HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-24 - Orange Coast Pilotj .. Ylll HlllTlll IAllY PIPll ORA:~GE COUN r y . CA lit-OR NIA ~o CENTS Hospital supplies going to the dogs By GLENN SCOT'r 01 .... Dellr Piiot lt•ff Om·t• upon a timl•, most pt.~>pll­ f1~un'Cl the best thing tu Jo for a s1t·k or mjurl'd pN was to let 1l l'Url up m a k1tl0ht•n l'Ornt•r and ll•l nature takes lls c.:our.;e. Another nmwdy. still pracUl't'd by sonw. was to pul tht' amm;,il to sll•t•p in a hunwnc foshion. It l't'<IUl't•d sufft'rmg nnd didn't cost n\Ul'h. Those so luti on~ <ire what might Ix• dl'SC.'rtlx'<i as pn•-lrvi1w. In that cummunJly, as well as many olhc·rs along th(• Orange Coast. dogs. t.'al:. and t'Vt•n birds <in: .l:. much a part of the family as. well. tht· n•st of thl• family . I r v 1 n l' h u s d t• v l' I o p e d a rl' p u t u l ion as I ht· u I ll ma t c family -oru.•ntNI pl<tt'l', where enhstmg lhl' kids on the son·er team 1s as 1mporto.111t a!> wmnmg th<' promotion at work So 1t was f1111ng ·<1S·a-fl1·a · l'Ollar tha t Irvine· would bc-t.'Ome thl• hx<ilc· of a m·w pl'l ho~p1tal thul l'mploys usl'd t•qu1pmc•nt from human hospltab lo l'are for fomilll's' furry fr1c·ndi> The• Wuodbradgc· Hospital for Animals & Birds and the· n·lated Animulodgc. opt•11l'd m Man:h 1981 in a new 14,000 square-foot building at 34 Cn•<'k Road It has everything from a hv< .. 1n Vl·ter1nar1 an to ;,i thrrmoslal1c·ally c:ontrolled dryer in its g rooming parlor 10 an X - ray mac·hinc· that only two years ago was scanning humans at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los An.ieles. Th e sp-ecia ll y d .. s1gned building was com·t•1ved with customers in mind who conside r their a nimals as part of their families. said Dr. Lawre n ce Zarr i lli , found er and administrator. How extensive 1s Its surgical and treatment room? Said Zamlli: "WC' like to think that in casc of civil emergency, it could be easily converted to a humiin hospital " It includes. for t'Xamplc. cardiac monitors , clC'ctroC'ardtog r am devices, stainless steel surgical tables and soph1st1cated anesthesiology machines. It even has hookups in the su rgi cal r oo m f or m1t·ro ph ones to t·omplement t•x1su ng v1dco momtors. That way. vt•wr1nar1ans can videota p e operatio n s for educational u s e . Zarril l1 explained during a recent tour He reached up and touched a wide lamp that hangs directly over a n operating table. The lamp, he noted, was purchased used. "So muc·h of this 1s out of t-.uman hospitals that we rouldn't afford to get all new equipme nt," he said. "New lamps hke these are $3.500 apiece." • The surgical and treatme nt area. with its polished steel counte rs. antiseptic scent and spacious layout, 1s at the heart of the two-story buildmg It was s11n1lar to a human operating room, but not quite. In the corner. a colorful parrot perc h e d 111 a cage where (See ANIMAL, Page A3l .,.... ............. bf P'lllrtcll O-o-11 Michelle Owings brings Fred lo ahe Woodbridge Hos piaal where Or. Lawrence Zarrilli performs surger y on dog wiah operaling room equipment previously used on human Tale of two houses mostly secret By ROBERT BARKER Of the D.ity Piiot Stefl T he two houses don't appear to have much in c.'Ommon. One i.s located in somewhat of a r und o wn middle-class neil(hborhood in Midway City. The most noteworthy geographic feature is that it's located near one of Orange County's most heavily traveled intersections off Beach Boulevard. The second residence 1s a two- story structure located on a slope in Seal Beach. The neighborhood Is nice and quiet and not far from the Sc!al Beach Navy Weapons Station. There's a view of the Pac1f1c Ocean from the stt<>nd story. T h ese two homu s h are a common bond -their residents are batt ered w omen a nd childn•n lllDEX Bridge FA Movies 06-7 Classified E2 -6/Fl-6 NatJonal News A3 Croe1word FA Public Notices B~ Death Notices FA Real Eatate 03 Delaplane ~ Sports Bl-6 F.dlt.orial Paae A8 Stock Market.I 04-~ Entertainment 00.7 St~le Cl-6 Fee~ l!l Te evillon D8 Finance 01·5 Thea ten 06-7 Jiorom>pe &I Travel C5 Ann Landen El Weather A2 Mall boa M WOl'l1f'!' ln BUl1net1 E2·4 ~ ., - • • , There's pain and suffering and heartache Inside the walls. But there's also succor. and for some. the beginnings of a new way of life. They are called Inte r va l Houses and their locations a re kept settet to protect the women from their violent mates. The Midway City home, ~ith its five bedrooms named a'fter famous movie actresses to lend a n o t e o f Import ance, can accommodate 18 women and their children. The p lace tn Seal Beach , because of zoning reatrlctiona. can accommodate o nly six unrelated perwons at a time. The Seal 8e4'Ch Interval HoUM opened In December of 1980. The Midway City h ome opened almost two years later. The woman behind the Idea WH Norma Oibbl, the former mayor of Seal ~ach and Huntlnaion Bt>ach •nd • profet10r of ment.al hy9lr1w et Cal St.at.e Lona Bleeh Unlwrtlt . She owns the Seal Beach house, but her church Is making the mortgage payments while it's being used as a s he lter . Gibbs lives in Huntington Harbour. "These homes are always full and we turn a way about 400 women a month because there is just so much demand. "Some of them come to us like whlppt'd dogs. They just want to sit and be safe and melt Into the woodwork." Gibbs says the re Is more domf.'stic viokncc than society cares to admit. "ff women don't do exactly as men want. they la.sh out. They've probably ne ver been able to express anger in a healthy way. "They don't h ave the ability to communicate o r control their an~r. Alcohol. dru11 and l'm<>lions are factors " But Otbbl Nys wltt' ~aling iJl not confin ~ to th~ macho or th~ I"" l'duett.c..td. "We a.-t wives o f doctor11. (8" IN~ERVAL, P11e Al) Tiger mauls toddler at Lion Country Hy SANDIE JOY Of the D911r .. llot ll9ft A 2-year-old boy was lfl t·r1t1t·ul t'Ond1t1on l'arly today aftt.•r lx·ing ffil\Ull•d IJy a male S 1b<.•nan tiger at Lion Country Safari t;\nthony Carlos S tupani, of U plund. 1s bei ng treated at Mission Community Hospital in M1ss1on V1£•jc>. for puncture-type skull dumage. paralysis to the left side and ll'g cuts. at-cording to Irvine Pohcl• Sgt. Phil Povl'y The son of Naomi and Carlos S1opa111 had been v1~1t1ng th e wild animal park in Laguna Hills Saturday with has family whe n he was snatched by the uger at 2:45 p.m According to Povey, the boy was standing with has mother. aunt and cousins on a deck in front o r the blc•at'h C'rs a t a performum·e arena whl•n the: a unt not1ct'CI a tiger was out of the arc•na cagl' and hcad111g for them The mother and aunt "wt•re try ing to gather the childre n to them," the offit·er said, "whe n the t1gN got the boy. p1l'kl'<i him u p and loped off to tht• brus h area about 50 feet away " A t thal point . Povc·y t·nnt1nuf:'d, an assistant traml'r. J ohn J Molnar. 26, tritotl lO d1i.trnl't tht• llgt>r while hcatl trainer John H. Campolongu Jr , of Huntington Beach, ran into 1 h 1· b r u s h w i t h a f 1 r L' t•xt1ngu1shPr. shooting the animal in t Ill' fal-v Tht' tiger dropped Anthony. who then Wal> scooped up by a relallVl' and rus h ed to the hoi.p1tal by Orange County p aramt•d1t·s He underwent surgt:ry for head, face and lc:g injurws The tiger. which is 4 Vi yt•ars old. 1s l'aged a nd quarantint'C.l at Lion Country by Irvine Animal Control Services. . Campolongo, 30, was treated at M1ss1on Community for scratchc.-s and rt•leased He could not be rl·at'hl•d for t'Omment. Virginia Brauer, a spokesman f o r L ion Cou ntr y. s aid Campo lo ngo o wn s Animal Fantasy. a circus act involvmg two Siberian tigers, two &ngal t igers, t wo African lio ns. a lc•opard. l'Ougar and German sht.•phcrd dog. Cam p o l o ngo h as be en (Ste TIGER. Page A21 Accepting Israel tied to conditions WASlllNGTUN 1APJ - Mo rocco's King Hassan said Saturday the Arab world will r ccogn1%t! Israe l. If certain conditions are met, induding lsrac•l1 su rr e nder of t h e tl'rn torll's occup1c.>(f in thl· 1967 war. Hassan also· said the Arab· lsra~h conflict has "entered a new phase. This is no longer the t'Onnict of fort'e, but in fac·t 1t IS the conflict of law. and rights." Although Hassan's w1lhngness to rec:.'Ogniz.e lsrael was qualified. he wc•nt further than most Arab leaders have been willing to go prC'v1ously toward ac'<.-epting lhe Jewish stall' Hassan headed a s1x-nat1on Arab League delegation that met with President Reagan on Friday t o d1Sl'USS A ra b and US proposals for a lasting peace in the M1ddl~· East. U S off1c1als had sai d 111 advam•e of the meeting that the Arabs needed to "rome out of the dost't" and explicitly declare their w11lmgness to recognar.e and negotiate with Israe l At a news ronference. with the for eign minis ters of T un1s1a, Algeria a nd J o rdan si tti n g nearbv . H assan sa id: "Our prescnee here, if we want to be logical with our own pos1t1on, s h ow s that we a lso w a nt ourselves to live m peace with Israel Israel bemg recognized -and otht>rwtse-. we would not be here." But he quickly added: "some c'Ond1t1ons have to be fulfalled in ordc•r for this to happen, and so long as thc-se conditions are not fulfilled. there will be n o recog111t10n of Israel by Arab states." King Hassan A U S offrcaal said Hassan's stateme nt "~ms positive rather upbeat" and was at least a "marginal" ad vance over the previous Arab attitude toward reco~niiing Israel. The offidal sa id he did not w a nt to be 1denuhed. F o r e mos t among th ose conditions, he said, is that 1.srael must give up the West Bank and Gaza Strip and ~eturn t o the borders it occupied before the 1967 war He didn't list others, but in the past, the Arab nations have said they include Israeli recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the establishment of a Palestinian state in the occupied territories. ELECTION82. Campaigns capsuled Wha t are the views of the candidates for the Ne wport Buch City Council? T h eir coun~rpar\I In Cott.a Meu? Why ui"-Pountaln Valley voten1 btlna askt'd to endone a m~asurc that would levy a speeial tax to cover future Mlary lncrtHU for public: ufety employees? Where do candidate• In four 1tote ~scmbly and one Ital~ > S ena\e district atend on the ialues? Anaweri to \he. quaUona - and many more -will be found Monday In • apeclal l 2·page pull-out 11eCdon. ElecUon '82. For th~ paat .everal weeka, Dally Pilot reporten and edUon have bun ttlkln1 wl\h the candldetes and colletUn1 their views for th" unique publlcaUo-.. Rod It before you vote ,.ov, 2. ) . ' I t .. • Oro11u Co11111 UAll y Pll OT /$u11d1ty 01 IC1ll111 14 lllUJ 'Give · more tiin ' Public· pa1fr•111 tt'itli 1lt•111.(llll: JJo/J Nfo~W YOUK (AP) 111 t('(l•rll w e t> k . m u r t• n n d m o r ,. Amerll'8n11 h11 v1· 1J1'<·1cl1•cl tlh 1t Prea11dl' n l Rt-11M.111 · ic t't'on 11rn1t· }!Olk:tl'tl n<.>t-<d mure Uml' to wurk. tlHnulln~ the• c•trl•t•t iwnl's11 of Republican 1•trorts to pt>rsuodt· the public UJ "~lvt• tlw "uy a chance." . The latt'st Associoll'd Pn·ss· NBC New11 poll sayli 54! JX'l't't•nt u f the pu blil' n ow l•xpresst•s patience with R<'ugan 's t't:onunm· policies and more than half al:.o a~pt the GOP ('Onttmt1on that the nation's proble ms llfl' t ht• result of past prl'sadcnts. not tht• curre nt one In t·u1111.11u 1~11\, t 111• AP NH(.' N••Wi; pol Ill AUHll'I lwl1t11· I h 1· H 1· flu h l 1 r a 11 N .1 t 11111 ,, I ( 'rnnrtllttl'I' ht't(llll It:. lalt<o;I 1 ltHhl ol t('l1•v1s1011 ('\)l))n\t'fl'll\l .. ll rcrnn p.1l1t'IH'l' With tht• t•11llllllllll pllhlll'N .111CI tu ""Ill)' 1111' t'llUIM'" iwad unly :m p1·u ·1·11t lit•l1t•Vl'<I tlw pH•sadt•nt hu<J11't hud 1·nvu~h t11111• to lll'j.t111 1111p111VlllH tlll' I 't'llllUll I y , All uf this uuds up t11 po:...,1hly guud news Cor GOP l'•U1d1d11t1•' With the l'll'(:tlOllS lt•s:. lh1111 lO days away. SllH't• H 1.·a~un•, l'l'Onomll' program hu~ bt•<.•n th1· <l o m 1 n a n t 1 s s u l' 1 n m a n v l~,1ngress1onal l'ampa1g11s this luli Suspect kills himself A 29-yl'ar-o:d robbt·ry susµt'(:t shot himsdf lo death Saturd..ay 111 spite of pleas by police who wen• trying to talk ham out of has car after It crashed ullo a hoUS(.• on C hapman AvcnUl' near Mngnolla St.reel in Gardl'n GrOVl' Just before he shot harnsl•lf. t h e s u s p e <:t r l' I e a s t' d l h 1.· supermarket mamtger hl'd bt'l•n .holding hostage to gave ha s wak•'s •me &nd phone numbl·r to ;police so they l'Ould tell her what _,,.d happened. ','The n . said Gardl·n G rovl' 0 1 ftl'crs "C<.ist-v" Cast• .md Jl'ff H.1uff Raupp. Lun•n L l't•rry. ~!I. of Buena Park. unsul'n'ssfu I ly pulled the trigg1.•r o f h1-. gun lWll'<' befort• k1llmg hrm~·lf with. o third sho t to hb h1-.1d • 111:. h1>sta~w. HtJl>t•n F C1·111 g1· . .J;L uf Lakt•woud. """ n·ll'a:.i•d unharmL-<l Georgl' "'a, m.1na~1·1 of Von's Markt•t 1m Ch;.ip111.111 Av1•nut• rn Garden (;rov1·. wh1•n· thl· suspt.'(.:t alll•gedly twk 1warly $4.llOO at gunpoint at -4· IO pm an hour befol'l' th1.• ::.Ull'IUl' INTERVAL HOUSES SOOTHE • • • • Ffom Page A1 lll torne ys o n<J µ ro r t•:.s1 on a I -people. "ln man y c·aS<'s. lht• nwn art• peacting to strt•ss Thl'." t'Xp<~:t J)erf ecuon and they ex peel 11 instantly. If they don't gl•t rl. Cliey tum to vaolt•n('t' .. •:Gibbs said womc•n makl• thing:. .,brse for themselves bt.•l·aust• they have sut·h low esteem "They feel lht>y dcservl' what they are gt'tting," shl• said "Man y of them would be safer tf they told their husbands not to la y a hand on them Th(' husbands would know lhl•v'v<' met their mall·h.. · Twenty-year-old Kathy (nut her real namt.>) was a rt•s1dent Jl M idway C tty Interval H ousf· recently. Shl,.s suffer<."'<.! a lot or pain at the hands of her husband who she said 1s a nire guy when he's not angry . K a th y said s he 's b<'en punched. scra~hed. slapped and had h er h ead shoved into the bathtub. '.\orma Gibb" and Urban Developml'nt agt•ncy Kathy also plans to enroll in computer tra1n1ng at Goldt.•n West College. t lwr •lfJ\' t or lwr di• IJn·n .ind ..... 11 11111111 1\'1•111t.•nt da"M'' \.\11111.ims s~11d "IX'<'WI emphasis ..al"o h.1s lx•t•n 111ad1• to 1·st..alJll'h strung ... upp111·1 ... vs1t·11i... 111 !ht· 01nimun1l\' f111 K.1th\ 111 d1unh. hohbu• .... 111d '>JX'1.'1..al 11.ltl'rt·st an .. 1:. and vo1:..at11in.1I r1·hab1htat1on .ind 1r,11111ng "Wt w.1nt ht·r 111 bt·tomt· 1nv11IVl•d in tht• l'ommumtv And \\ •· 1·1H our;igt· lll'r tu kl.•1·µ 111 trnu h .111d uirnl' b..at k to Sl'<' u~ .. And tht r1.'::. ..ibo ..ilw<1\'~ tht• h11lltnt "''r\'ll't• that's ulft•rt•d :!4 h11u1-; .i cl.1\ Thi• pho1w nunilx:rs ;11 t t 7 I I l IHI I U I:.! I .111d I:! I:!) :1H I 1:1.1.1 Th• tw .. lnl1•1 v.tl llou:.1·s d1·1H·11d • 11111 t•h 11n puhltt na11rwy .111d v11h111tt•1•1:. ~ l\11111ht•f' 111 tilt' l•lllllnUllll \' d1111.11t· li•od. 1 lotl1111g. fur 111tu1;. .111d l•I\ .. (111 th•· 1 l11ld1 l'll l\lut h ot th1· 11p1 r.1t111~ 1·xpt•ns'-·" t·nnw from an annu-.1 lx·rwht JUl'lrun lhal's b1·111g h1·ld Nov 5 ot lht• Golden Stub lnn in Lon,:t R<•:wh t;r1,1 .......... , ... ,h1· h1111•·' '" ....... , 11111111 lr••fll ttw l'\'1111 Fitness at any pace \\ lwllu·1· 1114 ·~ run "ilh tht• p:u·k or slrollt•d like Ly nn Thoma-. "i1l1 clau~htt•r-. Curol) n, ·I, anJ Kut y, 2, !,onu· 700 pt•o plc..· c·ralt•rt•tl tlw Orungt• County llt·arl A~~m·iatiou'~ Corporatt• Hun for llt·arl SaturJu y al Fluor fitnt.'!-i!-i Ct.•nh•r. Ttw non-t·om1w1i1ivt· c·H·ul raisc•J l'unds l'or lwarl l'fA!o,t•ar(•h . \(•Ire·-.~ J••1111it'c ·r o·~(·ill ~·a ... in fair t·ontl ii ion uf tt.•r a ppa r'"nlly !'hooain~ lwr-.•·lf ac T iclc·ntally an a lulome 11 . Hysteria cited • • • 1n po1son1ngs LOS ANGELES 1AP1 ll l.'alth ufr1c1als adm1ttt·J IJUzzlt•mt·nt Sat urday ovl'r th(.· 1·;1u!>C' of <1pp<1re11t potsonmg Ill at lt•,1st 125 pc.'Opll• at a high S(•hool lootlwll g<1ml' and suggc•Sll·d · ma:._ ... hyMcrta" might havt· lx'f.•n .1 rnaJIJr factor Tht.· :.tght of a ft·w peoplt· v11m111ng, combrncd with publlt l1·ar~ ovl'r poisoned products in tht• w;ikt· uf thl' Tvlc.-nol tlc·dths. u 1•;1tl•d a "pt•rf1" l :.t•t-up for mass hyslc·n;/' ;1t lht· Friday night garm '. said D1 !::>nrrlt•y Fanlllll. d1n·c·tor of tht.' l'IJnllnUllll';iblt· d1H·,1:.l' unit 1n Los Angt·l1•!>. Count~'s H t:alth t:X·µ:irtm1·nl Off1t·wls ong1nally suspt•l'H•d l'UPIJ''r sulfate po1son1ng from .J S<>fl Jnnk d1sp<>nser had stnckt.•n Cans about 9::i0 p .m. Friday al East Los Ange les College in Montt•r t·v Park. wht'I'\.' Garfr~ld ..and Ft ankltn htgh !.<:hools played f uot b ... 11 Mu'>t v11 t1m~ rt•portc'<.l lldlJl>C•a . 't1111lJl h l I dlllJ.IS. dtZZllH·!.S. lw;ul.,L h1·' ... nd 11nghng m tht•1r .11111" ..a11d ll·~s that laslt.'d al.x>ut h.il I .in hour Tht ' wc•11 ta k c·n to ugh t ho:.ptt..ah 1n ..ambuli.llll'l"> .ind prav.itt· c...a r s. ft\'t· Wt>rl· h O '> p I t a J 1 /l' d 0 Vt• r n I g h t f O r 11b-.t·rv,1111m. th1•n sent home Shl· 'aid partially c·onsumt-d ... ult dr 111k!>, lood, -.<Jfl drink ::.yrup .11111 r11.1ll•rtul frum tht• soft drink pu111p1ng l11ws would l.x-tt·stt·J !\I 11 11 cl u v f o r puss 1 b I l' lttlll.uninattun by c.·opper sull<tll' S1m·c· tht· dl'i•ths la~t month 11t ",., 11 (.'h11 ... g .. .ire· ... 1 t·!.idt•nh \\ liu lllj.(l''h d E'tlJ·Str t•11gth T\'11 ·11111 1;1µ ... ulc-~ ... 1ufll·d \\1th v\•,1111J1-. tom1Jl.1mL' ul po1;.unt..'<.l produt·ts havl' surfat•l•d acTc;r..:. lh1 n .. uon In that n>ntt•xt. Dr F<1nnin .... 11d, m.is.' h\sll•11c1 w;_c, ii lakelv 1».pl.m.1t111n °111 tht· tumpl,unts "It's gotten to tht.• point whl'rl' I'm afraid he'll kill me and h e's told me he's afraid that he'll kill me." .she said She suffer ed a pun(:turt-d kidney in a recent attack She said he r doctor fears that 11 as a per manen t tnJury that will require an operauon "I'm not gomt to t1 II ,in\11111· where I'm hvang or wh,11 m\ phone number I!> I don't "'an! htm to find me bc'l..auM• ht·., n11t going to change " I n t c r v a I H ou s \' Pr 11 gr ,1 m Dln."<:tor Carol W1lhams .... od that Kathy'!> hfe may not bl• rn pt·rlt'< t order ''bul she'o:; dPfin11t·h ·• stronger person al tl·r -.t.1\ 111g with us .. TIGER MAULS BOY • • • Beak repair due She is just winding up a !>lop al the h ome anJ plannc.-d to move to an apartment 1n H untington B eac h with her two you ng children. She's receiving a rent subsidy from the federal Housing W1lhams said Kath\ ha" lx-.·n buttressed by group thl·t c1pv, 1nd1v1dual therapy. t·dul·atwn munsehng. leg&I adv1u'. spc.~·1al Coastal Smog Outer ~191 ••••• from POlnl The >.'11 Ou111ty 11A1negemen1 Concepllon 10 S•n Clement• Olstrlcl predict• good 10 lillend nortn-1 wind• 10 10 18 unhell1hy 11• qu91•1y today in Ille ltnot• with 4 to 7 1001 .... e>t« Sou1h Cou1 Air Buin lnnet we1er1 llgfl1 v111•ble winds Unhe111hlul •ir tor H n1111ve people II IO••cH1 In the S•n rt1otnlng bu1 1oc11 north 10 G1b<lel Ind Pomon• v9lleys ..,,,, nortllMlt wind• 12 10 18 kno11 In • Pollullnl Sl.,,dltd Ind•• OI ••••• below c1nyon1 belwffn 17S 1n Ille San Fern•ndo and Santa 8Ml>M• ltld Sant• Monica S1nta C11t111 v1Uey1. PSI 138 Wind• 11t e1noon ••II to ena 1n lhe Rlveralde -Sen ftutllw••l I to 1! 1tno11. SernarcJtno ar••. PSI 113 tuthwear awell• 2 to 3 IHt rlable high cloudlne11 with Good 111 w11 forecall ror ,..._ .. ,,, .......... , .. -metropolitan Lo• An~•IH and fllt()A.a \J ~ L•°' ~I ChenQI of 8'1flnll ... or llghl H-l·Elsln<>r4. PSI 9 , end tor f ronts Col<!...-. lflOwetl morning inland O.enge County. 8enninO- Ille row M\d n'f.., ~·· ~tar ..... and 8Jg Lall•. all With Senti Mer11 PSl42 Senti Monie• Stoett ton . 'Te mpe ratures Tehoe Valley • South1rn Celllorn11 can ~ verlat>le lllQh cloudln•H Therm•t TOfrance rovgh Mond1y Ten percent CALlfottNIA Yum• enc• of aprlnklH 01 119h1 8•k-liald 84 65 thla morning. 8attlOW u 60 " '•11• Cou':!li can •i•cl Beaumont 91 57 Albany I': lo 92 I •r lowt I lo Big 8"r 89 4() Albuquerque ~Y lll9hl 7 to 17. BllhOP 78 43 Amanllo • lnlend velleyl wtft heve h!Qht tn Blythe 91 60 Anctior•oe !; eo.. low 90a. Lowe eo 10 C1t1Aln1 u 70 AtlleYltle Euf8U 74 57 At1ant1 Mountain 111g11a es 10 u Lowe Freeno 87 M At11n11C Cny 65. L.ancaslll 82 53 Auarln w n o.ett lllgfle 79 10 M. Long 8eacfl 98 65 Baltimore 61to12. Sou1Mrn "-1 Lee Angelet 91 73 8llllngl •to 14, IOwt 6110 86 Monrovl1 " 81 81rmlngl\•m .,.... Cllloude wltfl • oNnoe Monletlel!O 94 6e 81.,..,arck ~----· Mont•ey 78 IO llolM lllfn 1nd Ca nlral Ml Wlleorl 70 " Botton Ottlefw!N tllr NOIC>I Need ... 91 eo 81ownt•lle llCI ....... c:loud9 end GfllrlOe ~8each 12 12 Btlffato ~ 1or norti-t W11met Oalltend IO eo Buf1ington _,,, ataM. On1wl0 92 12 CUpef Palm Sprtngt 94 15 c;n., ... ,on. s c PllMdeN 90 51 Cl'llflMlon. W v Alvertlde .. 5! Cl'larlOlll, N C Aecl Bluff 72 59 Cl'leyenna AeOwood Ctty 71 &t ChleeQO SacrllM!llO 79 59 Clnclnneu Sallnal 12 11 Clevelend San 8ern1tdln0 93 82 Columt>le s c San Gab<lal " 12 ColumbU• Sen Diego .. 17 OaUU•FI Wor1l1 San FrancltCO 74 12 oeyion 8Cln JON 78 12 o.n-SelWt AN .. .. 0..MOlnee Senta l•bat• t3 65 0.trOlt From Page A 1 J>4 r iot rning wuh h1i. antmJb at L11m l'11untt ,. '>lnCt' F<'bruarv N111111~ ·o.ur mam mterc•st <1t l.11111 l'ountr-. " tu make .-.ure thl• l hald ..... OK," Br..am·r r<•fern·d 1.db ll!ol••rd1n~ thl' <•tt.tdt>nt 10 H;ilph I l1·1f1•1 uf Th11u .... md Oaks. o\\ rwr of Gt·ntlt.• Junglt" ,, t 1r111 Snow CJ w,,,n, 'WW '°'''''1t)f'larv •• 15 57 85 6• 80 82 56 44 99 llO 93 6S 9:1 I'll 60 25 7:1 39 70 39 2• 16 58 35 SS •II 49 36 72 SS SI 34 6& 47 66 39 71 33 87 S3 52 3S 83 eo 0 37 •9 38 87 . , se S2 52 2fl 50 0 64 33 54 23 SS 34 47 37 53 41 51 21 84 44 60 25 eo 37 eo 34 60 32 Oululll S1 28 El Pato 82 4.5 Feir1>ank1 12 7 Fe•oo !8 36 Flegslall 72 28 Oreet F1111 68 53 Heriford 52 24 Helene 68 43 Honotuiu 118 10 HOU910n 68 SI lndlanapolls S3 '17 Jackson. M•ss 69 38 Jacksonvllla 57 SI Juneeu 44 33 11anses Clly 59 32 Kno1v111e 60 39 Les VeQ81 80 S2 L•lll• Rock 62 35 loulsvme 56 33 lut>boCI< 72 38 Memphis 6S 37 Ml1ml 73 73 M~weukff 51 26 Mplt·St Peul 62 34 Natl'lvllle 61 34 New OrlHn• 71 1!2 New 'fork !1 31 NorlOlk 54 411 NOtlll Plelle ,. 39 ()k111nom1 Clly 64 31 Omaha 82 40 Orllndo 76 65 PhHlldelPhll 52 3-4 Phoenla 94 14 PlltJbu•Qll •8 33 PorUeod. Me 49 29 Ponltnd. Ore et 54 ProwlOA!'4;e 49 32 Ra:an 52 43 Repl City 71 37 Reno ee 48 AIClltnOnd 50 37 8811 Lakt 117 41 Sen An1on10 72 45 SURf RIPDRT s .. uie 119 50 Sllfev91:t 94 40 &loux allt 59 34 St Loul1 51 31 .... 1"'1 .... ..... .... ...... -M ... ... Dir ZlllM ' 12 2 I aw ..... Monica .. 12 2 3 SW N9wOOt1 3 6 12 2 3 SW 9.,, OieOO CotJnty 2 3 ,, 2 3 SW OvtlOoll IOt Monc19Y Ltttllt Ct\ttlOt St Pela·Tame>t 69 u St t 11 Marie 62 24 IPOlt•M 67 41 .yr .... 41 2t ToP'tlll ts 2.1 '~ 17 5e TUltt .. 34 W at1111nQIOft 64 at Wiclllta ., 34 ' • • ' I ' u11d1 r u1n t 1 .1l l tu t ht· ..an1m,il IJ.ifk t\ lso t·:i.. prt•ssmg t onn•rn f nr tlw bo\.·, lil'lfcr. whu wasn't .it tht• p;;rk during tlw an·td<'nl. 1•\pl.111wd hl· uni\ had :.ket('hy cl1·t.11b ..And hJd bt·c·n unable lo t.dk lo <.:ampul11n1<•>. who was slt·t•p1ng .11 hunw lft-lll•r Jc-.<.·rilwd Camµolon.,w :111d has w1f1• ao; "\'l'I y t'Onl·<>rnt.'<l ;.ib11ut tht• boy " Vt•h'nnanans will trv t1xl.1\' lo su1g1c·ally atta<'h aruf1c·1al bt:..ak~ t u "lll1W of thc· eight mutal..itnJ pL·lal'&ns captun·d along th1• Orange.> Const last w eek Meanwhile. the U S Fish and Waldhfr Service has o ffered a $5.000 N'ward for taps leading to 1.-onv1t·t11m of whoever is ha<.·kmg •1tl lht 1wl1t.tn .. upplt btaks l'h1 hard~ a1 l pr•Jlt•t tl'U ... ::. ~1 n l tld.111g111.J ... pl'\ ll':> S t •• It F 1., h ..a n d (;a ni 1 Dl·p..a1 tnwnt 1Jff1nali. h,l\'l' said thl'\ h,1\ l' ,1 "firm IN1d" on tht· pt·1·~111 or J.>1 '1'°'411\' \\ hu h.i\l' lx·<·n ma1m111).! tht• bird:. but as y<•t . no .i111''L' havt• lx•t•n .innounu·d Ht.· c.lso s;:ml C:1mpolu11~11. who s ubcuntr;H·ts to h1n', "1s ::111 exct.'llt'nt tra11wr and his animals an• t.•xc·t•llt•nt c·;1t:." Crash • • v1ct1m 'critical' Po\'t·y. BraUl'r .ind Ht'lf<'r wl'rl' u11.1ble lo sny how tht· t1gc.•r got louse:• ~klfC'r said h1• "heard 11 got out through a door uf thl' cage " Brauc•r !kltd th1" \\ •'-' the· fu'St ,Jl'\.'tdl·nt by a pt.•rfurmang anamnl ~ t Lion Country although :.ht.'d hmnl therl' hod lx'C'n an acudl'nt "year-. ago" Ill the• w ildlife preserve portion of the• park A i5-year-old Costa Mesa man remaanro an t-r1ucal <.'fmduion latt• Saturday recovering from lllJUries sustained an a trafflC' accident Friday. according to Costa Mesa Trafri< lnvestigator Floyd Waldron. Alfredo Castillo of 792 Shalimar was hosp1t.alired after ht· w:ls struck by a motorcycle Jnven bv Steven Burns. 23. of 4 00 Merrimac. Costa M esa. Waldron reported. Tlw Jl'l'llil-nt O<.'-urred ..ibu1Jt H pm Fnday as Castillo was l'fO.<,smg Plat't.'nlla Avenut• near 18th S t rl'<'t Hl• 1~ Ix-mg treated at Hoag MC'mor1al Hospital Presbyterian. wht•re the cyd1st. who wa~ l r a v <' I 1 n g a b o u t 4 0 m p h . o:H·<·ordang lo Waldro n . was trt•,1tc'<.I for lt•g l'UlS Nu o ne• was uckctt•d 111 the inc·ult.•nt • • Special Oller! S•lomon 727 blndl••• reg•l•rlv 1114~5 aow 5916 with the parch••• ol ••JI Siii. Oller ends Oct. 31 , J 982 :J Orungu Couat UAll Y I'll 011•,u11duy, Octol.mr 24 IUl:S;> a Jailed De Lorean awaits bail cut hearing LOS ANO£Ll<:S (AP) W1th a heartnl( .,x111d111.c 1111 " rt'(tut•ict lo r <'du l' e h 111 $ 5 m ti 11o11 bu II . automaker J o hn Dl· L ort·tir1 remained behind ~rs Sa turduy In a prison no~>d for 11.s a ffluent, w hate-rollar l·r1mmal pupulauon De Lorean, 57, <'harged with <·o n s p1ra cy t o p o!lsc ss f or d1st rlbu t1o n 220 p ounds o l l'OC8 ine w or th an estimated $24 m1lllo n , was bf'in g he ld 1n tht• d<'tl.'ntlon center a t 'Tl'rminal lsl111ul l1•d1•r11I p1 IMlll whil1• h1N Ullllrtll"V \I 11•d lo rllll'lt' ll.111 Hut lh1•11· wm; llttlt• l"""l"'t.l lh.11 tlw l111 111t•r (it'""' ul 1\1111111 .. C.:11rp Vitt• pa•i.uh•nt woultl ho· lw.111'11 0 11l Huturd iiy, lt<'\~11 ol1111( lo T 1•111111w I ls ln11<l Du t v 0 11111•1 U.1v1d Cruu:.c Crnui.c• i 1•l 11wd 111 d I " l' u ., s D ,. L 11 r l' ,, 11 • ., 11tt't>mmotfot10 11s or suy 1f h1· h.id h .1d v1i.1 tors T wo tllht•r mt•n 11rn•Sh 'l.l 111 till' t'tist· aJso rt•malnc.'d h<.•h1nd bur'< S111111 duy W 1ll1111n M ll1•trh k , '11J llWlll'I 111 •I M11jll\'I' 1111 11111 t "''I VII I' I lllllfJllllV, WU'I f>t•l fll( lit'ld 111 11 .. u 111 $:!0 n11ll111n liuil Seo·p lw 11 I .1·1· A11 rnwt1111 :l·l. ul S1111 U11·.cc1. d1·w:11bt•d 11'1 u Ht•t111 .. k ll'>su1·111t t'. w.1'1 h t•ltl Ill lwu of $2!'111,UOO h.oil U S M.J~''' rutt• .Junu•oe P1•111wy .Jr has i.dH•tlul1•d a h1 .. 11111g Mo 11d ;i y 1111 d 1• ( t ' llb l' ul t orrw y .Jost•ph Bull's rt•qut•st lo lown Dt· L u r<•<c1n 'N 1111 11 Bull s11 1d h t• l'XJK't'll•d I >t• Lrn <'Ull would Htuy ut T t•r 11111101 1111111111 throuuh tlw Wt•1·k1•111 I M1·1111w hrlP, t wo .. .,._., 1uu s" 111f1•1"l 11•pur_lt•d ly hat.I lx-t•n mud1· ::>uu.mJuy /or l k l~orNrn 's ~1111 I>1t•g11 (.'nunty t·i.tult• tt ftt'r 11 11 c1sk tnK pnu· wt-n t I ru111 $4 m 11l1on tu $5 :.!5 m1lllon R1·HI t·statt· u1w11t Ek>tty Vluho~. w ho l)Ul th<: ~·ond1do property 0 11 t H ' m u r kt'l 11 year i.q:e u . dt•t•l1 ncd to n u mc prospec trvt• ll11y1•1N who lt•lt•ph1Hll'd h1·1 11111 Mild 0 111' WIJb U 111111111111'111 W1·\l l't>llht hll!tll1l't>Slll•l ll ··'l'h11 t w o uld 111· ,, 1 .... 1i II .u1si11·11t111," !o>IW "l111d "Tiu· 111 lwr h ll 1111.111 o n lhc E u !lll Cuu.1.t f{'IJl l'M•lltlllg h ti. f 11 Ill Jl1• \.\ill II V to Ul'(UmUIJlt• lh(• l"U.~h ' She• sn1tl t•arlier rt·pw h w1·r •· t't runt•ou., in quull111( a $r1 11111111111 .ti.kin~ 1ir1t·l' Tht: t'lltall· Ii," 111·•·11 c·i·ntrul to t:fforts to ru1i.t• th1· MOO 11011 or 10 pt•rTPnl of th1• b.11 1 111111111111 '' qu111•d to ft t•t• I> .. L111 "''" 111 ,, 11·l.11t•d tit v1•l111m11•n t. "'' Ill\ ,.,,,111•111 I 11111 l•Xl'I UllVt• Ill ( . I 1 v ' l.1 II d .. J I d II l' h J ti JI u t lul(t!lhc1 ,, S:lOU n ulhun loull w .... v .. l>t· L111 '"''1 ll 'IJ'" u <:ar 1111111JL111V JU'l hour' lwlore De J .111 l'olll WllN df 11' .. 14'<1 FHI .ogi·n l' allt·I(•· Dt• Lort:an li.1d ltopt·d u t'Ot'Jlll• dc·;:d would 111'1 lurn $IHI 1111ll11rn to 'klVt· hh l:u ling l'lllllfJlHIY f I If ff f~I I I 11 I I '------- ~"' • ll • /'U. Bird iu irwulw tor \\'ill lw rc ·h·a ... c·cl lo wiltl~ "twn \H·ll. l.ohby\, TV monitor~ a llow 1w l o" n er.., lo follo\' pro~rc•..,.., ••••••• of OJH'rat ion.., D•llr Piiot Photo• br P•lrlck O'Donnell Jennife r Milford tend a Doberma n pup that's had its ear fixed . Ho pita l equipment could be u e d o n huma n again if nece ar y a fte r a di a te r . ANIMAL SURGERY IS A CUT ABOVE • • • From Page A1 ll'l.hntnans could ku•p dn <'ye· on thl· s1ekly bu d t\ lon g-ha1n·d eat sat sullenly in a glass t·ub1de in anolht•r eornt•1 A s I g n 0 f l h (' g I a s s e d . I n t·omp:Htm«nl n •c1d "ln tp ns 1ve Cut·" Th<· tat had brunl'h1al prohk·ms. Z d r r 1 I l 1 n o t e d t h a l l h c· 111H·ns1ve t·an· s<'cl1un included 1 n ,. t• n t 1 o n... l 1J t o n l r o I l h l' atmospht•rt· in N1t·h t:ub1dl' to suit eath an1m<il A 'IX'<'lal 1sola t1on booth could be st>en through a nearby window lti. o nly door opens 'outdoors lo protect against infl'Cllon "M ost peoplt• arC'n't t'Vl'n awar e t h ese sores of serv1t·c·s l'XISl," he s;11d A largt· wind11w on the ba1·k wail a llowC'd workers to see a lung row of u1~tps 1n an adJOtning room wlwrf' Pl''' .in· plat·C'd unlll thC'v rN·m•t•r from th1· ant•<:thes1a A half-down DobC'rm.in pu ppies wC'n · awakPntng 1:1 flt·r l'osmeuc ear surgery The pointed ht'adgear thc·y sported to pr('VC'nt inJury made· them look lik C' a Vulcan'<; best fncnd from "Star TrC'k " Zarrtlli said hl' spent two years wrth arch1Ll'cts Wayne S au o f Santa !\na a n d Earl Me llo tt of A nant>im designin g t he butldirrg- He chose Irvin<' bc><·auc;e it was a n obvious markt•t. ht• said. but also bet·ause th e (•ommunity carried the image as a pat-esetter Its modern and con s ume r - on!'nted dc•s1gn 1s 1mmed1ately a p parent an t he lo bby . where ei g ht t c·fev1s i o n m o n ito r s m ounted on an o verhead bridge o ffe r view s Cr om 12 c a rnC'r as p laced 111 the f acility. The m om tors allow ow n e rs to o bserve th eir pPls -whe t her during grooming. intensive care. surg ical re<'Overy. 1solallon o r even sim ply an a kenne l run witho ut the We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot " What don't you like" Call the number at le ft and your m essage will be r ecorded, traJ\.!ICribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The s am e 24-hour ans wering service may be used to record let· te rs to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include their na me and te lephone number for verification. No cir<'ulatlon <'a lls. please. 642•6086 Tell us what's on your mind • ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• , . Haley 'llbl•tl>et Olld Ch .. I E1•c.1o•• Offoe111 Jano Amari becutl"• Eo+10t Raymond Mocloan Controller Mkhoot '. Horvoy O,,ec10t ol Mcw~lll"'ll IC1tculo•o0fll KetuMth N. Chddor4 Jr. O.eer<ir ol OottoitOM I CIH11ti.d edftrttltng 7141142·M71 All other detN"ment1 142~221 MAIN OFFICE DO WHI ~ M , COiia MeM, CA Mall ........ i ... IMO, COlta MeM, CA.~ ,._,,,_,.""Or .... c .... ~Wllllllftt ,_ NO flewt _.... ltllft\rlll .. 1, ""W .. I m.n.t H .. ntflHITMfttt N relfl may M , • ., .. « .. •"'-•..-Cl•l P9rfftl1.,.. of c._.,...,. _,.,, p<'lS -.t•t•tng lh<'m P at l tl ul,1rlv 1! an an1mdl is sick or 1njurt•d , the system 1s hl'lpful b<'cause temperam e nts d o n 't t·hangt• a., uwnt>rs c'Onw and go. Z,1rn ll1 1•x plaim·d "Lob l)f unws we'll lose 1h n·1· to four hours in a dav bc-<0<.1l1sc· t h 1' a n 1 111 d I be c• om c· s ., o dC'spondc•n l whC'n t h e ownc·r lt•d\'l'S." h<• -.<lid The· \'ldc•o \\'Sll'm doubles as Jn t<dUlclllothil t t·nler lnr uwn<•r:. w h o can p1c·k up po inte rs on propl'r pt•l cc1 n · by \'1ew1 n g p.ickagc•d casst•lle programs on sc·paraH· monitors in the lobby AclJat<•nt lo tht• lobby are <:ax <· x a m 1 n 1 n g r o" ms s t r a n g • · I y similar to thOS(' m a phys1<:1an's oll 1n• Pl'ts. at ll·a st. don' L have• to worrv 1f tht>ir hl'allh 1nsurnnl~· WI II rovc•r I h t' \'ISi I A lnp to tht• Vl'lf'nnanan tvsU. $1 ;, for c111 off1u• v1i.1t Boarding 1, S5 1wr nt~ht for c·ats and $6 ti) SIO fw dugi.. dt•JX'ndmg o n the11 Sill' 01 wurS<'. fc1m1hes whert> th<' pet " a volinlo( membc·r may rt·quirt-i.t11n<·lh 1 n~ mor<' lh<tn a l .1g1 f 111 uvl·rr11gh l or \\ c·1·kt nd h1t,111ling and Z;1rn111· ... orx·r.1tu111 l.tl1·1, to thost· l'DlltL'flh .is wt.•11 Soon to ht" Jddl'd as Thl' C;n·., M t' n w . a f I o or ~ 1 o l <'ii 1 11 ~ ltinf1gura11011 for pt•b who Ilk« lo t l1mb :.i r ound an 1nd1v1d uJI .ihodt· St•vc•rul ol choM• units will t.1 inq;dftod 111 lh1· <'lll1Jl11~ l'l' loun~<' (30 workc·rs ctn· L'mployt•tl at th(· bulld1ngl a 11•1.1>-.l·d ,11ung But d drnthing h·'' 1h.111 ,, homt·-lik<• t 11\'lro nnH'lll '' llllcH'('l'ptc1blt• lht·r1• .., th1· P<·rHhou<:<' Suitt•, wht•rt· .1111mttb livt· 111 an up<;ta1rs .1p<1rtllll'lll \\ rth Hon Lo\·d, J ll'{ hllll l.t11 "hu 1ic.t·upu .. , •11w ·or th rt'l' l1vmg tm1 1,, 111 t ht· bu1 lch ng "Kon lrt·:.it-.. lhC' .1111mJI llk1· h.-. 11wn JX'l ThPn· 1s no tdgt· 111· \\.i lk., thl·m OUtNldc• .ind t'\ 1•n thing. sc11d Zc1rnlll "It'-. hd!-Kalh llkl• <1 ::.c'<:on d hunw. but "'4.>nU' ~>pie like that .,<.'rvu't' " T h('\ pay from s:m to $411 µt•r lll!lh l Zarrill1. who Nllll OJX'f<lll'S hts m1 u a l d rnit J t :!713 S Bnstol S t tn Sllnta Ana. s.-11d Jans for tht• 111 ... 1 d;1:..' f,1nl1t\ l'\'Ol\'{•d a!'> ht> l•lllll l\'t•d lh< k1r1d of pt•t husp1tal .ind utlwr 'l f\'l(l '' h<·'d like tu inc orporalC' und,•1 on<' roof "On<· 1h1nj.! JU~t IC'd lo t h e rw>.t.' h1· ..aid "Th<· llJIWC'pl of h;1v111g .i dot tw h(•n· 24 h ours a d.1\' .ond .a lt•t hnH·1;i n t'Volved litolJll'-t I d11l11 '1 f1'd l•Hnlortable lt·.a\·1ng dw .on1r11.il-. .ii night in Ill\ f.1,I Jll'clltlll Su l a 1 ht• <Oll <t•d t ·d . the 1 1111•rµ11~t 1' ,1 .. ,, lo turn ,, pro!jt 1h.lllks .1t 11.,,.., p.1rth to th e um111g I>< 1or' np< rwd JUNt Ix> forte" 1111111 '' 1,111·" lll'g.m n ... 111g a nd 1 'IH t'll'd .l{f(>\\ ch 111 -.outhern \\'11odl1ndg1· did llllt 11u·ur • •• S11nw 111 h1,, < ul lt·agu<'s. hC' said.• ha\'l' lwt•n s kt•p l11·.Jl or t h e .1111b111ouN n.11u11 · of ht'> proj{"("\..; Bui ZorTdli rt·ni.1111" oµt1m1sllc In latt. ht• rC'\<'nll~ h11 t•d a fourth \ t'll'l'llldl"lclll lit· l'\'ldl·ntl:--hopt·" that some 11 \'lllt' 1 C'<;1tlc•nt" "ill ta kt• to hean t ht ..i I l1•g11n1.1 I Ii m•., 111 Gl'orgp Or\\ 1 IJ'.., "Animal F.irm " when i\ "'·as del rt•t·d "All c1nimals are o.·qud I. but srn1w ,1111mc1ls arC' mota l'lJLial than 01lw1~.. ~ fl/ ()H l fJ GET YOUR IM ~61¥~~R 5outh ~A~~.~ Coast ,, GET1 Pa1leet for b•dlpeckont . hllllnt end •11n1. o"r Mmp11ne Imported eou ... ••••UV to lh1 •nd dellclovt to H t. We heve 1lalMn ldnd1 f1om which to choo•. And we know you'll •nlov this 1 .. cl1l price. Stt thJs .and llWIY otbtt flM food qttis on d!8f)l.ly •t your nurby ... . ~ \ • ' 1 ' . J • I ' t\4 Orange <...ooa1 DAILY fllLO l/Sunduy, Oclobur ""'· 108:.> Louise Turk and Mike, he r bo rder co llie, watch o ver a fl ock of 7 ,000 shee p in W yoming 's Big Ho rn l\'lounta ins. T urk lives a lon e for s ix months tending ,the S I millio n flock. AP Pholo Never lonely, never bored By TAU 8All'l'IMlJS Auoclel•d l'r•n Writ., llUU: IN Tile WALL, Wyo 'l'ht'rl' 11> u mu~ll' 111 l11111 lund that i.l1r., tht• hloutl ;md f11 l'l> lh1· llplrll, U 111,!lll\l'I Ill llll' IJl'UJJlt• who tJwt•ll lw t•t· thu t h1nt11 of hurtl t1nw1> und " Lt•ruil·111ui. gra1>p on hf t• LoutM' Tu1 k rt•Vt•u h. tht·M· things an ht>r wur1 at·d, wt·:itht•n •d fuct· und wut hody <tH slw lt•un11 into tlw blllt•r wand, !JqUtnllng ut the t•onung :.tvrm Hnd v1:11nl y l1stt'n1n~ for th1· t·r y of u lo:.t lamb. Sht• ts tl I yt.·uf!> oltJ, u widow, u woman alum• m u wtkl tx1untry that onlX' huruon-d oulluws and still hides unimab that kill to swy ahVl'. Turk as a s h t'pht•rdcss responsible for more thun 7,000 an1muls worth $I m11l111n. She do1•1>11 °I OWll tlll'lll, l ;lll 1111 ,,,_ n11111Lh1; 1•vt·1·y y1•w r.111• 11t tlw11 ket•p1•1• Ult lht• t'Wt•1t llllll llt1•11 halws u• .1zt· fl.~00 ac , ,., of 1 wh ~ra1>sl1111d ulup lht• H1)( lllJI 11 111ountu1ns of t't •nll .tl Wyo111111g Tlwrt·, am1d11 l mc•au11wi. of w11<.J flowt•ni, the.• i.ill·llt gruntlt>u1 of soann~ rtJl·k anu n ·m1u111i... of tu.in.h wanter snows, Turk hv1-:. with ht·r flcxk. Two hlllM'N, four dogs und :l5 t·h1t·kt·ns kt·c.·p hn t·ompuny as i.hl' t·a111p1> by a sprang in a 1>ht·pht·1 <l 'i. wagon bu1h 1n 11Hl2 A two-wily rudm tn her im·kup truck 1s thl' only lank with tht• n-st uf th•· world "Ev(·ry day I\ d1Ht•n·nt. t·vt•r y yc•&r IS d1fft-rN1l," sayi. Llw lady sht:ephc•rde r with tlw shun. t·urly hair and dl•ar grc·t·n t·yt·s "I'm m·vl•r lon<:ly and I'm never bor<.-d I c:an't undersumd pt'Oplt' who havt• no dt•1>are to t·uml• out C:@t SOUTH COAST PLAZA 111 th• w11l1 · llf14 '11 l>IJJH'!> I f1'1·I KO Ill J)l'IU't• Willi ('Vl•f yth111~ Wllt'tl I'm up lwrt' "Nolhllllo( ha,... ... 11." 1tll'. bnd th1· lx•uu t y l!t p1 lu•ll•ss · H11r11 Lu W y11111111K µwn1•1·r i. who'd mudt• µart uf lht: .)lJUrney wl'sl 111 u .,Lagt't'O:Jl'h, Turk s~nt ht:r t·tirly yt-Jrs following ht'f JHtrt·nt:. from <>flt: rli•ll't'I to ;muthl·r an Joh1uw111 County. the battll•j(f'llUOd o f soml' uf th<' wori.t rangt• WiH\ an Aml•fll'a 'i. histor y Shi· wa:. 14 when the family moved 111Lo their own hom1·steu<l cab111, a 12-by -ltl·foot o nt•-r uum fra1111· hum(.' 't hat houi.t•'> 1>1x ehildn·n and two adults Wintt'f1> wt·rl' long and cold, i.ummt·rs hot :ind dusty Early mc•morn•., n ·11t1•1 on 1hc1t far (See SHEP HE RDESS, Page AS) @Selangor Pewter A1t1A"ffJ of f ine jX"lU)ff r shire 1885 Cricket LTD wlll be hosting two representatives from the Selangor factory. There will be a d emonstration of the manufacturing process and free hand engraving with any purchase. Plan Now For Holiday Giving Tuesday and Wednesday Wine Goblet Oct. 26 10 27 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Reg. Special $29.50 $23.50 --~------------­• WHAT TAX Stll ms rm TO BUY IN 1982 I I An Indispensable Seminar for tne sopn1st1C8led Investor I - and taJCpayer wno needs to absoro new ta11 Information I quickly Our third annual update on tu shelters anel their I problems Napkin Rings Reg. Special $32.00 $25.00 Miss Tan See Pee COS[-\ .\\ES.-\ O'G I Presented Oy Tom H1lgaertner, CFP. Tax P1annlng I Specialist and President ot Magnum Opus Advisory I -ANO-I I Marc R Tow, Attorney and Member Tax Section of tne I American Bar Association CITY COL-:"\CIL I Wedneedey Evening, Nov. 4, 1982 et 7:00 p.m. I et th• Holldey Inn L 3131 Brlatol St .. Coate M•H I CALL (714) 752-olM FOA AEI EAVATIONI I Securt•• llVo..gh Pr1¥••• leCIOer Fll\encl .. -. tne --------------- Robinsons South Coast Plaza Lower Level, Jewel Court Bullock's Wing (714) 556-7430 BETTER WHITE SALE \ S16.99 STANDARD $9.99 BATH OUR EXCLUSIVE NEW FABUFILL® PILLOW WITH THE FEEL OF DOWN. PATRICIAN conoN TOWEL IRREGULARS AT 43%·54% SAVINGS What's so fabulous about the 11117 It's hypo- allergenic. machine·washable polyester with the luxuriously snky feel of down a heavenly soft pillow that will never lose its shape 1 Cotton/polyester cover. by Nonhern Feather Reg Sale Standard $30 $16.99 Queen $38 $19.99 King $4 7 $24.99 Sale ends November 15 Robinson's Bedding. 54 To order. call toll·lree 1-800·345·8501 Here's your once-a·year opportunity to stock up on Martex·s largest and thickest 100% cotton terry towel ever. In white. E~hsh rose .. lemon, t1ger1t1y. mast blue. b11ch. adobe. coral or evergreen (but hurry for best se1ec11on) The irregularities? So s:1ght they'll never effect appearance or wear If perfect Now Bath. 30· x 52" $22 $9.99 Hand. 1a· x 32" $11 50 S6.49 Wash. 14· x 14· $4 50 $2.49 Bath sheet. 40· x 74 •.... $45 $20.99 Robinson's Bath Shop. 31 To order. call toll·free 1 ·800·345·8501 ROBINSON'S COMPUTERlZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY. Make an appointment with our consultant at your nearest Robinson's We'll record your gift preferences in every store via the only computerized service in Southern Calilornla Every bride who registers in any Robinson's through October 30 will receive a complimentary copy of the Bride Guide (while quantities last). SHOP AOllNION'I MONDAY·fRIDAY 10·1. SATURDAY 10·1, SUNDAY 12·5. NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND • WESTMINSTER MALL f ' 0 1u11ut1 <.ouut DAILY PILOT /Sunday. October 24. 1982 t\G . HEPHERDE From Page A4 hor izon , w h t•rt• yuu11g Lm.11111· WOll'hl'd tht• scltll\g llUll full l>t•h11 11I those dlslllnt 11111u111mns that 1'o<m w1•n• lo b1• iu1 nn1d1 11 purt of ht•t' 1111 .. But in thrn.1· f>l•pr•t'!l.'>ion y1·urN, times wt.•r'-' d1flt•rt>nl for ymm~ girls "I went through tht' eighth gracil' and tlll'n got ~ucalt.'<.I tr1 the school of hard knocks," rt'Calls T urk . IJn•Wtn8 up a ht~ pol or (.'Owboy l'Offt.~ as tht.• firs t glimmer of dawn sltps throuKh tht> slu.'<.'pwugu11 dvor "Wht•n I was a krd I knl'W I wanted tu ht'rd sht<t.'P But young ladies weren 't t'Vt•n allow1c•d tu watch lambs or calvt.•s bt•ing born." Wht•n Lou1at~ was I 1-1, sht.• nwt a handsome c•owboy 15 yt•ars ht>r senior . Brook ie Turk was lean and Lanky. with skin lhl' l'Olor of lightly tan nl'd leather. ··we got marr1to•d 111 n se<:ondhand store• in Gillett£> that • still had hilC'h ing rails in front of it," ret:alls Louise. laughing at the memorv. "Threv davs l;.ill'r we were w'urking on lht.: Merke r anch tend i n g s h l'ep. I was pitch ing hay off a wagon and s tre t chin g t h e budge t o n Campbell's soup. I've rw vt•r looked back." F o r 40 yea rs, Louise and Brook ie Tur k did evl·r ything together. On dark winter nights LouiSC' would read a loud by ihe old llA , l/()UND HEll ll·()ME ••• wood llhN•' I r11111 lht· h\1111 ln 1d ,.. 111 lioukll 11!11'011 t·11ll1•1·11•cl 11v1•1 th1• vt·urt.. In tht.• NfJl'llll( tlw 1·1111pll• Wllllld t•ullt'( I lll(hun UI tll lll'lll Ill th1• floc·k'i. wult•r111" hut""· 111· pwk wiltlll11w1•1·i., 111· 1<11 for 11 1111>! gullo/' u11 11111111..i hursi•ic jU~l lrn tlw un of 11 Ev1•11tuully, tht•y l>u rlt a ~1111111 loJ( l0ub111 011 ltll' Mt•tk1• 1 a11d1 wlwr1 · l ht.·y l'ould d isplay llll'ir p111t-.I u1·1·11wlwmJh, hurld sht•lvt.•11 for L ou1M•'s book!'>, lllld l'<llSl' l'U::Ol'S 1rnd Vt.•gt·Uiblt.•!i for ht•r lo put UJJ 111 lh1• full "I knt•w 11 l'11uld n '1 go un forever, but I hop<·d ll woulci." says Turk, gazmg Wl/\tfully out of tht' sh(•cpwagun. "8rook11· d11 •d last winter, and 1.1urt o f mt• Wt•nt too. But somdww I krww that I had t o ,. om,. bat· k to th 1· muuntallls again, l'Vt'n if 11 was "''llh11ut him. I'm th;mkful Don :.ind P t•H•r M t•1k1• trus tt•J m e 1·nough to l'Umt• alurw." So lht-n· she wus agu111. but·k rn the Brg Horns wrth Sam lhl' s trawbt•rry man. John tht• big bay. Sum tht.• rooster and hrs ~4 hens, Mrkt.• thl' bordl'r t•ulltt' and his frtt•nds St·otly, Onion and Chubb Sht• m1 xt.•s a 1Jat1·h of pam·.ik1•s t:'Vt.•r y nwrn111g thl· fatt<·-;t , ltghtest, most golden p:mt·akt•s m all the Powdl•r H1Vl'r Basm . Thl'n shl' t'aL-; urw and grvt.•s tht.• rt•st to tlw t•agNly wa1tmg dogs If ll's raining. sh 1• udu.•s up thl' uln·ady 1mmaeulalt' s heepwago n . T ht• broom got.·s above the bvd, lhl' cast iron s ktllt·t hangs on the stove, thl' tabll· slidt•s into a hole <1bove the drt-SSer drawers. Cf it's lull , l'IW 1111ddll•1> Ufl •• h111 1>" 111 JlllllpN Ill tfll' b,tllt•rt•d ftll k11p .1111 J ic1111 uc 11111k111u h 1·1 1111.111111> S hi· lll•'lld" l•·11u· Wi iii llw 1°111>" 111 II l'lly h111111•111uk1·1 1111111111.( 1111 t h t• lllll I llWllVI' Wt'.ll'lll J.( J>l'Olt't'llVI• ft•UI fll'I gl11v1•11 , 11 f11• gruht1 lh1· i;pltt fJlt~·••s 111 lu1rl>t•d Wll'l'. d11111ps 1111 tl11· dunvcy tool t hnt br111us th1• r11s 11·il .. d1><•·:. to~wt lH·r. l11HI w1th two 1lt•ft twis ts 111 ttw wr11.1 tht· l11w 1:. w It u I 1• 11 g .11 11 Sh 1· w a I k s hu11d1'1•d s 111 111sl1·s 111 l1•11t·1• ;1 !i UlllllH·r. h1•1 t•v1•s ;dwu vs >;('111111111~ tlll' MTul) lir u:.h f111; 11 1>tray ur s11.·k sht•l'fl On thus1· fn•qu1·nl solllary nights whl'n ::.un Pl•tt·r and lui. w1ft· un •11'l uµ from Caspt•r . or the Mt•lkl• brutht•rs aren't around for <l good nwul, Turk l>t'ds duwn all tlw anrmali;, then curls up to wurk 0 11 ;mutlwr chuptt•r of tht.' book S~ll'·s writing about her h fc Usually tht• wind 1:-. sighing down aeross thl' mountamtops, and the e rl'e k ts a d istant, l' o m f u r t 1 n g m u r 111 u r Ot'(·ompany mg thl' mull'd sounds uf tht• w1ld1·nwss night. Far away, silhou1•ltl'd ag<1111sl t he moon, ;j t•ovutl' howb tu lht.· starlit hl•a v 1•1is L ouise Turk raist's ht·r heau from the ydlow pad cove red rn h er n~at longhand Sht· lrslens t o the agt.•-old muurnful antht•m of tht• land of thl' big s ky . The lady sht•t•ptwrdt•r 1s 1n pt•rft><:t harmony wrth her spt.>c.'tal corner uf lht• universe. The little wagon a t right is home for s ix months for Louise Turk a s sh e te nds flocks of sheep . Her companions are dogs, horses end 25 chickens. "Every day is a good day., n she says. "Re -elect a Proven Leader" EVELYN HART Evelyn Hart, our current Mayor Pro Tern, is totally committed to main- taining a balanced community that is a pleasant place in which to live and work; a community with charm. open space and quality lifestyle. Her primary concerns include: • We must have maximum utilization of our tax dollars through conservative fiscal managem.ent of our city budget • Traffic continues to be a major probtem for our city. We must continue our efforts to improve our present traffic system with emphasis on the early completion of the Corona del Mar Freeway. • The airport is at capacity. An alternate site is necessary if we are to meet our growing regional needs. . EVELYN HART ~ Newport Beach City Council COMMITTEE TO RE-ELECT EVELYN HART J.C. PERSON, JR TREASURER 201 SHIPYARD WAY. NEWPORT BEACH, 92663 A Robinsons Sale 50°/o·75°/o OFF S14.99 ANY SIZE OUR BEST·SELLING LIFESTYLE TABLECLOTHS IN 12 COLORS. 8 DAYS ONLY. What a collec11on' You 11 find the best sizes ma dazzling array ot colors right for every SPason. and especially the holtdays atiead Choose white ecru pineapple yellow sky blue federal blue. navy blue. terra cotta. t1gerllly 1ade. rose camel and b rown All, 1n a smootn. easy-care blend ol cotton /polyester From Sunweave 52'x70' 60"-. 86 ·oblong or ov.-JI 60" x 104 ·oblong or oval 60. x 122· oblong 60· round .. 10· round Also on sale Matching napkin Hurry these are our 1owes1 prtCE"::,..,ol the year October 31 Robinsons Linenc; 2q Reg Sa le 'b30 $14.99 $42 $1 4.99 iso $14.99 $60 $14.99 $36 $14.99 $42 $t4.99 $3 $2.49 rind <>ale ends THI (WICltltT WAY· JUIT ,llllONALLY ,111,.l~l Ali AMlllllCAN U'lllH 8, YllA. MAI Tlll CHAllOI, Ollillll CLUI , 0 111 CAllll ILAliCHI CAlllO TO 01111 Of' OUll IALll'lllSONI AND Wl'U, OPIN A ROBINSON'S CHARQE? IT'S EASY! AN AOCOuNT vou CAii uH THAT ve11v o'v t Ht us1u 1 wav llHONE u1 TOL~ '"" 1 sno •n •W F110111 'M11 10 '"'ANO ou11 0111u to11s w11 ~ "'~' vou11 •"'LICATIOli tliro111111At1~ . ' , . . t • 1 ·I M • Or•nv• CC>HI DAIL v PILOT /tlund v Octot>er J~. 1 82 Proposition 15 w ould • res tore some sanity Propoiilllon la, lht• h and!i(Ull t·ontrol nwnsurc o n th<' Nov 2 ballot. is u t·arl!Cu lly n •sc:arl'h C'd initiativt>, l't.'l'llfll'<l for tht.• bullol aftN sotnt.· ~80,001) support1 n ~ s1gnatu1·cs wt·1·e guth1.c•rPd m h·ss thnn four months. It has be~n rl'Vll'Wccl anti r evised by law t!nforccment officials. prost.-cutors and members of prominent law firms . It is a small s tep toward curbing the proliferation of handguns that last year were used in 1.247 hom1c1des in Callfor111a and annua lly a re used in some 30,000 crimes in thC' state, mostly robberies. lt requires tlw n•g1stnll1on ot a ll h andguns by Nov 2. HHi:J !1 g u a r a 11 tees L ht• rig h 1 11 f ;1 householder to ke<'p a reg1slt'n 'd handgun 1n the h ome f ur prottc>ehon . but imposes mandatory prison sentences for l'<irr; mg nn uniegistcred gun on the street or for illegal sale of a handgun. It prov id e s th a t o nl y registered h andguns will be eligible for resale after April 30, 1983, thus limiting the n umber of handguns to the estimated fivt.• million in circulation on that date. At th e pr ese nt rate of eroliferation. that n umber will dpuble in the next 10 years unless some action 1s taken. It does not a pply to nfles and !$hotguns and spec1ftc:ally proh1b1ts the Legislature fro m regulating s uch guns or from imposing a ban on ha ndguns without a n other vote of the people. A Field poll of Apn l 1982 showed voters favoring Pro p osition 15 by a margin o f better than two to one. 6-l percent to 30 percent. The propos1 u on 1s tmdorsed by the executive> boa rd uf thC' California P o la n~ Ch at•f s A s s o c 1 a t 1 o n . t h t• C a I 1 f o r n 1 i:I Federation o f Teach ers. the Board of Rabbis of Southern California. the Episcopal, Meth odist and Presbyte r ian c hurc h es, the California State Bar Association. the California Medical Assoc1at10n -the list goes on But by mid ·August. more than hulf a mallwn dollar:-. h .1d lwt•n pumpc:d 111to lhl' d lun w d1•ft>m Propos1t1on 15 by gun 1111d ammun1lmn m.u1uf1H·tur1•1':4, all but ont• Jcx·u tt•d oul.31dc Califurnta. Tht.• A lllL'rlt'U rl Ht ll l'llHl ll mttRa'lint» n publ1n1twn o l t.ht• Na t ional Hi f l t• As!l11t·1a t 1l111 , proudly gives the dewils; $170,llOO fri>m Sturm, Lugl'r & Co of Conne<.•tic:ut: $100.0UO from Sn11th & Wt.'SSOn of Massat·h useus;$50, 000 apiece frl>rll Remington Arms ~nd the W11'H'hcstt.>r Group u( Connt-<:ltcut. and amounts rangiog from $500 to $50.000 fr11m P1ght o t h c 'r o U l -o f -s I a l l ' J rm S nionufacturcrs. So wht•n you set• lhost.· s ht·k TV c· om mt•;. t 1 ~1 I-.. <Jn t.l 1 h 1• b11Jboanls. you at lt•ast krn>w wh1> 1s paying for t}\L'm Opponents ltkt· tu say thut g un control laws don't work ~·aust· tht' criminals ignort' them anvwov But a Nonhcastt·rn UnivNsity study of th(' ir/iptK·l of t he s imilar Ma ss;H·h u s ctts handgun reg1stratton law l.ldoptt:d an 1Y75 s howed thal in tht• two years tollowing enal'tment gun hom1ndes ul Bo:.ton dt-clt1wd 55 per<:ent, gun assaults an Boston dC'd 1 n ed :n pt·n·t· n t and gun robberies 111 Bo:.tun dt•c:ltm•t.l :H perl'Cl1t r At tht.' prest.·n t rate o <X':u rrencc>. tht>rL· 1:. one l'hancl' 1n five that someone> in the average famtlv in tht• U.S will be aw.1ck<'d o r threatened with a handgun durmg a lt(etamC' More than 90 percent of thl' guns usC'd m street crimes are handguns Do we nt•f'd to go on living m this climate o f ft•n r'! Five sut::t·ess1ve del'ISiuns of tht· U S SuprC'me Court h..iv«> hc•ld that the r cg u I a t 1 u n 11 f f 1 rt· a rm s 1 s constitutional Pr opu~1tton 15 will nut depnvt.• thl• l.iw ..1l>1d111g c1 t1 wn of h 1 s r 1 g ht l 11 buy t1 n d kl' t' p a registered handgun for proh .. >ctlon; n will guarantee that lawbreakers are l~k l:'d up and p<'rhaps restore a measure of SJrnty to our ltV(.'S The Daily Pilot recommends a YES vote on Proposition 15. Freeze approval h elps The world has hvcd uncasalv under the thrl:'at of nuclear wc.1.r for more than 30 year Since H1 rosh1ma and Naga- ·saki. many have watched with increasing alar m as the s hadow -ca s t b y t h o s e c h a r a c t e r 1 s t 1 t' ·mushroom -shaped clouds loomed ever larger on the nuclear hori- ;zon. Whtie 1t 1s true that the .awesome power of the atom first was unleash ed in purs uit o f a noble goal, the atomic age has -Oetour~d in an unsettling direc- tion . Both the U S. and th e U .S .S .R . continue to stockpile 1lUclear weapons while strategists ~n both sides insist that the best 'nuclear deter rent 1s nuclear might. T hey aruculate deterrence in terms of mutually assured de- struc tion (MAD). our a bility to ~roy Sovtet society and their ·ability to destroy ours. , This year, the possibility of nuclear war has been the subject n f a number of demonstrations ·around the world. It has grown from a street m ovement to a ·national and inte rnational d1a- )ogue on the fate of the planet. • Voters in no fewer than nine ;itates will register their opinions :Nov. 2 on a proposed freeie on :nuclear weapons. In California. ~is issue wiU appear on ballots as a"rofosition 1 i . f passed, Proposition 12 fOUld require the governor to ,.,rite letters to the president and other top federal officials urging \hat both the U .S . and the U .S .- S.R. agree to halt testing, produc- d on and d eployment of all nuclear ~a~r:h ough we qu estion acement of thls issue on state llots rather than on the national vel we are lnclined to support lt. ecause the freeze called for ~ulres that lt be both bilateral d verifiable, agreeing that we vor such a m ove ~8n d o the tlon littlP harm. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat 1"11911•-.... ,, .. , .. "'° poa1 ti UO Wnt h¥ •1 ' ,_ • .MtM ._ .. , • .,,,,,._"'' IO ... ..... '9'1•~ c ..... ,.,. Propos1tmn 11. t·ould b...' v1e- W(•d as a C.'aultou:. f1r-..t St(·p toward reducing nut'lt>ar arms With a freeze in plal't" the logtC.'al next s tep might be reduction in the numbers of \.veapons in each na- tton's stockpiles. a goal cited by b o t h P r es 1 d c• n ts R e a g a n a n d Carter. Frankly, we t hink the c han- ces of the Soviets, agr eeing to such a measure are slim. We also thmk th~· chances of the federal government's taking seriously the letters m andated by the passage of this and other freeie measures arc equally shm The result 1s essent1a I ly a good deal of sound and fury sig- .n ifying little But the freeze ini- tiative does serve an internal pur- pose for those voting on 1t So often . in the press of w orld events. we ft>el impoten t to ex- press our alarm at the path things are taking. It is nght that as a democracy we should give the people a voice o n something as potenua ll y critical to our future as our n a tio n a l stance on nudear arms. It as bener t hat we express o ur coll ective opinion this way than m the civil unrest that finally persuaded the government to ge t out of Vietnam . And it JU Sl could be that someone in W ashington will listen. If nine states vote for t he freeze, federal officials who will be fa- cing the voters again shortly might have to consider that factor. Those w h o favor a s trong military will point out that a yes vote on the freeze initiative may well be sending a message o f weakness and discord to the So- viet Union. They have a point, but that's the way it works in a de- mocracy. B ecau se we belleve ln the right of the citizens to address their government, and because we believe passage of this m easure will do little ha rm, the Daily Piiot recommends a yes vote on Prop- osition 12. Th•ma1 '. Hoa.y Pvb401h•• Jone Amorl £111tul•v• (cj>IQ< lerbaro KrellMch fd·•Otool "o0• [ d·•O' Themot Mc<Ann ~"'9 kl·•or OJ.I, FID~LE! WE'VE ONiY GOT . 26 RACES ON OUR BALLOT ANr> TJ.lE~'RE 3Z PEOPLE I'D JUST JOVETO VOTE ,AGAJNST ! Congress tackles too much WAS HiNGTON -As Congress r1U1hed t u adjo urnme nt , a ne w s- paper s to r y here reported some local grumbling over the fact t ha t legislators had not finished work on the federa l budget but had found ttme to discuss their recess scht."duJe for the next year. The implication was the usual one: Members of Congress are a bunch of bums Jiving lazily from junket to Junket. Those stories -and snide smiles on networ k news anchormen -are repeated each time the House and Senate go into recess. In a free country 11 IS fun lo make fun of the people who write our laws, but thOSt' stories happen 10 be nonsense. THE PROBLEM with pol1t1c1ans in general and members ~f Congress in particular is not that they are lazy or do too little, but rather that they work too hard and do too mul'h -or try lo do too cnuch. You can take that two ways. I suppose. One way 1s tot.al d1sdaan for all political works in the sense of the 200-year-old saying in the state of New York: "No man's life or property is safe while the legislature sits in Albany." The other interprelation -and the one l am using here -1s that the nation's legislature simply has taken on more work and responsibility than It can conceivably and constructively handle Dunng one 36-rnmute span during the rush to a djour nment, the Senate appr oved 33 items by voice vote, including the des1gnat1on of National Housing Week . School Bus Safety Week and Home Health Care Week, and an extension of the Federal Highway Act ___ YJ RICHARD RllVIS 1·i -.. through h~:al 11*83 at a cost of more than $8 billion Then , with t he H o u s(' of Hepresentataves rejecting a proposed t'onstttutional amendment to balance the fede ral budgt>t, se nators and represenlat1ves adjourned and went home But polt11c1ans don't "go home" to rest They go home to hght for their lives and JObs. They go home to campaign -from 6 a.m to midnlght ii anyone, anywhere. will listen In Washington, congressmen and congresswomen work close to those hours every day. five days a week, and most then try to get back to their dastncts for weekend campaigning. Jet airliners have done far more to disrupt Washington family life than all the a!Ca1r.> in all novels wntten about the capital an the last t:entury POLITICIANS ARE the hardcst- workmg group of human beings I have ever SN!n Most of them are a bit manic Whether all that work lS productive or sensible 1s another question. Week- des1gnat1on in the early hours or a Saturday morning as one of man y andkators or the foolishness of much federal (renetaclsm. So, all our lives and property might be a lmle safer 1( Congress were not in session (or quite so long Our elected representatives. 1n general, are being burned up an firestorms of trivia -from pnvate imm1gat1on bills to handling complaints about S0<:1al Security checks. Many legislators love that, of course. It is pohucally safer to act as an ombudsman (or errand boy) than as a debater and writer of s1gruficant law But the predalecuon toward running errands rur th<' home fol ks might be redut'ed If legislators had a few more weeks each year to spend an their d1str1cts and were limited lO eight- or 12-year-t erms (for , respectively. representatives and sena tors). IC Congress and Its functions are reformed -and thev should be -those reforms should be aimed at shtfllng some of the leg1slat1ve w ork load to the dread bureaucracv Yes, bureaucrats are unpopular. but elected representatives are more ex pensive and should be available for more· important work Letters to the e ditor Which n eig hbor is d e trimental ? To the Editor: In defense of a recent decision by Newport's Planning Commission , substanllally increasing the allowed residential density on a propose d condominium project in order to enable the inclusion of some affordable units, chairman Jerry King stated: "We are talking about providing housing for bank tellers . stor e c lerk s, and schoolteachers. We are not talking about anything that will be a 'detriment' lo the cit y." He wa s s uppor t e d by Dav e Dmohoroski. the Irvine Company's government relations manager, who said: "h Is not exactly 'riffraff' who would be purchasing or renting these units at prices that could exceE'd $100,- 000." WHAT DISTURBS me even more than the more blatantly bigoted statements. which had been m ade by nea rby h omeowners. is the question which underlies the above responses by King and Dmohoroski. If sc ho o ltea c her s are n ot "detrimenta l," and if those who can a fford a $100,000 hom e are not "riffraff," does that mean that hospital workers or gardeners who can only afford lo pay $400 a month rent are? The Newport Beach homeowners. city officials, and businessmen who have been heard from on this l.ssue are IO far out of touch with basic human needs that the most incredible fact ls that any poor person would w<\nt to be their neighbor. Ls there no one in Newport Beach who can understand the nt'ed for aomt' housing In Newport Beach. which la alfordable to the lower lnco~ people who now work in their city? If there la, please stand up and defend your community, which up to now hu earned only the utter contempt of fair minded people everywhere! RALPH KENNEDY Orange County Fair Housing Council Price o f security To the F.dltor: Wha\ la 1«Urlty? What la 1ecurhy worth? What would you be willlna to pay for I\? I .. k you lheie quettJon.a u I have uked my.I! when I conetder the fututt. How m~ would I be wiUlna to pay for MAILBOX my safety and security, and that of tny t'Ommunity and my country? 1 guess I'd pay just about anything. even most or my income, If it meant that people whom I love, any children I have, and the citizens and future citizens of my country could hve securely. m peace. I'd gladly pay It Smee World War II we've given the M1ht.ary two trillion dollars to provide us with security We've cons istently outspent the Soviet Union. Il bought lots or weapons But has It provided us With secunt y? Have our tremendous expenditures for armaments bought us safe ty a nd freed om from fear? The answer Is no Despite \he tnl11ons we and the Soviets have spent creating the most powerful military forces in history, we are faced with a dreadful fact· there is no defe nse against nuclear bombs. Neither we nor the Soviets can build a defense against nuclear weapons. no matter how much we spend on them. Both societies stand 30 minutes away from nuclt'ar destruction, if either country decides to launch or accidenlally launchM nuclear missiles OUR GOVERNMENT is trying to build enough nuclear weapons to "win" a nuclear war (they think). Thia means rirst strike weapon s . S ecretar y Welnbe rger's f ive year plan states apeclflcally that this administration is committed to developing the capability to fight and win a "protracted" nuclear war. That's $34 million each hour, 24 hours per day, over the next five years. And the fact la that we have a aurplua of nuclear weapons now We and the Soviet Union can both destroy each other -and there la nothing either side can do about It. on<-e a nuclear war starts. Nothing. Each \Jmt' we or the Soviet.a build a new nucle•r weapon -the arma race etealatea and our security 11 decreased. F.ach time we and the Soviets agree to forego the next aplral In the a.nos race, we are that much safer. A caae In point: when forme r Prt'lldent Carter announc.d hll dedaion to d.ffl' production of neutron warhe.cla, the Soviet Union alao deferred '" production. Now that we have besun \Mir manufactunt. the Soviet.a are rHdy to "respond to the chaUenp. '' Row about ftf How long do you want 11 to go un" lsn't ll 11me to stop" STEPHEN J PEW Men1orial offends To the Editor. l a m a Kor ean War veteran who would like to express my feelings on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington. DC. The confhct 1s not that at was designed by a woman of orienta l extraction - that has nothing to do with it The problem, as I perceive it, 1s just purely a matter of terrible symbolism and not a befitting memonal to the men who died with honor during this page of history. What I saw was a blac k semi- subterranean sht trench of disgust with questionable artistic value, partially hidden from view -as 1( expressing a Ceehng that It didn't have the d1gn1ty to stand alone above gro und in the sunshine of h o nor It seemed t.o symboliz.e n feeling that the names were trying to be half buried and forgotten. lake the men who gave their lives for our country It was said that the black marble reflected the other monuments and memorials in the background, as though it needed reinforcement lo give it significant meaning. An y Ame rican soldie r (son or daughter) who gives his life for his country any place on this earth should be honored for his ultimate sacrifice and contrlbutton -his life -and that monument s hould be equal to that sacrifice. The Vietnam Memorial doesn't reflect that (eeling. and that should be Vie only thing it reflects GUY CARROZW JR. Sod tagged To the Editor: Have you had your sod red tagged lately? r recently had a load of sod delJvered to my home as I was doing 10me land1eaplng and replanting. The drivera delivered t~ sod to the curb -my Councilman, r. Paul Hummel, called \he city and d an inapector come out and red tag It! You muat understand thl• waa a temporary condition (aod at the curb) but we who live ln Corona del Mar and eepedally In proximity to the cou~lman are oonttantly subjected to thl1 kind of hara11ment. And this haruem.-nt la not " temporary condition -lt'a terminal! M.A. HOELSCHER ' 2 2 ' 4 § !£2!222 . . '\. I • .. Ur nuu C.uoal DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Octobor 24 1882 1 'Spirit of Cancun' going nowhere W1t •sl, T/Ji1'fl World ''"" "1 "#'·t•t• 011 ,.,_.,.;o/ving 1•1•011on1ic 11roblt•111 ' 6y t:llAltLt~S J. HANLEY A-lelM ,, ... Writ., UNITED NATIONS 0111' )'t'flr afM· the flnll Norlh-Sou1h 11ummll. tlw "Spirli or t'orwun" 1i. floglnl(. ctl'flut<"tl hy tht• rf'uhllt'll of N!C.'t'SSion und H1•t1ganom1l'!:I Wht•ll Prt•lilch•nt ltt>ugun unu tlw lcud1·nc ut ~I u thi!r rll:h und p our l\u tl unH t•rHl i!d thf>lr unprl'<.·edcntcd llHH'ting tn thl' Mt•xil•on scushJl' rea;ol't of Cancun lust O\·t. 4!:J. tht•y lurnud ovC'r tu U.N. d1plomat11 tht• qul'stiun uf how to :o.turt "globol m•gottal10ns" to n•shup<· lhe world l.-'<.'onomy and glvl' a boost to the poorN natum~ Now, US diplomat J ost.' S Sorzano says. "thcrt' 1s .. n impasse" "A year latl?r we sull don't have global ncgouations." says Ambassador Farooq Sobhan of Bangladesh. chairman uf lht' U.N bloc: of dt•veloping nauons. ·'That hus bt:l·n the biggest disappointment for many of us." This kitt y in Urbnnu, Oh io, just wants to play a gam<.• of chase, but the grassho ppe r proba bly would just as soon play game!!! with a c r .. a lure its o-wn ize. Et'ho1ng reports by 1ntt•rnat1onal t'l.·onumists, Sobhan :.<11J the probk·ms of the Third Wo rld "are multiplying on almost a daily basis" -record low prit·es for th e ir farm products and othe r commodity RUFFELL'S ui-HOLSTERY ·...-.-~s... lfZZ H.UIOa ILVD. COSTA MISA -541·115' c....c........ . ...... .._ .............. _,. . .................. -........ ,,,, .... <• ... .. P/110 POLITICAL AOVEllTISflAfHT Paid for by "Allan Beek for the Residents" 2001 H/Qhland. Newport Beach. CA 92660 Allan Beek For City Council he asks ... he listens! 1emus Thru Oct. 23. 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special $2.99 It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp. our crispy fish fillet. plus fryes. s law [, hushpupplesl Shrlmply dellclous! 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa M esa °"'' ~th ol ~ ... °"'110 , ............ ··- INko 14715 Jeffrey Rd. •• W•lnut 1uo1 olf \on .. AN '"''' Irvine OCTOBER COMFORTER CLEARANCE We re!K•rut• the right to limit quanUtl~. $ 99 Queens•Klngs Designer $499 Dust Ruffles Calif ornla King Designer Shams F eaturlng First QualJty Comforters by Martex . h COSTA MESA: Bristol Town£, Country Plaza 3742 S. Brtatol St. (One block North of SOOTH COAST Pt.A2A) (714) 8.50·9790. Dally 9:30 to 6. Mon £, Thura tll 9. Sun 12 to ~. 1•>CJIUI t .... IJJllOOllll\J( dt•hl . l llNh ,tiw IJl(I''> Juhn S1·wdl. p1 ,..,1d1•111 ul tlil· Ovun.f•t1" I >t•v1•lu1mw11t Cuum:1l. dt•lll('rlht·K 1111' t'Ut 11•11t U 8 -'J'h11 d World dt•JdltJC.•k 1111 "11 11h11mt•" thl' 1n1>t1tul101111' rund1, und n1on· out fmrn ttw Unltt"tl St11t1·K und 11th1•1 1rulu11111ollt1'tl 1.'t1untr1t·M t.ulk• llt•uuun untJ otht•r h•udt"r. "pukt-Mluwl11gly uf tht• "Spirit of ( c.n<.'un " "In u .. 1·11111' w1· a1 1· l1ddl111..: wh11t· H1111w hur11ic," .,11111 St•Wt•ll . whu:11• 1·11u111.·ll . J priv.it1· Wus h11q.(tu11 Kr11uµ, f11v11ric 1111.·n-.1Sl'U u1d to tht· 'l'hlrd W111 Id 111 IU71J . thi! U.N Ct•1lcrul A1>1wmhly udoptcd u rt.•bulut111n culhnl( for th1• 1ipe111nl( or globul 1wu1111at11111:1 But allt•mpt.s to ll<'t u II ti Kt• II J... u fl d p I' lll' I ' ti ll rl' H IX>ffgt•d down J'h1· tlnit1·d S1utt·11 r1 ·-;1:t11·d 11mvt•s toward dilutmg tht• puwi!J In llw months ~hul follow4.'Cl. lwh111d 1tu· M1·nt•11 hurg111n1na brought th~ 1wu icit.lt'll aull cloeer togl'tht·r Tht•y nvw sumd only a ft•w words upurt, but they ur~ an 1·x~ll*IVt' ft•w words. fhl• Un1 t t•d Stntt•s a nd iti. HJn u i;t•11 1-4t•, wt• ur·•· fidcJli111-( wh ilt-Home burn!'!." The Cant•un su111m1t d1muxt•d of thl• lntl·r11al10nal Munl'l.iry Wc11tcrn partners hav<' ugrt."Cd to tht• t·onv<'ning o f a "Un ited Na11uns Cunft•n·m·(• for Global Ncgutlu tton11'' that would deal with tlw sweeping, complex issues or th<• world economy by a:-.s q~n1n1< i11d1 vldual items to i.pt"t·ialm~I :ij.ll'm·1t:s, such as tht! lrHt·rn<it11m.il Monetary Fund or U N f'ood and Agric ulture Orgonizat1on. a proct'SS bl'l(UI\ IO till' l!nO:., runcJ and Other f1nant·1al when thl· Third World nt:gan 1n~11tut1ons wh<'r<' the West hl'ld demanding a "New l ntt•rrwt1unal tontro l bc<'ause voting was Ec:onomic Order" lo n'llut·c· ttw w 1· 1ght1• d 111 t ht• b 1gg1· st 1mbalann' bt•lWt'l'll the rt{'her t·11ntnbuturs industnalizc<l <:ountnes or tht· The Third World fovorN.I all- Thl· Third World rcp:ts this. It wanu. the U N conference to be ablt-lo establish new agem·1es with broad mandates For t•xamplt>, :.i nt•w agem:y might --:. t· <· k t o r e i. t r u c t u r e t h e n·lauonsh1p between the world 11 at.ling and rinanC'1al systema. uow thl' respons1b1Jity of i.t•paratt·. Wt•stern -controlled ,, g " n c 1 t' s t h t' G e n e r a I Agn·t•ment on Tradt-and Tariffs and tht· International Monetary Fund Northl•rn I h ·rn1:.pht•rt• a11d thl· t·n eompass1ng ncgot1at1ons that poorer southl'rn <.'ountfll'S • would g1vt· tht• U.N G<.•nt·ral The dl·vclup1ng nations Sdld A~cmbly m a similar l.xxJy they net•dt•d guarantct·d pnt'PS where l'<.oth nation has one vuti! for tht•1 r l 'O<.'Ua. cop1.wr. cotton prt'<.'t•dt·m ·t• uvt·r the Wl•Slt•rn and o t h 1· r 1· om in o d 1 I 1 l' ~ , dom1nah.'<.l dgcnc1t-~. prefert-nllal th•atml•nt 111 Tht• Caneun s ummit was no rt hl•rn markl•ts fo r t he1 r l'oncc1ved as a wav of breaking manufoctun:d t·xports. a grl·all·r the logJam Its final statement say i n w or Id . ( 1nant·1 a I called for l'ffurt.s. "with a senst· mstttut1vns and t•as1er ac'(·cs. .. to u( urgenl'y ... lO launch the global Norrli~'""[oats Newport City Council November 2 Committee to Elect Norm Loats, Rudy Baron-Treasurer, 881 Dover Dr .. N.8. 1011822319 SAVE 30-69%1 MOSAIC TILE SALE! ~,~ WEI SAVI '°" OH t~:•:\\,'~ \.I UU\\11 MO-WAXTILE Select popuw Solanhl~ for Its radiant shine: and dl'ortlas, no-wex care I Easy to Inst.ti, just pUl otf ~ and ptCSS In piece ..,. ttC sale 79~" SAUi SAVE 17~ ON souo VIHYl nu You can blend fashion and f\Jnctlon with savings on glcamlns no-wex tile In kitchens, baths, pl8>'fooms. A breeze to keep d ean! ""·,.. sale 49~" At Color Tile our trained ~rsonnel give .,.ou FREE Instruction booklets and expert odvice on do-It-yourself Installation and decorating. PLUS we'll loan you special toots. ~·11 cheerfully refund your money on any unused tile end uncut rolls of wall- cover1ngs. Come to Color Tiie for savings, selection end service every day! The Versatile Decorating Material! Mosaic Tiie For Floors, Walls, Counters - Save 30% This Week! Decorate a ldtehen, btigtlten up a beth or patio with the~ Cl'Mllty ot moYk • tile! Perment:ntty ~ed to resist stains and , scratches, me:sn.-mounted fOf easy Installation. SAVE 31 ·6n OH SPECIAL SEUCTION OF DURAILE MOSAIC nu .... , ...... ., I AmOX. so n S>UTS WUVAIYIYSTC. sa e ASSOllTtD 'AntltlS 89~ SAUi SAVI 33" OH GLE.AMIHG CDAMIC WALL TU Use our beautlf\JI, bf19ht ceramic In kitchens and baths and add a decoratot's exdtlns touch. Plus It's so eti'( to Install with buMt In sPKers. ""· 1-4' sale 99!" SAVE~OH • ,, •• )t . 1/4' ""° '"rmtc CLEAR WM. CARP£T RUNNER Protect rugs end ftooR from dirt end moisture with this~ ~~runner. ....... sale 79:" ~ I: -"·~:A:;::: ::;:R SA:::--u~~ 2801 So. 15191 Beach 322 W. 17th • ; Bristol St. Boulevard Street ' 557.iji4 898-3388 547-7781 • • . I I I \ p Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT /Sunday, October 24, 1082 11 ~" TAU WALNUT FINISH Class Citino Hu~cll ,,, •.. \ EXOTIC 4'' Hou•• Plan~• 1 "X12" REG. 1159.99. Ftatum Shefwfs ~ ~s OoM 10~·· 11101 .... pint grooves on shflwos. Poll5llfO brm pulls #652. YOUR aae CHOICE U~lll~V co,,,,,,on WALNUT FINISH 2 .,,.,, Open •ookc••• ,, __ REG. 125.99. W31nut finish. Rf~ to assem· blf 29~" I 9W' I,,~ .. Ila. Sl~·On• I~ SO'' ·~··· ~-.....•&'!.• Al pur1JOSf utlltV stOOI. ChooSf ff'Om fow «*>rtul lllft.~ frJmfS: SOllcl .000 tot> Hfawv dUtf constructton ~eel fNlnet tUbUI¥ Stfff t~ Knock oown con· Struct1on E~ ~ EASY ROLLER OAK RNISH •er11lng Catt -···· lf<i. 17'. 99. ffatum an att:ractM en In· sett on tflf llft ·up ooor. hara maplt chopping board. l&OC. ROTARY DIAL 0 .. 11 re1e111to1H1 ;:: •t9•• Plneaoord ~~~~ SANDED FIR 112" x 4 ' x 8 ' •1top Pl1'f/llOOd •&'!!I INTERIOltl ExtElt#Olt 1trr1on •11ror Pain~ ., •• IK 12.69. For no run. no Ortp spr7fln9, Fast Ory 1s ounct can • Cos r ... a~m•n~ -e PUSH BUTTON Desk rlilepllone ;:'.' .. •119•• 3/4 "X4'X8' Par~lcle Board •&'!.,• Acrr11c ,,,.,, Pain~ •s!!I llf<i. 18 .•. For lntff10r USf. fltllmflY °"'*'· ,. f'fSls.. tJnt, •awble. #Z0101. BEAUTIFUL ASSORTED ,..,, .. ,,,. 49!: DEPENDABLE PAR ,.lood &lgll~ •••• llf<i. 109. For S«urtty -bfauty M'OUflO ffl- trnt, Ntto. garOtn, wab1ys. CINr °""· 115516. THERE'S AN. •• ANQ8LS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SHOP MONDAY THIOUOH AllDAY I TO 9. OPIN SATURDAY AllO SUNDAY 9 TO I . coNSTRUCI}if QUALITY 2'' Jf S'' Jf 8' ..,,.,ce MIOOd &9! cus~o"' l=lreploce ~~~:::c:::X:::J •creen 591111 custom pu11 m. serten 111- sUlls In mlnUtls. SOKlal mtnuremtnts requlrtel. --~Ml­~::::!1-ml!!:'.=-~~IW..._J*'· HOME CENTERS ..... • t-1 ...., 166 Nori\.... 314 Or .. Sflow 10135 E. F""'9nl 12"2 ~ 2317 (. Souttl SC. 7800 Edtftglr Aw. 25'0 vie.y SJOI S. lr1tfol St 10331 Magnolll t-S. ~ 1775 llMliM M. 2314 S. Mounltln 21149 I ~ ('13) ~ (7t4) U4·t"3 (714) _..., (213) •·Mt (71Cl 7!0-,..1 (2'31 42'-7Mt (71'1 ICJ.IOll (2t3) 34l•M'4> (714) t79'111t (714) 617-2034 (2t3) UHW (7'4) 9'0-0212 (7tC) 913-3 ... 4 (t t3) 5'7•1tH ' j \ • Dally Piiat SIJNOA Y Oc; T 24 lUllJ FOR THE RECORD • •• 86 ft /11lt•1• /Jt•i UJ>."tt •l."t ,tr;/. l'uul .. 2 1-11. ,...;,., .... l o r .l .. l'uµ.t · /JI . ' USC's homecoming something special D•llY Piiot PhOlo• b1 Gery AmbtOH Trojans show past, present in 38-0 win By RO<:t·:H ('AHLSOI'\ Of the D•llY Piiot Stell LOS A Nti ELES It wa~ h11mt·u111111)~ l11r 011 ·go11 Stalt· Un1 v11 -.1t \ 11ltt•11:.t\I' t.ukli· J1w l ',11 11 .1h ,111 .1 h u lk111g 11 '1 :!711 p 111111d t\\11 \'t·.or '1·11 1111 ... tarll·r, 111.1k111g tu ... 111 -.1 .011d 1111ly a p fl l ' d I U I ll 1• 111 S 11 U t It I' I II CJlt f•J1 n 1.1 ,al 11·1 p n·pptn~ "' N1·wpor1 ll.11boi ll1gh But \\tilt JU 't 11 '>ti 'JI' 111 1111 th!! hot tut I ol tht· C11l1-.t·un1 h1 wru. un tlw bt·m·h , h1\H·l1ng uff tht· pt·r ... p 11 <1t111n II ~ t h1· Sl'IJl'l' 11111u11t1·d l•1 :! 1-0 tJd 1Jn• !'J0.0:15 L1·ss tlwn J qu..i1 tl'I h;ad µ:.. ... w d Jllll alr •·ud' ht:. lt·;11n·-. t.11t W«'> k n o w n :i s t h " Su u t h ,. c 11 t'.1la f11r111:.a Tn>Jan" 1· •• :. .. d 111 ,, :rn II Pal'· I U footl>.111 Vtt·wr v "I "''-•" t1·lltng m y·-.1·11 tl11·11 ," Canrnh<in rc·pli C'd afl t·l'ward , "tt's go tng to I H.' .i long al tt·1 no•J11 I JUst \\',11\lt·d t11 ht• fl''>fX't. l..ibh·. Fm.all:;.. lw pullt·d htm:o.t·lf uµ µut on hts h1•lnwt and ".111dt•H·d up tu lht• -.1dt·l11w us USl' b<·gon to ktt'kut f ;again I It• lumbt·red bat·k 111 l ot a nulhc•r '>l'rtl'" o f •>fft·n.,1\'I' pl.c~s but un lht• ltrst plciy of lht• ~l'<:ond quar !t•r t XtlC'<l \nth .a p.1mful in1un 111 his ll'ft h;1nd P osi.1l.>lt• bro kt·n hon1·s ;.i nd lt g<iml'nt t11JUrtt·s \\'1·n · l<i (Jl•<l up ,111J b.ctk ht.· wc•nl. for n1un · .i1h.111l..igt 111 11 '" lw.al nw 11i...1d1· .11 1d 11 11•\ d id. 111 1•1!\' b;.J l y .. nv h.i1111r111 · 11 w<is :n u f•ir lJS( . .tCH I l1 .111k h 1•\'t•rV(JOl• W<tS cJ 111 11g f'll tl\ l;.Hlh "r111 thl· Be ,J\tl ., b111 th,Jl ~u mt·lt nit·:. h .1 f'fl' '" t11 1q 1p11n c nt-. o f tlw '1'1 111.111-. 1·,111 11;alh •i n ... d ti y 11·,1·1 v1·d tor 1h1 11 l loml't'llnllllg (Ju.tr t••c IJ.11 k S1·,on S.tlt'>IJurv 111111ph t•·d 111 111 11 for 1:w yani~ ,111d ,, lt•Ul hdu\\ 11 bt•fi11 t · '>llllltg 11111 th1· '>t-t·cmd lt..ilf tltt Tr11J<1ni. 111lltd up -rn~ ~·.11 cb rushi ng ;md P"'-"111g 1:111; "' hJllltnw) to the• B1 ·.i v1•1.,· I tiU. and a h t·rd 11( 1 llllnl'I "> l11•IJH'd USC fJtthful .t1 111u .. t 1111 g t t l11u1 Ht·1 ~m.n1 T1 11ph \ "1nn1 '"of thC' pa<;t A II t It• 111 (•\\Ill k'> \\(·rt· OVl'I d l h ,, I t 1 1 m 1· .. 11 d h iJ I ft 1 m t• 1•1·11·1111111rl''> "1th th1· T11Juns' f•JUf 11 1•1..,111.Jn T1 11 p hy w1nnt·r' I'',.,. 11 t t l\l 1k1 G.irrt>tt. 0 J !-.11111'""'· Ch•1r ll·" \\'h 1tt· dnd :'o.l.11 t1i... Alh·n ) uv1·1-.h<st.lOY.l'C..I tht. .,.., 1111d 11 ... 1 I b,\ h Jf)'> .ind bound:. <'It ac h , It \\ ;i~ .i UCI\ to -.ho w 1111 .ind ilw Tri•J:•ll' did JU'l that \\lilt T 11nn1\' \\.'h1te"s 4;~ \'drd p.•:-., 111 Jl'f I Simmon-. 7..l·p l~c'(·'<; r.~1 ',1rd u..i:o.h 11 om '>l nmm<11(l' \'.11 111u ... t•1u1·hd11\\ n '>puru. cind c1 d' , , II"' w h II h I 1 nt l t l·d l ht' I-k ,1\'l'I'' to u minu~ four varcb un tho · gro und 1n lht· f1 1:s l hcilf h1ghltght111~ th1 lt·-.tt\'tlle' nut t<J C quarte r back ·can alis bury fo llows thro ug h with pas!' dur inµ Trojan!'>· :18-0 romp o f On·~on S ta tt•. 'l w..ii. ta pc·rl hf'uvtlv." said C.i rnah ..in . '"and thc•y t uuk tSt>e T ROJ A:\S. Page 8 61 UCLA Bears down Bruins' mastery of Cal continues, 47-31 BERKELEY (AP) -For JUSl a few mo m e nts in the wtld p a ssing duel between the 11 th·ranked UCLA Bruins and Californ ia . 1t seemed 1he frustri\llon might finally end for Joe Kapp's fired-up Golden Bears. B v the lime it was over. though. UCLA's 11-yea~wmmng streak against the Bears was intact and the undefeated Bruins were still alive 1n the Rose 'Bowl race with a 47-31 triumph Cal had charged back from a 17-poml first half def1c1l to tic the scor e 31-3 l in the third period. After 27 defeats m the 31-year history of the rivalry. the .Bears were coming on . That's when UCLA started getting serious The Bruins' defense shut down the Bears for the first time 1n the game and UCLA quarterback Tom Ramsey, wh o has th e bast passing l'ffic1ency in the country. drove the Bruins to two touchdowns and a f1 t'ld goal to t'lmch the victory "Both teams came u p with some big plays today and we JUSt got more of them," said UCLA Coach T('rry Donahue "I'm very proud of our football t eam," said Kapp, who was part1c ularl v hun~r y f o r a victory m th as game "Against a very r1 ne football team. we came back. We stayed in 1t and we had some opportunities to win the game " K a flp . a f o rm e r pr o quarte rbat·k . said Ramsey "sh owed why he's the leading passer in the country " Ramsey hit 17 or 23 passes for 342 yards .and two wuchdowns When he was hurt for one play 1n the second quarter. Rick Neuhe1sel stepped m and threw a 75·yard touchdown to Dok1c Williams. the longest UCLA TD of the vear. "I don 't think 1t was anything m particular about the California secondary," Donahue said. "We have been a good throwing team all year. It has been the strength of our offense." Starting C<il quarterbul'k Gull' Gilbert wru. knocked out of the game with an injured left knee m idway thro ugh the st•t·o nd pl•riod GalbN t, who hart tu be ht•lped o ff tht.• held. <.-omplt•tc-d 11 passes for 126 yards and two luuchdown~ before he was hurt He was St'ht•dult•d for X -rays Saturday night G1llx·rt ho~ 126 yards passing .1nd two TD s and h s h is rl'plac:cment, J TorC"h10 l·aml' up with 197 y<1rds passing and one touchdown UCLA JUmpl'<i out to a 7-0 lead o n the ir third pla y f rom sc rimmage' wh e n Dann y Andrews swept one yard around the right t•nd for lhl• TD A sha nked 8-yard punt by Mike Ahr on Cal's t 1 rst possl·ssmn gave UCLA thl' ball on the Cal 28. RamSE'y htt Paul Bergmann on a 25-yard pass to set up Andrews' sc·ore. The Bears lied the scort• when they mart'hl•d 79 yards in 11 plays and Sl'Orcd on a rolling 12-yard catch by David Lewis in the end zone Angels lay blame on media UCLA improved 1lS record to 6-0-1 overall and 2·0-1 in the Pac1f1c· lO Cal dropped to 4-3 overall and 1-3 m the conference Cal. which paled up a tot.al of 402 yards on oHensc including 323 through the air. took a 14-7 lead whe n Gilbert hit Wes Howell on a 39 yard pass. f ullback Zep LN• l'frk hb ~a ~· throug h ho lt:• f'n route to 6'>-yard gain whi<·h s••l up Troj a n T D. From AP dispatches Members of the Angels reacted with disappointmen t to the resignation of Manager Gene Mauch a n d s aid p u b l ish ed criticism may have caused him to leave. Members of the team that came w i thin one game of winni ng the 1982 Amer ican League penr1ant theorized that Mauch's resignation resulted et least in part from criticism of his decisions in the last two playoff games. "I jus t feel a ll the th in111 written and said about him the last w eek were a factor," said Ange ls o u t f iel der Bria n Downing. "All the time and trouble he put in, it just upeet him too much." Mauch was criticized for hla decision to at.art pitcher Tommy J ohn In game four with only three day•' real. He also was .econd-gueued for not bringing In left -hander Andy H .. Jer In pme five to fece CecU Cooper. who cam e up with, the eerle•· winning hit ag41ilnst r1ght-hander L.uis Sanchez. "Everyone wu uptet." H ... ler aid. "The playe,.. were and to was the front office. riiJ'llly '°· It ueua ll y d oH n't ha ppen. The An8ela were the fin\ teem to loee a playoff ..,... afW Yttnn.inl the fl n t two 1am ... lut ft wa1 clearly 1 dill of lite l11t two 1ame1. t don 't w a n t t o be IJwolved wtth media hype, but the ntovl" (to w.e "'-9lcr) a~aln.tt Cooper WU to obviOUs." Players' de111and never had a chance NFL owners see no logic in turning ove r 55 p e r cent of the ir r evenue When the aid of a fed eral media tor was enlisted to mediate the appointment of a mediator, the pro football strike finall y took on a Iota of sense. Well, the position of the owners might have m ade some sen se. They were perfectly content the way things were going in the Nation&) Football League Profits were enonnous, hardly dlmished by the underpaid help, and the owners were comforta b le and hardly· felt there was a nything to discuss with the players. It was an absolute moTtal cinch that the proprietors of the frllnchlses were not about to discuss the :'>~ pe rcent of the gross revenue proposal -no. demand - invented and put forth by the players auoci•tion executive director Ed Garvey. NEVER MJND the owners' rejection of the ~~ percent thing It aeems Incredible, in retroepec:t. tlultt the exec:uUve committee:> of the pl•yett UIOClaUon boutht It. The logic It lack ed from the outtet w as h a rdly enh•nttd by th«' pualng of the days and weeka. You see. Garvey didn't give his rabble lOIJlc. He p ve his troops a battle cry. "We are the 1amt !" That the playera rallied behind t hl1 d ta play of arroa•nce and 1ymboliMd lt by ahakln1 handa at midfield mu1t ~e dellahted tht ownert aa an l ndlc•llon of t l\e lntelllaenct of the adwnary. Th mldrletd pt'rformance might al10 hOVl' IU81Jt'lt d IOm eth lni Of1 lntC'rnal unrc I ht•twc"'qT'I tht eupentana find tho h l1<h SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER priced help and the less visible help which was hanging in there for whatever benefits a strike might produ<'e. Jack Youngblood of the Rams m ight have £alien somewhere in between At least. he could appreciate a ll views of thu• thing. He certainly understood the view of the owners regarding the ~5 percent issue "I have a couple of businesses of my own," Youngblood said. "l would hard ly give them away to the help," The executive branch of the u nion nN'ded t'OOI heads the likes of Youngblood ExamJnlng the roster of this rommltttt, one notes an absence of the sort of name which m ight Im press w h a tever faction of American socil'ty it Is essential to Impress in matters of tabor unrest. THE PRESIDENT o r t h l' pl•yt\rs nuoclallon Is Oe ne Up1haw . who would huvc *" releued by the &Iden had he not ~-en on the ln~red. rettrve tl1t. OlhC'l"I on the executive commltt" • .,. Jeff Van No te, Atlant• center: J ohn Bunting. Phllndelphla llnr backM. T om Condon. K11n11a11 Ci ty 'JU•rd: Stan Whitt . Dctrp1t llln<'back<>r: D n J l""etta. Ch lca"o tatiilc and Mark Murphy, Washington dl•fc·n-;1\'1• bat k Thl're 1s nothing wrong w ith these· people, but the notabll' massing are the Bradshaws and the Paytons and Montanas. Indeed. the You ngbloods. As a matter of fact. man y o f tht• dissenting opinions and views of ·the strike C"ame from the names on the marquN! For one thing. the pay scale th ing would h&Vl' brought a reduction f1'>m these men to spread around to the less fortunate and the deserving. Whatever the reason. then' was no chance of lhe 55 percent of the gross thing gctllng off the ground. An employer imply docs not take the profits of has enterprise and tur n them over to the workers to dlspe~. lt Is not done by General Motm·s or AT&T or Union Oil. lt ls not by the western clath lng firm of Jack Youngblood and Lan-y Brooks as mentioned above IT SEEMED as though F.ct Garvey had to have th is strike. Perhaps you m ight make a cnse for the players needing a strike bccau5<' of their snlory ll•vels ns compared with th<• other pro sportl. But Garvey nl'<'dcd a better prt>miM.• on whlc.:h to bast the walkou t Again In rEt roapcct, It wu d lftlcult from the bt>glnning to hnaslne an,yont' with normal lntclllg ~ buylnB the 6S pc-iunt thing. Had thla ~n a hondlcap, they would hevt II tcd the od<tJ on the playcrt and plt1 -<I a commC'n\ ttlcrcafler: ·•rn too deep h~rc." ' Saturday's football scores USC 38. Oregon S t. 0 UCLA 47, Calllornla 31 Nevada -Reno 17 , CS Fullerton 7 Arizona 55. Pacific 7 San Diego St. 51 , Long Beach St. 17 Oregon 13, Notre Dame 13 Washington 10. Texas Tech 3 Stanford 31. Washingto n St. 26 0 Nebras ka 23. Missouri 19 Pitt 14 . Syracuse O Georgia 27. Kentucky 14 SMU 30, Texas 17 Alabama 21 . Cincinnati 3 Arkansas 38. Houston 3 Penn State 24, w. Virginia Oklaho ma 27. Oklahoma St. g 2 1 Navy 28. The Cltadel 3 Ohio St. 49. lndlana 25 Purdue 24. Michigan St. llllnola 29, Wlsconatn 28 Michigan 49. Nor1hwta\ern 14 I (Complete tcoret, P~ll) ' • .. ... •. :· . . .. " .. :-~ .. ·: ... ~ H:l Or 1111uu <.11u .. 1 DAil Y Pll o I /~un11uy 0 1 tohor 24 1ut1 ;i NFL trik s purs thi fan to action From AP dbpukht•i1 SAN FHAN<:ISCO Hoss 1' 11111• la11 who 1:. 1111l gwn1: h i tak1• I h1• N .1 l11111.1 I F<mt lnll I Lt·a~u1• :.ta 1k1· w11h11ut .. I 11otht Ho:.,, fnund1•1 111 !-'ANS, dll :.tl'ronym for fo'raawh 1:.1· ol A1111•11t·a 11s Nt·t•d 1n g S p ort:.. :rnnuum·1·d l"nd.1y ht• ts s1•ttmg off a thr1•1· pnmged .11\.1l'k m1 th1· mogub uf sporLo,; F'1r-.1. H11ss 1-. l'.1il1ng for <l 1wllomtl Fan r\WJlt'lll''' D.1 v ut1 Nov 7 S1't·m 1d, li1• .... 1Jll11\111t1ng (.111 mll1at1v1.• for 11l')l.t JL11w'-. b.11lt1l tn l't1ltfornu. thut would l'reatt• a sport:. funs l'tmsumers bo<ird to n•present fans amt, <•l'l :is tht.·11· lc~bbyist during vanoui. nl'go11.111on:. .111d -.porL-; 1ssuc•s. Thud hl' t:. .1:.k1ng fans around the t'Ountry lo .)t11n htm m .1 v.11ll"tn camp•11g11 to Prcsidl•llt Rl•ag.111 1(1 ~t·t h1111 involvt.-<l in st•llltng th1.• NFL ::.tnkl' H oo;:., .1 p11 l1t1l·al n>ns ultant with l'lost· c·onl;Jl'l:. 111 tlw l'al1fnrn1a lt•ga slature. as tht· author ut till' ,1ut1111rnb1l1· "lt.•mc.n" bill that rN·t•ntl y w .1s s 1g1wd 1n10 law It prot1.>c ls t'Onsumers from getting slul·k with bum l'ars that t'<lll't bt• fixed . Quote of the day Lafayette (Fa t) Lever , a Portland Trail Blaw rs rookt<', on Coal·h Jac·k Ramsay's offoh!>t': "It's so t·ompltt.·atro. c•vt•n some of the \'t.'ll•rnm. don't know the plays. With Ramsay. you l'ith<'r have to know what you are dotng or be g1<•at <>l faking 1t " Hartford skates past Kings. 5-3 INC LF:WOOD C<'ntcr Mark ~ Johnson's se<:ond goal of the gam£'. , wh1<:h <:ame wrth 7 49 remaining in the final µE>nod . bruk<' a 3-3 tie and the Hartford Wh<ilt•rs went on to a 5-:i National Hoc:k ey Lt•agut• v1t·tory over thl· Los Angell·S Kings Saturday night, Johnson took <i p;1ss from Ray Neufe ld. went around Loo; 1\ngf'll•:. dl'ft•nscman Mark Hardy. faked goalie M1kt• Blake off hts skates a 11d tuckro the puck into the net to break a deadhx:k thC1t had ex1stc:d sint·e midway t hrough the sec:ond P£•riod NC'ufcld addt'Ci an (•mpty-net goal for Hartford with 26 <>c'<:onds ll'ft to play GrC'g Adams al<.o scored two goals. for the Whaler!>, :!-4-2 Canucks snap Boston winning streuk 1lar1·y ltotM .i11d llatruld Sntip1t1 M '1111•d 1h111I 1n ·1l11d KOt1l11 111 P •ll'l' ri1 V.111111ll \ 1·1 "' .1 .I '..! ••11 1111' o v1·1 ' l\."11111 111 N.111 .. n.d l l11,·k1•y l.1•11KUI' 111111111 S.1t111 il11) lll~lll T ltt• lu~ w1u. tlw host 111 l'l~ltl ~111111•:. I cir till' Br llln~. wh1lt• lht• Cu11ut'kP1 l'llUl.·d .t 11u Ull-( uf five lllrUtt(hl one MOUi llt•fl'ull. .. :1-11•w h1·11• in tlw NII L , c;uy CarhOltflt'llU .111d S1t•v1• Shull 1·.wh sl'111'1·d 1wu:1• t11 pa1 ,. Mu1111t .. 11'11o H ~ d1 u1Jli111~ of Qut•lll.'t' Ury1an Trotth•r <11111 Hob IJournl' l'Ul'h M'<>rt•d ll gc•ul uml .1~l1>1t'\I ult l wo 11llwrs to pow1·1 t h1• N1•w V ork (,l,mdor,. 111 .1 !\ :.! d1'l'1M1111 uv1•1 llw N1•w Yuri< Hu11ut·rs, tlw 1·1~htlt l·o nllt.'t'Utlvt• wm for th,• thrt.•1•-1111\l' S1unh•y Cup c hump1on s oflt·r a '>t·uso11 11pt·IHllH lt!S<'> tc1 Vum•11uv1·r Oout( Ll'('Uycr -.c·111t'(I h1 ... first go;1I of tht• s1•11s1111 .111d 1-'1t1sbu1 Uh ~11.d11• Michel Dion nu.Id£• -18 :.UVl-:. a~ tht• l-11·11gumi. l'lld1..J a four-ganw losing streuk by b1 .. 1ting Phtludc·lplua , 4 2 [)('fcn sceian Tim Bothwe ll sc:urcd his first gout in a S t. Louis uniform. l1ft111~ tht:' Sues past Chkago, 5-4 . C.ilgury right winger Jamie H islop M'Ort-d on u :!0-foot -.hot with 47 S4.>conds left as tht• Flames tH·d Toronto. 5-5 Ken Solheim scored tww • ., h•;ul111g M1nncsoUJ ovl'r Washington. 3-1 John Ogrodnick wllrL""tl twtt·t• und asststt.-d 1111 twu olh1·r:. in Detroit's 6-2 del'ision over Buffalo Sutton rallies to lead at Pensacola Hal Suuon, st~king to lx~'Ome the l!I. wmningl•S l ruokw l'Vl•r on the PGA tuur. nwstt•rt:d high winds Saturday · 1•n ruul1· to J :1 un<for-par 68 and o o n1 · strokl• lcc1d afte r three roun ds o f th<.' Pt.•ru.at·ula 0pt"n Sutton, who has finished :.1.."<:ond 111 two lourn..imen ts but has yet to nail down his first profl•ss1umll vklory, started the day thre<' ~hots lx·hinJ fellow rookie Steve Liebler Hall of Fanll'r JoAnne Carner . the leading mo11cy-w1niwr on the LPGA tour this year w ith a rtororJ $308,759, has a chanc.-e to add $50.000 to thill total today in the Golf Putter Award PIJyoff in Las V('gas. Carne r won four dose matt'ht•i. lo bt• thL· only undefeated player after Sat 1,.1rday 's compclllion . bealing Carole J o Callison, Sall y Little. rookie• Pam Gietzen a nd Heth Uanlel. Lendl captures Superchallenge tourney Ivan Lc ndl o f CzN·hoslovakta • uvt.•rp<>W<'n .·d Vilas Gerulaitls, ti-2. fl -:l . 7 5 111 the f ina l s o f the Supt'rchalkngl' Tennis Tournament 111 Mc·lbourm .. Australia Saturday night Lcndl l'Oll1"<.'ted $ l 00,000 for winning the round robin tournament Unbeaten Landa luc-e. a 1-20 favotllt'. t &ptuH•d thl' Oak Leaf Stakt-s b y two ll·ngths ovt.•r Soµhisttcatc-cl G irl before a t:rowd of 3'i.n9i' at S.mld Anita's Oak Tree mec·ttng . Donald Curry, with undisputed welterweight 1·hamp111n S ugar Ray Leonard looking on , outpuncht.-d Marlon Starling m a tacttcal fight and st-ort'CI a 12-round spltt dec1s1on In Atla nt1t· City The: ftdd for the Warner Hodgon Aml·n u m 500 Grand Nauonal stock car race was c·ompletcd Saturday with the last six qualifiers Strike talks suspended indefinitely COCKEYSVILLE. Md. <AP) Talk:. <limed at e nding the :13-day -lild Na tiona l Football Lc<agu t• !>trike· wne rnd<·fmttely :.uspendl'd Saturday. thrt•atenmg the remamdl•r o f thl' St.-ason Each s1d1.• blamf'd the <>'her for l'Ontmumg the impasse Mediator Sam Kagel didn't i-'Otnt a n y fingers. saymg mstc-ad that it was "T ime for the pi.1rl1l·S to rc- exam1n<' a11d r e asst<ss their r es pectiv e posi t aon-. on the ec.'Onom1c issues " It 1s th()S(' issues -the union's demands fur a wage scale , a centr al salary fund, a fixed percentage of the television WHY reve nues -which are at the heart of tht-ftrst mseason slrikl' 1n the NFL's 63-year history K.igel's announce me nt thiJt talks had bt'en recr"'SS<'d, sub.Jl>t'l to the call of both parties. cndro 11. da ys of somcttmes intense bargaining m this suburb north of Balt1more. Those sessions began when Kagel. a i3-year-old private mediator from San Franc1seo. was brought m to try to b ring the two sid e s 10 d settlement Jack Donlan. the owners· chief negotiator. said Kagel had told h im the central fund concept was "nonsensical." That brought a sharp respon se fr o m G ene Upshaw o f the L os Ange les lfaHh·rs, the president of the untun "J al'k Donlan is a liar," Upshaw stud_ "The m ediator didn't sav that Th<.' mediator nevl'r .sa1d our w ag<.' c:ompensat1on package was nonsense "T here 's been a lot of t a lk about the 63-year history -1 ltke the number because it's my number -of the National Football League. and how good it's been," Upshaw went on . "It has been good for the owners. not very good for the players " WE OFFER LOWEli RATES.I Layoff doesn't hurt Boughey !Jf,., ... 11 r1• . ..;i1h·111 co11u•.o; out of retin·11u•111 to win 111i11i-1riathlon 6 y 1-:U ZINTl';L lpeclal to Ill• Dill~ l'llol '1'11111 f\ou~lll'V 1s :w y1•111 1> •>Id 1111w 1111tl 1ho11ult hlli hotly .;till , ,.,,.mhl1•' tltat 111 ''" Olv111pw ~v11111.1 .. t lw l 1~ur1·' th.ii w1tlr .1 wll1• .111d tht•·•· k1di., 11 1111~1t1 lx· llllll' t11 j.!IV(' 11p l11s l'J'UIY f1•lli.h trn pu111sh111g ltu. body 1n humun M1d11ra111·1• n1t't'' W1·ll . 111.1vht· 1111t y1•t Bough1·y. 11 11.1t1v1· 111 E11~l.1nd 11nd n ·Md1•11t 111 <:ostu Ml·i..1. tum1· out o f un lU 111onth n:ttrt·rn1•111 Suturduy to Will Tlw ll u n1an Hut•t.• m1n1 tnuthl.111, lwld ut t ht• Ni.•wport Du111·o,; Aquu111· Pork m Nt•wport S.·;1d1 Buu~h .. v. 1111w a Vl·ll.'ron of .. ud1 t•vt·111s (Ill' ftntl>hl'C.1 nmlh 1n lost vl'ar's lluwa11 l ronman. WorlJ Trtathlim). did II the• hard w.1y S11turday. p:..ss1n~ two rnlllfJ\:tnurs on tht' final swim leg l•> hrt•ak ht' o wn pn:v1ous rt'<.'Ord for th1~ purll!.:ul<.ir eve nt Boughl•y's t ime of 1·18 .i 4 8 l'<:l1psc'Cl his old mark of 1.19.02 6 Sl't 111 I Y80 F1n1 shing sN·ond was Gary Pt•lt.·rs1.•n uf $C1n OiC'go whom Buughey passt-d on the final l<·g. m a tr mt• of third was Mark Montgomt•ry of Manha ttan Bt•a!..'h ( l.19·54 'J.) and fourth was I >avtd Po11'<•l of C:oron.1 dc·I Mar, who wui. h·udin~ tlll' ra1·1· ~11111u 11111> tht• 1160 ya1d S Wllll Ir\ I i o ·II ·I "l w11:. gomg t11 t11k1· Ill 111urHlh ul I f 111m <·01111wl111~ a ftt•r l<1ht yl·ur'l'i lmnmun, but I r·unw bm·k for lh1:1," !latd 8'1ugh1·y, now u tl11·1•t• llllll' wlnn1 •r I)( 1h1s flv1• yt•.11 old 1·v1·11t "At·tu.rlly, 1 won't be· 111 a1111tl11•1 lung d1i.ll111t'f· tnathlon for anothl·r y1·ar, but I'm s tuylng tn shaix· this wuy My work and farntly huvl• to ~·oml• first." T h(· rnd1v1dual tn<tthlc111 dn•w a rt'l.'<>rd turnout 111 ·Hl:l nwn ond wunil:'n athlett.-'!. S&turdC1y. mo n · than double the towl number 1n last year 's race For the ftrst llmt.• this year , the compNtlton had tu be broke n up into two rucc•s. team and ind1 v1dual d1v1s101h Thton• were 90 ll·ams tn tht· tl·cim t·ompet111on · In that race, thl' le<im of t'yd11>1 S tt•vc H edrick (Coi.ta Mcsu). runner Joey Goml:'z (Placentia> and sw immer Art J epp<• (Newport &-ach). won in a time of 1.10:56 8. fin1shmg nearly two minutes ahead uf thl:' St>C'ond place team. College football SATURDAY'S OAMEI Waet Oreoon •• UCLA II ROM 8owt t 1 30 pm ' Was111ngton et Satntoro Cal •I 01911on St -'tuona al Wuh1ng1on St C1J S1a1a Fullatton at HawaM, n Ulah al San 019110 St • I' San JoM St at Nevll<la·LU \191>1a, n -'zuea-Pacllw; al USF Sonoma SI at Cll Lutllaran C1J Poly (Pomona) at u ol San o..go Redltndl at Pomona-P11.J., n Clatemonl-Muao at w 111111e< n Cal Poly (SLOI at Santa Clara Soulhetn 111111011 II Easlern 1111no1) Ball St 111 Ea11ern Michigan Illinois SI 11 Indiana St Bowt1ng Grfftl 81 Keol SI Western 1111noi1 al Northern M1ch1g•n Norahem 1111n0<s at Wes1ern MICllll)an SO<llh Auburn at fl0t1da Memp1111 SI al Georg111 Duke at Georgie Tech MIUISSOppl at l SU. n Fl0t1C18 SI al M1am1 Fla Alabama vs M1n11s1pp1 S1 a l Jeci.son Maryland al N0tlh Corot1na South Carot1na al NOrlll Caro41n11 SI Rutgers et R1c11mond n Boushr-y, w ho ;11lni11.a to being u wt·uk 1·yd1st, Rtltd hf• wru. ~hJt.• I•• .. draft" on tht' 1111ual leg and ... 1.1v up w11h thl' hc·ad o f tht' IMt k lit· thl'n had u i.t rong I Ulllllll~ ll•J( hut Wl.C> :.lllJ llOffil' ~ y .irdi. lx.•html Pursd and Petersen a~ tlw uthli:tt·:. c·nLCn·d the t•htlly DUOl'b H{1y B(Jugh1·y took tht· swim out at ,1 tnl'd 1 um p<;it't". then turrwd ll on .. :-. lhl:' sw1mmt'r:. nt'ared t h e halfway turning buoy It was at tlw turn wht•rc Boughey passed PurSt·I Competitors were unanimous in <Jgrt•t:ing that the· c:vent was t·xlrt>mc ly well run wtth n o an ·1dcnt:. or maJor problems. Prut·eeds from the event went to t ht> Orange County S pec ial OlympK'S * Humen Reee Trl•thlon (al ... wport Dll"H) TOP 10flNll .. RI 1 Torn Boughey, 1 hout, 18 m1nu1ea. 24 8 ~e<_onds l•••nl record, breaks 011; reco•d by Bougney tn t980 ' t9 07 61 2 Gary Pet.,..,, 11 19 29 ~I 3 Mirh Mon1gom8f)I (1 19 54 2). 4 O&Vld PerMtt JI 20 4 1 41. 5 1<1m Buahong 11 2 1 39 81. 8 John Turner (I 21 39 6) 7 Joon Flelchet ( 1 I 2 •6 8). 8 EmlllO O• Solo ( 1 21 ~2 7). 9 Mike Orr t l 72 3 l 31. 10 Sieve Scllumecher ( 1 22 SI 8) 1101 ...... Rock lat use a1 Arizona St n Wyoming at "" FCJrte Bvu a1 Utah s 1 Oklahoma e l Colo•ado SW i..ou1s1ana ea Soulllern M1as1n1pp1 " Bayt or a1 T utan• n ti; .. as·EI Paso at Colorado SI NO<lll('fn A111ona at N-M"•ICO SI Rock'-9 Te.a6 A&M at SMU Te<dS ill Te•H 1.-<;h R1~e al Arkan'°' lCU at Houston n Or ake 111 We~t I e•as SI N-Ml''IGO di Norlll l ei.as St MldwHt M•ChiQan SI al ln<St•n• 1111n0t~ •1 IO\ilia M1nn~ta at Mi<;lllQ•" Purdue al Ohio SI N0ttllwa11.,n a1 W1scona1n Kansas St at Iowa S1 Nebraska at Kansas l o4edo al M1am1 0 1 ulsa al Wochola SI 011io U al C•n11at Moer,.oan VMI 81 \11rg1n111 KontuGl\y 11 V1rg1n1a Tecl't Mars11a11 al The C•l&del Oavtc1son al Furmen (Ml lou1sv111e at P111 Noire Oame vs Navy at Easl Rulher•ord N J Holy Crou al Boston U • n East Caroline al Wesl \111gin1u Penn S1 al Bo11on Collt!l)e Co1umb1e a1 Army Kings P0tnl 81 Cornell Vale al Dar1mou1h Wilham & Mary 01 0e1a .. arf: Brown al Harvard Bucknell at Le111011 NOtlhaut.,n al M eona ConnecttGul at Massachusens Rhode Island 11 New Hamp11111e Penn at Pronceton CotQale at SyrlCuM Clnc1nna11 al Temple lilited Off er 2626 Harbor llvd., Cotta Meta 540-5630 $300 ·0FF OUR REGULAR PRICE PER GALLON JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLIGI Pleb tf ... W~ UCLA over Oregon * use over Arizona St. * BYU over Utah St. * Olclahoma over Colorado * Notre Dam• over Na Sun Paint (Under New Owner) Pacific Decoratin1 Cente,r Talbert & Bushard Fountain Valley 968-0881 . Al Ntbefl Leiding Compeny. w. otler manv 1ovan11ot1 to tflt !MllnQ OVllQmef lilt, atabilltv. uper .. nce evt .,.,. "'Pl most 1mpOtta"t -COit Al Nebtfl Lening you dtitl di~ -no mlcklletnan or nil e11tta ~ltl 10 pav Ana unltke otn.t ..... ~lllN our •• ueo alrecuv to the prime l•nct· •no rate Wntl ._ pttme ,... df'Otlf'I,. out ot h douda '" '"'"' ...t11, our rN hM ~ IOO-•Point lower flan ..,. 1pec:1al leMlng pro- grarna otter.a by tn. manu- fKIUf9 Ana ovr ~ low ,.,. '""'"' I CfOU ,,,. boerd on any make Of mo<lel' W1tl\ our lower rate now 11 ltlt per• *t lime to ,.... t~et riew ear W>u've been W.111~ for 5848 Edinger Huntington Bea~h 846-3344 '!WI---· '-Hlll!f All •MN I Modtlt. .... ,.. Leulttfl Co. _...,.,~ OoN ... (714) l40-t100 . ~ ' ' ' . • ~ • ~ • & • • • ' • ' • I It o11tq1 \ <1o1•.I l IAll f l'll 1,J I 1'.111111.11 ()1 t11lmr :t 1 llJ/11 tl:J Opportunistic Orange Coast falls short, 36-23 Uy CURT SEEOEN 01 Ille Dell~ Pllet ll•ft .fl.llil ••l\l• Wl't.•k UHll Ill 11 l(IUl\t' \I II h ('1•tritus, 0 1.1111-:1· l'u.1 ... 1 l '•lllt•l(t' t'lt.l>t'rll'lll\'J II dtS<A,ltoU:. 1111.11 t WU llllllUll':'> of tlw (11 i.t 11,.11 th.11 :>JW tht• Fult'Oll!> 1u111 a, It•.-..· h.tll guml' into a t 11u1 But Suturdl!V n1.ih1 u11 thl· 1>41111t• Ol'C hl·lri. 11 w ,,,. n111 t Ill' 1'11111t•11 w lw :.uffpn•d Nt'Vl'r.d 111111ult1:. uf llll:.lu1 l u rw l11!>lt•ud, l'1111(·h 11tl'k Tut·kt•t ':. u11d1·1 du~ Ut. '(' "lu,1d pl.1vnJ J little l>tt 1Jf 11pµortun1:.llt: fu111h,11l of tl~ 11\1 n and 11 put J prl'lly Hood -.c.·.111• 11110 ht8hly rt•ganlt•d Mt Sa11 A11t111\lt1 Cullq(t' T ht• Mourl11t·!\ 111tir1aH1•c1 lo S4.'l'Hlt'h lhl•tt wuy 11u1 ol It oul.Jll' .u1d rt"t·ord a 36-2:1 v1,·111rv nvt•r t ht• P1r'1l1.•s tx•fon• abuut· ~.1100 fun:;. But lht·v had lo ll.lt tit· l>ill·k fn.>m a 21 .19· dt>fat·11 t•arlv 111 lht• thtnJ qu~1rter to 1mµ1 u\ l' tlw1r South l '11111'1 l 11tt11·11·111,.11•1111d '" :! 0 111111 ovt•t 1111 11'<"111 111 .1 I Thi• P11.111·~ 11111d1· 1111 ''" 1111111-1t11111-1 U•llllt' 1lw h.ucl \\,1 \ '4111111~ 1lw 11 1·vc·11tuul :.?:I p111111' d1 'l'llt• 1111· Im I 1l11•y 1t ... 1 4H '"'"'' Ill I U'lhl11g IHI tilt' llll(ht Sc11111· h1 .tVl' qu.w11•1 l1.11 k111~ 1111 lh1· p.111 1tf '"1Jh11t11111 v t 'l.o \ 'l'ut•k1•1, \I hu 1·011~1111111\ \\ ''" ho ·ol ,; 111.1~.,t vt• l'vlt Sa11 A1111111111 11111 · l'OllVt'l'Kt' 1111 all 111111 111.~hl 'l"'t kt•d tht• Ol'l' .,u1 gt• Tlw 1'11al1·' h.11ll1 'll h ,11 I. ffu111 J l!I 0 dt•fl\'11 ... 1.11 tlllK l.1h Ill 1111 't'l'•Jtld lJU .tl tl'I \\ ht•ll lht \ 1·11g1111·1·H '<I .i ,mt111th 1:1 pl.I\. lltl y:11 d dnv1· wh11 h 1 ul111111.111 ·d w1 ih ti I v:1rd dl\'1• hv K u rt Swunb1·1 ~· · 1 .. ·.111 . 1111 · 1\-1111111 111•, ''""' '" Ill 11 .: 11111 l lo 1 It• II Ill 11\'llh ti '111111• 111111 1 lo 11q1111 .11 V h1 11111' lo\ p1111111 11 1~ 1111 1\11 S.on 1\11111111•1 1111111111u h .11 k Huh 1 11111"11111 .., 11111111!1 1111 11 11 1\1111111111 '.!.I \,11d I 11 .. J-'l\'I J1l.1\' I.oil I 0l t t1 l(l'I hll 1\11!..1· l:11lol111~~ w111t a11 II v.11d 'I'll Ji·''' .11111 1111' liUl -. h .111° 1111 .11 h .1111.1i.:1 · ·I l l111u~:h1 \\1 pl.1\l'd I'" II\ i.:1111d 11111111.tll Ill lltt• "'llllld Ii.di 11u11·d 'l'lh hl'I \\ """' 1'11 .111·, l•·ll 1o1 I .1 1111 1h1· "''•''"'' .11 1d II .!. 111 111111111•1111• pl.iv '1'111•\ 11111 1\111u11tll'~I hav1• ,1 vc·r v i.:1111d l111 1th1tll lt'.llll Buy, tl11•\ ·11· phv ... rl'.d." 'l'u1·k1•1 addt•d '1'111• M111111l1t '!\ sh 11w1·d ho w tlto ·\ h .1d UJl'I t Fullt•1 l1111 1111t \I • 1·!. 1·,11 111•1 11\ 11111\11H111g 'lllltl' :. l I ,, d \ d I I\'•'' b l' h 111 d I h l' qu.1r11 t1 1.11 k111g or .. o pl1111110 1 l' l\l 1h1 l 'l11 p l1111 111 1 .1 l!I II ... "'"' 1 t.1g1 · ll.111 ·.11 11 \\lilt 1,11 111 111 111 '"' u.01111 ,,., lh o N11 I 11,...111 1 111 11 11 l 411111 11111 1 ... ,., 'd 1111 11111 ,h 111 .!. • 111tl I v.11 d' 111 1111 111 .,t qu.11 1t·1 .111d l 'l1 q ol11 11 1 .. 1111 cl l .1\1111 11 11'\l'I\ I I l>.011 'I "'J'I lot •• .!II \ .11 d '('f) I'·"" .cl II:.; 111 tit•· ,, """I q u.1111•1 1111 w it.it l1111k1•cl l1k1 ,, I 11111111. 11tol111g J, • "I T i u l\li11f11 111 1o·n·•ff11 ·ol 1111 11 ,, ... 1 ·" fl Ill "' 11 ... lli11 d 1jlt.1f l1 f \\It• II Hu\ U11hl 11f d h1111l1 d ,, It. \.otd Ito Id 1{11.ol 1111 ,, '.!..!.I .uh .1111.1w \ 'l11pl1111 111111 lr 11•d 111 Jilli 1111 g ,111w 11UI 111 It .id t b v tlll ll\\ lllj.( '(I'' 111i! ''' il<o·' 111 I Ii ,111.t :17 v.11 d~ \11 T1 I Jll .111d ('h;11 l1·' H 11ul "''P "l t l\1•1\ l u 1 ,, ;1h :!I ,1(1\ .1111.1g1· The· I 111 .1t•' •11'1'''••• •·d l• 1 lt.1\ o '4.Ull tf l.1lt• Ill lh1• IJ,111 j.(.11111' \\ h••ll TU1·k1 ·1, f11u 11d 11gh1 1 1111 M1k1 1!1111"' Wiiii II JI""' ,1 1 ,1l~1lll lft<' Mt San J\111111111J .i y,11cl 11111· H1111•·\ 111.111.ig1·d 111 111111 · 111., ".iv 111111 1111'1•11d /11111' hul 11111U pli 11! • COMMUNITY COLLEGE Ml SAC :Ml, Otange CoHI 23 lco•• br Ov•lleto Mt 1,1111 A11to11111 Ill 1 lO 7 36 I lo ""U" l.u11~1 Cl 1 U I 2 J Ml •,A<. l•IJ"•U" ~· ruu (kit.ho haflml) Ml •,At... lhtn9'un l run to••• IH1IDdl "41 :,At. ''"''' Jll oen lrQm c.111pt1111 HU1f')fu11J t..it kJ ()(.C •1.-..ttrtbftf\I ' run '(.;rtt•n•• ~It kJ OC....(, M1J@llG ftttt"'"'t"d lllt.>r ""••O ponl 111 m1fJ '"''o tC •'or1r1 e k1c...._ 1 0(.,t <11tHJ1nu• IJ II•'' ,,,,,., Jot .... , tf1ttJttlltt "''""' Ml !>AC. Wut>ll.l"l •IJ I (, NII ~,t.(. 1 "rtO 11J IJU~ flum C 10111(111 1llul\ltJH1 ~l"Oj Mt ~A(, ftoflt '' l,11t!J\ lrr•m C.li,J1lt111 !ltul1hlll) ~'"~I OC..C. Stllt1ly I.lull wun1 out ''' ,.,..ll 1r.1 .. AUt't10m1t.t, l 000 O•m• 8t•ll•llc1 I M ?O occ •• -1151 lJU¥Wfl" RvsllllS Y'"d• )8·811 ,• 4r J •• IH 1 111~\' "' ·''"'"' 11 ... ,.,, .. ,. t 'f11pl1111 l1111i.l11•d tho• l 'Vl•llll l~ t ""'/'Ii 1111..: ~·.1111 .llt , .......... 1111 .ii:! \ .11 t ' * ,...... I I Ito I) l 8 )Cl I F'uftl\ I 4 t ~f 41 1 I wnt11.,. t 1 'J 1 "I U P0t1•lll4H 'fUJcl' ., n·1 ' .Jli lndlvldu•I Auallln9 Mr 5 At """~''" 74 : ~ VAl1 .. 1., • ~o <,rm11h•r<l I I I I t1ro1y11c. I j B111l•y I I (•lmrwu1 'I •1 '>l•iJh t fm m1nv• 2 (,lr1(1HJ'• t l()t f'TllfHn; ~· J ()l-.C 'tW1tt.l,9'HJ t I ~1"'1'·••) / 1 llo•l!J!J 7 • ll••!jhl l' J ~Oulrtw••O t I lJot•f "' t f11' nunu• 4 tul•u• tO ""' h1111u• ' , lndlvldu•I Pau1110 Mt :,A(. (.l(llJIOh ? J )6 0 ) II 1)1 (.. r '''" o• 12 2 4 ·O 7S Ot111l11im '• 1 l 0 1f4 A \f1Hr1 1 0 1 0 lndlvlduel Receiving M i '>A<. T1 u10 10 165 Root 1 l 11 <..CJt"!l''u J I'· ~,,,e,man 2 11 t:iailtt'f 1 h.;1 hm1u°' 1 OC.( '"'"''"II~ J 411 St~1Jllen1 J ~9 •1h.111tu11cJ I j•, 4i•U••fl1e•d 1 14 Roney 1 12 Dow••) ' 1f \uuH ~.;r<J l·m1nu1 3 SwanD'l•U I 1111 m11•v• I 01'.'0I • 39 B•a1111 I tot min-..,.• Twu mttHltt·~ tnt11 tho• 1'111 d qua:·11·t', th1· Bul's ' Ho!(t'I Ho1·ll1· hli11:kt't1 J Mt S c.111 A111t111111 pu11t .ind tht•n puu tll't'd v ii t lll. 1.Joum·111~ football~ tlw t•nd 1m11 ;;;:-~~~~~~~--===-~~__;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~~__;=.....;;.;;;__;_~~-=-~~---.......... ----------------------------~ !Gauchos blank Knights, 49-0 SAN DIEGO Ju:.1 I.1st Wl't'k , a ltt>r 1-'alom~r College' had kickt•d a f1C'ld ~oal to break Sacldh•h:wk Collc.-gl:''s 15-4uarlt•r s hutout streak, Gaueho <.'o<.tt•h Ken Swl!armgen w..s ~urprismgly rdtcvt.-d "I really don't hk<.• thmg:. hkt· having .1 stn·ak of scorc·less gamt•!>," Swt•Jnngcn no tt•d "Thi· players sl<.irt thmkmg <ibout a shutout loo much ,111u when they don't &l't 11, th1.•y're d1sapptJ1n11·d when thev don't nL~-d tu Ix'." Unf ort u n a t e l y (or 1s it fonunatt•l y ) for Swt'aringen. his rugg1·d Gaucho defcn~· revertl'd to its old form Saturday with a 49-0 thumping of host San Dit•go CC m 1\11:-...,11111 <.:o nf1·n'nt't' at·uun The v ictory WdS tht• Gaut•hos' sixth ol th<.' season agamst no dl'ft•aL'i, th<.•1r se<.-oncJ Slra1ghl Ill con ference play and 22nd victo ry m a row Saddleback quarterback C raig Miller ltJ~t·d four touc hdown paSS<.'S on the aftt•rn1xxm. 1ndudmg three to wide receiv<.•r J ohn Marshall. om• for 57 yards . Before the da v was o ver. Mtllt•r had ronnected on 14 of n pa~·~ for 160 yards Tht• Gauchos S<:on •d w11h IU se<.'l.md:. rl'll1J1n111g in the fir s t quartt•r on an 18-yMd Mtllt·t ·ll>· M arshall TD pass: made It ~1-11 a l hdlfunw u1, .1 Mille r-to-Mike Sera fini 14-vard touehdown ... 1rrk1 · and th<• 57-yard paS!. to Ma.rs hall, a nd tht•n .1J ch .. I 21 mort• points m thc• 1h1rd quant·r agam!.l tht· hapless Knights. Th<.• G.iut·hos st<1yt·d cm thl· g round for tht-1r final lhrt•e St.'Ort>S o f tlw 1fo~· with Mtlll•r nirry 111g the ball Ill from the• !I bJt·kup QB Cun &·ath,ord sconng Crum 3 yi.rcb o ut .md sophomor t> Rot y Smith sc-ormg on a 5·yard r un * 1ddleb1ck 49, Sin Diego 0 lcote by Ot.!•rtera Saddlebeck 7 1• 21 7 -•9 San Otego CC O O O 0-O S-M•r5hell 18 pass rrom Moller (GesMt kOC";k) S-::Se<alln1 14 pass lrom Mille< (Gu~t ktekl S-Merstlell 57 pass from Miller \Gau., ktekl S-M•rthell 10 pass lrom Moller 10 .. -klCkl $-Miller 9 run tGasser koclq S-Bea1'1a•d 3 ru" 1Gasser kt<:kl S-Sm11h 5 1un (Gasser k•Ckt Allenda,,ce -500 O.m• llallatle• Forst downs Ru"1es·y1td• Pasaong 1ards Passes s 20 52·203 178 15-29·2 ID It 13-75 77 12·35·• Punls 4.37 Fumbles·IOSI 1.0 Pena111es-yard1 7 -6• lftcflvkkMI fluehl"t 7.30 1·1 10·91 S-C8f•oll 17·81 Alford 9·56 Cvrtoe 6-20 GINO 5 111 Smtln 6 16 Millet 6-10 Bea111aro 1·3 Baltzer 1-0 Sterra I minus I SO-Pe11tes 12 110 Guidry s. 17 M-fee l·monus 2 J.;nes S·monus 20 lndtvldu•t f'Halng S -"4 1ller 1• 27 1 160 Beatnard 1-2· 1 18 SO Jo"es 10·29 • S6 Wothams 2-6-0, 22 tndMclual flecelvlng S -Marsnall 9. 105 Seral1n1 2·36 Bryant 1-111 Hamro l 11 Gleed 1-6 Currie 1-2 SO -Sco11 3 211 Pe1t1es 3 monus 2 Kemper 2 22 Mene fee 2·2 hamlell 1. 15 Guidry 1· 13 FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.9S Includes choice of soup or aalad, and potato or ric• pilaf. Call For Re•ervation1 ~t 173-7726 '-:JfJ),((t_~~~'.~~:) IOI ~}· llAl BOA I .......... . THE NEWPORT HAllOI AREA CHAMl!I Of COMMEICI PreHnt• THI UST llllllVOUS AT THE BALBOA FUN ZONE With Les Brown and tis Int of Renown and the O.C.C. Coa1t Jui Soci.ty under the Direction of Dr. Ctt.,lff Rutherford WIDNISDAY IYINtNG, OCT. 27, 1912 Beglnnnlng at e p.m. at tM lalboa Fun Zone R«Mmbtt-""-bHurJtuJ a/wr moon ewn'1tp ac IM a.Jbt» ~ Y.awf ,.__..,. drfMtW Ion yow ,_. ..,..,. .,._and~ rM ••a.J.._ •• w1M J'O'.ft ,....,,... IUY or --1 ., CM •11>o11 PavUlotlr W• a11 MW., lhMY lond lllllflllriM of.,,_, l'"f ~ Jn ...... 1¥ I.......,, ... o/ rM ft.. Zan. .... CM ... ,..,,, I.on. ...... ~ , .. wU1 .. ---. • --w d«ldMI ro chrow • we ~ puty 11 &he ht Z.O,,. llO •Y r»tJb)'9. AJ1 ol "'9,...... ••. Dr.. up In y04{' ----g """"' .......... -~ .. ~ ...... ......, ,...,...., """._. ao • • fl n w of........, n.. °""' • -'T m .oo ,.,. ..._ wllkfl "'"' ,,.,,._ • Wlf.c er rM 1\ln r.on.. r1*I. dlllC'UW 110 LM ..,...,, lfttl ltM ,,_,, ol ,....... lfttl IM O.C.C. Olillf J.a k#fy, LM ..,,,.,, • ""'"""" thraufft &he ~ ol the ll'VW Ch, P~lllc 1'111...,, Fluor Corp Mtlll ••• Tultloa l•l•H ~,___, nuon. WITNESS STAND Evidence of lower prices SIR MIX CONCRETE MIX • <.. • NO DEALER SALES AD STARTS THURS. ARTIFICIAL GRASS CARPET Six feet wide. N o weeding, watering. or m owing. (Oh. junior. w o uld you vacuum the yard . p lease?) ~SUNBEAM 18" TWll BLADE " \ _:. ELECTRIC MOWER ~b 117!1? Thia baby delivers more torque than a 3 HP gu enoine. Got the fUp -over handle and finc;iertip heic;iht adjustment, too. STANLEY STANLEY 1" x 25 FT. POWERLOCI II POWER RETURN TAPE These thinos a.ma.zed me when I wu a kid. Daddy, where did the tape oo? Be•ides the built-in Stanley quality, get a 1WO BUCK REBATE. PACIFIC ASPHALT DRIVEWAY RESURFACER 8~~. My wife backed the car out of the gar•ge, but forgot she backed it in the night before. BUFn SINGLE POST BUMPER JACI 17!!s Sb-anded without a jack i• stranded indeed. Hu.rry down for th .... the quantity "-limited. 6 FT. 9/16 x 4 TIGHT KNOT CEDAR FENCING I \ u Not onl1 cri ... your famJly a lot mo,. prt•acy, f•netncr at.o add. •alue to tl\e home . 90 LB. Easy as a batch of ins tant oatmeal. but this s tuff sticks to the ribs (or the patio ) better. Just add water a nd stir. AP DEADBOLT LOCKS DOUBLE CYLINDER 5 7 ~013 Tough lock s with l " throw (nice catch!), 5 pin tumbler, and polished brass finis h . DURACELL ALKALINE BATTERIES BatteriH that have to be replaced all the ti1ne cost you a bundle, so th ... guys with more stamina are a good buy. We stock 6 volt lantern batteriH, tool MN908, MN918 AA 1WIN PAK 94~ 1 17 PAK PEllY FRAME SALE Whatta d .. l. When 1ou buy one at NQUlar price, you can get another ( of equal or 1 ..... •alue ) for onl1 a penn1. G.E. CLEAR OUTDOOR FLOODLIGHT BULBS Choose 75 or 150 watts to lioht up the landscape. Just the ticket for a midnioht swim party. .-. HEM CO t-,. INDOOR OR OUTDOOR ~~ LIGHT CONTROLS ~ 497 •OLC-SOR •LL-12 Automatically turns your lights on at dusk and oU at dawn, helps save energy and bamboozle the burglars. CAROL CABLE 12 FT. BOOSTER CABLE 4 .!!2 By popular request, the charming Miu Carol Cable return• to our •tao• with her elec:trifyino jumper set. BORAXO RAND CLEANER I~?~ Get .ome for that Sunday me<:hanic in the family who leaves your kitchen looking Hke Ernie's Garac;ie. FIEM STACKING STORAGE BIN 1!! Good kitchen 01'9anber. S.. how many you can stack, ma1be you'll .. t a new world record. FIEM CLIAITAllEIS SHORT SET l pt., 1 qt .. 2 qt . .U.e to store the letto.eN ln. 3~3 TALL llT \ i 84 Or 11g~ Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sum.luy. Octol>el1 il4 IOttl ;. .. . : .. ' .. , ( .. Quarl~rbawk Murt•o Pu~nunt>lli liuff f'n •J u IM>l't!ili bit> hrokt•n le~ in Nuvy'it vit•lor) Sulurcluy. Monarchs stun St. Paul, 21-14 By RANDY TIFT ........... Oeltr ..... Ending 16 years of fruslrau on , Maler De1 High's Monarchs upset powerful Sl. Paul. 21-14. Saturday night before an estimated 5.500 fans al the Santa Ana Bowl. The Monarc h win bus ted a los ing streak stretching back to 1966 against the defenqing CIF Big Five Conferem .. -e champions. After the final gun, Monarch Coach Wayne Cochrun stood in the middle of the field wearing an ear-to-ear grin as the Mater Del crowd saluted its ~eroes, now 2-0 in Angelus League play, with a five-minute standing ovation. "Th is is a great feeling," Cochrun said. "It's equival ent to 1977 when we beat Serv1te for the first time in 11 years." The game's first ser ies i>et the tone for a dramatic contest. After Mater De1 had kicked off. 'St. Paul fumbled away a snap that was recovered by the Monarchs' Abi Zarate. Quarterback Roger Reynoso then completed a P9$ to Tony Locy who lateraled to Richard Aguirre who carried the ball to the 10-yard line. and shortly thereafter scored on· a 3-yard burst over tackle The Monarchs scored again 1n the second quarter on Mike Doan·s 2 1-yard field goal to go up 9-0 at ha.If time. Mater Dei's d efense shut down the high- powered St. Paul attack, holding it to 90 yards in the first half ....., o.I 21, It. f'Mll 14 .... .,o-rtw9 SI P..i 0 0 8 6 -14 Mai« [)ej e 3 11 11 -2 1 MD-Aguirre 3 ""' (run lall«I) Ml>-°'*121 FG M O-Hooper 13 pu1 from Aeynoeo (pMa felled) SP-Pogue 2 run (W•l•a PHI lrom Pogue) MD-Locy 3 pua lrom Reynoeo (kick felled) SP-White 29 p ... lrom Rogue (klctc lalled) Attencsance-5.500 (Mllmat«I) o.n.. ltattetlca !'Wat down• Au-.ywoe PualnQ ywd1 ... MO 11 15 ~5 47·215 1111 77 Puses 7.17.1 Punts 1·37 Fuml>les•IOSI 1-1 Penan1n-yard1 6-45 lftlhlduel "wefllftt 9-13.Q 1-38 0-0 7-78 SP -Pogue, 7-35, While. 4· 11. ValenzlHMa, 6-10. Sarmlen10. 4-12, Apo<lmu, 2-lor-mlnut 3 MO -AQUlrrt. 24· 113. Jones, 13-63, Reynoso 6-23. POI•. 3· 18, Putdy. 1-0. lldwl•ual "eMlntl SP -Pogue. 7-17·1. 1111 MO -Reynoao. II· 12-0, 77, Jonea. 0-1-0. o. IMMdual "-'vtne SP -G•i1on, 2-48, Whl1a. 1·!>0. Sarmiento. 2· 11, Apodaca. 1-8, EloinOH. 1-8 MO -Locy. &-311: OaMn. 1-e; Flall, 1·17. Hooper, 1·13 :;~Sports on TV 1.; TELEVISION 9:30 am (4) NFL '8% -An updatt> on stnkt• ; talks. ~ 10 a .m. (4) -NBC SPORTS SPECIAL - Three hours o f special sports8rogramrrung. 10:30 a.m. (7) -NEW Y RK MARATHON - More than 16.000 competitors run through the stree ts of New York, movmg through all Cave boroughs before completing the run. Taped delay by three hours. Comme ntators include Jim McKay and Diana Nyad. RADIO Basketball -Lakers al Portland. 6:50 p.m., KLAC (570). Hockey -Boston a l Kings, 7:20 p.m .. KPRZ (1150). Marina romps; Eagles fall Senior Jeff Hopkins scored six goals and teammate Jim Zakasky added three o thers as Marina H igh blitzed visit.ina Bolsa Grande, 19-6, to highlight prep water polo action Saturday. In another game played. senior David Inadomi scored three times but it wasn't enough as F.stancia dropped a 9-6 decision to host Indio. The Vikings. in improving their overalJ record to 12-5, ran off an 8-1 advantage after the first period of play and were never headed. The Eagles got a pair of goals Crom Troy Fenley, and another by Gordon Berg. but were unable to catch their opponent after the first period. SHARPE" Yotlt SKllS FOR nt: S.A.T.l!l PARTICIPATE IN A 8.A.T. WORKSHOP Date: Satwdays, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. October 30, throuch November 20, 1912. PIK•: Newport Chrf1tlan High School 113 w. 15th ••. Newport llMch, Callfornl• Phone: MS-1212 COST: S30 ptu1 $10 m1tll'l1l1 fee ··m rf&!Stllboft reciucsted dut to ltmfled tn1ol~nl SI 0 "°"4tlundlllll dtpoSll reciv11td Quallfled teachers & training experience which could Increase your score up to 30°/e. CALL TODAYU To E1001r111 Pet C1r1 Animal Hospital of fOt11taln Valey Announces 11% Reduction On Spaying, Neutering, and Vaccination Oct. 21 to Oct. ao, 1112 For Detall1 Call 982-1821 Pagnanelli, Navy get broadsided QB ·ul'l'ers I''' ·ible broke11 leg i11 victory; Do1te re 1· l ead ,tan( ord l''ron1 AP dl1patdu•11 ANNAPOLIS. MJ /\ :.HJ 3 Vlt'lOl'V t>Vl'I Till' <.:1tmJd may have.· ln1prowd Nuvy·~ rt'(~Jl'd to I :J. but th1• w111 11 u1y he• 111.1111• u t'Qlllly 111w Q11111 t1•rl11H"k M11 1T11 Pugnant•llt, a lur m l't lfunltnKhlll Bc•t1l·h llll(h stunduut and !ht• mulnsiuy uf N~wy'8 orrcn:.c.· this :it'USUll. was Wkt•n from lhe fwld un u slrt·tdw r 111 the· lh1rd quarlt·r, possibly with u b1ukt•n ll'M Pagrw1wl11 had t•X p1•1 w1w1.J gr1•u1 sut'\'t•ss s1m•t• lx'l'Ommg th1• M1dJll':o.' No I quarlt•rhat•k lust st•aM>n afll'r n ruto~t·d prt.•p lt·nurt' wht•n he wus u mt•mlx'r of the 011t•rs' 197tt tt.•urn wh1l·h Wl•nt 1-9 But l'Onung anto Sulurday's game. Pag nundli had pusst.-d for 1,993 yurds and wus approot·h1ng M•veral N..ivy rt'C.'Ords. In otlwr t:ollC'gt• fooll>ull Ul'tl!Jn playt·J Saturday St•nlord 3 I , tf •Nlllnllton St. 211 PULLMAN. Wush Former &J1so11 ll1gh star M1k1..• Do ll1..•rl•r bulll·d four yard s fur a toul·hdown with 22 st•l'unds r1.'mmr11ng to g1vt• S t an ford a :J I :lli Vll'lor y over Washington S ta te an a Pa1..·1fu:-IO ConCerent..'l' game desp1lc Swnfonl quurwrback John Elway's worst game or the season Dutt1..•rn. f1llan~ an for NCAA rL"Cc1vang leadc>r l .l>LLEGE fYJCJTUAl,I L V11wt-1\l Whitt'. 1•ui;ht•d for 155 yurds 1Hld pk kt'<l up thn•t· 1oul·hdown11 un runs of four amt .. 1x yurd11 uml un u 111x -yurd pass from i-;1wuy Thi· C:unirnal s11<111ll ·t·ol ll'I' 111 t I 0 111 :w pllK-'«'' fur H5 yurds, hrl.'ak111l( u l:.!·81.1tnt· i.tl'l•Jk 111 whh'h Ill' pasi.t-<.I for 200 yurds or mort• But Elway still 1·11mpll'l1•d lwu to111'11d11w11 pussl'S, 01w uf 11 yards u111t lt1t• ..,1 x y.11 d1•1 t11 Dol tt-n•r .'\.tUr•• D•mP l:J. Or,.l/un l :J EUCENE. Oil· M1k1 · Joh111>t1111 k11 kr ·d ,, :15-yurd fwld goul with I J St.'l,111lh• lt.•fl 111 1l w 1<111111· us t:nh rankl-d Notrt· Damt· s11 lvau1'(.J .1 1:1 1:i 111· w11h wmlt~ On:gon 'l'hl' field goal wu:-. J uh11:>lun's 1 ~1!11 w1lh11ul u miss this sc.•ason '\p1·ada·ff Pnu 17. ('!ti l 'ull••rttu1 1 Kt•n Mizell returned a huri·u'll µunt :111 y1111h for u tou«hdown and quart1..•rlw1·k Mii1 1a h.1ll Spt-rbel'k fired a 32-yurd S<'ortnK p11101 111 w1d1 rN·e1ver Alphonso W1l11um s ui. Nt•vud u 1<1•11•1 I 1'1'111 dt'(l 11 I'/ 'l lllln t'Vl\h'l ''lll l' Vll'lory UV('I' l°.JI Sualt• fulli·11t111 To11y l'A•mlt•Ji•" ~uvt• tlw Wolf Put•k a 3·0 ll·od with II :ii v111d llt•ld g11.1l ,J(lt•t IW'Vl'n ffil0Ult1J ul pl11y It 'itH.Vl'll 111111 way un11l M1wll'i. punt n ·tu1 11 w11h '.! :111 l1 •l1 111 tl11· "'('ullfl qu.11h•1 rnaJ(• lt 10.I) S/\ N I >11•:( :1 I l.>.·f1 ·n,1v1• hut k IJuvt• Croud1p •·• h 111 luwil 11'1111 d by 11•tur111nl( an ml<'rl•cpuon t()(J v .. 1 .t .. 1111 11 1n111 hd11wn us San D1,•go St.ale rolled w 11 '11 17 111111 1<111l1•11•111't· v1t·l11ry 1Jvcr Long &ach S1 .. t1• < '111l11l1p. who -.t'I 11p u1111tht•r Azwc s1:ort-when 111· "" HV1·11·d 11 1,.•11 Monl~onwrv fumbk• 1n the first q11111 l1'1 11111·11 •·11t1>tl .1 l>oul( Dl'nt·y ~at tht-San 1>1••1<11 1{11.il 11111· l.111· 111 1111' lhud quurwr and wru. , .. ,.,,,ti·il '"' l1•11Hth of 1h1· flt'ld liy his tt·arruna~ ffa11thl111/tt1n I U. 'l '••.\:11.-. 'f 'prlt 3 :0-1·,/\'l"J'l.E S11ph11rn111 1· t.11lbat:k Ja«qut 1~1111111>11111 t1C 111l'tl 1111 .1 II.I yu1d 1u11 and set up a < ltw k N1 ·l"''" lll'ld 1<11.11 with d 4:l-yurd burst m the 111111 lh •11111111·1 •I'> N11 I 11111k1·d Wo.1..-.htngLon ('ilffil' 11 11111 111 l1111d 111 lw.11 'l'••><w. T1·1·h 10-3 m a non-• 111111·11·111 1· V,111111' 3.84 1.97 ... ~or$1 Lite Beer from Miller Soft Brushed Orlon Booties Barbasol Shave Cream Dow Bathroom & Oven Cleaner Drink the allstar beer. A hie drink. Refreshing. delicious any time . 4 pairs of women's booties 1n soft Orlon. acrylic/stretch nylon. 11 -oz. • Can. concentrated shave cream. Oven cleaner lifts grease 16-oz • Bath cleaner disinfects t 7 -oz.· ggc OermHNge Olah Soap D11hw1stung L;qutd lortilled w1U\ prOlean 22·fluod ounces. Kraft Paper Lunch Bags 50 sell·slandtnQJISY~ l\l!l(;h bigs A low K mart pnce. 1.69 Hot Roast Bfff Sandwich Served with wh<pped poll· lOM I nd 'Jl9V'/ 5Al Men'a lnaulated Leather Boot Brown IUlt gtllfl leather pl9I upper toe1. lully an141l1led with polyutethlne colllt, pla.1- IJC 11«m welt. PVC lining. 1Jl ·~.., ~or$3 Polyester Fiii Washable non-1llelgenic llberlill fC>f home cr111s In 12-oz • beg 'N9t*'\. ""' ATARI' ....... _,__..,,,.. ........ ~ .... ,., •• ,i..c-.......... ............ .,...1 .., 1.37Each 46 Oz.• Vlaslc 0111 Plcklea YO\Jt ChOlc4I ol Polish Of Koshe< dills Dehcoous It\ salads Of U I Sflldt. 'Fl 01 21.88 1Al 64-0z. • Fantaatlk..- Reflll An all·purpose cleaner, with lots of clelnang power A IP'IY cteanet 'Fl~ Aeterold•,... cartridge ee vlrilllon• for 1 or 2 pleyeft. At1r1• excitement 11 • grHt k merte ~. 24.88 --... __ AVAILABLE AT 'fOUR LOCAL ~<-D• •· ---·-·· I' \ .. :,. • ' ' r . ~ . .. ' Oru11gu Coast OAtl V PILOT /Sundoy, Octobor 24, 1962 H :S Top-rat ~d Anteate r · win twice Saturday's college football scores Anteaters outla t U C lrvine'li J o hn Vargas scored with 1 10 remaining to be played and the Anteaterll h«>ld on to post a 5-4 decision over host Stanford 1n wate r p olo ac t ion Saturday afternoon. In an evening <'Ontl•st. UCI ventured to Frt-sno where it posted a 9--t verd i c t over thl• Bulldogs At Stan f o rd . the c:ontesll"d pltwd thr top two teams in the nation with lop-ranked UC I. now 15-0. posting only the third victory m thL' last six year s by a Cardinal oppone nt 1n Stanford's home pool. The Antea ter s were led b y All-Ame r ican P eter C ampbell who tallied twice. Vargas. John Olivier and Tony Choquehuanca ·added one each COLUOI WHI USC 36. U1eg1>11 St 0 UCLA 47, CalltO•n•• 3t S 11n Diego S1 !5 1. long Oeitch St 11 Neveda·Aeno t 7 Cal Slate f'ullerton 7 Oregon 13, Noire Dame t3 Washington tO, f1111as Tech 3 S tonlord 3 t , Washington SI 26 Fresno SI 39. San Jose SI 27 St Mary a 23 Sonoma St 7 Sen1a Ciera t9. Cal Poly Pomona 1<1 Canl WHhlngton 31 01egon Teen 21 E Ofegon 39, w OtegOn 17 Hayward SI 42 San F1MCllCO SI 13 Puoe1 Sound 24, Porll•nd S1 fl Rockie• BYU 3 4. Colorado SI t8 Wyoming 16. Ulah 13 Iowa S t 3 t . Colorado 14 Boise St 4 t. Weber St 21 ldano St 28. M ontana 14 Arizona 55. Paclllc 7 Idaho 36. M ontana SI 20 E Washingt on t 4 , N. A11zona 7 N Oako1a 18, N Colorado 17 S Utan 36. Wattern St . COio 14 w Montane 2 1 Rocky Mounlain 6 W New M9AH.l.I ,II, '' I ewla ~4 Ca111111 Mll"I 28. Mo111•11• f<tCll Ill touthweet Ark11n1111 38. ltOUllOll 3 O klllhOITII 27 01\lllllOffll St 9 McNMH SI 2 '· Arkan111 St 10 Texa• A&M 49. RIC.I 7 TCU 24, Btylor 7 SMU 30, Tuaa t7 Air Force 36, Teiui&·[I Puo 7 • E. Cenlral u :18. Tuat lulh•••n 20 Angelo St 16. Howard Payn., 6 NE 0-IAhOma 30. SW Ot.lattoma 13 SE Olllahoma 21, NW Ot.Jahoma 14 l•rl•ton SI 37 , lubboci. Cn1111an 14 S Catollne SI 2 I, Florldl AUA Ill Ark -Pll'\9 BkJff 32, Kentuclly SI 10 Ol.l•Chll• 29. Cent Ark•nNI 2Z Mldweet Nebraska 23. Ml1sour1 19 Ohio St 49, lndlana 2~ Purdue 24, Michigan SI. 2 1 M ichigan 49, Northwestern t4 llllnols 29. Wisconsin 28 Tulsa 34, Drake 18 N Illinois 10. E. Michigan o Ball St. 13. W. Michigan 6 S m1nols 21. Indiana St 9 Ohio U 20, Miami, O 1.97 1.37 Men's Orlon 160-Ct. Pkg. Crew Socks Bubble Gum W 1Ch1l a ~I lU I v•ll•· A1l111gton 13 fole<1o ,4, Bowling C.r•"" tO K11na11a S1 30. Kanen f iowa 21, M111neaol• IU tlenedlc;llne Kan •8 Md An1 NeJer-I 0 O.na~ 2 1 Man<:he11 .. 14 luthet JI W1lll•m Penn 0 Mlll1h1n 211. llmhUral 21 Mo Wealerr1 :12, Empo11a SI 14 Morimou1h. Ill 17. 011nn4t11 16 SW K1'1HI 31, St M11y·a. Kan l lllln041 J I. W 111111041 T Jeme"own 30 0.kol• SI 3 lO<H 24. IJelOll 8 P1ll1burg SI 37. Ft Haye SI 15 Wal>Uli 4 I, WhNIOO 38 W I• -eau C l •••• 3 4 . Wla Whltewaltt 31 Buena VIiia 28, Simpton 10 Carthage n. Norlh Perl< 7 C•ril Mln ourl 23, MIH OUll· Rolla 20 Evangal 48. Cen1 Methodlll o Hemline t 7. Concordia, Moor 13 lndlana Central 30, Oaorg41town. Ky 7 Mo Soutnetn 23, K-nay SI. 14 Norlhwd, Mich t3, Wayne, MJCll 1 Ripon 2.i, Chicago 23 St John'a. Minn 38, St Olaf 8 St Thomas 21, MacalHI•• O Stou• Falla t7 . S Oa llol•· Sprgfld o S Oakola Teen 48. Oallote Wealyn 7 Ev11111vtfle 24. Frenklln 23 Flnofay 31, Hano.,., 7 sac 8-Qt. * Kmart Potting Soil louth Al•b111na 2 t . Chtcln11111 3 Oeo1g111 Tech 3 1. TerrntUM ~I Maryland 40, Ouk• 22 Auburn :lb, MIHIH IPpl SI 17 Cl•maon 38, Nor1h CarOlln11 St 20 VMI 14, Richmond O Virginia 34, Wake ForHI 27 Venderblll 19, M i1,1l11lpp1 tO V ir g ini a Tech 34 Appe1ach1on St o E Carolina 21, llllnof1 SI O James Madlaon 24, Wiiiiam & Mery 18 Georgie 27. Ken1ucky 14 s M INIHlppl 48, Loul11vllla 0 LSU t4, South Carolina 8 S Caraon-Newman 36. Oardnar- Webb 21 9 Cen11e 32, Rote·Hulman 17 Kean 20. Salltbuf)' St 17 MIHJltlPPl Col 16, Tenn -~·"" Soulhefn U 17, AIGofn St 12 LIW>gatona 17, fa)l9ti.vllle SI 16 Pre•by1 .. 1eo 30, M1111 Hiii 0 Sew41"" ::11. Wun & LM 20 Ft. Valley ~I 24, J C Smltn 8 Georgie Soolhetn 36, New~rry 14 Eaet Navy 28. The Cltadet 3 Penn SI 24. W Virginia 0 Bucknell 42, Columbia 25 Dartmouth l<I. Co1r1ell •3 Harvard 27, Prlnce1011 t5 lo'llll burgl'I 14, 8yr1cuH 0 Rutger• 34, Colgeltt I 7 Penn 27, Vall t4 Boston College 32, Army t7 B o tton u 42 . MauachuMll• 6 Holy Cron t 7, Brown 8 Melne 21. Connecllcut 1 Letayette 49, Oavldeon t4 8roo1<1yn Col 0 . Rutger• Newatk fl Bulfalo 52. 8roci.po11 St 13 M111 Marlll m• 40 w C00"41CIJQJI 12 MIChOla t 7, W N-Cnglenc:t 1 • St l ewrenGe ;)4 Rochealet 1 Slippery Roe~ t3, Lock Heven SI 10 Wt11J1m1 13, Tufta 11 Amhet•I 14, Wffley•n 0 Oelewere Vil 43 Wll-H 0 E. S1roud1burg 41, Mllleravllle St 9 6 EOlnboro 81 33, M1n1lleld St 6 Oao1getown, 0 C 37, Oella1.10et lone 38. Pac• 30 M1nhet11n 30, S1ony BrOOll 23 Muhlent>et"g 2 I, W MarytanO t• ShlpPef!aburg SI 24, Celllornla, Pa 19 Union. N Y 28, Trinity Conn 1• Wagnat 34, New H•van 7 W Virginia Tech 24, Falrmon1 SI 13 lthaCA 3, AmerlC•n Intl O Siena 14, N v Merillme fl All4111heny 27, CeN Wellern 20 Cenl ConnecllCul 14, MonlctaJr SI 14.111 19" Diag. Measure Mooe4 CR820 1 19" ::::::,~ Goldstar Color Television 3-pair package of Orlon acrylicls· Every boy and girl loves bubble gum. Ready to use. odorless. ster1le: and Goldstar "Auto Color" control sys- tem, rapid on picture and sound tretch nylon socks 1n basic colors. 160 pieces. Individually wrapped. won't burn. For all plants. ·0rv-..... 33.88 Ctatrol Foot Fixer Heal & massage loot care with lhetmoslat conltOI. 1111 ., .... ·-·" ., .. ,, C7h U ., .. ,. ,,.,,. .,. ... '"'" ...... . ,. ... ~ .... ,. ... -;. --·~ --___. r-7•·-:-:-7· Soundealgn Stereo AM/FM 111<&0 receiver. cassette plaY9f/r8COfder and 8 lraok. 3.97ea. We l>al eno• NdlwtlMt°" 1'90.. 23.88 Framed CanvH Textured Color Englargementa Q)lot -~· lrom yo., l•YOrlte Foul' KocMColOr" Ol-C-.t "991-Cloc;•OI cfWomeOl •...,.,,_ff_ •11,u .,.., •&20 ere "01 • .,.,.._~om I 10 01 \-, "-lSmfn Guaranteed Fiim Developlng Service Quality Pnnll Back When We Guarantee Or Yoor Photos Ale FrM ~ colOt pnn1 '*".,.,,.,.. •Oii ~ ... pnnlrog ~· 110 111 QI 35mm , .... .,._ oNyJ One """' -on,,.,, ,,_ ~- 6-DAYSALE ,, "OUR BEST'' BIAS PLY BLACKWALLS S2'7" Plus F.E.T. 1.43 Each • 7 muttiliped tread ribs •Sizes to flt many U.S. and foreign car1 Mounting lncludM -No T,.....,, Required Front Enrl l\lo<jlHnf'nl Au.111.'lhlo· ~10W.O 3.97 =::.I. I nd new cat apeolfioallone. H~ ~· ... 1.57 1-AO¥eJllTIKO MlUtCHANOllf ~ICY 0---........... ~-. ............ .... ................... .., ............ .,. ............................... .., ~ .... .,.. ............... _ ................... ~ ... ~ --~---· ....... ................... ~ .... -..... ......... .....,._.. ........ --... ~ .. ~-··· ...... ·--~-..-.:• 1.77 Photo Album Phoenix Sllm Jlma ~nt bag Assoned candies Juel 1n tJtne for Halloween 27.77 13.88 Keller Alumlnum Laddent e-toot atep ladder. 3-lnch etepe and other aalety IH· llKet F0t home UM onty 5.97 Pacific Bird Cage Floor model metal bard cage An eleoent looking home lOf tmaUt>Jrds 3.17 C w Poat 4 1, 8Pf wigftefel o Oe11wa11 61, I Owton 81 1 o.11w11e a1 16, Vlfglnla I t 14 ~rn-•n I Mar9'111 27, Utalnut O GetlyU>uro 36, Hampden· Sydney & Hamlllon 20. Ho1>ar1 12 Hoitt•• ~· 1t1no1 Paint 11 Howard V 20, N Cat Oline Alf 17 1 JOhnt Hopkin• 24, L.Oanon Val COMMUNITY COLLIQf South COHt Confetence Ml. San Antonio 38, Or1nge Coast 23 Cerritos 28. Groumont 8 Ml11lon Confffenc• Saddleback •9. Sen Diego cc o C11ru1 35, Palomar t4 Southwellern 2•. Santa Ana t7 Melropolllen Conference Long Beach CC 7, Santa Monie• 7 El Camino 58. Bakerafleld 24 Tait 68, LA Pierce 6 Weatern ltete Cont.fence Glendale 24, Santa Barbara cc 2t Ventura 39, LA Valley 0 Non-Confffenct Riverside CC 57. MlraCosta 21 San Bernardino 23. East LA 22 '"'•>ng Beac h 0 U l 8 I d l' h I t l P r S. Mil h1:l11· K<·llt•y .rnd G 1 n •• E I c h u l' k ll• d u ( U I 111 Us UC J 1 V I n l' c· 11 m 1· h a ,. k a 11 l h l' An t1•11 ttc'rs n •<'urdt·t.l .1 tJ r a rn J 1 1 <' r 1 v t· · ~a rn ~· v ictory 11 v "r vislt1nJ( L11ng Bt•(tt·h Stlllt· 111 w u nw n '); v o I I t· y h .1 I I .wtum Saturday T h (· 4 9 t' r s , 7 i O 11v<·r~1ll , won lhl· f1n.t two ganal'!l, 15-4 and 15-fi , :rntJ li -d in tht.< third. 11-·1. bl'fun· UCI stag1.•d its l'Om1·buck The An lt'cllers, ll'<:J by Kt•ll y 's 14 kills and Ekhul·k's 13. cam<· bat·k to win the third game•, 1 ~ 13. and tht·n was to ·d to v1l"tur1es m thl· nc·xt 1wt1. 15-11 and 15-4 The victor y impr<JVt·!> UlT s record to 16 I ;j ovt•rall The Anlt•atc·rs h<tV{' now won 9 of 1h1.•1r l.J.'>l 10 maU.'h es. CAN WIN s1,ooo,ooo Canadian Government Lottery OVER $30,000,000. IN CASH Draws Every Month ONE IN FOUR CHANCE OF WINNING CASH PRIZES UPTO ~1,000,000 -MANY U .S . WINNERS - Write f or info~ FREE brochure: Write for info & FREE brochure: MEGA AGENCIES INC. 261-1068 Homer Street @ -.-V•a•n•c•o•u•v•e•r•. •B•.•C•.•C-a•n•a•d•a•V-6•B-4•W•9--'1 .. (604) 263-9645 CORRECTION On P•G• 15 of th• Seare OctoMr 24th edvertlelng e • c t I o n' t h • r • I • • n lldvertlMment for .ats448 artificial C hrletmH TrH. The llluetretlon of the tree I• correct, however. the et•nd llluetreted le not tnduded tn ....... pnoe. Thia tr•• com•• with • 3·1•g metal etand. We elnc•r•lr regret enr Inconvenience thl• error mer c:auM . I Sears I NU.IC J«>TICE FICTfTIOUS IWl*ESI NAME ITA TEMENT The fOllOwlng persona •111 doing bl.ISlnesa H AS CONSTRUCTION CO. 2120 Sanla Ane Ave. Costa Mesa CA 92627 AKIN SEZENOL. 2120 Senta Ana Ave, Coate Mesa, CA. 92827 This bualnll$S ls conducted by e g_,al parlnetlhlP Ml in S.Zenol Tn1s 11e11men1 was filed with County CMi<k of 0. anga County on Sep1em1>er 28. 1982 F11M411 Publlahed Orenga Coest Delly Pilot. Oc1 3. 10, 17, 24, t982 43-42-82 Nl.IC f«>TICE FICTITIOUI 9U ... U NAME STA TUIENT lll• fotlowlng person 11 doing busl-••. G C IMPORT & EXPORT. 337 t Nevada SI Coale MMa CA g2626 QA ROON RUJANAWECH 337 t Nevada St. Coal• MMa CA. 1262e Thll bu81,_. Is c:onducted by en lndlvldual. Oeroon All)lnewech Thia ai.1emen1 wu filed by lhl County Cler1I of Orange County on September 30. 1982. ,,.., Pubtlahed Orenga Coast Delly Pilot. Od 3, 10, 17. 24. 1182 ---· --431~8_2 Nil.IC f«)TIC[ '1CTITIOUI au ... SI ...-sun•NT The following penona are Oolng bu.in.a• (11 TliE VOUNO OUTCH CLUB. (2) THE YOUNG DUTCH INOO CLUB. (3) PASAR MALAM. (4J SOVTHERN CALIFORNIA PASAR MA~M: (5) tNOONESIAN FAIR, (6) ASIAN FAIR and (7) ASIAN EXPO . South Cout VllllQA. 3840 S. Plaza Of., Sant• Ana, Ca. 92704 Edwin E. 8"1Mtle (I Califomll co1po1atlon), 1034 King• Roed, Elcondldo. Ca 92025 DI-S. 8-Mllale (1 Cellfornla eorporellon). t034 Kings Roed . Eacondldo, C. 92025 n.i. ~ It conduCl'>CI by ... lnetlvlOual Edwin E. Sera.ntle Tf\111111-1 -flied wllh lhe County Clerk of Oranoe County on &ec>tember 30. t982. ~~-, .=. r.~!P!Clllt "UY .. ,_ Wppl... ~ Special Oct. 20. 1982-0cl. 26. 1982 Pancasius Mltm: 2.99 lity ~bolt IS ~cflll I 1m I ira<tM SWll!ll!WI 1nd consl•~lly on lht mo•t I am mort comlorl1Dft 11 1ecomparued by OM or hwo ol my brolht11 01 s;sters Ste me al Aou11ic lropiub w!ttrt I 1m on salt undfr tht n1mt ''Blut Whitt lor orir 199 P\ll. IC f«>T 1C£ FICTtTIOUI 9U'*E86 NAME STATEMENT The tolk>wlng persons are dc>ong bu9onesa as • SALMAC INC , 2280 Senta Ana A.,., Cosla Mesa. ·CA 92627 LOUISE. SAL, VA Tl, 2280 Sanla Ana Ave. Coeta Ma ae. C A . 92fl27 ROBERT V McCOY 19170 Orovewood Or , Corona. CA 91720 Th11 bu-•• conducted by a c;orpot all()n Louis E. SalVali This llalement WU flled by Ille County Cletk of Orange County oo S41ptamt>er 30. t982 Ftg868S Published Oronge Con1 Delly Pllol, Oct. 3. 10, 17, 24. 1982 4351·82 Ml.JC f«>TICE F1CTinOU8 .,... .. ..,._ITAn..NT The rollowlng peraon 11 doing ~-: TRENDS. 20221 Crown RMI l -Hunllngloo Beach Ca. 92646 BONNIE BARK LEV, 20221 Crown Reef Lane Huntington ~ CA. g2&46 Thll ~ II conducted by en lndlvldual. Bonnie Bar1t ley Th1t 111temen1 WIS n1ec1 wtllt Ille Counry Cieri< ol Or•noe County on Seo• 30. 1182 Fl~ Publlthed Orange Coes• Oelly Piiot. Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 1982 '4316-82 l'\8.IC f«>TICE FICTITIOUS _, ..... NAmeTAn.NT The lollow1ng perton 111 doing buafnMI ... JIFFY PRINT, 17330 Newl>Opl SI . Fountain Valley, Ca 92708 Debra Ann Roche, 16S82 Ml Shelly, Fountain Valley, Ca. g2708 Thia bull-11 cooductld by an Individual. Oebf I Ann Roche Thlt 1111-1 wu flied wtlh 1h• County Clerk of Or-enge County on Secl•ember 211. 1982 Ft"9QI Publllhed Orenge COHI Delly Piiot 0c1 a. to. 11. 24. 11t2 43411-82 Publllh•d Orange Coe:•'= ____ ML __ IC_M>_TICE ___ _ PllOI OG1 3. tO, t7. 24, tte2 '1CTITIOU9 .,.._ .. 42&M2 ~ 1u.,....-r Th• lotlowlng ~•on It dOln9 bu"'--JEIHIY HOPKINS LAWN PICTITIOUI -M SERVICE. 6$5 vi.ta 9onl1• HewPO<t NAMI ITA,_,.,. e.ctl Ca. 1"20 The fGllOoMng l*IOM .. dOlnt Jl"fllY LEE HOPKINS. U8 bullllMI •: Viti• Bonll• Newl>Of' Bea<:ll Ca ANOlR SO N 92620 COMMUNICATIONS CO , 4000 Tiiie bu"'-le conOuoted by an WHterly Pl. tulle tOO. Newf)Oft lndMOu•I. ~. CA. ,..., JIRRY HOltl<INS GARY PATRICK AN0£RION, Tl'lie etetemenl ... llled wllll lhe :totot 111111 Lane, Huntt1111011 CountY Clltk of Or*'OI County on lteCfl, CA 1*9 hfll '°· IM2 '-ONNll JUllA ANOE"SON, ,,.._ totoa llleet "'"'· Hu11t1n1to11 PublllMd Orantt Cou1 Oalty ...... \;A '*' . Hot. ()d 3. 10. 1t ..... ttel n. IMll"8t 11 oonouct• .,, M 41t1.aa lnCIMdllel, 0.,., P, AMeteon TNe .. ~ .. llld .... 0-fY Ctn °' Ot9ll09 County Ofll ..,._.,., 14. 1ter. ,...., ll'ublillled Ora111• OcA.1 Oerly .... Ocl 3. 10, 11. 14, ·~ C•lt 141-1171. 1 Put ...... rc1. to won '°' *-· : ~ • .__~~~~~~~~~~~j \ Be Orungo Coaat DAILY PILOT fSunduy Oclob.,r 24, t\HI., U Wlrat»Mto o tre Dame~s Stacey Tor a n ~ocs high in lht• a ar lo block Oregon ick dur ing 13 -13 de adlock Sa lu rda~. 1 COUeGE uac -. °"90" 1 1. o ..... .,~ Orevon Slate o o o o-o Southetn C., 21 10 7 o 38 U8C -Oll>ton 1 rvn (Jordan kid<) USC -T Whli. 13 pau from SaH1oory (Jolllan Ilk*) USO -OltMon 1 run (Jordan kic:k) USC -FO Jatdan 22 U90 -Spencer 3 run (Jo<dan kld<I U8C -A. JaOll_, I Nn (Jo<dan klCl<I A -50,03$ T-luttelln OIU f'lrtt~ 1• "'*-"vetdt so.a 1 P...ing ywdt 99 AMum ywde 22 p-9-29-1 ""'* 8-38 f~ t-3 ~yWO. 5-40 Tll'M of P-.lon 30 40 ............ lletk. VIC 23 46-267 122 12 15-25-1 3·51 3·2 8-55 2920 AY&t11NO -Oregon 81&ta. Ter•ell 3-29. Maton. 7°24. OgMl>y 16-21. Soothe<n Cal lM 442. Oll>eatl 15-e&. A Jecl<-. 11·~ PASSINO -Oregon 81a1a. S ingler 8·11·0-H , 8Hy 2-11·1-33, Burton 1·~0. Henderlon 0-1..0-0 Souti..tn Cal, Salltt11,,y 10· 1'·0-130 Tlns lay 3·1·0-31, Arrt•ay 1·4· 1-13 T Wi'l11t 1-l~-43. AIOEIVINO -Oregon S1a1a, O...on 2-' 1. Hel.O.eon 2·17, ~ 2-' Sov!Mtn Cal. 9'"-1-H , T WNta 3-43, Honnen 2·21 McCool 2-25 ,_ ltattatlc1 UCLA Cat flrtt~ •• 19 Au.,_.,..,.,. 52· 107 29-112 PUiing ywdt 397 323 AMume ywdt 53 7' p-18·24.() 25-'1·3 """"' 7·285 9-275 ~IOtl 3-2 0..0 ~ywdt 4-43 8-50 Tllneol Pc11111lo'> 33.21 21132 ~•taU.llc1 "UIHINQ -UCLA. Ramaay 11·7 ~ 11-15, ~ 7-37, 8'Vf>O 4.17 ~ l10t'f 1M5. Tuggle 6-40 Gllbarl •·10. PAISINO -UCLA, Aamaey 17·23..0-372, flM\l~HI 1· 1·0·15. Celllornla. Giibert H-2M·1M, TorCllllo 14-2S.2·1t7. M Cl!tVINO -UCLA. l!lergmenn 5-70. Oerne, 4· IU, 0. Wllllwn1 1-7~. TownM11 2•74. C&Hfornla, HOWOlll l-1M, 1Aw11 7.70 Ford $-45, Moeley 3-35 Go>den WHt M1 SIM' Anlon•o CefrllOI San O.ago Mua F-.ti.<ton Of•"lle Cout Grou mont MIH lon Conterenc:. c.....,_ g- Soutl'lwMi.rn R•-•lda CC 5.,,0• Ana Cllrvt San~CC Patomar • l 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 I 1 0 2 0 2 ••tllf'd•r'•~ Seodtet>ac-49, San ~ CC 0 C1tru1 3S. Patomer I' Sou1n .... 111tn 24. Sen11 Ana 1 7 l e111rdolr'•O-Sou1~-·e<n at SMldltt>adr. San Diego CC •• C11rua Paiomet at R•-tlOe CC O...ell • l I 0 • 0 3 1 2 4 2 • 2 • ' 4 HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS South CoH t l e99u. L•avue 0v .. a11 WLT Wll 1..ao. v J ~. J j 1 • 2 1 I.' H•OI' V .. tO 2 0 •, S I I SMi C-te 2 • o s 2 o LaQUna Holt• l 2 ? 2 S 0 Laguna Beacn 1 2 O 3 3 O WOOdl><IOCM I 2 0 3 3 0 Oan1 H1lls 0 • 0 0 1 0 .., PA lO• 7' 197 91 109 al st 16' S8 69 101 101 ~· 112 S1tvrday'1 kora C.~p1Weno Valley 63 Laguna Hiii& 13 N .. 1 Friday'• o-• LllQuna Bt8'~ al San Clel'nt!flle Dena HNI• ... lMgUtl• ...... •I Mla&lon '~1U'()fl V•eto V!1 Woodbridg& al Ir Vint Cn.no at C9'><Strano Valley enon 1e90ue1 Sef-.it• ....... 0.. AngMI Le-a: i,•l\ue Wl r 20 0 •1 0 200 •21 SI Pau• B·'1>0P Am<1t p.,, x 1 1 0 s 2 0 0 I 0 6 1 0 020 3 4 0 Se<re 0 2 0 I S I Mal9' Del ;~is~·,~~.~·· s.r.tte •2, P1u1 K O Friday'• OamM Malet O.• Al B•Sll<>P Amal SI Paul 81 P•us X S..vrt• at Sena Ot"-r M:Of ea OAl!OEN G,.OYl IAAGUf le O<J•nta 4 I $.wltoago 0 EWUlll LEAOV. Et Oo<aoo 24 Los .i.11m1101 3 W•ter ooto COlUOI UClr¥1Ml,t......,..4 .., PA ISO 43 031 77 171 19 12s 90 66 131 40 126 UC Irvine 1 1 2 1-6 S1an1ora 2 1 O 1-• UC IFlllM tcortng P CemplMll 2 Var9M 1 04.,...1~1 UC 1"tna t , ,,_ ·~ 4 VClrW>a 1 2 2 4-t FrbnO Scat• 1 1 1 1 4 OC Ir ••"• 1corlng V••O•• ), Choci...nv•n<ft 2 Ood!IO<> 2 p CamObeM 1 wono 1 HIOH I CHOOL Indio t . l 1tencla t Et1anc:•a I 1 1 1 6 ~dlO 2 2 2 ) 0 E11anc1a acorong lnadoml J F11n11y 2 B&rg I li"8rln1 It, 8olH Orende t BOIN Grand• I 2 2 1 6 Marnia a 1 7 3 1t Marona te0<1ng SpanovlCl'I 1 8•ollllltlon 1 Ent1rt t Warde 2 H()91!Nlt. Z"Uhy) S""th Lynell. R I 0annay ~ ' c_._..._.,L-...._...._.. Corona del Mer 6 I 6 2-~ Lono haet\ M-en I 2 3 o-• Corona <Ml Mar tCOrlng lm"'nlno I. TtMPI• '· Morrow 2, lloh 2, I H ly 1, V-1. P-....n 1, "°°9rlt I. koct I 11co .. o llACI. • lu••onci• WeynMt•n• 1e1ac-1 9 80 S 00 • 00 MuncJftlory OutMtn 1v~1en1u~•-1 8 20 6 60 Bon1>on&1.,• tRome<ol 16 80 Also te<:e<I Pal1Htr, Li'IH Pi~le l\jallva G•I Peco• Pink Tne W•y W• We••. Fir So"g Joro, • Bubu I Oy •hl'ltl) Doon• Doll Time 1 Oil 215 . U OA.ll V OOUILE1} 21 p "" $24 •O THlllO llACl . I 1116 rrnie. 5-0.amond (Oli'l11y1 6 80 ' '° 3 40 No<l" or l..._• (1-<an-.1 S 60 3 80 Fleet SGrem,.,., (llOl'l&tnl 5 40 .i.ooo rac:ao Som&li'long Beyond, Crptal Gcble1 Bastom Tlrnaltu Bt0<1ie lome 143 1'5 FOUllTH l!ACI. 1 11 111 mHM M..go•e. Mu$•( tM•H•OI 1 20 Bold 1mp1oee11on I P•nc•yl lv0< Stt"I (Romero! ) 20 l 80 2.80 2 80 4 40 Ar\'.I '·H''" l dfr1•00 J•flDtll'r W•ck,'f l(umin11cn1 Time 1 42 115 FIFTH RACE b , lu•l<>"ll' o" lu•I 51'•,,.,1.•te tH• .. l•~I 6 60 4 20 2 80 Smoi<lte (HellJ I 00 4 ~ Aern<tmt>ar "°"" tSIOMlal 2 80 C~ t,.c:...! h1:\!'.:.::. Mac I• tar. Toma I 13 115 JS l!llACTA •5 t" P•.O $176 00 ltll'TH "-ACl. One mlla Am&ltng bgla ICllndt l 31 00 13 llO 5 80 Ktng1 Dawn f Plr>t&Yl 5 90 3 80 Fteal Paul ANllOn (blr•d•I 3 20 Alf() •aced French Comm•ndar 81ton Bty F11111tou1 Pettenl Ce11ac1an lime 1 35 VS HVINTH l!ACl. I II UI ml._ Sa1eo IM<:Haroual 13 00 5 60 • 00 Monarch (Valan1uala) 4 20 3 20 SftlOod CCu1-a1 5 llO AIM> •IC*! Ad~llng SH D•~ AP """"emmao Rao Roc-•I 11 Gotoen flu T.,... 1" 415 M lllACTA 18·51 paid $127 SO a ~IC 1111 (2·3·1 5·4·11 paid 162 595 00 ..,,., I"' .. •ln""'Q 11C*.tlt (II• ~' S2 Pie>. SI• conaot1uon ptld $.443 eo w11n 141 WIN'W.no lldl..-t• tfl..,.. P\Ot ..... l EIGHTH llACE. I 1" 16 mote~ Landaluca IP•ncaY) 2 10 2 tO 2 10 SOPh•sttealaCI Gor110th1nl 3 40 2 10 G•.,,J• Raina (llat.,,rual•l 2 10 Al•o ••ceo Lilvvo Bay Sh•rilt 8rown 5,,..011• Flower 1 •me ol S•'* 111"41 1414/5 • lllACTA 1&-11 Paod U 2 ISO -™MC.. 1 1116 mllal Omaile Mille (Slt*al 12 00 5 80 3 20 ~lie Fan1u 11e (Plttoa1 8.20 3.20 S•d 04 HOnOUr (Ptncayl 2 40 AlllO •aced 1 The P-. P1aMe ea on TIMa B.g Geo ... Cltaon Royally True C ...... Gummo, G<MI CIOuO Time 142 3/$ • D ACTA (-.t) palcl '13• 50 AU&nd..-~7.ff7 Hollywood '•"' IAT\MOAY'I MMILT8 (1111 .. UiotlWll ,__ _..,,., Flfl•T l!ACf . Ofl9 mlla ~- H H CHppar (ToOdl 17 40 8 90 3.80 IWI 01anv ... CAUl>tnl e.oo 3 40 J-Grauan (A.nclereon) 2., Alto •aced· 01;nlot 91er. l(ln91lay W_....,, Amll><oelle, Par•I Ugllt N, 8'&11 Boy N, Wlrldy Range N, UOla r1mr 2.00 215 SI UACTA(S-1) paid 11800 llCONO l!ACl. ~ ,,,.. -Fred a-(Ancltteonl 5 80 a.80 2 eo Cool Gey (Aul>lnl 4 40 3 00 Vulcan Bay tCtoO"tnl 3 40 AllO ••C•d Mmb•O Br•d N, ''"'••r Rew1rd Golda Mair N Cou11a111. Vov ChaH _ - Tl..,. 1 $1 31~ n...-o llACl . One mica pace l Royal Edward (Prkt) 3 80 2 80 2.40 First Cruuoa (B11<ar1 • l!O • •O Ctlm Vour ... I (Todd! 6 20 Alto raced Liiia a 81101 lord 8r'1jede. Phoanl• Jeck. Qrll N, Cf'le.rcoal Hanover Orange Jutca Tim• 201 116 SI UACTA C7·21 paid '3000 'OUl"TH l!ACI. ~ mlla pee. F""deC& King (Prlltl I 40 3 80 2 90 vovno .-.,, 19,.,..renl 5 80 3 oo Gian ~"" (longol 2 eo AIM>'"'*' PIM $hip Ama11&1. Cftan- Play Capta in P1dero Ham11n Rad, Sl&dgef'l- T Ima 1 $6 ''"H l!ACI. One moa pace Mounl Lol>all CTO<ld Ill 1 90 4 40 ) 00 t<en1ue11y l(lnQ (R•tC11l0tdl 1 40 6 eo Avon Spar-(Tremt>tay) I 00 Alto raced Kllr, J"'-T(lllf, -Tegoar Too. Hlgll Moore, lou111arn l!hytllm Time 161 :Ill ti lllACTA (3 I I pa1c1 Mt to llJn'H l!ACI , OM Mlle P&Ot T efPOt1 0oMy C!, 40 to H tO I 20 MAJI 8\lrnl>to ( I " 40 I to 8•-Hll lLOngOI 4 80 Alt o raced l(ona COHt, i.eeo11nt N, '"-•· Or)' .IGll. Uni An«-N, Qarry A'l'f, Blil\H llftoMa Time 1 M II lllACTA I .. IOI p&IO 1462 00 llVIN1" llACI, One rMe p114e M111 .. G tlalll8toec>nl UO i) to 2.IO Oeamo"CI '°"°""'' e eo a 20 OMtl Pllffll (OrUIHlyi 4 00 Alt o r•,•d IOI• llP•Cllllon, C'Mon Hlll1>141y, Unit lr.i "'111«, Uglltlllfl lllm, H"" VIM<, Olan Mifty, T11etot1 Ctwf" fltfte I ., 216 • IUCTA fM) Pe10 t1~ IO ~ ..... Oellt,.,. .... ~~=' ... 140 uo ~ I 180 l,.aO ... • ••• o C1*111t IM Ml,__ Cf9'10.. ..... ~N. .._,,.. fl!N 1 IM.,. • I JIAOTA (Ml fNltt"I to TllOJ AN From Page B 1 1m•11t1w1 u f1t tlt 1tlrllll(hl u 1un1µh for tlw li11(h 1ntl111ij. llth runkl'd T roJ11ll1<, 11ow ~l I I l w.11> i.ud1 IJ l.iu~ht•r , l I o.)IJlll'I l'om It .J11h11 1<111>1111>1111 l~j(ol lthOUI lh1• l'!<f>l111t"I 11( Ill' '11111 h•tll .11111 1·xpou11d1·d CHI tlw ll'M'I Vl'h, \1111(1111.: OUI w.ilk OJI fulllwl k Wlllll.' C:111 tl1111. u l:W J>OUllclt•I . t11r h1i. lw .. 1 monwrll l'I foi·1~ "111•':0. 111' l11Uj(h II l(U y :Ill you'll I I 11 d , ' ' h U Id I h I' b I' a Ill I II g Hoh111~111 "Thi:. wu:. I! tl•ut11 tJuy Jnd till' M'l'•1nd hot f ww1 ~rt•111 I u11 " Thi• T roJan K ullllit-d lou1 qual'k1 but·k?! 10 ull nod u bundle of othl'r rt•servt'li, with s M.'<.'ond unit prt•hcrvmg lhl' shutout 111 thl· f ourth quarter after the Bl'aVl•r:. had managed a f1r11t down ot the USC 5-yard hnt'. "Thul wus lht• pest thi{li of lhl· day," !laid Rubinson, ''our backup ddl•nsl' holding them. I fe~I s trongly that this team ls bet·omml( a ~ood football team. And. tht•y'r1· fun players, it's fun bcm8 around lh('m " Mu t er D C'I H igh product K t'nnl'dy Pola. a converted lirJl•bal·kl'r movl·d 1nlo the fullbm:k slot. netted 22 yards (the longt•sl n I-I-yard burst) on four <'arril's, t·augh1 a 13-yard pass and blocked wt•ll, too. "He'll play at fullback thf' rest or the yt•ar," said Robinson, who niuvl'd Polo w help shore up an tnJury-1'11.ldll-d bal·kfie ld. "He did a good JUb. ht"s a physical kid." "I frll prl'lly good." said Pola about hb rww positron. "l got a lot o f hl'lp from my teammates. Thl'y k<.·pt pointing me in the r11o(ht t..l1n'l·t1on " Orl'~on State C oach Joe -TH l!ACl. Ona mfl• pace Pei .. Onao1n IAndron> 7 80 5 40 3 80 Game SllOw (B•)'IMal 15 00 11 20 Hurroeane Sti1nr>on (BaMerJ 1 00 Al•O llCaCI Mr o •• ,. •. J an•• And•• .... C-boy Se>ur. Time 8quClta B&1on. Smit! Koa1a Time 1 65 316 a lllACTA (7·4) pll>d I 152 40 a ~IC 1111 t2·3·9·3·3·71palclSJ1 436 00 .. nn one "'"'"'"II 1oe1<e1 ,.,. r>or-l u Po 8tA con101a 11on paod I 163 60 wtli'I 8 4 ""'"""'Cl llCl<atl ,,, .. --· TlWTH 111.t.C«. One mlla pace Sci'lol111 N (Aubin! 5 00 3 40 2 40 Vtn Tudor (AJ>O«-.) 4 00 3 20 C-y Lobell (Todd) 5 eo AllO rKtO Terpo<t Song " P .... 1>1a Qian Inn. Fro11y Sf\1p~r S1anlay T1>0• Snow Danca A, Ju11 • Smootl>I• Tlf'nt I 59 215 u lllACTA IS-II paid an 00 .i.nanoanu 9,680 Grand Prt. townament (el ¥--., A4latf'le) ................. Buan GotllToad (U s I .. , Hen<I lacotlt• 1Fr.._1. 8-2. 6-7. M . ti• Scanlon (US I def Mille 0.Pal...., (VS) 3-6 7-6 6-1 WCT tournament (Ill AMtlt«I_,) .................... WOjleli F11>&11 (POl&ndl Clef T ornas SINd 1C1.ci'lo110vek1a) l ·O, 6-2 Kevon Curttn (Soull> Alr!C&I oaf 8tlau l etoay 1~1 e 1. &-4 Ro•l1nel·Deedor• t~ TMCNN Pro CMimploMMpe ( .. ~ ................ C...) Jerry v ... u~·~, d .. . HIM Mor-( Vwdtll. 1 .. , .. :s, 7 ... ; s-Motl (La Joie) "" ~ "91119«1 {lkltllll). w . 6-0l C\#1 ...... (!MM) ..... St-M-(C-rlllol. $-Cl, t-2: Jim Harper (lrvlna ) de f Stave Fulci'lll.o <-"'•'*ml. t-2. &-3. Matll. Han ... ,,.,, (Loa An9ala1) def Hunl&r Paraon IL•911ne ~ 6-2, &-1, Paul ...,_ (8ree) Oel CarlOa H&IM'f (San "9drol 11·4, &-4, Ol'ltll Sytvan (Manllattan 9e9clll oat SW.. .,...,, cSolaN llNc:hl CM1&1Al. Gian Eugenio tS&n 01mu ) dal Tom Olm11Hd (~an Juan Cap11trano), •·I . I ·•. 1·2. 8 01> Chappel ITllOuteNI O&C<tl de! l .,_ Good (~I­ ll· 1 S-0. Jim Sleugllt (Santa S.rb&ra) Oel AleJend10 i'<.,nenti.z (San 'l'lldfO). M , 8-2, Riek Roan (Lot AncMINl def. MIU LtmOn 1Lo1 Anoe1a11. 7·6, 6·2 Devi! Laraon (1no1an Walla) d•I Mark And•-(long 8aach). 3-11. ~.e.3 Gan• Melin (8ever1r H1111) dal. Rou H ...... (lonQ a..cll). 7.g, 6-3, MorlO Pllt\ar (Hunllnglon hactt> IHI AMy Tloutm (lot AngalMI &-2, 5-2, Blltry Boran (S9n Pedro) clel MIU CeM\'(P....,OaMrl).M ,&-2, Tom L-d fSoulh Puadan&I Oel 0-ge 8vlc (Torn.-1. M . 8-2 ·-·•P'nl ............. Mgla Mlnnlelan (Santi 9&r1>at•) def Qal( Giaagow (Corona del Marl, 7-5, 6-2. lrnn TllOltf\ (Canoga Parll.) def Moira O'TOOle fl aouna Hiiie), 7-1, 6·2, Allee Mlddlalon IStnle Mon1c1 ) def Wendy Kr•mp Fulltfton' deleut1, CllMltfna H~lal><end !Sen Ptd10) dal. 8 J Q1avat (Palm 8prlngt l, da!llUl1 . Linde Mallory (IMM) def MOl't Ven Llnge (Newc>Oft e..cll), 1-~. 8-3: Aellera Morenon (Loa Angaltel def C...nil! Hamon (Bollllal, 4-), t-1: L*#Ca Tey!Ot (San Diego) dat Pani>y JoMton (Long llMCfl). OtflMlll. Tin• Moellla11kl Clouti'I PneOet>el def PllllllM II-(W&Mleke Vllla09). 6-1, ,_. A v t·Lll11101 , w lw w ,1tt h1•d 111 ' Bc•,1v1•1 i..' 1u11111 1.tll l•J O 11 I (I 4!7 I d111111~ lui. tt:11u11•), l-.1Jkd 11 ,, fJO"" 1•H1111 hy 1t1, duti "W1• d1tl11'1 t.lu w1•ll, 11 WJ'I ,m 1"11vl111111m•n l lhttt V•m h11v1· II• l>o· 111111111 l' l'llllUl(h (11 hu11t..lh· a11d WI cl11J11'1 d11 th.it >At. wc•ll '"' ....,,. h.ul Ill It'' It nlltllt•1 111 h11 v111~ 1111 uli11!1y 111 k1·1"p V•1u1 111111d 1rn whut yuu h.1v1· lo rl11 " Unr'ot tu11.11t•l y fur A v l•l/111111 the• 1'r11Jo1 n s .k1•p1 .. 1·111·111~ t11ud1d11w11,., ohv111u~ly s lr .1v111i.t hi:. )JllAYl'l!i0 lhllUl(hl 1JlllH•11" "Tlll'y ktll'W llUI pow1·1 pl.JV!> ;incl our wcsknt·:..'>l•s," u11111m11•1I C:A1 riuhan "W1· JllNI d1d11'1 l'•11111· off the bull w1th .iny '>lit~' .11 all." The TroJani. ht1vt•11'l 111·1 11 pn•s.'>cd 11ince 1-;irly St·µtt•mh1·1. but Roluni;on d1sm1SSt·d 1h1· rd1•a 1t wmm't a bag g<iml· for hist luti "Next Saturduy ls a 111~ ga1111· for us," sa1d Rol11nsCJn. ullud111~ to his tea m 's t.lutt· al Arizo11 .1 Stal<• "But th1!> Su1u1t..luy wai. a big game, loo The unly JUI' w1· ha v e 1s 111 plav f r11111 Wet'k·tO·Wl't'k .. Ant hony Gibson i.liH 11·11 ;11 u.ulbat:k bt'<:alJ.S(• or Ull lllJUI y tu Todd Spencer and lw n·i.1J<111d1 d w 1 th a pair or 1ir11· y ,, r t..I tOU('hdown runs, sa11dw1t:h o•d uround Salisbury's J :l -yar d hookup to Whitt! Swvc Jordan added u :a. yu1 d field goal and Spt:m'l'f, on om· of h rs st•vcn C'a rrlcs, brok1· ov1·1 right t.ackle for thn-e yur<ls wllh 52 st-conds left in t ht' '>l'l •1nu p e r 1 o d ( t h a n k s t ., K <· 1 t h Browncr's rumble rt'<.:overy I With a 31 -0 halfllm(· bulg1· then.! really wasn't mu"h l'l!>t.· ll1 NHL c.u.mu. CONFEMNCl .....,.,..oiww... W l T fJ' GA 1'11 "• 4 2 2 31 Winnipeg 4 2 1 33 Eomont0<1 3 • 2 •2 Celgary 3 s 2 50 v~ 2 e I 30 Nonie Olvlalon Mln,_.,le e I 1 37 Cllieago 5 2 1 37 St loul1 5 4 0 33 Toronto 1 4 3 27 OelrOit I 6 1 21 WALH CONFl .. INCl '*'"°"'alon NY ~ 11 1 0 4S Pftllad~ 6 4 0 33 New.JerW'f 3 3 3 30 KV ,..,.,_ 3 • 0 32 W~on 2 5 1 2$ PolleC>u<gll 2 6 1 30 ,...._ Otvlalon MonllM!f 7 1 1 •5 ._ 6 2 2 30 o..ebec ' ' 1 " HeMlord 2 4 2 29 lulfalo 2 s 1 31 IMW_,.• k«M Har11orO 5, l(=r: 3 Oelloll 8. llufl 2 Montteel 8. °""*' 5 v--3, loa10n 2 Pflltl>urgll '· l'NledelPl'll• 2 ~1 3, W&llllnQton 1 c~ 5. Torento a NV ..,_. 5, NY Rangt<• 2 81 LOUii S. =: ' T 'a 0.-. eo.ton a1 ICll•• St lOYla e1 llllllelo o.t10ll at ~· """'-ota II Naot VOA AanQtf• Edmofllon at ~ ..... VOtk li'and«t al Clllcago WMlen 5, Kina• 3 Iowa ..,...,.... 27 10 21 t •6 8 47 6 3" 6 26 13 30 ,, 31 10 32 5 31 3 23 re 29 10 33 t 41 11 37 5 •II 5 27 15 21 12 •• t 37 II :1e 5 Harttord Loa "netfat 2 t 2-5 2 1 0-3 FlraC '9tlod 1 Loa Anoalat. Dionna 4 Ch ylor. '-_,. 1.22 (~). 2 lot AngaiM, 8oz.._ 2 (W .... Kelly). t 3' 3 Hllt110tG. JOllneon 3 (Neulalcl~ 11:25 (Ill). ' HerttOtG, Ad-. 2 (Miiier). lt·2t!PCIJ P-tlea -AOamt , HM M. Kotaoc>Oiiot. Hat 1 $4, M Murptiy, LA. "*-•...,, :I 5', L Murplty LA, m&jOt, IG-mlnule mleconducl, g-ml~. 3 54, Andat1011, Har, ma for. game ~. 35'; Handeteon. Har, m&jOr ~ ~. 3·$4. Weaiay. Hat 3 $4 Adema. Her, l.4t> 8!all.a. LA._,,.., by Foa.. t2;05, I(~. Har. 14 27. WMll, LA, 17 31 ............. S. Hanlon!, Meme 3 {Jol>nton. Aan•uO/. a 02 e Loe Mge1M. Nlcholle e 1s1rn,,..,1. t. 14 (pp), ll'enell .. a -Walla, LA. 2 59, Hoel>Oder. H•r. 1:03; t<OllOPOUIOI, Har. 16 1'7 ........ Her, tt:16 T'*111,...... 7. HtmatCI, ~ 4 (Nautaid, SM!.,,.,.,~ 12 1 t , I . Naliltld 3 (Ran•udl It 34 PeMll• -w..y, Hat, 3 51, Hoapod9< Her. t5'00: w.le. lA. 15:00 a"°'' on goei -Hattto<d 11-11-11-:i. Loa Angalte 11-4-12-M 0---.tor•. v.-. Loa A~ llalla A -11,122 • >'· ......... UC Ir-Itel LOlll ll90fl ltelt •·II, ...... , .. , .. 1 .. 11, 1M • • • l•l 11\ • . • II.It Ill lt1 \l•t' JU'>I llU\\ d1·111 rho 'I 1•1y11" 11 .tll v .111· J l..,pll• 1111 l.tl I !Ill' 'l'rciJ••ll' 111ll1·cl 11p II IMllll'i 11111• 1111111· 1lt.11t 1111· 'I'' '"'ti 111 Jll'>l ti.ill lht lllllP ( 0111 f1,1lt1t11 °l•lld lw 1lHIU~IJl tit• B1'.1\11-. d1l111"· w." 1 t''l.14, I.oh!. 'Wt d11l11'1 g1v1 ,. • ., ,111v1h1111o( · 1i ....... id '1'111 • u .... v.·1-. ,,,,, 111 llljl r.1h·d W,1,h111g11111 .1 w1·1·k 111o(11 (:H 17) .111d <.'.1111.ih.011 1111·d 111 l •llllJllll't• !Ill' I w11 · Tlt1·v'11· l.111tlt g11•,1L ''"''11' 'hc· ,,11d , "liul I'd Plll 111y 11111111·~ 0111 S(' 'J'l1l'y'11• lllj.tj.(l'r ,ond '>llOll"'l'I W;,..h1111o:t1m 1111uh 1 111· .o l1ttlt· qU1l·k1·1 hut Ilic y d 1111 I 1 ci rn<• •tt I •J'>'> .111d h11 Yl•U l1k1· 1ht· 'J'111Jo1f1' ' I I 1s 10:11 h 1; hol-<l 1lw th•rnlo(hl Tla•y '11· lht· tnu>I t ;tll11t1·d t1·,1m · 1111 dc·f1·n'l' 1·,1wu.1Jl y, lhal w .. 'vt• s1•"11 .di y1•;11 ," i;uid Av1•ua110 USC's finul toud1duwn <:an1l' in th•· 1h11 d 4u;1f'l(•1 wh1•n s1·ldum U1>1·d frt·,h1rn.111 1;11ll"ti.k Amlrl·W J.11·k i.11n w1•nt •.ix yards a l tt-r ">1Jho111111 \' Ill! h1d1• Jint•h<.H kl•r 1>11,0111 Bu k1·ll .,. ·t 11 up w11h .in lllll•lf • pl It Hi Cougars answer with Call By J OE Dl'DEVOIR S.,.c:lel 10 the Delly ~nor C.ip1 .. 11anu Valll·y. l:w:hmd th<: Man With Tht• Gold11n Arm, Rurt l';1ll troum·l'<l LaRuna Hilb, !i:l 1:1 S.1 1ur<lay night al M1~1on Vil'J'> Hig h 1n i.I South Coast L1:agu1· tun H•!>I ('rl \ ll.'<l I l•J b•Jl h squads Thl' t•sumatl-d crowd uf '!. (JOO was trl•att·d lo dll ~1rtful d1spldy 11f pas5mg by Coug<.1r quart('rbalk Call Tht· MIUthpaw ln JUSI thrt.-e quarter!. ul work lOmpllt·d thl·se big numbe rs 17 of 23 f•ir :s:n yards and. gt·t th1 ~ ~l-\l•n toul'hdown~ In a lht• thin.I qu<1rtl'r .,;lunl.'. Call was 5-fur -5 for I iU y<.1rds and th rt·t· st·or1.·~ Befort• lhl· ganw, C<.tpo ht•<.td m a('h D1t·k Enright wa!. askPd 1f hi" t1"<1rn might lx· .i httll· dr«11m•d c·omm~ o ff las1 W('<•k'!> ti<.· with ll·agu(' lO·ll'cJder M1ss1on V1c·J0 "W" wert' !lat last week when W(' played them (M 1ss1on V1ep) >O hopefully we'll be up for tonight." Enright said The l'Onlest was h<itled as a passing duel between Call and Laguna Hill!.' Lee Plemel But Plemel and lht• Hawks had lhe1r problt·ms Anu othl'r than his 1wo TD pass~:s. Pkomt'I could only t' om p I e l t· I 6 o r 3 9 a n d w a s mtercepted four limes Call s pn•ad the wealth o( storc•s among f1vt• t('ammates. with Jeff l\lan~ukhan1 and Stev~ Skup1en each l'at1.hmg two or the strikes Skupien's sc-c:ond scoring 1.·atch was an elt•c1rifying 92-yard r£'<."ept1on that l'am<' with 2:27 left 1n the thi rd quar ter o n a sccond-ant.l·ti play * Capo V•lley 83, L99un• Hiiie 13 ko<• by Ouman Capistrano Vllley 14 2 I 21 7 -63 lagu,,a Htll.S 6 0 0 7 -13 CV·M•nsui.nen. tot pass from C.,I (Bkha pan from CeJO CV.Skupien 7 PH• from Call (l<IC:k la11edl LH-Roman 23 pass from Plttn.i (kict< l&Jledl CV·Banc:ll 8 run (McClutt l<lcll.) CV-Bache 10 Pait lrom Call (McClure l<ICl<I CV·L8"f'lam 5 pets lrom C-" (McClure l<lel<I CV·Mansul<i'len< 31 p ... lrom Call (McClure klelll Clf·Pet1dlelo,, 14 pass lrom Cell (McClure klCh) CV-Skup1en g2 PIH lrom Cllll (McClure klek) CV·llnf'lllm 2 run fMcClure kid<) lW·McOeld 33 pua trom Plemel (Ward kick) Allef\denc:.2,000 CMllmlledl o.m. Statla1tc. CV Finl downs 22 Ruati.a-yard1 38-197 P-'"9 yards 321 PHMS 17-24-0 Punta 1·37 Fumbtes·IO•I 1·1 Penell1t1S·yards 4-45 LH 15 2•-&3 210 16-39-4 3-27 3·1 3-'S lndMd11al 1111•11"'9 CV-L11nf'lem, 12·65, Pendleton, 5-65, Band•. 6-40. Miiiar. 3-31, Holmtt, 5· 14, McClure1 2-lor-mlnus·•. Cell, !5·10f·mlnu•· 14. LH·WI ilcf'I, 10·46, R•ln•r. 11-33, Plem&I, $-IOf·mlnue-16. lndlYld11al ,._..,. CV-Can. 17-23--0, 321, McClu<a, 0·1~ lH·PlemeC, 16-311-4, 210 lndt'f ...... ~ ........ ~,,.. .. """' CV·Manaukllan•. 11.ee. Suple n 3· 116, La nham. 3·36. Baell•. 3-19, 811111. 1-15. PNdlelOf\. I· IS. Benda. 1·9 LH-Wllllam1. 6-90. Mc011d. 3 -73. Rec,, ... J.30, Roman. 1·23. Merino. 1·9. ~nl!Old. 1•7, Wllllcto. t-6 Lake r s lose in Se attle S EJ\'fTLE (AP) -M ark Radford made two rrec lhrows and Oua Williams sank one in lht• final 35 IK'COllds Salurday night ns th ~attll• SuperSon ic.'I rall1ed to beat the Lus Ang<'lca L.akcrs 116-113 In ~ Natmnal 8uketball Association exh1bi11on aa.m~. With 35 Sl'l't1 nd• to g o. Williams madt· the flrat 0£ two f ree thro w1 to Rive Setttlf" n I H ·l 13 lead Aft t'r Kareem Abdul Jabbar mlSSl-d a akyhook, Radford wu foul d b y the Lakera' Norm Nixon wtth .taht tee0nd1 l•h and h it both free throws. Jamaal Wilkes' detperatlon thf'N.polnter from the left corn.r boundl'd off tlw rim with thrtt lil'<.'Ondl left .find Radford reboundtcl ' ; Too few hours on the clock "People have an obligation to try to change t hln~s for the betterment of their community.· That's a personal philosophy of Dot Clock of Newport Beach who has called herself a "professional volunteer." and has practiced what she preaches by becoming Involved In countless good works. But lest she be pictured as someone driven merely by duty and dedication. Doi Clock goes through it all with laughter and much good humor with which she seems to contaminate all about her. "Volunteer work really does make a difference," she says, "and you make long lasting friendships in the process." says the petite vivacious brunette. "There are so many good things going on, and I want to get involved in helping, and I think everyone should do something to help make our community a better place to live." Clock has been Involved in Orange County projects since 1966. She moved here with husband Ralph in 1962. Ralph's home town is Long Beach, but the two met in Boulder . Colo. at the University of Colorado. When they came to California to live. Dot joined the Service League which now is the Junior League of Newport Harbor. She d id volunteer work at a Long Beach hospital as her first involvement. and a life pattern was established. So much so that her daughter, Betsy. 16. already is involved with Ticktockers. a teenage arm of the National Charity League of which Dot is an active member. "I'm starting her out young as a volunteer." Clock explained. Clock is a sustaining member of the Junior L eague. an executive board member of Big Brothers' Angelitos de Oro and i s secret ary of t he South Coast Repertory Theatre executive committee. she served SCA as chairman of a fund raising gala which brought in $58.000. Clock also Is co-chairman o f the sixth grade Cotillion, a dance group in which her Boy Scout son David, 12. Is involved. and she and her husband are new members of the board of the Pacific Chorale. Last year. she served on a steering committee and helped form the chorale's support group, Encore Circle. She holds memberships in P1 Beta Phi Sout h Coast Alumnae Club . Orange County Philharmonic Society's Balboa Chapter. Friends of UGI Library, Sherman Foundation and Hoag Auxiliary. "The theater and music groups are a lot of fun and worthwhile." Clock said "but I feel another group I am working with - New Direc tions -a recovery home for alcoholic women in Costa Mesa. is very special.·· Clock is president of the board of directors. The Dolphins. women's division of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. last year gave C lock its Silver Anchor A wa r d f o r h er many community c ontributions. Yet w ith all her commitments to volunteer service, Dot Clock remains a caring housewife and mother. "I alwavs trv to be at home when Betsy and David arrive home from school." she says "I have plenty of time to do my volunteer work while they are in school. .. Still she has time to read and to do some holiday travel with the family. "We go skiing about four times a year. and while they ski, I read." she laughed. She also is a movie buff. and especially likes the old movies. "And I just love the theater and musical concerts," she added. < l I~ \ ') \ s I 1 If there were more time for the Clocks, she would like to spend it traveling with husband Ralph. -Vida Dean Dot Clock of Newport Beach: New Directions story available on slide presentation New Directions By VIDA DEAN Of tM D9llJ .......... N ew Dire c ti ons f or Women will light five candles on its birthday cake Oct . 27, and c elebrate a caring contribution to women It has helped In a struggle with alcoholism. The recovery home for w o men w i th a l coho l ic problems has Invited 200 guests to Join the party, tour the facllltles and to learn more about the program which began after the Junior League of Newport Harbor discovered a pressing need In 1976. It was then the league discovered through Its survey that only 19 beda were available In Orange C o unty tor recovering female a1cohollc1. The league formed New Direction• aa a rnldentlal center that would provide . , supportive service in a non- d r l nk Ing en vironment for those women in the critical period of their struggle to cont inue w ithdrawal from abuse of alcohol. The league donated $100.- 000 and set up a five-year support project. A board of director s was chosen from volun te ers I ncluding members of the Junior League, professionals In the f ield of alcoholism . recovering alco holics and community leaders. The first resident was accepted In September 1977, and since then more than 350 have entered the program. • The first president of the board was Pam Wiider, and the current president Is Dot Clock. ,. New Direction• conalata of three ranch style hou1e1 leased from the county In a 1 get~ direction from Le ague quiet neighborhood In Costa Mesa. It has an atmosphere of a well run household and ca n accommodate 16 residents and two live-In staff members. V olunteers serving with Clock on the board are Sally Coombe , Coombe and Pedigo Public Relations: Vida Dean. The Dally Piiot; M ark Edwards, Compre- h e ns I ve Care Corp .; Dorothy Hardcastle , Waterfront Homes; Grant D. McNlff. Development Ill Inc.; James Nlcol, Compre· henslve Care Corp.; Leslie J . Thomas, Price Water- house and Co. Also Pat Sauer, Carolyn Jphnsrud, Babette Kelly, Bev Langston. C.Cella Nott. Anne B. Nutt, Joy Pool, John Saur. Sue Schaar, Janet Smith and Wiider . representing the civic lttaders group and Bud 1 Wiiiis, Willis Ad vertising Jan ie A rnold Is New D irections exe cutive director. Arnold supervises the serv ices and progr am activity along with a staff Including an execut i ve assistant . a program coordinator. a r esi dent manager and assistant. In the delicate work o f New Direct ions. t he atmosphere Is not one of judging, but of caring and understanding that women In the desperate f ight against alcohollsm are burdened with feelings of laolatlon, depression. gullt and lack o f self-esteem. What they receive at New Directions Is help In a re- soclallzatlon process which Includes profeaslona l guidance along with f amlly and peer counaellng. Professlonate I n t ho community volunteer time. offe ring vocational and employment opportunity evaluation . ass ertion tra1n1ng . exercise and recreation. occupatio nal therapy. group experiences and strong involvement In the programs of Alcoholics Anonvmous New 01rect1ons receives no local. state or federal funds. It Is supported by voluntary conlflbutions from corpo rat e and loundotlon fund s For the past five years, financial alu has come rrom such major companies as Hughes Aircraft, Fluor Corp . Ford Aerospace. The Irvine Company . Hoag Foundotlon. Pacific Mutual, and th e G i anni and Pfaffinger Foundations Other groups have donated toward suppor1 of programs The Dolphins . women's division o f the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com m erce donates proceeds from its annual fall t e nnis t ou rnament , Wimbledon West and the Women's Auxiliary of New DI rec t Ions (WAND)._ contributes financial support from several money-raising projects In cluding a thrlff shop at 600 West 19th in Costa Mesa. Another ongoing support group for the center Is LfiJ Socl as. a 175-membu group which provide• financial assistance through- membership dues. •• It requires about $1 ,400 • month per person to operatJI the center, and the rffldenta ' In two of the hou1e1 pa~ $200 per week eac.,. Payment arrangement• art'. made when a rnldent ..,, .. and tome tchotarlhlpa d : I " New Dlrecttoa, ,.,e ~· ~ I I l • I \ .,. I Orange Co11t OAILV PILOT/Sunday, Oo1ot.>01 24. 1982 By VIDA DEAN .,., ,.... ..._.., ...... U your makeup St.'i.'lnti 10 JIK1.1pµt•u1 UH tht• day 8 0d along. you mlHht want to try a technlque l saw Ida su~wort Uhl.' n _'Ct•nlly at Bullocks Walshltt> in Fashion Island S tewart, v11.-e president of ~lee LauJ1•r Inc and special assistant lo Mrs Laud<.'r. was there to conduct a seminar on skm 1.·ur1.• and cosml'ti<.'8 A volunteer from thl' authen<'t.' of ubout 50 women came up and Su.•wurt demonstrated the "stay on" method. It's a httl<• different. First, she cleaned thl• yuun~ woman's face ualng eye makeup remover and <:rl'am cleanser "You don't have to use a crt.•am," she said as she applied it. "Use whatever ty pe you hke. That's why there are ao many kinds. If you don't like Cl"ffm getting under your fingernails and don't Uk~ the feel of il. use a cleansing bar." Next, she applied a Rose Refining mask "Thia helps eliminate the Uule bumps that can accumulate under the skm. This Is also good to u.e at the end of the day if you have to dress and f10 out again," Stewart said, adding that it helps £' the dead skin off and moisturizer goes in Makeup • VD~ lwttt•r Tlw nt•xt ste p 1s protection The Gentle Prolt't-'llon was apphe<l with c•uttun all UVl•r tht' face a nd then patted gently Into the skin. The loll'>n contains a sunscreen and pollutant shield. Then, just to demonstrate the <.'Ompany 's new Night Re pair. St~wart applied thls to the face and throat. Normally, however . this product is used only at night whe n there are less ultra violet rays. We tal,)<ed about has new product in an earlier column and how it Is designed lo help repair your skin u you sloop. • I Ma.king • • Now, ll Wlili umc for tht• mm11tu1 lwr. Ovl'r th111 w1•111 u rmt• duii llng or lt111m• powdl•r !iO "the rnakt•uµ would "rnb " At thu; po111t, Swwuri opplll'<I lht• 11IO<Jel's cream rougt> und followL•d with u powdt-red blu11hl·r and l'Onlour1ng powdl·r , ~nc1lcd rm the cyt• mukcup und oulluH.'<l tnc llptl , N1JW tht• d1Hcren1 part lht• founduuon wru; applwd over tht· mo1sturizcr. thl' powder. rouMe und blush Conet:alt-r was patlt'd on the <-'Yl' ur1•u und uround thl• lips. Tu top it ull orr. Stewart foldt'<I u tl11Sue, prt.'sst.•d 1t in to lr.iom· powder nnd rubl:wd ll over tht• fot.'l' Powdt·n-d blush wa:; uguin brusht-d on to tK"t'Cnt tht> ch1..'<!kbon1.'S. Lipstick was used to fill 1n the already outlined lips and vo1la! you have a makeup JOb that's gonna last. And you might think It would look heavy. but 1l looked very smooth a nd naturul. Germaine Monteil is introducing a s kin lightner cream and stick. With regular use it is designed to remove freckles, brown spots and it last all day 11µotA1 cau8t-<l by agl'. pregnum·y or thl' ull4· u( oral m ntrlK'(•puves (1l wall wk1.· tour w Nix week.I or dmly apphcal1on) thal appcur 011 ttw 11kin WI u n·11ult ur ml'lanlnv hyperproducllon All normal, healthy 1tk1n prot.lut't'll a s ubstanl'<' culle<.I melanine. wh1<.·h 1s the brown p1gmentat1on rl'!>JXJOS1blc rm ttw w lor uf lhl' skin People with raar skin havl· o nly a amall :_.mount or ml•lunine lfl their skin brunelt.<.'S huvt· mort' When the skin Is t•xpos..'C.1 to sun, it producc11 extra melaninc, and therefore u tan, in order to protect the skin from hurmrul UV skin rays S kin d1m:olorat1ons appear ai. a result of mL·lanlne hyperproducuon For what.ever reason. the mclaninc p1gmC'nt 1s sckictavl'ly formed an greater abundanc.-e in a t'On<'Cntrat<.>d area. a nd a spot 1s c:rcat<.>d The new lightener works tn two ways, the company says. at helps rade the spots and help prevent their recurrence because it's fortified with a sun protection factor of 12 to provide protecuon from the sun's harmful rays. iping accents high eel tape red-toe pump Mid-heel pump closes the back. bares the sides Back peaks, swoop down to a criss-cross vamp Low-heeler of velvety suede-look and smooth texturt>· Sculptured d e mi-we dge heel with punch outs fr here' s a pump for every foot It's a pump season and ther e's a style for every loot. The pump silho ue tte i basically closed up, .J>ut the re are interesting variations with o pen toes and sides to give a lighte r look. Like hemlines, the re is no ha rd and fast h eel height. Heels range from fla t through middling to high and encompa a variety of shape . T he culpted dressy low heel pump is an especiall y fresh look . (Anll•ble •I Ch•ndler•) til!YWm Newly-formed group schedules brunch : • The newl y formed COAST MM\JNlTI.fS GUILD of the Orange County &ymphiony hM echeduled a 10 a.m., Ort. . business meeting with brunch h06ted by Mrs. ;Janet Aengst following. Keith Clark. founding ~r of OCPS and head of orchestras at Cal ptat.e,..fuUerton, will be guest speaker. The guild encompasses the b each ~ommunities from Huntington Beach to San Juan Capistrano and inland to Irvine. • Offlcers are Mary Johnson , president; Helen J,.awler. Marcie Adler, J oyce Olson and Phyllis j)eRoche, vice presidents; Lorraine Lippold and Joyce Chambers, secretaries; Darlene Leyerly, J>arllame ntarian; Fra ncine Steinbre nner, programs and Marion S utton, historian. • Further information on the meeting and organization may be obtained by calling 680-3444 or 759-9173. N ewport Beac h FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY will meet Tuesday. Oct. 26, for a ,morning coffee in the Promontory Point ClubhoUle. Marianne Alireza, author of "Al the Drop of a Veil" will give the program. S he will tell about her life a.a the wife of a rich and prominent Arabian. For further information 673-3938 may be called . The TUESDAY CLUB of Newport Beach will meet Oct. 26 at the Sheraton Newport Hotel. Social h o ur is scheduled at 11 a .m . with luncheon. a business session and musical program following. Entertainer Don S nyder will perform. Mrs William L. Rush is president of the club. Wilham 0 . Hendricks. director of the Sherman Library, will be guest speaker at the Wednesday noon luncheon of COLONEL WILLIAM CABELL chapter. of Daughters of the American Revolution. The event wall be held at the Sherman Library and Gardens. 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO FEDERATED Republican Woman's Club will meet at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. Oct. 27 in Poncho Villa Restaurant. San Juan Capistrano. A 90Cial hour and noon Sale! SUIDAY. OCT. 24TH THllU SUIDAY. OCT. 31ST OPEN 1 DAVI A WEEK WllHITU 'TIL I ( EXC. IOWITDW• L.A.) .c cumNO BOARDS -iilllll---• F•I DUI llMT WOOL DEPT . =~-aNo HALLOWEEN FABRICS BIG TABLE ....... HOLIDAY WEARI TAPRTA , WllTLA. ttll2 W. ~ IMI. (211) 477·7m froJ. WOOL '1" I ~~~.!!.C?C" vo.3&: • COAT1MCl8 IEIULAI • IUIT WIJQHT LOW PllCEI LAPWNTI 401 •. Aauea (211) •·1117 Bio. luncheon will follow with Wilham Campbell, atate 8enator who repre9ent.a the 3 lst Dlstrict, as · speaker. More information available by calling 493-3436 or 493-6207. Disco\ler what's cooking along the Orange Coast in the Orange Coast Cookbook Coming Nov. 3 in the l\l. 1969 b)' lil' Audfto a Son Clothes from the wardrobes of the world's best-dressed people 2731 £. C111JI IU1hHy, Coron1 dt l Mar hn. 12 • 5 Columnist JAC K SMITH will make a personal appearance Saturday . Ck! 30, from noon to 2 pm. at RobillllOn's Newport Beach. He (See Newcomers, Page C4 ) to Increased Sales is Finding the Right Buyer. Call the Orange Coast . Dally Pilot today. 642-5678 I • MS group entertains star· VIMS, that's Volunteer11 In Multiple Sclerosis, had mort• than 160 at Its me mbersh ip cocktail party he ld in the HunUnat.on Harbour waterfront home of Dr. and Mrs. A. Michael Moult.on. Janet Leigh, star of movies and television , was ther e as honored guest. When she was welcomed to the party a nd thanked for attending. she said, "I am the one that should 'thank you -for your volunteer work with MS." She added that she became Interested when a friend of hers was found to have MS. Oth e r s atte nding were William Dl scen zo a nd h is mothe r , C lara D isc enzo . Supervisor Harriett Wieder and her husband, Irving, Richard Hausman, MS board o{ trustees chairman, and his wife, Marilyn , HB City Councilman Jack Kelly and wife, Jo, Newscaster · Ed Arnold a nd wife, Dixie, Dr. and Mrs. Stanley .Van Den Noort, Col. R.L. Parker. d irector of MS Chapter in Oran~e County and oe111 l"llol .-tloto Bill Discenzo, Janet Lf'igh, Di<"k llausman and Edith Crady &ilth Grady, fou nding president o{ the Los Angeles VIMS. Others included Carol anc..l Robert Webster (she's prL'S1dcnt of VIMS). Kathy a nd Stevl•n C l if t o n , H e l e n Purce ll . m e mbc•r s h 1p nnd p ar t y chairman. Nancy Alley, J oan and David Dorsc•y, Clarie and Ralph Moss, Putt and Glen n Hatley. JoA11n Johnson and Jo and Jamt·~ A11drcws 'Yule' start thinking Christmas now By VIDA DEAN OftM o.11 IJMot ltaft Ready or not -it's that time again. Time to start thinking about Ch ristmas. Gifts to buy, parties to plan, etc. Do you do things at the last minute or are you one of those organized people w ith your shopping already done? I thi nk Junior L eagu e me mbers would fit in to the latter category -·at least with their organization plans. They are just about ready to go with the seventh annual Christmas Company. On Nov. 1 the re's a big party to get the three-day shopping spree under way. Then, on Nov. 2 at 10 a.m. the doors at Building 14 a t the Orange County Fairgrounds will open for business. Early bird shoppers will find 28 specialty stor es Crom throughout the United States offering unusual gifts. The Christmas Com pany will be open until 9 p.m. on Tuesday and We dnes d ay and on the closing day, Nov. 4. the shopping hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. And you could spend the day and take ofl time to eat. Lunch will be aerved from 11 a.rn. to 2 p.m. for $6.50 and dinner on Tuesday and Wednesda~ from 6 to 8:30 p.m. for $7.50. Or if you just want a snack that will be aerved continuously during the shopping hours. ueneral aclnuss1on tJckets are $2.50 with children under 12 admitted free. This year's event, the league's major fund-raiser is themed La Fete d e Noel -·a country French Christptas. If this one is anything like the on es in the past, it's a fun way to s hop. Okay, early birds, here's your chance. MORE EARLYBIRD S : Carme lo Monte of La Strada Restaurant. Corona del ·Mar. is hosting a preview lun<:heon Oct 27 for the New port Har bor Art Mu seum 's n in th an n ua l C h ris t ma s T r e e fes tival sch e du led Sunday. Del' 3 through Dec 5 at the m usc•um An invitational previe w party 1s planned for Dec 2 and thl•n the festival. wllh go rgeous decorated trees for Viewing will open to the public on Dec. J The festival 1s themed "A Time for G1 v1n g ." Mo r e abo ut this opportunity to get d~coraung ideas available later . SOLID GOLD Ta lk about p la nning a h ead Th e Sophisticates. a support group fo r t h e A ssess m e nt a n d Treatment Services Center. 1s already w orking on its "Solid Gold Rummage Sale" scheduled for fail 1983. Details on the sale which will feature clothing contributions from international designers and national retail stores, as wc·ll as qua lity used clothing. will be discUs.5ed at a Tuesday party in the home of Marnie Fluor Reed. Saks Fifth Ave nue, S outh Coast P laza, wiU be honored as the f irst to donate fas hions Members of the Sophistk ates wUJ model the gannenu. Carlyn S t e ine r . c h a i rma n o f th e Sophisticates, and OU1e Hill and Ann e tte Hurwitz . p art y chairma n , are plann ing th e showcase event. According to Carol L ind. the idea for the designer resale was originated by J o Anne Mix and Audrey Cott.on. The sale w ill be pattern ed afte r success f ul rummage sales in Los Angeles and San Diego. but wilt retain a Orange County image. Several mini designer fashion shows t hroughout t he spring and summer {or local clubs and organizations to help publicize the upcoming sale wiU be held An y c lub in t eres t e d in scheduling one as part of the ir regular pro~ram can contact the Storekeeper Monica Cottam is wearing our brushed Shetland wool sweater in a five color Jacquard design knit on soft subtle shades of lavender, sand, and jade. 17111 Mid lr'fhlC, Ntwport IHCll ATSC at 549 -181 4 for m ore an formation. Othe r Sophisticates members involved in the kickoff party are Fran Paymar Bachhuber, J ere Ciampa, Betty K lein, Gretchen Brakesma n, Bar bara Carver , Betty Vernon. Bt>tsy Twaddell, Golda Johnson, V1rgrma Olson. J o an D e ible r a nd S h irle y Meusc·h LOST WOHLD BRUNCH : M o r e th a n 275 at t e nded C ha pman Collt:"ge's Town and G o wn brunch held at Lost World, the Peralta Hills Estate uf Dr and Mrs James Musso Guests spen t the late morning and early a fte rnoon e njoying brunch and touring the home and grounds nestled in the hills of Anaheim. Among those attending were P a t K e ndric k s a n d J erry Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Richard H a wkins and Mr. a nd Mrs . Harrison Sharp. Newport Beach; Valerie Scudder, Balboa Island; Ray and Sue Lamoureaux. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Draper and the S teve Wags taffs. Irvin e: and Laguna residents Dr. and Mrs. J ohn Paul Pack, Mary Gosha w , Edna Dryer, the L .C. Moseleys. Ina Walker and Joanna Arnett. MASQUERA DE DA NC E: High Signers, a support group helping the deaf community, w i ll s p on sor a H a llow een masquerade dance Friday, Oct. 29. at the Newporter Terrace Room in Newport Beach. Barry Cole "Sounds of Music" wall provide music from 8 p.m. to midnight and prizes will be a wa rded Best cos t ume. best da ncers and door prizes will be given to the lucky. Tickets are $30 a pair or $20 per person. Proceeds wiU go to the S IGN WRITER. the first ne wspaper to write the news m sign language. Reservations may be made by calling 644-8342. (See Pha"tom Tea, Page (.;4) Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Sunday, October 24, t982 (;I ~c1hflt[ AlternabVes -One thing 1s a fact. marriage 1s an 1nst11uuon that 1s ~r~ to Sta).: and ~ age old trad1t1on Of ~XC1'laJl91ng ~Ing rings looks hke It Wiii ~ around tor a whlle also But where does 1t say that your rings must look like grana- mo~r's. or tor that matter. like almost every engagement and wedding ring you see 1n most stores. T~re ar~ exett1ng alternatives. and we are proud to show ~m to you ~t \Xlyndham Leigh, we design and handcraft the most lXllQue and exottng coll«tJon or ~t and ~1ng nngs you are going to Stt ~ r~ogn1ze that you are 1ndMduals and our Je-.Nelry reflects that u~rstand1ng Many store-s 'NC>rlt p~rty tell you what you are ouymg or explain to you why you are paying c~ nght price To prot«t you against this. we hc1\/e taken the mystery out of com- paring diamonds and wlll uike ~ tune to educate you In ~ d11'ft!rences In qual1~ and pnce. and then suosuintlate what vve\1e said with a money back guarantee For straight honest explanation. unique designs and guaranteed value. Wyndham Leigh 1s the store that spec1allzes rn engage- menc and vvedd1ng nngs \X.'edd1ng nngs available from S 175 Engagement nngs available from S4 50 Wyndham Le1gh~~~tH0Rr 127 Fashion ISiand. l\leY..po<t Beach CA 92660 Near Bullocks ~!shire Robinsons REGISTER FOR ONE HOUR OF PRIVATE MAKE·UPAND SKINCARE LESSONS AT OUR CHANEL BEAUTY CLINIC Focus: expert make·up and skin care advice Fee· $25 to be applied to any Chanel cosmetics purchase from our luxurious collection When October 28. 29 and 30 Call (714) 644-2800, ext 685 or register 1n Robinson's Cosmetics. 197, Newport only ('4 Or nge Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, OctObdr 24, 1082 Manuell ~ offers intrigue in style "Europt·un romunt~· und 111lr1aui·" d1'tll-r1llt·11 All>t•t lu Mtmu1•ll'11 u(tn-h vl' crt.•ullo1U1 Monuell, ulunu wllh bu.lnc ponncr l'l'W1 Uogn,·r. t•n•oleJ t ht• flnil mlll't'llo11 m Ot.·tohl'r llJ8 I llowevt!r, Munu,•U hi no atrungl'r to tht: d1'10it{l11ng proCl'88mn. - Ht> b<>gnn dPslgnl11g In tht• luh.• 19608 und hl~:ume one or Europt•'s mo8l Ul'Clalmed de1ugnl'rs l'r<'ating for Sophia Loren and Ursula Andrc:'SS I le moved lo the Unitc-d S wtt'S an the 70s and fn't•la nt'el.I for rmipr dt•11ign hoWJC.'S, because ht• s.1ys. "It wus an t•xt-cllcnt wuy to learn about tlw Americ·un fashion Industry." Manuell ha.s t.ukcn this knowl1.'<lge, mixed it with his Europ<.•an outlook ond flair a nd 1n{'Ol'JXll'11U.'<i ll into htS sultry, dcgunt dc.>Signs. 1-·~1bracations and t•olorntion add further ru:hrw:.s, with antrat•ate and dehcute imported lul't's, Mlk crepe de c:hane untl chiffons w ith marabou trams. lvory and ebony are his favorite. All ..trl' portrayl'cf\in a small group of eleguntly styled d resses whic h he prt>sented rl'<.'l'ntly at Bullocks Wilshire. Ph a ntom tea (From Page C3) P l IANTO M TEA: From thl' Elx-11 Club of Newport &-at·h C'amc this nolL' another fund- ra1Sl'r but ll's a httll' drffcrcnt Tht• most tll'11ghtCu l lx-ncf1t you ncvt'r will allt•nd, f'or you dun't havl• to t"Oml'. 1t'i. money that you :-end · Nu L'ook1t'S to bakl'. no s1lvN to IL-nd, Nu l11wn to luundl•r or bl•g from a friend. \'nu don't have to worry about what to wt•ar. Nl1 t·ar fun· nr parking to g1vt• you a 1:are. And 1f you havt• l'OOkll's that day on the· sht•lf, Don't botht•r to drt'SS, just cat them yourself. The platx• 1s homl• SW('(•t home. the hour, unytinw you gl'l thut ecrw f(.'('hng -and thl• 11wmbt·r.-havt• a chance for a door prize by just rn:11li11g bHl'k their invi ta tion with the ir .. 011tnbution Newcomers di nn e r ... (F rom Page C2) will sign t'Opll'S of his latest book, "How to Wm a Pull1•t Surpnst• Tht• Plt•asur~ and Pitfalls of our Languagt.· ·· NEWCOMERS O F NEWPORT BEACH pl:.in a lfollowc>en dinner dance S unday. Oct. 31. Ht•:.l•rvauons agd details may be obtained by c·;1l11ng 7'.W -0693 or 675-1683. Women who have l1vc·d in thc> Newport area two years or less may JOlll tht• nc•wt'Omers dub. Balboa Is la nd 's S T J O HN VIANNEY CHAPEL GUILD will meet Wl"Clnesday. Oct. 27, al !:>::JO a.m. 1n th<' Cameo Shores home of Mrs. Louis Amen. Artist Barbara Wood will be sp1·r1kl·r and exhibit her paintings. Further 1nformauon availablt• by caWng Marie Veh eyan. ti75-8940 I fl Find your best buys for holiday giving in Gift Guide Coming Nov. 24 In the Daily Pilat Tit• UHl•m I• ,,,.,.,,.. ,,,.;., h•lnlt• .......... .... , .. "l..,.r.,. • Ellmlnate Your Cellullt• Depoelea Your bod) hmls. tonn and conditions will! extl SfSSIOll • Weight Control by Nutritional Counseling • Aeroblca Eva's flCll'e Contcuilc 11452 llolaa Chica (Tiffiny <Ant« 81 Hell) HunHngton 8"ch (714) 840-7930 Yoo want more than just a facial. We offer the famous Dermsculture therapeutic facial for problem skin, acne acar1 and resular skin that want1 to stay young and beautiful. Medically proven for 40 years. Gift Certificates Available 2400 91, Coett H"Y· Ste. "0" Nt•fll)ft Barh 645-2266 for 1ppt. Black m agit-in two-piece imported lace for a ft er fi ve . The art of lace interpre ted b y Alberto Manue ll -one-piece creation with a two-piece look. ..-:lh:\PPY 1r~~YS Sha re your family with p hotographic greeting cards pre-holiday special portrait study and 25 -31/2 x 7 cards with envelopes 24 d esigns to choose from • photo taken In our studio, your home or on location only $4 9. SO ($100 value!) atuart naldeth photography for appointment call 6'6-6100 1803 newpott boulevafd. ootto me1a. collfornlo 92627 valid through october 30th, 1982 \ ac o; c :av._........... ' -- Alberto Manue ll with mode l wearing 100 percent silk c hiffon in a black handbeaded sequin e d floral -V-n eck front a nd low a t the back with accents of maribou a t the hemline. EBEL. IN THE SWISS TRADITION. Time 1s precious to you. And Swiss design and craftsman- ship. a 5-year warranty. and water-resistant quartz move- ments make your timepiece beautifully dependable. It's Ebel. In 18 karat yellow gold and ~tainless steel: A. Man's. $1200. B. Lady's. $725. C. Man·s. $975. Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renowned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PL.A~. COSTA MESA FiNI lt!wl, Ru/lock'• WlflK (714) 761 ·6640 Figs. 1-4. Ba~do!ino ~ara: __ Over, Under, Sideways, Down capezlo Swrh (Mlf 'le•• I Cotro Met0. CA 1'• I 540.151$ T # E " l. II A I A 11Ulll1 I I 0 II • A # 0 0 • I # 0 , r A l r " ................................................................ ._ .............. -------------------------~--------~--~--~~~~~-~- Orongt1 Cooet DAIL V PILO l ISunUoy, Ocwt>or :141 108:1 ('5 Going_places Travel • In By DICK OOYL£ a.eci1e1 .. 0-. fltlet Ever).'OOC who hul'I t•ver gum~ unypluw hat packed too ®lny clothC'S. 1'hut'11 Lm; Vegas. Miami, Lisbon or Tuhlll. Pnt·kl'd too much. Today, I'm going to ll'll you whut to pack and h ow Lo pal'k It C lip this column. It'll h t>lp you on t>vcry trlp you ever take . The firs t thing tu do is tug your luggage. Both 1ns1d1• u11d o ut Makt• certain the tag can't Ix: npJX'C..l ofL II rt can, s o r an y our s u 1 tc:us e Put a 11 identifying Slll'kl•r on the bag nt•ar tht• handle. h will be eas11•r to spot in an airport where 400 othl•r pa.s.4't•ngers arf' also waiting for lhe1r luggage Make certain your bag 1s sturdy Or. 1f you can afford 11. use a soft-s1<lt• viny l bag that will Ix• good for thrl't.' 01 four multi-natio n trips a nd tha t you l'un replace at not too much l'08l Ready to pack? Not Yl't Make a hsl 11£ what you know you'rl' going to n1.'E'd, other than clothes. A fow lips arc• at the t'nd of this l'olumn. Don't worry about des igne r clothe s . No b o dy at your destination is going to ~'t.' you more Lh<1n once. Even if they think you'n • n ut dressed like you belong 111 Pan s, who are they going to tell'! The word is comfort Yours, not theirs. First, for the la du•s: Informali ty ts the rule. P ants suits arC' acct"pted dayttmt• w ear anywhere 1n th e w o rld Comfortable blousC'S and s hirts art•. tno. except that th<'y shou ld havl' s let..·Vt'S 1n m ost European c1 t1 es if you v1s 11 cathedrals. Take comfortable wc.ilktng shoes. A rule of thumb is l 1l' pair for each week of your lnp Take a t'OCkt.ail dress for njghttime w ear and an opaque vin y l or plastic raincoa t whic h 1.·an double as a robe if you're caught in a "d own the hall" bathroom s itua uon H osiery is expensive outside the U.S. Take extra. A sweater under a viny l raincoat will keep you warm so no net'd for a heavy coat Pack a sw1msu1t Don't take expensive jewelry m ost Europeans and Americans h ave plenty or it and you're on vacation not on a visit to 1mprci.s unyhody ~·111-.(1•t :-.11111 Loe llllll•:c..oe your voc:11t1u11 Ii. ~o 1Jl'l't't•111 on iJ lx•uch 1'111llt'W hcr't•. For the mc•n : Don't furg1.-1 yuur h1.•ll Nt!arly cvt.·ry mun d<><'ll. ·rukt• ww 111uh untl ont• t11· Pt<flu<l Tukl· dn•i>.' 11h11·ts ratht'i' thu11 :-.µort sh1rt.s Thc·y doubl1.· W ('ll. MJk<• n •nu111 tht•y and your underwcur url' wa.sh-unt.l ·Wl'IU A l'lluplt• or SWt!lltt'rS V111yl raim:out l'l1•11ly or washablt• s~·ks. Forg1·t Jt•w1·lry (n1H links. l'tt•.) as tht•y only g1•t lust. 811111.• formula as the gals Cur wuJkmg ii hut!s Exl•ept for tht• obvious for nwn. lrkt: pants, that's about all thl· dotlws you nec.-0. Remember you cun alway!! buy Liii' ltttle na-ess1t1es ove rs.•a::. ur Ill Mw1111 But you will be bcttl·r off not pat•ktng what you thtnk you'll nt"l'd bc.1.·ause you won't Oth;r th111gs for th<.; s u11.t'ast.'. WOMEN -Extra soft-s1d1•d handb.lg wllh sh oulder s trnps and light la tc·h . sunburn c ream . mo rsll'nN I LOwl'lt·llt•s, hair spray , address book, pl,1y1ng t·ard:., Woohtc, cotton balls, small plasllt' h.1g:o. with Tw1s tc ms, smi:ill sc1sstirs, Sl'Wll\lo( kit, extra pen. shampoo. MEN Comb. soap wrnµµt•d 111 lrnl (most Europ<"an hotl'ls' soup 1:. .1 :.ltvt•r). style by packing it right 1·01 k"4.·11•w , pm11 fl·h1•v1•1, 1•>.trn Jtl1111."lt•s )>ll'lil'llJJllOll (lor wc111wr1, tuu), t·utu111 11wuhs. l'Xll ,1 11u11glns!lt.'ti, v111.rn11n' uml prt•s1·11pt11111i. whkh !'houltl lw 1n tlw UI lg1nul l'lllll11l111·1· tlur l'llSltllllS, Yl>ll know) If yt>ll wnll· nw, 1n {'Qrt• •>I 1h1• I > ... 11 y Pilot, I'll ht• Hlad to pn1v1d1· you w 11h :1 pn•pun•d list ol whut shoult.l ht• pm·k1•d for ;1 1r1µ Now , how to pa<'k First, don't t.;1k1• a l11q,(1· i.uiLc·aNP i''m .1 lhfl't' Wt't•k l11µ, a :l4 111d1 Pull111.111 w il l :.Ufrr(l' ttdt'qllUll•ly On 1h1· ho ttum j.{o 1tw ,hol'' swrr tht•m with loo!.t'. s mall 1Lt•ms .... ut'h a1i hosll'ry .md 1.·11t1U11 balls Nt•xt, rullt•d undt·rwc.'~ll ur Jrngt.•rw, ::.w1mw1•.11 ,11\d r\1111 hrl'ilk;1bh-s Fw w111111·11. the nl·xl l<iyt·1 1!. l11ld1'tl d otllt!:. ltkt.• sw t•<i lt>rs. Mt.'llll'llll' ktL' aml tuilctnl•::. a nd odd-shap<..J ub.)l~''-" Mukt• l'l•rtmn th1::. l<iyt:'r 1s lcv{·l Fur nwn, th1' '' lht• p..1111::. ;.111d ~having k11 ll·vc·I N'·xt ll·vt>l 1s skirts, laid alt1•111al1vl'ly lt·I t lo right ,111d north tu south Paul:. du t ht· ~inll' Your l'Cx:kuul Jn:~ go<.•s ht.·n " guls. Ml•n'::. w ashable shirts go on this l1.·v1·I f inally. r<i1rn·u;:1 ts cind bulky 1ttoms go on lhl' top l;lyt•r . Cut a J)l(.'(.'l' uff tin •JIJ l'<.1rdbourd box to mvcr thl· tup 111yi.•1 ;md <Ill youl' pac ke d lle ms will bt· wt·ll prull'Ctt•J agams t any l>aggug1· handhn~ gonlla 01w u f my O ra ng t• County 11aVt•I ag1•nt friends has u1k1•n 1ssut· with 111v t.•omrnl·n Ls u l'ouplt· of wc·r·k:-. :igo 1111 how I avuid jt.'t lag She has a nol h1•r s1·111·s ol -.uggt'Sltuns w htl'h I'm onlv too h:ippy lo pas:. on • Slt·1·p ,11 lt·ast 10 hours "'" h night lw tlw th11•1• nights p1t'l't'tl111K u tnµ ol -. - ... ______ -·------- ·-- I 0 a Ir ho11r11 111 1r1or1 .. • W 11 I k .1 1 o u n d l h (.• a 1 r p 1 a 11 t: •Al'U1ii11n11lly lu 111crc&.M' blood l'll't·ulJtlllll m yuur l1•gi. (s lw obv1ou~ly d(.)(..<t111't trnv1·I u rl 4 50 pu i.111·nt(1•r plun1•i wh1·r1· ,·vt·ryhody ho:. i l·ud ht•r 11u1o<••t1L10111•) • Cul d own (whuH.•Vt.'r thut nll'ans) 011 your ukohol intuk1• and u11ly t•ut half th<· 11\l'lil tht· c·ah111 11tll·nda1\l put' b(·lm 1· Yt>U • D1·111k ulll' gloSlj of wutt.'r for ,.,., h hour Y•1ll'rt· ,1b0<ird 1tw plant• to cJVtHcl J I' h y J r a l I I) II d u l' l (I I h l ' l ' (I h I ri µ1t''sl1nw11011 I Jg1t•e whokh1"<1rl1•dly • Book a flight th..1l gl'l.s you to your dc:.llllJ tll>ll 1n nud-a r lc•rnurnl (T he n. a::. I d o. go tu h1.J and gt'l a goo<l night's ::.ll<t'JJ ) Anotht•r frwnd of m1n1· prnvu.1Pt.I nw w I I h t h l' f 0 11 0 w I fl g .. 111• I pf u I l'mr11l\Jndmt•11t.-. fo1 T1 av1•h•1::." I T hou shall nu t l'Xf.>t·Ll lo I 111ll th1nMs J~ lhuu h<e>t tlwn1 cit lumll', ft11 thuu hast l1•f1 th y honw Lo f11HI thing::. tit! fl·l l'l\lly 2 Thou shall nut t.<tkc <mything loo '>f•n ou'I v cJ l'and n ·t· mind 1:. 1h1• 1.>t·~111n111g uf a happy vat'allt111 :i Thou shall not le t othl'r loun't..' gl'I un thy 111·rvl·~. tur thou art paymg out g<wwl morwy lll t>nJOY thyself -I Thou shalt n ut w orry I It· w ho w111 n 1·th h ast nu pleasure• :ind tc·w tl11ngs arl· <'Vt·r fot<sl ~ HPmf'mh<-r thy dnc·umt-nts. Ml that tl111u k110 \.\'l'"il whi:ri• thl'y a n · <1l 1:111 l lnH':'> IJ Thou s hall not furgt'I t hut thou tl•1t·'t rc•prt•<;e.•nl thy t~>Untry al all 11m1•s 7 Blt''>-'4-<l 1:. tht• man w ho can smtl1.• .md ';1v "tha11k vou·· II\ ,my lunguagt• ft is worth mon · to tum than li ps ti Wlwn in Roml' do as the Roman."> do O r in d1ffit·ulty. UM' thy Amt'nt·un r rlt'ndltn1.•s., and t·o mmon S(.'nst· !J Do not JUclg« the· pt.·op lt• o f u n1untr~ IJ\ nlit' p«rson With Wholll th11U ha,1 had 11uul>l1· IO Rl•nwml>t>r , t hou ar t a gut•'>t in 1 Vl·rv l;rnd H l· who trc<JtC'lh his host with rt·spt·t·t .. h a l l be treatt•d as a n h111lo1, •d gut-st -·~-----#----..:-:..- ~ o 111 1'1 111 rq( l 11 111 u 11 u v • 1 .111 11 lt'llll'llll>I I , lw ">Ul t' N•>W. '>'•lllt' 11dtl1tumal rr11lt•:. o il lo(t•lli n~ n ·udy fllr trnvl'I •'fill· r1111sl lllllJ<Jr l.1111 t htny, you Wiii huvt• with y11u 111 nut your rnur w y •>i yuui ll<'kl'l.., hut your pa'i.'Jlor'l. Kt•t•p 1t in a siif., pla1•1• at all t11111•s Nothing 1i. hanl1·r 111 l111d 111 ..1 fo11•1).(11 ph111 · t h:1n i.h1>C·l11~·1·x Tu kt· ,.,, 1·xt1 ,, p:11r •Ttw p11hl11 11111 ar y Ii.Ji. buuki; on 1·v1·rvwh1•11• yuu p l..111 to go Cht'<.'k orw or two out uud H•cJd up Y11u'll lw ~u• pr IM'<i huw m ut•h hl'lp th" littll· 1·1l11rt will Ix: m1 your u111.~1m1111( 11 1µ •I I vuu hav1· cJ S"' '''JI 111\ k111ft-, l<.lkl· ll Wllh you If you tl11n '1 h;1v1· om •, ~t·l un t· ll':. um.izinJ< huw h:1111 ly 1L' dulc•n a n;1<'hm1·n t.-. l·a11 I><· • f orgl'l y•1u1 !JI" t.1hl1 rndto It Wf>11 '1 tt•ll you <1nyth1nj.{ uni•"' you 'P•·••k 1t1t lunguuli{•· u11d lht·n vou p1 o h;1hlv won't want 111 know a11 vw.1y •Taki· lhlJM lllth· IJJI k11gt· ... 11f ">.di ti ne! 1><·pµt•r Hc·..,t,lllf .1111' dnn I pr.,v1d1· 11111·,•· l'Ond1m1·nh 111 11111st Eu1oph111 t 1tws (.il lt'u~t 1101 1111· 11·..,ta111 ants I 11 1 qut'l\l) • 1J1111'1 fw g11 to t.1k1 th• 11·qu1rl'd :.tt·p:-. lx·fon· vou g1 1 Sti•JJ th1· r11·wsr><1~·r h;wt· ll w rn111ll11.1n huld yout 111:11), tut 11 d11wn lh1· t h1·1 t1111s lal, ·,l'l yout h g ht llnwr 0 K ''t 111 o1 1oot11 w tw11 • w i 11<.Jow' ;11 r v1"bh (111111 th• 'Id• v.i1d ,1, w1·l l ,1i, lh1 lrontJ. 11•11 .1 ll u-.1 .. d 1 ... 1ghl,111 that vuu'n· It .iving and g1v1· l11m 01 h1·r yuur ',( h<·dul1· Thi· m·1~hbw t·;111 w..111 Ii for <i moving v.in wh1d1 t oulJ t .JI t JW<iY v11u r l1t1U">t huld lllll'l 1111 • f).111'1 t.1k1· ,1 t1·1Hll' r;11 qul'l 1,r yout r~1tqu1·tb,1ll .. 1mk1 r If you wa111 111 plJ) .ind v11u1 d1 ·.,11n.1111111 11ff1·r., thes1 f,1ultt~1·'· 11.., 1•:1..,11•1 t11 nnt than to t:trry y•1ur .,p11r h 1·qu1prrwnt a ll 11\t r 1h1 world •ff \,llU .1r1• 1111 .• do II \IJUf't•lf tour thank 'atiuul ,, 1·1 ntr.11 jumping-6ff l11l a l11111 wh1•11 \11ll 1 an i.lott• th<• 111<1J11 11t~ 111 \Ultr unu.,1 d 'UIH<i'>< l'tll1h nh to pu k up ""ht n \111,1 doublt· ln1('k M1"1 holL·I:-. .m d '''"'rt' will b<. happy 111 11hl1g1• Brn1 V11"1g1 0.11, Pllol Art by Tim P•l-n Samoa • IS longer the hellhole of the Pacific By STAN DELAPLANE PAGO PAGO, American Samoa -Days are drip-dry beside the harbor a t P ago P a go . Rainmaker mountain, towering over the little white-frame town of "Sadie Thompson," is topped with mist. You oould grab a handful of warm alt and wrinll water out of It • .Enve lopes seal themselves automatically -forever. (Salt shakers you keep In the oven.) Sadie ThomP90n came down to Pago Pago over 60 yea.rs ago. It was raining then. and it hasn't stopped. Sight.eeing toul"I point out the house where Sadie -ln SOmerset Maugham's "Rain" - caUled a miMionary's downfall. Old-timers aay Sadie didn't seduce a missionary at all. "She drove misslonariee crazy, playing that 1eratchy old Victrola of hers," a Samoan told me. "Sadie wasn't a you-know-what," he ~Id. "She wu a lau.ndr89, way I recollect It. Came down from Honolulu. She waa no knockout. Juat a glrl wlth a tinny gnmophone who liked 8quaref.c:e pn. ''She -and any aalJor with a bottle - would lit '!P· hltUn1 the l1n and playing the Vic t rola. Stuff like 'l'm For ever Blowing Bubbft'." "Ml.tonarin In the Nmt houte w ren't settJnc any sleep, &hat WM \he problem. They ' AMERICAN AND WESTERN SAMOA The Samoan Islands are 2,300 miles southwest of Hawaii and 1,600 miles northeast of New Zealand . Ameri can Sa moa Is administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior. Pago Pago Is the main town. Western Samoa Is an Independent state. Apia Is the capital. It's a coconut economy. The main "crime" listed by police Is "sleeping on the road." When the evenings get down to 70 degrees. Samoans get cold, and go out and sleep on the sun-warmed asphalt. Best time to visit Is June through October -the sout h-of-the-equator winter. It's dryest then. I was there one winter when It rained 15 Inches a day for 3 days. compJaim .. >d lO the gove rnor. 1You'vP lfOt to gpf that w oman out of town.' they sald. They lrnpllC'd she was alnfuJ. But It W8l4 rf'nlly that they were dog-tired. "ln the plea-bargaining, Sadie'• charg<' WM reducro to dlaturblng the JX'acc. No point In o Jail 11entenc:c. There w88n't any Jail ror women In tho. days." Maugham was drlftlna around the South Sou. The Idea or th ml11lon1ry and the 1earlet w oman it.ruck him P a 1t.ory. lt'1 been a w ondtrf ul thtna for the Samoan tourist industry. In lhe roaring days of "blackbird" slavery and Bully Hayes. Apin -in Western Samoa - was known as .. The Hellhole of the P acific." Today, it's a sleepy, coco-palm South Pacific port. A single strttl edging a turquoise bay. Unro with flaming fl9mboyant e nd Morton Bay fig tr«-S. Ba!'f'foot SAmoons In wraparound lava lavas ride bicycles lo the general store. The urf breaks in a booming white line on the QUt<.'r reef. And In the hartx:r they'll point out where the bones of the German warship "Adler" lie -wrockcd In tht' grHt storm of 189fl Almost thirty yean1 ago, we uM.'d to come he-re on a slow TEAL flying boat from Fiji. Aggie Orey's famous hotel had only 10 rooms. There were no doora. A piece or sailcloth or atrlnp ot beads gave you privacy and let the trade wind blow tf\rough. t h;»d thr deluxu room . the o pe n (but SCl't'Cncd) bung•low In the bAck. A hall-dozen chlckcna and 10mc plglet.t kept mt-compen,y. Cary Cooper llvrd In this bunaa1ow when he wrua makJnj( the mm. "Re turn to Paradlte." Wttle 111.ardt ran up and down the walls eating up the lnlt'Cta which otherwlme would have ca~n Cooper. l tm.aine him llUing there In thc ov ning1, offcrinlC tfi, lb.ardl UtUe blta of Coopensh advice. "They went thataway. pudnt>r' Cut 'em off a t the pass'" Aggie Grey's back porch uscd to be lht• social center or Apia A bun C'h of bananas swinging in thf' b reeze . Cans o f F oster's Australian beer. s trong enough 10 toke the barnacles off a battlC'Sh ip Rumor has it tha t Aggie was ltw model for "Bloody Mary" 111 Michcncr 's "South Pac1f1c." S he always denied it (with a grin). Th<> hotel ls much bigger now. But IX'CauSE' lh is is a sailor's porl. thl• pl.ce stlll runs on ship's lnngUQRE'. Ttw hc•lp d0t"foln 't SO to work They "turt) to." When they stop work. they "knock off." Pago Pago, 'n' American Samoo. ls tlw only place under the American flog whl're the nt1tlonal sport Is English cricket. This sunny South Pacific morning , we watc h ed M atu 'u village play a team from Faganeant'a. The playcns In lava lovas. The ohc-erlng Uon WU two suit.a.rt and an oil can beat with two sticks. Plus • tc0tt of girl.a • shtlna clapping hand1 and swaying I•'• Samo. : -In the Samoan fathlon. 1t haroly ~ma crkket, • Not much to do In Samoa But whon t~ '. rains st.op and tht1 tun ahtnee on thouaanda of ~ coco palms. the flowers.,.. brilliant. And no tee: ~ fla..~h with such lntt'Nt' blue u ~ South ~ -!! Orang• COHI CAil Y PILOT 18unday, October 2~. 1882 Mildrt·d Mf•utJ, ct·nt4•r, orguniz .. d atw fir"'t O<:rs (uHhion how in I <J5 '>. With h t'r art' Alt•x undru Kt•y, right, ,. mod4·1 I 0 y<'ur"4 ugo, wht'n she w""' 7 , unJ her moth•·r. Anne K t>y, u O<:vs nwmlwr for 24 )'Nlrl!.! S uzy Duhon, right, and Mordy Pt•u r l8h•in was not just another runway fashion show Chairman usan Mac Donald and Rose Sme degaard at the prize ticket bowl New Di rections (From Page CU available to Orange County residents. The third house ts used as a th~-quarter house available to women who are working fuU time and need a structured and supportive aunosphere for up to six months The rent lS $60 per week which includes use of all faciLi ues such as kitchen. laundry. linens, etc Food as extra. Although the re as a referral program through hospital an -patient programs. other recovery homes. AA membe rs a nd others. referrals are not required. Any woman who desires help may caU New Directions. There will be a personal inte rview with a requirement of 72 hours of sobriety before a resident 1s permitted to enter. The woman mus t agree lo remain an the program for al least 30 days. Vo lunteers for New Otrecuons believe they have one of the most su<.'CeSSful operauons in the - FASHION CALENDAR Fashion corisultants Racki Van Hoorebeke and Wanda Harlow will conduct a 9 a.m. to 4 p .m. makeover seminar Saturday, Oct. 30, at Golden West College in lhe Campus Community Center. Topics include developing your fashion personality and building a wardrobe using your personal color palette . A review o f basic modeling skills wall also be offered Regis tration fee of $40 includes lunch. and Susan MacDonald, chairman of the Orange County Philharmonic Society's fashion show. sure knows how to keep a promise. She had said "Th18 year's show as not JU.St another runway fashion s how." lt certainly wasn't. How often do you see a model go down the ramp with a hve rat snuggling at the collar of her suit? Or a lt Vl' bird perched on her shoulder? A magician had pulled th<' rat and bards from his hat. MacDonald also promised there would be lots of music and choreography. A group of freelance dan,-ers from Los Angeles performing to the lively music of the Broadway hit "Cats" opened the show and were on stage much of the time. Bright eolorlod flashing ligh ts and spotlights highlighted the show. battle aga inst alcoholism. and they have provided a graphic report lO the public to teU of their successes. A slide presentalJon developed by the center as n ow avaalable for the public, and any organization was hing to inform ats m embers about the center may use the presentation for club programs by calhng the center at 548-5546. To emphas17..e the value ol the work ol New D1rect1ons. the center cites some s tatistical information about alcoholism an the Orange County community including estimates that 200.000 county residents are alcoholics. and 66.000 of th<.'!K' are women. So the women who have formed this centN state that .. To understand, ac"<:ept and treat her d1 seasc>, a w o man often n et•ds -New Otrt'\·tlon~ •· pre·registration in the community services oCfice is required. Further information available by calling 891-3991. MAY CO.: Beverly Sassoon will conduct a beauty workshop based on Information from her new book, .. Beauty for AJways" at noon Monday in the South Coast Plaza store. A makeup artist from Shiseido cosmetics will do makeovers on St>lected participa.nta. Raervations may be made with the executive secretary, :M6-932l. and the fee is $7 50. DISNEYLAND HOTEL'S Dance with a bear! • W ow! Two sensationa l days and one sensational night at Disneyland HoteL the offic ial hotel of the Magic Kingdom. D-ance with a bear ... wander through a waterfall .. . laze on a tropica l beach ... make a splash in 3 pools .. . visit a wine cellar ... see the D-ancing Waters show ... and ride the monora il direct to Disneyland! Plus one day's admis.sion to Disneyland Park, including unlimited use of all rides and attractions except shooting galleries. Dinner in our water, front Shipyard Inn or elegant Oak Room. A drink in one of our lounges . And , best of all , up to two children can share parents' room for only $29. 50 each, and that includes eve rything the grown,ups get. (Kiddy cocktaiL of course.) For reservations and information, see your trave l age nt or ca ll Walt Disney Travel at 714/520,5050. DiSneyland ltotd ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA . -....... . And -MacUoriald promised beautiful clothes. Kuty L eslal• from Nl·aman-Mareus ('OOrdinated this portio n o f tht• b<.•nc•ftl More than 500 atu•ndl>d an lhl' South Coo.st Plaza H o t<>I ballroom and according t o MacDonald, "Wl· wall realru: about $6.000 .. The proc-e<.'Cls b<.·ncf._~ OCPS youth progra~ including tht• Mu. ... 1c· Moball', in-school concerts, con<.-crl v1d<.'O tapci., mustl· history, annual youth concerts at Mdodyland and thl· n<.>w Musical Encounters. The soca>t y 's firs t fas hion sh ow was pr<.'S<.'nted an 1959 A youth nincl•rt was planned and there was no on<' Ill pay for at. Su Mildred Mead of Newport &•ach thought of a solution. Working with I. Magnin's. a new store al that time in Sanui Ana. a nd thl' Scrvil'l' League (now Junior League) she arrangL·tl a fashion show at Balboa &1y Club. Thus. a tradatibn was born .. Th<Jt first show was a i!it.'llout," Me•d "4ttd after shl• h<Jd bec-n called to the stage to be prt'St'nted a ~th an rt.'<.'Ognallon of her e fforts. "And two years we had back-to-back shows to accommodate thl• <.-rowd. There wasn't a room in Orange County at the lime to hold the number uf womc·n that wanted lo attend," Mead added. Mead was chairman of the next eight shows ;.ind she· was also instrumental an forming the Lado lslc· Working Commtll.ee o f the society. AM1stmg MacDonald with arrangements for thl· '82 fund·ruascr were Helen Wardner. Mith Wit'Sent<:k, Cc.arm1 Moore, Suzanne Schaumberg, Cris tal Schar . May McNey. Ro~ Smedegaard and Patn c1a Clark The women will probably be there again m·xt year ... What can wt· do to top thlS one?" Mad)onald asked. Vida Dean th€ pR€CIOUS J €W€LS of n €1man. maRCUS. or gift; even f!VBluate your own pearls. Precious Jewels Salon . Have you entered your favorite recipe in the Orange Coast Cookbook Contest? You could win a trip for two or a $200 gift certificate. For details watch for our ad in the Wednesday, Food section of the Orange Coast Dally Pilot , DlllJ Piiat SUNDAY, OCT' 24. 1982 REAL ESTATE ENTERTAINMENT TV LISTINGS 03 06-7 08 .. attlet An.ily1t1 Dow )un .. -30 lfH1u11t11.,I• ()clOO.tt I tj 2:> +JI. "'""tm· l ow , ( IU•1HJ J , ::,~''' .. . 1,lie Dow )on es 11 v(~ragt) edged closer to ..;e11i11g u record tJ.is wt~ek. Wet)k ly to<·k result , Pages IJ2 , D4-5 Businessmen try power of positive thinking By KAREN E. KLEIN Of IM Deltf Hot lteft Local business and polaucal l<'aders gathered at the Orange County Cham ber or Commcrt't.' Econ om 1c Out look Con f t'rencl• this week for a heavy d ose of positive thinking and some faith healing for a sick e<.'Onomy Poinung to sl.Ot·k market gains. Calling interest rates and the low inflation rate, the 12 Spl'akers at the one-day t.•onfcrem·c at tht.• Anaheim Convention Center seemed to agr~' that the dation':. economic r ecovery 1s ·· JUSl around the corner " scu d Amt.•r1cun s s hould "quit C('1ltt!r1ng on tht' nl•gat1v1., .. whc·11 II l'Offit'S to the C'COnomy "All you ht•ar about 1s tht.· 10 p<'rt't.•nt unt•mpluyment rate," ht• Sllld. The ··~an' stones" about tht.> country being on tlw brink or The prime rate Interest rdte banks cha1ge 10 1111111 1110St t 1ed1twor1hv tustome•'> lij 0 •• 111 pe• oent 11 ~ 110 a n o l h ~· r d t• p r c• s s 1 o n u 1 t• "non~HSl'. falM! and phony," ht• uddl>d "The ret·t•ss rnn 1~ 1 nd t'l'd behind us:· hl· ss11d "Th1.•rt•'s no mistake that 1983 1s gomg to bl• a good year .. Thomas Thom~.m. Sl'lllor v1t•t• prt's1dent and t:hll'f (•t:unomtsl fur C r oc·ker National Bunk , was mun• t•autious in his prt'Cl1ct1ons. b u l t h e y w t• r l' p u s I t I v (' nonetheless. "We've seen tough timt>s," ht· said, "bu t tht.• Sou the rn California economy 1s rt>silicnt and strong " He said substantial but slow gr owth about 4 pt.•rct·n t w1 ll d1aru1.·t1.•nw t hi: m·xt five· f1S(:ul 4uurh·ri.. lie· n 11•J n·t•1•111 1ncreuses in hou~1ng b\~1111 .. auto ~all's und pcn.onal 1m 0 1111• a!> the b<tsa!. of his u ph1•a l ou 1 lu11k on I h<' short tc•rm ht•Jlth of t hl· L'l 'O lllllllY Tht· lttnl.( lt•1111 ouh:uinc 1s <t little mor1• wornsom<'. ht· said "We don't wu11l to lost· all thl· g r o u n d w t· ' v <' g a 1 n c· d o n influ11on " Scvt·ral uf thl· spc·akcrs. w htlt• ert•d1l1ng Ht•aganomit·s with lowNtng lht• l11 flat1on rate., also said t>vc•n a 5 µ.·n-1•1H wfh1t1Un rate 1s too h1!(h "T tw «Urrl•nt 111f11Jt11m n.1\t.• I'> suit unal'<.'l·pwbll·." ~ud !-ih1rlt·y Chilton . prt•s1d1•11l uf tht• Cu l 1furn1a Chumh(•r of Comowrt:c Chilton wt.•nt on llJ blaml· govl•rnment for strangling the• t.'l-onomy. "The government ha!> t.•mba rke<l un a patcrnahsllc c·rusadc· to kt.'(.•p C'Verythmg saft'." &ht.· 1><.11d , referring to sub::11d1l's and product mntrols. Thl• l'ga l1tar1an pr1H·c•1>s guurantt·c'S that "no om· should rock tht.· boat to d eprive thC' poor of lht·1r right lo bl· poor," s he swd 1·0111b111at1011 Clf tht' best £rum the• IJ"blw a nd private.• sectors, lie i.t1 1d "Thc.•rc· a re things thc m unty is domg now that can be l.Jct~r donl' by the.• private sector -like trash t'Ollect1on and waste management," hl' s:.iid An e nd to govc:'r n ml'nt regulation and m tl·rvcntwn In business wai. anotht.•r theme that ran througho ut many of the SJX.'l'(:hes. Th<' lltle of the confen'ncc, .. Busi ness Works: America Profits." char acte rize d the hopeful mood of the meeung. where m ost or the 1.000-plus conferees responded favorably to the spea k ers' e mphasis on acc.-entuating the positive. u Dow Jones average T h (• b I g g t' s l d I r f (• r (' n <: e bc·t wt.·c•n dc.·ath and ta xes. sht.• qu1pp<•d . 1s that ··death dl>tc'sn't g1·t any worsl• every 11mt.• the Lt.·~1slatun: nwt•ts " R1c·hard Stl'gt•mctcr, senior v1c.·e prc:s1df•n1 for t•orpor ale dt.•velopmcnt 1:11 Union Oil Co , said opening fedl'ral land for oil l'Xplorati on and starling cxtstmg nuclear power plants dre two ways t o et«h t evt.• e n ergy tndl'pt.•ndent'l·. wh1l·h he: termed an important stl'p to l.'<-onomic l"l '<:IJVC r y. All the speake rs predicted favorable outlooks for Orange County businesses -especially those involved in high-tech - nology, electronics and aerospace. "IC Orange County is what America ts be<.-oming t hen I think all of America may be on the r igh t trac k ." said R obert Anderson. chairman a nd chief execuuve officer .of Rockwell International Corp .. which has divisions in Orange County. 160 14 s 14 0 IJ f> 13 0 12 5 12 0 11 s 11 0 10 s 100 I / /~ / Sp111 rate ........ ~~~ \ \ +1 . ... [\ .- I\ i I 1982 MAM JJ AS O N 1,0 20 Tht• alltann• betwt.~n busint.':..'> and govt.·rnmt:nt was strl'sst.-d by Hogc·r Sli:lnlon, vice chairman of th1· Orange County Bcwrd c1f Supc•rv1sors. Probk•ms can he solvt.·d by a lnft•tlon "OPEC has done 11 before, and tht.·y could do it again," hl' said, rc·frrrmg to the 1973 oil embargo by pl•trult•um exporters. As measured by the Consumer Pnce lflde1t 111 percent change month over month. seasonally adJUSled 1 4 00 1981 -,-98-2 __________ _ I 2 t--------------4 10 ------., 8 1P'l""----r:-1 6 4 l. 0 ..-. .... ----------~ 2 The cha llenge m upcoming months, as Anderson sees 1t. will be to retain a sound core or basic indus t ries like steel. glass, automobiles and aluminum, and continue to develop the h1gh- technology industries, which he said are the key to a prosperous future. ~.c.eo •• '"'~ ....... ~ '>r;u.•t.•s OI"' ""9'°111~ _. ro; a.. • " 1.i "M'<.it' • IH.,. v Ch<-o< '-• ... ._ Elaoto 17 24 Sept 1 8 Oc1 15 22 29 5 12 19 _4,__....._....._..._ ....... _._ ...... _..... __ __..__._~ ~--_. ...... .__..__..__ __ .... ..._....._ ............. Nov J FMAMJ J ASONO J F MAM J J A S O N O Richard Lesher, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Chicago TrltMIM Otephlc:.a Thest' ar e the statistics g iving hope to busine s: A drop in thC' pnme r a te and in infl a tion, a nd a tock market upturn. Put a sarnple of iniport brew under tree on Christrnas morn Irvine-based Wisdom lmport Sales Co. wanu to get beer out of the ballpark and unde r the Christmas tree. The 49-year -old company is betting this fall that its imported br ews are tasteful e nough to compete against other kinds of liquor as a splrit.ed holiday gift. Wisdom officials say they plan to market a new eight-pack of assorted i mpor t e d b ee r s beginning late r this month to capture pa.rt of the market. T h e key In persuading consumers to consider beer as a gift, according to Executive Vice President John M a r ch es. la offering a distinctive packaging that will elevate the product to something more than a thlrd- lnnlng thirst quencher . He believes the com pany h as accomphshed that with a Cul1- color gift b!:>x picturing each of the beers with a 17th -century map as a backdrop and the title: "Great Beers from Around the Globe." Said Marches: "It's a ve ry striking and dy namic pac kage. and we believe It's going to be very popular with consumers. Especially during the gift-buying aeuona. there's a rt"ady market for s ampler packages of fine imported beers." The e igh t -pac k s inc lude Bo hemia, Brisa Light, Car ta Blanca and Carta Blanca Dark from Me xico; W atneys from England; Giraf Malt Liquor from Denmark; Leopard Deluxe Lager from New Zealand, and Holsten from Gennany. Wisdom. the importer of the beers in iu 13-st.at.e western U.S . region. plans to have the eight- packs in retail stores by the end of October. The pa c ks wlll l'nclude a brochure explaining how to hold beer tastings In your home. VW hopes for upturn Firm officials b.e lieve Reaganomics will a id a uto m a ke r LA JOLLA CAP) -Volkswagen of America lnc .. staggered-by a 40 percent overall decline in its 1982 U.S . auto sales. is bank ing on the economic policies of lht' Reagan adrrunistration to pull the auto industry out of Its recessionary doldrums. "After all the bitter medicine the U.S . economy has had to swallow, we feel that it has bottomed out and that the United States will be the firs t in leading the Weste rn world lo economic rerovery,"' said Board Chairman Carl Hahn during a preview of the company's 1983 product hne. ··Reaganom1cs havt> been widely cr1tJcized in Europe by some. and applauded by others. I am o n e of those who a pplaud s the economic poltt·ies." !;Std Hahn. w ho heads Volkswagen's , worldwide operations. So far th1S year the U.S. division of West Germany's Volkswagenwerk AG, has sold about 72.000 gas and diesel Rabbits. That compares to more than 129,000 sold during the same period in 1981. Addiuonal sales declines we re posted for pickup trucks, Jett.as and ScU-oocos. ·•Statistically. we looked ver y bad." said Peter Weiher, executJve vice president for sales and marketing . .. It's been a very difficult year for all car sales in this country," he said. "The sluggish economy, high interest rates and a feeling of uncertainty about the future continue to keep customers away from the showrooms." Weiher blamed Volkswagen's sales slump in the United St.ates in part on the 50 percent decline in sales of d iesel-equipped Rabbits, adding that the sh ort-lived boom m diesel passenger cars was wan ing. .. We recognize that and are changing directions," he said. "We are. you migh t say. going back to basics.·· He predicted about nine million cars would be sold to American consumers in 1983, compared to about 7.68 million of the 1982 model cars. But he said the economic outlook was still too (See VOLKSWAGEN, Page 02) Displaying the 1983 Rabbit c r 1 are Noel Phillips, left, president of Volkswagen of America, and Carl Hahn, chairman of the board or Volkswagen AG. Both hope Rea1anomic1 will boost the auto industry and &pur Volkswagen's depressed sales. Firms try to head off employee problems with counseling By ROBIN TEATER ..................... An lnduatrlal cou n.elor hired to help employeea cope with penonal problenw aaya he 11 eeefnc more euet of lncett and child and sp ou.e abu ae, probably aa a re.ult ot \he depre11ed .:onomy. "My oplnkln 61 that people . . . have Iott aU confidence In thln1• that uaed to provide tecu.rity," u.ld Nellon Hod1ldn1, director of the lncSwtriaJ eoun.Una &«vb ln OeeNboro, N.C: '1 ih1nk the economy hM had a lot to do with thit." Hodp.inl. who hM run the llttYb llnc.-e l9tt, •YI &bit tod9gJ_.wn people who haw not to.& their jot. « cuta ll\ ~ are worried • they might be next. The ~0-year-old director aaya industrial countellns la growing becau.w people feel more at -eue In di.cu.Ing their problems and seeking help for t hem. Also, lndu1trle1 are becoming lncreulnaly •ware of the coun1ellng a nd are looking for way• of 0Uenn1 1ervlcea to their employees. he aald. The Oreenaboro 1ervlce la a consorUum which providee frM and conUdentiel coun.eling to workftl and famille. of the 18 area companle. that p11y for ltl Mf'Ylole. Alcohol abuee lt the No. l problem the ll!l"Yke dee11 wtth, followed by maritat.f..-nlly probleml, mental and emotional probl«nl. and dt'\11 abwle, he •Id. "The ~jorlty of the problema we aee are pertonal problemt whkh emploYeft brtna to the workplace which may a ffect the ir w ork performance," Hodaklnl ta.Id. Availabl for 19,000 employees of the 18 companlet, the Greensboro eervtce aaw about 775 cuet If.St year. 696 of them new cU.nta, he aald. ee,un ln 1966, the corwortlum Mf'V'lce .. the oldett of Laa kind ln the nadon, Hodckh\I Mid. "We've &ot\en to the ~t that moet people oome on thetr own ref ernl, ' he Mid. "We've been here awhile and haw developed tome credibility." Work•rt occasionally are referred to the aervlct by their aupervisora or by c:ompany med~t 1taff1. And 10metlme. employeet are thrt'atened with Job ta11 if they ttfu.. to aeek ·' help for their problems. Hodgkins Mid. The eerv1ce la effective -c.ut effective - , for 8ur1ln1ton lnduatriea' G reenaboro area plants. aald Dr. Donald Hayes, director or Employ Health and Safety for· 8urllngt0n'1 Greensboro plant. "Our ultimate aim I• to keep employeea on the job a nd happy and comfortable In the procem,'' Hare-•Id. Some other North Carollna comp11""9. such : a1 Duk Power Co. and R. J. Reynoldl lndwtries - Inc .• provide "ln·hou.e" counMlint for thelr employee11 and famlU.. F.atabll•hv<i 1bout alx yHrt •co, ~k•"• "(See COUNSELING, Pa•• DI) ' M Orange Coaat DAil V PILO r /Sunday O<.tol>u1 :14, IU8i> llllllClllTITICll Following are tho •tock rnurkvl ul'tlvltll·ti uf µubhl'ly trnd•·d flrma Cor week endf'd l''rlday, <A·t. 22 Duu1 provldt•d hv N1•wprn 1 (Abbrcvlutl'd Vt!nlon duP to Hpll<'t> hmatA.) . "'' I • • t ..... '''" ... I &•U•• W&IU t Pt •1F I • l \. ,.,, fl • 1 'II I I '"" I I u .... '"' I •Ull .. Alt• •• Hf l :::~ :! ·1~ • .. '"& ... , ••Ii· ... . .... ,. ,. . .,, ,. I ... ,., .. ,, • l••"' Tf\er••\ • J.ll•r tnll •• I 10 k n• Nt•P•''"' " IHl 1 • I 1'9 ttrt :~ ::~t,:~:41~! OH>1 ~Ult'' 1111 Capt el~•" •• " C.rl ... ••• '"" •• C'•rtf" ' .. ... If C'fttA••••~• •U tt Clth•f'I• luo 1• Co1e• .. ri ,., 10 Cf'l\I>•' . ... , I C'c· .. ,. .. ... l l o•;ir• .... ,.. ~ .... ," !) •o•t"'t..., : "'r• 1• c ....... " ,,. . 'rl :i ::!:~w•'" ..,,_,. ... :' g:!:: I "liN• .. . IQ U:t'J , It . U )0 It,"' ,., " ..... ) t U I ,., I• H•n• l l .11;1 )I t.Jl.-i• 'P,.f F'4 P f~ ~:;!•~: t f. ~,. \ t I • 1~ Ptr ... ,. •\ •.: Ut ,~,.tl illll•" , J A"41t 1"' fl' ,. ~.orr • • t8 ,I,~,. '":!> ' ,.llii.• Jq,,. ••••• ···it• Ii) ••"'•"• 4 ,• _,J 'VA .. t '•"•'. " .... ,,. t •• tie} ~ .. ,,, ~ ~· t •• 'W 4:' ~'\ I• 9 Ill ' ,., ~r••'·•~·~ •: ... ~... "•' "I ~ ( :1 =~:!. ~=: ~ ~: ' ~~ :: lit' .... ~ .... 4: .. • , .. ,l' 11119Jl/•r•'i W(C 1i1q L•~ ,., &\, , ~-.A ,,, l • ,,. .. ,,.. . • .. '>' t.•f'ler-ty 'ht · ,, LI Vl •• ,,... • •• s ~ .. .,, ~.1 .. , '" ,.~ ~It 1. 1l ~tr .,.., 1 ~ ...... ~·" ')0 ..... , •• ., ' .. , ... .,.. .... S4 <Ill!' .. , .... "' .. • "'I• 9 .... t " ... , . . .. .. : ,, 'iii' .,,. •.. 'ti' I ,, ..... , .. , .. : "' .. 6, .... ., 'iC"" • i:.t llfv•' "• OS lli••o : "· ~t. .... • • ,, "'•"'e: ' f .. • \r.• 6f .... .,,=' ... ,., .. ,. ... . 1f'•11ll .. , ..... ,. . .. .. .. . ' ,, .... .. •I• ..... ),. ~ .. " i.••'1 rt •.. "' ''''fl n• Cro .. H•lifP•>''l .. ' ' . ,,, . " .... •"•n• t ~ , ll 1• I " ... J•J•r .. .,...~··· • ... ~ • t .. ....... ••• . •I I .... tt ,,.,._., • . ~ ... 1111., .. '•• •• ,.,, 'A ~""';' , I• I • r 1111t " "''''' : ... ~ ., .. ' .... ... ~ .... ,. . t. '"" ..... ., •". " ' ..... "" , ""'• • ft . .. Jlo4"'• .. " .. ,., ...... .. ~ " t .. ' . -" ., '' ,. t .. • ,, l .. II''• 10, t • .. ' .... ..,. '"'•I . . . ., ' . '. , .. . ' .... I '\ -.u.i., ... u ~t"l.J ., ' •• ...1 .... . . . '... .... .. n,.,,. .•• •" H ,_. , 1;1 \ I• ..... 1 ' '"••••I -• '• ii f l • l I "I f\ l'•r\• I I !'i.r11 • °'t •'I •• t ,, If•' , i ', I M •I C•41• ", ••• • ••J"i• I I ..... "'I • "'I, ., . . ~ t ~ \ ~ .. .. . ""•' .. .. ' -.., . . • t ... , •• . . ' . . . ' . • t. \ •• . . • . \ " I " ~., .... ,,.,.,, .. .... \[) ... 'I "''' ... . .. , .. ,, ... '\I .& • '' .-.. ~, ~ ... . . '. ',A 4 .. . .. • ,. ... . '· . '· ,.. '• ·-.. •4 , .. ·' ... ...... '' .. ' . ,. .. "' '· ... '· '"' .. ··-.... \I ""• '. 'I l , .. • .. ' '· ftl lft• 4 I ... '(~,. .. . ..,., .. -... . . 6Q 'f1'~ • , .. .,.,, I '"" 70 Oda• • ra ,, ~'ll•41!!1 "'• "'"; 11 ~,..,, ... ,.,"I .. n '•~1tt , , .... ,.,, f li Pt.'"•"""""''•"• t .H'# f~ ,.,." ,, ~"'"=" .... : .... ' ... t' J ..... ,, .... 4'\• -;""=" • 5, I :.. ... , ..... ... .. . " COUNSELING • • • From Page 01 counseling program has grown at about 25 percent a year, acr'Ording to Joe Coulter. program director. Also free and confidential, lht• serv1c:e 1s provided by counselors based in Charlouc who travel to Duke's plants. R. J. Reynolds lndustries also has its own counseling service -but it has a characteristic that distinguishes it from most other serv1CE>S. The Wins ton-Salem-based firm has provided "pastoral counseling·· for its employees and workers at its subsidiaries m the area since 1949. "From our knowledge, this 1s the oldest standing pastoraJ coun.seling program in the United States," said the Rev. Henry S . Lewis, one cf R. J. Reynolds' three counselors. In 1981 about 20 percent of w o rke rs nationwide had personal problems interfering with thelr jobs. said the Rev. Rodney C. Brown, director of R. J . Reynolds' counseling program. He said about one of every 25 employees with a problem considered su1c1de or homicide. or was a hazard in the workplace. Brown said it was important to rerogn1ze "smoke signals" of distress. such as erratic job performance. chronic absenteeism. a "don't-care attitude" or emotional outbursts VOLKSWAGEN • • • From Page 01 uncertain to predict how sales would 1m~rove for Volkswagen. "We are realistic enough not to expect a boom. but .uadual growth," he said. Weihe r said pne encouraging sign was that the inflation rate in the United States is running at an average annual rate of about 6 percent, but that money for consumer loans still remained tight. "Low inflation rates and a resolve in Washington to hold down spending should lead to a gradual recovery," Weiher said. "But 1 must emphasize that th.is recovery will be gradual . . . We kno w there is a growing need for new vehicles. The scrappage rate hit a five-year low in 1981 and the average age of the car on America's roads is seven years." Heralded as the centerpiece of the 1983 Volkswagen line is the R abbit GTI, which retains the basic body style of the Rabbit but incorporates Improved fue l e fficiency and handling, according to company officials. Its base price will be about $8,000. Current production plans call for manufacturing about 150 Rabbits a day at Volkswagen's plant near New Stant.on •• Pa. Find your best buys for holiday giving In Gift Gulde. Coming Nov. 24 1 _., .... le "" .. .,.., c... ... "on • Top commissions • E11clut1vc accounts •FT IP T New Eacltlrtt ,roduclt Mr. o.rte (TM) ... ,_ o .. i., Inquiries Invited '\ .. •• l,. ... . .... INVESTMENT SOUR? ,., ....... •er_,... c.u c---. •lianMd ~., ~ ,...., tOdey. .., ..... lroliw We_, W .e. eo....... MC--. C114) Ml·l 162 DE£D5 OF TRUST. UMITW PAR.TNF.RSHIP INTERfSTS. FEE OWNf.RSHIP POSffiONS ' .. . ' .. ( >i u ngt· l '11u111 y :-:1'1·1111111· .. ( '11rp ., t liri ' I .. 18°/o YIELD .,, "'"''•lllll'llt llt '"" ,., ...... 1 JHJ ul I I\ l\t, •cHHcd h)' ill<' rt••I "•'"'" "' tlw •11uth w.:u t ontt•r 111 hc11t h hi vJ 1&11J al•ttir ""' 11111111111111111 l-.•111 Ii u11 > 11 Id I H'' h .... .J 1111 t ht '°"""'"'IC )•,U, clu IU\lf'\tur. , ... ,~."'" J\ P")lllUlt\ 111 I \~II .... J .. h't). loon 1'9)'1114'111 •M• I 1 /I /144 of I li,t.1111 hir \1111r 111vt"""'"' 111 11•1,•nu lhll u • •rYc\Ulll'd non•, thl' ""tc•m•I h .. l.m1or, 11nn•> w.u I \~,000 '" 11 'l in1rrr,1. the l Url"t'llt h .. l1111u-I\ l \\,7(;() il/lU will lw l11n111111teJ 111 111vt: the IH')I >•dd thcrt' ''" •ulH1a1111 .. 1 t'll"''>/w.frt) f,.l · tor hiurJ • 111 • re<""' rr~•lr ul the 1ir11p1·11) 1111< Hllll/lrl'.11 l/\ll•l<l\111 "' '" 11'1. ""' ..... ,, 1111111< I\\ I'' \ti a.. I"· f.,,, 111., .wJ '"'"' '' 1111 1 I\', Ill l'lll>lt llJ\\l{I Al ,,,/l,1 1 1111 111'1111/\;I\ t INVI \I M~.N I llMOKEMS, llOlll Al1\llNl7141"611162 •,h.,1 .. , tlrn,tal••••u l'lf!ll to THI "(_• ~ ~~~ SOU.I W •II• HtA f IHO U.tHllOOM H lo\OOtllNO ,# t ' ,~.,, i;e;_ f1me S11W11 11 Yau< OoCI' {Call S10<e _ .. , Y""" Al .. ) COST• MlSA 641-1289 UU N.wpeo1 It• ... MISSK>N VltJO 495-0401 21922 Comll\e Cofoio"""• ,_ ._. """' .... ...., ... ...., .. Final Oceanfront Lots Pnv.1h• w.illl·d .rnd g.1ll' g u.trdl•d 101111nunit\ "1th pr·iv,)h.' lw.Kh .rnd p11v.1ll' ..,\, 1m .ind ll'nni-. l lllb Ill ~.lll ( ll'll ll'l1h 1 20% Down 5-year Financing 9 '1's 0/o Interest, OR 12°/o Interest 10-YL•.u Amurti zil tiun Only Act Now! (714) 498 -2830 (2 13) 277-9470 Also: Subordim1tiun clvailablL· .... ubjt'Ct to approval of pl,111~ .111d cun ~t ruction lo.i n. LAND AUCTION OF T ~x DEEDS, FORECLOSURES. PROBATES, etc. Sunday. NOVEMBER 14. 198Z. 10 A.M.-ROOSEVELT HOTEL 7000 Hollywood Bl .. Hollywood, CA LIQUIDATlllO z~o lllUrUSIVE LOTS • ACllEAllE 110 lllllllMUlllS 011 60 LOTSI IHVESTMEHT OPPORTUHITIESI TAX SHELTERSI BARGAINS! l ,\ C.111 • LA C~nty • Ant .. Oe>ti v I) t L.nc:alt4't • TOP&nQ• • Aut1 ... '1e•d • 8.g a..., Luctune V Hy • Palm Sp1 • A.lv.,1-10• • ChfflkO • 5•n 0400 S•l10tt Cit• • ...-.,n Cc.. • l.•.1110tn.1 c.11 . Rotamono • ~Ofl.,. • 511 C,ui • fMf\ \.()IYM)f'\t • ,._,"Q, C.<1 • t..A..,.ooc•nf.1 • '*'"•m• •. Ml Sn.u11 • l ailt.• M•ad • Qear l tk• 8eKn • Co••-"Q• • L" [ft.tr~• • "tum• • "'01avflll Co • Nawato • Utah • COAot•Oo • M.cn.tgan La..-•t • Alt>u'l\M~Ho"" • man, m .. ,,, ""''f FREE BROCHURES MAil lllll~ ~t(.I f' 1 CO ~~: WESTERN LAND BANK cw aa 11o1•rw-11 .. IMlt• •1• writ• Loe A ........ CA- (714) 739-8137 or (213) 485-41211 Nornl [oats Newport City Council November 2 Committee to Elect Norm Loats, Rud Baron-Treasurer, 881 Dover Dr .. N.B. 1D tt 822319 j Orungu Co111 DAIL V PILOT /Sunaay October 74 IS82 INS A ummer place The (:enterea ch model at Hampton Hluffs in Laguna Niguel resembles a Lo ng Island sumnwr r e treat. Prices s ta rt a l $196,500 und mode-I Hrt• located at 25432 . indlt'wo od . Planning· '1I1ost vital' "Planning 1s n ot eyewash, 1t 1s the initial and most important step in the• development of a succt>ssfu 1 pro1ec t ," asserted lrvme ar:h1tc'<:I and land plann er How a rd F Thompson in a rec.·cnt speech before the Amert('an Planning Association's annual California con vention at the Anaheim Convention Center. "Any bruker will tell you 1 hut you c:a nnot rcscut' a poorly planned projec t It will be all l'ul\t111l11· to t'rc•a tt• visual and t• n v 1 r on 1111• n ta 1 landmark:. Thomp !>o n su 1d dl'vclopt•rs .in• now more awart• th.it 1nuustrial land 1~ vt>ry important and \'l'I ~ pruf11ablt• As an l'Xamplc>. lw pointed to thl• big busmt.'SS park. ''tht• darl ing u f th e• msurann• n 1mpantC'S and big ln\'l'lllOrll .. Tht'i>l' parks will get l.1rgt•1 anrl more popular b l' l' <I U :-. l ' u ( t h e I r fl l'x1btl1t y to start a:; 1ndustnai" and c.·onvert l.1t1•r tu l>fl ll'l '. attral.'lton to small users. upward 11•nl .iclJU~tmC'nt upponunittt•s lor owners. a nd bt•t·..ause "a big . d1vl'1 'ol· bu-..m·~-., 1·umplC'X g1vt•s a ltttlt-~uy fl big .1dcl rt·~., .. Land tu:.t~ will forl'e s 1nglt•·s t o 1 y bus iness parks furthl·r aw,1y from highl y dt•Vt'I Opf·d t•ommunlllt"'-. Thompson oh~l·rv1•d W1th1n inure urbanlZl•d a1 f!as, thcv will go tu mulu-story l'1tnf11o(urut1ons. he said. top dreaming, ~tart buying M< >NTl-.IU-:Y ( '1111-.u11tl'I '> \\ ..r111n.c tlw l111111t• f tlll'll d1 l'Ulll., .. 1i11uld '.'>\OJI d1 l'HllllllK .111tl i.t.u t llv 111.c whtlr th1·1r hUVlllK FMIWt•r I~ Ill IL'I JWttk. th"' ~11ld111K 11uf11,11 v':. tup 11H1nal -..11d ut tlw ll'l Piil 11111ual 1111•1•t111K u l tl11• L'..ihfu1111u Butldlllj( lndublry J.:;.-,111.·10111111 lt'BIAJ Ill Mollll'tt·y "fl'.," ltuv1;1 ':-. niarkl'l n~ht 1111w," l1.11d L1•t· J <11111111, II Maliliu budd1•1 and J'll'Sldl•lll or tlw li111ll'liu1hl111g 11!\s•K·iu11un wh1•:-.t· ·t,:rno 11w111lwn. JHldlH't• Litt• 111.tjlll ll)' ul tht• llt'W 11111111°1\ Ill l~lr rorn111 1 "Buildt•" u11• 11·.idy lu 1wg11lll1lt'. t•V1.·11 on tlJl'l ht11l''· ••lld .an• willing tu forg11 profit:. 111 11n.kr tu ~ ufl 111v1•11tu1 y .111d p;iy uff l'o,tly t u11!otru1.·11on h~ru, 111 1nuny 111!.Wlll'l'll, whut ll!.l'd tu lw butldt>r 11c1f11s .1n• lw1ng UM·tl tu 'buy t..luwn' 111l1·1t·.,1 ratt·i. tu 1•11•b 1Juy1·r-. lJll ..affoid. ::.onic.' ... , low ... , !J f){'Htc-nt " <..:uldrn c:1tC'd lhl· Con::.trul·t11111 I ndustry H~l'.11'l'h Ronni (l'IHB)'s l•sllmatt> that l)ll,000 nc·w h111s1n1< urnts al'l' unstJltl 111 Callfonua lo point out thlt "thl•I'(.· ar1• obvious oppurtun1t11•s today lor pill'l\tllll buyt·rs, upµortu111t1t•s that 111.1y rll1t 1·x1st 1n ;1rv1h1•r yN1r "In tht• .,,x u•unty Soutlwrn Cahron11a ;,irl'a, the t·:-.t11n..1tt·d unM>ld inventory <i l lllH.l • y1•;ir HIH:l ~t\l~J .it :t!. l ·I:! units, lhl' largt:!.l Ull!.11ld 01nvt·ntory on 1t'l·unl .11trn d1ng to dat~ f1un1 tht· Ht·..11 f:,ldtc· lhw.111 h Firm uf Southt·rn t'<d1fo1 n1:.i." Culdin "But t•Vt'll w11h th:.it high dll 111v1·11 tury tht: t·lqt·t t1·d llH 11•..ast• 111 t'o11::.unw1 d1•m..and ftJr new horws t«Hinot lx· S4t1sf1t•d al th•· r<'<·urd low rat«:s uf pnt,lut·t1on we've been experiencing the· past year " (;oldin !\Hid that tht' S ta ll' Dqia1 tm1.·nt of llu.1!\11lg u11d Community Dcvl'lopnwnt says 3 15.000 nc\' hou!.tng units must be built 111 Cal1forn1<1 t•ach Yl"I w !>Uttl->fy 111l·rt·asing numlx·r~ ol housc•hulds. CILB t•st11natl'!> that only 78,00U u111ts will lx• l>uJJt 111 ht· st.1tt• this year. about 25 pc·n ·tml of lhC' nt·(dt•d numbc·r "Cal1furn1a's numbc·r of huu.t•hokb ll'> 1nt·rt•asang at tw1<.:l' thl• r..ttl' of uur poµJlalHm." G oldin said. "cr C'ating a pent-up dt•n.md thcJt 1.·<.mnot be met. "Whut this all means to thl' ('unsumc.'r." hl· said. "1~ h.it now •~ tht' time to buy a new homt•. while mll't'st r;itt•s have easc•d and lx•for1• µr11..·t•s havt' rism too mul·h higher. Even in today's weak market, prat·c·l'o havl' continued their upward d1mb. a nd will rise further as demand exc.·ceds supply." downhill from the day it .----------------------------------- opens," said Thompson 1--,.-E=R~S-O_N_A_L_P_R_O_F_l_L_E__,1 who hC'ads Howard F. INVENTORY S20 Thompson & A.ssoc1a tes, 10.ni 't ,.,.., ,,,... ·~ °"' """ <>• • North San Juan Capistrano Now you c4n own 11 be11u11ful r1Mdy·to·bu1ld rm cu~tom home 101 m 1he ~ecluded !:>tonendye commu1111y 111 the 1'11lls of !:>iln Judn Cdp1slrdno duw eS< m lAI 111 4"> days and make no pnncrp .. I ur 1111e11..·~1 J>ayment~ untrl January 1Y84 • This means you ~a11 buy di today~ prttes a11d e n1oy the appr1?ua11011 dnc..1 ta~ advdnl11ges clear up unlll 1984 lor 011ly the smdlles1 of 111ves1menas /mugine your ga~ stu11ur1 public u11/1ry or yuw /ocol ~upermorket rnokrrty 1/11~ ~ md of offer 1 V1s11 '·ronerldge this weekend Thnll 10 the open \paces. the mJiny 1ra1ls the equestrian center and 1he private tennis court' 'we 1he beauuful custom home,, already berng built 1hen choose ~our big. country lot and g111de1a1ls1.Jf this mosi unusu~otter Stonendg.i lots (up 10 one full acre) start as low as $121, 000. • .~otv,oll~ ~ ou u.111 bf' r&'~pon"blt' /o, vuur o ..... n ta~f't and 1.&.111 t"nJO~ thaif' dt'ducbons .fi.t ~-·Jl>o·• Inc of Irvine. ~~:~~·~~.:·:.,.;.;,~ T':'..: Thompson forecast an l O.·•·<>""''"' r.,, c •••• o• 11•<>•0 incr ease 1n pro ject .~~,:~~.;-:,·~ .. ~~~:ut~~· quality because. he said, (714) 640-1268 "When the ('Ompet1tion gets t ough. rt 1s th e quality pro.)l'Ct that will To 111111 Stonendge rake tht ~on Otego Freeway ro 1he Auer~ off ramp Go under rhe jreeu.a~ 01 Avery then turrt right un Marguenre obour one mtle ro Highland Go up lhe hill pasr r~t neu• Cap1s1rano Royale com mun11y to secluded Sronertdge counrrv ~, Ix• su<.:'C'essful." The arc hitect and planner also to ld the APA members that larger projects will be developed becausc they c r e a t e a t o t a 1 environment. they create their own success. and joint venture financial partners l ove big projects. Other future trends projected by Thompson include a "blurring" of tradit ional zoning concepts to allow more f lex1b11Jtv and the recycling. remodeltng and conversion o f ex1s11ng f actl1 ties to e nhance the healthy r evi t al iz ation of communaues. Thompson told the g ro up who will shape the future of California communiues that there was a time not long ago wh e n planning was r eserved s trictly fo r ma ssive residential developments and urban ren e wal pr ojects Planne rs. he said, were viewed as "flakey theorists'· who were hir ed generally to appease a financial institution. That is no longe r the case. h e said. for new conc-epts m the planning and destgn of commercial and i ndustrial deve lopments are creating and will Investing • seminar planned Lingo Real Estate of N ewport Beac h will offer a seminar for h o m &Ow n e r s and investors Thursday. • N Phone (714) 495-6242 e Daily Pilot e classifieds e wort< for A community by Fredric k• De1Jelopment Corporation. you. call • 642-5678 LINCOLN. THE LEADER. IN QUALITY LUXURY CARS .* Lincoln Mork VI Continental Consumers roted them to be the highest quollly luxury cars bu1ll 1n America for the 1982 model year WITH PROGRAMS THAT BACK THEM . For 1983. these luxury cars ore bocked by programs among the best ottered by any American car builder VIRTUALLY COST-FREE DRIVING. Scheduled maintenance and limited warranty coverage lets you d rive our 1983 luxury cars virtually cost-tree tor 3 years or 36.000 miles. whichever comes first Offer limited to residents of Col1forn10. Washington. Oregon. Alaska. and Howo11 -now through the end of the 1983 model year L1m1t one per customer Accidents, abuse. tires, and fluids between maintenance intervals ore not included TEED RESALE VALUE . Each of our new 1982 and 1983 luxury cars Is guaranteed to return o greater percentage of Its original sticker price than any compara- ble competitive Cadillac model Simply trade in on any new Lincoln luxury car 1n 2, 3 or 4 years o tter purchase This Is on exclusive offer for Collfornlo residents only who buy our luxury cars ordered or delivered now through November 30, 1982 Percentage based on NADA Used Car Gulde· books for average trade-In value of our luxury cars compared to comparable competitive models at time of trade-In. Offer Is nontrans- ferable, limited to oAe vehicle per customer See your Dealer tor details -11.9% FINANCING RATE. Now on any new 1982 or 1983 Conttnentol, Qualified retail buyers con get a low 119% Annual Percentage Rote trs good for America Actual savings depend upon amount financed. dutotton of financing. and State low Dealer contr1butlons may affect customer cost Good on deliveries through the end of 1982 LOW LEASE ~TE . MARK VI " The seminar will focus o n the reality that, for many, the entry Into real estate Investme nts during the '80s wlll be p redicated by our ability t o raise large 1um s of mon ey and provide professional management through group lnvestfng. T o pics of special Interest will i nc lude alternative means to capitalize o n real estate invc1tme ni. ot her th a n h o m e purchues, lnformaUon to update knowledge of tax laws, a nd forecaau of economic trends. The primary speaker will b e Eu1e ne A. Tro wbrlda•. who wlll live a all de pt't9en tat.Ion. 9.9% Interest Is the rote your Uncoln-Mercury Dealer con get from o foctory-spcnsored program on luxury cars This unusually low finance rote means ycu may get a lo'Ner monthly rote when YoU lease. t .. Lease rote opplles to ony new 1983 Llncoln. Mork VI, or Contlnentol leosed from portlclpotlng Dealers ~ • There ii no char"9 but ruervatlon1 may be mad by calling t.1n10 Real Eitt.ate. 844-7020. before December 3'\ 1982. by lease customers with approved credit • ~CURV ~OLN ,_ Sii YOUR LINCOLN·MIRCURY DIALlll '" •BoMd upon o Ford MofOf Comix>nv MVfr( O! n4tOf!'; 0.000 FOfO ond e0mpet1tive 1082 ~ COf owne<s "*""'"'O things gone WY()(IQ • ) \ I) I ... I 11: ~,:.\ ~ ·~t'~ .... ¥ ,,.. ..... .. . ....,. \1 • ..,, ,.. tf\ \O• , ..... • t t\\J\. 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I U jl I\ fJ .1-..1t.A t M 11/U t\ t t•I~ /1 U ilfl 1411 t II hht htt. • 11 \,t UHi .. ._. t ltt r ._.,,14 I 44 IU 4'4 1) II l .. M f'•\ ••I/ N I tl I ttipf'H• M I tW It t l"'1 .,tV I f/ll "' v/Jlt I ( .. II ~ I .. t •11 II \f 1•11 •• w " ... \\ 1•11 "' II I W .. ... l•tt "' .. llJO \• • 0 l •U 11 H '"~v\H •I f""'H 1n I !if} IO\ W I• Ill µIt I'' H II • lll I fU l \ t\ vii It • 'If I t ltu wl'f lt • ' I t ,._ t I 1•4 ,.., 'O Ut Lill I .. I• llV ~ t~.r Vi 1~ ~' H~ :,: J • (~It '1 I 11 I.I w II • 11 • lllrtl1t I IUll IJUI wJI I • IJ lf M t 1\1 U • IJ ,l)(K;~I M II~'' • ll 4,,, \HI I I\ 11 vi• II• U •Int .Uu ut 1.1•l 14 ,l •n•••Xl Hut'f It U • ) I I• 'f '"'~ /4 d llrl'°'C1 IC.I I t lJI M •• "v •• , ,, t•JI\ h.-J 1\1 (>ltlQll Ill(> f 1111 II• It Lt 1u1> I Ill> IU lll II 41 lJ ...,..,. I /fJ/1 IOJ)I "'" I/ Ul I J l'I "I 144 11'• t, (> w "' ~I I•• h> •CJ • 111 1 IA I IHI I•• "I (\i " IU '\\6t ~ ) U-1f • J .. I *' II I l'U'L t /011 •• •• 11-itw' 1 t/11 Hfl/wU 6 l"V'W~ I \) l1J /111 , "'... 011 •lfltJ "' • 1f • Uv-•\. t 1U 11 /<IQJ.t "" '" "' .. t,1111 ' ~ It "'"' wtO ( ,_...,._. 'ft Ai ~ IJ } lJt ""' Mu • I t h It tJ" 0 r•U I /J t• • 1 U .. ,tu\ .v• ti I)/ H• '1 NPt'I I I ., ti Nlt'f t,;f l ""''' utJ w 10wU, \Iv' I (It•"' IW~4f °'-'••• 11• , ..... 11'· liw•r ~ ti \ I '1 ...... f' vt • 10 '"''" ti ..,.., ..... •M» t'l10 wtl (M, pt I IO 14 IW ut4 O""•l)f I•' 11 v/J I) Ol.l'rli' JI~ 111 ult, IV• Chit.f'~I II 1/0 at '>' °"" VIMll M 110 Oi ~1 0'°,_. pf I /I /XJO 0 ' """""' J ,, ,, '"' ""'' P t ()\,ult 1 ~ I M)I u1th• • IMIPIA 110 ·-ti u CMlo• t 111 ,~ "''' II OuQOt I I ..HU wt\• II , (>wul I ~I llOll II 1 ~o• I 0' 1.00 wt• I • lh1Q1,1U I 10 1)00 t• ll\•ttuc:tu1"'110 M\.tft t ()uQ1l I J 114..ki tt IU • nwo 1 " 110.J 7J t l U~pf 1 N t\60 uU 0¥ Uf., h J-41 II \ • (lynA 1~1) 111 t l ( l . ... l•• l-4\I ( .. t II \\ II I 1• • \I "" "'' ,. ,. ,. ,. . U • I• II W • . ' Jt t ii ...- /I\ JI• le• JI , •• It .. II II ., • IJ ,, ,, .. •I \.t \.t ... \I \4' I >I \t Ill llJ. l\J JO, I 11-.... ,.. ,. , , 1'1" J ., ., . (J ,,, , .. • II • ,., • JJ w... 10 . 11 I ""'• JJ• • ., •l \ fl; " .. 11... ,, t .. ., ' ~. " , U I) ... II II ... ~ •'. J. II 11 I I . ..... • • u I\ I 1 14 I), ,, \J /I II t l•\· 1t , .. lt lh I w WI I I/ tl " . . ti I • l'f II• j.f ' \t, JI 4Cj I I JI I ' •I JU '"' tJ tl I~ IU .. ., •I .. I) ll Ill._ II .... .. .. .. •I .. 9 1 I\•• t) • .. " .... •• l\ I) I) I\ II ., ,. .. '• " ti II II \J ,J ". " . . . .. I+ .. .. I• .. I I J .. J .. I i." ,,, :--, .. I ,.~ ••• •• 1 ~ ... I I AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE IHIU 1 A I ION\IN\I VIII I IOAl!I \ 1)0• I Mt •II W 101~ MIOWl \I "'< "!( ~•w e<)\ l(U• 111 t O(jll ... 0 I llol INHA 11 \ttJtJ • '' .. AN~t \ •Nll tfl t'0 Wtl 0 If t"• ... \h •HO H\ttflft t rJ11mnt1 Lotts I UAtL Y Pll Ol t'iunc11ty Octobet 24 198? • D• Or.no• Co111 DAIL v PILOT /8und1~. October ~·. 1ee2 """'1 llllnlll 111111 Ill I UD ,. ... I '--,.._.._ HD,_ ... 2 CSI ...... UlllJD,. ... > iSll ,... ¥lilly 1W1 $1111 .... Ow W iii""' tOD "" 11t> I 1 13TH SMASH WEEK! ISN'T IT TIME TO SEE WHAT 25 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE BEEN RAVING ABOUT? tllU N£WrOllT SUCH OllANCE WllTMINSTEll l!Qnn Btta P.ua Eawaios He .. DO'! C •t"'~ 529 5339 6U 0760 C·11t01l'1'le Pac tics 11 Way 39 63• 2~53 D"•t lfl 891 3693 MllllCNI YIEJO WESTMINITUI E0waros lloeic> Tw.n 830 6990 fC:•a•Os C•flt<I!~ Wes• 991 3935 STALLONE .rhla time hn fighting for hla life. .. . T H I This prosecutor rock on JllLLS BUHO. Ort• (AP) l>ur111.c tlw Wt't•k. w a.h111wto11 Coullly AuiMllllll Dl11ll ll'l Allorrwy l>uvt• Wh1t1• hrl11t(11 lH'l u•wd t r11111nul!4 to JUlilH '" hut ul\ w1•1·k1·11th1, Ill' ht•IU. out ':'>1)11 11x:k 'n 'rull w1tla tllll' u l th•• P ortl11111.J u1 l'll'" top !Ju11Ji. W l"l' kt' 11 t.Ji., h l' g l' l 111 111 l U h 111 111 ~ti Oldtirn11h1ll· 111111 dor\11 i.km light bll l'lt h f>tlnl• unJ 11tl11•1 typ1rnl rcl(·k f(Urb to ploy Mn<I g y11.1tL• Wi rh ylh111 uu1111r with ttw lw11v1ly bookt•d Lu1411uL-. ht· 1my11 H1• iwy11 la111 J uul hf,. dOH11'1 give him pwlJlt•0111 Ul lh(• offl('t' "Nubody m1nd1 Wi long n• w~ dun'l t·mlmrru'll! <1nyl>ody an lhl' nfflt't• ont.l I ch111' tl11nk wt• d u," ht• 1111 y11 "I think w l 111t Wt' Jo hi hu1 U1J~X!i Jt'a 8 fo l or (UO .1nt.l u11 BVU(.:llllun " Whltl' 11p111111 tlat• KUP bl·tWL'l'll tht• l'Olirt hm1m• u11J Juhnny L11l1ho and tht' Luwnub wath oplomb I lt• lam't tht· unly 11wn1be1 uf tllt' bout.l wuh IH1t1lhn llr · Johnny Limbo himself 111 rt·olly J1•11 y ll11Cfrnu11. who mun lll(l'i> nn 11pprr du'IR m<'n!lwt'or 11tor1• nt m1-0f Pur tluml's lol'~l'lit lihuµp1ng <:t•11l1.•1 l!. Whitt.' 1mys he and I loHmun handl<' tlw bus1m•1>1111ffu1l'l> uf tlw c.•1ght LugnulS. ") do the.· lc.·gul work that's ror sure," Whttr says h<' stl)rtt'd the Lugnuta 11h11r\ly before· he went to work for the drstrrl't attorney's oHke four years ugo. nfH•r graduuling from Pepperdin e U111wrslty Law &·hoot an Los Angeles. At th(• <'(.>Ur thouHc>. wht•rc· Wh1t1• urrivt•11 an u sum! Volvo und 1:1 thrN· plt-t·t• 11u1t, Ill' 1s a 1·1'111111uil pro11c.x·utur But 1m Dur ing the wc•·k, Dave White is assista nt dist riC't atto rney o f Washing to n C-Ounty, Ore., but o n weeke nds he give up the three-piece suit fo r an a mplified guitar a nd 1950 roc k a nd ADVINTUal CONTINUES Forgiw m e, Father, for I have sinned. I have killed for my Country, I have stolen for my Church, I have loved a woman, and I am a Priest. j MONSIGNOR l-C--.4oo- A FRANK YABlANS- A FRANK PUtRY- ..1.0~ COSTA MHA UA Cinema 714/540-0594 \"' CoH lheot1e k>t 5nowlim.1 llllA UA Mo·ot~ 990 •on COITAllllA £Ow4f0\ So\11~ Con1 "'•" ~46 ?111 fl TOllO UGUllA llACll lO•aiO' s-.. t1.1, • 10 .. ,10\ StMn ~om ~8• SllO 494 ISU llUllTlllGTOll llACN LA HAlllA EOt111aro~ 11un1~on C·rier'l• ~..-c f •\ri~ l"'Jt;,,J'" 8'8 Oll8 69• 0633 OllAllGI t,,toomc 63& 2S~3 ~Allll ACCl~lO '00 '"'' lNOAOl ili!] '"The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" -·~ l.C-1 M:&~RA!:o()O'IO-M>' 'V ~ •BARGAIN MATINllllS• Monday thru Saturday All Pertorm1ncH belore 5:00 PM (Elctpl Special Ent1t""'"'' 1nd Holtclaya) "Tttl LAtT AMllllCAN \11110111" I ~...... (tll ~utr TIMll AT lllOOMOHT KIOH" 1•1 --- "JINXED" 1•1 ................ "MONl lONOA" 1•1 __ ._ ..... .,.. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN "M 0 N81GNOA" 1•1'",. - tt: ............. _. "ITAll Tlll!I(" IOI , .. \ ...... "ITAll TlllK I~ THI WllATH Of KHAN"'""' ..... LAKEWOOD CINTH SOUTH WAI• IN "AH °'flClll AHO A OIHTllMAH" 1•1 ••a'.la. ... t:a tt• "THE CHOSEN" ''" llM 1;11 ... ~ .. ,,_. "FIA8T BLOOD" 1•1 ,., ..... ~ ,,. foe"'"" ot Cono1e•ooo 213/531-9510. "~INK fLOVO. THI WALL" 1•1 t:AL ........ "THI LAIT AMClllCAH \llflOltl" 1•1 tl:Al.t46.IM "Tl!Ml'llT" tl'OI .......... "MV fA\IOlllTI! YIAlll" jl'OI ..... "THE CHOSEN" 11'1 ................. "JINXED"'"' ........... :Att. ....... , •• '"'C"lt l"OUll OlllYl·lll IW_, llHIS 1unc .. '"'• •KA• -.,. .. ,,.. ..,, ., AO H(lll O•IVE·lll MAUD• llVO OlllYf.111 & OUN'( OtllYl·lll I•• ti),. ._.,.,..., & • ._ ... , , •• , ........ "'""' ......... (9 lf&.MI• .., °"''a,... o"" "'' ,,,. ..._ st.m 10 "'' 1111ro1H AllT NOTICl 1 CHILOlllN UllDlll IZ n m -... ·-.. Olli• a.-.,,.., , .... Clll"'-·-""W-CJllUI.,._ ,...,.,.CMl_..n-_~- -Ml _,l•AUCllll-'l-m •MI- ~"4 A ~ti IV ANAHEIM Olll\lf IN ,,.. .. , tt ot le"'Of'I It 17t•tHO "JIHXI O" 101 ...... "TAii.ZAN, THI AN MAH" 11'1 -II - p •••a fAL t BUENA PARK ()lllVI IN IJM .... A ............ ,. 111...070 ......... LINCOLN ()lllVl IN Lfl"C:O~ ... We•t °' CMtt 121-4070 • '· • ~4 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 0111\ll IN " ...... LA HABRA DlllVI If\! ---·--·---17MH2 ..... ' OJlANGE OlllVI I N ' .-T1''ILLI e tMI "°9MeMM t•• I --cLAll Oil ._... f•l J ... A1Tt111•• 19') Cnefn- "IT., THI lltTllA•TIMlllTlllAL" (N I ...... "OllAOOHkAYlll" IN I "'lllltT 94.000" PH ...... .... AO MA.X" 1111 ''Ho\LLOwallll lll: HAIOH M Tl4I WITCH" (tll ...... "TI!e THllHO" 1111 c ... .,_ -~ltot S. OI J iw .... ri._,._ 191-1693 ·•KIO" (OJ ...... •TAii.ZAN. ntl AN MAH" .. , ~ .. - "lllOMllONOll~ "'' ...... "TA~I" CN I C*f·"- •• !\ .. Al"IO .,..,, • lto .. CoM ... IM-1311 OiJUSTOPHER RUVI: In MONSIGNOR ....... GtNEVTEVE BU)OlD Jt:RNANOO REY JASON MIUER JO( CORTES£ AOOlfO CEl.1 with TOMAS MlUAN ms Frenclea> °""'"'"., ....... _ BILLY WlUlAMS, 8.5.C. -~ JOHN wtU.lAMS ,..._,.."" FRANK YA.BlANS ~ DAVID NIVEN, JR. _,.,ABRAHAM POlONSKY ~ WfNO£U. MAYES --.. .....,., )AO< ALAIN tECtR R -... FRANK PERRY ~"l::C::--·-Ill .... , ...... ,.......... ,.. MISSION [)111V f IN .._ f LOyg, Tl4I WALL• 1111 ...... •AMITYVLU • nt9P'OH1•1tOW"t111 i I . . . If lt'1got ...... '" you'H••b ..... •••* '" D•llY Piiot cl1uffled 'Gloria ' g ive n n e w lifi on BY JERR\' flll('K A~T-~Wrll .. • LOS ANt::1':L ... :S Why I" Sally S 11 utlw1i.. the.• l.lt'tr<'h.'i wh11 11111t "All 111 1h1· ~·a1111ly" 111du11tlw1 thing'!, lllll'k pl.1y t11K t;1i11111 11~11111·• S tn1th1•1ic ~l1111t-tl lur -..·v1·11 y1·111-... 1111 tlw 1111 CBS k •rtc.•:; us t:lorlu lhank1•r SUv1t·, tlw tiul.ihlv. l'tnotiunul dHllj.!hll•r or Ard111• Hu11k1•1 ond the· w.i1· o( Mikt· "Ml·,1llw11ll" S 11 v11· Sh<! uml Hob H1•11wr. who pluvt'<I M1k1•, lt•lt at lhe end of tlw H>77 -7U :.t'll""' J1·1m St.1µlt•ltm 4u1 l her role ll.'I Edith Bu11kt·r twu Yl'IH:> latt•t Curroll O 'Connor c•o nt1nuv c1 <is lhl• outspokt·n u11d irrcpr.cs1 bll• A n·hll• Bunkc.•r u nd lh1• 11111• was chang~ tu "At'Chw Uunker':. Pl11l't•" 111 till' full of 197Y. "The 1de11 o ( my tliung tt sptnuff f11~l c.·unw up about fivl• ycw·s a8u," l><lys Stn.itlwrs. "That wa~ even before I left 'All in the Fu1111 ly .' CBS stud they would call 11 'M1kt.• and Clorw' or 'Thc.• S t1 vlt'S.' They ke pt making ofh•n. aml I kl•pl passmg Thl'll 1t began to look very attr.Jl'llVl'" Struthers stars 111 thc.• lll'W Sl'rll'~ "(.;tuna." which is U•lecast immcdiatl'ly bC'hand "Archie Bunker's l'lacc" on Sunday amJ 1mmediau.-ly beforl' "The JeCfersons." another spano rr of .. A II 111 thl• Family." In the show Glona 1s d1vor<:ed from Mikl· a nd moves baC'k to New York wath her son Jcx•y tu \ake a job as an ass1swnt in an animal hospillll "'It's Bertolucci's most rewarding fllm : " V111cen1 Canoy N Y Times UOO IOONAZZI • AIOOUK AJMlf TRAGEDY OF A RIDICULOUS MAN IN ITAUAN WITH ENGUSH suer1ru:s . --A lAOO CCMPN-N llEliASl ~ -::o edwards CINEMA CENTER "~:E::AlO 979-4141 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3:15, 5:30 7:45, 10:00 ' Sall y S t n llht·ri-i:o. "(;lor·iu.· u . pinoff' from "All in tht> ... uruil y. • "1'111 working with Uurgl•ss Ml•redath. who plays a t-rusty vclennar11m," ~lw :..JY~ "I'm wurk111g \.\1th amninb It was JU~l a wholt• m·w tw1s l Thul m1·ant lo ffil' that nothing would bt.• llw sanw l'Xl'l'pl ti II' nam<.>. "It was un opportunity tu play a l'harac.•kr l'Vl·r yorll' knuws and nut haVl' to s pl·nd Wl't•k s gt•llang lhl• uudiE!nl'e Lu know hl·r But the other l'harac:tl'rs ar<' diffcn·nl, tht· surrounding:. and l'Urll'l•pl c1n• f\l'W." / T-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-, ' r. ~~.,,.~ '1 •• 1 r, ~'"' ~·. ,"~i I ~' t · •• & ,\ I 1 ~· \ Y1) ... ~!~'~ , · March to a . ,f 1 ~ - Disneyland Drummer. Christmas is coming soon to the Magic Kingdom, along with our most magical holiday event, Fantasy on Parade. We'll be auditioning for parade performers and participants at Disneyland as follows: Men-October 30, 1982 8:30AM-5'11" and up 10:30AM-5'6" to5'10" 1:00 PM-S'S" and under Women-October 31 , 1982 8.30 AM-S'O" and under 10·30 AM-r5'1'' to5'6" 1 ·00 PM-5'7" and up The minimum age requirement is 16 years of age by October 31 , 1982. All applicants must bring a valid Social Security card and proof of minimum age requirement and should plan to spend approximately lour hours al the Park Auditions will be held in the Disneyland Rehearsal Hall, which may be entered from West Street, south ol Ball Road, at 1he Disneyland service gate. No appointments necessary. , $: ·~~~M~~~~· ) -c. ----~~...._ .. WE'R·E GOING TO MAKE YOU MOYIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE 1119 OCtK'""""" ... '•ftn91 1.110 ~ --,-.. N -·~ OI "1> ,,._ COt*""' ~ .,._."'9 Oy ftflt' (~ Al.L Ci~ ANO (!ij Fl\.t.tS RECEIVE ™E SEAl Of THE MOTION PIC 111'1£ c.-00£ Of SflF REGUV.rlC)N As required by law , new bu sine sses using a Fi ctitious Buslneu Name must register that name with the County Clerk. Cati the DAILY PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT tor forms and further Information. 8'2-4321 Ext. 332 LAUGH wida DAN AYKRO\'D, .JOHN CANDY, CHEECH AND CHONG, GILDA RADNER AP.ii the girl who says to the gorilla "Be gentJe big fella:• the alien who demands "Mars needs women:· the evil scientist who says "All of you earthmen are stupid:' Rlu Plenty of teenage lust. Loads of crawling creatures and Lots of dirty parts. ~ STARTS FRIDAY AT A THEATRE OR DRIVE·IN NEAR YOU. NO PASIES ACCEPTED FOA THIS ENOAOEMENT .. _. __ LOCKED OUT AT UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES We are locked CMlt ~.. we retuMd to ION more than half of our Jobe and thereby double the wortc to.cl 01 thOM remaining. We have work.cl In Unit.cl Artiste thNtr• tine. they opened. Each projec:tlonlat workt muttlple Mii ol •lptn9"t. He It. responalble for tound and picture In teYel'al auditorium• at once. Thi• hu lnc:reued the ac:tual amount of phyelcal wortc and v .. tly lnc:reesed OUI re.ponalbll"Y· From Ill lne.ptlon, we have cooperated with the ute ot automated 9<1ulpment ft HAVI WILLINGLY ~MAND '9KM)UCTMTY, Betcwe eutomatlon. one projec:tlonl1t waa uMCI to ~ojec:1 one plciure tor one IUdttorlum. Now undef our i.t contract, one Pf'Ojec:tlonllt prepar•. operate11 and aus>«vt ... 9<1ulpment and fllrn for 11 many .. tour, 11x, .nd e¥en efOtlt audltorlumt et once. We believe that tl'l«e ltlou'd be a llMlt to ~ many IObS that WOtk91'1 and the community ahould loM to .utometlon. We lhlntt worker• and the community, a1 ...i1 a1 the emptoyere. ha~ • rlQht to gain through the benefit• of automatlOfl. Unit.cl Artlltt ~tlont 11 a many muttl-mHllon dollar COfporatlon. They make handeome profit• from theater Ol*'ttlOne. There II M ... na•a MM le ................ Aob«t Nllfy want• to Iner .... hit Pf'Ofltl by eliminating our jot>t. He doet not ll1lend to r~ the P'10e of your mcwte tlctcet. Mr. Hiity NfUMd. to nege>Clate on MJ of the Union'• Pf'oPONla. The company 11000 pet on Ill original ultlm•tllfTll, It on.red only Jle per"°"' for..._ or tftpte the wor1c io.cs, at the asrne time ellmlnatlnQ 50-7$~ of our jobl. ThOM 0. ue W"<> loM our JOb9 wttl not be Mitt to tuppOf't our 1.,,,111ea. The community IOMt the 11tarlea ~ fffn end spend In 1he community, If YoU' ~ folOwe Mr. Natty'• example, where Wiii your job be? How Will you tupport YOU< tamlty? With hlGf* UI~ and .... Mier* to apend, our ..... .conomy .. t>ound IO tufter. we -.re wllnO to oonttnue to MQC>tlate, but Mr. Natty dlct•t«latty and .,rogentty IOdltld u• out......._._. .. ,. IMe _, UnMM _,.... .....,. •rwNte.lty eo doing. YoU wNi help ua ~ our )ob• bactc • • PROJICTIONllTI LOCAL 504 -ORANQI COUNTY lftt9'MttoMI alllenoe of theatrtoel ..... emptor ... end B'KMltg picture maoMne ..,.eon ., •• ao. Ornno11 C w"t DAIL V PILOT /Suridoy Oc.tnllor ?4 198? 11111 1 ··~~ ~'"', M e1•!~u m * Orive4n• Open 7:00 WHktnd•/7:15 WHl!nfgnh Children Under 12 fret Uftless Nottd 1M P~ GAAAOI' MOf tOC-.IMt .. , lOWAllOI .,...., ¥4.llO•tl At 901 ornct • I Tll&Cll 00l8Y CHl'llll«Wltfll llHVI PETER O'TOOLE IHMO "MON- SIGNOR" "MY /fl £ FAVORITE [tl~ fi~ FRI. 1:00 1:20, 10:40 SAT/SUN. 1:30 3:45, 1:00. 1:15, 10:40 (R) YEAR" '"'' J:c (!f-'1& FRl. 9:15, 1:15, 10:15 SAT /SUN. 2:15, 4:1111 FRI. 6:30, 1:30, 10:30 6:15, 1:15, 10:15 -I SAT/SUN. 2:15, 4:15 1:30, 1:30, 10:30 (R) '"" AMll\'VIW II @ ~~~· TH( POaf.at()fttl Fri. 8:45 l etlSIHI. 1:15, 5:00, 1:45 CLASS OF '14" <R> Fri. 7:00, 10:45 Set/Sun. 3:15, 7:00, 10-AS CHRISTOPHER REEVE "MON- SIGNOR" '"I. 1:10, l:JO, 10:45 SAT/SUN. t:IO, J:46 9:10, l:llO, 10:45 CRI E.T. Tfft: I: XTWlA • haaUTalAL ''"· 7:00, t: 15 8ATllUN. 1:00, 3::80 1:00, 1:11, 10:20 (f'Q) ·WHAr BElTE ~L[R DID fOR L~ ~JNGS M'.AOEMY AWAAOS ~ow SHE ~s FOO j!NXEO' #. -o.M N-W1 llCW ""'1&1l Alflll.WIT PllWIOf BllH MIOllH ,.f-~Ja.. ':JINXlrr' llU'Nl lfffffl' :ltl1NAltiJlffllY ... -:!Ul&ftlS'"MlllSGIXU .=:.:w.mtW01J ASC • ""':81Hl81[SSl!lt •MWJHMM -:lllRIBlls.1' '-':HIH8.WH -:IJJI SIGll ~ -:::>r.'Jt.r --ll'llll'MI • .. -~-·. ----NOW PLAYING --- •••••• cos u •n• f-UI• U lllt lrtlT-lllll ...., .... A .,i"• "1)1 '' t\f•tt0\'4..-t.i '•~ •1~~11.0 £t1 J'\Ot fd.,.t1·t~•"''f•-."• fdt11o1i1Cht~Ntt• UV n1(11J HI )t)~ ,. : "°It ll IOllO \jlt"f It••• ... ,, t1'•.tt0 40C)lf-Wil.• .t • Ulf '*'\HO IRYt• WlllMIHlla • • ••• .,"' ... ...,~1.;,. .... ~ , . .., "')Ho "·~ )t -•.•tC)t)\ (,lff'f:• COllA •fll •il• If 9' • t;• ICU ou-c-....,1• 1~v"' ~•i ..,, ..... , ........... •a., .... ,,.,.... .... , "WAfTRESSI" "'' ,..._ t:OO IAT/SUM. 2:CIO, S:M, 9:00 "?AS'f 1l'E$ AT ~HICH"lllJ FRI. 7:11, te:41 T /SUM. J:41 7:15, 10:45 ~~TH TN::~ -NW't Ed FRI. 9:25, 10-.25 SAT/ SUN. 2:25, 1:25. 10:25 T.~Ot~m FRI. 1:30 SAT/SUN. 4:30, 1:30 "THE BOAT" <R> (FOfmer1y "DH Soot") Fri. 7:15, 10:00 Se1/Sun. 1, 4, 7:15, 10.00 SYLVESTER STALLONE "FIRST BLOOD" 1111 FRI. 7:00, l':OO, 10-.4$ SAT/SUH. 1:45, 3:30, 5:15 7:00, t:OO, 10-A5 FRI. l :jo, t-.30, 10-.30 SAT/SUM. 2:00, 4:00, 1:00 1:00. 10:00 _-::..-'1'.~0t4m ..... -=-. 10:11 I AT/8Ult. ~ 11::19. 10:11 "ROCKY 11" C"Ol ,. 9:20 I AT/auM. 1•. 4S. l:2IO .,,..~ ...... ~­'SUPE.lfMAN 2' 1"°1 FfU. 1:05 SAT/SUN. 3'35, 1:05 POLTERGEIST-~ FRI. 1:00, 10:30 SAT/SUH. 1:30, 9:00, 10:30 BETT E Thi' night no on• SYLVESTI:R • com•" numt STALLONE tt-u11fl'11'lll "FIRST SEASON O F BLOOD" THE WITl'H FRI. 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 ......... l!I RI. 7:00, l':OO, 10:45 SAT/SUN. 2:15, 4:15 SAT/SUN. 1~>-5 6:15, 1:15. 10:15 7·9-10l45 (R) <"I FRI. 7:00, 9:00, 10:45 SAT IS"". 1:00. t:OO S.-1)0, 7:00, l:OO, 10:45 POLTERGEIST_~ ~­•AT•IUM. 4;JI, l:JO UC~~ 0 TRAGEDY OF A RIDICULOUS MAN" FRI. 7:00, t:15 SAT/SUN. 1:GO, 3:15. 5:30 7:45, 10:00 (PO) 'rt1e AHO SWORtJ TIX' SORC~Jt AU. l :llO, 1CU5 l"l SAT/SUN. 2:30, l:lO, 10:H "ST AR TREK II" AMll\'VIU.E O: nn ~K» : ""· 1:21 (") I SAT/IUN. .. P_• ___ o_,_a .. nge Co11t OAll v PILOT 1&und1.v,,:..· ;:O,:o•::o;:b;•r~2•.:.:·-':.:0.:8:.2 _____________ ...:.. __________________ =~=-=-:::".::----:::-:=-:=---, -'l'Oli. • Je tt Md Ot11n11 11 I Of'. OHO "' 'W \\ ~ 1:00 • INTa#Aoe THMaecoM 1;11 WMATINUt Ut l ) llOMY WITON 8ot>Oy Vinton penorm1 -of hit ~· llllt, lnelu<llnQ "81u41 On Blue" and "Red Ro-FOf A Slue l ady," from 111• Sandt Hot., In la l/egu l:IO • FOfl °"" T1MU "Mlnlllry A/Id Mlallon The Sou111wulern 81pll11 Tllec>IOglCaf Seminary" TM varied upec:ta of -..1nary 11141 tor tvture mlnllltr• and mlNIC>narlM al the FOt1 Worlll acl>OOI .,. ••plorld (J) lll08fRT 8CHULlEA 0MOV1£ • * • "'Nlglll Schoof' I 11111 t) Leona rd Mann. Rt c:het W11d An an1111opology profeuor with • pencllanl tor co-«!• la auapeeted ot Itta brutal murde<t ot tome ol hla IO<MI< btc:I pat1netl 'R' 5:41 ID OHRl8TOf>HEA CL08EUP 1:00 II CAPTAIN l(ANGAA()() • MU8IC /IMO™" U'OQHWON> fJ CAMPUS PAOALE: ~ON NVTMlON "Pllyalc:a t Th•••PY" OU..la: Oon N9wC:Ombe ot Ille l ,A OodQI'•: telr ... Paltk:la Many. Ju1n T Van P1111111, M.O .. lj)lc:,lallat In pain conlrOl llll<IPY U YOUTH ANO THE MUD "Whe l'a Going On 111 Sllcl-107" Cl) 8UHOA y MAN ID NEWS ti) AOMPER AOOM CJ) 8UNOAY MOAHINO Qt AORICUL TVAE U.8.A. (C)MOl/IE * * "High k:41" ( 11160) 0 1vld J 1ntaen. Tony Muaanll Thr .. a11t1><1ea cllm t>e<• c:llattenoe ,,,. r~ ot I tllMllCI ,..._ cue•-"· (0)MOW * * ',4 "lei Ttta Balloon Go" (19711) Ro0er1 Belllee, Jan Klngabuty A p0ilo- 1lrlc:ktn youth c;hlllengela lltmMlf 10 prove hit wor1111- ,_. IO IVJ ltmlty and friell<la 'G' Z MOVIE * • 'J\ "Pnv1le l...on•" I 11180) Sy!WI Krlal ... HOW· aro ..._.,.,,, A ...itlly ,..... ...... hie ..ouetlw nouMl<eeper the )Ob ot provldlrlg Illa 16-yeet-old '°" wflll ,... 11 .. 1 ... ..., "~·'R' uo I IEM.NOWfTY ~8CHUU.ER OROWIHO Y~ 8 l/OYNlE. Cl) a«:AOOLAHO ~HOUfl ID SPEAKOVT Q!NEW8 <Jf)MOVIE • * ..... "The Prlvll• Eyee" ( 1980) Don Knollt. Tim Conwty Two bumbUnQ Am«lcan detectives .,. c;alled In 10 in-ttoatt e --of """°"' In .,, EngUeh c:aetlt 'PG' ($)MOVIE * * ..... ''Thi $1\oOUf' Wurl· ora: Grlndlztt" ( 111111) Ant- matlCI A powerf\.11 robot defencla Eat111 ,.,,..,, " .. Invaded by l/IQll'I lnvllO- «L 7:00 I TOOAY-8 lllBJOION THATICAT UTTU 111-..CALI rT•WNTTa G KENNETH CONlANO Cf) TARZAN • DAY M Ol8COVERY • WOOO'f WOOOPECK£lll /IMO ,....,.,. • YOGA FOfl ~TH 9 DNCTIONI "fn141t1altll Merneoe" The prob141tnt and ellllllengela crMtlCI by Ille INl(rlege Of people of different rellil· lo<d fllthl ... u.plorec:I QllUND4YMAM • BJCUO IW'TWT QUICf4 .MOVIE •• * "811,,.. 8 tr•alt" ( 1971) a... Wlld4lr. Jill Cla yburgll. A mlld · m--ICI bOOk ec:lllM ac;cldan1111y bacomu ln'lolWd '" • ..,..., .,.. lllW'• blDrrt plo4 Oul1nO • er-oountry trlln ride 'PO' ?:IOI=' AHDTHI "°90T' • NIW YOM CfTY MAM THON uw ~of the 13ttl r""'*'O ol lflll ~t "°"' New YOfll City. I ..,, .. /!IJll/Ml(f ....,..,...."' 1V .. Looec8 AT ~·· 9 'M:INQ UN WITH WIMTOLION 8THIWOMD TOMClMOW Cll)MOVll .. • 14 • 'The f'fMlt4I I: yet" , ,...,, Doft Knotta. Tim ~. TWo~ ~ dsUcttwa - Jack Lemmon stars with Barbara Harris in .. The Wnr Between Me n and Women" at 4 p.m. ond 8 p .m . to duy on KTTV, Cha nnel 11. ol'lltd in lo 1nve111ga1e • ..,... ot murd9't on •n Engllt11 cull• PG' I ~ lirlO\llE * • •.-. Tiit" W1rr10<1" ( 1977) R•ndy OualO, Cllallll Wlllle Eagle A 13· year.old lndla n boy. ulll/TllCI ol bllng rec:og· ntzed u • w.,rlor. 1eatn1 IO apprtclll• hit he<lltge •ll•r vl•lllng n11 alck grendl•tlll< 'G' 1.1l0 IJ IUHOA Y MORHINO D THt8 .. THE LIFE -~ANO FMNDt G ~OYOOG&LW Cf) AAWHIOE II> CARTOOH8 fD EUCTllllC COMPAHY (Ill) Cl) I.ET THEA£ llE llOHT @) JERRY FAlW£U. Q!AEXHUMBAAO ID '(EHN€TH COPEUHO C MOVIE ** 'Road G1mes"(11181J St.Cy KNCh. J -L .. Cut119 An tceenlllc: trudl• ., . e t>eaullful llllehhlktt M O a p1ycl\oplllllc: klllet 1ra ... lng tne .. ,... rou11 play game• of Ill• I MS delth ·PG' Ii MOV1t • • * "One On One c 11177) Robt>y Benaon Annelle O'T~ A boy whO goee 10 COiiege on • t>ull el bell 9CN)4911hlp la abuMd by lhe ()Otc:h, ec;orned by hit tutor and ull<I by tha tdlool for llt own purpoMI 'PG' 1:30 D OOY88EY "Communion · Guell' Rev lllldlml< M rvlcttln and Rev O..ulm Moneto, St s1-·1 Eutttn Onl\OdQa Cathedral, Allltmb<I, Rev. ~t Snut>tea, 81. John'• Semlnwy. c-11- 10. U MEETIHG TIME AT CA&.VNW • FMDeNQ( K. ~ &ii ElECTM: COMPAHY (A) THEL.AHAYU QfJ KNOW YOUA 8l9LE Sl THME TAl.£8 DAN< AHO OANO!.AOU8 Chrlaloe>het Plummtt 11ara 1t SlletlOCk HOimes In "SllVtt Slut''. • Neandtt· 111•1 cNld " b<ougl'tt bac;I( 11\foogri lime In "Tiie Ugly llllle Boy". • young boy llU 111 unuwal abllity lo pldl rtcetrldl wlnneta In • Tiit Rocking Ho••• W""-.. 9:00 U MUT THIE PM:88 u (J) <>Ml lll08EltTS Cf) Cl9CO KIO ....... 8TREET(A) $ CAUFOfNA WE£)( .. NWW III IT II WNTTEH 1:-0VlelON • * "AdY41nllK• Of The Wiider,_. Family" (11175) Robert l ogan. Su11,, 01mant1 A oonalructlon wOrtllt' dltl"'*<lr>ICI wtlll city Mf•, 111emplt lo ~ pot1 hit ltmlly by IMng Oii Ille lend 'O. 9:30. Cl) HR. TODAY (I ) NF\. An uP<I••• on atrllee l•llt• U DAY M OllOOVStY (!) La. RAHGP • ~WON..D TOMOMOW ., THI LAWMN<EM fll K8N[TH OOPB.AND ~NF\.'11 (QJ~ •••"A "P•tterne" (1'5e) 1/911 Heftfn, Ed 841g141y. 8u4ICI on • drerna by 1110C1 Set1lng A .,.._ lyc:OOn Git• c:augfll up In • lllgh- ICN60ft pci.-atluggtl li Jt.IO'l9 • • "F•lllng In Love Ao•lt1" I 1110) Elllotl Gould, S.-iah YQtll. A man ooee 10 hill hlgll IGhOOI r9Uftlon In tM .,.... tNl1 he -,....... tM OOo<I ""-of the pest. 'PO' 8 .C IPORTa INCW. ThrM houra or apecl11 . tCIOftl Pf~ e MCMI • • • "tt't Onfy Motwy'' (ttea).....,., L....._ ~ r~ fcOtl, A IM¥lslotl ,..,..,_ "'* l'lllMzlf Iha Nie llgste4I to • tor· 1Uft41 .,., -~ ol ~ ~er-oft'° ........... °'" U HERALD Of' TRUTH MOVIE • • "The Jade MiUk" I 11145) Sidney TOii', Milli lln Moretano Chl rll• c 111n tolVM ,,., .. mutoeta MlCI 4111COU"lttl • ~· "'II mu11<mlt>cl of almA ID RIX HVMaARO ml CAATOOMS fl!) THE LAWMAKERS Corret ponele nu Lind• Wer11111mer and Cokit Rot>erlt jOln Paul Ouk• for .,, up.10-1,,..mlnule aum· m.,y ot Cong r1aa1on1I KllVll- • ~EM m lOUl8 l(APl.AH tCJMOVIE • • • • "la Str•d• ' f 11154) Antllony Quinn. Olullell• Mutne A wand· 9'1ng llrongman accompa- nied by IM a1mpi..w1111<1 gt;I 11t l>Oughl 10 bl hit clown It gold4ld Info kllllng an tc:robal wt\O l•- hlm tf THIE COMMOOOM8 INCONCEIWT "Etey," "Thr .. Tlmet A l.ady" and "WOtloetland" 11e among lt'te 11111 pet· formed In concert Dy Tha Commooor• $!MOVIE • • "lmP<09*' Ch1nnelt 11116 t) Alan Atkin, Mlllelll H1111ty A ..,_ of rnlaun· d•••t•ndlngt cau111 • aocill wonc., 10 .uapec:t IM 5-year..cld dtughltt OI • MC>tu attcl couple I• 11141 vlc;llm Of Clllkl l bUM PG' H4EW YOlllKMAlllATHON. Mor i 111 a n 111 000 compelll tun lhr<>ugh Ille atr .. 11 Of N-YO<li Clly moving through •II lire Doroug111 t>el or e Comc>lel"'ll 11\41 run ll •e>e Oel.l yed) • ~ICHU\.LP Gt J//UI#('( FAL~U. flD OPEN MIND al) WALl STMET WEEK "YOU Alll o Buy NOW?" 0.-1 llAwytnn N Ktlllt ti<$ I vice prMldenl. P llM Wltlbet Mllc:Ntlt Hutc;hlna Inc HEW YORK CfTY MAM THON C<>verega of the 13111 run• nlng of tllia -• ''°"' N41w Y 0<lc City m CALVA1f't CHAPEl. QI JAHE. FONDA'S WOAl<OVT 11:00 e MOVIE * * * "Captain M0<alto H~n~" pll51) Gr• gory PICIC. Vlrgttll• Mayo A Bt'lttall -captain atll• tM -· Outing Iha N~W•re • MA8TEAPl€CE THEA TM "To Stt"I T,_., AH My o.ya·· O.vkl goes on • ~and rnee11 • young -'""° tnvlt.. """ 10 ceiebrele hit blr1hd11Y with tter. (Pert 2) 0 D HUMAHrTIU T"*>UGH Tl1E AAT8 I ::;: WIUWWOH • * "Sllenc:e Of The Nor1h" flll61) Ellen Burt- tyn. T °"' Sllwrttt In 111111, •young woman·• mwrlaQe 10 • lr'PP41f i.aoa tter lo • 1111 of l\e(Clthip In the - dttnMa of ~n c.,.... d• ·po• OMOVIE • • "Sunday Too Far Away" Jlld< Thomplon An unc:ommo n comr•dery ~ ~ ,..,.._ f1t>MP ~era In Auttrllllll when 11\ey find th4ltT\Mlve8 1r~1n ·~and llw1nllleN woning nlgnt• mer•. 1 t:OI CO) THE MAIONQ OP lAD8 11:11(Z)~OM t 1:IO 8 TMI WHK WITH DAVID-LEt -~COlb wwrTAK!A MOVIE * * 'J\ "A Olly Al Tiie Rae;. ... ( 1t37) Mllnl 8'0lllWa. M•ureen 0 '8 u llf¥t n. C.-tlng and c:l\eltno hOI tip. lllOhllght • vtalt 10 the trade by Ct Hadlenbutfl and other unite • OHUN:H .. THI HOli9 -~ ~TH9Alln'8 (D)MOYll • ·~ "DetlO*rOU8 o. ........ (tN1) lematd CfltltllM, M M'Yf*d A bllmbllng cleteotl"9 lolytz. 16-Y*«· old tnurdZr. (%)MOYll CHAlllL LISTINGS • • • "Ths LeernlllO T ,.. .. ( 1Mt) Kyle JofltllOtl, A-. CIMtl .. A b1ac11 •-.... ...,,.. ZOOU1 .... wNle ll'f4nO In ~ dvtinO IM 1tao. e ICNKT (CISl e 1<..N8CCNIGI e 1en .A c1-.1 O 'llAIC CAiie) e l("Mlt CCISJ e KHJ.TV <I"'> e ecaT CAICI • l(fTV (Ind.) W •COP·TV CIM.> .8 lllCU I 11'9S> eKOCaC!'91I .. (0) On-Tl/ al l ·TV MIO (Cl ICll'ltl'l'IHI (WOltl NY ,H Y e cWT•SI III IHPNI CINwtlmal ........ • le.Ill•"""~· f.D 111/IHlH ANHUAl ltllTIVAl OP MAll<I l'AMOI TUBE TOPPERS fhe Crall 11111 r Oil. ~" ~·· 11111U81 j*Mi• ltve lfl>fYI Wlliohllt lkl<llt v .. CI .. ~ aD UNMMT AHOINO HUMAH MKAVIOlll '8uhllmlntl P.,t.ePllOll m MOVll • • fnt 1wrr11t.te In Oo<l't t:~• 1 1g~~) Mk.k•y Roo r.-y, ~ Gray A yo.ing Pt""* c:an....., It a law .... '°"'"' w1111 Int uM of lltletul llllmot ClWOVla • * w 'fhe PllflUll 01 0 8 COOi*" (IHI) fru l Wll llama Aobetl Ouv•ll A lh,.I ... )ljlllkl I pleroe •Ad parachultt lo Hlety o- Oregon with 1 lotlune Ir• 1toltn money 'PO' IS lwt'Ll M flUQKT BACK A-'t Sehrllit>« 1no Ch•I• Una FtHAI• llOll I IO()k •I TV'a moat memora ble c:ommerc:•••• hom the blrl" ol Ille medium 10 Ill• prtt· 1n1 Clay 12;30 fJ WAll STlllUT JOURHAl Al.PORT G WILD. WILD WOALO OFAHIMAL.8 TM Amazing l<at1Q•too' TtaYll 10 Tumtnla N- Gulnee. Autlt.,la IOI a remarlc•blt view ol vlllOlil typn of ktngaroot al) UHOEMT ANDINO HUMAN BEHA\llOR "Motlvellon And H1.111oar · IH1MOl/IE • * "A0...,.11.trt• Of The Wlldt<nen Ftmlty" I 1117!1) Robert logan, Sutt n Oam anl• A conttrucllon work.,, dltlllu•ionecl wllll city 1111, a11emp11 10 aup. port hit t1mlly by Uvlng off ow11and. 'G' 1;00 U COl.L£0E FOOTMll Oragon Stele vt USO !Taped Saturdey) D THE MVH8TEM D M<M£ * • "Ttnd<tr It TM Nlgttl" ( 11162) Jennifer Jontt Juon Ao1>111d1 Jr 0 HEEHAW Gu•ll• Ed Bru~. John Scllneldll. Big Al Down- ing, Fallet and BoudieauA Bryant a> AOAM-12 f.D ~Tl.JAE "Tiie FMgllt 01 Ttta Con· dor" D< Donald JohtnlOll takM v-• on • ,.,. jovtney through the Andn Mountllna. al) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT "RolM 01 Tn• Prllkltnl" @MOW * * * 'LN Gltlt" (11157) G-Kelly. Miiii Gayt\Of An AmMICan muaic:al ~ 11111 the EurOj»ln olr0\111 -complteallon• .,, .. 1~30 D F-TlllOOP (fJ MOVIE • • • "Journey To TM Centtt Of TM Earth" I 19511) Pet Boone. J•,._ Muon m ADAM-12 ml AME.AICAH 001/EANME.NT "Tt>a Function .. Pretldtn Ci)' SERGEANT PAEITOH 0# THE YUKON @) THtl WEE< WITH C>AlllOMIHkLEY m MOVtE • • "Cnenge Of Hetti ( 1943) S1.111n HaywarO, Johtl C1t rOll A mutlcal puDllahlt It acx:uMd by I temale aong'#t1ter 01 ntell· '~ lier mllttlll (OJMOVIE • 11t * 'Jt "P•lltrnl " f 1115e) I/WI Heflin. Ed ~ euJd on • d•arna by Rod S..llng A bu.,._. tycoon geta c:auglll up In • lllgh- tchelon ~ llrugQ!e S SHORT PICK8 '.ZI MOVIE * * • * "Petlla Of Gto<y" (11157) Ktfk Oouglu, Ralph M~tt During Wotkl Wtr I. "' officer otdlt• hit men on • aulc;lde m1.-on •I Verelun and ll\ttl ettempll 10 CX>tlCMI Illa !Olly by demanding Ille uec:utlon Of '"' .. llOl<J ..... by _, lie fella llVMttnlCI. 2:00 • 04UJGAN'8 lel..ANO Glllgan 11.nee • Clt ate of veg411eble Mid• Olil ol the dMCME • • • "So tdltt Blue" ( 11170) P411tt Slrau11. C- dlce 84lrOlfl • MOVIE •• "Love'• S••aoa Fury" ( 111711) Jennlftt O'Nalh, Perry King CD MOW! * * 'Jt "On Moonllglll Bty" p ll51) ~I• Day. OordOtl Mac RM SI IN9IOE eutM98 TODAY "The Oamblert An Enlrepren-, .. ,, AA" '°"' Holl• dt-Illa rlM trom _,., to mulllmllllonalr• In the radio 00.,,_ QD) fHT'ROOUCINO 8K>LOOY Cl) WONOEI' WOMAH (C'}MCME • • • "Thi Brolh•tt l<lf-0¥" I tll61) Mena SCl*I. YvA Bt')'tlM'. A man i. uniua11y conv1c1«1 of murdltlnQ Ill• tither. (S)MOYll t • • • "Sutlday lrl ,,._ York" ( 1"4) Cliff Rob«!• _,, J-Fonda.. Aftw b4lil'IO llh41d by ,.,., boy- h141ftd and tr~ IO N4IW YOfll: 10 '111111 tter brotl*, I )'O'lftO -~ '* pollltlOll on 'llrglnlty. t:tO. M.LJMWI *AND 8 1tlpper beoomH °'91 111 U .,._ a rsdlo bllil9itlll ~ .. lie ,.,... .,_,...,... .. ,._ for the '°" ol .... ---boet. e 111M111m "M...., w-. Of The Ancteoe I Matto lanot. - Pelm« Of Memortel" Tiie -"'"9 tr.-,ION ol ~ 1Mrl Inoa dUOlfdlml and ............. CuMft peillt· .. .... wOCMMel"" .,. Ofofled, • INTROOllOl"e llOl..09'f .. ....... ~ ®••••.,..,.. ...,.,, ,.. .... ~ ~..., .. ,..,.. ..... .. wflo ........ Ofl ... IO ~ ....... . K T TV ( 11) Ii 011 "lloud1n1 " T1111 Y l'ur11-. 1111d 111~ 1•>< w ll L'. Jwwl Lt•tl.(h, i.lur 111 1olor y 1111 tht· lift· 111 t•i.c ·tip•· urttlil KO< 'E (50> 7 Oil "Nu tun..'" "'ftw Jt'll Rh lll o{ the <.:ur11.fo1 " Dr l.>onuld ,Johnson tukl'tl v1t•wt·rs on rurc· Jourrwy t hrouuh tht· A11t l••:-. M uun tultl'> KNB<..: (4) !J 00 "L 1ttl1· G lut 1 • .1. 1 luppy Ul L;1s 1 .. Pnrt I u ( story u r G lurtil Vu ndt•rbtlt. A lte r llcginuld Vund t•rhllt'11 d NHh ~w idow Glon u Mo rgan mov<'K to ~uroJX' b ut 1s tuwr on.ll•n'(I to r~turn to Anwr kt1 wtww shl• t•nt rust'i Little G lurl;_1 to tht· c·urc, of ht•• s1stcr-in-l<.1w (Pu1 t 11 will b<· show11 Monday nigh t) t0 1MoVH! * • ~ "Follow Ttta F ... 1· I 10311) Frl<I At1el1e, G1ng11 ROQ<llt A danc.t In the Navy Ir ... lo l\tlp Illa IOI Mei p111ntt tnd llet al•I*' DMOW * * • ••lhe Great 8 1nk Hou (111711) Neo &tally, RIC:hl rd 8aMhar1 TttrM dlag1unlle<I btnlt. eaec:u· llVH O&e:ldt IO 9el th• rlCh.. llley t... they'•• tnlltled lo by tlaglng • robblty of 11'91• own btnk 'PG' UI08 MOVIE •·~"Al W•• w11n Tiii Army" ( 11151) Dean M1111n. Jerry L-1• A privet• halpt nit Ml'gtent wt111 hit love Ill• fll) CAlfF<>f'HIA WEEK IN REVIEW ~ INTAOOUCINO BIOlOOY (() STAR TAE.K A CIHlut• lrom planet M- 1 13, capable OI Changing 111 form ano persooa.llty 1n11an11neoua1y, tnvadH lllt En111prlM OOJ KI08W0Al0 rz MO\/IE * • 'Jt "On The NIC:ktl" f 111711) Rtlph Walle. Don. lld Molfal Lite on Lot Angei.. al<ld row •• a.po ielecl 'R 3:30 II FAMOUS CL.A8SIC TAL.£8 "Journey To Tnt c.n1 .. 01 Thi Earth" Animated Tnr .. ••Plott<• Olac:C>VI< • MCtll prlf'llllO<lc WOflO mltea blnealll Ille llt1h'I turltce IAI LITTLE HOUSE OH THE l'AAIAIE Laura thlnkt .,,. .. w Mr QlelOn -Ill h•a wile. t>ul no one btlleves her fii) IN8IOE WASt41NOTOH HOii M.,11 Sllltldl tooka el Ille lnl*'Pl•Y OI pOllllCI. ~ and people in the nation'• capltol al) OOIOHINO HOME IHTVllOAS 9 THE AOCKFORO Fll.U m MOVll! • * * "So Thia II ,._ YOl'k .. (111•81 Henry MOf· gan. Audy v..... After r--.ing •fin-al wtno· 1111. t m11n helldt fOf Ille brlgl>t llghlt of New Y0tlr IO find a huaballd lor llit """ .,.., auocaedt In b1c:om1no • blg·lim• toendlt gone D<Ok• H MOW * • * "One On Ont ( 11177) Robby Bent on. Annelle O'T0041 A boy whO goeoa IO COiiege on 8 llatil•lbl'll ICN>ltu·thlp ia e butad by Ille c;oec:h. ac:ornlCI by hit IUIOf ano uMO by 11141 tchool lor Ila own PIKJ>OMI 'PG' 4;00~•N D AT THE MOVlf.8 Rogtt Et>ett and 0- Sttll.. review "Montlg· nor:· "Flrtl Blood" and 11\t "tll'*tt ot Ille -" u MOV'IE "MedllOUH" (11177) Vln- oenl Pf'k:41. Peter ~ An Old horr0t !Mm •llt lrlell 10 m•• • comebac61 bul " twarllCI by a Ml'lee of mur· dlta lhal Ill point 10 him .. Ille kifltr ID MOVIE **'A "The War Bet- Met1 And WOtnerl" 111172) J ec:lc Lemmon, Barbare Htrrla CD t.ioviE * *'A "City a..-111 Tiie SM" ( 11153) ROCMll1 Ryan, Anlllony Ouifwl, e WAU ITAEET W££A "You Auto Buy Now?" Guut· Maryenn H K-.,. ll<tl Ytc. praeidtnl, Peine w~ Mllehell Hutc:Nna. Inc Cl> OE8IO•llfta HOME INTlNOM (() ML.COWi MCK, l<OTTIR Q!MOW! •• 'J\ "Dillinger" ( 11173) w.,,.,, 0 .1 ... Ben John. -..oW * * "Improper Cheflnela" ( 1911) Alen Atkin, MarMll• HM'lley A --of mlaut1- dertl1ndtng1 c•u-a eoc:ltl WO<k« 10 tulC)ICI Ille ll·yMr-old deuglllat of • MP*'•led c;oupl9 la lhe Yletltn or c;1111c1 •l>llN ·PO· .MCMa ••"Sleeping ()ogl" 8em Nellf, Werren o. .... Aun- nlng from a bfolten ,...,. 1'-09, • ..... Z..18"0 lelatlHt Mell• leolatlon "°"' IOCielY bUI beCOtn8e a klMI)' hero wfWI c:augfll '"lhe mldOlz ~ ~ ~tllfmolt. ........ wcw OllH I•: OulNrn•IOtlll caMldel• .. adl9y "'° ~ 8 IUNDAY ~ .... "'°'" tM l •cond An..t,11 lone 9Mdl Publlc leMty ~ '*· • 9 WOflf.-AT (!) It llAM!t4 ""-"o-M W ....,_... .. • WAll•l9TON W9C ltM\lmW • -wmt OMlt1t ~ = Ttta tMftON ..... ,,. .... .... ....... , .. ,., ... ......,, ,...,.........,, T..,_ .......... llvflt dtc:IOOI to g<ol Iha rlChH Ill•)' f" th•y'r• tnlllltld 10 Dy attglng • 10Dlltfy ol tnalr own ll•nk ·po· 0 MOVIE * • 'Jt Tne Pt1•lle l:yet (11160) Don l(n<>llt, llm Conwey Two Dumbtlng Am9'iean oetUC:ll••• ••• 01lled on lo lrwettlgale o MtlOt ol murdtrt In •n Englllh CHiie 'PO 4:45 Z MOVIE • ,. • "Thia Sporting Liie f 10113) R1c:nerd Harri•, R.c:nel Ro~I• A '"' ceaaNI rugby pl1y .. ~· 1ne tov• of 1 good woman 11141' taking advanlao<t or ,,., 5;00 D HAPPY DAYS AOAIN D 14801111.WS rf) WALL STM.ET JOURHAL lllEPOAT f.D FIAINO LIHE "Retolvt d Th• f •d Should Gii Out 0 1 HIO!lef Eoucallon TM 11111 p111 OI II deb•I• bltwetn Wit· llem F Buckley and Ernetl Vin den Haag t•lllrmlllve) and A 8 1fllell Gl1m11t1 and Leon Botal .. n 1nega- 11ve1 la pt-1.0 al) OOH'T DUMP OH ME TM recycling of oev1rage contllne<a an I•-wlllell 11 on Iha Noveml>lt 2 Dll· lot, II dlM:Utaed w·A·s·H H•Wk..,,. pull the 40/7111 on *<!QI wt'4ln ne g<>ff on 1111 wagon ®)NEWS ID MOVIE • * "Rock, Preny Bally" c 11157) John Su on. Luana Palltn A 111501 tock 'n' toll Dand compeltt tor top hono<a In • mutleal con· 11&1 5:30 IJ C88 HEWS D LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY TM gtrtt dtaeovtt lhll lhay .,. ,,.,. des-1 10 • tency dln.-dall D HEWS Cf) JACK AHOEMON CONflOENTIAL Iii) MOTOAWEE< ~~ave ff() THE COMMOOOAIE.8 IHOOHCVIT "Elly.' "Thr .. Tlmet A Lacty" tnd "WC>tl<lefland' 111 among Ille 1\111 Pl<· IOtrnlCI ttl Concerl by Thi CommOdor• EV£HINO 1:00 IJ D Qt HEWS D MOVIE • • "Flel1 Of Bruoe Lte" {111711) 8t\ICe LI, LO Litt> With tne aid OI t Hong Kong DIHionalre. tn ao-.. turtt ot>t11na • 1111 of Inlet· nallon.i tmugglttt tnd drug·lrafflclllng ganQI •nO Mii out to find the men on It. U TH08E AMAZINO AHIMAL8 FM lurld a llorM P8yctll• trial, worm eaperl Geo<ge Sroda. 11141 dolphln aleug'>- ltt conlr0¥ttrf. tludylng Ille blaQll ll(Jle (!) ~TIACt< '8 MOY!€ * * * "Houdini'' ( 11153) Tony Cunit. Janet l e!Qh The life of the wortd't gr•t•I eeeape e rlltl la tlctlonallllCI ., MMTTA • WON.OWAllll "Clutl Of The 0..-lllt" Bolll the Frenc:h and Ger· m.,. Q411*11 81111• 119<1 gtlnd dellQM tor • qutc;k lllC;1ory In 11114 Iii) NOVA "Tiie FttQlle Mountain" A •lj)O(I on the -• 90fl *'oelon In Ille Hlmaleyu Illa! la llwM IW\lng the 91K· vlvll of the ~ I• pree«lled 0 (J) cee.-wt !UJ EIGHT 11 INOUGH 0 •111<1 leern• 11>ou1 Ille et • perty 1111 family lllrow. to Q4lleOr1te Of MtJ!Wefl'a 25111 lllVllWl"Mty (C')MOVtS • • "High loe" I 11180) O•vld Ja nHtn, Totly Mua«ll•. Tllrae "' ll'ld4ld aHmw• cn•llttlgt lhe ruourcu of • ..,llled ,_ C\11 141atn. [()MOYIE ** "Splrtl Of The Wlnd" I 1979) Chi.I Oen Oeoroe. A YoU"G boy -~ .. hlltldtcep IO beOorM Iha WOtld ~ Dog 8*'°"' 'PO' .MCMI ** "AdY41n1urw Of TN! Wilder,_ f!4lf!llfy" (1875) Aob•rt logan. 8uun o.tr\atlla. A oontttUCl IOtl WOtkat' dltlltluelOn8d wllh Glfy .... 8twnptl 10 ....,. port .... lar'lllly by ll'f4nO oft tt1411end. ·o· tc10 I .... OCOi4'DNf•11i:.•.,aa ,.,,.,.... OOURT NOPL.ITO~ WHY W THI W0M.D ..... MCMI ....... """~~ .. I tMO) Doti Knoctl. Tll'll c~. rwo ~ ~••••Ill~ -cellSO 11'1 to ............. a ..... 01 _...,.In M ...... ...... ,.. ca:i QUC•• u TIAM9 n. ....... ...... .. .......... ... RWIClleDO ........ Cift. ClilMllll ..._.. .... .... enmtl\oMI ~-- 'P;OO I fl J IO MtNVTU fWIATfW °' VoYAOIMI fo ,.,.,. ,_ All My Plltneu It/Id H iiiey Ill•.. 0.yt 0.Vld """'-fkotll to Hie OtCl W•I Of 11110 10 el\Q ,.,_ 11141 11..-~IM 01 •••• r eooy Roo••••tt ,,.. w., Metnewlal Com hon• 11141 CltaOly 11-• ut m111 .. -1141 1n••• lllrf litlly 111e Kiel o.ilkl 1 gym intteen o• • • noi ~· tlllue IPlll't :l)IJ llUIVI IT O" NOll ID MYITPY • 1•tu•e<1 111e , .. 1.1111 "Oylno 0 1'(' A m.,. • 11en cw111erp111 ot Aot>inenn llAoKtlltan) 1mu.-nen1 .. nn Cru~ ep<dt<t 11111 c;an • llC><t left on 1111 ttlllHI oy 1 c;11c;11 11t h •nd jump t.,IOw '°""""''"' hunt 10 lh•WQll the Ill, ~ llOOt ~ M pleye H ~ noly ,...,, wno w1111 on •ICI ,_,a ""° ~ plOlllnQ hOI c;oala. Ille mr-t1t10U1 10 ltll him tP111 llC") 1111 llllO dNtll ot lhe mid Z MOYll l(lng ll.IOwlg ol 8 av1111. • • \.\ "On me Nit.II., llOfnl IOVC:lllng t nd lwmOt• j llHlil Ral'1fl WlllAI Oon- Olit m1t111QM •Id Mottai lit• on L 01 0 MADAMl'I ~IE Anoe!H' tkld IOW It •eo llAld•me aonltndt with • 1e1eo 'R' 11ulfy nelgllbO<. 1 punk e.30 II (JJ ()Hf OA'I' AT A t<>Gli gtoup, ln.otnnl1 ltld TIMfi I,_ prodUCll< Frll\Cll\e COt\1 Amt lrllO NIWI 10inlnQ ner to. • """' CD M.MTTA -,,.,, 10 P1r11 fJI) AU.CNATUAU 8 JACK VAH IMPI OM.AT AHOSMAU. (f ) MOVIE II T1ke1 All Kinda'· Rov • • t 'Oulry Rid .. tine It tlllllt•41<l wlwwl A11t1rt f 1113111 J1me1 Sll(llrltd 111111 1 Mc:•eltry s 1-•rt. Ma1i.ne O .. lrieh IMld JllMll maela Hei.n $ MOVIE Akle<IOll jP1rt 3) * '" "Hal-11" f 111111) al) NATURE Jtm .. L .. Curltt. Donald ''TM FllOlll 01 flle Con p._..,_ A ll<>peleMly OOt Ot Oo<\ato JOh•nM>n in.-mur<lt•., conllnu.t l•kM •-• on • rtu• 1111 •llOn 01 l••Ot 1,, • tnurr...., lhruugll ""' AnoM 1mall town 'R' Mountain• 10:00 IJ Cf J TAAPPEA JOHN. lie OAANOf COUHTI M.D. 8POAT8 SCENE F...i1ng he It a ptovtn lall I Z MOl/lf ..,,., t>r J•ckpol JeckllOn ••'A !hr.., W•rrlUt• r1t1Qnt lrom 1111 hoapll•I ( 111771 A•ndy Ou•IO alitt. tnd Slanlly HNlt 1 (.hetllt Whll• ["Qlt A 13 -IO<ltly IH gypay , ••• o•d lrid••n boy I.., m ~s Hnamtd Ill !>ting •IOC-OQ· WOAD FOA TOOAY n11td •• • .. .,,IO< a..tn• fJi) SCREEHWRIT~ I lfi •PP'""'''• hi• htHil•O-WOAD IHlO IMAOE alttt vltllln11 Iii~ •1<-~ Eleenor Pt<ry Th41 lale Qt_andta1111< 0 ri .. nor p.,ry dlM!1.1aM1 7!30 irl) HIGH ICHOOl Mr 1n1arH 1 on 1111 tragic; FOOTMll human condition• 1nd ll<tt CSUF va Rt<l<I rOit u • women In lllm 0 1 NHL H()Ct(EY making &aton 8ru1n1 •• I ll• al) MURDER MOST AllQl!ff l(lngt EHOU8H a.-OO II AACHIE "Cloud• Of w nneu Tiie BUHKER'S ~ accuMO wltn• l O<O P11 .. Arcl1le t>at.omet • (,(/ti Wtmeey 10 11ey a.it OI ll>t nOl-r of 111t ert• -•"•I• f P•n 3) JoM't "garbage pa 1n1 Ci MOVIE lngt" suddenly be&Ome • a "Road Oam;ie" f 111611 Iha local r1g1 Stecy Keaoh, Jamie L""' D ~CHIPS Cun la An tGCenlrlC: lru<;k A l•Ou1>1e<I 12·v•a•·OIO .... beeul•lul htlchhlktt t•IH 10 convince POt>Cn tnd • PtychOC>alhlC k1lle< ltld Bobby lh•I an llien \a 1••""'"9 tha umt route tltC)Onalb"9 IOt htr ottme play g-01 Ille anO 99'" Otalh 'PG' D ENTERTAIHMEHT 0 MO\/IE THIS WEE)( • • "Tiit Flr1I Tome A tepc>•I on ale<>hollam In (111821 Trm Cnoete, Kri•I• Hollywood. lnltrvlew. with Enckaoo John GletguO, Sareh Pur 10 Ill H lirlOl/IE oell. Anthony -lty ano • • ,,, "Prrvate LHM>na John Hllk!<man I t980) Sylvia Ktlllel How· fJ ® MATT HOUSTON erd H.-nan A -.ltlly Mall ., .. , to clear a p<O man aulgnt h•I MOuc11-.. toolb•ll q1.1ar1e rD1c~ nou .... ...,_, '"* IOD ol ac;cuMd OI mutOt<IOQ Illa PfOVIOlng hit l!>·ylAl-<>10 11am'1 owne< wOh •n ullu· aon wtlh hit llrat MxuaJ tu•I u ploalve ••P«ltnee 'R' 0 IT 18 WRITTEN """ rTH ME.84AOE C TWILIOHT ZOHE l0:30 u FA G» WUJ<EHO SPORTS Newlywed• Don ano Pal WAAP-uP Cutt< 111111 • dtnet in • ti) JIMMY 8WAOGAAT tm•ll town and have t~r ftl TONY ~·a lorluMI IOld 10 them by • JOUAHAl. mtenlne NAACP Whl l Oil9Cllon" ~-~ War Bel-Plaould by problem•. 11141 Men A/Id Won-." '111721 NAACP IOolll '°' • new dlt«:llon, JllCIC Lemmon. Barbar• ID MOVIE Herrlt An ICC4Wllrk: tar· • • ~ "Balllt Of Tiie Com· loonltl mArtlt• • dtv0<c.e mtndoa" f tll 71) J eck WflO hu 1111" cllildr.,, and Paltnct, ThOm• Munter • pregnanl 000 A email 111m of oomman- 11) MOVIE ooa " UliO'*I 10 0..lroY • • "Tamlo<y Of 01'-• •~German cannon 111170) Ooeumtnlaty The befOft 11 can be uM0 ~ wllOlllt Of ~ic;a·a ~~ AlllM v111 Soutllweat region Q) MC..~ rem11na lt Ol91ed from •••"Body HH I" (111611 mtn't lntrutlon Wllllt m Hurl. 1(11111 .. n Eli) HATUfllE Tutnet A tmallllf'M Florlde • T lie Flight Of Tiie Con. lllwye< 11 perauadlCI by hit dor" 0. Oontld Joh•naon lovtt 10 murdet llet hua· 1a11 .. ~· on • rare D8tld ·A JOUfMY lhfOOQh 11141 Ana.. 10:•5 D SUHOAY SPORTS Mounlalnl PAGE Iii) MASTERPtECE 1._Z) QNEMA800M ~~ Them Ah My l1;001J O (J)QJNEWS D Ala4AAO SIMMONS oar-" Oevid mtrrlet Beth, 0 BAAAY FAMEI' end rl'I-Ille llaclllea of G» JERRY FALWELL Ille Wit Mtmorlll Com· fl:) 8HEAJ< PREVIEWS m111 .. wntn he lna!Att IM)' Neal Gallier and Jeffrey !Xllld • OY"' iN111d of 1 Lyona M1eC1 wttll IM)' tl1lue. (Pat1 310 c;onalder 10 bl tne !Vnnl· C1 MOVIE ••. ac:en..t, 0.1, wont • • 'J\ "The Purautt Of 0 B ano moat 1omantlc Nma Coope<" (11181) T,..t WK-~ COUEGEFOOTllAl.I. H1ma. Rot>ett Duvall A HIOHUOHTS thief lkyjackt • ~ tnCI "Missouri va Nebruk•" parec:hul• to .. fely over 11ape delay) OreQOll with • fonune In ,11 MOVIE 11o+en money 'PO' • • ·~ "Tattoo" ( 111a 11 (fi)THIE IVJNMAKEA Bruoe Dem, Maud Adema. Tueedey Wiid. Tommy l .. An o0.....c:t 1a1100 antat Jone. and W1tll.,.,, Kell kldn8')9 e futllen model ttar In the N R!Ghttd Null end prOCMOa 10 -tter play about an 1111\ertnl c;on t>ody wtlh Ille handlwotti man WflO tumn· • I IOf*Y · R · woman'• yMrnlng l0t IOW 11:05 flFTH ~JULY CJ) MOW Rlc:llard Thomas r~ta * * * "All Night l ong" hit Broadway rOll 11 • ( 111611 Gent Mec:km111. parepaleglc: Vlelnt m .,...,. Batbr• StrelMnO Alt., an tiome. tor • ftmlly bMIQ dernOttd "°"' e« · reun!on on tnelep•11d•11c:• porall ••eG1lfw to Clllln· Dey alor• night manager, • 11:1111 C88 N£#I rnklOle-agec:I m11t1' a Uf• 11 :30 8POfn'8 '1NAL. •¥* Ind veluM -tumeO g PACEHTIVll ~.'R' 8 0 NEW8 9 MOVIE Cl) AT THe MOYlf8 • * • "Sliver S1r.-11" Roger Eb«! and 0- (1871) 0-Wiidt<, Jill Sllkal review "Monalg· Clt yburgll. A mlld· nor," "FIBI Blood" and m•n1141fld book editor the "stink• of lhe wMll " I COld en t•lly becomH ti) TALUOf'THI klvolY4ld In • .inleltt ert IJNIXJleCTR) thief'• blurre plol cluf1nO a "The Gfh Of &Muty" A Cf_,,., train ride b4llllful woman la con- . PO' aum41<1 by tter dMlt4I I« UO 8 CJ) CM.ONA ....,, Qf'Mltt bMUt'f. Joey'• plan 10 r41Qlln 1111 • TV QUA1n'1MACK8 mother'• •t1enllon endan-"W•I Vlrotnle" 941'* tM life of 1 Mtlle piglet (I) 9AMY '~ l4lf1 In OIOfla't cata. OJJ M01J11 G THI WOM.D * *.,. "MtL R't Oeoqlttt" TOMOMOW ( 111711) CIOtt• l..ctwnafl, 9AT\IN)o\Y NIOH'T SeHon Hul>tay Mo411• £d Koeh. ou.tL t t:41 0 MC)Yla .. The Aollk'fl a.-* * ._. "Mr• R't o.uoht• 9:00 8 CJ) THI & I ""**' ( 1179) C1or11 ~. 0 8 M0Yta 8111011 Hul>l•y Tha "llttle Olona... HIPPY Al motlllt Of • ,..,. victim lMI" (Pert 1) (Pretl'llWa) embatlte on • ''"'"""'le Ang411a lan•bury, Lucy and tr\lat11tlng .,..,.. 10 G11tlwld09 Aftw AeolMld l>flng 111t dlU(ltlt•'• ,., V1nd4ltbltt'1 dMlh, 1119 10 lrllil. (Ill) widow Olorla Moro•n liotOYll -10 IUr0041 with "*' • * ~ "The A.in .._.. .. )'O'lftO ~.but II IM· (1Ntl"-'* Ca.1,....., ., Ofc141Nd to ~ 10 l(lliOM. A ~ - AtnlflH wllere •Ila .... Olll CM!" a Ct-- ent!\11111 Lltttl ~ to tlllt ''Y t~ to -... .._ ~ of IW ....,..,..._, ,...onllltlltt• oA '-IMI• o.tlr\lde VIMerellt Wtllt· rito• and 1mpenct1no motMtl\000 .... Ii ~:THI T9N OM LOCAftON no•-NOMYWM 'o.tdl A lllleiftt ,_.. "A!MflOa In \114111'19"1" IOtfl AAw...,W'(' ...._.. ~··"'""" ~ ..... ,... ...... ~ tlol'9 Mf ..,.,.... In """' 9nlntiet. -Cly9t ... __ ...,..... o...~-~ •• MCMI ~ -M!Olll ,_ *** "TM 110 "911 OM'' •-........ "'9 ~ (1NOI L .. MrMI! ...,.. Yortt lfiowoe-"'* ~ ...... .. .... ... I Dilly Pilat Biker offers rules of the road • HOROSCOPE 11r1 du·t. ht·allh, 11utr 1ll1111 1rnd l't1t•1 UY l'Xpt..ndl'<..I to <tHI dt·1wndt·nt.' .l11lt W''' dorw 1f you obtain quallly 111alt-nal PIS(.'t.'"· TmJ111" ;ind 11noth1·r Virgo ftgun· p l'lll) Ill ll'll ti y. DEAR ANN LANDEHS : The proble m ul hlcydisl'i forced to s hare the road with automobilt> th'IVt'rs is critkal. Ann Help us. I have lx'tc'n cuss1.-<l out, honked ut by four· w heeled road h ogs. pral'l1cally run over by hostilt: man uu.·s a nd p e l tl'd with b eer ca ns a nd mlSl."('llaneous pit'<.'t'S of ovl•rn pe fruit by passengers in car.; who don't feel we• have a right to be on the road In the name of aulOmobile/bicycle harmony, w ill you please print the~ rules. Bu:ychsts should obey all traffic laws, ~nc:luding stoppmg at stop s igns and red lt~hts. Bicyclists s hould ride with traffic (not agajnst it, as pedestrians are instructed to do) and to the right of the faste r-moving automobiles. Bicyclists may use the right side of the left turn Jane whe n making a left turn. Auto mobile drivers should y ield the right of way to bicyclists on their righ t w hen the au to driver is making a right turn. Bicyclists are a boon to our gasoline-hungry world. Rather than r unning them olf the road, let's e n courage the use o f the bicycle thro u g h auto m o b ile /b icycle safety. -A S ERIO U S CYCLIST DEAR SERIOUS: I am also serious when I say your letter should be clipped and taped to the dashboard of ever y car on t&e street. DEAR ANN LAN Ol!:H S: Plt•usl' worn your readers about u m•w purst··snal<:hm)( g 1rnmll'k It's t·a llt>d thl' Revolvmg Door gumc. This 1s how It works. T hl• Vll'llm Ii. prt.<\.'<.'<ll'd into a rt.•volvtng door by n man or woman who m tenuona lly drops u pal·kagl· lie (or sht') stops the revolving door in orc.Jl•r to pkk up tht• pm·kage. T his traps th(' pt!rson 111 thl• puruuon lX'hmd. T he St.'('Ond member of thl• ring tht•n grub:. thl' Vll'ttm'l> pUrSt.' and r uns . It happen1.'<.I to me last Wl-Ck and I lost $48, all my charge plalL'S a nd crtodlt l·ards No fun I IOP E TO HELP T HE NEXT ONE DEAR HOPE: Thanks for tbe re minde r to bang on to your purses, dear readers, when l olng throug~ revolving doors. Tbe persons ahea and behind may have set you up. DEAR ANN LANUEHS. Our 1:.!-yt•ar-old son spent tht· wt-ckcnd w1lh h1l. best frwnd The boy's paren ts have a cabin in thl· woods Th<.'y are good p<.'Ople. We know Lhl·m slightly. but our ch ildren get along very we ll When Wl' went to p1L·k J 1mm1c up last we evening we were heartsick tu S<>t.' hl~ hud broke n a fron t tooth m ha lf. T he par(·n~ of h is friend were very apologt•tic about tht: at-cident. It SC<'ll\S there was a huge crack tn their t•cment walk. Jimmie didn 't St.>e it and fell Our eldest son 1s in law school He says the boy's parents were negligent and the dentist bill (wh ich w11J ~no small matter) should be m1 them. DEAR WILMINGTON : Call a lawyer who has graduated and pay bim for wha t be bas learned. Tbeo consider wh ether or not you want to sue the parents of your son's best friend. TUESDAY OCT.26 Fine Wines and Brandies BY SIDNEY OMARA Mondu y, Oct. 2S ARIES l Murl'11 ~I April Ill) E111phai.1s un d1r1.>t:t11m. n·slora111111 111 f.11mly hanmmy, dt'<.'1i.1u11 n•gardmg honll'. µropt·rly 1"tx·us u11 i.wrsua:-.11111. d1plomat·y. abil1lv lll w111 frt<>nds and 111flut·m·1· pt.-opll· c~lll'l'I. Cup1 ll'UI II 11.1\IVl"h play 1mporl.<111l roles T A LI R LI S ( 1\ p 1 ti :! II M a y 2 0 ) . D 1 s p I a y vcrsaulny, l>Upt•rtur WJl\l' tu know what you would do whL•n raced with mull1plt• choices H ighlight humor. flc·x1b1l11y. w11l111g1wss lo n ·;.1ch bt•yonu currt'nt t•xp<.x-tauons Y uu'll b<· tnVlll·d lo uttcnd sp<.'<'1al sot:aal funeuon GE MINI (M:.iy :.!I .Jum· 2UJ Lung-range pl:.ins t'<>mc into sharp. dt•ur foeu:-. £m1)has1s on l"Clucauun, publtsh111g and fomtl1:.1nty with m ternu11onal law Soml· pl:.ins must Ix· l'l'V•i.t·d key is Lo rcbu1lu rm a mort· suttabll.' str unu1 l' Wau:h St:or p101 CANCER (June· :.!I July 2:.!)' Examtnl' various possibil ities: bnng poWl'J' of u11:.1 lysl'S into play Rejel.'t supt•rf1c1c.il t•xpl:.111:.it1ons. Dig dt't'p. valtdatl• d aims c:om·ern1ng invc•slrnt•nL'i, flSl.'al rt•spons1bility Be ready for t:hangc• of µoltvy WatL·h V1rgo1 LEO (July 2:$-Aug :!:.!) lltghhght d1plomaL'Y· w1llingnt'ss to mukt· 1nklhgc·nt t:ontt•ssions F()(·us on domt'stlc thangt·s. honll' 1mprovt'ntl•n1 i.lnd possibll· surprt!><! annoum·l·mc•11t by family mt·m~r Taurus. Libra. Scorpio 11at1v1•., f1gun· prominently 'VIRGO (Aug l:~ S 1·pt 22). Dt·finc tt·rms. ff•rww t'ffort:. to prov1dl· 'µ<-t·ial 5(.•rv1t«'l> Empha:.1s LIBHA (Sc·pt '.l:I <kt 4!4!)· lh ·lat1onsh1p 111tl•l1J>lfll'11, l'rt•llllVt• 1•11d1•avws art• highlighted c:tnd you an· uhl1· IO 11npn111 111c.J1v1duul stylt· F'0<.·us on '<l>et·ulalum, vai 1 .. 1 v. "wlf t t•hung1.·:-. and tnt•reased popular 11 y Mo111·v 1111 Lur t· hr 1l(hlt•1 thnn originally unt1ctpllttod you'll l(Jlll SCORPIO (( .lt·t '..!:I Nov '..!I ) N1•go11at1Cms l.'ould 011111• to :.uddt•n h..ilt 1>urp1 tw 1•l1•nw1H wor ks in your f:1vor K1111w wht·n to flOVt· 1111 proper ty st'ltlt'mcnl c1Juld llc· dt.-<.1d1·d wh"n lci.l'ft t·xpected. You draw J . .ll'oµlt· to \llU with tht·ir quesllons, probk·m.'> SAG ITTAR IUS INuv 2l-lx-t 21 > Make new 'larl 1n nl•w d11 l·t l!on ll1ghl1Rhl· origin<tltty, 1nd1•pt•ndl·nt·c·. wlllt11g11l'ss tu p1orwt.•r a project Lunar l•mphas1:-. on 1t·lut1vt•i., Vil.Its, -.hurt trips and uniqut· n:porll; Lt-ti, Arws Aquariw. ptorsons f1gurt prom1m·ntly CAPRICORN <l~'t' 12-Jan 19). Whc:tt apptoars a 1>t·lb<1t·k will boonwrang in your f<ivur You'll gain greater t.•moltcmal. f1no.111t·1al foothold. urt1de that had lx•"n lost. m1ss111g •11 "tolt•n will Ix· rt't·ovcrc-d. Cant·1·r a11u :.moth1·1 L".1µ11l·urrl pl<iv :.1gn1f1tant rol<•s. AQ UARIUS (Jan '..!0-F<:b l 0 ll>: Elements of urning, luck rtdl' with you You'll Ix· at right place Jt C'rucial rnomL·nt. I n1 unum 1s un wrgt•t , you mak(• right choll'('S and yuu n1uld win •• tontl'Sl. Wear bright tolors. makt• p< 1 son...tl <1ppt:aranc·t·s and deal with Gem1n1 PISCE S ! F\·b HJ M;.arL·h 20) Look behind M:encs for an:.wt•r::. Pn•v1uu::. plJn' a n: l.Ubje<·t to r<·v1s10n Know 1l. bt.· fll·x1bll'. h:ivc allt'rnativcs at hJnd Somt'Ont' 1::. trytng lo tl'll vou soml•thmg. bu1 y•>u must f1r::.l dt>rnon.,t1 alt· that you t·an tx• discreet pecislt~ l:1Ji.. Decanters Cookbooks Bottle opent!rs and holders U'ine·relsted noll' card Complimentary \l'ine Tasting cJJte~legS ~ Open 7 Days 11-6 Free Local Delivery 2400 \\'. Coast Hwy. te. l 6 ~ewport Beach. CA larross form Cano',1 642-5749 People NEED classified UMful, •ty·to-flnd lnf0fm1t1on It • vltal put of th• work tatting. Naw9Papet ol•••lfled I• one 1ource bullf'8ll peopte Mlle ooma to depend upon -tor ,.,tonal aa well aa Mlftl ............ ..... I claaalfled ada phone 842·5678 • 'I • EARLY BIRD DINNERS s6.95 S to l p.m Choice of Fire Dffftrtnt Selections Happy Hour Hors d' Ouevres 4:30 to 6:30 Mon..Fri. 14982 Redhill At Edinger Tusttn 730-0115 DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS 12.65 DAILY DINNER SPECIALS $3.25 CABLE IPORTI ON OIANT ICAEIEN TV Happy Ho ur 12 to 5 11103 .. ,. St. IHtla1tea leecla t42-Slll 148-2372 Chicken Cordon 8ltu $6.50 Fresh Red Snapper $5.95 Ttriy1kl Beef Kabobs $6.50 Slced Roast Steak $6.95 Served with ch<>loe of soup Of' Hiid, fresh vegel1ble and rice 3000 arts tol Colt• "'"• . :' s4t1 -OAILYll: TOt.00 M ~......,. IN19 ,.-,,._ ........ Yew..,. .. lo 6 p M M()fl -Fri 545-5570 - CltOMO' WDWIQl LUNCH ''·" 'IS BACK setnoo> LUNCH , .. ..., .. .............. .... ~ ..... fll.tllll M 13.99 Alw1ys Frtsh Mtsqait1 Brole Sufoods & St11ks 100ll Gatfletd et arootchuf1t ,OUfttaln .. alley ., 4 d 55.95 DINNER SPECIAL~ SUN. FRIED CHICKEN DINNER MON. BEEF ENCHILADA DINNER TU ES. CHEF'S SPECIAL WED. BAR-B-0 BEEF RIB DINNER THURS. HOMEMADE LASAGNA DINNER All dinners include soup or salad 1101 bread, and dinner special beverage I Mile So. of 40~ fwy. 18774 Brooktust foootail Valey Coll FtH Re .. 1vation1 963-2366 CHINA PALACE w RESTAURANT w DAILY LUICllEOI SPECIAL $3.25 All luncheons Include soup, salad, fried rice and fortune cookies. Bee< & Wine Served Lunch & Dinner I 1 30 a.m to 10:30 p.m 7 Days A Week Food to Go 2930 W . COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH (714J 631 -8031 BARB QUE RESTAURANT EARLY BIRD DINNERS 13.95 • GROUND BEEF DINNER • CHICKEN DINNER • FISH DINNER • HAM DINNER Set...a ... , .. f'1enc:ll ...... ~ cM 11.... --bbQ .,..,. •• ·~11..i IWU .. .O -HO 9'1l»ltM- 19111 BroakJust . At Adams l.11 Maine lobs ttt Dinntt' Cholct OI Soup Of c •••• ,. 811.0 ' a Freeh Vtg OOOd enytl!M Su11. l!Yu rri. Sat. 4 to e P.M. ....,cton BtKh 9'2-1341 I.II FrHld Slwlmp or Fl'Mh Fllt1 ol Sole, S91moft or Trout, teO All>• 01 Chicken n R1~1 IS 15 Cuutt Si led or Chowdt r, F1"h Vto Swn thN "'1. a.1 Md a.t. •to• 1111.laflWllr, 1141Lllfhf.._ lc•flff Ille\ MM111 Ill••• TlMlll ,... ......................... 91111 ........................................................................... _. ... _. ............ ._...._ ________ ~---------~~~~~·-~-~ - Orunu C.,ottll OAILV PILOT/Sunday, October 24, 108;.> lhe Orange Coast' 1 Succe~1ful Busl••• Profe11lo•l1 of 1912 PAMELA JENSEN SALLY SHIPLEY CAROL WHITE SUSAN TRIVISON lt-'1,..,1,, ,,,,.,t,..1h t PA htn l>eno ,,. '''"'"'" JHIJ, hlf1 IOf 6 yoor\ thh JH•Jt ''' tt 'u11•1''' p11HhJr11.., u f lu.11 '''U1•u•UIHtlt ,,.UllfUHQ '""•'tmet1I• & \I\\ l.'""'"'W h • \n1ull bu\ 11t1u•• '""''ti!'" cM: hi••• d h.,, tioi ltak>f ul Art\ d •Qftu ut lol1fnrn1u Stuln UrM·tJH•t; OI lvf'11 ~h ~ hO\ t~uQht lu.1u1tv. \ luu.tu u1 Otongtt Cutn• l c t~" Cettified Public Accou"tant t88 E 17th St., Suite 1B Costa Mesa 646-7178 (.o vw11•1• ,,1 Volley Aove1t1\+ng ptotfilCI\ R,111(_H' ~uhn ~J>O(t0'•/6\ If' geno101•n9 •J'"" •u I'"'"''"" Orooge Co lH'''' •·UOt Httr •Jt.tt ol tutlOtT1 "'"' ,..,~J µromo1ton1 ,, fl COoml>'flt1nnt "t' •nor•t1t1ng ,\fogto,., htn t-o•'>t~ ·~·y bv\tnc\\t"~ •ncreo'ts u 4'•• \4.l ,., & .., , 1,,.1.tyi A, ,, ,~,..,h t.~r (Of't<tx)") flCJ\ JoubieJ '' w •• , 8\Kh of 111 ._,,, l<.>i·• ..,eon & _...pec•1 '°'do \0 og.J•n tht\ YftOI' VALLEY ADVERTISt°NG PRODUCTS 964-2148 lt1 i 01\0t hCJ\ htten \0"'''9 rOQf 6\IO!tt '" 1r .. n~ "ncu 19o9 In J°" 197 S \Ii( ,,,,,, t'll f~\_'I lJ~H o ff•Cf' l~ Ro+'"-"' R111Jlly h~ .n LUl't'\PUt. Vo:tey L f'l'tfu 11 ' e ot rho 101 ge\t ·fldf' 11: H ..,, ) ft "t"d ·H t~t t\ ,, .. ,.,, v , "'9 1019 ,.,.tt J>O''< ro~~ It f'I 11 tffj()I ·I the lt..·r~ 8ootd o' e ,. ~',.... , ~, o , ., c 1 o, s ... ~ T' t•l,}\"fto A \O ,,,t:' ' on oc• ... e ,,..t~~r n t ,._.,, ''•·"" Chamber of (omm~r tJ Le Ra isor Realty 4523 Campus Drive Irvine 833-8600 ( ..>,.•mw t J' "' l t,Jn\ulfoM Q..,e, 14 ,, ,,, ot t'\t_•t•J\ ,,g, re,pOn\1b'tt •• OlftoC,.. ,, i.)n(>9f"'"ft", Jnd re•·•~·,. o._ Ott.~ ~ 4 Qf'. L .. ,Orot on Po" '' ""i "c.-r"'-1,.. •"-\) ->nJ Je\9f O\ ..-..t u' ollct-f'JJ'TI"'''iJ'tOl'I ,JinO JI on\ f~ \ brood l >'•CV> 111d o• ~r .. , e lltcE-~Ot-·"'QI \\IS S' rt\ ~f'I 0"'"'"'' CQl10l"I\ rr'""'"'!•ng TELMA TICS, INC. Telecommunlcatlons tor Business and Industry. (7 t4) 9~3-7420 So'• ~r ('I"" •tre .. ed 'he 1981 l \t~' ot ,t.. Y 601 OwQfd l<>t tf\e Np1 Sch ~Ot\ch e r •he George E "' Co SI>. ., o -of the GOid r ev Cl..b ""° •ecf'nrly wos •om•O •h• June & 5eplember SHELLEY L. TOOMBS PATRICIA PlUMB ·Sole~'°" of •t.. Mon•h ·· - !.o•v 9'0dilO•e<.I Iron> U <, C and '"" a Ma1ter ' Oeg•ee "edv<o•oon Shn " ll "'embe• c.I the N 8 I enn.1 Cl..b and >O•&\ to plo, renn•s Pleose colt "•• o• 159 9100 "i,f, • U '-\\DC 0'-"'i Pf0v'1 y oono.,.. O\Jqe Cot Wtt·•e Cl ,.,e•f fl\Otl ,., t'IQ -ey:;;t J ,,O'OI O"<J ~fl\ "0 oqen• •0t S.oo•hOlto"" Oil.ct PDt~ fc;..,n & (CNM•'( Qll.clO PDt~ ond C~emee S..1·n10u P0<l cc'""""'"'il o 10101 ol 850 000 IQ It M111 Whole ho1 I 0 r•~·• '" I~• •eal elfore com"'""n1tv ond 1ndustr of ond comm'I leo•·ng ond \ a'°""""' of w.,....,n·1 Ne1-orl~ -"'°""'" "' Comm'I lt'ldu\H 1Q eeo fttoltt lridu'iHl' No•-'>'~ S-aon ''""\Of"I ',,'ea' ei•o•e brol&r .... ~ Gt'O'~ E•'"' Siie 1 one ol rlw! ~"'9 crO<:lucnr1 "' Ille <ompotly A f10\I r ~C<Pl"'l"ll ol ''''14!! Gold (ev tlwtl'd ,..," ' ... ~,ed to '"Of'O' l)gl)m n 19'! 7 Ourong a "19hlr \ut:ctiuful co,..,~, ,.,e ho\ wOf'~ed o~ ''Ov• jllo.(f t~.rl\l~OUt f1.11ooe t~ Or•er•t lll'd r;o ""'"'<O 5..IOfl ond he< Mbond on ••Ku•·•• "'''h I T T Conon flee'"' cons•de• rhe Newll()tl a..och a<.a tocx1 "'·~ whoit! wO<ld Cyn•hoo hm be"" o beou••coon lor 8 /f!Otl Alter 6 yeof\ 1hf! & her hu1ltond dee~ lo open o lleou•y !.olon & coll •• S>ncty1 C•eoh•e Ho• Otn'lln Shf. IOy\ tn•1 9 .. ,,. her gr eat IOf11loct>0n Ond '"• ob<l••v •o 1tlow her Dtt.11< !i.11 SINOYS CIEA TIVI HAIR DESIGN 2052 Newport Blvd. (at Bay) Coe11 Meu M2-M06 Owner Broler ot lha ro. Co Newpori Beach Po" Pr e11dt1nt N""'P<>'' Hotbo< Co1•a Moso tloo<a of Rf!Offo-1 '19 & '80 "3rd womon 10 heod the bou<d rn 111 SO y- h•story G.oduo•1t teoltors lntl•tut• Sha entered 1"9 reo! e11ooe bu11,..u "' I 96S & now 11>8<iohtet ., lond l0t wbdovttO' Wlle1 ""'"' P' oP ,...., & de•~ t ec .. ~ed '"- lf80 f ecit0t Of T"9 Y80I AWOld The Pex c.mpony :MOO lfVlne Alie., Ste 103 Newport 8Mctt ~758 WO/lt6o 11 on 1n1truc.t0t oo Dorotltv Jo Donce Sllldio W e wont fO 1hoM oll al 0rClftg8 COUftly '°' helprng ut °' ... tlort Oii' 33<d ~ DOIOTHY JO DANCI STUDIO 2515 E. C0Mt Hwy. COrone del M., 1734420 • .J DONNA OWEN SUSAN LUXTON VITA BEHR SANDY STAI (hr' lubul 1u,tt•~11:1J h4tt Mo"'"' DffU'•o '" 1..)41vuhJv,ouurol P,v, ht.llugir with 011 utkl1h1.toul ""'f~htl''' 1n ttun•o• Rtt\UUlt .. , MtHHIU""'""' It .,. • t1)1 •lU'f lJt11\IUt \tly VOf '( \V. ( tt\\ful otul h1whl.,. mt l••Ol~J (tu,, ., 10H.X•,>t«"I ,,..,o~ l••.yo Reul ( \ru•u .,1 '°"""'' s..o. h LINGO REAL ESTATE 497-333t Muq1• \ u ( 1Hlil1utJ f 1no11tHJI Plunm" l1c:uOh.11I tJy Pr1vQlt'I IMlg.,, f ,nnnc 1ul ',uro;1tu\, Int o 81o~dt l.Jeoltu 111 m "' on 1od~i.it>nlttrnl lo(IOrt<1ol plonn•f"'IJ p<olen•onol .)Ile •\ ot>J• •o d~o~ tll •hfl lull \iJt'l" um ut 1.n..u• 001 f1"c..icfv< h lroffl ''()(~\ or~ l•O'•t,h 10 to.e \)1ttlltJft '::th~ ' o n ,_,.,,hut •t thn tnhttr""ht1oof A \\<A •t• r •'""1• ,.,, P1l_, .. , ''ttJ '!tj' ll ·J'".'' .. ,..,.,.f' ht .,,.., h~~., fJ• I ""')\ I •11tntfU ·h "'"' t ,-tH ul •\'t' ,. ·I•· l>W e 88 t Dover Drive, Ste 1 t Newport Beach 631·0 t31 Asalatent Vice President SYNERGISTIC PLANNING CORPOIA TION 305 N Coast Hwy .• Suite l Laguna Beach, Ca 9265 1 (7 14) 494-9724 Pan1oon1 Prol,1 '"°'"'9 pltln del •gn ,.,1allo11rJn adm'''''''0' on & on1truco•on CorP<)tote ~eogh & 1e" Pot, u ,...,fl'\t, ,, a i ,..g•t()f Anuc..ct•f' ,, •~ C ""'"""' Bono"' South log,.n11 lC•< i) 11 ~9 .,.,, log1o1"0 Be• oropert •n St t" oho nos o , ,,. l>4>r•Qtov"'t U\., P'lf'"•' ·" o gerrero n1utOfV ~ ~r~ y He1 Odueotr<>n01 cr~enr.011 ""'"'1• o 8 A & on MA lrom •he Un • o t Cot1I 3 160 I Pac•I•< C ')tJll H ghw'ly South logo"<l ~99 1310 A~1r• 3 ""'lH o\ u manage' ot on #6., ,t 't°' lu·te '" NewPQtt Beoch IY•d ~1 •~ ~ fc-..4 r) l()(of OQer"C.y f()f ,,,. ,...,. Dor-nu llt'<.oed 10 go into b..1.,,.n lor he<wolf ~ 'O\l<XfO'eO w •h on <><go• 10,.on ol •ncle~ lw\•~\I l>t!Opl~ who fio•e DCC9'1 IO O•e• 300 "'Oto• brond no"'" (uOdurtt. t.uch o' Se •l o Sony Nut•~"'_.. of'd Amwoy '" odd•trOI\ 10 lh• p<OdllCI 1<>l .. 1 1h~ I ~•"Q I()< \h•HP pe~,,Jr N~ 01..-,,,,,.,,.,,,.d '" t h ( ••f"r111dum ~cot1om1c S1we1,.l.cu11t1n & g1o w1h p0fent1ol 1M1 1• 1\ ~N\·r·fil'U offe-t\ lvOf'y Enterpri••• 673-1601 Jut'le t\i~f'.'•une to"g ••me log..,no '"'.otn' ho1 0 wedfh t)f e .. per '" fhe l.etd ol ploM•n9 weOd1ng1 and 'ec eploont Sllf! owns ond Ql>ef Ole1 T,.ol, Teffoce on th~ fe11,.ol of Au G.ound1 01 wl'M a1 the Hoc•endo "' 5ot>10 A1'0 !.p,,(ool•l •ng •n weddings & recep!oont SUSAN LUXTON DESIGN DtRECTOR STEVEN· THOMAS ANTIQUES, INC. lnte11or Design G1odua1e Cum lovde fo1hr0n ln1..,u1e D•nogn ond MerchonO""'ll· [ •Pf!'•e<>ee 1n ll1wol Promo,.on Soles lnternottonol G.oPh< °"''II" ~f 1 A S tNllMA IE "PPllREl oPetied 1n We11rl.ll l'lo10 No• 1963 Fo< the po11 19 vu VETA ho1 a11b'd o '"°" thot ho1 bf!en con1odered 1he rno11 cOtnP4et!' lnhmote Apparel sl'()f) •n So (ol.t The ser .. ce w11h c °"''"'"' ond I fl()wfedge has mode Vero't o leger>d 1n N9WPQtf lleoch In 1e0<ch ol o good ho1n~leeper Mt Soncly 51or lovncl wch o toe~ ol li1fted peoonnet th• croo•ed "5'0< I I C Housel Hp•ng & Ptt1onol Se,.,1c.•t ·• Her COITlpony lt•••' nport"'•"'' to mon,ton\ w ith p<ofeufOllOI 01t.,..>01> 10 oll Ms 5'0< tJ proud ol ,,.. ouWOllCMg 11olf & her cl••nt 1111 r•ods IA• "Who's Who .• '°'"*ly of 8'8Mwood. the lio1 re1"'8d "' NeWJ)Orl 9-och lot 3 V80fl StCH T.L.C. 642-6149 U.C I ,. 11•od110••. M0111td 16 .,eot•. JOtl8 h tl 111 COfono del Mot ... 111 .,., tOlllrfy Siie hen bHll Ill leol e110t• for 8 yeot• "' Mt<hip ' Cotlfor"10 She 1pu1alt1t1 1" lflWlller• Giid 1elQ(otr0m Siie h6t •ec""ed nony -"' «~ 2 ~ Dolot CM>. I Mllootl Oc>lot C~ Ol'd Top ,,odllcer ol 1119 v- 111 No Car.f • oho -Nv -ch 111 So. Cot.I • JOY RIDGWAY RENEE CLAYBAUGH KAY PARKER JIANNll O'HAIA ,.ka11•., W1d~m ' 1+1u 1 u ,,.,..11ot m.cl nt11Yll•f" d 11tH hJof ul Ht1t N,.wpc.HI ~ml1nu C lvlt A l\t 111tu'"'I A, n t1V\lhl.t\\ UlllW'1tt' Wttf ft( fiYH H18mtH1r ul th• ( htWfjOtf ""JOhllij c Utnmumly ,. tt ho\ , ""''" 1h"1ect ff' .. ,ulv 1u the fUµ+1t O'OWll1 UUtf h Htfl'' ul ltoe r I•....,,,. "' •,.,, ••. " J l I• ,.,!J A, 1.-Jemy Newpott Salling Club 3432 Vie Oporto No 204 NB 6~5-7 tOO Ar A"'" uhtl!I A 11•1 , , h A r )"UI ''"' Ill l dY{Ol•Uf1 liflll M1t\ltH \ IJ1•fltUft th (Ufl"l'"UOUIJltl•U\ J11( j,,i\ 1 1fftff#1,, •U tf'Jul t.nlu•o ,,,._" I ,,1 u1.,.,,,.,, ••••' lJv\•f't'\\ \fhf'tl,,. f'Uft\ fl ,,, • t t.1•• f n\(lf1'10h 1J jt1f •\ ti I ltU\:\t .. #0 l t1f' P1vct11\ ,,, ,, I "C'' \ • •• ,, t h+u ,.,...., 011, It fJll(j {,ftofJC}lly WMtf) LINGO REAL EST A TE 498-4950 ~e,,, f l.,,.,, •. ,ut ., ,,11.1" tnanotJI!' rJrt1I t1tt1l1J •••Jr~',,,,,,~, vt th" J ~ ytJO• l 0\111 M 0 ,,, '"' '•'J111 e ond tt1 t·~~'.c>tt f.rm .,1 ()()._., &o wn Co i ttne.., 1, , , t , " ,,., t t t t e (>o., \ 8t >"""" l c, t " '>'Of I ffl'JH Uf1o'.J •\ lJ~ tt1trf'""t .. t 'J'v•.1t I'! O\\""I ft) tti t um&.>tH .,. b 11 Ou\e (II ti et tr->wl.fl!tgt! und lt.JIOI ded"UhOI\ "•' .,,.(},. DAVIS-BROWN CO. 411 E 17th SI Costa Mesa. 646-168" r HAftOt I( SSH l[I'<, v' N~ .. "°'' 8eoctl \ •J \fOIP 1 \t J JoJ bondf!(J tW">bf \.ll•"Q rtqf •<y i:>I !hf' higl\eU !lV""Jf1ty C•o•k'>1tt1 l rJflt!' tht! o wf\OI 1\ o I 1111 r ",. •"'t <U'f,,t wM 1tor1-.,d ,,,01c• ,,. J I IH•I\ >rw1 \111mi neody d'!r~tt , "',,, J9fJ fr,, 1nf0tmo•1on and 1.1e1o•u•P 64S 31'6 )~,.,n9 All ),oriq• r r ,,..,, COlOWEU BANKER lte.tdentiol lteol &tate Service• 216 t San Joaquin Hiiis Road Newport Beach,Ce.92660 Bus (7 t4) 644-9060 Res. (7~4) 673-8585 Jr> ""' l/vtill\ Pt#\\ j--f\I o• A#'°"' p, ... c: ,~, • t ~ 1,. , P O et•ote de• r tor ~,' ,, It • ne w s~e' •o con9ro1uto•tt IY1u (h~tu Tro•1e10 Mo''-''"Q Mqr lor h"' help 11'\ (OOH'11t'll]t1nQ ,. t \fltYf''O' m1ll1on doJlo• 1ote ol u """' 0 C olloc<' blag 10 Bo·•11• Tt~"""°' lobo<o•or•e• 5M 11 (U"entl't' l"ns1ng ~-•Ol'f\'\ t'lf3W 7• 0-00 1q It olt t~ lg n !.o•Ho Fe » •nQS M+u T '01ti1tno '' o k>vnde,r of lt>t' Worf>,.,, .n Comm I 1nov11 .. ol e.al fi•ll•• lna.111~ N•• ... cxt Corolf! "°' ~ .. ,. o wcce11V •f!d e\lote ogen• .,,,h Cc>law<tl llonl.,, •••ce t 97 7 Sh• ho1 con1o11•n•ly ~ +n t~ toe> re,, 1n hef olli<P & 1\ o ,.,,.,,,boo, ot •"-' Pre1odett1 1 Club wh1tti •ttO"''""" the top S% of \Olfltl ogf'nf' '" 1tio 1mh1fl! Coldw&ll Boni"' 1 u oll<I'• S/1e ...,,., •e•ode• *" fovn.nf) Cree~ Coldwell lanker Residential Reel Eatete SetVIQes 2161 San Joaquin Hiiis Rd. N.B 644-IM>eO I°"''" 1 ,,... Gene<ol "'°""il8' ol Ml\\IOn V1e10 Import s the Merc edu 8tnz outhort zed d•ate11h1p '" Soulhern Oronge • Couniv She liot ioent °""' 3~ yeoo "'tt.. ou•omo<.-e •ndltllfy The<e 0<e '•"' "'omen 01 A~•o deote11h1p "'Hl"'!I\ ~ 1011'18 W>yt "Ille ,,_ °' e V-""'9 uMKI •o ho•rng women Ofoun<I Mon O'Honi hot beflf\ tnYol•f!d '" ~st• ond 1ole1 troniocttOM Of\ o•H 79 5.000 sq h ot 1rldu1t11ol spo<:e '"'ce lh• fO'ned 0 '06/Southe<n 01 noo1lt""9 noonoger IS mos. ogo. l,,.,o1"8d "' mony bu"nt u ond soc oof orgon110t0'\ )4IOl'fl•• wot 1ecen~y opptO••d lor "'tmb~r1h1p 1n tht NottOnol An<X.OIOOtl of lt>duwrol ond Ollte• , ... ,, 0 '0.nnell, •ltham & Partnen/South ... n 1301 OoYe St, Suite 780 Newport Bch, Ce 752-5515 ARTIST· TIACHH Con111tw11"i1 10 her co""'"'"""' 01 o g1hed ()tfltl ond ttocn.. lor ,, .. ,_ .,,..., h4ll pot.un "'tltiefic• on •lie ~-of 'r0\11111 Oftd old •\ldtlll• (Oft M.., be -eel P!lyk hen WOfl "'°"" ort Owordt w htf weot..i ·•-d .• '"'"ii 0 11\ICMlll ptodwc• '"-" '"" po.~,"'O 011C1 1N11ae ~·· lf .... I Aflyf/MI COii po4fl ~ !lley 1\11' wOftl IO Jowl ut r11 °"' beO-. (Ill cloi,., c.it IWM104 Wt 1ollltt ~""'41itk, YOVt llc\1"!f119 $~ MAGGIE KROST PAULA BAILEY GAIL CLARK CHOI MARSHAU IAllAIA M&Y ANNOUNCIMINT l ho O• •l"ll" C c.u1I Pui>lo1h1ng { vmpo•t ' p1vurf •u +n•,oduc• MQllQ•• ' • '"' us ""' n•w C lou 1ltea A(j•""'''''U Mnt•U0*'' 8r.Jrn ol\d Of.lu• (Jllid 11 f..lc1lhhijhUtt1 ( oglCH\d, M 1>gg•f' .,,,, .& 1Jt1t.i1 t .,, tt1i;,ttft1le '" MJ••·' ''"'' "•1• '•Vf"""'"" t1>w0td •he ~·"Of\\1Un A '""' ( lou 1l1e d 'ol•• ll')r .. f<ff or •t u1 1ht1 Dody Ptut t-.J.rt<>r """'"~''t''' Pt••~' ••> ~·' ,~ ttit °"""'°"" Mugg·• wot ..,,.,ou""'' 'I •J (1ou.t.o0 Wt&t d•"f''°" frJ .. o ,. J r "f'itf')t.Jl,l·tUf'I l"f'l.,..\CIQC)e' 1n I A ( "'''I P1tt\11tl!nl Nf>wr1or1 Par•onn•I Agenr r Int lcxo•e•J r>e<.11 tile John W avne A r 11ort rh11 ngency hot \tt1 wf"d 01ong"' ( t)\,j"'Y t0t 0 1ter 19 y1tor' lt tJlt• ~"•' \t:t~ •od •h• bvsineu (omn>unlfy "-o .... 12 ye0<1, 8\'i (ftOfl lor At..go•I At.1><>11 Pe< IQllnef ~,..,,, 01 ,,, 1h"' t~mo, ~ P'oc.etr.ent •"<.h•'"' 1 ' " 1aor' n the rto~.Jff)I,. t,., 11.ed T ... ogoncy ,,. •JJu 01,, • 11 , (Jtt '• Svp1J0t' '"''0"' v A "''•"Q f ,nonr..e f ''9 naer109 fV\rJ U.1•1J P1ocen,ng Newf)Oft Penonnel Agency Inc. 2192 ~artln, Suite 255, '"""'CA 9171Sflt4f751.o331 p,,H , •• ,,, I A\\f)(ol')l8d ,eol'f ·~,.,,1,.,• 1 f ~-.wprirt 8A:oc~ Inc hos a •. ,.,. \t , , t J,,._., r.,,t• r.omet. a~ .r 't'''" ,., '' ,, H" r t'tM·\uto 'Of o v&t 16 ,...,,, \ \I 4-,,, J t g n t 6\0n IUfJUI\ tU U S,., .~ .. f(X lt\e Ol,tl of "l"t'J .,,, '"'\ 8..,,, Ul 1•e ' \f'e •1lw1J1~ 1, h •• ~ '" .. •o bf' ""ot~ed t It t • "' ,1 1, ;")t.J \ U \'OJ.lf"l<t WM ,,.~, •}• u,e Booto of Reolrtor' On<!, ... <.r_.l)flr of (Olllt"9fCI! Anociated Rlty. S.rv. ol N.B. tnc. 2025 W Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach. 673-3663 A Ir.,.,.,,, 1r1n·u Of'!d o..-.."f'' e,,i ''"'~ ' ' 'M ,,, ' '""""" p,~,.oe,., o• tft"Af' 1 1 f I I lrlf."tf JIO'!\Q l"t.. ./!/ W• t;•• I, ':,r~·;,.. f Qt~;~ (t..IV ',I .,.. •' ,r·)t)I)\ l~i{f' (•••:J.,. I Oo ~.I'\ lr~'l"" f~l\\lf' •'''1•• Hf "'°~''~"=ii 11'J"t '~t \O•\ 01 ~ ,..J•U •de lJoU\ •• ,.,,,_,,. 1 ~.t,.l)tJt~,. •o· re '"'J'i ,.,-,, ,fv;,rvj ori tA! ,. yr, I If \1'tC "? lir )J.S5 V;0 l!J' " 71~ 0 ' I 673 4803 Newf)Oft Circle International Inc. Wil Wright Ice Cream of Orang• County Macnab Irvine Realty · •2 Civic Plaza Newport BNc:h. CA (714) 644-6200 l'io•.ng bl'en ac• •tfy ""'Ohod '" •he 'N> e\101e •n.Ju,,,., for ,._, pm1 1en v•o" 1 ~oo\ to•wo'd 10 lower 1Mtrest "l'P\ •rt 1983 '9\4Jhng 1n o •eH•I< huvtt' ' ~•e1 fho~ of ui wt<.. 'e" ,,.. '" '"• t\Q,bot 01&0 ()ff! fo•t1.i"°l6 10 ~IO-..e tht opportunity 10 b<! port o""""" ol the go•d"'11anO of •t.o U ~A Go ,,. ,,.., '"'r "'t.Oh\le O'td 0'0~et\ono \~ ... ,,. OH'' .s yf!OrS of e·-...,.,. '" w'es and leos•ng ot C°'""'6fC•OI all(J ~Sir.al O<OP8'1•1 w." Clo-• hot 'l'<""''Y bf!on added 10 ttie olt1c ~ tf\Od etin-Q d• ... •t !Q"I ot Givbb & £1,, Commercool a.~.,,oge n Ne .. pott Beach s~. " also lou•de• ol Nerwo1l,ng O• 0 C orgcn11or1c:,.n lo, w omen '" the Com"" lnlJul h ol •ndw\H'f '" oad '''"''' ,~"' •\ f>d,10, of New N••wor~ "'9' ouortf!tty new'IJ.etter Che<· 1 eo •or of G.eat., 0.onge Co APOt'"'t''" & Hou•·nv !Mectory on Ed Ml'• Pubt.ca•1on & wo1 1ec.,..•I\< nom..o Ea'"' of ·~ Orange Co C°'""'"''oai Pr<>1>e•ty 011ec1ory, o IOo+ pg a .. ecrcxy of Comm'! P'Ofl l0t sole or 1.,01e M• M0<thol ho• ~~ e<t1t0< at t~• AP0<•"'8ft• OH•cto•y ••n<• 74 Che" coord1note' '•~••ol profeu1onol women'1 <>'qc>fl•lOloon1 & '' lounde< ol Nerw or I 1ng Women 1n Co"'"''l/lndus1t•OI reol estate .ndu11•y 10 Junlpet, Irvine. 92715 (71 4) 857-2737 At 1 4 •lie dtK:rded •o O!>tl" het own no1I sc11lp1urtng solotl, "THE NAil GARDEN," 1n 0td0t 10 ach1t1•e o h1ghe1 uondord '" 1h• nail core b.11.nen f tt•I 1he worled w11h lhe ,.....,,., to p<oduce o spec.ol no1l Klj{ptu<rng product & 1"811 11°"""!1 monocur1t11 ., he< own techn~ ol o notu<olly Koilt>tu<ed nod, whi<h •t now h•own 1hrooighout the U5 & obtood 'l 1 Y' retldent w11h o ¥011 lno~ ol 11\9 Ho<bo< Ar.a 51Dtled w1•h W oll.rtt & IN h of h tott 6 \'80lt ago W1,,.... ol mot1v ••• o-ds. Borba<o .. C0<e1 obou• her cltentsl Coll 1'411 QI COllSWOltTHY .. co. CM().0020 ()( 142 ....... 2 Wtlfl O Mo1IM ol Scitl!Ct D.gi .. ''°"' use Otld cioct0oo1 Wll4t .,, '•vcholouv '~ •1110Yt c-.ltflo PtODle '" theu t •ol 91101• "'"-• '°" -.... llflOO Tep "odtl<"' "'.,,.I~ N.-or.a for .... 1 .. ,1 holf ol 1'82 UNOO IW ISTATI 497..JHl • ( Orange Coeal OAI LY PILOT /Sunday, October 24, 1982 t:a The Ora•• Coast' 1 Successful Busl••• Profe11lonal1 of 1982 MOWI STAUffll MARY HIO<U DIANNE RECTOR SHERRY HILF NAN FIYR GLADf HALPERN Moille S•o11llt 1 hot h.O h•t uwn b.i•"'-M MolU•'1 Gold Mint . IOf lh• l)llll 7 Ve<lll whoch 1t now locoted OI th• P0110Ch• Shot>, 22 l M011ne A•t on ~ l11ond. She 1pec1of1191 11 14( geld CUll0!!11Z.O bv11ntu iOgO! one! oho f old "welry lor neck!. 111\ge•• ond •011 Th1M 1T11n~ wiin OVf new 1pec1olly j)tft 11"1't 0.op b~I 171-1872 MOfy I bu1on•11 lo< posi S yeort hOI be.,, 0111111ng •h• legoJ p•oleulOll .n o<qu•11ng qo,ollf10CI help Ht1 mono It Ptrsonot.zed St•.,co •n o Proto1 .. onol MOM41r ' Re11den1 ot Newll(>ll hoch IS y11, oct1vt 01 o monoge1 10< Irvine "Bobby Soch " g11 ii wltooK teom & on boo•d ol d11ect0f1 for 5110.gn• Aheod," o dru11 •ellob1l~o11()11 or11on•zOflon MAIY "ICKLI AGINCY 197t2 ~~Arthur Blvd .. Ste 200 lrvlne In I •me< til e These You Neea o Pro -and D•oone R41Ctor 11 cn110.nly tho1 Sile 11 the I 11 runne1 up 10 top agent '" the United S1011u ond Conodo w1lh OYer l • •, million '" 1ole1 •n 80 & 8 I and •he •op rte1p1t nl ol 1esod111111al 1etl1ng/l•\llr\Q oword1 lor 0 c tn 1he yeor1 1977 lhru 1981 You w •ll I.no 01onne 01 Cen•ury '21 WoJL In ~eahy ond moy •each he• by pl>ooe ar 8 48 8080 but or 847 .5975 101 Po0Jte1 P .. ople 1 Sno" y H.tf ' monol Sell emPIOved o• '2 l the o ... ned 0 C 'toP dog g<oom•ng 111op Sne11 v 1 Pooole Potou 10< 6 yeo•1 '" Anane.m f0t the poll 12 1eot1 She11y ha1 de•o•ed het ho<ne 10 ro1\1ng neo1 'l1ufe people··, 1 eoc"i:i T Oy & M1n•Olure Poodlet ond boord1ng & groo..,1ng oil b<eech. We 1p0•I oil Ou• ~1d1" 01 Sherry's Poodles 2030 1 Riverside Dr. Santa Ana Hgt1. 546-28-48 eooJtor No" Frve' otters reol e.t•ote pkln,,,ng 101k><ed 10 •nd•'<'tduaf n•eds. A not•v• of So Cokl., the ,, o 13 yea< •e,.dont ol NewPo<f lleoch Non belottg1 10 •he Colt! Aun ol teot1or1 No•'I Aun ol hohor1 Ne .. i:ion / Cos•o Meso Boord ol · t ootio" & No• I Counc ·I of f.cnonge•• lo b;y 0' 1ell •eol esto•e, coll Nof'I fry~r lor e•per1 ou1sto~ce HAltlOR HALTY 873--4-400 Glod Holp.,rn o 1 '>o"•h C.0011 Tio\<Pi 12• Tvshn Aten1,;.e l\lewPQtt 81Jocr-after ho.ing tra .. elled "'°'' ol her I le dec"Jed 5 yea" ago 10 ''onstore ~e' e,:per1ences 1n10 bettet "O ... el lor her clients ond f,1.,nd\ Be\1det t-!er e•pen \e n oJI ot'loses ol 1he bv\•n"o '"'e soec1ol1z~l n C"uiu:s and g•oup1 S»e bel•••el 1ho1 a ''u \e CO" be n ,,,emo1obfe e•pe,1ence w 1fh fe"' ,,eodoct'le,, w1)h eodlen chooce1 of 11> p1 ona de1••no11on•1 Coll 631 90•0 •o OCQUQ1n1 VO\lt le!f """ 1h God1 ~ftJ#-~ PATTI K A R GE R. INC P"'TTI KARG £R 171 .. 111711·•!130 S0!! 30• ST"lCT, &LJtTC l05 "tWPO"T lltACH,CALJrO"""' 9l0113 IOways Iha Dally Piiot helps WDlllMI .... _ ....... y belier JUDY BLOSSOM KAY SCHULTZ LIN-Z LEROND EVAN CORKETT lu1tf' [\lr,00111 hU\ tJ.,.,t u (.(Jfl\1\IUl1t IOJI P'oJut•1 f(J1 l111uu ltt;UI l \IUIO ,,, fh.-mony reu,_ tJf .,., OU(>( 1t1l1Ul1 wtlh 1110 t Ol''S'Ully A ffl\Ht••"I ril fluflto A1rh ltu'¥" h.1tJtt 1\ u YfHv 11• 11..,._, 'huttth/\1 ol ,.,., comm"'"'V o"ff '-'+)lly '0'"' uhou1 he1 C)Je11t\ ttigt\tv tucro\\tul Jud\> wo' thtt Second OutHhtt T1..1µ Prudvlttr fu1 •he lu11u11u Beoc~ 011.ce 1n 198? LINGO REAL EST ATE 497-3331 A flh1tHU•l)O.Jl A, Vit ft PtA\1UtH1i Uf\I ,,,,, 1111 111 At.hotl1\111tJ .._uy '·•' "''' • q dt>drcoi ... o p1olen101101 ~·' ""'J tu It-it• . ont1nued \Vt.t oU I I t1 0 lJ u I v p I I(,)' M I I , 0, A1r1. '"'Y •• tt 111w1y uut11\ K.ov ho\ l1,v119h' tr.,1 Vru01q,~ Loo\I Pv'-'li\h1n9 ( m,J•l1 ( ~Ill Eo 0 1n P\y(t101ogy hu, o,,1J.1f111, tH+tf'>d hur (."lltl•ll•'<H! ltaf"Jdtll\•111 Dor,, J 1 •<\ wo1 11ameo c;..ihco ,vµe, .. 1,01 '"'' M.1,vl.Mh1 MoJOt Soles ot An er.co Sne will btl' f('\fl(;t\\1blt' tu1 -"·Jm1n ,1;0110" 1Jv11ei 01 th(I Vle,,e,n P1Jrl\ 01\t• 1bv1,on (en•<H in Go1Jer1 Gruvt:o Prev10t."IV '"" wos the 1Jdm1n \lrohve ou1s1u1.1 tor Hof1do Moto1 Company Donna r1-1\1det 111 Ne..,., por' 8fl l• h i:>n th~ Sol boo Pww \v!n l1n l lm,~ J O"l• 1,) '..n,11 Coo\1 lleol f\ttJh• \ 'Or J '0d+..{<'' \ b'•ngs IO U'U' O\!gltl Q 101 Pd & JU(( ~\s•ul boc •Qru..i"\d u Woodv A 'en 1 Pfodu('•On \CCff!IOt v tJ•fCCfvr ol u teo(l•n9 $ f mod~~ng og~ncv & owfler ot -.J iu(Ceulul ud~Prf1,mg •en'u'C' (JrT1i11Jny r S f l 1n'1 JHOY1dcs ~llH (":1"11\ lo'od'1. Pf19fQ1 1m<>9•no1i1.;r1 & comple1e \iiowloage ot the chtJntJi"O ,eol A\tofe m•' Cull t e• •oooy 1 ou II be glad ;o. aid 631 0157 SUN COAST REAL ESTATE f•u ·• c....o'''•" ho\ be•" 1n 1t-e Pc\ 1Pr 1 IJ o ... ,.on ol Coktwoh Bod~· Co •·"'• 197 5 Md b"come ;.;r-•tnm•~d·Oll' \u(C.PU ion~ ng w11h1n •ht! 'Ofl 10 ol rh Newport 8'toch off ,... f vo~ ,, o m•""bttt of f~t­ M1ll1on 001101 5,J..,01 C1fCle ond frPwteri1 \ clvb\ Ahhou.gh \he '' 1he r'n(,M'l(H of 'OV' E. ~n ond hf)f yO< hi hr _,, t"' hutbo~CS r om t,no ttme IOI 1t ,.,Q i.0..-~1,nq ..1n1j tx,,Qt.ng Coldwell Bonker Residential Brokerage Co. 2 161 San Joaquin Hiiis Rd. Newport Beach 644-9060 ,. ' C. J. GEHLKE BETTY PEQUET LAURA MARKARIAN CAROL JEFFS • I \ +1111JI+,. .. l11hl1.1u11u11 l;(J"' 1n ••••· '•'1•· '. ,,,.,, "'' v.,11,,r ,uuJ u 141111li1 "" .I II ( I I". '111 It, 0'1 11•1•1•'1U11t t '"' ,.,,, ,. ,,.,.,, 1r1 real t\ftj1(1 1llY()\IO nt•f\ "-.•11t hi)\ ftJ( t:ttWttc.J I..,,, I llJU' \•1t1•\ •Jl\fJl•h "' lvd1ng •Jol,•\1'11JH 1.11 If~•· Mu••"• MtJ\I l1\ltflij\ fu~, ,. A fA1,,1 Mt'"'"t lu1n~'J WALl<ER & LEE REAL ESTATE 2670 San Miguel Drive Newport Beach 759-1501 I J,, fJ•\ 1 l • IJ' , , .• tt•ul ,.,1u1 .... ,,,,,,._ • ,.. ,. ' "JA••tl Bu11'"' '11t \l••·fll t ,. 11'\ ""'''~· 11u1 ( .1m(t1,..11 0J! lt., I I t·I ,. I I 11 p, .. .,+<J•H'••tj! N It 'I I~· ,,, .. 197~ A I" > y,.\I h I I f '\ lt•Jftl f d+11 •\ 1 '1 ,,,,, "'"111t 1•r I 1+,, M1ll1c)ft I 1· I ,, •l 11r I t I\ t 1·111 ~i '~Hlml.to t 11, t-'.. t•·•,!.' 11 11 11' J )llltll\ Coldwell Bonker Res1dent1a1 Brokerage Co. 2 161 San Joaquin Hiiis' Rd Newport Beach 644-9060 l"\ • ''\I• ti• tJ J...1 ·J•£t1 •'\ If I .,t\J\!oJ lf~(j) Qf S1.> .. H O"J"Ji+ Co_.,,, A \t•ung L,.. ,..,,.t .1<t N"Ut •, nv" ,,.,. ,.,,, f_'1 .... , !, ,.-~. r1 .. 1J\1..'0f .JI ''l Niguel (I ij ., li. , Gt l J,,. "' t·, ( '!" c ~v~,, .... '\••' I •• , AJ .. \vfy BJWU t •J ,_ • 8J• ~ Prfl\idt"' of Pv1n• i' J ( '1Jll1•r n1 .. •n t. ... r ... 1 /\ v"·~'' 1 81.1\·J+fJ'U t.il (>r 1' .JU ( t~f\ff LINGO REAL ESTATE 495-1720 l 1' ~ r J IJ\ J t t J, U • ,,.1 '•"'\f''" ,.,,, 1, .. , (q•c.t oum (otJ Cit.J'•·<J r Tt"u1.rP Srie J_,r')-..1de\ J""' .,;l'lt.nq \t:t• tt:\ J,tJf' ·)I g~f"lfl'OI •·d~,..~ Jr 1U"'" ,, • ._ .. ~\lot. .. • & J 10, ,.-u, e "-> ~ri , \ 1e <;.m(l(.>r r r, 1h., O,.t.:v·y1• r ,.. '" J'''IJ (J,,,J, .. w'' , wr.>11'1 to \Oy 1t-101 sates 1n Orori90 Cr...> .-vJvf! 1noeo,ed \incfl lovrO roo~ DAT ACCOUNT 19320 Van Ness Av. Torrance (213) 775-3645 At\ \1i..Ji•• OU ce Maf\Og~r ot Woller I.. te~ f'~HwVCJ'' Seoct-• Corol 1wos 1980 '"'I 1981 oll•Cl' Sotespe•\Otl of f~C veo, ~& o oorflc100"'' '" W •nl''ltt' ' C 1tcte Sn to 1 on ocr1,..d·'~d ,.eioco11()f' toet•ol1\t & u +oµ lgen1 Co,011 .... et +n 81g (11ri;OC" w"t"'~ 1"-t-!f'O•j\ o bv\y l1f(t Ol"fd ' O· • ..,, .. If\~ f\J(h''llpt:I'' p~ .l~\)f~Cll'\•C" (~'Ovf WALKER & LEE REAL ESTATE 2670 San Miguel Dr .. fllewpor1 Beach 759-1501 J fdwOtd Mt(1.,ment\ & Au0<rote!. lr\C of Net1;J>Oll 6.&oct """\f•l"1 tt OC.•""o""ledtJr.• the ou•s1ond1n9 occompl+st-tmenr1 and tet••ce 01 1t1e Ni.Jtn~' 1n 'JV' firm f1ont Row-l ~ Mo•v McClemenll. Carol McClemenU ""O•tO"r long111('r1 ~eny McClemenh Oe•d••• "'"oHocJo Kn•en D•f<wc '-'•d<:JI~ ~o .. -l R Bio"!' Da•v le1l1e [1nboden lodeno '""" Jroo Ame11co lNl•e Ca•d1oole Pull1 Bon Bod Row-I P Yo1en Atmu•h E•u Ame•<a )"'"" (yon Mo11ho HOl'1on Poll" Brvon1 J. Edward McClemenh & Auoc., Inc. 280 Newport Center Drive. Ste 130 Newport Beach 640-4482 SUlY WITH A "Y" All TYPES OF ARTWORK Cot•co1ures ovbhc.otion1 oc"herf111ng 11tu11to11on togo\ greettnq co,ds. onnouM,.ments 10201 Vireo Circle Fountain Valley Ce. 92708 (714) 968-2479 I Shop money-saving values a d · verlised in the Dally Pilot. m Read how other Orange Coast resi· dents use, make and spend their money in the Featuring pages. S Oet a good deal on used items or find reliable service people and other time-and money-saving values in the classified ads. 4 Save valuable gasoline planning shopping trips to local stores "advertising In the Daily Pilot. I Clip money.saving coupons. • Organlzc your coup0n savlngs wlth, the Supermarket Shopper. each Wednes· day and Sunday in the Dally Pilot. ,, ',-... ~.,. 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In State Insurance Services of Colifornio..1 Inc. 16033 Bolaa (.;htce St Huntington Beach. CA (71 4) 8-46-0651 PRISCILLA REA DARLYNE WOODWARD EILEEN WHITE TONI ARMISTEAD Pn>e1llu O'''"•tle<J 0 SU "'ho•o 1he mo1u' ed 11 ~oc.0nl t;,~ ,t!n' t-Sne t..u11un ~u• k E ro•eo• 1n 1978 \f.Jf1C JI•/ "'Y K, t.•4u1~\tt1rJn O"d NUf'!drunf IJ'r;p~1•1f'>\ \u,1 1~01 \~C "'~J olm•,ir V 000 000 ol r1•one" f ond h()\ ·J ( •Jrreri1 1 s.1109 1n-..eri10• v c..I U•el SB.\1\10,000 LINGO REAL EST A TE 493-8812 "''''' w Honr. rica 1,.J1ned 1re \toll 01 '"'' no~ly OPPned Suu•• (0011 Plozo \l.rJf'<J C.o-x-ep11 "ore 01 o Vodeo L'.::"''-'"Jn' For"""'''' o .. ,.rJeC- , '..1"''-'!''J"' ,,..,.,,., t~g 8'-eo ~oil Video I (.1,,,,1 P'-''' ·~1•l11•da WO\ t'U)tt()te d by th• r-orq.10"'{ Oll June to;. lio-..1n9 octi1~v"cf 'n" t\1q,,e,1 dOl1o, :..,.010",fl of s.ote\ ,. 1h,. d '''·c• O"d l1h~ .,.ghe11 n tt1~ not or Mrlmdo 1 o groduo'e ot lJ ~C u.,o ,, ~ otiended g,oauo•e v t1v1_,1 ;1 ' .... ) )•01e tong Beod· and UC ,,, ~e S•lttSf''""'''.;' of •tie ~~or lor ~~or ~eol £1•ote Inc loguno Beoch Dodyn<; ' O<l•llon.Jmg reco<d lor t~e y~o· •ndud~ t:lo\•"Q Of1e e\-crow ~\M' v I I 011y\ Con9,01vtot10M Do•tv~•· ond I eep uP •he good ..,1¥Qd E 1leP" ho\ bfoftn the OH<:@ Mol'\Oge"' ol 1 he Oo+ly P1to1 C-rculot1on Oepo1tm••nl "nee Apo~ ol 1978 SI>. •\ 'f"'PO"\•llle lo' •ti~ compuier into, ~'J'.0" h'\lftf'T'I contumer \{'r-.t( ,., O"d n• off<e fvn(h()tll She ' P'f'\(l,o!, f',,'·C~tng l"ie, 1ob by 10• "CJ 1 "l 'e' ~'00'0"'"'"~"0 l'i:\.J'!.f"\ ( •·~·· t Ji cJO,.~ a~ Ow''' J' J (l ut Of'l.J ' 0 wQ!uoble ,,,,..f·t i, t ... ,, Do,..,, P tot C 1culo• on lt:,\,)'T" lr t 'U •P\ tl'!'nl Of ~ew~t 8eoC.h '°"' if! ,1~1.J'' She hot been Vice p-., \ .,.I V u•t A.rm1s1eod Inc 101 25 'f' tr\ ll'IJ '"'H •V\I b~~l"I mode V p ot P~1·• S1 · .,Q, Pr>• lum"' & Co1me11c \.. \. I• 1,. 1, Int 5~,. h0t olso 1ust 1. d \'' t,,"'' • for l•g~~ forc.e ·P·' .,,., i t ou co,, cornott he, 't..'.l"' J•"'.J ,,_" ul ''""" obo'fe 01 Toni 642-34-4-4 Bunny 646-7376 Would you believe FINANCES CAN BE FUN! f o o•d vou 1n becoming o hr>anc•olty owore woman Women F1nont>0I leo'~"'9 Wodshop otlon on •nlOfmal 1rnoH·1jtOUP 0"•>01pl.e<e •ho• ~n<<>vtoget on opf)Oftun•tv to, OVO\hon1 and l+vefy d1scun1on dvting and olte1 1><t•1en1011on1 by p<oleu.onol con1ullon11. e WOMEN'S FINANCIAL ~~LEARNING WORKSHOP (714) 642-4364 or (714) 644-7969 ·······-··· Help me manage money better. Send my Daily Pilot subscription today. Enclosed is my check or money order for $4.75 for one month's subscription. STAE.ET---------------- aTY -------==------ZIP--...,..,..- • I t J ~-==-~--~~~~~~~--~~~~..--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~-~--~~~~~~~~~~!~~ • • GOif ii 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q. -la a r•(Ht laud of rub INr ~W.. •Y partaor epa•· 4"I lite bkldJq wltla ooe laearl. •:ut overcalled ooe 1pade. I hold: •AK l;:>QIOu 0 KCb +Kan I J11111p ralMCI to lhree heart•. Part.er bid lo1ar H trump aad. alter I had 1howa oalr oDe ace, went OD to Ove ao tnamp. Alter a momeal'11 Aleeitauoa I decided to be ltoDett. to I bid ala 1pade1. Partaer lltea bid ud made 1la DO tr11111p, lo•ln1 oaly to [ut'• ace of dJa.mood1. Partner and both op- poaeat1 Mid I 1hould have lied ud bid 1ia lteart 11, to H Dot to 1et hicher than our qreed 1u.lt. I arsued that if partner held tltree acea and the kiq of beart1. we would have had 1ood play for eevea heart1. Sloce he luiew one ace wa1 ml11lag, he 1houJd have bid 1la beart1 la1tead of fJvo .. trump. Wltat 11 yo1ar profouJoaaJ oplDlo.7 T hau you. -Bob Blaad, ladlana· poU1, Ind. IThl1 queedon h&1 been awarded t.he w .. kJy prlu .I A. -first of all. t he 1<old1•n rulti about re11po11d10lf lo Hlackwood is: Nt1vt'r 111• lo partner. 1'ht• p1•rson uk1111< ror ares is rnpt11in or th .. h11nn and. unless your bidding ha» been off the wall, you must presume that all he needs Le> know about the hand is how many ach and kings you ha vt! lo dlllerm1ne at whal level to place the contract. Second, there 1s very huh• about the biddinl( J like To start with. your Jump lo t hree hearts was a dreadful underbid. Your correct a<' lion was to cut: bid l wo spades, lo tell partner that you have a powerful hand with slam intentions. Third. partner's bid of f1 Vl' nu lrurnp would havt• KUllt'n 1111'. und mo1H ulht'n I know, lo hid ~ l(r1111d 11larnl Whal tltf f1•r1•nt't' did It mak11 lO part n1•r how many king• you htdd'/ H you did not h11vc rnuul(h, clicl hu intend trying I u rdr1•1tt to riv(• hearts'! That ''I illc•icnl. H you had llll tht• rrllSSIOI( kinl(•. did ht• IO lc•111I hicJd1ng 11 irrund slam off nn 1trc'! That's foolhard y. You ar~ <'Orrcc t in a11sum1nK th11L '>IO('t • ht' .knt•w an arc wu rnlSSIOI(', ht' !ihould hitvc hul <•1tht•r fiv t' or !llX h1•arts, dt'lll'nd111,; on how icood his hancl was. The bid of rive no trum11 following a Ula ckwood four no trumµ does more t han ask for kings. It also telb your partner lh1H your sidt· fJU)St'.'l'>l'S all lhll aces! If part nt•r has lht• right hand, ht• 111 frt'l' lo Jump lo a grand slam rnth('r t hun simply s how kings 1n responst'. Oakland pumps its • image Attention: Mobilehome Owners in Huntington Beach OAKLAND (AP) -~me Oakland bus iness leaders have hired a public relations company LO help polish the city's image. "The r e is no the re ther e," Gertrude Stein said of Oakland. "The best thing about Oakland is the v i ew of Sa n Francisco," according to a San Francisco saying. "It's th e stuff which makes for an inferiority Important City Council Meeting to attend Oct. 25th at 7:30 P .M. in the Council Chambers . The Mobilehome Conversion is the topic of discussion. Let's show our strength. com pl ex." Oakland .-------------------------------Chamber of Commerce Pres ide nt W ill iam S . Downing said of negative opinions about the city. The Oakla nd Image Steer i n ~ Committee ch ose the adve rtising agenc y of Cole and Weber to boost th.e city's image. Company vice president Glen Putnam sald the agency has come up w it h an ''a ll -e n compassi ng theme" LO promote pride i n Oa kland and to proclaim its virtues Th e com pan y 1s k eeping th e slogan a secr et until it's been a pproved by the steering committee. Appointe d sergeant J onathan B. C.ory, son of William 0 . C.ory of 449 Promontory Drive E .. •Newpor t Beach, and Barbara B. C.ory of 34B Carr St .. Wa tsonvllle, Ca l if .. has been appointed a sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. Cory is a d e fensive systems trainer specialist w i th th e 379t h Bombardment Wing at Wurtsmith A ir Force Bue, Mich. iety QMMATIOH llUNAI.• T HA 646-7431 Our lltoreturo tell1 the complet e 1tory of our 90ciety. -c.. ....... _..... --c-. • WcCOIMICll MOHUAllH Laguna Beach 49"4·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 NAMOtl UW~MT. OUYI Mortuary • Cematery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave . ·Costa Mes. ~5554 ,_ca•onms ..... OUWAY MOl1'UAAY 110 Bro.owav eo.i. Mna • 842-9150 M&.Tl ... OM IMllMATUTMU. WllTCURI CMAPIL 427 E 17th St CotteMeta Me-937' TDDAT'I CIDSSIDID PVIZLI ACROSS , Brltl-" Mleon 5 Troct.rn.rk 10 Hide ewey: sa.ng 15 Spenlth jar 19 COUl'1 tllenc:et 20Weird 21 Fio- 22 Long lor 24 Fr-cirance 25 Zodi.c sign 26 Elevator cage 28 Aleo 29 Frenctl composer 30 Pooular la bric 31 Type measure 32 Longs for 34 Palm Illy 3S Barter 360ympad 38 Olflclal routine. 2 WOfds 40 Stamping fonn 42 Falhloned 46 JK:k rlbbl1 47 Plunge Into 49 V-ciranta S4 Elec1ronlc detector 55 Alalgnment 56 FaPno-1 58 Trite 59 WMtern tndl- 60 Vaulter's aid 81 NFL pOlltlon 82 Smell drart. M Duollng IWOrd 85 Feminine autflx 6fi Arrtved w 87 Eatate 70Sea•-cile 72 Downcul 73 Oper1 offering 74 Set free ' . 78 Jerk 78 Gitt 81 Table acrap 82 DrMdful MChettyblrd 88 "ci.op.tra" for one 89 Muakal work 91 Finds laull 93Mayor,1n Frence 94 Pur1oma 96Sal4Htem term:2 words 98 Linen mariclng 99 Wudl$. h~I t01 Selnes 103 Most featured Hyph. word 105 AevOlve 106 Finey marble 109 Performer 111 Ingenuous 112 Dowel• 113 E.xilted 118 Aphrodl1e"1 aon 118 Baby c:errl&Qe 120 Pronoun 121 Heevy IWOll• 122 TabloMa· aoning 123 Ma)le over 125 Be quiet! 2 words 128 Powerful pertlcle 120 No better 130 Have Importance 132 Blend 133 Twirl 134 Young flan 135 Weep loudly 137 Fur hunter 139 Chum 140 Sugary 144 Current 146 Matrlculate 147 Thus 148 Steoo pl1y l S3 Olntmettt 154 Denntto W'llcle 15&Author Aemlng 157 P~ 158 Stupora 159 Moro rudlcloua 160 Indian nahve 162 Propel 16-4 Cider fruit 165 Sea bird 166 Iron ot a IOft 167 Spirited llOrse 168 E•am DOWN 1 Blbhcal weed 2 Warwick's river 3 Ancient Gauls 4 Pr1aon· Sia~ 5 Basque cap 6 Piper measure 7 Fortify 8 Nldlll symbol 9 Determine 10 Scatters 11 As far as 12 Suitable 13 Blem•lh H Tongue bone 15 S.. crM ture1 16 Shalt• IPM'Mll king 17 Malay dllNH 18 0eMr111ke 19 Wander Idly 23 Formerly named 27 Barbecue buttlntkl 32 Jaunty 33 Skewer 37 Paid notice 33 Demolllh 39 Smooth 41 Neuter pronoun 42 Feciual •3 Cereal grains 44 Lyr1c poems 45 P1lmu or Vogaa 46 Hatdy 48 Lakoot puwefame 50 Had lunch SI Charla S2 Supphcauon S3 Ptanllng need S5 Salad Item ~Competent 57 Nlmblo 60 Ache 81 SwOfd handle 63 Brealc suddenly 88 Caught. u fllh 87 Blbtlcal trenatatlon &a Youth 69SiHy 71 Olouy palnta 73 Oflentat 74 Stif 1s e.xpunoe 17 African village 78 Time pen- oda Abbr 79 Decay ao Night before 83 Utoful abbr. 85 Stower: Music C6 Lode loed 87 Spreed hay 90 A Kettle 92 Sharp cry 95 Cease 97 Health rnorl 98 S..flat 100 Sty -C~lllftlD RCTION fOA ANIWlq realdentt 102 Ceylon mea.urM t ().4 Flaccid 108 Period In office 107 ReglOn 108 UIUal prac1kle 110 College Cheer$ 112 Herd wor11er t 13 Caution 114 In addition 11!> Goulash 117 Harden 119 Jeff's chum t21 Mtx 122 Junlo< 124 Kind ol omelet 126 AacSoal 127 Chemical element 128 Mimic 129 -venture 131 Right-hand page 133 u ... tnoney 134 See 90 Down 136 S1turday night cloan~ps 133 School gp. 139 Sat for a palntl~ 140 Mep dlrec· tlon 141 Ungef 142 Othef 143 Always 145 Small VOUCher t47 Rescue 149 Lari•• 150 Eloc1rlcal unl11 151 Fount.in or def 1S21bMn charaetllf !SS Helm position 157 Hasten 161 Courtroom figure: Abbr. 163 NFL position --------.. ClASSlfllD 642-5678 CLASSIFIED INDEX lt Pltct Y 1111 U, C11l 642·5678 ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,.,,, '" ,,,, ······················ "ti;;;;;i·········;·;;11 ~ .••.••.••.•........... 1111 ESTATE 1120,000 Thi• tovtly ••l•te la lo ceted In 11n •Int eraa. very qu111 & tree llned 11reet ol beaulllul older nomea The houae was W I SI I 1 ~ TAYLOR CO. IU<Al.TOH S .1111, l~I Iii HOUSES FOi SAL£ f,,•n.r-4 tt.tbu. 11111•"4 ... "'°• ···-~•n.•'11• c·.~'"•IW# ltt•<._ (WM•MIM•f t'o.1 ...... ,._,.., f'\ifM t i 1••• t~e1n\•!lt') th•AhftC'!Oft tt.tr" :~: ..... ," LatWllW U1lh l•t~''•"•I Miu•--' \'1•r,, ~;r.::.:--.:;" ~ J1.4t" I "'"''' •n .. "-'""•An• !11.J.I ...,..,, ,. ~aJ ••1#1·• \t.•"ff11#hl .. .. """"''' ....... , .. , ,.,. UAL ESTATE At l••l• ftif '•h """''""'"" '"' ,.1. ... '""'"""'''> --·•wnPr1,.....'1> \'tflfWtf'H I oh I r H.I" r:t.~·.~~!~~~;h Owplh"' l f'lllt •ul• .. OU11t_..li.1 ~ \4,ntd , ..... , .... •''"""''" '~"',.,, ..... 11.,,.,\l 1.-A• ,..,. , ••• Mvbtlf' tln!M' t rh .,,,, M~Mn IH"~rl Hr11t1or1 IHanJ• t Cl l*fOll ~ ~, ~~:·1.,•:,'~·" fttni fw11t • •r"1\. l;nn•" Hu i t.•t••C" •~" "•"•" H"ll b••tt Yt •"~rf,I ICNULS H4N~n t urn1\h•ff U1;.w\.o 4 nlwtn&\J\.• O Uo.,,,.. t\i1rn or t nl tondom;n.wm,.lwtA ~~~~~";~ To-nhuil.IM'' l "'' Uvplu~' hun Owpt.f,n l nt Apo twrn A.ph l11tfw111 Aph h•fftot I 11tf ~(•W•m, """"'4 Kt .. , .. tMrh \ilulf'h <;.,.,, tfvtfv\ Si...mrN"r M•fM •h \ •"•tMlft Mf'M•I' ll•nhJ' 1a~e1•• c;., •• h fOI k•M tWh,-. knlit•I ltt,,,.nr" Jc•ftl et lnd~ltt•I M•IW•I ~~·.,: ... 1'4~ N1v ••nh h ltlSllllSS. INVlSI 1 .,,.,. ... ., ~!!!}INAllCC kUMU ••N"1 • .. ~~mt ... '~ , l•~utmorM Y. •"'"'"' w.-.,rbLo•" Mf.-W) '4 aMf"d' MiW•••t•' Ttt \ ANlfOUMClM(NTS, 'llSONALS' LOST ' FOUND "nnowf'l<fm.fnt\ t •' P1.cA v,.,, .... , .... l.Jftl6 t 1111ri1M Ptt~•h• §c;.r1•l(lwhlt• f fe\•I• SllVICCS UllrtOYMCNT ' rtf,UATIOll ~'f1ooh lnttwt~ M "-•nt.H• ................ M£tCHANOIS£ f .... , "Wis .VWJlt~\ AMtu"""' ...... ..,,, t:t:.':; 'letU t•I• l •""-'e\ & t4tMP~M lvrpwi...... ""to'°" J\i'N4W'' Hotw.. ttou..-MW (fO'Jd• ,.. ... ,. L .. K~· W.,-f\.!M'') ,.,,......«•"'"-""' ·~·""""'\"•M#"f W¥•1o l IMtf'V,...t•h ~~ nt'". tAIYt,. =~~~~::. ~ ... Good. Siort-,._.,\(eu,."4 A.' f:'•r.diO.Ht ~· 'l•r.-1 IOATS ' MUOI£ £OllPM£•T TIMSNIJATIOll Atr'f'••" l•"'P"''~1• "•M ~".,.,, C " ~ ... ,.....,.,.. Motor Hftn ~ "'"' Tn•ln-' traHt !::!"::,!::•i.n, .. , •• It[ Ciow<•I • AM..,.. l'lau1n a HtUhO.. V ... 1rth ~h ... ..-•• flit .. ' ....... lµ-1 .... , Ttwith v .... i\""lfl ..... ,.. "vt_,.w.,.1""'1 AUTOS. IMP'OITEO c.;.,..., •• ""•"·'~" """' Aw..llfl U'•lfl• •llW l'•fH• ~ UehV" t~ftf .,, ... ,. ll<Jftll• J•titV..r J-• ........ ~"-,.•• ~-­••Id• ,,."'", ............ __ , lW •11• °"" ,.,..,. .......... ,.,-.,-M ""' .. " ..... ,. ".,,. ..... ~L Tiw«• tn..,..c. \'•••••"' Veh• - IW. "" ..... lflH ''"' .. ... , ... ··~ ..... '"* ..... ..... IU'Ji tlA .... , .. ••• llnt .... , .... ,. ,, .. ""' ..... I» fl"' .... .... I"• ... ••• ,.., ,, .. , ... ~:1 ,.,. ·~y ...., /)o> , .. "' IOUAL HOVtlHO OPl"O,.TUNlfY Pu~llaller'1 letloo1 All r••I ff1ale adverllNC "' tn1a new1p1per It iiub1ec1 lo 1he Feder• F111 Hou11ng Act of 198t whl<:h makH II Illegal IC aovert•ae "any preferen ce. 11m11a11on or dllCrlml notion besed on race. color religion. ••• 01 na1ton11 or1g1n . or an) 1n1en11on to make an) such preference, llmlla· lion or 01scrlmln111on ·· T hit n-spaper will no1 knowingly ecceJ.'t an) adverilslng lor real ••· 1ate which 11 In violation ol the law bulll by 11 1pec1a1 con· 1rec1or. 111 ol an 1cre with aeparal• guell hOUll. 1001 shed, greenhou11, park·llke grounos -nae S 1000 dollars worth Of rere plenla IA garde- ner'• d ream I Sego palms. Phoenix lob1Un11. Aeytus lovely patio wllh bbq & llrepll llsh pond ate etc Tn1s gorgeous property Is olfered 111 only $120.000 Cltll loday won't la.11 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATKRS * IESA VEHE On the golf court• Custom beau111u1 3 Bdrm EIUIORS1 Advert l · home. many. many ex· sers should check lras S279,500 wilh tO% their ads dally an<J down owner will carry at 12'"'"1• interest . report e rrors Im -R•J loCor1He, IUtr. mediately . T h e 141·1121 DAILY PILOT as-~~~~~~~ )lo• sumes liability for YA TElllSI '!-: the first incorrect Now that VA terms are ~ insertion Only. under t3Y• !he lime lo ,.,., buy Is here lor 1n11 3 :~ Bdrm 2 Bath home with 1'1• H•u•• l•t S.I• J tamlly room Pride ot :: • ••• •• •• ••• ••• •••• •••. ownership propertyt Only ,..,. l••I E•t•t• ,~ S 119,SOO • call today. ~ ¥;!.~~~~~:!:¥.; f i*•~ :.. COILI CllT SI .,., Super opportunity In a All&llEll llUS !;'; Bdrm 2 Bain home wit lull f.,eoles1ro security system, prof s yr. old s & S Home landscaping, cable TV 2872 sq fl. Pool with .... ~ ~·­_,,. . llll.MI 000) -.. ... ~ . .,. ,.,n .,, -.... ... -.., - I new p1lnt plus grea swim up bar In cave terms Aatff are down S2S.OOO below market callnowl 0nlyS121,900 20% dn. 12.~. Interest. 646·7171 Agt. Jim. 531-8100 THE REAL ESTATE RS I II. 11111111 Gian t Buccola bullt mansion on quiet cul de·uc, vwy w.11 m1lnt- alned. move In condition. Form11 IMng rm wlfrpla. lorm11 dining or course. separlle !amity rm w/ separate lrptc, apace age huge kitchen. broallfaal area, 5 big bdrm• or 4 & a study. ~ ground1. The price 1 borow m1rke1 for thl1 to..,oly Jff!li~"' P: ·~51 1n 1m Gre11 1t1rter condo for your kid• S«:Urtty gated community w /poot & spa $82,500 w/low dwn a lo mnthly payments. Ca ll Fred Tenore. 631-1286, egt FtllOLllllEI ... NEWPORT BEACH: 15 Br. 3ba ti.lier. $19a.OOO WESTMINSTER: 3BR, 4 ~atagee, AIC 1120,000 OSTA ~ESA: 4 BR ~ ' ~. ' IUlll RIME Front row view of moun- tains. city tight• and I T leke-llke r-rvo r hree bedroom ··Aen11ssanoe" floor plan Three view decks. Pools snd 1ennls. SSI0,000 111-llOO WlllUIYI 2 BDRM 2 BA LUXURY CONDOS 2 car ancJ ga· rage. full em1n111es. $7000/down end owner will ne1p finance Ed Watts 96<'~ 17 1 If it's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classit;ed ad. ca11 642·5678 and condo, 2'Aba I 130.000 -= ANAHEIM: Condo, 2Br a f ri~ly , :: 2ba 179,950 a 3Br fl.er ad-Yl50r Wtll S88.ooo. help you turn BROKER 754-1202 your wheels Buyet meell MMer-wtth an into cash ..,,. effective cla111fl8d ad. • -6'2-54971 :: jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;ij;l. .............. .. ---- .... .... .. ,. • •• ti.II .... .... ., .. ~ ¥1111 ., .. •'M •M !rm •ff> ., .. •hl 'Ii• wm •1A Vilf 1113" BIG CANYON 45 Royal St. Georre Offered 1t SU9.000 Great Ownt'r f'lnal'l<'1ng FAl.litt' am! lot Ont' of .S.11 Ca.nyon's finfft hon1" Pt'rft"l't fD' gr~OUI entenam1.ng and ramd y l1v1ng Quality cr1flam1nshl p throuahout. l'Xt.enllve Ult' of oak. Magnihcenl pool Ind apa. ~ ti.drooow, 3 balhl. family room. tonnat d1nlnc room. HMO VO HI.LS P«tC( OJC(J) UH.000 Luaehold or S4115.500 f'H Bnl Buy• Corona dtl Mar 2·slory with 4 b~drooma, 2 \'i balht, larnlly room. "'""'*"' dlnlnl room. all n<rw floorln •. carpelin• ind wall w~rtnp 3-<"ar 1• and RV u ceu. low -mitl>W ltt ., I 1L p l u 1 o wn11 r tlnantln1 at 12' ""' ~ ::::::::::::=:::::::1:::::::::=111111111 ,1. 'II .. •1'• ,,.. .,, .. '1111 ... ,1,., 'lllol .,, . 9111 m: """ 11716 '11\'f '"" '#1'1 BLUFFS BEAUTIES 3 bdrm. 3 bAth .. ramily room. expansive view (E Plan). Mini condition. Security svste m Large uaumable loan. $310,000 . Open S un. 1 ·S. 264 5 Vista Omada. 3 bdr m, 3 bath, family room . pool·11ldl• (G l'lan). Designer's horn<' Large loan available You own the [and . Open Sat. 1·5. 2400 VL"t.n Nobler.a. $319.000. Mobile Home. • Bayside Vlllase -Expanded 3 bd model, pool. beach, l'ndry. s un deck , recnetional room and boat slJp a.re aome of the mtny ameni\1~. Prllle '68.500 Owner wfll flMnce. Cole.wortliy & Co. ~H~ •IA! •IN\t.HMION I 'CAL ;~T~TC U.S IASTILUflF Dllt. NIWPOltT ll!ACH, CA. ··-· ------ ITIP " Tll WY WAY YIH MHI Al MWI Plflllll OWMH FIHllCI 11°'-t -X. llTllHT Clai.s-~t yh.·-Elt'l(anc1. .. Quu!Jty All are truly dt·~·npl1w of onl' of Big Canyon's truly t u1Hom hCJniL.>S with a wade front.agt.· cm th<> ~oH <.:ounw 5 bedrooms, 6 11': bathi., plui. a ll of tht! amenities you would c·Xpt'('t St·ll1•1 I 11wncmg avaclablt· An unui;ual oppo rtunity to s u.•p up without inconvenu.·n<'l' $1,950,000. Ill OAIYOI POOL All IH EJtllSITIH -t Bedrrru., family room & dinmg room, 1mmacula tl' througho ut. Ne w carpets, dra(><'S. marblt' c•ntry & decor. Electrpnic :.<.-cunty i.ysu:m W1.•1 bar, 2 fireplaces, J car garage Arusuc pool and spa. Pri<.-ed right at $695,000. Cate g uarded an •a Call ti44-4!HU for p1·rm1ss1on to enter 14 lllHIH TREE H. OPEi SAT/SH 1·& SPYILASS POOL AH SPA PEllFECTlll Two-s tory Nunlul'ket 4 br. with lwautiful S uns<:t pl)ol surrounded by 14.000 red brkks Tastefully decorated thruughoul with wallpapers a nd shull1•rs Show:-like a model home~ Many upgr<JcJt.•i.. St.tllt<r will financt . Submit down $7HO.OOO incl. land. MlHOR VIEW Milli WIH MUllll VIEW Earthtoncs thruout, ·I br, 2 1/:z ha'. family rm. dining r m . 2.:i78 sq . ft. Vie w of Pav1hon. night 11ghL'> & Cat.alma. HW EHUll OI HLIU ISUll First llml.' hsu.'Cl Charming nr new 2 sty arch1 ll'<:tural gl•m 4 bdrms. fam rm Quali ty dC"stgn and decor throughout Des1gnc.-d for gu1.'!>t quarters. PnL't.-d to 54o'll $595.000 S<·llc•r fmant.-e No loan fL-c 213 llllOll IPH UT/Sii 1·5 IRVllE lllYEllSln PAii I II De tach,·d 3 br . 2 1., ba . h ome o n green belt near community tennis and pool. $1 14.000 m assumable loans and you own the land $135.000. IEWPOllT MEICHTS II C.I. Charming 4 Br & family room . 2 brwk fire p la ce's. country kitche n . quiet residenual area m young developmc·nl by Buwol:J. 10% dn. Owner carry 10 yrs IUllll YllW llUs-1111 YIU Quie t. park-like setting. Rm for paddJe tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st 3 bdrms. fam nn. 1299,500 Low ground lc•a.st• $375 year. 17 yean. before adJus tml'nl 1211 IEl WEST, CH IKll Ill 1·5 CIROU IEL MAa-stKll Fil Ill Charming 3 bedroom home with lots o( extras: Yo u own the land. Great family home. Pric.-e reduced $45.000. Beautiful large comer lot Walk to the bay, Balboa Is la nd . a nd Fashion Island. Owner motivated . this could be best buy in COM. $320,00-0. Financing available. 11CI SHEUIE THUOE, OIM SIT /Ill 1·t WHUY •• nntl OI., IUl.TNI 2111 S11 .le~1l1 liUt lea4 IEWPllT OUTll, I.I. '"-~110 IJ~~ IHH tF TIE SHF WITll WllTI WATER YIEW S teps to beach 4 BR custom home in North Laguna, lg street LO street lot w/room for expansion . Magnificent v iew from upstairs & lg deck off dining room. $599.900 Maxine Propp HE IF 1.110 ISLES HST HYSI Prime location Perfect S BR. hardwood floors, sunny patio home. Priced raght at $420,000 Bcrit Mitche11. UYSIUIUS II FEii Gate guarded community . Spacious fmly home on quiet street . Your decoraUng touch will add much charm to this lovely 3 BR, 3 BA. convertible den home. $395,000 incl. land Dick Halderman. Ullll llHUlll -l&llnll IMYI Country feeling -4 BR with ne w root, French doors & w indows, B-1 bookcases. 2 lg patios. 1pa. f ireplt. Complete privacy. $239.000 fee. Beverly Morphy. Wlllllllll Hiii Charmln1 "Redwood" model -S BR, 2 ~ b a th e. d i n i ng area. profeu lo n ally drcorated ln 1prln1 colon. Lg patio -air conditioned. Community pool, tennis courts & lake. $15&,500 Fee Donna Godshall. Ill llHT If HUI 111111 11 Northea1t Colt• Meu. Braad new 3 BR·3 BA wflh ntn la rMlter BR. Choo.e your mrpet now. La fe n ced backyard1. Selle.r will help with flnanctrw. =o to $139,900. GlHla 644·6200 M ll1•1t ....._for 1• ••••••··•••·······•·•• a·····e1·······r1.-..•J .._,I} lM1 IMr UUl rmT•••••••••••• 1;11 ., •••••••••••••••••• • Al$IO(HllAt "l!AI f$1Alf 5(11V1Cf'S IPll 1·1 .... llU 11,111,HO A weU located large bayCront home with pier & slip on prestigious Lido Isle. Walk to s hops & theater. Enjoy community tennis & beach cl ub. Lease or lease/option available. See Cynthia RumsCt•ld at 333 Via Lido Soud. W&TllllllT 11,111.- Enjoy the Tranquility of this quiet bay from the m an y w aterfront rooms & decks of this very elegant 4 BR hc.-me with parquet floors, plush carpet, plantation shutters, security system, w orkshop, den, master suite. Owner will finance. A true value! See Evan Corkett at 633 Bayside Drive. .. UIYN lllT• 11,ltl,lll Absolutely BEST BUY on golf course. Gorgeous 4 BR, lrg fam room featuring t h e finest in amenities. French doors, crown moldings, skylights. Reduce<! to $1,095,000. Owner financing. See Carole Allison at 18 Cherry Hills. .... tlll 1141,111 Traditional, e lega nt & spacious describes this lovely 4 BR 3•h BA home featuring oak floors, lead g~. FR doors & extensive use of used brick. Sunny south patio on extra wide lot. Owner assisted financing. See F.die Olson at 133 Via Undine. WlTllFlllT SllO,IOO Low, low down or lease/option! How many waterfront properties are available on these terms! 2 BR, lush carpet, :mported drapes, hardwood floors, custom wall coverings. absolutely gorgeous! See Wynn Wilson at 1033 Bayside Cove F.ast. •N&llLIUI Imagine if you will a large completely remodeled Cape Cod that overlooks Little Corona Beach. Recognize if you dare that this Is today's best value in CDM location. Quality terms . See Vale ri e Marshall at 226 Poppy. ...... ····-Popular Portsmouth model home with spark.llng pool. 3 BR with family room on comer lot. Quiet area near schools & sh ops. See Linda Marston at 17 Monte rey Circle. ... TllUGI A light spacious 4 BR plus den home with pool and gorgeous view of entire harbor. Owner will carry with approximately 20% down. Great potential for user or investor. See Lucy Rose at 1715 G alatea Terrace. llY•UT UH,111 Sellers have moved & reduced price. Spacious 4 BR. 3 BA, formal dining Rm, remodeled kitchen. Terrific family home. Terrific for e.ntertaining & terrific financing. Assume 1st & OWC 2ND. See Maggie Guth at 1840 Tradewinda. ...am.1111 ....... SPACIOUS 2 BR home on a wide R-2 lot. Guest unit in the rear can be a rental. Excellent LOCATION just 1 ~ blks to the beach. Owner financing with 25% down . See Nancy Slnunons at 315 Iris. -.1111111 ..... Great comer location. Channing 2 BR front unit. Newly remodeled beck unit 2 BR plus den, 3 beth & private patio. Very rentable. Assumable loans & owner will carry paper. See . Lyleen Ewing al 430 Narcialus. •llllm Plll Ult.- Deane Homes freshly painted & decorated. R eady to move In. Beautifully designed patio brlnp the lush land8Caplng right into this super 4 bedroom family home. See Con BaldlkoUd at 4901 Burwood. Ill llEWPORTC~wr.R 644~ • I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, October 2_., 1982 El !'. .. ,!!!. ~ ~'.'....... ,. .. ,!!!.!'.• •• ~~'.'. ~... !'. .. !!!!.!'.•. ~'.'....... ~'.,!!! .!'.~ ~~'.'....... !'. .. ,!!!.!'.~ !!.'.'....... ~ ... ~!!!.'!!. ~!.. ... • . ,..,,~!!,!'!.!.•}!."Ii· !'. .. ~!!! .!'!. !~.'.' ....... ¥!!~~~! .......... '·"' f!.~t~!{ ........• J.~f ~~~~{ .......... ~f ~~~~'.{ ......... !.ljl ~-.. ~~~{ ......... .'.~~ ~ ... , ... ~ ......... !.~f ~!~'.'.' .....•.•.. ! .... ,,.,,., '"' -I I eee•e e e ••• e e . e •• e e + ••• -THIS IS WHAT WE 'RE DOING IN 1982 .... EXCLUSIV& LISTINOS OF WATCAfnONT HOMfS. INC.. AeALTORS a properly 10 suit every llfeslyle and llnanctor posttton This Is a cross-sec11011 01 our properties tor snle Htntots from Mobile homtt trom Cnste Mesa 3 bodroom homu Btutts • bedroom condo Irvine Te1race pool homu Newpor1 Ht• Pool Hm. Newpo<t Beach duplex VIiia Balboa condo B.g Canyon condo Balooa Island horM Newl)Otl townll<>use wuh dock Peninsula Point home Baycrest 5 bedroom home Jasmine Creel. 3 bedroom • · 1600 l)OI 11\00lh $ 32,000 s 114,000 $190,000 1230,000 $250,000 S2?'9,000 $262,000 $295,000 $295.000 $320,000 $344.500 $325.000 $375,000 Shorec.lllla 4 b&<lroom Spyglas1 4 U.droom Ocvanhoni dupleA Oaytront condo Lido Coione del Mar home Bayshores new 5 bedroom Chino Cove home Boyslde Cove bayfron1 condo Newpon Heights voew Balboa tslano bayfront Linda Isle bayhont Peninsole baylroot Leguna tennis esuue Costa Mesa • 79 units 144!>.000 $449,000 $<199.000 $549,000 $669.000 U 2b000 $725.000 $776.000 1620.000 $1 300.000 $1 .395.000 $1 ,795.000 $2,800.000 $5,600,000 Many owners are olfer1ng substantial price reductions and rerms Some will exchange .. and "Cash Speaks." Call for details to purchase any of the above .. we have others IWO OFFICES TO SERVE 1HE AREA Newport Beach 2436 W Coast H.ghway 631-1400 .... ISU IPU •11 IPR 111 1·1 111 12·4 114 Yia tlfaH1 22U W1te,.aa, U. Showcue home juat re-Owner 11 mollveted & duced to $595,000. 2 wan11 you to drop by story llvlng room, aun· Sunday. Thi• tiome hu 111 deck with Oumbweller ell. 3 b<, den, huge pool from kltch«I. oak ftoor• on 1 beeutllut cul-de-aac & cabloelG .. the workal atr"I Call Jerry Smith llYFlllT 11111 et 631-7370 CK come on IPR ... 1-1 -b~y~~~~~~I IH LWe Part Ir. 0-1 = lmmeculate 2 bdrm plu1 den & etnum condo with boat allp Jul! redue.c:I for IHI Hie 1445.000 wrlh 11tn1 Haumeble 11- nenclng. Lawson Rutty Comp•ny llllT UllT IAY YllW FentHtlc pool home. gor9eou1 tocellon. un-belleveble tl.nanctng. Cllll Tim RhOne, 631· 12&6 CK 720-1263 Balboa lstand 316 Marine Avenue 673-6900 TElllFIC TEllS With just $25,500 down you can live in Newpo rt Beach in the fashionable Bluffs area. S pacious "C'' plan has huge living -dining room, 4 bdrms. and 3 baths. Prime north end location overlooking the pool. Full price is $255,000 L .H . Seller wtll finance at l2 1h% inter est for 30 years with no balloon payments! ISTATI SIZID LOT • CAMIO SHORIS.* This outstanding exec home features what must be the largest lot in Cameo Shores! The rear yrd features a Japanese garden, waterfall, Koi pond. pool & volleyball crt. in a spacious environment designed for memorable days th.ruout the year. The interior was designed for entertaining as well. A lge liv rm w/frplc overlooking the pool & gardens exemplified the open spacious feeling prevelant thruout. A huge kitchen, fnnl din rm & 4 spacious ~ including a mstr suite w /blt-in shelves, sunken jacuzzi tub are but a few of the numerous features of thls fine residence. Offered at $670,000 FEE w/as.sumable financing at 11. 75%. 75'"9-150 l. * HARIOR VIEW HILLS* Totally remodeled inside & out this delightful ranch st yle home features 4 br, 2 frplcs, 3 car garage, ocean view & large lot w /custom spa. Priced to sell at $340.000. Low interest assumable financing. Call 759-1501 or 752 -7373. CALIFORNIA SHOWPLACE * DOVIR SHORES* Btfl views of Fashion Island and the Pacific ocean highlight this exciting sU>ne & stucco ranch showplace designed in 1973 by Ivan Wells for executive entertalnjng. The gracious & d iverse layout includes a gracious Uv rm, Crml din rm, a handsome oak study. fmly rm, country kitchen w/island work area & breakfast room, 4 bdrms, 6 baths as weU as such fine quality appointments as tile floors, crpting & several skylit.es. Superb outdoor gatherings are made possible by 2 patios, w/firepits. cstm black bottom swimming pool & spa & a complete poolside wet bar. A1ao features are full security system, dual temp controlled w1ne storage, & a 3 car garage. $1.500.000 FEE LAND Call 759-1501. *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* SensationaJly remodeled & decorated 4 br. home Ceaturing sw1mmmg pool. bonus rm., skylite. lush private courtyard, fplc., & ~umable financing. Reduced lo $28(),000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. OCIAN VIEW + POOL *SPYGLASS HILL* Thia truly magnWcenl residence is for thoee who embrace relaxing luxury u a way of life. This home Is completely remodeled & decoreted by noted designer Al Mendez, San Fra.ndaco. Featuring imported pavera beginning on the front patio & contlnuinl into the entry & thruoul lhe fmly rm, kitchen & breakfast area. Decorated In Mediterranean style w/curved arches, receued lighting & liberal wte of mlrron. The remodeled gourmet kitchen features 10lld oak cablneu-y, Jen-Aire aan,e, Port~ tile. & a breakfast nook w/ocean view. Naturally there ia a panoramic ocean & night view from LA '° C.tallna & of coune a pool & _,,. ~ encl'd In a priva~ court.yrd. Thia flne home la unmistakably Newport! Priced at $849,900 FEE w/ .. wnable financing. 7~9-1501. • .. "Thi• 111 •Ul'h u l'lu111> huu11t· think I'll lnvm· t'11"1 OVl'r" Great finund ng , (lawless n •model, greut vi('w, on !1..4<! hand for only HI0,000 fH 2901 HARBOR VIEW DRIVE Opt>n Today 1-5 10'-HWI 4 BR m Harbor View llorm.'11, $259,YOO fee. 2 STIH 'llTHFlllT $695,ooo Tee 1111111 1to,ooo To $399,900 k-e. 5 BR Pt!nimula. Complete remodel. HW VIEW 11111 3 BR t 2 'h ba. $239,000 h.'C. ILIOI Tl HW 4 BR, $825,000 fee. Caml.'o Shores. O WC or exchange. lfYL MOllH OISTOll $295,000 fee. Lar~t· entN· ~inment area. 3 BR 2 &. ..... TWO ......... ONGS G&aal' 6 C_,ITA THE STAUES COMPAIY 750-1317 173-77'1 FllECLllllE Reduced for last Hie 2 Peters • <I Br 3be, fem/ din. 2 lrplc. Seller wlll help, 1 btk lrom lake, $279,900. Call nowl •3 Wermaprlng, Irvine. Agl 845-8950 PllOE llHIOTill 4 Br 2 Ba. t>eeut. tand· seeped home In Mesa del Mar. Corner 101 w/RV ecceu. Reduced to $139,950. 751-3191 . c:::. . ,• ' -1--"··· ·•··. ......... , 1-1 1"8 UL.UY H., 11¥11 111111 IHl,000 fll LAii PUTAITIO llLLll fllWIOtll With pr1dl' we offer this supt.'rb ~ bdrm, 4 1n both home Many, m any l'u11tom ( N• tu res. RAOllELLE IDIEll, IUL Tll 111-2111 COASTAL AREA PROPERTIES lar~tr Y11w 11•11 Custom dee. a nd landscaped Carmel Model. Crown mo ldings, skylight , cust om kitc h en and spa. Mus t see! Assumable fin. $275,000. L and lncl'd. Open house S un 1-5 PM 1847 Port Sheftleld. Turtlereok One o! the lowest prit.·ed properties in tht.> Turtlerock-Vista Community . Amt•n1t1cs. Lead glass windows Wide dt>cks. View of ligh ts Private s pa . Assumable fin & ready to move in. $250,000 land incl'd . S11wl14 with Yitw Executive Portofino. Expanded family room w /f1re place. Enclosed entry. 3 bdrm plus bonus room and loft w/bath. Extra large lot, beautiful patio. $475,000. Land incl'd . Ont.• He•• hH1 llw4. Beach living w/every convenient-e found m this truly prestigious property Private lg lot w /views of Ocean . je lly and Harbor Owner wiU also consider trade. $1 .275.000 Land mcl'd. Open house Sat 12-4 2727 Ocean Blvd. aS Jt11if1r Such•••I 111-1110 " 720-0311 DIVONWOOD ISTATIS EXCEPTIONAL SQUAii FOOTAGE This IS the much sought after Chelsea Model with five bedrooms and three full baths. For the large'family this home of approximately 3,500 square feet has it all!! The master bedroom suite is particuJarly enchanting and includes a luxurious sunken oval tub and separate tiled shower. There is a separate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' bonus room for the kids. This entire residence has been professionally decorated including custom drapes throughout! Formal dining is provided as well as an eating area off the kitchen with decorative ceiling fan. The kitchen is a marvel in itself with gas builtins, microwave, trash compactor and soft water. Custom brick work and spa complete the picture perfect back yard. CaU us for details on the exceUent assumable loans or the suprisingly affordable price in todays market. 963-5671. WISTCLIFF GOURMIT'S DELIGHT This meticulously maintained home is tailoc made for the gourmet, starting with the custom kitchen. Oak cabmets and flooring surround your built-ins which includes a microwave. Just off the kitchen is a charming breakfast nook with bay windows. Super plush carpeting and custom wall coverings complete the picture of sheer elegance. The extra large family room provides ample room for entertainment. As an added bonus the large irregular lot with custom pool provides extraordinary pnvacy. With a large fully assumable 1st trust deed, this home is priced for immediate sale at $310.000. For an appointment to ,iee call 556-7035. HUNTINGTON BEACH IOLSA LANDMARK -$210,000 With four specioll! bedrooms and two and one half baths this home la an excellent value. Not only is ll the lowest priced home in the tract, but the 9eller ls also offering a $5.000 caah rebate to the buyer at lhe close of etlCJ'OW. This home offers maximum privacy al the end of a quiet cul-de-sac and backs onto the proposed Bolsa Chica Marina. Soaring cathedral ceilings and earlhtone decor complete this picture perfect property. Even better, it's vacant and ready to move in. Call for more information. 556-7035. HUNTINGTON HARIOR FORTY·FIVI FOOT IOAT DOCK Charming waterfront Cape Cod located on the boat parade route. Enormous living and formal dining rooms face the water. Forty five r foot dock accommodates up to a 55' boat. Glass enclosed patio with spacious deck. Te rrazzo entryway with iron security gate. Two large fireplaces. Seller will help finance al 12'r>. Thia exceptional value in waterfront property ls offered at $559,000. 963-5671. TWO TRIPUXIS . HUNTINGTON HARIOUR Two attractive new \rtplexea locaied within walking distance of the ocean and one half block from the propoeed BolM ChJca Marina. Theee art pride of ownership buildlnc-wllh superb dt!91,an and floor plans. All ax unita are two bedrooma. two and one hall belha with wood bum.inc fireplaces and lofta that could be converted \0 an extra bedroom. Vacancy factor in thll exciellenl locatJon la almoat zero. .Available lndMdually at $320,000 each or make the teller an offer on both. c.omplete fln.and.ng infonnat.lon available at 556-7036. NEWPORT IEACH OFFIC!· 2110 ....... Drt•• ' Newport llclot9, CA l2tlO ('n4)711-1I01 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD .. We Protect & Service Things That Servjoe You." HUNTINITOll llACH OFACE I032 Main• Ave • HUftttngton llaM, CA 12141 (714) .. 70H -r I l £8 Orange Coaat j)All Y PILOT /Sunday, OctobtH 24, 1882 lllT HY. Lovely 2000 1q fl. 3 bdrm. i 1 , bulh!e, turn . r·m .. w1dt• "rl'l•n bd l, lll'Ur pool 0111~ $4!35,000 llGllllll TH Ull. WILL LUii "1111. t;uod t~rn1S. By upµt Wll'T WT, ueamn. Churmlng 3 bdrm, 2 baths. I l<'vt'I, only $1 75,0tllf O~m l·~. 2007 &J<I IHI 1·1 1HI Yl1t1 O.eul1I I ,,, 2~ •• '" HOl,000 11'1 Yt1t1 lltr14t a '' •ltw fa• S4H,OOO 2111 Yht• 1,.14, a ''· ••• •••• saao,ooo 2211 Ylttt hr14t, nr, 2~••· 1 .. 1211,000 LET'S TRADE UYI Wcll11 d u 11111d11 2 Br 2 H._1 $1 :1:1,YOO M11h1l1· h1111w. ~ llr ;! l\o, $H7.~l)tl I 'l,111 B I Ur I Uu, 011 watt•r $11 :l.!-1011 'l'rt Ir k, :J B1 :ii.' &. vw w $:l:>O,OOO WAIT l '1111d11, 1>.1nu Pt, wulc•r vu·w < '1111d11. Irv or Nµt fkh C1111J u, Wd brdg or Trtlrk S 11il t•u 111Jo rw urut." TOii llOIUUl-UYFIELI OPEi TODAY 1-1 Pl IAYFllHT, OWll Fii. TEllll, IUIY IHOll $7Y5,000 ........... 12 BEACON BAY . NB llE/llll HI-HOO SPYIUIS, I 1111, YlfW Of UY All OOHI Ull llLE 11111 101 VIA LIM IHI IHI Ill 1·1 Prime Lido Nord bayfrunl, 5 bdrm , 0 iii bath. Lge L H . air rond .. 2 boat slips $1,:I00.000 Remodekd 3 bdrm, 2 balh +-large rt'C nn beam ct.>ihngs. furru.sht'd, pauos. $420,000 111/llU PllESHTS llEWPOllT llEllllTS llOllE TOii $850,000 .............. 5 POINT LOMA, NB HOllTIOTS HIE, J 1111•, LOFT, II SHYIEW $425,000 YAC HT ENCHANT Hl::SS. NB. LISI llAltOI YIEW--SHHE 110111, 4 UH, 2 IA. $:i95,UOO ...................... 1205 SAND K EY 111 OYI, TOWHOIH, TOP GOii. COMM. POOL $320.0011 ... 13 CANYON ISLAND, NB llHOH 110,000111 Exq uisite custom woo<l and glas:. home. Q uiet cul-de-sac location. Featuring three bedrooms, plus a convertible study: spacious family r oom . b eautif u ll y landscapt·d garden, patio and pool areas. Off- s l r e e t R V p a r k 1 n g L a r g t• assumable loans Call Joyc.-e Dabult or Don DeThomas. PElllSIU 11011 0,11 Su1t111, lot. 24, 1-IPll llllOA ISUll, lllT HOI, IWIH FllAICI $528,000 ..... 2IO C HAND CANAL, NB Ocean & jelly views. Marine room. 4 bdnn. 3 bat h 3700 sq ft. $1.385,000. Oceanfront PANOHAMIC VIEWS of buy, ocean a nd parks C.:orgt..'OUS 4 Bdrm POOL homt.'. CAPE COD d esign Jus t REDUCED $l :W.UUO' Absolute STEAL at $495,000 HUH ISLE, IEW All YAOAIT Wllll OllAllM $595.000 211 OPAL, BALBOA IS LAND Lllll ISLE IAYFllllT Lagoon vww from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark nn. den Boat sllp. Nuw $1,000,000. 2101 CLIFF H. U1·12H IEWHllT, I 111111, llTE YIEW, IEAI SCHOL $275,000 .................... 2531 BUNYA, NB UE llOllHS OUIYH llnHAT IAYSllE PUOE IAOI HY FH•llOHI, ~ ACRE +I POOL, VA loan 1s assumabk to V et s. Charming two bc.·dmom and den h om e w i t h t·a t ht>dra l ceilings. s ky l1 g h1s. rock fireplace. a nd knotly pane cab11wts. Located on p r i va t e r o ad abov1..· c r eek , s ur round<'d b y ma1un• oak and sycamon.• Fix· and sa ve Owne rs are motrvatc>d. Call Mary R1chardi. for de1.a1ls on this fine home Spe('Ulc·ular bayfront dplx 2 br. 2 ba u p: 2 br 2 ba dn 2 boat s~• Redured_:__ $1,500,000. CUSTOM DESIG NED 2 yc.·ars nt•w, 3 Bdrm:., ">tudy & Cam rm. Built around ct.'n l ra l. 1u1vdte t·o unyard. Hig h ..LSSUO ault.: loan. RL-duct--d to $385,000 IAH $465,000 445 E. 20TH, OFF T USTIN, CM FlllllAIKS WCll N~w 4 br, 4 ~, ba, custom French Normandy Esun~ I 2 prime ac hillt.op. $1 .250,000 •11 EL llOIHA AYE. U1-12H I IH•l/11111 llOO•llEH ICM., llHTIO, OOZY JAOllE llAllUMAI lYlLll $450,000 118 RUBY, BALBOA ISLAND ~\"• s1mpll• 'l. br rott.age on quwt lJt-scaru.o St tin Fl..1~1 Ht'Clut't'd to $100,000 BU ILDE R'S C L OSEOUT o n this BRAND NEW 3000 sq ft home. 4 Bdrms 1 Ca m room. QUALITY throug ho ut• REDUCE D DRA S T I C A LLY 10 $349.000. Fii •HE llFI OALL ClllllllO OHS U,._l()UI: fi()Ml:i 759-9100 # 2 C orpouh P'lcna HewportC......,. Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat duck. Pl.ans avail. Now $370,000 w/tem.s. SOI CATALllA Oii. 131-1211 REALTORS, 675·6000 UE lllllHS BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR SELL Idle Item a wllh • 1 M•k• your ahopp1ng H · Dally Pllol Cluailled Ad aler by ualng the Dally 2"S EA.t Coaat Ht9bwey, Coron• clel Met WE HA VI 53 OF THE BEST USTIHCS lN TOWN J.i '-··~,.d .. '.)' ,. •• B b7S t:i'b' ~2·5678, PllOI Claulfi.d Acia. -= ..,,,,,.,...--~~~~~-1-~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~- IAYFllllT 01111 OVEllLOOKlll llLlll ISLlll Elegant 2 bedroom condo plus den with fantastic views. wet bar, fireplace. stained glass, pool and use of private beach. $855,000. 0111011 111111 "CllllLllCl" IOIEL Former model home with fantastic views, 4 bedrooms. 2'h baths, many designer upgrades and good location near the tennis. pool and spa area. $520.000 E111111LI llY FlllL Y •llE Country charm radiates throughout this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with family room. formal dining and huge master bedroom suite. $755,000. FlllLlll IOUI YIEW lllLllll SITE Seller wlll carry with $280,000 down on this lot 'Bbove "Palm Tree Circle." Sites like this are rarely avallable. Act now! $385,000. 1111• llYlll m 11n Rancho San Joaquin view condo with 2 bedrooms, 2 batht, firep lace. nice landecaplng, deck• plus UM of pool and spa. owe. S169,000. Illa QIN AIU._. mu Lovely 4 bedroom home on a large corner lot that'• t>Mtt beautlfully landacaped and boaltt a large aol8r Meted pool. CIOM to everyt~ng end prtc.d to •t 1158,SOO. Lingo Aul&W'I LIDO SlllS-WlLI Tl IUOll Perfect Newport s tarter home with 3 b e d r o o m s, 2 b ath s. minimum maintenance. us~ of pool, racquetball and tennis. $1 59,000. Lllll llLE WlTEllFllOIT IOllE Hand some traditional 5 bedroom. 4 '/2 bath residence with family room. sunken living room. Immense formal dining room plus a charming courtyard spa. Owner will help finance. $ 1 ,450.000. EMERALD BAY • SI 1 l ,000 lllllllll Lllll Spect acular view Emerald Bay property with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. pool and long term financing. $650,000. IOW YIEW OllmY 011111 11111 This 6 bedroom. 51h bath residence with beam ceilings, hardwood floors and brick patios has an additional family room with llreplace and guest or maid's quarters. Just reduced to $725,000. OTHER AREAS .... WILL TAii LIW, LIW MWI Motivated Hiier must llquldate quickly this 2 bedroom condo with den, 2'1a baths. great location In Santa Ana Heights. $118,000. ... -Wl'fl II' tuT ... Spacious 3 bedroom, 2'A bath famlly roo m home on Trinid ad laland In Huntington Harbour with anumabl9 First T. O. at 9~% lntereet end addltlonel....., financing. 1399,950 FEE. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE SllllT ALL IFFlllll Harbor View Home with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, great design for families. owner financing. $310,000. 11111-ISTlTE .lllT 11110111 Situated on 'h acre, this 6 bedroom, 4 bath residence with Grecian pool and spa has a beautiful Kol pond, huge yard . French doors and breathtaking skylight. owe or consider trade. $449.000. lOllll ·-IOUllflllT Emera ld Bay 3 bedroom . 2 bath whitewater view home on oceanside of Hwy. In prestigious private community. $875,000. llllLY MTIY&Tll llWI Try tust $75,000 down or lease option on this corner lot ocean view 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with traditional styllng. An outstanding value with full use of all facilities plus Its own spa. $825,000. OllT&mUATUUI Near beach and •hopping. this Income property has a per-Met 3 bedroom owners unit plua addition., 2 bdrm. 2 bath rental. Real pride of ownerlhlp. 9245,000 . LIN llU IPll lllllY 12-•110 101 Vil IHI& A bll of llu llywoud 011 Lid o, turnu•r l't•lt•b1·1ty'11 hm111•. l't•1 l1>t'l huuiu: for (ur mul l't1Wrwln h1¥. 4~Hl(I 11q ft. with 88 ft.•l"•t on (;.,milt Wullt"(I tvurty1u d t'rllry, :1 H<lrm, clt.'11 w11h flr1•pla1·1· and Io· w1•1 b<tr Wllh bul·k bat ~I ' ' baths, for mal d1ntnl( ruom, fuyc·1 e ntry. Outs1<.1ntl111~ must~·• su1l1· a pprux1matdy IOOO sq fl w i th bay Vll:'W, h1i. & ht:r bdths & dn·s..,111g an·a $1:HJ5.001l IULTl-llLLIOI DOLLAR IEIQHIORHOOD Cho1t·.-11vt•r1'.117<'tl 1ns1d1· lot S µut·wui. honll' hullt dl'!1u11d Vt•r y privutt• pi!llO wit h sµd 6 tx-<.lrc.H>rn._, mdud1ng 111d1d'!e, dnd 5 baths. Looking for nl'W owner lo upd<Jtc lo million dollar ca wgury $84 7 .500 LIDO ISLE WITH POOL OPEi SllllY 1·1 101 Yll FLOllEICE YtJu w ill agrL·<.· 11 1s pnn·d right Custom 4 bdrm, J baths w11h upstairs lia lt-uny 50' c:<Jrnl'r lot $5!:15,0UO LllO ISLE OPEii SUNDAY 1-6 233 Vil IEIOl Wut<:h the bodlS frolT) this 11 room, 4 l>ath hum<.· StC'ps lu Nord bl'ac:h c.tnd pldyground 3650 ~q fl. Bring 1maginatron and ufrer accordin~ly Pnc:t·d <ii $ 5 7 5, 0 0 U w 1th ex n· 11 1· n 1 ftnannng LIDO WIDE LOT .,. POOL OPEii SUI 2-6 204 Vil EIOLI Walk to Lido V11lag1:. 3 bdrms. :J baths. good assumable (ananeing Excellent buy. Prt('(> rc.>dut"C.-d lo $550.000 Lido Realty 673-7300 FILLEllTll/lllU 1 2 Br. Quall Ridge Condo -------with wooday atmosphere & weterlella Decorated llke model. t200 sq. II $119,000 offer Owner 951-1344 or 529·3798 aft 5 Cele 1 0111 .. ,.,..j, ......._ .. 175.5511"'.j} lnl HtSE 1-1 11111111 LIOll PHllllU POllT Ouelnt Ca pe Cod, 2 bdrm & huge g ame room Do<rnet windows, p1ckat fence. dout>re ga.. r19e Excellent location, CiOM to t>eed'o, oceen & t>ay $300,000 & owner w111 111lst with lln1ncing 1101 MIWIAR o, .. IH4ar 1-1 ••2·1200 J PETE BARRETr . REALTY 11 '"' Otrtll 4el • ., ' 11' "'"'' ttl· 1t111, .. ,m .. , wall• ~~~~~~~ ti 1lau, r•t Hrll!Hf f!!!~~.~!!!!~! .. !.~~~ ladua,111 , .. .,.. •FULL OCEAN vu• ,rlYHJ. I llllr•I, 4 300K loan J11miM Crk lafllt I fl•llJ rH• Owner/Agent 640-1515 I, ....... TH •11r OLI Ctll S22l,ODO ... 1ttte1 te lht. Flt· So ol Hwy. 3 Br remo- 1.1 t •• •o deled home on R2 A .. I • •r••· "' 1 euma lrg loan. Now va- Oll. 111 ••tsa14 _.Ca11 0el!a 831·1 S6 ••••I••• 1 •• ., llltrtl • r • 4 Mr• fw•al 4i1t11, family r•, 4H I •••· 41' •II LIT lrtat tlttlffyt lle•t With 3 Br 1¥• Be, frplC. .. prtlffclMt lt!P· By Ownet 646-8588 ~r .. t4. h1tr wlU CAMEO SHORES, by OW• ••Ill wit• f1111tt11. ner, ooean view. 4 BR, 5 tfftrt4 It Slll 000. t>a . din, pool, tac , 2 1 wetbar1. New roof, car-410 ••ral11 Star Lt. pet. drapes $595,000. COU ~ MEW'°"1' MAL TOM uu\.c--, . c-... -171·1511 •11 .. 111 .. , 1 ..........•........... LITTLE l&LHA ISWI REDUCED BY $150.0001 By owner. 111 time off red et $545,000. Spac. oompl. remodeled h & untt. 3 BA, 2'A BA. 2 lrplc;a • .,.. kit . form di- ning, wet bet. lkyflghtt, Piilo. Sunny back unll Buyer assume 1st at 7 '·~'t Down p1yment s 146.ooo owe u oo. 000 at I 2% for 1 O years 760-1734 S.••H Y11r lffer SpolleM 3630 al dup .. Jlt owe 11t-12%-1ong term 3br/3ba+5brl3b• 1 vac 509 Acecla·walk to ... Do not disturb tenants Ownef/bkr 8-45· 7048 lllY1H THUii e11TOWI Hll le4Ht4 ft S1t,IOO Pending lorecloture for· caa drHllC ac11on Aa- sume 1st w/out qual. Cornet IOI 2 br + den, POOi, apa 770·5998 hN 1 Br, 1 Be, lge new iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kit. & din. arN . 3 cer gar. lf)eee. COfllff' lot. Cour· teay to brkra. OPEN 8AT ·8UN 1·5p m . U7·117'A Abalone "'°""'24 or 75t-0777 .... LUii IPTIHU Greet lemtty home w/ huge fenced yd, oek French dr1, butcher block counter•. Jennlllr kHchenll $300,000 . TIEAAA Del SOL AL TY 497·114' "8Wlll '" ... iiiiiiiri·•· .. ~iii~~~~~ 2 ttory falftlly llome, llPlllll 06oee to~ l ooe.i, ,..,. View. IO 11nlta, •Int In· Iott, IOe L • fflftl dlnlno. come $350.000. lg• 1thcll, aunporcll & Wide lot. nice houM & tundeck. 1317,000. ••P· rental. $301.500. ()panSun 1-&,311 111and Both muet Hiii Agt. .A¥e. 873-9208. BURR WHITF llF Al TOR INC ,., • 4 ~ I, If lf#llOI .......... you'Hll"at. ..... ···:re Dally 18t cl• Hl.c:.11 Ml-1171 1J1 11 1q•• 1 , " t I 11\11 ' I'll 1 H I .1u11luy Oc.totJttr 24, 1982 HOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM 11 Morr11t1gml1t. lrvln4t 644·6200 $ t74.900 Su11 1 5 • • 10 Belboa Coves. Covos. N B 644-6200 $495.000 Sun 1 5 703 St. Jamee Pl .. Clllth&Yen 644·6200 $29S.OOO Sa 1 I ·3/Sn 12· 7 1301 Kings Rd., Nwpt Hgts, .N.B. 644· 1156 Sat/Sun 1·5 • *225 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 673·6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR plua FAM RM or OEN 7 Rue Cannes (Big Canyon) NB 760-8333 $450.000 Sun 1·5 376 Broadway, Costa Mesa 631· 1266 $143,000 43 Beachcomber, Newport Beach Sun 1·5 645·0303 $360,000 Su 1-5 124 Via lthica. Lido Isle, NB 675-4562 $595.000 Sun 1·5 1706 Miramar, Balboa Pen. Pt, NB 642·5200 $300,000 Sun 1 ·5 * 19 Curl Dr .. Jasmine Crk, Vu. CdM 640-1515/1-728-5t51 Sat/Sun 12·5 1577 East Ocean, Peninsula Pt 631-1400 $344,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 3071 Platte Drive, Costa Mesa 751-54 18 $127.000 Sun 10·4 2331 Cynthia Crt .. Costa Mesa 751-3191 $115.000 Sun 1·5 ••2 10 Grand Canal, Nwpt Beach 675-6000 $528,000 Sun 1-5 1660 Port Wheeler, Newport Beach 631-1266 $249,000 Sun 1·5 2710 Vista del Oro, Blurts, N.8 . 644-6200 $154,500 3215 Oce·an, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $1 ,295,000 2661 Crestview. Bayshores. NB 631-1400 $264.500 1961 San Bruno, Bluffs 631·1400 $150.520 7 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Cyn) NB Sun 2·5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 644-5116 $665.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1543 Serenade Terr. (lfv. Terr.) CdM 644-4910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 •22476 Caminlo Costa, Lag.Village, Laguna Hills 855·3017 $124,500 Sun 1-6 2338 Rutgers Or .. Costa Mesa 546-3375 $132,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 491 1 Seashore, Newport Beach 759-1221 $650,000 Sun 1-5 **24272 Ontario Ln., Lk.Forest 58~-5986 $215.000 Sun 11-5 1108 Ridgecrest, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $162,000 Sat/Sun 1 ... 4 • * # 12 Beacon Bay. Nwpt Beach 675-6000 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *204 Via Eboli. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $550,000 Sun 2-5 Woodland (Woodbridge) Irvine 644-6200 $155.500 Sat 1·5 1947 Port Bishop, HV Homes. NB 644·6200 $249,000·Fee Sat 1·5 502 "I" St. Peninsula Pt .. N.B. 631·1400 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 31 4 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631· 1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 308 Enclna, The Bluffs. N.B. 962-7780 $179,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BR pjue FAM RM or OEN 937 Acapulco. Laguna Beach 675-2172 $315,000 Sun 1-6 2109 E. Balboa Bl (Penin.) NB 760-833~ $695.000 Sun 1-5 2001 Yacht Resolute (Seavu) NB 760-8333 $425,000 Sun 1·5 669 Joann St .. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $124.900 Sun 1·5 120 ShorecHH Rd .. CdM 644·6200 $~5.000·Fee Sun 2-5 1905 Yacht Puritan, Seaview, N.8 . 644-6200 $429,000 Sun 1·5 14131 Klee, The Colony, Irvine 644-6200 $149,900 Sun 1·5 1905 Yacht Resolute, Newport Beach 759-0619 Sun 1-5 *2283 Waterman, E-slde. C.M. 631-7370 Sun. 12-4 760 Via Lido Soud, Nwpt Beach 675-6670 $575.000 Sun. 1·5 452 Broadway, Costa Mesa 63 1-8011 $185,000 Sun. 1-5 3 11 Island Ave, Balboa Peninsula 675-4630 1387,000 Sun 1-5 1218 Key West (Harbor Vu Hiits) CdM M4-4910 $299,500-L.H. Sun 1·5 128 26th St., Balboa (Newport Bch) 759-9100 $369,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 DIRECTORY l(u, !Wt ti.dy tlrwc;twy wltti y1111 .Wt wffbM e:l:. .. ..._....._ ..... All tti. leu tll>fl, titted below .,.. •1e~lit,,.....,. •t4111 •y ed'rri*t.... i. t .. y'• DAILY "LOT WAMT ADS Potro•n ......... .,.. ....... fw .... .,. ....... ...-4 ..... welt ...._ ..... '" Hilt coau-•Uh Soh;rdoy 0114 l lllldey, 1863 Braemar Way, Newport Beach 7!>9·9 100 $365,000 Sun 1·5 14 Rue Deauvllte, Big Cyn, N.B. 631-7300 $599,000 Sat 1.5 1903 Yacllt Collna, Newport Beach 644·1017 $450,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 3069 Glbraller, Mesa Verde, C.M. 545-2883 $129.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 317 Via Ithaca. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-8494 $505,000 Sun 1-5 * * 38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 673-9187 $489,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2833 Monterey Ave .. Costa Mesa 540-2616 $169,500 Sat/Sun 9-5 1847 Port Sherfield (H.V. Homes) NB 675-6670 $275,000 Sun 1·5 * •308 Morning Star Ln.(Oov.Shrs)NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1-5 7 11 K· Thanga. Irv. Terrace, N.B. 631· 7300 $575.000-Fee/$440,000-LH Sun 1.5 1 2 Vienna, Harbor Ridge , N .B . 63 1· 7300 $499,500 Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy, Dover Shores. NB 642-2510 $695,000-Fee Sa/Su;i 1-5 * 12 11 K ings Road , Clllf Haven, NB 631·7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 1100 Cambridge Ln .. West cliff, NB 631 -7300 $305.000 Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Road , Baycrest , NB 631-7300 $299.000 Sun 1-5 1930 Pr1 Bristol Cir, HrbrVwHms, NB 63 1·7300 $268,500 Sun 1 ·5 2297 Redlands Or , N wprt Beach 642-8663 $260,000 Sun 1 ·5 37 Canyon Crest Or , Corona del M ar 760-8617 $249,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Dr . (Bays hores) N B 645·6218 $269.000·L.H. Sun 1-4 55 11 Wendy Circle , Huntington Bch 963-6767 $152.000 Sat 12-5 17142 Reimer, Fountain Valley 963-6767 $144,500 Sun 1-4 •2208 Port Lerwick, Seawind. N.8 . 675-6000 $279,000 Sun 1.5 * 15 Carmel Bay Dr .. Spyglass, CdM 644·9060 $595,000 Sun 2-5 1411 Kings Road. Cliff Haven. N.B. 642-5200 $525,0uO Sun 1·5 1607 Cornwall, Westcliff, NB. 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 420 Oahlla. Corona del Mar 631-1266 Sun 1·5 318 Jasmine, Corona del Mar 631-1266 Sun 1-6 •2007 Hollday Rd (Dvr Shr) N.B. 631-1266 $275,000 Sun 1·6 1921 Yacht Enchantress. N.B. 675-6000 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 101 Via Genoa, lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $895.000 Sun 12-4:30 1901 Galatea Terrace, CdM 644-6200 $795.000 Sat 1-5 3 17 Ramona, Costa Mesa $175,000 Sun 12:30-5 2301 Aralia, Eastbluff, N.B. 644-6200 $169,000 Sat 1·5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $340,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2149 Miramar. Penln Pt., Newport Bch 675·5487 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2298 Redlands Dr. Back Bay. NB 631·1400 $248,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 BEDROOM 9 Sunrlver (Wdbrg) NB 760-8333 $299,000 Sun 1-5 • 1459 Galaxy, Dover Shores. NB 644-6200 $465,000 Sun 2-5 * • 1024 E. Balboa Blvd., Penln. 631·1400 $1,450.000 Sun 1-5 • •2804 W. Oceanfront, Penln. 631-1400 $695,000 Sun 1-5 * * 132 So. Bayfront, Balboa Isl. 631-1400 $1,300.000 Sun 1-5 2227 Windward Lane, Newport Beach 540•2960 $375,000 Sun 1·4 595 Marquette Cr .• Costa Mesa 673·1600 $136,900 Sun 1·5 10 10 Sandcastle. Corona del Mar 644·2135 1325,000 Sat/Sun 10·5 1112 Westcllff, Westclltt, N.B. 642-5200 $255,000 •3078 Roanoke. Costa Mesa 631-7370 $149,500 1541 East Ocean, Peninsula Pt. Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 631-1400 $470,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BR plua FAM RM or DFN 1007 Tiiter, Corona dol Mar 759. 1221 $329,000 ""'' 4 10 Morningstar Ln (Dvr Stw.) Nii 675-5511 $675,000 ! .1111 I '• 211 1 Yacht Wanderur, Su<1v1uw. Nu 644-6200 $395,000 1 1111 I '• 434 Begonia. Corona Oel Mar 644·7211 $595,000 1742 Cantella PL (Bac,k lltlY) N (I •,,1tt 1 l 7!59·9100 $285,000 ',o1I I , * 14 Burning Tree AO (819 Cy111 Nlf 644-4910 $695,000·Fe~ ':i.11/Sll11 1 •, 213.Dlamond (Balboa lsla11tl) 644-4910 $595,000·Fee c,,11!'·111 #3 Trafalgar, Newport Beacli 759-1221 $1.500.000 S111• 1 • 1118 Somerset Lane. Westcltlf N fl 631-7300 $475,000 •\JI l 1576 E. Ocean Blvd .. Balboa Pen N8 631-7300 $460,000 !>1111 1 • 510 Aliso. Newport Beach 759-1221 $350.000 509 Evening Star Ln, Dover Stir~. t l!i 631-7300 $920,000 <,1111 •2706 Llgh1house Ln. (HVH) CdM 675-6000 $429.000 F.<1t1~>111o 1 -• * *542 Harbor Isl Or.(Prt'>m B<•y JNI 759-9100 $1 ,200,000 ').11 111 1 .... 2531 Bunya. Eastblutt. N 8 675-6000 $275.000 "1111 l * 1944 Flamingo Dr , Mesa V·"<'l < M 631-7300 $245,000 lJll 1. 4511 Camden, Cameo S1101 es. C•lM 673-7761 $8~5.000-ree '•t•' i ., 2901 Harbor View Or, HV Hills <. d ll.I 673-7761 $550,000-fee •,u 1 ., 1733 Barmouth, Hrbr View Hurni ... Nn 673-7761 $259.900-lee ',1,n 1 4 133 Via Undlne. Lido Isle. N B 644·9060 18 Cherry Hills. Big Cyn. N B 644-9060 $1,095.000 11 . " * 1715 Galatea Terr Irv Terr l.l!M 644-9060 $445,000 $1111 , ' • •633 Bayside Dr. Prom Bay NB 644·9060 $1, 100,000 Sun 1 <, * 1840 Tradewlnds, Baycrest. NB 644-9060 $359.500 SatrSu11 ? ' 910 Nottingham, Dover Shores. NB 759·1501 $279.000 ':ii.II '.!I 2048 Port Weyridge (HVHms) NB 760·8333 $359,500 Sat1 Su11 1· * 1812 Port Stlrllng (HVHms) NB 760·8333 $37fi,OOO Sat1Su11 1·!J * * 1621 Bayside, Corona del Md• 760·8333 $1.395,000 Sdt "·"'I , ;i •49 M ontecito. Spyglass Hill, (.;d M 759-1501 $849.900 Sa 1 & ~u11 t: 14 Point Loma, Spyglass. CdM 673·4400 $723,400 51111 t il 760 Via Lido Soud (Lido) Npt Seti 760-8333 $575.000 Sc11 1-•1 222 Via Koron. Lido Isle. N B 642-5200 S111 1· 421 Pirate Rd .. CliHhaven. NB 642·7658 $225,000 Sun 1·'• 1222 Sussex. Westcllfl. NB 642·5200 '$237,000 S11n i !'I 222 Via Palermo, Llc1o Isle N B 673-7300 $367 ,000 131 Via Undine, U do Isle, N B Sur ~' 673-7300 Sun 1 ~ * 101 Via Florence, Lido Isle. N B 673· 7300 $595.000 S11n l 5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $575.000 8 1111 1.1 1601 Galatea Terrace. CdM 631·1266 C:un 1·5 •3165 Bermuda. Costa Mesa 631-1266 $155,000 Sat/Suri I·:> 111 E. Bay Avenue. Newport Beach 675-6670 $469.000 Sal/Sun 1 ·5 4 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge 644·6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Su11 1 5 21 Bull Run, Northwood. lrvtne 759-1501 $249.900 'llln 1 ,, 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) lrvlne 552·7500 $235,000 Sat ·Sun 1 5 1511 Kings Rd .. Cllfthaven. N.8. 631-1400 $599,000 Sat/Sun 1 5 2015 Yacht Resolute, Seavtew 760-1900 $519,500 Sun 1 4 11 San Sebas1lan. Harbor Ridge, NB 760·1900 $1,299,500 Sun 1·4 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sal/Sun Hi 5 UEDROOM •"• 1 I l11111yo. Nowport Beach '·' ' woo $;>!!>,000 Sun •·5 I '111 A~• 1Juu11u Suerte, Sa11 Clem. "•'• ., 1110 !.llu'i,OOO Sat 1.5 ,Ht tz < 111<il1 II tifjllilult) NB. ti4i1 t / l~ 'ltA'4El,OOO U I SOI /Sun 1·5 '· i><J1111 L 1m1t1, Nowport B()ttCh td'J fJlJOO $850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 it * tlt.'f.I C l1<11tt1til Pl (Nwpl Isl )NB '· 7 1 11:io:> $965,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 " ". 111 V1.i I 1<10 Sciu<J, l tdo 1sfe 7fllJ l'JUIJ '£ 1 995,000 Sun 2·5 " * 11r1 V1u I 1tJo Nord, L.ldo tat, NB hf'· h 161 $1,500.000 Sun 1-5 !> BR plua FAM RM or DEN 1 1 1 111it•1 H<1l1Joa Island.NB '·'" 1 tJllO S,4!>0.000 Sun 1·5 I> l'l 1 111114u1 Co&ta Mesa • .. 11, '1 1'\ 'ii;.o60.000 Sun 1-4 1 11! f h1tiy l::l..ill1ot1 Island 1.1· 1,uoo i11so.ooo Sun 1-5 • ,· t·.A111r fh~ucn (Spyglass) CdM ' 4t, {,;,',H w 975·0303 Sat/Sun 2-6 • * * ,.,, B••uchwood (Woodbridge) Irv .,r, 1.1,11~') $395,000 Sun 1-5 •I• '' Hrm.1111~ Way, N&wport Beach ,,.111 rt hll $212 ,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ... :1111 Afl,1 Vista, Eastblulf, NB 1 ,:, 1 I 100 $389 .500 Sun 1-5 tli Hi I .JlltlQl'I. Costa Mesa '1tlf1 2, 13 $260,000 Sun 1-4 '•U I Yir1q~ Road. Newport Beach 1 I' 11100 $1 100.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 '* 1. 1 r.tl,Jlq<H IHrbr Adg) N.B. ·1 0 8'.JJ3 $2.225.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * • 11J'1f W !lay, Bal Pernn. NB • 1 ~ 11111,fi $1.050,000 Sun 2·5 1 ! lH r.,,1 11y Dr , Dover Shores, NB 1· f .• H l $995 000 Sun 1-6 -a .' W1r11wd root Ln. Big Cyn, NB ,, .. J 7 HJl'l $699,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 11~ 811.i V1s1;. Cr . Costa Mesa ~:>:!9 O!JO Sun 12·4 ' 1 i•tti ,., (Clltthaven) N.B. ic, I , '>4 :i>329.000 Sun 12·4 • l11tl'llfl11tt• Dr., Harbor Atdge ,'•,11 1'•00 $2,390.000 Sun 1·5 6 BEDROOM "' * . l £:! 1ys1de Dr . Npt Beach 1».:i C900 $1.695.000 Sun 1·5 * •:11 V1 , Lido Soud. N.B. t.4 I '•ffh(I Sun 1-5 * 1, 11 •· 1ci Point. Spyglass • ~ • 'lift ~8'10,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 t' V1,, c 11 lll•il, Lulo Isle, N 8 ~ ' nor, $575.000 Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM •3uCI l.-1~n1.1y Ln :: 107(Versall1es)NB F n. /'.$00 $114 ,000 Sun 2·5 4 I ~ .1i..~µ1nes The Lakes. lr'll. 540 115 1 $1 15.500 2 BEDROOM Sun 1-4 ;1;1 • ~ aq11uy Ph 31 4, Newport Beach I .if, t197 Sun• 1-5 2 BR plus FAM AM or OEN • • 11 lo Pnrl< Or C· 1. Newport Beach 1. t!>I ;> $445 000 Sun. 1-5 3 BEDROOM .i • Drit"' W ly. Newport Beach t 3 · 140fJ $165.000 Sun 1-5 •I 11 1.11111c1. Corona del Mar ti i" a111:14 $300.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 tia:i V1-,1cJ Bonita. The Bluffs, NB 6 11 i'300 $229,000 Sun 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -1 BEDROOM s l'l 11 1. Corona del M ar 5,14 G060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 3 BR plut 1 BR • • if• 1 1 Seashore (Oceanfront) NB 67 \ JG33 $550,000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plu1 2 BR JO t 3211d St . Newport Beach fl?'>-6670 $280.000 3 BR plua 3 BR 4 16 Carnation, Corona det Mar Sun 1-5 673·6900 $569.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 -3 BEDROOM 430 Narcissus. Corona del Mar 64·t-9060 $298.000 Sun 1-5 HOME plus INCOME FOR SALE 3 BR & 1 BR 127·127'2 Abalone, Little Bal. Isle 759·0777 $545,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * Pool * • Waterfront • * * Waterfront & Pool •• ~!!!.'!!.~ ••••• ~ '9'.!!!!.~-t.~~'. .••••• ~!!!!.~~~·-······ !~'!!!!.{~~ ...•••••••• !~!!!!.{•! •••• ! ... : ...... !!! •••• ~1! ....... I!'.'.!!!!.{'.'.!.'.~'······· 1!~!~!!.~'!..!.~'! ..•.... ~~~!!!.{~'.~'!....... ~~!!!!.{~~~"······· . [.~.~ Jii.J,~~ fr.Jt,!m,,,,,,l.ffl ~~JIWr·uiJl1 f111t.l!~ ...... !.~ff ..... ~ ...... J!M 1iiii:lftff ...... !.~{1 f~!~.!!!! ...... !.~~1 1 f!!!~.!!!~ ..... ..'.~~~ f!!!~.!!?~ ...... !.~~f f!!!l.!f!!! .... +,l.~~1 . a::r:,~-o:n~ llTDTAlml 1t1..ar 11Yl10Tll tlftD ...... ..,. .... ... ~ tmlHT ' 'MUST SELL 112000.... • .... Tllll n :: Sun 1•5•1141 Por1 SMf. lllmT ..... .._..., Ill............... 11"1•·111'11n11 · ...... 11111-. ...... HWll •'20o PH.. lmm10. 3 Bdrm home ) lleld. 1111 ftlH 1111 ..... 11• II I All 2 Bdrm•. 9"cloHd OwMratanuaiwlla~de9r• '!. 't,:!: lparllllno "Enottall" IMO Pll Mtllll 15% On. Sp:010111 aer. 2.,.8• :=~t:~ ::!~; ·· ,.-:_,._ !ft! " , .. ~ S..Ullf"'"' ,~ 5 ,.... • oarao-Ind 1)41tlol, •K· """ Count~ 8tyte w/vtew Of B In" our ltlend or • 154 1-" ~-... wn, Modern detached hm ......_, ,.. Ow well m1lnl1lned •Ingle m••• M. oreenb•lt. P•rr1n·.Y, !. •h•r• , .. 1. OPH llHAY 1·1 hom1 w/lrpto, Xltl IO 2 Vlledl Dkr • &>M ...... • •• ,,,....... Bdrm Pllll hu91 timlty I 1' d I d b . -· ten -.... • ltory 1 a. 2 bdnn unite. • "' II c M 8 car o•r•o•. Pvt wln•liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii room. 1 .. tutlng French 11111 q~'! Y H on1• V ner wlll 1110 conalder Plen ... of on ltt9et ...,, Aeromettc wood•burnlng ep aclout 2Br, 2 .,.,9, 1 Modern 0111 ese" r 0011., or Clark rm. l.g UM •••IMRI doon end windows 111 hi ... utert of ndoor/ carrying 2nd TO. N91r ., ,_ uMd brick ttr..,1~ In hofMwllrplo & an 11tr1 lg 2bll norne. $80,000 11 1 800 & <>nty -... MW 1c11cn.n, pr~ outdoor environment. •hopping, Alklng t111, king. 4 car oaraee. Al· orllCIOul entlf'tl!Mf'1 II· 2 ear garage. Pvt wtne 8% 111 TD uaum•blt ~~~ o,Ooo down 'fl'11200 ·-. nilly l1ndao1ped front Llfthl ind itr~ lnlerlor 000. Clll 640-1151 tr1C1IY91'1 prlold .t '8215, Yl"9 room. Center your cellar or d11rk rm. Lo Owner wlll CMry .bol•nce oer mo Aeeumab .. 30 114,1• Lft....... and baictl wllll ext.....iv. w 1lcyll911t1, 0d1rdeln 000. •••tt11 ChrlatMU trM 1ro11nd pltlO. B90 l ape, 01\ty 11 I~ for 7 yrs. Atklng ue•r fix.,. r11e loan at ........ a ap.aoua Ow· UM of bride Quellty .. 11tl11m1, b11me Ce . -rlcll W.Ood p1ne11no1 & M,000 dOWfl & HOO mo. $138.GOO 504 M11rqlilllle 12:"~%. Ot>en hOll .. dll4'.'I diln WIM w/lloor to Oii-cor11tng ~.~RI· llnQI, lclnQ *-d bdrm1. hlgll ltyM window co* for • &0% lnttrol. At· Cr tnr Pnut rtno) 1 l•&PM, Pie._. call bier llno flrept10 ... NIA,. FIC FINANCING AVAi famlly room w/t>ar l t1not, A"'lllnOl'i lrttlth 1um1bl• 30 y .. , ll••CI s48·6680 °' 131-488?. llACH. 1. 2 & a 9dmll LA81.E A kl HH. waltl of Olatl to patlOI. wf lt'1 own HPlrlll rate IOfln 11 12~ Open W-I It •• I C• lao. •-------• from 114,100. l•tow . • no ' £nJoy •vn all day on I '" 000. FOf 11'1 epc)t to... "Prtv• .. Aoof S~" pentry a laundry room. l'IOllU dally 1 H lPM 17 a -1 aoo I s .. wt ':'o~'·:l1~~~ ~·:11:!°:: C11t 540-1151 on~110.ooo down i. PH•-.• , ____ ..,.... ____ , ~t::~1~.a .:=.~ :,'-~~.~~~rr 846.s880 htra• l!-i% t.I. Liii I 7 t i mo · (I•• V !;. ~ ~~t~~~ M ... verd9 bird 11r•t. ... ..... decorated nuraery. 3 Aaeumablt 011 tlll• 4 ~). Poot. terWlll HOMI AT A 8TEAL, 4 Bd'"'· lamlly rm l ... , 1M CHEl!AS l'OA T HE Mell V•rdl 38r. oen. MUil LIOllHTI bdrm home wttl'I refur· 'r·~1 A ..... ANT"~G.·~ -·ves: ltt more. Ctoll to achoole, 8011 ....... °'·I bdrm. w'",~··.0.NOLOYOl1dt,OOOI H OK loin. 12'A,.,, F/P Opon 8•11Sun. Attum. mbl.•h1nld1-~e~··lndd. ~ ..u<l Atr/A.NT... ..,.. . uTU'"Y 21 ahopptno. etc. Owntt llv. rm.-....... 1 .. betM. t.. . own. .......... ,-"""'" THll OHCa IN Au,.. " " ..... *flnr.rol a.tt , ....... __ ... too .,111'"° paya 111, 0 111 SIU ,1100. 011 S1111un loan, no qu11 a m•tttr '"wlll llll•t wtlh "'*"" TJMe°"'°""'""" ...... 1Hftr t Tt 10 · C 1 M•1•1.01Mn, Ovvv • , ... , 1·6. 300 Olbraller br'1,2'-'ba,21fycut1om 01"0 1001 See 11 eoonf ~~~~~~==~-, OINTUIWlt • WtW•llll HI llll . ;;:.,,J, · · II •1211(. ly own1t. Mll-2"3 oondo, pvt yard. NwPI A•du04td 10 ltl1.IOO,r-WllMI...., ~"-*~.•.--------.._,._,, 11t-Mtl --------• Hot1.031·5711t c4llll1t·N70 • •• 1111 den. -. .__ = ... llnt M~""'t wftil I '~.-r .. ~c:rt·r~~ ,. MllA 4 bd, 2000 eq r\. ~~=.TOP eo ... ~.wi:: OllJ NII Ol•I""' M huge log, 0Hlgntt't Allum loanJ OWC. elLL Idle .. ...,.. wtlll a 817t;OOO. ,.,_~ tt w•ll I Call HOW, la e --......, • • • homa. M•ll del M1r, t 1J3,IOO 310Q' MeKln-~"°'Cr ..... M . 711.cMot ...... 11. ,_ ..... a.1111. 111u oo. 540-191' .!!!· S.H••T OWftr •• ·1 .1 PS Orang CoHt DAILY PILO t 1Su11duv Out ob 1 2-i. 1002 $107,500 POOL I FAMILY 1001 Hl,000 11 h l1tltl1 Lt111 11t•r•.. 1~ '-.. • leaolll I •ofa44e1 Sii I SlllF llHL ESTATE 113·2322 &&2-4915 .. '.!m. ·'-'· .~ .. ,......... '!.'.!!!!.{'.'. !.'.'! ....... t'.'.!!!! .{'.'. !.•.'!. ...... ti.'.!!!!.{'.' •• ~·.'.' ....... f /~!t. I.'.~~ l.•.'J!!. ·~·· ~!~!! ••• '!. •.•• '!!! ••••• ~'.~!~!.!!!~!!~#. .... ~.'.~!~!.~~!~!!'.'!~!! ••• ~~l ... '!!.,!!.'.t •• J.f.4.f ~!.~tt!l.!f!!~ •. .J.IJ. ~!.'!r.!!.~!~ ... J.lj, ~!.'!r.!!.~!~ ••• J~~ .~!~fl!~r.!lf.1.~ !~!~!.~!!r.!!f.1.~ L••H• .. .,. ,14 C1111 #111 1114 oau1 v11w FO.. LOVERS I .. .. .. .. .. .. , i~:~;:p:~~~-2~ r~:~:~·~ff:~:·~;~~ ~f'!.~ 3 BUR I '';o•. loro'"'' n I I 409 ~304. 4ff 4827 •11(1• 1825 &4S.Me6 VICTORIA HIOHLANOS ~811~ 114~.~ Q1~~:1 Of lllF I Wll I 01&111111 APT UNITS WANTED #111•11 J..,. Jll Oulel CIH n 2 bd ,;; Sun I 0 PM 8~1ecul81 l•tm• Submll on IJOWll WlllTE w•t11 111011111 •••• ,................. c;ou11 N-c1tpelt. 0--"°"" view loeell0<1 3 11oy111en1 Jonr1 Merthall • llDO 1Slf 3 bdrm lem 1• ytd, eomm PoOI. no Bdrm• 2',b• 2 lrplG•, 1 Agl 631 tllOO Tiu• \ uatum bu1 H 0Cl'llll r ro1H h11in1• 100 Mlltl er lar1tr. L.A. er DrH&• rm 4 Be St700 mo 1>4111 all7~tmo Mg1 245.3 ''"fl" 1~1 .. 11011 rm d*<I. I fl 01•no-Avenue C M Clln1nu ''"· view from SUVllW lllUll ft•ottm•w L•lt·KUnl ~;uropl'l1 n d 1•llHl111.c. a .... ,,. ,,,, ••• ,. •• Prl101,.1. OCEANf HONT 2 bd1m, - •v"y "" S•vn• Con)• 1110 aeo view, l .. d•d lluprt·~iovt• :1lOlll' & wuiKJ t·Xll'l'IUI , w1tl1 I 1 011 1100 mu 6111 l l W CAPE 001 t>y •lld '"II 1160,000 glUI, O•h "0011. uul ll'Odl-d & bc.>vcll'd "~" wln<.loWtt ••IJ. le tlrekert, ,lease, U1undy Riii, IH6 8181 TWH•. 11111011 S20,000 aoor llreplt l OR g1ea1 ~ wCSTCLlrl" 39, 38•. Oec;o,.101 Pffrec1, •P•· A en•rmlng eo11age, Juel hume By owner J'Y. lo :• l""·dn>Oll l~ & 3 huUi!6, z hn•iiltt('t'li l'il o•n fully/ p1ly furn eioua ' Borm 2'11-be. • few Olk• to beech bktt Atciueeo io t 309. , I'. Mr K1'ng 831 6189 $1100 mo 848 8836 1.1001, t•c. recru11on Oul•• • .,,111 , llr•plece 600 Gml uown n1u«h1 111ud1 murt· P(l111'1i lilt• tux • -t1•••.Pvt paoo.081clony. ono gr11111houH Now 644·6009 uJvu11 Ulj(t' In cWiy con v1•1'11lhJn W Juplt•X WATERFHONT. IO•' bi, 2 l111ge g11r1g• O.Co1t1o< 0111y S!•0.000 lJY OWNlA 3 Ud1m hou .. .. .. .. .. .. b• mobile, w/wt11her, weflP8~•.dr•Pfl'"811d 414· 1011 ••· t 1og.ooo C0'1tldt1• OFFIHI flRllHll lT SU0,000 dryer '''''fl· mic;ro. o•• mo11 It 160 Incl pd utU iny olfot tl4~·8841 (l1~1t11tl1l h1tr 111111111) PHllllU TRIPLEX :9~~.n~oy~1~.'~.:.u1~~1 . ~~~m073·23 I I ltom M I .Ill.Ill L111I Ot•ll IHI l1t1l1 Own., dHP9fDle ro aoll dop 880 I 170 !loy•, -aannA manaaR llAllOOAVl"W llOMLS Pll·IIS(.' (.'(Ill fur' IJnx:hUrt'. ••••••••••••• ••••••••• Wiii aecepl low dowrl & 673 3009 eves 3 bt 2 be 2 children OK R•ALTORS 411 • 111111 '" #1)/11 H1•11 Weter & gardener Incl ' ~· (,.11rm1tl Modtl Re· Ftt$l/I llOO c1eot1¥o totm1 OCFANFRONT 3bd,3b•. 1711~ 6U-2778 • ., .......... •• model•d 11nd upg••d•d •••••••••••••••••••••• PllJI 11.E 113-1100 or 2 1>1. 2 be wlllytmo -- ' throughout U4s.ooo UIUU lllLLI 1s2-1146Ci or 673·0801 Eat1~td• pool, 3Br. 2e.. 111m Ownr/Agl I" Plu, tO Y" old, n1 , lrplc covered petlo. , .. VACATIOI OOTIAIE 760•0506 Boouulul 24•60 El Oren-Bluffs. $30K down. u -3 BR. 1 • BA. 2 car g81, n•odeled kllcnen t 875 300 y111ds rrom bHcn Oe 2 DR. 2 8A, Corn11 tume $60K 111 al 9'/t comm POOi Wrnter 01 mo 549.9906 Value 10 1no lt<nd lde•ll 114,000 IOWI Int, new cerpe11 & $210.000 Bkr 639-7497 yrly Agl 875-8170 -----lor t>uildtng your dreom d19PH lelend Kllc:hen ---Sanl8 Anti Htt 3Br, lrplc .. otlremt1nl nom• ltt•• '1 Bt luxury condo w/ Fam Rm Light Interior 101111011 BIG CANYONTWNHOME. b ig yaid , no pelt IG9.500 111u1h c111. ilghl . b1lghl 134,500 540.5937 beeullluily fur n & dee $75-0tmo 546--0814 Bkr , tll•(( &•OI llY 1nter1or. overlk1 huge 2Bd1mduple11onEalde. $1175mo eg1 848--0295 _ ---" n prll. Must aeil now. •''° Ftr f1rtlter •tails o.U Fr11 .. ttt 24 )( 60 2 bdrm 2 ba, 18· fl&s 1us1 been completely 5 Bd 3 Ba, 2 1lory. Frnty for Sl:S.000 llown. 12't'I', 10 1 10110 Cell Jeen 140 IHO 140 0011 mlly 1oom Adull Perk tedone throughoul or 11 u den I• 0 K, flnt1r,Clllf1 3 8(.1111'1 Jtitl 'ti 0 0 I 6 6 0 ' bu. • tr • Near South Co111 Pia.re $135 000 Devin Real a.,,,,, U•l11ai1)H $I 100/mo, No Pell plus don. P¥1 oceanlronl ? t31556 3040 Owner 556-6715 ESl&le 642-6366 ;;••••••j .......... .izo' 01dnr 641· _s_8_6_5 __ _ <;umrnunlly PrlC•<I 120 w•L1 Tl 101•11 s J c I 2 B c t I T • I .!!'.~~'. •••••.......... Nt s Cst Plza 3 Br 2b• 000 11orow 8 1 •PPl81HI l&YOllEST HllC(I INDOOR & OUTDOOR • • 11n ut1n IP w1no ' 01 a HI "' 11 S1\lfl 000 Now 111111ng S355,000 for ' SPACE ANO CHARM 'B•, 24X56, mini cond · wtucel re,,1a1s. usy llEITILI condo s700. gatlwlt pd .fao .. 00... 1n1, 4br. 3·~ t>• eaKullv• OLIFFll•YEI llY 5·tl8r pill. llouae pots, mgm1 No matnl Ow Yearly-Weekly·Wlnl0<, 2, tee dep & lut mo Keren hom1t AmenlllH Include "" f1om thl• 2 8d1m 0.U(.h 0 W C S 4 8 . 0 0 0 ner s U'111 w/2 ca1 0,; 3.4 Bdrma 955·2033 759-1071 WuO<J 1u1<1 yla11 7 Bd1m Now on m81kel Co ner c •93 6343 58 I 6958 --J b" '''-""" Vlf!W Nu Wlll '"" 2 flrepllJ<.111 llnd K111ga Pl/ t61h SI 5 b~ 3 co 11 age 0 u Id b 8 -I rerms J Oo111n Rltr JIOOll llUL n Clean. pleuant 2 Br 1 Be. I •u111111 ''''*" In l>Hfh J·LAr gnrege Auum• l>n, S329,500 OPEN winier/ aummer rental 1976 Skyline 20 Xu, ha& 759-0619 encltd garage prlvett ""'' h'W" Clllldroo OK 8'•"• rotm 1111d OW'1t1• will Lowefl price lrl a1ea 2·6 x 10 sheds 1111 car · Loll lot Silt ZZOO PlllP yard No pell $485/mo S:.'•\I OO(l Mlp hnMc@ 631 7370 ~~~k~~·:g:~7~~nt Ann ~169 ,5600 ~:;1n Real 11or1. 3 m1/bch Ren1 ...................... IWIEIEIT 548 6680 JHT a JEWILI Of 5411 3648 Slate 42•6 $175/mo S23.995 Cell YIOllT LOT 3 br 1 ba. relurbl~ Wa1111h •l•h ur 111ud 2 POOL 1101( 548·96 t 1 or 646-0643 T1anqu11 E'slde CM ioca· 111-11 lJ side $600 mo Drive t>y Mrm \l'""t "' '""' vlMw 121,000 IOWI 1975 Skyllntt, 12 X 54,1 llon wllh man~ 11885 2652 Santa Ane Ave, ""' '"' 1 1 <lll•llllon SJll, 11•111011 lllllE lt11t. 8111t Mst ur.igraded 1nlou1 else to 253 Flower St H1s1or1c91 IMn call 851-6226. L J\GUNA BEAC:ll LOTS Wo1Kli. ('ow ooo 1 111\looo • c BO F ll h A 1 St751 HOMES fQR RENT Appr0w<l pln11s /pt·11rnti. 111d\1d1• < >o.·1•1111 "'41,.1111 ~~d6;o~9egindo. 1450• o·~!~~ :':ig 4 pvt ~oo~ sio.995 8 Call 646-o6T3° I ~~~t.g;;'o "°:U~~~t'a~,~~-E:s~sid,•r ~f~~o g 2a ~~ g1~~ vu-W,tlk tu &'lll'h , L) W l' 1r.1d1•... 1-------------Oreaalng rm lor kid• I lers S650tmo 548-3561. OCEHFllOIT HPLEl Guell hte h111 own 11v rm L o $lti0.000 FOHOLHIH JAlllH o•H• wlfplc & king 9l t>drm IHd ''!r.''v 1350 ~ ... '· I •E r RO• s725 Aenl or lease .;e;,y re-HlllEIT Piao 4 3 bdrm. 2'\ oe 11IO,OOO Oarlln kltCih & ba Or.at ••••••••• .............. ffi ,Newport e .. ulJ e mooeleel home wllh slo-ASSUMARL E FINJ\Nl'ING 111 f.;1uu11.1 <"o·•••' •min "l•w t1•w 2600 •q II Sale o1 lie 3 Br 2 BA Plus t Br 1 pkg loog11s Red~to OlderOup1e~t1e&r451hSI' \.\. AnoclJtes •MISSION VIEJO• rage & lafge fenced lot. "' "" ' 0 • • B11 Assume $ 143,000 at ' NB 3 1>1, ~ ba up11a1rs $725·$750 c Nigul'I'· No rthVll'W LtK:allOll J l:>\:d :! l>-1 4Ur Jll11 . J lrPICI. •P· OPllOn $339.000 10% 9,,.~ llnd owntt< will car· $320,000 Ruth leurle, 2 br t''1 ba downslaJra _ 111416456625 ommerclal zoning adj. F in•plm.'l' w / t·o11v1•rsat11Jll pll I 111111.1i· 1oruuif!d 111 S40!!I 000 3td g~11~~ s:~1~or mo on ry 111 12'1, Cell Nancy al Rltr 54e.434o. 945-4795 Wiii 'ae11 u 1s for S700, _ _ * H lJ N T I N O T 0 N ~~ 1.~6~~. ~;. ~3~41." d Conchtion RloOU<'t'l.I tv "ltiU.:)1111 rllJuction lo $4 10,000 675-6000 01 673-3633 000 or wlll build 10 sun lfoaaliia Ottttl BEACH • $700·$725 "' AuurrlMDll! 11n1rnc1ng 8!>1·0130 OwnerlAfll • Agent WEITCLIFF for $875,000 & up (plant / ' Seller will carry peper & eppro¥ala obtained) Rttotl 2400 Avail Nov 1. 2 Br. 1 Ba. •YORBA LINDA • S700 lge fenced reer yerd No INVESTORS · FIHST TIME BUYERS straog111 note-no 1n1erst I LIW IOWI $ IPEI HllH A, m 11 age A e 1 It y •••••••••••••••••••••• -Laguna Hills Un•at Vlt'W, pool. sp.1. name your terms 10•1, dwn, tmmac 3 Bd• 714·544·2•84 FOR RENT! Pt!IS Wall!f & gttdener pd $450 646·3827 tennis avallabll'. Only $!1!J,OOO I R0~~4~~;~1~6~~ TR 2 Ba 3 ctr gar. pulllng UU SISIU Duplex on tne sand 30inl RICI lllU 1-~~1 ~~~----~~~tbl~~7i~0~ B:.Ls~:. ~~~.~!~~ =~:i:b~~ ~~ ~n~ ~~·~ ':,"~etoO:' 2 bedroom. 2 balhs & 2 SIOrles tn Twin Peal<s In L11ke Auowhead area Hes butlt-ms & llreplace Forst 1as1 & d&Pos•I re- Q u 11 e d Call 1714) 766 0266 or (7t4 ) 667-0657 weekday eve- nt'1g5 aller 6 p m II no answer please keep lry1ng• •PElS OK• Avail now 3 br. 1•1r t>a Obi. garage. lge lncd yd. $695 646-3672 HI W1LUAll HAlR 131 1440 IL,.,,., #i1,•tl 1052 only $l6,000 cash dwn bdrm, 3 balhS, ulia up1te11a 2 t>r 1 ba • ••'••••••• ........... No Qualifying Only large llllcheo Many ad· downs10111 Mon tOV. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VILLE IE CfRllE I LEASE OPTION s229,9951 Jo11n ZarvM. ded features 5237·000 oown owe balance" YILUliE IMVESTMEITS ----Live on 1 lerm. 3 Br w/ gue5thouse & pool $900tmo 966-0130 -Bkr 760·9669 OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 BEAUTIFUL HARBOR RIIX.iE 13 9•;, lor 5 yrs Great lor OLD WORLD 5 Bdr Hibi vu Hms fant-1112 WEITCLIFf summe r renrals S735. C.111 .,,. 1024 HHlia1tu 2 Bl 1 Be. w/g8f & yrd perfect for cpl sml Child OK No pets $525 Cell 540-4752 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,,. 1040 *FORECLOSURE Fl •••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNHOMES Custom Vll'w asllc lor. across lrom 000 Armitage Realty By l'1owa1e1 Mark Co I lorn(:• grnbll. lrg pvt 1>11ckyerd B11ght, logfll & jusl rlghl 714·544·2484 Bring pel~~~~ah • 11ve 10 IOWl· 10'9 lit. lrom s 159,000 Anxious 494. 18•0 Best buy In nelohbor- 495-3244 760·9355 hOodl Oramellc decor. 115,000. S5,000 dwn. no Be1utllul cu11om hOme, quallfylng Low int essu· vu of oceen. welk 10 meble In Cell enyllma. sand 2131333-3846, $!>U.1Xl0 option rno111.'y 1a1ge 4 bdrm. 3 bath, llllOIS IWIEll ~ Ekodrooms, ~ Bath& high beamed celling• August Capital 895· 1011 _90_2_·_•2_9_8 ____ _ 4Bdrm. 2 b11h. 1am11y s1.21X1.~1 CLIFFlllYH $255.000 rm, 2 frplcs. spa. gas 4 Bdrm home with lamlly OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 s10K down, seller 11n10-TWO IHIHI BBO. pa110 dbl ger, ~~d :1;1;~ r~~oRedc~~ 1 1 cing 7 yrs, no qualifying 1~ K twilllHi •••It comm pool & play-1 642.7656 2 Sty 3Br. 2Ba, So C11 CI•.• W a IL t I ground RV parkrng Melvyn Kiddle. Raallor Plu e $1 10,000 Bkr. • $145 000 --639-7497 ~Holli. TtHll, , .. 1, Harcum & Horn A E '!!bdrm. 3 I>• pool. family -VILLA IALIOA I 494-8551 661·6631 room S212.000 NO BALLOON ntra olta•. 1111, 6•6·0756 Exclllng. single lvl I Br NO QUALIFYING 000 Ow1tr SAClllflCEI Romanucally decorated u.n. 112-1.11eo CONDO 2 Br 2ba Worlh IOVH 11101111 for tho sophlsllcated -$136000 S 1 1 $ 5 3 Br 2t>a home 1927 young a l hear! S 137. Privacy plus condition 1---------. el or 1 I . 000 000 548 6492 Senllogo $299,000 w/ Assumeble fin. Joan Colleo! ~~,~'Y· ~~34.000 NE::tli.6°~~:~~E £d F · 055 low down Howe, Reallor 675-7696 Agent 662-1700 3 br. 2 be, ftm rm. 1668 ••• ! .. .'.~~~I••••••!•••• PllJI R.( 111· 1'00 OPEN HOUSE 12-5 308 .. lq ft, 138K *-I llllE •• Wit(• ltt o·-·· Encln•. The Blutta 3Br. PLO LAIMBEER RLTI & INV .,." " ""' I 21>a Completely ref\Jrb Eu lllde 2 Br dupl.x with _54_9_·2_3_3_0 ___ 964-0_~22.:...7 2 story. w/prvt Clock. Me5,000 N • w po 1 I r e 1r e e 1. S35 000 down. prlCe Jusl Xlnl view Expended 962-7780 new cptl, drepes. ltg * t0% DOWN * 4 Bdrm. reduceo 10 $2 15,000 110l CIHWlLl Excellent llnanclngl An offering of complete prt· vacy & c:onven1en1 loco· , lion Cuslom·bulll 3 bdrm 3 bath, lamlly room Mme $269,600 OPEN SUNOAY 1·5 141-1200 PETE BARRETT .. REALTY • yrda, good llnenclng o s 5 2 272 Moneco. wOOd llOOfe 3 OPEH SAT/SUN 1·5 ' 135.000. Devin "•al pool. spa. 9 yrs new pen un t 1· 4 I od French dre a m0<e " E.o<* terms Prtnc only OnterlO Lene (Wes1 side I 4 br • 3 l>a. spa, 283K IEW LIH Ill( Eallte, 642•6368 s 159.500 645-9922 Agt of lake Ill agnl 581-5966 lllT IEE • 2915 Cassia no.0290 * 5% DOWN * 4 Bdrm, Open Sel/Sun 1·5 PM ------PRICE REDUCTION' pool. owe. jutl llated .,,,..,, lt•t• IHS 7 Rue Ch81e8u ROyal llHICH TO SELL Cus1om-bu1ll on l1rge Mesa Verde S138.000 lrri•• JH4 ••••'••••••••••••••••• 8"44·51 10 Owner wlll trade -itdd a1ree1-10-s1reet 111e 4 645-9922 Agl •••••••••••••••••••••• PEITIHIE other properhes • offer large to<'· lormel di· -----"-----· L ... ., •• , WMArl41• creellve lmenr•ng for nlng t Je vcurmet kit· The Flneat Selecllon/ 5 br 3 be pool JIC HYER lllOllES 2 t>drm, I be condo lhlt OCEAN & MTN Chen with bar conn.cling MESA WOODS 1 Story Owneriegeni 55'1-6829 Open nouee Sun ONl y VIEW HOME 1n guarded 10 lam•ly room The fj. or 1rl·le.,el 4 Bdrm home 1-5 260 Cmgney PH 314 gale community nest Quality building Besl 1erms from S 174, Price below merkel for 144 t Oaluy Ori"e 648"-1397 Open House Sun 1·5 available See 11111 lodey 500 Bkr 848--0709 I qulek tale 2 Br condo In 4 Br l:>en. Formal Otntng Bluffs Condo N-ly d•· 1905 Yechl Resolule 222 YI& 11111 Woodbridge w/gOOd as-A 1 d 3B Jo·A1111 :::man 759-0619 I I ..a 1 I C1••ttti•I (114)145-200 E'slde 2Br1ba,1cerger, APPLE VALLEY 111. l~~A~G~E~N~T~.~N~O~F~E~E~~I 110¥1 $595. no pets. 1 Reduced s 10,000, no 1: Child OK Call 6<46-9301 Qualifying 3 Br 2ba. 3 yrs Ll4t ltlt/lif•fl Tom O' M a r I a or Old Landscaped ·~acre. Fan18allc loctllon 2 BR, 548-1168 Bob 18 mos llnane1ng provl-l1plc. new kitchen. lorm•I USTSllE .. !.~~!'!. ...... !.~'!'! ded at $500 per mo 11 dining, b1lght & airy 3 bdrm. 1 be plu1 femlly -12•1,1n1 wlth$1 1,000dn. $1100/ mo fm Large delach gar NEWPORT BEACH Asking $58.500 for quick I Ver111Ht1/laolll .... 1th alley acce11 '700 Canne1y Vollege Bldg 1300 SQ fl tor owner user Reasonably priced Xlnt Terms Realono· mica. 675-6700 Mike n sale t-247-4286 Furn unit In gu81d geled mo 111. IUI. dep No COMMERCI AL Ill IUI UIE communily w/many pets Drive by 212 Liiiian n One of a kind Ready lo amenities $625/mo 642-6368 PROPERTY begin consl on lu~ Cua, Wl1ttr R11tll1 Spec_l_ou_s_3_B_d_r_2_B_a_M_eu_ Prem'"' Coatt Hlghwey locallon opposl18 N-· port Center Xlnl flnan· c1n9 $995.000 Olflct IP-fOfleaM NEWPORT BEACH PROP (7 14) 667-3978 3,000 SQ f1, 4 bdrm, 3'1t Prices 180Q41 lrom se<>Oj Verde home. avell ca1 gar. sauna. jec. Ve<y to S 1800/mo. Cell lor 1 1 1 1 5 $ 8 5 O / mo lerge decks and loll of details Oceenlronl avel· 640-2981 glats Looks out 10 let>te. All •v811 now --------- 1pectecul11 180 degree WATERFRONT HOMES l(W WI Oii forever ¥1ew of Ski 631-1400 o.a TIWllllt Slopea. BB leke. end i.JN. 1,1,., JZll Oecor81or perlecl, 198· mtns. mu.st see this Su-•••••••••••••••••••••• ctous 2 Bdrm. 2'1tba. perb Moonrldge foe to Lrg 3 Br 2 Be upper ol pool, l•C, recreetlon eppreclate Call to In· dpl• wllipc yrly 1eeff ., ... pvt petlo. b8lcony IEllCIL ILH. spec;I olher line homes S1250/mo Aveil 1111 & lge gerege Deco well Adf8()9nl to Trl·Clly West I we have bit S4 75,ooo L or • V • rt c • A I I r P8'>ef. dreperlM & more HOtp11el, Oceenslde Owner will "5151 with fin. 073-4062 Utll pd Cell 875-2311 18600 •lfl IJIU ctHT, llC Ou•in• 8elbo8 ltlenO 2B1•1_10_30_10_5pm ____ _ S995,000. Sele ___ 1_1_4_·5_6_5_·3_9_8_1__ open beem oelllog1, tin· s•21 •••-LH $140 Ill· Mtolcel coooo 'It to 2'• aae resldenllel gle ger. W/D hkup Oood • • -• S 1 25 •II • ,, ... opl lots wilh Views & utllltin loc Aeglr Pr09 87~000 •SHI 1 11111111• Beaulllul Ocean v-only 24 miles northea.si 1 PfflOl'I only. no pell. (Frwy 16 Accesal of Palm Spr1ng5 Terms UJFallT I gea. elect & welllf Peid Owner/Builder to Iii youi budgel Cell Sandy t>ee<;h, ••eel ,,_1 Stove, relrlge. very prl- 1714) 729-1129 71 41365·2392 Bkr. of bey: 3 Br 2 b•tha, v81e & quiet LIWllT PllOI II C.I , sumeble loen. Only sgg, oom. 2 Fireplaces, 3 co111 e r CIOH lo ,.. ll•IJ • Lrg 3 Br 2 Be, lrg yrd, 000 551-3000. agt car garege plus large everything. S l 39.5oo, llLLIOI S STULi 1••.1•00 VIEW LOT Clow to lakes. d 11 1 S 105 Hot>by Room POOi sized •lnl lffmt 873-3069 or, ~& & D I / goo ne nc ng. , TtRTUaHI lot. t>eeul lancJscapecJ 760•0795 , Owne1 will sell lo quell· •l '"" I atreams end ski lift. Ow· 3 Doot-s y e 8 r I y o r w 1 n 1 er 2335 Elden 960-J989 $1500/mo 644·9513 Open Sundey 12-4 0 0 0 w n r I Ag I Owner wlll assist 81 II· lied buye1 at SI Miiiion U1il1 /1;"$1/1 JIDO' nor financing. S69.SOO. ~/Na bd, 2 be, Frenctl . 642-9772 fHllR lllllL f\anclng. Only $420,000 By owner. c:omplelely re-under appraisal. One ofa •••••••••••••••••••••• Agl June Leke Prop l••'•••I• 3101 ~~.'1~crs fn;·~~~·d~r~ MESA VERDE REPO.~ Huge 4 Bdrm 2'h Be. Open Sat/Sun. 1•5 modeled lllr.o e ne w klncJ SBA 7ba new Sp8• 714/6<48-7505 •••••••••••••••••••••• A/C & 1 1 I nome J bd 2'A b1 di 1 h 1 1 1 s LAST Penln Pl, 5 BR. 3•,; be. _9_6_7_·5_8_80_. -----form D.R .. 3 t>r, S155, s' 8P8 on ex ra erge Robinson· Realtor 1 1 ' & • • n 5 es a 0 a op PY· Oet 1/ C•••'1 lo dn. Agt. 546-7739. 101 uper financing avell s..11e·ll'"l n ng rm. am rm ape. glass Hill wllh 180 d, OR, lrg patio, lt200 mo. Nie. 1 bd hOUM, yrd. g•r. "Mike me en offer" -~ $260,000 Open hOUH view ot ocean. lights '::::::::i: ,,, .. ,,. 2550 to mo Agl. G73-9060 •love & iefrlg, '425/mo o,11 liJil 1011 Aaklng 1235,000. Opn -::::::::~ Sun/1·5. 229'T Rec:fland•1 mlns Too meny amenl·li •••••A••"•••••••••••• Oceeofionl 2 Br. 1 Be. 190Vlrgln11PI 493--0876 •••••••••••••••••••••• S il/Sun 1 ·5 1689 1 iii , Dr (23rd SI) &42-8863 lies 10 menllon. Call Ca· CHANCE GREEN VALlEY LAKE tnl IHIE 1 te 4 Antioch Cell Robin ILlfFI UJllAll I• rt /I t I ray or Seoul for detells 141111111 RIAi MOUNTAIN HOME frplc. HOO/mo. lncldl MESA VEAOE-4Br. 2Be. 24092 Avenlda Coron•. 562-7500 Of &46-7276 You own the land 2.000 •• ,. •JOfH 111-2242 OLIFF um I Next to nallonel lot.... utll• 673-1309 ltplC, tam rm '800 mo. Polnl Nlguel E•ec 3Br & SQ 11, 3Br, lam rm, 2·~ 3 Bdrm. 2•.; be. femlly 1,.1 S.141J 1·1 lo buy Ihle beeullful 3 sl\llng, boellog, etc. 3er. Oceen lront yrly 4 bdrm, 752--0759, 559-4984 den, 2'h be, ttnnla. pool, FORECLOSllE! Ba, wide Greenbelt. near ~me~w ~~~~J75i r:a ...: .. i..,,,.. D~ It ] BHulllully redecor11ed ~:~, ~'!;,: .~n~a~p~r~: ~~~~: ;~'.~~r7ic~~ 2 C.I ~·end hOI tub. 3 br. 2 be. lmmec Hleh-epa. ocean view Xlnl pool Far below markel • [= ~n""" ..-a ) vHlw home on fee land mente wllh ocHn, hllls & i•.Ba, completely fui· 675-7 land• area. No pe1a. No auumebl• loen. 1 152, Wdbrg 2 plua den plus $235.000. w u1 lease op· $225,000 Pv1 perty, Best buy on 1he hill! 3 G Penln Pl ... uge 5 bd """'"· Raft 1795 mo. II goll cou11e view• 81 • nllh•d. ood Income ,... .. ., SOO. 493-6269. 831-6570 •P•. to" Y upgreded lion Bkr. 644--0134 Pr Inc IP• I a on I Y ____ ___ _ bdrm, p 1 u a d, n / d prOl)ert" or 2 lem home D.R .. FR. tolarlum. rooi Call AntwerAd •679, °' 2131885-0065 CeH 561·3000 for delalls I~~~~~~~~~ 662· 7367. 836-0784 hldeewey. dining ioom, Hemen °"' Hvlngs di-' 642 4300 24 hours 1 I~ eves LENDERS REPO reel from the owner o.-1·867·3534 deck Y11y. 1 1200 mo. • · · · fH•lli• V1/ln 1014 ~ldbrldCJC HltCEll + built-In wel blr. wine lore t>elng lltted wllh -1--... --,.----876-6915 Specious ('700 aq fl) 2 ••••••••••••••"••••••• SEAVIEW . elegenl & ELEUllT IPT ... ( etorege, eneched double brol<er-1 AC1 NOWlll c.11 ••t•ll, iU•I, ,. .6 I ,. 1W bd. 2 b•. dining rmt •Sl5,000• Rc•ltlj charming Hemp1on • Borm .• bath ... ,,. 1111,100 gerege VleW·l lde b•I· owner 81 (714)842.()138 Qrnn Z111 ~!~'..-.!.~~ ••••••• lludy, Multl-fevel•d UNDER APPRAISAl Model, fabulous view•. large 111end kllchen, 3 Newport Hll locallon con~ ecrou entire hou· -----'------•••• •••••••••••••••••• • Br. 2~ "·. F.R .. o R .. • lownhome Frpl, veullecl 3Br, 2 'nB8, 1550 IQ It 55•·30flll decor. spa prlvlle car ger. RV 8CCffl Ow· Two uaumat>le loens M '525·000 ••EYELIHRll• nua-Fu• view c;;;m pool • .::. cellloga. PoOI. IP• saso twnhse, xlnl eree, •P· lr.itft•uanr• I'\""""" .. comm wlpool 8 1enn1s ner financing MUST Upgreded home. ldeel 142-1100 Plens & permit• rffdy to 9 plus acrH Murrltte, nit, 1 1200 mo OW'tlr mo 873-9498 p191Hd S 135,000 Wiii SMllmEE facilllies '450.000 Open SEE OPEN SAT /SUN for •ttP•n•lon oo o_. go on large R-2 101 In lnclda 2.000 aq 11 farm 759-SOOe. Cuie llllle houM for COU· tue S120,000 for quick House Set/Sun t2·5 1.4 2227 Wlndwa1d zed IOI Nollh Legun1 Current houM, lerge bern, g111, S500 MJe $91,SOOauumehle 3bdrm.2'nbLPlen4 8 1903 Yechl Collne Lene.nrOO..,.ShOfN Vltt•PerkAE. 'Cl'ltrmer provldtt Sl5.000down,$1&4eper Brendepant!lng~-Ple 2 Br t8a. /mo loan Cell enyUme, Au· Lerge mutllf bdrm. En· 644-1017 MUlLAN REAlTI l14/fll·IOOO c .. h flow unlll you're mo Totel price S175, rytmert. 3 bdrm 2°" be 548 -6 213 John gust Caplt811195-1011. ctoMd p811o Good wer.1---------540-2960 ,,. tor lort reeoy to t>ulld 1224.500 000. 702-452-8777 Geregt, patio 1 1,000 PITS I 1111 K llY IF WIH mlngton conatrucllon HTATI IOI( 1111111 llllE Agent 7141497-3778 -1-H-1-,.-1,-1-,----mo. 807 Iris &41·4868. 2 Br &ingelow E8ltllde 11•3.900. Beck Bay., ... 3 Br. 2'"' IEWPllT ILIFFI L···T nn1·-717·2233. 873-4399 c M f n c d y., d 4 lk or 3+Den, big wt B• 2500 sq n Secun1y II ~ aalllll _. .. n •-,. l•t••• 1Hr..1tr IM In••••• 1111 .. """' high celllng1. 18¥11tl Ill• rJ _ gele, prlvele communlly. r5 I 5 .,. MllLLI Ill. ... o1••• ••• .. •••••• ••• , ..... , ••••••• .. '-••••••••••• Otrttl• ,., 111 ~Imo beth, avper fresh. ~~ $395,000. 5% Down w111 hecullvt condo. view VI-of ocean and city CHllllHI 1011 Wiii lrade dbl wldt mot>llt 11..aa.. ...... ..,.._, Nearly~ 3 bdrm, 3 be, Luxunous TownhOuM, 2 1 165.000 /}_._, consider ll9dea, etc property, pvl epe, con-llghli. 3 l>drm, 2'Ab• plul ••••~•••••••••••••••• home &/or 3Br houH '"'':.-=...___,, 2 llrepl-•. 2 car gar Br lrplc, PoOI. $650 Agent 682-1700 ·qi Armitage Reilly temporery lnlllflo<, 3 yr• office . 2 fr~. 1598,000 Beeulllul t •ere ranch Tu1tln for penlal dwn In· W•iw.-n..w Balcony. Gerd-r, wet 642-1700 '-~ 714-544·2484 old. Ft• 11 nd . Only Open sundey 12-4. 1tyle home w/guest hou· comt property (7 14: Wiil lrede rarqe equity fl)( ber. mlcroweve, lt1H 2 Bi. lb• duple11. Ger~ ••:!,'! 1 1,.• IHO AM_ S280.000 Call Pell 3 St. Trope>c M , gooi. every emenlty. 567-9300 Or•noe Co. Income pro-$1350 per mo. & 11ove. Avell 1111, no .. =.;t .............. w.r8600 o,,c:~o~• P~!,WZ~e:~~ Johneon 63t·12&e OllTll LIT f101941.~-~!:~ Owner -C-.M--H-llQt--Q-ual-lty-d-up_le_x :r'~.:':a..°"!;~ 551·4893 11ter o PM pele.1s52159&5dep2 M.Cellfor •TIE 1&11 mly. 3 Br & f1m rm. H ••• 3 frplc;. 3 gar. coppe1 213-592-4905 2Br. 2B• dremetlc 1pllt-npp · eyer, Supet terms. may trede. _ ... llU W11t•ia1111 IOfl plmt>'ng 1125K, u1u. level, parlc eettlng, frplc. _5_4_9_·3_4_8_4 ____ _ .... Ftrfflttlrt ll573CMeftvs])a ..._ $189K lte con.,erslon. Oreel lllew Of ocean and •••••••••••••••••••••• m1ble loen et 12% lnl I Rllll. IM11 dbl remote oar dr S985 Beeul. S I. Alben• 18r 2 •tOfY, 2 bdrm 1Yt be :111.•-On1ys209.900.~-e218 cnf81Y1,1~t1, ... 1 ... "!111dlll•ou~lrtd.I· llYHTlllTlfYUI $176Ktofr Agan t Eutalde Cot ta MH•. mo. Avail 11·1. 2700 l1ktfr ont condo. Many beach • Condo co-op -;,-:-:=:--; ... ;:-::-:,:;.--1-;H~;I-~~~!;!~~~~ liiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii -"" '""' $10,008 down, $108,000. _04_2_·9660 __ . -----Potltlve caltl flow. Ow· Bay•lde Or. Shown by e11lr81. $626/mo. Mark Pool, uune. wt lg ht .fl.'.!~•u•••••••••••• WANTED: By P.P. home lEASE OPTION/LOW BOB H1A;~~!IEAI LTOR 4 br. 2'h be, Quiet 81 1 _.•••( ner wlll exchenge S200, appl. 075--M75 or Rey 957-0222 Iv meg. room, 1ub p erking . Arch Beech. opn su11 1~. pref. SHvlew, Jesmlne _._ Auum foen. R a H In· ..aw.-000 equity lor N.wpor1 2 b 1 Oc:Hf\ and Pltr Vltw. 937 Acepulco. 190 deg Cr or Bluff•. Lgt cuh DOWN/VA On lhla aunny '·p-.---_,,.-...,-111---""'· 752.2197 Trlplax loca ted Coate BHch reeldence. Mlle• r. be. 111'•· Avell. Eesltld• Sunny 2 Bd,-m Uated •t 1 160,000, 185, ocn vu. gorgeout nr ,,_i,.04i4i·i7i0i70iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Beck Bay 3Br w1919 fen· UI your ..,v.,, no met· ' M .... All 2br unlt1 with Ciow. agt 645·3178 Nov. 1. le50. 427\o\ lrl1. Sep. Oph<. Yd, 081. No 000 undtr merkel. All 3 Br, fem 4 3 Be, dbl IOt,lll ced yd, fem rm, new :~ ~7~h41 re1w•1 • ..,..,, ... ,. llll garage•. Owner wlll fl· ---~-----730-9999/875-1117 Oogt. $500. 648"-5607 c:aah or new fin . OrHI 1316.000. Submit dwn. ®"· lrplc, & •tudlo 01· __:_ --l··-·~"••••••••••••••••• nanoe It r11.tonable ratt ltil1J1 Duplex nr bc:tl. 2 bd. 2 be. French Qullrtllf 3 BR, 2\41 ~·y for IOrMOnl woo Bltr. 17&-2t72 499.-3513 901 K~ ROah rage wtetectrlc •kY111•. with ~ down. Allctng •••••••••• .. •••••••••• trpl, gar, ••P yrd, no ba, fplc, wld l refr. dbl aen act fHt • .Agent . nw NI °"' 1 1611,000. St79,to0. H1·1370 or •••#f l'wabW '*'·•so. 4MO-n42 gar. femlly condo, no n1-1100. Alk for Jim ..... "llAll IEA~~~80L BIG CANYON ............................. .i.• pell . 1 7110. A9t. AlgM6rnlr Ocw\elde of Hwy .... M4 .... , ... 497· 1744 t.I ... '"-' "" NI, I --.. -........-. • 046-431(), 645-4715 ..... -··. NORTH LAO UNA. QI· i:~~ieee~:; OPEN HOUSE ...................... .... .... , _ .. ..-. rege 11 conwned to 3rd ..,.,. flew ,,_ tllh OutatandlnO Ho. ~ bd. 3\.\ tMl, wnrv bonul HouM with Ol"999 1470 CloH lo ocH ni 3·3. BA. 1'.+ ba. dlnln9 rm, taurllll rH .. Hll. nome, 4 ldr 2 It w/ rm l wet w . I.lo yd w/ ~ 2 Br With dlfllnO Pymt9 ltaoo to 2000. French doort, t>eeutlfVI ••••T $465 000 f """ petJo FR a •1 aurroundlng patio. '°°"' count')' kltcMrl I lt76f<to h1&K,Mowln hdwd noor.. fir~ & .... Sit, t ... 1 ti t ;r;;, UOOOim'o. ;rly Oerdnr pet; S1llOO mo few nelO"W. klde Pl'I • t•e OV9f mered ap. period WllllplPlft. (Cir~ I If '9 ..,......... llTTIM ..... ~· 173-40ea 7eo-t7ot or 1711-2144. no leaN needed .... ly preclttlon. Flnt nelng 19281) Oce1n View on • I 1 • 4 a • • • , ILOCl<t TO MACHI 11 Ill .... Tl '3Url. BEST Alty , .. e vetlll>I•. Cell Sut •I big level IOI AHume 11• -a 1es.ooo. CALL NOW, H ........ LI. ,,,.., C.11 ...... ,U4 __ M_tso _____ _ .. ,...... ·~ loen. SEE TODAY. ··-... ·-HOUM + 3 twnhou.... lnla1.J1 ,,,, ...... nm ......... .. ........ 000 UT /ll•lf 11 Tl I All with F~1 p , petloL •••• .. ••••••o•••••••• I If. I ... FrM u~llltlM ~lfr• S -··· · owe 0 •.. tt1•no .. roon1 ........ k.ldl 7,000 DOWN! I I • I I I tit . avbrnll on Wln1er 2 It. S&t5. 1 t4 E. Frplc. ranee. yatd, 11•· oll ~ kltdlen ... BEST 0€AL IN lit/ ... .._ 11 te I 0 P l Te r ITI I · A 9 I 8albo8 etvd. rage, no Piii. '9>rlvett oenl trte. Cell .,._.Ito 1p1tklln1 2 etory, 4 (l14)e14-41l4 ... A .. IOA ... 00• ••r 141-4190 17t-5H1 t710tmo. lat. ,.,. eec. BEST-. ..... ~ ........ --n " "' "' onl" 141 W 11th St ~·7 ,.. • ···-~·~ Lower TllrM ArOll l1y. e..ut. 3 BA home wtth .... If I MMt ff ........... lllJ If -WINTlA Xtra lar91, 2 ..... 1117. ' . ' Prlv1tt & MOlucfed pooi ""91 ..,. room :tooo <>c.l'I View. Mult .... 4 lnorecl view. 14'5M. UndMd8d w In~ In bdrm, OoMtlfronl. 2 P8· wftll 4 Ir houat .. tri. ft of~ ...:.0 Int br, drHllO reduotton. 78()..t307 ~~._~!~-~!-~-~~ •ltttly I ... I~ ..... f111M tS ur\llt apl bldg In tloe, COIMI' lot. New lul'n, 2 8A 1 II !~f.le•, pvt otflllf llMnlt .. frlMo dbl ~ out...,MO, Tt1eel-i°""ii"'~i·~ .... ~~3~t44~iiiiii~iii~===~~iir: t4unllneton IMoh, OA. crptt. dr..,.._ H 7-3t70 patio. n"u"'· 11411 g•r•11.• & ,,,0,. 1100 oMr flltfl 1Hum1bl1 II f ..... S •ts7,000• •1141 f•41 I , .... , I -pnp Oell '11o•IH0·2411 for l QS.IOM, mo. w..11 I 8 l fU t f O O IT ...,.. -OWO Ml, Ho • ... "t0% DOWN" UNOI .. A'9>"MIML l~IOfl. C.... Ml a., '1•t 4 If, 2 .. MtM di! M•.,_53"""~,.._tlO ____ _ .......... OfW ~ dn. NO Polm•NO Nolflln' lmmec ""· ...... I"' PrHtlglou• V•rHlllH •'"8m1Mt ..... (.,,,.•) TllPLll ........ ~nnr; ..... w CIMn llome, ....... e1116i 3.,, t ~ t.., lllO;o«ro AO'r 'Alli If you 09,, mekt the 91r + putting gretnl IHYltw Condo, Ht, .. ..., 11~ ~t home, deootMOt I I 0 0 fll o • 0 w fl t Ill' fnod ~ t?IO "'° ... •H ~,,,,... ~ ,oil°"'~ W0t1'1 llat et on!)' ~711, 291, ffplo, baloony, 24 tw m!a f u' n I a II e cl ' t / c . 781-IOOI. A11i11. 11/i: Ow11et f •• Ill. --t. ~000 In tldttlnel 000, mdtd· OOgateW. MPt*ll1 I t .. •lwer h ._...._ fw, •·--II.IT !!_000...!.."'°. ,:.!! ~ ~ t •-1 k ...... tM11aO egtnt cell I•• I• 1 .,,,.,. ... ....,,IOOO 101n1. Rtto1lft0.•11r.1 • ro.' '111 ••k• ......_ _.,.. _,.716i71t..--,...... ...... ...---. ...., • ..... .!.!...-,::~ :.~ ..... :--~~~·==· ....... / ... If =~c:r. OWMf/ .. t =-a.l•I 1.1• :-.*'Ci:~ ~.Ull'HeHn ~ NMfl loM. Cell enyttme, Au· ,. .... on ...,...... r.-:n.un'I.••••• •• n or no.eat .,_, ........ t ;,;,I.e....;~ ...... ~-.,,, ptCepet• .... ~1~. 11111/•'Jl-llM :,~.:.':in'~.·.:= llr19' NO=~~;~ ~~!·~·~·~·~-:~~=~~~~~;~;-~"~~::-~S~!~!!~~~a~-~-~~r~~-:"~~~·1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~&~·~~~···~~~~1~ ~~~·J"""''·~~~-•'w )"~ It '" M2·M71 _ : ...L.ii ..... _itait.itlm:"'l::--:=-::::J..(:..:;M.;;::..); ..:.140-.:.:...:llO=..:t:.!(::.lft:,• .;:t>:....JL= ..... =-=====::l::"'::::'"°':::::: .. =MM~-=--. • ( '• I) I 1. Orangu CoH t DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, October 24, 1982 f'3 lq•a flal•t•l•"M ••••11 fJ•l•1aJ1i'4 11,,,.,, Ual•r•I•"-' 11111 f t1t•l1•u A,.tl•••ll A,.tl•Ull Al'rl•,.I• A,,tl•••I• •••• 111 ·l•:r .. • i l'Oti •• •••••• ••••• •• ···~·· ••• ••••••••••••• .-.:r..... . ................. , ... , Ual11•l••-' U•t•r•l•"-4 U•l•r•lt••' U1l•1•I••-' Jla " I I , ... l I 1144 II • •• 1i1• # ' ~ 1111 ····················1· ..... •J··f:'·········· ...................... ···················:.:· rr.~t .. f.f ••••••• r.-.r .~!.'!! •...••.•..•••.••• .'.'!r./! •• f~rr ........ t .!.'Jr.!t •• 1~! •.•• r •••• f."'t /(f" /.16f fH.'f «ttt l.IAf H .. ,,.,,.. "'!ft'' ,.,o• '"' l<IOUM , Condo . API All f 8r. ,, .. la Woodbtld~ lfl OAlftl OC!AN~r10Nl Oh1. , ... Or IT~::r)h;u.:":ii~"'1°.,~·i: 11• • 1•11 1 1 -,;•••1• • " &uft Jf40 re, 2a::,;~;,;t626:"No 11 b 1 lownhoutt 30 lh tar Ry w •11ll o r rY10 11th ~·1 ••u u 4p10 0111, ..... ~-:•••••••••••••••• • v • • • n o w wood S 100 Ag•ro I Or•clmi• homt ov.,loo 073·11113 lrplQ pool, i pa, a1t1ohea bd ~ 01 C0t1do. •l bttlne. WALK TO B!AOH. I Br. p111 Aero" t1om New· 171~,~~ .. ,.~!111 0 541•11032 -lr1g g Oll ouu1 ... lake, 11.,aga NO p1t1 Avall & #rpl, POOi & tpa !<viii t t 0 v a l 1 •Ir I g a po1t. 811ch Golf Couru . ...... .,..,,..,. e11y 11ont1 & mountain• Wtlll•• r••1ttl1 nnw 111111/mo 83 t ..ioe.t t 1 / 1 1 8 ? 11 m 0 . 13711/mo 11311•7,HO 11411·48115 ()offn vi.w Condo1: 2 81 2 81. wlthet. dryr, 11lrlg. pool, 1er1nl1 F1om tell& Agt 4ff.6H O I Br Condo. ?ml 11001 10 StrH mwood 16001mo Ag111t a. 1·5032 beyond SpeclOUI 0H fl• llOW avall•bl• C•ll 7 on I 6A. ()l\l tlOUU no 831·3&37 Luga .. Bdrm CIOMd In torm•I dl11 1m & m11. PllOP lll'lllllT 416 HemlltCrn, U l ll Brookhurtt 4> Adamt , lmma c Av all n o w •Iv• ·u· Ind r 00111" Ill .·1lJ 114 1·0113 t:~· n!;n;:~·-8~0?~'6· 11126 1546·2811 $1200/mo y11y. 87~·2601 Monaco Plan, 3 Ddrtfl. JAOOll lllAlTY ll•t•, Cllllo OK All ut111.1d Nr SC Plua, I b drm, 2 bd e;ondO, lrpl, pool, n111>•110 9t•P• 'to baaoh. Mew• In r .. dy on qljl•t • Baon•IOt "' bOh· new -WI -II 1825/mo or ll.000 t1.1rn l.1•u1 IHd '14' cuHlt-t•i: at S2200 per lllTAIT IMI Tow NH O u 8 ! • 2 8,, crpta. paint, yard, 1400 IRll II TALI ~v:::. ~~ =·~·~: HA'RsoR"ociAN.fRO~t mo A.gt 840 6690 $~~1j b~R ~21i'3)1';;~YJ,~O~. i!H llld• 18211-Se&O/rnO 11.-.61. lrplc. pv1 pello. Incl ulllt 538 8312 3 & ~ Br CIOH 10 W8tll 493,9269, 83 t·867o or Nu 3200. luk hm on blull :l 110 'H 66 1117 311118 2 Br 11'1 8• TownhOuM, g111ga, quiet, lmmec lurn & unlurn. rHaon1• 2 l31185·0005 l80 deg vu OI harbor, l H CJ1a .. t• Jl11 day• all llulll 1111, lndry rm, 1550 mo. g70· t858 H•all•fll• Ole, ell am•nlllet. Broi..e, •••••••••••••••••••••• c1rpo11, ba1d/1>1toony, ,_ u,1 .. _11 JI~" 1178-49 1? I Ull, mint . 30r 3ba. 2 bdrm condo,? ba, trpe;, Clear I 1 l OR 1 II t K Redec. 1 bf, rtlrtg, o .. an. g, _ -'Uj -------1ec;u rlty, 11un1, 1p1 den. wt bar, gu eeau 1' urt • gar •P. •m• 1 pe • quiet, 1410. SM mgr •t •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 blk to Bell. Lower 2 Od. f~.·-~!~~~J!!!v..IA~f $1900/mo 406-7000 Suri Vw S11p110 B .. Ch .,. blk to bah Now·Jvnl TSl Mgmt 842·1803 19,20 W1llaee. HUOe t bt, lu• Condo. den 2 bl , y1ly, bl1ln1, Why thtOw aw•y rent CIH n 2 br houH In VII· $750/mO 402·Hl lQ ~~ .. ~ P•t:i"3 ~~'1PSI~ f1re1>lece, pool. dl 1t1 -l & 2 BA Slto/$420 = ~~do:~.:r,-:ltlff, rafrlO 1760 6Hi·8639. when you 01n own 4-3 11g1 frplc;, bllm c;ell, 675-9122 w•tl1•1• pvt l.HllllO X l,.Q Pool·QOO<I toe/no pet1, Nwpt Hgt• 2 or, 2 ba. w/$1200 to 12000 pay-r11d & g11 Kld1/pet1 ok Suri AH 3210 IEAO" "OUll I Oardan 1 & 'J Br. on ~I 423 W B1y, 548·06lfl l1rla1 3144 •P•Ctou1 A.Vall now mtnte, S 176K • $21 5K, 1800 404·2578 •••••••••••••••••••••• " " l IO I $ 4 8 O. I 5 8 O •••••••••••••••••••••• $735/rYIO 646-7400 move In . take ov•r . ---------EXIOITIVI llOMI Complotaly turn 1pa· 01.\7 21141 ____ 2 6d 1 81, tml y1d, $460. Wd01dg 3 81 2'/t 6a _ -·------1h111 ipprtcl•tlon, call 4 Br 2 8• '000 eq II Top CH'lv8 11~ Br, path>, incl II Aoban, twnh ... patio, ye1a, 2 car BALBOA PENIN '"' blk 10 Sueet 891•5666 of Iha World $1000/mo. NEA R SOUTH COAST utll A.v al! tt/t $850 11 •2111. Jiii. 631-121111 A.gt. gir,'87& 762·5102 bch 2 bd , 1 be, yrly 1181-3653 PLAZA 4 bdrm, d•n. 2 mo No f)llll . 6•0·8632 N•wly daco1. G11 pd, --JI Cir p 1 I 1 5 7 0 mu 9 act~• executive 4 Br 3 be ramify room, powder encl gu , dwenr, pool, 2 bd, 2 b•, Condo. Full £ •• ••.•.• •• •.• •• •.•.t.• ••••••• 4.•. 562_0853 ~ •• l'IOml. 2 110,.1, new EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 room Pool, H~c. alt Ocaanlront i"lidrm. 1 be bllQ no peta. 8•2·5073. 1mtnlll11. aecu1lty gate. '' ---------paint& carpeting. nrMll• Be 1700 sq It lrplc. $1200 mo Inc poo l W11•t Newport Furn Wilk 10 S.C. p1111 lt1,lt1 2 ~4r•,1l11 1960/mo. 2 Br luK condy, Sq. Park & •hopping. bsr1 1 c 6 k 0 p 0 11t 1 1o, with sp1 maim 1141-8284 $750 mo l!lt and 1aa1 B11iu1llul 2 Bi 2 Be I 8 0 0 I "' o 0 • y • Nr beach, pitlo $700 overlka huge p1rk A11111 mo 549.9909 townhouae. trplc, p1t10. 8 4 O. 2 t 5 4 , 11 v e 1 760-2567. 494-8306 Nov 111, no peta, non-18951mo. 759·1015 213 /8 76 -2255 or 3 Bi 1 '~ ba duplex ni tnory r m, good toe 752·6019 tm k r C ati Jea n 875-3067 Har b o I & W & '"e r 4 IJ•, 2 ba. w/aundeck & $580/mo. TSL Mgmt. l•llt ltvtl l•I• 760-0188, 2131556-3040 HHll•slt• $650/mo 2 yrs 01e1 wt bale 40 t o b each 642 e221 8<l2 1603 t Br Trallera $?47/mo 1 2 B1 2 B1. Ch1rmer. Oryr incl Kida & pats $980/tnO yfly 645·0340 1 • -plua ele<:ttlc, 1150 aecu-2 bdrm, 1 be, Cape Cod 3br, 2ba. upatelrt w t Ifft 314 woodsy & p1lvate. C1t1-poss. Ed W11tts984·617 1 I UITSllE rlty No doga. 133 E cnarmer In towr1, n r sundecll, ocu n vl•w CLOSE•;o·ee;CHtB;;~d 11na vtew.ttp1c,w1d,te· $350 Bach,Mlni,boh toc. 2 er 1 eapoo1 a1deap1, t6th. St Spa ce •2 beoch,yd,trpc S760 v rly s 1so A g • new 2 B1 beach hov11, 1110. no dog1. nr Woods Coatlo•i•iD•• view. Pnt lo Ut ll Pd. tuory rm, bll·lna No 8'42·9193 760•2567• 494-6308 673-3355 · ell utlla paid, akyllght, Cove 19t p lus sec •• R~!!!~J!~!!. •. !.~~~ adults, rers 67~583 pets. C all to r appt. 13115/mo. 1 Bi. pool, 1 NO ENO prefer adulta 2 2 Br, 2 Ba. bay, ocean sun deck, lot• of wood, $900/mo. 499-1617 NEWPORT BEACH-2B,, 2 Br 4612 Seashore or $435-1450 per1on or1I)' 325 J l7th. bd, 1 bl. ocean view .itew Conao. pool l•· Ir pie. bit-Ins, 2 car QI· £ 11rJ -, JZ'M 2Ba. tresh paint. avail $675 mo l SL Mgmt. 642-1603 Pl. 646·5 137 1 tAM-7PM Q u I e '. S 6 7 5 e g n t cun t. eecurlty b'ldQ 1age, grHt loc; at 217 •f.Hi ,,.., gt, (7 14)529-8784 II I E llT 494-1518. $87 5 C sll Denny, Hartlord. drive by & than o··cE0A0•N•·v·1~·~·;•b•,•.·:;o•n: rmmed S750 mo. Ag i Fl E ID OOIFO "••I• "••• JI"~ Oceen~lew 2Br Clpht. veryl 845-2016 or 546-5833. II 536 7979 '"' .., J a c k I e H a nd 1 e m an OCEANFRONT large 3 Br like nu. lge 1 br 1pt1, '" ,., ... ca · • · arch Bey Terrace $1500 831·1266 2 Ba wanr /dryr. no pe1s rrplc, ow, gar., $475/up. •••••••••••••••••••••• charming, greet bch ao-•2 Br w. Ba, nr Hoag. no Spot111111 2 Br attached mo agent 498-5980 CATALINA VIEW. CM/NB, Wtnte• $850 673·6640 Patio or balcony Poot & Newly painted 1 B1. 1 Ba. cese. $750 mo. 494-7553 pets, metura edit• pref dol 011• W/O hookup."/ i 11• • 3261 ----spa Nopets.2850Harte. cipts, drep ... carport or 494-3483 $525 83 1-3888 or $500 & $500 d Q I "''II ta rlflO 2 Od. 2 ba. Twnhs Obi Mognlllcent view, 2 bt, 2 2 4 5 9 E I d e n If A ep. uet, •••••••••••1•••••••••• gar, 805/484-3506 ba, lrplc, tennis eta, 1ac, MeH Plnee 549-2447 1425/m o 957·0 701 IOUI YIEW 646-6822 nr Fwy & shopping. Sml 3 Br 2 Ba, fem rm. trplc. ---------pe1 pou w/dep. Me-covered patio. nu WIO. sauna. p ooi. walk to $465 2 Bdrm, 1elrlg, P•· Agent. 10 minutes10. of L1guna12 BA. 2 ba. walk to beacti. FIOden nr Beach Bl A••tlaiatl f oiai•I •' beach $1100/mo Wiii 110, no pets. edulta prel. on Dana Point 's moat poo l. ja c . sec urit y 893 •89• · refilg. Walk to schools. •'•••••••••••••••••••• sho r t 1 er m ( 6 O 2) 724-A James, 673-7787 2 &dim 1 Bi duplelt. new 1ecluded scenic blutt,I $700/mo. Call Scott Ao-• ., . " Gardener Incl. Lake prl-I l-I 31"~ 998 28 1 11 11 carpets. drapH. No peta 11~ 2 B / II 586 97•1 $850 •I-• ti••' "" -1 ca co act or STUNNING I 1 & 2 B $5&0/mo .. 111 . 1111 & "1 new, ' w den,. gers 64 l -5 l OO. daya 28r Condo. 1'/tBa. cpts/ v ege9. -" •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-3720 arge r " xt1a large private patio.I 831-1913 eve11, d1p1, pool, jac. clbhae, NtwNtl IHtt '269 2 Br 1 Ba patio, new ~~~den apt. 710 w 18th. :~r:i::~~~~3~vln Real g818'1'-g6~. s, 7o2r5':r:_oF, c9._51111 •1•11 110•1 llOIP. n o pets SS 15 mo ••••'°••••••••••••••••• decor W1n1er to June.-j ~"' m • a . 788-7633 Lovely 4 B1 2 Ba. crpt, Ila S600 lnctds utlls Nr Apu ta1nl1 Near 18th/Pomona. 1 Br, Spic. 2br, tam/rm. mo-643-0210 Drive by to Lg 2 bd1m. 3 ba. tn· 2 Br. dplx, ocean view, htg. 2 car gar. nume1ous South Bay 873-3458 Ualarai1l1' 1 Ba, downstairs, d/1, utc kite 11001/bll-ln see at 245 83 Senta home, 2 c a1 gar Flre- $650. 119 Huntington St. fruit trees, t blk lrom Modern Spanish 3Br 2be, 1··,·1·b·o~:·1·,·1,··.·;····3•1•0·; c;arport, water pd, 1 chlld stove patio. 645-1693 Clara place. W/0. $700/mo. 636-3894, 861·7822 Clllf Or G8Jdener. No close to bay May tent ••••• :' •••••• .!" •••••••• ~ Ok , no pete. $400 Ageot, 1 Mt•fh Frtt ltlf 1 br apt No. Laguna S450 63 1-1105 pets. SlOOO/mo. Avi ll unlurn. avail 1111 June or E-Baytront, Litt le lale no lee 962-0217. 1 e a I ea s e S --EA_S_H_O_A_E_O_A_$_7_00_m_o 3 Bdrm, 2ba. l1plc, 2 car Oct 1st. 5•8-'"'89. 2 B 1 h 1 """ o do m 0 Y r · · · " "" yrly 673-05 71 pier, 3 story delu•e lrg 3 B 2 B T r wn s y,,_ c n · 497 5382 2Br refrlg carpo" Anc gar, walk to beach, , ~ Large r a. own-Ctoso to evetythlng. • · · "·" 22002 N-poil Cr. $695, 3 br, 2,; b1 plush condo. BAYFAONT 1 Br u ttta :rnr, l rplc, $1800 mo house 1n quiet complex, $600/mo. A.gt 645•9850 Small lBr, cloae-ln, utll patio. 548-5682 646-6136 n,;~~7'· poss. boat shp. paid, no pets. prkng, _6_7_5_-_30_6_7______ large p$001, garden set-THE GABLES 2 Br wl gar paid. $.425 mo. 494-5360 3 Br 2 B11 S tepa 10 675-19;{180. yearly 5650 673-6640 large 2 Br I''• Ba lrplc ling 675. 645-3381, N d b I ' Oesch $85&/mo. II TIE SAii 851"8394 1,1 .. _1 large sundeck wtwate• 675-5949. 1 ew c;rt•. r~s. 11 ns. L•r.••• Nlt.8'/ 3152 PROPERTY HOUSE Vu ol ocn: 2Br 11/tba, DELUXE 3 BA 2Yt ba, 2 -view. alt relurbtsned YILU OOlllOYA ncd Y w/pel 0• water •• ••••••• ••••••••••• 642·3850 842-1010 guard g11e, pool, aauna, sty, lge front ya rd & P1ai111a/1 3101 yearly $850/mo. 1st tas pd. 2437 "F" Ollnge. On Golf Couiae West gym , S 8 o o / m 0 upstairs p atio Neer •••••••••••••••••••••• & s300 sec 2 persons Spacious E.Slde Apts. $520. Call 1-5636-4120 Nine Condo 2 BA 2ba, 2 Watetlront 4 Br. 2 Be. 2 1 3 / 3 3 3 -3 8 4 6 o r beach 1st & last, secu-Winter Rental· 2Br, pool. l no pe1. no garage. Aval Encl gar, patio, dshwhr & car g11 w/opnr. Wash/ upltatrs dupteit. comple-902.1298 rl ty 51 100 per mo nouse 1o bch$560 Ptaya nowl 325.,.,Grand Can stove Mostutlt free No Dia1P1l•I JIZ6 dryer Lower un11 w/ tely redecoreted,blt-tn1, 631.5661 A E 873-1900 al pets. •••••••••••••••••••••• pet lo. r edecorated . lllshwesher. lrplc. gar Why throw r ent away ---------OCEANFRONT, DELUXE ______ 2 BR. 1 person 1510 IOH• VIEW $725/mo 7141770-1950 S 12 0 0 I mo ye arly. when you can own 3-3 3 Br. 2 story tl)wntlouse 2 Furn, quiet. trg. winter. 2 Yrly. $495/mo. 2 bd. 1 ba 2 BA 2 persons $545 From Dane Point's moat llfWNll ••t• 31691_6_7_5-_4_1_8_6 _____ _ w/$'200 to S2000 pay-oaths. pwde1 rm Very rentals 675.4688 partly lurn 675-5708 01 1 BA starting at $435 aeoluded scenic blull. •••·~••••••••••••••••• $9SO/mo 2 Br lux condo, men ta, $175K • $2151(, p 11 t c om m p o o I 979-4 770 ext 233 2323 Elden Ave, CM like new! Only 4 units, 2 NO FEEi Apl. & Condo overlks huge park. Av ell m ove In • 1al(e ove1 • $900/mo. 673-8856 llot 2 Ir hat/1,1. New , Br 1 Be uni! wllrpl< , ____ 6_4_2_·_760_5___ Br wi den. X11a lrg prlvale rentals. Vlllt Rentals Nov lat. no pets, non· sh1re appreclallon, cell Westcllll 11ee, avall., 3 BR Furn $650/mo 673-4743 & carport Avatl. 1111 SPACIOUS 2 Bd, 1 Ba. patio. Fiom 1725/mo 675--4912 Broker. s m k r c a 11 J ea n Sue al 891"5556 2 Ba. dbl gar. fplc. $925. yrly $6501mo Incl utll Beam celllngs. 18rv. blr, Call 661-6441 or M-F, 1 6 0 • 0 1 6 8 . Varv clean 4 Bd1m, 2 ba, g rd nr Incl . Eta tne Corool ltl llu 31Z2 L Vance Rltr 673 4062 w b 9-5. 843-0212 Drive by 2131556-3040. ~!!.~! •••.••••••• !.l!!f ''!'.~'.'1.!r.f.,11.!.~!f Baell 81y llH. f'urn w/ l'1m 1oomm1t1 to 111r w1 ho• 1n11Qu .. , '""' 1300 tarn• 291 hM. In l Sid• w/hor .. 11111 01 020 CM. UH mo + ~ 1o111t w/o 6'411·9958 H O C11p 831·2U6 Fttm rmll wanted to •hr tg• Huntington Oen hm 8 1u <11 n1 t ype ora l 1200tmo. u1ll pd M•F 75:1·5531 11k for Miry Joo 10 4 N••d roomm•t• to •hr lovely 38 1, 391 CdM ho~. new cpt & 1>1lnt In bdrm & bath. o•no• • u tru 1300 + 'it ulll 1144-4086 B1d1oom/b1th with kl!• 8HA~E 3 bd hOm•. M•H ch•n. laundry. pool prl· Verd• 1275 + 'A ulll1 vllagH 1250 In EHi• 641·8629 bluff 751Ml302 A-m-M-te_w_e_n_tlld--3_.B_r_h_o_u l'loom with kllch prlv. Nr • e , L 1 g u n a 0 c h 6u• lln1 l aho ppln11 S200+cit p 1200 wl d•P . ceuter. 982·'11120 no pete 497·1830 Furn roorn w/t)lth 011v1. lcig11, nr So Co111 Plaza, F•m pr1t1rrld S651wk, 668·1737 8al 111a Cot1101. 11p1c, patio, torn, 1v111 Nov Jen Pref mature prol pa11on $350 Incl utll 873-7178 H1t1l1 #11111 41H Fom 10 ahr dplk 1 blk lrom ••••••'••••••••••••••• beec h. NB 1300tmo HAUH llTEL 873-1443 & 641·9247 Wkly rent•I• now 1v1ll S 105 & up Color TV Phonu In room. 2274 Newport Blvd CM Ladl11 Only! Piii NB home 1v111 now 645-0615 648-7445 ~m rmmll 25·36 to •ht 3 br. 2 b1 apt w/2 m1Je1, B E A C H A R E A Tus tin. I 160 + 'It utll• 836-8669, 731-8078 $84 /wk Prol F 1mmte to •~are Baell B1y Condo, pool, A•trlg•retor·M1ld·Poo1 Jae. 1ennla. lrplc, elt Nwpl Blvo & Wiison s 2 8 5 + s a c E 11 e a Coata Mesa 548-9755 631·6758. Pine Knot Motel on Co11t _P_A_A_K_~_E_W_P_O_A_T_2-br . H w Y, NB S I e Pa I o 2b11 for empl F nonamkr ocean . Wkly rates All amenities Incl tennis 646-0440 $310/mo. 720-0988 IHI l PUOEl F 25·35 to 1111 2 b1 Ei C M Re11on1bl11 rates Kit· hse, no dogs $265 chenetlee. phones. maid 642· 7•71 wkdy evs service, 2 channel mo-2 br, 2 ba, Newport Beech vies. SANDPIPER MO-condo nr Hoeg Hosp TEL, 1987 Newport Blvd, Frplc, phone, $290 CM 6<15-9137 646-7332 • Prof woman & 14 yr old VatlllH Rtat•/14250 <laughter seek rental to •••• ••••••••• ••••••••• shr. CdM CeU Sharon FOR RENT! Hm 673 -4520 Am 3. Work 781-2943 2 bedroom. 2 beth• & 2 Chrletlan sister to shr 2B1 stories In Twin Peaks In 1Ba. avail Nov 1 47th Lake Arrowheed area. St , N.B. $300 to move Hes bullt-tne & llreplace In Call 645-67f 7 First. last & deposit re- q u 11 ed Ca II ( 7 14 l J1at•l1 WHIH 43Z5 .768 -0286 or (71 •) •••••••••••••••••••••• 667·0657 weekday eve-En gllshmen. mature. nlngs alter 6 p m If no resp . empl . NB. wants answer. please keep bach /studio apt or share trying! rees. rental 645-2700 For rent over Christmas & Prof woman w/sml pet New Year's, 3 br, '4 ba & wit hes 10 rent house loh v1cto1lan home In and/or apt by Nov t5 or Aspen. Colorado. Dally Oet I Call 675-5492 bef maid service Xlnt loc 2pm View ol Aspen moun.1 -N-ee<f--fu_r_n_ls_h_eo_a_p_t -o-r -h-se talns Close to town. Also, In the general area ror has baby grand piano. mo. of Jan Local refs $450/nlghl. Pteese cell, avail. Write. Mr & Mrs. 760-1340 or 760·9466 A E Theel. 1524 Wood· ;~k to beach, quiet. no 548-1232. 645-5963 o~·;;;•:,•e•.:.••b•:,• ~:,j~~y• . -S 4°7°~ c2e 2 f,'6 n~ :pelt: to -24583 Santa Clar1 $ 5 67 " • Lge 1 or apt, $550/mo p,ets. 8 0, 5-7673 Newport Crest 3 br, 2'.loba, turn townhouse, lrplc, w asher/dryer No pals 548-7356 or 673·8803. 2 Br den. 2 be. lrplc, n-1 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS WATEllF•llf LIDO New Big Bear cabin, wk/ lend Or , Rochester, " wknd rates. non-•mkr• Minnesota 5590 I 3 Br + Jacuzzi Includes pool, 1ennls. No pets. pool & Piiio $l095t mo Avail Nov 20 675·9378 2 Br 1 Ba 2~48 Canyon crpt, lrg lllew decks, Im-COUNTRY CLUB LIVING f 11 2 r 11 b h di $950 6 2 3 90 673-0896. med occupancy. Agent IN NEWPORT BEACH 8 1m '1 rm u et s -mo. 4 -4 · LUXURY. VERY LG Yrly Di upstairs, no pets. S 7 5 0 I mo A~ 11 n t A to111 environment n ng room carpeted New beachlront home. 3 COit• Mtli 312f S650/mo J04'1, Ota 1420/mo Siert& Mgmt 496-6804. I 1par1men1 community on thru-out brick fr pie prl-Br 4 Ba, turn 12250/mo. •••• •• •••••. ••••• ••••• mond 841-1324 ve1e garage unit allows unturn. $2000 Call Mrs Furn 1 bdrm epts $385 Oulel 1 Br 675-1466 ---------2Br. garage. near OCl8f1, the Upper Bey. Prlva!e ~go 3:;3.~~=6 yrly $lSOO ._8_3_1_-_97_66_._4_9_2-_2_9_5_1 __ Female 25-30 mu11 find 1 Br Security Condo, pool, spa. gym 1575 mo/mo Agt. 760-8617 PALM DESERT C.C N-room tn Newport Heights 2Br view home. spa by Nov 1 Aespo111lble. Make reservations wk/ q u I e t . non 1 m II r end S50/nt 586-8 l 19 831-3823 kids pet $5001 BEST and up Enc garag es $535 OuplellJS560 Houl8 ocean view, balcony. ctubllouu end h••hh open 7 days COST Long. 673• 1190 21 lO Newport Blvd CM 1 ·~ Bedroom s. deck S325 Bch/Opn 10-6pm 1450/mo 213/402·2657 spa, 8 tennis courts, 7 CONDO. 3 bd, 2 ba. spit J1ar1/1 to $11111 4300 1 I ~JS" •539-6190* $950/mo 2 Br lux condy, 546·4968 newly ca1pe1ed $80C 333 E 2111 SI •7Bor30 See at 24682 Apt A.. pools, cloae to bullneu. level, quiet, 3 car gar, •••••••••••••••••••••• 6111•11 111 l•I Y " ---------R 645-81031645-6589 c d Of airport, FHhlon laland. pool. $750. 553-0255. FEELING CRAMPED? ····'················· --------- WOWI $375 2 Br nothlnQ overlk• huge pa1k Aval! CASA IE 0110 mo eatonomtc1 or Oba Convenient •hop• on 2 Br 1 Be oceanfront w/ Xtre 111ge 1 Br. eteps to SINGLE GARAGE. Near fancy Just a flit good Nov 1st, Co pets. non-675-6700 2 Br 1 'n Ba. No pet1, •·o-C_E_A_N_V_U_:_2_B_A_2_b_• a11e. Unfurnlahed bache--lrg decll '11100/mo y1ly ooean w/d, patio, rec: rm. Mein beach In l 1gun1 deal kids mavbe ok nea1 s760m k01r68 21'31' 5' 5! !o'.on ALL UTILITIES PAID lill>H S4SO/mo 101 2 penon1. du Pt 1 x. new c P' •. tors. 1 & 2 bd1m -i>te and HOtlS 1•ra•n SJ75. 675-3231 . ~9~-a30c .~ . S 6 5 I m o Tile Mall Yerll Cell now • · .,..., .. 7 5 S W 1 8 I n S I dr-. le26/mo, ebao-•• ~ .. .. .. .. 539-8190 BEST emall Beaut ige 4Br hm In Big Compare before you IHi•HI• JIOj 648-9507 luteiY'no pell. 8e1·1078 tawn"i:: $1000 PllPElln Ml•IT Shr lg lux hme w/p1ol --------- COii, Canyon wtcu1tom pool. ~:;:u r~~-"$;;'01~·:~oq~ ;·~;,;,~·;;,~·~;:;·.;~j; __ l_l_U_ll_Y_OHll ___ I__ ...... ,wknda. Sev«al b~• end 1 tll.f1lJ :~~09~8!9 tat. 1111• G:&;0::.~1;:i1o·b~~i':o 2 Br for !amity nai $4001 • P • • L I k • new · cov·rd garage. aurroun· yrly Meture non-smkre 2 Br. 2 Ba. lnctudl"" 2 1•2-Br-.-2-B-a-. c_a_r_poi-1-. _1_53_0_ Bdrm unit• feeture flne 1----------•·---------B1oadw1y. CllA aft 1PM N e ll beac h BEST 714/6"'4-98048-5 M·F ded with plush landsoa-no pets $650X 3 Cir Q•rage wlop~;:er, Nodoga. dHlgne1 lurnltu1e ind B1chelor, lg dtck, mini-Shr tux time w /I, non 539-8190 COST 6Br. 3B• wl vl-of bl". plnn No ""'IS 2131799-4195, 257-9792 wOOd burnlog l1plc. moat 542·3697. 730--.,185 llCOMIOrile. Move In to-ocean view. $325 mo amkr, m1ture. S300. t~, Ga8rage Llor Srent S60c~? ' .... "" 0 •714167"3986 d1y ~ r~e tor "·tur·e 760-1962 01 760-0508 11.st, dep. Aets. "•0--49 2 64 • •II•. ... ----------walk to Lido &hopping, 1 BR. Furn. 1515 '' ,,. u tlls Plld, view 011----------~ ·-· "' "'" 957 2740 "530PM ••11tl•1t•• S 1800 tno. Lse cof\slde· 365 W Wilson 642-1971 $425 utll pd 1Br Oplx, 417 streems & weterl1lls. •••ll•fll• use. Smeruy luinlshed Ptlv & Spac. 2 11ry. 2 bd. Room w/kll prlv $250, • a : · •irL-•t Jz~• r..,., Agt 673 "'""2 E B .. B lb N F ro m S 8 O O C • 11 •-,.-· Jl~I model• open dilly. 2'1t b•. w/ trpl. New ca-1st & fu t, u1111 1n~1 Nwp• •• .:':'..~••••••••••••"!~ ""· ·~ Free bachelorelle, •x· oy ... ve . • oa. c •• ~.: ••••••••••••• "!. mel carpeting. nr Fa-Bell. 842-681 1 " ' Ollit• •••l•I 4400 2 bdrm. 2 ba Huntlng1on .1&11111 DllEEI cnange tor babyallllng I pets. 547"1155 662"1309 Deluxe poolald• xtra l1rge On Jembor" Ad •I 1hlon Island. no pete ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• Harbour Broadmoor Plan 4, 3 bdtm, 2'n be and WOl'k 545-0034 As-Bachelor. yrly rental $3ol0 •1 BA DUPLEX• 2br, 2 ba, bltnt, dswhr, San Joaquin HUis Rd. 1795 645-6218 Fem to ahr 2 bd. 2 ba, •IELllE OFFICES* o on do . 9 6 2 -O 7 2 O, 2600 sq 11 Lse/Opllon lam mo 201 E Balboa Bt $405 tncldng ulils. 2268 l 'n mlla beach. No pet1. 1"4· 1100 Promontory Pt. 13 70 1 MO. FREE RENT 5~021 $1500 mo plu1 $1,000 Clean 1 Br turn cottege. j 675·9562. 846-1319 5"'•5P_19e4c9~n111 . no pets. $500/mo. 538-8382 Blutts Area, l1g 2 bd, 2 be, plus ullla/dep 675-3889. 1 room to 2800 aq. It d I I ., "' 'It Block to beach, 2B1, upper unit. w/frpl. Quiet l • f 3z44 m o l ower s pr ce 0 no pets. very ptlvale $295 nlca bachelor. res· WIOIWE br"'hl & elrv le70 mo. & Prlv Loe No Pets MIF ahr be11u1 Back Bl)' From S 1.16 a f<I. 11. Adj .m~••••••••••••••••• S339,000, xlnt lln $435 rnalds all utlls ponslble person . utlls Nice Quiet upstairs 2 BA, Spac 1 & 2 br, lovely 'fflY, 96&..ei'3 $775. 54s-52 1e condo. Pool. Jae. tennts. A.l1porter Inn & Frwys. llElilLS Owner/Agt. 85 1-0130 548·0522 paid, no pets 106 E 2 ba, apt $560. moat pines & streema. sec. $300 645-5123 Call AM 833-3223 2 to 4 bdrms, sterling al IACI IAY llWHllT $375 mo DI• mo b li e Bay Apt 9 ~~11~~~~4~l2 Himllton g11e1. entry by phone, B~achlront winter r.,,tal. v;;;'l 3 Br near ocean 12 br, 2 bl ,•;, blk trom t>ch, 1817 Wes1Cllff. NB 256 1850 to S1000. 2 BOrm, den, 2 ba, gar-home No pets Quiet. J ocJ 2 ba. Duple•. frpl, lge rec area Incl. gym, c t·M•y. 4409 Sea· Agent .645-3663 · NB Ctoee to Superlo1. to 4000 I Q. It. 111. 1100< WILL TAKE PETS dener. llOOOtmo IM· secure 1991 Newpor1 micro. gar, good foe E'slde 2Br 1 ::ie. upstairs. pool &. 8'>1 846-8591 ' lhore. 2 Br 1700/mo. 3 ---------AveJI. Nov , $3 10. Mike Agent 541-5032 MEDIATE OCCUPANCY Blvd 646-6373 875·49 12 bkr ' Fresh paint. Nr sctlle. no Br. S800, Ut~s paid C1n 3 Bt. 2 Be oceen view 6"2·0994 ---------C a 11 A• e A o g e r' . pets $450/mo.1131-6155 2 Bdrm apt. Avatl. Imme-b • I u r n I s h e d duple~ S 1100/mo year----------1Alrpor1 eree -Exec. Sul· 631_1266 Hu1tiarloa Coro••'•/ 11'1 3121. dlatety 1500 Frplc, d/w, 7141544-0614. ly F stir new beach condo, las. F1om 225--450 sq. It lt•t• 3140 •••••• •••••••••••••••• 2 Br. 1\\ be, 323 E. 18th garage. No pets, waler Beechlront winter iental -also· micro, lrplc. gar 1265, St per sq. '1. Many xtras l•aoltH I 14r• •••••••••••••••••••••• Lg 2 br 2 ba Very nice, 2 SI No pets Gar. $650. paid. 545·2000 A.gent. Oct-May. 2914 Oceen-2 Br, 2 Bt1 Steps to Ut. last. dep Tracy Call 657-7010 TOWNHOUSE Xtnt Ilea. JOU IEIEllYE ITl c er Po rts. no pet s Sierra Mgm1 641-1324. no lee lront 3 Br Newly remo-beacn $600/mo yearly 549-3421. 631-6543 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq, II Communl1y Pool. Clean. Beeutll\Jt & perk !Ike with $575tmo 559•9265 2 Bdrm. 1'/t be, trplc. dl w, Av•ll. now 1 8'. 1 B1. deled. C8f1 be furnl11led. 640·9719 Sn• 2. bd, expenses. FI M. Pentnouse Bayfront Sul- top condition. $800 mo. terraced pool Coast Hwy & MacAr1hu1 pvt petlo, garage. no upet1l11 ap1. d awthr, S 1000••. U1llt p1ld 3 Br 2 Ba. ocun view S275 C1ll, leave mea-te. par lllng, pallo1 Bob, Agt 54-4-1440 •Spac;lous Apts The Shores In beeutllul pelt. $520/mo. 634 He· private p1t10, alngle QI · 71•1544-0614 duple~ S1100(mo, yeai· n ge 960-7874 Avell 673-1003 3 & 2• $795/mo. •Prtvete Patios Corona del Mar hH t & 2 mllton. 543·5478 rage No pelt. water •----------ly now --1-1-0--1-,-1-0-1-0-1-.-- 2 & 2. $745/mo •Covered Parking bdrm apts. ror rent. Call _l _B_O_R_M_l_N_O_U_P_l _EX_. -u-tll Pa 1 d 5 4 $ O / m 0 · fGU•FllHT -1110-F 22·30 .,,, 3 b1, 2 ba apt Have otllers. Fred Te-•Dining .\rea Helen Gibson 644-26 1 t tncluoed. 1350 545-2000 Ageol. no tee 3 bdr, 2 bl. gar g1111t 2 Br 2 Ba Steps to on beach, N.B Frptc. 25' 2 BA 2 Ba, cpts, drpe, enci nor e . 6 3 1 -1 2 6 6. •Walk In Closets 3 bd, 2 ba. sun terrace. cell 962-7940 llAIUlllll WALi lex:. Winier beach $600/mo. yearly patio, g111ge. 1285, 1st. g II, $7 50 . No pets. 631-2711 •Home Ilka Kitchen• walk 10 Och. $800/mo EASTSIOE-Lg 2Br. Qll'""I lrg 2 BR t ownhou11 640-97 19 I a a t & I e c B rl • n Attractive rustic upetal1s eelllng. We supply desk. SPICI , ooplel . You sup- ply phone. & $95 p1 rno pr deell. Call 644-72' 1. 875-6806 ---------1 blk to Hun1tngton d 645 2216 540 2334 -• I t pie ....... B1chetor. gre1t loc.1----------873-1519 ---------LARGE 2 br, 1 ba, get, Centei, trensporletlon 6 e. · -· • • + carport & yd, stove/ ep11, enc gar, 1 ...... ar yearly. EAST8LUFF nice 2 Br, Heritage Puk-Calllornl1 d/w, 5308 Seashore. trwys, eves. re t r t g , s 6 5 o m o . Hunt. Hrbr. l1om 1545 TSL •i•t IC2-1IOI patio & pool In quiet •EWPHT IUOll Homea. 3 BA, 2 BA. dbl 1750 mo. Yrty 962--49 14 ITILIT1H FllEE 2 odrm, 1 be, sundeck, 631..0754 Chlldren OK. 840-6807 Pleasent 11ea. No pets. •II garage. Patio, lrpc. O/W, ---------pool adtts pref'd No1----------2 & •-· 2 Steps To The Beech. 2 Br. $870tmo. 644--4787 formal dining. Avall Im· Hrbr Vu Hmt. 3 bd. 2 bl, 1 Bdrm From $515 · 2 BR 2 Ba avall 1pprox bd den town.""'M. 2 Ba. 3 tennl1 cou111 •----------3Br 3b1, frplo, steps to medlllely. No peta $850 no pets S 1050. 1954 2 Bdrm 1615 pets 430 Seaward $57!: Nov. 1. no pelt. S~85. be, Frpl, Tennis, Spa, nr 1cro11 Iha 1tr .. t. Very VIiia 81lboa Condo, IUJCury bch, Mair bllh w/Romanl mo. 213-423-4694 Pon Clarldg• 644-2405. LA QUINTA HERMOSA. mo 640-1208 780· 1416 or 548-8875 bCh. 2202 Hen Clrcle clean. New Cafl)l1. S750 1 Bl. Wiik to bMch. MC j•c lub. Sllytlght, etc. PV1 16211 P k Id L l blk 1 Br, super sharp tor 1 ev1/wl\nd1. 714-9e0-3745 c bldg. pool/Jae. $800/mo. d L ' Walnut Squ.r. 2 Br 3 Br. 2 B1 WHtcllfl. $1100 W or .. a:ac'h,e3 bnlk. a S ---------mo. Yrly rent. •II Kite JAL P1""6#tle1 .... ••0:9 ent, unlmt p1., g. pool. twnhte.PlanO.Mu•I-pr mo. Hatty Frederich. 01 Edin..., 8•7_5441 person Stove & refrlg, 3 bd, gar. lrpl, patio. WARNER VILLA. 2 bd, 2 875-0124 Mon-Fri. Jo ..,,......, • .,...,,...,...... 1ennl•, nlamkr 1475/mo, to appreciale. le26/mo. 631 ·1266. Agt. QI< .. ,., no smoking or pelt Newport Helghl1 eraa. be Condo frpl dw pa-873-3598 Sat-Sun. S.a Clnt••I• Jl16 631·7168 em 833-7519 •ve1/wknd1, Ocean view Condo, prl· £•r.H• •1e• 3141 $500. 640-7834 1650 to 1775. 559-5001 11 o. po .o I • . I 8 'o 0 . •;.-.-.-.-.;.-.-.;.-.;.-.-.;.-.-.-.;.-.1·••••••••••••••••••••• _A_m_m_a_1_e_t_o_ah_r_N_B_1_p_t.-1·• 752 800 dyl OCEANSIDE OF HWY 2131570--0036. 3 br. 2 bl, patio. gH & 122& -, . uate, 2 Br ... _ + office. •• •• • ••••••••••• •• ••• llST·IT II Tm•-ttun ·~-blk to beach. " mo. • .,...., L It dlo f HBO Small bu1 CO"' bllCihetor • ,.._. wa1er, ...wulmo. + cl••· IOU OllTD IEW"llT WCI COMPLETE EXECUTIVE OFFICE SERVICES FROM 1 196 to St315. UNEXCELLEO SER· VICES, ENVIRONMENT, STAFF THE HEADQUARTERS COMPANIES l1C/H1·0ll1 2, ... Be.. lrp'-~tbar all uxury u . r" . ., S 7 8 ••45 2 BR 2 8a poot .,....., private 2 bd .... ,. nlng & dep 531 358~ 673-8533 Woodbrld~ Arbor Lake, " ""• _,, • h Id $350/mo u.. Av1JI Nov 4 5 mo. 2 A 1'/•ba, ... · · ' ,.~, -• " , • c ' I c: . s I 2 0 0 . p one, ma HrV, •P•. I d • I II "495. 3 BA. 3 B•. pool .. ,... ••• • ... ev1 M t all ble I 2500 .. I d I I I prlv1te seou11ty g1ted 673•3313_ S130 wk. 499.3015 1 875-8061 n ry rm, c rpo1 • a pallo, kids OK. No Piii. • .. .__ a ure, r • • nM em· • sq .... n uttr • un t community. 2 mttr eul· ---------bltns, cpte, drpt. TSL &48-968G 960 7484 L1rga 11001 plan1. g11•1•1-9-,-p-V1_dec« ___ ot_d_w_or_l_d ployed lady 10 thare 28r wt1h 325 SQ.fl. ol ofltee + tH, 1mmacul1t1. Many OCEANVIEW HOME 15~;..,,•,~:lrl~~~~llul~~11· STIPI TO IOUI M1nagemen1 842-1603 : • dena 11nd101!)9d, poot, c herm , u >ectecul•r apt, completely lurnlehed 5000 SQ.ft. uphah cove- axtraa. no pelt. &850 mo. N.B. Hta Lrg ll<>me on 1 13 7 51m0 1 ti 111 st , Luge 3 Br 3 Ba. many 2 Br. 1 Ba. crpts, diao-. SUNNY 2 8 r. y I 1 d . n r J•cuul, Qr"' Loc;1tlon, oc e 1 n vt e w, w 1111 10 In bHutllul Park New· 180 & fenoed yard. 84~·8067 or 840-7287 ecre plvl ground•. 3 br, 4 9 4 • 4 5 1 3 0 r 1menltlea. $1 175. Call ,400 /m o N o peti. beech. utll pd, no pet1. clou to ever ythlng l beech 1425 Contac:I p0rt. Many 1oc;lel ectlvl· •2400 1q.ft. lndu1t1lal af1er 8 & wknds. 3 be,+ 2 11111• + 2 llttlng 2 Anthony d•Y• 842·5757, 5,0•448'4 1530, c ell 538·22 tt Some 1ownl1ou111 and Mgr 81 apt c. 332 Enelno tlee lnct. C111 Sally morn unl1 with 900 1q.l1. ot rm1. Can Mpar11e upt-2 131884•0 28 Oreg evn & wknde 631-8830. i-----------· 1partment1 with den ln or aft 5PM. 840-5890 upgraded oflloe. 1alr• l1om dwnetre. Both,_w_or_,._11_·_______ EASTSIOE? Br. garden ___ 2_b_/_b _____ •v•ll NO Pet• PIHH.1----------F ' .. _ 3 •2400 1q.ft. lndualrf•I level• hive unobstructed IY---'=,..,,..,==-Large 2 b1, 2 ba, trplc, t apt. Laroe dec!I. gar. Allr. r , a. enc. gar, From 1700-$740. 18r, i.n1as1lc; ocn View, ·~ em. rmmat• o ,,,.,. unit with ,500 iq.f1. ol .. •YIM ... ~. 12,.,.,.1mo. A & H ,. HE car gar. Adult• pref. NO 14 5 0 180 2 111. OW, bkyd, lg• walk-tn a.••-a ..... 1 blk 10 bell, 1g eun dec:ll, bdrm, 2 be ()Qean lront upgraded ofllc•. H•v• LIDIY j;;_t. 152.''197. PETS 1700 mo 111, 1111 648-0185 c41t. '605. 842-2807 -"" I ll ippl, 1425 mo. utll home. S325, ~ ulll. 111 & eub·IHM tenanl for 900 ····--& 1360 H C. Up1tllll1---------WALK TO BEACH: Ba· ., .. .,.m lnol'd. 111 mo. & &4211 IHI to moveln.648-3810 lq.ft. or olflc• tplee If ,BR 1 .... & "BR 1,... ... Baylronl: 5 Bdrm, beaut. ''&DOD unit. 876· 1857 *p2Br. 52Ba. Near Cons.c, chelor, itove & relr"'•· 1244 trvtne All9, between d9P req 492·5389 F rmmlt 10 thr ipec. 3 br, dealrld. 9" c ,., .... vlew&IOC.lnc;l garO-. laza, .A. lUkU'Y • & '1"d WfftClltf .. Marin« Or.•---------2 c M d M I I g~ No dock. 8711-7873 N,:,1~,·~n°:·~~~ ~:i pedoj, wi:fa~~:,41~e! No U2~tmo~ ~~1~7~ 8 {714) 845-02112 ~~!!.M! ....... /H.! 1;15~~0• 545:J5~n °' ; .. ~~ ~~t~d•k~w;~r .. ~ "-'·1>11 ""-· Condo: 3Br 2'Ab1. W111t LIFE'' type gllHI rm wtbath & · · 2 bd, 2 ba. MC. sec .. 1---------1 CIJI 714-751-4.,80. Prln-...,.. ..,,...... I f M V d 2 8 Ba. • I H J F rmmte 10 lhr F. V. home, clpal1 only. Flrll)leoll. Npt. S10001mo. 40' dock wardrobe, eu ted or * ... If • r. 1 ••f •ffM ••I •ti•• Pool, Nr. So Cat P111 10 min. 10 t>tach. '200 + ---------Cpte a Orapea IOI pwr bo1t av.JI, 11000 youno edit or etuden1. Newly rec:teo. S496. No IHit 3141 .,,. 3140 1500. 2 13·860-9513 utile. "8-0297 coita M ... 1 or 2 room 1 Yr lie wl()pt to Buy wlo dock & 1 1200 w/ VIAA-IM>UMD fUN: Take furn or unfurn but pet1. 833-8074 Evff, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------suit ... From 175/mo Oood l>"bli.: trant walk dock, 780-3010 ,8ocl1I ACllvltlH no kllch. Sm 11lrlg & 1Ha1 4 .. Nd F 10 thr 480 11• wt Ulll• lnctd.179 w. 191h Uc' __ .. i1.;ia' ---------0 Ir• o tor • Ft I• hot-pt11e OK. 3 min wlk 3 Br. em•ll yerd, gerage. · •••••••••••••••••••••• Nmt In CM 1229+Y· utlt. St 851•892 to .... •. m. ,... s u" day 10 Chin• Co~ 8c:h. Nice 1526/mo. Kennebunkport? UllU IUlll 831-4461•fl.8:30 pm. -------1141111· 3 Bdrm. 2'A ba, 2 •I""', B1unch•B80'•• nel~hbrd w/xlnt 11cur. 648·5707 1159·&e3t -• •••llTlmll -·' p -•-M/F, r11p, 2 8r 2 Ba ._.nr Ulle naw Kid• Ok; no arti.•Pll.tl Ava I 1115. $290 mo. 111 1 BA, nu paint, spl1/drpe, Wasn't he the Ambassador from Wkly renl•I• ltll up. twnhM, t1v. Pool. lndry ...... , Mina pel•. John Agt. 831-000 tmien more. & 111 & r • 11 r • q · d/w. no pell , 1376/mo, A t I' d T dd R It? Ootor TV, ffel cofl••· 1325 & 'A 1.1111. 552-3589 With uM of reception, T~:i~c::~· ~ UoJ,::: ~bdblk21bO•l>::oh.,. lm~mapootc. 3 ::::.'ATION : 873-7802 22115 Miner St, 851·2175 us ra la un er e y ooseve . ,, .. ,Id poo"J ... step,,. to IV99. oont. room, kltrctl,phonl, II .. T 1 n n I 1 • F r 1 • ,. ,,. 1,ll'~ 1 bd 1340/mo lnctudi.... ooeen. Khct. • eva . F-. 25 ... 5 to ~ .. r 3 Br " 1NCr1••rlal & WOl'cf pro-poo rec. a cu g ar. •93' 2 Alv01r (8°atbo0 a e11' "'''' ,.,,, .. ' .... C""r"fV""\ ~ .... ...., ... " ' 850-4029 .. PCHI) IN *"50. •1~23"""' LMIOnl (pro & r:o ••••••••••••••••• •••• ~!!!~~1~:,· 548-9574 or .._.... I "-' !./".......:, HS N. Cont Hwy, Be twnllu . 8.C. Plue centng, Mall & IMIM\19 T"'1llr0otc Cond~ 2 Br. 2 °' 648-eeU. u .,... .. ~~-~!..'s".!-•H·• • th ..... -.... ., Laguna BMch. 494-f2t4 •,.a. I 2 15 . AP r II ""'· ev~t~ 119wete1y " Be 2 IWlm-,_.,.. -· llea~B • Nt;W BREED APTS. II y~u rt not M t wllo (or what) ~tnntblinlj)Oll wn HO a up With tcltch111 548-45911 dellrld. I: J~ ml~g ::,10-:.,T'tennle FABULOUS VIEW CON· H~ , . •. ·-'. -· t Br. & Lott. Frplc, rec don I It~ bid -you rt not 1loN Ktnnt bun,0011 is WMlcly. Ooellnfront MO: SllM •II•• Din• Point 2 7l 4f180--0 l court•. Unlurn'. .. OO. o11'i""~~.' ~.!1,eWAoodY. ~~ B ~11&1111 1 d ci _.. 1,oom. poo1, 1 d1acu.uN 1, o• ont ot IC dl\l•11Ch~e11d1'1mn11o•rlmtn1 llOOr ol•ns , ... 11711·8740 . Br. 2 ei. l2tSlmo. 111 a Full MN omoe .... S30Qlup Furn I , 100. 853-4112. '"-~01"'e"7a ... ':"79 • I A u T I, u L HU1 u y •n • 1p.... Wlllt P• 0 !)ell. ti Snw•nd V1lttge '" llvntrnaton Bt.ich $o w1nd Kit prtv, Ctwl1lfan Home. rut, \.Ii ulML 4t~.ot87. 8r1nch offlol ..... SIO/mo, ,_, ...... "'""™I Ntli garcten1pte.Pool &8pa. 393 H 1mllton, C.M . o'"•ft 1\1 1ou11ot 1ot1lly 0trson1*1te1 01olm 10n11 M 11,110111 L•O Bot\ A~.eerv ............ $50/mo 2 bd rm e nd unit on 11rHnbelt. 'A mll• to U.C.I. HU mo. Agt, a.e.2150, UL. IS&. UfflllT a Ing l ee, 1 a 2 ~~~~!',eclc•. No pelf:i .101_84_5-__ 4_4_1_1 _____ pl1~n1111 ll•t l1nd ol 1lltnhM rou dmm A perlttt u 75 utll 4tt..tUt ' ToP rere. t Vf• tMCl\lnO Newpof19Mol175.2-840t •~ fl .,....,,.....,. 8 bltnd ol n11u1t 1nd k<1nt • nutlfd '" 1 lo•nl w1lh · •,:!;.!f.'!!lntu~!' .... ~ .. ""1·1 ....... St. N.•. 440 Slnd)· bMCtl, •xcet view 1-u~ ~ndlllhedN 'Bdrm 2 Bath HO **dMe A VERDI•• b1bbt1nc broo'' •nd Qu•tl PonO\ cooltd br n1lur1I Room for rent nr 000. -• "'""' _,..,_..,..."" """' ft "'i'1"" 00• "!,. 11 ot b•r : 38 r, 2 batlle. "' .... • o 2250 ve~ard L 'Y rm d/w • Oii u• 1-1mo ............. Call r eduoeo r ent. Ce l l eq. · · P« """ P.t.• od 1 Op 2 ... 2 .. 95501 ocun br"1t1 """lo 1~11 ltM•S courh. 1w1111111.... ~ ..,_ r •· •-t ... , .,..,.2 Y • a r Y o r w I n I • r . • 1 •n 540·9828 or 2·4905 .,r 11• mo •-· .... •fl Spm, '4&-e024 213/114&.3128 ..._., .,... • .,_ · lt8nd n11W oond01 I! lilt, 2 1 1500/mo. 1144•ffl3 ditty t to t . 3br 2be 1700/mo Po<JI~ I \Pl and I convtnitnl ..,.ahem nut lhoPQ<"I h --....... b•, frptc, pool, alc. i----------...... ~ 540-11o44t 1nd emotoymtnl And you 1t tot • ptm 1nyon1 t1oukl Fem t'IOf\•ltl'll(f, rm w/11111 2 bdnn, 2 ba b1Cf1 SNl<f, Ina ~ A e r o •• from UC I. Ht>! Hill• 3 Br. t>onu• rm, • 01ovdl1 till llOmt tC.tn ktMt1>11n~oo1t'I pttv. C.M. UH unfum., newly decorated, 111 R•dlllll, Co1ta Men MOO/mo.~ ~1122 2·~ ••• 1750/mo. Agt. ..,... BachllOll '4tO waa.u•..... On' •nd l•O btdtOOf!I one Ind two "'~ tum '280, 14&-5441 •m•nltlll, utll lncl'd , lu1119t '1718 tQ ft .. 704 ,.. ... .._ _ ___..C: 11'3·t'M a.. ...... lh 1 B3drm .. !•8SO 759 w. t ttll. 1o•rlmtnls trom 1~40.00 F t3IO, Pref metureror1 "e oept.1 worlt room, •"' ·-· -·•~--------11 ,.1121 1 1I.18th. &4t-vv1 .. lnut• t·rom 1.._ ...__....., s • NewpOf't ""· or rent ............. ·.......... • et o1WMI 10-5 dtM o-. 110, ow. . h yfron1, pier & lllP. 4 • ~ .... ,.. 181 E. 18111. ~2.oars& LU)(URY 1 '" ''f BA""' d very 1ar11• room, full _ ....... iii'-; ..... =:; ... ;:';:---: . ._:=-:=:;;;-l--°'i•iiilii;iiiiiiiiMiiii"- Nr ldlOOle' .... ~ •• bonul ''"· 13IOO/rno, I • . • ~~Win bllh, MPV•'-I ptl\llte M/F "'""···· flOn •• ,. ...~ NICI. MIO mo. LAMe. AQt, ... 11-3200 Mnt sgactoua 2 Br. 1 Ba. 14211. M•rtM Puttmen top entrana., terrlllo too. 14.30 ~ "*9 t l:Hlrm, ...,., ......, H -M &fi:J't'/104 .."f.'."1'.!:;·,.:~ ~ :l:::':'A: = I ~'"' .. ,.,. ::r.=-· .... , ... , ~.::~ ;'~;.~~~· .:;; IHI :. II ...... Wt;:<r::= ~'::Oi': _.,. fli&I• ..... /... 549,1559 12·11'M. v:,:_: = ~ am111 enrect~ "udlO l'1f •v•ll 1mmed. H OO," I~ ltn I trwra, -=r-:= ~·~ ~.:.,.PoOI• 11th 8·~ ...._,,., who need p........., "-·· "'h........_ tSSSS livn11111ton v1»•~t l int fiuntintlon lu<ll CA b .. f I 'd f llttl.. 11•11 ltlftr lhJ -. ';"do..6:. _,, ~-,.,, l"-L-et 1a. ·~ r_,.,.. ..,........ c"="~w/" .. .:::.. 71 .... 9""1 0., Of 1mptV em, IH•m? • "" !r plo.1, blt·ln•. vtew, _,,,.... "' The!'• wt\et ""' -....... ~--t 1 n TI> Non•amltr. Pm 1111°'*'•--------·• ,ta~ l•1ttr, .,._, ...,..i, ..... *"' I~,-.· QUllll, •••Mfl, 71•) 842·611 DAILY l'tl..OT 1p-. outdoor bbq fron1 t~t San Dotto fletttaJ dove llOllll Oft l mll lo ..ne. prvt tft•tr· A H NMd very ctU~ I ,._, fMlll IJ ..... I .:~nll~p~~~A~~··~·~·~·M0-~~11~arf~,~~~~-~"°"~~l2o.l~~~~l======·========':s~::S:!:A~V~IC~l~Ol~A~l~CT~O=A=Y==6:"'~40~~~~Llv~.nctty~~~~l.J!!Mc!!!!!flddt!!!!!!n!IM!!!lnl•ltt!l o!n!ll\t!!l!1Ht!!!n!lo!~!'!"'!'M!!!Y1!!11!1•!!!!!.:,1=:l~nc~t~u;t~lle~,~P";;;;~~ne;;;;,~ po;ol~,L:::rrtlfl'IM9:::::'°::""===1P=L==U30==J,;:;;"';:;:;:•: ... !~;;;====-==·~ ""41M. oeo ,.,.117S ta a11 abOutt ~ TV. ttnn1e. 4n.Mto. mo, + .,. vt• ... ,..., .. \ .. ..... Oronge CoHI DAILY PILOT /Sunde~ Oe1ob\Jr 24. 1982 lessianal Service Diredary f"a ~~.r.~1 .......... f ~!r..'.I!!!!!! •••..... u~.~~!~D!f Compu1trlffd bOOllllH• l<Ufff8 KARPU KAAF ping from 160 mo Alto Oullllly '#Ofl. "•'• mall lltt t. payroll FrM ffl 404·14211 '°'. 30 d•y Id In the lllU PILl'f IHYIOf llHOTIH DO It NOWI a.• fer SM4ra VOUt Diiiy Pllol SeNICe Olrec:IOfY Aep1eMn1111.,,. 142-Hll, tit. H2 862·2430 ----Tl1f OONNAS' FUU bookkeeping lllld Ta11 hvic. Rec .. •lon FIQhllng Rat .. 088·1&82 f~!~ .. !'~ .•••••..•••. Ex~ Carpentef 0..-nolllk>n 10 Flnltll 760-2815 548·IMIS. Remod & Repair• FrM Oii. Lo ralHf Oec:ke. pa. tlo Steve 752·1155CI ~~~~~~~~~ Exper carpenter dou A"iti,.111••-'•li•• addlllona, remodel•. •••••••••'••••••••••_. d11oke Skyllghte & tll· 1'd<l1tlon1, carpentry. ml· pair• Fr•• HI. Dan, aonry. dftlgn and dr•I· 982•0815 ting, BBO's etc. Dave -------- 494· 1003. ext 724 M11ttr Oraftt11a1 E•i>erlenced Carpenter Flnleh & rem'dl orpntry Remodel/Add-on/Rep•lr Relereocea. 499·3105 f !~f~!I.~!'!!!!!! •..•. c.m.nMAa1<>nry BIOllk Wallt·Cuet wO•k L.l<. •381057 Rob 647·28113 X·perl t>rlc;lo. & cement wotk, Nwpt/CM •Ince 1989 Call now & uve 845-8512 ---CA11' C111 ••..•••............... Looking tor xln1 c:hlld· c:.rt? In my Coet" MtN home. lull umo only SAO Lunllh an11c:k1 fLC lln· di 751·2342 LIO. lamlly dlly c:or• IOI children up 10 5 yra, F /l P/f, $1 50/hr NutrlUOU• meal• & sn11ck1 Wesl· cllll, N 8 846·9028 f !!~!}~I..~!!!{':~~ .... '1.rttltal ..•.••..•••........... 'Lf'CTl'UCIAN Prt~ed 11ghl Ir•• Hllmete on huge °' •111111 101>1 LIC: 3HCl2, 813 03()9 llC 0 flfCTRICIAN Ou111 work/HNI ratM Fr9" •II 631·5071 tLECl F\ICIAN Srnl lob1/R9011re llC I 2331011 c 10 15411 !1203 !'.'.~!r!'!~~ ....•...... · I !~~!!!!~~!!!1 .....•.• Catf*'llry Muonry H81Cf'l'IJ • MA108 ROOllOQ Plumbing I LIVE IN HAl 't'lWK~ Y 0t.,..a11 Stucco • Tiie VMl)O 6efvle .. Agency flemodel J e 848·9990 l.lc'd/bond.o 073·0000 CMrp.tntry Catiinet• CutlOfO Home ci;;n1ng 1>1umb Oreln Ct.enlng a Compl Meld S..vl<A e1ectr1Clll file Prol Bonded 1n1'd lhtl1 Don 088·0149 lJNICLEAN SYSTEMS ol Nwpt ()ch 850· 1200 J,.,,.,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• COMMERCIA~ • HOMi ISU81Nl!8S We oo win· dowt tool Rob 873·9094 f!~~~~~I ••••.••••• 20 YRS !lCP. Heullng, lrM 111rnrn1no. landecaplng 8rolhef• Conti. 040·0565 E-A;·s LANDSCAPING' compl aerv & ntaclng, c:omm a 1•ld 848-71St>a RESIOICOMM LllNO I 20 yra Do my own work I lk. 21804 l Al 848·8 126 MOMf IMPHVEME•T RCPAIA · PLUMBING Carpentry, e14K:. tll• Ft .. .. 1 ReH 84S·2811 Home flemod & Rep•lt C111pen1ry. e1.c:, pe11oa & deck• All your home owner n..01 F•ee e11 KeHh 846-4672 Quality wori. with • per· tonal touch B•ch1lo1 1 Ok CM, Irv, 118 Ueth 850.o933 Otd Co~t;;l;ndtelPH, -EMIG Se<vlCe & Con111uc:· lion Lo ratN Free etll matos LI<: 333217 657 1738 841 4114 IOllEWOlll WAITED F . JOHN THE HANDYMAN 111gh quallly hoo11ew0tk •• •.•.t.1.•• Expe11enc1d. depend•· l\N •• C •• E•••w•o••o•;•&• I Plumbing·•lec-odd fob• t>te. hon .. t, tnl•lllgent. A & K. FE v FrM Hllmlles 838·4118 mellculoua, llexll)le I em ChOln llnk Re&llndlc:om 1 h e b • 1 1 p h 0 n • 548 5493 540·17!il RAT RATE·OAY or.... 873·70 12 alter 6 PM WOOD FENCES/OATES ALL MISC. JOBS weel\dlyl All day $11tur· ln1lalled & R11palt •c.l INT /EXT • PROMPT day and Sundlly free eel. Gary 490·1724 INSTALLATIONS 11 you want your nouso ,,,,,_;.. 1--·ClllHiiiETllli8~42~·~900~8~! REALLY CLEAN Cell "Anythll\Q outelde 1he home " 645·15597 . 875·8058 f! ... ~!!l. h!!!!!! •.•.. Tored of dolng leundry? I !lull & fold. h1111d wuh. n11nd Iron M111culou1 E11p Ren .. 642·0787 ~~!!~!l ............. . BRICKWORK. Small Joi>• Newport Costa Meee. Irvine Rela. 875·3175 !~!~!!~1 ............. . ~TOM PAINTl.NG lnl/eJtt AeeiO/COMm Ft .. HI LIC 1"4~ 4708 !!~!!!V.~·~'!. •••..•. ~!!.'!~# ..••••••••••••. PL."8fCA PATCHING AOMIHO MPAIA8 RHIUCCOI lntlect 30 8m•ll JOI>• OK ~ ... ~,. NHt Paul 5~.2g77 Hllmllea Call Tom Of INT/Or PAINflNQ Chuck. 542-t302 & WALLPAPERING Cu1tom WOfk rr .. e11 "••"•• ••••••••'••••••••••••• It 11•1 241lr El 141· lt21 •• !••••••••••••••••••• RN• Steve 547·4281 HAnBOR PAINTiNO Ovt1l1ty WOllo, Free HI Call oft 8pm, 873 b 18& 40 gel wllethell« 1225 MOBILE SUWIC& RetctMnllN.-acr.n• A fLAS PLUMBING & NO/CM only fl.42·011&2 lle11tlng, •P•clalltlng In repairs 84&· 1880 110LIOAV PAINT TIMEI 23 Y"· AllO odd jobt & 141Pa111 81~ 972·0 1 t8 PAINTER NEEDS WORK.I 30 Yrl IAP 1nr/ S SAVE$ 20%°-40%° Plumblng/HNI 11271703 Oua1 , .. , AHICOMm 537.4379 GQ 083·5"74 118 e• I Ac:ouauc celling• Lic I . 3116760 Fttlll Oii .!!~A!!W! ••••••••••• o .. vos Peln!lng 847·51118 AC RAINOUTTER 15 yrs exp rm amall. my I Yondod·lnt·llc 834'4784 pricaa ••• small! Ron F1ee eat 1·524·5824 873·647~8849 _ lilioii•i•t. SPIRIT PAINTERS •• •••••••• •••• ••••••• Cullom int/ext apl/hma ~URNITURE·KIT CABS Sa11srac:t1on guarenieeo Cllm llnlthU. repelrs. L 0 w , a I.. ( 2 1 3 ) OOOtl. Joe 873-1~69 '430 6342 !l!!~l!~l! ..•••••••••• E·Z 1.AY'N Spnnkltlf 1, Land~ Ouarant..O 536-2737 "'' ······•·•·•·•·······•• fll.EINSTALLEO All K.lnd1 Guarlf\IMd Rel• Jonn 840-0217 ftH $•t.tt• .............•........ $LOW RATES I Tree 11lm11emov. clean upe, mowing. 864·7017 froo Stump R~I Wiii grind !*ow ground level Scolt 862· 1978 760·2685 548·8654 ~.".'.'!!!!'!l.l!!!i!! •••• fJH HTIUTHl Reatonable pric.a; tut, proleufonal work custom w0tk tool No jOI> too small Of loo l>fOI Ca- t>lnete. kitchen 1emodel & llnlthed cerpentry elect I plumb.I cablneta/ c:ount1Hlops. I do every· thing lrom ttart 10 llnlehl Cell Bred et 'C0MMERCl1'L • HOME BUSINESS We do Wlfl dow• toot Rot> 547·2883 ••••••••~•••••••••••·I----,,-Linde 689·0318. Good Raia ~~~!1.-J.. •• .. •••• • • • • • COOi< & CLEAN $35 TREES Mori•• r~l.~'.i~I.. •••••••••• .• ••••••..-••••••••••••••• Farthing tntedor Oes'Qn ~!."!~·!!~1/.~f l!l! ••• '!.-.~ .. ,!~I. .........•.•. 50•1. OFF FIRST MONTH o.c>endable, affordable. essentlal Anawerlng service. Hcretertal & bus1ne11 services. mall t>o• remat, wOfd proces· song Telex·Facatmlle. order entry, pagers-lease buy, desk space rental. 1'NSWER NETWORK 631·9t31 (ask IOf A.V) (lH) 171-1210 C11r..t S.1•irt A1•A•ll ••• •••••••••••••••••• ••'•••••••••••• ••••••• Shampoo & steam cMtan Driveway&. P11klng Lot Color 1>rlghtener1, wht Repairs. S..lcoatlng. crpls • 10 min bleach C••t11tt•11 '-••111 ···········'·········· "·"· l•ff•u a s .. Lie 3068a8 Remodel Add'na. C11blnett 648·85881645-4644 Custom Remod/Add'n1 Free est Ouallly 2nd to nonel Bandel Conat Uc 4 t8570 548·427 I f ~'.1!~ .!~~~~!'!f. Kit remod. ca1>1ne11. vi· deo entertelnment units Free est 642-0881 TopptKJ/removed Clean up lawn renov 75 I ·3416 THE HEH SCHE luwrHree·shrub install frM tr1m/remov111 Lown Me1nt1Ro1011111no F1ee es11ma1e 548-6065 Simmons Gardening Cln·upa. lawn care, lull comm & reslo m111n1 Frue est 646·6684 DUMP JOBS Per "'''" HouMCleantng & Smell Moving Jobs & dinner pr19 E•p'd ra· Cell MIKE 646· 1391 llat>le Cell Charyl, HAULING·GRAOING 979·9638 832·7965 demollllon. clean·up. Experienced nou&ekMper Concrete & tree removal wan11 work HB, Fin Vly Ouoc:k serv 642·7638 area Reis 842·5485 PROF SERVICE ~a Dell11's Cleaning Hauung • yrd c1e11n up I do vacancies. rentals & Quick & c:lean Free es1 residences 530-7324 673"0548 Energetic Person with *A· 1 MIYlll * HANGING/STRIPPING Top quellty Special c:are Viae·MC Scou 645-9325 In hendllng 25 Y" exp ASR PAPERHANGING Compellthrll RlllH No overllme 730· 13S3 I 7 yrs local exp Guar work Prices start el ·ABC MOVING· $8/roU Alec 751·7027 Quick. Careful Service J 11 Cricketers Prof Low rates 552-0410 I 0 Y W11llpoper1no & 11rlpp1nu STARVING COLLEGE I Many 1ele1ences Paul STUDENTS MOVING , 857·0118 · CO Lie T124 .. •38 -------lnsYred. 841·8427 Expert wallcovering In· WATCH us GROWi stall•11on. RHI prices Contullant 1'SS1gnmen1 581-8590 MHICULOUS MORT'S .,..., .. YI Rll A I< llfllll•' 11 ..... 111 I I ki ll f . . . ,,, .. -..,., , . •*. 11 ••• ' ,,,. ..... ,. , ej •. •""•.ifJ r l!. .... ,. tL' • "'f. ' , .1 ,, • "' .1,,f J • , l t!.. ,-. " '"' ,, +' t ~ t ,I ,,, ~ t ~I• • '1 ,,., r•v l • ,, .t JI~' • 951 ·606 7 Moat tut>Jec;ll. K-14 Day/eve S5 & S 10/hr Mr MOfgao IMS.5176 r1~~"-'.~!!?'!!! ••••••• TYPING Ew.pen typing ol manutcrlPI•. term P•· pers 11 50 P•O• 548·2237 Sandra !~!~~ £!~~~!'!1 ••••• "Lei tile Sunlhlne In" Cell Sunllhlne Window Cleanono. Ltd. 548·8853 20'1• Monthly DllCOUnt -------1 lnl/ut Reald /comm'I S&S Asphll 831·4199Llc Hall, !iv/din rma $15; avg Dan l111llt>etg Grading room ST 50. couch S 10; chr $5 Gu111 ellm pet od0< Crpt repair 15 yrs ••P Do work myaell Garden111g. Lan<lscap1ng. yard ma1n1enence. clean ups, tree tnm & removal Frue es11ma1es Insured 6A2·4889 HAULING • tludent hllS own auppllH wlll make lg• 11uck Same low your rental voc:11ncle1 or r&IH Proms;..! 75g.1915 private hom• sparkle, CdM Thank you, John v e ry r 1111 son at> 1e 1 '!!!!!.'.11~1. ....... ••.. E ape• Ga1dener & clean _5_4_8•4325 _ 11 .. it i ..... , ............•.•....... ORUM LESSONS tailored to your ablllly Mike Net· son 631-6300 We gals shd hang toge-Rtu•t Strrite Free .. , 20% monthly th er Hang. select Up-••••••••••••••• •• ••••• Ol&COYnt 644-"798 & P11~0 Co. Res/coml. Lie 307604 842-1720 ~!!!!~!1! •• • •• •• ••• ••• _R_el_•_53_1.0_10_1 --- Our olllc111 handle 1111 ar11111 01 i.w Prompt, coort~s servtce. FREE consullallon. 549-9335 ~!!!~.~~·A.~!!?!~ ••• JAYS "SPEAKEASY" Any occasion. Port bar t·521·6141, 679·7552 No Steam/No Shamp00 Sllln Speclall1t. Fut dry Free est. 839--1582 EXCEL CARPET CARE Jacic Bullington Owner/operelOf Carpet. uphol, a.ree rug cle1111lng. WOfk guar FrH Eat 645· 1771 RESIDENTIAL-INT OE· ups Tree trimming FrfHl Ht1I/•• HOUSECLEANING SIGNER Furn atr11nge-_e_s_1_P_e_1e 841-t096" ••••••"-•••••••••••••• Alsow1ndows/epplcs ment, color schemes LAWN MOWING SERV 241u El 141-7121 Rees 6Cl2·2674 eves g55-206CI Of 752-0322 Neat·Oepeno-reas Free Fumace·pool-water heal Housec1ean1n-g honest. l•i•li•I. !'.'!.'!!!! •••••••••••••• Wall 18)llures·ACOUS11C Hano· Tape-Steel studs LIC 389944 t·532·5549 osl 8-46-0955, 968-7479 elllctenl R11t11renc:es ••••••• •••••••••••••• HoHHltHi•I, Oaya/evea 845·6169 Sue Fiil Hl•TIH L1ndscap1ng·Yd Clnups Tree lrlm/remov·M&lnt lrr1ga11on Jim 85 t O 129 GlRDHIH WHTED ORVW1'LL TAPING Mowing. edging, raking. All Textures/Acooatlc aweep•no Free eatl· Free est Kevin 675-9088 mates 645·5737 by Richard Sinor Lie. ••Ftoa~~:'SCLeANiNa·· HOUSECLEANING Good 280644 13 y11 ot happy Service • 11 thOtoughly rel~ Transportation Ea· local cua1omera clean house. 540·0857 per d 979-9756 Tllank you. 631·4410 TIRED OF HASSLES? Read the c;lesslllecl eds lor QUALITY WORK • neat. 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Extra llnH 11.00) c·LASSIFIEDS642-5678 L••I ' IH-4 SJll ....•.••....••.• , ..... IJ.t.'1..'!!~'.'!. •••• !.~!! ~'!l .. t!!!'.-1. •••• l.~"!f CABINETS + CARPEN-DENTAL OFFICE MNOR Ofllt• ••• ,., 44HI""'" ,..,,, "" IM••lrl•I 1.11.,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••Ill 4SOO 0 tl•ait. SOOS DELUXE Corne' Offtct •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• !fr. ..... ;'•••••••• r!!!f!!.'! ••••••.• !.~~~ ¥.~11 •• rt.'!.~-!. •••• l.1.~ '!!!1 •• vt!.-.t.~ .••• l.1.f!f * It 1 * w/WO tum tn proteulonll ftl Ll&I( Laundramll tor sale In. llfotTIYI llfTIS bldg nr OC airport 3000 ..... It. RID or Ille ctudel Flulf & Folo Full ~·~--K'""""' your $275/mo 979-8533 ..., $8000 Harbor & Adami -· ......... -.. · m1nulactur1n9 lacllll)I c M 640.6754 ove<head low & prof.._ 1250 IQ 11. Hartx>r 81llt1H Costa Mau loc111on ------ •lone! Image h~h Pr .. Center. (ac:roaa from Large llOQed lol Highly ttl9lou1 W•tcll 11111 of Fedco). r M Avall no•, Improved work area NrNp<>rt Beach. 881 Do-L I I ll>t Yer Or Ste. 14• 1131•3651 good lo moll 1torea. ong erm eaae pou e 0 I f I c:... I> u. Mg, wtth good llHmS Contact Olllce spac:e for leue, S49· 1386 Ste"e Starmer or Rich N 8 nr Airport. Sacre· Hodget. tary end COmputlH 11ve1-11Hi•n• 1 .. 111 44$1 l11twtll-l1rto, lb lllble 1·2 ()( 3 aeparate ls~~;;;;;~:·p;~~~~~;·~~ (714)112-0100 olllCeS available and use Harbor & Adams. CM of conference room I Good traffic: & partclng (7t4)05S.2580 640-6754 Slorege yard, lenc:e<I nt Harbor anc:r Bake1 50 X 150 It. $225 mo Larger DELUXE SUITE lfFIOE SPAOI ., .. •lso ava11 f 2 tulln evell•ble now In 549·8181 Wlftr rtlf "!! Foonllln Velley 1418 tQ $ 4550 2012 Sq Ft (c.n di ) It end 1538 eq It For .!!!!f! •...•.......... S 1.50/eq II 842·4844, further dellllt , Cell Mr. St0t8Q1 Spece 12· 11 18' M·F. 9.5 Arriola. (213) 11413· 1287 36" door. $70/mo plua E.XEC·Olllcu /apaces, Storefront Property 11 S70 sec depotll HB. I 135-$325 ino Sec:· Harbor & Adams, C.M 8 7 3 • 4 154 Newport ty, X.erox & reoep1. 11111111. Good traffic & perking. ,_8e_9C_h ______ _ 891-8991 640-8754 #ilt•IJHHH ~!'!!1. !! • !~ ..... !.~~~ FHEOLOSIRE MELPUH ltl Sohrtltin 851-5995 /1111t1•1ts, ,,.,, ~· 5035 ...................•.. I .It. SATIUll l•rt&•c• C.. lac. Speclehzlng In !St & 2nd TO s since 1949 Robt Saltier NH/CM R E Broke< 8d Realtors 642·217 t 545·0611 Wioow H1'S $SS lor TO't RE Loens, 10K Up No Credit Check. No Pen· alty ~nntson & A&90G 873·7311 o• ow.. c ••• ,,e1,1 ,,.,,,, 4f SO Office on 2nd llC>or. llP· lnt1/1 441$ ••~••••••••••••••••••• --C-.. -1-tO-.-/-S-,-Jllau ~r!: 5:to~!.5: :!!:':~ 12so .. ;;·,;·;;;;,;i~j,j~; FOR RENT' Owner ot 2nd and 3rd TO a nd tunny pallo epece. e 171h SI In • at No " Rocky P0tnt wtl· $580/mo. Avall Nov 1. Co111 Mesa. grNI vi~· 2 bedroom. 2 bllh• & 2 Ung lo sell at e discount Cell SI to 5, 875-2311 I> 1 l I t y & park Ing StOf'lel In Twin Pellltt In Thia i><oe>erlY IS In lore-845-,3477 Lake Arrowhead are11 c:losure a.,d could I>•· Hu .... Ill 1 & 11 ..,..~Ae come lhe rnvntment of 11 1 •• ,.a HIT ..... · na '-·-RENT OR LEASE Ntwty Flrll, last & dec><Kll re-lllellme Ask tor Steve Choice Hatbor Blvd loc. remodeled home with q u 1 red c 1 1 f ( 7 1 4) _7 _t4_·6_7_5_-3_2_8_5 __ M odern bldg . ample large lot Comm'lionlng, 788·0286 or (71 4) 141,000 16% 3 years aro ft ... 0 CloM to 405 Fwy. adj 10 Newport Blvd. 667-0657 weel\day eve-T 0 S C "'~ •~2 13"~ 8" 1 9889 tr 81gn1 a II 2708 Harbor Btvd.' C.M. .... • .-. " • nlnge elter 6 p.m II no 714·778· 1217 5-49--1196 wkdy! 8:30-4. •---MST--A-.. -.. ---anawer. pleaH keep -200 .,._ fl to 2.,.,, .... It. _1_ry1_ng-"-1______ 2n<I TO. Linda Isle. $65. ..., """ ...., 000 81 13%. due June NEWPORT BE•cH 60t I* tQ. 11 & up. Coll • I 'l 1983. Wiit discount 10 n Rea1onomlc1. Corp •• Ntl1• •rtll/ reeloze 20% yleld Cell cnuurnclAL 475-e7oo •• !.'!~'!!!..... ..... .. Steve, 675-3285 ~ ,.,.,trl1J IHnn1 RUL HTATt LIAH PRtfERTY ••• ~!~!~L •.•... 1.~!f •.. '!lr.!!ffl!l .•. ~! l1t. ~=-=1~14'h• Premier Coet Hlghwey S750 up 2 180 It tndu· South County Arc:•d• locatlon, oppoelt• N-· tlrllll • Office 111101 Re-Location end machlnH Tllrlft I LtH &11'1 port c.ntec'. Xln1 nnan. dondo Clrcl•. F .. T or tocetlon only Call FOUNTAIN VALLEY clng 1095,000. Office Hunllngton. B••ch Tom or S 1 mo n • 964·9111 ~ f()f ...... 842·2834 586-2895 T07i'° 18300, $10.250, & M E w p 0 RT 8 EA c H WarehouH •P•ce HIOh M --0-V-INO--O-lJT--O-F_S_T A-T-e s 17 .900 All 14%. Due 4, PROP. f (7141887-3978 door acca•. 4000 "t Clothing Conelgnment 2. 1 yr• pp "44·886CI evell 842·5535. K"en Shop. CdM $15,000 UM An•.... 3200 aq. II. wlttl A/C of· _8_7_5-3_519_. ----A.a .... ,. ••• ,,; Olfk!e, 850 eq ft, over ~. Alll\dOlph St. C.M. B ... uly S hop·Balboe '•rH•lll/ nlgftt I.e. S500 mo to mo Sprl!'lkled w /comm. ltlM!d. dynamite poten· Wit I 1•••' Of IM. 552·1730...,.. lrontege. s.46-1853 tlall Cell Agl ~0.•333 •••••••••••••••••••••• hHHtt•••I• SUM ...................................................... , ..................... . We nHd new tac:ee lor modeling l •cling ca· ,..,, M /F. any ege. race Hollywood Mgml (213) 792·8212 Weight LON Program / ou c:an believe lnl 65 ·5873 751-0580 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Cuddle • Tyrant PardOfl • FKlle Answ9t • Shadow ACCOUNTANT Olcltlmer IHvln~ lh• doctor'• office. · I re· memt>er ~ a dootOf wouldn't nemtne you wllnout • nurae In the room Now you have 10 have your ACOOUN· TANT lh«e " O•r 1den111r· cr1•••. a11,,.,. contuflan Wol1cthOP• a p rlv 1v111. Venat1a t4M 443 Wiiier• Water Apt Mngr '°' MW 10 unit Aa Men on ISO minutes 11 c:ondo&. Coate Mau. work•. 1 have 11 Dllttl· $350 credit toward S715 1>u1orshlps alto 1111811 Fo• rent 842·~907 wkd•y• FOUND ADS ARE FREE Into Atlost neede<I E~ ___ 646-6825 Siik Screen art Rut>y Cal: 142-1111 w111 nor pros~ c;,:;. cuts. n11nd 1e11er1no 11c1 Mr Cau .. y Jones. 031·3_4_9_4 __ Manager 9AM· 12PM lHiltHt MHa&tr 54S.5689 Mature peri~on to work ---------Women & men rel&• w11h with establlthed youth Lot_t_B_l_ac_k_L_a_t>_S_e_t_te-r 11 m 11 ••age . c 1111 coonMllng firm Mutl be (female) Loll nr Graham 497·5718 sharp. ou1001ng. atlrac:· and Hell HB Answen to Please Help 8 /F 30, needs live POrtonaJJty, l>HtH•nl phone vO!Ge. and a1>1llty Oe?hne Very gentle llve·ln po111100 Will do 10 meel people 1235 per Some Iott of halr dve to anylhl~ legal ASAP weeil when qualllled Call 1111ero_Y_8_4s._2_1_4_6___ 964_.0_4__ 2 00pm·5 30 642·4321 Fou11d grey1sn11>111ck RA881t In Newport ltll•••I Shores 631·6543 or Simttl SJIO 549-3421 Tracy _____ •••••••••••••••••••••• Lost orange bot>tall M cal AT YMR HRYICf (lge). Woodbrloge. Irv Pll'sooal, qualified com· Reward 544·3941 panlon drlve11 tor your OST ' • HI I dlly IO dlly errands L Me e ,.. ma ayan S h o PP I n 0 . doc Io' . • '"' Siamese C1' T Ansra to "Avelar .. Reward appll. church. etc All 499.5074 needs met By hour or day 494·5857 • Found Mate Q er man 1-1---11-,-.. ,-,.-1-IU--.-.- Sneoh. 1 'fT l>tk Leb F •" -r Calleo cal Orey & white Cell now IOf profets1on11 mele r11 548·8055, ciounMllng No Cherge. 5•8· 1949 no obligation 850-1026 Found blec;k/whlte KIT. ,_2_4_h_r_• __ _ TEN In Newport Shores. 831 ·8543 or 549-3421 Tracy;.. ______ _ Found Mele white She· pherd mix, lama.le blk & brown Doble. long ears. Avellabte now: f:.'emele 8111 & brwn Doble mix pupple. 10 weeks old, Male wht Au11r111111 n Snep mix, & male Tan & t>lk Shephefd mix New· port BNch Shel11H, 125 M ... Dr .. C M 644-3658 Lost Blectc Cit with white noae. M Vic lrv/10·201h REWARD 842·820 I 11•nl $4SO •....•....•........... AOJJ§~ib({>f e exchM19e your hOUM IOf l mo vec:atlon 111 En· gl•nd. Incl. ''" UH of car. The adver11Ht haa made arrangement• w/ Engllell lamlfle1 llvlng In beaulllul homH to ex- clllll\ge w/almlllt hornet In your ., ... All hOU- peraonally lnepec:ted. photos avail on reQVMI. Thia Ml'vtoe will coat yo.J Just 1200 '°' your lndM-dull ChOlce Write Ru .. FOUND Parakeet M111/ NII. PO Bo• 1110 Blue lr11. CM. 10/16 lden11fyl•J••r111 •• C•A-t •23•1•7---• to clalm. 848· 1850 11ft --------- 4PM. ,.., • .._,., LOST Germ Shep. Fem. ••;(;~••••••••••••••• bl•ck & 11n, 4 yra, H• Jdl WHIH 101' trouble breathing VIC of ••••••••0 •••••• •••••1 E 1 7 I h I r v 'IC M Nl>tff In CdM avell. lor s.oi8..:i704 · · • care. hMwOrk. erranda. Vf!fY HP Milly reta. C.tl Foond Golden Relrlever. anytime. 720-009e' m•I•. approx 1 yr. vlc pn MCretar, tlouMk ... P C.H & Superior. N.B. per eld• or' wh•tev•r 842· t088. h per'd many lleldl ''"'.,'' "" '42·1207 •••••••••••••••••••••• -Swed--l-llh~gl-r_l _w_e_n-11-11-~~ln LIMA I ftllt'I hekpg , chlld care. etc . PHOTO MODELS Leguna Ben. H 1-3308 t;SCORTS/°"NCERS Europeen Lady (French. OUTCALL 24 HRS Engll1h tPHklng) 100• Ht..0117 king for P/TI~ work at compenlon for elderly ••• lady. or llOl.IMl<MPinO. 4 Of' 5 d•y ...... So. Coul Att11t11 Pitter =~~~a..ct1 ~ 24 "':..:."°Y •1. WutH 1111 J lci.va a l ...... , ···'-················· aounl, &euna.. --I • ACCT EXIClJTIVE aa weU u To'utlate. ""talH pro w/111por In B1nkAmerlcard, Amar· Atal l•tate For excel lean !Apr .... Olner9. Alt opportunity • Acct Ill· we4Com. 7141'41-3-433. ecu11W In IK>On'llnO Coble 2 112 Harl>Or II. OM TV Some TV uper COEDS • Would 10119 to helpful l>ut not nocH· party Wl"JO'J. Call Sue or tf!f'/, AdrninlttrellW ••· 1<1thy anytime. (2U) per • ptu1. 8uaae11ful e 3 4 • 4 I 7 t , I t 1 4 ) ..... rOOOl'd, on1tiu1lM1T1 &a7•71M f. creallve tlllnlllng a e•I 346 E 0 E Altendent Llve·ln Aas1st d•sablec:I prof woman No haecleanlng. nice CM nome. Pvt rm. rm & t>rd plus S200 mo 645·2357 1'vail 11.ey poelllon, mulll· level uper, grnd level, natural pet producta, Flagship 1111e. Po11lble $100,000 per yr PIT Call Ana Ad • 318, 842-4300 24 hll. UIYIJTIH Reliable perM>n 10 care tor 6 mo old t>aty 3 30 through 5 30 PM Mon· Fri . M u1t have o wn trentp Eaetalde Coate Mesa 846-9833 BANKING Columbll Saving•. • 1ee<11119 aavtng1 and toan hes lull and part lime career opportunltlee •v11llable In Ila An11hllm Off!Ce. SAVINGS REPS Duties wlll lncluOe ptOYI· ding Mrvtce to our ... vlnga and checking CUllC>m«t an0 CUltO!Tlef tupporl 10 the Ne-w Ac;,. coonta department. Ex· perlence In a t>ank or saving• & 101111 I• requl· red SR SAVINGS REP Select.a applloent wlll be knowledgeable In ell areu of teller operation• and New Accovnll and wilt be •ble 10 hendla ln- qulrH lnvolvfng more complicated eec:ounta. excellent oommunloa• tlon tklll• and light ty· plng .,. ""'*'. Columt>I• oner• an ••· cellent work environ • "*'· ~t1tve Mlaty end ~111an4lng ~ne· llta. Only t 11p11ltnCOCI aoollcentt "'°'*' .,,iy, ,.or more Information plt1 .. contact Judy !mer 1 on at (714) 178-7101 between t am • Noon, Monday end Tueodey only , • l11ollc d o notte for '" llOt ""'91 lactte10t/ e.c11e1om1e •l•lflt1ll .. •I•• Peru ... 7U·HH or ()ptlOnal butlMn s>t• l..!15~··~·~,.~----1 '"""'· ~ t11"1tno 00-oountt anc1 POtontlel tot nwcll, muofl ITION. ~ llvo con .. ni.nt 10 80. O,.nte Coun~= ,...,,,. ano °" 11on1ouon oppottunlW Tri. 1••1"1 Cir•• !ft trie IOllO.lftf ..,.lnar. ,or w .. t. , .a Oally itllot ,....,..,1t1Qn 173-7a57 Cl...iftlCI Ad. 09'! TOdey 142·1111. letttf to John Ap9ar . t11$2 II Luo A~.1. l o· "'"' NlfWI. CA tnn. BANKING II yoo are interHted In • cereer opportunity end can meel our require· ments. con•ldar 1he fol· towing positions * TUURS I Full and Perl-lime RE· QUIRES min ot 1 year RECENT experience in 111 phases ot comme1c111 banking teller transac· lions * PRIOF OPHlTOI Part· lime (Mon· Tt1ti11. 2 PM • 6 PM. Fr1 11 30 AM 7 30 PM) MUii have txperoef\Ce on NCR 775 (4 pocket sorl) end 11\e eblllly 10 run a min of 1,500 plus 11em1 p111 hour. Our succeu In the In· dustry allows us to pro· vlde highly compellllve salary end benefits In- cluding Medical, Dental. paid vacation end mote INTERVIEWING 8Y APPOINTMENT ONL VI IOAT REITAL OperatOf 1or Huntington Hart>our MUii be e•P91 In aelllng Knowledge boat repair & o.Jll>oatd engine rep11r helpful SS/hr to stert.(213) 211.26n Busy houMCleenlng fff· vice need person who Ilk•• p<lde In their WOfk, PI T, FIT. 880-0318 cars*blkes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carriages•tea carts•trlkes rol lerskates • walkers•toys •wagons•••• scooters•hot rods•coupes• trallers*hard tops•convert- lbtes•motor homes•1awn mowers•llmos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Mod91A's .... • typingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehlc les •golf carts•mode1 tr•lns•bfkes •ptanos•cers ref rto-rators •skat., ...... TRY Ettlcient, Enttlualutlc & Exper'd woodworlcer. organl:•d .. w/t>:.= res1xm1lble. call Farrell exp« d'f wtc 5' Con11 645-97 t I Dental C1'REER Dental Cnelrtlde AHi needed E.aub. pleuanl. MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINEE $~~i~90 •t UPflUEtlOI (714) 944.4535 Sun-Wed CAREER 3t OPENINGS High R11tponSll>lllty, nuaes busy New po1t Beach Group Practlc:e nMd• 8.(1* pereon ROA Pref. 4 day 11¥Hk + y, day every other Sal AM. II you're loo'\lng tor a hap. PY office to t>• 1reated 1igro1. Ca11 SA0· 1122 for an 1ntervNlw Oomes11c MOTHER'S tlLPER NEEDED We ere ollerlng thl1 potlllw Uva-In alluetk>n to a mature lndlvlduar with the lnte<Ml and un· de11tandlng It take• 10 No Exp REg help with the care of our , t ~ old. We alto Mk 2 aMta, Cell 24 hr 'fOf for aullllance with th• oppotnlment batlc tlouMhOld reec>on- 1714) 964-5354 albllltlH . In retum, - olflH lovely aocommod .. Ca•pet weaver. dealgn 11on1 In our Newport pette111. color combine-~ home, and • ... llon, weave• carpet, tary t>ued on yolK deelf.e ~d. wash. buy & ... end ••P•rlenc:e. For •nllque & Oriental ruga. more fnformellon -ln- 2 Y••rt expet. SSOO per vile you to call (213) week In Corona del Mar, 9•1-&781 Ce SMO this ad & re· EOE •ume 10 Job •8·2766, --------- P.O Box 15102. L. A.. .... ....... Mfn Ce 90015 no later than Senior Security guard Novemt>et 1. wanted for conctoml- oltll~ O W .a. nlum. Reh a Exper • are tratr req'd. C all 875-1 101, ~~,-::.~.:.· p<~~~ .... ~. 8-4 pm. 1°' ac:toi-:.nta c.11 WI DTU ~ 648-3489 Bet. 8am...J Ullng toys at pattlee. Cleanl119 Cell 54142". ~ Tami'• Cleaning SetvlOa 11 now hiring P•rt·tlme Oii IXTIA na hllP. 14.50 to "'"· ,,.,. Pa11 time atttt ldlool (at m I n • n I 0 o I I t I on . IHst 3 day& per ...-, 548·9715 Yo.J c.n .. ,n S20to160 ..-11m r>e<-"· No~ ·--·-nMOecl. c.n Deify PllOI --·-U't 842·4321 •••• 342 ••k '1 llme poaltlon wl th ·'~or~Joe~~£~0~.I.~~~~ Maren ot ~Should= have prior •KPt. In Ofga-,.. -a• ... nlutlonal work, ••I•• 1:a.s••- lll\O/Of l\md r*alng Sell EXPERIENCED. P9rma- ltltler and etlle to work nent poeltlon. 25 'f' otd with young ~I• and • I • c t , I c a I 0 0 . adulla. 8eftd ~ 10 71411150-7200 March of Dlmt1, 881 --EL_fC_T_AON __ tc_T_E_C_H_ Hamilton, • ISC. Co1ta Meet, 0.. 92127 .......... COOKS. f\111 a PfT. hr• & money lo bl arranged. oei.lond .... TeltOOm- The OrlndW Aet1aurant. munloauon firm II .... 1400 W PCH. Npt Och king petlOf'I w/1 Yf, -'42·8181 111t .. 8lwlog ~ Co11ntor Htlp, Mature pereon, Pl(! 11me. Apply Opening le In Or•nt• In peteon. Tllo lummy County "f•· l<ty T•I Stuftet. 270 So. 8rl1lot, ~A · CM 751·HM Co ti DAILY PILO r /Su11cJuy Octobor ?4 . 1982 f '5 '!.t.'l..rt!~'.f/. •••• !.~'If ~11.'!! ... ~~~ ....•. I.~{¥ •111111111••--111!1-~lll!Jllll•[llll•-•111!1-• Lo11n Qltic.t I•• .. -----• Buslnt11 and rrofttalonal COM4'tanh ~0~:;1~0n:.~~1~r:~: PUT TIMI DO A UTTU W .. •u•IHl.ll IN YOUR nel11g1 Hhe11. urye11 RECl~l[•S 1 T1111111ho11• Clerk oauy ~i ft I fllNICAI n1ng 1111ml11., 1noh10lng PllOI Clrciulilloo Oept 1peo a 11 I In FNMA p11ci.11u111u Ooto i: .... A WI.rid Q1911 Many 10 choo .. lfom OWN MOlll Quai 1100/up 860 lll!llJ ~<t., !,..:,-. 'ft J Brand nlw delu-• T1ppan IAll PAii IAIL Y I lftUllVI ACCOUIUIMI IMlllllQ CDP ..... ber .JO liOllday '""· llUUll IUI coll•g• •IV LftW CO••• M .. 1. 0 4 30 C1.r11 00 4.)'1 111111 llHtrl .. I •1111 wltll t I UJ 30" 011 tang•, 2 ov•n• ..... , .. ~,, ''""'• • • 1 i.i • ·r:-~ '-J ~18 ~o~·~ :::~'"OJ·. io01 DOC. Ol 'GAJ DIClMUlflC flflMCI IMAllClM S 1110 Callf A 11 llC.11 4pm A•ll 101 Hlch111<1 POSONll H•I 20 .... dlao r HH O 1: retell '''" ltt• SH, • i ' !, l. l ~~ 5b2 307b s~rs JOB PLAC fM[NT AS· ............... .. SJOCI( •OllllAGl SIS 1 ANCl Sponaor •ltll 10'-••••h· GAIAOI SAU ADI NOW ~ 1 , l fl~u11clillOn•O Retrtg•r• Prnf""61Ul\lll l'o11h1Jc>n11al ~HVth-. CANlllUATE CLIENT 714-553-8181 ,,....,_ G<OYll bl..-tM t H1lrdr .. Mfa & Manlcurl11 wanted for buly bea111y enop Station• tor rttnl or commlulon 95 7 -0808 iw11 snust Mot111a1ad Styllll needed lor Progreuive Salon. Salary, Comm • Vaca- tion Mgr 540-8089 Htrd WC>llc, Low Pay, BIG FUTURE Seeking RH- ponslblt. Creative lndlvl· dual 101 young. f1a1 - g1ow1ng business. Must h111e n111 1pp11rance, good PR ability. (EKper1enc11 In man1ge· ment and carpet repair preferred) Frank John- son. 986·6402 HARD WORKERS PlllFElllllAL "' NO EXPERIENCE $1200 3 1 open Inga at O C. 011nf Direct Rell lier. Noni. youthful appearan- ce (714) 964-6354 anytime High Scnoot Student nee- ded 10 WO(k Perl time. 2 hrs dalty.-.f days per wlc Please cell The Beth Marl 675·4830. W UllSTUT lor medleel l•b In Laguna Beach. ca.II 633·563.C ~ recreational vehlcles•golf carts•mode1 trains•bikes *pianos•cars refrigerators *skates*••••• SALES UI llLPlll Full lime. clean eee u1· ahln tank• and w111h lab w8rl plu1 ml1c llull .. C•ll Lucy 675-2158 lero.iaeff Marl11 La~ Corona dtl Mer Faclllly of Cnl· Ttch EOE M/F/H LEl&l SlOllfTAllY Newport Bch law firm needs cMllt>ualneu 1111· gallon sec'y wHh • min 01 3 yrs e•p Mull h111e ucell 1yp1ng & shor • lhand Be11111111 & anl••Y commensurate wl e•p Non·amkr. rront olllce appearance prel No agencies pis Ask lor Jan. 85 1-20<1<1 LEGAL SECRET ARV • Santa AntH•vlne AV rated law llrm, senior attorney. min 1 yr Cam exp In corpora:e. buSI· ness & real Hint• Mtg II e1t.p a must Compet1tl11e salary & benet111 Call Jenn 641· 133 t LOAN CLOSER Columbia Savings. a fl· nnnclal leader. has a ca- reer opponunlly In Its beeulilul Anaheim ofllce lor a loan Ctoser Se- lected Bf)plleant will pro- cess documents perll· nenl to all types ol loans tnctudlng FHLMC/ FNMA. seconc:ts. wraps and jumbos, end 8Ktl· mine escrow 1nst1uc· uon1. no1es preUmlnery 1111e reports. true potlcres. deeds ol 11usi. 111c A minimum ol two years experience In a savings nnd loan or hnanctal 111- st11u11on IS required We o iler e11 c e 11 en1 growth po1en1111 com- pe111t11e starting ••lar1es and comprehenal vt benehts Including paid medlCal. den111 Ind vi· slon co11M119e For moro rnlormatlon. p1e111e call Judv Emtrson et 17 14) 776-7101 between 9 AM and Noon * * * * * *COl.UMBIA1t *SAVINGS* •nd lo~n 1t 1\\~oci•trun 1t * * * * * 910 S Broolthvrst Antheim, CA 02804 Equal Oppty Employer M/F HEAD HUllTER led Bnly Assoc~ln Ptrsonnel Sffloct · TBA is Ille most s11<cnsful, mos! proltUtOnal. and most Pf01111nent lun ser•tet employment ~ncy and warch h1111 funclJonln& 1n So c.ltfolru f rlld out for y011rsett wily TBA is tht parlCOfl of ""'' ou1 industry should tit We are nlvtd !of lloth tllt quanMy and 11ulltty of our pllcemtr1ll Wt do I/It btsl #Oil frequtntlr 11111 IS .tty 0111 attOllnl tlKUIJYn rKttVt lllt IM&lint per capla compeMalloll 111 the plxtrnenl industry We ltqUtft a h,P tne<CY. 1n6tpendenl, C!Ullwt lftCll•tdual' lo bt cons1de•td. you musl be an upu1enctd. succuslul recruiter 01 an uperrtnded profusronal 1((ounl1nt. salesperson. en1t1nttr. etc who has sales aploludt Do yourst41 a tavor ConlMI in total lonfldtnu TED BAYLY et Ted Bavly Aa90Cl•t•• Pereoaael S.nlce .s,,_,. lot &MNIM S-Clt "'EITIOE HOUIE 369 Miguel Drive Suite 160 Newport Beach. CA 92680 7141760-1313 l• 1to411 Ans..,1111 Str\l!C• I~ '"' P.wl LICENSED R.E. SALES PERSONS HERE'S THE ONE 'YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR EARN TO s1so,OOO/YR. MANAGERS TO s200,000/YR. • 12'1 COMMISSION TO SALES PERSONS •NO SPLITS •NO CANVASSING •PRE·SCHEDULEO APPOINTMENTS •14 DAY ESCROWS •NEW LICENSEES 01( •FULL TM OR PART TIME (714) 662-3176 • r undlng Coor dl1111to11 flu•rved ae.111111 only C.•11 101 rn ro (71 4 1 9ti8 6280 Loan Ollicer ,. ..... ,. v.u., ••n111• o •• , .. , Looking Tor 4·0 ••Ptr pr OIHalon11S W• llJllC 1a11z11 tn n11w 111ograr111. 111 OMPtARM. GEM. 111 & 2nd TO'a C1111 John Cus11ck 964-9090 AEStOENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE Loan P II 0 C E I S 0 II I Esorow M111 2 yr iup 1te111y t ypln g /60 w pm 851·0444 Look & Feel great While earning extra money lur Xmas. 646-17 49 MAINTENANCE PERSON 101 c:tuct cleaning, mostly ntght work Over 21, cnll Chrrs 641-1079 MAIH. FOllHIH Super111se wide variety o Dldg uac:tes & gro...nds Wk1ng position Equ11111 hinl H S Grad supple mented bV apprentteo 01 1rade school In 1 or mart of the skilled crafts & ' yrs responsible 1ou1 neyman level ••per In 1 or more of bldg tradei Incl 2 yrs lead or supe1 11iso1y exper Valid C/\ d11ver·s lie Sal rang( S1633 mo 10 $1909 m' ptus $2225 annual rr1ng1 benelil peckage APPi> by No11 15 Westm1nrsteo School 01srr1c1 14 12 • Ced81wooc:I. EOE·MI F Manageme01 DIRECT SALES PRO NATIONAL COMPANY has opening lo; DIRECT SALES Ill NEW PRODUCT t EAA" TO l.~2~9/.~~ MAUIE•EIT Part time. couples. responsible 11ng1es to help manage large tamll) bus1neu Work Wtlh pu. bile For Interview, Call 714-968-6070 M anagement .............. ..... TrMH•• ..... y,., OarHr Slllrl your new ~-or our 3rd anllt, Mrnlng S4 Up 10 $4 50 H yoo bf. comt more 1xp'd You will be promoted l e mgmt 6 supervlaory le· ve!S Call: 714·537 ... 8'0 Interviews held e118r) Wtd. 6-7 pm at 111 0. Mar, Coste Mesa. E O E llAllCllllT wtth cllentele 3975 Borell St. N.B 5.45-7112 Mature Bebytl11er for 2 small girls. 11>+ hrt/wll S3/hr Beach A111 752-7579 Phun• So111.11ora n .. d•O 1mrnac11•111ty nCI •all•no 111volved will call rrom uur N•wpur t 8«11•Ch of llctt no t1~pt1111t11ca n• ceH••y w111 1f111n ror hour• J ti Cnl~ b•tween ., ... S IOO·UOO ..... CLAUIPllD n ClfYI tar• Wo1nen O•Y•••. , .14 4.u,. w. '""''IJ"•••'•'•'•*•'•L•o•w•"'!ll"!l!~•••I , u""' "'"". r. n, •• d ~<103114 4•••· 122• 1312 (24 llHrt) ~!!~.·.!!!~~!......... .!!F.!!!!~ ........... f~,1:,, ?~,,~~::.~:,~ .. ~~: • Kit u t.ltt<1 2 \l•t1'91 t 111111 now 1260. 71'J I 22911 ~ 41\11541.0110 SAl ES. h.111111100 101 11011 ' I co111111 tbl, p•no vo11u llHlll PAllAlllll w111dpou1 w111ht• $125 \lllV HUon. p•rlllime ll>I SehOI w/ll It vwr MUii HTATI HU fJl•Hant. mature wom11n, oonn11llle, 15 nr• pr wk to 1111 I 10 h•ndle per •01u11 uccour11t onO hou 111hold managomont lor olh>r C11ll 101 "Pill. Cito mow11r :1c J07 Se1Jl)htt 11 Y111 01 1;oll11ell"O· 1000·1 ~1g~'".f1-1~'11,h::::.~~ Jitw11lry Su CoHI Pltitu, Av• St.i •O 4 o l ••Clt111Q lt11m1 ut dryer S.211tl New top !1411 tbO Coroa• tJil /1111 · mint ull' pr10111 model A<1m11111 Rtlrlg, • •••••• •••• • • •• •• •••• Book a, pl<:lu1 ••· ltnn1111, S1do·by·Slde. w1111r & Ice HUS t1vw111t1n touple Mull 111come 111.1 10 S 1,000 wk, Fu1n11ur11 clolliet. rno•e I drive No ,1mok1ng Re· w11h1 10 PO Ooa 6067. 1 Oc S300 S1tt /Su11 lerences ess111111a1 Plea I oun1n111 V1ll11y 92108 9·4pm ~ l Golel" Pl Or se reply Bo,.; 845 D•.lly SALES/Mlllll ,._C.dM-------Pr 101 PO Box I 560 •• Costa Meas Ct 92626 Fam 10 S 16()()1mo I'l l Coll• ""' PA OG R C'R M uat be m •iut e •••••••••••••••••••••• A M M " I 55g.9043 Leo11e MU · Pw1 composi grtnder A· ANALYST Busmeu appllCallons 1n,._•.•g•e-------• lllh11 11w1 tort •IH~Y•• IRIS BaSIC. 2 yrs eaper ,. plnn11 979-9196 Sun MICROTECH c 01111 Sal111 only Mesa 557·8640 llOIEY llAQHllE HOu•OhOltl 1111ms ruin PROGRAMMER IEEDS op1•atOR chlldr11n~ 1.lolhlng. llnO n other n11sc.. 11t1111a Snt/ SHIOll SYSTEMS TO PUICH IUT. Sun 330 Aumono Pt '"OIHMMH TOii CORPORATE 16 FAMILY YARD SAU: ~TAFF POSITION $400-S 1000 + P•r wk ll\l'f OSIMVS lntnls C1111 Ja. Jackson Oct 23 24 Sa1 6 Sun 19th hunO•e<l Rotem11ry Pl COSIA Mose 9·6pm Cross St 20th 0111nge Lo Sc IBM Aespon91ble IUl· ll 12 lor ~lormtnce tuning Outa1and1r10 Potentral , BUSIPUS i PROFESSIOHAL 4010 llfcll, Ste 104 Ntwpe.t lknll, C1 •2"0 (714) SSJ.1191 "" I~ ""1tfl t,t .. Mod Atrtl' PlllOllHlll JHlttrfal S•,,lr luy11 Ca11lorn1a corp has an outstanding position 1n 11 s new 1acil11y 1n Laguna Niguel lor a buyer see- king a crraliengrng and s11muta11no c areer growtn oppo11 For 1m- med and conl1den11al constde1a11on. please submll your resume wllh salary history lo Proles· s1onal Personnel Dept, P O Box 620 1. Laguna N1guet. CA 92677. Rorn gutter 111s111ller. e•· per d only must ha11e o wn t rarrsp \714) 542·1242. 557-5328 Reel Estate Su•os -Clothes galo1 e, women s sz tO & 12. men s 34 36 some 111rsc 11ems Sat 9-4 3197 College Ave CM •.I. TUllUTOllY Saleaperaon 10 cover beach aren lor dynamic now llrm w fOld eela· bltshed product High ee1n1nga lor mo1l11ated proleaslonal who wants to put fun & prolll 1n10 a ----- career Roal Estate lie --------- 265 E BA'!' Four lem111e11 An1tques. color TV, furn. pa1n11ngs. cloltllng, reel•. drapes. eic ate 1aq'd VR Business Bkrs. 770·2090 HUS P R PERSONS NEE- DED. Magic Island IS looking lor a tew 1n1elll· gent 11111 ec11ve 6 s111ce1e persons to represent 1riem 1n 1he11 p111 club 1n Nwpt Bch Interview req Call 101 oppt 10·6 . Mon-Fri, Ask for Mr Halberg 675-0900 SECRETARY P /Tl111e Newport Beech sports firm seeks Gal Fr1day 18+ 101 typing & some drr111no Modeling e~per halptut bul not neces- sorr S6 50 hr to start Lee11e m1110 631-6300 ,,3 , PRIVATE PART'!' UlllQH I HTIQUE Furniture. Decorato r llem~ Over 6.000 sq II 843 W tSlh SI (Sal 9·S/Sun 10 61548-0135 Stereo furn Vesp1 S i5o b1i.e1 desks Sat 8·4 Sun all 12 3249 Oregon Ave T v turntable d1ShOS CIO thes toys. misc Sat/Sun 9.5 623 Hamilton 72" Pecan 9 drawer dresser . S 150 48 Pec- an game tbl, J leaves 4 chrs. S250 28' Pecan end lbl $50 Pool tbt, $50 Mrsc bOOk!' & PIC· lures 25( to S5 00 371 Woodland C M Sal & Sun 631· 7935 See "Loan Olllcer Trai· ---------•I nrng Seminar ad SECll(l&llY /llECE'1. '54 Ford wagon Furn llECUTIOllST Insurance 11gency posr-tools bu1ld1ng mete11e1s. 111rnp1. •ltahu. trunlca, dllflllnHI '995 Ntw qutllt. t tC F11try d11y Whlrlpool •ltlC 11011e lop until 1tuf111d gerng11 II mod 1111 1 o w co• 1 11m111y 2272 Avnlon (Oii 548 88n w11eon I.Jet Harbor 6 fettvlflw l Anlq Chell WtlSh 1flnd ,,.,flt< whe11t 1001 boa, cusl gos lank tor Ford P 11 548·8788 Tappan m1c 1ow11vt w/ probe neve1 used 111111 1500 $260 642·9006 Am11110 16 Freezer COP· pt11011w, xlnt conc:t S200 642·9333 ~l!~!!~!!~.~.'.•.~t ... Fl' Reing & lreezar. Sears GIANT Garoga Sola 9401 16 bo11om lrzr wllco B•uOkwater Cr H B Oct m11ku1 $200 642-ll3:13 9 10 Hnmllton/Bushard Wusungnouse refn(I, opt HUGE SALE nlle, wo1k5 gooJ, $35 1962 Uni Vega, stereo. 642-8684 TV 1:111 11qua beet. skr Frtg1da1re relflO top lr1111 bo<>IS a11c:t much morel zllr copper color $ 150 Sal/Sun 9882 K11t1 Or 646·8181 HB Oallers & Sawer Almond Gloss oven d1 lmmec Elt1etrtcal con111cto1 wtl· S35Q !•rm. •9•·2905 964-5647 rehouse sale 5 111/Sun 5482 Business Or unll Ael11ge1a101 works good C' H 8 846-7000 I S75 -548-4485 Garage Sate Sun 9-4 -Huge wrought iron btrc:t Wnsher & Dryer Se1. 1ust cage. silver ser111ce. clo· comple1e1y •ec:tone $300 lhlng & more 8922 Bay· 846-48 16 wood Dr (M8gno11n & KENMORE REFRIG Gnrlleld) 962-7263 14 cu 11 beige. 1 mo old, ~.'.'!t~!!.~!~!~ •.••.••. SatlSun. relrig. w/d , Kl wlr bed, btkes nHSC 4461 w Coast Hw y 673-3547 LIDO ISLE $425 646-5867 KENMORE DAYER flee work5 good $35 640·4421 ~!!r!!!! .•....... !.~~~ 10 speed boys. All-Pro. Anttque lurn p111n1tngs. w n 1 1 e s 5 O I o b o • trames. ar1111·s easels, 644·2026 gd cond1tton Christmas Boutique gilts ----- sewrno machines, collt'IG· Raleigh 10 speed mens llbles 217 Vie Nice bike MUST SELL $55 SUNDAY 9.5 Evernnos 760-0534 S•ntl Ao• 3 spc:t Schwinn. men's 26 •• ••••••••• •••• ••• •••. 1n x1n1 condition $60 Unclu s Esta te Sale 642·6323 t930's Saeburg tukebo •., Boy's l.ike Green Aale~gh 1 7 7 6 d o w r y c ti e s l. 20 3 spd hand & pedal bearskin cul glass. antq brks S45 ·760-3910 tools. jewelry. silver parntrngs. lcerl etchtng. Indian rugs mrlltery re- lics misc collecttbles Frr/ Sal/Sun 8·5 335 E Oevelly Pt SA Wtll•i1J1t11 i.;w., M1teri1l1 1025 ......••••••.......... IDW Ho/FT. ...•..•..•••.......... Trainee tor phones & Ille Iron open Musi nave re-Items 100 numerous to olllce duties Starting cent OQency experience mention E11erylhtng salary $3 75 per hr Ap· Sup&1 telephone 11otce & must go Cash Sat/Sun ply lnperson lrom 2 t06 lyplng Sk i lls C all alt930AM 221 E 19th DOl'TMISSTlllSI Mon lhru Fri No phone 830·6200 Mon only St Redwood 2•6 d11cklng. 4-20' long. also redwood lenclng Cell Jim or Ken any!lme. 775-1491 o G 1 A -Numerous quality Items. cells please. Leonlto. 246 a~7~~";,~n p::: Mg~~cy Make your shopping ea· some antiques Corner Fischer, Unll 0-6. Costa ~~~~~~~~~~I sler by ualng the Dally Newland & Hell A11e Meta -Piiot Cleullled Ads Weslmlnster 847-4778 --Secrettry iiiii•••liiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. lltotptlt1l1t 'IT O C Airport Area Ad REDWOOD DECKING 2x•·s 33¢, 2X6. 49¢ per It Savell 995-0122 Tues and Thurs Chl•O· Agency looktno tor a _B_J_W.--H------+-H-J--W.--H---1-l _OO_, practle ottlc;e Call Pam mature p•raon 10 1111 .!.1. •• !!'.1 ••••••• !.~f!'! •. t.'1 ••• !!'.'•••••••••••• C••1tll I 675-3492 position H tdmlnlatrt-SfOY/IEI IFO Travel Agent. mature. 1 L • IOJO lllOIPTilllST ~1~'na~·~~~:~~ •• ~~0~!!: Land ~· oorn-yHr up•rltnce. pat\ •• ~~!f!!!!! ••••••••. Headquarttra office or ranee. phone voict 1 peny heavy phone• & lime. 720-0771 Elmo Sue>et 8 Zoom Cl · reataurant ct\lln hU an mual Sharp .....,_11 of-typing Shorlhtnd or Ven onv-lor Senior Cl-mera. comp! automatic. ' _..,.I 1 -' 1 •-"-· ~ 1 r""'d Mllure non v• mtn1, w /ctse. S95 m .. ,.... 1 • ...,,....,.ng or • lice 1klll1 required 70 ...,u v ..... • tlzens Cenler Mu11 be 11 040-7909 FIT, PermMent Recap· wpm typing 556•04110• smkr Send ruume & I llUI l8 Clau 2 drlYetl --------- 1ton111 Busy Lobby & Alk 101 Brlllany, 9 30 • 1 stlary requlremtnl to hcense 759.9471 FtH I• f•• llHS Dimension PBX awltch· PM PO Box 7006. Newpor1 -•• •• ••• ••••• • •••. ••••• boud !hat requires a Beach. CA 92660 1 Walters & Wnltresse• over Sweet. loving mlx1d very personable lndllll· SECRET ARIAL/ S S 21 yrs. apply In P8fl(>n 11 Ooblt/Germ Shop, M, du11 wllh Iron I olllce. CLERICAL ervloe lalion El Matador. 1768 New· a ppr o,. 9 m 0 s o 1 d proleas1on11 appearen-ATIEIHIT I porl Blvd. C.M 545-0579 ce PoslUon also require• Ll~rary Exper necessary Ho· ---------use ol 10 key adder & AultlHf nest. clean cul , non-WAITEl/WAITllESS Doble M. 2 yrs. good sec llgnt typing Lovely of· dnnker Must be able to With car ror wrcicer bes dog Shep good w/klds. 11ce1. M11dlc111 dental pass he detec101 IHI ketlunch ~ 9301 well tratl'led S yrs Ptekage Apply In pers-11 you •re lfteklng • Laouna BtKh Area 1 30 pm Mon·Frl E•r 957-11115 on 11 position whleh otter• you 499-1019 Bet 11·3 $l50 to $170 wtttv Mu Poodlt tree 10 good THE JOLL v ROGER INC •good starling salary. an Shtpprng 6 Aec e1111no t>e neat, personable. t home. Slle<ry's Poodtes 17042 Olllelle A11e excalltnl benefits pee· Clerk for elt c1ron1c• 1 81Q811C 979-0747 at 540-2848 lntine. kage. opportunity for AM tor IPPI' ---------714.546-0331 growth plus the stabthly company lulHlme POlt· Flully Klllena. 6 wteks and security or 1 solid llon N1 OC A irport old 37 ft Chris Craft Sportfisher 7, fit" r..-1 ... ,, • u .. uuu l1u1h •u l1.1h lv.tu •th~ I .Ht kuuL' 11 Ul'OfUt U···"~ K ~ 1tl11U' 14' I hou1 If Kw !.. ''·•h. , .. ,,,~.. 11111 "1111 f.IUI f u ,,,. .1 $1-111 t~IO DAVID FRASER, INC. Ru Hallard 673·5252. res 492 3387 GIAllT Heavy Duty Boat Tarpaulins 12 I 16 ....... S2l 16 I 20 ..... ,., $32 20 I 20 ....... S36 111 24 .... S38 II c 32 ........ S~ 20 I JO ....... S!IO 26. 40 26 I ~5 ., JO I 60 !IC) I 100 60 I 120 !IC) I 150 . atelore Midnithl Nov. 21 m .. SllS Sl4S mo S~7 SS62 V1kmg Ind will scnJ an) of 1h1 .1lx1v1 1~ .. 1 Site tarpaulin~ l o any rt!lodL•r or lht5 publlcauon whu reads and ~ponds to thu ,,.,t ht•lure n11.l111ghl, Nr~v :.'I ~:a1 II Tarpaulin Loi l"Z· 18. PVC) Ii ''1.m11ruct.ed or high density falme (with v1rg111 grade lngned1en1S, supplied by Gulf Oil Co . Dow Chemlral Co , and Union Ori Co I wllh llltched herT\5, l'lectronlcally weldt'<I !lffms 100'11. water proof. •4 {V," d1 .. ) meaal grommru srl Ul'I 3 ft center' with relnforud UUfliUlar comer patche'S and ar.-r~mnwmdl'd for all heavy duty Wit', all yachta end AJlboa1a. and all bulk or pallet ndrng matenall. a.nd wul IX' ac.'C'Olnpanled wuh 1 LIF'ETIME gua,..nltt lhat 11 must pt'dOrm I~ or I\ will IX' ~plactod frtt Add S7 handling and 1-raung for Heh u1p ordt>red. Vrkmg Ind pays all shipping Shoold you w ish tn rt·1um your tarpaulins you may do 11(1 for 11 full r<•fund Any letter postmarki>d l"t"r th&11 N<1v 2 1 will bt· relurnl'd LIMl T Filly (!>0) tarps per addn'SS, no l'xcepuons &•nJ appropriate sum togethl'r wilh your nnme & addl't'M LO Tarp 'J""e..1 0.-pt 11 IOICK V1ktng Ind 6114 Sant:i Moruca Blvd • Los Angt>le5. CA 90038, or for fask'SI M"rvl('{' frvm any part uf the ('OU.ntry c:a1l C'Qll('CI be-fort' midn1gh1 i days a Wttk DALL COLLECT (213) 412 -11 14 Mercllae411l11 Part time Food broker, Restaurant women more aullable. Experienced Busboy, lull car necessary. Call Fri time. apply In person. Oot 15th and Mon Oct 619 Sleepy Hollow. Le· 18th (213) 949-0574 e•t I gun• Beach. 1ndus11y ltader. you 540·9264 lt1ttlt11J,iH should constdor this •••••••••••••••••••••• 645-3903 position with American SUPER STAR ~IJJ!'.~~••••••••!.~~ Hospital Supply Corpo-Wiii llade S30,000 In 1n1l- retlon Dynamic lnvt1ttmtnl Co ques ror f111e-11board Pt<I Norwegian E.lkhound wtpnpers nds hm. yrc:t, 1011 ot aun 496-3255 (Ask operat.or l or) 17 RETAIL We he11e an lmrntdl1te opening et our Corpo-1 rate 1nlorm1llon Center, within the Planning and Bu11neu Oe11e1opmen1 Oeptnment, for a LI· brary Aul1tan1 requires a SUPER STAR boet 01 motor home willing to learn our bull· 645_9246. Box 1134• 2 loving 4 mos old kittens. good w /k lds & dogs. TARP TEST : IOI c:K Before midnight, 7 dllys • week Have credit card ready Ull SOILPTllllT ~~ned d:m:r~r:~:~~= CASHIERS pref Salerv. comm • vacation Mgr 540-8889 Occ b•bys111er In t llt · nlngs. Mature person. $2/hr, own tr1n1 Ell· Ide C M 548-7136 P1111-11me. heellh club, pref retired. 10·4 PM, Tuea-Frl. 644-4664. Tim Part time puson with dependable tran1port•· tlon to dellve< 1m111 Diiiy Pilot roule In Npl Bch area M""on. fhru Frl 11- ttrnoons (3.30 to 5 00 PM) Stl & Svn morning• (5:30 lo 7.00 AM) S300 per mo. Call Bob w .. 1, 642·4321. E.O.E trucks*baby carriages•tea carts•trikes ro I lerskates • walkers•toys ·wagons•••• Part-time BUILDERS EMPORIUM, C 111101nta's leading Home Improvement Ctnler. hH opening• for Part· Time Cashlefs with p11f eKperlence In customer service and ralaUons Muat be aval· labia to work llulbll ho...rl II qua II fled. please flll 0...1 an appllcallol'I and you may t>t contacted for .n lnl«Vlew Apply ti BUILDERS EMPORIUM 289 E. 1711'1 St. Cost• Mell, CA 92528 EQual Oppty Emplo)'91' s .... ADVEITISlll Full Of Pan TlrM Dulles lncludt prepara- 11 on or blbllogrephles and current awarentss publle•llons end t11ared 1e1pon1lblllly lor lnltrll· brery lotna and clrcula- flon of jo...rnale or other library m111er1e11. Requl- rt1 typing of 50 wpm. previous library UP•· rlenot would be benefl· Clll, bul II not.,.equlrad - trllning 11 provtded Wt 01181' ucenent aalery and btntllll package For consideration plea-se apply In person or conlact Nancy Jacobo<:u1 Emp!Oym«ll Oeparlment lmerio111 .... ,11.1 .. ,,,, co,,oration ness N B 92663 housebrkn 645..,.898 f•nilut IOSO F•r•itott IOSO Compenutton to $36 000 plus bonus and tK· cee>llonaJ benefits Opportunity to 11avt1 tor • bright, lllghly mollvll· led sell starter Req Degree and evidence or super star tccompllah mtnts II th11 11n·1 yo... • please tell your· smertHI ater qulllty friend tbO...I this ad Non smolcera pltHe. Pleue send ruume 10 COLLINS ASSOCIAJES 567 San Nlcho4111 Dr NtlW90f"I Beteh. 92660 ... ,."''" CHILO CARE WORKER Co-educallontl. reslden· 11•1 lrtatmtnt program for adotescenl• BA tnd supervlaory tl1'Pllf In 1ne lleld can 546-3489 btt: 81m-3 TILEPlllE arn.1m1111 Wt n1td 5 good 11••· phone 1ollcltort In 1ne tvenlng1 lor oor Leguna Hllll Office Set Appll for our n-tnargy 111vlng produc tt Slltry + Commlulon + 8onu1 Ctll af1tt t pm. 859-7442 miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;I Needs good home free ~-n~~q·~;·~;:::e~-~~~··~~ ~·~;;~·;:;:·;~~;;·~~~· WESTMINSTER ABBE'!' lem cat SpayeO 4 )'f'I ANTIQUE MALL old declawec:t. 675•6371 rm Ml, 111so othef furn heedboerd 6 drawer 11751 Wtatmlnster Ave 642·0668 pedestal good cond GAAOEN GROVE F•t•ll•tl IOSO Anlq dark Pine hutch 36 • 5 he et s · 8 1 c S 2 5 0 554-6103 •••••••••••••••••••••• Wl<le x 68' hi. 111n1 cond _5_4_5_·_120_1 _____ _ ---------•I **I BUY** $265 548-8234 Dinette set. qn n bed, llLL lffW S'Oi'allovesett, b lue , chestw/dblmlrror,2nltt Sal and Sun Oct 23•24 Good uae<I Furniture & ireen. ort white floral stands. sofa, relrlg, •II F .d 1 •• E 1 1 Appllences-OR I wlll sell 100 89 •• 127~ brand new 955·2276 or ree " m a .. on. Jiii b I °'SELL lor You " .. 832·9919 and sale. HUNTINGTON •uSTllll AIOTIH CENTER MALL 406 - Freeway end e .. ch 141-HH IU-ffH Bl11d., H.B ---------1 HY FlllllTlfll latoh• 0.HfrJ Laa 957-6133 Olnt-OIN IN O ROOM1-----~~~~-­ SET Betgulm oak wllh 011 brown plaid .ol• llk»- parquel Inlay llbte. 4 x 8 •·bed $75 Maple dinette expand to 13 It -htnd • e I • 4 c II 1 1 rs S 7 5 made American Wind.or 642-8964 Chetr Ml, 2 arm end 8 -S-o-la---be-d-.-bl_u_e-. -d-b-lt-S-I , aide • S<x>lll•h mirrored s 7 5 or r • • s . o fl er 1ldtboard 14.000 970-9536 832-7965 673-6423 ____ . ____ _ ---------•BABY CRIB. Slmmona, WANTEO· Amerlc1n In· Ilk• new. w hite w / dlan btuket1. bead work. cenopy. 1 125. 54o-6t87. pot1, teJCtlles. 49 .. 7974 AIT .. 11 HaM UT Early 1900'1, xlnt cond $900/obO. 540·5143 Beaulllul French brHk· f1on1. Frencll walnut, FURNITURE NEW MUii rallt Cuh Pr1cM tllf1 II M•llttlMt & found. Ml Twin sn • FuJt S07 OVMn $147 • KlnO $167 Sola Beds S 10'7 Sola & Lov..etl $247 Large Beveled ll<lge wall mirror, $50 631·5966 48-Round Table. extends to ISO" 6 chrs. all w/ w h l le ptd••l•ls S 100/beSt olr 673-8772 Engngemenl ring, ~low gold w/3 dllmond1. beeutllul $150 775-1875 King bed, 781180" w / ll1di.,tY 1111 frame. good cond •••••••••'•••••••••••• $125/bffl olr 673-8772 CLARKE C 500 Forklllt. W!lllng OHk 5'. ptctn wood, 3 drawers. blk lthr 6000 r cap 2•' height S8000 714/793·2106 top. desk llmp & Chi, nus 411 ~OllH 11lnt cond 1395/best ol-S135 675-5292 ler 5511·5038 ---------New Rockwell wood lathe. OPc Thome1v111e Pecan 36". •4 hp, w/culllng wood dining rm stt , 1001a. S495 675-5292 45' 'x70" dbl pedestal --------- tbl-otend• to 110", 4 1lde 6 2 arm e11r1 Mat· Ching 2 pc chin• aiblnel wllnterlor llgllllng Good cond 12700/btst olfer 559.50315 #f1t11lHH•I 1110 . ..•...•....•......... .... bl ... 8 10 20' long. 31Sc per " 775-1491 anytime b811811ed °''"· muat Mii. S 1500 "Pino b•ktr'• ratk, '325 646-8181 04Mtlt w/ 4 ctwa S07 Cullom mldt 7• Covoh. AnUQut m111oqany cabl· scooters*hot rods*coupes• trailers*hard tops•convert· ibles*motor homes•1awn mo..yers•11mos •corporate headquarters •garde. n carts Model A's•••• •typlngtables wheelbarrows• recr&atlonal vehlcles*golf carts•moctet tralns*blkes Here'• • unique oppor. 2 132 Mlcflelson Drive tunl!y for one who et1Joy1 lrvlnt CA 92714 working with llM publlc Tt189110M on tht telephone and 714-976· 1800, x 252 tuning monty at tht BHulllul 1nt1qut1 Incl DISCOUNT FURNITURE perltcl aondlllon, coae11 net with orig RCA radio ·---------1011-top detk. aid•· t1S9 Harbor BMS. arm• 1ldt & blck cu-& recOfd P'•)'«·S75, bt· b01tda, & over mantel, Coetl M9M '31-M09 1111oni. ml• 1trlped blue/ throom •·marble lype" • p lanos•cars refrigerators *skates•••••• You don'I M9d e gun to "drew 1111" wtlen YCH.I .,._.. In ed In Ille Delly l'llot W.,,t Adel Call now /l42•M71. aemt tlrM An Equ•I 0J)90f'tunlly '!'our IUCCHlfUI HIH Emp!Oyef M/F/H tKptrltnce wlll tnltll• --------- you lo becomt a lcey ~ ol o...r Clltelflecl Adver· llllng Oepartm901 Strllght commlHlon on all aalet 11 you hive M1e1 ablllty, llt I aell·tttrlllf. and Nke MONE"Y, -wlll trllln you In Cltlllfled prooe- duru. FOf an IPOOlnl· rMnt for lnttfVlew, p .... It c all 011r Ptflonnt l C>.9er1ment et 942-4321, ein an. llAllllUIT .. ,,...., 330 W, lay SI CoetaM .. An fQull <>PPtY !mt)lyr SALES ........ !•Ollltflt OPOt'y for e•-per. 1dve;tl1lng pro1. brn HOO·I tOOO/wk. Mr '-"IM U74tn h'I I 8Mll1i C,......_, Adt f42-M11 I SECURITY GUARD Ont perHlrM potillon. rotating on 3 ahlft1, 24 llOvrl ~ week. Rtqlll• '" e .. ptrlenoe In an lndll1trlll Of manutac1u-'1no tttlllronmen1 PIMM submit applloallon Mond1y tnro11gn Wed· nttdtY. t -11 AM or 1-3 PM. IMEllll 1uan10 o~. 1 lndUttrlel Controta DMelOn S300 I lt.endetO It Santa Ana, OA t2702 If lt'sgot wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot classlfled ad.Call 642·5678 and a friendly ad· vlserwlll help you turn your wheels Into cnh. brau a cry1111 lltm1 gr .. nlbtlge, ttc. S200 •Ink In 1 dOOf & 2 drawet M 0-2981 M ....... kllc~ tlblt 175 2 876·2333 cablntt plu1 m11c111ng 2 -~ dOOI wall Clblntt & Antique J>OPCC>ln mlldllne. bookc•'"· 2• In IC 114 New mlllr•H H IS: full "marble type" wall thtlf. grut tor g1mt room. S&O 562-3140 1115. quttn 1105, k ing all lot only S100; tem~ 1260. 044·2120 Lt grn O' eol1 s100. Coffee 1_1_12_5_._A_n_d.;..y_7_60_·_5_83_2 __ 1 reel glH• ahower doora, Old Shipe wtltel, en • tbl, a end lbl• UO. Unlqllt &R "'· Oreutr llkt ntw, only 150 for cor11ou Item, ttao •41·•101. ~eea w/rnd mtrrOf, bed frtme, _bO_t_h_. O_•M_&4_2_.0_13_6_. __ 080. 2272 Avelon, C.M mlTI Ill.I 4 d w t c h 1 I I 1 5 0 1.r 000 k.,-.nel, UM<I ~ 675·6110 26 A•.Jl•IHft ffll Ill/Sun 10.e. Hlhto a. 553 t• t7 .l'r.•••••••••••••1';'9.. mite. ~ San Joequln l.1rgt dark wood delk. • HAR80A AA!A HHll Rd (dlrtct~ ICtOM wl2 Ille df1W9(1, 30x80. Portable black a while APPLIANCi SlRVICI from Gelton't Market), SIS &4&4361 TV't 120 We ttff r.oond .. 1'191 CdM 144-1512 French c--.. twtn girls 553· 1417 9')1)flencel. 54t4017 _ _,,,,______ _..,,,, -..,..------....,-- ---------164" J11011l'ld lolld Oek t>drm 1tt, oomp1a11 Man'• teethlf eott -llH I llY Uflu.I 11blt w/2 INb. Empire '300. M-44111 36 to 40. Zip oul llnino I.ti 1574133 Pt<IWl .. l400. 971-4$.44 NEW TWIN HD 150 1.-0. &d·H21 W111118r•°'Ya'•Aefrlg. Nlee Golden O• 4 drawer Incl frlint, mattrtat & Porttblt OIOllll rnultlrne- Ollh•uMr..fltetnr drtHtr, oval btvel•O bOx aprlng. 141•&881 ter, •new. 1178. Xlnt CO«ld. &4&-6141 mlffOf '380. 170.•54• "3--lat1 tiiiiiiilili••••llfi1iip;i;11tetiee'"didH!lng;;;n;;-,;coom;;;;'ii1et11eaii'ie ...... I 11&111 Spanllll Fountelll 2 t""9cf, ..... lmn Ml 190, Good condnton. 166 botll. "4t-61t7 llke new I tOO 14 .. '713 knook1 oft.,. ....., 10'.t MUIT Hl.L ~7230 RecllMt otlflr, dltk bl'OWf1 tit 4PM anyttme •ftd . ~:t'~"C"id~ .. Wlfvet, hu eatra >Unt Newport IMCll Te""'* tMCh 1tie °"""9 Coat ''°"' Model 11orM uphl cond I 100 t42-tl7 t Club ~IO matktt. 'r~ ctltlr and· olto-Kltc:"9n Table, mOf•n c.11 l• • __ ,_ PtloM 84t·M7' IHI\, 4 n1atollln9 uplll ttyle. .,.... wl lMltC"-' Unlvetelty Affltette c.. dlntlt Cflen ._ Ol'ltt. top (fomlfOe) wlltl !Ml, MM .. .._. W.-On!!. f41.uf4 '*'I nloa Ill t42-t&71 ... ll'rtoe. 1490 ... - • ... f • t 18 Orange Co11at DAIL V PILOT /Sunday. Octuber 24, 1ue2 !'J.•.'!l!t!'!!!M ••• ~f fr.!!!,r.h.~~.. •.. •1 ,1,, M'l! .• ,H.'!l. ... ll!f Jl. •• !!m ............ -.~'.· .. ~r.!!!~ .......• 11.'!!1 •• ~1!'!.~'I. ...... ~.-.~'.·.!~r.!!!! ....... ~.'.'!.'..~~':4 ......... .. llTlTI IAU OOll 1.•fl 1111 ml>oel, 4 ••••••• -111 ••••••• 1..... .. "' .... ., .... ,.... ..... ""' ,,,,.,, ,,,. l1f.lj1••1•• 111l1ful .... 4 ) I V I q u • r O Mel.,, Olllb Cll OlfCKllll, .... M&"tJ UHO OAM I UIUCKI ~;o·;;ol•;:,;;&~1'i!! ~;;;•;;o·;~'";;;;·bl~r; edeeiiitt"itilA .... i ~~=l,UI ·~~·OUO••;MI .·:.-·;1~~~·~·~;·;-t/~ l!ihoreCllfle), I an Cit· crHll1 wllh rrench Cl 14' HOltl CAT W7, lelr lhl~ reoliCM; p1cttuo1 6 COMI IN 01'1 OALL FOA ml ma\ whHJ1, OL l14.~. 7tl0 1706 ev. 0•1 OlllLL.A 111&1 IM can Nw petnl. up .w10. etr, 11irlt _.. Aa· ~0·1'd'"1u1!,:•,,g .. ~nn111•h°'!•r•1. bnopy•ll•ri' ~•rri' ,1ncl1W1ng1AA ""'Ad MOO .• ~............. coupu • to ohoot• PIU.,..... ~kege H ·460I 133 26111 0"1•~ l"'I""' t llc>l•tety IOOll• •nd iun1 diet Ill•• •1n1 1760 or " n ,. .. I 1600 '"'" ' .. ....,., l•oml (001111) 11111 "-·-'--,._, ..._ ----"'""''' .,.. ..v• •n au O· 1 1' 1 I 1400 1-~ 11 6'"2 •3•" orytlel t•wehy Set . 0 110 411·01 6 8u11n WANTIDS iiib'O'i't a AJ0t31 Prto.ltlllllng•I ,._,,_,._..._ tlll ...... 1110 eg MGZ '71 Sll~et/blllCk, mello Irene & 111 AM/ X~6~323~ -•• o • " ... """ Sun & Mon . Ocl 23, 24, Moo Fri 1-&PM ., II Mii lllYltLIT orul uonomy 0 11 eunrt, lo ml. 111 • CtH l'M (006221 •79 fi..11, 2 dr. 4 'Pd.•"'' 2& •I t2 noon 1n10<m• Almo•• new ohlldten• !~~1~~1~1~,:'~P 0°11~ ' .:~~~!.:ftJ: :iZ8H 11600 0 1 0 ff4 7317 111c1 673·2790 llLY 11•11 7'l euo M1n1 yellow o o 11 a 1 1 tu 111 m llOn 492.ioe& Aoee 140 cm & 130 cm 144· 1094 Ml·Mll, Ml·IUl ·n Model 8210, helCh· 70 MBZ 410 81.. Qold JIM 11111,-~':.f' .~:~~t~elylk~a~ 642 :M90 VlcMlo o•mM Ster C111i., w /Tyrofl• blno1no1 a l•-wltrellttr, •Int a-ond bed<, blue bOdy, tmmeo oooboll'I top~·23•po11y • 11. Yllltw•• Chrletle 648 7246 • 1872 Pinto H·b•Oll Mlulle Command, Aet .. polH& bOOtt AleoH .. d 11000 T Doi Interior. 6 •Pd Air.,,.. &40 • ., 6 1117 tl &..:llvd M•Q•. took• rune, a rofde, I 16&0 tor ell 160'1, 1<2 180 .+-mete 180•8414 op ar reo Rune 1uperb 17. rll •OO-lll tlunllnjlon BHCh '11 RA0811 to AM/FM drlve1 grHll 1790 obo 11711-2172 1701 Pomona. C M S.1 4 t 6 4 94 o 13 & 01 • CHI 32 mpg, U/60 641 t.JOn Tom ~ciock Shop~ OfWt or onon. 031-01111 10· ~111ne FO. 21>1Jn111, Paid 497•2381 ~5-0244 u -2011 6411 no .711 ,,.-;"'"' Sot>ee"'i':'Xint ting 3 unique Orandle· Mini Trempolln•. hH vy ~~'t-t~~ cond llllOO l'Ot YOIJI Cetl i1'iOO 8)( fully loaded '18 260 E. OH Maple tilt flJITl 11116 Sclrocco, ~lnl cor\O co11d 11200 OOO<I OMll 1n11 C1oc1o.• ••fling at duty lreme. Xtnt eond '$S It~• CfleMplOn ,, .... I •-Ac AM if' t.A c..• 11' ytllow/dk t>twn, 8nrt. 111-OILuu IT 81•110, U~OO 0 80 Mu 11 a, 11 1od1y1 c o11 &2200 •• l41l 642·11&71 fl pau CP•· Nice car -163961080 802·7343 toy1,tl••t0ce ... p1lp9/ ..,. 11158&71 641 0-61&0 Cell blwn 037·11281. Mc»Fl'l ... ,., 111,. 13'160 21~/&H·11t2 u ........ ,..'J . . 11w. ollm•I• conltolt LIPTl&ol 530.9 ------,.,,., llH Owil HTC UH H.,bor 81v :n ?80 lX afnt cond, IOw Flewte11 lt4,b00 080 Automatic Ire"', •Ir C 1 1 •••~•··•••• .. •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• i.-4hM1ltt4e4 c o.1aM .. • &40-6830 m1.Mu1t MU,meke ot11tt pp 5 411·1767 d•y• con<J . pwr •l•erlng, V1Jr1 111l '112S1111onWeoonLTO I lrg h n e dOI w/ L&H Enll'Prl .. e Mlle to BOAT SUPS AVAILA8LI 111411 '1ord WOOdy We• 042-00121873-8365 496-8326 1tve1 & Wl\r'ld• AM/FM al•reo & 1 new "'"""••••••••••••••• e •nengtr, Oorg1011e. ~"t,~:r ~·~~;i' t2 411 ;· ~~:d~:.1 L~h~;:!,~': :::''3!-'. ~~~ !:." ~; gon, l l:!,OOO ~!.'!!1.!1'r.J.I!!,, •• , •• ;;2 t200.2n'd owner. 2 '80 30050, to ml, ;;n;(;01, e m t111or1 • • Y• I •m If 1 Ytl•• IHltr 0 • dad 1 Mull Hfl 716·1875 w.lry. br ... w.,e. l>OfO• 8412 ·4114'1 l•om II·& tllU Ford Model A Town Aul 1111 door, 111115 or oiler 38 g•I 111111. •Int cood ~~J'11~7~!i/ 8:7~tfe'~r I• lr111• CH1tJI 84lll·8_1_1s ____ _ l•ln, kllCri.tlWl/M, hOmt Mon·Frl s . d. n . $ I 0 . 0 0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 846-7578 A1klr10 $26,9()0 P IP 7511·41~ 'lD ''· ...... ... 81thtub w/gleu 1howe1 & gill p1oduo11 Whoi.· _ ---llf6·8t0t H &.411 Mii T.r .. 1 --1157-28~ 1lwkdy\9ti301 Ul.11, lllYIOI Ford F~rf1111t 361 >tint encio.ure $200/oltor .. ,. prfcH C•ll (7 t4J SLIPS AVAIL Huntlngtor '"8 RC DES 26.000 mllN, luUy IO•deCI' ''"'" 11ZJ 1111 no IL 1981-TOYOTAS &II LWlll motor end tr•n• Ci.an 499-2632 857·&e0e 1nytlmt H • r b our B • Y. 0 t ' ME E Rtpllc.,, 1unrool. gd cond Like •••••h••••••u••••••• OVERSEAS DELIVERY Dody & lnH 22mpg , 840·5546, 848·1788. O·' Fronl engine 600 ml n•w 113,400 O BO 111111 Ollln'I 32,000 mt Anthr•Cf11 YerJ 01HI EXPERTS 543-6486 Grell Chrl1tmu g1t111 Will t11do $30.000 In anti· p M • 8 4 0 -4 0 11 7 $ I 6 ' 0 0 0 8 0 0 4 6 •• 2 I t E y.. . llLT &ITllllZ.11 o••ytbl•ck l•llher Int• L Mil y '"I I Hand pelnteo T·•hlrll QUH for llve-•boerd 2l3·43t-37114 714/7113·2t8e 1157_9684 deya. pn•a• llor W11n Hard top •M IW 1a1e 111 0 II •&Ill II( 75 Gr To• Sqr 111 wgn, un1qu1 & peraonallred boll 01 moto• home 1954 Bel Air Chevy, pert , ..... I ~f&el aoH lop $17,450 FROM AS LOW AS " mini cond, nu reellef1. 18 Cell bttween 9em & 846·11240. Box t 1341. •o• leaf.,... rHtored. A·l m~h•nl-76 Audi Fo11. Net<11 fftlle _ .. 11111.. 529·~ $3988 1,. 68 VHlerL .. V_~ Blud mpg $t9116 642--0955 l l•m 644-459• NB t286:t AVAILABLE. 813-6022 0 11 I ISO O work. $t000 Of bMI OI· ._. ri ·110 •50 SEL, sllv&r, 25K • "'" • '6.c Feleon. hf Ptfl. motor. Lg orlglnel oil painting wl rf ''"' Slip . up to 22', po-°' (7'•)240·2006 ter 1157-41117 ml Beeutllul SJ l,000 COSTA MESA n11w everythl:1. gold 1 .. 1 lr•m• $80 Jiii lt1tH IOll totdlng mHI St35 mo .85 MUSTANG Conv xlnl lllW 111J 1E11e1e .. I•> 4199·4721 1111 IUIJ TtJll• Ht-UH MO-Hll S<:ou 95 -5513 831"5966 ••••••"'"··•••••••• .. •• 1176-2709 or 673·1t74 orig cond, 1 o-. Red •••••••• .. •••••••••••• t980 Merced•• Ben1 11202 leaot. llwtl. '75 Volvo 245 Wgn. 1uto. Li•t•I• 1145 lieevy Oak Swivel Chair. BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA WANTED MOORING to1 wlblk Inter. 769-0097. 300SO Turbo 01011, lft111fi1sfH ltatll AC. PS. PB. ateteo. xlnl, ~·•••••••••• .. •••••••• $100 Color TV 2 yr wtnly 75' BOAT In NEWPORl -· .. r · ,;.,~ tight Ivory $27,g50 112-01•1 $3260 Nld 546-7245 80 Merk VI. 28K, IO.o.d, 63t-5966 $148 Free dellvery HARBOR 557.4073 '74 JenHn lnte~ceptor 3100 nMI voe1t Hwy. 839-3222 or 9117-3380 & 1111 wfllte, Aini cond. $10 Open Sun Conv•rt Sold In ·18. Newport BMeh 'll WacH HI 500 631-1133 "411111 Sloll, Embe putel, TV John's 648-1786 30' 1llp, Dene Point, 3 mo Maroon & all..,.,, <lOK mt, 642-9405 '71 250 orig cond . ta· ·71 Toyota COfolla, 4 lpd, LNll'ltr tnterfOf. 3rd r .. r M ff•'" natural t>rown mink, ------·, b le cuatom cov•1 clenlc ----cord•. anrt, barg11n t owner. good cond 50000 s 1100 1Wlttarr .,., $300.240-1253 MAGNAVOX 11ereo II su .... ' l41gOO 759-0650 Ed, Newllre1,blue $2995 Ev Met. · ml, 4· ...... ;.\••••••••••••., track. turntable Am/Fm, 639-4 t l3 Paul !9~~.~~~lng bide. Qieg. 'J I ITZS 1 1 A h 494 11926 673· !397 '82 GRANO MAqOUIS OAK FIREWOOD YOU llke n-$80 5411-4308 Dock renlal 28 11 meK NC Ulll·lllVfOl ' ••~•••.,•••••••••••••• _P_•_•n __ ce_I ut ·-------Relleble '69. wfllle, 4 dr, loedeCI, lo ml, 1500 & PICK UP OR we oeu-1---------live •board W••I New· '82 Xclllbur, Ivory with Ll&lllt '76 FIAT Spider. red w/ '78 3000, Ivory. anrf, el-1982 TOYOTAS t26.000 mllee S lic k l ake ov er pymll _v_E_R_._4_9_3 ... ·0_7_•_8 ____ T!1~~1:a'u~L~~=~.!.,Y$~;~ pon $195 mo cemel lntr. 11 "'n on 831.2040 495.4g49 wire wheel•. •Int cond 1oy1, hou1Sew161e·~ 0c:10,. I shtl1 S900 552.0579 _8_4_o_-3_3_4_0 ____ _ Bud Bow Tie Neon stgn 640·7852 873-3074 Mell Houlton TV Show. WILllAOI ... Moving. $1000 below :gh3•1r66p5, I . " I YtrJ 01111 ·73 Volvo t42, 80.000 ml. 79 Mon1rch 4 dr s.dan, $"5. Other ne on beer'--.. -------17141 ll3l·304ll book 12700 780-ltll6 • eve• L Mil y '"I I It 42 000 1 I ... ·-Sllp ec>•oe 10 42' 28402 Merguetlte Pkwy 1-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim •• •ea• •• o •• au10. PB. PS. 12.000 of· ye ow. · m · orig 1tgn1 Great for home 19 Zenith Color TV. good ARDELL MARINA IHtHll1••I MIHlon Viejo '77 124 Spyder, AM/FM I" FROM AS LOW AS fer 648· 1275 owner. very clean $3300 bar. pool room. etc' cond 1190 644'7676 642-5735 Viiidn IS3I (Avery Ellll olf 1·51 c .... Alloye, cleen. rune 'ID MU IOOSL0-1.0 I ---low bk 546-9034 846-5792 COLOR TV. Work1 good ••••••••••••u•••••••• ,.,,._a .. -...... xlnl, dark red/ten tntr Lo1d1d w/e 1!1rH, 221< $4988 '81 Volvo OLE . toeded II llS4 N-porl sJd• ll•up to 35' ..,..... .. ...,...., •• Gold St t .200 Cell ••I••• 6 All •leclrtc hospftel bed $90 548-2429 111 1 t AM I t60tmo. Pou4ble l••d• '78 Toyota Mini Motor $3300. 494-61175. mi. US 1~11 Secrlllce. wk n d 1 , n d 9 11 8 ...................... . with std• iells $700 '7t COior Zenith TV. wOfkl tor boll UM. 675-g947 Home. 19', llp1 4, 1111· lftY"l ..-..n ••• ,, f1Z1 4 4-0167 lllf llllJ ftJlfl 496-7131 ·77 MUSTANG GHIA 644-9684. good s7o. con1etned. xfnl cond ~-....,. •••••.,••••••••••••••• Gd cond Asking $2500 L~lbl l•-p,tlke~-s 15 968-1654 1Ht1 II#••• Hf( t7mpg. $10,600.' Selel-Servllle-Leul"" llllAlllTlll1 ·e13000.verycte•n.1ape 112021taolll"tl, Volvo '78 264 GL Loa· g68·7597 _.. ·--•••••'•••••ill••••••••• 846-7986 . .,, & snrl, tow ml. whlle l I ti .... , I II dad c/c xlnl cond On bed spre1d1, beige GOOD 40 WATT SPKRS DRY STORAGE . 1112 ... OllSIMT We can hllpf Betor• you blue 975-0348 II '•' HC $ !> 5 0 O . P v I PI Y. '79 Muateng, 4 tpd. tully & brown. $20 ea Med Fine sound. $40/pelr 4 WIHI lhirll 1511 Nice Setecllonl buy, chec;k our unbelle· 112-0121 7141759· t t20 lo1deo. S3500 or bHI sire dog kennel for ,,.. 646-7909 •••••••••••••••••••••• * •74 3.0CS; 4 apMd. bl• aetecllon, 1111lng1 '72 Mereedes 280SE 4.5, oiler 968·8128 vellng. xlnt cond. $50.•---------Monthly bo•I eloreYi•· t980 CJ5. 4 cyt-nevw olf llHIONACI end Mrvlce •odeyl lmmac.-AM/FM , a ir ·75 COROLLA S1600 '73 1841 Perlec1 metallic . . Mite llems 240-1179 Marlef em11m stereo rec-eny Ila, 24 hr MC\lr ty, road 35,000 ml. Excel· * .71 3201, 11 """" .. a.un llfYE•lm $11200 640·7884 or btsl o tter 4 spd blue body, 1mpeccebfe 66 . New llrn. piinl · etver. ictnt cond. $'<> tree launching lent conCI $6500. ....,... n Good cert 962·8770 blue Inter No signs or seats, susp bnca AM/FM UI Tl• OAlllll 6<C0-7909 IEWHIT NIH 968.0203 EVI & Wknd• root. <249TRR) IAl.H I HHIOE I weer o• tear 4 sp wlOO, stereo S2SOO 54l5·7098. Used 1x. 180. 646-51187 G-E tndue 23 .. bleck & 1131 IN• lar Ir II .75 CJS v8. new trene, !,;7~11~~~z~ tP<I • Min 21150 Hlft>Or 8111<1 I !!~ ... 1•1._1.;·M··a··,·,.!ZH T!!!.11!1t1~0 •• ;;.. 11 • 1 •. ,.11!Z~? AC, new 11d1111. run• '66 Musting. 289, n•w MAGIC ISLAND CLUB while TV. has OUll•IS. 1....... N-RE. Al Br, n-urn. • '80 3201; 5 epd., aun COSTA MESA • '" greet $2650/0BO. tebll eng, ps, IUIO. new c HARTER ME M . 1np1111. a1c. good cond.1---------Rg IP Super 1tuck. root. (059ZOK) l.O·ll•O Thll one hu a sunroof & Tll OllPE 5•8-72 45 paint $2900. 644·0452 BEASHIP S50 646-7909 , $ 3 0 0 0 0 B 0 E.... • '80 3201; 5 •Pd .. llr ---------I IS very cleanl ( IEBH0941 'll .... S 1 $750 644 2929 1'•••tl•ll•• 546--0403 cond ( 1ASX048) · 7 7 Accord. a/c, auto. I OILY 12111 Opllons Include 1.1r cond IA• llO, • A11ncerVidges (l71up10 AI··1•·••••••••1jj(, lll-J1ll em/Im, new tlru & &anAMIFM (1AP0224). ~!'!.'!i.¥!!!. .......... 6414-t147or530-0343. sc pay telephone wl dlle. sells lor over $350 ,.!!!~.!. ............. r1•ti1 ISH 208 W ta·t, Senta •na br1k11. '3450 548-112•2 JIM 1111111 OILY Sl711 ,. 01, "ll ,.1 u1en11on plug, great fOf sec 1200 752·6• t3 •••••••••••••••••••••• " tie•111/ ~HI •••• • ~· 55 rec •m. SlOO 644_2929 Gary FOR LEASE · Moone) Toyo11 '78. AM/FM Ste-Cl<>Md Sunday 'll OIYIC YOLISWllEI .Ill MllllO •••••••••••••••• .. •••• •••••••• .. •••••••••••• ---------1----------231 OC S60 per hr wtl reo ce11e111 Small -C-H-0-1-C-E_l_N_V-EN-TO_R_Y_ 4 tpd. good c:ond $2500 18711 Beach Blvd YILllWAIEI Come In & see Newport '80 Olds Ost Roy ale Trash compactor S 175, •-·ii I 811,11• 1 E 11 es 113 2 · 3 3 2 2 or camp., •hell S2175. VOLU .. E s•LES or bnl otter. 768-80g3 Huntington 841•.ch 1811 .. _ h Bl d Beecn·s finest Mtecllon Brougham Loaded wt gu dryer $t00, 111 •ln1 -, 19· • 760-8835. 873-6818 .~ 0... " . 1•2·2000 t .... ec v ot p•evlously ow'l•d utras As1<1ng S5800, cond 63 1·2383 afler L•1••••I C ---------'80 CMc. 4 tpd, AMIFM Hunllngton Beech Porach•·•. Audi'• end 4196-416•2 5pm. • •• -;\.~.............. ..,.,,, ,.,, IPIOIAL n10111E CUI, custom rims. '""" 1150 142-2000 VolklWegtnl. l=:c--------•• ,,,, HIO 1 .. 1 '1111 New '112 •~CJ' 10 s3g50, 5•6-5605 •••••••••••••••••••••• ....._ '70 Olds g9, gOO<I trent-Nlke aohb•lf spikes $15 ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• ....... •. lo I I I I. L'. I. 1171 n•IOIE '741 TR6 convertlbl•. lllnt por1allon car. $550. Oolomtte akl booll S50 MllllE FHL HOC Cebovt< Camper fOf Im-chooM from. fncfudH n ·79 Accord, 60K ml, dNP n cond S•.OOO pp 497-37411 631-0188 Both tin 10 673-2464 FOR SALE porl truck. boot, 1teblll· winch f•mboret peck1ge llW blue. greet ahepe, never 114 2.0 COIPE 536·5708 I 1--------- 642_.644 M F 9-5 zer1. comer Jech 1750 ind much more. s·•-~--.. -L-··• b •en h 11 I 3 t 5 O 445 E Coelt Hwy 'Tl Clltt111 I•,,••• WALKER •lmosi new, · . ' (714) 645-51198 SAVE THOUSANDS eso'N.y~i:J' 83t-4731 ah 3 Opllons Include eppee-V1Jbrt•fl• f110 N-port 8Meh Air cond . eu10 Irena rubber leet, lold1. Hlg-1' Pioneer Dingy wtoert 111111 OUST Le Habra I' '72 600 SEDAN. cltan. ranee group. AM/FM •••••••• ••••••••••••• 673-0900 Good cond S 1700 or ~ ott., 842-0032 eh x1n1 con:,.~~~~ 6.~r ~k~m,: s11e11. 6' • &llC/,,HP/lllAILT IU·IHI 1560 firm ~~·r~· ~~~~o~h=~~·111~ 1tll YILllWllEI -1-.,-.,-1-----11-1-0 best otter 536-348.4 631-0754 2524 Harbor Blvd .. CM Open Sunday 963-5272 ( 1AKC749) Prl pty Call P2l O&llPER ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• 1 ' t HS1 II FT DINGHY 549-8023 845-7770 ---------I now because 1 am going Thia one 11 lmmecufete• '82 Regel 41 dOOf, ell x1ru .!~.!••••••••••••••••• •••it'1 NHd• 1 11111• p11n1 & NEW Shell IOf Toyote PU 111111 lllmtt ·75 Civic, 4 •Pd. 1'lnt In/ to talte the 19-222). $250 & llX. over 1'73 Pinto. lie, •uto. roof &elt .. l•I• IOIJ TLC. $65 846-7909 $325 O• ~-6035 ~~~~y t.'~m:~o~~ ILIUT S 1"e:,c,1~~ n ~u:i ~1~ I OILY Sllll 673-9 t117 11ck. &old, 73K ml. run• •••••••••••••••••••••• ,..,, #mtn••u '°"' t>elQt Cooqut•t• All & 836-8669 731-8078 BEST "IM Mlllll C•'ill" HJS xini. 80 559-tS33 °' •• ._!_. ,.-#111t1.,4 lun ll4G 01-'11on1 s 1200 stereo. you•w••ii ••·•11•••1··w····1·•1·n······ 1- 7 -5-2--2-40- 4 -----v A ... AHA Ba•• Amp _,rltl -•••••••••••••••••••••• M ' Cl 536-2547 .. J••••t ITJtJ • -'71 PllTI SllO H .. d wtth •double 15" •••••••••••••••••••••• W&ITtl ue -· 1 · ••'••••••••••••••••••• OFFER! 18711 BMc11 Blvd. PV l(>Mker c:ablntt. AH Merine Senlk:iet "' 64•-t75 t EO '84 Jaguar XKE GOlw 41.2 Huntington Beech SEUOTIH 530-2593 In ••c•ll•nl condition 0..lgnllnitall/Rtpelr Older VHP• 0 ' L•m-•-.eo--Plym--ou-t_h_A_r-row--Plcil-· Selee-Sttvlcl-Leulng Compt rtbll tnO 4 brk IU·2000 S&OOobo · Olly WOfk. 549-2620 Ev brelle motor 1eoo11r up GCI conCI, xlnt m... ~ ~ eyatem. Wire whig (7t4) 553.0564 tlf.llll 1-lfll p I a 191 c a I I MI k a chenlcel A/C, 1111. dh1 . 18500 645·63~ ' • Orelfhe 1.._75_9-_t_550 ______ 1n1r Mu11 ~lflce. ti.-fCU.S~·BMW UC'ISTER FOXY ••OPEO I I I I ~--•'lll-'1""Q •a• 11JI K. LUDWIG ORUM SET THllf l•"lfl ..., or •• •· ow ow bkHlbk. 13300 ~RAC•,,,.,"'°_ •••••.,••••••••••••••• n•••&/1111 H dly -.-.... g 5 Good eond, rvn1 good. llrm. Ht-3224 aft II ---.. .... 1u .... ., u..... pc, w. Pwrleall IOf buy. Mii, Fin l 2501t>sl ofr 960-8635 Sunday 13031 Hllbo< Blvd. c;ymbalt & cuee. Ins, or donation pur-------------------'76 B~W 2002. Snrf, Ale. Giies.ti Grove 646-7445 Room 47 poH•. CAPT LARSON 3 YR OLD MOPED '80 D•leun P.U lfk• new. amlfm call, mint c:ond. •a111·S•ni•• UKELELE Matt Surveyor. Newpo<t U:>EO LITTLE 1275 Heel cond ,.... $5000. MUii NII. Sactlllc:• lor • Martin tenor. w/cue. 714-954-9809 844-21129 d /' 113 1 -2 1 6 1 . • v 15850. Call 841.03e8 I L1ui11 x Int con d , S2 2 5 ll1t1rqeln/ 1 t·52911 714 111·21H 646-7909. IHl1, #UUI Sn.tin IJS• '71 Chev \.\ ton PU wl 11H ... 2112 1HO YILllWllH UUIT HLIH 4 000<. 4 l9"d """ . aun•ool & extra c:leent (913CEOJ llLY SUll ,,,. Wiii YILISWllU 111711 Btach Blvd Huntington Btech Rare Finder Coronado XII ~lli~••f HJI :••••••••••••u•u•••• carnpef •htll. auto. 350 AM/FM 11..,.c> calMtt•. ......... 'tO Ht •couetlc-etec guitar •••• • .............. 79 Honda XL500, 11fn l eng. $2000 982-8770 11tver. xlnl cond. B•ll HI u' Low miles LH. 1n1. All 1~2-2000 1375 6<C&-7909 · Brend new tO hrs total 640-8353. new paint, 42.000 orlQ. egm. (714) 845-4782 4 X'Tlo4AlO•. • , eunburtt In m.lnt cond' '81 Mercury 40 HIP cond, l&50 Of Mii ofttr '73 Datsun PU w/1hell, reasonable otter. Aher JOI fOUa ~ power, AC. cleen, must --1-1-1-1-1-1-H--- sell $28.500 OBO lime $690, ph 548-3297 '80 3110 HUSKY )(lnl ml, Cullom Int. & Whl1. 114.95s,3501 wtc de CllYEITS OIHn F•r•it•n I IHI• lint H4tJ cond s 1 1 oo N aw em/Im 11.,eo 8 ltli, ·72 Maroon BMW 2002. lllf If & '70 11 I IT 1mmeeul1te & r..1-1•1 IOIS •••••'•••••••••••••••• Moto rcyc:te trlr $450 12500 or ofter 11 4 E. •tick, 1un roof, good ..... .., 1 delllled Sl!..000 ••• -;\~"•••••••••••• Cteutc tll' L•P•tr•k• 631-t528 w111on • 1. 073-9893 condition $3200. faaurYI 6416-4924 1.8 .M. Memory 75 with Century bey boat. 4 cyt, (Tom) 840·509e I 5,000 cherec1ar me· Grey $3500 875-8 t61 HONDA CX 500 ---------IOUlllO 11 Ct$ll llUJ ~lllll 68 PORSCHE 9 t2 mory 9 moe let! on IBM ·711 181( mllel $1150 ,,., IS11 '78 BMW 320I, lie. Blau-Good cond, $45GOlobo. ~ie. werr. l t400/obo. 14 tt llt>trglus boll. 1rtr '111 14K mllel 11850 .•••••••••••••••••••••• punkl, elloy1, new Ml-551-8829 842-0182 955-t 19 t & 22 hip mo1or w/ ec. 84 7-1070 65 Dodge 'i\ ton van. 0 chtlln•. 431< ml, lmmee .. c e 1 s or I a 1 I 5 5 O , c;yt, auto, run1 1cln1. $675. 18550. 731-42419 112 Mazd• RX7 ·GS. GOid. Ill• IOl1 963-5272 KAwASKI KZ400 5411-4109 I 1760 mt. Ilk• newt Sep. •••••••••••••••••••••• £xctlltnt condition '70 BMW 5301, 39K O<IQ eunrt, ale . em/Im tter 11111-m ""811 13' Boal on Whaler, Mint $750 OB') 979-11621 Dodge '68 Slnt 6-225, rblt mlln. lmmac. $5900. cell S 10,500. PIP 848-784 t '"KC Ch 1 11 _,1 Cond . 35 HP. 8ltc strt., eng. new brekH, new Brien 497-5&13 1959 POR SC HE! Roedller Excellenl cond $11,000 obo Oey1 17 141 970-05118, eves. wknde(714)780-t019 "' amp on Ill,., Many )(Ires $31100 '78 K-lllSMI KZ 400 wllh 11eerlng box n•w '81 Mud• GLC. 'dr, ehott, 8 wk1. Wiii hold ~5-7673 Lv MMNQt new clutch. Runt Xlnl c•ptng. good 't1rH . '75BMw 530t.500mlMW hatdhl*.AC,lClnt,$4895. 66912,5 ap,e.Horlg Very lor CM1tmu 720-0891, ' $600. 953-1574 12500IOBO. 846-l4e8. eng, Mu11 -10 btllew. 494-4920 clean Mus1.~1 $6000 553-M44 Bain Whir 17' w/85 h.p .80 VESPA 100 Scooter A•aa.. .., .. .._,, llH $7100 tS:>-1574 • .____., •---11~• 640-7912. 5 ..... 9455 AKC CHIHUAHUA 8 Mere M1ny ••lr11. bl· I ....... ,.. "· ..-~· ..... ... 'I WEEKS. $100/up. · mini lop, lrlr. 6<C2-7llllO Xfnt cond. $600/obo. ••••••••••••••••.,•••• w111/ 1115 ••••••••••••••··~··• I NllOll 112 °' 815-23()1 -551-8583 ~ry WE PAY •• ,..-•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ~3188 '75 Ghia, 4 llPd. orig. cw- '80 Bolton Wheler 16' '74 SUZUKI GT250 ner. Pl. pt>. lie. ""'""· Pe•chlece Love Btrd1,l Lo1ded. perfect cond Aune & took• good. TOP llWI 12200. 548-7090 You Cllft_9ffonl to Femell l20. Young bird• $ 6 3 0 0 I 0 b 0 ( 2 1 3' 1225 .... " VftU Me--- S 16 ... ~11~483 745.055t ~ 84.S.12se F• 11111111 D.llu 11• -· •-r • .._s ... •• .......... ••• •• •• • • • ••• ••••••• •• leftz" front tlS. Sheltlea AKC sable/ wt.lie. Dory-lype fisher. 1 yr old, 1971 MOTO GUZZI 750 --- 1hoU. wormed $200 20., 11. bHm. cent tr Aml>Uledot, Ml dteN. PllTIM/ .... 642-492G C«ll04'. good lretbolr1. 27.000 I CI ml 1950. 2480 Hetbof Bl'td. FREE R1111lln b1ut neu-70 hp Evlnrud•. 10 hp 552-4782 -COSTA MESA 496-74111 '6t 358B Cpe No rust. rebll. runs. Lood de1t et $3100 494~ 75 '72 9141 · Yfl'Y ntoe. mega. 11ereo, cov.,1. e11tr•1 $4 700 /o bo . c e 11 760-3379 New pelntltops. lo ml. In SIO•ege. Mull be -n $80001$8400 Cell (714) 558·11t5 1tll WllHWllO SOIHOOI Thia one has air cond . AM /FM & low mllH 133905) llLY Sl•ll JIM IWHH vtlllWllH t8711 BMoh Blvd. Huntington Buch H221to . '16·1 PHI wgn, $31150 Snrl, IUIO, 1tr. whit, tepe •70276 Lkl HP '83 Dir 645-2963 t964 VW -new paint. AM/FM radio. body ok, rune excellent. I 1,1175 536-114169 after 6 or 111 d•y wteliend• ~9;r,' ::i!:~,:~~?~ ~:i:.\1~:!~· ... ~=i ,,,,., ._n, la/~ :::: '89 Porech• 912, Kint c;ond. all I CC:•HOrlH vw Pop Top, ·ea. belUI $ 11500 b •II otter cond $2500/0BO 730-3782 ah 6. 16500. 1173-9003 .~~!/.f!!!!r. ....• ~~ ..anu UY an IALI IULD Ill R•nl: 211' motor home. WI "' '""C 15 old F ' • • elpt 8, tutly ~-Al RAM •&•• ....-• mo1 • em. Al 11. wMI'• 11. 82-38 8'5-84118 (Paul) ...,.. ..... N•ede lovln' family. Chrf1 Crall crulMr CF a-fl_.,• $125. 644-407 . 6g73CF. FOR RENT. 111 T1oge mini ...., ..,.._ See VllMt at edvenotd motOf homt. Sipe 5·11. COMMHl CHfYllOlf T Marin• Tran~. 1672 gener11or, air, ewnfng. 1981 DAT~~ PllClnlle A~. CM. Oc:t 645-3009 or 850-0858 '1Ul1.J 23 IMI 0c:t 27, betweetl 'fr.U., l/IUJ"1 "" f .... .. . 8AM-5PM. S•1led bid •••• ., ........... .,, •• , •• , tf'J 773.0183 720· 18411 111•••11 11SS '86 BUG, very ~ood condl . ..................... Runt gr"lf 1800/obo, 21 llW IElllL Tl ~4-7463 •ti. 8pm. 10 chooM from '70 Vol1van. 5000 mll" Al low u $411119 (H r 53191 Oii rebll mtr, eupe1 cond, rbll I r e n a $3200. Ttle eH MW '83 AllllnOt 494-21711-. 11 1111'1 Fueg<-•. Imme--.7-3-VW--co-n-,.-,-,..-.-,-u-pe-rb dltte dtltYerY eond, onty 711,000 ml. of 1111 model, low mllM· 1I • Ii HU ge Cedm.ca In Southern •• 'f!!.~••••••••••••• .. Cellfornl•I SM ue loClayl '82 Plymouth Reuence. IUEll pert cond. 7000 mflff, OUIWO sS600. 84s-59117 2800 Harbor Blvd 1,.IUt fHS COST~ MESA •••••••••••••••••••••• '11 FllDlll 11111 540-1180 Ponlfec, •Int c:ond. motOf I & 1rans perl. CIMn body 76 EldOfldO Blerrttz & lntr new IV. & radio. H11 1very1hing Incl aun-543-~5 rool. look• new & rvnt --------- Uke new O•ys 545-115"3, 'ti fllf .. I 40I eves 751.g1111 Rebll •OO Turbo trene. 72 Coupe dt VIN•. 71.000 new velour & naugahydt Mt Orig o wnr rune Int. e111ru LOOk1 good, g•e•t. S'2ll5. obo PP runa xtnt Must Mii now. 548-92t5 St200tobo 964-0332 1968 CADILLAC , ... ,,,.,,, 1110 Run1 greet. 1700 r~i;i;·M;;•R•;Y~;·~ Of bsl otr 4e.-21105 n•t T·Blrd Be the 2nd '85 Coupe d• Vlllt r.,,._ owntr ol Ihle cleufc. wed ell over GrMI pwr 845-11730 s7oo. 6J t -ll57o 1_Sel_t_ld_le_h_em_•_84_2_·~-7-8 eu,,,. 1111 •••••••• ••••• •••••• ••• A•l•1 01N ·79 Z·28. Aemov1b .. sun· 1•1•1.1 .. 1.1.1 .. .. .. 1.~··· roofs. apoller. auto. air. alee lodt & windows A reef bl1ek beeulyf Xtnl cond 842·83 18 eh. 11 ltrll1ttt1 o .. .,. E•cellent cond 29,000 ml. new !Itel. em/Im 11er•o. air. etac1 win· dows Below book. 15. 450 644-6347 ·97 Camero. need• '°"" WO<k. nu Urn & ~llkM. Beel ofter. 642·8474 Chrr•l11 1111 ...••..•..........•... IEE II FlllTI W• have • good NIK· tlon of NEW & USED Chevrolel1t COMMEll CHEVROLET •~"I,, I I I II ,...... ' ,. ~ S 4~ 1200 NABERS (~1\DILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1979 CADILLAC COU" DI VILLI (1115XUF) s7995 1912 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD llOUGHAM ~EAL5•S) sis,995 optnlng 2 P~. Oc:t 28 •t Utltlly Trellef. b7' wlelde Lft •11• , ....... offlc• OI South COH I tlolrdt. ,._ '*""· good FA()M Al LOW ,.,. M1tlne s~ 5732 tWM. $375, 7$1-22tt -llftl s •~, Ju' IUlllOl&IT s 4050. Bell oh over 1982 c-... Cev.,._, ,.__ &111/aff /lfl&llT '4650. 49&-2328 ltct ~d~ 4 dr . .ir.1o. 1911 CADILLAC COU'I DI VILLI DllSIL (1ENB512) Blond Wurlltztr Uprlgtlt, 1700 obo, l bout tS yr Old. Call 9M-MS4 =:,:~ 8'· Long BMoh•-,_-,.-... -m-.,.--,-,-.,,,--Top doll1re for Sportt $3988 2624 Harbor Blvd .. C.M 0 0 0 m I . I II t 5 0 549-8023 645-7770 '72 VW Bug. Engine mint 5411,.04311. Bid mull be eceomp1-I .,._.. Hll ~1•4'.',·. ~ug~,· Carnpera, IM la T nled with ceah. m~ ................... ,,, • ,..ucfl If lf9ll 81""-Y "M" 5'7" Orend, onw, °' ceenw1 PAINT I lte body wonc. All! fof U/C MGR 11191 ..... N lllnt cond.fwalnut llnllh. m•d• P•Y•bl• to Aldo up to~ off 'f04H body • lllW .......... ..... #}DEALER IN U.S.A. 11800. w. 642·912G &11u1c ~ •· 8111 t64.oo32 ,....... Nl .. H m~ ·1s Bua. ,...bt1 tng. new PIANO Upright, C~ry-.. ,. laJ.J ""Europeen Mect11nlc ,.. 11111 a.di Bl'td. • _ Cerb. much, much morel wooct. Mldt 11193, xtnt ••:-••'"•••••••••••••• petr1 European ceral HUHTINOTON llACH 1982 DATUS Mu1t Seit, lv'o country oond. $1000. 759..()()97 te Habit Cit. ytftow w/ F~ 8!)tlg. ttH22t ...,.... $2800 obo. 173--8037 ttq. 1unrlM 11111. Liiie John NU-1•1.........,,.uo111-. ~!!!.~ ..... !~!f ~ =· ~.r..;:::; Ad 624. 642-4300 24 h1'9. 'Hllo..iMS11H Clean Chtvy. mt motor 1nd trene E•o•I lntr. good 11111 & b,.k••· 543-IM85 '76 Monza Tawna Coupe 4 cyt. 4 apd, l/o, Pt. pb, 11 1n1 cond . 1 1996. 152-8331 s9s95 1971 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (782TZW) S6995 Hemmond Ofoin model ,_, *2500. 875-ll8l. •-,.-..... --.-...... -,.-.. ....__--WllTlll ftf'J.... .....,.1111 u<:>""''"'""" ·ee RED CONVERT M-111 w/marlc pr-I. ..,. .. ome _.... • ....,.__._ Lew ..... -.._. .. IM Blad! top, comp!. rMtc> b aek. l rlll. Welnut. P"1netthip In EtlQoft 35, ltyl• Meo Wh .. 11 5. L•t• rnodel Toyotu. •*• . ., aeo 8L.LJOOO ml. Wire ••• a. ,.,, red. $4700. 84e..3820 '80 Cit.MARO zn. Blue. 1977 CADILLAC 11116. 75-8122 perleGI cones .. rtoeed for S100. t7t-llt7 VOIYoe., ~.Vena. ,..... wheel•. Nl,000/090. --I •u .. A ....... 4 ...... ~ xlnl conCI Many .,, .. ILDOl .. 00 cou•1 r.cllng, CNlllng ICCell .. ·•• M t I I d Call ua 1ode,yf FROM A8 LOW AS 21a.832-tl1t •••••••••••••••••••••• "" -. _.., ...,.... ,,..._ . O ' "' r ..... ., ..., Ptw Avon w/molor. allp In v u UI •n~e 1 oor, 1---,..,..........----·---111! IMI tit llr ... gOOd bOdy, SH9 ::7~9e~i.83 · •bby (8228ZG) 11ff rare model. llntNo N.8 . Cell L"lle , •ve OOod ~...L -• nl .. • .. 11111 ob o • 8 4 e-1 5 7 9 or i-,,-.,-C--...--.. -~.--. -,.--..-.-4 $6995 oond. 110,000, 65t-t2t3 t1t-7843. .. -.ill1ll Equtpm•nt Include• 5 1-64-5---1-27-5-----"' ...... , """'-.. , . ...,_ -.J -12-.-F-1.,.-91-... --... -llboll-· -,-.-1 lulll 211..i. H2. HI w/ .... ,. epeec1 1, .. iemlMlon, po-'74 Oeeher, euto. 111'1'1/tm, ;~:00~~2-1::2~ oonCI. :::m ••••••••••• ~. •cc•••· ·'k n•w. 1425. =~'~:!!.'•.!! '1 7 CIUi io "IOO" • .., ·•-•no & AM/t:M med\, ldnl, new paint' 1----------1tlt 1111 Nautlqu• evee 56 .. 7417 180 &4M't7t ............. CtMluffeur ~ wl.iA ettreO ~·· (1IOOI). .,, ..... 11ns. Ml-6832 9!r.J!!. lllt :1;.!": 19:11~ Kiie+so1 w1trtr, MOO.•--·------P«*lble optlOM. Mecel-~o 600 '80VW A1t>b110ll L.mlnt. :;; • .y;;;,;.~u:·aA;.QN mule 110 20 fl ... 11!;~ 942-7880 or 878-2107 A•"' '-Ifft ..!H~IO~H~t~l~T~C~A~l~H=!J!!lm•mllll•· :::,:r~~~~~f~:!~ i:; =:1~f/;~· anrl, Twn ' entry Aulo, AC NI w I c a I I ( 7 1 4 ) 9¥91. •••••••••• ......... dleMl)r tot 'f04ll Wllllale, liiiii'lliii ... iii-iii'i"iiiiil .... OtY ..... & r•ortd •1111 'llt SUNROOF LI 8lue AM/FM. Ill -· "'·116 142-2000 & -for Jim. '75 Erlceon 21' • --. IMT~O ..=,!!O!NOIOI .. II f I lo new eet ....... d. Con· .... ...__ .......... It · 153-1220. J If t I Honda t t VHF .t;;0 nv .. ..omee o or Ort I" -· ..,.,.... ..... Am/fm caM. )Ont cond ---------my, '· OU . p .... • • • • AOV!fn'•!M 661·12N • Door. AM/PM aterto vertff IO U.I . •Pff•· ~HACH S1IOO. 175-0781 C..""-"1 ..... -.. w 1111111 PoMlt>te N9wpott a1i,. The prtoe of 1..,,,. eel· I••••••••• ~ bOlllent OOfte Orig. bff1I fOf OM 10•. • ................ r.-.:1 1911 CADILLAC COUH DI VIW D'ILIOANq (1IOC30S) s12,995 Caber Ill.I t>oota, 1-.ct ix, 17,tlO. 14t t"4. ~ 'Y ~ .._ '"°"· -..ooo. 000 on Mnd •oat pre. 752 0900 '75 Ca'"per. l•cellent '72 Mlrtt IV w/trlr tlttCh, WOIMft'• '"" •· Karen Aoada n ·. Muet .. 111 •• 1n 1t1e V'lftlcla a..-, Tum-.r Ml"'* "'11.-e ~ ~ "'im~ • conc1 ~...... ~ •. ";;'~a.'m'i .iA tn-6414, l?M,M S•&oo. 01y 17'-3701, llecl ......,,.. oounne •--·-w --"N ..... ,.. LA Crolll. ooet r ..... At-1118 dOH "ot lnolud• .".,. UftUl .. 111 1m """'"''--•re ooo ..... _ ..... '17 Mier~~· running, ~ "'' A-DC'."Dt~ ' Cetbon-• ..,__. ..... ..,_, Into AM/PM owen., • "'"'· -....,. .... _ · 'f,......,, .......... r•d'S' 1925 • :;;"JC ............... J ~ lllO ... :. 1: 44 Pl. Mlttne Tt..,. tr•"''" , ... flnence U...... '* oond. ,_,,. 1111 new. PIHH, onlycJu•llll•d .....,...,.._Leaa1nv ' 131-4314 ·es Ooote ~'°"""·I IW"' A '()ll 1 AC· _..,Ill Mu!ly1 -:u=· ",:: .,..._ fW .O, .., ,._ aaoo or ._ °""'· di Cllllfl ~1.01M Ill-• P'• ·re Convenltlle. Ole/ r:. cy1, 11110. "'"'xtn1. 1115 '->1' 1..A...J~ _,.,......_ MM ,1;r.ooo"oe.~· c 'eii lutlon oot"rol device ' Ca9".C.ll ln-1111, Ive, wtnd•i.--------...... ,OI -~--Jl''ff"Rllre~•U.•1 7 • dt~ . HO 01'11tloaUOna Ot ......, D .. ,,,.... H1ol1'° • .,. •to IL. lottl top•. .. •• ---•• ~.~.J~r· x n1. ...... .... CllTA .... YV!o lt#90AN». l 'l'' IMrp. 1 r • • d~tary ~.,.,.. ....;ua-~::;:;~:iJ~~~ww~ie: wo _..,., ••oel oond. .-............ ;:;1' ............ ~ COITA ·' Looef trtclellfl, ... In, 21' lcMll\ 0oeM. 0-.. llon Ol!lflH ""leu Cll......... I .. ..., ..... Wll ctoal for Wt!. ltt. '11 hWu, I ..... front ·~:.::.r• rff, 110 woret '71 r()N) ....... .... atnt oon d . f"JOD , woode'1 ~. werr If ott..._ IPOOlflecS 'Y Ml-1611. 11 welt / Celt NOW, too, wtldye lt4•0NS • .-.idtM. *'1 ... "'6-. Ille 1'9W, lt300 =·I,,....,_,""' 11J.MOO ~.t1tlO.Ml·ttC ........... .....,.. ~........, ...... U40C) tM-tMl' ., ........... ti . ....UH • & WMV 5MOULD I PLAY FOOT6ALL? I DON'T WANT TO 6ET KILLED! JUST KICK IT!NOTHIN6 IS GOIN6 TO MAPPEN 0 I I I I · SLUGGO--WILL YOU PLEASE TIE THIS ROPE TO THAT TREE? IUNDAY,OCTOlla24, 1ti2 ·It CINYI YOUR HDMITDIN DAllY PAPIR I HATE TH IS 6AME ~~~~m;~ -~~-· WELL, SOMETl.MES SHE CAN THINK OF MORE THINGS FOR ME TO DO ..... a , WELL--ITS UP---NOW WHAT IS IT FOR~ THINGS HAPPEN ... GARFIELD ® SEE YUM .MOM.BILLY BOB AND ME ARE GONNA PLAY IN TRAFFIC DENNIS THE MENACE 6EE.1''7 lDVE TO GO TO T~E COTILLION BUT I GOTTA 5TAY HOME. AND WATCH ARM- WRE5TLINC:r ON TV w by Jim Davis WMAT TIME'S THAT THERE BUS LEAVINC:1 F'OR IOPE~A? THAT'5 IT. THIS MU5i BE ONE OF THOSE. STUPID HAT5 ~--~-•...;;Y ... H_.:...a.:.:nk Ketcham Wome n are becoming Then Good ! I . . . . -~ - -. Margaret says lots of women are do1n· men·s jobs \ i ke drivin· trucks an· buildin· houses! Boy, I'd like t o see ol' Margaret as a garbageman ~ business executives, are ' doctors and men fou11d this . c.ake mix in scientist s. d0tn' the i he kitchen • You made -that? It looks delicious! Hey, if he. c.an Now. wait a make a cake, MINUTE! he c an make pies an• ~m...cookies an~ .. st uFf women used to do? But, gee , if ladies can be doctors a n· P,lumbe.r5 an' lawyers ... an' Mom's not here.so. Why can·t a FATHER. be a MOTHER? J> > t> ~IJDGE P4RKER SHE DOESN'T AN5WE~, CAN YOU PICK MA.C.! WHAT'LL WE D07 THE LOCK '? HeLLO 1 I MUST HAVE THE WP-ON6 P-OOM ! I WANTED TO TALK TO M156 CLARK ... THIS IS Ml&S CLARK'S ROOM! SHE ~UST WENT DOWN TO THE LOeev FOP-A COUPLE OF MINUTES! MAY I GIVE HER A ME55A0 E 1' ( YES! TELL HER THAT SAM D~IVER CALLED ... ' I HEAR THE PHONE ~r. .. RINGING ! LET'S GET IN AND A NSWER IT! WAIT A MINUTE! WHAT'S YOUR NAME? • -. . . . . . . . . ' : . : . . . : . . . . ! . . : ' ~ . . . . .. ' l.OOUl.D (,)OU U KE 10 But..> A lAJE!:>iVIEW HIGH WiOOk.· BAND 1"'-5HIRT ~ MOON MULLINS DOCTOR SMOCK oFF1ceR, ~'ve vus-r-ee~N MU<SGeP.' 0 ~ N e HE.Ul) "THERE I MADAM ! OUR BAND f61Rl.>f~6 1l:> £ARN MONS) 10 60 10 IHE R05E. PARADE ON NEW QEAR'5 DAI..) .' . HE4 ! GIVE ME A BREAK , HUH ~ I JU&T el>U6Ui 1Wlltfl.> BOXE5 OF BAND 1N IHAI CA5E' ... CANDlt> ! ~~- we'l-l-HAVe ,...HA1'"' IHU<S ee:HIN~ e>ARS IN NO ,-tM~ A-r AL-L-! b . . . . •, H . PITTS POLICE ARTIST , \ ~ i I I 0 PERHA Po qQlJ'lL... BE NE.EDIN& AN E~IRA lARGE ! Geor e Lemont • I I i I I . , " . ._.,. ... ,.__ ...... _....._ ____ -- t • -·~-. ----·--------- UH, IJOCOLIC E'UFFAL.01 t7~AR ~ •• A l'OU'T 'c'OUR HAl'll OF "flE:AKlr\tS' HORNS OFF OF CA-rTU: "'t> use 10 PICK YOUR~~ ••• • ' I' CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There are et leHt 11• differ· ettal In drewlne •t•ll• befwffft top end bettom ..-ne11. How quickly CH YoU find ttwm? Chectl en1wen wttfl thoM betew. ~A-0\U \i •OO ;t t ~u•1•u1p ,. au.t•'=' s ,.,..,.,.. "' .tt•H t 1u•••111P "••1•..,.s c •1110C101~"">•1u•) t bu1u • ... ••1 .. ••AO) 1 H>u•••u•o ------------~------- ~Mrmfi~[j WfinDrr~ ® ------------------byHalKaufm1n-------------e SAM·ANTICSI Comple .. "'9M fNutitl·~l"I .... ..,.._,._. .. tN ...... ,.. Goldwyn1 L CoffH Is net my "" .. -. I. A w1411e -lutt INMt • Ml fUM twiee .... -------· H W . ~ A -C*ttrect 1M't wertlt ftllt NW tt'1 wrltt.ft M . ~· r _,,. 1 "' 1 CAN YOU MAKE CONNECTIONS? What ho! Six pieces ot chain above contain • five llnks each. We want to join these pieces to complete a • circle. If It takes ono m inute to open a link and ont minute to close a llnk. In how· few 3 mlnuttt It It potslble • tocomplo .. theov~all task? 11 Remember, we want to complete a circle by cpenlng and clotlng the tewest number of links In the shorfOlt amount ot time. No fair peeking! ti-6"••11 ~·._.. 10 tpu• ,,_, 01 '11111 'l- • lum Kini I ~ ""• "°""''· NCh fhr• YM't • older "'-" "'e"" neat to"'"'· Ttllt tum Of their .... 11 i•. How otd •'•my btothtrt 'P _,.... • ...,. ,,.... ·tai1..,. "°'" e Glrdtn .,_., ,.,.., fl••er"*'I c~ltt· .. n .. MC9' Mft~I 1. T1'I •If It dry. I. T1'I .... It yours. J. The tolf,... ... med tired. -• , A•1•0 c tt•• , e Pollce Bfftl Which pOtlcomen NI one oyo? A motor·cyclop1. Wh.tt healthful drink 11 made In 1•11? Cell-.<y tonic. Why should park benches be neatly er· raft90d7 For lawn order. 6"otn 11U• 1u.wOM -IO"""" e•oj 11• 6'.li\,ledo AQ-Ml""IW uei 1tnl uo auop eQ vn 11 FISHY GET·UPI There's somefhlno fishy about the ,.,ty costume worn by the youno rNn above. Add II nos to ... why. NUTIING TO ITt Add these colon ftfftly above: 1-lted..1-lt. blue. J-Yetlow. 4-Lt. brown. S-Flesh . ._Lt. 9rHn. •-Pl. brown. I-Pl. freon. t-Dt&. ltlue. 10--M.roon. 11-lt. tr•Y· SPELLBINDER SCOlt I 10 potnta for utlnt all the tettor1 In "'9 word Mto.w to torm two comp .... wordt i couaT11v .... . . . . THIN sc.re I polntl HCh fOf' ell words ef ftur letttrt or more '°""' •mont "'9 lttfors. Try .. KeN at 1M1t M ,.11ttr.. · .. n> 'AMiii w •J69u• .. Ql•Mld For Better or For Worse by ·Lynn Johnston WE'RE-PL.A'-{IN 1 MONOPOLY, Df\D -WANNR f LAY? •• ...... > ~--..... --- WE GDT 4-HOTE l .S oN WATER l>X>~KS SO tFyou LANDcN IT-YOO ' HlSS 4 IURNS. ON SECOND lt-btx;ttr, GO'{S, 1 THINK )1LL f'f\SS. THEY'RE" ON Tl-4£ 1WO - YARD UNE ... il-llRD DOWN ... WHAT WAS THAT? L\Z GE1$ ALL lAe:. BLUE MONe.'f8, I Ge:r f\LL 1HE. ORANGE ONE.8 .... ~'2 ... 6~ ... 97. .. 36 ... \ OON '1' l<NOW Ir ™I~ WA~ ~tJC~ A l:.000 l OE.A ... ~O 1'~E.~ WE'LL "~VE. ~ WA\T \N ~N01"E.R LINE. J~'f 10 <:,E:r fof coR.ti t GORDO HUM TO" MEMV MEl-AAl~#OJ.. v MSV,. J 10-z+ SHOE l Atto w'-ULE we:~£ 'N 1MER£, ~OME. "OOOL\)M WlU.. ~06A0L.'l SE OU1' "E,RE. ~1'£~llN(, 1'H£. HUsa~5 Of~ OUR c.Mt .,, I I ~ MV LtrrJ..E. Bl<OTHE~ PL.Avs 7'/MPANI f WITJ.l le,«. 8UTHE lX'ESNIT 1-ll<E rr Ml.JC# 8E-CAL15E,-- ~~,44 ----~--- Ju~-r ~o w£ CAN ~£E. 60ME WEtRO OlJfE.R Sf'ACE. roov1e. ! Wf. 1R£ ~o r~~ &ACK IN L.1 N£ f~A1' f"ERE PR06A6l'4 WoN'i 0£ A~'l 6000 ~~~1-S \...£.ff 0'1 1'.tE 1iM£ WE. ~f l~l0£.. 1 ooue-r ff l'L.L ENJo'I 1'\.tl~, AN~W~'#. MOVIE~ "~VE. l"~N(:,f.0 51 NlE. l W~~ A K\0. ME, !. z K.NOW, % /(NOWf • • By Gus Arriola 1-ll<E WHAT? A51<ED TJ..IE OO<?::r I Dr<EAD 1 IJ & JllS lltJMSPV!J JIUMORf o, HLJM Al-L 'IE: FAITUFIJJ_, JO'/!=UL AND Tl<t-HUM-PHANT- 14UM VE, o HUM 'It= 10 et=THLEHUM --•• · by MacNelly .• lailJPilat ASK THEffi YOURSELF Sena the <M!SllOtl. on a poatc.fd. ro "As/A." Famoty 'Nee<lly. 641 Le~fMOlOO A11e New Voll<. N Y 10022 We'll pey SS for l>Ublisneo (J.18St100S Sorry, we can t answer otlleis FOR WJUJAM F. BOLGER, Posnnaster General What are the benelt. of the P<Mltal Service'• p&.ns to automate mall eorting, end how does the~ ZIP code, ZIP + 4, It Into it? -E.L, ~. P•. • The Postal Service will SUSrt to use automated equipment to process letters this fall . This equipment processes not only the regular five-digit ZJP code mail, but will also be used with nine-digit mail . Newsystemhasastompofapprouol. ZlP +4. (By the way, no one will be re- quired to use ZIP + 4: l(s a choice left to the individual or business.) Thanks to the new system, which Congress has authorized to begin in October 1983. Postal Service cost.scan be stabilized and postage rates held steady. Savings resulting from this system will amount to some $600 million each year. FOR MARll.VN FUNT, ex-wife of Allen Funt. who wrote Af'f! You Anvbodv? Whel people -you. ·1ve you .nybody'r' how do you ...-er?-KA, s.p..., Mich. • ( used to think being somebody meant public recognition of one's efforts. Wrong. I now know that the feeling of being somebody comes from hard work and self growth. Being in control of my life makes me answer that question with a strong "yes!" ' FOR Blll. Y JOEL. recording star How did you Itel once you lnWted your latest album, Tht> Nybt Curtain? -C.E., ~ Md. •I feel like rve almost died every time I finish an LP. And I'm always scared to death of starting the next one. When I write I pace a room at home. terrified that the muse won't come. It's as though I'm in the desert. searching for an oasis and all I can see is the piano. a beast with 88 teeth. But it's worth it . FOR CHERYL TIEGS, model A modef'e cseer Ille..,_. • ehort. What 1n you doing to proWle lorthe fuh.n? -S.B .• .le&non Clly, Mo. • Models must prepare for their next step by looking to either side, not straight ahead at the camera. r keep on top of beauty. fashion and health trends. which has led me to write a book and create a line of clothes. A. model can hit on a million things during her stint be- fore the camera -if she keeps her eyes and ears open. FROM nfE .. ASK'" EDITOR A BUSHEL OF PECS: Arnold Schwanenegger. muscle-man star of Conan the Barbarian. summed up his role: "The world is starved for heroes. I know I am. That's why rm glad I made the film . even though there wasn't one day I didn't end up black and blue. That's a true hero." And a repeated -and re· peatable -quote on his romance with Maria Shriver: "She's well-rounded. gorgeous. If we marry and have kids. with her body and my mind, there'll be some real winners in the family!" ... JUST JOKING: Biggest problem the pro· ducers of The Last American Virgin had in making the film -finding someone to play the title role .... When one San Francisco attorney turned 75. he received a needlepoint pillow from a Los Angeles lawyer with the message· "Old Lawyers Never Die. They Just Lose Their Appeals" .... BITS AND PIECES: Barry ManUow is dying to go legit'. preferably in a new, major Broadway musical ... leabella RotMIJinl, daughter of the late Ingrid Bergman. could. tum into the world's highest paid model .... Harvard-educated Karim Khan. 45, spiri· tual leader of an estimated 20 million Jsmaili Moslerns (his father. Prince Ali Khan. was once wed to actress Rite Hayworth ) is celebrating his SUver Jubilee L------.• -quietly. His reign is a com· Mamlow plete contrast to those of his playboy father and grandhither. who enjoyed being weighed in silver. gold , diamonds and platinum. He shuns flamboyance for the prosaic. In fact. he keeps such a low profile that the Buckingham Palace sovereignty forgot to invite him to the Royal Wed: ding .... Publishing insiders sadly predict that hard· R 11. cover books may soon be a rarity. Prices are so steep osse rnl ($20 average). they're trying to develop a jacket made from an alternate material which would cost much less than the conventional hard cover .... IF I HAD A HAMMER: Roger DaJtrey of The Who has gone from hard rock to hardware and opened a chain of stores in England known as Cheap and Cheerful. Rival owners are up In arms. grumbling that they're being undercut. How did the blue-eyed. 37-year-old Daltrey respond? Cheerfully. "We're not putting peo- ple o ut of business -we're giving .lobs to those who need them." PRO Ano con PRO Sen_,, Stew Symme (R.-ldaho) CON Senator Arlen Specter (R.-Pa.), member. Judiciary Committee Yes. In crtminaJ trials the only question juries should decide ls the gul.lt or innocence ol the defen- dant. Mental UJnas should be con· sldered by the judge at the time ol sentendng. Experts seldom agree on who Is Insane or what Insanity Is. And even .people wtth mental heallh peobjems ought to be held Should the ln.anlty Plea BiWeil? acc:ount.ab&e for what they lntentlonaDy do. Lat's do ~-...111111111-a away with the battle ol experts and restore public con· fld.cnc.e In the judicial system by abolishing this s*ta. ... ...... .,,....... ................. '?ro' Oln." ,.., ..._ 141 ~ ......... ~. u . 10022 ... .., ........ ....... No. To be gulhy a person must have a lmt11el Intent. He must know the nature and quality of his act. A penon whQ Is truly Insane cannot have the necasery atmlnal Intent Current Federal law Is wrong In p&aclng the burden on the proteCUtion to prove that a defen- dant ls MM. TM burden should be on the ct.fenM to prove that he Is Insane. I have In· a•ochaoed legilladon to shift the burden and to limit the extent of psychiatric tetdmony. ~ tm l'AMILY WEEl<LY. AU rlg"11 ,.._., Malin .... praals If ...... lrmn U.. Pradadl and raMt I caupDll pd b' I fTm Praducl: Kl..EENE)(9 200 C'Altn. « BOUTlOlJE'9 Facial TISUS K1..EBE'9 at Hl·IR9 TCJ!Mlts NEW FffEf.DOM9 Soper Maid Pads NEW FRE£OOM9 ANYOAV-Pantll.Jners KOTEX9 SECURTT'f'9 « NEW AHJXlM9 Maio « Mini Pads KOTEX9 Slick T~ rw-e .,...., ,----------------------------, ' OPPICIAI. ~ -ISST PONI \ ......... 0 ........ IQur ~) proofl al ~ ~ CllOa • -1 ~-----'"'"'-(3lal ... oroca.c:t gracm -fl "-~ ID -one ~ P"OIMI - .... TO: F AU FREE F()fl AU PO btse4 SI l'N -56•9S ,_ PUMS----.... 0 FREE co.cion IQr ~ IOl.ITQ.E• F..,.., r-... 0 FREE -IQr KLEE NElC9 F ._. n.u. 200 1 0 FAEf -IQr ~ T-C FREE C101.C1C1n IOr HM>1P T- u FREE -IOr NfW FAUDOM' I.II» °' Mn "9dl t71orlt2SOl!111"111te CJ FREE COl.CJIOn IOr HEW l'REEDOM' S.--. ,.., 12 I or $1.25 all My Ille 0 ~E -IOr HEW FREEDOM' AHVOAV-,...._.. ,.., or St 2S Oii 8l'Y -n "'EE -IOr l<OTEX" SECUAtTV-or K~X9 S11c11r.,,_,.11·11111 a°' '' 2S a11 ,,,,., tiz• NAME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------~----~--~- AOOM~SS ....... ~~~------------------~~~~~--------~AClC •~----~­ CITY~----~~------~---------------ST • • <-~~--~----Zll'~~----~ ' A0-4•12 ·~T-Ol~C.O.S. -Wl~C •te2 KC:C -.. USA I ~----------------------------~ _,. ,._..,.. _____ ~ .. , --""' ,. __ ,. ___ :..;' .. 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"'--... -·-=.=--... ,. ___ ,._ __ .,.____ _..,_ ........ ,,.,, .. _____ ,...... -·-·....---·---__ ....., __ ----! ---__ ............ -...... _, __ _ -rm_,,.,,,.·~-·-.-••-... 31.000 ll.l571f ---.,.-_.., __ ,_._ ______ _ ·- ii.ODO ll76't0 Save~ STOM~ ~ on2ro111of~orlf-DAl.Towets P u.-----~ ....... ·-·-------·....... .. ... , 1 ~r::==.:-...:=..:.-=:-... r::~~= --.... -.------... -·--..,_ =--=-====-·-=--..::~:..=:. ....... -·-__ ..,. ..... r=--...... _, __ ~:;g -c..-1111 • .. ·--·--·--... .., _,. ,.-------~ ... , -_.,,,. ,. __ ,. ___ :: .. ::::.---,. ...... ::.=-.::::.c-..:::..-=-·.:.-== ... -_ .. ___ ~---___ "'.., ------""';d1W-•11r-,,.w-llOINO -c.1111-111'••• ·--·....--·--..... --,.-...----·~e..-.. , c..o --,.-~...r.:-·-~~==.---,. ..... ::;:".,::..:--..:......:-• .:.-===--·--...-~-·-____ ,,. -----~--........... _,,. __ .,,._ --C.-_l,.,, .......... _._._ ...... -· 3b000 l'tl'f 7? Sl'Ollf~ ~ ~ .. -............. -______ ,.._ -·- 31.000 ll.7632 1l mg. ·11r. 0.9 mg. nicotile ~.per cipltne, FTC Report OEC. '81. erica's ·Best. 8y John E. Glbaon lltUE OR FALSE? 1. A healthy body is the best Insurance against disease. 2. People who live past 80 tend to have characteristics that those who die younger don't possess. 3. How healthy you are -mentally, physically and emotionally -is quite like- ly to depend on how healthy the country's economy Is. ANSWERS 1. False. Investigations indicate that dis· ease avoidance Is in many cases a stote of mind. Harvard University studies show. for example, that being able to cope with daily stress is a vital part of staying healthy. and that of more than 200 undergraduate men given psychological tests and physical examinations -including assessment of medical histories -those found to be most poorly adjusted mentally suffered most from an assortment of aUments and disabilities , ranging fro m high blood pres- sure and heart disease to cancer, em· physema and debilitating back problems. 2. True. A research team from the Medical Care and Research Foundation (Denver) made a study of 52 men and women sub- jects selected at random from a group of men and women who were over 80 years old. A profile of these people revealed that "they were of average size or thin, and of a 1 happy temperament; they ~te well and regularly, slept adequately, avoided exces· stve amounts of alcohoJ. used drugs spar· ingly, and led an active life, physically and mentally." All evidence in this and other studies evaluated by the investigators indl· cates that the closer you flt this profile. the more birthdays you're likely to celebrate. 3. True. Long-range studies conducted at Johns Hopkins University show a direct relationshlp between the state of the na- tional economy and the average person's physical and mental weU·belng and life ex- pectancy. It was found that persons who "1C especially vulnerable In recessions "are ~ In professk>ns or Industries where goods or services are not essential." It Is noted that under me. engendered by the ensuing lack of secwtty, susceptibility to chronic diseases Increases, materially re· ducing life-span expectancy for those af- fected. Though middJe-and upper-strata jobholdm may feel the effects to a le$S4U extent. losing a job rarely makes anyone f•I good or lncreua his sense of nlWI well-being. .., WiJ 10 great Amana products PWS '10,000 cash for kitchen remodeling! r---------------, Take this entry form to your participating Amana retailer! You ·11 find the answers to these questions on the Amana 10-Year warranty display! 1. If you bougllt 111 Arn1na Aadarange today, ~.,....would your w.,,..,,ty •itP',.? l. Alt .. c1u11 .. Am.,.. IHlure he4pt eOOll 1000. -ly wilh . tnowef of pow .. Ill =:"~ttw......-f0<10yew-. J. Tiie heart o t the Radarange o•en 11 warranted tor tO yMn, It prOOUoee lh• mle<ow-PQW$' Md II c.lled the 4. Warranted IOf 10 ~ !he 1nt.,>0< ot 1~ Rcar9ft911 .,_, '1111111 not COf•od• Of rutt Whal 19 It ....oe of? City si... Zip OMiet'a...... C•ty ...... IO: ,,,,._Aad.lrMOe1~'11W~ ~. PO. Box 821&. UbeftyYllle. IL t004C: l!ntriel -De paetm......, 0y O.C. 31, ttl2. Learn ~the Amana Radarange 10Year Umlted Warranty• and you can wtnl Only the AtnlN ~ WWrWlty ~IO much. ao long! Mlljor compooenture now e;o....,eei by a limited warTanty for 10 long years. PllrtS COYef'8CI vary. lllbof 11 extra. Answer the questions on the eritry form lboul the Amana Racsarange 10-Year Wwranty. Your participating Amana retailer has all the.,..._., GRAND PRIZE ... An Amana Qr..,,, Kitchen 1notud1r19 3-0oor tee 'n Water"' Refngerator. Radar~ Counter·Sav1ng Microwaw Ollen. Modutu Drop-In Ra1l98_. Speclel Edition Oeepfrwn' FOOd Fl'98zer. Dehumidifier. RoOm Air Conditioner. Country Coolcer, Steakmaket', Pizza Cnaper. and candymaket'. PlUS $10.000 C8Sh 10 FIRST PR/ZES,.,RadarangePlus'-Mierow..,. Coolcing Center& ~~RIZES ... Raderange Plus'" Microwrtie 1.000 THIRD PRIZES , .. '"'-~frozenemree c 1111 ,,. dilh9L 9'1rNawrl'h«9lsnorwon to wait. "C~=umeAINN prodUct Whlctl. Y'>'I ~t during the .. period (Oct. 1 through Dec. 31, 1_,, Y<>u may chooee to the prize or receM. alll'I ~lv*"t. ·==:=-~~~l().'lMtllmtt.d-antyllf• -ac.k In the lal8 1950's, a trio of ado- lacent girts from De- troit's Brew· ster hous- ing projeds got togedw and formed a slr9lg ~ evcntua1y c:aied the Prtrneaa. They made a minor name for tNrn.Jws aroWld o.troll and ftnaly landed an audllk>n wllh a scn.ig. glng young musk: company on v.i.t Grand Boullrvwd caled Motown. They ~ the es of Motown's prime mover, an ex.iboxer named Berry Gordy Jr. By 1962, Gordy con- 9'dered the girts at least far e~ along to ~w them a new name. A ._ was given to one of the three. Aorenat Balard, who prompdy chose the only name that didn't end In "ettes." h wm: 'The Supcemes. Two decades later, 'The Suprernes' supreme songmes. Diana Ros, 38, has moved mJlllons of hits. do8ars and ~ years away from those ~ pro- )eds ol Omoit. Bgr\ning wllh their ftrst hit. 'Wlere Did Ow loYe Go" In 1964, Diana and the other two Supremes. Mary Wilson and Balard (now deceMed) poured out no fews than 15 *9es that shot to the top of 8Aoard magazine's charts. Since breaking away from the ~ to go on her own In 1970. Roes has added nine more No. 1 al>ums to her .. of musical aedlls and won lntema· tional acdaim as an adre:9I for her searing portrayal of Biiiie Holliday In Ladv Sings the Blua. In that debut pafonnance, she won an 09c.ar nomi· ~ for Bat Actral. She won an- othc Academy Awmd nornkladon for the theme song of her ..:ond flm, Mahogany ("Do You Know Whew You're Going To?"). She Ml t.e"I named Entertainer of the Y .. by Cue magazine and Entetalner of the Cen· twy by Baoard. She has been n'Us· rt.d, has borne tt.. dtie1 and has bee\ dM>rced. Liit year lhe ac· complllhed the molt wrcnd*1g IS>k of al: from Gorct.J and Motown R.:orda to 9'!Jl a &ong-term contract wllh RCA ~ worth $20 mAon - ~ to buy the entlN Bl•w*' projKll. Now Diana Ro. Is not onJy the t.a-known fmM ente1alner In the wcdd; • the had of the ..,.,, ..,... con..-of Diana Ro. Ei.,. .. ..,, a Is allo a one-woman OOliglorr*ilM. That ~ to brak away from the wtwty lprOn .. of Gordy and Motown "9 no doubt the blmmt challenge of &.'• caN9r. The llodll Uroundlng thlt tl9 .. ~: Bmy handholdlng DIMa ~ the ,.._. ~ • o/offrwr TV ....,Jorllme 1114 ,__ nn. "'4 I •• • • ~WlllU.Y, 0... ... - turbulent days when she broke with The Supremes, the telephone line, opm 24 hours a day, that carrled endless convenations from all points of the gklbe. Reftec:ting on that break, Ross quiet· ay says now. "1 ma the Motown peo- ple, but I fee.I good about the work rm doing. I stil talc to them a lot -In· duding Berty. We're still on good mms. They're like parents; they don't Naly went you k> go, but they kOOw that you must, sooner or later. l couldn't have produc;ed my own abun tf I hadn't -things like that. l )ult never could have tried my own Mlgl wilhout breaking away ... The locus of al the &antic activity that swWis around her We Is a set of tmall, neat of6ces In midtown Manhat- tan. Blocks away Is the apamnent she Mlpa In one of the dty's toniest hcMll. She ldD owns the houte in e.v.ty Hals, Calf.' where Mr c:Mdle 1 were born. and maintains a handsome home In Greenwich. Conn .• where she and the !twee girts, Rhonda, 11, Tracee. 10. and Olud· ~. 7,nowlw. --On the evening of this interview. Dian. toyed with a plate of tu.hi on Mr delk, ha only meal after a k>flg cay et the olfa. She had reeendy lnlltled a European tour enc:ompas- *'9 22 cldes in 30 days and put out Mr MW ai>um, &/k EJec:lrlc. She's a.mendy ~up a~ U.S. tour (24 dlla, 60 days) end wlll take t.r act 10 Jlper'I end Austraaa ear1y MXt yes. Sm.a wonder. then, that Dana Ra. la 1111 as 1ean and lithe as llM was tn dlOM arty days of The Sup.em•, all decked out In baubles Ind bangles and bouffant wtga. But not .U II the mne. Anyone Who has been tn the 9ilUdY ~t as long• .. hll. lndudlng public ICNdny of ... dlvoftie In 1976 .... s-rs of ........ to ente'talnrnent manage Bob-...,, hal had to dewlap a hmrd-edgad ... of IUIMy. "'Look," the ... ~ bM thll bullne.." She ..... the 9'candes~ ~DI Ill,,........, •A ..., ... ....... ,,... .................. .... _,..,.,.,.. cent sml&e that has lit up a thousand Las Vegas nights, movie screens In every comer of the world. carefully counted millions of album c.overs. "And I've learned to adjust to being a celebrity. People can write or say anything they want about you, and you just have to learn to let go of that privacy. They write boob about what I've done that have nothing to do with me. And those books are silting there in my kids' school!" It is for reasons such as this that neither she nor her children have seen Dreamglrls, the smash Broadway musical purportedly based on the rise of The Supremes. Ross ls careful about publicly aitid:zing the show. As she says, "I might see It someday. On the other hand, maybe someday peo· ple would like to see what really hap- pened. Hit's lmpooaut, then let's do something that makes a dtfference." still good friends. more like relatives reaJly, when the relationship holds strong even if you don't see them all the time. We were a lot alike, but our paths just went off In ~ent direc- tions." The thorniest problem Ross has to contend with now Is balancing motherhood and work. "My oldest In particular Is now at the point where she's concerned about my life away frOm home." she notes ... She said to me recendy, 'Mommy, I've been wondering what you do without us on the road?' I simply told her. 'l mm you girls.' "'1bey commute into New York Oty to private ~ every day," she says. '70 me, New York's are the bar schools around, because they really prepare kids for life. They learn the difference between rtght and wrong, and they learn to saavtve. But my kkts also like 511; .,,.....,, _ _,~ ....... , •• p -'AoNnc. ...... 1111'67: ,,. .... ~ ..... --· It In the oountly, where they can be with the dogs." Her office ls a melange of Roa's vaious lnteats and projec:ta.On one w.a II a bk>wn-up NPf'C)dudlon of the famous Andy Warhol .. 9Cl'Mr'I of Martyn Monroe. "He did one Mk• l for my MW ab.am cowr, only tt'a m.," lhe .ays, laughing. "h'• en energetic project, the MW ...... I think t!MN'• bMr\ a big turnaround In tt'9 mUlk: lndumy bee.a.-of dllco; but I think. tn the end, rMlody wtll alweyt win out. It'• .. blowing Into • horn -• ltde ~goes In, but you ~ to work through It mid ... what comes out the odw lkle." Another Wiii holda • lowchmt of her own produeton c:omplf\y. Ane6d (Dina lpelled t.ckwlrd) Nnw. The chart last• the employea of all her mmpll ... end h.-houlehoid ..... ID flMllLV~,-.. ... -e r DIANA ROSS 8cabv looe: D&ana fn a rare 1llot UJftll ha thra douglilen. Chudnq (Jar left) ,. noui 7. Tractt JO and Rhonda JJ. Diana can see immediately what needs to be done and by whom. ··once I started making movies." she says. "I waited around for the golden script to appear. or for some rnaedible director to come around and tell me. ·1 can·t make this movie without Diana Ross." WeU . it didn't happen that way. So I fanned my own company. I de- cided to pick the producer and direc- tor I wanted to work with instead of waiting for them to come to me " It must be said that her last two films, Mahogany and The Wtz . were Jess than thumping critical successes Ross IS choosing her pro,ects carefully these days. and the one that interests her the most is the life of French cabaret singer-dancer J osephine Baker. "The Baker SCTipt is now being written."' she says. "I wanted to be in- volved in the first draft I once said I wouJdn •t do another woman's life after Billie Holliday. I dldn 't want to get caught in that. But Josephine Baker's life was so fascinating. I couldn't resist it. And I want to do "50methlng important. I love movies like Gone With the Wind -an in- timate story within a big story. You have to tell the Josephine Baker story within the context of her lime -the prejudices that existed. I like the challenge of things that are bigger than you are .. , So far. there's been no mountain high enough for her to leave un· climbed. Diana Ro~ has reached the pinnacle of the entertainment world with a lyrical and affecting voice that Is the smooth female equivalent of the 40's crooner. She has combined her sweet :.. and sometimes bittersweet -love songs with a high sense of style unmatched In the business. Simply put. Diana Ross has gJamour, and very. vny few entmalner1 ever ,AMILY WEEKLY. Oct-24, tlU • t achieve that elusive brilliance. Cindy Birdsong. the former Supreme who In 1967 replaced Bal- l&rd . summed up, In an interview with Sou/ magazine. the final asset that made Diana Ross a star. "Diana had a built-In drive."' she said . "a total desire to go on out there and give them what she had. She did It totally and com- pletely every night. It was almost like she was saying. 'You might not lil<e the way I look. you may not like my hairstyle . you may not like what I have on. but before I leave this stage you're gonna loue Diana Ross. I'm gonna make you love me .... '" Diana Ross does just that. 1"51111 too Supremely ILJ , ,; ' All T"'Ou91t 1,.,. HouH . Hof fveti A Moils• ; Could FJftd A Ab'8 Preoous Cnnstmes Git ~ GENUINE NATURAL DIAMOND AND RUBY CHRISTMAS PENDANTS LAYERED IN PURE 24K GOLD CHRISTMAS BELL on 16' S c:han YOUT c:tuce: CHRISTMAS SNOWFlAKE Each pendant on 16' S chain 5Uspeoded from a genuine natural cMmond Of r\ltJy NOW ONLY 1, I AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL CHRISTMAS 1982 54~~ Death of a Son: A love Stot.Y voluntziry muscles of the diaphragm and lungs, ultimately mak· ing him vuln~ to death by pneumonia. "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." reads the New Testa· ment. Yet. In the 13 In· tervenlng years be- tween dlagno5is and prognosis. we were not to be granted rhe lux- ury of that distinction . We would be called , upon to play God many limes We never Peter ~lsman. ntV 7112. Said a-~"'~. "/'ue got used to the role . ._.,_. -~---When. ho w and never met any chfld as emotionally healthy." how much to tell Peter t the time. it seemed like a crucial decisk>n. Our 17 -m o nth -old so n . Peter, newly ambulatory, stood In the middle of the Uv!ng room sur - rounded by hundreds of damp, crumpled pages. wearing a ~ and a aeJf~ smlle. A shred of paper still dung to his Bps. While my husband and I had been enjoying a 5eeond cup of coffee in the ldchen, Peter had. quite ltteral- ly. devowed \40-and Peace. Mindful of the absolute parental power we wielded as lltUe Caesars In our tight and tlny domestic kingdom, and with wha now seems the touch.Ing ear- nestness of new parents. Lany and I !Oberly di9cweed the pros and cons of a playpen. Fourteen years .-.d rn.ly dead 81rious decl9lons lata. tmndlng In the conidor outside of the fntenstve-c.are unit of the Norwalk .HOIJ*AI In Coo- nectkut. Lany and I would be called upon to mak« the most awaomc and attteaJ c:Mtermtnatlon of our llva -to decide whether or not to allow the doctors to prolong Peter's doomed llfe by putting him on a raphtor. With Mart mumtng down our c:h4Nrks. we tlgned our 90n'a llfe away. Peter Wat 2YJ years old when we learned that he had muteular dystro- phy, a..._. which would 9'owty but eurely kll httn, wtllttng fnl the volun· t.-y mUICles of chi body undl he re· quhd a ~. Ind then the In· iO e ..,..._YWIB&.Y, 0....9' - about his disease was the first decision which challenged our Intuition and courage. We had heard aboui a psychiatrist In our homek>Wn. Westport. Conn . who had expertise treating handi· capped children. Expertise Of course. That was what was needed. Aher an initial consukation with us. the doctcx spent seveml hours in play therapy with Peter. .. rw spent a lot of time woriOng wtth handicapped children." he .said later. ~and I've never met any child as emotionally healthy as Peter The best advice I can give you IS to truSt yow own ln5tlncts. You've done very well 50 far." '"So much for expertise." Larry grumbled that evening. But In nm<>5pect. I realize the doctor's advice bought us the cotm~ge we needed. the ~ftdence to trust our own lntul· tion and the natural wtsdom that resides In love. We watched, waited and listened fcx a sjgn from Peter. and when It came, we explained In a way he ooWd understand. When Peter was 6 and able to walk only perllousJy on his toes. It was time to decide whether or not he should Wldergo an operation to sever h1$ heel cords. He would be In casts for six weekl. we were told , and there· after would be able to walk stiff-legged In tnca up to his hips, but the opera- tion wouJd f~all the need for a wheelchair, perhaps as long as two yean. At Ant II SHmed like a good Ide.. Then we wcnn 't so MR. Peter had become so ot..•d by his weM· entng phY*af condition that he w .. ........ ..... • Ciallllllll ...... •O••u-. ... ..... t 0 , .. .. tti ,, ... J , ... ,' ~Ill all II• l I • •II• f ••• J ~ .Ill J I The-beige cigarette unable to concentrate on anything else. Ar school he showed no interest 1n learning 10 read Al home he challenged his older brother. Adam. to endless. exhausting foot races. races he was doomed to lo5e . no mat· ter how many times Adam, with a sensitivity that belied his year! and nearly broke our heans. pretended to rrip and fall. Coming eyeball to eyebaU wtth this decision. we flinched. We asked Peter Aher all. 11 was his life . wasn't 1t? "You decide." Peter concluded. after we had outlined the facts as plainly and fairly as we could 'Tm just a kid ·· Emboldened by the sweet power of his trust. and persuaded by o ur own observation that Peter. for his own good. needed and was ready to ac· cept the harsh reallty of his disease. we astounded the medical commun· ity by turning down the operaoon. In addition to the courage to trust our own instincts and judgments. and a wtUingnes6 to be respon~ as parent.$ for them. a particular inodent taught us yet another crucial aspect of decision-making -the need to view Peter's condition cle.arly anc~ directly, free from the interfering distortion of our own egos Should he pa.nldpate in the special Olympics for handicapped children? Reflexively, I recoiled horn the Idea. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing my 14-year-<>ld son. his limbs now IJ mp and deformed by the ravages of disease, compete In such a grotesque mockery of normalcy. Larry dis agreed. and somehow. I located enough uncertainty within myself to let his pomt of view prevail. Horrified . I heard Larry and the coach whip Peter up Into a tradttlonal macho frenzy before the event "Now. Pete. I want you to get In there and beat the hell out of those kids." I moved in closer to watch Peter Steer hls electric wheelchair through an lnnicate slalom course of orange r<Mlld cones. his face beaming with triumph . and I thanked God that I had had the good sense to defer to Larry: My own sheer selfishness and IOObbmy had almost lnterfered with my ablltty to recognize an Important and rare opportunity for Peter to ex· pci;ence the heady pleasures of com· petltlon and sucxae. Playing God can be demanding work. sometimes ~quiring that o ne J>fOvldc one·• own absolution Two demigods, I concluded ruefully as I watched Larry lift Pete's hand from th• joystick or tht wheelchair and give It a firm, congratulatory shake at the finish line. arc often better than one. h II now two·and·a·half years since Peter med How might 1t have changed his life If we had decided in favor of the heel cord operation? On the one hand. he did le am to read as soon as he abandoned his obsession with run· ning and accepted the wheelchair. on the other. perhaps he might have done that anyway and. in addition. en)Oyed a year or two more of quasi· nom1al life . And what about our decl· S1on not to put Peter on a respirator? Strangely enough. to Lhis day we feel most confident about that last and most critical deciSlon The doctors could not guarantee that Peter, once placed on the respirator. would ever get off it Funhermore. they advised. even tf he succeeded in fighting off his latest Infection. his condiuon was so weak that he was likely ro catch an· other terminal cold . possibly within days; perhaps. though. if he were lucky. not for months But more than We looked dttply Into his hazel eyes and 9aW not our own dealre to kttp him alive, but hia own readlneu to die. all the expert medical advice. we trusted ourselves and we tru5(ed Peter. We looked deeply Into his haz.el eyes a nd saw not our own desire to keep him alive, but his own readiness to die. I still don't know and I don't ex,pect ever to know whether these and the many other crucial decisions we had ro make on Peter's behalf were ~right" or · wrong .. Omnipotence and ulti· mate guarantees. we came to learn. belong to God. not to parents and not to doctors We could only concem ourselves with the process by which better and worse decisions were made. and the relative success of that process depended upon careful con· Slderalion of expert opinion, keen observation, courage and the ability to assess Peter's needs as separate from our own All of these Ingredients add up not to right or wrong, but to a deep, If fallible. knowing that Is at the very heart of parental love. Whether the IS5Ue Is when a child Is ready to wait alone at the bus stop, go to c.amp or borrow the f amlly car. alJ decisions for all children. 5'ck or well. feel Ike -and n IOfM rul teTlte r111 en -llfe and duh cl«isk>ns .., Marv Lou Wtl•mon II th• oulhor o/ 11!. n<rw booli Intent!.,. c.,... A Femlly Lov• Story (Rondom Ho11w) Wrfu.n In ,,,. /omt oJ o nout/, 11 ,. lh• eomc11mc1 lf09<, o/wn comic Ir~ tl°'ll o/ how Ii/• chOtltft ond 111hoc 11/e /n9 •Ir• 111Mn 11 II liffd 111•h h Jul· knowlaHf o/ t#olh l'Mottl.Y Wtl!ILY, ~ ... IA, 1m • II --·------------Aa reported in news storil!a in the New York Timi's. Waahingtun Po11t, Chicago Tribune. Miami Herald, Ecologiat. Paul Harvey News ................. . ROACH PRUFE,#1 in University Tests In a report released by the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA and published by the EN- TOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Of AMERICA. eight commercial and test products that included a broad spectrum of insecticides were tested against a product called ·RoACH PH t:f"E:The tests were conducted in heavily infested apartments and s howed at the end of the 8 week test period that with a single application of Ro AC II PRt:FE in each apartment, the roach population was reduced by an average 99.5%. By companson. with the worst results were two widely recognized insecticides currentJy used in aerosols and applied by extemunators. They sho wed a 0% (no) reduction at the end of the 8 week tests. Commenting in a letter, the University researchers s tated: ·our tX/>enmct urrtkr jUUJ cmtdilions ltas shown thaJ wltm properly app/Ud, tle.e R tJAC HP HUF£ fomru/a prOflitks a <kgru of cockroadr control Uta/ is usually superior to all olltn-regi.sl.tnd com,,,,.,cial or consumer prodwts: Viun,tt! Carril'r11 Odurll'iu . £n1y To Apply Alan Brite, holder of 15 U.S. and foreign patents has just been awarded the first of 3 U.S. patent s pending on ROACH PRUFf.. Brite says: "Because roaches simply do not recognize ROACH PRUFE as an insecticide, they cb not try to avoid it by scattering to other parts of your residence as they do with other insecticides. Plus the electrostati- cally charged powder sticks to their bodies. Tiley then carry tM powder back into the walls spreading it among the other roaches. Tile result is you kill not only the roaches you see, but also those hiding and multiplyina in the walls.· RoAcu P1tUF£ is odorless. non.evaporating, non-staining and non-flammable. The powder is simply a~ with a teaspoon under kitchen appliances and in other hidden areas. It can be used in homes, schools. hospitals, restaurants. plus new construction. lf ROACH PRun: IS not available at your local hardware store. the manufacturtr will be glad to aend it LO you. To obtain a one pound container, ju t send a ~heck or money order for $8. 90, whlcll includes poatage. Add tax if you live In California. One pound eove'r1 up LO a 9 room residence. You11 need a.n extra pound for a ba11ement or prqe. Send to Copper Brite. lnc., Dept. 12 at 6147 W. Je&rson Blvd., LOI Angeles, Ca. 90016. Copie. of the Univenity tett are available by sendina a self-addressed stamped envelope to Copper Brite, Inc:., Dept. A. o c.,,., M • w.. tMO ~ I r - - - - --- - -SATISfACTIOM C:UMMTCCl>-*IL COUPON TOOAYI • - - --- - - -1 Ot..D V1UME ~. o.,t. VM·llll, MO ...,._ tire«. "-· .._ 17111 PIHH n1Sft -Pl'l. of lllt Gef!UtM l U Ultf "W•"f·flp l roeue'"C'I for t~t •-salt IM'•ct of NAMC ------------j11st 11.1& pr. plus SJ.90 posUc• Md iu11C111nc CPIMH prt"'I Oii fllll lllOfley-0.Cl 1u.aru tN Also tllCIOU mJ rrM Gift wltll 1111 ordt1. ADOllS$ ----------- ~ UW -• Order two pairs for tint Sl4.00 pliis $6.00 llOIU&t l lld "-111111 °" 11me CITY -------------1110My-Ncll llMRIWIH . -L llM:ll(M2711111) Slz.__Wldtll __ -Jll'l. lllOWll (1112719999) Slz Width __ CllMe( tft 0 Amtriu 11 (AjWHS LI Viu 0 Dltotn' Clilll C! carte 11-llt 0 Mait~nl Acc'I No. ------"'P O.tll --- (llCloMd " ------ SlATt Zll" ----0 Chee• here •ftd s....i 50c for • 1•r'1 sub· .cr1ptl011 to ow hlll-color uulac of fine allots lllGllll9:2Xl. Ow policy II to PfOCHS 111 o.Wn ...-t11 Credit u ro or~ 111 jllnl(KMd lll'Oll CrMll ~II. 0.Y1' llOtt· lied ,,,_t]J. SllljMllMt ·-...ued •ltlllft fO ""· I --------------·~ M.M.1. IK .. , 1112_._ ____________ ~ • AnwricM1 Made GENUINE LEATHER JUST$17.88 Save S l.76! 2 pn. 834.00 • Ollllc Wing.,..., Styling • ~ Stotm w.n • Dunib&e MokJtd So6t. Hnl • ~HM! FwGiMI Up To A $10 VIM! Ordef WlttWn The Neat 10 Deyt & A•c•i•• A frff Offtl leltlltr .,,... flta l'llllf toot ..... ·-.• perfl 1114 wllli'lf P ttltdli"I NM It 1 elmlc. Stront. flalblt mokltct COlllllOlltioll ..,.. _. '*' cdlioll ...,, .. .,. ""1'• rtlnfotced lot IUtlPCM1 end d11ttblllt1: storm wtlt tdda Htn protection."''°" lee.a reslllt 1811, Kld, oil. Cobbler crtfted In tllt U.S.A. -., °" It ... doft't mlu Otll Oft ttlt llloeYllM of tk~ llls7, 71/t,8,IVt, 9, 91/i.10, IOYa, II, 12. -...: C. O. E. EL Clllrl: '"""' Of l1lcL A BOOT YOU CAii BET 011 Through rain, 'leet. snow, the 'Weather ~atn" gets you there 1n style! ln fact, then quality leather boots with covered platform 11ve you such• smarl look, you'll love wearing thttn--ln 111 kinds of wuthu ! And what • 6t. The ex· pertly crafted leather practically molds to your root. Wears longer. too. And the lush 1crylic lining tctu· ally cushions .and an•ulates your foot to keep you warm and com- Fw~I UpToASlOVllue! OnletW"'*'TMNewt '' 0.,. 6 ~A,,.. CMftl ..,..,, ...... ........ ... ..,....., ........ , .. _ _.., ... .... fort1ble. One tip of the convenien t 1lde zipper i nd you're off! The non· skid rubber sole and low heel de- sign give you perfect footing every step of the wa y 1 And all 1t this low price. CMni Brown, Bl•ck. w-·• SUn: s. SY,, 6 , 6"'1. 7, 71/J , II, ll'tl. 9, 9 1/1, JO & t l : Wldth1: 8 , C, D, E, Et. EEE. RR)T EDITION) .......... 11111 .-------IATlll'ACTIOH GUAAANTIE:f.D-tolAILCC>Uf>Ofil TODAY'------, .-r EDlf .... Dlfl.JllWlll, MO ............. *'-·" 17Ul I I .......... ---11'(1}. "8-IM leltMf I ............... leotl fllf )1191 ...... .,, ..... "'"" llAMC I f!:DO JIOlt. a lldtl. °" llloMY-t.c• GuerentM ~"Jr'· ' 1141-:.). MO .... tllCIOM 1111 AOllllE.SS I MW ... , OIW twt ~'"'for ldt t.Jl,DO •'-CITY I IUI ,......, ... 1111111111 Oii t1111 .....,.-.Ck I ..,... .. c--..... ' !Mita.) ll•lf ZIP I _ "'" It-1•Ull'1ll S•rtl\I _ •·••~11 -..: Clltcl ntrt 111111 MIMI SO. for t ,.,,., ... I _,. .. , 1110 ~· s.,.,,,_ ••••~01 _ '"''"°" 11 -t•l-ctlet u t•IOC o1 .. .. = n ~ ..__ , C6 "'"' (llQltlUIQ o.r ,.11cr ,, to tnitns I · ---C.• l lMfl't 111 o.-..n ,.....,111 C,.lt u rd Of._., .,. I 0 ,..., Ct... 0 !Ntlfl ••ti llf1ltllltd ..,oil cttd1I ~0'111 Otll fl 111111• Mc 1 • h i Dlt. __ fled tr~I) t111.....n llllflfttHd witllift I ,.....,. "' to°'''· I ~-------------·•"·"·'· .... ,., ______________ ,... The Grape.s of Mondavi No dinging vine, Robert Mondovi broke from his Jami~ eventually bought his own winery and cultivated an empire which aomeday could extend around the world. By Usa Harrington W hen Robert Mondavi was a young boy. his father. an Italian immi· grant. made several trips from the mining town o f Virginia . • Minn , to the vineyards of California His purpose was usuaDy 1he same: to boy grapes for the wines he. his wife Rosa and their children made In tubs In the basement. Slxry years later. In June 1981, a Robert Mondavi·Rothschild wine would sell to a New York Dquor salesman for the largest price fetched by an American wine -$24,000 for a case of 12 bottles 10 be released In 1983. The cost per glass. about $333. Robert Mondavl. a wiry but well· bulk man who raernbles Anthony Quinn In appearance and speech. sits beneath a golden umbrella at a table clothed In white linen on 1he edge of his l,100-acre vineyard. During the course of an afternoon. friends. businessmen and reportm visit this table. to listen to the man who has become the godfather of Napa Valley A cardtologfst-tumed·Paso Robles wine maker asks Mondovi for advice I on running the family-owned oper· ation. A Broadway choreographer sits. comparing the Mondavl 1978 Cabernet Sauvlgnon with a glass of 1978 Laflte-Rothschild . Mondavl'• comments and counsel Oow as freely as the wine his guests sample, and aie as highly valued. For Rober! Mo ndavl is considered one of rhe world's m05t successful vintners. It Is a skill the 69-year·old learned from the bottom of the barrel up. util· lzing his Instincts. as well as a fair dose of salesmanship. Mondavl's family moved from Minnesota to California an 1923. when father Cesare started his own fruit -shipping business. "Dad was a man of few words, but he had a vl.s1on ," explains Robert. looking over his pastoral properry. "He had been all over California as a grape shipper during Prohlbitton and was convinced that there was something special about the Napa VaUey. After Repeal, he felt there'd be a good future In table wine there." Mondavi had no way of ttillng how acc\lrate Cesare's prediction would prove (today Napa Valley leads the nation In premium table wine produc· t1on). But fueled by his father's rev•· rie. Robert. then a business student at Stanford, boned up on chemlstry courses and received tutoring in enology and viticulture by a profeMC:>r from Berkeley. Smitten by the Bac- chus. he joined h.ls father at a small Napa winery, SunnyhUI. In 1936. Within a short time. Cesare and his son helped raise the winery's bulk wine production from 80.000 to half a mJllJon gallons per year. Rohen became adept ar everything from manual labor 10 the making and tasting of wines. And he began form- ing his own convlc:tton about the valley's promise. "I knew we had the natural elements -the soil. the cUmate -to produce premium W1Jles." he explains. What they lacked were premium wine-making knowl- edge and technique. But it was onJy a matter of time before the Mondavls would gain both of these. Always aggressive. Robert longed to prove himself in the business. In 1943, when the oldest winery In the valley, the Charles Krug, was put up for sale. he decided to test his mettle. Cautioned that a pany from Onlo was bidding for the property and would come to an agreement In a few days. The...,o/ Mondaol'• 1.500 oc:::ra. eoy ....... he immediately brought the matter to his father. "I had the weekend. that's all. to convince my father and mother to part with their hard-earned money and buy the Krug place." remembers Mondavl. "We were on the back porch after dinner. and my father had a st<>gle in his mouth. When I fin. ished, all he said was. 'Well . Bob. I'm happy as I am. I don '1 want to be as btg as CharUe (Krug).' Then he went upstairs 10 bed." Robert was au.shed. ·My mother. who was always In the kitchen. was listening through the open door. So I said . 'Mocher. we've got to convince Dad ... They did, securing the vineyards. winery, stables. family home and guest houses spanning 149 acres for a mere $75,000 -just seconds before the bid &om Ohio arrtved. Cesare, Robert and his brother. Peter. (also a Stanford graduate) replanted the vineyards wllh flne vartetals. Convtnoed that they were destined ,for the leagues of the valley's premiu m wine makers. Robert Initiated an tntenstve research program and persuaded the dean of American wln• making. An dre Tchellttcheff, to advt• him. The °** Krug \Mnery Rot.nhed M lllllU' ~. 0..... If. -• 1' under the Mondavis. But the relation- ship berween the brothers floundered. While Robert embraced a bold. ag- gressive approach, Peter c.lung to a more conservative one. When Robert criticized Peter's wine-making tech· nlque and urged stricter quality con- trol. Peter retaliated by accusing his brother of being 100 extravagant on his promotional trips. something Robert considered crucial to the future of the company. The friction inlen· sified after the death of Cesare In 1959, and Rosa. who had visited the winery maybe four dmes since Its pur· chase. placed herself between her squabbling sons and took over as head of the winery. In 1965, as Robert's eldest son, .. QJlflomJana can make quality wine Jar a lou1 price. A. U1lne m~ we have done the aame thing to~ that Japane.e auto maken have done to Ddrolt. • Michael. neared ~aduation &om Santa Clara University, Rosa an- nounced there would be no room for Michael at the winery. The news came as a shock to Robert . who had been grooming Michael. his second son. Tun. and his daughter. Marcie. to enter the famUy business. Injury was added to lnsuh when the family VO(ed Robert out of his position at the winery. Feeling that he had been deah with unfairly. Mondavl t~ hls famUy to court In a sen.sadonal legal battle that rocked the tranquil Napa Valley. To th is day. Robert prefers n()( to talk about the proceedJngs. In 1976 Robert won the judgment and $5 million. whlCh allowed him to buy out his partner: the Rainier Brew- ing Company, the Oakville winery he had opened for Michael after leaving Krug in 1966. It was the 8rst new winery to open in the vaUey since Repeal. and after that. hundreds of other family-owned enterprises would follow. In 16 years. the winery has . , become the 20th largest In 1he state - larger than 1he Charles Krug. The Robert Mondav1 Winery em· ploys 250 people. whom Monda vi considers ·'famUy. ·· Known for keep- ing his growers happy, he pays them for the risk of keeping the grapes on the vines as long as possible and pro- vides them with a share of his profits But Mondavi only spends about half of his time in Napa Valley The other half is devoted to additional endeavors: He recently purchased another winery in Northern San Joa- quin Valley. has become a consuhant for an Australian vineyard and travels coast to coast promoting the Mondavl label and the Napa Valley image. "He's been a pioneer in establishing · relationships with colleagues across the Atlantic ." says Robert Pecota. owner of the Robert Pecota Vine· yards. who recently dedicated his first wine to Mondavi. "And here. he is generous with sharing information." Mondavi"s attttude reflects the spirit of Napa Valley. It's not unusual for vintners to exchange secrets. borrow or lend machinery. drop off a bottle of wine for a fellow vintner to sample. A sense of camaraderie prevails. con- trary 10 what TV programs such as Faleon Crest might lead us lo believe (Mondavi considers the show's por· trayal of wine country a poor one ) With such mevttables as fire. rain and estate taxes constantly threarening 10 ruin the famUy-owned enterprises. co· • operation becomes essential. For this, as weU as for reasons of blood. 1he feud berween the brothers Mondav1 no longer exlSts Roben hmrs 1hat the rwo families may work together in the future. In the meentime his second wife, Margrit Biever, end 1hree children all have taken on roles In the business. (Robert's first wife. Marjorie. legally retains the title of Mrs Mondavl, In deference to the contributions she made to the business -ones her chil· dren a.re quick 10 point out.) Margrt1. who married Mondevi two years ago. ftnc brought cultural programs 10 the Charles Krug. and later Instituted a world-renowned cooking school at the Robert Mondavl Winery. visited by chefs from the world over. This Is one reason Mondavl's wines heve been appearing in three-star restaurants In France: Visiting chefs. after sampling the wine. often take It back with them. It is worldwide recognition that <T•> Ubjadtcr, lb~ Bode nm mtd Monda vi seeks and works toward dal- Md.-1 ,_ ....,,.,,."*., ._ .-.y ly. It Is because of this ambition that he ..,.,..., ... ..,,......,.N.de.. will pass the winery o n to his children. ! carrv oft tlt•/omll1 tradition ,.,... "It takes one generation to be lit llfond•fll relln1. (1111"41•) A Nondaflf known In the stale,.. he contends. I dtem..,,_,.,,..,,.,,.qf"*1r.(8"'*"" "two genera tions lo be known In the fflt) TIM end RoNrt ot ajomtol ....,. country. The third generation." he Ncn.,._l.000.....,,. ...... "'9~ adds. smiling, nearly trium JR ..cit.,. (8oltcNn ,,,,.,, ,,,.,,,,,... ,,.. phant' '\ti/Ill be known In the wodd . "..., i EiHJ 11., .,...__.,...CNlfrcmb L90 ~,._,.on, tdltor /(;; Gllfom1a t "-.. _..,~_,. __ ..._~--~-.. ~\a-.. ~-.,-'_'~·-·~ ....... ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-o.-Mon~-thJv~M-OfGlfn«~~-m-s.~'"~--v ~~~~_.I lmqiae your trasared pbotopapbs displa~ In our coUec:tioa of color coorcltMted ,....... fabric frames! Kita include all nec::esaary mUeriaJI to make 6 fra~ut frame.....,.., mall, boank, Pld· dins. trims and fabria («rU muslia phis coordiDaled prints iD a choice of Old lloee, Slate Bl• or Camel). r-woiwru-ru.--m:-ii;smo:w.-.;~i;:-N:V.1,e;;---------------1 ---'*"fr-l tt(otM ••-11 ............ . D ow•-o--.......,. _ _.,. 1:. ............ eM •• _ .. lll (ll.S. , ... , ................ T_,_...._. ......... .. ..... ·----Or.-. i .. , ___ _ '----~----....,.. _ ........ -_., ..... ,., ......... wn , ........ '"""'"' ,.,. ...... sa ........ n . ,.. .., ....... 0 M~ 0 \I,.. O.nl No l 'f"-IM !-. ------ ~If- ...... (,.i.-,._, ADDllllll ------------------------------- crry ftAft DI ---....-.- L--------~----------------------------------.,_ ._, ,__ .... ,_ ..... _..,... __ ..,,. ~ .... ALL6FRAMES ONLYS9.9S Fancy Flight: For the mere sum of $200, you and two friends con spend an hour boDoon·bome. 1Mn II'• bock to the launching /Wld Jor o chompogne breakfast. The Best-Kept Secrets of Southern Callfotnia By ffilchelle 8ekey S outhem California has lots of tentflc things for the entire fam· Uy: beaches. Knott's Berry Farm. Disneyland, Sea World and other favorite standbys. But what if you'd like something rea.ly dlffemit um time? Chok:es abound between Sc9nta Barbera and the Mexican bor· der. following are some of the very best sights. activities and eating places to Indulge In all year-round. 8-t tide pooling. Starfish. sea anemones and other tea fauna can be spotted at many rocky points along the California coast. but favored sites include the east side of the Palos Verdes Peninsula at Point Fermin, about one hour's drive southwest of downtown. For details, call the u.brilJo Marine Museum In San Pedro at (213) 548-7546. Other chotoe spots: Saipps Park tn La JoUa cow near San Diego and nearby Potnt Loma. Some of the most spec· tacular 9CCnCfY In and out of the water can be found at Laguna Beach. ape· dally Heisler Park or Moss Point on the Pacific Coast Highway (P.C .H.). To get there. take the 405 Freeway south to the Laguna Freeway then head west to the Coast Highway. tum Ing left at the junction. e.t btcyde path. Starting at Marina del Rey ln Los Angeles. a wide path winds around the nation ·s largest pleasure-boat harbor and along the sand to Redondo Beach's King Harbor wharf. Much of the 16-mile (each way) route is concrete· paved and set back from dty streets. For a two-mile stretch, jets from near-- by Los Angeles International Airport . fly directly overhead. The route offers bicycle rentals, Ice cream stands and th4n'e are sidewalk cafes at both ends. .Bat pMtry shop. The Buttery. 2906 Main St., Santa Monica. just one block from the beach. Famous for Its croissants, The Buttery also serves fabulous chocolatey brownies (made with Scotch whiskey). oversll.e choco· late chip cookies. melt·ln·your•mouth cinnamon rolls and bluebeny, bran and pumpkin muffins. Also dddous: their hot-from-the-own breads. Beet unknown part. The Self· Realization Fellowahlp grounds in Pdlc Pallslldes. a choice selection for weddings or just quiet wandering. A sandy path meanders around a large. tranquil lake amid lush land· S(;aJ>ing and a gwgling stream. Scat· tered around the lake ·s periphery are shrines to various Eastern and Wes· tern rdgioclS, and nondenomklalion services are held at 9 A.M. and 11 A.M. on Sundays. A book shop and museum showcase Indian items for the most part. and the gift shop offers saris, incense. candJes, Intricate boxes and the Uke . 17190 Sunset Blvd., Padflc Palisades 90272; 300 yards north of P.C .H . (213) 4544114 . 8-l .rt ud a.it '-dval. Every Sunday and holiday. more than 100 Santa Barbara-area artists set up booths along Cabrillo Blvd .. border~ Ing the Pacific. Paintings. drawings. baskets, pottery. jewelry, leather goods and many o ther crafts are ex· hlb!ted under the palm trees from 10 A.M. to dusk. and there's ample parking between the gra.y festival stte and the beach. To reach the area from Highway 101. take the CabriJk> Blvd. alt. Belt .,..,. rtde. Los Angeles to San o.tgo aboard Amtrak. A special ~ZoofarC package allows an 8 or 9:50 A.M. departure from L.A.'s Union Station. The train arrives at 10:45 and 12:35 P .M. at which pant a bus whi9cs passengers straight to the San Diego Zoo and back In time for the 3:00, 4:20 or 7:40 departures. arriving at 5:45. 7:05and 10:25, respectlvely. A similar package, "Seafari, ~ is available for Sea World. For a shoner ;aunt. take the trolley from the San Diego station to nearby Tijuana. The trolley leaves every 30 minutes. (Train fares for Zoofar1: $31.50 for adults and $8 for children ages 2 to 11 If ac:com· pank!d by an aduh. Beet rollenbdng. Along the Boardwalk at Venice Beach -some· what hazardous on weekends due to crowds. but L.A. 's best people·wntch· Ing spot. See mu9Cle-bound weight· lifters pumping Iron, disco and dare· devil skattng and lots of glowing sun· tan$. For refreshments, stop off at the Sktewalk Cafe on the waJk. or the Cheete and Ohve Cafe at the Venice Pier on Washington St. a.. kit cream ,.ton. FlrftD's Ice Cream Pariora. Watch walten careen around to a horn and drum· b.at wtth a mountainous "Zoo": a 10-person, $17 exrravaganza of five ice creams, three sherbets, five top pings, whipped cream. nuts, cherries and bananas Van Nuys (2 13) 7 86-4200. W oodland Hiiis 887 -6440: Northridge 349-16 11 ; Downey 861-0944: Rosemea d 28S-1342. Bea camping beach. Secluded Jelama Beach north of Santa Bar- bara. A lovely, sandy stretch about 15 mi&es we.st of Highway 1 on Jalama Rel Cal (805) 734-1446 for infor· mation. Group reservations only. In· dMduals. ftrst come, first served: $5 night per car or $2 day-use fee. Bea cram ride. Palm Springs Aerial tramway. Om leave every half houi beginning at 10 A.M. with the last car up at 7:30 P .M. and last down at 9: 15 P.M. The half-how ride cli- maxes at mouotaintop hiking ttails and a restaurant with prime ribs. chicken and fish dinners and a full bar. Prices are $8 for adults, $5 for kids. with a special ride-and-dine dinner fare. Take 1-10 south to Highway 111. follow signs o n nght. Free parking B..t boolcltora. For fantaSy and science fiction. vts11 A Change of Hob· bit. which features hard and soft covers, out-of-print volumes. posters and original art. 1853 Lincoln Blvd .. Santa Monica 90404. For kids' fare there's the Children's Book and Music Center, 2500 Santa Monica Blvd .. Santa Monica 90404. And Acres of Books has everything In used volumes. lnc.ludlng childnm's books Addresa: 240 Long Beach Blvd .. Long Beach 90802. a.t llhmtl tnpe~ Avid anglers can leave Paradise Cove via fishing boat three times each day: 7 A.M.. 8 A.M .. 12:30 P.M. Ane sportf!shing for bass. barracuda and bonita. and deckhands help out any no\lices aboard. Prices vary depending on trip. Call (213) 457-2511 . On P.C.H .. five miles north of Pepper- d.ine Univenity ln Mabbu. Bat .............. For kid-pleasing fare, try the Malibu Sea Uon (213) 456-2810 o n P.C .H. In Malibu, where waves break right under yow wtndow. The new Chuck E. ChffM plzZB parlor In Can~ Park, 8377 Topanga Canyon Blvd.. (2 13) 992.0744. offers a Olsney.tlke revue of dancing stuffed animals. video games. animal rides and skee baU , aJong with mlkt -flavored pizza. sub· maitne anct\Vkha and similar fan. S.. bolltbKll rtdlng. Sail Ysidro Stables, near Sant.a Barbara. has on•· hour guided rldet at 9 and 10:30 A.M. and 2 and 3 :30 P .M. Trails am· ble ~the 10tn~ Santa lnarnoun· fains p9tt San Ylklro Creek. P11ce : Sl 7.50 per person. Raervat1ons nHdtd. (805) 969-5046. In Montecno. 25 miles from rhe Reagan ranch. Bat ocean pier. Santa Monica's famous pier offers a restored. brlght carousel (rides just 25 cen!S), game arcades. restaurants, a g\ft shop , bait and tackle shop and plenty of space for fishing. Just off Ocean Ave. In Santa Monica. Bea lu mmbt. Pasadena's Rose Bowl Flea Market held on rhe first Sunday of every month features minstrels, mimes. 1.500 vendors and two million items in a country-fair at mosphere. Open 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Take the 210. Pasadena or 134 Freeway. Best ballooning. East of Los Angeles. Visual lmpres.slons flies the "Mirage" out of Perris. two hours from downtown. at 6 A.M. provided the air is calm. A truck retrleves the balloon and up to four guests after a one-hour junket. then runs guests back to the launching field for a cham- pagne breakfast. Cost for two people. $150; three, $200; four, $250. (714) 784-2166 or (714) 689-0871 There's also The Flying Sorcerer at (213) 459-8180. or Balloons of California at a t 3) 937-1244 or (7141 679-0646. Best bmi>ec:ue spot. On the beach at Leo Carrillo State Park (213) ~7·5538 or Point Mugu State Park 1805) 499-2112 on the P .C.H Fee S3 day, Overnight camping available ar both rocky, dramatk sites Your Gulde to Upcoming Events Oct. 14 -Annual Trade Fair and Old Fashioned Baz.aar. Grass Valley Oct. 29-Nov. 17 -The Grand National Livestock ~position. Rodeo and Horse Show, San Francisco Oct. 31 -Halloween In the Plaz.a, San Luis Obispo Nov. 5-7 -r~a de la Cuadrtlla, San Diego Nov. ~7 -Bonego Days. Bor- rego Springs Nov. 6, 7 -3rd Annual Coors Desert Classic Bicycle Race$, Borrego Sprtngs Nov. 6, 7 -Air Show, 01tnard Nov. 11-14 -Death Valley 49en Encampment, Death Valley Nov. 13 -Centtal Coast Cham· plonshtp Band Review and Street Show. Pismo Beach Nov. IS, 14 -Dixon Lake Trout Oerl>y, Escondido NoY. 13. 14 -Brawley ~ttle Call. Brawley Nov. IS, 14 -Gem and Mlnerol Show. Oxnard Nov. 14 -Paclfk: Grove Cham· pk>nshlp Marching Band Festival, Pkt& Grove ,./Ullt1.Y MIMLY, oao.t M. -a It Slim EverySong An AD-Time Favorite Let His Ne\\1 Christmas Album Enrich. All Your Holiday Seasons , This beloved new singing star has captured: America's heart. Everywhere he appears in per-: son his performances are sold out. Slim's beauti- ful voice has made him a giant recording star. : Now all your favorite Christmas songs in one: fabulous new oollection: WHITE CHRISTMAS · ... SANTA CLAUS IS COMING 10 TONN ... : JINGLE BELLS ... THE FIRST NOEL ... and alt : WHITE CHRISTMAS the rest. Here are all the beloved favorites you : WINTER and your entire family love. 'rou've never heard : WONDERLAND them performed so beautifully. Slim's irresistible : I'll BE HOME voice and singing style will fill your home with a: FOR CHRISTMA.S special joy. Check the list of songs on the left. j SILVER BELLS Imagine the pleasure you'll enjoy by hearing l JINGLE BELLS Slim Whitman sing them not only thfs Hotiday I season ... but every Christmas season in the : DECK THE HALLS future. 1 c8t..'fNAoC~~ Offer wm Not Be Repeated I UP ON THE If you don't enjoy this Christmas aJbum more l HOUSElOP than any you ",is 8'l9f' owned ... and play rt more ... it WE WISH YOU A won't cost you a penny. But please order yours now. MERAY CHRIS-.A It's not sold in stonts at any price and we will not ·' "' repeat this advertisement in this pubtlcatlon tNa THE F1RST NOEL year. Mail the no-risk coupon today. IT CAME UPON A MAIL lOOAY •NOT IN SlOAES MIDNIGHT CLEAR 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••-w SILENT NIGHT 1 w M1r1u1ttng.1nc.(0ept. sx-ne I AWAY IN A MANGER I = "=~ = Ot!z COME ALL I =~n:.::~===~~~~~ I Ym: FNTHFUL I ru1 _,,,, 1-v. '* t'IMr'd Of )OU w11t refUnd my l>UfCh ... price. JOY 10 THE WOR I § I encloM $7.98. Send Alc:otd Album. ' enciOM $9.98. Send 8-lt9dc llape. WE THREE KINGS I I enclole $9.98. ~ Casette "Qiipe. I HARK THE HER I Name I ANG!LS SING I I ~~~~ 1:-s. ~ TH!NIQHT) ••••••••••••••••••••••-- You like the tallofed look. .. but some~ Just want to be totally and comfortable. Le Sot Sac Is the bag to reach for! It holds 8¥8fYthlng you like to carry with you-81ld the easy drawstring top keeps It all aecure without the fuss of flaps. Sll8p8 and zippers. And becauee we know nothtng'a more annoy. Ing then aeerchl~ your beg for keys, we've Included 2 ·n Key Holders Inside! Plus a handy pocket yoi.lr matching wallet (Includes money poc:Ut, checkJng aectk>n, 8 credit c.ro or photo ineerta, coupon holder, IDIAddreea c:.rd). There's morel On the front, 2 open pocketa .. .and we add the status of yo411 ~ ~ on a brus llgnet p&atel In super-eoft Ambehyde™ ExpandeCI Vinyl. Approx. ea. 111/a • x 12~" >e 5• with 25 • snpe. Ct'OON from Buckskin (27), Red (22) or Black P4). ~-------......__ ______ -... "°'-- Olly-------------..... ___ .. __ _ ----··--····-·------------------------------------- Exchange By nlartlyn Hansen If you have a recipe to share. wn1e Marilyn Hansen . Neighbors· Recipe Exchange. FAMILY WEEKLY. 641 Lexington Ave .. New York, N Y 10022. For every recipe published, FAMILY WEEXLV will pay $10 Recipes must include your name. address. 1elephone number and the newspa· per in which you read FAMILY W EEKLY We cannot answer letters or return recipes. In case of duplication. recipes with the earliest postmark wtll be used All recipes become the property of FAMll.Y W EE.KLY An ocnue ethnic cook. Luo Zandrl Tougher sends the recipe for /ta/ran Cheese Bread. her /auonle holiday bread. ITAUAM CHEESE MEAD 2 pads..-ecttw dry \IWMf '"cup wry wenn water 5 cups uoMlted all·puJ'llOM llour 2 t....,oc>M Mk 2 .. -.--l-tahly ground bladi ~ 3 ~ lrahlv rreted P-aen ch- 6 .... 11'1 ClllP o8w cMI 2 tab&apoona !Mmer or mugerln«. mched lh cup •• \4 a.Ip In« dry bttad aumbe 'Ii •· Swtea c"-. diced l . In a small bowl. sprinkle yeast over very warm water and sttr 10 dissolve Set aside 2. In a large bowl. stir 1oge1her flour. sah. pepper and Parmesan Beat eggs thor o~ly; add yeast. olive oil. mehed buner and milk to the eggs. 3. Make a well In cen1er of dry lngredl· ents; ~d egg mixture ln one pour With a large spoon . gradually mix egg mtx1ure Into dry Ingredients. stirring vlgOrously untU thorol.\ghly combined •. Wm do ugh OUI onlo floured board and kne~ for 8 to 10 minutes. untll dovgh Is sprlngy 5. Heavily grease a 10-lnch tube pan and coat with fine dry bread crumbs Plllce dough Into th is pan . Smooth top of dough evenly and prH& dked cheese about an Inch apart Into surface of dough. 6. Cover and let rlM In warm (80°) place unttl dough hu elmott rlten to th« top of ~n. Thlt will take about 3 houn 7. Bike In prehutcd 350° oven for l hour, or until lop of loaf Is a deep brown and 1he cheese on top bubbles Do nol underbake. Cool on rack for 10 minutes, then turn out of pan Serve hot or at room 1emperature: 11's also good toas1ed Make.s 12 serurngs "This recipe originared In Northern haly ... wrlle.s Liz.a. "and has a beautifully rich and savory flavor. We always serve rt to family and friends on Easter and Chnstmas because It's a great holiday trea1 h's also greai for a pany snack - something different -resembling a cracker and cheese ras1e 1oge1her. hs ver· satility for all earing geHogethers makes 11 a favon1e In our famrly .. The Toughers read FAMILY WEEKLY an The Knickerbocker News. Albany. N.Y If someone·yoo care for suffers from total ~of control ••• now, for the first time, you can give them Attends- protection that really works. lf someone you care for suffers from a severe loss of bladder control, now you can give them new comfort. security.~. Thanks to Atttnds9-a totally new. more effective type of disposable brief-from the Home Service Group at Procter & Gamble. You 11 be giving them prolect>OO from wetness never before possible. And best of all. you'll be giving them a better feeling about themselves. ~for Uee in BOIPitale and Nursing Homes. Across the country. quality nursang homes and hospitals use Anends. ln fact. these pro- f essiooals prefer Anends 2 to I over-other products they've used. Attends helps them give their patients ttt best care. For major or total loss of bladder control. nochmg et:se gives vou the wetness protection of Anends. Money·u~ Otfa"-$15.00 O« on a Full C.. of Att.enda. 1f you or a loved one is severely mrontinent. you are invited to try Attmds now at $l5.00 less than the usual cost. Just mail the coupon below. A case of Attends wiU be delivered to your home. (This offer $ valid only on the fust case of Attends you order through~ Procter~ Gar:nble Home Servlce Group and is limited to ont pe-household.). Attendc> is not available m most grocery or drug stores. However. you may order your Anends by telephone. Simply call toll·frtt 1-800-543-0400 and ask for Operator 179 It's a convenient, simple. private way to get acquainted with the best product ever developed for incontinence care. !Wvolutionary leak-resistant design provides beet protection from wetneu a~ today. l Soft. ~·way rnner liner helps kttop skin dry. Patenlrd micropore ~gn keeps w~ss away from skin 8 n~ matt rifect1vely than any other' material ~ in inconl.Ulenee care products. 2. Heavy-dutv rnner paddinR soaks up mcl\Sture More than half a million fibers m every sq~ UlCh make rt more ab!-aberit than 10 lay~ of couun cloth. And uk for Operator 179. GUAJlAN'l'EE or SATISPACl'ION: If It WI)' timt )'OU ~ ctbr ila1cd wid1 Attmll. Procter It Cemble wit~ OW' tun QWO( ~your manty. ...... ~ ................ 1'0 to• .&1113 ~ Ohio 461., tNOlll2 , 3. Watefll'OOf outer layer helps proteet clochlng. ~.furniture. Clty~.£.IPo-------------------=* ....__o.r. .... _ ...... a."'~,.. ............ Pec.-....~r-........ '"' ,_,..._....,_. ..... lll US.A. .. Olkt..,... ,._, • ..,a. ............ ~ .. 1$- < ' i I I LOOK, lllA.: NO PLUORIDll A sudden shortage of the fluoride additives used in the nation's water systems may cause a temporary In- crease tn cavities among young children. The shor-.... 1111.,il!lehr<t'.l..fi~ tage Is due to a sharp drop 1-m••~"'? can cut cavities by 50 to 65 percent, but even a slight reduction tn the fluoride level greatly Increases the risk of cavities, primarily in younger children. In 1960. for ex.ample, Antigo, WISC ., (pop 8,600) stopped fluo· ridating Its water. In the next four year.;, tooth- decay rates among second in U.S. production of phos-' phate fertilizier. which yields WI ..... ~ fluoride as a byproduct. J graders rose by 183 per- 8 cent. If you live In an area af. ! fected by the fluonde shor- Currently, 123 million Americans ln 4,600 com- munWe:s drink fluoridated water, which Is considered largely responsl· ble for a 32 percent drop In tooth decay in the 1970's. When used properly. fluoride In water ::• .<; .., tage, the American Dental Association recommends consulting yow denlist about pos.slble extra fluoride protec· lion with toothpaste. a dental rinse or topl· cal treatments in his office TOP40 ...,..._TH• AD WORLD Do you find yourself singing old Beach Boys tunes as you chug yow orange soda? Or humming Since introducing its sexy-lingerie catalogue last year. Hanover House. a large national mall-order com~ny, has been, natu- Carly Simo n's "Anticipation" as you wait for the ketchup to slowly pour? lben a growlt')g trend in adve.rtislng is working on you: the use of popular songs in commercials. Besides "Good Vibrations" for Sunkist orange soda and "Anticipation" for Heinz, recent examples include "Help Me, Rhonda" (Hon· da), '"Summertime Blues" (M Network video games). "luck Be a Lady Tonight" (Playboy Casinos) and coming soon. "For Your Eyes Only" (Bausch & Lomb contact lenses) "Rather than aeate a new jingle. advertisers try to bank on 'bo1Towed inter· est,"' explains a former music-publishing executive. "'They hope the awareness end good feehngs attached to the song get transferred to their product." In years pas1, he contin· ua. the publishing com· peny that owned rights to the song would charge an advertiser a token fee of __.,.,"1 ~ $5.000 or $10,000 for Its ._,._..._. use ln an ad. Now they've W\sed up and are getting many times that. (Rarely Is th• original artist uJed ffl the apau -It would cost much more. Instead a 10undallke usu- ally Is brought ln.) ft lftmt most of the songs In ads thae days are from the 60'1 and 70'1. That's the musk: mott famll\ar to the baby· boom gtfleretton -tht pri~ audience for advcrtlters. nilly, swamped with orders. But one of the company's regular customers recently asked to have her name re- moved from Its "Night and O.,y Intimates" list. Was she offended? Weary sounds more like it "I have no need for the catalogue... she reported, "since I already have four men in my Ufe .. I wake up with Charlie Horse. have lunch with Arthur Rltus, spend the day with Will Power and go to bed wtth Ben Gay." BIRTHDAYS (AU Scorpio) MoncS.y Helen Reddy 41: Minnie Pearl 70. lu.dlly -Jaclyn Srntth 34; Jadde c.ooga,, 68. LABOR PAINS ls a happy worker a bet- ter wcxker? Not necessarily, according to one expert John Cotton, assistant pro- fessor of organizational be· havior at Purdue's Krannez1 School of Management. says that while a few studies show a weak corTelation 1 between job satlsf action i and productivity, most f show no link at all. "What ~ we find Is a corTelation the other way," he told us. ''The more productive a worker Is, the happier he tends to be on the job." Another way to keep an employee happy. repons Cot· ton. may be to reveal the salaries of his c.o-workers. Yep Assuming the company's pay structwe ls equitable (a large assumption. to be sure) bosses should pubtictze It when ~y is indeed tied to performance. when It's clear that ''If you do 1his. you'll get X "When ~Y ls kept secret. employees tend to overestimate the salaries of fellow ~. he says. lead- ing to job dissatisfaction. , rr-r SAl'IETY LAST Despite the fact that the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin istration (N.H .T.S .A.) estimates that half of all traffic deaths could be avoided if people wore seat belts. o nly 17 percenr of Americans buck- led up the last time they were In a car, reports a re· cent Gallup PoU. This is down from 28 percent In a similar 1973 poll Gallup found rhar more Westerners (24 percent) buckle up than people from any other region. Only 14 percent of Southerners use their belts. 1be poU also showed thar the higher one's education, the greater the chance that he or she wears seat be.Its. Twenty-4!ight percent of Americans with a college education said they wear them, compared to 9 per- cent of those who completed onJy grade school. A spokesman for N.H .T.S .A. e)(J)re.ssed IJttJe surprbe at the depressing report. In fact, he told us their figures show only 9 percent of Americans regularly buckle up. .J,1a;t o~ Jf41Ujiit' ~ tfou THESE LOW VITAMIN PRICES! . Endoee en.-... Mitt Ordw We probably could not on. you qU11ltty vitamins 8t these adv•mag. ------~;-...... -...... ---1 oua low prices If we 90ld tn ator.. But with malH>rdlr. they're yours. ! MAil OAOEER O MONnt"S a So Kt now. s.ve .. ·ve ne¥9f' uwct betorer ! VITAMIN ea• n:: : .. UNI .. !?..., I • c ts 100 fDr ' • • · I -d • ..,, 1'.25 : • 117311 r.....111M2 ri ,., ..,, 1s• : tlle Magical Melon of tlle Tropics Famous 11 an AID to DIGESTION WHAT IS PAPAYA? Papsya ii a IUICious diauting enzyme, eivinr you 2 digett1ve ajds in meloo-lhaped thait that sro-in clust.en on ahort each tablet. palmtnle9.ltp-owacmlyinthetropicawberet.be Right now you can ret a bottle of JOO nativn have valued it u both food and medicine PAPA YA-ENZYME TABLETS-FREE, if )'OU for centwiea. Papaya otren propertiee not found 1end an order for any of the produc:i.1n thiud. ~ in any othedru.lt or veaet.a.ble. PAPA YA IS THE what this amazing oombin.ation of Papaya and ONLY f'OOD CONTAOONG PAPAIN, a po-r-concentrated enzyme9 can do lo belpinc you di- fUI ~ that DIGESTS PROTEINS. gm your food beUer. Now -are able to brine you the potent Pape ya Check the bm in the onler blank and rec:um it enzyme that helps dpt pt"Oteina in our conve-with an order for any ol the ltema in thil eel ruent "PAPA YA-ENZYME TABLETS." and we will include without c:har1u bottleof 100 Theae tablet.I aleo include a powerful 11tarch· PAPA YA-ENZYME TABLETS. n-. offer eqtira November 8. 1M2 NUTNTIOM HEADQUM'T'EM, 1M .... P P - &IJ!'.C .. 011 01•&8• ,., ~-0 IOO ._ I.JI ",., ,_ 0 1000 ....... ,.... N1» ~116'1:2 A!IMIA T-••1• ...... ~----~----------------------------­r·------------------------..... ·--------------, I vu~INC~@!~1 L':!'----.. ~~!!2------~-~~~·!!.:!$1 • I l•t•• I -u "._... ......... ...,,_..... .. . ~ ... .,.,, ... '-fC..--•1iiiiiiiii&r.o.. !ID._ ...,.00 t• lw PM 20l..,. J ..,.. -.......... .., EAT WELL end L.08a WEIGHT :w·aLUCOMANNAN ,__..., ........................... ....... ""'-•·'~--,----.. --........ ...... .,.__ n. ___ ,..._ .. ,,_ __ 10 fof •10 .. -.... --...... ~ 11D.___, ~ -. to-·~ -'1::1."':'l'a ---· ~=-=·:::::-;: .... ...;:.a~ 270 for '25 , __