HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-26 - Orange Coast Pilot• llAllif CIAIT YOUR HOMITDWI DlllY Ml ~· -·------ I UI '>l>A 'I' <H I Olil IC Jb l'ltl,' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Coast college teachers' reprimand: dropped By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of lhe Delly f'Hol llelf t.'oast Commu111t y C v llc•gt• D1str1c:1 lrUStl't.'S um.,.•nt.l1uonully h av l ' w 1 t h t.l r a w n I e I I t· rs u f repramnnd frvm thC' pl'rsonncl fill>s of tl7 ll'al·hen. who s1gm'<.1 a leltl'r ('ra t1c.·11mg d1strt('l telev1s1on courses ThC' l'Xt.'<.'Ullve l'omm1ttcl' of the loc.·a l Amerkan Federation of Teach ers (AFT) chapter, wh1c:h represc-nts thl• district's full-llmt• 111i.trUl'IU1'S, w ill mt·c·t Fr1duy Ill dt•c.·1dl' wht•ther to rt•i.p1)nd hy dropping gnevanN' drnr~1'l> ( ill'<-1 agalnMI tlw thst1 tt·t 1rl lXllllh"-'llun With the• tck'<.'OUrM.' dti.pUll' · • I t h 1 n k t h 1 s w as a v t' r V r~1t1vt• move on the part of th1• trustees," said Ph11l1s 811si11., president of the AFT <.'huptcr "I think the outlook 1s betwr than 1t hus been for somt• tlml· I hopt' now we'll be ablt> tu rc~)IVl' Dollar boat still afloat Newport Harbor patrolmen are calling 1t tht' case of the boat that JUSt wouldn't sink. The 30-fool vessel. unnamed and unmarked, w as diSl•ovcrcd Monday. half-submcrgcod in the ocean about two miles off the harbor cntra nc.-e. After duufully lowing the ll•aky boat back to a mooring off the Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol headquarters, patrolmen said 1t struck them that the boat -what they could see of 1t, at least -looked awfully familiar. A records check revealed the craft had bt'<>n auctioned off just a couple of days before at a lien sale. The boat had gone for one thin doUar. . Harbor Master H arry Gage said he recalls tha t the vessel. when sold, was stocked wnh electrical equipment and an assortm<'llt of odds and ends. "W e believe what happened is that the boat was stripped of a nything of value. taken lo sea and scuttled." said Gage. "Just like 1f you bought an old C'ar, stripped it a nd tht•n got rid of the body In this t·ase, someone likely got a couple hundrt>d dollars worth of equipment for $1." The problem . noted Gage, 1s that the boat refused to sink -.unw ul 1111• uth1•1 uul11t1111dt11K lSbUl""' .. 01str11·t 1'pokt•iHnu11 H1l·h.11 d S1mun sm<l th1• wtth<lr;iwul of th1• rl·pnmimd kn1·ri.. wh1c h Wl'll' 1s.-.ut.'d 111 July, w,1.-; .111 allt•111pt by tht' board tu 1mprovt• fat·ulty udm1mstrauun rl'laLH/llS, wh1d1 have been i.traml•d uv1•1 thl• pai.t yt•ar by the tl'lt'<·uu1st• d1sputt· Last spring four Urun~t· Coas t Collt'gt• proft·ssors w n>Ll' a ll'lll•r qu1·:0.l11 1111111< th1• qualit y ul t1•lt•l'UUI SI"• 11 f ft•11•cJ b y '>l'lH•I "4:11ool c ...... tlllll' (.'11ll1•1o(1:, usking Ill JMrlu 11l.1r Whl'tlll'I Lt•lt'('()UIM' .. 111d1•111i. ,1i11uld I t'l't•1v1• tlw i.;.11111 • 11urlllJ1•1 •11 u1·cl11' '" ,1ud1·11h t•111 ull1·d 111 I h1• 1•qu 1v a11·11 t da-.i.ruo111 1·11ur">t'S An add1L11111.JI li:i 01 Jllj{•' Coa::.1 oncl Ci11ld1•11 Wl•s t C11llt•g1· tt'al'ht>ri. i.1~1\t-d lht· lt•ltt'r , wh1d1 wa:. muilt-<.I tu t•ducallon ort 1n ats throulo{hl)UI Califurn1;.1 D .. ,, f'llol PllOlo bJ P•trlcll O'Oonn•ll GagC' said his department will a ttempt to track down the person that bought the boat and order that pt'rson Lo remove the vessel from the harbor as a navigational hazard And that. patrolmen explained, will t·osl more than $1 Boa l 1ha 1 ref use d l o sink flouts ha lf submerged tn New1mrl Harbo r after beinl( lowed in Monday. D1~trl1'l tn1sll•1•i., who d1111n1l~'<I tht• t•onll'llt of tilt' lt-tl<•I, l1>SU1-<I wntt1•11 l'l'IJI 1111:indi. 111 lh1· (i7 11•.Jl'hl'I ,, du1m1111< 1111· 1111-ll Ul'IOI l> hod v111 t,111·tl tlw11 duty to lhl· d"t' 11·1 .111d hud "mal1g111·d " C11astl11ll' 'rt11· L1•.1t ht•r i. unrun h ,1.s 11•i.µol\dl•d t,y f1hng a gr1t•vant'<'. du11nm1-t th1· d1stnc:t has v1olall'll lht· 1.t('t1d1•1111t· f 1 t't.'{)11m prov1s1um. " f I t s t. II n l r iJ l' t w I t h t h l' 1ns tru1·tors by µu111 s h1ng th1·m f u 1 s p t• a k 1 11 g u u L o n t h e t1·lr'<·11ur84c· issue. /\ lworing on this grtevan<.-e 11 •><:ht-dult-d for m1d -Novl'mber Last month the trustN'll agrl'(.>d to withd r aw the le tters ot rt-pnmand on the t-ond1uon tha t l h t· t l· a l' h e r s s u s p r n d t h e ~nl'vam't· prucE't'dings But this a greeme nt was mntingt'nt upun the approval of a lll'W d1::.trict c:ommunica.tions tSce TEACHERS, Page A21 No first-degree murder rap Disneyland • ID case By DAVID K LITZMANN 01 lhe DellJ Piiot St•tt A Jury dl•adlot'k 111 tlw t·ai.t• u f i.I S.i n Dn·go ma n a<.'l'Ust•d of l'omn11tt111g Drsney lund'::. fir::.t hom1<·1dt• mt•an. ... the dl'ft•ndant no lungt·r mus t fal't' a f1rst -dt•gn·l· murdt•r l'h a rgt• whc·n ht• 1s n •trll'd Orange• County Superwr Court Jud~l' Kc.·nm.·th E. L<it· said he: ('11 ns 1d t• n •d d l' f t'n da n t J a mt•s O' OnSt·ull. JO. lo b<• at•4u11 wd of thl• h1ghl"l>t murder m unt wht•n tht.• Jury n·orll>d Monday that ll was dc·adlo1:kt>d 11-1 1n favor of a !.<'tfl nd degrc>e mu rt.l <.·r <'t>n Vll't1un The· h oldout JUrur favon·d ac:qu1ttal Judgt• L ;w <lt~:lart'<I d m1stn~il and S<:hl'Clult'CI a Nov 5 h<.·anng lor th(• sl'll't·t1on uf <1 n ('W trial d.ilt· Jury foreman Gt•orge Easlt·y told Lai• thc.1t tht• panel had taken ~·v1•n ballots in f1vc> days before 1<1v1ng up Verd1l.'ls in criminal t·ascs must be unanimous Lae said that because the 1ury hCld rull'd out the first-degree murder c harge , he w o u l d <.·ons1t.le r O'Dn S<:oll ac:qu1tted of that L'UUnt Prosecutor Patrick Geary said lw would now se('k a second- degr(•t· murder tonv1c:tion in a '>l't'.ond trial · o· Drist:ull IS al't'Used of fatally "tabbing R1vers1de high sch ool studl'nt Mel C Yor ba. 18. on M.Jrc·h 7. 1981. during a family night at Disneyland The stabbing took plal.'e near th£' s ubmarine ride in the Tomorrowland section of the "prawllng amusement park /\t'('Ord mg to Geary. o· Orisc..'011 attaC'ked Yorba after the Lanky d c>f(•nt.la nt aC'cu sed him o f t ee RETRIAL, Page A21 Newport-Mesa schools tops on Coast 1n SAT testing • BY KAREN E . KLEIN oftheOelly ..... twft The Ne wport-Mesa Unified School District made the best showing in the Orange Coast area on the 1981-82 version of th e Scholast ic Aptitude Test, adm1rustered to over one million co ll ege -bound st udents na11onw1de. results have shown. Ne wport-Mesa Dis tract av- AVERAGE SCORES BY DISTRICT SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST DISTRICT VERBAL MATH HIGH SCHOOLS SCORE SCORE Huntington Beach Union Edison 439 513 Fountain Valley 435 509 Huntington Beach 453 507 Marina 429 496 Ocean View 389 44 1 Westminster 425 493 lrvlne Unified Irvine 416 490 University 454 505 Laguna Beach Unified 440 479 Laguna Beach Newport-Meaa Unified 463 503 Corona del Mar Costa Mesa 430 512 Estancia 456 508 Newport Harbor 459 513 Saddlebeck Valley Unified 489 El Toro 446 Laguna Hills 428 490 Mission Viejo 462 509 erages were 454 on the verbal portion of the test und 508 on tht• mathematics portion The SAT ts scored on a sc·ale from 200 to 800. Students in the Laguna Beach and Huntington Beac h Union Ii igh School Di stracts s howed overall de<:lint'S 2 per<.·en~ to 7 pcrct.'nt -o n both their verbal and m ath scor es t his year as l'omparl'd to th<' 1980-81 school vear ·O ve r all, vt-rbal SC'O r es m ntinued to slip in most Orange Coast schools while math scores either improvt:d slightly or remained st.able. Only five sch ools Costa Mesa High. Nl'wport Harbor High. Estancia High. Irvine High and Capistrano Valley H igh - s howed improveme nt 1n bo th their verbal and math scores over the last year Dale Wool ey, director o f research and student services in the N ew port-M esa Dis tric t , attributed the strong showing of his district to a renewed stress on bas1<.· proficiency skills. "W e have been putting a n emphasis on compete ncy-based education and written language skills in partJcular." Wooley said. The bottom hne ts the material he works with though. Wooley said. "Thl' parents send us some Market licking its wounds NEW YORK (AP) -Traders reeling from the worst day on Wall Street since the cr ash of 1929 ar e blaming uncertainty over in terest rates for the plunge, but analy sts called it just an over due correction in a "manJc-depressive" marke t. A!I the stock market braced for a11other turbulent session today, the Labor Departme nt reported that consumer prices edged up 0.2 perce nt in September. the smallest increase in five months. The figure, whic h Is an inflation rate of 2.1 percent if calcula te d annually, reflects declines in mortf,lge rates and gasoline costs, the department said . The Consumer Prire Index Incr ease h e ld inflation to an' annual rate of 4.8 percent for the first nine months of the yea r Con sumer pl'ices r ose 8.9 ----llDEX---- After a 20-year retirement lo raise her ramily, He len Perez i again on top of her tennis game. Page CI . At Your ~rvice Bualnese Cava.la.de Cl318Uled ComlOI Cmwword Death NoUceos F.dltorial Enu-rwn~nt HorOKOJ><' ln«.'f'm1tllon AS 84-5 82 o..a 87 87 CA A6 86 82 B6 Ann Land<"rs Movie. Mutu.l Funds National News Public NoUC8 Sporu Dr. Stelncrohn Stc>Ck M rkeu TelevUton ThHtel'll Weather B2 86 B4 Aa 84,Cl·S C1 ·3 82 ~ B8 86 A2 percent m 1981 and 12.4 percent m 1980 M ortgage i nte r es t r a t es tumbled 1.5 percent last month. while gasoline costs fe ll 0 .1 percent. the Labor Department said. But food p rices rose 0.5 percent. The Dow J ones average of 30 industrials. which had soared more than 250 points since Aug. 12. plunged 36.33 points Monday to 995.13. It was the average's largest s ingle -day dro p since it fell 38.33 pomt.s on Oct. 28, 1929. The drop w as "an overdue correction in s tock prtces" m a "highly volatile market,'' said a nalyst Ho w ard J Abne r of Abner Herrman & Brock Inc. The selling was touched off by fears that the Federal Reserve Board had s toppe d le t ting lntere11l rates fall. analyst.I said. After intense speculation that tht' Fed would cut the di9COunt raw -Its l oan rate t o priva te Cinanclal 1n1tltutlonA -the agency left It untouched at 9.5 perttnt T hat Action "waa tht-No l rcuon In thf' hit parade affl'Cllng stock prl<'CI today." 11.11d Jock l~e MARKET, Pagr At) pre tty good kids," he said "This 1s an area where education 1s considered vr~ry important." National avc>ragc· scores wer<' slightly 1mprov<.•d in 1981-8:!. rev£'rsing u ded1m· that startl'd 111 1963 ::i nd has been consistent s111cl' then. Ave rage national sc:orCl> wc•rc 426 vc•rbal and -167 math, compared to -424 verbal and 46tl mat h in thl' I 980-8 1 'ie:h0<JI yc•ar Cal1fo rn1a SAT scores. traditionall y higher than the national averages, d eclined one point in each area this year. The Vl'rbal average was 425 and the <See SCHOOL, Page A2 ) HB 01ohile home plan hacked By ROBERT BARKE R 01 the D•llY Piiot Slett Hu nt ingt o n B eac h Cr t v Coum·il mC'mbe rs early th!! m o rn i ng accompl1shlc'd something thcy'vl' b<.·C'n working on 18 mo nths. approval of a mob 1 I e h o m 1• c· o n v C' rs 1 o n ordinancl' And o~n·c•rs pr<'d1ctl'd p<1rk ownC'rs as Wl'll dS ('Oach own1•rs would prob:iblv find fault wllh the agr('('m<.•nt, ind1caung. th<'y satd. that 1t 1s a good l'Omprom1sc The o rd1nan<.·c· s pells out compensation and moving l'Oi.IS that tena nts will re<.:e1ve 1f evil'll'd from parks by owners who want to convert their land lo mo r e profitable US<'S Park owners will be requ1rl'd to pay mo b1h.• ho me res1dl'nts who can't find :l place to move their coachrs the o riginal purch ase priC'l' of tlw1r mohlle Con•umer---__... Prlc• Ind•• Base J:>etlod 300• 1967 : 100 290• 215• 21D·s1dl 1111 1 2 Source· Dept of Labor AP Ri t .. in .. e ptPmber' Con u mcr Price lndt>x. amnoun<>ed today, mean that good. cost ins I 00 in 196 7 would hove co t 1293.30 la1t month. ' homl' ll'S:. an annual dl•prcc1at1on fauur of 4. 7 pen·ent. The.• agn'('mcnt stipulated that park o wners must p ay a minimum of $4.500 to d1splan•d wnanL'\ 1( they can't hnd anothN park · Park owne rs also would pay up to $500 for moving cost.i. fur d1splac'C'd mobile home dw1'llPrs who are forc<.'d to find uth<'r types of housing Mob1k• home owners who dt> find s pace will be paid tull relocation costs. Citv Coum ·il members also <.·hang'ed an earlier proposal and made mobile home own<.'r s eligible for compensation 1f they live in t hetr own coac·h a t the time the notice o f intent to t•hangl' lhe use of the park 1s ISSU('(! Under a previous plan, tenants had to li ve in their mobile home :.!70 davs a vear in order to be eltg1ble· · Dis putes over compe nsation will be resolved by an ar bitration officer Dale Ingram. o ne of several spokesmen for the 5.000 mobile home r esid e nts in the ci t y , indicated today that late changes in the ordinance made it more sat1sfactorv -"a lot better than the original." He would prefe r . h oweve r , that mobile home owners would be compensated for the present market value of the coach. which he said is substantially higher than the original purchase price in most cases. In re lated act ion. the City Coundl also approved pennanent mobile home zoning on six parks that had been zoned for other uses ISee MOBILE, Page At) New 'local look' for .Daily Pilot Dear Readers: Starting Monday. the Dail y Pilot unveils two new editions and a new approach to the news. It all came about as a result of some thing you have been telling our "We're Listening" line for weeks. You want more local news from us. And we want to give \t to you. But we've had n problem . Because we are smaller than som e other papers in this area. we can only remake a limited number of pages for each of our editions. The result has been that we put the IJCal news you want on those wiges and change thl'lr content between editions. So-some of those good local stori~ are killed between editions. But 1Jtanlng Monday. we will be Introducing two new edit.ions -the County and the ~st. The County edition will cover Huntin_gton Beach. Fountain Valley, Coet.a Mesa and Irvine. The Coost will cover Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. Those goc;>d local stories wlll be grouped by area so they're easy to find. And better yet, they w on't dilUlppcar from the papt.•1 between editions. We're <'Xcited about our new look. We hope you like It Let us know Thomas P. Haley PublilMl' ' I MARKET PLUNGE • • • Baker. ht<ud ur t<tjUlly true.hog .it the Fir.ct &lliton C'orporution Monday's sdloCC Nast'<.t more than $50 btllrnn Crom ~01ns rt•cord{•d by tht• murkt•t In its rally of lult' !lunmwr and early fall But Pt>tl•r l{oui;i.t•ll, dt.>puty White Housl' prt'!>S sc><:rN.ury. Sllld o the r l"(.'On om1c tnd tl'&tors, suc..·h as tht• Co nsumer Prat~ Index due out today, sh ou ld ~ l'Xaminc.'<.I before reachtnM uny t•tmdu.s1ons about t he et'tm om v "Wl' had om• bad bhp today. but we St.>t o ther records last wc.>t!k ," he :.<11d late M o nday "L l.'t 's s ec.· what happens tomorrow " Ont' hrokt·r SOJ1J tlw mu1 kt•t', rC't'en t Willi fllll'l U.HIOll!> Wt•11· t l' K t I m 0 II y t II ,1 ' ' ll 1 ll II I I d t.>prt.>SSI V 0 l''' 1111111d ilffillll l( proft•ss1on1tl nw111•y 111:111,11<1'1'!> Ont'c prt l't•s bt•l.(1111 t o l u ll Monday, invt:storN scru1nblt·d t11 cash in th1>1r rt.x•c nt gu111s. putttn.i uddc.'<.t downward pressurt• 1111 th1• market. "You'v e got tu put tuJ uy':. sclloff m 1ts proper pc..·rs ix,·t1 v1·." Alml'r said The n111111us 1 Y2Y dL>c hnc cx·currl'd from a mul'11 tower s t.ar ting pomt, M> M und..iy'i. dro p "amo unted to 1.mly ;J !l:l p e rce nt, c ompare d w ith 12 ti percent on Oct 2H, 1929 " SCHOOL TESTS • • • math 474 s tate wide Sco res for O r a nge C o a s t schools are g <'nerally higher than both s tate and nauom1I le vels even though a large pen.-entage o f area senio r high s choo l stud ents take the tes t Education a nalys ts and loc..·al school superinten dents warn that test res ults must bf' c·arefully w e ighed before judgment is passed one way or the oth l'r on the school d istricts. Comp arison s among states and communitie s arc o fte n skewed. said Don Walke r o f El T o r o H igh . becau se higher pen:entagcs <i re tc.·st~ Ill S0111l' areas A laba ma. for e xamplt'. repor ted S(:Orl'S of 457 and 488 111 1~80-81 <.'Ompart..>d lo C<tlifornta':-. St-ore of '126 <ind 475 But unly tt • percent of Alabama's high Sl..'hool sl'niors took the test. whtlt• :i!"> perC'en\ took 11 an Cahforn1t1 "The mo r<-' students that ~•kt· the tt>St, the rnort:' thL' S<:ures an· pullt'd down into the mean." said J c-rry Thorns ley . Cap1st r:1no Valley schOt11 supennttmJent "Co mpared to natio nal .i n d state scores our kids du prl·tty w l'IJ. but there's always room fo r improvement," he SLitt.l Boy mauled by tiger views TV in hospital The yo ung b oy a tta('k e d Satur day by an escape d u gcr from a wild animal s how in Irvine was alert eno ugh today to watch telev1s1on from his M1ss1on Viejo hospital bed. Offi c ia l s at M1 ss 1 o n Comm unity H o s pital s aid 2-year-old Anthony Stopani o f Upland ls in serio us but guarded cond ition today as he ronvalC'SCCS with a s kull frat'ture a nd a laceration tu his leg The lllJUr1es cxt:urrc-d at Lion Country Safari when th c- Siberian tige r su r prised tht: c r owd watc hing trainer J o hn Campolongo's act by wa.ndering out o f the caged t-enter. grabbing the boy by his head and loping into bushes outside the arena. Campolongo fre<'d the child 1n a struggle with the cat that le ft the tram e r with sevt.•ral deep cuts as well Docto rs and nurses a t the hospital are w a tching the boy closely because· of da nge rs of infection oft.en related to animal bites, a hos pit.al s pokesw o man said todav S topam was rl'mOvt.'<.l Crom tlw hospital's cnlll·al lis t Mun day mo rning and :.o Car has m ddt.: excelle nt progrt'S.'>, offtcwls say "He seems to be domg prL·lly w e ll." Nurs ing S up{'r v 1so1 Theresa Castillo said t.><irlY tod ay "Hl"s al<'rt. h<''s watl·h 0 1ng TV and seems to understand wha t'i, gomg o n as muC'h as a 2-Yl';Jr-old can." D oc l o r s h a v l' n o t \ 1• t de tenmned whN hc r dt1m.igi· to t h e b o v ' s h e a d w 1 11 l' J u :. 1• perm a n e n t pa r a l y i. 1 ., . t h t· s pokeswoman said. adding tht· b o y w a s s h o w 1 n g :. iJ m t• movement. The boy's fam1lv. mt-anw hill•. w all not be forced to pay ht!> medic al bills beca USl' L ion Country, and the s utx'Onlractor-. s taging the wild animal sho \.\ .tll ca rrv 11abtl1t\' tns u ranct•. 'aid Harry S huster. prcsadc·nt of Ltcon Country The uge r re ma ms m 1 L'> t hrrd d a y o f a r e q u 1 r e d I -I • d .1 ' quarantine m a rear lot ot L111n Country • 1060-~ I ~ 1000-1 1 1 • ,- -1111 -l 1 i Fri. Oct. I 1.0~1 . I, _11!'' '·ii I,---1111 _i, _l.1 11 1 __ 960-,1,1 800 -1l11 I 860 - 800 •Y une Churl s how" \H•c.•kl )' t·lrn .. c· for 1lw Uo\\ Jonc·i-r.ului-.lrin l A\1t·ru~c· from Ma)' l 'JH2 lh rou~h Monduy~ wfwn th<· i11 Jt•x clropf>t'cl :J6.:1:i points lo 995.13., a orw-du ) r•lun~t· lha t wu~ the· hi~~t·i,t sim·<• tfw Crt•al Crn!-ili of I 92<>. MOBILE • • • From Page A 1 T hl'y 1ndud t•cl H u nt1ng tu11 Mob1lt· Esto tt.~. Ram·hu Di:I Rt·y. P al'1 f1c· Tra tlc..>r P ark , Cab ritlo T ratll·r Park. D rif twood Mublll• llo m t.• P ark und Huntrngtun Shon•s H l' l> 1 d t.· n b o f Ii u n ll n g t " n Shurt.•s rl'('l·tv l·d u n o l1c:e o f t nll•ndt•d 1•v 1c t 1on a b out l tt months ago fron1 the Huntington &.•at·h Com p;.m y No lt·n;in ts have• bee n ('Vl('tl'<.I .111t.l no otht•r parks haVl' 1s.-.u('(f l'\'ll'llOn no lt('C.'l> Bu\ off ll'ld ls sa v p r l·Si,Uf'I' tu l'v n\•t•rl park~ i's muunt1ng, part1t ul..irly 111 µrtzt·d l'U<iM:1l downtown art•a!> Glen Campbell wed 3rd time Milk boat ll I~ Tl{I A IJ ()lllll1"'REI) • • • From Page At p1111 I 11111o> I 11!> ~tt ll 111 nd 'J'lti d1 °f4'1l 'I' hll\.\l \i I 111.111tt.11111·d th.al (fl)tl'-tlltl \\.4, .. ritv ;1c t111µ. 111 '>l'll dt It"" "~ h1 11 Ii• p11ll1 cl .1 hu1111ng k111f1 "" \'111 ti ••. ll11I l11lll l111'11cl:-. l>c Ii nM· '""' \ 1 t A l.111 t II'"" , l.1111u cl th.it YcJt b.t li'll 1111 lit'> '111·111'' k11111 Il l ,I '4 llffl1· 111111.111 cl I>\ tl11 high "hnol \\ 1 •. ,114 1 1'11lt11\.\ 111g l\l1111d .• , ' lllhtt 1.11 O hot1 l'l.111111 u tit.it U 1>11'>1 1111 \li11uld 111•\'1'1 h.1v1· l,..i n i IJ,,, gi d "'1th l 11'1 dq.(r i·1· 111111 di·t 111 I hi· I 11 't pl:u t· I It· d.Jtltll'd (;,.JI\' It.id Ill'• II 11\1·1 ~i .doll," 1n pro1w1 llt111g th• I 1r,t tn;.ol ,11Hl w111tlcl 1111\\ 1111 11 1C':tl l y lt;1 V t' tllll l i• l'l l0d ll>lltlV 1i1 :o ... t•1'1111tJ lt't,iJ Ii\' '''1•k 1ng .. l>l'l'ullcl d 1•g 11·~ ('llfOVll llllO 111 its ""'""' li~l1t tlit ell It 11:-.c 1.1\\" I • l.11111t·d () Dll'-t<•ll Wd' g11ilt'. 111 1111 , .. ,,,". th;111 \ 11111111.11 \ 110.111,l.augh1t·1 /\ft1 ·1 It .1v111g L1·1 ·, lOlh f1u<11 111u111 1111111 111 S.1111.1 Ana . '>t·vc·r<ol Jilt i 11' 1 i.. pt t'"•·d I 1 u'tr:..111111 al 11111 I" 1111< .d il1 111 rt·Jt la ,) llt1.lllllll11U" \'C·t cfh t .Jui m 1-1 lk111 of llu n ttngto11 Ii< .Jl Ii '"-•td tl11 holdout 1uror .111 . .t\l'n1o11t \.\ h11 took ha:. plan CHI tilt' p.11 11 I \\hi " ,11mlh•.!r Juror d1opp1·d rn11 1,11 ..iuM· of ;; dl·ath 111 h1•1 l.111111.'> s 1111ply bt·l1c•v1.:d t h.1 l t 111 !JI ""l't'Utor h <Jd n o l pt 11\'' •d h ll> l 14'>1 · H c· 1 t / :id n 1 1 t t 1• d h l' w <1., '111111•what I r u !>l l'nlc..·d by tht· cl1•:1dllll·k ''W ht·n vuu've bPen go111g f111 I t\'t• d ay:.. you t.•Xpt1·t lo l'tinll' up w ith :-.<Hnl·lhtng." he· iw1d PHOENIX IAP) -S1ng1·r t ilt•n Camp bt-11 1:. a newly wed Cor th(' th ird ll ml' a t age 4 6 . m a r r y i ng K 1mb<'r ly Dr anl' W oollen. d former d am'er a t Nt·w York's R<ldto C11v Mu'>11: Halt Thl· dciublt· nn'g c1·ren1un) WJ:-o pt•t furmc"<I l\londJ \' at tht• N•>l'lh Phcx.•111>. B,1 pt1~t Churth bc.•fun· IOO f rwnd<; ant.I n ·l<1t1 Vl'S l>ruf.!oit c·on ... anu·tNI of 1.000 milk t•arlcm.., t•omp<"h·~ in the 7th \nnua l \Iii" Carlon Hoal Hac.·t• .. a t \lari1w \\ orld in RNlwood Cil\. The· c•111 r~. c·111itl1·tl ··h.l-'t'f> on Ura{!on:· ph.t<'c.·d ... ~cond. h \.\.3 l> t hl' f1ri.l marriage fur t ill· :.!4 Vt•ar olt.l W uol lc·n . ,,f Nc.•wpon: N C Tht• toupll· will makl· tht.•tr homt• m P hu<·nix San Joaquin Valley drenched li.> The Assodated Pre'>s d n \\ 11po11r ;1s th11•t• fdth' ol .Jll 1111 h 111 ra111 11'11 tlll t 1• 1.>t•tWt•t•n Light rain falling Somt· 'lrt:i.'t' w1·11· ..1w."h 111 watl'r. but no maJ<ir d.1m,1g1• \\ ,, ... n •portt.·d as " s torm pt lll'<I tilt' S~in J11<1qu1n V.1111•.> d urtng 1h1· I W .1 111 amt .i ,, m A not h t·r ''' hu11d1 i•d th:-""a' n ·g1sl1·n·d 1n tlw t ll'\I l " o h11urs Mo,llv fair Wl'athcr 1s fnrc.'(<t:>l m the• \'~tlv WPd m•M:lav with somt high duud!> a nd h ig h read angs 111 t ht· ills Tho usa n d, of pl.'ople l>ll ll lal·kN.I pow(•r todC:tV a ftN h(•a\'\ rain., :md ho wlmg ~·inds floodt.(f modi; a nd poundt.--d beal·h home.-:; from the> Carolln..i:. to C hl>sapca k l· Bay. bu,t tht• storm lost its punl'h on th t• wa:-to Nt•w England. Constnl Cloudy IOCllY wtCh OCCISl<>nll llgllt rein HlQhl 68 10 7 • Panty cloudy tonighl and Weon11d•t wllh overnight tows 60 10 es Cleating to I•" on weonesd•y wilh high• of 7• 10 llO El•••h•r• tr o m Pooni Concepllon to the Me11c•n bOtO. and OU1 llO m11eS Wtnda _, to nof'1h-1 10 10 18 knoll °"" ouler waters. lnereult.g to 15 to 25 knoll on w eon11<11y Locelty, wm<la -f lo tou1"'-t 10 to 15 knot• lc>nlg1>f an<I west 10 north•e•I 12 10 18 11no1a WednHd•Y afternoon Wind ....... 2 IO ' IMI W11ler'ly lwella 2 10 3 feet Flit tonight 1n<1 We<lnM<llY U.S. Sllnu11ary A mator storm cent11teo off tile Virginia eapea bal1ered the Ease COHI on Mond•Y. IHhlng the 1hore lrom lhe C1ro1111u 10 10Ul11etn New England. Storm warning• -• 111 etfec:I lrom the toutheutern cornM ot Vlrglnl• to New York'• Long lalend, and ga .. warning• we<I In effect 10< coet181 North C.rolln• Ind toulhetn New England Su111111ad •Ind• along Ille CONI rltlQld lrom 20 to 30 mph, but gueeu-. reported up 10 75 mpn. Roao. -• flooded In eetlern North Cer04ln1 and po-llnet were down Ba1che• 1ull1red tllgnlfieant eroeion Ht1vy 1llower1 1110 hit 1111 Pacific Northwtll lighter lhOwer'S 1911 In ... ,"" Colofado end tOUt'-1 Wyoming ....... • liof'9 the eout'-8tern coeec of Florida. ~ -eel much ol the WHI wtll .. the n1t1on'1 rnid....Ctlon WU bathed In brigM , .. euneNnt Many lnl1nd clllH reported r-d cold 10< oat 25, renoino from 2t deOt ... In F8)'tf19Yllle, At1r.; end teln ~ to 4f ~ Ottando. fl:la. The IOfecM1 lot T--Oey cllled for 1llowtr1 throughout tht ... tern qutr1tr Of tflt netton w1111 lftOW In IM ~ ..... lltonl Of ldlllO, Nevadl eno Utell . l.lnot'lnQ ~ -· l lll)KteCI ai0110 IM Caroline Cec>et with dry WMl1* ...... Tetnperaiiirei NATI<* ' j '• .. l• ... " 71 80 74 41 u oe 12 31 N 41 Banomore &l<mongham 81amarc1< Boise eo.1on 8uf1al0 C1111teS1on. S C Charteston w v Cll•tloete N C Cheyenne ChlcaQO Clnannatt Cleveland Columbus OallH ·FI WO<lh Denver 0.. Mo.nes OetrOlt El Paso Faw banks Flagll•f1 Honolulu Hou11on lndlanaPQlis JICl<IOn, Moss Jack80flv1lle Juneau KanNs Coty LHVegH Little Rock LOI Anoeies Loulsv11le Memphll Miami Mllwauke Mple-St Paul NHllVllle New OrlHn• N-York Okl•llom• City Oma he Orlando Phllaclelphl• Ph<>enlx Pltteburgh P0t1land, Me P0t1t1nd. Ore Reno Slit Lake Sen Antonio San Diego San Franclaco Seal\ .. St Louil St Pete-Tampa St Sta M•rie SP<*-TOP1k1 Tuaon TulN WUhlnQton Wlelllt1 California . CMIOMU S2 •3 65 36 10 39 60 51 •8 36 5' JO 58 '1 52 39 51 •2 60 •7 S6 26 62 •O 55 211 S9 33 69 39 67 •SI 66 38 60 26 90 55 01 -02 6" 31 87 67 72 51 61 31 71 3 1 67 •O so •2 6S 36 1' 53 68 37 72 66 60 38 68 37 79 61 61 3 1 67 311 6" 41 The Forecast For 8 p .m. EOT Tuesda'{ October 26 •H• h r._-ml)('ratur .. ., R1M t.El ShowersE!l!I SnowQ 71 ·~ •9 43 69 36 69 ,, 81111ow Big Bear BllhOP C111llna Eu1ct111 Fretno L1ncaJ1et 1.ono Beach Los Angeles Monterey Ml Wlleon Needles Newpor1 Beech 01kt1nd Ontario Pelm Spring• Paseden• Rlverlkle Reno Sacr.,,,.,,10 S1llna1 Sat\ 8ern1ro1no 72 411 51 44 89 62 51 35 49 23 66 55 Sen Diego 57 ,3 Si n FrltlCitcO 6' 51 • San .i-72 37 Senl• Ana 78 87 Santa Ba•batl 85 80 S1nt1 Cru~ 87 53 Stockton 81 31 T lhOe V9/ley 71 •9 QlO•AL 59 37 eo •5 89 33 85 53 72 35 5' 45 68 37 "' l• !L.!! Amatatdlm Atlltnl 8'1rut BoQ<>t• Bf'lllMI• CeltO Cq)enhaQ90 Dublin Fr1nktur1 a.MY• Htlllnkl Hong Kong " 81 72 70 10 711 72 78 72 67 112 79 71 87 74 87 7• 72 57 85 ea 78 78 85 ae 71 10 8' ea .. !I HI 55 11 73 63 55 84 52 6 1 ~ 50 52 75 l>J 38 0 58 53 82 59 82 68 83 49 5e 112 8• 58 88 80 58 •3 llO 59 58 87 80 80 81 eo 59 81 •O lo •8 ~ 81 •8 •8 83 4 t 45 38 45 39 n Jerua•l4'm Lim• l.11bon London Mad11d M1nlla Moxoco Coty l\lontreal Moscow Nasuu Pans 1'ek1no A•o Roma San Juan SM>ul SIOCkholm Sydney l ei Aviv To~yo Toronto Vancouver Vtenna AcapulCO B1rb1do1 B .. mvd• FrMporl Gueoa1111r1 Monlego Bey MaZ1t11n Mexico City Monterrey NIHIU C•IOllY idmonton Mo11trH I Atgln1 Toronto Vancouver Wlonlpeg CANAOA 67 !>6 70 63 68 •8 59 5• 63 39 88 75 10 •8 •S 25 •S • 1 90 70 59 •3 64 39 102 73 66 57 91 76 S2 30 52 45 68 57 78 63 113 52 52 28 SS S .. 83 52 HI Lo 8' 17 88 75 82 n 81 70 80 •5 ea 73 9• 73 11 ,, 75 52 82 72 ... i.. 82 29 eo 21 53 30 89 37 64 27 69 53 85 37 SURf RIPDRT Tides TODAY Second low 1' 28 p m Second 11ign 5 60 p m 2 1 •4 ..... ... i ' 2 2 ..... ..... 3 3 3 3 . .... Dtf w w GW w WIONHOAY nr11 tow 12 42 1m 08 l'"irlC hlOI\ 1 21 1 m 4 5 s.cot!d' low t 0$ p m U heond lllQll ' 8 '2 p m ' 8 l uf'I Ml• tOCllY al 8 08 pm , rl-Wtclntl<ll)' •1 1 01 1 m Moon ,, ... IO<ll y II 3 13 p m Mll WedMMSfy II t 04 I m • 111ghl Tht.• w1·atht.·r thd fort.t do,u1 1 o f T 1 oga P asl> 1 n Y 11:-.(•1111 L1 National Pa rk. <·auM.-c..I .1 mud ... l1 da· on Tollhou~ Ht><td t'J'l of F n ·,111• and broug ht wmd warmngs for t r avc·lt>r\ o n thl· Gr;1pt•\'tn1· 111 Kt•rn County ( '.1stl1· Air Fo1n 8JM• rt·p<1rt<'d H ol a11 111l'h during tlw night .111d L t•Jl11111r<• N;1val Air Statton h.111 .1 t<•nl h of <111 111l'h Tlw N.1l11mal 'WPatlwr S t.•rvt('l• p11•d Htt•d m tld t·r '"''c•a tht>r by tonight with ~ktPS partly doudy .md tt.·mpt.•ratun•:-. a hlllt· ('OOlt•r in tht• mtd·40 s to m1d -50s Gal<· warnings rc marned 1n 1·fCt'<.'l from tht.• V1rg1ma (·oast to CaJ'.l(' C.:i'ld in MassachuSl'tts. F rl·sn o f~lt thl' brunt of tlw ~~~~----~~~- I ~ ?ur U'fJpe61trltp. .. Ma1<1ng the' dee1\ron 10 ger mamf.'d 1s a big one. C1nd rhoos1ng your engagement and wedding rings 1\ one ot the mos t excl[tng land ex~ns~ll sr~s you will take before your wedding dAy Ar Wynclh.lm Leigh. helpcn<J you sel«t your d1,1mond and choose ~'OUr nngs 1s the most 1mp<>ro1nt thing INt' ao -because that rs our spec1<1ltyf Most ~try st~ concl!'ntrate on s1lverwart>, china and c~tal, and ~ hun· dr~s ot warchf's 10 selKt trom HOW't'\ler they ~ a ~ry ordlnar;l 'all look t~mt">­ St'lectlon o f IM"ddtnQ nngs l<nM>s c:1nd forks ,1nd glasses and watches are important. but vve kf'\Ow tlll\t y(>u w<1nt lhe~t' rU'lgs to bf' l'Vl'n more special. so we qo all out to shOw you the most untQue and e1CC1ttng collect1on of engagement c11nd wedding nngs you c1re <}Olng to stt \XA' take the nystery out of com- p.:!rtng diamonds by 1.1k1n<;1 the ume to prop- t'rly explettn the differences rn quahU~ and pnc~. and then tloa{k th.lt all up with a money back guaranttt For stra19ht f.illk. ~XCltlf'lQ designs. and 9uar· C1ntttd val~. you w fll apprecrat~ what we t-.....e to o~r ~m Leigh is tht' st~ tnat ~l~tn~Md~mg5 ~1ng nngs """'lilble rrom f;~ment n~\ available from S1 75 S450 Wt.1ndham Leigh ~~~fJIRT 1'17 r.Wllon I~ ~ ~CA '1266lJ ~;v Bunoc~ \tl\bhilt" •• chool 'bewar warn parent of treat s' 8)' Tlae Auoc:iated Pren The fenr of duugl'rouw pranks or pol50n is turnrng many part•nla from t·;mdy to small toy~ u:i tumdouu Cur Hnllowet>n trkk~ 01 trcati>, say Suc-ramcnto toy dcul~·rs. And Los Angttlcs 111.·hnol11 ;)rt' wurn1ng part-nt~ to beware of poisons. Thl' school board. acting on o motion by member Robcn.i Wt."intraub, voted Mond;1y to instrul·t ~ u p ,. r I n t \! n ck n l ll u r r y l lundt.•1 tu make 11un• pm·,·11l.ll .ind pupils Wt'r"' wu1 ncd obout trwk-or-trt•ut dungt·l'li Durant( the J>llSI frw yc•un.. tult~ of ru:wr l>ludt'tl, m'l.Ult'l> unJ dr·ugs lllM't'IL'd 111tu (run ond cookies h uv,• madl' parenli> wury of tht• trt•u111 l(athered l>y th-.·1r chtldrt-n Thl•Se Wt'rl' tollowl·d this y e a r b y t h t· T y I t• n o I poisonings. Quake hits central state COALINGA -A strong earthquake shook more than 200 miles of central California. k:nockmg cans and jars from store shelves. but t h e re were n o reports of injuries or significant damage from the quak e o r Its a1tershocks. The magnitud e of the temblor. which s truck al 3:26 p .m ., was esti m a ted at between 5 and 5 5 on the Ri chter scalt• o f J{round motion. s trong enouuh to cause damage in a populated area The rumbling was felt from the southern shore uf San Francisco Bay lo the southern reaches of the San Joaquin Valley. from the Pac1Cic Coast to the eastern s lopes of th~ Sierra Nevada. Drifter guilty in attack SANTA MON !CA -A Sc.'Ottish dnfter diagnosed as having c hronic mental problems is scheduled to bf.> sentenced November 23 for the atte mpted murder of actress Theresa Saladana. After delibe rating nine hours, a Superior Court jury rejected Monday derense argumt•nts th.it Arthur Ri chard Jac kson. 47 , was guilty only of the lesser crimt• o f assa ult with a d ~adl y weapon an<l rt!tumcd a guilty V<'rd1ct on the allPmpte<l murder charge. Jackson l'OUld Ix· sentenced up to 13 yenrs in sl<ltl' prison Bones studied after fire DULZU R A Possibl y human bones found during a 5,019-acre brus h fire 1n south-central San Diego County were under study by pathologists today Th e fire br o k~· ou t Saturday near Dulzura and was dec lared containe d Monday a fter rain be gan Calling. A number o! the 700 f1rcr1ght .. rs rrm1-11m•cl at the· scene The bones including animal bones were fo und late Sunday by a 1:onserva11on crew member on a h11ls1de near th<' Mothe r Grundy truck trail north of California 94 Deputy Coroner George Dickson said thC'y we>re badly scorc h e d but w o uld be studied Troop withdrawal talks set WASHINGTON -With U.S. help. lsl'ael and Lebanon are preparing lO open talks aimed at drafting a detailed plan for the withdrawal of Israeli troop.s from Lebanon. a senior U.S. official says. Direct negotiations would be an import.ant step m the U S . goal o f removing all fo reign forces -Israeli. Syrian and Palestinian from Lebanon by the end of the year. Oranuu (;uHt OAll Y PILOT /1 uesday Oclob r 26 1982 8 3 Great Lakes fish disappearing Uy JACK A. SEAMONDS .A.e-'e!e41 .. , ••• ,..., .~UUAHD T ill': H:S81E K. •m 1..ukt• ~le Alf Lhl' aun'11 flnll ru ylf mml(lt· with ttw m!Ht 1'1Jlng rro111 Luk1• l':.·1,"11 ~lf.lSlily aurfu('c. Cupl Larry Davu. and two malt'IJ huul u thrUBhlng 1wl full of Ut1h frum the wukr 'l'ht> winch oboard th~ JeaJc- K bC'rl'n1111; In tune with the gulli1 wlw('ling overht'ad Mu11cles strum ti:s lht• hug-.· tr4lp nt>t, aua· pend<.'CI with buoys ond anchored In seven spots. ill drawn towurd th•· lt·lm work boot On the• starboard buw and along th~ stem rail. Bob Owen and AJfon Cluckay scoop flish Into nwwl sorlln8 boxes. They pick through their catch . seeking whH11 bass in the frothing mass. This day, the bass wiU be scarce. Hours lat.er. docked at a fi.ah hoUSt? in Sandu:iky, Ohio, DavlS and Cluckey shake their heads in disgust. The catch of white bass has been small. 360 pounds, worth about 70 cents per pound lO the fishermen. and 60 pounds of incidental catfish. When fish houses are buying the catfish. they're worth about 30 to 40 l'Cnts a pound. For the morning's work, Davis and his mates have grossed $300. minus the cost of maintaining the 52-foot boat. fueling it, buying and repairing nets and other expenses. Tht.• men grumble. "This will makt• :JO years for me out here on thl· lake. and the big bass JUSt aren't o ut ther e any more. Normally. we'd have fish up to thl' rail." Cluckey said. Davis and his mates, like their c:ountcrparts from Duluth, Minn .. to three Mile Bay. N.Y .. are an C'ndangcred species: commercial fishermen on the Great Lakes, - many of them second or third generation watermen pursuing the only livelihood they know. Unli k e their fathe rs and gr1:1ndfathers, the fishermen plying the often-treacherous lake watt'rs these days find themselves foundering in an ever-shrinking net of state- 1mposed regulations. dwindling species. fears of pollution. and bJttles with sport fishing interests. At a time when sports fishing 1s booming. fewer than 1.000 commcrc1al fishing licenses are now issued by the Great Lakes st.ates. "We're just a pimple now, and a pretty small one at that," said Ed Parker, an of!lcer of the Penn11ylvania Fish Producers Association, The value o f commercial fishing on the lakes to U.S . m t.erests was $12.1 mill ion in 1980, accordin~ to the G reat Lakes Commission. Canada's catch was worth $20.9 million that year. In contrast. the Great Lakes Fishery Commission in Ann Arb· The Great Lakes UNITED STATES WISCONSIN ILLINOIS ONTARIO ) CANADA IN DIANA OHIO or , Mich .. estimated in 1979 that there were 24 mm1on sports fishermen. contributing nearly $I biUion a year to the economies of the st.ates along the lake shores. Michigan alone issues nearly 1 million fishing licenses to residents each year. The state. tou chi ng o n Lakes Erie . Michigan, Huron and Superior. estimates sports fishmg 1s wonh $250 million. Asa T. Wright, manager of the Great Lakes program for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources fisheries division, said the state realizel about $18,000 a year from commercial fishing licenses, but it costa $750,000 lO administer lhe fi.ahery. "Commercial fiahing ls not a paying propoeition for us," said Wright. The emphasis on sports fishing has prompted the Great Lakes states lo introduce new species, particularly the aggressive coho salmon which can grow to 40 pounds in five years. and s1)(md millions on stocking programs for trout and other fish. Certain fish. usually walleye and coho. :.irl' reserved for sportsmen. The restocking was in part necessary to rebuild the trout fishery, which was severel y damaged by the sea lamprey in the 1950s and '60s The United St.atcs and Canada spent m1lhons battling the parasites. which sul·k the blood o f fish. S1nt:c• tht- 1ntrodu,·t1on of a chemical known as TFM. the lamprl'y population has been cut about 90 percent. AnothN reason for restocking: the sports r1shmg catch "It's not the polluuon." said Dr Joseph Kutkuhn, d1rl'<.'tor of the Grea t Lakes Fis he r y Laboratory "The fish d1mmtsh and the fi sh erme n go away Restocking begios, thl' rish return dnd the fishermt•n c:ome back. too" A key battle pitting sportsmen against commercial fi shermen in most states adjoining the lakes centers on a tiny but ta.sty species called yeUow perch. Valued by restaurants and prized by sport fishermen on Lake Ene. the tiny perch has long been in demand. bringing as much as $1 a pound al the dock to c-ommercial fishermen and over $5 a pound for fillets at fish stores. But historical demand and the subsequent fishing pressure on the species sent th<' ye llow I QUEBEC: NEW YORK .. PENNSYLVANIA AP perch populdllOn m Lake Erie plumml"t1ng As a n•sult, Ohio and other st.ates have stepped m, imposing new regulauons the commercial fishermen say will put them out of bus1nl'SS. G1 II nt>lling. the easiest and chl'~pei.t technique for taking perch, was all but outlawed in Ohio The season was cut from IO months lo five. Net mesh sizes were increased. lillUung the fish that could be caught to more mature o nes. A gill ne t is essentiall y a volleyball net. s uspended 1n the water. 1''ish swim into the net. are caught by the gills. and can't escape F1sh1ng pressure on the valuable species has been cited bv other stat.es as a reaaon for the decline in commercial fish ing. and as jusufication for lighter regulauon on the industry. The Lake Erie waters Lnside Pennsylvania's boundaries are a prime example. Once the largest fresh water ftShing port in the world, Erie. Pa.'s commercial fishing industry has been in decline since the 1960s. Great Lakes recreation • growing Cops, troops in gunfight BELFAST . Northern Ire land -Undercover soldiers and police. jumpy after three men were slain in an apparent round of sectar ian revenge-taking. mistook each o the r for terrorists and fought a blazing gun battle in a Belfast street. The shootout late Monday s tarte d when a c1vt11an reported spotting a man with a gun on York Street m a predominantly Catholic area. Witnesses said a carload of plainclothes officers roared m, ramming a car carrying a team of undercover soldiers and triggering the gun battle Vatican figure d ead at 61 FLORENCE, ltaly - Cardinal Giovanni Bennelli, the powerful Florence archbishop who helped select popes and twi c e was considered a papal candidate himself, died early today after spending four days in a coma induced by a massive heart attack. He was 61 . Be n elli, once c alled the Vatican "Kissinger." because of his influence o n church policy under Pope Paul VI. had awakened from the coma briefly Monday n ight and requested to spend "the last moments of his life on earth" m his own bed, the F1orence Unlversity Careggi Hospital said. "His Eminence died a t 6:42 (10 :42 p .m . PDT) 1his morning at his residence, after being transferred from the hospilaJ." said a s p o keswoman for the archdJocese. By P. 8. SEYMOUR A••oc .. ted .,, ... Writer M lL WA UK.EE -They bring fishermen from the farmlands of Iowa lO Dave Sorenson's charter boats operating out of Bayfield harbor. on Lake Superior's W1sconsm shores They bring diners to Ron Brewer's Nautical Inn on Sturgeon Bay. Wis .. lo eat 100 pounds of fresh lake trout daily. And for 45 years they've taken businessman Chester Kuttne r 330 miles from Chicago to Mackinac ls.land, Mich., on one of the lakes' biggest yachting races. Fishing. swimming, saiJing, scuba diving and just plain lazy days at the beach contribute to the multibillion-dollar tourist industry that has grown out of the Great Lakes. And it is a growing businets. Exact figures are hard to find, but there are hints: -The number o f fishing licenses sold in Oswego County, N.Y., on Lake Ontario has grown 80 percent -to 33.000 -since 1977, 9nd the largell rural upstate New York aea o 113.000 peofle expects tourism to bring 111 14 mHllon this year. "The whole coast is gold " sa s We'.-e Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot., What don't you lll~e? Call the number a t left and your message will be recorded. tranacribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. ... 842·6086 The same 24·hour answerini suvke may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mallbo1t contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind Chi flw I 0 Sf I ...... 1::3' c-r, MMlt1 .............. a;:= •' . ORANGE COAST D1ilyPllat Th.mot , . Ho'9y ,....,,.t!Mw ond Ch.-1 ( •.ciio"• OH< .. Jane Amclfl h9t11hv• (dllOf l . Koy Sdtulh YIGe ,,....., • ond °"-ol AcMrl1W19 "Kenneth N. Ge4dord Jr. OvK10t of ()pe,1111Clftt ClaHlfled adveftl .... 7141142·M71 All othef depertrnent1142-4'21 MAIN ()fl'.P:tea ' • w"' ... M , Cate -..,CA --.11 ...,... ... ,,..,c ... -.CA. ... C~ltM IW Or-. c .... ,.........,. '-· ---.... llNlitetleftt,.....,... ........ .... , ... _ ,.,_ -y ... ,..,_.. ....... _ ...... ,.~_ .. ,_, .... __ Chamber of Commerce director James Guinta. -The Penn sylvania Department of Commerce estimates its 40-odd miles of Lake Erie shoreline are worth a bou t $120 million a year in travel dollars. Visits to Presque I s le State Park , the main attraction . a re up near~y 45 percent since the pollUlion dog days of 1967. -Bankers in Michigan City, Ind .. a modest-sized city of 36.850 on Lake Michigan, estimate tourism LS worth $25 million a ear -or the uivalent of 1,000 We 're allll h•vlng our remounting apec:l•I but there's not much ilrne left ..• If you've bMn dragging yo-.Jr h ... s. you hed better get youreett orgenlzed and yo4X llOMI Into the SIOfe and to make 'fO'<H oN>tca from over 300 mounting• now on dleplay. Yo-.J ew1 atlll take ~antage of our 1011talre apeclal too. Any dlernond up to \4' caret C*' be eat In a 14K tc*llllre aettlng tor• pendent *2&. ttno SIO or pJerced .., •tudl '40. There .. equally QOOd blfgalnt for larger •tonee foo. eome by and ofieck them out. ~you .,. 1n the 111ore. plan to 1pend •20 minute• or so anawertno the Gem WIN qull.. :-:.:;~-::::~ nemee on IM .,..., ..... Ah you M"9 to do II ptdl out Iha rtoht nemee and metoh "*" up. Tfie moet oonect ...... wine I '500 merchandlH ~~•.1._t_!l_e lilOOnd l300 and Iha NUIJ, T,...,_ 11 aleo • drawtna for 1 ooneoletlon prlle for thoea wtw> jobs. The 86-year-old Columbia Yacht Race. from Michigan C ity t o Chicago, is the o ldest freshwater race in the world -With 34 state parks aJong its 3,200 llUles of shoreline -along lakes Ene. Michjgan. Huron and Superior -Michigan earns $1 billion a year from Great Lakes t o urism. est imat es Jac-k S . Wilson, travel director fror the state Department of Commerce. About 250.000 people depend on tourism for full-time jobs in Michigan. The state issues nearly 1 million fishing licenses annuall ' and it boasts more ew~tA licensed boats -662,000, one fo~ every 13 people -than an~ other state. "I don't thmk we would have 50 percent of the outdoor recreation dollars we have if it were not for the Great Lakes.'~ sa.Jd Wilson. And t he state is ever eager to expand that. Last year, it designated two shipwreck areas -Thunderbay Bollomla nd Preserve n ear Alpena and Alger Bottomland Preserve near Munising -as stale preserves for underwate& parks for scuba divers. try but don't win one of the major prizes. It'• fun . . come 1e11 yourself to .,.. how "O-m wise" you are. Prizes wllf be awarded on Noveml>ef flrtt IO don't put It off. Thi• has bffn my wMk for vtllltlng wtoi tormer eme>IOY9M. Margaret Gable and I had dinner l11t Monday night with Julla Woll•Hn who 11 vl1lt1ng from Giiroy where 1he went lo llva nMr hat daughlet aftet retiring trom our ..... fOfCa. She mltMI u1 all In Newpon Beech and we have mleMd hef too. We l\ed a good time remlnltlcing about our old day1 wonclng together. Another day thla w.-1 hid lunch with Judy Slmp1on Chaplin. She now llves In l.a1 Vagu Whet• hef hulband ,, .. a T•••lry atO'~. If yoo were ,, __ _ patron of °"' 8elt>oe , .. and 111ore you would remembef Judy. hat Nacogdochel. Te11aa dfawt and quick wit. Working tOQethef .. we did. we lorined laatlng frlend1htp1 end I rMllV have 9"joyed MelnQ theM deer fHenda apln. ......... ..~-- ,, Amric.• ... s.cw, I pt J ... , I 7tla & In .... WalldN ,.._ ........... A·I Or ngu Cou1t OAIL Y PILO 111Ut1t1uv. Oc.1otm1 ,G, 108' Reagan gets a lU.:HKJo:l.t-~Y tAI'> 111111 v Tt UllHI II dtcl l11•r.1 "t I h I h1· l>t'Onomy uml H111111ld 1<1•01<1111 tlw won.I umon~ ptic.t Ww Id Wu1 11 pn'bllll'lllb two U111v,·r .. 11y 111 Ci~l.1fornl11 C't'(>r101111-.1..." "lllY 011 t'Vl'l'Y ffit>lll\Urt• t•X( 1·pt anllu11un, thllll(i-havt• 1'(11llt'll worn• s1nt·1· lh•Jl(Un l(ot 11ll11 offat't:," Jl'Ctri·y M Pt•rlufl .;i.iatl "An &,monut· H1•po1 t <. 'ard 111 lht• Pres1dt>nts" was pn•pa1 l'<l by Perloff, usi.ot·autt· prof1•i.sor o.f a g r k u 1 t u r a 1 a n c.l n • so u r l' l' economics, and Kl•n1wth T Rosen, professor of t'l'onom1c- lllllllV"I" u111I 1111111 \> 111 lh• ~ h uol 11( nu .. 1111"" /\d1111111-cl1 111 11111 '1'111' 1-t·1111111111-.1-. 111111p.111·d lh llll'U''llJI I'll Ill 1111 1'\'111111111\ dlll 1111-( tlw ol 1•u1·li 1111·,1ll1·11t lt1·,11o1u11 11.111kto<l ILC>t 111 lU ,,r tlw 111 .11111 nf'xt tn In.st an thr 1·1· 111 h1 •1" D1·i.p1tt· t lw 11·1·1•111 1,1,,. 1·111 1111'JMJn•i., tax1•s u111J1•1 H1•.11(.111 i.lr•' ,, larl(t'I P''r11 ·11ta~1· 111 1111111111· th.m 1•v1·r bl.'fon" 1lw 1•0111111111i.ts s.11d, ,11111 till' gr11wth 1:111·:.111 n •ul g r o :. :. n a I 1 11 n a I p r o d u 1· I , µrodul'tlvaty, 1•mpl11ym1•11t .i nd n •al 1nn111w Wt!l'l' IUWl'r unul'f' Hl•al(un thun ;m y ntlwr µoi.t· War Shawna Chappe ll, 2 , takes a drink from a s ipping cup held in her h a nds that s how the rare skin diseose with which sh e is afOicted . AP Wl1~oto I ' 'D' on economic report card fll•'>llh ·lll 1'11(1111'\ t',,.1111 r.-.1·d Ill "11•111" II 1111!1 1111' 11111 \'( ll'll 111 t•lt111111,11t• 1111' 1•111, l1' 111 t11Clut11111 U111·111pl11y nw111 111h•11, l>111o1111'b'> 111&11111·:; 111111 11'111 n11111gug1• 1ut1'1> \\ 1•n· h1~h1"CI undl't ll1 Ul(Ull "W1· w1•11• 1ry111g to 111• u11 d 1•:H"1' 1 µ ll vt• lib µosi.11) I l• an J 11l1j1'l't1v1· ai. pos'<Jlil1· ," P1·1'1uff s.11d. "not tr yll"lj.( tu huild 111 110t·'llllllls ol huw pol11·y ufft'('ll'll 1.wrfonnu1w1·." 1 H1•ugun hus hlunll'd pn·vlous l>1·m11<.·rot1l' udminist rullons for l'Ul'l'l'Ol L't.'Oll<lfllit: prubll'fll8. No hugs for this little girl SUMMEHJ !ILL. Pa (AP) Two·y1•ar·old Shawna ChappeU ha~ 1wvcr bt't.·n hugg1·d bt-cause painful "(ash M.'<.il1·s" l'over her skan. But shl• hai. u drawer full of gafL-i and u 1.·al'hl' of sympathPt11.· 11•tt1·rs fn>m stnrngcrs movc.·d by h1·r plight "l dun'l mind people praying for lwr," Sdlcl Shawna's mother. Oauna Chuppt•ll A mtrudc.• 1s "about all w1· have lo look forward to" Thi· bn1:tht-t•y< .. d little blonde wus born w11h one of the rarest forms o f 1t:hthvos1s , more l'ommonly known· a'> "fish-skin dist·aM:.'; whH·h ll'aves thick. t•rus ty scalt•c; over most of her body llC'r dcx:tors say Shawna's cond1ttun has gotten worse n ·t1•ntly. Jnd will l'Ontinue to wun.t'n with ag£>. "W1· know s hl•'ll n1·ver gel bl•ttl·r .·· 'aid hcr father , Bl'nJC.1m1n Chappell Jr .. an um·mploy1·d :-.ll•elworkt-r "When i.h<• got':. through one of her bad -.pc•lb. thl.· 1wh ..and the pam . S ht· S(rtiU:ht~ until she's raw" Shawnu waddles so her Sl'alt'- 't' :1 1 rt· d I t· g i. w o n · t touch , <Tumbling thl' skm surface and l'X !J"""'8 ~t>11s111 vc• fles h She tuuc·hc.•s w11h ner fingers but not h .. r l rui.ty hands. She's never lx.•t·n hugged because 11 would be too painful Although tht.• d1M.•ast: at.self as nnt fatal. vu:ums a re ~USC'eptible to lif<' thrl•atcn1ng 1n fet·t1ons be<.·auSl• of l'Xposed flesh. Shawna n><:e1ved nationwide auenuon after news reports o f her plight this summer. "lt'1111u11t• 11 U(' tht·11 · 1111· luuw 111 .polu 11'1>, but I 1h111k lh..it'w lll't'll 11V1•t IJ1i11J11'tl Ill I l'( l'lll (M'r!Ocl!C," P1•1'lofl iw11d 111· 1111h'd 1l1ul 100"1 (.011nd 1111111!1 l'•ll\111\lH'CI \I) .K l Ip ctunnl( lh•ugun'w i.1-t "'!" y1•11r 111 nfl It~· Und1•r T1 u1111111, tlw 1·1·111u1111y grt•W s lro11Kly, huu luw ruU.'b of intt'l'l'SI uiul unc111µloy11w11l, high rut1·s of 1nvl·slnll'nl, u budl(t'l i;urpl us u11<l low tux1•:. Thi• L'('Onumu1ts l(Uvt• him an A H ll·hard Nixon und L y ndon Johnson both got an A manu11 Housing :Hurts reuched rel'ord lt•vl'l11 ut1tlt·r N1x1111 Jt I tt:t 11111111111 1.1 Vl'Ur uncJ fu1 rll 1111 .. 1111•., 11111l'c11•tl lo 1 ornp1·11 .. ut1· 1111 111llat11111 j.(11•w .11 tl11· l11i.t1 ·'1 111tt• 11( thl• po'>t w.11 .. , .1 N1 x1111 ulso 't{'Ol't•d w1•ll Ill tlll' 1ut1• o l lllVl'blnlt·nt. Kruwt h ttf p111f1ti; 11nd ru 110 of 111.11 k lo wh1 t1• llH'Ullle Nixon wai. cl11w11grndc'(I for ha~ IH·rforrria11t·1· 011 1111111111111, 5 7 JX'l'l't•ll l u11d l'lsln~ wh1·11 lit' lt·ft orr111• J ohni.oll OVt'l'bUW I ht> h1gh1·st l(rowth 111tc.•s for l'mploymC"nt (:J 7 pert't.'nt a ycur). real tnl'Omt· I f :> pNtt•11t 1.1 y1•i.r) und till' lowt'ltl um·111pl1>vm1·n1 1.1u• H J. pt.·rl't·nt) But lw 11u 1·lt·llltt·d tnrtnwm, .1ppu11•ratly 111 111'1µ f111a11(.'t' tht' V1t•L1111111 wu1 1md t•xpundcod thl' '>l/t •if w1vt•t 111111•111 Tlw .... tudy KllV•• 88 to Jimmy l'.11 tt·t und John F Kt•nnedy "Cui tl·r 111hcrill'tl u ver y uwful t-tunu111v from Ford, muc:h woriK· thun lhl: c·t·unumy Hcugan rn h1·r1tM.l from Carll'r," Perloff ..i11cl Cu rt,.r's administration had the htght•lil raw of investme nt, the lowt-st raw of business f1ulures. Orange Coast College president looks back As Dr. Bernard Lus kin unveils portrait commemorating hi~ f orm<~r presidency of <.:oastline College, the artist, , ammie Eckstrom, his wife Judy a nd Coastline's interim president John Bullt.•r ••nvi~ion how it will look in thf' C'ollt.•gt~'s half-built a dministrative cente r a t Warner Avenue a nd Newhopc S treet in Fountain Valley. C:«!Yt SOUTH COAST PLAZA @) Selangor Pewter . l laktrJ of /int ptm1tr .ri11a· 1885 I Cricket LTD wlll be hosting two J representatives from the Selangor fac tory. There wlU be a eemon.f-tton of the mahufacturlng process and free hand engraving with any purchase. Plan Now For Holiday Giving Tuesday and Oct. 26 do 27 Wednesday 11·00 AM to 4:00 PM Wine Goblet Reg. $29.50 Special $23.50 Napkin Rings Reg. $32.00 SpeclJI $25.00 Miss Tan See Pee I South Coast Plaza Lower Level, Jewel Court BuMock's Wing (71~) 556-7430 .J~ ... Vl.M' ------------------ 1SK St1nd1rd BASIC Cit. No. 26-3004 • Uses Instant-Loading Program Pak'• Cartridges for Action-Packed Gemu and Personal Problem-Solving • Learn BASIC Programming With Our Tutortel Manual • Educatlonel-Ald1 Math, Reeding, Typing • Easy to Expand •• Your Needs end Sklll1 Grow --• Attaches to Any TV Set • Create Hlgh-Reaolutlon Graphics-Color Computers With Extended BASIC Aleo SalttPrtced at S100 Off m:n;m:'I A DIVISION 01' TANDY C<>f'PMATION PRICES MAY VAAY AT tNOIVIOUAL ST~ES ANO DEALERS SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE. COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER • County photo contest set Cash prizes totaling $350 w1U be award~'Cl in the "Orange County Heritage" amateur photo contest sponsored by FHP. an Orange County health maintenance organization. Entrants are asked to submit color photos featuring scenic beauty, landmarks. historic sites. picturesque architecture and other subJel·ts which make up the county's heritage. First prize winner will receive $200; second prize, $100; and third prize. $50. Entry deadline is Monday, Nov. I. · Entries must be Bx 10 color prints unmounted, and limned to two per person. Transparencies cannot be accepted. The back of each photo mus t carry the entrant's name . address, phone number. and 'descripuon of the photo subject. All entries wilJ be donated to the Orange County Historical Society. Judging will be based on content, originality and composition. The contest is open only to I amateur photographers residing in Orange County. Entries should be sent to: Photo Contest, f FHP, 9930 Talbert Ave .. Fountain Valley 92708. ,. Flight therapy I clf!o~!~~gn~~l!!,~~.,y often associated with airplane flights are being offered by ThAIRapy. a flight relaxation training service located in Newport Beach. Safety tips. relaxation techniques and instruction on jet airliner operation will be emphasized in the Holiday Flying Seminar. Nov. 5 at 7:30 p.m. and the aU-day Flying Workshop. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 13. Cost of the four-hour seminar. including a jet airliner tour, textbook and refreshments. is $25. It will be conducted in the Martin Aviation building at John Wayne Airport. The workshop. to be held at A VIA. 130 McCormick Ave ., Costa Mesa . costs $95 and includes a one-hour flight in a Boeing-727 flight simulator. For reservations and more information. call 641-5846. El Toro, Tustin get same pref ix . • The Marine Corps Air Station. El Toro. and the Marine Corps Air Station. Tustin, have connected a joint telephone system that changes the commercial prefix for the stations from 559 to 651. The new system became necessary when the present manual switching system reached its maximum capacity of 1,400 phone lines. The new electronic system will carry an unlimited amount of lines. .. COSTA .\1ESA The Newport Horlter Ar•• Chentber ef Cemnterce THE us1l1'11nEZVIUS AT THI Balboa Pun Zone with Les .. wn a Hit land el leMwn a'"' the O.C.C. Coott Jo1.1 ledety WEDNllDAY I P.M., OCT. 71, 1812 Donelnf • ..,,,., •• ,., -For Tlck•t• & lnform•tlon -.. ,,,.,, ,.,.., ,,.. ., .. ,, ., ,._,,.. 1470 ,.,,.,_ .. , N.a., ,,.._,~I I ..., 0 1ungo Coeat DAILY PILOT /Tuesday, October 26. 1982 Following the trail to fitness Kinde rgartncr Gary W ille ms gets a lift from Julie t:asey on the m o nkey climb as Sand y Harris t'oaches Su zanne Moshiri a nd Tasha Sta"rk a t the warm -up sta tion of th<.· new Olympic gam efield a t Kettlf"r S<.·hool, 8 750 Dorsett Drive, Huntington Beach . T he women a rt• Stanford Unin ·rsity graduate~ who d emonst rated propt•r use of the purcourse whi<·h ie d esig ned to ipiprove cardio-vascula r fitm .. ~s anti is op t>n to tht:' public during non-school ho urs. BANN OF AMERICA PRESENTS A TAX BREAN YOU CAN BANN ON OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER FOR A FULL YEAR_ When you invest in Bank of America's Tax Free Time Deposit, you and your spouse can earn up to $2000 interest, free from federal income tax~ That's $166 a month-, tax free for a year:'~' (Individuals may earn up to $1000 tax free.) DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, A BEITER INVESTMENT Since this income is tax free , a Tax --Free Time Deposit m ay actually give you m ore dollars af tcr taxes than many investments, including money market accounts. Compare for your· sell. Just stop by or call any Bank of America branch. We'll o;how you dollnr for dollar ho w other invest- ment.., stack up again't n Tax Free Time Deposit. --MOR THAN A TAX BREAK Ad<l value to your investment by using your Tax Free Time Deposit to he lp you qualify for chcckmg free of monthly chMges with our Combined Hal:rnce Service!"' And of course, with Bmk nf Amcrtc:i you can l:mnkc:>11 -- a II the safety and convenience o( California's leading bank. BANK ON IT NOW A good investment like this won't BANK OF AMERICA last forever. By law, Tax Free Time Deposits can be opened only through December .31, 1982. So be sure to call or stop by any branch soon . Ask about <1 Tax Free Time Deposit-the rax break you can bank on for a full year. T11x excmpuon ln•1 for carlv w11hdr11wAI ph.1) sub· • 't1int1nl 1ntcr<'.'t pcnnlty. B.1,('(l 1m \:Ou pies depo~ttln11 S27,f.U At r•tc ava1l- 11hl c on Octoht-r I. Deposit •mount needed lo eArn S20011 t' reduced if )•nu receive rnteresl pavment~ le.~• lrc~ently. One year termJ'>OO minimum .!c'po,11. $200111o rnt, SIOOO l11d1vldunl ltft'llmc ''11clus1nn from (edcrnl income 1.1x on Ta11 Free Time Dfpn~H' ond nil nthcr 1nv<''tmcnts nf chis type ~1 any hn11nc111I 1m111u1111n BANff ON THE LEADER ~ ,\I I ... · .. ·::: .. . . : ·: ·!: ' \8 Onrnga C.01111 I.JAIL 'I PILOT /Tun1d1&y. Oc1ob1 r i'ti, 1982 Honig offers fresh approach to schools ln the Jum• pnmar.v t•lt>t'tH>ll , Wilson R1lt•-;' Otlt•111p1 t1> <1dw•v1• an l'll~Y win for :1 f11urth t1•1•m :1s St,H1• Sup(•rintt•ndtm t of Publit· I ns lnwtton w a;; clt>raill•d wlwn h l• ,.,,·on o nly 41 !)(•1't•t•11t of tlw v11tt· Wl'll below th(• majority nt•t'<lt'd tu ,1vu1d a runo{f Top \ ott•-gl•ttl'r among t•1ght t·hallt•ngt•r:; was Bill Honig. fornwr ,1 n o rnev. lt>UC'h er. st·h ool d 1str1c·t ~ U pert n l (' 11 U {' n I a n d :. I )( -y Pa r m~mbcr o f thl' s tat(• Board uf Education He t•aptun •c.J 25 percent of the primary vow and fact•s Riles in t h t• Nuv 2 runoff As \\'1• scltc.I in June, Honig appt•ars best qualifit•d tu prnv1dl' the fresh lt·adt•rsh1p l'al1forn1a's dt>t·l1mng s<:hnuls rwc'll I It· :.t·t•k:. a 1 • h a n gt• i n l h t' I u n du 1111 • n t <ii d1rect10n .ind µhilosoµh~ of 1tw s<:hools lie· want::. ::.tudt•nts <'hallc·11gvtl w ac:hil·v1· anJ ::.1•t•k:-; a m o n • l'lgor o us cort' C'lHrat·ulum with pmphas1s un nwth , st·tt·iH·l· a nd histor y . Ht.' bt.•ht•vt•::. 1n hunwwurk C:1nd di°scipl11w. All this mu,\ 1w1 lw 1·..i~y tu <ll'l'.Ompllsh. but 1t st't'm::. to rL'fk>t·t lhl' vu·w~ of m anv of thost• whu ha\'<' l.>t•t·onw d 1st:nc·h.rn ll ·d w 1th our pubhl' s<:hool systt•m I n l r u t h . t h l' ... t .i l l' supt•rtnlt'tHlt·nl h.1::. ltttlt· d11•t•t·t powt•r s trH't' most :;d1ool µolit:u ·::. ;.11·t· lmd d own uy tlw Lq~1sluturt', tlw stutt• hoard and lt><·:d St'hool Juthorit1t•s. But a supt·nnll•ndc·nt w ith s t rong views in Spt't·rt ic un·as t·an wit· Id some influt•iH:t• vvt•r t h1 · legislators. boa rd nwmlwr::. and local districts. During t ht· morP rcn·1H u( Riles' l:l Yt'ars rn ul f1ct'. the S(:houl system has b1·cotn(• inc:rca:.ingly subject to cnt1t·1sm and sonw have• b lamed him for tht• failure of students to mcasurt.• up to nat1on ul test ing s teinda rds . H t• ll'nds to b la m e lack of mom.-y for most of the pro blem s. H o nig believes lht•rc· is mut•h more involved than monev. I It· is u1 s lurbe d by the fa ilun: of tht• schools to turn o ut stu<lt>n L;; who ure a d <'qua tt'ly trauwd to mt•t•t tht· demands of today's job marke t a nd t o help the natio n m eet c·ompelitio n from countrll's w ht•n• young people are suhje(·t to much more rigoro u s cd u c:al1on u l cJt•mands. l n the belie f tha t his approach could be benl'fu:ial. the Daily Pilot re commends Bill Honig for State S up eri nt e nd e nt ol Publi c Instruc tion. Irvine raises sights Son)(· imporwnt clatc•s are to IK' annuunet>d :.oon rn lrv1nt• ThC'v .in• th(• d .itl·:. lu 1 ~c·m1 nur~ ~it wh1c:h thl· t'llY will l'Xplarn t o tn lt•n ·:.tl'd nll1.c•n:. ho""' 1l plans to tr v for $5 mrll11111 111 s t..1ll funds to Ii l' I p b u 1 I cl s n nt 1 r :i 1 I r u :.i cl , '"''rt-ross1ng::. A good quPsllun that s h o uld hl· askt•J at thost· for um:. 1s. How ta n rai lro ;,id tr:.it:k -lowt'rt ng projec ts bt• turned into bndge - buildmg proJN:ts without t elling the city's v oters that "down" has been turned into "up" since lhey \'oted las t June? Sevt>ntv-four percent ol those \'Otrng on t hl· issue in last June's m unicipa l ek-ction approved of a plan lo Jro p railroad trac k s tr..ivc•rs1 ng 1h e c it y into a 10-r uot-dee p c h annel. It no w appt?ars that. at least at the Santa F e Railroad t·rossmgs o f .Jeffrey Road a nd C ulver Drive. rnstead o f b ei n g s unk into a t hannel far below eye level and. presumably. rn a ditch that would help sm o ther train n o ise. the 1 racks arc going to be s panned by :!~-foot -tall bridges Co unc il wo m a n B arbar.1 Wwner . omong othPrs. t hmks this 1s n o t playing fu1r with thus t.· VOtt'rS T he <irgunwnt advmwc-d by Pu bl1t· Work s D1rt•(•tor Bn·nt l\lul'how 1s that thl' c.•1ty t'dn gl'l a $:1 mill10n ltft Im m the s w tl' for t h I' t• o n s t r u l ' l 1 o n u f l h t• overe rossmgs now and may latc•r qualify for anothe r $5 million 111 assistance. Ten million bucks 1s better than five million. he points out. But W iener. a nd othe rs. are n ot con vinced that the state w ould so willtngly put up the second $5 m 11l1on (funds for sinking the railroad t r acks into a channel ) a fter th e c ll\ has m oved to accommodate the tracks. a t least partially . by t•ons tru n1 ng overcrossm gs. It's a matter t hat a ll thosl• citize ns who voted "yes" last Ju"ll' s h o uld take a c lose loo k a t &pecia lly those who don't agr ee that a bridge in the air is the sam e as a hole in the ground. Keep the incumbents Three Democratic incumbents me rit r e-e l ec ti o n t o s tat e c o n stitutional office s in w hich they have servetl c ff1c 1e ntly. though the posts d o not gene rate a g reat deal of public attention. J esse Unruh. former Speaker o f the Assembly, has in his first two terms as· s t a t e treasurer helpe d the s tate Q_y compe te nt manageme nt of Its investments and marketing o f bond ~ues. Ma rch Fong Eu, also seeking a third ter m , has been a • co n sc ientious a n d s tnc tl y n o npa rtisan secretar y of s tate. e fficiently handling her job as the state's c hief e lection officer . K e n Co r y, f o rm ('r A ssembl y m a n f rom Ora ngt' Count'll, has ser ved as s ta t e contr oller for the past eight years and also deserves re-election. There i s n o out s tanding compe tition for any o f these important state o Cfices and the Dai l y Pilot recommends r e - e lect ion of the incumbents. Opinions expressed In ttte space abOve are those of the Da ily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7U ) 642·'4321 . L.M. Boyd/ Fiction and fact Countless mystery writer s allow death by drowning to be proved with autopsies that reveal water in the lungs. This fic tional deta il isn't supported by medkal fact, however. W ater m ay enter th e lungs eventually, bu t dry d.rownin1 ls the usual cauae or death. The throats of most drowning victims clamp shut. No water gets ln. No air. eithe r. Item No. 72238 m our Love and War man's ftle is a n opinion by Katharine Hepburn: "It is the plain women who know aboul lotte. The beauutw women are too busy being faaclnallng." Tha.e who claim to know say we'd All be a lot healthier If we'd revene O RANGE COAST Daily Pilot ~I\-'"'' .. , t' '"° •••• •• »I W.\I I•• '' c .. 1. ,... .. -'"' ~ .. ,.\f!O,,.."<• ..... I~ ( .. 19 MoW ( 1U ft)t our morning and evening meals -to have soup. steak, green vegetables, po tatoes, salad and d essert for breakfast. a nd maybe a couple of soft-boiled eggs with toast for supper. We're getting most of our calories at the time of day we need them least . they contend. IC a man couJd jump from a standing start proportionately as far as a bullfrog, he'd cover about 50 feet. That toilet on board the space sh1.1\tl~ Cohunbl& 111 a $3 million Uxt.ure. Most can don't need more th1m half a minute to warm up. Thomo1 P. Holey Pub11•tlfl• Jone Amari £ •ecvt•¥t fo,1or ._...,_Kr..WCh fd<IOtflJI 'oee fd•t()r n.m. Mcc.nn MolloOlllO (dllOt l · J _.• Youth needs place to serve KANSAS CITY, K:.i11 "l'vt• ~1t1w11 up w1Lh th1_• 1dpa that w ar and v1ol1•n<'" :.irl· s111." said Kendal Lt•c· W<>rk1 •1111111• It w<is thl· sort of thing ym1'd 1•x J>t'l'l •l Mt'nnoni te 111 say. espt.'<.'lall v a sturkni for the m1mslrv Ill· w1:1s ind;t·t<.•tl fur that ht•rt• tl11~ month. Thl· pt.•n:.1 l•y. 1f hl• •~ l'UOVll'll'<I 11r rt•fusing tu rt>g1ster for Lht• draft, muld Ix• f1vt· vt·ars in j111l and a $10.000 f11w. .H•t•ording to ht~ pros<.•t·u1or. U S Atlornt•y Jim Ma1"4Ul'Z Warkc·nlinL'. who 1~ :.! I .... ti11uld l•l" luum.I ~u1h;. Ht• t~ gu1hy Ev1·n 1f thC'l L' ~ no dr.Jfl and the U S duc.'Sn't t'Vl•n have a SC!il'<'l1vc• S4..'rYi(·c law any mort· t his youn g ma n 1 s de I 1 b <' r a 11• h d1solx•ying the 1980 l:.iw that ~ys th.JI hL· o;hould register in c·ast: there <.'ver •~ :.i draft l ron1l'allv . as a M~nn on1lt• m1n1.Sll·r, WarkPnt;ne m1gh1 V<'ry wC'll 1>1· ll·gally l'Xt•mptt>d from military •wn·1u· 8 u t he 1 s n 11 t l" x 1· m pl fro ni t ht' rl•g1..;trallon law WARKENTINE, who 1:-; ~1ucf\111g .11 &·tht·I Collegl• in N1·wtun. Kan . know ... c•xal'tlv what ht· ts J u1 ng "Thi· govt•rnriw11t would ust• my namt· ;,:-; 11n1• o f thuM' who would dt•ft-nd tht· natum.11 intt·rL'!>l." ht· said. "ll would bt• mun: ll'mptat1on for the governmt·nt to USl' viole nce to further national goals " The national goal of the moment tS to .care more i.han a halC-million or so young men -5 percent of the c.-llglble total -who have not romplit--d with the reg1stra11on law. T o under:.tand tht! possible significance of tht•1r numbers. one has to keep m mind that the number of voun~ m1:n who have ignored the law f111 l\\11 ,, . .,,., 1s <1bout as lllUl'h a:-; lht t11t,d 111 ~>71i,lHJtJ yuung A1l1t•l'l1,'i1lls wh11 1·va11t•d tlw d1.llt du11ng th1..-l1 v1· yh1rs 11f I Ill' V ll'll l.1111 W,1 I 8t'l.'o1Ust• 111 tlw u11 poµulanty ol 1ha1 dr,111. 1-'n·-.11h·111 N11w11. 111 a sc•ll ·St•rv1ng politlt'<>I g1•::.l1 J1'1• :11.>oli~lwd tlw draft in ~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·-~ RICHARD REEVES ... ; ~ IJ\111 •II·' \'VIUl\lt•t r .1rm\ 111 ;i ck nfoic r;11 \ t 1111...i r 1p111111 •~ t he h .. rd1·sl l,1\\' to build .1 t 111 1::.t'll:>US rw and It IA a:. t 1111 l 1 ~ h ,1 n d 1 r r • ·' J.> u n :.1 h I l· f or t ht• gt1\·1·r11mt·nl lu g1vt· up Lhe µow1·r JI) \l'J~ .1g11 t:1•1ttng 11 l>Jl'k ""on't bt• t'J~) l''lh 'll,dlv If 11 m•·<•n:-. putting n11111-.1r·r-. 111 pit I doubt th.11 thl' ~t·lt'l l1\'t p1t1St'l'UUon~ IJPl\'l'l'Ulllg ,11'11u11d tht• t11u nlry cJl't• g111ng lri w11rk Wtwn l\lt·11no111 tt·~ dl'I' hc·ing 111 11~t'lutt·d 1111 1111·11 t11·lit·r..,. 1t 11 ·1111rnb lllt• Ill thll!'l' plH 1t11g1 ,1µh '> Yl'.11'' dgl1 qj U S rnur:-;h.1b 1 h.t!>t llg /\1111 ... h 1 hildn·n thr11ugh <'11rnf n·lds 10 f111 11· 1 h1·111 111 11 t wnd pu lJht " h1101~ But J also bt·li1•\'1 that, 11t ;1 i. . ..,.., sp1ri1ual analysis ol tht• wol'ld .• 1 11.1111111 has Lo be pre parl'd 111 dd t.>n d 1 twl I Hislt\ry has not been gNterous to gi:ntecl peoples unable or unwilllng to fight for thC'1r mdependt-m·t· ... ~.111i:.t pl•oplc•s w11lmg to fight fo1 ll'rntor y or rn ht" C:OnSC'ripuon -th<' dr.1 ft nM~ h1 the issue that dt!ftni·-. t\nwrn <• in 11u1 llmP and our children·, 111111· Jn tfld.1~·, 11111n · 111d1v1duall'tll ..,111.1t•lV uncf on1· whl•J • 111d1v1du<ils h,1v<· · nw n· µu wt·1 th..in t·v1•r twrort· lx'<.'iJU~l' ot mw 1• I 1hl•1 ul .wc't·s~ l<J lht• eourts I .1111 11111 ... u11· th.JI .111 v mllllarv d1 ttft 1·un lw •·f ft ·< t1 ·d "1thuul n•s1:.l<int1• l<1pJIJl1 · ul lt.>aring lht 1 ountry <>p;11 I Tlw g11 .. 111·1 llw th1 t-<tl tu 111d1v11lu.tl lilt· 1,1nJ 111111,. 1h1· gn.·.iu·r tht· 1t•:>1!>Wr1t·t· mav b1'1.·111111 And Lhc• ... 11ua1u111 will IJt 11111; <' v11l.1td 1 1h,1n 1n tht• n-<.'l•lll µ.1 -.1 Ix" .1u.,. 111 .1 111•111· t•gallt,1n..in '\UlH\\. 1111 1hild1111 111 thl· r11h and p1J\\t·lful llw "fulurt 1t .. 1dt·r ... h1p tla~s" lJrt t lw l''' mpkd without mas:-.1\'l' puhllt n·-.t·nlrnt·nl b:> 1h1· It'>~ fortunatt· ma..1ontv TllAT DOES /\OT mc·an tht IJ111t•«I Stolt·~ ,.., a c·11unt1 ' ul br11k1·n :.p1r11 111 l,illl·d µotn<1thm Mv 11wn ~c·n.~· I'> that lt·n::. u! m1lt1on.., 111 voung Anwnc·<>n!> 111olt .ind fl.molt \\11uld l.>1 willing to lf1·(1·11d lht•ll ! UUllll \' C\l,1n\' M.'l'ITI t•<.tg{ I 111 Ju 11 tw n.1l101 1 . .ili:.t1t µ.1tnuusm. f111 .1dvt·ntu1 c . or ..1u-.1 It• g1 t •>Ul 1,f lhl· hou:.t.· Sn 11 "'''""' dc..11 It• 111l that Am1•11l.1 11111..,l ""'''' ""111 ... 1111 111 11.1\lon.11 .,,, r\ 11 t l.1\\ .ind p1•1g1.1111 111 pl.•1.• lwfo1t· \\• 111t•v11.d ilv f.1t 1 o1 1.11 g1· '\lJl1· 111l11t .. r~ 1·1111·1g1 •111 \ 'llflll'Wht•JI• !Jill lhf'rt h \.\di ht • Ion 1;111 Ill lh111k ;1l>11ut ll IH lf\ II d U I l 111'( I ht I 111 l' I g l II I '.' ')'It U 11 g Ana r n·.111 ... ~hnuld b1· .1.,k• d to -.c·n·c· t\m1·11l"' 11i tlw \\111 id 1111 ,, L'1Juplt· of .\'l'ar~ Among othc·r 1h111~:. 11 will kt>t•p 1hcm o H the :.lrt-t·~ ,mJ un<·mployml'nl rolls G 1vc•n a C'hOI<'<'. SOm(' w ill fly }E't plan.·-. 1J1 p.Jlrol hordt·r ... '>l•ITil' will build road~ 111 t'mpl~ lx'l.!p..in ... tr Kc>nda l Lt.>t.• \V.irk1 ·nt1nl' '' ,, p .• u11 ... t. ht' pl..i<• 1-; m .i h>1~1111 .• 1 w111 kmg not 1n ;.111 ,, 111 .. 11\ r 111 h.-. hc·l11·f-. Letters to the editor 'Fre eze faces the facts of history To the Editor: As man y Daily Pilot readt'rs know. an article in the current Readers Digest attempts to link both U.S. and European p eace m ovem e nts with the KGB. Rus.c;1a's secret police. I decided to test the Diges1 "KGB" theory against my personal knowll.'<lgt· of events m the U.S during my adult hft•t1me Fo ur years m thC' US Air Corps during WW 11 1ncrl'ast·d my awareness of the awesome dt>Slrut·t1v<• power or modem weapons M y own gec ision t o s uppo r t Proposition l~. the Bilateral Nuclear Freeze measure. has been shaped by these events. 1 MY COUNTRY built the firs t nuclear weapons. and then used them agains t Japanese civilian populations, with devastating effect. in 1945. 2. Si.nre then, m y country has used the threat of nuclear attack as an 1mport.anl part of our foreign policy. Fur 1nstanc1'. we have built a ring of over 50 nuclt'ar bases enllre lv around the U.S .S.R .. StnC(' 1954. To the Eas t European. this fact must seem as threatE'ning as the "Cuban missile crisis" of 1961 appeared to us U.S citn:ens. 3 Today. the U.S. and the U.S S R each controls approximately 25.000 nuclear warheads. usable Crom land. sea. and air Each one is more dt'slrucllV(' than the ones we used al Hiroshima and Nagasaki. by several times. 4 There is simply no eff('(:tlve way by ei ther nation to stop the missiles which contain this nuclear catastrophe. ~SI than I 00 of them, fired by either nation. can e ffectively annihilate the othn nation . These are some of the actunl events and not a ny efforts by the KGB or any othl•r group -which give me such a tHr<>nJ( Aense of urgency to support any action by my government which faces the facl.3 of history and attempts to do someth ing c:onuructlvc about thi' insanity of the nuclear orms rn<.'t. CARROLL RIC HARDSON Growth debate To the F..dlto r: I MVt> read with" lntere!lt tht> artlcl<>s by Steve Marble with regard to. what he calla, (et al) "G r owth-no 1ro w th " cont.rovtray. as publlah~ in tht' Dally PUot three daya run.nln,. 1 no~ that h-= tw fot th rnott part quoted varlOU. and aundry proplt> bul In r, MAILBOX addiuo n has madf' some observations. presumably his own Sumt> of thC' !alter seem to bC' a little nonobjl>ct1ve For example. il was pointro oul that both Irvin e and Costa MC'sa are hot f(ll' growth w h ill' no o m· l'ISP. esp1.•t:1ally Newport Beach is Nol qu11e fact. I nott• thal amon~ others. Laguna &>a1·h has ll·g1slatt.>d against same and for th,I\ matt<·r un thl• front pagt? of Lhl• P1lo1 uf 13 Octobc'r 1s an cirt1dl• t'nlllle(! "l\lt'S<l development dt'<.:1s1on postpont..'il" \\ h1ch would indicate that Cosla Mesa 1s not :ill that keen either. BY THE SAME tokl•n the• term "no growth" 1s inappro pnatl' as regards Newport Beach m totu True on e or two like m yse lf would like to see things regrt>ss to where cattle we re grazing where Fashion Island now rears I know it's impossible and hence hold no hopt.• for that but rather like the rest of thl' more or less conservatives. would hke to SC(' a rontrolled grow th Som1•om• has unfairly branded tht• pC'n pll' o f S P O N as be ing anti l'Vl'rythmg I beli eve this to bC' unfair a lso. as from what J read . they are mdC'<'d for a responsive city government. for a controllC'd growth. for d('anrng up th<' traffic problem beforl' adding to 11. for an attitude of reason with regard lo th<' a irport. es pecially one 1ha1 n•rogn1zes the• peopll' who must live with 11. a nd <'SJX'Cltllly for tht• city of Newport &•ach and its p~rvallon as ~1 grc·at plat't! to hve ALAN L BLUM City divided To tht.> Echtor; Jay L1chmun'M ··d1~ppolntment" In your ftnl' thrt'I' part series on "Growth vs no-~rowth" (Oct. 19 "Cruciol rolo") UM!I lhc. aamc ambiguity used Lhc no.gro wthers when they practically brought a nnn:hy to our city m thl'ir wal to 11top growth. Tht•y f1llc-d the council ch umb 'r~ month nfu~r month. yc·ur Mtt'r yC'ar, 111topplng lndlvidunls llnJ small bullden. '1S well os IMrgl' onC' . from buildln,g on or improving prop<'rty. And whtll• they now strl'nuou~ly objt'Cl to any devlot1on Crom tlw (lf'ncral plan that they ht'l~ 1..tllft\ """rt ... !\ •tt •ttco,,.. fM Plt'll l•c--lt l It!\ It hi -· tt t lllftl,..lt 11.-1 " ,_,_ l.Atl~ II .. wo••• .. ""' wtll lo 9••tfl prtlt•-• All ltllte" _.Ill Clt1cl1P \l .... ll<H •N lfl••h~ •Oclrt \\ lllOll Miiiet _, .. w1lfllltlf 9ft t-\t ti \tllll(t ... I rtl\411\ I\....,_ ,....,, ••II f\Oj .. ,....,._ l..etltr\ 19\<lf ... ltl""°"" I• Mt....a He191t -plww ,._,ti U.. t tlfllllh ltf ........... ,...,. ltf ..... 11:.1 .... __ , f o r m u I a l l' . l h P ,. 1 n ' I 1 g .1 I c · d "d11wn-£11ntn~" 1 ,r ot 1 wr~· prupt·rt' Lha l l'Ul t~ v;.1luc• b:--· 1·utt111g IL' u~· P E RM IT IJIOCl~llll( turn1•<l Into long harangUt'' ,1s I ht'Y n•.J1·~1gnl'd otht•n;' p I a n s. u v t• r t n l' r l' as l' d g a rag l ' rrqu1rc·m<•nt.-. and d1t·UHt·d garb.11!\l' areas Thl• d1·l:1v:. and dt•mam.b mtTl'asmg the mst of 1tw hu1Jdm~. or dto..(:ouragmg It 1•ntin·ly. u11lll our l h1lcfn·n tan no longt•r ..ilfmd to h\C' m 1h1 ,·1t\ till'~ wen.> ra1S<-<I II) Sn1:ill bu lldl·I ~ h.l\'l' all but bel'n d r 1 \' l' n from n u r m n l s t . I 1.• a,. 1 n g t·<irµ1•nll'r". l'lt·ttrinan:.. plumber:. ell' °" 1thuu1 Jllbs ll :.t.11·1t>tl th1· snowball of 1nf1 • .ll1un Jnt..I u1wmplo\ mt'nt. wide ned the g.ip bt.'\\.\ t'l.·n thl' han'S and have- nots. and lx·tWl't.'n lhl• hop(' for a home and hopt•l(•s.'>nt·~ And ll d1\'1dC'd our city into warring "1l·lJon:-; !\.fa vor J:wk1t' lfralhl•r ha.<. done much to calm that war and bridge thl' gap with reason nnd l'Ompass1on. while helping to prl'&'rV<' privol<' propNty righ~ _ SPON':. 1rratmnahty 1s pC'rsonif1l-<l m the plc•asun• of "relouvcly nt•w resident" Pat l111ll.inacr'~ apprl.'c1at1on of their ('f{nrls 1n <,to pping building a round Uppl•r Nt•wport Bay. to k eep o ther rwlA t•tmwr' 011L. A sad l.'ommt'ntary! GOLDIE JOSEPH (.,ari11g n e ig hbors To thC' Editor: On Oct. 8 my house m Laguna Shores wn~ t'OmplctC'ly dt-stroyed by fire. I would like io takl• this opportunity to thnnk the many neighbors. some known and muny that I didn't know. for their g enerous o ffe r s o f assista nce a nd romfort. In these days of supposed "people indiffert>nn"· thesc spo ntaneous expres.-.1ons of caring wert' something 1 shall never forget lX>NNA REIMERS lllllY Ill Thf' C hrtatmaa catalogues rilled the llvlng room .•• dinlng room .. 1t.1ck's gr o w i ng h ig her . c an >t move. .hlgll r .ArrraN J .E.T . ..._, .......................... =..._.. .... .. _......, ...... ,._ ................. ... ............... ~ .......... . > Orungu Coast DAil Y PILO l / l uu1day October 26. 1982 • NOW SOFT PACK Fil TEA. MENTHOL I mg. "1ar". 0.1 mg. nicotine. NOW SOFT PACK Fil TER 100's. MENTHOL IOO's 2 mg "tar". 0.2 mg. nicoune. SALEM ULTRA LIGHTS. ULTRA LIGHTS 100's 5 mg. "1ar". 0.4 mg. n1co11ne. VANTAGE ULTRA LIGHTS. ULTRA LIGHTS lOO's. ULTRA LIGHTS MENTHOL. ULTRA LIGHTS MENTHOl lOO's 5 mg. "tar". 0 5 mg. nicoune. SALEM SUM LIGHTS: 8 mg. "tar". 0.6 mg. nicotine. MORE LIGHTS lOO's FILTER. MENTHOL· 8 mg "tar". 0.7 mg. nicotine. CAMEL LIGHTS HARO PACK. VANTAGE MENTHOL. FILTER lOO's. MENTHOL lOO's· 9 mg. "1ar". 0 7 mg nicoune. SALEM LIGHTS 9 mg "1ar", 0.8 mg. nicotine. SALEM LIGHTS IOO's 10 mg. "tar". 0.8 mg nico11ne. CAMEL FILTERS: 15 mg. "1ar".1.l mg. nicoune. SALEM KING· 17 mg. "tar".1.2 mg. nicotine. MORE Fil TEA. MENTHOL: 17 mg. "tar". l.4 mg. mcottne. SALEM lOO's: 18 mg. "tar". 1.3 mg. nicoune. av. per c1gare11e by FTC method: DORAL 11 FILTER. MENTHOL. WINSTON ULTRA LIGHTS: 4 mg. "tar". 0.4 mg. nicotine. WINSTO N ULTRA LIGHTS lOO's: 5 mg. "tar". 0.5 mg. nicoune. CAMEL LIGHTS: 8 mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. nicotine. VANTAGE FILTER: 9 mg. "iar". 0.7 mg. mcoune. WINSTON LIGHTS. 11 mg. "1ar". 0.9 mg. nico11ne. CAMEL LIGHTS IOO's. WIN STON LIGHTS lOO's: 12 mg. "tar". 0.9 mg. nicoune. WINSTON lOO's· 14 mg. "tar". 1.0 mg. nicotine. WINSTON KING 15 mg. "1ar".11 mg. mco11ne. WINSTON BOX· 16 mg "1ar". 1.1 mg. nicotine. CAMEL REGULAR 21 mg. "tar". 14 mg. nicoune. av per c1gare11e. FTC Repon OEC. '81. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. r------------------------------T-------------~~~~----------~--1 o 9t91 s1 00 ovv THE CARTON OF st 00 I '1.00 OFF Ac~!0?,!u~~ CHOICE II e '.I' .I' IDlJR CHOICE • 1 1 !!~~~~!!~~ arnso• .... u1110119n1t MAllTO HAHOOFYOURCHOICl I ~ <T-........ .. . l ....... 1111•• llfMt IOO. , 0 IOTU96, Wlnlton-SOtllm. NOl1h Corollno 27-102 II• ff CM-. fffO I) 0 CtMet \1tn11 S 1 0 So ..... Slim ti.ntt ( l\CIO~ ,_0 COflon en<l llOOt 11om 011'1 one OI 11\eM> btono• OIOl\9 """' -· ""''°"' c--.,., ....... ,._ ....... _ .... "" .,...,, ".-... . I '' O Com .. IJtM• ... ,. l'OO I I ll\10"109• fHltl r.'Ci'"°"'· onoO<ld••H Or\Cl weM ••PIClvovoSlo<• Couoongooalo< I ~=·::. ::.:.~.:.!";',~~..!.:!~~':'.:,,.':.::·:;~ ~~.:":;. 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'"""'" .. .,, .......... -.................. _.,.. ~ ,, 0 NO•loll'9C11111t l lltMMI 1001 CtN ----------- • •""f •II rifl4'&1 , .. -''""'"' -Ill C...--M ltt"'lld II -...... .. z _ ..... _..,.,,,.,_ .... ,,~-(t1•1Wt'W t I0,,1c "•--.O O!io•a:.""'""••tnot 1IOW1111tt•80• st41,___________ llP '-........ ~,.··----.Cm• u Q .... ll1<11"91100t llOWlollonlOO t Thlaolf9r ltnot red~;,..,._ Sl.00 Goo4 Oft ·-....,_.. OC>Uf'C* l>CNAnON DAii. OICIMKI >I. IM2 $I 0 ....... ~... , • 0 Wlll\tOft 1'9"'' .... l>IOMOI_ COtl• l>Old °" inonu1«1111 .. COl'tll!Mt """" OOy DOltoge ...___... ~ ~"""O 0 f A 1 aa U 0 t ...... 100t ltQW1ftttoft\lgM•I001 Ol'tftOoi1ll~Otle1t .... 1¢i.GIO_l,iyeOllO'o0t0toi-1 ....... tttlt NII., -lll't< O... flllf"' Ill A ... ~It l 4J C1 110# fm•t 100• IJOWoftOIO!I •1110 (1eo111te<1) -·-•·1-c .II D H D ....... I"'"" ll llWll\tlo .. u111u .. n11 -'°"pOll Mf l\OUMllOICI Otl .. OOoOOllly"' u ' ... """°•Ml• .... ,IC'-0 -. -. • OO~l>Ylow U OIOlelftlltftl• 100• n llW>111tt11UOl•\ltMt 1001 OfFH l XPllll OfCIMIHi1. tfet ------------------------------------------------------------~ . • 7 .. - ' ' I Or1ng Coa11 DAIL V PILOl /Tuuaday, Oc;tober 26. IU82 By PAT HOROWITZ OftMO..,NM llaft DEAR PAT: Someone told me a new law was paued tbat maku It llleical for a youn1t ter to ride In &he back of a pickup truck . II thlt true? P.R .. Fountain Valley • Yes l!:ffot•t1vc Jon ~. 1983, stall• luw (AB 3048) will prohibit any c.·htld I~ yt•nrs or under, from riding in the caq~o an•a of o pickup truC'k on the highways unless attended by an adult Motoris~ will pay a fim· of $~0 for tht• f1r:.1 infnu:t1on , jnd $100 fur the St-'l'Ond. Another rww law. SB 537. requ1rt>S parents of c.·hildren under agl' :> or Wl•1gh1ng less than 40 pounds, to haw an approved crash -tested child safety restraint as oC Jan. I. Those parents or guardians who are cited by a law e nfol"'('t'm<'nl off1t-er for failing to provide the device, will fat'<' a fine of $50, unless they can show proof to the court that they have J)OSS(.'SS1on of a restraint Older women get break DEAR PAT: I read that ao organization called "Older Women's League" is involved in trying to get conversion rlabts to health in truck b d ln11uran1·.-polkl .. N for wldow11 and dlvou·•·e11. whott-hu11band11 ' ln11urunct' pion 1.rl' no longer avallablt' to tht'rn. Can yuu It'll me more about thl• aruup und bow I •·an c:untact I 1'! J.J .. t'o11h1 Mua You l'llll wr111• H• Old1·1 Wo1111•11'1' Ll•11g111· (OWL) ut :ull)o llurni.1111 S t . Oakluml, Calaf U-1611. or 1>hmw ('I I ~) ti:)li 0141. OWL ~rt•w out 11( thl' t'XIJl'l ll'lll't• nl 1ti. foundl'rs in I 11 u Ill' h rng l h c 01 s p l.11·1·d II O llll' ma k L' rs m1JVL•mt•nl rn lhl' 1111d I !l7111' Found1.-d al 1tr1• Whale HousC' M1n1 -l'1111l1•1 l•nct• on Olc.h•1 Wom<'n an Octotwr l!ll:lU, OWL has t•haµll·r~ throughout the <:o untry Its c.·urrcnl national jgt.'nda focuses on lhret· k1.•y issues aff1>t·1tn~ old1.·r women: soc:ial !tl'l·ur1 ty, pt•ns1un~ JrHI h ealth 1nsuranc~. OWL's mo tto 1s "Do n 't Agonize -Organize," Jl\d 11 's o~n to ru1.•n and w omen of nny ag • • Got <• pn1blt•11>'' Tlwn \\'rlh' tll 't 1. Pnt Horow1u Pat will cut rt'll t;i/JC ', - gc•t1ing thC' :111 . .;wt•rs and a<·11t111 you ....,. neC'rl to .,o/l't' 11H•qu1t1t•s 111 govl'rnmenl und bus11w:;..' l\fw/ .vuur C/ut·~tru11:.> tt1 Pat Horow11z. At 't'our Sen•rn·. OranJtt' Coos! Datlv Pilot, ~ () Bm. 15/iV, Cosui Mc•sa, CA. 9:.!62t{ ( 'Old West' art pays off l'.l . l 'A.ION IAI') A p.11111111K 111 .1 N.1V.1J1• 11111tlwr d11111· us a Kill l:i V•'lllll UK11 ltU:• 1Juugl1t $450, ouo tu 01.tl W1l·~hon1l, who Lil 11:1 111 uvc.·1 whl'lm•'tl hy denwntl11 f111 h111 work 1md u tribull-w11llt'l1 by l'rt·:>1<h•t1t R1•.q(11 II r or II I) 1•xtubnw11 111 his h1111ur Althuugh l'l>llc•c ton. uf Old Wl':sr· or\ 1wc•k hirn uut, Wu·g hors\ si11d he· WU1' suq.>l'lsl·d whc.:11 a m u11 Ill M1nnt.•sotu, IH'llnU anonym ous! y, pwd lht· lurgc sum for lht· p11int111~ 1 wo days ugo. "I don't 1•v1·11 know who hC' 111," Wll'ghm ~l su1d of tht· man whu 11lNl1>l1.'ll \II\ buying the pamung after i;t·1·111g u hthogruph prmt ol 1t "ll wa' m y wcfo's, and sh1• finally gaw ht·r 1x•rm1ss1on." Thl• ull . "NuvaJO Madonna." measurl'l> JUSl 22 m t hes wide and 24 1ncheN high and portrays an Indian woman and h<'r baby with a dramatt<· ba('kground of the somber blut•s and grays o f northt-rn Arizona's Monumt·nl Vallt•y Thl' pamung will go to th1.• new ownt•r aft<:r 11 1s displayed at a benefit show from Nov 1IJ to Jan. 30 at th<' G1lcrc~ Mwt•um in Tulsa, Okla. About 40 olht'r Wicghorsl pa1nungs will be then~ on loan, induding one owned by Reagan and onC' from lhf:' Dwight D. E1 sc nh o w o r Library 1n , Olaf \l'ieghorst Abtlt'lll', Kan RL•agan , who ow1b hoth a W1eghor~t watl'r n1liir and an original ml, wrotL· this forward for the offil'1al progr;,m "F rom the opening of lht· Anwratan W e·st until this prt•:,('nt day, artis L'i havL· sought to caplurl· lht· ru~u{ed bt'auty. tht· dn·am cind llw 1<1nwn<.t• of th111 un1qui r•art t1f 11ur nuuon I h<'rll.•N'-' " "Ntm4:," wruh.' Rc•aJ<un 'h,1" l11·1·n more llU<.'Ct'b.'lful th1J11 Olaf W11•uh11ri;1 " O\h{•r pruit und pn-Mf•nl 11wrlt't!'I l>f Wc·1ghon1t '11 palnttnl(.~ 1ndudl' iH'lors J o hn Wayne. Cl int F:u1>twuud und Burl Rt•y noldi. 'l'lw 1111.'·long romunt·c> lh1· ll tuu.pl&nll'<l Oun1• !ta ... had wnlt fronlll·r Amcru:& 11nd lls wild hori.t·s. and tht• way hl' has tra11sl&lt'<I It Lo 011 and c<1nvas, has brought W1t!ghorst a ranking along1>1d<' Frl'deru: lfom1ngl()n and Clrnrlt·1> Russt•ll, tht: 19th t·t·ntur y JH11nlt•r1>, as gr1·at WL·~h·rn urllslb Tht• Old Wt-s l kntJwn tu Hu~·ll and lll.'m1ngton rnC1y l:w gum-. but W11:ghorsl rcltves 11 cl<.11ly, work mg rt.•h..ntl~ly at his l·ai..:I rro m 8.30 am to n•JOn Ill thl· adob<:. rough·bt'amt'd hous.: h1 · built by hand Ii(' abo rtdl;". h1i. quarlt•rhurM.'s rt•gularly WJC•S(hor s t 's work ucgan drawing <.·rittl'S' a11ent1on by tht· latC' 194 0s A year ago, an art l'Olllot'tCJ1 1n Sc:ott.Mlalc. Araz .. paid $200 000 f or a pai nting of g<.il lup1ng wild hors<:!> that W1t•ghurst had patnlt'<I 12 to 14 Yl'ars aKCJ Another 011. paintc:d and sold :W yl'urs ago for SI .5UU. brou~h t $ 140,000 rcx:en ti y PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Peld lor by "Allan Beek for tfle Res1e1en1s'' 2007 Hlgfll1111<1, N-port Beach, CA 92660 Allan Beek For City Council P()L 11 ll.Al At >V( H 11',l Ml II! Vote 11 TbereSonlyone • he asks. he listens! Fine Wines and Brandie :'pec1alt' G1fo. Decanters Cookbook,.. Borth· opener. and holder!- n ·mr-rrlateJ nnrr cards Complimentar.' \Y-me Ta:;ting ) ,( - ' Open 7 D11ys 11-6 Free Local Deliverv • 2400 W. Coast Hwy. te. ewport Beach, CA l6 (arross form Cano',1 642-5749 A paid pol1hcal advert1semen1 re is al r! .. If Referendum Measure N is passed, you lose ... O $6.000.000 in add1t10nal roadways 8 A new fire station A pedestrian and bicycle overpass across Coast Highway 8 A new five.acre pati( and greenbelt $300,000annually10 the School District O $400.000 1n ner annual reYenue 10 the O!Y of New~rt Beach O New draTnage taeili ies 1470 Jambo<ee Ad . Newport Beach CA92660 6 and Elect EDMUND J. KELLY Fo~MEMBER STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION • SUPERVISING AUDITOR STATE BOARD OF EOIJALIZATION • EXPERIENCED TAX ADMINISTRATOR ron ?1 VEAR5 • CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT -3A-' . I ( ,/I /-' /, • / / -( ,,, • ,,.,,, J • ,., •/11(1.J f(ff(f' • -1/•,-., (1" 0"'';nrr .' PA1nt1IRfll COMMITTHTOELEC T COKELl• l' ~ • 271 W R1allo Ave R1allo CA 92376 F1an> oeCovr1en TreaikJr8r is • • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS • • • . . • • MARINE WEATHER -The latest information from udes to temperatures, direct from ttle Orange County Harbormaster • TRAfflC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon draveume freeway and highway 1nforma· 11on from the Orange County 0H1ce of the Highway Patrol • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Tw1ee daily. the most up-to·date 1nformat1on 1n the world of finance. as 1t pertains to Orange County. from Bob Schiff of Merrill lynch 1n Newport Beach • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expert advice from UC I Track Coach and U.S. Olymp1dgievelopment Coach Kevin McNarr. twice every day • CONSUMER REPORTS -Listen for KOCM's own Consumer Advice Specialist M ary Ann Price She's out to help your Two clmes each day of the week . • NEWS -M ore than j ust headlines . and a sptc1al emphasis on Orange County • ENTERTAINMENT REPORTS -What's good -and not-so-good - on Orange County stage and screen, exclusively on KOCM with Herm Boodman • A CLOSER LOOK -KOCM's own weekly detailed look at pertinent news topics. with Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn. • COMMUNITY 'ORUM -An award-winning presentation of the Junior League of Newport Harbor, aired weekly only on KOCM, delving Into the unique Interests o f our area KOCIYI IS ORANGE COUNTY MUCH MOREi MUSIC • • . AND • • • ON YOUR FM DIAL AT 103.1 • Dilly Piiat TUESDAY, OCT 26, li82 THICDASTANDTHICOUNTY BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT COMICS 84 86 87 Polkas dot live • music at bubbly Oktoberfest By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of IM Deity flffol lt.n The l:>ecr 1s flowing Crcdy Thl• band 1s playing hvely oom-pah- pah musk The kitchen 1s turn1rui out tasty bratwurst. barbe<.·ue<J chicken and roast pork And there's plenty or potato salad and sauerkraut to go around. If it's autumn, this must be an Oktoberfest. But you don't haw to travel to Germany to takt• part. Oktoberfest is in Cull swing through Nov. 14 at a quwnt shn· of B avaria rcproduct·d 1n Huntington Beach: thL• O ld World shopping L't•ntcr. This unusual v1llagt:' 1s tu1.:kt'Cl away on Center Avenue behind the Huntington Center shopping mall, JUSt south Of lht• S<1n 01t•go Frcto•way T he condavl.' of r~t.aurant aml g1Ct shops was construl"l<.'Cl in tht.• traditio n o f olde r Euro pean hamlets. with hvmg quarters for shop owners butlt d1r('Ctly abovt• thl'lr bUSlnl'SS<'S Old .W orld 's a nnu al Oktoberfest act1v1t1t-s. wh1c:h begm m mid-Septcmbl•r, attrat·t v 1s1 to r s from all parts o f Southern California. Bands flown in from Germany perform at the Festival Hall each Wednesday through Saturday evening and on Sunday from 2 to 10 p.m. A German dance group from Santa Ana entertains each Thursday at 8 p.m. The world's first Oktoberfest Joan Surrie 1pin1 her granddaughter Amy Olds, 3, around dance Ooor. was held in 1812 by a Bavarian monarch who w1sht'<i to <.-elebrate his s«>ond wedding anniversary. Thro ugh 170 year s, the Oktoberfest has grown to become a popular festival toelebrated in many parts or the world, a time Cor toasting the season by l'Onsuming great quantities or beer and traditional German roods. The Oktobt>rfest has a special ml'anmg for Josef Bischof, who built the Old World center and s till ow n s the o ld W orld R~taurant and festival grounds. "This is a harvest ritual," he l.'Xplained. "It's a time when people celebrate the success of the year . ln Munich, it's one of the biggest festival s in the world." Bis1.:h of himself e m igrated from Germany in 1952. He build the Alpine Village cente r in Torrance but wanted to develop another shopping complex that would resemble a German town even more closely. "He loved his homeland; the Bavarian architecture is very picturesque," explained Bischof's wife, Dolo res. "He felt that Southern California needed a center that would s h ow his European heritage." European artists helped design and decorate Old World, and two loads of German antiques were brought in to adorn the grounds. Th e ce nt er ope n ed in Septem ber 1978 with about 50 shops ofCering German meals, baked goods and gift items. The complex also includes a small mot.el and a church that conducts German and American services and is a popular wedding site. Unlike most shopping center ownen, SU.Cbof mid rather than leased the Old World stores and living quarters. He says this has created mixed results. Some or the original store owners have found success and expanded into additional space. But others, who have operated the stores as a hobby or a retirement project and have devoted fewe r hours and less attention, were less s uccessful, according to Bischof. E a rli er this year, the promotion-minded businessman tried to convince the Huntington Beach City Council to rename Center Avenue, on which it is located, to Old World Drive. But the suggestion met with some resistance from merchants at nearby Huntington Center. Old World administrators say the dty has promised to erect a sign that would help shoppers find the center, but such a sign has not been posted yet. Du.ring Oktoberfest, however. ·a large number o f German- Americans somehow find their way to Old World to t.ake part in • the festivities. According to Bischof, Southern California is home to about 750,000 German- speaking people. He said 29.6 percent of all Americans have some German heritage, making it the nation's largeat ethnic group. But even those without German ancestry frequently take part in the fall festival. Erwin Hermanns, who sells Imported crystal, art figurines, beer steins and other gifts at Old World, says Oktoberfest is good for buaineu. "It brings In a lot m ore people," he said. "That doesn't mean they're all buyers -some come for the enterta.inrnent. "I have confiden ce in the future of thll center. Otherwise, I wouldn't have bought a aecond atore here." .. i\'11111 ; .... 1Ju~ li111i1 lo 1 lu· l'<·I i .... 11 of lu~i "K 1 IJ; II r Jl,•tult•r If•// A1111 t1111tlt•1· .... 011 Pagt• 82. Delly Piiot Pholoe by Oety ~ • Andre B.ruce and Susan J ohnson from Die Schwaben Landler ::-. .•. Tanzgruppe kick up their heels. in Old World fashion. A dancing couple break away from the caf e tables to swing by the band entertaining at Oktoberfest. Author's plight? They've • written the book on it ' By JODI CADENHEAD °' .. .,..,,......., There couldn't be more than five or six In the whole dt.y. Moet likely they'd be ao bus?'. typing wrhe Great American Novel" that they d never 1how up for aome official municipal salute, anyway. Surpriae. Sixteen Co1ta M eaa writers (most with p,ubllthed book•) turned up recenUy for the 'Coata Meu Autho r Recognition Night" 1ponaored by the Friend• of the Co.ta Meta lJbrartes and the C.O.ta Meu Hlltorieal Society. And they did what writel'I everywhere do: talk. Talk about lhelr craft, the lack of money. the I.ck of pubUclty, the lone houn Ind. of coune, the INenmtMty of heartlftl edJton. Raymond Obetfeld, an Oranp C.OUt Colle1e lna&ruc\or and m,.tery wrh.er. ttood up and 1cWWited &he 100 ,._.. wtth • &akeoff on the American Expreea commercial. "I'm the author of 13 book•," began the moustached storyteller. "I'll rrobably write 13 more In two yean and you atU won't know me." Such ls the Ufe of the author, explained the mystery writer-turned-western writer-turned teacher. who had to leave early for a clul. Barbara Conklin, author of four teen-age romance books (thou1h It could be five by now), was clearly the celebrity at the 1atherlq. having sold ~00.000 cop6ee of her tint book, "P.S . ( Love You." The whlte·ha.lred mother of four. who wu celebrating her 37th weddlnc aMJversary that night, said ahe 1ot. her 1tart wrlt1n1 ateamy romance 1torlee for mapdMI alter taldnt 1 clllll at Orenp C:O.t Collete tn 1~. "A book la only 11aood11 the publldty and the money It mab9." eafd Jayne Alldn.. author of "Search: A Handbook for Adoptecs and Blrth nts." ~allm Costa Mesa author, who made it sound as thouah ahe. could barely manaae a conversation with her huaband at the breakfast table, hu been transformed Into a marathon TV and radio tiabber who would leave Dale Carnegie breathlea. "After 1pendin8 two and a half years writing I decided if there was anyone who would listen. I wu going to 1peak." And ahe· ha.a. From amaU towns In Texas to national radio 1hows. Aikin has pushed and pitched her book with the pollah of an apple vmdor down \0 her last dime. Althouah her own monetary rrwards have been admittedly allm, Gall Pttkins did ma!llgc to convince New American Library to pubUth h r flnt book. ''The Women'• Flnanctat Survlval Htndbook.'' "'l'I ' I The p~ Crom the sale or 120,000 coplM' were far ll'Sll than the $10,000 advant'e she will l split with co-author Judilh Rhoades on their neX\j book. "The... Women's Investment Hand.book." .:.1 Though she didn't know it at the time, •n1):11 about two o ut o f every ~.000 un so l lclte~ manuscripts are ever acccpwd by the majof. publlahera. • With no real flnnnclal background (she Hatt written a few articles and 1s C'dltor of a mlllt.atY trade journal), she sent the Idea for the book to 33' pubU.htrs. She wu told to 11end a sample chapter and then to h•ve It linl1hed In five months. :· . "We wert' Ju.t r<>ally lucky," aaid Pf'rklns. £. Tumln& her attenllon to the group of wrtte-.1 breaklna up, a.he aald, "Coeta M<'ta I.I an aruy Utt• town. A lot of propl don't re.Ilk that h 'a • varied and aur.cta a mix or Pf<>Plt>." -~:;' . ~..: ~· ~= ·~ :·: ... ... .•. 81 Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT/Tu11d1y, Oc1ol>e1 26, 1982 illffi\!lffi[illffiOO~ · Diet obsession weigh~d DEAR ANN LANUi':KS: Today both ml·n und women are painfully pr('()(.'Cup1ed with n pA.'t8lon to look thin. Wt: have been bomb•m.Jt>d with a tulllstOrm of diet pills. low~al drink.a nnd dozena of books on how to shed unwanted pounds while never going hunsry. When will these fools wake up and realize that not everyone can be lhin. and not t:'veryone want.ls tO be? It takes all kinds C!f people to make a world Personally, I'd like to tell the woman who wrote that l don't mind 1f she jiggles 20 AND FREE DEAR %0: You and the dozens of Chicago coutructloa workers during lunc h hour on Mlcbl1ao Ave. The J111lera are their desaert. Tbaokl for tbe up.,,,r. The next letter should wake up some of those 1ombles. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I just read your column in the Cleveland Plain Dealer from the woman who was upset because all her guests were dieting and refused lo eat the gourmet lunch she worked so hard on. Society has gone diet-nuts. The thin t•raze is being pushed on us Crom every angle -TV, radio, magazines. tapes, newspapers and best-sellers, not to me ntion the fashion industry. ll is n 't just middle-aged ladies but teens and young adults who are so obsessed with bemg thin that they are willing to lay their lives on the line by mduc1ng vomiting after meals (bulimia) and selC-starvallon (anorexia nervosa). These are not fads -they are illnesses that can do enormous damage to bodies and result in death. I am not merely another annoyed reader. I am the mother of a 14-year-old girl who is in the hospital because of anorexia. It has done terrible things tO her body and her mind. You have printed several letters about this in the past. In fact. you were one of the first to bring it to the attention of the public. Please keep telling your readers that being thih, thin. thin. isn't worth killing themselves for. -ANGRY MOM IN THE MlDWEST T rou1 HIA11H OR. PETER J . STEINCROHN DEAK DR. STEINCR OHN: l have been depre11ed for weeks over tbe loss of a job. It 1eemed to be fettln1.__worse and worse. For 1ome rea1oa, I for1e (lateTV and worrylag), I stayed up all night. I dldo't 1et 10 mlautes of sleep. The next day, my depressed feeling disappeared as If by magic. I've been feeling floe except for occasional feellngs of depression -oowbere near as bad as before. How do you explain It? -MISS H. DEAR MISS H.: I don't know the explanation. But, similar cases like your own have been reported by researchers at the .University of CaUfomia. For some unknown reason. de pressed per80na who went without sleep for a night or two seemed to improve. But the effect isn't permanent. In your case, .MU.S H .. finding a satisfactory job will likely help your depression much more than losing a night's sleep. DEAR DR. STE INCROHN: I've been married six moa1's. My bu1baad aad I are now an.xloas to have a baby. What I'm concerned about ls the possible damage drugs cu do to an unborn baby. Cao you warn me w61cb ones I sbould be carefGl not to take? -MRS. T. DEAR MRS. T.: There's st.ill much we don't know about the effect of drugs on the unborn child. A good rule is never tO take any medJcine whatever without asking your docto r This includes apparently harmless medicines as aspirin. cough rruxtures or ant.acids. Another thing you should know is that tobacco and alcohol may ~ibly cause birth defects, too. Be especially careful during the first three or four months of the pregnancy. Nevertheless, kee p in touch with your doctor throughout. just to play It safe. HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Wednesday, October %7 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Temporary• restraint is necessary; hospital visit could be proverbial ble91ing In disgui9e. You require time for .econd emotional wind. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Express desires in frank creative manner. Cycle indicates that you get what 1you want -member of opposite .ex will be valuable fm GEM (May 21-June 20): Emphasis on career. s1andlng in community. improved domestic relations. Surroundings are beautified. you could receive W"{!EI{ art object or lux~ lte'!}.. CA (June 21 -JUfy 22): You'll have lwcury of bringing abstract principlet into focus. Define terms. plan ahead for journey which coincides with educational or pubUshin~ project. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Deal with factual material; avoid wishful thinking. self.deception, weeknem for Bob stories. Cycle highlighta credit rattno. tax deductions \'IRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Lie low, play waiting game. avoid becoming involved with one. who walk.a legal tightrope. Gather information, do plenty of ~tenin(_ and reject burden which doesn't belong to _y~u. -UBRA{Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Job geta done if you reject shopworn methods. Highlight independence, orlginalitl , wllllngneas to employ pioneering ooncepta. SCORPIO (O(\t. 23-Nov. 2 1): Emotions dominate· emphaait on quick changes, creativity and a ~de Uailon. You'll alto be dealing with chlldren, vif>cant penonl who look to future instead d broOd1n&.. about (>Ut. Hunch will pay dividends. · SAGITTAlUUS (?fov. 22-Dec:"'" 21):· CneCk mat.erlal; select quality, chooee durability, focus on teCUJity, property, long-ra.ngt planfl and lhe cto.ing of a bu11ne11 transactlon. CAflOCOR!'r(Dec. 22-JUl. 19): Pre90W'el a.re ttlirled Y® receive Invitation to IOCial function, p0~ty inert ... and you get new• reprd.ing vii'\. Have IOUf'Ct material at hand. AQUAalUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Check facia, t•-·--.-oa! ac:count may be cleltrable. Fcx.w •-B-coUectJone, ablllty to aocai. needed :. ~ndi~ted t hrou&tl writ!fn ...?:2.~ • <rtb. f8·Match 20): a--& rtptdinl • add1 alloc:atJon i• fulfllled. M..,. rou pt ~ --= fwldl. Cycle hl1h, you'll be at riCbt pllce it lllDmlnL FamUy membtr mak• major COf'iilC c'on DEAR MOM: Thanks for glvln& me a cllaace to put tbls hideous problem before the public yet another time. Some people need to bear It four or five times before they wake up a nd 1mell the coffee. DEAR ANN LANDERS: l was dumbfounded when I read your advu.:e to the woman who put her (ur-trunmed jacket on the bed when she went lo play cards at the home of a friend. A cat urinated on It and all the hostess could say was. "l wonder which one of those naughty little raacals did that!" She asked you if she should send the woman a bill for a new jacket. You said "No." I'd Uke to know why not. And what's wrong with suing in small claims courl? Too many people have no respect for the property of others. The way to make sure they get the mt.>ssage is to sock it to 'em. So. get wuh ll -or turn an your typewriter -ELLIE lN WESTCHESTER DEAR E LLIE: Is a longtime frleod1hlp worth tbe price of a jacket? I say cool It and keep dignity on your slde. the onus will then be on her, not you. Are your parents too strict? Hard to reach? Ann Landers' booklet "Bugged by Parents? How to Uet More Freedom." could help you bridge the generatJon gap. Send 50 rents with your request and a Jong. stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers. P.O. &x 11995. Chicago. Ill. 60611. QUllllll By PHIL INTERL,ANDI of LagunaBeach •1.11 ........ 11. '1.10 lff Ill ll111r btre11 Costume Porty & "fHt Hawaii Trip for Two Drawing Sun. 10-31 (Winner Mutt Bi Pr..ent Fot Ot'ewtno> 759-1854 3901 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del M• 111-FI O.ltRl1 P1rtr lun. Oot. 311t I p.m. Live BrOMlcMI liYe Cocmry-Wntem Music I Dlftei11 Costume Contest With Prizes Oyer Ad. 9t Newpor1 Fwy. 548-1812 /, GOlfN ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Hoth vulnerable. 8oulh deal•. NORTH •U fY>AQt• 0 873 •US.! Wt.:ST t:AST •AQ84 •10972 IV 7 2 '~' 6 5 0 1042 0 QJ9S •QJ92 +KIUT SOUTH •KU .KJ1083 <i AK 6 + A4 Tht1 biddinic: South Weat North EHt I I::> Pan 2 \;/ Pa11 4 <:/ Pall ..... PHii Opening lead: Queen of +. Some suati. contain extra chances within the su1L that can substanllally improve your chances or success. Declarer had the technique to d ouble the winning percentages on this deal. THI IARL'I "''t-MlMUT..O ... ~ IO&AI Wt.1'91 MU flMO IAT"900M llMOOalMO 5o le 11101 lletvioe f11N St.wt& at Y04JI DoOf (Cal Store -·• Y°"" Al•) COSTA MISA 641 -1289 U26Newperttt.4. MISSION VllJO 495-<MO 1 , .. ,,c..-i-~ , ...... ....., ... """ "'-'·' South Wll!i C'orrccl lo opt-n onll h-..,art r1tlh1Jr thun oflt' nu trump 11111 rt•uonabll' rtvt• rnrd 111u1i ni11du hu, hand worth mort' lhlln IH point' Th.. 1·nrourlll(t'menl of a ''"Kl•· r111:.1• W11\ 1111 thlll he nt:t'ded lo 1•unt ruc•l for l(itmc Wllst lc·d lht· llllt'C·n or dub11, and d1:cl.1n·r had mix t•d tHllolion:. uboul hii; durn my There i.et:mt:d t<• lw '11 i.un• loi.er in each m1n•>r 'uil Therdort'. it appcort-d lhal dcclarllr would ha ve lo hold h1:. spade loser:. Lo one 1f lht: contract wcrll going lo 'IUC reed. The obv1ou1> way lo tackl1: the suit waN lo lead a spade to the kinic. 1-:4ually ob viuus from a glance al the full d1aicram was that th1~ hne was going to re~ult in a one trick t'l Fortunately, declarer wu alert enough to realize that the spade suit actually of· fe red l wo chances Lo make the hand -hts contract was Hfll cHhn ti Weit held lhll 1.4ull1•n or 1-:111t htild the act• of 1tp111J1•, ! lh·chartr won lht< fanl tru·k wilh lht• lt('t• or c·luh~ th1' w11' not th1· l 1m1· for a hnlrrtJp. btr1Ju~1· dnl11rn rould nut uHurd tu h11 v1• lht' 1lt·f1•ndt-r.. 'h1h ttJ 11 d1amund. Altt.>r l'XlrlH'llOIC two Lrum11\ in l wl) rounds. ondinl{ Ill h1.<i hund. detlurcr lht.>n l{ld 11 luw \pl1de toward lht' Jilek ll11d ~:ot ht.>ld lhc 4ut't•n. dt'darn would ha vt' had lo f1&ll b11ck on lc11<.11ng a )pudc lo the k1nK for h1• contract. As 11 w..11>. W£o!il won the quet'n or ~padL•\ and shihlld lo a d1a rnond, bul too lale. l>tc•larer won and ltd another low "padc l::a!>t was forced lo win 1 he ace Uut oow dt'clarcr could win the diamond return and d1.,card dummy's remain 1ng diamond on the king or ~pude\. :)u the ddl'n<lcr~ had lo ht' \al1i.lied with two spade tricks and 11 dub. Airporter Inn Hotel j o in the festivities with Our Airporter Inn Employees Friday, Oct. 29 Happy H our & Hors D · Ouevres Halloween Trick-or-Treat Shona Bishop at the Piano Bar Mediterranean R oom -Serving Dinner Fro m 5:30 on the moll ot Huntington Center Fri. eve. 6 to 7 followed by goblin festival 7 to 9 pm and continuing on Sot. 11 om to 4 pm (Oct. 29130 ). Gome tickets 25¢ each Greg Topper .. how From 8:30 p.m. 18700 MacArthur Bl., Irvine (714 ) 833-2770 • Daily Pilot e classlflech e workfor you.call • 642-5678 Airporter Inn Hotel At John Wayne Airport HollowHn l'ony Sun. 10-31 l'rlz•• '°' ,.., Costume Liv• lnterlalnment Codctal/ Sp«lah 646-0201 2607 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach ...... , a..t1uHI dl..,..t Pitt - 1a11ewn PutJ la. l .. SI I .-le I .. Real Chila & Eacitement Prisa e..t Coetume * "' "'" -•11c. .. * ... ,.. .. _ ....... .,.. * J,. "'" -'"81• n •• ,.... .. Special Witch• Brew" 111-llOO 11•• ........... lftl'trt HALLOWEEN WEEKEND frldoy & $oturdoy Live Rock N Roi W'ith Shakee Jake The Swftones on Sundav Costume Jud1ln1 Every Ni1ht $25 Gift Certificate Prizes $100 Grand Prize Presented Siil. Nite 3180 Airway 546-9880 H•llowHn P•rty Sun., Oct. 31 • Cash Prins for Best Coltum. • O•nclng • S,,.c/1/ Mu1lc • Pltcher'a of Brew only $2.25 until 1 p.m. e Vodk• Wtlll Drlnk111.2$ 1 p.m. to C~ II m11 '1Ji" I~ 11111 1111 01111c ev per u4J11•111: hy 11 r. mr1ho1t -- Discover the taste of Camel Filters, now in a Hard Pack. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determ ined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ()1 UlllJV l;ouut OAIL y PIL 0 I II u1mJuy Octobt11 HI HJij2 83 • " • i . :-.· .. :· • . "' • .. \ • .. ' • ) • • .. .. " " " t " ,. .. ,. .. . " ' . . • .. : .... . ~ ::i·t : .. "' ... Orange COit! DAIL v PILOT /Tuead1y. October 2e 198~ Pta.IC NOTICE NOTICI °' '19UIT11'1 IAll T.I 1411 TIWITll IAU MO. YOU AM ... Ol,AlA.T UMDlfl A 0110 or Hl~IT Oii.T iO DeCIMeafl 4, t•. UNLllH YOU TAKI ACTION TO PflOUCT YOUfl PflOPlflTY, IT MAY 1 1 IOlO AT A PUllLIC IAU. II YOU NUO AN IJIPUNATM>M CW THI NATUM Of' TMI NOCHDIMOI AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOUl.0 COMTACT A LAWYlfl. On No_,Mt f4, 1812 •I 10 00 • m , CALlf'OANIA 0CNEAAl MORTGAGt SERVICE INC , H tl>e Cklly •pj)Olnled f 11o1e1" und., mnd purtuen1 10 OMd or Trual Rtcoroeo on Oec;emb., o. 11110 •• Oocumenl No 10002 Boo~ 13883, P•g. 21' Of Olllcl•I AKOICh in the oltle• of Ill• R•corder of Orangt Coun1y, C1lllorn1e Htcute<I by, WARREN E WORTH e alng le m•n Wll l SEL l AT PUBLIC AUCTION T 0 THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH (P•Y•bl• ., Um• Of H I• In l•wlul money of Ill• Untt9d SlltH) 11 Ille N0t11l lron1 """•llCI• 10 1he County Cou<1houM, 700 Civic Center Drive WHI. In lhl Clly OI S an•• An• Coun1y 01 Orang• S utt 01 Celllornl• •II 11g111. 11111 and 1ntetH1 conveyed 10 end now llelo by 11 under H id O••d of Trull In me PIOPllf'IY SllUlll<I In H id County C1l1lorn11 OISCtlblng Ill• ll nO IMrtln PARCEL I Unll 1 •n Iha Clly ol lrvlnt , Counly ol Orange S tall o f Celtt01n1•. as 1h0wn on 11111 c .. 111n Condominium P1111 record9d July 1, 1980, In l>OOll 13652, P&QI I 1112 10 1237 ll'l(;lutrve OI OlllClll Aec0tO• OI Orange County Ca111orn11 PARCEL 2 MllC NOTICC •IOT1TIOU6 IUHllH NA• ffa'rl ... Nl The 10llowln0 I* 1on1 ., • c1o11'Q Du11neu et 8AK!RSPltL.D PflOPfR TICS 380 I P•t1ll' Coat! IHghwly C<>tO(I• 084 Mat CA 82626 1\1\.f!llO 0 8uona 290 I PM.ill(; Coe1I HIQhwey C<HOtla Ciel Mtt CA 92.,6 J C kon. 390 I PtelflC Coeal Hlghwey Co•Oll• O•I Mar, CA 92126 s.~ ~"·· )iO' 1>11C11io Coell Highway. Corone lltl M•r. CA 9212& M1cl'IHI Hoiian 300 I !"101t1c Cotti Hlgnw•y. Corone dtl M11 C1' 92626 Fr•nk Monuller•. 390 I Pecmc; Cou1 filghway, Corona Gel M•t. CA 9262~ .. Aunell Smith. 380 I Pec1llc: Coui Hlgfl••Y· Corona del Mar, CA 82825 Roben Malkin. 390 I Pacific Co111 Highway. Coron• def Mi.t. C1' 92625 Jam• Andeo aon. 390 I Pacific '' wt\•• y~u ~•" ••1n vn • fop c 1mm111"0111o • tACh1',1111• M flh•lll• •I I p I Hew !1clllng Produclf Mt. Otvll ('1•1 Ul·1000 Deafer tnquir1•1 Invited PHI MHllll llMIW. Le1tn tDOul brand now nom .. (condo) In LA1gun1 Ntouel •nd lrvln• II •OIH HWll f rom S72,600 wlllle moy IHt Sot. Oct 30th 10 AM Sun 3 ttl al t2 Noori ne11t1111a11on1 5-46-9522 Acl 24 th. COHI Highway. COfon• del Mar CA "=============i==============I 92625 I· l<tv1n R W•lket. 3901 Pac:1f1C Ml.IC NOTICE Cou1 H19hway. Cotont dll4 Mtr, CA -----lt--0 _______ _ 92625 Melvin t<ooyum111n 390 I IUPtffllOfl C T °'THI Pac11ic Cotti Highway Corona Clef ITATI Of' CAlWONtlA Mer. CA 021125 COUNTY Of' ORA~ Thi• 001.,,... ,. conouci.o Dy • 100 Civic Clftlll Ot1" WHI ~al p1rtnetall1p lenle Ana, CA _,., RichatO O Burnt PLAIN rt FF LE.ONARO KLEEGER, GUSSlE KLEEOER, HARRIS Th•• altl-1 wu hied wolh lhO GOLDMAN. ROBERT FOOTE, JEAN County c ... ~ or O<enge County on RINGLAND and JOHN SEITZ, Oct 18. t982 TRUSTEES FOR SEITZ-ROBISON JoMe. Maflone, a 1ta,1on E p 0 E Alttmtre al Lew M l Y E PROFIT S HARING PLAN RAY MOND JENSEN, Avool'in-ltt Tower ELIZ ABETH J ENSE N. PAUL ao Newpon Cenltt Otlff BEC KL EY , JEAN BEC KLEY . • .,, .. 20I Newpon IMcll, CA t29IO VERNON SPIT ALERI. MARJORIE .., ... 15 SPITALERI CARTER McOONALO. MARIAN McDONALD 1nd JOSEPH Publlalled r)1ange Coast Dally QRISAY TRUSTEE tot QRISAY Pilot, Ocl 19, 26 Nov 2, 9. 1982 FAMILY TRUST Mt.IC NOTICE 'OUNTAIN VAU.IY ICHOOl. OllTNCT NOTICI Of' AOOl"TION Of' "llOl.UTK* OF •TINT TO LllAll MMPLUI OtlTftlCT "IA.I. NOf'll"TY lll>NO.U-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL OISTRICT n11 detltrtd lhll Iha fOllOwlng 1111 Pt09"1Y wtll no1 De neod9d lor c1111room purposes Th•M cl• ... oom• II W1ro10 ... School. toceted 11 9101 PlonMr Or1ve. Hunllnglon 0.ech, C1111t0fnl1 Toy company warns E.T. counter£ eiters 'J'OHHANC.:E CAP> ET , tht• long-11 ufCl'rtng alien l'rl'ulurl' who p11t1t ntly s ubml Ucd lo n1mbu1wuo u11 d o .c$> und 1w11ky k1d11 In lht' hit tnOVI(!, "E.T Thl• l,<;xtrn T e rreistrial." finally i& fed up, 01' Ml suld <111 ud 111 tlw Nl•w York T tml's Thl' ad wur1wd toy manuf1u:1un•rs to "kn<.l(.'k o ff th • • kmx·k11U11," wh1d1 1n t.oy busine~ parlal\L't' meun.'I :Hop c:op y1 11g our products T h c ll d w u s p I a c l' d b y Torr<1nc:e -ba sl'd Kumar Intct'nauo nal lnl· n fter cup1es of the popul,ar KT d o ll began appearing in largc numbc·rs in N e w Y o r k <.: 1 l y , K a m <• r spokL-sman Russ fo'o ns ~1c.J. "The re :ire two reason s for this." Fons snid. "onl' t'C'Onom1c.· Sales tax and the o ther heaJth nnd safety fur the c onsumer Kumur paid 11<.'i.•n In(( f1'(•lf for lht> t•xdu111v1• l'lijht to manufacture the• d olls and u( c ourse they want to prou.-ct that right Th111 Is puttinK t•ountcrfolw111 on no ti<."f• thot wt: intt:nd w go after them, thut we will pursue them," ht.' ~1d "Thl' oth1·r th~n~ 111 that s<1rnt' of tht' l'OUl'ltt:rfe ll dolls arc d•H1Kt'l'OUs," Fo n s said. ••We have cxumplei. o f c:oun terfc1 ts w ht:rl' the rt· arc l'OU t hangers msu..le and n e wspapers as stuHtng and lhe covering 1s llmlSy," h e said. "WeJI. iii ware could come po king o ut anc.J a t•htld t'Ould lose an eye" The n1:wspaper ad. whic h featured five o f Kamar's h l>ensed d o lls. warned that the t'Ompany "did n o t Intend to s hort " H• cxcluatvl' right to m•rnufal·turc ET doll1e A numbt·1· tJf ~u1 l1S already huv1• b1•t'r1 1n 1>lltuted ngo1n1H counterfettt<ni, Jo'o ns said. odd1ng t hat o nt-Lo AnKt:-le1; c..'OmJ;any Karnar took tu rnurt adrntt ted having ~00,000 bogus dollti ready to be bro ught into th<> l'OUntry . Tht:re have been m o r e than 300 separ a te investigations of ET counte rfetts, al-Co r ding to M a r v in Levy, a merchandising conaullant to M CA In c whose Univers1al Pictures dis tributes the mov1e Levy said at least one man has been JQJled ro r ignoring a court injunction agains t funher counte rfelttng 'giveaways' flayed An unOlvldeo I IDlh 1n1.,es1 H a 1en1111 In c;ommon In lh• '" In end 10 Ill• common area of Loi 2 of Tr1c1 10340 11 per map llled In book 463 . page• 13 end 14 of Mlecellaneoua Maps. record• 01 4590-62 VetlUt DEFENDANT DONA LD M SUT HEHLANO, LAWRENCE A LEVINSON-, LEON H LEVINSON. PHYL LIS TAY LOR, JAYNE KAVllCH, LIZ S AURWEIN , BARBARA TOMPKINS, HELEN DEIR. H THOMAS MARSTON TAMBLYN C SMITH. PAUL 0~ QUATTRO. PATRICK O'NEIL, ALAN GEISLER. J AMES MOOS, .J A WES f HOFF. WESTHOFF CORPORATION, a C1lltornl1 oorporatton. RAMBLEWOOD, a C1Uf0tnla Umll.O Pll'lnerlhlp, FAR WEST SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIAT ION, t C t lllornla corporellon. and DOES I lllrougn 50. 1nc1ut1ve Tile Board of TruSleu ol 1n1 Fountain Valley School 0111roc;1 reeotv .. 10 ieue the 11c11111e1 10 lndlct led above under the lerma and condlt1on1 Slated In the R11<>1u11on 01 the Board. Reaotulfon SA CRAMENTO (AP) Sail's refunds and d•·nounc~ . ...o thl•m at I No 113.10 f d h " .~ mere y restated c urre nt law .. Id county. as sucll te<m 11 defln•d 1------------- !n Ille Artlcle entitled 'Oefln1t1on1' Ml.IC NOTICE The m1n1mum mon1111y ieose tax re un s t a t a s tole off1c1al the Sdml' time. rather than creating a n e w tax p1ymen1 IOf 1he term or tn• 1use calls "anot her g i veaway to a A h 1 break. Benne tt. whu op""""d the ot the Oeclarellon cl Covenan11. l'ICTITIOUI llUltHEla 'Cond1t1on1 and Relltlcllo na NAME ITATIMENT sh•ll no• be 1111 than s 121 per spedal tnterest group" are " la tame w e n Ca ifomia can r-~ month per clauroom. The m1n1mum . b least a fford it , the L egis lature bill. said in his statement that the rKOtd.O In boolo. 13652. peo• 11111 Th t 1 , 1ogt1her w11n 111 Improvement• • 0 lowlng persona ate doing 1oc a1 ed the re on a:i. 0 ep11 n g busmess aa monthly lease paymen: tor avatla le on salei. of c.:omputer h ded m easure was "a clariracation o{, 1ubuquen1 period• m1y be software . as awar an unjustiCied sales di d ll C tax exempt 0 to f th rather than a c hange In the law." Jhertfrom Condominium Unnl 7 10 OBC ASSOCIATES, 1201 W Le 45 Inclusive tocll9d thereon el• Avenue, Su11e 600, Otenge, EXCEPTING THEREFROM 111 a. 92668 • u111 bV 1 • on1umo1 Price Under a ball a ppruved this y ear . 1 n o ne o e more Index 111nua1 average rotlecned 11 affluen t segments of our The exemption applies lo the end 01 1ne IHH period A by the ~gaslaturc. i:.cllers have to t d atcurlly d•ooau m•v be required until Dec. 15 to file for r efunds t:'Con om y," he said an a statement c us m l'Ompu e r programs an oil, oil rtghls mlntr•I•. mineral William E Osle<mlllt<, Jr .. 633 r""hta. natural gas ngh11, and Olllet ldo Park Way, Unit 0-1, Newpo<I 'V h, Ca 92663 prior 10 occupancy. 1 Th b . I I h . . h m O d d 1 c a t 1 o n s l o e x i s t i n g No comm1 .. ion 111a11 .,. p11d any on s tate sa es taxes paid s1m·e e 1 au t 0 rt 21 n g t e pre wriue n programs, so-called : :hydrocatbons by whalaoevtr name Baater & Cicero , Inc (• llnown that may be wllllln °' under lhe parcel ol lano herelnebove at1lorn1a corporation), 2000 lleanseo •HI .. ,.,. DrOker In lhll 1972. r e f u n d s ' A B 2 9 3 2 b y c:omputer softwa re regard and 1here 1n111 b• ro H the selle r t'Ollecu.>d the tax ~mblyman John Vast'o ncellos, described. iogether wllh the N:w~:~7Boulevaro. Cosia Mesa. 01duc11on lrom any proposal 1n D S J ,_....1 It d oes no t apply to \he sale or e1e1.,m1n1"" th• h.nn111 re•.""" •'b'· from a c:ust0mL•r , tht• rC'(und must -an ose, Lim1""' the refund f .. d " . .,. ·-.,. _,,_.... ... use o canne o r prewritten petpelual r1gn1 or drilling, mining, Thie bullntU ,1 conOUC1ed by a • exptotng ano oper111ng 1ner1f0t and 11 p1 ,1,,.,1111p St0t1ng in Ind removing the .. me BAXTER & CICERO. INC aUMMONI CAM NUMelfl IMQ7 bidder be gwen lo the l'Us lOme r withtn total to $1.2 millio n SeeJ1e1 propoull io ieue H id 60 days or S<'nt bac:k to the stat'• If verified clauns exceed that. computer pro grams which an.· proper1y m<111 be t-1veo by 1111 ' held for genNal or repeated sale , lrom said tano or 111y 011>et land Henry p Tneyer, _ IOCluc:llng lhe ughl 10 whlPllOCk OI G-al Mlflagtr NOTICE! YOll haff Meri IWCI, The c:oun may dectde .....,_, reu wltlMMlt ,_ beiftl tlMrd IHI .... '°" reepoftd wttlllfl JO -., .. ,._. "" lllkw1r.atloft ....... de11g119d olllcet 11 111e Foun1a1n Willia m BcnnNt, c:ha1nnan of the taxpayers wall get prorated o r lt'aM!. even af such programs Valley Sc11001 011rr1c1 Education the s tate Board of i;-,,uahzau on , s hares Center, 11210 Oaks""'· Foun111n '-"'I w e r e d evelo p e d as a c u s to m d1<ecllona11y drill and mine rtom Thll alltemtnl ,.., weo '"'" tne lends other than said la/Id. Olt 0t gas ty Cttt1< or Orange County on wells. tunnels and snafu 11110, epleMl>tf t4 1982 Velley. c e111orn1a, 92708. no 1a1er anno unced lhe availab1hty o f the V asconcellos sauJ the b t ll program o r for internal use tllen 2 00 pm . Octobtf 25. 1982. t------------.....:. _____________________ __::.._..::, ________ .:..::.:...:..:.:::.:...==--- thtough O• ac:1oss lht tubsurfaee ot ,11,_. H id land, and lo bOllOm such .IACKaON, KIDOE" a IUCKUNO whlpSIOCkecl or d1tec11onaJly drlll9d -C-tet Df •1414 -11. tunnels and snah1 undef and --...... ' . ·• benea1n or beyond 1lle •"-••tlor PClf1 leedl, CA talO 11m11s lheteot a no 10 redrlll Publlllhtd 0rlll'IQ4t Cout Delly P1101 •etunne1 equip, ma1n11ln. repatr. Oct !'i. 12. 19. 26. 1962 Oeec>en ano operate any 1ucn wefls 4374·82 or mines w1lhou1, h01'ftVtr. lht 1------------- ughl 10 drill mine, llOll . ••PIOle l'ta.IC NOTICE and operate through 11'11 IUftece ot 1-------------lhe upper 500 tee1 ot 1ne wbeurt-YOU AM .. O.l"AUl T VNDEt A of said land es reserved In 11>e deed 0 11 0 0 I" T fl U I T O AT E O lrom The Irvine Company. a w .. 1 llPTEMelfl 20, 1t71. UNLlll V1rg1n1a Corporellon, recorded YOU TAKI ACTION TO ,,._OTECT September 27, 1979 1n book 13326. YOUfl PflOPl,.TY, IT MAY al poge t 311 cl OU1cltl RecOfdl IOLD AT A "*-iC IALI. • YOU Also excepting therefrom th• •l!O AH IDtPlANATION OF .,,_ ~ubsurrace water nghlS bul •llhOul NA TU"I 01' THI PflOCEEOtNQ the rtgfll ot aurlace enlly u AQAINIT YOU, YOU SHOULO reserved 1n Deed from lne Irvine CONTACT A LAWYl!li'. Comp•ny. 1 corpo<atlon. recor09d NOTICI OF TltUITIFI IA.LE September 27 1979 1n book 13326. T.I . Ne. - P&Qe 1311 ol OlllC•ll Reco<ds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lhll PARCEL 3 on Wed~IY Novembef 3. 19112. E.uemenll u Mt forth In the 11 9.00 o'delcll t _m ot uld day, lo S1c11ons en 111led "CerUln the room -Mlde IOI c:onducllnQ Eaaemenle t or Owner a' and TNllM'I S.... within IN ollic-~ 'Suppor I, Se11 11men1 and REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Encroachmen t ol the ArtlCl l SERVICE, IOCtlld al 2020 NOl'lll e n111led Easements ot the Bro.c)way. Su111 206, In the Clly ol OeclAiallon Smnta Ana. Counly ot Orange, S111e Euemen11 at such HM<ntnll ol Calllorn11 HOME FEDERAL are parllcularly tel loflh 1n Ille SA VI N G S A N 0 L 0 A N anoclt en11111<1 EaMm41tllS of 1111 ASSOCIATION OF SAN DIEGO. a De cl1ra11on o f Covena n lt, Cal1torn11 corpor111on •• duly CondH•ons and RealrtChons 1ppo1n1 ed T•u•I•• uno•r t nO recotded 1nb0Qlc 11766 pa<;>a 420 pu11uen1 10 Ill• power ot sate ol Off1C1•I Recotdt or Mild Counly conterrld In that c•rltln Oeed cl •nd any supp1emtn111n..eto undtf Ttull •AtCuleO by S ALVATORE the sec11on ne1d1ng e ntitled PUGLIESE ANO REBECCA J 0...ntfl R191l1S tnd Ou!'-. Util<tlU PUOLIESE. HUS8ANO ANO WIFE. eno Cable Telev111on. "Support •eco<deO Oct<>b« 15, 1g79, in 800!< and Se11 le men1 Stdeyt rd 12872 of OttlClal Rec0t01 ol Mid ea .. menll,' "El'Cro.chmtnl" and County, 11 page 445 RKorder'a "Commun11y Factlltlft E-1" lnatro.;rnenl No 8197, by r_, ot 1 PARCEL S breacll or dettul\ In ptymeni or An ea11men1 tor 1ngre11. pettormance 01 1n1 obllgellona egreM and dr1lnag1 pur~ over 11cured lhertby, Includ ing lll•I AV l lO I Ueled he e ldo d1m1ftd1do. It trlllunel pued• dectdlr -•r• Ud. tin ~ e -... Ud. """°'* dentft de JO dloM. I.ti la lnlormecloft ci-...... It you with 10 5"11 Ille tdvlGe Of a n e uorney 1n lhla matter you snoukl do ao Pfomptl)' so lhel your wrln en rnponH II 1ny. may be llled on lime S I Utlld d•H• aollcller ., con1110 oe un abogedo en Hie aaunt o , d•b••I• hecerlo 1nmedl111men11. d• Htl m1n.,1. ..., •MOUMll HCrlta, II hey alguna. pulde.., reglttrada 1 llempO 1 10 THE DEFENDANT. A CIVIi comp111n1 1111 been tlltd by tile plalnttll ag11n11 you. II you wten 10 detend 11111 1-11. you mutt, wtlhln 10 days •It•• 11111 1ummon1 le Mrved on you. Ille wtlh lhll COUtl • Wflllen rH9011M lo Ille cornplalnt Unlell you do ao. your defeutt w111 be en1tt9d on 1pp11e;a11on or the plalntlff. end 11111 cour1 mey ... , ... ~ 4IQlltWI You tot Iha relief demanded In the complalnt. wtllcll could ruull In g1rnl11lmen1 ol W19M, laking of money 01 property ot Olh•t rtfl•I requHted In lhe complain! DATED October 20, 11181 LEE A BRANCH. Cten. By SHARON KUPKA IA.LL&=~ ~It .... 21211 ,,_ 0. Aade. lulte 211 L..-.... CAnlU ' l ef:(714) ....... Publlahad Onnge COHI Oally Pllol Oct 5. t2. 19. 2$, 1g92 4372 112 P\8.IC NOTICE lhll por11on Of LOI I ot Ttac1 103S3. b<NCll OI deftun. Notlea of whlcll es per map 111111 In booll 467, ~ wH recorded July 7, 1982. H NoTICI 27 and 28 ot Ml1<:ell1neou1 Mapa. Recorder'• lnt1rument No VOU AM .. 0.,AUlT UNC>lfl A records of said County, deplCl9d 11 62-2345el, Will SELL AT PUBLIC OllO °' nlUaT, OATD NLY t. comrnon roadway on Exhtbll "G" or AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 1m. UNI.Ill YOU TUil ACTIOtt lhe ~1arellon ct such HIOfTltlll t. BIDDER FOR CASH, lewful money TO ,,._OTICT Y°"" ,,._Of'llNY. IT , more partlcularty detc tlbed In ot the United Stet•, or 1 GUlller't MAY II IOLO AT A PUaLI' Section 8 of Arllcle XIII ol Said Cheek df9wn on a etale 01 n1llOnll I AL E . I I' Y 0 U N 11 D AN Decl1ttllon c l Coven1nt1. bank,• lltlt or l•deral c;redl1 EXPLANATION Of' T.-NA~Ut'I ConOlllona and RHt r1o11on1 union. 01 t at11e or ledefll 11V1ng1 01' THE "'OCEECHHQ AOAINtT rec0tded In boo!. 131552. page 1116 and loen a.oclallon domtclled ln YOU, YOU IMOUl.D CONTAcT A of Ottlclal Record• ct said County 11111 tltll, all peyable 11 Ille time of LAWYEfl. Allenllon ta direct9d to tile tac1 Nie, .. rlglll, t111t and lnltf"eat held MOTICI °' TIIUITWll'9 IAL.I that the oil, etc .. 11 excepted lrom by ti. u Trustee, In lllat real T.a. .... 1•1'11V• the dHcrlptlon In lhll guarantff pr099"'1y a1tua11 In NICI County ll>d On November 16, 19112. 11 10 00 and any policy 11aued 1n the nam9 ot Stale. dlecril>ed .. totlOW9 o clock • m .. on Tuetday. II lh• I putchHtr ., • "'' under .. Id 'EXHIBIT A" Cllapm.,, ,., __ enltence 10 lht OMd ol Trull wlM also contain Mid PARCEL 1 Civic Center Bulldlng. 300 EHi • Oii 1•c:.pll0t1 °"" Unit 9 as snown 11\0 de11ned on Chepmen Aenue . Orange. CA. The 11ree1 aodreu and otller tllat cenaln Condominium Plan W E S T E R N M U T U A L common dMlgnlllOn, 11 any, of Ille rtQOfci.cl AIJ9Ul1 5, 1977. In boo11 CORPORATION 1 C1lllorn11 1111 property dHct1bed above I• 12324. 09Ql 323 of Offldal Aecordt corpore11on, •• T ru11ee. or purpor1td 10 be 35 Wlndlarnmet. of Oranoe County, c.lltofnla. 1<.1be111uted TNll ... undef the Deed ~.California PARCEi. 2: of Trull euciuted b)' MICHAEL Betora accepting e11y •r111en propoaale, Ille deleg11ed ot11cer 111111 ca ll tor o ral bidding Any P•••on who hi• heretofore tubmltttd • wflllen b<d may submll en Olli b•d •~CMdlng by 11 1eaa1 five (5~) Ptreetll the lllgl'INI wr11ten bid. The llig""t reepontlble t>1ddet ehall bl required 10 uecule th• form ol 1ea1e. euch lormat h11 llatelole>te ~n approved by Ille Ooatd ot Tru•t- Tlle Boerd ol Trut!Ns ahall make the determln111on .. to wnethef 10 IHll aald leclllllH wllll ten ( 10) d1y1 Ill .. recetpl Of bldl lntorm11ton conce1n1ng 111e ptC>POHI enould be addreuod to FOUNT"IN VA LL EY SCHOOL DISTRICT. 17210 OU Street, F0un111n Velley, Ct llfornl• 92708, 17 141 642-~51, Allenllon Neomi Wieland. Bual,_ S«Wlle Dll• October 7, 1982 FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICl BOARO Of' TRUSTEES 8-Moote Cl«ll Pro-T em Of Ille BoltO Publl11led Ot1nge Cou l Dally PllOI. Oct 12, 19, 26. lg82 44156-8:1 Ml.IC NOTICE !TATEMl!NT Of' AIANOOHMINT Of' UM Of' FICTYT~• au ...... NAME The tollow1ng per1on1 !lave ebendoned the UM OI lht fiCllllOuS bullnta• name PALM STREET ASSOCIATES, a genera l perlner•hlp, 1936 Port PrOVlnce. Newporl Beocn. Ceti10tnl• 928e0 Tile Flclllloue Bualn•u N1m1 1ererred 10 1bove was tiled 111 Or•nvt Coun1y on Aptll 16, 1981 Fiie No F· 160271 CharlH J Mclaughlin 20 Stltburg. Newpon Beech C111tornla 021160 J J Kntekerbocke<, 111 Po1111 Lome Otlve. Corona 011 Mlf, ca111om11 92825 Ttlit bul'-" WAI COl'lduc:tld by I general plt1nerlhlp CharlOI J. McLaughlln I 0-af Ptrtnet Thie tl•l-1 wet lllod Wllh Ille County Clttk of Or1t1941 Coun1y on Oclob« 7. 1962 Lew ()Mceeof DAM.L '· COOPUI ----&!...,.. .... hlldlftt WU C• 0. La ....... L...-..... CA llel3 Publl1hed Orange Co111 D•llf Pllol. 0c:t 19, 2$, Nov 2, 9 11182 4583-82 Tilt underllgned Trull•• AnUNl'\>lded 1140!111nt.,..,ln Md SlEPHEN MOKEDE tnd TONI A dl1ol1lm1 tnv t11b1l11y lot any to LOI " of Trec1 No 8835, • thOwn MOKEDE, l'lutbend and wlle. heteln ... -JC MnTIC[ lnCOITtG1nMI of the 11reet addt-on • Map recorded In ix.o« 3S2. called TrualOI, recorci.cl Auout1 11, ..._ "" end othtt common e1t11gna11011, 11 peoe11 31 to 35 ot Mlacelleneou• 1978 u '"''"'"*" No. 1419•. In K...,_ any, enown herein Mec>e. ~ of 0renoe Counl)'. Boole 116'6, PA941 1035 ot Offkilal ~ C°""T °' THI Said H I• wlll be m•d•. but Ctlllornla. toge the1 wl111 111 Records ot Ortng• County, ITATW fW CAUPORNIA FOR w11llou1 cove nant or wuranty, lmpro'ttmlnll thereon ••cec>tlng Callfornla. will Mii 11 public llUC110n THI COUNTY°' LOI .,._l.11 •JIJW ... 01 ~. regatdlng tltll. tll•tt lrom Condominium Unll• 1 10 lhe hlghHI bidder tor c1111, ,,1 N. .. ltreee, poueulon, or encumbrtnc••. lhrougll 40. 1nclu1lv1 , toclled P•y•ble In 11wtu1 money ot Ille l.oe ~CA IOl1I lhCludlno ••••• clla tgH e nd tllereon. Unlt9d Stll" .. ''"' II~ Of ,.,._ PLAINTIFF· •xpenMI Of the TNllM Ind ot Ille Excepting tll•re trom •n 11'11 "''""' conveyed IO end now COMMUNITY 19ANt<,. Calilornl• truelt crHl•d by H id OHd of undtvlded 'n lnllf"•I 111 1111 Oii, g ... lltld by H id TrullM under H id COIPOl•tlon Trust. to pay the remain~ prlnclpal or otlllr llydrocatbon eubetaneM D••d 01 Ttull In tile properly DEFENDANT tum• of tile noitetl aecured by Mid tying In. on, or under Ille above lltuit9d 111 IAld Counly and Slit• JOHN o.1. KULIKOFF. db• J J Deed of Ttull 10 wll. 187,6119.06 ~bed prOC)trty M Ml lortl\ In delerll>ed 81· KULIKOFF COMPANY. end OOES 1 wltll lnt«•l ll'l«eon Item Ay0ut1 1 the FINI Order of CondernnatlOn In LOI 19, TtlCI 66311, .. per map Ill h 10 I ful!Ye 1811 t 11 14 760"• per annum ai lllVOr ol llle Cll)' of Newport eeaen. '-'*'In BOOie 256. PIQll 6 and roug '~I ptovldld In utd nole(t) p1u1 all • Ml.lft~ Corpofatlon of tile 6th 8 of Ml~l•neov• Mtpe. record• or CAii ._" CM1117 co111, cllargH and any and all OIMa, • oerufltd CoCI)' of wtllc:ll wu OrtnOI Coun1y. MOTIClt You "-" Mtfl MM. actvancM. reoorci.cs January 2,,~ 1963, In book The llfM I 1ddr ... 111d/0t otll« TM The benellclar1 Uf1der Mid OMd 2443, ~ eo of Ofllclel Aeoordt. common dutgn1llon, II any, 11 ...:' llMIJ=--•~..= of Ttutl htretofot• e.ecu19d and Tll• 1lree1 1ddr1 .. or 011ler purpor1ed 10 be 1oe2 8an11 Cna ~ wttMll • "9e4ll dtllvered to tile undet1lgn•d 1 common ~~~n !!.J!:~•al C";!Tc, ~-':: ~~ c.lf!~nl~ .. 1 r,:' ...,.._...., IMlew. _,.. wrlotn OtcW•tton of defaull and P<091"'1>' , __ _..... ._._. 11 ,.. m ... e ""''"ou 11 you wltfl 10 Mtk 111e lldllloe of O.m•nd lor Sale. end • wtlllln pu1portlld to l>e: 18 Se nd Oolfer w1trlflty 11 10 lltlt Po.-alon °' an tllOtnty In till• matter. you Notic:. ot Default Ind Election to Coun, Newport e..ctl, Callfotnla. tneumbrtnett, tor Ille purPQM of llflOUld do omptty !N1 Sell. Tilt~ C9UMd Mid Tll• undttetg n ed llert by l>tYltlO Ille Obl19ttlon• MC:uted by ltt-... !!: 11 a ao >'°!.'! Notice ot Defaull end Eleetlon to dlt el•lm• ell lleblllly for •"Y uid Owd of Tt\111, lneludlng Ille lee wr .... t..,. "· ny, mey .,. w to bl .-ci.cs 1n ""COUl'lty 1ncom1c1.-1n Mid....-. eodr .. end elll*'IM of the Trv11 .. and of ~v°"111""-0 1• u 1 .. .. 1 .. Mitre tile t.., prCJC)trty II IOCl1ed. or other common dellgnetlon. IN lrutta CIMteel by Mid OMd Of .. • 1 • " 1 • • e OATE· OClo«I« 18, IN 2 Seid .... wltl be l'Mde w11110v1 Truet. edvencea llleraunder, with IHHlllllMe, II trl••..el ••Me CALIFORNIA GENERAL Wirt I nly, upren or lmplled. lnl-1 e• prOlllded lll«tln. and Ille ........ U4ll..... u•rn•••. MORTGAGE SERVICE. regudlng llllt , POIHH IOn, Ot unpaid prlnc:lpel end lnler•t of Ille ;::': ~ .. "::=t~ e ncumbtancH, to Hll•fY the Not• MeUfwd by Hid Deed of Trutt ...... 800 "8" Sir.... principal btltnet Of Ille Hole Of IO-wl1. ll.943. l9 lit .Vlled dHH tollcltll e l ~ 50I ott« ot>tk1111on MCvrect by Mid o.tect. ac.ob« 19. tH~ I d S an Oltgo, c 1111ornl1 Deed of f'rvtl, w1111 '"tereet end WE 8 TERN M u Tu A 1. conat O • un ab09ado en "'• 92101 otller 1uma .. provl'*I lhtfeln; cg:;oRA TION =·~~:.~ ~ r:..: ';:_~: Piion« (714) 231 -8023 plut lldvene.t. II Illy, un6ef the 7 . Tutll" 81 IU r~ -'ta, ti IWly--. ey; JoM w lltndl, ttnM ttler.of end .,,..,... on "'°" Oranot. CA 92687 puecN • ~ride 1 '*""°· Vb~ adv-. end ptlit ...... dlerO" !714)"'71l-4ioo t T'O THC DlFIHOAHT: A dwl • tllld T~ end...._. Of 911 T,,.... end of ·~ lteOol1 I n Publtnecl Orehet Cotti De tty IM INeb cnll*I Dy llld OMd of Trultet a .... OfflOet comp •lnl u I>~ m.o :T.i'tte Piiot, Oct. 21. Hoot. 2, t. 1N2 Tru11. The lolal atnOUl'lt Of .. Id Publlalled Or111g1 Co1t1 OaJly = ::"""...:· " you lo 4tf1 .. 2 ol>llO-llorl, lncludlnt ,...orltl>lr PllOI. Oct M. Nov 2. I. 1912 If d•Y• afttr 1~1:°:v~o~ ----....a-------H ttma ttd fH•. ollartH end ....,_.2 WWd on you, lllM wttf\ tllle OOUtt • PlllJC lllmC( == Of INT,.._, al ltle tfrM ""''"' ,..,,,._ 10 tM ~· HCrmaue-• fro~OftMaNolioe.ta MUC N011C[ Vl!lttt ~Clo ao, ~1:"': • --8TAW oetedl OctObet •• 1112. PICTmout ...... E ~ .. ~ ~... lM Tiit '°"°"""' ..,_. -ClolnO H 0 M I F I D E Ill A L _.. lfA,._., .._, '-;;' .:i::-.: ~ • I AVINOI TM lollowlng per--doint demllll6td In IM ~t, wNc:ll • 2~·::•,,.:.•:t~TJ..!:~ ~~~~OCIAT~ ~~IOGI LTD., 1llOO M_, =· ~::~ ~ll~:~ . CA=-~ ta14a.MllClll :.~OCW1>0rltlOl'I, ltrH t, lull• l1i>..1 .!.4un11n91on or other reOtf r1ci11•tltd In u1e It~...,.. CA wro., :r=-TtlUTATI .._,., CallfofM •-OOl'IOltlnt ' 0.... ....... ......_ !lt4 1. I 11•V1C1 "°"" M. lmflll, fOf lvl'lttt OATIO: ~OOtr tO. 1HO ~IL,...,.. AM.:,:n1CM ............... r • lfl0t"· !no., 09Mrtl f'tt1Mf, • "°"" .;, 0on:ot111, • • .......... ........_ .. -...: • _,_ -poratt?n, ~ oorporetton. c.uniy Cle!tl • "---• -...., 1 "'-~ Tlllt ~ta-.~ llyl v. L llnlttl . • ..... .... --. ·~ p, L. J....... Or.................... o.,uer _, ....... Wllltf\ .. .......... ...,, ... """" -. ·~ • ...., • , nw a t ••" -..., .... .. -...,... .,-..., Tflla 1tatt1Mnt 11i.411 wttll "" • " r11 t 1 If °"C" ~a.. .. OfWle9 ~... ... .. ~ca.ti of Ottntt ~Ori ... E.z.a:: .PIL•t..,.._ .... -..CAW711 O.....tl.ltll. -......... -,_ ,........,(1141 ..... 10 .... --.......... -· " ~ ...... , °'""' eo.t 0. "~ Oftnte Coeat ~ ,.,_.,eflff Oranea Coa'1 Delly ""~ °' .... Coeat Dtlly ;_ ......_ OGl 11, tt, 8 , Hool. I, ftlf' Nllt. Olt. 11. II, ft, taa 11t1ot Oot 11 It Ho. 2 t !NI ,_ Oct. I 12 1t It. te. .. ,.... ....,.., • • ' • ' ....... ' ' • ' ~71-ta INC OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS t.•y •. '"'t. . . .. 1 I , • • 1 • .... .. ~ )'. .., J•. • ""' " • t\O 1"-• "- • ' .. 1 1 • • ... l '"\ -. 1\. • • • .,.. . , ... ,.. . .. 1'-• , .. , v f. It I. I '' U p Pel Up UO UP 11 • Up 200 uo ,, , Up 111 Up ... 7 UP 1 .. 7 ~= ltl Up 11 1 UP 11 I Up 101 UP 100 Up IC I Up 100 Up 100 UP 100 11 1 I Up . ' ', 'I t t t 1 ... .. ., J .... uo ) • Up 1'1 • .. Up ,.. '-Up JI._ 1"-Up )1't • .... uo L•" 10.. •II. )"t '"' 10 .... Jl'O .-. o. • ltVt '"' ." .... , .. ... n. u , ... 1'· " , ... 1 S.16 • ""' , ... •'- '';\. I .. , .... I .. .... -... .. -J -\I) "' .. "' Ill. .... -•"> -I I -l l>t ~ -~II -"' -, ... _, -1 Pel ()tt JI 0 ()ti ".0 Off l'-2 Off 1.,, ()ti ,. .. Off tU Off IU Oft IJ.• Off IU Off IU Off IJ.J Off IU Ofl IU Oft IU OH IU Off 11.S ()ti IL> Oft tU ()ti ILi Off tJ,O ()ti 11.0 Off 11.t ()fl II.• OH II • Otr 11.• Oii II 4 ~. .. Orenge C0881 OAIL Y PILO r /TuHday October 26, 1982 s 8$ NY ,E (~OMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OVOt •t•OIO '"(lVOt I •AOll 011 tMI lllW VO•• MIOWUf, ,,.(.,IC , • .., 900011 DI teo11 AllO C111C11111U1 UOCW 1iac ............. o •l'O•tlO I V , ... llUOAllOlllHllollf Caltrans mounts recruiting drive LOS ANG~~Ll<~S IAP) H&v ang foaled to tand unout(h <:nglnt•t•r•s 111 C111t(ornw, the: stilt!! Ol:partm<:nl of Tran!Cµuru.twn ui muunun~ fl n.-t·rultmg t•umpm~n tcJ lure wurkt·11' from out of "l&W Cul tru n11 Iii ildvt·rtasmg for mechun1c11I and t•lt'l;tr1l·al ('ll~in'-"''"" 111 Nl·w York. Chu:ago. r.N1ro1t, Phlladt•lphia <1nd Se&ttle. C&ltruns plarn1 to hit out of-state urea:. that have high uncmploym~nt, iwu..I Phil 81anl'O, who hc&c.J:. Caltrans' examining and rt."<.'ru1t1ng br1and1 · "Wt·'rl' JU5t really having a hard time 1r1 California g1.•tt1ng people antc·rt>Stc'<.I an taking th~ JO~." Cult rans spokc.-swoman Kathryn Peterson said Sunday in Los Angeles B1am.~1 said earlier this year thl· agt ncy tried to ftll i.1x to 10 JOb openings and rPC·e1vt'd 70 applicants, but only a fow were su1tabl..- Job requirements indude a colle~t-degree with an l'ngmeermg ma.)Or and a minimum of thr~ years' expen enc:e. Oct 29 1s the application deadline Salary range ts $2.226 to $'1,61!4 a month U.S. firm woos China PEK1NC <AP) "Fr1('ndsh1p '82." a McDonne ll Douglas DC-9 "Super 80" jetliner, swooped over the Great Wall of China Monday as the U.S. company made a patc:h to sell China five to 10 planes cosung $20 million Lo $25 milhun each. The jet, on an around-the-world flight, made d 90-minute demonstration flight with more than 100 Chinese airlint-o ff11:1als, pilo ts, d1gn1taries and reporters aboard. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW VOii~ (API -Sol .. Mon prltl .no ,..., (~ ot fN t11te•n MO\I •<l•\ill• N•• VOfk ~toc:ll. EAt lWnQit •UVI"\ h .O•nQ nettOtWiu, •I mor• uwn i 1 E••on 1 1111)00 1''• ,,.. I BM I 01).-00 IO • 1\o Clll<orp 9?•.100 i. 1 1 Mol>tl 9?1,900 H • I'• Amer Tl.I "1000 H I ... Mlllel Inc. 121.-00 19 • 1 ... T •••eltr\ ~ •II ~ 1)\. .. GTE CO<ll oSS 'IOO JI.. I ... S<lll""'b<CI o\.O 100 >'I"' 1~ T 1noy •111,.00 eO 14' SIO'l•IC•I .... ,'<JO ll , 1 , SursRotD ,..1 llOO 1• I ... Amtrt-ttU •11 000 114• 1 Bo•tl"CI t1•,JOO. H" I .. Phillps Pe\ S~.llOO l1'-2 .. AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS ••• u• .. •l> II 10 I.\. ,. .. ,,. J ,.,. ll 10 ' ..... 10'-10•. l.J'. ll JO .. .... 1 .. 1J ... l .. n )\., ••• Pf IC• •t1111e '~'"'.'· '·• •"' I I• '· , ... ... . .. ... I P<1 Up UO Uo 11 f Up •I Up II Up I• VP IS Up I I UP 11 VP 10 UP •I Up • S VP •.> UP • J UP •I VP •I Up • 0 I.Ill • 0 Up S 4 Up 11 Up '' Up •I Up •I Up •S UP 4l Up •1 c ':t. o:"u 1 ... 011 Ill Oii 11 ' °'' I) 1 0 11 111 1·~ ... 1 .. I .. 1Vt I~ , ... 1\. • ,,, ••• , ... , .. J .. J'> J•. Ott II • 0 11 11 • Ott 11 0 Ott 10• 011 to• Ott 1oe 011 101 Off 10 s Ott IOl Off 10 I Off '' ()ti •• Off •• 11 . Of1 •• '· Ott 's OH •S Ott '' Oii tJ Ott • 1 °" t o HEW YORK (API -Pr-1119 Moncley ol gold COin•, CQftl9efed IM1l't '"°.Y'• ~ Kr11t•"•"•· 1 troy or., SO l .00, off 815.00. 111,11 Ii.••'· 1 troy or., f431.00, off • 816.00. ..... • ,,._, t a troy 0t, '60t.OO, on Slf 60. A-1t9 -HOi 1'1))1 or.., '4'200, Oii S14.60. Soun»• ~·Perw• DOW JONES AVERAGES N EW YORKIAPI FINI Dow Jone•••@> IO• --y, Ott H STOCICI JO •no 10 Trn U Ull U s1-1now' Tt•" Vt1h •S SI~ 0.-M..,. Lew CleM Clll tOU .. IOlt 1• "' '' "S IJ -1')) U1 U <ll 90 •19 SI •21 M 11 ~ 110 II 111 OI "' 00 II• i. I Qt M U mu •IO )90~ 1)11 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW vOR~ IAP/ 0<1 H AO'-'•l'\(lfG O.cllneo u nc n 1 llQeCI To111 1u.-s New htQI\\ N•w IOW\ l O<Ny IH ISU lO) 19'1 .. I NEW YOll~ .... , \Kl I) •otienc.eo Dt <ll""cl Un<ll•n9f0 TOltl IU..s New h•Qh• H•• IO*" METALS iocwv l•q )SJ ISi ts• " I.~ 100 l,OJ,ICIG 1,0'S IQO ll."1.000 Pr•v d•y 101' uq lJe XIII ., 1 NEW YORK fAPJ -5'><11 nont .. rous -pr-M~ e._.., 12"'--7S c;;en11 • pouno, us o.t1tn•lt0n1 ID I. ... ~29 cent•. pOUnO ZJnc '0~2 °"'" • pound, 0911.._eo fin M 2571 Metell W...._ ~PG*I• ~ 78 cent1 • POUnd. N Y ......_ S 10 340 Pet 11oy ouno.. Hendy & H•rmen onty d8ily Quot• llhtcvry S370 00 Pe< nUll l'letlnl.tm S342 SO-s.349 00 11oy ounce NY SILVER H•ndy & H•rmen. S 10 34 oer lroy ounce GOLD OUOTATIO~S •r TM AHocleted ...... Selected WOlt<I gOlcl ~ Monclty London morning f1~1ng $4215 25 ofl ' $15 25 London eftemoon ll•1ng S428 00. 011 , .. 50 l'trl• •fl••noon fixing 5428 87. 011 S4 48 ,rllMhwt fl•lng 1425 98, Ott $9 02 ~ l•te afternoon fixing S'25 00 oil $5 SO t>ld, S'26 00 uk.O H•ndJ a H•rm•n 1only d•tly Quo1e1 ''28 oo. on '' 50 l~d 1on1y d.ity quo1e1 "428 oo ott ''so l~d !only daily QUOle) 18briutlld $-U9 40. off S<4 73 SYMBOLS d Ne.> y .. 11) 10,. u "-..,atl) hog~ .... ,..,,, otf\ef¥rr"•ff nolea rat•• Ot OnoOend• ''~ anf"ul l o., .... ,,M'f"lf"'IS. 01.Md on tM la\I Qui• 11t1y 01 \•m1 Af"lnuaJ aec11rel•Of\ Spectsf or ••ttl 01vrO~' O' Pl._~tt. not O•$tOnttf<J ., teguJat ire tdenltt~ 1n '"'• IOll0.,"'9 1001no1•s •·AltO t•tt• or •'"•' b·Annu11 rlllf ptu$ l1oc111. d 1w1tJ•nd c L•Qu10111no d•\o10t no C>Kltlecl Of D•lcl •n P'41Cflcl"'9 11 mo<>lha .. 0ec1 .. ec1 or D••O a11 .. sioc• 0<•'°8<'0 o• se>l•I uQ 1·P11(1 1'1•t y .. 1 O!Voden<I omtll.O oele<•ed or no aclton 11Nen 11 lett d•"'<lena meeh"l! k ·Oecle.red Of PltO lhtl veet .,, Kc11mul11"e 1t111t w1111 cl1•t0enos •n .,,.,,,. n-N..., 11.we r ·Oeclt•ed °' P••o •n 1>'~•"9 1' mon1n1 plus alOCk Ot•.O...O 1-PllO "' lloc:k tn DrKed•"O n m0<1lll1, eatomaleo C .. 11 ••Ive on •• ·d•VIOenO Of h ·01llr!OUll()(I 011• a-E~o•••otnoa or •a-rtghll r·Ea•Cll•ld..,., 1no 111le1 in lull 1 -Stiel 1n lull CIO Calleo •d w ..... Otllllbulld "" Wllefl •uuto ww W•lh w1r11n1t •w-w1111out wa' t 101 • • Otl~ E • ·d11tr1but .on P E 111t0 Tiit pr~ at a slock aa a mulltPie OI P.-·t ht rt •••"'"9•·Clefl..0 Cly omO•"l! 1,,. 111e11 t2-monlh tttn•1>9• llgur• onlo 1111 Hie DttGt HU 01 ""Yu r uu•I DAii ., I'll C) r /l uuacJuy. Ot h>bu1 ;.io , IU8ii.' ')4'ourpo t er' la ·I d "pth lh 'l'OM 'l'l l'l 1S 01 Ill• 11111, Pllul 81•N 111 th1 light 111 \\ l111l '11111p .. " ,, '1'11111 J11111· ... 111.t 11:11 \1 \ ~ l11111d1 \\l"ll 11hl1 i.1d11 "11h tlw11 111us1111l \'I I '>1111 1 ... "l'h1 I 11111 l""ll I .. tltt 'Prl.:l1th "l 110. I n .. ·· 11i.·.11i·1 '"''"I "' "," "'~ 11w 111 1~111111 1111~111 ti.· lx•1t1•1 ,111\1,Pd t11 l111111J\\ th1• l•1t•I-., llllllU'> lh1• IVrtl'b, of tllt' 111'\H'I \'t I '\11111 lt 111 Iv .i,,.., .1 ""''"·d .1d.q 1t.1111111 pos.'l'~ 11101·,. dl·p11t th.11 1 th•· '11.11i.:ht play, hut i;u,·h i.t•l·m~ th1· l .I"' "11 Ii th• Nl·wp1111 Tl"'"'''" /\rh l..\·nll't"11 n ·\ l\,d 111 l'lw h •lll J"'"'''' · 1111 t\\11 I h,11,11 111 pl.I\' follow ... ;1 ('111Jph• frUlll th• II \\ ( dd111~ "'Hill Ill J!l llJ lll tlll' J.1) Ill I IMfi "h1·11 tlt1' 11111\ 1· 11u1 111 1lw11 hwlll' '1'111 t11 111• .. t1 ·1111·11t 1t,1•lt t11 .1\ Ill' p.1n of thl' p111hl1•111 \\'l11h· 1111' d1al11gu1• •~ 1ml1•t'l.I dall•<l, tht• ~l'l\'it' ''' l\P.lt•t\ 1~. \'11 tu.illy .1b:-.t•11t U11lik1• ;1 s11111lar pl.1,v . "Sa11 1" ·1'11111 . Nl·x1 ·v,·.11·," 1h1· d1a r.1l·tc1'1> <l11 11111 d 1.111gl '' 1111 tl w llllll',, 1h1·v llll'l'l'I> pla y vut a h.111 d1111•11 \l)(lll'lh ' Ill th1·11 ll\•l':> 111 1111 N, "p111 t 11111d l1J'l1un , d1n·1·tor J u.in l\.h 1;1111, ti .... d1·'"11 1111 ,, p.111 uf ftnt> tall'nt~ in Vt'll'J •111 iw 1lut1111·1, '1'11111 Hq~.111 anti Mury Sullivan . and llll'll ltll•'l cU 111111 providt'S Lhl• g lut• lh,1l kl-eps 1h1s v111t.1g1· pl:o,\' 111g1•llll'r Ttw1r d1ffL•rsng ll·vt•ls of 11Ht•l\s1tv w or k l11·st 111 lhl• shuw·~ n mfruntat1011 s1·1•111 s ':1111• a 11• 11•" l'l l1·t·t1 v1• 111 1111111· r1·laxl'd n1111m•11ts Hl•g;111 \ ,\l'f•'' lt ttl1· c1vc•1 tlw µ1.1,\ 's :m vt•ar ~pan. 1.ll\ll' 111' llt'I \'tllls h11d1·g11111111 'A.'t'llt' ,It thl• OUl.S\.'I 1(1\'•·• "•" 111 .111 lip\\ .11 dh 11111li1lt.• "1 lll·r Ont• does 1101 u1l1•r ;1 ""11sl' 111 .1g111g 111 gr;1d u.il m.11unty 111 his pt•rf(>1 11w111 t•. "lt11 h h 11d, to ••!JI for fan11har t'hllll'l'S o f .ii:t1011 Sull1v:i11, 1·1111 \'1·r ~t·ly . f.11rly st·Mh t·~ \\'llh l'11to t11)n , 1•\'t•11 lh11ugl 1 1101 .ill nf ll appt.•,1rs gl·num~· I lt•1 t ls.\l .u to·1 I'> 111w 1· d11 f w1t lt lo f,11hun1, tht• fJuh tntll I:' 111 lilt'.,. 11 pt th.111 1111 p1•1 turm.inu• Th1•11· ht•'t .,., 111·' tug1·1ht·r .Art' lht.· Uf>4.mmg .. nd closan~ n1unw111s 1•1 th•· µlay, as Wl•ll as a neatly s 1.1ged ..;t•gi1w111 111 wh1d1 tht·sr marnagl' scl'ms t•1·1 L.u11 pul 111 l.'\.,t µasl till' nl'Xt lnll•rm1ss1o n Othe r St•qllt 1w1•<; lnlk the• Sl'nst• of a ff1nny l'Stablbht.'tl an a lu11gt1n11• r l'l.1111111..;hrp '"l'h t• 1''ou1 p11st1 •1" 111111111u1•!> f111 1hn•t• murt• w1·t·~<'nds at t lw T lwalu Ar~ l'l'nll•r. :.!50 I Cliff D nvl', Nl'wport Bt•ad1, on tlw gruup's 1w w st•ht>dull· of Thur c;J,i\• thruu,i.?h S.11urda\ prod ut tiun CJll 67:> 311:\ fo r lll k11 1111111 m.1111m * CALI.BOA RD T hl· ll u 1111ngton Bl'a ch Pl.1 vhotM' \\ill ltold o1Ud 1tH111, fur tlw mystl•ry pl.ty "l~·-;1g11 frn f\.lu1 d 1·1 " No\' II and !-.I .11 i :3ll pm m tho 11 .... 1111. l\J,1111 S 111•1•t .11 \'or kwwn Avt•nu<' 111 'th1.• 81 .1d1ff \ il l.1~1 'lw pµmg u •rl11·r d1rt'{'tor H.111d\ K 1 ""' \\ill 111 "·t·km~ rwo 1111•n J nd four \\ Ullll II '11 ' Roll' non-• top m usi c By JAY SHARBUT'f ;NEW YORK (AP> G reat balb o f fire! Dn.1his' Guitars! l\luog~· L>olby unrlS! Eighty-three · spe~k e rs! T e n rrn1s t• gates! Twenty-three perfbrmers! The mus1t· o f Dylan. Devo, E lvis, KJss. the• ~Vho. the B-52s a nd more! On Broadway' ,"Hock ·n· Roll' Tht• First 5.000 Years" 1s the opu.1. a rnult1-nw<.J1a n x k r<•\'Ut> feJtun ng 60-odd gold! n old1 r·s mad< t.im•JU~ by sut h as J C'rry Let: L<·w1 s. Chubliv l'hl't kt·r. Pink Floyd . Jame'!> Brown. thf.• S to11Ps. 1·\;l'n .J11a11 &1t·z ~·Hardest shc1w l'v1• l'\'l'r dor11• tn my lift-." says J0t-La y ton. d1rc'<-l111 1·hort'1igraph1.·r of this mighty bla:.t from the· past and p resl·nt ~It's a <,h o\\ v11u l.m·1 la lx·l," he says 1'he sho w. or '\•q ·nt" as its pnxiucc>rs caJl 1t. emphas1z~ !'pe<'1<1I t fft'( ts as well as audio. wllh the a ud rii. La) ton s;-1)!. l'11m1ng a t you from 360 degrees ~l'herf"s n o d 1alogu l·. only wha t he calls "unf!nthpg mus1~·" It t·•mtmuously runs a film that off1·ts no musty d ips of rock stars but represents "th":historv of mankind.'' he· adds . "It parallels the mu'>k ". · lrhc perfonnC'rs. who pla y several instrume nts as \~ll a.; sang a nd dantt'. ma y remind you of rock hc·a v1es vou've St'C'n from Lhe F1ft1es to the present. :<;av~ for interrm s1on. it's n on-stop rock :·1t has two mu su·al n umbers -thl' first act and '.the sel-ond al:t." q uips Layton, a tall, lanky. fas1~1.<1lk111g Nl•\1,· Yorkt•r who owns thtCC' Tonys for his :Wo r k on "George M'." "No Strings" a nd Gre~nw11low." 'He agrf'ec; tha t ''Rt,t·k ·n · Roll" will probably be lakC!n<'d tu 19ii's "Beatle mania ." ano the r multimedia m usical t'011S1stmg o f a collage of Beatles songs s ung by Beat les look -alikes. Indeed . both sho~s were created by the same team. Robert Rabtnow itz a nd Rotx•rt G ill. 'But it 's so rt of hke going from a su c k of dynamite to the a tom bomb," Layton says. FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE TM oq.ctw otl ,,,,._ ,.,...,,, 110 ..,'Dmt f>MWJfJ ttlovt t'lo• '"''°'*')"" l'TlhW C~ ~ ... .,._..0 Or W'ttt,, C'WI0'1M tAlJJO•LA • AUSTlllA • ClllU ...... , WARREN MILLEA LIVE l,_ilbN .. tllllllll l ltUll... ... I ,...,,..,. ...... ~~· 1111.. ...1 10111 11o1>1o1 1011 ... .,...,. &llU!n le '""" • ,_ .... tlil 111.lt ll•al • )!\,. forpJve me, Father, for T ltnve sinned. MONSIGNOR Tom ll4•gun and Mnry Sullivuu ~tur in ••Tht-l1,.ourpostt.•r'' nt t ht• "it•\\ port T lwnl••r .\rt" t :t•ntc•r . Al .. o , lht• play h• 1Uw wall ho ld tryouLs Nov 7 at ~ ;!() µ 111 fu1 111w H• 1 l 111 tht· 11 lu 1:1 l\Kl' 1·u11.:t• lo t'01 npll'l1' tht• l'ast ul th1· l'llr 1struu~ musll'lll 1.int11i.y "V 1s11ms uf Sugar Ph urn .. " tht< ung11111l 111usu·al. 111·,t µn1dun •d last 'l'ilS1111. will lw r'1•pl•at1•d 111 1 lt'l.·1•111IJl·r BA 'K STAGE 'l'h1 L..igun .1 M u ullu n Plavh11UM' ha,. la undu ... J a yl·ar-round sc:hool for pt!O.ph· 111lt•f'l'Sll'l..I 1n ,,.II ll'Vl'IS o f lhl' pt•rformmK d r b 111•\\" da.ss1"; 1 l11 s fa ll arc• num1• and m.1k1·u p l-~dl tl1t· tlw:llt·r at ·H.14 -0H:i fur fu rthl'I' dl'l<ills South Coas t H1·p1•1 l•H ~ h;is bt0l'l1 dwardt·d a gr.i11t aru m th1.· l'.i11 .f 11r 111a C o unl'll fo r the- Hum.mtlll'h lu prod Ut t• .1 toui m g pla y and publish a v11 lun11· ba.s..'<.I on 1h1· 1t wm1· "Thi· Cont<'mporary lmm1gr,1111 Expl'rtl'lll'l' 111 Ora nge County. The Sh,ip1 ng o f a Multi. Eth111t Communrly" . the $1 4.700 gnint fund!> d l1 1r11b111l'd effort of S<:holars, t'ommunit v k·adt•rs and th •;all·I' artis ts lO produl'l' a play fo r; l0 h ild r 1·n b .1't•J <J n art1c ll·S and antt•rvu•ws <'\ "'MA"9._A 'fl .... '1 Mr ft ... .,. V'~ ...... .,of"'"'O ...... ~ ~ .a......, ........... ....., I -' t------13th SMASH WHK - BllU llEWPOllT H ACH 011.IUIGE WfSTMllllTfll M,111r ~·' 1 • 11 1 t •" 1r,, ~,.;..p1>'' r,,, ,.,, ,t r .nt11cm,. p,.(1f1c 'H1 W'y 39 ~~·1 'J I~ ~:: O/~I) 634 ?~S3 Olive rn 891 1693 MISSION YIEJO WU TMINSTUI I ~·. .• ~ ~IOl '•iO 10 ... ., c.n~m. ''"I 891 193~ ~•Aut\• 't•~t"•C•1 .. •\t..CU.1\tllll .. f ~~~~~~~__. ·THE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM l r. "SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNYI" -"° ..... IYNOtCAnD flUI came lllfA ll TOAO lAt>UH llAC'll Oll&llGl • v • .. • l f ""~"' •d•#!d . ., ( .. L .0--.. tOst& MIU •• .. 4Q" I I 4 t u ;t')~l "• . •• ......... '• .. ,. 4•• 1'9'91~ lllU ¥1-f\·,.4 ;. • J 'U9 .. Jl'l ttUllTlllGTOtl llACll LAMHllA t ..... AY • •" ~· ,, .. c•-.••" _.__...... ... .,.. • ......,. NOW PLAYING tOIT& MU& • .,. ,.t. ""''"' ~ • .,. , ~· t\n ll TOllO fO•ii•C '"""' r ~ .,, ~HD IOWT&lll u un WUTMlllSTUl ll'.f11o.,O\ ,,,_,,H' 111,.,... ff•¥f'I. °'*"'' Wnt IH 1~00 19• 3U S lll•M Wl lfM•ITlll td""''dl WoodtH)Or C~• f'1<1'<: t"' W;, lV ))I 06)~ Oo•••"' COIU llllU I'•"• '< OllAl!Ct c..._ 61' 7)~J 191 JHl LUXURY THEATRES 1st r.. libti11t t Slletl i•K s Olll TS 2.S lliiltn Otlatnriit lllttcl lll3r1U;t•l11ll6l61~ 2551/~c;:. J s FOR FUOI EXCfTEmEnTI V1s1tOvr ... ARCADE of GAMES• .:·, '":'.·,· u l\t•111wch ·~ C :hiltlrt•nH e•oulcl t•r1uw nu~ f'onel11t ''""' .for tlw •tl(h,, L ook at '60s m i sses mark Uy KArtJo:N K Kl.l~IN or th• 01111 l'llot '''" If v11u'v1• 1•v1.•r l0t1kt-d l>iwk 1111 tlw '61.l1t with a 1w1111<•· 111 11u11t.1lgw or ll M<'t'up uf fondnt'Sli, ull tlrnt would p1 ubul;ly tw l'l'lllit'd by Hubt•rt Pultil·k 'it "K1•r111l-<ly\ ('h1Mrl·n " 'l'ht· pluy. Mtug.,.J at Su<ldlt•b8l'k Collt·j(e lu!ft wc·c•kt·nd, 1!! u 1w~.111vc• IHlU Lltt·ury, mad '70s look ut till' h v1•" llf ftvi: µt ·oplt-who'vt· lt•tt tht.• flOWl'r· poWl•I' ~t.·1wrutu111 hl•l1111d l>tri~·tt·d b y Pu trtl·k J . F'l•nnl•ll, tht.• community c•oll1•u1• pnxJUl'lton was udc-quut.cly cxt>t'UtL--<l, but I wus h•fl unmovt"<I ul ll'r sill1nK th rough an hour and ,1 half of foritakt..n hupt•.s, drt•affi!> and amb1t1oru. Tiii' I rui>lr<1tl'C..l ~ind dNm:h<-<l ind1v11Juab whu l111pJ>l•11 by l'hl'lx·'s Bur rn Grt.•l'nw1c·h V1llagt.· u l11nut1t· John f Kenm•cly wors hipper, an aging fag, o V1,·111am Vl'll•ran, u burnt-out hippie a nd a w1111ld ht• 111•x godcJ1•ss l'\/U kl'd nd ther h upt• for tlu· Julu1·1~Ml" true undc.>rs tanclmg of the pu11t. Thl' two l'haraett•rs that stood out lht' Vl'h'I wt, pluyc-<l by Jt'ff Owen and the sex symbol, pl.1v1·d hy Marla Alut1:. w ere..· lht' most hkl'ly to rnptu11• ttw uudaencc"s ~ympathy. Both paru. wrre pli1 Y1'\I w..JI. t·Spt'<;rally Owl.'n 's disturbed vet · Tiu· 11tht·r at·Lor;s. S<imm 1c Slater . C:uvcr l'1J11~•·y 1111d C:hnsty Sauter, WC're hmrted t•1 thcr by l111·k 111 l'111011on or t'mouon that stayl.'tf al suc:h a high l1·v1•I ull through tlw production that at lost l'l t'<lil1tlt Iv Tiu· ~·I .and l'Cistunw~ wtn· nr(·t>. and Ft·nnl'll's <l111•1:tu111 v..i~ cvmix·tl•nt, 1f no t l'Spel'ially c:n •a llVl'. T a l e nt firm eyed LOS ANGEL ES 1AP1 S ta le and fodcral o ff1l 1.1b t1n_· 1nvf.•st1ga tt ng complaints that a llullywoo<J -baS{.-d "tall•nt agC"m:y" misled t.·ustomers by 1mply 1ng they might lx><:omc part or a "nalmnal tl'lt·va:.aon spt>cial'' tu be sho wn to H o llywood pro<lu1·1·rs Lo!> Angt:les City Attorney Mike St~nl<'y surd tht• twu month invcst1gut1on b<!gan after "h undred s of JX'CJpll•" inquired or l'Ornplained about Five· Star Proclu1·1ums lo the statt• Department of lndus tnal Rel<1t1uns Jnd U.S Postal Inspt><:Uon Service *BARGAIN .MATIN•••* Mond1y ttlru S1turd1y All Perlormt nc11 before 5:00 PM (b~t Specltl Enp f11t1tllt1 and Holldeya) •THI LAIT .&•lllCAN VlllO#I" ---1•1 "'AIT TIMll AT IUOOMOllT MIOlf" 1•1 ... -- "JINXED" ro1 ............... "MONllONOlll" 1•1 ............... LAKEWOOD C ENTER W Alk '"' "MONllGNOlll" f1ll ........... _ .. -tTAll TMK""'' .......... •If All TMK II: nM W9\JITM OP KHAN",.., -·· lAl<EWOOD CfNTER SOUTH"""'"'" 'i'1:!i Al Oe4 """' 6M-tH1 ·n. tWOllO MIO TMI e<MC...-.. , ----cMIAOOMl.A.,.... ... , --- "AN OPPIClll ANO A QINTL.lllllAN" ''" ........... u. "THE CHOllEN" 1•1 tt"..JI. .............. . "FlllllT ILOOD" "" ............. , .. loculry al Candl••OOO 211/H1·9180 -,.l.OYO: Tiii WAl.L" 1•1 ---.,... LAIT ......... V1llOIN"..., ---., ..... , ..... ---·MV •AVOMT'I TIAlll" l"I ... - "THIE CHOHN" Ill! ........... _ "JINXED",.. ................... ..... a.-°"' •• ,_. ... Mn '4' ,_. IMl"OllTHT llOTIClt CllllDllH UtffKll IZ fllll! ---... -.a.-........ ~-·-•CM-·--1•••CM--~---•-.t1•M.l _____ _ .I.•, .I. I ... ANAHEIM OlllVI IN ·-DO"r"I ..... "TllJIZM, TIIR AN 11.&N-JJll c1111 n- ....... ' .... BUE NA PARK [l~••I IN UM-11 .. _et_ 111-4010 ~ . .. \, ' LINCOLN [)11 1\lf IN ..... fOIJNlAIN VAlll Y O lllVJ IN -oi.ee ,,..,. .. ..__ , .. ) ffl·Ul1 ..... "THI THtMQ•• 1•1 .~ .. ,,. ......... ..-. :-..::.=.:--;r .. . C•A- "IT.nM UT"-A· ftNll ITIUAl" 1"91 ..... "OtlAOOM~ftll" tN I ., ... ., lllOOO" "" ..... "llADMAJl"llll "MAU.~­tlAtOtt ~ J!: WITCtr llll .,.,. n.o·1111 - ... " .... t .. J ..___"-_i._._~it_._;-___ ... .....,.._ .. ~ .. -"WAl'TMH "1111 Cllll·ll- t~U~--1111 .... , .. _...,.........,_!Ill Ctlll·lllOUllO LA HA H~A , • " --·--·--t11-1161 ---~---- Cllll·lllOUllO • MONll 111 Cl'I ,_, ... .. •fUS"!'NI Gllll·llllUllO 11tCll~DR 1111 ..,.,,,..._ 0 r.I ,., N (_, ~ I I.' I " I '"' ...... ,....,.., ••-c-.. ...... , "'MOll'=DW'flll "\'""9" - .... P\.O'tOI Tftl WAU" flll -·~· '"' ................ T ltl' .,UIJ.)l·1·t r11:1ttt•1 11> 11 1,111111 ·, I'"' h.111" •·v1•11 v ulga r 11 I 1111w~. :ind t ha• l11 1q.(lJJKt' rn u y t.1 · l'lil\Xl<h·n·d 111 ft•llM Vl' l1y ~11111' 1>11! lht• holJ<· .md l11v1• ul tlu S1i.t11 ' d11 .1)1111.t w11h tht· a1>1>HM111'i, IJulll't'' Surl'ly tlw11• " 111w1 ~IJl..<l or 111 l1·.1~t uml1·1 ... 1und t1 I)( t•• Ill r•JUlld th.an whut '' ll'ft tn "Kl'nnc'(ty':i C:h1ltl1t•11 Tl1t· pl.1y runs 1hr11 uult th1:. "'1· .. k1·11d .11 Satldh•l>.tl'k C:tJlll'g1•'s Stu1hu T t!l'.111·1 111 M1 .. ,w11 V11:.1<1. l • THt: t'A~lll' {'IRCl'~ by Bil Keane "You 5oid our friend Mr. Tippit is port Indian. Do we kriow anybody who'5 part cowboy?" 816 6lORGt: by Virgil Partch (VIP) "I su,.. hopt aht h11 an tltctrlc can opener." '.tl.\R,.r\Dt:kE by Brad Anderson 01:,,IS THE '9t:,Al'E Hank Ketchum C•m.-,....,.s__....,. ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 j "That's my dad and this is my dog. My mom says they have a lot in common." 'WI l YOtJ TELL HQT006 TO GET OFF MY LAP~?" .ll'DGE PARKER Gr\Rf'IELD ACROSS 52 Freed S4 Tlke In t lm9flnt 58 Grafted H« • Orolllty 5t Pltflll to Rooters et Orum c.n: 14 So. AtN/11. v •. quednlped 62 8lemistl 15 Gel .,. 63 lndien city ti E. lnO. wie 14 Godt 17 bpiote 65 Alien tlboticllle ....... ,. ,.., entntion ee .,. untteedy 20 L...c cM 17 C... to go 22 Malee unfit 24 Piie DOWN 2t....,. tower t venue. • o 27 Nie, Cllty 2 Aml.-0 3 t Uprotr 3 Foon.t 32 MlnllNam 4 ""'*-'* 33 "9glotlll 2 wcwde 35 Pitt ol ~. 5 Ati.nding 31~ IPl#ldl 3t~ 7''H.lltll!" 40 ""°'1 ctey • Oregon ~ 4' Kind ot wood t w lndlle 1'ME CAR HAI?> STOPP£P ANP IT'S GETTINCi "ARK WMA'f SHOULD I PO, C#ARFIELP?. llOM)AY't l'Um.llOlYID 23W lndile lflNb 25-~~ 270ther zav..., 2tMutlet• 30 Not old·lllt 43 Colon dilot. • dlr •• Jlbel 46 Fllt!IOn fed • 7 Stied lnOfed· 'Ont .. Ergo I •Z POftdnel _., "~ '° OelNlrlf ,. f "''*' °"" 360... •• Cflur"1 ., .. 50 A #OOlerl .... ... .. '111yOll -" It LMl!I* .. Qlrw,,... IZ ._..,. ct,..,... ,, ........ '10cMI -.,...... ZIDo._..,,. •°"*9d ,, .. ..., •Oulde 40Apolelte •llo NM!t rodlflf 53 Cflllllflge at Tie ot JICl!tf 58 ''l'Wbuy ...., .. 57 ftwow eo Coriort Orange Cool! DAILY PILOT /Tutaday, October 26, 1982 111 A '\)NE "AVERAbE ~ l-IOW HERE'' JOE SAND0A66ER l..AN ANVBODV HAYE ~OLLIN6 TME ~IR5 T SALL A "ONE AYERA6E ? OF THE lOURNAMENT ... -. . - ,) SHOE SLUG60, INSTEAD OF WRITING A C , ~OMPOSITION, YOU JJ) HANDED IN THIS ). ~ SILLY DRAWING I - GORDO 1 ~EEO ~­Ot.Jt: l CNJ T'ft.Vflff C>uJ 'C>l..I ~EP A Sf:.CU'ff • 10-l.io ---------. ~ 1-.,1 ..... , ....... ,,........ WELL, WHAT WOULD YOU CALL 'Tl-l15? by Charles M Schulz by Tom K. Ryan UH, V'ON'1' &El ANV 1'7~A51 -n-1£: K~Y'S ONLY 5'(M£'0!..IC. by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller by Gus Amola by Tom Bat1uk fT,Kl' •l~Kt:RBt:t\' <,OU 5€E , WHAi WE DID WA6 TAKE EACH FAMll4'5 GROSS INCOME , AlD"16 wrm 1}f£fR CJiARrfABlE c.oN~l&JTlONS AND ™E AMOONI OF ~EAIS AND f HEN WE FED 'f11E WHOlf. ME5S IN10 ~D4'S AfAR I HAU..OWEEN CANW INC€X f &IVEN OUT ~r HAL.l.OWEEN ! weL..i..., 11" seeMs ~e ON&..Y t..eAF we HJli\1!iFOA IHI s 1'A 11,.e rs eerN' u eP 1N O.A . m COME UP WITH lXXJR 1-1.C I ! ~"~~ ~ ~~E~ WC,1(4!1, ~ la)E. ~ ~'"' 1AA1 tio6 1-; ~ flW. ~"~-.~~T~ (Ot-\ffT' I WOULD HAVE GNeN~R~e l..IKE 1filS ~N IW~R K\D! ,,,_._ by Lynn Johnston WHO 5Ft-{S yoo EVER GREW UP'?I • . I 88 Ornng CCIUbl UAll v fJIL 0 T / l 1J11D1J11v (}f.IOhUI JO, 108i' 'St. Elsewhere,' 'Gavilan ' debut Dtn'id 8:00 8 0 0 NEWS 8 CHAAUE'S ANGELS 0 EioKT IS EN9VGH g) M•A0S'H Charles Wlnchosl\)r 101ns lhe leam. Ho1 Lips returns lrom h8' honeymoon and Khnget leafns Chat his l•w· y8' Is 1 phony (Pt.rt I) Q) HAWAII FIVE--0 aJ OVEAEASY Guell Joan f on1111no ~) Ci) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS Music Lls1en1ng For T1>e Une•pKled CBS NEWS @ ABCNEWSO ~NBCNEWS a) THE PRICE IS RIGHT C MOVIE ' • •., Tne M1rtor Crack d' '1980) Eltll!Oelh Taylor. Kim Novak Based on 8 s1ory oy Agatha Chrtt lte A strange murder tnvoMno nv11 HoUvwOOd •••r• 111las place in an English V1Nage PG $MOVIE **'.\"Three Guys N11med Mille" (111~11 Jana WY"'"" VIJl't ..ohnaon A pllol, A ~anenoa-- 1111 .,.oo· • preny .ieward· e .. 11 the $ame lime 0MOVIE • • "This Time fortver C 11180) Claire Pimpare Von- oenl van Pallan A French· Cened11n glrf f11llJ in love With • brash American col· lege student ttudy1ng on Montreal 'PG 8~30 0) ALICE m DICKCAVETT Guest ~horeogr1pher D•me NtNlle DevalOtl (R) m GROWING YEARS "Prescnool Mentel Devt!l- opment" (£@NEWS l1:Q) BAANEY MILLEA a) WORLD Of PEOPLE 0 MOVIE .. • "Beyond Death • Door 1111701 0ocument11ry Dr H•rold Freeman The 1n., death" e•i>eri.r>ces ol three people ere recounted PG' 1:00 8 C88 NEWS D N8CNEWS 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN .io.nle shOCk s 1 he 1am1ly ~ .,,. 1ngists on QOtno on tour With Leath8' Tus- cadero and the Suedes (Par1 1) 0 ABCNEWSO 0 SOAP Jesslea, Ct>est8' and Ben· son rashly at the murdet Irle.I Cl) NEWS g) THREE'S COMPANY Chr1Hy Chinks that Roper's axpensiv9 pr-I IO< hts wlle Is ectuelty Jack s blfthday gin to "'°" ID 3 JOt<ER's w rLo fl) «i) 8USINIE88 REPOfrr P.M.MAOAZJNE All Int...,._ wltl'I Jorden'• Amwlcen·t>orn ~. t>ll<- lng for the hfllr1 lllJ EHTEATAINMEHT TOHIOKT lntervleWS wtlh Oeryl Hall and John OelM m OAAHOE COUNTY TOOAY (%)MOVIE • • "Woman In The Ounet" ( 1~) Eljl 0 "8de. Kyol<O Klehlde An anlo- mologlat ieklng a holtday In Japan·a a-1 r9010n apendl tlla night with a etrange woman he ..-1e ontnedunee 7:*> 8 2 OH THE TOWN ,NtUfacl' • c:omle bool< conwntlon; llOW 1001h- ,,ic11e era "*'4l: ~· cy ~on Iha f,_aya: • ,,._., helPt Mno hi• M~ Idea to Iha elr II QI F~Y "IUD I.A~·~ .ACOMf'NIY - NFW Yl>HK 1AP1 li11111· 1111 t 'lt,t111n·I I ''•''••I"'' Spr 1111(,lt'"" " 1111 tlw 1.11l1o1, 111111 tlw I ilk 11111111\d tlw 1ahl1• ,., '''"' 1111d ~wlt•llt't• 1\111 ,,·~ 11111 1111· fu1111lv d11111t"r 1.ihlt· rn •tll' i 111111·1 pool l.tlil1· .1d\•llllll • 111111 11111 11111 11 .. 1 111111,1111111 .1111111·' Uurnl w h I It• •• (; II v I I .. II I ' ,, Ill •,.ltH·tr111i 111 I .1 011,11 ti C :11lollH"q.:, """ lu•ltwd 111,11 .. ·t 'li,11l1t ., 1\111-tt·I-.." "111111 to ll.111 .i11d '"I' J lloukcf," "tit 1•:IM•Whl'f1• h it'> l'lu~ ... wu l Jl1111dll111·, Whlll II 1, It. tht• 1111"1 1 1 •.t liNl~l 1>1w 1 ul1111( t.1llll• II\ tt·lt·v1:.lon ~ lo ul(, 1111.Ju .II h1i.tm·y N11t f o.1 ~1 uphlt -.lll'llll( .tml 1Jluo1lll·1t111~. but bt" .tui.c· t l1111k1 11~. 11• .. 11111( umJ rl<1wt·d h11111J11-. llrt· d11111u tlw t Ulltlll( ,111tl 1.m~tllll( l t'i. 1111111 tlw MTM "."•hit'.' w lul'li prod Ut 1·d "Lou t" .111 t .111d "11111 S u-.>t•l " U1uu• l"'.1lt1vw ("Whitt· Sltt1J11w") i.. 1·l111•n1t1vl' pr11Jul'er. Murk '1'1nk .. 1 . 1h1· .. how'11 dt•vclop•r. '' 1h1· ,..111 111 <.:n111t T1nkc•r, MTM'' l11umJ1•1 .111d. 1·urr1•11tly. JJl't'~oJ1•11t 11I NB<· "llill S tn•<•t Hh11•i." turrwdt•ops 11011\ tov i;old11•1i. ml11 hunwn hi•t •ii"; Now N I H "i. "~.t 1-:l·ww lw1 t•" d1n•t1ll':. I h1• I V 1,..rMllla ol th1· i.tt·Lhust·o1x· M'I A hunt.I-held l'J ll11•1 ~1. whwh 1·apturc1:1 l11ony hf•· 111 th1· "l ltll Strt'l'\" squad roo111 , 1s 11t1l1wd n 1 t• l' I y h 1• I' t•, a' v 11• wt• r 1> an·ompany d1wturi. 1111 their 111.11(,•ssioruil nnd p1:rs11nul rnund' through S t. Elig1us l111sp1lal, dubtx•d "St ElS<'wtwr1•" bl'<.·oui.1· u( chronk d t·Lt•r1or<.1tlllfl "SI El'>t•Wht·ri•," wh1d1 d1·buts tw11ght at lO ml ChJtuwl ·I, lllk1•i. pl.tl'l' en ,1 lt'al h 111g hosp11 .. .J Ill Bo!>to11 II':. thl· mo.st involving an<l s1•11uus nc•w drama of the Sl'tlSUll. NBC Tonight's other nt•w show, i.tarrmg Hobert Uric.~. scLS its sight:. lowt.>r "Gav1La n al 9 There's a l.irgc cast .. ntl r>h:nly Ci) NOVA "The Mind M11ChlntU" Tile cont,tove1 ay ove1 I he pot· libtltly 11111 computer• rNly heve the cepaclly lo mlmlC tha humen mind ta •••· mtned CAIO '1) BOLO ONES Z MOVIE * * * . .., 'Breaker Morant' t 11180) Edward WOOdwaro, Jec11 rnompaon Au11ra11 ana conscr1p1ao 10 ftOhl on Ef\gtand'a side 1n Iha Boe• War decl<lll 10 light !he B08' gu.,11111 nn their own 1ermt 'PG 1:30 o ®' n o & Judy'• overbuaring u · husband movet 1n10 '10• apartment wolh "" n- gllllrlend (9) MOVIE • • * "A Countess From Hono Kong ( 1087) Marron B•ando, Sophia LO<an A O.aulllul young 1mm1gran1 stows away In ll>e state· room ol an Amarocan 01p- 1omat I incla Gra'' stars a a (iiH•r<•t•d ,;wther who. fight ~ 10 kN•p t'U!-!lody of he r dlilJrt'n in ··~ol in Front of Childrt'n·· a l 9 on H ALL·NIOHT RADIO The zany gOfnge-on at an en-night radio 11a11on are u11r1zad 9:46 U VIEWERS' CHOICE VOTING 10:00 0 ~ST. ELSEWHERE o. M0<r1~ must treJt • ramorseleu ler1or111. and Or Craig t>rowbC!eta an tndac111ve patient Into hav- ing triple bypa .. 'urge<y ~~XT (2). 0 EYE ON L A Fulured lllC••15 10< ttte etillre 000) xirass Adn Mne Baroe1111 tallls aoout Mr role 1n the Ge0<ge Romero him Creepsno... a" ontetview wotn Br..c:e Penhall top molocrots racer npmng aclor and 0 MADAME'S PLACE Sara Joy '"" to get lrHo sho,.. bua1neu desp11t ev8fyone 1 tmprnsion that -I>•• no t•lefit Guea1 Phyths 0.llet g) M'A0 S•H Hawkeye oec:omes a villain atler "" practical 1oke on Chertes goes awry Q) f TIC TAC OOUOH m MACNEIL I LEHRER RE POAT {B MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING ti> YOU ASl(EO FOR IT F eot ureo The Seo Ill Sh Army Wothoul Kolts' and Cnonese Hair $W\"941'S a) MOVIE • , Tr1e Unknown Tet· ,0, I 19~7) John Howard Mala P~s • s1ranoe -.ctenhSI deYelOOs • man· eehng funou• on Soulh Amerlc:a H M<»IEY MATTERS Th11 lasl·Paoed oocumen· iary olfer' ways to .. ve money on 1~ bills • tool\ 81 1 ag aettts ano some mwranca poontan S AFT'H OF JULY Richard ThOmu repelll his aroadway role .. • p81 apaleglC Vltttnern veter- an home for • famAty reunion on l~ence Day 11:00 0 } BRING 'EM 8ACK ALIVE Fran' Bu« faces a Samu· , .. warlOrd """°la te<rOtlZ· mg 1ungle ytltegea and tall· 1ng Ottedly maaMKes lo conl1scate arm• and alty h•mtlttll With Iha Japanese 0 FATHEAM~ Young Samuel Clem«>• errtveS on Jacllaon to •tart a"-'P~ I) V1£TNAM: THE TEH THOUSAND OAV WAR Unaaay Alllal" Tlla tncrau1ng Alnericlln miff• tary praaanee In vi.tna-n iuos 10 • dash of cullU<• and corruptlOn In Ille Cit· les 0 @I HAPPY DAYS Fonzie tries to Charm lime Heather by tMilng her to Iha ClrCUI , And HowWd'I 1..,, •• ni-unexp«1- edty ahowl ue> el the Cunn- l~ham'a O 0 MOVIE a a e 'A "Aldet On The Rain" ( 1070) Char ... Bton eon. Jin l•eland A rflPl•t 11 repald with a lhalgun blut from hla vlollm SOAP lngrld hlr.. • tl.tman detectlw to Ol8er tonnne of the m1Kdtr ohM91o • P.M. MAOAZJNi ITAIMftAHklO AUPEMNO!AL Rob«1 011111-l'IOets tr'llt oeleb<l11on of -of Ameflca'I NrOM, 11- and legend• Q) MOM. THt WOLFMAH AHO ME A remontst photographM • prec:ocioua young daugh 11,, conspires 10 change her mother's Slngle st1tlus Pally Duka Aston David Burnry and Oan,.he 'BllMl· l>OiS &tar m NOVA The Mtnd Machonn Tne C(lntrove1ay over 111e PO•· &lbllily 1hat compulers may have the cepecoty 10 mimic the human Mind 11 e•a m1neo IRIO m MYSTERY "Dying Dav" Anthony Sk1phng (Ian McKeHenl pr89111'1ta lhe eviden<:a o• the plot to murdet h•m 10 1118 pohoa. Dul they refuse 10 beh•ve him (Par1 2)Q .,lfi DEBATE Bradlfty / Dtl<;kme11en C MOVIE • • • 't 'The Elee>h11nt Man 11980) John Hur1 Anthony Hopotns A dedl· cacao physician lakes under his wing a hO<rlbly deformed man ""~• 11111 until then had oe..> spe<'ll 1n ~ traall eah1bltions PG ti MOVIE * '·" "Oea~h Valley" ( 1982) Peul LaMat Pat« BUllnga- ley A N-Yorio; youngste< ts -'I IO Artiona 10 YISll his moth« and s1umb1ee aerOM a -ies ol gri.ly murders 'A' 0MOVIE I .. ** * "First Femi y 11080) Olide Raonw. Bob Naw1111rt The H•u1lly rec><MMC:t daught« ol lhe eounlry't wetrdMt prasl- d8'1tlal lemlly compllcate• ,,.. lathtf'• 111empta to conduct Ille eflalr• or elate 'R' e:30 8 0 LAVE~ & SHI~ Laverne creat• haYOC •• ,,., n-job whan the floah through Iha factory -ring an antl-grevny tlUl1 Q (I) CHAAUFS ANGELS The Angela oo unoercover u 11-ardealee to llnoJ out wl'ly a trlelld or Sabri- oomm NEWS 0 !] HART TO H~AT One ot Jt1nn1ler I lormer cl111smate• 111 her college 1oun1on plOll JOf\8lh&n 1 demise on hopes ot tu1t1111no htl longa1ano1ng romanloc ot>Mssion with Jenn•l8' ::.; tI;) U.N. DAY CONCERT lubin Mehla conduCIS trio N-York Phtlttarmoni<: In perl0<mancas ot Beetho van• Vlohn C-10 lh• world praml8f e ol Joan Towe< s S8QUOl8 and Moussotosky s Pi<:tu•es At An Exh1b111on Ci) BOOY IN QUESTION Try A L•llle Ten4erneH Dr Jonathan Miiier 1nvesl1· gales lhe POHlbl• cauM>t or a tummy11che ano ll•PIAins the long complo catttd roule 10 o tonal do&Q nosis tR) t) ID THE VIRGINIAN C MOVIE • * * , "The Man Who Would Be Kong ( t975) Sean Conna1y Michael Caine BaS8<1 on the story t>y Rudyard Klpltng Two Bt•llSh 90ldl8's sat out to Ct8!m the rrchea and ~ 01 a remote legendary i.1ngdom ·po H STANotNO ROOM <»ILY Crys1a1 Gayte In C°"'8't The Grammy "w1rd-w1n nlng 11., alngt many ot h<H blggHt hlll, 1nclud1ng 'Oorl't 11 Maka My Brown EyH Bl.,." and "Tllktng In VOi.if Sleep ' $ ROMANCE: LOVE IN VENICE tP8f1 3) g VIEWERS' CHOICE WINNER 10:30 ti) INDEPENDENT NETWOAK NEWS 0 MOVIE * •·~ "Run, Rabbit. Run · ( 1975) Anthony Steel, Francoise PravoSI A co11- ductor showa 11151 Interest In his mistress than he does 1n her daughl.., $ BIZARRE John Bynet sttowa you •hlnQt ttranger than truth, larger than Illa. and :unMlf than al"lylhlno you've .,,., na'• It being t«roruao _, 0 MOVIE 11:00808 e ·~ "Body And Sout" NEWS C 1011 t) Leon llUCl Klfl,,._ 0 SATURDAY HIGHT dy, Jayne Kannady "' H ost O J Slmp1on young blecll turn• to Queata· Aahford & Slmp· prlffflohttng to ralM Iha son mo-y he ....aoa tor rnac11-U IN SEAACH CW ... ~ actlOOI 'A' "Heunled C111i.a" 9:00 G ()) MOW m THAT QUIZ IHOW "Not In Front 0 1 The Cl'lll-ID tTR!ETS CW SAN dren" (Premiere) Linda l"MHCl8CO Gray. John Oah A SeeillnO yengaance on • dlvor~ mother llQl'lt• for nercollca omc:.r. • young tha r1ght to reieln eustOdy 1111.., expc>Ha Iha lac;t thll of ,,.. clllldran attar tl'l8 the man It a homoMaual decldee to N,,. with 1 Gil OOCT°" IN THE ~man HOU8E U Qt QAVll.AH Lof1u• 1a kn1ght9d by tha 0.""'en It marked ror Queen _.., t>y a JaP11MM clan MOVIE wt*I 1111 glrtf"8nd g1vee * * "Sllanca 0 1 The lllfn a ottamonlal tw0rd North" p ee 1) Ellen Burt• they "8Ye °"" IMlclng for tyn, Tom Slotrtln. In 19111. ~lllOnt. a young wom1t1'1 manlage a Y1ST'NAM; TH& TEH to e 1,...., IMdt lier lo • THOUINA) DAY WU Ille Of lla<d~ lfl the wll· "Ou.Illa Sod9ty'' At IN clet,_. OI nOtll'latll Can .. lwllgtlt of Iha bOmblnQ, Ille Cl .. 'PO' CHANNEL LISTINGS people Of Hof'tll Vletnltn M()vta , , talc• ..,...., In ceYW and ... ~ "Tha fl'o1mula tuNlel• I tHO) Merion Brando, 8 9 THNrl 0-ge C IGotl Wl\lle eotM'AHY ln-ttoetlf'IO the mu<O.. Of A '*'"'990« at11cle on a c~. • Y11ar1n COi> • KNXT CC8S) 1a: On TV ln"•llOn llglltlf'IO palnlf • unooYerl • ooneplracy 8 KN8C INBCl (1) z.·ry taint.cf plClurl of Iha lhrM lnYOIYll'IO the IUC>Pl'-lon IU\ HBO rOCHM1at1t' llvlnQ ttrtnge-Of a eynthetlO I\* lormula e KTL.A Cit_,,) ""'I"*' MYITIRY~ .,.,_ en oll G«MI 'Ill' e uec tABC> (ti cc1nam .. 1 _......,.. (i)MOYW e KFM8 (CISl (WORI NY , N.Y *'A "\..IUlomenle" (107&) e ICHJ•T\' llllCl.I @ IWTIS) "Oylllf 01y" Anthony 111oger Oellry, hr1 Klttll- 'li ll!SPNI flt~ (1811 MciKallan) men, A modlfn•dly rOClll .. 1 ··11.lt ,., gl\111~ tlw 111111du1 .. •1 ll \f'ol Ill lu11k 11111 ... 1utlt11 '' l "II It till\ S 1•\'t 1.11 .1111 \I 11111 .... 111 " 11\', ·11 I Ii 11 Ill j~l 111U I I .t kt' lht' ""I'" 111 J 1111 S1 111 •1 1111 ol .. t111-. fl,,v,• l 1111 Sllt,,.I .11.,., 1.111 1.11111.tltlt "" 1111 1•11111t11111.il"111 .. , '""" t• p.11l111•1 '"If"· I h t lit ... 1 'I V I t J,1t111t11<l11p-. 'Cllt I llllll 11,IW' " i.. 1111 tl11 11 lltttul' ·1,.111Mlil 1 't .1.11 k 1\111111 .. •111 ll>u vid Moi ~w) g1·ti. p1•1:J11111tll) 111 volvt·d w11l1 .t \1111111{ {>.Jl1n11 l)to W.1 Vrl•• 1"1" u ... ( l ow1t• M .i utlt·l) 111111, J11v.-111 t lit llllll't(Ut•, .11111 I )1 Ht·ll SJlllUt•b ( 1>11v1d H11111·v) d11·1·ks '"' flUst l' l) 11 11 t • t • I I II II ' Ii I' l '.I U ... \' 111.' ... ('llllll'•ll'lt•d ,1 -.. ... 1.rl dl\\'ll'i•' 111 ·c:11v1 l.111 · ll1111t 1111111•1 ,,,,, "' Vt g.1~,' " ·•II t .... t IA ·•l(t•11t \\ t111 g1·h 111v11lv1·d 111 hrMh •11l v t•1rtllt t· .111d u11d1·1\.\1tl1·1 lt1Jlllk:o. ,,... ,111 111. l'llllllj.(l .t!Jlil'I Willi .1 la1;4.·r·1•qu1pfJl•t.l 1111111 i.ub111J1 llll' Pll•,1d111j.( llVt'I 1111' I h.111., IS tlll' .,, ii-.ililt· 1 h11·I pl.1v1·d b~ l•:d rl.111d1·1 ., "Nt1111' ul u' ,.., 1•>.pt'\ lt·d 111 h.1111111· 1 v1•1 yth1ng." tw lt·ll:-. D1 1\111111' l ':1V,llll'l'fl ({'y11th1.1 Svkl''' 'Nut 1·v1·n .1 w11111;.111 " • H ollt.'t 1 t:Jv1l.111 111 .111 11 11 •• 1"1 111 .1 lr.1nJ w111ld. whuh "whv h1·'i. ..in l'X it~l·nl I II• li111t·-. v1ohrn t .111d Sii)'' hl• "t·11uld11'1 l t·ll I 11.1: ~tltld KU Y'> 1111111 Ii.id guv ... T 11111gh l iw r "k" Iii., Iii 1• I nr ·• ..,.1,.11 11,1 \.\h o" hook"''" 111,pll'llllltll,iJ tr1 )11111 ~t'I kcd-. I h1-. Ml pt'I h1•111 I ( .1tb • A'I> l •llllp.11 t'<.l tu "11 111 St11·1·t. lrut· grit dr.11ogu1• ,., touglwr 111 du 111 a t11l\p1tal l11.·1.1U'l' n~l·~lrl'.il s hop t:dk 1s ll""' univtrsallv knuwn J\i1vm1t-wa1d11n j,{ IVl«il new., k1111w~ tT1m1• }tt gun lJ11d1 gl.111•-;, 111 1111.t,, ~~· 1 ... p lJVllll .111d pl.iv' l111111hlt· .1 l.1 T•11lt S t·llt'( k I It•'-,·"'" II t I''"'"'" ltJ lllL' l.icJ11 •-,, .i11d \'l\'l V•'l '\,1 .. , lcJ\'(•" \.\(',t klll''" l 11r -ht•.iUllflll d1 •sp1•ritl1 • WOllll'll ' Ill ..,,1vs 111 1·111h;11 k111g 1111 tu111gli1'-. llTlf)IJUl.>llJlt l111lh\ l''>(..JfJ,IJt TOBI TDPPIRS KOCE (:>U) 8 oo . KCET (:!H) ~1 .00 "Dyrng Day·• In lht· Sl'<'ond ul ~· t\\.'1t-p.in lhr:dl('r ;1hout" rn.in who ov1·rhL•LJf:-. .1 pl\ll lo k ii I h I m . /\ n l ho 1l v S k I µI 111 g (I ;1 n Mc Kl'llt•n) bq,:in:-. tu untanglt· thv :-.dw1111· KABC 171 J() oo .. ll.1rt tu ll;,ir1 " Jt·nntll·1 ·.., t·ulll•gt· lt•Ul\ICJl1 IS IOdrl'l'd by:• vc•ngtoful da-..o;mil tl' who plans J onathan., demise• to I ulf di ht:-. longstanding rnm:.111l11 obSl'S~lOtl \\'Ith .h·nndL·r 11.300 l OVINCY A priall who had OHi\ crusading against pornog· rapny 18 touno oean on a comprom111ng s11ua11on CAI 0 .)9 TONIGHT Hosl Johnny Carwn 0 110 ABC NEWS NIOHTLINE &:J YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured The Scolhsh A"'"t Without K111s and Choneae Half Swongw1s g) THE JEFFERSON& Bonlley ,1 aluck wolh on 1nsulle•eo10 llltly l'ous,. oue11 £D ART Of BEING HUMAN M ylhl Thf' COllM11•" Orttarns Ot M ani.1110 m PBS LATENIOHT Holl Denni• Wholey a) NIGHT OALLEflY 1:N>O 0 EHTERTAINMEHT TONIGHT lnterv-~ w1lh Daryl Holl end Jottn Oates 0 1fij THE LAST WOAD 0 MOVIE • • • Pat Ano Mike I 195:11 Sptmcer I ••Cy Kainerone Hepburn /4 Ne .. Y0<k City spor1s promo1111 1u1ns an e•-Phy11cal 1nstruc1ton leacher into the q-ot ,,,. •lhlellC world .,,!: NEWS g) t.IOVIE **""The B1rber11n An<l The Georhe" I t9S81 John W1yh0, Sam Jelle The tlrSI American amoasaaoor to Jepan rec&fves cOIO rebult• lrom the etnper0< el"td devotion lrom a 08'· •h• II) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE a) PERRY MASON 0 MOVIE "The Budding Or Brttt (1980) Hillary Summers Nicky Aococco X l:'IMOVIE 8 8 * Silver Streak I t1178) Gane W•lder Jill Ctaybur gh A mold· manna1eC: bOOk editor accldantelly b<1comes involved in • •1n111er •rt lh,.I • bllarre plot during a croas-country train ride 'PG' 12:25 C MOVIE * '* ,, The Mlrror Crack o 119110) E11zabelh T l ylO< Kim Novak BeMd on e llO<y by Ag1tha Chrlat141 A 1trange murd., lnv01v1ng rival HollY"'OOd ""' takea plaea tn an Engll1h Ylllege. 'PG' t 2:30 0 Qt LA TE NIGKT WITH DAVIO L.ETTI;RMAN O...st dog trainer Barbara WOOdhOUM D COUPLES TOM COTTLE: UP CLOSE Q) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLI 12:35 H MOVIE * * The Ju;z Singer c 111110) Ne•I Dtemond, l1u ranee Ollvlilt A New Yori( cantor break• with family trlldlllon end sell out 10 hnd IUCCe8S .. • pop mu•lc: tter 'PG' 12:401J MCMILLNI & WIFI Mac: 1nveat1g1tee Iha mr-- terlou s chcum•l•,.c•• bel'tlNI t,,. wppoMd flUI. elda or • 0ua1neu tycoon CAI 12:46 I Z J MOVll .. a• • "Thlt Spotlfng Liii C 1HS) Alc:herd Htrrle, RacMI Aob41t'1• A IUC> CMalul ruobY l)leY*f lo*M tne love ol a gOOd wc>man 811., tek1ng aoven190e ot ho• 1.001) MOVIE * * * "The Med Docto1 I t9~ t) BHtl Ralhbone Ellen or-A d11turoea payc.fl1alrtSt m arttelJ wom· .,n and inen kill\ thtim lor the1r money 0 MOVIE * • '> C•n Ellen Bil Saved? I t9741 Kalhy Cannon MoCh~"4 Parks I htl par en I~ OI a tunaway tewn age• <le,pera1e1y allempl 10 lroo net trom 1••8 psychic grip OI II rehg· tOu• !M!CI 0 MOVIE * • • Thr CowbOy An<l I he L ddY I t9381 Gary Coc1per Ml!•le Oberon A romancing 'a"ch hand iweeot an ntttreu ham tne cny off her teal II) MOVIE e • , ._30 t t9501 Jack Webb Wilham Con•ad A managinQ .,011or pulls all d1tPar1men1s l<>gelhe< 10 gel the paper OUI 10 ENTERTAINMENT TONIO HT lnlfl•v-s w•th Daryl Hall end John Oall'S S MOVIE * • ., Tattoo I t 98 ti Bruce Dem M•ud Adams An obsessad talloo 1r11st 11.tdnaps 8 fashion mooet and proceeds to cover h8' body wllh his ttandlwO<k A 1•30 D l• NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 0 MOVIE *a * • Paydlly ( 1973) Alp Torn. Anne Coprt A counlry and welle<n s•nger rutfllttHly m11<es "11 way to ttMdom by m8n1pul&I· ing al"td 01scaro1ng thow around Nm 2:00 8 CBS NEWS NIOHTWATCH g) NEWS l:'IMOVIE • • Come Have Coffee With Us" c 1117') Ugo Tog· nant, Valentlne A mlddle- aged tu con1u111n1 lot ttte nallan oove<nmanl relo· cates 10 8 small country town wt10te he "" ~ made heed ol Itta depart- mant 2·16 C MOVIE * • * The Brothers Karamazov" 119581 Mart• Schell. Yul Brynner A man 11 unru11ty conYICled ot murderono h11 lather 2:30 0 Q) NEWS g) MOVIE * * '• Bat>y Tekes A aow· I 19341 Stttrley Tem- ple Jame• Ounn A dtm- p I e -tac e o child atar oecomas Ame<lca's 9weet· ,,..,, U& ~MOVIE a ·~· ()uth Valley" p982) Paul laMal, Pet., Blllll"IQS· 1ey AN-Yori! yc>unge1er 11 sant to A•lron• to Yislt hi• motl'ler 1nd tlumblM ac:rou 8 Hrlel or grisly murd.,. 'R 2.46 S MOVIE a 8 1>\ "Any Which Way You Cen" (19801 Cunt EHlwood. SOf!dra LOCllt Bllora Niiiing d-n with Ill• o•rt and pet Of'angutan. 1 b8t•fl•l9d llglll« tlgnt UC> fOf -, .. , IUefltlYtt match 'PO' a:00a MOv. .. a •"' "Man From Cairo I l0S4) ()90rge Rafi, Olan· na Ca•ta Canale A lortune In QOld h~ In Iha JOHN DARLING duert ol North "ft1c.e pro•M Ill Ile a 1emp1111on 10 mony 9 SEA HUNT l MOVIE ••, T&lluo 11911 11 Aru~• O;;•n Mnuo Aoam• An ObM!S!l60 IGllOQ erll&I ~,dneps s llllh1on model itnd prO<.ou<b to co"'" hA• body with "" nand1work R 3 30 0 FAITH 20 0 MOVIE • • , Boov And Soul 1195 ti lflOn 1saac 1'&nne· dy Jaynu ~unneoy A young blac~ turns 10 pr1.zehg1>1onQ 10 raise lhe money ne f"lt'tt(;J• tor m&d• cal SChOOI R 0MOVIE e e e Fu~I ram1ly 1 t9801 Golda A.ioner Bob Newhart I ne se•ually rapress..o oaug1>1er of lhe t.ountry s wetrdesl pr&11 dorH1al l~m1ly comp11c:aleg he• ramer a 1rnempli to conduct tne allaors ot s1e1e R 4 00 9 TOP O' THE MORNING (D MOVIE * * • > ·Susan nan 0 1 1 ne Mountie~ I 19391 Snirluy 16 mple Aanoolpn Sco11 M Pdne111foy•• lh1y1 imf# Hoa-le# OI 8tg'11 atO<lel d8j)oc:ta Qu&lllles 1n pe<J9l8 that have made "mer1ca grHI Q) a• e VoungAt Heart ( t9541 F•anlt Sona· tra Dotts Day Problems beset a young cquple ell., 1n;, man s1eal1 hll part- ner• tlancee S * * * "Houae Calla" 1 l9711) Walter Mallhau, Glenda Jaci<aon A wld· ow1id doctor halt• hi1 "' Casanova tendenCl8• tono enough 10 loll lor e d1v0<- 04Hl who doesn't oelM1ve In ph1lanoet1ng 'PG' 0 * • • 'Stranger In The HOUN f t9751 K8tr Dullea. Ohvlll Hussey A Plyel\OllC murdetar h10M In the iJlllC: 01 8 college SOl'Ortty nouae on Ch1111mu Eve t2:30 c * • * "The C1nc1nna11 K•d ( 1985) Steve McOuaen Edw1td G Rob- •nson "' young cerdaharp 1,,61 to Deal the k111Q ol 1!Ud pal<er In a llallle !or prestige H * 1t •, Por1ralt 0114 Rebel Margaral Sanget I t9801 Bonnie Fra.nkhn, David Dukes At Iha tum or the cenlury, one couro. oeous woman b81tles gov- ernment med1c11 and rel.gious oppos.hon on an ellort to eouce1e wom.n tn birth controt melho<H 1.00 z • * •, Three W•rro· ors t 11177) Randy Oua1d, Ch•rles White Eagl@ A 13- yeotr old Indian ooy as1.amtt0 or being •ecog- '"'eo as a w&HtOr ~earn• 10 upprec:oale nos hotltage 11·00 c L 1ncc.•11g11>•e 1 tll801 ~lier v11t11ng h•6 S•Ck Juan Paul Belmondo grandtettter G Gunevo .. ve Bu1010 A 130 O • • Road Ga.mes pa,0 1.,0 con atl•St 1t9811 Stacy Keach Jam,. .. ncountPt\ 1rout1l(I' .... nf1t l H Cur11s An ecc.entnc t'!e rpw1rt~ to h•~ uh1 wny nt truc her a beeuhtul 111.. n11chhtker end • payctto- H • • * One On One paln•c killer traveling Itta 1 t1177) Aoboy Benaon .. ,.,. route pl•y gamea or "nnMIO O'TOOle A t>oy Ille and death PG .. tto OOH to Colleg• on • 2:00 g • *. S~lt S1oc•1ngs OO$k4!tball SChOl81Sh1p ,, I 19571 Freo Ast•ir• Cyd aouseo b~ 1ne coach ChllroSM An Americ.n fllm scorned by ho$ Iulo• and producer b11coma11 u5"'1 oy lhe M:hOOI tor •Ii 1nvOlved with a letnale 0,.,.. purPQMS PG Aus~an AQant rn Parts 9 00 c;, * * , Lady tn A Jerr 2"30 C • • •, ·The Amazing I t9•:.>) lr'ln" Dunne Ralph Mr Blunden I 19121 Lau· B@llemy ,. psyc;1>1at11St is rence Na•sm1lh, lynna pressured 1nlo marriage a• fr11d11r1ck ChrtSlmes 8 mean• ot rehot>1htalmQ • promo-to be 11ery grim w@allhy h8tr8" IOI IWO chllOran 1n ll'lelr 0 * e Mylle<y Island d1noy LondOn ftal untfl I 1I 9 781 Four Ch•IOren k1ndty mag1C81 Old genti. sir anded on an 11l&11d are man c:om.s to call G' cnosed l>y a ne•m•I end S e • "The Lottie 0<•· discover a ca.se ol coun gont" I 1981 I Sally Boyden, 1e<11111 money Ch11a Peterson A O•no ol z • • • Th•s Spor1tng k•d• trained on karate rea- lole 1 t963l Richard cue one ot lh8tr friends Harris Rachel Roberts A when she 11 k1dn1pped successlul rugby player PG loses 1he 1011e ot R good 3;00 z • • • "The l Hrn1ng woman alter tekmg advan T'ree" 111169) Kyte Johnaon. rage of he< Alea Clarke A black 1~- 0 30 Q) • * , F'uu 119121 agcw ,..,,... aoout hi• while Bun Reynolds Jack Wes hvlng 1n t<.ansas during the ton BoSIOn ts 1nllm1oa1eo tll:x>a by a set1e1 or mys11111ous 3:30 O • • A 1-1appen1ng In i.inings 1nvolv1ng ransom Hamelin" \1975) Tha ec>lc: demands madl! by a no10 story or Itta p;ecl Piper wflO nous CT1m1ne1 rids • 11\llage of lta peally 0 * • • F'1rst MonOay In rOdents Is retold "G Oclobef ( t98 ti Wa1u1r 4:00 $ • • "Sptnt Of The Matthau, Jill Clayburgh A Wind · t 19791 Chief Oen lloerel Supreme Court Jue George /4 young boy OV8<- tice cltllhes with th11 new-comes llts handlCap to est meml>et of tl>f! natton • oacome the World Cham· highest coun an ultra-pton Oog Sleddet 'PO' conStttve11ve wom11n 1uro1t 0 • • a • Las Girl•" A ( 1057) G-l(elty, Mitzi 10:00 C *'I "Hell's Angels' Gaynor An Americ an I t930) Ben Lyon, Jean musteel ahow hit• the Harrow Outing World War European circuit whan 1 th1oe Oxl0<d budd-compllc:atlons a.r1M oec;ome 01v1ded wflen they 5:00 • • "ShodtlreurNI' ue con1c11plttd to ltghl on I t982) Wllllam Conrad, opposne lldH 'PG' Chrl• w1gg1,.1. The work or $ * e ·~"The loved Dr A Ada.ms COWiey leadt One \ 10651 Robert Mo•se. to Iha ct .. llon ol the first An1anelt1 Comer Th• medical sl'todl lfeurNI unfl nel)hew ot • daceaseo Hol-l • e • • "Peth• Ol 1ywooo star ttieurs lomft Gtory" P057) Kirt< Doug· debts •nd heaoacn11s las, Ralph Meell., Ourlf'IO when 11 coma• time 10 WO<td War I, an officer m•-• the 1u.,..a1 arrano• order• his man on e tul· ments ctele moaslon et Verdun I0:30 0 a a Winds 01 and lhen a1tampt1 to Change" c 10711) Animated concHI his lo lly by Narteled by Pat« u111nov deman<llnQ the aHC\lllon SeYetAI 11011111 trom Oraelo ol tllr" sold..,.. by whOm mylhOIOgy •re racountacl he IMlt threetenttd PG' 5~30 1¢ •,_."Halt's Angela" 11 16 Z e •'I On The NICkal C 1930) Ben Lyc>n, .MM ( 10791 Ralph Watte. Don-Hatlow Outlf'IO World War aid MOlflt Lllt1 on LOI I. lhr.. Oii.iord buddlee "ngatet' ai.1d row I• dep-baClome divided wl'l8fl they 1e1e0 'R' ••• conacrle>led to l'lgl'lt on 11.30 O• • • • "Modem oppoella lldlt 'PO' Aomanoa" (t0111) Albert 10 ) aea "HouM Clllt" BrOOllt. Kathryn Harrold ( 1071) Walt., Menhau, A film editor cries repeat· Olend1 Jael<eon A wld- tdly 1o win bacl< the haa.rt o...o dootor hall• hll ol the wom•n he rovas 'A' Casanova te11detoclet 10f'O 12-oo a • • • "tr•,.. eio lflOUQh 10 1a11 tor • divot· eountry" C 195~1 O..y Coo--wno d-·1 ~ 11'1 !*. J8M1 Leigh A -IH Of\Htt'IO«lng. 'PO' by Armstrong & Batluk l " e ICCIT CAIC I P'9M1!1t I.lie ~ of ltw'i ~tur*' lllterraly e l(fTV 1111d.) <ll l v-tlmeJ "" '*" 10 '""'"' lllrft 10 ..... m. llM Of Ille Idol. 'e ICCOP·TV (Incl I • *'llotlt IN po11oe, 11111 they ref\IM ttlll•cenl~l' comp-, ,_,_.,,.,.., ,., ~:...~=~:~~~ST~~~:~:.~·~:~:~~~~·~:(Ctbl:·~·~N:""~~N:•:•wo~r~ltl~~~~~:·O~Mll9'~=·:·:111m~:(P:wt~·~'Q:.~~~.:.~:.,.::.~LIU1::~~:·~~~~.!.~:::::::::::::~~~::~::::::::::::::::::::..:..:--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~:--,..~-:-~~~ l ,... . _. Daily Piiat TUESUAV UC,I :11>, l'tU,' . ;His c up runneth over ' ' I . Tamina Booni~er-Young ( lef't ) triC'd to bC' hC'lpfu I in hnnclin14 Lawrence J o n es a cup of wate r during thC' bi<') de~ ra<·<' of a mini-tria thlon in ewport Beach . a turda) ~ but a ll ii ~ol ht·r ''a-. a wet hand and a re d fat·e. ClASSlfllD cs Deltr Piiot ll'hoto by Chef ... lier• Edison-FV: New faces, old· rivalry By ROGER CARLSON Of llM Delly ll'llot 1'8ff They're both unbC'atcn in Sunset L eagu e play, but th<' overall numbers aren't qu1lc the.' same. A n d , t h e y ' v e b o l h b t• t• n through the mill un more than one occasion against highly- r egardcd o pposition. Each continues to be a measuring suck for potential suc.'CeSS. Beat Edison or !:>tat Fountain Valley and when the football season is over, no matter what else happens, you still have that feather in your cap. Friday night at Anahe im Stadium these two Sunset L eague rivals collide again, seeking the ms1de lane to the league title. Edison h o lds a n 11 -2 -1 series advantage datmg bac:k to the 1969 o p e n er when thl' Chargers denied Fountain Valley a co-championship with Loara and a berth m the CIF playoffs. 21 -20 without benefit of a senior on the squad. But that's histor y. FRIDAY NIGHT (7:30) !l's Game XV and as has been the case for the past few years. 11·s Edison wh ich e nters as the favorite, tabbed by thr('(' points. It's been a rocky road for both teams to this point, although each is 2-0 in league play. During the non-league portion of its season. Fountain/ Valley's ambitio us schedule proved too ambitious . with an 0-5 record to show for 1t. Edison. too. we n t through a four-week span without a Vlctory 1n accumulaung a 2-2-1 record before league play. "Fountain Valley could JUSt as easily have won all five of those games," points out Edison Coach Bill W o rkman . "If memo r y BILL WORKMAN Mll<f MILNER servl-s mt• righ t, they were ahead of every ont• of them at one point or anoth<'r and nobody blew 'em out " If anyone had suggested that Fountain Vall c:y w ould be wmk>ss through flv<' non-league games the first thought some might have would be the Barons' coach. Mike Milner. being (I) lynchE:'d (2) run out of town or (3) burned at tht• sl<ik(· Such has not bt'i!n t hc.-c:ru.t• "THE\"\'E B EEN ve r y support1vt· ·· says Milner about the Barons' faithful. ··Maybe they had bC'tter 1ns1ght than I did "[ sllll don't know what to think Whl'ther W(''rt· a good football tL·.im u r n o t will probably be dl'tldt-d Friday night .. Tht• &runs havt• Ot't.·n up and down playing thl'1r worst defc:nst· of thP yc·ar agains t 1 luntmgton Beach, then pulling on their bc>St dfor t of the year a week lat<'r against Westmjnste r. ac<:ordmg to Milner T h e Chargers h ave b een conststen\ JUSt about all year - outstanding defense and, until last week against Huntington Beach. showing a dtsunct lack of offe nse Retirement didn't hurt her game · · 0 u r r u n n 1 n g g a mF has stl'adily im proved .' says Workm an abo ut his team's offense .. The offensive hne 1s finally coming together, and with (fullbat:k ) Leonard Simpson's return against Marina for a half and has 1mprov(•ment against Huntington Beach, we're getting better " Helen Perez, once ranke d No. 5 in the U.S., i s now No. 1 in senior play Qy HOWARD HANDY Of tM Delly ll'lot lleff ' : When He le n Pastall Perez ~kes her place on tht• Newpnrt ijeach Tennis Club cour ts for a tht of tennis, quite often her <tJ>ponent is husband Bob • I ; The couple is m a renaissance qf their respective tennis careers 4fter nearly 35 years of marriage 4nd the s u ccess they have 4ttained is phenomenal I : Helen recently completed a irand slam of women's senior Te nni s n eve r bef o re bmplished. When she won the Women's Senior (over 50) clay dourt title in Florida, 1t was her fourth such national crown this fear. She capture the mdoor title Cn Salt Lake City. the gr ass urts crown at Forest Hills and he hard court title at La Jolla efore goi ng to Flo ri da to mplet.e the sweep. "IT R EALLY wasn 't a oal for me, it just happened," elen says. "After I won at La JoUa, Bob and I decided 1t might be worth playing at Forest Hills. If I had lost there, I wouldn't have gone to Florida but sin~ l did and had a chance to wm the four nationa l titles. I went there, t.oo." She picked up her first tennis racquet at the age of 11. Under the guidance and encouragement of her father, she learned the basics of the game A Cler s h e joined the L os Angeles Tenrus Club. her game began to blossom and s he started wmrung junior tournaments In 1946. at age 17 , s h e won the national g irl's 18 s in gles championships m Philadelphia. defeating su ch well-known players as Nancy Chaffee and Beverly Baker along the way S h e was the No. l ranked 18-and-under girl that year That was al.so the same year she met Bob at the LA Tennis Club. He was an outstanding lennis player in his o wn righl and was the NCAA dou bles champion at the time. After the EastL•rn Gras~'OUI t tulll m l\l-lli m wh1c·h sh(• had v1eturws ovt:r t\ltht>ll <J1b~nn .111cl Sh1rkv f"n . lll'l<•n and Bob w1·14· marn-~1 &•l\H'l'TI 1!141! and rn:1·I (W~ll'll "h(• dl'\'ltlt•d to 4u1t lht• j.(.inw to r a 1-; c· a f •• m 11 v ). Ii e I 1 · n w <• s rankt'<I f1w· unws ,unong till' top 10 US wornC"n playl rs, ht•r h1ght•st rank111~ bc.•111~ Nu :"I 1n 1949 BO B BECA M E a "·1c1.> pn-s1th•nt in sale•' for CBS and the· l\.\O dl.'volt'd thl'1r llm1 to rn1smg thrN' d11ldn-n Poula. Bob and Ann Sevc•n y<'ar" ago, when the c hildre n had lrfl home. Bob rPturn<'<l to th1• tl'nni<i war.; and e ntt•r e d <J 511 a nd -o ve r tournam<'nl 10 Salt Lake City and won the• nation.ii indoor Litle I ll·len had rNumrd lo phys1eal cond1t1oning prior tu that time but tlw win by her husband so mspm'<'l hc•r that she> went int.o sc•r1ous training tu gC't hack into tennis tournamC'nl µlay h<·r~<'lf "I startC'd play1n~ agarn 10 ruins' thoughts with Leveille BOSTON (AP) -They hve with danger every irne they step on the Ice. T he risk and reality of juries are constant companions of professional ockey players. They a.re hardened somewhat to the fact that ammates will go down In battle. says Peter cNab. "You're aJways playing with the idea of death aerious Injury and you really have to come to pe with that, or else you can't enjoy playing ockey," the Boat.on Bruins' center says. Still, il probably will be a long time before any ln will enjoy playing hockey as much as he did fore Saturday night. Nonnand LeveUle, the highly regarded left ng who wu Boeton'• fint draft choice in 1981 , plained of dluiness that night between the fi rst • wo perloda of a NatJonal Hockey L<.'ague game in ancouver. Momenta later, he sank to his knees in he Bruin•' locker room. He w&1 rushed to &N:..'OUVer General Hoepl\al. On Monday, he wu reported tO ~ In poor IUon there. In • atx-hour operaUon Saturday night and y mornJn1. doctor1 stopped bl~o1 In hll rain. But Dr. Barry Wooohurat, one or the ro.u.r1ec>N who oper llted on Levelllt'. AAld, ...,,_ hM been e>eten&lve brain dalNle." ' Doctors said the bll1<'dtn~ was c·aused 11; a congenital malforma tto n of blood Vt>SSl'l<> in Leveille's brain Vanc."Ouver \~nm physician Dr Russ Davidson said th(' hemorrhagt' "had nothing 10 do w ith Normand's playing hock<'y " "He's sull unro~c;c·1ous." 8rl'lton ac;.~1st.ant c·oach Jean Ratelle. who remnanC'd in V:m<.'<>uver aft<.'r the Brums ne w to Los Angclt.>s Sunday. Mid Monday "lie hasn't woke up at nn:v tim1• -itnr<' the opc.>rahon. "h could take n lot of llm<' Al this point, there's really not a l<Jt a p<'rson l"lln do." said Ratelle, who helpt•d L«>vt'ilif"s 1rnn111tion to the NHL and acted as h111 translator Leveille was a Frcnch-sp1•11kl ng youngster when he was thrust, at age.• Ul, Into a fol>t-moving, blllnguaJ buslncas. H<' had to adjust from .Junior to professional hockey, to foe l comforta ble> with oldf'r teammates dCtfpit.c \h<' lnnguogl' borric.·r But h<' was making it He a~n~ two we ks thl11 summc•r m his homt• town of Montreal t.akmg u $000 t·rnsh t'OUn<> m English from Bcrllti . Whc-n tw rNunwd to the ice for the Brult\S, I'\{' quickly l<'fl his mt>c.J1ocN' rookic a.qon behind. "Ht! Wat a totally dlffl'rent plov<'r from Inst (See LEVEILLE, Paae Cl) makt-a healthier life for myself and to lose some weight," He len rc·, .. Jlls. ··Wht>n I first started playing cigain. I had a tough time br(';Hhing "The conditioning 1s probably the best thing about it. Of course, I like competition and the tennis court is where I can find it. (See RETIREMENT, Page C2J ................ .,.., ....... Helen Perez return• a ball duriag a recent workout. She'• the top woman enior player (over 50) In the U.S. INJURIES HAV E played a large part m both team's seasons. although Edison has suffered the most . Among thC' blue chips that have bt'<'" sidelined are guard Jim Paintt'r (neck). linebacker T o n y Johann (thumb) a nd de fens1v(• tat·kle Mark Woods (knee). in add1110n to Simpson for. five gamt's. There have been many others For the Barons. just one really notable mJury has come about, but 1t's to sophomore tailback Dave Swigert. the one runner the Barons have rome up with who has shown the explosiveness to take the heat off quarterback Dale Frye S wagcn's avallabslity. ac- cording to Milner. won't really be known until sometime Friday. He's in the process of recovering from a muscle pull and lear in his upper leg. Brian Pavalko 1s another who has been lost (since July when he (See OLD. Page C2l Pitt replaces Washington F rom AP dispatches The Pitt Panthers replaced Washington as the No. I team in The Associated Press college football poll Monday. ending a six-week reign by the Huskies. who received more first-plac~ votes but m issed the top spot by four points. Both teams remained unbeaten and untied and the move was a bit o f poetic j ustice for P itt, which was No. l In the preeason and first regular-aeuon polls but dropped behind Washington after beating North Carolina and then slipped t o third after defoating Florida State. P itts struggled offenalvely Saturda y In turning back Syracuse 14-0. The PantherJ received 21 of ~8 Clrat-pl~ votes and 1,109 of a po11ible 1,160 pointl from a nationwidt' panel o r s ports writers and sportacu\ers. Waehinaton, which did not score un\O the flnal 9:35 and d~feated T exu Tech 10-3, rt'<'eiV~ 28 flrat-pllc:e votet and 1,10~ pointa . r I I· I I • (':I 911.111uu c..;ou•t ClAll Y Pll lll • t11uuloy, Oc.1ul1 , ~O. 106.' ,,----------------------------------------------------------, Johnson 1101 worried about fans' feeling From AV dhJpull'hl•s DALLAS Dull.is L'uwbov!> m \\1th• rt'l'CIVl'I Buh'h J u h11s11n !>.1.1d • • Mm1duy lw duln't \',1r1.• wh11 tlw r.111-. hla111t'\i tor tlll' N.1111111.il t-'uotb,111 l .t-.1~1w's play1•1 !ttflkl• "'l t•oulcl l'Url! k~ .tlxJut tlw l.tn•.' oµm11mi. 11f tht• strik1.>," J nhn:son tvld t tw l>all:.s:. Jo'ort Wm th Sports Mt•Jta A:.:.11l·s.1t11111 "1'111 putting 111y livl'l1h11od 1111 tlw luw .. onw lxwly Ith•· f •• n .. 1 .ire· JUSI losing l·1111·rt,1111n11'11I 111 th1·11 lsVl'S 1'111 111 d,1111.;t•r 11{ losing t•vt•ry tlung l Vt• "u1 k1·d for " Johnson -..11d h.-l1·lt th1· avt•ragl' ra11 \\.Is Ut•t 11111111g ''apat ht•t11 1111t l'\HW<•rnl'Cl " J ll h n s II II •• I t I ' n d l' t.l JOHNIOH S unday's rnt>t•tsng of thl' player representatsvcs in W.lSh111gton, DC . a11d said "th e wage st·alt· ts nut tht• hungup (111 negotiations) That's JUst prnpagunda tht· NFL Managem~nt Cou11t·ll 1s pullmK uu1:· Rcgardlt•ss. Johnson s;mJ, "I don't ft'<•l 1h1· season is over. Wt? (•o uld play a n t•Xlt'nuc.'<.I scaso11 unt il F e bruary Wt• had a pluynff game in 37-de~rel'-bt>low -wru tl'mpt'l'iJlUrl'S last )'l'ar .. Quote of the day Hubie Brown, t·oal'h 11f tht· Nt·w YorK Kn1cks of th<.• NBA. walking a p l:.sycr through a deft•ns1vt• mant·uvt•r at training camp· "Get that fon•aml up and un me Thi!> ain't n1llt•gt• This as a mugger's league .. Lull In strike talks could lo~t l'h1 11 '" ,, lllllt 11111 111 1111 NI l .. 111k1 tnlk'I Jllll II I I llllo II II l it 11wh1h• Ix f1111• th1 • ~l111111 1l· .. ur111 ' 'l'tw N11ll111111I Jo',."tl111ll l.1 ·•~U•· Mu11ujlt 1m 111 t '1111111 ll th• 111·~11t s.11111u 111111 1111 ttw 11Wlh , .. \\ 1111 I '"' tllllllH llllll h Ill w11 1.1l111~ Ill lht• 11111111-.ll,ih• IUtllrt• 11 J.11 k l>1111l,111 '" tdt•pl111111 I OllV•·r-.. 11111111 \\ 1lli 1':11 ( i.11 \'I'\ llll'olll'\ '""I h111~ (i11l Vl'V , lh1 1 \1.,\lll\1·d111'<l"I 1tl tl\1'11l,1y1•1'\ 111111111. f1111h IJ11111 1111•1\lllU wlt,11 h1• i..111 Wll' ,1 .. iron~ \'Ill(' ut 1·u 11l1d1•11t·t 11 11111 pl.1y1•1 11'1" t•s1 ·nt,1t1v1 ..... 'iJ,X1k1• M• 111<-luy with IJunlun, tht• tJWIWI ..... dlll'I llt:~Ollllltll. ubout tf.tl•tUng buck tu thl• lws ~.1111111~ t.11hl1• v. l11d1 hoth 1ud1•s ;iliundon1·d S.1~urdl1V ··w1i,11 ,.,, .... wus I )t 11il1111'1o .111swt•r , tu.'l.••11 umu 111 .11111 Mslll'r, th1· Mun11~t·mt·nt l \1u11t·al ':. !:ipok1•11111arl "Wt• mt•t l11r t i doys 111 M.1ryla1HI tlnd tlwn · wa:. nu muvt•11w11l un tl11· 1't't11111m11· 1s.'5ut•s, !111 1.;:lt·,, llw n ·':. u t•hunut· in yous IJt,..,1111111 lht•11•'s 111>( nlUl'h S('f\M' Ill 1ie1·LllllK llJKl'lht·r . Martina, Richards to team up again flHl<;JITON. Englund M.1rttrw ~ N.1v1.1tllova ,1rrsvNI 1n Brighton Monu.1v ru~hl l111 th•· l>a1hats u 111ur n .1nwn1 .ind l't•vt•alt•d "Ill' h'"1d 1111k1·<l up ·•~iltn wath ht-1 ultl l'O<H.-h Renl•e ll1dl;11d, .11 11•1 a s pht k1sung t>nly a ft..w wN:ks Tlw.,. hrnkt· up :.o1m ..iftt•1 Navratilova won th1• W11nhh'Cl1111 s mi.tll'' t•111wn m July N.1vrn11lo~m. who a1m.1 to wan the $13tS,OOO Bnglston t•vt•111 lm tht• M'(.'ond lime, s ud, "I soon fl•Jl1n·d thJt l Cl'lt lwttt·r prepar l!d for my 111atllll's with her thun without her. She h:.ss a c:almsng mflul'lll'l' 11n nw " Colombia won't host '86 World Cup BOC.:UTI\, Colomb1.1 Citing m sc-v1•1(• 1•tn1111m1 r prubl<·ms in Co 1ornb1 a, t> r (' s 1d1 · n l B t· I 1sa r1 o BN.<:int·ur s;rnJ Mond.1y night that the · eountry will tlul l>t: host tu lh~ 1986 World Cup S(l('l.'t'I' t•h<irnp1onsh1ps ln IY7-l Colombia was awarded th1· right to bt· h1.1s1 country to lht• IY8ti Wu rld Cup. Tht• Unttl•d Statc:c;, Canuda and Brazil all havl· vnlun tl•<·red to bt• the host 1f Colombia withdrt>w &:tarwur·, a nnouncement sn a nauonw1de radio and tcll•v1s1un address Monday mght was nu surpnSt· Br wers extend Kuenn'e contract M l I. w 1\ tl K Jo: I·: ll •I I \. I' y Iii K u1•1111 "'h11'>1· M 1lv. uuk1·1 B11•Wl''" 11u11h II Lu tlu W111 ld Sn11•, ,,J 11·1 It• touk "v•·r tlw ll11u111l1•11111( 1!•11111 .111d told 1111' rol1IYl'P, 111 IHJVt lull \\ 111 l•'lUlll llt'XI y1·.11 ,,., lllollhll(l 'I 1111 Jll l'W l'I ' .1n11t>U ll t 1•d ul •I lll'Wll t•u11 ll'11•m1 1h.11 tilt' pup11l111 11 1111111*•1 hud :.llo(r11'CI u 0111• yl'.11 \ 11l1t1 Jt I tu II t Ulll 111 ltlll:I 'J't'l Ill!> Wt'l l' nut u1uauumto<l ··1 wouldn't wont ll lur :.my l1111J<1·r thun thal.'' K1Jt•1111 1".110 ··1·111 JU!St lcJOksng ul 11 1111 11ni· yeor. Al\t:1 m:xt ynir, w1,· mn look (urth1•r . I gues11 l'm dsfft.rtml tha11 "' 10 1 of pcopl1• I w ouldn't wanl lo lh• tlw duh down for two yt·un.." Kut'n11 h{'l'lilnc· lrHt·nm manul(er Jurll' i. rcplocing Ilut·k Hodlo(1•1·s, who was I irt'<I afh•r th1· Brewt•r1> huu lost 14 '" '.!.I l(Ullll'S amJ h;.sd r:ill1m into u tw for fifth plot<· Ill th1· Anwrwan Leugu"' East Ku1•1111's m1·~1Ml' for h1:s l<•un1 wht>n ht• touk over WU.'>. "S.• 111os1• lluvl• ;1 luui.<h Co out ..ind play the gume ant.I l1.1w lun " Th<• dub C1nashl-<l Wills .1 7'.!. -t:i 1w11rd u11d1·r Kul·nn ;md ll-d lhc1r d1v1i.wn by 5'' gunwi. at tlw end of Augus t The Bn.•wt'M finished the season 72.43 Express signs former Trojan Rae Mike Rae, w ho let.I USC to " • natwnal t·hampion5h1p a nd u Hose Bowl victory ovt·r Ohio Stall'. ht•ad:. a hst of 4u:.srt1:rha1·k~ ssgnt'<J Munday by the Los Angeles E)(prcss of thc.· Unstl·d S tat<:s Football Lca~ue Also Sl.Rtlln.R WC'rt' Ohio Statt··s ve rsatile Bob Atha, a furmcr Tro.J<ln Rob Preston, Robert Ambers of Grambling and Bo1St· St.at~'s Joe Allotti Agvnl Jerry Kapstein ml'l for more· than an ho ur with Los Angt"les d ub offtt'ittb at Dodg«r Stadium Monday n:gardsng the c:ontracl s tatus of vett:ran f1rs l baseman Steve Garvey. G rirVl'Y has until Nov 4 tu file for fn-e agency and lht· Dodgt•rs havt' until m idnight Nov ti t o s ign hsm without having him go thro ugh the Nov tu rl'-<mtry draft Television, radio TV: Nu evt•nL-. scht.'<.luk-d RADIO: Bas kt•tball Lakcri. vs N'•w J e rst•y Nrts at Sprsngfsl'ld. Mass , Hall of Faml· Came. 5 50 pm (d<.·lay). KLAC (5701 LD RIVALRY • • • From Page C 1 KUll1 -n·d u km:\• lllJlll y Ill <I p<.ib .. 111.: h•ugut• jlUllll J. wlio \:oulrJ muk1· .1 r1·ol cl1tr1·11 '"' f,,, 1lw B..11011·• I Ulllllllt( J(ulllt• "Wr:'rl• t(Ullljl tu Js.1vt 111 clu both trun und JM"'''·" :.uyi. Mthll'r • Hut 11 .., 1n1.,.•1 t1t1 v1• th.11 we ph1v lwld pos 1llt111 fo"th111l "LOOKING AT IT ul tlu• JMlll, LJ11• k1t:k1rilo( K:u11t• 111.1y l)(• 1•>Ctrt'Olt'ly 1mpnrw11t u111I pos."'1hlv tht• df'tt·1·m11u11~ f Ul.'t.or "Edison hw. un unhc.·lit"vubl1· w1•11pim 111 C:nry Graham 11nd thut w 11rrl1.•:. ut-111· 1·1•1 ta11il y haa :chuwn lw 111 ntpulllt• ol l<tl·ktnK ~4 :lli yur d fu·I~ goalN. Y11u ~·un pllly grcot dt•f1•ns1• .111tl .. ult J{1v1• up thr<'l' fit•ld !(OLtlis, whtr h "' ntrH· p<1111ti. "Nini· J>c>lnUt will d\•f1n1t1 ·ly ht.· " tug thsng 11'1 this lo(anw Crahum b1111 t<.•d un Or11n141· ( '•>UlllY r(•l'Ord • 5,1.varrl fu·ld 1<11111 last we>t·k .111d hst u pair uf •t:l yard llt'lt.l ~11als .1u;111111t Manna, ,1ILl10ugh for tht 111osl JMI t. th1.· All-Su1b1.•1 L1•a.iut• k1l·kt•1 from 19~ I ho' bl'l'n mt·o n:.1:.1t·n1 Although ht· h ll a pu1 r ••J.t<lln:.l Munn:i, ht.· n11i..'l'CI f1v1· "I d1111'1 k1111w sf HI po111L' will Ix· 1•11uu)(h ," si:iys Wol'km1m "Just .1i. y11u th111k 1t'l> g11l11g to be a l11gh M'Ortng g u1111· II lllrlll> llllt lit he· ... 11>1.' ·&('Ortng g;mw "[ hot>t.' it's not a l111<li "ot'6./I sng g:.sm1·, lx.-cau_.,e wt• don't !>('Ur(• that 1m111y JJl>lllt,, .1lthuu~h we're getting bt.-tu•r at It " BOTH CL UB haw a p.1:.st:r 11f 1111lt'. a nd depth to hoot The Barons ft•atun· Fryt· a t quartcrbat·k, who appl!art'<l lo really l'OITI(' mto hss own lasl w et:k with a 10-for-Ui pt•d ormant'1' lit.• ha:. had four gam<•s w sthuut an sntl'rt'<•pt1on "'six tries, with only Servile and Long Beat•h P o l y '!. h t ralded st.-<.·ondaru·s getting lo him Ha,·kup at Fountain Valll•y 1ndudes Bn·lt St.evens and Brul't' Tolln(•r Edison 's passing gamt· rt.'volves ar<>und junior Jon Nowotny. who can hurl you with tht pass or run. Nowotny'i. numbers include a2 completions 111 71 attempts for :!3B yards and J TDs Except fu1• Mater Dc1 (four 1nt.crcf'pts). h(,' has been mtercepted on only on<: otht•r oc:casion &eking him up ts fj -4 Don Gibbs. now the Chargers' ma.)Or target 1n the pa. ... -;mg game "Nothing really changes." :.ays Miiner. "lt'!> still a classsl' t·onfrontallon Edison':. de fense hasn·1 changed, nor has its offense, and the same holds tr ue with us Strengths a nd weaknesses will changt- from year to year. but 11's lhl· same systems New format for Crosby Southern "We'rt' not pushing the ball up for big chunks of yardage as in the past, we've s1mpltC1ed somt• things and gone to a mort' CUflS(•rvauve approach this year. DEFENSE APPEARS to b<.· the Corte of both teams. espcc1a lly EdlSOn's, and Workman says he 1s amawd at what his team has been able to du because oC the snJuries his team has absorbed. Golf tournament to be held opposite Los Angeles Open "Most of the dominant people on tht· front St.'VC'n thr.sl w1.• tho ught were going to be tht'rl' an· ellher out for the season o r hurt most of tht· Vt•JI' ' says Workma n . ··Sul we'vt• JUSL p<1lthc.'CI sl u p ;ond they've played." The Crosbv Suuthl•rn tournamt:'nl at Ir-vim• Coast Country" Club will. of nt•c.·l·~s1 ty. hd\'1.· J change an formcit nl'Xl yt•ur The tournament will lx· sl<lgt·d on Sund;1y and Monday, Jan 16 -17 and will bt.· pl<iy<.'Cl oppos1k tht• Los Angeles O pt•n T lJurnanwnt off1c:1als h1Jpt' tu pick up 72 touring pros to parlll'lp.Jll' in tht• Crosb~ Southern playrrs who fail to makt· the t·ut for the final two rounds in LA HOWARD L. HANDY The tournement will abo be much t·arhcr this year than in past years and will c ulminate a week of activities by the 552 Club. support group for Hoag Hospstal. at•conJsng Lo general c hairman Austin Mahr The· fin.ii l'OUntcJown for the PGA tour fall qualifying S(•hool bcgini. Nov 2 with Southr rn Caltfornsa cand1<fa ll><; pl;ry1ng a t Shadowridge CC sn V1sld THERE'LL BE A CJIA~GE in namt" of the only LPCA lournamt·nt sn Los Angell"S and Or;mgt· County n ext year but thE' ssle n·masns tht• samt fos the March l 0-13 event ( Next year tht• t-vent will bl-knowh a!> the Tne Top Classic instead of t h"· Olympia Gold CIC1SS1c and the purse money has been raised from $150.000 Lo $182,500. It will <igasn tx-playt'Cf at Industry Hills Golf Course. It's ont• of t•sght n ·gsonal 1·vt·nls across the t·ountrv A Nor Lht•rr1 C .1hf11rn1..i tou1 '""• will tx~ played. itl Pt•al·htrL'l' CC 1n SJl·ruml•1Ho ur\ the samt• fuur d a lt''· Nov :.! ·' '-'Ith t•,1t h o ( tht• l•1ght rrgtonals uff t•rmg ,1 pUN• 11f S:W.001) plus a ( han( l to advamf• 111 th<· fin;1l 11uahfy1ng tourn<irn1·11t Nov 1r;.21 Only the Eisenhower c:our..(• will Ut.• used for the 72-h ole champ1ons h1p In the· r.nal qualifying tuurnanll.'nt two rounds will bt• playct.l at tht> Ployt•rs Club and two at Sawgrass Country Club in Flortdd This one will c·ncompass 200 S<:lt'<.'lt.'d playt·rs from tht· rpgsonals The field wsll thc>n bt• reduc.-..'(f to l:W and ties Lo tackle the Players Club for tht• final two round~ for a cha ncr to gain a PGA tour l'ard Sally Little succ.-cssfully uefended her lltle last year after winning a rain-shurh'm'CI t>vt•lll the first year at Industry Hills . . . DON CROWE LL of Ml>sa V<.'rde CC finished third in the Southern Caltfom1a Golf Association Seniors to urnament at R1..-dlands Country Club recently Of courSC'. the a ll-cxC'mpl tour sn J9tt;i will have d1ffon.•n1 t:hgib1lity requirements than m the past. He rc's the revised hsl or rC'gulattons Crowell. an outstanding low handicap golfer, has been club champion at several courses in the Southland and ss among the lead ers at Mesa Verde annuaJlv I Top 125 pluyt•rs on the final 1982 money hst 2 Players not already quahf1ed who appear in the Top 25 on the 1983 official money list as of March 14, 1983. 3. The leading 1982 off1l·1al money winner on the Senior PGA tour RETIREMENT DIDN'T HURT PEREZ. • • From Page C1 "Besides. after t he childre n leave home and there are JUSt the two of you. you need something else to keep you busy I've had my share of yard w ork and I en joy tennis. "I play tennis every day, five days a week and som etimes twicr a day. Bob an:i I pla y singles all t h e time and he' .. a big he l p because he knows so much about my game. "N o . w e don't p lay mixed doubles as a team. Husband and wife team s don't play well together. You c.an have onJ y one sergeant on the court 11t a lime and we have two generalci. We'd rather be on opposite sides of the net and it works out real w ell for both of us. "Besides. Bob's reaJly good for me. He 'll do things to get me motivated that I c an't d o for myself." Helen vividly recalls her win at Forest Hills. "The temperature was 98 to 102 degrees with high humidity," she says. "But because of the con ditioning 1 had put myself through, 1 did not get ti.red. "I was doing some jogging every d ay but now I have a trampoline at home and I find I can run three miles on it and feel just as good as I do when I run outsid~ ''When I run at home, r can also watch the news on television and accomplish two things a t the same time. "But the amount of tennis 1 play is probably the best thing I do. l imagine I'm on t he court for about three h ou rs each day on the average." When He len and Bob were younpt.er5, they used the only racquet frames available at thf! USC to meet Japanese team The USC w omen's volleyball oeam, curt'('ntly ranked fifth In the rnatlon. hosta Nippon College o f Phyal ca l £ducotlo n W ednesday n ight a t 7:30 at Orange Coast C.OUege. In.their only pre vtou., me('tlng. tht Japanese college beat tht' Trojans In 1980. f6·14 . l ~-9. l&-11. Thal yetlllr. USC was 46-4 a nd w on the AIA W National Ch&mptonshlp. Nlppon won the All -Jap•n Natl O n •l ChamptoNhlp that y •r. a.a they have sewn of lhe pttt 10 ynrs. Nippon'• l.all•t player la 5-8, wh.Uo USC'• shortest starter 11 &-10 Nippon College wiU t'Ompcte In two aea.10ns.. one l.n the {all and another In the spri ng. At " tourname nt tha t opened their ran aeaaon In Japan. Nippon took th<' championship thal knturcd the top the lNlim In tht• ntltlon L ori Urantch, a senior, and freshman L IMI NledrlnJhaua, a fr~hman, are Mater Del High producu playinl{ for USC Th e Tr oja n s fa ced lntematJonal compctJtJon earlier this year , loa&ng to \he Chlnae Jun1or National tt'am , 15-9, 15-6, 1 ~~6 lime made of wood Today both use the newer and larger metaJ frames. "My game has improved by 30 points since 1 switch ed to the metal frames." Helen s ays. "There is more space to g<'t to more balls and I Like that. "I t.ried to play with a wooden racquet the other day and I hit four balls a t my feet and another over the fence. The met.aJ racquet makes a big difference." Since he r grand slam victories. Helen has been approached by a shoe manufacturer to furnish her with shoes. a luxury she h asn't h11d In previous years. "It pays to be a winner." she saya. And when she was playing in the late 40. and early SO., money for players was taboo. The pro5 were on one side of the fence and the amateur• on another and t h t-r e was n o I n -between grouncm. "We couldn't ~pt money for playing In thOM days and the~ lan't a great dHI to be made on the l!M)nfor ci~li." t he says. She pick ed up $600 for her victor y at F'orett HllL'l an d $500 for 1hc win In Florida. barely c.•nouRh to cover air Cure for herself and Bob. But they don't begrudge the loss of tnoney In the aame they lo.vc. "Perhape w e wouJd have ~de mont>y our big objt"Ctive nnd we wouldn't hove hod our fomlly," hoth aay in aet'Ord .. And thnl's 110mNhlng n('ltht>r o f ~ would tradl' for a n ything we have accompll•h ed o n the tennla court." A . I 4 Des1gnall'd play<.·r:. 5 Any foreign pla yer who ml'C'L:. t h e rcqusreml·nts of a dC's1gnatt-d player. even though he may not b<> a PGA tour member. As for individuals m that £.d1~n d<'fl'n.....c: 11 6. P.JSl winners of the TPC. World Sc:n C's of Golf, PGA Championship. U.S Opc•n a nd Mast('rs will havt• lhcsr tl'rms of TPC l'11g1b1lt1y t'lct<•n<IP<l from 5 to to Vl•Jr~ b egins with e nds Mark Vot<•nd:.ihl .ind Ent Be rgstrom a nd tacklt•s R obC'rt Jt·:.sn and Todd Broussard 7 Thr<.·t• plc1y<.•r!> a::. "s p~11c1I st•ll'l'tll11h," determsnc'CI by thl• TPC cornm1tt1te. consisting of Comm1ss 1one·r Dcan1:· B ·m an. the> tournJ mt•nt l'ha1rman and to u marn<.•nt manag<.•r Ltnt.·backl•rs in lhl' ·1-:i dl'f1•nM· 111dudt• J T Thomas and Paul Ellison. around m1d<lll• hnel><lt'kl'I Shaun Takksnen When lhC' Chargers KO to a 5-:! they'll 1t1.Sert Jeff Hipp at th<' nl)S(' and pull Ellison In pa:.t yl•ars. lht• TPC fwld wa~ dt•lt•rsn11wd straight off tht• mont•y ltc;t. wuh the• to p 144 m11m•v wsnrn•r. from unt· TPC 111 the· lh" qu~1Jif, sng for the lo111µcutlon Hipp and &-rgstrom Jrt• tht· only rl'mnants 11f :.l.drlC'rs from t ht· original Eds~m Lwu-dt'l'P list The S('('()ndary consists of mmt•n. Matt Hombl> .ind John Su•1nsgN. s trong :.Mt•ty Rdndy lle rnanckz .111d fn'< safety Jdf Wa-.hmgton. a qu<1rtl•l that h." n ·masm't.l sntal'l from tht• ::.tart Soccer fans killed F'ountasn VallC'~'s defon5': indudt-s C'nds Ru~ GC'<.·k and Eddw Wl•lb . tacklC'S Tamb) Wt•nJ and Pat Lace y and Kurt Burns at the noc;e (i.omt>lsmes S teve Martin). MOSCOW (AP) Morr than 20 pc..o;1plt· dst'Cl and dozens wt·re snJUrt'<.l 111 a p;.m1t· a l M ()S(·ow's Lenin Stadium a fLC'r <1 game last wc.~k between Dutc·h and Soviet SOC'(.'l·r lC'ams. M·m1 -u ff1c1al Sovwt soun't's said Monday Rt•1d Long and Bruc:e Cook ..11 t-Lht• back<.•n. with Mskt• Newton . Su•vc Shaar. K1.•vin Empung and J ohn Ham in thP M."C'Ondary_ Pair re I ea ed ri2 3;....:.:;_W_o..;;;r=k e=r=s.;;;;;;;;;' Tht· ac.'l.:sdenl re porl<.'d ly oc·t.·urrC'd on <1n icy rampway leading from tl'll' iota d1um. the m ain s ite of t hl' 1980 Moscow S ummC'r Olympic Gam1•s. A ING LEWOOD <AP) The Los Ange lcs Lakc·rs NEEDED NOW! Uutc h diplomat who w a tc h l'.'d tht• game las t Wednesd ay said he saw many po lice running toward the rampway as he lc·ft the stadium. but he did not know why released rookies Willie $ J o n es a nd Craig 1200 McCormick Mo n day to rec!Ul't' thcrr rosl<'r to 13 players. the N ational Bas ke tba ll Assoc1a t1onl T he n e wspaper "Vt•l·hernaya Mos k va" (Evening Moscow). reporl•-d last Thursday that "an accidC'nt OCt'urrl'd whslr thr spct·tators werC' leaving as a result of a v1olauo n of re ulauo ns team . nnounecd College Football IATUAOAV'I OAMES '#HI Or900n vs UCLA at ROM 8ow1 (I 30 p m l Wuh1ng1on 81 S1en1ord (Channel 7 Ill t1 SO pm ) Cal 11 Or9000 St Arizona as waaninvton SI Cal State Fult.<lon a( Hawaii. n Ulah at Si n Diego SI n San JON St at Nev1d1°l aa Vegaa, n 1'.ru .. ·Pacmc as USf Sonom1 St II C11 Lutheran Ca• POiy (Pomona) 11 u or Sen OteQo RIHllanc:la el Pomon•·Pllz., n Cl8remool·Mudd II Whittler, n Cal POiy (SLOJ 11 Santa Clara Aoclcla• USC 111 Arilon1 SI n Wyoming 111 Alf r orce evu II Utah SI Okl1t10ma 11 ColOfedO T1xa1·EI PHO II COIOflOO $1 Nor:hern Artzone as New M111ico SI Aocklae loxes A&M ., SMU hHI II Tnu Tech RIC• at Ark1n111 TCU el Houtton n Oralle ar Wftl le•H St New Mexlc:o 81 Nor1h htnt St ~· M1Clllg111 St 11 lndlana lll1n011 111-• Mlnnnota 11 MN;hlQen Purdue II Ohle> St NonhWftllfn 11 W1scon1111 l(af'llH SI 11 lowl SI Nflbf•lll• II Kenu1 Toi.do 11 Miami 0 Tul .. II WIChlll St OlllO U 81 c.ntrll Mlenloan Soo1nern 1111noi1 •I Enlom llltnots Ball SI at Eassern MIChlQen llffno1s S1 al Indiana St Bowling Gre«t et Kent St Western llhno1s es NOflhetn MiChlgan Norinern 1111n01s 11 Western M1eh1g11n ~th Aut>urn at Florlda Memphis SI e1 Georgie Ovke al Georgia Tech MlaaisSlppl al LSU, n Florida St et M1em1 Fie Alabama vs Mlu1aa1pp1 S• Al .111ckson Maryland et No<1h Ca•Ollna Sootn Caroline al No• lh Cer011no SI Rutgers el R;chmond. n SW LoolSlana e1 Soo1hern M11r1111111p1. ,, Baylor al Tulll!l4!. n VMI •t Virginia Kentucky 111 Vlrg1n1a Tech Marshall al Tne C1111det OavldM>n al Furman ... , LOUIS\/1118 al Piii Noire Oeme v• N,.vy !II Eu• Rul~IOfd. NJ Holy Cron at Bosson U . n Ea11 Ca1011na al WW v1rg1n1a P.,,n St a1 Boeton COlle08 Columb•• 11 Army K1nv1 Potnr at COf,,.I Y11141 at Oanmoulh Wtlltam I MllfY at Oetawwa Brown 11 Hll!Vard 8uckMll al lehlQh NonMattttn at Maine Con~tleut 81 Matsaeh;.oMlt8 RhoOe lalenc:I at N-H1mp1t111a Pet1n at Princeton c~·· II SyrllC\IM C1nc1nnall II Tem!M limited Offer ll?APJ. 2626 Harltor ltvd., Cotta Mo•• ...... ' Apply wllh U S. leading specialty goods relallet 71'·964-535• CALL ANYTIME Sun-W~ 1111 Mllll JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLI GI ,. .......... ... UCLA over Oregon * use over Arliona St. * BYU over Utah St. * Oklahoma over Colotodo * Notre Dame •vef COLLE Qt: AP top 20 ' Pill t ... h 2 Wa1l111101u11 1<~1 .l U.o<o•• 111 • SMU 111 ~ A1kena.a' ~~t 6 Ne1>1•tO.a 1 ArtlOfl" Suu,• 8 P .. ln Sl•I• 9 Alab .. !\M lO No1tr'I C111th>lmtt tt UCLA t2 use t3 lSU I• fl0ft()1 !>IMI" IS Clem.on t6 M1amt Fl• 17 Oklanoma ta wes1 v.r,:a1t11 .. 19 Auburn ZO M.cruy 1m ,, "0 I 0 U I() 0 I 0 u Ir 0 II b '0 • 0 ll t; I 0 8 t-O ~ 1-() 6-0· t SI 0 s 0 t ~ I 0 !) I I ~ J 0 s ~ 0 ~ l 0 6 I U ~? u COMMUNITY COLLEGE Thia wMk'• t c hedule SATURDAY'S 0AM£8 South CoHt Conle1ence I HIV I IOb 1.010 ~76 ~11 82• re• ~63 740 64' 810 542 •01 J " JOI 286 19• IJ~ ••• 1111 01~noe Coa.1 01 1 ulleHon 101 ~vuer101• HlQll) Ceirttos Iii San Diego M.:.aa Mt San An1ont0 •I c;,0111muut Go1oen WOSI •U•e Ml1elon Conference S0utnwH1e111 Al Sa\ld1eb•c• Paloma• 111 R1vt~ts1do CC San 011~00 Sovlllern Cal Conler•nce lA S0ulhwes1 al west Lot A11go1es I p m LA Ha•Do• iii Complon, 1 JO p rn LOI Angeles cc 81 Eobl LO• Al'Q••e~ Melropolltan Conference El Camino al Paaa<lena LA P•.,.C• a1 Santo Mon·~·• tt .. lo1>9 Boucn CC di Bake•~'"'"' • WHtern Slate Conlor•nc• Glen a ale a1 LA v •""' Hancock di VMIU!d MOO!oa•~ ~· San•• Boll !Jul I r (. Foothill Conlerenc• Oesett at Ml S1tn J.-c1n11,) .,. "-" AntelOP-tt va'·~y tit San 8t""W" rJ•f1('1 M•taCo'" u lrtll>f>1 1 Vut e~ All gem•• al 7 >O pm vnlen olllerwlH n<'ted HIGH SCHOOL CIF llG FIVE CONFERENCE Poe Team. r.c0td POlntt t Se<v11e 1• t1 1•0 2 l B Poly 1• 0·11 119 3 Loyola \6·0 t • 1011 4 Cresp (6·0· tJ 93 S Alemany t6·0 '' 70 6 Collon (S· 11 •8 7 911nop Amat 1ti 11 •8 II Edrson r• 2 tt 37 9 SI Paul tS 21 34 10 Mate• 0.. 1•·2 t' 29 CIF SOUTHERN CONFERENCE 1 Foolh1ll t 7 01 10 2 Los Alto' 1 7 -01 6;> 3 El MO<lena I 7 -01 60 4 HH Wilson 16 11 •5 5 Espe•anra 16· ti 4 r 6 Lyn.,ooo tS t 11 •O 7 M1ss1on Voe10 15 t II 2J 8 Sania Ana (4 -31 t9 9 C1p<11rano Valley !•·:> 11 16 10 V111a Par~ t•·2 11 5 CIF CENTRAL CONFERENCE t SadOleback ( 7 ·OJ 70 2 la He'><a (5·21 58 3 Fullerton 17-01 Sl .. El Toro C5·21 47 S RM>Cho Alam!IOa (8-II 34 II lOS 'l""OOS , •• ,, 30 1 N-por• Harbol 1• 3, 2~ II West"'n (5·21 10 9 An.,,..m (5·21 t9 10 l• °""''" 13·•1 13 ColOQne Indoor tournament (at Col09ne. WHI O.rme11r1 l'lnl1 RCMHM:I ..,,.... Jonn Lloyd (8 rllalnl def Hana-01e1e1 Beutel (WHI Germany) 11·4, II·•. Nick ::.av1ano cu::. 1 dal Lloyd Bourne tU S I 7-8, e-•. C1111oe Klrmayr (BraiH> oat er- Fo""'°'1n (US.). &-3. 7 ·II. Stanl1l1v Blf- (C1echoalovakl1) del Chrl• Dunk IU I)~ 8-1, 8-1, Shlomo Ollckateln 111rae1) d•I Andy Kolllbatg IU S ), 8-7 8-3. &-• Indoor tournamenl (•1 'etl•) Flrtt tlloo.ncl ....... S1an Stnltn (U S ) def Ertc Fromm (U S I. 6· 1, 6-•. H.vold Solomon (U S ) def Aman• Jumateno (8on.1'dl). M . 8-3. 81-ManlOn (U s I d•I Chrletopne Ro.ier-VHHlln (Fr..-1 &-4. fl-• Jarom41 Potlet (F•anc:e) ci.1 ErlC ltkeulty (US). 6·1 S·7 8·3 Jay Lapldu• 1u S ) def Di nny Vl•H• ISou1n AlrlCe), &-4, 8-2 Hlah achool women t....,.. iJMct, 14, ....._, ....,_ 4 ..,..... W~lette (LB) 1091 10 St ....... HI, Oaf l " 6-0. de! HU111\g1 11-o, Sturm lllll IOlt •-t. won. 8-4. M . Oodtrey ILBI loet 0-t won. 8-2. 8-t D"'*- Peek-&;gl (l81 def Tur,,..·Bled< 8-2 Oaf Tvlly·Raboln. 7-5 def o...-,-s.t>etoen 1.5 Conkey-Neylor (LB) won, 8· I 8-1 8-3 9rowr1ow111~ (LBI "°"· e..•. deleul!ed won. 8-3 Lot Alamllo• MONOAY'I M•Ul Tl (tot of ll•"le"' ,.., -11ne1 Al',. A LOO••• PIRIT RACI .•• , lu•long• Mllet J J cP•ulln•I 4 to l 00 2 70 00 Mr Big l~Orte fBvrnal 8 •O l ~0 011 Double fl Pl .. .WIW (WhllAJ ~ 10 C>H Bai I • Mon (llonll) ~ 'O 00 F1noah•O 11 .. 1 111.quallllaO anel j)lece<I MCO"O OH o.aon .. 1 lo• 1how Alau ••t all Maeno Belone• t 10111<.ll• Cu<1out Bvt>ble Twin lntun DoulJle Pall• Time St 315 t2 ElCACTA (8-71 1>•10SI1 •O OUARTIR"ORHI lfCONO RACI . 3SO yerdt Ga11091ng Domino tTonk•I ~ 20 • 00 3 10 Some o<1nda VolleQ<I 1Paulln•I Cl 80 4 40 Some flgU1e 1Brooi.a1 II 00 4160 rac.d Win Monaey. Ulll• TOQ Cnic;. Muc;n Aau E• Pl(;no Jenn 8•• Go 8•1110n 1nt1e1ion Hot CabooM l11ne 1112• THIRD RACI . 3:.0 yaro1 War Ster Wr1>91! (Hat1) 5 •O 2 80 2 tO Gerland SI~ CC•Mge<I 3 80 2 80 Et E• Te 11oni.a1 3 20 Alto •aced £a•y J.11 WlnQI McK•; w ... Boogie Bii.re. K1p1y1 Sa•ko Eaay Sandt fly•1>9 Pu...,, Alamlloa Van B., Time 17 CIA 16 E.llACT A 15·6) peoo l •O so THOROIJOHltlllDt ,OURTH RACE fl lvr!ono• F'"1ea1 Hool !Bleck! 6 60 3 20 3 00 Elegan1ar1an (Hanaen) 3 00 3 00 Yovn11 Aom11e1 (Onega) 5 60 Al10 1aceo Surln1m Go10. M• Abe A•anOoro Smokey Slover Jim Jim, Tap Cny KlnO Of Km•y T•me 1 17 315 FIFTH RACE. 6'" lurlongt Son ol S11><m (Rome<o) 25 00 14 80 S 00 Sp1<1C Point 1Sll>lllel e 80 3 •O 0t1nooon111 (Ca11ane0a1 2 60 AllO raceo Coal\, Hoo••y s Legend Cole' landing, B0urt>On Ano Blues. Mr Pee Men Pc-tul Guaro, tale Be 1 Sootier Time I t9 4•5 N f.XACTA 19·61 paid $407 00 SIXTH RACE. 7 lurl0"91 MIQlll'f Dulce ICastene<lal • 80 3 •O 2 60 s""' Lo,,.. IC>elo•d••ool 23 •O e 60 r •'<• The f lack fP1ncay1 3 00 Aleo eceO Iron A~y Ereca•e Span1way S1tr..r l anc;ta V•••n Ol1mp1c K•no Cell A"'-'tean lime t 2• 315 IEVENlH RACE. t 11 II) m11es OIO'ole Man 1011varea1 • 00 3 •O 3 20 Real Pnyl (Qeol11Ckl 6 40 • 00 Station J tOrtegel 5 20 Also raced l•I• t Ga) Ru1•t Senor s~rg10 Mt! racul-lU~ Ct • Pu11•• Soect.cu"' Buu Time 1 411 M EXACT A (5-81 pa10 SSS 00 EIGHTH RACE. t 1116 mt1•1 Peg.anlry (Va.eruuel•I • •O 2 80 2 20 Blve Rim Roek (81ack I 3 00 2 40 In Tne Rye (O•teg•I 2 80 Also 1ac.eo Wllh Ltt>erly fr" Tne Gold Ttme t •• •'$ NINTH RACE. 6 lurlongs fltem1n tBlaclc) 20 00 II •O 5 00 Je<et>a (N&•a"O) 11 •O S 00 Jim Tee 1HanMnl 2 60 Also raceo M•w s Pappa Bere. NHIY Natt•• Huse• Recline. Bun Marcnanl. R1ve1 P9flecl ROdQ41 O r11cn Time t t t 215 N UACTA (6-41 pelO $535 00 1:Z PICK llX (3-9·2·5-3-81 petO S 17 2 HI 20 .,..,n 1111" """""'II 11<:,.et• ''" ,,.,._, 12 Pt::ll Su< ~allon paid S t30 40 with 132 """""'II tld<•ll (!Ive ,,.,._, TUfTI4 u ce. 8 -.. Pompeol Cour1 (P&neayl 5 60 3 •O 2 40 CNnoOil Pase (0.-.on) 4 60 3 00 To 8 Cl< Nat (V-.zveiel 2 IO AIMI raced Mwble Cout1 Fl'yltlg cno. Pottye -T-I tO EL.IVEHTI4 RACE. I I Ill mllel Do<\ s Me<maMl 1Cs1noa1 £ •O 3 60 J lO Potre<O Hlft (A•190"I 6 80 • 20 Flying K"'Qhl (Wwrenl II 80 41&0 ••C•O Crad'1 Squeere Hungry Monl!Or1 Otck Mvllogen, Ano1ner Pu<c- M• F91 Oul PueOlo ~· Tome \ •11 215 1:2 EllACTA l•·tl pet() SA3 00 Allendenee 10 9116 Women'• volleyball COU.IGI C1aremon1-Sc11pp1 def Cllrllt College (1"'1n•> 15-1 6-15 tS·tO 15·6 NHl CAMPeEU CONRRENCE King• W•nn•peg Edmonlon Calgary Vancouvet Cnoc.go MlnnMOle St lovt• Toronto Deir on Smrthe Dh•lelon W l T ~ OA Ph s 2 2 Jfl 31 t2 5 2 t 42 26 11 3 S 7 47 SS II 3 5 2 SO t 7 II 26•3034 5 _.,., DMaloft 8 2 1 47 27 18 e 2 t 39 29 t3 5 5 0 35 37 tO • 3 27 32 5 7 1 25 45 3 WAU!I CONFERENCE '•trick D!Ylelon NY lslenOert e 2 0 47 27 tll Phtlaoelpn1a e • 0 40 33 12 New .le<My 3 3 3 30 33 9 NY Rangera • 6 0 38 43 8 Wat/ll1>9lon 2 5 1 25 37 5 Plltabv<gll 2 6 I 30 •6 5 Adame DM.ictn Mon11aa1 7 1 t •S 27 15 B09t0<> 5 3 7 3• 32 12 Quebec: • • t 45 •5 9 Butt.,o 3 s 1 31 38 7 Hart10<0 2 • 2 211 37 8 .._..., .• o_ No gamee IChtdVled T Ofllttll'• Qamee T 0<onto •I Ove«>«: MlnnelOla at -JerMy Buffalo el Mont .... Calgary at N-York 111..-1 Hllt11ord el VlllY.lOUYt< IAIKITIM.I. ... "°"* ..... ~ ·--"°" lOS ANOEll!S LAKEA8 -FlelHHIJ Wlllle Jonff end Or•ICI MeCOtmtck NEW JERSEY PltTI -Cut Jimmy BleOll 9NI 1 ony llfown, guwO.. ll'Ol'lll.ANO ~"All. 11.Allllt - A1'1101111oed 111•1 Ptt111 011omu11011011, cent•. ,,_ Ifft lltt Cllll> lo pi.y Ill "Illy COUIM IALL &TAlf -Nt<MCI Anll•ff ~ tnl•lm -·• •thlttle dllec:tor t<.ANSAS -""'"90 Otl 811tnllel lnttt<m •tNttlC dltec;tor Craft's big 99-yarder led way lntl'r< l·ptmns \\'l•n · tlt•i.1gnl'1..I tu turn t hing:-. around aniJ LI t·uupll' or <lfl'il prt•p fuotball playi:rs did JUSt that last Wt·t·k Fount.am V a J I (' y ' ., J :.i m 1 l' C r a f t a n d Hunt111gton Bl'ach's H1 l'hard Mc·ndow spt.•d lor long-dtstant'l' lOUl·hduwns Cr<Jft's Y!J-varcl da~h wnh his :hl'fl st·on·d· tht• Barons' frnal tuul'hduwn in ..i :H · 7 Vll'lory ov1·r W~s tm1n s t 1•r Jnd Mendoza's 77-yard stn•ak put th<• Oilt•rs up. 10 0. ovl'f Edison bl'forl' the h.1llN pn•va11Pd, 21-lti. Also s1gn1f1n m1 111 the ordt>1 uf big pluvs was a 54-yard crfort by plac...e-k1ckcr Gerry Graham of Edison. a Sunst'l League and Orangt' County rt'<'tlrd The Big Plays !:19 Jam1t.• C raft I Fo untain Valley). TO run with intt•rt't'pllon 7 7 H 1 t' h ..i r d M l' n d o z a (Huntingto n BL·a<:hl. TD run with anterc'(•puon 6 4 K rv 1n Bradlr y (Saddlcb<ic:k). TD run 56 Lanct.• Martin (Corona dl'l Mar). TD run 54 Gerrv Graham {Edt!'on,, fwld goal · 51 Ri l·h Ht'l.'t<>r (Manna). TO run The season's big ptaymakers 9~ Jurnll' Craft (Fountain Valll•Y), 92 Steve B razas (Newport H arbor), 88-Jim Garto n (Ocean View). Jerry Eldridge (El Toro). 80--Steve Opnan (Mater Dc1), 79-Richard Aguirre (Mate r De1l. Gary Ianuzzi (University). 78 Vernon Wallerich (Edison). 7i Richard Mc•ndoza (Huntington Beach): 76 Garv Ia nuzzi (Un1vers1ty 72 D a nn y Thompso n (Huntington Beac·h). 68-Don Pryor (Co rona del M ar ). 67 Carl Saterfield (Huntington Beach). L ance Martin (Corona del M ar). 66 -L ouie Ct-rda (Huntington Beach). Bobby William s (Sa ddlcbackJ : 64 Ric h ard Aguirre (Mater De1 ). K ev in Bradley (Saddleback), 63 Jamie Weston (trnivers1ty), Chris Mandeville (I rv ine ); 62-Bill Marl e r (Marina). J o hnn y Salinas (Irvi n e ), Mik e Za ld ivar (University): 61-Bill R ussell (Woodbr idge). G lenn Vieira (Ma rina): 60-James Dunn (Huntington Beach); 59-Gerod J ones (Edison); 57-Eric Kannan (Marina): 56-Lance Marti n (Corona de l Mar): 55-Pat Dubar (Mater De1), 54-Jerry .Eldridge (El Toro). Gerry G r a ham (Edison). 52-Kevin Bradley (Saddleback), Chris Mandeville (Irvine): 51 -Dave Pauerson (Corona d el Mar), Rich Rector (Marina ): 50-Gary lanun1 (Un1vcrs1ty). Clark Patterson (Marina); Lance Martin (Corona del Mar). Last week'• 1taU1tlcal leaders Ru1btn1 l K evi n Bradl ey (Sadd1'•back). 19-237; 2. Lance Martin (Corona del Mar), 27 ·206: 3 . Derck O r ifllths (Edison), 27-158. P111tn1 1. Mike Wl'lll (Newport Har· bor), 9-16·0, 168 yarda, 2 TOii: 2. Mike Douglua (tl Toro). 8·18·1. 146 yards., 2 'T'OJ 3. Kevin Burke (Woodbrldte). 10-16-l, 133 yarda. 0 TD: 4. Scott Davia (Eetancla). 8-17·0, 108 yards. 0 TD U1 "'Cltt Grmi.1 f>All v I'll o I / I 11tt!!lduy U< tn tmr 26 198:J (·a Prediction came true <:dM ' · named of the Martin play~r .. w•k T11lk .Jhout u1lltnu yuur :.huUi Coronu dt•I Mur Htt(h'11 Lulll~' Murtin did JUKl thut lubt Wl•t•k Uj(HlllKI lrvllw 11 11411 111 •I 1:1 0 vlCllH'Y Thi· I r1;, pound i.t·nior, an All St·a Vlt'W LN1gut• d1111t·1• ui. a JUn1ur. told hrs uwt•h , 1>1 l'k Morns, "I'm good for 4!00 yurds tonight," lht·n pruc c·t-dt•d tu raek up 206 yardi., a ~·hool n~urd Alung th<.' way ht• st:ortod both of the Sea Kangi.' tuul·hdowru., one a 56-yurd dai.h. l'arning hun the Dally Pilot's rt'<:ugr11uu11 a:. Play('r uf th•· Wt.'t'k. Murtm ha1> run for 72 I yard!> on 156 c:arrws ('I 6 avN·agl') for the year, in add111un to t·att·hinl( two pui.ses und throwing " 28-yard toul·hdown pa~' from l11i. running post His 4!06-yurd m.irk s naµi. his school's r ~ord by om· yard 1>t'l by Bob Fl•rraro an I !:174!. "He's fast <tnd tough." o,ays h1i. coach. "And hC' runs JUSt a~ w1·1l inside as ht' d0<·s outs1dl0 " Martin was inJurc..'CI with two sprained anklt·s as a ;un111r a11J his future as a S(·nior was sh:.iky for a while following an injury lo his left hand agamst Saddleba<k He was out of aet1on for tlll' s<.'l'.un<l half ag:w1:.t Suddlt·bac.·k and rt'la11vl'lv 11wffc.·< tlVl' tht· next WCt·k ag<t.lll!>l El Torn l>t•fur t hursung loose at Irvine· Thl' t•ff111 t Wd!> t•vt·n m111 c s1gn1f1<·ant lx'<·Llu ... 1· II 1,11111· 111 •• gamt' wh1<·h w .i1> .. m.1kt•-11r brt·<t k ~lluat1 u n f111 tht St•,1 King!> The· \'ll'lOI''.' kt µt l'or1111,1 del Mai tn tht hunt fo1 " Cl F Central C11nll·n·m<· µlayoff b(•rth with a '2 :! rc'<·ord Martin ha ... h:.id t\\11 1>tht'1 sterling t'ffort:-. du1111g lh1 ~t·.1~111 -a 1 l :i-\:.ird l0ff11rt 111 :!:! t•arr11-s against ~iunungton &•nc·h 111 tht season ·OpL·m ·r. and ..i lliti y a1 d 11 I g h l 0 fl ;J 2 l ' It rt I l' '-ti g ,1 I II S l Estam·ia Dilly Pllol Sl•H Photo l.a1u·e Ma rlin"!' 206-)anl 1wrl'ormam•t• His four tuul·hclown runs th1:-. v<•ar han· lx·c·n from :Hi. :H. 1:1 and 4 vanls. la..,t Frida) ha~ •·ariu·cl h im Dail) Pilo t pla yt·r of tht.· wc·c·k honor~. Other players of the week Jeff English, Costa Mesa A 6-3. 200-pound st•nior t1ghl t•nJ. Engll:-.h caught four passes for 31 yards. givin~ h1111 I:! catches (or I ~W yardi; on lhC' M.'ru.cm Ht• .... a.-. al.so a stalwart in the oHt n. ... 1\'l' llm• with h1., blix:kmg De rek Grifritbs, Edison The I 75-pound M·n1 or rushl-cl f111 158 '.1ub 011 'J.7 c:arr1t-s from h1::. l<.lllbal·k :.lot. uppmg 111 ... '>l"1,on totals to 357 yards o~2 t·..irnt..., Among lw, l.1111•"• against Huntington "'ach W l'fl' gains o r :~:! I I. 1:1 and I 3 yards. Brian Horgan. El Toro A 155-pound w1dt· 1 t~l'l\'C1 1 . ll11rg.111 c .1ugh1 4 paSSt.'S for 7U yards. tnc:ludmJ( Loul·hclown p .ts..'-t':O. ''' 49 and 12 yards m El Toro'!> 29 7 Vtl ton 0Vt•1 Co,.t.1 Mesa. For .thl' .,eason ht• has c:aught II f;·r l!l!l vards -nearly 2:i yards pt•r rt'l'l'pt1on Matt Wolf, Estancia Primarily a l1m•b,11.:kc r, 1lw, lfi;) µotmd J1m1.11 was crC'd1ted with four tacklc>s. 111dud1n~ thrt•1• unass1stt'd s top:. Whl•n ht· rt·pla u •d t ht• inJU• t•d Matt Sp1c·s at t:11lb.1l k ht• ,1vNag,·d aim•..,, ntnt· yards a carry (9-Cor Hll) Dale Frye, Fountain Valley The 165-pound senior l'omplt•tt•d Ill ol I H passes for 92 yards and a toul·hdown. ht" fourlh game in six without an antl•r<•t•pt1on I Ii~ S<'ason stausucs now sh()w 5:l t•ompll'l1on .... m 100 a ttt•mpls for 650 yards and h touchdowns LEVEILLE • • • From Page C1 vrar to this yt•ar," said d t·f<.nst•mnn M1kl' O'C:onn('!l :.He was b y far our best playt'r this yl·ar" Small. but an aggrl'ss1ve battler who didn't shun c·ontact. Lt.'Vl'ille ~:orc'CI both of Boston's go;tls in a 2-1 victory hert' against Vanl·ouvt•r cm CK·t It Afterward. h e gav<' a n extt•nclc•d pos t g<Jml' interview m English Now, ar ticulate Bruins have troublt• fmd111 g tht> right words "You try to say somNh1ng. to be.• profound. but thl't"e's nothing you c·nn say." McNab ,.ays "It's ;11s1 a fr-ellng you have. a hollow fl't.'llng." In Los Angcll"s. wherl" the• Brums µluyc.J the· Kmgs Sunday night. teammates reft(>(.•tcd on tht· stndes Leveille had made in ndju.sung to the NllL .. Everybody that's romtng m at 18 years old, w hether he can speak the languagt• or nut. has it difficult." McNab said "And if he doesn't speak the language. it"s doubly dtftlcult Ht' was startmg to catc h hold o r Spl'akmg En((liSh and getting confidence m h is hockey " "li(' was quiet but he was getting to the pomt whert• he'd make us all laugh," said O'Connell "He's not afraid to make m1st.akcs when he speaks . He's not worried that we'll ltiugh at him, whereas last year hr was." Arte r a strong start a s o rookie, tht• swift skating Lev\•ill<' ml!scd I 2 gem<·s with a knee Injury and never r egained hll' t•orly form. He· fi nil1hed with 14 goel1 and 19 nsslsts. Thts tell.son, th<.' scrappy forward hod \hrce goal3. lnt ludlnl( two game-w inne rs. and "he assists In nint> gllrn<'fl. "He flt In a little moro 14nd w11K a llttJe morl! comfortable ." said crntr r Sorry P«>de>rson. who sharC'd A condominium with Lt-vellll' and <.~ntt'r Tom Ferg1.111 last y~r. "With the start he hnd, thti"' was nobody In tht> lt>ague that I thought wn~ playlna bctt('r " Ratcllt". who •pok C' to LtvC'tll<''" par«>nts m French. 1'tlld tht>y al'\' "wry ~dly l'hok<'n " Richa rd Mt"ndoui, Huntington Bear h ,\ Ii '2 .... t 111111 .ind tht· tt·..im s punter . 1n <.1ulJ1t1on to his rul~· .i.s a fr(:'(• safC'ly in the Oilers' 1>l'l11ndar~. ht· r,111 ;In 111wrt<'pt1on back 7i yards for ., 111ul hdo\\ n. mad1· ..,,,... tackl<'S and h<id one assist L..i ... t "'J:.tlll h" •n·1·ragl'<.l on ·r -ltl vards pt•r punt .md "' µunting 1h1~ vt·.ir al .... !!I:! rolt• Bede Arabc, Laguna Beach ,\ two v1•ar ... 1artt'r. this 154 pound scatback r,11t for YY v;1rd.., 11n 14 t·arrlt':. (7 U yardi. rx.•r carry) 1111 \\hat was 11tht>r\.\ I'><' a tough night for lhC' Artists 111 ,, .111 II 1.,..,.., .11 l\1 1s'>1un \'1c•Jo He.· has bee n 1t.1111pt.'l l'd Ii:-ank It Jnd shouldl•r in;unt>:. J ohn"' 'aliou'\, Irvine A0v1·1 .aging ti '> :-<1nb IJ1 'I t ;1rry on the· !>C'aS(rn. 1lw I :1.1 pound 'L n1111 r u:-hL·d for 1-18 yards on 18 l'arrll's aga1n~1 l 011rnn<1 d<'l Ma r. 111:. coac·h. T erry llc·n 1g.111 . :-.a~ ... "Most of th.H ww .. wit hout any bl11<·km~ ctt all. I don '1 know how h1· gut 1l " For the w .Nlll Salina:-. ha:-. l'arric•d I Ill Urnt•s tur 716 yards .md 4 Till. Bill Marler, Marina ;, Ii I ;unior. ht dtrt'( tl'd tht> \'1k111gs to their 1:i O com1uL·st ol lkt•,1n V1("W , d(-spne throwing only thrP<.· tutlt'S Tw11 of thOSC' 1?3'1-WS 'A'Cfl' raught - .ind \\'t•nt for lllUl·hdowns of 4 7 and 12 yards For tlw Sl'JS•JI\ l\la1 lt·r h.t'> wmpll'Lt•d -1 5 of 98 for 6!>4 'ards and IJ lUUl hdown:-. with ;ust 2 mter('('pttons Roger Re) noso, Mater Dei Rt·\ no~1. a Ii :~. 200-pttund '><'OIOr. C'omplt.•ted 9 o t 12 for l!'i '.1rd:-<lnd 2 touchdowns in the l\1on;in·h,' '.!I i 4 v1t·torv uv<•r St Paul. the first Matl'r l>t 1 \\ 111 m 't'r St ·Paul :.ante 1966 It was his fifth E(.tnw m M'\'t'n without an mten"t'pllon and J:IV<.'S him 7 TD ~ssc1> on th<' st.•ason Stt>ve Brazas, Ne\\port Harbor Thl' Sailors· ti-:~. 207 pound workhorse rushed. for 5!'i yardli on 1-1 t:arm•s and t:aught J passes for 74 v:.ircls and 1n tho::.<' totals Wl'n• four touchdowns, t·om111g on 33 :met 3 I yard rt"<.·t•ptlons and l and 2-yard rushing bursL'\. I h • hns 11 TDs 011 the> season. John Donnelly. Occnn View In a gamt' whtt h Ocean V1t>W was a 45-0 loser. th1• :>-W. 175-pmmd Donnelly stood out on defense wnh the> ruggNl ass1gnmC>nt of trying lo cont.ain 6-5, 230-pouncl Rill M,ll'IOS of M1mna "Hl· did what we Jskecl h1111 to do and playtod Wt'll." says his coach, Stevt' ColflC'sh Kevin Bradley, Saddleback With 19 l·arries .md 237 y,irds and three touchdown.'\. thl' s peedy 165-pounder raised hts season to ta Is to 12 TDs llls TD runs were from 64. 35 and JO yards nfi(a1ns t Umv<'rslty For the season' he has l'arrlcd I I 7 tlml'S for 7!'i8 yards Mike Zaldivar, Untvtrslty :: On a night w lwn 11" lot didn't go nght for the Trojans. 7..aldivar, ti 160-pound JUnior. stood out wil.h 8•1 yards rushing on 22 ci1rries. and causht a. 27-yard 5ror1ng pass. It was tlw tl'urd lime he has, b<>cn askt-d tu corry lht> ball 21 times or more during the ea!'!On Al Kahn, Westmlnsltr A l!lO·puund s 'nlor ouL•Ud«> llnC'backc r, Kahn wM crndltcd with four lead tackles. Cour aaa.ist.1t csu11t'd two lnoompk•te passes and had A 11aCk ln the Lion!'' 31-7 le».: ll> Fountain V3ll y. 'tan McCaffrey, Woodbrld&e A 6-3. 17!\-pound 1cnior d c fe n1lvf en d. M<.-Cnf frey hAd th~ ~kl ind knO<'ked down a pass 1n tht• Warrion1' 14-7 vict.ory over Ontano. ' .• Orange Coa1t DAILY PflOl ITueadey, Octobttr 28, 1882 'Billy hall'. • will survive Martin still in d mand B'Y WfLL GRIMSLEY Al I J*:lel C°''"poft4Mftl 81lly Mu run Ii. ba.sebull'' "Mr Fuc h " lll'ad ~lnmg, f ll'l).'C.'ly m dl'penden l, t.•1lel )' 'md unumwd. hi· hus eml'rg l'<i u11 t h l' m1.X1t l'OVl'll-<l uml h 1~hl'l>t JJl'll't.-d mum1Kt'r in tlw .cu11u· Ji l•':1 wur lh l'Vi>ry pt.•n11y ot w h ult•vt'r hl' gH.11. But put h im o n A$ sh o rt leruih H e 111 11nputte 11t and 1 1'1•:1tl1·s.~. Ile doc.-sn 't ltkl· dl't.'P root.s Ill' gl'ts th t' job F d o n<.' p ro ntu muf t h t•n s l..lrlS looking aruunu for ~ o thl•r fl•m.~ to rtll'nd T lwre's no manager m tlw world lx.•th·r ..iblt' to ~1k1· & Ulttert'<i, d asorgunm'tl and un1nsp1n·d b.d l dub a nd t urn 11 into un 1ru>t.,nt winnt•r Troubh· ts hc> doesn 't 11kt• to stay a round a n d .1<ln11r1• h1~ handiwork I le outweaN> h1~ Wl'kouw Alwnyb ht.>'!> gut to h at the road again ' I ' ' I l I J • ~ ' t c • • • SO N O W THE fra<:u ous, ptgin>n-tough Ca!)(!y Stengl'I pnHt'gt> is ou t u f tht-(·orral c1guln a frisky m:weric k walling to be grublx'<i b y SOllll'om · in d an' need o f h e lp And lhere are a lot of cagt•r ~rnbb•·~ G abe Paul, boss of t ht• Clt•11t•la11J lnllwn~. I!> dangling a $1 m iUion . t hrc'<·-layt•r b.m under Billy COMMENTARl' Boy's nose. New York newspapers kt-cp insisting h e's com ing back to the Y ank('t's for the third lime or as it four? O ut •m t h e West Coast, talk 1s h l' ls owne r Gen e Autry's c h oicl· to rl•plaL't' the h igh ly rc'Spect.ed Gen e M a uc h , who quit afte r fn1lmg to p u t the Angels mto the W o rld Series. A utr y den ies tt. What k ind o f a guy is th is wiry. mustach ioed rebel who turned sow 's ears Into silk pu rses at Detroit , T e xas. N ew York Y ankC'C'S twrt'l' a n d finaUy Oakla nd only to be fired w h <.'n the wbrk was done? Yo u have to let ham tell you h1~1f ' Whe n he tak es over a balldub. Billy says. the first thmg h e d oes as get nd of what he l·alls "the clubhouse lawyers. alib1ers and l'OmplamC'rs" "WHEN l'M MANAG ING. you 'd bettl•r take you r job serio us ly o r you w on't be around long," Martin sa ys m h is a uto biograph y. -Number I." w ritten In colJaborat ion with P e ter Gole n buc·k. "If you play for m e. you play the gamC' hkl• you play hfe You play 1t to be sul'l'<.'ssful. you play 1t with d1gnH y. you play il w ith pnd"' an d you play 11 aggressively .. _ Billy said when he first came to tht• Yankc~s in 1975. h e foun d t he locker room o p<>raung ltkE' a coun t ry clu b . "Players were bringing their frie nds 1n oth ers were baby-s1 umg l ht'ir uwn kids .• uad n oticed that in th e bullpen during the· game the p1t<.·hcrs were playing 1.:u rth and eating sandw1ch('S." M artin quickly put an end tu !-.Uth 1nfurmollty. con ten ding t h is lack of proft•ss1onala sm was reflected in the team's play Ye t he ms1Sts h e ls not d s tnct d1sc1plananan H e 1s a gainst d n vm g a team an training. one o f the fe w m ana g ers favoring brisk one-a-day w o rkouts H e says. going to a n ew club. he soft-sh oes at d u rin g the adju stment period. ·allowm g p layeni to sink or rise to th e ir own level "I'll go over it fou r d iffer ent ways, trying Lo figure o ut the right way to talk to a p layer to get m y point acr oss w n hout hurting his feelings," Billy says. WHATE VE R HIS method!>, t ht•y wurk£•d an brief tenures with M in nesota thi.>n the T1gt-rs, Ra n gers. Yan kees and the A's, w here he molded c hro nic losers into winners Then suddenly he got the gate. Whal as B illv's A c hilles heel" W h v 1s ll 1m poss1bJe for him 0 lo settle down Wllh Ont' c lub as dad W alt Alston w ith the Dodgers over a q uarter of a century'> It simply isn 't Billy's n ature A n agg ressive battle r who will lie aw ake all night fretllng over a I~. h e disdains laxit y in th e held and b rooks n o inter fe re nce fro m th e people who pay his salary M a rt in recalls h ow Y a nkees o wne r George Steinbre nne r w ould summon h am to th ree-h our st rategy sessio ns an the boss' o ffice every d ay of a game "George was a lways asking me to chew some guy out." Billy said . "Ch ildren do things like that. Whe n I see a player d oing something I don't like. I d o n 't g o screanung and ranting and raving like a k id who som ebody just took his candy bar away fro m ." Fron t office confro n tations are a way or hfe for this pro ud skipper. w ho demands d oing things h is way . • Can G eorge a nd Billy really find peace m a n oth e r remarriage? It's doubtful. But whe reve r he g oes. B illy will get the pb d o ne -then look for a tresh e r pasture . AP Wlrepl>Oto l 1C L\ tu ilhac·k Fra nk Uruuo ( i.2 ) is rwo rly undr<-SS('d whilt-S<'Oring TD Sotunlu' at Cal. Babe's hoine now a shrine • BALTIMOHE tAP> Ltkl· pilgrims at the ::.hnm· u l J rt•vt•rt>d saint. thouS<!nd~ of b..l!>C•b<ill (JI\!> t'dl'h vt•ar v1s1t a modest &lumun.• ruwhOU!>t: wlH·n· Lill\' o·f thl· Kctmt·'s greatest play t·rs wa!\ hc1rn H opmg. p..•rhaps. to l'aptun· nwmorit·s of tlw1r youth f)r JUSl g1_•t doSt· ll) gn•atnt'ss, fans n1mt• to pokl' through thl• baseball mPmnral..nlia on display an tht' honw wht'rf:' Gt•orgl· H erman Ruth was born o n fC'b 6. 1895 "We get a lo t of pt.-ople an here who haw Sl>et1 h im play. th~y get really l·h oked up about 1t," said Veronica Brooks. a ttcket -counwr atwndan1 at the c1t v-nwnro muc;eum on a narrow !lt~'1'.'t 10 blocks w~st o f downtown "WE HAD ONE MAN romt• an hl·rc ht-was t-ryang so hard hC' couldn't l'Vt·n talk," n·l·allt·<l Ek•n ora liabv. who alc;o wor ks lx·hind tlw ticket countc·r ··H·(· !>a1<.J ht! n·mt>mbc:n ·d "'lJlng to a ballgamt' and S(.'<'mg Babe Huth play wh1·n hl' was e ight y<'ars old" Rooms with furn ishings from the· period show ho~ Pius Shambergcr's home might have looked "'hl•n h1!> daughtt.>r gavt• birth to tht:' I.Jab~ boy who later be<·amt' on<' of basebaJl's top players Babe Ruth only hved 1n the home ti short t1mt• but ,RreW up in the adjacent nctRhborhood. where his father operated a series of saloons Th£> museum includes displays o f Babe Ruth's bats, hts suitcase p lastered wath h ot<'I su ckers a n d the easy chair and radio ne e n joyed a fter a big day at th e ballpark Visitors to t he Babe Ruth House' l'a n also wat.l·h a 20-minute slide presen tat ion that h1Rhh~h ts t h e Llk a nd ba.sebaU ach ieve m e n ts o f the man whose name punctuates baseball record books "HE LIKE D to gamble. he hked to drink and h e hked women," said J eff J eromer, th~ museum's curator "He d id h ave som e bad habits. but when al came to the fans. he reaUy had ttmc for autographs . He never look ed down on the fans. "Today. a thle t es don 't h ave.> ta m e for autograph s Babe was just th e opposit<'" The museum a lso con t.am s a n e ag ht'foot oil paant m g o f th e Babe swatting a h o m e run in 1930 duri n g a n exh ib i tion g a m e in Balti more The painting was based on a n ew sp aper pho togra p h tak en by Leroy 8 . M errik en. w h o retired Crom the .---------.... ii~~;;tii°'.=itiiiiiiWtdiii'i• Baltimore S u n m 1980. McCOIMla MOITUAlllS DllTH 1111£rs "I made that abou t 15 feel from h om e p late," Laguna Beach I M er riken recalls. "I figured o n o ne of his at bats 494-941 5 he 'd ha t one. T he first time u p he d idn't. but the La7~~~15 ALLEN secon d lime he did . Tha t's w hen th e ball went over San Jua n Cap1s1rano RO BERT LADD ALLEN. the fe nce " 495-1776 resident o f Hunun gton Purc h ased for $4 50 by the city an 1968. Rut h 's Beach. Ca Pas.wd away on b irth place h a d been boarded up a n d vacan t for HMllOI LAWM-MT. OLIYI Mortuary • O!n-etery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave ·Costa Mesa S40-5554 f'tHCIHOTHIH l&l llOADWAY MOaTUART 1 fO Broa<jway Cos ta Mesa 642-9150 a.un .. •HON SMfTtf & TVTHtll WISTCL.lflf CHAl"ll 427 E 1711'1 St Cotta Mesa 6'6-9371 ,..~I llOTMIH SWfTMS' WOITUAIT 627 M11n St. ~nhngton Beach 53M539 O c to b e r 23, 1982. He la many years. freque nted o nly b y winos and purse su rviv e d b y his daughter sn a tchers who. act.'Ordin g to n e w spaper accounts, Jud y S t ee man o t Huntington Beach, Ca. and d u mped handbags 1n the a ttic after rem oving cash . aon Robert Allen of Howton. Texu and 4 gnndchild.ren. THE H OUSE a nd three adjacen t rowhouses P acific V ie w M o rtuary w e re restored w ith m o ney raised b y th e Babe Ruth directors B irt hplace Founcl~t1on. The museum finally opened LOELKES in 1974 V I R G I N l A M A Y Attendance was low at first. but 1t h as p ick ed LOELKES, paaed away on Bal · • d to d. October LB. 1982 w hile on up an r ecen t years a.s umore s o wn wn un v8Cauon In A thena. Greece. lnne r Harbor h ave bet:n revitalized. Ad m ission as Surv ive d b y dau ghters $1. Karen J Kinselle of lrvlne, Ruth , who led the American League an home Ca .. Ellen Lasley of El Toro, runs for 10 seasons -a nd s h a red th e crown t w o Ca .. Margery K l..aRue of other yeani -began h is baseball carN'r as a p1teher Westm inster, C a .. bro the r for t h e S t . M ary's Industrial School, whe re he was H o w a r d S m l t h o 1 sent after runnin g a way from h om e to a void h is M aple w oo d . M t11o u rl, 6 father'• beatings. grandchlldnn Services will h Bal I Ori I r h be h eld on a l Sadd leback H e lat.er p la y ed for t e l more o es o t c C ha pel o n W adn e aday, Int.ematlo n aJ Lcugue before joinjng the Boston Red O:u>ber 27. 1982 at 4:-00PM Sox in 191 ~. where h e compiled a n earned run w 1 t h Re v • B e x 8 ri tt a veraae o f 1. 73. officiating C remation and buria l •l ~a. Directed by eback Chapel, Tustin. Helpt -March of Dimes Fight Birth Defects Mariners lose, I 0-7 Dea p lte a 40-yard touc hdo w n pass from quarte r bac k Rlck Thedford to Dou g M a rlin ', the A untington Valley M arin ers dro ppe d a 10-7 dectllon io th On1.1r10 Crus h Sunday a fternoon at Occ1n V1ow Htah. _ The lou puta the M artnera n third p lace ln the Coutal Division oJ the Hi·Drtert Leagu4'. The M arine rs wlll meet Alhambra next Sunday ll l o 'clock . PUellC N011Cl r1CTITIOU8 8 U8IHIH NAMI 8TATl ... NT ',,. IOllOwllllj P•llOll I• IJolr•g l>u•ll,.•• •• UH IJONNA ~() 0 1 01~· ANOI C.OUNIY 11\401 l4•1Ht1ll Avenu• tu1lh1 <:ellh,1tn1• 02880 Ju1a11h A I• •lri•• :130 CemfJDell :,11e•I flelJl•r.ch CaJ1torn1a 11231 J I 1\11 llulln•n 11 I UlllJVtlctd lly llil lflillVIOUll JOMPll A 11 l ll•M Hri• 11a1em•f1I wet 111-0 Wilh lhe COulll) L ief!. OI O•MQ• (;ounly Otl OctObe• 18 lllfl;/ ,. .. .,. Publloll•d Or11110• Loni Daily P11UI, 04,1 Ill 26 lfo• 2 II, 1982 4684 112 PUBLIC MOTICC "CTITIOUI •U81Nlll . NAMI ITATIMINT file tollowlrig P•ll0'1 I• e101no llullt1•H I i SONYA S ORUISMAKINO 6 A L T(RAl lO N A N O ORV Cl EANINO 1887 Par11 Avenu• Co11a Meo. C•111orn11 92821 Suna K1rer1111. 171142 Webllltl Irvine. C•lll01111a 11?714 Tnit butlll ..... COtlOUC:lll<I by •n lnOlvodu'I Sun• 1<11am11 l h1a 1111ema111 wH 111•<1 wllh me CO<.lnly Clerk or 011~ C0un1y on October I. 1982 f1N711 PllBllC NOYICC ,IOflflOUI 9UllHIH NAMI l fATIMI NT 1 II• lollowl11g P•t 1011 It 001110 l,tua!M .. at MIJfll'llY MOIOR~ llJ~ N M•IO 61 Otano• CA OJO!le Ouuul•a Murphy •04 c .11011. N-1>()•1 Ro( 11 CA 0'1660 fhlt llUtlllHO IO I Cltlclut,la1I IJy All 11101111duwt t>wg1 .. Mur1111y 11111 tllll•ll ... 111 WH llltKJ Wllh ltt• <.ounly ~· .. ~ ul l)llHlll" l.<!Vllt) Clf1 Oc:1 t I 101J7 ftNHO Puollaneu 011n11• Coaol O••ly P1101 Oct 12 10 2{I Nr>• ? 198? u 1n 112 POOLIC NOTICE F1c1mou1 au11N111 N ME ITATI MI NT I tie 1011ow1n11 C••r u111 •• flu11111 bUtHltlU Ill HAMIN(IO 16~ .. W11•I ~111 !llnHrl, Snnto A1111, \1270J l\CIOllU Al.Otlt1 ~II() I W1tr.I till• tllreel Senl• An1 1,11hlurr11H llUOJ Tnto l>Ytlnt1tt 1t tllllllU( 1 .. 1 Uy "" 1nd1v•Ouo1 AdoHo Ac;c>t•• ln11 1111omen1 wn 111110 .. 1111 '"' Counrv Clt1rk ot 0111111;111 County on Ocl I 1982 F1N737 ruo11111od Or11no" Co1s1 Daily PrlOI Oct ~ 1 ;J 19 26 1982 4376-82 Put>llth•CI Or•nge CoH I Oolly PlJ8llC NOTICE Pllol, Ocl ~. 12. 19, 26, 11182 ---,,-C-T_IT_l_O_U_l_•_U_S_l_N_IE_l _S __ 4333"82 NAME I TATIEMINT PUBLIC NOTICE flCTITIOUI •VllNlll NAMI! IT ATIMINT Tne tollow1ng pert on It doing bu11neas •• 24 HOUR MACHINE SERVICE, 175 N S1ato College. Orono•. C•lrlorn1a 92668 Joely V1cior1a Girten, 7651 Duquesne, Weumln•t•r. CaJllornra 92683 This t>usrn•H It c:onduc:led by en lnel1v1C1ual JOOy V G1r1en This 11a1emen1 wH tiled w1t11 lhe The 1011ow1110 01111011 1~ 0011111 bu11nets u INT ERSPA/IAL E t 7 16 Pot I Manletgh C11c111 N11wuor1 B1111c:n. CA 92660 Cerio /\ Roct.o 1118 Por 1 Manleron C11c;1" Nnwuo•t 0euch CA 92660 Carlo A RQ<.tO r111s 11e1emen1 wos liled w11h tn., CO<.lntv Clerk ol Orenoe CO<.lnly on Sep1 16 1982 1'117'50 Publlsned Orange Coo11 Oa11y Piiot Oct t9 26 Nov ;> 9 1982 •518·82 Coun1y Clerk of Orange County on ------------Oc101>e• 18, 1982 F,, ... 11 ___ PUB_L_1c_NO_r_1c_E ____ _ PubllSht!O 01~nge CoHI Dally FIC TITIOU8 •u&INE89 Piiot, OCI 19 26 Nov 2 9, 1982 NAME 8TATEMENT 4585-82 T ne lollow1no person is 00100 1>Ut1neu es PUBLIC NOTICE s M c p R I N T E A s I. ------------STATIONERS, 22722 Lambert SI . FICTITIOUI 8UllNlll8 Sulle 1702. El T0to Ce 92830 NANE I TATIMIN1' Oonina11 P Aeody 1556 t Van Tile 1011ow1ng person IS Oorng Buren SI we.1m1ns1er Ca 926113 business as Tn1s butrness 11 c:onduc:1ed by an CPI GROUP, 17779 Main SI mo1v10uel Sulln D Irvine CA 92714 OonlhOla P Redely Henry Aq llel 310 Fernando Tn •• &ta1emen1 was hied Wllh lhe wav •307 B•IDoa. CA 92661 County Cler~ 01 Oranoe Coun1y on This bu11neu 15 coneluc111<1 t>y an Oclober 22. 1982 F2003t4 Publlsned Ornngo Con1 Da11y PllOI Oc1 26. Nov 2 9 16, 1982 •651·82 1nd1vldu8I H•nry Aqoel Thlt s1au,men1 was llled wllh tho County Cler~ 01 Orange Counly on Oca 15 1982 PuDllsn•O Orano• Co•:,"J'!~ ____ PUB __ l _IC_HO_T_IC_£ __ _ P1101 Oc.t 19 28 Nov 2 9 1982 0 96-82 Pl&.IC NOTICE FICTITIOVI 8UllHEl l NAME ITATl!M£N1' Tiii! lollowrng peraon rs doing business es WINE & ROSES 329 Un1vers11v Duve Cos1a Mesa. CA 92627 Kros11ne Ann Gunn 3211 Un1ve1s11v Orivt Cotta Meta. CA 92627 This buaineu 11 conduc1ed t>y "" 1neltvlOua1 K11sline Ann Gunn Th11 statement wes 11160 w11n t"e Coun1y Cle1k ol 01enga Counly 01\ Ocl t• 1962 fltMN O•enge Coul Dally P110t Ocl 19 26 Nov 2 9 t982 4!>79 82 Pl&.IC NOTICE l'ICTITIOVI 8UllNll8 NAME ITATUHNT T na 1011ow1ng peraon 11 csoino buSln&St .. 0 8 R BUSINE SS MANAOEMENI SERVICES 2001 E Frra1 SI Su11e 204. Sar111 Ana CA 92705 David W Shelle nel. 22 13 t COHla, M1SS1on VIAIO. CA 9269 t 01vt0 w Srwttlanel Thll Sllltmenl WIJ fllld Wllll lhe County Cle<k or 0•"'98 County on FICTITIOUS •OllNESS NAME llATEMENT T ne 1011ow1ng pe1 son is do1no l>US•nttH 8S ELEGANT ENTRIES WEST t 12 Jaoe Avenue Balboa lslanel Calilornra 92662 Lars Berg 112 Jaoe Avenue BalbOI ISlano CAlllorn1a 92662 Tn1s Du11neH is cone1uc1ed by an 1nd1v1dual Lars Berg Tn1s s11110men1 w86 11100 w1111 Ille Coun1y C1111k ol Oronoe Coun1y on 0clObe• 1 1962 F1N7"3 PvDlisheO Orange Coast Oa11v P1101 Oc1 ~ 12 19 26 1982 4332·82 P\&.IC NOTICE FlCTITIOUa 8UllHEl l NA .. ITATIEllUCT The 1011ow1ng p111aon 11 001ng buStntS~ It THE TONER COMPANY 301•-F H111101y Sen11 Ana. C1lito1n1e 92705 Carol Lov•s• Ma111s 83 Wooelhaven LAguna N1gve1 Cal1lo1n111 92677 This bus1neH 11 c.onouc1eo lly an 1nC11v1e1ua1 CarOI l Mellls Thrt ll118me<lt wu llled wllh 1ne County Clef• or 01ange County on Oclol>er 15 1982 F1"7St Oct 7 19&2 f1N 110 Publlsheel Or1nge Coast Oerly Put>lithtd Oiange Coes1 Deily P1101 Ocl 10 26 Nov 2 9 1982 P1101 Oct 12 19 26, Nov 2. 1982 4527-112 0 79-82 Pl&.IC NOTICE Pl&.IC NOTICE l'ICTITIOVS 8UllNf:l8 flCTITIOUI •UalNlll NAME ITATIEMIHT NAME 8TATl!MINT The fOllOWtng parsons are 001ng fhe lollowlng ptflOflt ere dOlng butl,,... •• l>Ullneu H VIGAAO VIDEO INVENTORIES. VARIETY IMPORT, 2375 1500 Adems Avenue Suite 305. Cornell Or , Co111 Mna. CA 92626 Cosla Mll3A C• 92626 Jan T Vandenbe rg, 2375 On °V1Cleo Tepe Inc t• Corne41 DI . Cotti MeM. CA 92826 Calllorn1e corporauon) 107• Lambar1hl Vendtnberg. 2375 Redding SI Colle llAeH c. 92626 Come41 Of • COllll Mela. CA 92626 Th•• bullnesa It conducted by a Tn11 bualneu le conOue1tO by corpor ellon 1n<11"10ual1 (hutbanO 6 wife) ON VIDEO TAPE. INC lMnbatlhl Vandetlblfg David l81Qhl0<1 Th11 1111-1 WH filed wtth lhe Pr-Oenl County Clel'tl ol Otenge County on This stet-• wes liled "'''h the Oct 7, 1982 Counly Clerk ol Orange Counly on ""10I 0c10be• 22 1982 PuDllt hed Orange Co111 Delly 1'200352 Pllo1. Ocl 12, 19. 28. Nov 2. 1982 Pvbllaheo Or ange Cont Dally PUBLIC NOTICE U 16-82 PllOI Ocl 26, Nov 2 9 t6. 1982 4700-82 ftCmlOUI 8UllNEll Pl&.IC NOTICE NAMI! ITATl•NT K..OUU Th• lollowlno peraon It doing NOTICE Of' IALE Of bua!llete at "IAL ""'Of"f"TY AT NU WAY ENGINEERING, 1660 ll'ftfVATI IALE B•bcoc;k Str .. 1 Cott• Men . No. A 11i W8 C•lflornl• 92627 In 1~ SupetlOf Courl ol Ille Stele Chuc:k Boolh. 14300 Cllnton ol C•lllor111• for the County ol S1r .. 1. Sp-118 G.,<len Grove. O<enge Celttornle 92843 In the M•lltt ol the Estele ot Thie buiinfft It c;onclvelecl b'( •n Vinoetll H T 10119(. OecffMd 1ndlvlc:lu•I Notice 11 hereby Qlvef'I lhll lh• Clluc:k Booth und ... tlgneo will Mii " Prllllll ..... This l lltemefll WH flied with lh• 10 lh• hlQhHI •nd bHI bidder. P'UlllC NC>TICC Ml.IC NOflC( YOU AM lfll DC,A~f UNOU A 0 110 0 ' T "UIT DATIO DICI .... " I. IMO, UNLlll YOU TAKI AC TION TO .. llOTICf YOUll ll'llOll'l"TY, If MAY H IOlD AT A f'UllUC IALI," YOU Nl lO AN IX'lANATION 0, THI NAfU"I 0' THI ll'"OCllDINO AOAINIT YOU, YOU 8HOULD CONfAOT A L.AWYI". NOTICE Of l>Y.ATll n•• LESLIE O. BE ATTY AND O f P ~TITI ON TO AOMINl8T~R £STATE NO. A·I UUt . NOTICI Of TllUITH'I IALI , ...... ,..... NO ii~[ 18 tl(ArRV GIVfN ln•I Ofl WIO....Oey NOVl'mt-17 108' at II 00 • <'IOU I m 111 •-'II d•Y 1n Tu ull hl'll 1, hl•tWllNMrl< ... l'r1•d llo r1 1rnd 111nt1ni(t•n 1 t•tt!'d11or. of l..t11h1· ti 0.•4111Y und p1·r11111n• who 111uy lw 11th1·rWIM' lflll•l l'IU.J In lh• wall undto1 1-.WLt• A P"t11111n h.u be;-11 l1h'CJ liy Slllnli•y Sn ydt•1. J 1 In lh• Sui:x·raor Cuurt o f C11u11ty ((•qu .. 111nt1 tlHH S1unl1·y S n ydt•r. Jt bl. QppoinlA..J .l!i µv1 M1n11l rrpn·•t·nlJtlvt• 111 lid fnllllhll't I ht• t'lllll If• 1,f Lt.'llll• ti l;kt•ll)' (undn tht• badl;."pt'ndc·n t Admln11itruuw1 uf Esu11.t .. A1:t) T lw µo•ll\l<Jn is iwt fut ht'llt Ing an f>t·pl Nt1 :i al 700 C'1v1f' l't'ftll'r l>rtvt•. W111t. m tht.' l'11y 11f S11nt.1 An ... l°Jllfo1 nto on Nov1•mbt.'t 2-l. I \IH2 ·" IJ :111 11 .. room N I .. •d• lo< c:onouc;1111g f•u•IN a Sol•• wllhtn lhe omc•• ot AfAI ES IAIC Gl C:.UIHllES &ERi/iCE tocalaCI 11 2020 NO•lh fl<o.Ow•y, Sun• 208 111 the C11y of 5 •ri1• S •n ll An• Counly ot Or1111g• S1a1a ul C11l1lo1n1t. 6Tf0LINO C.APITAL Co1po1e11on • C1111101111e ~urpor e11on ,., duly ,,,;.,ornt•d T 1u•l1111 unctor and 1Jur•u•111 10 1111 powor ol eole c.unl•n"ll 111 111a1 ca111a1n D••d ot lrutl "••1.u 100 t>v Linde l e" Ortttn• "" Ytu1\1r•l•O wom•n •e<.oroeo Jat1u1orv 6 11181 111 Book 13llO:l ul Olll~1el Rwl.Otdi 01 Hid <.ounly •I 1>•11• 06!1 Aecoroer • ln•l•U"'""' Nu )70J Dy , •• oon 01. b1each or O•IAull '" payment or u m periorm•n~• ut me 001111e11ont If YOU UBJt-.:er to itw aec;ureo lhe1"ov H1<.lud1ng 11111 f{n1n11ng o f thl' jJl'tll1ttn, you breach or 011rou11 No11u ot "'""" -hould l'll hcr ;,ppt".tr <11 th• wn recoroeo Ju1v 16 t962 u ht'ul ing i.nd slat,. you1 Recorder 1 1nt1rum11n1 No 82 2475~3. Will SELL AT PUBLIC Objel'll005 or fill' Wt llll'tl AUC TION TO IHF HIGHEST Ob jeC'tl!Hlll With th ~· lf>Url BIDDER FOR CASH. l&wlul 1nonev btful l' lh t• h1•art ng Y •lur or the Umlo<l SlalOI 01 ii c11sn1•1 s I chock <l•ow11 on " t1a10 or na11on11I 3ppt_'arnnl.,. mny K' in pt'r"m bun~ . ., 1111111 01 feelerel c1ed11 union. or by your a ttomt-y 01 o s1oh1 01 111oora1 uv1ng1 and I fo' Y 0 U A R E A toen 11ncx;11111on oom1c11ee1 rn "''' C.:REUlTOH or a <.'Onl1r1~1·nt s1a111 all pavebte a1 lh• 11rne ot t rt'l.lttor uf the de<.'t.asc.'<.i y•>U ul• all fight 11110 a.no 11111tr6S1 httlO 01051 flit' yuu r daam with thP Dy 11 01 frullee rn lhal 1eill p1oporav 111ua1e 1n said C0<.1nty a11d court or pr<'iwnt 11 t<> 1h1· S1a1e duc11bed H tOllows "t'rsonal represen1 .. t1Yl' "EXHl811' 8 " r PARCEL I appointed by the t:OUrl unn No 79 111 the C•ly 011rv1n11 within four months from the Countv 0 1 01enge Stale 01 date o f first 11>suan cl" of Ca111ornra, u thown end dncribeo letter.. as provtded 1n S<.-cuon on 11111 Conoomrmum Pian rocoreleO 700 of 1he Probat.e Code of on March 1S, 1977, in t>oo~ 12119 Cal1forn1a T h e lime for pages 1 t67 10 1216 of 0111c1a1 fl11Co1os of said Couniy filing dauns Wiii not e xpire EXCEPT THEREF''ROM all Oii, lO four months from thl' dat,. gas. m 1n11 1 a Is a n d o 1 her ~·f tl'll' hearing nolwl'd a boVt! hyelrocarbons betowaa~11101soo YOU M A Y E XAM INE 11111 w1lhou1 lhe r1gt11 ol surface entry as ros.1ved m 1ns11umen1s ol thl' file kept by t he l'OUrt If rnc;oro you art-intl"rested in tht• AlSO EXCEPT THEREFROM estate. you may fill' a fl'qUl'SI all wa1e1 ana iub~urlac:e wa1e1 th the . Uri lo receive ngn1s bfllow a oeplh 01 500 1ee1 WI n 1 w11hou1 the rrglll ol surlace entry as s pc l' t a I ll u l I <.' e O f I h t' e1ee11c a1ed or re served 1n inventory of cst;ite as~t't!> 1r151rvmen11 01 recoro and of the pl'ltl10Ni. a<.i.'llUnts PARCEL 2 d d b d "'" unO••iaeo 1/J6 inie1est.., 8 an repon s <'Seri <' 1n 1enan1 1n common 1n tile lee 1n1e1es1 S e C I I O n I 2 0 0 o f l h t• 1n ano 10 11111 common area 01 lots C a I 1 f o t n 1 a P r o b a t e 1, 2 ano 3 01 l•ac18001 as i>e• map Code 111eo 1n 1>ook 389 Paoes 33 fo 34, Robe rt N. Broxton Esq., 1nc1u11ve of Ml5celleneous Mapa. l l 08 P a rk Avenue Ba lbla r11coros ol sarel County. as such • 1e1m 1t e1e11nee1 1n 1he Articltutnlltle<I Ill and, C a lifornia 9Z66t. ·0e1rnn1ons ot the Onc;1a1e11on 01 T elepho ne: 67~-~460. Covenants ConOll1on1 anel l'uhli'h"d llr•nll" e,·,,.,t 11~11, Res1rn:uons recordeO on Janua•y .,,~ .. 011 ~" ! , N"' J Ill~! 26 1977 1n bOOk 120•8 P8Ql5 l~l~ Hi I 186 10 I 2S 1 tnCIU&IVl!I OI Olhc1el Recorels ol u 1CI Coun1y (The PUBLIC NOTICE Decla••t •on I eno a ny•-------------~ amenamenls or •nne•al1ons NOTICE OF AYAILAalLITY 1here10 Of ANNUAL llEPORT PARCEL 3 Pu•suanl 10 Sec:11on 610•COI ol E a s e m 11 " I l s I a ,. s u c n the llHetneJ Revenue Cooe nollCt! is eeSC>menl(st 1t181e pe111cu1ar!y Ml he<eby given lha1 1he ennual •l'PO•I lonh 1n Iha Ar11cle enlrlled 10< the F1sc:a1 v••• July I 1981 10 Easemenu ot lhtl Oec11ra11on June 30 1982 01 Edwin Taylor unoer lhe Secuon ho1C11ngts) 1n Sc1101arsn1p Tru" a pri•at\l such Ar11cle en1111ee1 as lollows ioundalion 16 A•&rlable 11 11111 Own11rs A1ghl9 anO Ov11es, founo1111on s p"ne1pal ofl1ce lor U1tl111es end C1DI• T 11lev1s1on 1nsP11ChOO ouring regul8! 1>u11neu · Supporl anel Se11 111menl hourstrom6am 105pm by any CommoH A•e• end Commur111y cHllen Who requesll •I w11n1n 180 Fac11111es Easement enel Yaro Clay• alter Che 01111 01 '" s Ulll11tes pul)hCallon PARCEL 4 The toundal>0n s p11nc:JPel olllCI! E • 1 em en I ( a I i> s 'u c h 1• localed 11 17620 F'llch Sir eel •-•f•I 111111• P•ntCutarty set 1rv.ne. Call1ornre l orlh In lh• Arllcle enl1lla d The p11nc1pa1 m•n•9•r or 111• Euem-la' ol 1"8 Oeoefll!lon of foundation ta Wetlern Growers Covenanu ConC1111ons and "5Soc111ion Ret111ct1ons recorded on June 9, Don8'cl Cl. Dr•nler 1976 in I)()();.. t 1766. pages •20 to A"->" et Lew 48•. 1nc:tu11ve ol Ottrc:111 Record• of 1~ f"ltdl at,_t saro Coun1y (The Maate• 1"'-· Calltofnla t 1714 Declara1tor. ·1 ano any emenOtnWlla PvbllsheO Orange Coast 0 1111 or anne.a11ona there10 undo• lhe P1lot. October 26, t982 Sec11on Heaa1ng4t) 1n tuch /\r11Cle ., 17-82 P\&.JC NOTICE en1111eo as IOltows "Owners Rrghl anel Duties Ulll1t1es and Cable re1ev111on u111111es Support end Selltemenl "Enc10tc:hmenl' --NO...,..,..TIC~-::£~~~-::A"'.".Y-::Ak.A"'."."'"'.~N.~IT=Y- • n Cl Commun ii y F eCI 1111 es ~ ANffUAl. Mll'OflT E.-nenu PufSU•nl 10 Section 610•fdt OI The SI•••• •dd1••• 01 Olht • Ille lnletnaf Reveoue coo. OOhce IS common de11gn111on ol Iha reel he<eby Q!"8fl thel lhe annual report prc>peny he<Olnet>ove Cleact"•bed IS IOI lhe F1SC81 yee• Jv!y I 1961 10 purponed 10 be 10 Lek.,,_ Ortve. June 30 1982. ol Abe Litrov & MIAe 1rv.ne California Schultz Scholeralkp Tru11. • p11ve1e fhe unde raigne o hereby touno111on It available al lhe OIScletma ell h1b1llly tor a ny 1ounoe11on s princtpal olhce lor 1ncor1ectnoll In serd ''""' add•-1n5')9C110n during 190ula1 busmeu 0< 011\e< common CIN1Qnlll0fl houn trom 8 1 m 10 5 o m by any Salel nle wlll 1>11 made wllhOut ollllen ..no requeat• 11 w1lh1n 180 warrenly, ••pren O• Implied, e1 ay1 all8' 1ne d ale ol \hrs regarding 1111•. ooue n1on. or publlca,1on enc:umbrenc;n. lo ••lltly the The loun<1111on·s pr1nc1pel olloc:e principal belance or the note or 11 localed 11 Irvine . Caltlornca other obligelion .. cure<! by H id 17620 F'llCll S1r .. 1. Irvine. Cellfornra Oeeel ol lrutl, wllh 1nte1et1 end The principal me neger ol lhe other sum• •• p1ov1oeo therein, loundetlon It Wettern G1owe11 plus •Clvanc;e•. 11 eny. under Iha AllOOllllon 1etms 111«eo1 end 1nter .. 1 on suoti ~ Q. ~. advences. ano plu• 1 .... Cflergas An--r et Law Ind •JCPen-of Ille Trust" and ol 17a0 f1tdl ltrwt lht INlllt UMled by Mid OMd of lmfte, C..._.,. '2'714 Trull Th• lotal amount ol Hid Publlell•CI Orange Coesl Oe11y obllgetlon 1ncludln9 reeaonably P110t, Oct 26. 1982 et llmeled I•••. charges eno 016-82 expen-OI lht Trutl ... 11 lhe llm81------------ol lnlllal publ1C1llon ot 11111 Nohoe. IS P\&.IC NOTICE $20.889.20 O.ied. October 21 . 1982 FICTITIOU8 •UllMll l Stifling Capllal Corp NAIM 8TATIMENT e c 1111om11 corporlllon The lollowlng person II doing •• Trutt" business ea 8y RMI Eetele AB SYSTEMS CONSUL f ANTS. Sec:urllles s-. 19881 Pro...ioenoe Ln . Hut1llng ton a Celllornla corp Beech. CA 926'18 111 AQ8"1 Lee Edwerd Bengry. 18881 (SEAL) 0 J Morge< Providence Ln . Huntington Be&c;h 111 Preelde<\I CA 9~6 2020 N 8'oactw1y. Thi$ bus.lnest II c:ondUCllO by en S..lle 206. inOIVlduel Serna Ana. CA 112706 L" E Bengry Tel (7141963·61110 fhls 11818"'*11 WU filed with the Published Orange Co111 Deity Covl\ly C..,11 ol Orange Cc>Ynly on P1IOI. Ocl 26, Nov 2 II t982 Ocl t5, t982 4120 82 '1"7 .. Coonty Clefk ol Orenoe County on aubjec;t to conllrm•llon ol u 10 Octot>e• t5. t982 SuP«IOf Court. on 0< el1er 111e 10th 1----.,.-ID-•tC_NO_TI_C_[ ___ _ '1117'15 d1y of November 1982 ti lhe ofliM l----'"-UDL--------- Published 011no• Cou1 Delly PllOI. Oc1 19, 26, Nov. 2 9, t982 4630-82 Publlahed Orang• Coul Delly ol DONOVAN w BALLENGER, 40t fteTTTIOU• 8U ..... Pilot, Oct 19, 26, Nov 2. 9. 1982 N Brend No 500, Gltndele, NA• ITATl•NT 4625·82 Celllornle. Covnly of LOii ~-T I II I I dOI ------------1 S1111 ol Calll0<nl1. 111 the rlgh1, m .. bu.:..: ,~w no pe11on1 • no P\B.IC NOTICE end iniernt 01 Mid a-Md •1 the s A 1 H T L Au REN T RIV E --,-.,.-.......,...--,-.-.-... ---.-.---1 lime of dMlh ltld Ill the right. lltle GAUCHE 3333 BrltlOI Slrltl ,.. , , , ....., ---and lntwn1 lhll the n t•I• ol •lid Cost• MeU CA 92829 · NA• ITATl•NT Cleceeae d hat t CQutreO by Senoua' lnltmatlor\lle. Inc . 8 The lollo,.,1ng peraon la Clolng oe>erallon of law °' ott>erw!M Olhe< Celifornle COfPOftllon. 3333 Bttatol bualneNC·A~V 1••v"'STM"'NT co. than()( "' lddltlon 10 tnat ol N l<I St Coe•• Mna CA 92626 .. .. " " " ~. •t lhe lllM of !Heth, In · • 24829 o.i Preoo, O•n• Point, CA and 10 all 1he cef1eln r"I 01oc>«tV Thlt bullnflt It conducted by • 92629 111ue1t0 In City of Irvine. Counry of buslMSt ~~';.'~" lnlern•llonele Inc; Aeymonc:t G E~lnou. 21371 Or1 nge, 8 1818 ot C111101n1a, Frlldllch · · Avenlela Amele111a, El Toro, CA pet11Culatly dMCr1t>ed u tOliowt. 10 Preelo.tlt 92630 wtt· Tl>I• atlltmenl wn llled with Ille Thie buelneaa 11 conducted by an Loi 6 In Trac;1 No 8238, H County c .. r11 ol Or•no• County 0<1 Individual llhown Of' • m•o recotdeo In Book 9 Reymond O E9')1nou 138. Peg•• 24 10 3 1 1nc1uel~• or Oc;t •5. 1 82 ,1 .. 1 .. Thlt tlll-1 wH llled wtlh Ille Ml1oellan1ou1 Mape, 1acord1 of Publlthtd Otenge c out Oelly County Clerk ol Ot•noe County 0<1 Orange County, Celllornle, mot• Pllol Oct 19 28 Nov 2 9 1H2 Oct. 16, 1982 c ommonly kno wn •• 457 I · • ' ' ~628-82 f19m Sandburg Way. lrvl~, Ctllfornla, Publl•h•CI Orengt CoHt O•lly u n It 5 . u n Iv ... II y p. r IC --------"".~--- Pllol. Oct 19. 2e, Nov '· t. 1te2 COnOomlnlum. e.mbf~ 1>1111 rta.IC NOTICE ----------·-seo.e __ 21 Term1 ol n it c: .. h In lewful ,ICTTTlOUI eu ... ta ~ ~ !i"':!!::'!.C:..: ..... 8fATt•NT "8.IC NOTU f1CTm<Mlt IUIMl8 NMmaTATnll.NT The following pe11on 11 Oolng bull-•: OEXC0..1. 433 I!. Cotumblne. S1r111 Ana, 1,;ali!Mnla 12707 f.AAI,. OUTER, 8011 8-1\ore Drive, H•wpor1 Beaoh, Celllorn11 9Hl3 TNt ~ .. conducted by lltl lndMOual t8'1 O..ttt Thie etltttnlllt .... ~ wf1'I ~ County Cler1I of 0rllnft 00\lnly Ori OClotltr 1. 1N 2. ,,.,. ll'ubllahed Orange CoH t Dell) ~. OCt ~. 12. 11, 2t . 1H2 4371·12 by note MCured by MO<'lgage or file IQllowlnQ Pl'-• .,. dOlng Trvtt Dwd on IM pr09tf1y IO IOIO buelneM II Ten pefctllt ot amount bid lo be DESIGN BY ot!SIGN. 2087 San ~ with bid Joeqvln Hiiie Aoed. NewpOt'I 9eech, tide Of~ 10 be In writing and Calll0<nle 92MO ,.,111 M rao.tved 11 the eforeulO Hervty Horman Meyt rholl. oftlct at 1ny time after th• tlr•I O 10 Per~ Ha,.,porl. No 3 10, pvbllClllOll 1\41ftof and l)elor• elate N'*C>Otl ea.ch, CaJllOf'llla 12MO of Mle Steven lrllh, 1-4 Mln11• Trill, Oaled lhll ltth Ill y OI Oclober, IMne, CaMtOlni. 92115 1H 2. Tht1 bullineet It conducltlO by e Hatty I MfUlll ~al partnerthlp (attu!Of Of Ille H N, Mt>eiTIO" ...... Of MIO o.c.ci.n1 Tiiie 1111-t wM tll9d with lhe DeM.-W, l1t1.... County Cler1c Of Orenot ~IV on A......., 8' &... Oc:IOC>tr 11 IMJ __ 1 ........,.......... ..,_, ... Pll04llMd Orllnft COMI o.ay ll'tlol, Puollt hed o ,.ng• Co111 Dally Oc;1 2t, 2? No'I. 2, 1M 2 PllOt. OC1 8, 12, II, 21. 11~~ ........ 4l'1M2 __..... P\&.IC NOTIC£ FtC'TITIOUI •U .... 11 NAIM 8TATU.NT The lollowlng pe11on 11 C101ng butlneu as COST A M ES A C A R CUSTOMIZI NG 1858 Superior Avenue Coaia Men Cellfornle 92626 Lucien L Brison. 774 AlltQheJly Street. Coate M11a . Celllo•nll g:z826 Ttn bu11nttt 11 conducted by en lndMdual Lucien L. Blleon Thi• 11118f'Mnl ..... llled wtth ,,,. County C..,k ol Orange Counly on O<:toblf 1. 19'2. "•HO Publl•h•d Or•no• Co111 0111.,, PllOI Oct &. 12, t9, 28. 1982 4»4-82 "8.IC NOTIC£ flCTl'TlOUI .,... .. NAm ITATIMINT The lollowlng ~· -fOltlCI buelneM ... THI DAYIOt OH ANTIQUI COMPANY. 13$1·" laat lCll~ Av. a.ma Me. C. Hl'O& l anllll Oavlctao n. 4U Vit t• Rome, ~ IMctl, Ca. HMO Marvin Oavld1on. 444 VIII• "4)ma1 ~ leeclll, Ca H MO Tl\ft bull-It conducted by an tndMd\1411 '*""'~ Thll tt•ltl'Nllt WM fled llrtlh tl'll County~ of OllflOI County Ori 0G1ot11r n . 1Ma ~ P11Dflt tl.O Ot•~ Co••• Daltr Ptlol OC1 "· Nov ~ ••• ''· 1M2 4Mt-ta .,. .. .i •' 1' -. ,. . ~ •.I{\ • ()1 u111u f;C1fltl PAIL y PILOT /TuHdOV Oc.IOb r 26. 11:)8? MllC NOTICC P~llC HO llCL M011CI 0, ~UaLIC HIHIMO Olt111 a y TH. AIOIVILO PMINf NU IK l IU All Pllt•ON:.Wllu AQCNCY °' ... ctn"" COIU llAVl t.LAIMll AOAINtll •ANt.011 M llA TO fllVllW AMO M OAIQAQl 6 LO AN IVALUATI THI ,AOClll 0' \ 0 RP 0 il A t I 0 N 0 I\ AN I THI fllDIVILO•MUIT P&.AMI l.IC(l\lltNQION ()£Ntl'ION ANO•OH '°" MHV9L°"'111Nl lltlOJIC1' ROl'lffH JOHN"ION OUMAb O~ AflllA NO. 1 (THI DOWNTOWN I I N A I 0 A 1 { I U M A I\ I •AO J I CT AflllA ) ANO Al't'l ll.Al lON t o ll l'AI MltH MHVILOPtllNT lltlOACT NO f II 0 M I It l 111 A 1 I '> I A I I PIM IC HO llC( --,-IC_f_l_fl_OU8 llUllNIH NAMI llU ATIMINf I lie I011owlot1 II• Wll• •I. ll••llll uu•l ..... Ii I 'f I l t)M PANr t f1111ie l.1rutet • ( u ltt onu• u•u•t•I ,,.,,,. .. ,,u,, r•u •I Ottu. • lhu .040 rt.tillC HO tlCC ,IC llllOUI eUllNHI HAM lfATlllllNl I 11e lulluw11111 rte1a1111• ••• (l(llltQ hu.,.•oen •• MA~ I (II HI IJOOC 1 l Hb, '4lWl'()ll 1 Mt SA 111114 A11 we1 ClASSlfllD Av•n .. I tt•la MeH f A llJOJb 1 J C T H I W A t. L A C I Rlt.OVLM• I UNU -~ "'°"9Cf MSAI NOtt<.l I~ ltlfllU'I' UllllN 111111 AHO TO ACCl,l ""91.IC IM~T m11 llHI t1hot• I un1J '"' l>\J1Ko•h0t1 ON THI 08JICTIVl8 0, 1'HI IH,..ICh •ntJ rec;o•••Y PU11lt1H• IM•AN I.AMO IN8TITUTI PANl:L IJIO•IOH lot 1111yme11t to , ... r.011• 8TUOY ... 110 n1v• 01>111nw hnat 1u<.1grn .. n•• N""''""' UeM\-11 CA 11/bt\41 1'>1t-1 Allllr., .. H iii tllt\hl l'•rlll*• ( I) II M Allao111 1111 I tnl;la l•I" N"wfl"l I t111a1 It I A lllMO 1,1 HMO ll '""'4111 1111 I 111<1 I'~ t)f Nt1,.1l0f I U JIM h l.A M11 h•el I N II hill• JIU I ll•l•h•U• C). M"•tt•1•t u-~ h ~ A ,.. tJ' ''•"•' N iolHtll ,,..,, Uey1hU'e Ut 11•.,l••"I 1111~1 1t CA flJlitJ I CLASSIFIED INDEX 1~!.'.'.!!!~!! .......... . H"'"' ,,, ,,,, R .. ,,, ,,, 14/t .....••....••....•...• •············••·•····· ,,.,,,J IOOZ ,,.,,11 JOO . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . Htut1 l•t S1J1 .••.....•..••••....... f !1!~. !!!! ...... !.~~1 llW"IT l&Hlll Ultllll llYLltlTll \JI hu ~ Ot111ma11 1111100 W1l11l11 • Hlvll l u • At1U•"" \. ~ Q00~4 1 tH• ltutm••• •• < urnJu4 ••O t~yi .. ,, 11100.•IJUll T1 Plx1 Ytur Ad. C1ll IUIH OllLlllll l1H,OOOI ·1111 le.I MoClefn delach•d nm unlquely d .. loned DY tne Mlilli>n ol fndOOrl 0111<100• 11n1111onm1nt 11gn1 and •l•Y 1111er1eir .... 11kyllglll1. 3 oerden tttrtumt, b e•med cet· 11ng1, kono tlzed bdtm• l1mlly room willer i well• ol 01 .. , 10 p1t101 f nJoy tun all day un NOTIOE IS HERtBV 01\ltN lhll 1ga11m llun!Mld tH I ••1•1• llrOk.,1 the Recle11elopmem Agency or mo or u1 .. per1on1 1110 1uugmt1111 City o l Coate Me•• nea all m1 .. 1 11e on g•ourHJt 01 fl~utJ November 141, 1982 •t th• nouo ot <l ec.011 flll1ropre1onf11l1011 01 7.30 pm 11 lhe llrne, and llillO th• conv•r110t1 ol lfl••• luncla c1111J rn1111 NtMghl>OthOOO Con1mu111ty Cenl•• bu lll..0 on• h•ntoc11on loi whl(;ll 184& Para Avenu•. Colla Meu ••••I 1t1te1e "'""" 111uQu1111<1 '"" Celtlornl1, •• t11e place 101 a il\•bhe p1ov111ona ••ltttng 10 lho HMI n.o11ng to Ot hel<.I by tho A11•n1.y h> E•11111 Fond c.an be foun•I on rev•-and ev11lu••e 111• 11•<>11r"a or C•ttlornla Bu•IOM• •nil P101 .. a1ona the Down.own Re(ltntop,,18,,1 (.;O<Jw toe11on1 IOH I 10 10483 PrO)eCI ArH No 1•nd111e W•llt<'• Tll• emount tn~t may not pa10 Neognootnooll Re<Jevelupmtnl t11>111 1"41 Real E1111ce Fimd 10 tt11y Pro,.c:t At•• No ~ oroe c111m11n1 11 11m1100 10 S 10 000 Al eny lime. not let•• "''" "'' r>•• I• un•a~11011 tS20,000 ntte• h<>ur a10reeald "' tor l1<11111g ony J•r1ua1y t 1080) Furm.,mo .. , 1110 pertotl wtlo dMI••• 10 ••P••81 111 11rnoun1 lllAI may 1.14 paHJ out 10 all opinion on 1ne proo••u 0 1 the c1aornan1s 11 tl(nlltd 10 S40 000 p.11 radtvelopmenl p11n1 m•y Ille on IOC.11-101 1rat1aac11on1 O<GuHlllQ writing, • t1t1emen1 ol h1tl he11 •""' Jnnuary t, 1915 anu pt1or 10 Ol)ln(on• Al the ebove Siited pla<;e Jenuarv I 1980 •ntl S 100,000 1>41r ln4 11,,,. any perllOll or organttetoon hcenHtt for lraneactoons ••~Ing ~ring to be heerd will be ettordod ptec• alter Januery 1 1980 llle lhel C>P90"tun1ty cle1m1 •911nll Ille Re11I E.i111e Funo The 11ee1 ol the Redevelopment duo 10 lhe ec:11v1toes ol real 11$1818 Projeql1 11• oenerelly boundod u locen-s BallClOr Mo•toao• & loao tot1Qw1. Corpora11on Grant C11errong1on fllEOIVIELOPMINT PfllOJECT Oent1on endlor llob.,tt Jonnson ARIU, NO. 1 -D OWNTOWN Dumas 1ppo1r likely 10 o•OH<I Ille ""OJICT A.,,A mo ••mum h1b1llty 01 111., Funtl 1•1I1111y lio 111111 P 0 Bu. 11040 NllWllOtt RH<;h CA 92600 ('II J M• •Leo •~4 0 Von "''"'•" N1twf)t11I 8t1aLfl CA 16) Ke11 Al..1111.h 1110 Wllahll e ::.•11111 Mufll<.A l,A ( r1 C C 'rnllth 40 t 1 llemlm.I>. hvme.CA (81 11 N I flaye1 1214 C4aU11 011v•. PAWIC Pulluau CA 101 I C B• .1ee 10!160 w1111111 e 1uvc_1 1 o• A11ou1"' c..A 1)002• I hos bua111uu It 1.onauc h•u lly • gen11r et IJlll t11•ra nip flMO fl'"'""'" M11n11u1110 (',.,.., 111 Pattro•• ln1s alelct<rli111I wu lllell wlln In• Cooney C•ttrk oc 011rno• Cou11tv 011 Oct l'i t\tll:.> F 1MHt1 PuDt111oe11 01 anu• C.0011 Dally Polo! Oc1 Ill ~ti Nov 2 9 108:> 4577·82 POOi.iC NOTICE ITATlnilENT Of' Al,,.NDONMEHT Of UIE OF FICllTIOUI l \lllNESS NAME Tiie lottow1n 9 parSOni lulvt aDanooned 111e use ol tf>lj f"1c1111ou1 Bu51ness Neme U 111 • N11.llUl1 rma 1t1teml!fl1 w11 111110 w11n 111 .. (.t)un\y Ci.tk ul 01e11(l• l.OYllly •Jt• Ou f 1118? f1"1°' ftullll•l•OO Oru1111u l.ua11 O~olv P1lo1 Oi..I Ii Ill 211 Nov ? 1082 OU! 87 PU8LIC HOTICC 'IC11TIOUI aUllNlll NAME STATIMINT I 11 .. r1111uw111u peo son• ara IJ<""U h~ttOt.•\\ ill fl M nc M OOEl(ll S <'ll•' (111t1••IO Avttnu11 9 <1lbuu •••••cd Cottl()rnle 92682 M•ro•n• M W•guoros 2'n f onttr4'1<.I, B4'1bn• 1•11111<1 Cell1om111 {)26e2 P.,te l'CtonloH JO'l Emor•IO 9•111011 ltl•11U Calllornoa 92662 Thoe buainen 11 1.onduc1ea by o geuerat port11erah1p M•roetna M W1gg1n1 fl111 s••••ment WH hleo w1111 Ill• County Cler~ ot Orono• County on Oc1ooer 22. 1992 f200)1l PIH>llahed Oreno• Co11a1 Deny P1101 Oct 20 Nov 2, 9 18 1982 •853-82 MLIC NOTICE 64-2-5678 HOUSlS FOi SAH ''""""' .. t\.1~·· h l••tr.U ... l••• •• ,,", ........ t •t\.tt.Hff'l(r K .. •th I lolllV~• Cl•t "t•• ... ,.~ .. h o.". •·'""' f·~:.~" \ .11.,, UwM1f\fl1111 u .... n h •1M ~IWI~ .... ,~ t::~ ~:~: .. Ml\hhll \1f'p• ~~·r:::,.~:: f "9.n lw•I\ I O il I ef,. ~~~!':~ 1t.<!W4A I •tW•·• 14·''"'""'"' ..... "'' ..... ,. • .1..- IUl (STATE °'' •••&• tw '•I• At'•fl,,_.M, hof ,.1,. tw.1,.. t'u,.1,.at•h lJW\1-\•t'••••,_.tt1 I (ftWUf\ I ... , t ' ..... I 1-ftt"_., .. ,., 11 -4~1t I ~nu~""'\'• , bwyl.-••• I fll•I• '•I• •tuw.'"'lw t. '4 ·•~ IN·w~ir •·h~ 1 •h lhil)•f\ht•I 111• .. •tl~ l .. 4, h• '·'" :-t•1 .. 11 ...... l1i1 l't• \41.-,.,tn Oirvtf H• ·otl This aree 11 rougnty d.-Crll>6CI., T 11e1olor e 1110 R••' E,.141e being bounded by t9th Street on Comm1111onor hu reques••d '"" the north, Orenge Avenue on the court 10 101n all po1ent1e1 claoms Mtt. 17th Streel on the south end ega1n11 the Fun<l into one ec11011 so Pomona Avenue on 1111 west that lhe courl can determine wroocll REOIVELOPMINT PROJECT cletms 1110 vlh<l and O•••de 11111 AR I A NO. 2 -W 111 • c • amounl avallable 1tom Ille Fund NllOHeOfllHOOO Pt!OJECT Aflll!A among those peoplo hevmo v11ll<l (Al TEQUILA CUERVO S A t81 GRUPO CUERVO S A Ill OSO NEGRO S A •OOO M~'Arltcur Btvd • Sull• 3001), Nowpon Be•ch. 92660 ~:.~~.f~ :;..,"'•:· ':: .,. FICTITIOUS IUllNH8 1,.,, ..r "•'•I'••• NAME ITATl•NT w.,..l\fo, t .,,.,. 4,•••u Tne f0Uow1ng pet sons are e10010 :;:: ~;::~; ~ ·.-,,~;:;·· l>usttttlU es Thia arN 11 rough oeacrll>6CI •• claims being bounded by Hamilton Street 'fou may oe enmlCHJ 10 "sffft a on 1he nortll. Pomona Avenue on clatm against tne Fund boc1u11e 01 • the eest. West 19th S1ree1 on 111e r .. 11 es1a1e 1r1naac11on 01 real 05tate south. end Placenli• Avenue on the loan transaction 1nvol111ng real west e1101e licensees Bancor Mortgage & The Recle11etopment Agency wfll L o • n C o r P o r a 1 1 o n G r • n I also conduct e publlc hearing on the Cherrington Denison and/or Rol>4lrt same data an<l time for publlc input Jo11n1on Dumas II you wiah 10 wl1h respect to the Urben Land pursue a claim ag<11nst the Real ln1lllute Panel Advisory Ser111ce Elllle Fund, you must comply wotn The Panel Advisory Servlc;e Study the requorO(l'lenls set forth 1n wlll provide the Agency with en Bu11neas ano Pro1ess1ons Code objective evel "atton ol 111e sec11ons 10•11 and 10472 ano no development pollnllal ror the laler lhan April 15, 1983 you must Downtown Redevelopment Pro1ec1 tole an appllcehon 101 payment from Area The objectives ol fhe ULI Ille Roal Ealate Fund on tne court PCllMlt Sludy are 10 ac11on on wnoc::n your 1udgmenl I Determine developmen1 ageonst 1ne saod real es1a1., potenllal w11111n rhe Downtown ttcensees was ob!aoned and a copy Redevelopment P10.-c1 Area ot tne eppllcatoon must De serveo 2. Consi der lend planning on the Reel Es1a11 Commossooner concepls and by m11I on Rteherd E N•elsen 3 R-eiu111ng and proposed Deputy Attorney General at 1ne tr afl•c ctrculallon patterns. edd1essse1 lor1n below II you 1a1110 determtnetoon ol theor po11t1vel pursue e claim age1ns1 the Re81 nag• 11 v e , mp a c 1 s on 1 11 e Ea1a1e Fund Desed upon lhe ac11ons development potential wothon lhe ol real &Slate flc;ensees Bancor Downtown Redevelopment Pro)ecl Mor19age Corporation. Grant Area Cherrington Denison •ndror RoDett 4 Develop a mar~et1ng 1 Johnson Ouma1. you wtll De lmpiem.r>tallon a1r11egy oeemed to 11ave waived you• riglH For further 1nlorma11ori. con!Kt to any paymenl lrom tlle Fund Pet M cNally, Redevelopmenl based on Ille acts 01 satd ltc;ensees Avency ol 111e City of Costa Meta. II you are no1 capable ol lolonv an 75t-5327 Apphcetlon lo• Peyment u 11111 EILEEN P PHINNEY lome but intend lo pursue your Secretary ol the claom againsc the Reat Estele Fund Redevelopment Agency In a courl ac11on, lhen you must mail Th• F1ct111ou H Busoneu N11m11 reterre<l lo 11 t.o•e waa 111e<.1 on Orange County on July t4 t982 Fiie No F 193290 Grupo Cuervo SA Boaque De Ouvunot 89, l»o1que do Lomu. M8•1CO, OF M•l•ICO Tr11s butlf\usli IS COrlOUClfld by u :orpora11on GAUPCI CUERVO, S A Tnoma11 C Sne11. 01rec101 Ad1unto Thoa s1a1&me111 was tlleo w•tn Ille Counly Cter~ o• Orange County on Octot>er 18 10112 Publosned Or angfl Cont O•oly P1to1 Oct 26 Ncov 2 9 t6 1982 •709 82 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINEH • NAME STATEMENT Tne lollow1n11 persons are doing Dusiness as PACIFIC COAST POTTERY 218'~ Ce<ler Scr eel Newp0rl Beac11 CaJolornoa 9266 J Dana Sm Ill ven1111y "18 I Cedar Streor Newporl Beacn CaJo101n1a 9266 l Artnur Wttt. 7578 G1brallor CarlsD84. Calll ><nil 92008 Sco11 Allo ion Gen1111y 218'• Cedar Streer Newpon Beacn Cahtornoa 9266.1 Trtos 1>u11nosr. 1s conducted by a 9enera1 par1ne1·sn1p Dane Genhlly Tllos Statemfnt was llle<l wltll Ille County Cieri. 111 Orenve Coun1y on Oc101>er 1 1902 ZEF ME01CAl SERVICE 7287 Murdy C11c111. Hun11ng1011 Beac.n Ca111orn10 9264 7 R I C. Enltttpros"~ inc a C~lllorniu r.01nora11on 7282 Murdy C1rc10 Huntong1011 Beacn, Celllornoo 9,647 T!111 tlu•inn~ os corocJucle<l t>y a corporallon R L G E11lerp11ses. Inc Robert L Goode. Pres1ue111 Tllla 11a1emen1 was hied with the County Ct.,rk ot Qfang<t Counly on Oclober 22 1987 F200312 Publl1hed Orange Cont Dally P•lot Ocl 26 Nov 2 9 HI. 1982 •6'8·82 MllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS • NAME ST A TEMENT The lotlOwong l)«Wsons are do•ng busoneH as DIS llNC rtllE CAR PE t ~ UPHOLSlERY RESTORATION 910 L1a1d Pfac;e CoSta Mesa Cahlornoa 92626 Richard Navarrette 910 l1a1d P11cu Coste Mesa Cahlornoa 92626 MICll•el J Perri 1 t098 Et Ama11110 Fount11n Valley CaJolornoa 92708 T nos Dusoness os conduCle<l Dy a general pe11ners111p R1c11a1a Navarret111 RCNIALS Uw""'t"u'•""'"° tlW\n l "'u• "i.n• O llcNti..-. t t.iffl•ll I ul f'ut"Junur 1urt1 I'~•,. l onJ11n11111wli1t. l .,, ''••hh•~'"' )1,tr" ht-.f\hUtj\I'\ f flf !J\i.,ilt ,.-hHU '""~'· ,,., ' "' 4pb t\01'1 Aph l nlu1h """' •vlh•O i 11 ~C..uf" k1a1'11 A. tluer1t U1~rh \11it•fl. f.1; .. \l tl1•1!"' "".'""'' ""' .. ' \•'•'••>fl h• ,.,., k•nt•t , .. ""•'·. ,,., ••• ,.,, k•l'l1 OU1t• k"~t•I iv•tl'W\11. K•At•I lndwt.lfi.I H• I'll el "'""•II" """'•" ....... ,.., "-'''• t<•n••I BUSINESS, INVlS I MEIU. FINANCE Hvt.1""'''""'~ • f'..;\•M\'1.\i•••IP41 '"''"•'" .... j ftlf"'' ' '"''"'". "4 4' ••.... , M~·' •·• .. ~ ........ ~· .. •••••• t ,. ANNOUNC£M£NTS, PERSONALS l lOST & fOUNO ~"""""'n-t"'" ,.nt 1 .r t'1Q ..... , ,, .. ,,. ·~·· ••...w,..J f'•t\on.i.• ~ ••• 1 t J..,,,,._. r,., .. 1• PuDll1hed Orenge Coesl Daily by January •• 1983, a 'Pree1m1nary Pllol, October 12, 19, 211. 1962 Statemenl 01 Interest" se1111'1Q ou1 __________ .;;•.;;0;;;8:.·..:8..:2 the b&11s of your inchoate claim 10 Trios statement was flied w1111 "'" County Cle<k 01 Orang" County on Oclol>er 22. 1982 F1tl73t F200310 SERYIClS POOi.iC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aU81NfS8 NAME STATEMENT Tile following person 11 doing business as. BOOK PROFESSIONALS l TO . 213 Abalone. Balboa Island Calt1orn11 92662 Stanley H. S19Q84, 2 t3 Al>llOM. Balt>oa hlland, Calllom1a 92662 Thi• bu-la conducted l>Y an lndM~ Stenley H Sle04tl ThlS lletement WU Hied Wllll ,,,. County Clenl ol Orenge County on Oc:IOO. 25. 1982 "1004&3 Pubtl1hed Orenge CoHI Delly Piiot, Oc1. 211. Nov 2. 9, Ill, 1982 •708·!12 POOi.iC NOTICE FtCTITIOUS aU81NU S NAllilf ITATEMENT The tonowtng pettonS ere d0tng t>uslness as. SANORtCH ENTERPRISES 223 2n<I Street Hun11n91on Bea<:ll CA 92~8 RIGlletd Alen Hyman. 223 2nd Slreet. Huntington Beacll CA 92~8. S1ndra Sumiko Hyman. 223 2n<1 Street. Huntington Beach. CA 92~8. This bU11ness Is conduC1ed by Richard Alan Hyman Thia stetemenl was flied w1111 the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 15, 1982 F1M757 Published Oran9e Coast Oatly Pilot, Oct 19, 28, Nov 2, 9, 1982 •588·82 "8.IC NOTICE sun"'°" cOUfJT Of' CAUFOAMlA. COUNTY Of' OtlAMQE OM>Efll TO SHOW CAUSE FOfl CH~ CW NAME CAN ~fll A115451 In the M111tw of the Appllcellon of SARAH CATHERINE ACORD and RACHAEL ELLEH ACORD. mln<><I lor Change Of Heme TERRY AHN ACORD, Mother of ttMI Applicants. hat hied • petition In this courl for an order 1llow1no petitioner 10 change hill her name from SARAH CATHERINE ACORD end RACHAEL ELLEN ACORD, to SARAH CATHERINE LEWIS ACORD end RACHAEL ELLEN EDYTH ACORD It la hereby ordered 1P11t ell penona lnter11ted In the metter afornaid llC>PM' ~ore thlt cOU11 "' C>ep.nment No 3 et 700 CMc Center Orlv• WHI. Senta Ane, CaNfornla, on Dec. t, 1982, 11 10·30 o'clock a.m .. and then and Iller• ellOW cau ... If any tile'( heve. Wfly Mid pelltlon for all1nge ol name .noutd not be grented. It 11 luf'lhflf ordered lhll I C09'f Of tllla order 10 1how c1u1e be publlthad In thl Dally. Piiot. • -9Ploet or gen«al clreu1111on. publltfled In 11111 county 11 leHI Ofl(;8 a ....,. for lour conaecullve week• prior to the d1y ol n ld M«lng. 0.ted Qclot)er 18, t982 Merit A. Sodan Judge of tM Suc*tOf Court ............. --111tll. ...... ., ...... AM. CA. tr7W lhe address set torlll below PuDloshed O rang11 Cou1 Deily PuDllsl1ed Orange Coast Dally FltlOI Ocl 5 1 ;• 19, 26 1982 Piiot. Oct 26. Nov 2 9, 16 t987 "ny ques11ons regarding the 1ub1ec1 ol \hos notice snould tie dorecled to the 1011owin9 person Richard E N1elsn •375-8l ~652·82 lMPLOYMENT l PREPARATION Oepuly Allorney General 3580 Wllshore 8ouleva1d 9th Floor Los Angeles. CA 90010 Publtalled Orange Coul Delly Pllol Oct 26, Nov 2 II 16 1982 H10"!2 '"""'°" COUflT Of' TH« STATI! Of' CAUFC>NtlA F°" TMf COUNTY Of'~ No. A11PM OflOefll TO SHOW CAUSE fOfll CH~ Of' NAME c.c,•. ,,2'77l In Ille Matter or the Application of CLARON RICHARD NELSON end MELBA LORIE NELSON ror Chenge of Nemo WHEREAS. pelltroners. CLARON RICHARD NELSON and MELBA LORIE NELSON nave llted a 1>41Ullon wi111 the Cler~ ol lhrs Courl for an orde< changing petitioners names from CLAflON RICHARD NELSON end MELBA LORIE NELSON 10 RICHARD CLARON NE LSON a nd LOFll M ELBA NELSON, IT IS ORDERED 11111 all persons Interested on the above-entttteo rna11er appear belote this Court al 10·30 AM , on November 10. 1982. on the counroom ol O.partmen1 No 3. 11 lhe Courthouse located at 700 Civic Cente• Ortvo West, Santa Ana. Calllornoa. and Show cause II •ny, why the Pet111on For Change ol Name Should not 1>41 gr.anted IT IS FURTHER ORDERED tnll a copy ol tills Ofder 10 SllOw cause oe publllhed on 1"8 COSTA MESA DAIL V PILOT. a newspaper of 9enerel clrcula!lon printed In Otange Coun1y. Ca1tlornte. once e week for four succe111ve weeks prior to the dete se1 tor heartng on Ille petition DATED Oclotw 1, 1982 FRANK OOMENICHINI Judge Of the Supetior Court flloell'T L 9ACHMAN AH«MJ at uw P.O. aoc C·1tul ne1 c-.iue °"" lrtlne, c aMtom6e 12'711 TelephoM (11') Ut·520I Publlsned Orange Co111 011ly Piiot ~l 5, 12, 19, 26, 1982 4373-82 P\ellC M>TICE FICTIT10U8 .U.MSS NA• STATIMIEHT The lollOwlng peraons ere dOt"ll butlneet ••: CE N TEREACH CO N · STRUCTION, 29832 Hiddenwood. LAgun• NIQ\iel. C11ttornla 92677 M BA OEVELOP M ENl CORPORATION, a C1llfornle c;orporetion. 1127!1 MutlChliMl1s Avenue. Loe Ange111, Cellfor111e 90025 Thi• busm.t8 II conducted by I corporellon MBA DEVELOPM ENT CORP Martin Riii. Preelderll ------·------~ MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOIJS BUSINUS NAME UTATEMENT TM follow1n<1 j)e(sons 11e do<ng bustness as S 4 J SPECIAL TIES, 9•71 Alli ;;:,.~· Hun11nv1on Beecn, Ce11torn1a ShtlilA Ann WetlnOn. "47 t AHi Circle Hun11ng1on e.acn California 92~8 J•mes C11tv1n Wennon Sr 9'7 t Al~ Clrcld, Hunllnoton a..cn c.titornce 928"' Thta bu-II 11 con<IUC1ed by a llmlled Per1e<sl' IP Shell• A Wennon Thos statement was ltteel Wllh Ille County Cle<k o l 0••"98 County on Octot>e< 15 19112 Ft"75' Publlahed O range Coast 0111y P110I Oct 19 : '6 Nov 2 9 1982 •587 82 POOi. IC NOTICE ------NOTICE IS •IEREBV GIVEN lllat on 111e 20th a.~1y ol Ocrober 1982 1ne Board 01 1 ··us1ees or the Coest Commun11y c:.ollege Oostrtct 01 Orange Coun1•1 Ca111orn111 adopte<I a Resolution o' 1n1en11on ro giant 8 license lo B•>nnevllle S111ell11e Corporahon. e u 1ah co1por111on. lor tlle purposes 0 1 localing 1wo antennaes on por11ons ol ther building know" as tlle Community Tnea1er Bu1td1ng. Unit 20 Localed on 1ne Gold en West College campus In '"" C11y of Hun11ng1on Beach. Cehtorr11a A public ""ee11ng upon c11e Ques11on ot mui.ong such• grant will be neld at I :0 70 Adems Avenue Costa Mesa G 110torn1e on the 10t11 day ol NOYemt>er 1982 al 1"8 our ol 8 o clod< p rn BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ca.SI Community Colt19e OlllllCI Secretary 01 me Board Pubhsned 1)1ange CoHI Dally Potor Ocl 26 1982 •697-82 MLIC NOTICE ST A T£MIEN T Of' WTT"°""WAL fllOM llAllTI•A .... ONflATINQ UNOllll l'ICTITIOUS aull•H NAME Tiie lollcowlng pereon hes wlthdrewn u 11 general partner from the p11rtnet'Sh 1 p ooeretlng under the llc11tl0ua buslnns name of PACIFIC GROUP M"Rl(ETING, II 504 Norlh Newpor1 Btvct .. Sulit 205, Newoo<t Beach. CA 92 683 The 11c11111>u1 bu••"en name ll•temenl f0t• Ille psnnerthlp wea flled on Mu ell t&, tg82 In lhe County of Ora.no-Full N1m1 end Addran of the Peraon Wit h drewlng John H Wllllam1, 5Cc8 Begonia Avenue. Corona d .. Mer, Celll 92e25 JOhn H Wl!Mama 1'1Ma02 Publitlled Orange Co11t Delly PllOt, Oct 12. 1g, 28, Nov 2. 1982 ••80·82 Thlt 1ta1ement w91 flied wtth the County Clltlt ol Or•no-County on OC1o«>er t5. 1982 P\llLIC .->TICE PlCTTTIOUI .,..._ .. 1'1W1'f7 HAMii IT A Tl•NT Publlthed Or•n~ CoH t Daily The lollowlng l*IOnl era doing tlutln88I .. PllOt, Oct 19. 28. 2, 9. 1982 tRVINE t:ITY SAVINGS TRUST _________ .;;4.;;;52;. .. ;..8.;;;2:.1ACCOUNT, :!Ollt au.in-Center MUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllN~SS NAME STATEMENT Tne totlow1ng persons aro dOtng ouaoness es TRIO GRAPHIC SERVICES 1~252 Culver Drove Sune .A·2211 ""one. Calllorn1e 927U WH!Hlrl A Sen10 58 Eap•en-. 1rv1no. Calltorn1a 927 t5 J1n11 001ore1 Gatbrallh . .c8 Promenade Irvine. Cet1lorn1e 92715 Jerry Genoway t7t9 t A r m1tr o ng Avenu• hv1ne . C1111orn1a 9271• Tnos l>u.,neH '' (.Ondueted by a 9-•I partne<ll'llp Wlll>lf1 A Santo ""'""•~\ lt1\lti,,tl •• ,. Jub!A ""'"''" H•IP Y. •f'\I••• \\ &. • MERCHANDISE •••• ,. •...... i. ........ ~. "Nl'tt•"" ... AW11 1"-"' ::i.::;; ~·""'• (" .,..,., .... t q.,.p" .... {" ..... ,"'"" ,.., ...... "'"' •wtn•h••"' ,.., .... ~f\.i.W••·-"'"1 , ... ~, '•'"' .... .... ._.,..., ,.IV#ll•"P'IW M11wf'U•"-' .. This stet11menr w1s filed wofh !he Counry Cieri. ol Oranoe County on Oclober 2S 1987 -.._.~ ...... ," ""*"""'' """" ·~·f\' t .,,j~ F20Cl415 :::~-"" 4 ,,,,.,. Put>111ned Orange Coest Deily I'°'"'"' 04 •. ~ ••• Potol Oct 26 Nov 2 9 16. 1982 s,...,.., '"•"' 4655·82 •?::';,."'"''•"''M "•' ___ M_l_l_C_NO_T_IC_E___ T• ~.~,., ICof "•••• FICTITIOUS aUllNESS NAME STATEMENT Tne 1011ow1ng persons are do'"o bustneat aa VICTORIAN CONE WORKS. I 10 Pact11c Coas1 Highway, Hunt1no1on Beach, Ca11torn11 928~6 RocherCI S Asdel, 10181 Jon Oay Drove, Hun11ng 1on Beach, Cafllornoa 926•6 Celhe•lne C Asdlll. 10181 Jon Dey 011ve. Hunltngton Beacll, Calllorn•1 92648 rn11 business 11 conducled by a genor11 partnersn1p Cetllefone C ASdel Th11 s11rement was hteel w11n 1ne County Cieri. ol Oren99 County on October ts 11182 F1"711 Publll h8d Orange Cont Delly Piiot, Oct 19 26 Nov 2 9. 1982 •523·82 P\ellC M>TIC£ FICTITIOUS aU81NEH NAME STAThlENT Tiie followlno peraon II doing bulln881 .. PARLOR M AIDS. 2238 Conllnenlll Ave . Coate Mesa. CA 92827 M•lll Krauser!. 2238 Contlne<i181 A,,. Cot1a MeN. CA 928i7 Thlt bullnesa 11 conducr.o by •n ln<llvldual Merle KreuMll Thi• bu11neu was med with 1he County Clerk ot Orange County on Oct. 11. t982 l'lllUS Publl1hed 01&nge Coast Dally Piiot, Ocl 12. 19. 28. Nov 2, 1982. 4478-82 P\ellC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI aUllNIH NAMI STATl•NT Th• tollowlng D•r•on la doing butlneMH VALET INTERPRISE, 2 U O fhur1n. •2A. Coll• M•n, CA 92827 Wlltlam Anthony Merrell, 2140 Thurln. Coat• Mesa. CA 92827 Thll O\lllneN 11 cOn<luctecl by an ln<ll~ll. WIMlllll'I AnlhOny Menell Thlt t111-t WIS flied with Iha County Clerk ot O.enge Cou111y on ~t 15 1982 BOATS & MARIN[ lOUIPMCNT (,,.~,·· ""_)•h )lt•f'• .... ,.,,. l'tJ•t• "., .,. •• ' ·~i.itCf ~ll\PCllJU l\1•1• ftf't+I I fl•rl•f &u•I\ '••I 8tJ•h ~llJ' ,,_ .. h P\t)•h ''""'"' .. " ,,,._..,, '4c.llfd t IRANSPORl A TION A.fl ••f'I t •"'''' '41 .. M•~• f.lf'lhll I •I C:'~ t~·;r;;' ""~·.•., 'tl0tor ti!!'\ ,,,. ••""' y,.,,.,. tr •••• Tn1..,,,' uln Awl1,; 'wtuff ''•rt AUTOMOBILE ..,.,.,.., .. 4f'ttoot....-• t •U·• • ... ,, •• , oft\·--·~ ... ~-·· ... '9'.-t• 4W••• Ur qt y,"' •• ,_ ~vto l.l'•t "' "'"''" .. •"1,,-1 AUTOS. IMPOUCO ...,.,...,.,., \It•,.,,,. ... , '"' '-"'''•" ,,,.., .. b"4111 l •~· ~ l -Vll h•hwl\ ·~"·' .1 .. 1 Hu._,,. J•UV•t ,.,. ... ,, ~~~"~i~:: .. '4.uo. ... ~,. ···•· ""'"' 111 .. )llGtt •>p.t P•fl\h••• '"""" .. P'*""'"" M-C'f\'1i1Wlt Kt.ti!• Kvt f lltO\•f ti'~ ~~·n• r.,, ... rr._,..,~ \oi,.,.., ... \Ol\•I AUTOS, MEW \orftn•I .... ~ '"' '"' If.lilt IOUAl HOUSINO OPPOAIUHIYV Ht•1111JtJl'lc'l.l :J bdrm, :t blilh I l11rgc me rm. l11•11111 1·1•1ll11g?1, furrWl.htod, putu,., $420,000 ,.,,. ::: hltll1h1rh l1tlo11 cu.i; All 111111 ull11111 aovorU.4111 :: u1 UH• 1U)WllP•POf It PEllllUU MO•E ( k t'tm & Jl•ll y vlt1w11. Murin.-rti0m, 4 bdrm, !I h11th, :m)I) iMI ft $1 ,:185,000 Ot-.•1i1nfront :::: ~~~1~::0111~1~1u1~~1 1o1dt~168~ LlllDl llU IAYFllOIT ,...._ whlc.h m11k11a H lllctQlll lo ··:.· iHJVttftilft iUY C>Htftr•n I .. 11<11on vww from ti bdrm, ~ lllllh, phlyro(lm, dur k t 111, dl!n lloi:it 11llp Now $1 ,000,000. Private Aool Sunoeck" Ollly S t0,000 down i S t3961mo pyrntt If JOI.I ere IOOklng for I UNIQUE HOME Af A STFAL w1 ve got 111 "" C.fl 11m11ot1on 01 u11cr1m1 :::;: 111111u11 h•no oo m e•. ... color r111tg1on. 10 or :-: 11a11u1111I 011u1n Or llny ,,.. ll'lltintoon 10 mek11 11ny "Jtn 1Jrttleo111c11 hnma uon or 0111crim111e1tori llYlllE PUCE ... ... "' , .. I h•S newsP•P•• woll 1101 knowingly 1ccep1 ony adver 11alng for r eat es Ill• whoch " on v1ola11on S 111'l'l.u<'Yh1r bnyfront dplx Z br, 2 bA up, 2 br. 'I. l)J tin :l l)(>IJI lipl.ll..'t.'8 RedUL'C«i-$1 ,~00.000 Flllllllll 11101 N1·w 4 hr, •1 'l ba, l'U!lt.om f'l'('neh Nomumdy •:-,i.,,14• I :.! prtml· m·rl.' hilltop $1.2:>0,000 CEN1'URV 2t ..... 1 ...... , Ut-IOIO I E'lllE HITS ,,, ..... •• ol the law IYlLOI I .. , __________ , Ft'l ~tntph· 2 ur l•HWJ(l' "" QUIN lA.'loC'allllO St 11~ H · 1 h't 1re11 Owner wolf carry a 1ut>- 11anllal 2nd• on 1nese W'911 mt1nttln1d 1lngle 11ory t 4 2 bdrm unoll Pien1y ol 011 111ee1 per· 1>.1ng ' car ga••o• Al· tractovely prtced at $325 000 ... " .. .. .. l'•I ...... I " .. , .... UIRORS1 Adverll-(111 Fl.it:.> H1..'l.lul'l.-'<l tu $IOO.OOO sers should check I COROIAIO CAYS their ads daily and Coronado Islam.I cwl. bilyfront lot. 85' boat report errors Jm-dock Pl11ns avatl Now S:J?0,000 w/tenna. 144-1211 £~~rr.~t?i;yr~; 1:nm1lll~P,Ull ::::: the ftr s l incorrect _ -_..W. - :::: 1nsert1on only - mm :~: 1-------1·------l&Jlill HOVE II," HWPOllT MEIHlS 2 BOAM 2 8A LUXUR'f HEAi 11111 Sl,000 H I Hll/110. ;~ HOlllfl /01 J•/t IM 0.11. CONDOS 2 car encl QI· -*' •••••••••••••••••••••• Charming 4 Br. & temlty rage. full amen~Uea. .... f,./ Est.,, S7000tdown 1nd owner .._.; •••••••••••••••••••••• room, 2 brick flreptaces. wUI help Unance Ed Sparkllng "English" COl.lntry Style w/111-or massive greenbelt Aarometlc wOOO·t>urn1ng used !>rock llrepl11ca 1n gracious enter1elner'• It· vong room Center your Chrlstmu tree around roch wood panelings & high 11yle window c;ov&- ronge Amazingly BrlUsh w1t1's own 1eperete pantry & launory room Twtn closets & mass111e master suite + newly decorated nursery 3 CHEERS FOR THE PRICE' ONl-.' S79 0001 Wll n $6 000 down S81 5tmo paya all Call fas11 ~1~: C1111r•I 1002 country llllchen, quiet Watts 964-617t 11111 •••••••••••••• •••••••• res1denhal area tn mo~ _____ _. ... .. ... II> ... II• ... I • ,.~. #·jl 111• ... •J.'.' . .. , ··• 1 I ·':I "I , .. .... '" .. ., " .... ·~ ... .. , .,., -. .. . ::,. I .. ---· .... ..... ..... .... .. ... .... •111 ., .. ,.,_., -..,.., ..... wr;t, .... .. ,., "' •l.• .,. •)I·• ·~ -.. ... ·"·' ... ,. "'"' I WllTlll Clern 1r11c;t by 8uccola. tO•t, On $229,000 Ow· COULD DOST St roer carry 10 yrs 144·•110 ******** •HYFIHT* Supe1 opporlunity 1n a 4 8<lrm 2 Beth home wllh security sys1em prof lan<lscapong. cable TV. n ew paonJ plus greet terms Rates are down • cell nowt Only S 12 t 900 • 6<46-717 t THE REAL ESTAT&:RS 1111 ESTATE 1120,000 \.\ . '-' . ... ·~ TAYLOR CO. tn ,, '11.,-.. I •I•· COUUIY FEELlll 1s what you gel wnen you see this 1as1elully deco· rated • Br 2 ea home LOIS Of wOOO. new ktlCh· e n appltancos a n d counter tops Assume 10 2s•1. loan Asking s 1•5.900. 631-7370 or 545-7836 TRADITIONAL REALTY lllT ILIP ••• Pritt Ult,1001 36 BALBOA coves. 3 bdrm • 2 bath OPEN DAILY 1·5 AJIT lltYllETTI Hll.TH/IWIEll •IU-1111* ********* c,, •• , ,,, .,, 1021 ...................... Ill 141 1221,000 So. OI HW)I. 3 Br remo- deled home on R2 Aa- sume lrg !01111. Now VI· cant. Clll Della 631· 1286 OHTHY 21 WALl·ll llEAL TI Hl·IOIO l'h% Y .A. LO&I T111s 1011ely estale 11 lo· cated In an .1n1 area very quiet & ttee 11ne<1 slreel o l bai.utolul older homes The 11ouse was bu•ll by a special con· traeto•, ', DI an acre with separate guest house. 1001 Shed, greenhou••·1·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~iiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~ perl\·ltlle grounds • has Tiii 'VIEW S 1000 <lollars worth of Assumable on thlS 41 bdrrn !tome with relur· blahed kllchen and low maintenance yard Own· er wlll ualsl with flnan· clng toot See 11 soonl Reduced 10 $127.500, "°'' 979·S370. rare plants <A oo•d•·: AllYE llYIH TRIO£ net s <lream I Sego Turtterock Glen. wood· n \t >Ill 1lF1/ pelms. Phoenix loblltna, s1e 1op view. Dramatic 3 your bo<lng Income PfO- Reylus. lovely pello wllh Bdrm Jasmine model. pe1ty or outgrown real· bbq & t11eplt, fish pond Upgra<les. Redwood denGe with lar~ equity etc etc; Tn11 gorgeous deck, near pool & tennis. tor thlt neat ru1t1c and property II ofrered II Owner motlveled. redu-roomt 4 bdrm, 3'~ ba l·t:. .• \ ... , ·•.•f"'t' , ..... l •. only 1120.000 Cell IOOey eeo to $269.000 home In WALK TO THE won't la.al 548-23 t3 BEACH CORONA DEL ..._. \llfde bird air-• 4 Bdrm, lamlly rm 4 more Clow to acl'IOOll. 1hopplng , 11c Owner uallfed financing See It now I S 170,500 Ca ll 979-5370 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS 2 11111 FIXER SH,000 S-ng Is t>ellevtng Tills property was re<1uced over $20 ,000 due to foreclosure Great tor the llrst ume horne buyer on • llmoted budget or greet for rne 1nves1or This could be a break even or posttove cash flow 1St Trull Deed ol S•2.500 Low interest & monthly pay-ments Call 546-2313. THE REAL ESTATERS I "-lf1l I 11(~(S MAR LOCA TION with ~~R~e~a~n~or~s.~6~75~-6000~~-~!'I apec1 acuter t 80 deg = cc.an. 4 laland and llllf • l>O< vleW Prleed et cur· rent apprelaal of S475, 000 lee Owner het $ t95,000 equity and wlll carry 2nd LIH ISU Sunny south patio and n ew decor Leaded glass gourmet kllchen and a total doll house with 2 bdms and <len Priced under mar!lel I Assumable loans and OW help lln1nc;e S439. 500 Lease option '"-1111 \( >ll/ 1lJ.'1l o. f I • • \ "•. f • •~f ~T' '*FORECLOSURE F t XER• Brtng pelnt brush -save I 15,000 SS.000 dwn. no IUSIDE IAYFR .. T C11t1 ,,,., 1114 ~u:11r~· ~': ~~.:,::: Prtme Sea Ooamone plan • ••••••••••••••••••••• c 89£• '101 on cne le11el with 2 be· Auguet apltal .,. 1 drooms. 2 bettis plus IAJIE ""ITllrTYI llPLEX den Fresh neutral decor, "I'' llWI pnvate beech. bay view. 114 IOOI L ._..1 Eestelde 2 Br duplex with pool and spe security .. ~ .. 6 ..... :0:,f(,';,. new cpts. drepe1, lrg gates eoal slip 1118111• .... yrds, good financing ble Fee land sn 5.000 d9fl Vlflu wtnoor to c.1· I 135.000. Devin Reel Ung llreplacea. NEAR Estele. ~2-6388 " BEACH 1. 2 & 3 Bdrma \\.\fl HI Hll'I from $8 4,500 Below MUST SELL 3 8drm & LOOK 11\IMI" lmc.• market Int rete allow• pool Canyon view As· REAL (STl\IE for pymlt u tow 11 king $117,000 Try $12. For our new regular t-11 14111 s 7 9 5 I m 0 I e 1 1 y 000 down 811r 848..0700 waeeoklly IT1111usr•HOW-'"iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-Oualllylng) Pool, tennla The Finest Selecllon/ 1• & security g1ted privacy. M ESA WOODS 1 Story * TAKE ADVANTAGE OF or trl-level 4 Bdrm home. CASE MESA YEllE THIS ONCE IN A LIFE· BHI terms from s 174, Every Saturdiy in the On the g olf course TIME g:~~u~~~~TY 500 8kr 848-0709 Dall Pilot ClaSllfleds Custom oeaotllul 3 Bdrm W-IL a.. It•.._ MESA VERDE REPO Lg 11ome, many. m1ny ea· ... -. .. ,, torm DR . 3 br $155,000 •OlllflOllL PllPEITY• 21 Yr. FIHesl11 2 bf houM i ttudlo zo- ned lo• ert ttudlo, gift ahops. anttques. etc 1 Owner will carry flnan· c1ng for 25 ye1rt Only S 13!>.000 Call 71>9· t501 or 7!>2-7373. Ires $279,SOO with 10% ......... 10 dn. Agt SA&-7739 down OWTMI( wlll c;arry et l-----------1 ·---.;...... _____ _ 12''"• 1n1e<es1 People wtlO rll9d people Heve aomethlng )'OU want II .t0--..11 • .._ ahould llweys ctl«:k the to Mii? Ctuelfled eda do IJ ..... 1• a1n. Setvloe Olteciory In the It well I Call HO W , 141-1121 DAILY PILOT 842·5e78 ddfll llUI ... k '""'""" 5 yr old S & S Home STAR. GAZER.,~ ._--'--'-""'-,...---8' U-'1' t. ""LlA ~ :4:.,C::~ ~= ::.-~ ro <k"'•too """\.09" '°' l "''do.,. __ ,..........., ...... _... ot_l_ ....... ,..., 26 7 2 aq fl Pool wttll awlm up b •r In cave $25,000 l>elow m arke1 20% dn. 12.2% lnteteel. Agt. Jim. 531-8100 '"'"F=~~=~= ''"' .. ;) •'l'.11 t'l)i •JjJ .. 11 n• ~i ­.... , ... , -.1u ., .. COLDWel.L BANl(eRO •1• .... ,;,., ti~ .. .,. "'" .... tMI .,.., ., ... #-ft.I .. ... .. , FILLERTll/IRU 2 Br Quill RldQ41 Condo with wooday 1lmo1ph..-e & .... 11er1111e. O.corated llke modal 1200 sq, 11 $119,000 oller Own1r 951·13•4 or 529·3798 alt 5 IHOIHT 1141,0IO The 1mert usumptlon. s200.ooo usum1t1i. ti· iced 30 VA & 12~. An •lry, conttrnpc><*ry 4 8R, Ivan Wells customized wllh o a ll woodwork throughout. Large petlo 101 ee•y 1nter1 e1tung 8"t value In 8aycr•1 ........ '=~~, scc~~lA-~£tNs· :: -------.. ... °"' • _. .... ........---... ...... .__..,...._. 1"-Pu1>t11hed Or1nge Co111 Dally Pilot.Oc:I t9. 28,Nov.2. 9. 1982 ~58t-82 '1CTIT10U9 -s• ...... STATlmNT Drive, Sul1e ~·00. IMM, CA 927 tS P9ul C. (lullO, 9177 El Morado. "°TmOUI eutMH Fountain Valtty, CA 92708 .. ~ ITATa.mfT 1W11 '-""IMll· II Jade CoYe, Tile lollowlng penona 11re doing Corone dll M.,, CA 92825 • ,,"1 .. Puouaned Orange Co111 oeuy Pilol. Oct tO, 26. NOY 2. 9. 1982 452$-8~ •=r: ... ::-:...:. :: [ u ...... auros. USED -· If it 's got l N ~ c L tmG ~:. = wheels, I' 11 I l'•4l1U<11f """ • _ • P\alC .->net l"•• ... ,z = you'll move The f°'°""4tlO peflOOI We dOing but!MM ... (A l RAM U N L IM ITED PRODUCTIO N S . I l l OC EMF -0-.'EE N(WS, IC) UP DATA BOOKLET. 232t N ~ St .. lent• ""-· ClllfoMI• 12toe. 9._., (UQlf'lt Fr-. 232t N . H11perlen 81 .. 8 11119 Ana, o.llfomll t2fot. Pet• Ohlr!M Mtll. 2312 8an11 Ana It .• Colle .,..._, CA t2e27 Tllle~ll~~· genetel pet1nef1lfllp ,...., Cllartll Miii ~-Leigh '1t Aabtlltt, 121 \Ila (A ) 0 E M P 0 LI & HI N G He~. New0clt1 IMdl, CA 921!63. S V 8 TE M S . ( 9 ) U H I 0 U E fhomH 81tl111r, 1 Llncol11, MARKETING CONC£PT8, 346408 !MM. CA t 271' C1111lno Ceplatr1no. C1pl11rano Mlehael W McCllflan, If So. 8-Cll. CA 928:14 LI 8 enda. South l 1g1Hll , CA OtMle Wrtf'4, $4840 Cemtno 92eS I. c.oi.t•lllO. ~·lllO eeecn, CA Thie l>lllli'IC•N .. oondUCIK by • t:i$24 bull-INI t Kim Amy 8mllll, 3 •0401 Ptul C. Guiao C•mlno Cap111rano, 0 1plt1rano Thlt 1111t~e111 wH ni.ci wtth the 8-11, CA ~4 C<Xlllty Cllr'k of Orenoe County on T'llll 111111,_ It QO!lducted by • Oct t&, 1N2 llmllecl ~. c.ea ...... Dennll Weyne A"""9JI M a..w Thll etetement -llled with 11111 91 ........ C--Dftlle E"~;:.: : it faster In a I A P, t T o \ · f '~:.':A~· ~=:~~:··· : Dally Piiot co~~~v~•d . l I' I I . ! ( . ,,.... The fOllOwlllO pereon la doing '""'"' :!: ClaSSlflecf condo Ttlr" •P•CIOlll I \... , -Du~~·OESION CONCl!PTS. Ir:';!:.., = ad. Call =~~1-.i~ :~"~~ l T H A I c I ! Th• letttl wonder Cl•uo .. 17t0 MOlltoYI• A...n~. C· "·CO.ti ~":!':'r~... ::t 6.42-5678 and a tlOO view from deck•. I I I I' ; 'ontldeUICI 1118 mott l)Owetlwl M .... CalllOtllll t2t27 1•mvr1 -fr'endly ad A.••vm• •ttrl Cllv• l ever m•CI• 'l'OOI Ull'I .. ~.If lerle P•ut COO._!'. 21710-A =1~t.1. = vl'ser will • nn1ne111g ... l210,000. , ... --S-H_C_Y_P_E __ l unlen you'<t •ri f)41tlecr Delaware Avenue;, nunt ngton t'"" ..,.1 111 llM Beacl't, Calllornl• H111U I ~:'"""''" = help you • r-... ,,;;..~l_;;...,., ......,,rT,..;...,,r.....-1 • c-• .... ,-.. ~1• ......... Tiii• buel,_ II oonclucte<t by en til':::.i: • .,.~ .,. _ _ _ . bt '~""' "' "'" ,..,_, _.,, tnctMdlHll 1 ~ wi. turn your '"-"'--..._~~_..._,..., ......... '--.... J '"'--' (Ille,.,. OOOll L.:.:....... ... wheels Into flor Cl•Mlflecl M • HfNI N\MCtfO ltlltU IN I' r I' I' I' r I .. . ( . . . ,1 ! . . . • l ; ' I • i . TNI .....,,_., -Ned wlttl IM Courtty ewtt of Ofange County on cc.. 4, IM2. ·~ llvl>ll"'" Qf1no-CoH I Dell) Colin~ CWlt of ~ ... County Oii ..... -oet 1, 1H 2. ........, c.lttef• m11-n• ,.,,, ,~ Tiiie •tat-I wu llled With tile At• ..,,.,-..,,tannlZ. 1 mo;.? ACTION tt4SU >91M9U _ _ • _ _ _ • Cou111Y c..,11 o1 0t111ge eountv °" ·~.. ... cash. Ca•• oo.r rt. '"' ,,..,11 ~-:=, =1 ':.::! ~'~~ ! ~?'cfttl~wtr umu I I I I l I I , P11bll11led Oran11.e Ooa•I 01111 i.:•:0:'£'njC1~1n~a~l't~o=m=•~10=11]~~~~~~~~~;;;~~e..~1=·M:;1•:::L~·!!!'!•~L-~~-~·~"~"~~ll~·~l~l l~W~11~l~1~1~I~-~ "°'" ()et 12. It, 2t, Noll. 2, 1112 ......., ftlil>lltlled Oflfl.Q8 co .. , D•lly P11bllt hed Of•nge CoH I Delly '1lo4. CC. t2. II, 2t, Hew. 2. 1N2 PllOt. Oct ti, H , Nov 2 9. 1N2 ••tt.t2 4~2 , Ocl 2t. NO't "i. t. 11, tM2. n.d 842-W t -·--•• •700-.2 ( I f • ('I Orangu <..o 11 DAIL V PILO r /Tu11day O r t u bu1 i tJ l\>tl~' lessianal Service Directory~ ................. · ~!!!!~!1! ••••••••••••• f!!r..1• !n!!!! ........ 1 f !'.'.'!!~.~!!~~~~~{~•·I ¥~.,1. .. ~r .. t... ... . . . .. . ~~~!~·A .............. f ~ ... ~!!~~!~.!~!!!!!! .. . r~!!'!!~I ............. . l1tl• C1r111 lttHll ~L~~!9!ou0p~r tor II JO dey Id In IM IAILY PILIT llRVIOI llHOTHY 00 IT NOWI bk fer IH1ilr1 '!'our Delly Pllo1 Service Olrec:tooy Reprfflntetlv• Hi-1111, .... au M.~~'i!~!l.~!~!4!!!-.t EJ\perlel'c:~ Carpenter Remodel/ Add-on/Ree>elr 760-2685 548·&654 Aggre111ve Atlorney, No r .. lnltlAI Co111ulle11on. Pe11on•I lnlurv Cu••. No A•cov1ry No F•• 494 8&91 ~!.·~~~'![~'··········· D1by11111ng my home, 111· 111\11 OK, PT 01 f'1 love A reapec t c hll<Jren 846-7860 ~!!!~~.~l!'A .~!!!~~~ ... JA'l'S SPEAKEASY" Any OC:CUIOO Po11 b11 1-521-8141, 87g 7552 -~~~!!t!~t ......... . Compu1ertred bookl\e8• ping ltom $50 mo Also mill 1111 & peyr oll 882-2430 THE OONNAS Full bOOkkeeplng and Tilt ServlQe Aec .. 11on Flghllng Rates 968-1682 Sn•mP<X> ' •1•41111 c•••11 Kn """''o c.ab111et• v1 C:.artle11111g Lanoacaptng tlAUL INU •ludent n•• 11pei1encell to Color br'8hl enere will d•o CH1let1111r1111•rol uttllt yard nt•trol•t1en1.• Clean Ill• l ru,i. Sa rne tow INIHALL 6HEI r PAPER lly Richard Sinor Lie; c•l>lt I "''" Olo r.n ''" "•' 114' 01111 upa llH tllm A t•mov•I rel•• Prompt 7'11 11178 Aeuon•bl• lllJ ttO:.l l 2 1101144 13 1,1 11111nppy Hill 11.,1010 •mt I 1' ~vg "-I I,.., "•ltmatH 1111w ed C<JM Tnauk yuu. Joh11 rou.-n 17 50 t.t)Yl.h "O ""''"' I• 1141 411119 J11/111i1J lto<.111 r.u11omer11 cnr S~ Quat tllrTI P•I •••~•••••'•••••••••••• #t•ll•• •••••••••••••••••••••• l hanl!. :llW. 03 1 •« lO oo~r Crpt rlfl)•I• 16 VII ArSIO(NTIAL INT O( [•PIH 0810.fl•• a clean •••••• , ••••••••••••••• COMM(ACIAI ~•OM[ CUSTOM PAINTING u p Oo work m yHll StC\Nf II 1 imo 11"""0" HP• Tr1<1 trimming FtH 2•hr II 141· 1121 UUSIN SS We do win tnllc•I '~Hltl/t.0n1m Hell 6:1 1 0 101 I ~~;11~0tJLlj0:~',;2.'bjT,111 ~·· l'tltt l><l I 10116 I Furn1co p ool w•IOr Ile•• IJ(IWI 1001 nob 613-110114 I rutl O I It( 644 •79& N~1~11~•;~~-~~·~~~10 ¥ff.'!~!!..., .........• ' ~!!,~:~~~~,,:~~!!i~g ~~l!~!~{~~~!'!f•••••••• f!!'.~!~'.f!'!f.......... l~IJ_~~Tl ~:~~:~~'ti dry Frfle HI lll 9 1011:/ OA'l'WAl L fAPINO •w11ur11toi Fr11v llill· f\OBIN'S CLEANING 20 '!'RS EXP H111lliOQ """ ,,ubJOtn work I re•J atl ' I 64 .. ,31 St11111,., ll thoroughly I '""'"'"'0 londacoplng Htoi" Slllv41 !>47 4281 ()(CEL CARPET CAAF All •xlur•t1 AcOu•U1. "'" n "" c;lenn hOUH 640·08&7 B1omer1 Con" OJowcnkM Br1u01.'1'~rgnl1o0n1 FtH HI Kevin Gl!I 9088 JAPANfSE OAAOFNEA llRfO Of HASSLES? U46 0bt>6 11Ql IOAY VAIN! llM[I v •" E1 Ii I !H.I ECIALIS f ma1nt ,. "S SC 0 2J Y'" AlsCI <WO !Ob• !I Curpe1 upttol, ttroa "'II ft I Cl 1 l Quallly cte1n1n~ n11lp •• "'v. l ANO ,Af'>IN ' 1,,,1111,. eruco 97" o 11" ••••••••• ••••••••••••• c ••" up '''""'ll"O ow 1 & h 1 • ~ c " cteer11ng Work 01••1 El EC I HICIAN Prtred pr11.e f '"HI 548-9483 h••el Aorw 060· 402 comp serv tee ng, Free Etl 84!.· 1771 <.Ornru & retld 646 75'56 PAIN f ER NfEDS llQhl ,, •• 01tn1au1 on H " HSKPAS & MAIDS WORK! 30 Vii o~p 1nt1' 11.URT $ KAAPET KARE large or 1m11ll !Obi •• '.'!.f!f!~~•••••••••••• LIVE IN tlHL 'l'/WKL 'I' Old Cout11ty lantlacap111 l •ill Acoustn. 1.olling• l tC Qulllly woik Rell I IC 306621 67J-0359 CtUPiJ•Hry . Masonry VlejO ServlCH Agent y Anyll'llng ou t1tdo till! :Jl)f,780 r,06 851 Free HI 494 1429 LICO ELECTRICIAN Rooting Plumo1ng Lied/bonded 973.9000 h o m 11 , 6 4 !t <,SO 1 1 lilVIS PutnJtnn 841 '1186 675-6058 .... Ct•llll Cllltrlll Ou111 work/RllH •llH Oryw111 • S1ucc;o Tllo Cuaton1 Home Cleaning 1:, YI) ll•IJ 1 01 bmoll my FUii PAllTIH ..........••...•..•... CU~ l OM wO<XJ Oallo c.u veo oec:~• I tenc;•• or JIAN[)V 84 I 082? !!~!!!'.~!}!~~~-······ ED S PL.t.b 1 £HING N'llll l)llf(,lllt• 11111••1 A1u 1u,cua 11411 82!'111 l'l Ab lf'1 PATCHINCI RUIUC:l.01 lnl/UI 30 'I'" Noni P11ul 6•5 2gn r!~!'!~!~I ............ . 24hr ED Ut· 1121 40 g11t w111111neo101 U 2!i AILA!> l'LUMBINO 3. •llu111n11 t pec1et111no 111 1opo111 645· 1688 S SAVE S 20''• 40'!. f'>lumblng /Heat • 77 I 703 Ou8r lest Ret/co111n1 537 4378 GG 963 5<17<1 HB ••••••• •••••••••••••• Froe ell 83 ' 5072 Remooel J e 646-99901 & Comp! Maid Sernce L1aatJ1r S11vit11 ror 1ces ore 'SITI•itl Aun I Cernen1-Masonry-Block I ELECTRICIAN Cerpenlry -c;;;;;911 Prol Bonded lnl d r:.;~·~; O~l~~·i;~.~~;;?i t.13 6477 661 8849 Walls.-Cu•I worll Lk; Sml IObl /Repalra Lie Plumb • Diain Cleaning UNICLE.t.N SYSTEMS 1 & 1 I . •381057 Rob 541-2683 233108.c . 10 548•520J Elec!rlcal • Tile or Nwpt Bell 950. 1200 lull lold ttand wash, SPIRlf PAIN TEAS I llllJ.011111 ha no Ir on Me11cu1o u1 CuslO"' utll6•1 cspt/hm5 •• •• • • ••••• •• •••• • •• X -pell Otlclo. & cement AESIOrCOMM'L/INO Reis Oon 966·0149 Ou•ltly work wlU, e per· EAP Renee 642-9787 f,1tllslac1oon guarenteeO AC RAINC>U1T3ER 76 . .•.......•.....•..... M0 81l r i;r Rv1c.t R1Kreen11New ~""• N6t<.;M only 64:1·9~52 ~t!!~!!!!! •••••••••••• E l LAY N Gv1111k .. 11 L•lldM:Ac;Mt Gu•rnlll"d ')J8 2737 Tit• ....•.....•..•...••••• Tll ( INSTAI l fO All t<1no1 Gu•ranlHO Ao•• Jolin 1140 0? 17 ''" $1111/0 ....•••••••........... HPHltl THI IHVIOI TrM WOik Wiii\ • Con acience Tr1mn1111g ~ removal by How11d Do! 1011 P o Bo• 34 Co••• M1111 C1 92827 Pll 642 1932 $LOW RATES $ I •ee 1111n1remov c;lean up~ mo ... 1ng S54-7017 Addlllonl, Cetpen1ry, Ml · tonry, design and drel· ting, BBQ'• etc Oeve 494-1003, eKt 724 A 1 • S ' f !!!!.".!'!. ••••• ·· ·•· ·· .!'..'!!!!~f •• !!!!!!.... R1mod & R•p111rs Free ~:~: ~~1P~0:M6 ·~~~= 20 yra Oo my own work NOMI 11.,llOVEMli T I 1ona1 touc;ti Bectteior /lllHOlllf 1 , o rntn 213-430-6342 8~:'!,9!~:1111~24 ~:,4 4 645·8512 l te 27804 I Al 646·6128 REPAIR PLUMBING Ok CM. Irv. HB B•l ll ••••••• •••• •••••••••• l owest 111111• Prompt, I , . , Elec: Service & Contlruc· Cerpentry."e1.c, Ille Free 850·0933 BAl(,KWOAK Smell 1gbs 11881 profeu•onals 15 R1f11111JuJJI. C&. '/4 C esl Reas 845-2811 HOUSEWOlll Newpon Cos1a Mesa 636 7 49 •• •••• •• • • •• • •••• • • •• r.a.~0.11~1. ..........•.. Mo~I SUbjt!Cla K-14 Oey/eve S5 & S 10/llr Mr Morgen 645-5176 ~ OFF FIRST MONTH .. , Lo rates Decks. pa •I Ill lion LO •Illes Free est1-lrv•n• Rill• 675.3 175 yr& e•P __ • 1 FURNil URE· KIT CABS 09pendable, attordable, llo Steve 752-9556 i:···k;···;····;·;··~·ld. mlllS lie 3332l7 28 '!'AS EXP OUNH.t.M I w·•TED RALPH s PAINTING Cslm lon1shes. repa11s ~:,e?n'f,, ~; Co~ta cM~s~I 557 1738 847·"7!4 HOME IMPROVEMENT • /111viaf l;h11s11an 1n1 or e..:I ooors Joe 673·1469 T!J!~O.f.!!!!!~~ ••••.•• es u n 11 a I A n• we r Ing 1 ·E-ll_P_•_r_c_e_r p-e-n-,-0-,-d-o,11-s 1ervlce, secreterlel & ili ttome. hilt time only $40 r111,.1•1~ Remodet-r8')alrs-lene1ng •···.·· •• •1•·1•0··v·i··~·.····· 1 i:~ers reas 536·9898 buslnen tervlcH . mell lddlllons, remo de s. box ren111, word pr~s-decks Skyllgllts & ,.. Lunch snacks TLC. Lin •••••• ••••••••••••••• Experienced dependa I 41 •••••••. •••••••••••••• • electrlcal-plumblng I Hign Qualny housework • R111111H Strvitt l v PING E•per1 1yping of manuscftpts. lerm Pll· 0 1,,s S 1 50 page 548 2237 Sandra p111rs Free est Dan sing Telu-Facslmlle, 962•0815 order entry, p1gefl·lt1M da 751·2342 A& K f ENCE wood & cerpentry 631·8530 OI ll I I I • Top oualtly 25 yf 6AP ••111na RESUMES chain link Resltnd/c:om e, onest, nte 1 gent. Competitive ratos • ·'••••'-••••••••••••• CJ • S i 548•5493 540• 7751 JOHN THE HAND'!' MAN mettculous, lle>tlble I em No ovanime 730 tJ!>J Farthing tnteroor Design Proless101111-cont1den1111 buy, deak apace ren111 M11ttr OrtftsMH ANSWER NETWORK Finish & rem'dl crpntry •• !~!'!!'J. •• !f!..'!•~•••• Plumb1ng-elec-odd tobs I I he bes I P ll o ne HANGING/STRIPPING Call 631·8000 COMMERCIAL • HOME WOOD FENCES/GA TES Fr" estimates 638·4 116 6 73. 70 12 al Jar 6 PM ·ABC MOVING· Visa-MC Scoll 645-9325 !!{J?~!~.~!~~'!!~r ..... 831-9131 (llSk tor A.V) References. 499-3105. BUSINESS We do win-Installed & Repelred H /' weekdays All day Salur-Quick, C11relul Service ASA PAPERHANGING dows tool Rob 547-2883 I~~·· ~ry 499-1724 •• '.~.'."A •• P•••••••••••• day end Sundey Low rates 552-0410 ;• yrs local e~p Guar ~!'.O.'!~I ••••••••••••••• Huber Roottng-all types New-recover-deci<• LtC u4 11802 548-9734 'Let Ille Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Window Cleaning, Lid 548-8863 20•1. Mon1111y Discount ~!/.~~!~ ............. . Driveways, Parking Lot Repairs. Se11lco1t1ng S&S A•phlt 631-4199LIC I Oen Hallberg Grading & Pevtng Co. Res/coml. Lie 397804 842-1720 ~!!~!~11! ••••••••••••• FRH HTIMITESI Reasonable prices. rast. profe11ton1I w ork custom work toot No 100 100 small or 100 big! Ca· blnets. kllcllen remodel & finished cerpantry elect I plumb/ cabinets/ coun1anop1 I do every- thing lrom stert to lin1alll Cell Bred II CoalratlOll CtHlll 01ttl11Ji1J11 SOUM JOBS STARVING COLLEGE work Prices s1ar1 al •••••••••••'•••••••••• ••••••••""•••••••••••• & mall Moving Jobs ti you want your house STUDENTS MOVING S81roll Alec 751-7027 R.J. Nulf•H I St1 TREES Cell M IKE 646-1391 REALLY CLEAN, Cati co Lie T124·436 Jcilly Cric kelers.Piol Linda 669-0318, Good lnsureCl 64 1 8427 Lie 306888, Ramodol Topped/removed Clean HAULING-GRADING Reis WATCH US GROW• Wallpapertng & stnpptng Add ns. Cao111e1s up. tawn renov 751-3476 demo1111on, clean -up. Many referentes Paul 646-85861645-4644 Concre1e & 1ree removal. I HOUSECLEANING • /llluiic LlllOlll 857-0118 CuSlom RemO<l/Add "' TNE IRH• SOHE Quick serv 642-7638 Also w1ndow1/applc1 1•••••••••••••••••••••• 1--1 ---Lewn-tree·•hrub tnsllll PROF SERVICE Rees 662·2674 eves ORUM LESSONS 1a1lored E >'P8rl wa lcovering tn· Free est Qualo1y 2nd 10 Tree ir1m/removel __ 10 your Bblhly Mike Nel-1 51a11a11on Reas proces none• Bandel Const Hauling • yrd clean up Housecleen1.,g llone11, I son 631 6300 C.onsunanl Ass1gnmen1 L~ 418570 548-4271 Lawn Malnl/Rololllllng Quick & clean. Free est elllC1en1 Reference• _ 581-8590 ROOF PROILEM7 Don I re-root, repair 81 1r a c 11o n o t co SI 857-2890 ROOFING REPAIRS Small IObs OK Free es1tmates Cell Tom or Clluci. 542-8392. lntle~t Reaid/comm t Free u t 20•1, monthly discount 644-4798 ,,, .. , .. m Our olllces handle 111 areas ot law Prompt, couneous service FREE consultetton 549-9335 Clalsltled •d. 642-5678 (l 14) ll 1-UIO Have you read 1001y s I Trade your old slull for C1assil1ed Ads'? II not. n ew goodies wllll • you're m1u1ng 11\e Desi Claulfled ad 642-5678 b&rgains 1n 1own1 Free estomale 548-6065 673-0548 Deys/eves 645·6169 Sue ---• ---------------Tn111k1119 01 a new nome we gals shd hang 1oge-l andscep1ng-Yd Clnups New 1n 1own? ClaHtlted HOUSECLEANING Good 101 ~pring-i See lhe many 1 i er Hang. select Up· Turn 10 lod&y s classllled Tree 1rim1remov-M1tn1 can help you meet many refs Tr1n1porl•tlon Ex· hs1tngs 1n lodey's clastt· ..,01s1er walls 839 -0730 I o r 111 e o es I b u y s l1tige1ton Jtm 851·0•29 01 yoYr needs 642-5678 per'd 979-9758 lted cotumns 642-5678 rny1tme 642-5678 knock• ollen wllen vou use resull·oetung Delly Pllo1 CIHtlfled Ads to reech lhl Orange Coa11 metket Pl'IOne 642-5678 ~o.~!!!.~o.~ !.'.'.'· ..... · I ~~~!!!X~r. !.'.'.t ••.•... f!!!f.!!!~~ •••••• !.~~11ffl.".'!f.~il.".!{ •• !.~~~ WA/Fiil nll•I VILLE IE DERISE BEAUTIFUL OLD WO~LD TOWNHOMES By HOWlfd Merk Co lrom 1159,000 496-3244 760-9355 ---~ for your motorcycle DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash If it doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One item 3 ~DOLLARS 3 DAYS , LINES • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details (Non-refvnd.t>le. Extr• llnee 11.00) CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 ~o.~!!! .~o.t. !.•.1!....... 9!~.'!.~~~L~~'!!! ••••. I ~!.".~'.7!: .... ··········I ~o.~!!!. ¥~!!'!!'.i!A~~.. '!.o.~!!!.~~!~!!'.i!!'.~~ .. ~~ ~!!!. ¥~!~!!'.i!~.e.~ •• !•.r!r.!! .~!~f ~ ••. !.~~¥ 0·i~;~:·r,, Silt 1100 I ~".~!!!.~~!~!!~!!..... ~!!~ ... !!!~~!. .. }.~~~ f !!!~. ~!!~ ...... 1.~~t !'!t. '!~ l~f ~ ! ....•. 1.~~~ VIEW/IHllS RI. •••••••••••••••••••••• l1IH1 Lrg 3 Br 2 Be upper or San1a Ana Hts 38r lrplc , Braad ltw Mo•u SALE OR LEASE OR 1taJt1U/I 3101 dpl~ w/lrpc, yrly tease 0 1g ylrd no pe1s C111na Potnt Walktng dll- OPTION 3 BR. 3BA By LAST i•••••••••••••••••••••• $1250/mo Av ell 1111 S750tmo 546-0814 Bk• I t.tnce 10 Beach 3 end 4 owner/bkr 648-5719 WINTER Xlre lerge 2 L o r a VI n c e R I 1' bdrms S950 10 $1 350 bdrm, OGu nfront 2 pa· 673-4062 Nr S Cst Plza 3 Br 2ba PN rno 661-3100 WTILIFF TUil condo S700, gaslwtr pd Hoa111 Va/11111i1h' : Hou1t1 Vnla111ill11d . ••....••••••••••................••..•.•.•.. !!~~I!! .........•• !.~~1 ~!.'!r.!!. ~!~!~ ... !.~~! I 3 & 2 S795/mo 2 BA 2 Ba cpts. drps encl 2 & 2 $745/mo gar $750 No Pett H.ive Ollle•S Fred Te- 675-6606 n o 1 e 6 3 1 -I 2 6 6 Heritage Par k·C&ltlornoa I 631·2711 Sharp 3 Bdrm. l11ge corner IOI, RV I CCH I Spa, n-paint end root, copper plumbing, cul de t i c ttreet OREA T Fl· NANCINO TERMS At· klflO only S 105,000 C•ll SA0-1151 CHANCE 1101. corner lot. N-furn, IAYFllllT sec dep & 1111 mo l<aren Hcuse • Condo . Ap1 All Fii C&H IUOM crpta. drapes 997·3970 955-2033. 759-1071 I a v a I I ab 1 e n o w Tt\11 IOvely 3 bedroom 3 & 83~·5086 Sandy t>eaell, ••eel view S ,; S O • $ 9 5 O Ill / Vi • IH1 balll tiome could oe of b•v. 3 Br 2 betllt 3 or. 1 b• relurOlal'le<I In-7 t4f493-0467 II •• trf 1 10 buy 11111 beeutlful J 01111 Ifill 3126 ye• r I V o r w I" I er sid• S600 mo Drive by __ •••••••••••'•••••••••• yours In e•cn•nge or $ 500 64 95 l3 ° Homes 3 BR. 2 BA dbl lLARGE' 2 br 1 08 gar garage Pelto. ltpe OI W d /w 5308 Se•sho•• lorm1I dining Avell 1m· 1750 mo Yrly 962-4914. tTWt<Jtetely No pell S860 mo 113-423-4094 Hrt>r Vu Hms 3 bd, 2 os. ~HEJlrTACE 2 Bdrm Fin11terr1 on u ... your con do In Capo year Old, 4 unit •Piii· e:~··;·;.~·;·~;·~~~d~~ 1 Imo 4• 26!.2 Sen la Ana Ave fc 111al1ia V•llex 3234 MINlon VleJO $139,000 8eacll irH 1259.000 ment ttouee In S•n Cle· ooe1n view POOi. fennt1 I /&.-lhen call 851-6226 1•••••••••••••• ••••••• 2 Br I • Ba Woodbrodge Townnouse 30 Brier- w ooo $70 0 Agen t 54 1·5032 no pea S1050 1954 Por1 Clertdge 64"4·2•05 Submtl otters po Bo• 64 7020 mente w1tll ocean hills !I I-• W hy t hrow ew11y ren t 17114, NB 92683 4• golf courH views al 1 Comp! turn 760-9466 1111i11•ll 3201 Ea.sts•de Condo 2 Br 1 • "toen you can own 4.3 OCEANVIEW HOME REALTORS Ulll llUL ESTATE tremendous .. v•no• di· (8·51. 240-3201 t•ll 61 •••••••••••• • ••• • • •••• Ba Ir p I c 9 a r a g e ,.. , s 1200 lo $2000 oay· ---------iMiw~tl '-"' J-fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii•I rec1 from Ill• owner be· Ll'l.llll It•"'• "I.ti Penon Pl 5 BR 3 • oa.1 S6~1mo 5•8-3561 rnems $1751< -S215K -f b I II ' d ,.. • .,, ... OR lrg P8h0 $1200 mo ~ lake 0 e El •11• JO:"• •••• ••••••••••••••••• LlUE/Oml• ore e no s e w1 "1 •• ••••••••••••••••••• 10 mo Agl 673·9060 Rent or lease newly re· n1.,ve •n " r • 1 Br Condo 2nd lloof 38 St1eamwood $500/mo Agent S4 t-5032 N B HIS Lrg home on 1 ~ere plus grounds 3 or 3 bl + 2 kllS + 2 ~tttng •ms Can 5e(>ara1e ups- 1a11s rrom dwns1rs Bolh levels neve unobstructed view S25001mo R a H Invest 752·2197 11 .,,. oro1cera Ac;J NOWl!t Call 180 deg OGHn voew, 2Br moo•t-" ttome woth 510. ~-.are apprec1a1ton c;all •••••••••••••••••••••• ILIFFI IAIUll Use 115 vac;alton lllde•· owner II (7 141642-0138 1 21>• soa, s12001mo Pll c., •• , ,,, ,,,, 3222 r8ge 0&"":a1ge lenceo IOI Sue al 891-5556 RHAL lmtll uou -, .. _ ...... 2.000 way • just cioee tile door 4"" 5304 499 4827 ' v-.. ·-... "' 10 !Ills securt"' condo al la"O•,. 1tl it· 2_.. ,..,. · · ___ ••••••• • ••• • •••• • •••• • Commercial zoning 1101 S•·11c1ous l!J!ecultve 4 Br 3 4 Bdr 3 Ba. lam rm w/ I IQ fl, 3Br, lam rm, 2'1\ ., • .. N ·• """ " Br 2•-. Ba FR DR & B • Turllerock Condo ~Br 2 Ba 2 Cir g111ge swom mtng pool, sp1 fenn111 c;ourll Unlurn $900 Furn S 1 100 553-0662 etba ell below mkt v 11111 Balboa & reel ••••••••••• r; •• ~ •••••• lltW'Ntl I••"'• 31~1 • • 10 Newp orl lvd 811 ttome 2 story. new w 1 r, w1 I 17 • 900 S.. wide Gr--.bell. near worn.-free u .. 11 & enioy Wtll trade dbl Wide mobile ••••'•••••!'~: ••••••• '!. view Comm pool, •en-851 -9889 642· 1334 paint & car ..... ling nr Mile pr c;e 1 ... pool F1r below m11ket ., &I JB IDO s 3 f nis, $1200 mo Ownr ---S "&~ · 751-3191 5235.000. Wiii tease op-view trom deck. malnte· home 01 t l'IOuH. L I LE • bdrm, e.m 759_8006 Avail Nov 1 2 Br. 1 Be. q Park sllopptng _ '1 blk 10 bcn lmmac. 3 bO i bl ger. yd, POOi 4832 River IB•lboa Bl/ PCHJ lse $950 675-2399 or 548-6622 tlon Bkr 844_0 134 nance lree living, unoer-Tustin fOt part~ QUllily 1m, 4 Be. S 1700 mo _ 'O• fenced rear ye rd No I $895/mo 759· 10 15 2 0 d, m end u n 11 0 n ground perking $129 Ouplta 3 lrplc, 3 get Brand spanking new eve-pets Weter & gardener H 1. I greenbell ''\ mll• to !~!.".!~~~-~~!!~.!.~~1 •S15,000• I WANTED· By P·P. ttome pref Seavlew, Jasmine Cr or Blutts. Lge caell 644-7070 000. Leue option 01 e•· copper plmb'ng S125K. OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, rywllere 3 bdrm 2'/r be Pd $450 648-3627 lflJ llJf •• u c 1 $825 mo Agt. ce11en1 ltnenctng evellD· euumaole 101n II 12% 1 B a $700 mo Bill Gerage. p1tlo S1,000 j lead 3240 846•2850 bit. Cell ror detallt int S175Klolr Agenl Grundy, Rltr. 675-6161 mo 607 trl• 841-48811 . .t.vall now 3 br 1'• ba •••••••••••••••••••••• IAL. ISL IAYFIOIT IU-1200 842-96&6 ___ WESTCLIFF • 3B,, 3Ba, 777-2233. 873-4399 Obi, gerage 1ge lncd yd SP<•lless 2 81 a11ac;hed WOODBRIDGE.. $1100 pr Sandy beach, excel view S695 646·3672 dtl gar. W/O hookup, mo. sp1ctou1 4 Br 2''t o f bay 38r, 2 oaths. IHhldt o.•. den. fully/ pity furn . Ctr••• .. ,, ••r $:500 & $500 dep Quiet, B f I le di I UNDER APPRAISAL 3Br, 2·~B1, 1550 IQ 11 twnttae. •Int aree, ap- prelHd S 135,000. Wiii 1all• $120,000 for Quick Ille $91,500 INUmlble toen, Call enyllme, Au· gull C1pltel 895-1011 Ba•lia11 .. '-•t• JHO ....................•• II Tll SAii IHk ftrffltHrt 2 story, 2 bdrm l'i'r bl beech • Condo co-op Poot. sauna. weight room, 1ub p e rking Qce1n and Pier View Listed II I 180,000, $85, 000 under mlrket. All calh or new fin Ottll opo'y tor someone wtio can ICI flat Agent. 531·8100. Aak for Jim Rlghetrne< IPactltl IUOI 11111 I 5 8dr, 4V. Be, 3-•IY. 3000 aq. ft. + over llOO aq. ft. 10 e>r.pend Some oc.111 view. 1 blk to bHCl"I. 1285,000 F P. See owner In •dJ. hOUM 11 20e I 15th St. 63&-1718 HSMllE 011111 S '"" 6 6 8635 • E"STSllE 8. •m rm. rp , n ng Ye a r I Y or w I n I er •• HouH + 3 twnhousea l ouv mo. 4 • Neerly f\ew 3 bdrm, 3 be. • nv Fwy & ~llopptng Sml rm Pallos, nicety tend· s !500/mo 544.95 13 J PElt Plan 4 3 bdrm, 2·~ be All wllh Frpl, ger, p allos OCEANFRONT 3 bd, 3 oa. 2 1trep11ces. 2 car gar 3 bdrm. 1 ba plus family pel pou w/dap Mc-K lped Lake. pool. ten· BARRITT '·· REALTY 2800 aq II Sale or IH OWC 111 TO Submit on 0, 2 br, 2 01 wkly/mo. Balcony Gerdener, wet rm L1rge detacll gar F 1 dden nr Bea ell Bl nit privileges 640· 1327, Npl Hg1s 3 Br bonus rm, opllon 1339,000 10% 0 P 8 Term a Ag 1 752-9466 or 673-0881 bar. microwave Leese wltll alley •CCHS $700 I 8!l3-4894 559-6188. olc 720-7373 2' • Bu, S750t mo Agt dn or S2500 per mo on 1~~~~~~~~~~ 641-0290 $1350 per mo mo 1st tall. dep No 28 C 0 1,LB 1 / i 673-9184 option Xlnt fin. 1: 1-----3 BR. 1~ BA. 2 cer ger, 55i-4693 el19' 8 PM pets Drtve by 212 Ltlllen '. on o ., a. cp' Super 2 or trplc, 2 ear l ------- 851-0130 Owner/Agt S J SALE If OWllR comm pool Winter or 642·8368 di ps, pool, Jae, clbllse, g1rage. lge pello. $595 Beytront. pter & atlp. 4 Br · •• Ill Undivided 'It lnll'etl In yrty Agt 675-8170 29•. 2Be dremallc spll1· n o Pets S 5 15 mo mo 760-9307 & bonus rm, S3500tmo HARBOR RlDGE Custom View Home ~.000 opuon money 4 &droomt 5 Ba1tls SI 299.500 •• £':1!~'!!.".! •••• J.~~! 15 units a~t bldgcln Ooeen front yrly 4 bdrm, ~~~·per~ .. 1117. ~:~5 HW CAPE OOD 768-7633 L1.l.11 IH~) 3Z4fl'iiiAiigiit ii84iiiiii5ii-3ii2ii00iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Wl.lw 111,llESS Huntington e1cll, A 2 cer g•rage and hol lub remo e oer ' C.I . TOWlllOll 2 Br dplx oceen view, •• 7.-.••••••••••••••••• '• C811 7141960-241 t for 675· 7650 mo Av ell 11 ·1 2700 Oecoretor perfect. spa-S6'50 119 Hunllngton SI HARBOR OCEAN FRONT •41UOll UY" 1nformet1on B1yside Or Shown by cloua 2 Bdrm 2"'tbe, 5:16-3894. 661·7622 Nu 3200' lux hm on l>lutt llllT&l SALE! I Cllarmtflg 3 bedroom 2 1 beth. 2 story. oceen vl- ttorne In sllN IO\<ely Si n Juan Capistrano on • pttvlle cut de sac Many uograoes Move In con· dltlOn. well below mlfk· et, of courte Outck Mii desired, wtsll to •llOCllt Call 496-3880 Beaullful 1 ecre rench TlllPLU DllTI IEU ILIT FllUOlll Otlve by 125 Cleltbrook. tllen pl\01111 owner/tgt for details on eurectlve 1nve1tment oppt'y ree· 1t111ca1ty prtcld S224,000 Pr!U & terms oegolleble 9&2-8118 Ho.111 V1/u11i1h' ................•••••• '-""I 3ZOZ .................••••• llEllT&LI 'l'eer1y-wee111y-W1111er. 2. 3 4 8drm1 1'10111 llUL n '"'' IAUIEIEIT style hom• w/guest l'IOU· 1.:Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil "· POOi. every 1menlty 2 Bdrm duplex on E •Id•. 1• $895,000 OMC Owner l'IH Jull be«i completely (714) 831~48. redone thq>ug hout. 111-1111 1Dlllllll S 135.000 O•vln Reel HOMES FOR RENT •PPI 675-6675 I pool jac . recreation f80 d99 vu of ll1rb0r. C hum1ng w•tertront 2 br, 1 ba, g1rege Aveil 1 •ree Plf1 pello, balcony 01 THE SAii surf. mtna. 3br, 3b1, ttome 4,~ BR. 4,,, blll'lt . Nov 1 $850 4271/t Iris & lge garege O.Co well Vu ol ocn 2Br 1'~ba, security, 11un1. IP• den plus hobby room Lg 730-99991875-8817 piper, draperies & more g1mrd gaie pool sauna. $1900/mo 496-7009 kllctten w/eallng area Ulll pd C1ll 675 -2311 gym S 8 0 0 f mo l----------I t b 2 ti I Duplex"' t>Ch 2 bd 2 01, 1 1 0 30 10 5pm 2 1 3 133 3 • 3 8 4 6 0 r Clean 2 or house In VII-we 11. pa os, op trpl, gar, sep yrd. no 902• 1298 lage Frplc. beam cell, aecurny syllem Tennis pets $.850 8-40-7742 3 bd 2 01 French Doors. -· yetd & ger Kida/pets Oii •v111101e Living, 01n1ng I Iott/wood & walpr NolWtty 11\row ren l away S800 494-2578 & mu1er sulle 8R ell w/ 11111111 VIEW llLLI CM 1 795 lnc:I gardnr 1 wri.,n you cen own 3.3 water View S3.000/mo NB, Lovely Sp1elou1, 4 1157•5880 wt!.1200 10 $2000 pay· EMERALD BA'!' 3 Br 2 Mery Lou M lfl On, bd, 3~ bl. wllrg bonus monts. S 175K -S216K. Be 17oo sq 11 lrplc, 8A4-6200. rm & wel oar Lrg yd w/ MESA VERDE-4Br, 2B1. mo ve In • 1eke ovat _ brlc;k Ptllo, with •P• 1 1 1800 S l800 t mo surrounding patio rptc. am rm mo 11\are appreciation, call 213 1876 •2265 0 , Oardnr pd , S 1500 mo 7S2-07S9 559-4984 Sun 11 891-5556 675-3067 780-8708 or 975-2144 ~Macnab-Irvine 3 br. 2 ba. lmmac High· 3 Br + JaCUU I Includes 2 Br 2 Bl Chermer. Harbor View Hiiia. 4 bd, lends "" No Piii No r1rn1ty rm 2 full batlla di· wooday & "'!Vita. Clll· • rt/. t w •• ,.i..111 I HI Ee111e 842·8388 • .,. .,.,.. . ..................... 1----------112 acre lot S1800/Emo. ~~~1es87~e~42s:~~ m2o41 nlng room carpeted line view, ,;pie, w/d, re-~~~~~~~~~ Day 8 4 5 • 4 3 1 1 v • • -• tllru-out b1lck l1plc prl-lr'lg, no dogs. nr w oooa N•wport Beck bey 2 Br. 720-0838 hours veto garage unit allows Cove 191 plus sec den, 2 B•. S900/mo Ree ,. ,14 Spaclout (1700 IQ 11) 2 kid s pet $6001 BEST S850/mo. 499·1617 Rodge<s. 831-1288. IQI. 11•111 Ill.. .,~24 bd 2 o di I / open 7 days COST 3 8drm, 2'.ot be, family lllYUTllEIT IF YW #1,.111•, Dtt,.tl, · room, pool, 8uy tor $75, 110,008 down, 11011,000 111'11 Z400 1 000 BELOW MARKET et 4 br, 2~ be, Quiet St •••••••••••••••••••••• TW. 11..... 1225,000. Pvt P•rfy. Assum 101n. A I H In-FOR RENT! I P r I n C I p I I t O n I y VM1 7152·21117 1~ •• tn• ... •d•" 1582-7387. 838-0784 --------1 •EL TORO• $725 •MISSION VIEJO • $700-1725 •HUNTI N G T O N BEACH* $675·1700 •••••••••••••••••••••• • 1' " ng rm •539 6190* 11 •-• JZH Ollllll llL •&a •Ir •la •tudy . Multl·leveled ___ • ----••rNtl -•f ''" F I • • " 'o townllome. Frpl, Vlul1ed wovv• $375 2 er nothlns .... "';................ L•llllY OHHI rp c range y11 gl S 1 3 or,' 2'1\ bl pluatt condo, rage: no peia Prl~at; celllngs, pool, ape 850 tency fual a llet goo nr weter, poas 0011 altp Ocean side ot Hwy w1 1750/mo. 111. plus MC ~o 673-9498 de.ti kids maybe olt near 1 1150/mo lrplcs, H e. oer•gH, • t • • • W a I k h _IVM ________ 10fill It•/ llllll 2 bedroom, 2 b•th• & 2 . .torlff In Twin Peeks In I "'""· , ...... ,..,, •S37.000• •••••••••••••••••••••• only 848 w 111111 St Cute 11111e llouae for cou-Th<t Mell Ya II C1ll now 875-1938 851-8394! pool. end spa C111 I •11• UNDER APPA.t.fSAL #•)/11 ... ., Like Atrowlleed atee. utra I •••· ' PrH llgtous Verulltea ffl "'• 1100 HH bullHn1 & llreplece 1· •YORBA LINDA* $700 •CHILDREN• •PETS OK• 499-181t. pie 2 Br 1 Be $.500/mo 53l•·6190 BEST tmell DELUXE 3 BR 2'A ba, 2 87L3, .. ·32.7111bel&ILWllr1'11-.5Tt, 2 BA 1 Be duple•. pvt 5411•8213 John ~11 sl y. lge front yard &( ______ " __ • __ IOI .... , Sea view Condo, 2Br, •••••••••••• ••••• ••••• Flrll, lest a deoo1tt re-M2·14.. 28 .. frplc, bllcony, 24 ht .,. ...... ,.... ~ u I,. d c 8 11 I 7 1 4 ) P•llo, new pelnl, 1545 2 Br tor lamlly n11 $4001 upsl•lrs patio NeeriS••I• .t.1 1UO mo. 833·8 !152 2 Br, I ba duple>t Oetage N fl Ir b ••c h BEST l>eech Ill & lest, sec:u-1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------1 r,wded oat• APPfelNI 2011411 w/encloeed ""'Ch 8 a . o 2 8 8 o, ( 7 1 4 l ••• -••• .. -. 8&7-0657 weekday eve-• ,._. 179,000. W iii tek• 2 BR. 2 e., Cotner lot, nlng• alter 6 pm 11 no ---------• & stove Avell 1111. no 539-6190COST r 11y s 1100 per mo UHITIYI ... I 2 Br. 1 B• pello, enclld pet• $525 &dep C•lllor Sp;lleu 3 l>d 1'1\ be 831-5661 NEAR SOUTH CO.AST g1r909. fenced. cerPl't• appt 1952 M eyer , l wnttse bll-tn's. WIO, PLAZA 4 bdrm, den, 2 CIOH to oceen! 3.3, $142,000 tor Quldl ..... llghl lnt9'10ra. Thia I• Ille llllWlr, plHH kHP Pymt1 St200 10 12000. I 101,000 111umebte Bat Buy In Town YIWIE a drapes No 0911 $525 549-3484 -~ "''"tlo. •ttcll cerprt, Newport CrMl 3 br. 2'AOI . b• family room, powder Plus ~url"' •49 .... 42 -·v ,.... pool. tennis No pet• S 17151< to 12 l&t<. M~ In loan Call 1nyttme, Au-5A0-5937 trying! • take over ah11ed •P· p l Capt1., 805-1011 ~ " " """' Fflf\c:tl Ou1tter 3 BR. 2•it kldt• 11/t ml/bell 1550 room Pool, l •c:. llr O.I fl CfHty llYESJIEITS _or_7_70_·S6_20 _____ , b•, fptc, w/d a retr, dbl h1, tut. dep, 1erm1 S950 mo 842-3490 I 1200 mo Inc pool prect11lon . Fln1nctng l=jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil'57 101140 M1y1towtr •v•ll•ble. Cell Sue I I .. Coectt CllHIC, i.g11 In ett-1555e I Tiii YM.11 O.C. court•. &le. good N LIM cond. '*<I• petnt Aeu. lmH IH4 Thia 3 bdrm home oner. oNtir. Cell Don, 751-0890 •••••••••••••••••••••• one of the beet 1tr9et to Of 5'1·6042. CAllllllE itrMt 10011ton1 on tht 1-c.-.. -.-lfd.-11----1 ltllnd. FMtUf• a '°"9ly llO llHL P•tto ~.ci f()t .,,,.,. • •• ~ •••••• ! .... one ot th• mo.t Mveble tllntng. Oen, U11• wide pl111• Ill V lll•O• II, 3 lot, 3 '* Qlll09. A l'lllnl OISTA llU t>drma. 2 ba. Larve Jiving to -· $49S,OOO. Strip ~ oentw In room Ttrtltlc >octtlon • 1.-----------""4 prime corner foca11on on end unit Aoa""" gr_,. -buey WHI 19th StfMI 1*1 11•9 _ ' netr 1~taculll' Oosla Meu r•dtvelopm1nt proJt ct. 100% IHHd. 4 I 0 ea Atttectlve Hiier llnln· 673-7300 ~ 'tWfM'H·n .. uylng 111d Mlllnt et 1 tHeOnellle prlffo.tlllt't Whal OlllllfleCI 11 all about. .. ~.,. 1 ZJSO 3 Br 2 Ba. S735/mo. No gar. femlly condo. no 54•·2313 N..,., belc:hfron1 home 3 m11n1 641-e284 ••••~~!'/.••••••••••• (l1t)I....... peu. 11015 Jo1nn 81 p e 1 t S 7 5 O Ag 1 l"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Br 4 81, tum 12250/mo.1------- QREEN VAl.1.E'I' LAKE AO~T~NO ~EE 844-183e 9411-4390. 845-<17155 I• Wlml unlurn 1200090 Cell Mra MOUNTAIN HOME EH111de condo. 3 br, 2 H I I Long 873-11 Aurt•••I• ,.,.,. NeJll 10 national forHI, ~~~~~~~~~~I 01, den. lrplc, 2 eet 01• ,:,:cttB~·;,~e dl:~7o Netod by Dec: 1 2·4 br s.aut toe 48r ttm '" Big -.':,'•,:::·1•1•1.··.·,•••••,·,._ llcllnn, boell"" . .ic 38r.1~ NI r-$.82 ............... 1.. ..1 .._ l'louee In Huntington Cin..,,.. w/custorn ...,..., --•-... ..,,, /l_._r_a.. ... .t -.-" ., .. ..,,.vv " room counfry "1c...... 8e11eh, 10Uth or Adami ,_.. ,,....... •••••••••••••••••••••• kite~ I 'I\, ln<ll)' rm, 1111 .,. .,.._ f-neighbor• kid• peta )( ...... 0332 • P • L I k e n e w Modem Spent.,, Set 21>1. rm, r ec rm. 2 l rplca. WOO<l all(I Q1111 tn Ihle 3 Quiet, Ct•1n, 2 bd In 110 IHM n .. d.ct .. ally 1~~1n~t~,~·~ta~ ...... ~~·~·~~~ 7141844-9904 11-5 M·F cloH 10 bay May rent 1~·8•. complet•IY fur-bdrm In • quiet IOo•tlon. court. New c:eroeia. o•· yourt Bl!ST Ally f .. 1: unfurn. avell 1111 Jllnt or nt1hed Oood lnc:om• N~ btleony reo-. yrd, comm pool, llO 53._9190 1,.,;., 3144 olU•lll UHi yrly 873•0571 pr009rty or 2 fem home. LJdt hlt/llflfl. Piii U75/mo Mgr 2483 •----------••~•·· •••••••••••••••••• Plan 4. 3 bdrtn. 211\ bl 1·8117·3534 '•ntu tlc tocllton 2 8 Or~ All9nUe. C.M. Privet• • aectudecl pool 1m&LI 2eoo •a 11 LH /Optlon I I • Bdrm. lrptc, new llllctlen, •·1-1-.--0-1-,-1--1-1-1•1 with " 9r hOUM an lhe 2 1,, • bdrme. 11a11lng at S 1500 mo plus S t,000 H ••l•I• form•t dining, l>flgl"lt and olntr •"*"""' frple dbl 1850 10 11000. mo 1ow1td1 prtoe ot lxdH•• #00 •fry 11100/mo. TWiii. g1r19e & more 1700 WILL TAI<! P~S 1339,000 . 111n1 flf\ •••••••••"••••••••••• l....._lt O•Nt/ltfr 0.CofltOI' ~ect, •P•· B 18 T R t t y C 0 8 T 0w11.,1Ao1 1151-0130 BAYFRONT I Br. utlla paid, no p ell. prkng, yearly M&O. U3~0 ,,,.., ..!!~!~!~~ ...•. /.'.!? ...... = ....... , ~r,;,~, p.,11 Of1119..1Jr· c:tou• 2 ldrtn. 2 1~ba, .__83_._.e_1_to_____ '~"'"' a ... ..a.....&..tlt "e " aorm • .. _. -u· poo l, l•c, recr•1t1011 /8 10"' " b " b• " car 9"1Ht' • " ....... -P"" ft •lo b•lc--" ~ r. • " TO NHOUS!. )(Int.,... Wtnllf Alf'lllil 21f, r:>OOI. 1 Wiil lrMN 1110. 9qulty for I rlty blOg S 1200fmo -· '"' .... ' · .,.,y, g.,, tncd yatd, 1750 mo ... SO ... Orenge.C1o.fnc:~,..!!!;j WATIAFAONT HOMU :rp;::~~= A v ail 11/l O wnert f:'=~::rc:.~::n·1 ~~':1~~~-,,.,eye ~IY ,.., ,, on.,. ........... 1131.1•00 -. , 1 .. ,. 1 ..... ..,, .. 111, f0«1I call ~4·8088 .. _b ..... , .. 4 .. 1440 wtll 1lto .... w/opllon. ·•~· • ~ '"""" • i---------""' ''""' ., ... OCEANFRONT, DEL.UJCI! 213412 ... 905 1Ct11111ted Ada are tl"ll C•ll IU·tS 11 from Npt Hgt1 erea, :S IClr 2\• r111n, q\I._, tro. wtntr, 2 1n1wer 10 a euccnah1I .. 59m. ' •• cond o. 1•mtty rm, fia~ eomttll~ y0u "9ftl rental• .,. ....... • ....... II' trpto, t11dry rm, 011aoe 10 .......,? Of ............. do ---------04WI09 °' Yflv -•• Meroll to your P.flOM IO UOO/mo JO)'Ot w1111.. -~ ..... --. ... I ..... , better WIY 10 lell more piece. t•-«11no CIM--· '31-t2M It Wiii I 0 111 NOW. .... ptOplet llfled Id. IM2.-&e71 -. 142-M7t. J'Urn M601rno tfl-414! • Or tango C..011sl DAIL V PILOl /luHduy OctolJur Jti, 1Vtt~ ('7 Schaals & Camps \I Ill / l 'IJl•lt'( llf~' '"' '·"' WORD PROCESSING SCHOOL AllHHtt•,.I•/ '!.'.'1 •• f!~!'.'!.~ .... !.'."!! ltUl•lll/ Arl••I n"O•O ~µer 1n ForfurthPr i 11formation repr~ ad ,~·.-rtitt int_e placenwnl in th~ Schools & lnt1tructionit Oirectorv -t·all Music For Moppets Learn How 10 use LOii I ft••' Sil~ Screen ert Ruby •••••••••••••••••••••• C\Jtt. htHHJ t•tt11t r1ng AllllHUtal•I• SIOO 631·3494 Louie.-Griffie h 0 m11r 1'oirmont lclJool llH 4ft/C,f ( 0 1/N rY-\ OLD.ST .t "NUT PRH ,Ht "llUOI Wang IBM OS6 & 01sp1aywnter X!HOA 860 Cell (714) 556·6604 CeMtasd Tralnlnf, ra.t lssirala Ooyt • htt1i1t9s • ~ UIM MORE MOtfEY •..............••••... W••unt Lon 1'1ogr11m y~ C.•n l>ttfl4tVa 1n1 lill2 ti8 l:l 7ti I Oei&V '"' Wetc'9 011trel •utrltl1111I ltMIHr 01)110n&f ov11neu pro •01111t1on opportun1ly fOllow111g temtnar r Or re1ervatton 613 IJtll AulJfHf MIHllr Mature pe11on to wOtk wolh Hloblltll•d vou111 COUllMllng lllm Mu•I b• '"••O. ou1001no All••C· llV'I PQllOr\llity, PI011C1nt ''"""" •Q•r... llld •blllty to moo1 p.ople $23~ pet wffk wl\1111 Qvlhll.0 C1Ji 2 OOpm !i JO 6•2 •n• 11•• 'l•6 roe 6 ·1·2 -76(> 7 e xt :l:lO Gwd~K 8 FREE LESSONS IN NOV. Pre -School Piano Lessons Become a Word Processing Specrahst Excellent Career Opportunities WORD PHUl.lS'JtNG ANO INFO~MATION ~f'i lEM:i LOii I foa•' SJOO A11onden1 Live 1n A11111 •••• •• • ••• • •• •• • ••• • • • CJ•atbl.0 prof wQrn•n No l•--------•I haecleon•no nice C,.. nome Pvt rm rm & bid ''""""" ,, ... ~, c ••• ,., • '232 S ~ \it•\10' 'i11·ll' llY-5"11.1 Mi I.I 1171'.J • \litJIQot v' t J 1! .,,. • ""°'"''" t .J.IJ1'4' flJ ..... Au1l•••l1 l•t•I••-' A111rt•••l1 A,•1l•1•t1 1•1t•••ll Ai1rt•tllll IHal 4000 •• •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••• A I leatil• to Shu 4300 01/ite l 11tt1J 4400 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: IU -Hll C.,..-. ····,··1··~·· ••3••1•z•z• Va/111•/d etl V11f11ald 1' U I I • ' •• ••••• • ••••••• • •••••• Prof womin & 14 r old I 0111ce 1p11c11 ror 1eus11. I ., •• , , ,.,, v.1.,.,,.,, . . ..... ........ ....... . ... .... ....... ... .. . . It .,,, I , $90 & up With flllchen. d• O""" SIH!k 111n~., 10 N B nr Airport Seer•· oi::;•:1~..::t,•;:~:,;~ii; j~~,-.:;·,~j;~·; .... jiOf COlll /11111 JIZ4 ffHtillflOll ;•• .. ••••;;······;;-;; weekly O<.eonrrom Mo ,11~ CdM Cill Sllaion 1ary and Computer ava• !•--------•! lurn townhoute. frplc;, ••' ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• J11t6 3140 •• '.'!r.!! ••• !!••••••••• tel 67S·87•0 Hm 673-4520. Rm 3 lablll 1·2 or :l seoara1e LOST Germ $hep Fem pool & pallo $1095/mo E-flayfronl. Liiii• Isle LUXURY CO•DOS ••••••••••••••••••••••I•, Block to beach, 2Br. Fe,;.~sm111:rm wl hse Wofk 761-2943 olfoces available and use black & 1an, 4 vr•, Has 673-0896 p i er, 3 story deluu lrg 2 Br 2 Ba including 2 Oe1u~11 poo1s1d11ahe 1arg11 brtglll & airy $670 mo prhr c M S225 unrurn 01 conference room trouble bre1111111g Voe or ---2 l:lr, l rptc. S 1800 mo Cllt garagll wt opener 2br 2 08, bltni dswllr yrly 988-8263 turn S260. 645•5459 :.15 yr ot<l M prof seeks 2 17 14) 955-2560 c: 1 7111 1 r v / C M Ct1ll 11111 J1Z4 6 /5·3067 wood burning frplc most l't rnll11s beach No pets M Or F rmmles 21·28 to 548-379• •••••••••••••••••••• •• ---<5001 53 .. 83"'2 OOEA•FllOMT Newport or ea For rant s111 most beaulilul twntl· DELUXE SUITE Fu,n 1 bdrm .pl. 1385 Lg •J 1 br apl, 5:;501mo u I 1 Is pa 1 d v 1 e w o I ~ mo u · u f 1 u pc 1 Found Golden Re1r1eve1 I • 1 11 " "Or 2 ba gar great very large room. ul se 111 n111 ~ tvtne end up Enc garagu 'II Uher/dryer No pets ~tr eams Se ;~•area ~' WOODUll ~c" Winier ba111, separa1a & prtvlle Pool & •PB S250tmo Water Fro1t llcl1 male approx I yr vlc I 21 10 NewportBlvdCM A vall.Nov20675-9378 •om II Sp11c t&2br,lovely entrance.111rr111cloc Oya759·2676,avs 20 12SqFt (c:andlvidii) PCH &Supenor,NB 5•8·•968 -----682· 1309 s 5 55 6310 642-1066 Free bachelorelle, e1t· 'ii i'1~~~~0VE~~}.~ 6:1: Nice, QUie1 upstatrs 2 BR. ~~~== ~n~:;e~;~h~~~. ~e~~l~elot great loc: ~~4~;gker J Olmo I Met~~a resp non·smok1ng ~~:o;.•5q fl 642-4644. cllange tor babyaltllng mond 2 ba. epl s55o. mo&1 lge rflc aree Incl gym, TSL M&Mf 142-1103 Small a1tracuve 51udlo nr fem to shr cute 2Br La· 1nd work 5•5·003• Aa· Quiet I Bt 675-1466 ulils incl 622 Hamilton pool & spa 8•6·669 1 bch for emply'd Non· guna Bch cnarrner $300 lam. 1 •, Bad rooms oee k~ 51 545·_04_7!_ - -Ava11 now 1 Br 1 Ba Step• To Tile Beach. 2 Br, smkr Pr111 kllclleneue, mo u1111nel'!I 494-3186 COM CHARMU Lost Rare 2 neaded gold hsh a1 Z1no s Plu a, NB rewero & lree pizza to finder 675·3100 plu1 S200 mo 6•5·23S7 TELLER F1001111 Feoeral 11u an 1mm11<11ate oiienong lot a taller 1n our Newport Ba11cti 011tee 6 month s 11111 .. r 11tper1ence 1n an S & L or Comm111rc:1a1 Ban~ os r&qu1tad Please con- 1ac1 lrl an Miiier (114 ) U2·4000 FIDELITY FEDERAL S1Vl111 I LOH bH EDE MIF Cl••n 1 Bt 1·u1n. cottana, ne wl" carpeted S600 2 Br. 111 ba. 323 E 18tn "p•101r1 apt dswsh1 2 Ba 3 tennis courts prvfontry.S3251nc1u111a. A 2 b -•-' St No pals Gar $650 w ~ • • ocroas tile stre11 Very phone pool TV tannts , oommate wonted. r. no pe1S, very pr Iv lie m ·~ A ea I on o m I cs St M 1 641 1324 private patio. single ga· clean New Carpet $750 493_3490 • · 1.,, bll, $225 & ·~ ullls $435 lnclds all u tlla 6i' 5·6700 erre gm _ ·_ rage No pets, w111er mo Yrly rant Call Kale 631 -3272 Olf1ce on 2nd floor, 8P· prox 560 all. So 01 Coa61 Hwy w/Ocean breelflS and sunny patio $560/mo Avail Nov 1 Call 9 to 5, 675-2J 11 SCRAM·LETS !!!! ,~~~!~~n 546-0522. Lgo 2 BR. 1~. ba. !pie. 1ge I BDRM IN DUPLEX, ulll P 8 1 d $ 4 5 0 1 m o 675·0124 Mon-Fri Jo Room with finch p11v Nr $375 mo. 0111 mob lie vi·• w aundtck, yrly $850 mcludao S350 ~45 2000 Agent, no fee. 673-3596 Sat-Sun Bus line & st1opplno 4 br. 2 ba, wasroer dryer, kolcllen etc S20 deposit S225 mo 64b·8386 afler 7 pm ANSWERS H11oour Must be etper 1n sailing Knowledge llOme. No pets. Oule1, me 1 191. last. SJOO sec call 962·7940 MllllMEllS WALi 2 Br 2 Ba from $525 No center 962•7520 secu1e 1991 Newport N·~ P•ls or gar 325'> EASTSIDE·Lg 2Br, Qaraoe L rg 2 BR townhouse pets Across f1om Naw· B&Clroom lor rent wlbllh, Lillo Arn fur•. Olloce. 650 sq It, over 111g111 lac SSOO mo 10 mo or tse 552· 7730 eves Glance • Pallo boll repair & outboard Batch • Psyche engine repa1r helpful HEALTH $511H IO slarl (213) Blvd 6<!6·8373 Gr 1nd Canal 1573.4200 + carport & yd. slove/ apts, encl gar, frplC N1&r port Beach Golf Course. call blwn 8AM ·SP,.. 1Br, ulll pd, Eallslde, nr Ii J HI r e I r 1 O • S 5 5 0 m o Hunf Hrb1 from $5«5 5•5·•855 642· 1'76 Fe. 25 35. CdM $250/mo, 1$1 and laSI Avail Nov 1 Craig or Oebbte 720-0850 afler 6 Tne latest wonder orug os 27 1 26~ __ _ 63 H>754 Clllldren OK 840-6807 --------bus. sc111. shopping. J~ · 1 J J101 ___ WIMTH llllTILS Furn room wtba111 pt1v1 $450 mo 646-•631 .~!!~.!'.~•••••••••• 2 BR 2 Ba avail apP<O• 2 bd & den 1own11ouse. 2 3 & • Br Close 10 walat, loges. nr So Coast Plaza, Olloce Bldg New add your own tmptovements 760·7500 It avail 85c: a II 2488 Newport Blvd C M 642·3•90 eons1a.ereo me mos1 po-8011 Spec1111a1 w1t11 heavy werful ever made You mechanic. oackground can 1 lake n unleu you· Call lo• appt 645-0901 .Ew'OllT YILU.E 2 bdrm 2 ba newer dpb Nov t no pets S485 oa Frpl Tennta Sp1 nr turn & unfurn. teasona· Fem preferted $55/wk '(I ly Matute non-smk.s 760· 14 18 or 5•8·8675 bell 2202 Hess Circle 018 all amennoes Broke< 556-1737 MIF lmmat non smkr. eslab 10 share w/.,me nice condo nr SCP $250 ~ , ullls 5•5·257!> re tn perfect HEALTH CABINETS + CARPEN LOSI Tiny Btk & Tan TRY ltHtlf•I LHlllOIPI n°:0 pals S650 X J evsl wknds 714.950.3745 Gas Water Paid P1t1os 2 131799 ... 195. 257·9792 -- --675·49 t2 Pvt rm & entry, allr oath. Yorkslltre l em er Btrcll Eaper d woodworker wlpool. 1acval, saunas °' 17 1•1673-3986 t•STAMT I• WARNER VILLA 2 bd 2 1 blk to Bell Lowet 2 Br, S 150 mo C M a rea tennis courts, volleyball 54.?5 ulllpd lBrOplx.4 17 $475 mo 2 BR l '•ba ba Conoo frpl. dw. pa· den 2 ba yrly, blttns. 556-5945,548-4669 Desi.. Space $200/mo Furn1slled Ultl's paid Preshge Bank Bldg Easy Freeway Access Mesa Verde 556·9250 St Santa Ana Heights responsible call Farrell REWARD 5•9·8379 01 Const 6•5·9711 courts. Recreation room lndry rm carport all 11 0 P 0 o 1 S 6 O O relrtQ $700 675-8839 M/F Chttsl•an share CdM Jr t bd. lurnl ........ 1430. E Bay Ave . Balb01 No hllns Cpls <I rps TSL 2131570-0036 _ & 11 2500 sq 11 condo wlv1ew or Back Bay beau11ru1 greenbelt & sw1mm1ng pools Will accep1 1 or 2 aduhs or 1 adult wichtld 557-7883 Ot 640-6339 559-9770 CARE~ Found small s11aggy dog v1c Brookhurs1 3 India· napohs 962-•093 Call 557.0075"'"''"' P.tl S 5•7-1155 --Management 642·1603 Nwp1 Hgts 2 br 2 ba. private room Dal Prll SUNNY 2Br yard , nr specious Avall now en\rance kllchen prtv Bosi•e11 le11t1J 4450 MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINEE $2•} 5 nice bachelor. res· 2 Br 1 Ba in 6-ple;, beach Ill pd no pets $250+' 111 64' 8065 H••li•flO• Po nslble person u111s ~rpts, dr•n.s S420tmo $530 ~all 536·22 16 S735/mo 645·7•00 'u • l11t6 3140 p,1 Id no pets 106 E No pets S4C,.4484 aves BALBOA PENIN '• blk to Room & Board Sc335 .•.........•.......... OFFICE SPACE Found Parakeet v1c west Coste Mesa Tom 645-4873 5 48 -2201 )(273 -•••••••••••••••••••••• B.1 y Apt 9 -----bch 2 bd, 1 ba, ytly, Close to OMV , osu Yo' .EIE"YE Ill EASTSIDE 2 Br garden Attr 2brl1ba. enc gar. c r Pr 1 s 5 4 o m 0 Mesa Room for rent S225 mo 1 mile to beach 714·963·9925 2 suites available now in Fountain Valrey 1416 sq II and 1536 sq 11 For fumier details, Call Mr Arriola. (2 13) 663-1287 2 ti ks 10 bell, studio apt &pl Large deck, gar OW , bkyd. lga walk·ln 552•0853 6•6·0450 Beaulllul & park like with w / relrg SJ25tmo. all utlls $ 4 5 0 1 6 0 2 1 5 1 c:lsl $505 8'12·2897 terraced pool. 1n.: Id, yrly 835-5445. 54 9.0 155 2 BR, 2 ba. walk to t>eacll. poo1. 1ac. s ecurl1y S7001mo Call Scoll Ao· gar a 64 1-5 100, days 631·1913 eves. Hot1J1 /llol1l1 4100 NEWPORT BEACH Ladies only, a11a11 now 645-9515 FOUND Red lt1sn Se1111r type Fem voe 20111 & Wallace SI 645-4880 646-9852 eves. $~~~~90 •Spacious Apt• -------2 bd condo, lrpl. pool. nr •Pflvete Patios Cot 001 lel 1111 3122 * 2Br 2Ba Near S c Brookhurtt & Adams. ······'··············· SEIUR,l MOTEL •Covered Parktng .... ••• ••••••••• • • •••• • Ptaza. S A Lu•ury Con· S~ 545·2611 *DI I A Co,111 Hwy & MacArthur I I $595 N n ng rea n •. a Shores 1n beautllul do w poo 0 Lg , Br w/gar Nr beach Wkly rentals now avail $105 & up Color TV ----------1 P,honea In room 2274 F to shr 2 br apt. C M Poot laundry S225 + ', uttls 548-4402 bel • Comme1ti1J Reat1J1 4415 FOUND Black Cai voc V1s1a Del Oro, EaslOlull Very lr1end1y 640-885$ all 6Plvt MO EXPHIHCI (71•! 848-4535 Sun-Wed .•.•••••.............. •Walk In Closets CD rona del Mar 1185 1 & 2 pets 833·8974 Eves $400 Oas & waler pd •Home Ilka Kitchens J r: 11 891•7490 all 6pm HAR HOH HOSP. NeWporl Blvd CM 646-7445 1250 sq II re1a111oiflce sµace. E 17th SI on Costa Mesa, great v1s1- b I I 1 t y & parktnQ 645-3477 1 blk 10 Hunt1npton b• rm apts for rent "'8 •Mesa Verde 2 Br. 1 Ba --l g 2 bdrm. 3 ba. In· leot1l• W111ttd 4325 Center 1ranaponallon & H e fen Gibson 644·2611 Newly redec $495 No S•95 4 BR 3 Ba pOOI. lloma. 2 Clf gar Fire· ---------•••••••. ••••••••, ••, •• frwya STEPS TO OCEH pets 833-8974 Eves patio, kids ok No pets place W/0 $700/mo B [ A C H A R E A Prof woman wl aml pet H1LITIH FllH L.Hgl 3 Br 3 Ba many 1 bO. $J«Otmo Including 646-9666, 960-7484 631-1105 =~~7~rse~~ ~'fe~~v"~~~~ RENT OR LEASE Newly r emodeled home with largo lot Comm'I zoning. •dJ 10 Newport Blvd LOST 10123. Bleck & gray tllaggy fem dog Med size M uell lo\led 'Chick· needs medtCI· 11on tmmeo Cd M 720-0930 REWARD CAREER 31 OPENINGS High Reaponstbllily, nu Ml 1 Bdrm From S515 1 ,,enllles Sl 175 Call u1o1111es 548·957' or 3 Br 2 Ba garden 1pt 2 SEASHORE DR. $700 mo, $84/Wk Dec 1 Call 675-5492 bel 2 Bdrm $815 A r 111ony d1~ 642-5757 1_•_99-_4_•_5_1______ prlv pllooa, w/d hook-up 2Br, reftlg. carpcxt, enc: 2pm LA OUINTA HERMOSA •1•N & wllndl 631-o630 Nr SC Plaza. 1 bdrm lnlld• I enclad glr pl\IO 548-5682 Aetr~rat0<·Mlld·P~ ----- 642· 1334, 851-9889 16211 Parkl~ Ln I blk -· Sl575 Nwpl Blvd 6 Wilton ~ lurnlehed IP\ or llM ' Latr,e 2 C>r, 2 Da, ffp«;, 1 pool. lennll. Se<lurlly, 940-5~ J Br 2 81 Sl•P• 10 Coale MOH 64&-11755 In the gen•ret area for W. of &.act!. 3 bl)(e 8 · r ~-A .. "MI p-f NO $475 mo 714--848-9640 0.. *850/ OH & ge""" S2851mo Found 101l4, lem dog In S A Blk & Whl me<l SZ ,..81n nr W1tner CAii 536-3751 2 ~9.. E~!·2~~g.f°' f Edi 847 5441 cu •· '""' •• beach • mo mo of Jan Loc11 rels oca r-•-o nger . Pt: T $700 mo l1t. IHI NEW BP.EEO APTS L 1 r O I S I u d I o w I PROPERTY HOUSE Pine Kno1 Motel on Coast avail Write Mr & ,_.rs Near Balb<HI Bay Club W•UI •act 3141 & S350 H G UpSlaltS 1 Br. & LOii Frplc, rec kllch8ne11e, lull bllll 2 6,.2·3850 842·1010 Hwy . NB Step• l o RE Theel, 1524 Wood· & Coul Hwy 846-76•1 ••'••••••••••••••••••• un•t 875-1657 poot 1 vul gas blk• lrom bell 1325/mo ocean Wkly r1te1 land o1 Roch•eler 1ppo1n1men1 17 1'1 ~-535' Luxury studio. lree HBO. >--· --------1 ~oc:'!'18r paldK No j,911 Mu11to1n Proo H0-8468 WITEllFllllT LIM 845-0 .. 0 Mtnn .. 0 11' 55901 l•'•1t1i1l pllone. maid serv. 1p1. LI r ga 1 bdrm •Pl 2 393 Hlm tlton, c M H , Lg JBr. 288. yrly $1500 PUCE! ---lnllll 4SDO Found Yng l•m C1llco cal. voe 181n & P1aoen111 CM 631·2942 all SPllA CARPENTERS Apprentice lmme<J 6•2·8100 $130 wtc 499·3015 blcoek1 10 beach. -•bar. . ••l1•1loa mo 673-8886 IEEI I Prof mllure wom1n •••••••••••••••••••••• w ood t>urnlng lrple S57S 645-« l l H1t .. •t 3142 Reasonable rltu K•t· needs 1Br apt nr bell S750 up 2160 11 lndu· ,,,,,.,,, SJSO 1 Br 1ep rear unll vii lncl'd 673-1153 WllUCE WHIS •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Br Sacur11y Condo. chenenes phones. milo Max $400 mo 751·11985 s111al . Othce 18101 Re- Stove/reftlg, u\11 tncl -HUGE 1 br Lu-. Condo pool spa gym $575 service. Z c:llannel mo· dondo Circle. p & T co·educationaJ reslden· ....................... $3 7 5 1 m o 1S I lies 1. 2 bt · 2 ba. 10• & very nlCe. 759 W. t911l tmo Agt 760 8617 B h Ll•I• I VICKI'S 11111 1rea1men1 program 4 9 4 . • 5 1 J 0 r 2 1:arpons $675 mo No Minutes from tile t>eetll Mont cond. all amenities mo • vi" SANDPIPER MO· llEI IY IEC. 1 Hun11ng1on eac · • 1 d le 1 C 11 2 13166• ·0228 Oreo 1)11 ts 559-9265 LUXURY 1 BR 1 BA S600 mo 962-•9 t• P11v & Spac. 2 stry, 2 bd, TEL. 1967 Newpo'1 Blvd, Huntington Beec:ll 2·• _8_4_2_·_28_3_4 ___ ~~. PHOTO MOOELS 0~:5.~4:~e~~ 8:m.J Worrell C1::l1 lftH JIZ4 M~~lplourllmdtaan..!.op, /triat 3144 2'> ba, wt frpl "'-ca· CM 845-9t37 bdrm house south 01 3200 sq It wllll AIC Of· 1 05~g~~z$10AN~4E~~S Counter Help Mature • .-.~ ""' •••••••••••••••••••••• met carpeting nr Fa· V1c1t1•u 111111/1 4250 I Ad am XI n I '•Is fices. Randolph SI C M NtWNtt •1c6 J111 ••·• ••••••••••••••••••• Plush wlw carpets Wdbrdg 3 Br 2 ·~ Ba shton Island. no peu. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 96 •• 0332 1 Spronkled wl comm I 111-0207 C>etson, part time Apply ••••10•••••••••••••••• Walk on Closets twnllse pallo, y1rd, 2 car $795 645-62t8 lroniage 546-1653 ~~~~~~~~~ on parson The Tummy OCEANFRONT DIK 2 ... Bt lllleSliB_. a_y_ Private plllOS gar, $875 752·5102 FOR RENT' I -'Stutler 270 So Bristol By week or mo n 111 ••••T11lltJtt"!S Gourmet Kitchen Blulls Area, lrg 2 bd. 2 ba,, • Gllll,tl Ill l tlll 435£ M· 1 Corner 90x 127 wllh * * * CM 75 l -35156 673·7873 .,._ Carport w1st0<age Ll'f.•111 ltac• 3141 upper unit wlfrpl. Quiel I • I •••• •••••••••••••••••, 800 sq 11 bldg. Fenced ltl t• p I , B·ltlUlllully l1nd1c1ped Spa, OUIOOO< bbq •• ••••••••••••••••••• & Priv Loe No Pets 2 bedroom. 2 bath• & 2 1s1NGLE GARAGE Nea1 I 9 9 I w 1 9' II s I an IS ar or I DENTAL OFFICE MNGR Wlnte< rental~ gn rden 1p1a Pool & $p1. Laundry OCIA• YIEW $775 6-45-6218 ' stories In Twtn Peaks In Main beach 1n Legune 642-3490 Open 24 hfl a di y Etlictent. Enthus1uUc & now i vellable. 111 P11101/decka. 140 pets $440/mo 5•8-4630 10 minutes so ol l oguna EASTBLUFF nice 2 Br. Lake Attowhead uea Be a c h $ 6 5 /mo ---------7 days 1 week organized .. w/bkk~ ,:::o::.:::~rlT ~~f;~r2 B11fh ~~ To w NH o us E . 2 B r. on 01n~ Point·• :;;of~' polio & pool tn quiet ~1~!1 tiy~'~;in; ~el~S:::a~! 494-30'4_4 __ --~!!!!I! .......... !.~~~ Jaeu:ut. Sauna Locels ~~er 4 dy wk. 5•6·3 2250 Vanxu.rd l •~Ba. frplc. pvt patio, seclude scBenic /du · pleosant area No pets n .. 1 'red C a I I 1 7 1 ;1 G11rago for renl $60 mo StoraQe Space 12· 11 18' as well as Tour 1st 5 Dental lll·117J " like new, 2 r w en, $670/mo 6••·•767 .. v • 2864 La Sal e C M 36" door $70/mo plus BankAmar1card, Amer· Denial c11e1r11de Asst. 5 40-9626 or •2·4905 garage. quiet, Im mac •tra large private palto. 7 6 8 • 0 2 8 6 or ( 7 I 4 I 957_27•0 alt 5 30PM S 7 0 sec d 8 P 0 511 lean Expteu. D•nen All neede<I Esteb pleasant, T E "liOOD LIFE" YEA"..._OUNO FUN: ,Socl al A ctivities D lte ctor •Fr ee Sund•y Btunch•BBO't • Pan1M•P1ut mvch more Q"IEAT IU C .. EATI O H ; T en n l t•Free leaaont (pro & IP'O thop)•2 He11\h Clube•SauN• Hydr"om~ Swtmmlng•Oolf DrMno Range alEAUTlfUL A,AltTMIHT I ; S l n g l•t. 1 a 2 Bedfooma•Fuml~ & u..-;nl1hed•No Pete~od•lt Open d91ty t to 6. 01kwHtl ..... ........ ........... , .. 880 lrvtne (•t 18th) (7 14) &4~1104 ........... ,.,. 1100 11th St. (OOWr .. 19th) (714) &42-5113 . ' S550 mo 979-1658 Q&r1ge $725/mo Call ***NEAR HOAG 667-0657 weellday eve-673.4 15• Newport welcome 71416•5·3433 busy Newport Beach Redec. 1 br, refrlg, clean, 661·6U 1 or M ·F. 9-5 2 BR 1v. !>a. $495 nlngs attar 6 Pm If no 01n1 Pl atngle storage Beach 2112 Harbor Bl CM Group Piacloce needa B11chelors $410 quiet, S'IO See mgr al 6•3·0210 Drive by 10 631-3868, 6-45-6822 1n1wet , please keep .secured. llreet enlranre /lliitt_l_J 1 _ 11 _H_•_ 1 ___ COEDSWouio ~101 e•per person RDt" Pre! 1 ·18d31rmE 18th ,. • .,68"'1660 19220 Wallace scee 111 2'4 583 Santa ***''BLOCK OCEAN _1_ry;.,.1_ng.;..1 ___ ~~--637430~~1~.':;3~g:OJ $60 perty wtyou Cell Sue o1 4 day weeks+ "' day .,...,. Iara 2 BR 1 •~ ba. lndry. gar • _.300 l••llll _.~50 2 31 every other al AM If ·161 E 18th 6'42-0856 1 & 2 BR S390/S420 -·• l1alll1 ti I 111., .. .,. Kathy 1nyt1ma ( 1 . 1 br apt No Laguna S.50 refrJg S650. 631·3888. •••••••••••••••••••••• 01/itl' lt•l•I 440( •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 3 • .. 4 5 7 1 ( 7 1 _. ' you re foott1ng for a hap· Spuolous 2 Bf 1 B1 $425 Pool-good loclno pe\s, mo t ye a r I ea a e 6•5·6822 Room w/kll prlv S250, •••••••••••••• ........ FOR RENT! 527-7186 PY Ollice 10 be tr8lted C11 Jplu 3 Br 1'J\ Be •23 w Bay. 548-9516 497-5382 r Cl I ~•1·~ 111& IHt,utlla lnct Nwpt •HLIH IFFICH* 11gn1 Call 6"0·1122 lor S 1175 l tundry llC pool 2 Bd 1 Ba sml yrd, 1•60 t1la t•ta I -• Bell 642-6811 1 MO FREE AENT E IC o t' c <I In Ce r I f Or an 1nterv1- c 19 95541 12 7PM • R ber1 L1guna Bch 2Br exclustve • • ••••• • ••••• • ••••• • •• ----2800 1 2 bedroom. 2 baths & 2 Bacllelorl Bacllelorette •• • • 0 531•1268 Ag\ are11. 5 min welk 10 3 br 2 bl, pallo, OH 6 M/F shr t>e1u1 Baell Bey 1 ioom IO IQ 1 1110tles 1r1 Twin Peaks 1n Parties 738-8538 or 2 flR 1 BA, Old houM. no 1------:----:--beach aome ocean vleW water $600/mo. + Clel· oondo Pool. j1c. 1enn1t Ftom S 1 16 8 sq tt AdJ Lek• Arrowhead area 558 8538 ~·tla,chlldOK.Allutllpd 2 bO 2 ba. Condo Full $675/mo 1·626-2585 alt ntng & dep 531-3565 $300 645·5123 Aorporter Inn & Frwya Hasbvlll·lns &llrll)tace • tS Hamll&on, $575 amenities, secuflty gate 7pm avs ROO• .. •ATE w•NTEO CallJ!IM 833·3~ ForsL 1u 1 & <!"""Ill re· Wiii nol prosecute con· 763 k $ C I -mm " -,.... tacl Mr Causey Jones E.'1-0 Wal to P '" -Nr s C General Hosp, .. k Air""" e1es • E.wec Su•· quired Ca ll 111 •1 s 0 o I o IOUJFllllT ,../slralgllt. non-1m r, ,..v.. M anager 9AM· 12PM ~--.. -.-1-UT--1-1-1---i 6 mo •Y• 3Br ftplc. 2Be. stove. S250 + . ., utlla Oya IH From225-•509(! It 768-02 815 or (7 1') 5•5•5689 DOOHH·HClllITT Senior Security gu1rd wanted lor condom•· n1um Reis & E1tper req'd C all 675-6101. M·F. 8-4 pm -6 • 0 · 2 t 5 • e v es Mos\ lleg1nt apt bldg c:pls Avail Nov 1 $535 1542•5,.46. 111 6PM $1 per IQ fl Mtny wtru 667.()657 weel<d1y eve-----Eu1~ $625-MIS-Otmo fl.16-3321 In L•guna Beach. hnul mo (71') 891·16'4 8'42•5620 Call 557-7010 n1ng1 1fler 6 p.m II no Women & men. relv wllh u11• ,._.. •••s #' Bt 1'~ Ba Townhoute. loc1t1on lo town. brHth· 1----------1__________ 1 k s • e c a 11 "" ""''-••• 111 1 built-Ins. lndry rm. $385/mo 1 Br pool. 1 llklno vlewt, aH t>ullt-ln1, 1 Br pVI deck, Old world F 22·30 thr 3 bf. 2 b• aot 400·900 PLUS 1'00 sq 11 inawer • P aue ••P • m 1 1 g ' Part time 111., school (al c11rpor1, y11d/balcony, person only 325 J i 7tll tlealed pool, llYb~arage. c:llat m , spe c:t1cul1t on b41ach, NB Frpfc, 25' PenlllOUH B1yt1on1 Sul· trying• 1 •97•57i9 --1 least 3 d1ys per weeltl arn111 pet OK Pt 646-5137 llAM·7PM etev11or Lene only oce1n view. walk to patio. g1r1g9. $265. 181 te p1tklng. p1t101 LAOIES Sen1u1I mu-'You can earn $2010 $50 T! )L Mgmt 642-1603 THE GABLES 2 Br w/gar $850 & up blSCll 5•25 C.>nt1ct II II & 111 c B r 11 n 673· 1003 IHiat11//arflf/ aa9e relaxing 1nytlme. per weell No uperletlQ9 Fj; epli ce . pool. di all-New crpts, drpa, blllns. 330 Cliff Or 494-6083 Mgr 11 apt C 332 fflClno 673-1519 f i•••tt w11m. sincere 24 nrs neeoea C1ll Dally Pilot w aan.r. pV1 patio x Lg tncd yd w/p11lo. wlter Roomy Studio wltll Hp&· Ln ---------•Hm HALS• ;·;;;;;;;••••••••••••• Call Dave 842-7656 ~~2j~~~O~~t 342 ask (I 111den 1 & 2 Br. on El pd 2•3 7 "F" Otan~e ra\e kllc~en. w1lk to Slall Aa• JllO IEWPOIT IUCM 0 C AlrPO<t 11re1 Pro! OOS l1111a'1 I Id• I 4 8 0 . S 5 6 0 S520 Cl ll 1·5 636·'1 0 beKh & thOpl $376 In-••••••••••••• ••••••••• envtrooment, lull service. 0aNt/aa/IY 5 •-• $3~0 f .!17-2841 Lovely 3Br, 3Ba, bllna, clda ullla + 1500 H C 2 bd, 2 ba, AIC, Sec., HUI or no trlllt lndM du11 of· 5~·u~"c~~·;/y'·;;;;d~· ••• ":'.'!.'!.'! •••••••••• '!., EUCTlllOll IHlllH ••• frplc. pool & spa. 1795 deposit Hote4 C1lltomla Pool. Nr So Cll Pin 3Br Jba. frple, 11ep1 to fices or d .. k apeo.. 150 Location i nd mi alllnes IT YOlll SHYIOE EXPERIENCED Parm•· 111t 2U. •-· mo 53 1.3537 Apta. •9•·2797 leave $500. 213-8e-O·ll513 bch. Mttr bath w/Romtn IQ 11 -3500 sq 11. 1 MO. or locatton only Ct ll Perionil qualified com· nent position 25 ~' Old "'ewly d•Cot Gii pd. mes.age BradlOtd Pl • b .. Town· lac tub Skyllglll, etc PV1 FREE. 759~8978 T s j I d. . I • I e e Ir I c: I I 0 0 . I d h 1 2 Br Trlplal!-$430 New ., " ant, unl~td ptk'g, """'· o m o r m o ., o pan on rivers or youro 7141859_7200 enc glr, wt r, poo • L•f.••• "'••t/ •15• home, pool, dining rm. ,.. """' 566-2696 day 10 d •y errand• t•IOQ. no pell. 6«2·5073 cerpels. drape1. paint •• ••••••"'•'''•••• ••• '! ••• ~ $600/mo 642-8738 lenn11, nl smkt $'76/mo, 11•• IP'"'"' 011 S h o PP Ing• doctor•• FLOOR PERSON ASST No pets. 2264 Placentia. 831 7168 Biii -"-.. I LH SOZS IASTllll &•5·11494 On Golf CourH . Wu\ A l•I ti F 1, .. H · Atttactl~ roellc up11a1ra ~!!!( .• ~••••~••••••• apptl, church, etc All Sewing pro<iuct1011 e)t,p . 2• Bt t Ba pool llde apt, Nine Condo 2 BR 2bt. 2 ,., • •r• • F rmm1e to ehr apac 3 bt, Htllng we IUpply d81k. FlllEOLlllllE needs met By hour or nae Sell·etartar, 11111 In dry rm. bll·fna No 2BR 1'~b•. d/w, blllna, cat get wlopnr Welti/ II f8/U8 JlfO 2'" ba C M cond o . epac•. cople< You tup· llL ... t•I dey •94-5867 tearnet C.M, &42·9651 C I f n1110, gAt, no pell, 1576, dryer Lower unl1 w t •••••••••••••••••••••• $275/mo 545-'356 ply p .. -•• & S"6 pr -o '"" r. 11• ai or app• "' 84 9 1 IUWlll ""'' • "' HllllOll PllHUIT FOLLOW ntl 111 ••35·5460 548-4291. 5. 8& patio. r •d•cotated Nd F 10 ahr 480 h• w/ pr d..-Ct ll &4•·7211 let SehrtiHI 1· SL Mgmt 842· 1603 O·••• l•l•I JIU $725/mo 71.,770-1960 YILUll Mine In CM 1229-+V• utU 861 6995 Cell now for prot•11lona1 Work and play In Palm .: ••••• ••••• •••••••••• .... 6 30 Cot II Mell 1 or 2 room • · couneellng No ch•rge, Sp<lnge. Lu Vegu and 1'1155 2 Bdrm. retrlg. pl· .,....,., ... ct 3111 New 1&2 bdrm luicury .... l-4459 at1. : pm 1ullH From S'l'6t mo. "ii::/.'' n . Tt•ll no obllg1t1on 650-1026 retorl area• d9mon11r1· t~). no peta, .Culta prel. IOUll YllW ••••~••••••••••••••••• 1p11 1n 14 plena. 1 Bdrm M /F, reap, 2 l!ft 2 1!11 Utllt ll'ICld 179 W llllh 1 ' SIJS 24 hrt ting exciting new ptO· ;• 24-A Jam.e, 673-71'87 Ftom Dan• P01nt'1 moll NO FEEi Apt • Condo "1rom 1540. 2 bdrm from twnhte, Irv Pool, lndry St 651-8926 •••••••••••••••••••••• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil duct Travel with ch~ -· 1ecluded •C•oile blull rent1l1 VIII• A«ltalt 1595, Townlloute ftom 1325 & .,. utll 652·3586 •• roned group, ttenaporta• s·ruNNfNG large 1 & 2 Bt l lk• ""'Only • un1t1. 2 675-4912 BrOk., &665 + pools, tennis. evee IEAITIPIL I.I. -TTLlll Begin or end your d1y lion turnl1hed. r•turn 1t~den apL 710 W lath. Br wl d«I )(tr1 ltg pnvare wa1ert1111, pondal 0 111---------•IWHlT Glmll ......... 0.. IH, ~:s::~\:i~ti::~ ovtr•nteed, paid training patio. F1om t126/mo tor cooking l 11 .. 11ng SllM sher• Dana POlnt 2 With uH of i.e•ptlon. SpeclallzlnQ In 111 a 2nd your home°' omc. By 1 and high .. tnlnge Mv.1 Not., 18th/Pomona. 1 St, Call 6~1·644 1 or M·F, paid Ftom San Diego Br. 2 B1 1265/mo 111 & cont room. llllch, phone, TD'a lince 19-49 llc9nMd mHMUte t>• w•ll groomed end ----------• 1 Ba, down1talr1. dl 1. f.5. 14~2l2. Drive by F"rwy dtlve Nor111 on IUt, ·~ utlll •93.()981 MCreltrlll & w<>td pro-Root. Sattlef NH/CM 76l·8264 111rt Immediately l'or llMI ... 1 :1t~1. wel., pd, 1 Cftlld lo -245&3 8-nl• Clttl COUNTRY CLUB LIVING e .. ch 10 McFedd•n to ToP reft , 9 )'fl tMCtllng ceM1ng Miii & --oe R,E Btok9f 8d RMl10r1 Int~ "" &4~ 187, Completely turn. IP&· o k, no P&'t-IAOO. Agent. 2 Br dell. 2 b•. frple. MW IN NEWPORT BEACH Se I w I nd V 111 a g e exp. Will tvlot etemen· ""' 1vell MC>tratety It 842·2111 645-001 I 11 am to 4 pm Parents ~ l',i Bt. perlO. Incl no IM M2,,()217 crpl, ltg vtew dedlt. lfn· A total environment 1714)893·5 19' tttydllldln excn~tor d..irld Cell J);'Jo ,,.., ... ,., ~ ulll Avail , 111 tt80 ... 1 ... on 7141760 .. , WIDOW H£S ···1 ,,., TD'• •• ~.~--············· · · · L;" 1~ 3 8t 2 88 Town-mid occupenc:y. Agent apertmettt commu11., I 1 4lf0 r •du c ed tent Ce ll -v .. .-.... J• W. tH 101$ QENEAAL OFFICE mo. No pete. 840-le32 t:ou. In Qui.c COmpl9JI. I 7 5 0 I m 0 A ge n I th• UPP•' B1y. Prlvat• .!!!'!................. 213/54Wt26 l'ull ""'ottic. ... '300/up ~E.i1~·o~~K N~p p:,,~ ••••••• !~............ Vlrl•d dull .. ; typing. OoMnfton1 2 t>drm, 1 o.. 1c1rci-pool. gerden Mt-4""'804. clubhoute end h .. llfl UllU llAOI Fem roommate 10 thr w/ Brencl'I on1oe .... UO/mo. t "--ntton' l AMOC EJlperl edit proolreedlnQ buty phonet, acct• WHI Newport. Furn. 11 ng. H U . 8•5·3381, aBr. 08f1Q8, Met ~. ~.IS 11:::'11~ °i!U..':.!.: ..,... -MfM 21t hM, tn l. Side Ane. MfY .... 160/rno m 1311 UMC 1oum1llt t11 d•gr payeb ... PoeUIW etlltude 1750 mo 1et end leet 075-5 .. t . 00 .. n v l•w . balcony •"P~t. F"i'llon Illini Wkly rentela 195 up CM. 12211 mo.+ ~ utn, Newpol1 Beech712·6408 • New1p1pet, m1g, bu• n~ry. CM llfN, c .i1 ~ 11i•ACIOUS 2 Bd. 1 Be. 5450/mo. 2131402•288? Convenient 1hop1 on Colot TV, ftH coll .. , 150 dep. 131·2"11 •OOl·B 81rcfl St N 8 . 440 OAlll FH bP 497-'IOS Mra. Bryaon 146•7172· 'bf. 2 be. w/~ a UtMtn '*'fnG• ..,..,, bat s .. e1 2•H 2 Apt A tit• untutl'llal\80 beehe-he11t1d ·Po0' & 11ec>• to Femtolhfdf• 1 bllll'rom I Q It. 11.00 ~ t Q It. TlllT 11111 •-'• flHtH TIM • snusT bale. 40 ' t0""9"eaoh. \Hood oeb 'no p ell' Co ' d 0 IJ • 0 r Iott, t & 2 bdrm •pit and ocean, Kitch'• evell. b .. ch, N • U OO/mo """'' 5At-SOi2. ••Wu••••••••••••••~':' I NOrmo yrly. 845-0)40 fl 415. 22&'e ~Opie 71.,Get.8899 lownhou... 0911 N. COMl Hwy, f73-14'3 ' .... , .. 247 Cll'<lle Home Lo-Apt Mof/Mllnlenenee ~~11;~~-:,:~rr:! '= OCE.ANFAONT ,.,,_ 3 Br. &41-735& or 9734803. 2 er. 2 ea t'.erpori $530 tseo . $ 1000 LAQun1 ~. •M·ll29• i---------hint lftltff •tt-t2'1 Co11p11 tor 34 unit• in 8111ry, Comm . Vee•· ..... -· N d I 8ev«•I blChelorl end I Prof. F rmrnte to 11lare At dhllll. Coi t • ...... 2no TO, I.Ind• Ille, Hll. Hutti Boll. Send fMUm• I M 1140.6689 2 IL Wfht/«yr, no ,,_.,, 2 Ur. ' ea, 2241 Canyon os..~597. 130·7195 Bdrm unit• t111ure llM eaelt 81~ Condo, pool. 8ub191 H78 IQ l't" 7tt ooo et t3'1., oue Jvn• to lnvHt WHt Mnot . ton gr . Wint• M50. •~· Dr 11p1111re, no pe11. dt•IO"•' lurnlturt end To Pfec.~ ~ Jao, tenn11, trple, etc. Aeo•pt 1 work room. l tU. will dl•oount 10 P.O. 1011 304eo, Ga11t1 .... •&1 •• AlflllaOle NoWI 1 IA, fully ... 420/mo. lletr• Mgmt. 2 8 t a 8 1 1 Io v e , llOOeAOtlee Mow In IC>o ,....:-,!,':re, t J 1 11 + I e c . S v e e 11on1ge. e7WM2 10.ll rH llH to~ yl•ld. Ceil 81fbera, Ca. t310& Ot -... fl.Im. v ...... condo In r.•1-1324. dtlhWlftr, OCMrl 'Mw. no dlY Of fttoltW for Mut• pflonl 931-a111e. 111 • ..._.. 17$42'6 clll IO&IMMHI L.eedlng retMer of IUOIO Newport leecll. 1700 ii~IS OU~l9t0 HouM I*• 1525/mo. et t-1 l92 UH. lmt nly fur1111t1ed o.11y Pll01 1-,-3-34--t-o_efv_a_bf_!l_C_.M_. * * !.-====--~..:;:;'J ~~:,:o~:~l~ ~:~~nn~ mo. Cal now. lot&-7t7t. U32' ldl/~ 10-tpm Hug• lu•ury 2 Br a ee, moc1• °'*' dlily. clMllfllct ... a-et78 llH , no cso91 U H IDNllH 111'11 IUL DtlTI LUii l'Of Clml"9d Ad p1ot1111one1 att1tuo. Md 98l :>al I 2 tet 81. 171of8D 1undtldl, 9w90e, lndry M 2•7471 Milly eva F"utl ..W. Keep your 111, tndl. 3rde, 41"9 A8:it°.N •Ppeerenot r94 heel.. ... 0-a•i. l."f _ &4&-l1Ga1M 6-8Nt hlt-u9, OIW, 2 llld• OK On Jamb<>r9e Ad •t l~~~~=~~~~I o~ tow I ptotee-ltlh•lel 0111 "'°' opportunity, Cell 0111, H••••••••u••••• ••• 2 8r. 1\t I I NO pelt , I 6 315. 2 4 0 . t 0 I 9 ' San Joequln Hlllt "4. T"h• lut••I draw In 1119 H~l~~.r~~CI r~d~l·~~~~·.~ elOn.i lmege ~fl. p':f ftrtft I I.NI ..... AO-tl80" Mon thN ,,.., 101111 to 2 bt, l'A be, MW crpt, 11.UO/mo tor 2 pereona. 831·9303 14'•1• WH I • .t 0~11 Piiot ~·--'-'-"the ..._, et~IOloue ~ :r0o-FOUNTAIN VALI.l't' 3,,,,,. 2 13/MMl43 •1111 to bMCtl, 125 LI i' 11 w 1 It h $ t ,.., ___ .........., ... T......., •• "" .... .., ...... .... .. t•11 ~ '47'. 637-7ttl 0 *'607 . Sell ldlf 11911'11 e•2·M 71 Went Mil c ........ 1. 142.'M'Ti. ..... _., Ill townl * ••e. 14, 131..ata 1 ....... ' oi.tltled Ad• 142·5'71 CieMllltd Mil 841·M11 • \ I ' • .. t •a Orange Coa11 DAILY PILOT /1ue1da~ Oc:tober 20, 1982 l'.11 •. '!e.'!!. .... 1.~ff '-'-'1.!l~!'!!. •••• 1.'. ~'1..tft~!.-!. .... l.1.l;f C•j"1' ' HJf OlllH l11•/t111 .t I ~~1!.'!J.!~!!.1.'.~' ~ ... '!.'.!If~~'!/. ... !.~~ ~!.~'.'.f!!r.!!!~ ...... . Su~•\' •••• U!f!l!,!........ ..!t!~~! .... I.~. •11 •HI l•t• WI llY D•tlH fTZO ~ ... ~,,.!~r..'!!!. ...... ~.~~ .. • .. ~~~ .......... . HOUSlC.llAMfRI Men 6 Wiie i.am, PIT M1111 n•.,. 0w11 tr11111 t!I ro10 Me11ne Oue hOfl'\ll Call 1141431.n21 Ceil N~30PM t Pl tlllle 3 30· 1 30,M am conv ~ 111 CM F11rg1d1 64 .. 3081 ---------P1111e11 IC 1000 00111ple1t 0tl11•1t1 1'60, ell fl"* dty OOOd cond 13 I 1349 QI ••11 A••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ''"''' S 17JO C•,lllH lllJ .... ...... ........ . . . . . ........ ·-· ......... . AYL WMS PCYB RFGQ YB? 11,.. \u111 ~, .. 1, , .,.,, t ...... ~ .. , \ If ""' ~•11• lu l••rn 111 Jlla .. r "'f'U•f' 1H <M t11Ul1i.o\I HtJlllllUfU, •lkHI• •IMI \1111 11" 4f 1.4u•l1fH',l f1i,l1 ~ l+u111I jittailu .. t .. "'-• U '"•• 1, , .. " tt ... .,, ul , ''l'11*'•aph, •I ... "''° •I I I\' \I t ur lhofl' 10lutm•huo Vt' \ut.U \1111\ f(,. tu1lr f •I thr • .. 1.._1r .. ._. + .. L •• Pll Parking LOI •tten-dant Call tor eppolnt rnent. e 6 842·484• • Put lime pe11on with dependable II 81\IPOf t•• llOn 10 o.11 .... 1mall o~ Piiot 1out1 In Npt lofl ""· Mon 111ru f11 II· 1ernoon1 (3 30 to II 00 PM) Set & Sun morning• (6 30 to 7 00 AMI '300 per mo Cell eoo Well• 842·432 I. E.O.E. PUT n•E Telephone Cl1111 Delly Piiot Clrculallon Dept Eve'a & Wknd OrHI 11ourt ror college llU· dent 842·432 I alter 4pm A1k IOI Rlch•rd EOE. wllh IOmm. :llmm .. c.op• Alallmt ..... WI ...... .... n r:IOO 'nd Owll•• J 135mm 1111111 IHO IOW oawn 114·Hl·t93f V19')1 Or8'\de MOC*! a111 flllll Cloor 199& 01 ufler Mt 0201 Mull Mii. 1400/ot>o .. 84~·7078 . llll 1111 76M644 lrH I• '•• IHI •• ••••••• • •••• • • •••••• • •• • • • • • • ••• • • • • •• • • • • .. , •• Tll PtPPlll "'-'"'"'"/ Poodle 11111 10 good AKC cn11npton lln•. •" ltHllU Ill hOfne, St'\eifry • Poo<U•• , ••••. • ••••••• •••••• •• •40 "848 lhOll I Wtl,I Wiii hold " • 101 Ch•ltt•nh no 0891, Bl•Ok I l b pu111>r1d !163 oeu 1pey1d f •. 2 Y' Ive• 'I I CSA KAWASAKI 260 1 ow m11uo• S700 obo 720·0672 COP>l,..IL L CHIVIOlfl 1\.-,. II 11 ta I . t ' \ "' !>4t.. I 200 MllM llYH 111111/ 11ZJ ••.•••••.•...••....... IAUllGtHJY•I Hl Y AtTltllZEI PllWU IOLHSlllf'f- ' I •111•1116• .... 11 111 ,.,.. '. Chlidf90 .... ,.,039 • •n' ''~"' •111•"11 • lptlngel Span, bfw & wh, HllAHll Uf In AKC. 16 1not QIO F~ Need• loving l•mlly I 12!1 844-4077 ;;& Hondt-XL260 run• & look• good, gre.i 101 around town mv11 1111 $475101>0 (146·26111 I op dollera IOI SPOii• r--------~ "-.u" t. of II ~nu 1111111l1h '11u 2 yt .,.ct1 AKC Reg NI I rn ... t ti ... 1 111 ,, •II u 1111• med Sp111 Oooo home \rl\ '•lh,.l.h ~111 '" lhr 84,-8844 \1 OI 1111 .. 11 J,.,.,11,fl l1H 1• ttt11w~I 01110 .... , •• 1f111111h If tlllUI# '" 1 ... ' • 11111"1110 1i110 ""' \t'\llf I llUltt ··-II t +o IHl"t 111l11tlt1MhW1 1.,;fl \••HI It·• 1f f ' \ifU\ tc ... , .. ,., S40 102' '61 UZI l•1•lt•11 IOIO ••...•.•....•......... **'BUY** Good uHd Furnllu11 & Appll•nCff·OR I wttl tall 01 SELL 101 Vov IUITHI 1101111 141·1111 IJJ.tf21 I HY HHITIH Cotta Mt11 !Mllilclon lktl ltl\N ,._ Santa Ana o~ ,..,, 7H Sl~I Lei 957·8133 S41 41'3 1111 bfown ptald IOI• hide 4'3 1901 •·1>41<1175 Maple dinette Perrot, Umbrell• Cock•· 100. 1eme, young, S5:/5, 887 7837 AKC LhlH Apeo Pupptet. m•I• & l•m111 U OO. 649·4223 1071 MOlO OUZlt lbO AmbH Hdor. lull dlH I , 27 .000 •cl rut 1060 562•4782 IVll Cu1tom .-.u111v•111• ••Cell AKC Cock•• Sptnl•I Pup. cond 1 900 I 0 B 0 4 w .. 111 MIF Ute bull 7141494·6988 St lt CI now S200tup 540·9444 HONDA 175 XL, 3300 OtlQ mt, new 200cc kit. $300, Ore y cheeked parrot , 963·5272 !Ilka 1om1, plua Clage. ---- Cert, 6uge. Celflpere, 11 Hl'a . .Audl1 A1k lo• UIC MOI\ .Ill IHllt VOLllWAlll 11111 I Bt•ch BlvO tiUNT ING fON BEACft 1'2·2000 WAITED! j...11111 moci11 Toyutu. llolvos. Ptckup1 6 Van1 Call VI lodayl lfr1rle Ike 1100 540-940 ,,,,,, ••• ,,, l•lt: WAITll1 IOI ""' .!.~~V.!!!!~f! .... .'.~~ TOYOfA.YOUO 780-0124 Rent 28' motor nome, .... ...._ ... , ARIT. • , Z alps 8. fully IOeded c .. i. M••• a et , 4 c;n1lr1 1 7:> 642-11954 3 1()() Woat Coast Hwy N•wport a .. ,h 842 9406 Fi•t 91ZS .••..................• 17 124 Spyder. AM/'M CAH Alloya clean, runa •lrH <lark 1edll•n 1n1r $3300 494-8876 H••'• 1121 ..... , .......••....... MHIA HITlllt Wo can helpf 8el0t1 you buy. Cheek our un~I•· bl• 1111ctton. 11v1ng1 l lld MtVlot IOdtyl MEISTER NllOll/11111 13831 Hart>Ot 81v 1 Garden Orove ........ " ... lt11l•1 lH HI-HI I 'IO HI Low mf111 LH IMI Alt f)()wer, AC, clten, 11,ual tell 1211,600 OBO 7 14·955·350 t w1< 1 II 68 912 hp, all orig •i o1y CIHn Ml.itl ... , h •:>00 640·7912, 544·9466 6t 350B Cpt No 1 utt, 1obll, runa, good do. 11 11 $3100 494-887$ '7& Por1c:h1 9 14, 1 9, 6 •Pd. llke new. lie reo, Maga. AIC, Mull 1111, BUI Oller 9,9.3 1153. evta, 841-55515, d8yt I ''"' ''' s... • 110 ·•······················ 1H2 WI tOO 411111HU 411 flOOtldO •Ill Hll Champegne •~llllO< with 1>1•0• 1111her 1n11111or ~ompl1111v •~u1pp10 wllh ouwer Moonrool ""lndow. OUllOM t()Und & morel C8103'6l Juat "•ed 11ll•bl1 party to m ake emell monthly peymentt No old c:on· tr eel 10 atwrnt no bee~ p1ymen11 due ASK FOA ROSE 631·5207 Ike lmportt TllE WHIT llUOTlll ot 1111 model, low mtlee· ge Cedlll•C:• In 8ou1h0rn C•lllornla! s .. UI IOd•Y' UIEll OUILUO 2600 Hert>Or Blvd COSTA MESA 140-1110 78 Eldorado Bta•rllz Hu everything Incl tun root, took• now 6 rune 11i.1 new Daya !45· 1153 11111 751-9817 c.11 ..... ...... ldl, l•Cllll191 SIMI AN D1111hMt S40·10H M?·lltl 1Q..S2SI ~o~m Phone SOllCllO•I needed lmmecllelely, no 11t11ng 1nvot111d. wlll Clll from our Newport Beech ol· Ilea. no exper lenc:a nt- ce111ry Wiii Hein For hoore 3·9 Ct ll bet- 2·4 II 84t--01 19 IE All HI OU If. ~!~'.•J.!~':~!~!!~.~. 845·8616 f P•ull "u .. uoJ • ho.tm ________ liiiiiiiiFiUiRiNilTiUiRiEiNiEiWiiiiiilSlnger trHdle Hwlng A•t• ltnltt lut1 WE llY OJ.Ito! ----------1 Teachers Antal to •Ide Mull relM Calh machine . 80 yrt. •lnl I A 'J HOO USED CARS & TRUCKS Prioe1111n II cond 1500 857-5175 •••••• !!!!!~!.!! ...... COME IN OR CALL FOR 11m11m U1.fl t IEDIGl 2850 Hatbor Blvd COSTA MESA Equipment lnc:ludt •I 6 7 9 Eld o 011 S11ve1 & •Plld trlnll!lllllon, po-ltath All option• A I Cd war 1teer1ng & AM 1FM &7450. 1145.7253 Sllf80 talNlll I 190 081 ... ,. IE All YH OU IE. Legel Secretary lrvlnt blltd law firm .-lie tell motivated In· dlvlduel Typing 50-80 wpm. S•l•ry comrT*llU· rete with e.p. Benellta, some legel exp pref Maribeth, 851·9001 LEUL 11nn11Y Newport Bch lew firm need• clllillt>ualneu fltl· gellon MC'y with • min. of 3 yr1 up. Mull heve ucell. typing & thOr· thend. 8enelll1 & aalary commensurate wl exp Non-1mkr, Iron I olllct appearance pref. No agenc1ea pl1. A1k for Jen. 851-2044 LEGAL SECRET ARV Santi Ana-Irvine AV reted lew llrm. _,1or et10<ney, min 1 vr Calll exp. tn e0<porat1. bull· neae & real 111111. Meg II exp. • mutt. Compe1itl"9 selery & btnelllt C•ll Jetn 841-1331 Manegement DlllECT SILES PRO NATIONAL COMPANY hes opening tor lllEOT SILES II NEW PRODUCT /EARN TO Nllu.El/ JI. ror pre-echoot. lull & p111 M•llf-& loond wt tit•• 5pm PAINT & 1111 bOdy work, FREE APPUJlll M0-1140 IU IY1Tt•IU lime. C•ll btwn 1·2 30 RPG 11. SOA, OFU 552-7494 TWln $77 ' Full $07 nu., IOl3 up to 50% oll your bOdy Cormltr·DeLlllO Queen $147 . Kt~ 1 187 ••••• •••••••••••••••• ahop est Biii 964-0332 GNEVRILET Or111 o pporrunlty tor TEU .... E conlClentlou1 epplleent a•pf, •~•I Sol!o!\=:.!: ;247 1.~2~1'~k~ IN~Sl~qu,e European Mecnenlc re· 18211 BEACH BLVD Dinette wl 4 chra 197 n y our . pairs Europe•n c srsl HUNTINGTON BEACH ·77 Accord. al e. 1u10. amltm. n ew tlr11 & brak11, 13450 548-8242 DISCOUNT FURNITURE Also have e 1977 For· French Spkg 991· 1229 1.o11.•0ll, 1.o19.••• 1 Wt need 5 good tel•· mull 110 20 II Ilka John ,. ,. ••• 111 OIYIO Foonteln Vellty Co ..,. -• 1" John, 964-9090 Rain gutter ln1t1ller. Ill· pu'd only, mu1t have own t ren1p . (7141 542-1242, 557-5328 HOEmNllT Trainee for phones & 1111 olllct dutlea. Starting Nlary $3.75 per hr Ap· ply In perton from 2 to 6 Mon thru Fri. No phone calla pleatt. Ltonllt, 245 Flacher, Unit 0·8, Co111 Mete. lltH•tM•lat p /T TuH and Thurs. Chiro- practic office. Cell Pem 675-3492 phone sollcllora In the 1959 Harbor Blvd. N E W t C a I I I 7 1 4 I, 4 apd, good cond. 12500 evening• f()t OUI Legunt Co111 M... 831·8e09 8•2·2000 & 1111 tor Jim-PARTING OUT '67 Fiii· Top Dollar or bell oNer 768-8093 Hiiia Oftloe. Set Appia IOI my, Jr II out, ple111 bird Doors. lrunll lid, our new energy 11v1ng 5 piece dining room tet>le leave m1111gel st de lender. lront & Pai'd Cherry '80 Prelude. Sunrl • products S1la1y .+ "' $50 Good condition. • "'--~ 1_,. bucket Miii. gu tank, •Ir. 5 apd, am/Im. 18100. Commln lon + Bonu1. MUST SELL 846·7230 ~r.!!!,l.!'m'.~ .••• ".~ etc 642-4653 Steve For Your c 8rt 8 5 1·122 6 Ann e 11ea Call after 1pm.859·7442 Antq. dllk Pini hutch 38" Goll Cir1. 1981 model, 4 JON•so• I so• ,_49_2_._12_8_2 ____ _ T I h Sal • x 68" seater, club car Clloehl, A•tfl for s.1. L I .. • #ti.. 9134 I ep one •~ wide hi, ilnt cond. cream with French c•· • ••••••••••••• • •••• • • • i•Ot I • trOUrf a•t••aa ••I• PAllO $285 S.8·6234 nopy. 4 wheel, Including IMPORTANT NOTICE 2626 Harbor Bllld ;s5·Ghl~~-c~i1i.";;;,;··;,: Desperately need 3 peo-48" Round Table, tXltnda battery charge1 S 1600 TO READERS ANO Costa Mesa 540-5630 loya super clean Asking Pie to work from our 01• to 60" 6 chre, all wl OBO 549-0165 Susan. The AprolcVeER0T,1S11E9RmS• •d· HIGHEST CASH-1m_m_e_· $4700 Cell 841-2022 ltc. !eking phone Otdtra w h I I • p I d •• I • I • M F I 8 5PM I le tor Fllmco Proceaalng, S lOOl betl olr. 873•8772 on· ' • vertlsed by vehicle dea· dl11tely or your vehlc · If••'• 1131 no 11tperlence n1cea·1----------1Mlnl Trempollne, heavy lera In the vehicle claul· domeat tc or loretgn •••••••••••••••••••••• sety. $200 per week eller King bed. 78.SO" wl duly trame. Xlnt cond. fled ad11ertlalng column• 561·8285 trt lnlng Cell 554-0444 fr.me. g ood cond $45 642-857 1 does not Include any tOdey. $t251betl olr 873-8772 eppllG•l>le texee, llcenae. A•IH f•Htl-' $t11•, •••t••t••I, trar.1fer lees. llnance .... :"•••'•••••••••••• TELEPHONE SALES Unique BR 111 Ore111r ,., IOIS chargee, leea fOI air pol· A•'• 1101 • __ R_E_O_E_PTIH ___ ll_T ___ 1 111111.IEI w/rnd miuor. beO tram•. •••••••••••••••••••••• lutlon control device •••••••••••••••••••••• 1·m looking tor • real :1:.sa~o c h 11 ' 1 5 o Comm'I Ice mechlnes & cert11tcet1ona or dealer 10 &.41 1000 hr•• enlhusleatlc meneger Storage ref rig, under documentary prepare· 26,000 mllea, fully loaded Exper needed running Queen alze w111r bed S900 776-6591 lion cherges unl111 sunrool. gd cond Like coupon Hiii & rellled headbOlld, 6 drtwer ff • " OlherwlH apecllled by new S 13,400 OBO progrems. Must be de· pedeetel, good cond. '-· • I, the advertlMr. 11 4 5 • 8 2 1 I Ev• s . pendabte. enthualutlc & • n e • t • , e 1 c I 2 2 5 M1FJ Sl•rH IHI 85 7 ·9684 day• b •• bl• to generate a 545-1201 ••••••"••••••••••••••• Alltif•H/ F I BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA C.''••••'t• •szo 75 Audi O• Needs lllle ;iosltive enlludt. Start -0-tn-.-,-,.-s-.-,.-q-n-,-,-b-e-d, Color TV 2 yr wrnty •• •• '~•••••••••• •• f.... WOik S 1000 Ot bell of· lmmed Excellent P•Y cne.1 wldbl mirror. 2 nit• s 1 48 Free delivery. .a.-l ,..,,11 fer 1157·4187 Call 554-0490 ttenda, 1011, refrlg, ell Open Sun ~ 11 ~~: lU~UI r.J' .. 11r1oto.a • n•n& 1 fttn ........ .. rAc&ml Hudquer1tr1 otllce ol rnt•urent chi.In l'•s an Immediate opening 10< • FIT, Plfmanent Recep- tionist. Bu1y Lobby & Olm•n•lon PBX IWllCh· board that requires • very peraonable lndlvt- dual with front ottlce. proleaalon•I eppeer•n· ca Position llao requlr .. uae of 10 key edder & flghl typln~. Lovely Of· flcn. Meellcel, denlll Package Apply In per .. on et· b __ .. 955 2278 or TV Jottn's 646-1786 Shay repllcu; pldcup1 & lllW 1112 Travel Agent. meture, t r.,.,, ,_ . • COUPll 4 lo chooae •••••••••••••••••••••• 1411 WU 11 COll6 V(U ~11114 year eitperlenct : pert _83_2_·99 __ 19 ______ Atlltl canrldgt1 (17) up 10 tr om I (0067681 (Stk lfme. 720--0771 Recliner chtlr. dllll Drown dlle, Miii 101 O\llr $350 A30931. Price• 11artlng II W•ll•s & Weltr-over velvet, hu ex1111 Xlnt u c 1200 752·6• 13 llLY 1111111 21 yrs. epply tn person •I cond S 100 842·8571 Gery THE JOLl Y ROGER INC 17042 Olti.111 A\19 lrvtne, 714-548--033 1 El Matador. 1768 New· Kllchen Teble. modern P<><1 Blvd. C.M. style. beige wl butcher IHtl .t ll•tl•t ~t••• S.I•• 1op (lo1mlca1 wl1h Ital. L•i••••t ••••'••••••••••••••••• very n~ S3S 842·8571. •••~•~•••••••••••••• B I • t .. a. S.H1'1 IOJO Re1taurant •• l!~.~~.!~ ••• ~t~•••• • ch•'''· perfect co11d. •••••••••••••••••••••• MEAT SLICER And Por· GIANT Garage Sei.. 9401 bl•ck neugehyde, derk IHllE Fiil llOI THI ODORE ROBINS FORD lOOO HU80A 8l'IO COSIA MISA 641 0010 SALH .. ftRVIOE LHSIH 831 ·2040 495.4949 SAHUHOl HW lion con1ro1 peraon 10 Breakwater Cr H B Oc1 wood. $69 ell 548-5931 FOR SALE opera11 Hobart Slicer '53 Studebeker Ch•mplOn 28402 Margueflle Pkwy Exper Prtl'd but wlll 9· 10 Hamllton/Buahard Queen Size spring & met· 842-4844. M-F. 9.5 5 pen cpe Nice cer Mlt1ion vieJO 1r11n 9 30 AM 10 8 PM, llttti••"" treas. Ilka new good IHtl, llil•lf•Htt $3750 2131592-1792 (Avery Exit olf 1·5) I Mon· Thura. 8 AM to 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• cond $200 wllrame Open Sund1y1 81 Mazda GLC. 4 dr. hatchbk, AC, xlnt, 14895 494-4920 '82 Mazda RX7·GS. 5 sp, 1903 mfles. LIKE NEW! Best oller 646· 764 t pi p ,,.,~"·· .... 1140 ·······•••••••········ You can afford to buy your Mercedes Benz from us. PM Sundey. Apply 10 AlttiJ.HI UOS 675-8839 ••• '!.'!J.t! •••••••• !!.~~ lff4 lt•H ltt4t4 --------llUAIE•EIT AM to 12 or 2 PM to 4 •••• ••••••••••••••••• Con~lble Sleeper aola, Mlllne S9'Vlcee 1946 Ford Woody Wa· ~~I PM Lori'• Kl1tnen. 3077 ... tltt4 0..etry 111rec1rve llotel 0111ern. I Otalgn/lnetall/Repalr gon. S 13.000 ~ 1'..,, $0 ;.~~10~~~~-~~~I~~·~~ S. Herbof' BNd , (Herb<>< OAK DINING ROOM op1n1 to lull dbl bed Olly work 5•9·2520 Ev 19.,.., FOid ••Odet .. T~n S1tes-~te.-L11tlng .._....men-..,._ f•-., _•_t _c_.,_r_lega __ Dr_)_S_.A__ SET. Belgulm oak with Xlnt cond S 1751oller "' ... " v.. ID OLOIEOIT ,...., -..-,..... -•m7 •· p81quet hday tebtl. 4 )( 8 559-5038 i..t11 lf•ti•I S I d I n . I 1 0 . 0 0 0 1112 b<l"'-8. Wont wftn pu-UUll •ITlll expand 10 13 n . hand r.•i••••t I031 675-6181 NICI Selectlonl 752-090() ~~.~ .. ~~ .......... !.~!~I Salt1·Sar11toe-Le11h •g SAllUHOI lllAH u 1-2040 ..... !141 r.01.~!'. •••••••••• 1 .~!! OELIOA LOVEH Do you reelly lov• Ct · llcaa? II so. give n 11 • call Righi now I've ( IOI • ton ol them. tnclu :ling ST. GT. 1nd lully IOI 1dtc Supra's with T-T1 >Pl Jua1 need relleble ' arl) to make small mor •l hl) payment• No old ' :on· tract to utume. no t •Kii peymenta due ASK =oF ROSE 631-5202 lk t 1moor11 1tll TIYITA CELICA IT umao1 Automlllc trens . a11 cond , pwr ateer tng AM/FM stereo & I """ em t sstona syst •am (UJV7861 Prl 1 >t y $4399 Cell 837·' 14 II 0< 759-4560 '17 Toyota Corolla. 4 spd 1 owne1 . good c;c Jnd New llres, l>lue S299 ; E• •94-8926 ¥!!~!.'!~,!~ ..••.. !. !.!~ · 76· 7 paas. wgn. S3• )50. Sn rt au10. air . w his llpe V 70276 Lie t JXP 83 Otr 645·2963 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1~ ·72 VW Bug Engine 'T>lnll COnd Body In gd o >nd $2500 OBO Call An1 •-r Ad 624 S.-24300 2• hrs • ------~ Eldorado Con11erllbl1 1975. brown 101ded. leetner intr $5 700 645-8266 C•1r11J1t JIU ........•.•........... IEE 11 f lllTI We have 1 good 11lec· llOn OI NEW & USED Chevroletsl CON MELL CHEVROLET '!1;'4 I l.1r I••• II I I I to. I " \1 ~ .., \ 546-1200 'II El C••IH S1HO Clean Chevy. xlnt motor and trana Excel 1n1r. good 11111 & brakes 543-6485 '80 CAMARO 228 Blue Alnt cond Many •iras 8 4 2 -9383 D ebb y 847-9622 ·75 Chevy Monza. 4 cyt, 4 apd AIC good cond $1500 842-9992 f !'!.~'!! ..•••.•.• !.~~~ '78 "Woodi.·· LA BARON Twn & Cntry Auto. AC. AMIFM, lk new $4 695 953-1220 c,.,;.,.,.1 1uo ...................... ·73 Mark IV, beautllul cond Every op1•on Sec· lfl~e $1495 642-0955 c.,.,,,, 1132 ••..•..•.........••... 79 Corvette T ·Top MIST SUL BLAC~ BEAUTY w1t'1 1uat 35.000 miles LOii· dad with option& Inc 1111her interior atr cond pwr windows 1111 wheel, c ru111 con1rot, etc C455ZOAI Just need re- liable perty to malle amall monlhty payments No old contrec;I to ••· aume. no beck peyment• due ASK FOR ROSE 631·5202 Ike Imports bile. For Interview, Cell Earn 10 11500/mo PIT made A~ Wind.or L i iie new qu11ne111 ••• ~.~•••••••••••••• 1954 Bet Alf CM "", P•fl • 74 3 OCS, 'speed 714-~70 M u • I b • m •I u r •. chelr Ml, 2 arm and 8 w111rbtd wllh l•llher 10 HI P Seera ovtbOard rHtored. A· I m~hen1 (960NACJ DOWN LEA E 77 •uto very clean II blue met grey lee1h 1ntr '80 VW Rabbit Dal L. 11itn1 L 0 a 'll • d s 7 5 o O cond AM IF M s nr f.1 6'C4·9582 IAllOlllST 559·9043 L11v1 Mu· Side • Scotlltl'I mirrored trim 1200 240·3287 motor Very gd cond c 1 1 . $ 1 5 0 0 • ·77 3201, 4 spd sun with etlef\ttlt. 3975 Birch _ .. __; ________ 1 s ideboard 14,000 Trundle bed con1empo-$175. 963-5272 (7t4'"40·2086 root f2'8TRA) $6900 720-1221 I ------- 1 ~ 74 CORVETTE brand 873-6423 • '"' • '79 3201. 4 spa , sun St. N.B. 545-7112 SAi.ES rery detlgn, r.= condl· IHll llfffl f040 '65 MUSTANG Conv ,.1n1 I f849YHZI p R PERSONS NEE· WANTED American In-llon $75 87 .9497 ·····'···· ••••• ••••••• O<lg cond, 1 owner Rec '!° 80 320•. 5 IOd aun I OED, Meglc: lalend la dtan balket1. beed woril. G-Teblt end 4 P•d· Claulc 18' Lepstrake wl blk Inter 759--0097 rool (1159ZOK) loolllng f<>< I , .. ln1tlll· poll. t&.<tlles. 4~·7974 dad chra S 150 Good Century bey boal, 4 c:yl, * '80 320•. 5 1pd eir gent, ettrectlvl & elnoefe iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil cond 41>9-5840 . Grey $3500 875-8161 1 ·e2 Xct llbur' lvo1y wtll cond llASX048) Mecharuc 69 SUNAOOF Liie l llue I n-350 dealer 1nstalle<I Amllm CUI Xlnt c ;ind 9fl9 T-Top 411) AC PS $1800 675-0758 plus ~1r8$ se 200 '78 Aabt>lt allV'I<. blk int S•0-0388 _____ _ 1unrool. t i c, flewl• 111 I "-'•e 1135 S3350 759--0•90 ···"'················· 72 Ohta. nu pelnl & 11 re~ '79 OMNI 024 Priced to 12800 OBO Aunt gr 1111 1111 snrl. TI A & rims lhtm In 1helr ...,, club In Th r ,..~ .._ 28 8PM Jl'Wln I010 , ~ Mell Houlton TV Show d. per1on1 to repre11n1 •ANTIQUE AUCTION• W.E •RAIO Ill t;emel lntr 11 •Mn or IH-3111 ,,.. L u ';"'0)1 11 • I . ••••••-'•• ••••• •••••••• Aa le where 11 '82-38' (7141 83 1·3046 208 w "'· Santi An• IMGl •• OM ~11 ~ !n~~;~: clo~~ :m•1 = 1':,j Lovely gr1due1td pearl Chris' Crelt crulHr CF CtoMd Sunday I ~:~·t,~;'0~~;,".'..;~~.a.i 10 " " .., lemp1 ""nttely ........... h"'"'-23" 845-3295 M on-Frt, .. , .. tor .. , u ~no ng ___ .-.. n1ckl1ce, 1400 v11u1 8973CF •«rHll•••I CHOICE INVENTORY I 646-9929 846-4665 °' 898-5648 1111 ftft..69' Hllbtfg 875-0900 tvOf'f pc Bronze Stetue. ...~ S11 11eue1 •I edvenced V•iitln IS30 VOLUME SALES ~ 1--------oeimen helmet Chine ll•til•t!l. 1011 Merine Transport. 1872 •••••••••••••• •••••••• & Jj. '74 Super BHllt . l t int 111' IHO cond 714-835-4535. Ext "iti=oR0°M~~;~k·G~ 14. nlles, 714·538--62 ~ tond 3 n-fires. econ ~~· ~!.'1..J/f!!~ •••• 1.1.!! and small prlmlllvee. ••••••••• •••••••••••• Pleotnlit Ave, CM Oct '78 Toyot• M ini Motor Furn Includes· Oak dr... ATW 41• .-Ea 23 lhru Oct 27, between Horne. 19', atpe 4, Mii· s IEllnUY Pill•• .. ,., high boys, teb.... ,1315 875•5292 8AM-5PM Setled bid contained. xlnl cond ID I M l l IE I II •OU re han<h •11h r•r Newport Beach 1port1 chrt desks aid& 00.,dt opening 2 PM, Oc1 28 •1 1 7 mpg . I t 0 , 5 0 0 IMOW ... -,,.., --fll/11)). f '74 Super Beetle. iwnr •:>Of. $860 494-3211 '"~"''" •h• M l mn.• up 1n firm 11tk1 Oal Frldey servers. Edlaon phono t-.. R~-41 wood lathe. office ol South Cont _64_8-_7_~ __ ._____ ..,._ -1' ,,,.. 1., tom•'' 11 vou'r• • t8+ IOt t~ & aome w lhorn. l0% buytre 38 , IV hp, wlculllng Marine Survey<>r1, 5732 4 WlHI Dtiflll ISSO Satea.ServlG•Leeslng greet cond new bra ttee, ·79 FIHll. 2 dr. 4 spd, xlnl llr91 & ball em/Im c llll. c 0 n d s 1 9 9 5 r 1 r m $2450 OBO 980-685 5 • 642·3•90 ~u•l1f...J h•~h vllool .,.,l, drtvlng. M ng exper. pramlum. toot1. "495. 875-5292 ~':~,!nd St. Long Beech •••••••••••••••••••••• 850 N Beach Blvd 1h• ~rm• r•n 1u rh '°" "'"' helpful but not neeee-LARRY MORGAN #/HtJl•aH•I l•O """""'"· LARGEST JEEP OEALEA L• Hebra IJ)l !WI SI ,.....,..,., St'°' m m~ 113,05000 ·75 VW SCIROCCC• Good Condition S 19 95 10 ••P•tr 1,.1,~ ,., itn~ .. ry 18.60 hr 10 atert. AUCTION ••••••••••••• ••••••••• Bid mull be accompe-tn the West 122-llJJ ~~~~· meso 83 1 • 93oo 1685f7~~)o;'~~i CM •8 W20~ M3~ft ~~::,.w!hc!:~ ~~:~ d""41fyou~t1Er;.eec'' Open Sunday '81 380 SL. 7000 ml Wire ,.n~H••' 548· 1487 831·2 )92 If '"" "'"' 10 •h1f1 •llllr fu1u1t in10 h1~h t·•• .• ~.u •1•1n1ng on it~ ~rm• m•• b- 1tw> •ll'"tl t ~ mof• 1nlor1MhOrt • All •our lor•I I c; \rm• c.u Mesi ~tdl. UoN• s.tJ AN 0-l'tlnl """· II IU Ytt UI II. s.cr11ary Ch.nee Wallace to long. .,. per made payable to Aldo Hlghell Doller Peld '78 3201 wheels $38,000I OBO. 0 C Airport Are• Ad ~~~~~~~~~ 775-1491 anytime. Bljazlc Call Gary Gray llST Sill 213-832-8979 Agency look Ing for a A-IL••-Hll Antique mthogan~ cabl· WANTED Large wheel, 18' tlAlll MAST Whllt wllh tan uddle HE IF ITS 1111 meture paraon to 1111 .r~••••••••••••• ~with <><ptlg RC17;':'° to 1e· tre.llet MS-2188. lllO/JElP/llUILT tnterlof Factory alldlng FtR OIUHTll poeltlon at 1dmlnl11r1· HARBOR AAEA • rtc<><d •)'&'· ; •· tunroof. atr cond,, coco lS 11111 live MCretery. Prol11-APPLIANCE SERVICE lhroom "merbl• type" IHtl S.il Ml 2524 HtrbO< Blvd • CM mel i , etc Orh•en with t• llY T 1lon1I e11l1ud1, •PP••· w Mii recon<I 11n1c In 1 door & 2 dr._., •••••'•••••••••••••••• 549-&023 845-7770 cert (949 zRTI Juat '67 C1taal c "800' . rence, phone voice • ~anc:et 54:'::11 cabinet c>N• melchlng 2 tO' Hobie Cat. ~ wl 1980 CJ5, • c:yl-never oN need reliable put~ 10 Chauffeur partttlon wl •ll mu1t Sharp oantrel of· door wall c abinet & 1eq aunrl11 .. 111 Like roed 35,000 mt Excel· m eke 1m111 monlhty poss.Ible options Metel· lie• 1klll1 required . 70 I llY llPt.u.s "matble type" welt lhllt, ,_ 12500. e7Ml8l !ant cond. se500 oeymt nll No old con-lie brown wlltghl tan wpm typlng 55$--0480. Lii 957-8133 all lor onty 1100. ltn'I~ Roedl 33· Must 11111 ee&--0283 Ew & Wknds trec1 10 aMUmt. no blcit pluah velour Int Comp Alie for 8rl!Ulny, 9-30 • 1 rad OIUe ahO'*&f doort , $4500. Dey 873-3701 p ymanlt due ASK FOR lec1ory rebull1 & r1110ted PM. W~-::J:Ffttfrlg. Ilk• new. only 150 for Evet 831-7618 ' '75 CJ5 ve. naw tran1. R~SE 83 1 •5202 1111 to new c:u cond Con· • ~ ,_ both. Celt 842--0138 New RE, RI Br,,_ llrea, lmportt vt rttd to u S specs. IEIT/111 "' Xlnl cond 1146-5848 e Ft SABOT wl ,_ P•lnt. Rg Ip Super truck Orig. bill• tor OM 104. '10 Ill S11DC t )(Int Cond 6'C8-6. ~5 ,,,,.. 11' 1 ···················~ .. ii 1 , .... h•ltr I• lf••t• Off•tr I UUl, IEIVIOl di LWlll OVEASEAS OELIVEFIV EXPERTS Land de\lllopment com-Wnhlr1 Oryw9 Unlverelly AthleUc Club ~ brd, mMl, Mil. nda I 3 o o O o Bo E "• • llAlll 111m'I 000 on hend • cer pr• peny, htevy phonea & ~. ' Memberlhlp. Men Only. • o m • h • r d w • r 548-0403 t«'llty atored In G«many WU llE typing. Shorthencs or ~=~ s'f~,~~~:~ 'A Price, s..50. 953-eeOe lt85 993-5212 . fnth ISIO ILIHT but reedy for Immediate YIUI ............... equiv. req'd Mttur.. non Gr111 Chrtatm11 glltll IHtl lllll •••••••••••••••••••••• • & atilpplng. Pen time. Food !>four. 1mkr. Send r11ume & Whlrtpool waaher St25. Hand pelnted T-1hlr11. / Toyot• •70 AMIFM Sit· Selling Pra $75,000 1966 HerbOt Blvd women more 1ullablt, Ulery requirement to: ~1~~u1Pt:2h:::hh•~~ Unique & pereontllted .•• J!!!~? ••••••••• !!.t! reo cu~ette. Small PleHe. only qualllled COSTA MESA cer necesaery. Cell Fri PO Box 7008, ~ drye; 1295. New top ~~!!_ b.,•}.w_:::. hm & BOAT SLIF'S AVAILABLE: cemptr lhtll 12175 S•tee·Servtc+LHal<'g euh(~I :.~1138 141-Hla Mf·Mtnl Oct 15th end Mon Oct Beech. CA 92NO modfll Admiral Rtlrtg. .. .. .,_ . Newport a..ctl: 215'. 28', 873-8e18 CY"1V CARVER 'll W8(H HI 18th. (2131949-05741X1 Ser'1loa Station Attendant. S~by·&de, weter & lot OAK FIREWOOD YOU 30', 35', 40'. & 45'. Cell '80 Ollaun P.U Ukt n-. N...11 '75 450 SL Both Iopa. LetlMf lnttl'lor. 3td n 11, 17 uperlence with r1f'1. dlepen11r. 1995 New PICK UP OR WE DELI· 842-,4844 from 9·5 , excel cond. Alie Sl5000. ~R.1'1CE·lf\1VV wire whit , excel cond. '"'· 60,000 ml, $4,9ltlO Ill. IMlPTlllST N. w p 0 r l B •• ch . Wtllrlpool lltc •love, Top VER. 493-8748 Mon-Fri. d' I 8 3 , • 2 1 8 1 . • v ...., _ ... ,Ill~.,..... Wiii dHI lor caah. I 19. 873-1397 NNded lor progreeelvt 6«·7151 modela·low coat. WllRIUlll (I) SLIPS AVAIL. Hunllngton 7 1-5299 ;;.""'~;{~: ~~.~=·a::.to8~83, '81 Volvo GLE. lo•d•!•d, ulon. Som• cllentelt Shipping & Receiving 5'48-8e72 One l 75 ·0MU6 HlfbOur B•'f. Da '73 Oetaun PU wl •h•ll -Gold . *ll,200 C iall 8 I Cl k I I t I 840 5 .... •••77•• .. " • '72 M1roon BMW 2002. 1973 .. ,,. SL. o ...... br-• pref. a •ry, comm., tr or • ec ron 01 Amene 1e· Freenr. cop-Ofllot chair, mlac. ltame. • ~ ... _.,.. vv, .,..., n.w petnt, 42,000 orig. 1 0 d .. "" "' v.... wk n d 1 • n d 111 e , vec:atlon. Mgr~. company. full.time potj· pertone, Xlnt cond. 1200. 54a.7011 PM . II 4 0 • 4 0 9 7 . ml, cuetom Int. & whit, •tick, 1un roo . 0 o 114.000, 780-8765 ev. de 4ge.7131 "'URSES tlon. Nr OC Airport. 842-9333 213-43t-3784 imllm uereo e trk. condlllon $3 2 00 833-2591 ,.. S.0-9284 Hydraulic S alon Cllr. WANTED MOORING I<>< 12500 or otter. 114 E. e40-509e -.7-8_M_B_Z_4_5_0_S,...L-.-g-o-l-d, Mutt Mii; '82 dlelel W\'1n. RN'S. LVN's Mllchlng Mayt19 Avo-1mo1c• colored. Good 7"' BO'":T I NEWPORT Wiiton 111 073-9893 '158MW 6304 600mlnew both top•. ;go ..... 1 18. gold w/btlg• ltath1H, • SlP£R STAR cedowutlet&pa dryet, cond. 140, 073-4190. H~Rao"R. ,.n57_.,.73 (T ) .. , mint cond. Teke o~·•r 1200 5,.... """''" ..,.., ,.., 13 " " -om rn Mlill -to betleva. 000 840-82 u m t I • I 3 3 0 I m 0 1 1 , I l I I ... · .,. .. ..., .. a ..........., 17 00 "63 1674 • Oynam6c: I ...-t t Co Dock tel 28 n N '50 lnfl Crew-Ceb. ll•t • -. -80-300--S-O-. IO-ml-.-tu-n_r_OO_f, 1·76 t6 ~ "su-~STA.,; Whlrlpool w111her, Ken-Victorian doll hou11, ... _ '~--cs w max, .:......0 bed. good ang, needa .. _110 f'l'-.,. ~·'· tank, •Int cond. -------- • Lift •.__.:-~ .... .:: more dryw 175 M. X.lnt metier orefled. Coi t """' a.,.,., · • ......,.... --..., • o _ .. 04//f _.. Call 84().ftOI port 1195 mo tome worll 1-460/olr. •••••••••••••••••••••• A•k ng 125.900. PI P A•I# Oi.4 neee cond. I 4 O O ' 11 II I 3 O O ' 973.3074 e3 t·20&4 9157.2951 fwtldyt 9--5:30) •••••~•••••••••••••• •• ' Sears H .2 cu f1 relrlg. 485-4 t23 11---aJ -1,I gold, Od cond Sllp ~to 42' '72 Fe>td Courier 11500. • 1lll ... IL ~-:.·.~·•••••••••:'~ •• ~m=•= ~1!!: ~~~&4. 919 0.. 1~1) t~r~·~~~~~~'. ARDELL MARINA ~.::,:~~~· = Urea. 32,000 ml. Anthracite com. In & ... Newpl.H1 cepllonel benefltl. CM. h1>lrl11 Nov &. '12. 842·5735 greylb~ IMthet Int• 8eech'1 !Inell Mleatl1>n "'-'--· .. 1·6067 N.8 . Lido lale, eoro111 r • ., 1111 riof. Wlttl Herd top end of prevlou1ly own11d Opportunity to 1r8¥11 for :-::1:::: ••••••••• ~ •• Ocllllacope mecttlne end B•lboa Bay Chlb "" ~7tFOAo··~.-;;;;.~ =e~ top. 117.450. c~::;:n.~udl't "Id 1 brlght, hlOflly moOve-loY"• l>llte: Green Aeleloh. tceeaeOrlel. 1160 Of off. '375. MICU1Y9, 4'31·8252 ~top 4 bllt Ml ... II; ..... tad H ll iterter. Aeq: 20" 3 epd. hencl a pedel Good cond 640-1444 ..,,. ,,., ,,,, MC)rt NO• ... u con't , '78 3000. tvoty. enr1, .,_ I Otor• MCI ...,.._of bntt 146. 7eo4910 • •••••'•••••1'!•••••••• itereolfena, Ult ~·. loya. hou11w1t•'• c11, • IUper etllf ~· 1 -1111-.,_ h • 1 8 a 0 0 'lO ST. W•1H 1100 Ford F1lrlane 351 Xln1 motor and tr1n1. Cletn body & lntr 22mpg, 543-6485 1970 L TO, 4 d1, 78,000 mt, good Int & mech Some rust. no denta, 1350 873-7966 '81 Faleon Pickup. 8 cyf. Good CondlllOn $450 645-8746 '67 FORD WAGON No dents. runs g ood $500 760·0 161 IVH COM Li•~I• IHS ······················ '80 Mlfk Vt, 281<, loeded. ell white, xlnl cond. S 10, 500 $31·1133 !~!!l ......... !.~!! '82 GRANO MARQUIS Loaded. lo ml. SSOO & ttkt over pymta 840-3346 !!~!!~~r ......... ~!I '77 MUST "NG GHIA Gd cond. Aalclng 12500. 968·7697 '66, New llree, paint. Mell. 1u1p brh. AMI FM attreo S2SOO. 545-7094. 011,.1.il1 HIS ................•••••• '70 Old• 98. gOO<I trtl'I .. portetlon cer 1~50 497-3749. 4'31·9188 ·e 1 Cutlttl Supreme 2 dr. VII. IO•d•CI. new tune-up. Oil & lube, xlnt cond, lo ml. Muet Mii. seeGOlobo 497.2979 "•" ,,,., . .............•.....•. '11PllTI1111 538-2593 "*'11. l.edlM 10 apeed bllt In _,,. - -_____,__ DRY STORAGE 1wnlng, nw Ure. Mutt I • r P • • • " . 448 !. COM1 Hwy ellOlllant cond. 178, 321 Perfect IOf 8" __,,.,,., 8eet Sell Of trede on '92 493-18e5 -N9WPOl1 9Mofl rt•"-"'f tt thll lln't you . .,..... )td St, com of Orenge. Fun lor Halloween. Monthly boel 1tore9e. Wegon. 873-HH. ,.,_.. 11U 813-0900 _ ••••••••••••••••-.•••• tell your tmtr1Mt 111t H.B. 873.,.419· eny au.. 24 tw MCUtltY. A•"'.,,....., llH 'll ...._ 111 ••••••••••••••• .. •••:t lua HJf l 111,. ... 11• quellly '"9ncl ebou1 dlle lsJ"'1lf #.a..J free leundllng ....................... 4 Ooof. AM/flM ttereo 1111 ...... ....................... :~::n-:·:::. :n ":::; Id. Hon tm<*tl"I.,...... ·.--:;.J-•--1 lun--11 ., llWNIT... WI PIY cetM(te. lltOellent oon• 11• 11 ..... '82 ~ 4 ctoor ... 1un"' & lnlr, new tlr• a rlldlo. ,__~,.._ID! ....._ -• .... ,.-;m1.-......... i 1111 .... ..,.. dltlon.141000. • • U5011ake-. 1 ~8481 COU.IH8 AllOCIA!lf ••••••••••••••1••nu•••• • a.11.11 _ O TIP llWI ..,.2-4'3t or 111-oeH oi:ioon• lnCIUde ~·· 17'-9117 4 • H7 .,.,. ,_.,.....Or. .. ... • YAMAHA .... Amp. .......1 fine• oroui:i. AMI FM '79 IUlok Sit ......... 1 OW• ....... - Newport ....,..2MO AeclWooct a.a dectilng, Held wlttl • ~ 11" .. -IMI 1tweo, cuetom ~ & '-"· ~"" T 4•20• IOrlCI~ ellO redWOOd py ..,.._., cabinet. All I' •-'•d 'H Oat1un Wgn w /'71 moiel Very •h•ri:i earl '*•tut~~ 13150. It It. A•bll """ urbo tran1, 114/14• •717 I• lnlMf ~ .• cell' Jim or ~ In excellent condition. :!IJ..'lftt-.7 ... ft'. ....... AUi 11•11 eno. 4 epd, 11..0 ,_. ( 1Al<C749~ Prl. pl'f. Call 6tJm. 41 1 7 _ new wloVr t:"'.,.,. PW CHILD CAAi WO..Kl" --"" M00o0o ~ .. ,. PllTIM/..an d t c ti • •In I o on d . OOil'V Int, e•tru. I good, ·-.... ~ ~ 1•iiiiieniiir~'llm~ie,~~7~1~6-~14~t~1~. rsi~~ ...... ~~~f~l,~1-!;=~ .._, ' fl• 2480 HetbOf IM. M801off9t. 854·2071 :-:;':.:--I ttn FOf Clwlfled Ad ·-.,~~~=~':,;ow· liif n11. 1111 ,, .. ,,,,.,,. "'°".,,. for ~c.11~. A.ct • -••• T.':................ .c~!!A .. ~A BEST ACTION tor ICID'llllntt. Mend LUDW!O ORUM HT '71 VW CAM,..., runt & -To pleOe '/04lf ~ Call• '17 fllretllrd, red clNllc Eql.tlll ~,.,~-MM• ..,,_~, ...-lfl tfl9 ...,-. 1.-1, 1 .... , w. 1 loot11 0004' SHOO. Or ~ ,,.. Oellv l'll04 oo,werllble, new •n1, . Mii fllld. Cell ~ -r .,... b1M offlt 146-IMt 141-1411 reed1n9 putlllo, AO-~" trlnl. •Int CIOftd UICIO ---------~ .... :......, cymNlt&~ • pMM OFFER! w.aeft bat ofr. 111·001, ~ Md .-ng -'•1--------a ..... 1441"°°'9147 He¥1 '°'C:""' yw Wnt ,._etefl 10 wOUf Phone to =-...... .... •~,. UHi ..... pt!Oe-tllar'I M2~ to-.. d ....... do = 1!.. -m '"' ,._, I -• -;!"!•~t~~·~·!~~'~!~~l:~~'~[]==~==~====~L:~::::::::::=:=::::::::J::"~'n~d~w~~~•~tj&~:..;u~m~.:C...~n~l~mJ:~.,..~~·~~~-~~ ..... ~~~~~~·~-~··~--~·~~~= .. ::·~~Ol==,.:::::!"4:1:•:11171::~~:::;::;::l~~~,..~·~··...........,~~::::l:~~~~~..!~~ It Wiii. ~Tl. ed 94-...a.7 14> ....,.._...., Cleeelfled Ade Ml•M II W Idle...... aa_--. • -.U.. M2 ... 71 Delly l'll04 . ......, ---•• ' Dllllil l:DAIT YOUR HIMfTOWI llllY PIPll l llf '-DAY OC TODI R :I~ 1\11'7 ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Coast college teachers' reprimands dropped By PHIL SNEJDERMAN Of'"tlle D911y ll'llol l l•lf Coast Community Cullt.>t:(t• Oastrwt trust('('S UOl'Ond1t1onally hU Vl' w 11 hdra w n kttc•rs of reprimand from tht• µ1•rsonnL•I files of ti7 teacht•r.. who ~1gncd a INtt.'r cr1t1cmng distrac t h.'IC'Vlblon C'OUl'SC'S. The cxecullvl• <·omm1llct.' of _ the IOC'al American Federauon of Teachers (AFT) l'hapter, w hich represents the dtstract's full-lime uu1tru1.·tors. will lllt't•t Fr1d1.1y tu d1:·d d1• wlwtht•i to fl''>fJt>nd by Jruppmg gnt•vmU'l' l'hurgt·s fih-c t agauu.t the d1stn1·t 111 1·01111t'l·t11m Wi th llW lt•ll'l'OUl"lll' di:>pUh• "I think th1:. w.11, a vc r v pos111ve rnoVl' on lhl' part uf th~· trustees." said Phall1s 811i.tll., pres1denl of thl• AFT t·hapll•r "I thank the oullook 1s bctt1·1· lhan 11 has been (or som<.' llllll' I hopt.' now we'U be able to resolvt• Dollar boat still afloat Newporl Harbor patrolmen are l'allang 1l tht- case of lhe boat thnt just wouldn't sink. The 30-foot ve~I. unnamed and unmarkc-d, was discovered Monday, half-submerged an the OC'ean about two miles off the harbor entrance. After dutifully towing tht> leaky boat back to a mooring off the Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol headquarters. patrolmen said it struck them that the boat -what they could see of it, at least -looked awfully fanuhar. A records check revealed the craft had been auctioned off JUSt a couple o( days before at a lien sale. The boat had gone for one than dollar Harbor Master Harry Gage saad he recalls that the vessel. when sold, was s tocked wllh e lectracal equipment and an assortment of odds ahd ends. "We believe what happened 1s that the boat was stripped of anything of valut'. taken to sea and scuttled." said GaJ(e sOnll' uf th1· otlll'I' uut:.tJ11di11g 1s.-;u1·'" Oi,tr11·1 ?-.pukt•sma11 tt1di:11 J S 11nl1n suid th1.• w11hJ1 uwal u l thl· n ·primt.1nd ll'ttl'fi., wh1d1 w1•n · 1Mut·<l 111 July, was a11 a1t1·111pl hy th1· board tu llllf)l'OVt' fa1·ulty ,1dmin1st1u11on 1v lu11u11:., wh1<·h havt· bt.'l'n i.tn 111wJ ov<.·r thl· pu,1 yN1r by 1 ht• ll'il'\.,>Ur!>l' dispute..• La..,t spring four Ornngt.' Coust Coll(•gl· µrufl's...-.or' wrot~· a k tlt'r 4un .t1011lllK 1'11• 11u .d11 v 11 1 tt·lt-~ourM·., ofr1·rhl hv .,,,,,.,. -;d1ool ( 'oastllru· { 'oll"~'" .1 .... k1111-: 111 put lll0lll.11 wl1t•tllt'r lt'lt'\·11u1 'll' :.tudl.'nl' .... twutd 1 t-t·1·1v1· tlw ~11w numbt·r 11f <Tt·d 11 .... "' .,111cl1·11i... t·nr11ll1·d 111 lht· t·qu1 v.tlt•111 das.o.roun1 t'OUI~·:. An adtJ1uonul U:i Or;1nlo(t' <. 'ua:.t and (..;ultl 1.•n W1.•:.1 Collt·gt· tt•adwr:. s1gnt'<I th1• lt·tl\.'r, IA hit h was mailed lO t'<.lul'ataon ul f1l'lal s throughout Calafornw Gage said his department will attempt tu track down the person that bought the boat and order that person to remove the Vt'SS('I from the harbor as a navigational hazard And that, patrolmen explained. will cost more than $1. J ~~~-~~~ Boal tha t ref use to sink floats ha lf s ubme rged in Newpo rt II arbor after being towed in Monday. Newport-Mesa schools tops on By KAREN E. KLEIN Of IN 0.-, NM ltaft The Newpo r t-Mesa Unified School Oi1trlct made the beat showing in t~ Orange Coast area on the l 98 l-82 version or the Sc holastic Aptitude Test, administered to over one nuJJion co ll ege -bound s tudents nationwide. resu\ts have shown Ne wpo rt-Mesa D1str1ct av - e rages were 454 on the verbal portion of the test and 508 on the mathematics portion. The SAT IS scored on a scale from 200 to 800. Students in the Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach Union High School Districts showe d overall declines -2 percent to 7 percent -on both their verbal and math scores this year as rompared to the 1980·8 1 school year. Overall, verba l sco res continued to slip in most Orange Coast schools w hile math scores Laguna, Huntington decline in scholastic aptitude test scores e i the r improved sltghtly or remained stable. Only five schools -Costa Mesa High. Newport Harbor High. Estancia High. Irvine High and Capis trano Valley Hagh - showed improvement in both their verbal and math scores over the last year Dale Wooley, direct o r o f research and stude nt services an the Ne wport-Mesa Dis trict . attnbuted the strong showing of his d1stnct to a renewed stress on basic proficiency skills. "We have been putting an emphasis on competency-based education and written language skills in particular." Wooley said. The bottom line is the material he works w1lh though. Wooley said "The parents send us some pretty good kids," he said "T his 1s an area whc>n· education 1s considered very important " Na trona! average SC'Ores wert.• <;lightly improved in 198 1-82. n •v<•rsang a dedin<· that starlf-d in 1963 and has been ('Ons1stent sa nee then AvPra ge na tio nal scorl'S were 426 verbal and 467 math, c:ompart'd to 424 v1.·rbal and -1 66 math in the HJ80-81 S4'hool year California SA T S('O r e s, trad1t 1onally higher than thl' nallon:>l avC'ragl'S. dc·clmed one point in cat h area this year. The verbal average was 425 and the math 47-1 statewide Scores for Oran ge Co as t Coast schools arc gcnt•rally higher than buth state and national le vels even though a large percentage o f a rea senio r high school students take the test Educauon analysts and local school superintendents warn that test results must be l'are!ully weighed bl•fo re JU dgmen l 1s passed one way or th1 uthl'r on the school distracts Compa risons among stall'S ant.I commun1t1es a re n ftt•n skewC'd. said Dun Walk1·r or El T or o High . bl'c·aust• h1ghrr p<>rcentages are lt•stC'd rn some areas Alabama. for t•xample, reportro scores of 457 and 488 an 1980-81 compared to Cal 1forn1a·~ S<:orc u ( -1 26 and 475 But only ti per(·c•nt of Alabama's high school seniors look the test. whill· 35 pt•rt·1·nt took 1t in California "The mor(' students that takt· (See SCHOOL, Page A2 I • J>1.,trn I lru:.tl•t•1>, who d1spult'<i tht• I t11llt 01ll t>f tht· lt•llt•f', IS..'iUt•d IA 11111•11 n ·pr111wnds tu tht· li7 11•.1l'ht·1~. da1m1nE( 1h1· 111i.trur111n, hJd v111l.1t1·d th1·1r duly tu ltw di .. t rwt 1111cl had "m..illgnl•d " l 'u,1'\t 11111· 'fh1• 11·a1·h1•1!-o u 11 1u11 hu~ l't''lllHldt 'tJ by fiJtng U grl<.'VIJl1((', du1111111~ th1.· dlbtrt<'l h as viulalt'<l thL· acudl'n11c frt.'t.-dum pruv1:.1uru. o f 1 l i. c u n t r a c t w 1 l h t h 1· ini.lrul'llJrs by p un1:.hing thl'm t u r 11 p t· u k i n K u u l u n t h t.' lt•h'l·ouriw [lj,,<jUc A hcar111g 1111 this grievance is :..:·ht'<lult-tl (111 mid November Lust month thl· trustees agn-<.-d tu w11hdrJw thc lt.'ttt•rs o f rc·prmwnd on tlw cond1uun that l h l' t,. a t h "'r s s u s pend the gnt·vam:l• IJfl)(.'1.'('<itngi. But this agreeml'nt was l'onungl•lll upon thl' approval of a new d1stri<·t tommun1<·a11ons (See TEACHERS, Page A2 I No first-degree murder rap Disneyland • ID case By DAVID KlJTZMA NN 01 th• O•llr Piiot St•lf A Jury deadlock an tht• N tst• uf a San Diego m an a<.·cus ed o f l'ommatung Dis neyland 's firs t hom1c1dl· means the defenda nt no longer must face a first-degrt.'t- mu rd l' r l h a rge when h<' 1s retnc'Ci Orange County Superior Court Judge Kl'nnl'lh E Lae saad he ('ons1 d 1?n ·d defendant James O'Dnst'Oll. 30. tu be acqumC'd of the highest murder count whl·n the Jury rl•orted Monday that it was d eat.ll1)(.'k<.-d 11-1 in favor of a Sl'CO nd ·degrt.'e murd e r l'Unv1ct1 on. The holdout Juror favored lll'qu1 ttaL Judge Lae declared a m istrial and S<:heduk-d a Nov. 5 hearing for the selection of a new trial dau• J ury fort•man George Easley told Lat:" that the panel had taken wven ballots in hve days before giving up Verdicts in criminal cases must be unanimous. Lae saad that because the jury had ruled out the first-degree murder ('harge . h e w ould consider O'Drascoll acqumed of that count. Prosec·utor Patrick G eary said he would now seek a second - degree murder conviction m a se<:ond trial. O'Driscoll ls a<.'Cused of fatally (See RETRIAL, Page A2) AVERAGE SCORES BY DISTRICT SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST DISTRICT VERBAL MATH HIGH SCHOOLS SCORE SCORE Huntington Beach Union Edison 439 513 Fountain Valley 435 509 Huntington Beach 453 507 Marina 429 496 Ocean View 389 44 1 Westm inster 425 493 lrvlne Unified Irvine 416 490 University 454 505 Laguna Beach Unified 440 479 Laguna Beac h Newport-Meaa Unified 463 503 Corona del Mar Costa Mesa 430 512 Estancia 456 508 Newport Harbor 459 513 Saddleback Valley Unified El Toro 446 489 Laguna Hills 428 490 Mission Viejo 462 509 • Irvine weighs Leisure World land ID annexation By GLENN SCOTT Of'"tM Delly Not l tllfl dtv1des the two mapr wangs of Leisure Wo r ld. The land 1t1 o wned b y th e R oss m oor Liquidating Trust; the Koll Co has an option to develop 1t Irvine's Ci t y Counc il 1s scheduled to.t..d ecide t onight whether to ron1}'ete with Leisure World over a strip of land the retirement community wants to include in its proposed new city. Earlie r this year. Koll officials persuaded council members to order city planners to conduct a company-financed feasibility study of annexing the territory At issue 1s a 689-acre area southwest of the city limits that ( New 'local look' for Daily Pilot Dear Readers: Starting Monday, the Daily Pilot unveils two new editions and a new approach to the news. lt all came about as a result of something you have been telling our ''We're Listening" Une for weeks. You want more local news from us. And we want to give ~t to you. But we've had a problem. Because we are smaller than some other papers in this area, we can only remake a limited number of pages for eal.·h of our edJlions. The result has been that we put the local news you want on th09e pages and change their content between editions. So some of those good local stories a re killed bet"'.'een ~itions .. But starting Monday. we will be introducing two new editions -the County and the Coast. The County edition will covvr Huntington Beach. Fountain Valley, Co8ta Mesa and Irvine. The Coast wlll cover Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. Th~ good local stories will be grouped by area so they're easy to flnd. And better yet; they won't disappear from the paper betwe:ie" edltlons. We're cxdted about our new look . We hope you Jlke it. Let ua know . Thomas f'. HDlcy Publisher into the city Planners c'Oncluded the annext'd la nd would bnng in a surplus $250.000 in revenue per year K oll has plans to build a 189-acrf' ufface and commercial park at the rnte rsc('t1 on of El Toro Road and lrvrne Center Drive (which becomes Moulton Parkway) Leaders of the 21.000·rt'Sldt>nl Leisure World. however. already have filed plans with the Orange County Local Agency Form ation Comm1ss1on to inrorporate They included the 689 acres in their new city Wuhout 11. lh<·11 two wings w o uld n o t as <'oslly connect. IrvanL· City Courw1l 1111•mlx-rs. fal·t>d two weeks ago with the same problem or challenging a potential ne w neighbor over territory. chose to w all until tonight to take a stand. Two o f the fa ve co unc il members. Mary Ann Gaido and Barbara Wiener. said they would vote tu drop annexation efforts. Tonight's meeting begins al 6 :30 at I r v ine City Hall. J amboree R oad at M c Gaw Avenue The annexatio n issu e is n 't cxpectro to rome up for at least an hour A second issue involving Koll interests southwest of the San Diego Frttway also is scheduled (See IRVINE, Page A2 ) Market dip 'overdue correction?' NEW YORK (AP) -Tradt!rs reeling from the wors t day on Wall Street since the crash of 1929 a rt' blaming uncertainty over interest rates for the plunge, but analysts called 1t just an ove rdu e corre<:t1 o n an a "manic-depressive" markl•t. As the stOC'k markl'l braced for another turbulent session today. the Labor Department reported that consumer prices edgt>d up 0.2 percent in Sl'pll'mb<>r. the smallest increase in five months. AirCal's Clifford quits AtrCal President Hobert Clifford announced today he will resign his post with the Newport Beach -based airline e ffl'ct1ve Dec. 1 - Replacing him as president and chief ext'cutive oHicer w ill be Cen Wllllum Lyon, chairman of the boord and co-owne r. The switch will take place on the same day th•t the airline Is scheduled to lmpl(•ment a major n e w r ou t <' r ea l ig nm e n t e xpanding ser vice bC'tWc<'n Southe rn California and 8 3)' Area airpo rts and dro pping service to Fresno. Mon terey. Phoen ix nnd '-"' V<>gns. {"l1fforJ. 6 1. Slild in a neows rclC'Nt' today that he has bttn polntl na t o ward retirement. Althou h he will continue with the airline as a con.1ultanl a nd lobby 1st Said C lifford : "l h. V<' comcit-nlloualy plonned toward a time tha\ t oould step back from the •firing line knowing th9t the aarltne was p osltionl•d (or achievemen t " L yon. 59, who alBO owns one of t he s tate's largest reside ntial home bu ilding firms. Mild he is look ing forword t o his new responsibilities. T ht' change was dl'SCribt'd In t h e compa n y rclcut' u "a gtrength.-nlng of m&nag<'m <"nt and o wnership tlt'I wfth the aJrllnc l'mploy~ and a further dcmonstrtitJon of the rompany'a resolvt• LO bt• a low cost. hlghly co mpC"t l tlve carrier in the mArketplace " (' T h e figur e, whic h 1s an anflauon rate o f 2.1 p<>rccnt if t·alcula ted annually. r eflects dl'<'lanes in mortiage rates and gasoline costs. the department saad. The Consumer Price Index inc rease h e ld inflation to an annual rate of 4.8 percent for the first nrne months or the year. Consume r prices rose 8 9 percent in l98 l and l 2.'I perttnt In 1980 Mo rtgage 1nl e r e s t rates h.1mbled 1.5 p<'l"C('nt last month. while gaso line costs fe ll 0.1 percent. the Labor Depattment said But food rose 0.5 percent The Do"': J ones averag<' or 30 industrials, which had soared more than 250 points since Aug. 12. plunged 36.33 points Monday to 995.13. It was the average's largest single-day drop since It Cell 38.33 points on Oct. 28, 1929. T he d rop was "an overdue correction in stock prices" in a "highly volatile market," said analyst Howard J . Abne r o f Abner He rrman & Brock lnc. Monday's selloff erased more than $50 b1llion fro m gains rl'l'Orded by the market In ita rally of late summer "You've got to put today's selloff in 1ts proper perspective," (See MARKET, Pa1e A!) . lllDEX At Your St>rvlce AS Ann Landt>r$ 82 'Busl ne!l..'J 84.~ Movl<'S B6 Cava lead<' 82 Mutual Funds 84 Classified C~-8 NatJonal News A3 Comics 87 Public NotlCM 84.C4~ Crossword 87 Sporta Cl -3 Ot-3lh Notices C4 Dr Skln<:rohn B~ F.dltorial A6 Stock Markew m Entl•Malnml'nt 00 Telcvlslon 88 H Ol'O.'ICOPl' 82 Thfflt'l'I 88 lntenm Ion 86 Weather A2 i ti/I Or nou C 1111"1 DAILY Jill fl I I 11u111l11'! U1 11111111 •1h llltt.' ~\ -----------~--------~-~·1-:·,:~.-,7 .~-~~:r-~::-~·~-.. --------~-o--u_n_g---t1-.g--(~-r--v_i_·_t_in __ 1_ \\.t Continued stories DowJon•aAv•r1 • 1812 howing recovery MARKET PLUNGE • • • Ahrwr 11o ul Thi• ruinnu" Hl:l~I Ol•l'l111t• tK'1•u rn·d (1 11111 11 llHH Ii lower srnrtl11ij pu111t, so Mm11lay·, drop "omounlt•tl lll o nly :1 ~:.! pen•tc>nt . t•ompun•d w ith 1i ti pcrc·l•nt on <~·t :.?U. IH:W " Alim. Monduy'11 volunw ol li:i.72 1Hilho11 11hun ·:s on lht' New York Stut·k Exd1a11~1· w1•fl lx•low rt'\.'t'l\t lradm~ <luy!> ol I llU nulhon·plu:. su~~w:.tt•d l11llt· 11f the a trnospht-rl' o( lh1· l!J:!9 p.11111 Ch.111g1·-. Ill 1111 1·11•-.1 , ,,,,., w l111 h h:1v1· f.1111·11 111 1111 p.i t t• \\ 1111111th11. h;iv1• li."•011 11• 11 I'"'' 1'1 I ul (011·1• 1111 Lill' 111ul'k1·t , hl'l .111:-1· h1w1•1 ra1t·-. 11·11d 111 111:ik1 • -.toe k:o. llllll'l' l'lill\l/l'tlll\t' "1tl1 \ 11•ld?> (Ill rll1.1•d llH'llll\t' ~t·t lit 11 lo·S "IJ<'lo ,,~ l1<>11d:i. With th1· d111pp111g 1,111·-.. 1111• ' l>ll\A. J OllL'' ,1\'l'I 111-(l' 1l.1d ltt I ,1 I ti YL';H h1~h 111 1.0:11i !Ill "" Thur:.day RETRIAL ORDERED • • • s tabbing R1vt•rs1dl' h1~h st·huul s t udent M l'I C Yorba. IH, on Mart·h 7, 1981, dunn~ a Carmi\ night at Disneyland The smbbing took plal'l' n1 .. 11 the s ubmartnl' r tc.l l· 1n th1· Tomorrowland st.'l'l1on ol tlw sprawling amuStmwnl p.lrk. Acwrding to Geary. O'On 54:01l attacked Yorba a fwr tht• lanky d e f e n dant act·usl'Cl him ,,"r pinch rng his g1rlfnt•nd T h e d e f l' n s c . h o w t.' v 1.· r . maintarned that O'Dnscoll wus on ly al·ting in self·dcft.•1\S<.' wh1•n he pulled a hunting kni lt• on Yorba and four fr1t•nds. Defe n se lawyer Alan Olson claimed thal Yorba fl'll o n his dienl's knife in a scuffll' initiatl·d by the hig h school wrC'Sllcr F'ollowing Monday's mistrial. Olson claim ed that O'Drrscoll c;hould neve r hi:wt.• lx't'n t·harge<l with first dcgrt.'<' murder in th1• first place. Ht• da1nwJ (:1.,11' Ii.id 1>11•11 "1 IVl'l'ZC'alou~" Ill Jlrll~I '('llllll).! I ht• f 11 :.t trial a11tl "11uld 11uv. 1r11111(·;.illv h,1\1 11111r1· ~rcd1h1ltl y ,·n ,, "'" 011d u 1.il "' S l' l' k I fl g j ~I' I II II d d I' f'I I' I ('1)11\'ll'lll}'I In 1~ wor:.t light thl' 1h•lt•11w l..iwver <:lamwd, O 'lJr tM·111l ""'' 1-tui'l t v o[ no Wlll't' th.111 volu11t:jry 1nanslaught1•r Afle1 lt>i.iving Lw':. llltlt lh11.11 l'llUrtroom m Sanw Anu. s1.·v1·r.al JUrllrS l'X p rl'SSl'U f ru-.tra\11111 .it 1101 bl•1ng ablt.· 111 r1•al'l1 .i unanimous Vl'rdll'I Juror Bill Renz 11f I lun11 ng1on &ach said thl' holdout Jllrnr an altl•rnat<: who took h1~ µl.11·1· on tht· panel when anoth1•r JUl'ul' dropped out bt.~:alJst.• of J cll·CJth in her family simply lx·lll'vc·d that tht.' prOSl'C"UIOI' h.1d lllll pruvl.od his <.:aSL' IRVINE ANNEX. • • tonrght. The roun t·1I 1s to dec1dt• whether to order a study on the f easibtl1ty o f buyi n g I rvine Meadows amphitheater from a group of 1nvt.'Slors. wh1t·h includ l·s scve r al Jrom the compa ny One o f those, Paul Hegm·ss. told t h e city's Community Services Comm1ss1on Oc-t 6 the l'llY might 1urn a SI 11ull1011 prnlll by buying the $9 m1lhun f<1l0Llrty using muntl'tpal bond:. and tht•n leasmg ll bal'k to l'Urrt.'nt ownl'r-, Ownership would ufft•r thl· c 1 t v m o r t• l' o n t r o I a n d opp0rtunlly lo S<. hl.odUl l' smal1£•1" commun1tv-onl•nll'd c·vc·ni... .11 the two-vc·ar-old outdoor tht«1t«r. nl v staff mt•mbt>rs nott• TEACHERS' LETTERS • • • po licy that would govern lhC' m a nne r in wh1C"h teachers could s peak o ut on drs tncl 1ssu t.'S. A first draft o f this p olicy, prepared by the dis trict . drew s trong cr1t1c1sm from loC"al te a chers. Thc> pol 1c·y has bel'n taken back b y d1~tm·t offlc:1als for n?VISJOn . Last Wednesday, meeting m c losed sessi o n . the trus tees d ecide d to withdraw th e ~epnmands with no C"Ond1t1o ns attached Their aC"llon was not made µublll' until Monday wlwn tht• 67 tC'aC"hcrs recc1vl'd 1111\ll'('' of the w1thdraw;,il. AFT President Ba.."lt· s..llll tht' al·tron pnibably el1m1n:.1tt·:. tl1l' nL'l'd for grie\'am·" pnx·c·t·d1ng" n·lated lo the 1)3 ro-s1gnl•rs or lhl tcle<:ourse letter B u t s h e said thl' AFT executive committee s ttll must <'Ons1der earlier d1strtl'l thre<1 ts of legal action agarn:.1 tht• f1Jur authors o f the lck~'OurM· ll'th·r SCHOOL TESTS • • • the test. the· more the scores arc• pulled down into the mean." said J e rry Thornsley, Capistrano Valley school supenntendcnt "Compar ed to nalrnn.il .:1nd Stelk S<.'Ores our kids do pretty ""'11. but there's alw:iv:. ruom for 1mprovt-ment." hf' Sd.ld Const<rl Cloudy lod•y w11h occu1onal llghl ram Hight 68 10 74 Par11y cfoudy 1on1ghl and Wednesdey wolh overnight 1ow1 80 to 85 Clearing 10 lair on Wednesday wtlh hogltl of 7' IO 60 Light But1a10 54 30 Cnaries1on SC 58 •7 Ch arletton W V 52 39 C!tarlOllt NC 51 •2 Crusyenno 60 '7 Cnic.300 56 26 C1nc1nnat• 62 •O c1 .... eland 55 28 COlumb<.1' 59 33 OallH·FI Worth 69 39 Denver 67 •9 Des MOlnt.IS 66 38 0e1roo 60 28 El Paso 90 55 Fa•<O•nks 07 ·02 F190s111t 64 31 Honolulu 87 67 HOUSlon 72 51 1ncs1anapol•s 61 31 • rain '-•' ""' •"f'.I~ ~r • ._,. 1060-111 11 1000-' 111" 960-11 QQO ·1JI I I'· 850- 800 -W- 1.··.111111- I I Chari i.ho\v~ Wt•t•kly do~•· for tlw Uo\\1 Jone•!'-I ndu~lr ia l A' e·ru ~e· from ~la' I •>H2 lhrou~h Moiu l u ~, whc ·n tlH' inc.lt•x ~lroppt•cl :J6.:J:J points lo 99:>. I :J, a onc.·-da) pluu14t· that wu~ tht• hi~g•·~• l'-illt't' the.• (;1·t·at Cru~h of 1929. 1111 \lllfllj1 1111\ .11 ... ~ • .i So11111dt1\ 11\ Ill I "·Ii•• d ··~'·I I 1 •11r1 .1 \\ 1 ltl .i111111.d .1111\\ Ill J1\1111' V. '" ,ol1•1 I 1•111111~1. l1Hl.1\ 111 v..11d1 I• It \hlllll '""" 111 M1 ... -.11111 V1t•J11 ""'flll.11 li.·d ( ) I I I I I •• I ' , , I M I ' ' I " 11 t 111111111111 11\ 1111 ... 1111 . .i "'·"" .!. ,, ,,, 11ld 1\111111111 \ St"i'·•"I ,tf l 'pl.11111 '' Ill 't'I 11111-. li111 j.(11;11 dt ·d I lll1clti111tf l1Hl,1 V '" 111 1'(111\,111 ,11 , v.ttlt .1 'kull l1.i111111· .111d" l.111·r:1l11111 lo Ith 11·1~ '1'111 llljllfll'' ll(tlllft•d ·" l.11111 t°11Ulll I ~ !"..1! ,111 V. 111 II 1111 !->il11 11 .111 lq.~··· 'lllJlll ... 1" lh1 1I11\A. fl \\'11!1 h111g l(.!llfl'I .J<d111 < ".1111polw1gi1·, .u I l1v v..111d1·1111).! 11111 111 1111' l.1g1·d 1·111111 i:1;ilil1lllj' 1111 hu\· hv h1-. 111.111 .111d 111111111: llltU l1t1'>lll'-. lllll..,1111 lh1 ,If I II.I ( 'o11llj111l1tllj.(<J I 11 < .f I lt1 I hrltJ Ill ,1 'ti ug14t. \\'tlh llu • ·•l 1h.1t 11 It tlll' l1 ;i1111 I \\1th "'\'1·1.il d1 I I• I Ill ol' \\ I II ll1Jll111' .ill<l llUI"-. .11 lltt h11,1111.d ,111· w;o11 l11ng tit• '"" t lo"·lv l>1·1.11i...1· '" d.111g1·1-. 11f llllt'\'lt1111 oll1•11 11·l.1tl'd lo ;1111111.ol l11t•''> .• 1 ho-.ptl.11 -.puk1·-.v. 11111.111 -.o11d ICKIH\ St1JJ>.1n1 w.1:-.1 1·11111v1·tl 110111 1111· liu-.p11:i1·-. 11 itll':il 11.,1 M1111d." 111ur11111g o,11111 "" f;11 It,,.. 111;1d• l 0:i..n•ll1•111 pnign•s'>. 11l I 1l'1;tl,. -..iv ··111· :>l'l'lll-. tu IJI' dw11g IJl't;tl, \\1°11 · Nursing Supl·rvr...<11 1111 II .,,, f '.1 tdl11 ,otd I ,oil l11d,1 .. I lo ' ·"'I' t.1 ' ,, .111 h111~~ I\' ,11HI .1 1·111' 111 1111d1 1 .fo111d ~\ lt.1! , 11•111w 1111 .1. 111111 Ii ",1 '..! ,1 ,,, .. 111 f .tll Tiit 1,,,, t 111111\ 1111 .111" lull· \\ill"'" h1 l11ltt0d 111 IM \' 111 ... I I II d II •• I I 1' 11 1 .. ' .o ll I. I. ii 111 ( '1111 1111 \ .11 1d 1111 '111~ •• 1111 .11 lt11 , ,1;1~(111~: tl11• \\ tlol .1111111.11 nlH1\A. .di 1,111\ l1 .ol1il1t \ 111 ... 111.11111• .... 11d l l.11 I \' :-il11p,l1 I 1•1• ,1d1 Ill 111 f.1t111 t ',1111111\ 'I ho 11111 I II 111·1111• 111 ll'> lhllcf ii I \ "I .• I I • ti" I I .J l I I l.1 \ 111111.11111111 .ol 1.11111 f .,111111\ (;l(•n (~arnphell w Jo<l :Jrd timtJo l'llClF NIX t.\l'1 ~1111(1•1 ( 1ft II ( °,1ll1Jll1< 111 ,, 111 \\ J\ V. t d Ju1 tlt1· 1h11d 111111 .ot .1 ~1 Iii 111 oll I \Ill g 1-. I 11il1< I I\ I) 1.o Ill \V ••• 11. II •• 1•111111 I cl.;11111 •• 1 N1 .... \' 111 k ' Hod 111 I 11 \ l\ 1 U~ll J 1.1 ll 'f'l11· d1111!1ll' ring 11·n·ri1un\ "'·" p• 1l1J11111·d l\.1111111.l\ ,JI I ht Nori It l'h•11 111:i.. H.1pt1-.t ('hu1d1 tid1,11 I lltl I 111 111b """ I l'l,1ll\'•''> 11 \\a-. 1111· 111''1 m.1r11.1~1· 1111 I 111• :!·~ v1 o11 uld W1111l l1·n . 111 Nvwp11rt. N l . Tho 1·uu pit.· v. 11 I 111:1kt· llH•lf '1111111 · HI PhOMll)\. HB Ol{'s mobile home ordinance By ROBERT BARKER Ot the 0•111 Pllol Sl•lt ll unt1ng1on B<:ach l'1t\ CulJn('tl nwmlwr-. t'Jf'IY th1·~ 111 u r n 1 n g d ,. t u m µ I 1 ,, h c u .;omt•thmg tlwy've bet•n workmg un 18 m1Jnth:.: approval of a m o b 1 I <· h '' m l ' <' u n v e r s 1 o n 11rd tn<lnl'l' And 11b:.<:rvt·r:. prt'Ci 1clt'Ci park oWrll'rS a!> Wl·ll a~ <•oat·h owner. woulu proh • .ililv l1nu lault w11h 1ht· agn·1·nw11t. mdrt.1t1ng. tlwv -..11d. th~11 IL I!\ .1 good' 111nprom1st· Thi· 111d1 n.i n1 1 ,111·1 I-. out 1 om1x·n-..111<m ;ind 11111\'1 11g tu'>t"' that tt•n,mt:> \\ill t1'\1·1v1 rt' \·11 It'll I rum pJrk ... b~ IJ\\ llt'l 'o " ho "',111 I lo c·un\'t•rl lh1·11 l.11111 t11 1111111 • prnlrt,1blt· u-.i•-. P..irk 11\\lll'" ""II 1)1 n·tjurn·d w pa;. m11b1 h· h11nw n·...,d1•111~ who can't hnd .1 pl;1n lo 11111v1• thC'1r u1.11 hl'' tht• 11r1g111al pun ha,t· I" 1c·1· of th1·11 1111111111 h11n11· It•-.-. .111 .innu.il d .. p11't·1.1tt1111 I :1t·t111 111 I i JX'll'1 •11 t Thi· .1gn·l·1t11111 -.11pl1l.111 ·d 111.11 HB cit y council tired, shelves trash fee issue Tht· llu11t1ngt1•11 81 .. ith Cit) Counl·tl rnn uut uf g.•~ l'<.irl y tudav .rnd dcl:.1vcd a votl' on whl·lht•r 10 t·h~rgc n·s1dl'nh directly for trash collt•<:llon and '>l•wcr (.'(ISl.l. "II '-; I 15 .1m and v.1·'n · 11r<"<I .mtl lht·n··., no "ay Wl'0r1· !(Olllg t11 l.1kf' up l h1 · I r,1!\h 1...su1• now " C11um rl111.1n l>11n M<it Alh~l\·1 ... 11d t'ollt·t l11111 .111d .Jl>11Ut Ii.!. l'l'llh .1 month f111 '>l'Wt•r mt11nlt•n<1nc c· l'OSI!\ Thi· 1•Jo..p1.·nM·l> no\\ <11 c.• µ .. 1d uut uf thl' t·1tv's ~£•m•nol fund B u I I I ·' ~ h l II ' l ... h •• \ I !>k \ rnc. kt•tt•d tu .ibuut s.~ 'i rn1l111111 ,, \•t·Jr \)('( ,,u..., of n• " g.ot. ,,..., 11llpo-.1·d .11 01.111g1 ('11u11l\ II\\ ll1•d dUlllf" p ,J r k 11 v. air· r:. 111 u ... l p •• " ,1 1111n1mum of $4.500 tu d1-.pl.1t1·d 11·11J11h al 1111 v t:<in't find o1n11lh1·1 p.1rk P.1rk uwrl< r., ab11 \\ 11uld p,1\ up tu $:i00 for mu' 1ng t '"t' lor c1,...µl<il'l0d mobile h o1111· d\\ 1 111•1 '> who ;in· forced to I 111d 11tlwr I ''J.>1..'S ul hou:.mg M11b1ll' humc· 11w111·r., who du find 'Pct<t' ""II lH' p.11d lull 11 ·ltx·,1t1011 u1:.b Cal\' ('11u1H ii 1111·111b1·1-. .d-.11 I 11.tllgt•d clll 1•;11 }11•1 p111p1t'><1J ,111d n1.1dt· 11101>111· 11111111• 11\\ !ll'r' 1•ltg1hlt· lor t·11m1>1·11-..it111n 1t th1·\ )l\'1' Ill th1•11' 11Wll 1'11:11 h ,o\ lh< ll 1111 • 1 IH· n 11l1 c • · o I 11 t t 1·11 l t 11 1lwngi· tlw 1"1' 111 th• po11k 1~ ....... 111 ·cl C11d11 .1 p11•\ 111u-. pl.111 t1·11,1111-. h.1d tu II\'•• Ill lht•ll m111)1fo · h111t11· ~711 da\-. .1 \'1·<11' 111 1111111 lo II( I i1g1hlt• D1sputt•s n\1•r 1·11mp<'n!>al1011 \A. Lil b<· I C'SOl\'t'U II\' .111 .JI l11t1.1l11111 of I r<'C'r . n.11 .. ln~1.1m 11111 111 .,, \ 11 JI -.pok1·-.nwn 1111 tlt1 ."l,111111 n111l11l1 hllllll rl"'ldt•fll' In th1 Ill\ llldll ,lll•d !11d,1\ th,11 l,111 I h,lllgt'°' Ill tht .. rdin,11111 111.ult ii 111•>1< ..... u ... t.1t t111' lhl. "' 1g111,ol ·,, hit lll'lt1·1 th.all 111 \\11uld I"' I• 1 h11\\t \'l'I th.it 11111lid1· h111111 11w1w1!> w ould Ii. I 111111,. l\"tlt•d 1<11 !ht pn·-.l'fll ma1k11 , .. i1u1 111 tht t•>rlch "h11h h1 '·"" ,.., -.u1i ... 1.1n11.dh 111~1\• r th:..11 th• • 1rig111.d pun h.1,, fJrtl • 111 11\11-.l I ol'>I ' 111 11 I.JI• ti .11 111111 I he Cal\ l'•nllllil .11.,,, .1pp111\1·d p11111.1111111 11111htl1· hrm11 · t•>lllllg 1111 'I\ IJ•'' k, 111.il Ii.id bt I II /11111 d )Ill 11th• I '1'111 \ Ill• ltlll• .t ll ~1111111g11111 t\l11l1d1 ~:-.1.111·' H.1111h11 Ix I Kt'· l'.ll'll 11 Tl :1!11 I ~ ... , k l',Jl>I t1i11 T1,11l11 l'.1rk 1'1111\\•H•l M 1,IHl1· 11 "1111· 1'.11 k .111d 1111111 1 r1 ~•l1tll ~111111'' H1 ,1d1 "" ·ii ll un 11ng11111 ~t\111 •·' t11 •1\1d .I llOtllt.' uf 1n11•11dtd l\'llllOll ut)tJUl 18 month' a,Ko t 111m r h£· Hunting ton & .. 1th t't1mp,1n' N11 t• 11.1111-. 11,,,, 1,.~·11 t \'tt tl'd <IHI 1111 11lht I fldl k'-h 1\\ l!\..'>Uld I\ II 111111 II• •Ill\'' B111 >I I 111.il' ... ,,, I" I ,,Ull 111 '1111\ I 11 I•·" h ... I' 1111111111111~ p.11111 ul .. 1 \ 111 prtt• d 1 '"1-,t.il d"\\ lilt\\ 11 .11< ,1, T 11 I> 1 d < l 1 ci t· d .1 t n t' ' t M11nd<1y's i pm nwt.·11ng "Ill he.· J rctommt·nd,11111n lo c.hargl· rt'l>ldt<nL'> S4 '.\!'> .1 month tor trash San Joaquin Valley drenched falling Rain Ba Snow Q Sno-ISlllJ Flurries~ li~ Tht> Assodatcd Press Swill' ... 1n·t•b w1•1 t• ,1\\ .. ~h 111 \\'tJH·r. hut no m.1,1or d.1m<1g1· w;i, rt'J)(>r lt·d a~ a ... 101·m p1·l 1t•tl 1h1 Sa11 .Ju..iquin V.illt) dunng th1· night Tlw wt•Jth1·1 dul rur1·1· d11su1 t uf TwgJ P a-. ... Ill YtJ!\Vlllllt' N~1t11111.d Park. hllht'd :i rnutlshd( on Tollht>USl' Hoad t.'.1!\l 111 f11•...i1u and brought "' md \~arn111g-. f11r tr<1vd1·r ... un the· <:r,qu·\0 1111 Ill Kc•rn Count v F'n• ... n11 ft;lt tlw brunt of th1· d11wnp111ll' ,,... 1h11·1• I 1fllh 111 .111 rm·h 11f r.0111 lt•ll tlw1 t· l.Jt•IWt·1•n 1 411 ,, Ill .111<1 ;, .1 m An11lhl•1 "" huncln·dth!> wa-. n•g1:-ll·n ·d 111 1111' n1•xt rwo hours. Ca-.tk Air Fort'l' HHM' I t'JXH'tt'tl 14 ol :rn tn! h tlunng tht• night .ind L1•moort• Naval Air Stat11m h.1d ,, 11•11th 11f an 11wh Tht• Nouon,11 Wt•a1tw1 S1•rv11·1· pr(•dit ll'd mdc:kr w1•.1tlw1 h v t11111gh1 with sk1<·s partly doudy .ind t1·mpt>raturl.'s a lrttll nx1h•1 tn thP mid -40s to nncl · :.u~ ~11•'11\ I.Ill \\t·,1llH I I' t111t'\,1,l Ill tilt '.ill\ \.\\·dn1·-.d.1\ \\1th "1111t h1gli 1 l11ud' o111d high ...... ding:-. 111 tlw 711-. • Tlt11u .... 111d-. 111 l"'opl .. ~till l.1l kt·d µti\\ l'I l11d.1\' ,if1t·1 h t.•it\'V 1;1111 .... 111d ltm\ h11g \\ 1111.1' floodt"\l n1,1ch ,111d !>1 •U11th•d hl'<ll h h11")l'"' from tlw ( ";11111111.1-. 111 Chl'Sdpt.•ukl· B.1~. b1111h1· :.l111m lost 1~ µu11d1 • '" th1· \\ ·" 111 N1•\\ England (1,il1· \\,1111111g ... 1lrn.11111·d 111 t•f l1't t ln11n th• \'1rg1111a coast 111 C.iµ< ( '11d Ill M,,,,,.t hu-.l·lt:.. Elsewhere from Po•ri l Conception 10 the 1iAe .. 1c o1n bo<Oet and oul 60 molet Winds -I 10 north-I 10 10 18 kt'IOIS over outer w•ler1, 1nc;refllr o lo 15 10 25 knots on Wednesday Locally wtne!s -I 10 '°""''°'"I 10 10 15 knols tonoghl end wes1 10 northwest 12 10 18 knou Wedn•sday allernoon Wind waves 2 10 4 teel Wesletly sw .. ,, 2 10 3 fell F aor 1on19hl and Wednuday Jackson MISS 71 67 31 40 -..(.,•• ,J \ c-o-'('"' . u .!-i. ~""'""".)' Heavy rains and high w1nd1 bull•l•d 11te New Jersey cont early today •nd wind• up 10 60 mph IHl1ed areaa trom rile mid· Allantlc to aoutl'tern New Enoland 111 a major storm Ln tl'te Arlanllc conllnued 10 take 111 Iott on lhe E11tern Seabo•rd Thou11nd1 01 people lrom Oeorola to New Eng11nd were without ~ Mond1y 11 eleelrlc lln11 were knocfled down In Virginie, Ma~nd and Oelawwe. and bNCheS Ind 10 l'IOmet wtf't gobbl9d up t>y ll'te !kiri II Kiity H9Wll. NC Tilt atorm wu ••P•ct•d to QUID C_,. Cod M... lonlgh1 bel<>n 1'IO'llnO OUI IO -Gale warning• remained up from Virginia to Cepe CoO On 1111 weal co111. 1 Peclllc alorm produced locally ll••vy ,.,, and lligll WINS• and 1now In aome mountalnou1 1r111 ol Celito<nla and Oregon Some < llln tllOWefl NI cenl r .r 1<1n111, Mtnn11011 and Iha Oa ll o l•• A I•• allow••• d~ the oonhern Rodk•ee and Utlfl and Nevld• TemperelurH b1tor• d•wn ranged hom 30 In Muakeoon Mkltl . an<I Waitflown. N Y . to 72 .,, Plloenl.a. Arll T e1nperal1tres NATION 111oeny Al!WqlltfQ\lt ArnertllO AnGllOrtOt Atlante A rtal'lllc C11y Auelin leltlfllen Birmlf'IOl\llll 11ert111ca 9olM lk>ttOll ' Ht l o 48 28 78 50 74 47 24 08 62 3f ~ 49 ,, 4$ &2 43 .. 3t 10 39 eo 01 ... ,. Jec1<sonv1lle Junea\I t<anus C11y las VeQU llllle Rock Loa A"9e1es LOll•SYllle Memph1& Ml.,....I Molw•uke Mpls·SI Paul Nasnvlllt! New Orleans New York Ql<lahoma Clly Omaha Orlando Phll•dt11pn1a Phoen•• PllllbUrQh Portland. Me Porlland O•• Reno Salt Lafle San Antonio S•n OleQO San Franosco Seal lie SI LOlllS St Pete-Tampa SI Sit Marie Spot<•,.. Tooekl Tuceon TulH wu111no1or. WIGM• CAL60f'NIA Ball.,.an.ld 8art1- 8lg 8fft 819h<>O 50 42 Front~ COIO ~ Warm .,. 65 36 74 53 68 37 72 66 60 38 68 37 79 61 61 31 67 39 6' 4 I 71 •S 49 43 69 36 69 47 72 48 SI .... 89 62 SI 35 49 23 66 55 57 •3 64 SI 72 37 78 67 65 60 67 53 61 31 71 49 59 37 C•t•lln• 10 58 Eurelle 10 53 Fresno 76 62 L&na!Sle< 72 59 Long Buen 76 62 Los Al'gel .. 72 88 Monle<-V 87 63 Ml Wiison 82 49 Needles 79 58 Newport Beach 71 62 Oeltl•nd 87 6• Onl•rlo 74 56 P•lm Sp11ngs 67 66 Pas•dena 74 60 Rlver .. de 72 56 Reno 57 43 S11cremen10 65 60 S•llnu 68 59 S•n Bernardono 78 S8 Sen Otego 78 67 S•n Francisco c~ 60 Sen Jose 88 60 S1n11 An• 77 61 Sant• Barbl<ll 70 60 S•"" Crur 84 S9 S1oc1<1on 88 81 Trahoe V•llev .... 40 60 45 89 33 85 53 72 35 5• •5 68 37 "' Lo 11 66 II OJ 81 3e 72 45 OLOIAL HI l.o Amst••d•m 55 48 AtMlns 17 59 Beirut 73 81 Bogol• 63 •8 BrutMI• 55 •8 Cairo 84 ~ CopenhfO'O 52 ., Dublin 61 •r. Fr1nktvr1 54 38 011nev1 $0 4~ SURf RIPORT Todaf a ,.,., ..... ·3 II 2·3 ,, 2·3 II , " ?•J II 0·1 0 1 0.1 Hellonko 52 39 Honq t<ono 75 12 Je<uSAlem 5; 56 Loma 70 63 L15b0n 68 48 London 59 54 Ma\111d 63 39 M~n1le 88 75 Me.ico City 10 48 Montrf'&I 45 25 MOfCOW 45 41 NBUDl.l 90 70 Par11 59 43 •'e~1no 6• 39 R·o 102 73 Romo 66 57 San Juan 91 76 Seoul 52 30 SIOCkholm 52 45 Syoney 68 57 Tel Av•v 78 63 Tokyo 63 52 TO<O<llO 52 28 Vancouvf'r 55 54 Vienna 63 52 PAN AMEl'llCA HI l o AcepvlCo 84 71 Bt•l>8dOI 86 76 Bermv<I• 82 12 Fr~1 81 70 Gued1111er• 60 4S Mont-oo B•y 86 73 M11111ten 94 73 Mft•ICO Clly 71 46 CANADA HI lo C•IO•l'Y 82 29 Edmonton 60 28 Mon1rea1 ~3 30 Ragon• 89 37 Toronto 66 27 ll•nCOllYef 69 53 Winni~ es 37 Tid" fOOAY Secono 1ow 1:o> 28 pm 'J 7 Second hlOl'I HO pm .. 4 WI ONelOAY F'1111 low 12 •2 a m oa F'trll "'1" 7 28.,,, 4 6 Steon tow t08 pm 22 Steoncl "'II" 8 o p m 46 Sun "'" tOd•y at 8 06 P m l!Ma WtCIMtO y Ill 1 08 • m TomorrOW' High ride 818 am L-Tide 11108 Pm Swett 0.rllCllOn ISouthwMt MOOtl ""' tt>Cl•Y •I 'I ll P m M18 WedMIClay al I 04 • fl\ ' ' <!:?11r Cl_~peckrltp. .. Making thf' decision to gt-t married is a Otg even more ~rat so we go "" out to snow one. Clnd chom1ng your engagement and you the most unique ,md eicc1t1ng c.ollt"Cllon 1M"dd1ng nng\ rs on!' of the most exrn1ng of engagement and wt'dd1ng nngs you are fc1nd expens1vell steps you will rake Ot'fore gomg to see ~take the f1¥rery out ol com- your v.<edd1ng day pa11nq diamonds by t.'lk1ng the UIT\C' to prop erly expk11n the differences 1n Qualities ann pnce. and men b.lck ttltl! .111 up wtth" money D.lck gu<lrcimee At Wyndham Leigh ht'lp1nq you select your diamond and choose your nnqs is rhe most rmport.'\nt thing ~ do-oecau~ that is our ~1alty1 Mo\t J~lry stores concentr<1te on $1lverwC1re ch1n.1 Clnd cryst.11. and h<lve hun- dreds ol w.1tcht's 10 select from HO"MVer they Miit' a \lf'ry ord1n<1ry. ·a111oo1< the same' sclt'ct1on ol ~drnq nnqs Knl\les and forks ,1nd 91aues ana watches are rmport<lnt but INC know lhett you want rt'lt"se rings to IX' For w.iignt talk. ttllC1ttng clC"s19ns. ,1nd gut'lr- ,tnteed value, you wall apprt'C•atr wti.lt ~ hav'e to o~r \X¥Jdham l.t'KJh 1s ~ store that spec'lclllZ~ 1n ~t .Yid IM'dd•ng rings \M!'ddln<J nngs c1Wllli10IC" from Eng.11qemen1 rrnqs ava1~bif' lrom SI 75 S450 127 F<11"'11al ISltVld ~ Ae.1'1\ CA 92660 ~ar BulloclcS \.t11sN"' .. Ur llllJt• l uu,_t !JAii ' Pll ()TI I w1'>dey Qr IOIJl•I '1Cl HHl2 3 Newport political group under fire : chool 'hewar war11 pare11t · of tre at ' Uy 'fbt' Anoc latc.>d Prc.>ss 1'h t• f t•or o f dontet>r nu:. 1lrank:. ur JJClli.on 1:. lur n111u muny P.'"'nt.:s (mm t·un<ly tu small toyb U!i hum.l11u IS ( UI HnlluWt'l'n tl'l<'kt. ur tn·uli.. say SalTlmwnto toy d1•11lt•r" And Lo~ Anu1•l1·" :Khouls an• w 1:1 r n l n 8 p u I' l' n t 1> tu beware of po1:.<.m-. Th\· -;(•hool l:xxtrd, uclln~ 0 11 ,1 111ot1011 hy member Roberta Wl•lntraub. vot ed M unday ll1 1ni.truct Su pt•r 111 t 1•11d1•11 l 11.11 r v I lu111ll1•1 to mukt> 11u11• pur 1•nti. ..ind puptli. Wl'fl' w.11 nl·d nhout trwk or trt•lll d11nf(1•1 s Dur 111~ thl' µru.t it•w v1•011>, tull•S 11( 1,11or hl,1d1·i., rw1'(1l1•, .111d d r 111(11 lll).4'1"ll'tl 111111 (nut ;i fl d 1'1111 k l l' i; IHI v l' lllll d (• pJll'llli. warv of 1lt1· ll't·ut:. )(.Hhc·11·d hy t lt1•11 d1ild1t•11 Thi·"· \\ l'l l' I 111111 .... t•d lh ·~ y I' JI by l h l ' T y It' II ti I J.llll 'OI 1111 gs Quake hits central state COAL I NGA A s t run~ eart hquake i.hook more thJn 2 0 0 m i 1 e s o f l. t' n t r ll I Cah forrua, kmx:king cans and jars from ston • "helves. but t her e were n o reports uf injuries or sig111f11:anl damugt• from the qunkt• or its a ftersho('ks. The magni t ude o { thl· temblor. which struck at 3:26 p .m .• was estimate d al Drifter guilty SANTA MON ICA -A Scottish drifte r Jaagnusc-d as hav i ng chron1t· mental problems is sdwdull'd to be sentenCl'd NovembN 23 for the attempted murder of actress Theresa Sa ladana A f te r del1b1•rat111g n1 11t· hours. a S uJX'rior Court Jury rejl•L·ted M onday dl•fL•nst• l)l't\\'t'l'll 5 anc.l 5 5 1111 tlw H 11 h tl•r Sl'alt• of g1uu11d motion . s tro ng 1•nough 10 l'l.lU~ d.uru.1gl· Ill H pupUIJll•d an·•• Thl• rumblmg wus l1•l1 from t hl· southern shun· o f San Fn111c1S<.'O Bay to tht• soutlwrn n ·ul·he:. of the San J11a4u111 Vallt'Y. from tht• Pal'lftl' Coast tu th~· <'astern slOJJl'l> of tlw Sat'rra Nevada. i11 attack Jrguml'nts thcit Arthur Richard J aekson . ..J 7 W<is guilty ,ml'.' of th1· lt'Sl>t'I c:nnw of al.Sault \\ llh .1 <kad Iv wt•apun <tnd n :tut m·d c1 guilty Vt•rdll·t on thL• .Jlt1•111µt1 •tl murder d1ar~w Jackson !'oulu bt.· M•ntt•nc1·tl up to l:i ~l.·ar.. in 'tcJtl' pr l'l1n Bones studied after fire DULZUHA Poss1blv human bones found during it 5 ,0 1 9 -ac r e brush far£' 111 so uth-centrdl San D1eg11 County wen· under study bv pathol0g1sts today · · T h e f 1 r t· b r o k c o u l Saturday nc.·ar Dulzura and was dee la red c:o n ta 1 nPd M onday after ratn began falling. A number of tht> 100 f1rl'f1ghll·rs n·m11m·tl al thl' S('l'lll' Th<' bont'S 111dud111g c1nin11tl bones w ert• f o und IJll' Sun<lav bv a t·onl>l'l'\'<1t111n lTl'W rTil'ffi 0 ber On a h11Js1d1· lll'<H t h l' Mo t ht•r Grund v trul·k trail north of l'aliforma H·I Deputy Corom ·r (;t•o rge D1t'kson said thl·Y w1•n • badly s 1·or t IH'() buc" would h~~ stUdlt'd Troop withdrawal talks set WASHINGTON -Wllh U.S help. Is rael and Lebanon are preparing to open talks aimed at drafting a detailed plan for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon. a senior U.S. official says 01re<:'t negouauons would ht> an important Stl'p m the US goal of rl'moving all f oreign forl'es lsr:H·l1. Syrran and Palestinian from Lebanon bv th(' Pnd or tht' year Cops, troops in gunfight BELFAS T . N o rther n Ireland -Underc over , sold iers and pohce. Jumpy after three men were slain m an appar ent r o und or sectarian r evenge -taking. mis took eac h o the r f or terrorists and fought a blazing gun battle in a Belfas t street The shootout late Monday s ta rte d when a uvala..in reported spollmg a man w11h a gun on York S treet in a prcdommantly Dthohc area Witnesses said a carload of plainc:lothes officer s roared in. ramm111g a t·a r t•arry111g a warn of unclerc-over soldiers .md triggering the gun battk Vatican figure dead at 61 F LORENCE . I t a l y - Cardin al Giovan na Benneth. t h e powerful Flo ren ce arch bishop who helped select popes and twice wa s considered a papal candidate him self. died early today aft.er spending four days in a coma induced by a m assive heart a ttack. He was 61. Be n e lli. on ce called the Va tican "Kissinger," because o f h is influence on church poHcy under Pope Paul VI. had awakened from the coma briefly Monday night and requested to spend "the last moments of his life on earth" tn hts own bed. the Florence U111vers1ty Caregg1 Hosp1tal said "His Emine nce died at 6:42 (10 :42 p .m . PDT) this morni n g at his r esidence, a fter being transferrro from t he h ospital ," s aid a s pokes woman f o r the archdiocese "' sn :vl': M u nu: 01 lh• 0.11. ltlkll ''•" 1111' ~c·Vt II l i. I~ I ~I coll(• 111 N~" 1~11 t lk-.11 li hu .. 1111·.,., l1·,1d1 ·" \\ "" 111w11I\. .i1h1111 1twy pl.iv 11 11111 111 •'ll V l l'illlw' llkl' w ti11 11111' uiul \\Im w 111:. '1'111• l.1l'l thJt l'u11111,1 d1•I M.11 <'11llllt il1nun P11ul 1111111111 .. 1 lrni. 1.1k1·11 c1ul .1H1·1 tlw S1•v1•11 l \ 111 11• 1•lt'<'llt111111a1h•"1•111111•' ni. lt11l1· 'HI I )JI llll' tu 1111'111 bt•I ' 11f I Ill' I ll"l II\ '1'.' ~l"Oll IJ ··W1· l111v1· ahuut :m 111l•111IJl•1 i. ,Jlld 11111' or lht• u11ly th111g, \'.l'0VI' 1·v1•r h 1·1·11 u111111111111uo; 11 11 '' ll11m11wl N 11111• or 11:0. 1·.11 t• tu ,uppo11 111111 ," 1•x pl.11t1l•d Ball Hing. d real l.'1tt.1tt· lJ111kt•1 oriel lnn~ttml' ~f'Vl'll < 'i. 11w111lw1 H umnwl, 111 lilt' 1t11al day11 or J n·-l•lt•l'ttun b td, has J 1r\'l'lcd <'f'llll'l:.m towurc.l tlw bUl.lll('ss group. allt·g1n~ it 1s u ··M'l.'l'l'l l't>lllm1ltt't·" 1lt•:.1gn1•u tu h11Vl. "1111 11pJ)l l''1'1Vl' 111flu1•1ln•" 1111 l'HY p11l1 u1·, FV teacher contract approved Fount u1n Valll'Y S('hool Dastric:t truste<>s havl• ~pprovl'CI a final 1.:ont raet prov1s1on and :.agnt'Cl a thrt'l'-year t'Ont1 <il't wuh tht· d1slr1et'l. 350 full ·llmt' ll•al'ht'rs. f:.trlll'r this month. the· truslL'<-'S a pprovt·d all pnrtarrns of 1he eonlrt.1l'l e xct"pl o nt• provision ~ranting dependl'nl insurance t•ovl'n.igt• to part-llnw 111structors. Chl·rvl S n o wdl'n. a dis tract spokt•:.woman. said this last area of d11>agreeml'nt wa:. rt•1>olved wh1·n thl' trustct-s <1grt'C-d to pay J JJl•rn·n lagl· or lhl· de pt•nde nt l'OVt·ragP costs n •lut<'d lo the numbt>r o f hours a part-time l•mployl.'t' works for th\• d1strH:t. Trustl'<' Hogl'r &•lgt·n l'aM the lunt• \'Ok agaan't th1'> l'ontract prov1">111n . saying h 1• opposed granting exH•nt11 .. d an:.uranC'e bt·ne f Its t o d 1 s tri< t ll•al·hers durin g a time wlH•n ot h e r dlstral'l!. arc hol<ling th<• hnC> on l'm pl oyl'l' IJd Y ,;1 nd bl'nl'f 1t ll)l'r('<t..'i<'::. With the approvJI of thl• boan.I. the new l'()ntral·t ha., gone into l'ff('(:t. retroal·tiv<· to Julv I. T l'aC'h l.'r s will rel'eave ·a 7 pt"rcent pay raise for the current school year Salary increases for thl.• last two years of the· t•ontraC't w ill be negotiated at a later date. Two masked gunmen h e ld in S. Laguna Orangl· County Sht•raff's dl•pulat•::. a rn·stt•d twu a rmed SUSpt"'l'ts in South Laguna a fter tht• pair allegetlly fo rc-ed two m(•n mto a homl• al gunpoint Sh enff's Lt. Wvatt Hart said Kevin James Shl•rbondy, 19. of San Clemente and John Calvert Buhl, 25. a trans at'nt. wc·re arn•::.tt-"CI by deputat•s late Monday at a h ome ·m the :HOO block of SunS<>l Ave H e s aid th e v 1c·t1ms. a :18 ypar -old man who hvC'd at the South Laguna addrt'l>S. and a 27 yt•ar-old Laguna Beach man, were returning Crum dinner at about 10 :20 p .m ,.>.r hen the 1m·1den1 occurred The· vK·tims wer1' confronted m thl· driveway by the two m asked m<'n. who we re purpo rtedly arm('d Wllh handgu ns. The g unmen forced the pair into the house. but not before a neighbor saw the m c1dcnl and <:alll'd the Shen H's department. Deputies s urrounde d the h o use. capturing o ne or the gunmen as he fled out a back door . The second s u spect was arrestro msidt:' the hoWlC' without incident H.art said the two vacllms were d15('0vered tied up in the hvang room We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot ., What don't you like" Call the number a t left and your message wiU be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor . 642·6086 The sam e 24-hour a nswering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on a ny topic Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification No clrculat1on <'a lls. please Tell us what's on your mmd ~ .... ~ .......... ...,,..,,., rno.1 11 .,.oo."" nol lleve yO... jlt!Mt DJ ''°., ... -~ 'r"' ,el\O 10111 CoPY Wll D• .... ., lell#~y eno 8-.or 11 '°" do llOI IK .. ._e yOut ~::,..:, ~ _.,"":: tie .,....,., Q ...... ,,, ;'•• :9'-CoA'l!y . AIM MMnl ...,._ rr=--" ,_.,,_,ne ~l'f9-- ' ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma•'· Haley 'uhlt1l'Htl OtlCJ Ch-ti C•K vh•e 011<., Jan• AmOfl f •«vl•Yfl fcltl(I!' Raymond Mac&..an C'.on11o1Cttt l. Kay Schutt-. V1u ,,.~ O"cl l)H(IOf ol "d-o .. 1"'"9 MlchMI , . Harvey °" tctOt ol Motl elll\Q ICw<.wiohofll "Kenn•th N. Ooddatd Jr. o,, K h-" of ()p.1 O!IOM • I CIH•"l•d 1dve11l1lng 7141142-5'71 All other dep1rtment1 642-4S21 MAIN OfflCI U0 Wnl ... SI (Mitt -... (A M4111 --ka lteo.C•l•-w.CA ~ c..,y,~ ,., o.-, .. ,, '"'*1..,.,,. '- ,.. ,.._, ..... le\, llfWtellet1 .. M llWMll -t .... v..-Use"'4IOll1 ,.., .. ,. mn .,. '-"""'" wll- -1•1 """''tlOfl Of ,....,,...,1 ..... St<OftCI tl .. 1 jJO>I ... ,,.Id al C-la -·~J (.ilfon•I• IUl>S IM IOOI $tM(•l!Hl"" •v u ni•• .... 1)-!ll't •• 111•11 "!O,,_lllly VOL. 75, NO. 2tt , 111 " 11111 l><iM1· 111w .. p.qtt 1 Jd llu 11111ll'I ..i11d tlw llll'lllll''-' HI llUIJ lb 11 ''1111 I ui,,1" 111 J(•llll/•lllltll t'Ollll 11111~1 l1v "hlJ( d1•0..1•ltlll<'I' 111111 11u1111•y 1111'11 H111.c i.111d I hmum•I 11o w11h · 111 th1• ni:uk '!'ht• S1•v1.·n t '.,, whwh 111k1•11 at.. llUllW ffllll\ th1· fm t thJl tl11•tt· ,111• bt'Vt•I\ C'1t y L'ount ii i.c·UI'( Ill N1 ·wp111 t H1•,11 h . '' 111·atlll·1 St'l'l t'll Vl' 1\111 ,di JICIW t•llUI , l'XJ>lt11111·d H1111-t 111.• i.1111.l th<· g11111p '" 111 .1111 1nt••r1•,1 '" 111 th1· qu.tlatv 11f c·imd1dat1·' -.t't·k111J.1 1•lt,•t11111 .111d th.it till' S t'Vl'll l\ Vun1i.lwi. .1l 1t·1 t• a 1 II 1.· I 1· c I 1 11 n .1 11 d I It 1 11 rt· o r g a n 1 11 • i. M • v <' r .1 I 11111 11 111, lx·ron· tht· 1wxt l'll'(.'tton H 111 g 1' ~·Id l h t· g I Cl up Is 1nl•1rnwl. hus no t•lt'<:tl•d ll•.ic..Jt•1. no nw111ht•r1>h1p dUL'S und dt1tf's b11rk 111111 l' lhun 20 y• ·i1ri. 111 1·11 y p11lil1t.., Bu\ I h1· h1>t ul 11w0tbc.•1" dut.'S I• t1I l1k1 .1 Wl111 \.\Jr" 11f N1•w11111 I Bt"" It 111tl 1111 l11 rl•' )1\1111 ( '11111p.lllV \/11 I I 'I 1 ,1 d1 ·11l ll u lu 11 S l11 111111 d1·v1•l111" 1 IA'illt.1111 U:.11111111-t. 111111111 111.1v111 11•111 M1 l11111i., 1111l1111·1t Wlll1.1111 i"Hkt•I ''''" .1ll•lfl1t·V Mik·· (:I I 1111( l<111K ,,11d tl11· g1ou11 "t 1' up '>hllJI 'I>. 111 l1JUI 1111111th•, lit•f1111 • tlu· 1·lc1•1111n. 11111'1 vww' p11t1·nt1:il 1.111d11l;ilt•' .111d l'lll tllll ,1J:1·' 11tl11 IS l11 11111 J 11 .,,11d 1 IW j.(l1tlll1 t lh ttllt ,IJ.(l'd 11111 Ag1·1· 111 rrm :tK.1111.\t I ll111111 11'1 , ( 111 1111' 1:11 IC't ' 'W1•'11• h;i11ll y 1·v1·1 1111,111111111u' 11 11 ......... Wt 'll fljHll l S111111 pt·r 't111-. .. 11pp111 I 11111• t .1111l1d.t11• .11111 '4Jlllt• ... u µprn t .1111>1h1·r Hing '>Hid S1·v1·n (', 1111·111IM·r, u-.uully put n111111•y 111t11 tht- t·amµaq.p1,:;. o f llu ti 1'110'>1 11 l'and1dut1• a11u go l,11('k 111111 1111· bll'>lth'!>l> 1·11rnmuru t Y .111d II V lt1 t·11cuur;1g1· tlu·11 ,.;,Jlt.11(U•' t•1 follow '>Ull Lag una Canyon fatalit y I lu111111t I ,.,,.i h1 wua. pa!IM!cJ 11\1•1 flJI .ill llllt I Vlt'W Wllh tht• g1•111 11 'I lwv d11l11 l 1·v1·11 J(l\11• 1r1t• tht: , 111J111·,v" v•111 Pd llurnm1 I "1 cl I I II • I ll 11 d t •r s l u n d w It .1 l I h l J(111u1•' ,111 ,11.oul .111yw.1y t lC<'l'pl tlt,1t I l.4·t · luw. •11 lit b bdWl'\.'n lhl· J.(111up .1111J tlw lrv1111· <'nmpany" H 1 n g ' u I d t II •· I( r 11 u p 11111·rv1l'Wt'll l lun111wl fllw y .. urs .11-(0 .1111J J1dn't 11-t·I 1l 111'(.·t·~ry lo 1.ilk with h1111 ·•KJ111 Jl p iwacJ 111t·u rnb1·11t l.'ou nulm:1n Oun Str•111"' w.11> rnwrv11·w1•d four v1·.11 ., .1g•1 hut 11111 this yl·ur Tit•· J<r11up hu' anl1:rv1l•wed Al(1·1-. Nurm Loat.'>. David Grant, l'~v1•ly11 11.irt and Jal·k1t• Heather, -..1111 hini.t. acJUing that the Seven C:s. u., a group, 1s not c•ndorslnlJ any l'at1d1dal1· · .-• A ., I .1 r u s H u m m e I ' s .it< U'>al1on" g o ," Hing s a id, "tlwy'11• u11trUL' and that's about ''" kind cJ .... ••v J.s I l'an put 1t .. A 28-)ear-o ld an Clenwntt' woma n ~a!:-kill ed this morning on Laguna Canyon wh en her car crossed on•r into the northbound la nes, colliding wilh lwo olher vehiclf's. Tht• name of lhe woman has not b een r e le ased. The othe1· 'it·l im~. K .A. Turnl"r, of Laguna, and J a nel • ulliva n , of South taguna, Wt>rt• taken 10 hospita l for injuries. Prosthetic pelican eating well Pinocc:hao the Pelican gobblt>d d o wn three squarc· m<'als Monday a nd was pro noun<:cd we'll on thl· road to recovery with IL<; nc.•w fiberglass beak The bard wa s filled with an artificial upper beak Sunday aftt'r nearl y three h ours of s urg e r y by a l<'a m of Vl"tl'rinarian s at Crown Vallcv Animal Hospital 111 Lagu11:1 Niguel "It's still on real good ," said D ay n a Brooks, an animal assistant at the hospital "It hasn't done any thing tu md1catl' tha l at knows the d1ffer<.'n('(' vet" lndl."('(J, tht• animal doctor8 sav they won't know rf their l•fforts w ere s uccessful unul Pmon:h io IS set fr<'<' and observed m the wild. We're stll l ha11 1ng our remounting special but there's not much lime left II you've been dtagglng your heels you had better get yoursell organized and your stones Into Che store and to make ycxir choloe ltom over 300 mounllngs now on dlapt1y You can still lake advantage of our aolltalre special too Any dlemond up to 11\ carat can be set In 1 t4K solltal1e se111ng for a pendant s2s. ring $80 01 pierced ea• studs ~o There are equally good ba•galns lot large• scones 100 Come by and check them out. While you are In Che 11ore. plan to epend 20 mlnu1e1 01 so 1n1werlng the Gem WI•• quiz l "-'8 8r• twenty-llv. 11one1 on dlaptey aroufl{l lhe llOfe and fifty nem" on the an•-sheel All you he,,. to do le plcic out lht right names and match them up The most correct answere wint a H OO merchandlH prlH, Iha MCOnd 1300 end the third $200. There le also 11 drawing for a conaolallon prl1t tor lhOMI who Tht· pro,thl·t1t· 'ut gt·ry w all ult1matl•h Ix: U•!>t\·d wh1·n th1• bird dt\'l''-men th1· ou ·an to l.Jlth rash. at'\.11rd1n~ l11 Crcl\\ n V.illt•y vc•u •ranJra;in Ga\'ll• Hollt•rl" I n l h l ' m I' a n l 1 ml'. !:>l at l' l)(•partnwnt of Fish .incl G::i11w off1c1:c1ls rt'JXlrtt·d anutht·r hrown pelal·an with 1t~ uppt•r bl.•Jk p;irt1ally M'Vl•rt"Cl "'"'~ t·;1pt ur1'li in Redondo &·ac·h That bard w1ll lx· bmught to Cro .... n Vdlley. brtnl{1ng th1· ho~p1t..11's :.n-calll.'d pdat·an ward lo 10 "patH•nts." -.aid DFG spok\~rnan P i1l M11urt• An l l lh mulll,;t('d tx•hcan 1s lx'lll~ l'arl'CI for at S1•a World in S.m D11·~0 Moon· notf'd a p1•l11. .111 th.11 d1C'd m Carlshad last "l't'k was crrom•ously n •ported by polan' off1t1dls lo have a severed beak. That Jnimal al·tuallv d1l'd from I 11 J U I I l' <, (' a U S e d b y I l S c•ntangl1·mc·nt m f1shmg lane Nu unc• has been arrested m I ht• pt'l11.·<1n mut1latto ns. DFG off1t·1at... b t·lleve a n gry a n d frus t rtllc•d fi s hermen are re·~ f.XJl1SI bll' Tht•y '·'Y youngl'r p e licans ~hrm It Ille.· f l'ar o f humans and often :tt•al <tnehovy ball and get tanglc'CI in hshmg nets and Imes. Th(• U S Fish and Wildlife Sl·rv11·t• has o ffe red a $5.000 rPward for mformallon leading to thl' t'(mv1c·t1on of whoever is c·uttang o r c h opping o ff t h e pC'l1can beaks In a dd1t1on. the Nauonal Audubon Socaetv has Sl'l up a reward fund • ----------------- Hy but don t win one ol the major prizes li's lun come lest yoursell to see how "gem wise" you ere Prizes wlll be awarded on Novembet first so don 1 put 11 off This has been my week for v11111ng with rormer employees. Margaret Gable end I had dinner 11191 Monday night wit h Julla Wollesen who Is visiting from Giiroy where she went 10 ll11e near her doughier after retrrlng !tom our sales lotce She mlSMs us ull In Newport Beach and we have mlaHd her too We had 1 good time reminiscing about our old days working together Anolhe• day th1a week I had lunch wllh Judy Simpson Chaplin She now llvll In Lii Veg11 where her husband hu • jew•l•y tto•e II you were a • p11tron ol our Balboa tstend llO<e you would remem~ Judy. "* Ntcogdoch ... l ex11 drewl and quick wit Working togelher •• we did, we formed laatlng lrltndehlp• end 1 re11lly l'lave enJoyed •Ming l hHt Ot18r frrendt again. Or moe Cc111•1I n Atl ' Pll 'Jr T lllf1'(J ily Oc.lulJw .. ti 1'H3' H/F HSU NYS•: QUOIAl lON\ IHll uoa lllAPl\ON IHI ..... YO•• MIOWl\I ""'"IC "'"' IO"OH Ot lflO•I AH O CI NClllN<HI H OC:lf f .tCtUllOt \AHO tlf ,.OllU 0 I 'I' fHt NA\O ANO "•\llHf I .. •I-·~f"I '\•If ,_.~t \•••'t tot 41; .. ,., "tf'!I ".41n Nw~ I • HO\ ! \..-tt~ ' t l\ij\ I tl'lot t t~ I• ( P\(j\ ( h>~ t t\u • ( ~ch t \, ' hi.I f t\(J\ ( IV\4' t ~ lJv'ill'JU-t I~ 'u II._ ~\t• 1 • ..... '' Ill 111 H• ~, • t • M•llU tt fl t i/ 1 • P•y(\t\ JO 1• 4\.4 ~ '°"'' •• WM J "' ~ • 2:•4ivU i-. II JUI II I H•tt,¥ I ICJ I IV (I M•fM Ul I J) 1 JI\ I* tleebilty I• 1'1 Wt 0 e t:A.ttl IJ I• ... , ""e ~·" ,~,•Ji~.it~· ~ ; ~~r.: :~ ' :::::r,:: :1 ·~ i: 0 I~ ::::u~~I I~ 41 :.: :~ '• =~r.I' Cll~ ~ ::; I~ ' ~::·~~= I ~ ~ ~~! n •• f ,, I·,, v o•·f"nl .l••J =: ·'", ui,, ........ ~.~ ~ J \ ·.•, ". •• M.,ttMo• .ll n •t\ 'WI"·. • ~:~t~ ~~ IJ ,~: ~~. ..~::.~~ , ·~i 'f ~~ :g -; l U~ J lllll ll )!lu v "",., ..-~• Mf\h tNU O,,. • P•r'ln•y 1114V\ •ti ~...,l 'u' >Jll 11¥ If {ti • 191 " ' ' w:.·~:vlf~ ~ l 11 f: •I '• Hu•lln Ill 0 •I l4'o '• ::r 1': I r ~~ ~ AU , I , l'l l'L 11J 6 * /U" ''""'-I •I I <Ju I\ ~:t~~ '': 1~ t :'r. :: \e Du"• Vf • 10 1..0 ~ • • ~=~~:M Je 1 ,.~~ :~ • •• Mo'luo .: ._ )J ~:: I • c:~t :: : : '!~ ~ ~ ~~=~:~•, 6'J ~~ 1!~ :~ CLt. 11 11 10,. gv•• 111 1.0 1100 .i • • 11111"'" "• ·~ •i Ii • M•uo .,. 1J ,.. " • 1 Pal'~ P•• 111 oo •• 1 SWflf 1 VJ 1 1'1Q1 n (NA ... • Ill •• • u'" j)f ,... ' ,, .... lifllll. I tO ~ l'M .. 'I MU~ll II 117 JO . •• ,.,,.L (lclrJ '~ I\ 11•.: • ~l)'u'.",11' I u • \l • .. I \••· ,.,, tNA pl llu IU 111 ... Ou•• pf JI) ,, )I u:::~t 110 " } lJ • M .. M 11 .. II I)' I• Pa PL pr 11 110 II. "' I.I I M II l/H JI/. I'! ":" ""' '"~ ~~t't,,1 °}l/g i ,~ :L • g~~~~I rn It ~ :: • 1 Oe111nt I.«! H ~ 1:~ •: ~=:~i' 1 16 ~ 1~ ' • ~=~~1r' J ~ 10 1~ 1':t 1 • ~?:.':: 1 ~1: ~~ ~: ' '• AAR 4411 10 • • • C..!' N•• I .. I w IO •• Uu11l l I«> I too• "~. • Hel ... P ti • HI• •••• •• MHln~ I )1 ., II). Penw pl I '° 41 '". St111•111 'til" llO .... ACt JI• • I•• ' ( \0. J ... ••I " Ouq Pl 1 t 1111 °''• ' ttemt • II ' • M•hu~ J~ 10 "41 O •• •• PeMIOI 11() 'i .,) II • MMOI \ .,_ 'i l,.. II AMf t li ~ .U• !!'• fl~ {It ! lj I~ ·~ g~~u~~. I~! • "!~ ~! t • ~~::'i~~ rt, • ..,~ !~ . . :::~~lwl lO • :{!! :~. t! ~==~ ~ ~ '! .~ 1~·· ~:8!',~ : : : ~:: ;; ! I ~;A~ w 11 ( 1 ?, 'I j~41 t~ • : (t .·~•n' 1 '<'I 11 11111 1111 • Ov 'Ali l\t.tl • 41f J • ~=:~\..,"I IO': :~ .. ~'• M•tU pt I )(I Jc.I ~! 1 , P•P•ICo t •1 '1 ...,.) •• • •• l td00h I .0 ~ U~lf JI • •• ~~ v w • -M•vO~ 1 l) • ,.,.. -P•"ll IO Ii .,, II>'• , ~ti'•tCO JO•I •I • APL tj U • (••~t l)lt1Vt 'f l l>\,' JI I~ Ill I\ '• H•uton I01 HJ • • May_tu ]I It 11 M Prmlan I U. I Jl.t ll • \ta ndtl. '\ I JI l~'h •• At-f 110 .. J'• . Collnn H •\.11 21< 1.. ~ \~·~ ~1~ ~ ~1 .... ~=:!~ .. r~l()11't ~.. M<Orr. I ~ Jl)/I I/. Peltle 111111 H• 11>. ' Sl•OW~ , ... /l>O ,. " :~ ~40 IJjJ ~ .. l·~~·~~n~ :l '~t f<J, t!~,~ 111 1 / 401~ ,,H•;tot t010 4• ~9 ::8:~:~: 19~ ~:, ~::~~.J~Olj~ !!; :t::;.;~1 ~9 ~~~t '. I • Allll.e(I> 84 101..i: H• • ~:~~p~~ 1~,: ~:, ~~ :• t~~t~•,_, '~! ~· I ~:v~t' ~:: ~% (~\, :: MM<f!nlu'1 "1·'•l '"111/1 \/l\o .. ~~lll~:l)f:~ll/14~ l: :,s:,•,v!,Con ll.ulbl/I "'1'0 17t • A<m• •4'>~ tO '~'• •( •f\Auut lo"' •IJ u MllnbO' "'1•1 JI JA 'M~~io ;. :J • • 1 ... :~~1>~ n ~11 l1 ~~ : ' '• t.(.;~c~l,,\' ~ 1, :~, ,0n1': : ,' t~!,U'/ ~ • 1~ ~, •• ~::~'r,, n ~! :~ '': ~~ MtCrH 11111 '"' ~" •· ~::r~~,\' ~! ~ ,::: !!'• •• u~:~~o :f •: :~ 1~ • " AO.OE•, H• ... I)• ·~ <Y ' ' I HOllO. 111 1/ uo I • • Mc Int g • jJ PPhhlltlf~.'.f 1, !). 11,<IMllOO ·~ ftterlOo I°' I) t&IJ '"'• AOMMl 1C» ,4 JO • " C.•'°'ttld t J7 ~ 1Mi JO• 11;.•iHIUtl 10 1 •)"l tl"°• •• y 9 4 • • MCNe1f 904, t le f ..-...,-IY • • $te vnJ t 10 f UY I/• ._, AMO <IO lit ~: 'c•.·,11n1,o.o ~ • 1'11·1' ti. ~.'~o~ I~ llOJ '~ ~ .. I ; ~~:~J j)ll I~ ,,! 4! I •• ~ • ., I IO l•l1 I Phllt pf .'° 00 l1 •• SlwWf' I Ml .. )/j ,.,, '• AMO .,, u n '' .• • " ' ~ hi • i ••, i • Ho1m1k <O '° ,.,, " ,,,...,,. J11 i10 "'"'f pr 1 ilOO )1 '• •• StokvC '°" • " lit •••nlt ) )J } 1•)9 40 • (. •'n•t l • I•• ~ • • f~< .. •no ~ I l) •!, ~~-: ,,· MO•WS• JJ• .; •II 1)• .... Meatro ... I• 101 J>nlll: pt. I\ tHO 6J t StUt1•W t OU. I 14 44 •etL .. ,, ft~ JIO •• ( .. 011 ,. II )• II • • '""' •• •• ., Mellon ,, 1• • Ill Pnt1E pl/ u .. oo )/ SIOOC:' .,, II II<\ 11 ~ ~ -.. ( " 40 ow IU I ldo\l)t I .. ~ • lo Honwlt lllO I 1/0) 1Mf • Pl I , 11 ll 110 Ill "" Al\n1ns eo IC).18 II • • I{:: p .. I), ~&I • I? • t<IWdl~ fl• 10 \Ill Ht. I•· HOO•U I 14 11 41 ,... M•IVlll• 1 (14 I/ •29 p~:.c ptl) H , 110 10/ StopSnp I .. I ll>li "' Ailffll 46 I• u to1PA'0 I \I I 11'1 "'• • HOflBI\ I II • )1 ,.,, M~.•,<,s,1. I,~ ! 14131 p IE '. ~ IJ61J Sror lo< ~ "'' 11 ~·1· ~Fra ~ ' 1181 JJ " 5 ••• !~ .... ', ~~ 1, 11 1~', ""''• ••• ~ lp~x ~",,J J,~ ~. ?lo,... ••• HHOO~ ~·(.o~ ...... )I~~~. .·~~·. Mt•• • 1 ..:. 1", I...... • ,,, u ,,., I 6ti • Slot V' ,, 10 4V' " At~o.'~ uY11 ~; 1;:~ · 1t.,ih¥t , ii 11 ~j. :~: ~ v .,, JI .. ., .. • ·-.... ,... o9'rn ,; ., -~ .. :~::~,b ~ ~ : "~ ~!·; .: ~'~e~·~' '~ : 1!: ~ Al•P PIA)"' 1 11 Cor1w1 u 1u le~ I••• Cl<or JO /1 •> • -. Hololln l 11 I 2& M!r L 128 l .01: IO ' Pnt11no 11 IJ I~• '''•• "• S~bP•C.. 'oOI> 8 •1"l 11 Al•P dOf 11 1 • • j(.a\cN(', t I/ I 0) If• Ele<A~ I~ 161 '"• ~. HouQM t 60 10 I IO M '~p~ 10 t • Phlll11 r' 1 1 1•'• •• S.ulla1t l~J 1•1 \ ,. AteP pl 9 11~ .: • ~:;:p''I" 1401 ~ s~ . EDS 1>4 l• <lJ '!.. • ~~:rn~ I :t I~ !~i H. M:~R 111• 9 ·;;~J ;:~ PnllP• 1 111 I )M JI • Sun8•~ '08 '"" II ~::::: :~ ';~~~~ c.-.oc.o : • IU t~:: ~~,:~y 1 18t I.. HOlnlPl l)O • Jl -··11 '"'. ,,) ... :r~~~I ~: .~ ~ .. '·~~~~~ 1':. 'il :: Al•P pl I 19 1100 ""' ' (•l1tn\~ t I 1'<0 41 '" I• ~::~·~Et' '11~ I~ rl'' 1 '! ~~~~~:·; ~! o II~ ~~ ::~:~, ' ' 1~ 1ot I PloNG I II ti II Iii • Sunto 1 ~ Ill JJ • Al•Q><O 1 00 I 8 lo 1C• l.ro1 00 ' 1>4> IV • ' EA•<I \ llJ 181 ""' '• HOUNG I /U I oiu JI'-MIE plf:I 11 1.lOO ~1 Pltr I 10 91 8 • • Sun{ pl ) )) l 68 • Alb•ny I 40 • 68 ltl. '•~·"I•• l !U • •811, •JAi\. Em•vA )C) 11 Jll IJ•· .. HouOR l 1.., I) I/ M .... ·~ po1Ht )7 ,~ ',1 • Pll•b•Y , .. 8 .1 .. 48. Sun(hh I llO I 401 J/ Atb9r-to M fl )) 1>'-• t ...._,.rll•• •'t If) t~ •1 Emh•rt1 .0 ) '6 JI ' Mowell 40 ) JG \I •• ,..Fe _, PIOM•r t tO ~ t9\e ~-. SUl'\Mn tM/ 1U • I • AIOlsn I 11 133 4J. (rnww I ... IJI• II • • Mhtn pl7 0) 1 I•• PllnyB I tD IO IY/l 40 . 1'• Suprvl ~ IJ 310 171, Aton 'IOU •11 ll•o • (toHuoJ 2 '3 6 I> ,,.. ~mpO• I ~2 1 9 I~: HowPI <0 1i Ill :~, I I MCllE.A I )4 I> IJ • PllnB Pl 111 11>6 )• • J • Sup1011 :I() ll J/ol JO ~e:::dn:::i·~1 ~!·: ::~~~~~:1:P~;: :·;~ ~·· ·:1 !~ii~i ~::·~ i: 1•• 8~~~ 1~10 ~ :~·: E~~;.;:~H ~ H:: .: ~!~,~~~: ;.g ~ :i: :~~~t :I: 1:1 :~· ~l~°c': pl;: • 11: ~~ .. •• ~~'i.1..:1 \ ~ : :~~ :: : ~~:~~~h I tO • -rl ~ • ~ a~~:'~o~1 ~1: : :E t I:: ~::s~~ ~: l>l;fi f ~ • Plmer I 8\e 18 1U "' • ~:~:~n 01; ~ 10 •tit ~ ~;~:~tpl ~~ I,~:!· . c~v~~~ ,r.1~ I~ ll / ,1ENSlR tO. l'I ,,.., • HunlCh 40 11 •• II MldRo• 14011 ~)" ~ ... ~~~· :g:g ~ ~:. Syn1e.-l'°l•I~/" A• C • u C I Ot IJ'i ~ • " Enlfro 11-4 4 >I 10 , ,, HullEF 90 11 1613 JI • MllotW I >0• 10 IH 21 p:f.,.0 1 •9 ni. 14 Svuo ' 1¥Tl9 T71f JI •l19~PJ?.!_ 1113,S • 11~• /Ill~,' c"n"r,~TI I'" • Enlu I DI I 111 I)' Hydra! I lo I> I '''• M1l18ro 110 9 Ill U PndtO\ 'IO 11 lit 1l ~ft. -...., " , •• .,. It o ._ tf EQuih " IJ JI vll'• •• I I • MlllR ~ U 9 41 16 • PopT al IO l llf )A •• • 101(. n tle 10 It Jl • All•nG I 18 70 l\•o Ct nvtll • • '1 II '• Equonlk • 41 ) , I( loo 7 ltl • 1113 JI•• '• MMM l XI oj 1211 17 , Porle< IO 11 Jl 17 • ; ~~CEO 1 (ltj 8 • IUJ :~, • Alld(p 2 <0 ~ 1"0 .14 rt leoO 11• I• • ' EG'"' pll )1 ' ·~ • ' IC In pl J )() 11 41 MlnPl 1 l fi I> ~ 71\o Pot'IGE 11• S )W u • • fAW 7 .! 1011 l~&I l>I ~kllldCpdpi.11,•, 1n, u~ ... ,.., <IO n .111 10. .. EqtGn 'IO • li 1• l(N II 111 • • • MttoCp '° JJ • • p G f 160 ' 9 .., •• ~lid!',•, 1 IO ,. .~... ~::if'11"1 I~ tO ..... u •• • • EQILI II• )8 •00 II l"'Aln I 'i? 1 0 II> I M••nln. llO •• , u • ,,:c, ~ •• tO Ii ~1" l RW pl • .0 I ll~ " ~ • -.. •v II • .. E•m .. , ' ... 10 8• ol•· •• IU 1111 II\ 11 11>9 lo . MPt<C J IO 'it IJ PorG pl 07 1• 31 ' •• TRW or. )C) • 114 .. ~:?,Tse·~ n I 10'91 '!'.• ~'.."m' ppf • OOIO I• lli&ol •1 I E~Ult \ Ml I I II • llJ lnlA I •I MoPSv I 11 \ 18 14 Pollldl I .. I) 60 JI ' Tot Boar 9 l/ij 11> " •~ "• So '" Eu .. C IOI> I II 11 , " ld•MP t 1111 Ill ?I 0 I'-Mo PS pfl 44 1 I' PotmEI I 61 a 8JO IH• T •f18rd I 10 8J le • I , ::~~~" P•t :i:'J'I • ~;:: ~:;:c:. I • ~t~ •? • • hlrlne 1>4 1l /I 18. " 11.IHIB I JI>/ II MoPS pr1 •I I 1•-. " PotEI Pl 4 so no Ji•. hllty ll Aml!>uQ ~ o ~ 1>4' nert pl 11>) 61 I~ • m:: pl ~~ I ll~ ~'• 11\,"0'"' 1 '8 I /81 2t" :;,·~111 I> !m ~~: I> ~~=~:~ ~ :~ ~ n , , ~:~~~pt 11 ••J: Je Amu '° l<Oo ,,,. "·~ l '° •• i.11 )I • E••nP U1 •1 8 11p0"' pfl to tlOO II. MobtlH 2}4 ]\, Prmr• n140 ) 171 •• Tnoytll II I) 11 Amo pt J J J6 • ""~Pf\ 21 ,. •• Ev•n pt 1 ;o JI •: .: ::P:: ~! ~; 1~ l! ' MOdCpl 7• 111 10 • .., PrlmeC 1l ll8I j9 , " l•nMt 111111 111 ~ I Amrc• I J111 20 ""' nue pt2 l3e l'O\ >• E••n pt 2 10 1 •• • T Monu< IJ 128 n PrlmM l 16 111101 /I • Ttl\<I• n -11> • AmHe-s t 10 11 4801 11~• FWIS-ftt ti0t> ) '' II E.a:C.110 '.0 e. O 1) 1 • :m~ICp I l• 11 h )~'• MontiJOI IJ ]6.-4 14 : ~. 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Jll'l l l Il l A ll).(t If i.-( )1 ,tng(' ( 11Ulll y JI\ 1 monthlv dt 1 !1111 th1 US loduv S c J>h ml>< 1 11111ro.lu111 1 111 th1 pupulou .. l.11-.. llit lh11d I 1111"1I1111\\ •b<JI llt pc1l lf111Ill .,11d I hr drt1p ht IJ lltt l:l rrumth 11111 J111111 r 11• to luw L! ptt<ttll It w 1.-. th< f1r!>l 111111 111I1 v1..i1 ., th.11 Ll11·(or1su1111·1 1'1 11 1 l11d1 x f11r lht two 111un1v tfl<.t h L., J~l1111J tllllt•1111111lhs 111•1ow ... t1d H uit 1u 11f l.<11.lrn St 1t1.;ttc..1> io.pokt ..,w .. rrwn 1' unh 1111111 rri.11111 I h1 0 l J>< 11 I nl d1t>p Ill S1pit111lx I lollllt IHI d lt hr 1 t .. of ,1 0 I JX 111 rrt d1-t 1101 1n AU).(Ui-ot 111d 11 I pt 1u 111 d1'C..l1t11• in July .. tu ., ucl S teel firm tells los l-'ITTSBUIH,11 (AP) Wht 1 ling l'1ttsl>Ut gll Stt l I Cm p tu<la y f( purlL•<.l <t nt•t lo:.!> ul mo1 L' th ... 11 $:lt1 1n1lllun or $b 77 " c n1111non -;h,1n for 1h1 11m2 thud qu11 1i 1 l)IJJ llSM U s hqmW IH l\Vd:-. lUlJphJ Wtlh ..i~xwh•J 11p1 r ut1ng ri:lli.cb <tl ..J(I f.'\f•llH 1JI 1-ipuUtY will {vnun u<. tu pr<>dU<.• IO!>sl:s rlt s111t1 ~1gn1fH .. nt 11<.luct11ms 111 <.osts sc1 1J Whe1 l1ng P i ttbbUrgh Chau man I X.-nn th CarnL'Y Whcdmg P1tL-;hurgh 1s th< natirm s < 1ghth l..i1gt-.1 bl(( lmaker "1th la<.thl!Lb II\ Pu1nsyh,11J1<1 ()hjl) cind Wt:.l Virginia GM earns $129 million DETROIT cAPJ Althuugh S<Alu. of Anwnuut rnrs havl' sunk lo th1::11 lowest dally ratt fvr mid· October in 24 vear s 1ndus 11 y giant General Motors Corp has rcpurlt.:d a multmullto n J ollar p1of1t fu1 tht third quartt'I of I !Hll GM said Monday 1t l.'arnl.'d $1:.W 4 mdl11in and c1ttnbutL<.l tht• gam LO prof1ldbk sub~1d 1a111 s 1ntc·rtsl tn<.ome ano lax trcdtL'I 'I h<' automdkt'r lost mom' <in the produll111n .. nJ sal1 u l uJrs and trw kb "nal\1:1l..\ Sclld STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORI\ tAPI S•lu 1.4on ..-no nft chtmqt-at tn<-t1Het n ,~ O\I N~w YOt• S-0< • l •C n<tflQ(t Held no netion..tlt~ 111 fl~ff' l h11n \I f ,,gn 1~~00 1<11• IBM I 013 400 IO , L I <O•O V/9 100 )I> Mob I 'I'll oOCI JI o Am• l 4 I ~7 (/()(} \9 Matlt*I lrK 11'/8 400 1q • J ldVtfftr~ \ blJ )()() l)~,. (,,TE. Co•i> oh 'fQU JI'• S(l'\lumoro b).4 100 )~"'• l •n<IY l>IO l>OO •O s 1aO••C:a1 .. .,.. 9CCI n ~· 'R°"b ... 1 I()() lo Am., He\\ ,,, oco >I•• B°" • Q l>IO 300 7\'-Philh>~Pet ) .. 800 )1..,_ AMERICAN LEADERS NEW •ORll IAPI Soloa Mon :~,~1.~~'1rott' '"E ,!~~n;;o\t tr•dtnQ ncthONlh· ~I ft Ot~ fnfff'\ ,1 Ct1•mP Ho XM 800 J'• W4''1Q B Ji4 000 '6'• Don tP1r1 7J> 800 7 , AAnQ~rOll 1•3 )()0 I • f ubo,Mt-x I .... 100 I Amd41hl 104 000 11 • ~f:;~1~~. g: ~ 1:~: 11.Srllnl A 110 10() 71 MOuO I Tr 1) .&00 14\11 UPS AND DOWNS . .. 1'· I '. .. J•, .. I .. , .. ,., 1 ... I ... , .. P'tce .. (tlVf' t~'\U#'lo ••• .. ' .. I'> ' DOW JONES AVERAGES )() lno 10 f rn IS Ull oS SI>. lnou~ f 1•n Ull\ I>) SI• ~., ~·~ti • .:<;ri;1 ~~~ i "1 U1 )) ·UJ '-(.) •19 )t •11 IA ti\) 1?0 11 1)1 Oii 1900 119 S.. , .. Ml) ~(;S }bbft(; .1'N 40 IJ t WHAT STOCKS DID NEW ¥OAK IAP Ott H AOv<1nCft(I D•tt1~ uncn•nqt0 Tot•I \\.ue") Nf"W h'Qt'li New IOW\ Ad"<itn(flod Ot-C.l•n"'O u,..ch•noea •01<11 .,~, Nf ¥t tUOh\ f'irlew IOW\ METALS foo.ty .. l\U /11J lf<!I <lo I p.~ Vtt /"J 'uo ... v "" )>J ,,, U• " I""' •V I •\J IU. IO'fS~ II 98J 0011 p,.,. Oo 101• .i• 1ltl 1011 Jll 1 NEW '!'ORI< 1AP1 metal µr c:et 1oday SPOI non teHc; ~tW VORK IAP; Tllo" tollow no I \l \hOW\ tM N~w Yon S,(1)(.11. E.•lh'"°' \IOC.'\ •nd wan•nh th11I n11v• QOf'I,. up tht mo\t ano oown tf\t mo,1 b.o<t'O on tMtr<ttnl of cNn~ 'ttQo\r'1+ .. .,, of vOhJ~ Copper 72• • 75 ce"I!> a oou• cJ l.J S tot Mond.8¥ N o ~ut1tlf"\ ''Mi no 1:»10.;w \) ,,.,. n(1 \.iO~O Nel .no CM-,.u•ntogti t ~· CJt'\ '"~ lhf. d1fftr•n<f' ~fWfl't't\ tf\t O"'" ou" 1..•o\ no pr-te .-no 1ocwv" ~Csm pri< N•n~ La\t \ nq ; 8:~':;,;*;rut !} : : J Pnwf1 1 O(kJf 19 It• 4 Sth...,\tEnr n 13 • 1 " ~ P~nnw•lt jJ • 1" 6 Pnwlt 1 SOpt \I 4 1 R•rm"r• 11.. ~. 8 C•r't' W1tll ltt •• 1 • .~ ~T11~ • .,¥ s ,be>, ", •• ti H1SMar tO • .-'-'• 11 (•n•t A•n<I lJC) l t) "IPw 4 10pf " • I• :~ ~~r~:; ~, ':,. ; , •. 16 lnlMI""' DI JS 1 :~ ~~~.?i':'pl f 1.: • ·~.1 ;~ g~e':"~ 80C>• ~ • : •• 21 Ka1sra1 I/pr SS 7 P<1 Up IJ 0 Uo II 4 UP q I uo 18 Uo 8 • Up I S U!> t I Up I I lip I 0 Up 6 I Uo o) lip • J UP 6 J Up ~ 1 UP o 1 Up oO up 1>0 Up S • Up S7 Uo • • llD • 8 12 Sf.Ill Lalt 11 n ~~npeA:-i:. ~ .. ' Up 'f 1\ Pt.H,R C•rn J • GOLD COINS DOWN~ t A't • .. II . ' 11 70 ••• 19 • , .. U \. " 10 , •fl· zo..., 10 .. ll'. lJ )() .. 11 .. 1'-)J•. l"'> n l•· 91, VO 4 I Up 'J • uo '1 L~t .. 1 • .. , ... , .. I o I .. 1•. I • 8 ' ... , .. 2'• J» l'' l'• ''· 1 I It 1 .. Pt l 0 11 IJ J 0 11 IJ 2 Off 17. 011 ,, 1 0 11 111 011 11 . OU It 4 011 11 0 011 109 011 10• 011 108 011 101 011 10 s Oil IOJ Oft 10 I Off '' 0 11 96 g:: i: Oil 'l 0 11 • s Off 9 • OH • J Off 9 1 0 11 tO NEW YORK IAPI -P.-l11t Mon<!ay ot qold CQll\I Comt>lled with F'rldey I p1!Gw Ktlllttltlld I troy 01 S4311 00 Pll s1soo Me.le LHI 1 troy ot SOii 00 Oil S15 00 *• IO "-1 2 11oy 01 S~ 00 on $17 $() AW 1• -II H02 ltOV Ot ... 12 00 OllSl460 Source S .. k ,..,..,.. des"'1at oni L••d 23 26 '""" a pound Zinc 40 42 cen1s a pound oe1 ve eo Tin $6 2665 Me1a ls Wee• c.omposll• ID Aluminum 16 c.en1~ a µount.J N ; Mercury $3 70 00 i>e• ttask Platlnum S3•2 SO 53 49 00 lrov oun~ 1 N Y - SILVER HanOy & Harman $10 0 t po• trO ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS Bt The AHOClllad PreH Se1ec1110 wo110 goto pr"es 1ooa1 London morning """0 $4 16 SO off $2 10 London af111rnoon l1u ng $419 25 up so 65 Perie ;tlte1noon lo~ir1g $416 18 011 $7 08 f'renkfurt h~1ng $4 17 00 oll SJ 90 Zurich lele allernoon l1x1ng S419 SO, up S2 25 b•d $420 50 es~eo "•ndy & Marman Conly daily quo") $4 19 25 up SO 65 E11geth1rd (only daily quote> $419 :15 up SO 65 E119•l'11rd (onty doily Quo1e) ta1:>r1c1111tt S••O 21 up SO 68 SYMBOLS o Nfl'w ';ftQH)' uw u N(""" vt'tt• 'f rto.)ri l llf''-l Ofhfltw \f" nntfld rat .. , ()f drv1c> .. no1< lrt mt'~~ d • '' J\tff l) OA'-Pd \'O 1n~ IA ti ·r Q Jt;+ It ., n+ '"'"°' ~nn • tJ tJ••< I u rt! o 1 Sp·H 11 m tot ' Ch'l10N lJ~ o P•vm~"" 'U\" 1.!~' q 1 11<"0 .-~ egullH lift' (Jftnt f r<l n tf'\( 1 fnuo~ no ff)(\t r rh ' • AIM> ( • 1r ~ 1 "'"''•~ o Ann ,. r H• ptu, \IOCk n 1,1 ~1rtHt t. l •tau (Jl'\t f\Q O!w O•nU Oft< ,,untl t)r on" n or~ft(i no I' mnnlh,1 D~•o•"'1 o• pa 11 •"~' >1ix• a• o~,.a of "'>' t uu ' ,, •• , ,,. ... \1,..., d \j u ... n(t om '1~(.t O~ff\,,nd or nC\ 1tr.tinn I itl\e ll t••t 0 vtd~ U m114'h 'II ' 91'(.IU .. ,, C)t o~ (I lh. ytW ... ••t.C.umv1 tt ~'" '"\ ~ w th dtv 0,.AOt n .,, .. ., ~ n Nflll!A .... u, , Ot!C•• ClJ Of o~ d ,, 0'9'~1nQ 1J montnt plv' \tr>c:._ div <Juno t Pa1<1 ' ltOC-n µrete•O no '~ monthf ••I m1u~o <;aSf\ vatue on f'• n \I th•n<I Ot .,, thllr10utinn dltlP -. C• a 11 Ot'noa or~' n9no y E11 d v1C:Jt1H•d ~nQ , •h•' 1n tuft 1 S•••~ 1n tvH c O C•u~o wO Wh..., <ll\ltobutt)(I wo WllM \tiv4t0 ww W•t" ••,,an1 ~ •• W 1tnouf wturantt •Olt E • d11tHOutton r:i P I ••110 '"• ortCrt 01 • 1100 •• mufttOI• 01 Ottt \h•ue 11t1rnu"Q' C1ttnvftd ht d ~ (1 n9 lh• 11t•al ,.., montt'I e11n nos •t0u•.-- 1n10 1 .. 1 tale o• c, ..... .· ,... WhE pt I /) dO .. I JJ'• .. WIMP~ 11• •• JJI U'• 0 • 1'• WIKPS ) 1' tJ >t"' :1,11.0 , ~.: ,:: =~\~~w ': '~ ~ !,' ! 41 J • Wornt.I t.J U 111 11 '4 41" • w-"' • •O 'O 21-. JT • " Wotwth t .., .. •I~,. , ,.., '• Wol"' pr 7 2V ~J J4 JO~•• 1 Wrllli\• ti 1 • :Ii'~ .~. w1le1, J .... ~ 1' ,,. )1 • Wwrllir I '- i.I • WyleLD IOt ~ • n •. 1 .. wv1v JO hO 11 , '!:: ''• WV!lfll .0 i• • 1) I I -r.~1.J :. .. : • ' ~~':: .. I• t)} ~ I I'• " tale(• I ~ • .. U " '-, .... Ii! ~:l . !•1uo;1 : l't(I •; l~•I I J ::· · · :: li"" o111 ,: ~ .. a~. .... ~r.~. '" "' il ,,.. ,. ' ~ 11 1' • II Utlllll 1 JI • lff • ._ ORllCICDllT llWPllT IUCH I Hiil 1111:11 TUl SOAY OCTOHCA lb 1•1111 ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Coast college teachers' reprimands dropped Hy PHIL SNEIOl'~RMAN O(the Dell~ Piiot l taff Coast Curn111u111Ly t'11ll1•g1· Drstri,·t trustl•t.·i. llllturHlrttun.tlly huv c· w1thdn1wn 11·tl1·r:. •>f r epr1mu11cl (1'11111 t lw IJl'rsonrwl f1ks of tli L~udit•r'S w hu stt(lll'll a lt•tte r crit1t·1L111g d1stt ,,., u •l1•vi-.111n t 'OU l'SC.'S The· t'Xt'l'Ul1V1• l'011\1111tt1•1• ul the local Amt>rtt•an FN.IPrauun of Teacht•rs (AFT) d1aplt•r. whuh rcprt>~nts the· d1slrtl·t 's f u 11-tllllC' 1n~lrud11ri-. will 1111·1·t l<'r1duy t11 d••1·1clc· w l11 •th1•r tu 1 c•s porul hy t.Jrnpµ111~ ..:11<•vanl'l' l'ht1rgt•s ltlc•<l alo(llln:.l th1· dti.lrll'I 111 <~mnt'<.'tt•H\ with tlw tt·lt-t·our::.1· tl1sµu1t• "I th111k this WiJ'> j \/l'I V poslttvc• llluVl' on thl' part uf thl· 11 lhll'l''·" :..1111 t>htlh::. Bas1l1" p1 l'S tdl•nt 1lf lh1• A~vr d 1<1plt•1 "I tlm1k lht.' outlook 1s l>t•Ht•r 1ha11 It h.1s lx'l'l1 for ...onw unw I h11pl' now w1'll lx· ubk to n·1.olv1· Dollar boat still afloat Nc•wporl Harbor J><Hrulml'n an• ealhng tt tht• case of the boat that JUSI wouldn't sink. The 30-foot Vl•ssc·l, unnamed and unm<tr'kl•d. was d1S<:"Ovc n •J Mum.lay, half-submt•rgl·d tn thl' ocean about two miles off thl• harbor· cntram·c After dutifully towing tht· il'ak y boat bul·k to a mooring off thl· Orang(' County Shl·nff':. H arbor Patrol headquarters.· patrolmen said 11 struck thC'm tha t lht• boat what tht•v could Sl't.' of it. at least lookt.'<l a wfully familiar A re<.'ords t.•heck rev<.·a l('d the craft had bt'l'n auctioned off JUSl a t.'Ouple of days tx•fon· al a 111.:n sale. The boat had ~one for om• thin dollar Har bor Mast<'r Harry Gage• S<Jld ht.• n.'<:alls thal the vesSC'I. wht.•n sold , was 1>llK:kcd wnh e lectncal equ1pm!!nt and an .1SS0rtm1•nt of odds and ends "We believe what happ<•m'<.l 1s that tht• boat was stripped of anything of valu(•, 1ak1.·n lU sea and scuttled," said Ga~e. -sonw :_it I 111· ot lw1 1111tsta11d111g •~·ull'!I Uti.lrll't s µok1 •:-.rr1;111 H1d1.11 d S11111111 -.t.11d tlw w11laJ111w.d 111 tll\' n•p1·1111:11ul lt·lH·ri-. wh1d1 Wl'l'I' 11'.'>Ul'll 111 July, was a n :illt•mpl hy llw hot1 1tl tu 1r11p111v1• lat·u lty .11lm 1111i.trat11111 n·l.11111n:s. w llll·h hav1· b1•1•11 strilttll'd 11vt·r tlw P·"l VL•a1 bv the· tc·h'l'OlH-:-1• d1io;p u1t· L.1st :-.pr 1111<( foua C >r<t11~((' Cwst Cullt•!o(l' p111ft•sM111> wrnh· .1 11.•uer ' q IH • s l I !J 11 Ill~ I 111 • 11 ll It I 1 I y ti I t1•l{•l't1U t :.1•s u l I 1•11•1 by i-t'>lt•r sd1111il l 'ciui.1 11111· t'11l lq(1: .• 1:-k111g 111 p.•l'ltt'ular w l11·tl11 ·1 11·h'<ou1:.t· stuJ1·1tL'i s l111uld rt'l.'t'IV« till' sur111· OUll lUl'I llf l'I 1•d11-. .1-. -.1uut•111:. t•n r11ll1·d 111 th•· t·qu1v:tl1·111 dru.srurn11 11111rst'' An 11tld1 l11111al li:i Ut J11gt· l''""' <inti (:11 lcl1·11 Wl·'l t'ollt·gc· ll'.lt'llt'n. s1gn1'l.! thc• lt•ttt•I, wh1di w~ lllliilto<l lu t'llUl,llll>ll nlf11·1.1b tluoughoul (\1hfo1 nw Gage said his departmt•nt wall Jttempt tu track down the fX'.-SOn that bought thL· boat and o rder that ~rson lo rcmovC' th<' Vt.'S.'i<'I from tht· harbor as a nav1gauonal hazard And that. patrolmt•n C'xplaint.•d. will l'OSl m ore than SI Roat tha t r t•fusf'd to s ink floa t · ha ir s ubmc rgc<l an ~ew purt llarhor uft t·r lwi11 g towe d in Monday. Newport-Mesa schools tops on By KAREN E. KLEIN Of ttle Delly Not ..... T he Newport-Mesa Unified Sch ool Diatrlct mad e the beat showing in the Orange Coast area on the 1981-82 version oC the Scholastic Aptitude Test. administered to over one mclhon co ll e ge -bound stud e nt s nationwide. results have shown. Newport-Mesa District av- erages were 454 on the verbal poruon of the test and 508 on the mathematics poruon. The SAT 1s scored on a scale Crom 200 to 800 StudE:nts in the Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach Union H igh Sch ool Dlstncts sho wed overall d~lines -2 percent to 7 percent -on both their verbal and m ath scores this year as compared to the 1980-81 sc·hool year. Ov e rall , ve rbal scores continued to shp in most Orange Coast schools while math scores Laguna, Huntington d ecline in scholastic aptitude test scores e ithe r improved s lightly or remained stable O nly five schools -Costa Mesa Hig h . Ne wpo rt Harbor High. Estancia High. lrvme High and Capistran o Valley High s h owed improveme nt an both their verbal and math scores over lhe last year. Dale Woolev. director o r research and student services an the Newport-Mesa Dis tric t . a ttributed the strong showing of his district lo a renewed strC'SS on basic prof1nency'skills. "We h ave been putting a n e mphas is on competency-based education and written language skills in parucular." Wooley said The bottom hne is the material hC' wo rks with though, Wooley said "The parents send us some pretty good kids," he said. "Thas as an area where education is consrd(•r('(! very important " Na tional av('rage scores were slightly improved tn 1981 -82. revC'rsa ng a d(·dtnl' that started an 1963 a nd has been consis tent sa m·c tht'n Average na t1ona I s<:on·s were 426 verbal and -167 math. tompared lo 42-1 verbal and -l ti6 math tn the 1980-81 S<:hool yt•ar Cal if o rn ia SA T scores . trad1t1onally higher tha n the nallunal averages. declined one point an each ar<'a this year The vt·rbal awrage was '125 and the math -174 statewide. S<:or es f or Orange Coast Coast schools are gt•m•rall y h1ghN than both s tale and national levels even though a large perl't!nUAge of area sen ior h igh sch ool studl•nts take th<• t1.'st Edul'at1on analysts a nd local school superintendenis warn that test results must b<> carefully wetgh<'d bdon• Judgment 1s paSSt.-d Ont' way or tht.> other on lhl• S( h1x1I d1slrt('lS Compartl>ons among sla t1•s and commun1l1C'~ a r e ortc·n skewt-d. said Don Walkt•r of ~=I Toro Hi gh . b(•cau sc· haght:r pcrt'cntagt'S arc testt-d in some.• an•as Alabama. for examplt•. report('(! scores of -15 7 a nd 488 in IY80-81 c'Ompared to California's score• of -126 and -175. But only ti pern•nl of Alabama's high sc:hool seniors took the tt•s t. whtk ~i5 percent took It an California "T hf' morl" studC'nts that Lake tSee SCHOOL, Page A2 t • 1>1:.ll'H'I lfUSll'{'I>, wh11 d1spult•d tl11• 1·111111·111 11f tlw 11'111·1 , t~1>Ut·d Wt 1lt1•11 r 1·11nr11antls lo tl11· fi 7 t•·11dw1 s. d.11nm1g tlw 111:-ll'l1t·t111 s ll:td v111l,1t<•cl lht·tr cl11t y 111 lht• d .-.1 111 I itnd h ad "111al1grwd " l'• ...... 111111• 'l'ht· It .11111·1:-. un11111 ha ' lt''>fMlllllt•d by ftltng J gllt'VJlll'l'. ( l,111111111( tht• d 1,tnct has v1olut1·<1 I h1· atad1·111u fr• 'l0dn111 prnvtsllln' II I I I s l ' I) II I I a c· I w I l h I h l ' 111,trut tur:. liv pur11:.lt1111o{ thL•m 1•11 -.p 1•,1k 111 g 11111 ""the· It ·1 1'< 11111 '' • ISMJC• A lll'.JI Ill~ 'Ill ll11:. j.ll ll'VJnl'(' l'I ..... 1wdult'IJ (111 1nid Nov1·ml.>4·r I .;"I rnu11th llw Ir u:.tc·c•:. ali(n~-<l tu w11hclr aw t lll• ll'ltl'f' •>f r 1·p11111.1nd u11 tht· • 1md1t11Jn th<Jt tl11· 11,,,111•1:. -.u:.µ1·nd t he Kl 1t•V.tllll' pltlll't'llillg'> A l11 tlit-. .1g11•1•m1•nl was 1111111ng;·nt up<m 1h1· Clppruval uf .1 rlt.'w tl1,tr 11·1 1·ommu111l·at1on:. I See TEAt'lll-:JlS, P age A2 I No first-degree murder rap Disneyland • Ill case By DAVID KUTZMANN 01 lh• Oallr Pllo1 Sien A Jury tlt•atl lol·k m the· rnsl· ot .t S.1n Dll•go man <Ht'Usl·d of 1·11111m1ll ing D1srwylantl's f!rst hom1ncl1· ml·<tns thl· dt.ft•ndant nu long1·r mu'il fat·t• a 111 ... 1 dt•W t•t• murdl·r lh<irg1 wln·n IH· 1:- n •trtC'd 0 1angt• County Superior Cuul'l Judgt• K1•nnl'lh E Lal' scird h t· t·onsu.h•rr·d deft·ndant J amt·'- O'Drn".:oll. 30. lO be C1t'qu1lll>d uf thl' h1ghl·SI rnurtlt•r eount wht•n tht• JUr~ rl-ortt-d Monday that II WJS deadluckl'<l 11 -1 in favor uf .! .; 1· t o n d -d e g r l' e m u r d l' r r onv1et1on T he holdout JUror fa vo rt'd ::wq u 1 na I. Jud~:<> LJ<' dt·darcd a mistrial .111d '-<.ht·dull-tl J Nov 5 h(•armg lnr lh1· ~·lt-t'lton of ;1 m·w trial da!t Jun• for1·111an Gt·orgt.• Easley ttold LJt• that tht• panl·I had taken st·vt•n bal111Lc; 1n f1vt· davs before g1\'mg uµ V1·nl1t'L'> m · (·rtminal t'Jst'' mu:.1 Ix· Undn1mou:. Lat.• :.aid that lx<1.·C1usc tht' Jury h.id ruh·d out thl• first-degree mur d1•r t·hari.:1·, he woula c 1111\ldt•r O'On~:oll <tl·qu1ltt-d of th<il t•ount Prosc'<.·utor P atnek lic·arv said hl· wuu Id now :-t·1·k a sc:(·ond- J1•grcl' murJ1•1 l'Ol1V1t·t1•m in <t M'C'und trial O'Dn:o.<:1111 1s c1c·c·ust·d uf fatallv tSee RETRIAL, Page A21 - AVERAGE SCORES BY DISTRICT SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST DISTRICT VERBAL MA TH HIGH SCHOOLS SCORE SCORE Huntington Beach Union Edison Fountain Valley Huntington Beach Marina Ocean View Westminster lrvlne Unified Irvine University Laguna Beech Unified Laguna Beach Newport-Meaa Unified Corona del Mar Costa Mesa Estancia Newport Harbor Seddlebeck Valley Unified El Toro Laguna Hills Mission Viejo • 439 435 453 429 389 425 416 454 440 463 4 30 4 56 4 59 446 428 462 513 509 507 496 441 493 490 505 479 503 512 508 5 13 489 490 509 Irvine weighs Leisure World land Ill annexation By GLENN SCOTT ()('the OellJ Piiot Steff I rvine's City Council 1s schedule d to decide tonight whether to compete with Letsure World over a strip of land the re tirement community wants to include in 1ts proposE'd new city. d1v1des the twc major wings of L eisure World. The land 1s ow n ed by the R ossm oor L1qu1datmg Trust: th e Koll Co has an option to develop 1t. At issue 1s a 689-acre area southwE'St of tht> city hm1ts that Earlier thas year, Koll ofhc1als persuad ed council mem bers to order c1ty planners to conduct a company-financed feasibility study of annexing the territory New 'local look' for Daily Pilot Dear Readers: Starting Monday, the Daily Pilot unveils two ne w editions and a ne w approach to the news. It all came about as a resu1 t of something you have been telling our "We're Listening" line for weeks. You want more local ne ws from us. And we want to give \t to you. But we've had a problem.' Because we are smaller than some other papers in U11s area. we can on ly remake a limited number of pages for each of our editions. The result has been that we put the local news you wan t on those pages and change their content bf>tween editions. So some of those good local 11tor ie8 are killed between editions. But starting Monday, we w ill be introducing two new editions -the County and the Coast. The County eiditlon w ill cover Huntington .Beach, Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa and Irvine. The Coast will cover Ne w port Beach '>nd Laguna Beach. Th08C good local stortcs wlll be grouped by area so they're easy to find. And better yet. they won't disappear from the paper between editions. W e're excited obout our ne w look. We hope you Ukt-it Let us know. Thomas P. Haley PubJl,her . into the c1lv Planners ronclud<.-d the annexed land would bring tn a surplus $250.000 in revenue per y<'ar K o ll has plans to build a 189-acrt• office and t.'Omm erc1al park at the inte rsection of El T oro Road and Irv ine Cente r Dnv(' (which tx-romes Moulton Parkway) Leaders of th<.> 2 1.000-resident Leisure World. however. alr('adv have filed plans with the Orange County Local Agency Formation Comm1ss1on lo incorporatt• Tht>y included thc 689 acrC'S in tht>1r new catv Without 11. their two wings 'w ould n o t ai; t'a slly connect Irvine Cllv Council mt'mbers. facC'd two weeks ago with lhC' same problem of chall<'ngm g a pott'nlaal new neighbor OVl•r terratorv. chose to watt unttl tonight to take a stand Two of the fi ve council mt•mbcrs. Marv Ann Ga1do and Barbara Wiener. said thcv would \'Ole lO drop annexation efforts. T o night's meeting begins at ti ~{ ti a t 1 n · 1 n ., C ll y H a 11. Jamborec• R oad al M cGaw Avt•nuC' • ThC' a nne,al1on issue isn't c·xixx·tro to t'Om<' up for at least an hour A S("('Ond 1ssut' involving Koll mterests southWl'St o f the San Diego Fr('('way a lso ts scheduled t ee IRVINE, Page A21 Stock market makes late recovery NEW YORK (AP) -Stoc k prkcs wc•re broadly lower again today in active trading but blue ch ips and o ther issues were making a late recovery Th e Dow J ones average of 30 mdustraals. which tumbled a nea r-ret·ord 36 :J3 points Monday and was o ff another 11 41 potnL'i at 11 a.m . PITT today. reversed course and was up 4 41 a t 999 54 as trading moved into its ftnal hour It t'IOS<.'Cf up 10.!M How ever. losers sull h<'ld o 5-1 AirCal's Clifford quits A ir Cat Presid e nt R o b e r t C hfCord announced today he will resign his post with the Newport a each -based airline effective J)(.(', 1 Replacing him as president and chief execuuve ofhcer will be Gen . William Lyon, chairman of the board and co-owne r- Th e 1witch will take plact' on the sam(' d••Y thnt the airline 111 schedulC'd to Implem ent a major new ro ut e r ell llg nme nt t'Xpandlng acrvict between Southern Callfornln &nd Bay Ar •9 elrpor ts a nd dro pping serv ice to Fresn o . Monte rey. PhOfnlx and Las Vcgu. C lifford. 6 1. said In 3 Mw11 re leAR today that ht ht• been polnUn1 towa rd rt-tlrt-me nt, althOU,gh he will contlnu.-with t the earhne as a con sultant and lobby 1st. Said C liffo rd : "I h ove con.'IClentlously planned toward a time that l could step bock from the Cirlnf( line know ing th &t the ai rline was positio n e d fo r achievement." L yon. 59. who abo owns one of t he s tate's largl'st r.-slden tlal home building firms. uud he 1s look ing fo rwa rd to his new responsi blli tics. The chong<' was descrll::x.'\J In the compa n y rt>leosc 11 "3 1trengthPninR of ma nagement and ownership ties with the a irlinc cmployl'C.'a and a further demunstra\ion oC the eompeny'I rC!&OIVf' to ~ o low t'Olt, hl9hly co mpt~tltlve e1rr1~r In th<' marketplace " lt'l•d over gam t•rs o n th<• Ne w York Stock Exchange. Bti;c Board volume tot.alt.-d 85.78 million s ha res at noon PDT. <•gamst 71.62 m1lhon at that hour Monday T h e L n ho r D <' pa r t m e n t rc•purtt•d that consumf'r prtct•s c d gf'd up 0 .2 p e r cent 1n September. the smallest increase in ftv1,,• months The fig ure. whic h 1s a n 1nCla t1on ra te of 2. l percen t 1f t•nll'ulat<•d annually. r e flects dt'<'hnes in mo rtgage rates and gasoline costs, the department said T he Consume r Price Index increase h~ld Inflation to an nnnual rate of 4 8 percent for the f11-st nin<' m onths of the year. Con s u mer prices r ose 8.9 percent m 1981 and 12 4 percent in 1980 Mo rtgagL· rnt er~s t ra t es tumbled 1.5 percent last month. wh1ll.' gasoline costs fell 0.1 perc.-ent, th<' Labor Deparlment said. But food r osl" 0.5 perc.~nt.. 'rh£' drop was "an overdu e t-orrCC'llon in stock prices" in a "highly volatile market," s'ud nnalyst H ow a rd J. Abne r ot Abrwr Ht'rrman & Brock Inc. "You 've got to put tod &y's 5elloff m its proper peNJX't'UVe," ( ee MARKET, Paae Atl . ----INDEX------, At Your $<-rvi~ AS Ann Lnndl'l-s B2 But1iness 9"-5 Movies 86 Cnvalcad<' 82 Mutual Funds 84 Classified C5-8 National New!' A3 Comks 87 Public Notice~ &tC4·5 Crussword 8 7 Sport1 C l -3 Death Notkt•s C4· Or S tt•1ncrohn 82 EdltoriRl A6 Stoc:k Mark~t.s 86 Entt>rtalnm<'nt 86 Tf'lt>vlAlon 88 Hol'<*Opc 82 ThHtert Be I ntermisslon 86 WeatMI' A2 • ' I ' OrongtJ <.,o 11 DAil Y PILOT / I uosc.luy Octobm 26 19ijl' NB 'rRA NSAl:1~1()N S OVOI A 110 .. \IN(l VOi • •AOl '., .. , ... IUW •O•ll MIOW•U l'Att•ll I'•• •ouo .. IH '•Olf ANO Cl HU HN&" \TO'(• tK(HANO•\•NOll,1'011110 •¥ no NA\OANlttN\flNll • . . Dow Jones Final UP 10.94 CLOSING 1,067 97 Consumer prices drop • c ounty Ill LOS AN(,!'LrS !AP) St pit m l>< t t 011s u1rn 1 111 1h1 populous I "" tht 1l11td ll/11'>4'< lllt\t 1hor 1)1111111111 111 "11d p I l l I S cl I II fJ pt d () i f>l I l (' 11 I A11gl It s Ut ur1gl l 11UntY JI U t 111111itltlv d1 1 l1tH tlt1 II S I tu<.l 1v I ht' d1 op 111 Id 1111 l 2 111•11llh ltd I 111t111 I 1lt tu .i low L! pt 1<• 111 h '.A..1:-. th• 111 ,t lllllt 111 L"l "''"'th ti tla< toJbUllll I J'rtll l11dt X 1111 lht l\A.11 11111111\ Ill I h IS de'\ la11t d th11 t months 111 a tow s ttd H~1t1 1u •11 L il1<11 S liJllsllls s pokt swwn 111 F Jiiii l lt1llhtll 1t\/1 '!ht o i ptru tH dr1Jp in Slpll1nl>< 1 l ,11111 1111 1111 h1, b ol 1 II l p• 111 111 dt-<'lant 111 Au~u,1 111d 1 II l llf tunt d1<linc an luh s lit S<Jtd Steel f ir111 t e lls loss Pl f fSllUH<,II <AP1 Wh11 ling P111 sl1u1 ~h Siu I ( 111 µ 11x:I 1v r<. po1 t1 d a 111 t loss 11f 1111111 th 111 $.!ti 1111llt1Jll 111 $It 77 1 1 ommm1 sh<.1n l•H tht I <1tt..! thud (JU.it lt r Ut pit s::.td ~hq.inu.:nt lt \tl-. l11u plld with .is..-.ou 1tu J upu 1llng 1a l• s .,, 40 J>< 111 nl ol 1 lfJ.Jt11\ .... 111 l •11H111u• l11 p1 o duu.: l11'is1s dt ">p1l1 ~1gntll( •Ill t tdU< t11 111" 111 tusts '"''d Whl1 ling 1'11 1 ... tiurgh lh 11rman D1 nms l am< y Wh11 l111g P11L.,bu1 gh ts 1 h1 n 1tw 11 s 1 1~hth l 11 gt -.1 ;.ll d111 1k1 1 "tth f.aul1111.., 111 l'l llllS\ h 1111 1 Oh1u dnd w, sl V11gsn1.a GM earn s $129 million Db..'THOI r (i\P) Although '><Jll .. ul A111t I ll lt1 ti.Ir!> h;.i\ 1 s u11k to tht 11 lo"t st d ldv r.•tt fot 1111d ()t 1<1lx 1 in 24 Vl uf!> 111du~trv g1 111 1 (,, '" r <11 J\1111111.., Lorp hc1s 11 p<11 ll<.l t multtm1l11<Jt1doll11 pro l11 l•ir th1 th11 cJ qu ctt le r o f J!.182 (,M sotd Monday 1t carntd $1 2H I mlilum 111d dltr1but1 J thl gotn l•> pruf1tabl1 s ubs1d1<1t 1< ~ ttlll t •!>I 1moml <ind wx l n'Cl1t;. Th< outom<iku los t n10111 ' 0 11 thto produt uon dnd sail of l:l~ ;ond trUl k::. ,1n 1 I v::.t::. S<Jtd AMERICAN LEADERS H EW YORI<. IAPI ~•lo )p m p , ( • 1:t-~~t~tw 'ef.ti ~ !~ .:~:n~U\t •tf ~~~;\ f\4t u "-JUv '' ;&' 1~1n.,n4:1 R•no,.,o HI lOO I Oorn•Ptrl J4t .6()() , •• Ch•mp ~ 144 000 J • ~:'a~~~, !g'! = ,: : Al•,k• A rt Al 1'~ t • All ~t"\ J ~ "• c,.,.,t••(')li Ml~ f\ R"''''n1 A 01 l'1 11 METALS NEW YORK tM'I metal proces lud.iy Spo1 nontt"' CopfMr 72 • 75 Ct>nts d l>UvmJ I.I ,. destrnattons lb L•INI 23 26 ~ents a µound Zinc 40 42 cenls a pound aet verea Tin $6 2665 Metal• weea. comp<1s I Aluminum 76 cents a POUl•d N V M•rcury SJ ·o 00 per tta~• Platinum S342 50 $349 00 irov , • c• NY SILVER Handy & Harman S 1001 P<'• 1 ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS By Th• Anoclal•d PrH1 Selecte<l world QOld proces today London morn1n9 I • ng $416 50 ot1 $2 10 London allarnoon l1•tnQ $419 25 ul so 65 Pula atte•noon I • "0 $416 18 oil $7 08 Frankfurt "' ng $4 17 00 oil $3 90 Zurich 1a1e ar1ernoon lmng $4 t9 5(,l up S2 25 o d $4 20 50 asked Handy 6 Harman (oniv <lil ly QUOH $419 25 UP SO 65 Eng•lhard tonty do tv Q<1ntel >4 19 2~. UP SO 65 SYMBOLS • -=~---~c-------------------"'~·-~-;,;;o,..;.;....:L .......... _ ........ _ ................... ___ .., ... ___ .__ .... _ .... __