HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-19 - Orange Coast PilotllAllif l:IAIT YOUR HDMITDWI DAllY PAPIR J Ul S OAV OL l OHl H 1'1 !'Iii/ ORANGE COUNTY C A Ll~OA NIA 25 CENTS Dally Piiot Photo by ChatlH Sta11 A popular pa time among youngsters a t Costa l\1es a "'s TcWinkle Park i feeding the ducks. See Page BJ Mudslingers loading up for Newport campaign By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dally Piiot Sl•tl There's some thing about money, mud slinging and pollt1l-S that go together in Nc•wport Beach . Following a pattern set 1n past elections, city council candidatc>s are hustling toward the New '2 showdown leaving a trail of slick campaign mailers. so-called "hit pieces"· and many hard fochngs m their wake. Nine candidates are vying for four district seats and sevPral of the h o pefuls have predicted they'll approach or go over the $30,000 spending mark. ~elicans - to get beak aid ____..... lJy JOEL C. DON O(ttte Dally Piiot ll•tl A F o unt ain Valley vete rinarian was to examine ·three brown pelicans with their upper beaks cut off today to see if the birds could be fitted with prosthetic re placemen ts. About a dozen of the muulated birds were spotted an Dana Point Harbor Friday With only the lower po uch remaining. they w o uld not be ab le to feed themselves their normal diet of live fish. accordmg to Pat rick Moore. information officer wnh he state Department of Fish and Game. Three of the birds captured by officials were take n to Crown Valley Animal H ospital i n Laguna Niguel, operated by Dr Ga yle R oberts. She sa i d veterinarian Robert Rooks who runs a r eferr a l service in Fountain Valley, volunteered to see if artificial beaks can be surgically attached to the birds. In June. Rooks repaired the gunshot-sha tte'red jaw of a sea lion named Sparkle. Though the surgery was co n s idered tueeeaful. the animal died about a week aft.er treatment. State officials suspect angry fishermen are responsible for the pelican mutilations. They w ere attempting to capture the b irds and locate groups -such as San Dieao's Sea World -willing to c.are for them. Moore suggested the pelicans are being mutilated because the birds o ften swoop down and steal anchovies from live bait tanks or from a f ish erman 's }\ook Anchovies have been in sh ort supply thJs season. he noted. Coupled w lth the anchovy problem a re the lncr eulng numbers of pelicans in the area u a result of the DOT ban. The once-popular pesticide had threatened pelicans a nd other anlmal species ~fore its use waa .everely restricted in 1972. Moore uld th e re are m o re than 200 .,el.lams In the harbor area and probably many angry fishermen. '"11\e birds are *> bold tha t the people can re.ch out and grtb them." he •id. "But now ~I. y're CSH J'ELlCAN, Paae At) 'l • Onl· i'Jm.J1d.1ll· .. tllrn m '" I J,1\ 1d <_;r.inl. .,aid hL'll l1kt•I) 'P"nd $40.0011 in an t•fforl w un~t-.d !\.favor Jal'kll' Ht.'<tlht·r Sl'vt•r;il of, tht· cand1datc·~ h:1\'1• IOVt'Slt•d lht•1r llllll'. lllfllll'V and pf(ort 1n old -fash11•1wd n;1nw call mg Th 1 s wt· c· k . 1 n l um 111· n t C o u n n I woman E \' c· 1 v 11 II a 1 1 dl'mandro a publtt· <1p11l~>gy f11r a Cull-page m·wspapN ad th;1l pa1ntl'd hPr a s favoring "unbradl<'d growth" and bc•rng "ant1 -r<'S1dent " The ad wa s placed b y Counl•1lman Paul Hummt•I. who 1s seeking re-elC<'llon but IS not 1 l1 nn111g .ig.1111-.t liar t Tl11 .ul :ib.11 -.111glc·d lllll • .111d1d.1tl'' I h .. 1tlwr. No rm Lo.1h .ind Rill Agl·c· ,1.., bt•lllg ';111l1 n •-.idc ·11t .. I l .. 11 ,;11d thc• .1d t!'> dc•farnatorv .111d ltll•·d w111t '11u11ag1•uu·, 1111tru1h-. .. She· -.c11d ::.hl''!-> lin11g1 11g ttw .1d 10 the· '-llll·nt1m1 o f I h 1 • <; I :1 t t • ~· :1 I r P 11 I 1 t I C' a I P1-.H·1t1('C'' t'nrn1111 .. s11111 :ind m<iv ta kc· I 1· g ;1 I a c· t 1o11 a g a 1 n s\ 11 wnnwl 11 u m ml' I . w h o 1 ., b c· 1 n g l'h.i I h•nge•d hy Ag Pc>, s;m! hi' 1s 1rkt-d by a l'ampmgn matl<'r th<tt 1nd1rl'l'tlv i.tatL'S he 1s an ·.inll·bu-.int•.,., .,.nglt· ll>SUl' advocalt·" Oe4tr ..... ..,_.. 1tf Clleltee lten Thi pelican apparently got too c-lo e to a . fis herman, a evid nc<-d h it. . aw.-d-off upper beak. " Thl· tampa1gn mailer Wal> ::.t•nt out by supportl•rs of llcathl·r. who 1s S<'<·king n·-c·lt'<.'llun but is not running agumst llumnwl Th(' mailer urgc·s voll'r!> to support Hcatht•r. Hart, Loats and Agt·t:. claimmg tht' four art.' lx:ing c hallengt·d by "anll-gruwth. an11-bus1ness antagonisL<; " AnothPr dis patch from Heather'::. t•amp statt•s that 1C the "anti-growth advocates" are elec·ted. trafC1(· c-ongesuon. crim<' and airport noise may incrl'ase. S u pporters for Heather. on the oth<:r hand. havl' cxprC'sscd 1rr1ta11on at the campaigning tt'(.·hniqul-:; of her c:hallengl'r The support<'rs da1m cand1dat1· Grant IS droppmg subtle hmts ur H e athC'r's rC'cent s troke by talking about bringing a "rl'newcd energy" and "a n<!w v1talitv" to the• eouncil. Grant Jerned ht• is makmg an 1ssut• of thl' mayor's health and said the remarks are aimed only at underscormg his own "posit1v'c· charact1:ra:.ll<:S and work habits." However, Grant said he 1:. troubled bv mallt-rs t h at 1nd1recti'v label him "anti-growth.··· Standmu 111 to111r;i~l t11 all ul this 1s tht· lonti·-.t hl'l\\ t·t·n Loat.:. :ind th1• rn.111 ht· 1!-1 trying lo u11:.1·at. Cuurwllm..in L>on Str<Juss Str;iu..-. .ind Lual"> '>•lid th1 •\ 'vt• <llo(rt't'tl to tx.• llll't· guy., and ni"1t 1c, l·ng~gc · 111 11a1m··t·all1ng or mud~ wsi.111g Straw.-. hJs t•alh'CJ Loat!-1 "a n •:il llll'<' guy" <md LoaL" ha.-. rc•tur1H·d tht• f<.1v o 1. s aving Str.iuss " ",1 rl·ao;on<Jbl<· and 1nh•ll1gr•nt n1;1n .. Otht>1 1 ;md1datl" th11ugh. are '' arn111g voH·rl> to 1·xµt•t'l lal>I · m1nu11· ":.nH·.ir mJdl'r:. and "po1!>0n J*n" µo!111c:al ads alley biils f Or school --• a1 By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the D•lly Piiot St•ll Putting l'Ompute1!-I 111 lhC' dassrouml> will lx• an t•arly ~oal o f a fund -ra1s1ng t>clut·at1un:.i! CuundJtion bt•tng org:mrwd 1n the Fountarn Vallt:v School District · Similar fuundallcm:-. <ilrt·ady suppil·mt•nt basic: program!'. 1n th-;: Newport -M t'sa. Irvine and Laguna Bt•ach unif1NI st·hnol d1strkts Foundations an• S<>c:•n a:. a way fo r re s 1d(•nt s and busmcssC's to funnel add111onal monev into local S<:lmol d1stnt·ts that havC' suCferNI c·utbac·ks m s ta te' Cunding during rec:l'nt vears • · Although the 1dc·a of s uch a program m Fountam Valley ha<. been d1scus.wcl for wvt•ral yt'ars. tht' foundation hnall~ took shape last spring a-. a rC'Sult of a dass m wh1t·h thrto>L' local teat·hers h:11J <'nrolled . Tht' class focuS<'Cl on thl· San Franc:1sco Edu c ati o nal Fnundal1on . which has bL•t•n raising $250.000 annually for local schools. TeachE·rs Laurd Woodward. Mindy Smith and Yvonne Holland developed thl· formal for a Fountain Vallt:'v found ation based on tht' San Francisco model. Although thts foundation wa~ only a classroom assignment, the• lt:'achers talked to district offlnals about gettmg th<> rt:'al thing -1>rgan1U'CI Betty M1gnanellt. formc·r president of the district's board o r trus tees. becam(' interim <' x e cu ti v e d 1 r <' c t o r ·o f t h <' fll-dghng foundauon "It will fund the kmd of prOJC"<.'lS the district used to Ix· ;ibl1· lei ;tflord .111d 1111\\' can't from .irt to lt'( hnolug~ c1nd l' v l' n t h 1 n g in lw l w 1 1 • n . · l he f orm(•r tru'li'l' -k11d Orw of tht• 1111u.1I pr111J«l-.;il~ 1s to h1•lp thl• d1.,tnt·t buy l'ompull't t•q u 1 pm l' n t that w 111 h l' Ip .. tudc•nts lx•t·omc· at't'U!->lomt•d tu nl'w ll't.'hnulog;. l\.l1gnam•lll s.11d 111om•y nused b v t h l' f o u n d ci l t tlfl t h rough ~P<'l wl l'Vc•nts ;ind <'<>mmunity donat1om. would not bl· g1vc>n dlrl't'tlv tu lht• whool d1\lfll'I (11,u'•ad ;1 c·omm1tH"t' madt• up of tNll'h<·1 ... p.1n•nl~ and loC'al bu!.1m·ssp«opl•· wll l dt·c·1de on allcx·:i t1tm~ D1stnt t ufr1l·1als who dl·s1rl' monC';. Cur ::.pc·t 1al pro~r;im, will c1ppl y t o thP foundation for a grant llow mm·h can lht:' Fountain \'allt•v foundation ra1'"-'" ISee 'CHOOLS. Page A21 UCI med center shows profit By GLENN SCOTT 01 lhe D•lly Pllol It•" Tht' UC IrvmC' Mtodtcal Cc·nter in Orangt' t•ndcd last Ctscal year with a $753.000 profit d<'sp1le well-publicized t'Ontnwt d1sputt•s a nd what adm1mstrators have called an over-rC'liance on Mroi- CaJ fundmg. Its final c-osl breakdown was included in a recently released report to the UC Rl'gents on the financial track record of tls C1vl' system-run medical centers m the fiscal year ending Jum' 30 T he r eport said UC IM C treated 15,823 hos pital patients w ho stayed an average 6 6 days each. The hospital's 4ti4 beds were rx.'Cup1ed 74 percent of the time. th<.' report said. The 52.081 patients vis1tmg its emergency room numbered the most at any or the five university medical centers However. UCIMC's net gain was the s ma llest of th e five. UCLA's Ml'dlcal Center was the most pr09pcrous. earning o $9.1 million surplus. The renter ot UC Davis earned S~.1 million. UC San Francl9e0'1 made $4.3 million and UC San Dicl(o's ~aim'<i $3.4 million UCIMC administrators say. though . that fina l settlement earlier this yeor o n billing di1pu~ with the Orang, Countv govcrnm 'nt ov<-r healtfl care for f ndlgeht.I will gr fitly Improve the future flnonciol outlook. The two partitt hove agreed to \ a new and simpler contract 1n wh1l'h the rounty pays a lump sum annually to thC' hospital to car(" for indigents who have no other means of paying for neC'dro health services. The county 1s required by state law to c-over health care needs of indigenL<>. The largest fuding sour('(' for UCIMCs operations last year was Medi-Cal. which paid $38 million on behalf o f patients Only Davis. with $42.2 milhon. re<.'C'1ved more. Too much emphasis on Mcd1 - Ca l isn't necessarily good. though. according to W11l1am Gonzalez. director al UCIMC Because the state doesn't pay al ralt:'s equal to private funding :.ourccs. raH•s for the• latter pat1<.'nts must be.• r.11scd to l'OVC'r tlw d1ffc>r<'IWC'. hl' has cxpl:uned A priority ;1t UClMC. he said. 1s to reach a ratio where a larger p<>rrentag(" of privat(" pat1t'nts ar<' servro. thus allowing rates lo be low("rro AC'cord1ng to tht• rt•port. UCl MC rN'<."1vcd $32 m11lwn from priva te pal1C'nts and sponsors. $1-1 9 m1l11on from MC'd1car(". $1:~ 5 m1lhon from the t-ountv and $7 3 m1 lhon from lhC' s t a l t'. f o r l'l 1 n ll'<I I t ca c h 1 n ~ programs Al UCLA's ct>nlN, private> funds morC' than cloublPd th()S(> for Mc>dt('are and more than tnplro Mro1-Cal funds ----INDEX---- Dollars are pouring into Tijuana from American citizen di turbed by what the pe o crisis is doing to Mt-xico 's p()()r, hut dollars are scarce in <:ule i<'o. Se·•· l'tt~•· A4 .. At Your Scrvitoe A5 lntl•rm1K.<11u11 blJ Erma .Bombcck A 7 Ann LRnd<>r5 A 7 Buainl'SS 84-5 Movll's B6 Cavalcade A 7 Mutual Furicls 84 ClassHlt'd C5-8 Nationol Nl•WR A:l Comics 8 7 Public Notk<>S B4.C4·5 Crossword 87 Sporta c1 .;i Death Notie<.'5 C4 Stock M rkcts ll:> F.dit.orial A6 Telc.>vudon A8 HorOICOpCI A 7 Th lf'l"S 86 Weather A2 Urn11uu LOU bl '>Ally I'll 0 I/ T lltJb1 loy, Ot lulJUt l\J IUH:· '(:110(~1 ,~ ,, . • From P~ge A 1 . I' Ii •• '> k \ '> I h 1• 111111 I ' MtKtlulldlt ,,1111 "W1• would lik, l o he· ll'> -.uu 1•s,lul .ii. 1111' S.111 ~·rnr11 t>.('<1 f11und11t1w1 It ruuy 1.1k1• 11111n· th1111 nrw Yl'lll' tu ~1·l tu tli.11 pe11111 But I f1:1•I 1h.11 1"1111111.1111 Vall1•y pan•111"' 11lwuv1o 1•v ns1dc·1 1<1lu1-.Hlo11 11 t11~h 1w111111y .. T lw ruu11d.1t11111 l'UI I 1•11th· " upply tng fv 1 tu>. 1•)(1•111µ1 -.tutus from tht· 1>luk und fnl.rrul KOVl'r111111·111 It rs op1•ral11lK 111 11uurlt•1-s at 1lw d1s11•11·t 's f111·1111•1 headqu11rl1•r s, I L1ghthuuN1' Lnnl'. • Tyl nol poison u lly JOllN l>OWUM; AHU<ilelc•d '••u Wtllel l'llll'A<.:t) ltl\•''l114n1111i. 111 tlll' T ylt•11ul p111>.c111111u 1-.uw ""-'r llH•\' 11111}' ltHVI' llll "1•)(!1 1•111"1\ 'll-(lllfll':tlll" 1'1111' Ill ,1 Siii V••tll,1111 • photo th :1l may slww ~I p 11111 .. -.u,111•1·t watd11ni.< "''" of 1111• \ 11 11111' l1U VlllK the· t.11111t d d 1 llf.: '1'111 •t111pl1 111• the 1.11K11111 .1 11.1111111\\. ldt :.i•p11 11 J\111!1111111"' •. 1\ \~'tlt.1111 1 .. 1, "" .t 1111111· lh.111 .• d 11/t JI 11\lt1·1 1\,11111" • Ill< lt1d111~: ,J.11111 "• 'A> ! ,l'w 1, •• 11t1 H11lll'I I H11 IY.11d .. 1111 Iii w ..... k1111Wll .h H11 l11111b1111 111 ( 'l111.1~;it II· l.111·-. f1 ·d 11.1l 1h.11 ~!1'' Ill .1 $1 111tl 11 .. 11 e >.1 .. 1t11111 pl11t I 11111111 ll'" t11 11 ... ktlllll~lo 111:. wilt• In" h• 1•11 1 h.11 Kt'tl w1\h wo111>( a I 1.1udul1•111 S1wi.il S1·1·u 11tv nun1h<'1' 111 .1ppl:-r111).! i.11 a JC•b Wil~111 w;1s 1111ltl'h"d 111 .1 1!1711 111111d1·1 111 K,Jll,," l'11v, 11111 tlll' pect on -film? 1 l1ill )(•"1 \\I'l l' d111pJ>C ti 11ll111.1h '•I\ ( 'ltll tlj(ll pllltt I' S11p1·1111h·11d1•111 J( 11 ti.11 d .I Hr'"' 11·k ... 11d hxJu y 11t.1 1 111v1·-.11~;.11111 s liuvt• l"''>lltV•·lv 11l1·11t ll 11•d tli1• w11111.111 ~1s Mth~ 1'111111" 1>1111li.1t tlw uli·11ta !1t·11t1011 .,f t lu Ill.Ill •" Wll,1111 ~I< "Vt'I V II 111,111\ I ' W1l-..111'' 11111 111•1 l11ndl111 cl, Tom Klu .... i.t11d wh1·11 .. 111Jw11 a l-(1t•t1tlv 1•11l,1q.wd 1·1111y 111 tlw µh11tv by a ti·li•v1s 11111 11•p1H'l1•1, "I'm v 1·1 y d11ulitl11I 11 111 turn " 111111 1111'> Atto11tl'Y t:1·1ll'r.1I 'J'yr11111· ~'11h111•1 lu·.1tl111w 111• Tvh·1111I prnsw1111..: L.111k 1t1111·. ),,Jiii I h l' I) 11' l LI I ,. w 11 ll I ., Ii,. I.I ti "1·xtn·11wly '4tj(mf1n 1f1t" du .. 1r thl' 111an 1n 1111• p11·1ur1· t s 1dt•11t1f1t·d HS W1b 1111 "If ti tUll\'j uUI t i IS, lt ':i; clr.irnullt' 1~ lt1·ll . 1r you pul ti 111w1·llw1 w1tlt 1111-$I 11111111111 1•xtu1 lion lt·llt.·r, tlw <:tnllll'l'llOn Lu tht· murd..r 111 Kun~ < '1ty and 1h1· fUl'I thUI thti. ~uy u s1•d 17 ul1 u1w.,," F a h111'1 'latd M o nduy nti.<ht Tlwodore W if,..or• n ~ rc•clrnwn b y FHI. Fou11dat11111 off1nals t'XJX'('I 111 havt> a l't•gular hc1;1rd of dirt'l'lor~ ,ind a S<'ht-dult• u f fund -rab1ni-: ut·ta vtta<'S prl·~1n•d by [)('l•1•mlJ\·r "l'm really exc·tll'd about this u l1•u and I th111k ll would be• 111 trcmcndou "' us:..r:.ta11l·1• to th1• d 1s tru:t," said C h t•r yl Norto n , l'u rrent prl'sidt•nt o f lht· d1s tnl·t 's board of truswt•s. S hi• also rs 1h1• sch ool board's d<>lt•gatt• tu 1 ht• foundation Tlw ph1110~1 .1ph, 111.td1• puhlt1 M 11 11d:i y, w.1s tukt•n by a 'itJl'vt•1llun1·1· t'llllWrn ltt a (.'h1c·nu11 d 1 u~ 'l lurt· w lwn· 11 111• u{ tlw Vll'ttrlli>. :i :i y 1•11r o ld P 1ntl11 Prinn., bou~lit0 11 hc1ttl1• 11( ~:xtra St l l'llJ,(lh 'l'VIC'lllll l'llllllllllllllo: 1 y.1111clt• IJ1l11h'(l t .1p .. uh-.. I 11 t lw pho to. P11u · , .. 'U1nd1111ot 111•,11 ,1 l ht'l'kOlll l'lllllltC•I Ill !ht• -.11111 111 1lw ll<1< k~n11111d, l11ok111,.: t11\\',1rd h1·1-. 1!> a lll'.1l'dl·d ni.111 l't"ht'111 hl111g Thl'od11n· Elml'1 Wds1111 , who 1llo11g w11h hrs will" L1•w1n. \.\a:. dPs..nh1'tl Monday a:. a "µnmt· su:.p1·1·t" 111 the t·a:.i· P nm·t· lat1•r t.l1t•d No Halloween? "l t 1·ould tw u tn·n11•11tiou-. ,1rok1• uf 1r11ny th<.1\ th1· JWl'Mlll Ill tht• p11·turt.· 111111s out to bl.' Paula J>rinc·1· a11d h1.•h1nt.1 h<•r 11 turn~ o ut 111 Ill' thl· man who 'all1·d thoM• t'llp i.ult·,," Fah1w1 ,;i1d Norton s:11d th<' foundation's lt•rHUllvt• goal o f pun•hasing compul<'r equ1pmt•nt for tlw classroom would lt<' 111 with th1• district's own plan:. for 1m·re<1l.t·d ins truction in thl' usl• o f such ,equipment. PELICAN • • • From Page A 1 • leer y of h umans ." The beaks wc•rC' apµan•ntly cul or sawt'Ci off "as dost• a~ you can get without ktlhng th1• pt~l1c1ml>." he added ~ Under st.Ill' law. hrown • p e I i cans a r <' eon:. 1d1• r l' d a pro tected SJX'<:ws. A pt•rsun found to be ktlhng or 1n1unng the birds may be su bjct·t to a $1,000 ftnP nd/or a year in JUtl "It sounds ltkl• a lTUl·I act to "'rne." said Moon • "It sounds ltk1• 'it's being d om· out •Jf fru~tr;iuon du<> to the lack ol Jm·ho\'ll>:. ·· One dead JX'hc·Jn ha:. aln'a d y w asht•d up o n tht• bl'ach in C a rlsbad, ht• arld1·d PSA-Braniff pact draws cold shoulder G R APEVIN E. Tl'X<il> tAP) Hr a o1(f ln tl'rnat1onal ':. . announc<.•mt!n t that ll h:i~ f in.ll 1'. found a partnt•r for a JOI0°l venture• to :-t..irl flvtn.I( .rgam got J t·ool recepttrrn frnm industry unalysts The tent.attvt• agrl"t'mt·nt wllh Pacrf1c Southw<.•s t A11'11nes wa:. announced M onday f1 vt> months after Banrff f1lc'<I (or protection 1n bankruptt·y rourt. and t\\u months afler a s1m1lar dc·dl \\1th a not er carr1(•r fC'll fhrougn S 11 u r c 1 • :-l I .. :. t · t 11 1 h t• 11w1•'l t1gat1011 . "'ho dK·ltrn'<I tu L,..· 1d1•nt1fi\•d , said fu"11h a ph11to l't>uld bl' tht• l·.1s 1··., firs t n"d hmn1c·1J1• du1• .111 111d1cat1on tht• t•ulpnt wa:. 1nt1•n ·stcd 111 1L-; 11Ull'Oll1l' and 11~ v1t·t1111.-. l>l f l>L~Y . M11 :-.:o. (Al'I V 1 llag1• o ff 11·1.d s . 1ti111g t ltt l.'lm·ugo .1n·a Ty h ·nol p111:o.1111111gh, h .tVl' 1·um·1·lt><J lr11.:k ur tn ... llnfo( for youngstl•rs th1:. I lullowl'l'll S1•1l-t·t11IJl1 A11thonv D1Dom1to 1-.111,'ll tor th1• h.111 .ind h" l0t11lt•JJ.:lll'' p,1!.:0.t'd th1• llll'.t'o\11'•• M11nd,1v 111gh1 ··ll hurt:;""'· ll ll·allv dot·s. 111 ~o to that vx 1r1·111·1.,· s.11tl S l•lt.'l'tman Donald Cn1>t111a. w ho Sl'l'Olldt·d D1U11nuto':-mol1<111 111 Oallr Piiot Photo by Ch•rlea Sterr The agrc·t'm <'nt n dl'i f11r:. rehtrtng about 1.500 fornll r Braniff employt•t•s to fly 25 t() :W Braniff planc.·s r<'patntc·d wtth PSA'~ smJk-on-thl• nrJS<.• logo hut using Bra niff\ IJn<ling :.lo~ and other ground fat'thtu.~ Flights probably would ~gm next spring. PSA < ha1rman Wilham Shimp said ~lt·\if· 'ii<·k:-. ot' tlw hl•ad lin in~ Flt·•·t"ood \hw ha nd ('f\h•rta im .. tht· auclit·m·•· a t l ni1w ~1 ... a do w .. lw1wfit t•oncc•rt . I • • • Con."tal Vartable high cloua1neas 1nro<19n WedneS<lay Coastal tow Clouds 1n night and morning nour~ w1tn p11cny eatly m0<n1ng IOQ 1n lhe higlle< 1rilar>d valleys Lillie cha~ 1n 1ampera1ures todey ana Wednesday U.S. sunin1ary Up 10 3 1ncnea 01 anow a ccvmulaled In tne tower elevetions of nortn-at Wyoming end continued 11111ng acroaa oentral Montana before Changing 10 rein Mon<ley alte<noon •• tne moill we11tner system reacne<l Norlll Dakota and nortllar11 Mlnnuota Showers and lllunderstorma developed along tilt eatttrn Gull Cout. For today. lllunde<sh~s were forecalt 10 develop from eoulnweatern Mlnneao11 aCfoss tne upper Grear Lakea from eutetn NebrHl<a ecrou IH1nol1 anCI lrom ... tern Kanaat trwougn Mlaaoutl encl l\O<'lnern Arl<anaaa Scatter•<' showe rs were predtcle d for t he central California coast Wflll• some ctoud bulldupt were expected over Ark a n111 and Jn northern Lovl1lan1. Skle• elaawllere acrota the nation -e t•e>eele<l 10 be fair Htgha were predicted 10 rallcil the 40t Jn lhe ul>1)ef MIHIUIPPI Velley to the norillem Rockies. rtllng 10 neer 60 from norlMl'n Maine acroas lhe upper Graat Lakea. and Into lhe 801 1n eoulhefn Floflda 10 tne IOw 90• 1n 1ou1nern TaJ18 1 and tne Southwell. Tempatalure1 around lhe netton er noon, FUT renge<I lrom 26 degr-ar Cvtbank. Xon• 10 t1 et Palm Sp.Inga, Calll · T e111pera I url's NATION HI lo Albany ~ 35 "~'*Que 76 43 A=IO 85 •6 60 3$ A lie Atltnll 84 46 AtlanllC City 57 32 Atatlll es 13 laltlmOr• 58 30 ~ 39 35 72 5' ~.,di •6 "° lcMM 52 32 loeton 117 311 ltO'lll'I.,.. 89 63 9IMllO H 39 lllltWIOll llO )2 a--41 ,, I High clouds due Char1es1on S C 65 s~ UC' .! Ch•rleSlon W V 68 JJ • • ~--1' t-l'J.J-1 t ! •. Cnar1011e NC 62 •O •Hi ., Temperatures Cheyenne 63 36 Ch11:ago 12 46 C1nc1nna11 n 40 Clevetana 65 35 Columbta S <. 68 JS Columbua 68 39 Dallas-Ft WOrl" 85 (>1 Oaylon 67 37 Denver 72 38 Des Mo.ne• 71 so Detro.I 66 39 Outulh 58 •3 El Paso 86 4q Fargo 48 ., Flags1a11 66 27 Grea1 Fall\ 30 25 Harttord 60 30 •• Helena 38 30 ........ ,,. ht"•·~,. ').t•. • Honolulu 86 7'.l . ~A ~ ~ Deo• ' -,.,, ... ,.. . Houston 82 66 tnd1anaP01•' 72 •O Fronts Colel .,... Warn ... Santa Barb111;1 70 •8 Santa Crut 73 •A Sen1a M•rio 7• 44 S1oci..1on 78 46 ranoe V11ll11y 6• 22 lhermel 9Z 50 Torr once 73 57 JllC~~n M ol\ 11 43 Jacit $0fWlll" 76 57 Tulsa 84 55 l<ans•n C11y 73 50 WolVl•no1"n &2 )b l<nO••llle 66 •2 W1th1t.n 7'1 S3 Las veoas 81 53 CALIFORNIA lrttle Rocio 75 51 HI Lo Lou1sv1lle 71 43 Apple Vallt•y 80 41 Lubbock 86 •9 Bai.er~ttetd 79 57 OLO BAL HI Lo Am"erdam f;I 5• Athens 77 51 Bangi..01t 90 81 Belgrao,. 64 •S Bt>rhn 55 •6 Bogola 68 •3 Brusffls S9 48 B AllOS 71 53 C1110 113 64 C111acu fl• 10 Copenhaglln S• !>() Oubtln 55 •6 FrBnkfufl 57 43 Geneva 52 •5 Hels1n1<1 39 32 Hong Kong 79 71 J1trusalt1m 17 59 •Oburg 68 SS K11tv so 39 Lime 10 tit L11b0n 68 511 London 51 47 Mldrld 66 si Man111 90 73 MUICO City 15 52 MOnllHI •8 36 MOACOW S• 37 N-Q.11111 II• 72 NICO"I 82 59 0 110 •1 34 P11r11 61 52 Peking 111 •3 Rio 82 rs fl~ 68 San Juan 111 78 Sao P1uto 84 59 s~ n 56 CANAOA HI l• Edmon•on 30 23 MO<'l1'HI l}O 32 Ot1aw11 tit 30 RC!Qln1 34 30 roron10 68 g: v1ncouv11T 60 w111n1oeo .io H Mefl'lph1S 76 51 Barstow 91 57 M1em• 78 66 Beaumont 82 46 M1lw11ui.ee 70 •6 Big Bur 89 29 Mpls-St Paul 68 .. 81Sl'toP 11 33 Nnnv1fle 73 •7 e1v1ne 89 55 New Orle&M 71 54 Cutve< C•ly 74 57 New York 60 39 Eureka 62 ... Nor1olk 61 JS Fresno 78 47 North Plalle 68 44 L oke Arrowhead 61 43 Oklanom11 C11v 86 56 lencoster 82 46 Om11h1 72 52 Long Beach 75 59 Orlando 79 82 Loa Angeles 74 82 Pnt1edelph1a 58 32 Monrovia 83 54 Phoenix 92 63 MOl't«ib{'llQ 79 60 P11tsburgn 62 31 Mon1ertJV 10 "7 Porlland Mr 53 28 Ml W1l1on 73 51 Porllend Ore 60 •o N-porl 8f'&eh 10 60 Provldenu S7 36 oo .. leno 711 51 Rate~h 03 34 On11110 76 50 Rap• C11y 50 4 t Palm SP'•no• 93 60 Aono 60 2• Pasadena 78 55 R1c11mond 63 35 POO Robl65 tlO •O Salt Like 54 38 R1vors1d11 76 49 Sen Antonio 8• 56 R.,o Bluff I 77 47 Seattle 53 38 Ae<twoo<l City 19 411 Sllreveporl 80 52 Reno 6(1 24 Sioux Fllll• 53 43 Sectafl'lllf\IO 75 •5 $1 LOUii 73 " SellnH 79 46 St Pett·Tampe 16 6S Ban &trnardu'ln 80 '4 St Sre Mar" 83 37 R111 Gtt>tlt'l 83 57 Spoll•ne •5 2• San OMIQO 74 6• SyracuM SS 35 San Fr1nc111Go 75 53 TQ991<a 76 52 S&n Jot1 76 46 (uc1on 87 52 S1nt1 Ana 73 59 • SU Rf Rf PORT • ~-. .. act! hf1 l utf luff lw.U ..... l w•ll Afl ..... fttd Avg .. .. Oh Zuma 2 .. I~ ' 3 ~w Sent• M~c• 2 3 13 2 3 SW Newpoft IKlll 3 $ 14 2 ~ SW • ., mil oft tht· 1·v1·11t tlw t11wn pllll'> 1>11 1·vt·ry y1•a1'. < 'nst111a 1u11d ht· d11 t 1111t k1111w whether the move wa:. lcK~I but 1t would at lc•&r:.l Sl'rVt' a s an ,1dv1i.ury for th1· pubht.· "Th1•rt•'l> ncithlfl~ to '><IY JX'<•plt• 1·:u1't wk1· tht·tr 1·hrldn•n an lhl·lr l'Ur' tu tht· h oml• of r<.'IUllVt'S and things lakl' thut,'" hl· swd T'h1c· Sl'lt'l·tm1•11 sat<l :.i I la llowl•t•n party fur vtllagt• e hilclrt·n will Ix· h1•ld at om· of lh(• l>l:hools hulls lnvt·st1galul's h:ivt• o t her ph1>111graphs thut JHOVtdl' u dearer 1m11&t.: of the.• man in tht· publis hed photo. Fahm·r said. Exp<·rts a rr· using computer tN·hn1qul's lo c nhant·c etnd t·nlurgl' thl' images, ht· sa1<l "If tht• photo has Wilson in tt, that':. big, 1mpurtanl l>tuff ," ~·ahm·r ~1d "lf 11 turns oul not to bl·, Wl•'rl' right hat·k wht•n • wt.• StJrt1.J .. Meadows theater rocks By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 0 1 the 01111 Piiot St•fl D ur ing M11ndJ y night 's Sl•ason-l·nding t·on ct•rt <il Irvin<.· Mt•adows Amph1tht•att.>r , o pt•nmg pl·rformt:r Gll·nn Fn·y sang ;1boul t·sc.·<ipmg t11 a l>ptrllt·d plal't' t·all1•d .. P<1rtyt11w11 ·· That nanw .1b•1 w,1:. an ;i pl dt•st:nptron ol the· mood <it th,• 'it·ll11ul ninn•rt .1 fi.trt y whosi: 8Ut·~I ltst 1nl'lu1h•d 'o!Jnll' u f tht· l (Ip II ii 111 t·., I II r I Jl' k m u:. I l' Appt .. 1nng \\'1•1,· Fn·y and fl'llow fornwr £a glt·s J m• Walsh ancJ Don I h ·nh•y. s1ngc•1 gu1tonst Boz S l" a g g'. ,, n d th 1· n 1 g h t ·:. hc•L1dltning band. Fh•c•lw1111<l Mo<.· And to top 1 t ofl. t 111:. party \\'<" a IJ1•111I11 t'\'' 111 to rat:.t· nwn1·~ f11r tht· l'tt\ o f H opi· 1\-lt·dtl«d C:t·nt1·1 111 lJu..irt1" a I .. u Ill\' Iha 1 .11 d... v I l' l 1 m... 0 I tat;1slro ph11 1lln1•:-.st·~ S µon sor :-.l•.iti. 111 µ11n1t• lm.Jltons l'Ust ~:l!)O <incl $1110. Jllhough lawn "t·~1ls w 1·n· onlv $15 Thl· mustnar1' µc.·rfornll'<l for frl•1•, Jnd thl• \'\'l'lll \\ olS l'Xpt'(:U•d to rJt:-.<.· $:.!011.00ll for tht· C1tv of I !opt..·. <1 l"<>nl'f'rl urg;an1z.1.•r ~1~1 F'w thl' pn•dom m;mtly youn g t·rowd. th1.· b1ggl'l>t tn·at w<1s th1· opportunny lo s<.·1· th1.• st•vc·rul htg-namc• rcx·k st.er.. p.·rformmg on th1· sam e· night on .in Orang(' Cuuntv l>~g~ E>..-fa1gll' Fn·~· kt<.kc·d off tlw <.·vt•ning w ith "' st•rws of ltv1·I v M>ngs from his solo :ilbum "Nu Fun Aloud." Bae kt•d by an t'tghl·p1ece band fl·atunng two Jrummc·rs. two kt.•yboar<l play<.>n. ::ind two guitarist.-.. Frey drew the wurmest n'SponS<' for n•n<ltt1on~ of his hit s ingles "I F o und Sonll'l.lody" and "Thi· One You Lo v '" · a n d h t s o I d Ea g I c• s nun 1lx •r. "I i<•ar uu:ht· T on1_1!h I." During fn·y·'> l'n ton-. Boz Sl.•<Jggs Sll·pp<'d on stag1· to ~ing his hll. ,"Lo wdown " Then Jut• Wa l:.h JC>lnt'd Fn·y. So.1ggs and tht· hant.1 for a c:r uwd -rousmg • l1 vt· guitar rcn<l1uon ul Walsh':. "'Htx:ky Mo unu.1m W ay" The· mu:.1C·1anh tlwn brought th1· .1ud1t·nt·e lo 1 ts f ,·t•t with <t rnc:ktng pc•rformarw t· of tht· old &•,1th·., song. "Slow Down · Tl11· a mph 1 tht·a ll·1 11bv111u~I ~ \\,.., ftlll'd w 1lh 1-'lt·1·tw11o<l M<it' tan~ Thi:. \'l'lc•ran Engl1:.h band lx'l·;m1t• unc• of th1· W<Jrld's m ost p 11 p u I a r g r o u p:. .1 r t t • r t h t• A m l' r H' a n <l u u o ( L 1 n d s l' v Bu<·kingham and St1·v11• N1ck 0 s Jt1tnl'<l in I !J7 5 .rnd hl'lpl'd rl'~hapl' th1• F ll•t•twoud M ac: '>!Jund Thl· band's "Humo urs," rt•l<"ast-d m 1977. 1s n·put1.-d to bl.' tlw lllp-iw lhng pop group album of <ill umc• Thl· band opc·n c.-d 1~ two-ho ur Irvtnl' Ml'adows sN wtth wvnal ~trmb<'rs from H Rumovrs-;-'-' 1ndudtng "St.~nd Hand New~ ... ''Th1.• Chain" and "Don't Stop." Slt·vw N1t·ks. th(· band 's m ost d1ansmattt smgc·r. oft<:n was the t•1•nt(•r of iJlll'ntum :Jl> s hl' danctd ah11ut tht.· s tagt'. sw1rl1ng her bla<.·k a nd whllt· l·apl's. S h e obv1uusly Wet~ an audience favortll'. too nunwrous fans pla<.·t•d roSl'!i un c,t.age· for hn B u t s 1 n g 1· r -g u 1 l a r 1 s t Rul'ktnghmn frequ1•1Hly st1Jlt· thc- sh u w from Nic k .. with his fn:nl'l tl' pt<iy1ng ;ind 1nll·ns<.· vcx·al-. Th1.· bJnd S<1.•m1'<.I to Ix.· playing too loud f or the• Siil' o f t he· amph1tht·<1lt r anc.I nwny tJf th<' h;1nl rol'k !>lltlg:-. :.oundt·d dtl>to rt- t·d As <1 n ·sull ... omt• 1Jf thl• most l'ff1'l. ll\'l' 11111m1•11b Wt·n· the• quiet Olll" l\11d\.\ d~ through the· Sl·t Bur kangh.m1 drmm·d an aco w.llL gu1l..tr dOd pla ~t·d hr:. own "Nt·Vt·r Going Bat·k " thl·n u l' L 11 m p a n a · d N H' k l> u n h e r po1gn;.nt "L<indslirl1·" finally._ guc•!>t Don H t-n lt·y Sll'ppl'd on ~1.ag1· to perform ht'> duet with Nft·h. "Lcath<·r and Lat."(·" T hi• c-rov.-d eamt.• ahvt-again during the· loud rOl'kl·rs that d oscod the Sl.'l and sc.·rved as the f1r<.1 £•nc·nrE' But singer-pianist Chi 1\'11111· t-.h Vu-tht•n brought th(· 1·\'t:ning and tht• Irvine l\l< .. 1tl• '", conn·rt '>l'<l"m to a p1•1 fl•t t ( lo!>l' with h <.·r ~o ft . h.-c:1rtf~I e,,nd1t Lon_tl ··Scmgb1rd." wh1l·h -.hl· dt'<:lteated 10th(• J>('()pll' at tht• City of H ope Police locate slaying figure 0 rd n g c Cou n ty Sher if r-s 1nv(',o;ttgators returne d from Sa<:ramento early today after loc:a ttng the roommate of a man whc>S<.' d ecaptt<ill'd b o d y was found Saturday burtc>d in tht• l>al·kyard o f the M1ss1o n V1C'J0 homl· they sh an>d . Del<>Cttves had b<'en searching for Barn· Anderson. 28. since Dc·nn1s Schubert 's b o d y was d1st·ovl'red e arly Sa turday morning at hts homC' a t 23342 Via Gaud1x His h C'ad was found later that day tn a s hallow gravt> about a quarter of a mile from h is house. The r e w as n o 1nf ormatto n t•a rly t oday o n whet h er Andt'rson was able to s hed anv light on the grisly d eath of hi·s roommate S l" hub e r t . 2 4 . had bee n plannrng--a tnp to C hu:ago with ht~ family Saturday Two suitcases w e r e• d 1sl"overed S unday buried benc.•a t h some tras h 111 a dumps te r behind a m ·tghborhood suix·rm.1rkt·t An autopsy rvµc.>rt showC'd that th<' M ts."on V 1c·10 man dtt-d as a rC'sult of a severf• trauma to th(.' ht•ad and nec:k. wht<'h oc1:urred prior to thl' dt'<·ap1tat111n O<>tt'l'llVt'S said tht•v had found th<' tool th<'v bl'l1l'V1• ·was ust-d to sc•ver his head. but rt•fu~ lo sa~ what 11 was Sc·hub4.•rt had gr.:aduatt-d from UC lrvrnl' 1n 1980 a nd w as l'mploye>d as an t•ng1nt•<.•r f or McDonm•ll Douglas Corp C~&7bi1tf A!terncrbl't?s -One thing rs a fact marriage Is an Institution rhat 1~ nere to stay. and the i\91! old tradition ot exchanging wedding rings tookS llkt' 1t will be around for a while also But \Mlt're OOes 11 say that your nngs must look hkt' grand· mother's, or tor that mattt'r. hkt' almost ~ry engagt>mem and 'Nt'dd1ng ring you stt 1n rnost stores fhere are exerting altt'rnatlves, and we are proud to show them to you. At W)'ndham Leigh, we design and handcraft tht' most vniQUt' and t'XCIUf'lO coll«tlon Of ~t and wedding rlf10$ you 1'1't' going to Stt ~ rt"Cognlle that you ttl't' Individuals and our ~lry rt-nt"CU thi'lt undt'lltandtno Many stores 1Nor'lt properly tell you \Nhat you are buying or t'llµla1n to you why you are paying tht' right pnce To protect you against this. we have taken tht' my5tery out of com· parn19 diamonds and will ~kt' the time to educ.Jtt' you in tht' d11'1erences 1n qualltl«.'$ (lflcl pnct'. and then substantri'lte what we"·.Je S<lrd with a money baek gucirantee For straight h onest explantttton. unique designs and guaranteed value. 'WY"dham ~lgh ts !ht Stott" that s~1ali1es 1n t'OQ<l9t' mMt and W!ddlng rings ~ino nngs t'Mi11~ble lrom st 75 Engagement nngs clllallable from S4 50 Wyndham Ll!igh ~Ert.rRT 127 FashkYI l~Y'd. ~ 9Mct\ CA 92btlJ Nt-ar BullodG \MlstllrP • l)r u1101• C:.01111 (}All Y Pit <...'T I f ui1 <foy (Jc tol.lor t't Hrn'1 S WORLD N w Irvine panel means bus in Volcanic eruption reported in Java JAKAHTA. lndorw ... 111 iAP> 'l'hl· lialun~un!( v11k,in11 in Wt•st Java hu:o. 1·r11pll'd ato1utr1, :-.µi:wmg bhwk :.111ukt• thn•l• nHll>S into tht• ,Jll tUlJ fl tHJdt nl( nvt·ri; with luvn, sc:wnltsl.l> said today M onday's t•rujltwn lt·f t St'\lt•I JI Vt llugl'S tn tht• ..tfl.'U I I HO 1111lt•i. southt•JHt ul J,1ku1 l11 t•11vt•rl.J by vokumc ui.h Ttw voktu111 ho' c·n1 ptt•cl tlltH'I' lhHll :wo llll\t'S Sllll't' Aµnl 5, amt uhuut 7a Jil•upll- havt• cl1L•d frum n·sp11-.1111rv utlnw111.:; from tht• ash 'l'h1·n· we·r1• no reports u( d1'.1lh~ fl 11111 till' lclll0Sl l'fllpl11 Ill I raelis holding ground BEIHUT, Lebanon (AP) lsr<1C'l1 troo1Js mainta11H•d tht•u positions in the 1·tmtr;,il Lt•b.11wst• muunrnins t11day, dt•lay1ng the depluynwnt v( lht• Lt•bancsl' army in four v 1 11 Jg t' s w he n• · c I as h t' s lx>twt't'n Christian and DrU!W Mosl('m gunmen ll'ft fivt• pt•opll• dt•ad and 60 ot hc·r~ woundt'Cl last wtoek. An advann• unit ul :rn Lebanesl' ~old1t'rs a rrive•d Muntlav 1n Kf<irn1.1l\,1, I :1 milt's so'utht•ast of &•1rut. llut lalC'I' ldt the an•a bt'<.·aust• tlw lsral•hs had nut abJrn.lorlt'd lht•tr pos1t111m, in thl· v1l11.1gt'. bral·h Dff1c1als said ··Ttwy l'i.lffil' 111 .1111.J tlll't1 thl·~ ll:lt dgJlll," :-.Jtd JI\ br.11:11 ::.pokC'smJn .1t th•· l:.raPl1 prl'ss off1t·1· 111 sul>urlxm Baabda, hvt• 11111t.<s 1•.1sl ol &•1rut Poles nix s trike calls WAHSAW. Poland (AP) Workt•rs 111 maJOr P ol1:-.h Ci ties, f<:H'lng tlH' thrt'8l 11f being Jailed or seeing tht·1r plants "m1htanwd" by 1lw martial l;1w reg11ne. Jppt•<.r tu b(• igno ring nt•w l·a lls for strakc.'S to protest thl' b.111n1ng of Sohdanty Reports from uffil'tab and WC'stcrn sourees m Warscn\', Gd;,i nsk . Now a II u 1,1 .1 nd '\{ ra k ow ~att.J f:wtofl<•s 111 th11s1· e1t1l'S wt·n· n11111111g n urmallv Monday dl•s p1h• undt·rgrou11d lt•afh·ts l·.illt11g 011 work1•r, t11 -.t.iv .it hwllt ··Thl• ~n·upll: .ilt 1111\\ "4.Jfl•tl." said .i w11rke·1 .1t tlw L' r.., u ~ t r :.H· t o r fa , t 111 v 111 \V.ir:-.aw·s Hula V..' Jr'>/JW.t -.tt•t•lworks STATE · University dean sought SAN DIEGO IAPI DanlC'I C Jordan. dc·an uf C'ducauon at San Dwgo-b;,1-.t'(f National Un1vt•rs1t\. \\ .. , reportc•d m1~s111g !'vi.~ndJ\ after ht• fa1kd to show up 1n New Ynrk Cnv t<> ckllv1•r ,1 lt•ctun• · David Ch1gos. prC's1dent 111 the private business sc·honl. said J ordan. 50. was last reported heard from Friday night in a lt•lephont· ('all a d v1s1ng sponsors of h1-. Fetuses to be ll'l IU1 l' .it tht-Nt·w Y111 k Unin·r~1tv Club that lil h.1tl a 1 riv l d-d t L ,, Gu Jr d 1 .1 1\1rpurt Jordan. <1 Hh11d1·s "':hulor 111 th•· National lJn1v1•r ... 1ty post tht· last thrt•c• y1·or-.. 'pclu:.. Fnd,jy mght m M mnc·apohs and was n•port1•d tu h:1v1• boJrdt·d a Northwt•st Ont•111 flight lo New York thJt night J ord<Jn's w1ft'. N..im v flc•w to NC'w York City lo ht'lp 1n the-st•arth llosp11ab h.1ve b<'<•n ehl'<.0kl-<l to red ll) t:Lt·:NN S('01'T 01 lhe 0•11~ flllot 11•11 II\ 1111 ' 011111111111\1 ... I 11111 ... (ti II'< lllll 111''-\ ltl"lllt'"'"" \1"4°d lu lk· j.! 1• ,1 I 1 d 111 \\ ,, I d ,, I II .11 I I 11 g 1111llhl11.tl t1111 " lu li11l,111 Iii• 11.1(,tl 1'1111111111\ .111d Pl•l\.1111· Ill'\\ .r 111 ... 1\111 lh.tllk' Ill It'\ 1•111 I h,111.,;1 ' 111 1 h1 · -.t 11p1• Ill I ht· 1·11 \' ·.., I II cl ll .. I I I ·" I>,. \' I I 11 p 1111 · II I Au1li11111v . 1lw ··1tv 1111" ' •• n g11 .it 11·1 .1111111-.1 .111v k1111I ul h11~1111·.,~ .111tl pa1111·11l0.11lv tht 11•1.1tl l'<lllllJ.11111'~ lh,1t 111!1•1 1111' l'tlV llw 11111i.t 11111111·d1.d1· lt1 ·1..-111 .,. .. , I l'Vf'lllll' '1'111· .111th11111 v ,, tlt111• 1111111lx·1 IJ•llll'I •'ll1't1lll\t•d 11\ tilt• I II V 1oun111. w . .-. l1111111 ·d 11111\. .1ltrn1t ,, Vhll ,1g11 Ill l'l'IJI 111d11 ~t11,d dt•Vl'lt1p1111•11t l.tu111l ... Ill 11u.t11f Vl llg c·11mp;m11·-. 111 11-. hnl'I h1-.t11rv. l hough, t lt1 · gr 11up·, .,. ope· :i Ii ,.;u iy has lx-c•11 1•11la1 gt•d I w11·1• Tlw lall'st 1·xpw1~11m tX't'ttrn •d last wn•I-. Bv '>h1l1111g polt111.1I authonty I ron.1 till' ~ta ll to l 11 \ 1 h.11·tt·1 , tli1· City dim light f 01" observatory llE!\IET (AP) Tlw C.:1t y l "11u11nl 111 th•~ dt'"l'rt (·ummur111v ha'°' d1't·1d('(f tu tom· down sti't'C:t light-. th.ti wt·n· bl'fuddl1ng ., t 1 t • n t I'> t ... .1 I I h 1• I' a I om a r Ohs1•1 \' .i t111 v 1 n 11111 t lw 1 n Son D1t·gu Count~ t;t'ITV Nt·ugt'l>.1U1·1 . d11 e'(·tor of tlw obsc•rvat11rv th:1l boasts thl' 1 t· 11 u w n c• d ~ () () 1n1· h 1 I a I l• lt·kst•opt-. h.111 sought hl'lp Ill h,111l1ng ligh t pol lu11 on frum lll'lian .in-..-. 111 .i :w 11111!-radius of Litt• fut·1l11 \' Thi· gl,111 from -.111·1·1 llgllt:-. Jlld rwon .uh•t·rl 1-.1ng appt·an•d 1111 t h1· ll'lt·-.1·0µ1 ··, nwl hant!>m mul'h l1k11 1m.1g1•.., of 11bJl't·ts 1111111011~ of light :>-'< ,1r!-. from Earth. Nf'Uj.(l'h.tUl'r saul Thl· City Counul agrc•t•cl lo bq~in 11·phH·rng h1gh -prc.·~surt' sodium 111 mt·n·ury vapor bulbs 1n I ,!:iii I strt·t·t lights dotting Ht•mt·l cis !>111m a' 1l l>uvs the• polt·~ from Sou t h1•rr1 C.:a 1·1fornia r.:Cl1son Co j.(l 111q1 I'' ,dd 1-.lii•tl p11W1•1 Ill 11 VII\.\ I 111,111• lllM l>l •lf ll",d ~ 1111 \ 11111.ill\ ""' k1111I 111 1111.,1111 ·-.~ II 1111 111th 11111 y di'•'"',, p1111..i .... tl Ill 1111 pulil11 l~·1wl1I II ..... ,.,,,lit• 11111111-. lh.11 11111•1 111\1 11 '' 1.t11 ., ,.., 111111 It "' liHll I",, I 111.11!• IH•lllh bt'ltt\.\ 111.11 k•·I 1.t11•·, .. 11111.11, ..... y M11li.11I t>-.".dd. 111.111111.111 111 lh• .tlllh11lll\ -..11d 1111· llo11tb .111 .. l1 vh11d ,JI 1·111 11•11'.111· .111d 111111111 ip;il ,.,..,111 . .., Altl1011J.{li tlw 111 \' "''ll"" lh<'nl, 11 It . .-. 1111 ubllg,1111111 Ill 11;1v 1111• pl llll'lj>dJ HI 11111 n ·,1 Tit.ti 11 ·.,1J1 •1i..1bil11 \ I.ill-. 1·111111·1\ 11pw1 tlw < .,.., .. ,ra11011 Tlt1 tlill111·1111· 111 1111111 -.t 1111·.111\\lltl•· h 1 .• i.. tl\tlllpl 1111 1t.1 I 10111 I h11ld1 .• () ' \\ .• I d ..... " I h I. II •. " JHllVl~lllll" 1111 11·L1tl ht1~1111•:.s1•-. 111I1·1 111·111111 ... 111g ,., •-.u 11~ f11r 1 lw t'llV ,111d 111lf•11•s1t•d (111 11:-. "A :. Im as I k1111w. w1·'n· 11111· 1.t tl11 l1•w 11 11111 1h1· univ 1·11 v 111 1111· -.1.111· tha1 1·:111 1s.'<~t· bo11cb 1111 r1-'t:i1I a11d l·on111H·1e'111J 111111,.,.,. . .,, .. ..,.mf Usw.tld. l~·lri11 · "l'l''"v111.,: ,, l11111111111g 11111 kitg•· lliougli. 1111 .1111lt1111I \ '' t li.11v,1 •d \\Illa'-"' 1g h111g l h 111111·1111.d I"'"' tl111111111, 111 ,,,.. 111 v U11k M1Neh l111o11111 · .. 11111 ·1v1.~111 -..11d 1111 • ttl\.., 111 t1·11·.,le•d Ill li11w lh• I 1111 .-. w1111ltf Ill 111 \.\1th 11llw1 1 ·i..1-.1111~• bui.111t·._.,. . ., .111d , , . .,.d1·1111.d "'' ,.., 11·· 1111t1·d 11t.11 lltt I 111.1111111g I'> 111ily ·' p.11 l 11 1 1111 11 \'t 1.tll .1pp1 ov:tl pll1< , • .,, I\ 1111-.1111 ·.,., '''" Wt1llld 1>1 • fl''Jlllf I'd Ill h:1\'I' 111111 ·1 it-V 1·ltiI'1111°111 JI J. I II' ol JI JI I 11\' I iJ lw·l1111• 11pt•11111g A111f \,\ ... 11• 111· .igl I Id 111 .11 .11ld1·d ... .i .... (,1)\ \,\ ...... 11111111' • 111.-.1111 ·1 .1111111 111 1·x 11.i111fl111: tltt l\p•·., 111 lru ... 1111 .. ,,.,1 -.111P1u1.igtd 111 -.l'llll• Ill fl \1111 Ill !>.lid It \I 11111' \\11111 ,,. th• """ e111111·111 \\lll'll I I t 11 Ill 1 ., I ct I e• \' I I \\ I II g ·•1'11111 ;'111 111-. "That h.ilt•' tax) I'< 11111 •11 tht· 11'.t°'llll' W(• l11ok1·d .1l lh1· 1·xp;i11s11111." tli' -.;1lll .. H111 w1· do11'1 pl<111 011 lo\.\"' 111g lllJI lt•vt•I ol si-rut111y W1··11• still looking 1111 1111' lt•Vt>b of 4u;il11y th.it Prince v1 its Di n eyland 11llt,111 llw lw111d holdc·r w1 w1111 t 111 k1 1·11 lip I 111• ,1,,11rf.11 d"t of d1·v1·lop1111 111 111 I 1 """ W1 '11• l1>•1k111).{ 1111 1111"'"'""' ' 111 .. 1 ,111• pullut1•J11 1111 11111111, l1k1 • Iii.JI Su f ,11 I h • ,, 11tIi111 11 V Ii<•" .lflJll ll\'1•1f l 111,1111 111 µ f111 tWll 111111'> S 11l1.1111 •II A1111111.1' ,,~,4 lllllllllll Jl<ll I' dt'olt lltlllll!fl I t•IJll•r otlllf ,1 .~11011 01111 \\ 111 Jil ttd\lt I' w.111 ·1!11 11 '1 1111 H1·puhl1c· i':lt ·t 111 •1111 "'. <hv..dd 111111 .. 1 11, .. 1 Sul1.1ru, l11111d \\ill 1(11 11111 Wllh ·•II II ~I pc•I! 1°111 I ,1h \,\ f11d1 Ill I ,dlt•d ",Ill 1111t~l.111d111~: I dlt 111 I llldlll 11 11-! .. s II ... 11 ti "I I If I .ti ' ·" ,. .,,, plo-.1"·.t \\1th thr d1 .ii lu· ..,,11d, th.11 the·\ lt.1v1 pl1 ti~:• d Ill 1<1 $12 11111111111 tu hu\ 111111·1 l11111d-. 111 ll\llll' M1-.111wl11lc tlr• .1ulh•1111v 1~ 11·v11•w111g ;,i th11 d o1µpl11,1ll•H1. tl11:0. lllll' Crom C'r u!-.ty Brr• .. d Im . wh1l'11 IS ... N·k111g (111:1111 111g tu build a $1 5 11111111111 ll:ik1•rv anJ d1stn1Jut1on tc..·11h ·1 JJ'h1• bus11ws., would l'rt .. 1tt• .d1t•lll I l)(J J''"'· Oswald sa11.J AP Wlr~oto J apan"i, Prince Hiro c'hUt1>1 with Micke ~ and ~linnit' '1ou .. f• cluriu~ a ''i1>1il to Dis n eyland Suncla y. The prince toppt'd off a t tht· Anaht•im amu sem('nl park for two hour~ a t thf• end of a 'j..,j1 ro the l lnitNI Stat«·~. LOS ANGELES (AP) More· than 16.000 fetusl•!. taken from thC' homl' of ::i TormN medical lab opC'rator mav be "stored" in conerC't<' vaults at a Burbank c:emetC'r\, a JUdg<' ruled Monda~· emphas1Z1ng this would not c-onslltUtC' burial n •ltg1un We· don't know what th« fl'tal t1ssuc•s' rt•l1g1oni. wt•n•" said Supt'rtor Cuurt Judg, Ll'on Thompson. !ITTn llf "' Prowstant m1111sll·r "S11mt· of tht•m might havt· turn<'d out to bt· atht·1sts But I cion't think I should gc·t into th,11 issue• I should tn to mJtnt.1111 tht· status quo until tn.11 .. A !> !> 1 ., t ..i n t P u h I 1 c W o 1· k " Oin'(·tor D<lv1d OhmJn l'll.pldtnl.U t h J t l h 1• c· om mun 1 t y 1 ~ l''>tabl1sh1n~ tt' own strt•Pt lighting d1strn·t and prt'lltt·tro ll 1..-ould t.akt." at Jc...ast hVl' years to -.ubsutull' low-pn•!>l!fun· sodium vaix>r bulbs for the· bnl'(hlt•r nnc•11 The• vost h<1 s n ·1 v1..•t hc·c·n m lc-ul::rtrd, ht' ~ltd -----------:=------===~==~.......,....,.:-....., ...... ------:::---:------- "Tht.-f~I tissue ts not 111 the hands of the.· gov('rnmt·nt. and the government should n ot be 111 the business ul NATION Bess Truman INDEPENDENCE, Mo (AP) Forme r firs t ladv Bess Truman. rememberro as a symbol of "the basic decr-ncy of America," will Ix> buried beside her husband un the grounds of the Harry S Truman library. "She was a devoted wife. a loving mother. and a gracious. unassuming first l.ad y." President Reagan said. "Bess Truman embodied the basic Thl' fl'luses WC'rf· found 111 Fc•bruarv and hav1• hl't'tl s l o red ~ 1 n c.· l· t h t' n 1 n .1 c:onlamf'r at a niunt \ lol rites set d(.'('Cn<.'V Of Amc.•rtl'd The -childhood '\\"<·c·thl'art ..ind wido w of Truman d1<od of cong<'sllVl' heart failun· at ht·r lndepc-ndence horn<' at Jgt• 97 She was th<' nauon·s old<•sl first l.idy A memorial st•n·1c.·c· up<·n to the pubhc will be held at thl' sam\' ume as the func•ral. lht• lnd<'p<:ndem·l· Min1s tt:rial A lliance said Coed training to end FORT LFDNARD WOOD. Mo. (AP) -Four years and 10,000 buck privates ago, the sexes received bask training together here for the firs t time in the Army camp's h istory. That e r a wall end Thursday. a victim o f what t h e Army calls the undl'n1ablt• phys1t·al differences b<•t\\ c.•t•n thc> S('Xt'S Most of the final 27 womt•n to undergo bask training m otherwise all-male rompant<'S will graduate Thursday and h ead elsewh<•re fur mOr<' tram mg Oltman nol1·d the• .. w1td1 "ill lw rll• r I I l-11.· m ( I ;.-. w (' 11 ,Is P.1lum<1r th1· 111 w liulh-. u-.c.· lt-s.. ... 1 •1wr~y Santa Ana cop s hoots motorist A S;mta An..i llffltN dirc'l·llng t nll I 11 ,,,h111 a -.us p<.'t"l 111 lht• ll•g Suntl.1\ .1ftt·r tht· mfflt1111:-.t 11•1 us1·tl 111 -.top Jlld dr J t'<I th1· 11ll11t·1 .in 1111kn11\\ll d !>tant'l'. p• •h< (' -..Ill! ()ff1n•r l\llt'h•H'I Ostlund. :35. "..i:-dtrt't·t mg traff11· at 5 p n1. .it 1 ~1111 S S1.inrf;ird Strt•t•t when. pnlu 1• -.aid. ht• notll't•d bc.•t•r cont~1m•rs 111 the truck and asked till' dnvf'r t" pull ov1•r I nstl'ad. t ht• '\Usp<.'<'t allt•gedl y attc-mpu-ci tn ~~ away from th<' Sl'<'n<'. draggmg tht• orfiel'r \\1ho wa!> holdm~ lht• door The suspt'l't was shot Ont't' m the leg and th<• off1n•r fl'll Jost• M•'lhna. -l:l. or Santa Ana. was arrC'stc'Cl S<'Vt'ral blocks awav on susp1l'ton or assault with ~1 dl'adlv weopon against a pohct• off1c·<:r. He.• was lrt•aH•d <it UC Irvine· Mc•d1cal C<•nlt'r Ostlund recc1vt•d manor tnJUrtc.•s. polil't• said Call 642-5678. Put a lew words to work tor 011. We're Listening ••• Whcit do you hkr about the 0111ly Pilot" What don't you hke" Call the number al lert and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor :. 642•6086 The same 24 hour answering service may be used to record let· lers to lh<' editor on a ny topic.' Mail box contributors must include their name and trll'phon<' number for Vl.'r1ftcatlon No <.'lr<'ulation c·a lls. please Tell us what"-; on your mind ~ llOJ a11w4 I ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Tho mot ,. . Holey PutA•t~•• unJ C.~1fll f ••Cu•••I' ()Hu'' Jane Amari (•9<11'••11 fd•lc>f L. Koy Schvlta v .... ,, •• ~ ~ Oo1~t<W t>4 Ad""'"'"'9 Raymond Moc&..an Conooh• Mkhael ". HOf'Vey O..ec•Ot ol M01h•.ng (.11colol>O"I • KenMth N. Goddard Jr. 0..eclO' ol ()p.<0110••1 Cl11tlf,.d advertl1ln9 7 t4ft42·5'71 All other departmentl M2 .. 32t MAIN OFFICE .U0 Wt\I 8., \I . CO\la NWW CA Nlall ad019U 80J I :MO. Cotta ""-W. CA '1t1-c;...,,,,,,., ,., 0r.,. co.ut l'VOlltr••nt C-• No f'llW\ ''°' .. ' lftu\tr•flOl"t, edttort•I mMMr 6f •• vertlHtneflh IWrWlll tney IM rt l)f'OlfV<lill wltlloul •-1•1 P"'"''"'°" ol <1111,,..,., owner VOL. 75, No. 212 I Drug dealer avenges friend DALLAS IAl'I St<rn Morrt:-. .,,,\., lw It It .mgr;. nC'ver guilt~ \\ ht•n h1~ u i<:aint· dealing lt.•d to h.-. lw.,t fr l!'nd's murcit.-r So for IH rn11nlh!.. Morns swlkc•d tlw kill1·1 I 111Jlly bnngmg him 111 Jll"lwt• ··111 w,.-. 1n ~truml'ntal 1n h1 ·lp111g U-. !ll•JJ' lh1• l'llSt' Th1·11•' IHI ljUl'-.t111n <tbout ll, .. ,ht•nfl ·., t';1pl t;us HuM· ~J td ·· 111.· kt pt l n(• l'J';( <1l1vc· all tht month-. 11 u,,.., d1irmc1nt · l\l11ri" 11nt t brok~· 111t11 the• .,ll.,lk"-I'> .tpJI tnwnt posing .i~ ,1 p 11 I 1 l 1 • ., I I H .. r H l' l.1 t t • 1 h I f I I 1 II d 1· d t ht• S U~ pl l' l . 1·11nvinc·1ng him to bt•cunw h1~ 111ummau· but ..ill thl· whtll' g.1tht>nnJ( t•v1dt>nc'l' against him Tht• 1•ff•1rt...,· ll·d to an Aug 30 l'OI\\ 11111111 and hf<> St.·nll'net.· for Kc•nrwth David Pavne in thl' J..u11.1ory, 1981, killing of M1c·hat'I Stot ll'r J\l 11111s \\JS arr t•!>tld f11r .igKrJv.ill·d burglary. but \\Js rrN.•ci whl'n a grand Jury failt-d to 111d1c·t him lk wa' 1W\'l•r t harg<'ll on drug l'OUnts Aftt•r Pa\ Ill' bt•eanH' his I •M>mm~•tl'. M~1rrts said. ··1 found p1·11pl1• whn K 1·v1n rnlkt•d t1 1 .1bout th1• murder, broggt•d about 11 lit· talkt•d about huw M1k1··., l•lnod bubbled uut cm tht• floor .. Morns told his sto1 ' to t tw l>.tllJ!o Morning NPws. whH h puhl1-.hl·d tht• llllC'r\'lt.•\\' Ill d t 11p\ 11ghtt'fl stor;. Sund.iv ' t\ I I h t' t I m I' , I I \.\ ,1 !o 1·11111t11111 .. illv traum'1lH .'' Mnrn~ -..J1d ··1 \\ .. ~n·l 100 ix·r•t·nt surt· 11 w a., h I Ill. bu I I h ;1 cJ I h I., g u l ft' l ' 111~ s fl m (' 11 I g It I l< I \\«1ntl'd to takt• the law 11110 mv own hand:-.. This 1~ l\1orn~· <Jt't'fllll1 t. llt· bt't.'tllllt' good fnc'nci!o wh1•11 both wt·n · ""orkmR .It a local h:rr Where did qou get that ~errific looking LA Seat Covers JOg set made with 100% co tton. available in a multitude of colors and pre-washed for super softness, perfect fit and cotton cool active wear 673 ..... ~IO comfort ? Of Course! .\ lt hou ~h "itol le•r 111•\ "' dt'<d l d1 UI<(!>. h<· -.onlt't1111t'" \\ o ulJ dt•lin·1 thf'm for l\l11rn-. Twt• d<•'~ .dtc r 11111 '-llt h .-11 111..iml. "'h1·11 l\1•1r1i-. h.1cl given Stotle1 IJ ti.tit uunu· 111 l'l.11..Jllll' to ddtVl'r Ill ii 111 \\ bU'-l'I 11,1med "L•HH'" .. S1ntlt·1 ·., h111lv wt<; I 11u nd 111 ;111 .tl1.1 nd11111 •d fa q n hollM' 111 lll '.tfll\ 111111 hm-. w1~h l\\11 H1111'1 l1lill1•I \\t1l111d-. Ill tht- h.11k 11f tw .. hl·.td Mnr11 'i. '.!H .• 11 I 11 "' told ,l\1tho 11t11•-. 111tth111~ about till c 111 .11111•. liut ,, 11111111'1 l.1t1•1 told tht•m 1·n·1 y thing In .m unhkt•ly .1ll1.11H t • lw v1,1t1'<I II u lt'h 1n., poll< 1 and D.ill." C11u111 y ..;hl•nff"· dPp11t11•s oftt·n . 11ffr1111~ .111y b11 111 1nf11rm<1t1011 111' l111111cl Morris fir!>\ kad ranw wh1•11 lw went tu Stntll'r0!> ap:i rt1111•11t .111d found c1 p11.•c.·c of p:·qw1 \\.Ith u phorw numb<>r. latl'f tr.111·d It > Payne's apu1 tnwnl I ~4 Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOTITuHdly, October 19, 1982 AP Wlrephoto Lisa (le ft) a nd E lisa Ha nsen cele brate their fifth birthday. T he Sia m ese twins were sepa ra ted thre e years ago. Severed twins have un_ique togetherness CLINTON, Utah (AP) -Lisa Hansen flipped over a playing card and shouted: "I win!" a t her blue-eyed twin s ister Elisa, sprawled out beneath a color ph~tograph showing the paar prt8trate with their skulls fused together. Their beaming father. David Hansen, sat next t o them . recalling the pioneering surge ry that separated the girls three years ago and -as they prepare to celebrate their firth birthday Mon day -has made th e ir existence more normal. ''It's hard to imagine now that they were even joined together when they were born," he said. ''When they were born, we never thought they'd get tha.> far. It's amazing." The twiris were born Oct. 18. 1977, conjoined at the head. an event that might occur every 2 1h million births, Hansen saad. Two years later. afte r 16 1 2 hours of painstaking surgery in which ph isicians ta e d o ff she ared bloo d vessels and severed a small section of brain shared by the two. Lasa and Ehsa were separated. Therapy has followed, helping e-blonde-harred ~rls combat slight paralysis on the sadl's of theit bodies caused by removal of a uny part or brain tissue. Their recovery has varied. Ebsa walks with a hmp on her right side, but Lisa. on the verge o r walking a year a go , h as regressed. Lisa, who also wears glasses. must crawl or get around in a specially designed orthopedic w h eelchair. She u ndergoes therapy weekJy, but the Hanscns are uncertain if she ever wall walk. "It muld be soon. it could be never." Hansen said. "No one really knows." Both wear padded bonnets to protect the membrane-thin area on the tops of their heads where they have no skull. The twins, however. have suffered no me ntal impairment, Hansen said. Both are enrolled in kindergarten. Lisa in a special education program at a Layton school and Elisa at a public school n ea r their h o me 1n t h as community 30 miles north of Salt Lake Caty. "They're both smart kids. but they're about a year be hind• because of the operation," said thei r 25.-y ear-old mother. Patnc'la Hansen Veterans win changes in Vietnam memorial WASHIN GTON (A P) - Veterans who saw a "black gash of shame" in the monument built to honor Americans who fought in Vietnam will get what they wint -a flag and a traditional statue of three Gls in combat. But the government's Fine Arts Co~ion decided to put the statue and flagpole off to the side of the block-long, V -shaped Vietnam memorial, and not in the center. where the cr itics said they belonged. The commission made the decision last week after hearing from both sides. First came the veterans who d1SLiked the original monument of black. granite walls bearing the names of 57.709 dead and massing Americans. Then the oommission took testimony from the arc hitec tural community, which called the design perfect and said it would stimulate reflection. Border town hit by • • cr1s1s C ALti;x l CO (A I·» T h 11; wt•ul thy little l'lty with 11.b qumnt 1Hurc11 wos built on trade wath Mex11.·an..'j ncr06ll the border, but the peso c r l:'.118 Is causing s hutl t•rt•d s h o p s, record unt•mploymcnt and fours of even worse lim~ aht>ud. "Peoplt~ here are jus t hanging on by tht• skan of their teeth," said Bill Po l kanh o rn, u city councilman and merchant in the desert 1.·1ty. S an ce Aug. 4 , the date of Mexico's M.><.'ond and largest peso devaluation of the year. Calexko, population 14 ,000, has been s k1dd1ng toward financial disaster. For dccadt.'S, Calexico cashed in on t-ommen't' from the caty across the border, Mexicali, Mexico. which has one million people. M e xicali shoppe r s with border -crossing docume nts fl ooded C al e xi co's tiny downtown and made it a retail oasis for American merchants. But a fter d e valuation , Mexicans found the ir buying powe r cut drastically and the Mexican government stopped its citizens fro m buying dollars legally. "People could have lived with the devaluation, sooner or later you adjust," Polkinhorn said . "But the fact that the Mexicali people can't get their hands on dollars ts killing us." He esumates that sales have plummeted 45 percent among Calexico's 340 merchants. A dozen establishments have been forced to close. including fa ve an the last two weeks. accor ding to Carmel R o jas. manager of Calexico's Chamber or Commerce. "T he co unt y's gone CC'Onomacally," Rjoas said. "The town could get awfully small." More than 550 retail-related jobs have been lost since August and the town has about 1.200 to 1,500 people s till w orking. said Angel Somera, manager of the Employ m e nt Deve lo pment Departme nt orface. Hardest h it was t h e giant Fed-Mart shopping center, which has laid o rr upwards of 110 workers, more than half its work fort.'e Unemployment 1n Impe r ial County has doubled in the last fave years and now sta.nds at 39.6 percent, a n all -time h igh for Cahfornaa's 58 countJes. In 1972, Calexico led Califorrua m per C!Wita retail sales. with stores doing $37 million worth o( business. That sum skyrocketed to $1 38 million an 1981. Polkanhorn. who as 39 and a lifelong resident of Calexico. operates an antemauonal custom h o use th a t s pecializes an commercial trade be t ween the two countries. To him, all signs indicate another devaluation and another catastrophic jolt for Calexico. "l don't think we're on the verge of berom ing a ghost town," he said. "But I see the population dropping in half. "Eve ryone's biting the bullet a nd the big acid test is how many can last until the first or the yea r ." That's whe n Me xico r eported ly will end its dollar freeze. LAST ·CHANCE TO SAVE s111 ON A MODEL Ill 16K TRS-80 Model m cat. No. H-1ot2 sass Reg. 999.00 • Track Investments • Games for the Family • Learn to Program S•ve $111 and get down to serious bualneu with your own computer! Or UM It for fun-fllled g•mes In your lelsure timer Keyboard, monitor, and 18,000-Character memory-all In one beautiful desktop unit. Learn to program with our eaay-to-read manual, or add an optlonal c•uette recorder to UM • wide variety of ready-to-run programs. Hurry-sale end8 October 31st! ~ A OIVISIOH 0' TANDV COAPOAATION PAICU MAV VMV AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO DEALERS SEE IT AT YOUR NEAR EST RADIO SHACK STORE . COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALEH AP Wlrepholo Sister Arm id a d irects food distr ibution at the HHouse of t he Poor" m issian in T ijuana. An Associa ted P re s story on tht- mission purred do na tio n o f food and cash . Story sparks aid to poor TIJUANA, Mexat·o (AP) The letters fail ed wath money came from Methodists and Jt>ws. from California to Canada, tht• aged and dying. Ln l'ach cast', thl· message was tht• same. "Please use this to recd the poor," write Deborah Sulyma of East Freetown. Mass. Responding to the plight or M exico's i m pover as hl•d , sympathe tic AmC'r aca ns and Ca n adians h ave en r ich e d Tijuana's Casa de le>!> Pobrcs "House of the Poor" wa th an outpouring of aad and love. Mor e than $4,000 an cash donations. plus rood delaveraes. h ave been sent to the tiny mission that had trouble meeting th e d emands o f Tijuana's s welling numbers of poor and desperated The lette rs a nd do n a tio n s began arravang a month ago. after an article on the mtss1on by The Associated Press "They came from all over the country. T he first on e had a cht>ck for $1 ,500." said Sa!>ll·r Armada, administrator of the· charity institution that ft't'ds 1.- 000 people daily and ration:. out a sack of groceries to -IOU famahl-s pt•r week. "I sit her<:' dymg of t•arn:t•r and · concerned for those who should have life better," wrote Lalhan Campbell or Elgm, Ill. "She is sack and dymg but sht· IS thanking Of Others." Said a grateful Sister Armada "Tht•st· are beautiful letters." One of her favorit.es came from Roxboro. Quebec. Michael Plante wrote ··My wife and 1 have d ecid ed t o c ut ~own a nd ('Ventually qui\ smoking Wt• would la ke to send you the money we can savc by doing thas" He encl()S('(j $1 an the· first 1e tter Louis Sans or Orangl'. Calaf wrote: "I must try to hc•lp you reed someone. even for a :.horl tame. I would like to 5'.>nd mort• money but I am unemployed ·· Miss Breezy Ayers of Klamath I Falb. On· :.1.•111 a $25 check and an c.q.>ology "I wash ll t•ould be mon• but I llVl· on t l'llrem ent !X'll'>lllll .. Writing from Ll."t·sburg. Fla .. Ev1·l yn Hudson sa ad. "Hope thas will ht·lp you buy f<xxi for our frll'mls 111 thl• south ·· On :.t::lllom·rv undc>r the name uf th<· "Ila Nr»tl's Square Dance Club." Hal and Lil Posey of Grovl· Caty. Ohio. wrote: "We hc•r<· in Am1.•nt'a do earl' " lndudlod an tlw lettc·rs was one from V1oll'I Malk•r of Ri verside. Calaf She' wro tt-. "Whale I'm not u f your faith. I don't think hungt·r rt')>J>f'<'t'> any part1C'ular r di th or rot"\.' .. Tv. o \\ t'<·k!. after the flood of mont·\ bt·g.rn. two Mex ican· Allll't acan famtlal's drraved at the m1ssmn v.,th a personah:tt>"hvery:- From th<.·1r sagging vehicles tht•) n·muv<-d 100 pounds of race. 100 pound:. of bc:ans. -10 pounds o f m<·a 1. and bulk ca ns o f powdt·rro malk . fruit JUiee, a nd applt.• sauce ChMI lw..-ht•ll Not o nly that, but your .1ccount is serviced absolutl°I\' free. You c.1n '''rill' M• many chl'Ckc; as )'llU likl' and never pav a service char~t.'. Huntington Saving knows how to treat a n eighbor. No matter how little you have in your checking account on any given d.iy, your money will stlll eam 51/•% interest. Wt.• call it No-Strings Cht.•ckinK. ~cauSt' thl'rl'\ no minimum bal.mcl' rt>qUirl'd. Nn "crvict.> chargl'. And <;till you get 5~% intl'rc:.t compoundl•d d,1ilv on every dollar. Isn't that thl· !..ind of cht•c!..ing .1ccou11t vnu w,1nt, h)()7 ' CD HUNTINGTON AllOLOAll SAVINGS ASjOCIATIOll (IH,1 W•mc"r A""nut'. Com.or o( C'.oldt-n Wnt In Hunll~IUn ~II ' • ~·~\ ~""~ ~~ Federal aid eases college By PAT HOROWITZ 01 the Dellr Piiot St•lf DEAR READERS : T ht.• US Dt.•partnwrH of Education provides financ·1a l au.I to hc·l p t·ut c.'O!Jege costs ranging from ou tright gran L-.. Lu low-inte res t loans. To qualify fo:-federal fmam·s;.sl aid. yuu must be enrolled al leas t ha lf-llml' in 1J11t.· uf m or e tha n 7 .000 part1c1pattng l'Ollt•gl•s. univers1ues o r vocational sch ools And. you must be able to demonstrate fman~·1al nl"t.'CI . !-'actors s uch as income. assets and f.;1m il v size are take n into consideration • To obt.am an a pplication Corm. nmla<:t the Cinanc1al aid office at your school or tht' U S . Department of Education For thl· 1982-tt:i school year. appltcations must be rl't.'C'IVt.'d by Ma rch 15. 1983. The largest of the federal a1cJ programs 1s the Pell G rants which provide money to ht'lp undergr aduates pgy for:_ education aftt>r h1_gh school. Unlike loans. grants don't have to be repaid. lnd1v1duaJ amounts aw a rdt.>d for the 1980-8 1 sch ool year ranged from $176 to Sl.674. and there IS a s t.andc1.cl formula for determining need which guarant('(~S equal treatment to all applican ts There also are three federal aid prog rams adminis tere d by schools. The firs t 1s the Supple menta l Education al O pportun it y Gnmts program which awards up to $2.000 per year to eligible undergraduate students. The n, there 1s the College Work-Study P rogram that provides jobs for undl·rgraduatt.• and graduate s tudents who need fina ncia l aid Lastly . the re are Natio nal D1re<:t S tudent Loans These are low -inte rest loa ns to h e lp undergraduate and graduate stude nLs p:ly for their education The current inte r est rate is 5 percent, with a loan limit of $3.000 to S 12.000 depending on the level of s tudy • Gor a problem? Then wnre ro )ti Par Horowitz. Par will cut red tape. • getting the answers and action _vou fll!!!I n e ed to so.Ive ine qu1ll es in government and business. Mail y our questwns to Pat Horowitz. At Your Service. Orange Coast Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA. 92626. Halloween Parade PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY S20 ldltnf1f>t 10V' ._..tue tO CNS'"'"' Of I , ... IO"'lth•P' A-.0 •"14 fte n \'0tir fra.... in P()ll,lt..._,. P9'1~ fAl l'ft DtvetoP""•"' f-Qt 0' "''" I>' OMuP BC'P I pl\Of'e ._,,, Roe.,,. &.n••O . eon...lla/IU ,....,_, ~I S.OGll (714) 840-1268 Co~r vme contest ot 1--------------1 Huntington Center Oct 25 & 26. Ages l thrv 5 o t 3: 15 Mon. and oge~ 6 rhrv 12 ot 6· 15 un T ves Ah o rr ock or· treor on the moll Oc I 29 and Goblin fp\rivol on Oct 29 & 30 P1d vp \chedule 1n moll. 1~ I : ~. !!.!!:! AaCONDI~ IOIMWAT11NU~ &ATN900M lf#OOeMG ~ I• 11101 ..,,,_ ,_ l lM1t al .,_ Ooo< (Call Store -•I YtNr AIM) COSTA MBA M 1-1289 uu....,.. ...... iMIS5ION VllJO 495-0401 • 2"12 Co""-c., ....... . .. .-... l'rwy ... .A-.y ....,., BED WETTER LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED ..... ...-... --.... ·----·-·-. _ .......... --...-.--.. --.-......... -"--~-----= .. ,. ... ---·-.,,, .. _.,.._ .... -.... -..,..,...-... -....... --··---.--...--•o AI ___ , ..... "'·•-"t? ____ .. ......, "Equ•ll'I Effective for Adults" r·.;;.::,7;:c-:~:;,.;:;,-,;;.: .. ~~;D--~ : 311 flfl1 Slr .. 11 ~OOM. WI ~457 i I I I l'.AllENfS NAut I I I I Al>O'llH I • • I ClfY ITATI---Zif' __ t I I I ~I .AOl--I •I e "-lfle __ _. lief lf11 IA ... • IOI : CM 1 Orung c.;o at DAIL V PtLOl lfu Cloy, October HI 1982 Check employment firms carefully Hy LOlllSt.: COOK A-lel.O l'rfft Write• 'l'lw lll'lp Wolllh'll <1111111111 ... 111 '1111 11111 111 .. 111'1 ft lllll l'lllf'lllV I tll'lll oll(l'lll'll'' tl1''fllll' t f 11 I t'<t'b-'11111, but Jlll kllll( 1~w lll(ht 1•1r111).111'r ""' 1,.. '" lm1d "" r111111111( ''It' • •l(h• J"lt Munv 11e'<1pli· 1111· '"'"' 1l.t1•11 d l1y tlw v11r wtv 11! "'I'\ II'•'' ,1va il ulilt•, .11111 tli1· fo'1 ·do ·1.il Trudl ( '111111111)o.~lllll SU Vb It ,, lllllJ4 •1 IUlll lu r I tlll'oUtlll'I'!\ tu 11111h•1i.tund l')l.1ll'lly wh,11 1h1·y w ill g1 t 1•11 tlw 11 111oiwy l"1t•£1111• ttw y :-11(11 a11y l'1111t1 m t 1)11 11ot, lur t•>wmplt'. 1·u11fllbl' ,111 •·111ployr111•11I u~wn1·y with un l')(1'1'lll1v1· s1·ar·l'h 111 .111h pl:w1·11w111 firm (o r with a I 1rm wl11l'h :.ill1•rr1p L' tu -<1·11 .1111) lts llng:. avatlalill• th1 u ugh da~1ftl.J uds .111d utlH•r SUUfl.'l'l>, oil> ciul ll Coi.w M1•-...1 f1rr11 thot rt'l.•t•ntl\' d11St.od) Emµlo yrrw11t Ul(l'lll'll':-. ui.ually h.w1· .1 lt:ct o f SJ>l't.0 tf1t poi.1l1mii... a va1lablt• w ith l'lmlµurlll'' a 11d will M'l l't'll aµphcant.s. match Lhl•m w 1th Johs 111111 arrangl· 1nlt·r vww s &art·h und l'ounw hnl.( f11111" prov11.Jc• m urt· 1'(l'rwrul aJv11:l·. Lht•v may lw lp vou Frank L) nch, 25. ta kt·~ tlw <liret'l n1>proach lo finding work in Oklahoma Cit y. LAND AUCTION pr l'IX•l l ' I t'l'llllh'I\, lqr l')(Ulltplt•, UI u fft•I j(Uld1 ·lt111"1 1111 how lo h1•ltavl' w ith 11 pr•~JJI '( 11v1· 1·111pluy1•r 11111 tlll' !-"!'(' .... yh tlll'Y Hltl'ly k1111w ol NJM'C'tflt .11111 lllM'lllllf,l'> Jo;mpl11y111o•lll llt(l'llt ll'll j(l'tll'I .illy ft'llllll t' p.1ynw11t o1(1t•1 yuu l.(l'l u job Thi· pavrru·11I 11111y l1e 11 11e·11·1•11t.1f.(l' .,( v11ur 11\1111thly 111 1111nuul s.tl.1ry 111 It 111.1v Ill·,, fl.il h·t· St·•1r1·h 111111.-.. 11ftton tlt·111u11d p11y1rw n t 111 .1dv11r1t'1'. und tlw f1•1· nw-.1 '"· p.11d t'Vt·11 11 yuu du 11111 find <·111pl11yn w111 1•:111pl11y 111l'lll tij.(1·111·11·1> art• l1<·t•11rwd by !Ill' slah•i. 111 wh1('h lht·y upl•r Ult', liul tlll' ~vl'l' ..,,,y-..- 1111ly ,1 f1 •w ulm·1•s havl' any n ·..:uh1t111111-for h•·Jo /l'h ot l'•IUllSl'flllj( l'tll11J>UlllC'S 'l'lw. Hdkr Bus1n1·s."> Bw·Pau -...1yi. 1li1•r 1· .111· "''\'1•1.11 J.tt'lll'/ .al l.(Uld1·l11ws l ur t'l111:.u11 .. t•t :-. tu lolluw 111 d1.,1h11~ w ith t·111pluy11wnt Jf.(l'llllt·:oo ( '111-t·k 1itall• IJW!t l•J f111<I out 11houl 111 1·11"111.( tt'<jU111•1111•11L' D1.K·i. tht· law lt1111l till' anit1u111 tha t l'olll lw l hurj.(t•d '' Wha l sorl u r t'X f'l'l ll'lll L' 1 .. fl'ljUln ·d 111 :.onw1J11l' whu u~·ralt•:. .111 t'lllfJl1Jy11 wr11 111.(<'nt:y'' Ai.k thl· sWll' Dt.·partnwnt ul Lal)\>I or tlw al t111·n1•y g1·1wrul's u ff11.:c abo ut uutsl:111d 111~ n1111plamu. U:.1· u11 1•111ployml•nt ugt•m·y only ii you ar l' fullv awan• u f and can afford th1· tl·nn::. qf lht· rnntro.1t·t HN1d th ll l t'Ontrut·t t.'an·fully und gt•t ,1 wnllt•11 l·opy. du not rely on oral µr 11rn1st·s Think t·an·fully l:w fon• you j l'l:<'pl <J Joh O nc·1· you i.;1y "Yt."'•·" you havl' tu µ<Jy thl• Jf.:t.•n •·y 1·v1·n If vou t•hunge your mmd ..inJ q uit b ll-1 l:k• su i.p1t·1ous about any agt·n l'Y wh 1c h 1>t•11tb you t11 :i l'ompany that hai. no t r loqut·stcoel i.tpph«<inls or dOl·sn't set'm to kno w cin yth ing Jbout th1• Jt>h for w hich you :ire: applym g C h .ingc· l0m pl11ym1 ·nl :.igi•nt·1l's If a11 ud prom1St's "fc•t> p<.11d by l'lllJ>luyt•t ," tht.·n• !>hould bl.• nu charge lCJ you But tht• &•ttl•r Busim·ss Burt"au warns that you must ltvt• up tu tht· t·und111ons of tht.· cuntrul't or yuu euuld h <.iVl' to OF TAX DEEDS, r-ORECLOSURES. PROBATES, etc. Sunday. NOVEMBER 14. 1982. 10 A.M.-ROOSEVELT HOTEL 7000 Hollywood 91., Hollywood. CA LIQUIDATING ZSO INEXPENSIVE lOTS . ACREAGE ND MINIMUMS ON 60 LOTSI INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIESI TAX SHEL TERSI BAHGAINSI \. ,,, I • c.. •Ju•1I) • A• , .. ,.,,1 .. 'I/ 11, l i.•'H .. ,,,\'f T 0'3t1'1Jlt • "'''(IW,, .. dd • B•Q a.,., . • U\ ttfllrl '¥ 11, • ""'"' '">ti' • r1+ .. \0'\•tJtt • Lf 1•! .. 1 f >:.•'· ()t••Q•J • St111nn , •• , • """'" (" • .. 'joq ~ To TH~ fllGHT M~V.·· Now. •. ~ an H~~~T le.AN~ f()fl .,,. p.1;. II y11t1 lc·.iv<' thc· Job w1th 111 J ~t\'1·11p1.·r 1ud 111 • 111111· 1·v111 1r tht·n· a r<' urtunl'>t<i1w1·s 11kt· illnl .. ~ 1. t th.it 111 • .1kl· rt llllJ)(ISSlblt• tu i.wy .Y•JU 111..iy Ut· •'I lr.1blt• rw tllt' ll't' • Mar) Ann K ing. a lawyc·t with tht· Nt·w York • u Stat<· Consu11wr Proll'l'lt0n Bm1rd , 'o<.llU JCJb h unlt·1s shoult..I mukl• :-.un· tht•y know 1·x..ietly how mud \ '). lhc•y w ill hUVl' to pay In d oll.ir:. ;md t·<.·n t.:. Jl>"' wc•ll ::11> m tt·rm:. or •• pl'rl'l'11l<Jgl' 11f tht·lr ..... 1ury "( _ ..... think that (lht· f.>1.'rt't•nt<tgc•) 1s som<·t1m1 ·:. a l1ttl<· n11s l<'ciding to pc·oplt·," !>hl' ~1d ' ,u+l·l"'', 1 •IJ f.i1J\ttmit111,J M•1t•11.. C.,1 ... t ru1 R;ir w•1n111 • Iii ''•Q\ \,..11 • Mo"a0t 1n<i • , .. ,..~mlt • '-411 "lhlt\ld • l .t~ .. M .. i.l•I ( /t'jll l ""·ti u ... 1u.. ,, (.unl1l•!J I ' l lo £ ,,,, vtt..t • 'tuma Mu1iht1 l..l. Nl!h 1 1 , i lt1tti • Cr.lo 1 11111 Mu lu•J11f ,19ot!\ "'lt•u\JU''' JW" • "'d"V tf'htl'I~ n\ultt FREE BROCHURES ~::: WESTERN LAND BANK (714) 739-8137 or (213) 465-e211 * (ilL\i~I) 1•1tlZt~ * l ·lU·:I·: 1:11 ... 11 PHOt 'l·:.4'S I~f~ l·'OIC 1,11:1·:• IA~ I [1 4' If II M 11» HollywOOd Bl Sw1le 61• writ• Loe Ano .. •• CA toent Make More. II IOU rt• l1111lon)I. ror J ff~ anltnj.( I Jrl'l·r 11fr1•nt1)1. u11hm111·d 1',HOlll)I. pu1t·nt1Jl J iil) J d lJlll l' 111 hl'fp llt'llplt• \(l'I 'Llrtt'd 1111 'ound findll\t.tl (Ulllrt·, tol th1·or 11"11 lhtn WU 11"1' ti 111 l1tl11'd( 111 tn\l''U!!alt' fl)~ Attend a Free Career Seminar. For Reservations, Call 833-9450 111. .... Hl -~TJ N(;TON HEAC'H LIBRARY TAL8EHT HOOM 11.1••· Oct. ~:~. I 98:! '"'" 9:00 AM First Prize NIKON FE CAMERA Five Second Prizes ONE YEAR FREE FILM PROCESSING· Twenty-Five Third Prizes FREE 5X7 COLOR PRINT OF YOUR FAVORITE PHOTO Ctl•I~~ llC)ITSI~ ('l~l ,l~lllL~'l.,IC)S C)~tc•l•4!r I I tlana 22nd -Come in and Reg1s1e .. lor Grand Opening Orawing - lt .. "'' ,,,, J ,,, I H .t f' rO ,. u s • I • • n Out f 1 • I W( f • f J • • '\'• f If'" ,\ •· , • 01 ... ~ JJ\I \t~p 0~ C1,\A , l'f It ' .. ,.:·· * GHA.~D OPt ;s1sf; IU·:C '1·;1ri10.~ & IHL\\'1Sf; * Octohcr :l:l. IU8~ from ;\:00 ·1ill 7:00 p.m . VIA LIDO ONE HOUR CUSTOM PHOTO 1• it• • • ,, • •'" '• , ,. ~ 111 N••t.on1 1lit>1< 11 11 11 ''•' , • , I I ONE HOUR )li t I '• Ao !i I ~ 't• • ,• I .a Investors Diversified Services. Inc. .. 111 I tfll•lf I l/1/1• •r/1111111 I 111/1/111·1•r I/ I I\ p.11<1 polrl1c c11 c1t1wr1r~etnen1 , If Referendum Measure N is passed , you lose ... O $6.000.000 1n add111ona1 roadways O A new lire statlOll O A pedestrian and bicycle O\lerpass across Coas1 Highway O A new rive acre park and ~reenbelt O $300.000 annually lo the hool D1s1r1c1 D $400 000 1n net annual revenue to lhe City of Newport Beach O New drainage lacrhlles 1470 Jamboree Rd Newport Beach CA92660 .. . I ,1 •' I \I , I I; t ·: ' •Z CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE -----.· / ,, 'All Service On Schffuled Alrllne• SAYE .AIR FARE SALE ENDS FRIDAY SALE! ··DEEP DISCOUNTS ROUND-TRIP PRICES" lOSANGElES REG COACH CAL·MART YOU AREA TO FARE TRAVEl FARE SAVE 8otH . kll $26600 142.00 114.00 BulialO.N V 19000 att.00 4'4.00 0.lroll. Mich 729 00 ltt.00 451.00 Fl. Laudt rde ... Fie 53000 m .oo na.oo Grttn 8ty, Wltc 59400 •.oo IH.00 70000 m .oo 311.00 FLY Hartitbu1-. Pa Houl ton ••• 41000 aq,oo 111.00 LATER NOW! Na1hvll19.Tt nn 53e00 M.00 140.00 Newarlc.N J 9~00 111.oo Ul.00 Notfollc. Ve eee oo Zit.GO 111>.00 P~.Pa 71000 ne.oo 4n.oo p ,Ott 2ee00 141.00 114.00 RICNnOnd Va 79200 )41.00 '41.00 Sprlngtltld. IH 78000 ne.oo =·00 Spli~ Mo 838 00 )41.00 .oo ~ICUM NY 99000 111.00 7'4.00 IC!llla. l<I 45000 111.00 Hl.00 Young1town. OhlO 80400 311,00 4H.OO IMPORTANT Cel·Mel1 Tra\194 8eMCe I OfEP DISCOUNTS ~ con11ruc1t<1 to piovlOe you !ht grMIMI pottlbll NI/Inge. The lllgl\I fOUtlngl may not. ~. Provtde ,.,. lutnt. moet OOIW9lllent conntCtJOl\9 Your IP9Clflc ltlM!ary may c:auae the farw to lncrMM fl.,.. ~ lo cMllCI' without notice Ollcounl I-Bubjecl IO edvtnot f)UttiNM end OI'* rwtndlonB. C11t1. cf*tl Of ma)Or cl'ldll cttd ~on "Deep Dteoount · detllnallona lhown lboY9 We a.n Nvt 'IOI! dOfllll .. ·o..., Dl9count" IYllleble '°' Olhtf ClllM CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE (714) 957 ·2590 , .. .!t:t:.~~. '03 .. A8 Or 11uo Cou.-1 UAll V I'll 0 TIT u 1niuy Oc.1ohur IU, IHll1 New Prop. 13 proJfose s longterm water policy f or t\ s tatt• 111 w tud1 w.1t1·1· 1:-. s ut·h n 1·r it1t·al n ng1H ll').t •~~li t'. C t1 )iforn1u h us p r l't'tous l1 lllt• constru<.·t1vt· wutl'r poht.·y to guidt· 1l through till· d1allt·ll!WS of th<.· futur<.'. T ht•rt•'s p ll·nty of bl.111w tu pass around for this !>tall· o r r.1ft;urs -th<.' Lt•g1sla turl' ai1d numt•ruus v i c i o u s 1 y comp l' t 1 n g s µ <.' c 1 a I in te rests come to mrncl but that w o uld be a use less t•x t•n •tsl• now The wate r s ystt'm n<.'<.-ds t•hang<.·. and it's t\Jnl' for at·t1un Pro p os1t111n t :i, 1h1 • w.111•r r eso urc l's i n1 t 1at1Vl' 11n tht• November ballot. 1s not .1 ix·rfl'c:t law , but it dues s uc.'t·<.•<.•d 111 gl'lling to the h ea r t of soml' uf tht• most d eep-seated unde rlying causes uf ou r water problt1ms Wl' u rgt' c1 yt•s votC' on the m t>asun'. One key to s t<1bd1nng tht· w a ter s uppli<.•s of an«.1s that must impo rt muc h u f t tw 1r watt•r 1s maintaining th(• h c·a lth o f th<.·11 .. g r oundwat e r bas in s Un fortuna te ly, th <.' h umans who use some of those basins insis t on s tealing from tht• future by overdra w ing the ir gr o u ndwatt-r supplies a practice that could well l e ave th em w ith n o groundwa tt•r a t all 1f it Jrigge rs well failures. Pro p osition 13 ta<:kles th e pro blem by imposing groundwa ter mana g e m e nt p rogra m s o n 11 critically overdrawn basins. most o f t h em located in the San J oaquin Valley. th(• s t a te'!> agricultural heart. I t s h o uld bt• n oted that Oran ge Co un ty, w h1t·h h a!> perh aps t h C' b t•s t ma n agC'd g r oundwater bas in 111 th<' state. would not be govc.'rrwrl by sut:h a pr ogram . The init1at1ve also rt'qu ires certain w a te r agenc ies a n d n thl'r e xpor ting e nt1tres to dev e lop water c onser vatto n pro grams T h <> p r og r a m s m u s t 1dcnl 1f y a l l r e a so na b l e c o n se r va t ion possibililles. and an y alt('rn a t1v<.• t h at costs less tha n importing a d d 1 t i o n a I w a t l' r m u s t b c· implemented befon· nt•w w a tt•r ca n be 1mportC'<l T h ere. arc two o th e r n o te w o r thy provtsron !> of the in1t111t1Vl· 0 1w wou ld d f1•d1v .. ly m c.1k1· 11 1111p 11s.,1hlt• f11 1 w.1t1·1 supplH·• s to t•1Hl.111j.(t•1 tlw l't'o logy 11f the• s1n .. 1m s and l.ikt·s tlw l ~11•· tlw 1r 'i(lU rn ·' Anntlll'r n•strwt.' tlw us<• uf <1 Nor th<.·r 11 <.'ahlw 1w 1 d .u n proj<•«I 11n11l l11ng h •1m1·ontrat'ts lo p u rch.1:-t• mus t o l llw wal«r 11 would su pply an• s1g1w d Th c· 1n1t 1a t 1 v <.' h :1 s 1 t s d rawlx wks . st•Vt'ral uf wh1d1 ._irt: 111t•r t•lv llw l'X Pt't'tt•d outgrowths l>f .m y s u <'h alll'tnpl a l watt·r rl'furm 111 tl11s sWt<.• lls eu11t't•11 t1 Jtrur1 ul w.l!t·1 polwy dt'l·ht0n!-. an thl· hands of ~1 sm:.ill gov1·rnmg body as trnubl111K. a s a re lht· l1m1l!> 0 11 h•g1~l a t1 Vl' a u t hor llY to anwncl th1• nwas un• w h ich <1i·t• indudl'd Law~ u 1 ls b v I 111' "l ' w h o lw lit'Vt.' ttw ,v nn · uggrwv1·d b y ~ht• in1trat1v<.· a n· a v irtual Cl'l'taanly 1f tt passt•s . That 1s hardly a surµnst• given tht· s l<Jt t•s btllt'I' wa \l•r' history. but tt wtll I)\• mstly, ttnw c:o n s umin g a nd a nn oy i ng nonC'lhc•l£'s.' Thus <.• µr obl L·m' mu s t h1• cons1den•J Sl'<:ondary tn \'lt•W o f w hat e:rn IX' at'C·om plrsht.•d h(·n · lt can e vl.'n be• a rgued Lh..al -;ueh I 1 m 1 t a l 1 u n !> a r t· v 1 r I u a 1 I y u navoid able· 1n an~ .it·tr o rl that at t l'mpt s t u o v 1..•rcom<.· o u r h1stoncal inab1lr ty tu rt·ach a W<1ll'r consensus P r o p os1t1 o n l :J p ut s a n oppor tunity tu 1mplL•mt.•nl sound watt.•r pol1t·y m tht.• hands of the vo te rs . µcrhdpS tht• unly g ruu p now able to start unr:Jvt.·lling mort' th an a eC'n turv of d1v1s1v<.• <ind d 1 z z y r n g I y Z· o rn pl t.• x w :1 l l' r prob lems T h e Leg1s l..atun"s las t .i nd perhaps bes t w a ter cornpro m1sc the Perr pht·ral Canal h as b<:l•n dead s inC'C' thC' J U IH' l'l t•C llun . Votc·rs soundly r ej(""<·wd th t.• notion of mass1\·e nC'w wau•r 1mporung fa<·1h t1es lo mt.·t.•t futun• n<'<·ds That lt~C:Jves consl:'rvat1on. the m us I I 0 IS I l' a 1 and r l ' a s I b I(.• re maining path an d one that has been proved eminently CJd\lt.'ViJblc bv s tudy a fter stud \• ~ P ro pos1ttr>n l :i "ould 1.1 kt> l.tllit path_ Voters sho uld n.:!>pund bv a pproving tl Dollars and flood risk Hunt i ng to n B e a c h homeow n e r s who h ave been relie ved of a fedec:a l requirem e nt • tha t they pay about $800 ,000 in •flood ins ura n ce pre miums -t $160 a year on almost 5,000 homes , -have reason to be grate ful to t he city for successfully a ppealing their case. But if they arc wise. they w ill think tw ice before dropping the insura nce. The F e d e r a l Eme r gen c y , Managem ent Agency h ad r equired that all h omes in th e Santa Ana R iver fl ood pla in carr y t he insurance unJess they are built o n e ' foot above the a n ticipa ted flood level in a so-called 100-year flood. T he city appealed in behalio! 1.000 homes in H untingto n Beach and succeeded in con v incing the F EMA that 70 p er cen t o f the h o mes in volved in t he ap pea l w e re above the one -foot level. So 4,982 • now are exe mpt from pay ing the f l ood i n s uran ce , w h i le the r e m ai nde r mu st h a ve t h e • coverage . • • • But , according to pla nning off1c1als. as li t tle as a fract ion o{ an rnch in g rading levels can b e enou g h to decide w he ther or not the flood r isk exists. T ha t's culling 1t pre tty close. A similar appea l by F o untain V a lley officials fa ile d a nd . 1n f a c t . h omeo wners 1n th a t comm unity soon w ill lw requ1rE'd to ca rr y e ve n m ore fl oo d insu rance And n e w homes a nd o ther buildings there w ill have to be built on a pad at least three fe<!t above the flood p lain. lf fed e r a l a utho ri tie s are s u fficiently concerned abou t the floo d risk to impose stric t e r requireme n ts on F ou ntain Vallf'y. it hardly seem s r easonable to assume th at th e ri s k a n H untingto n Beach has diminis hc.>d fro m earJier estimates. It's u nlik e ly flood w a t Prs w ould be s temmed by a mer e inc h or two of g rading -and $160 a year could look like small change in the event of a ma.)Or deluge • Opinions expressed in I.he space at>ove are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex : pressed qn this page are those of their authors and arti sts. Reader comment is lnv1t· ed . Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box tS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92b2b. Phone (714 ) • 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/Chau vi11ist The English poet Jo hn Mil e.on, a male ch auvinis t in the e xt re me , refuse d to teach his daughters a forejgn la nguage. saying an witless seri«.&sness. "One tongue is enough ' for any woman." O n e fairly po pu la r g raduation pr8ent for teen-ag e girls in Southern t Calilom la over the last decade haB been that bit of plastic surgery known I as th e n<>&e job. The United S t.ates has four times a. t m#ny lawyers as G reat Britain, five tJmet as many .. Wen Germany. 10 -O RANGE COAST .Daily Pi~at times as many as France and io times as many as Japan. Me n tend lo suffer hearing loss Ht an earlier age than women do Every seventh rrem·hman makes wine !or a Living Q , Any truth LO the old notion that long fingers denote a rtistic talent? A. Evident l y no t Hcsearc hcrs checked out the hands of numerous famous artists to find thnt most hfld fairly sh ort fi ngers that taperc•d c.owa.rd the Ups. Themo1 '· Holey Pvbllatww Jone Amor! t • .c111 .... fdoior hrlMwa l<r.Ytlch [dilOt!OI '• [dolor ~Mc<Ann ~tdotOf • c -- 'Too had it didn't wOrk' C H A HL OTTBSVI LLI::, V:1 'l'IH· ll'aVl's, JUSI beginning tu turn. Wt'l l' lo Vl•ly h1•rt' l a ~t S a t urdav. and tlw l'Oloni-al a n ·h1tL't lure alway~ has b<•l'n But trees and houSl'S wt•n · not wha t ca ught your ath•ntwn un a ndl· through town Yard setll'~ d1d1 Thl're sN·med .to be• y <J1 d .... all·~ o n t·very other rornL·r Clo thing, lur1111u n •. l'h ina. books. tl'll'vasiun :.t•t.s llw hnl ks and mortar of m1dcilt>·das.'> Anwrat'.1 wen· tagg<.'<l <ind waiting 011 l.1wm, and dr1vt·ways "P EOPLE ARE; hun mg." '>..11d mv, .1h d1 tvl'r. Jll l'ldcrlv whatt-man ··tt·., h1-1•11 a lonjt tam<.· &mce· 1t was llkL• th1~ Tlw~ huVl' tu !11.{urc• out som1· Wtty to gt.·\ ;1 f1•Y. d111l<1r. .. Thl• guvl'rll ml'nl. ' h<' :.•11d 111 ;.in &lTl•llt n Nt.•w Yorker hi.Id lo ti .. 111 f<n WJrd 10 fully unders tand, ··1~ ~111ng to h.1vt• tu put up soffil' m u JW) f11r J<1l1-. Wt• h<IVE-to p<iy mw·l' taXl'S :Jg.i111 "ll·s li>O bad," hL· l'UIHlllUl·J "Blll Rl'ag<in's 1dt.•i.1:. JUSt didn't work I w 1-.h thl'V had, but It d id n't work " Sl•\'(•nty-f1 v1• mill'' no rth , on tlw lar m h1· t·..i n wd ma king IL·ll•v1su111 t·u1111m•r l'1.1b fo r Dcniocrat 11· l'<tndrd&tt.">. pol1t1 L·:.il consultan t RobN t SquiC'r said "Th(• l'Ong n -ssaona l ral'l_'S are bn·a kin1' fa:.tt•r than rvC' l'\'(•r St•l'n them In this SI.all' V1rg1n1a. l'vt.> sc><·n two l'a nd1dal('!> p1t k uµ 'I>. po111~ 1n ~1x d;1ys 1n pnvt1l<' poll' ·in T t·nnt'SM-t. ·· lw t•ontmut-<l. "ISt·n I Jim s~w1 h;L, 1111·kl•d UjJ 10 po lllL' Ill Ill day-. The· d1 ff1 •1t•11u• ht.'t \~ 1·1·n !I 8 pt•n 1 nt u nt mpl11\-nll'IH Jilt! 10 I p1·n t·n l 1.., ·• ti if fl' 1 t: 1H l ' b L' t w L' (.' n v I l t or y '' n d l,1nd,ladC'" l>ow11 tlu-1oad ,J b1t . .J man who W•JI k ... 111 tl•lt•v1s1tm, J fal111 L«lllor. said: "l)id you w t• Hf'.1g,1n':. l~t:.1 nn· ....... t'Ullft•renc·1·'1 lit.'s b 1 • g 1 n 11 1 n g r o 111 a k 1• Ji l' o µ I t' Ulll'otll f11rt,1blt· lit•., sJ yln).( lhe OpJJOSltt· RICHARD REEVES 111 w h,11 llw f;;cL' art· P t .. ,ptt· k1111w II "h1•11 tlh'\ \\.ill h h1111 Thl'V t'an fc·t·I 11 tlwv t·.111 ~nll·l l 1t ·· Wh~1l vnu hc:g111 In t.·«I i.. that tht•11 nlrlv l)l· .i ll Plnt.'11tl11u:. l.>t•mon a tlt' \:lt tc11 v m iic·>d mo111h·s t•1m~11•s.-,1•mJI 1Al"<"tlnns Brg s1g11d1t'.111tl v n11ire thc.11 th•· l. 5 . :. 1 • .1 t g J 1 n 1 n t h ~· 11 11 u .., t · 1' f Hl•pr1· .. t·n 1 JtlVt'' t h;H most p1 >la I 1t1<111~ h.1\'t• 1.>t.•(•f1 wlkm~ t_1h<1lll privatt·ly Thl· l>OllllfTl m;1y lw falling out fu1 U1·agan 0111 l:1w of po ltttl·s t'h.n I I• ;, r n c> d f r o 111 .. n '' t her po 11 l 1 t• .ii IUl1'Ulktnt. V.1 v1d c:..irth of N1•w York, rs ft·lt•Vbll)ll pup..ilanty d1•d rn1·s al thl• same ratt· as 1t burlds up The· part of Honc1IJ Ht•agan·.., pohttci.ll po pulcinly that ~·am<.> from h1 i. f·ngagi ng n>m mamJ of lt·lt·v1s11m \\ 111 plumnwt a~ quit kl) .ii. rt ""'n .. t So 1f Ht•Jg,111 Jlld m11sl purllt'ul.irl:--• 111, t 111l.1µ~1ng 1·111n11n111 pol11 11·:. 1-. n ·µutl1<.1t"d 1111 Nr" :!. tw 1·ould '><K111 ht· 11 fl '~1 t h 11111\ llw h .11d 11~ht Y.111g 1 1 msll lucm y he bu ii l over 15 years. T he 1t·l1•v1s10n <:uns tlluPncy w ill be a memory. "Supply 'ldt·" C'l'Onom acs will be seen for whc.1t 11 was, Jal.Zl-d ·up trickle-down tht·or v. and last Satu rday not enough wai. ll ll·khng down Lu Charlottesville:. THERE WILL BE onlv w mLll h t•> u·l('bn.1 tl'. thciugh. rf the voters who lon·d him a yea r ago :.trike d u wn Rl·agan and tht• R('pubhl'an Party now T ht.•rt• sh.,uld tx• t·h('('rtng for the demise of .. supply-side .. and , perhap:., Cur the d1·m 1'>4· of -;(nm· 1dt'Ulug1l'al ('X<'<'SS4..·i. 1n uvil .ind SOt"1J l righ t.!> and hlx·ru~. but th1•1l 1~ l1ttll· t1i lhl't·r in thl" prospt.•1.:l of d1v1dt•d .... u.1lc·nia t<-d ~uVt'rnml'n l for ~ht> JW'<l lW11 VbllS A <ru-.ti1ng Hc·publ1t'an dl'f<..at. 1! 11 h<1ppt.·n~. will nut l'h <tngc· tht• rc·al reason~ R«ag;1n W<t~ 1•lt'< tt•d two ye&r!> ago T ht> v11 t1·r~ 111 l!HW v.ana·d w chl'ck <snd t·•mtflll th•· gro\\ th o f govl.'rnmenl and thl· Wt•lfun· ~tutt-. and tlwy thought th<s1 lh ·agt1n wai. tlw tx-s t man to htrL· for that JOii T ho'l' vol1·r~ knt•w that Demcx:rats .md J 11nm y Car•tt•r Wt>rt•n 't go mg to do II Th« trngt-dy u( 1982 will not mvolve rht· h rua:.('d fl·(•lln~s and careers of RC'pubht·im pohtauan.s who overanalyzed and a bUM'd their elc>Ctoral mandate The n ·ol :.ad nL·:.s w all fullow af victorious D<·mcl< raL., don·1 undt>rstand the reasons rnr Vlt·tm" nut thl'1r uwn \'Jl tt>rt(>S, but 1lw 1111gin,il R1-.igan \lltory Amt:n t·a ns datl and du "".mt t h<Jllgt• from lhl' way Dt•mut r<.1l'> h a\'l' g,ovl·r nt•d rn rc~C'e_,_.n,_,l_--1 \t-;1rs t he·\ JU'>t d o n·1 "<.1 nl cil l the 1 h.inw·-. Ht·.igan trwd h> ma kl· Letters to the editor Dist1·ic t policy inspires ideas Tu th<.• &litoa T he propos<>d "rnul7le policy" hy th1· Coa st Community C ollt•gl· 01:.tratl wh11:h . a mung oth e r thi n g!.. w uu ld requir e a n "c•xhausu ve mtra-d1~tnc1 r eview before an e m ployee 1·oul1I comment on d1slnt·t matters out.'>l(fo thc- d1stn ct," got my attention It may tx• thnt part of m y mte rest 1s that l teach for om• o r t he d istrict colleges So I 1h1nk I should say something before I haw to start smuggli ng ou t notes wnll<.'n o n toilet paper Mamlv I want to ma ke it df'<lr lhat I'm o n t he s ide of th e a dmin istration o n these matte rs l've no idea why the faculties have bt>comc so cranky Take the issue of telccour!WS f'or most o f m y 12 years p lus as a n Eng lis h instructor at Orange Coast I've taught al leas\ one evening class. Rarely a month went by that we were not exhor tt'ti by evening class admirustrat.ors to keep our s tudents for the fuU three hours. A (1·w years ago. one night I let my 7-10 p.m Englis h class go at 9:39 p.m. The next day I got a note m my box from the Dl'an of the Evening School: "l was by your classroom last night a t 9:40 and 11 was dark Pleac;e come by and see me." NOW, WHJ LE I still ge t t ht• samt• udmo111t1ons from my superiors at thl• Evening &•hoot lo make sure and ke<.>p s tudents for the full three hours. th<' 01slrict polr cy on telecourses. 1>0ml' of which courses require no more than JO ur 15 v1ewmg hours for lhe same courses that we at Orange Coast spend from 50 to 72 classroom hours on, 1s tha t 15 hours IS rlenty o{ tim<' tO teach those COUrs<.>S! couldn't agree more. which 1s why ofwr just completing the fifth week of what was to h ave been an 18-weC'k S('mc.-stcr. l've dismissed ull iny classe!I for tht• rt•mainder of the term, !ltnce I've already satid led the tim e requirement. The District l!I obviously right on th ls issue and t he faculty is wrong. nnrl furthermore. all o( my studcn~. mnny o{ t h e m su rfe r s . arc ln ~n t hu11 l a 11 ll c agret'ment, as is my wife. I f<!el sure that the Uistrlct policy on going through channcl5 will apply to focuhl and students as wcU. That meana that I & student hilt & a:ri va.nc.-e about me: 8S a teacher (not coml n1 to clUI, not gradlna their papers, coming to claa arnNhed, lnd~nt expoBUtt, decent but boring exposure, genMal lanoranct' of aubject , etc .• ) the)' mutt ta ko t h a t arlev~ to me. If I think It hu merit MAILBOX rll pass 11 on tv my dC'pal'tme11\ hl·ad Tha l «h uuld w o rk 1 ea llv w 1·l1 for rv1'rvom· K-.i:x·~:wll y nw · l iAHY FREEl\lJ\N Seal el'ery thing To thl· &111or Thc•rt• wall lx• Lroubll' so long as w1• have st'rl'W on tops and easy-to-get antu focxhtuffs. i.u1 h as the .. help yourself" hc•.illh food<. the1t are m o ur markNs wherC' evt•r vune can suck their dart v hands Ill and sample w hat they like. including childre n and adults with hl'pat1t1s , fl u and who knows what, wrth all tht• nl'W dlSt'ast'S that an> popping up these dnvs Also th<' drugs in our markets. such as tht· Ty lenol and C'yedrops scare. and. not far back tlw kook who was putting poison in foo<I .iars on tlw shl'lvt'S. If Wl' would onlv scarr them with th<" death sentence (a· hfr for " life when r cm n d g u 1 l t y ) 1 I 1 · s t 1 m C' we s e a l r•verythmg that 1s C'asy tu get lnW, like uur W tn('S that have a cork <ind a Sf'al. EMMA HYMAN Grads lo ~·e b and To thl· Ed1h>1 I would ltkC' to t.1kt· this npportumty to puhhdy t·xrn·ss my a pprl'C'iation to J eer Fostt'r a nt th•· L,1guna Beach ll1g h &hool band on hl•haH of the graduating classes or 1945, '46 and ·47 The band played II our reunion Sept. 18 at the Hotel Laguna. Everyone who a ue ndl'ti wns thoroug hly impressed by the musical skills and m anner m which the band presented their p rogram. lnc1denta 1Jy, this praise has nothing to do w ith thl' ro<.·t thut they pla?:1'<i (Ill of the' chartS of t llt• mu."rl' of th1• <10'~. On bt•holf of the t'Ommlltee for the r ('unio n. Sylvlo Rhoades Do lby , Bo b Kellogg, and myw lf. t want to publicly express my apprc-<:ialio11 n{ Jl'f( ond nil of the oond m('m t)(-1'1'. T twy h~V(' fl rll{ht • l.1·t1 rn ''""' r1•1ld(•r.~ o r.• utt•lrumr T~1• riµh l 111 rm1d1•n.~1· /l'tt.-r~ lo /11 space ur rtim 1111111' htw/ 1 ~ res1•n 11•d /.1·1lrrJ 111 JQ(I u·ord,, 11r lru will 111• flllll'n prrjrrf'flc'' AU ltllrr.~ mw11 mr ltul1• .'19n<1lurt' l'IM 111a1hng otlrlrr.u bur nnmn mny Ill' u1thhtld on rt QUl'~I 1/ .t uf/1nrnt rr1uun " oppartnt Pof'lrJI 11•11 n<ll ~ publl:thtd l,rtltr., moy lH' 11'/t phont'd 111 642 fiOS6 i\'amt and phone' numbt'r of tht' rnntnhutor mu.tt b<' {1111flf tor 1 itnf1roflon JZMrpo t a .. t o bl' v C' r y Jl'\'ompl1shm1•nb pr o u d u ( th e ir .JOE O'SULLIV Aflf <:rurinl role Tll tlw Editor· I wc1s disappointed an the superf1c1al ,1nd .... mphstlc ap proach takl'n m your r<'<.'<.'nt Sl'rlC'l> on development m New port Bt:ach C1t12en., group!> such as SPON play a n u c1al rol<' in balancing the o ften conf11t·t 1ng gC1a ls of d<>v elo pers and r<.>s1dt•nts All t'oncerned parties realize that grow th is anp\•ttablc However. without the analvsts and rounterforce provided by co~med c1t1tens. poorly plannl'd pro]e('lS might well ha ve cost the ctty much more m improvements, r n c r e a s l· d s e r v 1 c {' d e m an d s a-n d l'Ongcsuon. than·thE'y would have rei)aid m direct and indirect benefits. Indeed, tht' current prat•l1~ of havmg developers share m lht• t'OSI uf the improvemen ts n~itatcd by their projtx'ts is due to th" past acttons of informed citizens and 1 he ir l'lcctcd representatives. no t the mnaw generosity of the developers. WH E T H E R we like i t o r not . government has a long-established right and obligation to modiCy property righ ts an a('('()rd with law and regulation. Jusl as an individual cannot choose to lease his garage for oc-cupancy or convert his rcs1d t'n cc to a fas t -food outlet. a developer cannot cxp«t ac-ceptance of his plans· without public debate. While gent'ral plans. zoning laws and 1 raff1t• phasing may n o t m a ke for Pxc 1lln g c o p y. t he y are m a .1 o r determinants oC th<' quality of life 111 New port Beach . and the inlerests of your readers would have been better served by a discussion of these issues rather thnn by your focus on personalities. a11ecdotes. and outmoded catchwords. ., JAY LICHMAN lllllY IU Why must we muddy up the 100CI name or 'love' and 'lover' by havinl thM\ uaed In thl'M' oO.CCnc lnwt1ult3 bet n people O( like g<'ndcr? lt'A bad enouth that the lruc &er\91! o f tha t pleasant word '1ay' has bttn re.moved J. V. ..... , .. __ .......... .., ............ ... -·~·-........ -...._ ......... ... ..... .. ' 0-.. hilt 111'119' \ .. o ,uoyu <..ou•t IJAll V fllL O l lluuatfoy l>t.IOIJIJr 19 1982 ., •ANN l ANDERS •HOROSCOPE •ERMA BOM BECK Karate better rape defense than chastity belt IH•:An ANN I .ANDEHS I ,1111 .1 ~:I w ;1r -11l<I WtHtn•M wh11 wurk:c th,· lll((hl ,111(1 I huvt· 11 ... 1111 ~· mm·h about rap.• I .11n ~·;1rt'<I tu rlt:ath 111 11 Plt•uSl• tdl rrw wht•t ,. I ',111 hu v ,, t h."111 'I' l><•lt ' I • v t.' bl' l' ll I ll I d I ht' ' '" I. ".. I II II ..: I I I 11 I II /.! rruinufol·turt'<I Su11•lv ~mw .. i.u 1 111u~t h.1v1• .1 l1 ·w 011 h1111d Can you hl;l11 1111·' LAST 10-:St lHT IN CAHOLlNA DEAR LAST: Thl' c has tity b1'll Wl'nt oul with King Arthur's l'OUrl. No great los · lO you, ho~ever. A r apis t who ran Int o that 1·un traptlon would probably become so in<•ensed he would murder h i!J victim. llcttl'r you should learn kurutt·. 1>1''J\H ANN I h.iv1· h1•11rd w1111d1·1 lul 1h111g, about your daugh\\·r·~ hook about you I '111blt•m I t'llll't find ll i11 11nv l><1okstor1• II l 't'11tl v11 u :s1 :1 !Ir> will you st·1H..I nw· .1 m py 11( "Fpptl ·' Ii It IN SANOUSKY, 01110 DEAR C .R .: Sorry, I hav1· no extra t•opies. Send your c heck to P utnam Publis lH•r s, 200 QUffllf By PHIL INTERLAN OI of Ldquna Beach "Boy . a re you making en<•m1t•s'"' •• HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Virgo needs • assert1 veness Wednesday, October 10 ARIES (Mar<'h 2 1-Aprtl l~I> ll1ghlight diplomac y. realize· you'll be· more s un t•ssrul .1t winning rather than forcing your \"•'Y Utrlt7t• powers of persuasion. r sped:illv whC'n clt·al111g w1Lh recalcitrant fam1lv m<•mber TAURUS !April :W-May :W> Pc·upl<· w nd tu Ix· evas1vl'. especially where mont•) 1s concernE-d Strive for informatio n concerning t•r e d1t. percentages. interes t rcat(·S ;.ind ge rwr<il fiscal respons1bil1ty or thnse who w ould bt-partm•rc; GEMINI (May 21-Junt.• 20) &> awan· o f legal rights, pemuss1ons Someone wants somt'lhing for nothing. also w<1nts you to handle" morC' than your fair share K now 1t. prOt('('t your own int<•rrs ts and m ake clear that you can se<• through s ha ms, schemes and va~wus pretenses CANCER (Jllnt' 21-July 221 M:ikt· inqu1ri~·11. leTOthc!l'S know what you requfr(' and tht•n (.•Xj'j('<'t positive responses dnd you're ltkelv tn ~et them LEO (July 23-Aug. 22> H1ghlJght personallly, independence. ability to imprint your own style F ocus alS<J on new starts. specul.ittvc vt.•ntun--s and romanllc interludC' which lt'nds s p 1t·c· to IJfr VIRGO (Aug 23-Scpt 22) ASS<'rt n('(•d!.. ut11Ju· past experience. check terntonal rights and obtain professional property appraisal Transaction ('an bt· successfu lly conclud ed LIBRA (Sept 23-0t:t 22) Light toul'h wir.s. diversify, be versatile. show that you can lnugh ;H your own foibles. Take notes. make skel(.•hes, give full play to inte llectual cur111s1tv SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) Rrv1cw details concerning specinl m:llerial. lll·m~ that had b<.•i•n lost, missing or stolen and tx-<·oml'.' mort• aware o( income potC'nt•aL SAG I TTAR I US (Nov 22 Dt><: 21)· Circumstances make turn an your favor people commen t o n your charisma, your a bility to express ideas In dynamic, crealiv<' fashion CAPRICOR N (Dec. 22-Jan 19): Look t.iehlnd doors, check places which usually nrt> obscrued - key now 1s to e liminate safe ty ho1~rds. Visitor may be vulnerable to a<:clde nts. Know it, do oomething about It s nd you might prevent embarrassment. Jou, &0rrow AQUARIUS (Jon. 20-Feb. 18). Wish <'Omes true, but not in woy orisinolly antldpi1u'd. $c)rru• nf your uplraUon~ undf'rgo revl!ion you'll l)('(.'t)me more rcalisllc about f)E!r&Ons you l<'nd to ploce on pedestal ttlahlh~ht ~lf-rt'han<'C' PISCES (F f'b. 19-Mnrch 20): Someone In pO!'ltlon "' authority ntt<'mpta to bully or take .c:tvant.ag • of you Stand your g round. make clear that you are not without olhea. You emerge vlctoriOWJ from 1klrmU.h which revealed your bett quallttes. Watch Caprioorn! I M1adli.oo Ave .• New York, N.V. 10016, Attention Nell Sigman. They'll pu y th~ po i<tage. l>l·:AH ANN l.ANl>EHS All of w. 111 t)l>1•1l111 '"'l'I' d1•ltl-(lttt't1 tu '>t'l' Ann l,.11ult·r-c 111 ... 1i11uld I '·I ) tlw f.111111u' l•:pp11· L1•1lt·11•1 n w1\111111 tli;11 Olwrl111 w.11> lh1c• r1r11L t'O L't..IUl'litlOnul 1·11llt•l{t' Ill 1\11111rn·a II 1 may 1))}1kt· urw small c·o1·rt't'l1011, tlll' d ,1t1 · 11( t1U 1 fuundtn~ WOI; ltl:i:i, llUl Hl!J:I I 11w1111on 1h1s ht•l'UUlll' th')l.t v•-.ir "'' will u •ll•br.1t1 · mu 1 Mhh UlllllV<'rwrv Oht•r 1111 wa' .11.,., lho · 111 :-.l 1ulh•Ht' tu .1dn11t i;t11d1•11b .111d t•llt't1ll1 ,1gt · 1 """ l'du1·ut1on n•g11nll1·~' of 1.1t·t· A~ WEB Du8rns w1 01l· "Olwrltr1 wa~ tlw ~1 ... 11 p111111·1·1 111 1h1 wur k uf l1l11t1111g uul 1lt1• l'11l111 lull'~ 111t11llo ·g1·s" Wt• JI 1· proud of our 1•.11 h 111,1111 " ,111(1of11111 1·ont11llut11m to 1·1hwat11m .111J 1·q11,1lity ul opp<il'I Ullll V K1·1·._. 11 p th1· gU<1d wurk' C'OHl>IALLY .JAM1':S L l'OWl-:t.L (AC.Vl'IN(: l'Hl·:Sll>t·:NTJ DE AR JAME:-; POWELL: The e rror was a typo made when this colum n was t ranscribed for -g A1IN LANDERS L - - dis tribution It nppean·d wrong In over 1,01111 n1·~spaptr"! tlundn .'d!l ol your s lud1•nts :111d luyal alumni Wl'Oll' to tt·ll nH' a bout it CH <'OUl\l' I wu' 1•111huri aS,\'d M) apologit·~. l>t·:Alt ANN 1.ANl>EHS M v "'V<'l1 v1·;11 old ... 1111 h." ,1 I 11• nd whu 1 .11111111 ,11 •,1111 1111 .1 111111UI• Thi 11<•'1' \•·11.i 011,t;111lh 111· 111'\1·1 w.1lk ... llo• 1111" I h.1d tH '4'1111 h1111 lt11r•ll' f11111 1 Ill) l lllld', l111t htl.1y p.11 l) l.1~1 Wl't'k b•'t ,11i..1 111· w.1~ tl11 11w111g 1 .1k1 ,111d t.olk11114 vulg.11 I'\'• 1l111ugh t .1hout .i:-k1ng 111, p.11 1111 ... 11 tlw\ II.I\ 1 1 \1•1 1 h•"< kt•d tlw hov·-. l11.1l ll1H 111 lo.11 1 lo1111 lt l'1l-.1 ti .ti 1111 h ) l.lt'I ktlll 'lll'l~l ll f'\HI 111 Ito\ It It 111J.. lt.1\'I' h y1w 1 k11wl11 1'11dd1 l'll .111d I n •t't1gn111· tlit· ... '111pl11111.., d ;11 k l'I n It., undt·r t I 11 · 1 ·v1•i., ~ n ·;11111 ng ,1 1111 .111d l.lt'rt" 111.11 111nt11111 I h .111 111 i.<·• · 1 h 1 , 1'111 Id r 1ti11 u I• ·d b v I 11 ~ playr11:1l• '• wlwn tt.1 p1 ol1lt•1n r1111y l>t· 11q~.1ntt ''' • 11110ltotlt.oJ .ototf I •Ill ht tlll 11 1 lo•d '"'"'''" .111 .1111111\1111111 .. ll'll1·1 h1• JjlfJl lJjJrl<•l1 ' ,,, .. 111111ld I ,.,1of1 1111t 1l1t lioy·-. .,J1t•11P. w11h llw f.11 t.i.' e Ir ·,li11ulof 1lh t>11t11111y 1tu~lt<111d .111tl 111111d 111y l>Wtl ln1,1111 •-.-." <' < 'l'J'Y (Jlll-:S'l'ION Uf<:A H 0 t 'IT,': Ask om• of your lrie nds who~l' 1·h1ld Ill hvpt·ru(·tivt tu ob"t•rvc· the c hild. If ~hf' frl'I.; tht yuunJ('il•·r i'i 111 nt:t:d of professiona l helf.· 'S iii' s hould go with you -to speak to the boy s mulhl'r. I would not 1•on.,idt:r this interfrrcnl't II "-Ould be· a n ll('l of kinelm•ss. I/,," "'""I' ;. '"" HlllllJ: fur II ,./1ill/ 111 /1•11r11 11ln1111 .,.,_, 1 11111'• 111•r "'"' 1l1i11µ , .. ,,·11fi111/111 t 1111 I 1111111·1·. ,,. ... ''"""''''· """"· """'· 11111/ ",,,.,, , .. I 1•// ) "'" t 1111.t I 1111111 '•·' ... I "r '1111r 1·1111.• ., . .,,/ .'iO • 1•11/• 11/1111µ •• 1111 /1 /1111µ. •/11111111•1/, .,.1f.11d1/n·-.1·1I ,.,, • "'"/"' 111 I 1111 I 11111/1·1 '· /' t I . /111' / I 'llJ,}. ( /1il'l1J,:11. Ill. f1f Jl> I I . Rolltop desk dream rude reality By tlllGll A. M ULLICAN Aff Special CortHpond•nl RtIX;EFIELD. Con11 Ont• uf tny drt·ams or a ltft•t1ml· l'aml· trut• tht· otlwr dav. v1:1 rail and trm·k frt•1ght Crum th1• lwartl<1nd of .A11w11t·:.i Thl' rt•aJ1ty of dt•(:adl'S of d(•s1re weight'<.! 1n JI more than :lOU po undi.. 1ndudmg tht• wooden packang crate It had to bt: unc.:NC'munious ly ktl'kL•tl 11ff tht· t.a1lguk . t hL• wuy tht•y ust'<.1 to unload rations .md •m1m o from c·argu plant•s an V1t•tm1m, lx'<'all!.t• the <foltvt•r y v an didn't comt· equ1ppt!d with c1 hydraultt· hft My drc.>am bc>x thuddt•d •>nto tht• lawn with a s1L·kcrung boum·t• that dug nut a twu anch divot but luckily le ft the c·onll'nls unSt:etrrt·d· a handsornt• l!ulc.len oak rolltop d(•sk EVt.'r y nl'WSpaJX>r scrrbbll·r worth h1i. weight 111 lx•nt paperchps drcami; or somt'<.Juy po1.mn~ UUt ht!. soul c1t a roll top dL•sk, ix·rhaps 1n fanc·1ful homagt· to Ben;aman Franklin ur Mark Tw<11n or thl' fe1st v W('('kly n<•wspaJX•r N.ltto r he mt.•ans to b<.'l'Offi<' wht•il thc rat rut·c· has run its <.-ouri.<.• Thi· m y thology o f the profl'ss1on rl'hgaou s ly r<'qu1res a rolltop dl'sk as the high altar for our daily sacnftl't' or d1sttlltng blood and sweat and sto mac h ac ids into Crail st•ntl'ntes and w obbly paragraphs. Artist No rman Roc kwell alway<> portrayc•d saga<.·1ous editors in green t'yt>shadt•s tapping back in their swivel chairs at dutterc.·d roUtop desks Ben Ht.'Ch t's a nd Charles MacArthur'i. stagt• dirC:'CllOns for "The Front Page:· the lx-st pluy eve r written about this overl v romanl1t·1zed biz. specifically call for "one e legant Item " in the disorderly press room of the Chicago Criminal Courts Building. "a huge ornate blac-k walnut rolJtop desk_"_ Whcrt: else t-ould s tar rt.•portcr Hildy Johnson l11dt• llw l''-<':•pl'U JJl'l~llll'I' £al'I W1llwr11s" Thi· d1 s k u f m v h1•<Jr L's d l·i.111 1'>11 't Iii.wk wa lnut .ind dt)t~n't h:iv,. rvum c·n•>ugh O.·n1 •01th its rnllmg tup tu S4.'tJUl'sll•r a µ·kl•y un tht• luar1 frum pulling up hi!. nog 111 tlw fifth ~•t Bdmunt. but It's a th111g of bt·:iutv lulftlling dn·<11n .... w11han dn ·am.'~ lliH1 v .1nd llt·h ·n Obtl7, whu ha vt• lw t•11 f<m <1l1l·alh. 1nvolvt·d HI n ·stonng Hl'Cl Cuuc.1 , Nc•b .. to tht• wuv 11 was whc·n Willa C 1thl'r lav(-'d t!'wrl' from llHM t~> IHYO. found 1h1• <ki.k al an aUl'lt1m in Kl·;irnc•-.. N1·b Nvw. Walla Cutlwr huppem. to ht• 111y f<J vortt(· Am1•r1t·an n1ivc·lli.t It wu.. ... whale v1stt1ng h1·r n·~torl'<l homl' in R1 -d C luud that I told ll.1rrv and llt'll'n al><JUl my ltfl'ltn.t-ambition to sonwday pt'<.'k nway <1t a rolltop Jl·s k. JUSt as I'm doing right now Thl dc-i.k lht'Y hapi.x·ntod on not only datt•s t<> W1llu Catht•r's t1m1• but may t'Vl·n havt• pl..i yl-d a part in her rc>al hfr <Jnd the fic.:ttcm she wuv1· from 1t Made an London. 1t o r1gmally lx-longcd to Salas Garbt·r, tht: third g overnor of Nebras k a who t•rt'<:ted the.· Farmers and MerC'hants' Bank Building on Wcbl.tt'r Avl•nul'. thl' mam s tem an Rl.oc.I Cloud The bank w.ent brokt. but the handsome red bnt·k bu tid ing now houses I hl' Willa Cather Museum Walla grt·atly admired tht' C'OUrtly old man and u St.'<.I tn vis it ham after sche>ol Garber lx>c.:ame the mode· I for Capt Daniel Fo rrester an "A Lost Ldd~" lhc pwnecr .r4.Jlroad man \\'.bu hillJ slrung hundn·ds of miles of Burltn,l{ton trac.k a<.TO~ thl· Most dogs fare well Thl'l l• w as a survc•y rl'<'<..nlly on the· pl.'l·kmg ord~r of dog~ w1th1:1 tht• family Nearly half of the peoplt• ...:ho an.i.w(•rt-d tht• qu<.'ry said they had mort• rap~1rl with the ir d ugi. than anv other m emtx-r of the family Tht•v toudwd them. S1l1tlcd at tht..•m , and 80 JX'l't'l'n.t t.alkl.(J lo thc•m hkt• lhey w ere pl'tipk Only 8 percent treat<.'<! tht.-1r d uldn•n with tht• same affe<'llon. There 1s a reason for th1~ YOU CAI'\ CALL A DOG and when he t'omes running to your s1dt'. you can say, "I don't want anythmg 1 JUSt want1•d to kno w where you arc.'' and he won't spit on your sh()(' H<''ll s1l with you through the worst tt•kv1s1un show in v1dc'O history and if you likt> it, m•ve r once try to change chann<'ls to gel something l:x•tter Ht• nevN entcr tains friends. forcing you to re tir<' to yr>ur bedruom hke a felon serving time He nPvcr lies to you and never geLs upSt.•t 1r you d on't rememtx>r h1!'i birthday Any n •lat1onsh1p 1s strengthened by a frtC'nd who can kee p a SC'CrN You telJ a dog you don't know what you'll d o 1( you can't t.'Ome up w ith the interest <m your ch arge card before the 15th. a nd he'll kccp 1t to himself l Inv(' ammals. but I think a man an W154:onsin went too far It seems his w 1fo and do~ dad not get flMA IOMlfCK AT WIT'S END Jlong. so he r<'asoncd one of tht'm h od to ~o 111• put an ad in th1· paper th at read, "Wife> or dog must go Wife 1s goud-looking blo nde. but 1mpa t1ent Dog is verman s horth;ur. 211 years old. s payl'tl f('m al1· Your cho1c·c· fre"<'" T HE MAN R ECEIVED MORE than 20 l·olls from pcoplt• anwrcst1.'<.J 111 tht.· dog Onl· callt-r ~1d ht· had a s hort brunell<' dnd an Englis h st•\ tC'r ;ind wanted to know 1( hl' could swap Mv husband lov<.'d that story lfr 1'i11d 1L made· SC'nse .. -.Aftt•r all. a dog rould g1ve.h1m all th1· tt·ndl'r loving care h!S wife could. lie t•oY.ld Cctt·h his slippers and newsp<lper, not hang on the phon<" al l day long. never leave dirty d1sht>S soaking m the sink and wou ld keep his feet wam1 at mght " I said, "If you ft'(•I that w:w , how l'Offi<' you didn't marry a dog'1" M v hushand 1s Wu ~mart te')o old and too weil-fed to ewn think of tour hang th~l hnl• GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF with his contract µraane bc•fon · t•nd111g ht\ dayi. ai. a IJankrupt 111valtd with a t'harn11n'-!. unl;uthl ul wife· ls 11 poss1blt· th.it vo11ng W1ll<t Catht.·r wrntt· m h1•1 dictf.y at th1i. dl"'>k. wli1I~· th<: old bankl•r busied l11mself with a d1t·11t. or ..il least dttl somt• of her hrr1n1:-w ork al 1t" ~v1 ·1 v thing 11> possible• when cln·ams l'Olllt' lru1· Aftcl tlw b;1nk railun., the d<•sk passl·d to Dr l l1·nry C()ok, who w:.i ... tltt ph<Jl"Ttl<tt'tsl in Ht-d Cloud fur ,~warlv 50 v1.,1r'> und built th1 · first n'<.l brick building ~n thi-l'"'-"I s1<lt· ur thl· strl't't. which J bo s ll 11 s tands Willa Cath1·r wm kt•d lw Or Cook after school ;1ncJ on wc•t'k<·ndi., ~1king hr·r pay 1n a mag1t· lant1:-rn d1 •v1c.·e for showing prt tun· shdei. and in the prl•tty wc11lpa per with thl' .,m.tll rl'<I and brown r05'.•s that .. 1111 dc<:oratt·s ht·r all1 t· mom an thl· resturc.'<:l Cather hou!W on (\·dar Slrt•t•t Nu d1Jubt an tho:x· tlJys the p1gc.•cmholcs an thu., old dt>Sk Wl·n : st u fft'<J with pn·sc-r1pt1 ons and b1lb a nd pall ~<.implt•s pusht·d by thl• travt'ltng salcsmt n who got off a t the Burlington station Sull there might have been room t'nuugh for Willa to S<.'rtbblt' thl· t·ommcnt·ement addn'SS she dl•ltvered 1n 1890 for her three-member high S<.·hool graduating <.lass in the upsuur.. OpNa House across tht street Wilham Jenning:-. Bryan addressed a rally then: that same year, making h is first run for C<>ngress. These buildings. looking pretty much the way they did back thf'n . figured in "Song o r the Lark," "O P1on~rs" and M>veral of W1Ua Cather's short sl.Ortl'S After Doc Cook died rn l!l:lH. this old dt'Sk passed through m a ny h ands befurt.• winding up at that aul·tton ht•ld an a barn It's a quirk of human na ture that v. hen p<.>ople fmnlly-gprwharthcy havt"" ~ Wttl'tctng-yt<ars H>F'--- t hc·y wnc.J tt• '!O to p1C't'f'!.. T he dav I uncratl'd the• d t'Sk , I sat drea rml v l>t:rort• 1t t·ontc·mplating tL'> nt'h and fam·1ed past. ·1 pullrd down the p<11n~takmgJy cra ft('() roll top <.'Over. adnurm~ hci\\ thl· luU\."l'rt·d S('(:ttons ht so snugly 11110 ('ilt'h uttll'1, and pro< t-t'Cled ltJ loc•k the 0111,y 't't of keys mstdl• POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT NEVER E~PECT FAIRNESS WMER.E' MY V IT'AL INTERESTS ARE CONCE'R.NED . Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • 86 4 ~.; 852 0 AK 87 • 962 WEST EAST +AK 10 93 + 75 "'1 Vold <:7 K 1094 0 106542 0 Q3 +J U +QI08H SOUTH • QJ 2 t"J AQJ 76l 0 J9 South had a rebid problem arter North's one spade bid was p11ssed round to him. He had a choice bet ween one no trump and a jump in hearts Eventually he decided that 1t was more Important to st res~ the quality of his suit. Naturally, lhe jump r~bid to three hurts was not forcing. bui North had mor(' than enough lo U rry on lo game. Weal started with the king end ace of spades and East completed a peter by first playing the seven and then the rive. Wt1t continued with a third spade and East ruffed lo complete the defl'nder'a book. But therearter declarer wu In command. It :.hould be obviou" ln Ea«t I hnl hi:< side Ill unlikel~· 10 to kr n I rick 1n t he nt i nM ~u 1t8 Oednrt•r has prrr1~rly n1nt• curd.~ an the majors. so only four 1n thl' manors. S1nrt' h1• rnu'lt h11ve both tht• act> nnfl king of clubs for his JUITI JI rt•h1d, thO!'l(' r11rrl" toKl'I hl'r with dul'tlm.\ ·~ d111montl honM" will t3kt> carr or all d('tfnr1•r'i. lo~t'r' in t hf• m1n1H~ 1'tu•rl'forf'. ~;(I'll n111~1 ~('ore• two trump 1r1ck~ All i-;ai.t has to do 1s taxe rnn· to play the nine or ten of trumps wht'n that suit is led rrom dummy, 11nd he must get t wo heart tricks. The doublers 11mong you un try 1l for themselves. Rubb.,. brlds• c:lulu throqhout the eouatry UN the lour-deal brlqe format. Do tit•)' keow 10•tthlq 1ou doa't? C harlu Ooreo'1 "Four·Deal Brfda•" wlll teach you U.t 1trateaiH ud tacUca of llala fHt•PAff4 ae· tloa ,.., &.ht ,,..vW01 Ue cure for ..... ,., ntW.n. For • c•PJ u4 • R!Wt ..... .. .. 11.15 • "G.,...r .. r Deal," ear a af tlll1 +AK Th<' bidding: So•tll Wot I ~ I + 3 <:::' Pa11 Pa11 Pa11 North Eaat Pa11 Pu1 4 ~ p.,. Opening lead: King of •. Som11 playera rrab a Lrlck u 1oon as it 11 offered. liut unllkt blrda. a trick In hand i1 not 1lway1 worth lwo In th~ bu1hl He won the club return and u1ed the two diamond en trlea to dummy to take two trump llne11ea. Ton trick• rolled In. and no one even notJnd until much laler that Eaat had prN1ented declarer • 1( I he conl rll<'t 1~ to lw rlc-frt1t('d Th111 ct1n h(' t1l'<'nm11lii.ht'd 11u1u• 1•11llily if F;u t l11oks l'3rt•fully into lh<' pollil ion. In 'ltr11d of ruH1ng the third 'lpndt>. h(' llhould slurr 1 df11 mond! Dcch1rc r ~cores a ~pad<' trick, b11t tht• contract Ill no lon1Cer makable. Now thtrt' Is only onr en try to dummy, because Eut can r urr l ho 11econd diamond. HW',."'· P.O. lu 269. N.,wMd, N.J. 01"8. Make cla.cb PQ'.W. a. Newe-,.,.r'-*•· • • 1'1 Orange Coaat DAILY PIL.OT /Tueaday, OC\C>bur 10, IU6:l <# I " A Salute tO our business leaders of the future. Tammy Eardette David Norville Aon Sieoet Sherry Cameron Mark Na11 Domlnlqw Juseenhoven Todd Kurtz Tomi Mayer Ted Mayer Ronald Cordrey Becky Poarch Cherish Spaldl~ Alan Shugarman Molly Lee Fardette Stacy Fardette Brian Sherrard Chalon Good · Kimberly Good Greg Palme John Chrlstolferson Pat Norville Scott Slier Biiiy J. Barker Andy Goddard Joel Langer Stiaron Tesch David Wingate Dean Peterson John OePaaguale ' Kevin Curren Pete OePasquakt David Becker Tony Franks Steve Decker Mark Gilbert Curt Weaver John Baker Scott Fullerton Brian O"Neal Scott Ellebrecht Joel Samnes Huy Nguyen Steve Fodor Steve Knaur Michael W Ingles Martin Ceniceros Diep Pham Mgoc Stacy Pando Marlon Diekman Colette Henninger Ch.ts Parl(lnaon Nicole Redoutey Dan White Jett Kle4n Tonya Hindson Teresa Crawford Amy Leyerly Don Stephens Mitt Prince Danny Lindsay Carl Brennan Leigh Oarhart Eric Fiesel David James Bryan Ru~ Wendy Robinson Tam Nguyen Tom Lockhart Dewey Lockhart Kaanh Nguyen Chrla Robinson Matthew James Pat Rochester Jr. Bob Hopkin• Manuel Bonilla Mark Edward• Rob Semrow Manin King Onassla Haddix Andy Grant Marl( Edwards S1even Klnst Ruasetl Shane David McKenzie Martin King Monica Herman Jennifer Medina Mall Lamas David Richey Tr~NQUYW\ Eddie Marst.,_ Andy Prlctcet1 Hal Nguy91l Mike Yagerlenef Elizabeth Hottman Trent Sudbeclc Mike Muzzy Troy Thomu Mll<e Sulllvan • Ross Bowe• Curl Chapmt111 J11ll Lor u11w11 Paul LaBrone Matt Met101 Hol Nguyen Matt Stuart Henry Va11Doorn Dave P11111p Mark Coagrove Trenh Pham Marc Ogle J11n1ne Kc11tlng Paul Bleile Bill Burkhart Cuong Mal Lorne Hassan Vleng Keopham Eric Jones Douglas Co1grove Mark Sugarman Enc Mullei Ertc Kisller George Garrett Sean Loranger Sandi Floyd Ian ElllOI Mark Westman Sean Mitchell Evan Yeh Trent Sudbeck Jimmy VanOrden Tim Meleen Cnrls Russell Greg Sekera Judith Sudbeck Gary Powen Jessie Wyman Carl Finger Jason Anderson \11ke Sullivan Kris Stapleton Mark WeS1man Chance S Christian Pete Foley Donald Horowitz Kork1e Kistler Alfredo Es1ruda Mary McCanny Ron Briggs Shayne Rose Chris Nellendam Tong Prov1enghken Jonn Clerke Jason Walters Jason Wempler S Stewert Tong Pravongv1engkham Scott Baugh Ttoy Emerald Miran Zamen J Boslon Amy Ecketl Steve Hollman Pete Foley James Hawley Ctelg CarlsQn Able Estrada Brtan Peterson Rodney Stansfield 8randye Rowe ""' Jim Geerllngs Scott Sauldan Danny Parson Eric Kohl Michael Fraser Steve Bouble Ronnie Harsh Jim Behrens Kim Stahley Jeremy Purdy Bob Miller Chong Nam Tan Ken Colby Robert Baetir James Hawley Kyle Rupert Joey Crabtree Andy Wehr Andy Lewin Paul Francis M att Kunn Andrlssa Feems1er Chris Coleman Cindy Ray Aletha Rowe Moe Kuhn Jerty Brown Mike Frohn LOUii Nemetti Michell• Fedorchek Bratt Gav1glto Larry Coler Randy Aguirre Joe Sulllvan Ballasar Estrada Jake Kump Kimberly Ann Coler James Co11 Patricia S Bedlnglleld Petra Estrada Vern Slavin Justen Fink John Vasquez Ronnie Cram Irma Vallasana Ryan Bl'Own Michael Fink Mark Trenda M ike Oebush Scott Smith .&teven Short Scott Hussey Fred Relsse M ike Chatwln Shana Francis Tim Sullivan Terry Brown Mike Morris Hormuz Bamboat Elizabeth Carmona Mika Sullivan Chrts Clements Kenny Kite Steve Houck Frank Wiiken Mike Brady Barbara Nix Brian Eichler Chris Wltherwu David Huton Andy Altshuler Desiree Buller Danrel Menier Jell Stoughl Chrla Ll~rman Chris Hansen Jason Carpenter Ceron Loevengulh Mark Macayan Gregory Wickstrom Nick lnlant1110 Shannon Myers Monica Curry Brian Lee Jon Francis Scott B Palmer E11c Aedon Faugt1t Louie Mayorda Brian Yacks Chuck Lancaster Chrtslte Wiikinson Enc Taylor Graham Stacy Steve MacG1llrey Tony Crossen Tim Snyder Michelle Brey Tony Brimer Darrell Barnett Cathy Crossen Chung Pl Delaney Crabtree Tara Trenda Robert Townsend Mlchete Mashburn Fu Pl Tim Bray Doug Cosgrove Tom Francia Tressa Harwick Brian Pame Jay Mohamed Joe M ollica Todd Dominquez Daron Mashburn Deshawn Cowell Lu G1oan Jell Bair Chns Alsop Ryan Giies Chrts Cowell Craig Tovatt Damian Wiiioughby Ryan O'Donnell Todd W Bryan Ross1na Sarmiento Curlis Wiiiiams Warren F111gerald Joel Wiiiiams Doug E Bryan Tong Pravongu1ngkham Greg Romo Joy Johnson Tom F11zpa1r1ck Lorelei Buehner Jim Fay Nelhiln Mo Scott Steiner Eddie Enzmann Nichole Otis Peter Palombl Michelle Clevertnga Caron Andetson S"cott Hunter Jim Qualle Nicky Romo Mtke Ryan Michael Sctiumen Richard Stewmon Tom Sweatt Vlang Keaphum Brad Walker Dwayne Cox Donnie Bergeman Brian Coulson Chung Pl David Phillip Marisa Hubert Davie Herzog Josh Sholer Mike Stevenson Rober1 Cl1wet1ng Christopher Carlson Heather Smllh Chad Taytor Joanne Wilkinson i<evm Lewis Joe MCEiroy Derek Hyatt Jay Murray LOYISO W1lk1nson Doug Anderson Pat M cKenna Jim Jonnson Bobby Yoob Carol Andetson Jell Lamperts Go<lon Barlow Richard Lopez Jim Quayle David N1ewlande Jell Miiis Brian Sllrllng Amy Basha Gteg Mauro Renee Schulrt Robert MozeleSkl Cammie Tingler ChrtS Frewndt Russ Barlow Shawn Sorensen Mark Franco Pat Merrell Neal Oseland David Shaw Tom Maner Jr Trey T3ylor Glenn Wright Tony La11na G&IE'n Willoughby Jason Slvgela Michael Younessl Jack Bate• Enc Barcellona Dan Wiison Julte Bonn Dean Penderghas1 Jenny Dllflppo Jayne Boggiano Keith Wiikinson Rick McNlven Allison Crowner Mike Simonsen Wade Yarnton Danny Tlmllm Mike Densley Dan Wiison Tom AShWOrlh Jim ROYdon Bryan Walls Danny Brady Scott Hender Keenan Koplin David Salvln Kenton Read Mike Parkinson Dave Lo~meyer Marcus Mlndte Todd Shaw Troung Nguyen Cart Grodach Keith Wiikinson Danny Brennan Beau Gaynor Mall Ruhn Scott Grahem Michael Calder Mlll.Q, Ruhn Rick Henry Trlnon Clrelto Jack Brennan Eric Krumins Steven Wolsky Dina Farris Bobby Heller Wlllle Frederickson Thomas Park Lori Mertz Glen Meredith Barry Dishon Eddie Taylor John Kost Kim Hoskins Melanie Bode Alex Brown Brian Kosl Brett Dent Sydnl S. Hampton Brooke Johnson Chad Larl(ln Eric Marovlah Ed Strong James srrono Gary Power Tyler Ngo David You~ Jeff Chappell Craig Vansenus Darren Witt Chris Quinton Mk:helkt Fedorchek Dean Peterson _A ~pecia/ thank IJOU • tn lwnor o/ •' lnternatlonal Newspa·per Carrier Day Scou Longmeyer Roget Sewell Bob Kirby Steve Dohman Kim Zend Datren Welch Karl Sllckel Adam Keele Jell Stought Chris Dleben Joey Zeno Chrlstoptter S A. Olabert Quan Nguyen Tedd Echelberger Mike Rupke S K Wiiiiams Brent R. Broaddus Mark Shelly Bruce Broaddus John A Solarczyk Chris Freund• Scott Gorman Thomas Mullet Dully Barney Tim Miiier Jamie Boggiano Grant Robbins Sam Sallhzadek Chris Conrad John Moody Cynthia Wallis Enc Dekarver Eric Mack Lul(e Stedman Kent Preston Nick Kobzelf Richard Stedman Damon Allon Brell Allen Chris Levene Tim Cole Jimmy Cahill Todd Muth Mike J Cahill Patrick Kelly Robert Young Bobby Yoon Dennis Sullivan Corky Wagner Robbie Jellison Jim Wagner Dennis Sullivan Pat Foley Brandon McCaflery Dana Black Jimmy Kent Matl Clay Kelly Knlghl Robert Farmer Chris Hobbs Chad Thompson Darin Hazelett Eric Fox Scott Hedlund John Mahoney Susan Relllck M ark Rupke Kevin Knight Jim Pmt Mike Jones John Joannlngs Aprtle Watterworth Don Fuschetlt Matt Denney Tyler Hasse David Hlldt Mike Muzzy Chrts Glanos Troy Thomas Joanne Reeves Paul Werten Russell Droulland ChrlSllne McDonnell Carla Figuroa Kellee Cohen Marta Figuroa Derek Turner Russell Droulland Ted Nelson Dana Gibson Mike Madison Alex Britton Tommy Schloessman Rick Ryan Jell Harley Ryan McCormack Sieve Coulson Jerry Immel Leslie Gostiert Mark Wrlghl Brian Goshert Robbie W81ml~ton Darcy Holmberg Biiiy Flanagan Karl Holmberg Jett Tankersley Scott Holmberg Chris Freeman Mike Gouvlon Mike McCormick Robin Jacobeen Tim Strauch Lenny Anderson Tom Whltsed Brian Whittington Malcolm Gapp Scott Whittington Gr4!111 Mauro Mike Wickett David Fa.narol Jell Giibert David Dickey Susan Dowell Bryan Partee Shawn Duffy Andy Adams Jell G ilbert Ashley Witt Ed Meal Jr Jennifer Burns Kim Jensen Tommy Kallal Rob Finlay Bryn L-ls Jett Br-er David Cempagnola Brad Nelson Mark Bell Brian Toombs Mike Sleek Taka Sato Andy Potlk George Greenstilelds Chris Dougherty Dave Giibert Darren Witt Mike Jones Chris Qulnlon Brad Schowaller Lu<.as Jorrtn Tortolo Ed OiDonato Jiii Pascal Kii Smith Andrea He<man Jell Shef)lro Nancy Herman Anttiony Pappalardo Tim~ Scott Vogel Ray Dennin Dirk FISher Walt Harpef Kevin Kynoctl Nancy Fulton Jamie Hutton-Potts Jim Casey David Chan Kelly Conover Bryan Kay Denise Pllott Jarrod Cox Eric Reasor Matt Day Alex Britton John Halloran Rick Ryan Paul Chan D.M. Sl~kt Brett Crown .. Mar94ret Ruacn.t Steve Weinmann Janis Smith Jason Von Elgin Scott Todd Horton Randy Collazo Nlcil Martin Deborah Paton Jason McAlllater Brian Burns Scott Peterson Andy AMd Jon Davis Craig Kenemore Glen Pavlousky Mary Johnston Kurt Erlcjon Steve Whelen .· THI GUST AND THI COUNTY lilly Piiat luttadoy, Oct 10, 1082 BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION Flexing poses b y Uon Kipp and Iliana Dt-nnis ciraw gasp o f astoni. hment from audience. 84-5 86 88 llit•h11,.<1 Thun111 .~111n; tonight iu TV\ 11o w(•1·/'11/ tuJ,"", "'./uhnny /l,j/i11tl11 . ~' .'-;t•t.· l'agt.· IJIJ . • PuDiping IDiages By GLENN SCOTT Of IM O•llY PUol 11•11 B11 d y h utld1·rs havt• this prubl l'm: 1'.:vc·n 1 hough th1·1 r l' h o n • o g ra p h t • d d 1 -; p I a y s o I lllUS('Ulatun· cit JW till' t'ltrlUUS und astunislwd l11ok!. of p.1"'o!ot 01·..., by. most p<•opll• an.· tuu turnd lo walk throuJth 11 door to st·t· sut·h pumpc_•d-up phyl>tlfUt's. h must d ull' liack 111 tht• 11ld !:J7-pounci wt•ak ltng syn<lnmw Whatt•vt·r tht• 1·auSl., ht1Wl'Vl•r. bodybu1ldl•rs sut'h as -H -yt•Jr old Don Knipp of 1 lunungtun Bt•ad1 have d1scuVl'ft'd thl• lx-sl way to altra('l <i lTowd 1s tu pt·rf'orni whl•rt.· pt'Opll' 1·ongrl•golt· S o . w h l' n U C I r v 1 n t• • s a!>soc1atcd stut.lc nts s t agt·d a bodybuilding dcmonstrauon on t illlapu ... th1 ... Jl<l 'l wt·•·k , or g.Jn111·1., hdc.J 1>1.111" l>t·nrw. Jnd Knipp poM' right 111 tlw lk1t·klm n ·!>taur;ml 111 tht· Stud1·111 Unum Tlw1r s togl· nornwlly '>l'I vt•s a!> tlw stuJt•nLs' circular h1•l'I' b;1r Nol too many uf tlw ... udclt·nly lummY-l'ClllM'IUUS '>lUdt•llL'> Wl'f't• d ri n k 1 n g bl' l' r d u r 1 n g 1 h t· noun 11 nit• d l' m 11 n !>lrat1 on although om• cullc•g1atl' mnut·1·111 S l('pp1·cl 1n n s 1d1· Jciur a nd urdt.•n •d two bN·rs bt.•for·t.· ht.• rt:'ahz.l'<.I whttl wa!> g111ng on But Knipp Wtt!> nght Nu uni· l'lst· sllrn·t.I whilt.• hi· dann.U his pc..'<:Lor:ib lo lht· Goth11.· !'.ounds ol a Pink Floyd s pt•t.·tut·ular cJr whtlt.• Dt•nnis showc•tJ off h1•r i;culptun><l figun• lu lht.· s train:. uf Barbra Streisand'!> "Are You Watching Me No w?" DAiiy Piiot SIAff PhotCMI A bod ybu1ltlt'r for 4!8 years and J l'urrl'n i .. M, Aml'n<:<t Over 40," Knipp sJ1d vubltc acceptance fur bodybutl<krs has improved lrt•m<'nd11us ly s 1nct• the days when musd t· magaztnt•s w ere ...old m liquor slOrt'S next to girlie !JU bl ll'iH 11111-. But a rl·lut·tance still rl'ma1ns, ht· said "Peoplt· won't go out of their wuy to sN· u physique contest, but tf you put onl' on in a public plat·e . you 'll find this intense 111!<.'resl, .. hl· obS<:rvL'Cl It wa!o undt•:.ir how many of lht! ucr slutknls were ready to !>)Near off SC>da pop and potato t·h1ps but both Knipp and Dennis wt·re en<:1rded after thoi.r dcmonstrallon by the <:ur1ous. Dennis. whu 1:. 3 1. the mother o r l w o t· h 1 I d r e n a n d ·a· Wl·1gh1ltf1t·r fur 11 Y,ea t=i·, suggt·!ott·d to hl·r group the fU'St Sll'IJ IS lO Visit a gym ttnd "ask a lul of ljUl'SllUll!> .. S he also said a thll'tes really feel a d1fferenct· after they swear off sugar. An amb1uous bodybuilder, she said sh(· runs t wo m iles e ach morning and works o ut o n we ight!> t wo hours a d ay for three straight days. then rests one. She worked out and played racquetball unul two days before deli vering h(•r last t-hild and had lost the 20 c•xtra pounds gained during prt·gnanl'y six weeks after the birth. she• sa:d. . Altho ugh the novelty o~ women bodybuilders still causes some ra ised l'yebrows. Knipp noted their 1ntruduct1on into the arPna has added "a certain artis tic· flc·x1bd1ty" to the d1S(:1plme "Last week. Diana performed al Cal Stall' Fullerton right after the L.A. Rams cheerleaders and she got a bt·ttcr reception,'' said Km pp. "We a ll know what they looked hkc and they are good looking women. But Diana is a well-cond1uoned athlete and a beautiful woman.'' Before their posing e xhibition at UCI. K nipp and Dennis t:ovcr ed themselves with a po pular brand of o live 0 1J 10 t·apture highlights from " overhead lamps. Then , as their themes playtod. t hey struck pose a rterposc• dl'Sfgn~show oft various gro ups of muscles. The exh1b1t1on was part of a series of ac:t1v111es sponsored by the assoc1atro students as part (1f a program titled "L et's Get Physical." Like feathered arrows, ducks direct viewer's eyes As many as 120 ducks have been known to frequent the two lakes a t TcWinkle Park in Costa Mesa, where visitors feed them bread crumbs. The ducks and their providers have been flocking to the popular park since the lakes were r.lled in 1978. The graceful white ducks were probably once tiny lltllc handheld gifts that grew up a nd were dcposit<'d In the park by nearby residents. d ty officials s:ud. Sometimes. though the duck populatio n Increases too rapidly and city age nts must move them to a wildllre pl'eserve In Wh1tt1cr. Such a round up Is being considered now, park oHiclals said . Dally Pilot Photos by Charles Starr .. . ·; ~ •. ~ . • . , ~ . . ' .. . 82 0111! llJ., Luu11t l JAi I y 1111 ()I h"''"'"V l h luh1•1 Ill 11111 • N()l•tl ., 1·t)IJI rlie<lule spee,·h Hq .:11111111i.c .1 1"'0 ll.1y l'V (•n t f11r '''11 k 1 n ~ w \) 1111 ·I\ K •• I,. u ·' II d L loyd , 1'1111111 111 1 hwf o f W 11 I K I II J4 \V O /11 ;1 II 11111 ~.111 111• w ill l'pt•11 k nbout "Mak111).( lht• &~t 1,f IL1 d '1'11111·:-." nn T h u r ' d ,1 v .1 I I h 1· Nl'wµrn tc•1 H1 ·i.orl Lloyd '-. ::.1w1,·h as l>t'mg ~pon~u 1-tl Ii\ Nordstrom nnd Ill l 0POJ1t•1,1l111n Wllh 1 h 1• I' 1 11 I 1• '' 1 u n a I Wu11w n ', N1·1 wurk o l O r a 1 q.~, l • 11 u 11 1 y T h ,. puhlu 111;1y .1lll'11d Duran~ h1·1· 1•d 1to nal 1·arc.•{•r, L l11vd has bt•1•n both m n11ai111g 1•1lttur o f Glam1111r mag11111w and manag i n g 1·d1to r o f Vogu1• 111 ag.111 n1· Shi• cu1-r1·nth M·n •1•s o n thl' Board of <:omnus.s1ont.'r.- f o 1 t h 1• N a t 1 o n a I Comm1s.-.wn 1m Work111g WomPn T hi· KJ t1• Ha nu L hn J 1 ·vt•111ng 1>4 ·gm i. <1 t fl p.in. with a n o hol.t l'cx·kt:.11! hour. A rni.t of $20 will in dud1· dinnl'r ..ind a on e-yN1r suh:)(:n plion to W o r k 1 11 >f \\' o m a 11 magaz11w 0 n 0 1· t o b 1• r 2 '.l Nordsta nrn .11 tht· South Coa~l l'l.11.i w all host a s p c•c:1•il 1•\'t•n1ng f o r w o na•n u n lhl' m ovl'. f("atu r1ng t r a vt·l lips. wardrobing. pal'k1n g and filnt•ss ;idv11·1.• Thert• as nu 1.•hargc for the Fnd;.iy l'Vt•nang event a n cl L h 1.• p u b I 1 t: 1 s wek•onw T hl' <'Vl'n ing"s l'Otl'rtaannwnt will be ~tagt•u o n tht· sec.:o nd floor ;rnd w al I bt>gin at I) :~ () p m w l t h compllnwnt.1n win1.• and light hur d'tl(•uvrt•s F 0 r r u rt her Bm·f•n Curtil°'~. p residt•nt of tlw Oran~c~ Counl\ 1 n f 11 1 111 at 1 u n n r :\la~tt·r Chora lt•. "ith Barbara <:ald"t•ll of Lag una. rcs<•r vat111n ... 5.J9-H30U. 1.·xt :!-1 5 nwv ht> l'tJllcd ~pec·ia l ~ift ~ <·ounc il drnirm an ~ hc·n I lc·i111 1: of R C'Sl'l'\";Jl lllll c.kat.llim· for South 1.a~mrn. hus int'""!"I ('OlllH'il dtairman. a n•I Dr. K a tt• H :i n d L I u v d 1 ~ today · '1aurif·f' \lla rd. d10ral1• 111u ... ic· clirc·1·tor. r-. F or complete ad copu and art sen:ices adv ertisers oil along the Orange Crms t rely on Daily Pilot 'i\t the rate I was going, in ten Itl have about$2000 '' • ---------"'ll""Cl~-- . . .. -..... Winners Circle sets fund drive T he• W11l111·1 s <.'1rd 1·. u twwly 111 gu1 u1.1·d 1.C f1 liuu· ul S11uth l'ou11t Mt·<lwul l'•·nh·r m South Lugu11u. will hold IL-. f11 1tt fund ru111t·r· ()l·t W 111 Ill<' CirnnJ lklllroom o f th1 · N1·wp11rt M11rr11111 'l'tw hla1·k 111· ha ll wi ll 11u-Jud 1• a 7 p 111 dwmp,11(111• 11-t-.·pt11111 :m d u t(11u1111t•t d1111w 1 Jut• Mcl!'lhuy 1111d tu~ 111 dw~u·u will provu.h· mu. .. ll" for d 111wwu Thl• 13 m l.'mlx-rs of lh t· ull-m<1lt· suppurt grouµ p lanning tht· l•vcn t 111c.:l u <.lt• T hum u Lo we. 1·hu1 rmu n . Haym o n d Cox . p r esid e n t. J o hn Luwson. Dr M 11r v1n Coriell<', LA·1gh Collins, John Chumbt•r luin, Elwood La y fich.J , Eldo n Lcx·k hurt, S hermun M11lt•r. Lowt•ll Phillips, W1llium Pl•lcrs. John Kn•hb1t•I a rid Dr Ronuld Wutt•rs lJ1111t·r·wrltl111( bull t-Xptinll·• arto Loc:khurt, Luw1•, l<;v1•rt•ll Mungitm , National DlauUerti Corp . Mul!lu t•h Sund und Dr Ronald 14..Umond CONCERT SEASON OPENS: The· liOO i..eW1011 l ll'kl·I h o lders und l'Onlrtbutora a tttondlng l h t> Orange County Maawr Chorale's opening t'Onccrl of Lh{· I Yll:l-83 !lt'lllKJn had the opportunt l y lO mt·t·t c·h o rah · nw m bcrs a l a recep tion (oJlo winti t he t·onc·t·rt. Spe<'lal gut'llts m a ttendance wer(• Hollywood rnmposcr/arrimge r George W yle and his wife, Ll<'rtrude . W yl"' h a11 a rra nged several num bers c•spt'Clully for the chorale md udlng mu1u: they w ill perform at their Chrtstma.s c·o ncerl8, Ike. 3, 4 and 5 Mave you entered your favorite recipe in the Orange Coast Cookbook Contest? You could win a trip for two or a $260 gift certificate. For details watch for our ad in the Wednesday, Food section of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot I hav ... a prdt\' good joh. I\<' lll'\t'r hl'en out qf work. I \·t· r<'Cl'i\·l'd rl'gular p romotions. Tlw onl y thing I'n:· lll'\'l'r been ahle to do is saw· ll\011('\". One dav I overheard mv sec.:ret~1rv talking abo ut how much shecl saved h11ying l'. S. S<wing s Bo nds through the Payroll Sm·in gs Plan. I was as tounded . The n I looked at my bankbook. I figured out how much my a\·era~<' yearl y sa,·ings had be e n since I'd been working. And I almost c ried . At the rate I was going. in tl'n \·ears I'd have about $2000 sa\'ed . · Oh, sonH' vears I'd sa\'e three or four hundre d (11ine hnndrl'd on;• year), but it didn't las t long. Some thing would always <.:Ollll' up and I'd take it out and spe nd it. I always fi g urC'd one of these days ICI bear down and build 11 p a ne st egg. Since nothin~ else seemed to work. I d ec:ided to giv<' th e Payroll '<l\'ings Plan a try. I shor1ld be able to san· al\ much as m y secretary If it worked fo r he r it sho11 Id work fo r me. It turned ou t to be \'en· <·as\: Tht•\' take a little out of each paycheck tmq1rd Bonas. s<) tlwt :\: a portion of yo111 pay you re not tempted to spend. i\ot onl y is it e asy hut it's safe. The Bonds are piling up and so is the inte rest . And . hy the way. the inte rest is guaranteed . I neYe r thought muc:h about Bonds before hut it's hard to find a b e tte r re turn on such a small, initial o uthn: \Vhe n I get e nough sa\'ed I may look into o the r · things. But as for right IH)\\: it:~ the lwst. t>asi<.>st way I kn ow of to save. Ac:tuall~: its the 011/y way that works for me . I start<"'d lah >, hut be tte r late than twn .. r. , \ 17 my "1u1". 1 .I my 111co11110 11v por c1yurn11u hy r IC me1hod • Discover the taste of Camel Filters, now in a Hard Pack. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Ortm"o Coull DAILY PILOT /Tuutduy Oclober 19. 1982 83 \ . . ... Orenoe CoAal U All \' Pit OT1Tuoa<.111y, October 10, 1 98~ Need a corporate banker with dedslon making authority? Come to Bank of America. ; You've got California's NI business bank working for you. I 111 ~•ddltion to our rt.·gul:Lr 1 br.uu:h :;('rvin: :111 OVt.·r tht· :-.rare:, Bank of Amt'ri<.·:1 h:a., :oi(X't·ial 1 corporJtt· ~·n·kt· hr.u1dll'!'> 1 toc1tc<l lr1 your :trc:a. ( >ur c.:orpor.ttl' hankt·r:-. havl" I Ioc tl authority to nlakt· • that imponant tn'llit I dt'cision for you. , What· s morl". our : corporate lYAI\kc:r:-. j n:a.Lly get to know )'Otlr 1 business. Wl' acquirl' a work· I ing knowk'l.lgc < >f yt >ur <.:< >mpany I and your industry a:, wl'U . Thi.' ~enables us to he mort· rc."Sponsivt" i~ to your particul<tr banking net.·<.b. Our corporatt' bankers off t:r I you ace~ to a wide r.111gc of services including financing, cash management and imematiorull Services. Our service capahiHty is H<>ne of the many rc.~n4\ why we already work with 55% of a.LI ·.California businesses. Put tJ1c ,.money and muscle of CaJifomfa\ ._ nwnber one business bank t0 ;:.work for you. Ca.LI your neart--st :::Bank. of America corporate se;·n·i<:e •<banker tcx1ay. Look to the Leader.·· Newport Center ">00 Ne\.\ port Ct.•ntl'r J>ri' t.' \X1:illr Ntd~t·n ( ... I~) "'';9 ·I ~ I ... Irvine Industrial Offkc: ·t 10 I MJl Anhur Roukvard Jal k ~1:ir,hall , ... I ·t ) .. ">9·4 5Cl9 ·:BANKOFAMERICAm lx unan.J Mor!(:in P 1 ·t ) 7">9-·t49"' "ioutJ1 Coast financial Center \300 llriMol !'ltrCCI Bill Kl'IHll'<h I ... I ·I 19., 2-.UlJ t P\BJC NOTICE Ml.IC HOTICE Ml.IC HOTICE NOTICI! Of' FtCTTTIOUt .USIMESS FOUNTAIN VAU.EY TRUSna·• SAU ..... tTA TUllENT tCHOOl 04STiltCT ~No. "8M(I! l'ARTWM lhe following person IS Oolt1g NOTICE Of' ADOf'TION T.a ...... c.-.11 buslnou .. Of' flEtOlUTION OF INTENT NEWPORT HOME LOAN. INC aa SUNLITE SOUP CO I 710 Eaal TO LEAH t\MPLUI duly 9j)l)Olnted Trust .. unci.t tt>e 17111 S1r .. 1 Sune A' Sat11a Ana, OtSTinCT AUL l'tl<>HllTY lellowtno deacrlb.cl deed of lrwl CA alO NO. P..J WILL Sf:LL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Pen apol EnletP<I-. a llmtlecl "IOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN THAT 10 THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR p ar1na1sti1p 26864 Dorotnea, THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL CASH (payable •I time Of .... In MIAIC>n Vlel<>. c.l1torn1a 92681 DISTRICT hH declared lll•t the lawful money Of 1he United S111 .. 1 Thll b<nl-IS conducted by • IOl!ow>ng real PIC>P9'1l' Wiii not be •Aoflt,tM~lfll«eel~ lim+leCH>an~ ....0.0 ~~---10 and now held by 11 under MIO Petsapol Ent Three c1usroom1 a1 Wardto .. Oaed ot Trull In ttie propeny a hmlted pannerSlllP School localed at 919 I P1oru1tt ~attar oeactlb.cl by Pw-lnletNillonaJ Orn1e, Hun11ng1on S.acn Cahlort11a T R U S T 0 R J E N • I( E Enterf)llMll lnG The Boero ol TnalUS Of 1'18 p AR T NE R s . a c . 11 1 0, n I. • Cal1torn1a corpotallOO Fout1le•n Valley School 01&1flCI P811,,.,8hlp a-ai partne< resolvi;s lo lease lhe 1ac11111e1 so BENEFICIARY N EW PORT By-Parv.z Amirelll 1t1d1cate<S abovt' under lhe term1 HOME LOAN TRUST NO 189 Prealdenl and condlt1ot1t 11a1eo 1n 11\e ·-AecofOed Apfll 18. 1982 u lnatr Ttil1 11a1.....,,1 was hied with 111e Resolution ot the Boa1<1 ResOlullOn Pl&IC HOTICE FICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEMENT T11e tollowino person 1s ooing wslness aa COST A M ESA CAR CUSTOMIZING 16!>8 Superiot 4venue Coala Mesa Ce11torn1D 92626 lucien L Bisson. 77 4 Alleglltlny S11ee1 Cosla Mesa Cahtorn•e 92628 T~~··~~l'ii 1n011110ull LUG-en l Bisson Tn1s s1e1ement was lol~d Wllll tt.e County Cieri., ot 01ange Cou111y ot1 Oclobet' 1 1982 F1M740 Publlsneo Orange Coas1 Daily Piiot Oct 5. 12, 19 26 1982 4334·82 No. 82· 1329'0 of Ottlcial R«x><da In Counly Cieri. of Orange County on No 83-10 the offloe olttie ReGorder of 0r81'Q41 Sep!' 24, 1932 The m1n1mum monthly tease Pl&IC HOTIC[ County; Mid~ of tN 11 OMcrlbM F11S231 paymMt for IM term of lhe te11se ., .. 1_.. tile followlng proe>ertY: Publlttied Orange Coul Delly shall not be lea a than $ 121 per IUl'EfllORCoUftT OF THE Lot 5. Block 22, of Newpor1 PllOI. Sept. 28, Oct 5. 12. 111, 1982 month per ctasstoom Tl>e m1n1mum , Beech Trec:t. u per map rec;orOed _ ~ mon t tily lease peyrnen1 tor ITATI Of' CALIFORNIA In Boole 3, P&Ge 28 of MltGelt&MOUa !---------=:;;...===' subsequ e n t period• m11y be COUNlY 01' OflANOE •1 Mepe, In 1he offlc:e of the Covnty PUBllC fJ)llC£ aOjuated by 111e Con1umer Price 700 Civic c .... tar Drift Wfft A« Cler f 5-•A C "' I Senta Ana, CA '2701 or o ..v ovn., NOTICE OF DEATH OF ndu annual averaoe relloctod al P 2208 W. Oc:.wttront. Newpor1 the et1d ot ltie loalt period A LAINTIFF LEONARD i<LEEGER, EINch. CA HELEN J. CLARK AND OF SKurlly deposit may be required GUSS t E I( LEE GER. HARR t S "Ill 1 atreet ldd•-or c:ommon p E T I T I 0 N T 0 prior 10 occupancy GOLDMAN, ROBERT FOOTE, JEAN dH lgne11on II ehown •bove. tlO No comm1••1on •h•ll ....... paJd Aft R INGLAND and JOHN SEITZ •warranty 11 g i ven •• 10 111 ADMJNISTER ESTATE NO. llcet\Md reaietteie bt;;;er In ;hi: TRUSTEES FOR SEITZ-ROBISON comptet-or correc:1neea).. A l 1$3~1. regerd, end ttiere il'lall be no EMPLOYEE PROFIT SHARING YOU ARE IN OEFAULT UNDER A To all heirs, beneficiaries, deoucllon from eny propo111 In p L AN . RA y M 0 N 0 JEN s EN 'MPEEDOF TRUST OATEO APRIL 13. c r editors and contin~nt oetermlnl~ ,,,. hlQhell rMPOl\llble ~LIZ ABETH JENSEN. PAUL 'f982.UNLESSYOUTAKE ACTION bldde< BECi<LEY, JEAN BEC t<LE Y TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. ll creditors of H elen J. k Seal60 propoHI• 10 IHH H id VERNON SPITALERI, MARJORIE MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE and persons who may be propor1y mU81 be recelvt<I by ,,,. SPITALERI, CARTER McDONALD IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION otherwu1e in terested in the deleglleo olfleer II ,,,. Fountain MARIAN Mc00NAL0 ano JOSEPH _Q F THE NATU RE 0 F TH E w1U and/or est.ate: Valley Scnool OlllrlCI Educlllon GRISAY TRUSTEE 101 GRISAY PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU A ti · has ..__ filed Cenlar 17210 Oak Slr .. I, Fountain FAMILY TRUST SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER pe Uon ..,.,.,,n Valley. Ca11torn1a 112708, no 1a1et versus The beneflclaty under Mid DMc1 by Jane A Thacher tn lhe than 2 00 pm Oclober 25 1982 0 E F EN 0 A N T 0 0 N A L 0 M or Trutt, by r..aon of a t>r...:tl 0t Superior Court of Orange Befor e accep11ng any wr111en SUTHERLAND . LAWRENCE A defeun In 11'18 obl!Qallonl MCUred CoUDty requesting Jane A . propoaals, ttie deleo•••O officer LEVINSON. LEON H LEVINSON. lh«eby . ..,_,tolore ••ecuted and Th h b · d shall call tor oral b10dlng Any PHYLLIS l A Y L 0 R . JAYNE dellvared 10 the underalgned • a c er e appotnle as perso" who has h era10 1ore KAVLICH . LIZ SAUR WEI N, written Oeclarellon Of Oefaun Wld personal representative to submnted 8 written bid miy 1Ybmll BARBARA TOM PKINS. HELEN Oem8"d for S•. end wr1tttin notice administer the estate of •n Otel bid exceeding by at .... , DEIR, H THO MAS MARSTON, Of br""1 aod of elec11on to ~ H elen J Cl k ( d th !Ive '5%1 -~11"""' ,,.,. ......... , WTl11-TAMBLYN c SMITH, PAUL OE ar un er e , ...--· .... .,...... -· OUATIRO. PATRICK O'NEIL. A' "N ttie underelgn ed 10 1911 n td Independent Administrauon bid Ttie tilgNll retponllble bidder GEISLER, JAMES u oos J...,..• Pfopert)' to Mlllfy Mid obllO&llOnl. .,_ lh•ll be required to execute ttie ... " end t tierealler ttie underalgned of cat.ates Act). The petition form of teue. aucti tormll hll WES T H 0 FF , WE S T H 0 F F caueectMld no1tceofbrMGhandof ia set for hearmg i n Dept. heretofore been 1pproved by ttie CORPORATION • C1llfort11a .i.tllon to be recorded June 18, No. 3 at 700 Civic Cente r Boerd of Trull-corporation. RAMBLEWOOD. a 1982 .. lnalr. No. 82·210002 of·-"" n.... W · c· T"-Bo--d of Tr 11--"all meke Cetllornla Limited Partneratitp, FAR ..... ...,.;ve, est, Ul the tty o f ... -u ... WEST S A"INGS "NO lO "N Official Reoord• S 1118 determlnttlon aa to wtiethel' 10 • " " Seid ule wlll be m ade, but anta Ana, California o n lease H id leclllllu wllti ien po) A SSOCIATION, a Cal1fo rnla without coven1n1 or warranty, Nov. 3, 1982 at 9:30 a .m . days ett" r-lpt ot t>tda corporellon, at1d DOES I 111roug'1 upr-Of Implied, regarding 11118, IF YOU OBJECT t.o the lnlormetlon concerning tne 50, lnclullve ~Ion, or encumbranoet, 10 · f h ti propoaal thOuld be addreued 10 I UMMONt pey ,,.,. r9maltllng prtncipal IYfn of granung 0 t e petl on, you FOUNTAIN I/ALLEY SCHOOL CASl NUMMfl M$537 IN note!•) eecured by Mid DMcl of ahould either appear al the DISTRICT, 172 10 0 0 StrHI. NOllCl!I You have been iv.ct. Truat. wt111 k1t-• u In Mid note hearing a nd s t a l e your Fountain Valley. Ceutorn11 92708: The court mer decide eeatnet '°" provided. edvancee. 11 any, unw objections or file written (714) 842·6651, Attention Neomi w1thout '°"' belnt l!Mfd .-., the term• of Mid OMd of T"'•'· objection• with the court Wieland. Bu1IMN ~. rou reepcNtd wtthln 30 deya. "8ed '-· Ollwgee and exper>aee ot tile 01te Oc1obef 7, 1992 lhe lnformeOon betow. Truet .. end of .... true1a cr88ted by before th e hearing Y our FOUNTAIN I/ALLEY Av I. 0 I u . t e d h •• Ide • Mid DMcl of Truet. Seid .... wfll be appearance may be In person SCHOOL DISTRICT demandedo. II trlbllrtll Pll•d• l'8ld on TUMClll'f, Ociobef 26, 1882 o r by your attorney . BOARD OF TRUSTEES deekNr contr• Ud."" llUdlencle. .>I 2:00 p .m .. II th• Ctiapman I F y 0 U A R E A Suunne Moore -4'IM Ud. ,...onda deftlT• A--entrance to the CMc Center C Cteni Pro-Tern de 30 dlee. LANI le lftief'-iort .,a 1 Bullttln9 , 300 E ut Ch apman REDlTOR or a contingent of 111e Board •ta~. .A--. In the City Of On1nge. CA credi tol' of the decealled, you Publlahed Orange Cont O•lly Tl you wllh lo Melt the acMce of I A t the ti me •of t h• lnltl•I must file your claim with th e P1101. Oct 12. 111, 26. t982 en •llorney In thlt maller, you I ~ of tllla notlct, IM tote! c t o r , I• , th 4486-82 anould do eo prornplly eo tnat your ' '"'°""'of the UtlPeld belenol Of the our preaen . • .o e wr1tllt1 ruponH. It iny, mey be , obltoetklf'I NCU<ed by the •bOve perso nal represe ntative Pta.IC ..OTICC flied on ume I deeorlb•d deed ol. 1ru11 and appointe d b y the courl SI U•ted d11H ao11c11ar a l .. umated co111. e•penMe. end w i thin four m onths from IC-4111a conH lo de un 1bog1do en Hit 'i •dvenc •• I• 16 ... 208 80 To the date o f first i.ua.nce o f FICTITIOUlllU ... SI 11unto, deber l• haoe110 del•Nte the opening bid, you mey .. _. .,._, NAm ITA~NT lnmedlatwn.nle, de .. 1a manere, Cll {71,.1.,7..oiee. -letters as proviueu in °""'"on Ttie followlng CHWIOll• .,. dot~ 111 rMPUM1• eecr11a. a1 hey alguNl, I cet9d: 84ip4ember :zt. 1N2 700 o f lhe Probate C.ode o f bvBI,_ u . puede .., rtQlelrad• • ·~ ~PORT HOME LOAN. C alifornia. The time for DICKER-WARMING T O N 1 TO THE" OEFENOANT: A cMI IHC filing claimll wlll not ~xptn PROPERTIES. 3090 Pullman St • complaint h .. bffn ttlecl by 01• I •Mid Trwi•. prior to f our months from Coat• Mele. Cellfornl• 92826 p191n11tt :1 yOU "you~ to 9y:Qftdy~. the d1te of the hnrlna ~~~1foh8~!t·~~~(;~ ::-;:Y~ .:~.~=(,~ ~ =· W.i, noUOfd •bove. 8oa .... r) 71. LOf Angel ... .-wd on ycu, Ille With tllla oour1 a ~·,~-= YOU MAY EXAMINE ce1K:0r:n~warmlngton. 3090 =~':,~0,,!::;"~ ,ublleNd Orange c oaat 01111 the f ile kept by U:. !"'·~f Pullman lltrHI, Co11a MH1, be entwecl on epptlOallon of t.,. PMol oc.. 6, 12, 11, t112 you are lnt ereet n t ~ c .. 11ornta 92826. plllntlff, 80d t1111 court IMY 411\t« • , .,..._..2 mt.a._, you may file • ~uest Ttil• ou..,,._ la conducted by • judgment ~· you for 1.,. rtllef with the court to receive ~11 ~~~:~· :;,~u~t '1': ::n~·.~ ape c I a I n o t I c • o f l h e • ~·• corPOf•llOrl wtOM. 111<1nO of ~ Of propeny Inventory o f e1t a t e aaaet1 O«llC:l I/, Oicl!tr or 01hor 1one1 rtqu1111d In the and of the petltlona, accounts Pretldent COllll)lllnt and reporu deacrlbed In Thie 1t1t-t w• '"8d wtth the OATEO' Octooer 20. 1H1. 9 e.c u 0 n 12 0 0 • 6 0 f t h • County Cterti at <>r.,. County on LEI! A. IAANCH. ,.._ .. 1_,_ a-......... ,..,,.,.._ a.pi, 11, ttea. Clerk .._... ""''-rrvu.t.e ~· ....... ~ lty; IHAAON KUPKA, &t,ert N. 8rexea, ._..., o.outY A....,_, at Law lW Part 4111 _ • .._ 1ALL a .-V AH f la .. ea f1laa4ll, CA ==....._,CA-:',:.:"o.~._...111 ;;\;,fJ}-~ .._MLW....... ~~-~. Ck\.•rr. ti.°1\~ PvbttlMd Orange ca.:.~= T ,u~li: Orano• Coaet Dell~ ........ 82 l'llot~a.. ti, OCI 5, 1a. ti. 1Nt l'llol Oct II. 12. ti . 2t.. 1M2 'nO"· •tt0-12 .a7Ma Wing ing it Th•• fi rhl S u1wr HO ful'oot·l u~•· for A11 writ·1rn AirliaH'ri is muted with ih c.·omplHt•tl wi11µ, u l lht· l>oug lul'oo Airt·rafl Company division of MeUoruu·ll l>ouglal'oo Corp. i11 Long B(•ach. Anwri<'un Airlim•& has ordt·n·•I ~O of &ht• ftwl -t·fflt-i1 ·111 lran .... porlh. Post office seminar set Douglas Aircraft names n ew Pacific sales VP LON(; HEAl'lt Tli., "PusWJI H t•vlt'w '!!'..!" • .., th1· lop1l 11( <1 day-lung sc11111lit1 s µonsurt•d by t he Ornngl· C11unty p.,.,t.11 Cus tOml·r Cr>un<·il 111 b1· h1·l d Thursday 111 A11aht•11n C:ut•st SJ)(•akn flll thl• prugram will bt.• Carl K 1111·hN or C.Jrl K <.in:hl·r Enll•rµri-,1·., :.ipp11111l111l·1tt 111 J 0 "P l·l•"' Burn s .1., v11·t • prt's td1•11l l'Onun1·rt•1..il l>alC'l>. Pa('t f ll· L11id Asia, w.i:. announ<'e<I by OouglJ.S Alrt'r<ift CompJny, d1v1s11in 1,f M c·Domwll Duugl<is Curporal11111 Ourn ... '>u u :eeds Don<1IJ J Kroku~. who rc•ll rl'CI a ft<:r mon· I h;111 :1:1 Vl'L•r~ wllh U ougl:.i:. 'l'h1· '><.·minttr w ill l.11: ht·lcl ,1l till' (~r;111d I lolt·I, 7 W l<"n'l·d orn W ;1 \ 1n An<ih1•1111, a11tl v. tll run lr11111 H<m "m unul 5 oo µ n1 Ttl'kl·L' for lht· C'Vt·nt ..in·$ lti :)Cl t·:tc h. and m;; y lx-u hta11w<l by l:on t<1l·t111g f t'rrell Ml·Kt-c <it tt:j6 2525 111 ht.., l ll'W pos1tmn Burns will l'11C11tl111..ih• Md)1mnt·ll Duu.:l.1:-. markl'ling •·ff11rL-.. for prl°"l'nl uncl fu1u11· 101111n1·rl'1:.t :.i1rlint•rs 1n A:-1:. .ind till' Pau fit· n •g1tin, 11•po1 un~ t•J Ch..irlt•s Cow ad Jr Do1,1glm. S<·ntur Vil'(• pn...,1dt•nl of mJrk<·lrng OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS 'f fl \ t• inlmU1\ 60 .0 , 1nkWVt Qi f " t .,.,.So\Jt 1\ ,.,,, '•'"'ti" )9•,. I" • Jt r 1(U u )1 \lf)•fl'r 141'• JU ln\l'rn '• 1 • ...... t\>I &JI ,.. ~ ...... , 1• 14 ~. 1A 1f ...... ff\,." ) • ) q llt 111.~ly'l\' ' 14 u • ii.. 1mbitll 10•• It ..: U•!Jlrtl ~·· / • 1o.1001c. r.·. :2' . ~~:t:,'' •"• '1 Kulit.,,t 1)4. n ·. l 4 n1 .. \ t)•· 1b • \ •n<lk•·' l• • 1•"' l •n.C.Q 1l'• 1• • ltlnw\ 1~'9 10'-L on8rd ' -~>"· ·;~ ~?:''!" u • • n· .. MCH Otl S s•. ~dsC.E ~ ;:, ' ::r::Pt ,.._ n M•rtO" e-.. t U ,. M•u1LP ) )I ' M•ypt i~ .. 'j,, ~l~o,:: • I)') M<f.trl ~: r!: ~~:b JS U • MtO\•'l't" •9 . 10 • Mdld(-i> ll • 1L ... M10IRt~ '"° t \, MtOlft" \ ~~~ H!: ::~1~t'.v )4 • ,...., Mol•a I I • Monf(Of I~• t: • =~~ 1t• I t) lw\(Uti'lln 1J 1 U MOl(IUO ,.,_. 40 '-'"'tlltf > I•. N•"9C 71 ii , NO•I• ••• S N•tw~S He 1 NYA1tl 11• ~ 101 • Nit kOG II 11' 1 N~•''n A IS'• IS ... Nl•l\11 8 II a NI~• 8 t t• 1 NCU G\ •'• 7•. NwlNCit l>o 1 NwslPS tl tt • N oatlt tte 7'• v•Nu<rp 1G-\t. '°"'• Ot••nr-r ~!'> ~!. g~:~~ J)t;n~. Ot\F•rro ll1 , )& OU•rTP 1' • 11 PCA Int ''"' 11'-P•l>\16 l J<. P<G•R :~.~ :~~ ::~::it .... 41. P•n•En, JI , JI•. Pent., ' ,, . ,, .. ... .,. ,, .. ,_ 1\ l\ • It~ 14 J I• /) I)•. 0 ~urns has d IJa('k ground in l o m m t• r c 1 :.i I t: o n t r a c l s a n d 1na1 kl't1ng. He JUtn<'d D ouglas Airc raft Company 1n 1952 after Rr<idu at t v n f r o m tht• Tulsa Un1vNs1ty S<:h o1JI of Law He h<ts serv(•d as din·<'lor. DC-10 <.'1Jntral'l s. dirc(·tur. commc:rc 1al <.'ontral'l &. and v1c1• prcs 1dC'nt, t·ommc:n:ta I c:o11 trat·ts In 1981 Burns w<c. namt-d v1<.-e pn·'>ldl'nt of n ew commert•1al prog1 a ms busm ess management. Burn!> n ·L·t•ntly w a!> l eading m<1rkf'l1ng f o r an adv<tn ced dt·rtv altvc: of lhe DC-10 w1de - l ..ilm1 ln· )l'l Nt W YO~.,. tAP1 TM to110...,1nQ lt\t \"OW\ ttw 0YC'f lhe (OU'\\ef ''ott.\ ""° ••''•"'~ '"•~ "•¥~ Q01W w tPW"f"O.t MKt down tht' mO\t W\e'd on CW'C.tn1 ot t t\4n0f 'f'94tOI~\ of ¥01u,,._ ' °' lol\On!M ' No \if<t.trihft"\ trOO•nQ t>elow U Art-1n<I uoto Nf't ono ~,Cf'n\ttOf <.Nnoit"\ •re,,.... CSHft>rf"n<t' blthJrrH'n 1n. Pff'WtOU\ <.t0\4nQ bid "''"" *''° ioo.,., , ''"' 0 10 pr-1c• 1 , ) • ! • 1 I ' 10 11 12 , .... • I n 1 .. I I 1 • I ... ll 1•· I• .. J'o ... '" •I It l .. ... • r .. .... • 1 .. • l'"J 1 • .. ,,, I • ... "" UP lOO VP JI I Up lJ J Up 28 0 Up JI• VP U I UP U 7 Up ZJ.1 VP tJ• Up tJ l Up 11 • VP 211 Up 20t Up 100 Up 20 0 Up 1'• Up 19 J 1 .. ~-. I ... VP 11 & .. Up Ill .. VP II• '-Up 17 • t'~ Up 1' 1 ,., l'-1J ... OOWNS L•:\f • • ... , .. , .. 1 ,, . "" , .. ''· f ' I I'> , ... J : 1 '" ! I• .. lip •0 Up 1•0 UP 1•0 P<L 011 ... Oft I!• OU 17 I Off 1' I Oft 11 I .. Oii 10 I .. Of! 10 0 '• Off 's I Off •I ... 011 '1 Ii Off • J ''• Ofl 1 l I 1J .. u .. 11 H• ... l . .. ••• •.. '• Oft • J ... OU / t ,,. O.t 11 ... Off 7 I ., 011 , • 10 ~ I 0111 )]JI lOI •• " 10 10 I J J > l ,1 Off 1 c ... 011 10 1l Ott • 1 •..,. OU • 1 ~ g:: : : f • •'• P.apE •P J01• lO , P•trn• 111 ., ... "••t•OtW'I IJ •l~G JI tJ n 1• 2S ·~ )' ,. .... I ~ g:: :~ MUTUAL FUND HEW YOllK (API -Ill 1010 11 •• ~ "" JO 18 Hl In• RW> 41' • .. ••'IF F""°' Pvln.,., Funcl> '~ loll-•nv QUO ~!m : r, :gt M•qol 1• .. ,." hl•I ll 7' NL F....., • JO • •s C:Of'IY .. JJ IS t~s!. :t~ =t :~'':;!,.:\"~~~ (4'QlNT 1011 Nl ~.:Itta I~ .. ~t ~jl J',t, :w .. N~ ~~i:: =~I~~ :.-::.:: :rn :: Slnh ,., NL •110" ~ St<u<111,. ,..,,_, .. Go G"'1 W< • h HL I JP tnco 1.. • o Mut""1 "' o.n.n. <;.-11 ,.. 12 St,.Uru. :-~ •;.,~ o .... ,~ Int •rt C.•111 111 • •tlhn""<••I 1'rOQ l•n~ t 11 NL Ame< 10 11 NL HH•I ~!~ 11 .. , !! 1117 I ~~'!,t~ II -12 -1,.. 0,.cn •I whl<ll £01111 • 10 I J1 OyM 117 NL _,,,,.,, Hoonc:oc~ Mui 5111 cl ,.. NL , ~ _ _,v • .., .., -....... lof<urlt... (f\en(tl"" Group l'n(ll. "" NL Bond •• IS IS le HHUT &J 1' NL l11<om • " 7 1 TH Mgd ":w 17 .. could ,...,. -t11Yld • 7t 10 •• lndu.I • 11 NL j c...-,, 1' u ,. N•I ""'• • JI NL ...... ti 10 11 II Tem~ Gr-W>ld '""' ··~· HI-11 7~,, 4111 IN:onl 111 Nl us Gvl 111. Sil liat 1"11 IJ.~ NL Optn 12,,. 1) SI GI-,.., ~" ••lutl OI _, NO.. 1•0> 1111 ,.11-•on r .. E• • .., •O •• H•t Soocunlln. ,,. E• "·" n&J Co,_ 1.11 , ... l••lu. plu\ wl .. l••M 11 '11'n 8ndAP14.»1!41 Kaufmn Tl Nl. B•I_, lll0t2.c) Vl1la 17~1921 Wot'lcl ""11SI c""r~1 """-Y (nl !>II• ., I) NL OlllUI IO Sil 11 ~ K•m-i;.,,.,,. BOl'd J .. ,... Voyeo IJ 11 IS°' Tn11 c... 10.10 10 .. '-41 twy Chari Fd II 11 1'.. GF_,11 In I.. 1N:Ot'1 111 & /l Gr-I... ')) O....ar • 31 NL Trrt1-l.Jt NL Abl• IS 1' •H ("" 011 I) 01 NL lncotn • .0 In Gr-11 ll 17 u Pr•!O • 114 I 37 tll•I-J 20 NL Trev fq 10.'7 11.13 A<O•n r ....... 11 , ..... ,,.,. • 11 NL N•IRK • )t... HI Yid t" 10.H lncom .. ., 7'17 Rt<lll• 11 '•,, ... T""' I'd l•.J1 NL ADV I... NL Cotonl•I """"' Optn • 1S • 74 •nllFO 10 ~ II.SJ Stoch t.12 10.St S.tec:o ~ur f wnC GI 11 ... NL Afuli... ,. 43 NL F11f\d 11 4) 11 SI Tu E• I IO '. Mun 6 7 tS 1 15 Tu E• I " • 10 Ecw11 • ,. NL Twtl( Soll 17 IC NL AIM Fundt.. Grwtll I j6 • ,. ... WIEq I Sil • ll Ootn 12 #f 13 •S lotR• 1· .. '" Orwtll 14:111 NL TwnC VI s 23 S.17 CvYIO II.~ u Cl HI Yid ... I JI ... W•ll ,,., NL Summ "" 10)s Felrfld i.111 (n 111<0 11 ,41 NL USAA ~· G.-.nway lncom •l'I 7 SJ F~l<tr S » S 16 l t<ll 12.n 13.lt NELll• F-StPl lll ln,,.11 C.fWfll 12.09 HL 10'7 II SJ Ootn "I 1001 '"" c.111 "' HI lo! R1 IJ.1' 14.S1 Equll JllS u" C~ll 11 .i 12 u IMO 10 ... NL HIVIO •.SJ 10 It T •• Mo 11 •I U .. l"oun<lln C..oup US GY1 I 16 t U Grwth It 6.J 1t'>f 0,...171 1' SI ll ll SOii 12.19 NL Alc>lla F 10 :11 NL Cot11 Giii 10.01 NL Gr-,.111 t 46 NL Ke)'\lone Meu lnc:Ot'1 10• .. II.It Spt<I tt OS NL Uni A<cu .... NL A 81'111T 1J 74 IJ JI Cwlll\ A9 I 1t I 31 IMoM ll 01 NL (llJ 91 IS 1' I•... Rtt Eq 22 OC ti° .. Sc-r F"""' Unit Mut 10 JI NL AMerkan FunOs Cwlll\ co 1111 1 •s Muttl • 10 • .. CU\ 87 ., ., ,.,,. TuEa 1:1, 1'u COIT! St ,, ., NL United F-: A Bel • .. 10 .. ~omp liq •St 10 SI SP«I It :It NL Cut ~ 11t I u HeUWOtf &arm 0. .. 1 #f JJ NL Actm 1.71 •.SJ Amcp , '3 1 n omp Al • ~ 10" Franhlln G•-Cu• Kl • 03 1.11 E11rgy "os · "11. Cep<;111 NL • -...1,.t,._ 1.,s.2at 1"'s.!! A Mull 12 ... 14,01 Cane-11 ,. NL AGE J 11 l U C~ tU • 11 I 41 Gu.rel *142 HL 11 16 ''"" ""' a-n ~ IJ .. c-, ll<lil G<lnt ONT( .. u .. 01 Cu• SI 17 .. 19.'1 LIMy J.. NL ln<;om II s. NL con "" II.CD n .oc FO Inv t .)t 10 lt Uild 11 94 IJ" Grwll\ t 1l t.. Cu\ SJ I S7 I 11 Menl>I • 11 NL 11111 Fcl IC 113 NL l'ICIUC 1S.ll 21 .. O•-10 ... 11.'3 111eom •" I ~ ()ollon s" • .. Cu• S4 HI • .. p.,,., ,,_., NL MM8 1.01 NL Hlncl oml!IC io'>·.~ 1,·,_~ IMom t.46 10 )A """" Id I " ' 71 Ulht s )' s" '"'""' ..... 71 k~ ... .., NL s.<11rllv Fuftdt ~ ·-l(A • .., 10 Jl '°"' In• ., jO ,, 00 lncom 1 GO 1 ,. r .. ,, 7 •s In t1aw1 GI 11 7' NL s-• IS I. M""' •••• ., N -· I 00 7 .S COMltl Co 14 11 NL us c;o.. I 2• I .. Mau 12 01 11: 12 l'MWI '"' 1'07 NL """'' • ., 1 41 Sci Eng ••• 1 IO ICI h•E '., II! IS Cont ,.,..,. • 11 NL (Apll I~ 'l6 L .. l"lllOll Gt't> Plf<llOI• JO II NL 1,, ... ,. '01 •as v-... IS.n WUI Ml • » 'JI c,~1., 1111 NL Eq111l , JJ ) I) (p [.dr 12 00 IJ 17 NE Inf • ,, D NL VIII'• 1.• I .. vv .. s.~L.'-•,,." NL ·~ 0.-•I ,,..,, UP 141' u 0 Calfr,.1 OOllll.i J 7S NL N( lllGI 10,. NL S.1.Cled Funn -"-N~t Cap 11C1 .... l JI 0.l_a,. 0,_ • 1J I 01 C.NMA 7 7' NL HOvaFd I) ti ..iL A"' SM t tJ NL -IJ.H " En!rp 1\.0 14 •1 0.Ut 1) 10 1' !O l'ullO• Inc Grow I T1 NL NY Ytnl f lt I 77 S,.1 S,,. 1'.n NL Fllftll 14 01 HI Yid • » 10 21 0.1.... 111 o:J ,, " ,,.,.rce • \1 IO 40 11 .. 11 11 JO NL Nu-7 ,. NL S.!I~ Gr-tncom • .. NL """" 8 17 M 11 1J 0.ICll I ~ I '1 1"•°""1 t..lllCllW IS 1' NL 10.St NL ~;:(! '21 t •J ~ .. Gt 11 • HL v..-tr »Hu .. hHt •G 11• IOJOIOI• L-"1•$8"" 11.1• NL S4fl ltlS ISIO $4>1Slt 1)4,) NL '""'" ..... IJ.10 0.1111 10 OI 11 07 PllOI '&1 10 /) '-"' '°" NL """""' F-d. ~ • ,. 7 01 V11M1nc•om""'°'11.'"0'1 11.M Excn J1 44 NL ~Cao. 1.. NL 5untlll 11 II I) I} MUI 17 10 NL lr«1 .... ,, SS Inc-........ 7., I~ ,:d AM 11 » 12.• .......... I U01 NL GT Pee U >J NL Lot4 -U; 0-1 •• I SS tt,04 IJ .. '" Gr-U 11 NI. ~~ .•. ~ ti • NL Gete Op le.. NL Allllld I .. t 27 HI \'\f ..... "·" S.811!.,1, ... .,1 C-. , t ~ ~L..,fr, ~;: ~L H¥11f 12.,. u 11 ....... -IS 1' NL 04,. El« Inv I SNI di> t.u 10.44 9"" U.11 u .. .. & 7~ -I. "~· JI., )I II Ortyt1& Gtfl Ell11Tr II OI Oo Gt 1•.s ,, .. Sli9<1 11 71100 ...... ..:11 • .. 1v0r':' .t: ,; tl Provle f lt )OI ....... u ... NL E!llt\h 1011 IMom JOI 2JS hFr• ,,. ,,. Com$ fSjol .... A GlllFO 1 0 11 1... Dr..,, 10 7 I• It S&S JO 1' Nl Lllther.,. Bro AIM IS ... 1•• Orwtll IJ,11 IC 31 01" 1 33... NL A t1arlt0 2.9) Hl ltv.. 1' ti '1 U S&S LO 10 '9 NL ,,..,,., It .. 14 " Tl-t • 10·· Sotelleil Jl.Ot NL 01:;, 11 ~~ =t A1'11M j ,, •.I• l,'1_ lflfW • ,. NL c;.11 $9( ".. NI. lr1<om • Cl • ,. OTC SI( 24.22 ,. l3 ~~-.,~!.!;.7. n.. •Fd I ., .. HL A 111 ... tl 1'0 NL -1 llK •Ill NL 08T 10• NL M""I 1.i 1.09 Pl<-M 1100 ltOJ --,.__ " "' A'"" 111 t ~ l'fL Te• I• tt II NL Ortll 11'11 1t.. Nt.. US (;Qot I., • 11 PuWIO t )I NL A-. 14 JI U 21 5<'1.~11 ~U! =Ll AM-n " NL Tllnl c • ., HL Gr .. Pll)' I\ Ot .... MU\ Fl-I ....... Sq IOI HL r.Hl'l'ld ,.,. 19.JI *-I "ti 14,11 A HIOtll c 40 •.11 ltl oir. t 'O 1011 HeM M04 •fl \.Jt Mil II J.l II &a 1'811" Mu ..... HI., ''IC'"' _.,en v _... A Nllnc 17 .. It U l •lon•Htwtnt He'1 Otfl 10 11 NL MIC. 11 U IJ \J P!Wle •.IS 10.71 MMWI U.~I U.U =" '/r.:r• HL AM• .. Y • oc .... •••., I 2t I tl H.,I l n u 04 NL MIO ,. Jit 17,M ll'Nlenl• °'8M N•Of• 14 • t).11 fM Tr 'l &a SL A~cllGVI • •1 NL ,,_.. '" NL Mer .. d ... 11 NL MCO : 14 • ts ....... ~ ., .. ~'"" 0 1.•t Hl. A~• HouQt!IOft tncom • " ) 02 Ho• Man ,, 4) Nl Mi!G w t .61 ,..,,.. i..10 lt.U ,.,., 01 " 1) NL ?H: 11: t fl\CI 8 • Q:J '., ,,,~tklt .... 2) Mlllf~!lll ti II NL MFO 1122 "JO o,_ 111 n" ....... ~ . !II<'"' 4.. S 01 ScKllEO .,. 7 .. .,. H1rll Ill 11 >0 NL M!'ll 11'.f• IJ: c MIYi. e. J0'.14 t t7 11. 0 MwH\' 1~.fl "a~ Stou ,., 10 1) ,.. • ., ~I"" l'I' •?t •ti MM8 •01 '* Stoelll It t1 tS • 7 » '-7' Mp, S.2' ,.. ILC GI If SI tUi Stoo 11 " 1' 11 SI 01oup Ml'M •... 1 It PC C811 1J.t7 lnwtt 1' d 14.nl 11 I 1 L LC: lr1< 1' .. 14 Ol l t>enletll GfOWCI: Orwtfl t ti I .JO 1,,Tr8 11 .. It 31 Pll9rl"1 CH-11 5-lel " :"1"' lO.;: NI. •• Inc 1.S1 NL ii..m IO,. II " Inc~ l ,. 4 IJ M.11,,.n t i)/ NL l'lit p'cj 11.& 'i,. n ~ IJ 17 11 '"• ,t,. ... t IE ~1v11 1t,1,!:l """ ..,",'!! W 10.~ tnrr1oc'!'111f110 _.~11 ... Mtrrln Lwntll ""':: c , H Tri.Kt '!: 1•.•1 ~:: /1 ..,71 "'t ( Hiii ... ;; Ht ,,..u111' u;;·· 1'N1. l....,,,r'V' •. 'tt Hl. •::~ . 111.1:.1 ::.:: ,,:..•,..,, • ~· ,: .,t= r.;,.. .. ' l , 0 V~!I .. 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"• ~~~EG, JO 11401 :iov .. ,,.. llllRef I Ole ' ., •:i.t Tot."m .)4 • "' IS.. .. Bkrlnll ., • Ill() H bl I CnPw pf• JO ,.., J7•. '. GTE"' , • JI 21 • ,.. CPL pfl lJ 1 ti•·. ~. NYS:: l;jl ·m ~~··. "' R.cnEQ --• TolEdl• ) ,. • 111 ""' ... 8""°' J111 I tt• •• '• CnPw pfl n ·-M , '• GafHoll U t 1"1 II'.• .. Sou • 10 ~ 11\, • '"' !fVS pl 111 J 16'• Rtdmn lD 1' S>t It .. Toi Ed pU 11 )1 11 • '' e.ldU s • t ltll »"' • CnPw pf 1.. OSO 11S....,, I•-. o.flN l1 1.1'2 16 9tS S1 • 11. CSo r I 1400 tO"-1.. NYS llfDJ IJ 10 ll1t , .. R .. o ti 41~ '• Toi Ed pl?,. t 11', , l lclU pl 2C» 11 tOI + "' ftP• pl • JI 1' ' " c;.c.Str IO II 1U u11'• • 1• •ftG 111 t 1"1 111., \lo ~It I t tJ ltloo "'-R~l ft •tin. 1 1' TotEd pf111 I IO'> "' .. OCp s I nJ , ........ ftPwpf)tl ,., ,.,, ••• o.s.c 1.lll ' .. 11 ... •nNb t ... 10 SIJ" th NWMI n1J run~-....... nc ... ll't '·'• TOOIROf -• l))wtJ• .. ' a.llY.Mf .IO • •Tl• ,. • , .. CftPw..,., t.S " ti•. .. Ge"1\I lit IO ., .. I) ... "· •nPLI 1 40 , Jo. ,... N ... mt In .,... U \4. ~ .. ::""pCplt .0 I ~ s•' . -'~-I tO 1 1/0 ,._ ... U 1GE J M t 0 1 2'1. • \lo C11P• pr1 ~ l It.,, Gel<o 1.11 9 UI n .. • -"' aPL pt2 11 I It'-h Newt pf 4 m I 11'1'•-'• It ' '' ToroC.o It , .. , •1 lell~B ·~ 110101' .. CnP•"'1U " ...... GemC. • JI .. loo ..... ••••n • "1 to• ...... NW_. ... ),,.. 1 •• ,.. RepFnSt lO IS Jt 641'•• \'\ Tooco I• 1 Jlt .. , ... ...... T.JO tJ • 11'•' '· nPw Pt407 Ill ""' loo Gemln 2 40e • .,.. •11f8r ,. >43 ""'' , .... Nl&MP 1 tD • tSI ""' .. "U',NV I «> ' ,., l4 ,, T-•· .. ' 2• 71 • 8'ft X n .JO I J•1 1 t • CnPw pf) 0 t II... ~. GAlnv 4,1*e · 19 Ill<. ~. •ul Pf I JO ' t4 • -. NleMpl ,·.., 1.lX> u1t •I =N~ :::ci a ,; ~!" "' Toy"U • 11 4'J 40"> • 1' ·~ tO I) 11 la'•· ,, !Air ,., $••. "' GAmOU ..,., IS lit ~ "' •lier ., ' " IJ... N~·,·.~ ~·~ .. a,,~ .. ?,1-.11"' RNY _ .. ~ -)I•• ••• TT•,·.~" I ~ 11. lllMlt "21~ I 8-P to It IS' I > ICAlo lS. 4 .. • Y, Gftll< ... .a 4 1' 10llo .. •I-I )0 10 9) 1'1o ... ...,.. •.., --,.._ -•-·--.. e.ftP pl l , lit. ftllCP 1,.0 • ,,.. .,,., .... GCINlt .,, 11 Sl1 "'"I ellw<f «> ' l'3 ""'• ... l•MllC '·'° 010 .... • 1 Ro Stt I• 111 lt\!o TW LP 1'14 23 • ''• lllNY l..O S 6110 •t~ • "• IGrp 1.il ) t"l :u... •.-. GftOe\e . Jm 13"1 • "1 eMI 10 • .,, .... '°' NIMclf 10 tO 110 ... ..,., R «' P 8 ll I( '"' "' 8 TW wt 11• 1 , 1. ... tfVe I.Ji t Ill t11J. • ... MGp Of 1 • 1111 Ir, Gf\Oyft 12 J2 111t 34•,. ·~ eNnl .. II iJ ;1 •., Nia""" In •1"1 S.'> ... I. '"' ~.. '-'> ' I " TW wlA o 1' t , '-I MAm 1.S'J 7,., 11 • ... lllGP pf• IO I l&J1 ... loo GOyft pl. u .. ,,, I. -•Utll 1 20 I )IJ 1111\>. 1, NletSl\ l i>o a l•IO. I RtpB• pf) 11 ' ,... • .. TWC pl ) I .... llARIY l 40 11 .. 1' 1111 J I 1241 JO',• "-GeftEt J .. II J24' .... ,,. + ~"' t rrGI M t 1JO 11'" Nl<oll fl.. Ill II• )tO II"• ... R"'COI n • IM ""' , ... TWC pl I "1 ti 111.,-~ ·-Tr 1.05 Stl1' II ... 1'• COfltT .. I,,. • ,,.. .... ()f!Feb J.» 10 ''°' u-.. "' ffG Of I IO . • ...... •• NIC"OR J • 1» )I.. Rnco • 111031 ... , ... lloo TWC pl 1 t6 0 ,. ...... 9 1lTr pf 150 t4 11 .. '• Data JS • 1ll0 lJ • °" OGUI All :IJ 41 I•'-•... •rrMc l,10 'JJIM ll" • 1\~ Notll/141 It I tt'2 IJ .. • Roert 9• 10-.. • Trent1n Im Sl4 U", ~ lt.Tr pf •.D lulJ .... GllOlPI •SO l llO JI i"'' ... a.""" ... eyftCn ) IJ!/1 .. ~ .. 1.to 110.. ... 1v..1 .... lltvl ...... llUI ,. .... TrafttltC11t IS·~·'• ........ r ... •• ... ·~ CO!'IWod I«> 10 ., n ....... ,. "-,Ill • -13\'\. ... ey•lnl ' .. Ii IOJ JO~ •• '""' Nof'lln > JOO ""' Rnhem .0 , .. 1711o ..... Tl>Rtt• ,., to"' ... e ... dCR ,. .. .SU '3 ... ~ t:ooliUn .01• ~ ,.. '"'' .m 14 ,..,.. .. '-• 1" lck:lt' I 10 ) f .. 13 .... Nortlr 112.JO ' S4 1'!/H " A •• " , a I 0 I Tr .. nt.eo I.to 111 u ........ l~~ 1: • .~: i:" '=-*~ 1 •: ~~;:~ ai:11'i4:~,:C ;;~:;: ~·:P'2 : : ~ :~ ~ : f ~ ~~: ~ ~:yn1 .. 11'• ,,:.; '7s~,.,: f~~'Jl 11: 4!"' (, ... c' 1• 1 J?» Coopkb to I) 111 .. -pl 1.H • l4 '.. .. • " ..... NoAPN 1.10 • Ill .. t 1"4 Reyln pt• 10 0 44 TrGP pl J '° I 7011 "' 1¥ 40 1> 4.llt lt'• f M t 10')) , l'o SiS "' S f 4.S' .. •"' m · , I ~ '9 •1'9 NEIWO t .. t 11) 11 • .. Reylftr JTJ 1031~, IJ. TmtOll JI t o. " .lAI • tot ,.._ ·~' t ,. • " 11 • :u '" .... 20 • ,.. ,....,R ., t4 Jn .i.... N-IVI I.ii • .. 11'•• \'\ ReyMI 1 IO IJJ J>>o . "' Treftwy 1 IO I JI ,. ... IMltcl\ 1)614 4IO 41'··1'4 °'"''• .011 n• u 1..... 11 '" ....... -· 11021 ., t) illdPS 1.JOIO~ IJ -.. RayMJf•SO I '° 11'1 r ••• ., .... IJ41J ,,,,,,..,., .. •1Tt .. It J07 o •,.11,1, c;.,eln .. 11 J1 11 "' Geftlle t t • n '°' S.li. .J'IJ olmor J1 It S7 '°", '9 ~"-1'.l,3 'tnt ~· ... Rcl\Vt~ t • 10 lllt ""' .. Trtt:on Jiit 112 1• l •yFlft 105 JO IO•, .... WftG 1 111> .00 Sl"'•llo. ~~:.I .ii t ~ J~ .• ,_; °"" 1 .0 IJJIOI IS""'•.. Pw=:.10 . 1~ m ::.t"° :!!r:~i.: ~ ,..: ~y,,11,, f~11~.~1'0tO u! 1j~ "° .Banke r s foreca s t • prime rate drop ATLANTA (Al'J Th<-prc•s1df'nl ul thto Aml'rtl'Un U.11nkn11 A.11.~·1uuon prc'(!kts the• pnme rate will drop t.c.t 11 J><·r<.'C·nt by L>t.oc: 31 , 1111d uthcr bankers 1my thv pr1mt.> could f(O t:v1·n luw1•r Llf'wdlyn Jc·nkmt1, iL'L'llll'lttllon prt.'Hldl·nl 1and VI(~ ch1urmilll nf Manufoc tur1•1'!1 Ha novl'r TrUllt Cu., said at u newlf c·1mft'rt•n ce $unduy lht· 't.>rtnll' rate , a key mdwuuu of Lrcnds in intcrt.-sl r1Jtt+ that is now al I 2 percent nauonwadc, will l'Ontinuc.-w fall through thl' wlntl'r Ix-fore rlsm~ dgam. "I don't t htn k It 's guang t.o go down drastically," Jt.>n ku"\S 11<.Hd "It will just kt-ep dr1ft111g down until late wantl•r or early spring " Jenkins, in Atlanta fur the bankers' B.S110C1at.1o n C..'()flVl'nl1on thts wet:k, stud he doesn't expect the rate dt.'<.'hrw will stem from actions by the nation's centraJ ban k Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul E. Vokkcr recently bas said the board will be more tol1.:rant tn L1Jming weeks of fluctuallon.s 1n the money supply "I dCJn't thank the federal Re!.l'rve Board had anything to do with the antcrl'St rates tx·anj( lowered." he said D iesel sales d ecline DETHOJT (AP) US. daf'sel car make rs rec.:urdeJ their low est September sales figures since 1979, an industry trade JOUrnal reported I.Oday. Despite optim1st1c forecasts, sales figures we re down 38 pl'rcent from September 191H . according to Ward's Automotive Reports. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS Heme I OllleGE Pf 1 Narco Sci... J B•noP\inl • 0--• J l>MR Corp wt t J~EF I APPfd Meo t Ca•t~ Ch .: ~~o.'fi" II l TV c:p pf l t2 IC Incl\ 13 ICl-P' 14 lL~CDr U Ht .ar~ It Union °'P II 1 llPw 4 JOpf 11 N••P I 14pl It P"EI 4 «>Pf 10 Ron-. 11,NSPw 4 llpf 11 UIM l•t10 pl ~! ~ir~r pl':' n rftt~lJf GOLD COINS ,.,, "' .. Jh I'" .. 1 " .. II. l .... I "' .... ... '" 1 ... ,,_ I .. ... .. 1 .. , ... • 71. .. ,. ... ... . , .. " ~. Pct Up "l Up UJ Up 14 0 Up ll t Up Il l Up IJ I UP IJ • Up 110 Up II t Up II I Up II t Up II t Up II I Up II 0 Vp II 0 Up 10) Up 10 I Up 10 1 Up 10 I Up 10.0 Up tt Up t i Up •1 Up t i Up t• Pel ()fl 100 Off ,. 011 •.o Oft 11 011 1 l g:: n Oft I 0 Oft •• Oft •• Oft •0 Oft ) t 011 't Oft i • Oft JI Oft u Oft s.1 011 )3 Ot• 'J Off ) l Off s 1 Off SI Oft )0 Oft •I °" . ' Due to late transmission t oday's llstlng wlll not appear In the Dally Piiot DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORl((API FIN I Oow·J-• -~;ocr•· °'' "·· )) Ind JO Trn I) Utl U Stk ln«hH Tr•n Ulll> •> Siii °""'" "*' ...... c-0. tts JI lotJ".45 ttl.U 10tt.l1 • • '' «11 lS 411 •S ,.. Tl ... 11 • 1 1' 111 ot IZ2 U 120 ... tn 00 • 0 74 •s " J'ls >D m ,. m i.. • • i. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VORlt IAPI 0<1 If Advell(,fld 0.<11,..., UnchlRQt(I TOI .. I~• New,,.__, H•w IOW'\ """'.... . ..... , Today 17Jt •IO ~ '""' 211 I NEW YORll tAPI Oct It Actvenced o.<11...0 Un<N ngeo , ..... ·~· ..... "·~ N•w IOW'\ METALS Tooo 4'J Ill -134 11 1 t,IOt,400 J.G•.• ) , llt ,.)00 1J tU,ltOO """' °"J. ... m 1tl7 131 J Prw . °n1 .. ,,, .. .. NEW YORI\ lAPI -Spot nontetrOU• "'°"al ptlOM Mono.-, Copp•• 10· TS c •nh • pound. U.S Clfthnlltorlt '--23 '9 c.il I I l)O\lnCI ZMc '0·•7 ~ ... pound _ _, Tift Ml 213S ~1•1s W~ c:.orl'IPOllll .. AltHftlowfll 16 _,,. e pound N Y •-S9 850 pw ''°' ounce NV Com .. lpOI month CIOMd F'rt Merc11ty S3 70 00 pet "asi. Plellftwm S338 00-$344 00 troy ov~e NY SILVER GOLD OU OTA TIONS IJ TheA~i.cl- SelecllKI w<>rld oolO P<IC99 Mondey Londo" "'or11r,., Ital"' S426 50, 011 $6 00 Londoft efle rnoo" fl•l"t S•28 2S oll S4 25 io...i. ..... _ ~Intl 5A2t oe. on 16 11 ,,.,.twt 11•"'9 s..2f 98 on u oo Z.wlcfl lete ....,_ 111"" 1430 so. on S2 SO bid. $431 SO -IKI Hendp a "•'"''" (oftlJ d•llr 41"•1•) S.428 2s on 14 25 E,,...._d ,.....,. dellp .... I $<1H 25. oll S• 2S l .......... d ,....., ............. , ·~" S449116 ott S• 41 SYMBOLS cJ•NPw >t9ftH)' IO'A li N~w iweart\' hte41n L' 1te"ts. otN!tw•t-.f r,o,•d ,.,,~1 01 01-.i1deoo" .. ,.., ~nf'l'uAI U150U'S~ents b•~O on 1t\e l•St auane1i~ n• t ttm1 annutil o ecl•r•l•O" Spen•t Of I". It. Ohtde"f\<SS Of P•Y""tf'" not d.._~"1.-d •$ •1t91Jll ' .,~ t(JfW'tUl..0 '" tt\e 1~1..,UIOW :l 4•tc •~"• 0' f!1tr•~ o-Annu•• tate ~' ,1oc:" "'"'aena c -l•Qu1oa1rng 01v10eria O.c1a•eo o• 11a10 "' P'e<:.0•"9 12 mont~s •·°"l:l••11Cl or PA•O •"'' stock a .. .o.,,d 01 iollt "" 1 Pa~ lh11-vear cJ1v•oeno Otn•tt.0 Utt'~"M or no action -•ken at laat d1¥1dena '"""''"9 • Oec•••eo 01 patCI th•• yH t "" Kcumul-11¥t1 •sw~ •1th 0 •'11.o.ndS .n .,,..,,, n·N,.... 1"'1e r O.C•t •e<l Of pa>O "'Pt_.,"'9 t2 mon1n1 1>111s 'toe• a"'odtnO 1-P..a "' SIOC'-•n P••UO•l\Q 1i monllla htimet.a 'ash "'••v41" on P•·01\11d•nd 01 t\·dtlltt~lk>t'I oett , f , a1v10t)nO& or e••rtgh16 y .. E •·d•v.08"d end !MJIH '" lull z0S1tes "' luft t>d•Catt~O wo.wnen Ooslrlb\/19" Wl•Wl\en •tl uttCJ l#W With w•ff•nU lW•WtU'fOt.1• w11uant1 •O•t £• ·d•stt10Ul•O" PE ••too lne puu ot • sloe:' H a mvll•PI• OI Pt<·&n..,.e "•m•ngt·Oflf•"e<I by 01 .. cl•"O ,.,. l•tnt 12 montn ettnlRQ• ''°"'• 1nt(I ..... UI~ l>hCe tr.fG 7 ~ 1~ ,;~ ~ ... ~~: 111rn e: ~t, 1 °" GTFf pf I.JO . '()000 1014 "1 ~~,"'pl 1: •lo; ~.,., t ~ ~·.!! 111100000 ?! _ '" .. ~i;Qll•f:tdll' •.-.1, ~tt' ?!~ • I .. Tr,1e1~ 40 1 Siii t! t1tJ~ • v. .... F"l 1.to • 11JI 2J Co•Cm " II sn lit~. '~ OTlre l,tlll n MO '1V•. v. Kroelllr .. ,... • .... ......... --... .., -, • -~. t n -TO .... , pf J.ll . 11 I] Crt •Q ,. 2• ··~. '• Oe'!t.CO . '" 414. " K•-· 1 • lll 0 v. PISPw llf7 ..... rlOO u . . . " ....... I 40 14 "' J0'9 .... Trlctllr -• ,. "'. "'11-------------------------------------lleelnO 1 10 11 '°' .. ~. Cr•n• t .ot t .. 1H•, 11, GflRoflCI !O ,., .. 1•\lt '" Ku,.lm to. • 11 11 ' '" NSPw ,_AO IJOO 70V.. '-"°"'"" I .a S IJO ti'-• "'° Trtco ll I to ,._ \• .... ., •7 ~' Ctn R\ U 1111 Jl"' • Jiii Qeft\\9 AO J6' llV. • "" llyOCe• Jlr U t H\.' "-=NSPwTI,,... It ~ 1'mJO ~ 1~ ~~"'? I I~ ! ... JO• 1,,1 • ~ tr,1111141 ~ ,! '•11 1'~1~ •, ~ uS•h tt I WO 11 ... 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"....,,14 ~ -• e0 •• -US Ind I• 11'1 ... • '.-\ V111< lft< _, 14 4 ..... \'t .... • ... ~.' 11: • 1t; .. m:. "' 5~!.-'"''lli ,, ~ !r.;. "' G~·-Pw !!!·.~ .!.! 10,, ....... LlCCp .JO JI ' ~ Nt<•. llfl ,.. •tOtO S1 • '"" "-'"' , Id 14 ... "' l'(MW 14 .,, ~. .. USL... .., ii .. JO.. .. V11tcftM ,..., • ,, ....... w...:~,, .... : 'r :.,..: ~ 1•.o... "" r • -.. LfV 10 > JOit 11'-\'o Plktl .0 .1.. Me >o-lio 1't. 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I ll~· .. ltl I 6' ·.··;..: Ve ~ ~ i•~WV!t ,.. lit ~ i· 141 !1 'U lMl'4V'J •I~ ,,, • -•I "'·'~LI~ *· .Witl'I •"' -~ -.. ~ v . "'"'ll'\l°O il 01 ~·;\Ii 11 ~ 1$,,.• I'" ::,u~. f11..,"';'~ I 11111 J 1 191.li e4i. t1 •· •" . ._ ,.,ri n io: :,"' ~ .. =~.~ ~= • .,..-,~--.... , ,.:, .......!.'~ ._ ·, lj : ~ a,;:;;.;;;.;;;..;.;1 .. =.~1·;..;1~M;..C1;..;"~·--' ......................... .i1ot; .......... ,_. ____ _.,,..._•~ .................... L.•._ ... n._." ............ IYJ!..:ll~....J"-~lil.:...ll~llllllL...a-'-G1L..llll.l..l.ll.Nll£.l .... IL. .... .ai...1111..a..a.1 v1 • • ~ . ll ....--t. 1 Ill Ui.·•~ ' • llU 1 •1t111go Co 11 OAILV PllOl /l'uHdly, Octobor tO, t082 < • • u r ta1ns going on up five new attractions By l'OM l'l l'tlS Of lh• 0.11, 1'111>1 ••• ,, J\ d1·l11w 111 l11n1l lhl•uter wash\.'11 up on lh(' Or;111~t l '1• ''' 1111, w1·1•k1•11d l\!i thrt't' •'Ommunlty pl11vliu11-..' .eml lwo 111l11•1(t1' r11IM' th.-1·urwlns on thl'll l,11\'.,l ,1ll1 lll'llUIUi I;, \t111g .t Jllnl!J on till' Wt't•kend with Thursday, nlRh t "IH·11111g-. \.\ill hl· tlw Nt•wporl Theull'r Ari.ii Cl•1111·1 \\ 1111 "1'111• 1-'t>urµw.tt•r" und Saddlt•buck · Col11•g1 ''1th "l<1•11111•d y'x ( 't11ldn•n " Joining the parnd1· l-'11d:iv will bt• "God's Favorite" at the Mis.-;11111 V11·1• Playhuu1w, "Mornings al Scvt.>n" at lh t> N1•wp0 11 l I larhor A1·turs Thl•utur and "USA" ut Ornn~w l'o,1,t ( '11ll1•t<1•. 'l\1111 lt1•g;111 111111 M11ry Sullivan comprise the tw11·d1:11111·11•1 1·a'll vf "Tht' Fourposter" (the vantage ronwdv 1111111 \\ hid1 lht• musical "I Do, I Do" was gkunPd) \111d1·1 lhl' d1rt'(:t1on of J oan Mt-Gillis. The th1·1111•1 It.a·, 1 h:111~1·d its production &·hedule lo Thu1 sda.'" t t1111u~h Saturdays, l'hminating Sunday m at1111·1·, 1'1·11111111.arn l'" will lx· give n al I:! p.m. for four wt•c•k1•111h, th11111~h Nov i:i . at the Theater Arts Ct•11t1•1 . .!:1111 l'ltff Dr1 vl', Newport B eac h . Re·~·• v.1t1u11 ... ti'1fl 3143 I\ I '-;;ult! lt•l)lll'k College, "Kf'nnedy's C hildre n" is :1 dr.1111,1 l1v Hobc•rt Patrick focusing on rive pt.-oplt twm tht• lo(ulden days of the JFK years to the middl1 l'ldh l'atnck J Fennell ls directmg. 'l'w11 w1•1 k1•11ds of pt.•rfom1ances will be given m 1111' 1\11"''°" Vu•Jo t·ollege's intimate Studio Th1•a11•1 w11 h curta in at 8 pm. Fridays a nd Satunl.1~ "· .111d 3 pm Sundays. through Oct. 31. Res1•1' .1t1011s 11:11 <lti5ti l >.·1 I• 1t 1.gt•rald UJkl>s the central role in "God's Favu11t• ' 1111 thl' Mission Viejo Playhouse under thL• dirt» t1un l>f Handy Cobb. Others in the c~t ·of the> N1•il ·~1mv11 Sl'l'ltx.'OmL'Cly are Bucky Stevens, Bo111111 ( 111 1\111 .... Kurt Smith, Myra K iffin, Mike Ha11M·11 .irnl 1\;111111 P1ll1w1ck. 111 1 l11r111.111""" will bt.• given on Fridays and Sa11ml.1\ .11 H .10 for thrl'l' wtoekends, closing Nov. 6, in lht' h111111 1 'l'twalL•r on l he Festival of Arts g1 ou11ds 1111 l .aguna C<tnyon Road in Laguna Beach. Res1•1 v:1 llu11~ 1 7tHl31:! I Na111' EbsPn as d1renang Paul O sborn's "Mui 11111~'.~· .11 Sl·ven" for the Newport Harbor Act0r ... l'lu .a11•1. with hus band Buddy cast in a canll'o rolt• < >1h1•1i. in 1he cast are Patricia Gilchrist, Sorn •ll W.1':> n• EverNt Olenick, Gary Bell, Marnie CrOS!>Ull Fl >I:• Burkt>, Lois Bootzrn and Paul Oet~ F itzgerald, Kurt m i th and Bonnie DuBois (from l<>ft ) investigatt-strange noises in the nigh t in this sc(•ne fro m the Mission Viejo Playhou e t•o m c d y HGod 's Favor it<·," o pening Friday a l the Forum Theatt•r in Lagu na Beach . Call 770 -0 381 for l ic·kt•I in forma tion. Mc-Cawley Curtain time 1s 8 p.m . Thursdays through Saturdays unul Nov. 13 a t the theater, 390 Monte Vista St. Costa Ml'Sa Rt-scrvat1ons 631-5 110. Orange Coast Colll•ge opens its new season with a revival o( "USA" by John Dos Passos and Paul Shyre. Wilham Purkiss 1s d1rl'Cllng the play, a panorama of tht' early <•tmlury in America. Cast m(•mbt•rs indud<.• Kathlf'<'n Dowo. Luana Gonng, J ennifer Granda. Kara Greene, Nora K~lly, David MN•k, H-0bt!rt Porlc. Howard RoS('n, Danny Stringfellow and K1mbt-rly Taylor Perfonnant'es will bC' given Thurscfays through Saturdays for two w eekends at 8 p.m. m the OCC Drama Lab wllh a dosing Sunday mallnN' al 2 pm O<.:t :31 . RescrvaL1orus 556-5527 Compleung lhl•tr rl'Spel'llVc> tJngagemen ts this weekend are the Irvine Community Theater production of ··The Mind Wtth the Darty Man" and' the musical .. Canwl111" by tht: Newpo rt Beach D is tribution of poster halted •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday tttru Saturday I.< >S 1\NI :ELES (AP) Actor Tom Selleck has h1•1 ·11 g1 .111tc•d a te mporary restraining order proh1I11 t 11~: d 1-;111 bu uon of a poster that shows the ··Mag 11.111, I ' I " star partially unclothed , his all111 '" v .... o1d Tl11 11·-.ti;1111mlo( order was issued Friday by Suµ<.•r 1111 < · '' 111 .Judge• Lron Thompson after Selleck' fi!Pd "" .>II 11111lwn lawsuit against four com panies and 11111 • 111d1v1<.luals for alleged violation of priv;i1) .111d p11hl1L·ity, unauthorized use of his Jikc11t •tHJ u11fo1r <:ompe t1t1on. said attorney Mm t111 S1ngi•1 Tht J'"IW' scheduled a Nov. 4 hearing on a poss1hl1 1-<·1 m·1ncnt an Junction, the attorney added. ·w1~ 1·1111.,1<it'r tht' poster to be offensive," Singer <;;11d "It c;hows ham undres.sa.ng in a frontal post'. w~ 11g off hrs shirt with pants uOZJpped and without unc.J•·rwear ·• Smgl•r s;ml the picture o f the 37-year-old sex svmbul w.c. n<Jt ;t photo. but an artist's rendering. · .. II,. la,,., n•·Vl'r posed for that type of picture. _Jie h~ ru.' 1·1 af.)pcared nude, so that is why he finds at ... <• 11ulr:1g<-ous that they would depict him in such t111 11utr .1g1 uus pose," Singer scud. Th•· 11 f, llll.mt<; are Berill Communications. Louis l '11p1 ill Mark Bernard. Timothy Anderson and l"11ll11 • Plthll'>hing Co .. along with what Singer bt•l1c·v1·d w1·11· two retail stor es. Dorothy's BAU Milln~ ~29 sr·~ MISSIOll YIEJO ~Ow~• • "' NlWPOllT IUCM OllAl9GI WllTMl .. TlJI 1 ..... ~, ~WtxM• c re<ni cneoome Pac1lc s "' Way 39 I 0'~0 63• 2SS3 Drive In 891 3693 WfSTMl .. Tfll ? ~q~o Ec .. 110s e.nemi w~ 891 3935 FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER . . DINN&R '8.95 Includes choice of soup or salad, dnd potato or rice pilaf. Call For Reservation• -........--,_ ... r 673-1126 ii/Jf((tt!,~(~!) IOI ---;-: l HAI BOA E. ···-llri. Theres only one Five Crowns. Fine dining. ~I CASI CO;\~r lllGllWAY t"Oft<}NA Utl MAft CA 111411"° U3J I S urrender a nd Ma<:ho . He said all the de fendants were located an Los Angeles A reporter 's phone call to the law firm of Acret and P e rrochet, wht('h S inger said re prest'ntcd Berill, Cuprill and &'rnard, was s till unanswered. Singer said the pos te r c:ame to Selleck's attention in the last few wet>ks and apparently had been circulatl"'<i in C<ihfornia T he suit seeks $2 malhon in mmpensatory and punitive damages on cal'h of four causes of action. plus declaratory r e lie f and prelimanary and permanent injunction . Sanger said the restraimng order prohibits the defendants from "manufacturing, selling, using or otherwise commercially exploiting the likeness o f Tom Selleck on any poster and they could not exploit his like ness without getung his consent." Selleck, who JUSt began has third season as private detective Thomas Sullivan Magnum on the popular CBS TV sertl'S, earher this year filmed the yet-unreleased thl'atncal movie "High Road to C hina." In Marc h he starn·d an the TV movie "Divorce Wars" o n ABC The 6-foot·4. 200-pound former male model also appeared an the movies "Myra Brcckenndge" and "Coma." a s w e ll as "Bra,·ke n 's World," "Tht' Concrete Cowboys" and "The Rockford Files" on television ~ . L)~_!HE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILMi(* j .. SIDE-SPLITIINGLY FUNNY!" -II• ..... """"na Fil.II came AU U TOIW UA Movoes fcwa<Os SaocleOiK- 990 •on ~8 1 ~880 COIT~MIU fOO..wds South Co.lsl Pl.111 ~46 ? 1 11 Ml•TlllCITOlt IUCM OUllCll EOwillOS Hun1><191on ConMia c.neoome 848 0388 63• 2~~3 lA MAIA& Ar.IC r .... ,1uot1 Sqoa1e 69 t 0633 lUXU RT THEATRES 1st lw flbll11tt Shiwi111s OllUS2~U11lmChlltrwiui..ttd S 113GU,X•Xutl6l63-i 2ssJ/~~.) s FOR FUOI EXCITEmEnTI V111tOvr ... ARCADE of GAMES• ~·:,'. :'.'." THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN m J::~: ~:~~:.•,,_, * ' - All Perlormancu before S:OO PM jhct'I Special En911'mtn1s •nd Hollcl1yil l A MlllA[JA MALL lo MttOOO 01 l o••c,on• LA MIRADA WALIC·IN 994·2400 "'rHI! LAIT A•NCAN Vlf!OIN" ,...... ,., "f'Aaf TIM!a AT llll>OIMOHT HIGH" 1•1 .. , ... ,,. a ••WAITlllla" 101 ,, .... ,, .. "IOUllH ~AY'' 1•1 ...... At -----•'flll IWOllO ANO fltl IOllCllllll" 1•1 ........ ._ .. -AGC>Nk.AY11 .... IN I ---LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IH "AH O,,IClll ANO A OINTLHIAN" 1•1 tt-.M >• ...... ,.... "THE CHOSEN" <••1 ,, ... -. ........ ._ ....... 00CHHCH a CHoNOT~ COMeO" f ,....., ..... '~ ...u 0¥'1~ t•l ....... t '"'WC'I ~...-fllll• U9. UI 1 ..._n MON P.I •• .. N •oc"lf'V ot ConOl••o~ 213/531·9SIO "PINK FLOYD: THE WALL"I ll'l "fMl IWOllD ANO THI IOll<:llllll" 1•1 ,._ ....... t2..JD, z.H, • ... I 0 , I 50 IO'U ---XXTU. a HY«W TOGETHEll AOAltl ••• tttt ••• ,. ., ... lAIT Alloll'.lllCAN VlllOIN" , ... _. ... f"I lAKfWOOD CfNTIR SOUTH WALK IN OllAOOHllAVlll" 1..01 ., ..... "TIWUT"'1N 1 u---. ..... "MY ,AYOlllTI VIAii" , .. , ...- "THE CHOSEN" ''°' .......... ,.~ .. - foc\Aty "' Del Atno 21J/6M·•_H_t __ "T .. ••T lfTTU ! ! "00N-:;-00 ... THIE wooor .;; WHOflUI~.~ IN,.!.UAI" ••• "fHI .....;,;-~;vi1nr ••• "LOOICIM' TD Gl'T OOTr ,., U• , ..... .... , .. ... Olllc1 0.-0 ... , .. , .. -S1.m 6U •• IM,OllTH l lllOTICl! CMllOlll • U.Ol ll 12 lllU ! --·-... ••0.-0.tillt•• ~-·-~•CNl_IS __ ••NO Al' CM -'°"" -llCC(SIGllT --W IOW!*l 1•11U !lllf.4l -m 0tt w - ...... 4 ..... ANAHEIM DRIVE IN ,,......,. •• Of l•flftOft ,, 179·Hi0 'c...c...c: .... ~..,.,....,. .. o.. f'll : ~: =: :,o;o:: •,:•1 Cloe .. _ I 't-,. .t. ,. .t.Wt BUENA PARK OlllVf IN ~ ••ti.AIMii 121~70 " t •4 .... ~ ~ LINCOLN 0111Vl IH L•"'<~" llw• W•t• Of •"On 121·4070 I l .... A "-4 FOUNTAIN VALLEY DlllVf IN "Alt Of!PICU MtD A OlllT\.DIAW" 1•1 ...... a...:-.. .aolO tlltl c. "IOullO ·oow"T oo '".l:f woooa-,.., "THI H1U. I HA VII 1'111" 1•• (1111 "'°""'° . . ~ ~ . LA HABRA ''"'"' . ., -·-·--·--17'-IMI ---· ' .. "CLAaa CW 1-· Ptl ...... ·~IC6" ,llOM NCW YOflll" 1111 C•lll "- • AllllTYVllU II THt l'Olltl-"1111 O\W ··fHI ll-11 PAlfTY MAllACM " IOI ,~ ... h tou..o .. E.T .• '"' THE EXTRA· TEllllESTlllAL" ..... 'OflAOOHIL.AYtll• fN t ·Tl!( IWOllO ANO fHI: IOllCIMll" 1•1 "'-UI · acA .. 111111· ,., "WAITMllr" 1•1 O\Ut "IOUlllt ~AV" ll't Ctfttl•- -~-MOI J o.i_ ........ _ 191·36'3 - ·~•c...,. . -·-· -,_ .. , 0 .... 1•1 t c ....... • c._... "'WCt Ollt .... -f•I t C..._... 6 C. ..... • ...... ., .0¥11 (IO C*l •• IOUJIO •fHI IWOllO AM> THI IOl!CaMll"IA> ..... •tC ....... "191 OQANGE 1•1111.' 'N ,.,_ .. AM.,... •-c-.. ---1 MISSION 1 1.111" " .... . --.-- ......... _..._ ,,.,~. WAIHH IJ ': • " _ ... _ .......... "THI IWOM AND THS '°="""' "" ·.C ...... "•tll . "Cl.AH .f:. -· l!llJ -.alt ,_I AY •lllllOllT ..... '1111 l .. llAlllA .. I.CM ..... l'urki.. lk•ttl'ht'1i und U1-t·n •ut11111 l>1·p.11 tm1·11l C:lt1e111ll( !Jt'I funnwtl't'11 11( "l>l11y Mu11," .in uduh l'Omc-dy. will bt· i;t.u~t d Jo'11d.1y t111d Sotu1dny ul 8 p m 1r1 tt11.: Tu rt ll' Hol·k ('uni rn u n 1 t y Pu rk auditorium. ~unnyh11l Hu.id uH Tul'tl1· ltoc.'k l>nvl· In 1rv1n1· 'l'lt'kt•l inf11rmt1Uu11 Ii. avallifhl1· 11\ 557 7207 "Cunwlot" w111di; up wllh JJt•rformum.'l'b Jo'rtduy u11d S11turduy ut 7::!0 p Ill .ind u Sundoy mottnl'l' ot 1.:m p.m at l.1m.,>ln Sc.•hool. on Pai:1fo: Vl1·w Dravt' in Coru11a dt•I Mar Kt~·rvollons 640-2271 I I ~ ~----~-------~~~~------~~--------------------------.----.... .-.--.................................... ...... THE t'..\"IL'' ClaCt.:8 by 811 Keane "Why don 't you have them toke numbers?" Mi\RMADl'IU·: by Brad Anderson · ''This kitchen isn't big enough for both of us ... OUT!" .lt:DGE P..\RkER Gt\Rt'IELD THE MIRROR I~ ONE OF CA1'5 eEsr FF\IENP~, NfRMAl. YOU CAH PRIMP IN IT, PL.AV WITH IT ANP A™IRE VOOR43ELF IN IT MOON Ml"LLINS WHY, L.;ADY P. f YoulVE Bou~HT '>OURSELF ,A MINI·, SklRT . ACAOSS 55 BefOft , ,..._ se lnc:rttMS s 9twtl e , 1gnore touftdt 82 St~ 10 ~ .,. s.cti'• 14~ bfoctler tS ConMt M -Oetnt tt9r"ted M Stttdt t7 l.Ondonlt 87 Tregk tt O.T. llodl ee C)gnet1 2011)1910utof etl(*td 2tCM.~. DOWN 22 AltllUdl 1 Boatr Mu nFoot..,. 2t "'°"°"" 2 , rencfl """ 2t....., 3 ,.,,. of ao.....,,. cN1t1 ,, """ ~ 4 L..-ncl ,. .... a ChurcfWNn MONDAY'S flUm.l IOl YID M ......,. reeln t A.S lltW 24 FrtlNI 4 I Flefl , M ~ 1 ~ 25 P..uoee 441 T~ of renc:tl I .. ldl9I ~ ol ~ 2f Did IOIM-41 CMfl hOldert i .... 2... ... 51 Mittie ~ 41T11Moldly ·~ 27 ........ 52Tltf0t - by Virgil Partch (VIP) ~. .... _ J "lan't 1he ttM one who doe• thoH cit food · commercl1l1?" Hank Ketchum by Ferd & Tom Johnson LO~D P. ! A <5ENTLEMAN W,ALK5 NEXT TO THIS CuRB ,NoT 7HATON£.' ..,, ......... ICeMleMd JIW,YL"'* UNMtypnon ._. ~ IO ..... dmkt 2t ,_ drtNI .. Iott\: PY9fbl .,_......,...,_...,_ ... ......, ",.. _..... """" 56,..... 47.....,.,_ "lllt -32 .... ~ 57~ •a.--" t:1 AllN M CICMt ....... t2 Top:,.._ H~ llNolll ..... It._,,,.._. 11..-31 Vlrul ,..._ IO Mullfln .,_, tt M. .aw. 40 ,.,_ tUwtnetitrd IM 60NNA ENTER THE JVNlvR &JulLIN& TOVRNAMENT MARCIE y - SHOE M~ 'OOWEa< M1'5PK it> 'mE ~~WA~ AN Effa<f iO ~ m£ EcoNOMV Cf A PEV~NATl~. MAY I HELP YOU, LITTLE GIRL? •"l'Nk l ' "INKER BEA' MIKE IVIAJORS HE~E Ai WE.?iV1£W HIGH SOW.. WMEK.£ ™E 5lAPEGOAT5 HAV£ WQt,l ~El~ FIR.OT GAME EVER 1 "ffiE iEAM AND rrs 50P~ ARE . ECSTATIC! DB.SMOCK Orange C08111 DAILY PllOT /luotday, Octob r 19, 1982 87 ;~ l ! ... by Jet f Mac Nelly by Ernie Bushm1ller 1"M~.E MtLLIOIJ ~.LA~~ ~A l.Oi OF t-JOi~/ 1.'VE. ~ KEf:PI~ ~FOFZ 'O.J Al-JO P1U.~i, MA11~%?' MJrlD! 1l1E Pl.A41E.R5 HAVE UFIED 1HEIR CDACH 10 iHE.IR. SHOULDERS ANO 1fiE4'RE CARRQIN& HIM OFF -rnE Fla.D Rl(,Hi BETWEEN 1HE 60A~TS ! CAJ..CIER.T MOOfU:! ~~p lf.A"fr:, LDPr!.Z/ l.~ A rlAJf76f RE~ttcffllll:i, 51~, I 'fAl<f. Witt 'iOO ~i.IOOUJ'vE. S€.E.N f ~E. ONE. I ~01~ fOR ~~f.l)fOL06~ ~ E.ill Pf l()tJ "fO 'fMAf l by George Lemont wei...i..., ee:cAuse IH 1s IS SAN FRANCIS CO, 1"HA'1" S1"1 L-t.. DOeSN''1" cSIVe Me. A CL-UE! ·' -TI ME~ •• O riu1uu Cuunt llAll Y I'll (ti I 1111.d11v 1 ll l11l>u1 l'I l'•u.• Tonight ' TV far Bbove 8y fo'l\t:U llOTllt:Ntn:uc; A~ T•vliNon Wrll•r NEW YOHK ll1d1.11 d I hv111 . .., '' 111111:.. \0 hl11 rwttl 1t111b, 1111 ('US t111 11t•l11 111 .rn updatt"C I 11•111.1k1• ot "J11h1111.v li<•lt111i.1 11 .1 powerful talt0 of un 1d10,tl1s111 111,111 ~' i..' I 111111.t" love and t'1JllU1\lln1t.1l11111 111111 .1 d1"il ""111.111':. t1heltered w 1irld Jane W y111a11 wo11 a11 l>M"11 1111 tlll 1111..:111.11 1110Vit' al.x;Ut a ~1111111 lll\\11 dt'.d g 111'-. 11 .•\ .11 I' ot rapt'. d llldl.t11•tli .111d 11 111wd1·1 111.d 1'11.11 timt>, Lt.>w Ayrt':.. \,,,, ,1 k111d l\ d1• 1111 "It" helped ht•r thrnu~h th1 • 0111,.,,1, Hill 1111 • t-. I~ llud,. 1\111\d.1111 p lol'rl d \\ 1llt •'l'l''"I"'·''' 10 .o I\'" liv 1<11,,1111111 A 1q1w110 Sl11 '.., ''11•1•11wd 111 h• 1 t I••• cl1•1l. but U 1ll 11-.11111 .. , ,,111 •• ,, dt·JI 11111l1· CJ1111 k1·1 1 hon v1111 n1uld '"" Ut'l 1111 , 111"·· ta11i11t1 111'1 ''W' l u 11'4Uo11-!•'. ,ind i.111''' 11 .111,loi 1111•d 111111 ,, h1 ·,111I\ S iu· .1bo ,.. ... , 111111 ,,,. llHlll' 111.111 ,, ll'olt h1•1 111 ,, pa• u1•11l.11 lv 11111v1111: M'1•111 " lk•h11cl11'' l.1tlw1. )o(I\ •·•1 .1 11 w.ty d11o:111ty by H11lw1 t' B111 ... "1111, ... \\ 011 llVt'I hv ll11t'. ... 'llll'l'l llY .l u h11 f\111\d.1111 ,, .tl,111•,11tl'd 1lt,11 h" duulo(ht1·1 '""' I 11111111111111 ol\I lll hllll ,,, "f l11hl'l 00 (Ill' lh1• fll''' 11011• l\t 'F'.'I' t 'h.1111wl ..!U .11 !IJ "l>y 11114 l>u y" '1,1,... I ,111 M (' K 1• 111 •11, I tw Hr 11ud1 .wtw k1111w11 1111 l11s S h11k1•s1x •u1 1•a11 111h·' 11111.l Ill'> \ltll'I lllJ< 1w1 l111111111111 • Ill I 111 w 1g11111l "Anll1d1·11s" 1111 i10.11lwuy M <'K1·ll1•11 play' l\11th11ny S k1pl111H . u d1•:1dly dull d1.lµ wholit.' wife· la•(I him hl'l'aU11t.• tw ~11l '>rl her ni ·rv1·i. A K far as 11nyurH· 1•u11 dllo('l 'l'll, Skipllnjo('s 1111ly c riml· ls ,1,1rd111ll's.~ So why Is S<Jllll'lXJ<ly trying to k11oc·k th1• poor ll'llow off> This t1r111" w11h 1lw 1-.1~t1h •o11111 ·-.1 Thomas Johll &1v 1111111 ''l'h• \\.".il111w,' ·" tht.> star.' "Johnn ~ ·J'.\.·111111.1 1, 1111111 .ii .. 1111 1 h1 man's s t ory ll1·-.p111· ,, 111101111· 1 ,,,, ·" inned1b1litv. 11 ·, ,, 11111· :.t•11t11111•11t ti 1111• t 1111 movie au~ 'u1 Y 011 KN XT. l'hJmll 1 1 1 l'lll' ... llllH I" f 11 i.l I U!l', with u 1111l.1hlv 11."l \ p1 I !ill llhlllll' In l )\•tlf\h QUtlld I,,"\ \1,11 111 ''·" tlw h1·r1H1 r1wnd 111 M 11k1·v H1111111•\ Ill "ll1ll .. '1'11111jo(hl, h1• '"P' '"'"IY 11110 li1i. lil.11 k h.11 :" tht• luu11'h liully, "'Ito 111.1k1"• II 111111·· (111 Bill Jlltl &•'1111.Jo ( )111' day, a 1111-11 rt'. l x•u1d1•J 111..111 sit:. m•xt to S k1ph11g o n u tru111 .tmi ht.•g1 ru. pluytnl( 1 ~·111 J111gs of 1111tur1· -.oundi. Tht· mun ~t·t.' u p .1l11uplly but lt·avt" 11111· tapt• Thi..1mt' has pub sounds, 111t·lutl1111.( thl• VOl('l 'S Of two pc-oµlt: pl11ll11)~ lo kill S k1pllnli( ton ~\·h W A "pigeon" "lh•...,1't knuw lit' knows I luvt· him S te fanie Powt·r"' ui, Jt·nnif t•r ii, lt>ft holding the bag ('Vt•rymw wuut"' wlwn bh c Bill R1l·hmoi1d t'\llHt'' to tlw i\f'fl·ol.11 li1.1 ty pe commu111ly ,,, ,1 VISTA voll1111t 1•1 .11111 Initially f111di. .1 ""'11111111· '"'" 1111111 1111 district nu1~· (Ca111h l'l.11 kl It nu 11' 11111 ""' """Bill ru. hc-r "~' '""" I"'"'" 1'11bl1t· tt•h•\ ''1<11: ·., "M vi.tl'rv'" -.t•r1l'S lx·g11h ,J 11 .. tight(ull\ light tw.11·tt'll ungl1·1 Ln111ght . 1111 '"" p.1r 1 "lhoing DJ)·· It 1·undud1·' lll'Xl Uc. I .!b (It"• 1111 KOCK t 'h,1nm·I hO .Jt H .11u.J ktlh.-d Prof('l>.,101wlly" ~·rum thut point . Sk1plang 1s obM'!>S<.o<l w11h solving the m yskr y, und you'll I><· hookl-d on "Dying Day" re luctantly bt•t·onH·i, a t•urrit•r pigeon for a m yi;tt•rious baron on toraig ht'!o! c pi ode of Hllart to lla rt." on KAHC~ Channel 7 at I O. ~ , ~ EVENING 5:00 U WORLD SERIES M1tweu1<N Br11"''"11 11 St Louis Cardtn81S 8:00 0 U 0 NEWS U C..ARllE'S ANGELS TN Anol!I~ Cl"\~ • <II 1g smugqlonij rmg 0 EIGHT 1$ ENOUGH The 8<1dl0<d "·~•Sf'ho11l • lufne<I ups•Oe dO'-'n l1" Uh Clloldren S "'&JO'"°ol pl•n n1ng 1P111 21 0) M'A'S"H Slumped I>) a <to>S.word puule HIWl<fl~e ••<MIS .. Navy buddy IOI holp ttul 111s call Is 1nle•o•etHl • , 1 m11<11c1I emergency ll) HAWAII FIVE..O McGarrell 011emt•I• In creek an e•tort1on r111i:; p•eying on 1m111 l:!us"""' men EI!) OVER EASY Guests The L•O''t~1t9M-..,, ~ HUMANITIES THROUGH T'HE ARTS "Music Emotion ""Cl Fr.,•1 l~lnSound (I) CBSNEWS [OJ ABC NEWS 0 (BMBCMEWS C AFI SHOWCASE H TRILOGY. THREE C~ICTALES TN magi<: 01 cteym•l•on b•tngs thrN Cll11d•en s ti<> ries lo hie . A1p Ven Won •I• Tiie Lollie Prtncf' and Marlin T ,.., Cooole• S MOVIE ._. ~ Tl\8c I..noei 01 Lo..... ( t9S81 0o .. s OA; Richard W·dmiu• " .r1110 leH coupl11 •n•y In"" neighbors who nav,_ ''' troubl• havong ch1IOr"n @ MOV1E • * 'My Cnampoon ( 19811 Yo~o $h1medu Chris MllChum Th11 '""' 11ory ot a lemalfl Jaoanf!S<l running champ•on '' tolc2 ZJMOVIE * * * "Swffl Charilv (1969) Shlri.y MacL81M John McM1r11n Tired OI her 11wdry existence • dlM'lc. hall hMlNS wtlh a '-11 of gold Ma•cil•s lo• lf\141 love 1nd the s1m~ merri.d Ille 8.:30a» ALICE tfa CAMPAIGN '82 THE DOA TU "30th Congressl0fl4tl 01r.- l rlcl" Cono•••~man Mtllhew Mart1nei vi Con Q!._nstr•n Joltn A0<.isselol llli) GROWING YEAM "Prnch004 Physoee• Oevoi opmenl (J)QJ NEWS @I BARNEY MILLER lnepeclOI Luger 1tas 811 ney·1 men dfl$>9na1ea 11 • ap~1e11y sou•O 101 homleld• GflWS (P.irl 11 (C)MOVIE * * • Th• Grefll B•n~ Hou" (19791 Ned Beally Rieha•d Beseh1r1 ThrBe dlsgrunlle<I botn~ e•llCu· lives decide 10 oet lhe rlchM lhey loot lhllJy re enm1ec1 10 Dy sieo•ng o robbery ol lhflll own tJnn~ 'PO' 7:00 f) C88 NEWS U NBCNr'NS 9 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 1n1plrellon Poinl 11 HI IO• demolition lo• e n-1r11e weyott-ramp D ABCNEWS O 8 IOAP JMalce It arrealed 101 P•1.,•1 murcier end he• l•W}'flf ••IUMS to delenrt ,,., • THAE.E'S COMPANY Jedi defends ChrlHy 1 "°"°' -a man lollow1 '* ltOn>fl lrom a ber I Qt JOKER'S WILD Ci) 8USIHE88 M.PORT CJ) P.M MAGAZINE An unOflrgtOUl'ld Clly 1n rt.ut1'elle. a man whO P8f • lecled •~lef'll way1 10 00 ~ 9 DfTll'TAINME:NT TONIOHT Frank B111·k. pla ~ 1·d f,~ B ru1·1· Bu,11·i11u·r . a tlt·mpt-. lu """"' C:hinh. plu~t·cl h ~ ~lwnnon l11al1:1rn. in loni;.:.l1 t" ... c·pi .... oclt• of .. Briug "Em B<wk \Ii"·:· ut H 0 11 ~ '\ \ T . C l1<1111wl 2 . " Al ~. • f 0 "'OVIE . . . .. I ' '' h ' ~ ' 7 30 f) ? ON THE TOWN re ', rQ • • • _., .,.. ~.J•, M ,, •I,,,, .,t J.' UC" 1 H• Otl '"• ";m ,, .. ..,,, B, ,.,_,.,,, 1fu "'"~·I "'""• fi•'lJS ""',.,... -.. 1 ..,.., ~ • ., "t1 I.]· t o 1<1 FAM u v ~EuD 0 LAVERNE°' SHIRLEY i CdM~Al'fV • 0 E'YE ON l A , .. ,,. Qt etC.• ... •1 pt1"1oQtdl'n for prPQ. nan• 'ArnTA"" D loAAOAME'S PU.CE 0) M"A'S"H MA1nr Cr1oirle~ Win< he~~._, 1t•u,.,....-~ comrTHU1•1 ,')t tt-•• •077111 ll) a TIC Trt.C OOUOH tI) MACN~LllEHRER REPORT EI!) MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING 10 YOU UKED FOR 1T H MOVIE • • ..~.1 0 1 Th" W••o 119801 PG I 00 0 i BRING EM BACK ALNE Fran .. Bu '-Im •1•c n.:tr, "Me •nc1 t..N' r.h1IC1rfl'""1 ... ,.,. ch~~ 1ttrougn thf' 4n91,.. b 1 rap"' _.w 1o•<h"''. Q J9 FA. THER MURPHY 1t fl I w"•_.~rOOl"' ~ t'l Hy d 0 MOVIE • • Smash· p Or· lnf(H ,1A111 ' 1'<761 Rob•"' ( nn•8•l RudOf Ebsen A Ml)4\p,,.. '39 r.u c.othstt1t1 )( ( "'' M"I 11; (,. 1lll1'1tn1tt ........ woy 01 1nr• c tri\t' .,, n •1c-11! •l&y "'411'• .. nJ 0 10 HAPPY OAYS h ''U" ,~' dr•o•-''.,, •. """*'''1"' lrtA (.unn•"O t1•m , mdrt•8Q4' af\d r on 11" , lorcMl IQ PVI ~rn~d up fOf ''''' , 0 MOVIE • • • Von Ryan 1 f •or"~' I 1911!>1 f'rl'lnli. ffflY<U tiOw iHO An A~'''-"'~ IJ-\H:h 111 rut\ orf"'ft. r.-vntt •O•''' I .,,,. '-'1\1•• t"t.-1ng lhNr• Ill Au\ ,,,. 0) P M M AGAZINE Ari un'1t"ltgro Jnt1 it, ua ~utilh•'•• a m:.n wh" t>N f~t tft•t l\fftC.•••·I w.tyl. tn •10 nou~•wotl-. ll) MOVIE • , N .. w V"CJt" N "w Vo•k f 1Q111 u,. M1nnfllll Roti.<t (>fl N1tO Ourlt\Q lh8 ll'O h•rld n•A nl ""' 401 • dctt1•' ltN1 m,,~M t•" tu.a' 1w1 ll••ollon lorn between t11 ""'"' and ht• ~OnQ I~ .. N'''' tI) NOVA Thu ''"''J'"' Mo11r1lll1t1 A r "~ ., t m ttw "liflvt:·H,. "o'I ' ' " U\1 H1tT11tlilJ'O\ '' ., , .. n "' ,,, '"•'"1 tn1• 'Jh' vi.JI t Hu• '"'''IJ•tlH:;A' It. i ". .~,' ". , EI:) MYSIERY t,,, 1 Ch1y A n"ltn' tl1u t M f\t-11.1, I '"'U''"''IT·~"' Witt t t;1~ l••'I :J'l"•'' tr11n lly ., lt'lll'w commuter hJtnt to t~,, ., ~ht!M "" r ••Y" n ·""' .... ,'\ hlit( C>POPI• 010111nu t "~" thm tP;trf t) ,. C MOVIE ... ,,,. "' " t (;1:" ., .. "" M Q • .,, r1h111o ul1 (", k i'1h. ! I, ,t),I, .J (U••H" U(i ---...... ~t ....... _ .. 'O -M "Ht I .... tJffl l•()f' S MOVIE • • • / I \It·~ 1 '8~J l ..... ... v \lf1tol f''"""'d J ,..,.... ()~m, ~ •n \f•4'<h .. ,1, Ar,9..-t-•"' a C«h.1•·" rel~ t·"~ • ,upt o .. ~, 1n1• ft am '' •u ul mrm b•~r i:, ,,, o l n1c • r o '''~' qano lnr muHJf'f R t;}MOVIE • , 9nc1y And Snul 11981) Laon •~one KPnnt1 <Jf Jeynt1 Kenne<Jy A young !>leek lurnt 10 pr111111g1111ng to • a1M! 1n11 money he needs lo• m8Cll cal sch<>Ol 'A &.30 0 10 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Laverne nu lo lace lh• prospect ol hvong •loM ... hen Shirley w111os ne< • nole sayu1g the s moving out 10 ltve with het new hu,l>and ~ 0) SO YOU THINI< 'l"OO GOT TROUBLES 8·45 Z CHARLES CHAM l't.IN ON THE FILloA SCENE 900 0 8 MOVIE Jnnnny Bf'l•nl111 f P1em ,,.,. R1Ch••d Thomas ROSllT1"R ArQU(>11fl °' vto >f'nt chain ot e•M>IS lh•l!lll Pn lo dMl•"Y Inf> l111g1l1' 1e1e11onsh1p 1:>111ween en 1dl'8l1"1C M1C18I w01lo1tt and a young <J!'al girl 0 l., GAVILAN 1r'<em•e•ol A for~ Ct/\ ttonnt usea h1!\ new mint "uhmnr1ne tn ht~lp LI $C1en 11.i r11sc11o0 no• krdnappftO hv,hon<l 0 10 THREE'S COMPANY Jar• ~lot>UU 1nln lh" m1'1sl OI 0 rOllM rnlk renll(!l\IOUS onvn•ving o CMhll 01 0111 monda lhll could pu1 him In lh"' SIAmmer •) 0) MERV GRIFFIN W MYSTERY Oyor•'l 0df A m•n * j11n Mc "'"lfanJ •mu~nt with ' l•O" '"It <>n h•• 11111n l:!y e ,,.tln\llt rommv1.-r turntt lo lftllC>< "'hj>t• ~II pl•)'ll 11 ltncl l••ll" twn peopl• plolllng 10~111n1n1 IPart 1)1) EI!) NOVA Tl,. fr l Q1lll Moun1a1n A U!l)ntl ml lhfl \ftVflffl aoll '"""'"' 1n lhfl HlmalayH 1111<1" 11t111•1"n1ng lhe ...,,. 111vfl ol 11110 N11peieM It pr"""nl4'(j J 0 MOVIE CHANNEL LISTINGS • • '> ' Tll& Gumbert Rel ly' 11976} M1cl1HI Serr• tin I 1m Mclnllre A gum ball mac111n• 11 lh• or 11nd p11111In11 N-York to lo• Angell'll c1r rec• wllklh h11n91 •II 10'11 OI 11ny 1.h•rar.1•11 anlo 111e 11allt111 1 nlgllway• •nd bfClt 1011111 PO • l<NXT IC8Sl 0 • KNIC CNBC) I • l(Tl,,.A (Incl.I It • KAIC: (AICI ct e KFMI (C8SI • KHJ·TV (Ind l rm e 1<CST IAIC) e KTTV (Ind,) " ·e KCOP·fV Cllld ) • • KCIT l"ISI • e ICOCI I Pall !) On fV Z T'V ~i80 (CIMme•I IWOAI NY , NY (WTBS> llS,,N l tlllowtl!Ml Spot11g111 <C•bl• N~w\ Nalworll I z M()lllf • • "0.11u P., ... f 1t11tt Pelrlck Oew•••e. A1111I BellM "10 0 1~ I TOS Mr H111 • ,.._ comput., OOll on ll'WI lriu Alld Judy .,..d• up w1111ov1 • ion H MOV1C • •·~ Tettoo" (10811 8'ue• o.rn Mlilid Aowns An ob•,.U•d lalloo 01111 ... "•11•u•tt• 11 tush1ou model tH\J (ll1M'ftOfl! 10 C..0Yt!f httf hhOy ""''"' 111' handiwork 11 10 00 0 J9\ ST ELSEWHERE 1P1um1u11•1 ll1ti OOGIO .. OI Ao&1on 1 S1 r11g1us n01>p•· 1a1 seun.f\ lo• " m1asmg mun1al p~111en1 wf,llo n young 1esldunt 11gh1s ID p111v11111 ~urgnry lrom being 11011<1 on a young womGn oomm NEWs 0 \10 HART TO HART While ul l ond on w1tn Junl•lhdn Jeruufur 1~ letrt 1:10I01ng lhe bag everyone wun1s when snc re1uc1 .. n1ly t>t~omtt:ii. a c.a1r1er pigeon tor o mys1eriou1 bamn •) EI!) LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES P1onHnt1nl m~mtJOt$ ol hulh nw >iou>~ aen<J Sen att~ <1ebatt-1 lht1 ••sues •ac· 1nq vott-1 s '" lh~ Novemt>er ..1f'<.t1ons a!) BODY IN QUESTION N.unmg 0 1 Paris 01 Joru1tt•11tn M iller augu~S rn.tt cmr •onor ance nt baste pn.,. ... 1ulngy laad._ to \JOuSu· 11 .Jt11H•09' .tboul our own 111-.1U"-. (RJ;,... C "40VIE ,, • l ttt1 Q,ea1 T' ain Rob· lli"Y 119791 Sean Con· "~' 'f Oc1n1.tld Sutnarland f wO P•~tt1rt turn.or-the tAnhHy "''"artists dttempt 10 pull nfl In•• seemingly 1n1µ0-;.s,ulH tnbbAry nt it IOI ktlll \Ahl Jboa•O ti 1a~1- mOVlfl(l IOC.tlmOl1¥e PG S ROMANCE. LOVE IN VENICE tPa1t I) t;}MOVIE • f Mt an Thf' °'"" M3'1 119811 A1cha•d Harr1s. Bo Oe•elt Wn11e accompany- 1ng her lather on a °"'a•ch lnr ,.,,. legendary E••· phant s O•••e~a•d a yt'liunq woman 15 abducled t'ty an Ur\CIVtlllfM'.2 wtl•I• man who ""•• ra1seo by ape• on 1 he 1ungle A 10 30 ll) INOEPEHDENT NE'TWOf'n<"M~ S MOVIE * • , Priva1e Lauon' t 1'1801 Sylvia H.1tslel How ard Hf'~S .. man A weaHf'W mar• 6•s•gns hia ~uc11ve r>ouseo..eeper the 101> ol pro•101ng n1a IS·Y""' ·old .on wHf\ n1s t1r15ol se:w:ual B•Pllfl&nC4! R 1100000 II 10 l9 NEWS 0 SATURDAY NIGHT Ho" Chevy Chilli" G1Je•t B1llyJoet 0 IN SEARCH OF ... 0) TH.AT QUIZ SHOW ll) STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO A young g1rt'a Ille 11 en<1an· gered w,..n she wi1ne.ues lhfl mu1oer or he< mo111e<'s ooylt1flnd EI!) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE A prote~sor who 1s • .. M O gamble• •nd • heavy d11nk., 1s pul on Cit••(!'! du11ng loltus s e1>sence 0 PLAYBOY ON THE AlR 2 MOVIE * • • Gel Ou• You• Handke•Ch•llJIS ( 1978) Gf.'fard 0.pa•dleu Patric.k Ot>wae•e A young and opllm1•lic. tiusoano goes to almoal unbe lleveal>lfl ll'ng1h1 lo ensu•e h•s wr1e's f\app1nesa R 11.30 0 iJ QUINCY Ou1ncy suapecls 11'1111 a young boy tnvoiveo rn • ca• 11cciden1 mey be Ille victim ol cnllct abuse (Al 0 tJ~ TONIGHT GultAI no•t 8111 Cosby Gue91s Je,,y Lewis. Phyllls 0i11e1, Dana Hiii 0 ltll, VIEWPOINT T •d Koppel anchot1 on eomlnatton 01 lhe •ep<>rl· 1ng ol re<:enl wers by t11le· vision n-s wllh Peler Jennings and Hillery B1own ol ABC. Peler Arnell or CNN. James Hotog1an<1 01 tlte Wunlno· Ion Posa. and me<11a con- sullanl David Garin 0 YOU ASKED FOR fT 0) THE JEFFEASOHS George 0911 • peell 1n10 theluture tt) ART Of' BEING HUMAN From Sound To Mu91C '1l) PU LATEHIOH'T HOal o.nnil~ H OH LOCATION . Catch A Alalng S11r·1 10th Annlv11raery" I 1:88 C MOVIE • • • • "O.dln1ry Peo· pl4J' ( 1980) Mery Tytttt Moo••· Ooneld Sutl\flftend A QUiii ridden IMl'l•-Oltf 11v1no 10 put 1111 lite bl'Ck IOQlllhM •ll•r hll bfOlher'I dHlll and hi• own tulcld• ttltmpl tllChet 0\11 10 1111 complacent 111hef end 1111 cOICI, r-11td t!I01hef 'R' 12:00 II lHTIRTAIHMINT TOHIGHT An lntflfVlew with ~ OlelQUd G M<>W • • * •Ring Of Pua!On" t 19111 hrl'IMI Caeey, St .. .,...., MIClll Two ~ welQl\I pt~ltr .. .SO. L0\111 end Mu TUBE TOPPERS ' KNBC (-!) U:OO ''r'atht·r Murphy.'' A t t'l ler of tal l ta lt·s <:o n v 1nc.·es th e tow ns pt·opk th<J l tl o hn Murph y is a n utonous bank r ohtx•r. Mt•rlin Olsen stars. Kl!J (U) U·OIJ "Vun Hy;m 's Express." Frank Sinutra ;)ml Trc.·vor l loward star in s t o r y of an Amt·r1 t•1J n °s leadin g c.1 prisonc.•rs' rc·volt agmnst tht· Nazis. KOCE (50) 8:00 (l8) Y:OO "Dyi ng Day." 1 ~111 Mc:K e l la11 plays a m<Jn whos e amu:.t·ment with a tap<.• left o n his train hv a fl'lluw l'l>mmutt•r turns to terror whl'n h(• play:. 1l and ht.•ars two people plotting to kill h11n (St•e n •view above.) square oll lor champion ship matches on 1936 and 19311 0) MOVIE • • 1 Han 'f In Your Pocket ( 19731 Jomes (,ol>urn M1cllattt Sa,,&<1n A team ol prole>s.onal p•c~poLkflls de•elops sopn1s11c.aled lt1Chn1ques U5 lhey se1 up 11nd lleoce SC0fA5 ot VtCllmS ll) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 1o~e A"d TM Wa~e Up (,,,1 PM mako6 8 dolo w11h Ann a girl he t nevoll seen Love And l ovet' s Lane Dorn ancJ Pele• plan 10 ce1e1>1a111 11'1811 ann1- ury 0 MOVIE * t H 0 T $ I ( 19791 Susen Kigfll llae l ondon " IO•Ot11y •efllCI decld .. to lo•m her 0'"'" cluD ol co· eds who concflnlrale on gra11ly1ng se•·Statved col· 1eg1ans A S MOVIE ... • Ftrst MonO•y In Oclol>e< (111811 Wlllflf Mallhau J•ll C1aybu•gh A ht>er al Supreme Coun Jus 1ice c1nsnes ""''" me new ell membfl• ol Ille na11on a htghe51 courl an ullr8 conserv•ll\18 woman tur11t R @MOVIE Sleeping Dogs 12 30 U ~LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETT£RMAN Guesl comeaoan M•choel Kut on 0 COUPLES ll) INOEPENOENT NETWORK NEWS 12:40 0 f' MCMILLAN & WIFE A hOl·lempe•ed ten"'I p10 1s suspected ol mu<det•ng a wealthy business m1g· na1e (Al 1:00 0 MOVIE tt • ·, An A me11c1n Dream 119661 Stuarl Wh11man Jenel Leigh A tef~v1sion reporter •• ceugM oe1w_, the syndl· ca1e lor exposing thtH• pahce conn41e1tons 1nd 111e palooe lor his wile s mur dl'f 0 MOVIE * • The Oooble Man ( 1968) Yul 81ynM1 8 r111 Ekland A CIA agenl dis- cover• Auutan agl'nll p10111ng to repl&C41 him wilh a mental llJ'd physical dOU· bl• ll) MOVIE • •'• "Flight l o Tang1et'' 119!'>3) Join Fon1a1ne, Jeci. Pllance A planfl crashes and Ille pllol and PHIMln ge•s bell O\ll, ~Inning a hunl lo• a $3.000.000 leller 01 credll Q~ NEWS lH'MOVI€ •• •0~ "Le Csqe Au• Fotles" t 1979) Ugo To0- naul. Mk:hel Sfllreult A nightclub own« tr... to P••pare hll 1ransvn11ta IOva< lor a vlall by hll ton'1 l 1ancet 1 l alher Ille mo<a11 comm•~ ot F1ance A' l MOVIE • * SOIO" f 1978\ Vl~I Oil Pe<ry A•melrong A lierC~l~tAua­ l111llan women wtlo WOtlll at e lo1eel reno•• becom.e involved with • lhe pllol 1:30 8 ~ M9C NEWS OVl.....aHT lOl MOVIE "Memor1.. WUf\ln Ml•• Aggie·· 1 40 S BURLEY-0 Alie Jonnson anO Lou111 Nye hOSI a look al bur- lesque u clowns. comics Ind De8ulllul ShOwgt1IS perl01m 2·00 0 8 CBS NEWS MIGHTWATCH W NEWS t;}MOVIE * " Body And Sour f 19811 Leon Isa ac Kenne- dy, Jayne Kennedy f4 young Olack lurns 10 prt18llgh1tng 10 "l1Sfl lhfl money he ntleds lo• m01<11 cal scnool R · 2:05 C MOVIE • • "Conteu1ons 01 A Window Cleaner f 197•} Rot>in Asllw11h An1hony Boolh A BrlllSh youth WO<k1ng •• 1 proleulOneJ window cteaner 1pend1 his olf.l,,.·JOI> hours pulllng a spa1111e 1n10 IN INea ot lhe m1ny women ltO beds down 230 0 H'NEWS 0) MOVIE • • • '> The E•·Mrs B•adlO•d ( 19361 Wilham POwelT Yean rll\ur An ama111<.1r 1111<.1111 and Nos le>< met wile solve a -•es 01 111ce1r•c1t murde•s 2 MOVIE • • • 'Fusi loAonday In Oc101>er ( 1981) Walle< Mallhau, Jill Clayburgh A ht>eral Supreme Court JUI· ll()fl clasnet W!lh lhfl n-· "' member ol IN netlon's h1g11es1 courl. an ultra conMtrvallve wom1n 1uns1 'R 2:3& H MOVIE * • '• "Private Leuon1" ( 19801 SyMll l<•lslel. HOW· ••d H6S_.,an A -ellhy man aulgn1 hll .educllve hOUsel<eepet lh• l()b ol p<OV1d1ng hla IS..yeer-old son wllh hll llr11 sexufll • ~petienc. • R 2 40 S MOVIE •• "Ca.n You Keep II Up For A w..ir. ?"Jeremy Bui· lt)Cjo. Rlch•rd O'Sulltvan A young woman aor-10 ma•ry her l>Oylrlfltld on Ille condlllon 1hal he reme1n g11ntully employed IOI sev· en ll•YI 300 0 MOVIE • • ·~ Loan Sllark · ( 1952} Georo-Reh. Ooro- lhy Hall An ••·con e•l)OMS a gang of loan a1t11••• wl:!o ••e v1e11m1:r.lng the wo•kers 1n • h•• 18Clo- ry 0 MOVIE • * • "Hous11 Calls'' ( 1978} Walle• Mallhau, Glenda Jecl<son " wlCI· owed doc tor hells his C11anov• ten<lenc'" IOnQ enouoh 10 11111 for 8 dlY(lf• t»e whO d-'I belleYtl In phllandeflng. 'PO' 3:401Cl MOIM *'" "Cendy" (1968) Ewe Auhn, Merion Brando A luaclOus young nymphet heed• lor New ~ork •lier b.ing raped by • pool Ind a Spanleh garcs- 4:00 S MOV1E • • • "Zoot Sult" (19811 Daniel Vlldez. Edward Je,,_ Oltnoa In 1940s Lot A"091". 8 CflUM cet.- 1><• •uo•• o....., lhe tram· Ing ol 1Mmb«9 ol • Chlce· no a1r .. 1 gang for murdet 'R' 0 MOVIE * • * \t .. Hear111nd" (191 ti Rip Torn. Concflall Ferrall A rencNt and hit hOUH -••P9• lee• 111• rioon of tron11et 111e In 1910 WycmlflO 'PO' JOHN DARLING 4:150) MOVIE a •·, Lady Al Mldnognt 11948) Rlci1a1d Denning A woman 11 lnvotve<l 1n IO•IJ and murder H MOVIE * • • "House Calli. ( 1978) Walle• Ma11nau Gl11nda Jacltaon A w1<l owed docior halls 111s Casanova 1en<lenc1es long enovgh lo lall 101 a divo• cee who doesn I b<fl•e•~ in phllandorino 'PG Z MOVIE • • * 'Sweol Charily ( 19691 Shirley MacLa1ne Joltn McMartin Tue<! ol her 1awd•Y •••a111nce. o dance naJI nos1eu wolh • hean ol gold &11a1che' 101 l•ue love and tne simple mar<MIO hie 4:30 0 ISPY 4:45 0 MOVIE • • , l he Blue Llogoon 119491 Jean Simmon' Donald Houston A young 0111 and 1>oy sh1pw111C-ed on a Pac•hc ulland come 10 love each olhe• as 1116y ma1u•e M'«-dtt~sday•• Doyrim~ Ho1·i••• 5.45 O • • Kn1gn1rrdttts ( 19811 Ed H&HIS, Ga•y Lohh A group ol 1>1lot1•S ride w1lh a I raveling renllta· sance 11111 and d1sco•e• thal lhe 1deal1S1rc Sl•ugglo against evil e11s1S 1n mod ern 11mtts also A 8:00 C • • '• An1mall Are Beaut1lul People f 197!°>1 OocvmerHIHy Creelu1es ol African w1ldlite are seen 1n tnen 11111u1a1 hlb1lal 'G H • • Silence 0 1 The North' 119811 Ellen Bu•s 1yn. Tom Skemll In t9 19 '· a young woman's mam age 10 • 1rappe1 le.Os lier 10 • Ille ol hetdS111p '" 1he w1I defneu ol n01the<n CllJ'a oa ·po 8:30 0 • • • Arlllu< f 19811 Dudley Moo•• L1H Min nelh Wll1le Ilia family auemoll to lorce "4m 1n10 a 11•••" en_gecl matn•,1141 I drunl<en hedon1SllC play boy tells 1n love with a poo< wo•lo•ng gnl PG 1:00 S • •·~ Black Beeuly t 19111 M.,k Lester wan., S1eiak BalOCI on Ille •IOI)' by Anna Sewell A proud and aw•aomely bfl8Ul•lul 1t0<se e•perlfln<*I many dlve<H owners r, l • • "Soto' ( 1978) Vin· oenl Gil Perry Armsl•ong A fiercely 1ndepenoent Ausllaltan woman who wl>'kl "5 a 1or .. 1 rang11r t>ecomes lnvotvlld wllh a 1uep1101 7·30 C • • • The "rothe<s Ka•amazov' f 1llsa1 M111a Schell Yul Brynne< A min IS un1uslly convlcied ol mu•derrng 1111 lelhet H * • '"The Sea WOives ( 1990) G•egory Pee• Rog· ., Moor• During WOl'IO Wer II e groop or Br111111 bualn.stmen I01m a vOlun ,_ r901men1 10 deat•oy • Germen spy nesl 1n lh• Indian Ocean 'PO' a.-oo O • • ··come H•Yfl Cot· lee Wllh Us I 19721 Ugo Togneu•. Valen1tne A m•ddle-eged la~ consult· ant I<>< 111e llall•n go_.n. menl relOCetu 10 • small counlry town wllete 11• f\at b4Mln m1d11 1tead ol 11te departmen1 1:30 Z * * • "Fntl Monday In Oclobflr" (1981) W&llfll Mallheu, Jiii Cl•yDurgh A lil>er•I Supreme Courl Jul· 1ic. clunes wllh lhe new· esl member ol 111e nation s hlgtletl court, an ull• a· conterv•llve woman )ullal ·R' 8:30 0) * * 0~ "Thunder In The Eatl" I 19S3) Alen Lldd. • Oel>Oreh Kerr A blind girt 1119'11PIS 10 help rllflflvfl tension• 1tte< e man Miia oun• lo. me/1ar•lah 10:00 Q) * • ·~ "Tiie Wonderlul Coun1ry·· ( 1gs91 Aot>erl MltGhum. Juhe London Tl#O U S c;lt!Jens wo'1I IOI oppo1lng aides during 11 Mexieen uphMval C * * • * "Fiddl9' On The Aoor' (197t) TOi)OI. Nonne Ct-A PMNl1t milkmen In lu<n·oMhfl. cen1ury u atltl Rulli• tries to matry off Ill• ellglble daught.,• ..,,,.. 1rytno to hOld onto Mt Jewttll lier'\• 11ge ln the race ot Ol>P'M• 11<><1 'G' (Hl * * i. ''Tht Ptl••" e;yn f 19801 Don l(noH&, Tim Conway Two bum· D11ng Ama•IC•n. detec:llYM a111 called 1n lo lnvesllg•I• a &e11H ol mu•Oflfl In an (nglisll CHiie PG' S • • • Sunday In New Vorl< 119641 Coll Robert· son Jantt Fonda Aher ~tng lilllld l>y rier boy· lru1nd and l•••Ollng lo N- Vork 10 viall he< 1>ro111&1, a young woman con11dera he• poamon on wg1n1ly O • • "Heartbeeps" f 1981 ) Andy Kavtman. Be,. na11e11e Pet.,• In a wo•ld ol 111e near lutu•e. lwo commercial robots e•perl· enoe th• voc1aa11u<1es ol l11t1 love PG' 10: 15 z • • S&V9Qfl Harvffl 119801 Tom Ske,,111 MIChtllle Ptilll1ps An Alt1- can d•ought drlYfl wlld animals 1n10 populaled areu PG 10:30 0 * '"' "Body Artd Soul 11981) Leon IUIC Kenne- dy Jayne Kenr • .Oy A young black lu•ns lo p11zellgh11ng 10 r11se 111e money he needs tor me<!•· cal sch004 A' 11·30 H • • 'Siience 01 Ttie NOl'lh ( 1981) Ellen Bu•s- lyn TOl'lt Skermt In 11119,, a young woman s mamage 10 • 1111poe• leads her 10 a Ille 01 hard1'11p 1n lhe w•I· de1nes1 ol no11ne1n Can•· da PG t;} • • Kn1gnl1ldll<S 119811 Ed Hams Gary I anu A group ot 1>1kets rtd8 wllh 8 lr8vOllnO 1ena1S• sance 1a11 and d1acovet 11111 lhe 1deo11stic ""'ggle aga1nS1 e111I e•1s1s 1n mod· em 11mes also 'R 11 46 Z • • · TN Educehon 01 aonny Carson" ( 1974) Rony C11n1on Don Oor·. don A 12:00 0 • • • 1 • Paci< Up Your T1ou1>1ea t 1932} Sten Laurel Olo.,,., Hardy A wecky pa11 ol WO'IO War I Army 19Cf"utlt M l 0\11 IO ltn<I I deed lrlfll'ld I MYll'IQ •ellltve 12...30 0 •••• _ff)'ll~ 11973) A1p Torn. Anna Cap11 rt. counlry at10 _,_ e•n s1nQl11 ruthle111y makes 1111 way 10 S1at00tn l>y m•nopulallng and di•- C4fd•ng lltOM around him. 1:00 C 1 • 'Te••ThisJob And Shove II' (1981) Rob- eri Hay•. B••b••• H..-shey A young corporll• ••eou· '"'e ruru 1n10 reslJlanoe when he relu•ns lo ltis home1ow11 10 •e1t11a11ze a company br.-ry 'PG' H •• "Gr_,1c." (19811 Ayttn O'Neal. Anne A<eher An eng•n-and a aocllhlfl allempt lo rob a Soulh AmerlCfl/1 .,,,.,.,o smuggle< ol • fortune In gems 'PG' 1:30 z • • • "First Monday In Oc1obflf" (1961) Waller Mallhau, Jill Clayburgh A llt>O<al Supr-Court J....- lice clHheS wilh the,_ HI memt>et ol lhe nallon'• hlg,,..I courl. an "'1•• contflnlallve woman junJI R' 2:00@ • • ·c-Hive Col· lee Wtlh Us" (1972) Ugo Tognaul Valenlln• A m•ddlO-eged 18• conwlt- an1 IOI lhe llalien govern- ment r.ioc.1.. 10 I small coun1ry town wt1e<"• he h .. Deen ml<lfl lleed or the depart men I 2:30 0 ••·~"Toby And The Koala 8ea1" (19811 Rolf Harris Ll'o19 ecllon lll1d .,,._ matlon combine lo tell tt>e tale or a young bOy ar.d hi• pe1 koala 1n Ausv1111·1 11on1H11 d•YI 3:00 C • * 0 .. "Animals Are Beautllul People" ( 19751 Documentary Creal-01 African wildlife are _, In lh .. r netural habtlll. ·o· Ii • * "Spirit Of The Wind' ( 1979) Chief Oen George A young boy over· comes hi• 11endbp lo bec;ome 1 tie WI>' Id CNlm, t pion Dog Sledd« 'PO' 3: ti Z * • "Solo"\ 19781 Vin-I j c.n1 Gii. p.,ry Armltrong A lletoely lnd~I ', Au11rell1n women wtlol • worka as • f<H. .. ' reno- bflC-lnl/OIY9d wlll\ • fir• pilot 4.-00 0 "Sundey Too Fw Awey" a:OO lSl • • °" "etectt &Muty" • (1971) Merk LMt.,. Wtntr Slel•k 81aed on the alory by Anne $...it by Armstrong & Batluk r • • I DlllJ Piiat ClASSlfllD rueSOAY, OCl UI. 1982 ~ 1Stuper feeling pressure ;reight of the World (Series) rests on rookie '· ST LOUI S (AP) Don Sutton's first v1s1t to th£' World Sl·ru.•s was with tht• San'dy Kuufax Don Drysdalt-t·ra Loi. Angeles Dodgt•rs of 1 ht• m1d-60s John Stupt•r was a young baSt·ball fan. growing up 111 Butln, Pa tht•n .rnd hl' remembers th~ Dodgt>r teams. "I had this friend," Stuix•r rrt·alled "He maxed milk and lemonadl' so hl' t'Ould gt•t s1ok and stay home and wat«h thl• Work! Ser ies . And d u you k1 ww what., It vrorked." SUTTON. 37 now, 1s l,;wk 111 tlw St.•rit·~ again and ht•ll gt •t thl• basl'lrull ton1~ht as the M1lwaukt't.' 8rt•wt•1·~. lt•ad1ng :1 2 1n the• 1bcst-or ·St'Vl'n battlt'. .ittt•mpt lo nail down t heir first World Champ1oru.h1 p in gaml' six aga inst St. Louis. And his opponent will bt· tht• milk and l e mo n ade k id's pal , S tupc r . now a 25-year-old Cardinal rook1t• Tht• young h gh thander has thl' ass1g11rrwnt tu k1 •t•p his team aliv!' and forcc> a !>t.'Vt'nth garnl'. S u tton . who w on four garnt•s for Milwaukee -1ndud1ng tht• Amt·rican League East title clint·ht'r -in tht.• final month of the St"ason aflt•r bt•mg aequm'<l from Houston. was askt-d 1r ht• l'uuld 1h111k of anyone elst• hl•'d rathe r h<iVL' pm·hmg for his team in this s1tua11on "Well. maybe a 29 -yt•.ir-old S.rnd: Koufax or a 26 -vear-old Tom &·,tVl'r." ht• said. · Since th()S(.• models arl• unavailable·. tht· Brewers will take their shot with Sutton, who has 17 years of pltt·hmg know how and uses all of 1t Stupc·r isn't quill' a:. t·ull· In his style. "I ONLY KNOW one way to pw:h and that's to challenge lhl• h1 lters." Stupt•r said "Maybe lat.cr I'll learn to nibblt-.. Tonight's game -Milwaukee at St. Louis. 5:20 p.m. Tonight's pitchers -Don Sutton (4-1) of the Brewers vs. John Stupar (9-7) ol the Cardinals. TV -Channel 4 a t 5 p .m . Announcers -Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek, Tom Seaver and Bob Costas. Radio -KNX ( 1070) at 5: 10 p.m. Announcers -Vince Scully and Sparky Anderson Remaining sc hedule - Wednesday's game, II necessary: in St Louis, 5:20 p.m. l1•l'I 111 ~ good groove that night I wai. all ovN the plan• " The.· p1tchmg p.iinng I!-111tr1guing bt.'t.·ause 1t matl'ht•s J gnzzlt'd vt•ll'rnn against a frl-:.h -fat·l'<I rookll' Docs S uttun fl'el worry for the· kid in this tough l'll'l'umstanc'I..'! · "I have 110 l'mpathy whatsoever,'' h1· said Stupt•r didn't l'XJX'<:t a ny "l"d bt· lytng 1r I :.u1d there was nu prc-ssure." he said "I'm thinking about ll right now (lnd I'll think about 1t bcfort.> and a fter the gamt• But during the gamt:', It would interft>rc• It exists. obviously. but I n m 't lt·t ll a ff~:t mt'" s1x-gamt-!::ii·rn·s n~w·<l ~·l l>y Hill y Murt111 of the N1•w Yw k Yunkt•t.'S 111 Hlf1:1 "ThL•n•'s nut mul h Villi t·:111 d o ,'' su11l StuPl'r "I'll try low stnk1•s :rn<l hopt• h•· hits it ut somt,.JOl'" So far, Yount has l'IVUldt'<l that falP I tis .524 batting av<•ragc has him on Wrgt•t for u rc>t-ord. Thl' Series mark for both six anti seven games 1s .500. Dave Hubt.·rtM>n did It for the New York Giants in six gaml'S in 191 7. and P<:ppcr Marlin did 1t in sc•vt·n games for St Loui~ 1n 19:H Tht• ovt•rall St'rlt·i. rl.>cord 1~ ll:l5 IO·for-lti S(.'l by &bt· Ruth an the New York Yankt•l·:.' Cour-ganll' ~weep of the C<irdinab m I !J:!ti Tht· Cardinals' !>1tuat11m •~ 1101 tt•rnbly ( ompllcatl'll "!l's dt•ar l"Ut anti s11nplt"" -.<.11d Ozz1t· Smith, whost.• :.tl·llar dl'fl•n.l.IVl' wurk al shorts top has bt·c•n 11v1·rshadow1•d by · Yount's big bat. "EITHER' WE w111 Tut•M.lav o r uu1 wasun is uv<•r l don't thank 11 'could bt· l'll'arer But wt· huvt· tht· tyJX· or dub tha t has lx•C'n up against udvt:rs1ty ull yt•ar This dub has t:onw a long wuy togt:tht:r ll ull bcnls down lo two wms" The iron y 1s th<1t tht· Can.l11rnb sc.·t•11wd tn l'hargl· of the Sl'nl's <Jft<·r winning two uf the first thrt'(' gun1<.•!> a11d leading 5-1 1n the• st-vcnth inning of G<imt· 4 But tht• Brt•wt•r:. took advantagt· of a l'ruua l l'rror by pltt'hl·r Davl' LaPomt tu M'Ol"l' six um•Jrm>d runs and win th.at gamt'. tying tht· St•n c•s T hl'n Mllwaukt·c• <'apturt·d Game• 5 behind Yuunt's hilting and a gnuy p1u·hing )Ob by Mike Caldwc·ll Just llk1· that tht• Cards wen· an big troublL• Pois.ed cs AP Wlrepho10 Sutton and Stupcr were thl• gamt• two s tar ters . Ne the r w as involvl'd 1n tht· cecis1on as St. Louis won 5.4 Stupt·r bs ted just four innings that night '11 hope to pnch a little bettt'r and a littll· longer," he said. "The key i,s to get ahl'dd of the m ins tead of letting tht•m sit un 2-0 or 3-1 counts. I didn't get a hc·ad and I duin't STL~PER'S MAJOR probll·m , of l'OUrs<:, will bt· to shut down sizzling Robin Yount, who is batting 524 with 1 l ·for-21 in thl• first fi ve gamc•s Yount has had two four· hit games -thl' first marl' 111 history to do that t w1L·c· -and is onl' hit shurt of tht· "You h<ivt• to bl' l'V(•n -tt·m 1wn·d l o handle this g<une." s~ud St Lou1:. t·dtt:hl·r Darrc·ll Porll'r "This gumt· will humblt> you 1n a hurrv Wl' are in u s1tua t1011 whc.·rc.• we.· l'an't afford to lust· But we· t·an go to our plat'C' and wm two in a row L0;1sy To s;,iy Wl' are ~omg to I don't know. Wt· <'ou ld do It 1n a fl<-1sh I'm not t·unt·t-<ling unything " If S tuper. who was 9.7 aftt•r b<•1ng c·all1•d lip an late May. t·an kC'ep the· S t•rws going, the Cards would turn to th1rd-ganw wmm·r J oaquin Andu1ar for Gaml' 7 '.\lihrnukt•t··.., 1>0 11 ~1111011 "ill 11·~ lo p ih"h tht· Bn·wt·r ... lo th•· World S••1·i•· ... dw111pion ... hip Golfers · could get the shaft But new, space age clubs s hould 1n1prove the ir gan1e . By HOWARD L . HANDY Ofthe De!IJ l'tlot Steff l n the day!> when bamboo pol('S were used in pole v<iulting. the t'C'1 hng was around 15-16 f~t Wht.•n bamboo rods wen• used for fishing. many rrit)re hsh were lost because of the s t1Hnrss involvt'<i S1n<'e both havl' been relegatl'<i to the newC'r fiberglass concept. things h ave c ha n ged Po le vaulting ht.>ight.s are approaching 19 ft"Ct and fishermen bring 111 many more• fish pN strike than they used to do Golf has always been a sport that has bee n slow to m a ke changes but t he n ew metal c lubhead 1n plat·e o { th <' traditional persimmon wood, 1s making inroads by leaps and bounds Now a Huntington Beach roncern 1s gomg one better and hopes to improve the average golfer's distance and ac<'uracy with a new, flexible shaft made of aram1d fibers. The original golf shaft was made of hickory and in the 1930s this was c·ha.nged to a steel shaft. Graph ite was used m m aking shafts for drivers several years ago but the new PowerFlex material goes a step further a nd can be applied to all clubs. "We've taken aerospace fibers and made the aramid fiber which is twice as strong as steel and more rt>silient," says Don Gibas of Huntington Beach . w h o is marketing the shafts. Uon Gibas ha~ come up wilh a n t•w fl e xiblt· sha ft mad~ of aramid fiber~. these n<'w shafts on thl'm "The increased dubhcad spc.'<'d and the accural'y will morC' than make up for the cost "When w e first sta rted, we· had a more flexible shaft Manv good players weren't tht• o nC'.s who nN.'dcd that much in extra ya rc:tagl' so W<' developed a second one that is a li ttle suffer "We can"t divulge the makt'up of the fi bers wt.• ar<' using but W<' are confiden t they will help all players. .urbornl· and this shJft h.1<, mJdt· a wholl' lll'W R;inw f11r th1•m," S..l\'S C:1b:.1s Gibas dm· ... n't 1u11 do"n th1• Kraphllt• s haft or ·"" 11th1 r flbt·1 that has bl'C'n nn thr mnrkrt m n·u·nt yt·ars But hi' d111•s go farthc·r 1n pra1s l' of his own prndut·t "Many of tht• fnrmC'r designs "1•n• using t hC' stt>el shaft as :1 j.>G l lt·rn If I tw:.• m;idp 1 t mun• r I l' x I h I{', l In•\' w () u Id I 0 s e• ac"t·uracy M;1k111g It ... ufft-r m;1d1· 1t hardt•r to fkx We· fc•C'I Wl' hav1• the• answt·r w1 I h 1111r Power Flt•'< • ~hofL<;" Buffalo'~ Darryl Irvin g grab huarlerbac k Vince Evan of Chicago for a a<-k in Monday night' FLPA ;\II-star gamt". ~et> slory. page C2. Al'Wlr~to "T his shaft snaps back to its original position more quickly and resists being taken out of posit ion. It 's a w h ole n e w approa<'h and blend of fibers that we are usmg," says Gibas. "The b i.g d rawback a t t he moment is the cost of the shafts. Using your clubs. it would cost approximate ly $50 each ·to put "With the rC'CC'nt advent of the me tal wood. we designl'd two more shafts. They arc basically like the firs t t wo but arC' exclusively for the metal woods. the hottest Item m the golf shop today. "We feel we have madt• the greatest inroads with the wom<>n golfers. Many of them have had a hard 11me izettinj.t thl' ball (;1bas IS l"Ol\fldl•nt thC' IH'\\ nmcC'pt in sh.if ts will t•:il• h on and bec·onH' ;1 part or mo ... 1 manufuc:turpr"s 111\'C'ntor'' "We ;in · at th1· ~1mc' P<11nt th.it metn I wuo<b Wl'l'l' ~ 2 ° \ 1•,1 r' :igu,'' ht• lkl~" "W1· hav1• t;ik.-n thf' i.h:lft Lil thr ~.,..,,pl1· d11e'<-·tl" ~FL mediator may propose a recess today 1 COCKEYSVILLE , Md . (AP) - ~ources close to both sides In the 9-day-old Natipnal Football League ayers' strike say a cooling-off period in h e talks may be called as ear ly as night by mediator Sam Kagel to krep the stalled negotiations alive. ~Two m e mbe r s o f the o wne r s' ec:uUve committee and a union 90u rce oee to the talk.a seld the recess could t for 11eYer•l dayt. "J wou:d exptet the talks to break off 1 TuH<tay or Wednesday, w h h Kagel 4'11.llna them b.c.k to the table within A 4ouple o{ days," the union ..ou~ Mid. t The two memben of the owne rs' -'I execu tive committee, who req uested a nonym ity, agreed tha t a cooling-off period was In order. "I wouldn't call It breaking off, It is more llkt-a recess,'' said one . The union and Management Council h ave been m eeting unde r Kage l'a dire<:tion since last Tucaday. Since then, some prog ress has re portedly been achieved in non-economic isAuea. But t hP u n ion's d emands for a wage acall', ~ntral salary fund and percent.age of the lf'ague'1 tclevl1ion r<'venues h a ve barely been touched upon. A news blackout wu placed in e.lfK-t by Ka1tel when ht arrived laat Tuftld•v and was pierced last Sat urday when both sides argued over w hich o ne waJ1 stalling. On Monday night it was all but shattered when they were redu<.'ed to publjc name-calling In the lobby o r th<' h o tel whe r e t h e talks IHI' bei ng conducted. The day began with union c hl<'f F.d Garv1~y. union president Gene Upshaw, owners' top negotiator J ack Donhm ond his aide Sargent Karch mttling w ithout Kagel to di11euss thl' union's prol)(*--d wage 1ealc . T he n<'got1Atlon -. t hen r<'cei11t>d , Garvey taking Qdvant.age 9f the break to re turn tn Wu h tngton . D.C .. for a ronf<'r<'nt't' Ill unmn ht•adqu.1rtt•rs with several play1•r n•prescntatlVPS T he tulks wt•l'f' supposed lo rP,..umc-at 7:30 p.m. But at thnt 11m1• tl.1· u11111n, according to one• of 11s spokc•sown. requested 11 onl• hour dt•lay . Al 8:30, tht• union asked for unothl'r one-hour dl'lny. At 9:30, Kagel took m11U(·~ 11110 his own hand11 ond put off lurtlwr t:\lk~ until todny W l\hin minutes. Donllrn strolkd t h r ough the hot<'l's l obby anu wn lnundatt"d by ncwsm<'n "We• woitc-d n il dJ )' for e mc'C't1nJ(." ht' told thf..'m .1nc.J h,1\ 1 h.1d th•·n use· thc·se t lllh ..... Al 1h1 C · ..... 1.0 l\lt·.,a C .olf and C111111t1' C 'luh dr" 111~ 1.1nRt'. a th,llllt \\,I, plP\ldod I OI hll a hm kC't 111 h.tll" u.;ing 1 hi 1•nt1re h.og 111 1 IL1h ... "1th .or;11111d fiber o,h;i ll ... Tho• 111 "h1l11" '' o1111c111ng and \'l't •·.1•>\ '" • ... , .. 1 ·1 il1 hall Wt'nl ... 1r.11i•h1t·r 111.111 \nth s lt•t>l s hafts and ,., 1 11 thciu)!h 1h1• d1:-ta nct• \\,1:-n '1 tlH':l'1111•d 11 diet .1ppc.•ar to g11 I.II tlll'I tr 1111' <hill-; ;ofl' .iva1l.iblt• for a round ol ).!nll '-llllll'llllW 1n the tu1ur1'. 11 \\ 111 provl<ll' an c·ve>n lx·t1t•1 tt•'l (111 d1 ... 1;rnu· Tht•\ .11 1• lt1thll·1 th.111 thC' Slt'<'I o,h;lfl 1 halt!-and \Ull 1·;m fC'<'I th1• ll1•,1l11l11 v "h1•11 l'ont.1t·t 1s made> \.\Ith tht. h.lll If \'OU hit a b.,ll \\1th .1 -.t1·rl "h:il t 111 thr· middle of .1 hue k1•1 ol drl\ mg r;111ge balls. '"u 1m m 1•d 1,1tt·l v fel"I thE' d1fft'l l'llt 1· for ·hl'l tt.•r anrt ,., su'r 1·nnt.1c·1 .md t~introl A t.1o rd1n~ t n c;1 h1:1s , th<' Pnw1•rf lc•x h1t•1.1ll v d111/t.•s vour dub !wad 1n f1 ont ;1f the.• .;h1ift to nwvl tlw hall \'11>;inly It also prOVl(fr':-:-llh,l,111tu1l lllCrellS<'S In l'lub h<'ud s p1•t•d throug h the h11tin"'1 znn1• and fort<>s th<' ball to r1st· on Jm1>.1c•t Pc•rhaps lhl• hlA.C<'sl nsset (or the st·nwr gotrC'r 111 the flcxlb1lity Wh1•n u '>lt't•I sh11ftt•cl club hit.s tlw Rround lw hind u boll, lhcre ls ,1 Jnr and thm•e• with nrthrilis know full wl'll 1lw p11in nf 11uch a "tuntl1111 With thl• Powt•r J<"h•x • haft, 1 hf'rf' 1s 11\llt• 11r nu Jar to the hunds or nrrn..<c. Tlw two fthnft~ lln' P(lw r Ftc-x 1 .. ee GOt.F. Pait<' C31 I \ ' .... 1 I \ ('i 01 1111uo <.011•1 UAll V Pll lllllu1111U11y Onuhu• 1w, Hll1? l(> miracle ·, Sutton' 1n the Series From AP dlspat<'ht•s ST LOU I S 1>1111 Sutt11 11 ii bt•ltPVl'S tn m1 r.11·l·· .... 111.t 11111 Jlhl b<x·aust• h1.• p1lt•h1•i. 1111 .1 h.1,1·l>all 11 .. 1111 l:x.x'Om111~ knuw11 as "Jl,11 \'t'\ KL1t•1111', Kardtal' Kids " Tlw M1lw,1ukt-.· B11·w1 ·1·, h,l\'t• ht••·n tl'ad111~ 1n m1rad1•s n·gul<1rlv ol l.1 11., .11111 Sutton IW!-. playt'<i u niaJUr rolt• 1•.1d1 t11111• "To havt• bl'l'll lr'1lh-tl to this dub lru111 ' • ... l l t1l1'lOll 1111 tht• :10th ul Augw..t. without ht•1wf11 uf a 11~1 1r.1d1• 1 l.1UM'. hds to ht• tJ m 1r.i 1 I•··· Su tto n ..,,11d Montl.1y "Thi!> h.1s tu have• lx·en 1111t• o l I ht• mosl l'Xl't ll n g munlh' tll hast·ball his tory. P1·n.1111l v 11rw of lht• m ost 111 Mtlw.1u.kt•t• hasd:>a ll h istory." ht• s;11d "Tlwsl' th111gs JUSl sunoN dot1'1 h.q.>1w11 at'\:1denwlly" Sutton. 1)wrwr ol :!5H l\1l'l't'I' v1c·torws. said his persom1I cha111 ol 1111radl•s st.1rtl·U two yl·ars ago whim ht• lt•ft thl· Los A11g1 •lt'!'o Dodgt·rs ancl signed as u frl't.' agt·nt with tlw I l11L1s11111 Astros. Quote of the day Steve Mc.Catty, Oakland p111 lwl', whPn the A's got a s t:mdtng ovation 1111111 tlw11 fans ..1nc.J lh<.•n W<'n· brought b.u·k !111 .111 ent·o1·e al thl' Sl·asun's rmal H•lnlt'. 1•\'1•n though thc·y Wl'n' :!:.! 1. ganw), out of f1r;t plaC'C': "Can you 1mag1m• this 1n N1·1A '1'111 k" Thc·y'd c..1 11 us balk all right lur an t'XN.:Ut lOll Late goal gives North Stars win Mtnn<'i.ot<t'!. Tom M cCanb~ ~ SC'Ored with :l1• m111u1t·s lt•ft lo gin· , the North Staf"i a 4.;1 Vtl·tor~ ovl·r th<· St. L ouis Blut•s Mullduy night in National Hoc:kl·y Ll'agw· ;it·t1011 Thl· v1t·tor~ boost<>d th<• North Stars· rl'c-ord to 5-0-1 M1nncsot:.1 1s now tlw l111ll'· undl·ft·..itt.J ll•,1111 "' th<· NHL • ln tht· univ 11tht·1 g<1nw of the 111ght Bob MacMilla n -.1'111 t·d .1 p.11r ol go.ii-. .ind ass1stl'd on anuth<•r as th<· NI'~\ Jt•rst•y Dt•v1b defl'all'd Philadt•lph1a .I· I ,;t LJtsl Huth1·rl\wd Thi' win was t hl• third 11f thl -.t•asnn for th1 · tl'.•lll that postl·J tilt' w11r .. 1 111.irk in th1· lt·:ogu1· a ~·1 ·:..1 ago as thl· Colur;1d11 Hoc. kit'' J)t·f1 ·n-..1·n1.1n Don Jac kson h.ts b1 ·1·n n·< .ti l1 •d ll\ thl· Edmontu ro Oilers from 1 hl·ar B1rr11111gh :1111 11•.1111 1tf 1h1· Centr;_tl H1x·kt•\ L1·.1gut• Rambis to miss at least a week IN GLEWOOD St.irtrng m forward K urt R.imb1!. I'> out u( lht· · Lakcrs' I me·-up fur at It•,,,,, J "<·t·k with a stra1m-d ar('h an h1~ nght Coot. a spokesman for tht· NataonJI B..tskl'tb"ll LP<igu< dub S<ltd Mond.n ~---------------------------------------------------------------------~ .l ot• A rna to n•at·h(•cl tht· top fu <·I St'tni:-; al ()CIU hy (lt•fl•a tin~ S hirl(•y Muldowru·y., Mark ()swald Sunda y. Newport offers free round of golf \V.1111 lo g1•1 .a I r1·t 1·11111111 111 goll'' It s11. -.tnp h\ lhl' N1·wp1111 lkad1 t:.,11 l 'uur ... · .111d 1•nt1 ·r I h•· 1111111l11 · • ""'111•11111111 \\ lt1 ·rl' tlw w1n11t·r~ t•;ll'h \.\l'l·k ).tl'I ;, 111'1' n111111! 111 golf An~mw, who plavs 1h1• 111lll'I t·;cn t•n1t·1 and tllt'l'l' '' 1111 t',ll.t d1.11g1· .tt1111d111g lot 'ildrll'I '1'1'<1 Hul11ns Jlht p.1 y tho t .. j_!1ll.11 g11·1·11 !1·1., 1ur11 111 \11111 ~<>rt· .ind h:1\'1• 11 ,1111•,lt·d h\ .1 pl.1\ 111g p.111111•1 ,111d \'llU .in· t'lllt'l l'd · Tht•n· will 1,. 1.,,, 111 1 .111.t l11w g r o .... wartrwr .. fur llll'll ;111d \\ 11111t 11 ,111d .d .. 11 l 11r 1wg11111t '' &·g111m·r-. .11 t• th<>'>I "ho h.I\ l pl.I\ t d It·"' I h.111 "' rnwllh' <Wu1rd1ng 111 l!11l1111-. : J-'11r n ·-.t·rV<tllttll' 1.tll 1111· ,l,11 It I ' t1ll1t 1· .ti i:'l I 4J H A SPECIAL Ill 111111 1111 d.ol 111.,, 11111111,11111 rll \\di i.llll\\ .11l10tlt·U1 ' ,tll llfll'"I lllllll\ 111 ll \ l1tl ·' 'Jl"I Ill thL· UI), Angt•lt·' ()pt 11 .J.111 1:1 Iii Tht· t1u.1ltfv111g 1•\t•111 "di I" l11 ·ld .it llill1·1t• .. 1 l'"untn ('(11h .11 11101111 v;,.,, l'u11 Hl\'d Nu\ 1:1 \\'Ith lilt' IH·ltl 11111111'11 It• lilt· 111 .. 1 l.1:.! t·llllll'' 1111 ;1 111 ... 1 tllllll' 111 .. 1 ,11\'l' h.1'1S t;ollt 1' \\nit o1 li.11 1d1t.1p 111 GOLF HOWARD L. HANDY lll\'llt•d Ill II \ 1111 11111 111 tht· t\\ 11 OJ>4 '11111g), 1111 tl1t Opt•ri t h.11 ,11 t d1111,1tnl 11\ th1 · 'l"'11'11nng l.11 ... ,\11gd1 -. .111111111 ( "lt,11111"'' 111 t '111111111111 T!w 1·1111 \' It t ... °$ lll .tlld \\Ill lllt IUdt• .I l'lllllld 111 g11ll ,11111 ,, 'l'•""'I 111 kt t 1111 1 !11 (>pt 11 ~ 11r I url ho r 1111111 n1.t1111n. 10111.111 l>.11111.1 1'111 ..,111 ,11 c:!1:q IH.! UI I A:\C,EL l'ITl'llER '1'1 1111111\ .l11h11 )a,,, 111.m·d hi.. ,111• 11111111 111 gull tl11" d .'·'' toll11w111g th1 Ango·b d1 .... 1pp11111t111g .. 1111\.\ 111g .ig,1111 .. t l\lilw.111k1·1· 111 tlu t\n11 111.111 l.1 .. 1gw· pl.i\'nl 1 ... Thi .11111lt,1I '1'11111111\ .Joh11 ('1 ·11 Intl\ lr1v1t.it11111.ol ( ;.,11 ( ·1,,..,11 \\di 111 li••ld l\lw1d,I\ Nm :!:! .ol y;111t,, L111tl,1 < 't1111111' l 'l11lt . { '1•lt·ht 1111'" 111 pl.1~· Ill !ht• 1•\'1 111 \\all bt 11,11111•d l.1111 .w1t11d111L! 111 111u111;11111 ·11t •••1rd111,1t11r Su1.111111 A tough week to break away Long TD run~ h y Ag uirr t·, Big pl.1\·-. 111 lt 1111s 111 lu11g \.o1rd,1g•· ...il\.1at11111s \\ t rt ,1! ,1 llltlllllllllll l,"I \\ t t•k Ill pt l p footb.ttl \\Ith 111 11\ l\l.11t·1 I>• 1· H1d1.11d 1\gu1n···, tol \,11d tout hd11\\ n ru11 .111d Ir\ 111"' l'h11 ... l'\l.111d1 \tilt ·, li'\-\,1rd fJ) d .1-.h 1111 -.1!..111•! t11lo tht ll'>t ttl !'111 \,lid 01 I" ttl 1 -.1.11 1-.ttt, Aguirn· (M,llt·r l)(·JI. H I I IL~ Smt lli'.igl'y (Cosld :\11·'"' :!:! 11 11 '• K1•v111 Hradl1•\ (Sadd lrbal·k). H 1111 It D:111n~ Th111nJ"'"' <l luntanl(ttJll &«1(·hl .! I Ill I i H11th hgut•111.1 I \\'oodhndgL·I. Iii-I OU Passing Sd1\\l•llt·1.l1.1t Ii wh11 \.\;os <• l.1111tl1ar l1gun Ill d111·11111g thl· ,.;orly \'l'<11s 111 1111 t'111-.liy S11utltt•1n ul ln·11u• l'oas l l'< · Fr11 lurllll'1 11al1J1m.it1r111 t.cll i:'i!l-!:Jlti:s . . .. AftEA llAPPENINGS Jl.;rl.111 Emk-.1J11 11f Lu!o bit· dl'fN1tl-d l't·ll· K1·n111·y uf D1Jver Short·:., :1 a11d 2 1n th1· ftn<il tnatt·h to wm tlw 28th annual P11·~HJ1·111's Cup 111u1 nanu.•nt at Irv1rw CoJst t'ountn Club Jot· Onh\ay w11n tht· Vw1· Pn·-.1dt·nt's flight, ti ... nd.:1 11vt ·r l'l~1r<·11u· M11l1·r (Jthl•1 flight wtnnl·rs: St'<.rt•t.on. ·, fhght &irrv Moon· ddt·<Jtl'<J Bob J an..,St·n: I up Nt•\\ port flight Dttk lla11dv <ll•f1·<1tt•d CJrl Not~·k1·r. :!·<ind I. R..1lho•1 flight !fol Sproul d1·fl'all'<I Hob Natn·s.-. . .J .mtl .I H1l h<.11 d A Adll'r or S IJ\ c.;J,1s.-. 11111 1n C<J10nc1 <!t·I Mar 1A11n tht· ... <·1 11nd· ,onnu.il Ball l'ullt·n t11l•r1111'rt;tl t11urnam1·11t at N1·wpnr l Bt•<.ll'h Golf Cour ... · wrth .a i I :!'.! -HI Thi· 11wn's duh de1n<itt·tl a t11t,ol o l $:!10 10 tlot., tvart fund .olle1wing th•· tour11an1t •Jlt that \.\ii' h!•ld Ill 111!'"111/'\ of Cl former mi mlM·t J11hn S.ol11.-. anti .h·11·, l l.1 v1·.,, l11•th 11! C1,..t.1 1\11·'·' ,111d 1111 ·mlM•r., :ot l\lt·;..1 \'1•r d1 · l'11untr;. Cluh. h;l\·1· qu:tld lt'd for tht• 1>1.1111bu11· Hu-.t\ Natl hulo ·- 111 om· ,..w1·t·pst.<1k1·s liv -.t111111g .w1 ~ n -<1·1111> . . . DOI'\ BAYLOR ot till' A11gt Is v. ill IJt.· :.imong !ht• u ·lt·brttH·-. pl.i~ 1ng 111 tli1· B.i' l11r Mtl'helub d.1,.su al Alt.1 \'1st.1 l'11u1111\ ('lull 111 PIJv1·nt1a c1 Wl•t·k I rum l\lund:.iv T ht• t•vt•nt bc.·nt·f ll"i ('V'>lll r 1bros1s and Wiii be hm1tc-d to JtiO 1·ntr<1nt..-. <.tt $1 :!5 t•al'h Among the prizes arc a trip to I l<iw.i1 d11n<itl'd by Pac1f1t· East Air. Inc. and a trip to C:h1t.ig11 rrom JN Amern.:an along with mdny oth1·rs For mon· mform..illun. t.ill th1· Cv<;tt<.· F1bros1s Fo untlauon al h:!5 11900 -Ramm" 1n 1urrn t m-:in-ti-m tramrrrg-ramv ~--­ days ago and wai. ...id<•hnc·d for Los Ange lc'S· Tht• Hi~ Pia~' H1th.11d \gu11 11 t:'\l.11t1 1>··11 "JD11111 ('ht I' l\l.111d1 \'tllo 1 II'\ till). T l) 11111 I K• \ 111 B t11 kr I W1N1dli1 tdgl I I h-:!1-11 :!411. :! 'ID r'.11l l..1\\ 11111 1llulltlllgt1111 l.X·;u hJ. t:i li-0. 19ti. '.! m -:rfilil«· v;.,.t:JT ... 1 rift·\\ port rr.11 Tim'l lf.la.o. t li6 I Tl> ~ .Jon N11\\ 11t m c Ed1~111) I.I .!:!·O. 1:i1. I TD. c, J\l1k1 l.>uugl.1"' I ~:1 T11r111 I ~I I I .!i .! TD. ti. Sl.1111 !>.ova.. 11-:,tJllll.JI. 7 I.! II l.!11 I TD i Hod P1•s<1k IS.itlt.111 b.olkl. H 12 II. 11.l :! TD 8 D.tlt· Fr~c· 11"11u111.11n \'.tll1·\) ~I.Ill, 111:1. o TD Y Hog1·r H1·\ 1111-.11 11\l.1tt•1 lx·I) .. 1 11 n 1011 :.! TD Fl!\ALIST Ill lhl J~B c; .. 1.t PUltl•r Award Jlf".JViiTl.it tl'll 11l·M·1 t lnn Gorr ,.nd C:11unl1 > CTu"'>""1~n---1 Las \'t·ga~ h..ivc· bt-t·n d1•tl'r·m1 nHI game 1n DNrn1t I.is l Tul·..,J ,I\ H<· playc·d 21 mmutl'S Thursday against tht• lnd1<rn.1 P::wPrs. scoring 15 pomL-. .md nabbmg '>t'\'tm rt•boundi.. but complalnl'<J auoul tht• lnJUry .lftc·r thl• g<im~· and sk1pp<'d F riday'i. m.1tc:h wllh lh1· Bost1in Celtt<.'S in Hartford ltJ rt'turn 11> L<>'> Angt'll's Tl•am phys1t1ans put his right foot in a l'ast Monday and said tht-y would rc··<·valuate ll 111 a week T hat means Ramb1s will miss Tuesdav night's home game against Portland as well ,;s the team's four-gaml· road trip lalL'r thb we<'k La kers' spokc·sman Josh Rosenfeld n••ted L os Angeles is 2 0, for pl'l'l>l·ason games tha t Ra mb1s play1>d and t>-:.! 1n thOS<' h<> m1SS('d LB State's Dillon honored Q uartPrback Todd Dillon of Long Ci] Beac h State. and ltnebacker Rick 4. t Senteno o f Cal State• Fullerton havt- been hunorC'd as the P act r IC' Coast Athlctic As.c;oc1at1on football players of tht-week Dillon. a JUntor from Loch. completed 33 o f 47 passc-s for -153 yards 111 tht--19ers· 22-21 upset v1ctorv ovc·r San Jose.• St..1lc• Saturdav. Sen teno. a senior. from Los Alamttns. madi:> 1 i unasss1sted tackles 111 th<• Titan.-.· :!0-Iii win ovt>r Wyoming . Ar1wna quartt•rback Tom Tuonicliffe, who led tiw W1ldca~ to a lb-J:l upset of No tre Dame. was namt•u tht• Pac1r1c JO's offe n sive player o f thC' WN.'k · Cll·mso~ starting quartt·rback Homer Jordan u nde rwe nt a rthroscopic surgery on th<.· k nl'C' ht-IOJU r<'<i 111 praC'lll'<' last Tuf'sday Jord1m 1s rm a day-to-day basis John Mi c b e losen. a former University m Pittsburgh foothall star who Wt'nt on Lo coad1 be th thl· Panth1•r., and thc Pittsburgh Steelers, has d1t·d at tht• :.t#!f' of 6ti of a h(•art attack. Clippers fire GM Podleski Thl• San D1l'go Cl1 pp PrS m announct•d th£' firing u f gt•nt•ral manager Ted Podleskl Monday and re placed h im with Paul Phipps, a Conner business manager in tht-Dallas Mavericks organization. Attornl'y Allan Rothenber g said the change was m adl• to ~1vc• the fmanl'lallv strapped NBA fran<:h1sc-new d1rt't't1on Television, radio Following ar<• tht• top s porL'\ c•vt-n t.s on TV tonight. Ra tings are v v v v <.'X ct-llent . vvvworlh watching. vv lair. v forget 11. ~ 5:20 p.m., Channel 4 V V V V WORLD SERIES: M1lwouk('(l at S t. Lou1s Announcers: IJlck 1-.:nbcrg. T ony Kubek. Joe• Garagiola, Tom Seaver and Bob Costas. With a 3·2 edge in th<.• best-o f-sev<>n Fall Clas.<1lc, the Milwnukt'<' Brcwer!I can wrap up their first World Seri«'s champlor\sh1p (and second for the city of Milwaukee) whl'n they t<>nd vetcron Don S utton against tht-Ci1rdinol11' rookie John Stupt>r RADIO World Seril.. Mllwnuke<> at St Louis. '5:20 p.m .. KNX (1070). & kt'tball Portland Ol ~kt•rs, 7:30 pm . KLAC (~70). ' Thl' 'l'll"iOn· ... big pla) makl'r' Y.! S1t\1 A1.i1.1' 1N1\\µ<trt 11.irhml Im .J1111 C.i .trton tlx 1'.111 \'1t \\) .J1·11 \ Eidt 1d~1 (El '1'11rn> Chris ~landc·villt• H II SI l \ t 0 JI I I a 11 ( 1\1 •• I t. I I) t· I ) i'!I Ht< h.1rd Agu1rrt· tl\1,111•1 1)1·1) c.;:irv [.,nu 111 t L' 111 \ 1·rs 11-. i. i'H \'c·r1111n \\'.dl1·ri1 ·h ( Ed 1 'o n J • Iii ( ; <1 1 ·" J;111uz11 1U111 \'l'l"ll-. ), 7:.! D.urn~ Th11111p;1111 < ll un11n).(t•1n 81 .. 11 h ). tiH Don Prvor (( 'oro11;1 d c I 1\1 .1 r 1 n 7 l' •• 1 I S.iwrf1t•lc.J (I lunt1111o{tnn Bt•at h I. Lam·I' M<!rt111 ( C o r 11 n ;1 ti t' I M a r ) , tili L11u1t• l'1•1tl•1 <1 1llnt1 ng ton H1•,1d1 l. A I) h h ... \.\' I I 1 I .1 111 ... ( s .. d ct I I' h d ( k I h4 Htth:ird Agu1rrt (l\lJll'r l>l ·tl ti:~ .J.1mtt• Wt-ston ( U111\'t'r'1t:->. Chi ... Manclt·vtllt· tlr vuw). ll:? Bill M.11 lcr (Manna}~ John n v S ,1 11 n ,1., ( I rv 111 t• l . M 1 kc• Z a I ci 1 var 1Uniwr~1tv). til Bill Hll'-"<-'11 tWoudlmdgc•). Gll'nn V1c1ra 1Marint1l IHI .l.t1111•s Dunn (llunttngton Bc•athl. :'19 Ct•1od Jmw., (F.dt!-011). 57 Er11· K arman (M;u1na). 5~ Pat Dubar <Matt•r Dl't). 54 Jl'rrv Eld11dg1· (El Toiol. 52 Kl'Vl'1 Bradlt•y <Saddlt•h-;..l'k). Chris Ma11d1•v1llP (!rvinl'). 51 Dav<· Patt<•rson (Cnrona d<•I Mar). 50 Gary lanuz11 1Un1v1·r..,1ty). Clark P:ath'r!-1111 (M<1r111a), Lance• Martin 1Cor1111:1 dt•I Mar) Last week's s tatistical leaders Rus hing I Johnnv S.al111as (lr\'lll(•). :W I Ill. '.! Stc•vt· Br;na., 1 N1•w11ort llarborl '24! I :rn :1 Hit· hard AFC s tars • Win LOS ANGr:u .:s (AP) F'..d L ulh£'r of San D1!.'go frr!.'d a M . yard t1)uchdown pass to Sc>attlt>\, Theot1s Brov.n w11h ll :!9 n•ma1111ng Monday night giving th<• Am1•ri('an Confl.'r1'n<'l' squad a :11 -2i victory ov1•r thf' Nuttonal C'on ft•rNlt'<' team in th1• Sl't•ond National f ootball Leal(Ut• Pla y<"r' A-.:,<i..•1.111on -spor1sorcd All star (t(<1 rne ·rh1· t·o11u•st at th<' ('nhseum was pllw1·c! twfort• a n anrn •Un<'('d 1·r11\\ <I ot :>.:J:H and was tt·h·vtst•d nutum:illy by thl' Turrwr BroadC'astmg Syslt'ln. Soml' 15 m1n~tt·s bdort• th'• kickoff, C'oltiwum Gcnerl1I Malla~l'r Rob I lflrd , sa1rl upon t•n l<.•ru1g the press box, "Ct•t'. tlwn•:c more pc'<>pl<• up hl•t't• thnn tht·rl' an• 111 th<' 11t1111dl'I" At thnt linw, }w mny hnvc• lx•c•n ri~ht Lulhl'r. who hlll'kS up n on Fouts With tlw ChRrgc·r11. ('t>rtlpl('lf-ci I() n{ ltl r•1~<ws for llJ() yards and two wuc·hdo wnc; lit• hit Brown o ( tlw St-a h n w k !I o n c pi u v u ( t" r' 11 4 5 -Yu rd pas 11 inwrtf'r<>nC'<' pt'nnlty u~ah\Jit thC' NP<.: hod moved 1hl' b111l from thl' AFC I vnrd ltn<' to it,. 40 Tlw TD l(OVt' the AJ.'(.' .1 :u :l-t INtd Lutht•r was nanu-d the o ffensive pl11 y1•1 o f t lw ~um<' whlltt 01.'nVN com c rback Louis W right w1111 :•wlt'C'Wd d ft'ns1vQ playt-r of thf' ({MO<' Hccei\'ing K.11h~ P11stll'Y.,11t a-. tht dt l1·11ding l hampron .md draw ... 111 .1u tnm,1t1t t•nll \ ,1, dot'' J,, nn Adams "h11 h.ul 11 t'Jf.:ll"" nn th<• t11ur 1h1' '' ,,, lt> lt·Jd th.Jt d1·p.11tmt·nt Stvt.·n tup putlt·r' ,ond "\1 ll t•llJ btrdtl.' 'hoolt·r.. 1~1111pl1·1t· llw lh pl,,,,., l11·ld T1111 \',il1•111ut•l,1 (Wt•..,t111111"ill·r). 7-l l li. 2 T;1<ld C.:ag1· (S,1ddlt•b,wkJ. (i i:I. :1 St•:.in Wright 1 W uodbritlgl') ti Iii!, I .l.111111· Cr :dt ( Fountam Vallt•v). ;, 7ti. ;> Don (;1blJ.., <Ed1-.0111. 5-5H, Ii G lt•nn V11 ·1r:,, I M Jrtti<t L :i .'>I . i Da1111 v T l111111pson ( l lunt111g1on llt·a1 h) !'1 :12 On tht· 11~1 ul top pu111·,.., .i11· s.,11~ L1ttl1· \\ith :!!:I :s4 pu 1L.., p<·r rmtntl .1vt•r,1gt•. P,1111 c;11·t11•n (:!9 n:H: Carolt• Jo Callison ('.!!l i.11. llnlli'> Sldl'V tW 74 ); Marv Dwv<'r t:!9 84). l'a1olt· t'harl>o11nu·r t'.!9 90): .Jam~ Blal~k (W 92) B1rdt<.' ll'aclo •rs 11wludt• Bc·th l>an1l'I \\'llh :3 7:i p1.·1 round . .JoAnnt• l';1rnt•r 1:\ .1:q , P<itty Sh<"c.·han 1:i :?ti), Narwy Lnpt'7 (:i l tt). Am~ Alt ntt C:i 14), Chrn1 J11hnson (:.! ~H ) .• Jo Ann W.ii.h,1111 (:! !lil ScorinR I I lll'l H1d1.11 d Agu11 n · I l\1.ot1•r DL•I). Kt•v1n Br,1dl1•\ 1S.1ddl1·but k I Stt·v1· Br.am!. ( Nc•wport liar hot) Todd l'.erkt•r (Uc:t·.111 Vu·w ). Scutt Davis t E:o.,tam 1.11 Hud~ F1guc•r11;i ( \Voodhr 1dgt•l. 12 c•ac·h Field Goal!> 1.! (iPrt v <;r.1l1t1m tE.d1~m1. :.! Ttw wmnt'r of tht· p utting t~mtl'">I whtl'h will Ix· run in .1 m atch -pl<iy formal this yt•ar ms tt·ad o( medal. wall p1l'k u p $50.0110 Postll•w;.11t had won $47.507 111 .!:l 1t1urnamt·nL" l,t,t ~ t•.ir lx•frarc· pit kmg up th1· f1r .. 1 pn1<· in Las Vt•g,a-. ~--~--------~ College football SATUROA'I' S GAMlS w .. 1 O•f'QOn SI .it JSC 1 10 I "' C.ohseumt UCtA dt C11tlcrrn.1 l"'1Q S.ech 'ii al San C>llQO 'ii " Nev11d.1 Reno 1t <.;a1 St.lll' r """""' NOlrt' O.im" 11 Oregor Fresno St at Sdll Jn•P SI fl Te•a~ 1.-ch 111 Wa~h•no1011 Sldnlord at Wash1ng1nr1 St Cal Stat" NQr&hndge ot C•I l 1.1tne1 d" Occ•den111 al Wh11t•e• n Sen111 Cl1111 Ill Cnl Poly tPnmo'1AI n CldMmont Muot.t .lt Redlanos n RocklH Patohc RI .A,mon11 n Webeo St 01 Bois• Sr n ColordOO 5! .it 8YU Monldnll St Ill ll1M10 n Monrana at ld11ho St n New Me.,co St at Nl'w Mt'••f" n E Washongton al N0'1httt• l\/•woo • Utah Al Wyoming So111hWHI l\r~an~11s at Hl:'uStnn n Oklahoma SI ll Oklftf\o11'A SMU Al I'"'" Aor rorce ai 1,. .. 1.f1 roo •• Ace• at '••It A&M BiylO• ill TCU NOlln T••At St "I Wt'st lfl• .. ~I McNHI• SI ttl Arken1n SI MklWHI M1Cll1g11n Rt NOtlllwe'""" OllOO SI 81 ln<lt8"8 Purd\.19 ea M1c11101n St Iowa al M1nnt"IOIA n lllln0t1 Rt W11COf'IS1n Kenaas at Knnsas SI MltsOurt at NtbrAShll Te18' Arhngton '" W1ch1t1 St Wr''"'" Mtfh"l"~ 11 A 111 St t f 'A I ulS<I al Drake Ctonlral MtGl1•gon at Kent St Easr~n Mll:l'lJgan at Nol'1llern llTi"O•i N0<t11~n M1Gl11gan al Norfl'!ern 10... 1 " M1am1 0 Bl 011IO u Indiana St at Sou1t111rn llltnO•S Bowhng G1een at Toleclo n So.. th Cmc1nna11 a1 Ataoama 1 ennessee at Georgia Tech Georgia at Kentucky, n Souto Caro11ne at LSU n Duke al Maryland Auburn al Mlss1ss1pp1 SI Clemson at North C.,olln8 SI VMI al Ricnmonel lou•s••lle at Soull1ern M•n•n1pp1 n Memphla St at TulMe. n MISSISSIPP' at Vand01b11t. n Wake Forest 111 Vlrglnoa Appat.tellla" SI Bl Vlrgl""' Tecl1 llilnO•& St 111 EHi CaroO"a W•lh am & Mary 11 J•met Ma<11son NW Lou111ana at lou1s11na Tech A~ro" ar Ma~all lPnnl!!SSM Teel! at Mo1erie110 St SE Lou1s1ano Bl NE lou1s•11na taml\r al SW Lou1s1ana n EHi Pf'nn SI 81 WeSI VttqtnoA P11r "t S~r&cuse C(llgaro al Rutgers Ha•vard al Pttncelon Yell' 11 Penn 1 hfl Ctladel at Novy no.ion Cotteoe 11 Army MassAGhusetrs al Bo''°" U Holy Crou at Brown Buck~I 111 Cotum~111 M111n• 111 COllnectoc1.1t o.mmou111 II Corn•ll 01v1<110" at L"l11yet1f' limited Offer JOHNSON & SON presents .. _ COLLEGE Ploh tf tit• Wtt• Kansas over Kansas Stat• * Nebraska over Missouri * SMU over Texas * 119• lP J. Brlgha;.~oung Colorado State FNncill AYllllllt * LINCOLN MERCURY On UCLA 2626 Harbor llvd • ., Cotta Me1a Wectt4 ...,. over 540-1630 Collfotn5a 4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiltiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii .. J ' ~ . . ., . w orld S•rl .. at • glanc• fu .. d•y'• 8c:o1• M•lv. 1vt. (•\• tO b t l (•U1$ (J Wednlldl~'I &COii "\t l uo ~ M11w"ukt•~ 4 Ftldlfl 8COll S1 t \llu) l> M1t ..... au~•·t1 • &etu1d1y'1 8co11 Mtl .... JU•\.,t• 1 St LUY•• ~ Sund•1'• Score M1lwwtUh.L~· 6 St lt'V•); 4 •M.f--..u~ It.•••• 't.,1.UJj 'UI '"' J •'t T 4Ml1y'o O•m• M1lw.au,.,e tSutton • t 1 u1 S1 l ou•\ 1S1u11111 \I 71 S 20 I>"' Wedn .. d1r • Oem• M1lwduktte .n St l u\J•) '> :o 1• 111 11 li~ . .,)i,~ ... , COMPOSITE BOX Betting MllWAU~E a b t h 2b )b hr tbl ug MOlllOI 23 4 8 0 0 0 3 34t Yount 21 6 I I l 0 t 6 S24 Cooper 2 t J 1 t O t S J3~ Simmons 17 2 4 O 0 l l 2JS Oglivle 19 J 4 O I 0 0 211 lhomas 19 O 3 O 0 0 3 158 Howell 8 1 O O 0 0 0 000 Money tO 4 3 1 0 O 1 300 Moore 20 3 7 3 0 O 2 350 Gantner 18 3 6 ~ 1 0 4 333 fotAIS H6 29 53 tQ 2 4 ?1 301 IT. l OUl8 l b r h 2b Jb hi tbl n g Herr 19 I I I 0 0 3 053 L Smnh 20 3 S 2 1 0 0 250 Hernandez 19 1 3 2 0 O 2 158 Henorock I 8 3 5 O O o 3 27 8 Tenace 6 0 0 0 0 O O 000 Porter 19 O 6 2 0 0 2 316 Green 9 2 2 1 0 O 222 Oberklell 16 3 7 1 0 0 353 0 Smotrr t6 2 3 0 0 0 188 Braun 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 McGee 16 4 O 0 2 4 250 lorg 10 4 2 0 0 t 400 Ramsey 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 Totals t68 20 40 t t 2 2 t8 238 Ca10 .. e•M2·0• Su non McCluretO • Laoo Vkv~llt0· 11 Haas SIBIOl\I I 01 Totals Pitching MllWAUKlE g Ip h r ., bb 10 ... I II 11 • • J b • 08 tb ~4 41Jfi 1JO 44 J11,5~,~ , 0 Cl ( 0 0()0 ti • 6 c; 4 l 4 •5 ~ . s ~ ' £ ·~ I J IOO <'•UOO ~ 44 40 JO 1 7 1~ •'l J 46 ST LOUIS g Ip h t et bb 10 era For~''''o 11 2 •?'• 18 t(\ 3 ~ 4 97 !(aa1 4 1 , 4 1 1 < 2 3 86 L aPO•l11 2 8 • 1\J 6 l '< J .I 24 Lll"11 2 I' 1 4 2 J I I 10 80 Stuper 1 4 (, 4 A 3 J 9 00 ea .. 10 '' J l 2 : 1 ' i 9 oo 'nd1'! t -01 t 6 • J O O 1 3 O 00 T 01a1~ 5 43 5J n n 11 n 4 8 1 SI Lours ream 11arn1<1 runs less lhan sum 01 inOrvrdull p1lcher I earnl<I runs due to app1rca1ron of rule 10 t8 1 rn game 4 I aeor• br Inning• M•lwaui.ee (Al 3 t3 1'2 744 29 SI Lou11 (Nl 133 033 3 13 20 Hendr><;k re41<ihl<I DIM on catcher s ·nte•le<ence 1n 91n •nn1n9 Game 3 E Hetnenou 2 Oglrv,. Cooper Gantner 3 Sttnmons Yount laPotrt Fonch He " OP SI Lou11 1 Milwaukee 3 LOB M11waul.ee 37 St Lours 33 S B Mollto• McGee 3 Oberktell 2 O Smotn 2 l Sm11n S Ga!lloe• SF Hetr HBP (HOW•lll Dy Fo•scn WP Sture• 2 Haas l(aat Saves Sutter McClure 2 A 277 l24 World SerlH record• Recoros Ht end 11.0 through trwt hrSI love games OI the 1982 W0tlO S .. 1es Individual 1•111"11 Moll Ms game !> Paul MoMor M1lwaukM (All Oct 12 19112 Most 11 0111 9-innrng game 8 Paul Molitor and Robin Yount Milwaukee IALI Oct 17 1982 (lies 20 011\9'1) Moll hits two consecutive games one senes 7 Paul Molitor. Milwaukee (Al ), Oct t2 1982 5 hits Oc1 13 2 Ms (lies lour otl'lers) Most one·D•se h111. geme 4 -Peu• Mo111or eno RoD1n Yount M1lweui.ee (Al) Oct 12 t982 ll•CIS 11 OtherSI Mos! home tuns game by r00ll'9 2 -Wiiiie McGee St LOUii fNl ) Oct 15 1982 (hes Cheri,. Kell11 New Yotk (ALI Ocl 7 1939 l o ny Kubek New Yori< tALI Oc! 5 1957) MOS! times awetded lirSl Dase on cAlc l\ers interference game I Gao•ge Hendr~k $1 Louil tNl) Oct t5 1982 9th 1nn1ng (Others were Roge• Peckinpaugh Wasl\rngton !All Oct t5 1925 hi •nn1ng Allhur Mllheny N- 'l'OI~ (Al l Oct 6 1943 6tn 1nnong it.en Bover. St LOU•I tNH) Ocl 12 t96• ,., •nn•ng Pele Rose C1ncJnnat1 fNLI Oc1 10 1970 5th 1nn1ng) Most run1 balled tn on one u c11lice liy 2 Tom Hlfl St LOUIS INLI ICOleO W~ffl MtGM from tl\11d ano Ouie Smrth lrom HCond • ny to oante1 flalO MCO<td 1nnlf'19 Oc1 16 t982 Mo11 tovr.1\11 games rn total Wor10 Se11es 2 -Robrn Yount M1lw1u~ee tAL) Oct t2 1982 Oct 17 1982 tndMch1al PUcl\1"11 Mott wlld prlc:hea. game 2 JOhn S1uper ~I l oull fNH) Oct t3 t982 ftrea se-.en othe,..I QenAlll AKotdl Lug11t LCS-Wotld Se1111 player pool 14 SOO 467 71! SI Louis NL vs M1lw8ukM AL. 1982 Serl•• fect1 end flgur .. Facll and llQurH l1om the 19th World S e1le1 be1ween ll'le M•lw•ukee 8'ewa11 and the St LOUii Cardln11a 0 -1 AllMdanc. 53,723 Net rec:eipll $890, 158 97 Commttel<>r* a Shere I 134 72' 115 Plavet1 Poot $458 056 99 l eague and Club Sette• 11111H 578.· 342113 Qan11 2 All.,,denc;e 53.723 Net r-'pll St98. 150 97 CommtM!On«'s 1111r1 S 134. 722 65 Play1<1 Poot $-461.056 99 lNQUI and Club Serlff 1herM hO J 4,/ 113 0-.J Attendenc. 5&.&58 Net llC .. Pll 1942.744 26 Commlaelon..·a .,,.,, S 141,•25 23 Pla.,.,1 Poot '480,199 83 ~•aqua encl Club S.lea .,..,.. l lO • 133 31 ca-• Attendlnoe 66,580 Net teoefOll 19'2,836 t9 Cornml1tl0Mr·1 h111 '1'1.•2& 23 PleYef1 Poot 1480_.~6 •8 l Miue end Clvtl -• Iller*' 1 76 . t4 I 04 0-1 A11end1nce Ot,66, Net rllOefpll 1942,870 48 Comml1tioMr't llltte S t4 1,430 &7 Playet1 Poot Nona l.Hgue and Ctutl S erlH 1hu11 U00,3HH , ..... Al~ ~?7.1~4 *' racet9'• 14.U •. 762 17 Commltaioner't tllllere Mt:Z.7'2 II ,...,.,, Pool. S t.a77.7IO 27 L.eoue end Club 1«1111 .,_. 1813.· • noo3 NFLPA ALL·IT AA OAMI American :a1, Nallonal 27 le0te bf Ouarl••• NI I I IU f I 11 AI L ollO l l ll At \,... lleh1Hfl'y /h 1 .. u• f1t110 P•t t11u111 (l U~tUl 'I' t..1 N• t ••ulJlJ~ l .' ,, '" tr11111 f YAJI• I( Mun"y 9'1l,lq Af l~ f(.,. 11Wt11V "'' NI ( l (J M1i,,tlt .. o Af l.. \..,111 ldll I "1 IHUt ff 111u I utfl•f tlnw~ty ..,,1 "' '"'tl Hc\tJ<Jtt b P'4'°' ftutt llH 11fn ll M11t l;•)' """"' At t < hfltiiltt11Wt11 •11• 1• "'" ''um Uu1 n\llliull 1l,1wu1v 11.+\.hl NI 4 ftH.h11111d.aUH .. ~ "'"'' •1plHJll !llllYtlt C( Mui to~ ••\ltd Af ( t U10111rH ., t J _...,., ''""' I uHuu iluwi.e•'f li>1f. .. I Nil lf1 I """'' '" •'• A • tJ t teem S lelletlce f-•nt tJtt~Uct nu~titt1 ..-"'"b f'd$.)tlt\J " ,, ,,, S•U.• br At"IUU t«tftl°'> v ........... NFC ,., tr J .t 281 AFC " .b ., t 11 '1'} :J •'•' lit P-.mlt lumhlt.·\ •'lt . ~~ I 0 " ll-: ) 4\1 I 'J t•o1 tJlt1t•~ ;U1\h 't l1Jt J ,., f1fh" "' J'u, .. ~~)!IOfl J ,•q J":J ft lndlvldual L•"'1•t0 nu ,tt1NG ~,_ r tt .._.,,\J b th tti~vi" l 1'4 (o\.4"1dtt 4 10 « ~ffO:» j U •l•UUHI~ • ru111ut b At(., llefdllth d I I l 41,>(it-ll'"lh ~· t8 Gotine> 4 \U I Bro...,1 .' ~ h.•~•ttt .-I Ui.Ql!Jnu J 1f1111u., 8 PASSl'l (• Nf.-C f"'i.s'•' 14 ~'.' t • 1.1 H IVC>I .. l•t J~ 1 'j f A,f l. Lull111t 10 ,8 I 1ij(J l•••1Jh-'t10 4 I (I l'\ IL,111 .... "I' t I 0 20 llC<.E.tVtNU N~ C N1,r.01~ !> 'J! l I uomlJ\011 .\ 44 fl Km~a ·i J 1 HIQ\I'"' \ ,1 l ::i.puQftt.1!..; • ..i 1 t h.J\Jfr.1•• .' .·o 1 um1irn •' 14 AFC.:. (.tu1:1tt:1h'->1m "~ B u--nwttll \ 1•. I Bro~n l ~'1 Gd •wa •' J~ u JO I 17 l'idli.At ? l• MISSED t1f[U (ollA1 NI I M111r.ty 41J Canadian Football La1gu1 EASTERN OIVISIOH W L l PF PA lv•un1u 1 • 1 \~:' J7(i tfdfll Hun b O 1 J?b J 44 Othl"d 1 tO 0 ic6 .l8J MUt11•oa1 • t 1 u t~Cj 41 t WESTERN OIVISION ,, ''"' i t ~ 1 ~ ) .\ it. .l'j:i l. •'II•'• o 1 JS9 llll Eomon1. n a !>" 0 _.), ,n Br .t1sn CoiumtJ•d d 'u ·e 1 u Sas•atcnnan S • t ;•• J~9 Satutd•r 061nH Lo1QJ ', di 011a,_.- EJn-t ''tur .et w.~.,.,~f-\1 Sund•r·• Oam•• B• l·t' CO"umb -t el t-tdm 1~1 M r.1 tt t ,\f S1s.._.,.tc~dt1 College Top 20 Pio ,, II n •• '" lt. .. •• •• ·' ~f ,.. 8 t 1 llJ P 1 ~I f" j • o~O ' ''""'-'' ... ' • '.lt '-.4u!hvJ \f ~ NeL' -''' J ft 4tir.dll'!.H 8 Artl J I f.1lf 9 PttfV• ~t.tl\. 'O ··o'm ..... ,,, 1 ... , II ul.IA I•' SrJut'"•11 l.,. 11 t J Wtt\I y,, .~1n1 ' •• \SU IS NCit1•• U Hnt• fb ~·£fl• f , ... \7 F'IOt·\Jd ~l.Ut11 13 (.lef"\'ltii.Jr• 4~ ,,. ... ")> /0 O-. ldht rr • . ) ' ll ~ ,, 0 • ll 0 !> '0 IJ '•I I ii I I .; I ~1 ~ I ti • 0 1 ~ . ' ~ '0 , ,, .. ' I' I) • • r Community coll-a• THIS WEEK'S SCHEOOLE Frkl•J S-th co .. 1 Conl••anc• ., . J;~ l!•!J ... ,. S.t' O·f'OO MP.tsa .,,,_. Goleleo w~s1 ••' O'l"oJl"' C..W'\ Sol11rd•J SOI.Ith Cool Conler•nc:• '41 Sar1 Anto,·uo Mt lta<~tl .,, t;t~t;rnnnt a t C,.,, ~os MIH lon Conlerel\CW ~ .. ~., .,e..<• •• S.o O...q <- C1ttu• 411 Pa of'f"la1 1 JO p" s-""~··~I~ .. 5...,1hern Cal Con111enca R. HfJf"fdO ait lA Snvrn"'to~' I ' .,, WH1 \.OS A~elttS .ti , A Hi.11L ,, OMPIO" al lOS A1'9e•e~ cc. Metropotltan Conl•r•nc:• SanM "'10~"'.a cc al l0"1l BNC" <.. 8.i .. ~rd e•o a1 El Cilm•no l Jfl •I l A Pi&Gf' Weetetn St•t• Conletence !,anu 8.t'bd'O CC. "'' fJlf'l"IJ·•·" 'llen1u1.l &I l A V.t1le1 Non-conferenct ~-~e•so.Je c..C at M1raCt.J!Ua 1 .lO pm Ha.nc.octi. a1 M1 Sa,, Jacmto ~ p m imper ai1 Valley a1 UN Las Vegd-> JV ; ' rn San Bernaroono a1 f151 LO$ A119c1e1 All gamH et 7:30 p,m unlH• oth•rwl .. noted Superchalleng• tournament (11 Malbo<lrn•. A11otrall1) Fltot Ro11nd Slngle1 P!lllfl McNa,,.,ar• Austrtll•a1 0.,, C.:ntlJ HOODf"f tU s I 6·• -( J+mmy C.Of'flOr., J s l oet Eo.ot Te<tsc;-tU s I j t fi-1 Women·1 tournament (ttl Fltderttadt w .. t O.rmanr> Flrtl R°"nd 11"11"9 Trac, ,.u\t1n fU S t de' St.-tf Grat W"''' G~1many1 ~-• 6-0 Grend Prix tournament (at V~n_., A111trlal Flrol Round 1'"11'" r .. ,,., lJION •u S 1 ""' G•anlvc.• R1n•ldm1 llt•'t, ; 6 6 3 l S RarT'l.Hh ~f1Sr1nao t•no•aJ ,,., q ocharO Lf!¥o•5 1Greal 811laon1 I>' (I 41 8ro1n Golllrreo 1U S 1 ael Pete• f •·u• 1Au111a1ta1 6 t 6-2 Women'• teem tournamanl (•t Jottanna•"'1•11. SOI.Ith At1tce) Fin l Ao11nd B••~ Jean K1n9 (U 9 I <!of T 1nyn Harl()l(l (Soul~ Alr•ca1. 6-4 Ii 2 ·v.onn" V~1mu' ISOUlh At,.ca) Owl Suun Mu<~"" IU S I 6·t & 2 O..p Me ftlhlng AllT"I LANOINO (Newport treac:h) 44 arig•1r1 23 Dau . 114 t>on•lo 10 m1t<Ok~•"4 f .,_..,,..., OAVf'l''I lOCKEll (Newport .. ac:ll) t7 8"(119'1 23 bOnllO t3 t roet< Cod DAliA WHAM H •"!lie<• tll be" 110 bOn•to 7 cow cod 92 mec:~cw14 491> roclt cod It roclt l•ah t yenow1a11 12 ~<!. 8 KUtoon 190 w111tal1111 IEAl HACH -Ml engtera t& bOn•IO 6 c-COd 4 hf'O COd 180 mackerel. 300 rOClc eod. t50 roc:tt lteh. 13 _,., D•n 15 tculpon I AN OIEOU I HIM L1ndln1 ) 51 ltnQllfl 7 DIH 190 DonllO llCQA hnlot Amelaur (It Aedllnde COUftltJ Club) ,.,. 16 or °"'· .. __., Mftdlelltt , ..... ~. n l to K1tt>lak tv11ta Val~I Md JOM Ke<rllUl'OIOI) 73 Rid ~Mell, Jr (ht Altl tnd OICil L ytlt (San OtlOO" CCl 14 Don Crowell (MIH v ... oe CC) Incl JOhn AICllllfOIOn I~' NIQutj r..\.t 78 Ee! KOt)ltlll (Alo Hondo) Arnie Bell tHlftctell). loO Eddy (8.tllartn.tOI end 1411~ Ptollpe 1~11 lltl>lla) NHL C:AMt'I L-L CONUlllHCll lmrthe Ohlelon '""'' ...,,, •.•.•. ,1 .... lcJtlHrill•I • l\llf') \JtMH IKl•-iH 'fl l ' 0' OA I ' JI 18 I I Uf 10 : :~ I~ I 4 I lll U Hutt'• Olwl1IC)4\ I• I I.' t•I 4 I I JV .I .. ' ~ ti .. ' j i• II 4 I t 1 J~ M IHWi.W•Ul f ( toc .. wu •,1 • 1101• luhllllU lltflllfll 0~1 1111 WALU CONfllllNCI N" lal&1•1ll~•"I J.J'''1"1111lvh111 '""\Jill J••••v W4•11111(111111 to h""U"" rm~llu•uh P•lll'k Olvlolon ~ I U I V 14 •, 'J 11 JO ~'" t I I l '• ')1 I U Ill J~ JI II ,1 ll -·· I 4 I 111 Adamo Olvlohm M1111li•M• I ,. ~' 111 lht\luH \ I ,•(J I I tJot•t1,1• ~ I I .'/ J~• Uuft1th1 t I .''' l t1 H olf1111I t i Iii ,'(I Mat,d•1 • Sc.o•• t~•~"'-Jt11 ••• I ·11,1-H.h•lplutt t M hf1t• '''' '4 t '"'''' J T onlgl\I • O•n•t• V tit 1.iwt•f •t t-'4'f I U11hH'\ Uut1I••" 11 t , •• ,,, • ., NHL lead.,1 llllrouoll Sunder'• OamH f .... II 1 n .. " " .. I I 10 IO II 4 A t Ill ij lo•ttll• ~ I lJtt I, (.,1C(flh Mmth~UH,1 0 r " '° Pio ll " )/ I Sl1Ulft) fJ,Jt>IOt Mc(lo1111I ( ••IJt•; W c.ti..11ft•\f Multut l tJIN• M11olt1 • Uu>*t'f' P.Hhl .,,.,.,, Anouro,vn l \J1111.J1th·i. "4.ull• r d1t111rtlull ~o•. Klnuo W1l"Ofl '.,,,OJ• ' .. •• ~ 2 i PHRF champlonehlp (al C1brlllo Bu ehl " " •• II IJ II °' Ill ~ 1U •O • 10 11 lll (...Ii, .. ) A I M1uJ11 l(\llJ M1w 0\1f1 l itllu )VI.JIU H.1, 1 ,li(,tu njtt u1u ClulJ J 'tJnttHll'f' ft>" f\u11 U•'", ( lH1111111.w .,~ J Sui;tf• ~,~., ~.u ... , ,,\J1•1 tN1n<t1t1mn N~ YL Ch.1~.\ ts I Wtt4t.kltt'\"• A. U Ka1Jun.• ( ·•P•~lfdl•C b"''r t1 ft,. 'I Wilt>t '-'-';Ot~ Jnnn Mt-1~-..:•t'Qt'l "'"\1 lt,;r I 01 1'C.: ! VdHddl Leu F\,.ltf~,, llll t• ~1111 '' ll·("t ( lllt~trt • ' I •I ac.ttun\ V•tf Kevm li'u~o \.. 1t • u (h , t ,c, , it,,..,d~t. Buo fttU1f'lf ' • , Ht-•<'~ Vl. J 'it.u E,.~ Stf"flb 0•, ... 5h1tlf n l '"tl•-Al-Sl..-,rt v• <..1_.' 0 t St• lit O~•Ott.tiid ••s Mtti tUu~) UttOVt•d EJ.-ar..•~ Vl,. l LUU~t" Ct•at'\Qft B I • fl(t',1ln South ed.,. y ·•C-nl A•t•"'Q l. ~b W•t.tfd Aobu1 Burg l<.1n; 14!.t•O f YC Slngl1-hand1d champlon1hlp PACfP'IC COAST INTEACOLLEOIAfE (" Ml .. lon Bar) ' F4... ·, ... \,, • ~sci 1 & ou(,."-mooa" ,s,~nl(HJ I Stu ..... r J!tf"' tif"'Y 101au~e L'1atil l.01i_.t.,!'I INOI• ~ 11wld 01 40 rep1uon1ong 10 11flf'lljl"" t mi.ivtb~ "'lvt'$tt1 a lld &t1(" 11vr14J"~ 11udt '> '•' t11e ndllc.11 ..tf cn.-mp.onsthp to o.. ~d·le<J •n t dser~ as l 11i..t- M1nntln•11r.u Wis Oc1 29·31 ) Indoor 1occ., LOS ANGELES lA.ZERS ROSTER Pl•y•t 1 po• Aeetdenc• Clydfll flfl•t tr1w1111J Nt!~i,.c;;rt Be&cn R()(.kl Cr•''-' frw-... " J 011mond Bai POI• GflirL•• •f,INMIJ h e•tmmlolttf Jim e< .. 1.-tc..tw.,.1d r1;unta1n Vitllt!~ £0 MA1a1• l h,.-w.111tJ UH An;el-..s [rrot o fl•m f'I I 1 '-.1'\J Ott.;1\IO. ~Jm S•11~d1 t '"" u n '•~WrrPOtt Beacn ()c,n fc·O•' t ,, ...... tJ '""""f.JO", Be•'' C11..,9 C.,.1a nti• l'•'t• h 1 c; tf'\ta, An• 0'" n Oorttn Otol~tit1•• ltvmf' .-,lttn ""'" 1., ()tit~~' ft Segundo Cv'h' l f"etlf"' dtlf>f h·• (..(l~t .. Mes• J •d If'\~ '°' t.lPf~kJtw '4,.A; <.rt ~'11,.h ,.,,,A •'-V'f Q t' ~hr·"" ~.1Mo An,, M·"• ~4'1h0"f"" yr•'" P..Pt~• P••,•nl•a ""'"' ,~ ~_. -~ NASCA~ point IHdlrl ' 0 ,,,~o 'II 11tni J 969 ttnr1ti, •11-""' 3 932 '"''Y I .1uCJntu 3 817 l ttanr ''wt 3 5•0 ~ A1tt•att1 P''"Y 1 •66 6 Buao., Atm•ot<'' ) 369 1 o."' ... M.irr ,, I 1 305 A non Sou< t1 ••cf l t86 9 [Joi"" f·l'' "~"" ) , ...... 0 A1l •t RiucM IJ• NBA Exhlblllon Monday • l co11• t ... h ·~· hJotf•f11 1j( A1hr·t' t t n ••· 1n, ..,ttittl .. f l'I t'•. IU Tonight• O•m•• ''"" , ( t. •• ,,. ... .,. ••• ,.. t n .. tlQf " M . ..,. 1.1i..t••· ,, , '"t (4,t, f'<nh> ~ At t 0 ittl '!'. •'" M.it~U) I tl•tf' Pr>,,l VHl lt l•kett, t JU Pro bowllng PllA TQUA l•I F1lrwlew fl'e11t. Ohio) H-t•mt L-•ad•n t..uppy '""'''" 9 927 'll••e I r n• !I 687 J•ll Bw4ton11•1 II 602 Ma• ~nall HO'"''" 9 ~11 lom µ...,,_.. 9 556 Women'• voli.ybefl CO-UNITY COllaOE O••no• Coftll .,., Gllnd•'" t~ 1 1).4 ·~ " - Mond1y·11ren1ecllon• IAl!'ITU L.l Nlllonat h•k•tltaH A1eor.l•llOft BOSTON CCL TICS Cut 0•11y1 MllCNlll gu•r<I NtW YORK KNtCKS Cut M•~• N_.tn guerd, Ind Allon How11<1. IOl'Nllfd IAN DlfOO CLIPPERS , 111d hd Pocll91~t 0~11 r,n1n101r l llO 111C)l•cecl him W!lh PAlll ,,,,~OI HUNTCR Nllll'td 81" t.ainmack ""° ltonnll ~·,." 0 11mu11 CC)r111 DAIL v Pll 0 11 ruo1<Jov Oc 1obtir 19, 1982 J)p1 ~- Dall~ Piiot Stefl Photo \\ ooclhridg c· II i~h 4}B Kc·' i11 Burke• i~ lht· Uai l ~ Pilot P ie" c·r of 1 h1· \\ •·•·"-· GOLF CLUB. • • Frnm Page C1 u 1w ond Sw1ngH1t,· 111 1h 1 P""' 1 F lt·>. 0111• maxunum flex1b11t1:-.· t!-. t11fe·11 cl ,111d '' th1· ulumalc· for men and wonw11 111 .ell h.irulit·Jp!:> 1\1·1 •11 d111g lo Gtbas. 1l ha!:> dl•mnn ... 11,ile·d ''' ,1b1ltt\ tu tnc fl'<IS.' dtstanl·~:. off lht· lt-t• h) 111111e · lh.111 IO ix·u1·111 w11h <• m 1 n 1 m u m e r f u r t " h 1 I e ' h •> " 1 11 I:( m J r k L· d 1mpruvc•mt•nt.<. in ;1C<.ur.1t·\ The· s" tn~Hlll' l IUh ,, ,, 111od1•1,tl1 " flt·"h" :-.hJh whl'n LOmp.1n'\l tu p .. ,, 11 Fl1·" 0111 l'h1.., 11111 ~...most. <Aµpra1..1t.c<l U\ µru:. ..01ui 1.u,, hJ.lllllL-.1.IJ g o lft·rs II ;i h.u lwn1·l 1i... 1h11,e h.1\ 111g " f,,.,,,.r ba(k s wmg And G1h~e:. h-1·1' 11 "th1· ,h.il 1 111 1h1 tulust lhL· ;,pall'ogl' Jll!>Wl'I lo h4'llt I golf \.\1th 1 ........ l'I fut I .111tl m 11n · L'on ;,1stt·nC'\ 1\ 1111lllJ1n.11111n 1h.11 \.\ 111 1,. h a rd l o ht'<ll A111l 1f 11 1·\1" .q 1p1 11.i1 hi·' th1· 1mpr11V(·nwnl 1n pol! \'.1ult111~ 111 l1:-h 111g t lw t the flex1bll· poll•S brought, ti w ill ltr111g .1bo u1 ,, 1.1:-l reshuffling of rating;, for 111.111) n1ur"t'' Gibas s.-w s about ht' 11\1111\lllt ltoll 111 th• ,h .tfl "I laugh~·d ~11 11 th<· f11 '1 11nw I ''''' JI tht•n I W<I!-. 111v1\(·cl out tn hit .... in11· gt•lf h.dl-. Wt· did somt· markl"ltng lt•sL' and 1h1·n · ''""' .. 1111w th111g drff1·1·1•nt about 11. ··r rt'dlt.wd "1· h .1d " J"•l1 ·111 t.rl l\e t11 ln ggt·r than anvthing I h.1d bt'<.•n '"''11.1.1t1•d w11 h 11.-!1111· ,111d m v C'nlhus wo..m ha' g111w11 \\llh 1'.tt h s le·p \\e h .l\'t take n tn 11.<. d Pvrlopm1·11l .111d 111.11 kt>l111g .. That·~ the· P11v.1•1 Flt•>. .11 .unttl t 1b('t gul ( ,h,il I nu\.\ bt·ing µrutluu·d tn llun11ng111n Rl.,11 h ,111d 1h1· d ull !:>haft of the· ftllllrt' 111 'I""1·.1g e· golf Racque tball tourney T ht• Oran~w Cn ... .,t C-11l h·~1 H.wqu1•11> • .:1 Clu b will hold IL' annuJI J l,1l lim1•1•11 1ou111.mwi1t F'nd,1v through Sunda\' 1111 llH· lu llt·~c !> 13 uuLuuu t racquetball <'OurL' Reg1s1ra11on dt'.Jdluu 1, \Ve •d1w,d.1' Th1rt<'t•n c·omp<'ttltV4· bt ,u kl'l<. a11· · pl.cn~t-d (Ill' 1>w tournt•y npt•n !o.inli(l1·., 11w11'!-. A. 0 .ind (. ...c•nwr .111d nov1c·(• tlouhl<'!.. wonwn·., A. B .111d t' 1111\'tlC' doubles: and m1Xt"tl A . A .ind (.' cl11uhl1•;, Entry fop t~ S 12 flO f111 '"'~It•!-. pla:-·pr' and $2~ for doubles tL•am:. All parllt'tpant;. will 1 t•t'l'l\'t• T shtrlio . .ind trophies will tx• aw;irch•d ltl (11.,l. 'l~ •md. tl11rcl .111d c·onsolatson hn1!-.hL•ri. 1n t'Ul'h d1v1,11111 F o r mnr<' informa1111n. ph111w foi-14 44!J:? 0r H2H·21 Ot CIF footba ll CIF lfQ FIVE CONl'EllENCE Poe. T11m A.cord I S e1v1111 3 I 2 loyofa 6-0 3 LB Poly 3 0 1 4 S t Paul 5 t !> C1esp1 6 O 7 Collon • t 8 Mlll11!an 4 t II Alemany 6 0 10, ldfaon 3-t -I Ct, IOUTHl!llN CONf'lAI NCI! Poe. TNm AKOfd 1 Foothill e o 2 E1pe11ni1 6-0 3 ·lDI Altos 6 0 4 t i MOc:lene 6-0 rankings ... HH W1l\on 6 1.yn,..e>n<t 1 M ~\•On V•!'tO 8 S•nll Ane 9 Ce1>•1t1«1no V11lley 10 S ante Ane Valley Cll' CENTllAL CONFIAEHCE ~ I 4. I I 4 I I 4 2 3 2 t .... Poe Te1m Aac:otd 1 S 11ddle>b1ci. 6-0 2 Fu11ert0t1 6-0 3 R•ncllO Al•mrtn• 6-0 • t a Habr1 4,, S Et foro 4-2 6 Anaheim 4-~ 7 San111go O~ 8 Wettern 4-2 II Bois& Grend11 4·2 10 Sunny Hlll1 2·3 Mesa gets forfeit • WID By vlr tu1• or Suntingo ll1gh's u se o! on inehglble play<'r. Cos«i Mesa Hi~h·j( Mustang~ hove picked up a forfeit victory m footl>all, raising their overall ret'Ord to 3-3. • Santiago had w on n 1--l· 12 non-league vit•tory tn September Santiago was Cort'ed to fortcil thrt'<' other v 1ctMies (Ov('r B •ll(Jowrr. Pioneer ond Garden Orov(' l..c.'ORU<' f<>f' Oardt'n Grove) and a non-league o.o tit' with Magnolia. K vin Burke: Pas ing fancy I It lt.J ... 111·1 II •• v. I •lj.(lllj.( I fit) y,,, 11 .... e uam1 tl.11111glt 1111' .111 .1111f "·" tlllltplt'lt·tf ~1·1 :!p1·1tt •t1l11f 111 ... II""'''• lilll 1."1 Wt•t •k ·, pt•1 l111111.111l ,. J~•JIW•I I >.111.1 I fill:-; Ill •• :i7 llt Vll"tw v lllJI' ll li11 W1Mx.ll111dg<· ll1~h':-; Kl'Vl11 lh11k1" whu 1i.. lht• l>JllV l'tl111', l'f.1yn •Jf <h•· W i'1·!.. '1'111· Ii I, 111!1 1111w1d w111111 d1t'kt•tl w1 I Ii 11! "I. I pOi!o.M•!o. I 111 :! II) v.11 t !-. a11d I Wit tuud1dnw111>. <Hid hi. hi' n111d1, < :1·111• N11JI ""II"'"''· "~:v1·1 y111u1111rile·l1t1M w .. ,.. " I>'-"' th.II .. h11uld lih V•' h tTll lilU~hl 11111 w.1:-. d 1·upp• ·d " A 111:111 li.111111•1. H ui kt· h." lx•1•11 th• lw;u l 111 tilt-W.11111>1 ,' 1111 1 ·11~ "'" <' W1>1.1dh1 ulg•· ffl'l<h·d ,, v,11,11v lt'.1111 A'., JW\1111 h1· .,1.1rt•·d Ii lo(·'""" (ht· w:1!:> l1l11 \~:"t11i .II\ lllJlll V cft1tlllj.( 1111• e .. 11 ly p111 t11111 ul tht• v1·;11 I ;ind <rn11pl1 tt ti 1-1 111 !IH 1111 liOl1 y.inb .rnd ti t11llt lsd11w 11' Tiu' v• .. 11 111 l"·g,111 1,, hllltn~ 10 11f Ill for 10~ \,1reh 111 ,, 17 '.! v 111 111 y 11 \'1·1 t 1os,l11\.\ll 11v.tl ll111ve·r"t' 1111·11 hit II o f I • lw 99 VJrdi. ag.Hn1>1 It \'llH A :!:!H \,1rd 1-lfurt (if111f ~V) w,,, n1 ·xl Jga111:.1 t >r~111ge· 111 ,, :!.I .I e 1111q1w ;.l , 1lwn Bur k1· waio. I:! ro r 'l.fl for I :11 y;,,-d, .1ga1n.,t S.tn Clt•niull1• Ag .1111'1 l'.1p1s11 .1110 \'allt·y. wtth thl· runninf( g.mw 1 0111pl1·1t·lv '>hut d11wn hl· ;.ltll m ;11:agt·tl 111 • 11111pl1·1 .. 10 111 :!:1 1111 ~l:! ya1 tb ;.111tl o louc·hd11"11 II" l.1vo11l1· 1t'("t •1v1•1 ha:. b1·1·11 8111 Ru-.;,t'fl. "hv 11.,, taught ;1f1 fJJ!-.W., lot ll:IU y .trd:. but that e 0111lm1.Jt1011 <tJlf>t«11·, 111 IK· br11kt·n up tx-<.·ausi· of .i 1>111k1·11 h·g :-;uff•·11·t.I liv Hu'-sl ·ll las t wt·<'k I !is s ix g.11111· lt1l<.t l!-. ,how 1:1 I :lll!'mpt:-., 71 1 rn11pll'l11111.., 111 111lt•H't•pt11m!-./ fw llOO VJ!<b and I) Tlh Other players of the week Juhn On~tott, Corona dl.'I M ar 1\ .!00 pound 1>t•Jl1111 .rnd ,, lWCl·\.\<t' :.Wrl<.'r <it dl {1•11!-.IVl 1·ml .Jlld tight 1·11cl. On_.,toll wc1:. credited \\ 11h '" un"'>'-1'.>lt·tl .;nu four .1~1-;1t·d w ckll·1>. in .1Jtl1111111 lP g1 .. t1mg 11ut Vl'I \ h1ghh Ill ht!:> o ffoll!>I\{' 1Jhx·k111g David Colb~. Costa l\ksa Thi-. 11i·1 fJl llllld :-.t 111111 lt111l1.1Lkt1 '.>lal11m l-<l un tlt1 11~111 m "d" o f ML·~·" dt·ft n!>l "H!> 1n 11n '>IX lcH k it•!> :.mt.I two ,,.,.,,..,ts. 1111 lud1ng a "><i<:k Miki.' l\kLain, El Toro A d1·ft'n'i1\1· hitl'k. !\11 L,1u1 ht.1rl 1·1gh t una~tl>l<.'<i and ft\ l' a•h1slt•d tat kit·:-. 111l1·1c.1·µlt'd J t.>•'"-'· c.<iU::.<.·J .i fl'.lrnbh• anti h;1J t\\ 11 qu.irtt rb.Jt'k s;.1t k.., Don Gibbs, Edison /\ li-4, IY!J -p11L1t1d '1•11101 Wh1J h..1i. <ii.so playl.J qu.:11 H·rback lur tlw ('h,1rgt·r .... h•· l'aught five passes fo r 58 \\flrd:-. 1n Ed1!.011·i. 'l.:\ 7 v1t·tur:-1Jv1•r Marina. m .. ddi tum 10 hts bl1 1t·ksng A:-.r 4uarll-rbal'k he has cm11pl1·tl·d :.!I of ·11 l11r :!ti.1 ... 1rdo.. .and I Tl> dunng t I It' !>l .. "" " Seott Davh. Estanc·ia Ill·" 1•n1 to tlit ,111 11111' I:! t1m.-s but n m1plt·tr·d 7 for 120 v.1rd:-.111d J t11ud1do wn. tn add11mn IO bc·inJI ac·d1it'll Wt th fo lll Ull<J ....... l!:>ll'<.I .ind SIX as!.t:.lt'd t.1l·kh-.., J' .i l orrwr b«1 k--rm ckfrn.,.. (0 1 th<' E.1glt·s . v.ho.s\H·pl pc1,.1 L'n t\'r•f""t" '.!i 0 :colt Garrell. Fountain \'alle~ For tht 't't.Ontl .. 11 ,11gh1 "1·1 k tlw 195-puund 'l'nw r fullbat k ''ho ,1\'t !<1,l(t J 7 !) yanh on T!? tarnl"-. a lon){ wnh ht' t·flt'\ 11\'l' bl1.11..ktng. k·d tht· B .. 1111" 11ilc-n,e· tht' 111111 " 17 14 v1l lt1f\ 11v't l lunt1ng11111 Ao. .1t h tn the S un.,t t L1·uguL· o ix•m ·1 E riC' La" ton , ll untinglon Beat•h J\ JUnto r , L,I\\ ton e uns pit ·tt ·d lJ o l 17 fo1 I !-Iii \,e11b .ind :.! TD.., ag.111hl Fount.1111 \'allc·~ lli:- s1'(1so11 111t,eb al qu,1rt<'rb.el k nfll'l.l 5:! l"CH1lpll•t1ons "' Y'.! ullt•111p1:-; \.\ 11h JUst 11m· 11\l<'rc"t·pt>on. rwtlmg H:!:! \,tnl., .ind 7 '('))..., 111··:-. .d;,o k1l'kt11g PA1\ now, ht' t\\'11 1.1,t \\"1·Pk g1vmg t11111 lo ur .,tr;.11gh1 Rick Grecco. l r\'inr A ti I. :.!:W fJl•Ltnd -.<·1111>1 two w ,I\ l<.lt'kk. 1lw \ 1.14t1t·rn.;; Wl'lll tn lw. du t '\ llun nn 1lw1r runmng µI.iv, fo r •·1ms1i-;11•nt V<trdagt· .• mcl dS u dl•ft'nd<'r, he w ,1-. l'l'l·d11t•d with Ill unass,...ll•d and twn ass1stL'<i t:wklt•s 111 1h1• V.14!; '.!4 l l St><t \'1"w Ll•agu"' victory o\.'l'I Nt·wix1r1 Harbo r "kk Hernande1, Laguna Beach t\ n11M•gu.1rd, I l<'11Lmdl'7 had th rt'l' '><ll k.' a nd 101.;1lly dt'fC':.tll'd hts uppom ·nt (80111t.:1'5 l't•ntt•r). m adchtton to rt'<.'C>VC'nng ... fumhlt· Bnnr~1 faslKI to m.1k1· ,my «n11un1a blc· y;:ird,1g1• 1hmugh Laguna S.•,u:h ·o; inwr111r lc'fl b' I lt·rn,tndl•7 Jim McLaughlin, Marina A 185 pound ::,l'ninr dl'rl•fl::.l\'t• l'nd \\'1th all- lt«1gu<· u·ro1'ntt,1ls ii~ .i ;un10r. l\kLaughlrn had £our unassts lrd and ft\'<• .1s.'\1s1t'CI tat'klf'::., along wtth a sack agamst Edison Fut lht· st•a sorl (f 1vt.' game) he has 29 tackles. '.!ti clS l!:>lS. :1 !:>.cCks. l'~IU:,t'<.l 2 fumbif'S and n"<·ovc•rC'd ,1 fumble• Richard Aguir re. Mater Oel Agu1rrl' h ad h1::. bt•s t g.lllh' •Jf the· yt·~r. 1:1t·l·ordmg ll) his t'•lat•h. W <c1ym· t'0t•hrun. be<.•ause of his aggrt•sstV<' runn111g n t llltlbat•k The 160-pounci Sl'ntor rush<'cl for 111 y.1rcb on JUs t nme carries ( l'l. :l avt>ragC') and '>t'tJtt•d on runs of ti9 and 4~ yards Long Truong. Newport Harbor A I H -pound ;un1C1r t'Ornt•rbaL·k . Truong had (1v1• tm1t·hdown '>:l\'tng rnt·klt•s 111 lhl' first halt .tlo1w .• mt.I hrukt• up a pair of pass a ttempts. Hl,·~ ·al~ tht• Sailor:.' backup wslb:wk and punt rt•turn1•r; <.:had Pariseau, Ocean Vie" The 190-pound w mor qu.irtC'rbat•k t'Ompleted $ of 9 pass allt'mpts (no tnll'1 n•p11ons) for GI yart.li and a TD, in add1tmn 10 nt'llmg '14 yards on 14 rnrnes m thl" Sl'ahawks' 21 -7 S unsl'I Lcagu~ vict o ry over W t's tmtnc;\C'r He· also scored 4 luuchdown with a i5-yurd dllsh Rod Pe ak, Saddlehack He• c·omplt•tl'<i 9 of 12 pns..'ll'!l for 11 :~ yards e n" 2 T~. ran 12 yards on 6 carrws and kic.'k<"d 5 PAT~ m the Roadrunne rs ' 35 13 Sl'll Vil"w LC'ague wtl'I over Costu Mt-sa. I le nuw hns 9 T D p::isst>s for the season with ju!lt two lnwrt-epuo ns. Chrlll Carranza, UolvenUy The 170-pound l!CntOr ltm•backcr Wiili c:rf.'CJ!ted with 10 unai;si!lt<'d tmd 6 11. ststl'd Wt:kl~. an obvious leader In th<' Trojons' d<>fl'n~· Tim ValeHuela, We1tmln1ter A 1 ~7-pound junior. h<' <.'¥Ul(ht 7 ~~ for 118 yards. glvtng him 2~ r ~plloru fur 376 yards on the S<'8SOn (1 rt 0 ynrd.~ p(lr ct1tc h) . • ('.t 011\ngu <.iou11 DAil V PILO l/Tuo1day, Outober 19, Mazatlan race shaping up 8 y ALMON LOCKA BEV Oelty ........ tlftt Wtl ... Lo8 Angldt.<!i Yut:ht t'lub'~ I :tth h1l'11n111I r110· to MliUllltm , Sinnloa, Mt»<k o IN 11h11µi11M up 111tu hui1t tor.boat dolib mu• with lit•V('fl S un tu C1 Ul ~011 making up tht: ru11tt•r of <.:lnss A Thl• only v tht'r Class A t>nu·y lic Harry Molo:sht'O's 6U foot l>nftt.•r Tht•re ur~ 22 yucht& 1•11tt•rtod 111 tJw 1•111't·, rJw lowc...-st t1i11<.'<.' tht• first ra<.'\.• 21 YL'IH'!I ugo wtw11 111m• ~ls turn1x t out for thl· l.OOO·m•h• hdt• d uwn tht• Baja CahCor11rn ('011:st und unu1111 tlw Gulf l)f Cnlifornla. The scVl.'rl Suntu Cruz-50s hua1 µnnnplt:d d<'slgn('r 81 II Ll't' to put up a lipt'\'lll I trnµh y fur the winner o r th1: rtlt.'\·-within-u ral'•' C luss B w ill s ht>Wl'USt' two o f rlw nt.•wt•st d es i g n s t u t.> 11 t L' r t ht• U L DB ( u I t r u II g h l. displac-emcnt boat) fie ld u pair or Olson-40s (lng sister.> lo Georg<' Olson's popular Olson-30) and a Santa C ruz-40 from thl• dl>s1g11 board o f l....t't' C lass C and D racer.. will bt.o seriously pursuing corrected time h on or s with designs by De nnis Choate. Doug Pc t<.'rson and N c lson -Mar1•k al thl· forefront. The race ts opt.•n to yac ht.' w ith lntemalwnal Offshore Rule (lOR) raungs of no ll'SS than 20 5 feet. Handicaps wtll be calculated on an adjust<.'d distance o r 750 m1lc'S. The C.ll'lual d1stanCl' IS 999 nautical milt>s and will takt• s ix or M'Vt.'11 days to comple te. In add1t1on lO rulf11l1ng off~hon· saf1•ty equipme nt r equ1rl'ments and unde rgoing .in inspection. e aL·h boat mus t co.1rry a nunimum crl·w of six. The M exican race w as m a ugurawd 2 1 y1·ars ago by the late Clark S w eet o f Newport Bead1 whu was a member of LA Y C. · It is the oldest rcgul<irly S(•hc.oduled l'Jl'I' to thl' mainland of M<»liro. Boat show set for Long Beach NlllC NOllCf ,.cmnou1 itU•IMIH N.Allrttl If A 'flMlN~ 11 .. IOIW11111111 IJllf .. 101 ••• 1C11tuy u...ir-a• MA 8 IL A 11lM0 U I i ( II •, NI Wl'OA t MLSA 10114 Atr·•"t .\119!"'8, Cuti• Me .. I.A 11/lnll Mll.h••l J lliCl•OI• ~ TQ I U.ylltlor• Or N•wr:><HI U.t11.h (,A 92MJ Cl•lte I. Nu.nol• / fU I BeylhUI • l)r ll""'""' I Ue"' It C..A 92663 Thia buSln.h •• 1 tHU)u~le<I l•Y ~" l11cJIVldull <.hille N11.f1ul• 1!>11 •t•tao\ltllt ., .. tllel.1 with "'" Ct>u11ty C..lur~ ol tH u11011 r.1 .. 111ty "" ()c.t , 1118/ 11"1ot 1J11hllal111<I Orono" <.nu" lh11IJ' IJllOI, 01.1 12 19 2CJ Nov l 1118? U18 11:1 PU8llC HOTICC FICTITIOUS IUllNEH NAME STATEMENT (lie lollowing ptJ1&0n• 111t1 ll1Jlll0 husmtt1J8 aa l'UBUC NOTICf 1(01 ... JIC flf IO\ll _, ....... "IAlrll ITAfH•Wf "'" ro11<1w1no ,,.., ....., •• , • •JOU>O i...110 ... •aa WATC lt(JAlt I 10 O t O C..arr11Ju• Duv• '>Ull• t, Nawport &e<M.h c. u;.oCM;O flevelly 111111 l~eelly ~Id (je11er et Par tne; 4V40 Cart1pu1 0.1 .. !lu1t• C.. 11-l>O't tJeM.11 C• 0:1600 lflle buall,.N II (.()Oduc;ted t;y • ftnlllt•<l 1111111-e111p htt•.,fy llllle fl4t•ll)" I Ul • l.•hfutOI• ltfltlfMI P••lfleltllllP C;•n•r•l Pa111111 ol Wet0<yat•. I Ill By Stout 'lhatoy lh<. • Californtt c;o• 00< 11t00 Ge11ere1 p.,,,. .. , 01 Uvv411ty 11111, H11 .. 11y Ltd Uy No1m•n II Nllfllf<IW 1111 l •ec:utrvt1 VICA PrHldo11t rti11 "•tomtnt wn l•llld w1rn tri• l.uu11ty Chit~ c.I Or<1ng11 C<ll•lllY on !>t1111t1n11101 I'; 19112 F117441 1Ju1.111•11ttO CJr •noe <,r,nt Oa1ly Pilot ~111 4'8 Ocl '., ll 19 IQ8:t 429 t 8:t Only 5,:um fuui-.,Jao wt·d up for Moruluy ui~h t '~ FLl'A A ll -~tar ~1u11 1· a l tht• ColiM·tuu. DESIGN lJV UL!;U.u JIJIJ/ &un JU<1Qu•n Hilla H<iad Nuw11<>n U<11A< h C1>llfor111e 9lGtiO H<1•vey No1rn;111 Moyn111utl ... 10 Par~ "'"WPOrt No J 10 Nl!wpo11 Boocn C11hlu•11111 97tib0 Stuve,,, tr111t 14 Mmu,. t n11I lrv111t1 (,•llfurtll~ (127 t~ PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllNEH NAM! ITATEMENT A love affair • Ill Milwaukee To wn a ud l t"c.un 111·t~ l n H• From AP dis pat(·hcs All 11f .1 suddl'll, al ll•r .Jll tlto:-.i \'"" '· tlll' l'11 y uf Milwa11k1•1• fl•ll 1n IVVl' oga111 l.>l•t•ply, h1•pl'll'S.'lly uml p(:rh<IJ>-. 1·v1•1 last111~ly 111 l<lVl' wttlt thl·tr Hn·wers basi•ball dub. It w:1;, ..i lov1• at I air .1s :.1111ll'lltrll'S (l(.'\'lll'~ tn 111c!ltt·r s ot till' fll'al'l th:.t h..td had to wait l11tlil its ttml' Ttw c1t1z1·ni. of l h1s lwnrt l;111rl nly h.od sufft·n·d gni·vou..,ly Thl•\' had bt"l'll Jillt.'ll u11w bl.'llll 1 . by .1 l.tlloui. u1urtl'~111 t•allt'<I tltl• BraVl'S, .tnd th•· \A.:11111111g up lo a new lt1Vl'I w,,.., ,1 'low. I dUlHIUl> Jll IK"I''-'> IT BLOOMED 111 lull tl1h -.u1111m 1 <1:. 1111· Bre wers lhL'>t'bull'-. \'t•1-.11111 of t lw W jtlt1,m. PtllllC NOTICE Mt.IC NOTICC FtCTITIOUI BUSINESS FICTITIOUS IUSIHE88 NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT lt11t follow1hll P"''><l"• <r6 duonu 1 h6 ronov.11111 ""'son~ ""' 1fottllj b11s111en "' bus1ne» dS (l((.,ANI I OAC.HE&TRA!. NfW HORll ONS 1600 OuvO! 1 IJ [ V.il6 t noe> hvmu t A !!21 U SHOOll. Suite ?I~ N"Nl>Oll B .. J~h C.11ry Jot.11 t "-" ;.':1!>16 (;.Q1ul CA 91660 ?•!18 Mt>••Oll V•l•IO <.A 11<'Gll t TIU~ hu"tto•S .. Lut1d1Jt.fl'(J hy 8 U .. lltlr .al J,Jdf hU:tt sruu II N M;ty01rhofl Tru' 'tulmnttrtl Wlt~ ftl~d with thtt l..O.mty l.fttrk ol ()rK11ytt <.0t111ry on ()( IOhllt I IYBl' F18'7•1 Pul1IU•ht!O Or 811Qll Codi! D11ly l'llnt 01.1 5 12 19 76 1982 4385·82 Health Sy~tomt ll•ll'lnflllOMlll JOl1fl 0 se~sum n J w VblO ------------lilt u No•&du to1po1e11011 1600 i ooµ 1rv1nl! CA 927 i• PUBLIC NOTICC Dove Stroot !:.u•io 2 t!> Newport Tn1s 1Ju~1flOlS• •~ '""cJu(.ltt<I by" ------------Bouc:r1 CA 916GO ... ~8 O~IA •ti Cjllllt!tdl IJIOllltt!l>hlP FICTITIOUS BUSINESS lncO• IJOldll011 b/29/8 I G111 y J T 11511 NAME STATEMENT This ousrner.b 111 c:onductod Uy o flub >ldtllftUlllt wd• l•lttcJ w1t11 the 1 "" 1u11ow111g person •s rJrunu torpo1b11on <,c>u11ty <.lt<r~ ut OldflQO C:.01;11!/ on buw"'"" 11s ~~eallll Sy"om~ l>«PI :>• 1982 SONYA 5 DAl:SSMA KING & l11l1i1tlllllOnll, 1111 F 191240 A L I E R A I I 0 N A N 0 0 R Y Clltl1yl 0 Gort1011 1-'ubl,.llf•d Or dr!Qt• (,oa~t Oa11y CLE ANING. 1A87 Per It Avonutl V"" Preslt1&1H P•lol s11pt l8 Oc:t ~ 12 19, 1982 Costa Mesa Cohlorn18 92627 I l'le IOll0"'111'1 IJtlt llOl\I 81e dOtng 1)11elrn1H 89 TOT AL HEAL Iii & Bf AU TY IQ It E Center "102 Anaheom CA 92805 Jo;<.• A 01941.on 5515 Riv"' Newpoit Buch CA 92883 Janell P111ar1111a 1401 LuttnOI Santa Ana CA 92705 Konttan11r1 Sperkunl t26 I Oce11n r10111 u1ouna deecri CA 92651 T1111 1Ju1meH r~ conducted by a uenaral p1111110tsh1p Joyce A GteoliOn Th•• 1101emen1 .. as 111.,0 with me Coumy Clerk of Or•noe County on Sept 24 1982 F1"23t PubltShllll Or &11ge Coul Dally Pilot Sept ~8. Oc:t 5, 12. 19, 1982 A?'l&; D? Tiii• ~111tum11111 wa• t11e11 with 1lit1 4258-82 Sun a Ktrum11 I 7642 Webster. Cou11ty CllJ1 i< of Orn11gu C..ounty on Irvine Ca111or111a 927 14 PUBLIC NOTICE Sept 24 t9!12 PUBLIC NOTIC[ fhl~ bus1nes~ •~ conducted tly a11 ------------ F 191244 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS l!idrvidusl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Publlshtld Oro11ge l..01t•I Doily NAME STATEMENT Sun11 Ktt.,mtt NAME STATEMENT P1lo1 Sepl 28 OCI !> 12 19 1982 l 11u I01i(1w1nu P•H SOI• IS 1J(J11•11 r111s Slatem&111 WbS 1111,d Wiiii 11'111 Thti IOll<>w1flQ persons are do1n9 4'!1~ 82 1Jusuit1~~ "~ Counly C101~ ol Ora1111" Coullly 011 ousine'~ os ------------Fl AMIN(>U lbn Wtisl !ltn OtlOOOr t, 1982 l v L CO M P~NY fYOlb8 PUBLIC NOTICE 511l-.JI 51111lu All.; !17103 FlM731 ltnduj .i Ca l1 lurn1 a oenllral A If a Publ1~hell OtdllQ& l..OOSI Dally partn&r•IHp P<>~t Olhce Bo. 8040 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS <IU o Ar..o•ts ~.,o i We•I f>tfl Pl<> 0 • 12 19 26 1982 NA ME STATEMENT S!ri;t;I Snritu AriR Cal1lu"lt" !ll70J 1 1 Ct ' · . Newport Beach (.A 92660 fStreet Tl 1 II d f111,, Du""''"'" '''"OLJCltlll Uy dn 1 __________ 43_3_1_8_2 Alldross 4463 B11tt11 bus•~~s~ a~"'""9 pt1rsons IS '"" J '"""'cJ~~ " A PU8LIC NOTICE L1no~8111:i:" N,~PROI ~ B:~~~n i 1 s A' N I LA v REN 1 n 'v r 0 " cn>(d GAUC HE j13'3 Bnstol 51,.,"1 Tlt>s >l~tltlmt;<rtt "''" '''"" wtlh the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 92660 (, . M (,A 92626 C.oortly Cler~ r.I fl•dt1Qt1 Cuunfy 011 HAM£ STATtMENT f2J Reeo Bauman 633 Looo Pk ost~ar1:,~ lnter n.iuondill "'' .. 01.1 t 198;{ 1 ht! loHow•no per•uu IS OC.1no Or Nt1wporl Bei1Ch CA The world's largest indoor all-sailboat marchL'<i 111L'XoriJbly to 1.1..1rd tht·1r fu-.t Wwld !-w11t·~ exhibition -the 14th an nua l Long Beac h As thl'y L'ltm·ht.J l~H: Anwrn·;111 Lt•,ogut pt•1Hl.1111 on F191737 bu,iness as C3i Rof Douma11 1011&0 C.ihlo•n•.i co•poratoOf• J33J B11t1<1t Publt" t•ll Ur ,,,11., (. uosl OHtly OEXCO •:IJ ( C.olumointi Wolsrure Btvo LOS Angeles (,A St Costa Mesa. CA 92676 Pilot 0 , 1 ' I? •<, lb •!11!2 Santa An<> C.ahlorn•IO 92707 90024 Inte rnatio n al Boat S ho w 1s sch eduled to open a cool, doudy Sunday JI tt rmxm m M ilw<1ukr 'l'. ;1 Friday at the Long Beach Convcnuon Ct'nter for a cacophony uf l·ar horn.'>. wh1:.tll'' .tnd hum .. 11 w:irls fh1s bus111e~s •s conducH•cJ l>y a 4376.82 EARL OEXTEA 6011 598~flore 14/ Larry Sm11n P 0 BO• SO•O t•us1ness. fluSt Drive Ne ... port Beach Cahlor O•B N6NPor1 Beac:h CA 9'1660 Sa/IOU• lr•ll'lhut1on<1lc "'" PUBLIC NOTICE 92663 1 ~I J Mercer 4 • 4 0 V c." 10-day run through Oct 31 !1lll'CI th<.· a ir Ill .i htldrrr· mating g1·,tu11· H o urs are. opening d ay. 6 -10 pm . Saturdays. Tht' town •• ml th1 h ·am wt•n • 111u• l'11ellh<.h lms t>usiness •S con<1u1;teo by an Kirma11 N-l>Ofl Beacn CA P1e!.ooe111 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS rttdlvldual 161 Ken Ald11c;h 2120 Vltlsnue lfot> ~t.lten"ent w.a• ''""' w11t1 ""' NAME STATEMEN1' Earl Oexter Sdl\18 Monica CA 11 a.m . to 10 p .m .• S undays. 11 am to 7 pm "This il> lh1· m•alt•:-1 t•X~·m·lll\' l'vo· 1·(1{'1" h ;1d ;1-; weekdays. 2-10 p.m far a)> any 1l'1.1l111n:.l11µ With f.,11-." ptH hc·r !>011 C:ounty c;.,.,,. Of O•~•·<i• l.ounty .,,, lh" 1011ow1nQ person IS 0011111 ln1s statement was ltl"d wtlh thf' l71 c ( Smith 4911 Httml<>C ... 0'1 t!> 1Y82 bus•ne"s 1n 1rv1ne CA F1997oM 1 HE r HOLIC 8896 WarnrH County C•er~ 01 Orange County on 8 R N Tr •274 c ;. Publt>ht!O Ordll\j" t:.o."1 0"1ly rou111am V4ll&y O<.tol>O• I '982 F1M7341 D11v~ ~ac•••t Pal~=~~~s CA a , Boats will ran~e up to the luxurious 55-foot Sutto n sc.11d "Tlw rPc 1·plw11 <'I tn1• f.11b ll> Bruce Far. Total sail craft o n dis play will numbt-r unb<.·hl•vablc·" 400 . They'U be s upported by 300 accessory booths A longtum• Lus l\11gt'11·-. Du<li,:1 ·1 .111tl th1·11 a containing everything from el('('tronics to a nc hors Houston A~tl'fl. Sutt1m w,11-,1 .Johrrnv n.,111'l'·l:11t•ly P1101 Oct 19 lb Nuv i 9 1082 t,<tyron L-* Moller ~.?0 1 Ou~ota PulJlt~hed Orong~ Coast Daily 191 J C Brace 10960 W1lsnire 45?6 82 C..osto Mt••.J C.Jhforn•a 92626 Pilot O~t ~ 12 19. 26 l!l8? Blvo Lo~ Ar•geles CA 90024 ------------Th1• tius1n&•S is co11lluc1ed by d,, 4377 82 lh1s tiu11nen rs conducreo b) a PUBLIC NOTICE 1no1v1llu~I ____________ 1Qener.il pannersh•P and windlasses amun g Uw Hrt·w1·1-. Yl"I, tlw ;udc•r. ol tlw f.11)., The Long Beach show will serve to mtrod.uct> 0 l•ngulft'(J tum m <.1 ~k1nd111~ 11v.1t1w1 ...... lw :.ill·nt1·d ------------1 Myra" M111111 DtlDI IC NOTICE R~ Baumal\ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Tilt!> suwim1H1I wa> hl"cJ woln the 'UUl. Managing General Patlr>!'r NAME STATEMENT C..uwlly Cler~ or 0 16H1Jtl County on Th1t sratemenr was filed w1111 tne large vetrie ty o f new craft to th(' public. in t his 1'. th~· Angl·ls 111 ~;m11· thrl't' of thf· A111t·1 1t·<.1n L l-.rgut· category are s u ch large boats as the Franmgton-5;l~ plavoffs lh1> 1011ow1n11 oerso11~ 11rn on1ng Sep111mbv• /4 1982 F1982!>1 FICTITIOUS 8U8tNESS County Clerk or Orange County on bUSl'1'!~S as Puuh~IHlQ Ot an911 CnaSI Daily NAME STATEMENT OGI 15 1982 • FIRST WORLD TRAVEL OF Pilol Sept l8 O<I 5 12 1!1 1982 The tollow1110 parson 1& doir1g F1997!>1 Tatoosh-50, Bcneteau-4 2 . Olson -42. Santa Cruz • ..fo. Two gL1 11\l'" l,.11,·1. \\1th rfw lu1gw•':. fl<tg 111 Pet.erson-46, Tolleycraft-40 and the Panda-40. hand. ri mo~1.rcad1 11f wa~or1 11 a111 1,rnµurt111ns NEWPOAl CENl EA 202 Nuwporl 4Q:. t-82 business es PllbhS!it!<l Or u11oe Coast Dairy Cenle• 011-.• "'""'l•tJ•I Bedtl• CA KAAU CLAV 1en NewpOfl Piiot Oct 19, 2b NO' 2 9 1982 The show will have a complNe seminar seriL.os. s lrl'll'hl·d Jlw1g W1sn1ns111 Avl.'llUl' D runk<·n . leading off Friday night a t 7 :30 with adv<'nlurer dehnoul> fan .. hunK out l-.tr w111d1JV..., ,rncl '>houtc·d 92660 PUBLIC NOTICE Blvd Sui1e 263 C.om MMa. Ca 4577-82 Pii(lltlU A1s~ amµ I•!> Via 92627 Waz1ers Newport Boacn CA 92663 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Karen Natalie Mercus, 275 E Bill Dunlop who recently sailed a nine-foot bocit Others uan(.'(.•d down tlw '>tf'C·•·t. ,ind tlw 1,1\'t•1 ns across the Atlantic. were hllt•<l to bur-.ung w11h f d1·hr;in1 .... POOUC NOTICE Ingemar J o hi1n sso n , form er w orld heavy weight boxing c hampion . will be o n hand a t the Swedis h -Danish exh1b1t the fu-st two davs of the show. J o h ansson. who won the· heavyw eight cr oWI\ by knockrng out Floyd Pa tterson in three rounds, is a big sports (avonte Mtc:hael Wa l1e 1 t 15 Via NAME STATEMENT 18th Sr CoSta Mose Ca 92627 WiUrtl•S Newpofl Seatrl CA 9:?663 In., rotto"'•no LJtlrson •5 do•no Thia busintiss is conducted by an FICTITIOUS BUSINESS "THE~E ARE n;ol\"t• l'l>Ullll v IJo\'"" >;;Jld •int: Hus bu~1neb IS conducted b) 1 t>u,•n<'s~ oil individulll NAME STATEMENT s;1loon patro n .111d 11bv111u" On·w1:r, f.1.n, •·xpla111111g 0"'"trdl 1)11f111er1111p 14 HOUR MA\-~INl SERVICE Karen Natalie M11cus The lot1ow100 pe•son Is do1r>g Par•oc•d Ryskdmp 1 ~ ri St , ,. r,, "Q•· n. ·'"O" tn1s starem~f was ltlec! w•th tne buJirt~S6 u the• team's Ml('( l ">S "1'h1·v· n · loo du111u tr1 111~· " tn., st.itemen1 wu "'~ "'''h tne 1.o11110.,1 J ~. ll\ll County Cteri.. of Orang" Coonty on p A AL o A MA 1 D s 2 2 3 8 This blind f:uth llm. UllJt.iUILl•r..tlf•t.1 !Ill.'(' wa.-. COUlllf Cle•• or 0••110• County on JOOy V·~tor•d U•tlt!M if..:. t Sept 24 t982 Conttnentet Ave Costa Mesa CA not alwa.vs pres.mt Thl• stor.\ bt.>g1ni. 111 l!J:'i:I, when Sept 24 t982 F1191U Duquesne 11•·~1"1111•1'"' c.;~i.rornia Fl9IDZS. 92827 Put>hsf'ea Orang,. Coal! Dally 92683 Pub11Shed Orange Coast ally M 1 ,, • K, au 5 er 1 2 2 3 e the Na tm 11al LA·agut• Bl JVl"S moved r rom Bo:. tun lo Pilot Sept 28 Ocl ~ l2 t9 1982 ThtS bU\tl>I.'>• > (•ndti< 1.-0 b) d" Pilot Sept 28 Oct 5 12 19 1982 Continental Ave Cost• Mesa CA M1lwaukC'<.· JU'-I twfon, th1· ~·.1:.on lx·g..1n tht n t.11 l"' •247·82 ·11<l•••du.; 4233·82 9:?627 J I ------------l•'<l1 • ,.ri~n This t>usm~ss •> 'onouc:teo t>y "n I 82 m1lhon r.111 ........ le .1gu1 I l'l.•IH .Jt lhl lllllt' n .PU8UC .HOUC( Tl",, tltlr I'll( ..... ,, ,..., "''" I' e POOLIC NOTICE mdtv!Ou•I 19~i. thl' ftra\'l'S \\ 1 rr NL Ml:imp1nnc; .... ____________ ~t.-"'<"'~ f.~ "" MBTTif K~ Mariners lose in OT Tht• 8rJVl'' dUl li:d thl· h.!ll'd Nt·W York FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Octo11<•• II\ l91!1 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This buS•ne~s was hie<! with the NAME STATEMENT fl199117 NAME STATEMENT County Cte<lo. ot Or l!l'Oe County on Y a nkel s l h rough l>l'Vl•n gJ ml•!> In I!-):'; 7 Lt"ll.' !tie lolfowong perso11 15 do•no Pub••>M!IO Ora no .. Coast 08tly The folfowong pe1so11 ,, dotng 0<;1 It 1982 ~ WOODLAND HILLS The• H unt1r1gton Valley Marine r s' semi -pro football team was knocked out o t llrst place in the Coast.al Div1s1o n of 'the Hi-Desert L eague S unday, losini;! a I ~-13 overtime d ecision to the W est Valley ExprE'SS a t Taft High. Burdc\lt> won thr<'t· gam<•s, p1tl'htng 2-t t'Oni.t't'Utlv1• uus111eso; as P1101 Oc1 19 16 Nov 2 9 1982 buS1ne» as F1"335 scorek•ss mnmgs. and w .. rr<'n 5n: .. hn won tht• 1Jthl r C ARA'V NVESTMENl co •585-82 THE TONER COMPANY 30••-f PublllMd Orange Cont Dally ,..... 24&29 !>ti• Praoo Dan• Po;nt CA PU8LIC NOTICE Halladay Sotnta Ana Ca1tlo•n11 Pilot Oct t:i> 19 26 Nov 2 1982 as M 1lwauk''t! won tht• W urld C'h11mp1nnsh1p J\ 926:?9 92705 0 78·8<' young Hcnr'I AJroll dr<Ji.1 11) W\'l•n rum •• 111d b<1ll1·d Rayn1w1ll (l Espinoza 2•371 FICTITIOUS BVSIHE.SS Carol Louise Mattis 83 ------------"3 Aventd.i Amt!1en11 El l oro CA NAME STATEMENT Woodhaven L aount!I Niguel PUBLIC NOTICE 3" 92630 Cahtor111a 926 7 7 The loss dropped the Mariners' league mark to 4 -2, They'll m eet the Ontario Crush ne xt Sunday at 1 p .m in a duel for th<' d1vis1onal lead at Ocean View High. lhe followmo per;oo11s are oc11ng U ESS Did th('V lov1• those· Bravt•!.' This t>u"nttss is c:onducted Dy ~n business 85 Tn1s bus111toss 1s conduct..O by an FICTITIOUS a SIN I 195u th 8 ,, d th "' t ii lndMdual ,. r N TE Fi E A C t' , O N . 1ndlv1dual NAME SIATE~ENT n • ~·· (' ra\'l'S rc> •. a1nt• Plr 1 •a 111n; ".. ' .... C•rot l Malll5 rn .. IOllOWln" person IS d0•11Q L l I f I h y k R~ymono G Espinoiu SI AUCTION J'.J8.l2 H1daenwoo<1 . u " e a g u {' l 1 l l' <Int Ct g d In rtl'('( I (' ;1 n ('•'S Tht5 stah;m.,nt Wlh hied w•ltl 11•8 L&ouna N•ov111 Calrlor1110 9267; rn1s St&iemor1t was flied Wllll ma tlU5111eJS OS MilwaukE.-e IL·d thl' S(•rit'S thn't' ganws to On l' aftt"I County Cllltk ot 01arige Cou111y <m MO A U Ev E l O p MEN T County Clerk or Ora11ge Counry on ELEGANT ENTRIES·WESl o t 15 1982 Oc101>er IS 1982 112 Jade Avenue. Ba1uoa lslano The two Mariner scores cam e on a pair o r Ricky Thedford passes. an l B-yarde r to Bruce Jans and a 45-yard strike to Doug Ma rtin. The defensive standout was J oe Rhmo. the middle linebacke r who mtcrcepo..ed two pas.<:eS. Spahn p1tchc--<l a 1wo-h1t, J .(} vktory In Game 4 c CORPORATI ON a Ca lilornia F19t7St ca11ICKn1a92662 F199707 corpor111or1 t 127S Massachusetts Then. the Yank<."t..'S st.agl'<I Ol)l' of tht• World Series' Put>l1sh .. d 01a11ge Coo,t Oa1ly Avenue LOS Angelos Caltfornte Publrslled Orange Con1 Dally Lars Bero. 112 Jade Avenue most drama lll" L'Om eba<·k s Piiot Oct 19 26 Nov 2 9 t982 90025 P1101 0<;1. 19 26 Nov 2. 9 1982 Balboe laland, Callfornr• 9266? h 4S80·8:i> This buain~Sll •S rondu<:led bv 8 4S27·82 This business 15 conducted 11y an DEllH NOTICIS PECA RALPH OONALO PECA. resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. sincr 1958. Passed away on October 17, 1982. S urvived by his wile Suntlne of C.O.Sta Mesa. Ca .. 5 sons Joseph of Hunting10rt Beech. Ca . Clav McCoaMICK MOITUHIH Laguna Beach 49•·9415 Laguna Hrlls 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAUOI LAWK-MT. OllYI Mortuary • Ceme lery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave ·Costa Mesa 5-40-5554 ,_Cl HOTHHS I&&. •OADWAY MOttTUilY t tO Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 tALTllHGH~ 5MrTH & TUTHtU WUTCUff CHA,.L •27 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 8 46-937T ... Cl•OTHMS 5Nf1"4S' MOITUMY 627 Mam St Huntington Be1ch S{JS-6539 Bob Turl('Y shut out the Bravl'S 7-0 on r1vt.· its T ------------1n<11v1au1I G *d h Y k h ------------1 corpora11on IMtDLIC NOTICE L B in ame 5. an t t• an C'<'S won t i · 1wxt two PUBLIC NOTICE MBA oevELOPMENT ----"-'°-------era e•o 2 fh1s statoment wes Med w~h me games. 4 .;~ and 6· . With TurlC'y gl'tlmg ;:in olh(•r FICTITIOUS BUSINESS CORP FICTITIOUS IUSIN£S8 Cou11ty Cieri. ol O•anoe County on VlClory a nd a sav<.· Hank Bauer drnve tn t>1ght run" NAME STATEMENT Merlin Rost NAME STATEMENT Oc•o~ 1 1982 for the Yankees with Ill htL<; tha t mdud1'C.I four bu~~:~~1~~w•ro person• are d0tnQ Th•~ ,.:i~:;:!.4:"~., hied with tht' bu~~~15°~~w•no person is doing Put>1tsned Oranoa Coa:11~!~ home runs SANORtCH ENTERPRISES Counly C~•k of 0•1111Qt' County on MURPHY MOTORS 63~ N P11()t O<;t 5 12 19 26 1982 Th B _,, r h NL fl 1"59 I . t 223 2 s H O<;toN>r 15 198< M111n St . Orange. CA 92668 4332·8<' e raves th.:u or t (' ag in '" . vu l1d trMtt unn11gton Beach F111717 Douglas Murphy 40• Certotte l------------ 0 f Wes t m 1 n s t e r . Ca . lost m a playoff to lhl' Los l\n(i(d<'.' Dodgers Thl'n CA 9~~~,d Ala" Himan 2<'3 2nd Pubhtnt10 01011oe Coast Dally Newpon 9eac:h CA 92660 POOLIC NOTICE Anthony and Ra.!ph Ronald came a stead" c.k"Chnl• th;1t s.1\1.o th<'m ftn1sh s1x1h in Streer H11nt•ng1on 9,.,,,,, CA Pilot Ocr 1<1 Z& No• 2 9 1982 This bustne» is conduc:ted b) en 1------------both of Costa Mesa. Ca and 1963 and f1h-h tn \h(' 11l'Xt two st':lSOnS 92648 __________ 4...;5;..;2'-4-'·8;..;2 1nd1vroual FICTITIOUS BUSINESS s c 0 tl 0 f 0 k I ah 0 ma • I s .. nllre Sum•"<> Hymall 223 PU8LIC NOTICE Oouglu Murphy NA.ME STATEMENT P f IN 9 h B d 2nd 5treet Hunt•nglon Beac;n. CA------------rn1s statement was !tied w101 the The following person •• do1n9 daughter Renee eca o l 65, l <• raves finall y 1d the.· 92648 Th•sbuS1nes,••conduc:ted FICTITtOUS8USINESS County C1eri.olOr1ngeCoun1yonbus.1neuH Costa Mesa. Ca .. l bro the r u nthinkable T h('y abando n ('d their faithful by Atc;hard Alan Hyman NAME STATEMENT Oct ll 1982 THE DONNA COMPANY OF John Peca Of Ohio. l sister f U · A I This ste1-an1 wat111~ w•'h th& Tne lollow•no person 1s dorno f1tN80 ORANGE COUNTY. 15401 Aedh1tt o owmg. moving to t ant.a v .. ·~ "" • ·-P bf h d o • c ••· D 11.. T c 111 1 92680 ua~• Nastasi o1 Ohio and 13 County Cle<k ot O•l"Qfl County on t>ul•nest es u is .. e r 11ge 0 • e • Avenue uttln • om • .. ._7 "I remembt>r whf"n this town was baseball. Oct 1,. 19112 NU WAV f'NG•NEHllNG 1660 Pllot.Oc:L •2. lll.26_Nov 2. 1982. .io aeph A Fraon.ae. 230 grandchildren. Mr. Peca was baseball. bast•ball," w\l' uldt11nt• M1lw<1UkN•an said F1111757 B•t>coci. St•t'l't Cost.l Mesa •492•82 Campoell Street Redla nds the founder o f the Sons of B I f • Publ•sneid orange CoASI 0111~ c 81110t111a <)2627 ------------Ca111oin11 92373 ltaly tn Cost.a Mesa, Ca. He "Then the raves <> t P1101. Oct 19 26. Nov 2 9 1952 Cnuci. Boo1h 1•300 ci.nto,, PUBLIC NOTICE This bustneu '' c:onducted by •11 wu also 8 member of the But soon a f t.er th e .Bravl'S s kipr,x-<l town, Bud 4!>88 82 Street Spat.i 118 Gorden Grove. __ F_l_C_T_m_o_u_S_B_U_S_IN_E_S_S __ •r>drv1dua1 H I N .,_, d h Sehg. a n e nterpris ing nuto mobilt• t.it.•alC'r ant.J 1------------ca111orni11 92643 Joseph A Frei"" o y ame ~ety an l e PUBLIC NOTICE Th•& business'' conducted by an NAME STATEMENT Th•S statement wH flied wllh the St. Vincent De Paul Society. base ball f a n extrao1 d1 na1rt', put together i------------•ndividu&I The followlng oarso11 is doing County Clerk ot Or•"Q• Cou111y oo He was very active in raising M ilwaukee Brew ers Baseball Im·. t1 conglomcratl' FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Cnuck Bootri uua10ess :11 A Bu 5 f NE s 5 October 13. 1982 money fo:-charity, primarily that aft.er a few years o f frus trnt1nn. f111ally b rought NAME STATEMENT Thi& Sllllt1menr WM tlle<I W1tll the MANAGEMENT SERVICES. 2001 E Publllhed Ore11oe Coa:,1~1~: for the March of Dimes for baseball back to Milwaukec. The lolfowing oerson ts dorng ~nty C~rk ~~20ranoe County on F1r11 SI . Suite 204. Sf'lnta AM. CA Piiot. O<;t 19. 26. Nov ~. 9, 1982 Birth Delecta. o-~~ will be Th S I p I h d I ..... bus111AeBsssesstE··s CONSULTANTS tober I . , F1tll7 .. 9270S •584-82 • ...,.,.. :r e <'xpans1on eatl C' 1 ots a strugg l'U m "" · "" 01v10 w Shetland, 22 13t1------------reci ted on W e dnesday. old . ramshac kle S il·ks Stadium, a minor lcagu(' 19881 Provtdeno• Ln., Hunllngton Published O•enoe Coast Dally Conla. Mission Viejo, CA 92691 October 20. 1982 at 8:00PM eeech CA 9264f? Piiot. Oct 19. 26. ~4ov 2. 9, 1982 David w Shetland MLIC NOTICE andMassof ChrilltianBurial park. during tht> 1969 season Bro k e and Lee (dwara Bengr\f 19881 4525-82 Thlasi11ement wHllle<t..,1th1h1 l'ICTITIOUSIUSINEH will be relebrated on disillusioned, the o wners sold out to S elig & Co .. ~':~~:;~e ln. Huntlllgton Beach, ----POO--L-IC_NO_T_IC_E ____ County Cieri< 01 Orange County on NAME ITATEMENT Thursday, October 21. 1982 and the Brewers began pluy o n April 7, 1970 at Thrs business •• condu<:tecl ny '" ------------Oct 7. •982 The 1011owino petaont •re dot"Q a t 9 . 0 0 A M b o t h S t MiJwaukee County Stadium, whc•n• the Brav<.•s had 1ndlV1du111 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS '111110 lineea ... L E 8 NAME STATEMENT Published Or11noe CoHI Oelly VICTORIAN CONE WORKS, Joachim'!! Catholic Church played their last 12 seasons ee enory Pilot. Oc:1 12. •9. 28. Nov 2. •912 11 0 P-1icll1c Coast Hlgh"'•I,· Fnen .. _ mai call at Pie~ Thrs statement wH 111e<1 with the The lollowlno person '' doing 4470-82 C f 1 .,26 6 U3 ''-" County Cle1k or Orange County on busJnesa H unll11gton Be&eh, all O<n • • Brothers ell Broadway Oct 15. 1982 A " z GOLDE N RING & -------------Rlcherd s Aad•I 10181 Jon Mortuary for visitation on Thuitde r lorrn d ? ,1 .. n• E"RAtNO 230 E t7th Street. No MllC NOTICE D•y 011ve, t-tur>111101on BHch Tu-.. ay, October 19, 1982 U•'-" • Puolrshed oren:J'! CoHI Diiiy Et2, Cott& Mue, Coltlomlo 92827 ----~--•• 1------auto<nl1 92e•6 .,.... "" A I Y•IOl"l&n 3912 ... yfl ... d Fie .......... MISIMSS Cat~1~ c Alldel. 10111 "°"' (rom 9·.00AM to 9·.00PM. In Piiot Oct 19 26 ov 2. 9. 11182 , D ~ . ... .. NA..., I TA-.... NT .... ·~ ST Lo U l S AP 4&30 12 Avenue LI Crescent• C•lllornla .. _ ,.,.,,,,_ Day Dr ive Hu1111n91on Beech Ueu of flowers contributions ( ) A s t o r m sys t e m !------------·-91214 The 1011owt11g peraon 11 dolno callloin1a92646 may be made to the March approac hing Cro m south castrrn N ebraska and Mt.IC NOTICE Th1a bullness 1s conouc1ed by 10 bUsrnose u Thi• bullnns" condu<:1ed by• or Dimes Birth Defects in the Kansas could bring thunderstorms and muc h rookr 1---l'l-c-m=~,00~1~_,""."'." ... =~1~1~-lndlvtdu•~rto Yetdr~cian 0trve~~!.~ ~~~c~2:2~;;Y9f'ahy 0-'91 i>c;:::!:Pc AIOel name or the deceased Pieroe temperatures to the S t. Louis a r ea during the sixth HA ... STATllllllWT Thtl itattltntlfll was !tied with th<! Kllalln• Ann Gunn, 329 This atttemenl wu JU.CS wtth 1"8 Brothe rs Bell Broadway ~ame o f the World Serit•s, a weather service The lottowtno Pttl<I"• i re doing county Cle<k 01 Orange county on nivtntty Ott,,., Co••• MeH CA County Cte<k of Orc.noe County on Morl""rv directors. o r ecas•Ar sai'd Mo nday t>u11nes1 u September 24. 1992 112627 October 15, 1se2 -J """ JEAN 'S BEAU TV SALON, F181210 Thia bullllMI It Con<IUClad by en ,1 • .,. ADRIG "It's a r ather v1gorou~ iclorm ,1ystem," said 2M·A Eu• 17th St .. Cos1a MeM. Published Or•noe CoHt Dally 1no1vldu•I Pvbll1hed o,1ng• CoHt D•lly ANTOlNE"ITE E. ADRIG. Dennis Slaughter, m e teor o logist at the National CA 02827 P•IOI Sept 21 0c1 5. 12. io. 19112 K1f1t1ne Ann Gunn PllOt. 0c1 19, 28, Nov 2. 9. 11112 Id t f S J Imogene Wiison 12 U 8 Autlln 4254·82 Tn11 ttllltment wu lllecl with the 4523·82 ru e n ° •n uan, Weather Service at St. Louis. "It certainly w on 't be s 1. san1e An•, CA 92704 --------------County Ci.t"ll or Or•noe County on C.plttrano, Ca. P-.eci 11.way ideal baseball weoth<'r " Otvld Euo-wuaon, 1a14 s Pla.IC NOTICE Oct ••. 1ee2 f'l.8l.IC NOTIC[ ~~~be;y 1~9:!r::~ o~ Slaughter prrolct£'d temperatu res would be in Au:~11~ !:.ti~=· .. "~~~~~ob~ • FICTITIOUI •USINIH Orenge Cota• Delly Pltol. ~~ 'ICTITIOUI "" ..... l rvlne, ca .. R obert of the low 60s by game time after reaching t.hc lo w 70s ~·1 P•tt,.,.,•hlp NAMI I TATIEMINT 28_J;lov, 2, 9, 1982 •519·12 NAm STAT1.•NT Chari-ton. Sou•"' ,.. __ lln", TueA<iay afternoon. But he said It w o uld turn much tm~• WttitOn Ttt. io1iow1no pe1aon• •t• dOlno 1Mm11c WlJICE The fotto""no l*"IOll• •r• dOlng _, ua ........,V '" fhll llllemenl Wb Iii.cl "'Ith the O\lllnetl II ,.~ "'1 bUtin.M 81 alater Lorr•lne of Florida. cold e r aft the fro nt pass<.'d th"l-o ugh the areA C®nty Cletk 01 Orange County on VARICTV IMPOR1 . :z3751-----T-mou---1-.-... --1-1--01..ve AIOOE LTO., 1eeoo Mllln brother Edward of llUnoia, 6 sometime durlng th<' ct(lm Oct. t I, 1912 CO•,,.il Dr . Cot•• M .... CA 02026. r-::a ... I TAL-S tr••I. Sull• 110, Huntington " , -J •11 T V•ndtnber~, 2376 .... a"• ,.,._"' Beach, Cllllfornl• 928<18 gr a ndch ildren. Rosary wllJ' '-c " CP1' ROUP 17179 M•ln St be recited on Thurada~ Pvbll1hed Orange CoHI Delly Comt!t Dr . Cottt M.... ..2213271,.: Suite o .. ll'lllM, c'A 9211•. ' Aot>trt M Smith, lat 8u11 .. 1 PllOI "-1 12 t9 28 Nov 2 1982 Lambetlhl Vl~berQ, " Henr·y a,rjld, .. 10 Fttn•ndo ShorH , Inc , Otner1I Paflner, • October 21, 1982 at 7:30 p occ w' ,· n 11 . "" . . . •474·82 Com.ii Dr . Coa1• ~.CA 9282e. Way •307. e.s~-· "ca 92'"" I C•Hlornll C:O(pOl'ltton et Old Ml•lon, St1n J u11n. in VO ey ball Thi• butln•H II condUClld by Tt • ....... .. vv • Thlt but!.,... It btll\O oondUc;te(I M-. of Chrilltlan Burial will ~-----------l lndMduall (hu1band & ¥11111) hie bullneM 11 conduoltd by an by • l imlltd Ptrtnettnlp GL.li:NOAt..E Led by the l)\Jtlldc hl\tinn of lamblr11\1 Yandefle.g tnctMdual AOl*I M Smith be held on Friday, OctobM-d Ora Coal Coll --e r-:;::::;::::::::==------:""' Thll l11temen1 wa• Med Wl1h ~ Tllll •• ~~'=·Iii.cl ""lh I~ Thi• 1ta1tmtnt fll•O wltll '"' 22. 1982 at 9:00AM at O ld Lourie A &m.1, th~ ngl' ' t Cf(I women's (' call 142•1171. ) COUnty Clefk of Oranoe C®nty on County Cllttt 01 Orange County on County Cleflt Of Or~ COl.tllty on M lulon San Juan with volleyball toam brcC?icd to o l!S-71 !S-4, 1&·12 Put 1 few words Oct 7, 1M2 OGI 11, 1tt2 Qctobef 11. 1Ma In ter ment In North San victory ovt'r h08t G IC>ndalc Collf'gto M onday . Th~ •owortl for wou. PutllleheO Oreno• coe:.1~~::: Publlthecf Otano• coa:t"r.~ Publlthff Or•~ co.:t~t: Fernando, Ca. McConntc:k victory lmprov<'d th«' P1rAtC' wom<'n'11 l't'COM to 8-0 -• Not. e>et 12 to, ~a. Nov 2, ttta' PllOI, Oct. 19. "-NOY t , o. itti llttot 0o1 t9. 2•. Nov 2. •·.~!!! •• Mllllon Mortu..ry dlrt.'CtOn ovcrnll. u 1w2 4_..._.2 ...... ._ POOLJ~tlCl -POOllC HOllCl vou Al" IN oer AULT UNOlfl A I 11 01111 0 I I 0 0 ' f fl U I f 0 A T I 0 IUflllUOfl COUIU or ltll llflHMlafl IO. 117' UNLlll I U Tl 0' C.AL1'0flNIA 'Oft YOU TAICll AC110N TO flltOTICt lHf COUNT\' or LOI ANQlllll YOUlt flftOfllllTY, It MAY I I 111 N Hiii lltMI, IOLO AT A flUfi.IC IALI If YOU I 111 Ang•I•• CA to012 MlllO AN IXflLANA rt ON 0, fHI 1•1Att•l11 I NATU"I Of THI!. fl"OCl!IOINO I tlMMll~ltl 1 h.\I<~ • 1 '"'"""" AOAINI T YOU, YOU IHOU~D ''"'""~""" CONl' ACT A I AW'tlll Ill 11 M1.V~ I NOTICll! 0' TflUtTfll:'I t ALl J•lttN .1 "''" l"t 111 '""' 1 J f I NII :IM81 Mii IM 111 l UMP AN• t"•f 11111 '• NU II( l I~ ttl Ul U'f f 1IVL N lfMI If•• 1u,Jft HJ uo lu 11w• •'" W11\ln(ltlJI) N1•••t11l>"' I I'll! IUMMONt •I 9 00 "do..~ ,; '" ul Hiil •I I\' 111 CAI[ HUMBER Clot II If ""' 1uon1 ""' """" tui u1111Jm hl'\I NOllCIO You h .. • b••n •li•d ftoltlllll • S•lo1 ... 11011 11\n ullo.c 1 ot l he c:ourl m•J CIKlde •O•lnel you ~ r A I l "'TA 1 I "'f l II 111 ' I I "' without JOUr htlnO hHld unl•n !>rllVI( f 1111 .11m1 ,.1 .•u.•u Nw th you 111pond within 30 d•t• R••CI Hroo<Jw"y "hirln IUl1 111 "'" I 1tv 01 th• lntorm•llon below Sunte Amt ~lttmty ol Oou1utt. ~h•h-It \iOH w1111.h tu •N•k llm uJv1t u ut o r c .. 11t urnhit tlOMI t t Ul HA\ ,.,, i""'*" .. " 1n fH1 IH.\lh•• y11u ~' A V I N <; ~; A N U I () A N -.h11uhJ ilu '-U JH\f!lllitlv ••11 lt11tl Y'HH A!j:l0CIA110N l)I :,AN Dill•() u N11thm 1u•pn1t~• '' 1u~ "'''" ht• c ~tU01 ou. (;\JI IJ\H UlhHI "~ dul\ hl11tl "'' t1111t~ 11ppo111toJ 1,,.,,.,., 1111111<1 11111 AVISO I Utl •d h• 1 ldo p1111u4111 tu the """''r nt •••111 dtmendado El trll1un•I pu•d• cont•11•Cl 1n """ , ""'•"' ll•'"'' ••I d•cldlr contra Ud 1ln •udl•ncl• a l11J11 ou-.u1u11 Ov SAl VAllllll m•no• que Ud r••pom.I• de111ro l'UOLIE :i( AN() Ill BC\.,( A I d• 30 dlH LH IA lnforn1•cl011 'IU• PUGLIESE HUl:iljANU A.Nll Wll l •lou•. 1~0t<.1-1 Och.>IJOr b ,q7a 10 Unuk t_;, U•'"'' 11t~~··' ·'"" '''" ,., 11872 af Otlu.t..•I +'''\urd> 4Jf >l&ttJ ... uU.U.'ll' 1.Jt• uo Jh'''~ uto ..iu t•"h' Counly ,u li"V'• 44!.t flUlOrd,~r • 1• u r• l u 1.l tt t' •• r 1 • ",, t. ' '• u 1nstfumeru No d UH l>y '"ll-.oH uf u 1wmuJ1.11,arn,~••W 1.h• ,~~'·' mdttto.• brttach Of dol.\\JU IU Jlt.1yuh•Ht Uf tU Ht°4J,fY• ~t.• u ... Llfl11 §I ti •• ~ lllJ''"'' ptuformarH 8 c•f lht1 ul>lltia.11·-. ''' c ''' lh~ .tt H'\ol•~h 1d,1 u 11rn1tl•v u1c;u1ec:J lhe1w1>v 1111.111011111 11•~• I 1 Ill IH( OfHNllllNl A "v11 breac h or dell.lull NUllt.-Y o f ¥¥lt1U1 l..UfUlJl·•~•·I tht\ llt.·t'" I icuJ b, th~ WdS recotduc.t JUI} ' 1~8.. ., 'ltl nhtl ·HP'"'' """ II J'flU .,.. 'th If) n @CO, d (ti I ~ '" ~,, "m ~ n' N () 10'-'ton,s u •• , '''""~~Ill ,uu lllU:..l ..-.lthOI 82·234561 Will SEll Al PllHLI( 30 11 h> 0111 1 If••~ ~.,,,,..,.,, > ,•, AUCTION TO 1H£ "lldl[SI • .ir.1•11011,011 l1l1•d••""'" 11,1 8100E~ FOR CASH h&'w\"lul mu11'''t l~rillt•o h•~i1onSd 1l m,1 ~UOlJ•l.11111 of the Un11eo Stolea. or u Cih.tottr " !JIN•,, .,ou ll ~ \' 1,uu• •lt·f •ult ""II Chee~ dra'-n on o s1~1t· 01 nJt1on.•I l • ••1\1'-"t J uu "'''''"' ·'''' • '' tht.• bank. a stutft or ltttS .. 1d f t.rt•\J1t ~·' • ,,,,tf 1n\l th•, r1tur1 m.a) •·11h, J umort. or a SIUl~ ur h•Our.tl ,.)VIOQ\ 1ut.Jum1•1H ... ,,.t,.11,1 yr\10 I ' 1111 tt ,., -ino IO~n oswx;lal•C"n OormL•h«1 in llnro t••U•··1 '" ,,,, l • "'' '·'''" 'lllh•t fl tn1s $1CUe oll payobltt 1'1 tt•t' tm1i• ''' ' Juhl 't' ,uH ''' J ·' '" t.u • ril t Stale all ngnt tlll\1 "hJ IOhHtf)\ twhl WUl,Jl':. t '''''IJ ('\f 0\1}u ... , v• ,,, ,,,..,I:, by t1 as TtuSttH• 111 lhtll ,,, ti H Ol llt·f It'"" 11•qu111j,lt1,t "I'"' property Slluatu 1n >tui.J C~ut1t, u10 " •mpl.unt State descnbe.:J us tollow~ t•A Ir I• o.i, h' 111 "lll" EXHIBll A hlf111 J li "ul "' PARCEL I L <111111 1 ..;1,11• Unit 9 os ~hown irano ~h'h•wtJ "" It\ V l .-... ,,11U1 PIJBUC NlHICI ........ Nf o'Ti:iA'NoONMllHl 01 UI Ot rec t ltlOUt •u•'"'" NIIMI 1 tu• lt1llnwt1•U t••• •utt • ht11•• •l1¥fUhttuoJ lh• 11•.-••' th• ht 1ltlou• 110•0 ,.,.. , .. ,, ... ~ 1'1'1 M :, 11111 l A:io'>lH IA 11 11 .a U""•tlll I •r111w1eh1t IV 't.I l'••tl ................. th, .......... , .... t1 l Mihl1t1,1•• '••fJ(,) J h,. t It t1U11u• tlu•t11t••• N1;u11ri I tt'Ut I··~ t-1 JtlllfYH Wal -l hl\I I 'h1U11J"' ' '"'"'•• w1 A,.,,1 u, 1un t 111,. N1• I 11~1/fl t h -'' ltn ' M' l iHl\fhf1t1 • II '1 n II t• u ' U ~ •• ._., I• u 1 t U • .. ' fl l athfw n10 Ul hhlt J t ~ .. h t.1•1f1p1 ...... lb 11111111 t ""'·' 111 •"'-' 4 '" 1•1111 tlttl M 11t t .1hh•lflhl •t.•t->.111 ff\1-. hu1111H1)t1t \lllr .. ,. i...urnhu lutl hy H v1mm.1l po11rnt11111tu11 t hu11u ... J M 1 l 1uuhl111 ,, t11•urn11I l'rn t11m I tu~ .lo,hm1t•nt ~"' f1ltul w1ll1 flH• t flUIH)' ( h H lo. uf c lt 1U'\'' ( lOlflf) un Ut..~1•l)UI I PJtt~· \.ew OJllcn ol DANIEL J COOPUI Suite 400 Eldorado B•nk Building 24012 Call• De L• Plata Laouna Hiiie, CA 926!>3 Put.H~Ht•l1 ,), ''"Jl' I 1~,ht 0 J•ly I 1h1' lJ< I t4 h N1J\il • •t 14Jij._1 1'.ij I ijl PU8LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME II TA TEMENT I fW toll ·wttltJ ' t' )t}U • ., •JUHi~ l.i1Hul1•'='> J, llOU:.>E fl IN I l kPlll:,1 S 111!~ u AH¥¥ .. ~ A•• l u tu Mt'"tt <.A t .. ·L .. 1b Pn1t1c ,.,,.. •• , .. ,. H ",,. tH••;1·1 ~dllt 1 LIJt 1 l •H • ~ '''"'''°'' V111tu., l.A 'cl. 108 T h1:. Ou'!'i1tu'~ \ 1 u1uhn tod ht 101 HHJ1o11ctual Ph1llµ M ttuu..,t."'t lh1, "'''" .. ""'"' v..h llltid <N1th lht-<.oun1., (..,luflo, 1lf Cl'dllf)I \,UUl1t)' OU •,,., ., 11'\ t'JU~ f"19e241 ~ Ul.ll1)ftl•11 Ot .• 111~,, ( •••t'\I U1t1ly PU8llC NOflCl rtCtlflOUI I UllNlll NAM ITAllM NT I l1M tu•ht-.u..,. " ... '"m• ••• •lootu hu.-nue •• lllVINI I II' •,AVINI<~ fllllb I Al l l)11tl I /IN I 110•111,.•• ( lHJl•t U1t•• !>10111 .UO "•'"" I A lilf l 't 1; .. 1111 C11U'4 Ut//t t Mot_.tn I uuut•m VMllti1y l A tt//UK ....... ' • .,,"'"" t 1 '"-'h• \,•hll 4 ''"•1111 11 ... Mot I A 010 .· .. I '"'Uh M u,.t h1tt I. t v1.1 It h'IU u .. 'N,, 111 lhtJ• h I A 'fltjftt I h111ttt•' .1 .. 111 .. 1 I t ''" ut11 JlwlHt (/4•t•ft4 Mil., .... w Mi I lttlhflJ l\t ~,.. I 1t '•111111 .. •,uoth t itOIJH•t t /4. ,, 'h'• t ''"' l1UtHlt'i\. t'l • 111uJut ''1tJ lty o hu~om•• tn11<1ol f'dul ( IJUtl11 ',.,,_. ~hHun,,,,., Wtt"'i r11tK.J with U1£1 c uunty t tt11 Ii\ uf q, nrtt1t0 ( •J1111•r ,,,, ,,, , ,., 11111~ Capretr 6 KHllao Allo1n•r• at L•• 2091 8u1h1H1 C•nte1 01IV• 8Ull• 200 lr•lno, C•lllo"11t 11271, 11~ FtH752 •1uhl1·.t1•1d ''' 1110 0 Cu;tt.t Ottlly f'llut (), 1 111 .'Ii NuY l 9 1fJ8:1 4!189 ti? PU8LIC N<HICE F'ICflTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STAT EMENT I hu lollu~1ng l;ut MJO~ Ult9 tJC.mtiJ t)u~HHJ"J> .,.,_ I O X <lo A:.:ilH.lA t l !'> :l!t8:1 "'4e wpu1 I UhnJ c, 1•11 • Mtt~t• Lu Uibl1 thuwu1 £ 1~h11vr1 ot~ Inc.. I• t t.•llftu UtlJ '· 01 tHH ttllCHI) /!)8; Nt•w11c111 lll•U I Q)IU M@\tl c. .. ~nhl1 t 111~ hu. Ill'')'\ 11J t..oncJut.h.HJ by f UHlJlll 1l1till llAllW All [NI fRPAl!.ES lly W111r"'' ro~ Pfu~uJent rh1\ ';IJh:UflUt\1 WO!> l1lttd With tth Luu11ly I It"" "' Or.inge r.ounty 01 StJt11t1mt.11u ~4 t'lt!J that cer1a1n CorHl011\HHun\ P11.u1 C>cuuty recorded A1Jgus1 !>, 1977, 111 tmo• ROSEN, WACHTELL & GILBERT 12324. oaae 323 ol 01hc1a1 Rucord~ A ProlHtlonel Corporation J1~1111 r,,,µ1 .:'tf lh 1 •, '" l'l ttJd;' f'ubll':>tH•\I Orun\)t~ 424b 6/ IJ•l• 11 S•lPI Ill 0< t 5 F1982S3 LOdSI 0d1ly I/ 19 198:? 4234 82 of Orange Counly, Ct1ltlorn1a 1801 Century Pe1k Eut. PUBLIC NOTICE PARCEL 2 Suite 2400. SS3·SSS2 An undivided 1/401h 1n1111es1111 and Lot AnoelH, Calllornla 90067 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE to Loi 4 ol Trnct No 88J5 <1~ ~11t1wn f';,tll·"·<·•I )• '"9" L •d~I fl11 '•I STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR on a Mdp ftlCO•dtld ,,, lJov• )!.,' f'olvl U• I ~ I; '" ~fl 14!!1 THE COUHTY OF ORAHGE pages 31 10 3~ of Mt~tell.ineou' a 1•1 ti•' 1 No A 115269 Maps, r1icords ot Orangll <..w1011 OROER TO SHOW CAUSE Col1torn1a 10911 1ht11 w •11• ,111 PUBLIC NOTICE FOR CHAHGE OF NAME ~r::~::.~~r:;,e~t~n~~e:n~~,1:,.~·~:',~,'~"~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ,,. H>u M,~1~ p l 11~,27;~11,. ,11,.111 ,,1 through 40 1nc;lu• >t' tu~ul•«I BY THE REDEVEL OPMENT '-l '°'f~Ollt kt( "M<t1 N(l<.<JN '""' !hereon AGENCYOFTHE CITYOFCOSTA Mll&A LOl<ll t;( o1ltl 1,,r E•cept1110 ltH'•'-'••om •"'M ESA TO REV IE W ANO C.r•dlllj" IN11t·1• undov1ded •, 1n1urto:.1 u1 ,1tt 011 q.1~ EVALUATE THE PROCESS OF WHffitA:, f·t'l•I"''"'' 1 LAllU'I or Other hydro..a1bnn ~uo:.1.1111 "" THE REDEVELOPMENT Pl.ANS H <. 11ARO •ill St>t~ ""1 '-II l OA lying m on or undt'• ""' .• r •<I' FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT L0f"( "If. or. 11 ••• 1•1•·.J I descnbed property d' ,,.,1 rv11t1 ,n AREA NO I (THE OOWHTOWH """'•o• '"" II' C't·t• '"'" Coo111 the Final Oroer 01 ConoJ(•m•·.tl•On in p R 0 J E C T A R E A ) A N O 1101 dt ,,, to• r "'1" <I l"'"'""''"r~ taYOt ol the City QI Ne .... po' B •jth REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. nam .. , """ L A~O•l H•l.•1111•0 ' 2 {THE WA LLACE )" f a Mun.crp&I CorOOfdflOn ot l~r 111n NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT AREA. NE l S • " " ol •,H I k A l I "I Cius a C8111h&O cop~ 01 .. n1cr. ""' AND TO ACCEPT PUBLIC INPUT "IElSOh I lft<.;••AfH• l.lAHON recOtded January 27 t95'\ 1n 000'-I ... Els 0 t• • "ll l 0 ti Mr l 1:1 A 2443 page 80 OI OlliCo II H~oros OH THE OBJECTIVES OF THE NElSO•• Tne street aaa1ttss M ot• tor URBAH LAHO INSTITUTE PAHEL 1 IS OHOH<fl1 ,, ii 111 "'"'ur .. common des1gn«'t10n 01 tnt.t ,fl.JI STUDY _ ,.. 1r t'4t~~rr•O 11 tr t: 1tJO .. t'! o,,, HNJ propetl)' ne1e111above desc110..d 1:. NOii\..[ ,5 HERE.8) <.> llE 1 11'"1 "'"II"' a111•.,,1, t .. 1oro• "''' Cuurl 11 purported IO oe 18 Sand Ooll.i1 illf' AeJ ... t'lopmcnt Age<i~1 ~• 11"' 10 30 AM ""flt "'""•l•1•1 10 1911, Cour1 NowporlBedch Cehror,11a C '" 't. '513 M esd ri.;31 :i.ef '"'""t011fr '" .to,.,.,,11rnt!n1,-4r The u11ders1gnrd hOrt'r1, ,..~ ""'''t'"' 16 1982 attht!hour o'., •l l't"t.•>•1•0• ,,,,h••lr\J.11(011 d 1scla1ms an t1a01l1t; for IJ(' 1 JO t• m .JS ft~ •·m~ unu '"0" lht-l,.IYI(. c~nt\.0' Cl1tvP Wt·~t 4'dnta An.1 mcorrectness 1n said Slret't addr\.•C-.~ Nt~iont'o,hood Communit1 CentPr C ~~·f JlfUd Jf\1.-I ~t·r:i.... Ju ,,. d ,u "I or other common ae~'ii"·•tion 184'1 Pd'" A"etiutl' Co:>td M t1'!'iu ""''V l' ~ Pt"111ic 11 r '" th 1fl')•' ot Said sate v.111 be made 1A11thout Cu 'L•rniJ ~ fht..• pta...._.., ''Jr "' pubhc N,.,,,,. sh11uM "ul 110 J' .Jt•l•"'O warranly. e.prt'S\ 01 1mpl1 .. 1.1 ~"1111"1l 1" l>I' hdoJ "'lilt' AgAr .. y 10 l lb ~Uflf~tff~ <..)H(JlH(O 11••1 •I regarding tleltl pO':;S(''j'Sl(Jlt ()t ft•v t•w iri(J '1 .. dl\.uth! th~ u•ogrtts~ of coop n t 1'11\ Ordt'• 'll "'•\IW l '"'"' encumbrances 10 S~flSf) 11\l' '"'' oo ... nlown Ri•dt>;i•lnpmMll tie p .. 01.,rwd "' "" (()~IA ME'~A p11nc1pal bollance ol Hi1• Not•• O• Prnwi:l Areil No ' ~ntl 1"'' W.ill,,n• DAIL¥ Pit 0 T J 1•1•w p ''I"'' •d other obl1gat•on ~u.•,Uft'<I by said N•H<Jhbort•t.>Od Ht!Ot"'"e11 'tHT1flH1 l~entHal r_u(.,,1IJl1:J•I t->t••d••ll •n Deed ot Trusl with 1n1erost tifld Pro1tftl Arc,, tlo '-Qr,tr,QP C..ourH1 l,;,Jhforrnt1 J'1t.t-d Olher sums act PfOV'h.lf'd thl•tc1n At on, 11" t' nol lr:tttt• trlctn lh~ .,...t,•ll. ,o, tow '!luGCPC.!»'~'· w• •••a plus advances 1f tlny unOlH th•: hovr ,&lorPsJid -:.~t '"' Ht'+H 9 ari1 prior to "'"' dJft' ._,~, '"' tu• 11111• 1 '" 1erms lhereo f antJ m1eres1 on .;uc.n oer!.1.:.m who desio·~ tu P\P'~"') "" fhft S.tHtt 01 advances ano plus lees charges op,nion on lhf' P'°9'"" or lht' DATED Oc1~be1 1 l!lii. ano expenses of the Trullee and o t red11•111o11mt'nl "'""" "•dv 1 1~ '" F RANM DOMf N1C.H11" lhe 11usts creeled oy said Deed ol "'"1'"9 " sulem1>nl ur l'l•S roei J"O\W ot "" Trusl The 10181 .lmount of said OPllllOn) Al lhe abOve stalt!O PIBCt' Sup.,flOI c,,, .... 01>1tga11on 1nc1udtng •easonubly •nil lime any P<!•Sun or Nganization I ROBERT L. BACHMAN •s11ma1eo ltas, CllA•g•• and des1.,ng to Ile ned•d '"'" c" a1101deo 1A1torn•1 •t u w l!•penses ot the Trustr., at thf' l•mt• lhnl oPllO•lunit~ P.O Box C·1tS'9 of 1n1t1al puo1ic11t1or t tt tJ 1 ,. ., ""• "',.3c '• '~'# ""'' "'"~""-1~ert 2361 Campu• Otlwe $70.!>48 34 "'' l<CIS ;rf ~l!n<•<a '• 1 "'"oeo 35 lrwlne. C•lltornle 112713 Daleo Oc:tot>e• 8 1Y82 10"0 "'s T•l•phon• (714) 151·5206 H 0 M E F E 0 E R A L REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Put·l•'""<I Ornng~ Co "I Oa'ly SAVINGS AREA N O 1 -DOWNTOWN f 101 Oc.l !> 1, 19 ,f, 1'<82 ANO lOAN ASSOC AltQN PROJECT AREA J)7J 8. OF SAN DtEGO T• "••t..i ~ rougt y 0"'-C' l>Pll ~s r f"n9 oo..no...o 01 '"°'' S11et1 ~" ,,,~ north Otange Av~r •J~ t)rt •t-... a Ca11torrua (,Ort1ut '' ,,. as Truilt'f' By "Rr-A1. ESTA~ SECURITIES SERV1C.l a Cehlornoa corpo1a11on tts Agen1 1SEAl1 0 L J Mo1q,.1 lls Pres•dent 2020 Nor In Broaov. d\ Su•te 206 Santa Ana. CA 9L70b Telephone 1114) 95J 6810 Publ•shed Orange Coa't Do1ty PtlOI Oct 12 19 26 1"982 U A7 A? PUBLIC NOTIC£ NOTICE OF TRANSFER ANO INTENDED SECURITY INTEREST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN vndor Section 3440 or the C1v1I Code ot the Slate of Cal1l0tn1a u fellow' Name and eadress ot Trenste•or METROMEDIA INC ooing hustne" u Fosler ~ Kle1ser Or•f' Harmon Plaza S"c.1ur11\ •~e ... Jersey 01og4 Name and aodress ot Tran,lf'•e<i ano lnten<Jed 0eo10• OUTDOOR A OV(RTtStNG ASSOCIATES LP c o Fosttor & Kle•se< Corp Ooe Ha•mon P1ai.1 Secaucus Ne-., Jf'• sey O 7094 Name s and ~do•~!!oses or ln1ended Secu•eo Per1 ,es Ctltbanlt NA Manulacture•~ Hanovl!• Trust Compeny Bankers Trust Comp11ny Bank of America Na11ona1 Trust and S1vtngs Assoc:1ar1on Con11nen1ol 111 no1s Nallol'la Bank and Trusl Comp,.n~ or Chicago Crocker National Ban• c D Ctttbank N A as A11en1 399 PMI Avenue. New York Nl?w York Statement n l thl! genf"ral charae1e< ol me personal property 10 be transferred and intended 10 be subject 10 the Secur11y AQreemenl 1\11 ootdOO< a<Jverusing display' and related stte 1eaa•s adve•t1aino conirecu and permits of the Foster & Klet&er dlYISlon or Metromedia Inc D ate end plac e Security Agreement Is 10 be con1Ummt1ed On or ahe< October 28, 1982 Paul, Weiss Rllk1nd. W"••ton & Gamaon, 345 Park Avenue New York. New York 10 154 Dated Oc1ot>et 14 19112 OUTDOOR AOVERTISING ASSOCIATES L P By-Ratph C W>nlrOde, Attornay·tn·FllCt GllSON, DUNN 6 CRUTCHER ,, o .... 2'490 ... wpof1 9Md\, CA nM2 Attn: ~ C. Wlnlro6a. Eaq. Publlahed Or•noe CoHt Oally Piiot Oc:1 111. 1982 4596·82 Nl.JC NOTICE Ftemioua .UtlNIH NA• tTATIMEHT Tne lotlowlni! pertont ua doing t>ual,,_.H l A ) RAM UNLIMITED PROOUCT IO N S . (8) OC EMF.OYEE NEWS, (C) UP DATA BOOKLET. 2321 N HNpit!lln St Sent• An•. C.HIO<l\18 '927CHS Stephtn Eugen• Frazer. 23? I N Hu perlln St , Senti AnA Celllornl1 92706 Pel« Cherltt Allen, 2312 Sant11 Ant 81 , Cot ti M ... , CA 92627 Thll blltlnete It conducttld by • ~·• pertnertlllC> Peter Cher,.. "'*' Tnlt ""-' ... filed .,,n ttlt County Cletk of 0.•nge Covn•y (In Oc1 4, 1tta. ,, ... , PuDll1had OrlflQf Co .. t O•Hy Pt\Ol, ()(1 12. 111 21 NOY 2 1'82 U llt·8' PYBLIC NOTICE •!Motl 171'> ~~ -..... -lb .oc.<l.••-~....,,...=-=.,,...~'."::"~~~~=--Pomona A•enue on Ille west ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR CHANGE OF N &ME A R E A N O 2 -W e I I • c • CASE NUMBER A llS457 NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT AREA n I"" Malle• or lne A "l'h .\11on OI T"•s area 1s rOUQh OMCflbe<l as SARAH CATHE.RINE "'CORO 1no llt>•nQ bounOPd hr Hamillon Street RAC.HAEl ElLEN AC.l)RO mmMs ,.,,, lh~ no,lh Pof1'10t'M Avenue on tor CnaOQt< Of p.,~me lhf' Pu51 Nes• 191h $Ire-'• "" •r.(' T(Rl'O ANN Ac,ono MOlh••• ol sovth dnd Piacentta A-1en\,e-:m tri"' tne Appl (.df11S n..a'S hlf'O .t ~·t11~ :ui 1n west I th•\ c;Ou• 1 •or .in orOIH e1tow111q Hie Reoevelopment Agel'l(.y will Pet ' 1 o" er r o r " d "QI' '' '\ also conduct a oubhc hea,.nq on lhe her naml! r•om S .. P.AH CATHE Rt NE ,8 ,...., t:l!ll~ .l"ll llme fur putlhc >npu• ACORD ~I'd l"lA( t•Afl fll(N ,,,1.,, 1e~l\t•c;t le, 1'1" Url)an Lan<ll ACOAO lo 5Af<Ad (.AIHfRINE 1,..sl•lul1' P;int'I Ad,.~ory Service l EWIS A CO~O H•CI 1\At H"'E~ Th<' Par1el Advisor~ S.,r,.c;t.' Srudy ELLEN EDYTH ALUkll wrli IJ•O••de lhe A.gene:, with an 11 •s herntiy •1r<l o,.10 inat all ooiectivta eva1u3 ,10,, ot tne f,Jetson~ mlArtt''Od m tht\ mntlPr dP•elopment po1en1 .. 11 tor the alorPSa10 .1ppea1 '"'"'0'" ""' court Downtown Redevelopment Pro1ec1 in Oepanm""' No 3 "' 700 (.;1•1C Area The Obll!CllVl!l of tht' Ull Ct"nler Dr"" We't SJnta Anil Panel Study are 10 Ca11fotn1d on Der I t98i <" 10 30 1 De ter mine <Jeve opmeni o c:1oc1it, J fl• ttnJ lf•f'n and tt1NP t·o1ent1.1 wllh•n the oo-..,r to.-.n ~tlC'lw C.ttuse '' any 1ner hrl"~ ~hy R"oe~••oomf'f"t p,0,ec.1 Atea , ~ad oe1 1.on t(lf .r ,jnqf-" i."11 namP 2 Con$•Oe• 1ane1 o•~nn ng sr.ould not bf• 9r.1n1cd conc~ts tt ·~ lurtner ordered 1nJ1 cl co~>y ot 3 Re••e"' l!,.st1nq .ind o•oooseo 1n s o•der 10 snow c~u5e 111' lratt.c; c •C ,,,.110,, I' a I terns publ.,hec:J 1n thl! Oil•lv Poto1 11 dete,mina' 0 ,.. 01 '"~,,. C.'.J\•l·"e nev.,·soaper 01 aent'rll (1rc.ulat·O" n e 0.) t , ,. f'T't tar ' \ 0" the~ Pub f"ihPd tn lh•\ c.ounh ill leclst df'v('lt;,i:,mf"r•t OO'•"hl ,..thin P"e once a "'"H'"°' tor rou, cn"~u1tve Oo-Notown Rf'dP,_f' 0P"'f""'1 p,<.i eac.t '""~ei..."' P, ,,, io lt•f' Jtty o• '\41d Art!i tiedr ng 4 Oe•l!IOP a ma•• .. I ng o .. 1ec:J Oclot.e• 18 1'187 1mp~ment•l•on strategy Ma•• A SO<len For lurl"e< 1nlormat10n con1act Judge ot '"'° Pat McNally Rei;leve1npmen1 SuP<'"Or Court Agency ot the C11v of Co!IJ Mesa Htnderton & 1~· !>327 e.- EllEEN p PHINNEY 1919 H, Bro•d••r Sf'Crf'lll•t nl '"" Santa AneCe 1127ot Redl'•l!lopm<Jnl Agenc1 "• ot '~t'<l Orano" Co~.1 On11y t>ubi.sr,ed Orang!' coast Dd 'Y 1 Po•o1 Oct 19 16 "IO• 2 9 1982 P1IOI October 12. 19 26 1982 4';81 82 4448.82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMEHT The IOllow1ng per5ons ere doing bustnon as S 6 J SPECIAL TIES. 94 71 Alu Cortie, Hunt1no1on Beach C8hlorn111 92648 Shetl& Ann Wahnon 94 71 Alli C11c1e Hun11ng1on Beocn Calltornto 9284e James Cal.,,, Wahnon Sr 9471 Alo Circle. Hunltnpton Beach, Cehtorn•a 926•8 This t>usmoss •s conouc:led o~ " 11m11ed oar1eran1p Sha•la A Wahnon T"" slatt~nl was ltted ""''h l"e Coonty Cle<ll ot Orange County on OctOOl!r 15 1982 F1tt7SI Pubhslu!'d Orang!! Coul Daily P•IOI Ocl t9 28 Nov 2 9 19112 4~87-e2 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT f ne tollowmo persons arll doing 11us1ness as BAKERSFIELD PROPERTIES, 3901 Pat1ftt Coast Htghway Corona det Mar CA 92625 Richard 0 Burns. :>90 t P11c1hc Coasl H•ohwly Co1onn del M11r CA 92625 J C Scoll 3901 Pactltt Gout H1ghw11y Corona del Mtlr CA 92625 Samuel Ramnll.i 3901 Poc1t1C Co.ill H1qnw.1y Corona Oel Mai CA 92625 M•thael HC>9•n 390 t Pot•llc Coesl H1ghw11y Co1ona Oel Mar CA 92625 Franto. Monas11ere 3901 P"t1hc Cout M1ot1wty Coron• Otl Mer CA 92625 Ruuell Sm11n 390 I Pac1t1c Cout Htgnw•y Corona dat Mer CA 92625 PUBllC NOTICE Rober I Ma1 ... 1n 390 I Pac1t1c; ---,-,C-T_IT_IO_U_S_•_u_•_ ... -£-,-.--1 ~:::~ H1ol1wily Coron• dol Mtr CA NAMI 8l'ATIMENT Ja~t Ande11on 3901 P.c:11tc The tollowing person II dol"g coast H1ghwey Co1ona d .. Mer CA l>uSJneM .. 92826 f.' R A C S C I\ R P E T a n 0 K1r111n R W11lker 390 I PKthC UPHOLSTERY CLEAN ING 317 CoHI Hlghw•> Corona d .. Mer CA Poppy StrHt, Corona dol Mer. 921125 Callf0tr>I• 92825 Molvtn Kooyum11an 390 I Leo JOHl)h FIAOtlO•y 3 17 POClllC: Cots• '1tghwoy. Corona del Poppy SttHI Corone del Mer M•r, CA 9202!1 Calllornl• 92825 Thlt bulln•at •• conduc:ted by 11 Thlt butl""a 11 c:onducted by an generel pannerthlp tndlVlduel RICn.,d 0 Bumi Leo J Frecaiosy. 317 Thi• 1111em•111 wet lll•d with the Poppy SltHt. Cornn• del Mu COi.iniy Clark of Orange County on Call10t111e 9282& Oc;t 18. 1982 Thi• C>utlnau It canductod by en "-•· MellonaJ a a11y1on lndMOv•I AltOfMJ• ., L•• leo J Fr11<:tl0ty A•oo Fin-le! T-er lhi• 1t11~1 wu flleO with Iha uo Hewl!l«I Centef Ottwa eoun1y Ci.rte Of Or•no• cov11ty on tiH .. 20& $tC>ltml>« 2•. 1012 ""''°'' -..Cti, CA t2MO ,.... ,, .... P11blt1ll•d Oreng• Colll O•lly Publlth•d Oreno• CCIOI Dally t'MOI, tltpt U , 0\:1 & t2 19 t9t2 Btlot. Oc;t 10 26 Nov 2 0, 19112 4250·82 ·~oo e2 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT r r11 4• 1llowu1g p .. ,,,,n!:. d't.' Oo1nQ fHJ,1"¥'11' J~ l'l\Lll 11 tOA'=.T f'Ul1 rfH • tb C.t>J~u ',ht.>4:'1 Nl·wpur1 ~tMC.f) ~.Jld1 """' ~2bf.d UJ11 i ~m1U1 lauul1l4\ ) Hi ( 1•tJdt >ltuut Nt:WL•ut 1 f:it-'.H;h <..ullll•""" 9:?6G;J A1lhu1 /11111 7~76 G1b1Jllo1 l 11 IJ HJ (..olllOf fllJ !12008 r;t 1U All1)0n C..t1Hl1llt' ~ 18 1 < t"\.I H S11 uet No wpoll BedCn l. ll f->tt11.t ~..-66J 11 U& l.Ju•,in~\~ 1\ \.Ol'duClt!d lly u 1• "'''d ,,,,,tuu,.~h·o n.,,.,, t..-n1111r t n·'> C-.ldtt-m~rit ""d'> M•JJ w•O tnt.t ( ' '·"''" C or)o.. "'' tJrdtHJc Lou11ty on t I t(JIJ1•r I 1•1{12 F198739 Pl,hh•"~l1 O•t.tn'f4: l •JJ~t On1•1 '' I 0\1 5 1~ 1'; Lb l't82 4 375·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS HAME STATEMENT f ltt• 't•llrtw1n\1 1wr~rJnS dtf--doing fJ1J"1IH--!t\ '-b OIK A~SOCIAIE:S 1201 W la Vt<IJ Avt•11ul' 51111<• 600 Ornnge l.11 •1:?bu8 W1t11t1111 I 0\1l'1m11t1•1 Jr 6lJ I 1!10 f><11k Wo.1y U•11l D I Nl'WPOfl El••och en '•.'66J lJtJ ,l•tt A <.1tL•••o ,,,, 1n (. dltf(Htll. C.tJ•C:HH1t t1r1n1 ?000 Nl•wpor I Boulevtittl (';o~t.t Ml"SU c.j CJ1621 T IHS OUS•fll'S' ·~ conOutl<'IJ t•~ u Qf~O('r .11 partner :.n·i:.i BAXI CR & CICERO l~<C Hfnr r P Tl .Jtt:( r, • .,,,-.,.,J Mttnagt._tt 1 n• ,, ttfllrn4'nt ""''~ 11160 wur U'\tt <..ounty (,~1k nl 0•d"9" County on Sl!Plt'moe1 14 19112 F1973M JACKSON. KIDDER 6 SUCKLING MO H•wpor-1 C•nttt Dr , 1414 Htwpo1t B•ech CA 92MO r .... ''"'Cl l•.:lng .. COOK! 0.1 ll P0l<;,1 CK• ~ ll ,., z6 1<l8< 4374·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FIOTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT fr,, 1011ow1n9 O<'•S<>ns a•e do•ng C11.i'°'"@:SS oS !A l GE M POLIS HING ':.YSTE M S 181 U N I Q UE MARKE 1 INC CONCEPTS J4640B Carm110 Ci1P•SflJ10u C·lP•,l•ano Elt'atn C.A 02624 011nn1s W1J1ne ,141:140 Cam1110 <..up1sl1ono C.1p1.trono B"ot h CA '1'624 Kim Amy S m 1lh 3 4 640B Camino Co1p1strano Cao•~l•ano Beach CA 92624 This business 15 conducled by a limH!'d P<lrt'18tSh1p ~nn1s Wavne Ttll~ ,,n•Pm•nt was l1ted w1111 lhe C.our.l) Cle•• c•• O•ange Cov"IY on Oct • 1982 F199111 PuDhsneo O•er>ge Coas1 Daily Pitel Oc1 17 19 26 Nov 2 1982 4419-82 PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME I hp tollow•no person nas w1lhdrewn BS e general partner trom tho p111tnt<rsf\1p operating under the t.ct1t•ous t>us•ness name ol PACIFIC GROUP Ml\RKETING at 504 North Newport Blvd Suite 205, Newport Beach Cl\ 92663 Tne l1c1111ou' O\'S•'less name s1n1emon1 tor the partnership was 11100 on Maren 1S t982 1n lhe County ol Orange Full Nam• nnd Address of lh" Person W1thOraw1n9 John H w 1111ams. 508 Begonia Avenue Coron& 11el Mar Cuhl 92625 ,John H Wllt111ms F185202 Publl1hod 01ange Coast Dally Ptlot. Ocl 12 t9 26. Nov 2 1982 '480·82 PU8LIC NOtlCE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tho tollow1ng per ion ts doing but1no94 IS VALET INTERPRISE 2140 Thurin 2A Costa Mes• CA !12627 Wilham An1h0ny Merrell 2 "O Thu11n Coste Mesa CA 02627 lh•• bu11neu 1• conducted by an tndlYtdusl w 11111m l\nthony MttrtU This 11a1emen1 was 111.0 with the Coon1y Clar~ 01 Orange Coon1y on Oct 15 1982 Fttl1U Publtshed 01•11ge Cou1 Diiiy Ptlol Oct 19 26 Nov 2. 9. 1982 46.20-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U81Nlll NAME ITATIMINT The tollow1r1g person 11 domo b\Je•nu1 n J INfEASPAZIALE. '718 Poll M1nl1lgll Clrcl•. Newport Bo11oh CA 9284!0 C ano A Rocco, 17t8 Port M•nl•IOh C1rc1a, N11woor1 81111ch, CA 92S-OO C•••o A noeco lh!t tlttemonl WH tiled with 1h• COi.iniy C'41t11 of Oreng. COi.iniy on Sept t8 tH2 f1t1MO Publtth10 Or•no• Coee1 D••ty P1to1 Oct 1q 211, NIW ), 9. 198<1 ~&18·112 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 011111111• ( 11uu1 l>All r 1 •11 tJ 1 I 111• .11 ,,, '" •• 1ht•1 111 I' u:• ··~ .. CL ASSIFIED INDEX 1,,,, £1t1 t1 I ..................... . Gl lo 'Im Tour Ad. Call 642-5678 HOUSES FOR SAU ....... 1 11.11 ........ ... •1•tl•1• f•thtlh11I• I •1•nl1.;otv1 K••' I• i 1,,1.rt••th f M•• l •• i. ". ~. .,., ..... ,,,,, t I l•M•• • •110111 • ., .... th ffo1M1l1•'·•i1 th•• It .. "" I •1111111• 01 ., I ••••illo1ll1ll I •ilUll• ·"· ,.,, ... ~" •II \ •• I' ~;.~,~~:. '.': .. ·. ' •• ~' I ., ••. I .. ' ' '"''"" ..... •" ''°" I ,.,.,11, I •-:.o1• .t 'At IH1ll ·II ........ ff·.11.t RUl mrn \ I•••' I "l•llf•••·• .\t .. .t It,,.,, l~t • • I• 1 •11 '•l' .. hlt' ... , • I •fl ft• fl •• , .. t I! f ,. I H•t• .. 11 '• l"WI •u I ttl "•I• 1 11 ... ' ..... "' ,, ...... ,, '"'' lt•I • 1 •'I, I• tt . ....... . " ' • .... • I 1 t ,. " ... • .. ,,, k• t ot .. 1111 f l I 1-.. ..... , .. ,, • 11 tv• t' l\i,.•• I 1 I ..... "" .... '•' I••• t ,,,.I·'•'• I•• I'•• 141••• II 1 • ......... ...... t ,, 111 I I t 011 ft I • ,, 1 It :.I " I ' : .. 1 I" .. "' ~I :~i . .. I (JUAI llC1t1 .. 1NC. 1.11•1'(1111 UNI I I P11bli1hHrl Motloe: All IUl~~l"tl.1h• HJVHi ,,,, .. 19 ifl th .. , llH'W'.tlfJlll f I' '.tthl•tt t to tt1t1 I 1•1h 1.11 I .w Htm'tl!••1 At I or 1'HJR Wltlt 11 '11·J~t•1, II lllt•\,Jf t11 • .1<-tv•u 11•1n ,_.,._, p1ttf101111 c • l1tulto1f1r1n '" d1 ,, 111111 ftitlllill ""''" C lj \ I '""' tt!ltfJ!lll f 1 I l 111& l u ~fl ,1 J 111 It J IJ 1 1 r I I I ; ii , ,. , I jt It. I 11 "I • ,,. I 11\; olH ti lrfl 1!,ll'IH t '11111Ll l•(JI •ii •t1~ !U Ill +lit I I tu , n• ""'~fi.-J•••t A.•IJ ,, h.1111Vw1t111I, •IC \. llJ I HI 1 11J..,1•Fll"Uf1tl fl11 ft t t•• l1tt• 'At I ti t ,., 1t1Ut rJf tt1u IJw ' Housts for S•lt .. . .................... . Rt•I Est1tt Ctntr1/ 1002 ····•················· GIANT 5 BR IUCCOU "I ' llh Odrm muko~ •"•.1r d._.fl r1r iJ,.ltY •'A ~llt'"t ,ucot ~' q 11f • f.H H"'t'> ll•.:••' ' IJy ... / ,11> 1 I I ht• IJdr ~ ~:I MJfl)' rn1u11 1·•11.t', L1•ll Hou111 /01 Silt j Ho11111 l0t Silt ............. , . . . . . . . . . .................... . ~!!'.!~~' ....... ····'·~~~I ~.'.~~~~' .......... !.~~~ 11 1 ""' I 1•• I 1. • .i .. ~!~~ ,~sy~~.,~0~.~t I< •ll•UIHt .!._bn.tl 11'1'" Cl , 1111 •11111 It• 111••11 lul 1 .. 11111 1 t..1111 1 I •t W H' 1111 1 .. ''"1 , ,,1li11•''· lw 111~h1•tl, p••ll"• $1"!1 OtHI PUllMSUU HOME t><•.111 II. Jlll\ \II w' M .111111 1•••111 1 1.1111•. :1 1,,,1J1 ti1111 "I II $1 .1W1,lltlll I ~1 .1rtlr11111 LIMDl ISLE llYFROMT I •• , ••• .,' I•" 1 ...... "t..11111, l t..11h 1.J.1\ll •lfll, .i •• tl I lfl cl1 II 11 ... 11 ,1 ... Nto\\ $1111111 tftlll llYSIDE PUCE S1•• 1, .. ,11.11 11.1\11 11,,t dplll ~hr .! 1,,, "I' l. 1,,, • i.., d11 • 1 ... .i ,,.,,,,.,. H1·rft11 1d • i 1 ,11111ttt11 FllRIHIS RANCN :-.;, \• I 1.. I ..... I ..... 111111 ....... 1. 'J•11111.0 1•h ; .... t.111 I.:,,,"''' ·"II "'"'"" $1 .· ,11111111 AVALON I•' 11raplt 111 1 ,,,,,,~., ••h •1ut••I I h ~ 111,11 St I I I I 11 I '""'II· t·d ... $11111 OIJll COROHDO CAYS 1111111.nlii hl,111<! I U'l h,oylJHlll hit H~I 11<1.tl .i. .. k )'l,111' ,i\',ul Now $:170,111111 ..... t• ,,.,, BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Bayt•de Ortve N.8 67S · 6161 tut l1.ll•l•11H f If'°' I l>f"l"H 11 •Hll t I t1.ioi1l1•-w• I ,11 • • 1 ttJdr11 lur dµ51r1mt1t1Hf 1 U.J I••••••••••••••••••••••- '.,I '*f~tl13 1 I I '""'""' ' ' ' I 11.11·1• ~" I ti I l11.11•h" I hi \j1h l 1,tl l• f \ji4 I lol '" I ~~:./ "I •I ,, fl•••" •II •I U+t•I \l,,111 • ••• t ll1111,1 ' 11·1' kt" .. \ • •+ ,, ... ,, ~ .. , t •I I '' H• • 1,,, ... , I fl o I ""' • 11 ..... 1 U1o1 ·'•• k• 1o•111 I• I• II• l•n'.t ..,,. .. , .. h• t •• "., "' t411 '. 8USIH£SS. INVl~I M[Hl. flHAHCE I,... 'll''. ·~"' I "" • ' I fl f 11 •' I'~·.··.·,'.~.·., I :~ :, ·:·~~~~NCEMUil s I PERSONALS t LOS! t FOUHO \ I' •'I •-4 ' • t• \At I I ~ '..':' .~ .. ~, :'•I I ;: .. ·,,'.I ··~UVICES I ~· ',,, I lMPlOYMENI ' I~.... '~~.£~~~' llON ··' "'"''''' ,. 111 1t "'•'''' ,, \ I ' ... ,. , . ' " MERCHAHOIS! ,,._' • \I •••• f . •ti .~ 4 • •"' ' .. I H •H.r u .... h• • \I I . ,,. ~ • ' \t. II" ,, II ~~:..:.:~ ......... J, \+ .. I ~ • ' • t f. f I 1. f'.. " , ... I'¥· •• "' .. '4.• ~ ''• •• 1 ......... '• .... "••I I ' ... , ... BOATS & MARIN[ EQUIPMENT ... , ..... t\ . .,1 ,, ... ,j ·~ .1 ,, ., , •• i f1t •'I ., f1t # 11' ' I I ' '""'·•' .... , '"·• • 1 ..... ...... , "'•'"'"' . h. •' ....... . I •. , },RANSPORU TIOH I •" t" ""'~ I "' l it If 1,., \I I '•II"' \ti•<A ft I•\ '• • ,,, 1 I Yi·• .. "" ~. 1 •. ,, , ' •• ••• It • '" ..,., •I• II AUIOMOBllC '•·'. I ' "' .. . ........ J •••• ,. I \ .. ,,. ... .., .. , \ 'A4 , I .. \'•"I~ .. ,, I H""' .. , "'o-f\ ' 10 ... tit. ',, II ' ~ , J, .... 1. n , , ,, . "'"'' •n• ,,. ,, l.amWtt\•"• \t,;1 .. '4•1 ' ' h1 ~·· "4,H .,. l'•tU• l't u• I ....... ,. H..-11 .. t I H H.1 ~ . ...... ...... ........ I H .. I "'' \ . \ .. I· ... lot"". \'4 , .. ...... AUTOS, HlW AUTOS, USED '•'"• lft<l>,l•ol•I I. 1•1"1M ' . ., ......... .. I HI •th l••lh-• l•·t .. -h flf I '"''""*' •• I 1•1ulft 'f•U'f 1 ~ 'tt1·1 'f'' ._. ...... , .. ••1 ... ,.. .. "''" ''''"" t'li ""'"''" ''-"'••• tl\1.u'\•h fl111I '··· ..... , ... Ath .. ... , ... : ;I . .. .. ... '. ,. ... . .. I I J .1 .. ... . -'I .. . " . " .. ... ... 11 1) ,.,,, ... ... . .. .. ~ Mot• l•mll,.. &re ~111ng 111• ceml)lng "bug" Ihle yeer. If you have • Otlm• per that'• not 011uno I uwd, Mil 11 now wtth • CIMtlflad ACI ................ , LOOK f: or our fif'"' n '~·JLI• Wl"•'"'lf h:•dlU't" * MESA VERDE l H• th•• QOJI I l11Jt •1l' f q .t ,01 [J\,;•IU11hJI > ltdt1t1 11 II i n111n,. "' 411 ( Ht ,, t I ~" }'·• .,,,,, AIU 10~ ~.h""'' t1~1 ,., "'II < ,.,, t ut ', !HT(;ft''•l Roy McCudle, Rltr. 548-1129 NEWPORT CONDO $165,000 A flltH t lfJI 1\lfJll ''" d t ••111'''' t~1·>1vµ11rl str~el ~1th .u ,.,11.11' ulrite and ,, ,, '" , .... ~ \lot y con· ! 11 f Ull rf qJl)UC._. I'' 11J'f t•f!h 11 ·• .~ (r ttu5 J flfll hO!,'" ""tlh 2 1 I 1H lf1t1 t" V'ttd r,,-l ., .. ,, 1 , fl..t.r:trnng H 1S • I u t IT" ., • r r , , 1 •• , '' f't I' l• ~ C,j( Jlt tcJ• BOAT SHOW-I e: .... Y 5~,~!~Y,, ,, .1-•C•l•ll•FO•R•M•ll-~ 0d1t1 p <>t (.la>~ l•uh DREAM HOME! SACRIFICE SALE •IAYFROllT* aon SLIP OPEM DAILY 1-5 38 BALBOA COVES J odrm · 2 balh N OW AEDUCEO TO $489 ooo• ART GIOV lllETTI REALTOR OWNER •673·9111• I Jhcnificent Chatuu Estate C IOU Vl II A ', ,.i11fJhf1H1tt f r(1JJ• t'> ,H}j It J I j., !-' luqrrt,Jf! f '•\li1f 1 , ',,1 t; rr rlloo ["•'fl d,,//h•r, H"'1t111 1 I h()m p,or•">t •r t•\nn+.,. cc>urt s~so nn'.l ••·rtn.s AJt 711 'J7' ?(jj1 *COMMERCIAL PROPERTY• 25 Yr. Financinc / IJf t U'~ \. 'tlUcl! 10 \\ \11 ltl II• •'>I I ti l'\I "" ltt• A •q NEWPORT HEIGHTS Ill C.M. l.,t ''""' ~ 4 p, X. f;im1ly ; .,, • "' f1Hlf1I lCes 11H It 1 .. t •Pl '~IJIPf ,.,, I••, t I ,, .. I ., mo u•·• • '' ,, t ()y H ,ccoia 1•1 CJ11 !,;-o.,r1t.iO Ow· I •HI., \0 )''~ &H-'911!_ WE8l t.Y N TAYLOR CO. IU-Af Ton::, ••no• 1u1u r ··.:l tc.r "'' ''"d•O gill CORONA DEL MAR ., .... J •·<.H·f· ••le.. I r •Cf' ff'r t ,,,,3nr1ng o .... r ..... t l.lrty ht•an Suull' I 11.~r .... ay Two I 119 t ,, ;'!i 1e1us Onl, 1 ~r., t..-\O t 11111oom hOu· S tl' 000 (..ill 7!/). t)O I " • '' .. 1 .. N'<lroum 01 'S2 73:J ,,,.,, , ,.,.,. ~'"" c;oo --------~~~~~-----s-31_._"_o_o __ _ car s.bikes· ·skateboards· trucks ·baby carriages·tea c arts •trikes rollerskates • w alkers·toys ·wagons···· scooters· hot rods· coupes · trailers•hard tops• convert· ibles ·motor homes·iawn mowers•1imos ·corporate headquarters •garden carts M odel A 's .. •• •typingta bles wheelbarrows· r ecr eational vehicles •golf c arts·model trai ns' bikes f:>ianos•cars refrigerators ·skates······ I f i t's got wheel s, you'll move it f aster in a Dally Pilot classified ad.Call 642·56-7.8 and a friendly ad· vlserwlll help you turn your wheels into cash. 10-io. INTEREST!! .J r LJ,,.,, h•p• w ilt'' \t ldr I I .l •f •f'il ,..., , ••Cf!'\ .,._ 1 ~I dt t •1 l dPct Arf•' 1J O ,.,_ tu•n, !:=-10 1QO ( 11 P 11 A~I for r roct•u•r· I I ·4 '.!~16 t-.;'tt .!Olil LUCKY SEVEN! '..0N[ll \< f ~ 'J' , t.i<Jrrn1\ All h•rtn~ 111, u01r>Q •/A f ttA ~ t••1t ,. 11,Jt1on Prtc..t•' , .uiqt llom !t>4 ~00 1u $L'3~ 000 C.Jll ~oon• ' 979·5370 .\.l >ILiilEll A£Al TV & tNVlSTMENTS To pince your message j before lhe 'l'lldfl"IO pubht PhOn4' Oa•ty P1lnt c1u• r.ea 642 5678 •• 1 \.• .. <•• 110 .... OLD CDROlll DH llUR $260,000 p, 11i1o1 1r 11 1n 11 ' lc1t " ,~ • 1~ • .-~ UJ1 tinrnf' a •'' t' • I.,, t 1 1t1e ,_tnnn ' .-•~\~r1• /\ r ''.., find SO c. o t' t 11 ' • .i l hes & "'' nr'< Own"• w.11 d~s1~t ,II ,,t I ! !'.l 644·9060 MEW PORT'S EXCITING HOMES lht'\ nr"' <. ;1 t~AC1~t' 5 ~tl•m' .l '""t ~rf'S. In· c..•uCJti''S tJ1 llf1' 1••(J Vl~W tr nm •l 't'O' •t; ~ Sunny rOty t•"'c t ,.-J ,.,a t•Cal S8<.~ l) 11 IP< .., utt· I ... ' ........ ' '. "' \ Rea'to•~ 675-6000 "4 •ti, ....... I • . ·• •I f I M.U ' . WOH ..... ll:Ull·Lm anw.n II llntlfk1tfe1 IHI .. \ -----------.-----------~-------\ (.'8 Or1:1nue l.Oatt OAIL v ..,,l 0 I fl uuaday OGIOllttr '°· UJO~ '"''' If.I 1111 11•.,f• lu l1J1 °'''' l1•l l•l1l1 I fl f / '" 11,.,,, V•l•1al••-' ""'" Oalu1l••H A••tl•Hl1 f•1el1•H A,1rl•••I• A1111•,.l1 A,1r1a1111 · · ·· · · · •· • · · · · · · · • • • ·· · • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ••• • • ••• • ••• • •••• • • · ·• .• ~i!!t! •. ~·'·'~ !.. . . . . · ·•··· ···•· · ·•·· • ·•• • · , ......... · ··· ·• ••••• • •• • • • '·· · · · · ·•· · •···· •••• • Uaf,,,1•lrl14 fl•l•t•l•I~ U1/•1al1i" • '"'"' IHI MHll• ,.. ll••ll• ll1afl II I 'IOI C•ll• #tH Jll4 llt•Mtl 1111• Jllf 11.'I.''' ,,,,. J74f •••••••••••••••••••··· •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••..••••••• ,, f 'A.I' , ,,,, llH .. ,.. .. ~ ............ : ........... ,,LVVl.,t.:.t•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ················o··o ,,,,, ,,,,. J.ll4 C..11 ""' ,,,. ···r.'"' ,,,,. '"' •ti .,.. ., lllT I LA .. u• .. Tiii ILMlffl l UAUI ~ •tu(J1n • .,.. .. • •••••••••••• ,. t . •••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• llllu.tlT llJ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• .. •••••••••••• &L I lhhtll I'• II• 1.l••n dbl • l•hutte maid 111r~. •fl• 'A• d•rt 2 be tipl<. n-1 BA I B• lpl<; 11-r>e to 3 8r on counlly llH lul lllOl .. 11111 llW,tlT I HOM Y•.,IV W .... Jy WlllltH J 11,., 11111 vi •ntaniu .. 3 lhHni Jba •11ull .. 1 tno w11 41111 J016 HITllll vpl 1rg view detll• 1111 ocn tUOIMO yrll l'utn l~tuoeo full Pfil.• It••• r• + pooll U•I Air•, 11irn11 11u~1 l 4 8a1n11 s111111111u tu mo No IM I 12Wtmo II I ' • 31111 'J O• I 1'11 pool i lO. •Pl m•tJ oc'upancy Au•"' A• I i ti 4 ' 7 o o l !OT,000 f6l·3ll1 ONLV SIS0,0001 ~.1~~1·,•q~~ith!~"~'•P~~~~u JlOlll IULn I 11•• n11 11 0 0 1w 2 U<ltr•• 21.t•. ltHullful • .'.''!r.! ... ~f! •.••.•... lndry rm 0111111 No !v~b6~:."111 Ao1 11 1 1668006 1Sunwa11h1pp1n dtll!Qhtl ltv 11111111u 1r,.1 Young PllP '-41t lllbll ••Jultunll t l;IOOtmo 0<.IANln<)NIOlc :l 401 l"•I• C•ll •o• •POI llwpl llgle 2 b• 2 b • lhtl J eturv .,uavagan Allult1 A 1)411• w1h,u111• lll&l•l•IT t "''"" I th• len<..U yercJ <,1111 llulitttin lli•lly I ~/ 76•,jk 01 iuc111 t ll t~J!I $460 642 1003 'Ii' u•••Utt near <ic••11. 1pe<,101.11 A vell no• c:::. • ,1 I ' ' ...,..,,,,,, 1••• ., 't ' .. , ... '" .. ' ''°' •...•••...•.•.....•... CHARMING AfMOD 3 Br+loll l 11d1llM opt h>1 oup .. a or unit 673-8585 CHI• .... I Ol4 ...•.................. IUI IPNITlllnl 11011 IOWI 114,IOOI Lew Py•t•I "N•w" & IOllCIOUI Oar den li1l1&1 wlllo~ 10 ce1 llng llreplace• NFAR BEACH I. 2 & 3 Bdrm1 tron1 $84,500 Below merk•I lnl 1111t1 1llow1 IOt pyrnta el IOw •• $795 /mo (E1sy Ou1llly11tg) POOi. lemclt & HCUllll' galed prlVllC'f TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS ONCE IN A urE TIME OPPORTUNITY CENTURY 21 Walk·I• l11lty Hl-IOIO WTlllE Hll lltlll Completely remodelad and deco1a1eo 2 Bdrm 2 balh home on A-2 101 New earthlone carpets, used brk:lo. llreplae41, ell new kllcllen and be1h1 French doors and huge yard Auumsble linen· clng avellabte. Owner wlll also consider 1eeae OP· lion Hurry, won't laat. asking $139.900 Call 540-1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS -- IEWNIT IAJIUll ATRll•SI HfLIHTSI IWHI OEILlllSI SlH,0001 ·110I l•.I Modern, de1achad hm, uniquely de11gned by The Mas1ers of Indoor/ outdoor environment Light and airy ln1erlor w/Skyllghta. 3 garden 1trlums, beamed ce1- llngs, king Siled bdrms. lamlly room "'!bar & walls ol glass 10 pallos Enjoy sun all day on "Private Root Sundeck" Only $10,000 down & S 1395/mo pymts II you are loQlo.lng for • UNIQUE HOME AT A STEAL, -·\'egollll CENTURY 21 Walk-I• lulty 141-IOIO HLL MOISE This 3 Bdr 2 Be chermer has a cul-de-eac locatlon and Is sllueted on e large 101. Assume low Interest loan. Asking price S 132. 900. 631-7370, S49-3S46 TRADITIONAL Rf.Al.TY , ••• UlllCN•ly <>••ton.a U 4 600 b40 bUJI .. .. "" ,, ... !\•11t9 ""• 1111 /110 1111 bll Lind• ,.,... J r l Mgmt oc.111n Vl•w bel1.011 y l lJ)lmo 114~ 7400 =~~1~;h~.11~g~v!10'!:,:~!'c: A,.,,.,.,, 111·1111 •l'lo Au• ~4t108t4 ~~ '1~ '11';~0111e: • e ,,:.,~·:~11·:~~.,t.11 PllHIH OOMPIRT !:8.°'~';",~~~io!:~!I; R:zhao: ~!N'~ ~: o~~1~0 at•lnell glau w111oow /t1 lilt JJOO -.. .... ,. """ 1111 JU• 11111 JAOOll lllALn llk• nu. 10• 1 b• ap1t. C11•dob1 01 s !I 7 o m 0 01g bVl1u1 room tor. tUd•.1 • •••••••••• ••• •••••••• 011•1/lat{r11f v1111 nn 1>••1 •1!1111111v Ull llX( 3 IJA 2' 1 lJ• 'J frpk., OW ~er 14/(1/up ~ ' I>' 1 •IJ•rkllng blull POOi A hot UIT OM llPUI Avull turn "' u"'"'" •1•t1 vu1• Ui.1 11y .. 1011 t•o•ll 1111\J & PROP MWllMllT P11tu or 1>ec0<1y Po<>t 6 H•nlin1,,,. !>':>:I 011!13 'b bbl\' apa Gourmet • 2 •• h k I '""'""' 101. wl vlew• u111t11lrt P•llO N1111 I Ill 1111 •Pll Nnpel• 21S50H•ll• ••• , 11~0 '.)01, 281. 3 cer o•reo•. 1 u 2 l>d, hHVV ••• roo . 2111 ••1. IJldg. f)OUI J Ut I 0• lttlll.. u•rage. bNCl1 l•I & IHI, M W • Mfltn P1ne1 640·2447 ., jL '860 mo C:OOllll eupe1 Cu11on1l1.0 lrQ yH1e, onty I 142,000 ~ l•ll ll f)llllo S~D5lt1l1> .,•••••••••••••••••••• II" 10 OCfl, kllcl1en a nparate loun I .I . FllllOLOSUllE $1111 l .,.,,. ft•1.~1 u1.1 to 0011 rlly S 1 100 '"' mu I MOllT TEllM $•6!1 ' Ad1m, re1t1g. P• o.tu•o pool11C.1e •tr• IAl(I• oTb 917• Ory 111on1 All 11111 war 1 YI old, 2 'J-bd 110118, ,_, lallttt G1vn/Uafr1, cuureo 710 JUwrtt1 S.I 113 t Mltl I I wn rftnlal1 Oy wiwk ur 110. no pclll. odull• p1Wf, 'JIJr ? lH• l.111111. u1wh1 Sp0<; 2 I)(! 'J',<t cO(ldO 'VPfl mod up by lwo llamtng llllc 10 oce11n No down 81•110 11ew t1ume 201 & :; t.l lll'J dll•O w 11tc11ti arH, 1va11 . :i ttA rmmlh Agl 61b 11110 7'14-A JllfflO. 673·7787 t'·r miles h1111r.11 NC> p1t1t •Pl 111 lhe Olullt Frpt ll••PllC .. ~ ...... pie bl w •• I d•n, vu 11111 IOI 10 ooat 2 Un, dbl gar lplc; SU20, HINE "l UI I •PIS $~00/fTtU b:Jti 8362 New CO•P••· No Pt!• 1ura1qu• 11ntan111n11 • POHi • I t •n v eil AV811 llOW 12000/mo b Ud 3 04', '"'"Y f rnly r ... <> ,... Sll2!i G4b 6218 ground• wllh twin 11r. 11gt Snoryt 640 71114 or Mer•er llllll&t/Yltw u, 1 tud011 t • o I( g;t,•;3i "i~ri 011~~1 "8 · T E 1 Or w1tuf1 Child ok. 2 Udrtrl up1 A•11ll 11nr110 cou $'J&K dn, take 01111 b68 11981 $I IOOl 1no, N o f>el• fllcllo, vlow, frplr •. 1111c1 l11aloly $!J:it. I rplc.. dlw lrg 'J bd.? ba Apt tn 1110 • 2.. · ) Br w/hln)lly rr!l, lrl)IC. Oruru 641 61!6!1 New"ort 1';11nl. u1.e1111 n111 UG• alovtt. llltlt Ulill•I)• No IJttll. Wlllttr Blutla f rpl SU""t IOCI • 1 ..,I( •01111 Pkg wllOw, D•£/11tt1/ 11•r.ttl vl11w1, sp11, ••,u· " " "v low p11ymen te WHO 1 •I llOO 1• t 1 view •••c condo, :I br, ''GOOD wMol111r 1p11 lrtcl•y me 11111<1 '!t4!1 :otOOO Ag•nt. 110,. & ••rv prlvele Ne. COUlO ASK F'OA MORE ait1 •fl "' f illy, comon pOo "' t11tri 1 D••• loi•I JZZf Oen, omce 2 b.i. lormnl SU2blmo mi •~" pcm $876 64b 62111 •••••••••••••••••••••• S2GOO/rno •••••••••••••••••••••• SPMC. 6:l1 UtO/ Al ONL y $150,0001 WATfArnONl llOMtS ., .... I••...... 0111 Wtl l"tAr ........ . OHTHY 21 LAST 831 1400 u"na Point W11lk1ng di•· ~f3~J;;3 an '1200 LIFE" Wlll-11 HAL n •• ,.... 111111 II 10 Be111.1t 3 end .. •••• 0.0 • bdrma $050 10 I 1:150 Wllh •O dcx.h tot powttr "I~ '"'OUND 'UN -1Hi.,•l• 3201 ,,.,, ncv 6111 3100 t>otlt 3 tit .2'l B• 1.0tlllO ~oci~I At:llvllltt ~ !~i~~ci(i.woo1Rfi~1 CHANCE 2:~ik·~Jf.:~~;~~:~:~~~r'. ·~~s: 11co0~01°a ~P~ :" ~~:":~c;~~s:i~~t·~~~ ~,~r£~.::r~·.:ru 3 Bo. 2 BA Con"O 10 t>vy 1n11 bHulllul J S650 mo rl; lncluoaa S 6 5 0 S 9 5 0 3 Partiea•Plua " yeu old, 4 unit epar1-a 11 u 11 I• No p • • • 7 1•1•93 0467 Nll)ll l>tnchtront home Across from awlm club/ mem house In Sen Cl&· 935.5445 Br 4 Be furn S22!>-0tmo. much nlO•• park S 116.000 By ow· h h 11 & £1 Tolf 3Z3Z unturn 12000 <.:all Bot> 0 R f A T ner 851-1586 mente wn ocean, 1 5 Pan1n Pt 5 BA. 3'• bl •••••••••••••••••••••• Koop el 759 •22• "I! C R E A TIO M · IEHTIFILLY FIHISMED SIHU UYlL J BA home "' Untvers1ty Perk for le11so · 11rep111c;e, wet t>ar 1ind p11·1ete pa· 110 $995,000 Call now A nita Sch e nd el 644-6200 Sl&,000 DOWll 1a1<e over peymenu on beSI located VIEW pro· perty 1n lhe Hills or Tur lie Rock 3 t>drm, 2' • be - library. tam rm . din rm , and llv rm Breakfast nook oll kllchen All rooms heve unobstruct- ed views except 1he l•m goll course views 111 11 OR lrg puuo, $1200 mo HOMfo ~OR RENT T t1 n n 1 s • F f e e tremendous aavtngs dt to mo Agl 673-9060 J aorm $750 Fenced Blulls J br, 2'• 0 11 g•een leuonli (1>1u & i>•O •8Ct lrom the ownOf ~-vord & gar age Kids & bell. neer pool I tOOO shop J • 2 He a 11 h lore being llated with Oceenllon1 2 Bi 1 Be pe•a welcome. 5•5·2000 mo Bkr 644·0 1~4 Clubs•Sauoa• brokers Acl NOWlll Call ltplc $800/mo 1nclds Agellt, no lee H droma1Sa owner a1 (71•1642·0 138 utcls 673-1309 3Br. 2'>Bn. lrt·levlll, con Y g.i• d I N I C r •e50 Sw1nimin$1•Go11 loco•• P1or.,1tr 2000 Coto .. ,,, "" 32Z2 HoatillflOll m~ ~3s~tsse •es • OrMng Range • • • • •• • • ••• • •• • • ••• • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• le•c• 3240 • E A u T I F u L w m 1raoe dlll wtoe moblltt 4 Br 2'• BA, FA . 0 A . & •••••••••••••••••••••• 3Br. 2'~Ba p1us11 condo nr A PA ATM EH Ta : home &/or 3Br house vtciw Comm pool 1en· Shi11p 2 BA condo 1 sty, water. poss1bte bo•t slip S 1ngIe1 t & 2 Tustin lor pa11lel Ow11 tn· ''" $ 1500 mo Own1 ell bllns. POOi, SSSO mo S 1150 mo 675-19~18 or Bedrooms•Furn .. hed come pr open y 17 141 759·8006 Call 540· 1158, ask 101 I SS 1·8394 & Unfurnished• No 557 9390 Dave -Pe11•Models Open Eleganl 3 bCl. tnm rm. prvt Beycrest custom ClHl,•n. 3 C M Huge quality ouplex community Steps 10 HOMES FOR RENT BA, d1n1ng rm. tam rm. dally 9 10 8 3 1rplc, 3 gar, copper pool Spo /lo Ten Ills 3 & 4 Bdrm, S700 to den. 2 sty, 3200 sq 11 lge OllcWOOd plmbng $125K, usu-S 1250 mo lmmed S750 Fenced yards &I yard $1250mo Ken•IJle, lar~t• met>le loan 111 12~. 1111 occp11cy 675 2740 garages Kids & pe1s 714-956·57:!0 • S17SK /olr Age n t welcome 5 4 5-2000 &,trlat•I• 642.9666 Brond spanking new &•O· Agenl, nu tee $950/mo 2 Br lu• conoy lew,ari IHt .. /le. ATTENT10N lfl•estors excellent Eaststde Cos1a M esa 2 Bdrm duplex 10 2X gross , new carpet/drapes. new cop· per plumbtng, clean 1f\s1de/out Gooel rental area Owner ts mo1tv111eo and w111 work wtth you Asking S 135,000 Devin rywhere 3 bdrm 2'~ bll ovetlks huge park Avail Garage, pa110 s 1.000 5 lltks to oceBn E•8'1)ant 2 No• ist. no pets. non 880 lrvlne mo 607 Iris 641-4668 en. lem rm & den 5875 s m k r Ca 11 Jean , (at 16th) 777-2233. 673-4399 mo Plush cpla. 2' • t>a. 760·0168. 2131556 3040 (714) 645-1104 ceder and glass Sun-I It .. 1 .. Otroaa llltl Mar dl!ck dbl car pvt gar , 3 br duplex, I house trom ••••rt H• • Nearly new 3 bdrm, 3 be, fully niatnt'd yard No beech. near nflw Frplc, 1700 16th St. 2 ltrepleces. 2 c•• gar pe1s 1nq 527 t8th S1 garage dshwh• W /0 (Dover at 16th) Balcony Gardener we1 960-6331 hook-ups $975 yrly (714) 642-5113 bar, microwave Leese 0 11---1-_6_73_·_4~9 _kee_P 1ry1ng S t350 ....,r mo ceen view. vo ey bal cl. ""' 119 Huntington St 2 BA Yrly 3 bd, 2 t>a. BVBll 'i5 i-<1693 •lie• 6 PM 5650, 1 BA, s5oo. 01 rent 1mmd Nwly remodeled en 11 re d p 1.. s t 1 2 s Must rent lhts weekend 536-3602 or 661-7622 124 42no SI 6•6-5710 Reel F:state. 642·6388 rm Appreciation poten· "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij201 2Be dr1m111c spilt· ttel &l\cellent • OLEANFRONT BALBOA Lrg 3 bd 2 ba gar trpl w/d w inter no pe1s $900 673 66•0 'lllME HST level. pa•k selling trplc, or 675-3132 COSTA MESA dbl remote gar dr $985 2 berm t ba hse nr beh. ~ Avell 11·1 2700 yd gar s600 No pets New 2 large Br 2•., Ba Situated on e•t•a large BlySlde Or Shown by 836.9629 ocean view. targe g11- 101. 501C200' IS a MP•· appt 675·6675 s 7 5 o / o A rate 2 bdrm house den. ----Spotless 2 Br a11ached 1 8 g e m '•rl•tal1 fireplace. lull size pool In Coil• 11,.. 3224 dbl ge1. WI O 1100kup, 557-6689 all 5P~ v.1.,,,;,,,,, lovely private yard PLUS •••• ••••• ••••• • •••••• • SSOO & S500 d&p Ou let. Beaut lge •Br hm 1n "8tg •• ••• • • ••••• ••• • • • •• • • 2 one bdrm unl1s eacr. 3 I r. 2 la. nr Fwy & shopping Sml Canyon wlcus1om pool 11•/)o• ltl•nll 3106 with prtvale patio ZoneCl Frplc range yard ga-pet poss wl dep Mc· spa Lt k e ne w ••••• ••••••••••••••••• R-4 Excellent l1nanc1ng rage, no pets Prl•ete Faddan nr Beecl1 Bl 714/644·S804 8·5 M-F 2 Br f.IPI garage No pe15 0 _ __ _ _ $700/mo 227'> Co1a1 $275.000 $750/mo 111 plus sec 893-4894 _____ sea w 1 n d s Br 3 b a , 2131395-3511 f!l.".'!~.~ ..... ~t .. !.~~ "U.-lower Three Arch Bay 11 Pt1v Area Gree' View New 11nenc1ng 4 bd•rn Lido Realty Pvt Ply 499-:! 144 only 648 W 18th SI 28 C do l'•Be Isl ou1s1and1ng view Im I 499·1617 ' on · • · cp med occupancy E Baytron1 l lltle Isle. drps, POOi. tac. clbhse. S l'"'"tmo 640•2033 pier 3 •t<'<Y deluke lrg 2 BA 1 Ba duple•. pvt patio. ne"' paint S545 mo 833·8162 no pelS $550 mo ......, I 2B• Ir pie s 1800 mo 768-7633 68r 3Ba wlv1ew ol bay. 675·3067 lg 2Sr I wnhse 2 story. walk 10 ltdo shopping' 11 b< yrly . .ipplcs. no pets, l 'rm• lrom bch. patio, $l800 mo Lse conside-8 v1111 Or• 24 $500 f!I.".'!~. ~ii.-.".-!{-•• -!.0-.~-~· __ 6_7_3_-7_3_0_0 _ _., 4 Br 2 Ba Mesa det Mer ciean 11ome. quiet slreet $800 mo O w nr 759-8006 VILLE IE CERISE Bf'AUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES By Howard Marl< Co from $159.000 495·3244 760-9355 ~~~~~~~~~~Oen & n1g111 ••ew. 481 lam Lot1101 s.1, 2200 rm ., .. 88 AV area •••••••••••••••••••••• SlOOO rno 631·1153 S Leg 25A 100' unimpro- ved properly 180 degree 2 Br 1 Ba patio. enclsd wh11ewe1er view Lom1 garage lenced carpe1s tract t>lk 3. 101 t:> Best & drepes No pets $525 very clean $550 mo red A~t 673·~02 • ~·8293 el't 4pm 960-oe_22 __ Su Cl1•11111 3216 H . • ••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 ' •nlJllflOIJ 2 bdrm condo, 2 ba, lrpc Puia111J1 3101 H11bo•1 1242 den wt bar gar Beau ••••••••••• •••••••••••• • •••• • •••• • •••• • ••• • •• Surf Vw Steps 10 Beach 2 bdrm 2 be newer dplx 2 BA 2' ~ ba. cen1r11I hea· $750i mo 492 1519 yrly Mature non-smkrs. t•ng & acr DIW range. no pe1s s1on x 3 trash c.ompt•. auto :iar S•ol• A.tt• 3210 2131799-~195 257-9792 EIS1do c M CUl8 hac.1telo1 upl S•OOlmo t 1300 1or.ur11y NO 0{11!• .loy'll Wullze 6:1 I IW6 agt Sll)NNINC. ltugo l & 'I Ur ~~rd,,n RPI , 10 w 18th Vlll A MEOCRA 2 Br 2b8. E side, tam11y comple .. OtW g111rage Wlftoea Pel S52Sl mo & \300 dep 232• E•dcin Mgr Apt I 548·4147 Noar 18th/Pomona I Br. 1 Be oo~st1111s dis. carport w'!fer pd, 1 child ok r10 pels S•25 Agent. no lee 962-0217 large 3 Br 2 Ba Town· nouse In Quiet compte~ I lerge pool oerden set· Ung $675 645 3361 ' 675-5949 Newer 1 B• w/gareoe No pets S4 10/mo 645-5577 SPACIOUS 2 Bd, I Ba, Beem ce111ngs. ser• ber. W ood cab no peu $475 2256 Maple 548· 7356 or 673·8803 ------- Nr l:ln1u.h 'l 110 l' • I>•. c1µ1e tlrpt, blrna, ltpl, t1nr. 011r 1650 Call !i'Jt. 092 lhp PlllO, •m yO $40"1 l..1111 !136 092 t Av1111 now t Br I 811 u11~••1r& lll>t d1w1hr prtvnlo 11a110 1111g1e ga r11ge No pell W810f pe1cJ $4 75tmo 5•5 2000 Agent no lee MAllllEllS WALi lrg 2 BA t ownhou•e ep11 encl gar lrplt Neer Hunl Hrbr ltom $545 CholClren OK 840-6807 2 Br wtpat10 tst & lesl & $200 u cur $4 50 2 1316~·7040 536·5016 1 bd, 4 tJlka lrom bch All 11111• pd 207 Chicago, ap1 4 $385 plus oep 985 4954 lge 1 br. pnllo. pool. ger , sec go1e, , Condo lrpl, dw pa110 pool. $600 2131570-0036 l1vi111 3144 •••••••..•..•..••..... Orangtree uoutt comm 2 bo. on stream \550 657-4993 01 673-3115 ~bt , 2b• up1talr1 w f 1u1tdeck ocean view Ytly $75 0 Agl 673 3355 Wott Newport Duplex, 2 bcJ 2 be, do wnt11lr1 lrplt, dlhwhr, paUo, ga n1g11, $600 mo Sunday 71!0 .7:1 4 1, wkdey a 67f>· 1642 Agl 1 Br. 1 Be apta on Pen1t1 Up1tatrs .,. blk 10 beach Ctoae to 111op• & •eateu· rnnll From $450 mo Agt 675-1642 -----CUFF HAVEN 2 Br 1 Be 11'1) patio. dl1hweaher ga 111ge , no pell S575tmo 6•5·7836 1t2 Br l'V. Ba, m Hoag, no pell. mature adllS pret $525 631 ·3888 or 64!'>·6822 s .. c1,.,,,,, 3116 .•••.•..•.•.•......••• 3 br 2 ba. pallo. gas & wat11r. S6001mo. + Clea ntng & dep 531·3565 evs A,,,,.,,.,, f•111 J1hll 01 v.1.,,, Jloo ..•..•.•...•.......... 2 Br I Be 2248 Canyon L I) 3141 Or upstatrs no pell .!I.".'!~ •• !.•.~••••••••• SHWllD YILLAIE S4301mo Sierra Mgmt OCEH VIEW 641· 132-4 New 1&2 t>drm luxury •PtS tn 14 plans I Bdrm trom $540 2 bdrm trom $595, Townhouse trom 1665 + pools tennis wa1erlall1 ponds• Gas lor cooking & hea11ng pe1d From Sen Diego Frwy drtve Norlh on $535 OuplextSS60 House $325 BchtOpn t0-6pm 333 E 21st St •7Bor30 645-81031645-6589 LUXUIY COHOS 2 81 2 Ba 1nclud1ng 2 ca• garage w/opener. ... ood burning lrplc mos1 ul•IS paid view OI streams & w111eda11s From $800 Cell 662 1309 -•I BR DUPLEX• \415 1ncldng ullls, 2266 A Placentia. no pe1s 645-949• N~e ~ta1rs 2 BR. 2 ba. apt $550, most ullls encl 622 Hamilton St !'>48-0477 E side. near 171h St. 2 Bdrm ep1 $~75/mo $300 sec Joyce Walu, Re/Ma• 631·1266 10 minutes so ol Laguna on Dann Po1n1 1 mos1 secluded scenic blull. ltt..e new 2 Br wi den. 11tra large p11vate patio garage S72Stmo Call 661-644 I or M-F 9·5 643·0210 l uplu 2 ftlllr•, 1'a Beech 10 McFadden 10 Nr beech patio $700 S ea w 1 n d V • 1 1 a g " 760·2567 494-6306 _E 14)893·5198 Spllt lt"I Dpla ~!.0.'!! •••••••• , •• !.".!~ 2 bdrm 1 be, Cape Cod Kn pr1v Chns11an Homo charmer In town nr M slralghl Lag Bell beach, yd ltpc $750 $275 ulll 499-2286 760-2567 •94-6306 -------I 4 Br 2 Ba hM WIO. kit Lease. lmmac Apl. Ocean etc S225tmo $20 dep s1del nwy 2 bd 646-8386 alt 7 $650 497-1561 ----- COZV 2 Bd, wllutl k11, hall blk 10 bch S4 10 melds uhls 1st mo plus $500 sec 10 move In Hotel Ca11fornio apts 494-2797 or 493-7137 N B Non·•m~r lull t>ouse pri.tleges. $295 631·7215 Ou1et C M pool home Beaul $275 545-S 10s alt 6 3 BA, 1 ·~ be, gar, lpc Rent lg •BR apt incl ga- pat10. new Clecor $595 rage. uttt SS2Smo Pre- 544.5939 646-5976 fer scngle 499· 1214 Room t or r e nt N o drtnkers or smokers Pret work or P/1 Lady 548-4814 L•'l,•H Ni .. 11 3152 ---i ..... · -0-c-c •• •••••••'••••••••••• Room tor rent nr ,, A Off 0118' 493-6704 plus secumy 548 SU 2 . l ~.'.'!r.!! ••• f! •••• J.... or 770-5&29 llu11l•i11, lh1t11I, :)Br 2 Ba. $7351mo No ~~:."9~~}297~~ ~v~. N~~;·3•9R·~:;~;·~·~1~· or 1714)673-3!166 __ _ 213-291-0222 egl Gary S650tmo 3 yrs old Kids S42Sutllp<J 1Br Oplr., 411 Oerobblo. 71•·631-1266 and POIS POHlble Im-E Bey A'fe Blllboa No maCl occup Ed Walla pe19 547-1155 2 Br. 1 • , ba, 323 E 16th St No pels Ger $660 Sierra Mgmt 641-132• Mesa Verde 2 br. tip. encl gar No pels SSOO + deposn 979-4383 On Goll Course West $200/mo Male pref Call Nine Condo 2 BA 2b" 2 all 5pm ~5-6024 car oe• wlopnt Wash/ dryer Lower unll wl pello redecorated $725/mo 7141770·1950 Hot,/1 ll•l1l1 4100 ······'··············· l1vi111 3244 964-617 1 ••.••............•..•• _l _llP_WPl_l_T_IE_l_l _ITS--ILIFFS HHlll 111011 2400 pe11 806 Jo•nn St C .. ~arm Inn 3 br 2 bl You own lhe lend 2.000 •••••••••••••••••••••• 6•4· 1836 Studto ap1 S3501 mo uul Aeoecoraled 1 Br relrtg " " It 38 f 2' llE•TALS 3 B• 2 Ba conven1en1 incl tsl & last Call alt S 1nc;I 19200 Wallace hAomecroswsl dl1eo1m2Cchara rg111era ~~-Wide ~.e!~7\ .. : FOR RENTI Npt Mgts a1e1 3 B• 2'' Ba ~ lo 4 bd•ms starling a1 S700 ISi lest plus S200 wkdys 673 6228 S• tO 760-8376 !t.'!r.!!.~!~!~ •.. !!.~~ SUUlll MITEL Wkly ren1ats now avan S 105 & up Color TV Pr.one& 1n room 227• I F b I L • condo lamlly rm lrplc 'el urn ab I e c In g I -------NO FEE• A & c d Helle< Park 237 1<no11 Pl poo 8' e ow mar .. el 2 bedroom. 2 b alhS & 2 1 8 u 11 d , y , m g 11 , Sl'50 10 $1395 631_2000 Bachelor yrl) re111a1 $340 EH1S1de house 2 Bdm Pt on o $1•5,000 By ow~r $235.000 Well lease op-$"00 .J W mo 2.0 I ,. B-•noa-BL1 rlAn r.n en.t.alS...YA!a..Retl1als.. '" ·~ Bk ,. •• n stone~1 Jwm P~.Jn " LmQ.. Qyce auze. -----t r;;.. .., -...-,, IH't lhfii" ltH•h l~u~on~~,~~~-~~l3'~~~ Lake Arrowl'lead area agt 631· 1266 W11t•ia1lt1 3291 675·9562 646-13 19 lrg tncd yrd pet OK S650 __ 6_7_5_·4_9_1_2_B_r_o_k_., __ , 8 £ A C H A R £ A Newporl Blvd CM 64{J'74•-------I t~ •••••••••• ••• •• • • ••• • • 3-122 1st & last sec. S400 IY U'T HU, llOMAITIC IEWPOIT Hes bu•lt-cns & llreplece Eas\stde conelo 3 br 2 2 Bdrm 1 Be smgle 9a· Coroa• 411 /1111 642·0857 92 &- 1537 tev• 925 " 6796 llUM HHl ~t~s,t; ~~· ~ ~~r:•;• /:i ~:ged~~2~P~45~~'s ga· ~~~: $,.~~er ~~1•020~0° ... STE·;;·ji.oc)ii.i ... 1 IFrH bache•o•eue o -$84/Wk SHARE lhlt E.utiloe 2 BA Extra large island kct-168 • 0 2 6 6 ° r I 1 1 4 ) Agent. no tee Many am&n111es 111clu chang.i tor 1>ebys1tt1ng Ael11gera101-Ma1d-Poo1 duple• and hev1 low Chen 4 •u•ut1ous be· 667-0657 weekday eve-J BH, Senta Ana Hglt. 1 ------d•ng views 1,0,,. dock. and work 5~5·0034 As· COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Nwpt Blvd & Wll1<1n payments. or llve In one drooms wllh plenl y 01 n1ngs alte< 6 pm It no Ba. tl'ICd rear yard S750 Co•4o•ioi••• f<PIC. etc lam IN NEWPORT BEACH Cosia Mesa 548.9755 end rent the Olh••. bul wardrobe spice ••str answer please keep mo 546-4131 r . ~ ' 3,.00 V'Larne 2 Br 2 Ba $"00 I A 101a1 env1tonmen1 I k ... •111u ' ., " ... 1 BDRM IN DUPLEX Ulll I Pine Knot Motel on Co11.s1 anyway you oo at lt, ttehashls &herbeths trying• 3 Bd m 2 ba condo ••••••••• •••••••••••• vLarge 3 B• 3 Be incluCleo $350 apertmentcommuntyon thla property Is •nu.-Ownerwlllltnancebelow C E S ; :i pot 't513CAMPU5ft..,ftJVwE So CslPlza St Albani 1 $ll75 c811962_7940 lhe Upper Bay Private Hwy NB Step s to cellent buy New mrlc1ra1el Mullanrea11y O•to/ Hiity 1 •e,,c8 1'gi8' od. w ..... ,,. Br onlekeFullylur-C a ll AnthonyCl ey1 -~·-----c;lubhouaeandhealth ocean Wk lyre1e~ Cerpelsl drapea. new p t 2SSO ecuzz rp c, ge yar spa 8 1ennts courts 7 645 0440 Cop,,., plumbing, 2 lerga 540-2960 ••• .1.o~!~••••••••••• S 7 o o 6 3 1 7 9 O 5 . 2 BR 2 Ba. cpts, drps encl nlshed, many eictras 642·5757 eves & wknde 2 br tn newer trl·plex n1 • . • .--u ASK FOR LORI ho 63t 0303 gar, $750 N o peis $645, Merk 957-0'22 631-6630 SC Ptcua. gar No pe1s pools, close to t>uslness IEEDl --,-U--C-E_I_ yards. w/conslder VA/ GREEN VALLEY LAKE • 675.6606 ss45 633·9293 e1rpo1t. Fesh1011 Island FHA. Asking $135,000 IUCll Wllltl MOUNTAIN HOME HAii HCI IU Co114o•i11i••• 0111t Mwy/llaolrtltur Convenient shops on Rensonable rates Kii- o e v In Ree I Ea I a I e Custom 2 stO<)' home Next lo nauonal •oresl. d 3 h d WOODBRIDGE s 1100 U11l•1ai1•..t 3425 The Shores in bea1.1t1lut EASTSIOE·Lg 2Br. garage Site Un1u1n1she<1 b&Che· cheneltes. phones. maid 642-6368 wnh spal Skyllgtll. we1 skiing. boating, e1c 3Br 4 0 rm. bel co,n77o5 Spac 4 br. 2', ba nicely •••••••••••••••••••••• CdM has 1 & 2 bdrm + carport & yd, stovo/ lors 1 & 2 bdrm ep11 and ser•lce. z channel mo-~11chen & ''•. lndry rm. llv pool, tennle, Ille 1 d d t EXEC RETR"'AT N re Ir I g S 5 5 0 mo o TRIPLEX NEAR bar. open beam celllngs "rm, rec rm, 2 lrpics _Call 675·4277 an &cape · am •m. °' In ew. apts tor rent Call Helen townhousM vies SANDPIPER M BEACH & SHOPS end more Super linen-''·Ba. complel1ly fur-Wes1s1da 2 br, 1 be du· •rplc. pallos lake, pool port Bch , Br penlhOU· Gibson 6U-2611 631-0754 $560 . $1000 TEL. 1967 Newport B1vo C t .. 18 wll" 3 ctng Owner may cons•· ~ & tennis 6•0· 1327. se Security POOi, spa, 2 BR 2 Ba, evell appro• Several bachetors and 1 CM 845·9137 oun 'Y nOU " $ nlshed Good lncom• plev. encl gar, pu1 yard 559 6166 olc 720 7373 ,, m $6001mo (7 t ') $550 2 br I ba bllns Bdrm nils feel ra tine -----bedrooms and 2 be-der uchenget 280·000 p1operly or 2 tem homeu no' pets S•85 4 $495 . · • SY4 6 . 4 2 6 7 ( 2 1 3) pool no pels ' Nov 1 no pets S495 oeStgn~• tu1n11:re end V.eatioo.1al1l1 4250 droom back un111 each Cell 979-5270 1·867-3534 mo 548·6680 alt 5 & PARKcREST PETERS 613-1000 Agent 675-6160 e7~s~ .... 1~•ntd8s or 548-8675 accessortes Move In to· •••••••••••••••••••••• wl lh lt undry room ~ 0 HOME J Br 2'> Ba hvl • " d 1 1 1 Showa true pr1de ol ow· IHI £1t1lt w.n 1 lam rm Ocn'g rm 2 ca• NEWPORT BEACH-2Br. Lg 2B•. 2811 lrp1c. t P••· -------ay 0' reserve or u ure FOR RENTI I N k• sp NO PETS s700 t od duplex. cerpts bl-use Smartly turntshed nerahlp with flreplace. lf.•nt-~ zaoo 4BI 2Bll, a\191 Ov I gar w l opener appl S 288. trestl paint IVlll 1ng · d N · 1 1undeck1 and g1ragu •••••••• rr:! ••••••••• 7... $750 mo 1st & 111st req comm pool. Jae 1975 lmmed $750 rno Agl mo 111 & 11111 + S350 ~~go ~~9g~~angoe ':~! models open delly 2 ~room. 2 baths & 2 15•4 down or trade for wanted Newpor1 Crest Family prel 851· 1769 552·894 7 Jack 1 e Hand 1 em an retune111ole dep Ouelilied •9J .0676 On Jamboree Ad 81 S1or1es In Twin Peaks ,,, T D .• s S 2 4 5. 0 0 0 3 bd. 2 ba lndry room, Condo Have subslant•&I T-Pt11n la•orlle wledded 'N ood bridge.Her II age 631· 1266 e PP~~~ a n ti on I Y 3 bd oar "pt patco. Sen JoeQu•n Hills Rd Lake Arrowhead ar ea &U-7020 v1-1grn bit, pool Call cuh down payment Call dining rm 3 BA 2 Be Peri. 3 BR. 2 BA. dbl -------67S 1 I 1100 Has 1>u111.1na & llreplaoe Ullt aUL ESTAn lor appt lo Me. 640-0888 •lie• 6 pm Prins only tam rm. !Qe yard sa90' garage Pillo. 11pc DIW A~tl•Hll f•11i1jH 2 Br 2 Ba So of PCH, Newporl Hetghls 8'88 ••-First 1as1 a deposit re by owner 54s.5377 tncl grdm 549-8884 formal dining Avall 1m-•••••••••••••••••••~new bldg lrplc $795 0 '650 lo SBOO 559•5001 '• Bl.;c.. 10 ~lch 28• quired Call (714 ) llEAll lltlll BEST DEA If t /1 -mediately No pets S850 l1lk1 ltl••' 37.,. PaSh ownrt1gt Re/Mu. 2 bd 1 •, be S1ud10 o ·w brlghl & 111,y $670 mo 7 6 8 • 0 2 8 6 or ( 7 1 4 ) HARBOR A7~E ••• ".!••••••••••••••••• Oell.lxe condo. 28' 2'"b' mo 213-423-469• 2"8~ .. ;·9; .. P·;~;;·~·;; 759· 122 l & Bl! Patio gar. No yrly 966-8263 6117-0657 weellday eve-Sl,000 H r s1111•. trplC. patio. ext<H. S650. pelS $575 548-•29 I n1ngs •Iler 6 pm II no Sparkllnn "Engll1h' Beaul 3 BA home Wllh R1Htl r.,.;,." 837-26861ve1/wknd• 2 Br 1'• Ba Woodbridge decor Winter to June Lg 2 br 2 be Very nioe 2 645-9867 ocu•FROllT answer. please keep " in creel vi e w S465M •••••••••••••••••••••• Townhouse 30 Brter-$600 1nclds utols Nr ca1 po• IS no pels trying• COUnlry Style w/vl9w 01 ·760-9307 · C.11•• ''' 1111 JJaZ Ou1e1. Clean. 2 bd In wood s100 Agen1 Soutn Bay 1113·S•S8 $675/mo 559-9265 2 bd 1 oa w1gar S•75 3 bdr. 2 ba gar greel ma1she g r e•noell l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilj•••••••••••••••••••••• court New carpet• gll· No pets. water pd loc Winter PALM OESEAT c .c New Aeromellc wood-burning t• Beyiront hOme. decorator rage. yrd comm pool. no 5" 1·50_3_2 _____ -:-l•I... Coet• /llfl• 3121 n 4·0986 2Br view home. apa used brick llreplece In S IEWAlll S tu, n 1 5 he d a I c ~II $575/mo Mgr 2453 1 Br Condo. 2nd 1100< 38 lioit11DI• 3101 •••••••••••••••••••••• Bachelor greal toe make tall rsv wkl wknds gracloue ant&t'leloer's II· "10% DOWN' S20001mo °' offer Boat B Orano• Avenue C.M Streamwood SSOO/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• l•STA•T II yearly 5811·8I19 ~~~.~C:~ ,<;::•:::~~ ~~r;i•; 3PB~11~~: ~,!~~~ sllp ittra Call Peter Pan· JBr. 2.,Be. trptc. comm _A_11_en1 541-5032 __ ~l~C:. ~~n~U:~~~Y~ 8fe81iB"ll $<185 me· 2 BA l '•b•. TSL 11c111t U2-1IOJ rich wood paneling• & Wont latl et on•~ $375. no 7 '"' 771 • 3909 pool & spa, 2 cer garage f!l.".~~-~.'!.f.t .• !.~~f ~ 673·1900 APllTIHTS • ~~~r. 'c~it1 ce;~p~'\$~ YRLY ocean view 2 BR 1 high slyte window cove-000 L•'l.•11• 11.ei 3141 wlauto drs. nr So Cat Beautifully landscaped Managemenl 642-l603 Ba , 2 car spaces $700 rlnge. Amazingly British •• ••••••••••••••••••• PI s z a $ 7 7 5 mo HARBOR OCEAN FRONT OCEANFRONT ·2Br tur· gerden &PIS Pool & Spa m 0 6 4 4 • 6 7 8 0 0 , w lll'I own aeparel• 'Slll,OOOOOWN' 180deg Oceanvlew,2Dr 980-3296 Nu3200'1uxhmonblull nlshed,wlnter $576mo Palloildecki.Nopels +EASTStOE 28< lba 648-3169 p•ntry & ,laundry room No qualllylng. lmmed 2be, spa, $1200/mo Ph If W 0 A pl 0 0 I 180 deg vu of harbor. 675-5102 Bachelor $<115 Kldslsml pets ok, SS7S, ~2 Ba-t-ro_m_$_5_25_N_o_' Twin closet11 &+meutv1e o9ccupt1ncy.218h11t East "99·5304. 499•4827 . JW .. M.. =~~·~r~~~51•9 ~~~: !~:· OCEANFRONT. DELUXE 2250 Vanguard ulH P<l '631-4320 agl pets Aetou lrom New· muter su le new y lull 3Br' ' + ape. 1/1...ort lt1ti 3111 •• $1800/mo. 496-7009 Furn. quiet. trg. winier. 2 540-9626 or 642·~5 2 Bt 1 Ba C•Pts. drapes port Beach Goll Courae deooraled nuraery 3 Only 1229.9951 Cell JOhn • •• -., i • ••• • ••••••••• •• Decor a I or per lee I. sP•· ren11ls 675-461!8 s • o o 1m 0 N 0 p e 1 s 545-4855 CHEE AS F 0 A THE Zervos Bkr) 750·9669 LIDO ISLE · 3 bdrm. lam cloua 2 Bdrm, 2 't•bl, 2 Br 1 Ba collage, Cflll B•chelor $410 5•0•4484 PAICEt ONLY 179,0001 I~~===::==== rm. 4 Ba. S1700 mo pool tac, recraallon aectlon gH range, gar· 1101 2 Ir h11/apt. 1 Bdrm $480 ---------Large 4 Bdrm, cloted In With $8 ,000 down, Ii area, pvt patio, balcony. dener, 11frlg Wiii tease Furn $850/mo 673-4743 161 E 18th 642-0856 EASTSIOE 2 Br garden pelto Step1 lo beach 1815/mo P•"S all Call I"'* A••ftl OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, let"'"' Qllt&ne Ooc:oralor •A50 •9• 01•• On bu• •Pl La•ge deck ner lmmec Ava il now Full ' ,. -1 Be S 7 O O mo B 111 waii-peper ."d•e~rlea end ttne .. • .,.. ~ C•11•• ''' ,,,., J12Z Sp11c1ou1 2 Br I 81 $425 s 4 so 1 6 o 2 '1 ~ t $1200/mo yrty 673-2507 OllTllJ21 Prlvacyplust Malure Grundy,Rllr675·6161 more S11501nclpdulll ------1•••••••••••••••••••••• 3Br l'~B• $475 548-0165 landacaplng. craa11s • -----,.,.--,.,.----1 c811 6 73.23 11 lrom Deluxe 2 br. 2 ba nr Ocean view, beaulllully Laundry rec . pool Steps To Th• Beach 2 Br, Wll.l-11 IULn MCludld mountain tee-WESTCLIFF • 3Br. 3Ba, 9•5pm beach view. $1200/mo turn townhou ... lrplc. 54e.o556 12·7PM •2B• 2Ba Ne1\1 SC 2 Be 3 tennis coun1 IU-IOIO 11"9 In thl1 large 4 Bdrm den, fully/ plly turn -------Call 494-5841 ev1/wxnd1 POOi & Piiio $1095/mo ----Plazo, S A Luxut')' Con· &crou the st11e1 Very ~~~~~~~~~~I Big Canyon condo A s 1100 mo 64&-8635 2 bdm 1997-B Charle 673·08911 2 BA I BA, old houH, no do w/poo1 $505 No clean New Carpet. $750 = i.rge kitchen. vi.-1 and ----------• $470 per mo I chlld ok Lu•ury 3 br, 2'~ ba. study. ~II. chlld OK All utll pd pell 833·11974 Ev•U mo Y11y rent Call Kata •u~,.. 11rve1 to the adfecent WATEAFRONT.lge21>f.2 No dogs 642·2259, view $1500/mo Cell C11I• lllfll 31Z4 415 Hemllton, $575 675·0124 Mon-Fri Jo ..... IHO patio Ottered tor 1725, :~~0,::~~. ~:,:~h::~ 1_e_•8_-_1_0_11_____ 494-5841 e111t wknd1 ;~;~·;·~;,;;·;;1~00i;9; 84 t-0793 '*N~:i; ~:~: 2 .~~51 ~~ 613.35g5 Sal-Sun ...................... 000 ... 642-5200 BB a . I 0 v •I y I urn EHtalda, pool, 3Br, 28•. Claan 2 br !louse In VII· Ind up. Enc garagH tllTAIT Ill pet a 833-897' Eves w11n11 IHITALI .. Tiii Ull $975/mo y11y. 111,.1es1. lrptc. cov•red pallo. re-lege Frplc, bHm cell. 2110 NIWP<>f1 Blvd CM e .. 1tldl 1626-1650/mo 2 Br 1 Be West-aTcit 3 & 4 B• Cloe. to water. lallll PtrHMHft dep 680-1179 <11ya. modeled kitchen $050 ':~&4\~'.2~fd:'peta ok &48-49etl 2Br 1••B• TownhooN. locillon S500l mo s's!50 rvrn & unlurn, rNaon•- 2 llory, 2 bdrm 1'A be 673-3009evee mo 548..f906 B••ll•fl•• all bulll·ln1. tnelry rm. depoill Cati 8 ~111 b ... &lltmenlllN Broker =:~~~ ~.~~~~o ... :~~~~ LIH llll Sharp end clean 4 bf. 2 40~r1h~ B~~~~t!,C: lllti 3140 :::no~1 b~dlbalcony, 631·5230 alt 4PM 1_6_7_S_·4_9_1_2 _____ -i room , i ub parking 3 bOrm. lvlly turn home ba, Gardener Incl 661•3653 •••••••••••••••••••••• TSL Mgmt 842-1603 Spec 2 br & lam r7": Npt H11 2 Br. 1p1c1oue Oc.an end Pier View.~~~~~~~~~ Avail Nov 181 $1800 rno1 1115 O1 m 0 Ph 0 n 1 ---------• Jll IEllRYE ITI bultt-tne patio. etc Aelt ap1. quiet m11ur1 1dll 1..i.ttd at 1180,000, le$, I· yeer·leue. Call°"°'" S46-HSO ______ EMERALD BAY 3 Br ' O.eutlh.114 pitk llkt wflh Flrept1ce. POOi. dllh• Edward Sr 534-7040 $100 Incl viii, 1175-8202. 000 under marka1. AU "-• ,..,.,.,. IOTI TS L ,..,..Tiii 3Br. 1900 mo H1va Ba 1700 sq II lrplc. lctrllcld pool wHhllt, Pvt p1llo. X Lg • 1 1131-8000 .. ti O -"' '" 1he11 Ne pl Cd•• bt1ck patio, with •"8 p p lo Garden I & 2 Br on E/ 2 bel•m. 2 car g8' Chlld -------..,..,--..,.--utn or n ... n fl8t ••••••••••••••••• .. ••• Ml-IHI o w • "'• S 160 0 I mo ,. * rlvlla II • aid• $480 , $580. ok. nor,11 132 E Bay I BA·P<>Ol·blOCk 10 opp'y tOf llOmOOnl wtlo E11c:ee>llona1 velue 3 Br. ----------1 Fr 1 d Teno'• Ag I •Cov11ed Partclng oc.an lfngte. 1350 can 1 01 ''"Agent. 1~·8• home 1 128,000. larlMrYn•llls 631·1288.1131-2711 213 1979-2255 or •Spaciou•API• _s5_1_-2u_1_. _ 541·63 1 942.aoc)2 · For rent over Christmas & New Year's. 3 br. • ba 6 loft v1c1orlen home in Aspen. Colorado Delly maid service Xlnt •oc Vlaw of Aspen moyn· 1a1n1 Close 10 1own Also has baby grand plsno $450/nlght Pleaee call, 760-1340 or 700-9466. ,.,.,,,, ,. ""' 4300 ...................••• FEELING CRAMPED? Xtre large I Br S\epl 10 ooean wl d, patio, rec rm $375 675·3231 --Shr lg lull hma wl prol peraon. $265. Ill. IHI. dep 986-8479 Shr IUll hme wll. non tmkr, meturl, SJOO let, tail. dep Aets 8"04999 Newport Bch apt 10 stir, FIM, 2Br, 2811, Incl ulll & parking $250 mo + dep Prat malura over 3S 631-2010 Room wl kll prlv $250. tat a 1aa1. u1111 1nct Nwpt Bch &42·0811 531·8100. Alk for Jim Alk for Oennt1 4g3-8828 3 BA 2 Ba, Iott, large tam FRENCh OUAATER &7&·3067 •Dining Arte 1 BR n•w pain I cpli TOWNHOUSE 2 bd, 1'~ AlgMlm« Of 499-4950 L11190 f! rm. 2 lplc'•. fully turn 3 BA 2·,; bll, lpto, w l d & i11111 Vi•'• 3Zl1 •Walk In Ctoeetl Orap.. O/w no pet•'' ba. trpl, gar, prvt patio, i' Br b1chelor. blk to Ammlt• to ahr IPK IOUI •••-•..an .,Hl•lalllt 1-1 W aehar/Oryer 1nct rerr, Obi gar. ftmlly con· ••••••~••••'/•••••••••• •Home Ilk• K1tc11en1 1400/mo. :1H's Miner 8 1. quiet. lmm7ac 11155850 rno. ~=~\~8 g;:~· ulll pd. hOm•. NB Wik 10 bch Fem w/lum and cal loo· ltlog tor •e>t or 11ouee to stir CM Ar .. 687-9207 - -• "'1 "~' 11500· mo. T8L Man•" .. d I 17"" A I HOME FOR RENT 1 bllt to Huntington '"61-"lT" no pet• 9 9·1 . "" . • $250 mo 1131·7.32& -.. ••• •• •••••••. •••• ••••. " o, no pe •· '1V o , 3 B C 1 /11. v • v r-. eusi~ESS LOSS lore" ment. &42·1803 649-4380 drm., t725. Fenced enter, 1ren1portal on • . D ,. I / Jiii 1 blk to B<:h. Lo"1 2 od, -LIYI AT Tll 11&11 Ltg, 3 8d. nr bch. ,,.. Nie· 4 br. 2'A ba. goodl'.1•-:::;::;;iiiiii;i----------yerd & garage Kid• & lrwyt. 1111. IU. IU. .~ • .,! •• ~.~............ ~en, 2 ba, yrty, bltln•. torm 1>001. A bHuty, ntlght>orllood. Aeeurner r>ell W91come 545 2000. IT1Lmll fHI Ne'l"ly decor. Ou pd, tOUI Y1IW r frig. n~. 175.9139, '•m rmm1e wanleO to hurry, cmll Key AHlly. tu.ooo loan. on1., .. ,.,...11 To plac. )'OUr rMeMQ• Aoen1. no t•. 1 Bdrm From 1515 encl 011r, dw1hr, pool, • etir Bal 111. home. SUS. M2·?78'. t 1050/mo. Detter ltian knock• onen WNf\ you before ltlo •--.,,..-------2 Bdrm 18111 bbq no C>el• 642-5073 'rom O•n• Point• mo.1 k b.Ch 1191 tn Vl'Mill... viii pd 176-9142 u11 rMult-o-t11nt Delly r..Olno public, .,...,, LM-i 3MI OSA · .. cluOtd •c•n1c blult. 27, overlooklng tCl1i11tled Ade are 111e rent •"•' tu benetlt. Pllor c1 .. elfled Ada to ••••••···':l'r:......... LA OUINTA HEAM ll1au111111 2 8r 2 Ba l ike newt Only 4 unite. 2 c unyero, pool, tao. PromCM1101y Point rwm 11n-to a auc:C4Hleful .. R&_H_ln_v_._1_&2_·_2_19_7 __ ~ r'MOtl Ille Oranoe Coe" O~lot 3 Ir, 2 atory 1ownnou11. 2 11211 Ptrlcalde '-"· 1 blk town"ou". frplc, pallo, er w/cl4tl\, Xti ttrg privlite w lghl rm, wal k 10 to •ll•r• t IA 2 IA 0-•0tY9'dMlellt'ea ....... tlfASEJ mn... c1 ... 1::l t42·H71 belll1. pwder rm Very W ofte.en,3 blkal. lndry rm, g OOO IOC, patio. From 17251mo. be oh lubterranHn OCH n vi ... 1400 mo ·• ~ Wflt to ttll mote If• 1 IAEEZe ~142-H71 pvt , comm poo l. Of ldlno« .. a47-s441 15t0/mo Tll ~·· Cell H1·1441 or M-F, o• a •, 1100 mo Teri ~.71711111 Ht, :& ~·~r~'~'==========~c:•--~~~...,~Adt~~'4~1~·~6e~7~1.!,. .............. J:~::':~=::=~~!1;uoo~~'~"'°~~·~.,~a-MM~~==d~w~ant~A!d9~~Call~~M~t~·~H~7~1~M~2~~1~2~1;;;;;;~~a-~1~~;!.~9~.s~.!943:!::-0:2~12:_ ___ _,l~l4~~~--------------L:l44::::~~Ht~========= { • Orange CoHt D A ii V P ll.Of/Tuct1doy, Octobor 19, 1982 7 lessimial Service Direct~~ lt '.4A!e!oP!r IOI 8 JO dl y •cJ 1n the lllLY PtltT 111.vlOI llHOTllY DO IT NOWI bl ftr ... ~,. Your 01lly Piiot 88"'1Ce Olre<:IOI)' A•C)tesen1ati11e 142·1111, .... 122 ~!!! ... ~!{~ .......... . BOOKKEEPING· T A)(ES Sm•ll bualnus or peu Jeanne 876-5288 !!~ ................. . Experlenc;ed Carpenter RemO<lell Add-on/Repair 760-21185 548-8854 ~'.'!!!!~r.!~!r!!! •.•• SO-A OFF FIRST MONTH Depenoable, alloroable. essen1111 Answering service, secretarial 4 , business services. mall bOk ren1al. word procea· sing T1lei1<Facstmlle, ordtlf entry. pegetS·lease buy. desk space rental ANSWER NETWORK 631·9131 (Hk tor AV) ~,~~!~ ............. . Driveways, Parking Loi Rep1111s. Sealcoatlng S&S Asphlt 631-4199lt<. ·~!!!!!~r. ............ . Out OlllC .. handle all •t••• ot law Ptomv• co...fl.ou• M<1<1C• r All con1u1tall0f1 64\l-9335 ~!!!!~.~,!'~.~!!!!~~ ••. JAYS 'SPEAKEASY'" Any occallon Pot\ b4'• 1·521·8 t41, 879 l!if>2 ~!.~!!t!~I ......... . Compuleflled bookke•· ptng lroin 150 mo AlllO null 1111 & P•vroll 1162 l 4JO f~!I!.-.!'~ •••......... F'll'lilh & •Ough carpentry, c•bln1ts, rm llddlllont 645-8616 Remod & R•pair11 Free est Lo tatea oec:i..1. pa 110 Steve 752-9556 E'tp4ir ear pente1 does eddlttona. remodels. decks Skylights & 18· pai rs Free est Dan. 962-0815 Addt11on1. carpe111ry, ma· sonry, design 811d drat· ting, BBO's etc Dave 494-1003 e~t 724 l11ter Crafts11H Finish & 1em·o1 crpntry Raterences 499-3105 FREI HTlll&TlSI Reuonable prices. last p1otess1ona1 work cus1om wotk 1001 No JOb too small Ot too big• Cl· binets. kitchen remodel & ltn1shed ca1pentry eloct I plumb I CIDIMISI countertops I do every· thong lrom ttarl 10 t1n1sh' Call Brad ot (l 14) n 1-u&o Dan Hallberg Grading Experienced Ce1pen1e1 ~ Paving Co Restcoml Oemo1t11on to Finish Lie 397804 842· 1720 760-2685 548°8654 f!fl!.1.!!f!!!! .•.•••.. f!~1!!.0!!f!,.~!~!!!! •• r!!.t.'!/..••••••••••••• r~~~4f!f!~~••• ••••••••• s11.mpoo & llHm CtHll l:U•l<>tn Hamodl A<hl II• WOO[) 11 NClStOAHA 101( llPROVlllllT (,Ol()r llt18llt•O•ll will I 1• e•t Ovlllly 11111 ht lllllMlle\J A fl•pallall 11 !'All~ PLUMUINO \.1P1• I '""' bleach rionet U•nUel <.01111 ,,.,. ••I U•r~ 4911 t'l• 1 ( ••P•ntry eta<. Ill• FtH :~~~:it~~~.'r~,!!~5·:,0~ 11< 4 •0"i70 ~48 •ii 1 0.,, •• ,.. ~•t n ... 'e4~ 21111 ""' $!) l)u111 olltn Jilli c •• , •• w .. ,.,.,.,., ...................... ' ~6 Yn& EXI' UUNHAM M or Crpt t•P•lr lb y11 •••••••••••••••••••• • TREES llOML IMPROVEMC.NT •~P Ou w oo" my1flll Kii remod C•btnett, "1 I <>fJIJll<llreroov.u Clt•n n11mOO•I 'epa111 ,.,~1og Rel• !13 1 010 I 011<1 11nt•t1•111"'•111 unlla ur1 t•wo 1eno11 I& 1 3478 elec111ca1 p1umblng No Staam/NO Sh•tnl)()O I, ... Oii 642 0881 Clfl~llfy ea 1·8530 S1111n 5'~ ••11•1 FHI lhtot•li•I/. Tiii Hiii IOll( ,..... L•wn·tr"""·•h•ub lriitall Home AamO<J & Rep•lr dry ~,.,If HI ll!HI· 1582 j1~·5;c)('Ni ;~~·jN;··~c· TiM ;';OTl/removal Carl)tlnlly, aloe, IJ•llO• & f)(CEI CAAPfl CA~[ SIGNER ~urn ortenge l11w11 M11111t1Ro1011111ng dackt All yuur home JllCk 8ull1t1g1U1) 1nent c:o1u1 1cheme1 t '" Hllmete ~411 6066 owne• ne•d• ~re• ••1 Ow11er lOP•••1or 955·2066 01 7!12 032' Keith 1!148 4672 c S1mmon1 0111011t11ng erpe1 uphOI drttlf ruu 0 II Cln-u.p1, lnwn cua, lull cleaning Wori.. gu11r t-• conirn • ra••" -1 .. ,,,, Free Ell 1145 l'I' Tl ••1•••••••• •••••••• .. •• 't••e ~s0t. " "6: .. • 688~ KURT S KARPET KARE Ou11ll1y work Aols FrM atl 494·1429 f!!!!~!/.~~~!!!!! .•••• Ce1T1en1-M11on1y·Block Watls-Cust work Lie •381057 Rob 547-2683 UAYWALL/ACOUS flC r v v ~" ~ Rep1111 arnl job epec 11 y111 11•p Bud 552 9582 OAROEN WORLD full Servtce Gardening WAii IUlurlS·ACOYSllC lllC Bern•I 646·2922 ltnng-1 apa St11al 11ud1 lie 38994'4 1 532•5549 Ol\1de111ng, Londacaplng. yerd m11ln11m11nce. ctean DRYWALL TAPING upa, tree lllm & removal All Tex1u18SIAcoust1c Free est1mat111 111sured Free est Ke111n 675-9088 642·4889 X pen brick & cement . work. Nwpl/CM since Eltttllt•l Cxper Gardener & clean 1969 Call now g say• •••••••••••••••••••••• UJJS Tree trlmrniog Ftee rtglll. lreu c1s111n111e on ~~~!~A ....•.....•... DUMP JOHS A Small Mov1t111 Jolla Cell MIKE 648 1:1(11 HAULING·ORADING dt1mo1111011 clonn ·up Concrete & trM removal Quick tttrv r.42·7638 PROF SERVICE Heultng~-yrd clean up Ou1CIC a clean Fr" est 673-0548 H11u11no & yd ctetn·up Ttee trimming. garage 1;lua11·Up Bob 850·11844 !{~~!~~!~~'!''· ...... . Cu•tom llome Cla11r1tng & Compl Mltld Servlc;a Prof Oonded In• d UNl~l~N 8Y6TCM8 ol Nwpt &h 8tl0 1200 Ouallly work wltll • pe1- 1ontll !Ouch Beohelor ok CM . ltv, HO 8eth 8b0..0033 llOUl!WORI WllTH l~1gh qullllty llOu.AewOlk r •Pft11encod. depend•· l>le hon•••. 1111•t11oen1. 1nt1Urutou1 flexible I •m 1t1t1 bt1BI Priona 673 7012 alter 6 PM w04Jlldaya All dey S11ur· dlly And Sunday roR A SUPER CL[AN HOIJSE, CALL CHRIS! 6~ 1 0893 Good rela --tOO quAllly hOUSOCl1111n1ng. exp d & 11111, local refs 646 2101 ~~~!~!l' •••••••••••••• !!~~,!'~ ••••••••••••• ~!!!!~'··············· 6RICl(W0RIC Smell f(>ha ASA PAPEAHANOINO lllP PlllU•f Newpor1, Cotl• M.... 1 ytt IOC•I .. p Ou•• lrvtne Atle 07~·3175 work P11c .. 11u1 at Oon I , .. ,001. tepell DI fll ... I. H ltoll Alec 761-7027 f I e Cl II on 0 I O O II f 8~7 2HO •••••• .···••••••••••··1Jollv C•Jc .,.,, Prof •l· 1 111¥1•1• W•llP•P4trlng' 1111pplng ROOFING A[PAIF\S l op qu1J1ty Specl•I CDr• M11iy referencea Paul Small 1or11 OK Free 1n llendllng 26 Yrt e•p 867 0 118 eellmllH C1ll Tom 01 Com1>41t111v11 RAIN E•perl wellcoverl ng in. Chuck. 542-8392 No overume 730 1363 1tall•llOn ReH prlcH ltlH•I Coneult•n• A11,gnm•n• ••• •••• ••. ••••• •• •••• • ·A6C MOVING· Outck, Careful Servlc. 581-8500 MOBILE SERVlCE l ()w •1181 652-0'4 10 '•lft Ctrfll RHc rMl'letNew acr .. n• ••••••••••••••• •••••• • N81CM onty 6A2·96&2 STARVING COLLEGE 5 TUOENTS M OVING CO lk. T 12'4·'436 CUSTOM wood petlO co-S lldl•ll -- v•11, dK9'1 & f~I by ·'•••••••••••••••••••• RANDY 641·0822 E•Z LAY'N tnsure<J 641 ·8'427 / .11 - WATC_H_U_S_OAOWt r.~!!!!t.~!~~~••••••• 1 · J ED'S PLASTERING .!!~.1• ~I ••••••••••• ••• Neat patchea Intl••• FIH P&llTIH AHIUCCOI 6'46·8258 by Richard Sinor lie PLASTER PATCHING 280644 13 Y" ol h•PPY ReatuC:COI Int/ext 30 tocal customer• yra Neat Paul 545·2977 Thank you, 631·'44 ~ '1a•)i.---'I. QUALITY WORK .. neat. •••••••• ••••••••••••• reaa . honest Rel• lie ATLAS PLUMBING a 287107 Dave 96'4· t045 Hetling 1peclallz1ng In cus TOM PAINTING repalra 645•1688 lnllext. Resld/comm 2'hr ED ' 1'8-1121 Sprlnlo.18'1, Land~pe Ou•rant..O 538-2737 Til• ••........••••.......• f ILE INST AL LED All Kinda OuartntHCI Rafa John 8'40·92 17 --1111 l1nlt1 ······••••••······•••· . .,. .... T~H lllYIOI 645.8512 ELECIRICIAN Priced I e~t Pote 641·1096 Cii1' C•rt largo or small IOb!I LAWN MOWING SERV •••••••••••••••••••••• Uc 396621 873·0359 N1111t -depend·tel" Free LOok111g IOI .<lnl Child· OSI 846-0955. 968-7479 EA pe11enctl<l riovsek aeper I wants work HB, F111 VIV orea nets 842-5485 H1•tiH I . c ••• ••• '• ••• ••• ••• •••.. Memtt Dttlla s leaning Free eat Uc 8'44·4 798 <40 gal watarheater S225 --INTIEXT PAINTING S SAVES 20•;. • 40% "Tree Wotlr. with a Coo· sc;lence" Trimming & removal by Howtrd Doi· 1011 P O Box 34. Co11a JJ.1111, Ca 92627. Ph 6'42· 11132 care? In my Costa Mesa ci~';,0w~~~~r:!~':a~es Lanosc11p1no·Yd Clnups homt1 lull lime oTnlcy S40 Fret! es1 63 t-!i072 Tree tflm/remov·Melnt Lunch sneci.s. L Lin 1u1ge11on Jtm 851·0129 de 751 ·2342 El ECTAICIAN Uc lam1ly d•y care 101 children up to~yrs l l PIT $1 5Q1hr llous meals & sna s Wes I - Clllt, NB 646-9028 Sml 1obs/Repa1r5 Lie Mo wrng & l'dglng. 01 ?33108·C-10 548·5203 <oom" ma1n1 cleen-ups Free Est 6•5·1587 RESIDtCOMM'LllNO 20 yrs Do mv own work LIC 278041 Al 646°8126 C••lr•cto11 a,.,,., Eroc ServlCtl & cor1511-;;(:. •••••••••••'••••• ••••• hon Lo rates Free esu .. 11.J. bff•H I SH mates lie J33217 Lie 306888 RemO<lel 557-1738 847-4714 Add ns Cabinets 646-85861645-4644 ftotio• --' ...... ,. ............. . STAN)3UR INDUSTRIES A~ I< F'ENCE' wood & Oen t contr Property cnoin link Resllndtcom. 1mprov 997 t8 t 1 (8·51 548-5493 540-7 751 !'!.'!~1!!~!1 •.•••••••••• Carpentry Masonry Roofing • Plumbing Drywall -Stucco • Tile Remodel J B 646-9990 Carpentry Cebinets Plumb · Drain C1een1ng Electrical -Tile Reis Don 966·0 149 24hr H Ul· llH I oo vacancies. rentals & Furnace.pool-water heet res•d 530"7324 4 WALLPAPERING Plumb1ng/Hea1 11271703 ~~~~!~!~~~!!I ....... . ROBIN'S CLEANING $entice a lhOIOUghlV clean house 540-0857 TIRED OF HASSLES? Quality clean111g nelp ts 11ere1 Reis 960· 7452 E•peruse Housekeeping We lu1n1~h vacuum & supplies Kiiiy 641-4970 HSKPRS & MAIDS LIVE IN HAL Y /WKLY Vlojo Services Agency Ltc dtbonoed 973.9000 Custom work Free esl Guar last wrk Rest £• ' • • Reos Steve 54 7 ·4281 comm $LOW 118.TES S Tree 11lm/1emov. cte1n .• !..~~!f!'!f•••••••••• HARBOR PAINTING 537·4378GG ~o YRS EXP Hauling. tree 963 5474HB 1 1 1 0 Ouallly work Free eat ups, mowing 554-70 17 1 m~,,~~iie~~ C:~:ng Cell all 6pm. 673-5166. .!!~!~!!'.'.'••••••• •••• 646-0555 HOLIDAY PAINT TIMEt AC RAtNGUTTER EVE'S LANDSCAPING• 23 YIS Also odd jobs A Bonde<l·lnS·llC B344784 compl serv ~ hseclnu. _'.epalrs Bruce 972·0 I I~ Free est 1-~4-5824 r.~~O.'!~I. ••••...•.•••• Most subJec15, K· 14 Day/eve $5 & I 10/hr Mr Morgan 645-6176 c;omm & resld 646-7556 PAINTER NEEDS l1/Joi1i/01. £ ' S . WORKI 30 yrs &•P Int/ •••••••••• ••••••• •••• w;., •• Cl•••i•• .!!'.'!.'.! ••• '.'!.'!!!..... BAI Acoustic Getltng~ lie FURNITURE· KIT CABS ...................... . C II I h 1 "'Lei the Sunsn1ne In"' ltre<I ol oomg laundry? 1 366780 Free eat s1m n s es. repe rs, llull & fold, riano wash 1 Davis Painting 847 ·5186 doors. Joe 673· 1469 Call Sunshine Window I Creanlng. lid. 548-8853 hand Iron Metlculous People who need People · IH/io'I. 20-A M thl Olacount E11p Renee 642·9787 That's what the ••• ••• •••••••• •••••• .1 • _o_n.....:y ___ _ ------DAILY PILOT Huber Roo.flng-atl types Int/ext Aesld/c;omm'I Classlhed ad. 642-5678 Seit Idle Items 642-567( Clessil1ed Ads S'i2-5678 Went Ads C•ll 642·5678 JACK OF ALL TRADES Call Jack anyllme dey 01 n1ghl 675·3014 CIHstlled Ads 642-5678 Shop at home 11 s easy SERVICE DIRECTORY Naw·recover·detks I Free est 20% monlhly with c1ass1lied 642-5678 ts all abOull l•c "411802 548-9734 discount 644-4 798 for your motorcycle DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. Sell your no-longer-needed items for c as h . If 11 doesn't sell. w e'll ru n it another 3 d ays FREE. O n e Ite m LINES · per a-1, must be priced . Sorry , no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for f ull details. (Non-refundable. Extra llnn St.00) 3 3 DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 !!!.~ .. l!.!!.!~!!!.!.~'!f 9!!!~!.~!'!!~!:. .. !.~~ 9!!~~'..~!'!!~!.. .. !.~~~ flloj,''1/'' Trait 5035 f!!!!!. .. l! •••••••• !.~~~ !!~~-~!!'.'.'.~ •... !.~H I '!.'.'l..~!!'.'.tL ..• !.~~~1 '!.'!l •• ~!!.'.'.~ •••• !.l.f!I! .'!!!I..~!!'.'!!. •••• !.~~ !t,1J1. ."r!!'.'.t.~ •••• !.'.~~ Roommete wanted Prof 2000 sq II w/500 sq 11 DELUXE SUITE •••. !!•••••••••••••••• COEDS • Would love to E•p prac! nurse Rets. CHILO CARE needed 2 Dental Office Mgr Mllure, j EARii EITlll IOllY IF11ness orien18d S•te· lem.tosnr2bdrm.2ba storage OC Airport C t /S I periywi you Call Sue or iransp dys f\1tes rirs 630to830am.3or exper 1n pegboard, in-Selling 1oys at ptrlles spersons 10 d151ttbule aptNrS0Cs1P1aza All a1ea 5 2000 /mo W1t1rfro1tll"'1 Ow us1~d'1&0 •31dsTD Ka1hya11yt1me 12 131 548 ·6572MrsDereto.1 •morn1ngswk+1wkno 6 Michelle 556-{234 851-8928 • ner 0 n an r 6 3 4 4 5 7 1 ( 7 1 4 ) e11es mo Loe Btwn 0 C & _ 20 12 Sq Fl (can divide) at No 4 Aocto.y Point wll· 527• 7186 ' H J w d 7100 UCI Wiii consider 11ve-1n llWPOH IUCM SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bay s 1 50/sq fl 642-4644 llng to sell al a discount I I. rtHft 6<46-o768 2 Sun es avail Go Hwy This properly IS tn lore-E • o 11 c d an c ats Io r ••• •• • •• •• ••• • • • ••• •• • -----' 1 blk from beach Nice 2 VlSlb•hly 497-2351 "•••llti•l closure and could b&· Bacholort Bechelorette Babysitter for Setuioay CHILO CARE NEEDED bdrm, 1 ba. gar Female i---------"' come the investment of a Pa111es 738·8538 or nigh! 4 occasional alter· Ages 9 and 6 yrs 2 al· non-smoker. no pets CoSla Mesa 1 or 2 room l1olal1 4415 ltletime. Ask lor Steve 558_6538 noon wkdys 848-5801 ternoons per week. our S295 mo 1st, last. S100 suites From $751mo •••••••••••••••••••••• dep 675-0563 Utlls lncld 779 w 19th 1250 sq It tela1lloll1ce 714·675-3285 F'or Companionship:-m;;;. Beauty . Estabhshe<l men house 1n Corona def Mar ----------• St 851-8928 space, E 171h St in & womens riair styling need cer. refs S4 hr <MH'--Ofw'llllen & responsl-1---1-0-11-1,-1-L---Costa Mesa. greet v1so A11ooaoc1•1ot1/ s<19g7e5o7r a driver cell t<en shop Orange Co a11por1 759·3868 wkdya ble CM S215 plus utll b 1111 y & perk 111 g 4 • 18 area. hes good opening CLE•l/nPIST John 548-8213 IEWPltlT CllTIR 6'45-34 77 Pino••I•/ Lad•es tor companionship I o r SI y II' I p 1 e I w I " M/F shr beaut Back Bey condo Poot, Jae. tennis $300. 645-5123 2 br. 2 be, 'It blk from bch. NB Close 10 Superlot AVllJI Nov 1 53 10 Mike 642-0994 L••I .I fo••' or Just 10 tali. call Ken lollow1ng High percen-Full time. salary base<J Wllh use ol reception. L•guna Beach new 500 •••••••••••••••••••••~ 497-5718 I Dg e 5 4 G 6 3 7 7 • on si.1111 and, expr cont_ room. kllch phone. sq tt . ocean view. xln1 Lo1t I ft••' 5300 _ __ 552.0205 Health & den181 1n1uran· sectetarlet & word p10-parking, te•set optlon •••••••••••••••••••••• ,et••••l ----ce Excel fringe beneflls cesslng Mell & messege 499-5648 S . SJ~ Boat 3 5 h 1 w e 11 k C a I I serv avail separately II •• •• ~"!!.'.'.' ••• ••••• •• ~~ BOAT REllTAL v71e14w/63 1-8700 lor tnter-des1re<l C•ll Judy, Balboa Pen . N B BP· FOUND ADS n 7141760--0100 prox 600 aq 11 on Nwpt lT fDlll SHYIC( Maneger for Hunllngtoo j Mature, Employed Fe !StlO J!:f trnte--o-r-c--wr 6~0. 67~.ruo -REE panmn-anvers ~'"911110r"KnOW1 -tttif1JT stay we-ek-ends Blvd S7001mo uhts Incl ARE F Person'll, qva111iecr corn· Harbovt MUSI be eape. c •• , •• 1 •• 111•1 I wtshe_i:t to share lrge 2 SIOrage By O C Airport day 10 day errands. ge Doat & outboerd en-wletoerly ladles can live surence, pet1en1 IChe<lu-, Cell 548-8296. evenings 1he new European El· ling & billing 4'.-. dys. torlless e1terc1ae ml· c M 631-1420 ELECTRICAL IHlllU chine. commissions DENTAL OFFICE MNOR EXPERIENCED Perma· 71 4 /8 4 6 -0646 or Elhctent Enthusiastic & • nenl position 25 yr old 213/592·•239 ·d elec 1 r1cel co FOLLOW TIE HI organtre .. w /bkkpng 7141859_7200 e•P&< 4 dy wk 546-3000 Wotlo. and play tn Palm 0Htll lulttHI Expet1enced Cooke nee· Spnngs, Las Vegas and ded for dinner house reso11 11eea demonl1ra· Dental olflce Newpo11 Niie 01 day shift avail, ling e1P.clllng ne• pro-Beach, chelrslde asal•· Apply belween 2 30 and OUCI Travel w'ilh chepe-1an1 644-0032 5 PM Mon-Frt 990 Dove rone<J group, ttensporl•· ---St. N B Desperate Need M or tion turntshed, return Fem companion over 60 -.FASHION COUNSELOR I gueranleed, P•ld tr•lnlng yrs tor Sunday driving. $12/hr, PIT. Ladfes AP·1 end high earnings. Mutt 557·1209 perel Business 731-4347 be well groomed end Buyer meets selltH·wllh 1n ~0496 s11rt 1mmeolately. For 1ntervl-cell 6'46-4187, ellectlve clesSlfle<I ao Ctaulfled Ads. your on• I 11 am to 4 pm Perents 642-5678 ••oP 111<>Pp.ng cen1er wetcomt PIU K .RA l\.t\tt K" '• bd. 2 ba turnlShed du· S 15 oo t mo Tom R,~~o~a~e~E~~~eN~I~ Call·. Shopping. doclor's g1ne1epalr helptul S5thr In no smoke CM ptex w/mature. emply'd 851-8928 large 101 Comm't zoning, epp15 church. etc All I 10 start (2131 271·26-;'7 631·7156. 642-34d_1_j MIF East C M $300/mo EJ<ec sv11e wlAC, 500 sq needs m111 By hour 01 ---............................ .. adJ to Newporl Blvd 142-1111 oay 494-5857 BOOKKEEPER/ COOKS lull & PI T, hrs a + ·~ ullts 548-1200 fl wtbath A gar S400 640-133'4. 851-9889. -~~~~~~~~~ ----SECRETARY money to 1>e arranged. F shr n-beach condo. mo. 675•3600 1-0-tt-lc-e-.-w-0-,-11-lhop---4-ou-1-. r Ralal•onstilp Recovery PIT tor N B investor• Tl\e Gn'lder Restaurant micro. tcptc, gar. S265. Full sen; office $300/up side slorege $550/mo $200 REWARD tor return: Learn how 10 stop lhe Motets. Restaurant RE 1 1400 W PCH, Npl Bch 1st. 11151. dep Tracy Branch otttoe $80/mo 436'1t E . 17th, C.M btueOvat1onguher 24K pain olnotbeingioveo& Smellsalarybut oppty10 642-8881 S.9-3421,631-6543 Ans.serv S50/mo 3 gotdtuntngpegs.•326 10 b.i tld ne w rele · grow Sludent OK.Good ------, Fem to llhr w/MIF. su..., N-pon 8e11Ch752-6408 1· 48-63M (collecl). 545--662: all 5 11onsh1ps Whken Old ones typing ab1111y. posmve I CDUHILDH ,,_. OISTA •EU riave bro en down a1111ude sharp appea-People needed to train clean, well loceted Nwpt 4001-B Birch St N.B 440 200 IQ. tt. 10 2600 ..,.. II. Lost Engl11h blue c111 Groups are now forming ranee qvtclc mino & as Counselors to ••d Con d o S 2 7 5 m o sq ft S 1 00 per sq It .... Reward. V1c Broo!<hurst 640 6454 1ne di 1 h 675--964!3 Agent 541•5032 50e per sq. h & up. Cell 4 Hamllion 894_6501 ___ happy pe15ona11ty man-o rs tn s reas or wit Realonomlca, Corp MAU ESCORTS detory 645-4116 prob l ems Thts new ROOMMATE WANTED •• , ... Offices 675-6700 •1wa111 technrque resultS In a ••t 1 ht k " Call Rod 720· 1645 llS IOY well end happy petson ... s ratg · non-sm r, Redhill, CoS111 Mesa Lo 1 J I I ..,. b S250 + 11\ ullls Dys s bl 1776 11 t 79 l•'•llri•I 5 ewery n r...., ro-S) l a Needed al the Suri end All welcome 10 epply 642.5445, alt 6 PM, u et sq a e l••l•I 4500 cade bag Sen11men1111 I t •• 1 • Sano Holel Towers Res· Contect Otanellcs Cent· 6<12-5620 ~~~I 675.~~~/~:~ •••••••••••••••••••••• velueM'."'f 4~;11367 lo1tr1ctioo 1005 taurant Day Shift Con· er 774·0121 between $750 up 2180 11. lndu· m • 2 8;fl•&•;;;;;.i·e1~j;;;1~ 1ac1 Mark Oomen In the 9 30 AM and 10 30 PM. s;;·,~ b~aT1~~:as::·~~~~ WESTll•STER 91rl81 . Ottlce. 18101 Re· lost Men's Bulova Accu-Course tncludlng 16 AM 81 497.4477 Mon lhru Fri. Set 9•30 sage 960•7874 Avett Deluxe olllc11 or store ~~~~~ngc11~~l.•.8:a'chT Iron watch et Ml Case ' Volumes of electronics I IHlllHS FHIS CO AM 10 4 30 PM space 142801900 sq tt Res1ur11n1 ar.. 11th St tre1n1ng !tom bUlc 10 • • Decot1tln co 11 1 ----------~ 1430411200 sq ft Beach ,_a_•_2_-2_8J_4______ CM Generous reward1 advanced TV repair . 11 needs E.apr d Ordtlf Detlo. 0 k / g 1 a nsu ~7 Ammie sht 3BR duplex 1n Blvd Btwn 2 lrwys. Civic W ANTED garage or High sentimental value Design Console lor lab person GOOCI typtng and ~mre ;:'0a~xp n•e~c w ift Balboa. S275 plus ulil Cen1er Shopping Centet, 1nous1r1e1 space. min Mlk41 6'46·9911 experiments, • dlgltal gd phone personality a train 7141~·4689 1st 4 l&at 673-1701 prime loc•Hon 979-8889 f>OO sq 11. tor 11 bodv----l'l'ult1metet. 11 aolld·atale mull Fast pace olllc;e ---------~or 660_0144 , l o1t Picked up .n Bui· lrlggered sweep oaclllo-669-1035 Tustin Resp Fem 10 shr 2 Br 21__________ work. no paint CM/HB 1oc1cs Wiishire Pa·ktng scope •nd 11 25 .. color CAREER Be CdM S325 & ·~ ulll YIEW IFFICE 964--0332 101 • tweed pents suit 760·38"3 w11 h lvr coller blue/ TV wllh digital clock , MARKETING ---------1 Office suite on Ptc Cout ~~rh~~~!,!P~~~ ~:!'; green silk blouse liberal dtgllal channel dllplay & lt•l•I• W••IH 4JZ5 Hwy overtOOMlng New· reword 675_5108 electronlC tuner. all ere •••••••••••••••••••••• port Htrbor Appro1 avalL 6'42-5535, Kuen Heathlo,lts & ell complele MANAGEMENT Engllshmen. mature. 1000 sq II Below market Crettsmen wante d 10 Found_ Manx cat. Mesa and brand new This Is a ce.sp_. empL. Me. wanls rate..71416'45--7100_ sh•~• ahoC> Prely_,~ Verde area. 10·15 11700 value Wiii sell tor TRAINEE bactl./11udlo apt OI Share •-1-E-W_pt_•_T_l_l•_pt_•_T_ mlet s2so mo 499.5501. 546-6772 S700 6:H·9 f06 reas rent•I 64S-2700 n n " -c.-1.-,.-,,-,-.-1-.-,.-,-4-,-so~ :~~" 101n1c~~~.·: i~n~.~~ Iii.".'.",.·,·."·' ~~so SCRAM-LETS f~t!!l!!!~! •••••• •••• $14 40 0 ••••'••••••• •••••••••• 1 and ulillllff Ye DELIVE;AY Person, over 18 to LA Times. C M riomu 3 AM • 6 AM Eton car req No cOliec· 11on1 S400-S450 mo plus bonuses 646-0637 -IHTAL ASSISTAIT We ere looking lor an e.p1 <I dental Hslstenl with 8 bright cheerful •11l1ude 10 work In a prev11"110" oriented pracllve 1n CdM Sel1ry open 644-6699 G2•~-;4• t:: ~e;:,.'580':1oa l MuL5~oN"R9soEALTY ··f··a···R····R··E··N··T···!·· ANSWERS {!~.' •. ~!!'.~'!. ••.• !PZf PER i e.AR * •• 1 * Awai! • Junket do general hand; work C•dlll11es 10 Go·C•111 Easlslde garage lot sto-2 bedroo.Tt. 2 bathe & 2 HIS WIFE C all eves a wk ends, (714) 8411-4535 Whelever the Fed Mesa All 5 957-2740 ., Fixing • Uaher Young merrted man "'"J 10 UPHlllOI rage 175 EHCITIYI SllTIS 1t0<Hls In Twin PH ks tn My neighbor 11n't very 912-9525 -Sun-We<! ROii ·em ott the market 6.45-1234 Full service Keep your lake Arrowhead 1tea brig~ He finally gra-H•l• W•otH 1JO SELL Idle 1tem1 with • With• CluslfHl<J Ad overhead low & proles· Has bulll·lna & llreplace. due(ed from grade •••'•••••••••••••••••• O•lly Piiot Claulfled Ad. Cell Nowl 642-5678 Offltl l••l•I 4400 llon•I Image high. Pre-Flrat. last a deposll re· 1ehoo1 I'm nol •ura who - ••••••••••••••••• ••••• IOgk>u• We81Clltt area ol q u I red c. II I 7 1 4 I WH prouder. he or HIS •••••••••••••••• -••• ••n•u ffFIOH• Newpon BellGh 881 Do· 16 8 . 0 2 8 6 0 r ( 7,.) WIFE 1 MO FREE RENT vei: Or Ste 14, 631-3651 887-0657 WM!ldsy eve-•----------• • 1 room to 2800 IQ It 0 nlngs alter 8 Pm II no Found pe1 bird. call to • F• • I Pl • From $1 18 e IQ. tt. Adj. lllce space for lent. an1we1, plesae keep Identify 983-5415 al1 6 1nanc1a ann1ng • Alrporttr Inn & Frwys N.B. nr Alrpon Seer•· trytngl PM Call A~ 833-3223 lary and Computer aval· FOUND 10111. AUSTRA· • 0 • • __________ , 1ab1e 1-2 o, 3 •par11e pporfun ty 1617 Weslc;Hft. NB 268 oflloes 1111llable llnd uN 1.,i•nl/l•"•t/ LIAN Shllp young. male, • I • lo 4000 tq tt 1st. floOI of conle r•nce room fi•••tl Vic of Werner 4 Bvshard Agent 541·5032 I (714) 955·2580 ••••••••••••••••• ••••• 1_968_·_9_8_57______ • • *llLHI ffFIOH• EXEC·OfflcH/1pacea. l11/an1 Found Algh Hound. v1c • If you have comple ted o ne or m ore successfu l From 1 room 10 3 ,0011,1 HB S135·1325 mo. Sec;-tt.•11Hllr SOOS Newland. e111s A11e H B years In t he flnanclal f ield , you a re prob a b ly ready • F •1 18 tt N ty Xtlfox 8 recept •vall ••• ~.c:.-.0 ••••••••••••••• Plee1e c all Be verly • to expand an In c rease yo ur career . • rom • 1<1. • o · Soulh Covnly Arcede. llAM·6PM 848·1739 ..-1 leue reqylr-ld. Adj Air· ,_8_9_1._6_99_1 ______ Locetlon •nd macnlnn 242 • poner Inn. 2112 Ouponl. OH om•H or loc;etlon only Cell ._________ W ith a ll the changes that a r e tak ing place In • Cell AM 833-3223 "'""'-,..,.. 2nd floOI, e"-T o m o r S I m o n e ,,,H.,11 SJSO • th fl I I I d .., ....... "" .. • • e nan c a n ustry today, you need to h a v e full e Alrpon 1ree -EJcec. Sul· Pf'OlC 560 111. So of Coeat 6811-2895 •••••••••• • •••• • •••• t .. , From 225-450 eq. tt. Hwy wtoceen breezo. 11,,;;::=-::--.::-:--;;;.-;;;;i.-------· e financial p l annlng c apa b lllt le s t o s e c ure all o f • 1 1per 1q. tt. Meny x1ru • n d sunny P 111 o •• !~!T.!!.ffl.-. •• !.~~~ LlllA a YIOll'I • t hose prospects a nd c lie nts you want. Call 557-7010 $560/mo Avell Nov 1 FlllOlllllll PHOTO MOOl!LS • 400-900 PLUS 1400 eq_ tt. liciie11iiii9ii10ii6ii•ii8ii75-ii2ii3ii11iiiil Hlft.111 ESCOATS/OANCERS • A t ID S. In vest o rs D ivers ified Services. o ur • PenthOuM Beytrooi Sui-Ill •a• let S.~Ht OVTCAHLL1_0•01 24 HAS • registered rep resentatives are trained In financial • le. p arking , p e t101. ...... -& I I d 673-1003 1050 1q. tt. peru11onec1 851·5 5 P ann ng an are e q u ipped to o ffe r e verything iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil omcea 11r cond1t1oned. "'&!:/,"' "••t * * * e from Invest ments a n d tb·She tte r s to In su ran c e e *""' IUU* Loctted ,,.., Mec.t.t1hlH 1 S0'5 e IR A 's . cert l flc at(ts and annuit ies (and muc h • o.c. Alr90l1 ...... Prof. ;~0~·~ ;~ ... , H w y •••••••••••••••••••••• ltl11fl1 Parlor m o rel). ..,-..ironment. Ml ..me.. • .•• umn °'*' 24 hra e dey • • t;> :~~ 1~ -: • s!~ac•1n~~1 1:~·nd Jecu:.,_1~•r.!n~oos1e e If y ou w ant to Join a w inning t eam tu IDS. • tQ tt . 3500 eq fl. t MO. TO'• ';?nee \940 •• well .. Tourl•t•. a ttend o u r Car eer Seminar to b e h e l d e t the FREE 75...,..11 Robt. S•ttler NHI CM len1tAmerlc1ro. Amer-I • H un tington B ea c h Libra ry on O c t. 23. • A ! Broiler 8d "-!tore te.t1 Elll>I'"'· 0tnere AMj • .. IP• -\ '42·2171 545.ot11 welcome 714/845·3433. • AnnletM M(lO upetM WIOOW HAS ... lor TD'• 2112 Hert>Or 81 CM • '""''" ltwtnlflttl ltnlt1_•1 '"· • 9111tlnf, W• ~ dlek, AE Loi n•. 10K Up. No 01tte• PMfltf PtitM • .. ....... lenltts llett 1114 ~~~. & ~'2";!,: I ~~~~~~~~ Credit Check. NO Pin-Conv«utlon wfth 8trtll EQWI Opportunity ~mP'OY* MIF • .,.-, _., ,._ I: elty Dennl9oo & AlllOO. MC/VIU 24 hrs •••••••••• " .c.ii eu. 211. CiueHled-~· t42-se1e ...!!!."1s11 I -~o-'·------·······~· FORTRAN. Programmers Tired of Driving to Los Angeles? Ultrasystems. Inc. has immed iate ope n ings for Fortra n Pro~ramme rs. Senior, lntennediate, Entry-Level For long-term DoD programs. * * Fammarity wi th DEC (VAX/VMS) Op e r a ting Sys te ms and DA TA TRIEVE or VA X DBM S Software desirable but not ma nda tory. Must be able to qualify for .DoD Sec urity Clearance. , Send current res ume to: T .A. Jenkins ultrasys tems, inc. 2400 Michelson Drive Ir vine. CA 92715 '* An equal opportunity employer I • I . , .• Or11nut1 l.tmal OAll Y I'll O f Tutt <Juy, Octo ber 10, 1982 ~!.'1.!!1~~'!. .... !.Y!'I !'.~11. .'if!.~~~~ ..... ~~ ~9 '!.•.11 •• ff~~t!l. .... !.1.'.f !~.'!.1!l.'! •••••••• I.~!~ ~,;.;:.:::•• ~.'.'!!.!~!J~!! ........ 1 ~.'.1.'.' •• ~!!'.1.t!. .•. !.~!~ ~.".1!!1.!'!l!.~1!.~ ...... ~.-.~•!1.!'!l:W.¥. •••••• ~'-'.'!i.¥!!1. ......... . '~! ~W: ~ri~Y:'::~',,,~·~1 f\•:;::;;::·~ oe&J ltu•U.1)' lull c •l'!~'!~~.~·!o-i•t D?;"' :~;,vu~u~ :::; -;.-;.;., • .. ••••••t;;; ia..,1~0~:.:~: ,~ol~~ WI HY P!.'!.a! ........... !.~~~ ~~!~~!!.~~.' ... !.~~~ ~~~1.~t ........ !.~! 11,lllft• ••111111nc:e '" 11•1'1•. •µply '" P •llUll ll•ll•• hl•ltlCI 1K•l11allllt • JI) 0 0 I b ••• 0 ,, ...................... A0V(l'118(AU UbllJ l.AnJ . llCU~K~ 70 J8U/ bllv A/I.. lltllll4M. II;.> MO/ Jll08l '""" Come In " ... H-potl Q9114Hlll OU1hJ1ng 114>9111 8 UI 81MP> llOllOw I a with 1 follOwlnp Call 840 0Uf 1:1 elvl!I b011/h1lle< 1 6 Thi prlO OI 1t1m1 Id COM( IN 0 !11 (..AU rt>A 111 !JI.II MKh 11111 Mull 011y wflllaci. ~ot 3000 S.tief1'e 11,_1 Ml~llOtl f714) 66e eou1 u I I JO gun• Ue.ec;h W•OllHll•t 02? 3:102 Uhl' dr•H h111 ••Ole, tiev "Coi'Olnt, llU .. gH lank, VtHUH<I by v•hlCI• o.. PllH APPIAIUL ••• 14100 lllJ3 Oll!ill n11 Mu•• ••II u ... offer of pr•v•o val~ o wn e d 1m Onty Sa••• 1111 ror M•ll• 11111111 loµ, kldllflV at••Pf I 404·1l>Oa 1.,. 111 II•• venic.le llf1111 Curr11l•1•Del lllo hua 'll on 4160 "" ()40 6700 ra 4 c111ty1 f'u,.c:h•'•, Aiuc:11·1 end Ql!Nl!rlAI or I It t ADYERTISll8 v~n Or1v1r hl1 H't•Uor t.:1 wlm•h h •IWI. dt1M1 ' 14 V111t1y 1>011 i1at1<J1 flell •dv•riltlng oolumne OMIVllOLIT 1111 2101 111 MOL ·~o ~L g111u. Votk1weo111• .AbOv• 11ver11g11 1t.lll1 ty 11,.,,, c•11t•r .... 11 he 11 o~ .. 11 w t 11m1 Pd 1111.1 worli. M•k• 01111 I 01 dun not tnc:h•d• •11Y tllJ I 1 OLAClt ULVU 1 • llc..lh •oia ••1orty I UI ...... mv 111ru 1;111 J•lf 115 2488 'l>Pllt•tJI• 111•1•. 11<.ellM , llUNrtNGTON OfA(.;.H AM/ M l;MIH lll! 4 lfJh HJU\ ... ""'30 ping, fill~ & dHlln11 with Full Ut Pail l lm. IHtl ut Cl••• ' <111....,1 Hk .. II U J IOOO Cr•n•I•• 1111 fllllllC.I 141 IOll 141 ••• i Alt 10111.t Hunt flk• n•w """ .,.. o& publk; G I 1111611 ••••••• llnlque OOl)UI hUllH t60 94' I 011 •IOOI• 11•• .. Ollh ••• ,,, •• ,.,, ••• ,, l.h••w ...... lo• •Ir pol -• •••• 1'1100 Of .,., .. 0111• ct• 11!1 MR/ 8 1 t hw•ry ct11 <&4~ ( Co••' Hwy GENERAL OFrlCF ~lv,,ly tulltty 1111 ,,,,. Wl'lo en1o...-Wllll IPfUTOll t1•1•bO••IJ <ll•u•r• All l1t~ltt IOZO tut1on c:o11 11 01 c.10 1,11 6H 11~ 14' t v• wlo.ndt 11tc: IJll•, 1u111f .. 1...,111, N1wpor1 Beec:h compute< ••fee & IMlfVl<.A worklfllJ wun 111• pul>llc tleW 64!1 2366 I Vlll • .. • •• • ••••••• •••••• •• Ci r llltc1tton1 or d••••· Top Dollar Ofl I "'10 .... Mii "" colle"o'. tJ1;) (X>()() offtc• n..O• ••1111>111 OI 011 lt1t1 tel•phona l flll IJ1oi.a11g1 lllm 11 .. 1111 M111r1• 5ervlce• oo1.um11nlary 1ir•1.1•r• F111•r/ 11Z3 111m ~12.000 1140 U38 la/,.&. 11·1· :i. i.nlz .... lndl" 10 1, .. ,1 11,._ oa1111no mon•Y 11 tho inau oven tor 1•11•• wt11 C11t1.111r c:ouch lov• .. .,,, ..... 1 i lrtit ll/l'\opalt 11 1 1 p 'd • ... fl ." .... •w•r' 1.1•.'0"110• 111me llm• Oj)flti!IO• '"'Cl 230 .... goorl c11 1.1e1, COlfl• ... ,,..agn • 12( Oii c lalglll Ull ••• al ...................... llQ Mltl '71 Sllver/bfll(;k, Cu.tom~ ••(u.;'.. ••• .:, Your I Ul.l°HlfUI .. , .. fury commttn•u••I• w/ Oller 602 3721 Quy W()rlo. 6411 26 0 " 11111••w••• •IJI Clfled by OllAllE oou1n·s 1u111I, lo ltll, II. II Cln ·1·'.l··u:~~·e:;,;~;I~~~·;;; ntlplut~ H7i ''fi;.,;;.;r;, e~perl1nc1 wtll 1n1bl•i Dal.IV• f or 1pp1 c1U, H•· i·--------•I M1rtn1 M11111 S.1v Ou• th• advllttMr f-O• You• C1tl O"LY AfT"OlllZEI 111;1 b1J 2t90 Hen1 Aet111>11, Aunt pan-tlm• w/pO .. ll)lllly 01 ~c:u ~~ "c1.~'!lr....'.."'1c:1~~t I II rt M c G I II I. y fURNlfUA! NEW Illy WUlk 1pecl1flttng 111, ... ,,, ... ; .......... SOI FERRARI n MB 230$( 4 !) Im or111 $700 64413a56 lull-llln• Coll• Meu u1111n "--1r1n~1 •. 714 644 2292 Mull"'" Cllt• 101n1ry. ·~•It paint. 6 CJ111Ju ISZO LIHtl•·lltro•rr moc. AMtrM •11. 18200 C•lill1t 1115 754 ••• , • ...,.,, P11e .. ,,.,, •• I vernllh C all Cnuc;k, ...................... 2825 HarhQ• 6tvii DEALEllllllPI c~11 "40·t864 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~-SualSh' cununlHton on 2 Miur11-6 r0unc:1 Ml 714 845·11 t34 Mllll .,,,.,1 Cue1e Moau !140 UJO " " 81 [ldot1do OOVERNME"'T JOAS •11 .... I 3 Workers! fwfll "' Full $117 .... ,, ,. ' 'JU~ Sh•Y 11pllcu, plc;kvpe & tHCiH l;S T CAS'i lmm11 ~ '711 '8° F II"• Me1.1te MUST Sill M1ny job• ev1!1al>le In If •ou hHv11 "''"' ability, I a -A • 141 l(f • i•1 • ' W I ""' [~~~ yollowtdk brwn, Snrl, al ' u~ .. • • 1111 • u ••••• •••••••••••••••• eoupe1 4 to C:hOO•• ulnl1tly for your v11h1c111. M. Champ""n• ••••rlor wttn u S and o111rHtn For '"" u ••If"""''· a11d NEEDED NOW! Sot1 Bed• $1117 C11111c 18' l•P•"•"•1 ' ' •00•1•8 (S .. toya. ~•••oo c.oH. P•'Pbl ...,, I Directory 3 1211188 4347 llkfl MON Y. -wlll tr•ln 6 rom ' " v I '" <l orn1at14, or lor ttlgn pw climate ton11 01 1 b••g• lealhll Inter 01 ofa & l.Ov .... t $247 C4mtury bey boat, 4 cyl, A3093) Prlc:H 1tart111g at b51 1128!1 Comp11111y eQulPP•d ••t E·D l you tn Claulfted ptOC.-1 $ Dln•ll• w/ 4 c;hre1117 Gr•~ 13500 87$·8Ult llU It ttll fl11wh1n $1 4,600 080 with power moonroor -UlaSnllST ~U::,'10~~~1:~.:.P~';~· 1200 DISCOUNTFURNllURE TA DEB t l22'Chl { ' At J IH J tOOWt1~1Cousr tiwy PP ~4 9 1757 Otya. w1noow1 c:u11omtound MOllVlled 8 tyllat llMl.lt<I O eelt OUI Pert onnel Coi~!5~!!:'l>0'6~ll~~ll C~aft :~1~11o~tlOn 1~~1 •• "..'!1 •• '!J!.~ ..•.• ,.,. Nowport 61111a1 4Q6·ft3:t:. evttb & wkndl & mor•I (610325) Juel tor Progrea11ve Salon Oflp1nmen1111 642·4321, Apply with u S f11dlng !~~~~~~~~-•! 1uto Nead 111n1pott•·1 All• loa10 9105 b~2 1140:> NO f142 neeo •ellebte P•rty to Salary. Cornrn . Vaett· tu't 277 I · uon today Ooet worth •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• make •mall mont hly< Sl.ltlClllllY gO<Xle lllltller a • /I It--~ 1-5 13500 •• rk 873 3•8 1 '76 VELOCE SPRINT fi•I 9125 79 M G c.o nvnrllble, paumenl• No old con· tlOll, Mgi 640·11B69 OllAllf OOAST 71 4·984-5354 !'.~'!!!.! ••• ~~ •• ~. __ ,..,_•__ · .. ~ S49!'>0 S apd. 1t/C, toJ.)tt. •••••••••••••••••••••• c;u11om top new ra<J1el• 1r1~1 10 a11aume, no l>llClk ••• sflEE,lll IAILY PILDT CALL ANYTIME 2 Siik P•rslen Auge for 14 ft flt>ergla11 1>011. trlr whll. 1111. lo ml !129WOU '76 ~TA TION WAGON I IO{l ll()hts $~0 paym11nta due ASK FOR Sun·W•d I 0 6 s 2963 s1500 oao 833 7 RuponSll>le person 330 w Bey St aal1t I running for 10 K. & n hi p motor w/ BC· 11 4 • 962•07~1 "" :.1.1m -11146 afler pm ROSE 6<&8·9303 1111 M on -Fri , 8•n' noon Co•ta Maso I'"••• $illl other, 7 K u l11t••llttl<I, e e • • o r1 e1 $ 5 SO , •78 GT 49M Du•ououy. INCi 9144 tmPOtl•·Olr Stlrt $5/hou• Laguna An Equ81 Opply Emplyt .... , ••••••••••••••••• plea•• cont1c1 (2131 D63·S272 '63 Sludeblker Champion •Int $5.900 '76 r1a1 XIO, 010 .. 1 8hll1>1t. •••••••••••••••••••••• THE U_R_l_E_l_T __ ~u• a ... '• · r s 1 •• 10• •• -•t• t 1 fl aluminum Seer a 13750 .,13159.,_ t792 540 69GO 1., "" , rabul I eng ·o e·eo Aes •••••• ;.>1.............. I I J J h s j " I < ' !148 7044 Ill, .. car"a ne IOP IELEOTilll 1111 I C II ••o· f I -1H ,. , ·-IL 438-8428 _.___ ·1 5 PISI c;pe Nice (If $2800 "70 ··Ge I .. • .. !GIANT 0111aQe Sale. 940 c /111cj • 01 on, P eera. ec.,eta ---19 Spyder c:onvorllblll u " • w · HOUSEKEEPER -2 dys GUYS I Breakwater Cr H B Oct ••••• !~!!T•••••••••••• anchors s35o 963·5272 lettll llo•H ltttllttll Xlnt cond Bl11upvnk1 1>l· 1 lhst Still spoke wheels, roll bar' of Ille model. low mlfH · wk 8 30·4 30 own GALS 9 10 H11mlllon/Bu1n1rd CLARKE C 5oo Forkllfl, A Brlatol Chrle Connin, 1946 Ford Woody W&· loy whlll A1w11ys gore 74 124 1>po1t c.oupe ~~~~ l~g~-~7~d:{ reJ.)elr ge Codlllact In Southern tranap. 752-7037 ::; ;~:,1::~2 ~:~~ht plus allp SSK dn peyt gon. $13 000 god S9500 495·0738 S lBOO OBO 496 4036 Callforn111 See us tod1y1 1.1.•a•cE HOT NFW PRODUf'.T 'flttrcho4iH owe bal (714) 840·:!846 • a101 H ' a7z7 ,, .. ,,, 9141 IHERS na cell-" Sob~,roup E•rn'fup '~·.·,·,.··.·,·,···•••••·•,·~s· JI' JI IOIO or (213) 592-2384 1929 Ford Model A lown .41141 JI , oa • JI •••A••••••••J'•••••••• Per1on11 fine ec:count "" v " ivv lltl ••H•I --Se Cla n S '0 0 0 0 1····•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 PElllEOT OADILUC admln Min. 2 yrs 11gency ····'···•••••••••••••• R"OWiii"bi• ... Siiverton 34' Convertlble-:-1 675-6161 10 Ailtlll IOOO hrllt1 MOllOA MUITIH? "O"S TUlllO llHIL 2600 Harbor Bhld •11per Fred S. Jomas & $lOQO WK 10 oeau11tul antique at&I· 1980.Electron1ca+X1r111-26000m11es tullytoadeu We c.an 11etp1 8t1ror1i you " " COSTA MESA Co. frvlne. Cell Don Wll· Md glass windows lrom 6 to 20' long, 36¢ per ft + Lor an C $59,SOO ·55 Chevy Bel Air wgn su;,,001, go' c:ond Like buy, check our unlleato Autom11t1c: trans , sun· llama, 7S2-0990, EOE call .. ,, D1wl• mid west church 775-1491 enytlme. \714) 673-7791 350 rel>ll eng rona new s t3 ,400 OBD t:>lti S8lt1Clton. SllVlnQll roof, pwr s1eer1ng · 540-1810 • • • • 631·081 t, 675·9144 Antique mahogeny cabl· 13. Boston Whal1t Min•-! great ASMtrM Sens. GT 8 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 E 11 es ano service today! w11i\)ow11 & door lock1, L.t S:reter; OHPIHTE to Slt,200 LITIUTIOI •• $11,100 621-1000. ---net with orig RCA radio C d 35 HP mags 650 46·8B96 857-966<1 days UMIYERSln AM/FM s1en~o cassette ·77 Eldo Fuel Injection. ---------& record pliyer-$75, b•· on · · etec •lrl · leave mag I c rutse conuol alloy toaded, 40.000 ml, ger SALES ANTIQUE OAk upright tnroom marble type'" Meny Xtras S3BOO --75 Audi Fox Needs 11111e SALES I SERVICE wnee1s & mo••' (3 166B51 kepi m1n1 Only $5995 ADVUTISIH Archllec1s lite $250 •ink tn I "oor & 2 "'rawer 6"5-7673, Lv Menage ·7 I Mark Ill ClasSlc I work $1000 o1 beet of· 2B50 Bl d $13 950 I After 6 PM 979-7229 61S·B609 ~ u u owne1. lull pwr. aJc;, leetn fer BS7 4167 Hai bor v h cellent oppl'y tor ••· cebmet p1u11 matching 2 Bstn Wnlr 17' w/85 h.p. uphol, etc, supetb cond. __ ·___ COSTA MESA 1 Eldorado Convertible. pei advertising pios Cloor wall cabinet & More Many extras, bl· 68,000 ml. a must see 60 4000, sunroof, 4 apd, 140-1140 BEACH llPORTS 1975, brown, loaded, Mary Hickle Agency 19762 MacArlhur Blvd Sulla 200 ~~1 ~8~1~~05·J1~g~~jwk ~II.If!!'.~~~ ....•• !~{~ "m11 a1 rble t1yp1e"00wall shelf, ;;','~7~o~3d;'~v!:2·7BBO car Beat ofr 831-9927 a518a2r00eo,63111r.29x91n1 cond .78 Ac:c:ord 846 Dove Stre~u le a, her 1n t r. $5 700 HARBOR AREA 8 °' on y 1 ' tempe· • --bet 9pm l· 1 NEWPORT BEACH 646-09I 1 Irvine, CA 92715 No fee 10 Applicant Sales Challenging & te·, APPLIANCE SERVICE ~1'::!, g~::. "~~~eS~go,'~; IHt1, $1iJ 90f0 '29 MERCEDES Replica• '73 Audi LSlOO Good •UST SELL 162-0tOO C•a•ro gfJ1 warding Earn $3000 We sell recond guar both Celt 642·0138 i6~'Hobl~·c,·;.·Y·:.jo"..:•.:,; Front engine 500 m1 cond1llon 4 dr $1200 ~npge1ee.!'1,c,oarn1~1tionA.":','Fh'~ •••••••••••••••••••••• plus/mo lor eninustas1ic1 .ippllances 549-3077 teq sunrise saHa wLlke S 1 5 . O O O OB O 675·772 I • u ~ "" "" lo11cj 1 9150 79 Camero. T -top. 101· t n d 'v ' o u a I I 'IUY lPPlla1c•s '10 gallon Aqua11um. new $2500 675-6151 714/793-2156 •te1eo. ctoth in1e1101 & .. •••••••••••••••••••• ded, super clean, $5500. l.lght house work Make meats and nelp dross ledy Must llve In end have c ar Npl 8 th 546-0B05 quallf1ca11or\S d.is11ed• " " customstand &access lfltW 911Z great gas mileage MEISTER bst o lr 960·<'471 Call Mr Hardy. 631-2601 Les 957-8t3J S150 B47·21l64 4 Wj,,/ Drivll 9550 •••••••••••••••••••••• (100UN01 Jusl neeo ra· 675-9302 llDllE 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11ar>1e po,ty to make ----SALES CLERK Washe• Dryer Aelrtg Jonn Wayne Tennis Club $1600 642-5290 LARGEST JEEP DEALER small mot1tnly payments PORSCHE/ AUDI ·79 Z·28 Removable sun- Newpofl S11111oners has a1 Dlsnwasher-Freezer family memb1rsn1p for In the West No old controct to as· 13631 Harbor Blvd roots, spoiler. au10. '" par1 time pos111on ava1 1 Xlnt tond 648-5848 sale Meke 01111 24' Islander IO hi p ,,.. desperately needs sume no back paymenls Garden Grove elec lock & windows A 760-0 99 1>oa1d, 5 u111. heed.' JEEP table Witt train 11 Upright freezer s IOO 4 your due ASK FOR ROSE Siltt·Stnict real .black beauty! .Xlnl l.oan Ofhoer , ... t1i1 v.11., Mertc•&• c ....... , looking for •·6 e11per professlorials. Wa spec· lallze In new progrema. I.e. GMP/ARM. GEM, Isl & 2nd TD's. 557 9712 Mr Emmon~ Runs '•ke nt1w 545.3375 BumplllT pool/ping pong gelledy on newStraller. Htghesl Dollar Patel 846·9303 tke Imports· l • cond S8.000 642-8316 nee s work 5000, Call Gary Gray air tAllllC all 6 SALES-HARDWARE Refr1gs Washers, Dryers combo. $ lOO. Flipper 645"3244 OllAllE COAST SALES·""'llYICE 11.1 131-23341 Call JOhn Cusac~ 964·9090 RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE 1.0SE WEIGHT-MAKE $$$ F/Ume position In retail M.iny 10 c hoosa from stytep1n 1>allmach.S400 H t977 Honda Actord, ,. • hardw aie s101 e see Ouor SlOO/up 859·0682 Oak credenza. S4 00 Sit& AllC/JHP/RHAULT LUSUll S1l11e11 Blk int, ate. amt Steve, H W Wright Co Hammond elec organ. Save 4S0/o on new 14 fl 2524 Harbor Blvd . CM 831·2040 495.4949 rm. S3900 67:1-3172 126 Rochester. CM 1 yr old Gaffers & SaUler $750 644-2 t 19 sallbOll demos 549-6023 64S-7770 SAllUIACI lllW SALB -~;! ;~~~·· beige $3SO Aeput>ttc: 'Kids Fly F1ee" 559-6930. 436-3474 fratb 9560 26402 Marguerite Pkwy lnoome up 10 s 1 000 wk. - -tick els. ages 2~ 16 e>.p SAITI CllZ 40 •••• •• ••• • •••••" • ••••• Mission Vie JO wn le 10 PO BO\ 8067 Ft1g1da1re Dryer. works 11/ 15/82 2 for S 110 Toyo11 '76 AM/FM S te· (Avery Exit offl·5) BO CIYlt wgn 33.000 mo runs ;i1aal 5 spd, •I C, am/Im cass roott>eer brn $4600 760-2680 Fountain Valley 92708 perteclly S7S 673-6887 <40B)475-96..?7 or reo c asse11e Small Open Sundays _ 5 48-3276 al ter 5 see 111 the Long Bea~h camper shell $2175 -/llud1 9138 SALES/MltTll& Sal,Sun Radio controlled Falcon Boal Show, Oct 22·3t 673.661B ~~R •"••••••••••••••••••• Senior model airplane Earn to S 1500/mo PIT Seara Etec Ory;; 11-;;;: plus sch RS iadlo goer. Partnership In Ericson 35, •74 ford XL T, " ton. w/ I ITM • rTllZDl!t 'IO t11 Low mites Lea Int All power, AC. clean, must sell S28.500 OBO 714-955-3501 ~ da ------1 959 P ORSC HE Roadster E•c:ellenl cono $9.000 obo Days (7 14) 970-05BB, &vea. wknds 1714) 780·1019 C•rv10/11 91ZO ........•............. SEE US FIRST! We have e good selec· 11on of NEW & USED Chellrotets' CONNELL CHEVROLET .!X'}< llarl••r I< I '•!.'.I\ '1t.'-\ Need 10 people to lose B-28 Iba In a mo Shere Co profits 552-0775 M us ' be m a I u r e Heal sensor $ J 5 O G e n e perfect cond • rigged for shell. atr snks. gd cond Sales·Se1vlce·Leaslng -' 559-9043 Leave Mes· s 150 645-896B (7141548·2429 •acing. c:rulllng ec:ceu • _S2300 646-6502 1111 IMW .CLHEOIT sage -----1 Avon wt motor. s11p In =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.G1bson AIR SWEEP Air Waterbed king Size Cep· N B Call Leslll, evs Vl•I 9510 Nice 3elecUon1 546-1200 ~!J!!.~!f.t.'. •.••• !.~~! Forl IHO Male, P E MAY Ei.per n eeded 10 r ep ly 642-8372 between 9.5 pm, M·F IUIClllllT .EJ,er'tll. 645-5370 •Sales cono ?20 volts S 17S tatns bed w/mtrrored 979.7943 •••••••••••••••••••••• * 74 3 OCS. 4 apeed 645-B968 headboard $350/obo YAI (960NACI IOMEY IACHlllE 631·1276 8' Sabol mast rudder, * '77 320t, 4 spd Recondlltoned Aefrtgera lea board. No Sall, S 150 CO"VERSIOIS roof (248TRR) IEEIS OPERATOR tor,, Washers. Dr~ers Newport Beach Tenn11 963-5272 * 79 3201, <4 spd TO PUICH IUT • ~~J!j11~ u 8 r 8 n 1 88 d g~~~E~!~:'8a';~~~~:OO KHe • 308 w/trlr. $600 NEW ':°'868~~~~. z.> spd sun TOIS 642·78BO or 675-2307 COACll IASTH 7 MECIWllC licr,tl•I 1020 Un111ers1ty Athletic Club eves YllS llLlllTEI roof \659ZOK) F $400-S 1000 + pet wk • •• •••. •••• ••••• ••••• Membership. Men Only. ----* 'BO 3201 5 spd 011 <Ont wheel alignment Call Joe Jeckson !SCHWINN Ptx1e, ltllle ,,, Price. S450 953-6606 IHll, Sli11 SELECT YAIS c:ond 11ASX0<46) Own tools. N-por1 Tire a•s. • 111 Cenler 3000 ~oest &3•· 1612 I girls w11ra1n1ng neets /II . I DKkl 9010 REll·U., n ·• el ~ SSS 645·B96B Olltl •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill 208 w 1st. Senla Ana •~ecwyh,1Cnloc:r.onsamdalell enagrlne Sales SCHWINN Bantem 111111 l•Jlr•alOll IOIJ BOAT SLIPS AVAl~BI.~· U•llAfl Closed Sundly ... • ••••••• •••• •• •••••. •• Newpo11 Beech 25 26 . PACIFIC& Experience Nec:uury, RETIRE01 :~~· e:;.1;:;,ng wheels YA··AHA Bise Amp JO', JS', 40'. & •5 Cell CHOICE INVENTORY Appflc:l llon I> A pt onr .., 6 42·4 6 44 tr om 9·5 . SEO VOLUME SALES C II "'"9 3c.X OPTS Dy Loo111ng lor extra In· 10 bo All P Head wHh ' double IS" Mon-Fn '11 HU 11£ ya1 • &' a "" • ~. •S·, come? Try Part· Time Speed ys. • ro PV speel<er cabtnel All -----• lrlbutlng. Orange Sales at lhe PENNYSA· SSO wt111e 644-2026 gd tn exc:etlent tondrtlon SLIPS AVAIL Hun11ng1on Cru1Se e1r cond & c B IWL IGILPTHIST v EA ''" ... ""'"I ::··"~ '""°""° " ... 0 " ' • ., • D • ( ""'" 0 f Alie, Costa Mesa Ask for Tand•m Bike Tri111m111e 1•t os.1t 1 IPM 840·5S45. 646-n66. 6-9 S4tt• I I II c LARE. Needed or progreutve Mrs Wn11e • • • 1 • p " B 4 o • o 9 7 " •11w 11fon some cllen1e1e _ c rsr blue w/Chrome .., . · ~ , _...... pref Salary. comm • "Secnmlry· ---derr.2"'mon>ICJ $?lO. • , 213_.:T1·91e. -+---,l-1 lllC CAMPER Sales.Seflllce-Len.ng VIClllOf'I Mgr 5•0·88B9 Someone who doasn I 5S l·6 IS8 ev Ollitt F•r••l•tl I Boal doc:i. for rent 24 · HI l>ack c:hllrs & 1111 850 N Beatn Blvd mind wor111ng for a 11v1ng I' ·14· ---t.•i••HI IOl5 me•. •ow prohle dHlr.O 5 0523 La Habra NEED EXIRA MONEY? qaJses wnhout asking 11 81 IOf ••~'•ii\•••••••••• .. •• 510 381n St Newport wheel I 1 I 612 1333 Work 81 home or Prl you re wotth 11 3 g1r1 or-flt1t11i•/1 IOZ5 Sacrifice Adler typewrl1er lslend 673-3064 Sltll • IOldetlng. arls & cr1111a. lice E•perlenced 0• tra•· ...................... 511-correc:ung Ilk• new. ----Open Sunday call (7 14) 549-7932 nee 64~·9237 ltOW 310 /FT pd $785. 11~111 S39S Sflp tor 1ent, Main Bay 'll DOllE 1111 78 320! Nursing Redwood 2xS dec::lng. 54e-.B392 J5x9'"' 11 18 fl Frig. bey windows & '" MIST SELL LVN for busy back office SECY /QH OFC • 4·20' long. also redwood llll IOl1 573•534o _ cond (2390S2) Wn11e with cen seddle FIT 557·32•2 Alk for Land development com-fencing CaJ1 Jim Of Ken •••••••• .. •••••••••••• Slip · up to 22 , po-0< Sitt& 1n1eflo1 Factory Slldmg Joan Smith pany heavy phones & •nY11me. 775· 149 I GOiden Aelflever Puppies, fotd1ng mut S 135 mo sunroof &1r cond coco Nursing ~~:~greq~~~~~~r~d n~~ REDWOOD DECKING AKC & sholS 875-2709 o• 67~· 1174 'fl FOH CAMPEii ma ls ate Driven w lln RN or LVN needed for smkr Send resume & ?•4 1 33c. 2X6 49c per S250tea 557•969S .. Ill($~ I Sink. lrtg & sleeper c are (9 49ZATJ Jusl FIT days tn convelescent salery raQuirem11n1 10 n AKC CO(;ker ... , -io (6286191 need reliable pany to Hosp. Xlnt Salary & Be· PO Bo• 7006. Newpor1 Save•! 995·0122 1 Buff M•le ••• ~ .. ••••••••••••!."... •1tt• make small monthly ff I 1 s • S59 9607 • 111 payments No 010 con· ne 11. nciudlrlO n1, le., Beach CA 92860 Frt~ fo Yo• 1045 · 1Bft Sleek Craft 455 Ola tree:• to essume. no beck Pt y, and VacaUons Ap-Service Station Mtendant. •••••••••••••••••••••• Sllll-TZI Pl-IES engine Berkley let. lln· '11 FOlll YAI payments due ASK FOR ply Beverly Mi nor 340 P/11me eur $150 to Blind person wishes to AKC Ch1mp1on"rine. ell dem tri ller Xlnt c:ond ROSE 646·9303 Ike Victoria, C M S250 POI wl 646-5781 piece Alghan m ete In shots, 6 wkS Wiii hold $4200 Alter 8 C:l ll ::nc°::.: r!?8a!~ireo & lmpotll·dlr Occ: 1>a1>ys1tter tn eve-ask tor W1llte OOO<l nome 557· l209 for ChrlalmH 720.0891. ,_s_s2_·_4_3_4_4______ 11111 nlnga, Mllure peraon r . IOSO 553 06<&4 .. , It fOIO OllAHE· co11n•s Stt US r.J r ~01 YOUI t ·-• ·, r!IJT MA10A "' n• IT I •MOii ... , ...... JA<ILITYI 11/l IU(l 11 COiii M(l i lO Jilt 76 Mazda RX4 :> dr 5 SP<I gOO<l c:ono. "1 DEALER IN U.S A [O{.CAR\/ER JQlS·f{X.1 .s ~.._.. ' • ~. N • .,. M• ~"" U .. ·4Atl Sdua 9162 •••.•......••......... Sa1es-Serv1ce-Leaslng UDILEHClt HllJlll 13 1-1040 4t&-414t $7550 85 l· tB53 77 Suberu 5 spd, lront Mtrttdtl ltaz 9140 wheel drive Xlnt gas ml- •••••••••••••••••••••• lenge $2400 96•·5847 ou can aff'Ordto buy your Mercedes Benz from us. $0 DOWN LEA E Do tou really love Ce 1tc:as? II so. give me a call Right now I ve got a ton of them Including I ST GT and fully toedeo Supra s Wllh T-Tops Just need reheble p1tty 10 make small monlhly peyments No old con· Hi t t 10 assume. no bac:k peyments dUlll ASK FOR ROSE 6<16-9303 111e Imports • dlr r.•H!.'!~t!f ...•.. !.~~~ '76· 7 PISS wgn, $3650 Snrl aul o , 1111 wnla, 1ape ~70276 Lie: lllP I 63 Olr 6"5·2953 $2/hr, own trans Est· Service Station .~!!'.'!~!!............. · •• !.!, ••• ~~~!........ TIHHllE OLIEST lde C.M 548 . 7136 E.<perA~~~~~~~ Ho· **I BUY** l !i~~!!.~.q!f~~!.!~, ORY STORAGE HllH FHI & "81 Diesel Jetll. lo m•. 5 '75 Bug Sunroof excel cond Runs great $:>500 ObO, 640-9605 .AftD""' '' n•w '"' •" '1.10<• C'h ilPr>tr"N '-'~'•' ........•............. Thtttlloro ll•"IH' FORD llUSTAH IT't 11.n . FlllllCllC OVER 20 IN STOCK 1mme<11a1e Delt11ery1 HEICH llSPOS&l SALE '11 HSTlH \ 137049) UHi '11 lllAIHA I t 15.1_97) nna 'lt FAIRllOIT t 136422) UHi '11 FIESTA (A78550) UHi '11 T-11111 ( 159701) 12111 'll PllTO (I 1329S) SUH T"HIOllE HlllS FlllD 2060 Hl rbor Blvd COSTA MESA 142-0010 140·1211 ORIENTAL Rauan lurnl· nest. clean tu!, non· Good used furniture & Oak Upg right piano· I 2060 Herbor Blvd. ~ spa t>lk. air. anrl, am/Im lure designer Musi have arinker Muse be abte 10 Appliances-OR 1 Wiii sell needs 11n11111ng Monthly boat 1tot1~•· COSTA MESA Jj llad 2 yrs 8Mpr. & expr pass lie de1ector rest or SELL for You S850 S48·7272 any size, 24 hr MCu ly, 1•2-0010 140·1211 S1les-SerV1<:e·LlllSI"" f:. ~~o~'~;;.i:,:2ats ,·~~nfdORJOneM~,,.tlrrlc:J<es, ~~n w/ra111n & bamboo Lanuni Beac:h Arel free lai•ndllng ~ ... s --~ mllerlals, lleatl>•hly & ...., 499· 1019 Bel 9.3 IASTlllS AICTII• Yamana Poll•h•d Ebony IEWPHT Hiii '6" ford Van, Ec:ono 6 cvt. I{)'( c:ARVER ~~ 1964 V W • new paint. $850 494·32' 1 cotor •0•Ptabtttty For 1----Ul-1111 IH·H21 ~B~1~11110~,°9ei'8~f7 1111 IH• l1r Ir II haspot1n11e1 cHJS Dr"U T-,in.1\\ rl 1 AMIFM radio, body ok, 1950 2 dr Ford Fleste lnlormetlon call Far East SUPER STAR 675-7498 rv.." Iv..'"· i: ·~~ ~ • .,..,,.J.,, ,,...., 11~1(;, ,J runs excellent S 1.S7S )(Inc Cond 19,500 mo I l'1 t e ' n at I on a I Inc I HY FlllllTlllE Beaullful K1w1I 8 11 Grand 144-0110 ··~.~:~~". ·~ ._: ,.:: 536-9469 after 6 or 111 s 5 7 so 4 9 5 . 6 8 o 3. 71417S4·7501 D I "c' Les 957 8133 Pleno wl walnut c1blne1 • I ,. '7S FORD VAN S3K ml, i:iii !Y• S• "'""P<l'1 e...t d ~• d ,A.T/Tl.E r~a;;~ enS~~~~n~TA~ • Xlnt c:ond Ivory key1. A !ff!,,'~!.'.!!~....... RUNS PERFECT OfWC ~AT1 ,,., 14 UU:JOO •1> ansioo _•_y_w_.,.,.,_e_n_s____ 5·10PM wllllng to learn our Dul l· Oa-dining room table & s gorgeous pc; ol fumllurl c •• ,.n, Wt 962-0945 '81 3201 •Ir 5 apd, ste<eo 1~~~~~~~~~~1'75 Bug. •mlfm/lape, n.-'71 Fo1d L 10 Country High Income Cell Mr ness uph<>lllereo Chl lrs Xtnl 111~ 11 top qual lottru· l-t •i-A•t•I ""••I-~ ••-~as1s_29F91a1wleu .. S12.soo.1: radials, Clute!>, brks Ill•· SQutre SUiton Wgn Miiter. ~5'2~1 _t _ond __ '800 ___ 5"3-__ 2063 __ -1 ment $<1500, a.4-6599 •••• ':'!' ••••••••••• ~.~ •••••• ::~ ••• ~ ••• !.~~'! .,3 81 380 SL. 7000 mt Wire dine 642-4000 Mon-Fri Looka & runs good. 9 P••y.f•M( Compennt•on to S36. 611 brown plaid eole hlO.-.,.... 1_3 Cebover C1m1>9< for Im· WE PAY ~76 BMW 2Qo2 •Int cond wneels $38,000/0 BO '80 RABBIT 2B.000 ml, ex pn aenger, air, power "" -000 plus bonus and a•· •·l>ed S76 Maple dlnelte ~:!!'!l •.•....•••.• r.::.. PO<'I trucll, bOol. 11a1>lll· $5200 or best offer Call 2 13-832·11979 cond, Sunrf, am1rm c;11s. Sleerlng & t>rks 91,000 ORDERENTRY cepUonalbenelltS set. 4 chairs $7S 1982 S k i N eutlque iere.c:0<nerlack1S750 TOP DOLUR 811 5 pm 675-5290 $4500. 631 -2017 111 mlleaoncar,englner .. lrvl P:~sSOR 642·8115• "2001" Only 311 hours (714) 645-5898 75 BMW 2002 Snrt. Ale: 'll Mil 450 SLC. 6pm ~ ~ ~ 'o' I ~~.~ 5 ~ ~t~ ~ ~~e ~ee0:':!~~~ Opporluntty 10 travel 10' BABY FURNITURE Also hive • 1D77 Fot· ll•t•ri11' 11111 1/40 Fii 1111 OAlll em/Im cass. mint c:ond ll1clt/ .. l1C• '1_0_1_1_1_1_1_1_l_I_ 646·3 104 art•r 6PM or ,_son t 30-5 30PM To 8 bright. nighty mol lva· Delu•e Bissett bedrm. mule lfO 20 11 Ilk• •••••••••••••••••••••• u •• M&illlHI Must H it Secrlflce for All ex1111, 82.000 m1 all day S11/Sun ,...,. ted sell starter Req complete 111 Like new NE w 1 c 1 ft ( 7 1 4 I Moped, ·79 p~1 Ndl .-.. -Xlnt cond. 646-5505 ana ptiooes. teke oiders Oegree end evide<Ke of Wood 1 275 979-2518 6•2·2000 & Hk for Jim· wk Good c:ond. A• 11 NITIAO/SINAI 55850 Call 84 1•0388 731~;~,~ ~j~~342 '89 v w Sunbug, new 78 Ford Granada, 4 dOO< 6 ent1t ordera Into oom· super star 1ccompllsh· my. Jr II 0111. pf11ae S1SO Biii ~-3438 2480 Herl>Of Blvd. V8, pis, p/b, Iulo tran1. puter lermlnll S tart ment• Danish Modefl1 8' Couch 1ea1111M1aagel COSTA MESA 1114 1MW 2002 paint, clean In! 11800 radio . 1/c: l.uxurloua $4 50-S5.SO per hr. Cell and 2 chairs. S400 ll•l•ttytlll/ AM/FM 11ereo cuae11e. O•E OF ITS 11•1 BT5-07S9 economy c ir In lllnt Barl>lfl 556-6328 ti Ch•• Isn't you • please 042-9559 after 5 S•rli•• c.H1 IOl4 •-IJSO Ht·QOO FOii OOLL•CTIR ·77 VW Sclrocco. runs c;ond. $1900. Call S1an t II 0 • 1 1 1 -•'"•••••••••••••••••••• -•1111 i•t· 1411 1t1v1r. xlnl cond Beat " · P A 0 G A A M M E R I 111 Y vr ~mar 81 11 1' Twin bed xlnl cond SSS •Lj l••I•••-" ••,· 1 • 1 ··,·;:;;_:;•1••,•;:.;.•• ~ r111on11t>le ofter Alter V re e 1 mu I I a e 11 1133-0070 S-S 'ANALYST quality friend lbout thla Afters PM · -, •• -• _,, •---WE--1-1-.,---5 7 14 645-4782 Oii IHHTllllll $4 300°/besl o ffer 9ull""9 appllcattons In ad Non 1mot<ers p•eue 675-3291 Olin Mllflt IV 11111, ~. New hied work, eprock· ~~~~~~~~~ 61 Ct autc: "600" I 6.&0-2767 01'1••6//e 1155 IRIS Buie:, 2 Y'• e11per Please send 11sume 10 ~~~L~~ngBoob'!,,s,10050.. II & Cheln. seso. OLUI 0&11 I-~haulfeur parll11on wl tll _f _________ •••••••••••••••••••••• M ICROTECH, Cotti COLLINS ASSOCIATES French Provincial Hvtc:tl. 4 ..,.,....,. .......,. ..., 850--0202 C1•1J 1115 possible options Metil· 967 VW Bug, Clean, Vry '79 Cutia .. SvP<tme Dtl M.-. 5S7-8640 567 Sen Nk:holas Dr dr1. 31he4ves, B drewef•, Schwinn V1r11ty blk• UI TllOll ••'••••••••••••• .. •••• lie brown w/llghl 11n good c:ond. Aune Greet. S4.000 ml, A/C, euto Newport Beach. 92660 7'•8' Xlnt c:ond. $700 $1S. 963-7513 Yam1h1 250 1950. 2 mos '73 Ceprl V6. AC, stereo, plush velour Int Comp $1800 840-7818 trans, stereo, PS/PB, "IOIAllH TELEPllllE Firm 63,1-2010 .., • II old, •tlll undef w8'r, l.o ¥mseond 642_9620 factory rebulll & restored ·74 SUPER BEEll.E $4e~~r~~~2~~2~~ntr J .. lftriil l•,,IJ K '"L. I I, ml. S7501ol>O, 642-i861 to new cer cond Con-.XI.NT MECH Cl.EAN •-MLIOITOllS Ing size 1 mettreFn •nd 1'111! 1111,. IHI ,79 SR 600 y h 155<> '75 Ghil. 4 apd, orig ow-veiled 10 U S apec:a $21150 541'"7004 '76 Cut1111 A/C, CIC, lo _,er Work Evenings In Ill--~o,. ,.•PrGngad r emd• ••••••~••••••••••••••• 11 A am• 1 1 net, pa, pb, ale, 1m1tm, Orig butt lor OM 104, ·••BUG m l , gd lfrH very gd Ctlllornlt corp hu en porr Beech LUI w .. k 9s'1'8200 oo con BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA 5"~316 una g r •• 12200 548·7090 000 on hind . C41r Pf• "" ,vetyQOOdeondl cond Bell oft er outatandlnp po1111on In our lop pet•ton put In 24 _. ________ , Color TV 2 yr wrntv 1 __________ 1 aenll)' llOf.0 In Germeny Auna gre11f 11800/obo 6412•7814 lt't new lac:llity In L1gun1 llourt •nd brought home Trundle Bed. Contempo-S 148. Free deliver Y • 73 Suzull I 100, rvns DllH• 1120 but ready for Immediate 6<&4· 7453 1'1 8pm Niguel lor •I>~ see-S395 Clll833·3740aft41f rary design. Xln't condl· O~ J~~,;., 845-1786 good. good 1r1n1port1· .... llm •••••••••••••••••••••• shipping '70 votavan. 5000 mll11 '80 Old• D tl Roy•I• king a chellenglng and 1 PM. lion $100 675-9497 ---=--------• tlon. 1225, btt olr . Top doll1re for Spor11 Solllng Price S75,000 on rebfl mtr, 1uper conCI. ,e!o,rueg•haAm, ... 1Lnoga'!e5<?,0w0I, •tl m ulatlng c areer liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil----------Bell & Howett Electronlce 682-<>&83111 6:30PM Cara. Bug•. Campera, PIHU. only qualllleCI rblt 1r 1n1 $3200 " •" growth oppotl For Im· l11ity 11111111 Tllll Cou111 tncludlng: 18 .. • •-/)'; 914'•· Avdl't cash buyera cell 494·2118 evee 496""G42 med. inc: c:onttd1nt1a1 TR 'VEL S20 873-5887 votumH of electron tea ,.•l•t .... ,., -f Atll for UIC MGR (7 14) G42·0138 1J 1 lfS1 contld•r•tlon. pteu• n "RT-A·O•ll training lrom bu tc 10 •••tl lt•T•ff Ill .Ill IMllM '70 M••cldea 280SL, Im-V•ln 1111 •• ~.!••••••••••••••••• .ul>mlt your retume Miii Ill & OVER edv1nctd TV r•pt ff •••••• :r.·..... .....•... ... ............ ...•...... '71 Pinto 4 Gyl. 200 cc:, Ml..-y hlttory 10· Pro1... Nattonal C"Qncern nu Wlllnen SSO. 813-5887 Design Contol• tor itb Rent: 25' motor home. YllllWAlll mac comp! 11rv. " a 1 Ytlff ltlltr iuto, air, runt well Ra· elon•I Pareonnet Dept, lmmed openlnga for 10 NEW Frtneh Prov bdrm, ••Ptrlmente. t dlgflal 11p1 8. fully lotd9d. 111111 BMetl Blvd. COtd• 2 Iopa. auto. ''' la OtHCt OeH._I dil l llrH 111n1 1960 0, P.O. Box 8201, Llgun1 1hup glrla ~ guyl who 8'molr• & bu<Hua & din multlmeter, 1 IOlld·lllll 645·8818 (Ptuf) HUNTINGTON BEACH ~;;. ·,i~ ev!IS l -5228 • '1 011..,. 562-4340 HIOI*. CA 921177 would 1111• to lrnvel wnue rm H I. 1141~239 trfOOtrt<I tWMp OICllfOo frllllll fllHI 1111 Ul·IOOO Sill• IOYIOI --...lonlitlT""'lt, N,B wo1111no In major US Gl·liiiiiii;iiiiiiii~;;;;;;;;;;;l ecope and 1 .......... 0, u•••••"•••••••••••••· '----------11 ______ _.iiiiio••r:~7'5oo SL eo1h'i'OP'I. -. 1 .. 1J1t IHI ._... ,... D " N y . ,ti \;'VI wam11 ••• wsa• ..................... . I•" firm. good lyptng ties • H. t w oik, • TV w ltll dlg1111 clock, 1912 22' Kenttctlf Tr•~ wire whta. t11c:el eond 77 Ventura Htcllbtt, elvf. •lllll • • Cell Lul91 llC Mull bl neat, llngle dlgl,al ChlMel dle9fay I trOli.t. Oooel Condition WUI dH f lot cNh. $19, OVERSEAS DELIVERY Good COnd $200010 90 MO-llOO & •Ille 10 trtylf To ...,,. • ff it's got etec1tonlc cu~. •" art $2800. (714) SH-4311 DOO. wkdy• 694-0583, EXPERTS •92-8334 lmmecl . NO EXPERIEN-• ha-1-HNlllkltt & all compte1• '12 ICIMI 32' ,, be ..._, 'lt ...... 111 wknd•l•VM 848-11487 --------CE NECESSARY. Pre· Jtv ... and blend new TNt It. . • --~. 4 Door, AM/FM llOfl O 7 300D f d d UaLI Ill '111 Fl1•blrd, r.ci Gl&Hk •••limn vlou1 lobe dttltr1g ""' you'll grab $1700 vllue. Wiit Mii for option. tlf-eonl., mu1t etaMttl. Ellc.Jtent pon· . 6 • o• • , new YILYI conv. New eniltrtn1, knootc• often wnen )'Ou peopll I UCh .. rellll, • a u1e S700. 4131-91<>& 11111. ""&, llt1o16tf dfllon. $4,000. 6!~!gU ·,~~e: 0 0 1"4 Hlrbof 91vd. )(fflt cond 131 0 010 .,.. '""ll,..g9ttlng Dally f111 too4 6 w111reutng • -A •--' • 842~ 01 1181.o&811 961-0431 or 114~·1"42 '"°' CltHifled ACI• to helpful but not nee••· faster in RCA 28 Inch color TV, •I• -mn, rim .,_..-~wi;11;.•Y;,,ma.:.;m"-.,. lrl====::~~=:1 ·11 250. orig eond .. rt· COSTA ME:SA Rtc:k ,..-.,,. OfW\09 Coett wy •r YOU AlllE LOO-• Dally Piiot conwt111>11 eO!llM)M wo11 I Ann..,,., Hll "".....,""' 1'1 cords, enrr, berg11n Ul·IMI ... Mil -------,.--1<11110 FOR FULl.-TIMI remote conu ol. Liii• ...................... l'Of ClllUffltel ACI S<lllOO 159 oe50 .,. Q~d 1.IMtnt. PMa-...... "*'-142-5eT8 EMPLOYMINT & REA· • CfaSSifltd new SHOPP 831-92111 l'AINT I Ille !>Ody we>ttl, ~ ..... ~;::::-..... ., ACTION • '10 01.£. l luo, lotdoCI. wgn, 11,000 ml DY TO START TODAY • d C.tl "" 10 00% oft Vol" !>Ody I '!':=======~1 Cell. 1913 450 SL Darlc blown. U ,000 mllH •• ,a,ooo $2100 963,9231 s•t LORI tUt<·fRI 10-5 • I , To•hlbl lltreo ay1t1m lhOp "t. f)ltf "4-0~2 I• ""'i Ptlot Sl4,DOO, 180·1786 •v, de 0 110 5411-03t5 Ctaullled Adt tfl Ille '" ... I .11..12 1U..JI wttll ca" L.t1t1newS196 -1 .... 1~1 1 .._ .. ..,., ll3" "'5" • T~ M~. Hart>Of' -·-84&-1162 Surope•n Mechanic re-''" "" ,..., .. nOtM AD· ISOR ,, •• •' '1& VOivo US W9n, tulO, enawer to a IUGCHllul r.... rcM" old •IVff fM I k a1111a. A1'all•lm -p1trt l uropHn carel for IP' ? Seo t"4lc:1':f. '42~6t79 Buyer mMfuellir-wllh an AC. Pl. PB. eler.o, 11tn1, gar9oryetd Niel l1'a1 t•• JO.o .. d••~·~ • e:t5-40f2 ht tu. H•ve tomeeltlnf to Nflt Cl111lflecf Adt, vour Of'9o l'rttnOtl 8pt19 Nt-122' •tnot In IOC1ey'1 • 1lf1ellv• c1111llled •d 13250. Hect 541.n •s belter wey to t .. lnaf• ~a~~-~·~~--~~~··J:=~~~~~~~ CltHlflM Ide do It.... llop ~center, JOM fled colUmna. 642·M1• M2-5tTt ~I .. I I • • ORAllil CIAIT YOUR HIMITIWN DAllY PAPIR TlJfSOA Y 01. TOHt U 14 IYH/ OHANGE COUN rv. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Delly Piiot Photo by CherlH Sterr A popular pas time among· youngsters at Costa Mesa 's Te Winkle Park as fee ding the duc ks. See Page 81 . Mud slingers loading up for Newport campaign By STEVE MARBLE Of the Delly Piiot Steff There's something about money, mud slinging and polit1l'S that go toge ther in Ne wport Beach. Following a pallern set in pasl elections. city cuunc1l candidates are h ustling toward the Nov. 2 showdown leaving a trail of slick campaign mailers. so-called "hit pieces" and many hard feelings in their wake. Nine candidates are vying for four dis trict seats and several of the hopefuls have predicted they'll approach or go over the $30.000 spending mark .1 to get beak aid By JOEL C. DO~ Of the Dally Piiot Staff A Fountain Valley veterinarian was to examine three brown pelicans with their upper beaks cut off today to see if the birds could be fitted with prosthetic reP.lacements. About a dozen of the mutilated birds were spotted in Dana Point Ha rbor Friday Wtth only the lower pouch remaining, they w o uld n o t be able to feed themselves their honna l diet of live tish, according lo Patrick Moore, information officer with the state Department of Fish and rune-, Three of the birds captured by officials were taken to Crown Valley Animal H os pital in Laguna Niguel, operated by Or Gay l e Roberts. She said veterinarian Robert Rooks who r u n s a r e f e rra I service in Fountain Valley, volunteered to see if artificial beaks can be surgically attached to the birds. In June. Rooks repaired the gunshot-shattered jaw of a sea lion named Sparkie. Though the surgery was co n sid e r e d successful, the animal died about a week after treatment. State officials suspect angry fishermen are responsible for the pelican mutilations. They were attempting to capture the birds and locate groups -such as San Diego's Sea World -willing to care for them. Moore suggested the pelicans are being mutilated because the birds often swoop down and steal anchovies from live bait tanks or from a fishe rm an's h ook. Anchovies h ave been in short supply this season. he noted. Coupled with the anchovy proble m are the increasin g numbers of pelicans in the area u a result o.f the DIYf ban. T he once-popular pesticide h ad threatened ~licans and other animal species before Its use wu teverely restricted In 1972. Moor e said there a re more J.ban 200 iJ(!licans In th e harbor area and probably many angry t tahflnnen. ''The birds ate so bold that the people can reach out and grab them." he laid. "But now ll1cy'n: .. See PELICAN, P11e A!) • • ( One l·and1daw. attorney lJav1d Grant. said he'll like ly spend $40.000 in an t:ffort to uns1•a1 Mayor Jackie Heather. Sc·vcral of tht· cand1dc.ttes hav(• mvestt-'Cl thei r tune. monev and effort In old -fashioned namc- calhng T h i s w e e k . 1 n c u m b l' n l Councilwoman Evelyn Harl demanded a pubhc apolOgy for a full-page n ew s paper ad that painted hc·r as fav o ring "unbridled growth" and being "ant1-res1dcnt." The ad was place d by Councilman Paul Hummef. who is seeking re-elecuon but iS' not running against H<trt. Thl' ad also s111gkd out l'<mdidates Heather. Norm Loab and Bill Agee as lwsng "anti-resident." llart said the ad is ddamatorv -::ind filled w1 th "outragt•o u·s untruths ." She !>a id she's bringing the.• ad to th(' allc.•nuon of the s tate F'a1r P u liti"al Prae1 t1t'<'S Comm1ss1on and may take legal action agai n st Hummel. Humm el, w'ho 1s being challenged. by Agee, said he 1s irked by a campaign mailer that indirec tl y s t a tes h e is an "anti -busin ess, s 111gle-1ssue advoca\.e." D.ttJ."-' flMto"' Ctl.,._ ltl" This pelican apparently got 100 close 10 a f i he rn1en, a s evidenced by ii awed-off upper beak . 4 4 Tht: campaign mailer was sent out by supporter s o f HC'alher. who ts seeking rC'-ele<:llon but 1s not running against Hummel The mail<>r urgt's voters to support Heather. Han. Loats and Agee, claiming the four are being c:hallengc•d by "anti-growth, anti-business antagonists." An ot ht•r dispatc·h frum Heather's c:amp stall's that 1f tht' "anti-growth advocales" are electc.-d. traffic t'ongt>sllon. <-rime and a irport noise may inl'rease Supporters for Heather. on the. other hand , have exprC'ssed irritation at the l'ampa1gning ll'<:h111quc·s of ht•r l'hallen}!1·r Th<: sup!ft>rl<'rs dmm l'and1datt• Gra nt is dropping subtlt' hinL-; ol Heat h er 's recent i.trokt• by talking a.Po ut bringing a "renewl·d em .. rgy" anrl "a nt•w v1tal1 l v" to the t:o unctl Granl dt•nwd ht· 1s makJng an IS!>UP of tht• mavor's hl·allh and said thl' n ·murk; an: a1mt'd onlv at undt'rs<:onng hts own "po~1t1v.t· c:haractcrist1c~ and work habits." Howevt•r', Grunt said h~· I!> troubled bv mailers lhat 1 n d 1 r c l' l 1· v I .i b t· I h 1 ni "tmt1 -growth "· Stanr:hn~ in c·onlr<tsl tu <i ll of this I!> the t·onlt·sl betwc'<'n Loats a nd the man hl· 1s trying to uns<'at. Councilman !)<in Strauss. Str<1ui.s <ind Loa~ said they've <Jgrl't..•i:l to b<· niel· guys and not to t•ngagl' 1n namt..'-t·alltng or mud- tossmg Str::iuss ha!> t..·alled Loats ";. rl'al n1n· guy" <ind Loats has rc·turn t..·d lht' favor. sayin g Strau:,~ 1 ~ "a reasonable and 111lt•lligent man " Othc·r l'and 1date~. though, a re warning voters to expt'ct last- mtnut~· ":-.mc·ar" maalers and 'J.>lll:-<•n pt•n" polllll'al ads Valley bids for sehool aid- By PHIL SNEIOERMAJ'lj Of the Dally Pllol Steff Putting computt:r~ 1n tht· classrooms will be an t•arly goal o{ a fund -rais,ng l'ducat1onal foundation bemg or ganiu·d m the Fountain Valley Schuul District · · Similar founda tions already supplemc>nl basic programs m thC. Newport -Mesa, Irvi n e and Laguna Beach unified M'h ool districts, Foundations arC' SC'cn as a way f or residents a nd businesses to funnel add1t1onal money into local sc:hool districts that have suffert'd c·utbac·ks in stale funding during r ecent years. Although the 1dt.>a of such a program in Fountain Valley has been discussed for Sl'vcra l year.;, the foundation finally took shape last spring as a result of a class in which thn•t..• hx.·}11 leadwn. had t•n rnllt·d The.' dass f0t'UM·d on thP San F'r ane1sl'o Edul'at1unal F oundiltion. wh1l'h has bc·C'n reusing $250.000 <rnnually for lot'al schools. Teachers Laura Woodward. Mindy Smith and Yvonne Holland dl'velopC'd the format for a Fo untain Valley Coundat1m11 ~ased on thl' Sai1 F'ranc·1sco rrlbdl•I Although th.is foundation was only a classroorp ass1gnml'nt. th•• tC'acht•rs talked to district ofhl'1als about getting' the rl·al thing 0rganiwd B etty M1gnanel ll. former pr<'S1denl or lhl' d1stnC't's bvard of trustC'es. becam(' tnlC'rtm <: x t• c u t i v e d 1 r c l' t o r o f l h t· flC'dglmg foundation. "II wtll fund lht' kind of prnJN:ts tht• d1strkt used tr. lw :il>lc• to aflurcl and now can't, Cro 111 ;irt lo lt"l·hno logy and t'\'l'ryth111g Ill bl•lWC•l'n," the fornwr trust('(' ~1d Onl' of tht> 1111ucil propcJsals is lo hPlp tht• d1slnt·t buy eomputer ('qu1pmC'n l th a t will h e lp s t udt•nts ht·c·ornt• at·<·ustor1wd to 1ww wchnology. M1gnanc·lh said money raised by lhl! fuundat1on through spl'nal evt·nts and community donauons would not be g iven direc·tlv lo lhC' school district lnslt~ad a C'omm1ttce made up uf tl'Ul'ht'rs. parents and local bu::.incsspeople w i 11 dC'e1de on a 1l0<.'at10ns Distm·t officials who dC'sire money f o r s p ecial pro.grams will apply to the foundation for a grant. How mul·h can the Fountain \'allev foundauon raise'! tSee SCHOOLS, Page A2) UCI ined center shows profit By GLENN SCOTT Of the Delly Piiot Sten The UC Irvine Mccltcal Centc·r in Orange e nded last fiscal year with a $753.000 profit des pite well -publidzed contract disputes and what administrators have called an over-reliance on Med1- Cal funding. Its final cost breakdown was included in a recently re leased report to the UC Regents on the financial track record of tis five system-run medical centers in the fiscal year ending June 30. The r e port said UCIMC treated 15,823 hospital patien ts w ho stayed an average 6.6 days each. The hospital's 4ti4 beds were occupied 74 percent of the.' time. the report said. The 52,081 patients visiting its eme rgency room numbered the most at an y of the five university medical centers. However. UCIMC's net gain was th e smallest of the five . UCLA's ~edical Center wa." the most prosperous. earning a $9. l million surplus. Tht.> center at UC Davis earned $5. l million. UC San Fr1.1nrisco's made $4.3 million and UC San Diego's ~ained $3.4 million. UCIMC administrators say, though. that final settll'ml'nt earlier this year on billing disputes with t he Oran.ac Countv gov rnment over health care for Indigents will greatly improve the future financial outlook. 'fhe two parties nave agreed to -~ a new a nd simpler contract 1n which thP rnunty pays a lump sum annually to thl' hosp1Ull to care for indigents who have no other means or paying for needed health serv1t'C'S. The C'ounty 1s required by state law to covt'r health care nt'eds of indigents. The largest fuding sourt..•c for UCIMC's o perations last yi•ar was Medi-Cal, which paid $38 million on behalf of patients. Only Davis. with $42.2 million, received more . Too much emphasis on Med1- C a I isn't nPcessa rily good. though. acl'Ording to William Gonzalez. director al UCIMC Be<.·ausc' the st<:1tc• doesn't pay al ratt•s equal to private funding sources. rates for the latter paticnl.S must ht' raised to cover the dlfforenC'c, he has explained. A priority at UCIMC, he said. 1s to reach a ratio where a larger pc·rl'C'ntage of private patients are served. thus allowing rates to be lowered Aecord'1ng t o the report. UClMC rel'eived $32 million Crom priva t e patie nts a nd s ponsors, $14.9 millio n from Medicare. $13.5 million from the county and $7 .3 million from the sta te for clinical teaching programs. At UCLA's center. private funds more than doubled those for Medicare and more than tripled Medi-Cal funds. ----INDEX---- Dolla rs arc pourin~ into Tijl1~na from American citizens dis turbed by whnt the peso <>risis is doing lo Mexico' poor~ but dollars art• scarce in Calexico .. ee Pa~e A4. At Your Servit'l' Erma Bomlxx•k Bui<incss Cavalc:ncil· Classiri('d Comics Crossword Death No'lit't'l! F.dltorial Hor<*.'Ope . A :'i .. A7 84-5 A7 C5-8 87 8 7 C4 A6 A7 l n terrn1s...,1v11 Ann Ltmdcrs ·Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Nouces Sports Stock Markets Tc.~lt'vlslon 'Ttwaters Weather 0(1 A7 86 B4 A3 B4.C4·~ Ct-3 BS 88 86 A2 Ornnoo COHI DAILY PILOl ITUHdly, Oclobur 1e 1 Y8~ Onofre welding probed N u l " I l' u r H l' l( u I a t o r v Commu..&aun uffll'tob havt· l'x·8u11 tnsp<.'<.'ttoru. of wl'lcls ut 1tw Su11 O n o f r e nudcar puwt•r p llHH following a llcgauons that 110nw of the seals we rt.> faulty NRC spokesman Jim lla11d ll'll said the inspt.'(·tion of Units l cm d 3, w hich bt.•gan Munday. should be comple te in a Wl'<'k. A for mer senior qualtty <.'Ontrol inspector for Bechtel Powt•r Im· gene ral <.'Ontral·tor for tht• umt.-. under 1nspel't1on -h as complained that the welds are faulty. E. Ear l Kent of Cyprl'ss also contc ndt.>d that welding was not d onl' on cntical parts o f the plant's safety system . During a lengthy inte rview with two NRC in s pt'c to rs last week, K ent said h e outlined Spt'<.'tf1<: areas of the plant whert' the w t.-ldmg allegedly was faulty or non -e xiste nt. He said the welds in question arc on hangers for pipes that t•arry water to cool the main reactor and also ~rve as c:ondu1ts for elN·tm:al and contro l cablt•s Kent s~ud he romplam<.'<i to the NRC m September about alleged <:o nstruc tion deficien cies at Son Onofre. but Hanch e tt said N RC inspectors l'OUld not subs umllaic the l'Omplamts. O•tly Piiot Photo by Cherie• Sl•rr Stt>vie Nicks of lht• ht>adlining Flt•Nwoo<l Mat' hand enat•rtains at bt•1wfi1 t'OIH'('rt. ~\ \\.,._ Continued stories SCHOOLS SEEK AID • • • ~ "Th e s k y's the 11m11 ." M1gna nell1 said. "We would hkc.> to be as successful as the San FrarictS<.'O foundation. lt mav toke m ore than onl' year to get to that point But I feel that Fountain Valley pare nts always co11s1d1.·r education a high pnonty ·· The foundation c urrently 1:-. applying for tax-exe mpt status from the state and federal government. Lt is operating in quarters at the district's former headquarters, 1 Lightho u se Lane Fo unda tion ofhc1als expt'('t to have a regular board of d in.'C·ton. and a S(:ht'tlult• of fund-ra1:-.1ng ttt·t1vtt1t'S prt.'parl-d bv Dl'(.'l'mtx•r "l"m really t'xt·1tt-d about th1:> idea and I think It w ould b<• of tn·m e ndo u s a ssistant,. t o thl' district ... said C her vi Nor ton. l"Urrc.>nl presidt·nt of tht• d1strn·t':-. board of t ru::.tet.·s . S ht• c1lso 1:-. till' 'il·hool board '~ dt•lt·~att• tu thl· foundation Norton said the fuund~1 t111n ":-. tc.-n tat1vt• goal o f pun·hal>1ng tomputt-r c.>qu1pmt•n1 for tht• t la!.Sroom would tit' m with thl· d1strn:t'l> own plan::. fur m<.'rl'~1M><l mstrucuon in tht' u sl' o f o;uc·h t'qUtpment PELICANS ASSISTED • • • leery o f humans ... In . uit The beaks w er e apparc>ntly cut or sawed off "as cl()S(' as you can get w11hout killing the peltt·ans:· he added mav be s ubj('<:t trJ a $1 ,000 ftrw and!ora vea r in .iatl '"It sounds hk<• a l"rul'I act to ffil'. .. said Moore ··1t ...ound!> ltkt• tt"s being done out of frustratio n dut' to the lack of ..inc·ho\'lt'!> ·· Two <0ompu11i•· ... O\.\ nt·d h ~ Johnn ~ ( :a r ... ma an· lwi n~ ... m·d lo ... uppl~ Und e r s tate law. bro w n p elicans are con s idere d a protected species A person found to be k1lhn~ or m1unng tht' bird~ One dead pelican has aln•ad~· was ht'd up o n tht• bc•ach 1n Ca rlsbad. he added h j, ··Toni1.dal°· ... h .. ,, ... kjt ... for ... ~ sul k a tion. High clouds due Cn•rleslon S C CnarleSlon w v Cn11<10lle N C CneyenM C11.c11go C I C.nconn•I• 0 n .-. I (I Cleveland 65 68 62 63 72 72 65 68 68 85 67 72 71 66 58 86 48 66 30 60 38 86 82 72 77 76 73 66 81 75 71 86 76 78 70 68 73 77 60 61 68 86 72 79 S8 92 62 S3 60 57 83 so eo 63 5• 84 S3 S• 33 40 36 46 40 35 35 39 61 37 38 so 39 43 49 4 1 27 2.S 30 30 73 66 40 43 57 50 42 53 51 43 49 Sl 66 46 u 47 54 39 36 44 S6 52 62 32 63 31 211 40 36 34 41 24 35 36 S6 38 Ve1l•ble n•g11 clovooness inrougn g~~~s S C W9dne9d•y Coastal IOw CIOoda In OatlH·FI Worth night and morning hours wotn Dayton pllc:hy early morning too In '"• De v r 7 0 higher inland v•lleys Llllle c:nenoe ~ .:!omes In temperatures rooay and Detroit ' We<1nN<11y CNluln El Paso Fargo LJ.S. summary ~=·~!". Up to 3 1ncnes of sno"" •ccumul•tad In th• tow•r a1ava11on1 ot nortn-t Wyoming •nd continued l•lllng •crou centrei Mont•n• before chenging to ••In Mondey •ftarnoon u Iha i,; motel wa•tnar eyat•m r11che<I Norin O•kOI• and northern ,. Mlnneeol• " Snowert •nd tl'lundaraformt t daval01>4"l •long 11'18 8Htern Gull : eo.11. For todey. tnundar1how9ra lt ware loracu t to develop trom toVtl'lweatem Mlnnaaota •cro11 the upper Great Lal\H. lrom ... tarn NebrUka llCfON llllnOlt, end lrom Mltarn Kenau tnrougn M~ and northern Arkanau Sc1tt 1red ll'IOw •r • were pradtc:tad for the c•ntr•I CalilOfnle CONI wtllle IOm8 Cloud bulldupa were .. pactad over Arll•n••• •nd In north•rn Loulal•n• S1lie 1 aluwhare ecra.a Iha netlOn -• e1pac19d to b8 lelr : • • f • High• -• pr9dtcle<I to reecn f lM 40t In the upper Ml»i11tppl -. V•tley 10 tl1e northern Rocklea. rlelno 10 near eo lrom northein Melna ecrou th• upper Grall l.•k••. •nd Into the 801 In M>Ull'larn Florid• 10 the low 901 In aou tl'lern Te••• •nd the Soul,,_, Tempareluraa .,ound Iha netlon •t noon. FUT rengec! rrom 2t degr-•t Cutbenk, Xont • 10 t 1 11 Petm Sp<lngl, Celtl ·remperatur'!s NATION • Ht Lo 66 38 711 43 85 4e 80 35 04 48 57 32 15 63 St 30 30 35 72 52 ... .a 52 32 57 36 " 63 5t 3t 00 32 .. » H•ntord Helen• Honolulu Houston 1nd1•n•ool11 Jackson M•n J1e1<sonvllle Kanses C11y Knoxv111e LU Vegu Lltlla Rock LoU11v111e lubboek Memphis Miami Mllwaul\ea Mpls-St Paul Nelhvltla New 01taan1 ,.._ YOfl\ Nor10lk Nortn P1a111 Ot.l•nom• Clly Oman• Orlendo Pn1t•datp1111 Piia.iii•. P1ll1burgn Portland. Mr PorUand. Ore P1ovlden<ia R•lelgl'I Rapid City Reno Rtcl'lmond SIU Lal<• S•n AnlonlO SMttla ··•"<I'• IVf•'"'P' ~... ,. ~.c•• 5 Oeo1 ""' C.r-•· ,. Fronts Coia ~ Snrevepo11 S•°'-'• Falts St L°'-1•1 SI Pet•hmpa St Ste Mane Spokane Syr•cuse Topeke Tucson Tute• Wa.sn1ngton Woen11" C•UFOANIA Ape>le Vall4!) 8ak9falleld &t111ow Be•umont Big S.•r 8111><>1> Blytna Cutvel Coty Eureka Freano • Leite ArrownHd Lancaater Long e .. cn lo. Angatea MonrOVI• MontebellO Monterev 80 52 63 •3 73 41 76 65 63 37 '45 2• 56 JS 76 52 87 52 8• 55 62 36 79 53 HI lo 80 41 79 57 91 S7 82 46 69 29 77 33 89 55 H S7 62 42 78 '47 61 43 82 46 75 59 74 62 83 54 79 60 70 47 ~,'~~Rf Rf PORT Todltr'• Wtva AW8' ... L.catlOll •w11..... 11\epe Tamp. HuntlngtOf\ Blufla 2 11 lelr 64 HuntinQICl'I Pia< 1·2 II r11r 81 Santa ~n• ~v .. JtllY 1-3 II good 68 40tll SI ,.._port 1·3 II good 68 22nd SI ,.._potl 1·2 II laff.pooi G8 9elbot Wedga 1 If poor 88 RoQ!pll9. lJlguNI 2·3 II I elf .poor 65 SIMC>Y HOiiow 2·3 II lait IS Tlltli8-8'00ll1 2-3 II ltl• 115 ,.., ClttNl!te Ptar 1 3 " ratt 04 Tt1lllOaf IT ·8tret0 1·3 fl lelr 84 Tomoaow. HIOll T Id• 1 1 17 • ml, Low Tide 8· 29 o ;.,, , $wtll dlfectlOn loutll/&Olll"-1. Ml Wilson Nl'wpor1 Beeclt O&klanJ On1ar10 Palm SprinQ5 Pasadena Pato Rot11es R•ve1s1de Red Blurt Redwood Coty Reno Sac:•amen10 SahnH San Bern•• d1110 San Gnt1r1el San Dlego Sen Fr•nc1KO San Jose S•nle Ana Sant• Barba•11 S1n1a Cruz San11 Mnr111 S1ock1on Tahoe Vnlley Thormal Torr"nc• SnowQ Flurries[!) 73 SI 70 60 79 51 78 so 9:3 60 78 55 80 40 78 49 71 47 79 49 6(1 24 75 45 79 45 80 44 83 57 74 64 75 53 16 46 73 59 70 48 49 73 74 78 64 92 73 " 46 2:1 \ 50 57 OL09AL AmtlorcJ11m All\ent B•r"QkOk Betor•d• Berlin BogolD BrutlOI• B AllH C1110 C11ecat Copenhagen Oubt1n Fr•nkfu•I Geneva •~e111n111 Hong Kong J11fUHlfm fiOmonton Montrte1 OU•w• F\egllla Toronto ll•ncou¥at Wtnl'\l(li80 CANADA HI Lo 6: 5-4 77 57 90 Ill 64 45 SS 46 68 43 so 411 71 S3 93 64 84 70 54 60 " SS 48 &? 43 52 '45 30 3f' 70 77 71 'IQ , Meadows theater rocks Hy PlllL SNEIOlo:RMAN 01 11'18 Dellr ,.lol l lelf I> u 1 1 n l( M 11 n da y 111 K h I ':-. i.1•11'!4111 l•111l111~ 1·111wt•1 t ot Jrv11w Mt•.1d11w" A111ph11ht•<.1h'r. 11111·11111J( 1w 1 forn11·1 <.; lt•1111 1-'11·y ... unij obout l'!lt"UJ""~ t1J u :.plntt-<l 1>111•" t·11l11·d "P.u t vtown " Thtel nu111t• 01110 was 1.111 opt dc1K·rapu1111 ,,f thl• ruood ut ttw ,...lloul t,lllt'l•rl J purty w h1n«· gu1·ict lis t mdude<.I S1m11· uf tlw tuµ ns.imt·N 1n r ot·k mu11 11· Appl'llrtn~ Wt•n · Jo'r.,.y ond fl'llow form1·1· ~~ag h·l'o .Jul' W<•l~h u11d Don l lc.•nl1·y. 1ongl'r·~1ut11r1M Hm $ l' Jg I(:., l.I ll d I h t• 11 I f( h I ' ~ ht•odhnlllil bond, rlt'l'tWOCJd M ai· And w 11111 11 ulf. th1:. p;uty w a:. 11 lw111•l1t t'Vl·nt t o ra 1s1• m on1·v for the Cit y of l1 11p1• M1•<l1~·:.il l't·nt1·r 111 f>u:.ir It.', a f1w1ltty that aids v1t·t11ni:. ''' <.·a tastroph11· 1lln<.·S.>K.'S. Spou sur s t•uts 1n pr1m1• lot•atwns l'OSI $250 a11d $100, although luwn seats wt•n· unly $15. Tht• mus1nans pt·rforme<.l for Cree•. a nd the.> cvt•n t was eXpt'(..'tl·<I to ru1~· $200,000 for th(· City uf Ho pt·, J t1Jm't•rt orgamzcr said F'o r tht• pn't.lommantly young crowd. the biggest trt>at was tht• o ppo rtunity to St:l" the st-vt•ral big n:1mc· nx:k star!> J.ll•r formtng on thl· S<Jnw night '"' Jn Orang.· County stagt• • F.x-Eaglt· i"n·y ktl"hl.l ofl tlw evening w ith a SPrll'::. of h vt•lv ""lfll(ll lr11111 111,., "'1111 :ill1u111 'N11 Fun Alou d " Bi1t'k.-d li y .111 1·1Mltt pu>t·•· h1111cl f1 •utu11111< 1 w11 d1u1111n1·r"· 1w11 k1·ybw11d play1•1' u11d two l(U1t.111sl11, Fre·y d11·w 1111· Wiii 11\l ''l I ('SfJ<)l\lll' 1111 11•11J1t11111~ 111 "" hat '' "Ult•i; "I f"11u 11d Son1..l1odv" and "Tlw < '111· V1111 l.uVl'. .. 1111 J h 11> o l d Jo:.11(h " nurnht•r, "l 11·.irtndw Tor111<ht · l>Ul'll\~ rrc·y'1>o 1'111'1111", 1\111 Sc:ni:{s.ti; titl'PIK'd 1111 :-.L;11(1' t11 !Olli( h1 ,; hit, "LuwLluwn " 'l'lll'11 Jill' Wal!ih jtJllW<l f"11.•y, Sl·1tg~., t111d 1h1• b:Hld f11r J <'rowd-rt1ui.111g (1Ve·Klll\~11· n·nd 111on of Wa1 .. 11·:-. .. Ho1·ky Mou11ta111 Way·· Ttw rnu~1u.ins t lll'n liruuglit 1h1· ,1ucl11·ml' lo 1to, lt•l't w1tlt J rocking 1x·rfurma111•1· 11f thl· old Bt•..itlt•:-. Mmg. "Slow l>ow11 " Thl• amphtthl•aH·r t>bvwusly wu:-. filll·d with Flel·tw111Kl Mal Cans This vcll'r<Jn English band l><....-anw onl' of llw ww Id'" mcis l IJ•!pu l ar groupi. afll'I thl• Amt·r1t·a n duo o f L1nds1·v Bul·kingham and Stt•v1t• N1,·k·!. J•Jtnt•d 1n 1Y 75 <i nd hl·lp1·d n ·slrnpt· tht• Fll·t•twou<.l M at· sound Th<· b<Jnd'!. "Humuurl>.' rt•lt·aM-<l Ill H!77, IS IC•putt•cl Ill I)(• till' top-s1·ll111g pup gruup .dbu111 of all 111111· Tht• b;md 01>1•nt·d 1b two huur lrv1rw M1·adows M't wnh '>l"Vt·ral 11umbt'r :. f1u111 "H umours," 1ndud1ng "St·<:ond lfa11d Nl'w.,," "The· Cham ·· <.ind ··Oon't Stop ' s11 ... II' Nll'kH. tlw b1111d'11 111•11>t 'liar h llllJlll 'tlllj(l'I . 11f lM1 WoJK I tw 11•1111'1 111 .1111·11111111 .1;, r.h•· du111 t·t.I .d111Ul 1lt1· ''·•Kt' '>Wll 1111!< h t'f ld,11 k .11111 .... 11111· l"JIJI"' Shi· 11liv111u .. tv wu"' 1111 ,1uclu·11t 1· l,1v11111t 1011 11um•·nJui. funi. pl.1u•d ro""" 1111 ... t.11(1° frn lw1 Uut :.1 111ot•• )(u1t t1 11 ... 1 lku k111uha111 fn"i11w111ly i.llllt• tht· ~ h 0 w f r () Ill N I l " k b w I l h h I ,. I 11•1wtll· 11la y111..: 11nd 11Ht•n :.1· VOl0•tl1, Thi· ll:111d "'"·rrn·d to be · playing loo luutl fur tlu.• s 11.1· uf lhl' 11111pl11tltN1h·r, a11d mar\V of the lt.11 d rn1 k • .. 0111<' "'un<h-d dt:.to rl 1•d A~ ;1 1 i"-uh , -.iml•· ul till' m1l!'ll l'ff1"i t1 vt• 111on1t•11lb w1·r1· tlw qull't fll\t"' M1t1wav th1ough th<· :.e l , Bul·ktngha·m do nru't.l <in atoust11: gu 1t~11 and pla y t•d his own "Nl'vcr lio1n ~ Bul·k ," t hen <J l·<·um pan1cd Ni c k s o n her poignant '"La ndslide ." Finally. g u c.>s l Don Hc.•n Icy s tepped o n ' s wge to perform his duet witti Nicks. '"Leather a nd Lace " The t:ruwd caml' alive: again during thl' lo ud roc k'crs that clOM.-d the sl't and M:rvt-d as the rtrsl t•nl"o rc-. But stngl·r-p1an1st Chril'ltnt· McVw then brought thl' evening and the Irvine Mt•aduw:-. l'lllll't·rt st·ason lt> a perfc·l"I dost• with hL•r s<>ft. h t· ;1 r t f L' I t I' t· n d 1 t 1 o n o f "S1111gb1rd," wh1l"h 1->hl' d<.-d1catt."CI to tht• pt•oµI<., t&l thl' City o f llupe. Fraud figure sentenced A L agunJ Bt'C.ll"h man wa:-. s1mtl'lll"('(.I to a f1v4"-ye<&1 h ·dt·ral pl"l!>1Jn S<•ntl'Ol"l' M u nda v for M l·dimn· and Mt·cJi.Cal frnu<l Alan King. 45. w as l'UOVll"ll·d Aug 2:l of 40 assorted cnminal t•ount" 1nl"luding mail frC.1ud , l" o n s p 1 1 J t y . m <• k 1 n g f a I s t.· s I J t t• m 1• n l s l u t h t· U S govt.·1 nmc•nt .ind makrng and n •n·1v1 ng ktl·kbal k -. H e v. as found to !"l ave· t. heatNI tht• fodt•ral and l>tal1• h1·alth c·an• progrJms fu1 tht• ind1gt•nt :.i nd t'ldc•rl v out uf $ti00,IJOO Ksn.g w,,,.. ord t·n :d tu prt~1111 Nov !-I l1y tJ S IJ1strll"t Judgl' T1•rry llatlt•r Jr Then' K ing will ht· l'x.1m1m·d by psyeh1:1tri:-.L., It• sc•1• 1f hl· can s1·n ·t• lhl· pn:-.on lt·rm liattt•I" will n ·vww K111g 's ~t·rlll•nc·t• at t1noth1·1 h<-anng st'l I 11 r Dt "<." I '.$ King h;1d lx.·t·n l0 ha1 gl·d with tllt•gally l'Ulll"l llOg about $:i.jll IHJU 111 ht•Jlth can · prugr;im bc·nd 1t~ Ir um two Fullt·rton hu.,llW!>'>l':O. 1h,1t provtck'CI X-ray :-.i.·rvtlt·-. 1111 t.•on vc1lt•'>('t•111 humc·s A long w1 I h h1:-. p<irt111·1. DnnJld Swc•Jn11gt ·n, 1:1 uf Pki1.·1.·n11<1. ht• <.il:-.<1 h;1d li< t•n ,1 1.· t' u " t· d o I h 1 I k 1 n g ( h ,. g11Vl'fllITTl'Ol llUl or $50 11011 through twu othc·r firms tha t pruv1dt·d u l I 11.·c· :-tl•rvtl'l':> for p 0 d I .. t I I !I t s w h 'I t r (• a t 1.·1mvall•scc.·n1 hurn1· pat11·n Lo; S\.\t•aringt·n hau t1·:-.tif1l•d fu r tlw pr1Jst ... ·ut1on during tht· 11 1<.1! lfr latN ol1.·ad1·d guilty tu ont.· 't'f't'llnt uf 1·on~p1r..i1:-;.ntl \.\<i:o. f111t-d SllJ.OIJtJ ,111J :-.t·ntt·m1·d t•J lour month"> 1n pn"m ... nd thn ·c· \ l'dfS0 pr 11h;1t11111 Kmg n1uld h.1v1 IJ1·1·n g1\'l n CJ I 1\'t ~ 1•ar pll'><lll ll·r 111 1111 ,.,., h ul th1• 11> t·hc.rgt·"> Chevron 'guilty' in gas leak Ch,. v r •Ill US A I nt.· ha -. .idm1ttt·d n·~porls1bd1t~ for th1.· g<1s lc•Jk that l·ausc.'CI a f1rt· threat 1n H un11ngton &•.it•h over 1h1· Wl't'k<.>nd. Fire Chwf Ray PK·ard ..atrl todav Ptl'Jrd :-.aid <• bn·akdown 1r1 cummun1t:allunl> prt-vc•ntt•d e ;.er I 1 c· r 1 d t' n t If 1 c a l 1 on u { th, . rt'S pons1blt· oil l'<>mpany Firt-11ff1t·Mh, WNt< m.!ol'mtod bv t"ht•vr on h C'ad4ua rtC'rs 1n La l l .;b1J Sat\1101\' that the tompanv was rnJt n ·:-.µon'>thlt· f111 tht• lc·ak 111 d tran:-.m1:-.s1111l 111w .ill orJing to P1t·an.t Huwc,ver. th1· lt•ak nt'(:urrt-c.I Ill <i <·olll.,:tor l1m· fo1 g.i!I grnng 111 ,, n •f1nt•rv and was ovt•r-,l·t•n hv 1·mploy~·<·l> m llun11ngt1111 Bt•a1 h nlll La I labra ··The nght hand dsdn t know what the· left hand wus dmng,"" P1t.'drd 1·»plaJnL'li. P1l"ard "·"n 1h1· l"11m p,1n y . ··wh1c h h c1' loop( r.J ll•tl to thl' utmo:-t ·· "Ill Ix n·,piin.,1hlt· for n ·plc1u11g tht• ltm· tho11 lnhses undc·m1·ath Goldt·n Wl·:o.t S trtc'<'I btotwec.·n {i;irf1l·ld ,ind Ellis ;e\'I llUl"- Tht· v11l..i11l1· g,1s that bubble-cl to llw surfat"l' did not t·au:-.i.· J fir" hut 1x>:-.l·tl J thri·Jt. P1(·a1d .,,,1d Ttw l1·ak \\a:-. bl.1111\'.d 1)11 th{· p11x-ltrH that I lt:-.l1•d hl·uiw.1· of I hi 1111(".l h 111 till• 'oflll Police locate slaying figure Orangl· Cou nty She riff's 1nvest1gators returne d fro m S acramc•nto early today afte r \ucatm g the roommate o f a man whus f' d<.>cap1tated body wa:-. found S;,,turday burred in the bat·k yard o f the Mission V1cJ0 hum~ thc•v sh an.od i)(>t1-<"t1ves had been searching for B;ffrv Anderson , 28. s ince Dc•nnis Schubert's body was dascovcrC'd l•arly Saturday ~rrung at his home at 23342 Via Gaud1x His head was found later that d ay ma shallow gra,..,about a quarter o r a mile from his h ouS(' There was no informa tio n t·ar l y t o day o n wht'the r Andl•rson was able to shed any light on thC' grisly dN1th o f his nK>m:11atc· S t· h u b t' r t • i 4 . h a d IH• C' n p l.:mnmg a trap to C htl"ago with his f a mtlv Saturdav Tw o su 1 tcases · w e rt> d 1sr.ovt>r ed Sunday buried ben eath some trash 111 a dumps ter bt•hind a n1 ·1ghlx1rhood .. upi.•rma1 kl't An autopsy rt'f)IJrt show t"CI lhdt the· Mission Vt<.'JO man died ~ a n'sult o f a Sl'Vl'rt' tr/luma to tht· 11l'ad ,.ind m-ck. wh1d1 tlt'l'UlTt•d prio r to tht· dN·ap1tat1un [)~:ll"l"lt\'l'S said thl'\' h Jd found the tool th(•\' lx•h<.'Vl' ·was uSt-d tu sc•v1·r his hl·ad , but n •I uSt.oel to say what 1t' was. S<:hub<>rt h<.id grodu<lll'Cl fro m liC Irv ine 1n 1980 a nd was e mployed as an l'ng1nccr [o r M• J)nnndl Dou~)~ Coql Gfiiy1biltf Alternat!lrs -One thing is a tact. marriage ts an 1nst1tutron that ts riere ro Sta)( and tile q old tr~1t1on of exchanging 1Nedd1ng rings looks like 1t Wtll be around fo~ a while also But where does It SclY that your rings must look like grand· motrier"s, or for that maner. lrke almost f!Vf!ry engaQement and li'o/'t'dd1ng rrng you see 1n most stores There are exciting altemat~s. and ~ art' proud to show them to you At W'y'ndham Leigh. we design and handcraft the most inque and excmng colleetrOn or ~t and \Nedd1ng rings you are 00'"9 to Stt ~ rtcognize that you are lndMduals and our jevvelry rell«u that undc~t.and1ng Many stores won't p1operty tell you \l\lh<lt ~· M e buying or exPl<un to you why you are paying the nght price To prote-ct you clgalnst this, we have taken tile mystery out of com- l)<'nng diamonds and wtll take tht> ume to edUCClte you In the differences 1n qu;il1t1cs .:tnd price, and then subs~nllate what we've s.;ild with a money ba<k guarantee For straight honest explanation. unrque designs and guaranteed value. Wyndham letQh IS the Store that speckllilf'S 111 t'f\gaQe- ~t and INeddtng rrngs ~chng nngs al.'arlable from s I 75 Engagement nngs av;1llilble trom s" SO Wyndham Leigh ~l~tJ>R' 127 Fashion ISiand.. ~ 8MCt\ CA 92660 ~ &AloCks \X.1tshtte' ..J \f·-~ in ' , • 01 UllOH C.:ooat DAIL y Pll 0 111 u•m.IBy, OctObtH 19. 198? HB i'\3 WORLD N w Irvin pan I means business Volcanic e rupti~n report d in Java JAKAHTA, lnd111,1•i.la 1Al') '!'ht• Unlunggung voku1111 111 W t•st Jovo hoi. t•ruplt•J again, spcw111g bh1l·k smok1.• three miles into tht• air and flooding rivvn1 Wllh luvu, S<.'lt'I\ tis ts mud todu y Mo nday 's l'ruptwn ll'ft sevc-ra l villages in tht• itrc•u lllU 1111l1.·N i.oullll'U!it uf Ju kw l<1 (•uvt·r,·d l>v vokarm· 01>h 'l'lw voh-111111 ht11> 1·n.Jpt1•d mun· thu11 :mo t1111c:s s rnn· April 5, unJ alxiut 75 pt-.1plt• havt• dlL·<l from n•sp1rutc11 y n1ln11•nl.\I from lhl· ash Tlwn• Wt'l'l' no reports o t dt•alh:o. t rum tht• latest 1'rui,Hion I s rae lis holding g round M o ndav in KfarmJtla. 15 mtle•s soulhl'ast of Bc.·1ru1. but later left lht• area bt•cauSt• tht• Israt•lls had no t abandom:tl their pos1t101\S m thl' v1llag1'. Israeli offll·1ab said lh 1,l.I•. "M 0 1'1 0 1 lh• 0 1llr l'llut 11111 11\1111 1111l11t1111i. ··111111 111 11< lllll Ill'\\ 1111 ·1111 "' '. ll•ot d I" I~ "' .11 1 d l 11\\,11d .1111.1111111• l1td1t'>ll I eJ 111 llh I" f111I lo I 1111 1111 ,ti 11111111111\ 111d 11111\ 1tlt Ill\\ Jiii" 11111 tli,1111\ • 111 It 11 Iii t lf,lfl}-(1 ' Ill t lt t '.t11p1 1ol 1h1 111\0 ' l l\dt"t11,il 1>1 v1·l;J pr111 111 A11th"1tl\. th• lllY 1111\\ 1.111 g11 .1ttt•1 .1tr1111•.1 .111\ k111d 111 1111-.1111·" .illd p .11IH11J.11J v 1111· 1 1·l.1d <'llllljldlllt''> llr,11 111 ft•t lht I'll\ lt1t• 11111:0.t 11111111 d1.111 1 ... , ... 111 'l'.1i. 1 t•Vl•tuu• Tlw 111111111111 v ,1 11 11 .. , 1111·1111!«1 p;1111·I ·'1'1'""111•d 1,, th1· 11tv 1'1111111 ii, w .... l1111111 ·d 11111\ .11><•111 .1 Vt'.11 .1~11 lo 1''>11<' 111d (I'd I 1.tl dt·vt'l11pni1•11t boml., lo q11.1hf \ 111H 111rnp.111u·-. 111 11' 11111'1 l11i.to1v I huuJ,<h. llw g111111i-.-... 111w .iii 1-.uh lt.1'-o lx·t•n 1•111.11 W·d I\.\ 111· ' Thi• l.11t"'t t 'flLlll""" on 111 1 t'll l,l"lt \.\ l'l.'k Hy 'h1fring pollt11.d .1utho11lv lront lhl' ... 1.1u· 111 ltl\ 1'11.11\1•1. tlw 1!,l Hiil• 1 ,1._1ld1 ·.l11•d fHIWt I lo 11 \11'\.\ l111,11u 111~ p111po,JIH 1111 \ 11111 di\ ,111 \ k11ul 111 1111,1111 '" II 1111 .11111t .. 111v d11111' .1 1•11111u-..d 111 1111 puhl11 I" 111·111 . 11 I olll 1-.i.u1 • 111111<1·, lh1il 1if l 1•f 11111 •11 ·-.I 1.t11, • .-.. 111u1 h .1'. l11U1 I" r• • r1to1~:1 po111\'. lwlt1\.\ 111.11 kt I 1.1t 1 '· qlf I• t . .J, -..1\ M11 h,11•1 I),,, .ild 1 h.111111.111 ol 1111 .11111111111\ ... 111 1 1111·1>1111d' ..... • I II \ lo fl ti (I I ll II 1111 I ,111 • .H I d 111111111 qi.ii 1-.,111·-. A lthough tlt1 · I II\' l''dll'' !ht Ill, II h," 1111 11l>li1•.t111111 111 11.1v 1111· p11m·1pal 111 11111·11 ... 1 T l1,1l 1t''>lll 111-..l11lrn I.di, I 11t11l'lv llflOll llJI' I 11rp11111t11111 'I h1 d1t I• 1111tt· 111 1111111·,1. 1111 .. 11wl1rl1· h '·" 1''111pl 1111 1111• I 1111td ltt1l.f1 I () ' ..... 1 I " ..... I " I I 11. 11 I. \\ pr 11\·1-.11111-. 1111 11 ·1.1rl ltu .. 1111·'"'' 11111·1 1•1111111,111g 11•-.11lh 1111 lhc· I llV .111d trtlt•ll"\lt·d Ill tr" "A ..... 1111 ,1., f k1111\.\, \\I• 11• 11111·111 tlit 1l" 11 11111 1lw 11nlv 111\ rn 1h1 -.1.111 th.ti <'<Ill "'"'' l>orul, lor rl'1.1tl .111d 1111111111•11 l;il fllll Jiii"''• -..1111 ( }.,\,\ .tld Uc•l1111· "fllll •IVlll~ .1 f 11\UllUllj( , .... k.1~1 tli11111<h th1· ;111 th1111Jy ... t h ,; q~ I d Y. I I It WI' I~ It 111 I( I I' p11l1·1111.d lt1lll11liut11111io tu lite• 1 rt\ H11 k M<Nt·lv. f1numt· 'U lll'IVl"IOI , ,,11d lh1· (ltY 1-. 11111•1 l'Nt t•J 111 how th1• 11111114 \.\llllltl fll Ill Wlllt o tllt'I l'XlNlllll( I 1l hll l4''"'' ,ttll I fl 'l>IUl•fl llUJ Ull'•1' Iii· 111111«1 tlt:11 tlw f1nu1w1nl( 1' 1111tv a part o l llt1· o v c•r11ll .1pp1 11v1il p1111.·1•'ii. A IH1 N11\l'SN still w1111ld lw n •qu111•cl 10 h11v1• 11tl11•1 d1·v1·lu p1111 ·111 pli111 .... q>IH l>V••d llt'l1111• IJfll'lllll~ And wl11h• 111· •11-tll't'<I that .1dd1·d -..di·,.; 1.1>. w.1i. :1 11111111• I ltll,ld1·1·;1llllll Ill l'XJlhllJlllg tht· I YfK'' ol llUNllll''"'' l•ll( our;;gt•d \0 ">l'lllt• Ill 11 Vllll ti .. ~110 rl'Vl'llUt• \.\1111'1 h1· tlw •llll'I 1·1ml·<•111 wlwn I I I II 111 I ' ' I II r l' v I (• w I n g Olflfl lll .1111111, · T hJt (~ll·1> l:tx ) 1:. onl' ol lht· ''"1..,un1> "'t· l11o k t•J a t thl' c·xp.111"1111 .'" Ill' s<11d "But Wl' t.lon't plo.J11 1111 l<1w1·n11g our ll'vl'I ul S1.rut111v W1··re 1>t1ll looking tu1 th1• lt•Vt•b o f quality thal .1ttnwt th1• hond h.,ldt•r, W(· Wilnl to k1•1•p u11 1111• t.t.1rul.11d11 of d 1•Vl'lup1111·11t 111 11 Vllll' Wr• It• lrN 1klflK f111 IJU'tllll ''>'1''1 I hut ol l t• pollut111n f1t·1" th1111(11 l1k1· thJt " Su l.11 , th1· ;1utli11r1 t y h.11o .1pp1 uv1•d l11111111111M (111 t wo firms S ul>J1 u 11( A1111•111 u'x S~1 ·1 11111111111 p111 ti. d1:1111l1ut1tm l'l'nl<'r a11tl a SliOll,1100 w 11 •· pr11dul \!\ W J I I' Ii 11 U l\ I' I 11 I I( I' JI ll b J I I Ell'<'I I"'"'" O i.w :tld 1111t 1·d tlr.Jt Suh:i l'u':o. h 1111d wrll ~II out Wlllo ·"' Hr, pt•l'l'l'lll r·atl', w hrd1 111' < :dlr·d ".111 u Ul:>lJllJ111M I all• 111 f 11t:ll11'111~. s u h a r ll 11 I r I I I •• I ' ~ I I' 'II ph·nM:d wath th1· d•··d lw .... 11d. that th1•y hav1• pl1·dg1·d $111 to $1:.! rn11l1on lo lJuy 11tl1t r hond' in Irvine• · Mt•a n wh1ll•. th<· <1uth11rlly ,., 1 t:v 11•w1ng a third applrtJlllm. th1i. ont• front Crui.ty Hn·ad Im . wh1(:h 1i. i,(•l•k1ng f1n:11w1ng Lo build a SI 5 nu I hon b<tkl·r v and d1i.tnbuuon t·<.·nll'r The· bus1m'Sl> w o uld (Tl':J ll• ahuut 100 JOh1> Oswald s~ud BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) l s rat•l1 troops m:.11nta11H'd thClr pos1t1o ns in the l'Cntn1I Lc banC'sl' mountains todav. dl'laymg the deploym ent of the Lt•banesl' army in four v 111 ages w ht.' rt• l' lash c• s betwt>en C hr1suan and Druse Moslem gunml'n left f1 vl' people: dead and 60 othl•ri; woundl'd last week An ad v ancc unit o f :rn Lebanese soldll'rs arravl•d "They l:amc in and th1·11 th1.·y kft a gain." si.lld ;rn Israeli s p o k c;.man at thl' l .s r a c•l1 press 0 £f1n: 111 suburban Baabda. (1vl' mll<'s t•ast of &·irut. Tylenol poisoning Poles nix strike calls· WARSAW. Pol;.ind lAP) Workers an major P o lis h dties. fadng lhl• thrcat of being je1iled or seeing thc•1r plants "militanzl•d" by th« martial law rcgiml•, appear to be ignoring new calls for strikes to prolC':.t thl' bnnning of Sol1d<1nly C:dans k , Nuwa lluta and Krakow sa1J f<H'lor11•:. 111 those t·it1es W<.'re running norma ll y M o nday dl•s p1tt· underground leaflet~ eal1111g on w urkl'f':\ lo stay at h unw suspect on fillll? Reports Crom uff1l'ials and Western soure·es 1n Warsaw. "Tht' pl•ople :.tfl' n ow o..<:an•d," said a w urkl·r .1t lhl· Un.u s lrat·t or lat·tor\· 111 W a r saw's Hula War-;2.1w .. s l\:l'lwurks STATE · U nive r sity d e an sought S.A N DI EG 0 (AP) Dan1C"I C J o1dan. cfoan of education at San D1t>go-ba:.t.·d Na t1o na I U n1Vt.·ri-.1 t v. wa:. r e porte d missing M o nday after he failed to shu\\ up in New York C1tv to dt'11vl•r a lecturt.'. · David Chigus. pr('Sldl·n t o l the private• bus11wss schou l, said J o rdan. 50. was las t reported heard from Fnday night 1n a telepho n e call adv1si ng s ponsors o f h 1s ll'l·turc· at tlH· New Y ork Unl\·t:rs11v Club that hl· had Jr r 1 v e d. a I La c.; u <i rd 1 .J Airport. Jordan. a Rhodes scholar 1n tht: Nauomd Un1 vt•rs11y po!it the last thret· Yl'ars, :.pokl· Friday night in Mmm·o.1poli-. a nd was rc:>p\rtt:-d to h <ivt· boardl•d a No,.thwest One11t flight 10 Nc:w Y ork that night J orda n 's w1k. Nanl'V, flew 10 Ne w York C 1tv to hPlp in the searc h llus1i1tals have Ix-en checked F e tuses to b e s tore d LOS ANGELES <AP> M o re than 16.000 fetuses taken from the h o m e of e1 former medical lab opcrntor may be ··stored" an concrc•w vaulLS at a Burbank cemct.erv. a Judge rulc·d M onday. emphas1Ztng th1i. would not constitute burial "The fetal llSSUt' IS not an the hands of the government. and Lhe governm<•nt sho uld not be in the business of NATION Bess Truman INDEPENDENCE. M o (AP) -Former firs t lady Bess Truman. remembered as a s y mbo l o f ''the bas ic decency o f America." will be buried beside her husband on the grounds of the Harry S Truman library "S h e was a devoted wife. a lovtng mo the r. and a gracious. unassuming firs t lady ." President Reagan said "Bess Truman e mbodied the basic rehg1pn We· don't knu\.\. wh..tt the fNal ll~sues' rl'ltg1oni. w ere.'" said Superio r Court Judge· Leon Thompson. son ot a Protest<mt minister "Som1: uf th.cm._nughl .have Lu.med out to be a th1:1st:; But I don't thank I should get into that issue [ should trv lCI maintain the status.quo until trial .. The fetuses W(•r(' found m February and hav~ beLn stor ed s 1 n l" e th 1• n 1 n a l'ontamer at a county lot rites set dc'<:encv ot America .. The · childhood sw<'ethc-ar t and widow of Truman dtl>d of congestive heart failure at her Independence home at age 97 She was the nation's oldest first lady. A memorial service open lo the pubhc will be held at the same time as the funeral. the: Inde pendence Ministerial Alhance said Coe d training to end FORT LEONARD WOOD. Mo. (AP) -Four years and 10,000. buck privates ago. the sexes received basic training together here for the first time in the Army camp's hlstory. That era will Thursday, a victim of the Army ca l ls e nd what the undeniable physical diffe rences betwC"en tht• sexes Most of the final 27 w onwn to undergo basic training in otherwise all-male companit·s will graduate Thursday and head e lsewhere for more train ing. Delly Piiot Phoco by Richard Koehler ·pill c leanup Jim (,n·c·r. in \-\hi t t• ~uit. l 1 ·ad~ Count\ Fin• l>qmrlnwrat ... pt•t·ia lil>it ... in ('ht·mit·al c lt·an-u p of gallon of n itr it· at·i.I tha t r uplurNi '.\lonfl a) a l Tinu·t liw . in l ni1w. ~o i n _juri<·"' wt•n· rq>orh•tl b ut I 7 t•mplo) t•t· ... wen• t•\ a<·taah.'<I for thrt·t• hour~. No Halloween? DL'l>LEY Ma" tAP1 \' t I! .1 ~ l ti f (I l I ol h., ('It In J! t lH' Ch1tJj.(11 ,1rc·<1 T:'>'ll'nol po1wmngs. h.i\'(' c,111n·ll·d tnl·k or treating tor voungi.tl'rs th1<; Halluw1•t•n Sl•h'\ tm.cn Anthon\ D1J)on,1l11 l ,1 II t· d In r l h l' ban and h 1 :-. collt'i1gu1•-. pa .. •wd 1h1• mea..;url' Mond.1 v night · ThC'rc•:. nothing 111 '-1'' J>t•oph l "n'l take thl•1r (•h1ldrt•n m thl'1r rnr .... to the homt l)f rel:H1vc·s .ind thmg' likt• th.JI," h(• ~ud Th<• i.l'il'< lmt·n :.aid ., I lalln\\'l't'n pc.rty for \'lllag<' rh1ldr1.•n will l>C' hc•lci at om· of thl '>C.hoob hJlls By JOHN DOWLING AHOClaled PreH Writer Cll ICAGO l11vt•s11gato rs 111 th1• Tylenol poisonmg t'aSl' say 1h1·y may have• an "t•xtn·mely -.1g111fac·<.1nt" du1· in a 1>Ul"Vl·tlli.1nl'l' plwlu that nwy show a pranw ~u,pt•t'I watl'h1ng onl· of tht· v1t·llnis buymg the ta1nt<.-d drug Tht• photograph. madl' publil' M ond<•~'. was t a k t·n by a i.Ul\'l'tllanl't· eamf'n1 1n a Chicago drug '>Ion· wht·rt• one of tht• v11::t1m .... :15-vc«.ir-old Paulj Prim<'. bought· a bottlt· of Extra- S t 1 t·ng1 h Tylt·nol contai ning t~<1llldt•-t.11ntt-d capsult·1> In thl' phutu. Pri(•t• ii. standing rwar a eht'l:kuut countl·r in tht• -.wn· In th<' hatkgrnund. lo<Jkrng tuwanl her. 1s a buirdt·d man rt·iwmhlrng Theodore Elmc:r W1bun, who along wilh hi!. wlfl•, L<.'<1nn. was dt'Sl.Tlbed M ondny as d "prime• s uspect" 111 th{· e;;st• Pnnc:t· lall•r died So U r l' l' s <.'] Os l' l O I h (• mvt:st1g<1t1on. who dc-cl11wd to bl· 1dt•nt1f1t·tl . said s uc h a photo t·ould b L• tht• C'asc's first r c•al h omicide due· -an 111d1eatao11 the· t·ulprtl w as rnterc:sted in ati. outcome and 1lS \'1ct1ms. Thl· t'OUplt• an• the targt.>t o l a n.Jllunw1dl' Sl·art·h. Authorrtll'S sav Wilson has USE'd more? than a dozen othl'r names. includ in~ J ames W Lewis a nd R obert Richardson H e was known JS R1ch..1rdsun 1n Chicago H t· facl's flodgral c har_ges an a SI mtll1on ex t orti on plot l'onrH'cted lo tht-killings H t'> w1fco has been ehargt.>d with using a fraudull'nt Social Securat v number in applying for a )Ob. · Wilson was 1nd1cted m a I !J78 murdn 111 K11nsas C1tv. but thl' l'h.1rg<'s wc•rt• dropped. 0Cfit·1als ..... y Ch1e:1go poltl'C' Supenntendl'nl R1l'h<1rd J Brzt•czc.k said todav that 1nvl•,.ugatori. havl' pos1t1vc•ly 1dl'n 11 flt·d 1 he· w oman os M 1si. Pnntl'. but that the 1denllf1n.1tron of tht· rnJn as W1 bun 1s "Vl•ry ll'lltJllV(' .. WllhlJn's fornwr landlord. Tom Kl11w, -.atd whc>n shown a greatly 1·r1l arged mpy of thC' pho to by a t1•lt•\·1s1on n .'port1•r. "I'm vt•ry doubtful 11 1s him " 111 ino1~ A ttornev Gl'nera I Tyron e Fahne r . h eading the Tylc•nol poisoning taSk ton.'{'. said t h e p 1 ct u re w o u I d b c· a n 'l•xtrcmely s1gn1h C'ant" clue 1f •hr man 1n the piclurl' 1<; 'It hurL-. nw. ll 1c·allv do<·s. to g o t o t h ii ' t· x t r l' m c· . • s ,1 1 d S(•i1'i. tm.in Domild Cristina. wh'> -;pconcJ1•d D1Don<1to's motion to t'<lll 1111 tht• t•v<>nl tht• town puts on l'Vl·ry Yl'ar C'rast rna said he• dad not !(now wht•th1•r th1• mov1• w.1s legal but 11 would llt lc:>as t sc•rve as a n odvasorv fo r the public Where did qou get that terrific looking LA Seat Covers jog set made with 100% cotton, available in a multitude of colors and pre-washed for super softness, perfect fit and We're Listening ••• What do you hke about the Daily Palor What don't }OU hke" Call the number at left and your message wrll be recorded. tra.mcribed and delivered to the appropnate ro1lor cotton cool active wear comfort? 642·6086 The same 24 hour answenng sen·1('e ma~ b<' ui;(•d to record ftot ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for venf1cat1on No c1rculat1<1n calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind o.lyNM Dmllwery ......... M4 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo1 '· Hal•y P~IJI·~•' on<! Ch••f f •ll(vtove Ollie!'• Jon• Amari E •tcVl•V• Ed•IOt 1 L. l<ay Sch"lt 1 Vou Pr•\ldent ~ 0.1e<•or ol Adve•l""IG Raymond Mod.Mn Co'"'o11 .. Mk ho•I , . Harvey O"t<lo< of Mo,1e1•119 1C,,cu1ot>Ot11 Cla11Hled advertising 7141142-5678 All other dep1rtmant1 642-<4321 MAIN OFFICE UOWHI I"" St , C°'la M••• CA M•ll • ..,,.,,0 lloa IMO, Cott• M•t• CA .,.,, Cot1yrl9nt ,.., 0teft9t (Ohl Pu1>11•n•llO C-• No n•w' tlOf .. , ltlu\Htlto-"t tdllot11t m .. ,., or ... verllHmtfll\ h.,•111 may be roproeluoct without •119< l•t 119'"'"''°" 01 topyttollt ow"9r Of Course! T ht·o dort• \''il~on a~ rt>d tawn b y F BI. 1dcnufu'<.I ;.ci. W1lw n "If II turns 11ut 1t 1s. it's dramdlll :a' hl·ll. rf ~ou put 11 tugc·th<.•r w 11 h t ht· :SI m ii J 1011 t•xtort1011 IC'lt<.·r. tht• lnnrwcllon tu tht• murdl'I' 111 Kans.~ Cll v a~d I h(• fal't that t 1111> guy u~i.·d 11 a liast's ... Fa hnt·r i.<11d i\londav night . "It l'OU Id bt• a 1 n •mendous strok<• of irony that thl' P,erson~ the p11:tun· . turn~ out to Paula Print·t' and b{'hind her 'it turns out to bl• the m an w~o saltl'd thosC' t·ap•mlC's." Fahll\>r said l n v t' s I I lo{ a tor~ h ~· v l' o I h er photographs that provide a dc-arer 1mag<• of tlw man an ilil' publa~hed pho to. Fahner sauJ Expertc; are u s ing t·omputt-r techn1<3u <•s to enhanl'C a n d ('nlarg(• thl• 1magt•c;. ht· said "lf tht! photo hac; Walson in it. that's big. important s tuff," F'ahner said "If 11 turns out not to be, \,·c-·n · right bat·k when• W (' starll'd ·· • K•nn•th N. Oeddord .k. fN O•MIOt eo.•t 0111, Piiot. •Ill• ..,M<11 It t omo 1>111'4 I"' H_,_ "'"' It Dvbll\...., DY IM Oro .... CoUI PUl!ll•lllllO CO"n-Y \4!11ar•lt IOlt-\ ltt 11ut1rl•-_..,,, 1111ouljll ,.,ld1y tor c; ... 1. Nlo a, H••oer1 "-"· H .... 1111,1 .... l!lt1cll .. _,.,,. ..,., .. Y, lrvltw, ~ .,._ llHCll Soulfl ( .. •I A \1119 .. ,,....,... _.111.,. I• "'*"""' ~111r .. y• '"° ~...., • .,. TM llflll<lll•I ""'"~ OIMll " .. no Wt\I •• , ,,_. II 0 lo• IJtO CMlt ~ .. Ct ltlerflll ttti. s.m. _, .... ,. ~ .. """ ..,, •WW)W ............ It. • Ooto<•Ot of Clp.(lll(lfl• ( VOL. 1$, 'No. 292 ' ., J ~734510 3467 Vie U4o. Ntwport ..... ._ ... ._.,....._ ... .._.,.. .......... • t • j • . HI • 0(•no• CoHI OAIL v PILOT /Tuueuov. October 10. 1082 Nord lrom " schedule peech Bt•f(11111111f( u 1w11 tluy .-v 1• t1 t I or w 11 r k I n K w II Ill t• II . Ku It• Ru II J Lloyd, ~1tor·10·C'hwf of Wurking W om11n 1ruaga2ine wil l s peak about "Makm~ thC' Best o f B ad T 1m,.1> · · o n T hur s day ul th e Newporter Hesort Lloyd 's spe««h 1s being 11ponsored by Nordstrom and In cooperation with the Pr o f essio nal Women's Ne t work o r O range County The pubhc may atl.c!nd. During her editorial career, L loyd has been ooth managing editor or c;Jamour magazine and ma naging e dito r o f Vogu e magazine . S he eurrent ly serves on the Board of Comnuss1oners f or the N ational Commission on Working Women The Kate Rand Lloyd evening begins at 6 p.m. with a no-host cocktail hour. A rost of $20 wi ll includ e dinner and a one-year subscription to W o rk ing W o man magazine. On Oct o b e r 22 Nordstrom at the South Coast Plaza will host a specia l evening fo r women o n the m ove. ft-a turing travel t ips. wardrobing. packing and • fitness advice. There is no charge ror the Friday evening event and the p ublic is wekome The evening's entertainme nt will be staged on the second floor and will begin at 6 :30 p .ill . with complimentary wine and light hor d'oeuvres. Fo r furth er i nforma t ion or reservations. 549-8300. ext. 245 may be called. Reservation deadline for Ka te R a nd Lloyd is today. Doren Curtiss~ president of lhe Orangt• f.ounl y Ma ter Chorale, with Barbara Caldw••ll of La~"""· pecial g ifts council chairman ~ K t•n ll•·int1. of outh Laguna, business t•ou nt:il c ha irman. :11ul Dr. Maurit•e Allard. chorale musit· din .. c·tor. 94 lllFI l!:::===== presents ======..J ·TONITE 10:00 p.m. LIVE FROM THE -- Winn Circle Tiit' W1111wn1 ( '1u It., IJ rwwly 111 uu11111 'l l utl 111.111 o f South l'oust M1·d11·11l ( '1•11tl'1 111 South L.1J¢u 11u , will h11ld IL'> fintl hmd l"UIM'f Ot I :w lfl tlll' (;1 .11111 llullroom uf till' Nl•Wpo1 I Murrtoll Thi· l>ltH'k \11 · h;dl will 111t lucl1• J 7 I' 111 l'ltullllJUHIW ll'('t•pl11111 .11111 u KOUfltlt•l dllllll'I .1111• Moshuy 111111 ht'i Of d11•\l1,1 Wiii pr llVld\• lllU:o.11 rw d iHWlllij 'l'hl' I :j nwmlx•rt1 of till' u 11 m11l1· ic u pport J(l'lluµ p lu11nlnK tlw 1•vt•nt 1nt·lu<h• Thoma:. Lowe., 4·hu1rmu11, Hay nwnd Cox . µr~11i d1·nt , J11h11 Luwliem. Dr. Marv111 Corlt•tll'. L1•1gh Colllrui, John <.:ha111lwrl1.11n, ~lwootl Luyfwld, F.ldon L1x·khuri, Shc1 man Miller. Luwt·ll Phillips. Wiiiiam Pi>1A·n1. John Krt>hhlt'I 1mcl Dr. Honuld Wulcl'll ---- t fund driv lJ11d1•1 WfllllH( bull t•XJll'fl\I'" 1111· l .111 khurl Luwt• E v1•11·tt M.ml(0t11, Nut11111ul U1 .. 11l11 ·r-1 Corp . M11hord1 B.ind .ind l>r ll111wld l<t-dm11111I ('ONCf<;RT SEASON OPl':NS; Tht• 1mo M.'11'>'111 tH·k1•1 h11ld1•r11 u11d t•ontr1but111 " at11·11d1nj( lht Orun.:t• l'11u11ty M11,,h'1 ('hc1ru1t··, o pc•11111H 1•c11111·rt 11( tht· l!JIJ:l ll:i ,1.,1111111 lt.111 1111· 11pjJOl lUt11ty lu 1111•1 I d1ornh· ffil'11l lw1 H ut u r1·t·1·ptrvn following 1111• 1.·011n·rt Spt-t:ial j(Ut'hls m Mh•nd1.1m·c· wc•11• llo llywood 'omµo11i>rfo rrun~t·r l~1·or"l' Wylt• und h111 w1f1., < :cnrucJt• Wylc• hui. uri·11n"'t'<J st·vt•r:.al nurnbt•r11 1·11pl'i..'1ally for the churult· 1ndudmg rnwut· lht·y will ix•rform ut ll11·1r Chn stmm:i t·orwc•rt..,, Dtot: :.i, '1 und 5 . Have you entered your favorite recipe in the Orange C9ast Cookbook You could win a trip for two or a $200 gift certificate. For details watch for our ad in the Wednesday, Food section of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot The Daily Pilot has special help for women with problems al home or work M a inta1n1ng a h o us e ho ld while pursuing" career isn 't easy. To he lp tode:ty 's women with those c ha llenges the lhiil~ Pilot offers a wealth of r<:'!>ourc·cs. Svlvia PorH·r ach IM'~ on finance. Ann Landt•r!-> ht'lp!-> "1th domes tic pro· b ll'ffi!'> and Sunda~ 0 !'> You Your Money ~ectwn focu !'>t·~ on a rt•a busine ss trend:-and oµpo rtun1tt(''> Other P ;.111\· Pilot mont.'\ Se:t\·e rs for women include the Supermarket Shop- per column. advertised values. coupon s avings a nd t a s ty n •c1pe in Wed n csday's rood pages And th(' Slim Ciourml'l help!-> \\Omen k eep thoH• food \al uc-. off the fa m ily's waistlines Women abo save g a !'> \\1t h thC' Daily Pilot by fmch ng their nt•eds close lo hom e in Orange Coast classified ads Meanwh1h.•. the Ad Sitter te lephone un s wering serviec frees women from s tay ing home while their Daily Pilot classified ad works selling household items or by finding a babysitter . Cons umer a d vice a nd he lp with problems com e in the Daily P ilot ·s At Your Service column Informati\'e, in-depth features on n e ighborhood p eople. places a nd trends are found on the f eat uring pages E\'e r y day. all a lon g the Orange Coast. women's li\'es are made easier b\' information and advice found only in thl' Dail~· Pilot Subscribe tode:ty by calling 642·4321 or by mailing the coupon to Daily P ilot. 330 W Bay St .. P 0 Box 1560 Costa Mesa. C A 92626. und lm·ul ad\'crt1scmcn~s ,~ ---------------., ~i-\ . H elp m e at ho me and wo rk. I a ~. Send m y Daily Pilot s ubscription today I 7. ~ J F or a montt\'s s ubscription m a il S4 .75 ~r ,. •and coupon to Daily Pilot 330 w Bay St ·I ~ #I P .O . Box 15fi0. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 I I I CITY ________ ZIP __ _ I I I I I I I I _____________ .. QailyPlllt 641·4Sll . DRAICI CDAIT lllPURT IW:H I Hill lllCll TUl S OAV.OC.lODtlt 1'J !'It!/ ORAN GE COUN l Y . CAL I FOR NIA 25 CENTS Dally Piiot Photo by CharlH Starr A popula r p ast im e a mong youngste r s a t Costa Mesa's Te W inkle P a rk is feeding the d uc ks. See P age Bl. Mud Slingers loading up for Newport campaign By STEVE MARBLE 01 the Dally Piiot Staff T h e r e's som e th in g about money. mud slinging and polit1t'S that go togethe r in Newport Beach. Following a pattern st'l m past elections. city council candidates are hus tling toward the. Nov. 2 showdown leaving a trail of shck campaign mailers. so-called "h it pieces" and many hard feelings in their wake. Nine candidates are vying for fou r district sea ts and several of the ho pe fu ls have pred icted ' they'll approach or go over the $30.000 spending mark. to get beak aid By J OEL C. DON Of the Dally Piiot Sl•lf A F o u ntain Valley vete r in arian was to exam ine three brown pelicans with their µpper beaks cut off today to see if the birds could be fitted w ith prosthetic replaceme n ts. About a dozen of the mutila ted birds were spotted in Dana Point H arbor Friday. With only the lower po uc h remain ing. they w o uld not be able to feed themselves thei r norma l diet of live fish . according to P atrick Moore, information officer wit h the st.ate Department of Fish and Game. Three of the birds captured by officials we re taken to Cro w n Va lley Animal Hospita l i n Laguna Niguel. operated by Dr. Gay l e Robe rts . S h e s aid vete rinarian Robert Rooks who run s a r e f e rra l ser v ice i n Fountain Valley. volun teered to see if a r tificial be aks c an be surgically attached to the birds. In June, Rooks r epaired the gunshot-sha ttered jaw of a sea lion named S parkie. T h ough the surg e r y w as c o n s ide r e d successful. the animal died a bout a week after treatment. State officials suspect angr y fishermen are responsible for the pelican mu tilat ions. They were attempting to capture the birds and locate groups -such as San Diego's Sea World -willing to care for t hem. Moore suggested the pelicans ,are being mutilated because the birds often swoop down and steal anchovies from live bait tanks or f rom a fi s h e rm a n 's h ook . Anchovies have been in shor t supply this season. he noted. Couple d w ith the a n chovy pro b lem are the increasing numbers of pelicans in the area as a result of the DDT ban. The once -popu la r p esticid e h a d th reatened pelicans and othe r animal species before its use was· · teverely restricted in 1972. M oore sold the re are mor e .than 200 pelicans in the harbor )lr'el and probably many angry fishermen. ''The birdt are 90 bold that the ~ple ·c.an reach out and gra b them," he said. ''But now they're ( ... Pl!:LJCAN, l'lft At) •• Om· cand1datP, attornl•V David Grant, said hl''ll likdy s pend $40.UOO in an t·ffurt lo unseal Mayor JaC'k1e Heather Se\'eral of thl' candidates have invl'sh.'d thl•ir ume. money and ('[fort in olcl-fash10ned namt>- t•allmg Th i s week , in c umbent Cou ncilwoman Ev(..!y n Hart demanded a publtc apology for a full-page newspaper ad Lha t pai nt e d h e r a s f avor in g "un bridled growth" and being "anti-reside n t." Th e ad w a s pla ced b y Councilman Paul Humme L who is seeking re-election but is not • running again!>t Hart Thl· ad also smglL-d out eand1datt's HeathN. Norm Luats and Bill Ag1•c..• us bl•ing "ant1-res1tl ent. .. Hart said the ad 1s dl'fcimatorv ;:md ftllt'd with "out ra'gl•trn·s untr u t h s ." S h e su1d s hC''s bnnging tht• ad to thl• a llPntwn o f th t· s t a H · F' a 1 r P o I i t 1 t' a I Pral'llll'<'S Commission and mciv t ake lt'gal action aga1n s't Humml•l. H u m m e I , w h o 1 s b c· t n g C'ha llenged by Agee, said he 1s irked by a campaign mailer that in Ff irectl y s tates h e is a n "anti-bus int·ss, single-iss u e· advocate." bltlfJ f'ttof ..._.. "' CMrtM lterJ This pelican apparen tly got too clo e to a rish e rman, a@ evidenced by ilM sowed -off upper beak. Th(• camp;;ugn mailN was Sl•nt ou t by supporl<.'rs of Hl·cather. wh.o 1s se<•kmg n ·-ell't.'twn but I!> not running against J lummel. The> mailt>r urgl'S voters to support H<:athl•r. Hc1rt. LoaL'i and Agee. claiming th e four arc: bt-ing chal lenge d by "anti -growth, ant1-bus1rn;·~ antagonists" A n o t h l ' r d 1 s p a t c h f r ri m Heatht'r 's camp st.at<>s that 1f thl' "anti-g rowth advot·a t es" are elected, traffic congc-suon, cnmc..· and airpor t n01se m<iy increase Supporters for HC'ather, on the other hand . havt..> exprc..•ss1.:d irr ita tion at the campa1gn1ng lt'(:hn1quP>. uf hN d1;,illf'ng<·r The supporters d::um GmJ1d;.tc· Grant 1;. dropµ1ng subtll' hints ol Hl•athl'r's ren·nt Slr'<Jkt· bv t a lking about br1ng1n g a "rt•n1•w(•d l'nl'rgv" ... nd "a nc·w v1wlttv" to the.· t·c~um·1l. Gr<.1nt dt•nlt'd lw '" making an 1s.-.uc-ol lht• m<tvor's ht·;,ilth and s::ud th1· rcrn;irk; an• atrnf'tl onl\' at undl'rs<:onng his own "pos1t1v.1· charaetensttl'l. and w ork hah1 ts " However . Gr,rnl said hl• 1s t r o uble d by 111 a 1l e r >. that 1 n d 1 r t• 1· t I y I a li t' I h 1 m "<tnll-g-rowth "· Sta11d111g in t cint rrcst to all of this 1s the · 1·ont1·sl bNwet·n LoaL-; ;ind tht• man hl· 1s try ing to uns1·at , Counnlrnan I>on StrauS> Stn.iu;.:-. <1nd LoaL-; '><lid tht•\"ve agn·t·d to IX' 111<·t· guys <ind nc'>t lo 1•11g.1gt· 1n nam1·-call1ng ur mud- ll>'>Slllg Stn1uss has t·al h'Cl Loats "<1 n ·ol n1t•t· guy·· and LoaL-; has r C' t u r n <·cl l ht· f a v 11 r . s a v 1 n g Strauss '" "a n;.sonalileo-and 111lc·IJ1gl'nt man " Uthl·1 t'im chdatt•:.. though. are warning v11tt:rs to c·x pt.'c·t last· 111111ut1..· ";.nwar" mallt-rs cand "µo1sun 1xm" po1111cal ads --\' aH-ey bids for s-chool aid By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 01 the Dally Piiot Sl•ll Putti ng com p utc·rs in thl' classrooms "''ill Ix• an l'arly goal of a fund-ra1s1ng t'dUl'a t1un;:i l foundat10n bctng orga n 1wd 1n th e Fountain Valley St·houl 0 1stric't. Similar f ounda lions <ii n ·;HJ v supplemen t basic programs m the· N ewport·Mt·sa. lrv1nt· and Laguna Beac h unifil'd St hoo l distracts. Foundations are seen as a wa y for res 1dc•nts and bu sinC'sses to funnel add1tion<1l money into loca l !><'hool districts that have suffered t.·utbaeks in s tate funding during n~ce n t years. Although the idea of suc·h a program in Fountain Valley has been discussed for several vears, the foundation finally took shape last sprang as a result of a class in "h1C'h thrc·" local tC'ac hcrs had 1•rH'11lJ,•d Tht• class lot.·us1•u on thl· S;m f r a n c· 1 s t' o E d u t.' a t 1 n n :.i I f ou nda 11on . wh1c..·h h.J >. bt•('n rais ing $2:10.00tl c1nnu::illy f11r lot·al Sl·hoo ls Tt•ac:ht>r>. Laura Woodward, Mindv Smith and Yvonnt' Holla nd dt'Vl•lopt•d thl' format fur ;1 f o unt<11n Valll'V foundat111n bnsc•u on tht· Snn F'r<tnt'IS<.'O modl'I Although this fuunda11un wa:,, only a daS-$ruom ass1gnm1•nt, tht· tPal'ht•rs talkl'd to d1sln<'l off1n;ils about gc-tllng the.• r eal thing organized Bet)y M1gnanPll1 . fornw r pres ident of thl' d1stm·t's board C1f trustt'es. bc•came 1ntc•rim l'X ecu t iVl' direc to r o f th e fledgling foundation "f t vnll fund tht• ki nd l)f projt't·ts thr· d1stnc·t ust.'d tn tw al>lt· t11 .ii ft•rd .rnd now ('an't. Ir cilli .JI t to tc ·l'hllc}l tJg~ <i nd •'Vl'ry1 h1ng 111 betwc·en," thl' ft1rnwr tru1'lt·e s;11d Orll' of tht• 1111ttal pruposab 1s to hl'lp tht• d 1stnc:1 buy t'\1mputer t • q u 1 p m (' n t l h a t w 1 I I h e I p >.tutlc·nts bc·t·oml· <.ctTUstomt•d ' to 1wv. tl'chnulogy M1gnanellt :-<J1d monc·~· raised b v t h l' I o u n d a t 1 o n t h r o u g h -..p1•t 1 •. d c·vt·nts and community donat1011s \vould nu\ lw givrn din'< ti v to tlw S<:hool d1str1c·t. lnstf.ad <i eummllll't' mad<> up of l\'al'hl'rs. parl'nh and local bus1n,•sspt•o pl1· will dend e on alloc:auons. D1slnt·\ off1dals who ~e:,,1rC' m o nt•y f n r s pc·ci al programs will a ppl y to t he foundation for <• grant. H ow mul'h ean ttw Fountain Valkv foundation ra1sl•.> (See SCHOOLS. P age A21 UCI med center shows piofit By GLENN SCOTT 01 the D•lly Piiot Sl•lf The UC Irvine Medical Cent<'r in Orange ended last fiscal year w ith a $753.000 profit desp1tt' w ell -publicized t.•ontrart disputes and what adm inistrators h ave called an over-reli ance on Mt'd1- Cal funding. Its fi nal cost breakdown was Included in a recently released report to the UC Regen ts on the financial track n 'C'ord of its five syste m-run medic:al centers in the fiscal year ending June 30. T h e re port sai d UCI M C treated 15,823 hospital patie nts who stayed an ayerage 6.6 days each. T h e hospita l's 464 beds were occupied 74 1jereent of the time, th e report said. The 52.081 pa tients v1s1ting its emergency room numbered the most at any of the fi ve university medical centers. However, UC IMC's net ga in w as th e sma llest o f the fi ve. UCLA's Medical Center was the most prosperous. earning a $9.1 million surplus. The center at lJC Davis earned $5.1 million. UC San Francisco's made $4.3 million and UC San Oie~o's t:inined $3.4 million. UCtMC administra tors say. though. t h at final settleme nt c urlier t h is year on billing disput~ with the Orange Countv government ovf'r ht'nltn care for indigents w ill greatly Improve the future Clnanc1&l outlook. The two pa.rues hove ag~ tO ,. a nt'w a nd ~tmpkr c·ontn1et in which tht• county p::iys a lump sum annually to the> hospital to t'are for ind1ge nL.;; who havC' no ot her mea ns or paying for n<'C'dl'CI h ealth ser v ices Tht' C'ounty is required by stall' law lo eover ht•alth care needs of 1nd1gents The largest fuding sour('t• for UCIMC's o perat ions las t yeur was Medi-Cal. which pec1rl $:\8 million on bt'half of pa tll'nts. Only Davis, wiLh $42.:! m1ll1on . recl'ived more. Too m uch emphasis on M<'d1- Ca I is n 't necessa r i l y good . thou gh . at·cording w William Gon zalez. d irector at UCIMC. Beca use th1~ state docsn't pay at rates C'qual to private funding sourc'C's. rates for the latter pallC'nts must be· raised to tover thC' diffc•rent'<'. he has explamed A priority at UCJ MC. he said. 1s to r<•aeh a ratio w here a larger JX'r<'et1lage of private palit-nls a re st'rved, thus allowing ratC'S to be lowerC'd Ae('ord i ng t o t he repo rt. UCIMC rec·e1vt'd $:32 m illion fro m private patients a n d s po n sors. $14.9 mill ion from Medicare. $l:l.5 million from the <'ounty and $7.3 million from the s ta te f o r C'1 1nic:a l t eaching programs. At UCLA's cen ter . pr ivatt> funds more than doubled thOS(> for MC'd icare a nd mor e th an tnpJt'd MPdi-Cal funds ----INDEX---- Dollnrs are pour ing in lo T i.junna fro m Ame rican citizens disturbt:-d b y wha t the p.-'o rrisis is doing to Me•ico's poor~ but d olla rs are <'Orce in <:alP.xiro. Se~ Pa~«' A4·. At Your SNvi<'l' Erma Bombi'<'k Business Cavalcnde Closslfl<'Cl Comi<.is Crossword Dcoth Noti<.'t's Edllorinl Hor~pc AO A7 B4-5 A7 C!>·8 87 8 7 C4 AG A7 Ir) h:rn11ss1v11 Ann Lnnders Movies Mutual ~'unch! Ntnionol Nt•wi1 Public Nollc·cll Sport~ Stock MArkel.5 Tt-levision 1'heatcns Wc-~th«r uo A7 B6 B4 A3 &l.C4-5 C t-a & B8 86 A2 I I * 11/r Orange CoHt DAIL V PILOT /TUftd•y Oolober JO, 1082 Onofre welding probed N u c: l 1• u r R 1• I( u I a t o r y Comm1~10n 0H1nals huvt• begun anapecllons uf wt.'lus ul tht• Swl Onofn• nuclear pow~r pla nt following ulkgut1ons that somt' O( the seal.s Wt'N' faulty, NRC spokl•11man Jim Hunchett said the lnspt•dion o( Unus 2 und 3. which began Monday. 1hoult.l be complete in a wl"t'k A former senaor quality t'Onlrol H\Spl'Ctor for Bc-<:htel Puw(:r lnt• - general t.'Ontr::at.'tor for the units und e r 1nspt•l.'l ton h as complained lhal the welds are faully . E. F.arl Kent of Cypress also t'Ontt:'ndt.>d that w elding w as not done On lTlllt.'a) parts O( the plant's safoty system. During a le ngthy interview with two NHC inspectors last week , Kent said he outlined spe<"if1t· art>as of the plant wher"' the welding allegedly was faulty or non -existent. He said the welds m qut>st1on are on hangers for pipes that carry w a ter to cool the mam reactor and also serve as conduits for electncal and rontrol cablt>s. Kent said he complained to the NRC in &>ptember about alleged construction deficiencies at San Onofre. bu1 Hanche ll said NRC inspectors rould not substanllale the complaints. o.,1y ~llot Ptloto 11r CllMlff , .. ,, Stf'v ie Nicks of the heudlining Fleetwood Mac band t"ntertains at benefit cunct•rt. ~' \\.' Continued stories SCHOOLS SEEK AID • • • "The s k y's the l1m1t ," M1gnanelh said "We would ltkc to be as SUl'<.:t'ssful as the San Francisco foundation. It may take more than one year to get to that point. But I fE:>el that fountain Valley parents always cons1dC'r education a high pnorlty." The founda11on currently 1s a pplying for tax-exempt status from the s tate a nd f ederal government ll 1s operating m quarters at the district's former headquarters. 1 Lighthouse Lane. Foundation officials expect to have a regular board of directors and a sc:hedule of fund-raising act1v1ties prepan.>d bv Decemb<or "I'm really exc:1 wd about this idea and 1 thank 1l would be o f tn•mendous assistance to the d1s1r1t·t." s~1d Cheryl Norton, curre nt president of the district's board of trustees. She also 1s th<.• school board's d elegate to lh(' foundation. Nonon said lhC' foun dation's tentative goal of purchasing computer equipment for th<' classroom would tie m with the dis1nc1's own plans for incrC'ascd instruction an the use of sul'h equipment. PELICANS ASSISTED • • • leery of humans .. In uit The beaks were a pparently cut or sawed off "as close as you can get without killing the pelicans," h e added Under s tate Jaw, b r ow n pel icans are cons1derC'd a protected species. A person found to be kiUin~ or injuring the birds may be subject to a $1.000 f1n1.• andtor a year in jail "It sounds hkt' a cruel ac:t 10 mt:," said Moore "ll sounds hkc· it's being done out of frustration du<' to the lack of anchovies." One dead pelican has already washed up o n the beach rn Carlsbad. he added Two ('ornpaniP!; O\.\ n (•cl ljy Johnn y Car ... on ;.1rc• lu·in~ !'l uc•d to s u1,pl ) his "'Tonight .. !';how skit~ for . yncJi c·ation. High clouds due 5• 33 20 Cllarieston SC Charleston. w I/ Charlotte. N C Clleyen"e ChleagO 65 68 62 63 72 72 65 68 68 85 67 72 71 66 58 86 •8 66 30 60 38 88 82 72 71 76 73 68 81 75 71 88 78 78 10 88 73 n 80 81 68 lie 72 79 54 92 62 53 eo 57 83 <50 eo 63 ~ 84 53 40 ~....a.~;.;;...~;_,;;.;.;;...;;.;..~~~~~~~~....,..;--"'--,,~~~ 36 •6 •O 35 35 39 61 37 38 50 39 •3 •9 C I C1ncinna11 0 (l ~ I (f Cle'l.Cand l/111lable hlQh Clov01nus rnrouoh g::;::~8; S C W.One$day Ca.Slat low ciouds '" O•llas-Ft W0<1n n1ghl 81\d morn11\g hours w1111 patchy early morn11\g log on 1ne O•ytv~ higher ml•nO va1a.ys ltl lie change ~ Moit>eS In temperatures today al\d Detroit Wedr>es<Say Oululh El Puo Fergo U.S. suniniary ~~:1·~~11s Up 10 3 11\Ches ot '"ow •ccumula l ed In Ille low•r ... v•tloos of north-I Wyoming •"d co,,tlnu•d f•lllng acron centr.i Montan• befM• c1111n91r>g 10 rciln Monaiay afternoon u Ille moist wHlher t yst•m r•Khed North O•kota •"d north.,n Mlnnft<>ta Show.,, •nd thund•rstorms deY9loped ~ Ille eutern Gu" Coat. For today. 11\u~ were lorecHI to develop lrom IOUlll-tern MlnneM>t• acr098 Ill• upper Gre•t l•ku, lrom -tern Nel><Uk• llCl"OM llllnola. end from eutem Kansu througn Mluoort end nonl\erTI Arleen ... So•tl•r•d 1llower1 wera predlct•d f o r the ce,,tr•I C .. lfornla coul wlllle -cloud bulldup1 w•r• •KP•cled over Ark•n••• •nd In northern loul•l•n•. Ski•• •l••wh•re .crou the n•tlon -• expected to be ttllr Hlgllt -a Pfedlct.O to reec;h the 40s In Ille up9fJt M11lllNIP91 V•lley to th• northern Racki ... rlllng to n .. r 80 from northern M•IM 1cro11 Ille upp•r GrHI l•kn. and lnlo th• 801 In IOUIMm FIOrkl• lo Ille low llOl In eoul llern f•••• a"d tll• 8outtlwM1 Hartla<d HMna Hon04ulu HOU.IOI\ lndlal\9P04ts Jeckton. Mias Jeck f()nY~ .. KMSH Ctty Knox11111e Las Vegas Llllle Rook loulsvllle lubbocll M91npllis Miami MllwllUllee Mpl..st Pavl NNhvllle New oneana N-York Norfolk North Platle Olll•hom• Clly Om.ri. Oflaodo ~pl'I•• Ptloenix P1tllbutgll Portl.00. Mt Port Ill/Id, Or• Pro'lldence Raleigh R~ City Reno Ricf1m0nd Sell L..ak• Sen Antonio SMIOe "' 27 25 30 30 73 66 •O •3 57 50 •2 53 51 43 •9 51 88 •8 u 47 54 39 38 u 58 52 62 32 63 31 21 40 38 3• 41 24 35 30 ~ 38 Sllr...,epor'I SIOU• Falls SI lou•s St P1111-T•m~ SI Sle Marie SpoillM Syracuse Topell1 TUCIOO Tulu WUl\lnglon W11:hll1t Apple Valley B•kerslletd B•ratow e..umon1 Big e..r 81"'°9 81y11le CuMlr Clly Eurlll!• Fre1no L•ke ArrOWlleld l~••ler Long 8Mel'I lot Angele• Monrovte Monl•bello Monlerev 80 52 63 43 73 41 76 65 63 37 45 24 55 35 76 52 87 52 8• 55 62 36 79 53 HI lo 80 41 79 57 91 57 82 •8 69 ~9 77 33 19 65 7" 57 82 42 78 47 61 •3 82 48 75 59 74 82 83 54 19 eo 70 47 Temp•rature1 uou"o th• nation at noon. FUT r~ from ff ~-a1 Cutbenk. Xonl . to 91 el P .. m Springe, C•lll. 'T e niperatllres NATION HI L• 5e OS 78 '3 85 41 80 35 8" ... 51 32 15 13 ff 30 31 34 72 &2 l',··a ~!~Rf Rf PORT T9dn'e Wne A.., ... • " 40 52 32 57 3& .. 13 .. JI so u 41 » .. , .. , ..... ~ ,......, It. fair 6<I 1•2 II l•lr 87 1-3 rt OOod M 1•3 It OOOd lie 1.2 It ••fr·PoOr M in poe>< M 24 " flllr·POO< 05 2-3 fl. lllr 05 2-3 n. l•lr es 1.a n 1111 a. 1..a n f81f 04 11 17 e ml, low Tldt 0 21 pm . Swell '· Ml Wiiton N-por1 Beech OaklenJ Ontario Palm Springs Puaoena PHO Robles Aovefslde Red Blull Redwood Clly Reno S.cramemo Salines San e.rnardmo Sa" Gabnet Sim Diego Sa" Francisco San JoM San" Ana S•nl• B•1b1ra S•n11 Cruz San11 Mllfll S1och1on Tahoe 11a11ey Th•rmel Torr•nce OlO•Al Amsr .. oam Alhena BenghOI< Betor•de e.<Tln Bogot• BruSHll e·.-,., .. C•lro c.,_ Coc>enll~ Dublin Fr1nkfurt o-v• Het11n111 Hong Kono J11ruulern Edmonton Mon1rH I OlllWI Regtn1 Toronto V•~Ol.IVef Win~ .. I • CAN AO A eo 73 51 70 60 79 51 76 50 93 60 78 55 80 40 78 49 77 47 79 49 60 24 75 45 79 •5 80 .... 83 57 7• 6• 75 53 78 46 73 59 70 48 73 49 ,,. ... 78 48 84 22 92 50 73 57 HI Lo 8 : S• 77 57 90 61 84 45 55 46 86 43 59 48 71 53 93 64 .. 70 54 ~ 55 •8 57 43 52 •5 39 32 79 11 71 ~Q HI Le 30 u 50 !II 51 30 34 30 M 34 so 31 40 38 Meadows· theater rocks 8y PlllL SNEJOERMAN Ot ,,.. Otll\ ~ .. t lt•lt Ourlnl( M unduy 11q(ht '11 M'tlltCJll t•ml111~ t•on< l•rl ut lrv11w Mt•t1dow11 Amph1tlwult•r, 0 11t·11111.c i,wdornwr Gl1•1111 l-'r1·y i.11 111( about t'li(;llJ>lng to u 11plrlll1d plllt't· c•ullt'l.I "Purtyuiw11." Thul m1111t• ulrm wu11 u11 upt d l'"1Cl'IJJllOll o( ti!\' rnoo<J Hl \ht• IC'llnul t'Onc •rl n ~.1rty whlJ6t• auc1n list lrwludt•d ll(lfl)(o o( th•· t o p ru un Ni i n r o c k m u Ii I l' Apf)t'Urln~ wc•rt• f''rt•y und lt•lluw tormt·r Euul1.•11 J ot· W11l1iih und Don llt•nll.'y, tllrll(l•r ~UILUrlSl Rot S t' .1 I( gs. a n d l h l' n 1 g h l ' ic h(•11clh11ml( hanJ. fo'lt•1·\ woo(] Mut· A11d lo 1<1p ll off, lhlN purty WUN u benefit l'V\'111 to r•uiiw m11111•y for llw C11y of llopl' Mt.•d1cul C 1•nl1•1 in l>uarlt'. a fuc·l11ty thul :u ds v1ct11n~ of c·awstruphu: 11lnt'bSt'S S po n so 1· st• o t s 1 n pr 1 m c· lol'alwns l'QSt $250 and $100, although luwn ::waL'l wt.·rc o nly $1 5 The mus1l·1ans pt'rformt.'<.l for frl'<.', and 1h1• t'V<•n t was C'Xpct'tl'<.I to raise $200.000 for th<.• C11y of Hc>JX'. a concc•rt organrrer said. Fur the pn'dommantly young crowd. the b1ggt.-s1 trcal was till' opportun11y 10 scc:· the st•Vl'l'.JI big-name r0<.•k stars peorformmg on thl' same· ml(ht un ..in Ora11g1.· County stage. • Ex-Eagle r'r<'y k1t·kl'd off tht· t.'V •nm~ with a series of llvl'IV 11ot1j(h I r11111 11111 111il11 11lhu111 "Nu f''un Alouc.J •· H.n·k1•d by ..i11 t'll(hl pll'<'l' bond lt.•UtUI 11\j( tWC• dr umnwn., 1 wo k1·yhoa1 d play1·1' and l wo j(Ulla1 tllL'I, F11•y rlrc·w 1111' WUl'llll'Nl lt'blJOll.!>4.' (t II rt•lldl l 1111111 uf hiH h11 11 1111.(11•::. "I fnu11d Sorm•hucl y'' 11ml "Thi• 0111' You l,uv1•." u 11d h1i. ulu Eagl1•i. numlx·r, "lll·uru.,·h1 · T11n11oth 1 " Durrnl.( fo'r.·y'11 l•nc111 c. 8 112 &·oggs t.'tA·~n>c·<I on stJ1~1· to sin~ h hi hll, "Low<low11 " l'twn JcM· Walsh joinctJ l<'rl.'y. &·ni;tl(11 und th1· huncl for u l'rowd · rl)ui.mg flVl' t{UIUll 1t•11d111<111 11( W<1l'jh'1o "R<J(:ky Mounwtn Way" Tht• 111u11u·liin:; lhl'n b1 uugt.1 tht.• aud ll•nc:l.' lo 1L.., f1·1·t w1lh ,1 rcx:king performanc:t• ol lht· old Beatlt.-s song. "Slow Dow11 " Thi• a111µh1thealt•r obviously wai. filled with Flt•l'twood Mac fans. This vt·t('fun English band bt.-caml' on<.' of the world's must popular group~ aftt:r the Amer1l'11n duo u( Lindsey Buckingham and Stev11· N1c:ks JOI n ed an 1975 and ht•I pt·tJ rt'shapc the f lt·t•l,wuod Mac· sound. The band's "Humours.'' rl'll•a..>;<•d m 1977, Is rt•pull·d lo ~w the· top·M.'ll1ng pop grouµ album of all tum· Tht.· band opmt·d 1~ two-hour Irvine.-MC'adows set with sc_·vl·ral nurnht·rs from "Kumours.'' induding "Se<:ontJ Hand Nt-W'>." "Tht• Chain" and "Oon'l Stop ' Stl•v11· N1l iu.. \Ill' huncl'" nu*l duu 111nu111t· 11H1j(t•1, u(h·n will! llw 11•1111·1 of .. 11t•nl11111 J'-i.lw dum·l.J ,11mul 1111· i;l.1.Ct , 'w11 llnK hc-r ld.u k und wh111· l'J~,..,. Sht• obvwu11l y Wd' un <1udH·rn·1• fJvos 111-. l111J num1·ruui1 rum. plm·1·1l 1 IJ'«."" 1m 'IUll.(1' fur hc•1 li u t HI II I( l ' r I( u I la r I " l liu<:kinKham ht'tlu"'ntly 11wh· tlw i;how from Ni ck~ w11h his fr1·nt•t1<· p lay111g 1111d inlt•niw vo1.·11t~ Tht· IJancJ i;t.-t-me<l lo ~· pl;1ying too loud for tht-1uzt• o f th<' amphitheater, und many of ttw 11 .. 1 d roc:k songi; !>Ounck-d cli<ttort ed Pu, a rc'l>ult, b'Jnll' uf tht• most (•ffr.~·uvc· mum11nL"l Wt•n· tlw qu1el l)nl'~. M 1dwuy t hrnul(h tht• set , lluc·k1ngham donnt.od <•n a('Oust1c ~u11a1 aritJ played his o wn "N"'vc·r Going Bac k ." then :H:compa n1 cd N ick s on h er poignant "Landslide ." Finally, ~uest Don Henley sle pped on st.age to perform hLS duel with Nicks, "Leathl"r and Lac-c " The crowd c:ame alive again during the loud rockers that dosed tht' sC'l and served as the f1r!-.l cncon• But s1nger-p1anist Chrtetane McV1t-then brought the evening and the lrvinP Ml·adowi. l'Onl'l•rl ~ason tu a perfect doSl' with her soft. h c a r t f (• I t r t• n d 1 t 1 u n u f "Songbird," wh1th she ded1calt'd tu th11 people at the City of Hope Fraud figure sentenced A Laguna Bt•a1.·h man wa~ S<.·ntc•nt'l'CI lo a f1ve-yt-ar f<>dt.•r<al prison S<'nlt'nl'l• Mo nday for Mt'Cltl'are and Mt•d1-Cal fraut..I Alan King, 45. ww-. l'Onv1L·t1:J Aug. 23 of 40 assortl·d tnminal coun t~ including mail fraud. consp1r<ily , making fal~l· !>l<il<'mt•n t i. lo thl• US guvernmt·nt Lind makan8 and rc·t·t.•1v1ng k1l·kbal·ks. H l' was found lo havl• c:ht>a l ('d thl· fedC'ral ;rnd SILite hl'alth l'art• programs lor tht• 1nd1gcn1 and t·ldt•rlv •JUI of St>00.000 K1nj.( wa~ IJr<frn·d lo pn~·m Nov !l by U S IJ1s tnl't · JutJgc Tt·rry 11..tllt•r Jr Thl•rt· King will lx.· l'Xam1nt-d by psy<:h1atra~t:. Ill set• 1f ht· l'an st·rvt.• thl· prison tum Hill tt•r w1 II rt.·Vll'W K ing's S(lntt>nc•· C:lt anCllhl'r hl'anng s<'I fvr Dl·<: I :i Kang had lx·1•n t'hJrgt>Cl with illegally l'Olll'l.:llng about $550.000 tn ht•alth c:arc.• pr<Jgram l.x.·nd1t:. from I wo Fu I lt•rton busmcsst·~ th at prov1dt•d X -ray st•rv1c:t•s tor convak·sc.:ent homt~ Along with his parlnl'r. Donald Swc•anngl•n , -t :~. uf Plac:t•ntw. he also had be ·n a c t' u i. l' d o f b 1 I k 1 n i!.." t h l' ~ovt:rnmt·nl out CJf S50 IJIJ() lhrough t\.\.o olht·r firm~ lh:..t providt:d off1l'l' st ·r Vll't·~ for pod1alr1 ~\~ who lft·a t t'onvak'Sl·t•r11 homt• p:.it1l'nl!>. Swt·aringl'n had ll•sllfwd for thl' proS<'<.'Ulion during lht· 111dl lit· lalt•r pl1.·adc<l ~urltv to uni· t·uunt of \'IJti:.p1raty and 1.1. <>!> fmc:d_.$111.000 &nd st-nlt-nn·d ''' four months 111 prison aml 1hrH· vt·a('s· prob:..t1111l ~mg t.oultl h<1 vt· h~:t·n g1\t.•11 J I IVl·-yt.·ar pn\Cm ll•rm for l '<H h of the.· 40 l'h:argt .. , Chevron 'guilty' in gas leak C h l' v r o n U S A 1 n c: h a i. adm11tcd respons1b1hty for tht· gas leak 1ha1 t•aused a fire 1hrl•a1 in Huntington Beach over the W('t'kend . F'irC' Chief Hay Picard <>aid todav Picard said a breakdown 111 <"nmmu n1cat1ons prevC'ntc.•d (•a rl 11'.'r 1dt'n II f ll'a t 1o n Cl ( I h l' rt.-sponsiblf' oil t'f1mpany f1rt• offll'li.lls \\'t•rc informed by Cht:vron headquar ters in La Habra Sa tu 1'1..1 .1 v Iha l t IH· company was nul rt•spons1blt• for thl· ll«.lk m a transm1ss1un line .. <ll'<:ortJ111g lo Pil'artl I lowever. thf' l<·ak oc't'urreu 111 a c"Olll't.'lor hnt' for ..:as going to a refm<•r v and was overseen bv employl'<'S m Hun11ngton &·ad1. not La Habra. "Thl' nght hand didn't know whal thl' left hand was doing." P1c:ard l'Xplaaned Picard .;a1<1 ttiC' cumpcmy. "wh1c:h hi.I!> lllOPl'I a ll•CI h ,l ltll' ulmost .. will ht· n ·sp>11s1hll· tor n •plaC'lng lhl· l11w 1ha1 lross<:>~ unt..l1.•rne<1lh Goldl•n Wt·~I Stf'('Ct lll'twt•c•n Garfield and Ellis d\'l•l1Ul'~ Thl' vt1ldlll<· gds lhol bubbkd lo th"' ~urf.iu· did nol taui.t: d firt• but PtJ5eU a I hrt•al. P1t·arc.J ~1d Thl· lc.•:.ik wa~ blanwd on the p1pc·ll1w 1ha1 rusll·d h1-t.1U~ -of c1'lf'TTTI~~ m lht> ~I Police arrest sla)ring suspect Oraitge Counly Sher1ff's 1nvC'stigato rs return ed from Sacr amento early today a ftC'r luc:aong the ('oommate of a man whose decapi ta ted body was found Saturday buried tn tht> backyard of the Mission VieJO home they shart'd. . Cody Leo S<:hre1ber, 29, also. known as Bar:ry Anderson. was arrest<.>CI on susp1l·1on of murder and bookt'd into OrangC' County Jail al 4 a.m . Lt Wyatt Hart sa1tJ Schreiber was picked up early Sunday morning in a bus station in Sacramento by invcsugators who had received a tip that he was traveling to Northern Californfa. ft was unknown tod ay .why Schre1h<'r was using tht> alias of Anderson Dennis Schubert's body was discovered early Saturday morning at his hom<:> at 23342 Via Gaudo<. His head was found lal.l'r that day in a shallow grave about a quartc•r mile from his house. Sc· h u bl' rt. ~ 4 h d d IH· t' n plannmg a lrtp lu Chicago w11h h1 i. f amily Saturdav Two !>UllC'a ses ·were d1 st.'ov1.•rl .. d Sundav· bunC'd i:Jl'nrath .;om!.' trash ,·n a dumpster Detectives said tht•\' had found the tool thC'Y bt.>11c·vl' 'wa~ u!>t.J tn St.•ver his head. but rl'fu:K.-d w ~Y what 11 was Schubert had graduated from UC Irvine 1n 1980 and wds employed as a n engim•er for MrDonnell Dou~las Corp One thing ls a fact marriage 1s an 1nsmut1on that is here to stay. and the age old tradltJon of exchanging wtddlnc;i rings looks like rt W'lll be around to: a whtle also. But where ~ tt say that your rings must look ltlce grand- motne(s. or for that matter. like almost ~ry engagement and wedding rm9 you see 1n mast stores Many stores won't pr~rty tell you What you are buying or explain to you why you are paying the right price To protect you ~inst thrs. 11\i'e ~ taken the mystery out of com- paring diamonds and will take the trmt' to educate you In the dl~rences 1n qualities and price. and then substantiate What we'vt> !>aid with a money back guarantee There are exciting altematM'S. and ~ a~ proud to shOw them to you At ~ham Lt'1gh, ~ design and handcraft the most unique and exdung coll«tlon of engagement and wedding rings you are going to Stt \X.t' recognize that you are lndlVlduals and our .)eW'lry retle«s that uncJemancJ1ng For straight honest exptanatron, unique designs and guaranteed value. Wyndham ~lgh ls the store that sp«1a11zes 1n engage- ment and ~Ing rings ~Ing nngs avallc11ble trom s I 75 EngaQCment rings ava11."!ble from S4 50 Wt.1ndham LE!igh~1rtJ>A' t' , IV FMh!On lsl.Yld. ~~CJ'\ '12660 ~Neill 9.Jllod<.1 Wltst'W ' N (~()MPO '11'E '"rKA .. OUOtAflOIO IHtLUDI fllAl)l\0 11 '"' .... •0 •11 .... uwt\1 ~.,,,,, ~·~ •O•IOli O• !•(lit ••O Cllf(UlliAll UCIC« l ll(llA••tt ••ti et l'(lllflO t f fllt 1100 A•U IN\flNI t Cout OAILV PILOT/Tue1d y, Oalo~r 1'1. 1982 NB ... Dovv Jones Final OFF 5.42 CLOSING 1,013.80 ~\\\ \\\\\\ Two saVings firms cut rate LOS AN<;ELt·:s (AJ>) Two Cl1l1fo1 nw S<JV111&b :111J lo;.i11 111slllUlllms h<J vt• !>lwv1.•<l .1s niud1 .1s .i full (.>l'Ht•nwgt· po11H f111m tJll'!> on OJdjusi:,IJll· hw1)1• loans 111 another ,1t11•111µt l o i.tlnwlutt• tlw dt!prt•sl!t>d rt.•a l t sl<.llc·. mar ke l l lum..-Suv111gs 111 A1111·nt OJ, bast_.d 111 Lv.. Angl'lt'S, ,111<.l &vt•r ly l lllb IJ.tl>l'\I l\1111•nlall Sav111g!. 1•,u :1 .M•l 1tw1r r~•h" .11 I~'• µi·r('t·nt M1mday Th.al c 11111p,i11·' ""1th r.all·' r;.u1g111f,! from I .S pc:ru·nt to I l 111 1 t·1 11l ,J.., u f .1 :-.l.1l1·w1d1· !>urvc·v la1>l Wt·t.l1wsd.1v h) tht• C.il1l1J1111a S.Jv111gs Jnd Loan LcJgUl' Assets ruling we ighe d WASHINC:TON (l\l') Tht· Supn•mt• Cuurt 1s t..1 krng ._. dust· look at J luw1•r 1 ourt's ruling th<il the Ht·agar1 .1d1111111slri.1l1Cm da1m., m<ikC's US l'Ofµc'>fall' .1ssc·Ls ("1sy l<ir~Wl!..for forttrgn ~ov<.'rnml·nL'i Fath I CJ,tr o'!> :>t'l7Urt· 11( Anic•nlan µropt_·rty m l'uu,1 foJlt1Wtr1g lht• r<•Vu(UlllJO that <;Wt•pl htrn IOlO P<>'-' l'r in moo sp,11 kl-<l lhl· lc·ngthv lt•g<JI t'OntroVl'l'!.Y STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Nl Vv 't'URK 4,AP; '>l'Jlt") J &> fh pt 1(r •no rwt c Nln.Q• .. ,,.. tr\~ "',.,.. n mo\t a hYl'! N~w V(), • ')hK • t •• t\•fl(t.., t\\.V"'\ ~~~1;1,;111orw.11, "' ~r~<1',~,'".e'•~14 • '· lllM llU\lllXI 91 • ·I• AM R (O<O IV.. )CA.I: I\'• •• f:••O,, l•r;tu... JO•• i•::,f;,r~;,n ~;: ~ ~~ . .. Mc.Oof"llG ' t.b1 ~ \I• W•tnt(Oftt ttjt )(A,J 4\ E.tnl .COO•• f#JI 1W '~l • a J • ~''" vn•c..n '' M'A'> ~ X•r ,qUl'b \le. OCAI II (tt•\.at\WIO ~ ~ I" JC)f\f\\Jrt '"' .. JW 41 A•tO\ (p 44( .00 J.1 f tl"(JN111t MIQ H I '«J: lfl .. -1 •I ', . AMERICAN LEADERS NtW VURK ~td ; ~otr; J pm •nO nt-'I tn..110~ vi ,,... lt'n n!O\I Amt"nCdl'\ Q\U)( ~ E. •' rioent11 ~!~~" f\dl1Vf'4ll~ ,,, ;;~~'"""' .. '' Oom•Ptrl /O 10U ) • Cn•mP ko )IO 1W ) RttnQ•r011 1"0 IOCJ ••, Vulf(dn 'I 110 ](AJ •)•• H~l"1R~Y I' IU "<.O J\, At'\rtlnt A t4t .00 ''"• (.On(J1I C...\ //°' 11, k.1tbtl•P '1•9'.c "• tn Qit.r0.1 AU 11r WJ l• MElAL S : . • .. I ' .. NEW YORK tAPI mo11a1 proces loday S"°' nonletrout UPS AND DOWNS COPIH'' 72"·75 tent~ a pouna US des11na11ons L••d 23 29 cents a pouno Tin S6 2•23 Me1als wee~ composite to Aluminum 76 cent& • pouno N Y Mflc ury 5370 00 pef flan Platinum S338 00 S3" 00 rroy ounce NY SILVER t1anoy 4 Harman S 10 1' per troy ou~ GDlJl.JlUDJATIONS ., th• AHoc_!!!td Pr••• Seleclecn.torl<l golo prices IO<lay London morning hung $4311 00 up SIO 75 London &lternoon 1 ... ng $U 1 so up St3 2S Parle allernooro lmng $438 :n up Sl2 16 Franl!llH"t '"'"0 $437 96 up S9 Siii Zurich late ellernoon f•Mtno $<440 oo up $9 50 bid ~4 1 00 Hlle<I Handy & Harmen (only Oetly quot•) S441 50 up Sl3 25 Eng9111Md (Only deify QUOI•) su 1 50 up S 13 25 • Enge lhard (only daJly Quote) l•b•l<:ale<I $463 58 up S 13 92 SYMBOLS