ 111•• ... ur A 111 I I J bu 0 u b 0 You can •Nord to ml Mual .... , 11 ••• .,,,.. llew ,., .. Shn1>•kl11 84~ g!)/4 ouo 'J4b Ult~ S!l'A.1 4114 ·~I I 4114 0816 buu uour Mercede• b40·6700 (6 4 only) $ l:l 000 04G 23119 ll I o ... el J•lla, IO ttlt, 'I 1r1at1 J ar I ..... I'"··· 1(J 6 1Afl0N WACION ' ' /fJ MDZ 460 51. UOICI, •Pd. lllk, air. 1nrl. am/Im ~!'.'.".'1.¥!!!........... 4(1111 ("tJllll "'•,(JI) IO(I Uti:~bl~ ~~~'"" le$0nl from"'· ~~"r.':cr~·2;K0"V· SI& ~!!!!.~!!.'.' ••••.• !.~~~ SOOOOob:16~:u6::111 • 9!!'.~1.'L ••••.••. !.~~! r;g~~ 41'~ fill(Jl '18Fl•Ill111. U•HI atuaµe. di# M[ll II 3. etu111v cl•• #! DlAllR IN U.S.A ·r:J Khorm1n Or11u Cun (Jurr1u "' ~ llltl Nowpc..11 ''• ''''""' 111111111 $2000 •IC, blk, 1u11r l CHHll•. mCARVER vorllble. utell•nl condl Uonc.h. '"""' "''"' 111111 s I 000 I tOb Wotlctltl b48·7044 air , air 1111. ooll•c1or1 ~ llOft $!>!100 673 00!1!> D• '~""'II"' 11•111.11 "•"' lt2 000 040·8230 .D'"t.11 b4" !.811 Meitf Stlll l'L.J I\. '70 VW C•m11mubll• w/ H 1 :l4 1po11 c:oupo DOWN 0 g MOl '1 I Sllv•rfblock ... -·•• , .. ~. popup IOI) Aulu. Uuod /t, f l'J•d <.1r•"""" eul<• $ 1800 000 4\18 4038 tun• I 10 nu 11 • • CIH • ,.. •• H " • .... cond If 800 m1 SllOOO Au "''"' 1 111111 LEA E 11c1 6f3 2700 -~ ... , •> 1 494 7667 Laguna Be11ch iJ 11;•, tJ/'1 •,1111 H••'I f1~1 1904 VW • new 1.>1111111, 44'> f CtJutl llwy 71 fu111 I 10 t.uu1111~ ••••·-••••••••••••••• JllJ J14Z lu)ua J18Z AMIFM rae11o, body ok Newr1or1 A111uc.h !:.c111111• ·~tult<111 Wg11 NOlll llll•Tl•lt ••••• • •••••• • ••••• • • •• •• •••••• ••••• • ••••• ••• runa excellent S 1.6 l b Al:i UfHm l •rUk"• A '"",• uut1d 1J Wo can "•IOI 6810rt you '79 M 0 c;onvert1bl11. S11let·Su1vlC:e·L114 .. 1110 5!16·9489 a1111r 6 or Ill AllC JIOS "11uo11gu1 "" 1iowor huy. t hllCk our unbea•o· Cullom rop. new redl•I• SAlllEl&OI dov woek•nd1 ••••••••• •• ••• • • •••••• ,,,.,.,.,,U 11 '''~ ~ 111 000 bl I I log llghll $5000 SM•••• 7 ...... C p mile>~ on c.u1 •moin11 re " •u oc1 on. ••vino• 833·8148 ell•r 7pm •-n 75 Buo am1tmf11pe n-"J """ nee• .. rnr c:ono " ,. , 1 1 ,. 1 1, ., 0 0 0 Qll(J ullY'1uirt lllJI ---,-144 U 1·2UO 411·4141 ~~r~~a~42c!~:;,· ~~~-F~· 25MP0.~:~4 10 ~411t> ~-~10!' :.~~r i:.~· ~r SALES • 11av101 Appl·-· '" "•* .... Ill • ••• •• • • • • • • ••• • •••••• '''l''' J18S '80 RABBIT 28.000 m•. ·~ l11itk I ll D .. 11 ""~ :.;i1 !:.urt 2850 HarbOf BtvcJ WI(~ 1 "' •l'P•u••ll cu<111 t970 MOB. rtbulll •no •• •• ••••••• ••••••••• • cond. Sunrl, Dmllm C•H • • • •••••• • •• •••• • ••••• a 0 nncJ carb1. n11w top, 80 Butck Lid IUAury dll MettatV 9.,5 GOSTA MESA spol\e wh .. lt. roll bar. 1981 JQYQJAS $6p4m500 . 631-2017 afl $6900 l<trll t.Ond ...... 6 ............. . 1111 IHIJ TtJltl 140-1140 JI ( l \ neocJs fight boely rep1t1r 760-8765. 833·2~0 t /~ Mo11a1ch ? d• Air;, 11202 IHolt "''· t977 Ho11d11 A ~CI . stJD Y";J $1600 72":_07_4_2_ ,.,, 01... ·1~ Scirocco. I owner. nu C1iill•"' aa15 ~.~~~a$2~~~ ~=r.3~~!1 l11tl•cf11 ltHlt Sliver/ Blk Int, lie, am/ leJ~D! r741,1 1111 COIVHT Lew llllH&t V.hloltt p<11n1fllres, xlnt cond ••••••• : ••••••••• !."'. •• 112-0121 Im, S3900 fJ73·3172 l/11.'()1 851-0246 FROM AS LOW AS . :524!°abab~~. ~44a9po. aic. TIIE URI EST ~!!!~~f .. • .. • .. • !.~H 1---------:aoc;,e ;;gn, 33,000 ml. ..,...,.,,.., llN• ~' r 08;; braku •mflm SELECTION 79 Ghia tully luocJecJ 4 1981 OAJSUNS ~~:,~r~~'i,5• ~~~·,:.!:; ;~·~~ ~;."~~" f!!'A!!! ••••••••• !J.~~ $3988 ca•• • Cl EA N . ol 1a1e mooer tow m11fla ~~~ 8°:2";, '"Pl> Silri•t•e" Cl •v • .. .,,..,.,., 1112 pfulEOT S2700fobo 552·3460 or ge Cadillacs 1n Southtorn Vtr1 tH brn S4600 760-2680 ~~~~~~~~~I • 552-5651 Cflhtornle' See us tocJey• Oldimobilt gg55 Ltw llllt11• Vtltloln ---,; 1: 5011 THIO llHEL IAIERS ••••••••••••••••• · ••• • ll11i1 .,131 Au1ome11c trans . sun "69 BaJ• Buo Srrono t5oo Tru'' satn 2 dr 11 8!1 FROM AS LOW AS ••••••••••••••••••••••· roof , i>wr steering-llll lllllJ TOJOtl eno ·looks & runs ooocJ CADILUC o.,11a Cost 010~ PIW '11 lllZ 410 SLC. wlnaows & <Joor locks. Bllsleln shocks, mony 2600 Harbor Blvtl A/C raelro call B ol A $3988 llack/ltlack AM/FM "ereo C8SS611e, 11202 l11ch 11¥4. ealf8S MUST SELL COST A MESA Mri" Fri 6A M 4PM All extras, 62,000 m1 cru1 so control, alloy Muati11t11 ltach S2400 OBO 540·9l36 ''•9·4382 $28,500 very firm wlleels & morel (3 16685) 112-0121 '66 Ba11. cuslom new 540-1860 T'J Culla~, s •l•ttlmf• Os• 731·5 I t5 838-4342 $lJ,SSO motor & trans This wknd 54 000 m A tC 801.., 10 Toyota Corona S800 $1000 642·8534 17 ElcJo r uel ln11,c;11on 1rans •1ere" PS PB 1111 11111 T •rota 11202 l11olt llv4. llumtl11tt1 lt1oll 112-0121 be l ft loaded 40 000 mt ga1 , y OH OF ITS lllD IEACM llPOITS or s 0 er '70 IUI $1171 kepi mini Only S5995 mell tnown Nrfttwn 1n11 FOi COLlfCTOll 848 Dove S1ree1 960•0834 Aller 6 PM 979-7229 $4850 114 '-'40 ?119 111 D1tsu• 110 4 Door AM/FM stereo cassette Excellent con· 1111 IAA!J St mu Miii iii iil• d11ton S4.000 ---_ 642·4336 or 667-0686 '76 Merda AX4. 2 or. 5 __ spd. go<>O con<l S2550 85I·1853 ft1111i 9123 '81 380 SL 7000 ml Wire •• •••• ••• • • ••••• •••••• $38 0001080 Dll&HE cou.n•s ~~3e.:~2-8919 · .. IHHTHlll NEWPORT BEACH '67 Clasalo "600" 752-0100 Chauffeur perlitlon w/alt pusa1ble options Metal· Porsrh 91SO he brow n w /f1ght tan •••••••••••••••••••••• plush velour 101 Comp laclory ret>ulll & restored 10 new car cond Con· verled lo U S apecs Orio bills for OM t04. 000 on hand · car pre- sently stored In Germany bul ready lor lmmecJl11e shipping Setting Price S75,0)0 MEISTER PORSCHE /&111 1363 I HarbOr BtvcJ Garden Grove Salts·S1nic1 LHsl•& l 14 838-2333 OILY &UTMOlll ZH FERRARI DEJUllSMIPI '78 3000. loaded, new Please. only quallt1ed r 8 d 1 8 1 1 • S 1 1 5 0 0 cash buyers. call '10 121 640•4019. 760•0489 (714) 642·0138 Low miles Lea 1n1 All . "70 M01ce<Jes 280SL. Im· power AC. ctean. most r---------. 71 250, orig cond . re-mac compt serv re· sell $28,500 OBO ~Em:rvr cords, snrl, b1rga1n cords 2 lops. auto. elr 714·955·3501 wk da 'KI S4900 759-0650 S 17 ,500 851 -6226, '61 356B, re-bit, no rusl. M nrs 1973 450 SL Dark brown. 720-1090 eve n e~ d s • 0 me w 0 r k . ~ $14.900, 760-8765 ev. cJa .75 -450 SL Boih lops. ~· 494-6875 833·2591 wire whls. excel cond. '77911 S Tero• AC/PW, Wiii cJeal for cash $19. all 1e11her. to ml, must 900. wkdys 894-0563, sell. w11e·s car. Make wkndsfeves 646-6487 reaa otr 645-6776 1982 TOYOTAS v.,, 01 ... low llllt11• Vehicles FROM AS LOW AS $4988 1111 11111 T 01ota 11ZD2 IHch llv4. MHtl•&ftn l11ch 112-0121 Y!!~!!!!t!~ •••.•• !ZZf 66 VW Bug. lmmac In & out, $ 1800, bst ofr 63 I· 7142. 548·6903 '76-7 pass won. S3650 Snrl. auto. a1t . whls. 1ape 11 70276 Uc exp '83 Dtr 6'15·2963 Xlnl cond. 646-5505 69 Vw, new paint, factory Ci1r10J11 9920 12 Cutlass l rouch1m snrf. $1900/beat otter •••••••••••••••••••••• loadttO' 1ot.lucJes S year 675-0758 SEE us FIRST! wari.i111y low m1leaot! ·77 vw Sclrocco. runs grea1 , must sell $4300 /besr offer 640·2767 Volvo f 11Z .........••••........• II 1 VtlYt IHltr le OrH&t 01Htyl SALES, SERVICE lH lEJSIH OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS lHU Ill VOLVO 1966 Harbor BlvcJ COSTA MESA . 141-HOS 540-1411 We have a good se111c $9 950 ? 13 ~96 0403 11on or NEW & USED 76 Culld~~ A c CIC to Chevrolets• m1 go ltte!> ve•y ou CONHllL CHEVROLET ll0I Har bur Hh d l"<t;TA Mt:.<;.\ 546-1200 ·70 Chevelle pert ou1 01 ..sis ssoo M usi see 2·4 Bii 835-9469 tono Be>t oiler 66?-7814 !!l!'!~~!~ ........ !.~~~ 8 1 i< CAA S551JO Blac~ 10 m1 2 dr. AMr FM auto S52 3519 9965 •..................... Conlintnl•I 9930 77 Ventura Hlt.hb~ stvr • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • good c.ono S2000 080 73 MARI< IV 492 6334 New pa1n1 c;lean lealhe• 101 Cheap 642-9574 67 Fuer>rra red ctass1c: c.onv New engntans oln1 cond SJ850 OBO 851-043 t or 645 144<' A1tk Cotvtllt 9932 '77 . 8UIO II blue m111 I gray leather mt rear sph rsf equahzet 111um whts Beaulilul concJ Besl oiler 644-9582 MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • • NEWPORT DATSUN 108 LONGPRE PONTIAC COST A MESA DA TSUH 2929 Hart>or B lvd Costa Mesa Tel f>46·t934 3 blocks soulh of San D•ego Freeway oll Harbor Blvd Complete l:>Ody shoo Sales Service Paris Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM lo 5 30 P M and 8 AM to 5 P M on Saturday 88B Dove Street Newport Beach Tel 833-1300 Al lhe triangle or Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Victoria Station Sales Service. Leasing & Parts We make greet deals' 13600 Beach Blvo Wes1m1nster Tel 892 6651 Orange Cou11tv s olaes1 ano tarQe<.t Pontiac oea1ersh1p Sales ~er.,,1ce Pans 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540·6410 SeMnQ Otanqe County tor 16 years I M11e So 405 • HACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Cell us. we·re the specialists for Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Saab & Maser all THEODORE ROllHS FORD Modern sales. servtce . parts, bOdy. pa1nf & lire depts Compe1111ve rates on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa 642·0010 or ~211 ... • JOHNSON & SOM UMCOLN MllCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd . Coate Mesa Tel ~5630. 57 Year• ot lnendly lam1ly service -Orange Coun1y·e oldest Lin coin-Mercury dealership DA VIO J. PHILLlrS IUICIC"'°"'1AC·MAZDA Sales • Servtoe • Leasing 24888 Allcia Parkway Laguna Hiiis 837-2400 1wro1tT 1MP01tTs 3100 w Coas1 Highway. Newport Buch Tel &42·9405·540· I 764 Tl' Fetr1n Ht.ctQu1tt1r1 • HAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor B lvd Costa Mesa let 540-9100 Orange County s Largest Cao111ac dealer Sales Serv1oe Leas· 1ng SADDLHACK IMW /SUIAltU 28402 M srguertte Pkwy . Ave<y Pkwy ex1f We offer what no bank or tease company can 1 E11perlly stalled, most modern service & parts depl 2 One ot lhe Southland s most e11per1anced sales & leasing slall, 3 Ehm1na11on of the m1ddlema n by le8Sing dealer direct 831·2040 M1ss1on V1e10 495-4949 0 CHICK IVERSOH PORSCHE.-AUDl0 VW 415 E Coast Hwy . Newpor1 Beach 673·0900 The only dealership 1n Orange County with these lhree great makes under one rooll • ALAN M•GHOH roNTIAC·SUIAltU 2430 Harbor Blvd Cott• ~ T11 549·4000 Sales, Stl'll•Ce. Leasing Mr Ooodwrencn • CLASSIC AUTOMOllLH 785 Newton Way, Co111 M .... Tel &31·1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIAL 'f'(" XI( 120't1140't / 160'1/XJ'1/E· TYP9t Siies -htv~ -Aeet0t1tl0nt Off PllCtrttla b9t"'"'1 17th & 18th In Cotta MeH G) DICK MILLH FIAT/LANCIA ··Probably 111e lowesf p<lced Flals 1n Soulhe1r• Cailforn1a·· (localed t mile nOl'lh of South Coast Ptaza near Main SI and Warner Ave 10 Santa Ana ) 120 W Warner Santa Ana 557-2132 • SANT A AHA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street, Santa Ana Tel 558·7811 Your Or1g1nal Oed1caled Datsun Dealer • MIRACLE MAIOA We ve moved' Our new locallon 1& 1425 Baker Street, Costa Mesa. Tel 545-3334 Stop by & visit our modern showroom and see why we re the #1 Mazda dealer 1n Southern Calitorn1a Sales Service. Parts and Leasing • CORMllR DeLtLLO CHEVROLl'.T (Formerly Qr°'" Ctievr~I) .1821 t a..ch IMI .. Huntln9ton 8"Ch Ntw • UMd • 81i.t • L .. llng • P1rt1 • Strvlce Come by and ... our Huoe lnV9tltoryl 847-t087 5411-3331 SUNSET FORD. INC. (Home of Willie the WMle) 5440 GarOen Grove Blvd Wes1m1nster Tel 636·40t0 ORANGE COUNTY VOL VO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove Tel. 530·9190 Exclusively Volvo 10 cover all your Volvo requirements New•Used•Sales•Leaslng•Parts•Serv1ce•Body Shop Freeway close In the heart of Orange County al Garden Grove Blvd & Brookhurst 0 CONNELL C .. VROUT 2828 Harbor Blvd .. Colla Mna Over 22 years servln9 Orange County' Sales. leasing, servtce. Call 54&-1200, apec111 parts llne. 546·9400, bOdy shOp une. 754·0400 0 ltOY CARVH ROLLS ROYCl-IMW 1540 Jamboree Road. Ntwport Beach 640-6444 Sales Strv1ct. Perts And Loas1ng F R FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. 642-5678 -----------"' -------------------------- t ,._ •• , , Or•nr Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday. Oclou I 18, UHl2 ~I GOOD NEWS AT FORD AND UNCOLN· MERC•Y DEALERS: MORE GOOD NEWS ON FINANCING RATES Now, when you buy selected new '82 Ford or Mercury models or Lincoln Continental, your participating dealer can arrange 11.9% financing forquaJified buyers through partici- pating financial institutions. This offer is good on clearance-priced new '82 Mustangs and Capris through November 30, 1982. Or on any new '82 Thunderbird, Cougar XR -7, Escort, lynx, EXP, LN7 or Continental through December 31, 1982. This low annual percent- age rote is available when you finance from 24 to 48 months. COUGARXR-7 -~ ~ --0 -== EXP •• CAPRI YOU CAN SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS AT THIS RATE: 22% 20% 18% YOU CAN SAVE: $2,()04.96 1,591.68 1,186.56 • Exomple of o lyp.col 48-month contract total co,h pnce of Sl0,000 with o S2,000 down payment. Your monthly payment would be: S252 04 ot 22% AP I!.; S243.43 ot 20'Yo AP It, S234.99ot 18'Yo AP.It, S210.27ot 11.9'Yo A P.R Oeoler portlcipotion moy affect cu1torr.er ~ovingl. • ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE ESCORT LN7 YOUR CHOICE: CAR CARE OR 11.90A>A.P.R. If you select a new '82 Escort, Lynx, EXP or LN7, you con choose two-year, no-cost Car Care Coverage that covers virtually every- thing for two years or 24,000 miles, which- ever comes first. This limifed warranty excludes accidents, abuse, tires and fluids. Car Care Coverage is not available in combination with 11.9% financing. . On new '82 Continental, you get the option of o $2,000 co}h bonus or o combination of $1,000 plus 11.9% financing . You must toke delivery by December 31, 1982. Limit one per customer. FORD ·MERCURY· UNCOLN 6 ·. .. - Ylll HlllTlll llllY PIPll M OND AY, OCTOBER 18, 1902 ORANGE COUNTY. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS AirCal 'certain' to lay off 300 employees By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL ' Of!MO...,flllotll.if An official at Newport Beach· based AirCal said today it is a virtual certainty that the carrier will proceed with plans lO lay off 300 employees, thereby reducing its work force to about 1,700. T h e statement by M ark Peterson, the airline's direct.or of • <·ommunicatlon, cam e after 25 stock clerks represented by the Teamst ers Unio n reject ed a company proposal to take a 12 percent salary reduction. The salary reduction proJ>06al -d esigned to maintain the carrier's profitability this year - also was vetoed by ramp and maintenance personnel. Castles rise as thousands crowd sand By CAROL MOORE Of llM Delly l'tklC le.ft E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial, ran away with the Most Humorous prize at the 21st annual Sand Castle Contest that c.'ould have used some extra terra for spectators. Thousands of teens and adults' swarmed over a strip of Corona del Mar State Beach Sunday for a brief glimpse or desperate, overhead snapshot of the latest in constructive kid's stuff. The Michael C h iave ttas o f Huntington Beach won the sweepstakes award by t.opping their hilltop castle with colorful pennants and surrounding it with a protective dragon. And the Walshes and Lynns of El Toro carried on their tradition of winning the family division by sculpting a playful dragon toying with a mini castle on its stomach. Second and third places for' families went to F.R. Nickel who lit charcoal briquets l.O make Puff the Ma~c Dragon's nostrils smoke and to three dolphins chiseled lo perfection by a Sandman, Inc. team seemingly coached by Benny Bu fa no. Peeks at the contest's 42 plots focused often on E.T. The perennially prize-winning Whiz &ng Blues Band Choir a nd Construction Co. of Newport Beach topped the humor category this time. They mounded sand into a rotund E.T. likeness sitting in a beach chair outside a phone booth, munching candies and dozing off to endless "wrong number" recordings. Estancia High School's Think Positive Club fashioned a huge telephone with dangling \ receiver and "Call Home" message to win the ' youth division. And the Newport Jaycees carved I E. T's magical fingers grasping a beer can. As one parent tried to explain the intricacies ~~-of-drip-sett+pting;-u-s~d -by-Bani~lian-and I Associates to create a virtual forest around their entry, a child too short t.o see piped back, "Oh, I do that all the time at the creek." The crowd was bewildered at first by the 30th Street Archjtects' presentation of headless bodies of four tourists who had stayed too long at the beach. But the sculpting crew cleverly positioned their own smiling faces in the neck niches when the judges arrived. Marr iott Hotel staffers "painted" their shapely Space Shuttle white by covering it with It was endor11t-'d, howt>vcr, by non -union m anageme nt cmployeCli and flight au endanls. AirCul had SJX."'<'ified tht-salary r e duc tions would not be implemented unless endorsed by all employee groups. The alternative, the <·arrier said, was to reduce the work force by about 300 workers. As a contin gency meas ure, layott notices wcrt' Html about two weeks ago to aCfected pcmsonnel. Peterson said. The Layoffs will take efft.>ct ()('t. 31 . Seniority is the factor being used to determine who is laid olf, Peterson said. AirCal, wh~ch operates a route system in five We11tern states, now employ s abou t 2 ,000 shredded coconut. Their effort earned third place in the business division led by Basmaciyan · Darnell Inc. of Newport Beach and the Jazz Exchange. Fans who cam e to see sand castles. specifically, were not disappointed. Michael Chiavetta, art de partment colleagues from f<~ord Aerosp.ace and. families won the Sandcastle Contest Kent Trollen and friends started at 6 a.m. (See CASTLES, Page A3 ) - sweepstakes prize under watchful eye of papier-mache supervisor who oversees their Huntington Beach mural projects, too. · · Former first lady Bess T-ruinan dead KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - Bess Truman, the nation's oldest former first lady and the lifelong sweetheart President Harry S Truman called "The Boss," died early today. She was 97. The Truman family physician, Dr. Wallace Graham, said she died of congestive heart failure. Research Medical Center said sh e was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital at 4:38 a.m. She lived longer than any other former first lady. Ed i t h Wi fs o n , w if e o f Woodrow Wilson , was the oldest at a$le 89 in 1961. Ma ry Scott -lllDEX- I. J At Your Service F.nna Bombeck Cavalcade ClalSified Comics Croaword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Horoecope Ann Landers Movtes National News Public Notlcet Sporta Dr. Steincrohn Siock Marketa Te.levWon 'Thnte.n Wnther ' A5 A7 A7 C5-9 B5 B5 C5 A6 84 A7 A7 84 A3 C3,C5 Ct-4 A7 83 86 84 . u · Harrison, the second wife of Benjamin Harrison , died in 1948 a t age 90, but was never first lady. The oldest living fi rst lady is 70-year-old Pat Nixon. The former-first lady had been plagued in recent years by a variety of ailments -a rthritis, abdominal stress and high blood pressure. On Sept. 2, sh e waa rushed to the hospital from her home in nearby Independence, Mo .. with internal bleedJng. Graham said the bleeding, whkh he attributed to an ulcer in her duodenum, stopped the next day, but she waa not released from the hospital until Sept. 24. · She was hospitalized for six days in August for treatment of h ype rkale mia , a pot assium buildup caused by diminished kidney function. She outlived her husband by nearly 10 years. Frien~ say their childhood romance never fla gged -that he was the only man she ever really loved and the the only sweetheart he. ever had. In 53 years of marriage. Besa Truman much enjoyed the c.radiUonal woman's role of the unauuming but thoroughly devoted wi(e and mot.her. But Truman said she wu his c1CJe111t confidante and advt.er on every important thing he ever dJd - Including declt1ons leading to his upaet victory over Thoma1 E. Dewey In UM8 . "I never wrote a s peech w1thout tolng OVf!I' It with her." Bess Truman, widow of forme r president Harry S. Truman, died today at 97. She is seen with him in a l 958 visit to Washington. he said of the woman who shared his rise from county official to the U.S. Senate t.o president. To some, h er dignity a nd .reserve left the lmpreesion that she was au.1t.ere, withdra wn and colorleaa, but those lntlmates entitled to call her Beeale knew her u warm and gracioua. witty and wtto. S he .. I.in 1948 that being flrat lady required "good health a nd a aenae of humor ." Of critidam of her husband, 1he Mid once, "aft.er 2:; years l,n po11ttca. I've learned to accept it - almoet." And deai)ite her eagerness to avoid publicity for henielr, she became known aa a 1raclot.a1 White Ho use hoste11 and a woman with an ama1ing a bility to remember names. • Observer• reJiarded lt as characteriatlc that 1he redu~ •the White.Howie ataff by almost half aC~r her husband beum.o prostdent. workert>. ln August, 160 workers This year, h owever, ll haa were laid off. sustained substantial operating losses, in Large pilrt because of a Asked if the ca rr ier is_j protractedfarewarwithitsmain· t'Onsidering changes in its route competitor, San Diego-based system, Peterson responded, "We Pacifk Southwest Airlines. are reviewing those alternatives a t this time." Since 1972, AirCal consiatently had been a profitable carrier. AirCal is privately owned by two inves tors, developers William Lyon a nd G e orge Ar gyros. Police By JODI CADENHEAD OfttMOellyNot at.fl O ra n ge County Sh eriff's investigators are continuing l.O sear c h for t he 28-year -old r oommate of a man whose decapitated body w as discovered Saturday buried in the back yard of a Mission Viejo home the two shared. Lt. Wyatt Hart said today that investigat.ors are in Sacramento t o d ay l ooking fo r Barry Anderson in connection with the grisly death of Dennis Schubert whose h ead was unearthed Saturday from a hastily ctug grave about a quarter of a mile from the home at 23342 Via Gaudix. Har,! e mphas ized that Anderson is only wanted for questioning and is not considered a suspect at this time. Ander son was las t seen in Mission Viejo Friday night, Hart said. But there was no evidence that he was in the h ouse, he added. lnvestigat.ors haye no motive and no murder weapon in the gruesome crime that came to light at 5:30 a.m. Saturday when Schubert's father, George, and older brother, Richard, en tered the home after failing to reach him by phone. · S.ch.u.hei:..Lflag.ge.cL down a passing sheriff's deputy afte r the pair saw the blood· splattered walls. Hart said that the deputy scraped away some dirt from a fresh mound in the backyard and discovered the body. He stopped and obtained a search warrant. Sc hubert had been at his parents' MiMion Viejo home late Friday night and had asked them l.O call and wake him up before 5:30 a.m . for a trip they were taking l.O Chicago Saturday. Hart said. Schubert, a 1980 graduate of UC Irvine with a degree in information and computer science, recently had gone to work as an engi n eer for McDonnelJ Douglas Corp. PSA, Braniff sign -merger agreenient By LAURINDA KEYS A-i.ted "-Wrtew SAN DIEGO -Pacific Southwest Airlines and Braniff Airways have signed a letter of intent to fonn a joint venture, operating more than 50 planes as one airline. The agreement, anno unced simuJtaneo~sly today in San Diego and Dallas, must b e approved by federal aiendlit as well as the bankruptcy eourt overaeeing Braniff operations. PSA Inc. president Paul Barkley said some 25 Bra niff planes would be teased for the joint venture and painted in PSA colors. Braniff employees w ould continue to operate the Braniff planes from Braniff offices. But the enU.re operation would be run by PSA, which h as 30 planes of ita own, making it the nation'• 14th large.st alrline. Barkley aaid tha t the new operation could begin in 60 to 120 d flY•· .fie uid the initia l ~t 1a for eight years and at the end of that. PSA may decide to buy the BranJlf •rvk.-e, continue the J?.int ven,ure or withdraw from it. Thie ~t cont'emt only BranlU'1 domelt.Jc fU,hta. PSA Board Chairman William Shimp 11ld hia airline had tentatively.....-to Rt up a new alrlln• u•ln1 a aubttantlal portion of Braniff'• employeet and equipment. Braniff s uspended operations May 12 and filed for protection Crom its credit.ors. Braniff Vice President Philip Guthrie said that about 1,500 former Braniff employees would be rehired u nder the arrangement. Guthrie said the arrangement would amount to two separate airlines. He said PSA will continue its current California operat ions, and a lso will independently begin offe ring service on some of Braniff's Conner routes. Pacific Southwest Airlines is the 14th largest airline In the country a nd the l argest in· California with a fleet of 32 aircraft -21 of them DC-9 Super 80s and 11 Boeing 727a. San Diego -based PSA, primarily a commuter carrier , ha.a routes t.o 16 cities in the West, serving cities in the sw.t-es of California, Arir.ona, Nevada and Waahington. ln fitcal 1981, PSA Inc .. the a irline's pare nt company. reported nel earnings of $28.5 million on operaUnt revenues of f438.6 million. At mld-Yffl' 1982, PSA Inc. had net eaminia of $2~ million. Bul the airline ltaelf lut year po1tltd oi>eratlna lotMt of $17 mtlUon, which airline officla.b blamed on the rece11lonary «'OftOlny and the aher-eff ecta of the 1981 air traffic controllen tt.rike. - HIF 011n o CoHt DAIL V PILOf/Monday. OctobUf HS, 1082 • Pilot, iperish 13 chutist -. • ln By RICHARD GREEN ._ .. i.4 ....... w111 .. TAFT An filrplu11e thut stalled and crllllht'd In flumt". on n puroc.•hull' drop xont'. k1lhn~ thl• pilot and ull l:i Mky d1 vt•1'l\ 11lxm1'd. wos c.·Arryinl.( 11N1rly t w1(.'t.• 1111 m a n y passc.•ngl'rs 1JJ1 ll w::.11 s u p p o s e d t o , tt f t· d r r u I Investigator says "Thot I M not ;1 14 pusst•rlj.(t•1· n I r p 1 u n l' , c v t• 11 w 1 t h m odificat10ni1." ::.01d Nulaunol Transportutlon Suh'ty Oourd invesugator 0011 Llorcnh', who 111 probrng Sunday'::. c.:ru.'ih . "Umfor normal sNttang c.·apac•1ty thc.'rt' would bt• six pussc.•ntwrs and a crew ot two. ot w lm:h only a ;ere~ of onl' 1s requm.J " As IS I II t ii ti I Kt• I II (. 1111 II I y t'11r111wr Oon W1g~111 tun t 11cl11 y 1t'l1·u~-tl 1(11.•nlltwis of IJ uf tht· 14 pt'OJJll' klllt .. t wlwn un u1rpll1m• 1·rn,h\"I 1n flt111ws on 11 i;ky tliv111t; p11rndHlh' dl'OJJ W iit' llt'UI' '1'11h The vactlmlj, Lill from Sou1lw r11 <'ulif11r11la, 11wlud1nj( twu f1'•t1H Orung1.• Cou11ty ore· MD11111 E•h•011, JG HliClono .. ""'II"" A1cnaro E ~•ay<len, 36, To11011co, Glann W A11e1<;h, ~~. Manhoalton BHtl1 Kathy K111101 26. Bev111ty 11111, Gary lee Kroll>Of, 28, Sn111 .. ""'""" Oovlo llllOoman. 4 I, Ou1111 V•lloy MIGh"I Lombardo, 35. S•nt• Anu Gl8"n w ADCICh, 42. Mtnll•tt•n UHGll Breoy L Sandofl, ~g Fufforton Jamoe Konnetll Sword, :n. B•kt11slloto Et0\.1141 Von PIHi 38 lOSI Hills rorry Wero co Perna Monty H y Qflor 6~ lhe pilot l OS Al1QOl111 ·-~..!!!. ... .Sky divers shocked :·by friends' deaths Dally Pllol P~lo b1 Oery AmbrOM All mile · Chris ti1w Chrnson is hn 1•p y lo h(• qu.-t•n of Orungt· Conl'i l ( :ollegt•'s I . By SANDIE JOY Of the 08'ty '"llot Stan "Shocked" is the way two Orange Coast parac·hu tis ts reacted to the death Sunday of 13 veteran sky divc.•rs when thl· plane they w ere riding m went down in flames near Tafl. "I've jumped out of that plant• many times.'' said Debbit.• Bryon, who w o rks at a Sa n Juan Capistrano restaur ant. "it was a good plane.· That':. what really surpnseo mr" Bryan. a veteran ot nc•arly :mu parachute JUmps . and hl•t boyfriend, Michael D1scoc. had planned to be among thl' s ky d ivers S unday at Taft but changed their plan!> at tht• last minute. "We were JUSt broke th1::. weekend.'' said .Bryan. "That's why we didn't go. "But it's always a lot of fun to do. just being with good friends This is a terrible thing "I don't know all tht• dc.•tatls yet for sure Our frie nds are calling. "Th ey just got two nl'w e ngines. Spike (pilot Monty 11 Yartc r of Los Angeles) a lways kept it well maintained. He was ver y conscientious. alw<:1ys working on !t, m aking s ure every thing was right .. Bryan. who works as a professional stuntwoman. said she and Disroe had beE>n gomg t hrough photographs this morning of their tast Jump trom thl' ill-fated plane. "We saw somt' ptt'turc.·s of Hachard Hayd en," sht• said. "Rich ard stu ck out 1n my rmnd,'' she added. "Ht• was kind of a big. real popular guy and meant a lot" Bryan t•xplain£•d thl' vetNan sky div<'rs who died 1n tht· t'nl1>h all wert' personal fnends with whom s he had jumped many times at Lake Elsinore. "Jumper s arc really fa"'aly close people," she said "They really care about each otl1C'r a lot "It's a real weird f(•t·lin~ because you k,now yuu'n · not going to Jump with th<>M: peoplt• anymon• "Thal httll' cornt-r of the DZ (drop zone) where he always parked is going to be empty." Bryan's mother. Ann Ige. a nurse a t San Clemente General Hospital and .a fellow sky dtv{·r, said Hayden had jus t celebrated his 17th wedding anniversary Ige, lOO, has jumped out o f the all-fated plane and said , "Wh«i>n I came to work today. all thc.t doctors here were just sh ock1·J a nd said ·wl'·re so glad you'rt• here'." Bryan said Taft is where so- called "outlaw" sky divers go to jump. "That's why they get Spikt>'s Beech They can't jump off El Capitan . Spa k e would d o whatever the jumpers wanted. go wherever they wanted. "It's Just a thing they do every o n ce an a whil~ to JUmp someplace different ·• Bryan said the pilot ''was sut•h a good old guy." I lomt·c·oming that ha d lluwuiiao tlwnw. She· wu~ <'rownc d al hall'linw of football gunw Suturduy. Fire scorches s torage wing at FV school Cla:.!>l'S were condut'tcd as u:.ual today at Harper School m Founl<J111 Vallt•y. despite a fire Sunday 111 the saml• Harper wing that w.i:. burned in a vandal-set firt.• In 1977 . F1ref1ghten. l'st1matc<l damage rrum lhl' nt•W blaze di $250,000. 11.trpl·r pr1nc1pal Sharon lx·N1~1 w1d th<' wing was tx>mg usl·d for storage <J( d 1st ri cl furn1tun• <ind i.upphes. No l'lasscs Wl'l"l' lwing l'Onduct ed 1n tht• wmg. howt•vt•r, sh<> said. "Thank Cod th(• Cm : didn 't -.pn·atl to our l.>lhl•r buildings." tht• prull'1pal suad F1r1•f1ghtl'rs from Fountain V<1ll1·.., and Huntington Reach halll~d tlH• ulaZl'. Whld) was n•µortl•d at 4 pm Sundciy No 1n1urH·!I w<·re reported 1n (.'OnlW\.'llOll With the flrl'. Fountain Valley Fire BattaUon Chief Paul Sumrricrs said arson 1s susp<.'l'll'd as the• cause o f t ht• bl aw _ ......... n council meet Sunday's aa:ident. she sau.J. ··as a b1g lo!lS u Oley wc•re domg what they liked to do bt-st Thl· l•1ght·<. l<1::.l>room wing at 11.Hp<·r . lotalt'd at lffo85 San Ync·z Stn·c·t. :1rst bu1 nt•d 1n Ja11uarv. l!Vii Twu tt·l·n -agt• bo\'!> Wl'lt' latt•r arn•stl'<.J on suspll'ltln of starung lhc:H blaic-. w ha c.·h l'.tU!>t•tl a pproximately $800.000 dttm<1gt· There will be no Costa Mesa City Council meeung tonight due t o the L eague or C1t1es conference m San Diego a ttended by city councal members and officials. "Whfn the plane takes off. L·verybody always whoops and hollers and we hke to thmk they were aU whooping and hollermg and having a good time." Fair and cooler Coastal Fair today Increasing n1g11 cloudiness tonight ano Tuesday L-cloud• near tllt coast late tonight ano TUNCl•Y mo..nlng witr1 fog lnc:reulng Into Inland valley• 1n early mornings today and ueeday A tittle cOOlef bOll'I days U.S. summa r y Extended forecast SOUTHERN CALI FORNIA COASTAL ANO M OUNTAIN AREAS Some n111hl tllroUOfl mid-morning low cioud• or IOQ nea r the coa11 Other•lse vartabte high ctouo1ne~s Htglla atong Ille coast ranging lrom abovl 70 al Iha beac:t>es 10 Ille valleyt Lows mostt~ 1n Iha 50s enci io-eoa Mountain high• 1n 60s lows In the 30t ano "6s Smog Ne'<>na!WHll'le<~e eo HOM us o..>• OI comm .. c:e Rllln Im Snow[:;!;') S~•• Flurrl .. (!!J C1111ty air moved -.1hw1ro out of Ca-.aoa. keeping alternoon tllTIP«•turas well belOw Matontl nl)rm1 lllTOUOllOIJI mDCll 01 Ille ... tern third of the nation Tiie Air Oualoty Management Fronts: Cotd ..,. Warm .,. Occluded ..,.. Hlglll -• only rn Ille 40s and 60t over a wide raglOn e11onolng trom the Great La.II .. end mueh ol tlla Ohio Valley tllroug11 Ill• c ent r al and nor t hern Appalachians to the Allanltc: Coat. Soma HOllon•J ot 1111 tlrsl tnOW of the year. th snow end rain allow•,. 1oattereo acrou northeaattrn Ohio Into 'WNtern Penn.ytvenla and mch ol upalate New York end p1r11 of New t;ngland. tlMwtlere. a ·-"10wtrl --1 ce tt er ed over the Pacific Hott'-' 1111<1 the nolllern Plaln1. I """" llgl'lt lain over tnue:ll ol the FlOttde PenlMula Otttrtcl l)fedlc11 good eJr quellly 1ooay 1n moat portions ot the Soutll Cout Air Basin. w1111 unllealthlul aor quehty predlcied in the Sen Gabroel and Pomona valley• 1no the R1vers1oe-San Bernardino area Unhealthlul a ir quallly for sensitive people IS toreca11 In the San Gabriel ano Pomona valleys wltll • Pollulant Stanoard Index of 138 and Ille Riverside-Sen Be1n.,01no 111glon With a PSI of 12S Good air IS l()(acatl tn Ille San Fernando and Sente Clarita va1teyrwr111 .. PSI ol 100, matropolllan Los A~ wltn • PSI or 87. tllt Hemet·Eltlnore arM with • PSI ot 58, Banning With • PSI ol so. and PSI 42 II)( Inland Orang• County, Ille Big Bear Lake region, coaatal 111aaa ano high ano low desert• FOi 1ocs.y, conat0ar1bly cloudy aklaa wllll acatterad 1110 ... er• -• f0t8CUI from the Paclllc Northwall 11110 the a•irem• nortnarn AC>Cklet and .,,,., 1111 noni-t«n querl• of the GrNI ----------- lAk• region OoudY ----· • T L 1oreca11n -'•n N.. YOik _, emp era ures ~~~---CAl.W-OflNIA c,,Jilornia loutllem caitf0tnla wlll be lair tllrOllQll T11a1dt y, but 111g11 doudir-at lltNt. P .. Clly 100 or low cloudt aarly Ihle mornlng atono the -• lnet .. tlng end b8cOmlnO more ••ttollve tonight lllCI Moncl-v momlng, AC>i>i. Valley Baktrtlleld S...atow BNumont Big Bear 8leho9 81y1ha Celallna HI Lo 83 40 es sa 93 sa 88 52 76 26 17 36 84 S8 12 52 Cutv81 City Eureka Fresno Lancaster Long Beoch Los Angele5 Monrovio Mornerey Mt Wiison Needle1 Newpor1 Beacll Ontarto P1lm Sptlngs Pueoene Peto Robles Eadwood City Sacramento 83 57 611 47 85 60 82 41 82 68 es 63 04 St 68 S3 72 55 92 60 74 68 90 S3 ~8 84 89 57 as s2 70 61 76 '49 NATION Albany Atbuque<Que Arnett Ito An<:hO<&ge Atlanta Atlantic City 8alttmore 8lrm11>9htm BolM ~= 8urUnglon Charletton,S C Cht1'18tton,W \I Cllatlottt,N C c~ Ht Lo Pep 50 35 14 45 79 48 36 l8 oe 8"' 48 :.2 ~2 55 30 69 52 63 32 !>4 40 47 3g 47 !12 02 85 S4 55 33 82 40 87 "' Or•no• County c:en upec:t lllgtlt In tM 101. cootlng a ,_ ..... T'*4ay. LoW9 lonlQlll In , 80a. 1n11n4 ~ wMI have htgllt In I SURF RIPORT .,. • llPI* 70t Tu.day Lowr lft ... 70.. ~ wMI IWIYe lllQll• ee to N. lowt 41 to 52. ,.._,, ~ lllQha 74 to 84, ~~teloH f'•tolly log •nd low CIOuOt aleflO nc,.•11 co111. Cllance 01 all•••" In ••tr•m• north, ---~ T..,'1 W9" "'"' ... A'l/ ... a. ....,. T8"'p, 1-3 '•" ee 2·3 ''" Ill 2-3 ,.,, 88 2-3 '"'' 88 2-S lalr.gOOO M 2-3 good M 24 good M Cllk:llgo ccnctnnatt Clftvaltnd Columble,S C Co!umt>ue OallH·f'I Worth OaY1on Denver Oet Mo4nes Oeirolt El PHO F1lrb1nk1 Fargo Flagttelf 11anl0to Honolulu Hout ton 1no1anapol11 Jac;llton,MIU Jedi tonYill8 JunMU KanMI City Lu Veg .. Utile Roell t::r Mamphlt Miami Mllwaukecr Mpts-81 P.ul New 01lean1 New York OklallOma City Om•ll• Orlando Phtlad11p111a Phoelll• Pltltburgll P()(lland,M• Potll•n<I Ora Prcwldtf"'* RAieigh Aef'IO &alt lak• Sin Anlonlo S•n Oleoo Sa.n rr1nc1110o S•1111t Stov• r1.111 St LOUii I t Ptle-hmpa ll>Oklllll SyrlCIVM Tuciton = to nortnarn llerrat ....... 1n~n ,., c.lfOtn.. through ...., ........ Mof'ld9y. 12 0 t pm,; low Tide II 411 pm, 9.,.i1 TUIM WWtlnoton Wichita t , . ' 52 46 SB 40 S t 3~ 64 JS 52 39 81 61 53 37 73 43 70 so 52 39 82 49 36 32 0 I 89 48 02 67 27 54 30 78 6G 56 40 72 43 78 57 41 37 211 71 50 87 56 65 51 78 82 60 03 70 5t 90 7'l 17 S3 47 oe 45 73 54 53 39 01 74 58 70 ., 82 C2 54 32 93 65 51 31 52 28 68 40 08 52 30 111 34 88 28 87 38 es 68 79 116 70 53 ' se 38 oe 73 43 ee 41 81 H 54 25 01 47 35 " 66 73 66 ~ 3t 17 53 Olivia 'phySical' • Irvine 1n Hy JEHK Y 111':1\TE.:NSTF.IN Ot 11\e Oeltr ~1101 11eH S1ngt'1 ( )Javlu NPwl1111 Jnh11 ti. u -.t·11M.>n1-tl 1K·rro11111·1 who k1111w-. Whl.ll Wiii k.,, 'lll'kll With it illHI µluyH lt lw .111 ll.\ worth A11tJ whlll• 1th(.· hm1 j,t111y ttulcl hH Kongs lu lll'r t•11•cl1t, 11uth1rtM '' 11llll'l' 1dt·11ltl wtl wllli h<'r tha11 thl• JOrflll)( 'IUl'l't•S.\ •If II y1•111 HJ.Ill "Ph ys1rnl " Thus .mymw w ho 11n111.·1pllh"' 8l'l'lllg tht· p 1Xll' lil1J11d1· lfl 1111' flesh 1·;m t'XJl41.'t 11111 1111ly Olivw bu l ltt•1 l'll ta 1 t' ~h ow tu lw phys1(·t1I Thi• hund, tht· propi; 11n physit-111 ft ':; l'X:tl'tly wltJt II iwll•JU l crowd o f I i.ooo w1 trw .. :1t·d Sundc.1y 111)(hl al lhc· l rv1n1· Ml·Hdnws A111pl11 tht•11t1•1 Tlw 1111ly µhy:.1<·ulaly 1111 .. ~111g was Olav111·~ unwill111u11t·'" t11 )(l'l l'ozv with tlw <n.1d11·11t"c· Sht· u'>'·d u cordlt.'S.\ mu rophom· but fll'Vt·r 1111l'l' Vl•ntun-d off:.t<Jg1.• lib havt• some pc•rforrn\.·rs II ugs and kis.w.s Wl'f'{' n"M·r vl·cl for Lht' malC' vol·alast o f hc·r • trouix· Dt·nms Tufano . But, wow. lht• show wa~ "l11p " It wus tht• finult• of a ('rm ..... country. ti() datt•s JUUnt by Newton-John, burn 111 F.ngh1nd, r1 ..... ·d 111 1\w .. 11 .111.1 Tiu l1u111I 11hvu1u ... ly 1•11.)11vt•tl ltwll Ollv1.i -..111~ .11111 -.w1v.-h -cJ hu 111111 hap' .H h.md ml•ml.IN"> l\11d th1 v 111t,.1:11 tc'<I ;1111111.1l1 ·cllv Wt I It 11111' .111111111'1 /\ )11.'f't•t•n b«·h111d lht· lw11d .. h11w1 ·cl .. 1ie1t·i..11I Olivia 1111111 littlt 1(111 Wtlh lil1111dt• l'UI h, t11 ~·11,W•LI' pt1""11':-. tli.11 huvt· g1v1·n lwt ,, 111'\.\ Ill u1g« 1111•11· w .... 111ul'11 g1111m11·k1v ( H1v1.1. 1•rnwlud111g .1 n•11d1111111 tol lilt• lttlc• °''lllg 11'11111 111•1 lllllVll' I lop, "Xa11adu," d1i;app1.•1.11'1•1I II\ u puff of .... 11111kc• u IJ11 of lr11 kt·t y 1<• .illllw 11 1n ... 1um1· d1a11g1· I 'llysu·:il Sdv1•1 gllltt•1 , ;Jlw1~ with two I Ul.il11•t dtlt'kt•O!>, f1•1l (r11rtl llll' ,q,ffold1ng for lwr scmg on 1h1· 1•11v1111111n1·11t. "Sdvt·1·y ll;u11 " l'lly-.11·;11 Tltt· d11t kl'n:.. Jlong w1tlo Ill\.\.+., 11tr11w11 hv b<ind m1·ml14·1' ,11 1111· -.i11g.·1 . Wl'l'I' ;11Lnhutt't.l tu t 111.111' "1·ra7.1n<-s..," Thell• w.1!> u 11111v11.• 11f Olavk1 pl..iyang with tht· nl'w l11v1·-. ol hf'r 1tr1.·. dolphin,, a1·1·11111p;1n11·d hv lwr offsW~t· ::.111g111g 111 '"l'ht• J>rnrn1st• !The Uolpl11n Song) .. Physical Olt'Via a nd Tuf:.1111 l1t·ld ha111l-. .1111! Wlllldt'<l lht II llff"'J'j Ill "4Jlli(," fa11tt1 ht•I hit lllOVll". "(irt•IJ"'4•" •~1tv-.11 .11 /\r;d N1•w t u11 J11h11 11uw d1 , • ...,,.d 111 wlt111• 1()'111 11h11rb, 11•111111·"' 111111 'Wt•ut 'ihlf t thllt i.purkl1·cl, i..avt·d ht•r hil song ··Phy!..wt1l" for tht• ln111 • T lt1:-. tllm· 1111· aud1t•11t t• ~ung ,tf1111" an .1 ,•11ntl'llt liy St'<'llons of who h11d tlw most phy\lc.·ul vcx·u I I h111 die S ht• k1ll'lt 1111 t11w1·lic LO J(IVt• tlw 11udH•t1t't• ,, rnlh•d fw "orw mun"" a l11vd y ri•nd11111n ,,f "I llun•'lltly Luv1· Y1111 " Sttll th1· t·rowd y1•llPd 1111 1111111• (a1f' Or11ngc ( '11untv .iud11·nl·1•:-. ,.v1.•1 sat11•f1ed'') , hut d1cl11 '1 l(t·l at Ohv1;.1 was ll-d l 1'11111 lht· .. t.11(1' liy r1vl' people· d1 l'":.t-cJ 111 I lat lt1wt-.·n mai.ks. Tht• 1·1>11l'l'I t w11s un1.• of 1·x1itt11d1 ·d tt·J'lt:rtoan· for Olivia Sht c.·11n .., 1t1ort · Shi· wilkt•d tu the auc111·nc·1· hut 1t would have• bet•n 11111· tu ltt•.it murl' c·h;1ttt·r Nt wtun Juhn'~ iwrf111 rr1JOl'l' wa-. p1 l-t'1•d<-d by her band lc·ader .111d wrnd µl..iyc•r Tum S~ott plav111g roc:k w11h s trt1ng 1• n1phJ .,1 :-. on 1· I t• c: l run 1 <' g1m11111·k1 v I It· 1ndudt't..I .l v1x·al tllJn\ht·r r r11111 hi~ ldtt''>: album. "l)t•-,m ·" It wa~ K•.11.itl µhys1cal warmup Who caused gas leak • HB? ID I luntang tun Bt'al·h off'1c1als an· try111g lo track down tht• 1111 C'ompuny respun~1bl1.· for a 1-:a~ leak that <.'aUSt.'d 11 ma.1or Cm· an lht.> l'llY ov1.·r the wc·ekl•nd So far, none.· of the.· c·ompantl•::. 1s t.·laiming o wnt.'rs h1p uf th1.• underground petrolt•um papc.>hnt· that ~prung lc.·aks alnng Golden West Stn:l't bc•twc.•1.·n Ellis and Garf11•ld avt•nu1•s. a<.Tordini;: to Fare> Chtd lfoy P11.·arcJ " I t 1 s t h l: s t a n d c.1 rd f I(• I u prac.:111·1.· for the compan1c·:. not to admit anytflang." P11.·ard said "The oil industry <.'Ould dt•an up its act along th('S(' lmc-s " P11·ard !.aid t hl• ul lt•i1:d relu<·tam·t' l'<JUS(•s µublal· safety • .1g1·111·11•s lo do a lol of lt'Nllng and 11tlll'r work that 11 sh ould11'1 ht1v1· lo d11 1n 11rdc·r to f1nJ r1.·~p1111i.1b1l1• p;Jrttt·~ (!fr su1d ha::. t:r1t1c11>m dot·sn 't apµly to the Southt·rn Cahlornta Ga~ Co which hC' assc·rt<'d has lx.·t:n "ovt•rly C'l1UJlt.'rat1 v1.· "l Picard s<.1id today :.arnpl1.·~ <1f the gas leasing or u11rl'f11w<l g:J-.) will l.w st•11t 111 ;, l;1l.x11 Jtorv tu ftnd tht• UWlll'I lit• !!><lid . tht <:ump.Jn:-would l.J1.• l11Jh J f111 repair n""'' Tlw lc·.1k was <l1S1.·ov<'n•tl in .J r () u r I n c h p l' l r II I (' u Ill transport,1llon hm· about I 1 :rn :1 111. Saturday. ,· It was repaired temJJ11r~mtv l>Y ;1 l'lllllr<.1t'tor summunc.·J by Arc·o. whll'h at·t·orJing to fi re ufftdal Hun Bc-:.11 d had nothing to du with the· ga~ ll'uk II<· blaml'd th(· .lc:ak on rust c<AUsl•cJ by l'hl•m1<'als in tht• soil Th(· voluule ga~ bubble.'(! to th<.· surlan· and ate.· hol<:S m the• strt"<!l asphalt, sµn·ac.ltng d;ingc·rs or "' fir<." &ar<l said 111· .idd<·d that soil necir the ~1·vc.·n foot dcc:p p1pclan<.· was ,;1tu1 •H<:d. 111d1l·at1ng the line h<1d bt-t•n l('Jkmg lor year!> Coldt·n W<·::.1 Strt'C't wa:. c.:IOS{."'() tu tr..iff11 from ~ p.m until 10 pm s .. turday. off11.·1als ~aid Cll'anup uµ{•ra11ons Wl'r1.n't wmplct<.·d unul t•arly Sunddy Court nixes SA :obscertity case WAS HINGTON CA I') The S upreme Cour\ )'efusc'<i today to aid the Califorma city of Santa Ana in its efforts to shut down a theater that shows sexually ex plic1 t' ~novies · Tht• l·ourt. without l-Omrnl•nt. IC't stand a ruling that th e <.·tty onlv can bar the• showing of mOVIC!> JUdgl·d t o be.· legatly obS(-cm• The city already has been t.o the !:)upremt' Court o n oth er cx:'Casaons seeking to shut down t he Mllt hcll Brotlwrs' San1;1 An,1 Theat1·r T he city, m its lawst :.ippc•ul. said it should be allow<·d lo cfoM· the theater as a "publ1t nutsance." Lower l'Ourts S<itd tlw d ty only couta t>ar thl' l'Xh1t11uun of ubM.'<:ne movies th1•mSt.'IVt•1. City attorney Edward C:uupt.•1 also ubjel·ted to lowt.-r <.'vurt rulings barring him from bl'mg awarded the c.'OSls of pun,uang the lawsu its against the M1tchctl Brothers' theater. l'al l1t•1 p:1rt <Jf th<· quanl'I with t h l ' t ht· a t t· r . r u I c• d t h a t t·ommun1ut-s Sl·c>k 1ng to ban pornogi ;1ph1t· movu·~ do not haVf 111 µrovt• "bt.•yond a rc>asonault- duu bt" that tht• movie~ arc• 11bSC't't1l ': The.· l'ost· c•vt•ntuall\ was sent h.1l·k to a sWlt' trial <..Out l, to gave thl' t'llV J <.'h,mc·e to trv to bar th(• -.hnwtn~ of six dllegedly obsc..-ene muvtc•::. The· t'tly. saying ihal rl·mcdv was insufhC'acnt. then f1lt.-d 1i.., lawst appc·al with the Suprl'mc· Court Th{' Supreme' Court 1n an ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I ~ ' • The classic flannel suit tailored in our workroon1s • An impc cahlc look, resulting from the line.• hand of the cxclu!.1vcly woven wnr!>ted!> .1!. wdl as the cxac11n ~ work of our mvn craftsmc11 We offer thts 3-button mo<lcl in soli<l grey. $400. Or of our G olden Fleece doth in chalk strip\.'s on navy o r grcv, $4 20. CoRt. vest anJ trou~crs. --,,. r1JJ111n" '""I"""· 1hn rt. '''"II .J111/ f'r/r.J lcmt. thl'1r 111111 •"' 11/ftrfd '" mrJ1um /11r1Jr, proporthorttd f<ir """ <'10" 111 fl' IST•tUSHlD 1111 0/;~.1,;~ $'/1k ?.P -----...---:-( ( J :Oll.©irltiln~o -:.,.) . ---~ --=---_.. 1urnishlnQ9 for ~m . Women ~· loy.s ~30 WEST 7Tll S1't<HHT, LOS Nta~l .HS. CAI.I E p SlllON ISi. \~I>. NHWPORT HH1-\CI~, CAUF. I ---==At .. ' • I .. WORLD Train ·craslt kills 32 in Argentina BUENO S AIRES , Argttntlnll (AP) -Thirty· two people were kllled and at least 70 othera Injured when a passenger train alammed Into the rear or another, railway offlclala said today. The officials said the S unday night c.•raah may have been caused by a faulty 11gnw. The craah occurred when a s peeding passentier expre.• train, e n route fro m the seaside resort or Mar del Plata, to Buenos Alree, plowed Into the rear of a second pass~n er train which had stop just bfore reachlnti the uilmes station. Ex-French premier dies PARIS (AP) -P ierr e Mendes-France, a former Fre nch premier and World War II resistance fight.er who became famous for ending France's military involvement in Indochina, died today, his asaoclates said. He was 75. Mendes-France, a lawyer who became premier for seven months and 17 tiays in 1951. was responsible for the neft'>tiated settlement tha t s plit Vie tnam Into two nations. He later dropped out o f po litic.•s but became a respected government criUc. He attracted attention as a milk-drinking premier among h is wine-drinking country m e n . The image helped imp~ his Image on newspaper readers abroad. but did little to win votes at home. Royalty grab headlines LONOON (AP) -Prince Andrew returned to Royal Navy duty as a he licopter pilot today after a headline- grabbing Caribbean holiday w ith an Ame rican actress. Prince Charles and w ife Diana cut short a Scottish vacation after a· re~rted spat about the rain a t a royal estate. Andrew , who flew a Sea King helicopter with the 882 Squa~ron in the F alkland NATION lstanas war with Argentina last s pring. cut s h o rt his post-war stay on the island of Mustique last Wednesday after Brit ish ne w spape r s trumpeted his companion's past roles In blue movies. Meanwhile. Prince Charles and Princess Diana cut shor t their autumn vacation at the royal f am ily's Balmor a l Castle, reportedly after Diana told Ch arles she wouldn't stay any longer in rain-soaked Scotland. Other medicines tainted \ By Tbe A11oclated P ress Tai nte d eye dro p s . mouthwash and nasal spray we•e r e p orted found in scattered cities over the w eek end and a uthorities attributed the t.ampering to copycats set off by the deaths of seven people who took poison ed Extra -Str e ngth Tylenol. Lavor is mouthwash was pulled from the shelves of a store ln Clearwater, Fla., and bottles of Neo-Synephrine nasal spray were removed and later restored to a drug store shelf in Las Vegas, jn separa!e incidents. Four womeo in Palm Bearh County, Fla .. complained that their eyes burned after using Vislne A.C. eyedrops. Two of the bottles use d by the women came from the same lot as two bottles were found to contain hydrochloric acid in a similar incident in Mesa, Colo .. authorities said. .. Auto talks .broken off Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Octob r t8. t982 HB "' Ca tie that became "Anything Goes" ma te rpicce is shown ha lf-done . Meanwhile, Newport H arbo r J aycee made E.T. ' Dalt)' P'tlol ll'tlolM by P'•trlclt O'Donnell American prof wins CASTLES ORA W BIG CROWDS Nohel Prize STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -The 1982 No b e l Prize in chemistry was awarded today to South Africa-born Aaron Klug. molecular biology researcher at Cambridge University, for h is work on electron microscopy and important nucleic acid-protein substances. From Page A1 and precisely troweled a towering. cathedral-like structure Cor the 2 p.m Judging. Their feudal castle with gabled roofs, nmmed turrets, entry fat:ade and tunneled moat. eai.lly copped the "Anything Goes" honors Frosh-soph water polo1sts from Corona d<'I Mar High School optro for a condo-size castlt· with minimal but flourishing landscaping arn..I 1he Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors depicted how "Cott<t'gc> to Castle . ~ Realtor helps." George Patrick's entry was well moatc.'C.1 and deftly ruled to indil'atc masonry whale the Duned1ggers brought prC'-fab thatched roofs and greenery to dt't.'Orate their version of Camelot Once the· romantic backdrop was flnishc.-<l. two of the Duned1ggers, Rack Findlay and V1ck1e LaBore of Cost.a Mc.>sa exchanged marriage vows in front of the.• crowd Their wl'dding cakl.' - under a tent a few yards away -was topped by a S<tndcaslle rt'plica In other novelty entries durin~ this last ritual of summer . -Ellen Zakour stood on crulehes, prov1dmg the prototype for her Orthopedic Group's "Break a Leg" -a comical cast w11h giant t<><'S ---"- American Professor Ke nneth G . W ilson, of Cornell University, was announced earlier in the day as recipient of the 1982 Nobel Prize in Physfcs for his theories about changes in matter under influence such as heat o r magnertsm , "ll'lif 1rwa r ctl committee anncunced. -'Casa COITna H osp1taT salute w h-t't'-=1_,,.h:-a-1_r __ • I HIGHLAND PARK, Mich (AP) -The Unked Auto Workers union and Chrysler Corp. broke off contract talks today after the company said it could not give autoworkers the pay increase th ey demand, raising the specter of a s trike against the No. 3 a utomaker. l,J AW Preside nt Douglas Fraser sa id at a news STATE conference that t he union would discuss what to do next a fter a meeting of the UA VI top leadership and a meeting T hursday of the . union 's Chrysler Council. composed of officials f r o m locals nationwide. "They want to rearrange the total labor costs and we're unwilling to do it," Fraser said. Commuter train debuts LOS ANGELES CAP) -- The first morning run of a daily Oxnard-to-Los Angeles commuter train got off to a slightly late start today with 87 passengers aboard a fter last-m in ute neg o ti ations brought agreement from Southern Paci fic to roll The train departed Oxnard at 5.39 a.m .. nine minutes late, said assistant chief clerk S tan MoHitt at Southern Pacific's Oxnard depot. He said the lateness had to do with "the passengers. getting them loaded." Brush fire contained SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) -An 1,800-acre brush fire was contained early today after burning out of control to within 100 yards o f the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant .• California Department pf Forestry Capt. Dennis Toeves predicted the fire would be controlled by 7 a.m. Tuesday. "As of right now, the fire is 100 percent con tai n e d ," Toeves said. That m eana a fire line has been extended around the full perimeter of the blaze. The 46-year-old professor was honored for his theo r y o n "cr 1ttcal phenomena i n co nnectio n with ph ase transitions." that solved a classic problem in ph ysics, t h e announcement said. "I expect that •the champagne will flow freely" at Corne ll today, Wilson said in a telephone inte r v ie w from h is h om e in Ithaca, N.Y. "Yes, I was very surprised and especially so that I'm getting the p rize a lone," h e t o ld The Associated Press. He said h e would ha ve expected to share the award with Michael Fisher of Cornell and Leo Kadanoff a t the University o f Chicago. The three shared Israel's Wolf Prize m Physics sev~ral years ago. he said. The 56-year-old Klug h as worked 20 years for the Medical R esearch Cou n ci l at th e molecular laboratory in the English university town He was cited in the of!icial Nobel announcement by the . Swedish Academy of Sciences "for his development of crysta llogra phic e lectro n microscopy and his elucidation of biologically Impor tant nucleic acid-protein co~lexes." Klug was tne second sole winner of the prestigious prize, carrying a record cash award of l_JJ) mlllloJLSwedish kronor, equivalent to $157,000. Wilson was the other. We're Listening ••• What do you like about lhe Dally Pilot? Whal don't you lll~e? Call the number at left and your rne9U£e will be recorded, traNCribed and delivered to the appropriate ed.ltor. 642•6086 The same 24-hour answerin1 service may be used lo record lel· ters to the editor on any topic. Mallbo• contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on y_our mind. Gt ... rkec '. ,, __ ii::"'-· ~--::r- OAAHGE COAST D1HyPllat Themot P. Haley P~ ond Chief hacut••• 011.cet Je" Amor! l•aevtlve (dltOt L K.y Schulta V rca ''"odaftl Olld Dltae1et of MM1t1t"'O Mkhoe& P. Herwy [).rlc10t of Mol'\MiftO ICttCIMlllOlll - Clatatned ~ttnf '714"42-1171 Att otMr dep4t"9Mnta M2~S21 JAIN OflPta I m WHI .. M.,C•&a -·CA. M.11.--: .. '*• C•&a MeM, CA .... CwY•lelll IWJ Or ..... Cea•~_......._~. ,.. -*1". lllvtllr .. ltft\. Mlteflat ~., .. "'" ........ --· .. ~-......... ..-Clat ........ -.. ,9"' ..... a.Mt. basketball champions. -NERDD's Construction Co made a S0('1al statement with 1ts three bicycle stands mark("'<i "R .I.P." E lle n Zakour provided the incenth•e for "Break a Leg" e ntry. Rick Findlay and Viekie LaBore married at th eir castle ite. our VQ.ry own our 'tv.9t~lh~ ard. m:::l!!lt. funct.1onol fOO~ dun~ thz. ran arrl wmt<l.r mon~ thl widcz. ~la. I.!> e blcz.nd of OOX coUon arrl 12Y.docron end thz. nerr~ \S ~ccUon end ~ docon q..ec:;h pont ~ bkz.nda,d fbr TnOlt\UTn C:omibrt. end durebihty m tot.ol, 20 9nzot be~1c em. °"2h\0Tl colo~. mcludmg ~. blUl.!>, 9raan and buf9Uf'i:ly.s 44 Fo1hlon l1lond • N~wpo11 &oc-h • 714/644·5010 1001 Weatuiood Blud. • '4.fttwood V'11ogt> • 2131208-3113 t I I t t I I i Diiiy PHat HB MONDAY, OCl 16, 1982 -SOCIAL NEWS THECUSTUDTHECDUITY COMICS TV LISTINGS Hyun Whilney, I I. t•xumint'" tht..• juwbont..• of u big ont• thul got uway n n«I lrit•i; lo imugine th._. shurk'M full s izt'. Classwork's a cut above By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 01 the Dally Piiot Steff Just when you thou ght 1t wa~ safl' to go bat·k m tht• classroom .... This time it was the s h arks that wert• u nder a twck by elementa ry s tude nts at Courreges School in Founta in V alley. Th£' youngsters w1.•rt· learning to d 1ssc:.>t:t soml' dogfish sharks during a week -Ion~ conference d esigned to he h;> teac hers le arn h o w lo p r esent advanced s u bJt't·ts to intellectually gifted stude nts Judy Diaz. the F o unta in Vallev School Distrit·t's director o f special projects. said l'Onsuitant Susan Kovalik showed local teachers tha t some study arl'as traditionally reserved for high school. including <rn1mal disscction, can b<· introduced s ucce ssfully to l'lcnwntary studen ts. Under the instructors' supervision, the stude nts c:ut open the preser ved s hqrks. exa mined internal organs and learned h ow these water t-rt•atures compa re tu otht•r animals. The theme of the week's progra m , "Sharks a n q Whales," w as carried through in othe r areas s uch as researc h a od group presentations Participating in the con frrencc we re 50 teachers who work with gifted childre n throughout the distric t and 50 Courregcs s tuden ts from grades three through SC'vc n . 82 85 86 Ku rl Vt11111t•gu I /Jl'll i . .;,.,.., <·ou 11I1·.r, Wf•Sf f~ru ."iOlll(S for I ht·i1· ·Ju>1·1 ~torit•s . . . IJ4. 0 D Dally Piiot Pho101 by Petrick O'Donnell Sara h Pyle and Liz Fry get the feel of dissecting s lippery fl ~h. Eric Huseman brave a look at the inte tines. When Sara Ellen Morrie of Cotta Me1a turned 100, more then 100 friend• tumed out and pre enred her o 1.ei. . .. Look, but don't go back By CAROL MOORE 01 the Dally Pilot It•" Sara Elll'n Morris 1sn'l w SUfl' about this new-fanglt:'d push for energy t'Onst•rvatmn. "Seems hke we're going lxll'kwards." she says. shuddering to think how far. Morns, who just turned 100. d<X'Sn't want LO haul wood again. thank you. or use side irons "with metal handles that burned your hands and heat that scorched your clothes if you weren't paying attention." She's happy living in the Costa Mesa house her late husband of 53 years Arthur Morris built. in 1926. It's now on Maple Strl'<'t but "when we came here there was nothing but lemon groves and only one house between us and town." she explains. , She was bcm1'm .. t:mporia. Kansas, they call it today. It was only a bunch of grass when my grand Cather brought has sons there so they would take no human lives in the Civil War." Her childhood memories :nvolvt' Indians to whom doors meant nothing. "They would come up to the window and pull their blanke~ up over their heads to shade their view into the house," s he recalls. "Then they would just come inside. "When my father would ask them to stay for dinner. they would only sit on the floor, never at the table. But it saved his life! ont-e. A strange tribe was going to acalp him until the Indians he ~d befrfonded said nu." • Another prairie Crlghl was fl~. "They could spread clear lO the raver m no time," she says. "We would have to hitch the horses to the hayraker, load up wat('r buckets, h<>H and gunny sacks and try to .et a backfire.·• She met Mor na while \hey were boarding at Scattergood In West Branch, Iowa, which C08t S30 for the thrre-month 1ehool vear. They ex-' . t hanged picture pans and when tht'Y married. al 18 and 20. she made her white, wool dn'ss with ple nty of pleats and wore a ri bbon 111 her hair. "Ribbons were quite the th111g 111 school. but muthC'r said they were JUSt s tylish and noi 1 nC'<'dt:'d." Morns says. "One day I rippC'd one off a pap<>r I found in a drawer a nd l:n er got such a St'Oldtn$( bl'C·ausc 1t was the deed to the house" Her e yes· s tall twinkle at the mention of their engagement, especially the tames her father k1ddmgly salted her f1ancc's cofh.>t• bc<'a use "1f you salt a calf. 1t always comes bntk" And she remembers how her honfostcadang grandfather rt'Ct'ived a hfE>time puss to ride> th~ railroads frt•c. a common tradt• 111 those d<>vs when acn•age was taken for track nghts-of-w<;y On a train trip of her own 111 tht> 1920s. In- dians in Arizona came up to tht' windows O'nd shielded their view with blankl•l.8 agam, this time searching for souvenir custo mers Her enthusiasm for transportation fades, though, after the automobile. "I've never been on a plane because I can't figure where you get out and what you st.and on 1£ there's trouble\ In the air," she 11ays. "And I don't want my faltlily to live on the moon be- cause I won't be able to go by shuttle to visit them." Two Ironies o{ civic responsibility sum up her motherhood years. · While lOO few people can put ~orld War l into penpectlve, Morris can still see her husband "bounding up \he ctriveway and shoullf\I thal \he anniallce had been signed just days befon-he was lo be called up." t..ter when the Harbor Atta ~Id an •~­ Uon lo bulld the flnt high tc:hool. Monia admlu. "Three people u ked me to vote that dey. but I thought that wu a man'• job. (~ MESAN, Pa1e Bt) \ . . Orct11g Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Monday Oclob r 18, Hl8' H/F 83 11: (:()MPO ~ITE TRAN ACl"ION OUOIA llOH""HUO• 111AOa \ON 1MI .... VO• .. MIOWl\f "''"" .... 1o n o N DlfllO" ... o (lll(INNAfl U OC• I •(K6NOI \ ANO lllP0111f 0 l 't f HI WUO Alo!O llOt1Nll I , ~I•\ N•I .t l• Nt t ... ,., ..... '\•I.-Net \,tie\ N•I •• t •'th '""" \""" •• t ,., 'htW I ,,,_, .. t ,...,, ''""' t ~ .. l ,,., t ~ rne ~I ""' 'IQ\• t "'G 10 \I f l o' • l1etl1 • I f it J 1¥ ' '• Ml1U ·~ .. 111, .. l'"'IW\I I t lt l t1i..' \o i 'ln t0 10 t It I ' ~ -.. , vU: .,,-;, ... , a 1 , ... '• Pel'L t 11 • 1•1 ""' u1> 11 -. •r. 1• J = :; t~ :~~' 1 ' ~:~~'::,. 4t It 1~ t , • Mft•IJ>U 11 I• '"• • '• l>•f'l 1111 4 IO 1100 ~·• • llo try I :I t uri h .. ' ¥ 1 t] I) l l tl'• 1 ._ Herr.a I . I JI lJ', •, 1'(;0 I ID • ¥H U" '• ~::t :,:,,, ••:: -~:' t~ ~~ : t 11 1J JO:: 1 1' I' I\:;; 1 "'"' IN~ ' I J: IO 1i:& ~lo : ~ H•rrlt I) ... n~ ~ ~:~.; 1 O ·: ~ ~~' " Pef't. oft 14 1JO II lllDll I 11 )tt *•I (;II 1111 10 IM/ >ti, 1 lo ~=~:u. 1 1 :: ~ I~ JO\, I\, Matton ti ·~ lit_ .. • 1 .. l'el'l ,_ I tlO .0 '' le, IO t 11' It • ' l~.!,',911n I tll 10 1'1 JI'-• "-.Hon J 0. JC) 11 'M', '• H••IH t0 II I• .,_lo , , Mo.i ii<-. .. tt 1\o Paf'l lift JV 1110 .. 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VI Carnal , I U. 1' •I EAL w10 1' I" HocwU I J• 11 17 19'> Molllon 7 7• t Ill 40"-h Plfr I 10 " I to, •, S..nCo 7 JO 17' UO. " AIAf'l1 • JO 21 IJ~ • YI C.roFI » 10 •• IO .. • lo E1Alt Oft... n U ._ Hoflln 1 U • :Ml 1111" • •, Melvllle J 04 tl " U , v. Pllaorr 7 .. I •I .. ,. S..nC p1 I 7) 1 14 • I Al-n ml t .. C4rPw t 40 llC»J IO.. E.•Alt n 20 14 111" '·• Motil_, WI UO tl) 11 • • -1cSI ) • 1'7 ti<.. ..,_ p_, 110 Ill It\,. '• \uncl•ll I IO J )11 ll • I :l:~=-.u: :~ ~.. ~~~: rn • s~ U:;:' l:!leu 11~ ~ ~~ ~~ .: :: =.~ ~:r "! ~~· :: ::~::•~~'~'ill ~~ .. ,~; ~::~L8p1 ;~10 >~.,:~::: ~ t:~~:O ~ •:: 1:~: :: AlllP ,,, 11 llO &J Ceu P1t I 21 11 )/ 11... \ EllCed >. u ))'O .,, ',..... "°"OM I 60 • ll 71 Metdllll 1111 • tO ,,.,, • "' Pllhtn '° • 4)) .... • .. SuprVI ,. II 711 I) .. ' .,, Alf~ f//I t.• . 00 10 • ~ CartHw In 11 JOI I)._• 1: Eel_, I 1) 10 Ill JJ • lo "°"'Fb 40 IJ M HO., ~. -"l• t 2t ll llJO .. 1,, H• P14'1A" I 1S4 1 .. , •, Supt OU lO I) II.. )'J • ' AlllP .. 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'--...,. 1J Mt • Bankers forecast prime rate drop A'l'l..,AN'l'A ( AP J T tw JU t•t.tdl•rt t uf thl' Arn1·rtc un &nk~r"H AM.•1oc1uuon pn.od1<.:lb tlw pra mt.' nt4.' will tlrop t-0 l I per<.·t..nt by Otoe :n , and oth('r bli.nkt>rs suy Lht.~ p r1mt.-could go t.•vcn lower Lk·wl'Llyn Jc•nkins. usso<.·111l1011 prt'llldc·nt unJ vlce chmrr11an of Mu11u(t1clu1t•1"M lf:rnuvt.•r Trust Co., said at 1i nf·W!I t·un for1•n('<.• SunJay the prime rule, a key 1nd1c:rnor (If trt'ndi. in intt.•rt1lt rutc't' th;.IL iii now at 12 pt.·n·t·nt naticmw11.Jc, w ill <.'l111l1nut• 1A1 foll through the w111L&:r lx·fure 1'1sing u~u111. ' 11 don't think it's ~oing t.o go down drastically," Jt·nkins said "fl will JUSI kt-.:p drirtmg down unL1l law w 111 tc ·r or t!arl y sprm~ " Jenkins, 1n Allantu fur the bankC'rs' ass«"lat1on t•onvcnuun thlb w<.><.•k. said he doesn't e><JX'("t the rate ,. dt'(·hn1· w1U stem from <1<:t1ons by the Ml1on's central !Jank. Federal Rl'Sl'fVl' Board l:ha1rman Paul E. Vokkt.'1 rtoeently has i.a1d the board will be more tolcran\ in comtng weeks of Cluc\Uat1ons in the money suµply "I don't lhmk thl' Fl•Jcral R('serve Board had :.111yth1ng tu do with th<' inu:rc·st ratc.'S bt.'mg lowered." he.-said Mercury tells loss M<!rcury Savings 1n ll un ungton Sea<.·h ~as annou nced its unaudiwd. aft<.•r -tax. adjusted operaung loss for the \hlrd quart.-r of 1982 f<.>Ll to onl'·th1rd of the losses re ported in the prl1v1ou s qua rtc-r, and projected profitabili ty fur the fourth quarter. / Third quarter lossc.-s were $786,000, or 19 cen.ts per s hare, compared with $2.255,000 , or 55 cen ts, m the St'Cond quarter and $4 ,229,000. or $1.02. in the first quarter of 1982 Mercury Savin~:-. 1s a fodt!ral stuck savings and loan assoc1at1on Import claims nixed WASHINGTON (AP) -Thl' Supremt' Court rejeeled claims today that the fedt>ral government itlegallv furfL'1ted up to $500 million in pote ntial import ·duuc:s stemming rrom the sale of Japanese te levts1on sets. The court, without <.'Omment, IN stand a decision that the guvcrnmL'nt 1n 1980 acted pri.>perly m settling charges that the J apanese were sell ing sets for unfatrly low prices. The Japanese had lx.•<..n at'CuS<id of "dumping" or sellm~ the product<; 1n thl' United Stales Cor less than their market pm.•1· 1n Japan Talk to hank first ATLANTA (AP) -People who lose thelr )Obs should talk to their bankers bt!fore getting behind in pavments because 11 might help prevenl bankruptcy. an· attorney told a bankers' group. Ha rry Wolpoff, a Roc:k v11le. Md . law yer, told the American Bank ers A ssoc:iat1on o n Sunday that bankruptcy filings have increased nearly 300 percent in the past two~ars "People wail until they are m big trou ble to go to the banks," said ABA spokesman Dan Buser "Bu t you ought to be sharing that loss with the peple you owe _money to so lhe_y can he!P you wtth planning over that troubll..0 penod or lame .. Diesel sales decline DETROIT tAP) -U .S diesel car makers recorded their low~\ September sales figures since 1979. an industry lradc journal reported today. Despite opt1mist1c forecasts. sal es rigures were down 38 percen t from September 1981 , according to Ward's Automotive Reports. Ward's said only 29,277 diesel-equi pped cars were ·. sold in the United States last month, down from 47.291 • a year ago a nd the lowest September fi gure since 11 , 7 18 were sold in 1979. when only five ca rmakers we re in the diesel market. Currently. 12 a utomakers are selling diesels in the United States For the first nine months or 191:1~. diesel car sales have fallen to 273.493 from 397,316 in the year-ago penod. Ward's said wtd By The Associated Press Selected world gold prices Monday: London morning fixing $426.50, off $6.00. London afternoon fixing $428.25. of! $4.25 Paris afternoon fixing $426.06, off $6.11 F r ankfurt fi xfog $427.98, off $8.00. Zurich late a fte rnoon fixing $430.50. off $2.50 bid, $431.50 asked. Handy & Harman (only daily quote) $428.25, ~ off $4.25. Engelhard (only daily quote ) $428.25, off ·. $4.25 . Engelhard (only dail y quot e) fa bricated $449.66. off $4.47 Metals NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous meuil prices Friday: Co ppe r 70 ·75 ce nts a po und , US destinations. Lead 23-29 cents a pound. Zinc 40-42 cents a pound. delivered . Tin $6.2135 M~tals Week com posite lb. Aluminum 76 cen ts a pound, N.Y . Silver $9.650 per troy ounce, NY Comex spot month closed Fri. Mercury $370.00 per ()ask. Platinum $338.00 -$344.00 troy ounce, N.Y. Si.Iver Handy & Harman. $9.79 per troy ounce. • ., ) ~ ., ·: ·: .. .. • . . ! ., ·' ·i ' .• Orange Coo1I DAIL V PILOl /MOndMy, Octob•r 18, 1982 HB Cl Story on prep ~thletes · irks re8ders Edison teachers, doctor, parent , uperintendent give their views I A •real l•J••tlee ln rt'lponao to John &vuno's rt"t't·nl article (Oct 4) OI\ hlth .chool othlt<th"l!I Implying the kids art• lwlntl. quoit• "pushed lmo playing while they're• Injured . . ", a lll'l'•t lnjuatkt• wm1 givt•n to the Sunkt LA"6iut-anJ tcJ)('(:lf1(.'ally tlw medical care belng admlnli1wred by tht.· athletic tralncu cmployl•d by the· Huntington Bcuc.•h Union I ligh &·hool Di.strict and each l>J(·hool's rt'SPt'<·llv1· tt·11rn phy11lclan. To make such a s tro ng statement s1mply on hereSliy from o pcr&on wishing to remain anonymou, and w ithout further lnvesugatlon 1s unbell<'vable and cannot be tolerated. I have been employed at Edison High School as the athletic trainer for lhe past · nine years and "never" has a coach ever asked an Injured player to participate when either myself or the a ttending physician advised against h18 playing. The impUcauons of Sevano's remark insinuating there lS a "wm at all rost" attitude prevalent m the Sunsel League and s pecifically around Edison (111 reference to tht• manner the arllclC' was written) are tot.ally false and will not be.• condoned. I personally spoke with this anonymous physician and was told his remarks were in fact takt·n out o f context and that Edison High School was not one o f the schools implic•ated in any oI the lncldents mentioned To which my reply was, "It couldn't have been." The Huntington Beach Union High School District (Sunset League) should be complimented for their concerns about the medical super vision the athletes are receiving on and off the playing field. The implementation of an athletic training program at each school aince 1976 demonstrates the concern thlS league has for the 1nJured student- athle te . The Sunset League end its member achools stress safety perhaps more than any o ther league in the s tate o( California and for a journalist.to print that the players are being pressured by achoo! officials to play while injured. without total "facts" is absolutely ludicrous. J weuld hope that the pubhc and tht• Dally Pilot st~H recognize this article waa written in very poor taste and is a classic case of irresponsible journalism. Randy Williams Edison High Athletic Trainl'r Parents prilltJe Edison AB a parent of an Edison High School football player. let me explain. and tell Mr. Bill Bain. about our experiences with the foot ball program at Edison High School. First, let me tell you that this is our 90n's fourth year oC F.dlson football. He baa never been a starting player. has always worked hard and loves the activity! He has had lots of brwses. rto sertous __ inh!ri~ and four years of learning team responsibility, developing better physical fitness, and a desire to do better in his academic work. Mr. Bain indicates that the coaches care only about footbaU -not about the boy. or his academic accomplishments or penonal accomplishmenta. Let me relate 90me of our experiences. When Bob was having a little d ifficulty with some math work, Algebra-Trig., the coach said, "[ thought you were a good student." Our son's reply was "I'm trying. Coach." "Let's see some greater effort," was the coach's answer Needless to say. greater effort was extended and the grade came up. At the end of the first week of school the team members w ere asked where their seats were in their various classes Before they could answer. they were informed that they .t.iPlJRl'~ ~l1llLUAG w1•rt: lo ht• 1n tlw f11111l u( 1•111·h rluw, 110 tht>y t•ould gum tlw mOtlt out of t',1l·h subjc>t·t. Evt>ry thr~· wt .. •k11 g:nide clwd<5 ari' dune tu m11k1• sure the h.'un1 m1•n1ht•1"?1 l\rl' not foJhng bl•hlnd In tlwjr Nd1oul work 011es thot 11ound hkl' l'otwhf's who don't l·11r1• nhout lhc•1r tc•um's !l<'hool work? We saw a lot of p<>rsonol caring w~wn our son came down with a St.•vere c·asc u( mononud1'0S1s last St.'RlK>n, und u hom<' istudy program so ht' w1>uldn't full behind m hi?$ !k·hvol work wherl' the C'OOcht~' conl'erns, NOT If hl· would be ready t<1 play CootbaU. We saw personal cunl•t:rn whl•n our son receiyed his Eagle Scout Award. tor sitting 1n the audit-nee, on o Sunday evening, in th~· middle of football season. was one o ( tht> &l1son coacht"S. No. our son 1s not a star football player. but he 1s a young man who bcnd1ted tremen dously from tht• football piogram 11t F .. d1so11 ll1gh Mr Bain, I suggest that you ninit> spt•nd u S<'aso n at &iJson end Se<' what the real concerns are m this progrnm In simple terms I'll tell you; First. preparing young men academically to go on to school or find a career which mc'Cts their talents. Se<.'Ondly, be outstanding team members. Thank you Coac·hes Workman, White, Purnell. Gloshen. Takr<ir\en . Lorl•ntzen and Hyder. for makmg our young man a better young man. Robert and Barbara Sudds Teaf!be r tall.es exception A ( 11• r read 1 n g John Sc va n o's interview with Bill Bain o n lhc overemphasis of high school football, I was ~hing Bain made two reforcnc..-es lo Edison High School and S('Vt'ral blanket statements crit1c1zing high schools in general As a history teacher al &hson. l particularly took "'Xl'ept1on to the claim that schools hkC' Edl!>On "do nothing but push footb.&11 " ancJ when Bam drives by high Sl·hools ht• "Sl'('S kids leaving without a sinRle book m 1he1r hands." h's a well known fact that at &l1son 1' a teaC'her has a problem with 11 football player, a quick word to Coach Workman results in an immC'diatt' change of altitude Cooch Workman has disciplined !Wveral players in the past by refusing to let them play wh~n they were eligible because thl'Jr classroom attitude needed adjusting. Just this week a football coach released several first string players from prac11ce to allow thC'm time to do rcscar<·h at the UCLA library In preparation for academic compeutlon. As to Mr. Bain's claim of no books m their hands. he would do well to observe the change in times -hke backpacks The common c-omplaint heard around thc-<.'atT'lpus thts year by mnst students1s ••tQCJ much homework." Mr. Bain made several solid points while discussing his personal <'Xpcnences in education but he owe$ the Edison High football staff a smccre apology for including them 1n his interview. Kt>n Ammann Doctor criticizes story The Daily Pilot has done a disservice to the coaches. physicians and athletic trainers of the Sunset L<'ague as a result of John Sevano's article published Oct. 4 . I was disappointed to see the Pilot's investigative repor ter comb1n1• Bill &in·s criticism of St Paul High School (which he attended) with hls criticism of Edison Htgh School (which he did not attc.'nd ) Hu wt•vcr. l wu appaUl-d by lbe poor 111v1'tllJflaUv.-rt!purUng whh:h quo~ an anonymous (one) .ourt~ who Implied lhltt medlc•I abuaea arll rampant throu.ihout the SuruMlt Lt'"&Uti. The l11.1t portion of the article at.ates thul the· SunKl'l Lt'ugue teum1 (qnly Edh1on rrwntloned) let nothing 1wnd in the way of· winning, not l'V(•n Injury or 11lnc1111. By lnduding this quote from un unonymous source 1pcok11 t>f three instunt't'H Al if tht•y wt•n· Mtundard 1H'Ot·1«lu1·1'. Closer retidlng, however, 11hows that one o( the lncidt•nt. took pluc.-c bl·t Wt't.'O tht· tcum ductor and un ovt•rly l'MhuisiUJ1tk Cuth<'r who wanted his IU)O lO l'<Hllinue playing In spite of the flu Ahcr o di11cu:uion. the do(.'lUr'K judgml•nl prevwlled. ·is that ev1den<:t! ur medical or coaching lack of c'Oncern? Another example cited 1s the purporwd mjecuon of local anesthetic.: In a football player presumably to allow .him to play in splle of injury. It Is generally acknowledged by sports medicine phys_idans thal injections of local anesth~tit'S into joints during an Lithletic t:Vt!r1t are In.advisable. U Injected at halftime, one must question the doctor's judgment before one accuseS"the Sunset League coachl>S of a "win by any means" attitude. These instances of medical care problems do not. to my mind, constitute su Hicienl evidence to condemn lht' quality of care or coaching in the Sunset League. They should not have been included In Bill Bain's reminiscences of a lost high school education (St. Paul. n ot Edison) and reflect unfavorably on the concern o ( the Sunset League coaches. team doctors, and athletic trainers for tht> 1 health of their athletes. The six schools of the Sunset League. through the foresight of the Hunungton Beach Union High School District Board of Education. have assembled a truly exceptional health care system for their athletes employing a thletic trainers at each school. The trainers are charged with tht> responsi bility o ( treatment and prevention of athletic injuries. and in my t>xperience, fulfill their duties admirably The Daily Pilot att.acks the professional Integrity of the11e highly skilled , conscientio us individuals by suggesting that their injury decisions are dismissed by coaches whenever C'xpedient. The Pilot also suggests that <.'O&ches supersede the medical decisions of team doctors in the Sunset League. For lhe past seven years I have been a team physician at Edison High School, whale spcmy a&SOC1ate. Rober\ Baird, M .D .. has been the team physician for Fountain Valley High School for the past two years. In our accumulative nine years of expe r ience, we have never b een approached by the coaching staffs of either 9Chool to ''pat.ch up" a player so that-he might play when injon!d. Our orders have never been questioned or countermanded by either Coach (Bill) Workman or Coach M ike) Milner To suggest that these Sunset League coaches would be guilly of playing an injured player is un(air to their fine character. To supplement your anonymous source stories permit me to add two o( my own. Last year at the Edison-Serv1te CIF foo tball playoff game an Edison running back sustained a ~ible fracture of his arm. He was held out of the game for the entire second half In spite of his requests to play with the arm splinted. padded. etc There was absolutely no pressure or questioning of the medical advice by Coa<'h Workman and his sta(f even tht>U4'h hi" pl.1y1111( ('t1ulti havt• niuJl• u 11ll(nlf1cunt 11llr1•1 t•m ·c• 111 tlll' 011111mu· ul tt'll" ~um'c. Two j'.OlHK u~11 . :it th1· l"tiunlll l n Vullt•y 1'.chi.011 C.:IF Cuutl1ull f11111l 111w 11f Fountuln Vull1•y'h It .1d1111' 11111 1111•11 Injured his onklt• Wulkinij 1iVl·r frwn thl• l".dh1on bcnc•h l ndv1i.NI thf' i'\wntu1n Vull,•y 11U1fC that I ft•lt his Injury d1<0ll1lt•d that IW llOt play f11r llW l'\•ll\ul11dl'I of lllt' hulf Cusl<'h M11rwr 11nd h11' i.ttd f <Jl'('t.•pll-<l t~ll' r\'(.'llll'llllt•l\t.lalltlll 111 tlw r~li)>l)ll dtK.'tl>r with no t'<Jlll!Jlalnl!>, diall1•111-t1•:i1 111 qucs\lons l'Vl'n though h1b loSll 111Utl•1 ially afrN.•tt·d the• ~tum• R1·t(rt•tt;1bly I l·annol SJ>C'tok fur t11l lhl' tl•nms Ill tlw Sumwl L cat(ut• In lik\· manner. th<' Dally Pilot !>hoult.l IJt· 111111 l' •pt.><:1(1c 1n 1u. ~•l't usutlons ls 8111 B.tui a t'rt•d1bh· sourrc• f o r 1nrormot1on fl•gardmg Founwu1 Vullt•y un<I Ecl1son'' I think not 11. lhl· Daily Pilur) Rol)(•rt J Biclcn, M D Superintendent dlsalfree~ I would likt• lo take c·xt•epllon to o poruon oC John St•vanci"!> 1t\l1•rv11·w with 8111 &un that a ppt·an"<i 1n tlw Otuly Pilut Oct 4 r;vcn though I du m.>l agfl'{> with Mr Bain's pc·1T cp11om .. 1 n·spl'Cl h11o cand1dnl·Ss and right to t·xpn·ss his ft't'hngs. What I do d1sag11•e with 1s thl• l'Oncluding part of tht• artidc• thut quot(·S an anonymous Orange County surge-on rC'gnrding unethmal practll't'-" by Sunst'l League• football 1·01.tdll'S 1n dl·almg with either inJun•d ur !>IC.:k athl<>ll's. Thl• art1clt• has gl•rwrated calls Lo my offi<·l' 4uestioni11g the integnty of some vNy dl'Cl1catl>d young m1•n. and, 1nd1'Cd, t·asL.., a shadow on thl• mkgnty o f all football coac.·hc·s This 1s most unf11rtuna1c-. especially when you l'Uns1df'r that Mr Scvano's dl'SCnpt1on of the 1n1·1dents is grossly inaccurate It would st'<'m that a call to Bill Boswell. D1stri<'t Athlt>t1t· Director. outlining the <1llegatums made by .. Dr. Anonymous:· would havt• be-en appropriate lwron · writing !>Ul'h an article. Last year. ht<'raJlv hundrC'<h of huur and c-ons1derabll· money (approx1malcly $5,000) was e xpended LU invC'st1gate an anonymous lettt'r whit:h allegl•d m1st·onduct in the Edison athlelll' program The e nd r esl91!t wa s exoneration by an outside 1mpart1al law judge . Hf'r<' Wl' arc again having to rea,·t to unvenfll'd. anonymous stalC'mcnL'l 111 o rder lo preservl• th<' mtcgrity o( our 1.'0aches and exc:ellenl program. So let me say th at tht•s1• nl'W a llegat1ons have bel"n thoroughly Investigated by the Distrn:l Athletk Director. Nt•ithcr thl• Board of Trustees nor I would condonl" the acts dt'SCribed by John Sevano m the Daily Pilot article Any coach who was guilty of uch intolerable conduct would 1mmNi1atelv be terminated ~hang IB a labor of love• Hsvmg the responsibility for the well-~mg of a group of eager young men or women 1s an awesome task. Certainly. thl" modest stipend our coach~ and ot~r Q<'rsonn<'l who work with sludents in lhe t'O curncular area r(!C('IVe is nol tht' reason these ded1catC'd pl•o ple voluntartly assume these roles They do It bel·ause they e n JOY the special relatio nship that t·an bC' developed between l'oach td1rector arid performer. In ordc-r to attain this relat1onsh1p, they must not only have the confidem"I.' ol thl'1r slud<?nt.s. but the parents as well Unverifwd statc•ments. sul·h as the om-s matlc by Mr. Scvano. can undermine this confidt•m·r which might have tahn months OJ µossibly years to Coster Teal'h11\g young pc-ople 1s a motlrr of public-trust So is n'Spons1ble .1ournahsm Frank J Abbott Supc'rintt•ndt•nt of S<:hool~ Huntington Beac·h Union H11-(h School D1!ttr1ct Prep hoots 64-yard FG PUBllC NOTICE NOTICI lllVITlNO llOI Nolle• I• hereby given t11e1 "" 8091'0 ot Tru•t-ol lti. Huntington Beec:ll Union Hlgll Sctiool Olttrlet wlll reeelve •••l•d 6 1CI• for 1upplylng DA TA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT mM llng or equlll lo tile ~tlont on ftle 1n tile onic. ot Mid Olttrlc:l College football AGOURA (AP) -A "You're not supposed to 16-year-old high school be able to do that " juntor w ith a bad cold But Panizzorr said the h a s a h a t t e re d a wind probably addt>d 10 53-year-old record by yards to the kick k lckjng a tS4-yard t1eld "I d on't want to take goal. Erik Affholter's anything away from the kick wa11 even a yard kid. He's a great kicker. longer than the National but there's a pretty good Football League mark. wind tunnel up there," Atrholter's Oak Park the Carpinteria coach Eagles were behind said. 14-10 with four minutes Affholte r said h e's l e f t l n t h e g a m e been practlcinf 62-yard Saturday when Coach field goals a l season Fred Yamano sent him• long, "becau.11e my coach ln to try the kick. The 11 at d t hat was t h e Eagles lost 14-13 to national record," and Carpinteria High School. adds, "l c:ould probably but you wouldn't have kick 60 yards without known It from the cheers the wind." that followed the kJck. The high achoo! mark "I just IOrt of froze for of 62 yards was set In a minute," u.td Yamano. 1929 by K elly Imhoff of Kent, Wash .. and tJed In 1975 by Russ Wheatley of Odessa. Tex. Tom Dempsey holds the NFL re<'Ord w ith a 1970 kick of 63 yards. "It's like a dream," said Affholter "l think back to when I w~ 7 or 8 and k icking out In the street with my dad I never thought 1 would have a national record." lieslde11 kic king. the 6-0. 180-pound junior Is an all-league wide receiver and defensive back , but the cold had limited his efrort Saturday. "l didn't take part m warmups because l had a bad cold and I felt really sick," said Affholter "l couldn't believe it. 1--------------------1 The stands went cruy. "He didn't ju.It barely make It," Yamane> addtd. "It wu pretty well over. .> One writer estimated It could have g one 74 yardt. l '\.I\ I !\',I I 'I Ill ( \I 11 c lH'-1 \ llH l'\I "I think It would have aone 70 yard• easily,'' Affholi.r Mid. The Infamous Professor Kif11sfield of "PAPER CHASE" JOHN HOUSEMAN returns to UC Irvine ~IOI •h•ll be eleerly m.,k•CI DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Bid •609", edOr....O to Allyn E. Rowley, Puroh••lnt M•n1ger. Huntington !IHeh nlon "41gh Sctioot Dielrlet. t025 I Yorktown A ...... Hun11nQ1on a..dl. CA 828Ae. 1ne1 reoetV«I •t or before 2:00 p.m .. TuHdey, Novemb., 2, tllH, •t w'11Ch tlm41 end plllGe bldl wtll be publlCI)' op•neO anel r••d In Bulldlng C, Room 3e1. Each bid lhall remain valld for • perloel ol 30 d•ya •It•• •h• dll• 1pecttled for IM receipt ol bide. Tile bo•rd or Trutl-1h•ll bl the 1011 JuOgt or lhe qu•llty of equipment o~ llfld reMNet 1ti. r1Qht to reject lny or ell bid• llfld 10 w•lve •ny trr19uterlty t~. D•led Oc1obef t4, 1912 Allyn E. Aowtey PurehHlllQ Menager Publl1h1d O"nll• CoH t Delly Piiot, OCJtobef 11, 26. 1N2 4$52-12 rta.IC NOTICE 'ICTmOUe.,_U ..._ITA~ Thi fOllowlftO ~.one -dolno ~ ... 'AC l"C CO A ST HILICOPTIM,,ACIP'IC COAS T AVIATION. 19'00 lk• Jon .. Ao. ~II Ana. Cl 9'707 CARY OAVIO MENOES.i..t!.51 l INtl Or CO.II U.... C.. til9n. Thie butlMee It concluCttd by In Mdull. C*YD.~ Thl1 ttlllmlllt wtl llled with tM County Clerk of Orenoe County on Sept. 23. , .. 2. IATUN>AY-1 OA•t .... Oregon St •I USC (I 30 pm et 1..A CotlNUm) UCLA at Cellloml• Lone hldl It ... ..,, OleeO SI . n Nev9dl-Alno 11 Cel 81111 Fulllnon Notre o-11 <>reoon FreMO 81. It San JON St., n Tuu Tec!h et"WMrllng1on Stanford •• WHhlf'IO!on SI c .. Stat• Northfldoe 11 c.i LYthef•n Ocoldtnt .. It Whltiler, n S•nte Cl•,. et Cal Poly (Pomona), n Cl.,111\onl·Mueld II Aedl•nel•. n· ........ PllClflc II Artzon•. n w~ 81. II BolM St .. n ColorlOO St. el BYU Montane St 1t ldll\o. n Montane 11 ldeno St .. n "lew Me.111Co St. 11 N9w Me•loo. n E. WulllnQlon at Nortl'lern 4'rllon• n Utll\ •t WyomlnQ ._..._, Arkan ... et H°"aton, n OtllellOme St. 1t Otllellome 8MU 1t r .. u Aw Force II TH ... EI PHO, n Aloe It Tt .. • .UM Cll)'IOf II TCU Monti r-•• II WMI TeltH 81 McNMM 8t 11 Atk*'-u 81 ....... Mlchitan •1 Norti-tern OfllO St. " lndltN 11\i(dut .. MlcHOtf\ 81 lowt .. ~ .. n lllll\Oll It WleOOfteln KIMM tt l<enMe 81 M!Mouri at l>letlf .... I h.11 ... ArtlnOton I t WICNt• 81 w~ MICt!IVen et 1•11 8t Tutu e1 Otake ~1ra1 Mter1111an et Ken1 S1 E.Ut9tn Mlc:Ngan al NOf1hern lllln011 Ne>rl"-'n MICl\tQan al Norl,,.,n Iowa n Ml•ml 0 11 ()1110 U lnOlane SI al Soutt>etn IHtno<s Bowltr•il Groen al Toledo " '°""' Clno1nn111 et Alabam• T enneu" II Georgia l oell 090fgle •t ICM1111CkV n Soutt> Carolin• at lSU. n O\Jlce 11 Merylanel AublJ1n 11 Mlulurppl SI Cl•maon II Norlh Cerollntl SI \/Ml et Rlcl\mono loul1vllle al Soulllern M1sSlsslpp1, " Memphis Sl. 11 T u11ne, n MIUIHIPP4 at \/enderblll. n Wak• Forest a1 Virginie Appt1le<:f11&n SI Al V1rglnl• T e<:h 1111no+• SI al e .. 1 Car<>1tn• WtMtem & M•ry e1 J•mea MICll•on NW loult1ana It LOVlll11n1 Tech Akron •i M•rshet1 y.,,,._ Tteh al Moretl .. d SI SE lOUtSlana al NE LOUlsten• l111T11r al SW louc.l•n•. n lMt P41(1r' St at WHI Virginie Plth l Syr11cutt Colgate 11 Autg.,1 Herv.,CI •I Prlno.lon Y•le II Penn The Clleci.I al Ne~ Boelon ColMoe 11 Army M._huMlt• 91 Boston u Hoty C~• et Brown 8ualcnell .. Columbl• Maine II ConntellCM Danmouth at Come11 0.1/ldaon 11 L•t•y111e lhlttd Offw Edi on, Mater Dei move up W1th only one team m Oranaw Cuu11ty' Top 10, w. "*''"-'l.t-<i Gy 1 h(· 1>,1dy Pilot , 111b1orblng a 1u-lhat·k tlll're wu1 very llUlr' 111uvl·ni~nl 1n thl• rank1ntr11 follow1nl( tht• 1wu•on·• 111x th Wt•t•k MM11111 H1Kh'11 Viking• wert· tht· lnru• tt•om to fall. dropping a :l:i 7 dl•ds1un to UJi1on, a result whwh dmps tlw Vlkea from No. 5 to No 11. wh1lt· EdlJlon and Mawr De1 1.hart' the slot vacated by M~rina M1ss1on Vie.JO and Capistrano Valley, rankt·d No 9 and 10 before their 7 ,7 South Coast League standoff. remain in the rankin~s. sharing the No. 10 spot. The o nl y newcomer Is undl•f<.atl'd Fullerton, whac!h ~llppc'd into lhe No 9 berth ThLS week's !1£:h1..-dule hods no ronked t.eam up against another Ill Or«tngt• County, although M<tt~r Dt-1 u. faced with 5-1 St Paul Saturday night. St. Paul, IOl·aLl"<l 1n Santa Fe Springs, is the CIF Big Five Conference's No 3 ou tfit (Mater Dei 1s unrankc·d) * D•ll1 Pilot T09 10 oreng• Co...nty hlth ullool tootlNM Poi . THm, record Thte w.- , S•rYllO (3· I I Plu• X 2 roo1n111 (6·0) San11 An• 3 E1peran10 (6·01 Loar• 4 f l Moden1 (6·01 Santi Ana ..... ..., !> 111e1 Eoiton 13·2· ll Hun11no1on 8e.c11 Ma1e1 Del (3·2· 11 St Piii! 1 Saodlebec~ 16·01 Unl.,.,tlty 8 Ma11n114·21 ~ View 11 Fulle<ton (6·0) Sonora tO ,,,., M1a11on V1e10 14 1· IJ liO'lf'• Beech CllOllt,.no ll•lley 13-2·11 laQunl Hiiie Prep football schedule Thurldn IUNM'T U!AoUl r """l•m V•119-f •• w .. 1mon11., al Ou1n99 COUI C0tl- IOUTH COAIT LIAQUI • oouna B"ach 11 Mil~ Voe,o EMPIM U:AQUI oara •• [Speranza 11 Valen<:•• OllANQI llAQ4'9 Mognolla •• """""'"' 11 La Palma Pllf'lt Stvann• 11 WHt .. n FJlday IUNM'T l.LAOUI Ea,.Oll et 11ul\1tr>g1on 8eact1 Manna o/a <>c..tan Vte'W et W_,mtnat• H A YllW UlA~ ~·· M•~ •• EJ Toro •• MIN'On vi.io U>1on1 Oil Mai II ~ Et11nc1a 11 Newpon Haroor Ull•-"IY .,. SI-• a1 Santi M l Bowl IOUTH COUT U!AOW Dena Hll't a1 Siln ~1• AH<MLIM LaAOUlf s ...... 818"0(> "'"'" CENTUM' LIAOW CAnyon va Or9n91 "' Et M~ 'ltM• Pet• ti t Ulllr"I Dllf'm.UAGU«. Cyo••H •• K•ttll• •• l • p ...... Pen P.c111ca v1 1<......oy "' WM1.,,, CINT\M"I' llfAQUE C•n,on •• OrenQe 11 El M-• Votta Par> al lull., 'llHWAY LUQUE l •~I at Buena Par• Son0o1 at Fu11.,1on Sunn~ H1ll1 11 l • H9C>fa OllANOe LIAOW Brte·Ollno1 at Vak!nctll QAllOIN ~ LIAOUI ElolH Grano. al Oero.ri GrOYe lOI "'"'001 •• Renc:no Al11m1\ot •I Bol .. Grand• NON-ti.A QUI wooe1br1C10~ .,. On1w10 •• Cl\aNey f41Qn ••twdeY IOUTH COA•T U AOUI Cap1ur1no v111e~ •• l 1g11n1 111111 at MIU IOll VHltO AN<M!l\19 LUGW St P•ul ltJ Miter 0tot el Santa Ane 8owt QAllOIN GllOYW UAOUI l l Ou•nla .,. S.nu.go II Ger,,.,, Grow IWIM~ El Oortelo .,. L.CM A..,...1os •• w.,.,,. JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLI GI ,. ........ ... Konscn ,,,,,., Kantcn State * Nebraska ,,,,,., MhMurl * SMU .,., Tnae He eaJd he WU aJded by the wlnd, but not • 1 tall wind. ''h WU blowlnt acr09I the field;• he aald. "On my reeord kick ll ke,pt bJowlns t.M t.Jl to the left and Into th e ulJliaht. •• Tuesday, October 19 8 p.m. Crawford Hall To •~•k on "Perapectlv -Th• State ""* Publl1h1 d O"n ll• CoHt Offill ll'ilOI, &e,lt. 27. Oet. 4, t 1, 11.1..1...· 4n;J· Help t . ll!lll. * MthetnYW"I .,., c:.1 ......... · .. Our kid a were ln shock.'' la.Id Carplnten. coach Lou Panluon. of th Arta'.,. o.n.r.i AdrnllllOn 14: 8""°' cm,.,,.. Otl'ler s ludel'lll, UCI ~lufnnl Mt!Tlbefe 13. Tlcl(et1 ASUCI Bo• Oftic. 9' 30 • m ·4 p m. Monday-Fttaey °' Tlck.•tton ooti.ta Information 714 133-1379 ----------------------------------------- March of t:>lmea Fight Birth Defects M26 H•rlt•r ltvtl., C.1t• Me10 140sMIO • ~·lllMI ........... * UQA ... c ru .... I • ·& HB •• .. ... ' Orang• Coeat DAILY PILOT /Mond•y, Or.lob 1 16 1982 ~ 'f I "' " WORLD SERIES Brewer• I , Cerdlnal1 4 (Qam• 5) IT. LOUii MILWAVICll ellrllbl 1.,$m11h dh S 0 2 0 Moli101 lb Gt_. II S 2 2 0 Youn! u Hernandez lb 4 I 3 2 Coo~• lb H-ICk rt S 0 3 2 Simmon• 1; P0<19f c ~ 0 I OOgll.,. 11 •-R-•y pt O O O O Thomes ct McGee ct 5 0 1 0 Mon.y Oh OO«ktell 3b 4 0 3 0 M.-e rt b-Tueon 1ooooan1neo 20 Hen 2b 4 0 0 0 OSmM 11 3 t 00 elltlll>I • ' ' 1 4 2 4 1 4 0 ' 1 3001 4 120 •000 3 I 00 4 ' 2 ' 4 0 I I Tolal1 41 4 IS 4 ,lolal1 34 6 It I a-,u,,cn~ran to1 POflef in ~hce V~n 0 fli.G OUI 10 lell '°' Obelklell In lh• lllh Icon br Inning• SI LOUii 00 I 000 102 4 Mll ... ukM 10 I 0 10 12• 6 E For.ch Ganlnet, Heu OP St LOUii 2, MIMl<ll.M I LOB -SI LOUii 12 Mlh,..ukH 7 2B -Hetnanoei 2 Younl MOOte OrMn 3B -OrMn HR Yount 111 SB -l Smith It. Louie F0tscll (L 0-71 Sun .. II' 7 H lllllNIO a • 3 2 3 3 2 2 ' 2 MlhH UkM Cald-1 IW.7-01 8'• 14 4 4 2 3 McClure IS.71 ~ 1 0 0 0 I f -3 02 A -56.512 COMPOSITE llOX Batting lilk.WAIJtCtl ell r II 211 It> ht rbl .. , Mo1110< 23 • a o o o J 3•e Youn1 21 e 11 3 o 1 9 52• c-21 3 7 1 0 ' 5 333 S1mmon1 11 2 4 O O 2 3 235 Qollvle 19 3 4 0 I 0 0 211 lhome1 19 0 3 0 0 0 3 ISi How.II 8 I 0 0 0 0 0 000 Mon.) 10 4 3 I 0 0 I 300 M00te 20 3 7 3 0 0 2 350 Gentner 18 J II 2 I O 4 333 To1111179 211 SJ 10 2 4 27 301 IT LOUl8 M> t ll2b3bllrrill e•1 He<r 19 1 I 1 0 0 3 OS3 L Sm11n 20 3 S 2 I O O 2!>0 Hernande• 19 I 3 2 O O 2 IS8 Henor~• 18 3 s o o o 3 278 Ten1ce 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 POt1et ID 0 6 2 0 0 2 316 Gt_, i 2 2 I I 0 0 222 Obet1<1ell 16 3 7 1 0 0 353 0 Smllh 18 2 3 0 0 0 118 Bt...,, 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 McGee 16 0 0 2 4 260 IO<g 10 2 0 0 1 400 RamMy 0000000000 To1a11 168 20 40 11 2 2 11 238 Ceiowel"2-0l Sulton McCl;.oretO II Ladd \l'vcl'll0· 11 '1au S•tlll'l' 0.1. tnral\ Pltc:hln' MIU(AUIC I 11 Ip lltttbbiooetm ' '7'' 17 4 • 3 6 '08 ' 6 s . 4 ' 3 600 • • 3 I I 2 5 2 2S ' 1 0020000 I 811 6 6 4 J 1 4 15 t!J,15 4 ;>)6H 1 .2 ULO .. 2-1 0.00 ~ 44 40 20 '. •5 19 l •8 IT LOUIS 11 l.p l't r er bO 10 era f0<.c~O •1 2 111'> 18 10 7 3 • 4 97 1( ... 1 •2'\ 4 1122386 l aPornl 2 8 • 10 6 3 2 3 3 24 l e'111 2 I' I • 2 2 I I 10 80 Stuper • 6 • • J l 9 00 8•1'10-II 2 2 2 2 2 l 9 00 .. ndjl 1·01 1 6 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 00 Tota11 ~ 43 !>32923 •723 48• SI l<>.n IN"' --tUnl ._ 111<11' ....,, ol lndlVldual polcnar 1 _,,.., run• oue to llP(llbOO<l ol rute 10 11 1 '" gam41 • > kot• by lnfting• MllwaukM IA) 313 142 74'-211 SI loul1 IN) 133 033 313-20 Hendrlel ••llGl>ad bue on c.tc,,.,·a lnllf'ference In 91h lnni"i· Oama 3 E -Hernandaz 2 Ogt...,,., ~. Ganin.< 3 Sommooa Yount, LaPotnt For1ch Hett OP -St lOlollt 7 ,,., .... ..,~ .. 3 LOB -MllweUl.M 37 SI Louis 33 58 -Mohto<. McOH 3 0Cierkl911 2 0 Smith 2 L Smith S Gent'* SF -Hefr HBP -IHoweltl Oy F0<11Ch WP -Stue>er 2 Hua. llul S.YeS Sun.. McClure 2 A -277.124 " ca. ..... Anef\Oan<A H .&92 Net recetplt $942,870 48 Comm111lonet'1 all••• S 1• t.4JO t.7 Playett Poot No<te Leegue and Club Sarltt 1na1 .. 120035998 , ..... Auenoance 277 12• Nel recelplt "4.624 7S2 81 CommiMIOnet t all••• $692.7 t2 18 Pllyett P004 $ 1 877 760 27 l ffQVA Ind Club Seti.a all11a U 13 320 03 World Serie• at 1 glence Tu•Ml•r'• kore M1lwau•ee 10, SI LOUii 0 Wedneacley'• ICO<• St lo"'' S Mllwau•M 4 Friday'• ICO<• $• Louis 8 M1hweu"-M 2 l alYrdey'a 8c0<• M 1 A liUkH 1 St lOutl s 1Ynd41y'• lc0<1 Mth11wau•ee 0 St LOu1t • fMilwe\.k .. "'ft\J> sena1 3·21 Tuudef • Oame M11wau•ee fSunon 4 11 at S• lOOll 11>1uvo• 9 71 6 20 pm Wltdneldaf a Oam• M1lwauk"" SI SI LOUIS S ?0 pm 11 "OC•U4.'f't World Serie• rec:ord1 Rec:o-dt tal Ind t*I tl><ougn IM ltrst live game1 ol IM IN2 WO<rd Ser'" lndl'flduel .. !tint Motl Nit, game s -Paul Motil<>< MllwaukM (Al). Oct 12. 1982 Moel al bait, ll·lnnlng game 6 -Pwl Molllor 1nd ~001n Yount, MllwaukH (All. Oct 12. 19112 Ill" 20 olhetl) MOii n1t1. two con11cull~• game1, ona ...... 7 Paul MOHIO<. Mllw8\lllM \All Oct 12 1982 r> Nit Oct 13. 2 1'1111 fllff '°"' 01,,.,1) Most on.-l>Ua 11111 9.,,.. 4 -Paul MoJ11ot and Robin 't'ounr. Mltw•ukff (All Oct 12, 1917 II ... 11 Dlhatt) Mo11 t>Oma run1 gem• by rootcle 2 WIH .. MC<lM , SI lou11 (Nl) Oct IS, 1982 (IJet Chaille Kellet, N-YOik (ALI Oct 7, 1939 Tony l<ubek, N" YOtk (All Ocl 5. 19571 MOii 11m11 1waraeo lortl bue on catch•'• tntetfe rt nce, O•'"• 1 - George HandtlCk SI Louie INl ). Oc1 15 10112, 9111 Inning IOlhetl -• Roger Pecl<1<>paugn w .... ing1on (ALI. Oct 16 1925 111 INllng. Mhut Met-.y, Hew YOI' (All Oct fl 1943 6th 1nntng, Ken ~ SI Loult (NH!. Ocl 12, 11164, 111 1nnong Pet• RoM C<nConnall \NL), Oct tO 1970. Sin onnlngl Mo11 run1 balled 1n on ona aacrllic. II) 2 -Tom Hett. St LOOll lNL), ICOred WrH•• McOea from third end 0u .. Smull lr<><n lieGOna e lly lo cen111 lleld, eeeond 1r>n1ng Qc1 If!, 1982 Most roor·hll gema1 In total Wor10 S•"•• 2 ~ floOln Younl. MllwaukM IALl Oct 12 1987 Ocl 17 1118'2 1nc11v...-""dllnt Moel wlld pj"ne. 0.,,.. 2 -.JOM SIUP91 St Loul1 (NH) Oct 13 1982 '"" taven Otnerl) . 0.-el llec•de Le•gell LCS-Worla Se rtH Pl•Y•• POOi $4.500,487 78 SI LOUii NL VI MllW-.,kM Al . 1982 Oek Tr" (al lante Afllta) IUflOAY'I llUUL Tl (11111 ol 77-clay "'"""'' FllllT~ llACE. 6'1 lurtongs ~'°' ~·'°' 1V1nrla)7 60 4 40 3 20 Men<>eres IHatl....,I 6 00 4 •O Ready Reo 10t .. ••esl 4 20 AISO r aced tn1e1rcnof ShOOI•• Bennie Fam11 .• , Tun• f m • 8e1tn1k T u•ar Me19U11d T•me I IS I'S HCONO llACE. 6 1ur1ong1 u•Mn Gallant !Lphm117 00 8 20 3 110 MIQhl~ Return IL•mt>ertl 6 80 4 00 Smot<•n N111ve 1Snoem•l<11) 2 80 Alto raced Jim Tee Asttologer Orum ol Fire. Bo•o TOQ Tune I 09 3/S S2 OAll '1' DOUa LE t6· II p.110 U T 00 '2 C:ONIOLATION OAIL'I' oouaLE f6-S1 pa.a Sii :10 ~~~'l;~~~~~,.:r,m, 20 80 9 •c E•Clus1ve 0.phan 1C11noa1 9 00 !J 40 Bur...O Ttesure tT orol S 00 Als o raceo Nego1111e Moo" Mount•rn. Sornewnere 1n Time Comanchero. Corn1tn Warnor Al l(f\ahfe Tric .. y Wiii• Jr1bhn Cantore T1><><noa1e T.me I 09 4,) ,ovfl; H ltACI e ruttongs Canel\ 1 \I ...,tone 1Co1nl7S 4016 :10 6 00 ira Bey (Btac.1o.1 3 t10 3 00 COiiege Money tOelehounay•I 3 40 Alto raceo Latu Ou!Ck"' GOia Not• B110 Stoc• Spilt Tuna. 1, 10 215. FWTH llACI. 1 11 Ill m111 ' Bain Molal ILIP'1•ml 8 61 • 80 4 00 P111ro l81ackl 23 60 12 00 Well Coul Nal1ve (Mera 8 20 Also rec.Id TanUc:o. K ,.,....11. Jungle Jove Chargong Siar \ 1la11 Western Roman Ma~!) Flo<1ar I Tme I 41 315 SS U ACTA \ 10·91 r 1t0 SI 195 00 lll!.Tlt llACI! I 1116 mo'" f1f1h OtW11ton tRmetO) 10 40 6 80 • !IO Someth1no S.Vond tShm•n 13 00 7 00 Ellupendo I McC•tton) S 20 Also r1c:to Actual Count Eminent Lad. Sonic S~d Lou11vlll• Summit, M1rt1 Fltnl Fite Le FIHhfOf 7 20 4 40 Time I 42 215 HVINTM llACI, I 1116 .., ..... Wrl n on ,,,. Wnd ( HOI 15 80 1 20 • 40 Pewt., Grey !McCetronl 8 00 4 tlO Lone!• • 8101,,., (P1ncay1 • •n SCOREBOARD ""u '•C •U S•<.ond Ni.t1ve flee•O•ac."m Cneer Ori (;luDllOUH 111 ltt• Rye l1111e 1 40 41) '5 U ACTA 16 ll 111110 12' I ~O U l'ICK llX 11 I I· 10·6·8) p8td S/6 ~3b 80 with lwO wl1u1tnj1 llCk•lt (II .. hOtl .. I S2 P•c~ Sh cone01111on p~10 18?) 80 Wllh 82 Wlllllutg 11<.klll (IO~I llO<Mll S2 Pl<~ Su ac:•atch consor•11on o••d $!>35 60 wotn 10~ wmrn11Q hc:l.•11 1111rea "°'-· one tctatGnr llOHTH llACI. 1'. mllfl on IU•I Mellamel 10tny1aeJ 72 'O Q 20 ~ 00 <;1oe11u1 (Mct:a,,on) 10 'O S 20 II a lne On• 1vatenzuelt1 ~ 00 Al10 • ac•d John Hem y Acx.k Sollly P1!1e1111 Rich Ano Reeoy Ttrne I 58 315 S5 IXACTA 17 4J 118JIJ $4 1~ .,.1 NINTH llACf. I 1116 m11e1 A•rrot•ng tPMl<caJ 18 20 1 110 • :10 CrNI GranoM>n IAometol •O 80 4 80 OO-lnc0<po<al0t \McC•rron1 3 00 00 -F1n11ne<1 l1tll d11qualrt1ed ano ple<:e<J lhira Alto iec.(J Caltbong1 Clear Vttdlc:I P11nce Corcle, RIYel't f at101 P•• 1 P'lnce At. P•I'• Lad 11me I 'U ~I~ SS IXACTA I 1·41 paid $474 00 Anenoanca 40,044 Hollywood Perk IUNOAY'I llHULTI (41111 of U ·ftlollt -llnol '1lllT llACI. One mile g..:e SCOfPtO G (Parket) 4 8 3 40 3 00 £1 l 0tento fOavia) 3 80 3 70 JrndH rmage IM•rcnano1 8 20 Also tau4 Er Vee Jar fo•••ttt w11n LO•• Mon11gno1 0•1• HaltyOrt H••O 0111ng Brion. Anydl U•sulo Holly1 Aw8y 11me 2 o~ 115 13 IXACTA ! lo!>) pa10 S<'4 60 81CONO llAC:l. Ona mue o•ce J1ne. Anor-IBll•gnl 7 80 • 80 3 20 Gunner Fro11 1Parker) 3 40 3 00 Strip Squeeze (W1lham11 8 80 Also raceo Aoydon lage<:y OallH SPur Hedgerow lyn• looking Goad N Time I !>& 4/5 THlllO llACE. One m11e p3c.e Crv.111 Mnt•y jVllndqllml3 60 7 60 2 60 Wanoa Nevada IC•o0nan1 3 20 2 80 A•oo Star 1Marr1am1 7 40 Also race<I Thay9f, W1nrM Ot1e rime Caroonra S1ar1 Bec~y Suflr1gelle Anays Hurag111. Zanaou Time 2 03 115 a EXACTA (8-4) r .. o s IS 60 ,OUllTH llACE. One mile lrol Gotoen Prld• CM•.., J 4 •O 3 20 ? 80 Gr_, Gooae11 IHotme1I 4 40 3 60 final Gem 10unn1gan1 4 00 AllO 1aced Redmonos Joy Brendo Speed Regar Ael•HI fl~tn Storm t<1moa1 f Ch"edul Moose Be,,,on C0u111y Time 2 01 215 ,IFTH llACI One mile P*'- HA FO• IBl1KJ.man1 63 00 :10 10 1~ 20 f0tfllet cParke'I 7 80 S 40 Andyt Winston 1Gref\11tl 10 00 Allo racao "' C S~•PP91 Oou1>1e 0 Dancer M• Hot Srun Boom•• Hill Hun1era Baoe Oue1a n e Toma YaCl\IOrOket Time 2 Ot 115 13 UACTA 18·91 pa1a S676 80 llXTH llACI. One m11e pace Royal Eowerd 1Prk•I • 00 3 40 2 80 Scno!ar N tAuDtn) 6 :10 • 20 r1111 Crusade 1&ei.., I ~ 80 Aleo reced Calm v.,.,,.,11 M"•k Morn• Real Lumber Deans S10.,e Ot-•-Raoom1 qanw Pr•nce t •m• 1 59 21s S6 EXACTA 12 91 oa•O $6800 llVINTH llACL One mole P•c• $1Qbellt IO•undy) • 00 3 40 <' <'0 Laputali (fenaughlyl • 40 3 00 EIOQuanl Roy s (P•••tttl 2 80 Alto raced Hey Ouv 1 Anoys Aoe. o.iaen Son TOdd•ah O..ign ScramDllno Raot Bleck Ro0u• Time I S9 115 IS IXACTA (l ·?l 1>8>0 $49 ~ llOKTH llACI Ont' m1 .. 11111 Pro 01 Cr1s1 tAn4•1nl J 00 2 •O 2 80 ro•y Mll~lf'IJ41Y 1R11ehiet 5 40 4 20 Acme Freognc \Grundy! 9 00 Alto racecl Noble Tr aveler Flagg H1nover Omar• Andy I Meteor '1arOelfY Time 1 S9 215 a UACTA (8-2) paid $33 00 NINTI4 llAC( One mole PllCI RanM 1 Gold CPrkr) 12 60 9 80 8 110 Hullkn Russ (811t1argeon1 5 00 4 :10 SIOIJ• N IKu.bletl 3 60 A:so reGll<I Soctahtl farPOtl Donny Home Chance Flying Booe•• OK • Aully · Mooay arua N Jenny• Leo N rune 1 55 315 a EXACT A 14 II oa10 s 1'0 90 U PICK 1111 It 8 2-8 8 4) paid S3 I 7 •O w11n 76 w1M1ng 11c~e1t (ttve norHtl S2 Pk:k S1• con1ore11on p110 S3 80 w1lh 2,0711 w1nn1ng l1Ckt11 (foor hOIMI) TINTH ltAC5. One mile pece An•nru (Tr.mbleyl 20 80 7 20 9 00 Don Ca11 Star (Aublnl 3 llO 3 20 A1d.,,1 Parry l&a•"atge<>n) 6 00 Also raced Rio Ila••• Adr• Sn•ck Piek. Pacing HI Ot1blo N Jutl Guy A El Cabello A Time 2.0 I 215 a IXACTA (2· 10) paid '108 60 Anendanca: 1.2116 WOttd Matc:h "•Y Cl'lemoton•hlp (el Vlftlllle *•tlf, lntland) Champtoftalllp Save &all•tetos (Spllt1) del Sanor Lyle IBtllelnl on llrst ••Ira hole IBallflll&rlMI •Ina U0.000) Third ...... L•nnr Weol<ln• (US) del Tom i<ote IV S I 3 and I 8enrore c:11111c (el ~bourne, '1a.) 214 Miii•• n""'*' sn.e.oo .. Ooo Ja11u••y, S 13.llOO 271 Gay Brew.,, '8 000 2IO tlowta JOlll1t0n 17 700 211 Jim r.,,_ S4 QSO 212 Sam Snead $4 O!IO 21) Bob Ooalby. $3,333 O•n Siket $3,333 Ch1rle1 Sllt01tl Sl ,333 .. 11 11 13 es 73-71~8·811 68·68 73.73 87779871 99 .. 74.70. 70 75-68-71·1111 Paul H81ney $2 1100 72· 70 7 I· 7 I Garone• oic111n1on.S2 800 68-71 74.71 -Frtod Hewkllll 12.800 217 Jul1u1 80to1 S2 3!>0 Arnoto Pelmet. S2.J!>O Oo" F1n1letwalo S? 3!>0 Mike Feten•c~ S7.~p<l 211 Bob Stone.S<'.050 Ted Kroll, $2,0 50 2lt Fraddll HUI '1.llOO B11t Jonnaton.S t,800 211 B11ry Mowell. S 1,112!> llonel Heb«I S l.62S Jack Flee•. S 1.825 14 1~ 011-68 77.99 11 70 71-70·7•·12 69· 72.72. 74 72. 72-69· 74 72-73-68·75 H -70 71.72 13 .. 72.73.7' 74 74-73·611 74.72 99.72 76 7•·69 72 17.75 .. 73 78 Swl11 Indoor toumement (•1 laMI, l wll1erlandJ llngle1 Flnal Y •nnoc~ Noah If ranee I Oel M•1' w11enae1 1s .. eo .. n1 6-4 6-2 t>-3 Double• Fine! Noan He-111 Leconte IF<ence1 a~• F1111 B u enn1n IU S i'·PavMI 51011 1 1Crecr>O•IOv•k••I 6-1 6-/ WCT tourn•ment (11 Naplea. llalp) lt119lea Fina! 1v1t\ l •ndl C1ecnos10\i'"~ •> oer Wor••• f10a• 1Porano1 6 ·• b 2 6 1 (LMOI '"nl $ 125 0001 Senlore tournament (•t AUenta) Sln9I" Fina! M•llY H1euon IV s I def Rod l •••• 1Au11111101 1 5 6· 1 1R1e11~n .. ,n. se 0001 Double• Flnel R1 .. M" tU S 1-F<ew McM1111n 1Sou1~ Atr1ca1 del J aime F11101 1Cn1111-Cohn Oobte1 1Aus1ta11a1 7·6 7 6 tR1111en McMillan IPhl S• 0001 Au1trall•n Indoor tournament (•I l pdney) llngle1 Fine! JCJfln Mcfnroe IVS I <lei Gene Mayfl• (US I fl 4 6 I &·• Women'• tournement (al l'alm H1t'bof, Fla.) 81nole• '1nar C~rit Evart Lloyd tU S I oel Anor .. JHQet 1U S 1 1-11 II· 1 6·• (Lioyo w1n1 S:12 000 .JMO~· "'"' s I' 0001 0-lel Final Ann '\iyomuta tU S P•uia ~m tn IVS tC~ ~~tr-9 ,.'Nf!nftT WM a IVS I 6·2 6·• Women'• tournament (al Alll1llma, Japen) llngle1 Flnal Liu Bonoe· tll S l de• S 11t"Y SOiomon IVS) 2·6 6-0 6-3 !Bonder .. int S 13 000 Soiomon w1nl S6 6001 Ooublff Flnal 81eno1 Rem1HOn fAualnat11 t .. N1oko Sato 1J1pen1 det Lau•• Ou Pont Ba•oar• .IOtden fU s I 2·8 6 3 6-3 NFLP'A ALL·aTAR OAME Natlonel 23, Amerlc:en 22 kote by OYM1.,. A..,,.,tcan 0 12 10 0 ,-'2 Nation•• 1 3 7 e-2J NFC Spegnora 13 p111 lrom Oen!llM>n CMOMley klC.kl AFC -MOOfl 10 Piii l•om 0109an (kltll leli.d) NFC FG Moeatey 43 AFC Moot• 21 put trom Grogan l•tc• l•li.d) AFC -FG Wooo 24 NFC -Mel Gray 48 POI ftom o ... ~ 11.o1oeai., i.1e111 A'C Bulle< 8 1 °"" trom S1tod (WOOO 'IC~I NFC -fO Moaetey 311 NFC FG Moaetey 45 A -8.760 COLLEOE How Top 20 fered He•• a hOw 1ne TOil Twenty 1 .. m1 in lh• AUOCllled Preu college IOOlblll poll t11ed S•lu•oay 1 WU1>1nglon (6-0.0l bUI Otegon s1111 34.17 2 ~l 8 Dam1 tS-1 01 1011 IO Ten-35-28 3 PKI 15-0-01 OHi TemP'f' 38-17 • GIOO<gla 1e 0-0l bell VandetOlll 27· 13 5 Sou•,,.,n MelhOOltl (8-0·01 t>e•I 11ouaton 20 t • G Nt1>r11k1 15· l·Ol batl P<enua S1a1a, •2· 13 1 Arkan1aa 15·0·01 did not pray 8 Penn Stal• (S·1·01 t>eat Syracuaa 28-7 9 No tre 01me 14 1·01 IOtl 16 Ar12ona 16 13 10 Arlrona Stale 11 ·0-01 beat TeaH Et PHO 37 6 CAMEL FILTERS NEW HARD PACK .. It Nvttf1 L •1 tJl1uw ''> 1 CJ} \,ttl'lf N011t1 C..,i,t>IUIA •1tt1IH 4 t f'+ St~r .. ~~ t,~ I~ 0 I) 11•111 WAtl\llll)ltHI 13 Wuaf V11Ulflll4 ,., I OJ tlt~UI V"gu ... fa<.h 111 II '' Suulhtun C..•• 14 I 0) l>tH•I Slanlf"llO 4 I /I tS llluttttt t•· 7 01 '"'' to flfhO Sl•lu 26 21 16 LSU f4 ~ 11 o.181 1<an1uoy 14 10 17 M1•m· II• I~ ~ 0) lleAI Mia11u 1pp1 Slalo 31 14 18 re ... 1J 1 01 01<1 ""' play 19 Flonua 'it•t• t~ I 01 IJHI Eul Cu o11ne ~6-17 20 Clem1on (4 1 111101 Ou•• 4Y 14 College 8AT~Y'I LA~! SCORES PuQol SOU••" 1 I Norllu 10Qe Sr 14 N A"1on1 lti ttJano St t!i N Co1otaac. 14 C:•l1'1Jly ISLO! IJ S Utan Jll Sonoma St 17 weoe• S• 10 Poruano S1 6 W Carolina 41 M•••hlll 10 Bo.ic.n Colleoe 14 llulams U NHL CAM ... I LL OIVlllON lmrllla OM•lon W LT OF QA Plo. Klng1 Wmnrpeg Edmonton Calgary 'Vanc'ou"et 3 I 2 2 I 18 9 3 213020 7 2 3 2 35 39 6 2 4 ' 34 36 5 1 4 I 18 'l2 3 M1"tneti0ta Cn1ea90 SI Loo1s T0<on10 OeltOll No,,11 DMalon 4 0 I 28 16 4 I I 29 26 330 20 20 0 4 2 17 25 0 5 1 12 31 WALll CONffllENCI Pelrlck OM•lon NY lslanoero 5 1 O 29 14 PM1delph1a S I 0 29 21 New .JarMy 2 I 3 22 22 Wuh1ng1on 2 3 O 18 25 NY Rang.rs 2 S O 24 31 P1H11>Urgn I 4 I 19 3 I Adem1 Olvltloft 9 9 6 2 10 10 7 4 4 J Montreal Boll on Ouet>ec Bultolo M1,lforo s I 0 31 18 10 3 I 2 20 21 II 2 3 ' 27 29 5 2 3 ' "' 26 5 I 2 ' 19 20 lundttf• lcore1 Kint• s N-YOik Rangett 3 Bullalo 8. Edmonron 4 CaJvary 5 W1nn1PllJ 5 CNc:.go fl De1r0tl 4 T Oflltlll'1 Oemaa P1>1laOelP"'• ., N" Jer1ey St lou11 •• Minnesota King• S, Ranger• 3 Scot• by l'e<lodt la. AngelH 3 2 0-6 N V Rangar1 O 2 1-3 ,., .. ,...,_ I LOI Angeiea, Nlc:holll 8 (Otonl\a). 2 Of! CPPl 2 LOI Angeln Teylor 2 CEvan11 13 16 3 Loe Ange!M Nocn..,. I tEv•n•) 17 IS Pen11m .. -Do<• NY 2 01 OllOU• LA m110< 7 01 Fol•• NY tnajll<...1_Q&_ lay!OI LA. IC.04-___ ,.nod 4 New York Don Malone y 2 (JOMtlOl\a, 08Ve Ma!O<layl 59 S Lo• Angeles S•mmet 4 IHook•n•l. 4 00 6 New York, Dave Maloney I 1Roge11, Ruo1111a1nanl. 111 •I 7 lot Angel••. Nlcho1t1 7 1Fo1 S1mmetl. 19 47 (pPI Penall'" lo.I Murpny LA. 8 25. Wetlt LA II 34 Ouguay NY fl 34 fotlu NV 10 17. L_,• LA m<not·m•10< 14 25 Bee• NV mtnot ma1<>< 14 25 N•!>Olll LA 16 30 Laidllw NY 18 19 Third l'.nod I Nt!¥0 "fnt'-t 01•U I t"OUtlUhl1t1.-n A1t1aon1 ' 26 Penalll•• NC>f'fl Shots on Goal -LOI Ang•••• 14· I 1·&·30 New Yo<k 6-14-13-33 Goellel l 01 Angalet l 81k Olk I Nf!IW Y0tlt. W .... 1 ,. -17.432 DMP H• flehlng ART'S LANOINO (Nawpo<lhacll) -93 1ngif"S 43 bau ,69 oon110 n2 me<:•••el 48 roci. f111t 27 lltMPSllt'IO S scvt°"' 1 trN ''"' 9 china croaker OAVEY'I LOCKlll (Nawpon hacll) -~ 16 angl•Ht JO• '10MO 8 Gahc:O on• • na11ou1 5~ 1 m1K•e.e1 609 •oc• coo 15 uno bau DANA WHAll' -• 73 11ng1era 45 b .... • 12 oonno 24J mec•eret. 137 roelt. 1111!. 5 th~1nuo 37 sc:ulptn u orue pe1ch SEAL alACH -73 angler& 20 1>on110. 6 cal>eo b111 20 roe!. r.sn 6 u no Dan •~6 tculp1n 7 wl'11te l11h 6 t llng ray (aat .. ) -103 ang19ft 75 bonito I nallbut JOO meckarer, 1 ICVIOln 200 -"lte croalter 140 Q.-"'" Warn ing: The Surgeon Genera l Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 11 mg "tar". 1 3 m9 n1r.011ne av. per c1gare11c by FTC method Old Dominion IOO (et Mart!Mwllle. Va.) TM Otdet ol t1n1a11 In Sundey a ()lo OOm1n1on 500 G1.1no National ttocl. c11 r•c• •' Ma111n1v111e Speedwey wit" Orlvet m•\• ol ur. lape compleleo end 1verag1 ll>ffd ol winn9" In mph I Oarr .. I Wall rip, BulCk, 500, 71 J 16 2 R>ek y Rudd Ponll•'· 600 3 Rtcnerd Peny. PonllK 600 4 T etry LabOnl• Cnevr0la1 •98 S Joa Ruttman BulCk 498 6 Buooy Baltet Pontiac 498 7 JOOy R>Oley FO<O 498 8 Harry Gant Butel<, 497 II GeoH Bodine: Ponllec 4111 10 Buday Amngton, Oodoe •II 1 I I Jimmy Me6n1. Cnev10Te1 490 12 0 II Ul•ICM Butck, 480 13 Tim R1cnmoncl Buick, 47S 14 Ron Bouchard, BulCk, •61 t& J 0 McOull•e. Buick. 422 16 J1me1 Hyllon C,,...rotel. 41 t 11 Tom Gale F0td 4Q2 t8 M0<gan SflePl\«d Buick 381 111 Bool>y AllllOf'I, Chew01e1. 364 20 Mlrk M1111n Sulek 295 7 1 llfl• Peny Ponlre<: 241 12 N .. I Bonnell, FO<d 215 23 Jimmy Hensley. 8u1Cfl 207 24 Joa Fte101, Buick. 19f! 25 ~OM1e Thom ... Pontiac '77 26 Bulcn Lindley. Bulc:k. 1' I ?7 Dale Earnhardt, F0tcl, t 11 211 O•v• M•"''· Ct>evrottc 87 29 Lal<e Speea. Ponnec 36 30 011ryt Saoe. C1'18VfOlel 2!> 3 I Rtek Newsom Cllavrotel 20 NBA Hhlbltlon Sund1r't k0<11 Wa>h•noton 10• Cle••lano 95 Dttn•e• 134 t<anMs City 121 M1lwa"•ea 99 New Yo.o 113 Pu111ano 114 Pr.~1• 11' Tonlgll1'1 Oem" Ottt1011 v.-. 1nd·•na at Bloom1ng1ori lnO Utah at a11an1a Pnoen1> vs Sea Ill-11 Anrhor age AIRSl.I Misc. National ScholHtlc Surfing (al Manhattan heel!) MIN 1 N1c11; Cnn1t~n1en tMannaua" Bu cnr 2 Richard Wotcon !Co<one oet M•• I J M1•e P•·--· ILllQuna Beacn1 JUNIOll t t.Aa11 Arcrt1ba c:J tO••·• Po ntt 7 ..O..v.a ~a.g ........ Co1-4)(-ia ••' ~Aft l Oo"g S"•& Enc•n11111 WOMEN 1 Jolene Sm.in 1San C1emen1t1 7 Diane R~nu•o 1Mann111an Bee<:n1 3 E11u Scl1warnl9'n IL•guna Bee<:fll 80YI ' 01via Eooeo (San D•fl\IOI ' Jaaon Warren IHunllngton S..c111 3 Ju on 11.n100 IMa .. na Ott Reyl KNll·lllDINO ~ Cnr.s Conce•cao 1Hunt+,,g1on Beacn1 l £00 .. Ha•n••r tHunl"'QIOn Beacnt 3 e.11 Shatp INewPD<t Bea..n1 NON·STUOENT MEN 1 Ron Ou1g1e; tHun11ng10" Bee<:hi 2 M1i.e Fottnf<r fSan 01ego1 3 F<ec Von Mult.er IS•n Diego) MAITElll I Morei Manro tRe<>onoo Beacnt. 2 Freo w111on (Aedondo 8eecn) 3 George Betnard (Hun1tng1on Baecht IENIOflt 1 Cll111 Canel fHun1inv1on BellCllJ ' W11n• Hunter tHunltngton Baacrtt. J Jot>n Van Ofl-IHunliflS)lon 8aachi WMkend tren..ctlon1 8AIKETaALL Natlonel ... lletbaH Ataoc:tallon DALLAS MAVEAICl<S Rtleueo Norm Anchrum letr~ S1on1 end M1citey ()I Hard SEAT TlE SUPERSONICS -Cul Steve Burki guard, and Allen R•yl>Orn, IOtwltO UT Ml JAZ.Z -Cul Carl Nicka guard llAICI CIAIT llWPlll llACll I 11111 1111:0 M ONDA\'. OC TOBER 18. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS AirCal 'certain' io lay off 300 employees By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL O(tfMI Delly ""°4 lteft An ofhc1aJ al Newport &•a\.•h- based A1rCal said today 1t 1~ a virtual certainty that the carrier will prcx..'eed with plans lo lay uff 300 employ~s. lhert:by n.'Clutang ilS work Corre to about 1.700. The s latcmt>nt b y Mark Pet.erson, the a1rhne's dirl"<.'tor of • l0ommun1l'al1on, came after :i!f> stock dcrks reprt."St.'nh.-d by lhl• Tt'ams ll'rs Unaon rt.'JC l'll'd a l'Ompuny proposal to t.ukt! a l:i! pcr<'\.'lll sala'ry redul·t.1on Tht• iwlary reduction proposal -d 1?s1gned to maintain th<' l'arnc·r's profilab1hty this year - also was vetoed by ramp and mainll•nant-e personnel Castles rise as thousands crowd sand By CAROL MOORE Of t"41 Delly l"tlol lleft E.T .. the Extra-Terrestrial. ran away with the Most Humorous prizt:' a t the 21st annual Sand Castle Contest that C'ould have US4:'CI some extra terra for spectators. Thousands of tee ns and adults swarmed over a strip of Corona d el Mar S late Beal'h Sunday for a brief glimpse or desperate, overhead snapshot of the latest in ronstrucl1ve kid's stuff. The Michael Ch1aveltas of Huntington Beach won the sweepstakes award by topping their hilltop castle with t'Olorful pennants and surrounding 1t with a protcctive dragon And the Walshes and Lynns of El Toro carried on their tradition of wmmng th<' family division by sculpting a playful dragon toying with a mini castle on its stomat'h . Second and third places for families went to F.R. Nickel who lit charcoal bnquets to make PuH the Mag_ic Dragon's nostrils smoke and to three dolphins chiseled to perfection by a Sandman. Inc team seemingly coachc.'CI by Benny Bufano. Peeks al the contest's 42 plots focuSt'd often on E.T. The perennialJy pnre-w1nning Whiz Bang Blues Band Choir and Construction Co of Newport Beach topped the humor category this time. They mounded sand into a rotund E.T. likeness sHtlng in a beach chair outside a phone boo1h, munching candies and dozing off to endless "wrong number" recordings. Estancia High School's Think P061tive Clu b fashioned a huge telephone with dangling receiver and "Call Home" message to win the youth division . And the Newport JayCt>eS carved E.T's magical fingers grasping a beer can. As-one parenrtrted to e1Cplatn ttielntricac1es of drip sculpting. used by Danielian and Associates to create a virtual forest around their entry, a child too short to see piped back, "Oh. I do that all lhe lime at the creek." The crowd was bewildered at first by the 30th Street Architects' presentation of headless bodies of four tourists who had stayed too long at the beach. But the sculpung crew cleverly positioned their. own smiling faces in the neck niches when the Judges arrived. h was 1•11durS4.'<.1, h0Wt.'V1•1. by n o n -u I\ 1 o 11 m a nu Kt' Ill 1• 11 1 1•111pluyt<t'!I and f11~ht ottt·mlltnL'l A1rCal hud Spt'<.011 it'll ttw lol1l 1ry r L' du l. 11 u n s w 11 u Id 11111 b \' 1mpk•ml·nlt•d unll·i.s t•mlw st•d by oil empluyt't.' groups Tht.> al w rnu live, tlw 1·;1rra\·r said. was lo reduct• lh1• work force by about 300 worker'!> As a continge ncy ml•asurl', layoff nolll'CS Wl·•~· st•nt ubuul two WN·ks ago to affcl'll·d p1•1':so11nl'l. Pl'll0r1><111 :.u1d Tht' layoffs will takt· t·Hc,·t Ol·t J I Senumty is the fal·Lor bl·mg U1>t'<.l 10 dl'lerm1m· who 1s laid off, Pt•tc ·rson said AtrCitl. which opt.•ratcl> a rouk system in flVl' Western slates, n ow c>mp l oys about 2 ,000 Marriott Hote l staffers "painted" their shapely Space Shuttle white by covering It with shredded coconut. Their effort earned third place i!'l the business division led by Basmac1yan- Darnell Inc of Newport Beach and the Jazz Exchange. Fans who came to see sand castles. specifically. were not disappointed. Michael Chiavetta, art d e pa rtment colleagues from Ford Aerospace a nd. f amilie won the andcastle Contest Kent. Trollen and friends started at 6 a.m. (See CASTLES, Page A3) sweepstakes prize under watchful eye of papier-mache supervisor who oversees their Huntington Beach mura l projects, too. Foriner first lady Bess Truinan dead KANSAS CITY. Mo. (AP) - Bess Truman. the nation's oldest former first lady and the hfelong sweetheart President Harry S Truman called "The Boss," died early today. She was 97. The Truman family physician, Dr. Wallace Graham, said she died of congestive heart failure. Research Medical Center said she was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital at 4:38 a.m. S he lived longer than an y other fonner first lady. Edit h WTTson, wife o f Woodrow Wilson, was the oldest at aJ(e 89 in 1961. Mary Scott -INDEX- ~. At Your Service F..rma Bambeck Cavalcade ,Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices F.ditoriaJ F..n tertainmen t Horoecope Ann Landers Movies NaUonaJ News PublJc Notices Sporta Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Markett Televlaion Thea ten Weather A5 A7 A7 C5-9 B5 85 C5 A6 B4 A7 A7 B4 A3 C3,C5 Cl-4 A7 83 86 84 _,2 Harrison. the second wife of Benjamin Harrison, died in 1948 at age 90. but was never first lady. The oldest living first lady is 70-year-old Pat Nixon. The former-first lady had been plagued in r ecent years by a variety of ailments -arthritis, abdominal stress and high blood pressure . On Sept.. 2. she was rushed to the hospital from her home In nearby Independence, Mo., with internal bleeding. Graham said the bleeding. which he attributed to an ulcer in her duodenum. stopped the next day. but she was not released from the hospital until Sept. 24. She was hospitalized for six days In August for treatment of h yperkalemia, a potassium buildup caused by diminished kidney function. She outlived her husband by nearly 10 years. Friends say thelr childhood romance never flagged -that he was the only man she ever really loved and ahe the only sweetheart he ever had. In 53 years of marriage, Bets Truman muc h enjoyed the traditional woman's role of t.he unasaumlng but thoroughly devoted wife and mother. But Truman 18id the waa hlJ cloeest confidante and advlter on every Important thing he ever did - lnc:ludlng dedaiona leading to hll upAot victory over Thomas E. Dewey In 1 ~8. ") never wrote a speec h without going over It With her." ,, I I, -- Bess Truman, widow o f former president Harry Truman, died today a t 97. She is seen with him in a 1958 visit to Washington. he said of the woman who shared h is rise from county official to the U.S. Senat.e to president. To some. he r dignity and reserve Jett the impression that she was austere, withdrawn and colorleas. but those intimates entitled to call her Bessie knew her as warm and graclout. witty and wlae. She aaid In 1948 that being rtrat lady required "good health and a aenae ot humor." Of criticism of her husband, she a.-id once. "afte:-2!> years in pol.Jt1cs, I've learned to a ccept 1t - almost." And despite her eagerness to avoid publicity for herself. she became known aa a grac ious White House hoateas and a woman with an amazing ability to reme mber na~. Ob1ervers r e garded It u characteristic that ahe reduced th While Houte au.ff b)' almo9t half after her huaband b«aroo pretldent. 'J workt••"l'I In Augu1-t. lllO wrn kt·r~ w1·rc· la1J uH A s k t • d 1 f t h t.• l' a r r 1 t· r 1 :. 1·1111s1<.k•r1ng l:hangl-s m 11.s roulc 11ystt·m. Pel.('rson rc.-spondc.'<.1, "Wc an~ nN 1c•wmg those altl'rnativt•ii al this l1mt'" Smt't:' J97:i!, A1MI c.'Ons1stently had been a profitable.· t•arrier. Th 11-y t! 11 1 • h <>wt' v (' r , 1 t has i.u1>tu111t-<J ~ub~lon t1al op<:rutlng l<)l).'>'.~. m larg<' purl b«:ause of a prutnwtc."'Cl farl' war with 1L'l main L"ump~litor, S un Diego-based J->ul'lfll' Southwest Airh.nt'!>. A1rCal 1s pnvutcly owned by lwu 1nveslor s. devclopc•rs Willia m Lyon and George Argyros. Police probe slaying By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Delly Piiot Stefl O ra ngt· Count y S h e riff's inv(·stigators art' continuing to searth for th e 28-year-old room m a te o f a man whose dc<'ap11.e:1ted body was dLSt'Overed Saturday bunt-cl 111 the backyard of a Mission VwJO home tht· two shared. Lt Wyatt Harl said today that invl•Sl1galors an• in Sacramento today looking fo r B a rr y Anderson m connl'<'llOn with the grisly dealh of Dennis Schubert whose head was unearthed Saturday from a hastily dug grave about a quartc>r of a mile from the home a t 23342 Via Gaud1x H a rt e m p h as 1 zed t h·a t Anderson 1s only wanll.'d for questioning and 1s not considered a suspect at this lime. ~ Anderson was last seen in M1ss1on VieJO Friday night, Hart said. But then! was no ev1denc.-e that hl' was 1n th(' house. h e added. Investigators have no motive and no murder weapon an the gruesome crime that came 10 hght at 5:30 a m. Saturday when Schubert's father. George. and older brother. Richard, entered the home aftN failing to reach titnrby phon-e- Ric hard Schubert nagged down a passing sheriff's deputy after the pair saw the blood- splatlercd walls Hart said lhal the deputy scrapt'd away some dirl from a fresh mound in the backyard and discovered the body. He stopped and obtained a search warrant. Schubert had been a t his parents' M1ss1on Viejo horn<' late Friday nigh! and had asked them lo call and wake him up before 5.30 a m. for a trip they were taking to Ch1t·ago Saturday. Hart said Schubert. a 1~80 graduate of UC Irvi ne with a degree in 1 n forma lion and computer sl·1em·c. rel'l'ntly had gone lo work as an engineer for McDonnl'll Douglas Coro. PSA, Braniff sign merger agreement By LAURINDA KEYS Aeeocleled " ... Wrtt« SAN DIEGO -Pa cifi c Southwest Airlines and Braniff Airways have signed a letter of intent to form a joint venture. operating more than 50 planes as one airline. The agreement . announced simultaneously today in San Diego and Dallas. must. be approved by federal agencies as well as the bankruptcy court overseeing Braniff operations. PSA Inc. presiden t Paul Barkley said some 25 Braniff planes would be leased for the joint venture and painted In PSA colors. Braniff e mployees would continue to operat.e the Braniff planes from Braniff offices. But the entire operation would be run by PSA, which has 30 planes of Its own, making it the nation's I 4th largest airline. Barkley said that the new operation could begin in 60 to 120 days . He said the Initial agreement is for eight _years and at the efld or that., PSA may decide to buy the Branlff eervke, continue the joint venture or withdraw from it. The agree_ment concern.a only Braniff's domttti<: flights. PSA &.rd Chairman William Shimp uld hit airline had tentatively aaree<f to ~t up a new airline using a 1ub1UnUal p<>rtlon of Braniff'• employees and e quipment. Braniff ' s~pended operations May 12 a;I hied for protection from its creditors. Braniff Vice President Philip G uthrie said that about 1,500 former Braniff employees would b e r e hir ed und e r the arrangement. Guthrie said lhe arrangement would amount to two separate a irlines. H e s aid PSA w ill continue its curre nt California o p e rations. and also will independently begin offering service on some o f Braniff's former rout.es. Pacific Southwest Airlines is the 14th largest airline in the country and the largest in· California with a fleet of 32 aircraft -2 1 of them DC-9 Super 80s and 11 Boeing 727s. San D iego -based PSA . primarily a commuter carrier. has routes to 16 cities in the West, serving cities in the stan?a of California, Arizona. Nevada and Washlngton. Ln fiscal 1981 , PSA lnc .. the airline's parent company, reported nel earnings of $28.~ mnllon on operating revenue!I' of $438.6 million. At mid-year 1982, PSA lnc:. had net e.minil of $2~ milllon. But the airline lttelf last 'Jffr potted operallnt lone• of $17 million. which alrllnr officials blamed o n the receufonary economy and the after-eUecta of the 1981 air tr•fflc controUera 1trtke ~-·-- Orang• Co 11 DAIL V PILOl /Mo11d1y. Oocober US, 1982 NB NY E t :OMPO ,l 'fE TRAN ~ACTION , CIUOUttOllf\ INC~UOI U AOI\ ON'"' .... •O••. MIUW8U ""("''· "'" IOUOli Of flOI~ ••O tllll tt•li•fl not• 1act1u10I\ aNDllll'OIUO 1 1' tlOI NA•O a NO lllUINlt Dow Jones Final. UP 26.12 CLOSINQ 1,019.22 Bankers forecas t prime rate drop ATLANTA (AP) Tht• pres1dl·nt o f the A1ncm:nn &nkt.>r 1> Ass<.x·mtaon prc..>d1c..·u. the µrime ral<' will Urnp LO 11 pE'r<.'enl by Dec. 3 1, and other bankC'rs ~y thi: prime c..'Ould gu t'Vt-n lower Lll'wt•llyn J <•n k1ru.. assoc1at1on president J11d vit·c d)11irman o f M nufa<.'tun.•rs I lcinovcr Trust Co .. st.ud at a news c·onferenc..•t: Sunday tht• prime rate, a key incl1c:ator or tre nds in 1ntt:1rcs1 rates thcit u; now at 12 pt•rccnt nauunw1d(', w1U c:ontinut· to fall through the Wtnlt'r b<!forc rising again "l don't think it's going tu go down drastically," J1•nk111s S<11d "h will JUSl kc.~·p drifting down unul la te w111tt•r 01 t•arly sµring " Jenkins. in Atlant.a for the bankers' assoc1a11on t'Orwcnt1on this w~k. said he doc-sn't expect th(' rate dt."t:hnc> will stC>m from acu ons by the nation's c:entral b;,snk F'cucral Reserve Board C hairman Paul E. Vokkcr rt.'CC'ntly has s<11d lht· board will be more tolerant in coming weeks of fluctuations in the monf•y supply "( don't thank the• F'cdt>ral Reserve Board had anythtng to do with the mtercsl rates being lowered," he said Diesel sales d ecline DETROIT IAP) -U.S diesel car ma ke rs rt .. '(:ordt.<d their lowt.•st Sl·ptember sales figures since 1979. an industry trade JUUrnal rt•ported today. Despite opt1m1st1c fore<:a.sts, sales f 1gures werE- uuwn 38 J)ert'l'nl from Septcmbt-r 1981, according lo Ward's Automotive Re ports. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS MEl AL S 1 . II ii f \ ,. NEW YORK IAP I ""''•' c ... cet F11<1ey Spo• non1errov1 UPS AND DOWNS GOLD CCINS ... )I • .... U \. • s .. 11 .. 1 11 • •• ,,,, •• u , JI ' 1 • u .. 10 11\, 11-. JO~. ,11•• .''lt • \1 • I . " ... , ... \, .. . •'-.. 1 '. c"t .. 1'• .. , .. .. .... II• .. .. .. . . 1 .... PCI Up Up UP Up Up Up So Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up UP Up UP Up Up 15 ' IJ I 11 I II I ,. •• •• H •1 .. • •• IJ •> " " 10 JO to " , , I.I 11 '' 1 I Ptl ()fl 100 ()O 99 Oii • ' Oii • ) Off I I Oii '·' 011 1.J Off 1 I Off • s Off t S ()fl t.0 Oii s. Off SI 1, 0 0 S1 I , Off SS ' Ott s] .. Ott SJ .... Oii s J •• Ott s) ... Oii s' I Oii 4.1 "" 011 u , .. Oii • ' l\'r Oft 4 1 '• Ott • 1 Due to late transmission today's listing will not appear In the Delly Piiot. Coppe r 70· 7 $ to nu • po11nO V S Clff 11n•t1on1 ~ 1t'l: =~:::::::. dellYe<t<I '· Tift Ml 2 13~ M.uilt W-Compoelte Ill. I ~um 76 0«011 • pound H Y allfft S9 850 pe< troy ounce NY Come• >C>Ol montr1 etose<I Fri • , -CUIJ '370 00 pee ne• l"te1ln1111'1 5331 00-$3U 00 troy ountt NY SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS Cl ~t'w ~1111 IOw u-Ne-. •Uri; 111911 vn~,~ Oth~tWIM noleO ,., •• ot a Vt<H-hO' ''" Anf1u•1 O•~bU'ternentt tJltM!'d on the fl\t Quaitt''' 01 sewu .. annual oectarat•o"' Spec.at or e -.hA d1wtOeftd1 or P•ymen11 'W\t <1~1·on•1!'0 ., requla• ••• t<1<1nh11.0 1n tl'!e lollowing 1001no1es l\ 'l!JO l"•tr• or .-1ras b•Annuat rate l)fVt stoe~ <1iv1afn<1 c L•Q1111,ll•nQ <11v101 no Oe<•o•e<I f)f Pl•d 1n pr@Ge<l1119 12 monlll• •·O<oc•••llCI or P••<I •• , .. llOC• OM<len<I ()f "'"' 110 1 1>110 1t11a 7ee1 d•vt<ler>O om111e0 oeten ect "' "° llC110f1 , ... .., ., , .. , <1-ota ,,...,,"Q ' Oec••re<I O< P••O lhfl )'991 "IS accumulattve 11~ wtth Orv1denas '" .,,~. n.N.,... 111~ 1-0eclar..:t OI PalO 111 11'9C!9d1nV I? months plus ''octl Clrv1<1ene1 l·P-., llOC' 1n l)fe<ie<l•llg n montlll l•ll"'aMc casn valutt on •• ·dtv.dend or •• Otlbtbuhon oate • F • dmd...,Cla Of t•·•IQllll y·E •·dividend •nd .&,a.let tn run 1·S&ttt 1n toll C•O·C&lled WCl·Wllt!n dfllrlblll4'CI w1·W~1 119Yed ww·Wttl'\ wananu •w W111\out ••'rents •Oit·E• d11t11but~ P [ rlllO T,,. prlOe ol I tlOC~ ll • fflvlhl>le o• per an&r• -""'IJ•·O..•Ve<I o, <1••1<1·"9 lhe , •••• , '''"""''" ... nino-'IOV<• •1110 .... 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