HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-27 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 1:1111 YOUR HOMETOWN DAllY PAPIR WEDNESDAY. OC TODLH 'JI Hlfll ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 Cl Nl '> Four flee burning bOOt, saved off Laguna F'our JX"'Oplt• Mra111Jt~I 1111 11 ltlt• 1•:1Ct for mort' th.tn ;1(1 111111ull•l> Wt•rt.• n·s..·ut'O Tut•l>J ,1y t•v1·m111o( tlff tht• l·oust ul Lu~u11,1 &·.it·h whtlC' tht•tr plt•asu11• tTJ£l burrwd ;ind sank in di.Juul ll ll ft·t·l ol watt•r Tht• VC'SSl'I, I.I 42 "·••t 1·.1bll\ • 1·1 u1-.1•r 11lll n l N1•wp111 t B1-.11 h . "'l'lw rury." C'l'llpl•·d II\ t l.11111•:0.'al ,1h1111t ti ·I.> p 111 111u~hl v :rnu v.11d-.11ll E1111•1.1ld H.1v, 111111h ul L.1guna f3t•,1d1 Eug1•111• M11ltn.1r11. ,1 N1·\.\ pot I Ht-.ll'h n ·:o.1th.>nt and 11w111·r of 1h1· hoat, t11ld authorillt'!> h1• and h1-. Homes 1n Irvine for retarded come under fire By GLENN SCOTT Of Ille Dally Piiot Stan Several dozt.•n n•s1d1·n~ uf .1n Irvcnt.' homeownt•rs' assuc1atcon protested Tuesday a non-profit group's plan to l<x«Ht· two homl'S f o r t h e r I:.' t a rd t' d 1 n t h l' 1 r neighborhood. But Irvine City C o uncil m embl•rs a nswerc·d· that they found no need to at•t on L'harges fr o m the Gr ee ntrct.> Homeowners' Asl>oc1at1o n that the two homes would not fit the· neighborhood 's singlt•-family character and would violate association regulat10ns. Sutton Extended Care Sl'rv1ces is bidding to buy the two homc•s 1n Grt>entree. a tra('l o f 626 houS<'S west of Wdlnut Avt•nut· and 1·a:-.l or Culv1·r Unv1· .. Hid J thud h111111 · 111 1warby lx·l·rlwkl llowt•\'t•r , Suttoi1 Pn·:-.11h·r1t Dl.•n •k Loft :><ml .ii t1•1 thl· lw,ff.11)( that d !Jw:-.ull f1l1~I Mu11tl.1\ by 1h1· tw11 nl·1ghlm1 huod g1 ;,u p~-. n11gh1 kilt h1:-. non-pwl11 group':. ath•mpt to buy th1· thn·t· house:- Tht· h unws an· tu bt• f 1 nam·t·d thruugh a -10-yt•ar. $515,000 loan frnm a fl·dl·ral D1•p.i1 t111t•11t ul I IPu~ing .ind U rbJn Dt·vl'h1plll1·1ll 1llUD1 E.<;(.TO\.\ 1:-. :-.<·ht·dull'd lo doM' Nov I. hl' :.cud If th1· law!>UI t hl.1t k:-. t h1 · purt h..1:-.1" tlw f1·u1•r.il L1gt·111) 111ay withdraw its lo.in. :-.11d Luft. adding. "If we h;oivt· 111 -.l•11 t fr1;111 S<:ratd1 again, I bt.'llt'\ t w1•1l lo-.i· tht· HUD m imt•v " I ee IR\'11'\E, Pagt' A21 Pelican destroyed; • • • 1n1ur1es too severe By J OEL C. DON Of rhe D.itr Not 8taif A mutila te d brown pelican t h at turned up M o nday 1n R t'dondo Beach had to bt' destroyed due lo its injuries. according to a statt• Fis h and Game Department ofhc1al The death is the host among the 11 maimed birds that have been captured during th!! past two weeks. said Dl•"'G spokesman Ra l ph Young. Autho rities believe angry f1sht•rmt>n may have cut or c hopped off the upper beaks of as many as 15 pelicans 1n the Dana P o int Harbor area. The p elican's beak was partially severed and the nasal passage cut. leav111g the bird in extreme pain. Young said . Hawthorne veterinarian Ric k Woe rpe l, who performed prosthetic surge ry on another mutilated peltcan in Laguna Niguel Sunday, dec ide d the animal could not be saved "It was a value Judgment on my part to put the bird out of its misery," Woerpel said The situation ts a little brighter for the other mut1lawd pelicans that have been found Nmc birds are being cared for at Crown Valley Animal H ospital sn L aguna Niguel a nd a 10th pelican. that had apparently flown to San Diego Harbor. is at Sea World. DFG officials say they have no way of determining the exact number of mutilated pehcans .. I hope there aren't any more," Young said "It's bad enough as it is." AP Wlraflflolo At the Crown Vallt•y hospital, veterinarians surg1,·ally attached an art1fic1a l beak tcJ o ne bird appropriately dublx'<.I Pinocchio the Pelican. The animal doctors hope Pmocch10 will b<> able to return to the wild. though they fear the fiberglass pros thesis (Ste PELICAN, Page A2J Newpori election BY STEVE MARBLE Of IN 0.-, Not ..... It's election season in Newport Beach aud all the dignity and restraint of city government has been pushed aside for another h igh-stakes poltllcal shootout. In the tradition of past City Council races. the election has been punc tuate d with mud- slinging. five· flgu:e spending sprees a n d a r e n ewal of the growth/no-growth debate. Four of the seven council seat.a will be filled Nov. 2 and cn the waning days of the contest, more than $11 0,000 has lx>tn spent by the nine candidates wooing the voter. Candidates run m dtStm·ts but are elected on a citywide vote. The most expensive• contest 1s between Mayor Jackie Heather and challenger David Grant. an attorney who has spent nearly double the $22.000 that 'Ht>atht-r has raised. ----lllDEX---- Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notice. B2 B4 AS A3 AB.B.1,87-8.0S Sporu Stock Markc-" Televlllon Thee ten Weather .. 01 -~ A9 86 84 A2 At Your S<'rvk't' 8uafne1111 Cavalcade Cluslfled Cornlea Croe.word Dteth Notl"" F.dhorial Entert.alnm<>nt food Horoecope ' ' A5 A8 82 0 5-8 85 & OS AlO 84 C1·12 Bl tltn·•· 11111111.1111111.-. •n··d t11 f114h1 h.11·k 1h1· llilllll'' \\llh 1111· t•id111i.;ui-.l11·1-. l1ut i.;.1v1• up ,ti I• 1 '1'\'l'I .ii 1111111111"> ,11111 -.1•t t•llt Ill .1 111hll\·1 lift 1.tll Oth1•1, .tl .J11.11d 1h1· v1·-. .... ·I. 11•pw t1•tll v l1t-.1dt•d I 111111 l>a11a l'•lllll to Nt •WJ>t •l I I l.11'11<11 . v.1•11• 1d1·11l1l11·d ...... 111<· M1 ·11 'C'I . :1;.!, 111 11 v1111" .Ja111111· Md >011;ild, :.!7. 111 s .• II I •• J\ II •• •• 11 d M .• I v Kh•1tli• 11111 .... :.! I. •11 (·,,..,tu M1 ·-..1 1\11 ()r.1ni.:1 · County Slw11f 1·, I l.1 111111 l '.1111.I 't111kt·:-.m.1n 'dl<l !\l'\'t•1,il lll'llJlll· ll'Jllll lt•d M·1·111g lht 1111111111~ liu.1t a11d 11111• man t'Vt•11 lr11·d 111 -.w1111 11lll to tli1· l'ldfl Bv tlll' 11111•· tlw < '11,"t < ;u.1rd I ll\ t~•I 1'11111 I 1)1 VII It· oil 11 Vt•tl 1111 1 lw "'t'IH'. lilt' t L1l1111 1 I lll'!'I wa:-. l'llijull(·d 1n tl.11111·..,, th1• :o.µokt•MlHlll :-,;i11l It w.1 !> .1111t1 h1·1 h.d f hvur l1t•f1111 ll"•t'Ul'I"' W l'll' ,11)f (• 10 l11<';•t1· 1h1• hll' ,.,11 1111 Ahalonc• 1'11111! '('t11• llWlll'f I l 'f.llJl tt~ly told JUth1111tw-. 111' l111dt hJJ bt>('n h,1v1ni-: 11 J11:11111:.:-.11111 pr 11l1l1·ms. 111,11 1h1 · l JU~· ul tl11· 1111· w,1:-. not 1111111t·d1atl'IY known Dally Pllol Pholo br Gary AmbroM "'"1\o . 1 •· \n ·lu·r \\aH·~ to Laguna motorist!-! in his role a · tht• cit y's 1H'\\ ~n·t'lt·r. '""I ~H\\ a 1H'ecJ and I filled it," h(' expla in . He 's 'No. J,' but only No. 2 greeter By STEVE MITCHE LL 0 1 , ... Oallr Piiot Stan lit'', c·allt.U The Nt'w GrH•t('r ldt'n ll<:a I t w 111s That wa::. tht• lu:.t tt11ng Mr and Mr:-. Not by l:'Vl'rybody ht• grt•t.'t.s, mind you Some uf them call him unprintable names Otht•rs point at him with a finge r that doc-:. not signify "No I " To his tTed1l, Nu. I d0t.-s not appc;,ir 1.o be homing in on the old Dane's popuJanty "I'm not trying to portray somt•thmg I'm not." the beardc'Cf n t>w g rt'l'tl·r say:-An:ht•r 1•xpc.-<:lt:<l wht·n tht boy-. WPrt• born ~I VP<tr. J,'tll tn Culton wood T <·x A-; :1 11·-.ult. 111-. h,1,tilv ":nbbh·d h1nh t•t•rt1f1 t·all• rt.'ads. "No I Unnamt'\J An·h1·1 " But No I JUSt laughs and shouts,"! love• you ... tu his motoring antagonists. "But a s far as wJlking the pa1h hl' (Larsen) waJkC'd and filling <1 trad1t1on I saw a vacan<.·y. I f111Pd 1t. and I f111d 1t fulf1lhng " · Nu i ·.., lin1tht·1-. .i:-. you 1T11Khl h;1v1· g ul'!-.st•d , w..i:-cluufull\ l1stt•d as "Nn 2 Unnan1t-d Art'ht·• .. No I :.till gOl·s hv \\ h:1t'-. nn tlw l11rth c·t•rt1fi1.·Jtl'. l'\'l'll though h1 :-. p.1n·nt' l'Vl•ntu.1lly got .irou11d to g1\'mg t ht• twin:-. mon· nJnv1:nt1011cil f11,t 11umt·' You S<'t'. No I "gets his e n('rgy" from tlw ~milt'$ h1.· pUL'> on pt'Oples' fa('eS. Tht· 11nt'l> gmng to work 1n tht• morning The rnws wk mg the kids to schcx.•1 The ones ... tut k 111 blot:ks -long traff11.• ,ams "No one's h1reod nw. no on<' pay:-me' a salary. I work for c•v1·rvbod\'." ht• savs. sm11ti1g through a p;,ur 'or ni1~1ng front ll'i'lh And the rl':.pnn.-.t• tu d.1ll' h.ls ht'1'11 g11od. No I savs. But in Laguna &:.11. h . N11 I h;i:-. .wqu1rt'd J nt·~ n,1ml' as hi· -.t~ond' on lht• -.1ch·w.ilk. wav111g ancl pwnt1ng to pas .... mg mnt11rtl>L' and p<•rpl t•xt'll ~·dt..,tn.111:-. But. lt•t'-. l<it'<' ll Eller Larst.>n hc>'s not Thi· origurnl Greelf'r, who died seven Vl'i:•I"> .ign. wai. tx•lovc'CI by Lagunans and \'1s1lor:-. who lcx1kl•d forward to his hl'arty "Ha 111101111 llnw ArrrrrPt'<'l' Yoooo." for mor1· I ha11 th n •t• dt·l·adc·~ nn Laguna· s str•'1 ·t~ "It's the most n·wclnltng thtn~ l'v1• t•vt•1 Jone." hP says lit-dcsc·ntX·s h1~ sll"l'<'t m1n1:-.trv a:-:-on uf CJ "llml' out" for motorisL-; · (See GREETE R. Page A2 I AirCal's Clifford seeking new career t\1rt';1l Prc·..,1 d c•nt H11h1·rt Cit Hurd, to lea\'l' ht:-µiist Wllh tht> Nt•wport &•ach lk1°"•d 1·.1rrll'r Dl'<· I. -.;ml hl' will pun..uP .1 nt'w ('Jrt•c•r o uts1 dt• the• <11rl1nt• 111dustrv Cit ffi:ird. 61 1s a fornwr U S Air Forn• pilot who c;tnw to thr fledgling airline 111 1968 :rnd was n a m l' cJ pr c· s 1 d t• n l an cl c· h 1 d rxecutivc• thn't' yc•an.. latt•r He a nnounct'CI ht!> r<'S1gn:1tron Tucsclav, lf'SS than a wc>t·k ,1ftcr A1rCal imvt•llNl plan~ for a maJUr r o ut<' rra lignmPnt l<'av1ng markc•ts 111 Las VeRa!>, Ph1X'ntX, F'n·:-no and Mu nlt'r<·\'. whtlt• adding flight s to t•1ght otlwr dt>~l11rn t 1on!-. In .inuthc·r t't1St-l·utt111g n\O\'t'. th<· a 1rt1 n c· w 111 I av o ff :l 0 9 employt'\'S lx·fon· tht· ·<·nd u f th1· yPar mdudmg :!9 pilot~ l;c•n W1l11am Lyon. eh;11rman o f thl' board and t·o-nwnrr . will t.akl• ov<'r as prC>s1d1•nt Clifford sa id hl· ha:-bl't'll pmntin~ toward rt•t1n·mt•nl for c1 y c· a r a n d h 1 s d e c 1 s 1 o n 1 s tndt>pcnd<·nt of thl' rc't't•nt movt-s al A1rCal Ht· will continue· to work a:-a 1·0 n ~ u It ant Co r th<' a 1 r I in e. wurking in government and pol1 t1 eal ('l rcles Ht• sa id he intt•nds to start a nl'W t·ar<'C'r in a non -av1at1on field but. at the m o mt• n t . 1 s u ndt'l' Id t•d on Sp<'< I f l<.'S "I think the timing is right," Cl1frurd s:11d 1n a telc•phone 111tc·rv1c·w "Wp'n· gmng through LI maJo r change in our route scht•dul<'. building cn streongth and pointing toward prnf1tab1hty. It's a.,t~ood time to pas..-. on the rt>1n~ Lvon. 59. lwgiin his aviation ('3 rl'c·r with Fronllt·r A1r1111ci. and re<.'l'ntly completed a four .year term as c hwf of tht• Air Force R<.'Sl'r\'l'S Lvon also heads tht> Wilham L yon Co . ont· of thl' larg est rcs 1d('nt1al home builders in Caltfornrn Clifford. a S~tn Clt-nwnte rcs1dC'nt, prC'v1ously Wal> a pilot with Northwest A1rhm'!. and IS ot•t1ve 1n numerou s cl\'tt· and gove rnmC'nl organizations A1rCal 1s an mtc>rstatt• t•arner that has a fleet of &it.•mg 737s and DC -9 Super tHls gloves off and pocketbooks open At 52. Heather 1s a City Hall veteran. She was elt'C'll'<i to the rouncil 1n 1978. selected mayor m 1980 and has served on both the city planning rommis.'>ion ond the now defunct South Coast R<>g1onal Coastal Comm1ss1on JIN eampa1gn stratc·~y has bc·cn to highlight the positive th111~s that hav1· happcnl.'d in the d ty during her s tint as mayor and to indirectly brush off G rant os a "no-growth. anll-busml'S."" cand1dntc. "The ('tty ne<'ds c•xpt•rlNlt.'e right now," she nott'd during a recent mtc·rvif•w "My opponent ill v('ry l(rt'<'n. Ht• dtM•sn't have tht! 1.•1<pt•r ic>nc1• or the llC'('t•ss that I h i.VI' .. She SDld thnt Gront has o potcnuol c'Onnlct ot lnl.C't'C"At In his ~lntit>t\Ahlp with the Commlttct' n t ~0 00 , the g r oup o f homeowners who arc righting the Irvine Company owr &nnual lc11se fees they mu11t pny Grant. 35. Is A 11e111or parLn,•r In a Nl'wport Beach law firm and has spent m ore than $43.000 trying to gl'l the nome identity ht· nN'Cls to unseat Heatht'r Grant sa id a po ll he comm1ss1 o ned s howed that Heathe r has be t ter name reocogn1tion 111 Newport Beach than Tom Bradley does m Los Angel('s. He added that the poll dOl's not indicate how much of Heothc>r' recogn ition ls positive. "I think 1n tht' lallt couple> ot years sh<>'s been going downhlll in dealing with cit1it•m," Grant chnrgC'Cf. "She'!I out of tOuc h and h as s h o wn a lo c k o f prof<'SSionalh1m In how ~ht' g008 nbnut l{<'llin~ things done." Grant 1s not de fensive llbout his relationship with the (;nmmillt'\' of 4000 lie> !181d he did lt•l(ol work for the group. 11 v <' !I o n I r v 1 n t• C o m p & n y l<'a.whold land hlm."dt end did u8<' the oomm lu K' nwmb\•rs hlp as n a prlngboord f o r h is l'ampnlgn . , "But thnt Is no t ' a -.ovcmment issue. It 1s a legal issue and it certainly won't color my thinking in deali ng with the lrvine Company. I am unbiased toward the Irvin<' Company " Though they may mix words. H('ath e r a nd G r a nt a r c not dramatically apart on issues such as the airport, growth and traffic the staples of the elt'Clion. H ea th er voted f o r the t·o ntroversial Banning Ranch d<'V<'lopment and. in retrospect said the approved pla n was or excellent compromise. She d~ shaJ"t' some <.-oncem with othe~ th•t d('velopt'r William Bannln~ ahould give c ltl&en s some Indication what he Inte nds to dt" wl\h the remaining 42~ acrt'I of his rAnch. Crnn t does n o t favor th'e 8ppr ovtd plan but 11ld the pr sent t.unlng on the land tour dwt'llln,g unl\3 per j(rt -la unf4lr tu dt'w lof)('r BannlnfJ. lfl mnk lnl( h.-r pitch for re- e lection , Heath er haa poin te d con atantly ta the S4 million \ cleanup in the Upper Newport Bay. the ('On stru('tion ot the Newport Bay bridge· and the city 's ll'ga l victory over the operators of John Wayne Airport as some of her ach1eove.ments. Grant's response 1s that her odm ln istrat1on has also been hlt by two referendums. an Indicat ion. ht' said, that things in City Hall all aren't going so well. Although some candidates have to lked privately about Heatht'r's recent stroke. Grant 'said he hM gone out o f hts way not to dwell on the mayor'• health and does not consider It a n is.sue. Heathc•r, who lmpres."ied even her hard<'•t crltil's with h e r sl)ffdy r tum to City Hall. a.aid h@r health 1Ji flnt' and the only llnrcrtng remlndl!r o •light Ump. Th.-council battle ht-tween incu mb nt Paul Hummet a nd. challenacr Bill AJee In Co del Mar la tht> muddi8\ of all, 1'\on-1top f'xchanga of ad~tJvet. Aace, 4 ~. a orof~ulon (Ste ELECTION, Pate AS • I 1 f . •I 1:.(2 s 1 IRVINE DI PlJTE. • • Th"' SulhJh t(1 11up, 1u1111t'll ul lt•1 roft•:.."0 11111 k 1wh.11l fJltdwt ll1111 uHon, w h o ,..uppl)rli. d i'. ·ogr111ni., aln·.1dy ha~ rt·1·1•1v t•d f {'i.' {'Xlt'llMUllS I flllll II u I> 'l'h1• t andudt•d U \'l-,1IVl'I fu t llll' up to huy t ·>Ol>llllg h 11111t·:.. 111 rvint• rnth(•r tlwn 11nl .. r111g 111·w nnes thn>ui(h llw Ir v11w l'o , a ' o riginally 11111•t11lt•d Loft stud lt111 ~1 11up 1·x.1m1111•d • about 150 s1·1>..ra11· lhlUs t·::. 111 1111 p;.1rts u f lrvirw hdon· ,·nt1•n11g .111 ..igrl't:'rlll'rll 111 huv tht • 1·u1t1•111 th r l' l' B t' 1· 11 u :-.. <' 11 I l 1 m 1• l'OllStraanl.b. h OWl'Vl'I . lw """ 111, g r 0 u p h ii d II u I 1111 I I r t I'd h o m eownt•rs· groups ahuut 1ls • In t e n 1 1 o n t o p I a l" 1• ' 1 x developmc nt<c\lly d1sabl<.'tl f.X'U plt· and two h vt•-111 ··parc-n l.b" in t•a t h of the thret< units That la c k of t·ontat·t up~t·I r\ieighb o r s who 1·anw to tht• '('E'l ing in drov t•:. not to a rgul' h e m e r 1 t s o f h l' I p 1 n g 1 h t:' I andicapp<'d. th l•y said. but to object lo what tht•y t·alll•d ;.i p~cede nt-sett ing tntrus mn uf their n t:'ig hborh()od by n o n - side nual fadh ttcs. "l think w h a t wc'rt• against ti m ost is t o be s urpnst•d by I . u s tries coming in that Wl' t nk are c o mm(·r t'ial," s a i d Green tree n·s 1dt•nt V1•r11o n "Bud" Pay n e . 01 panie l H oover. a...">SOl:1a11on Vll"l ' •An~sident . s a id rl•s 1dC'nt s (1rs 1 .,~gan leanung o f Suuo n 's int1•n1 11\o,,l>uy the ho m t'S two wN·ks ago .~~qm ano n y m ou s t•allt•r:. Aflt•r tha t, res1d1·n ts ronw<·Ll'd Sutton 1R~icials for an <•xplanauo n . ht· .• ~~sf. .,.: tfts gro up contends 111 1\'o ., t 11 .GREETER. • • '•'I l11w ,111t I 1h•d Ill l lt ollljoll' l '1111111' S11p11 1111 <.'11Ul'l tlo.11 tlll'1\111111•°' ol11 11 111 111 t•1•I ~111d1 •l1 111•,_ 111 1 II •td1•111t,if II • I.oil .i nd l 0 1t y t'1111111 ii lllt'lllht•I ' .11,,1.:1 l'I'" I.id I li:1s1•d h1, 11111111 1111 1111 ·' t •·• 1·111 ,11111· .q1p1·;il, 111llll 1111111 •! I l "\"~111/111~ SIX fWl ,1111 h llll\4 '' 1111 lht• h 1111d11·.q ,111·d .1·. llll'l'l l tlg r1•s1d1·nt1.il n~1l11n·1111 •1 1t' Mav11r I .;irry 1\..:1.111 ""d .. t.111· g u1de•l1111'' w1•r1• l11t111 1·d t 11 1°1\t"ll U I ;q {t ' ,d ll'I 11 ,il I \'I "' I 11 111 .. 111u1111n,1l 1·.11·1· fo r the• d1 .... 1hh•d 1lo\\'1·v .. 1, 11·:.1d1•111 E.11 11· H1<·h rno nd da111H·d th..1 1 1h1· Sutto n h11m 1•' w n uld t•aus1• .111 ,1\'l'I agt• $1:1.ClllU lo:.:. lo p rop1•rt' v,d u 1·, 111 t h 1· ti:!ti h111111•, 1n t: 11·1·nln .. ·1· ··onn• 1h .11 ''·" b ," h1• .... 11d . "'lht•rt• e;111 111\I\ bl• <1 do wn"' .int s p1nil lll 1h1· \'Jiue o l 11u1 hurm~ ·· I o l'11u1111·r that ,1r gumc 11t, o ff1n•r, o l !ht· He g w n.ol Ct•nt<•r 11( l )r a n gtc• l'o11 n1 y p ..... s t•d 11ul s um111:111t'" ut s u1 Vt·~'" tll l our 1·111\1 111u 111t11•, 1111t1 1inwtd1• 111 w h 11· h Ill• p ro IH· rt y v a I u 1• d1·pn·e1al1t1n was d 1s1·uv1•n •d 111 art•a , with hurnt':-. lur 1h1· dtS<Jblt·d Thl' R1•g11111.tl Ct•ntc 1 " und1•r :-11.111· 1·unlrm'l 10 monitor hc-alth n m · for Ora11g1· l'11u111:v·, d1•\'l'lopm1m ta lly d1~blt·d S .11J L u ft "Thl' ,., . ._,t1 1· o pportuntty 11f lho!K' hom1·:.. will n 11t bl' 1m pug1wtl bt•c.ius1· 1111' ft'dt·ral go\'1•n111w111 cl~·s n ot u \\ 11 tht• h o m l':. S ullun o w m. U11· hun1l'' .in d w e• p .1v t lt l' mortgag1· ·· L u ft :.aid h 1 ~ g r u uµ h J )o pla nm·d 10 build 30 sut h h o m1·' rn Ora n gt• County 1, ··It's taking tht• llmC' to bt· with !>(1mt·on1· even 1f it's JUSt for a n ins tant," ht• '"ttd. , b ts green eyt.'S flas hing .,, •• "It's a mmust·u lc· break. llkl' ,1 l·offrt· 1t>reak Cor thos1.• on Lh1· h ighway·· 1111,.BcCorC' ht· d1s<:ardl'<J most of h1:. w o rldlv pj.)8Se5S1o ns. Nu I w a' .i Navy man (or 11 ;,f)(Xlcm yc<ir.... a nd l.it1.·r v.·<ts " eo11k ,ilxwrd 1.tvna boaL, anJ a .;p1sm11 n •,1•ard1 n·:.."·I H e t'Vl'.'n 0 1w r,1tt>cl ht:.. o wn li.·a u t v ..;;t11.r1:.. ~D •. San 011.·go. but hi" '"Yl--h 1-; 1.·urn•n t 1ypeallon 1s w t•krnning rno turasu. to th1• Art J;µlony J 1• ;·M y food a nd '>ht•lu:r l"t>nW!> from l;od ~ugh a ll m y (rlC'nds," he S<jys 11f h is n1.·w Jli'4Chhood "( h a v1.• no m o m ·y rn my pcx:k c•t !§Ind I don't kno w whl'rt' m ,v d1nm·r·~ t'Ommg from tonaRht •• ~"''But," hi'.' savs s miling aga in. ··mv nc"t'<i!> 'Mii be m et ·· "' ~· An h ow Jun~ dot~ N o I pldn Iv l"Unttnu 1· his strc.·t.'t s..iluwuoru. 111 L aguna &·.J1•h '' I'"" , , , ··H o w lon g h ...iv1• I ~ol clod or··· lw .... ,k.., ,j~cming o n h is l'<tnc d nd laughm~ 1: •'I have n o o t ht•r p u rpo M· for l)!·tng tit.in ~his,'" h e answl·r ' .. ........... -~ , .... .-. - -----.. .. _..,. ..... ~ . --AP Wlrepholo (>hi i' iou~ lo n ·c·c·11 I ... aorm~ "h ic·h ha' c· "n·akc·cl haHH' 011 lhc· c·a ... 1 c·oa~I urul clump••tl rai11 arul """o" 011 1 lw 11 a 1 iou '.., i11lt•rior. a c·ouplc· c·c·lc ·hnHc• a ultlmn '' ilh a k i..,~ on alw lwac·h a t i\Ltlilua . PELICAN DESTROYED. • • From Page A 1 n ught rip o il\\ 111'11 ll11•l111d d1\1' 11llo tht· ~l'<l tu hunt f"h Yo ung pt·ltt·•lfl:-. slu m t.1111· II .11 111 hum.ons a n d o ftt•n \\di ... 11.1td1 ,, I rt•t• tllt0 <.1l 11f li v 1• .111eh 11\ 1• ., It 11111 h.tll t,11\\,., Ill I \"• II di\ I • .t I• I t"l1111lll't1,, .111 h S11111t 111111·, tl11 h111b ).(•I 1.111glt~I 111 l1,l1111g 11111 ' .ind '" h 1'1 l1l .11t p11pul.111011" .tlung tho ( '.11111111\1.• 111,,...\ 11.1\1 111·1 11 111< lt'•"lllg I 11IJ11\\ Ill).( t h1 11,111 111 11,,. 111 ·,11nd1 l>I >T 111 th1 , .11 I\ 711 .. '\\•u11g .11ld1·tl Th· .... ·.111'1 1111 th 1 IMl'\1111 llt I" 11pl1 I ' ')1111\ ... 1 h it I •'I 1111 11111til,1t11tll'o I' tlllllltllllll).! Ill tho IJ.11 1.1 l'111 111 ll.1tl1"I ...... Tiii u ~ r .... 11 .111t1 \\'t1o111t • s. 1, 11, (i,1:0. 11l ll•1 1d ,1 ~.1IHllJ 11 \\,tt d l11t 1111111111.0\11111 l1·.1d1111-: '" 1111· 11111\'l\'llllll 111 .o ll\11111 Ill 111" l•"I 111 .1dd1111111 ,, ..,. l'·•t .111 N.0111111.ol .\uol1 il 11i11 S1111•·t' 11 ".11 d I 1111d h ·I' '\\ 1 · II 1 d t 11 :!-1\ t II JI l \\ I I Ii ol1111.•l l11t" 1111111 ·" f.11 .t ... 11 ...... 1..11 · , •I \\'."h111g11111 B 111\\ II '" I 11 •• "' .11 .. 1111 I Ii, 11 d1·1,d 1•1ltl.111g1 I1 d "f•t·l"ll'' Ii• t A11v11111· e1111\11 1t•d of killi ng 111 111JU• 111).t t lw l11rd .. m .1y b t :.Ub)l'\ 1 \11 ,1 $.!11,0llll lttlt ,11\d Ill ,1 \l".11 Ill J<•il Al"' th•· ,t.111· 1011,1d1•1' •It• btr ti' .1 pl 11h·1 II d 'IX ll• ' UAW head laud no-strik tH:'l'H<HT IA l'I t 'ti1,,lt 1 <'11 11> w111 k 11 -. 1A l1t1 vi.to ol uv• 1 w l11•h11111glv .. g.1111,1 ,1, 1k111g '"' .111 1111 1111·d1.ol•· 11.1\ ........ . ,,111111ld 'd11 lw·lll•1 111 .J.111u.1r y" •t i 1111• 1 1.11 1<••111111~ l.ilil1·, -..1~' l lw 111 ,1d o l tit•· l l 11 1t1·tl A 111 11 W11r k1 '' It w;" tit• 111111·11 11!11-.1•111 ~~1v1 ·11 .ol l tlt1 1·111 llltt,1.1111 ,.,, •1.11d l I 1\ w I' I I"'' Id I II l l) I Ill H l.1:.. t\ , ........ I .o111·1 1.111k .111d Iii• wou k1•1, v11l1·d Tw·"l11v 11\ 111111< 11!.111 ,, :1 I 111.11 ).(Ill .11-(.1111 .. 1 11111 1111: I"' k1·1 11111·' 1h11111H t l11 lt11!11 l.1 \ ,, ..• ,on I JtllOll ft •,1111•" I .1lli•cl 1111 11111 d,o\ I l'l•·11·111lt1111 .it II t l 111 \,I• r \\I II k ' I ' II v l ' I \\ Ii I I 111 111 g I \ t , Jl'I \1·d ,, pl "JI"" d I 1111 I1 ;11 I Ill g111 1:11t•d Ill S 1·p ll•111h1·1 t h.11 1111 Judi d IHI llt1 11l1•d1,1t1 \\ ,fj.(I' vote 1111 11',J" u ltl1111wh 11\A,1,,1111· l1r>o.1 111111 1.111 Ill ll11 11 v1•,1" lh.1l dtd 11111 ,..,k IAlll k1•1' 1111 I 111111''-'11111"4 ·· 1 I" ·Ill·\•,. 1 lo,11 w 1 1 .111 d u l.11 ll1·r 111 .J.11111.11 v l h,111 w•· d1u in S o fl 11•111 h1•1 ," · t-' 1 .1:.1 ·1 "ild a t 1>1 IH'W'> 1 lll]f1 1 l •flt'I' 'f'Uo•-.<l.1 y lll~(h t (>f l11 1.i l ''''"''' '" th1 I • 11•11 11d 11111 wl111 It ..... k 1•d .i1l111W111 ko•I °' 111 I 1111'1"1' 114•\Wl•('ll .. , , I k 111 ~ .1 11 d w" I k 111 H ll 11 d t' I I'. 111 1'> 111 .i 111111 I .11 1 th ,11 1•X p11 1•d S o pt I 't w1•11 · :.!~1 ll.111 t11 I l.~811 .tJ:.1111•,1 ·''II tk1 Ill fill •\ j/4"11 i'lll \O .\I 11 1w11 1 111 1lw I 'AW .,,11tl W1 .111 l'.1-tlll H d Thu111J' J\ll1w1 l 'h" ''" "" 1111 ·...,d1 111 o l llidlhll 1.ol 11 l,1111111' .... 11d Ill ,1 .l.1!1 1111111 \\1 I~ lll'VI ,1 '\11k1 • 0•1:.1111 .. 1 tilt • •111q1.111\ "'"uld h.1v1 lo.111 ~· 111111' 11111.,1·1 1u 1·111 ,., .111tl \\11uld h.1\1 1' op.11 d111·d tl u-JOii" •ii .oll ( ·111 ,,1, 1 1 111plov• ,., Marathon meetings bug cable worl<.ers l:h HOBERT BARK ER o(the D•llr Piiot Slaff I .111·;d 1·<1l1ll \e·l1 •\'1"11111 """ 111 I ' Ill )J I 11 ~ 1°<'" l" l.11 111 I 111 \ .o I I ,1tll11111g (1 11111 h u 1n11ut ;ol11•r ''"''t111g Jll'l l \\11 ll u 111111 gt1111 g, ,,, h c·11 ' t'11l1t 11 ii 11wl'l111g-. Both "'""11111' ,1;1t l1 d . .t 7 :111 I• 111 l\l u1HJ.1\ ,111d l."\o·d 1111111 , ,1i,11ht11111 '"t 111 .it I :Hr .1 111 'I u1 .... o1.,, \\'e 'v1· 111·1 11 d 11111g 1111 ... ·" o1 p1tliJ1t 11 l.1111111' 1·1f11r I ' ,,11d ~.,.., 1111 :\111111.J p r11gr.1111 111.111.1g1 I 1 • , , 1 1 1 , 1.. 1 n , 11 11 1 • ... , r 1 , l'.dil1 ,,,11·111 ... 1111 \\ 1111 h l1111,111t ..... i, lh1 °'h11\!.' 11\1 11\"t'I I h.111111 I I'.! ••()111 l\\11 \lllltrlle•tl \,ltlll'l,1 n ptl ,1\nt' ll.i\'t 111lrn 1111 d 1111 I Ill"' 111 11111 t"lllllltlg li,11 k U11Jo·,, tl u 111111111g" gt·l 11v11 .11 II p 111 111 '°I "Tiu' ... 1.11111 Ill 11111 'I"'' tl11 I 11\111 -.1\ h11ur .... 111d lilt\ I •• 11 I 11111\1 Ill t.1!.1· tl1l'tl h.111d , 1111 1h1 I 0 11111 I ,I 1\1111.ld .... 1td th.ti l11Ut p.11d I 1l1Jllll\l 1 'o. l ll t 'llldllli.! •I '" 1111111.011 d11t'(1111 .ond 1·tl1t111 111 I 111·1 l fllJI Ill l\\11 1·1gll1 h 1o111 ... htll' I II\ 1I111g t h t· 1\1 1111d,I\ 111gh1 'l\11•:..d.iv 1111n nrng " .. , ... 1111" lk1 ;,u ..... 111 1lw11 I.it•· h11ll1 "· lhl \ d1d11 I r1'p 11rt tu w11rk 11 n l1I 1101111 Tu{·Mh.1 ' (;1·n c·ral M a 11.1 ~1·1 l>oug(J , Hrn,k t·1inf11 l\1td th.11 l lH· loni.t 111unul nw•·t111g:.. ··,,,.. 1 ..1u. .. m g ,, ol 1 ,1 111 111 1 •1111 n· .. 11u 11·1·' a nd 111·1,111111• I " 11 1 ,.q ol 111 "'"' l.1k 1·n b v -.w p1 1 ,1 1,, 1lw l1 11 g th o l th1· tlll'l'l lllj,!!.. 111111111.( i\lt I \111g:, 111 11\111 I I 1111 '°' :111 • 11,\1,oll\ lJ\'( t "111 .Oii l11i11t Ill \\\II ll111lt l<1111k .111d At 1111ld :Jl:-.11 ' :>.jH 1 , ,1 ·d d11l1IJb lli.JI ,,11,IJlll i;, \'o,1\• lt111g lho jllfl).(l.0111 .1\ I ~1 rn '\I I\" I llo 11 ;\I ,o ll ti.. ...:11 d 'l'tll ol,1\ 111 l11'l .1llll ·•" "" "' lh1 pt 1111(1 111 \\ h1•11 111 l11 ·,111J t lu IWll 1.111111.1 .. ,,. t.01111 .. •11111pl.1111111~ .olJt111t lh1 lung 1111"• t111g 111 ,,11d 1111\\' \ • r t)1<1t tli1 t I I I 11 t Ill.I I ,st li1111 1111 •1·I1 Ilg!> ,1rt• 1111' 1•\11 pl1•111 t .111111 th.on 1h1 r 1111 .11111 Ii• • \p1 eh '4 '"'Ill'> 111 Ix • 11111f1h t.-d 1,, 11 ,, 111 11r '" "h111 111.IJ'll "'Uf '.111 Ii"'""' d 'I• h \ '"" 111 1111111.ol;-ho pt th.it d.t\ I' 'oll<Jll I 11111111)..! \A.'o \I )11 I II ,1 J 1 t t l1 bt t Ill pl I"" ...... id 1\11111ld \\"t ol1111 I h.1v1· tl11 r11.1n1w1\\1·1 1111 th• 11 mg 1111 1"1111).(' N11hoth ·, 111.1d S111111 t hing \\iJI b, \\11r kt'll llU\ 1\ l.11 g1 tut 1111ut 111 r 1·-.1cl•·nb ·'Piii ,ot o•d .ot :'-l 1111d.1 ~ night'::. 11w1·t111).( l11 lllt111111·n t on rn11btll· h11n11 · p;1rk 111111ng . .oc quhttion of .• lwl1port ... 111· .111d d1 ·\·1·h1pm(·n~ '"' 111u11d111~ .1 11n1lnJ\·1·r,10:1l p<irk I' .11 t 11 f 1 h 1• ,1 g (' n d a w <i ~ ',onn·llt•d bt•t au....i• of the'.' late h11ur 1ntlud ing ;ic•l run 0 11 thr l'"''1hl1 1 hJt g 1 of lr ..... h ;ind ...... n11.11111n 11~" jail De Lorean s pends 8th night • Ill n, Ll.\J> \ UEl T:-0.l II Ai1oc:l•ted Pren Wrll•r I.OS ,\:-./(;!-~I.ES .1111111 I~ Delly Piiot Staff Pt>oto 111 g1111.l11ng \\ rtlt l>t Lurt .1n·, 1 t fl r 1• s <: n ta l I\ 1 ' t 11 .1 1 r ii n g 1 • u 11l,11t ·ral for $2:'lCl.OlltJ Bo<. h :o..I\'' ltt \\ 111 put lip l•> twlp rr e .. · i">. L111 1·,111 ;-..t,,..., ··J JU'\ \\ould h;111 111 ~~· th1· 11>1 Lon .11ll tompan~ ~u d 11\\ 11 th< dt .un ·· Fair and cool 1.011 111 '·Pt 111 .in • 1._'.lilh 111glt1 jotdl tf 1111 d1 UJ{ I h,1f gt'" ,1._ o1I t11l 111 \., 111j.(11t 1,1t 1•ol I 11r ~.l 11111111111 h.111, p1·r h.if" "1th h 1·lf1 •1lf1·n ·d II\ .1 1.11 d t .d1 ·r who'·"' the· au1011i;1k1•r I" ··11111 1.1lt•1lt1'<l t11 ... 11 111 ., ,., II " ~.111w H111 II N1•v\ E 11gl.1nd d1 ... 1r1h11t111 l 11r Suh.o1·11 111 N111\\ood ~1."' ,,,1<! h1 "'·" Ooc·h. 53, says he· ... o ld tw o 111 1h 1 '"' Ix· L orc .. rn 1·a rs at $5,flOO o ft 1tw $:.!";".OOO list pnt·t• :.11H t' D1· L 11rl·a11 ·., a rrC'Sl Ot.·t HI I w o uldn't 1·11 1H.l11n1• .1n:v1hmg mvolvC'd with u s mg 111 d i...1nh u1111g drugs." Boc h told ttw l>.1tlv l':vc•n1nl{ ltt•m o f L y nn. \"c 11 1.1 n 1 rimtnJI allornl'v J o,1 ph &ill "ho •~ bJrgdan rng \\1th (1•d <•1,1l pro:-..t'\'U tun. 11vc-r the $~• mll 111111 hond. pn·d1e1c d DC' I ,11n •a11 w ill I)'· frl'l' Ill a d ay or two Off1t·w1, .it T C"rmrna l Is la nd I t·lh ·ral µr ...,nn 1·nnf1rnwd De 1.o r l·an w~' ... 1111 l ht·rt• this morning f~oa s t a I ( 1. , 1 Small era It advisory 1n outer wa'l.,.t trom Pooni Conc>ept><>n to San Ctemen1e Island and over u1ner waters l rom Po1nl 90nc:.p11on to Ne...,port Beach uv ... outer coastal wate<s lrom P o int Conc epllon 10 Sen Ctemenle l1111nd nor1hwett winds ol IS 10 2S 1mols With S· to 8 toot btnad seas lnnef waters lrom nt Concep11on to Newport 8e9Ch nonnwesl winds '1 12 to 20 knoll allernoon Elsewhere tight enc variable winds -slerly at 10 to 18 knoti al1ernoon W•t.,ty swell 2 10 3 feet Mos11., c ... r U.S. s1uun1ary Thunderstorms contonu•c! IC dim~ parll of Ut1h "'ty IOd•> In the wek• ot a heavy storm Tuesday that brought ltoodlng and mudelldet to northern and cantr1I pens of the 11111 There were 1c111arad pow•• ou1agH lhroughOUI Sett L•~· County and th• Nat1on11 Weather S ervice 1nued a lluh flood warning tor • ••v•n-county r9g1e>n Widely 1c11t•r•d Sho wer a apra..:t 0-lhtl Pacific NorlhWHI •nd from Minn•IOt• to M1asou11 Clear 111181 11\IOfad Caltforno1. Hav1d1 end ar•H •HI of l"e MINIMIPPI Rivet The N1t1onll Wealhaf s...v- p r ad 1 ct e d thll r11 n would oonllnoa In Min-• end IQ081 t he northern P111n1 e111arn MOfl1.,,. end nort lier n Colo<ldo The rain was ••PIC1ed 10 chanoe 10 1now over central Montane 1nd Wyoming a nd 1n10 1ne c:.nt,.I Roe* ... Tamper1turw II mldniont POT ranged trom 23 1n Houtton ~alnl. to 70 11 Kay West Fta California A 11orm rnat 1pl11hed 0 10 sncn. of rlln IC'I downtown Los A"911" hll moved 1111, lealflng ICOUfld eltlel end wining w1nd1 In Southern C1lllou111 lhrough Tnurld•Y. tile N111or11tl Wealhlrtt 84'f'lllOI Mid today Guity nort,...._t Wlndt -• lo conttn\18 D\11 with INI ettength In l'llOUfltlllne 1nd d-1• fhur.01y w llh t ll ghtl y w1rrT1t r 11"'ptr1tur11 thrOuQhoul ~nCalllomll ~ ...ac PIGlflc: lrOtlt brought wie ..-on tai!Ottill 101111 to o" of )ft Inell et ·~m A,.._ Cl'tlC Cent•~ 1, lllghlly #'lll(J Of 1tMI "°'"' IOf I l)tftod IM M h rein NII 'T~, 90 did MftOO lilWll • the dtope wlllMd -ay ,.,,.,, .. HIOllt ltl LO• Angel .. WOii lorecasl at 78 Tn1.1rsday w11n lows 111 !>8 Coastal are• noons may ranoe lrom 76 10 84 wllh low~ from SO to 57 and dec1,.1u1no winds Owena Vallev highs Ttiursday l hurM2•1 woth lows r1om 28 10 38 H1011s 1n nonhe•n deserts mar •ange loom 68 to 78 w1tl'I lows from •2 10 52 Soultiern dese<I nighs we<e torec:MI trom 78 10 86 ""'" tows lrom 5• to 62 T e 1upe rat11res NATION Albany Albvqua<a~ Amerollo Anenoraoe Asnev111e Atlanta Attanuc C•lr Austin 8ell1ma<e Bllhng1 Borm1nghom B1smarci< Boose 8ot1on Brown1v111e 8utte10 Burlington CHpei Charleston S C Chlri.ston w v Charlotte. N C Cheyenne Ctttcago Clnolnnall ci.v.iand Co1um1>11. SC Cotuml>ut O•llH·Ft WOt1h Dayton o ... w .. OM M01ne1 Oetroot Oululh El Puo Flltbank1 Fergo Fl09t1alt GrMI F1ll1 Hartl ore! Halen• H~ Hout ton 1n0t1n11po111 Jac;ltaon, MIM Jaeh onvui. June111 Kanan Cny KnOlllfllla I.II Veg11 Lillie Roe• Hf lo 62 4A 11 •s 78 ,,5 18 11 67 3• 7S 39 56 4!> 76 44 65 •• 62 •• 69 34 67 •6 59 48 54 40 84 54 61 3• 57 33 62 43 68 ~ 60 29 67 41 64 36 64 31 M 31 63 3-0 70 46 64 :?9 74 40 64 32 71 41 67 3g 66 33 64 41 86 SI 03 -OS 62 53 52 37 55 •O 60 311 •9 35 8• 70 1• SI 84 28 73 31 71 •2 40 38 87 311 63 30 76 &5 71 42 . .., .' Fron I\ lOUtS'fllll' lubbOClt. Memphis M1am• M•lwaukM! Mpts-SI Paul Nu hvllle N-Orleans New York Norfolk Nort h P1a11e Oklahoma C11v Om11he Orlando Plllladelphll P1'1oen11 Pttllt>urgh POf1111nc:I Me POI' tr and Or 11 Poovtdence Rat910h Rapod Clly Reno Richmond Sall Lake Sen An1on10 Seettte St1<ev•por1 Slou• Fa1111 SI LOUIS St Petit-Tamp• St Ste Maro• Spot..1ne SyrllQIM Tooeu Tucson fulU WHhtnglOfl Wich11e CAL"OftNIA Apple l/1lley Bakenf...O 811r~tow 6• J2 80 •O 69 35 75 67 8• 35 65 40 66 29 71 5' 57 45 59 46 68 45 73 •• 66 45 75 47 66 44 83 68 62 3-0 56 ... ~I} so 58 .. 89 49 11 •o 51 41 65 47 61 42 77 44 52 •II 10 37 83 •6 64 33 7fl •9 81 33 SJ 45 60 35 88 37 85 SIS ,. 43 68 43 73 !11 HI Lo 87 M 71 60 72 87 SURf RIPQRT ...... ... 2 ' 2 1 ..... .... 3 3 3 3 . .... Ott sw w aw w ~aon c:J Snow[] F lurries~ Beaumont B19 Beao Bishop Blythe C11ta1tna Culver C11y Eure•.i Fre,no l Qnca~1er LOMQ Beech Los Angelfl~ Monrovia Montet>ello Monierey Mt Wiison N~dlcs Newporl Boo~h Oahlond Onterlo P1u adeno PHO Roble• R1vert1<le Red Blufl Redwood Coly Sac111men10 SaltnH Sen Be<n•rdonn San G•b"el San ()<ego San Franc.sen San Jose Sanra Ana Sant• Bart>••• Santa Cruz Santi Mar111 CANADA C4'1Q8ry Edmonton Monlroet R1<11n1 TOfonto l/aneou.-.1 Winnipeg Tides TODAY 58 SS 55 43 !ii •6 80 67 72 6• 71 6J 6 1 •B 67 55 60 57 72 66 69 65 n 6J 74 6" 63 55 47 41 79 68 70 64 65 56 65 61 67 62 6!> ~6 62 61 64 44 6• SS 64 •8 65 53 6J 61 75 62 73 69 6" 55 6"' •9 76 62 74 6 1 67 All 68 59 ~8 30 59 27 65 3rt 6S 38 60 35 s~ 48 64 42 Second low 1 06 p m 2 l 811COOd high 6 41 P m • 0 THU"IOAY '°'rll IOw 11$ •m 0 6 Fl"1 111011 7 48 • m 4 II SaGoncf low 1 42 pm 1 8 Second lllQh 7 21 p m 4 II Sun Nit today II 8 0~ P m rtwe ftlu•td•Y at 7 Oii a "' MOO!'I rlMe 10<111y Al 2 •1 p m Nit Thu11day •• 2 02 Am Shop Early for Christmas I Save WEAR-EVER ~ CAM ,, HANDLER .. ,.::-.-r-' - PORTABLE $19.88 ELECTRIC CAN OPENER Ecologizer 2000 Air Treatment System REMOVES ODORS, DUST, AND POUENS $16.88 == ~- :t.7305 COllAIR N1ir lln1r /lryer 1500 WATT $19.88 ' ATTACHMENTS INCLUDED WEIR-EVE" Popcorn Pum per J Moku Popcorn U11 "19 . Hot Air Instead of (.'ii $18.88 '&~ BAROMETER ., Tlrler INCLUDING; THERMOMETER ANO HUMIDITY GUIDE FARBERWIRE 12-Cup lutom1tic "(~' , ( lfal•feH ltHI &fan lnttrumenh On Wood PERCOLATOR $11.88 $42.88 Oller Good Thrv 11/1/82 Limit.a To Supply On Htind •• ' Free Gift Wrapping Except On Sale Items more than you expect In a hardware store CROWM HARDWARE B ~· WMtcllft 17th St. II lrVlne, Newpof1 BeHtt. &42· 1133 HetMt V..., San Mtouel Dt. et Sen Jeoqu1n. Newpofl &Mch, 944·8570 COf"OM def .._ 3107 e CoHI Hwy., 87S~800 AMMtm ...... Senti Ana Ceny()(I Rd , et lmCMMlll Hwy .. H8·&282 STATE Off-duty deputy foil hijacking of TWA jet Hy Thi· AssucilUt>d l'rcn L. (.) S A N (:Jo: L ES A h1Jal·k111~ ubou1 d u TWA Jumbo J1•1 wa., f11ll1·d 11 .. l.1\ whc·n .1 k11d1· "'11•ld1ng w1111ld ·h1· h1J:11·k1 ·1 wa., pu~lll'd frnm 1h1• pla111· a11d ft•ll to 1111' pav1·nwnt dw 111g a i:.trug~l1· w11h ,111 11f I dut v i.hPrtH'i. th ·puty, p11l11•1· '""d W 1II1,1 m I l 11 l f 111.111 , '.! [1, Jt'rt•l>tt'd fnr mv1•i:.t1ga111111 111 h1JUck1 ng, was lllJUrl"tl II\ tlw :.?0-foot full :at Loi. A11gc·lt·' l111t•ri1.11111nul J\1rporl and w;1:. IJkt•11 lo ( ···n111wl.1 I l11l>1.n1.il. \\ h1•11• 11u rN111~ o;u1x•1'VIM1r PHI S\ hl1•1\d1 •1111g '"'" h1• 'iU !f1•11 •d lw,1d untl h1µ 111Ju1 It'' 111· wa .. l.1111 lr,111'l1·111•d 111 1111' Jail \\,11d 111 ( '111m1v ll!'\l' M1·d11 til l 't·1111 ·1 1111 ho11k111g. pol11 t 1-.11.i 1>1·11111 " ll1 ·11111 .. Hoh111"111, \\ 1111 \\ '" 1111 111 .. \\ .1\ 11111111· "' Al 11111. 111 . 1·1111 11 111Hl'd 1 he· m.1111111 St L11u1:. h111md TWA Fl1~h1 7'2 with !1 7 pas.,1 ·11~1·r:. .1lx1111 d arnund I'.! Ill .1 Ill , ~ud p 11 11 l' I' i\ I I fl II I I I) I V I 'ol 11 II l )j I 111·1 Vwt111 Flt)f ,., Quake jiggles LA s uburbs CO MPTON A <;mall l•:1r1h4uak1• lhnt n•g1:.tt•rt>d :? !l on tht• H11·hti'r ~:al1· Jigglt•J soulhl•rn and l':Jsll•rn Loi. Angl·lt·s ::.uburbs t•urh• todav. p1•omp11ng numcrous ·mils i11 po ltl't' but no rl·ports 111 damagt•, authontlt'S :.aid The 3 i l am. qua kt• w..is l'enten'Cl four mil1•s 11ortlwa::.t of GardP11a. s~1id gl,.•phvl>1l·1sl l'.11 I .l ohn .. 1111 .11 l ',dilorn1.i lns11tu11· o l T1•1 hnologv 111 P.1s.id1•f\11, wl111 h \\oulJ pl.w1· 11 an till' .111•.i 111 l 'omp\1111"-11 111 l.\'l1Wt1<1d L ti l\ A II g 1· I I' .. I I I' ,. 'iX''-1•:.r11:u1 H.1 v V.'.llk1•1 ~ml lh('rt' hJd lx,.•11 1111 t•.111:. .1i:.k111g .1ho111 .in~ quak1• Jlld thu~ 1111 11·~x11·ti. of an\ da111Jg1·. Autry to sell KTLA-TV LOS ANGELES Furnwr srngmg l'owboy Gem• Autry has agr<'l'd to sc•ll thl' tt-levis ion d1v1s1on 11f ht:. Golden West Broadn1s1ers empir e. ml'luding fh1gi.h1p station KTLA. an:ordrng 10 u t'Ompany stalt•ment Autry. 75. will n•ma1n c· h a i r m a n u f t h l' n ,. \V c·om pany to be organiwd by Kohlbc·r~ K ravis Hob~:rts & Co .. a San Francisco and New NATION Y Ill k bJ:-.t•d I fl\ I • ... tll\t'll t 1111 fl spN·1ahzing In manag1·rnt·l\t buyouts. the n •IL•ast· said. At lhC' same Lim(•, Autry lS buying out Thc S ignal Cos.' rnmuntv mlt•n·i.t in Goldl'n \Vl'"'I .., n ·m<.11111111; llu,me:.:.t•s Tho:.t· anduJ1• tht• l'Jlifurnw Angl'ls pro fessionnl bal>l.'IJ<11l t 1• a rn . 1 t s en l 1 r 1 • rad 111 broadt•ast d1vr..,1on and Okl.1homa C11v 11·ll·v1s1on sta11un KAUT . FBI probes witness d ea th WAS H INGTON A federal prosec utor says the s tran ge d e ath of a ::.t·t·cmd potential government wttn('S..; will not harm the case against Conner ClA agent Edwin P Wilson for aUegedly aiding Libyan terrorists. The w i tn ess. K evi n Mulcah y. 39. a former Cl A analyst' who was thC' first per so n to tell law enforcement authorities about Wilson's dealings with the radit·al Arab natio n . was fount.I 1ll•ad Tut•M.1.1v ouL..,1cll' <.i rnotl.'I ('abin Ill rural V1rg1n1~ .1lx1u1 YU mtl1·.., \\'l''l of hl·n· Ft'tll•1-cil pn>~'t·Utors m tl11 W11!.u n t·as1' a nd the PBI m o u n t e d a n 1 m m (' d 1 a t l' inquiry into the dt•uth "ao; J precaution in tht' t•vcnt this was In any way rC'lall'<.l to th<' gov('rnml'n t '!. in Vl'"llKd t 1uns o f Wil so n and ht~ t·o · defendant frank E Tcrp1l," FBI spokesman Hoger Young said 'Copycat' wave continues The mak ers of Excedrin ordered their cap sules off store s helves in Col0,.ado after one~an was poisoned. and reports of product tampNmg -ranging from frun to laxatives -s pread across the nation in what a federal official called "a wave of ·me-too' crimes." Consumers scrutinized con tainers of cold medicines and pain relievers for signs of foul play. and officials in WORLD thrl'<.' st.all's warnt•tl TuesdJV that anv ~allowl·t·n trick-or tn'almg' should tx· dom• with t·auuon In Chu:ago. whc•r1• lht· srnn· bc·gan nearly d month ago w11h thl' death-. of ~c·ven pC'o pl e from eynan tdl•- po1soncd Extra -S trt·n gth T y len o l c·ap s ul t•s pol1t·c sea r c h c d T u <' s d ,1 " f or a woman who llC'Cl about hn 1den111y after turning 1n J bottle of tainted t·a~ulK Israel's airport closed TEL AVIV , Israe l - A uthor 1t1£>s c losed Ben- G u rion lnt.cmat1onal Airport today a fter a ngry workers str iking again st Israel's n ation a l airline block ed r u nways with ju mbo Jets. clash ed with pol1c <' and deflated aircraft tires. The d is turba n ces c am e afte r hundreds of s triker s. joined by their fami1ies, slept overnigh t a t the air port T uesday in the first day of a sit-in to protest management's re(usJI lo nt>goll<ilt· "'llh them over the future of El Al. which has been shut down for more than thrc'C• w(•(•ks. Pol1t·e rt•1nfo r cc ments SC'a lc d o ff the airport and 1neom1ng f lights b y international airlines were d 1vertl'd to Europl'. o r to Israeli airfields in Jerusalem or Eilat airpor ts if the planes cou ld land at tht•ir shorter runways, a contro l towrr official said. t~: tJ~( ~1~ I() N From Puga A 1 pl 111t11~r ••l•ht•I 0111d 11111111'1 I"'"" p11ld1 .. h111g l')\.t'l'llll \'t , .. •Ill •lj.(ht \1 ·.11 \'1111.111 ,,, 1111' tll\0'o 11l.11lllfll~ I Ulllllll"'lllll Jl1 · " llj.thl\ '1 llh •• 1111 11111111111 l ·1•.1111 ,, 11111 lht· 11\!illl'-" 111 1111 ... 1.11 1· II· l'Ud1· 111· u11prul 1·~u11111l .11111 ht· 11 ... 11•11 .. l II ol \' I' I Y 'lltulJ ~1t1Up 1Jf 11•·11pl1• \\ho .111• l.1rg1•lv 111 I h 1· .., I ,;w j.ll'llW 111 t',1lllj> 111· .i ...... fllll 11'1"11 111 11" '1r11 ., "tit· fl ..._ __ __,..._ __ _.. .111d l'dlci.t•' 111 IJ1•ltt'\'P th;il lllHllV 11 1 lilt• litl,llH'!>.'1111·11 .11·1· n •s1d1:11i.. (IMJ .. I ll11111111•I, Ml, wa:. l'lt't'lt ·d tu tlw 111u11nl 111 I !17U. si•rv1'tl br 11·flv "fl llH' pl,11111111g 1111\lllll~IUll a11d 1;, ,1 vl'l1·r;.i11 u l hoth tlw US Navv .111d lhl' l.11:. Ar11~1·h·' t'11u11ty A""' ':.Siii ':-. 1111 ll '\. "l\lo(l'l' 1:. l:il.Y, w1i.ltv wai;hy .111d wh1·n h ~· w.1 .. '1111 th~· plJ1111111g l'111llm1-. .. 11111 111· w.1:. lhU;ollv 1;111., would I lo.ii ,il.,ng .111d usu:.cllv VII I• Wllh lhP lll;!JUl'I t \' , ... d 111· o l l1•111b flH '," ht· llur1111wl t .iui.c·d ;1 stir Ill 1h1• t\gt'l' l\Wlf fl'('t•lllly hy plJl'lng ;_1 1 ull p.1g1· lll'WSfWfll'I' ;.it! that 1111pl 1t•d Agt'l' ts .111 lrv1 n1• Company 1Tun)'. ;i m11uthµ1t•t'l' lt>I "big growth .. Ag1•t• dl'rrll'd thl' da1nii:i. SC1y111g the· iron y 1:. thJt hl• lllH'l' was l.1h1·lt·d •' 1111 i.trnwth advo1-.1lt· lit• .... ad lt1• 1:. nut ,1 ml'mlx •r of l01th1·r r;.itl1111\ but bt:fit•Vl'S ht• t'an hl•lp bndgc• the· g:.ip bc.·tWt'l'll thl•m "I wrll listen. l'omrnuntt:all' anti l'IH>pl'ratc>," Agt>c said "Paul Ju1•sn'1 du ;my of thOSt' things." I lumnw l s..1d he rs innO<.'l'nt uf tht• t h,1rgt•i. <1ga111st h1111 "l supp•JM' lhc•re Wt·n• llml's '' lwn I was•dl'mar:iding of fX'i.ipll· hut l'Vl' ,dways ask1·d p<'rttnl'fll qlll ";l111n' .ind l'vl' always donl· nw honwwork l JUst happc•n to h .1\'1 · a gr \I ( f \ "I l' l'." i. ;11 d l!u1nm1•l "I ant 110 1 .111 11-hus rrws:. but N1·1.qxJrl Bt·<.i<'h 1i. a r1•sHll·ntinl .ind n'l-r1•a11un t'1lv :.inu I ~tn1.·t• tu p1 oll'l l l ht· n·'1dl·nt:-. from thl• 11uL-.1dt· dl•Vt•ltipmC'nl forl'l-s " Humml·I smd fur 1·vl'ry pt•rson who opt·nly lTll11.·1i.c-s him. tht·re :.in• a l ll'ast two who f«t.'I as h t• clcx·s and who 1·onw lo him fur help whc•n thl'Y <.irt• h<1v111g a problt>rn w11h the.· ul~ "Soml• days I'll get 20 phont· l':.ills fro m all over th1• <.·1tv Whl'n there's a probll'm. 1 l'all .the c:ity or I ('a ll thc police dl•partmen t. I'm a full·ltm<' t•ouncilm~in" AgCl• n •torted that I lumml'I 1.s a "frus trated policeman" who s pends h14' llml' "doing nickel and d1mt• s tuff that th<' l'l t V IS perfoctly t'apable of handlan~." L1kl· tht• uthC'r t•and1dates, Humnwl and Agee agrel' that Juhn Waym• Airport 1s a mt·nac~ to Nl•wporl Bl'at"h a n d 1s a n unn•<.isonablc· lol·at1on for a rL·g1unJI Jtqx:irl But 1h1•1r views on what should bt.· dlim· differ sh:1rply · Ag~ i.atd the crty "nCl>ds to get of( 1ls lawsuit image and d o some gcJOd PR work with 1h1• l'OUnty ctnd surr oundrng u t11•s Tht• lawsuit :.ipproal'h will r<'aeh a point of dtX'hning re turns soon.'' Agee· s ugges t C'd that o nly through cooperation with the t·ounty. which opt•ratt•s thl a1 rporr. can thC' ci t y hopt• lo ..,u1·1.•t•ssful ly push for a new a 1 rport ..;1 tC' Hummt•I said hl' d0t·s not lrusl the ('()Untv and doubLs lhl•rc> is any way io get the attc•nt1on o f county supt>rv 1sors short o f a lawsuit "Tht• SUpl•rv1sors JU St don't ha vc enough guts to look for anothl•r Silt•." The two candidates are a lso at odds o n t h<' Ban ni n g R a n c h devl'lopm<'nt Agee suppor ts it, Hummel does not Opponl'nts Don Strauss and Norm Loals have agreed to do things d ifferen tly. The two council cand idates are running a d ignified cont.est -no low blows. no name-<:alling. no dirty pool. It's issues or nothing with Strauss and Loats. Councilman Str auss. 66. was elected to the council in 1978 afte r serving four ter ms as a sch ool trustee H e as the vice president o f administration with We1re What do you like about the Daily Pilot ~ What don 't you like? Call the num ber at le ft and your message will be recorded, transcribed and de livered to the a ppropriate editor. f Listening •• : The s ame 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· tcrs to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contnbutors must include their name and telephone number for verification No cir culation calls. please. 642·6086 T ell us wha t 's on your mind ORANGE COAST CIH t lfied •dvertl1lng 714"42·MTI ~,.., All other department• ... 2-4321 ~ Daily Pilat .... ... ...-MAIN OF'6C~ m•ttt ew". c..ce ~. c• =ty·F,._y H YoU 60 Mell .... • .. , IMI, C•te M9w, CA ..,.,. •• '°"'~pet Dy Tt..mc.1 , . Hoe.y C•yr'-'4 !Wt 0.-C••I ~I~ C-. :~ ~:;' .. ~o~y :.r.r :. Ne -f-.. llfw rell_,\, Nfl .. lef nwHe< .... _.., ,Ulll.ohtt ond 0t11I ( •IKlll••e Oltoc'!' ••rll .. ,.....h ,.,.,., mey ... r~W;icecl ~ .. IU<O.y encl lllftOey H loymontl Mad.Hn ..,.Clel i19r,,,.._ef c....,,...,._..,. yo.i 40 "°' teellllf•.J:: Jone Amari OOl'Y b, , • "'-· -te<:t1 ti.,, r-:_ ..... ~ ., c .... -··· f:l1t90ll• 10 • "' lltlO yo.II ~ .. l•tclll••• fd<tOt COfttroie< I U \ M-~•11!1 Oft It¥ te,,ier M S -.....r, .,..,...."' ltY"'l ll .. !iO"*!lNy a ...... L Kay Schvfh Mkhoel , . Horvey flW ~ ..... C..M 0.CIT. .,.._,., •"" -.C.11 II C- ....... "" ~'-· ,......,., .., ... Or .... fl ' Jt I M Vice ,,....,,, °"-ol Morl"'lfl9 c .... ,............ e-..., ..._ .... ..,.. -.... tlfld Ootecior ol ~'-0 !Cw CwiolfO'll ~......, ~ ,,...., ... c:....-... ~c:-.ty ......,, llM<ll """''.'C lff(ll, ,_.._v._,, lr•IM, ~~fl, C.Ht A ................ ree-AI ·KenMth N. Oed ..... Jr. '411fle!I ..... I .... """'"J'.,. ......... "" ~'""t:.1 ~~I• UI --... tlrwt, ·=-.... '". l)wt('IOt ol °'1etOllOM II' 0 •• tM, C•t• Me~ C"''tllr"te ._. ~ ....... VOL. 11, NO. IOO 01u11go Couwt DAil Y PILO r 1WudntJ1><.lay, Octo1J1 r 27 1982 3 llummf'I Loat~ &'Ckman ln-;1rum1•nL<; A Lido b it· rc•s1dent. Strauss has workl'<.I hard ut d1spdltng tht• n;iggmg l'fll1t·1:.m tha t hl• 11> a n u -g r o w l h a t.I v o c· a t c• I n nl•wspapt•r ads hl· has d1i:.playt'<j thl· namt•s of prom1nl•nt businl'ssm<.·n who s u p port h11n and has go1w to SOffil' k·ngthi. lo dl·tml tht• dt•v(•lopment prt1Jl~'h that lw h as supportl'd. L oa t s. 60, 1s th(· d<·puty supt•nnl<.•ndt·nt fur the Nt•wport- Ml•sa Uniftf'd S<:hool D1stnct and has bt·l'n 1n t·dut·atiun for :rn vc·ars Ht> ltvl•s on the Balboa Pt•nmsulc1 Loats said ht• I!> not running S truus!} lht'y 11t'l•t.I Wl• s huUI({ go to l l1t d l'velopc•rs and tt·ll them wh;.it Wl' llt't'd •• C Edward Wu lft'. running ,1ga111st tn<.·umbc.•nl. Evl•lyn liJrl ;.ind rnnd1datl· Allan Bt·t•k. ha:; bt't·onw the· forgottt•n mun tn tlt1• four-way l'1ty coum·1l r:.i1·1·. Whtl1· poltt1l'al t•omm1t1 1·1·s havl' trfl'd to build pro growth 111 no-l:(rowth slall~ of four. W11l11• ha..' bc.·l·n left off c·vt•ry h ... t In ,1 l' u u n l ' I I r a (' l ' u r r i \' t. -d I g ' I s1x·nd111g , Wolfe h;.1i. s1x·nt onl v $l!:il Wo lf<'. H3. 1:. <i rt•al t•!>l.11• appra1s1.·1 <.ind bn1kl·r with 1111 past poht1t·al expt:ru·nt·c· But ht Tht• ••lt•<·tion ·~ punc·tuatc d by mud- slin~in~. fivc·-fi~tart• spt•nding ~prt•t•!-. and rt'n~·w t·tl f(rowth/no growth d ebalt•. • • • 'Wolf .. Bl·E·k !>a id ht• has vowed to :.l·rVl' by t•11ndut'ting public opinion polls a n d will vo~e ag~mst h1:; own better Judgment 1f J p<Jll show:; l'tllzens d1sag~ee wrth htrn "ThL.., d1,.-..;n't mean I'm some krnd of p1Jltllt'<1l <.·unut·h w ho won't try llJ fight for what he bd1t•\1l•::. 111 but 1f l can't <.'Onvmce tht· 1:1uwru.. tht•y're the boss"" I !art said :;ht· 1s amusl'd:. .by &·t•k's op1nron poll notion but l:x·ht·vt•i. hl· :Jl'tually rt'prescnts a :-.me1ll mmonly in the city Anothl'r &(•k proposal 1s Cb l·>.plt1n • 1·t·dut·mg traffic on the B.1lboa Pl•nini.ula by ~ahng off thl' lhr(.'t'-mile ne<:k uf land a nd t'h<irgmg non-rc-s1d enL<> to entt>r! Hart and Wolfe agrt'<.' that tHls 1dN1 I!> "ah:;urd" Jnd likely not kg al Hart said she 1s a comprom1~ on growth and supported both agains t Strau:;i:. He said ht• 1s :.aid he knows lht• 1!.l>Ul'S, hJ~ the· Nt'wport C<•nt e r and th-to running bt•t·ause hl' 1:. an Cormulatt:d postt1on:. and 1s a Banning Han1·h develo pment informed, aggrc>ss1vc and provc•n serious candidate. plans bt•cause they were •~~ ahc-rnauve "I have a desire and thl' llmt· w than tht• builder asked for at1li While Strauss doc--s not favor ~l''l', .. sard Wolfe "I look at th~ p r o v 1 d l' d n e e d e d r o a~ thl' Bann ing R anch prOJC'Ct incumbents and l thmk it's llmt' rmprov<.•ml!n~ ,., because he said h e believes 1t will for a turnover and I don't bt:l1C'Vt' Beek 1s opposed to the Banmng intro d u ce o ff 1ce-indus tr1al &-ek 1s a very good alt(•rnat1v1·" plan and h e l p ed ga t h~r dt•velopment into a rC's1dent1al Hart, 5 1. was C'ICl'lC'd to tht• ... 1gna1url'l! to place the issue on area. Loats said he favurs the c·oune1l m 1978 aflt•r sc•rving on the ballot Wolfo said he supports plan c:ven though 1t represC'nts lhe city '..; parks. beaches and tht· Hanch pro.)C'Ct. ' "p1C'C'emeal growth .. fL>crt•auon comm1ss1on She said Beek also sut>d the city to get Both cand1datesarecnt1ca l ofa s he pollt•d evt•ry h omt'ownt•r the ballot lang-uage on the c-ounc1l that has lx>t>n h11 bv two organ1zauon m hC'rd1!.lnt·t bc.·fort• Banning Hanch questi on reft•rendum drtvl~s m a on~-yt'ar agrc't'mg 10 S<-ck a S(.'('ond wrm t·hangPd Hl· lost. He said if span "I didn't want to run again 1f l voll'rs approVl' the develop menit. Strauss. who n oted ht• 1s felt the p<'Oplr 111 my district did h<.· will t•hallc•nge it in court · g<'m•rallv oppos<•d to muh1-i.torv n ot belu.•vc· I was ltst1•ning w Hart said s he 1s not without buildings and t'OnVt'nt1on hotels. them and s<'rvmg thc•m But I gut .. ympathy for those who s1Jn i.a1d he bc.•lwv<.-s tht· referC'ndums unanrmuus 1.•ncourag(•mcnt to rc·forcndum p<>lllions. w1·n· a response 10 a coum·ll that run .. "I think thC're are still so changC'd dramatically in th1· 1980 Be<'k. 55. workt•d on Hart'i. p1·uplt' who are uncomfor l'IN·twn a n d t·hargt·d qu1t·kly campaign an 1978 and said 1t 1s ,, w11h what happened an the p st ahC'ad with dt•velopment Hl' "matter of pt•rsonal gr11•f" tha t l'lt't·tum, who genuinely feel we blanH·d p ar t o f 11 o n th <' he now finds h1nL<;t>lf trying to hav~ moved too fast Perhaps "1nc•p1ness" o f the l rv1n l' unSl'al h1•r they'.r~: JUSt ai.kmg us to 't.alffi 1t Company's handling of rts own "Th<' truth 1s that "hl• JUsl 1•asy -~ N<•wport Cl•ntt•r t'xpans1o n plan voles wrong Sht.'i:. a wond<'rful Wolfl• s;i1d ht• bel1t•ves 1f Loats said thl• referendums are lady but she voles wrong." eoundl was really doing Its a sign t hat tht' t'Oundl has fa1lt'd Beek 1s a cumpuler dc•signl•r. a 1 her e w o u Id not b c a n to work togC'thc•r and has failed for m l' r c 1 t y p I a n n 1 n g rcfC'r<:ndums. lo involve the c1llzt?ns in long-comm1ss1o ner who admits his "Apparently the council ju rangc 1·11y planning coune1l platfonn "1s easy to makr isn't doing its JOb m gettmg t "Tht· developers shouldn't fun of 1C you don't take tht• lime publit• to bu y these project <.'Ome to thl' t"llY and tell us w h at to undrrst.and 11 " That's obviou s, isn't 1t?" .-~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gem Talk B, JC lfL'MPHRJf: .... C1>rf1(1rd <irmoln111sf. A GS BA NOLE BRACELETS 11111111• II lli/l hit Bangle hnwdet.< 1.1r·e t'm<'rgtng u lht• big flil>h1on trend on thf' wrl!lt.s of Anwrican womvn The brocell'ls 11rf' w1df'r than an previous yC'anl, und w o m e n ore• a s k i ng f o r t1111monds. pt•Brl!! and rolored stones lo Ix> addt'Cl to thv bangles lO give tht•m a tout·h of drama Alto galnl"8 In popularity art> bracelet.I made of 1hr«• different shades of gold. Mt'lh bri.twlet.~ and flt>xible-roll bangl('I 11rr much In dt'mand. With lht' prl~ of 11old a bit lowt•r than last y«'ar, some women an• taking advanlAllJt' or th11 t h1ct by bu yln1 several bnnglt'S of varying gold h~. On<-of tht' mort' V('l"IAlllc b~l(lt.t. which can br worn with 8 varltHy of 1od11y'ii fnshlons . Is tht beaded bracl'l<'t rl(•coroted with 11ever•I colqr('d 1tone1 Somt' of thto ne w dctllC}'\I ft>8lUR' 1M1ml·prt>C10UI ltOnel a n d tlOld bud• In mulli ·row bracelet•. Ro p«' bracf'lel• and rtu lble·llnk b rac.-l('ta ere other vtory populu 1tyle1. The 1rul Atnt'ri<'an wrf1t •• bt'IRJ pampl"n-d by Mlml' ,,..at br~let df-llJN A carat or more. A little extra weight ·he won't mind putting o n. A diatnond 1fa carat or rnore. Th re~ only one in a n1illion. J. C.JJump~l'it16 J.w•4r~ MEMBER AMERICAN OEM SOCIETY @ 1909 NEWPORT BLVD .• coeTA ME1A ~ SINCE llM8 B•nkAmtric•td-MHltt Cl'lll'\)t \ •• Or onou C o11111 DAIL v I 'II ()I /W11d1111"dfly Ot..lolJttt 'J7 10tl2 1 ounty r I a e $10,600 to unstic k tra ffic • ID Laguna I !'lit• 0111ni.t1· ('11 u11ty T1 ,1 11 'j1•11tat11111 \'11mm1i.. .. 11111 hui. UflJll llVl'd II $111,liOO •• h11 11t11111 Ill I ~..tp Lal(U1111 l\1'.11 h \\Ith 11 .rn"t pl111l11111~ '1''1VH'\'!'1 COUNTY DIGIST I • Thi• 1110 111•y tlw 1•11111111":0.11111 ,1pp1 u\'1•d I ~lomJuy w11l l>t.• U.'lt•d p11111.111lv to l11·lp pr1·1><1n· 11 I 1h11r1 r.111g1• 11 llll .. ll pl.111 1111 ''".ti v1•;11 !'I I HIM through 1988 111 Lut(UllU u11J .11,u tu ll11.111n• d1·l.1t1'tl truni.it plt11111m1o1 ,,.1 v11 ,., ohlll(H 1 l•lll h11 ndN l11 11111k1• Ill' low 111111 k.1·t . g1 .1d1111l1•d 1)Jy1111•11l 11111111,1111"1' lu.11111 uvo1l11hil' lu f11 .. 1 111111• h11m1· tmv1•1-:. In ( uhfornm I • * * T II E 0 R A N G ~ (' 0 u N T \' B II .1 I d II I IS IJl'rVll>Ol'I\ lht:. l'lll1H' o>U t Ill 'llflJllll l 1tl P~1pos111011 5 Oil I lw Nov :! bu 1101 I Tht• nwasu11 • w o uld mHhor111· tho· -.11111• 111 :1 ..... u1• S'.lOO 11111111111 111 t:ii. 1•x1•n1p1 g1•111•r.tl I - I I I I i I ! . P u mpkin pooch 'l'lt1· :-OU!Jt'I Vll'&JIS vult•d UllolllllllOU .. ly 111 11.u k 1111' .. 1.111·w1tl1· p1 u1.111:-.111or1 111 Tu1°Mluy'i. 1111·1·\1111-t * • * ALSO TllESOA Y tlll' suµt·r v1"111> 1111111111 '""' 11,,,·1111•111 11£ $:!,o:rn 111 11vt•r11nw p u y to var111ui. 111o11111g1•11wnl t•mpl11y1·1 .. ., who workt•d dun11g tlw ( j, p:.u111 t'a11v11n (1r .. Pal lio•r this ni11111 h AP Wlrepnolo Pooh , a 12-ycar -old t'ot'kapoo. a ppNt r~ lo have fou nd lhe pumpkin for his family'-. llallowt•t•n a l a pumpkin sa lt• in Gle ndale . llimllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~a•,.-. .. ve•r•ri•se•m .. en~t!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll .. l Norm Loats Newport City Council November 2 Committee to Elect Norm Loats. Rudy Baron-Treasurer, 88 1 Dover Or., N. B. I 0 = 8223 19 r.--f·.--~~~~~~~~~~~~--i ~ t BENSON & HEDGES BENSON £ HEDGES 1od'h Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol . Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mg "11r;· 0.6 mg n1co11nt 1v per c1 g1re111. by FTC mttllod. (;1,111\1 d l i lt' 11v1•t llt1t1· fJolV \\I It' "'Vt•ll lllllllolj.(1'1111'111 1•11q1l11Vt'I'' Ill 1111' ~:11VlllHlllll'lll1tl M.111.1g1•1111·111 Ag1•111·v .111d 1 w11 111011.1g1·1" 1111111 ltw l •1•111•1.tl S1·1 VII t'"I Ad111111111tratl1111 tw wu1111•d l11 h11·1·d d11g..,, h111 tlw ru•l)(ltllonc 11l1.1411t•d ·l(~/IU-.t• ..... .,, '''"' 1111 dnw. W I 11• 11111 .. y .11111 Ulllllll'tllll'd lllUI h 111 tlw d ,1y A n ·"1d1•111 111 1·1111111 v 1111 111111111111u11·c..I lt"{_l 11111 V 1·.111 k1 ·1·p lip 111 tl111.,, d•1j.(-. wt1h1111f ,,.\Jr 1111( ol "IH 'l't,tl JH•rlltll M 111111g1·111 .. 11t 1•111ploy 1•1•1'1 gi·111·r11ll y 111·1• 11111 1·l1Kll1lt• 1111 llVl ·l 1111\1' JMV l'XI l'fll 111 1•1111•1 g1•111 V 'Ollllltlllllll 'l'ltt• 1111 ·, Wiili It (',IUl\l'd $11 11111111111 111 J/111111'1 I)' dtllllllj.(t' 11 1111 I 111111 f•d lfj 1100 oil 11'' bt 11k1• 11111 Ot·t !J • * • TllE l'OllNTY IS SEEKl!\G $l i:1.uo11 1111111 1.:1.1 1 JJJlll'lll:. who \\t'll' J>l tJ\'ld•·d "'I Vll l ... ·•t 1111' (Jl' 11 Vlllt' M1·d11 .1l l'1·11f1·1 .111d \\hi. h,1\'•· 11111 P·••d tlw11 lull' * * * A SANTA ANA ll E H;tlTS n •l>1d1·11t wliu w .mtt•d 111 k1·1·µ up to 10 laq~•· d11g1> al Im. 11111111• w a s d1·1111·d J p1·r11111 h v 1·11u111y -.u p1·1 Vtl>11ri. Tu1·:.dav Sup1•1 Vt!'llll'l> v11U·d Tu1·i.1t.1 .., 1•1 tw11 , 111l1't·t11111 111 the· di•ltllljlll'nl t111·1Hllll:. 11\1 .. 1 t11 ,, 111Jl1'l·t111n Jg\'lll'V, J);11·to11 ':-. BU'ollH''' B t111·.11J 1':1111·1>t l :1·org1· Jr h.111 111lcl :-.upt·1 Vll>IH':-o tit.it Swapper makes big d e al, dies .IAl'KSONVILU:, Fla (AP) Wlwn £11•a markt•I up1•ratur K1•11 G.11\llt·y ~w tht· p.i1111111g of hun11111ngh1rds and "'""1·r.., 11 wai. d11 t y .md IH'l'Ul'CI n ·-.t111111g. hut lw bought 11 tor $fl5 La.,t Fr 1uay, lht· va1111111g ..,11ld for u n· 1mrtl'CI $95.000 al u n ~eUl'll1111 hy Nt·w York Sotlwl;y Purkt· Rt•rn1 ·t's aut'lllm houi.t· Ca11tl1•v d1<'d Saturday upp.in·111ly 0 11f u h1·.1rt •llt;wk · "I It· krww ••rt v1•n \\t·ll," -..11d C .111tl1·y·.., I rll'nd. Bail ll;irltng 111 M1•1 ntt 1-.1.md "I It· ltk1·d 1lw w.1v it lo11k1•d It WJS JU~I ii lll<1llt•I' 1if hav111g a lut·ky brt·ak '"l'IH· sud th111g ''· th1· d ay uftt·rward, ht• cllt'd." (;<inllt•y opl•r:.tlt'd tht• B:Jyartl F I 1· a M ,1 r k l' l s o u t h o f JJl'k!.111w1lll' w11h ht~ in luw::. He bougltl l lll' p .e111L111g fro m ;1 woman who brought ll to h1.., hu..,1111'!..' about .i mo11th ago I l.i1 lt11g ,,1111 C .111tl1·y th11ught th e· 1111·11· \\JS "an 11l de·r p.11111111g," but h.1d 1111 1Ut'J 11f its ww lh until lw lx·gon rt'M'<11d1ing ll "It WU!\ pn•lly but ll wai. Vl'l'.V d1rtv." I lat ling s~ud "It "·" JU"lt om· ol thOM· l11·o1k;r 1·:1.p1·rwnu·s Ill• IUt·kl·d out · Tht painting w.•l> J l!lth 1·e·11turv work b v Anwnum :Jrllst l\1.111111 Johnso~ H t·ad <·1111tlt•d "ll un1111111g Birds und Pass1un 1-'ltt\\ e·1 :.." I l;1rl1ng said i\1111tht·r fnt•nd of (.;;rntl11v·.., s.11d th1• p;.11nt1ng was nol !ltgr;l'<I bv th1· :1rll1>l . was nul Ill th 0;·1g1n:JI fr o m C' a n d needed I I ''> I 111 ,J l 11 >II fo' II I t It lJl rt• J M 1 ll, 'l'V4•r,,I ()1 l.111d11 <1nl14U1• dt•ah•rs did 1111l 1.1k1 ( ;,,ntll·v UJ> 011 his 1111 .. 1 111" II tl11 p<1111t1llg '"' $750 Tt1111k111i.: 111 hJd nothing to ltr .. 1', ( ;,111tlt ' " 111 tlw p.untmg l11 N1·w Y111 k "It \\,.., 1111" 1 lt ;111 l·1· 111 10 11111111111 th.it 11:11 k1 · B1·rrw1 would 111ut·h "l1111ll'th1n g 1( 1t w:1sn't ..,1gn1·d .' '""' tht· frtl'nd, wh11 ;"k1·tl 11111 111 II'· tdl'nllllt'd "But tlw .. \.\,,... tht· 11111· ttnl<' .. Tht :1u< t11111 lt11u't· p<ttd w havt· 1111· p,1111t111g 11·,lo rt·d lwfurt· pu11111g II Oii lhl· l1lex:k (.; :111tl1· \' \.\ h () t ' IJ 11 (•(.'It· d .. v<·1 yth1ng. I tom potnltngi. and J4 \.\1 •11 \ lo .,,1111ura1 ~words 111 his t 11-.1 111.11 k1 t h;.11J u11u1·1 gont· 11pt•n ht·J1 t ... ur g1·1 y. 11182 us Fish & Chicken Dinner &2.69 Get two great tastes 1n our Fish(, Chicken Dinner. Each dinner has a crispy fish fillet and two tender whitemeat Chicken Planks.' served with fresh cole slaw and golden fryes. 3095 Harbor Blvd In Costa M<'sa I 1~1 '"'''" •ti ,,., f '" ~· ',... A l1·d1;1 14715 ft~tl.~t'\i Rd ,., \-\,. 1 '' j l\I ull , .. ,. •• '""' '"". Ir\ 1n<· Paid Poht1ca1 AOvertlS"ment AIOM CONCEPT Mayor Jackie • • ( • TO THE REALITY We needed that bridge then, We need Jackie Heather now VOTE FOR Jackie Heather NOVEMBER 2 Paid for by Friends of Jackie Heather, Nonna ta•, Treasurer, 1118 Pescador, Newport Beach 92660 di ord r linked U~ l'AT llOlto\\'ITZ Of l he Dallr Pllol llall l>EAJt l'AT: I\ 1• bct•h n ·1Ad111K ubout &ht• llnk bt•tw1·tn n'IJJinn and It<>} <''i syndro111t• t'11 n }OU h·ll mt• \\lllll Hl')'l' .;ymlromc Is und ho\\ I& 1·un bl· rt•1·ul(11lt1•tl'' W Ci., l.al(unu U1·u1·h 1<1•\1'" '\'t1d1111111 11'1111:111/t'tl I>\ l!l.':1 •" .• 1111111 111 llll'Ht11g111, "•" 11,11111 d 1<1 \I'" 111 l!H.:I 1111 tli1· t\l1 ... 11,dto111 p.1lliul"fhl wh11 11t11t1 · .11•111.11t·h "''" nl11·d ti .t ... 1•d1 llt.i t'\' 1 llt11~:> "' th1· 111.1111, ('1111tl11111 d \\ 11h lt\1•1 111.11111111 ll••lt ,111.I lil1111d 1 lt1•1111 ,lt' t11 ,11t tl1·t ' 11 ... t1.olh 11·,11l1111g 11t 1h·.1th It '"''"" 1111"111111•11 lt•11t1 ()\.t11lh I 1111\1.111 h 1111111"1 'l.tlt'' ti IHllllllg lilt' 11111,l l,,..,, . ., of 111tll1t·111.1 !'ht "•111•111111 ... II t1.tlh ·•PIH .II .1, tilt I hiltl 'h11uld 111 llU•\l'l111g l11111t lh1 1111 'lh1· 111 .. 1 .... g11 ... 111·1 ... 1 ... 11·111 \111111l111g 'l'h1 d11ld 111.i\ 1 .. 'l1·l P.' ,tl\d ll'lh111 g11 l1Ul 'llll rt''fl"ll'l\'t• \\'1thtll h,tll ,t d,1\ th1• I htld I ,Ill l1n ttfllt dh1111t·1111·d . lt1n1h.111," .111d d1·l11111u::. It 111111 t'.llo>il tllt' t l11ld t .111 go llthl ,, '0111.1 .111d dtt• S1111111111 ... 111d11·' 111"'1·1.tl ''·''"' 111d11.1t1 .111 ·""l('t,1111111 lwtw1·1·11, h1ld11·11 u11d1 1 .1).!• lh l.1k111i.: .1:-p1n11 .111.t 11tlw1 .,,tltt' I.tit· 1111•1lt1 .1ttuti-. .ltt Ill .II \tr.ti tllllt''"'' .111d tilt 11 d1 \'l'lt1pt11).! Ht \1'' '"lll111mt Tlw FtM 111 .md IJ1 ug ,\.!1111111 ... 11 .1111111 ti .... p1 "p.i11·d " l.1 ~ l.111gu.1g .. 1>1 "' liu11· t It.it '"'p1111d:-. t11 ll't'ltllt nth .1:-.k1·d qu1· ... 11u1i-. 1\ nip~ 111.t\ IJ1.• 111>1.1111,·d h~ \\ 111111g 111 Ht ,\I'' Svndt 111111•. Suitt· tiOO. I :111 I \\'tl.,111t Hh·d .-\1 ling11111. \'.i :.!:.!:.!O!l :\ ""P\ 111 tho '1"1 •d1 1.d Hq~1;..11 ·r" .1111111ww111g tht· p1np11;..1 ·d w:1111111g l.1bt•I 1111 ,1.,ptrtn .111d 11th"1 '"Ill\ l.1L1 · i <H t\,11111111: j1l 11tf11, I • 111 111 I t'ljt1t•,t1 •d It\' \\111111g 111 (\111·.t11111·1 Ctm1 ... 11 l1 llFt•: 1111 , .1111111 l-hh1•1:. l.J11t•, l<1ll k v 1lh•. Md .Wtt:17 I lo111l'.'ilt•11<l ~ult• /11 w.tt l> .. ~A R l'AT: When h o m es tl'a ded propt•rty Is :iiuld, doe11 lhe homv11le1Ad protect tht• money from the sale al(alns& c reditors, or <'Ufl tht•y 11ttuc·h the pro fit'! Also, du ,_ou have to t•a n('el a hu mt•ste ad whe n you sell a homc•s teudt•d hou .. 1"! T.C., Fountain Valley Th•· llt11 11t•y from tht· :.alt· of ;1 hu111t"llt•ad1·d ltuui.1· '' prolt•t:tl'd by \ht· h1111w .. 1t·Jd Y11u have• MX m e1111h:. 10 buy a rww pl.w1· .111d h1m\1•,1t•;HI II IC you d on't s~·11u th1· 11111111•\. tlw11 vour l'fl·J11ors cJn. afll'r :.1x 111111\lh:., :-.1·1·k lo iHWth II Wh1•n you :.t•ll a hmrw you auturTIJltl·allv .1h.111do11 .trl) h11nw.,1,.,1J, :.o vuu Jon't hav1· t~i I tit· .1 fu1111,1I .1h,tndonnwnt · If on1· -.puUM' 1·onv1·y:. honll'i.ll'ac.J1·cl propt·rty lu lilt' ulht•r, lht• o;pc,ui.c· making tht• u111\t \,111t1· 1 .... ·11 111~ oull .dwnuon:-. ;ill 11111111 -.It ,uf 1111111· ... 1 111 tha· p111pt·rty unit•!.., h1· •11 -.ht· 'Ill• 1111 .tlh tt•:o.t•rvt•' h111111·,1t·,11I nghts • ( :111 ,1 /•1<•/1/1 •111' '/'111•11 \\'/'Hr• lt1 '9 1 l '.11 ll11ru111t/ l',11 "ti/ 1·111n•tl1.1J1t'. - )!1·11111).! tlw .111,11·1·1,, .1111/ .w111111 you ..... /11' I ' If I 11 'tt /\'I' 1111' I/ ti/ II c • ·' I/ I J.:111·1·r1111u•111 .1111/ /111 .... 111 ... ..,, f\l.11/ y1111r 11L11•,11u11 ... 111 l ',11 //111111111/, :\I \'u111 S1·n•11·1·. Or:111J.:1' t "'·1'1 /J.11/1 l'i/111. I' U H11., l:•tirl, C11.,1.1 M1··'''· ( ':\ ~l:!li:!ti De Lorean • dispute estate ln LOS ANl:t-:Ll·:S 1AP> Attorm•ys for .John Z I>..· L111, .tll an.· wr,111,1.d111).! \\ tlh pn"'" u1111' II \' l' I t h I ' ..... ti I I h ti I l h l' autom.ikt•r ':-. San 1>11 go l'11u111' t•:-.tat1•. wh1th tht' \\.till 111 pll'<lgl' J ;.. b<1tl n1ll.11t r.tl 111 It•'• htm rr11m ft'llt•t .ti pr htJll 1dt·.1!>t· tnin1 tht· T1•1111111.tl l-.l.111d p<'llllt·11tra1 \ In ll. 11w1 11w<111\' ht11· 111. Ix J.,ir.-.111 1\l11111r L'o 1 th·d .1 p.-11111111 1111 n·urg,1n11.1t111n .111d pr111t'1. 111111 lrom 1.; ll<1111t·tl u1·d1lu1' undt 1 l'h.1pll·1 11 11 1 1h1 1-·, d1 r.tl H.ink1uplt\ Alt .111 11 1111·\ L.i" renu· S111d1 r .... 1111 Th.11 ':1nw d<1v lhl' Britis h ).!11\ l't ll11ll'nt dust·d th<· Northl•rn l1t·la11d pl.int 111 wh11h ll had 111\'\''>lt•d s1:rn m 1ll11m lu hl'lp Dt· L u 11 .. 111 ·, firm turn ou t his ... t.11nlt· .... ., -.11·1·1 sporL, <:<.ir A h t"1 r 1 11 g t " 1 1 d u t t I> t Lon•an's 5."I mtllton b.111 un drug trafficking l·h..irgt"• \\ .L, 1,111u·l1-d M o nda\ ln :,,IPad . dt·l"n'P lawyt.•r:-. Jowph B.dl .ind Al.111 Cr u 11 m 1· t "' 1 t h l h 1· l ' S allornl'~ 'i. o fltl'l' rt•p111 tr·tll\ 111 d1M'US:> t1·rm:-. to \\Ill I>. 1,,,n.,1u s IJI. Lon"'" -,-;-"'" .11 re 't1·d .it ;1 h tl l t• I ,J l L"... ,\ 11 ).! I I 1· ... lnlt rn.1111111.tl :\1rprn t <); t l ~I w1 1h<1rg1·s11! 1·1·11~p1r .. 1' \\1th 11111111 l•> dt!->trtliutt· :!:!II p•1u11d, 111 I I ll, II Ill' An ,ifl1d.1v1t hy 1-'BI Six·nal 1\J.,t1·n1 J1·11\ Wt·i.l Si.ltd th<' 11111111·1 (;1·n1·r.al Motors Corp 'rt t p11·,,.dt·nt "dt:.t·u:-.M·d the· 1111p111 l<1l111n .111d dts trtbuuon of lu·r111n front Thatl<1nd ;ind 1111 .11n1· fr11111 South :\nlt'rtl'<i i.I!> a 111to;11i-. of gt•n1·rat111g largt' .111111u111 -, 111 t <1p11.d" 1111 his 'tllllflilll.' interest for one full year. That '~ the yield a taxa ble im·e~tment would ha,·e to delin~r to match our ins ured Tax-Free Account. if you 're in the SO<k ta x bracket. ~:;NEW RATE WILL BE ANNOUNCED THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28. YOU HAVE ONLY UNTIL SATURDAY TO LOCK IN CURRENT RATE. 1-lft•l'liH• 'idd I 14.96% 40% 12.47% A ~ear ago. Congrev., gave tax pa) er~ what ma) he a nncc-1n-a- lifetimc exempt inn of up to S2.000 in mtere~t in come for cou- pk!-. filin g Jt.Hntly ($ l.000 if' fi ling in di vidually) on l>ne -ycar l ax·h ec Acco un ts t>pencd by December 31. 1982. }'0 11 lul\'t! 011~1' umil year'v t'nd 10 opt•n a Tax .free A ccount. Once the an:ounl 11, opened. the exemption may indude ea rning!'> re - ceived in 1982 and 1983-up to the maximum eligi bility. The Offer Ends December 31 The current Tax-Free At:coun t rate 1 ~ 7.2 1 5~ and the yield i~ 7 .48'1 -higher than the average yield on ta x-free money fu nd\. Unlike mone) fµnd !'I. however. your Tax-Free Account wi ll be imurcd afc up to $100.000. C.111 The Financial Linc and open your Tax-Free Account by phone, today. THE FINANCIAL LINE (714) 231-4023 01 rcc1 or C'ullc\.'1 I he I 10,inltJI l.rnt• hnur' .ire II .1 111 trll 7 run. /\1t1nt.l.1\. .rnd II J m 1111 5 pm • ruc'<llt\' 1hn1ugh I nJ11, I! Great ~~n rooera1 ....... 1111t • \WI ....... ~' tf"Y "' ..,,. .... . '°' (jt! ...... , ... 1 di''°"'"" "'nilti: On11t11t< ( ounh thn1Ut1'1 tM oltk't"' ......,.. ..... \ eoi ...... ""' 0i-..1011ot • J'>.I\ N Ml"' '" Ji ; J i ........... IOI llti,.•A••••• ea.-...... ••10' l)i)jo,.., ,,, .... f ............ ltd • •111 M4Mt ... i...... ltte• . ·"° ow~ ....... ~ lltllt •''IOI ,, do., .. ,.,,. SM OM1Mt • •OO A .. ~ o '1lo • Mil 11ot1• Cl t•••ll<il tu1 ll ltlt • 11W 11 ~· .. . ........ ,..., . 1011\ ~l,tt .... . l ........... •"111 c ........... ,.o.,, ._ ""'. ~m Ct~• ~ ....,., ... , • J ......... .., .... I. SM,. .. c.,..i1 ... • 11.'11 (~""' '4t<1l•m ........ • 0-.... , .. , ,, .... ., . / / / , / ..... J .. '\ I '=' '" \ \ , THE CLASSICS, CASHMERE AND .TARTAN PLAIDS If /' 1 t' 1 I ~ !\ J f 1 t ' ;f f f ld, 11 1•11 'I 1 \.)•'IJJ!t o f oJ f ", t• , ,, 1 I 11 \., , ' ' ,t (JIJ J ~ r ' .•1 1l,.1v11' I' 1• f ' I",' ~I C)./;f 1 I I 11,t ' t'ft H J 'J U .f.J n f1•1 t' ,•· I ~, ,p B·J11 H 'I'.~. 't11 ~, /C1 I , f 4 ' ! • ~ f , , ... ' ., I tf' I' I I tf I ,•I t I t 1 11 ''ft' Ir ':.l' t ''S11f'fl' :'1 .,. 8# ,. ~'JL' 83 FASHION ISLAND. t..EWPOAT BEACH. 759-1211 MON·FAI 10 9 SAT 6 SUN 12 5 ,.,. .,.,, •• 1 tc I lw l1111111r I 1·.1g1w of \t·11111•rt A 3-Day Shopping Extravaganza 1... I "' \\. ,, . It \ •• 1 .. ' \ ,\ ' • I 111 I 'I I I lff 1. '·· , I , .. ' I 111 •• I I t 1, 11~· t 11 • I ,,,._.,"'"'I t l<·nl.1111 • I• t ,1 , .. ' \,h .... \ I I ..... u it 1,.1,11° h I 1t•l• t I I,,. t f11•111·l.11 t11r B11,ml . I 118~ \I t • if I 1 • I • ... 1 I ,Iii \ "' 1111, I I I ... I -i I I • ~~It ,, )( ' • •I •• h• .... t ,, e I • • I•"• I ' e \t I 1 I e hi 'i I, • 1 ... '" f •• 11. "'I ... , ' I I I ,., '1 • ' • l't· 11 .. ,, •• I f1 I ,,, U• 1 .• ' II· • I ! .. , ' ••• 'I " • l I 'I '"''" \llt1+' 111• .. ,.,. I" • 1, "H ,, .... ''"~I • 1 •• '""'' • ll.11•,, ..,,, . I ltltl ••• I H111• • 'I 1-. • , '" ,, • ,,, , I ..... , , .. ti I ' 'I •IU lt'l"I H '-I I \1 ti 1 ... I I I .. ,., • \\' 11 .. I ti"~ • I ••••• ,, f,". I '' 111 \ • •'• • f I H. I ~ 1U1 • • H·H•nl 11 '"" :"'111·• t.tl I·:, 1•111, lhtl'l'I k .. '' l'l't t( "'' 11111 f, 11 \\,I ·I• \fl I I I t ,\ \\ .1,. &.-I •• \\ •ff• ' t\ II I I \. It ,\ t I ' ,\ , t " ' ' .... •• "' 1• • • .. k f ,, , •• ,. I \ ... , .. I I I •• •' ....... '-I • tote lll t..l l'•tH \ltltO l't tlH\l\tlO\ t \II ''i I J 1111111r I 1·.11.11w l'r11w• 1 .. ltv f11•M 1,..,,,. I \1•1•Nl ll.rl• •11\11, "' •J"''~••••• _. • t '"41111 t1.f• I •1'1 ........ t ........ , •• "'. tit .... ··I I , .......... , ••• ,,., ... ~·"., ~1 .. 1 ti''''""' ti" 11 t•• "•'• 1 f..,1 I,,. ,, ·l~t t 1flt1 'l'Al•-4• IU •I•• ••••n••ll ti• ..., ... ,,, , , ..... h .................. , II ,,, i th# , ......... I '·1-•••••••• "''' J ... I H ... tit., ...... fl•"f"'tff •••lfl tt-f toltnhf,..t '"tOll•lfltll l .. "1a II••\ t th• f\dht f 1t1lll \•¥•11""' ... 11 ..... ""'''"''~"'·'·•'''' • ,.,j ', .. •IOt•I • ,, , .... It lltl't ft''' 1~ot•t. ,, .. OIU••' ,., flt• 4 •"'" • tl11nt11•l1.tl1t1 Olil hll#l'°t•I .t•l 111 .... I''·"'"~ 1111t.I '"t I" .. ' I • •UIJP' ;j I ••. •'ftlOlll!Uh .... ,,. ' ••• ,11~11• I._, I h•"t \.h,,_ •'#" • t •""'°'"'•"' t '"P" '"' t ,, .... ,.._,.,,., r,,, .• ,,..,,_. e JI \II 'f•H\•r• l"1t••n Ill# fl \II t~••• ... ..,, •II \II,.,,.. .. lr• ·~"'I •t•••• h\ll H•• • lfqf J \t 1 I J U I ' \I \It I It \I U \ I•' \ J•"'\ 11•11 I t • . . ' ' . I ' '' \hUl\H 11\ ~\11 f1 •1t. II• lt " tm r ,111" ,,..,.,,,' Hlfttt••' , ... i •• di ... I 1111 ......... ,,., I ' ·~·''''''~ , ... ,.. "'"'. ' r-• • ' • J .... • I •11\1 ""f'.,111\ """°"-••lfw • I i 1 ""' " ' ~ i .;,,..,, °'* ltt• \I. I,!,'\ I \I l l•n ""''''••t l •"' • .... 111 ...... , t. ... ' ......... ' ... lo •• ""' .... "''111 1-H \nP'I ~-If..-.. I u 1 .. , ' . • i. •• ,,. ,.,. .. _,~ ,.. ....... -.' ...... ... ,., -..... l\f'IMJlll \11 t..-1 .. ,,,... \ ,,..,, , .. ....,...,..,,. . .-.,,, ... _,., ~ ......... .., ,.,... .... ,. .... ~,., .. , .... l'UUlll\ \\It t l\f' I -,.,_,..., '' ,,._ ' ... "-. ., -·-· "" ,..,. . , ........... ... .. ,,, t,,.. ...... .... "-. ·-· .... .,.. . • .... \t~· ... ' t .. I h u11uu I utlttt UAll y I'll lJ I IW111l1111etJuv Ot.l11hm } I IUHl Reagan plays Vega Ur ltoutmT MAt'\' AHOClalad ltr•n Wrll•• LA S V ~:< i /\ S H 1111.tl d It ,. II g u II p I •• v.. .1 I ,. l ll I II I llJ.(•lj;(t'flll'll I Ill l.,1), \1 1• j.(<I' T l111r,d11v. 111·.111' .!U ,, .. 11 , .• r11·1 h t• ( I II \\ II I' ti ~ I l Ii l h ,. l'ullllllt'lll.tl,, d11tH<..•d With tilt' Ac.h11uht•ll1·-. .. 1111 d1• 11lt·d 1111· l>olt\1t\1I .111•11,1 ''a-. rn11r1· tu lu:i 1k111g H1•al(,1t1 "tll 111• P••.\ 111~ ht:.. '\t"l'Olld VISll 111 I .. " V1·g.i.. Ill th1 l't' W l ' l ' k '\ \\' h I' II h I' •I IJ I> l' ,1 I I> Thur.;J~1 ' .11 .1 1-t.1r :..t11dd1 .. 1 politll'ul r:tlh dulihc•d "Up with A1111•n1·a " 111, 1111 ... -..1111 t 111-. trrrn· .... 111 ,,, l ' tht• Joh 111 ll1·p11hl11 .111 t:o\ Hobt•rt List, who I'-1•111b.1lllt-tl h~ the st.111·' .._,·,11111n11t w 11t•-. .• 111d lo lrolst1•r tht· • h .1111·1·s 11( COP St>n.llt' hopt'ful l'h1e I lt1.'hl Buth men ,11 t• 1 un111ng bt·h111d 111 1· u r r C' 11 I p n ti " L 1 !'; t t r a ii s [:l..•mot:rat Hwhard B1 \,ll\, \\ 11111• llt•c.·ht is lwl1t•v1•d g:.i111111g 1111 four lt·rm \'1'tl'ra11 lln w.1rtl C 'anno11 Rc.•aj;(an ts hardly a ~tr.ingc.·1 It• this l'tl~ ol hr 1ght hghL'· and h1g bu(· ks H \• h .i.. 111Jd1• llHJrt' l h.lll .1 dozt•n appl'Jr.1111.·t·:-h1•r1· rnngtng rr·orn nhlxin-t·ut ttng .. 111 s pt.•ak1ng P11gagt•m1•nt" .11 m.1Jor c.·onvt•nt11111s a:-h1· sought the• 1·lus1v1• l~UP pr1•-.1d1·1111.il nominat11111 tn I H7ti. u11d -.n.1n•d 11 111 Hmo Rt•agan ht'\.';Jllll' LI do:-1• rr11·111I of N c•vada" .. l '.1ul L:tll.oill wl1111 l he I \VO :-.1•rvt·d .t~ g11v1·rnt11 :-•ii their rt'Sf)<'1..'ll\'t• ,1,.11·~ T1x la~ ,,.., ,1 U S ~l'n,1tu1 . L.Jxalt n •n1.i1n' 1mc or Ht·ag<.m., c. los1·st •• d,·i..1 '"' But Hc•,1g.tn w.1~ 111h hunting whL•n lw l"tmt· 10 La:-\' q.(..i~ 111 Feb1 u.11 ,. 111 195.J 11 1, mu\ 11· ('3rl't•r on tin· "'.inc• Ht·<1g 111 headL•d '"''' "h1•11· ht• 11 ... ·c·I\ 1•d l11p billing Ill .I l\\'U·\\t'l'k -.11111 ,II the Lasl F ron111·r tnn\\ th .. Front wr 1lowl) I It· t·1m1pla11wd h• .i L ." \'i·g.1.., rpporll•r thc11 H11ll~·" '"'d'-.. .. 1.ir .. w~·n· bt•1ng lun 1•d t.1 frt·•·l.1111 1· thcrr t,1),•nh in 11lh1·r .1r'"'' 111 .. ho\\ bu ... 1111•-...; h1•1Ju-.1 the• tndu~tn ".is n11t .. uµpurt111g tt' stars Ht«1g,1n .... 111g. d.tnu . .U .md told AP Wlr•pholOI "'•·arl~ :~O ) c·nr~ ugo, Honulcl lh·aga11 t•11lt•rtai1wcl in Lu~ \'<'~U~, ahov(• with \\' ift• '.'1 111H'' and lwlow with the• HAtforulwllc· ... " .... ,,,, )'•I-•·' l\lu1 h .. r 1h1· 11.1t1t·1 "·'' 1111111 ,11ou11d hr.. t .. 11!-. '"·"" ,i-. 1 -.p ot!'. .llllllllllHt'I IOI tilt L'l11•.i/.!l• Cuus .i11d h1-. ,, ... 1., 111 ll11lh\\•~NI tit· t 111\\ JH•d \\Ith ,1 tfU,1rt1•l 1 ,d!t·d 1 lw Cun1111t·n1 •. d -.. t11ok pr.llfalh with tht· ll o nt•v H1 111 twr ... a 11d -..111g .Hld d.111t·1·d ''ill' th" Hum111h1's t h11ru ... 11111 . 1 lw 1\doralx•llt'!> t\ n1lurnni-.l lo(a\'t• l11m good IJl,11 k-.. 'Tlw 4Ut•sl11Jll 111 \\ h.11 \,111 Hon.dd Ht·ag<in d•> 111 .1 n1gh1 • lul• ti ..... l>t'\ I) Jl1S ..... l'rt'1.I ht I .111 t'lllt·rtain · th! 1·olumni-.l \\Tlllt· H1•,1g,1n ... nd .,, 1ft· NJm' '>f>t•nl mut·h 11f th\·11 -.par 1· 111111 ho.1l111g .ind fishing 1>11 J .,1k1· 1\11 .id v.. lw11 h1· WJS 1111t P• 111111111111-• Slit \\Jtt·h1·u 1·.1d1 '""'' 1111111 1h1 "ings Alth u ugh h1· l1ll1·d lht• -.huwroom 111ghth . Ht·.1g.111 111•\ 1•1 n ·turnr:d for a1wth1•1 gig ...... 1 -.011g ;111d d.111t·1· 111:01 111· turrwd to publ11 'P•·:1k111g .111d '>!>tm b<..'i. .111w .1 1t .. ul1·r 111 th .. lh publwan right ht-. 1" 1111 llu \\'htt1· f {11LIM' c.; d I'\\ 1111 d \',I fl l h I I\ I \\ Fronl1t·1 ·, ollhl·-.tr.1 h ,1d1·1 .11 thl l tllll' s;.11tl Ht·ag,1n·-. 1 h.111,111.1 ··1·ndt«irt«l hrm lo .1111111 m , . ., · Norni '""[oats I I Newport City Council November 2 Committee to Elect Norm Loats. Rudy Baron-Treasurer. 881 Dover Or . NB ID 822319 PUBLIC NOTICE 'Final Environmental Impact Statement approved for interchange on Route 1·5 at Alton Parkway and modification of the Irvine Center Drive interchange on Route 1-405 AT a SF RR * Prooou d Mu111·Mooo1 I T1on1oor1011on ,. ---Cenler / . ---.... --~ Project ----..--Location No Scale M;.i.rlond• 01~0 I LEGEND : Q NEW INTERCHANGE D MODIFY INTERCHANGE WHAT'S BEING PLANNED WHAT'S AVAILABLE WHIRi YOU COMI IN Caltran!:i (Ca1tlorn1a. Department of Transportation) ;.'Ind the r cderal Highway Admtn1s1ration have approved the Final fn11ironmen1al lmr:iact S tatemen t (EIS) for the construct ion o f 1he Alton Parkway/1·5 interchange and !he mod1flcat1011 ol !he lrvme Center+05 interchange The Final EIS which desc11bes this proiect is now available lor public review 11 is being d1str1buted to those who made subst ant1v~ comments on the Draft [IS or who requested a copy You can read or buy the statement at the Caltrans D1s1r1c1 7 officu at 120 South Spring Street. Los Angeles Ol'I weekdays from 7:30 a.m. 10 5 00 p m Also. you can review the statement at the Public Works Department. Irvine City Hall. 17200 Jamboree B oulevard. lrvlne. Cahtornla For more rnformet1on concerning this pro1ect o r any transportation matter call Cartrnns at (2 t3) 620-3550 HERITAGE FLORIST /-111« I /011·en l-r11111 3 119 ( ·r J1ne see a 11 d ""I<' II u u r: " / I o ! > p r / / o u r . ">1 w c i a I.' .. /ru111 S / .00 tu S3. ()() /r('/llt'('I/ ../ 1\ () I I I 11 i/111 h111 .\1111i/0 1 ( ·u 111 f J/ <' f C J1. 'C (/ d f II g 1:ro1J1 S58. 95 EVELYN "llo OlliCI d f>ruvu11 LuarJur" HART Newport Needs f'H~ Evelyn Hart. our current fv\ayor Pro Tern 1s totally comm1ned to maintaining a balanced communrty ltlat is a pleasant place in whrch to h11e and work. a community with charm. open space and quahty lifestyle Her primary concerns include • We must have maximum ut1hzat1on of our tax dollars through conservatrve fiscal man· agement of our city budget • Traffic continues to be a ma101 problem for our city We must continue our ettons to improve our present traffic system with emphasis on the early comple11on ol the Corona def fv\ar Freeway • The airport is at capacity An alternate site is necessary 1f we are to meet our growing regional needs .\u n1e1hi11g fur oil ucccniuns r Jr 11u11-ncccl.\ ioll.\ EVELYN HART 12] 11 - /{1 111\ \(I"\ 11 t '/1 I J//lt' -1 -1 1 ,-.-.1111 Newport Beach City Council COMMITIEE TO RE E!...ECT EVELfN HART JC PERSON JR TREASURER /../.r..J ( llflt'I /)1 . /1'1111<'. ( (/ Nu If' J,. , \I 1"/'I'111 ~ ( < • 111 c • n r1 _1 ..., I ../ 201 SHIPYARD WAY NEWPORT BEACH 92663 . . ,.,.. . ..... . .. , .. ....... ,, .... ·...-..-1 RE -ELECT STATE DOARD OF EQUALIZATION JU -HECT DRO NE NB U RG HE'S SAVED US MILLIONS! Ernie is ... * Experienced and Hard Working f "' * Better Business Climate and Jobs * Active Church & Community Leader Kristen. Ernie. Stephanie and Kathy Paid lor by Friends ol Dronen burg David A Hawt11ns. CPA T reesu•er Endorsed by Democrats, Republicans and Independents ---- nat~ fellow sought T" I' d l '<I d I t 111' I "I ,1ppltt'Olll•l/I !> l o lh1· I U ll :! -U :i S l' n n t 1• Fl•llow:-.htp 1 1 111~111111 1' f't•h I . Hlll:I, ,11'\1111.1111~ 111 :.t.t11· S1•11 l>.1, td Huh1·rt1, T h i· 111111· 1111•11th prugra111, wh11 h hq~111:-. in SatTa1111.•nt11' t lw (11·,1 w1.>i•k ut N1J\'1•111h1·1 I !JH.I, o rf 1.· rs I :.! f u 11 t 11111 ft>llow!>h1ps JI .1 m11n1hh Sllpt.•n<..I uf $1,:.!50 S l' 11 a 11· ( 1• I I o v. :-. . uss1g111.•d to th1• pt•r:-.onal or 1•um1111tlt'1• :-.ta fh of Sl•nat1• ml'mh1•1 :-. a11· re s pon:-.1hll· f or lt•g1sla11v1· l'l">t'an·h and 1 ball analysis. 1·on:-.11tu1•nt l' u s l' ,.;, o r k ci n d adminislrat1v1.• duti1"; Apphcauon forms ,md tnformallo n brm·hun•s a r 1.• u v a al J b I l• f r o 111 c·oll1•g(• and un1v1•rs1t' Carto1•r Planning ancl Plat·cnwnt 1.·1·11ll'rs. F o r a d d 1 t 1 11 n ,1 I information. 1·1mw1·t thl' Sen ate F 1• I I 11" sh, p Program o rftt't'. Sta11• Capttol. Room -10\l . Sacramento, Cahf !J58 I-I. (91()) 445--1:111 2 courses s lated for parents Two fn·1· ('<t Ltrst•s 1111 parenting will ht• nffen•d by the Orange· Cnunty Chapter of tlw Am1.·n1.an Red Cross lx•ginmng 111 Novc•mber ... "Parenting R1rth to 3 IS a SIX·W('t•k l'OUr:-.1• covering tht· phys1(':.JI. t-motaonal. sonal and intellectual growth of " newborn Dtsl'tpl 1 nc· nutrtlton. hl'.tlth and safc·tv also will b<· discussed Th(• t'OUl':-.t· wall Ul' oHered Tucs<..l.1vs from 9 : 3 0 t o I I :Hi a . m . starting Nov :l. al tht• R e d Cross Chapll'r Headquarters in Santa Ana. A class for ftr'it-timC' parents a lsu wall bt• available. "Transition lo Parenthood" will ancludt· d1scuss1ons s u c h as feeding and bathing a newborn. choosing a do c t o r and bastt' c h aracter1st1c<; o f .i newborn Tht' ('OUrsP runs four wt·<:k s. starting Nov. -I from 7 lo !l pm at the Red Cross Scrv1t·e Center in Anah(·1m A $ 5 t' h a r g t• f o r materi als w i ll be requested To n·g1ster for classes. t"all 835-5381. ext. 21 4. Paoo Pol1t1cal Adver1osemen1 Re-Elect ARLENE SCHAFER Costa Mesa ./ ' ' City Council J KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL ARLENE SCHAFER Cos ta Mesa City Covncil Paid for by Ille Committee To Re-elect ARLENE SCHAFER KenFowler· Treasurer 3423 Meado,,.brooli. Costa Mesa Jim Poteet. Chairman ' I " 0 1(111 11 Cuuri t DAILY f'tl OT/Wtiu11utHJuy, Ot.lol.Jur U . 198' AT PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT •' . ,1 .. 1' t ,; \, .. \:• ... :• \ ~ . \ 1' I • ' . I \ 'I . ' . ' '. \ '- '. \ . ~;;,//fl r 1/M/f .' ,/Y'' _.. I \ I I \ I ' ' " I . \. .. .. \. \ I • ., 11 . \ .. •I . ' I .- .... . . . \ "' 'IJ , ef\NN~ \_p.J \ ' .. · Paid for. by The Executive Council P.O . Box 7471, Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Jerry Parker, President Lock in for 30 months. A good 11tern1tlve for maturing T-Certlflcates and retiring T11-Free Savings Certificates. '\1 '" ·, tht· ttmt· tt> opt'n .1 "I 11111nth 11' 5 I I.!' l'.tr \It""'' \1.11 l.l'I Ccrttfil Jtl' "h1k \IHI t.1n ... 11111-x· 'ur1• 1 11.1h1~h 1na1·1l''' r.111 th.n 'gu.1r.1ntt.'l'll ror tlw lull ll'rm \llll l hoc "l' ThC'rl'\no minimum rt . .'quarl'd .and \1H1II1 .. 11n 1/ 11.111111l' .11 llnrnl.' Fl'd1·r~al th.an .n .\m h.ank Plu' 'our tm·c,tmt·nt I' 111,url·d up 11 1 $100 000 '" .1 l " G11\•ernml..'nt J~t'IK\ Open \11ur ll111n1: Fnkr.al \l11tll'\ \1.1rl..t·1 < 1•rt1f1l .111· t< •d.t\ Befort• tinw .amJ inrt·n·,1 '"P ,l\\:t~ Call 1-800-862-0539 now. Or anytime , any day to open your account. \\ h1k ,, 111 11· .11 11 , ·"" 1lw Pt·r" 111.tl F111.1rn 1.1l l<1·prl"'l'l1t.111\1.• .1h1 •Ill, •thl·r l1 •1tl.! ll't 111 . ).!U.11 .11lll'nl .1l l 11u111' .11 l It 111w l'l'lkr.il -"1 11111· p.1\ .1dd111t 111.tl, .1 ... 11 Ii. 11111't'' 1111\ 111 111.11unt\' I 1 •I (1 1111.! ll'rtll ,llld ,Ji, lrl ll'l 111 111\ l ''lllll'llh I h.11 .11 l' lll'llf\'d .ind ~11.1r.11111'l'd , • lllll' 111 It. 111w I 1 •dl·r .al { 1111111 n 1,, 1, • 11 ~ '-tiil.ilt-t .. rt qu1n "oh....i.1ntul t111 h 11u11 .. I 1 t uh '' uhd1 1\\ 11 1111 n u 1 •Ullh K1h 1tt•uh~ 1111Htth1 1h•1t 1t \11rnll11flh l11.h11I '1th, 1-IOME FEDEAAL ' I .. ... -. • Orunuo l.uu 1 llAll Y Jill O I 1Wudm1 duy 01 11111ttr JI llJ Oil company earnings showing improvement NEW YOHK (A l-'1 l)\•1>1111t• m 1x1-<l p r 11(11 l\'1"11 1,, ••ti uiml"'""' t' ti I' n I II t.t !> ll I \' ' Ii 11 W I II~ lrn p r11 v 1·m 1·11l h 1•1 .111"' o f r t•lo llv c•l v ... 1.1111 .. pt 11·1·:. .111d dl·m u rn.l, a 11.1lyst)> .... 1y "W t• h u v t• th1• l>c·~11111111g' 111 .111 1mprov111g 1r1·rh l t hht ,1111uld. I thlllk, l'Olll llllll' 111 t h 1· rl!'),,t l\\11 q u11r1,•rs," smd Alv r11 S1ll>c•1, \lo h o f oll o w ~ E x ,.,0 11 arid uth 1·1 1n1t·rnauo n ul ull 1·11m p<11ll\'' l11r tht• lllVl'Slnll'n t firm I>..""' 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I .1 ,h,11 1 111 1 l1t· 111lllf1.11,1lil1· Hill I 1x·t 11KI -~~ •• Your .., Proless1onal · · Flonst Fl.OAST 2915 Red Hill Avl'nue A 108 Costa MPsa c...1ll1llJt.~ lo C..o CJrl~ Wllt1lt'¥tJr lh11 Fall Roll om oil 111e rn1111o.,;1 W1111 ,, Cl11s&1l1oa All (.,111 NtJwl 64? !>678 PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY S20 "' '• .,,.. I, .. , I I tll I 1' 111• If 1 t 1,. 11 , .. ,. • I I I ··•'• J 'j , M ii ,,.. fit••,, , ,,..,,_ ~ , ••• .,., I! ltt• I I Stone Mill Business Park 64 1·08 10 (714) 640-1268 - , •••• • • • • ••• \. ... . ,. ... -• • • • ... , • • • • .. ' • • • ' (:taut•'-. \\ Uh011, lc•fl. a nd \'l u rk Uo\H'r clc·111011 .. 1rulc• a honw 1t• .. 1 ki t tlw~ un· m arl..t·I in~ '°' hidt '°'ill 1·11ahlc· fH'oplc· l o c·on ~umc·r p rodtwl .. for poi..,011 or uc·icl udclilt\t'""· OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS Nt W •d1h1> 1A••1 ~\llUC,.t'o ~ ''1 ffff II fl I l'i ~ ~1,')I U! 14 , .. • ''' /n • Jft ,, " l--'iou1t1 \ J.l1d ,tlrr f'O\\'' " AP Wlrepholo lf• .. 1 ' II II llML (Jf '"""''"'' I ot1(JrH1 • ell t ,ting kit /(Jr 11oi on W 1\l I> J, ,,1•, tt\l '> Tw•1 l1u ... 1111 ..,, ,1ud1 111:-. Jl li.1vl11r l l111v1·1 i.11\ .11 1 111o11k1·t111g .1 t1·,1 kit 1111 \ .. 1 \ "'Ill 11111!• 1 l '1111,11111• I ' .i~:.1111-.1 P'"'''ll .i11d ol\ td Ill Jldlll ktlll',..., llll•lllli""·""' j \1•d11111, .111d , ....... ii '>fll1•\' M .1 t k B II ~' I I .. 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' J.'tt-\t1M ,,,,.,, .. ,.,1 ,._.fOQff) " " k, .. , I . , ... " I\•. Ii IL II Iii! U1 I I ,_., umJ lt•lli-nA I m1ut1I I;/( II It. I I /I II ''' >! .. t tJk• Af• ''" lf;llr.1ftHIQ 11\l I ,,,,,,.._, II• (.J•u f Ith (_c,unltr -I • • • Vote and Elect ... EDMUND J. KELLY FOR MEMBER STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATIO N SUPERVISING AUDITOR SlATE El~J·\H[' EXPERIENCED TAX ADMINISTl1A run ~(lll CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANl )I f ()I it.t I//\ II< HJ 'I VF A.fl , /,. $/11/.~/,f,,,1,. ( I' • '/",., (r 0,.,,,.nrr COMMtTTEf TO ELECT £0 KH l • • • 27 I W Roallo Av!' R1<1llo (.A "· ~ •t; F''dOI\ oeCourten TrtMSvt~, Vi1w n 11w .. a nd /Jra1 ulit• ... ·"/lt'l'/,i//\ (,,/I• D rr,lrlff'f::- CooJ.. liooJ.. .• ( .'oTJ /j 1/111 WI/ Id fl \\ im · 8011/I' n111•nt•r• .1Nrl /111/rll'f .. {f 111f'·(f'/,1t1•1/ /lfl/t' 1".1f1/• /a-. tin~ .. ( Oprn 7 l>,1\ • l l ·h f ref" I oral Oeh,·erv :! WO \\ . Coa .. t II"'. Stt'. Io ~e" port Bead1. C \ tJ• ... I 1rm ( .i,, .. -.1 6 12-51 19 Th11 u 11011111 uffrr /IJ 1d/ 1111r" ,,,/1nw1um nj "" of/•'' /11 h111 1/i,·11 1n 1irlll1'' 7 he• offnmR 11 mt1d1• t111fr hr 1h1• Of/1•m11( Cm 11/ur "ti#lf,f\l/ f lfll\ New Issue 400,000 Shares Common Stock Price i 10 00 per 'hare For on OfferlnR Circular and a Stock Sulm:ription App/1catio11. please contact the Orgon izativnol Offen• by mail or tC'i<1f'hOnt'.' PASADENA FIRST NATIONAL BANK {IN ORGANIZATION) SOS East Colorado Boulevard l'audcna. Califo rnia 911 0 I (213) 792-0W FREE HOUSING SEMINAR ;::~~~·J;_.:;·,•,·•.·; 1:·;~;,~~!1 I! :::1·, '• '1'1 1\\IYll '°' '11t \tlot i' t. ~ IHftt 'tit•._ hul A'lot lH.1(,1, °" A•' lt11J I\ t~• lutitlM Ar At•1, I '' ti , ( lj1 t·1 1 I "'""ll•tfl "a• \1"' 9'rnyl11I ''* 1\. ~lonH. I , .. ii fll.not&11 \/ II '" w • IV I I ,,.., j;/ I > I~ . . n I> ••• 11 " " '''"~'., fMnUJd I tJVOl-t \ I W\tl • t•uvi-u '"'"'''. u U •Mt(.ut .. I" ,. II It. 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II 1 II l 4'tH , , I ~ l ,HUJ Mt -.. ,. . . . •v • •• lb lb II JI ., • 11 "'1>SvNt ..,U,1tjr•u JJu tU( 1tµ Uwd~t( i1 J4d~ttC LI RdyPUHJ A .. t"~I \ Uoct<l'h ._.oot,,M, ~ouu ~dl1ttr \d,,(.0 ':>tHt:tC.,tl '.:.IPowl ~t1pH Sr>ittQftl• ~n'Jot'' "' '>•t.M.-, \I:."' ,, " u~, t ,,,, lJ\ \1H U') tn ., U \lttU\" • ,, ,, ,,, ,, 1•11 h t,,...', ,,,. ,., •• V\ol , l(i\lf"tQ I 1• l'' 'I .1r11J ll.JfJ tt l.f" I f ·il I" It-' NO MONEY DOWN! f lfllll $ 7 l 500 Wtlllt' lllt'y 1.1~1 <\01 Oct JOm 10 AM Som 1 l<;t JI Ii' Noon Rt•,t-'fV 1t111t• S46 9522 Act 24 Hrs PUBLIC NOTICE MN-112641 FIC TITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT M(lHOPOllT AN SOUIH <JlJ I OOOfl SIGNS JOO t R<•ctn111 AvtJ r:~pl~nua., No d 5v•t" t09 l.•"l<l M"s" C:.A 92b26 Ml:IROf>OLllP.t~ OUlDOOH 'l 1 CJ N ( 0 f~ P 11 ( 1l I 1 t (J t (1 • 1j 1.111pv111hon l 100 S1u1.~t1111 Jr Cl fluut StHl F't111r.1)t.rJ CA IA\ ~llH,fO (.ON S\JI T1NI• ;:,L AVIC..f 'Nl. 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Lovnt)' l.•~•" i f r), :int)1• C ounr,. .-.ri Seo1em1;.,r ll l'ld, F198129 Pvtlhll•l'd 01 •n9A l..C.oS< Dooly P1101 Otl 20 ?7 Nov l 10 •982 4604·82 PUBLIC NOTIC[ I FICTITIOUS BUSINSSS NAME STATEMENT Ille lo11owir1q person os 001119 tJu11ne~• a~ THE COVER uP DRESS SHOP J0044 Sanla Ana Avenu" Sant~ Ana Ca11tornia 92707 Juelrlh Ann Thorell 2455 ''"'n" CoMil Mrsa Ca11lo<n•o 926?7 fn1s bu51ness is conductf4d b1 ;11, 1n<J•'ltdua1 Jud1lh Ann r11ore11 HHS statet'T\4'nl wa1 f1leel ¥r1lh '"~ County C111ri. of Orange Couni. nn Ottol>f!r 18 1982 F111t715 Published Orongt' Coas1 Daily Polo! Oct :x> 27 Nov 3 10. 1982 •600·82 P\&.IC HOTIC£ FICTmous •UllHESS NAME STATfiM£1fT Ttie tooowlng oersons &•t' do•no ous1nes" •s 391h SHIEET PRESS P 0 Bo• 2092 •02 39111 St Nt'"'POll Beach CA 92663 NANCY LYNN BECK, •02 39th SI Newport Beach. CA 92663 SHARON LORE FARLEY, • 10 3911'1 St Newport Beach. CA 92663 GEORGIA MAHONEY 814 E Ocean Fronl Bslboa, CA 92661 T 111s bu11ness 11 conducled by a oenernl par1nersh1p Nancy Lynn Beck F1"319 Publlsned Orange Coasl Dally P1lol Ott 13, 20. 2'7, Nov 3, 11182 ••6S-8:> PUBLIC NOTICE f lCTmous •UllHESS NAME •TATEMENT T Ile IOllOwlng per1ori 1s doing bo&lrJeSS IS WOODWIND MARINE 206A Coltori S1ree1 Newpon Beach C1llfOf'1ll 92260 o a .. 1d S1epneri Salas 206A Collon S1ree1 New port Bea ch Calll0fnt1 92260 T n1s business 11 conducled b~ Rn lndl•>dual Dav>d D Salas Thia atate,,....,I was filed W•lh lhe> County Cle<lt. ot Oreno" Covn1y oo 0c1oo.r n . 19112 F1tt3U Publl1hed Orange Cou1 Daily Piiot Oct tJ. 20 27 Nov 3, t9112 u s1.92 At.k.lt•11Y.. ,, • 11 I I''''''.' Ath• ,..o, ' • <t '" ln u l\ t v AJll~'t I/ th (hJ• wt11, Alit,.(llht J J6 lJuUtUn An1,11, • " • ••• (Jc ,ll U AJ v• u 1 • • (,.uh ,. ~!'!:,',~11 Jb • /~ t ~;~:·•,~ ·,, :~::,~',' : • It. : ~~7.~ ~h :,~~~1::u '' : "1 1, :\~, "''""A '· I I •. ''"'' At'<Q"'''" • !'! 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'"''' t ,, lt\IC-.'••' "'''"U ., •• ,. t f ,,,, -A • ""'"~\I '.,. ,,, . MUTUAL FUND ·' ,., I ••ttt(1 /t JI I flf1v' I I , I 1t•hnJ ;; . ~· .. ~'?';'~' I • ,.. ""'·' l 11 M•cJ·,C...I ~I ,! ::r~:·" •• I 4 ,.,. .. , I > ., N'1h,.l' W1t1I t M4'\'"'l•I M t " JI ,, . . • ,_ • 14; J J I • I 1 • 4li•tnhl SnMrlJ H II I' ' " ., ... .... . 1~ JJ .... . . . ' •• •I 11 J " "' . "' •I ' I .. I ~~~~;'P v ....... VdH•ttll V•nlJy\ \t~t1n "'"'. 1 V Ut 1,( '- """"'' "' .-... .. tnl lj •I I I• •• .. ,, .. . I I . . • t • Ir \ ,I ., ,,,,,,., ..,,. I ,, I ' "'"·•''' .,,., ., . • I t.,I h"l••J .... u ,.,,,.. , ,.,p. ... , .. .. ,., .. ,, ... ' I ,. tM t ,. ' '>""'""'' l)ff''•k\ ")41,,-n • ~(...a ,...,, ~tltl 1~.; \tdf'Hl't't l)tO.Yu" '>tok ... ,, ., I • ,. I " ,. '#.\nt n• wt-.~" i/ltihC,,t(J Wn•CJtl V-.1t11.-u V\'1\..-r • .. \ .,.,..,1.,A1i1 We,>tt•t w nocH1ol V.• ·Uhl ilt I t l t ,, ., .. .. .. • I• • A"lor1J .- J., •I ,. I t 'I ¥ V·•••• ' .. • t iv"• • .. ,, Mthfu M ·d •A M1}H)' ,1p ¥i·o•kr •• j M ·Ull>• M iil11 .1 " .. ,, I• v . f• I .. M · \,•t1 M t10 • M 11,11c .. 1 M1.i,1-..t,. ~ A.AU." f • 14 Mv•'f·lt• I M vlll11f ~'''''"' •i • Nt'tt'QC NlJ"1" ' '~t~':,~,~ ,. I' t • ""''. "''' ""',,/Ii t ... +••hu H t1 ... , i i •'-ttult ~ • ...,...,,,,,,., f f"r'i•l 111 P•nfM '""°"( ., f-tll ,, '•"·~ f'f\11•'·~· '·•ft r\~ t 1,..,,, . ,, ,, .. ... I' t . 1, o " ·~ I ~ A Mit~1 j •· t' Mtlf . ' ,. . I I;::~,~·.· I , .,.,.""', ~Odtv 1• " I .. I I , JI h '• '••• I ''·•I ·' ••• "Iii I • • l'J • I j't\ 1• ,, ,. .. .. • I\ •I '• • '"'"""'I • \~• ..... • .. .. ' ., ... NASDAQ SUMMARY ,. fo t t I I ''"' , .... ' ... , ,. ' '..;"""'}'• '" ••(,rt .. ,, 11 ... ,' . .. , ... • t1 I I 11 , .. 4 At •1 I I'. ' ,, " I '· I N t VY f lJH '° A• Mt•• I l't• I •• rt 1 I It ..., '., 11 1 . ... 011 1 U\Jf•ltf 'tllff ,., \\.1'1i>l·t ti , f ~A .1t "-•• ' 1 v vlun t" h1lf • .,,. d i r1(1 ,~, ~ ' ~i, Ir~ t ~~~ ~ :~ !! w U ot r I y, I Ip ... , '"'"'' \")(A. •• , 0 ( u1.,-.,1 ,\':. IUO /~ ,._ .. , It t l:uw1nu• \11!1 •\.Ill , , • • • 11 f i~u~~" :: ;: :; :: • IU • )0 'I lnt"IQ "" 4Q.e 4CJO I\ t ~ • 11o1 • 1\1 • Stllh·r 166~ t1 •1 : • I RC M ,, 11 .. /\> I 1 " • • 11 • i "'•· 1 I •• • ' 11 ..... .. .. ,, .. I A.a .. tn.c I'd I ~ ;,, ~~ .. :~, I 11 "~ ~ .. ..,.. '"' h• ft 14 ,. I I~ .. '•..Jh b• I I '' ' H'h ~ 'J ALH t ,, ,,. .... ,°"' I\ 0,..,,,,( • '• fr1,...., " f<\I> Ma ,.. '"'' ' ,. ,, Lo-t I Jl'A, I\. '"""' ~' ~ .... , . .... ' 'Jt•W•' 1, ~ t I \.' ""' .. ( , ... w 1\1 \ I (. 'Af' II 1 It hh •, ~ (. ... " 1>1110 ~ITIClll llDVf'4rtSElllfl>(f 1 .. I ; • .. UOW""\ I• t ... ... I . .. , .. {.;ti '..1" 1·n (·" , .. " UI' "' v• Ut1 °'' 011 ,• g:: ti V" utl ..... ut1 V" ti .. u" .., . ,, . lt I to I t .. I• r •t. • • JI I . I I ' I " . ' 'IJ I ·~) '"" IJ .. . •If ""Q , , • .. ) . ' . , . I> I 1 ' ~ • ) ti I ''I 11 1 ti • ti ' 10 . •Ct J •GO 100 •l ' ) Pel<J for oy "Allen SHiii for rl'I• Rn l<Jent•" 2007 Hl{Jhlen<J. Newport Beech, CA i266Q Busi'ltss 1nd Proftssion1I Com!Jtants ------_.._ ____ _ Allan Beek For City Council he asks • • • he listens! lXCCUllV1 RECRllTtRS 1pecl1JTia t1 1n llC~Al ACCOUflllNO llANIUNO ti>' CIOOY • Oil 6 OAS CIUIIlllMI ftfWtC( ~AltC( LlGAl MMKHM KRSOfKL SAUS StOCll ..cMl(RAGl 1"roh'1181on¥1 <.:onlldt1nll•I Strvl<"lot <'l\NDlllA n : CL-l t:NT 714-553-1111 --..0r-1e1 ....... 1 .. 1 •llJO Btrth S1. Su• 10-. Nrwp•m 0.-och. Cl\ 92600 ~ I l Orunge Co 11 DAIL 't' PtL O 1/W111JnuacJny Oclot>ar l7 1fl8~ s N (:(>Ml,O 'l ,.l'E 'l'RAN ·At:'l'lt)N Q\JOl•llOH\ll•flUllt l llilO l \ON l .. lNt••o• ... M IOWt \l l'A (I~•( .... •OH ON u •t •Oll ANO llN(IHN4fl\lOC • t '(HllHG I \ANO tit lt()l! I • 0 ·~ THI H&\O &HO IH\llHI I .. .. j . • price drop • ID county LOS "N< ;t.'J 1-:s fAP) St pit mix r l!Jl l'>Ufllt'I p1111 .,~111 "l>P• d II I p1r•1 111 111 t/11 110111111111, J ,11., A11g1 ll''> ()1 111~· 1 llUllllt ' ,,, •• llH lh11 d I 011:-.('( llllVI llllHl\hly d 1111111 th1 us l..1h111 Dl Jllll 11111 Ill ..... 1d l 111 ~f,1 y I ht d111p ht Id lh1 I.? 111011111 1111Icl11111 I ••It 1•1 ,, 111\N I J. pt II t Ill II W.L, 1111 I"'' lllfll Ill I ) vc .• r, th.ii 1111 C •Jll'>Ulll< r l 'r 1u l11dl'll. 1111 1111 IW11 tou11I) .111.1 Ii'" •It'< h111dth111 1111111111., 111 u 111w ~.111 Bun .ill •>I L.1b111 St 1t1,t11 !oo. '>j.lnkt '>\.\ Wll 111 Jo'..11th lll'llll 111.11111 I ht fl I f>4 1u•111 rl11>1J 111 S. µtt•111lx r 1.11111 1111 lht 111 • b ol .1 0 I 1x 111•111 d1oe 11111 111 Augu'>t 111d ,, II I pc rt I Ill d1'1 l1111 Ill July '>hl S<Jld tee/ firm tells loss l'I rTSBU HC ll I A l') W h c1 l1n~ IJ111 ... huq~h S111 I ('wp h.1!-. 11 pm H'<l ,, nu l11s~ ul rnun lh 111 $211 1111ll 11m or $ft 77 1 uin11n1m ... h1111 Im lh1 1\111.? third tjll 1rl1 I 0 1 pH,.,tJ .. 1t1 p 111r-111 ltvd, t11upl1d with ,t'>'>lJC.1,tlt d 11),. 1,1l111g I J l U 1 <Jl ·HI )JC. r11 Ill 11f t Jp.1< t l y "Ill u111111111c to prod Ult lui.sts <h 'Pitt s1gn1f1um1 r •due IHHI'> 111 to'>l'> 'c11d Wht·< ling P111 ... bu1 gh Ch.11rm.111 fllmni., l .. , Illy Whc 1 hng Pnt ... bu1 gh 1s the natmn s c•1gh1h J,1rg1•s1 Mt t'lrnJkt 1 with f.1ul111t•'> 111 Pt nnsvlvant<1 Ohm ,rntl Wt-.l V11g1111a GM earns $129 million DE'I HOI I' (A}J) A lthvugh is;1lc·:; of Amlrn;;n 1 ;;r:-hav< sunk lu 1ht•1r lowest daily r.ilt for m 1d - Ot tulx r Ill ~.j H <II'> 1ndu:;1ry giant Glnl•J <JI Mollll !> lurp hu., n.:µorlld ,, rnult11n1ll1on dollai profll for l™.· third quartr r of I Y8:.! STOCKS IN TH£ SPOTLIGHT OOW JONES AVERAGES ~fw Y()Mf\ ,A.-, =>•t•• I u•• pt C• 8f.0 n.1 ,,-~n.Qt» \)t mr I It.-•• n 0\1 •<'"'' ,_..,.,... .,.~• "llod l: J1tt\imt,i \\Vt\ NEW vOR9'.1APJ J f'\ol Ouw JOflt"\ ••O._ IOt lue"°4¥ Oct )ta t 10 n\J "''' li<.'ll Y di u vt .. in<1n '' i ••on I 4W ~ JO I OM I II~ JOO ij/ An • T ,t. I I 0t0 \00 )'ti • '.,,. u '"' .,.,(> 400 )1 •• l6\f .. uO.itli. llllb ,00 "'°. ,,., (.,6.l .,, .fOO " . ' ,., j : :'~~', ~ ~~ ::~ ~~ ~ Pl tlfp\r 1: I04 lOO )I • • I )Ovtht',,, tu '"'' oou u \ld01I( t1 I•• IAl l1 "., '"'"' lJ .. O()J " .1 ,.,.,oto' o•• 111 QOO It ").. n1"*n Otf~ lJ Ci()&) JC°#.-. M11lhl 1,-., .JJ~ 101• AMERICAN LEADERS NEW VORK IAP1 A'i:' .. ~~,a~"""t.',-" ~' '"•U ntJ n•' ondllr .~ / tC)H k.;nOPtO J C>o t>l'ltl '"•mu Ho Al •\ .. 6 A ti MOU01ll• •mo.-n• &Zl 'ltt A•\ttlnt A Cr.-\f•tC>1 s .. 1., 1u•• ""'' It-.. It I\ r\4J\t •I ltVl' f_ HhdnOf' \\.\f*\ "' n Ot ft '""' l l h .. ~ ' , ' ,,.,._ fKAJ I •11 ._. 2•1 OCAJ , .. ••) 100 J • 1)11 .00 • \JS .00 t> • ._ 110 lOO 2•• '''°° •. 11 lt{JO )I ,. 000 " nocrc~ lO lno 10 1,n 11 Ull •\ s11. Jn<lu\ lrdn Utll\ .) ~,. WHAT STOCKS DID Nl't\i VOHIC ••• ,,Ott ,, "Ow.clnt t(J O~t.• rwo Un< l'\anQ!t(j lot11tl 1\\wt-\ Nt"w h 9"1\ Nrw hJw\ T.- •'IO ... .. , ..... .. A._,, (Kl I& AOv•n4 ~ (.)to<ltNtd ''"'"•"9"-d fUl•I •\~ N•• n~ N t• IOW\ METALS t~FW YORK 1AP1 rneial pncee, f\..ed•" ,., .. /JI .,. II\ uo .. ) p,~., d~~ l)J ·~ h9 •• Copp.# 12~, 75 c-1s • pouno u !• Oestlnallo<IJ lb Leed 23 26 tents A pouno Zinc 40 42 cems • pouno 0 .. 1 ver111l nn S6 2665 Me1111~ wee• compo~••• N• fW 1 (, l • l I loP< 1 \uburb Pro l B•IOQ fotrm 4 P4r9.t) In< c.r~ • uoPr '11 • Uu 11 I Ah~mlnum 76 ~nlS a PounO N y I Mercury S370 00 pe• llas• Platinum S3•2 50 Sl 49 00 l•O) oun'~ NY ) ~th•~tfn,-n • 11•<09"EQ 1 Broc .. Htf" • AM II CO<p "' • Pru1tp,, Incl :y !,.~~~;,~~ t1 A 1lf't'n ff)( I) 8uttljh\ ,. Mo,.•nEno 1i {t'\f ~\lt"t .,., 16 UC•D<lv fl c,,n~co If)( ti V4'Jlt"\ Ind 1' M•ftf'I w"t 10 Mttrnfl l ,n 11 N•tSif,-.-. II N~P"' I 11U1J< 1J M•ll~I ltl< I• S••rincJ\ '\ H., t'lrHJ ' N•-1 Mt\I" M.c.P\ l LArr~\n J NICOii 1 'lllpt • UME' Prop ' 0« OP to< • O'••oCO 1 f nloAm pt • 0,,, ,,~ "Nnl""' (p 10 E ••n PG l .ai>t II lof'I'\ I 4'c>t ,, u~ ~1 ..... I] 1'11 ... yfj 2 ,,,,. u •e••• inn II UN( "to\ It> Pn•urno ,. II l ••M PU 11 PhEI q f(lpl 1• w111r,,. <• p; H Am ~L Fl• n Pote• 7""" 1J c .. 1 ,...., 1• IM1l<o Coro 1\ \ ''" tllil(jfn.( " GOLD COINS '• up IJO .J 2 U!> 11 0 t\ I • Uo tt 1 I • VO 111 •.. • U1> tOO I UP q J 11 I • UP •l I• I UP • 2 II & l/p 0 1 J Up •I 4 ).. J .. \JI) 90 1) 1 Up t • J • Up e 1 )t."• 1 • Up I I "4J.1 uo •• ''• •• Up I J I• I • UP • 1 li • UP I I 'l•• I~. VP I l ,. ' \jp • 0 10 I UP I t JJ•• I"-Up IJ ~ • Ja.. U~ I) OOWHi L411 J 1 11• J • ., 10. 1. )t'. . ' ... •• .. ~-­J ... lll• ••• ... .. . IQ' "° . .. \.. 11 )I .. Cnt u•i< '11 I 011 I• I l'· Oft ll • .. 0" 10 I I • Oil 10) \ • Off t 4 0 11 t I Otl I• • Ott I • .. 011 ,. t•• Off It ''• Ott I ' J•• 011 ,. 011 11 ... Oil I I 1 • 011 I 0 ... Oil •• ) °'' •• J Oil •• .. 011 ., J o Ott •S "• Ort • J I Oil • J , .. °'' •1 N£W YORK tAP) -PrlG .. l•l• Mono•y or QOld c-a compar9d wit~ F•ld•V t pt~ •rut•Hand l troy 01 $4311 00 0 11 Sl5 00 ltlapla LHI I troy 01 $4311 00 Oii SIS 00 .... IO ,.__ I 2 1roy 1M "°9 00 off $11 ~ 4.,... 100 crown, 11eo2 ooy 0t s• n oo off SU~ Sau<oe S-p..,.,. SILVER ,_, Handy 6 Harm11n ''0 01 ot• i.o, ounce GOLD OUOTATIONS BJ The Aaeoc:t•ted Preaa Sel«l.O """"' OOl<I C>flCel ,_., London rnorn1r•o """II S• 16 SO 011 Sl 10 London al1err oon ha1ng S4 l9 ?!i ui; $065 Parle atlernoon r. .. no S• 16 18 oll $108 Fr llnlrfurt h aong $4 17 00 otf S3 90 Zwleh late alte<noon t1A1ng S• 19 SO up S2 2S btO S•20 SO a~kea H•ndy a H•rm•n (onlv oa11v <1uol•1 S• 19 2S up SO 65, Engelhard tonty O•oty quolf!t S• 19 25 up SO 65 E"91lhard ton1y Oa1tv quolf!I t111>11c11eo SOO 21 up SO 66 SYMBOLS I ~.-... , .. a, ~ "''* u ,...,..w ,e' ., "'U' 1 • iot\\~ otri~·~ ~--not .. c.i •••~1 ot "'" nenoti .,.,. •"" u u o -.t'l'\,,\,.m ... nt, blio4'J ,., '"" ••\t <J f ,,., ' <' "lf'M ., "WAI C1f r "' l1 Of"I •('1 '~· .. •Ult 1v(Jrr'l1\ '' l'O"',."'' f\(lt lr ' ~It t d t t f"q 116' Ut 1-'"' I ~'1 n "'" '(\Hr~ n\t t '' ,,. .. .a A'°• ,,_. <w ,. l'•" t Ann,. r•t• Of\lt 1 '' (1 .... Ofln S ' l Qi. J•hnq J 'f!Oeno f\flllct.ttft1.1 >f ua C1 n P"•cf'ld1ng ta momns °""-•' t O U' tul J 1111 ... \tOC'• <11"¥ 0..,0 Ot Ollf '" t Pd 0 ,,, ....... , 0 It 0,., 0 om•Uttd 4J'1'f .. ntt<! , ... , no ~tun U\.pn ..-t 1.4!1it "1tldf""\Q m~f r 9 .. O@o(ll'll'fllO 01 oa 0 ,,, • v••t •n .. c..t..umulat "¥e io)Utt ~1tn d•'l•dttfld\ n •"•• :1 n "'""' s<vP r Dfi<•~t~O 01 Pt•O in P• ..tllOll\ij t} monU1\ p1u~ '\tticlit. t111w1dfl!nO I Pfltd 1n '1U\.• " Ot~CPt.t no ,, mof'ltt'tl ••t1m1ted r a1M '"h' .. nn "' n v " .. nd Of ttw O•ttt1t>uhon Ollt .. E • d" QM\dt o• t• u9n1s 'r E • OtvPGtflO .. no ., .. , rn tut! 1 Sattt1 1n lull tlO C•t~ WO Wl'leti 01'1t1Du1to ., Wr..11 ••wed WW With ~•11•nU •¥if W Uh0\0 W4HM'\t't •O' E• 0 \tltl>utl!O'\ PE r•ll(I ll>tt Pf~" ot 4 ""'<' n • mull C>lf' 01 f)eo l'1A1e • .,,, •'O• ""' V.O by dovtO "9 I"" latHI 11 month f'll"'"O• t19ur• "'10 IHI HI• P"U I • f I • 't ... Orongu Con.I OAIL Y 1-'IL.0 I /Wudnaaduy, Oc.tulJ 1 'i 1, 1Utj2 ..... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Bergeson outshines -legislative field R1·adHl\!1 u 1·111h.t•1hu~ o n l'3ncii<Jatt•s fur both 1h 1• s t a te · Lf'~islutun• und thl• U S l luust• ul Ht•prl'sl•ntut1Vl'S wa~ Vl'l'Y d1ff1tult for th e t'<l1tor1al boil1 d thl!-. t•h'<-'llt>n y<'<.1r. W tth M> many ulih· pt·oph· residing 111 Oran gt• County . w e• had h i~ht•r cxpt'<.'tat1om. that w 1·rt· disappolllll'd w hl•n wt• nw t with many o( th t• rnnd1Jtill'S running for Off ll'l'. I t w u s d t> t• 1 d t• d l h a 1 e ndorsenw nts o n ly would tx· mad 1• \n r aCl'S 1n w htl'h wt• w t•r t• c:omf o rtabk r l'l'Ommt•ndin g n eandidall' l o voters. In Sl'Vl'ral races. how<>V<'r. t h at was not lhL• l'aSC'. _ O n e n u t a b.l.e.. l•Xn•pt11rn 1:- As se m b l v w um an M arian Bergeson . a· Republican w ho has represen ted t he 7Uth Assl'm bly Dislri<:t f o r t wo t erms H e r u p pom•nt tn lhe d tstfll'l , what:h takes an Newport Beach . Lagun a Beal·h . San Juan Capistrano and t h e coun t y's an l a n d Un incorporat<.'d areas. IS Democn1l l:.tnda Westfall, a mem~r of tht• rvtission Viejo Mu n icipal A dvisory Council. &rgesnn seems to u ndC'rst.an d the virtues of hard work and c:<in be depl•nded u po n to ac t ant e lligcnlly and d1 h gently an .Sacram e nto Even wh<.•n she •~ ,a w ay from her district. s he never for gets w h ost' intC'rt'Sls sh<.· i::. represent mg. S h e can point proudly tu her work o n ant·ome tax andPxrng. Crystal Cove. Upper NC'wport Bav a nd th e> financial m ess <'on frontin g :.t.1lt• st•hools I lt·1 w<1rk tJJI thb1· "'ul·~ ,. .. 1 1t·1·t~ l ht• qu.1l11v l'l'JH'l''>l'l\tlJtllll\ ,1t \.\'htl°fl olht•I Or,1ngt• Coast lt·g11>l.itor~ tlllght t.1kt• .i t•ardul look Wt· n1uld U:o.t> mun• M,j fl,111 B1·rg1•s111 11> 1n ul fil't• Wt· hc•urttly c•mlurs1· lwr hid for a third ll'l'trl H u n n 1 11 g 1 11 t h L' !"> 8 1 h J\s.'>t>mbly IJ1strwt, wh1c;h stn·tdw~ from Lon~ Rt·~11,,·h through s ... •al Ek-al'h to portions o( I lun ttngton &•al'h .11 t· l't>llst·r va t1vt• Hepublit·an 11w u mbc•11 t Dt•nn1s Brown ;ind l 1 h 1· r 11 l [) l' mu l' r· a t P at r i (' i a Spr111gt·r'. a pol1t1cal m•weomN. In tlw !19th Assem bly D1strn·1. l'llllSt'I v .1t1 l' Rt•µublll'il ll 11\l'Uml>t•nt Nolan f'rizzt•lll· is r u n n 1 n g <1ga1 n s I n t • n w l' r a l H' 1·hullt·11~t·r Bub H an~u n Tht· dti.tnt'l l·11mpr1st·:-Custa Mes~1 . F11unw1n Vallt')'. lrvtnt• a nd part~ ol llunttngton &•;jeh. In t ht· :i:lnd s tat t• St·1rn tt• D 1s t r 1 l' t . w h 11· h 1 11 c I u d t• s Wt•stm1n::.t t·r . G ;11dc·n G r ovt'. Stan to n . On1ngl' und parts of A n <1ht•1 m . S <1 n t a An a and F'ullt•rton, lilx·ral Dt•m0t·rat F rank Barbu r o 1s r u n ning against l'Of1!:>NVat1ve Republtc;m Edw<in.1 Hovel' · In thl· -t :Jrd Congrt·s~1onal D1stn1..·t. tht•rt• 1s a btllt'r t•ontest among Dt•mul·rat Pat An·he•1-, Hcpu b l1can J oh n n1 L' Crl'an a nd Republtrnn write -in Ron P ackard The d1 s lrtl·t l'OVl·rs north San Diego County um.I south Orangt• County. Thl' D<11 ly P tlc1t makes nu rec-ommt-ndat1ons 1n thl•s<• rat·c·s Judge attack deceives I The striking blue and w hlll' button tha t reads "Vote NO on Jerr y's J udge's" is dt'S1gnC'd to give ~e im pr ession that th<' judges in questio n are dangling on puppt·t strings a tt•K·h ed to t h e> governor The button is p art of a rath e r e laborate press .. in forma tion" k n bein g d1 s t r1 buteJ b y a Santa Barbara Re publican group calling 'itself California ns for J ud icial .R e Conn. Its goal as to dercdl vote r approval of three of Gov Brown 's most recent appointees to the state Supreme Court -Otto K aus. C ru z R l'y n o:;o a n d All e n B roussard. Also o n the ballot is .J u s tice Fra nk R ich a rdson . a •Con serva tive h o ldover from the ·Reagan e ra whose confirmation ts not being ch a llenged. • U nde r s ta te la w . S upreme ;Court and a ppellate court judges 1allpointed to 12-year te rms b y th e governor must be confirmed by the voters. T his is as it should be. bl!t unde r normal circu mstances. a ,judge is rem oved from th e bench OflY o n gro unds of incom petence ro~ misconduct. , In this instance. the re h a rdly !has been t ime to determine the <:ompe tence o r incompetence o f ·the three Brown ap pointees. and ~~e_r_e is n o c h a r ge a t a ll of .,-nisconduct. Campaign materia l c ircula ted h y t h e San ta B a r bar a g r o u p ~harges the m w ith "cutting t he t eeth out o r the death penalty" I and .. ,lripptng Propos1t1on l:i." th<.• t.IX ·l'Ull111g \<iW. In fal't. Kuu:. and Broussard part1t·1patt•d 1n only two l'ast•s w h <.' n p 11 fl 1 u n s o f 1 h c• d ea l h pC'nalty law were s lrul'k down. bul the body of the law remains intact and has been uphl'ld by the.· n1urt. Thl'lr votes we're· divided on tht' const1tut10nalaty o f two tnx issues an Los A ngeles ~nd Snn Francisco and Reynoso. last to JOlll th<· cour t. dad not part1t•1pL1t<.• 1n o ne o f thC' vows. · · Supporttng all four justtn•:. art' Calaformaru. for a Rl~ponsahlc• Jud1c:1arv. thc California TcachC'rs Ass n . a·nd sPveral bar groups J usllcC' R ichardson savs h<'. too. will vote for c.-on farma.tion of his (•olleaguC'S The fact 1s. the new JUStice .. h ave no t be-en on the h igh court long e no ugh for t h e public to have an y real idea of their ability or their philosophy. And there is real s ubstan ce to the warning that this so n of k nee-jerk rC'act ion to appointees o f a n un p o p ular governor 1s indeed "politicizing" t he court. We ca nnot afford to have the state·s high est court u pen ded every t ime a g u bernator ial e lection rolls arou nd V oters sh ou ld resist the temptatio n lO rejec t K a u s. R ey n oso an d Brou ssard on no better g rounds than th<' fact that they have been dubbed "Jerry 's J udges:· The case has not been made. • :safety has a price Fountain Valley vote rs wall (be w e ll-advised t o approve Me asure K on the Nov . 2 ballot. It ·is d esigned to a dd $338.640 to the : 1983 budge t to cover t h e costs o f 'police. £ire and paramedic services. At presen t ther e is no extra 1mone y in t h e budget for pay raises •in these de partme nts a nd th e cit y 1is threatened with losing valuable ,e mployees. J Founta i n V a lley is w e ll managed and has the lo west costs in t h e county for public safe t y se rvices. But. as a bedroom community, it has been hard h it by Proposi tion 13 pro p e rty tax losses a nd has no major sh opping centers o r a uto d ealersh ips to provid e sales tax reven ue to o Hset this loss. Residen ts have indicated they do not want c utbacks in public safet y d e p a r t m e nt s . Th e a lte rnative is to a pprove M easure K. which will cos t the average h om eowner jus t $17 a year. L.M. Boyd/Truman wisdom President Harry Truman had a way of ,ettina to the profound point in a hurry: "Everybody hu the right to expreu •hat he think•. That, of coune, leta the crapot ln. But If you can't tell a crackpot when you tee one. then you ought to be taken ln." ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat '"'*'"-• .,.,. llotl' OI ,,,. t N • •I »O Wnl ••r '' C..t.• Mtv •-9'• ,.,, .. _..., .. te ... tteO Cfti. .,.,.._ CA •1t>t No. Knoxville, Tenn .. was not the only town ln the country where you once could mail a letter by allpplng It into a box on the front o( a 1treetcar. Am now advt.eel the trolle)'I in Grand Rapld1, Mich ., were llk ewlae 10 equipped wllh mallboxn. Thomet P. Holey '""' "'-' JoM A"'9'1 [ • Kvl••• (d•IO' ._.._oKr ...... ! d~Ottal 'og• (d110t Themet McC.nn "'°"99'"0 lo.io. ' ... -. .,,,,,,,,. ... . "" .. ·~ New money rules hit states WAS I llNGTON Prc·!.1d('l1t R(•agan has tn1..'l..l t11 111akc a vu·tut· out of ... harll\g rt'spon:.1hll1ty with tht· :.wlt"'!.. Ht• minwd h15 t•onl't·pl "Nt•w Ft.·dl•ralasm.'' but 11'~ really nothing mun· than the old Army gamt' calll'<.I "Passing thl' Buck " Not only has the· ft.'t.lt•r<.11 governnwnl lx'(vmc• t.·ver mon· ughtf1st<.'<.i at p1l'k111g up lht• hill f<1r soc:aal Sl'rv1ces that art• .idm1111swrc·d bv 1 he· statt•s, but it has l'Vt•n wf'l:.ht•U on pnor :.igrt."l'mt•nt!o lo n ·1mburM• the :.t:ilt•:. for monl'y tht·y havt• aln•ad y paid CJUI T h t• s tall' lo(overnmenL,, wh1t.·h art• as hard up as lht..• fl'c.kral tn•asury. wind up holu111g th1· bog for mtlltons of dollars lfrre's the· sh0<:king t•xample of ttw "New F1-<lt•raltsm" at work TWENTY STATES ~ht•lltod uut morwy to tht•1r rt•s1d<·nb for Wl'lfarl' and Med1l·a1d pJymt·nt:. in 1971:1 and prior yt•ars By law, thl' Dt.'partmen\ o( H\,•ahh and H uman Serv1t·L·:o. w.is to pay thC' statt'l> a total of <tlmck>l $420 milhon 111 matc:hmg funds. All thl· !.Idles had to do was submit thl'1r da1ms :n th\' 1>as1. 1h1· s~lt·:-1.·ould turn m 1hc·1r l'1;11ms al anv llmt., and tht• obltgCAt1011 v.a:. still H'l;,gniwd Often tht· money w:i., p .. 11d ul.11 1n unt• y<·ar .rnd th<· apphc·auun for fc-<h·ral matching fund5 wasn't submlltt'd ~n11I much latl•r But m l!JBO. Congr1..•ss dl'Crt't..'<i thClt tht• :.t.alt·s he.ad lt1 turn tr) .Jll lh,•1r ••Id • 1~11111:. bv ca st.'l dale'. and ht•n,•t'lorth would have It; rTil'i..'l Cl lWO·Vl•<ir tlmt· 1111111 IJll d :Jllll'> :.ubml:o.!>IOn!> or forf1•1l lht• 111.it1 lt111g funds Th t.• n . I a i. I 01· e· 1· m h ,. 1 • 1 11 l h c pc.ind t·m11nium surrc1u11d111g-th1• P••'-"><•gt· of continuing leg1s lat1on \11 k1 ·•·p th1 · (.) -JA-Cl--AN--D-IR--SO--N -d govcrnmt'nt opcratmg. l'ungn~' pJ-.-.1«1 amb1gu0Ubly wordl'tl h•g1:.l<it1on -.c·111ni.: lhC' llmt• limn for di11m: <il mH v1·.11 HHS Sl'<.'rl'tarv Htl'hard ::-id1v.1:1k .. 1 int< .. rpn·lt·d th1~-. l11 nwan th,1l -.tall·'> wh1l'h had m1s.s<·d tt)I' onP-Vt·ar dt'.1dl1nt . but had mt·t tht• t•:11 l1;·r tw11 '"~•• <focidhm'. wt·r't· :.111\ply uut 11f lul k So n1m• uf th<· ::W :...intlba~1·d ''·•h•' wc·nl lo <:uurt And tht· Judgt· d1'1.·1cl1·d that Schwc-1kN Wi:I~ wrong. 11 llS h,ul l1t pay up undl'r tht• l~tt(I lltn<.· limit But S<:hwC'11wr wouldn't g1v1• up H~· Ul'l..'ldl'<i tu find u \~av lO w1·aM•I out c•I thl' l11U rt-sanc11f11·d o bl1 gcit11111. ,., t·n though Pt.·nnsylvan1.1, t lu st<1lt 111 U'l'd to rl•prc•s t·nt in till' S1•11Jtt . '>l•11•d '" t·olle<.·t almost StiO m1ll11111 11f th1· f1·d1 ·r:il funds ~ ' It \\ • I k I . I d l l' I J I'd ll • I r y d n - 111 111·1 J.1-.1 1111 11utt• qu..irtt·rl><Hk l>rll.'a k . Arrntl11·1 1·1H11111 u1ng r1 •!>1.lu ttc1n was 111111111~ UJJ .i11tl &hv.t·tkl·r prc•vatlt·d on S1 11 I l.11 rt'-'111 S. hnull. H-N.M . to :.lip .111 ;111w11d1111·11t lrlll1 tlw rl'!:>(JIUllfJn that · f1•...,11.J1tlntly t•>..1111gu1shc-d" the· 20 :-I.tit•-.' l'l<itnll> With :.omL· n11~g1v111~:-. S<:hm11t who • ., up l1Jr 11·-t·l1'1.·t11111 thh Yl·<ir did as St h\\t•1k1·1 <1sk1·d Souru:S sav S<:hm11l "' .... n·l11·v1·d v. ht n ht5 gambit was -.put11·d Ii~ S111-. D..in1el Moyn1h<tn. D N Y . .111d 81 II HrJd lt·y. 0 -N J . who r<110,,c·d :i '>link TllE RESl LT wa'> a uimprom1se: If 11 llS 111nw 1ut·' tu 1. ,.,, in uiurt, at lt•ast It \\1111 1 h.1v1 111 p.1:,. lh1· -.la te."> wh;it 11 owes 1 lwm b1· t 111 t· r l'>t .1 I I ~l:H Evt.' n so. ~l hw1·1k•·1 n ·r><•rtt•dly 1nwnd:. lo ft~ht all 1111 '' "' 111 1111' ::lup1 t·mL· Court 1\ t1lllj,!t•""1111.d ;,1d1· lold mv .~l>Sl.x·1alc \'11 kt W.1111 11 lh1 Iulo( prnbll•n; I'> trying l<1 l111u 1111111< \ ... , lhl' '>wk <;' old t.ldlOU. in ,, llnl• t1f ,,:,.,.,.. ti llS budgt'l l'UlS "~l "Ill 1.nl\ 1111'<111 th.it thl'v'll havl· to take 1111 · r1111d-. lrrm1 '>ll llh' .o th1·r program wh1 ·11 th1 \ h,J\'1•n 1 mcadt• c1 t·unlral't. 'u t h J .., j. d ll 1 ,1 I 1 n ~ h c1 n d ll' .a pp l' d I h1hJ1t ll ht t•\.pl,1lr1<'1J !'\ " 1 h I r I ~ I ii t II II I I n u l• .. . ..... I I h St h\~ 1·1kc r ,.111f d1·1t•11111t1t'l..l tv pa!>.'> lhC' burk not tht' hut·k.., tu thl' Sldlt.'S. Tricks and turns of paying bills Pay1n~ 11 btll isn't JUSt a matll'r of havmg tlw morwy Lake· wnung a ll'llN, tht'rt•'!> mor{· to paying a ball than JUbl th1nk1ng y.1u ought tu do 11 Paying a bill is ea~y to put off cvl·n 1f your bank .ll.'t'Ou nt 1s in rt'Monobly good s hape I suspect I pay my bills n()w a lmle slower than I did whl'n I was brok(' lf vou've ever talkl'd to 6 small - busmt-ssman or if you are ont'. you know how slow p<'<>ple art' to pay Most slow p<tycrs aren't dishonest or broke They )USI don't gN at 1t. Thal dO<'Sn't make tl any l'ClSl(•r for lht• small -businessman, uf c•oursc• DOCTORS ALWAYS have a lot of unpaid bills Th£y oflen have so many deadbt•ats that they ovNrh arge t hC' patien ts who c.Jo pay what lh<'Y OWl'. tu mak <.' up t o r t h ose who do·n·1 I personally don't like• a lot of talk about money whc·n II mvolvcs a doctor. I think of doctors a!> bemg above the idea or money I'm t-razy. of course. A lot of people pay the doctor last and this stnkC's me as strange because you have a first person relationship with a doctor that vou don·t have with the power company h would be diCficull to r ush 11110 the doctor's o Cf ice in an emergency 1{ you still owed him for the last two visits you made a year ago . You and I may livL• with a vague kind of guilt owr bills we haven 't paid that arc m o n · than :rn d.1\'°' (llcl . hut n11t paying l>1lls qu11·kl) ts;·, w.1y of hit• lt11 some· bu-.111t·~" Tlw l1mg1·r .1 1Ju,1n1·-..-. puts off paying wh,11 1t owt•i.. tht lnng .. r 11 can kt'l.'P its monc •\ m th1• 1,,,nk 111.1k111g big mwrc>St Last WC'ek thl•n · "'di-;i !.lor' .1huu1 what Yale Umvt•rsttv .ind a lut ol utlwr edut·at1om1I 1ns111utu;n~ Wl'rt· d111ng w11h their govt.·rnm<'nt grants Y;llt'. tcu ,-,. -.N-DY-RO-DN-IY-..... ~ example" was gettmg $82 million from the (E>dcral governmt>nt for rt'Sl'il1Th grants. mntracL'l and loans. Th<' monl•y l'ame to Vall' on 1h1• 20th or C>ach month By holding on to half or ll and mv<'St mg 1t for only ten days. until the L'ncl of t':tl'h month, the univers1tv madE' $5:l~.Oo0 11n 11 over a yE>ar's t1m<; Obv10usly It pnvs not to pay Some bus inesst's havt• turrll'd 1h1• tables on slow payers They charg(• high interest rat<'S on any unpaid amount and they makl' so mu1·h money on that interest thal tht'y don't ('Sr<' \\•lwtht•r you pay on l1ml' or not. Tht•y tn•at 1t lrkl' a loan they·ve made to you. For C'xamplr'. I havt.• a VISA c·ard but I've learnc-d not '" uo,,1· 1t a11\ 111(11 ;· 11!11·11 lhdn I h.1\t• to h1'1.1t1'ol . \\ ht·n "'' h11l t•11ml·, from tht•m. 11 ., "' 1 "II t u .. 111g I c .111 t hgun· uu t how mut h I t1\\, I I I cl n11 t P·•' "hJt I 1J\\ t ' on 11111• th• ' 1 h.11 ~t· 1111 high mtt·r~t on th,it .1111011111 ;1nd 011 .111v ne·w llC'mS I < harg1· Tia',\' M•t•m 111 ito 1'Vl'ryth1ng p11:.. .. 1hl1• ltJ k<•t•p nw from paying m~· bill 1111 11011· h., .nl'>t' th1•\ m.1kt• m11r1.· rnonev Ii\ t h.1rgm,lol mt I Ii . pt'll't.'nt mtrn-st for l'\'c 1' 211 n11null·~ I m 11verdu<· WE H A \'E A g11o1CI wi.ll'm for pJymg l11ll-. 111 •llll house• J\.tv wtft• and l dtnde up th•• n·,pon.,tbil1111',.., I op<•n the mail .and gl\'t• h1•1 lht.· Intl' 111 pa~ Jr Wt' get a "'l·ond 11111 th(• nt•xt month it's my 11''>1J'lll'>lh11Jtv lri ..,.,, to her. "HaVl•n't you p.11tl th.11 v1•t"" Ht't't'tlllv. I go\ .t poSlC'ard fr(1m uur town watt•r dt•partnwnt :;aying that they h.1dn'1 bt•t•n p.:ml b<.'<'11U!'l' tht'y had not hn·n ;1hlt· tn g~t an to rt•ad our water m(•lt•r for mort• th:rn 911 J.iys When I get hcmw tonight. I'm going to tak(• care o f that hill so I dnn't h;1vt• lo fN•I guilty tJklll~ a showl•r t1111111r1·ow mormng 1'111 going to ~y lo my w1(C', "How t•omt• vou havt•n'l ll•t thl'ln in to read the wa1t•1 mt?ll'r so lh<•y n in bill us and you l'.ln !);)~ tht' watl•r bill"" I know her Shl''ll say. "Thl' water bill will ht• for about $12.95 I'm in no hurry .to pay h1·<·au!H' I have it i n a high mtl·rC'St·bt·anng mont•y market a<.'\:oun c·· • hand Patriotism and penitence go hand ID W hen he was president o f t h e University or Chicago many years ago. Robert Hutchins was fond of saying that "the university isn 't a very good school -it's just the be-st there is." I remember this ironic. and possibly truthCul. stalemcnl because th e attitude IYDfHY HAllll It expresses seem s to me to apply to much mor th3n n unlvt'rslty. ( would apply It to our country as a w ho1c. It !Wems terribly Important to me. In this cructal period. to k~p in mind two things at tht' aamt' time: th.i this Isn't a ver y good ('OU ntry, and lhtlt It's the beat the~ Is. If WP concentrat~ aolely on tht' ftiet th-t It lsn't a ver y good rountry, w tum Into carpem and common ICOlda. II we concentrate IOI ly on \he I.ct that It Is atill the bat country In the world (wt)lch I firmly believe). we tum Into smua thd aclf·talltflcd jlngoiata. What we need 10 d~~ratrl)" to do la to hold both these ldeat in lMlton at th4' Nmt" time, ao that both our pride and our d luppolntmt'nt can mutua1ly aupport our e fforts. in a reallst1c and m ns trucuvt• way It's not a vc•ry goo<l country that endures and permits tht.> Ills. evils c.and injus tices w e are subjected to. lt 1!> not what a country should be. as pcm•ived and decla red by OUr founders W(' h8Vt' fallen far short of their mark. and havt• much to be ashamed of. much lo atone for and rectify. ll's the best rountry tht>rC is, d<.'Sp1tP these intolerable shortc.'OmJngs. It oH<'r the most prom lst'. the most hope. tht• most opportunity of a n y placl' an tht• world Don't believe anyonc who tc•ll. you differently. BUT THE TROUBLE Is that most Americans tend to polarl~f' th('m.<wlves: Thl'y tum Into either lntt'mperatc critics and cyn ics about our 1yn em. or m ind legs patrlota, wavins thf' flag and advi81ng thelr nclghbors to move somc wht•r(' ellK' lf they don't like It her . Both aultudes arc a bsurd. 11hor t- al1h\4.'d and danit'roua. N lthcr cnn be saft'ly or aanety held by llfl!lf. T hr1 llrl' complemenLaries, ntt.'<llng each otli ·r tor bala~. And balance -InteJlcctually or emotiona lly -l8 the hardest nttltude for mo.t people co maln\a.ln. Hutchlnl wu lmmcn1ely proud of his unlvel'Sty -but h.la prfdci never blinded him to the fact lh•H the reality w 111 .. nowhC'rc' dost' to tht.' ideal of what a univ1•rs1ty should be a nd was meant lO ,,.. . Wl' hovC' a right to be immensely proud of wh1.11 our 1.·ou ntry has stood for. nnd i;t11l st~nds for -but our pride must not hlmd us to the fact that we have so ofll'n nl'gll'<·tcd or betrayed the d reams it was foundt>d on Pride and penltl'nCC' must go hand in hand T lw flag may be waved. but lt muitt also b<.• washed. so that It ls worthy or waving The patriot w ho wiU brook no cr1t1l·1,;m of what w e have le t ourselves bct.'OmC' 1. as useless, nnd as perilous. as lhr su bversive who sees no good ll'ft in u11 Why I• at that whe n ptoplt In top positions can't "cut lh muat.vd .. \hey always l'll'<'m tu Qt\ ki~ked u91i&lra? NO BUDDIES o ...... , 0. ( ........... ,. _._., .......... . --·-:i.~--...... , ,, ....... . _.... 0..,0.lly~ ' I I I ) Anxi ty attacks physical? B ~ V ~: ll L Y 111 L LS (AP) Anx iety so dt~VUSlUllllK It ('lln lt•ad lu sutcidl· 11111y tw l111k,'(j to a llwt.uboltl· dl•fl't't rnthl•r thun l1l'lng suh •ly 11r1 l'nwtwnal sympt11m. 11 p s y c h 1 a t r 1 s t. t •> I c1 j Univen;ily of l'Hhforn1n symposium Dr David SIWl'h1111, assistant profosi.ur uf psyl·hrntry at Ha rvard M e d H 'a I Schoo I and dir1.'t:tor of Mas...,.wh usetts Gen1.•r ul H ospi t a l 's h yp nu s 1i. und psychosomatu: nwd1l·ul unit, told thl' symposium las t Wl'l'kt•nd t h4t. accumulallng ev1di:m·t· ind1eatt'S sonw cnpphng a n xiety atta<:k s are caused by an tnhl'rtll'd meta bolt(· dl'ft'C·t Anx 1ety d isor<h-rs range from 1rrat1o n ul fears to terrifying pant(' a tta c k s and incapacita ting multiplt• phobias . Thl' t y p11.·al sufferer from this kind o f anxie t y. a 15 t o 35-yea r -o ld femalt'. s h ould be trea tt'd differe ntly than otht•r anxiety vi<:t1mi.. said Sheehan. He said such attac:ks can be deadly. "In faet, 1i kills th<•m ," Sheehan said of th e· intense anxiety. l'lting increased SU l\.'tde raws. cardiovascular probh·mi. and hypertension Some 30 m1ll1 on Am e ri c an s <;p ow Such attack can be deadly. symptoms of s1gn1f1cant anxiety. said Dr Rolx·rt 0 . Pa s n a u . U C L A, psychiatry professor. Pasnau w as chairman of the weekend symposium. Shl•ehan proµost•d a scheme to classify anxie ty into two types. to put the s itua t ion 1n clearer focus: -Exoge nou s. an whjch the anxiety stems from an external threat. tcauma or stress -Endog e n ous. in whic h internal terror suddenJy wells up, often for no apparent reason, and may be accompanied b y s ponta neous panic attacks. This 1s the type Sheehan b e l1evl•s 1s caused by a metabolic d e fect inh e rite d by women in some fam1hcs. "You're going to hear more about this in the years to come." he told 300 psychiatris t s a nd psychiatric residents. Sheehan estimated 2 to 4 percent of the U.S. population suffers from internally gen e rated anxiety, while anybody c an dev elop the exogenous variety. Dr. Louis J olyon West, c h airm an o C UCLA M e d ical Sc h ool's P sy c hiatr i c and Behavioral S c i e nces Department, disagreed with Sheehan's theory that som e a n xie t )l di sorde r s are metabolically related But Sheehan. while acknowledging that few of h is colleagues share his view. said belief in his theory is grow ing because it makes "all so rts o f thin g s fl t togethe r." He said the metabolic abnormalities include an inability to handle a s ub stance that is a normal byproduct of exercise. He also noted the peculiar age range of the disorder's onset and the disproportio nate numb er o f f e m a l e suUerers. which he said was roughly 85 percent Victims of the other kinds of anxiety are more evenly distributed by age and sex. he said. Sheehan sa,id that what hav e been conaldered dlfCere nt d.ilorders may in fact be stages of endogenous anxiety. The atages, whJch can oca.ar ln any o rder, are aubpanlc attack• (racing h eart, tingling sensations), p a n ic attacka hypocho n dria and phoblu, he aald. A s har or p1ntc al\acka lncttue. vktims ~k to •void tf tu.lions that might precipitate them. E'ventually they are beaet by multiple phoblu or agoraphobia. the fur of going out of the houMt. Olf lft•Ull .. ''!kl II 1 11• 11 "~ ~llht"'I 1 ""°'I<!,, 1 I"' HI I"' "'" 111 11 ti rw•i.. I' t A ""'·•' li'I'~' ' n "-«~ ou1 1•.a • 1~ '"' """ ,., ... IN '"'"fo", 1 .. "''' ..,,., ,., .. 1, ..i .1,,n '" 1111 .,,., ,., » ,,..,, " , 1, 11 ''" "'""'' rwn .-.1 .. .,, ..,, .... ~ ,1 ,.,, i er ,,, pool• 11 " f\.0ilJ I ,,,., •• 11 ... Jur lu .. I,, .. I~ 111• , ... , tllt ',,••ii t\ .... 1 '-"''·• W1 ""'"'I) Ooll~I foJ ~ ,1,.-I IW '*' 11 "I •I ~ ; 1 lhf """""'" 1111 11;• 1.. L• .. ~ ~ 1 I• tM "' r .. 1 Irr <UI ..10 v I ..,.,., ""Ill.if' •r ~·hn •• r ""'"' /111'11111 1 1 .. 1 ""ut" ••l••lllAn '8UCRET8 Or uno11 ( Otl':ll [)Ally f>ll () f /WutJ11u1.1uuy CJt.tOh•ir J7. H18:t Ptlt•• Oeoil Weil., Oct '11 thrv 1vt1 , Ho't 'I . \omt lttms ot Regulor '"'" QQ ~ HALLOWEEN COSTUMES TINY TOTS COSTUMES Mickey Mou)e (1nder1?llo Put Mun Smurh Scooby Doo Roggrdy Ann NESTLE CRUNCH 1011.0Z U G Of MIHIATURIS HG. 2 .2~ 199 KAY 'S SUCKERS • SNICKERS l ·ll. U G AS SOii HO flAVO•S flUIT fUVOllD BUBBLE GUM U G Of 38 PU 169 CLARK JR. OR ZAGNUT 11 .oz U G Of llH Sill URS SA~E STARTS WED. LADIES' CABLE KNIT FASHION SWEATER llG. 999 11.99 Hec11he1 10 .. e\ 11bb1•d r ulh & wuo\I Acrylic polyo:'l"' . • \ -..... I MEN'S WOOl BLEND. CREW NECK SWEATER RlG.1199 I lS.99 An Ivy l1•ugue cloH•C 70% wool J<J% ocrtlic Heather~ LADIES' V ·NECK PLUSH. VELOUR KNIT TOP ll1b I n1• ,llor "''J•ll ·• • uH 1otron ft'( iun 'tJlf.it\ ; ML REG. 11 99 899 CUW NIO IWU!lll JIO.WMI SIOll\ DOLMAN SLEEVE LADIES' SWEATER V n PI lo #ft dt-rnol bot•om Et111 1.1r .. 999 ucryl•C ~ M R£G. 12.99 MEN'S SNAP FRONT QUILTED NYLON VEST l 9. REG. . 12.9999 ; • 3 MUSKETEERS • MILKY WAY llG.2.49 219 I r-\... I TOUGH PIASTIC 1Mt-t TRICK OR · ~~~1 TREAT BAG Velcro clo\e pockets con ... er11ble 16 oz boo \noclt bor' YOUR CHOICE ~· 29~ collor and e lo\t1c1zed woist -' Foll fovor11e' •t _,.,,, ...... r..,.J PANASONIC MR. WHISK 116" ,,..,. /~,,----- _:;:_4R,IC s95 TALL , ,~\L ~>'"%::::·· ''. \ 11£s.a61 rhi~ (J, \'v ' • f A SHI ON ED SHAVE WITH FOAM I •INSE IT efh_. ·~1 ~' ~,,~ COSTUMED ClUN ... IT'S SUIMHSIBU I \ \ ~I> DOLLS .;.. ~-·y 31 tfz;i:rl·,~.,.~'!'\ mC91ALIU9YI ::: For \moothtr 1hov11 thon oer! (// ·~~· "\ . 4 Use 111 lub or show tr. lltchorgo· " """ \ \\ ,, -:'• YOUR bit bott·"'j.ii homm". . --___ ----;-;:• ,• CHOICI , f OLDING CHAIRS Fvll size choirs with IV· 8 9 9 bvlor \!eel lromes Con· toured for comfort. MUllY, WllU STOCIS lAif UCH Al MOST TllltnT STOIU. HURRICANE OIL LAMPS 16 1n Ro'e Perol or 12· in Princeu Anne Func11onol decor UfNlfD LAW Git. ASSOl1lD cotots. u .oz. 1om1 •·•• 5 99 YOUI CHOI(( WINE & LIQUOR SALE! liquor li.m' \old Only'" \lorrt that Corry D1,t1lltd ~pu1h TAYLOR CALIFORNIA CELLARS WINES YOUR CMQI((: • CMAIUS •ROSI • RllHI HG. 7.39 ''"' JAL TA VODKA IEG.399 4.H unR CANADA'S DOMINION IAIE WHISKY llG .• 79 '·'' 1.7S UTll ltout1fully costu~d ond dttotltd dolls for you{ tolltction. N1Ct 91fh. t ~4hb? VITAMINS VITAMIN E ~­ HG. 3.99 239 ... .t001 u BOTTLE OF I 00 VITAMIN ~f. IEG. 4.59 r'J l 299 J 1000 mg n BOTTLE OF IC>q 1 CENTABS ~ HG. 3.99 269 tr1 BOTTLE OF 10<>- Alll YALUY --.............. , .... . .. ,... ........... , ... _ , .. , ..... •IJIL fM -C.. ...... c... ....... ,".-c.... .... ... ,_nm •tMIW lwl: I ........... .... ,.... .' .. ..,... .... -.,...,, . ............ _ .......... c.... I 01 u11gu Coo1t DAIL V Pt LO I /Wc;cJ11 1day, Oc;.tobo1 .!7, 108? I •• . Huge savings in every department in every Pep Boys store ~ G EAR Oil " a di\ 129 tine t1 <1e ffan\m1n 1on ddl•rentool & g•o• l1 OZ •Y••em l,.b<.cont (OfllAINlt WATERUSS -•I' I .J' HAND CLEANER '--------= R.mon t ~•vbbo'" tto'"' 88( •o•• & "'>' 16 OZ. CAN IA. espme~MAG WHEEL CLEANER ALL-SEASON att.11 Shellzone· Anti Freeze/ Anti Boil COOLANT ~nt1I• •• / • "uulut\t '" w1n••t onttbotl "uul Jt~f '" '"'"""'•' h•IJ.n µtotec t oll o l hxkl)'' \upl\1\lnuteJ ••~,, .. , lJMfl • BESSER MOOtl •ST·IOO @] UNI VERSA~ FMSTEREO ~ TUNER PACK Tum yow penonal st.reo cossette player into o powerful FM sn uo RADfOI Fiil oJt[,rr 0 IL FILTERS fORIMPORT& FRAM. DOMESTIC CARS OL From filters protect your engine. Change your 2 FIJ'Bl filter every 44 Sl°'l~ ~ lime you change -~ your oil. EACH °"" 'IKl llfllfl fXTflfSIO# TfU'lfa. KC .... "94 24~ '~':/BRAKE SHOES & PADS SUPER SAVINGS ' SHUR. GRIP ls:?tl BRAKE PADS BRAKE SHOES & PADS · & SHOES IACTOllY llEltAClMBITS FOil WfTM G8lm llNDIX lMli MOST Al/RICAN CAltS w .... old·~,.,., ........ OIGAMK OI MflALIC ,AOS AND WMS FOi CAI S & lf. JtUCI~ COSTA MESA 29-i6 BRISTOL ST so or SAN 01£GO rwv PHON( 5-i9 1!133 CORNELL "700" GLASS BELTED liADIALS $ r ua1u11 WNtTIWALlS 33~~ "" __ ,, •vtt '~' - "&) 8()111) '1U 804!13 "U 71•1• '19)71••• nos H • • • nu 1,.,. n<a n 11) nu,,.,, nn 1s11' '23) H•ll EL TORO El TORO RO & ROCKFI CLO PHONE 855-9593 )I ~I I f I . I ••o •• ... ,.,._ MO." ,, bO '4'·" ,, 8 1 .... " 'I ~9 f4'·" '1 08 uo." n n :n·" "•0 "·" '' 19 su ." " ,. su." "68 U 9." 17 80 1~30 S HARBOR BLVD PHONE 870·0700 OPENMON.T CORNELL ''150'' 'OR COMPACTS, 00MESTIC •2498 000 I } t l•(•WAll 'lU~ l 1 •J I f t ~" I ... ''•h J PlllCE I II ,, ... soo lj 600 ll .,. ., .... , 600 ,, ltl() •• )tl() ll /U •.tt SI )j I f~l.•• SI 61 I PlllCE •I " ... U•.tt s l •l '"·" " ~. tn.tt 11 H 10912 KATELLA AVE KAT ELLA & EUCLID PHONE 638·0863 ~.15~.· 2~.~~ .• 9,!.F BATIERY BOOSTER CABLE SET loi207 ROSfZCRANS AVC PHONC 9-ioi 6437 DISIGMIO TO FIT MOST IM,OIT U I S AS Will AS MOST COM'1CT OOMISn< UIS ...... -.-we ..... _ _,·- 120 E flRST ST AT CVPRCSS PHONE 50 7-i77 Se h1bl1 1sp1fiol WESTMINSTER 15221 BEACH BLVD PHONE 893 8544 A.M.-9 ltM. I A.M.·6 RM. S .•5 RM. t I 1 I Dilly Piiat wrDN[SDAY OCT n l!Jtn CAVALCADE 82 THI CU8T All THI COUNTY ENTERTAINMENT 84 COMICS 8 5 lll'it11 i11 " .... :\li . ..,111 il' l:ook1· , ,.IJ .... w /J y Ju · 1n·t•l't•,...; w11 1,.'1i11g 1111u·r it•1111 11•/t·,·i . .;io11 011 /•uf.(t • 116. 0 I D Warnings for Halloween are more urgent • • • Halluwt•t.•n o ftl•ll has lw 1•11 mort' tr1l'k tlutn trc·ut to pulll'l'. lwmt'OWnl•rs und pun •nts wh,1 fear pranks und hm·sl·pluy will get out of ha nd. a11d gohh11s who will h•·i.t tn·11t.' d1Kir tu dow l >..·t :1 l j.(UVl'l'llll ll'llt 111 ftl'lllls Ill p.1l t'lll1' of sd111ol :iw• 1·h1ldrt·11 v1·11r . 111· .. :mt "I Would ll'Y 111 d1M'11lll l1J.(t• It (1111.k Ill' t1 1•.1l111g1." '"'" ('.1pl J11hll l\1·d d11'.\' ul t lw 1"1iu111.1111 V<tl l1·v l'ol111 D1•pa1111w111 "II ,. d;111..:1•111111> l'Vl'I V y1 o;11 illld tl11s yl';ll 11 ·, g11111g 111 Ix• 1•v1•11 1111111• ....... Ir• ...... 111 11•i.11l 11t1on 1:.11'1 W>lllj.( to :.top JX'Ofllt• T h.ti :-pt•t'h •r 1' 1·11n,1d1·11•d :.u h II Ill I" d II (l I' I) Y "II 111 I ' I I 1 ll I ll111l11Wl't'll has bt'l'll b.1111wd ;11 ul tnt·k or tr 1•a11ng (111 l111kh ·11 111 1•1•rtw n p.11 "'' 111 till' ,·uuntrv "If tl11•11· .11 1• t>4·t1plt· wh11 w1111'1 '>llJll'IVI0,1' lht•l1 d11ld11·11 th" l l ;_11lowc·t'11 , uft1•1 all that '' liappto111'<l, tlwn tlwv't t· 1111'1.lllt•" Bu t thi s H u l l o wt•l•n 1s diffe rC'nt T h is yt•ar. lht• thn•ut of a lre ady oc·t:urrrnK "cop yn1t " vc>isona ngs. fash101wd aflt•r tlw T y lenol ktl lings, a nd u t h1•1 twis te d v1QIC'nCL• h angs likl' .1 real-Ii Ce s pt'<.·tcr ov,·r t hl· ghouls A lthough On.111gl' l'oun tv w ill not go su far J s t o o f fwi:tllv rest r I l' t y u l1 II g ... I I' I s t h I., I lallnwl'l'll, stru11g w.1111111j.(s a rt• lx·mg 1s..,Ut.J hy l'uU11ty polil·1· .1111 1 Tlw l'o.,ta M1•J'k1 a11d Nt·w port l~·;u h p11ltl'l' w tll J11111tly 1:0.Mll· .1 lt•11t·1· 111 pan ·nts u t d11ld 11•11 111 l h t• Nt•w po r t -M t·i.u S1 ·h111•I IJ1str ll't dt•lall111j.( S<.t t1•ty tips a11d 1nstr ut•t11111:.. sa id Uf f 11·1•1 l'lr ll l la rtm.111 of Co:-w Ml·:.11 As tlll' ll•t11•1 sWlt·s. :.011w 11f tlw 111.ikt·- bt·lll'vt· hon or:. of llallowl'l'll a1 t · 1111fonun.i tl•lv a ll too n ·.il this "Thi• w.1rr1111g 1:. t1 good om·, .... llll Artw•· N1•st,1ndt·. l'il.11rmJn ''' lht· U1 Jnw· C'ount~ Uotird 111 Supc•rv1s111-.; "Hut ou1 µ.1~111g :1 If pu11•11ts d1-t·11h· lo l1·t 1lw11 1 hildn·n lrit·k or t11•a1, th1·rl' an·<• l1·w bai.1t· :-,1f1·tv rult•' whit h .. ,," Iii· t11llow1·d 111 ·n ·dw·1· tlll' n-.k 111 l1.11.J1 d:., <1u·111 d111g "' lw~ltlr .1rnl ,,tf1•t Y ufC1t·wl:. • • • but costumes, apple-bobbing still scheduled W1th the ghoulish and i.:1~gly l'Vl' u t Hallow et.•n arnvm g th1:. Wc't'kc·nd. M'\'Pral Orange Coast orga n1 za t1o n~ h a vt.· Sl'h eduled family -orit•ntt•d .1ct1v1ttl':. to ~·apturc Its s pirit K ey events ar(' listt'li hl'l'l' by l'1ty. IRVINE: Turtlt• Rol'k Commu111 tv Park w ill host "T hP Ghost ly Affall' . .inti D rnival" from 6 to 10 p.m . Saturday Tlw fes tiv ities w ill int'ludt· t.·ustunw :ind pumpk in drawing t•untcsts. a l'Ukl· walk. gam e and food booths. <i fortunl·-tt•ll111g serv1t.'<.' an d a goblin shoot Adm1ss1on 1s free; games will t'Osl 20 l'l•nLS t•c1t·h -Santiago Hills Elcm(·n tary Sl'huol will hold its a nnual t·arn1val from 11 am to 4 p.m . Saturday a t 29 C hnst.amon West in Northwood. Highlight w ill Ix• a I pm p a ra de for pa rt icipan ts 111 t·ustuml•s includ in g prnschoolers W m1wrs with tnl' best costumes will be award ed pnu.~ The free c arnival wil l includt· a h au nted house built by sixth grndt.•rs. who will u se proceeds to ht•lp fu nd t ht'1r outdoor education program. s<11d Paulin« Embree. ch a irwo m an of .t hl· evC'nt. sponsored by the Sl'hool's Pan•nt TeachPr Orgam1.011on . / I I I ) Photugr.iphs of 111tk ur ll'l'<ilt.·1' will he• offrn'<I for $1 l'.tl'h Umvl•rs1tv ~·ark 1':lt.•nw111.1rv St hc>4)1 will bt.• 01.a·n· f1 CJlll H a 111 to. :1 p n1 Saturday fm lb P umpkin 1''1·st1v,1I and Can11val at S;111dburg W.t) and M1dwbun Dn ve. A m·w tP;otur·l' wrll ht · a 1u1· l':tt111g t.·hallt•ngt.• am1111g l11IJ1 t•lt•11w11ta ry 'it:hool 1J rllWI pa b T hl' <111nu.1I tt.''>llv1d also wtll 1ndud1• a hauntl•d h oust.·. goldf1:.h tosi. a nd p1t·k · pol'kel gamt.·. s.11d <.:ha 1r w11111 a11 (;a ll Kahn Coslunw:. an· l'llt·our<ig1•d .111d therl' 1s nu ad nu:,...,.1111 f1·t." :.h1· S<llCI FOl lNTAl N \'AL.L E \': P;irt1t 1p:111L' ,1n· mvllt'<I to bring 1h1•1r own pu111p k111 tor ;1 pwk-u' -lanll'rn t.·arv111g t.•11ntt•'>t dunn~ th1• "Monsll'r t.lash" dt tht· t·nv·, Ht•u l'.1tu111 Centt•r. 16-100 Brookhur.,1 St Also plannt'{I for l'hildn•11 I~ Vl'•I"' uld and youngi•r at th1..· I p 111 S.1turd.iy 1•vt·n t are i.i t.ostume <:ontt~I anu par.idt.• d.lllt'l' t·omf)<'Ullon Jnd ll.11luwt.•t.•n g.irnt·' Fur more m for mat1on. c·c1ll 839-Ht)I I -A ('OStunw parade will bt.· tht• fm..ill' of tht.• HallowN.·n C<.irmval hostl•d bv the• Boys Club of Fountam Vallt-y ;.it 0 9H-111 Talbl·rt Av1· f r om 6 to !J :so p 111 Saturday Boys. ~1rb and pan•nts an · 111v11t·d to JtHn tht> fun a l 10-n·nt m idway gam1· booths. a moon bou nl'e, and l'Ullt'l•:.i.1011s st'llmg popl'orn , hot dugs .ind d 1 in ks. Phone 9tiH-1635 for dt·ta1ls HUNTI NGTON B E ACH: P rnt'l't·<h fn>m u Hallowt•tm c:os tunw party at 8 p.rn S aturday al H unting ton Ct.•ntt.•r mall w tll go for l>C!Uipmc nt for paramed1rs Tbt• $1!'1 t1t.·ket:. can Ix· purchast.·d a t tlw d1Jor or from th1• sponsoring llunungton &.>adt Fuuntatn Vall<'v Hoard o f Ht·ulto r:.. II IOI Sl;Ht.•r Avt·. or 'rrom any Hl'altor CORONA DEL M AR: Appl1· Junk111g ,ind ;ill tht· trdd1t1o n a l fun will .ic·uimp<my <• l'•1stumt.· t·ontc·!>t from noon to -I pm Suturday at lht.• Communll~ Youth Ct•ntPr , Fifth S trrl'l anti In-. A \'l'nuc For dl·talis, p hom· ti-I-I· 7liO!i LA G UN A BEACH : Tlw publu· " 1nv1te•d 1n 1·ostuml' tu El Mo1ru Elt'ml'nl<irv School's annual Boo Bl<ist from :.! to i p.m. Saturday on tht· 1·ampu-. .it 86H l Coast H ighway I R efl ection s on the weather Pr11c.·1•1·tf:. l r11111 till' 15 g;.m w hcw1ths. fl)od hrnJths l·.ikt• w~lk, D1srn•y 111111-.. p1111 v nd1·' .111d 11111t>11 IJ11Unt'(' will gu 111 PTA p111jt.'t'l1' COSTA M ESA: Y11u11g.,tl'l's Ii! i.ind voung1·r arc• 111 v1t1·d to t h t· "Monst1•r M<.1 rc.J1 (;r ;1s" ;1t n oon Sunday ut t h1· l'LJroUsl•I Court 111 South CcJ<.ist Plaza Ptirt 1t'IJ..l~lllL'> t.·an n •g1:.t1•r a t tlll' dour f111 tlll' tour c1:111•gortt.·s 11( t.·11:.tunll' JUclgrng w1td11•i. and ghos t,, nostalgia. span• 1nv,1d1•1 i. .111cl g11ulil1· dc·-g111,k l'h11n1 i5-I :.:mo for 1.Jt.1 ... 1b fw tht· first lime· 111 111nL· Vl'ars tl11• M.11 th 111 D1nws uf Orangl' Count" wtll not ho:.t J h<.1unt<'<.l huusc.· this Hall1;wt·1·11 Un.ibll' tu ftnd i.I nl'w locatum fur th1 pupul..ir fund-r<Jls{•r dftl'r tht• n ·gul.ir h u 1 l d 1 n g .i t t ht' 0 r a n gt· C •> u n t v Fairground ' w;.is ll'U!>l'd, off1c1<.ib hod t11 .1bandu11 plans lo rc•pt•dl the· ghoulish fun In tht· pa!>l M<irt.·h 11f Dirm.·::. volunll'<''" n.11:-.t'<.I about 56.0UO i.ll h<iuntc'<J hou'>t'' to hl'lp hand1t·appt-d young::.tt·r·s and :.uppo11 r l·Scan·h programs So yo u washe d yo ur car yt>stcrday a nd the n raindro p ~p lattered it. Think of how Bo b Falk and hi o n Jim must ha ,·e f<'h . T hey ha d just washed the window on Oo ubla Plaza in I n-in~. Each l 0 -tor y h dro p'' ta k e~ I ho ur and I 0 m inutes. l:~'f W'<'l.1IJy thl .. yt•Hr. ll('Vl'I lt·t a d11Jd t•ul llllY tn·.it:. l11·lor1· Ii I I 11 j.( I 11 j.( I h c· 1'11 h ll 111 (' ( 0 I 111 :> p I' I' I I 11 11 '(' It I tJ W J W II y <111yth 111g t hat 1:. 1111l st.·tun·ly w1 ;.i µpt•d t ru11. homl·madt< u1ok11•:. ,.111d Ci.llldy cu· a nything 1h.1t luok' l1k1· 11 111ay liaVt' bt·~n t.11n111·11·d with Ht.·purt any -.u,p1n11u-. at t1v1tv or ll't•ats to thl' pollt·t· to ..i\ 111d JJ1l">.-.iblt· haz.a rds to 11th1·1' 1>i. 11111 lc·t t·hrlun·n trt('k ur t11.11 v.11l111ut .id ult su~·rv1swn .11111 111.1k1· -.urc· tht·y go m group!> 111 IV.II Ill lll!Jrt• V1"1 univ f.1m1ha r homes or 1w1ghb111 h111K.1~ Avoid l110:.t··f1 tung, long t •1stu1111·:. th..it t·an Ix: lnpped over t•.1.,tlv Avwd dark t'OSlumes. or . put 1l'flt·t·t1v1· pamt or tape on tht•111 ;111d on l'OJ11dy i.ac:ks i.o : yuu11g:.tl·r :. w i ll be seen b y · cinvni. Watlh •>UL fur masks tha t 111ay 11l1sc·u n· a t hlld's v1s1on. Ma k t· sur« ;il l parts of l'<>:.tunws. 111\'luding bt.,ards a nd wigs. a n · fla ml·-p roofcd . The Cos t<i Mt.·Sd Pol1ct.· Departme nt ha:. a formula f1J1 u flrt?-proofing l1qu1d p arl:'n ts t.an ma ke and .oppl\ th1•mwlw' Call 754-5;j:.!I) 1•11 111111t· 1nf11rmat11Jn Nt·vt·r <tllow childrcm a~~ to lightl'<I t-;.mdlc·s or torchL'S and u-.c .1 fla-.hhght rathl'r than a c " 11 d I c t 11 1 I I u m 1 n a t e Joi( k II l,11l1t•11" Homc~1wm•rs <ihuuld make i.u rt· tht·11 front t•nt ranl'l:'S <ire w .. 11 hghtt.'li and t·ai.lly at'\.'l'SStble . 1\-fotons~ '>hould slow down .mt\. U'>l' c·xtrd taullon. t.>sp<'C'1ally in l'l'!.ldt•nt1al <1rt·as . . . • . . .. . Today's Teddy's birthday, and he can hardly bear it . By KAREN E. KLEI N Of the o.n, Noe • ..., Lin ing toy store she lves for Christmas season . right beside E .T . and Pac-man, w ill be a familiar. fuzzy standa rd. T he re's nothing revolutionary or supernatural a~ut him -just a com bination of button eyes, a fe lt smile and a h ard. black nose. Just a teddy bear. one o f the most popular to ys in histor y. hiding behind tha t innocent, cuddly exterior. The teddy has a birthday o f sorts today . Actually , Oct . 27 is not really the bear's birthd ay. but the l 24th anniversary of the birth of the man who made him famous -Tedd y Roosevelt, the 26th preside nt of the Uruted States. Today'• date used to be celebrated as Navy Day. because of Roosevelt's association w ith the Navy. until the M ilitary was unified and Navy Day went b y the w ayside, said Nelson Woodard. a history professor a t California Stale University. Fullerton. T.he n , teddy be ar lo ve r s a nd co lle ct o rs ever ywhere began cele brating o n the 28th beause Rooleve lt him9Clf lnadvertcntly started the w hole teddy bear craze. It was in Novem ber 1902 when Roosevelt went on the bear hun~ In Mississippi that led to the concept of a teddy bear , Woodard said. Appattnily Roollevclt was having 3n off da~ -not usual for the p resident, who wu an avid h unte r d espite h is be l ief I n ac le ntlf l c c:ontervalilm. Ju fate would have It, one ol Rootevell's aides trapped a youn1 bear ~ar the camp at Smedes. Ml• .. and brouaht It in to camp for Rooecv e lt to kill so he could save fal'C' with the press entourage accompanying h im on tht> hunt. Bu•. th<' president took pity on the cub - proba bly a black bear. W ooda rd sa id -and rcfusc-d to sh oot It. The next day. Washington I>ost cartoonist Clifford Berryman. who was w1tn tne president on th e hunt. ran a cartoon in the paper about the incident. Bcrryman's cartoon showed Roosevelt s paring the young bear 's llfo, and from that tim."' o n. the bear cu b become increasingly popular -from the or igina l cartoon. which was reprinted thousands of millio ns o f tim es , to t he toy, w h ich soon replac<'d the w oolly lam b as a child 's favor ite playmate . Roosevelt never liked being called "Teddy," Woodard S<lld , but the nick name stuck and got attached to the bear, a symhol that became ve ry useful as a political tool for Rooseve lt. At Republica n conventions. the teddy bear was the standard decora tion, surpassin g e ven the America n eagle. T he teddy bear wos popularized in prose . verse, porn.cards and almost ever y kind of variation Imaginable; but the lonf(ett·lastinf{ version we1s the toy te dd y bl•l)r , w hich ha s o nly increased in pvpullirlty SB the years hnve pa._~. Celebrations w hk h occurred last weekend and will take place today w ill be sponl!Ored by b<>or collectors. bear lovers and JX'OP.le lovers. like t h e "G ood Bears o f the World, ' a clu b tha t pro m o tes good w ill to t'h lld rc•n and love, frie ndsh ip 11nd u nderstanding botwN>n all agett. Tht' Good Beal'l'I Is a non -profit organiUltlon which doMli'S teddy bears to ch ildren w ho are In hospitals or can't ;.iffurd to bu y tl'dd y bea rs of their ow n . The group. foundl'd by Jim Ownby in 1973, has a m embership of arou nd 1.300 n ationwide , a(.'(:ording to Mary Harbold. Ownby's ro-worke r . ThC' group esumates that m ore than hatr o f t he American public ow ned a teddy bear al one time or another durmf{ their childhoods. O ther bear groups will cele barate the furry creature's birthday -h kC' collec tor and bear fan ciN Janee L utticke n Mc K inney, a forme r Orange Coast reside nt who moved to Los Gatos. Calif. and opened the first ell-bear shop in the w orld seven years ago H er s h op . "Bears in the Wood," featu res tho usan ds of bears fro m a ll ove r t he world. Mc K inn <'y said She h as bear accesso ries for almost an y oecas1on and bears that range m prk"<' from 50 <.~nts to $700 "After stam~ and coins, tedd y -bear oollK-tlng 1s the third largest adult hobby in the United Statell.'' she said. L ocally, the C hlldre ns Hospital of Or a n ge County w ill celc.>brate lhe day with a party full ot famous bcani like the hospital's ma.llCOt, C HOCO, "Bear Country Jambore e " charactcr11 from Olsneyland, Winnie th<' P ooh and S mokey the &Ar, The teddy tx-ar ls likely to be' arou nd lor\R after E.T. fades and Pac-mt n Is sobblcd up br, another rad. "C lasalc things kl-ep com.Inf( back, • Woodtlrd a.Aid , and It look.I like t he teddy w lll be oround for a Ions UrM. '( '"""' •/ . , ~t ... • ,. .. .. i j f I ' I i • ""~.__.-1 OrnnQe t..n 111 t>Alt V fJllOllWedn adny, Octob r 'JI. 19ti2 ._ ________ ,;;_ ____________________________________________________________ ~------~--~----------------~~--~--~--------- ( / • • HOIOSCOH BY SIDNEY OMARA worr1 wife Thun duv. <k1oht•r 211 :O.h.111 I h ·ll 111v hu,.h11111I 1t '' .,,, k••1 1111~ 111 1111 \h,11 h,• " 1111111•,h•d Ill "'" h II 11,IJ ' ( )111 'l'l\ Ilk I' JU'l 1111•' .111.J hP h,,,_ l ll'Vt'I "'k1o;_l 1111• \11 \.\l'tll 1111.h"I l>EAll ANfl. l.ANl>EllS. St•Vt·1.1l 11w111h1o .1go I fuuml H m:.~,111111 · 111\ 1iu .. h.111d 111•'\I 111 lllll• ltu111111o· hy i.hµ1m1~ 11 1111d1•1 u ht•JIJ 111 111•wi.1>..11~·1" II adv1·1 t1s1•d r11hlll'1 u11d1•1"1•111 f111' 11wn and \\Ullll'll WHl\t'I lwhi. .u1d I.I\•' 111."I" tlwt 1ov1•1 tlw • 1•ntlrt• l;1.,1d I v. .1:. ,·llt11'k1 •d 11111 <1111d nothlnA aho111 lll'Y JIM 11\lt•I \ · /\ h •\\ "1·1·k,. l.111•1 1'•11 l..1i.:• ·• .1.tdro·"·""' 111 111111 ~ANN ':; LANDE IS ll(•j(un lu .1rnv1· .11 lht· h11u,1· I ,,,k,,I 111111 .1li.1u1 J. 1h1•111 a11d ht• ~.11d h1· lik1•d 11111 lt•1•I 111 111hlw1 :: lll\dt•I W\',11 .111d th.11 I ,111111ld11'1 ht• I •1111.,'l llt'\I .1li.1111 :; 11 Tht•n I 1,111 11110 .1 "h11li· '"" 11f 1111 .. 11\lw1 Jl lllh :: l'twn· w1•11· 1111·11111·~ 111 11w11 .111.t w111111•11 1~·111~ "·" h #• 11lht•r up .di -..•1 li. n l '"1111p1111•111 t.11 "li.111.t.1.:1•" ~ "hip:. .ind l1 .. 11lwr .. 1n1h. 111.11 k 111•1 ~hll k111~~ .111.t .-: pnrn11~1-.1plH1 ph11h" 11111 !.·1 \\1'.H 111 put 1111 .1n1.1,k111 d n .111\ 111!Ill'1l1111g' I ,,.,. 111• 11111-.I 111 I lt1 • 111.1).(,1/llh' l 'l1•11w 111 Ip 1111 · NUU~\1\I. Wl>l\l,\N ~IAl!Hll•:I> TO 1\ NllT IN t'U'.\'1-'.1.ANI > ~ t\ {1•\\ d,,,, .lj.(ll 1•lll • \1·.11 .. 1.1 '"" \111.t llh' lh.11 i Daddy tt•'"' 111111 1lw lit·.ll·~·m "11, 11 I .1111 11.11 •• 1 ~ honw ('l'h111....,d.I\ 111ghh I pl." • .11.t..i .111.t 1,, '-' 1111 :: dom .111d '" 1111 I 1 •1w11 11 •• Ul':Alt \\OMAN: t\111•p1 1lw 1.111 th.11 \11111 h11,ll.111d "·".I It 11 ... h .111d IM• ••1,1 h •l11l lh.1I 111 dPt'"ll0l llt''ll'I \•HI '" JOlll 11111. 11 Ill\ I '''l'OllM' de11· .... 1'1 t .il111 \1111 d11\\ll dl'-'ll" thl' \\llh .1 t llllll" l11r \\h11 \\Ill ~ ~--....,., 4'l GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES II GOREN ANO OMAR SHARll Roth 'ulnerabl1• \\ '"' 111'.tl' NORTH • 87 3 AQ J 10 5 ,. \ oid +K 9654 "EST [AST •J 1064 ·~ 3 87642 K ~JIOH '"!12 •A~ +J I073 I "t I \\ f''I I .! Pa~' ''I·• .. !»lH TH •.\t\~5 2 td \6 ~~ • ~ .! .i.1 •.; ''"''" ... ,. l ..... , :! • J ... ,, ....... .: ' ·"' " ., .: '0 111h I • 4 • ' l'r1·~>.1~• 1,1r :h, "''r'I 11 ~"u Ju11 t run 1ni.1 J hJd brt•JI., 11 ... 1n tl11'n ronw J' J plt'JSJnl -urpr 1"· But .I ) vu do Nott' th.it. dt>~f>llt· tht· IJ<'t thut nob11d) JU m1Jl'1l. :'\1Jrth South n•arht•t.I t~w1r •>Jtt1mum cont r act 1n q uirk 11mt•. Hecau'e of h1~ ~1x lo'"" 1n I h1• 111111•'1 '1111' '"Ill h •lul "''' ,1 II I lll<lll' I h,1 II •llll' 'l'•l(f1 .tit \'!' h1' p.n1n1 r' 11\1•1,·.tll , .• 111•' rn11nd 111 h1111 11111 \\ h,•r1 '•11 I h I ,l l\tlj 'fl•ld1•\ :-;11111 h '""" .1 '"' lllllt' 111 h11ld11111 "h,I( hi I \flt" (1•1f Ill 11\.11.t \\' -1 11 1l t ht• l.111.: .. 1 .11.1111.1n1h .ind ii••• l.1r1·r rull ··ii l'I .!1.1111111 I ht 1111111111-1• "11111.1 ..:•• ti•"' 11 111 ,, hurn I h• 1 "••ulJ tlr•J\\ l" 11 r11u111f, ••I lrt 1111" .11111. .1tl1·r k.1rn111~ ••I th, I I 'Plrl. 1111 1 ""ultl lllrll lht If .1 ll1 11(11111 111 h •. art' l 111 .. nun.111 1 \\ • ,1 "••uhf rull lh•· ,,.,· .. n il ht'.1r1 .lnd lhl' deknder• 1·ould coh thrl'l' diamond~ folr a ont- t ricl. <.et Tht' prudent dl'cl.ir.:r •~ .l" drt' that trump'" di brt'.ik -I I almo~l :jU pl'rc:en t of the 11me. and he " 111 reJllZt' thdl. at the co~l of a tri1·k. he can make sure ol tht· l'ontrarl. Thal, sure I~. 1~ a ~mJll pr11·1· to p.i~ :\I tr wk l" u. 1t .. 111, .1 111" .. pa d1· lrum d11m m~ .111d d u1·k' in hi' hd nc.J' '\11" th1·ri· 1' .. till ,, lrumµ 111 lll\llld ollllf dt•1 l.11 I I • ,111 i,:1'1 h.11·1. t11 l11• h.111.t "11h .1 l11•11r1 ln tlr,I\• I hr,•1• 111111" r1rn11il' ol 11 111111'' II " '" 1 ,. r .11 .t 11pI1 • '.1 I 1 • h11 d 1-:1· \ 1111 'h111rld .ttlopl .111.11 h1·1 l11h· 1•111 1.11111111 .11 turd 111 111,11." 1111!1 11'11 tnrk' \\ho II tl11 11''1 111 lh1• "llrld 111.11.1, l'A1·l11· \111·1 rull11111 lht ••flt 111111: lt-.111 . 1111111· 111 h,11111 "1th .1 h1.ih 1 rump .11111 r ull .111111 h1·1 1h.1111und '"" 11•111111 11 1\h lh1· kllll( 111 h1 .u '' ,11111 In lu llr.1\\ trump' lit•l11r1· r 1111111n.: ht•Jrt' 11 I ht• l rump' .., .. l ~ .11111 ,..,,,, 111 1· t rump trwk' '"' h1-.1rl' ,111111110 rulf, tlaH• you bt'l'D running in· lo d oul.lt' trouble? l.t't ('harlh (;ort'n ht'lp you find ,tour way thr·ou1h tht' mau of UOL UU:S for pt'nallil'~ and for takt'out. t'or a ropy of hi~ IH)l'Ul.t:~ booklr t , ~rnd S U 15 to "t;ort-n·Uoubl""·" care• of thi" nt-w.ipaper. P .O. Ou\ 25!1. -.;orwood, :\.J . 076411. Makt' cht-c:h payablt' to '.\ t' ~ i.papl'rbo4Ski.. • I RUFFELL'S U,HOLSTERY ............ HclS..• l '22 HAJll O• I LVO COSTA MESA -SO·f IU lwlp '"'1 1111d1•1 .. 1.111tl 111.11 11 '' v11111 1111,11.111.t p111l 1lt 111, 11111 \ tllll ' l>EAH ANN l.ANlHO:llS. I 11111 .111 .1111.111111 pht•tu).(r.1ptwr tn.'t't·ntlv 1Jul ol l'Olh:gt·>. .11111tla·r 11f ''" tlt1111 ... 111d .. 111\.\1•ll 1d111 .111•d 11111•111pl1 1\td :0.••\1·1.tl 111111111" .11.:11 I w ..... 11 o ll111g 111 1111 p.11k .ill.I ,..,,\\ 11 1111111 ~l··•·pt11~ 1111 11 lw111 h I I• 11.111 .i \\1111d .. 1111llv hl11 .. ,f11I 1 ,.,p11·:-.·.11111 "" 1,,, l.11' 1,,..., ·'I• 1111·k1 ·d 11\1•1 to 11111· .. 1d1· .11111 th1 • 11t111 w .... I"'' 11~:1 11 1111 .1 )l<'I 111 I ''"'' I "1.1ppt·d .... \'t •1.d 1111·1111 1 • 111 111111 f\, I Wll' w.ilk111g ·"""•V h1 • w11k1· 11p. '"'\ 111.11 I h.ul pl111luK1 aplll'd 111111 .11111 ... 1.11 h •d lu "II .11 1111 111· .... 1111 I II.id Ill\ .1d1 d 111' p11v.11 v I 1·xpl.11111'd I '' .,, llt•t ,, '>1'1 lllll' p111t1· .... 1t111.il 1h.1t lht pl111\t1g1 ''""' '"'11'11 l ltll .1 lll'W'fl•IJll I Ill lllU).(.111111' ,111tl h1·~11h •, I d1d11't 1·v1·11 k1111" 111, 11>111u• 111~ 1 ..... 1 \.\t11d, "" 11· 'Yt >U'll Jll \llJJIJly 1'1111'1 Ill\' Jlll l\JI I ' Ill II 1111111 ''1 .111d \\Ill II \1111 du I .1111 1·11111kd 111 Ii.di lh1 11111111'\ I ).(.I\<' h1~ 1111111111·111, IHI lhllUf!lll lllltd .1 \\I I k ·•Kii I d11l 11111•"1'<1 ,111111111 "" '"' llll 1 Ill •• I 111111 ·~1 .111d llw d.1111111•d fJll tun """" ~" 11ml 111111· Thi• •1111· ... 111111 I,,, I 11\\t' 1111, 111.111 ·'"' 1l1111g I l '1111ld h 1• ''" 1111·" '" 11 .1111111 ol 11" l'h ...... 111\ I,,. 1.tll 'KY 1.1•'.NSl\.IAN IN 1\ (Jl'1\Nl l/\HY DEAll Lt't't\Y: ,\111111h11H '" .l11h11 II Wl11t1 l'ullt11·1 111111· w111111111: ph11log1 .q 1lw1 111 1111' t '1111.1).!11 S1111 '1'11111'' .1 JI.II k 111•111 Ii I' 11111 .1 pl 1v.111· pl.in .and .111\1111\' "1111 I.ill-. .1-.li·1•p llll 11111· I" t:.11 g.11111 • 1111 .1 ph;1t1ii-:1 .1plt1 I t·:11~1\' \'11111 p1111 11111111·:.-. B111> Y1111 11\\1' \ltt• Ill.Ill llllllllllf: I '>ll'fll \11111 1:1.11illld1· />11 \llll /1 •1•/ .111 h 11 .r11/. "'" t'llll'< '""·' /1l/1t •h . \\'('/1 •111111· ro I/It' t /t1/1 /'111•/f'\ /11'//1 /fl/ I 1111 111 1\1111 l .. 111.!,•r,' l>11<1k/1 •1 '"/'111 1\1•1 111 1'111111/.1111' S1•11t/ .1t1 1'1'111.' """ ·' 1111/ 11'1/111''1 ,,,, .1111/ .1 /1111>.: ,1.11111-11·1/. \('/J .tififlt'\"'" ('/111'/fl/H (11 t \1111 f ,.1111/11 ... }'(} /~I\ f/!}!/,1 ('/llt'.IJ.:11 /// /)(/Ii// All ll·:~ 1M.111 h !.I t\p1d 10) Add1t11111.1l It -.1•,11d1 "ll<jlllltd, \tJll ,111 1111 IJllllk 111 llllJJf >l lllfll d 1-..11v1•1 \ V 1,1t 1111• ""'' 1.., t• 111111>1 .1111\ 11111f1111d to h11111t· 111 lull>µtl.el P111n11.,1· will h1 · l ul1tll11I T A t 1 n t' s , A "1 1 1 :.! o M .• v :.? u 1 11 o 111 ,. ,l11 I t1lllldlllH' d 11111111,11t , I l'llhxl1 11111-( Ill I lll rllhJI t• 11111\'1111: 1·wmn.111rl .1tt•·n111111 l.11nnr •·mph:e"-; n n 1,., .,u ..... 1v1•1w" .. 1dd1·d JH11 111l.111t ~ ... 11d 111111.11111 (;EMINl tM .,\ :!I .Ji111t .!llJ U1d1 •1:-. 1111111 111p \\Ill 111 · ,t1l1j1·1 t i11 1 ll.1111!1' 1'1111\\ 11 Jll l'p.111· .11, 111 d111KI V. ll.1 v1· .dl1•111.i11 v1 ' .11 h.111d ('AN('fo:Jl (.ltuw .!I ,Julv :.!:.!I (111111.l lu11.11 ·•">Jll't'l 11>11111d1•' with 11a v 1·I pl.""· 111 111111111111 :.110 11 , -.11111111.d , • .tut·~ .11111 h1gh1·t 1·1h11 .11 11111 LEO t.lulv :.!:I Aug :.!.!> Y1111 d1-.1 ov1·1 11111\'1 r~JI 1h1111• F111·u-. 1111 mv .. 11·1 '. 111111gu1 .11111 1,,.,. 111.1t111n \\ 11 11 111111.111111 ........ 111d "11•111 ,., \ IH C;o t A11..: .!:S !-11 pt :!:!1 Nt"' .1p11111.11 h 111• , ...... 11 \ 111 11111111• ll•lll \\1th p11l1l11 r••l.1111111' 11·~.il .it l.111 '. pu~'1l1l1 I'"' lth ·t 'hlJI'· m.111l.tl '>lJlU'> LIBRA tS1·pl '.!'I< )11 .!!.I h 1l111" 1h111ugll •111 hlllll It h,1,1( l'-'UI"• ltljlllll ,ll\l'lllll1ll J-'1 ~ ll' Ill\ p.i\llll'lll' lllllt't 111111~ 1111111" lltl''> \\ 1111 th•"' '" b tl .. 11.111· vour 1•1111u•r1i-. 1·>.111"( 1,1111111' SCOHPIO f()l 1 '.!:I No' :.!11 K•' '' t11d1\11,11v \ 1111 ,111 1.1p.1l1lt 111 11 .11 11111).( .1 \\ 1d1 I .111d1•·1111 l'11pul.111l\ llllll,J"'' lllt'llllw1-. Ill l•jlJlll ll t• .,,.,., 11 'Jltllltl ,11\d \ tJlll lll111.tl1· " l11H1'IC •d SA<ilT'l'AHll'S <Nm '.!'.!I><• :.!IJ L u11g tdll~•· pl.11" 1111111· 111111 ... 11.11 p . • l1·;i1 1111 u,., Ill· awan· 111 ll'l.11b. 11111· p•11nt-.. 'I"''·'' 1111·11,1· 11·qu1rt 1111·111' CAl'Hlt'OR N tlli'<· :.!'.! .l.111 l!Jt Eruphu~1-. o n 1110\'l'llll'lll, d1;111g 1 . llJIJl•ll lllllll\ 1111 ).(I l'Jt\'I' ,('if 1 ''"''~"1111 M 1•11il1< 1 •11 "1'1'''"1' "'"' l1•·111n11·' ally, .old~"' Ill ,1l'hll'Vlllg llbjl'l ll\'I A~H1 AHll'S 1.l.111 :.!O F1 ·l1 111) \'11u g1·t t:wb t1IJl'l'l'lllllg I'll'\/\ p.1 \'llll•lll~. 111l ltt lltlllS ,1nd l f'l •d 1t 1.d 111g .. l'IS('i':S tF1·l1 l!I ~I.in Ii :.!II) l'ak1 111111:111\'t· 11 1 .. k1· IJ<'I M111.1I •'l•P'"'1 """'' w1· .. 1 l111Kht u1l11r~ .111d 1:l'l 11d of '11p1·1 I lu11u' 111.111 •11.tl Judg111u1I 111n11t1•111 111 1111 1.11 ).(1 I Halloween Trick-or-Treat 1 Re-Elect ARLENE SCHAFER on the moll at Hvntrngton Center Fri eve 6 lo 7 followed by goblin festival 7 10 9 pm and con11nv1ng on Sot 11om 10 4 pm Oc I '29 30 Gome 11ck ct~ 25C each Costa Me sa City Council I KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL ARLENE SCHAFER Costa Mesa City Covncil Pa1t1 tor I>) rne Comm1rree To Rt-elt>el ARI fN[ '><. HAF[R 11,.11f o1w /t!'f Trt>,<Surer J423 Me.idowt:>roo~ Costa Me:..1 J•m Por.-..1 Ct1,;.rm.u• is • • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS ••• .. •, !• .. .. .. . :-:: ~ :· .. • , .. , c,.,.,,.,. .. ,,... ...., ........ ........... ,.....,.c:.N_ ---Wlllle ~" welt I ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~I~~~·••••••••••• • I I ' I ' 'I I t Th•r•'• no trick to thl• tre•t, elth•r ... T~ Ca-I" Sl0te/I 111111<1 1n ""' Ml -gn.e YoU S2 oo Oii .,..,. •eouaar ,.,.., orice ol any ou•" '"• "'•"m' .. •UTT't TM• QMOST ()II•• 9•(Jltel OclOC>e< 3 I I Q82 SAVE $2.00 ~. . [.-_....,..,.._ ..... , ,,._ ,,.,..,.,,, ,~ ... ._. ;;-.. WI TH THIS COU PON f ........._.....,,..._ .. ,..,,., ............ .. : ·~-----------------------------!t,1 11-----------------;------------.. 1 ti l ~ ·--------~--~ ,------------.~ t ;.11----·------... ,. i BUY1,GET1 FREE ii BUY1,GET1 FREE ! t tlll•t" tllll • , .... ,., : I WtHti \•H t••••"' : ! C'a!U'ei, 1,: ! C'a!U'ei~ ! ' ' . d ICE CREAM :. :! 1 TONI'S .!. • • • • I I I .. AND : ~ AND i FUDGE PIES .. " SPRINKLE CUPS ,. ~y t 1c1 Cl'Mm Pie et Reg. Price. 0.. Anotli.r FAU i i I I I I • I • 8uy one pee hoe •I reg. price, 1 l get enotller pec••oe FREEi 1 I I . , ............... ,...__,,~ ......... _....--.. __. . : (., .............. .,,.,. ......... .....,.. ........................ , ................... .._oo .,, ,., t ...................... ,,' ... ,, ' ~------------~\t~l1·-----------' '------------.\fJ1i ·-----------' HUNTINGTON llACH 1-1 1w•1•S--"4CW" 16\11 .... ci.ct Ill ... l 840-1370 .. HUNTINGTON HACH ,_..., ·-c-,... tll• ....... " 1•:14 '""' ... ( .. -· 964·SSS3 If ANTON .... ~ ..... ,S..0....,WI lnM ....... l•""'"C...."" . t9a c/tUllm Stou 194.4719 SANTA AHA ...... ~c.-.. 1111 St ....... ltt ........ 751 -4778 LAGUNA HILLI 1-•*""°I• -~ .... ... , ... I Al( .. ,,, .. .. 1'1"""1 159-6011 WATCH FOR NEW LOCATIONS OPENING SOON: • BEAUMONT • CATHEDRAL CITY • DESERT HOT SPRINGS • • LA QUINTA • HEMET • VICTORVILLE • REDLANDS • • LA HABRA • RIVERSIDE • SUNNYMEAD • Would you like to join ou r growing family of C'~~ Store Owners? • FOR MOAE INFORMATION ON THE AVAILABIUTY OF CHOICE LOCATIONS IN OAANOE. RIV6ASIOE. SAN DIEGO & 8AN 8EANAAOIN0 COUlfTIES PHONE 714 545-8111 ) . . . . • MARINE WEATHER -The latest 1nformat1on from 11de~ to temperatures. direct rrom t he Or<1nge County Harbormaster • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and '1ftt'rnoon dr1ve11me freeway and highway 1nforma- t1on rr om the Or<1nge County office ot the Highway Patrol • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Twice d.11ly, the most up 10 date 1nforma11on tn the w orld o f finance. ils 11 penatns to Orangt> County llom Bob Schiff o l Merrill Lynch 1n Newport Beach • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expen advice trom UC I Track Coach and US Olympic Development Co.~ch Kevin M cNatr. rwrce every day • CONSUMER REPORTS -Listen for KOC M 's own Comumer Advice Speciale.st Mary Ann Pnce She's out to help youl Two trme~ each d<1y of th_e w e<"k • NEWS -M ore lhan JUSt ht'adllnc s. <ind " sp eci.11 Pmph<Hts on Or<inge County • ENTERTAINMENT REPORTS -What's good -and nor-so-good -on O range County slage and screen exclusively on KOCM w ith Hf'rm Boodman • A CLOSER LOOK -i<OCM 's own weekly de1a1tf'd look ar pertinent news top1n. w1tn Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn • COMMUNITY fORUM -An award-winning prest'ntat1on of the Junior League o f Newport Harbor aired weekly only on KOCM. delving into the unique interesu of o ur area KOCM IS ORANGE COUNTY MUCH MOREi MUSIC e • • AND e • e ON YOUR FM DIAL AT 103.1 J -----~--~~----~------------~--~~-----------~~~~~~ OAKLAND BALLET A,._-· of I ... O .... l'tkH -.,_.......,...nu C'o11n.i1 CAN WIN s1,ooo,ooo Canadian Government Lottery OVER sso.000.000. IN CASH Draw• Every Month ONE IN FOUR CHANCE OF WINNING CASH PRIZES UP TO~ 1,000,000 1rres1st1bly n ght . . Gwd1 sweeps his s"' couples through some infectious combinations .. -San Francisco Examiner -MANY U .S. WINNERS - 2 P.M. -SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30 8 P.M. -SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 ·Admission Sl 00 Advance. $8.00 at the Door Write for info 6. FREE brochure: ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Wrtt~~oG~n~G~~~~~ ~~c~ure: AOB•AT MOORE THEATRE @ 261·1068 Homer Street @ 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road, Costa Mesa •• Vancouver. e.c. Canada V6B tW9 •• , __ T_l_C_K_E_T_S_l_V_i_•_•_·_M_C_-_5_5_8_·_5_5_2_7__, (604) 263-96'5 I - ~~~~~~~~! f't&IC NOTICE f't&IC NOTICE f't&IC NOTICE ---T·155S3 I TATHIENT Of' WITltOllAWAL llfiSOlUTION •:Z1:t112 NOTICI Of TllUITH'S IALE fllOM l"AftT .. flM411" OPlllATINO ACTION Of THE BOARD T.a. NO. UM UNOlll flCTITIOUS aUllNUI Oii TllUITl!ll Of THE ....O..TANT NOTIC~ TO 11A11ME OCEAN VIEW ICHOO\. l"ftONllTY OW..1': The l ollow lng person hU DISTRICT Of' Oii.ANGE YOU Alll .. DEfAU\. T UNOEll A withdrawn as a general partner from COUNTY, CALIFOANIA 0 IE 0 0 f T fl U a T , DAT£ D lhe partnership ope1a11ng under Iha lhe rollowong motoon was moved NOV£Malll 30. ltl1. UNL£1S hcmK>Us t>us1ness name of ISLAND by Maroanne Blank an d duly YOU TAKI ACTION TO l"ROTECT VILLAGE PROERTIES SEAL seconde<I and ca11oed YOUfl l"llOl"fillTY, IT MAY a£ BEACH at 313 Mam Street Seel WHEREAS . Education Code IOlD AT A l"UBLIC SALE. If YOU Beach Ca111orn1a 90740 Sections 39500-39502 provide IMI NllD AN IXl"LANATK>N OF THI! The t1c11t1ous t>usoness name the Gove<n1ng Board ot any school NATURE Of THE l"llOCEIDINO statement 10< the pallne<shtp was Olstroct Dy unan•mOYs vote of ell AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD hied on May 4 1981 on the County membefs may exchange any real CONTACT A LAW't'fill. ut Orange property woth another put>loc On N"vembef 10, 19112. at tO:OO Tne toll name •nd resooence or agency. mcludong a city and a m C 0 NT IN E NT AL tne peraon withdrawing u a WHEREA S the Oce•n View DEVELOPMENT OF CALIFORNIA, partne< Scnool DlslllCI (0.stroctl •S now the INC .. a Callforn1a corporation as Maril Erok Gelyean PO Box owne< of real property located 111 duly appo1n1ed Trullee under and 142 or 16772 Broadway = 5. Sunset 17241 Oak Lane, Huntington Beocn. PUBLIC NOTICE flCTITIOUI BUllNESS NAME ITATEMENT The 1011ow1ng person 1s doing business as tAI SKELLEY LATZER & CO , tBI CARTEL CONSULT !<NTS 5901 W ornttr A venue. Suole 100. Hun11ng1on Beach. CA 92649 TIMOTHY G SKELLE'I' 5042 D Dunbar Hun11ngton Beach CA 92649 Th•s t>usines\ 1s conducted by a 11m11e<1 partnership T1mo1ny G Skelley ThlS s1a1emon1 was ftlod wllh tne County Cler~ of Orange County on Octot>er 14 t982 F1""47 Publoshed Orange Coast Dally P1to1, Ocl 20. 27. Nov 3. 10. 1982 4626-82 purS(Jant to Oeed or Trull recorded Buen. Co1hlorn111 90742 Calif()(n1a 9211-47. a porloon ol wnocn December 20. 19111. IS 11111 No IS/ MiVll E Galyean includes apprO•omately 110 825 1------------ 351411. or Ofhc1a1 Records on 1ne Tnos s1a1eroen1 was Iliad Wllh Ille &qu11<e teel of land located al 1ne PUBLIC NOTICE ottlOe of tne County RecOfders or Countv Clerk or Orange County oo M>Ytneas1 coiner. ano 1-------------·- 0range County. Stele ot Cahlorno•, Ocl 18. 11182 WHEREAS, trie at>ove·descrobed FICTITIOUS BUISINESll ueculed by Plaza Proper11es. a f111477 1101125 square feet ot land 11 not NAMI! STATEMENT Calllo1n1a General Pa1tnersn1p Published Orange Coasl Da1ty and ..,11not11 tne ti~ ol del1ve<y of Tne following person 1s doong WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Pilot Oct 20, 27 Nov 3. 10 1982 possession be nee<Sed for school ouainess as TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH 4621·82 c1usroom 1:>u1101ngs by Ille D11111c1 BOLSA BEACH BURGE R. (payable al time Of sale In lawful ------------N 0 W T HERE F 0 RE BE IT 15032 Baacll Bt>ulevard Mtdwoy money c.f the United States! al the PlllllC NOTICE RESOLVED THA T the 0 1strlt1 C11y. CA 11265!> north lrOlll entrancie to U>e county1-------------1Board 01 lrusteea 1n the bUI SURIT SAE THIA 11 19 East c;ourtl'louse, 700 Clvoc Center Drove FICTITIOUS 8UllM£88 interests of Hie 0.11roc1. au1llo11ze1. Elk. No. 3, Glendale. C!< 91205 WHt. Santa Ana, Callfornla. ell NAfllllE ITATEMl!NT •nd declares 1ts 1n1ant1on to This ousonass 11 conducted by an rlghl, title and lnter"t conv.yed to The IOltowtng persons are d()jng exc;nange the above·oescribed 1ndovtdua1 and now held by 11 under N 'd D-i t>Usiness as 110 1125 square leeJ ot 1and 101 Su11t Sae Hua of Trull In '""' prooeny Situated In MARK VI IN VESTMENTS. epproiumalely 102.300 square IHI Tnos Slatemenl was flied Wtlll the setd County and State de9crlbed •• 14802 Hllltboro Place. Tutton, o f lend owned by tne Clly or County Clerk ot Orengo COYritV on PARCEL t· Calltornla 92680 Hunllngton Beach loealed along a October 5 19112 Parcel 12.onlheCotyol..._port R Cla y Mallard 141102 porhonotthenort'-ntlOundary ol F1"90t Beach. County of Orange. State 01 Hl1t1ooro Pl-Tustin. Callf()(nle the 0<1ttoct • real preperty IOCated Pubhtnao Orange Cout Dally Cal•t~nta. as ShoWn oo a m9') tiled ll26llO at 17241 Oall Lane, Hunttna1on PtlOt. Oe1 6. 13. 20. 27, 11182 In boOk 93, page• 46 and 46 of Mal z..,amoy. 261141 c.t1anza BHcn, Calltornta g2847 A map 4348·112 p.,oei Mapa, tn the olllc;e ot the Drive, MIH ton Viejo. California del*tlng the aoeclflc locatlOr'lt or ------------ QOunty ·-~of Nld county. t2875 llOtll properllH la •••ll•ble tor PUBt.IC NOTICt E1tcept all oil. oil r¢t1. m1ner•ls. David M Collln1 . 25352 r......., our1ng regular wortung roour-s ___ __:__: ________ _ m1nefal r1gn11, natural gu rlgh11. Pa<:lllee. MIHIOll Viejo, CalllOfnla at the D11111c1 bu11ne11 olllce ftCTITIOUS 8UllNEll and other hydrocarbon• by 112675 located at 16940 B S11ee1. NAiii ITAH•NT w nets o • v • r n am• kno w n . Nell Wiiiiam• Sc;n11cn1. 4020 Huntlng1on Beec;I\, Callfomle 112842, The fOllO*lng pe<eonl are dOlng geolMrmal 1team and all prOducts Maple Tr ee Dr1ve Anallel m, BE IT FUATHEA RESOLVED buelnea u · Oetllled lrom any of the loregoong. CaltfO<n'8 92807 THAl the Secretary of the O..trlct H & H CONSTRUCTION SITE. 1na1 may De within or under the John Riiey. 108 Topo Street, Board of Truslees 11 dlrec1ed to 601 S Euclid, Anahelm Catllornl• par c e I of I and h •re 1 n • b o v e Anaheim. Calilorn•a 02804 publ11n • copy 01tn11 reaolulk>I\ nol 92902 de1ctlbed, 1oge1ner with the Roberto Mendez. 147112 .... tnan onee a wffk for three Vietor P Syqu1a t9510 loei.. pe<petual riOflt o4 orllltng, mining, Hollsboto Plaoe. Tu111n. CalllOfnla _,., proo< to the &owd entering Cerrnoe Caht0<n1e 9070 t exploring and operating therefor 1126&0 Into the ercnange of the above· Carol M Syqu1a. 19510 lbu . and storing In and removing the Thie business 11 conducted by descrlt>ed properhet C.rrllOG. Calllornoa 90701 Nme from seld land 0< any Olhet R Clay Mallard ADOPTED. SIGNED ANO ThlS 1>Us1ne11111 condUc1ed by an lan d, Including the r ight to This statement was l•le<S with Iha APPROVED THIS 21st day ot June. 1ndMduat wtllpst°'~ Of dorectoonally d11A and County Cleft. of Oranoe County on 111112 Carol M Syqu1a mine from lands other than those Oc:tobef 111. 1982 &OARD OF TRUSTEES Thia 1111emen1 was !fled with Iha herelnebove dflcrlt>ed. Oil or ges f1'"40 OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT County Clerk of Oranoe Coun1y on wells, tunnels and al'lalta into. Publl1hed Orange Coall Dally Maxwell Sudakow Oc:tober 5 1982 11\rougl'I or aci'OU the 8'.lbsurtaoe ol Pol01. Oct 20. 27. Nov 3. 10, 111112 Cnari.s Osterlund F111MS Iha land nereinebove dHcrlbed. 4$20-112 Janet Garriet< PuOl;shed Orange Coast Delly and to bollom llid1 wnlpltoclted or Marianne Blank Pilot. Oct 6. 13. 20. 27 1982 dlrectlona.lly drilled wells. tunnels PtlllJC NOTICE Sheila Merc;u1 4370-112 and Shall• under and beneath O< ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA I beyond Iha ellleriOt ltmtts lhereof ITAnMl.NT Of' WfTltDflAWAL COUNTY OF ORANGE I and to 1ed11ll, 1e1unnet. equip, FROM l"AllTNI ..... Of'£11ATINQ I, DALE COOGAN, Secretery 01 melnllln, repair, deepen and UNDlll the Board of Tru~lees of Ocean operate any such wells or mines FICTITlOUI BU ... 11 NAME View School D1st11ct of Orange wlthOul. riowever. tne nghl 10 cr111. Tne lollowlng p11rson nas County, Cahfornoa neret>y ce<t•ty mine. store. e•plore and operate woth<lrawn u •general Plll1ne< from 1ha1 the above anO lorego1no through the surface ot the upper the partnership operating under the mo11on wes duly and regularly 500 fMl of the 8'Jbeurfac41 ol the 11c11t1ous busln••• name or moved and MCOnded. and pasMd land H rHerved by The trvlne SPECIAL TY GLASS ANO MIRROR by a 5--0 vote ot said Boerd et a Company, by a doe:umefll rllQOrded CO a1 1109 Vletorta. Coala M-. regullli' meeting thefeol held Oii 11"' February 20. 1980 Calofomla 112827 2 lit day ot June. 1982 PARCEL 2 The flclltlou• buelneu name Dale Coogan A non.exclusive easement for s1a1ement for the pannershlp was Secretary ol the Ingress. egreu and vehicular filed on Febtuary 26. 19112 in Ille Board of Truetees partung ovee p.,ce1 B, In 1he C11y of County o t Orange, Fl LE NQ Published Orange Coast Deoly Newport Beach. County of Orange. 111~000 PMot. Oct 20. 27, Nov 3 19112 State of Celltornla. as shown oo a Person Wllh<lrawing 4615·82 map filed In book 113. PeQn 45 and Gary Steven Griffon. 2 1551 46, Paroel Maps, In 1ne offtce 01 tne lirooknurll • 17"J, Hun t1ng1on county rec:Qrder of aald county Beach. Cahtomoa 112648 PUBUC NOTICE ---The atrHI addrHI and Olller /1/ Gary Grlllln common deelgnatlon. 11 811y. ot the Pubh•h•d Orange Co11t Daily NOTIC:~ALI CW rHI propeny dnerl~ above IS PolOt. ()c;t 20. 27 Nov 3. 10 11182 MAL .... ~ AT purported to De 12 Corporaw Plaza. •575-12 l"ltlVATt IALI New1>0fl 8-ch. Catllornla 112660. No. A 11J .._ T n • u n d •rs I g n • d Tr u 11 e • !'\a.IC NOTlC( In Iha Sue>e<k>r Cout1 of 1ne Stale dlaclalm1 any llablhty tor any of California. tor lh• County of tnconec1,_ of the s1rMI address FlCTTTlOUS BU ... 11 Or-ange. and otheir commoon dellgnetlon, 11 .. .._ IT .. ~ In lh• Matter of Iha Ettate of any lhOwll heiraln The followlng pet9onl we dc)jng S0ald Hie wlli be made, but buai-aa. Vl~1...!._H1 T~~erb. ~~Mdlh.at the wllllou1 covenant or warranty. WESTCUFF CONSULTANTS. o""" 1 ,,.,.e Y Q•Y•n , ..... _ -._...._. ,_.,.......,title 11125 We1te1111 Drive, Newport ~ wlll Mfl at Private ..... •...... ~ ft • ..,....., ·-.--... · • to the 111gne11 and beet bidder. poneulon. or encumbrances. Beach. Calll0<nla 92660 eubfect to confirmation of H id tncludl ng f•••. charge• and M1cnu1 J Grl1. 140 Irvine Supertor Coun. on°' afler tne IOth ·~of the TrvatM and o4 the Avenue. •S-312. N-por1 Beech. day of Hollefnb9t 11182 at the office trust1 crHted by aald Deed of Catdomia ne63 of DONOVAN W. BALLENGER, 401 Trust, 10 pay the remaining prlnc:lpal JoMPh O Voyer, 5515 Rl.-eume of Ille note MCUred b~Nid Avenue •313. Newport 8Hch, N. Brand No. !>00. Olendale. .1 ... ,, 5"' c-... " ....... Cellfomle. County of L09 Ange!M. Deed of TNll to wit; ........ • -·oml• .2....., State of Callfomta. elf the right. tltle with lnl•eet thefeon lfom Match 1. lllle ~It conducted by a and 1n1er• of laid~ et the 11112 et 17 peroerrt per aM\1111 aa ~ !*1nerthip. time o4 cteatll and all the rtglll. lllle pr~ In Miki not9 plue C09tl and Joaeph O. Voyflt and lntar .. t that Iha Mtate of Mid any advance• with Interest, alao Thie s1a1-1 wu flied wtll'I the d•c••••d hae acquired by Inducting late ctlargn. County Qerk ol Or.nge County on -•tton of•-°' othetw!M otller The '*1eftdarY under Mid Deed Oc1obe< 2il 1982 ..........-of Trust wetofore executed end ,_ ltlan 0t In addition to that of Mid 0 C D ly deceaaed. at the time o4 deetl), In dellvered 10 the underalgned a Publl1ned range o .. t al and 10 1111 the e.rtatn r.., pr09e"ty Wfttten Oeclentlon o4 default and Pllol. Oct 27, Nov 3. 10. 17, 11182 ellueled In City o4 ltvlne, CoUnty ot Demand for Sate, and written •730-112 Oran"•· State of California, Notlee of Default and Electton to • s.11 •. The uondeltlgned C*IMd Mid P\aJC NOTICE perttcularly .,_.,,bed aa !Ollowl, to wft• Mollee of Oeleu4t and Eleci110n to '9CT1TIOUI -•• Lot 5 In Tract No. 8236 ... Sell :o be ~dad In the county llAa 8TATDmllT lflowt1 on a map recorded In 800ll wtlet'e ll'le r.-Pf°'*1Y 18 ioc:..s. The ---l*1IOne •• do4ng 138, Paci" 24 to 31 lnelutlv• of 0...: October 14• 1M2. ·~""" Ml .... , -o 1 M•"'• r~ordl of Ce11'9M .... Deni p MM ., ~ ·= 1c ........ u .. . ~ c .......... c •• .... YOW LINDA APAATMlH'T8 Orange County. California. more ~ -II, P.O. Boa 1040. Newport commonly known aa· •&f 1 c.;...a•eci. • ........ &Heh. CA ueeo. 4'13 11rc:11, SendllllrO W1y, ltvlt19. Callfoml•. MTRMMlal._.,... Co~ IM.. ~ aeeeti CA Vnll &. Untverelty P a rk • c•silllz C.C ....... • .,.... PA n T N (Fl s : ( 'd TH I! ~. C1mbfldoe Plan. ,.. .. ·-:-... p Fl 0 8 p E c T -c A L I" AN I A Term• Of .... catli In lawful ~ ~ c 0 .... A .. y . • 0. I. w. r. ~of Ille united ..... on ..... ....., T,..... __, corl)Ofa\IOfl OtM T_. ~ere. or P"1 c..ri and belenoe ~ Publltllff Otange Coast Dally UarUord, Conn. oe1111 (2) •.E. by nota H cured by Mortgaot or ft11ot. Oct 20 27 No¥ a 1M1 YODEA, 1111 I!, Cll1pm1n. TNll Oaad on the propany eo tOld. · • • · ' Alt1Aa. Fullarton. CA 1213 '.i (I) V J Tan l*C«ll of arnovnl bid 10 be --------.....;;;== SHlllAOEA. UH E. 1,;llapman. depoeltad wltll bid. "8.IC M)llC( Fullwton, CA IH&1: (•I L.,Y.L. lida0toffenlObelnwrltlnO ancl COMP~J (Y~• Linda). it.o. loll will be reealvld ., tll• •fOrM eld -'90T1C8 Oii l040 • ....., llnlfl. ~ heofl. ontca at any tlfM atttt Iha llrat .... IPOI 1•1 m CA. ll'l~tton lleteof 11'14' IMl!ore dlle Nollol 11 ll«aby Qhietl 11111 Iha Tllit bueiNle II oondUeted by I Of ..... · ""°"""'led .. not be ~ble ...,.,. .. .,.,,...,..,. Oeted ,,,.. 11tn dfrJ of October, #or any debt• or ll1blllllu L.Y.L. eon..nY (Y«tle IM2 H •~ COftttKtad .,, anr-ottlar Ulan Undl) flfy -""" ,.,....., an ., ...., w. dMe. Aea4 la11Ma11, Mnt, IJltOlltOr of IN ·o..a IHI 1"91 d.y of QGtoW, Oen. Pert, "le1e of Mid o.oedaltt 11d TN& ......... llad """.,. -w .......... ..,..,. L..... ~ Clilfk .. °""f9 C0UMy Clfl _.._ • I 191 271 L 1Mtl It~ IM 00.. 11, 1111 :.:; :, ";:....., c:o.ta ..... CA t2tU ,_.. ....... --... Or ,.___. "'-""' ........ . Pubflelled Ora~ C-t Dally ~ Oot 13, 20, 27, No¥. I, (i;";..-7 =•""2,,_, ... ...,. --Oct 20, 21 ff .• 1tl2 , .. , 2 • • 471• -... _.. ' 4tt...U 4111-G -5 Pl.8l.IC NOTICE fl<:TITIOUI 8UlfHEll NAME ITATIMENT The IOllOW<ng pe<eon. are doing bu1J1ne.s u ON TIME TRAVEL 170 I Scott D11ve. Sulle D. Newport Beach C&Mfornia 112860 Joyce V Mc Elroy. 2005 1 Colgate Circle. Hunllngtoo Bench. Calllomla 92046 N1ncy A Hagan. 3007 Harbor View Drove. Coron• del Mar Callf0<nta 92625 This bullnetl is conducted bV a g-•I partnership Nancy A Hagltl Joyce v McElfoY Tnos sia1ement wH filed w11n 1ne County Cle<k of Orange County on Oct 4. 1982 • ,111771 Published Orange Cout Dally Piiot, Oct 6, 13, 20. 27. 19112 4397·112 Pla.IC NOTICE FICITmou• •UIMll NAME I TAff•NT Tne tOltow;ng pe<eons are dc)jng °""""' •• WARMINGTON-SOUTHLAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. 3090 Pullman Street, Coats Mau. CeMfornla 112826 The Rober! P Warmington Company, a Caltfornla CQrf>Of•llOfl, 3090 Pullma.n Street, Coit• MeM. California 92626 Beverly HAis Savtnoa ano Loan .-.uoe1at1on, a Calllornra Saving• lo Loan A11oclatlon. 2721 t L at Rambles, Miiiion VlefO. California 9~692 lhll bulinMS Is c;onduc;1ed by a general P"lner1hip WARM INGTON · SOUTHLAND DEVEL O PMENT COMPANY By: The Rober t P Wermlngton Co Wlillam J. Pittman. 8ec;(.tary Thie ttatement WH llled with Iha County Cletlt of O..nge County on October 11, tM2. ",.... Publlsned Orano• CoHt Delly Piiot, Oct 20. 27, NOV 3. 10. 11112 ... 22·12 Ml.IC N011Cl P1CTmOUe ........ MAim •TATIMIMT Tiie fottow1no paraon •• dolno but!MM M: PAFIAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 239 Cedar 8trHI, Nawpor'1 IMUI. California 12te3 HHI Vanez Parry, Jr •• 2H CadU StrHI, Newport 8UCll, California t 2M3 Tiiie ~ .. oondUc1ed lly an tndl¥ldual. ..... l'ITf'/ 'Tllil '"'~' wM lllacl llllUt IN Coun1Y Clatll Of Or9nOZ County on OCIOOtt 11, 1112. ,,..,. Publl•ll•d Or1ngt Coaet Dally PllOI, Ott. 13, 20, 21. HO'I 3, tH2' UllS.U WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! (--. · VISA. TAYLOR Calif omia Cellars WINES •BURGUNDY • CHABLIS 2 8 I •VI N ROSE •RHINE 1.5 Liter • VODKA 80 PROOF COUNT VASYA6 I I 1. 75 LITER • • ~.e~,, r - 9.89' GILBEY'S GIN 80 PROOF 1.75 LITER JIM BEAM 1 I I I WHISKEY 80 PROOF 1.75 LITER • BACARDI PUERTO RICAN ~l~~r Amber 11 5 I 80 PROOF 1.75 LITER • MacK~NNON'S SCOTCH 80 PROOF 1.75 LITER 8.99 ANCIENT AGE BOURBON 11 I I 86 PROOF 1.75 LITER • \ /. TORRE DEi CONTI :~Asti Soumante :12 oz. CANS PAK OF 12 SPAAKLING WINE ml4.79 Reception to honor artist Lcxnl Ul llK~ WhllM' Wiii kll will ,,.. 1hK11luyt'CI through Jullt• Ii.Ilia 111 tlw Nt·w11t11 t Bt•u1·h <.'atv Hull Callt•ty, J:!OO N1•wµ111 t Blvd . will 1'1.• h 111111rt'<I ul u r«'t•pllon Thurl><luy C1u111 ~ :m 111 7 :111 p 111 111 th1· Pallfk M utuul llt1JJ4uu111•11t L1·urn111w l'1•11l(•r u1r1urn. 700 N1·wpor1 l't•nlt•r J>ri v1· Th(• 1nvllullon11I n·n·pt11111, h oi.11•d hy thl' N1.•wport Bl•uch C 11 y Art~ l'u111m1liston, wtll r1~-i1.c1111t• Judith Alll'rmun , su~n (.'01 Min, J••rtlfl)l' Cn11111n . F1·rd Juhrutan. Loulw L1dx·r. Vul1·11t1i'lt' Muyt•r, MtirJOrtl' Prc:mdl. Sus.m Srmth 1111c.J St1111,y West. "This l't't.'t'IJll11n 1s u d runiullt' t•ht111g1.· Ill rolt.•i. for the Arts Commtssllln whtd) fl'<.'1.>ntly promol1.·d u highly sUt."t"t>sSful juzz feel thut 11111·11l'lt-<J wnw :S,000 to the all-day huppt•nmg in f:t1stbluff !'ark. Rut w1· are endeuvor111~ to rt•1wh a ll sq~11wnts of 1lur art loving pul>l1c. whcthl•r 11 l>l• JUlZ by SOlnl' of 1h1• world's grt'tlls ur a m~il'<.'l patty tu vi<.•w ul'l l>y our l111·al t.alenttc'd urllsts." said &•1ty Tt-sman. chairman uf the cornm1ss1on. Other l'omm1ss1rmt>rs <·1x1rd111a11ng tht' event md ude Pat K cndnt·k, fl'l'CIJllUll l'hatrman, anJ Dr Jl•rrell Rtt·hards. 8111 Agt'l'. Nuvt•I I h·ndnl'ksun, Molly Lum ·h a nd Walter Ziglar Guests of hono r will indudt• Nl•wport Bca<.·h Mayor Ja<·kw Ht•athl•r, Mayor Pru Tt.•m b:vely n Hart. members of the <.'tty t.'Ount.·11. art t-ducawrs an d patrons of lhe annual Newport &•:c1t.·h C.:1ty Arti. Festival. MOON f'ESTIV AL. R1eh:mJ Hbdg<'rs Chapte r. Oranfle C o unty P<'rfo rm1ng Arts Ccmlt.'r. h as :\THE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILMl f "SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY!" -........ IYMDICATID FILM came I 1'1tt ¥\1~ 1JA f l''t'tl t II' r 1 llllA ll l OllO u• ""'' • 990 •on 1 Ch>••O • ..,.,.. • ..., • COST a MUA 'I 1 ~HO IO•.,O IWllTlllGlOll If.ACM •,"'1"tw ''.... ta ..... a ,.. '""Q' ""'' ·•b l 11 UI Olll IACllllA llACM fc111111i10\ \c. tr UM 1 •9• l\U IAllUIU ·~ J" ~ .... ~ "i' 'O)l .. o ••nn ACCV ff O •o• fHIS ... OAOl""" Forgive mt•, Father, far I lzn m• silmt•d. OllHGl c-. 6H 7~' l MONSIGNOR EiWJDl4;12J~ 928'2/~~J CHRISTO-CR R&l:V& 1 ~r THE EXTRA· MONSIGNOR CJ r;.. • TERRF.STRIAL nTD Siio•• 1:00 1:1110:30 Siio•• •I 1:00 ''". 101JO IA&i -No hKH- lllrjij11ha1·'6''6l6J9 enot~W:) SUPQCIHl·,,SoundOlr«I lO'IOur(OtloOlOO.•"'Qlo!W<'f"°'IOble a,o a:" ri;,.~word .. ~~ CJ ~ Sorcerer (R) TWl~-,._.-;.T•O..IR) E-r THf EXTRA· f )JT f/ltff! • •• TERRESTRIAL n'1tioc11MN1l MtGM • om Al~o.,li l\!!, (.-0) The L.Hl A,,,..._ V1l;n (R) r l!J "''l11·clul1 otl 1111 lllHJlll ru11d rl.lll'il 'I hH !lat· Yt•ur (JI\ 'l'h u1 i.cl,1 v, Nu' I. 111 t lw S1111 C ~·nw1111· < 'un111111nlly t'luhl111uM'. I >l'I M 111 111111 S.·v1 ll1• '1'111· Mll(lll r •. 11v11I Killll \\ 111 1111'1 ,. u ,,,. l'l•UIM' Ma mli11111 l 'h1111·'o(· lum 111~·011 .111tl tll1 ntc•111Jt1111111I 1·o~tu1m• 1'111111•:.t (;l'Cll ~IU l lu1 ll1ul II\ 1 11111111\llll 11f 1111' l'Vl'lll th.ti ~1·ti. u11c.J1•1 w 11y 1H 11 u ni . 111111 Uuhy Wull1•1 11> t'\1ordm1.1t1n~ tht• t'lll\tUnw t'l111h'llt All J(lWllL' "' 1y 1•11U•1 till' t•111ilU11w 1~11111•'1 tlu· uuly 11'\jllll't'llll'fll .11> thul lht·Y WCl.U' u ~'OlillUllW I 1'11111 u fur1•1w11 1111th111 111 1111 A1rwrit•11n 1x•riod 1·0111 u1111• T11·kc•t b di 1• $11 !>ti u nd 111 ay Ill' ubta1m·d thrnu~h i''r1d.1y by l'llll111~ I lurlbut. 4UH ~li75. 111· Al.·n11t·1• T n wy , 11r k1•t d 1111n rw 11. •W:I H477 CllAMPA<;N ~: liHUNl'll lrv 11w Hro11t·h . Allll'rtt.·m1 Asso1:aul1011 ol U111v1•1•stt y Wonwn will spon:.or n fu:-.hwn show a 11J t hu11ipaw1w hrun<'h S aturday. Nov I), at !J.:IU .1 m tn the z,..J1111· Hoor11 o f Nt•tman: Marcu~ Kitty L<'~ht.•. d1rt.ot•tor u r puhlw n ·lallun:-. IHHl fas hion .it NM. 1~ 1n t·hari;c1• "Lc.-slat• wall b<.• showing som e nl'W wardr ubt• options that will ml'ludt' d olht•s for bat:k to sc:hool or work. a small gournll'L d1111w r purty, or a bridge o r book group ml'l'llng ," :-.J ys H11a J o nl·i.. c'UOrdmatur of the.• <'Vt>nt Dead line for obtaining ticke ts ($12.50) Is Sa turday P a t Hanson. 857-15:!6 may b<· uallcd PrOCt!'l..'Cis w ill be US('d lo he lp n loc:ul woman who would l1kt• to rt>turn to l'Oltt•l(t' or graduatl' sc:hool HAllUM f>,. .... ' ,.,. ... ,.~~ MU """" B •,1 v"" 9. • COSll MUA • o • ii ' ...... --··. --.--·~·,...~ NOWPl.AYING COSTA MlH td•<11'1 ,....... ,. ,. p ,'°' ll TOllO fl•#il\ ·"'~· •t; '!lli!A1 4 •H rou1na1• U lllT Wlll MIHlU f4•4•0 ' .~I .. Y• ,., fd•.-.6\(~ .. _, 'ltr;,t en "oo eq1 191~ IAWI.. WllTMllllllA toa ... o 'It ._.x,.C¥" Clf'f'I'.-PM.•• \ H \IOr ]fj \~I f)t1,1 Olr•~f OllAllCll ~ 61• 7HJ 191 lhH LONE Thia time hn fighting for hla life. PRCMECTIOllSTS LICIEI OUT!!! UllTED ARTISTS THUTERS UIFllR!U We ere loOllect out ~ " refuMd to IOM up to 75% of our Jobs, double the wonc IO•d of thOM ,_..,.lnlng. and eflow OUf expetflM to be utlllzed to ene.ble underpeld, Inexperienced kid• 10 hendle the highly complex equlpn*lt ln the projection roome of the United At11ttl Theetree. a,,enaoernent .., ... ,...,and.,....._.., demended thet NCh proi.ct1onl1t employee wv~ H mwiy u ..,._._.. ....... In compfe)I .... much .. ....., ..... epert. W• ~ lhll to be Ynf* to the 60-76% ol the Pf'OjeCtlOnlttt that would hevt Iott their )ob• under ttleM condltlon9, Md •• to the moYle petront wt\o ere peytng top price fOf their tk:kete. with the chenoe ol Melng .............. ~ ol the fMtur• they peld to .... We..,; 7c) negotlele. but the Compeny dlot4tt...., end ettopntff lOCICID UI OUT. YIU CAI IELPI ,..._ doft't .. Into .,., u..n.d Arttete n...e. .. ,,.._ •. Yoor written lttl«I of aupPQrt wlll be eppreciet.O by u1. They lhould be eddrnMd to the Soutl'lefn Aeeocletton of IATS& Dl•lrk:t Two Loc:elt, 630 Oenev• StrMt, Huntington BMCl'I. Cellf0tnl• t2648. we w111 lorwerd to tl'le proper petty •t united Artltte, TIAllS FIR YIUll HELPU Southern Aaocl•tlon of IA TSE Ol•trlct Two Local~ W•lt.,. H. B,.ncMrd, S.Cy-T,..._ --, WE'RE GOING TO MAKE YOU LAUGH wllll DAN AVKRO\'D, JOHN CANO\', CHEECH AND CHONG, GILDA RADNER ud 1lw 11111 .. t.u ••'II• lo tli1• 1~• lll.1 111· •14·1111 .. ll1t1lvll.,;· 1tw olh·H ~ h• 1 t .. •11uuwh11 '.f\11U <\ flt'l'tl., ~ut1t4tU~ 111•· tj\tl ...,. 11·1111 .. 1 ""hu '•'\I'\ "l\ll 11f v•1h ''•" th11wu 10 1• 'fuphl !Jfv• l"f111H\,111f ll'l'lh'' .. ' '"'' I n.ul,•11 • ••t\o\.lu .. ,, u •1ih111 '.uul I u1 ... 11f1IHh. poth • PG.__ ... ....., ... ,,.: .. .... " :.•. ... STARTS FRIDAY AT A THEATRE OR DRIVE·IN NEAR YOU. •BARGAIN MATIN•••* Mond1y tllru l1turd1y All PerlormencH t..lor• 5:00 PM lE1ce111 11*111 En11 .. 111e1111 11141 Hllldtyl) ·THI LAil AMllllCAH VlllOIW' I .,~::-=.'i' AT 1•1 11100::..o::.. ':!"" t•I, "JINXED" 1•1 ............... "MONllQNO"" t•t .... ___ _ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAl• IN "MONalQN°"" t•1 .................. •tTAll TMll" 1•1 ---..,All Tlllll 11: 'ntl WllATH 0# llHAN" '"1 -· .. LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH W4l0: IN "TIW IWORO ANO THI IOtlCllllll" tt11 .... __ "'OIUOON9UIYlll" l"l --- •AN Of''IClll ANO A OINTLlllAJr 1•1 ........ ._.,_ "T~ CHOHN" 1111 '"' ............... .. ""lllT ILOOO" 1111 ................ ,.. locvny 01 Co,.Ol••OOCI 21J/IS1·9HO -'LOVl>l TIC WAU " ftlt ---"THI lAIT ...-111CAN VlltQIN" 1•1 ---"'!:"' .!, 1;.J."1 "llV PAVOttlTI YIAlll" 1 .. 1 -- "THE CHOSEN" 1•1 , .............. "JiNH 0" 191 .... "'.._ ....... , .. 81G•81G•DRltlE·IN MRCMIN$2 EVERY WEDNESDAY I IHUISDAY Children Under 12 Alwcry1 flH Kl "'"°" ... Ollu C... Mt 6 • •• ._ ,.,,,, It\ •• IMll'091T .. T •OTICl' CNllORH IHMNR 11 fRH! ""'"' .. ·-.. °"" a.-....... CM-40-·-WCM_I __ ...... CIA ___ _..._ -.. ,._, 1•.U _.,. ___ .... _ ............. v ANAHEIM Olll'Vf IN ,.._ .... i.-11 '"""'° ·•00•1111 -•TAMAN, Y'IC AN llAJf" 1•1 _,._ .... "• BUENA PARI< l••·d IH UM---·-llMOJO ~ ' . . . . ' LINCOLN ()Wllll IN '• "''• FOUNTAIN VAllf Y OlllVI IN leA oo._. •NT .. --( .. ) 1 .T. fHI llll111;_IJllllllTltlAL" '"I "IMIAOC>MlA 't&ll" 1"1 Ml·1411 c.11- - IMtR ....... J .. _._,,_ ~ .. ,., .. ~ •u ~MD -------- A .. lfT\.aAW' 1111 •MUD" 1111 -... .,. ... ..,,.... Ill ., AllZAlt. TI4I "" ......... "" c•11- ~ . . . LA HABllA I•• ~I "' ..... ·-·--·-.... • , ..... 1 MISS IO N 1•1.11.1 •N MMe•"9•twt •-c..._ ..... 1 • ~ P\O'fOI "9 WALL." t111 -"M9TYW.U• . -. -'"',.,... .... 1111 WAJ.'NllJ r, _,,,. All I -TIMOIOOe .... "" -...AUMAN ~ocal , county, state, nationql and international events come to _our dOOrstep jn the bright, light and lively "A CROWD 'LiAllR. ONI Of' THI MOIT THOROUGHLY INJOVA8L9 ALMI OF THI VIAR." -YIMent C~, TM ...W YONC .,.,.._ A M •1U •A.Uft .. fl ., ' ,..,.._,..., ... ,,,.fli"t,.., ... ..,,.,..., ....... ,,. .. _..,, I ~....,_,,__.._. I' MllllOtUllJO lllWll'OtlfltACll OllHOI wtlfMl#ITll• '"'""'"' v ... ~. ''"'" I (lw;l4\ N• .. WI r........ C••tO/ll!le r d•••h c-We&I •Jo 1tl1Qll t144 ll/ti0 bJ4 2~~J 89t JU) .(I,. ....... Ml ••••O t{lfl ht .. tfll(l~tllf••f , .. ..,.,.,.,_ .. •, •. . _, . . , . I ' , ' • . '. , . I ' . • • • t J I .I I • .. " J ' ' • ~ I ' • .. :· . THE t',\~IL'' flRCl°" "This little pig went to market, this little pig stayed home, this .... " "AR":\ D l " KE by Brad Anderson 10·17 "Stop acting as though you had a long hard day at work!" .ll"DGE PARKER ACROSS S 1 A1sl11s 1 lnvigof llOf 52 8edget t Cllqut 55 Ferthelt 10 lnYOcete 58 Four Prefla 14 --barrel eo Clech rrver 15 Brllnttorm 81 Mine p1s- 1e Oulbec'I sage L.-que 62 MlrlCle 17 More wi91f 13 Flm9d Ioctl 11 ~OtY 64 Cartffee CCll'IWNflll 65 Peep lflOW 20 Pt!lle 21 Lotty DOWN 2S WNtt popllf 1 Split 24 H.-. I 2 ,_. lracil TWIOAY'I PUZZLE IOl VED 1f10U1M 3 - -LMICS, ~ILll!LIC=-..c""" 2t OttrtloMd C1boC'1 llnd. ~iMIH.r~li1 21 ,,.. llQ'llty Old "*""O 30 Pert 4 Fury 31 Of lrTll b01* 5 Explorer In 32 ~!Ion C-*• 31 f.8flr' Ola! II FttMml 31 °""""" 7 Effigy 31 '~ lug" 8 ,..,,,. """°' Prtfl• )t,.,..., lllng • ,_...., •2 a...·. 10 °""""' .... 111W." ... ........ -12Anoinl 411 Ulpdery 1J Seid "OK" ........ ,.~ n Prectetot •s Ct ... 27 Noodle .. Body •• 21 ltMker 17 Foment 29 Mllltty 18 Ptyt UC) 30 Qllmnfr It Slmplt tOt10 32 Goll prot>ltm 51 In prtetttl 33 au.llt IOflt ""Pt: ,. Hollody.. 2 .... 3S -on:°'" S3 (llf .... 371.JMr... ,..., ..0 T llftPWI 51 POIWf! 11 Senior M '""°"' W ... BHi Cit;ORCiE by Virgil Partch (VIP) ~\ ,,, 4't "Don't bother looking, l•dy. J 1ln't In your bird book." illlllt'-~P . ~ ~ y ~ : ·'"···--._ ::>'7 ~-l . -'<-:-y· ~ ~> 0 °l"I : •You CAN ALWAYS TELL WHEN WINTER I& COMtN' ... " ™E TREES START" GETII~ UNDRESSED.'' by Harold le Dowe l WA.5 THINKIN ' LOU. YOU 00 OUTSIDE AND \111.ATCH CHAP.LEV'S CAR• II= HE. 5 TAP.T5 TO LEAVE THE HOTEL. PEll'SUAOE HIM TO COME UP HERE I .. c.NM. • • n '"......,. IO r,..... 25 ldlod IP U Ogre 57...,_ room .......,. __ ....., .a Qdl pert MA o.Gr .. Ornngi. Coast DAIL v PIL OT /Wbdne1dey, OCIODflt 27, t082 85 PE"~l'T. TMl!:J 15 TI-IE l ENTH FRAME. St~ YOU NEED A STRIKE . ~'NOTMER SPLIT! R~TS!TIUS IS T~E WORST 6AME l'VE EVER 80WLED ! ! ..----------. DO VOU T~IN"-!>PORT5 BUILD (.~ARAl. m:. SIR? by Charles M Schulz :,uRE MARt1f . 'fOU LEARN HOW TO :,MILE IN TME FACE OF ~~EAT I I l ~ r.f>, ff -- ..... ~-~-] '--~----"~lo..----1 ~'·-'-"___..._......_ ______ w.w. ........ _._ __ ,__~::--- Tl' M •LE" t;t:OH &AL-t..E'( 0Fll1f: PE:SE:RI t7f:NOOl\JCER ~IE:RE:, PUKt=;; ct> YO U Mrs::. e: l\JGL.Af\W? GORDO -:;o.f 'NILL "uL' fAKE: THf JU&! Wll .. L~ WO~~ >JN IJl~HT ,. W'-TU.HA~IJ~ 'IOU MEAN "TkAT ~ UOED A COMPUTER ro F16URE oor WHERE ~·o G€T IHE MOST HAil.OWEE.N CANDQ ~ MY HAIR 'S GETTING SO LO NG ·· J··1 Q."t.J' KIJC'W,, ~C\:". wm~ ~WA" ~ ~. 1!o ~a;: C:iE: T AN/ ~! /V\ORE OR 1.£!:>$ I WE. R1trED it-IE OOAklTt.,i AND OuANT1iQ OF THE. (AA()() 61VEN our~T £.IEAR .. DEDUC.ltNG R'.>IW-5 R)R P£0Pk£ HANDED OUT FRUrfOR R'.)PC.DRN 8All5 .. n by Jet f MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller tT'S B E G INNING TO R E/.\CH M Y CAP by Gus Arriola ,.,,,___ ~- AND WITf-1 -r,~E HELP Of'. f11E (.ONIPIJTER , WE: IAJE~E ABL-E 1iJ £STA8LJSH GIVING PAT1ERN5 FOR THE WHOLE AREA ' '' I KHf.\&) Alt~ e£1t~fl, l'O 'f'41N'~ 1AA1 RARE. fAARO"t' •Of 'fOUllS IA)~!, t4.or"1~1., BU\ A r----1 ~\l)V\O OOCK ~ ·-· .... ....._ ... by Tom Bat1uk I N FACI , rT Ml&HT INIER€!:ii £(()0 TO J(N)U.J 1HAI l(()O' RE SN\AGK DAB IN It-IE. HEART OF THE PRlr.'\£ c.At-lDV BE.LT ! , . ' , !-• : ·~ . • ' ' . ~ J ~ , s j , I , , ' , • • . • . . . . ·' . " "': ....... :· . . .. ~ l • • I .. 01111u• Coast O~ll.Y PILOTIWedn ecJey. 9ctobo1 21, ' 8~ Alistair Cooke pref er • • v1ew1ng TV • in U.S . Uy t'ltt.:U HOTlll':Nnlmt: A~ , ... ,,.._ Wrllet Nl<~W YOJ\K Ah111t1t11 < '1 111k1 1t11111IC'11t llrlt 1111 1111' t\1111•1111111 h •lly , 1n1•hir" 11111t(11111111 111 1lt1• ll11111•d Stull'" 111 h111 1111t1v1 1-: II t( I u II d " ll I • I . I( I I. " I I II I "M A S II." "IHI M111111t•11," ,11111 "N1ijhtl1111·.· 111· 1111•1111" p11l1l11 Ii •lt•Vlflll tn "'flw l11..cu1•"1 1llw<11111 I hut tlu· w11rld 1tl111r1"• 11>1 1h111 tlll' 11111 ' lBt1t111h 1l111ud1•1111t111~ < 'rn p J 111 1111 llH'lllllllllf'll hl1• 111'1 Vin •," llol VH C.'111tkl', t lw 111111111" lt11>1t 111 p11I 1l11 TV',. "M11!111t•1 p11~·1· 'l'lw111i·1 " 1'111 1.1111111111 , I 11111rk 11..-S1111d11 v Pl'IJ''"" w1tlt 11 11•d 111•11 , 111111 I llllHhl w.1111 111 M 'I' 111111 1!1111111 111 lt•ll•Vllolllll II W1'4'k "111 tltt• ll s I "" 1111· IWllll' ltll llt( ,111tl W ,1 It fl I 11111 h11111 .. II lllt(h I .. 1111 11w 11·1ly 011d ,,,y Mv < :11.t 11·, ull 111hl 111d1 "' Jlul1l 11'lh "" 11 k1111I "''11111111 11111 1111 "l.11v 1 Ho.11 " 11'1 ''"" 11111 1 th•· l1k1• t '1111k1· ,,,y,. 111., 11·.:ul.11 l'V vll •w111~ 1111 huh•, th1· 1wl '' 111 k ll••wi., • M u1·N1•ll l.1·1111·1 "Wu!jhl111(t 1111 W1•1•k 111 H1•v11•w , • "l\1(111 1111 ~y & 'u," "1"1n11tt I .1 111"" "M 11:.1t•rpil'1'1· Tlwut1·r .' "N11v11" 11111 I "n fo111I add wt1011 111 11ltl 11111v 11·" I 1rn11 1111 • ·:m., .11111 ·IO:., w l11•11 I w1u1 11 f1ll11 1·11lll"" "J"' 11 11114 l11t•up, l'v1• w11td1l'd 'M I\,' II' 1111 Vt1111 t. f l h 11i'\ H lllu· 111 l••l ftl11\' 111 ' "'"" 1111.t p11tll1•111 •111l1t 11·!11 11," 111 Id " ( '11ok1• "I ,.i..,,, ltlu• '1111 "'11111111 I\.' 11llh111t~h 1t'i.. 1111 111111 tl11w11 'N lijhtl1111·' I' \'1•1 y 14ttt"I N1•w " 111111' di.,. t11to!\11111 ,ho\\;, 111'11 1111' 1111 ., •111 •11111 Nt•\\'S Ill l1t1111111 '" 11 1 l111d ''" 11"' lllH ", \\1U ld lll l \hl 111111t1h ,llfH'l l1 Al.IST·\lll (:OOh.E (.'.,okP NJ•V" w lw 11 llli(' 1tll11111I" 11'( 11111• 111•11•, "lllt•.,•11• \\-1111,.l 111111 111111 .. 1111111 d1111'1 M•·I 11111 I\ 111 1111•11 l1111t•l1> u1111I 11 'l'h1•11 llll'v'll 111111 • Wl11•11 I ''" I II 1\1 1111111. 1'111 111\\-llV" 11"111 ti 11 I 1111"" 1111\ tht111( I 111111 /\11 u 1 ltt• I t• ·II 1111111 I 1111,, 11 11 \ 1~11111 wtmN•:snA v EVE NINO &00 1) 0 0 Nf WS U CHARLIE S AN0EL8 0 EIGHT IS rflKll l(lM CD M'A'S'M 0) HAWAII FIVE.() fD OVER EASY Q,;MI Al.Ct! f tt~tt ., EID UN0£ASTANDtNG HUMAN BEHAVIOR Sl'4!S.~ a CBSNEWS 10 ABC NEWSO 39'M8C MEWS a) THE PRICE IS RIGHT S MOVIE • • • Attriur 1 108 I) OuOMly Moore lfld Min nelll wn11e "'' ramrly auemp1s 10 force him 1n1Q a pre-•rnmgeo marr111~ 11 Orun~en n9donost1c play boy falls 1n IO•fl w11n 11 pOllt working g1tl PG (,')MOVIE ***'• Hooson s Cno•Cll 119!>41 Jonn M1ll5 Charles Laughlon A bool- makflf anempll 10 re1e1n nl1 cheep ~ource ot labor by prevenhng n•s triree oavoht•fl ••om metrylnQ e='O CD ALICE fl) DO< CAVETT Guest b•llefff'la Ale•11nora o.tltlO•a (RI EID SEWING POWER JtMEWS JI BARNEY MILLER m WORLD OF PEOPLE &·45 Z CI MEMASCORE 1:00 0 CBS NEWS 0 NBC NEWS 0 HAPPY OA VS AGAJN Joan~ •YnS awny from no~ de1e,,nmed 10 go on 10...r wnn Le a11>e< luSC<Jd ero ano 1he Sue<IM IP•" 2) 0 A8CNEWSO 0 S(>AP A surp'4M wonen •P?P••t lu•I ea 1111nga MM1m dark- est for JttsS1ce NEWS CD THREE'S COMPANY Janet accuaes Chrissy ot 11eal1ng a handaome young llAllCUtl•t from het II) G'~ JOKER'S WIU> fl) EID 8U81NE88 REPORT P.M. MAGAZINE An ••PMI 1a111 how women can dreu tor ~ Ln t>uSll'lllP the pYl>llsher ol the Penny S1oek New. ~ ENTERT AIMMENT "{ONIOHT A IOoi. 111 e,p1Q11a1•ve mov--m ORANGE COUNTY TOOAV H H80 MAGAZINE Z MOVIE • • ·~ "'On The NIClllll (19791 Ralpn Walle Oon- etd MOllll Lilt on Loa Angeles' SklO row 11 dep- icted. R 7:30 fl 2 OH THE TOWN Feeturltd a group ol wom· en constructlOn WOfk ... a. • look el Los A"09le• radio Slallona; an Inter-.-with forl'Tl8( 01klan<1 Raider J1m Ono 0 QJ F'AMIL Y FEUD 8 LAWAH£&SHIRLEY &COMPANY Shirley begins dating a aoon-10-bll <llvor'8<1 doc- tor U EVEOHLA. ~lured· .mar women find eflrecllve In older men. an underwater ooncerl. lhe 1111 .. 1 eovanc:.a In b+on+c lltnb• Iii MAOAME"S PLACE M~ 11 the gulllll OI llOftOf at • ''Women 01 ,,.. v-··rout • M•A•l•H Cot Poner la ~med by 1h~ attention he ,_.,.. .. ~ lf•ff '''" 10 redu09 hie lll&d ~· Mt«• Ne -* otw.IGel IT uni;,. (Kim l'i1·lcl>. ri1<lll ) . '' lw fut·t·~ poi--si blt• h t•urinfot lo-.!"'. 1411·b u warm hu~ from !"'t·lwolmult· ~atulit• (Mind~ (:ohn ) in ••Tiu· Facti-. of l.ift··· a t 9 on K~R<: ( J.). (!) i TIC TAC ooUoH fD MACNEIL I LE.HAER REPORT EI1) THf. PATERSON PROJEC"I fhe 1mpac1 ot 1"41 Reagan AOmtn151te11on's economic p()ltCtlll on tne 4V8<89fl AmerlCat I ••• ellll/nlned In a focus on tour fam1tMtS Uv- t~ 1n P11eraon N-w- sey 10' YOU °'SKEDFOfHT F .. tured "Japan"• Hend- H...s Cannon• .. and ""8¥da That Oo Sp6clal Effecll -m MOVIE" • • • •,. A 1'J1H Of Otvorce- ment t 193 ?I Jof>n Ba<· rymo<a l(elh.,_ Hep- ovrn R-nlly '~ trom. men••' 1naltlull0n • man lrnds hit d8UQl11e< to De ....-,. sym,>•fhetlC and supporllv• 0 MOVIE • * * .. F'ltS 1 Monday In October 119811 Welter MatlhllY. Jiff Clayt>urgn A lober al Sul>' .. ne Cou'1 Jus- uce CIUhes u11th the,_. Ml member o l the natJOn"a hlQ'-1 court. an ullre- conservallve '"oman juri91 R 8~00 0 SEV£N 8AIOE8 FOft SEVEN 9AOTHt:M 8tt8n'1 betlav\of Ct'N lllS t rill In 1"8 lamll7 When lie QOM on a be<'der and enda up 1n Jatl ettu ergul"Q wtlh Adam. 0 ~REAL PEOt>LE Feetured a -·IN wtw tr..es witn hia tam11_v on lhe county jall. a 11()191 wllh tour reai<l8nt du<*•· a hou ... bulldl"Q compell- uon. a Btil11t1 COlumbla enmall.helte< 8 VIETNAM: TH£ l"EN THOUSANO OAY WAR F.,epower.. U S n1 lli111ty 11rategy end ooer elk>nS during 1"8 pe<loCI ol max;. "1UtT\ ll'lvoNemenl ., ...... mined U «IJ TALU OF nE OOlDMOM<EY Jae and Corlly ere Int er - c.reted 1n a Frenctl prulOfl when they try to help • de99« ate I at her """O I )le his dying son from 1•rie 111and penal colony 0 MOVIE • * ·~ '"Ruulan Roul•U•t • I 1975) Geotge Segal. Oe n- hOlm Elliott. A Royal Can•- Olen Mounti9 trlee to hMld oll en ......inatlon pk •t ag11n11 Autalan Premle r Koaygl,,. 80.v J-'<:a 11 erreslec:I for Peter"• murder and her ,.....,., refu9M to defend her CD MOVIE • • .. Shock1 raume .. ( 19821 wmlem Conrad. CM1 Wlgg!M The WOftl Of Or R Adame Cowley IMda to lN CfN flon Of the 1"91 medlcal .,_,., ··-· unl1 ., MOM, T'Hl WOllMAH ANO W A I~ phOtogrec>f*'I prllCOClk>ue young deugtl- ,., c:onaplt'• to ct\llnge her mother'• alflfle atalue. Pany Ouk• Allin, O~vla B1rney and Oen1ell11 BrlM· bOtl .... ED TOHEAR Joet Grey hosia an 1nl0tm• alive look 11 lhe wonOert 01 sovno ano h .. rong O 1 I NEWS I PRIME TIME Featued nucteer oomb sionoge aH a tn San Fran· CISCO. e repot'I on San Franet11eo High Schooj Plf1ormlng Arll. the May- or'• R-. the Guardian Angele In San Diego. a man whO hUnta ghos11 C MOVIE • • •., Sliver Seara I 19781 Michae l C•1na Cyolll Shepne rd An accounung gentUt devl- a n 1n1,.cat• plan to 1ncr .. se n11 -•Ith by mak•flQ some of ,.,. top eiLecultves 1n lhe •orld ol "'Oh lll'lance the v.c;ums ol en e111reord1nar,o lwtndi. PG· H MOVIE • •• One On One .. C 19771 Ro1>1>y Benton .Annelle O"TOOle A l>Oy who goes IO COiiege on a Male el ball echOlatahip It abVM<I by tne coeeh, scorned by nl1 1u1or and used by the llCllOOI tor na own purposes 'PO· $ IMZAME Jonn Byner Showa you lhlflOS stranger than lrulh larger than 1111, and zenler than anything you·-.e --0 MOVIE • * .. Night Schoof 11081) Leonard Mann, Rac:nel W111d An anthropology prof-wtfh a penctlat'lt tor co-eds " au*Pt(:ted of the brutal murde<a of some ot 1>11 lonne< beCI penners "R" I~ CHAALJE'S ANGELS Satlfln• taH1 tor • akyjeC:lc- lnO mutdet•. whO pet ... chuted -av from euthOrl- tlee two.,..,. -lier m> E1..ECnOft ·12 ($1 AEA08IQM Gel In tthept. l()OI( good. and IMI gf'NI with lhtl pfl~ ntr-prog•em 1:46 Cl )CINDIAICOM 9:00 IJ Cl) A~ T ... new stage lllOW lhal Alic. le ... 10 .... In -· deslin«I IO be a IOlal dlt- Ufllr (Pat1 1) 0 QI THE FACTS CW LR Tootle"• personallly under- goee • dramatic chenge N ane ••c>erienc9t • IOU of llew1nO 0 8 VIETNAM: TM TEH THOUIAND DAV WA" .. T et I" The T et Offenelve becomes • lurnlnQ point H the Viel Cong ttrllce lone etteclt9 Ille Soutll'a mejot Clllee 8 (I) THE FAU QV't (S-Premler9) Colt 118\'tle to No oe Jenwo to bftno bKll • 1'11811 whO embenled mlliOnt ''°"' en AmertcM OOf"'*'Y . _________________ _. ... _, ___ _ CHANNEL LISTINGS • MAM NJlllU.. WMlllnOton't lot> polltleal Nllflll Cl(llr• IUn •t tMjot lteuW etld -•torlee Of Ille,,.., ·IOU)~ (I) GAL.L..AOH«~ 8 ICNXT ICBSI 0 D ICNBC INBCI % e KTL.A l lllCl.J 11 • KA8C IAOCI c e icFMO ICBSI "' 9 KHJ TV (11\d I lfll •KC.ST IABCI ,, e I< tTV (Incl I • •• KC.OP 1V Cll\O I • e l(CUC~Hl • • KOCI! fl'tlSI .• I Or> fV 1 TV HBO 1c1nem11x1 IWORJ NY , N."f IWTBSJ 1£SPNI ( SflowtltM' SootllQtll fCablt~ New\ Ntl""°rlt) TOTAUYNIW The U/11/. ~!Cit~ Qllll"Oller .. Hdt In • c()IMCfy IC*llel 18'*1 Hve at tile Meyfelf Mwlc Hall In 881lte Monie•. Calllotnle • (l)MCWll • •• "Tiie l.etrnlnt Tr•" It ... ) I<,_~, Alllll CWtte. A bl90ll let!\- .... ...,.. Mlout .. _.. MnO .... ~ dlKlflO tM ttlOt. 9l IO I Cl) ""''"' "°" 8AAM.Y19 Al•• ..... I 11• fH •• luthtu•I• t •h•thtltfllllj ' ........... h•11• t1u "• 11Hwu•• etu1lti11t · t MltVtlt • • • t •1u •••vtthlh t U•1te 'tU .... , •11.lh •H l tto \ •t11uu t 1unyu A Ul1tt1t1 .. , It 110 ti1hl••t1t1H •"hilt ht111el•• •ti-.i 11u111n.-..t .. ,. ... •1•llU•ou 1 •1• ••1Urnt11rlH\J Uuitlf tt•• •l•n ltll MkN t IP' I It II A llt~ltll1uA1 lrul I •• ,._, I• h~" •tt til •••1t1tl t•f Iha 11000- 1 11h11 •111 lwu• 111 I l•Hl•l•no tHNI• I l111wu1 •U\ • I 1uo1 h1,1U11111ll l••:Ull 1olll MAhll lllJIUlt I I Wftthh•ul• "' • 1n1• iw•lllh •I t1Htl1 l•I lh••••tl h1u _,I HHljOI l1•u .. ,.,,,, n"w• •t lflf'• nt tllft rlay 0 1MOVll" • •" H"lhtw«Mtn 11 1 out n l•m~• I ,.... Cut 111 l • no"ltt l'lweuttK..• A huµ.-.tt•tty u•••o .. nuudet.w '(')HI """• hit t•1gn OI l•HOI .n • •m&ll IOwn R 10-00 0 a TUCKER'S wn CH Amano a •no Rte' """ •t•lo Uj)Ofl II IChtl~ 10 WP I ly grHOy cotlectort w th pt1ca1eu 1>u1 111ege. tv oblelned arhtects Cl I)• OOIHCY 0., Cl) NEWS U @l DYNASTY (Season Premiere> The k10nappmg or Fellon and Jell a aon trtggen memo- ·-ot Ale••• an<I Blai..11 s lorgouen child wn11e Blelle he& unconac1ou1 on a mountain clllt and Al11a11 scheme& 10 marry C11G1i Colby J EE) THE PATERSON PROJECT The impact ol ino Reagan A<1m1n11trahon s economic pollc•es on the average Amet"te-an a'e eaam1n.ed Hl • rocua on rour ram1ltes II•· tng 1n Pateraon. New Jet· ...,, G ~MAOtCOF DANCE (Pram•fl••l '"lne SeeM Ch•non Oame Margot Fonteyn Charla the 11se on 1"8 20th Cttltuty ol '"" maMI danc:e< Fred As1a1re Ru<lolf Nuttryev aoo Sem my Davos Jr are amot>g lhoM tee1u1ed m THE VIRGINIAN C MOVIE • • • "The C1nconne1t l\1d 11116!>1 Stev11 M~. Eowaro G Rob- 1naon A YOU"Q c.erO~lp 1rtes to bell IN! king of atud poka• In • oaule tor prHllge H THE RAINMAKER Tuesday Wal<I, Tommy Lee Jones ano Wllltam Kall .... In the N RICll••d Nash ptay eboul an llln8fen1 coo men who lutllll'• • lonely women a yearning l0t love rS 0 MOVIE •·~ .. 8ody And Soul'. p98tl Leon IUK Kenne· dy. Jayne Kennedy A young btack turn• 10 1Jfl2ef\ghllng to raise ,,.. money ... .-di '°' med•· cal ac:hOOt 'R' t0-.30 ., IHO£PENOENT NETWOAk NEWS 11:00110• ®.,.. NEWS U SATUN>AV NIOHT Holl J IU Clayt>urgh Guest Leon Redoone Iii IN 8EAA<>t OF-. The Gl>OSlty Stakeout"" CD THAT QUIZ SHOW g) 8TMET8 OF 8AH FAANCtlCO Four prl1on1r1 take • aecurfly guard hostage and eacape during e rorum at e loeal university fl) IU81NE88 REPORT Ii) OOCTOA IN n4E HOUSE Loltut et1etnp11 10 uve SI Swithin"• from dllt'nolllloo. COlNOMlAH !t}MOVI£ • •'A "l enoo" 119811 Bruce Oe<n, Maud Adema. An obMllMd tettoo e'1111 kldn~ • tuNon mocMI and P<ooeeda to -her body With hi• hand!worll "A' 11:30 9 Cl) AM:HIE IUNKVl'I~ ArcNe'• l)len• to lldd • reat-ent to 1'118 ber - lhwllt1ed by • 1110t1909 Of "~ Hoat· J ohnny Cereon Ouwt• Geo<oe Cttlln, ~-Stallone 8 9 MCNIWS NIGHTU. G YOU Alf<tD '°" tT Feetvred. "Jaipan'a Hllt\d• HelO CeMone" and "&lrda T~t 0o soeci.i En.eta ... • .,... JlnlMON9 LoulM llndt O\lt at>OtJI a MW 01-In 0-gt'I ..... I FOCUI ON IOCll'TY '91 LATINtOHT Hott Oennla ~. • NICIHTGAUMV (0) OMANNIL zaC> Chevy CllHe, Laraine NeMnen • u!AI (C) MCMI 1 • tt "CanOy" C '"') !we Aulln, Marton lrencto A tueololla ~ ~ lleMa tor ,._ Yen efter B111 11111 11t1 l 111 lk 11 1 pt i;u1 .J111111111~ 1111 /\Hl ', l 'BS .11111 Nii(' I I tl1t·11 \\"" 1111 puhl11 TV, 1lw 1.!1tf• 1 ... 1\\1 1·11 U111,1111 ,11111 1\1111 111 .1 V.<1t1ltl 111· 1111· "'"' 111 1111· <:1o111d ('.111v1111." ,,,y, t"1111k1• .. Wh1•11 I 11v 111·1w111k T V, I'm 11,11,1lly d1.,11 pp1111111·d • H1•h1111I l 'lu,lt.J l).1111 :..' 1111 1•>..1111pl1·, w,,, jll'1I 1110 ,11( k " u ..... 1111 11111 • \ llfl"'lllt•1t·d l\ltl\11111 ~11,ti111· .11111 N1·" U1 l1 ''"' ,,, 1111 .di ... 111' l.1 v11r111 'Mu11tll•fJJl1.'t"1 'l'lw.ih·t · pro1hw1111ni. huvt• lx>1>n · ll Jl'>l.111 ' l.>11w ""'1" 1 ri-." ll•·nry .1111111"'' "'l'h1• l i11ld1•11 Bowl" 11nd II ·"'" g,Jll .. 111111 Ill '''I" l\11w114 llli 'l'V II 1v1.d111• 1111· 1·111111 11111111 dr1111i.1 "'1'11.di.. .111· 11•11'\r' .111d ll11·1t•'i, It ljUlt•l j lt1w 111 dat1t(t'I 1111 I I h,1 I fH'Vl'I l'tlllll'l\ .it ru'i.' ·· 1-:d"111d 1111cJ M11~ S1111p ium," wh11h 111· 1.ill' "lh1• h1•i.I d11n1d1.1111,1 1111yl,cxJy'" d tmt•" I It• '" V' 1,,,.., y1·11r ''I "A T11w11 L1kt• Alwt•" ww1 '"M> wl'll dom• Tlll'y .11·11·d 111t·lrnfrunw Ilk(· 11 w11.,n '1 11wlo<lr:HiltJ" l 11H1k1· ,,1v-. tl w lll'IWIJI k., d1111 I I oll i' l •lllllllo(ll ,al111ll l d t•t.111 lt lltf 1111,1111·1• 111• nit·:-. "H1•1wu11 11 111," w I 11 I' h \\ ,, ... Ii I It I'd :" I II\' A 1111· I I 1 .i 11 'II f'" I .i I I ', 1).,.,.. tht.111 -." It l.1-.tt·d 111111 1111llll11' .. 'I' II :-; •• I v.. 'I' h .. Ill "11 M v I ll1y,,· tlt1• n11 n·111 "M,1,.t1·1 p1t~·;· Th•·.111·1 ·· 1Jf11•1111g 11hrn11 ;, Bi 1tti.h \Put lwr 111 w1 ull b11vs i..d1011I, " ;i 11111v1n).( 't 11 r y. fuil 111 gt•ntl•· l111111111"1tlll\ t11Udl"1" ( "c111k1· dttl'hn't m int'<' wu1di. 1iv1·1 Ins ""'"l f;ivoritt• "I couldn't .1l11d1• 'i 'ukJurk'," ht• Sl!Yll uf lhl· t.ilt• 111 I 11th l't•111ury t(t11la111ry '"I w J."t t,.11 1 •d '111 rf It Sl•NtwJ tu I.><• a hL11wh ••f 1°<i1tll,.iard f1~urt·' g<1ln~ lh111u1<h lht• n111111111' of lnv t· ;ind h.1lt• .. It ,~ ....... "''•11'1\'f 'l'h1·\' Jt"I d11l11 I k1111\\ lh1·11 '1\111 Tll1·v "·'" ...... \\111t'• ·u1,.,, .... ,. I ),1w1 .... 1.111 ' h.ul I.!" 111 .11l d1t11111 •• 1 i.h11w lh.11 ''"1111111·' 1111111 .1,1111H t.1h11n. 111 '411'11'1\ 1·1111 I .1ttl\1 II llM•lt to ,, 1·11v '" .111 .1l 1t·1 th1111~h1 ('•••kt• '·''' l "1111k1· s.1_vi.. lh1· 1:1 p 11rt M'l It"' 11- 1 v1111·al 111 1h1· qu;tllly of tlw Upt"IJllllllH "Ma~ll'I flll'l"I' 'l'tw.111 ·1 ·· ..... ,,..,,1, th.11 1ndud1·' Jo'u1d M.11111>. 1•'111 d ', "Tht · l :1111d S11ld1t•1 ." ··w111't11n Ch11r1 hill Thi· Wild1•1 nt•!>s Y1·;i1,,· ()II L,1\\ 11·111•t•':. "8011:. .111d L11v 1 1 !>,· .and .JM k Pulnrnn'i.. "P11 va11• Sc 111111 .. .. < )11 th1• .111 , vuu 1·t·1 i.11nly havt• 111 d1i..gu1i..c• "11111•tl1111i.: you Jun 1 hkt• At 1111· 1•nd. all I !>Cjld wa., "l'h1s" tlw \•11d of .. P11lt..lark "Thi· w ntrol room bn·at ht'<I a i..igh of n•lwf Tht•y w1·n·n ·1 sun• wh<1t I ",tl\ J:Ulllfo: tu ~y •• TUBE TOPPERS l'NX'I' (:.!) 111111 ··St•v1·11 H111h·' 1111 ~t •\'1 ·11 B1 11l l1t·1:." B r1.1 11':-l11·hav1111 t"l'Vi•ll'!\ .1 n l 1 111 llw 1.1111ll v whl'll h1· ~:111•i.. un a l11 ·11dt•t 1111d 1•11cl ... 111'1 Ill j.11 1 K t\ Bl' ('i) !I IHI "'1'111' l•',tl I l ; 11 v " I 11 t lw M ".11>•111 f•I 1·11111 ·1 ... ( '1ol 1 g .. , .... '" H111 d t· . I " II•. I I II I II I 1 I I II g I 1. II It 't Ill. I II w h It t•11 tl11 ·11l1·d 11111111111'. 11 trltl "" /\1111'111':111 I. '11111 p."" KCFT ( ~1 11 1 Ill 1111 "'1'111· P 111 t1·1 •rn11 ['111)1"1 I 't\11 , •• 111111111111111 111 1111 • 1111p.wl 11( th1· l<1 ·.1g1111 .id1111111,11 .1111111 ·.., t•1•0 111>m 1<· polw11•' IHI 1111· 11''-lllt "'' 111 llt" 1 1 u111hli11g Nt •\\ .11, ..,.., 1111111 .. 111.tl '"'' 11 l 111·u..,.·:-1111 111111 t.11111lu·' 1.111g111g f 11111 1 111'11 111 11111Jt be1ng t Ml>f'(I by e IJl)tll •H(j • Sp•msn g111de<lto• 12 00 0 ENTERTAINMENT TONIO HT A toe* al tnp•o•••11ve mov •es 0 10 THE LAST WORD 0 MOVIE • * • Batlle Cut.u~ f 19!>31 Humplirlly Bogart June Allyson 9 NEWS 0) MOVIE • • • f rMl [)(\\8"1 F o • ( t9S 1\ Jllm<is "'4ason Jes· StC8 Tandy FtelO Mar1l'lal Rommel emerges u a UfHQUe m1h111ry figure Our· 1ng hlS WorlO WAr II Afft• can camp;ugn 0) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE a) PERRY MASON S MOVIE • • • HOu•e Call• f 19791 Walle• Ma11h .... G~noa Jackson A wld· owed OOGlor halls "'' Cesenova 1enc1enc-!Ong 0'10UQh to tan 10< a OtYOI• ee who doesn t bellflVll 1n p htl&ndern>g PG (,}MOVIE • • Tne Ftrst lime t lG 821 T 1m Ctioate Kr•••• Eru•kson A coli.g. lr8S/I· mer wllO nu ~ 1augn1 man• .cnemea 10 c•plura 8 WO "1an I fency OISCOV• ers 1 hal tove 11 mo<e 1mpo1 tan! than cheap thrills n 12.05 0 tl 11.tOVIE • • C:octora· Prtvate L1vn ·· t 1l1781 JOhn Gavon, Ed Nec,on Two ramltd heart sur ge<>nl llnd 1"81r ll11e1 In turmoil ~ per. sonat pa• .,cone cu1111 W11h medical et1'•M:I t2: UI t{) MOV1£ • • • "Fin•• MOt>d•y In Octobllt'" ( 1981) Wall .. Malfhau. Jiii ClayOVtlJtl A Hberal Supreme Coutl Juf- tlce cl..,_ w.tn lhe new· est member of me n•llon' 1 11.gl\MI cov'1. en,,. Yllr•· con~au .... women jutlat 'R" 12.30 Cl.,,. LATE NIOHl W1Tl4 OAVIO LETTERMAH Guell• pte11.1ant1al apeec11 wm11t1 8ob O.t>en end VIC GOid. Edie /. dems Widow ot comedien EmMt Kovaka U COUPLU TOM COTTLE. UP CLOSE g) LOVE. AMERICAN 8TYU .. In SICknees And Heallll • Paul ha• • cola and hOPt•• 10 e1ay at home an<I gel some work oone <O'MOVtE "Pink Cllampegn•·· C 1980) JOhn Steele ·x· 12:46 { %) CINEMA8COAE 1!00 8 WOVI! •. ,.. .. ,,..M James MMll Frankenllflln'a D•IJOlllet .. I 19118) Jolln Lupton. Cat Botdllt 0 MOVIE * * • "The VlrOfn SOI· dlera'" ( 19701 Lynn Redgr .... , Nigel Palrlc:k A l>fOUP OI M•uelfy nl lvt Brllllll rllCl'Vlll leeln the tecta of ",. and wer when they .,. eent to bllflle 1n MeleyiMa ~ •"' "Lawle11 Range .. (1835) John Wa'l'M. Shela MetWIOnl. A.I\ undef- ~I 11\YHllgt tN the caute Of~­ llel ,tldt -""' In • , emote n11n1no , lfQ•OO 0) MOVIE • • • wa Jomed Tne Navy 11962) Kennetn Mor11 Joan 0 B"en A wack) Navy oll1c111 gels into mottt trouble lnan he can nan<lle before emerg- 1t1g as a real haro 10 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT A 1001< al 8•PI0'1811Ve mo•· 195 Z MOVIE * • Falltng In love Again I 1980) Elholl Gould Susaonlh Y<><k A man goes to his htgh schOOI revn•on 1n ""' behel ,,,., ne Gan •al•ve tl'le good limes ot me pa11 PG 1·30 Cl 1,)91 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 140 S MOVIE * • • Atlhur (19111) Dudley MOO<•. LIU Mln- nellt wn11e "'' 1am1ly 1111emp1S 10 lorce tum into • !>fe-err•nged memege a Otun•en hedon•511C IJl•Y· 00y talls tn love w•ll'I e POOt w0tk1ng g1'1 PO t 45 C MOVIE • • Tna Frencn Woman 1191111 FrancOtM Fabian Deyte Haddon A b()(OallO being kepi open by 1 gov· ernmenl wbs•dy •• tne scene ol murOe< end polol•· cal scandal when a VIP customer Is photographed 81 ptey 'R" (,')MOVIE • •,. ··Hallo-II" (19811 Jamie LM Curtis. Ooneld Pleiisence A hope(essty lnune murOetet continues hta rt1gn Of llltrOt In 8 smalltown R' 1:56 H H90 MAGAZINE 2:00 fJ (I} Cl8 NEWS NIOHTWATCH TO BE ANNOUNCED CD NEWS 0 MOVI£ • • · Roed Gemee .. (19111) Stac:y Keech. Jemie LM Cunis A~rlC truck· et. • Deeullful hllehllllc .. enCI • paychopelhk: lllller traveltng the same routo play gamee ol Ille and death PG" 2:30 U ~N£WS CD MOVIE • * • Don't Bothe< To Knock'" ( 19$21 Marilyn Monroe Rtel\ard Wldmerk A mentally vnateble girl W()(klng H a hotel baby 1111tt attempts to t••• her own lite and lhel of h8f ~charge 2.401H MOVIE • •'\ .. Privet• luson• .. ( 1980) SyMa Ktlllel. HOW- er<I H .. Hman A wealthy men asalgn• his Mductl\'e nov111keeper the Job ol providing hit t5-year-old aon wHh hla llrll M•U•I e,11pertenee "R' 2:•5 rzi MOVll • * * * "'Peth1 Of Gtory"' ( t 95 71 l<lrk Oouglea. Ralph Meelc .. During WOrld Wat I, en offleer ordefl hts men on • suicide mtaalon •I Verdun end then attempt• IO c:onceel ~ folly by ~etldlng the execution of '·"'" aoldler• Cly wN>tn ........ trlr'Ml....0 1:eo e ~ -, •• •.; "T"-Ofeet -- J -Reid .. (18$41 Wll- lerd Perller. 86rt1111 Pay-'°"' The ... deys of t"8 ~Ml'llOVI OU11ew !Ind him ••eolflO dWlflO l'llld• °" Colotedo QOld mlnM JOHN DARLING 3-00 1 9 SEA HUHT 3 15 (,')MQVIE • '• Booy Ano SCkll 11981) leoo IH8' 119""6· IJy J ayntil llenntl<ly A young 1>laet1 lur nt 10 p'4zehgntmg 10 • a>1e 1ne money he nH<J• for m9d1· (;81 »ChOOI R 3·20 S MOVIE • * '• "N111n1ky ( 1979) Alan Bates Georgu 011 II Pena Tflumpn ano 1t11ga Uy punc1uat1 1"41 1101my relalton1n1p btilwaen .,,. g1ea1 RuHINn 1>a11e1 s1a1 and h•I Svlfngalr toke man· ager A 'l'h11r11day·• Dny1 h".-.ff o.-f.-11 • ()() c • • .-ap..r 1 oge< 111178 1 Oav10 N1ve r1 l osnrro M•lune The 1ut0< 01 • Jep•nese amoau•· oor 1 son 11nc11 ne ""'" llve up 10 "" grea1ty ••llQ· Qe<ated lelff OI nt<Ot""' when lhe l>Oy II k10 · napped l • • 1 Pt11it&l8 l e,, wna ( 19801 Syt••• K"•'"' Ho ... aro Haaseman A wealthy man us19ns "'~ MlOUGll .... hOYSllkeePto• 11111 101> ol ptOvtdmg htS 15 year ·Old eon w•th "'' llr ~• sexual e•perience R 8:30 Q a •'I 08"Q9f0VS Oa••flS I 1981) Bernaro Ct1b1>1ns 8111 Maynar<I A bumbling de1ec1tve solvt!S a 15-year-010 mu1<111r 9:00 m • * "'4anha11an Mor ry-Go-Rouno 119371 Phll RQgan Leo Car11110 Wllfln a mobste• 1ai.es con1to1 ot • rec0tdtng company 111! nearly causes a male sing « 10 1ose h•• hancee 8:30 G) • • ·~ Atrowh8a<I ( 111S3J Charlton Heaton JaCll Palance Trouote erupu -• cavalry untt sell ou1 10 atgn a treaty wtl'1 the ApecheS (,') • * Thi.vu 119771 Marlo Thom••. Cha11es Groo1n A deity couple try 10 rec:aptu•• ,,.,.., 1nno. cence am.cl the c0tn;p1ton 01 Mannanan Z * * Falltng tn LO"ll Again f 19801 ElhOll Goul<I Susannah 'tor~ A man goes 10 his high SChOOI reunion on lhe Oelllll that he can ra1111e tne good 11mes ol the pall ·po 10:00 C • • The Greet Tr ain Robbt!ry ( 19791 Sean Connery. Donald Suther lar>d Two experl lurn-ol the-century con art•ll• attempt 10 poll oil tne -lngly 1mpoaS1bMI rob· bet)' ol a loc:i<e(j Hit! abOerd e taat -moving IOCO- motl..,. •PO' 1Hl ••'~"Bear Island'" ( 1980) Donald Suthe<ltno Vanasaa Redg1ava An Arclte -tner-rtMarcn team 's m•mber I ••• fore.cl Into • tight tor t'*' ....-,. aumvel "PG' $ • •'> 'Athena p9S4t J-Powell. Debbie Rey- nolds A lewye< and a stno· .. ,..,,, up with • pair of alllllrl wllO 11 .... wtlh ,,,.., peculla< grendper8nlS 10:30 0 • • ·~ 'F°"°'* The Reef" t 19381 Fred Aatatre Ginger Rogers A dancer 1n tne Nevy tries to help hla tormer pet1ner and her sta- te< 1t:15 Z • • ·~ ··Three Wam· on .. c 1977) Randy Quaid, Chatles White Eagle A 13· year-old ln<11an b o y etthemed of being recog- nized es • warrior. learn• lo epprecl•I• hi• hetllege alter vlalllng hi• alck grandlathllf ·o· tt:ac> g *••'It "Hobson'• Choice" ( 1954) JOhn Miiia. Ch111lel Laughlon A boot· matt.er a11ernp11 10 retain hla ctleaP aource di leb()( by pre...,,tlng hit three daughter• ttom marrying 12:00 Iii * * • .. Otory Alley"" 11952) lnllll Caron .. Ralph M••ll•• A cllemplon prlDllQlller In New Orteena Nloundl e-...yone by gf11• Ing up 1\111 tlefote the big ti'~•'~ "The Mllf\ Who Tallet To Whllea" C1t771 VICI« J«y An Old men end .. ~ emt>erk on • ~ '°'. , •• C811for· nil 1>'8Y wll4lle CC)•• "l'•• Thill Job And Stlo¥e II" f!N I) A®" ltfl Hay~ Barbara Her1hey A young c«pore1a e:rrec:u· i•11e runa into rtJ"t'stanee when ne re1urn1 10 hlS hometown 10 rev11e1tz11 a company btewery PO" H • • • Artnur p981) OuOley M00ta Liz• Min· nelll wn11e hti l•mlly auempls IO 101~ him 1n10 8 pre-arranged mSW8<1f! • Orunken "80QntSltC pley· bot lalla m love won a POOi ... ork1ng O"' PG S • • • loo• Su11 1198 ll Danie l Valoez, Edwaro J.,,,_ Olmos In 19•0s LOI Angele• a uuu cetet><e erupts ov« 11\11 lram1ng of ,,_,.l>e<s OI a Cnicano 11r"' g.-.g !of murOe r R 12 30 0 *. • Ari .... , 191111 Ou<liey MOOta u LA .,_.,._ n•ll1 WVh•'4t P\1S 1~rn..ty a11emp11 10 t0tc.e ,...,.. .nto • or• .,, angec """• eoe • O•vn>l!!<l ~su; tut· 001 10.aa"' '<>,. ..,.,... • ~ "'°'"'1ng 0"1 PG 1·15 l • • * Retur" O' • Man C.a ieo .. t.t\A ,,.76 Roenaro Hat"• Gate SGro detg•a•O Ar E"'Q""' .ore '•'"'"' 10 .,,..,.~ .....,.., htl ~ea.rr1s tnat tt'lie ·~s tttoe "•"'e tot,1 ,,,e,, m o dest preser .-e to 1repper1 PG 1 30 0 • • Tne F1rst r.._ 119821 Tim Cnoa11 l(rrst• Ern:;kson A COiiege tr11$1\- man wno hes i-i llUQM rnany schemes 10 caplure 3 woman s fancy d•SCO'i .. .,., that 1ov~ •• more important lh•n c heap 1nr1lls R t 45 S ••• tneCly1> 11990) Jacll lhompson. Gr1nam Kenneay Tne coacn of a nas-oeen Aus- lral1an lootoa" team ltnda the QOtnQ •OUQ'1 Doth on ,.,. ~ llel<I enCI In - -d ·--·,.. lac.. an anllQO"ISllC Club IJfea.oent 2-00 C * • • Tn• Oree• Bani< H08JI 11979) Ned Beatly Rten•rd Basenllt1 TnrH dtsgrunlled bank ll•llCU11YM oec"'8 10 Q81 1"41 flCl>es they leel 1ney·re en111111e1 to by tteg•ng a •Ol>l>e<y ol their own benlt PG H * • • HouMCeas ( 1978) Waller "'•llhau. Glf!nda Jade son A Wld· owe<I Ooctor hells hi5 Cuanove lendencleS !Ong enougn 10 tall f0t • dl110t- cee who doesn'l bellflVll on pnllanderlng ·PG" 2·30 0 * • "'The Ktd From Nol-So-Big.. ( t978) Jen- nllar Mc:All111er. Robe•! V1haro A 12-year-old gort find• n111Mff 1n aoo out ot 110...l>te whlle running the town newspaper 3:15 Z •••Falling In Love Again • ( 1980) ElllOll Gould. Sua.nneh York A man goes 10 hit "'Oh acilOOI reunion In lhe l>ellef that ne can •ellve the good 1,,... ot the paat ·PG' 3:30 0 • • '"This Time F0t...,· ., •. c t9110l C1a1re P1moer•. Vincent Ven Pallan A Frenc:h..Canedlen gi.1 I ... In IOve wtfh a b<"aSI\ ,..,,_.. can cOlfeOI 1tudenl 11udy· Ing tn Montreal "PG" 4:00 0 • * ·~ "'Dengerous o..,...·· (19811 S...nerd Ctfbb<n•. Bill Maynar<I A bumbllng detective IOI-... • 1s..rear-Old mutde<. 4:30 H • + .. Legend Of The Wlld .. ( 19801 Oen Hegg«· ty, Denver Pyle A rugoed lndlvlduel makH • home IOI hlmaelf In the wlld«- neu of lhe Old W•t. 'PG' 5:00 • • 1 ... ""8*ecllheed .. C 19541 Tony Cur11t, Frank Lovejoy While on • mls- tlon to deliver vital lntor- matton lhrougtt a H-11118'\ tungte. two Mar1nee -IOlned by a Frendlmen end hi• <leugllter lCl • • • .. RlllnlrM Coun· ly .. 119571 EJIHl>eth Taytor. Monlg<>mef'/ C.tt. Ounng lhe CIVIi Wer, e c:apt!Vallng Soulhern belle It de!.,.. mined IO ha~ the m81l of her chOlce "'98fd.... ot IN conMqUllnOel %) • • ~ .. Prfvete Lee- sont" I 19801 9yMa Kfllfel, Howard Heueman A WMl!h)t men ~ Illa Mducllve nouMkeec>er the IOI> of pro~ .. t5-,...,-o1e1 ton willl "" ...... Mll\ ... ftperienot. •fit by Armstrong & Batluk . ' 1. I f l' . .. Orongo C.onat DAILY PILOT /W y Oct ober 27 1982 87 PUOllC NOllU YOY ARI IN<GIPAUU UNOtlll A ~OU 41111 IN 'A"'-1 U..01111 A ,,...-,--C I074 C•l040 NOTICI M '"UITll .. HU 0110 o• T111uaT 01,10 oc1oorTt,utTOAtt0..1UlY11. Nonc 1 o•n1u1T11·suL1 CON I OLIDATID N O Ti et To ,,,.s o N • 1u,.1f110" co u111 r o, Tr11 ..... ,.,....., 11,,lllllU H L I .... UNLHI 1 .. 1. UN&.l.H YOU f AKI A0 110.. 4 011t ,.. RI POAT OF CONDITION INllflHTID CALWOflNIA On Nov•mllor > '"' al 10 00 YOU TA•• ACTlow TO "'OTICf TO '"OHC1 YOUfl ,.,0,.flTY, Hill AIH IN ur I Alll I I INUl II~ C on1olldal•d Report of Condition ol .. AMERIC AN IN .... HlATI 0' COUNTY °'LOI ........ • Ill IShHllOhlAm.,IGall l!oprt .. •YOUlll f'flOPlllTY, If MAY H If MAY H aoLO AT A 'UILIC l\fl U •H 1111111 l1A.tt l1 MAV 11 ITATI! IAN K " of N •wporl, Oran"• Counlv, and HlllN w ,.Afltelfl 1111110 M•ller o1 CRYSTAL LYNN C11.•ow Cornpan~ 1orm.,1r know11 ,.oll>ATAl'UeUCIALl.IPYOU IALI , I ' YOU NllD AN !Uhl llNll't!JV\llllA~l A!llllN • • N••lll.ttlill•11illy1J1V"h IUN0 Mlno1 A,1>eft()f1wtl<llll0Uta •• Sout n•111 Cllt .. 1!1ciro• ' MflD ,... Dlll'l.ANATION Of' THI IX,lANATION 0, THI NATUfll IU l'ltlll 11 ' Ylll llt 1•11111•111 I y II Dom••llc 8 ub1ldlarl•• al t h • c lo•• ot bu1ln••• o n ru "" fl•••u11• llll•H••l•11 wli11lhNI be dCIChllCld "" l•Ortl 11\t OUllOdy C11111(1,tny ., 1tu11 .. ()f •~•tOI 1NATU9'1 0, THI flllOCllDINQ 0, THI ,.llOCllDINO AOAINIT MAY lll 'Ill! It Al A 1•111111< !.Al I September 30, 1912 a• 1 ,,11111111 ''""• 111uulno• ur •nd c.ontrOI ~&arerlll frvt!N or l11t111t1ulod T111t1N, O! AQAINll YOU.i_~OU I HOUlD YOU, YOU SHOUt.D CONTACT A II YCllt "111 II AN I .10•1 ANA t1ml 8 tele Benk N o . 1072 ""'°'"•• 111 "'" HllllM of HI t (NW CAii 11 A·1MN l!t•I c;l!!\•111 0..0 Cll f1u1I U tGUleCI CjONTACT 41..AW'flll. LAWYlll, ()I t 11 I NA I 1111 I 0 f I 11 f D o llar Amountl PAM!' I It llt1t nuuul who .. '"'' CITATION t>y 8TUAAI J 8Wf!I NF'l IWld JANt MO'OCI °' f MltTll 'I IAl.I MOTICI Of' TflUlfll'S SALi l'l~O<,ll OIN<1 Al.A1N'1I Yllll YOIJ atldr"" .,,., 11~11 Cl••rloo~ U"•• ,,..._ ,,_ ,.,...... l SWCLN(Y and rtteOHlod Jun. Y.I .... Mtat Ta. No. MtU 6•10UlD CUNIA(.1 A 1 AWY(lt In Thou1and1 •,vtlv• p,11111 "'""" "'''" '~"~·. 11,.,1 c1101~~emrol '" 199 t o •nt1r11......i1 No 41871 NOllCt IS ll(H OY OtV(N, that N01KI I~ ll(H(hY OIVCN 111•1 On Ille /tlll1 lla~ ul Nll••mtier A8SET8 l•ll•" ,,.1,,111.,111111 ,-111 ul (UA NT) m l>Ooll 14 111 Pc.QO t0$4 Oltlettl onWed"Nd•y.No"*'11>9' t7 tOl2 or1 W.0•111.0•V.NQ1r11<nbol '' 101:1 IOI.I el 11,.1\CI••• nl ttll()11m •• •dnun•tfl•lluo """" 11..,.11 ••tv11<l lo (Ato:~TIOM) R•<.0101 o t Or ang• County, •tt 900o'clodo a m ol MHlday,11\ 1tOOOoc;10C:1<. •m orN11U 1Jay u1 111e1t11!11tMl.,1l1H1w•ollh4lr,.,.. Coah und duu lrOm Oank& 2.860 11niol11 1 11 \1 11 .. 11 ~ NA l•Y to ORfOORV A LLEN HINC. C•hfo1111e erod pur1uent to lllaJ .,. room Mt talde tor cc>nducuno 111o 1oon1 M l .. ,,,h, lur ~oo.iuct11111 t.ou111y (;QVrtt.w-. •ot•' .. ' •' 100 lnvutmont t1ecurlllu~ 11,899 Su1t0<iw14.1•l.w11 Wwy1o4it,wn1,,,, (a lleged n a iu1 a l l•th•r t. t ••l•lll Nolle• ot Ool aull 1n d • Tn1a1ee'1StlM,1o111Nn the ot11c;M ol tfWltM·a .. uu. wul\ln UMt Olllf.nol CIYI(. Contw O•tH wu1 '°'"'"'~ N on lnvostm nl '\OCurlllOS t 76 tOUft .,, wm1,...,"'' ri"•"'<''""' l>4 wn..eabOVI• unt.111twn CYNTHIA C1ecuon 10.Stll1nt1euf roOOtOeCI REAL ESTATE SECURITIES ACAL tSI A1 l !.l t:UAlllf S known "' TOO Wnt lllh :1tto1 llo•St"tvot l~t1w,,1,. L YNN 6T0~ T7 tMOlh•rl Juno :14 t!IU H tn 1tum011I Mo s RlllCF lo<al.0 ., :10:!0 Nore!\ srRVIC.C locat•O •• 2020 NOrt11 •HullOO In C.lly OI S1n1a An•. Fed9181 fund• t()ld a11d lt8Curtllu:s rn11 1114' '"'"'"""'0 '"'""" ,, wl>el••txw•• un1ooown. •n<I 10 1111 82·219114 Of Ollitl•I ~KOICI• ol BrOIClwty, 8u1h• ~6 111 tn• City ol B10'61Jw•v SUit• :.>OG 111 tho C11y "' c.uunty "' 111,rng• !>t•t• ot purcha&od under agreements 1111.lubt•d 11, .,, hultt111g µer~0,,.,, ~aontcllllmlno 10 belhe111ht1 or es•o County w111 ndor •nd Sen" Ma, C0u111v 01 On•no• St•t• Sa'"" An• County 01 01•no•. Stet• l." 1110 • 111 • < o N t t N l N t A L 10 roaell In dOrnttstlc offices / ,800 1iiupai1y ul '"•'"'II tJ.c.od""' mother 01 Mid m111oi per eon abOv• 1>U1w1n1 111 1110 DM<I of frutt ... • p f Calll OUllA S AN MAfll NO ul t..11lol ut111 • R[l\l CSI Af r AUXlllAIW (llMt•ANV •C•llfornt• la• W11at '1¥•11•11~S lou11 ~00 1 11am4KI •• Pllllh<. •11cllOI\ lot CUii. 11wtul s A v I N G s A N () t 0 AN SECUfllltES <iERVICE. • C11lllorr11 .. U,11µore11on •• r'"""" l/ll<ltll OHIJ 0 Loons. Totul (excludlng M11tA11t1111 Ul•tJ <,11y ul NuWIJOll By orel•I ()I ""' Court y\111 ••• money OI Ill• vn11 ISl•IH ol ASSOCIAllON "Cn l1 I0 1n111 COIJ)Ol llfllll) •• Uuly appo111l 1•ll u t lru•I llt\HHJ Mity II 1981 unoornod Income) :19,625 11 ... 1cro (.f)Ul•ly OI 01111111• llerebycllo<111110r4'qulredtOlll>pttlU Am!lll(,11 ,, Ill• rtll rronl , oorpor•tlon. ,.. duly <111µ01nt•ll l ruatl\ot u11d111 orou puteu•n• to 111" <'•t11.uh1tl by J"NNA M I l 1 ICtANO. b . Lese Allowance fo r r11111 "'" unr1~r11g110o uu••rua 1o botore lht Jud~• Pretldti1p In enu•nc;o 10 "'' c0un1y OOUrlllouM , • ~~':~~ 0~r:;.,11·~~.~~r.~~·11:0,~·~~ ~~,7:,;, ~:1:1 'T~:!~';:!~::,.;"~; :: ~~~·;\~9;·:i::·:11~1·,~.;;:,~t~11: po sslble loan losses 526 39 • 099 ~~~~r1~~'\7,.,•::~1r~~~,.~~~1,J1;~~";~~ ~~:·"!~:11~~\0:;:,,1 ,!~~.:d11;: ~a:'. c~~~ •• ~~~.•:r .~",V:.~~~,~~~~ c.n.in Oeod of 1•1111 e•ec:utoe by S1ay1101 Owv•l111>n1t111 ,, lJI"'' l.''J4•t 111 l:lovk t•O~l P1aoe t79 ul C Loans. net ""' LOllu<.lud 01 1tw;eiv11o hum ti•• Cilmlnel Couit Bldg , 2 10 w and interH I conveyeCI 10 and n- • f\ICHARO DA.RR. an unm11111ed co111or11111111, rotord•d July 10 0 1111.1111 Hucurd• l.ounty ot Orerioe Bank premises. FF &E , e lc; 282 Sli•tu 01 (,al1lo•n1u "' 111e a141o Tomplo, Lo• Ang•IH. C•lllOrn1e held oy It 11nd11< H id Oeeo ol Trull man. reGorded Octooer 13, t060.111 1981 1n 600k 14143 or Ot11c1•1 1.1111101111• 01vw11 '" Hture •n Other assets 1,465 wll.,•• l•tt•i. 1u•111men1ary o1 of 90012, on Oec:41mber 13, tH2. ,, 1n tll• prop•rtY 11•11ated tn H id Boolo t3781 ol OlllClal Record• Q4 A.cord• ul ••10 County tit pooe 11111 .. 111mJ11uu 111 l.v<H 111 Bank ol T OTAL A SSETS 61, 144 ~llrn111"1oa11w1 1t•v• 1100" ouuod 11 oo 1 m , of that day, lll•n and C0un1y and 6111e ci..cri'"° u •ttd Count y •I pao11 1 70, 687 Roe;;orilMr • 1n1to u1nan1 No A111 •111.11•I N•1111n .. 1 l1u11 and All 1J•l•o111 """'"O ci1111111 """""' lhor• to •now c•uH. If any yo11 101 I ol Trac;I No )941 In IN "*=«dcw'1 l111trument No 19519. :n 179, bV ••HOii 01 • brw.,e;;tl u• S11v11•11• A1o1c>C1••11rn • n•11on•I LIABILIT IES '"" 11.c.0011111 or 411 in1vro.1 111 1111a II•••· Wiiy Hid po1aon 111\0Uld not Cllr of Co111 MH• H tt>Own Oft • lly ltaa0<1 of • b1HCl1 or del•ull 1n def011tt m ll•ym .. 11 0t fltrlo11n11nce b1u1k1nu ••ao..1111011 Oy ••ouon 01 TO l AL DEPOSITS IN "'""" tilltl w1t111ng 10 obi11C110 well be dect•roe frN lrom the eontrOI 01 mep rocordod 1n oooa 120. Paoet Qaym•nt 01 P•tlorm•nco 01 the of tho obllQ"hc>n• '"'"""° lh•reby "'" '"' •<h ul '"" uo11111 11u11• r.,mu•11l ""'"' l)M• w11t1m111Vll<e 01 ner par•n ta eccordlng 10 tho 37 10 44 llOtll lnc1ue111• OI ob11oa11on1 1•cu1ed th.,oby, 1nc111d1ng lh•I orv"L" or oa1au11 t!l<111t1ll 111 .. ruoy '""'" • 111 wt11Lf1 O •vc;h ubJ•thtlll to mu puracm 01 PtllllOn on file herein M•IL•ll11noou1 Mapa, r•co•d• OI fl>Cludlng 1na1 b1Hch or d•l•ult Notice ol whlCll ..,,.. •ot<;Oflltl(l July w"' , ... ,,.O•tl 1111 July 8 t982 H DOMES TIC OFFICES 5'1 . 84 11.,,.1111, 111e1.11111e1 lo or 111111.111111 For failure 10 auond, you mey be Orange County Callfornl• Nutice ol whlCh wH rtcord41<1 July 20. 11182." Record"'• l1111r11n111m 1na1111111•nl Nu II.I 'J 1116 o f To lal demand deposits 9 ,37G p,-,raon•I 11ro11er1y ut "'" chic.t1Cl•m• Otuirned gu111y 01 a con11mp1 of Tno """ aa<11H1 or othor 21, 1982, as R~order's tns11umeo1 No 82·2!> 1033. WILL SEl L AT 0 111c.1111 Rec.n•ds c1 ao•d Orange Tolal time and savings deposits 44, 708 suc.h no11ce "11'" btt g1•e11 10 the court common d .. 1g r1 •t1on 01 u td 'No 82-25280•, Will SELL Al PUBLIC AUCllON TO lHt. County tnd moro 111111 lllree O $ $ QO EST C person not1J111g the JO DAYS Oller ThepetltlOft llledMttlln l1 for lhe property 3201 IOw• Street Cotta p u e LI c Au c T '0 N r 0 TH f HIGHEST BIOUEA FOR CASH "'011fh~ llllY8 llli•lltllll SlllCll such T T Al OEPO IT IN M I '""' publiCdflOfl "' 1111-nollc.u purpoae OI freeing llWI lvbltlCI Cllllld M•H , Calllornoa 9:!926 ttlGHESI BIDDER FOR CASH lawful money of 1t111 Unotoel S111111s, 1ucoro,111on. will sell at public AND FOREIGN OFFICES .. 54,084 OAtrO Sop11:1mbu• l . 1982 for placemen! IOt edoptlon Name end ado,. .. ol th• .~111 money ot the United S1e1e11, or • CHh1er·1 cllec~ tlrewn 011 8 Auction 10 the 111011es1 bidder tor Other ltablllties .... ... . ..... 2.260 "' f11chiird o voun11 O•ted September 28, 10112 bene11c1ery at whoH 1aquu1 th• l ~[.,~ ~·~:1'1!:ih:~t:~~ •• ~n ~ ~~~8f'cr~:~~~l:nan~, ~ ::::: : ~";1~1~r :r cn•a-::~e:.~ ~::~ :r,~:;_ 0:, TOT AL LIABILITIES .... .......... ...... 56,344 ~~111~~~::~!'::~~~1 ~~~/ c~?..RCOnAN ~~·~ 01~ .?•~nagvi~~;:".c~~d L ~~'~ I fodctlll credll umon, or • 1tate °' ttte1C1<al 1av1t1Q5 a110 roan auoc1111on h1oe1a1 cr.011 1Jn1on 01 1 "•le 0t Subordinated notes and debentures 929 At EAKuto• By R l<unlpo. A.ssoc:1a11on by Sheer•onlAm.,iCan ftlOotal Nvlngs 1111d loan llla()('ll!IO!'l dom1<:1la<1 in1r11• "ale all p41yobl• at ldQ&1at H¥1nQ• and I0011 nuoc1•t1on SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 01 me E11a10 of Deputy Expr .. a Mortgago Corpor111011 ci.om~11ed 1n lhl1 sttte. all paya1>111 t1 tilt 111ne 01 sal•. au 119m lltle and <1on11t.11eo 1n 11111 1111• IPa••OI• 111 Common stocl< H>lten w i>urker John H. laraon, 170 t E111 H1gh11nd Avenue San t • 1119 ume ol tale, all right. tlllu tOld lntttrest held by 11 11> l1u11ee on hm" 01 awle in 1awful money of lhe OO OOO A O OectlnM!d COi.int)' COl.lnMI Betnard1no. Callfornla 9:t40• 1m.,e11 nelt' bV 11 as Tru11ee. 1n lhal real propet1y s••u•h' 1n u10 U11114KI S1a1u 01 Arn11roea1 w11nout a. No s hares authorized 1,2 · mount Pubhs11;,11 o,.1n11., coast o.uty _.aflln £. )WMlla, D1rec11on1 10 111e at>ov• property 11111 11al property situate 1n said Co11nty and Stat" oi.s<:rob•H.I dS cov•"'~"' o• wwrra111y .. 11ress or b. N o shares outs tanding 1,004.423 Amount 1,255 Pitot oc1 ?O 2' Nov 3 198' Oepvty COi.int)' CCMlnNI m•y oo obt••n•O oy ,.qunt•no l County ano State desc11bed u followl """""° "' 10 1111e UC1S~Ss1on or Surplus 1,455 ~8t6-82 f.520 Crlmlr\81 co11r11 •Ide . some In wrmno lrom lllO t>onor1c:tary IOllows Loi 93 ot lroct 7386 a;, 11e1 enc<Jmbr•nces the 1n1er ot TOTAL C ONTRIBUTED CAPITAL 2,710 210 WHI Tomple tltrM I. w11h1n tO d1y1 lrom th• t11at "EXHlefT A" mop recordeo 111 Book 3 15 Paoes con•O!Vt!<I to and now 11eld lly '"" R l. 161 Loo Angolo•. CA 90012 P..bhceuol\ 01 11111 not1c• 1 PAflCEl 1: •O 10 48 1nctu11ve ot M1SGet1a11tt00s• iO•d lru.iet> vndwr &dill Oe11t1 01 etained earnings PUBLIC NOTICE t74-5M1 Said tale will O• m•d• without \ Loi 1 t2 01 T1ac1 No 9423, H Mapt. 111 100 Of11ce of th• Cuu111y T•u11 111 dnd 10 111e to110,..1ng TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 3.871 flCTITIOUI aUSINlll Allornoya lor count)' of co••n•nl 01 we11anty up,.u or I shown on d map recO!lled"' bOOk Rec:ordih of Sil•O County t1esc111100 p1nP>1•l1 t•luoted 111 "'" TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO NAME STATEMENT Loa Angolo• 1mp11eo. H to title, po1M1tlon or ~06 , pao•• 1'1 10 2 6 01 E.XCE:PT THCRHROM ,,11 011, Cou11ty or Or11119(• S t11l•1 o t SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 51,144 Oopertmont olAdopllont encvmbrancHtosall1ty111e unpald ~ Mlsc•lluneovs Maps, records of g n > m 111u•"1' ti n n o 111 "• c 11111orn111 10 w11 1 ne following P<1raons aoe ooing PubllSllllll Orange COBSI Da11v balance oue on th• no11 M<lUled by 1 ·oo "' The unders igned, S R. Wh1tl 1eld, S enio r Vice bus111e>s as • o D 1 T 13• Orange County,Colllorr11a nyorOCMb011s,ll<Jtowu o0µ1h o, ..-AACEL t In~ uuster ly S V CALIFORNIA LI M OUSINE Potoi,Oc1 6 13,20 27 t982 0 1 eeo o rust 10 wll v.· l EXCEPTING THEREFROM all 011, leet w11hou1 the 11oh1 ol •u•tilce 111c;111ngv1t11 111 , 1001 ol Loi 2 of President/Controller end James C Gavin, enlor ice 4~ 13.92 900,00, plus the lollow1ng .. tlmttld o.r nghts. "'mera1s. m1ne1a1 r1g111s. entry, as res..rveo 111111~11u""'"'~ ot T1ac1 No ':Jl C11hto1111M A..ocuuo President, Senior Credit Officer of t he above-named SERVICE c;•u Kray & 511111"· u oo cot1t e•penset and edvanet• 11 n atural ges "Qhts and o ther record Orcl\J•d A~u.s '" "'" C111 01 Cos1.:i bank, ei:tch declares, for hlmsell alorle and not lor the MBeacAn'"c'"~ ~21':,~0 No 3oo. Newport PUBLIC NOTICE the t•me ot the 1n111111>Ubllcat1on of nydroc;111bon substances 1:1c1ow 11 The slrel't illlllr"~' ur UllH.l• Mesa a• •h.,,.11v11d 111.iu •«COrdoo 'f ac "7 "" tl\11 Notice ot Sele d;lpth of!>()() teet unde• the po1cet common d"s1q11a111111 ot 1n" ,,,.,, "' ooo~ 10 tldf.I" '"' Mo:l('ell•noou• o ther I have personal kno w ledge o f the matters RSM CONSOUOAIED. INC· 11 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Est1ma1od Trustee FeH on the ( o.1 l•no he1ern above descr1t1ed orooerfv hero1n&t10 • ., Oto1<.11bed " Mo11>' ,.,. nr<h ot CJ11•"ll" County contained 1n this report and I believe that each s letement C.aiitorn•.i c.o• "01111•on ""89 ' NAME STATEMENT amoun1of$1 1:n 65 ptu11nta<eal •• I w11h0u1 tile 1•0111 or su1lace entrv purporlt>O to "" 4 Rc"'Y Po1111 C..111111""" tn Said report IS true Each o f the undersigned. for himself ~"~~1~meed Blvd SunnymHO CA Tne lot1ow1no pert0n~ et!! tto.ng t7 75V. per annum on the vnpe•d t ,.AflCEl 2: Roe<! Newoor1 Bct1Cn G<J1•10tn1a PARCEl l '"~ w,.si.,,11 4)•, 2 ous1n~s as p11nc1p11 011ance from 4·1·8:1 to > An e.ciu;,ove .iasemeni tor Tne vnd t.,s•gned h'""o' 1 .... 1 ot lut2a11d1n,.r .. >h1•1r 40 le..1 alone and nol for the other, cert1f1es under penalty o f Hu~ buscneu 11 conavcted oy a AOUA TECH POOl ANO SPA Sate p1u 1 any •dvanc;es th• : part.,1ng purposes over 1na1 po<toon 01sc1 a1ms a11 1oao11o1~ 101 dll, • 1 ~· i 01 t •• ,, No S7 "' ~nuw11 oequry that lhe foregoing 1s true and corre c t corPO<allon SERVICE 23772 V1& La Coron" oeneflc1a•y may oe 1u1nor1Ze<1 or 1 01 Lot 237 snown 011 E•h1011 A to 1nco11ec1nt>n •n •J'd ''rlM'I aad•ess "" "'(1P •o0<:oro11t1 "'1100• 1u ll"U" Executtid o n Octo ber i8. 1982, at Newport B each. ~M C.ooaolioatea 1"" 11111ss.011 V•d1n Cuhlv1n1.i 92691 obligated to pay p1u1 anr acc•v.O • the Declare hon of R11s1r1e11ons f0< or 0111er common desionaflon I J 01 M1'JCet1anM1<ts Maps oeco•tts 01 L•V.,ne Bradlieto Pies Ermly Donnelly t.aMurre 2377 2 1 a I e ch a r 11 a a \the Lake Mester Assoc•atoon, Sa•O sale will tH' made w1111ov1 O•dng., County Caht0<n1a Califo rnia fl'l•S alalement was fllod wlfll the Via l a C.oron• M1Hoon V1e10 YOU ARI IN DIFAUlT UHC>ffl A J recorded St!ptembe• t9 1977 '" wananty t'•Clff:'" or 1mp11 e<1 1 111 .. 1dore~, or 0111er commnn S R Whitheld c.;ovnty Clork of Orange C.0unt1 on Ca11101111a 92691 DEED OF TflUST DAT•D JUN€ 2$, t boo~ 12382 pogt 1265 QI Oll1c1~1 1egar..i1ng l•fl(' PtlH'lHIOll ' 01''>1Qll1ll•Ofl •I •"Y ot ""' 1ea1 James C. Gavin Oc!Otlet 14 1981' l(('nneth Ernsl LaM1ilrl! 23772 1111, UNlt:l l YOU TAKE ACTIOff , Records. as .,8 rpor1 space CP112 e11cumornnLtlS 10 )dl•SI) 1n111 '1•(,pell) Ot''•I.• ~80 ubOve •S KRAY a I MITH Flt!MllO V1~ La Coronu Ml~\1011 V1e1 0 TO PAOTECT YOUR ,.flOPlflTY, •Said easement ts tvrtllet dehried proncopol oal11nc" vi tile Nott' o• PutPorteo 10 tie 24 I w W•lsori Puot"ho<l Orann., Coast Dally Pilot. 0c1ob"r 21 198:? C,;a11torn1a 92691 IT MAY BE IOlO AT A ,.uauc t and desct1t>ed 1n Amcte 11 of sa•d otller Obhgat1on 6<lC111ed by saoa St'""' Co\1,1 M1.1'a Caldor ri1.1 " •696-8:? Couneoloro •I Law Tri15 bvs1nen ''conduct"" llV on SALE I F Y 0 U N IED AN , Declora11on including Park111g Deed 01 Trusl Nlth •nl•HO>I ~nu 91627 ""' u111Jer>1g11clll Trusleu PU8LIC "OTICE PUBLIC "OTIC[ 4400 MacA.rtllur Blwd. •330 111i.J1v1dual EXPLANATION OF THI NA.TURI I Space .:390 o•her svm~ as pro .. oed rn~1e1n. tl1st1a11ns J111 ''''''"''' '"' rnv n n > N•wporf Beach, CA t2l60 fm1ly 0 L~Mnrre OF THE PROCEEOINQ AQAINST 11 PARCEL 3 ptus aovolnc.es 11 ""Y u11t1er tht' 111co111'c ,,,,.n ot In~ odll•~H .,, I ubh~h••d OrJriQe Coas• Duilyl Tr111 o;1a1emen1 was l1led w1lh lh" YOU. YOU 8HOULO CONTACT A An non-u clusive eosemem to< terms th11reo1 ·"'" •llterest on ~tn o•h•" crim"'"" oes1911a1111n 11 dny CON SOLIDATED Piltol Oct .'O 27 Nov 1 •O 1982 C<rur•ff C.lutk ot Ot.lrigt• Co1.111y on LAWYER. ; use arid enjoyment of Lots :.>37 and advances .>11d Olv• lees tnarges I >how• h"""" R E PORT OF CONDIT IO N 4"25 821 S"p1er1111e1 :to I 1982 Del ad Septemb•< 211 1982 •238 of sold Tract No 9423 said and e;;pensM 0111ot1 Tru&1ee and 01 11 1M a101<1\a1d ur pt1r tv 11as n., Consoltdaled Report of Condition 01 CITIZEN S BANK -------------f197U9 SHEARSONtA.MERICA.N 'Hsement being lutlher detoned a110 me trusts c1 .. ted l>V Sdod Oeeo Of •••~f't 01ddreu 01 other common , PUBLIC HOTIC[ Publo!>nl!U OranQI! CoaSI Ool•I) EXPRESS : ~,;;~~,:' o~nR:,;:.~~:~n~1 r~•'e,~:~ ~~~·~'.,,~nne :~~~~d~;:'gv~~~s0~n~~·.~ ~:;~~:"~~' ~ ·:,~c~n:, ~~ ·~. :~" ~~ 1 ~~b;.~;r;:S ~~~:~lo~: ~7gbeus?n~~~1bn ~~~t~~;;1e~s~~ i------T---1-5411------Polo• 0<.• & u 20 1~ 1"~~98-82 ~;~:,~;k~w~P~NY : to in Parcel 2 et>ove es11m•lt10 lt'eS charge> <1110 Olltd ""IJ l•um lie b1!11,.l•<•o•v uni.le• 1 1982 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE SOUTHERN CITIES • Tne street •ddress or olller eapeti!.l!S ()11~ Trustt'i! o;I "'"time I su•ll Oeeo ot r •vst 111 whose S B It. N 1080 4-ol51·741 PUBLIC NOTICE ESCROW COMPANY •common des1gne11on ol the '"al ol 1n1t1a1 PwDllt:Bt•on ol Hos NohCtl •S ,,.Out's• .,, .. \ul\' •S 10 lie conducted lele an O. I YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOEA A As Trustee :propeily 11ereuiat>ove des<:t1be<l 15 $12• 364 83 I Pu• ,,,,.,.1 11 ~ ,.,,11 ... , ,.,que~c D ollar Amo unt• OEED OF TRUST OATt:O MA.Y '· FICTITIOUS BUSINESS MtTZtE A eROWN •purported lo btt 126 l dk epmes Daleo Oc100..r n 1984' •ut1m1lll'U ''""''" 1~11 tiers lrom 11111 In Thouaanda 1M1. UNlt:I S YOU TAKE ~CTION NAME STATEMENT AH•tllnt Voco Pr ... otnt :1r111ne Celltornia REAL ESTATE 1 1.1~1 1iuohc~11on ol tll1• Notice 10 A SSETS TO PROTECT YOUR ,.RO,.ERTY, Tilt tot1ow1ng Def~ng 818 Ooong 1201 Eall H oohlln d , Th ct v n d 8 rs 1 g n e d here b) SECUflll IES SERVIC,l '>·•'" Bt'n<lf•C•d•, di tne 1011ow1n;i IT MA y BE SOLD AT A PU8llC Ousi~e~ SO C I A T r O C O N A•enut 'dlscla1ms ell liabll11y 101 an y ii Cah101111d c.01po1i1I•''" I all'1•t>H BANK OF AMERICA s ALE . 11' you N EED AN Sari 6ern11d1no CA 92404 ' ' 1ncoirec1ness 1n Sllld s11ee1 addresl dS Tru~1 .. e NA !ION.Al ll'IUS T AN[) SAVINGS Cash anel due from banks 6,578 EXPLANATION OF THI! NATURE 'RAC TORS ~65' I Paseo San I 7 t 4 I 8 8 8 1 9 !> I 0 , or OlllCI• common des•gnallon By (SEALI 0 J MurQ•'• A ~ s 0 c I A I I 0 N l 0 A N Inves t men I securities OF THE PROCEl!OINO AGAINST Gabnel. San Juan Capistrano 92675 886-7811 • Said sale Wiii be matle Wlll10ul ··~ p,.,~•dtml A0J1J!r 1 M("I' OE.PAR! MENT Nu 6,841 YOU, YOU I HOULO CONTACT A Rooc•111 L•pse, 265 t t Pueo eit :.>861:?87 I w111an1y e.p1eu or 1mploed 2020 Norin B1ouow.ay I 4J27 FORECLOSURE SECTION (Markel value $5,524) LAWYER. San 0 Dbnel San Juo11 C1p1s1111no Puolisneo Or•noe Coot Diiiy ;regard11•g 1111e possession or Su11e 206 4S SUUHi 1iuOSON .AllENUl Federal funds sold and securities on lht1 :.>15111 oay 01 November 9267TSom Smith. 38.,,1 Paseo San P1•01 Oct 13 20 27 1982 encumbrences to sa1ostr 111e San1a Ana CA 9U06 j PASADENA CAllffORNIA 91 •O • purchased under agreements 1982 ., 111e nour 01 11 oo a m at .,,, •38!>·92 f principal Oelanco ol Ina Nole or reteono11• (71 41 953 6610 Tn" total amount 01 1118 un1Jd10 tO resell in domestic offices '"" 8111 Sll ... I entfanct ot the now Rosa San Juan Capirnano 92675 ;otller 0011g111on securll(J oy 1a1n PuOhsheO "lew..,o•t Heot>ot Naw• ttatanct' 01 1ne nolet'i ~vreo by I county C.ovr111oute iocatoo ot 700 T111s ovsmeu ·~ condvc1eo by • PUBLIC NOTICE '0..d ol Tru" wfll\ 1n1eres1 and P1ess comOon•O "'''h '"" o .. uooe \&Id De .. o OI frutl .... 111 1n1ere11 a Loans, Total (excluding C1V>C C.nlet Oro•• ""••t '°'"""'Y oeneral parlno•ahop tothar sums u provided 111ere•n Co4st Da1ty Pilot Oct :?1 Nov J 1t>e1eocn as P•OvoOe<11n 111d no•etn unearned income) 4 5 8:>0 1o,nown u 100 Wott 8111 Streot Tom Sm•lh STATEMENT OF A•ANOONlllENT j plvs •dvenc•• rl eny. uroder 111e 10 19112 AD•anc:•• '' 11ny unde< '"' fClfmt ot b Less Allowance for possible -.1uatld on lllO Coty 01 Santa Ana Tlloa t>usrnesa staternant wu hied OF UK OF forms lllOreol end inta<HI on sucll •7t8·92 U•O o..ed ol Trusl onc1uo1n9 Ian loan losses 3 15 County 01 Or•nge State o r wotn tne County C1•r1i. o t Orengo FICTITIOUS 9USINIESS N,._ ildv9noH , •11d ptu• 1 ... ch01ges '"••o•• And ••P•n••• 01 Ill• C •I• 10 r n 1 a C 0 N Tl NE H T AL County on Oc1obef 11 l982 T lie f ollowong pe re on ha• and ••s>on-or Ille Trustao ano of PU8UC NOTICE T1us1~ ., o• 11w1 date nt lllf' 1n1t•&I Lo ans, net 45,5 15 AUXILIARY COMPANY A Calll0tn11 Flli83l4 el>Nldonta rne use or ,,,. F1C11tiou1 ,,,. truall craatea by said OeeO oJ pvoi.cehon of thtt Nohcct ot s .. ie 1s Bani\ p remises, F F & E • etc 3.304 COfPQtetion "Truatoe under oe.o Publiinea Orang• Coast Daily Busr~u Name Trull Tne IOtel amount ol "'"' NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE $2 ~· 311692 Real estate o wned O'her than ot Trull d"l•d May 8 1981 P110I Oct t3 ~ '17 Nov 3 1962 COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN Obliga11on 1nc1uo1no reasonal)ly s No 76no.7 Name Str•et ACld••ts 11nd 648 e•ec;U19d l>yJANNAM FELICIANO U 36-82 PRESCHOOL. 320 E 18th sir .. 1. 1e111meted h1es charg•• and SVS INC ea duly appointed lelephon" Number 01 Trust•• or bank premises en urtm11rr1<1<1 woman ano r11C10<dl!<I Cosio Mesa Catol0tnta 92927 &e•pen&e~of lht Tr11stee &I the ~me Tr11\lee unoer tne I Ollowong othOr pe1so11 conauc11110 mo io1e 1s O ther a ssets 1,218 nn May 11 198t H ln111vmen1 No PUBLIC NOTICE The F1ct111ous Busonou Name lot 1nnlal publlcatoon of this No11ce 11 ~terobed deed OI lrutl WILL SELL CONT I "IF._ TA l AUX IL' ARV TOT A L A SSETS 64. 104 12950 of Ofhc111 RM01da CO\lnty "'OTICE OF TflUSTEEI &•LI! relerred 10 ell0•8 we& filed on ., •• 5,611 19 AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE COMP~NV 4 S Soutn Hud•on . 0 c 11 I .. .. 0 c J 17 1"80 ... G EST B ODER FOR C •s LIABILIT IES 01 •ange e 1 ornolf govan o Important not"'o to •ange ovnty on uiy • Dated Octot>ei 22 1982 HI H 1 " H Avl!nu11 6111 r 1oor Po•AdPflA secure an lflOebtednets on ''"'°' ot pro-rtv ow""n•r·. Lo•• Eiieen Sheller 77• I SAN MARINO SAVINGS Payable"'' time ol tales in lawful C.allf0<n•• 91101 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN Ban~ of America Nehonel Trusl and YOU ARE INOE,AUlT UNOEA A Gonu9a Piece Westm1,,sto• ANO LOAN money 01 the United tatesl atl D"1"° Ottoof'• tl 1'1112 DOMESTIC OFFIC ES 57 .487 Sav11ogs lluoc•at•on o n•11on1t 0 EE 0 0 F T" U 1 T , 0 A T t: 0 Cahtornoe 92683 ' ASSOCIATION "SIM t•tle And onle<1•5f conveyed 10 I By B ""'"IAlmt Total demand deposit s 18,494 O•llloinQ Htoc•a11on by •Mson 01 J •Nu . "Y "•. ,. 1 1.. UNLESS This bv11ness was tooduC1ed by • l as Tr ... 1~ •nd now held bV 11 under U1d Deeo E· 0 11·'•0 AQl'l"I ti b n I th Oii I " "" "" ... -~ ' ~ Total t me 0 S8 n S de t 3 8 993 •e reac 0 0 0 O• •ona YOU T•KE •CTION TO ,.flOTECT lom•ted partnersnip By RE·L EST.TE ot Trust'" IN' P•O~ly 11e1e1nalt~ I .,, ... 13. '76 60t{I I .. VI g POSI s • 0 'ft 0 t k h .. .. E s ff ,. ,. EPOS TS DOMEST C secure .. e•• Y not•ce 0 """'c YOUA PflOPERTY IT MAY •E LOtl ha .. ~ SECURITIES SERvlCE oe-.c"oeo Pub•1sl'\1!d O•dnQf' Coast Oa1 1 TOTAL 0 I IN I was •t!<.C.tO~ on lur>e JO 1982 as I &OlO AT A ..uauc' I ALE W YOU lhlS s1a1amen1 ,.,u 11160 w•lh tlle , e Co11forn1a C()fPO<allon t RUST OR PAUL L ABIN •no p, Of On lT "IO• • 10 1982 ANO FOREIGN OFFICES 57 487 ln~l•umt'nt NO 9:.> n •210 o• HEED AN EXPl•N•TtON OF ........ County Clefk ol Orange County on • Its Agent SHER'll LASIN nusb•no iOn<l wile 4°'<1 •·A:> 0 I b I f b d 0 11 I R co OS OI i& d 0 " " '"" Oc Iler S t!IS2 ', By !SE.ALI D J MO•""• et 101n1 lf'n&nlS es IO 811 undivided . ther 1a I 111es or orrowe money IC•• • , I reno• NATURE OF THE ,. .. OCEEDINO I lo ' 11$ P,~,0en1 -.-1n1e•es1 and ROBER T RE1CHEA PUBLIC NOTIC( I 1nclud1ng note balances of County ano more tnan tn•H AOAINST YOU YOU IHOUlO Fl4 t4M u~ 442 mon1ns llhe eiep•ed since such C 0 N T AC T A 'LAW y E fl 1 1 PuOlosned Or 1nge Cont Oa ly ~ 2020 N<><lh Broaoway eno SUZANNE REICHER nusbano US T1easury . tf•coroa11uo will sell at ou1>11c _31 ....... 3 · · I P1101 Oct 6 13 20 27 l911? 1 Svole 206 and wife as 1o•nl tenants as to an FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Other llab ilities 521 uc• n 10 in 11 gt1osl 0 ooer for ~ 4400 112 f S ' • CA 9,,706 .. ndo•ldt'd , interest NAME STATEMENT • '0 • 1 1 NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN lhdl . en e .. na , .... TOT L ABI ITIES i:-u h or a casn1111 s cneo orawo on (1141953•6810 BENEFICIARY SIERRA REALTY Tiie lollow•no l>f'''0"' ,•rt1 do•ng I A LI L 1 ,.ate 0, nauonal banli a state 0, lhe real p1operty 111u .. 1eo 1n me ------------- ! PubllsMd Orang<' Coast Oa•I• & INVESTMENT INC a Ceill0<n1a nus1ness 11s (excluding subordinated note s 1 1 0 1 st 1 Cou n I y o 1 Oran ge St a 1e 01 PUBLIC NOTICE l'Pllo Ocl :.>7 N 3 10 !982 ' corporation HHP ASSOCIATlS 332 ~O•t.''1 d d ) eoe<a ere' union °' a • • °' Cal1f0tn1a known 111 120 Shorec:htt i--------------1 · ov · R1>coroe<1 Jeriua•· r 198 1 as Avenue Su•te n l ·•0""" B~11ch an ebentures 59.45o fedel8I savings eno loan euocrllllOn Co1on11 Oel .Mer C11v or Newpor1 NOTICE OF DEATH OF •119.11.2 • SH ... REHOLDERS EQUITY aom•c11t1ci on 11111 1101e 1poy•Dle ut -------------instr No ~386 tn boo~ 13904 page Ca1otorn111 92652 ,.. 1 me 01 531,. '" 1,wtul mor.ty 01 tne 8HC:h. C•l•torn111 """ 11esc11bed as LESLI E G. BEA TTY AND , .,..,,IC Ml\TICE 1872 ot Olt1c111 Records on tile omce ~11ll11ur" Propert•I'~ a 11m11ed Preferred stock u' t~ St 1 1 A ic•I itno 1 totlo"'s O F p E T 1 T I 0 N T 0 rUU\. "" ot tile Reco1der ot Orange County parlntHSh•I• 332 Fo1e\I A•enu• N h t 1 d No ni cv •es 0 me< w u lot •Sot tu1C1 It 16 '" 11111 C11y ol said deeO of 1ru11 JHc111:>ed the Suite 22 L11Quna Beach Ca11fo•nu1 O S ares OU s an ing ne 'ovenant 0' "'9"•nty e•P•ess 0' NhlpOtt Buell C01.1niv 01 013nge AOMINlSTE R ESTATE NO 1-•iowong pro~•" 926S2 Comm on stock ·~iea .u to t•llt> oossen•on °' S1n1e ol Calttorn11 u ner map' A-115539 ' Nohoe 1s liet•by QIVOfl that tns .... ~· • enc.umo••nco• 11\e 1nte••at ,, . Board of Tiuatees ol 1118 coast Lot 24 ano tne E1ste11y 8 •• J Ro1and J J•M11n tO 10 E a N o shares authorized 1,500,000 recorOed 1n Book 30 PllOCIS 19 end T all h be f Community Colleoe D11111c;t 01 feet of Lot 25 01 Bloc .. 43 1 01 Cnn1nv1 Aven "' San1a An.t b No shares ou tstanding 1,026,718 con•oVecl 10 and now lleld by tile 20 M1sce111neovs Meps rec0<ds ot 0 etrs. ne t<'ta.nes, orange co11ntv C•lolornta will LiW'Casltt s Addll•Oll to the Coty 011ca11r0tn1a 92701 TOT CON TR B TED C p T said Ttutte. uno•r H •d Oeod 01 se•O 01anoe County •no will oe cr ed I t o r s and cont tngent 00 New..,.,. Beerh as snown on• map AntnonJ J U,.&no F amity AL I U A I A L 3, 777 Trust '" eno 10 the toilow•no SOid al publtc 1u<1oon on the 1ea1 creditors of LA-she G Beatty receive Haled bods up 10 I 1 ..,.... • v • R t d 877 desc;rot>eO prOpe<ly s11u1100 on tl>e _ 8 m . Monday November 8 19112 a1 1ecorded •n book 5 page 1• ot I T<us1 200S P•lo VNd!I Av!"nue e a 1ne earnings t. Co1inly 0 1 Orang• 5 1119 01 steps al 230 NewDO•I ... enter 011•~ and p ersun s who may be the PUtcllu•no Department or said m1scoll1neous m•ps records ot LOOQ Beai;n. Cahl01n1a 908tS TOTAL SHAREHOLDER S EQUITY 5,654 c 11 10 1 Ne1wpo 11 Buel\ Cohfornia 011 <>therwisc interested in the c;ollege dls\tccl locllled 81 1370 Oranoe Coun 1y Calll or nta P~ter R Uru n t6123 St TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO a' orn•a E wi erT " .. Novembel 15tn 1982 al 9 01 am nd E h I W I C C 1 H 1 B h 1"' A 10 the noghesl blOde• tor casn on will a /or estate Adam• A.venue. Costa Mesa, xcephng I ere rom 111e ester Y •O•~ '''" un11nQ on eac SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY . . . 64•104 lots u and •S 01 T1tt.t No 57 on h 1..-r·•....i C •. ll•~n•a at ~~h time ..... b· .. s 52 1e.1 ot •he Ea.s1er1v 8 1• teet of Cahlorn1• 921>49 lowful cvrref'lC\' 01 111., un11.o Sl81es A pelluon as ~n uor:u ·-• -"~ ~ "' • T me City of Costa M•IAI Cauntr ot S will he l>Ubtlc/y openea and reao 1or sa•d 1o1 25 This busrnen •s conaucll'O 011 u he undersigned. Kenneth L Donahue. Senior Vice Oi•noe State 01 Cahlorn•• 11 The seie "''" be made without by Stanley nyder . Jr in the PRINTING & BINDING SPRING YOU ARE IN DcFA.ULT UNDER A 9enera1 Partnersll•P President & Cashier and John W W alsh . Senior Vice snown Oii •map thereo11ec0<d•d 1n Go•enonl oi w1111 ~nty regarding Superior Court o f County 1963 CALENDAR OF EVENTS o EE D 0 F TR u 5 ' o .Ar E o HHP ASSOCIATES President C .A 0 of t he above-named bank. each book to paoe 3 M11co11aneo • "''°· poness•on. °'encumbrances. t that S t I GOLDE•• WEST COLLEGE DECEMBER 29 1980 UNlE1>S YOU a general ponnor~h•IJ ' u 10 satisfy the obllgt1t1on $t!CU1ed by r eq u es 1 rtg 8 n e Y " d I f hi If I d t f th th I h f\Afll1S. reco«lt ot ••1d County S d J be ·--• AN bids 1,8 10 09 In KCOtdance TAKE ACT•ON TO PROTECT VOVR e y 11 11 l H u As l ec ares. or mse a one an no or e o er. ave EXCEPTING HtEREFROM Loi 44 and 11nder the Pow•• ot Sale n y <"r. r appo1n....-u a3 with the Bid Form 1n11ruc11ons an<1 PROPERTY IT MAY eE SOLD AT A PROPERTIES personal kno w ledge of the matters contained In t his an vndMdeCI one-half oriterosi 018u conterrod in th• Ooed 01 Trust personal representative to Cond111on1and Speof1etllon,whtc;I> PV8LtC SALE IF YOU NEED A"I epertnertll•P t d I b I th t h t I t I 'd I •••cv teO by RICHARD B adm1 'ster the est t f EICPLANA TION OF THE NATURE By RECRE.A TIONS INC repor an e 1eve a eac s a emen n sa1 report s Oil and mineral r1g111S tn and undClf MIL l EA • n d B 0 N' TA JEAN ni II e 0 ~•now In fllil and may t>e secured OF THE PROCHOING AGAINST ~-·" penne• true Each of the underslgndtJ , for h imself alone and not the East 11111 01 u id land n Mt LL EA huso•nd •no wife as Leshe G Beatty \under the '~':d0~~=~:~;~~aslng Ageni YOU YOU SHOULO CONTACT A 0oug1es A H~1 for the other. certUles under penally o f perjury that the ~=n•nr:~C:,:;" .:;!';'11°;m ~ Jo1n1 Ten ht• u Trust or 10 Independent AdmmatratJon } E.Kh blddet mo11 tu1>m11 Wllh llos LAWYER V« Prf'S•dent foregoing is true ::ind correct. book 2329 P•ll• 4 u Ot11c1al Amerocan Home Mortg•g• Trust of Estates A ct) The pel.lllon ~bid 8 cHh•er s check. cerhlf•d 430 32no Strl'lll "'"""l>O•t S.Kn 111«1 sia1emen1 .. os rltod ""''" 111e Executed on O c tob er 20. 1982. C M Rec0tds Detd Service Corporatcon a is set for heanng in Dept tcneck. or b•do•r'1 bond m•de CA County Ctet~ ot 0•3"0f' Counly on C at osta esa, Atlentoon 11 d1tec100 to ,,.. tact Calibrua CorPOt••oon " Tivsiee Nn 3 at 700 Civic Center ~ P•y•Ofe 10 the °'""' of the Cout ··1" 1 ttreet add•ose or c;omrnon Oc;101>er 19 1982 ellfCtrnla Cid Ir lor Ille benelll 1nd secv11 ty or C-··-'t" ,. ... .....,. "'-rict Board designation 11 1110 .. n abovo no '""" l s/Kenneth L Donahue ""' '118 00' ate. io ••coo• om Americ•n Home M ortagaoe Dnve, W est. in the C tty o( ~'"""'" , ....,.__,, ...... 111• docrlptton tn llllt gu1ranlM C C S A C I f lo: Trutt-in 90 amount no1 iess w arr•nty 1s O"•n 11 10 fls Puohsnl'O 01ongl' Co111 Dally l s/John W . Walsh •ndanyP01rcyisaued1t1lhename ot or por a1 1on a e 11t orn 11 anta na, a I ornia o~ tlltn n,,. percent (5%) of the 1Um oom~tntsl or COf•ectnet•> P110I Oct 20 :.>1 No• 3 10 1982 a l>U•Ghase< •I a "'• und•• N td Corporation. H 6enel1e1ary dlled November 24, 1982 at 9:3() bid u a gua1tntN that the bidder The ~fic1ary undOf ,.,d Oeed •619-112 PubliPled Orengo Cout Dtlty PllOI Oct 27. 1982 Oe«I ot Trv11 Wiii '''° conteln Mid January 11 198 t, and recorded on a m ,.wtll en1., Int o t h• propoitd of Trust, Oy ru son of• breech or PUBLIC NOTICE •ets.u o+I exception J•nu•ry 111. 1110\ 1n Sook 13917 IF YOU OBJECT h , ~trecc 11 the 1ame 11 ewerdecl to default In the obllga11on1 MCured -------------Tht addrHI 0, other c;ommon Page 336, H lnllrum•nt Number • lO t ~ ~hi"'. In the event of l•lfu(e 1o enter tlle<eOy. 11era1otore e•ecuted •nd STATEMfNT M AaANOONMENT PUBLIC NOTICE PUBllC NOTIC( dUlt1n•llon 11 any. 01 the ru l 111132 ol 011rc111 Record• of the granting_or t.he pettuon. yo!J tlnto ll!Cll con1ract, the proceed• ol dallvertO to tn• unde•1lgn•d e Of UIE Of ---,,-,C-TIT-1-0-U-1-.-U-1-IN-1-1-8--K~ property dHorlb•d abou la Co11n1y 01 Orange Slate o f should either appear at the «the Cheek wlll ~ torefelted, or In the written Oecla,.uon °1 O.fauH •nd F'"Tlftoua eustNESI .. •ME N •M"' ST •T1u • .. T NOTICE o• 01110 UTION """ed t 1>41 30 I 307 A ocad Celllornoa h rt n g d st t ~ Oemandl0t Sale,1nd wrltlonno1ice "" "" ""' " _,. r l . pur.,,,., O • y o Nof10eofO.favllandElect1onto ea a n 11 e your lw~I bolo •10t>Ond,feii'etdhe101Ull••ltlldmctoherll::e' 01 t>rOKh end 01 etectlO!'l 10 cause The 1011ow1no pe11on1 Ii Ave Tiie 1011ow1ng peraon is doing Ofl ,.A,.fNEfllHlfl Streif Coat• Mue, Calllornl• S•ll Ille dHCllbeo , .. 1 property objec tions o r file written.. " -• abenaor..o the vM of the 11e1111oua 1>111tne" H Purauent to Ille prov111on1 of 92927. tll• undtrtlOntd T1v1tH 1 T b ' ti Ith h , dllCrlc:t the undo,.1on•d to n il seld butlnesa ntlNI SUNSET SURVIVAL. 10431 S • c 11 on IS 0 3 S 5 o I 'n • d1ac111ms eny lleblflly tor •ny undtt tho Ootd o rust wu o Jee ons w I e c:our-.: 4 No bidder may wllhdrew his bid P'Ol>Of1'1' 10 Htl•'Y tl!lld ot>tlgetcona. TRE NDS 202:!1 Crown Rael 25th S tieel. Suns el e 4u ctt Corpor111on1 Codo 01 lhe S1111e of 1ncorrectnon 01 Ille I OO•tU or reco•09d on Book 14320 '' Page before the ht'&ring . Y ou f\ •tor• P«IOd tor torty·ttve (451 d•YI •nd lhtrHlter 1110 und.,slonod line Hun11no1on 8etc;h CaJ1l0<nte Cel1fornle 907'2 Calllo•ntt. notic:e tt he•oby olvon ocho! c;ommor1 ~llOf\ 11 any 397 u lnatru~t Numt>er '55118• appearance may be m peraon! I alter Ille d•te Ml tor ,,,. opening cauMCI H id no11ee of t>rMCh It'd or 926,6 S h 1 shown herein ' on Oectmt>tt 11. 19111 ot Omc1a1 b htfeol e1ee11on 10 09 Rec:ordoJ January 21. tun Riley Kennoey, 1973 I 25111 t a Rec;ord• 01 tho Covnt)' ot Otinge or y your attomtt>y •I 1982 11 lnetr No 112,025202 '" Tho f1ctt11ous Bu11n•u Nam• Scrott. SunHt BHch, C•lflornla Tho /ar' neralllp known 11 If tho •forualcl ptoperly hN no Sttlt 01 Cal!lornt• I F y 0 U A R E A• ' The BoarCI ol Trutt-'"°"'" Oflldal Rtcordt ,.forrod 10 abov• waa tiled tn 90742 CALLI TEA & CALLISTER II. ttrMI adoreu or oth., commori Tn• Hie wtll be condvclod by C REDITOR or a conun-n~ ; the prtvtltge Of refec;tl!>g "'Y •nd.. S I Ofange County on AllQUll t8 t982 This bt.lalntta 19 conducted by an prevtoully tXllllng "'-Reed E. dellgntllon. dlrec:tlonl .. lo hoW lo AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE "6' , '1>1* or to WelYe any lrregvl«lfltS or •Id 11 • will O• mad• Oul Bonnie Birk~. 20221 Crown lndMdllA.I Ctftlllat. Reed R CelOltat, Oouglu toc•tt 1uc11 prop•rty m•y b• T R U S T 0 EE 0 8 E R v 1 C E creditor of the deceNed you; : ::;:1:1111e' In 1ny bid Of In the :;.;:::.' ;ol~=~ ,~:ci~~a~:~. AHi L•na. HunllngtOn Bt1cn Sam KtnMdy L Cellleter. end feel R Ctllltttr. Oblalntd frOlft IM 8-ftcltfYUnder CORPORATION 1 Ct lllornta must flh• your claim w ith the!' t' 111 NOR•••N E w•TSON poN01tlon, 0, tncvmbr•l'>CH . 10 Ct1htornl• 02846 Thll 1111arnen1 wu fli.c:I wfth th• taeh of wflOM lddr .. • 11 700 Nonh u ld O••d of Trull, •• wfloH corPOt•tlon whose eddieu 11 230 court or present It to th~ ...,. " Sue Berooron. •3 t 't O•hlla Co<inry Clerk ol Or•noa County on Brand Boulevard, Suite 840, rciquoat the Ule 11 to t>e conc:lucted, N c 0 1 N 200 I • Secr11ery, pay th• remaining principal sum 01 coron• del Mar. Calllorn•a 926:!5 Octot>er 4, 1982 Olenc:lalt, c 1111orn11 01203. w111e11 pu,.u1n1 to 1 wrlllt n ,.QuHt twport enter r ve 0 • person a r e preaent8tlve, } Bo"d (1( Trull... the no111(•) aecur.O by Hid Died 01 Tnla bullne" wu c:on011c1o0 bye ,,.no p•rtnarthlp dlO oueln .. a •t 523 tut>mllted, w11111n If(! d•y• from the ~~;:>'~11~~h·t7~:1111~5~~5~~~80• a ppol n tcd b y the cour' I eo..1 Community Tf\191, with 1111" .. 1 11 In Hid noll oeneul pannerlhlp Publltlled Orengt Cou t O•lly Weet Sl•tll 'Str"'· Suitt t111. 1.01 11ra1 pubtic.tlOr! Of 11'111 Notice, 10 Pr1notpal •nd inttrtat Out within four month.• from the- ColleQe Oillrlct Dally r.:~=~ •:,":f:'o!:":i T~:~ Bonnie Berkley Pilot, Oct 20. 27. Nov 3. 10, 108:! Angelff, Ctllfornlt to0H, Ind 700 1uch Beneficiary •I lht fOllOwlng $~16 811 .84 d ate o f Cl r at I Hua nee of: Publlthtd Orang• Coal! Thi• 1111omanf wu filed with th• •809·82 Nortll 8ra.nd Bouttvtrd. S11ltt 8<1(), addr .... Senti of A."*lcll NatlOn•I C ' E A d~_. .,._ , \ PllOI. OG1 20. 27. 11182 '-· c;hargea an:! •ttl>OnMI 01 '"° c~·nty Clerk ol Ori..,.. Covnty on ltndtl Ct I Ito nl o 1 "0' .. rrutt tlld •avl""'• A1...,.1111on lo'a~ 011•· •PtllMt, •no dv•nces letters as prov1. e\.I l.n ~-tJon; ' 5 &:! Trullee IWld of the tru111creeteCI1>y ~ ... Q '· ' • " •· " 11 •d•·••-_:1 ~ ...... ,...::::-, ...,. •4 .... ,· d~ (Al>i)rOttlm11e1y1· $0,$04 05 700 ot •he Pro'--ie Cod" o(• ~ 4 92· Nici Died IT t 8tid le lit 1>41 October 5, 1118:.> PU8llC NOTICE 1>"'1 emerieled Canel tor purJ)OMI o4 " ,.. ,,_, ....... ...... ~-• TOlAL 1229.31& 60 • .,. "" • ~ 0 ru• 11 w F1tlft7 • G II on I 6 0 3 5 , 6 o I t fl e Fo11clo1uro •ollon. 0 South O•ttd. October 1e, 1 .. ~ ell fornia. T h e time f on 1 PdlJC NOTICE '::':2 :' 2T:r:"~v.,1N::;:.-C:;m'! Pubtt1roed Or•no• CoHI Oelly 'IC~I auaMll orpor•1ton1 Cod• hu bHn Hud1on Avenue, Pue dell•. A.MEAICAN HOME MOATOAGC filing claims wlU not t!>Cplrf'! t ---....... A--antrance lo'"' Ctvk Cenlor PolOI, Oct 8, 13 20, 27. 1ge2 N ITATl .. NT IHOIYad) by mulli•I conHnt Ctllfornl• t1 f01. TRUST OE.to SEAlllCt! CORP t.o fo ur months from \he da\e'" J r_,,,....,. 43ff..82 Tilt IOllowlflQ per1or11 Me dOlng ect!Yt JMIUtfY 1, 1182 Tiit tOltl amount ot Ille ~ C If • 1 MMm ITA~ 8uMcllnO. 300 E Chapman A"9ftUO. 1------------~ttneu •• The butlnMI wtll t>e continued" btll"Ct Of the nott(•I eecurod by • 111 ornl• C«porttlon f the hearlna noUced above.~ }~°".:""9 per1IOfW .,e doing ~ .. ~Atl m • 01 th• lnll l al 1 ____ Mt. __ IC_NO_T_l_C£____ CHAALClS E SMITH CO . INC , oertnerllllpcomprlttdOll\ffd R H id Offd of T1u11, With lnlorHI ~f~:~'*~1=A~f" YOU MAl' EXAMINE: CAL·,AC MANAOEMENT ~flon ol 11111 nollee, the IOCtl '1CTfTIOUI .,...... 1:~~=. ~~::~.~~:·.:1~ Box t lllll•t eno Jullennt Ctlfltlar, flltlton ... pt01lldctd Ill Miid nolli(I). COUNTY OF OAANOl ) SS the fill' kept by t.M court. u: S" .. VICEI, t 1 t• "'e111edor SI • amount Of,,,. ·-aid t>tttinc.e ot Ille NAMI ITATl•NT lddrall 11 1326 loutn IOO t<IVenc.ea. If lflY, under the terma °', On Octe>W It 1H2 before me you ar e lnter~sted In 1hr • "" ., o -.... CherfU E Smlll'I Merine •••·&Ill 116. Ortrn. Utlh .. 0!17, Nld Deed 01 ft\111, lnc:ludfng ..... ~...... NG. ,; bite ltl .... t I • •eoeta ......_CA. 92t2t obllgttlon teturtd lly 111e above r11e lollowlng pe1tori " 001no oiatrlbutor1, inc. a c 111rornl• 0 00 bvtlneet vndtr Ille lltm n-ohergH end t•P•ll•H of th•'u10r •• .d...., CoaunltfYY a n"d lle'i'e"' 11\.tli.. )'OU may I ea request• ' HOWARO w IAANT\.!V, ,,,, dHorlbed dttd of tru•I •nd ou.r-... Cc>tpor•llon. 1N7~ Mlfflkerl A~. CAllllfl!A " CAlLISTEA II d Ti ... ol 111t d•tt ol lhe Initial • with the courl to l"e\.'elv.; 'S•lvedor ••• COllO MeH , CA. HllmtleCI co•••· t •Pe""*· •nd LAMBROS! FOUA. lTO .. 4000 P.O Bo• IOIH. ltVlnt. Cal1fornla ...... I t'"" I t3"· s . ="'"" ,~ 1'ion .. Oft ...... Notice Of Sa .. " P•rton1 lly •PP•tred Muy I l l h • 't2m advanoH 11 t 173.405 80 To MICArlhur 8111d , WHI Tower, Suite 12713 o ""' OCI""' 1 "" OUth """' P\l.,_I ,,. l<alllefint l:Vonelf, known to mt 10 I pee a n 0 l •<:• 0 t •, ! OOAOOH I MILL.ER, 480 So. cN1tmllne Ille openloO bid. you may 4000. Ntwpon BHoli, Callfornl• Thia bulllnffl 11 conCluCltd Oy ~ l:..s::.: ~~: !!:~::~ l2Na:!!'' ::;,11 AOdllU and be the Prttldtnt Of lhe Corr,:etlon lnvt'n tory O( Cllale 8Ntl\.W• 'JUne It .. lOt ~.CA. I0020 eall 17141937.otoe 02800 corpor•flon. ,,. bullln-and 11 "''"*'10 all of 'l'ellpllone Ht.rmbet 0, TtullH 0r t~=~u.:' 11~ ~n.::,"':!; anddof the petllidona, aocoun1b d 1i.f• ~~t.l~IAM~~Aa tee Ftont St• °'"· ~g~~o. IOU 1rv1ne°.C!l1~n~2b;~;e· :!9 Glenn. Charita E!. Smith ht uuu o t tht dloolvad ollW Ptftorl oon4ue1~tllll aait '' laatcultd '"' .it111n lnllrurntnt on art repo rla escr • n, I TNI .,.,..,_" conduCt«I try tn " Mid Tru.etee Thi• t>uli~ "COl\OUCtod oy.,, ~:.'~11~::!'~u1:!i1~Co , ntttlllO. Oeltd Oclolltr 111 1 I '*''" or the Col'J)Of•11on tn.r.tn S •ct Ion l 2 0 0 o t l b er • 111\lnc;ot'pM•led Htoelatton oti. Ir T 0 8£AVICl lnclM<lual Inc A 11 d • .,, • 0 w 111 0 II y t h. ~~.n:~~ ~&i. .. ANV llamed. 11"4 teltnowltdoed 10 me c. 11 f 0 r n ' • p r 0 b • \ .. I"*'........ COM,ANY, 11Q1911t OouglM lMn,OrOM ~ 8 r ltlMrllllp ··I)!~ H ltl.S or INI llOIOl'I ~tllon ••ecvtad the Code. ~ w lramtay 9y fllOtt A Otte.la. Otnerlil Pttlner v~ ~ttliOetl~· Jr ~-lf'ld Ill debt• ,_..I\., =~11 ': twdtlOfl AYerlUe 1 ""'""' ln1trumet11 Pvrtvt lll 10 ltl R•ra N. 8rH... a.. .. Thll 1'•~ -111ec1 With the AIM!ant Stetetary Tlllt •••*""11 -Iliad wttll tnt Tllil 1teterN111..,.. tlltd wtth Int llle~ =,:,Z~: NtOeM. OA 1 1101 bY·!!"'-tc1~,• reeotvtlOll °'It• lotrd UH Par• A ...... aa•l IC°""'Y Cllrtt of OtMtt Cownty on Ont City llYO .. W• ~ Otttl Of Ot8nft County on COunty Cleflt ol Oranot COuM~ Ott Of1tl at>o¥e ey I WlllMlt, of""' I I • C Ill I HI °"" ''· ,.. °''""'· C,4 t 2... Octooer 6. 1 .. 2 Oc«>b« 6, 1082 OATEO ...,....,. "· 1N2 fa·Olfte6o Aoef\I IWITHIH fffl/"""" tnCI offlclal ..... • •• ' • .,. • ..~ ,_ Tel 17141 ta&-a2M ,_ , .. 12 OouelM L ~ ca.ai &7...0lO !Me a.oc""' CllNll ~: 171·HH. , flublleMO Orange Co .. f 0•11 l'ulllltlltO Ortnoe Cou 1 Ot lly Publt1111d Orenoe Cotet 0111)' Pvbllt lltO Or1nga Co11t D•lly P~lltllH OrtllO• Coatt Ollly P\IOlltfleCI Orengo COH t Otlly P11blltlleel OranJ! Cou t Ot lllf Pullll1h~ Ou 11 .. Co.11 0.1171 "'°'·Oct fJ. 20, rr. No. l. 1tl ll'lot. Oct t1. H0¥ 3, 10. IM2 ll'llot, Oc1 •• IS, 20, 27. 1N 2 Pltot, OCI e. " 20, 11 11112 !lot. Oct n . 1N2 Piiot Oct "·No¥ l 10, 1tt2 "'""· OCI ~ 21. I , 1982 Nol, , 21. tt, Nw, 1. ... t 4-437-t2 417&·82 4360-12 «0242 41144' 4974·12 481a.12 .,..., PU&IC NOllCl Pt*IC NO ncr MUC NOllCI ruet.IC NOllCl f'U8llC NOTICf PUBllC NOllCE Ml.IC Pt<>flCC NOTICE INVITING 8105 .. .- • f ' I l Orange COHI DAIL y PILOT /Wed11Hd1v. Octolktr 27 1982 PWllC NOrtC£ ,.cnuou1 au ...... NAW ITATH .. Nf 111• fUllOWIHQ ~llMH\a at• ll\Hll\I llulll\HI Ila IM A Cl f MIC fl\) 11 b I II P111111111•. t.u••• M•u t.•11101111• 0~11)/ Ch••lv• Na1ha11 tly1h1110111l• ne>J (I Pomo•I• <.Oole Me"' C1Mt1111111 1121J27 lln\11 ~Y• llym11111111I• /ll>J U Pomo11• Cuti• M•H l.•llfo1n1a e211n In'" 1.., .. ,. ... " l11110111..h•<l lly • II'""" •I P•• 111 .. thop l u•ll• flllyll l:>ylflf>IUOOt tlllt tlll91Mn1 '*U 111.0 wllh In. (..Ol>nty t,i,,.~ 01 01••'0• l.11<Jnty tH• lXIOU.1 18 1981 ,. ... ,o l'ubllanea 01 •nu" C.oaa1 Daily PllOI. Oc1 10 'J1 Nov J 10 1987 4'16J 81 M.IC NOTIC£ 'ICflTIOUI IUllNHI NAMI ITATU.•NT Irie 1ouow1no P41"°"' it111 11omo l.lUlll-S II LE BALLE I PALLAS 12942 A Maonoua A~ .. 1u1 Suue 78. G111atffl Giove C•lllorn141 92~ 1 LE BALLET PALLAS INC a C1lllo1n11 corpor•loon 12942 A M1Qn0111 Avenue Suite 711 0110 .. 1 Orove. Calll0<n11 92~ 1 Thi• bu11,.. .. It conducll<J l.lY 11 COll>Of I Hon LI B.ite1 Pallaa Inc JH n Biro. Pr1111dent Tr'lll )llllllm11n1 WH 111..0 Wllh 1hll County Cle•~ ot O•onoe County 011 October I 1 1982 F11n10 Pubh1h11d Oranoe Coot Dally Pllof Oct 13, 20. 27 Nov 3. 19112 45t5·112 P\a.IC NOTICE f1Cm1ou1 au•ME•• NAMI ITATH•NT T fie louowlng person 11 dotng buaineu as ABA CUS FINANCIAL SERVICES 616 16th Street Huntinoton 8oach. CA 92648 NANCV E FLINN, 616 16th Street. Hun11ng1on Beach, CA 92648 Thlt t>usineu IS conducted by en 1nd•vldual Nancy E Fhnn T'11s lllletnllf11 was fli.<l with tl'le County Clerk 01 O•anoe County on Octobl< 1 I 11182 F1"3:20 Pubfotnea 011nge Coast Da11y PllOI Oct 13 20 27 Nov 3. 1982 4503·112 P\&IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI eUSIN£SS NAME STATEMENT The to1tow1no pe1son 11 do•ng t>u.,neu as t ll GARDEN JE WELERS 121 THE GOLD CREST 230 E 17th S11e11t Costa Mesa Calilo•n111 112827 Do"••n Vaimacoyan 121 S Pari. Avenue Montebello. Cahforn14 9()640 Tnos ous1ness is cooduc1eo Oy t1n .no1v1dual D Y &1mac1yan lh•S statement wat 1118<1 w11'1 me County Cte<i. of Oranoe County on OclObe< 18 1982 I F1ttee3 Pubhs'111d O•anoe Coast Oa11y Pilot Oct 20 27 Nov 3 10 1982 4~29·82 MLIC MOllCf riot1nov1 eu .... u .. ..... tlatt•tn Tio• IUllOwlfl\I 1>91tllll• al• \llltt•U ....... _, .. I ll I' fJ A N (.. A II t N l I a & l.()N!H llUC llON <..O. Cl II W 11111 St Nu n. 1;01t• M ... C.A li211111 onca llJP .. AN 11i10" N11111lu• 01 H11111111utoo O••t.fl l..A 112utlll I hi• bu1111Ha 11 1 Utllh" tttt hY 111 hulMiluat !tt "lj f l•IJVf'll f111t tl•len ... 11 .... hlllt\l l•fllll lltW l..Ol11•t'r (..i.tk ut O••nu• <.ounly un O\.t I I 1\18/ ,I ... f1ubl"'1•d 01 a11ga co .. t Oa11v 111101 Olt tl 20 /1 Nov J 1\111<' 4410 Ill Pta.IC NOTICE "C TITIOUI IUllNlll NAMll tTATIMINT th• 101tow1110 µ•Hto11 •• th1111u llu6111Ht H RAINBOW OAKE'R'I' 17:1)0 81 CH1kllur1t , I oun1 .. 111 V1t1111y. Cahlu1n1a 027011 Chfl •)I Ly1111 81•11111.0! ~II;> I C191ceo1 Ot•ve t1u111111u11111 Beach ~•hl1>rn11 1121146 fh•• t>utm•u " 1 0111111• ll!d by 1111 lll(JMdUal Ch11yt I yn11 S111u1he !hit 1111 .. 111111 Wiii flle<J With 11\<t County Ctt11i. ut 011m11• (.;ou111y 0<1 Oct00.1 11 lllllJ '111311 PuDllalled Orange Cont Oally Pilot Oc.1 13 20 i'f Nov J 1081 4466 112 M.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI eUllNEltl NAME ITATl!Ml!NT I h11 following potr1on 1• tlu111g buamesa. •• Holiday tip on computer Ll>SAN1:~:l .l•:S1A l'l lt1·1.111.,., .. , I.t. ... ~· l't Hllllll{ 111 he• "tilt' JK'IMHllJI • 1111111111!•1 l '111 i"t111111o" IM'HIU"l' Ill 1ill lht• 11llll1 .. '<lll'fl\lh •f' tl1t •V I i..p11 I 111 i.t•ll Bui IJC•lw1• vuu p111 tlllt' u111lt•1 tlui 111 •' vu11 'ltuuld 1iflt't1J M>tlll' t1111 .. l111d1111{ 11111 "11111 llwv r t•ully Jo uml ti yvu m"'-d rt S11wtly "IW1tk111~. tli1•11• t'j 1111 ""It tlt11tl{ "'' 11 "p1•1 >«11111l n1111p11l1·1 :· ulth•iu~lt 111.11 ·, tltt l11lll1l 11t1ml fl'l'\IUt•111l.v 111tudwtl lo tit•• ltlll'l•N 11111p11l1•1,.. IM•lnl( 11olc hy t'n111puh•r :clu11 ·11 A p1.·11t11111tl 111111111111 •1 ltl'lllllll)' IN Jlllll 11 i11111flUll •f ht•flll( U> .. t·d t,y 11111• I"'' •11111 ut 11 limL' M1111111•·011h·111tlw111dus11 v111(1.-1• 11t111 11 ... "'"V to µurd1ttK4' II pN'MJllU I l'OlllJ>Ull'f '"Ill,,, .. , 111(111•' Piii whol y11u'1t• j111il1t( lo du wllh 11 1111rl I lw11 ,..,11 .. 1 1111 mot•hlnt· llwl rtlltc lhOfk• llt<t'<.I,. Buylt16( 1111' 1·11111111111 1 rar1't I'< lllU'°h lllOl't' llkc Jy tfl lc•uv1 y111J tll11ltj1p1tl1tl• d For 1•1CusnplC'. then• J111• ~""'' )1Jl1•1wltlt1111111111 bt• cJorw un o J)f'r!l()tull e'\m1put1·1 11111 1 .. 1111v ni.• 11 1111 l'tu1irr wllh old stt.11\llby11 ltk1· 11 p11d . p1·11, II 1111d C'11lrul1Hor. &l11nc111t( yow d11't kl11"1k 11111 lttk•• 11 h•I lon~1·r· 4'1n 11 t:ompul(•r, f111 1•l\11111pl1" 1111d 11111 11u 1111 rnachlnt1 won't muk(• you 1111\1 111111 .. "' "'"''"'" ANNl'..1 re s UN•OUf ulf Is 11138 liot•bor Blv<J C:.otta M•••• Cahlorn•• 926U Annette 111• 801.i. (,o,mll~ Club 011vo Coal• (.;3hl()fl1t• 92017 I 111\ bUl"'Olt 1• (011tlu1 l"'I tly IJll llldlWltl\jjll Alll'lctlta I B«k 1111> llAl•ltll!lll W .. fllot\J Wllll Ill• Cnul'lty Cloo~ 01 01•11u11 C:o11111~ vn Sep1.,mbu1 JO 10n1 Pcr11<ma1 l:omrut;.,."· ,.11v11 1t 1o 11111 ti 1•, "'"""'" munol(tni.< <'<ii tor o Po11ul111 l 'f •1111111 llttN, "111 .. 1 1111\ 1 n1111't• hrnl11p0Wl'r lhun nt1 ll'l l""'I'" rtl'• d 111 11111 11 h11us.•lt11ld You don't lmv n 1·u1 '" d1I \1 I 111111 ""'" llvm~ ni0m tu your bc .. 1,.;111111 " Prob.ably thl' dwapc•:cl wn' to• u• 1 '"'"I" ... ,,,.,,( 104, l'tllllpulln4! IS Wt th ll $1W.UI'> lltt Nl•·I Ill ttl• "' •Ill• Ifill Mtt.. You'll prohtJhly wun1 to "I"'"" .111111'11 1 ~ ·,11 1111 '"' nttoch11wnt 1h111 .clvt•s th1• 111111111111 1 , ,11 1 1111 111111, und thl•rl'forl' thl· 11b1l11v to 1lt1 .111••1• \'"'\\Ill 111~11 flt'l'(I l() h1JOk Up O tC'lt·V11tl1111 ""' 11 1 tlt1 111111111111 t •11 1 you <·1111 Kt't' wltut':c 1(111111( 1111. 11111 ,111 1 I'\' "111 ol11 F1 ... IO Puoli1hed 01 engt1 C.:o utt D111ty P1101 Oc.t 10 21 Nov J 10 1962 4608 112 P\a.IC NOT 1C£ Thv Sind1111' will 111tn1th11" '"" '" 11 1 1111q1111r1 lot1t(Ulll(l' 1•11llcJ BAS!l' und will "'°''' """" '"" ''' c·rt•11tt• your own prtij(t """'· 111 "' ,1, 111" 1111 l.lt't.'Olllµlhchlnj( ~lfTll'thlng [\ul 11· .. li111llr•tl 111 wllot 11 c·un do ond If yuu'vc• Kot Colrl y ·~1111pl1t "" ol tn•l1• 111 mind, you'U need a mort• icoµl1,.,1" "''•I 1111111111t1•1 flCTITIOUI au..-11 NA• ITATHMNT A j(~ plk-~ to start your 1'4'1111 It 111 wit It II h1111k '"• 1011ow1no patton 11 001n9 l.Jy Pt•ll'r Mc W ll11:1ms c·u lh·d '"l'lw P .-r11111111 I bu"a-:A•:H ICS ONE 17 t9s Comput<•r Book," whac·h d11K.'USM't. wl111t tlwv d1111111J Ne,..hope Su11e 103 rountaon don't do well. Valley Cll•t01n11 92708 McWalhams adva.ses pr0Bpt'1.'llv1• l111y1•1 <C 111 M'I R0De11 811nard DIL••m• d h d f 2624~ Bu•c•do• Minion v,.,10, as1 ,. a mont to stu y ttw vunou:-.. y .. 11•11 1'< 11111 ca111orn11 92692 software, read books and maga7.1nt·o; on 1.11.·111uri;il This bu11neu •• condu<:ted Dy.,, l'Ornnult!rs and talk to rv•oplt• who ltav1· aln·:1dy 1nd1v1dual " .,~ Robert B Oeuema mat.ll' tht•tr purchas<·s. ThC'rc• <irt• :1!::.11 us1·r~· dubs Th11 s111emen1 was llMl<l with 1"41 wht('h may bc good sourt-es un spc.·<:1fll' systt•111s ~~:,c~~1~11:~ Or•noe Cou11•Y on Anolht•r sourt·e 1.s the· salt·sml'n 1n c:111npult•1 F1 ... 101 ston·s. but rt·mt'mber tha l thl'y may bl' morl' Puohthed 01ang11 Cont 0111y tnll'rt'Stt'CI an making a sail• than m providing you P1101 Oct 6 13 20 27 1982 , 43 n .82 wrth amp..irual mformat1on about tht• systc•m that !> ------------' rrght for you And if vou do go to !>all•:.rnen fos M.IC NOTICE adv1l't'. l·hoost• a stort; wh1t·h 't•lb a numb<.·r of flCTTTIOUt au.._as d1frt•rc•nt brands NA• aTATE•NT Tht•r" arn a numb<·r of tJlht•t l l The totlow•no 1>1<sons are d0tno " "' pn1 n s o busmen., rt:memb<>r before· you writl' <iut J t'ht'(·k All PACIFIC FINANCIAL '" LA•arning how to u.st• ;,1 p<·r-..mal n1ntpUt(•f N Newpon Blvd Suite 203 k b PllJLIC NOTICE Newpott Beech. CA 92863 Id es 4u1tc· a 1t of tamC', and 1101 all uf tlw UM•r FICTrTIOUI au•tNEIS JOHN I< DJAHANG1R1 8591 manual!. provide dear <1nd l·ont·r:.c· rnstrucllon !> NAME STATEMENT ~~~~orn. Hunttnoton Beacn CA You'll havt· lo figure on spt•ntl1ng a ~uod amounl \if Tne followino petsons are dOtllQ GEORGE rSK AN DEA. 85911 Uml' with ttw computer bt!furt• It rt•ally bt.'<.·omc·i. Oull't'~':~ R F IN AN c I Al 6 l a11norn Hunhngton Beacn CA USt'fUI 926-46 p I I INVESTMENT Co 119 Jasmine Tnos but1neu ,, conducled by a ersona romput<.·rs or<.'n 't l ' H•ap An ;;:;: Or Co•one del Ma r CA 11m1ted pllltnetSh•P average system will <.'OSI about $2.500. !Jut you c<111 CADN CORP . a oet•w••• Jonn 1< D1hanQ1t1 t>asaly spend two or three tames that depending on C This Stlt-1 WIS filed Wllh the , corporatoon, 119 Jasmin• r111k Count» Clet1I o1 Or-County on what you re goan~ Lo do walh the> llYlilem -1ts Or . Corona del Maor, CA 9292.5 • -.,.... Tllta buSIMA 1, conducted by 1 Oct 11 1992 apphcauon [n ad ition. many people in lhe h e ld c°'por1oon Puohan.a Oienge Co•:,1: b<.>heve that personal "?mputer prtt'l'S will l-Onllnue g-:i =m. Prae PllOI Oc1 13 20. 27 Nov 3 to <.'Om<' d own for a whale yN. so tht!> may nnt tx• lht• TI111 11atament was flied wtt'1 the 4435·82 best tame• to take the plung<' County Cl111h ot Orenge County on PUBLIC NOTICE No on e m ac-hint• does t•vc•rylh1ng Wt•ll Oc1o1>er 5 1982 Ft .. 11 i------------Gl'nc•rally speaking. c·omputc·ri. .in• good .1t Pubhs'111d orenoa Cout Delly FICTITIOUS •u•INESS rc•pet1t1ve tasks or "numbl•r cru11 d1 1nu" 8 NAME ITATEMENT ,.., P1101 Oct 6. 13. 20. 27. 19 2 rv>rformmo d1ff1<.·ult mathematical l«tllulat10n::. 4401..;i2 The fOlto-•no pe<tons are a0ono .,~ ,., bUsines1 u Tht>y c-an also be helpful whf'n uM·d as word· FAfRBANt<S MORGAN HORSE £ h NU.JC NOTICE COMPANY 3026 L•ngs Bay Cos•• prOl"eSSOr.. or wrrters w o want t<i Juggle· sc.•nll'nc·c'S ITATEMENT °" ~AWAL Meu c.i1t0<1111 92626 or paragraphs ""OM l'ATl'T'NE"IMP L•u M Ale-Pi11man 3026 Somt> of the most popula r pt•r..onal l'Omputen. ~MTIMO UNDE.1111 LM>o• Bay Coste Mese. Caltf0<noa• an· the IBM. Apple ll. Osborrw I . R<1dm Shac-k FICTITIOUI SU .... 19 NAJllE P"6~6 The tottow1ng person hu Douotu C P111ma11 3026 TRS-80 a nd Commodorl' VIC-20 Thcrr prtl'<.'S var) w«h<lr•wnesao-11p1r1,.,.,1rom Lanvs Bay CMlil Mesa Cehl0tma acc-ording to where you buy tht•m and what kmd of the 01r1net1111p ooer111no undet 1he 92626 tlc1•tiOU• buainasa n-01 'fRIM 11 r.,,, t>ua<ness '' conducted t>y • a lt a chm c n t s you p u r t· ha st• M l'W 1111 am~ SYSTEMS. 20901 Paseo P•no. El 0-•1 par11\1Bhip recommends hiring a con s ult<1nt s omPo nt• T0<0. CA 92630 Lita M A1--Plltman k I d bl bo l b f The llctotlous Dullness name Th11 statement was 11..0 with thll now e gea C a u computcrs <' ore you statement 10, the p1111ner1111p was County Ct111k ot Orenoe County on actually buy one for yourself llled oa J1nu11VY 25. 1982 In the Octot>e< 10 19112 County ot Oranoa ,, .... llllkfMtrd c i-t.e Grtfllfl Pubhthed Oranoe Coast Oa11y 2llll01 I'-l'lfto P110t. Oct 20 27. Nov 3. tO 1982 II T•o, CA e.30 4556-112 "111?25 Publtahed Orange Coa11 Dally Nil.IC NOTICE Pllol. Oc:1 13. 20. 27. Nov. 3. 1982 --FlC--TmOU*---llUSINE---.-.-- «117-112 NA• aTATE....,. P\llUC NOTICE RCTmOU•au ... H NA**TAT~-NT The lotlowlng persons are d0tng bullnftt ... A 8 K FE NCE , 349 No A R~tar. Coste Metil, CA 92627 ROBERT LEE ANTEL. 349·NO A Rochetter. Costa Meu CA 92627 GEORGE R OBERT KLINEFELTER 302 I Gertleld Ave CMtl Mesa. CA 92626 Thil buslnen •• conduaecs by • oenetll Plll'IMllll•P Geo<ge R KUneleller Thi• 9tel_,t WU 1"41<1 ""1h the County Cieri! Of Orange Couniy on Oc:1ot>et 5, 111112 .. , ... Publlsh•d Ora11ge Coasr D•lly Pttot. Oc1 II. 13, 20. 27, 19112 4345-112 MllC NOT1CE ,..tCTTTIOUS IMl*INEH ...-1TATamlfl' The lollowfnO paraons are doing DullneM ... BEST ·LINE SUPPLY CO .. I 125 Alvar'n A~. Orenge. CA 026e7 KIM S(JO HY\JNO , 28115 FIHvlew Road, No C-205. Coate Maea.CA9M26 CHU NO SOON KIM. 2885 FlirVlaW Road. No C-205, Coate ~. CA9?&28 Thia buw-11 c;onduc:1ed by lll'I 11\dMdull 8oo H. Kim fhlt •tet-1 waa Ned wtth the COunly CWk of Orange County on Octot>ar e. 1t112. ,..~ The IOllowfno Pl<SOl\S a1 e dOtnQ l>vllneN .. CARTE-TUNES PUBLISHING t77 Rlverllde AllCI, ~ 8eKh, CA 026e3 KEVIN KREIS, 11602 E 207th, Lakewood. CA. CRAIG MILLER. 527 Rivara, Seal 8eKh, CA 90740 BRIAN T,.NNEHtLl, 11515 Mapteoell. NOrwall!. CA 90e50 Thil bull-Is conducted by a oener11 per1nerlhlp 1<8'1\n Krail Thll slat-I WU flied ,.;th 1"41 Coonty Ctaortt ot Orenge County on Oct 11. 1082 f'1laOI Publl1h1d Orange Cout Daily Pilot. Oct 13, 20, 27. Nov 3, 1982 4470-82 Pta.IC NOTIC£ flCTITIOUS SU ... 11 NAMSHATIMINT The tollowlng p111on ts dolno butlnftl •• SOU THWEST ENERGY RETROFIT. 111126 Magnolia StrMt, Sulla 2038. HunUngto11 a .. ch, Califomta 92$46 Steve Penn • Stephen Louie Penn. 2070 I Ch1uc1r Lene. H<.lntillQ1on BMdl. c.tif°'nl• 92&46 Thie butlnns II condUC!lad by an lndMduel Stephen l Penn. Pl'Mklent Thl1 11at-t w .. filed With the County Clerk of Orange County on Oclobef s. 19112 ,.., ... 1 Publltfled Orenoa CoHt Delly POOi, 0¢1 6, 13. 20, 27. 1082 4403-82 ' Publl&Md Oran~• CoHI Dally "8LIC NOTICE Plklt. Oct. 13, 20, 2 , New.!&~~ --AC.,.__,TmOW""!!"'--8'-U----.-1-- NAMl ITA'ftmNT -..C 9'0llC( The lotlowlno SHH•Ofl 1, dotoo --~=~=~===--11111*'-... '9CTll10Ue-M PHO TOQ RAPM IC MM9 ITA~ COMMUNICATIONS UNLIMITED, The "*"""O ..,_ ... OOlflO 3207 C6ey S1rea1, Newport 9aaa'I, ~-CA92te3 nAln; & SH!.l'PAAO. 142$2 GARY OE.NE HUFF, 3207 Ol"Y ~ OrM 811fte A24t IMM. CA. Strttt, ~ 9Mch, CA 92M) ta71• flllt buelntN le ~td by '" AO IEAT PIRAY 3201 indlvldull. • I •-M h 8a eh OA Owy 0. Huft :lie"'""' •n •tt•n • • · TI1lt •t•l-t wN ~II*! wltn tilt TtAAANCI! IHC,PAAO, ... ., County Clerk of Ortntt County on Or ... ...,._,., IMM. CA. H1t• Oo1ober 8, llU. ,,_. ,.!:.. -;:--.:, OOllCIUCtaCI br • l'ub111neo Orenga CoHT Otlty f;;; ... ;, I d "°1, ~ I. 13. lO, 17, ltU ™' ................. "'"".. 4'444t ~ C-. of Of9l"8 COUft'Y on 0.. 11. ttl2 ,_ 'ublllfled Oninte Cont 08'ty fllklt, ~ 1s. ao. 11. "°'*·a. ttti ~ ( Cell 142-1171. ) ~ul • rew word• 10 "'" tor rou. I Tropical for wine TAMPA, F'la (AP) - Troptl·al wine? A s unlikely a!l rt seems. an infant F'lorrda w ane industry may be getting its roots s t arted stat<>wtd<' dS researchers hav<.• daiK'Overed a stram of palatable grape that as rcs1stan1 to tro pic-al rot and soil d1seaSC'S. Cursed with a sandy soil. virulent insects and hot humid weather , Florufa always formerly has b<>t•n a w:lsleland for grape growers. But now, Florida wine may s tart gracing some Sunshine Stale drnrng rooms. The vineyards are sllll few The 300-member Florida Grape Growers A ssocaotlon estimates that 140 acres of wine grapes are c urre ntly under c ultiva tion for c-o m m er c lal o r experime ntal purposes in F lorida. A tiny Tampa winery, H ous~u lla . Is markN1 Its first locally produ grape wines to area restaurants and MUC NOTIC£ PtCTrTIOUS M.1-11 NAMllTATSmwT rne lollowlng peraon 11 Ootno butlnate •: I MAl.L PACK CONTRACT, 4426 JantbOfM ROid, Suitt 180, ~ &Mch, C .. llomt• t2teO Lor119e Lara, 250 Cillf Orlvt. No 14, Lagu11a leach, Calllornte t1t51 Tllit ~ ta oonduet.td t1y an lndMcMI. LOflet ~a T ...... 1mt11t -Mad wttlt IN ~ Cttl'lt of 0r.,.. County on October 11, 1SU • ,,.. .. 'ut>lt•htd Orange CHtt Oelly PllOI. Ocl 1a. ao. 21, "°" s. 1su 4$13·12 .. clirnate makers? package• s t ort•s The company's white, re d and rost• wtncs, harve•ste>d in th<> s ummf'r of 19131. S<.•11 for about $5 a bolllt• "Amrr1ca 1s going to Ix> a a nation or real wine lovc•rs." says Joseph M1dulla. who heads the famtly -own<'d winery and a wholl·~31~ liquor d1stnbut1ng company an Tampa "W<' believe that a prl.'mium wine can eventually bc fermented fro m a ~·to rada -grown grapt• .. Two vineyards. one rn Ocala and o n e 1n Dc•F'unaak S prings. are se lling table> wan<'s produl·cd from Florida- g row n mu sca dinc grapes The wines are swPCt and fruity. F o r mnny yea r s. Florido was prohibited from join ing the wine- making industry by its tropical climate. bugs and soll diseases. Classk European vnrle tlc-~ couldn't s tand the hot wet summer, and hybrid varieties grown i n New York ond California fe ll vac-tlm lo soil disease Intensive l"eacnrch at a University of Florida laboratory In Leesburg ykld1..'d th"' stover grope in thC' mid· 1970s. The ~Wvi'r grnpe Is uaed M the HoUM' of Mldulla In white? wine. Re cen tl y. UF rcacarch ers bred t h e 1..-onqulsu.dor grape. lfOOn to b<' tt'lt'•aed to 1i1rowers for UM' In tNkh'I a l't'd wlnl' Nouplrnnh Mulnlu y ( c·1·11l•·r} of l.uo"' 111ul hi'4 wife· ~how &he• l(Urtlt•n lwhi11cl llH'ir llo11ulul11 111mrlm••111 lo S t·n -.< Uoo. u «'UM' workc·r for 1·c·f11~t·c· ... 'l'lw ~ ur•· ""'°"fit h ,000 l11tlcwlai111• ... c· rdul(c•c•i, mukiraJ.( 1 lw i r " 11 ~ i 11 II u \\ u ii . Indochinese refugees adapt to difficult life in Ha-waii U• HON STATO~ AHOCl•l•d Pr .. t Writer ll ONOl.t;LL' l'hu N~ L• \~ .... ,, I• .tl lil I I 1Jt .!IJ 'I .ti .. I" 11111 .. 11, 111 ol \'wui.1111''flit1111 l.111111\ Ill I !17 I Tod,1\, ,ho• \\'Ill k' 1111 f'li.· I l.1\\ .111 l>1·p.11 t1111 •n1 11 1 Edrn .1111 111 ,,.. .1 lt.11:-.1m ''1th 1•tlu·1 \'11 111.11111•,t• 11•l ugt•1 L11111l11'' N1111pli.111l1 M.1l.1l.1' \\.t ' .1 "' qw1111·1 "' 1d l1.orl>1 ·r 'IA 1111 I h·ol tht• L;t0lt:111 1·11un1rvs1dt• 111 .1 hoat 111 ll'flll N1iw tw11 ·v.•a1 ~ .tftt•t Ill' arnv.il 1n ll,1\\,1i1. ht· .. ull I' unt·mplnv•·d .111d un<·t·rt~nn .•bout hts ru\Un· B•>th .111· .11111111g llw tlwu~1ml' 111 l11dm h1111· .. 1· rrfug.-l·'> "h11 hav,. 11rnv1•d In lluv..u11 ~111t·t· l'li'l tr\'111..: t11111ak1· 1h.-1r wav 111 ·' no·\\ • 11ltun· .ind ,, IW\~ I.ind '1'111 11•(u141·1 popul..lt 111n '"''' l11t.tl ' Jlwut li.0110 Mo~t .111· \.'11·111.1fll<''t" .dmul ~ 400 .1ft• L.iot r.1ri.. ;1nd I h1 ·r1 .111 · ,1 11 \\ C:.1111hod1.111' ·"f'ltt•\ ·n · 'UI \ l\'UI ' .tlld 1111•\ 0 1 I ' 111.1k111g II · ~"'' Flo1.-111 •· Hrn 1, 1~11111lt11.1l111 11f tlw C.1thohl Snu . .t ~,.,' ll ,., 1 t·fugt·1· .......... t.11111 • pr11g1 ,1m ·Tht·-.·rl ,m ... ri Jtld thl'Y <1n· lt'<.trnm~ 1h1• <>y~t<'m fa-;t Jn<! ll'armng how to USC' things tu thl'tr advantage-" Hut "''Y!. Bob Ng. 1·1.1ord111.1tut o f l h t • S I .I I l' ' S r l' ( lJ g t • l n ·-.•·ttlt·nwnt program. m<tn) 111 tho~t 11ow arriving <•rt· "tountry p.·11µlt· whv oflt'll .irt• 1ll1tl•ra11 • 111 thc·rr own langu;1gc· "Th1•y Jrc having a d 1ff1c ull t1mt• a.'-'>tm1 lat1ng and will hav1• .1 d 1 f f 1 < u l t t 1 m <· gt> l t t n g o I I w1•Hart• · Thi• rt:rugt'l'S ,1rnving tn 197:i. ht• -.;ud. "wrrC' nwn • 1•t.lut·J ll'd nnd urb.m and hat.I .Ill l.'asu·r ttm1· ass1milat1ng .. Ng surd that 67 pt•rcC'nl of tht• r (' r u gt' c·::. r l' c e I v c p u h I I (' asststam·t• The• n·fUg£"('S may sl<lrt 1h1•rt AmC'rtc.>n expC'rll'nc'I· tn llaw.rn. but m:1nv h•;1v1• .1ftt•1 orwnta1111n WASHINGTON (AP) -Many common trees possess an unusual and previously unsuspected c-he- mical defense system against in· sect pests. parasites and disease, scientists have discovered. Sugar maples and oaks. and probably other varieues. resort to a kind of "shell game" of chan- ging the chemical composition of their leaves to di~courage un- wanted pests, says Dr. Jack C Schultz of Dartmouth College. ln a report presented Monday In Las Vegas a t the national meeting of \he American Chemi- cal Society, Schultz says h E> found that trees m ay vary the composition o f leaves daily in response to chewing inse<:ts. rt attacked by a pest, evidence Indicates trees can respond In less than a day's time. and perhaps even in a few hours, Schultz said. The chang~. w hich can differ leaf·to·leaf, Include dropping the nutritional content or raising the amounte o f toxins and o thn chemicals pest.a don't like. The!e dl8COur~ng ada ptatloM may ~ ·c nouah In themaelvee to get rid of th •pettl. But Schultz M)'t a more Important role of the chanaee may be to Rel pettt, aay caterplllan. to move 1round ln 1earch of better leavea. Thi• movement would make lNtCtl mo~ CONpic:uoua to th•lr natural enemlee, 1uch u blrda or 1111 1111 111.1t1il.1t1d .. \,lt'll' JlllJ pu..-.1l11ltt1•·' .111· lwtt1·r. Ng -..ud l'r 111• .. -..1111.iJ, .11"' £11111 11 '"'~lt'r 111 g1 I ll 1 ldlt'd 1111 tht· lll.ill\l,111d, .11 • "' d111..: l•1 J\1 !11· l'o rll'r t '" II cl , II .. l 11 t "I t IH I t' I u ~,.I 1111plo\1111 ·111 Ullll Ill tht .. tali· I l.·p.11 t111t•11t o l L;1lior ·"f'lll1'l' \\'tilt 1111 o;kllb .111d "" F11..:l1,h l.111gu,1).(•· ;1 l111tty 1·111.l up 111 .. 1·1 "" • .in .1 .. w11h 1111111mu111 ''").(• .11111l11th·111 nu th.met· l11r . uh.om11111 Ill " 1111111·1 :...11d !\I .i I .1 I .1 \ t hr· L .1 o t 1 ,1 n , ·''I" n<•·r rn11 i.11' th1.., pr 11bln11 ·1 .1111 h.1v111i.: ,1 µrubl1•rn with Englt .. h and nul o;Ur<' 1f I C'<lll ~WI .tnd kc'1.·p a JOb." he s;:itd through .in tnl!·rpn·tc·r "I'm nut sur<' "h.11 y•tll h.iµp1•n .. Phou a PhJllf1J\ ung. a con •t!r mtl11<1rv off1t·1·r wh11 fled Laos an 1978, 1~ C'vc•n lt•Sl> 11pt1m1st1c He ""'' 1111 h opt• of gc·tllng off \\'Pllan• has only ltmttt•<l En~ltsh t.1p.1l11lrty a11d work. .. ai. J JJllllur .11 ..1 f."t l•Ki<l rl'st.iurant 'Tht· tt•1 m wl'ifar<.· 1::. ::.hamc•ful to thn!>t' "'ho hJ\'(• workc·d tn 1-l''' 1·rnnwn1:· S<Jld St.•ng Dao. a • .... ,·w1irk1•1 with Catholrc Social S1·1 \'tl'l'l> .. ThC'v know what " t 11 .1 rt' 111 l• a;, s . d n d a re 1·mbarra~'il·d to use· food st.amps." But th ose• with English 1.1p.1lnli t:v and Jnb skills can hnd ,111bi. .rncJ l'arn up t<J $8 an hour, I'• •rtl·r said Thi' V1t·l11 Jn1l'!>l' arl' more hui.11H•s::.-orae nt<'d a nd arl' op..•rJttng lh<'ir own bustnt'SSCS. -.u c h as lunt·h wagon::. and lJX1t•abs. R1c-c1 savs L.11111ans gent>rally C'Om<' from ,1 more· rural bac·kground and arc gt•ltirt!( into farming. A fow arc sut-c·t•ssful and ar<' hmng o ther rl'fugl'<'::. "But for some. 11's a ktdown," -;ht' said "The ir <'X pec tat1ons W(•fl' so h igh and they a r<> finding thal tht•y hav<> to start from t ht• bottom .. parasites. he says. Trees have long been conside- red lhe elephants or the p lant world. slow growing behemoths incapable of th e s ubtleties of their smaller relatives. But Schultz said in a telephone interview that trees have been grossly underrated. "Tr~ do amazing things and we are just beginning to find out how complex they are," Schultz says. "Plant-s like this have ~­ phisticated behavior, but it is hidden from us." It was less than 20 years ago that scientists began sorting out the varied chemical., in trees that had long been ignored. 1' People wer e Identif ying many Interesting chemicals. but they were called aecondary che· mlcals because they didn't seem to have a primary purpose," Schulu says. Better Instruments and technl· quee developed recently allow sclentilta to look •t the. che.ml· cala In more detail, and a ne w plctu~ of trees ts emerglnc. he aaya. Trees eppear to have a cheml· cal responte •ya~ alrnilar to the Immune system In a nima l•. Schultz eaya. When a tree 11 ln- v1dtd by ouulde or1anlam1. It apptrently 1et1 • m e11ag e - perhape molecular chemical •la· nala -to defend lt.telf, he addl. Thi· l11d111 li111• ,t 11111111g1 ;,ni.. lt,1\ I • HI ~;111f71 •d t1J ht•IJJ hH h oollt• r .111d t11 111.11111.111) II Jd1t1rm.'< .111tl , ultu1 l CtJnl1nu1nl( t ultur.11 lt .. d11 1c1n::. and ma1nta1n1n11. v.ilues 1s JI·•• 1H·ulL11 I~ 1mp11rt<.1nt l n the 1·lc1t-r ... who '('t· tht•1r young 1H·11pl1· lH·1111111ng d:.:.1mtlall·tl l"'I h.q>:-. too 4uu. klv ··S1111u· \'1t·tnamc-.. 1.· t hddn•n ,lfl g.-11mg Arnt rll'iantll-d too Cc.1st . .inn I gt•t "'mt• «omplJinlb from p a r l' n t i. . ' ' s ..1 y :. L e · · l n \'1l'ln.im tht n 1:-;,tn< 1 d1s<:1phne. but ht·rt· tht· dt:.c. 1µlin<' som<'lsmes " l<Ju lOIJ~' "The c-h1ldren arl' young and th1·y think they have a right to t.dk b ac k 11-., ddfHult fo r IJ<lr{'n\s Tlwn is a ronfl1rt of v.1hJ1·:. ·· HB schools plan energy conservation An (•m·r~y ::.avmgs program has l~·l•n instituted rn an e ffort to l'Ut down on lh<' annual $1.6 1n1ll1o n u1tl1t v bill in th e H untington Beai·h Union High School D1strrt t StudC'nls at t':tch of the six hrgh H ·h ools are being t•ncourag<-d lo watch for energy waste suc·h as lights IC'ft on an cmply ruom:. or doors le ft open m a1r -cond1uom-<:1 or heated rooms. U nd c>r a plan d eveloped rt·cently by S uperintendent Frank "Jak <'" Abbo tt, eac-h school will re\.'<'IVe the money for a school projN:t that 1t saves on the energy bill Savings a t eac-h school l'OUld rangt> from $1 ,000 to $2,000 per month, say o ff1c-1als Schultz says outbreaks of pests or disease that defoliate large areas of forest, such as gypsy moths or Dutch elm disease, are r are. This could Indicate an oc- casion al br eakdown of the de- fense system or unusual sus.cep- libility lo foreign pests. he adds. "This suggests that something -or things -regulate these insects normally and that these r egula t ing factor s someho w change o r break down when epidemics occur.'' he said. Schulti a n d colleagu es have found that. trees vary the com- position of lheir leaves randomly as well as in response lo aped flc aaaauits. The chemistry of leaves varies daily. u well as teuonally 0 and fro m year to year. they found. • the re.earcher. worklr\j m the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest ln Ne w Hampshire with funds from the Na\ional Science F o undation , found that auaar rnaplea c1n ra'•e the levela of tannk ~d· ln attacked lNVH by 300 percent. Thia chemical lnter- f e res with food dlaeatlon on pestl. The trtts ahlo can drop le\r'ela of lmporunt nutrlenta, auch aa nit.ropn. water, p~ and caktwn. Schuhz •YI this forcee pest• to look for better qualhy food et.ewhere. ' ~ I t f ~ f I I l ~ .. Dally Pilat WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1984' SUPERMARKET SHOPPER SLIM GOURMET C6 C7 }1u~k 0 ' l.unt~r11 grill · l{l·t•(•t g l1ostly gut•sts ... ( .'2 Bake your way to fundraiser success You can make your group's fund-raiser a s u ccess with careful plann ing, organization and a c reative presentation. Use your Imagination and create a theme for the sale; or ask members of your group to prepare their specialty. You may want to feature International recipes such as these. Easy to prepare, yet elegant and Interesting, these are all popular item s. Who can resist a s m all. brightly packaged cluster of English Toffee coated with semi-sweet chocolate and chopped almonds, or an afternoon snack of rich and buttery Viennese Sugar Twists. An all-American favorite is a mouth watering slice of Apple Pie, accented in this recipe with raisins and distinctive spices. Finally, Germany's lemon-glazed Sundt Kuchen Is spicy and makes an attractive presentation. Hold your bake sale In a l ocation popul ar w ith pedes t rians -a local supermarket or shopping center -after securing permission fro m the center or store manager. You m ight consider _co.ordinating your sale with another event such as a school carnival or bazaar. Be sure to include brightly colored posters in your pre-sale plans. Also. notify the public affairs directors of your local radio stations of the date. time. location and benefit for inclusion in community calendar announcements . English Toffee 1 cup chopped roasted unblanched almonds 1 cup ('h lb.) butter or margarine 1 cup granulated sugar 'la cup golden or dark brown sugar, flrmly packed 2 tablespoons water 'h teaspoon baking soda 112 cup (3 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate pieces Sprinkle half the almonds in a buttered 13x9-inch pan. In a 3-quart saucepan melt butter; add sugars and water and mix well. Stir co n s t antly unt il boiling. Place thermometer In mixture. Boll to 300 degrees _ (hard-crack-stage). stirring occaslon~l!Y to prevent burning. Remove from heat; stir in soda; WORK FAST. Po ur and spread carefully over almonds In pan; cool about 5 m inutes. Sprinkle chocolate pieces over top of toffee. (Heat of candy will melt chocolate.) Spread out chocolate evenly w ith spatula. Sprinkle rest of almonds over ·chocolate and press In lightly. Cool. Break into pieces. Makes about 1-1/4 pounds. Viennese Sugar Twists 1 cup granulated sugar ¥• cup (1 'h sticks) butter 1 egg 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 tea1poon salt 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup flnely ground blanched almonds Granulated 1ugar Cream together sugar, butter. egg and egg yolk. Beat in vanilla and salt. Stir in flour until well blended. Mix in almonds. Dough will be stiff. Break off about a tablespoon of dough. Roll on lightly floured board to 10 Inches long and pencil thin (about •/, Inch). Shape into pretzel. Bake on greased cookie sheet In 350 degree oven 10 to 12 minutes or until light golden. Makes about 3-'h dozen. All-American Apple Pie 'h cup granulated sugar Jf4 teaspoon cinnamon 'I• teaspoon nutmeg 1/a cup all-purpose flour 6 to 7 large apples, peeled, cored and sllced 'le Inch thick 1/4 cup dark seedless raisins (optional) 1 recipe Flaky Pie Pastry (recipe follows) 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 egg white 1 tablespoon granulated sugar Combine 112 cup sugar , c innamon , nutmeg and flour. Combine sugar mixture, applies and raisins. M ix so that all o f the apples are coated. Turn apples into a 9-inch pastry-lined pie plate. Dot with 1 tablespoon butter and add top crust. Brush crust with egg white and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon sugar. Cut 4 slits in top crust. Bake pie 15 minutes at 450 degrees. Reduce oven to 375 degrees and bake 30 minutes tonger. Serve-warm If destred but let cool at least 30 m inutes before cutting. Sundt Kuchen 1 package active dry yeast 1 cup warm water (105° to 115°) 3-'I• cups alfted all-purpose flour 'h cup butter or margarine . 1 cup granulated sugar 'h teaspoon salt 1/2 teatpoon nutmeg 1 tabletpoon grated lemon peel 4 eggs, beaten Stir yeast Into warm water: mix in 1 cup of the flour. Set in warm place until bubbly (about 30 minutes). In a large mixer bowl cream butter, sugar, salt and flavorings untll fluffy. Beat In 'eggs 1 at a time. Beat In yeast mixture; blend In rest of fl our; beat until smooth at moderately low speed. Pour into greased and floured 8 to 10-cup tube pan or mold. (Pan should be only half full.) Let rise In warm place until batter Is about 1/4 inch from the top. Bake at 375· degrees for 45 to 50 minutes or umtl ca.ke tests done. Cool in pan; loosen and turn out. (Batter may be baked In two 4 to 5-cup molds for 30 to 35 minutes or until done.) Spoon Lemon Glaze over cake. Makes 1 or 2 cakes. Lemon Glaze Blend 2 cups sift ed powdered sugar with enough lemon Ju ice t o get a glaze consistency. · Flaky Pie Pastry 1-'h teaspoons granulated sugar 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt ¥4 cup shortening 1/• cup water 1 egg yolk 1-'h teaspoons white vinegar Combine sugar. flour and salt in bowl. Add shortening and mix with fork or pastry blender until crumbly. Beat water. egg and vinegar together. Add to flour mixture; mix until all ingredients are moistened. Form into 2 flat rounds. Chill at least 15 minutes before forming. On lightly floured board or pastry cloth, roll out 1 dough round with quick, ligh t strokes. working outward from center. Lift up dough occasionally and dust with just enought flour to keep from sticking. When circle is 1-1/1 inches larger than inverted pie pan. gently ease into greased pie pan. Trim edge, add desired filling; moisten rim of bottom pastry w ith water. Roll top crust and place over filling; trim and seal two edges together; crimp decoratively. Cut slits in top crust for steam t o escape. Bake according to recipe directions. Single Crust: (Make 2. freeze 1 for later use.) Roll out pastry, line pie pans and trim edges. leaving 'h-inch overhang. Turn edges under; crimp. Prick well wi th fork . T o prebake. bake in preheated 475 degree oven 8 to 10 minutes until golden. Croissants • • • Hottest thing in France sweeps the country now "Crois-sant" ... ~ the correct pronun ciation of this plain , butte r y, crescent-shaped brea kfas t pas try. whic h is rapidly becoming the latest American culinary craze. They are the hottest thing In France and are sweeping this country east and west, from Washington D.C. and New York City, to Los Angeles and Aspen, Colorado. The new croissants are not just plain -t hey are filled with almonds. ham and cheese, or cheese and herbs. They make excellent. light lunches or snacks. Their buttery, rich flavor is complemented best with a piping hot cup of coffee or tea. "People a re searching for something different instead of d oughnuts or a hamburger," explains a baker from Aspen, Colorado. Croissants fit the bill because they are all natural, a wholesome food , and represent a relatively new concept to most Americans. C r oissant fa n s may be surprised to note that croissants are actually HU01arian ln origin, rather than French . In 1668, Budapest was ln danger of attack from the Turks, who w ere digging their way through the c it y via und erg r o und puaagewaya. The bakers, who work during the night. hurd the tunneling and thwarted the attack. As a remembrance of their heroiam the government uked bakers to bake special pastry in memory of the Ottoman emblem ... a half moon shape of <."ttUCent. During that period in Hungary the bakers considered baking the symbolic peatries a privilege. But today anyone can learn and perfect the technique of making croluanta. The crolnanu pictured here, for example, were made with an updat.ed recipe that ellmlnatea much of the tedloua rolllna and tlme - tlOnlUmlna chU11nc. traditJonally aaociated wllh patty douS}\. Theae flaky and dellcate ciol .. n., c.n be made ln the pl&ln Otr fWed ven6orw. CROISSANT ROUS Mallet It ""' 1'S cup warm water ( lOL\ degrees -115 degrees F.) 1 package active dry yeast 4 teaspoons sugar ~ teaspoon salt 3 eggs (at room temperature) 3112 to 4 cups unsifted flour •12 cup ( l stick) marganne, softened and cut into 8 pieces I egg 1 tablespoon milk Measure warm water into large warm bowl. Sprinkle in active dry yeast; stir until dissolved. Stir m sugar. salt, 3 eggs and 1 cup flour Beat until smooth. Mix in margarine and enough additional flour to make a soft dough. Turn out onto a lightly floured board; knead lightly 3-5 minutes. sprinkling with flour just to prevent sticking. Place in a small ungreased bowl. Cover with plastic wrap. Let rise in a warm place. free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 45 minutes. Starting from wide ends. roll up to tip; seal ends. Shape into ::rescents and pl.ace on ungreased ba king s h eets. Repeat w ith remaining chilled dough. Cover; let rise in a warm place. free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 45 minutes. Beat remaining egg and mHk together; brush on rolls. Bake at 425 degrees F . f or 8 to 10 minutes, or until light golden brown. Remove from sheets and ~1 On wire racks. Serve warm or cold. APP~ER CROl~ANTS Ham n Chet!91!!: Af~r cutting lough into wedges top each with very thin slices of ham and American or Swill cheete, that have been cut Into triangular wedges slightly smaller than dough wedges. Shape croiaeanta a nd proceed w ith above directions. Tang y C r ea m C heese : Combine 1 packa1e (8-ounce) aoftened cream chee1e and 3 tableap oone finely c hopped pimiento stuffed gree n ollve1. Spread W of mixture on each lO·lnch circle before cutting lnto wed1e1. Shape croluanu •nd proceed with above dlrec:Uont. (F.nough flllini for 32 roll..) Thete deliclou Ctoiuant Rolls are easier to prepare th•n traditional purl pa tries and can be filled with a v•riety of mixtures or erved plain. ' } -I 'I oily Jack 0 ' • pie Lantern . he )if e of Hallowee n party } ~'Thi~ jo l ly .l11 c·k 11 ~ntl!r n P11 ... 11ru11wc· l•rlX't a nd van11lu It'•· um i11 u natural t•t•n·t.I • U~l . will grt•l'I k1d i. th n gr1'1lt hi~ grin ut ur Hullo wN•11 p <.crty '11 ht> the lift· of nw r ty Of l'OUl'Sl'. his arant-e will ht• brwf. ause he's m <cdc· from s' favor1tt.o fuods ack-o-Lonkrn P11• 1s u I y a s l' n s 1 b I l' lloween trt>a l thut will 1' ke evcryont· smile! •Xe K · O· LANT E RN ~ PIE tJr.\.ls t; "": 1 ~~ c up s 100 % niltural t'ert>al ~. 111 c u p ( 1 r m I y ~ked brown sugar t'\ •A cup butter or ' • garine, melted mg an d Topping: l p l . vanilla 1ee <'i!fam, softened ,; l pt. orange sherbet, +.ned ~ ~ tee.s p oon p~pkin pie spi<'e ·~ 10 drops yellow food c ring 1 5 drops rC'd food cd ring L icorice strips , Candy corn Gum drops or sp1l'(' ps oodies r the goblins ~ere are s 1 mp I c• relfr es hm e n ts t c> .:e fi.J brate Hallowe<'n that a r s uitable fo r an y gurts -leering ghosts. th young and not-so- y Jun g . Ca n d1<:d Crpnberries on a Stick ha(le the same luscious La~e as candied applt•s l>u~ an• easier to eat. fnstead or bobbing for apples. enjoy a s lict> of apf>le decorated with <1 ja~k -'o-lant ern fact- Crinberry Apple Wi tch's B~w 1s the p e rfl•l'l eacy-to-assemble drink r CANDIED CRANBE RRIES ON A STICK 3 c ups ( 12 ounce ac k age) fr esh anbernes l 1'2 cups sugar \,1 cup cr a nberry ice cocktail 1 • cup , lig h t corn rup On each of 24 eight- ; ch bamboo skewers, in se rt about 8 anberries. ln a heavy. -quart saucepan. nux gar, cranberry juice ·ktail and com syrup. ook and s tir over edium heat until sugar issolves. Continue to ok witho ut s tir r ing til the soft crack stage 85 degrees F.) Mean while, li ne the ttoms of two 9x5-inch a f pans with wax per. The pans will be to rest the skewers each is coated with ndy. When syrup has a ch ed temperature. move from heat. Coat ewers, 1 at a time. by olding over saucepan d spooning syrup over e cra nbe rries. Allow y drips to fall back to saucepan. Pl ace c andied anberry skewers across p of loaf pans to cool nd h a rd e n . W or k uick ly before syrup a rde ns. If necessary, ace sauce~ over low eat to soften syrup. Just e fore ser vin g , trim ndied cr anberries of y hardened d ripping nd y. Ma kes 2 dozen wens. RANBERRY APPLE WITCH'S BREW 2 large red apples 1 bottle (32 ounces) anberr y a pple drink . illed 1 can ( 12 ounces) · ger ale, chilled Ice cubes To make apfte taces, stn g a s m a 1 s h a rp ntfe, cut 4 round slices around each apple t hat e ach slice h as me red p eel. (use h over a pple for 'deuert MIMI recipe.) With tip of knife. cut all \rUinglet for the ea and noee and make cracent--ahape cut !or 6 mou\h wi\h tome rt•cal lines for teeth. ltt off the peel just the cutout aroeas. ln l t c h e r , comb i n e a nbt'rry apple drink. r •le. Ice cubes Af\d p faces. Mikes about np. Fur t•rust. I hw t ovt•11 tu :!!10 dc·~rt·1·:. L1Hhtly g1'f·a~· u ~-uwh pu• plate• Prucl•:.11 l't'l't•.tl 0 11 l11 w s peed of blender u1 111 Cood proct.•liSOr about I 0 1"'C'UJ11ls or 11nt1I t't'rl'~1I 1:. filwly l'l'Ushc'(I I n n1t'd1 u 111 b 11 w I , (•ombml' ('rush<·J l't'l'I ·.ii w I l h r l' m ll I n l I I M 111Kl'C01t'lll:a;, nllX W•·ll Prt:'ss eve nly onto bottom fl OfllO .. liROw., 81!~1\F "5l e:vE OPEr-,r R 1111d .... 11 .... 11( IJll'l.#llC'd pit 11 I ti I I B II k ,. ., I Li :1 m111111t•s ur unlll l(uh..lt•n In 11w11 l '1101 1't1111plt'l•·ly f 0 I f I I I I II K l l .. (I t11ppi n~. 111 lar~t· howl, C'<1 ffiblll l' l<.'C l'l'l'Ulll, -;l11•rlw I , pulll µk 111 ~>It• :O.tJll'l'' 1111tl foul.I c·olortnl{-;, 1111x Wt.•ll. S pou11 111l c1 l'rust. Smooth top of kt• c•n •am m1xturt' with sput uln l <) form ndgcs I 1''' 11tl1l111 g '>111 1.H I' HI l•lll11pkJ11, II dt"•ll n l l>1 •101'.1l1· ""h 111 111111 1'i t1•1pi;, 1·a 11d y 1urn lllld ).,'11111 dr11pi1 t11 fnrm Jue k {) Lllllll'l'll (Ill I' 1"1 t'I '/.(' "'\'\'l oll fHHll'~ Ill U lllll 111·111 L ..i .-.t.111d Lii I UOlll ll•1111x •1:1tw1• I 0 111111utL•i. lJdo1·t· Sl•rv111~ Mnkc·1- C11H' !I 111d1 pu• (ti lo ll 8l'fVlllgS) GIANT SESAME BUNS 6PACK WE'LL DOUBLE THI! DIFFERENCE YO"I Ol.IA~E or ou• LOW rooD f'IUCH 1 ••• \an\lmt •' V'"' QI \on', onurntm...-nl to to-. for•I JJrtt •• , wt:, •• llh)li\11 .. , Hh'J ... ,o,., It vC•U C'dt• l1ud l<J"""t"' O\t-fllll lt..A.AJ rfl'l,_t•\ lh1t 'lflo••t•k. 1\l 1m\ l Plht•f 'Ul"""lladl\t>t Vun-. .. ,w fl-1°" \t..J'\l duut•I.-ttH· hlf•'''''" ,, Ju\! .. tmo Al Vou\ Bu~ 1.10• ''"' h •;f •''> ,tdlt•H rn ,u,d fp~lu1 t "••t 1!1•"'' .. 11,,h \t'O ''' n11itt• '••ll•(uHt' µrn ,.~ 11-11 O'•' '''"' ! 14 .. I tfl"H•\ .11 in.,. ulhf>t 'ur .. ·t111mlii,rt • II 1h, ·• t••1 11 ., l11,.t•1 tlfm11 yout 1iNn1/•"ll • • 11 ,.., 1·11'1 .111d ,llu• 1,llu•t niat1\rt "' l11t.A1 t ''" ' '" \ 111\\ ,,,. .... ¥r' 11 ' 1~ luutJh Ou• l1fl11 .. 11o 1 \uu' ... -.. h11ttol (•rn •' •'"' •1111 " lwlw"' 1H ... ! 1111 •'. • ,, . ,,, '" .69 r 'l H l')R-,IA GROWi'; 'V\IAO'Wf fO,'V'>IOE.<. 18 49 l99 PROD<JCE LIQUOR GROCERIES , .. , t•RW't,,_ r .._' f' ,o Frf'sh Cauliflower Sun Wor1d Lemons • " ..ti '""°". ·"" ..... Mcintosh Apples Aft( (0.J.'T\o v«J•' Ba~tt Pears Wf)t ""j,of tHWta BlackGraJ>6 .... ,.,,,.,. Zygo Cactus .. .39 H59 ... 19 -.49 ... 49 I .69 " J 69 t'>'"'lt .,nf"CK\;• PopovVodka ''" .. ,...,.,,. • 1 t Taylor Callfomli!! Chablls ••"\• f' Tflt •l"t!\1"'1'-" Seagram's V.O . "'II ~ r11 ,,._,..,. u1111; ""' "• Early Timcs Bourbon ; .... ,,. •• if '"'' .,, Slim Price Beer .,., "" '4'\'t)<i .,J>.hfi ... ·--111~ 'w Bacardi Rum ,, IJ oO • ~. ''; "+ 11! .( Gallo French Colombard 8 29 3 49 7 99 4 99 l 59 4 99 2 99 "'' ,, ... i1 ,rt Hunt's Tomatoes , ' ..... '· "'" ..... ' Pear Halves a•\llf I, ... '!llt-f'\lf • •-• Vons Grapefruit Juke "''•I c '°'"" 1 '~'"I\...,, .. Enchilada Sauce "i•l/ J"'<' C""-'" JI Redenbacher Popcorn '''\/f?if, '-'•""'"'• ..... Chlp-A·Roos Cookies 11\tl,' ''""' Andersen Pea Soup .93 .64 .75 .94 } 89 ) 49 Porterhouse Steaks .. 249 ' .• I 2 29 Top Sirloin Steaks Sirloin lip Steaks 2 38 Tender Cube Steak 2 48 Ground Beel Patties J 79 • ~ IH 1 l } 89 Boneless Chuck Roast J ul'll for u m o n umt, this jolly pit• will grN·l gta.-1';l i4 w ith u grin et you r ll u llowecn part y. O rungt· 1-1ht•r tw1 und vun illu ic .. <'rcum fi ll trn •·1:1~y-as-pi•· t·rus t. }98 res#:--.. :, c;:~,-411 " )53 H ) 59 Cooked Ham Steaks 2 59 .. \ ~ ' 3 98 Boneless Ham ' . , .... } 98 Italian Sausage -..... 1." .. i.. l 79 Smokey Maple Bacon <I """'' lo'A\" .,,,, N., • , .• "'"' ... ..., , ... , ... ,,, ... J 98 Zippe Burritos SLIM PRICE DELICATESSEN I•/ IJ. 1,,y 1 \fl .54 l 4 5 l 36 HALLOWEEN GOODIES 1'()01 ~ C-..X-(HPfWl)tif~ ~ .99 Slim Prfce Cookies .. ," ""''· "l..lf'l\W'Jfr )1 9 Yellow Popcorn •I' •••••HI ID l\.O ''-~O..•P~CK 2 29 Vons Longhorn Cheddar '" JfJI ~<., ~'W I)•)/ P~t"'..V.,t ] 79 Vons Sliced Cooked Ham Hershey Syrup ,,, ~~ ,.,, tn •, "'"' *'""'t "~"' Stir 'N Frost Cake Mixes .59 ... f1(1"4(1Ji:fl0"l" )39 Slim Price Citrus Punch o'~~;;·~;~r'V~rl~ty Pack 1 89 Ai~,~ sn~cd'"s~~tct:~csc 1 09 SERVICE SEAFOOD •101 90\ ...... ..,.., .99 Powdered Detergent "'°'M'' nm• '''"'"ICr Glass ClcanEr }59 ' .l(JU(OUHl lln.!\ ''°''""°'' .51 Facial Tissue VONS BAKERY •111 n• , .. ,.."'' 1 1 79 Alcx/Xlnl Beer Tamales I/ 11\\, llUU., Vi\(W~._,.. Af 1 t• } 69 Kraft Amcrkan Cheese ,, t t 19·11 P9',J.1"t fM ~~~1(1«-·· ] 29 Piiisbury Cookies r.c '""'""'Pb Orange Roughy Fiiiets l,.,,l(f~lll ~H ~tf r1 SwordOsh Steaks Red Snapper Fillets • """""' .......... , .. ' ~•\ffft Halibut Fiiiets ... 2 98 "4 99 Ill }89 '" 4 19 -... f'\N' "Vl'f> ~l•'U'YU rJ4l ''~t Cake Donuts .,,•..c• , w .89 DAJRY PRODUCTS HEALTH &BEAUlY 49 ,,..(1/ 4'•1·Y'1 .... ,,u ] 69 • Troplcana Orange Juice ~·'IC~ l'l•"'' .. V-11""""''""' Slk:ed Englsh Mulftn1 1 15 "'''' ,., ~-.4:V)w' 43 Johnston Low Fat Yogurts • ')(l/ fOilrf'YtHr"' Colt'"itlfJt14t~ Kerl Skin l otion I I>•• LllAJ 79 '"401 t flllt ''' ''°...,.,. 49 "'"-*.._,.., Vons Buttercruet Bread • Jerseymald Fruit Punch • AJka Seltzer Foll J 97 248 J 79 llll-lOWl\f.'lllt\I 359 \/"Ill~ IO"llt•'MIH>f'l ] 65 i.(QIXTCOl.0>\t:t;C#'I 258 F•mlly Hotlday Cake ~Cottage Chcue Alka Seltze.r Plut PltlC£ll f.Ff"ECTl\l! 1'HOAI . ntllO MO.. OCTOtl!R 28 ro l'IOWMtR ~. 'M2. CALL 121 )I )5() MOJ fOR lOCA "°"' Of' s fOtlt l'ITAfl[S T VC)(J, nor AU fft}IU AMO PAtCQ ltl THIS,..,, ILf'n CTM'. AT I/OMS, I '<II) w ~o flLW., 657' w llOnt 8T. l 09 Al'IOTU~. &NC ~. ~f'.3~ /\/'ID lAS WQM. Ml.CS 11\.@tTAIL QONmTIU 0 1'1&.Y. ~T llTORl!8 OPtrt T AM TO 11 Pl'I 7 MvW fl M l't<. U.-OZ. UJX LIQOIO SUNLIGHT SAFEGUARD SOAP DISHWASHING DISHWASHING BATH BAR DETERGENT LIQUID Wl1rTE "°z. 32-0l.. SUPEA Sil£ 701. 1.14 !INCLS 21 Off') 1.66 Bl!IOC '-OZ. HUNTINGTON HACH 1112 1 ....... 18-flft9C' ... COITA MllA 1M I . 11ltt ltrNt end OtMfe An. \, HUNTINGTON •IACH HUNTtNOTON HACH 210ll ...._ lmt. •1 AtWtt1 IAN JUAN CA,.ITMNO ~1 CMttftc> O.,.._,,.,. a Def ~ POUNTMI VAUWY ,.., .......... CAP'llTMNO •ACM ,..., .,.._, ~ °'·. ~ '°'*'Ml VAUIY ,,.. ... , ..... , ...... UOUMAMU.I ... ,Mole,_..,, ... --------------~~-~~~-.......0.----.-... .... -..... _ .... _____ ........... -............. oillll_ ..... __ ..,.. Patricia Neal "Fight pain and win!' "When a headache interferes with my day. I fight back with Anacin.~ Anacin's pain reliever is a pain blocker-it stops pain right at the source. and gets rid of it. Millions of people everywhere have depended o n Anacin for pain relief for over half a century. Don't let a headache take over. Not when there's Anacin.·· Use only as directed. r----------------------------------, : 25¢ :OFF Fight pain and win with ANACIN I I I ff.\hl. '~ I MR. DEALER: We will redeem thlS coup0n ror lace value plus 7¢ handt•ng provided you and your customers I have complied with the terms of 1h1s oiler Any 01her use const11u1es fraud Invoices proving purchase of sull1 c1en1 atock lo cover coupons must be shown upon requesl Vo1a 1n Ille stale ol Wash1ng1on Void 11 1a~ed I restricted, proh1b1led, assigned rep1oduced. 1ransferre<l or presented by other lhan re1a11ers 01 our products I Consume1 mull pay sales lax L1m1t 10 one coupon per purchase Cash Vatue t 1ooe Mail coup0ns 10 Whlteh11t Labofatories. PO Bok 7019. El Paso TX 79975 Good on all s11es ot Anacin °' Ma••mum S11eng1h I Anacin (except trial 11zes1 COUPON EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 1913. I STORE COUPON ANLA .J L------------------------------------~ 'Yes •••• We have NO Preservatives! Better Way 7 Grain and Wheat Nugget breads have the same deliciousty nutty, wholesome fla· vor as atways. (Because they're still made from a special Adelle Davis recipe.) And now they're . better than ever because they contain abso· lutely NO artificial preservatives. If you haven't tried the whole-grain-and-honey goodness of Better Way breads, now is the time! Yes! We have 20¢ savings! ·-·-·---~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---~· OFF Dile loaf of 7 Grain or Wllill Nugget OFF Om loaf of 7 Grain or Wbllt Nugget Mr. ~ ..... llfllll "M tlftf llM bHft hlHIH by 1111 CilltOMtl •hOwll t111t0uttt ~ Mvtl pty 1111¥ ..... It• C.tfl v.hle II-ti =~·....,......,.,.. Ct!J • ,....... 1111• COlltlOfl ,., * ... 1• If Only ''" C..,ell ,., ln4'H1dlill, IM!ly ., tfft llUlllCNI ceu..-,. • -IHf " .-.., ""9ly If ...., WWy Med My Ollltl 111t dttt!IM 1111\' w11e!t lrll«llllt l rtMI "9N 11 Mid h11t11lttt l rtllf1 Ct111 ~ lrtlld I""""' II~~ fl ~!dleN of lllihdM lltU" '° 801 M MIM MH IMO Olltf '"'°'" t/J1/Q £•• I 8""' Wty ..,.... It e-,._. ,,....... lef ,.._,litll l!Wtt bt uv ..J ~--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· .· Orange Co1.11 DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1y, October 27, 1982 t;I ON GREAT TASl1NG DELMONTE• MEXICAN FOOD. Try our t:inj.!y !\alsa~. seasoned just right. O r our full ,flavorc<l chiles, either hot or mi ld. Ifill' Pour on rhc s:i ucc , taco Ci or enchila<l a, Jeliciously ~ spiced. Cook up o ur ..... burrito filling mix, ready to add m herf. And you'll love our hcnrry refr ied hc:ins, spicy and mild. Big flavor, Del Monte srylc. You 've gm it all . SAVE 2~ ON TI-IE PURCHASE OF ANY DEL MONTE• MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCT Ml Qocer Oei Moote CorporalJOl "'" 1eooom t111s couuon IOI /()( VIUS ,, handhno pro-itdto 1t IS lei;etYe(l ltom Mexican Foods YOU GET TO SAVE WHEN KITTY GETS . CRAVE: Kitty cats crave Crave because it's made with real chicken. real milk and real tuna proteins. The real protein-rich foods cats crave ever:y day. Of course. Crave also has all the nutrition a cat needs. With this coupon you can satisfy your kitty's craving for Crave more often with 20¢ off the 18 oz. box or 35¢ off any bag. KALKu I I I I ---- c 1982 Kai Kan roods Inc il. PROTEIN-RCH FOCl>S CATS CRAVE .. 'I ' '•. •• l . I I • .. Oranott Co II DAIL v Pll 0 r /Wud11uall1ty, Octobt>t 21 llHn Taco pizza Halloween treat Trt•u t your fuvontt• 11puokll QOd "ulJhrlX lo Ull 111 te rnat101U1l JlullowNm ''Xt rovngnnza tha t 's nutnlJous WI W!!U as fun Ynun8 and old &llkl' will t 'llJO)' th11 l l'O pit.ill µ.11 ~y. Taco pJUWJ art> t>usy to prt•pare u sing frozen hn•od dough for t ht.• t'I ui;t. T h e n , tor that dis t i n c t ive M l•xlcan flovor , brown ground lwl'f with sliced oli ves ·ll}d s tir an un e nvelope of 1<11·0 s t"asoning m ix. l .. 1:-it>r thc• filling on the l 1 lists hkl' corn c hips, ... h r('Cfdcd cheese. lettuce, .1 n d t o m a t o f o r a 11u1r1t1uus yet festive l l.1llowt.-cn supper. T he mc>llow flavor of P.-ach y Pumpkin Salad 1., a delicious l'Omplement tu the spicy piWl Stuff l'Jllne d peach h alves wit h the flav o rful 1111xture of cream cheese, honey. nuts. and deli mustard. Place two tol(cther to form the ·~pkan" s hapes a nd l in lete the ho liday t e. nd out the party :.( m os ph ere wit h «;~i;o n e d bever ages, IJalloween rnpc:akcs, and plcnty of popcorn for tl)bbling. TACO PIZZAS • 1 loaf ( 16 -ounn>) t r o zen bread dough . t hawed 1 pound ground beef I cnvclopc ( 1 1 1 l"ttm•es) taco seasoning rcirx · I I cup watt•r · I 1':1 cup sliced pilled r pt• olives 1 2 t•u p s coarsely , j u~hro rorn chips ; l cup dairy sour 1·11·.11n S p1 111kh• t'lHh IJllW l:ru11t w 11 h 1 i'\/p ('orn t'hlp!J ~pri ·ud w11h hull lhl' ml'ltl 1111xt111·1•, ancJ hull th1• iwur t•rt.•u m Spr ink It• wllh h.11C I Ill' 1 t.>11\UllllllK l1or11 l'h1 P·" and hair tlw l'ht~'!l4.' 0.1lw .11 42~ dt•gn't'h fo1 t!') lo 20 n11nuwi., u1111l t rue;t 1 goldt•n brown <.:,1rn1sh with shrt.·lhkd h •ttu1·t• und t•hoprJl'd 111111u1m.·s Mukl~ two 12 111d1 p11.2m. (8 lO 10 St'fVll\~11). PEACllY PUMPKIN SALAD / '.! n 111.., 1 ~11 11un 11•" p,11'11 I p1•111 Ii h nlVt''· tJ fll II ll'cl I pUt'kUHl' (8 OUlll'\'ll) 11 t•.11H 1•h1•t'M'. WI tl'lll'<i 'J. I 1·1111 111101111 :cpl l')' 111\1"'''" cl l wbt ~pwn honey 1 I lt'.1,JIOUll Jll llUlld t 1111111111011 1 4 l'UJJ 1·hupp1•d !\ ti I I l ' d " I ' II II u l !\ Ill' l'hoµp1.>d tousu .<J u lmonds Ll·ttut•t• ( ;,.l'l'll on11111 Sll•m s ur µ11'\'('S of Hl"l't'n pt.•ppi.•r IJ t 0 I II p i' U t• h t' 1' 1111111111uhly on 11h1t11rl.l4•nt '"' 111•1 Blc<nd t11Hl•l l11'I ,., \'Ulll d11•1•w1', 11\UIH.unl. h111wy. u11d 1·11111om1111 , 'llr In l\Ul11 8 1101111 I luhl1·111H1111l ur \'IH't'IH' 1111x1urc t11lo \'cnh•r of each p1•1wh hu If. p r<'11t1 twu hulv1•1i tu~t·lh l'r ~lUlld IWlll'hl'S, With ftll111~ show111K on t•1 p u 11d !\Id l'S. l)J\ IH·d I) ( lt•t llH't'. I ns1•r1 grc•t·11 onlun or l"'lJ!Jt!r lo form "slt•ms." M Hkt•s 7 111 tt M"rv1ng5 Basic Malle! 2 t·ups !>hrC'ddl·d \ l\Aonterey Jack or mild Chl'Cidar chN>SC We don't play games with your money. • We refuse to entice shoppers with supermarket games. double coupons. d1vrdend cards, sweepstakes and free trips that benefit 1ust a handful of sho ppers Shrc'Cided lettut'(' ChopJX'd tomatoes Divide bread dough m h.:11f Pat out each half into a g re>ased 12-mt·h p11u1 pan 10 cover bottom .uu.I srdl's of pan Cook ht•t•t rn large :..klllct. "llrring to crumble. pour oU. excess fa t. Stir m I s toning m ix. water. • olives, simme r 10 own zest •• Ow definition of Jam 1~ -Jood made by bolling f~l with s u gar to a t tfltltt mixture Ma n y • will elaborate on t meaning claiming J. isafo odo f ' ise-on-earth flavor ~ home m;tde with I fruits a nd served w biscuits. muffins. or scants. Other prople give ~.1ts slang meaning - a :cstfficult situatio n - s111fe they relish 1t but t<JCfliealth purposes must a.Jerd its sugar con tent and Jelly fans ~eed. If your dret ,for a reduction oC , you can make jam little or no sugar. ~e K . York. food logist, University fomia Cooperauve n sio n , Davis. ___ ,, .. the method and a zesty recipe to tead o f using sugar. and pectin with the to form a thick gel, thicke n the y removing extra fro m the fruit it is m ade in to r emove excess id from fruit : ughly wash firm t. Drain well and e atem1, pits or Pee l if desired. the fruit in a food using a medium ~_,,Ill!' blade or crush fruit with a fork. t use a blender.) ace grou nd or hed fru it in a . He,.t slowly to e /uice, stirring nt y. Cook until r but do n o t ~l't'Cl1nk. Pour cooked into a jelly blg, or a ner lined with 4 1 of cheese cloth . ice drip about 16 ea. ~e11ure the fr .ollda and u1e in making jam with little or no .uaar. 11 t CANNED & PACKAGED !" INSTANT 179 ' ~~ATOE~, 01 80, rFRUIT 79 S~KTAl~oz on e r LADY LEE 289 APPLE CID~~ 011 rTOMATO 39 !~~CE 1so1 c~• £~~PICKLES ~n,,.,1 .73 •rn , •• 1.49 •IOI ,.,.,44 r~~PORA~EO MILK r ~y CRACKERS ••Ol to•• 79 ~Ot <~ 1.89 J00l CM•95 r DENNISON'S CHIU _.. .. -9"U. .. (llM0t rPUMPklN PIE MIX 19t'l Linda Mlmiaga Saved •s.25 Linda'• own weet1'1 lhopplng CANNED & PACKAGED GOLD MEDAL 89 R.OUR 5 lo All PvrpOw l ilg • C&H SUGAR (;<anul.JllC !" HEINZ 129 ' KETCHUP "01 Btl rLADYLEE 69 YAMS 1901 can • HQ1IOI •75 r ~~~~~IL. •101 "' 1.2 3 r GRANOLA SNACKS ...-• ..-. ... u r•tOITt.Cl'\JlllCtn 1 49 l¥ ... f41t I OI IO ' • r WELCH'S CRAP~ JE~11;j' IA• 1. 3 5 !!!~,MUFFIN MIXES •OI oor .27 £~~~·~._c:.~~SSINCS '°' '" .85 "°' ' .. 1.09 MOI ~2.99 . I ~~~~ST DAY BREAD 79 OtCOUIOltt-, J40ll~• • Instead. Lucky offers everyday low prices so all shoppers benefit with lower food totals DAIRY & FROZEN HOMOGENIZED 191 MILK Udy l tt ~I Btl r MRS. SMITH'S 239 PUMPKIN PIE 46 0 1 80• I~.~l!~~L LOWFAT MILK ,.aw lff ... 79 ... 1.86 ~~OE AA LARGE EGG;I ••• 85 ~~;K MARGARINE ,, ~1 u •• 4 7 @ r ~~~~~ SPRE~o~ ... 1. 69 r ~~~~N DINNERS ·101 tc•. 99 I I ~!!!OY PIZZA "°' 00• 2.39 r ~.~~~~~P'S F~~~1 ... 1. 79 l ;~.S?RN .... .., 1. 09 r ~~;;~~;.~CWltWHI~°' ·~. 79 £BIROS-EYE PEAS '101 ..... 99 1001 90••49 HOUSEHOLD & PET r ~J PAR~Y CUPS t0o ,., 1.17 r~,~~.JISSU~"" .. ' 1.05 r~~~~~~~FTENER ••011n .70 !~2,Y~~.PIAPERS.or• ~ 5.29 ""Otc .... 55 r~ CLASS DOG ~l1..04.89 Re·wi1 r hit1K dt>liJ<hb urc in ' 10or•· for Khoi;lly p orlygoen; em llollowf•cn. Taco fliuu ~ pt!uc h y pumpkin i;ulud und pl~nl y of llOflCorn for nibbling will e nc ha nt oil the Compare our everyday low meat prices. BLADE CUT 89 ~~~s~ ROASTlo • . LARGE END RIB ROAST 80nd4!<I Bttf FRYING CHICKEN Wnolf IOCIV sou1~rn Gr~• l0179 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK .. 2.69 .. 1.97 .. 1.19 · .1.97 RUMP ROAST ~'"""""""ti••••..,.fri(' \#~ ~ FRESH GROUND BEEF ., •• Qt ltilC)91 anf\lllf'\l f t UC ~ ,,., CROSS RIB ROAST ...,,,, .• .,....,..C' .. ,. QUARTER PORK LOIN ll 1.67 .. 1.97 .. 1.97 frllfhAJU •• "' &(M: l #it 4ND \.9\0" ~ ROUND STE AK • • "' .,,..,, ... , .... ,, jlj f t STEWING BEEF ~· ~ .... ,, DELICATESSEN ITEMS r LEO'S SLICED 109 MEATS s varitt•M 8 oz Plrg r ~~~~KEN BOLOCNA1• 01 "" 1. 09 ! ~~~KEN SALAMI • 01 .. t • 7 5 r :~~~~R JOHN FRA~~~' 1.39 r ~~~~· HOT LOAF r OAK SLICED HAM ••Cl .. ,. 79 10l .. t2.19 @ r ~~!!. FRANKS .. o, .. G 2.39 r ~~~'LEE DIPS r ~~'~'BURRITOS STRING CHEESE Wf(OV\ • ...,,., #fU.t .. , •Ol .. ,.49 \Ol .. , .33 .. 3.09 GENERIC ITEMS GENERIC 12s ~S~. ~REAMH•ll ca1 cr,, Cl'IOCOIUt ~!ROASTED PEA~.~T .. ~1 .79 FRUIT DRINKS •OI CMa63 (,t .. "'! -"0t'"'..f (llf> .... PAPER PLATES ' " ... ,.99 Cifl!ll-C , ... FOAM CUPS •\!rt .. , 1.79 Cl"'OIC t • 01 llll PAPER NAPKIN'S •->C•-•63 U,."'C PLASTIC CUTLERY •llOO ,., .99 -llt -IOM\ (II(- FRUIT MIXi. «llfllC • • ,.·°' r.,..69 WHOLE 59 f,~n~~~.~~GS lo • Ptr Bag 7·BONE 119 ~~ftt~ ROAST 10 BRAUNSCHWEIGER .1.09 .. 2.18 ~1~0L~,B;~c~1~ISKET .1.29 1•tt~ '" Atl• 1t1 ,..... .... ,., .... ,.. . ..... KNOCKWURST ~~;?,~~E!.~~CON ...... 1.69 VIENNA PASTRAMI .2.59 HOFFY SLICED BACON, ... 1.89 CURE 81 HALF HAM .. 3.98 WO-W & .,,._,,,, .. , ••.& ',~,~ ,~ .... q •• ot.&lrtll: •• ''"' FRESH FISH ITEMS FILLET OF REX SOLE ........ BUTTERFISH FILLET .. 2.49 "1.29 ~!~;~~ILVER SALMON11 2.49 S.~~RRYSTONE CLAMS ,, 1.19 r Key Buys mean extra savings. "'t t't t A' I ,I'' f" ~ t I ' ~ 0 I •• , 't l, , it..t' I t o I flf 4 ,.,, 'nt f Ii(.~ 8·J~ •tt-f'>,S ~t.""'f I~ f ""'VC GENERIC ITEMS GENERIC CANOY ~~~1;1.BEVERAGES ,.,. 011 • 75 ;~~N CHIPS • "''"•59 TORTILLA CHIPS •01 -.59 LIQUOR & WINE I?~HATKA v~~. "' 7.99 !~!;'BRANDY . ..... '" 1"? .99 rg~!,~ RUM ""'••n 10.49 r~CH~ANN'~ ~1~,. tt1 9.39 QUALITY PRODUCE DELICIOUS CRAPES Itel or llaCll COLDEN BANANAS •1pe """°"'"' ... 59 ... 25 FRESH 49 CAlA.IR.OWER encr....,.iv ~ LD • The varlet)' and maturity of the fruh detennine the amount of fruit pulp Of eolidl and Uquid obW.ned whim the fruit '' cook e d end drained . For example. from 4 pounds of firm. (Sff JAMS, Ct) IOtalled tee> .. at Lucky. The .. ,,,. M comp1rablt Item• at ltle 11.1perm1rllet of her choice totaled see 13 Th1t'1 a uvtno• of S5 25 at LuCllyl '91111-111 OtlOMr ' 1N~ t9he Discount Supermarket · DELICIOUS YAMS ... YtlvttY u29 • Int 1·natio11al Food J tival open Thur day at Robinson's I) a 1 l ' 1 11 11 k 1 11 1: 1h•rn1111,t1 .1th111 .. Y. Ill 111 111 fl'rc·d in tlw N1•\\'1;i.111 U1 .. 1d1 .11111 M1~11111 V11·.r1 s tort•s as 1<1111111'.11 11 , l>rf.'•W nt s Its (11111 th 11 t l' I' IHI l I \) II II l F (I (Id l-'1•s11vnl th1" w1·1•k B1•l(11111111/.! Th11r.,d,1~. .01d 1·unll11U111H thn 1u~h Nov :L th1•1't• will ln• i.p1x·1,ll g111•.,t ,1p111·m.11w1 ·' l>v 11•,t.1111.,1t1·11r.,. , ho+,, 1·uukb1111k .111t h111 1; ,111d t•ouk111g •,d111ol lt'.11°h1 1' Th1·y will I t.•\'t".d t 111 St.'l'l'l'IS of lht• \\111 ld ', most popular 1•111 ,11\1·' 11H· l u J 111 g F n • 111· h . I 1 u I 1 .i n . M 1• >. 1 t J 11 , M o r o 1..• 1· a n • 0 r 1 (• n t u I M1ddlt.· Easlt ·rn. ll.1111.,h and c.;n>t•k S 1..· h t.' J u l 1• s .1 " d apf>'.'81'.tlll'-':-t .H tlw ~1u1h 1..·oasl s torei. folio\\, Rob1 n son 's N1·w p ort Bt•at•h Thur·sduv, f111111 I:.! n oon t o :.!. p 111 H a n " P r .1 g t• 1 , r l's l a u r .1 t t• u r . w 1 I l p r e p a rt.• 1· <J1ll 1 n v 11 t. II l' U I S I n t' f r 0 111 h I s t•stabhshmen t. Tht· H 111 n • s l a u r a 11 l A I s 11 on Thursday. li to H p 111 • S u s a n M t• n d " I -. o 11 . Canadian tv and < adio JX•rsonahty and JUtho1 of .. Mam;,i Nt•vt·r C1111k1·d L1kt.· Thu,.," will tTt.·.it1· famous rl.'1.'IJ.>l'' I rom lwr t::ikl•uut t.•mp11nu111. Tiu• Lazv Gournw1 o·n Frida'. t)l I :.!!J. 11 am t o I ~ no1111 . 1'.11 J l ' 'i I t' r , d It• t I I I ,1 11 columnist .md .1u1 hor of '1\\11 I llW,1\ I l '1111ld11111k Thl• l'1111q1kt1 l:u1d1 will 1h 111111ht.11.itio 11t .. l.1h'"I lllh 111\\,1\l' l\lOklll~ l1'1 lt111qut ~ Al"' "" FI Id .1 y Ii l " H p 111 ' ,J •• ( 'I ll I' I I II '. 11 •• h II ~01't'lll h 11111 ti I 1111k Ing l1·ad11•1, will p11•p.11t· .1 l\1111 11t'\':111 ll•,!'t < )11 S.1wrd.1v. < x t :w. I 111 .! p 111 . Sl11•tl .1 l.1tk11". 11 \\'IH'I 111 thl Stl\'1'1 11,d.111· <.:11u1 t1H·I S h11p .111d ,., .11111101 u t Thi· Sllv11 1':11.111• t \1t1kbouk .. will plt'Sl'llt lips ,11111 11"1.'IJ"'' 11 1)111 lwt f .unou:-k 111 lwn Un Su11d:1v, 1111tll :! 111 o.I pm . I )1;11w Ho~."4·11 V.'111Ih111gl ot1 11.111 Vt' l 0 al1l u 111 1.1n 1 ul1n.1r\ l'OllMJlkllll. "tit IJl'l'"'l\l J I r l' :-h . '1 mp l 1· .1 11 d 11r1~1n ;ll o1pp1 11 .1d1 II) I lll!>llll' () 11 M 11 11 d ,1 v . I ro Ill n11un 111 ~pm. ll uJ.(h l' .. 1rµ1·1111·r . ('h1111·~1 · tooking authurit y will shan· 11µ ... on p1 l'p.1n11g gour mt•t on1·ntJI l1111cl .tllU tll O 1J Ill . t•Xpc•rts frvm S1m..ic· and Krups gourml't appliann•s will pn•sl•nl A Holu.h.1 y F1'.1st. .in :irrJy 11f yul<·tld•· d"11t .ll'll'!> l)n Tut·:.d:.i v I r11m l :.! nunn lo '..! pm . Mil h.wl c \.'\' ;,i I I r a 11 , d ll' I . .1 11 d Bvrn..ird J ;ct'Ollh\' food ,11HI lwvt•r,1g1· nia11.1g1·1 both 11! Tht· \\1111• l\•llar ;ii th1 N1•\\p01ll'I II11tt·I. ..... 111111".tl•· 11111 ,htng l' ,ii 1 t 11 r 11 1<1 I " " d ' ~-:•••••••,••••••cOUPON -~-• •••,••••••••- b£~ES'AE~~ AUTHENTIC 1 DAYS IND/AN CURRY DISHES 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL 2 Complete lndlan Curry Dishes WITH !HIS COUPON 0 Nl'I BELLY DANCING FRI. & SAT. NITE ONLY 5930 WEST COAST HWY., NEWPORT BEACH llllOI 11-2 , ........ 1. •·10 , .•. 141-"202 tr 141-1302 .. ,.., .. , .. ,, .. , ~------------------------------------~ G4au'Zrne t - Fabulo us llolidav Dessert ~ ith su~an : lack Smfull.• dl'l1<11>W> ""'~ Iv f1ni~h •vur hu/idJ• 111<'.ll• Pa't"· pu!f.,, filled with humt•rn.itlt-11~· <Tt'Affi .. 1111 lUjJJ"'<l w11h br.im.ht-d t"mwl pt"l.an SOll.K(' Tips) C.1kt• J c.,1nn1..tt Chrisun.u trad1uon nr tl'"'"il'·nt prnponum~ lt•m11n n1 h "'llh .. 1mond paste ;and ~ht'rr ' <u.~i..rd A [.ibulr1u' <••1k11· C•ml1'<.ll11n of frc'l;h cranbcrrlt!I da~ \\o,1lnul, .. nd chvc-olatto PLUS OTHER FRESH CRANBERRY IDEAS Fee: $20. 00 TO E:\ROLL I ~ A CLAS~ P•\nirt.t trt ,,, l.,. mid, 1n .,..j\., •,. fM tht-11111 ,.,~,...,, • fl,.t u I • ,.. .. , l.w ~1.,,rn t ..,r 1 IA'' r rMt1r -.1U t.,. •~•i•""d Pl11utr .,. ,., ... •h•U!' •111 l r• ' f "'fl'"'' '-lfh ••• ,..t.! At•J .m1 • .-t t\ I'\ \1••trrC ..tr•i .. rr,.r 11 f ,,., •• ,,(lot " • m .. u .,.,, .... t tr I"''""'' •' Cna1t Uartf•ar,. r ~~ .. ~-l·~~~ ........ no: 1.97 r~~. ~'.~~~~: ,,01 2.04 !~~~-~~~~~ .. o,3.44 !~~-~~~~'11 01 6.89 r ~ ~!.~~~~-~ .. 1101 1.33 !~~~.~.~~~~ ...... 1101 1.63 !~~~~-~-~~~~ ...... ~Ol 2.65 Our ~ m t«t10n POICY 9UK.,,,.., r-""'" to lie~ ~y Ott~ 11 """ T'llfldly HoYfft'lllft , , ,., The DllCOll'll Supernwket 1'111 •:.d11 \ t •\'1 ·1111 1~. h I 11 11 p 111 • 1<1•1>1' Uu.,11. 1111111 .1rnt 1111111111111 w 11111 1111 till' l.11:. A11~1·lt•., '1'11111•1> .rntl hUtho1 111 .. M 1d<ll1· i-:a'lt\•r11 l'ook 1 tlj.t ," wd I 1111•pa1 ,. M tdd Ito l·.:.11.11•111 l11od:-. Th·· Wt•t•k Will !'111M· W1·d 1u·,d11v. N11v .J. w1tti lit<• I '.! 11111111 Ill '.! p Ill "":-"0 11 p1 e-"·11 t o•d t1 v Llle'k\ 'l\·.1d1a111a11111g 111 I h .. B II I\ g k II k I I I 1<1• ... 1.1111.1111 . wh11 will pr 1 pan• 11d1 .111d 1·l\t1lll' d 1-.lw ... 1111111 Th.11l.1nd 'I' h l' ti I 11 ll p 111 , d1•11HH\,l I 111l111\ Will lit' a111h1 ·11111.. t;.-. ... k d1:.lw:-. pr t•µa 11•d h v G<>1 r1 <.;1l11 la11d , tuo kinj.( h·a1·h1·r .ind l'all'rt'I Ttw 1:uuk111g M'"Mun:-. .it l«111111.,.J11 " Mt"""'' Vtl·Jo \\ 111 1111 lude 'l'hu1 i,d..iy, <ht '.!II , I'.! 1111011 111 i p 111 .J,1u 11.wl1111• lla l111, l•'11 d.1 v. <.)I ·1 29, 12 noun 111 :! ·I> m . S1m11l' 1111 ct Kt 11p1>. Sflturduy, Cx·t :io, I Ill :1 p 111 , holiday p 111 ly Ill I' II II l1 V 1· ll l 1 11 U f' Y l'l•IM·r l i. ln;ni W l01>t &•11(1 g11w·11wt ;1p pl1;1111·1·s shampoo when vou b.uv Pert one any size shamp oo 1111611 ()Hf cou~ .. ~lA PVRC""" ,.-.....,..---,,..----, PROCTER& GAMBLE SlQR[ COUPON I 054980 011 S111ulav, Ot·t :ii, '.! 111 I p 111 , Kur l'll &·1 k 111 I 111 1 nl 1 h I l· ~; d 1 b It· s (.'1111k1nlo( Sd11111 l will 1·11•all• a 11 1111t•n1a1111nul "11 l 1 d .1 y h lJ If l' t 'I' h l' M11nu.1\-W"blllll will t:x· .1111111unt•1•d , :ind o n Tu1·~l.1y, Nuv :!, l'hyll1s i\1111 M.Jrshull. or Mr S t 11 >. Ht•:. t ..i u r :i n t . Analw1m. will pn•p;.irc ;,i 1rud1t1vn;1J t.linnl·r· ------------------------------- ' one. Steak ,~259 QUALITY BEEF QUALITY MEAT r"· DOUBLE ~' COUPON ~'DOUBLE~' COUPON "•••••U •h•• c•vpon of•nt I ,, ... ,.. 1hu c.•w••n ol•nv I '"••••nr 1h1• tewp9ft ol•"9 will~ Oftf •"• ,.,,.,,..,, .... , I with Oft~ ene "'•"""'•'' f wllh eny en• mtl'1vfc>O• l 1.11e1' ceno eff ••w..-n f "''•'' tenlt •ft &•¥P•" t.1Htt ' <•nh •ti t•v1t•ft ond ,., dowblo tho tOVI"'' .. ,. .. ,., dowOI· the \D'fl"8' I tmd v·• dovbl• ,.,. t0\'\"9"' when yow pvtchoto lh• I when 'f'OW Jhtt1huu• Tho ..,h.,11 ¥0\ot pt,11tha•• •-"'•t """' Nol 10 ,1,clwcff •• ilo,., N•• lo 1ndvd• •• I+'•"' Not lo onc.t..,d• u 1011e1 f••• gt-.:•l'f' Pv• J 1mlo1 1111• 9'°'"'Y pw1 I '"'let •••• U19t••f '""' t thcu• f•vp•f'U •'•O••i I 1hu,. t•w_,.,_. v••u••· 1kot• t •wP•"' •••Oh•1 1i'\on .,.. d•llo1 •• ••C•.d •hon 011• d.-llu• ~ •u••d lu,011 •"• d•Ho• •• '"'••d I~• •Olv• ef tk• +••'" I• I •k• wot1o1• of •h• ,1.,,..., f, •k• wolve •• th• ti•.., f • I 'lvd•t l1qv•• •obou• •"d I tlvd•• l1qv•• ••bot•• anti lttwd•\ •••v•• •ob.c10 und uM douf p•edwt•1 l1m11 •"• uH do••~ p14ld4.11f\ Lm'l+I •"•I oll da·I¥ 11•-4;,oth lim.1 .... I ''""" p.1 <•vpeft y.,,,, tht•f' I •'•"' p•• covpon '''"''t '"''"" '•"'' pf'1 covpon L•"'hf 1h1o•t c-..,pont p•1 fwl•~•• G..d i ••vlH!"• P•' (WU•l'91•1 C.Hd I 1• ... f.t•"'t P•• t1.alertH•1 Go.ct' Ou 11 No. l 1911 01 ell Ot• 11 N•• l 1•11 •• oll 10.t )I No" J IOI, al -.;I S.Ot. ... o, S1•1•1 If\ Mv•k••" I s.o• .... o, \te••• In \•v•h•1n So••••~ \•a•H tn S.~•h•'"I t.M•"'° ol'ld ~ c...., .. ,,. Col•, .. "'4 o"" O-• C....."'• ICoM .. noG o"4 CJo,,ii. ~t., N••odo l•'•P' \on Ot.t• I Nuotfo f •Opt \on 0.....,.1 N ... od• h •f'P' Sof'I o..-..J ~ ~:_::_c:.":.' __ l..• :::'~ ~:::·:_ _ _.•~-=~ ~_::_ _ J It's Simple! x ;~ r.; .. "" ..... ' : -.-.-· 3 I ,.,., ...... 9...4 ... • I Co1flt o. .. .a.114 ,,.... ... CASH DIVIDEND SPECIALS THIS WEEK Green Onions •""" 2 8"• "'' 49' Ground Beef .:.r.-~~ It '1 " Pork Loin Chops ';:: II> •21• Jl~ .. -"'\ Large Fresh Celery .. 39' Beet Cube Steak e.:; r s2se Pork Roast ,.:~~'5:'.:C.., 0 11" Fresh Broccoli v~ 't'.<. 'O 49' s s k a., ~ .. , s.• ... ,,. 0 s419 A " 79' trip tea o ... ,., e..· l .... Drumsticks 1 ~·, .. .,. ID Romaine Lettuce'"'?,~;'° 1uncn 39' Porterhouse Steak s.r~, L~11.., t s2se T k Th' h LOI.\~(~ ur ey 19 s f·~· ~ s129 FRESH PRODUCE GROCERY SEAFOOD Crisp Carrots ~:! Fresh Mushrooms /;:~~. Chinese Noodles Porn Porn v ... ,~.~ ... Ruby Grapefruit ····• s ll> 89' 0.1 .... ~. ..., Sour Cream ,,,.,. 99' l.ct< .. Duncan Hines 2": 1500 CJ>N" C111r r.<* .. "'" Peanut Butter ·~ 11&• Ad.Ml I UllW!ld WI fll ACCIPT USDA FOOD STAMP COUPOIS 2 .:v 39' s f•Hl'1 ltahan ausage a.o·~ , s1se Country Style Ribs f_,.,.,. "'"" Por• r._ 89< Beef Liver o:.:~-;i.., 8 """ s22e Smoked Sausage ~ " ,_._ Monterey Jack a..11 ~,Ch•••• ~ s22e •• '1" Ill 89< lb '239 Fresh Western Oysters Fresh Catf 1sh ........ Fresh Dover Sole , ... Shrimp Meat LOC•f<l t. r""' O.• ""' Scoresby Scotch IOOl $1 79 ,~ s1 n s299 s499 Vick's Vapo lult I h l s 1 •• ,.,. ••Ptoel ~ I H s9•• _.... ... ,., Raisin Bread ""' \YttQlll' Kor n's 'llPIYI lltclJI Corn Tortlllas t•~Oti Putl>IO ,. . lkt 99' IOtl 't,' 43' ~" 79' Shampoo CctndollOll '""' '"" ~~n Antacid S..lewl'f SMASH 'IM FOi CASll :.~ 20c m ,.,, ..... ,, ... '-4 ........ LIQUOR ~'1" Po~v Vodka IO ool I 7\ 1]41 llMr ·i:: •2•• Lancer's Rose 1~-:·2" • ~ • Vil'lllO lllnC't 't:: ., .. Emmet's 1~~'6" k..., Ct.-. )t.ft!OOI • , 000 ••r•lct• Of .. Newpof1 .. _.. • 1• ............ , ............... L.....- • toMtf C"'"' Of.', et Welflwt. lrYtM ••1 ... llrteMt,._..AN I 1 ('&t "' Urnnuu {.uu•I UAll Y Pll 0 11Wtttl11tt11duy Oc tu l1n1 ~· / l'IH!• hoppers' dreams come true with refunding Uy l\1 Alt1'lN Sl.CIANL~ lll'HI M ,1r I 111 l 'l1·11w lt•t iii I \111' "IWijlllt11•1'" 1111• 11111•s who 1111• ,1111 ''' u.utl111~ tu ttt•l 'IUl1 h •d , know th1•1t• 1s light JI tlll' cod of the tunnel nnd l hnt t hc·v \\ 111 -.nun .,,., · prnf1 t!'. I rom t }U'tr smnrt shopp111..c l l l.1kt•!i ,1 11 llh• I ll)W und µ.1ll<·1Wl', but 1n tlw ~I X naunth:. l'v1· IH't.'n elipµ1 ng, i.ort111g and s1·nd1 11~. l haVl' Si1Vl'U ti\ l'I" $·HIO Wllh l '11Upurn •• .md ll'l.\'l\'1'\I m11rc• than $ti:, 111 lJ:.h r1•fu111.b . ,1;. \\t.'ll .1:. <I lo t of f r1•1• prudu1·L, .ind g 1f1;. l n thl' lx•M1nn11lg. 111;. family tn ·a tt•u Jll of th1i. Vl'ry lightly Just humor poor mum But not now ~:v1•11 my :i-)'l'ar-old sou .1:-.ks 11w 11 1 w ant lht' 1·mpty l.iox ur wrnppl·1· b l' f o r l' h l' t h r o w s <41lYthang away I {1• f1111b mun· l'OUpons t han n1~ 15-yl•<Jr-old daughtl'r Bal·h day whl'n till' mail coml>S. my husband a s k s h ow m u (' h w 1· 1 rcc·c t vl•d from t h e, ('Ompanws. Last night. I was walking out tu tht• m;itl box lu !>l'nd fur ;1 frt'l' C:.ap'n Crurwh T shirt and told him ;,1bou1 11 Hl• huggl'd rTH' and said how proud ht• wa::. for a II l hC' monev l 'Vl' savc>d · ~y refund chlx·k.!. a re go ~g i nto a s pec ia l saJ in gs an·o u n t for u sl•c<lln d h o neymoon to Ha~a11' I kno~ ll will bl• a wl1ilt• bl·forl' Wl' go. but we~l get the n· On my lastt trap to thl• ston ·. (It w a3 rloublt• t'OUpon day) t ht• c as htc•r dt•duct l'd $!H .56 worth of m u pons from my grocC'ry ball and I rt'<.'t'l\'tod applaust• from th<' otht.>r shoppE>rs and 1 h<' cas hier So hang an tht-re you lwgannl'rs. Your ::.hip wall lit• c·omang an . too' Judi<'. Clayton. N .M. !Jc a r Marlin. I rC"ad vuur column about the· r t•funders conve n tio n and 1 had to t ell vou ab ou t m y f ir st l·onvt•nt1on l'>..pt•ra cnc·t- The convention w as held an PoughkecpSll'. N Y . o n the day afle r m y bir t h d a y . and m y h usband gave mt-<t t1ckl'l to the l'Onvent1on as oru · o f my bir thday gifts. It 1s a two -hour drive fro m o u r hcJ rn C' t u P oughk<'cpsic a nd my s1stc.T. Mary. gave me the ride u p the re. Alth vugh I was very anex p e rien cc·d . the·' re fund e r s a t th e convt•ntao n were ver v frie ndly and he lpful. ·1 learned how to trade forms and the hours just fl <'W by my siste r a nd 1 were ha ving such a wonderful time. A few days after the l'onyention. o ne o f the organizers called to tell me that m v na me h ad been dra .wn as th e winner of a Cas h tank full of ~oxtops and labe ls Last week. I received a bag1 box full o f 1.-4 95 p ro bfs-o f-pur('hase. lt was! a dream come true' Betfy. Lyn dhurst. N.J . I SM~RT SHOPPER AW RO • 11 e Smart Sho ppc-r Awflrd goes to Mae Rath of Canoga Park. Calif.. "M y supe rmar k e t ad°\}er tised Minute Maid Apple Juice on saJe for 89 '-'e n ts and I fou n d three 35-cent L'OUpons in m f fal e Th e s t ore prip ted special 'double o f l\ coupon s an th e news paper and the three caiCs cost m e only 19 cen ts each. When I got ho~e. I found a Minute Ma~ offer of Buy 3-Ge t 1 F;ee. It's really fun to sh~ w h e n you find bar&ains like this ... 1"ae and othe r readers w~e sm art s hopping ex~ri e nces a ppear in t h lf. column receive a fr~e c op y o f m y co~ning and refunding ma~azlne. the National Su~rmarket S hopper . W to me in care of this ewspeper. CLIP'N' FILE REFUNDS 11nv CROCltfifl '""'"'"' M•I .. l h. w • 11 H \.H,,Hf .... fl 1H ,. t I) ( UU"'ll uu., O ll•u •••ll•I thl'I r•uuu .. ,1 1atu11,1 t11tth et1\J twwc• , un\&lfet• fht. tu,11om1 hnm ttny ul .,, .. l ,.tl1 w HIU A11 (Jf 41111 11 "•4..•llvUoJ ~uUf l.1n111n u l luvt' Jvf1onne tia•h Btu ¥rn u t l toa•u.O L•llll•a NC.-.lO IOU CHI , I OYAflOll! t-1-..-Hin Ulhtt fiu.:_ ut..-w tf1fl ,,.,,,'-tuu.t• ,,, w.,., ••lund ul UV tu iV t..wuta hn .e 16 ""'" w b<» ul •P"U'"'"' S4'1u.1 tUtJ ftt(JUUUcJ teluruJ IOfln Of\fl tullt:'I ft()m u11v "'''" t:dn o l Nt•w l.hul lloym<llHI Sp•U'"'''' :S11v•.o1 dn<l ""' '"\I•''°' taptt hon'I the pwi.tHi~o rif • l6 oun~tt h1h ''' tJJJo\Jh•·tn (•pltoH ~ JI 1082 F RESHllltE S I 00 l)f!,., R.,c.ttivtt ct it C•JU''"" tnt 1•ni, frtt\hl•l-.\t '" uJu, t '•Ht\J tf1t• '"IJUll•tl 1n u1td ftHtU 11mi • 4iJlll thu 1 ,.," u 1 11qt"'" 111 CHh} llthl tt.Hl1J)lttht ~ •••t•hhw at uu11t., lut1ttl"» lh 11u1u .-• ''' i•I ""'' All Ml•••ll ft Hiii t I <ufJ •HtJ 1 IUHI thtiHt h~f1fl'I ti Vou~l411d"• 'H'tHI ll~t• 1t•'111Uttd ft ttnd Uu'"' h•ut Uta ou1u •)that .... ~11~l~~~01: ":.'.:':~u~~ .. :~.::.~.: SUPIRMARllT SHOPPIR ll·~~l•I lllh11 !l•nd ""' ""l"''°'' ••luml lu1111 •n~ 1111,.. l>#uolt 1>1 ••••••••••••••• ... 111111111!1!!11111!!!!1'• 1•u•t"ll•t• ••nm •nv '"'-111tt,.,.,,, \<1u 1wt1"a u l Ot .-111• I 1 u1uu Pt .. AIU4M Of It Anri .. , ... 1uo.1t nt tf'lltuuct lontt Ut•J '""'" u;: uulh .. • pun,,hCUttt I apo~ Ott• 't t•U1 l Vuu All Vt•Ut1t11hh l11ti•tll\ t • p111t ~ I UCClll "ICE .' "•"h'"U t110+ tt .. 1 at Ptt1.1 Ofhu n .u HIV• fJ \ UUl)OH ,,,. 1t .. .,, ....... ttlfillHt fljfHI yt111 I .m 1 ~unc." J t(tf'lll"O "'" nt ""lW 1 ~.t", 'A'l lh 1 1111 Juh11 1w1 ·, I hhu I 1U~1•-. f'h (' t\ttud th" fth.IUhu\t ,,~h.11\\j Uuy , lattl I t rm1 l "''I-'"' CJll1•1 hun\ 1HHI tnuf '1lU.l.,_.,, HI' It U11t ( u u•Ott lflt ., ( > ttt•~ '•'ij A/\ w u11,1ll t 1 '''-'"' t11e l 1•p u t tlh• WtHto tJl~i!n~ N l HH1U.1 flu'\ I uurn t• 'i •;,,t'vH•U Sil t, tuH 1 .... ~ ufhu tuqm "' l h~ t 1 l'Ui"' ••u ti l •11H•t' I h•\. '1 t'U.• I fhu h1lh1w1nl) r 1•tu1HI ""' f .u•• Y£0 All f, ,, •• ' .H• or1, .. , "''''''' \ '•I \ 0 11... ltw..tJl•IJ J ~UUf>llll tot Ulm h••t' •_, uurn. • l111tH•• ul A t '"•lH1&.,. '11•u< .. '1••tul Utt f•·•tqHHO , .. 1.111d tmm .1rnl tllu '"'' Ntu(Jlil h oot 1w11 11 UUltl 11 fH lffU' '1 tJ\HU U i•I HJ IJfllt t.uuw "'''~ tu11tlu 111 A 1 ~,1011k 111Ulf ;; al11l 1l) >Nllh U1H 11111 Wt'l\,llt o_.I 1t1 lfu•ltl f1 o rr1 .1 1J11l1ft• td I> utn Ht• ·HH f ''"' ltr.Ult' 'I"' " 11.t<f'lll I ., 1••· (lt•I 11 \IHJ.' AT JAtNCH • m1 tt•r •' , .. 111 prices good thru nov. 2 1 II U Ji U II f U t t• b U U 11 f f I t~ Al h l111l1llf1tt'-.,.,,.,, l lHt rHtflltt n,1 1ut1uul hot11 ~uni lf11a l1Jt1 Hutti Id +trty lht ..... I tHH fl " l'otuh, • HU;t H Mi.,,,,, ~uu••-. IHOEl N V A l L C Y R ANC H ,,J '""' 11tlu11J ••"fHJ lf1t• t .. tutul lot11, uuJ "'" tJu"'"' ••I l•t 11th•• t ( •HJ~ -..,.mhQI ttnm Ot•t to•< 9'. '•' t¥wu •udtlM n V1dfoy A d''' h ,nl•d tlfoll.'t>H\U llH• V"U h1.1Un• HlfY \111• ot 11.,.111 r •lllfft\ lufltl tO llJll t l(RA~ I ~I 110 I 1111 ~'"' ltutun<l ,u111J IJt•, 11•quuotl rt1hmtl rw u1 mul U10 rt;o111tl1tt fttJ>tt ._.1th tlu, I hit k1111 pu1• 1111 .. •• • ''' lf•1I 1110 .. lltt• t11tc.k l;1t1Hlt. f1111n Ut1t!l1 /tl t1HW t• t)t hVt IH rnH1t u .,.,, .. tu1HI•·~ 111 anv fl11v•;r ,,, "'''" U1utHtuH i.1u1 11 v,,wt 1<;f1t.,t J11fm f4Jtltl I lfr\&11,Jfl•fl I.ti ,uh1 1t ••ti I •1111t" lho '1 1'tt \\. • no dealer sates l A I AUCf M th H .... lh11 '''" .. Hoi m •• •• l uup1111 frn '"°' frM4 I" "'" t11 ' •1J IJI M1hl Mtt.11K tU I ,,,,.,. ... t W ', 1111• UHi I~ 'uflfl f' ;11f 111di.. 1Ufll lllt If l l·Hlt tt h1trtl ttHft c,;"" ""'' .. '.,,, ,, lfll U tltt M~· II ••• '•''I t •• • •• , I '"'"U 4'w·U· "'"" u •j •.lw1 I 1t1t w .lf It•• I •Jtt 1, ,,, "'' " • 111 It 11 I'".'"' Avr11 i(J Ill" l l llV, M<·Nmtt 11 t ohlly '>V ttof'll f ,.." l'n•tJw u J1rodu1 t t ... OHlJOI• '+Mii lfl~ ltt(Hm .. l11otw1tJ ftJfltl IJIHJ t""'' umpt f pm., uno'• ho"' ••"'f l-Nt1 t 1hhj Ill ._.t<Jt..hH.h f1Hutvc 11' llu(.1,11 Lr11111t11t1, 1-.tHH •; '' 0111 '•UfJt•t r>I"""" '1ulu4t C,1,f1( ftlh ... l •J1a1•' ll••I '11 l'Jtt;.> McCORMICK ~ l '''11111u ( ,., 1•11 t !#I• I f1UJ1t rt1 flt, d ff t 't IH)I ; ••()" .I Uu h• ftlHHtt~ •tltJ 111 M• f ,.,nw 6ii f 1t ;, •,~ulM'HHllfil Ml, 1'Jl'"hft lfltt It• i•Jllft1f tAfttl11I ftHtf1 MIU) tH+u LliffllJlttlff fl nt 111~1Mtl It c.,,r·u ·••• u• t1Htlfll f .. ,, IHI "-4U" u f Mt.l IHU•I..... I ou ' ', ...... Uhl,.., M • t .,, UI-IJhf t I ,.,., WllH I O H l \i OU I u11 U.,1.,,,.1 ,..,...,. 111 .. •11Mtu•1t•d '"''"'od ••• ,, .. •MJ .. O'l•tff Utor .. ,, •• , ... , fttm f.l"Y W·~'* J.t,,,. .. '\fl• tu .,..,,. .. 11 f•IJll••[}"' II 11JIJ/ H11n' J t l •th.1,1\J ff1ll"11t lf1 #w'tll ... ftr, f111lt1U +f F•r•l,Utft /•1 ~ IJfll rtihnHI f' () [,,,,. 141 10 1' U11111u11u11 MLJ .' ti'tlH 'u.~no " ... ~ 1' .. iJ tJ, ., , "H ,, t • "'r1 t.~ o UHVttlOIJH 1111111 uflm .,,,.,.,.It. ,,.~ s 1 111Hl t tJP1ttfJftl 1 ftj,• IJ111h·tl , •h.ffuH• •t' ,,, lh '" produce premium bakinQ size ru sset potatoes 4lbs./1.00 garden fresh .local grown spinach 3 bu./ 1.00 r s pecial~,] new crop holiday nut harvesl pecans bulk only ,.,_ '~-4.39 lb. 2. 98 almonds bulk only lb.1.59 r . I~. 2.79 • limit rights reserved meat seafood tustin newport only tus 11 n newnnrl 11nty fresh usda choice cocktail shrimp , . '~-6.49 lb. s. 9 leg of lamb "t· •. 2. 91 lb. 1. 9 8 new zealand white fish small fresh usda choice ''9· I~. 3.98 lh 2. 98 loin chops "t· •· S.98 lb. 4.98 I re sh t rozen great for the grtll' alaskan halibut steak lean fresh usda choice rack of lamb (6·8 rib average) r . I~. 4.98 lb.3. 8 a treat! ,... •· 4.98 lb. 3. 98 mahi -mahi 1 98 ''9· I~. 2.98 lb. • fresh lean ground lamb "9· I~. 2.91 •. 1. 98 d eli especially for halloween 111 jack·o-lantern • pizza , ... J.49 2. 98 { 1 super special ... save 50% imported brle-type french v1le111bert cheese "9· •. S.9S •. 2. 98 vitamins schlff acidophilus with goat milk 100 caps "t· 4.SO 3.10 nf fac to r sod 1000 suporoxide dismut1se 60 tabs na tu ra l foods el molano honey bears cookies 1.5 oz package also carob honey bear;. ''9· .3S 4J1.00 health valley fruit bakes 6 oz. box "t· r .SS 1.19f country sp1cA ~o~1tTo9 sp~~:9 1.29 oanda licorice 1 oz bars ,.,, .27 s /1.00 sorbee sugarless candy & lollipops bag "9· .99 .69 bulk . .... provision s r.w. knudsen cider 'n' spice Quart ''9· 1.49 1.09 •!2 gallon r . 2. 7S 1. 9 los rios rancho -fresh apple cider 1/2 gallon "t· 2.49 2.19 \ gallon r . 3.99 3.6 )dllusso Italian genoa HOT LINE: 831·4408 Pt .... lel u• -now now we Uft .. ,.,. you ~II•• Your ot>H N•tlon• 11• lml)0111n1 e.nd we •••~ your •uoou 11on1 Alh: lo• Jon Hut>Oerd, Pru tdenl 1ta111y Weynt . V1Ct •Prt11ci.n1 Ot Tony P11•1. O.ntr1I M•n-o•• \ salami .\ii\ "I-•· S.69 I•. 4. 95 ~ Imported , polish hem l . ,;§ , ,,. 2651 Irv ine ave. 13152 newport ave. tu t nn (0111 "'''' 631-4404 ........... • 01m1uo Cnnat DAILY PILOTtW nn adoy Ottobur ·n. 1982 ('7 Slim party cheese versatile • 1ts • 1n • var1ous uses Hy UAUUAUA GltJ UONS Ont· 1t1 111v tuv1111t• I' n I t' I I U I II 4' I '\ I ' ,, h111rn·n1.ul1· P••l I\ 1 h1., ,,. WI I h I ht• I ,1' l 1• J II d 11•>..tuu• 111 tlw 1·>-t"'Jh1V1 ~Pft'1HI. hut w11h .i 1111 le"-' 1·ulw1w .. ,Jl\d 1111 fll •t 1t•1 Vt•l Ill\' Vt'l '>11111 1~11·1 111•,11 tv' ,,._·,,illy ,,., lht• J>.11·k :q,:1•d tii'J.lh col1>fH• l'IH•t•M• 111 laC'I , vou 1·1111 0 11111 tht• salt 11he>l(1•I twr ' 1( VOll Wli.h Aul lit•i.t of 1111, 1111 ... l'(\:>\ th l \ h1·1'"' 1111,lltl'I ti' v~·rv v1 ·r~1lll1· ,,., .1 Sh111 (; Cl II I' Ill l' I k I I 1· h I' 11 lll~l t'll11•11l You 1-.rn 'µoon 11 un bukt•d p111,1w1·' 111 h111 pul>IU, rn1x 11 w11h l'll'l', or· d a b I I 11 11 t ' 11 IJ k t• ti vcg1'tablt·s (trhll'.HI of bullc•r) SprC'ad 11 un 1-'n•rwh bread (or u11 sundw1dws tnsll•ad uf n1ayunna1sr) Or. uSt.• 11 10 :-tutr t'l·l1·n . raw mu:.hroon~. t•ht•ra'y lOmJtllt'S or other vegg1;. appt•ttzc•rl> You 1:an ('Vl'n uS<· ll ~' a cooking 1ngred11·nt: as J filling f o r omelets. crepes, c h11:k1·n bn•ast r o ll-ups, s tuffed fish f1llc•t s or fill ed hamburgers Herc's how FROMAGE ALOUETTA (Fr ench creamy herb cheese I 3 o u n c l' i. t· r C' a m chee~· (rt'gular or caloru· redun•d ) '• t·up pan -..,k1m ricotta t·ht•t•St• 7 o r 8 I' n · $ h t u r pinch of drl<'d) tarragon Jeav1·s 3 t.ibll•s p ou n -. manc1•d frt•:.h pan.ll'Y ha If -l'I o v <' g., r I H' m1nn .J 1• tt-.1-.poon s.ill j (mav be omitwdl Cut crc·am t·ht·t·M-tnl•J . t·ubt•s Combine with rematnt..ng ingrc'Cl1c·nts 1n blendl•r ur food proc·csso1 (using th(' l>tC'd bladc_o) Process until complctelv smooth ;.ind non-grainy Spoon into ;,i small cheese crcx:k or eoverc'<I container and store 111 the refrigerator (cheese becom es firmer after refrigeration) Will k eep abo111 :l w eeks or more under refrigeration. Makes a hulc morC' than onl' t·up. 3~ calories p e r tablespoon with regular cream l'hecs<'. 25 calories p er t a.blcspoon w 1th ca loric reduC'cd cream ch eese. OMELETTE ALOUETTA I For each C'redm· filled omelet. 2 I a rgt• l'ggs I o r half-cup no-cholt·stcrol substitute) 3 level tablespoons Fromagc· Al o uclt.i (recipe g1vc•n) Bea l <'ggs li gh tl y (do n 't add mtlk or water) Spray a n on - st.ck small omelet pan liberally with cooking s pr ay H eat ove r moderate fl ame Add the eggs all at once. Cook undisturbed 30 to 40 s<'Conds. unul unde rside o f eggs 1s partially set. then lift gently with a ht>at-proof rubb e r sc rape r o r flexible spatula. allow ing unset portion to run underneath Tip the J>'ln gently to s pread eggs Whl'n Ba k e ba r fo r dessert Busy bakers w 1U l ove Pumpkin-G anger .Bars. P umpkln·Glngel' Bars 1 pa c kag e gingerbread mix V. cup raisins 114 cup chopped nuts Yl teaspoon ground cinnamon 1A teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 egg 1 c up coo ked pumpkin 1h cup water Lemon Cream Glazd (below) Heal oven to 350°. Mix all Ingredient• except glue in me d ium bowl until batter is of uniform conals t ency. a bo ut 2 mlnt..atet (batter will be 1lJH). Spread In ungreased rectangular p11n, 13x9x2 lnchet; amooth top with rubber a~tula. Bake u nttl w oode n pick lnaerted In center comea out clt"an, about 2~ mlnutn. Cool con-_.pletely on wire u ck . Spread Lemon Cream Olut over top. Cut Into t»ra, abo ut Jxl Inch . 32 cook18. 111 .111\ "'I, d 111 1111' t.1p ••I 1111 1•.:..: "-llh lht I lll't'" 11111..t ll l•' tli111 l11ld 1111 Cllll1•l1 I 11\ 1'1 1111 \ltjt 11f lh1•ll ollhl I ll\'1•1 tho• fl•lll \\ llh ,1 1111 <II ht'.I\ \ pl,11t• Tu111 1111 1111 '""'' .11111 W111l I "' ~ llllll\11 1'' hc•l111" "'"'"lo! l•: ... h 111111•h •1 :!li.1 n 1l1111t'h >w 1111 q .:g., .11111 11•..:ul.11 1·1t·.in1 1 h1•1·"· 1.1:1 1·1111 1111 ·1' w11h <·•~H ,,,11,1111111· .111d 1·.11111 u• 11•dl~1·1•d 1'11'.tlll t lll'l'M' I N A ll l !';GE I> OM t·:LET l'AN· l'c111r .1 lit ll1• Ill 11)1' < ).tj' Ill I d('h '""' 111 lh1 p o111 .uul 111ok •I C 1 11 I d I II ~ I It 111 11 11 II I 1 I l I ll I t' I "' ol111 ·1ll1111i. 1>111 1111 1·..ilo( \\ llh t lll't''>I ' 1111>.llll t' 1llld I lllM' 1111• fh lll W.111 .!. 11111111tt-., lx·£w 1· i:.t•a v111tot VEAL10tt llAMBllRGElt> A LO U 11;1'1' A I 1 ~ 111nd 11•1111 1(1<H111d \ 4'111 (111• lat 111111111<•d .:11 •uml lwl'I 1 uund) ti 1 11 h I 1· s p u '' n ' l'rrn11,1~1· l\li11w1111 S h.11M· tl11• 1111 .. 11 111111 tt I l.11 p.illh'!> l'ut I .111d SllM GDURMIT 1111\' h,1 11 l,1hlt-'-fJH<Jfl' 111 llH· d11·1•i.t• 1111i..1un· 1111 top 11( l'lH'h o f ·I pHllll·:-. Tlw11, 1 ov1·1 I h1• 1h11•s1• Wiii\ lht • 11•111,tlllllljl( .J llll'1ll jJUllll'l>, l'f'I•" l llt' 1°d l(1'1'o lli)(l•tlw1 lightly ~i that Villi IHIVt• ..i f1ll1•d ~l't1Ui1d 1111•11 1 p tilllt'' lh11ll 111 pa11l 1.v (1n ;i 111111\lll'k 11ktll1•l SIJI ay1•d With l'llOklllj{ l>lllolY, 1111 l.1 I ... J d t• d I ·" 111 IJ l 11111\Ull'la 1'111 Ii Md1• Sc•r v1• 1111111••d tu 11·1 v M.1k1•., l11ui "1'1 Vlllj.l">. :.! Ill <.' J I o r 1 c• <' u L h I l !.I :; I ,ii 111 II'' I' 11 1' h W I I Ii l'l'd Ul't•d 1-.d11111 l 'I t•Jllll du•t•l>t') FH EN(;ll HAKEi> POT A TOES: Us111g ,, h O lp 11 d 111 11 V \'II 1111 I t , g1•n1ly k 1wud hnt IJ,1k1·d p111a1rn•i. with lt,111d1. 111 lllll!>ht•d f'Ollllll l1•Xllt1 1• S p 11 I •Ill d d U II W I t h :l 1,.t1l1·,p11111" "'' 11 111 .1~· Alou1·t1 :. (111"1"'1d 11 r f1Ullt•1 UI Milli I ll'ollll) u I • :. p I I I " •• k I ' d pnt:itrw.., in h(llJ ltt-1nov1• pol.1l11 I 11m1 'klll 11\u'>li with 1"1 umal.(t' l\lc1111•lW Fall 1·t1d1 bt1k1·d 1m1a111 i.lwll with t t11• p 11t ul11 I h1•1•1>1• 1111 MIU11' J rlll I'" I U I 11 I O I h I' 11 V I' II 1111t·lly. JU!>l ui11il lu·alt'<I 1l11'11llK h S p1111kli hlollillY With p111 s lt•y. 11 d1•i.11t•d l>:twh p111u1 11 hull. II~> l'td c1111•i. t 7~11<11111 11'1> Wi th 1t'(hJt1•d l ;1Jrn II' l'l l',1111 I h1•t•:-t• j (' R Jo: AM Y (; n f: Jt; N LI NC:ll l NE . l'o11 k. :.p11i.1l li 111\f.tUlllt' (1>1 '>PJf(hf'ttl I until H•nd1•r 1>1 :i111, hul don't """' R1.-•lu1 I\ tu the i.umt• pJn Add :.! t ll IJ I l· s p '' 11 n ,, l"romul;(1 • A loul'l tu .1111 l I I l ' a S p 0 II 11 I.( I II I I' d Par 1111•su11 d1t•t•l>t' f 111 l'dl h hlllt l'UfJ '>\'I Vllllo( '1'11"' l1gh1l v u11 1ll 111.1ll'd S pr 111kl1 with lllll1t'l'll l r<>tih JUJOllC•y, If cll'i.11 t·t.I 1<;1.1l·h 11t•rvlnu. IHO <·11lon1"' (MO < ulC>ru'tl with 11•dut·t'd 1·ulort« n 1•11111 l l1tv 11t• I ( '1JJ/mg llJI < ht"t'S('tlJKt• 111\'l'r~ A m1•ru·n 'tr m o1t K J.1111 111 <Ill 1> J 1• s 1> c• r 111 dL>(':Jlor11<'d l''or r <"Clpo& un cl ct tt'I 11 p,'i, t;1•nd " ,,wmpc·rl .w·lf titlcln"""'<d 1•11vc•/1J/>I ' ;uu/ ,'j() c.•t•flL'j lo Sl./M GOU RMET <.'Jl /';ESECA K E ltf:C/J'K';, f' () Box 624, S 1>11rt.1. NJ U7H7 J on This Week Double Your Savings! That's right. .. double your savings with (3) Double Coupons in this newspaper ad plus (3) Double Coupons in Ralphs big color mailer. That's SIX DOUBLE COUPONS! Gold•n PY•nuwn F'rf•r Thighs or Drums ~· lb .89 l'to,.n O.h001"'1 Glad• A .59 Whole Fryers ptll lb tmni•• John MLH d 1.79 Pork Chops ptll lb USDA lnap Golden PYem1wn Mel Loll\ 1.99 Stealc Tails ptll lb rmm•r John Small SU• 1.79 Fresh Spareribs ptll lb rtoun OebOS1ed ti•• z.ola:nd-nll.U ':' 2.49 Orange Roughy -Appettte Shoppe Values - Colwnbw 11a11on M ortadella * Double Coupon P•O)tJr\1 ln's r.oui>an .tlonQ with d,,,._ o,1e M~nul.tcturer\ t P,11\ olr f\.•t;flu" dr\<J ~e1 fJuutJle tnt.~ 'd"''"0~ ~"'-''' ,uu fJv'Chd~P tflt• "''"l N •. 1 f(') 1m"lude feta1ter tre~ or grnt t•ty pwrhdM.• roupon~ 111 thl'.Hml lf1C-•310~" of lhO: 1terri f •('i\HJ(·~ if1h1''' llllidt l {J U"'.l Od•fy t)t(x.JU' , ... Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Newspaper Double Coupons per Customer Couoon Effective Oct. 28 thru Nov. 3. 1982 --•Dalry/DeU Values __ _ 1ta1p1U-IOO' nondo Clulleo Orange Juice Lawrya MUI Taco Seasoning I •OI pkQ Ptti)t .. 01 1n1~ COUDU'' dh;•11y "'''' rt , • f' Md'h.ifJt 11.JtP,~ (A'llS, c,,, (.CJupon .lnU gc1 ouu(JI(• lhi• .. .,~.,,,, .. AflPn -.vv pu'C.flf\St_) the,, •• ,,., Nr.;• to .,,<luOP 'ttla11£'' liett IJ' 'J'ri' e11 lhJ'th~s.& cuuvons or t••u:~ccJ tr\(' ldlue vi 108 1tf)m E ~tludf''~ htl\JfJt tobaCU> d'l0 ditu, pt~lurt\. limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon ind limit 3 Newsp1pe1 Double Coupons per Customer Cou n Eflective Oct. 28 thru Nov. 3, 1982 .39 Yin• lbpttneel Large Tomatoes ptll lb ."!.:! 3/$1 · 507tcr9mnnycheese .89 L.eo and ,..,rtMIOo• btl 119 Wor cestershire Sau c e . Sw-Juicy Pomegranates ....:II Monie10Y Jac k MIUlon 3 Doten Com Tortillas ':' 2.49 ><;;: .89 ---• aakery Values---• A..011..s ncrron t:!4/Sl Royal Gelatin c:c;;;rr5h0ibv·5 c hili .97 P<mc'Ok'a·M~· l20I .98 pk CJ RecfYams ~· U> l'teah 8une1nu1 Tobi• Qu...,n 01 Spaghetti Squash ,,., lb Russel'"i>oi<:ttoes ,,., lb .49 .25 .39 .29 .29 Naney·s Beet Stew>4c:. 1.59 rt .. /\ SI.all 1.59 Mushrooms 119• II> llalpf\l.Hol OOQ 01 Kom.t>urv-• 59 Egg 'n Honey Buns ~ • Frozen Food Values Personal Care Values Ralph.f.t..mon ~IT'f 01 Apncot 1 09 Danish ureams P!~ • Cond1llon II 01 Condollon Shampoo RalpM Apple Juice Uoa .69 1•.: 1.97 R aip hSnMUirtiisCanm Hew rot111• ror,,..~..i. Va~ 2.79 ~2.59 Turkey Breast* •••-Liquor Values---• 12<» NJlleet 4 98 Henry Weinhard ~ • ~111 .. Oc;nk ltttu 8 99 llat Phi> '1<11n. CUU\Om.pn 01 Powdered Donuts c:,~l.09 P•o. 89 OU o ---•Liquor va1u .. ---· C:ahlomla l10J1dy ftO 11\1 bll Christian Brothers 5.88 c;.1rnon labhCIWl\llC11 no: 3.39 Mil Srnllh'I Pumpkin Pie tclpiu.Qolden PYenuwn Ice Cream lllCU tye Cool Whip '~:: 1.49 ~~ 2.09 !JOI 99 -. fali• OU pkCJ ol 4t Make·Up Remover Anll Pe11puan1 Lady's Choice 1.97 l.Tl 1.47 ·: DonQRum bll • Black Tower Switch 8r Save.more than a buck a bag··at Prices effective Oct. 28 thru Nov. 3, 1982 ~frielll IMt lilt f'Uleftt O•K.-Y C9fftjleft1 AM 11 .... 11 ,.___, W• r••-.,. •It'll te ll.,.11., ,..., .. ••• •• ~-c.., .. ...._., ..,... .. ..,, h•"'t• rt ltle te ,... ...... _ .. .....,.., IHk • Of letl det• fH* .. lftftltll jW!et !_! .... ••~lvtl .. el ~IMll • .,-...... ,nc·· 380 l'71tSl ,. COSTA •SA PASlO IJ( VALIJCM, lMUM taU QUO m., AT WAUllT, IWI 15411 s ........ ,. tlJt••• STcm ttam: t-11 Dllr. t.t ..., ~ ' ..,.. ('I Orant1• t,o II UAll v ~fl 0 l /Wodn Idly Or.tot> r 'i' IOtW Top 25 -foods prove that it pays to advertise lly MILTON did 111. 111111111111111~ tl111. MOSKOWITZ v1·•11 .1111111Apnl1hrn11~1t Whul's l lh.' fustt•'tl J11111• 111 l1111r 11111·' moving produll u1111i.-. 1'111 .. 11 .. ld, ""·"", .. :1111 1ho•1· i.uµ1•rm,1rk1·t ('l,1111• W1.,. M.1111111 dw1:k11ut 1'11U111t•1.,·• I 11 d , .111 d M 1 d l.111 d Thl• UtbWt't , µruh.1h1', T1•i..." l1 , "'' k1-.I 10,0011 nol loo $Urpri1>1n~. 11> ..i dw\ kl•U l t 1.i11 ~11 1 w11 ... r an o f C.:ampl:x•ll'-. -.oup f111eli111o1 lhal t'.1111pb1•11' .. Ovt• r u l h fl't' Ill o 11 I h :.11up "'a., 1•a .. t1y th1• 1111.-.1 JX'r1od 11 t'ndl( up 1n 1h1• l11•qu1•ntlv purrh.1>or•rl shopping cal'l of •wv1•11 111•111 out o { 10 t'Ustu11w1 i. Th·· d .11 .1 1nd11·;111·d Thnt's tht· f1nd1n~ 11f ,, th .11 7 I II p1• 1 ct'111 "t Ch ic'ugo-busl'd outl 11 . hrn1't1•t1Ul1b l10Uj.!ht .1 mil Infor mation Hl•sou1Tt''t, o l t'.t111ph1·ll'-. soup wh1l·h t roC'kl> purd1.1 .. 1•i. clur111~ 1h1· 1hn•1· 111011111 by mo 111t or1 n ~ 1 h 1• 1 l' It' l' t r o n I l' i. ( ,111 111 • r' rnstallt•d now 111 "'""' s upcrmarkt•t!> Thi· .. ~· s<:ann1•ri. autom,1111·;.dly "rl'ud" the name of u product and 1ts prtt'V a:. t h e package 1s moved 3{'rOSS thl' ('OUllH·r by the sales dt•rk. Information Hesourn .. >s "AM p1•1111d I Ill' 11111111·111p \\Ult l 'ttt 11 { '111.1 IJttllj.(ltl l1v ·I i' :1 p1•1 1 .. 111 to! 1t .. llM0lt11ld.... I• 1llt1\\( ·d h\ I' t fl " 1 (' '' I .1 I I ~ 11 Jlt'llllllJ '1'111' 111•i..t 111 .. 11 1h1• n111'1 l11•qu1•n1J, Jllll l h,lJK•d hi.I \\ 1•11• M1ra11 1· Whip ( 11 p ,. 1 t 1· 11 l I . I' a 1 k .1 \ rn1iru.111111• t ·ltl 11t•r1·1•1111. l'hitr 111111 ll'>l>lll'' (:17 I µ1·H·1·11t). OM·u1 Muy •·t .111111 111-1111 1111·at1' 1:u i fi p1·rn·11ll. ,)1·11 0 1.wlu11n t.l:i :1 p 1•11·1·11t). Luy', p 11 l .t I 11 l' h I 1J '> ( :i :\ ~I I' I I i ' ti I I .J t . I I ll p11dd111w• I I.I I f" 111•111) t ·, .. ,, Wl11p l1tpjHt1g Cl:! Ii p1•11 1•111 I \ .111 t '.t1ttp h •• k I " I 11 •• 11 ' I l I h , ..... t'lll I .111d ( '1111 k1 II"' I h 1• S 1'.I I 1111.1 I ~!I 1 IK 111•111) Tlw I:! 11ltw1 h1 .11111, lllllklll8 ll(t lh1• lop :!:1 r11-.11•r Wl'rt• 11n ordrrl 111•1111 k1•tl'l1up. I >1.n111:0. 111111llt1 1'111/1', Kl1·1·111 •x 1 1 ..... 111· ... II 111· H u11111·1 111 H I I( •I I I II .. • H .. g u 'f"t~l11•111 '"tllll' Kr·;t11 ,,1l11d d1 """IM''" llou111 \ II <I j1 " I I Ci W I I " , 1 hdad1•fplt1,1 I l't 11111 1 lt1•1'tl' lh1111·1111 111111 1. t .1k1 11•"•''"'· 1\.11111 Ard olt 111k 1111,1·' <'11 ...... ,,11111 It lllllj.\ .11111 H1·V1t1tltl•. \'.lllfl "" 2:> ') 1"'11•'111 Thl·'r "'1·11· <111 1 l•r•• Iv hur11 twd . w11h II• 1111 k1·l1 l)Ufl l1t•111..i IK111glt1 l1y ~ Ii I ,, t I ( ,. II l fl I lt11u•wh11ld:-. 1111tl l<1•vr111ld ... Wlotp liv :!.1 ~l J>t 'fC 1·111 V11 tu.tlly .di 111 tlJ1''t .11·1· l111t11d lt•11d1•1.. 111111 "'""' ti.1\11• d 111111 11;1111 111 •• I k 1· I ... II .1 I ..... 11'11111111,..11 , f.,I t ll•lllljllt'. "'"'" 1111111 • 111.111 llll , .. I " II I "I l It' "'"II. tttlll k1 I II• Ill/ lllU>o l t ltll1f 1tf Jlt u1 ly '11J f14 II t Ill 111 1111 k• 11 111111 1111"11111 .. , Wl1• II Vllll ~:1111111 lit•· l11.i11d • ~•111 11t1·11 111o1k1 I ~ \ 1111 1.111 ... I V. It 11 11 ,, I I ' I h I f11 g 1111 11111 .111 • 11111v1•r ., und • It .t It t I ... I 11 I II , . ... 111 .. '111.11 k1·1 '"""'" ( '"' I t11!1p:1llV, ( ;1·111•1111 Jo'11otf~. ll.1, l1v 1· 111 .11111., •11t 11t11- 1 .... 1 .I• II cl M"l.11111 . .!1·11 (J 1•t1dd1111(' ( '11111 Wt.qi Kt111I Aid .11111 lh.•".tl Muv o 1 Ki.tit ti ..... 111111 111 1t.1· t1111 J. 1 M11.u Ii Wl11p 1•.11 k.1 \ l'ltrl.1tl1 lpl11.1 .111d 1111 K1 .o11 '·•Ltd "' ........ 111~ .. l't .. (ll•I /lJ (,.1111lolt t ll'4• 11 ..... (11u1 <"lt.11111111 H11u111 \, llu111.111 111111·' ltllrf (.,I.,, ti l't·1·.,.c· .. 11 ..... 1h11·1· l 'o·p" ( 'ol;1, I .. 1\ ' .111d 1><111111•. 'l'lit• ... 1• lttlll t jlfllllollllt•'t .o11 1.111k 111111111.1( th•· p,il 11111 ', .Ill l.11 ~,.,1 .1dv1 111'-t'I >. l 't Clt'llll Xt ( :.11111111 "' No I Willi .111 .• d • i.111•1ulltu11• 111 $t17 I 11111111111 Ill l!llll c:.0r11'1.1I f· .,,,.f, w ..... N ri J with .ill .1d lllVt•,11111·111 111 $•1.1'/ 1t1llJl•>11 111 p-.1(. '11 Wot'i llt1 lloJlltJll b l Illa liH ~l'bl .od V I I 11" I ')Jl0 f1cf I 11.C ~.!hll 1rull11111 And f),11 t Xt Kr.lit 11111 10111111.111· ,, ... , 111 "' KI .i I l) l 1111'>IH'tl Ill .!Olli pl,111• \.\Ith .11lv 1 111 ... 111~ 1·x1w11d1tw 1·>- 111 $1 7'i 11111111111 J\l • 11 .t I I l " •• y' 111 .1d\'1 1 lht .. PlAY IT SAFI DON'T LET YOUR KIDS GO our ALONE WC~E~~OTHEIR TREA Ts -U GET HOME Shopper dis likes FRESH IEG O'LAMB reported By LOUISE COOK AHoc:leted PreH Writer Older shoppers rcpr esl•nt a lucrat1ve market for thl' foud industry. but a new s tudy shows they often are dassausfled with the ser v1ccl> and produ{·ts they find at the grocery store. Th l· i.tudy wal> conductt•d by Miklos Research Associates Im· of N ('W York for lht• Food Marketing Institute, a trade group whose 1,100 mcmbPr t•ompan1es account for half of all grOCt'ry sales in the United States It c:onsisted of m -dt·pth d1scuss1on sessions w11h 1 eight panels -two each in C hicago. San Diego. Edison. NJ. and Tampa. , Fla. -made up of a demographic mix of consumers aged 60 lo 80 Those t•onsumC'rs havt· special nutnt1ona:I net'C!s. according to ;:i r<'port b~ the U.S Ocpa1 tment uf Agriculture And. partly I because many uf thl.·n1 lave o n fixed incomes. , they s pe n d a higher proportion o{ thei r money on food than younge r America n s - about 22 percent compared to 17 .percent for other households The industry study co ncluded that "1n general. the older men and wome n intervaew<'·d seem to possess a pos1t1ve attitude toward supermarket shopping." But it also report<'d that the panelists "aired complaints about many supe rmarket prdctices a nd con di ti ons - r a nging from long checkout lines. confusing shelC tags and unwieldy shopping carts lo hagh food prices. Many also have the impression that the food industry 1s insensitive to the special n eeds and problems of thf' elderly." T h e p eop l e FRISH AMIRICAN LAMB SMALL LOIN CHOPS LB. 2.79 4PACK FAMILY SCOTT ·-· "~" • 8 9 WINllR NILLll PIARI l B .39 G ENUINE AM ERICAN 79 LB .' FISHERMAN'S BAY FRESH RED SNAPPER 1.59 Po~ l!eody FRESH CATFISH Alo,i.o" R~ody to E.,1 SMOKED 1s 1. 79 HALIBUT r .,,. .. c• •··' o P~ • HEAT&EAT lB 2.29 ESCARGOT <:. 1.79 LITER SHASTA ASST . FLA VORS REG . OR DIET LIMIT• BILL BRAND HllNZ SNACKS · KOSHER DILLS ~·· ~ ~~--_· .. ::·:t_: .. :, _. 7_9__... ~-·. '~-~l 1_._4_3 ___ RUBY GRAPEFRUIT 1 ST O F THE SEASON FLORIDA INOIAN RIVER IA. FRllH AMIRICAN LAMB LARGE LOIN CHOPS USDA CHOI Cf LB. 1.99 GOLDIN GRIDDLE PANCAKE SYRUP i·o· I 85 801'![ • l ! .35 inte rviewed generally recognized and accepted <ne fact that age has brought changes in their appearance and in the tasks they can manage. making it d1fC1cult. for example. for them to read the fine pr int o n labels or pri~ tags. ,.. :'ALL HA•Vlll OF CHllll V ALUll----....... . :\~ _, .• ~~LD CHEDDAR CHEESE IWlll •ID Y AMI ~-----CONVINllNT FROllN FOODS-----, At the sam e time, however, they tended to resent being categorized as "old" or as "senior ci tize n s ." And they r'i'.)ected proposals like special shopping 'hours for the e lderly that would remind them of their age. The panelists S&.ld that because of their incomes they havP become more cautious s h oppers and are using coupons more often . Many said they frequently s hopped at th e supe rm a rk et adve rtising the m ost specials -even If al was no t necessarily their favorite one. While t h ey sh owed signs of watching their budgets. they also took pride In managing by them1elves. Many said they we re reluctant to UR food ltamps. "It appears they would . nther go wllho ut &n ld~uate amount of food than admlt they are amona the 'needy' and a ccept • 'hand out' of food 1umpt from the 1 overnm e nt,' the rese.rch era .. Id . The (See SHOPPERS', CIO) • PUMPKIN PIE I ' i!t••·':'t--\ LAKE TO LAKE I 2 9 ,.~ • , 0.1u1 . ..... ..,. ~ 9.oz PKG • MRS SMITH'S 26 oz 1.47 y ·. ALPS BRAND IMPORTED IWllS IOOZ PICC 1.99 --FINI WINll 6 LIOUO•I C AMPAGNE ANDRI' e WHITE• PINK• COIO OU(~ Plo1n tob.t 3 ~ITER CHABLIS ftlo111 lobel l .75 LITER VODKA COOK800K YOl.UMI N0.12 I!! 2.99 .. 7.•9 ALOUITTI SIMl-IOFT .. ssT .. oz CUPS 1.29 IXTRARICH COOL WHIP BlllOS fYE 8 oz .79 GOLDIN CRIMI ICI CRIAM ASSI G Ai 1.69 FARMFRllH YIGITABLll 811!0S EYE l60Z 1.19 GINIRAL MIRCHANDlll QUALITY PHOIOFINllHING e.1.oz . REC • MINT• GEL LARGE CREST 1.69 HIAD6 IHOULDIRI 2,o.I SALE ON COLOR PRINTS IURllOUD ICOPI DIODORANT~MPIRIAL 1111 Gtl TWO HINT~ '°' ,.,, ~••Cl Of ()Ht ., llM( OI OCT. 28 tlvu NOV. 10 ,, •• ~ ..... eoo 2•• 1 Ot •I U"')(l,..ltO •O Ot IC)lt\f otVUQl'IN<; IQll COIOll 110 CMC 17• llS IUll ••AMI ... :-=-~~-:,:, 1 a• .~. 3•• ....... ''°_._'°_'.Vl•l•l••"."°'_°' __ $0V_•.•f_C•••l •l'llOC-•0•$•t0-\l•\-ll"' •C>O He '0. l\~A '()()HIM OfVl\Ql'IN(; OHU C>OU NOi 6,,lY TO l'fO ~INT$ Oil 0""f OAT ~._,l(f ()jtOltS LOWIR YOUR TOTAL FOOD BILLI ' We •cc•11t co11pe111 frem ALL ether l11••rm•rket1I ................. ., ........................... ,., ......... ,, ......... ··-·· c ......... . o-t•t •• ... , •"' c• ••'H• J•e •t • t• t91• '•""'I •t"••.-d ••••tr ..... 1 l•• •to h • • ' • .cu •• .. ) ~··· •• ~ •·••••••• •· -..... , 1 .. f't ... ,, ''"" ' ••• CK •o••• ' 0 '' (i•;' • ..A• _.. .. ,•ec• ·t ' ••'" •,.'JI'., tu ct ... • ••t ) \.OtH.,•o• c-t ..... , • -• w••t• • • • r•;(f ..... "' ......... , .......... ~ .••• , •• ,, •.•• , , c ... ,. , ....... "·•.., .... , ........ , ~ -· .. • •• ,, ............. t ......... ' '' ,. ..... , .. ...t\f t., .. --''""' .......... .., ••• ,,., • i '1A' ... t & .. -e·M.,..t\ ••\ •••• t ... '1t t •• • ft "'-•'" it.•M •1111 "t" ...... ,. t 0 Of .. • ..... Ott 11 "''• H9• l , .. , TalltU .. IMUM11'1DD-UC._.NonDI NOT ACCl1t1'1D l Orungo Colllt DAIL V PILO r /Wodnoaday, Octob r 27 1962 (•9 • We reap benefits of competitive marketing By DOROTHY WENCK 0t..._.c_t, .._.~ UfttNl'ttty 94 Celltefftla c..., ..... l11eMMft Aml•n cnn ror11wrs Ul'l' hurttng Why'! tX't'Ullllt' they · v 1• ht•co mt• too e f f l c I t• n t T h t• y ' r 1• produ('1ng murl' fu11d than they l'an t:ll IH n profit The avcrugt• Amerinm farm workt•r. who in 1950 produl't"<.i t•nough lo ree d 15 pt•opll', now produces food for 711 people. This sanw d f1 clt•11t·y d oes not prl•vml in many other countries in the w orld. In thl' Soviet U n ion. for exampll•, chronic food s hortages are r e flected in n ew diew ry guidelines. Russian people art• urg ed l o drin k lti • percent less milk and eal Z l percent f ewer vegctabll's, 20 pC'rcl'nt less fruit. 17 percent less m eat, 4 pern·nt less grain. and to eat 16 I percent morc potatoes than five years ago. In Southern California we not only e njoy the bountiful s upplies of f ood produced b y American fa rme rs; w e also are the beneficiaries of a highly competitive food marketing system. R ecentl y a f ie r ce supermarke t price war among a numbe r of leading chain s has resulted m even great.er price benefits. If you 've just come hom e from a shopping tri p w ith groceries averaging $25 a bag. you may not think that food prices around here arc especially low. They aren't, compared to what they were five or ten years ago. Bu l they are lower than thl' prices in most other parts of the country. An article i n th e Sept. 20. 1982 Issue of U.S . News & Wo rld Report, reported a ci ty- by-city and item-by-item seven year change in food prices. Among all the major cities (New York, Chicago, Detroit, Wa shi ng to n . San Francisco, Atlanta, and Houston), Los Angeles h ad the lowest 1982 prices for the 17 1 tems that were compared. The Los Angeles total tor the 17 items was $22 .85 comp a r ed t o $17.46 1n 1975 The JAMS (From Page C4) ripe peaches, the amount of fruit varies from 3 to 4 cups and the amount of liquid varies from 1 2t3 cups. depending on the variety of peach. Try this delicious jam for its good flavor: NO-SUGAR PLUM- PEACH JAM WITH PECTIN (A 1weet tart jam) 3 cups firm, ripe Santa Rosa plums c h opped (about 1 \..4: pounds) 2 cu p s firm ripe, peach es. peeled and, sliced (finnJy packed) 1 pack.age powde red. fruit pectin ( 1 ~ or 2 ounce size) 2 tabl espoons powdered calorie-free sweetener (more or l~ according to sweetness desired) Yield: 3 balf-plnt jars Grind fruit In food grinder with medium or coarse blade or crus h with fork. If juice is released. drain it from the fruit before making jam. Place ground fruit In saucepan with fru it pectin . Boil 10 to 15 minutes until fruit Is of d esi r ed thickness. stirring constantly. Remove fro m heat. Add powdered calorie- free aweetener. Mix well. T o freeze jam, atlr about 2 mJnutea. Pow- lnto clt>an, hot freezer Jara, leaving ~ inch h eadapace. Seal. chill, and freeze. Thaw before serving . Store In refr,gerator a f t e r opmlng. To can jam, pour hot jam Into clean, hot cannlna JUa to ~ lnch from top of jar. Seal t.nd ~ ln botUna water bath. Procem ~-pnt Jan for H rnlnutn. Pl"CX'fta pint jlr'I few 20 m!nuta. Cool and e&oN ln 1 cool, dark, dry place. After openlni, ttore fn the relripr'ator. t'lj(hl \ll)' llV\'lll•(l' Wiii' $ :.! fl H :1 f fl r I tHl :.! , u ml $Ill 1-1 111 1117~ Thus. 111 I lltl:l Lo:. A11~1·h·" pru .. .,. wt•ft! I :i pl'l\'1•111 luw1•r l II 11 n th\' 1· 1 K ht 1· 11 v uv1•r11j(t•, c·11mp11n·d tn 011 ty 4 l>t'l°'l 't'll l lown tn 1!175 'l'ht• tu~lwtit pt l\'t"<l 1·1 t y In l!Jll:.! wu:o. Nc•w Yvrk. tll $:10 HI, the· nc·xt l ti w l' Ii t • u { I ,. I' L CJ s An..i1•lt:s, was \,;h1l'ago 111 $:.?:I H , folh.>Wl'd by Houslun nl $:.!-I IJ:I 'l'h~· 11th1•r (~allfornw 1·11y, S.111 t'rlllll'lNC fl 1'111111' II\ Ill $:.!ti Oil I .c..., Anl(1•lt" u111I S.111 F 1 u 1H·1i.c·11 hull 111u1'11 luw..r 1111lk prn·1·11 thu11 muny or tlw 111uj11r 1'111(•'\, H·rll·c·ung t h t• 1Hu t1··i. "dt>r1•gul1111•d " pra1•1ng strUl'IUl't' 11!$ Wt•ll 011 lhl• fHOXlmit y of hq~h volurn'· rrnlk prcJ<Ju1·t•1'll Wt• µay un 11vt•1 u~w pric•t· of $.HU for 11 1, UaJlon Of Wht)lc rl11lk , 1·11111pa rl'd lo $I :11 in N ,, w Y u 1 k , $ I I :.! 1 n Ch IC:lt(O. ,I ltip fJl'll'I' 111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Golden Anniversary FRESH FRYER 49c DRUMSTICKS CHIC KIN FAM ILY ,ACK LB. RUBY RED Ill GRAPEFRUIT fAOMTEXAS SWEET AND JUICY Ol YIPIA IEEll lllteu\.Afl Ofl 4NK.O tl·OZ. CAM, UIMT l. "-Ull KAMCHATKA VODKA -.l*lf .. "'IMll --.... ··- ANCllNT AQI •ou,.•oN ~ ~ .. ~---·· ·-· -·---· GALLO WINll ,.., .. "' .... C•AeUt IU..C, --· •-"'"-' '" 'lAIUT lunER C•AMY Ofl UTllA 0""'9CHY, 11-0l. 'All '"''"' 7 .. _5 .. "'. 41• 2'' SI ti.I 111 Allu11lu, uml u11 1·1uh1 I II V 11v1•rUjll' uC $1 I U Ou1 •P11U11d l1t·t•I , 11vt·1.1 1.png $1 :rn . w.u lown lhu11 lhc· t'tlo(ht ltlUh • IAV('l'llf(l' by $ io 4l pound Oui l'h k k1•11, ut $ !\II II pou 11d. w llK luWl;'r pru·t•d than tht• t•ight 111Uh' llVC'l'HH\' of $ 7a n p11u11d In !llh(•r t•xtimplt•K, 111.11· putalflt1S ('OSI $ 70 for 5 lb , 1·ompar1•d tn $ l 19 un lht• l'lghl·Sl Ull' llVt•rngt' 1111d SI liY 111 Atlanta und l>l'trmt Ou1 tomu111t·• Ul $·HJ u p11u11d w1·n · $ I I tw low lilt' l'lj(hl 'tall· u v 1· r u l( 1·. w It 1 It• 11 u 1 hrc·11d •• 11 $ :u1 u pound w11."li l:ir luwt•r than tht· $.64 u µuunJ t•1uh1 11Wtt• uv1..:.rug1· 'rhu i.. fcJr man y "1>1:1pJ,." luods th11t run lit• tht• lm:ih1 ut a low t'C1st, nutritious «lwt rmlk, bread, po tu 101.-:., .crciu nd tx .. ·f, a11d 1'111rkr•11 our. pl'lt't's mu kt• Sou I h1 ·r 11 Cahfornwni. tlw w11111t•r an th1· l'alin~ for ,,.,..._ ~~~~~~~~~~~~- ijllllll' QUESTIONS Wt-; ARE ASKED: Q My cl.1UJ(hl1·1 ul'Vt•l111x-<I ll St•V1•1 c• I 11:0.lt ull hc•r thq~h i. 1>lllt'f• lo( hwl 11t.11 tt'll l wo11J1•1 If th" < ould 111· ,111 ulll't ~IL' n •uc•l toll to lhi• dyt• Ill ht•I lll'W ~.'l11l11'! If :o.o. why cJ11t•:1 It l'Clnl111u'• u I t t · r t h I' y' v t• b 1· <· n wu:.lll'd st·v1:rul t11111•s'! A Som1· pc •oplt• 111·1· 1ellc·rg1l· h1 tlll' d ye., cir 11111rt• lrk1·l y t o Ilic· fur n1ald1·hvd1· li.1 ~1 · I 1111,h 111 IJ"1 rn..i11\•t1l Jlrt'"' fol11 I( :o., ond rt•1wt Wi th a 'k111 lh ll h C ;t•lwrnlly, w11i.hmij tht· j.(11rmt•11t I C'lllCIVl'!I th!!\ i'IOUrl'l' IJI l llt' 111 1 tu llUll l t~·h y und lil'liltnj( 1h·rn111tltb,, 1nflw1u'<I h11ir loll1cl1•>., ••n<l fJth ... 1 i.k111 1 t'Jl'\lllllS CHI lhll(hi. ht1 V(• l1t'l'l1 tih 'l t'l'Vt•d Ill l1·1·11111<1·ri. und you11g adult 111al1·' who wt"JI I I o U S l' I' ' W I l h II n c•xtrt·1111·lv n:11111w c·u 1 Thi' sk111 1•1 upl11111s 111 ;,in·as t·ovc·rc·d bv llJ.!hl J> U II l' ol I t• < ti U 'I' U IJ y nrt·t hu11H.JI 1 uhl11nl( 1)1 I r 11 110 n , t h 1 • y rt• 11 o I .1lh·ruw n·.Ht11J1u, ('ht-tk VOUI dUuj(hti•r ''I ,,..nb Lu l>l'l' tf llll'y Ill •• "'' tight thut tll1•y'f 1• l JUi.lllK Ir rtlut111n rr VIJU '>USIJC.'<.'l 11111; tc1 IJt• lhl· t:u~', huvl! 1 hc•r '<lllfl w1·;cnnj.( tht• 1J :t ll l M U I) d !WC• I f l Ii I' probll·111 dl'hti. up If 11 doc•i.n 't , y1111 '<h ould l'lllli.Ul t YOIJI J1hy-.1t'UJ1l tSt•l' BENEFITS, ('IOI KALLOW££1 T\ME IS NEAR\ Wl.HAVl All VOU" l"ICK 'fil T"IAl NHDI IAVE Wiii SMITH'S Al LOW tMtlH'I P"IClll LIW PRICEI A•D llllLI CllPD•l I 7 -BONE ROASTS U90A CHOICI HIP CINTlll CUT CHUCK 0 -BONE ROASTS UIOA CMOtCI lllf ._,_. CMUCC BONELESS CHUCK ROAST UI OA CHOtCI NIP MASTERPIECE HAMS 'HOMAl I Wtt,.M)M IOflflt,.111 SWIFT TURKEY ROAST lf0Hf ANO OA._a,14,a HO PORK SPARERIBS lleOIUll ..a RED DELICIOUS CllACKLIN' Cll18' ANO 'lAYOfl,lJL POMGRANETS ,UU.O#IUt'O• LARGE CELERY CJt1l•O•U N l fA\..•I DIEFFENBACHIA 6MOf•4. t MfCM 1111 •0T PHILODENDRON 11'\lt•U AI' l·tfrtCM t l11 ,Of 3-U. IA8 1~! u 111 LI 111 I.I 3" 2" 1~ 79e ,.39c ,.49c 311 4" BARTLITT PEARS 'ULL 0' 'LAYOll 41~ .. • • . . I fUlaers .• ~,~ -.... ' FOL&ER·s COFFEE AUOlltMOI >-la. CAN POWDERED DETERGENT .... -.c 4t..OI. M• UL TRAFLAME FIRE LOQ ....... 0 AUNT JEMIMA WAFFLES ti Ot HO rt•OHN KRAn WHIPPED TOPPING LACl!llH,f.01 flle,,lllOll• ( h11 ~'II ~ ., • .1.. tr 1•1L· ... ·-.. ' .... , •• 2" ............. 211 ALt.OIMMOI • 711 •·LA. CAM a.u, cu RIB STEAKS VIDA CHOICI H IP LAllOl INO BONELESS TURKEY A"-MOUa I U' fUl IAlflO FAMILY STEAKS UI OA C ... Ot< ••••• tNOULOt • c .. uc• PACIFIC RED SNAPPER '"''"'ff.lift COOKED SHRIMP •1ueo DRUMSTICKS TUMIY llUTY BULK CANDY AllOtlTIO YAllllTIU IOIAL ,Ofl MALlOWHN PERSIMMONS ou .•CM>U1 RED GRAPES IWlllf JUiCt' AFRICAN VIOLETS RABBIT'S FOOT FERN SHASTA aooA '°'" AtlOllTIO lllOUUll, OllT, 1-lTll. ITL. APPLE JUICE OR CIDER flWI f CW ... OL l fL TORTILLA STRIPS t..APM.lfA MU IAO BRAWNY TOWELS ,.,._. DU ..... ~ 11-. -· TUSCAN POPS AtlOflll D •L·~· ·~·c•. ntare .. IOFT CllEAI CHEESE •Mn MUMUMIA AliOitilil "-AYO ... M)Z. em IMITtrl PARTY DIPI au.He"" •"60•M...., cw 1·L~. lt 171 .. 2•• ll 111 .. 3" .. 39c .. 59c 111 4" 49• . 1" CITITAL WlllTE UOUtD Dllll DmllU1' -.01 HttLI 111 UIDA CHOICI Hf' •ONILlll LOIN FRESH BROCCOLI OAADIN TENDI" .NORTHERN BATH TISSUE AHORTID COLORI 4·"0L.L 'ACK 2 ·11 LI . 31~ I S' .. iTissuE • 1 I "NOtt 59c I I t. PAOIC I 1. WF.=r!'i:H:-lA.'E I •'O·OL ..... PALm.IVE IGlD ... ., 39• 3100 IALMA ILVD •• NEWPOIT BEACH I 2871 HARBOR RI R • COSTA MESA 0 "" 0 • ~. l , . • • , t i '-, ;, ;: \ ij I I • Orang CoHt DAil y fJILOl /W dnetd y, Q(..\Ol>Or 21 Ht8~ ·-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • Fashions in food revealed JD new cookbook W h I' I) l ht.• ft' U II h H•nuhll·ll, liupport t(l'OUp f u r l'h opman Col '''Ml', l'l•lt•brut<•d pub I 1 t' a l 1 11 n o t I h t• i.t 111up, 111okhook , "~\l. h11111ahlt• food ~'rom ~ol1forn1:1 ," ltt'v1•r11I tablC'i. ut Lu Cu1:111w. wht•re th<· lum·h1.>on wru. held. were d('(.'Orated by l'Ummunily h~'aders. Among tht' promirwnl BENEFITS 01 tillj(t' t. 'o u11t11m11 whum• tulilt· dt-t•ur WMto Vlt'Wl·tl wt• r... I u 111· ht• on 1.· 11 l' h u 1 1 m 1• n • I . u < y W1ludwu1d und Norrrw Mt·r,•·r Woo<.lw111 J t:ho.'lt' J lhrl~tmus 1.·tung Co1 hn tnhl1• unct M C'VC'r :.t:lt:Clt•d llll Ort~lll UJ thl•OI • for ht•t' Ui\)lt• Both Wuodward and M ey c r 1..· ou t r 1but1• d rN'lpt'S to lh1• <'ookliook. 11>1 d1J otlll't w1·ll k1111w11 I' 0 II II l Y f I' !I I d t• 11 I " t11ducl1n6' P1 lur W11y111" tlw th11-c· Knott'" B1•11 v f"urm Nl!it1·1 i.. M urt.,i1 M o nt.Jpl•rt, T o ni Ollphunl and Vlr.ilnu& B<>ndn ond C.:hnpnrntl College Prc11ldcnt. GT "But•k" Smith. The <.•ookbouk 1s on sull• ul Clmonc's In l .1do V tll agl', B1.1lbo11 Ruy l'luh . llin•·•' W1•11td11t t'unH·u umJ C1t•1•l1•v'i. U o11 k i<t 11 1 '" Nt•w p1irt S.•111'11 Fur 1111~· w1shmJ.¢ to w Ul'I by tt•lt•phrnw, 11 hotltnl', (71<1) UU7 tlhU~. 11o 111urft-u &&t <.;hupn111n Coll1•1(1 tu rm tl1tHlt· 1111111 orJt>rw Cu1tt of ltw lmuk 1-. $l:l ~O. with mu1l urd1•ri. for $1 ~1 . 11wludin.c Ill>., hu11d1'11)11 untl pust..1.i1· H 1•p1 llllt•d ltt•fl• Ul'l' 11'11111'" f11I 11111 lllt'Mll fl (' h I ' k ,. II II L ll ,. y W1•11 lw111 d 11111t11bu11011, lllHI Cl11111 Sp1t•111I. II i.11li1111111,,.1i111 hy N111 111.1 l\h•Vt'I~ PAlll\tti;NAN C'lllC'KEN ti l\11111•ll•1t11 1•h h'k1111 l111•11111 .. :t 1'111111 Ht'lllilJJll•d h1 t•ml '1111111111 1 1 , • ,11, " r n · s h t(rutt•c t l '1111111•i..111 d11•1 w 1 I UJl .. lllfJJll'cl )>UI .. h•y 1, 1·1111 11wh1'll hul\1•1 :.! 1 l11v 1·' j.(111111 :l l,JIJll'!if>OOll IJljllll lllUbl·ll u I I ' ' I' " .. p " 0 II ' W ut\<t°'l\lt-1 hHt.• 11.JUl,. Mix 1.·1 umh,., d11•t" a11d J)Unllt•y lll)lll'th1·1 Sl'I a"Cl1 1· Hill I d111 k1·11 bn •u:.t.'> 111 11wlt1-il bulll·r . 1111x1·d w11l1 i.t ·•fl11 11 I \I " I ,1 I ti ,, 11 d \Vo 11 , • ., lt I '" 111· 1'>.1111 t I J111 Ill I I lllllli 1111 :>.lU ll I' I .•• I ( "11 k. JI I II .. 11J IJ111N h .1k l llj.( "''" "Ill .1y1-cl w1tl1 l'.1111 l'rnu 11 ·,I ul liutlt r '""' 1111 lop .mu 1i.1k1· .. t a~o <11·~' '''"' I 111 I ' hu11n. CLAM Sl'HEAI> :! 7 II I C ,1 II •, 1111111 I'd I ltllll 11111 • I 111 111111, I h11pµ..-d I j.(11·1•11 pt•IJJ>(•r . tfll Id • l u ,, IJ .J .. I 1· y • I )1111'J>"tl I 1 uh1· u11 ... dtc·<l h UlU I I I J Ii I 1· ., p 11 o n 1111 ·g,111u :! ll'll'fJllOll' hot lSt·c· FASHIONS, C J 11 !from page C9> Q I'vt.• been told thut po rk whu:h has bt.'<.·n frown 1s not going to ht.-dangerous if it isn't t'OOkl'd well done. ls this true'! Treat Yoursell To Halloween Savings At Your Nelghbor~oocl Blue Ribbon Store! ... A. By dangerous, I assume you mean be a poll'ntial cause of the 1Uness called trichinosis. It is true that the trichina paras11e that causes tr1 c h1n os1s can b e dt>st roy1.'d if pork is frozen Freezing pork and holding it at zero degrees for thirty days will kill the trichina parasite. H o wever, freezing doesn't destroy bacteria that ~ou ld cause other types of food poisoning -1t merely stops their growth. If the pork 1s m i s handl e d -t or l'Xample. defrosted and held too Jong at room temperature before cooking -the bacteria. 1f present. could grow a n d make the meat u nsafe. especially if it wt>re undcr<.'OOked. So be sure to keep pork cold, a nd l'OO k 1t t o a temperature or at least 165 degrees. . Q I bought some green apples to make into saure and before I got them cooked, m y three-year old ate one a nd got a t e rribl e s toma c h ache. Wh y didn't the applesauce bothe r him too? . A . Immature raw apples have d1fhcult-to- d1gest flesh . Their starch cells don't break down readily m the stomach and absorb water. ThlS ma ss or s w o llen . undigested starch cells m oves down the intestinal tract and may cause great discomfort, e specially to a small cbild Cooking gTeen apples ruptures the starch cells o r so ften s them suff1c1ently to permit more ra pid digestion. Thus. you r son can tolerate t he applesauce but not the uncooked gr een a pples SHOPPER (From page CS) USDA s ays about 10 percent of all part1c1pants in the food s\amp program are 60 or older, about 16 percent of the po pulation as a whole is over 60. Many of the shoppers' complaints referred to what they considered to be inadequate labels and nutritional information. Concern abo ut their health has led many of the m to restrict the sugar. salt. fats and oils 1n their diet, but they complained that finding f ood to meet their standards was h a rd. They said supermarket of(ered only a limited varie ty of sodium-free cit sodium-restricted dry ~ckaged goods and they said those that were on ,. sale were expensive. The panelists op~ to product labels .... hkh use chemical names fo oommon ingredienta and want labels which will l ist n o t on ly the if\gredlen ts themselves, ttut the perce ntages of those ingredients. One f nelist volunteered: "By the time you get through reading about the differ ent k inds of sodium. it's atill very d.i fficu It to tell If you Have an excessive •mo un t of aalt. o r not ... " O ther comp laints Inclu d e d large-alte' package• that are not a&lt.able ror houaehold1 \flth only one or two ~t-ople , the pre - ~ckaa1n1 of produce nwata whlc), make. difficult to examine the m e r c h a ndl1 e reful1y and price -ic:ken that are hard to re9d . GOLDEN VALLEY .... le Cider BEEF BLAOE·CUT Chuck Roast 10-LB. CELLO BAG ., •1.n ,. •1.11 .. •2.0I U 12.11 •• 12AI 8Eff~80NELESS Family Steak Cheese Food 9 Sllces ~1• "°'•I.S9 aak • ..,. ......... ........... Cl••·-·· ......... •LU ........... .,_ •• ··-· "°' ••• DOliUts •. 8-PACK //f/I ni.'11•1-~iu PLAIN OR POWDERED ~ .:[~. •• &ACM CHOCOLATE OR CRUMB ~:~ ... .... •• CACM !•1.u] ... '2.92] Service Dell ·····-· , ••••• '" ~··!"le• ,_ t . MACAIOltl SAUD IOIST IEif .43 c .• 11.19 .• 11.99 ••.,•rec•• ,.,. ... Nl••te N•l .. I _. er P'llcll :.· •&• Jltice ::- •ice .~· a,,11 Jltice :: I ! • -. ... .. esc 17' TREESWEET. .,.~------MOUNT-AIN __ OAOWN_F_AHCY_WINESAP ____ Tropical Punch. I , 6/&0Z •I. 09 Apples SENEC•. STEMS . PIECES • . Beef T•itos ..... ~lS Cret11 Giant .. ---~~ Mu•brOODIS ...... 'f .. a.~oz I.43 Y bbl I M>CC.ou BHUS!>Cl SPPf\V1., HI IS Oii CAUlffLQW£R .... "• CHHSl S•UC'£ SUNSHINE, REGULAR OR UNSALTED , ..I. 0 Krl•PY Crackers.• .18-0Z -, S T1scan Paps c .. H CANE, 10.LB. 13.23 • 6 C•I Wlllp ··-·· Sq... ~ 2 P-41 Lii "· .. es ·= :;~· ;.:,:::::;;-..:.,i:"' .. LB • .,_. flA ·• ilt~ .o "'°'-• ''°' ........... ..... ....... .,. ~--------------------~ LIOUID CLEA .. ER • ... "' s1.17 .. ., 11.15 ~o 51.8 SoftSc~b .................. t .~oz 2.09 MEDIUM -Luv• Diapers ... 4a.cT 8.38 NABISCO • • i-- SS PIUS mmm 1 f'ti IATS • • • ~. lj I a , \11\1 M II" II 11111 1.1\K"lll -... -•• ~ ,. Ritz Crackers... 16·0Z ~.39 A.C 100, DIET AITE, OECAFF!INATED • :. :! ·...;.:.: ~· ... · ·~·-·.:...:.. ! ~:~; .• _~::r..·;.-:-... -_, •• ~ RC Col I 69 ::::::. .. ..::.::~.::~-:;.::..::.·· ~ -a .... .,.,..._..,_, .. _ _. .... _,. -.. JI '. • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • ••••• 8112.0Z • _.-_ ..... _. ---.__.....____,,..--~ ---J . . " () FA HION (From Pa1e C'IO) J'l'l'f>t'I' llaUC'V 41 {'UP br\'Ud t•rumh~ C he<ld 11r l'ht•1•!i 1•, gruted p 8 f II\ l ' Ii ll II II I Rurnano t'h1-.•:.t• Pupr1ka Tr11tl'Ul a.." Drain clunl8, rescrv1.• Juice. Slm11wr dams in lemon juJ('(' for 10 tO 12 ma nu tes Put o n ion , pt•pper, pars l ey 1n bh•nd cr wit h .. nough cla m ju 1n• to process Bl end a nd .i dd tu simmering dams Add buttl·r. on·gJno. hot peppt'r SUUl'l'. star Ill bread c rumbs, mixing un t i I c u ns 1s tc>n cy o f oatmeaJ . Add mun· dam juice if ne<.'l'l!lSary. Place an quiche d1Sh or pie plate and rl'fngt>ralt· (can be frozt:'n a t this stage). Wht•n n •ad y to ser ve. br in g to room tempcraturl' and covl'r s u rrace with grat ed C h e d d a r <.' h c c s t' Bake at 325 degrees for 15-20 minutes until hot and bubbly. Ser ve with TriS('UitS. Table decor with a Christma them e was designe d b y Lucy Wood ward, pictured, for the k ic koff luncheon la unching The Fashionubles' cookbook. (with coupon below) on ... VACUUM fol / FLAKED ger~: When you buy ONE any si~e rolgA~ Flaked i!"&nr" c ll"'l ()fol COUl'Ofo Pl A "UllCHASl FOLGER COFFEE co ·STORE COUPON I 054980 I :.": --, .. ------------------------------ CUT AL.ONG DOT TEO LINE -------------------------------• 2060lU '5ave when you buy /! __ TWO any size t!Jl,,lll'lJ whenyoubuy /! __ TWO any size ""1llrlf c c ., • t Orunqu Luuel DAILY f-Jll 01/Wudt1o!>duy, Octot>m 'II 1982 (' l 1 T a kt· your pick of Mou \ Applt· Sauce or Mott \ Apple juice o r pick both. Both a rC' made with o nl y tht' bc-.t app le~ gTowing . The.· taste that \ "nut too ~wc·ct , not too tan:· just plai n deliciou ~. Now pic k som e savings too! I r---------------------T---------------------1 Save $1 .00 115¢ Sav~ro;s;u;,; any 15¢ To roceive SI 00 wonn ot Mol1 s Apple P•oouc1 coupon• I MOTT' • good on e•lhe• Moll~ Apple Juice 01 Sauce 1any Slyle ariy I s Apple Products s11et send tour 141 Mou s labels w11n 1n1~ torm Only 1u I Dully MOii Compdny Inc PO Bo• 616 A1venon NJ 08071 Sauce or Juice. I I I N•""• Addreaa Clly State '"" ...,,~,.. • • ... .... ~., ,., ••• .t1 ~~•'C"O "'" " iCI ' , A Wit-1;1 I \'l't 14800 101827 _________________ J OLD EL PASO Taco auce tastes more like a saJsa than a sauce. If s good and thick. Made with chunks of fresh·picked tomatoes an d ze ty green chilies. Discover what a deliciou difference OLD EL PASO Taco Sauce can make in your tacos ... and in goodness knows how many other family favorites . 4b000 50l7b0 i .. ·' ' -1 I " ·. Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT /Wedneadoy, October 27, t082 If you like to cook and haye a "favorite" recipe, it could be worth a trip for· two to a city of your choice anywhere in the Western Hemisphere (via Western Airlines.) Or you could win one of five S200 gift certifi~ates. It can all happen in the 1982 Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe C~ntest, and it could happen to your Even if you don't win a top prize; your recipe could be published in our "Orange Coast Cook Book" in the Daily Pilot on Wednesday, December 8, 1982. Daily Pilot Special Sections editor Janine Fiddelke will supervise a panel of food judges who will name the best recipe on the Orange Coast. Winning recipes will be judged on originality, ease of preparation, adherence to theme, and of course, taste. So get cooking. Read the rules carefully and send us your recipes as soon as possible . Entries must be postmarked no later than November 1 2. Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe Contest, P.O. Box 1560 · Costa Mesa, CA 92626 1. Appetizers favorite recipe for Meat spreads, zesty the mainstay of the dips or munchies. meal. Take your pick. 4. Vegetables and Salads 2. Grains Including vegetarian and Breads dishes. And don't forget the What is your .! out-of-season favorite way to start treasures in cans and off a holiday meal. in the fro zen food section. s. Desserts 3. Main Let's see what you Dishes can do with Whether it be chocolates, gelatin, hamburgers or coq butter, flour, au vln, the best whipped cream. and chicken salad or other f avorlte roast duckling, goodies. Set those everyone has a calorles aside. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 . List all ingredients in order of use, followed by clear, concise directions and the number o f servings. Remember, originalit y count s. Submit your typed entry on a 3x5" index card. Put category in upper left hand corner. Only one entry per person per catego ry will be accepted. If more than one entry is received for any single category, all entries for that category will be disqualified. Judges re5erve the right to properly categorize entries. Recipes must be complet e, and may not be changed after submission. Incomplete recipes will be disqualified. In the event identical recipes are submitted by two or more contestants, the first received will be the one cor:lsidered f or judging. The contest is open to all residents of the Orange Coast, except employees and their immediate families of Orange Coast Publishing Company. Indicate on each recipe in the top left-hand corner, your name, address, telephone. and category entered using separate sheets for each recipe. Mail to "Daily Pilot Favorite Holiday Recipe Contest," P.O . Box I 560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, or bring it to 330 Bay St., Costa Mesa. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT, November J 2, J 982 or received at the Pilot office no later than 5 p.m. November 1 2, I 982. Entry of a recipe constitutes agreement that it becomes the property of the Daily Pilot,· and may be published with acknowledgements (no street addresses or phone number will be published) in the Daily Pilot and Mirror newspapers. Entries will be disqualified If they fail to comply with the contest rules. All judges' decisions are final. All prizes will be awarded. CONTEST ENDS NOVEMBER 12. ' .. . ........ . o· ? .. u -:; • Dilly Pilat Wf UNl S llAY C)(. I 'JI Hilli ClASSlfllD 05 Leach really delivered It has been an uphill battle Jor triathlon • winner By HOWARD L. JIANUY 0( lhe 0.11, l'tlo4 ll•tl Whl1n Julie Ll'al·h uf l'oro11,1 d1•I M.11 -.111_•aki. ,1ho u1 he·1 \,\ 1111111\j.j performanc't' an the• I l.1wa11an lrrn1111a11 Triathl1111 1·011111t·l1t 1011, '"'' talk!> about h1tt1ng thl• wall. hav1111{ .a b.11Jy .111d 111.1ke•' l'o1111M11'>1111s UctW("t-'11 thc•st• s1tual10ll:> "I foll good for ti or 7 null•s dunng the· mur.11hun 1 UI\ (tlll' ll11.1I o{ thrrt-grudlmg CVl'll~) unlll all of a uuddcn I h1l .1 \-\ .111 I hud l-><1d stomac.:h l'rumps .mll I hurt all uvl·r My tinw wt•nt frun1 7 1 111111u t1· rmks to 10 -mmutt• milt>:. and I km•w 1 \\ ~ d w1111Jh11g m y ll .. 1d IMttlv tl u1cb 1111d h.111 d11c"l1>r-. llwr" t11 ,,..,..,,..,, 11 v•ill 11\ e•d1•d 11 ··1 w,,, 111 the•11• rnr· 11 , hour' 1a11d 1t·1illy l1·lt lc•111bh· I w.is 11.IUSe'lllh and h,1d c llllllJJS ,111d ltlV fi;llk hu1 t .1 lot r1 11111 l)<0ll lj.(1111 tlll Im \'1 fl' tlw l 1011~ f ''T iie· rwi.t d.cy I n ·ally lc ·lt hun~ n v1·r l>1'1.,1Uw 11 was hard Irving '" 'l1·1·p tliLll 111gh1 1•v1•11 though 1 w.1s v1•r y llrc'\I It w.1s .1111111-.1 -.11111•;ilr-,\1< hc'\"(llhl' till' a<.Jn•n <J lln WJS I c'.11ly f lllWlll..C. "I w.1s 111v 11y -.11(( and '>ore <1ll 1iv1•r m v bod y tlu• ru ·i..1 d..iy But I\ w,11> c1u11c• a11 l'Xpc·rll'nc·(· Hight 110 \\. I don't th111k 1 would do 11 .1g.11n hut II 1-. -.1111 loo ~Hiii lo s;1y "Thl' marathon l'OUl'S4.' look you to a halfway point anll you rl'turm'<l along tht• s•.unl• path Jnd S<IW your l.'Onli?elllors as thc•y Wl'lll th<' 111h1 ·1 w<iy 1 was lt>ad1ng. almost Crom tht· swn or tlw marathon. and 1 km•w I hud le·~ 1h.m I . -1111lt•s on Kathlct•n Mt·Cartnl'Y (Nl•wp1Jrt Be·.1d1 res1dt•nt and lu::.t yl'ar's wmnl•r) and som<.· 11th1·r runnl'rs. ----------------.. "Tlus b prulNbly like• .1 wum:1n h.1v1 11g .1 "AT THAT POINT. I f1gurL·d lhl'Y Wt•11• gaming on mt· w11h t'Vt'ry 5tt•p a nd I wa:-. rt·<idy to settlt' for third plan '. 1 hml rC's1gm·d mysl·lf tu that foe·t . "l was rt•ally hurtmg ;md on tht• wrgc· ot being delirious 1 kl•pt waning for somt~J11t· to pass ml' but tht•y didn't and at the• 2-1 1 _ mile• mark, 1 d1'<·1dt-d 1 wu.s gmng 10 push tht• rc·i.t of th<' way "l heard the ABC tt'lcv1s1on crew sav 111 a t·amera man lo kt'l'P focuS{'(f on my t'Yl'S · T lwy must havt• OC't'n doing soml'lhmg kind of t•ran ;.ii the tim e Bu t 1 p1ckt•d l l up a little ;_ind fortunately, the.> last I 1 ~ mlle•s 1s d ownhill "Tht• -l'rowd can t·arry you 10 thl• finish line• and that helps But all I felt hkL· d(l lllg \\iJS stopping My legs pre tty mul'h ga v<' out "One thing that hl•lpPd ni1• "as a11 Julie Leach encouraging word from K athlel·n whc•n "t• passed Shl' :.aid. 'don't p1l·k It up · Sht• kl\t>\~ thl· tendency to run a httlC' h arder a nd f<e.ll'r "lw n yuu -..iw .ind ft•lt your compellllon was gaming on you Bu t hl'r <id nw rc·all~ ht•lp1'1.l " WHEN SHE F INALLY did t·ross the finish lint> di tl'I tlw 3.1-mile Ot't'an swim, thl' 112-milc b1cvd t· ra<.'e a nd the· :!ll 2 m1k marathon , she was earned to a med1caf tC'nl nea rbv_ ··After my legs hm.1 OC'(m moving fur tha t ll'ngth vf llllll'. th1•v just gaVl' out on m1• The')' gave-me· a l'Ouplc· of IV's to -;\.dh1ll11· rnv • ' b.1by fo r the• ftl's l t11111• Af11·1 th1 l>JhV 1-. d1'11v1•r1.U . th<at WCJn h lll will 11·11 \CJU \h1· d1H·-.n'1 wa111 any mo re for till" 111·>.l w1·t·k.·1111mlh 111 t w11 nmnths ·But afte r while· she· h;,... S4.i.•ll1U thoughts <ind has anothl•r 1·h1ld or two Things 1 h,111g1• .111d bc·mg a womjln. I h.ive• the• 11gh1 111 c h,111g1· 111v 1h111k111g about t~imµt'lmg .Jga111 . loo " LEACH IS NO 11t·w1·11nw1 t11 top l l1!(ht 11th lt•lfC: l'Offipl'll llOll S ht• ml'l her husb:md, Hill. wl11l1· .1tll•ncl111g Corona dt·I Mar High wht·n· h1• w a::. a tl•;Jd wr He talked h1·r into learn111g I<> kuyak, a sport h1 • had lx•cn dl'eply mvolv1•d rn and Julit· inadt· tlu• U.S Olymp1t· tl·am 111 1~71i al ag1· Ill T lll"n m 1977. sht· had lit·t•nsi• pl;1ll·s mad1· spw1a l for her VW v;.in, USSH 811 Tiil' µla tt·' ,,,... "llll 1m thC' car "Thl'Y Wt•rc• ._. 11101 1v.11111 11 t.1e 111r T he· Olymplt'S Wt'rc in M0st'tlW 111 'HO and 1•vt·ry 111m· I loukL'1..1 al the plat4.''· l'cJ pu t ,1 li t1h· l·i.lra drrn 1 1n10 training to mak1· lhl' tL·am 1n '80 "Then when th1•y annuunt't·d thl· bvvl'l1ll ot lht• O lymp11...;. ll "a::. 0 l1k1• hav111g ,1 lh.111° plllll'1.I uul from undt>r vou a~ \OU star tt'll to ~It d11wn I lo~I a lot of heart for ttw c•v1•n1 dlld u1d11°t 1•v1·n TH INGS HA VEN'T gonl' 1·xal'tly sm11c1thlv f111 hl'I 1h1-. \('.II 111 11.11n111g fur th1· triathlon. l'1tlwr "t\ n 1r r.in 1nl0 nw while· I w<as ndmg my l111 ydc· 111 Mav .111d I h111k1• ;1 fibula m my k g Shi· w as making .a ldt 1u111 .111d dulrl°I ,,..t. m o· and 1 d1d11°l SC'{' hl•r "It n•ally wasn 't an 1111ury that kept ml' from tli1111111g .1lthough tSt•e LEACll, Page 04) o.ir, PUo1 lt•tl i>ttoto Marina High quarterba<·k Hill Marle r leads th•· Vikings agains t Wt•btmins l<•r Friday. Playoff picture could cle~r up Friday ; Bv ROGER CARLSON Of"ttoe 0.-, l'tlot ..... Bobby W11l1ams (both with 4.6 sJX•t-d for the 40) behind quarterback Rod Pesak (4.7} Saddlc•bat·k 's s pe 4.•d and s tri k ing ability, .. howeve r . d 1<.·ta tes 100 pt'rct'nt containment. soml·thmg "'·h1t·h no ont• h;i~ t·om<· dO:><' to at:h1evmg a t th1!-point .Jlarlnn i.s. fft-!tilmln!iilPr Altho ugh ~he Ed1son-Founta1n Valley showdown at Anahe im S tadium takes the l'{'nter st.age Friday mght m prep football. there are some other argumen ts to settle. 100. as the quest for league titles and CIF playo ff berths takes on do- or-die circumstances for many Saddleback H1gh's Roadrunners hav<• run roughshod over seven straight a nd arc ranked No 8 in Orange Co unty , but mus t conte nd with a Newport Harbor squad which has hct-n sh owing signs of championship caliber ability Bradley has scored 12 touchdowns. Pesak has complctl'd 5 0 pe r"ent of his pa s ses for 10 touchdowns and kick~ the PATs, too. and receiver Todd Cage h as caught 211 passes for 422 yards and 5 TDs The Road runm•rs havt• not playt-d a ,.:.1me yet without gl'tllng at lc-as t onl· TD ~ from Pesak ond one TD run from Bradley ··Thl•y'rp an inll•resung team. says Nt-wpcrt Harbor Coach Mike G 1ddmg!> "( had a chanc"<' to see them o nce. a nd on film. and the main thing 1s that they likl' t'ach otht•r It's a group o r seniors that have been togcthl•r for .i long llffil' and they play w ith a <.'c•rwm c:amarad<•r1c Thuredey (•II gem•• et 7:30) El Toro vs Un1vers11y al Irvine Frldey The Un. El Toro by 10 The Vikings of Marini.f rollc-d tu the tune of • 45-0 ovl'r Oc:ean V1l'w la:.1 Fndav. thl• same· team w hich put Westminster a way. 21 :1 Here 's a look at each of this week's game:.. aside from the Edison-Fountain Valley duel New·port Harbor i -.s. Saddlf>bae" Both coaches are concerned about the same thing in this ont' the explosive potential " l f t he y w P rt• n · t o u r o pp o ne n t I · d be applauding Therc m ust Ix> IY seniors among their 22 starters Of our 2:l we havP about 15 who are not (seniors). Fountain Valley vs Edtson al Anaheim Siad Edtson by 3 Martna at Westminster Marona by 7 Ocean View a1 Huntongton Beach HB by 6 Newport Harbor vs Saddleback al SA Bowl Sadd by 6 Irvine vs Estancia al Newport Even Cos1a Mesa vs Corona del Mar a1 OCC CdM by 1 Mission Viejo vs. Woodbridge al Irvine MV by g Laguna Beach at San Clemen1e sc bv 7 Dana Hills vs Laguna Hills at MV Lag Hills by 3 Chino al Capistrano Valley Capo by 10 Marina Coach Davl' Thompson sw1h.•hed his offt-nse w ith tackll' Jl•ff Le•<• (ti-5. 228) JOining l<lckle 8111 M<1c1as (fi ·:>. 230) on thl' same s ide o{ an unbalanc'C'd line. a long w ith the· rem fort"C'men1 of ught <·nd Marc-ello Mntc•s.-.i (fi-0. :!02) and a slutback . rather than a fl;mke•r The· l'nd rc•sult was dt•vasti.fling (for Oct·an View ) and figure s 111 b<• d lot for Weslmins tN to handle. "They (Newport Harbor ) make the big play," says Saddleba<.'k Coach Jerry W itte "Newport Harbor beat Estancia with defense. but they also kept coming up with the big third down play "SaddlebaC'k has that SJX'<'d and cxperient'l'. the only thing we havf' going for us 1s sizeo A lot will depend on our ability to play a wide op<•n type of game•. Mater Del at Bishop Amat Amat by 2 Wt>s1m1nstr•r 1s on a six-game losing streak and ·: hasn't scored more than 011e to uchdl)wn in an v of its seven ganws this year · "They're able to keep the ball when they have to a nd you might stop them twice, but tht> third time .. " "Maybe• f.s t.arw1a wa:. .1 bll-ssing in d1sgu1sc When .. wc· ~u down 17-1) ll lx'<·a mc a p1t·k and <.'atc:h Rtim!" Vie w Leagut• r~·('l)rd to :i -1. om • gamc · bc·h1nd Saddleback . The Sailors' maJOr gun 1s tailba('k -lmebal'kl'r Steve Brazas. although they also 'boast sohd and sizeable> hnes. which figure 10 tu• up tht• Saddlebat:k speed the ma.JOnly of the tlmt• "They've• playing 1ot<>od dl'f('OS(', but have b<-en m aking sumf' m1 stakl'S ... on o ffC'nse ." s a y s Thompson. "Just like Wl' have··· The Roadrunne rs feature the fas test set of backs m Orange Count y with Kevin Bradley and N t• w IJ o r t II ar bor r es p o nd e d w 1 th 4 5 una nsw crl'd points agains t Ei>tanc1a to up Its Sea Manna's only mistake• a W(>('k :igo was a first quarter fumbl<' Aftr r tha t. w ith L(>(' and Macias l See PREP. Page 04 I . " Her quest Players rebel without a cause • continues Practice (or repet1t1on) makes perfect. so says those in the know. And long· dist.a.nee running athlete Marcia Martyn obviously believes in the theory. "I'm going to do 1t over and over until I do it right," the Coro na de l Mar resident said Tuesday following her 23rd marathon. clocking in at three hours. 21 minutes and 11 seconds , three minutes s;;:;;;;;3..._._ off her personal best for the 26 mile. Marcia Martyn 385-yard race in New York City. After so many mara thons. the thought of not finish ing ts far r emoved from her nund. the quest now ls to better the previous bellt. and this time she failed. "When I reahz..ed I wasn't going to do a p.r I got a little d1SCOuraged." sh e says. "But it was my second best time." Martyn r an the Western States 100 m June, a gruelling 100-mile run through rugg<.'d terrain. thus the marathon is more hke a sprint on tart.an surface tn comparison. but she still goes for the "sh orter" distances. too. "I'm thinking about the San Diego marathon in four weeks and I may run the American River 50-mile trail run in the Sier;ras and the Catalina trail run (26.2 miles) In Morch. so r won't be going to the Boston Marathon next lime." she says. The event atlr~ 60,000 a pplicants and of the nearly 16.000 who entered the race. 96 percent finished. Including 25-year·old Linda Down, the last place finishe r who arriv<.'d some 7 1.1 hours after Martyn. Down la a victim of cerebral palay and ran the rat.'t' on crutches, a stirring finish to the event which continues to draw more and more competltort. "I think I c.n run 3:16 ~ d ay." Marlyn aays about Cuture marathoN. "But It'll take more work." Martyn knows obvious ly know s whtu It takes. He r firs t marathon wu run in ~:16.48, the n It wu 4:18 on her second try and on the third marathon sh brok~ four hours. her greatest thrlU in running. It wu •ped.tilly cold In New York (45 degrcca with a 23 mph wind), and Martyn aay1 it felt more like 23 df'grcet wllh n 4~ mph wind. "You ,et tO 24 miles and you thJnk, 'never again.' but when you flnllh, you et.trt thlnkJnc about the next one. h 's kind of Ilk<' U)1nc to &o\ver your s olf ICl()l'e." Some NFL union members think it may be too late .. W11h th<' conclusion o f the World Series, the sports Junkies can now get on wtth thP t·old turkey withdraw al created by lhe d C>parture or professional football. Offtc1als state they now e xpect marked inl'rt•as('!'I m akoholism, divorce, insanity and su1d d£> They h ad been rath f'r dc•spt.•rntc·ly casting about for a replac-eme nt for the World Series but. of course. that was altogether out of the question . A guy submitted pro basketball. Tha t 1s thl' pastime where tall guys in color ed underwear run up a nd down a polished rloor. All of them have nicknames -Dr. J .. Big E. Downtown. Silk. SkywaJker, The kt'man. Sly, Chorolate Thunder etc .. etc. - and the fear w ould be that we would commence to learn who these creatures arc~ THERE IS ALSO college football but c-ompared to the pros. this is like washing your feet with your socks on. Canadian football has been e liminated which is gratifying ll was like going out with an ugly ilrl wh ich is no substitute for the real thing. When lhe suffering public cxaminl'8 t he NFL strike in S<'arch of a party on which to plat'<' the blame, it la torn between two <'xccllcnt choices the owne rs and th.- pl o yer s . A('tually. both factions are' deserving of c.'Onaidcratlon. Each aide hM displa yed commendable t rait s o f intole rance?, lmpoticncc. lack of Intelligence and tota l lack of consideration. I lowevcr. tht-rf' m11y be a ray of hope. There may be a n Indication that cooler and more acn slble h eads 11rc bcglnnl!'lf to prt•vall. The o nly unhappy aspect of this is that It mny bl· too latl' AT ANY RATE , cert.Ain m<>mbcrs of th<' ploycrs union have c.'Oncluded their cau~ SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER m ay be grow ing weak and Insipid 1ndl•cd dose t o hopele ss . In ra <.'t , thrre are th<>s<• union members who feel there 1s "" longer a <.'ausc. unles..<1 1t is thl• personal campaign o f Ed Garvey, the CXCC UtlV(' d lrC'c t o r o f the playe rs as.<;0e1atlon One o f the p layers expressing this up1nron is Jack Yo ungblood of the Rams It 1s the unclutt<'red view of Youngblood that Garvey has succeeded m pe_ddltng the membership down the nver and thnt tht- po.<1ltlon of th<' NFLPA ls critical "T o begin with ," Youngblood sa y N. ··t'veryon<' realized :.lmost imm<.'d1a tcly that the idea of 55 percent of the gross revenue was u dream ... a pleasant dream. perhaps. but It was a dream. It may have been worth d try but whc•11 1t \:x't·a me obvious 11 was out of thl· q uestion . Garvey should have acted aC'rnrdingly " YOUNGBLOOD REF ERS to th£' opening d cmand!> of Garvey that the players be .. given 55 p<'rt'<.'nt or the gross revenues of all ~ o f till' NFL franch ises As Youngblood • points out. it did not take long for t h is ~ prl'm1se to wavcr ··Thl'n the owne rs offered us $1.6 b1ll1on." Youngblood goes on. "This might l'vcn hove b<'C'n mt'rcascd Garvey rejected .• 1t and now 1l has been withdrawn. "This t•ntire season 1s about to be lost .md the• players have won nothing As 1 see 1t. wt• havC'n't Ramed anything." Yo ungblood Ill ac tive in a "dump Garvey" movement and has been on the phont' around th<' clock enlisting support. A 30 1x•rt·cnt cnrollm(•nt of the membership would Ix> sufficient nnd the impeachment of Garvey woulct bcc-ome a reality. The only thing 1s. aJ I of thb will take hm'' and thc·r~ simply isn't any time left. IC t lw 1982 NFL st>a son is scrubbed . ll p robably would mean the com panion dt•mtsc of thl' players ' union. I!~ Carvey would go on to other things. On the inside • NL, AL managers of the year on D-2 • Carlton wins Cy Young award on D-2 • Volleyball racea take •h•pe on 0-3 • Marina pulls upset In water polo, 04 --_: _..._ •:-_ ---. ~~-· ....._ -... Joe Torr(' llarvey Kuenn Torre, Kuenn picked as managers of year From AP dispatches Atlanta ':. Jol· Torrt· .i11d Ii .• Milw.iuket>':-. Harvl'y Ku1•nn. who sk1ppt.•n•d th,•u· resptx·uve dubs tu lhl· National Lt•agut• Wt•st and" Amcrn·an Lt•agut• F.ast tTowns. but who both L'Ul1ll' up shw 1 along th{· way. havt• bl'i:'n namt'<:I man<1gt•n. nl lht• yt•ar by Tht• Ass<X·iatc.•d Prt•l>l>. Torn' n •t·1•1vl·d J 5 of 79 volt's r·ast b v .1 nat1o nw1dt' pJ1H·I of sports wrilt•rs and broadt·<1slto>rs Hu11nl'rup was Frank Hobmsun ol the San Fram·1s1:0 Giants, who l).'t.'('IV1•d :!2 volt'l> for the National Lt•ague honor Thl· Bravt'!> fm1 l>ht'CI the 1982 Sl'dson with J record o f IHl · 7:3. Qvercom1ng a prolung1•d m1clsumm1'r slump tu win th<' National Lt•agul' West by one gamt• ov1•r tht• Dodgt•rs on the final Jav l>f the sc•ason -Atlanta had not w1>n thl' d1v1s1on !>lnC'C l~ti9. when they ftn1s ht-'<.i \J~l·ti9 bu1 lust tht• Nat1011ol Leagu« playorfs to tht• eventual World Sc•nt'!> champion NC'w York Mt:lS Kuenn. who gu1dl•d the Brl'wcrs tu tht• tx·!>l record in basl'ball this season and thl'tr first World Series :lnd r«:e1vc-d a one-vear t'Xll'ns1on ; of his c.'Onlral·l only two days <ago, ~·a.' a runJW.1\ • •. selection. namt•d o n 47 of 79 ballotl\ for the • ::: American L<.-agut· award :: Runner-up was Earl Wt•avt'r, who res1gnt<tl , ::' thts yt>ar afl('r 14 1 i seasons as managl•r of tlw ·.: Balumore Onolt•s WeavC'r rl'<'ctvC'CI 14! votes : On Jun<' 2, the Brew ers had a 23·24 record ; . and wt•rt• tit'<.I for flft h place an tht· Amc·nt·Jn ::;Lt"agut· East. M<Jnagt•r Buck Rodger:. was f1n-d . •• and Kut'nn. th<· SrC'wt•n;' balling instrunor fur :;: 11 y t•ars. repl.it·1..·d him ... • . ..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .· ~= Quote of the day Bill Fitch . wat'h uf the Bcr..llm CclUC'S, t'Omparmg pru football and pro b.11'kl•tball "Our lcaguC''s situation is a lillle d1ffc-rt'nl tha n the NFL In thC' NBA 1t's thl' owners who are asking for 55 pe rcent o f tht· players' gros.' 1ncom1• .. :=.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' =~~t's Carlton by a landslide .· ·:: NEW YORK -Steve Carlton ::)'eco"C'rt'<:I from the worst start or his •:'.'Ca r eer this s eason to win an :::Unprecedented fourth National >League Cy Young award Tuesday ·:.: Carlton. o f the Ph1ladelph1a Phillies, WdS ·~:·the only pitcher m tht• major leagues to wm 20 ~. games this year. finishing the season with a :: '23-11 record and an earned run averag<' of 3 10 -At age 37, Carlton got off to an old man's ,start, losing his first four games. But he won four '.# of his next five games. and, once again. he wru. on the form that has made him the all-lime ' " National League and left-handed strik eput king .:-Carlton's league-leading 286 strikeouts this ; . season gave h im 3,434 for h is career, only 74 shy -:pr Waller Johnson's all-llm<' record of 3.508 \. ··Carlton should have little trouble breaking that ::mark next season. his 17th in the major leagues ' end 12th with the Phillies. $3&2 Goring le d a lalondere' win Uutc·h c:urlni 'ic 1111111 Ii .. 11 .. 11 hu11d1'tl j(lliil nf 1h1• l'lt'llhllll n11d twu 1'( 111\·11 11plt'l't• Ii 11111 Uu1uw Sul11•1 .11u l Mike Uo 11y 11 ii 1111• N1·\' V111 k l111l11 111l1 •t l'I l\I 11 -; :! \ h 1111 y ,,,.,., (',ol~.11 ) 111 hl)(hl1~h1 N.1111111bl 11111 k1 y l.1·11~\lP '" 111111 Tlll lldll Y '1'111' \\Ill i.l11•ld11'd 1111' 1 .. 1 .. 11d1·1 .. · I l')(lll•ll 'II •l'l•ll h111111• 1111 111 .111 •11 'llt 1•,1k 111 !II H•lllll'!\ ('.!7 II ~) 1-:lt>4·Y.1l1·11· IU1· St'llln .111d C.lllcs llumd ~'"'"d 1h11d 1>1.•1 U'lll ij11.1t.. to pull Hui L1l11 11H" ,1 7 7 lw w11h Mo11tH·11l Mlc•ht!I G oulct "011•d 1h11't' t(oals .md M or" Tardif 111111 Pt>tcr St1&oCln\ .uld1 .. I '"" l'.11 h to l1 .. 1d (~111.'1,. .. 111 .1 ~l I V lt'lOl'Y 11v1•1 '1'01111111 1 Tom M1·<'11tthy 1 Jl't"I llfl 1111 nj(hl ... uh• .1ml ... lh•t Ir 11111 doM· rani<t' 111 ..,. 111 ,. 1 h1· g.11111· w111n111g g111d a:-. M111111·~t1\.J OORIMQ J1•h•.it1-d N1·w .J1•t 'l''>'. :1 :l Tiu• v11·to1v 1111p1ov1'1l M1nn1·:.11la'i. tt't't•rd lo 7 :! I Jtlll. 111 llw p1111.·t'"''· lu1111k'll lilt' Dl•V1I-. th1·1r lh1rd l\l1.11ght l1is,' (:l ·I :1 11v1•r·all) t'apl:ill\ St un Sm yl M'01'1•d 1w11 grn1!... 111 lwlp111g V .1111·uuvt•r tw u duh rt't'OI d with f1v1• g11Jb Ill till' (11~1 f.K'l llld '" lht• <.'tilllll k' I rlll'lt'tl Ill un 1:1-1 v1~tory ov,•r flnuntlt•ring I lartford Close finishes In Hobie nationals SOffil' uf lht• t•IOSt'Sl Sblllllg Ill llll' Kl::Y BI SCAYN I~. 1''1u 111 ~ history of lloh1l' Cut r.1l'llllo(, 1111· I 1r-;1 thrl't' plut't'S 111 thl· llul>ll· It! 11.1l1111lJI d1amp1u1bh1pi. wound up tn lll'l\ al tl·r thrc·1· n 1t't'!\ Tul•sday Ttw putnt spn·ad lit'l W•'l'n f11 :;t drld- third w:" 1 ' 1 prnnt.:; T1l'd tor I lrl\l pl.111· wt•n · Jl'l 1 All1·1 o l Cup1struni1 &•al·h ;md Allan Egu:-;;1, Hawtli1111w. T1t•d for M·1·1md Wt•rc• .John I lutkl'V. Jt•nst•n &•at'h, Fl.1 , and Carlton Tut'kl'r, Fo~l Walton, Fl.1 , ;111J d1'.11ll m ·k1·J I or third wt·11· Bob William:., FmrfH'lJ. Con11 , and UP1m Frnon1t·. Katlua. l lawa11 Knight, Lopez get married PELHAM. t.:.i (iulfer Na11t·y Lopt'Z married Houston Astr~ third bast•m.in Hay Knight 1n a prevail' l't•remon v Mon du Y Th1' 0 wedding was at lh~ ho11w of Pelham businessman M.1x Frost1g, Knight'-; partm•r in a ..,purling 81X><:b Murt· hen-. F'r..r..llg said Tu{·:-.cfay Ill· said thl' t'OUpk• "wanlc'<i a real privatt• aftalr nu pholugrapht•n., no press." Lopez. 25. was marr1l>d for thrN· yt•ars to Houston ll'lt'v1s1on sporL-.custe r Tim Mc lt•m ShL· fllt'tl for d1vorl'l' 111 May Lopt.•1 Parm-cl $1J6,-l74 last y,•ar. eighth bt.-st on lht• Ladll'S Profl-ss1on<JI Golf As.'>'x:1at1on Tour Kntght. 29. 1s .i ncillve of Albany. Ga .. about :w miles from ht·re Ht.• auendC'd Albany. Ga , Junior College• bdore being signed by the Canctnnall Hl'ds I h• was lradt'<i u1 Houston last vt•ar Early postponement for NFL Tht· Naumwl Foolball Ll'.1~ut• Curmallv t•a lll·d off this Wt·t•kt•nd's gdnws Tut·sday And for tht· firs t t1mt" NFL Comm1ss1oner P e te Rotelle said th1· lt•aguc· might play fl•wcr than 12 gam1·s C•>ntrat·l talks brokl• off belwe<:n thl' S.an Dll'l<(O ( 'hppt•n. and lhl· agt·nl rl'prt'Stc'nllng tht•1r Nu I dr<1£t p1l'k T erry Cummings, hours <Jftt·r <.in agreemt•nt a ppeared imminent .. Billy Martin, fired as manager of the Oakland A's last we<>k. 1s apparently not going t.o become thl• new sk1ppN of the Cleveland Indians. his agent said . Oakland A's Prcsld<'tll Roy Eisenhardt announted thl• h1nntii of Bill Rigney in <11\ adv1l>Ory roll' R1gm·y. t:i3. ha' been ,, -.c.1ut for the Angels th<' pas t f1vt• years ;1f1t.•r ma naging four maJOr IPaguc• teams . The Lo~ Angt•ll·s L.1wro; e lt'<:tt>d lnd1anJ Un1vt•rs1l.>"1t Greg Thompson, lhl· natiun's top-rall•d ~nllt·g1att' S4)C('t'r pl&yl'r, as the numb<'r om• p1t·k uvc•rall durtng Monday'1t MISL t't>llege draft ht·ld 111 St LoutS Normand Leveille, the· Bc~ton Brums' 19.year-uld ll'ft wing stnck('n with ;1 brain hcmorrhagt'. rcm;uned in poor umd1t1on al Vanrouvl'r Genc•ral H06pttal. His t'<>nd1t1on was unchanged from Monday. a spokeswoman said North Amcrirnn Soccer League prC'l>1dcnt Harold Samue ls, adm11ung his lt'aguc ''l'Ould go broke." met Tu<'Sday with club ownc·rs to hnd a curl' for the league's fmant·1al wcx-s Television, radio TV: No evt•nts sc:hcdult:'d. RADIO: Hrx:kt•) -Kings at Winnipt·g. 5:50 pm .. KPHZ (l 150) ;~College football ~ SATURDAY'S GAMES WHI Oregon VI UCLA 11 ROM Bowl I 1 30 P m I . Washlng1on al Stanford (Channel 7 a1 12 SO ,. pm I :: Cel II Oregon St Ariton• II WasNnglon SI •.• C•I Stele Fullerton II Hawaii. n •. Ulall al Slfl Diego St • n • •• • San .ioe. St 11 NeveO•LM l/egea. n ''-'-AzuN-PKlllC 11 USF Sonome SI 11 Cel LutM<an cat Poly (Pornonal •I u. ot San Diego Redland• II Pomona·Pltzer. n Cl"9m001·MuO<I 11 Whitt..,, n Ce1 Poly (SlO) •I Sanll Clara "ocllln USC al Arltona SI . n Wyoming II Air For~ BYIJ al Ulall SI Ole lahOnMI 11 Colo< ecso TellH-EI Puo 11 Co4orlldo SI Nortllefn Ari.lone •I New Me•teo SI ltocllln T-A&M at SMU r-11 Teus Tecto RlGe •t Arl!tnMI TCU ., Hou•lon. n Ofllk• •I WMI Tent SI New ~aleo II Nonh T•xtt S t ....... MICNgjlt'I St. 11 lndlMa llll~ltl-• Mlnneaotl •I Mk:lllgan Purdue et ONo SI Hoo1'1-tern et WtKOnlln KanMe II. II !owe St. NebrHIUI el Kaneat TCll9d0 at Mlernl, 0. T t111e et Wlcfllta SI • Ottlo U el Cenltal MiCNQWI . ... Soulhe<n llhnots at Easlt'fn lll•no<s Bell St a1 e.stetn Moc:htQllll lllln()<S St II Indian• St Bowl•no G1~n a1 Kenl SI Westlll'n Illinois a1 No<lhe<n MICh1gen Nor11>e1n llhnots 111 Wnltlfn Moc:hlgan a-th Auburn 111 F1011dA Memph11 St e1 GtlOfgll Ouk• II Georo•• T ecll MIU4:U.ppt •I LSU n Flonda SI al Miami, Fie Al•t>•m• vs lll•tslsslppl SI •I Jtcltson Marylan<I at Nonll CarOlina Soulll Carolina et NOflll Carolina St Rulge<s II Rldlmond, n S W loulSlana II Soulheln llllH ISS•Dpt n Baylor •I Tut-. n VMI 11 Virginia K.,,tueky at l/lrglnl• l e<;h Mars/1811 11 Tiie C11ace1 OaVKlson II Furman l•t lou11v1ne '' Pitt Nol•• O•me YI N1vy •I E1111 RulhtlflOtd, NJ Holy Crou II Bollon U . n Eul C1r011ne 11 W"I VlrgW11 P.,,n SI •I Boston Collf!OI Cotumble al Army Kings Po+nl et Cornell Vele •I Owtrnovlh Wllllem & Mery et Oel•wt<e Brown •t Hervard Budlnell •l Lllllgll Noflhe8t18"n al Miine ~Ocul II Mu~Mlll Rhode lllW\O II New H~re Penn II Prlnc:.lon COlgel• el 8YfllCUM Clnclnnell et T ....,p1e ·:· ........... ~--.-........ ----....... --......... ........... JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLIGI .............. UCLA ovet Or•gon * use over Arizona St. * BYU ov• Utah St. * Oklahoma 0¥9' Colorado * Notre Dam• PREP Pl"'A YOF~~ ~POT N TllE LINE • • • From Page D 1 h•1Jd11111. 1h1 w.1v 11 lwo ,11111 Ill II 1l111111gl1 1h111· (jUUI h 'I' t 'oro1111 d1•I '111r ' ... (''"'" .,, .... ,. t '111 un.1 ti• I Mui ' S1" K 1111-1., .01 1· 1111 I h• thll",hllold 111 ll111111111. ,, 111111-t a111l t1u ... 11 .o1111H "'"'"'II• 111111 ;, -.11111 HI tlll' ('II• t'1•1111 .il ( '111dt·t1·111·1 ploiv11lh d1•\llllt ,1 ;! !1 tlVt•r,olf I 1'1'111 d 1111· :-w.1 t\tn~ ... l1t•h1111I 1.1111>.11 k I .111111• Mu1 t111, un· ~ ~ 111 ll•11gL11· play .111tl .1n· f.1v1111·d F111l.1y .111d .1 Wl'l 'k lil'nt'(' (VS lJ1t1Vl'fSlly l, 'lt•lllll~\ lip <I po\1•111t.ol pl.1,1111 h1 ·1 th 1hll'I \\ lllo 11v.ol N1•wp•H I ll.1il111t Nov 11 "( '11-.1.1 M1•...;1 1:-. 1111H • 111 ,, nm c1t'1l•t1l1 •d l1 •u111 thu. y1.,11 ," 'JV' < 'dM ( '11,wh I lll'k Mc1111~ 'l'lw S1"1 K111u' l1glll• 111 ""JI'' .1 ""'"" 1 adv.0111,1g1 · 111 1111 11111· pl.iv .111d l1g1111· '" h.1v1· l>.1 v1· f';o111·...,1111 .11111 1>011 Jl1 vrn· h;wk 11ft1·1 hmll:; with I tu· 1111 l '11,t;1 Mt''>.t (_'c, 111.tt h .11111 I l.1gc·y l1k11,... 1111 l,1-.k With ('dM Wllh lal\l Wt•t·k', d8'.1l\lt I i:w 7 1 v.1th 1·:1 '1'11111 "t'11n111a 1:-. v1•1 y, v1•1·v phy ... w;tl, a 1111 llk1• l•:I T11r11. whu h kll'kt•d th1· h1 .. ·k out 111 "'·" /11 • ,,,y, Sufl'ly ll.,n Yuu11K ll\ •1Ut Im 1111' """"11 with ,1 d111ilK'Ult•J.:;huuldt•1 and H.1gt·y :,ays hai. 4u;Jrtt·1 li;wk &·ot llag<'y. may lw u1tt·d 111 till' "'"'1111<forv. 11111 ,,,.,.,.,, I If•" ' .... llu111.l111(lon U1•uel1 Although 1111• UllN1t uf liunllngtun Bt·a1 h pl.1 y1.U Sun ... t·t Ll·01gl11 lil'<WYWl'lghu. f<~h::.<111 (:!I I h I and ~·11untu111 Valk·v < 17 J.I) on 3 nost:-to-nuM· hal\ll\, tlw fat·t 1'l'11i;11ns. th•· C >ill'I'' arc• on tht· wrong 1•tHJ oil a :$!l g;i1111· Sun'>t'I Lt·agut• losing s trt•ak, dating bat k to I !J7:l It l1gu11·l\ to 1·nd Friday, <.ilthough Oilt•r., quarll'rb<.11..·k l•:nt· Lawton 1s a 4u1·st1011<1bll• starlt•r l:x'l."<J U:.t· ol ll1Jurmg his nght wn:;t ;1g;11ns1 F:di!.<111 last wt•t•k If ht• "n't rHtdy, 118 Coath Crq~ H1·11ry soyl\ h1·'ll sl<:lrt Buddy N4>bl1., last yt•ar·-. 'l<lrtcr "We've had trouhh· with tlw l)(·l,1w;.n• T." ~"'' Oc.·t•an Vll'W Coal'h SlL'V(' t'olflc-sh "l'y1>1•· .... ., and Wcsll•rn ust·d 1t and did VNY w1•ll ;.iga111st u:-o, 11 c reall'S sonw rl·al prublcnl!>. no t lu 11H:nt1rn1 I >.11111\' Thompson. I .Jwtnn .111<.1 thl· 11· ... 1 " (.>t·t·<111 V11·w. hoWL'Vl·t . ll\ .1ri up·oind-down um\. hoving dt'fl·aH'<I WL·sl1rn11s11•1 thr<'I' -;traaght y1•;;r-, <:!1 -7 1h1s umd Todd Parkc•r run' coul of tht· I .. 1 ta1lh.wk and Ch<Jd Parist•au ha1t t·ompll'll•d 51:! uf ta.J with only om· tntt·rcc•puon in fl\1l' of lrn. six gwrws P;.1rk1·1 h.1, score.'<:! ti Tl:>... I lununglon's N11 I l\ln·ngth " Thump,un. ii !YO-pound JUntor fullb<1t·k with 7 TI>.. Thi· UilL·r:-. abo ha\'l' tlw t•xph1-.l\'l' pot1·11t1 .. al rof spn11l1·1 Carl S<1lc·1 I wld 111 th1· h.1dd 1l'ltl lrt lnP n•. ~'!ott1tnel11 Each is I ·3 in S<.•.i V1t•\\ Le;igut• pl.1~ and ii therl· 1s a tomorrow. 11 ha!> to lx·g111 Fnd.J\ Estan1..·1a ta1lb;iek Matt Sp1t-s i... n ot ex1x .. ·1t.J tu plav bt'<·ausc' of str.mwd hganwnL.., and eould Ix· out next \\ l'l'k, too, Jt'lUrdmg lo .1::.-.1.inna C11 • .1t·h Ed Blonlon Matt Wulf. Ul\Uall) .il hnt'l>.ttkt•r. t,1kl''-tht• startt·r"s n>IL· at 1<11lb;1tk for i-: ... 1~nt·1.1 "lrv1nc'i. off1 •nM· t n•au·' a 1111 of prulil1•n1'," says Slant.on. "with 11:-. T\otuin .Jnd ... hd 1111g W1·'1l haw to play good dt'f l'nsl' .. lrvinC''s t·hu·f '"'t aµ1111 ll\ tadbat·k .J11h1111~ Salinas. who hal\ rw.lwd (111 7 Iii \ard~ 1111 I JO carr11.'l>, a o 5 ,1, r;.ig1· F,;u·h wh1ppt•d L.1guna Hills, 1-1 -0, in nun ~ue pla,y and t·-.ch fdl lo Coron.; dt•I Mar uy t\\ II touchdowns. lrvtnto>. howt•vt•r . d,,ufl Nt•wporl a 24-:ll ddC'al a we<•k prior to Estant·1a'!> 45-1 i I~ tu Nl'wport !;.,,,,(,'\\ h('lt'. Ma tt>r Oei at Bishop Amat Tht· Monarchs of MatE'r Dc1. fresh from their l'mollonal 21 -H vll.:tor) over St. Paul, must d<:al with tht• i.prmlt·r·, 'Pt'<'CI of Randy Tannt•r and Aaron Brown. tn add1t11m 111 thP potential appearam·c• of All-CIF running bat k If vou don't smoke. I can offer important savings on 1uto insurance Clalm your reward lrom RABSITT ..stMANCE 441 Otd NewpcM1 Blvd. Newpcw1 hectt, Ce. 111·77«1 CAll!OllllA • AUSllllA • tall£ u 1aoa1 WARREN MILLER LIVE llroW•b """''" 6"CIU11,. "·' 1., ,.,.,.... ....... ·• I ,. '" f()t•& .. ,... tf' ....... 1 ,.,,,,. f I ll!ICtn loo ,..,.., lllt C.-a1 1 I RM )Ill~ c11 w• 111c ws wo111 OF omaws • OWltH'f • JOMI • UUf .. Ale • llltSll •McJPANOI •OHM ........ •I. MltllAle • SIUS •SlllOll •D. SMtnt • J. SWl ... lll • S. SWlleMU • fMOllnOll • Wllflt •WOUOAleO THiii llG llGHTS-1 P .M. THU.-Flle•SAT. OCT. 28-29-JO QUAltnt•, •••AU rotNT IACIS-THU .• flt. SNAP flATm, 1-U• C-MA•-SAT. 18100 S VIRMONT AVI LAIOll& 711 )7 1 '100 ,7 1) )7) I U 7 ... . .... Sun••• LHQU• l Hglle Over•ll ... VI•• LHQU• L•eu11• Overell WLT '#LT W Ll W Lf I "°'"' 4 I I 4 I I •,,.-d•llttl ·•l it -4 CJ I o f ounhrnt Vi.1ll111y I O It I ', fJ Nt .-.if11,,1 t•ut; .. , f l t111. I I 4 I M•uu11 1 1 o •, 'IO t 1 • ~ t Jt •~_,, Ju•N I I If I •, II llu11l1f1 ,1 •t U1 f 11 , 'I 4 J {J « ' , ... ,,.., MH• { f..i'\I~ Mu\.1 l h•fll I t I ~ • J • IJt11+:tllH1H.,1111 0 • U I t,, ti I 4 ""'"' IJ111-.11 1tr I • l t t I •, South COHI LH gue LeegtH Ow.1•11 W lT WlT Angetue LHgue 1. ...... o ... .u c.,,.,,., Vitllu.,. I II I M1n1c1<1 V1t•1u I' II I 'u.at1 Cttt1t11•111t· 1 I IJ ' i1J•Htt.1 tflll J .. () •·1u1111 ft• t '' I ,1 fl Woi1cltn1t1u-' . IJ UJHd tt+ll! " ~ IJ 4 I I " 1 I "; ? f) '.;II I I ' 1 J II (f I 0 "H•tvtl~ MHl+•t h·~, 01· "''P ,Am,11 •• •• .• qt t'tu"l I W LT WLT J 0 (J • I 0 • n o " ' 1 I I 0 I; I IJ I 1 U 1..i I tJ I} • (} I • () II I 0 I '. 1 1• .. 1111•11 '1'.1vl111 T.1\1111 li;.-. ""' 11 11u1 -.111~ ,, k111·1· 111JUI., .ind d11f11'1 pf.iv 1,,,.,1 v..1·• I.. L;ll(una licat•h nt San ('lt>mcntf Thi· /\1 t1l\L' 111 1.aguna 111·111 II ap1)(•;11 111IM ·111.ilth y with t,;11ll1;wk l~·d1· Ar<JI)(· a111I d1'11•m.1v1· h;wk l>r~• Murphy 111 tlw .n·t. liu1 tlll'y'u • .11 S.111 t'lt 11lt'l\t1 -. h1,lu111·allv 11 .. d nr·w' lrn tlll' Arll'L' S.1n Cl<•1111·111t•'l\ 1111t1d1· runn111g g;urn•, l1u1h around quartc·rhrn k .Jolin W1•1S(•r a11d Ii.wk., l<•>g<·• Fl!'kling .md J1111At1111. h.1,, ll·d tu ,,!).;.! 11\('fJll ll'('Cll d E l Toro v~. l 'nivcrsity El '1'11r11 1s 1111 u t htt t g.1111t w11111111g .. 111 ·;ok .111d 1,. ·g111111 ng to 11111 l>t lund 1l:. lug 11111' . .111d11111 d b v 'tam.Juul '-f'tllor P.iul Sv1ll'nko (ti :\, :l l 5) U111v1·rs11 y 'T 111pnl\ have· l11 ·1·11 111ovrng 111 lht• 11tll1·1 d111•t l11111 with thn·t .. 11.11glit 111-.."'' El '1'11111 h.1:. Ill .tll•n U111vt·r.1l\ lht p.o-.l f I Vt' Vt•ar-. Mission Viej o vs . Woodbridge Ww<llmdg1· I l1gh ~ h11p1·:. 111 tlw Suulh C:<.k1~l Lt·<igUt· h,1\'t· u1kl•11 ,,n up:-.urgt· w11h tht· n·lurn of fullliat k J11hn Sl'hrrn·dc ·1, hut M1:.i.11111 V1t·J'' t·ntt·r:-. a' u ~ol1d l.1v11nll· with 4u.i1lC'1b.Jtk Klau1t Lt·1lt•nliaut·r. whu h.1l\ to111plt·l1·d 7'.! of I :!h fo1 I. I :iH y;u cb .Jnd 11 Tl>., M1"1u11 V11•J1J t;11lbeol·k ttogl'1 Rrown hai. 12 Tl}., tu ht.., 1n·d1t. 1ndudmg 11111· ~a1111· 111 wl11d1 h1· rumblc·d 111r :w:; vartb ('hino v1t. Capis tra no Valley Bui 1 C.dl hatl 'l'\'l·n TD passe:. fo1 l'aµo ,1 wt·l'k ago 111 thl· < '1111g.111t' ti:i t:i roul of L;1guna ll1lb. but lht· 11ppo-.it111n c·ould Ix· -.11fll·r lhl't lime· Chino i.. 5-'l a11d l1•d hy i.ophrmltl1 l' running lml·k Waynt· Duval\, \\ h11.,..111t'll a pa11 of Tl>... 1m ludtng a ti2-yanl d.1Jo.h. 111 ,, 1oul uvc·r Monll·l.J1r last \\'l'l.'k It\" non -lt•a gut g.01111 Dana Hills vs. Laguna Hills Llt''J.lill' lhl ... h1·lllnK the· Hawks took from Cap1!>tr;1110 \'alle:-. LagunJ Hills 1s 1tl1ll Vl'l'Y mut·h in 1h1· running for third pl<1ct' in tlw South CoaM L,·agui· A nuggl·t in the• Ldgun<1 I !db t·amp 1s light c·nd Todd W11l1ams. a :w:i pountl M•nior who h.is eaughl 34 pa...,~ for 52H vanb Coaches' wives hurt I-HE .. "-;NO tAPJ The.• v.1v1.-s of f11ur Fn'Sno Sw1t· Urnv1·rs11y footl><all coa1·ht·1t h .1\'l' l><'C·r1 injured 111 ;1 c".11 1·1 a~h <il\ th1·v Wl'l'l· driving 1<1 Hl·no. Ne\' loi 1h1 Bulld11g-.· <:01111-...1 ag:mbt Nt·v,Hla -Hc.•no Tho lt1ll1..,.011 uf a t·a r and ,on <1rmoa-d trut·k al a I· I .. -.1111 1nll•fSl't't1un FruJ.1y ll'ft r IVI· pt'Uplc· lnJUred. l\'o 111 t nucal cond1uon Lt>i.ht• llvsell, 3Y, whOS<• husband Cliff 1s the hnt•bat·kt·r l'(Mt h for FrC'sno Swlt·. dnd 55-vi:ar-old Ellwh1.'lh Blui·, wilr• .,f Bulldog l'Oordinaior Ken Slut·. w,.,.,. 111 1 ntac·al tlJnditmn al St Agm'S Ml>dical l'ellll·r. ul I 111.Jb !><llU Thi· h11 ... p1ldl d1'< l11wd 111 give• ,11•wit, on t lw11 lnJUr11 .... K.athv l>.11t -. :11 w1f1 rol 11ftPn'i1v1• hrw 111nch Rill Doll:. w ..... rl'p11rt1 t.l 1n gu;11dc·d n111d1 11on Saturd.J:-,,, \'.11lt·:> M'"hc.·JI C1·ntc r i.ul ft r111g from multtpl•· h111k1·11 bom~ FOCUS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH t 0 -SPONSOREl> RY PACIFICA CO\l\1LJ~ITY HOSPIT<\I AMERIC AN C ANC'FR SOCIETY STOP SMOKING CLASS 12 HOUR CO RSE FOR SMOKERS I >t 1\.,\ I It>.\'. It I \\I F H II \ \. I . \ :\ f t: H ._,, >< 11 I\ ~ 111.1111 7 00 . 9 00 l'.M Thursday, Nov. 4 Monday, Nov. 8 Thursday, Nov. 11 Monday, Nov. 15 Thursday, Nov. 18 Monday, Nov. 22 10 R ~CISTER l'llONI: ,OtERICA N CANCER SOCIETY t:I >I< .\1'10:-\ DEl'.\lff;\11::-\ f' 751-8600 l \W:'llF'\ '' 1·1· \ l'O'llFFIH 'er(.,.' I FW I"" 111 ll••lft~ An ..,,. .. 1 1• 1 lllt"·k ~1u1h nl \lnlnl llun1ln11111n tl\•11ch . l 11lll11rn111 Norm [oats Newport City Councll November 2 Committee to Elect Norm L°'''· Rud S.ron·TrMIUrer, 881 Dover Dr .. N.B. 10#822319 OrtUl(lu Co111u DAil y PILO r /WHtJn sduy Octohor 'l I 196? 1t:1 League taking shape • ID • prep action races C'ormu. dul Mur lhtih 111ayt'tl unbt•uh•I\, l'~u111t·w kt•rt o f1rn1 hold on lhinJ µhat.'•'. Lateunu Bt•iwh ••oily swt•pl pnwl M111111 un V11•Je1, Ouna tt11l11 OUlluslt-d Son Clt•nWlllt•, Wt•stm lnstt•r ruutfhl off • Fou11U1jn Vollc.>y, l lu111injfton &·o<.'h todJ<t.>d 'Ec.llltl111 und Nt•w1mrl l'hr1st1u11 rollt•d pu1'l Copunruno Vnl11•y Chi IMUun an wunwn'11 v11ll1·yh11ll 1H·tlon ·rue!lduy On lh{• t-.JllCt(l' front, SouUwrn Cal Collc•g1· fan· lshed orf u liU<:'t.'t.•sslul northC'rn tour w11h u f1v1· l(8mt• wan over h Olil F'r't':llllO J>ul·1r1c Tht.• St•u K lnus improv1•u lht'1r St•a V11·w Lt•ugu1• murk lo 11 -0 (12-0 ovt'rull) wnh a l !\ 0, 15-1, l!\-1 Whlll'WUllh or S uddll•b11<·k (0·11 Ill leaguL'). Stmlur out.s1dt• h11wr P om Lawn•nt•t• led the way for CdM <UI she rnt·ordl.'d '27 kills. Tt•ummult.•s Cammie Dodg{•r, u iiopho more m1ddlt' blot•ker , rl"!g1s t1•n.>d 18 kills The Engles o f Esumrnl nt't'<it.>d JUSt four gam1-s lo drop lrvint• into fourth plaet• in thL• Seu Vww u·agut• Ric hardson., Robey fined NEW YORK (A.P) -Mwh ael Ray Richardson has be<-n fined $1,500 and Rick Robey has been fined Sl.:l50 by the National Basketball Assodauon for an incide nt d uring a preseason game between the Boston Cellll'S and New York Kn1l·ks Ck·t. 16, th e league annount't.'d Tut'Sdav Paid Poh11ca1 Adverusement VUl..l..E l 'llA l~l.. m Vt•Hlll'l llVt 'I t Ill' '1'1 lt1111' S.•111111 llU t"lll fl• 111 111'1 l,1"1 An1111h' wu .. 111 .. 11 u11w11tul 111 lht• v11·1u1 y with twr ..,.l'VlllK 111 " 11h11wdr1w11 ror f ll l'ol plllt t· Ill llw Su11M I 1..1 ••UUI', 1h1· l.11111i. 111 W1·sl111111,1t•1 11111111-It look 1•ut.V Thi· 1-:11.ih"tC. llllW Ii :1 1n h•ugUt', Wl'lt' It'll hy till' Willi ,j l :> ""· I ~> I:! l~l 7 ittlJIUht u a1111• Wiii 11v1•1 sl'lun~ uf st.'lllun. Ja11k1• T1111w1 uml (.;1·nu <..:urn •ll Jo'••llllllllll Vullt•y Tht·y OllkJ uul 1>411111' llll UllH hill111y lrn111 JUlllllr A111y Tlw '"'" d1 11p1w«J lht• l\ilr1111,, llllW !) i . lWll full llatht·~k t(llllll'tt l1t·l1111tl lht• r1·1111l •l'U lllllllK L111ni. (7-11) Ill ll11· L.1uunu U1·1H·h 1rnprov1·d 1111 S11ulh L\11.11>l Su11s1•t L1·uuu1• d1uM.' Ll>u.t;ul' mark tu 8 U wnh u I ~ 0, l~-:l, I~ 4 hondhng l N 1d1nl{ tht• wLt y lor W«i.tmlnt.lt•t' w u s lli1· of Mli;s10 11 Vll'JO. "1i.t1•1 tund1·rn of (.'11111111· and l>au nrw W;.iscm Thi· 11u lsltl1.• hltlllll{ uf l'.Hipl111111u1·1· J1•1111 y ('11111111', a s1•11h11 111H~11l1 • h1ll1•1, r1't'm ·d 1·d 1:1 kill~ Ent:la11ll1.•r hll(hlaghlt'll tht· Ar11s1s" pt•r furn111111'l'. wt11h• 1>11111111', u M•111w 1111Jlllt• lihx·k1•1, 1·1mtr1l1utt•d Danu I !ills. wllh II 7 a Suulh l'ousl Lt.·«KUI' 11 murk. e<lgro u ha lf-gumt· dost•r to S11n C'lt-mt•nlc I lunt111.l(t1111 Bt·m·h n ·t·ordc •cl 10, f1n.1 S u111<1·1 (7-:l) u~ lhl' Dolphins poiilt.•d u 15 ti. lti-14. 7 15, 15-Y L1•ul{ut• v11·tory ov1.•1 tlw st•u:.c111 wilh a fi If>. l f>-!l. r;,==:;;;:;;::::::;;;T~H~I;;:~....;__~--"---'--~--".___ IA•L'I P\U,_,IO MIAt-..0 All eo..I~ IOlM WAI• MIA~ IAIMIOOM- •.t ' 111•'1 a.-,_ 81#\t •I .,_ OoOt !Cell SIOfe --Y°"' AfMJ COSTA MISA 641 -1289 U26New~lh4. MIUIOH VllJO 495-0401 , .. ,, c.-i-c.,.,_ ,_ ..... .._, ... ..., ........ ) • RANCHO • THOUSAND CAMON&A OAKS fl I I lh 11 '·'II 111.11.11111111 ,, Ill 11\1 I hdl"4111 S 1 111111 1111111 .J,11 kll' 'I 111A n'1·11d IA rlh l !'I k11(, li'fl 1lw 1.1.,1v lw 1111 0 1111 .. 1A h11 .111 • 11111A I 11 111 11 olj.(UI' 'I lu ( 'li,11 ~~I I ~ lll I' ,1l.,.1 I h N1 "1•1111 <'hr .-.11.111 N11 I 1.111k1 d Ill lht· i.n1JIJ "lt1111I°' d1\1,11111 111,11J1 II' l11f1 V flll'<llll11l lll(>k ~1io11I \\ 11 Ii ol ll I ,..,\ I hlf·t •l•11111 \\.\, l'l'Jl llf (',q u\tf ,1110 V.1lh \ l 'h1 ,.,ti.m 'l'h1· t '011qui•ron. IA ••fl lt•<I Ii\ 1lw trio of Ju111n1 "111·1 l'h11, Y 1·~11 l1·y ,, f 11 1tt 11 ·,1111 A ll -C lt- 1>1·1 f11rnw 1 lusl vt•ar, Jllrlllll m11tdh· hloc kt·r Slt·ll. He 1 kd11h" .1rnl J11111111 rn1L,11l1· 111111•1 l>t•lihll• Mo lil1·1 111 • ollq!•' .11111111 SL'L' 111111 ludt•d IL" 11111 tlu-111 ~w111f1. w1 1.h .. I I n ·• "' d. unll 1dr-o :.•'< ur1·d ll1't:lf ,111 al l.11 Kt' 11<·1 lh 111 till' ll f>tt1111111g NAIA pl;1y11rf" wrth II I:! 1 ~1. l.J II. ·~ 1.1, Iii 11, 1:1 :1 (.CJnljlll's t 11( Jo'rt ·""' I '.11·t1 ll' Re-Elect ARLENE SCHAFER 17tlt SI I New,....·1 l l•d 1111~111•-Ca1~lan a I Lt '"' ........... Woorpat• ,...., c..,,... or1 ... O••ont~tt• .. _ .. , Wood"'•" --c • c z .. = .. ~ c .. c .. :a = c 0 u 0 ... = c 8 I: I I Costa Mesa City Council J,. KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL ARLENE SCHAFER Costa Mesa City Council Paid for by lfle Commlllee To RfHll«I ARLENE SCHAFER KenFowler· Treasurer. 3423 Meadowbrook, Costa Mesa. Jtm Poteet. Chs1rman Dinner speclall 11 Spires.,, utra good. And, llley Include 1 bowl of soup or crisp ''"" 111111 wttti choice of drnaJ•g, ctM>lce of potato (baked potato 1tntd 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.) or rice plllf, dlntter roll and butter. THURSDAY (3to10 p m.) ~--~ ~ TOP SIRLOIN STEAK A tlavorful steak, 3 35 grilled to your taste • You can't coo/( It at home for less. If your '.! clients ~ weren't ; ~ enthusiastic ~ n about last year'S gift ... ! It's time to give ! 110#1 Y BAKED NAM e GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABlE ANVTM E , ..... , ... "' •SARDEN &ROVE 114·0 $·141? •CANOIA PARK 710-ml. 710-ml. 750-ml. '8" . ...... ......... 6 Ch••• 11•·•to.1u1 tol·l tl·UU 714·12'-tOll 11J·O •·UU 21J ... 1l0l •HEMET LANCASTER •ANAHEIM Wine Dlscov.y 1910 ltertlngVIMylrd1971 ce.tn Krug 1971 ,Kiiie 750·ml. '9" 750-ml. '211 750-ml. '1011 SAYE 1K ON SELECTED VARIETALS Cllllnlll ~ 1179 Cllenln .... 1•1 ..., ......... 1111 ...... ....... 1171 710.m1. 'IP' 750-ml. '3" 750·ml. '311 '3" "WN of the Weelr" Beaulieu Vlnef.anl ·· .. Cameras' Plnot Nair B.V.'a Beat 1979 750-ml. s5•• Collectors Take Note Martini & Rossi Astl Spumante s7•• D a Oremge Coaat OAIL V PILOT /W1idntt1day, OC1ober 't/7, 19Bi BULLITll BOARD . Dra11 boat ra.,ln• Kln•s hockey Nallnnol tlrag Oua t A&ior.111 11011 C'h11mp'to1111h1p1 111 lrv1110 l ak•, f "dav Soturdny 11n<J SutHlny Put .. or SM1.8bO 00 \lllllh 14 pro1ou1u1111 ClllllH lrlO tlll .. 111.101t111tl1ll) I 1.IHMI l/ylllU tor n111101111ch1mp101111t11i.i11n tho 16th a11t1u11I Coora na1lu11a11 Aac1no &t1111 at •i.>1>roa1rt1ai.111 I) 8 m e11Ct1 <Jay Aemalnlno Home lcl\ech1le ~t 30 -cntceoo Nov 3 Toronto. Nov 6 -Pltt•burgh, Fnaav Oualltying unblown bo1111 Saturday -Qualllytno blown bo•te Su11Clay Fina! round ol1ml111lllOn11 Nov. 13 Montreat. Nov. 16 -Mtnneaota. talae·by01ld11 r•clnQ). Nov 18 -Detroit, Nov 20 -Bulta10. No11 24 -New Jersey; Nov. 27 Phlladelpllta Dec. I -Calgary, Dec 4 St LOUii. I p,m.; Dec 9 -Edmonton, Dec 21 Wtnnlpeo. Dec 23 -Edmonton, Dec. 26 Vancouver; 0.0. 29 -Winnipeg lrv1n11 Lllkll Olr11ct1on11 . f oke tho Newport f.t1111way t o Chnpm11n 111111 Pr OCfHHl 11pprox1motely lour m1101 to Santiago C1111yon Aond, turn right f'rooood 3' 1 mllua to lrvt11e Lake entrance. Jon 18 -Edmonton; Jan 20 -~iartlord, Jen 25 -Calgary, Jan 27 Now Yori\ Islanders. Admission. S 10 on Friday, SHI on Srilurday. $20 on Sunday Infants fr86, thlldran uncJer t2. hall price. Oates open at dnybraak Feb. 1 -New York Rangers. Feb 5 - Philadelphia. 2 p m . Feb 10 -Buffalo, Feb. 19 -Washington. Feb 22 -Boston: Feb 24 -Vancouver; Feb. 26 -Toronto March 8 -Calgary: March 13 -Winnipeg; March 15 -Winnipeg; March 17 -Quebec. March 19 -Pittsburgh. March 26 - Edmonton Tennhi tournament April 2 -Minnesota. 2 p m : April 3 - \/encouver The seventh annual UCI Anteater Tennll Tournament Wiii be held Nov. 6·7 and Nov. 13· 14 with proceeds g oing to the UCI lntercolleglale tennis program. All gamea playec1 at the Forum All games at 7 .30 p.m unless otherwlse noted. Entrants can compete In open, B and C d ivisions In men's, women's and mixed doubles. Ticket Information Tickets are priced at $16.50, $9 end $7. For more Information. call (213) 674·6000. All entries should be received by 1-rtday For more Information, phone Doreen lrlsh, tourney director, at 833-6960 between 8 a.m and 4·30 p.m. weekdays. Lot AJamltot TUESOAY'I .. HULTS (2nd of 13·nllllll t.il mMllng) APf'AlOOSAS FlllST "ACL 4''> lurlongs Soulllern Pride IOttQQe<sl 4 40 3 20 2 60 T™' Reallor \Ronol 27 20 7 00 Sig Cnek 1va1~ 6 20 Also tllC60 OtamonO lu. Wik! N LUC"Y Jolla·Sand, Sweel Se<cnaoe. Ooul>le &.al Apache Hign Hope. Tn• Gauanad 1<1d Time 53 S2 EXACTA (5-71 pa10 S 130 0C OUARTf:llHOflSU SECOND RAC£. 870 yaros wanyo IA1mstrong1 t6 00 6 00 5 00 r1nanoe P911e lflo•M) 4 00 3 00 ~· K1flil \Casellat 4 00 Al$o rtcecl L1gM Reword. &allle Mount1n, Gooar Too. Windy Joi.et Tiny Hay 8u9 Time 46 89 ntlN> U C£. 400 yards fQP E"' Up \VlideL) 11.00 4.GO 4,20 Ovpes l.Jllle Bear (8ard\ 4 20 3 &o Palleos Go Go !Garcia I 14 00 Also racecl SpeclaCular Bio. S1mpie Man Ventur• Foo,s. Pte s ... Bog League Oanc"' Milo St Patricll Barblfls MOIWI Tune 20&2 $5EUCTA 17·t0t paid $65 SO THOROUGH9REOS FOUflTH "ACE. 6 furlongs Ch<lllenllem R.,... (JllMll'161.20 16 00 5.80 Geo<ge M tB•-> 5 00 3 20 Cornosn "1rl0r (Giimore! 3 20 Also raced. Fun 's Dream Falfy Pote Corporal B<own, Sweet Wheal. Money ManAQe<, Amru1ng Oe41very nme 1 13 116 FIFTH RACE. 6 • lu•IOflO• Doc Wa1d (Ort.,.al 11 80 6.20 3 80 T amarlane (StbllMI) 3 60 2 80 F•llPO• (Castaneda) 3 00 Also raced. Morland Roeo Toonder·a Brotr>er. Cn1kala. Fuendly Porlly Rooney. Vegas Orbit, Cu1<a Dancer Time 1 19 215 S5 f.UCTA t6·3) paid $10 50 SIXTH RACE. 6 lurlonQs SIM Busli (Stbtlle) 4 '<l J 20 2 80 P•1neess Ma!llni (Noguez) 7 00 4 20 Srendetta \Caslaneda) 3 80 Aleo raced: Gala's Cap, Sovengn Poppy Relurn ClleOk. l<hal Me Princess. Hop41 To Tell, Ovr Lucky Penny, Shining Snow Time 1 14 1/5 SEVENTH llACE. & lurlOnga Choo CllOO Gtt1 (Navarto) 7 20 5 40 3 80 lk>fflllng (Rank int 1 s 80 a 40 Double forlune (HanM<I) 4 80 AISO r-0 SuSlll'IA Sadoe. Bounlllul Ari, Jolly o-. Na1urn Triumph. Ser1c1n Bold Jotephlne. Robin's SaolO< Time: I: 14 415 12 UACTA 11·2) paid S481 00 EIGHTH M CE. 6 lurtongs I'd Be Prou<11Cas1aneda) 4 80 3 00 2 80 Call Karlan (ValdtvHno) 5 80 3.80 Lindy'• 0.--. (Otharei) 3 00 Alto raced· Soe1a1 Pen<11n1. luluber. Marilyn OtMaggt<>. Al1et Troe Oawn. Ano SaH Away, w .. tern Sn0<es BrHllanl Kirsch Time· 1 13 315 MNTH "-\CE. 6 lurtongs Alm Adl'tet!> 181-l 28 40 10 80 8 80 Gr-.betg 1Fem1n<lai) 4 60 5 00 Snowoank (Romero\ e 40 Al~ r.ced: Kirby Kid. 8'1at Hill lad, HOI Trec;k1, Old Timer. Jubie s Bold ••1-nd Metody. H.ilerecl r_. ,.,,. .. EXACT.A (6-11) pal<I SJ 11 00 a ...c:« IVI 1a-a.1-1-5-&I pakl 53.388 20 Wllh 11 winning liekett lllve no<SM) $2 Piek Sia Con101a1lon paid $53 60 with 231 wtnnlno llcklll (four ho<SM) TWNTM llACI. Mlle and 1115 u1100 o.etoo (Valdivleso) !> 60 3.eo 2 80 1,and Sl)Mdet (SltMllel 4 40 3 40 On The Prowl (Cutaneoa) 4 00 AllO r-4: Berbulate. llldl1111 Lore. Jeaf\J ICy Bletl, T riflOI Time: 1·41 115. 1&.aftNTM ""Cl. MMe •no 111e. p.,,.,..11 (Sibilla) 5 40 4.00 3 60 Proue! Kung (~) 63 ISO 16.60 E'a ff't41Uon (Ort~I) 3 60 All'> r~: llold Conllctence. Kachln• Gold, Kro1avo1. Mini'• Brother, Javier. COUtltfY'!*I. lo!IOUOhl. Tl,.,.: 1'47 115. • DACTA 14-9) pa!d S2llO 40 Allenel~,..1M POA atatlatlca (fhrougll Oct. M ) ICOIUHG LIAM"I I Tom Klle. 70 21. 2 CalYtn PMle. 70 32. 3 CUr11a Sttenge, 70 39. 4 Tom w11aon. 70 45, 5 Craig Stadle< and Ray Floyd 70 11 AYE .. AOE O"IYING DISTANCE I Bill C.rl .. , 275 l. 2 Dan POhl, 274 6. 3 Oen1s Watson. 271 8. 4 Tom W•1•~op1 270 7, S Tom Purtl.9r, 270 2 C>ftlYIHO HllCIENTAOE IN FAlllWAY 1 Calvin PMle. 800, 2 8111 Aogeu. 712 3 M11<e Re•d. 749, • a.,.e L1111e< 734, 5 Jeck Rennet, 730 GREENS IN REGULATION 1 Calvin PMI• and Pet.,. Jacoosen. 72 t 3 Andy Sean. Jack Nteklaus and Curit• Strange, 717 AYEUOE PUTTS PE." "OUM> t 8en Crenshaw, 26 85 2 Ctaig S1aote•. 28 73. 3 Moms Hat•lsky 28 93. 4 Tom Kits, 28 95 S .U.oy Piie ano lsao Ao1<1 28 96 HRCENTAGE OF SUB-PAii HOLH 1 Toml(1i.. 21SA 2 Tomwa1son 2150 3 C•o1g Staolet 207 4 Ray floyd 205 S Wayne Le-.1. 204 EAGLE LEADERS 1 JC Snea.o ano Tom Weoskopl 10. 3 Gil MCW'Qan C••IQ Sladlt!r and Andy Bean 9 alllOIE l£ADERS I Tom 1(11a and Curtl• Strenge 381 3 Anoy Bean 3 72. 4 Georoe Bu•ns 369 '.> Oeoroe Atcher. 365 PllUZE MONEY LUDE:ll 1 Cr819 St.Oler $448,462. 2 Ray FIOyO $381,liOe, 3 tom ltlte. s:io,oa1· 4 Calvin Peele. S317 . .381. 5 Tom Watson. S3 t6.483 6 Lanny W.Oktns. $306,827. 7 Bob OllOe• S296.S98. 8 Jetry Pate $280. u 1. 9 Way<>• 1.ev1, 5268.63 I tO Cur Ill S t••nll• S263 378 Coast area rffult• LAGUNA 111.ACH O°'-' ASSN. l'Yffl6enl'1 Cwp TOIHftafMn1 (al ~I'll-Golf c ... ,..) C1>amplonst11p FllQl\t -8ruoe Aou1nal00 7T·&-69 '--oross win.- Presiaen1'• fllghl, A Fltgnl -1 011v., Olson 82· 13 -69 2 Ernest Schople• 80·11-69, 3 Harvey Millet, 83·13-70 Vice Pres1denl t Fllghl. B flight -I l<enneth Smirh, 86-17-69. 2 He<b Walelrtll 85-15-70, 3 Jerry Brown, 86-16-70 ~elary • Fl•ght. c Floght -1 RICllard Ewert. 83· 18 -6S: 2 W111o1m Saenger ll0-20-70. 3 Trea&ur.,. t Ftogn1. 0 Fllghl -DaMI W.ose 9!>-23-72. 2 EmW Alexande<, 96-24-72 3 Noble Pll1ft1pa. !M-Z2-72 Ot1ector'1 Fllgnt. E Ft1gnt ·-1 Oil Fteewatd. 99·31 -68. 2 Da•lo Shand 98-26-72 Hert> Jonnson, 101.28-73 Ties -• D<Ollen by mate1>1ng 11CO<ec:a•d1 t>egtnr11ng wtlh 1ne No I nanoicap note P81'ta Grand Prt.11 (alP ... ) Flral ~ llntllM 8rtan Gottt-i.cl (U.5.) def. Miiie de Pelmet (Fr•~>. 6·2. s.1, 6-2. Biiiy ~ (US I del Mar~ I/Ines IU S l. 6·3. 6·4. Pascal POrtes (franc:e) del Otego Perez (U•uguay), 6-1. 3·6. 6-1, Met Purcen IU SI det Man5a<.11 8 anr1m1 (Iran\, 6·4, 6· t Wojtek Fit>ak (Polen<!) o.t Pet.,. Feig! (Auttrll), 6-2, 7·5. let;1<0 ~ranulov1e (Vuooslavla) de• Terry MOO< (US ) 6-4. 6-4 Corrado 8a•ntutt• (ltalyt oel Leo Palon (Finland\ 6·2. 7-6 P~ ()enlau (France) del Rtetl••d Lew1S t8rllaln), 6·3. 6-7. 6·3 Super tourn&mtf'lt (•I To41re) , .... ltound $lfttlet Jonn MeEn•oe (U S I def C/\arlft Strode tu s.~ e.o. &-3. Piii! Dent (A~ cu s > dat Yennlck Noah (France). 7-8. 1·8. H1nk "11818" (U.ll I def. nm Wllltlaon (U.9 ). 6-4. 11·4 , Brain THcher (U S ) d•I Glenn Mlcnioata (Caned•!. 6·2. 11·7. 11·4, Pe1er McNamara (Australia) del. Chip Hooper (US.I. 6-2. 6·4: Jimmy ArlH IVS I o•I Franctteo O~ (P_.10 Rico), 7-8. 8 4, Mark Edmond1on (Auatralla) def Tim Gu"'lt.aon (U s ), 7..0. 11-4; Robe•I Van'I Hot (U S ) def Paul Mc:NamM (Autttalla). •·&, 7·5. f ·•: Tun Mayolle II> SI del Tom Gullil<aon (U S.l. 7-8. 7.s. Mika lHCh (Us) def. Bred Gibert (U.8.). 7 ·6, 4-&. e-3: van Wlnltaky (US.I def Andre.a M-(W"t Oermao'(). e-1, 7.5 Dthatauc~ (M==~~) Crute E-1 ~(US i;T'VirQH1la Wll<le 918r11Mll, 6-1, -.1; Pam ShllW!f (US l <19'. ..-... -.. M41111.8" (Holland). II.). 6-2, JO Ou•!e (Btlleln) def Stn<ly COl!lt11 (U.8.t. 6•2, &-3 Cologne Oland Prl• (MC ....... , WM! 0.-1) , ... r .._.. -....... Matk Olckaon (U.11 ) ciet M•rco 0110]• (Yu9011av11). e.1, 6·4; Jonat11en &1111111 (9tllaln) Clef. N<luk• O<ll1C>f (NIQerla), 7•8, 1·4. l'rltt luehnlng (U.8.I 6et. 111au1 E.,..l\ar<I (W•t O«m1ny), •·2, t .e, M , AutM11 8'""*" (....., Z.llllCll Clef Peiter llller tW•• 0«m111y). 4•6. 1 ••• e.1; K111 Mallet (WHt Germany) O•f, Glanluo1 "lnaldlnl (W.,1 OetmanY). 7•t. f •O; J•n OuMellaon (8W«lenl d.t t l .. 111 Ell>lfQ (8weotn), •4. w NIA e1hlbltlon Tu.Haft ScOfe L.akera 105 New Jetsey 102 ~ . . ' .. . NL 'Cy Young Award winners IQ5fl -Don lhwcombe. Brootdyn Dodge•• 1957 -Warren Spahn. Mllwau~ee B•avH 11160 -Vetnon Law, Plltaburgn P1rates 1962 -0011 Drytdate. Loi AngetH Ooclg•" 1§63 Sanoy Koulu. Los Angelo OOdgets t 9&5 Sanoy l\outa. los Ange1u OollQers t966 -Stnoy Kou••• Loa Angeles Ooooe<~ 1987 -Mtl1e McCotmlC~ San Francisco Giant a 19611 1969 1970 1971 1972 Bob G1t>aon St LOUll Car<11nal1 Tom S.ave1 New York Mell Boo G1oson St LOY!l Ca101n1I$ Ferguson Jenk•na. Cnteago CuM -Sttve Ca111011 Ph11aoetoh11 PholllU 1973 10<11 See•e• Nflw '1'01~ Meta 1974 M•k• Ma"n311 LO• Ang•IH Dodgen 1975 -Tom Se.,vt1r New YO•k ~Olt •976 -Raney Jones San Diego Pa<1rei 1977 S1evt1 Carlton Pt11laoelptoe Ph1fhes 1978 01ytoro Perry San Diego PadtH 1979 B•uee Sull•r Ct11e100 Coos >980 -St••• Carlton P1111adetph1e Pnmlft 19111 -Ferl\tndo V~•I• LM Af19etes Ooogers 198? -SI~ 1e C111ton ' h 1delpn1a Pn,11•1'• Tilt•• WH 011ly one te~loOn lo• OOlh 1<1ag...e• tr om l 0!16· 11186 Cy Young v0Un9 POontl O!lsed on 5-3 1 with two BBWAA •t1teo rrom eacll NL city vottno CetllOf' Ph11aOetpfl1a Rogers Moolre•I Yaleftluel4>, Dode«• Svtte• St LOU'S N•ro. AUen1' Monton San franc•sc:<I AndU .. r. St lou1t Garber Atlanta Soto Cmc1nna11 1 2 ) TP 20 4 0 117 1 6 6 29 t 8 2·~ 25'-> 2 J 6 2~ 4 6 18 I 1 .... Water piolo cOWIUNITY couioa ~ WMI ID, Ml . ..,, Antonio 1 Ml San Antonio 3 1 1 2-7 GOiden w .. 1 4 4 8 4-~ Golden WHI ac:orlng. Oe4 Valle 4, Selyet 3. Oe\TIPNY I. Karl 2, Pat.,...., 2, H"I ? , Grall 3, Sleplletlson 1. Hug'-S 2 Otanee C-1 20, c,...... t CyptHS 0 1 3 2-8 Otange Coast 7 5 5 3-20 O•engfl Coast SGOtlng S1etYfl<lt 2, Brown 2. 8ronn1che 3. Alvu t, McCorm1ci. 2. Simmons 5, Hawl<lnt 1, Ranell 2. Selt•er 2 HIGH ICHOOl C0t-def .._ ff. OOWMJ 2 Downey 0 0 1 1-2 Corona det Ma• 5 5 4 2-16 Corona Gal Mar scoring lmbe•nino !> l oorl>OUfrow 4. Tempi• 3. Scou 3. Peulsen l lllertM 11, .... CleMeflte I "'41t1na 6 2 t 3 12 San Clemenl• 3 3 2 •-9 Ma(1na SCO<'•ng 11<01n ... 1on I. Wa•de I Hootuns 3 Smith 1, Z..l<asky 4, Denney 2 San Clement• tcO<lng W)aop-1 3, ~n 2 Halaa 1 Sommer 2. ~uhn I CIF Rankine• 4-A 1. Corona del Mttt: 2. ,...1*1 HMbor. 3 Sunny Huts: 4 El Toro; I. Coal• lllleea; 6 LB 8111011. 7 Down•l· •• UlllHrtllr: 9. HH Wilson tO Buena Parl( 3-A 1 Tustin, 2. Wit Patk, 3 F\1118"11de Poly. 4 Foo111U1; 5 San Ci.n-te; 8. lndto. 7. Claremont. 8 Mul1. 9 Sant• An• Vllley. 10 Royal J.A t Lt Puente. 2 Setvlte. 3. Cabflllo. 4. Lot A""OQt. 5 Cf\a•ler Otok; 8. Alglielll; 7 Santa Fa. I Lompoc;: I . L.otole: 10. Sanla Ynez. l .ak••rN baHkecball Home lchedule O<:t :111 Golden State. , Nurfl111C champlonHhlpH Oue to bitd turf concJlllOtlt, the Women 1 I II t • ,,, •II 0 n • ' s u I ' I n g A .. 0 c I jj II ()rl ' • profo111onal aod un11eu1 ch11mp1on1hlpt. 1chodut11d ror 1 .. 1 wMk11f1d, will be held thl• Wffkono 01 Sflll Onofro St1t11 81111011 Nov 4 Denver. Nov 7 Portland, Nov Comp11t1t1011 1n boltl p,of.ii11ono1 and ometeur dlvt110111 will bagln at 1 um Sotur<J 8y or Sunday cJependtng on cond1t10111 O K11111u11 Cl!Y. Nov t2 Hou11011. Nov 14 Cl11v11t1:111cJ, Nov 19 Woshlngton; Nov 21 Oenver, Nov 28 Ootdon St11to Eacll <llvt•I011 Wiil lntluc.le Iha IC)p 18 •urfllr1 on the CaJtlornla cout aa rat.a t>\I the WI.SA !No. 3 -Port11111d, Oto S -Phlladelphh1. Ooc 8 Phoonh1, Oec t7 -Ne1111 JerHy. Doc 111 -Dalio•. Dec 22 -Uteh, Dec 30 - Seottlo Among thosa comp11t1ng on the 11m11tour tuvol o,o No t·rated AllH Schwura101n of Lngunt1 Beech. and Karen Wiiiiams of Oana Point. ll'le Weatorn Surfing At1oc111t1on·1 No 1-ronkod surfer Jun 2 Detroit. Jun 19 Sari Dlttgo. Jon 2 1 Son Anto1110, Jan 23 -l11cJton11, Jun 26 Milwaukee, J1tn. 28 -Atla11ta. For more 1ntorma11011. IJl\onu Vnlena l:teckelt Ill 436-6985 or Mury Lou Drummy ot 493·5496 Feb 6 Kansas City, I 50 p m., Feb 9 Utah; Feb 13 NBA All-star Game, t2.30 pm . Feb. 15 San Antonio, Feb 23 Boston, Feb 27 Denver. Marc11 9 -San Diego, March 12 - Chicago, March 16 -Phoenix, Morch 18 Kansae City, Mart h 20 -Dallas, March 22 - Seattle, March 25 -San Antonio, March 27 -Houlton; March 29 -San Diego HuNln.r •uurnonu•nf April 1 -Now York. Aprfl 8 -Golden State, April 10 -Phoenix. April 15 -Seattle: Twenty-one boxers tO hea11ywe1gh1s and Aprll 17 -Portland All games played at the Forum. All games at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 11 welterweights -are entered In the $124.· 000 slngle·ellrnlnatton boxing tournamen1 which will begin Tuesday at the Forum 1n Inglewood Ticket Information Tickets are priced at S 12.50. $8.50 and $7 For more Information, call (213) 674-6000. The live tournament dates are Tuesday. Sunday. Dec 12, Monday. Jan 31. Monday. Feb 21 ; and Monday, March 21 lor the two championship bolrts. NHL CAMNlll CONl'IMNCI lmf111e Olmloft King• Wrnntpeg t!om0111on Calgary Vencouve• W l T OF GA Pia b 2 2 3& 31 12 6 2 I 42 211 11 3 5 2 47 65 8 3 e 2 52 ~ e 3 6 1 38 35 7 N<>trlt OIYleloft MlnMIOta c111eeoo St LOUIS lOfonlO 0.llOll 7 2 I 44 32 IS ll 2 1 41 32 13 6 5 0 35 37 10 , 5 3 31 41 5 1 7 1 25 46 3 WAlH CONFllllENCIE Palrk:k DM.toft NY 111and•rs Phllaoelpn11 N-Jersey NY R1nge1t W1an1ng1ot1 Plttat>u<gh W l T OF OA Pia . 9 2 0 34 29 18 6 4 0 40 33 12 3 4 3 33 3& 9 4 ti 0 311 4J a 2 6 I 25 37 5 26130 4& 5 Adeftlt Olllleloft MontrH I 8oaton Quebec 8ulfato Hef110fd 7 I 2 52 34 1& 5 3 2 34 32 12 S 4 I ~4 49 11 3 5 2 44 45 8 25,300 e fwetday'e kofM Ouebee II. roronlo 4 Mtnneaot• 5, N-JetMy 3 BuHtlO 1 Montte•I 7 N-York l1lanoers 7 Calger~ 2 Vlll'COU•et 8. Har!IO<d 1 T onlelll'I o.m.e lllnga at WlnNpeg Calgary •I Range<a WUhltlillon •• PU11burQll Bolton 11 Toronto Chleago at Edmonton ~·· etatl•tlc• CTllr IYrwtar'• 0.-) 0 " Jim Fo1 .. 9 B«nte NtcnOI• 9 3 Cnerhe Simmer 5 6 M111r~ Otonne 4 6 Oa•yt Evan• I e Oave TlylOI 2 6 Utl lsalluon 4 3 Steve Sorell 2 3 00<.g Smith 1 3 Mike Murpny 2 I Jay Wells 0 3 ()ean HOl)lltrlS 0 2 Terry Rusa..ow...,, 0 2 Merk Hardy 0 2 Jetry KOflO 0 I O.an Ken"tldy 0 I Peter Hela11oe• 0 1 JP Ketty 0 1 Deen Turnet 0 0 Oen Bonar 0 0 Rtek Cn .. rl!Ow 0 0 la<ty "'4vrphy 0 0 Davel~ 0 0 0oa11 ... de11' 81•11•1k:• GP Min. a- M•lo.• B•akc 4 180 8 Gary Lasko-"• 5 280 15 Mario Lessard 2 80 7 T.W. • MO ,, Cro.1 country r•nklno• HIOHIC~ CW:4"Alllen Pte 13 12 11 10 g 6 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 I l I 1 0 0 0 0 0 ••it; H 3 21 5 26 IM 1. tiblet Del; 2 El Moelena. 3 El Dorado. 4 Et TOfO. 5 P.rot V8"de. 8, N-bury Patk 7 Vllla Pai~. I , Hunllr1glon BHcllt t . un1 ..... 11y; 10 Tnoua&nd Oeka C9' 3·A Men I Mon1e1>e1to. 2 Haw1norne, 3 Barstow, 4 Canyon 1Saugu5), 5 South HUit. 8 Burbank. 7 Mir• Colla a Tt1mple Cll)I. 9 La Canaoa 10 (IHI) Buena P1111 and Dana Hiiia CIF4-AW- 1. Foothlll, 2. Unlwer•llr; ). T11alln; 4. ldleofl; 6. Rolling Hiii•. 6 Milllkal'I. 1 Buena. e Doe Puebloa, 9 Ptlot Vetdes. 10 (tte) Coela MeN and Tnoutand Oaka CIF .. AW-1 B1ahop Amal; 2 Hawthorne. 3 Ml•• Costa. 4 Stn Marino. 5 Seugu•. 6 Arlington; 7 ROWiand; a. ....., Del; II. Dena Hlllt, 10 (fie) llilllN llMcll end a.ve<ly ~1111 Tutees.v'a tr..w.ctlone IA .. 8AU AIMf'loell L...-NEW YORK YANlllH -Pu1Cl'l-.cl 1"9 contrec;I 01 Bra<I Gulden. c;elcner, from Wlc;MI 01 Iha Amet~n "-Oellllon. OAKLAND A'S -Named 8111 Algn•y H t 1tt•nt to 1he prell<ltnt tor bH•ll•li mat1«1 NatleNIU.,. CINCINNATI AEOS -Named Greg Mc;COllem dlrll<itOf ot PrOMOttona A-*"' AMMlatklft INOIANAPOU8 INOtANS -Ntmec! .. oY H.,1,11etc1 menaoer eAIMC'1'8AU. NelMNl8Mll ...... ~ DALLAS MAVflllCKS Plae.cl Comy TllOtTIPtOll. to.ward. on 1"8 llllu•eCI u.t INOIANAPOLIS PACERS Aoqulreci 8r8d 9<et110n, 1onir110. from Iha C~d C•••llet. In ell~er>O" IOf • MConcl>«OIHld pklk Ill 1983 NEW YOftK KNICKt -Cul Mllt.e o.vil. Oll'lt«. 'OOTaM.I. UftltM ...... , ..... e OAKLAND INYAMM -'*OIM leerdon, Ron 011>11• et1d 1-HIM•. 11latle•: K•nny 01111ef, oornwllMlt; encl .JOi!ltl ~. NIWll!ll.,.. NOCICIY ""':==ii~':'-' lent tan Turnb11n1 d•ftfl"nten, to 11111 lel1111'1ofl llllPIMU of Ille == HoetlllV l..aaoue ............... '---WICIUTA Wt .. 0 1 -••eu41 Pll ~ ............ _.,....,., Tickets for all nights are on sale now at the Forum box office. Titketron outlets and Mutual Ticket Agencies Vikings post upset; GWC, Bucs, e Will Both Golden West and Orange Coast tCJ llt>ges scort>d lu psid(·d vil·toncs while, on the high s<:hool front. Marina upset San Clemente a nd Corona dcl Mar pounded Downey to h1 g hl1ght water polo action Tuesday The Rustlers, who a re now ti·O 1n the South Coast Conflorencc, 12· l overall. easily disposed of Mt. San Antonio. 20-7. Sophomore Brf'tt Del Valle sco red f ou r g oal s, while teammates Carl Sayler and Tom Grall tallied three t•ac.:h . Steve Simmons' five goals led the Pirates to a 20-6 drubbing of visiting Cypress. Teammate Jeff Bronniche added three more as OCC improved its South Coast Conferenc.-e mark tu 4-2, I 0-5· l OVC'fall. The Sues jumped out to a 7-0 first period lead and were never threatened The big s tor y o n the high school level was the v1sit1ng Vikings' 12-9 ups<>t victory over San Clemente. currently rankl'<l No. fi m tlw :!-A rankings. The Vikings. 13·5 overcill. JUr1lfX:'d out tu a 6-3 lead and th(•n hdd on as thl'Y W(•re k·d by the scoring of Junior Jim Zakasky (four goals). senior Je ff Hopkins (:3) and Darre ll Denney (2). The: Tritons drop.ped tht'lf l.>Vcrall record t.o 12·2 Corona del Mar, top-ranked in th e 4 ·A r a nkings. ha~ n o . WATER POLO problem as the Sea Kings scorc.-d a n easy 16-2 d edsion ove r Downev. Th e Sea King s. a n unbll'.'mtshed 20·0 overall, scored five limes m the first two periods to \l.ssume a 10·0 advantage. L eading the w ay for CdM were seninn, Dave lmbermno and J oe Roh. lmbernino sc.·ored a game-high fiw gool.s. while Roh had 17 saves. Senior Pat Loofbourrow also -.cored four umes. whllt• Tom T em pl e and Ri ck Scott c.'Ontnbutc.'(l three each . Ford IJJakes charge Kiff in issues a firm de nial RAL EIGH , N .C (AP) - North Carolina State foo tball l'Oac.:h Mo nte K 1ffin denied Tuesday that he contacted 'the NCAA about f'OSStblC' recru1ung v io lations at C lemson . an accusatio n Tiger coach Danny Ford made Saturday. Ford and Kiffin exchanged words on the subject as they left the field following Clemson's 38-29 Atlanuc Coast Conference victory. Kiffin earlier said he couldn't remember the topic of conversation. as did Ford later. However. a cameraman for Ralei~h television station WPTF. TV recorded part of the conve rsation, pickinf' It up in progress. At'(.'Ording to the tape, Ford said he d oubted that Kiffin hadn't contacted officials. "They've been up here three times," said Ford, whose comments were followed by some unaudible comments. "I didn't tell them. I didn't tell them," Kiffin responded. .. Who did?" Ford asked. "I never did," KHfin said. "I never turned you in. They came up here. I don't l<now how they got here." On Tuesday, Kiffin repeated his denial. "I didn't turn him in," K1fftn told WPTF·TV "But if I had , I wouldn't have been wrong." Ktffin at ftrst said the conversation was confidential, but after learning that tl had been reco rded, said 1t was a misunderstanding. Jabbar scores 20 as Lake rs top Nets SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) - Kare<>m Abdul-Jabbar scored 20 points as the defending National Basketball Association champion Los Angeles Lakers downed . the New Jersey Nets 105-102 in the 10th annual Basketball Hall of Fame benef it exhibition game here Tuesday. With 55 seconds left. Jabbar, who scored ~ix points m the last five minutes. TMde a jumper from the left side to extend the Lakers' lead to 103-98. Darryl Dawkins, who led the Nets with 20 points. answered with a stuff and Buck WiUiams scored on a steal by Otis Birdsong to bring the Nets to 103-102 with seven ~nds left. LEACH'S UPHILL FIGHT. • • From Page 01 I couldn't run for about a month. I could swlm and rid£' the bike, though. ' "One big reason why 1 went Into train ing for the triathlon was to be with Bill more. We trained together and in that way we spent a lot of time together which is w hat we both enjoy. "I can't say thal I enjoyed the compe tition but I love the training. The competition was all right, too, until 7 or 8 mlles into tht" run. "I felt real comfortnble during the swim which took about 6& minutes. The bicycle ride wa1' a b o ut s i x h o urs 3 n d the marathon four. When I got ol{ the bicycle, I was hoping I would make It without collapsing and woa wondering if I would even be able to run a t all. "The ankle took about 12 wMka to h~al compl tely and I live • lot ot the credlt to Leon Skete (trainer a l Or•nse Coast toue,c)." About th~ f\.llure, ah o la UllCt!rutn. "I'll never be a great runner and I reali ze that. But I do enjoy running when t here isn't a lot of pressure. There a re certai n things I would still like to accomplish in sports. But my main s.oal isn 't to be one, two or three. It's a personal thing and I get a lot of satisfaction just out of competing. "I may go back to the ocean and the kayak or 1 may even cho ngc my mind and d o thl' triathlon again. P erhaps I'll tUtn to bowling. Right now I'm pN>tty much satisfied with my athletic ca reer, having been on the Olympic team and wlnnlng the triathlon. "But I miss the ocean and ~ go bock. I really haven't given too much thou.ght to ltyina for the Olympica In 1984, though. "At the moment, l don't haw that dying desire to extt-1. Wh~n I do 1c>methlng atona thia une. 1 go pretty mucf\ all out. You have to want 1omethtn1 real bad, thou1h to Heel." At 2~. JuUe L.uch hat rwhed the pinnacle o( 1u~ ln h•r •thletk career. .l Last runn r' personal glory D ow11 fi11i ·Ju• for 11 "'"'~'~ Nt-:W Y O KK lAP) C.\·nlrnl l'wk wa1o dork &nd l..lndit 0own''I hum~ Wl•rt• l'Orl' \\ IWI\ gh1• 1'1111\1" wh<-..•ting lll'l'(ltl.." tlw hn1sh ltrw, 11 h ou1 i., !H m~'tm<b after ht" began tht.• Nt•w Yul'k C ity Mm ttthun She s p ent m.•urly o holf duy ru11n111g und logg~d lht-t1 l0Wl'lll ltnw in tiny Nt•w Yor·k murothon. flnh~hln~ loi.t 11\ 11 t1t•hl of t :i ,!jlll Hut for t;>own It was a perMmul t1•1um ph ~Ill' die.I It u11 crut.che6. Down. 2~. n N \.'w York l'•tv n·111de11t, has cerebr al palsy, but that d ldn'l 0 s lu p hl·r from enterini the 26 °m1lc·, 3R5 yr11 d rOl'(• Sund.i.y "Shti ls really 10 tx• t•o11gro1ulllt• -d," !llml Ni-w Y ork City Road Runm•r11 C'luh pr '-'~1dt·nt Fn·d Lebow. "It's quill' a ft•al. l'm vt>ry surp1'1M.>tJ stw finishl'd " A part-time fr(.'(>latWl' wntt.•r o f :;c:ret>npluys, poetry and short s tones. with a master's dl•grel.' 1n 80claJ work, Down siud slw dt'<.'tlk<l ln run .. tu t<.':.t my own limits" and "to makt• sonw sort o( a positive statement, to sh ow that things Wl'I'<.' poss1bl\.' "Running the marathon ft.'h 1mposs1bl1• to m t· when 1 started, but l d<'Ctdto<l ln try It And no matter h ow Ca r l got a nd 1 Wal>n'L t>vcn sure l could eve n ftmsh -at least l roulcl say ~mething as possible if you try." A year ago, sh e began prl'parang f ur the· marathon by doing ext>n:1S<'S and s1tups. Shl• ran twice a w eek, building up h er milPOgi.• L ast M ay. she entered the 6.2 male L'Eg~s m ini-marath on W earing number W83 I , s h e Wt'nl to the· Verra.z.a.no Bridge. start of the fivt•-borough race. with the thousands of oth l'r ru1 mcrs "The beginning was thL• hard est part," bt>cnust- of a stiff h eadwind. s he Siltd. "After I J miles. it got easier." Following her an a l'ar was her mutht•r. hl'r identical twin Laura, who a lso has c·t•rebral palsy. and a friend, Dr. Nicho las Catalano. who g;:ive h er food, oranges a n d c:andy along the rat'l' route Because h er effort w;;is gtvC'n tl'lt•vis1on coverage, s h e said s he <'nrountered pt-ople aJung tlw course who told h er they wa1 wd esp<'<:tally to c hN>r h er on. "It w as ver y touching fo r me. 1 apprc'<:1att'<.l the support and I love tht · pt.'Opk· of New York," Down said. She was also congratulated Monday night by President Ro nald Reagan, who telepho ned her a fter seeing h er s tory on tl'lcv1s1on The president a lso invited he r to the Whttl' H oust• on Wednl'sd<1v morning to m eet him, at.-cordmg to Caldl.mo · L ebow said ral't' offtc 1als Wl'rt> alerted that ,Down still was running a11d swyl'd m the' Park to ·hold the ribbon at the fan1~h hnt', wh1c-h s he ('rOSSC'd aro und 9 :30 p.m . EDT "I feel blessed to have h ad th<• c han('(' to do at," sh e says. "It's something I'll nt'ver forgl'l " U.S. team named COLORAOO S PRI NCS. Colo t AP) F our former O l y mpic h ockey players w ere named Tuesday to the 1983 USA Hockey Team for its 37-game pre paration for the lnte rna11onal lee H ockey Federatio n W n rld C hamp1onsh1p in Tokyo Heading the hs t of Team USA players were tormer Olympians S teve J ensen o f Plymouth . Minn.; Buzz S c hne1Jer o f Babbitt, M inn. Phil Verchota of Duluth. Mmn . and Mark W ells, of Detroit. Jensen played on the 1976 U S Olympic Hockey Team, and Vcrchota and Wells mmpeted on the-1980 gold-medal team. Schneider was m both the 1976 and 1980 Olympics. Hal Trumble , general manager of the USA H ockey Team, who announced the player roster . said the team's biggest goaJ will be climbing from the "B " pool to the "A " pool I "We feel w e h ave assembled the best players avai lable as w e prepare for the w o rld championships next March ," h e said. The United Stat.es team wa'> put into the "B'' pool in IIHF rompetiuo n Last April after the team finished last among the eight ''A " teams at the world tou rru ment m FinJa nd. This 1s the hrst time since 1974 that the U .S . team h as not been part of the "A" Pool in w orld c h ampionship. Trumble said the team faces a three-m onth schedule to prepare for th e w orld championsh ip in March. The 37 games wilJ be played in Europe. North America a nd Asia The team also will have matches w ith c lubs from the Centr a l H ock ey L eague and all s ix members o f the Western Collegiate Hockey Association Neptune UCI coach Cf'EMATIOH llURIAl AT SEA 646-7 431 selected Our literature lllls the R o n M izusawa. UC complete story 0 1 our Irvine's karate c lub IOciely. • ,. ...._c.. ....... --ins tructor and a graduate ~========~~of the university. h as McCOllMICll MOITUAllH Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hil ls 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAllOa LAWM-MT. OLIYI Mortuary• Cemetery Cremetory 1625 Gisler Ave ·Costa Mesa 540-SSS.. ,_Cl •OTHlllS llLL •OA.DW A Y MOHUil'Y 110 Broedway Cos1a Mesa &42·9150 IAl.T'l-.. ON tMTH I TVTMl.l WlltCUf'P CHAPR. 427 E 17th S t Costa Me .. 848-9371 Qeen selected as a member of t h e U .S National Karate team. whic h will compete at the W o rld G ames in Taipei , Taiwan . in November. Mizusawa 1s a second- d e gree black be lt and h as taught karate at UCI the past five years. He recently placed second in Kata competitio n a\ th e AAU Nati o nal s in Chicago and the AAU Na tio nal team trial• in New J ersey . • The UCl karate club will b e s p o n soring sever al e v e nts In t he near future t o help support M1zusawa on his trip to the World Games. Official dies WFST C HFSTER, Pa. (AP) -V ince Jacob, o National f•ootball League ofUcla l ln hla eighth eeuon. died of an apparent heart attack Tueeday. t h e league .aid. J acob 61, of-Verona Pa., had officiated NFL sames the flrat two weekenda of th.ls RUOn ~fore It wu Interrupted by a ttrlk e . He waa e mployed by W estern Elec:irlc c.o. Jacob had worked ln NFL playoff g~ th• lu\ four RUOM. 011\no COfi•l DAILY f>ILOTIWOdll lldtly Oclob , 'l7 1082 1)5 Mltc NOTICC iacm10U1 IU'*'H - NAMI ITATl•.ln I II• li>llUwlng u•r aon 11 r.1u11111 bull"41NU lAI U I A Wf PJ\JtlS 1&11 AAIN80W WrTIUlll :1:1 I Me111 •1ree1. •4ullll111Jltlll fle•Lll I.A 1121MI MUC NOTICC NOllCI Of' '"UllH'I IAU l_ ....... , .. Tl ........ t .... YOU AM IN DIPAUlT .,._. .. A 0110 OP TAUIT DAllD JAMUA"Y .. ttU. UN&.111 YOU TA•t AOllOIN lO PAOUCT YOUA flAOlllATY, IT IUV H 1 I CM.cO AT A "*-tel tM.I. If YOU NllO AN U llUHATION OP TI4I NATUlll O• THI ll"OCllOINO AQAINIT YOU. YOU IHOULO ClASSlfllD L018 J[ANr I I( t\llOWN .WI Ao1>1n liooo t.<1 a1 11 Mu• CA 92'27 lni. !Niii•-•• "''"l.IU{tllCI b1 •n lllllMOliel LOI• J lhown flllt al•l•lll .. 11 WAt Ila.a with lhe Counlr Cteri. ur O• 11ge Cou111y oo Oc100.1 11 uie;i CClflffACT A LAWYIA 1lcu.-1tY GAVINOll ANO LOAN AO SOC IA I ION, a Ce lllornla c;o1por111on u Ouly appolnleO Trull•• uno., Ill• loll owing OMGllbeQ d..o Of truel WILL llll Al PUULIC AUCTION ro THE HIOttLSI UIDOER l'OR CASl'I IDl•Y•bl• •I Um• ol HI• In leWful money ol the Untied S•••nl ell right lltla ano 1n1er .. 1 conveyed lo t nd now 11810 by II und•• Hid OMd 01 lrutl In the p1op.,1y neretnatter CLASSIFIED INDEX 1 .. 1 l1t1t1 I HH111 /11 Silt #11111 111 Silt ' H,.,,, ltt 1111 ·· · i .. 5· .. I .a.:.~.;.:,;.i. ·. •. · .. · .·~· 1·. 1 · .. ·0·.i.0;·10.2.~t:· ·N· ·.·PU .. t:. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • .. • ~-'·~~~~~ ......... .'.~~! f!!1'.'..~~L'!!! .. l.~~! TRADE T • Plac• Yt11r Ad, Call Prmw L1uu Nurd ~y ronl nn, 5 '·'> l.Juth you• ooung 1ncom11 ''"' ,,...., Puoliah•l.I 0••1111• CoHI O•lly f'•IOI, 0<1 1a. 20, 27. Nov 3, li82 444'2 82 PUBllC NOTICE flCTITIOUI auatNHI NAMI 8 TA T .. HNT Tue lollowlng P•••on 1a 001110 Uu11not1 •• LAMBROSE IHREE, l IO 4000 MOCArthur Blvd Ww61 f Ower Su11e 4000 Nawpoll BHCl'I, CA 92860 OOUGI A6 LAMBROSF ?8 a1 .. 1n hvlne CA 9'7 14 This 1>u11Mu 11 conducl.O ov • llmlled patln•rahtp Douglas t111n1>r ote Gen Par1 Th1$ sl•le,,_,1 wu hllKI w1111 lhe Coonly c1.,k or Or•n~ Counly on Qelobet 5 19&.2 P:18"07 Publltlled Or•nge Coas1 Delly P1IOI O<;t 6 13 20 '21 1982 4360·82 PlalC NOTICE P:ICTITIOIJI aUIMll NAME ITATEMINT T ne lollowlng po11on 11 001ng IW•tnlfll H ALOHA LANDSCAPE CARE, 2 111A Pomona Cosra Mesa, Cahl0tn1e 92827 James S1even Nawtson, 217 IA Pomona. Coata Mesa Celllorn1a 92627 This bu11nees •s conouclltCI by an 1nohlldua1 Jemes S N•wtson This st11emen1 was 11100 w10'I lhe Coun1y Clerk ot Oren~ County un Oc1obef 11. 1982 ""312 Published Orange Coas1 Daily PtlOI. OC1 13. 20 '27' Nov 3. 1982 4459·82 POOUC NOTICE FICTITIOIJI I U81NE88 NAME STATEMENT The loll0w1ng petaons ••• dOlng bu5'"8SS GS DAVES WRENCH IN TYME 245 Fischer Street. 8· I Colla Mesa. Calo!Ot m• 92626 Oev1d William Fulb•10hl 23151 tos Ahsos • 152 Mission v1e10 Cahforma 92691 Moblk! Mecllane~ a Caht0tn1a co1po1at1on 245 Fischer S1tee1 B· I Cos I• Mesa. Ca11101n1a 92626 This Du5'neu is conducted by a 11m11eo pa11nersn1p David W Fulb110hl This saa•emenr was llled wlll"t 1ne Coonly Clerk ol Orange Coonl) on Septemoer 28 1982 F1"'°2 Publlsheo Orange Co.st Dally Ptlol Oct 20, 27 Nov 3 10 1982 4627-82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT dUCtlbtKI TRUSTOR MI CHAEL W KLOEPPEL, t n unme111eO me11 BENEFICIARY SECURITY S AV I NG S A NO LO AN ASSOCIATION, 11 aorpore11on Recordeo February 3, 1982 u 1n111 No 0 ·041203 In 0 111c1e1 Record• Ill Hie Olllo• or Ille R4ICl01der ol Orange County, u td deed 01 1rua1 du c;rlb•• Ill• IOllOWll\O property EXHI BIT "A" DESCRIPTION PARCEL I LOI 89 01 TrlCI NO 10348, In Ille Crty ot Irvine, County or O••no-. S111e or Ce111orn1e. •• per m•p rec:oroeo 1n l>Ook 474, pege1 16 10 18 1nc1u1ive, Mltcelleneo...a Mepe, In 1118 ott1ee ot 111e Covnty Rec:o<det or .. Id Coun1y EXCEPT THEREFROM all 011. o••. mine r••• •no O\ll e r 11yorocarbon1. below• deplh ol 500 teel. w1111ou1 tile right ot 1u1l•c• entry. 11 re-vtld In lnt1rumen11 or 19COld PARCEL 2 I EHemenll .. Ml IOllh In lhe S ec11on1 anlllleO "Certain E11emen11 for Ownera," "Support Selllemenl •nd Encroec11men1:·• end "Common Driveway E._,,enl" ol llle Arllcl• enlllled "Eeaemenll" ol lhe Oecla1111on ol Covenenla. Condlllona eno Re1lrlct1on1 d .. Cllbeo In "SUBJECT TO:" below Uh• "Oecl81ell0n"I PARCEL 3 Eas.rnenll H auch eeMmen11 ••• p1rt1culerly Ht torlh In 1ne Article entllled "E•temenll" ol lhe Oeclar•llon of Covenenla. Cono111on1 •nd Re11r1c11ons del(;llbed rn "SUBJECT TO .. below (Ille "Moslef Oeclerallon") under lhe Sec11on needing• In aucn Artlele ent111ed as lollowa "Own«• Rlglll• 1nO Dulles' 'UllllllH and Ceble Terev1111on.· "SldeyerO Eat•· menl•." 'Suppo11 and Se111amen1. Enc1oec11men1," ano ··communlly F1e1llllH Easement " PARCEL 4 E•aemenr 101 1no1•11. egr•» end slrMI purPOMt and drainage 1n, unde< through •nd ec:ro .. rhal POrllon or LOI N •nd LOI 42 ol llllCI No 10334, H per mep llled In boo« 44 5, pages 25 10 39 1nclu11ve, M11(;etlaneou1 Mepa, In Ille ottlce ol the Counly Recorde r ol alld County. 1llown •• Common Roadway on E~hlbil I ol tllet Supplemenle•y O•cl•r•llon ol Covenenu. conOlllon1 •no Res111c11on1 recorded on Auouat 15, 1980, 1n bOOI< 13704. pagn 168 10 •82 1nclu11ve, Olliclal R1Hlora1 ol teld Coonly 3 Racing Wind, Irvine. C•lllorn11 "(II a lllMI 1ddre11 01 common 642-5678 NOUSfS fOt SAU (.,•Mt•I ::t:::: \~!:.':'.-.1. f •Pl'O eM h•41t f\ I wtfW\e Q•l ... , t \al• 'f•l• • 0•"• •'"''U t'llwu P'wnit +O \•II"~ U1tM+""vn Kt ••h lri;1n.t lAl \fne Kf •ffll a....~"• U1ll• I.a.-. f'irltti:w•I M1-.wo.n\11 .. .-• e:ri::.w~::" e..." ,,,."I •tH'tlf e1W1 s,.,... 4n• ~.I ... •<h """""' ...... ,,. "'•\hfHA\lf'I lllu•illl• U~flM"• '•" IULESTATE -.,, ..... '"' ,.,. A.,.tu+..-flh fw ,.t .. ~!.~:·rr::~.t'" ( ·~1 .. ,, t uh • """ • """""'''*•' l'•\11~··' l .,.loffHfU"" ''•I• ~ ..... ,,. .. ,,.,, ··~--hi w \4+" •\I !Nun. t11~ll\ ,,.,.,,., .. , ......... ,, '"' '"' '"'' MWJ"ft""' l rh t'o MouMn U.\nl ttr 1111• ()r9Af" t" ,~,w (Nt ult lWIM) l"r•'t- hw• ttl 4'c.t .. Jtrnv k.Af~"' t+oht !,t•n• Mui ••I.._'° t ,~ .. •"'•'" Mf"•I L'ht• "-••11.,.d IENTALS Ur'""'" t Uf ru,Md tlowu•i. l nl11rnhhhl lk-.,•• h;t" "' ' ht C'Qn(W'1m1fHWl'n\.. 111 A ( Aindum1 n1u(lu I Al Ti•Ah<.f\I'"' t vnt T&"'"~""•'"' ~"'"'twrn l.Npt~..-, l nf Aph •\irn A1i4' I 11lwr" \.,t\. t \ffA itf 1 ttl KIJl,"I" M(Jl..Ht16 f\1,.111 tloUI• ~oUI\ t:wnt tlu""'' ~tmw-.-1 k .. 111.1 I\ •f •111~ kt"fll•h I ........ ,, fU"'•'"' I C•••I"' lu• tcrftt Oltot• H•M•I ~1"4°'' """'•I INh••l"•I M• IM•I I ~~·-~: "'•111"'41 .114,,, M""'•'' BUSINESS. INVlSI M£Nl. FINANCE b.."ftf' tlJp&ivft• ft;v"""""' '4 .. Mtd '"' .. "'""""''lf.!fA#fl '"""''""""' ........ d '4~ .. , .. 1 ••• fl. Murwt .._, •"'rllf" llltor11•1'""' I u ANNOUNCE MEN JS, m SONALS & LOST & FOUND 41\"'"'"' "" ... "'' l lf t't1t4 IA&•l ''-c''"" '""'' 4 t tl"rwt P•twn•l\• Wulth.1•• r ••• ,.1• SERVICES Tile 1011ow1ng person •S 001ng business as destgn•llon I• •hown above. no ~\IH h1r .. non BARKER·GOROON SOFT. w••ranty la given a1 10 IU comple1eneu or oorrec1neu1 " The t>•n•llCIUy under H id Deed OI Trull. by re•ton ol • breech or EM"-OYMENl & "l,AHJllJN WARE ENGINEERING. 9393 Emery Ct . " I 4. Feu<i1e1n Velley. C•lll0<n•11 92708 Kallh Gordon Bario.er, 9393 Emery C1 '"14 Founte1n Valley, Celllorn1a 92708 deleull In Ille obllg•llon• MCV<ed ';!i:':.',:~:"'' ""' thereby. herelolore execuled •nd 11,,.,. ,.,.., .., , 1 dellv•r•d 10 Ille underalgned • wrltlen Oeclatetlon of o.feull and Oemend tor Sele. and -1t1en notice MfltHANDISC This bus•neM •• conducted by an indMduel or br••cll of and or eiecllon 10 •··•·•• '" K.,lh GorOOn B•rk.,. This statement wu filed w11h tile County Clerk of Orange County on Ocloi>e< 8 1982 C.euN ,,,. under ..... 10 .... Mid :::::: "' propeny 10 w1111y Mid obllgeliON. ano 111e1eeller Ille undersigned ceu..a Mid no11ee of brMCh and elec:ltoo 10 t>e Recoraeo June 29. 1982 u Inell No 112-2230G 1 of MIO f1WU7 Pubh•ll•d O• enge COHI O••ly P"61 Oct ~ 27 NOv 3 10 1982 4601-112 PUBl.IC NOTICE ftem1oua euS1NE11 NAJA: ITAH MENT The 1011ow1ng person 1s doing buSlness u S AL S SPORT HAUS 1779 Newporl BlvO Costa Mesa Cehlorn1a 92627 jfflclel Record• Seid u le wtll be m•d•. bul wllhOul coven•nl 01 werr•nly e•P<-01 tmplled, reo-tOlng 11118, PO ... -on. or enoumt>rlll'IQ89 10 Pl'f 1"8 remelnlng l)(inclpel tum of 1118 no•ec•> MC\Hecl by wkl O..CS ol Truat wllll lnterMI u In Ul<I no•• provtoed, •dvencet. 11 any. una.,. Ille term• ol u ld Deed ol T1u11. •-. cheroe-end •119«1-or Ille TrutlM •nd ol the INSll CIHlecl by Niki 0..0 of TNSI. S•ld 111• wlll be held on ..... ~ ::~-. ..... ,. .. ,. c.,...n .. \'~ ,,. .. .,. ..... , C·~P.."' tr .. \o'\*"" f\dW lll!• ....... ~ ...... .., .. ,ff•tln ,w~~'°"'" , M..,fWM', ... ~11.,, ... "W lil1w111.,.,...,.., 'A.,.,,., '11-\H•t l"tlfwft",.fll\• ou ..... •~r11 1. • f'-'~ ..... ..... ~ "ft, •• ,. s.--~-\t•t .. •""'' Sf(w11ft.• 1,,..A• §tar• M•~,4".ff•l'H tt•' ~-r.., ....... " .. , ... Naser H Behnam, 3900 Park Green Onve. Corona def Mir Calllorn1e 92625 This business 1s conducted by en lndMdUaJ Wednead•y. Novembeol 3. 1982 •l BOATS l MAllNE 2 00 p m •I 1118 Cllepmen Avenue Na-H Bennam entrence 10 lh• Civic Cen1e1 (QUl,M(NT Building. 300 Eu• Cllepman 1,..,,,.1 ThlS Sletemenl WIS llled Wllh ,,,. County Clerk ot Orange County on September 14. 1982 Avenue. Orange. Cellla<nla. llo••. \4 ""' "''"" A I th t ti me ol I he In ltl a l t.:'.: ~,::~~· t q•••• publlcellon ol 1111• noUce, the 10111 1 &••" R""' • "'"" F11137e Published Orange Coul Deily P110l, Oct 6, t3, 20 27. 1982 «04-82 amoont ol the unp•ld balance of •lie 8c>I•• '"'' obligation Hcureo by the ebove :":::: ~ •:•.;: dHCrlbeO O••O of trual •nO I & .. h -;c.,.,,, t1llm•ted co111. expenH1 end Ml.IC NOTICE FlCTTTIOIJS IU81NEll NAMe I UTEMeNT edvanoa 11 $31,298.04 I To Oe1ermln• Iha OCHtnlng blC \ llANS'°IT A TION yoo mey call 4 15/94~ 18. · ...... " The rollowlng person• ••• dOlng bu-H CBA FASTENER llNO SUPPLY 1253-H Logen Avenue. Coal• ""'-'• Cetlfoml• 92126 Oete October 1. 1982 ! I 1 •"'"'" ..,,. "'"' SECURITY SAVINGS ANO f ~~· ,;,:,:;.,. LOAN ASSOCIATION -~trln ~-·"' U t*d TNS1.. lll«tir Um•,.~,. tcr"' C Tr•1Wn Tu~•I By T 0 SERVI E Tr••""'""'' COMPANY. "~""'''' •• "•" K111 Joll•nsen Brull•. 2550 Columbia 011ve Co11a Mu•. Calolornla 92826 Oenoal lester Blt t•k I I 52 NOrlll Wul Sii•••. No 0 -2. An.,...,,,, Cellfornle 9280 I Thlt ~IS conduclecl by I gene.el pen,...-Slllp Ken J Burke ThlS lllelement WU rw.cJ wllh Ille County Clerk of Orange County on s.c>1emb« 17. 1982 flmf17 Publl•ll•d Orenge Coast Dally Piiot, Oc1 6, 13. 20 27. t982 43811-82 Ste 718 eget!I By JANET RIAc+i. AUi Vice Pr..i<Sent 1990 N Celllornl• 81•10 .• We lnul C1eel1. C A 94596-3787 Publlsned Or•nge CoHI Delly Piiot, Oc100... 13, 20. 21. t982 ~~~~~~~~~-4-41'6-82 fltaJC NOTICE flCTTTIOUI BUSINl8 .. NA• ITATIMINT The lollowlng per1on It Oolng butlMN .. : ----~------THE DELL CO . 338 E. P\ll.IC NOTICE 17th Street, Coal• M-. Cetllornle --,-tC-TIT-IOU_l_llU_alNl __ ll __ 92827 HA• ITAT••NT Cyntn .. 0. MO•ll, 9 Whlsperlno TM fOllOWI"" P«IOOI ere doing Wind, lrvlne, Celllornla 9~714 butlneu u. · . ., Thi• bu at neat I• condix:te<I by an lndlvldual. THE RENTAL SPECIALISTS, Cynlhl• O. M~ta 30131 Town Center Drive "135, Thia lletemenl wu filed with IM Lagllne Nlguel. CeNlornle 92877 Counly Ct.r'k of Or•noe County on Niguel AHOCl•IH, Inc .• Oclober 6. 1982. Celilornl• oorporetlon, 30131 TOWfl ,,..,, Center Drive "135, legune N'Outl, PubllalleO Orenle CoHl Delly Cellfa<nle 92617 Thlt ou.m.• le conouc1eo by • PllOI. Oct 8. 13. 2f'. . 27. ttet corporellon ~~2 N'Outl Atl0Clele1. Inc AIC!herd 0 M11r11on. P1Mldenl Thia 1111_,1 •H llled with 1"8 County Clerk of Or•noe County on Septernb« 21. 1982 ftf1M8 Pu1>11111eo Or•noe CoHI Delly Pllol. Ocl 20, 27. Nov 3, tO, tte2 41191•12 flC1TTlOUI ~U NAMllTA~ T"-followlng perton It Oolng l>ullnetl .. M & S 01$TRl8UTC>f'S. nr. W. 17th 81,..., ea. ........ Celrfotftla 92127 Ted M. l~mllh, 2tM Androt, -----------Cotta ~. c.ittome tmt P\B.IC NOTIC( Tiiiie ~ 1e oonduC'9d 11y .,, ~~~~~~~~~~~-lftdMdulj, '1CTITIOUa IUtllMSH T.U M. 8mllh ...._ aTAT'lmWT rhll t1at-1 -flltCI wllll Ula T"-follOwf"O peraorw ere dolnO CWf\!y Ci.ti! ol Of9nge COutlt)' on l)uelneq.. Oc100tt 11, 1tl2. (A) BUSINESS ll8AAAY; (8) p.-,7 BUSINE.8$ UBAAAY PUBLllHINO, Pulllllll•O Or•nte Co11t Deity l C) 8 US IN E 9 S l I 8 A A A Y PllOt. Qcl 13, 20, 27. Nov. 3, 1N:f PU8 ltCATION8: IOI JJM 44 ..... a PUILISHINO; (Bl MARK NHL AOVEATISINO AOENCY, U57 81rcn 111eet, Newoor1 Beecll, CA t2MO. MAAK NEEL COFIPOAATION. a c.llf«nMI corPor•tlOll, U07 llrcll 81rwt, N9wporl 9"otl. CA t2MO Thlll ~le concM:ttO bye COfl)Ofltlon. Mal'll Nell Corporation Jerf1 Hllghl. lecit. Thia •~t .,_ llled wlttl Ille Covnty Cttnc of Of.noe CollnfY on 0c1ow1. 1tta , ..... Publllfted Orange Colet Delly Plot, Oet. •• t3, 20, 27, 1112. 4371.fl:I AUTOMOllLE (# ... , •• Allftii41Vf'• , ....... . aH'r•llKH' \ .,,." ••• ~..:..~.:::.~ ~-,,_, ... \ .,,, \llll~t L'••1~' Alill..,..W•"l1f't AUTOS, llll'°IJED ~...w••I Alt• M~"""n '""' A~hft Ut•I•\ ij»W l •CM'• ~ t.>•'""" t .. ,,.,, ,,., tt.und. l•rJw•r J..n.•-n K.rm.nn h .. ,. ~::'''""' .................. "' .. .. 190 11 W.1 PM4••• ,._..,,. rorutw ~•wll .. "•,"' , .... e T.,,.:: h i"""" \ ... ,, ....... \"th• MITOS, MfW COUA~ HOUllNn OPl'OllfUNIT Y Pulllllallar'a IMl011 All rtlll 41111110 111Vflllll11<1 111 lh•• n•w•Pll 11111 II au t1111c t rn 1 ha I oaoo .. 1 1"" Felr Hou11ng ACI <JI tllll8 ::::-which make• II Illegal lo 1 ;~~ eaver11.. ·any PH1f11rn11 ' ''"' ce. 11m111111<;11 01 Cll1(r1m1 1... n1uon b1,ud 011 rec11 ::: COIOr. rwllUl(')fl ">UA Or :~ n111onel origin. 01 eny 1111111111011 10 m nke ""Y auch ptelunmc•.1 llmll• lion or d11c11n111 u1t1on I l ni. now•papr11 will not knowingly 11;1,epl eny aover1111no 1r11 real es ,.,. Which IS In VIOl811011 ,.,., . .. " .. ... l'•t .... I ,., ot Ille law I U ,•u_, , _____ , _____ , Lgt• I. Ii :l1r «mad 2 bo.11 ~Llflft $I .f100,t)()O per1y or w1grt1wtt •••• ''""'" wllh 1111011 ()(lull f l1l'm•1deli-.J :i hdrn1, 2 huth I luq(•• n-.· nu IX'11111 l•·•hn~. furn1:dwd, p11tu111. $'120,•IOIJ PEIHllUU HOME Ot.~1.111 & ~tty vl(•Wli Mlarlnc· room, ii hdrm, :1 lmlh. a?Oo ~ fl. $I .:J85,000 ()('(•llflfmnt Lllll ISLE IA YFROIT Llll{UtJll Vll'W lroul lj hdrm. 5 b{l~h. ph1y ruum, Jurk mt. t.lcn. Bout 111tv Nuw Sl.000.000 lor lhla 'lt!OI IUllt' 11nd 1u11n1y " udrm. 'l', t;w rwmo Ill WAtK TO fill ar AC Ii CORONA UC I MAA LOC..A l ION wllh ~1>6(;18f.UllH 180 dtlQ ocebn • 11111110 .-1111 hit 1>01 vl11W P11coa 111 t.u• 11n1 appr111111 ot $4 7~ 000 111• Owner hJ' S 195 000 equity 11110 will t.orry 2nl) H4-l2t1 ...... ,.. Spc-c.•u.rnlJr buy front dphc 2 lJr. 2 ba up, <! br , ~~ 2 hn dn 2 boot ~J>IK.'t'lll Jk'<.IUl't.-d $1.500.000 IAYSIDE PUOE FAIRUllS lllCM N.-w -I h1 , ~' , hu, t"W;lum f'n:nch Nonmrndy F'.-.1.<ik I 'l. prtllll' ac1t• hallwp Sl.'l.50,000 AYlLDI t't >t' '!1111µlt• 'l. br <~111.ag1· on '1u11·l U.:·M.·a11....,, ::it J&SMlll ORHl P l A N 2 0 n m 11 1 ,., Gr~enbell Ocean Vii Rm 101 poor PIP Appl nt!C 759·9189 ~h• . , .. , .. .. :o EllllllOlllS: Adverti-1111 Fial') Hl'l.IUn.J 10 $1011,lllltl Coll• /11111 1024 ...................••• /<;I "' sers should check OOROWO CAYS their ads daily and Coronado Island t'USt bayfron l lut 8~' boat report errors im-dock. Plans avall. Now $370,000 w/terms. UH O"OlllTUllTT! 110" DOW• SU,500! Low PJMts! New & spac•ous .... ·~· I ti m ediat ely . The' DAIL'( PILOT as· s ume.s llab1hty for I the 'lirst incorrect ln snrllon only . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR Geroen Villas w/11001 10 celling ll1ep1aces NEA R BEACH I 2 & 3 Borms Ir om $84 500 Below market '"' rate allows for pyml& as low as S7951mo (Ea~/ Ouo111y1ng) Pool renn•s & securlly geleo privacy TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS ONCE. IN II LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY J4l Boy\•dt> Dr ve N B bl) blbl "'" H" 1!1> ,..,. '"' ~,~ Hoa ''' /01 S1l1 W• •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.., J,,/ E1t1tt w~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• tit• .. ~ .... "~ ... If• ... II• ·~· II~ ., .. ..... ... . .. ... ''I \IU \ . '·'· ... •l>'• .... .... ..• C-111111 I OOZ ~·H••••··············· 11000 DOWI LEASE OPTION 1n 1s BACKBAY !"tome New- port address 2 Br den 2 Ba. 1mmacula1a Assume S 120.000 Reouceo lo s IS9 000 Ree Rodger$ 631-1266 HAllOlt:Dl 3 Bdrm 2 Bath near parks & sclloolS localed minutes 10 beaclles & shopping• Priced thou· sands below markel Hu11y won t 1as11 Unbe· llevably p11cea al S t29, SOO. Call tOday 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For 0111 new 1egula1 weekly l••ture IOIT SHOW- CASE • • Every Se1u10ey In Ille • Dally Piiot Classlflecls :"i l~:iiiiiiiiiiiiii~I COLDWeLL BANl(C!RC 'HllHU S2tl,500 Baytronl con<Jo with sllp ava1lab1l11y 2 BA, 2 par- king spaces. r11g111y se· cure bu1ld1ng, pool & 360 oegree vi ew ul bay & ocean from rool garden are a tew ol l'le many amenities Flex•t>le Iman· cino 144-tolO FULLERTOM /IREA 2 Br Ouall Ridge Conoo w•tl"t wooosy al mosphere & waterfalls Oecorateo like mOdal 1~00 sq II $ 119.000 ollor Owner 9S1-t344 or 529·3798 811 5 'ARDH URDVE 2 BDRM 2 Bl\ LUXURY CONDOS 2 car encl ga· rage lull a men Illes. $1000/oown and owner will help lltlance Ed wans 964-61 71 SPYIWS llLL Spacious tamely llome w1111 upsta1r11 game rm Plus oowntulrs family rm., 4 bdr int e nO 3 ballls Im macul•le 1111ougnov1 l.arge t>e•u· 111u11y lanos<.aped pauo wllh baOm1 i lon courl OOlllOH DEL 1&111 SUPER FH IUY Charming 3 Br llome with lots ol ex11a• You own ll"te land Greel la· m1l y home Reduc.ea S45 ooo Beaut1lul lg I corner 101 Walk 10 the bay Balboa Isl ano Fa- shion 1srano Owner mo· 11va1eo coulo t>e best buy 1n COM $320.000 Financing available IU-4110 I' TA I" OOHIFlllHT Forever view lrom tn1s line duplex value Walk by 2402 w Oceen11on1 ano c all 10 1 oe1a111 $499.000 lee 673·6900 PHl LIDO . A QUl81 IOClll•Or'I on 8 central Newport s11eot with an 1mmacu1a1e ano spacious 2-s101y con.I aom1n11im res·oence I Pnva1e enuance 10 lhls 3 bdrm home w1lh 2' 1 bllhs ano encl pallo Lovely 1anoscap1ng end eo)o1n1ng commun11y PoOI Per1ect "mo11e-1n' cond Oecor 2 cer ga- rage S 165 000 Fee lend - \lo\llHIHtl'I 1111'11 " lftc REAL [STATE r ~ '.t CENTURY 21 Walk·I• lll11lty Ul·IOIO IEWPOlllT l&RHI• &TllllUMS! SlYLIHTS! IHJHI CEILIHS! S 1 H ,0001 -$1 Ol Dll.! Modern de1ached hm un1que1y designed oy The Mas1e1s 01 mac.or outdoor env11onmen1 light and airy interior w/Skyl1ghl!> 3 garoen atrrums beameo cei- lings long s11eo txJrms 1am11y room w/bll & walls ol glass lo pauos En1oy sun all oay on P111101e Rool Sundecl<' Only $ 10 000 oown & $1 395/mo pymls II )"Ou are loo~•ng lo• a UNIQUE HOME AT A STEAL we ve got 111 CENTURY 21 Walk-In R11lty Ul-1010 I E'SIDl HITS 15% H -1 h '• crou Owner will carry a sub· sient1al 2nds on 111ese well ma1nta1neo single llOIY I & 2 bdrm until Plenty ot otr str"' par· lung 4 car garage Al 1rac11vety prteed II $325 000 IU·l211 ': .. ~ f !~1 Fid o can ! •• .,, OUI OI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•-~ M.lm * 11ovble with his own en-ICUIFIHT MESA YHIE closao doo run $723. s · . .... . . 4111 •I ::, I =~' ..... .... .... . .,, . .. .. ... On rne golf course '100 1nc1uoes lhe land SECLISltl , t ~ Custom ~·u111u1 3 Bdrm ~73 ~400 Ullle corner ol Ille local ..,.,.. • -• coaslllne. surf d•amauc1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit home many m•ry .... Ires $279.500 with 10% HA Fl BO R rocks, e•Quisite 4 Bdrm HUI llOIEI down owner wlll carry •I ~.~~111:;~1, 5f2~SC:~ng ' $1,000 H I Sll&/MO. 12'1"11 lnlerffl Sparkllng Engtosh Iller McCartlle, IUtr. l N H )l ll I i• ,,..f '1 Country Style w/v1ew 01 141-7121 Aeellors. 615-6000 ma ss1 ve or ee,.b ell ---------•I •~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~-! Ae1oma11c wood-burning ---------' useo b11Ck fireplace 1n WAY, WAY orec1ous en1erta1ner's 11 IUOW MAHET vlng room Center your "'" 23 unlls In prime Tustin ~; locallon Tremendoua polen1111 101 lunher de· ve1opmen1 Cell lor de· 1 tells 7511 -t 501 01 752-1373 ******** .. •HYFRHT• IO&T SLIP Mew 'l'ia. UH,1001 38 BAl BOA COVES. 3 bdrm 2 balll. OP EN DAILY 1·5 Mef&Ollh Gardena 3 Br 31 Chrislm85 tree arouno Ba. 3 car gar F1ill price 1 11c11 wooo panelings & S 179,000 151-3191 , l11gh style w•ndow co•e· an 11tv11m1 REI L TH/OWIER * 113·1117• c., ... ,,, ,,,, 10211 iii:i· c4ii • i·2 2·1 ;10-1 I &UllEIM llUS INk Ftrtoltt•r• So of Hwy. 3 Br remo- deled nome on A2 As· * * * * * * * *.. sume 1rv loan Now va-1 caril. Call Oelie 631-1266 I 11ngs Amazingly Brit1sn w/1 t s own separille pantry & la1indry room Twin closets & massrve ma11er Sulle + newly decoraled nursery 3 C HEERS FOR THE PRICE' ONLY $79,0001 W iii! $8 000 down $815/mo pays all Call Fast• OHTUlllY 21 W&U·ll REALTY 1'1-IOIO 5 yr old S & S Home 2672 aq 11 Pool wltll 1wlm up 1>11 In ce.,,e >'I•• $25.000 below merlcet :-;, 20% dn, 12 ~-. 1n1e1es1 ,~~.. Agl Jim S3 t·8100 :'! i.;m;;iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ll IFFS "'·' IPfltlTllITT So convenient yet so se- ::. knocks olten when you clu ded on • quael cul oe uH resull-gelllng O.lly ae c street Two t>e- Pllol Clessllled Ads 10 Or• >amt •nd t•mlly room r .. Cll 1"8 O,.nge Cout cc ndo Brick pello wllh "•1 m•rket et•stom ape $195,000. ,,,,. Pllone 8"2·58711 IJ 1· 1300 .... -~~~~~~I •i•• = .1 .. 1~~~~~~~~~~I :\\6 1-M J<e families are gelllng .111 YO\! don't need a gun to I ne camping "bug" lllls ;;:'.: "draw IHI" wllen you •,rear II you heve • cem-•'o plac. •n eo In lh• Delly per tllat's not gelllng :'.~ Pllol W•nt Adal Call now used, sell II now with e ,,,.. I 8'12·S618 Clessllled Ad ~ ;::==============::..!..==============:...... , .. .,, ... , ... tJ .... ,,.. , .. , ., .. .,,., •U• illo "" :s IN ,; .. """ '"' - -1 -.... .... "'" -""° ,,.,, -.,.,, W'I ..... -..., W<l ..., = -.. , --::;: Classifie,j works for yotJ when you R&'M~ Tn1nklng 01 a new nome lat spring? See the many llsllngS In loday's CIHSI· lied columns 6'12-5678 You don I need a gun to "draw last" wl1en you piece en ed In tne Dally PllOI Wenl Ada' Call now I 6"2·5616 ,t. ..... , ..., I -.... .. '> :7..~. ~=-:: t.7. ~ ""• .. .. ., .. " • f -U•Vl ~· _.,,. To difwl(lf) ""'"'"_, t., w,.._~ ...,,..,_ .. ," .... ~..,, ,,..j..,-._i ti'\"""-' .. "°"" {((J•f> , ... , th '-JI"' "--•M If I •ll' ; 11 ~~ Gt,,.INI '(' ! ::: ,~ • } )Ill : )0\16t CAMCU (. 1 ••¥1 •• .:t-1'9''614' n ,11 ,, ,. 4.1111• 'I ,, .... ' .. I .. ... . ..., ... . . . ... .... . ... •tt. I ••'-r ... ::---··· . . . ···-... ~. .... ~ .... ... ,. .. _ ...... , ...... .,._ . .. ... .... . ---~ .. '==~~.~T s~ \\<41 ~-a ctrs · ------._, •• QAT I -..... o :=':_.~,~~. ~ ....... ,_ ·-"'"°" _,. I OICHEDO I t I I I I I I I LUFOR Ii' .... .... , . I I jl I . I I [ R H G l ~ I P1nha1101t1 l•m•fltrng '"' I I II I ~ ••~•• nl 1111111 "I"' to IXJO' 1 '"--'·'--•·-"-· --'-~ t can't •••n 11ror0 • 1001 i>•t• I T 0 P A T E I my -. ' I I I I' I ! n::;,; ::::;:.; E ' ' , I , .. ' ' ., T ' I I ' . ' ' l 1 , 1 J . . ~ • . • I I I 1 ' , I I ' ~~~!!! -~·.'. !.'.'.' .... f.. ~~~!!! .~~~ !.'.'.' ...... . f!J!~.tf!!~ ...... I.~!~ f ~1.~'~· ,!.1.'.t .. !.~f IW~ V.l. Lill Auumehlt nn 1111• 4 borm t11.1mt11 wlfll 11tu1 bllhltU 1>111.111111 •"II low tt111111111•11C11 v•1<1 Q .. 11 •r ... 111 •Hill With llll•n 1-11111 luyl • '" II tou11I lladuceo 10 '117 &00 1.All IHO !1310 \t >II./ 1l/~·11 1111• '" , .... upuon col1111 m111g 1112) l 1101y & •lud io 1 l.•I g11101, ttal"-'J (ll•H OtlCk µ1 llOa 2 t>lockl 10 OC.-rl MOllYllllld M11u1 OwnMt I •I 1 1111111 4\14 721' f~l ... ,~.~11.'.!~ •• !.~!! VILLI II 0!1111 P!r.1.1.~~ !!Jl!1.. •• • ,,~~tft~fl,lt•!f..... t'.~~!!t ¥~!~!!!!~.'!. •. ..U1 l•H 11,,,..,, a....11 J.lH C11t• /11111 '114 1 .. Wt JI• ..... .-... n:; ••••••••••••••••.•.•••••• r •••• .... i .............•• u I "'· I'• IJA i I.et 011 I l&ITllll • omm ono1 Wint" or J 1M11111 1 01 piut 1111•1111 Vt'V AUi .,. 1 110 Ir"' ~110• <l•l•tll gll •n•w•an Ooubla wide t btlfm ~l~ton wlUI 1111 ti.cl tun toom end c;e1pnr1 WAik 111 c1oeat1, bl! In bullel 1how1 p11de Of ow111111hlp Reduced 10 $J3, t7b MOll•lleO tel lttt ()& ••n hOtll ytly 4 bdtlfi "'"" alley accen STOO • 1t111 lat, laat O•p No • t.11 g"11ot ••Ill hot tub ,,.1• IJf•v• by "I 'I u111111 61'1 16~0 64/ 8JOI ' ,,., "J II• P•ll lu1n 11>11'1 81111 I bd µtu• 11•11 111111 SliOO Nu Peta 61~ lli'il I l(W OlPI OH O.M. TOWHIMI ~~~~~~. ¥~11!1'.'!A'!..' ~~~~~ .¥~/11.•!1~.'!... ~r..~'!'!f~!!. {!! ... '!!~ A,a,;•; .. ;· ,,.., #Htl•llH /111ttMlf a.1tji Jllf flrt•tl L111l J1fl ••••~•~!~.~••••••••••• ,,,,1 '''' ...... ; .. . . ... . . . . .. . . . . ......... n •. . . . . • . . . • e ,, ""' '''' •••••••••••••••••••••• u Av • u 0 N f u u WI.. • bf 1 b• W/MJIUJ«k ' .!I ••••.•••••••••••••• Move , .... 1 Ou11111v J 1 8111)1 .. 3 8A tile• 1no U•lc 40 IO Dellen I tlORM IN DUPlf.)( Uhl Odtm thll 1 mo tlf\CN{jll illp Avlll Nov 1 Cell 11160/mo yo~ 646 0340 inc:ll>d.O 1360 IOI l1tg• f 1m11y ority Alltl p,, ... 0111e11 Ally OC(AN,,~ONT iaroe 3 Bt t.MI ff2·71140 tU&uno NIU llllCll111 042 &10() ~Ba wallr/(jry1, no pttta l'ASTSID[ Li aer ,.., ..... 101 mom prvl prk11u 4bed W111t111 1160 1113 8340 " ..,, A,a11•1•t1 ,.,.,..,,."' .•..•••.•............. . .. ,,.,,.. ,.,,, 3140 ...................•.. 2 bd conoo trpl, pool nt 8 rOOkhu111 6 Ad1m1 UOO ~4.,·Hl1 1n1 1uon1 t()f th• kid• co S1ill J 1 1 3ZIO ~ c;arpo11 yO .iovt/ Plly U11111 ot 6[Sf ••••••n••••••••••••••j Avllllbla Nowt I 6A lully 1 tl11g S ~'>O mo '•Ue> JOA 3 61 POOi 630 Cl tlKI <.:OS f lllOHIVI lltMf turn Vetulfl•• condo In i>1 t 075• p111n Ii.Id• oi. No P91• NLAll SOUTH COAST N1w11011 8 .. c;n $100 2 UR 2 B• avilt apptOA tl•ll jjtJ66, 960-7484 • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n. I I ' ..... 11gt "' ' "• O•tyM\ eD 111 • · • ~ • t l I Mt"' t '. FtaMH ... IL MM. 8fAUllFUL OLD WORLD 10WN110 MES Oy tlowilld M••I. Co ltom S lt•CI 000 M&lltR RULn -•(illl•1•411)1•l•l•·UOl---I ~~I!!!!.~~!~!~.'!~!.' ••• ~~~~~~ ......... !.~fl O•<.Orel(ir PelleGI •P• C.IUUI 2 IJdlm J',IJ• puul 1111;, ••<.ral1ll011 •1 u pvt p11lto t>elGony 1' IO• 1.1•1 oe 0..o w•ll u•P.,,, drao-r1 .. & mo111 JU llC> Ul ll p~ C1111 t11 6-'IS11 tO :10 to ~pm ITVi•• JZ44 PLAZA 4 bCllm d1111. 'i I mo C•ll now 846 7 I 7 I N<•v 1 no Pll• 1416 l .. ,. " ... t 2 HIT&U ..,a 1""1 ~ •oom, po....,., 1110 14 18 O• 548·H7bl 111,. patio• w/d noo11 up 2 lo 4 t'IClrfnt """'"U ., 1°,~oo .~:1 • ,!,'c:" _,~1.~, ,,. Cl••••I• 3111 •v•lwktldl lllatO• ' enc.l•d o•• 1860 10 & 1000 •••••••••••••••••••••• lllT.a•y II set!) WI l fAl('"Pf'f matnl 84 1-82114 12 br. , • ., bt. 11ew 1,,tpt, -Owil 840·5$04 MeN Verde bll!I 11raut1 • lhlrm l1mtl)' rm l mont Clnee 10 scnonls. 1nopplng •ll Own., Hllllt10 fhUllll;llllJ s .. If 11ow 1 St 711 ~·00 Call 11111-~:no \ I >I I. / 1l f.' fl HI Al ,.-I !~'ti •,TMt"4t'. * ~ ORECLOSURC Fl XEA• Bring pa1111 bfush 111ve $15.000 SS.000 dwn. 110 QUO!ilylng Low lnl HIU meo1e In Call 11ny11me. August Capital 895 10 1 I llPLH Ent•IOe 2 Br dup10 .. with new CPIS Crapes lrg yrOs good 11nanc1ng 40(> J244 160·113~!1 '!.(•!!~! •. ~(•}! •••• !.Oj! 'b7 10 .. 40 .;,vtlower Cotcn CIHllC, '•O•I In 0 C C!OUr11. 11/0, 0000 COlld. n1141(1t P•l11t A111 otter Call Don T!>t-0880 or :ie t 6042 i 6\J•"' Fu11a1e11 e 011 1.-•kt M1u1on Vl1110 S 139 000 S111>1111t 011or• P 0 Bo• 1704, N ll 02663 ~!!.'.t~!!r.!'X •• !.~~~ lltWNtt IHd JDlf Oldur Duple• n11111 45th II ••••";•••••••••••••••• NB 3 br '1 bo up1taha IUILIER'S 2 br , • ., bCI down1talrt OLDIE.UT Wiii sall .... lor $700. Stand lllW 3000 IQ II nome BUILDERS LOSS YOUR GAIN Ae- d u Ce O st 20.000 10 $330,000 MUST SELL 1mmecs1etlfy RAE ROD- GERS 631-1266 000 or will build to 1u11 IOt $875,000 & up (pllllll & 1pprovats obtaln1d) Arm i tage Ae111y 714·544-2.48.4 $ t35 000 Oevtn R"o' I•--------· Em1e, 642-6368 ILIFFS l&H&ll Duple• on the Hnd 30th st NB Newly remo<lele<I 1n ind out 3 br • 2 b• upstelta 2 b• 1 be down'1111r1 Min 10.,. Oown OYVC b81ence II 13 9V. lor 5 yrs Great fOt 1ummer re111a11 1 735. 000 Armitage Realty 7 I 4·544:2484 MUST SELL J Bdrm & You own 1ne lano 2.000 pool Canyon view As· ,q 11. 3Br. lam rm. 2''> "111g $I 17 000 Try $ t2 Ba. wide Greenbelt. ne11 000 down Bk1 846..0709 pool Far below m1rke1 D•1lut1/ D•it1 l•r S1/1 I 100 MESA VERDE REPO Lg S23S.000 Wiii tease <>i>· torm OR . 3 b•. $155.000 •'•1o•n~B~li.~r~6~4~4~·~0~13~4~~~I lo dn Agl 546· 7739 ...•........•.....•... LAST CHANCE HSTSllE 11-2 C11arm1no remodeled 2 Bdtm 0011 llouse on a ·1aroe 60X 125 R-2 lot 8eau1llully lanoscaped Askmg s t37.500 E•Clll· lenl f1nanc111 g Cell 540-1 t51 lllllf Fiii!! Slngle story townhome 1n Cape Series 2 DOrm 2 balh private petlo New· ly redecorated con1- mu11ily pool ctubnouse laundry, pumng green & e•tra pa•ktng A very special place lor adul1s St35.000 142-5200 rm EST&Tf NOIH Back Bay area. 3 Br 2'h Ba 2500 sq 11 Security gale. p11va1e community $395.000 5~. Down Will consider trades, etc A1m11age Realty 7 14·544-2484 L~ASE OPTION HAHBOH HJOC.F. Cu::.wm Vww l luml• $50.1100 option mo1wy 4 &dn••m~ 5 S..th.s SI :.!ll!l.5011 10 buy this bHUlllUI 3 yea• old. 4 unit apart· ment house In San Cl•· menle wun ooean, hills & I golf course views 111 a tremerioous 11vlrig1 OI· reel from the owne1 bl· lore being listed with broker~ Act NOw 111 Call owner 1tl (71 41642·0138 ~!~!'!!. !!~r.!!l.1.0!!'! Will traoe dbl wide mobile nome & lot 38• nouse, Tustin fa< parUal dwn in- come p rope1ty (7141 557.9390 C M Hugil Qullll) Ouplex 3 frplc, 3 gar. copper ptmb'ng Sl25K, assu· mable roan et 12% 1n1 $1 75K l ofr Agent 642·9666 SW IY tWIEll llllTlll Vturty W1Htkly•Wlnl111 , ~. 3.• (IOrtna JAOOll lllL n PROP IAIAllMEIT 111·1111 3 llO 2 flll ~rotlCil\ 00011, IOl t /wuocJ & wi;lp• No CM $70~ 1nc;1 0111dn• \H\1 b800 Mr SA Vf no£ 481 ?1:111, trplc lbm rm $800 1110 76? 0150. 5~11-4084 novrs Spacious ( t 700 sq It I :I •M ISl310N VIEJO• bO . 2 bl. dlllH1g 1ml 1700·$i'25 ttudy Multt-leveted 1ownnorne Frpt, vauneo .. H u N T I N u T 0 N c11111ngs pool spa $850 BCACH-. $67S-S700 mo 873 9•98 1 2 Br Iba Ouptea G111ge *YORBA LINDA• $700 & stove Avull I II I no P&ta $525 & dep C11ll to1 •CHll OREN llt appl 1\152 Meyer ~49 348• French Quer1er 3 BR. 2''> be. lpt1.. w/O & relr, Obi gar 1em1ly conoo no pe1s $750 Agl . 646-4380. 645-4 765 VILLAGE lllYESTIEITS E/SIOE 3 br 2 ba, 2 car gBr. lncd yarO. $750 mo (114)141-•lOOO Avail t II t Owner/ AOENT, NO l'EE agent call 644-8088 --~~~~~~~-l Npl Hgts area, 3 Bdr 2'"1 o•Ml l•f•r1lsh11• I Ba condo. tamlly rm. w ooo and g1111 In this 3 lrplc, lndry rm, garage bdrm In a quiet 1oc1111on $800/mo Joyce Wallie. Nice balcony ag1 63I·1266 LI•• fsl1/•1f11rn. MES& VEllD(-- F11n1as11c loca11on 2 Spec 3 BR 2 Ba. avetl Borm. lrptc. new kltcnen. t 1 / 1 s $ 7 9 5 mo torm11 dining, bright ano 640-2981 11iry St 100/mo l1Jfr11t c .... 1.1fr On lido P1tk Drive Lar· ge 2 BOrm & den secu · 111y bldg $1200/mo WATERFRONT HOMES Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double ga•age. garde· ner, 2370 Otange. S6 95 t mo O wner (213)541-6196 l " w1tk 10 o .. ch, '26 l • $47!1 mo 2 OR t'.bll A•ul .. •l•l•t•ldffl l'1lom11 S<l1C> 837-70111 llldry '"'· c:erporc, Ill l ••OI S IUd lO w / ? RA ' B• cpl1, drp1 encl gar $/bO NO JHll& 6H·6606 H11r1tag11 l'atl. ·Calllorn1a tiomt•, J BR 2 BA dhl gor11ge P11110 trpc 0 /W format d1111ng Av811 Im mec11a1e1y No pets $8!)() mo 2 t:l •23 469• 2 B1 I'• Ba WOOOb11dge TownhouH 30 Briar· wood 1700 Agw111 5.4' 503, Tur11erock Con<Jo 2 B• 2 Ba 2 c11 garage, 11w1m· m111g pool spa. tennis courts Ulllurn $900 Furn SI 100 5S3·0662 2 bOr m e1111 u111 1 on greenbelt '1 mtlil l o UC I $825 mo Agl , 846·28!>0 WOODBRIDGE, SI tOO pr mo, spacious 4 Br 2'·• Ba, tam rm. lrplc. 01111ng rm Pauos, nicely llln<J. scaped Lake. pool. ren· rns p11v1l&g11s 6.40-I 327, 559-6188. ore 720-7373 Super 2 t>r , lrplc, 2 car garage. tgti patio, S595 mo 760-9307 •'•••••••••••••• •••••• ------t>lln11 cpl• d1p1 f8L llllehanell•. lull bath 2 l1/)H· l1/11' 310f1 A M1n11gem11n1 642· 1603 bike ••om l)(n S325tmo •••• ••••••• •• ••••••••• 1111•••11 Mulligan Prop 9&o-84tl8 Moll11tn Spanl1h 3Br 2ba,I Uol•t•JljiH 'I 81 1 8a In 6·Pllll clo•e to b1y May rent • ••••••••••• ••••. ••••• trpt1 dtapea S4201mo vrilvtn, 1vo1I 1111 June or I Bi/HI lllHI JI06 No pel& &40 <1.484 yrly 873 0671 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• l:ASl SIOE 2 91 g1rden E B11y11on1, Llllle 1a111. I 6AYfRONT t Br u1111 pier 3 llory d1tlu•1t lrg apt Lorge dtek . g111 pold no pell, p111ng, 26 r ft pie , 1800 mo $ 4 5 0 I 6 O 2 I• 1 y11u•ly 1650 673·61140 l G/5 3067 · 548·01titl • /L -I - -•28• 201 Neer SC I I _, Lge I br llPI $550/mo Pl111, S A LU•ury Con 11ilol•I• J101 Wa~her/dtyer No pees SAO• N •••••••••••••••••••••• Avllll Nov 20 675-0378 oo wlpooi " " 0 Wimer Ren111 2Br. pool, t peu 8p·8117.4 Eves house to bch S5SO Playal LUXURY VERY LG Yrly •Mesa v;rde 2 B• t Be 1 Ar 673· 1900 $850/mo 304 ·~ Dia Newly te<lec $405 Nol BAY FRONTAGE. beach. I Oulet 1 ~;>":75-1466 pt1t1 833-8974 Evew p1111. p•kg. 2br. 1800 lbr Nt SC P11za. I bdrm •,\/,I , . ' ' • St(UlllV GllH • Pi\01 a. Rtt Room • I 11 l 6A P11tu Apl• • f,410tt1 l •"dlC40H'Q • 01'n'"""'''' 690' • JUO IO 8uch ' Sl>OPl ' ' I ,. I I.. . ' ' . t '.. ~ ' ' . . . $6!'>01$600 UllL. pd 30311' • Bedrooms. deck 1 1 E E o 0 e w • I a ' I new1y carpe110 $600 poo tenn11 securi Y H•1tlo1t•• R $475 mo 114·846-06•0 l/.iiL-•t .,1,.2 11871-2866 mo ea1onom1c1 --1 9 675-6700 NEW BREED APTS •••••••••• ••••• • •••••• OCEANFRONT, DELUXE 0 --1 Br & LOii Frptc. tee HUGE 1 br, Lu• Condo, Furn. quiet. lrg. winter. 21 Loe 2 BR. I • ba Ip"· '9• room pool 1acuu1, OH Mint cono ell amenities. rentalr. 676·4688 view sundeck. yrly $850 & waler pa10 No pe11 S600 mo 962·491.4 mo tsl IHI, $300 sec 393 Hamilton, C M ---- l lct 2 Ir llst/a,t. No pets or gar, 325''> 645 4411 Ll'I.•°' lflt ji 3141 Furn $650/mo 673-4743 Grand Canal 673·4200 · •• ••••••••••••••••••• - --WALUCf WOOIS OCHI VlfW CorHI ,,,-,,,,, J TZZ 11/)tM 759 w llllh 10 minutes so of Laguna O•••••••••••••••••••••• 11ai111t1/1 3101 M inutes from lhe beach on Dana Point's mosl ce1tn view. beautifully •••••••••••••••••••••• LUXURY t BR t BA secluoeo scenic blurt turn 41ownhou$se0, !rplc, 2 bdrm. 2 ba newer dpl•. Marble Pullnian top 111\e new. 2 Br wi den. pool pa110 1 9.,1mo ylly Malure non-smkr1, Oecoralo• orapea Atra taiga pr1va1e p1110 673·0896 no pets $650 X 3 1 garage $725/mo Call C 3 2 2131799·4195. 257-9792 Plush w/w carpels 66 I "44 t M F 9 & .!!!~.!!!!~ •...... J..t or (7 14) 673-3986 Walk 111 C1ose1S 643:0210 oOrrtve. b' Y ·,o" Pr1Va1e patios Furn I bdrm apts. $385 S425utllpO tBrOplx,417 Gourmet l<llehen see a1 24583 S onia ond up Enc garages E Bay Ave , Balboa No Carport w/scorage , Clara 2 110 Newport Blvd CM pets 547-1155 Spa. outOoor bbq i Laguna Sch 2Br, eacluslve 548·4968 $295 nice bachelor. res· Laundry area 5 min walk t o CASA DE 0110 pons1ble person. u111s S44oi mo 54 8-4630' beach. some ocean view All UTILITIES PAID paid. 110 pets 106 E T 0 W NH 0 USE 2 Br $675/mo 1·626·2585 all Bay. Apt 9. 1'>Ba. trplc, pvt patio, 7pm ------- Compare belore you 2 Olks 10 bch, SIUOIO BPI rrage Quiel. immic I OCfllFllllT L11.••• l11tji 3241 1en1 Cuatom OeStgn w/rerrgS3251mo.allutlls ~50mo 979•1656 J Most elegan1 apt Dldg •• ••••••••••••••••••• tea,iures Pool. bbQ. 1ncld, yrly 835-5445 Redec 1 br relrig. clean , in Laguna Beach. llnes1 HARBOR OCEAN FRONT cov rd g11age, surroun· --------quiet $410 See mgr at location In town breatn- Nu 3200 lu• nm on Dlull Oed with plush landsce· C•t••• it/ lf11 3122 19220 Wallace laking views. all builHns 180 deg vu Of harbo' ptng No pets •••••••••••••••••••••• B B a-t..l"l J neated pool, sub·gar.,,e surl. mtns 3Dr 3be t BR Furn $5t5 Coast Hwy & MaeArtnur 2 O 1 a sml yrd .... ..., I elevato• Lease 0-;1y S.rur1ly s~un• 11p11 36£ W Wilson 6'2-1971 The Shores In beaullful Robert Stud•O House avail Nov ~ . G g " ~ C0tona Oel Mar has 1 & 2 l S850 & up 20th Patio. fenced yaro St900lmo •96•7009 $375 mo DI• mobile bOrm apts lor rent Call 631·1~66 Agl 330 C1tll D• •9•·8083 631·1400 '''"' '""' 320f ...••.••..•••.......•• Lrg 3 Sr 2 Ba upper of dplx w/lrpc yrly IH H St250/mo Avell 1111 Lo ri v1nee All• 673·4062 l&YFllHT u111 mctuded S450 mo Clean 2 br nouse 1n Vil· home No pets Quiel Helen Gibson 644·26 t 1 2 b<l 2 ba Condo Full A S300 cleamng oep I tage Frplc beam cetl I secure 199 t Newpori amen111es security gate. oomy Studio with sepe- 5•8·8063 yarO & gar K10s/pets oi. Blvd 646-8373 STEPS Tl OCUI Welk 10 SC ptou rate l<itcnen . walk 10 --$800 49• 2576 I 3 8 3 B S 6 0 0 Imo 0 a Y s beach & Sh09s $375 tn· 8uaut1ful 2Br 2ba conoo _· 1Br ulll P<I Easts1de nr Laroe r a many 6 4 0 • 2 1 5 4 e v 9 1 1 clds u111s + $500 sec 2~•0 t. West Sunflower EMERALD SAY 3 Br 2 bus schl. shopping . •meniues S1175 Call 6,.6•332 t ' deposit Hotel Calll0tma F6 $550. open Sal/Sun Ba 1700 sq 11 lrplc $450 mo 646-4631 Antnony Oays 642·5757• 1 AplS 494·2797 leave t 4 or call collect brtck patio w11t1 spa eves & wli.nds 631•6630 $385/mo t Br pool 1 message 2131274-3569 S 1 6 0 0 1 mo IEWPOllT VflUIE Large 2 br. 2 ba. frplc. 1 person only 325 J 17th B -- Undlv10ed ·~ lnlerest In Sanoy beacn. ••eel view - ------2 t 3 / e 1 6 2 2 s s 0 1 lt1lltlhil lldsca,e car gar Adulls pret NO ~~·5 137 11AM· 7PM l 1 u ~·1 ~~ ~tGeS ~~~•n:~' ltWptrt/l8JCftlf ~~n~~~rt~n·~~.~~~9c:.." ;~:~~Y 30~t ,:1 ~~~hrs I Fi~~·~~!~i~yl~v~~·~o-675-3067 Gas Wotet Patd Patios :E~~5~7':!;'ou~~i~~:! THE GABLES 2 Bt w/gar 494·5380 ---------•I 3 Bdr1n 2'> bl. l1m1ly Cell 7141980-24 11 tor Sl500/mo 544.95 13 d9'n decor 2 full batns 2 Br 2 Ba Cnarmer w/pool, f1cuu1 saunas, unit 675_1657 New crpta drps, blt1n:1, L ~-11-.--1--3-1-52-room pool Buy tor $75, Information racul'.'i & pool & much wooosy & p11vale. Call· 1e11nis couns. volleyball tncd yo w1pat10, watar I •1.•• 11,•1 f!!!.!'.{".J~!!'f..}.~~! 000 BELOW MAR~ET at ----------l1/H1 more ,,els 100 539•6190 1ina view, trptc., w/o , re-courts Rec1eat1on room. Large 1 bOtm apt , 2 pd 2437 "F' Orange I o"n ·G~~;·c:0:•t•s•e··~;~~ •S 15,000• $22 5,000 Pvt patty TlllPLEI 1t•i•Hll 3201 BEST l~I TY sm cost frig, no Oogs nr w ooos Jt I bO furn1ane0. $430 blocks to beach. wetba•. .!:i20 Call t-5 ll36·4120 N1n1 Condo 2 BR 2Da, 2 UNDER APPRAISAL I' r Inc IP a Is on I Y COSTA MESA •••••••••••••••••••••• ----Cove 'st plus sec Cell 557-0075 wood burning lrplc $575 Lovely 38r, 3Ba bllns, car gar w/opnr Wash/ 38r 2.,88 1550 SQ 11 662=7367 8 3 6-0 784 Penln Pt. 5 BR. 3•,o, bl. llUS 01 $350 $850/mo 499·1617 Ht1iti1Jft01J - -ulll incl'O 673-tt53 ltplc. pool & spa S795I dryer Lower unll wl .. eves ILIT FllUOlll OR. lrg pallo. $1200 mo S1 l1$h 4rm home ~p 63 35 110 o t o twn,.se. x1n1 area ap 10 mo A 1 673•9060 Y , , N • Ll•Ulll Hi/Ji 32SO lt1t6 3140 2 er 2 ea. 1rplc, so ot mo t · 37 pa re eco•a e pr sised S 135,000 Wiii VIEW t llllS Ill. Drive by 125 ClearbrOOk. g _ phance " Cid le sure P•llO •• '· ••••• •••. ••••..... •••• ••• •• •• •••. ••••••• Hwy, New blOg Darrell 2 Br Triplex-$•30 Newj ~12~mo 7t4/770·1950 lel.e $120000 tor Quick SALE OR LEASE OA lhen phcm e owner/ag1 ,.•t•N ~,/ w11 3z•• mellow ngtlt>rhd all blllsl3 Bd 2 Ba. Laguna Hiiia YOU DESERVE ITI Ownr/Bkr 851-8767 sale $91 SOO assumable OPTIO•• 3 BR. 38• By lor details on attractive ~~ •••••• ~ ••• ~~ •••••• ~~ paid' 539·6 t90 sm cost Terrace $750/mo Call carpels Crapes p1ln1 lltWMll .. ,t. 316f "' " BEST RLTY Bea 111 t & p k l1k 1th 2 b 2 b 1 e & ry le ...,o pets 226• Placentia • ••••';•••••••••••••••• loan Call anyllme A..: 1nuestmen1 opf:t'y rea-4 Br. 2'' Ba. FA . 0 R . & ___ Charley agt 55S·9400 v u ar e w r a, g ve n •· ,. o F OWMtlbll• 646-5719 • eo I 2 $675 N 545.9494 N EE' Apt & Condo gust Capital 895· tO' 1 hshcllly p11QeO 224,000 view Comm pool ten-llflOIE & llEAIY •410 , 11-IW';;lt ,-,,~ 326., lerrac poo carporls mo o l rentals Villa Rentals Price & tllt'ms negotllble I n11 S 1200 mo Ownr • ""· .-• ~ •Spacious Apts pels 559-9265 2BR 1 '•ll•. d/w, blltna. 675-4912 Broke• s •• ,;.,,.,, UIO ISLE 9628t18 I 759 8006 UP<lateO 2bl 2 ba 2 story •••• ••••••••••••••••• •P11v11e P11101 38, 2 Ba Sun teuace. patio. gar. no pets, $575.1 l11tll 1040 La•ge IOI. 4 bdrms plus • • home pr1vulelt fenced 4 3 br. 2'' ba OluSh condo, •Covered Parking walk 10 beacn 645-2216 548-4201, 645·9857 I •••••••••••••••••••••• den 3 c11 garege spa 2 101CllSS Brand apanl!tng ,_ •ve· kids quiet pauo wlShady "'water J>0$1 boll ll1p •D•n1ng A.rea 0. ' '"( S•H ' ' ' rywti1re 3 bdrm 2'~ be vd 1e11 ii 1oe1ay BEST S11SO/mo •Walk In Cloeeta 8AM·4 30PM weellOa~ 1 Br Ullls pato $380 " • lovely p1tlo1 lerge ~ B<>tm duple.II on E ~. o t 000 ' 87£1n"• ... ,....... I L ..,. a11ge, patio 1, AL TY S39-11190 sm cos1 1 .... -..., --•H-tttce 1<11~ ,.•Ill w. _1 11• ... 1 Oooo 1oc carport. no 11.L f1rtcf1111rt mas1er su11e oe.t ..... on1 has Just D<lf!n completely 607 6 868 -"' M"'• Ii~ • mo Iris 4t·4 241\r ren1a1no 1 hne~DELUXE 3 BR ", ba 2 t blk 10 Hun11ng1on •••••••••••••••••••••• pets 383 W Ba y 2 story. 2 bOrm 1'• bll c;eontral co•ne• strade • redone t nroughout 777 2233 673 4399 c C Generous owner llnan-• s 135,000 Oeuin Reil • · Di•• l•i'•t 32-u sty lge front yard & Centet transporlallon & House Bacn Duplex 5.48-95 t6 beach • on do co-op $650 000 • ~., N lrwys 333 E 21st st C M I Pool saune we1gn1 cmg • · I E.sta1e 642 ·6368 Cert•• ••I •ar •••••••••••••••••••••• ups1a1ts pa••0 ear 6•5.6589 645.8103 3 BA. 2 • ba. lrpc yo room suo perking Neatly new 3 bdrm. 3 ba lrH• ltw Mt•H : beach 151 & 1191 secu· ITIUTIES FREE Obte ga• N pl Hgfltsl Ocean a,,o Pier View .... Wll f•t $•/I 2Z00 2 flr...,.leces. 2 C81 ger 011n1 P~n1 Wt1lk1ng Ots· "'Y S 1100 pet mo I B01m F1om $5t5 Area $750 I Listed a1 $160000 $65 2·~~1;;~~·~;~;~·;~·,:;;.,: Biie~)' G1tdenet wel 1anu ,;Beach 3 anO 4 631·566• _ 2 Bdrm S6 t5 _...SliBBU 559·500t 000 under 'Tltrkat All ...,.,. e·~n R-2 c~~ bat, microwave Lease bdrms S950 11 St350,N be hi I h 3 LA OUINTA HERMOSA ~ -,.ac?---..J """' -~ ~·~ $1350 .,_mo ' ew ac ron ome 16211 P1tkt10e Ln, I blk &P&•TllEITS S275 Lg t bd•m w enc l cash or new fin Great 1o1 s 169.5•10 DEVIN ""'' e>e• mo 66t-310') Br 4 Ba tum $2250/mo n ga age 2038 Walt opp y for someone who 551·•693 alter 6 PM ~ c w 01 Bttacn. 3 bllls S r 1ee Lido Realty REAL ESTATE 842~ House . Condo _ ~Pl All unlurn $2000 oil Mrs 01 Edinger 847.~41 Beaut•fully landscapeo apl c 830-81594 can acl last Agent 1 2Br 2Ba oremallc •.>ht· 8 "., 1 18 b 1 e ., 0 w Long 673· I 190 garden apes Poot & Spa -f 53 t -8100 Ask for Jim I 67~7300 11f•••t•i•, Dtlfrl, le 1 k f $ 6 0 S 9 5 0 • $425/mo up 1 e1 un· Patios/decks No pefS EASTSIOE Large 2 bOrmj R1gl\81met ~ ' .... ,., UOI ve . par' Mtllng. s~ifs 5 • I Beaut lge 4Br nm In BIQ luln & furn oool spa Bachelor $410 1 ba conv toe $550 mo ._ _____ ..-;....__., •••••••••••••••••••••• Obi remote gsr dr 71•1493 ·0•67 Canyon wicustom pool, 18992 Florida 842•2834 2 Bdrm 2 Bath s590 646-7800 SPACIOUS IHCM MOM( mo Aval! 11· 1 2700 , -~1 spa L , k e n ew 5 Bdr, ..... ea. 3-sty, 3000 lUSf/tmH I FOR RENT' 81ys1de Ot Shown by I FoHlll• V•ll'f. 3234 114/644·9604 8·5 M·F 842·3!72 2250 Vanguatd EASTSIOE 3 bdrm 1 bl eppc 675-6675 •••••••••••••• •••••••• -----L I L 31 I 540-9626 or 642-"905 l 11ep1ace Pttv yerd SQ It +over 900 SQ 11 La•ge 3 Br 2'" ba twnhm I -. Why lh•Ow away renl s,acl1111 3 l•r• 11.... ,,,. f S600 mo 646-7800 to expand Some oeun 2 bedroom, 2 balhs &. 2 2 br. t be. gar1ge Av1ll ' when you can own 4·31 •• ••••••••••••••••••• view 1 blk 10 beach $129,000 Great terms stories In Twin Peaks In Nov t $650 427''> lrll w1S1200 to $2000 11ay· TOWNHOUSE Xlnt area Luxury studio. free HBO. 8achelo1s $.410 $475. 2 Br 2 c;11 g1r, chtld $28!'.000 F P See ownet John. Agt 631·7900 Lelle Mrowheao 1re1 1'30-91Xt9/675-8617 ments, $1751< • 121 St<..I Communlly Pool Clean pnona. maid serv. spa. 1 Bdrm S480 OK. no pets 132 E Bly In aoj house at 206 15th II Tll( lllffS.-Has built-Ins & nreplace. Duplex nr bch 2 bd. 2 ba, move in • take o•·u • lop condition $800 mo S 130 wll 499-3015 131 E. 18th 646-6816 54 t-5331 St 536-t7t8 FfE Ull! First, last & Oeposll t• frpl. gar. HP yrO. 110 nnare appteclallon. t:a11i Bob. Agt 544•1440 t Bt sep •ear unit 161 E. 181h. 642-0856 TWO IEIROO• Newer erea with 4 be· Q v Ired Ca I 1 ( 7 141 pets $850 640·77•2 Sue 111 891-5556 I 3 & 2 S7951mo S1ov11relr1g ulll Incl Spac1oos 2 Br 1 ea. $425 11/J lta twRhH, ••11lt nlsh Style with llreplace 667-0657 weektley ttve-l&llllR VIEW lllllS Be home, 2 story ne~1 Have o thers Fred Te· A 9 4 • • 5 I 3 or $475 Ulundry lac pool Brand spanking clean. 2 BA I 88, 1 Cit gar, loe yd. no pets $550 mo Agt 642-6368 PARIC NEWPORT APARTMENT S COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A total 1nv11onmen1 apartment CO'Tlmunrty on tn" Upper Bay Private clubl\ouse and neallh sp.l 8 1enn1s courts. 7 poc>te close 1 o buSJness airpott F11h1011 lslano Convenient ShOPS on slle Unlurnist.ed bache· tors. I & 2 bOrm 1pls and townhouses $560 . $1000 Several becnetors ano 1 Bdrm un111 t111ure line oas1gner furniture and accessorler. Move 1n to· O•'I or rese"'e IOr f\Jtme use Smartly turn1sneo mOOets open daily On Jamboree Rd al San Joaquin Hiiis Rd 144-1100 drooma. 3 batn1. Spa-76 8•0286 or (7l 4) Sp11c1~u1111e48r -JI 2 4 2·S745i mo s3 75 t m o lst/1&!11. Duplex 3 Br n; 81 ct••· Walk ti and use of spa. Com· nlngs alter 6 pin ti no NB. Lovely Spacious. 4 palnt&earpellng.nrMlle no re. 631 1266 2131664 -0228 Greg 5•8.955612_7PM lteaoll. Tt11ls, p11l, ple1e securlly $269,900 answer· ple&S•l keep bO, 3'i't bl, wllrg bonu1 Sq Park & snopplng ~7~ 1 Wouell ---------!'!~~l~!~! ...... !!.~f ·~ Blocll 10 beach, 28r Htra cltH. $111, 64•-7020 trying! rm & wet bar Lrg yd w/ $805/mo 759-1015 LARGE 2 br t be. gar. II t. ji 3111 BAV TIMBERS OCUI YIEW br!Qhl & airy 1670 mo 000 Ow •• , ll.111!!0 llUL EST&n o.t •' c ••• ,, Surloundlng Piiio d/w 5308 Seeshore .!.'!r.! ••• !~! .....•... Spae10U11 Br frplc,pool From O•na p-•nt'• most yrty 968·8263 • Gar'lnr pd. S 1500 mo B••tiaftH $750 mo Yrty 962·4914 OCEANFRONT Ob 2·4 Br & more 646-9883 -· "" H2-14IO 11l111111 11111 • •• !.~~!~•••••• !.~~f 760-8708 or 676-2144 I .. It. 1,240 l'irbr Vu Hms 3 bd 2 ba, :l3-~8·7~1t. or month 2 BR 1 BA, old house, no t~~u,!!,~ ~~r~n~cun~:~.f~ ~~~~f;:.'~ ~n~~O 'r'~!'. II H -11 Qllll Wll GREEN VALLEY LAKE Harbor View Hiii•. • bd, {;;;~~~·;.~-.;:;~,;;;~ai1"~1~ no pets S 1050 1954 pets. child OK. All utll pd Br wi den Xtr1 lrg prlvete ShO!e 2 Br $700/mo 3 Close to ocean 3.3 3 Bd 1' B I I MOUNTAIN HOtlAE 112 ac111 lot S 1800/ mo I 19 Huntington St 2 BR PO<! Claridge 6.44-2.405 W111let •enl1•s • 15 Hamilton. $5 75 patio From 1725/mo Br S800 UtUs paid Can t • •.wooo 1'1• Ne•l tonallonal 11~fft, 011y 645-4 311 Eve $650,18R.S500,0trent nowevallet>fe Call 641-<>763 Call 661-6441 or M-F. be futn l shed ~r~~ ,! 1ko:'5~o J!~~n priced for QUICK SAlE 11111ng. t>oellng. etc 3Bc 720-0836 en 11 re d PI a s t 12 5 OCE~NVIEW HOME J&COU RUL" llST•"" Ill 9·5. 643-0212 Drive by 7141544-0614 $150,000 By •PPI only kllcl'ten & 'h. tnory rm. uv I 60 N e Hts Ltg home on 1 -• 5 S ·take over sn11reo •P· WEITCLIFF rm, rec rm, 2 frplcs. D111llng 2 BR Iba co111ge 536-3 2 or 661-7622 ac1e plus grounds 3 br. Plllf •OAIUHIT Eutsloe S&25-$8501mo toHe 24 83 antaClara prec;latlon Fln1nclng Pr.Ba. completely fur· Avall Nov t<I. 1700/mo Spotlesa 2 Br attached 3 ba + 2 klls. + 2 sitting Ill I 111 2 Br. 1~ B1. Townhouse. 2Br. g118<J9. near oc.ari. avall1ble Call Sue at Prim• area. vacant, nltlltd Good tnc.,me L11se. refs. 844-7211 dbl gar. W/O hookup. rms Can MPllrlte "91· ---------111 built-Ins. lndty rm. ocean v1aw, balcony Be&ehfronl winter rentel Oct-May 21114 Ocean- front 3 Br Newly remo- deled Can be lumllhed S 1000.. U l l ls pai d 7 t4/~4-0614 891-5556 move right '" on lean 2 f agt s $500 Ou tal•s from ownsus Both ,..---==.,,,..,=--carport, yard/balcony, S•SOtmo 213/'02·2657 MUE &I OFFEll 1111-;nce 3 generous 1-867-3534 _ C••I• Ifni JZZ4 nr Fwy & snopplng Smt level:s have unobs1ructeo amen pet OK See 11 2.4682 Apl A w/""ll<>n Setler wtll help P1098'tY Ot im heme I 500 & dep let, THE .. Lrg 3 Br 2 Ba condo Bdrms wit'. Ba Act le./ 6titf ...... ;"i;:;·1::·•••• ~:~g:~'nrw~~~~h ~~-7~:'91 s:~;~ R & H TSL Mgmt 642'1603 ~1:,~:1~8:9~ D' Glocar••,~uFnr'~.'°"2 ceea,•gcllh· nsooow.Cwaloli;.~,~·1s2~"1. 2H3ar9: ••• Ex •• ~." •• •.••1 ••••••• z.a •. 1.00 •• Frplc. renge. yard, ga· 8113-4894 ''&DOD F11eplace. pool. dlah· toWFRHT rage""& A/Camong 111 ry Freoer:i: ""' A raga. 110 pets Pr1v11e 2_8_r_C_o_,.,-d-o-. -,-,,.-8-a-.-c-p_ta_/ 1~1k2 '~ •• ~~r.';'o~~~ G~!:; f~ ~11~~ o~ i~ many features Auume l•lltt•lf9• llar~tr S750/mo 111 plus see orps. pool. 1ac. c;lbl\se . .4832 A1ve1 (Balboa 811 LIFE'' sldo $4 60 S560 OCEAN VU 2 BR 2ba Ouple11 . n ew cpts. dr1pes $625/mo. abao- lutely no pets 661-1078 e""/wtcnds 3 bdr, 2 bl ger. great loc Wint., 1st. owe 2nd FuH price W•ttrfre•t only 648 w t 81 h St. n 0 p e 1 1 s 5 1 5 m 0 PCHl Me $950 548-8622 557 ·2841 RVMt\'< $124.000 631·7370, Wlll lredel.,ge~ultytor •99·ttlt7 768-7633 Evff Bachelor, greet toe. yearly. TJUDITIO:\AL REALTY 1,n., IH4 .•••••••.............. PlllYATE POOL In yOllr own beck y1rd 4 bdrm1. 2'1t be Inverness M odel 111 Tunle Rock Olen P•tlo Hornes Loll of privacy E11calle111 MlghbO<hood, You owe 11 10 yovl'Mlt 10 '" thla Ont 1369,000. , Orange Co Income pro----------B,-yt-r--t.-1-11'--r-&-·-•1p-.-4-Br-1 YtU~OUHD 'UN; 1111. 211. HR. peny Prln only Own t< .2 Br 1 81 patio. enc:tld DI TIE Ull w "' .. Newly decor Gas pd, II ~ g11ege. fenced, carpete & bonus '""· $3500/mo .Social A c1l\llt111 encl gar, dwshr, pool, ,. O WI atsotease wi091 &orapee Nopeli.$525 Vu of ocn: 2Br t 'llba. Agt 645-~l?OO Dlrector •Frea bbq no peta.$42•5073. 111•i1t11•• I 1'4 2ta.592·4905 _ plu• iecurlty 648·5442 ouatd gate. pool. sauna, ------r Sund• y ••••~•••••••••••••••• °' no-5829 g y m . $ 8 o o / m 0 Newport Beckbay 2 Br, Bt11nch•880't • USTSllE WllOW llSTllSI •••11/1 2 t J I 3 3 3 • 3 8 4 6 or den, 2 Ba, M>OOtmo fl•• Paf11ta•Ptut ••••••••••••••••••••• • 3 Br 2 B1, 1&05/mo. No 902· l208 Roogers, 631. 12641, agt. mucn more 2 Br 1 Ba pool side apt, 2 Br 2 Ba carport $530 No doge 542-3597. 730-7165 2 Br 2 Ba llove. dshwshr, ocean view, no pets 1525/mo. 661·11112 SALE' Pelt. 806 Joenn St Q fll 1 AT tndry rm. blt·lna. No • Hlettl Fer•l••H 6.44-1836 Why throw rent away Otllll& Ill 11&11 "ICfll l ATION t pell Call for appl . Huge luxury 2 Br 2 Be, ••••••••••••••••••••••· 1----------wnen you can own 3.3 LllllY OllHI T • n n 1 1 • F , • e $435...$450. aundeek. g1r11ge. tndry Charming 3 bedroom, 2 ,,, ... l1J,.I 310.: Eutaldt condo. 3 br. 2 w/$1 200 to 12000 pay· TSL Mgmt 642·1603 hk-up O/W 2 kids OK bath. 2 Story. ocean view •••••••••••••••••••••• bl, den, trplc, 2 car ga· menls. s 175K • S215K, Oceen aide of Hwy w/ L-.one· (pro & pro · S 8 3 5 . 2 ; 0 • 6 0 1 9 • TSL •1•t IU·11H 2 Br 2 S. lrom $525 No pell Acrou lrom H-· por1 Beech Golf Courae. 545-4855 WllTH llEIT&U 3 &. 4 Br. CIOH to Wiier. turn & unfurn. rMtone• ble, all •~lllft. Brolltt 675·4912. home In 11111 lovely Sen We Havt Weekly Aen1111 r'99. se2s. 54~85 mova In • lake over • frp1c1. HC g1r1ge1. •hop )• 2 Ht 111 h $465 2 Bdrm, refrlg, P•· 831•0303 Juan Capistrano on e and Winter Le .... PLUS p ool, e nd •P•· Call Club9•8aune• llo. no pela. eouftl pref. 1 t>fk 10 Bch. Loww 2 er, private cul de UC Many IMI~~ MO from 1800 to Qulll, Clean, 2 bd In ~~~:I 8/i't~~~lon. Clll 673·3271 belwn 11·5. H)'dtomua.ege• 724·A James. 673-7787 •••li•il•• den. 2 bl, yrly. bltlna, upgr1de1. Move In con· """ coun New carpet•. gi· ---------1 Lllll IUL l'ITATI ~~llJJJ•OOll STUNNINO 1.,08 1 & 2 er •--.. 31_..I refrlg 1700. 875-8&30. oltlon. well ~ mtrk· W1letlron1 Homff rage. yrd, comm pool, no Spotleu 3 bd, 1 ·~ ba ..,,. .. ",.Hinge 1 0 W .. .. -... T tl73-6llOO pell 1575/mo Mgr 2453 twnhH, bll·lns, W/O, 11 AU TI, UL gardttl apt 1 · 1"1" •••••••••••••••••••••• Nwpl Hgle 2 br, 2 be, ~~;,~~: 1~~~~ e 01anoe Avtnue C M encl petlo. ench ~•Pr1. WATllfHMT A" A fll T 111 NT I : St Deluxe poolllldt 111" latge 1p1clou1. AvtU. now •ltH -k • I s 50 OMll 81nCl1 t •. 1 & 2 ...,-ar 18th/Pomone, 1 Br. 1br. 2 b41. bllni. dewtlr. 1735/mo. 645-7400 Cell 4116-3880 s 1n1a Aria Htl 38r, frptc , ld1. I ~ ml bch 5 BtOfoome•F"~nllhed ,.... 1•~ mllft btaetl. Ho pelt. ----------l , •• 1 ... 1. 3111 l llfoyerd no P•I• 111. IHI. dep, 1erm1 2 BA. P4U.I Gan. 3 BA. ' V~tnl•:'ed•No 1 81, dOWllllalrl, d/I , 1500/mo 531-8382 BALBOA PENIN. 141 blk to Beeu111u1 1 acre rencll •••••••••••••••••••••• •7 I .c4' .. "81 e . 631-7900 .Jotln .,,, "'ayvlaw S2000/mo " carport. wll• pd, 1 chlld ----------1 beh 2 bd, 1 be. yrfy, ••"""' nome w/gUMt ....... W INTER Xtra large, 2 _• mo " "'"" 4 kr '-· " • Pttt• odet1 Open -" ,_. ••oo • 1 -.a•r 1·-""" yearly Oonria Chi· .,..,no ,.....e..~ .... gen . w.....a crprt. S 5 40 mo ... pool, ~ amenity bOrm. Oc:Mnfront 2 P•· Hr S C11 Pita. 3 Br, 2ba WllTll cMlttr ·..._.,,.200 dlly t lo I . no 1 .. 1162.0217 Spac 1 a 2 br, lovely 552·0853 $895.000 OM C Owner l loe, CorMf IOI New turn, condo 1700. gUIW1r...,. ' ' ....... ·1 & ----------""7 3970 .,.. SPACIOUS 2 Bd. 1 81. P n.. l traame, .. ec (714) 131-3046 crpls, dr~ •• • MIC dip ' IUI mo K1ran N ..... "" n...-1 2 . b 1 1 b h 3 e r 2 Ba St•P• IO & 635-5088 __. _, ..,... ; -.. r ~ Be1m Celltngs. MfV. blr, ga H , en ry '1 p Ont, Wlltal•i,.t Jiii · o.:·5-2033. 759-1071 11ouH In Huntington W ood ceb • no pell. I 1ge rec t r•• tnc1 gym. beech "50/mo. .............. ........ 0.•1 l•i•I 31 M 3 1>1· • 1 be, rtfUtblthed In-S.eeh, IOUth ol Adame. If lltllHtl I 4 75 2 2 5 6 Ma Pt a pool & apa. 846-65111 M;~:RTY ~~-~~ 10 llYllMIT tf YIU ...................... 111<18. seoo mo. Drive by 1~X~ln~l~r~tf~·~·~M4~-o33~~2~~ ........... /It. 649-7356 or 673-8803. Avlll now 1 Br . 1 81 I 10.ooe down. s1oe.ooo. ~2 ~ 2~ ~= 26 52 Sari II Alla Ave.1. 880 lf'WM 2 8t 1 Ba 2248 CanyQl'I upllelr• apt, dlWlhr. W&TD•lm '-- 4 br, 2'h bl, Ovitt St. C 1 f • 7eo Cl•e& lhtlt'I call 151-6221. . 6 blkt 10 oc.n. Ei.Qant 2 8ayalda i-, OllW 3200 (It 18th) Or. upllalre, rio pale. pnval• patio, alngle ge· Lo 38', 28a. 'f"IY 11600 Attum 1o_1n A a H In· 1~";;P2~;o1 ("'1~ t) fui~tlda Condo 2 Br l 'h BR. lem r m & den. eq ft .. S2500tmo. 8oal '714) 84f.1104 _.20/mo. Sierra Mgmt rage No Ptll. Wtltr mo 673-etee . vee1. 752 2197 9 e 1rP1 c . ! 1 ,. g •, !!75~. P61u~ cp116 2~ lffp avalt For teete ONy ~~ --..........1... 94 ,_,324, g a 1 d . I 4 6 o / m o . 1 er S ecurity Cond o, •-•--.....t.. IJ_..I *'" ..... "''" .,.., ... ..,ar .,.au ... un-C tll Ooun Mo Kat -••"""" A-1 no .__ w•••• -· . .. evl5tllmo -.... l ..U..L d"' • 1 00 1-... 8~ L.--<rcvvv ,,..... • ·-· pool. •Pe. a~-. 1"7• Ofji., bil llllll "'•••••••• ... ••••••••• -· ' · ......... ul ctr PY1 CllllQe, 71 4/955·2473 wkdya vm •A-• _. f "' ~ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• tlO ct.g. ~ .,.._; Ht fltnt' or , .. " n.wly r... lully malnt'd y.,d , No 9.15 (OcWer at 11 ) 2 8f 2 Be, lnclUdlrig 2 Ul .. I WALi mo/mo Agt. eo-M17 ll•illl ••• ., 2ba. ..,., 11200/mo, Ph modeiltd i-with 110-P•I•. tnq 1527 11111 81. ---------i (714) 842-61 3 car g1t•g• w topener, Lrg 2 IR lownhouH Prlv & Spec, 2 e1ry, t bd. 1., ,.1, JJ 409·5304, 4"..,.127 rage & lll'Ot ~ lot. H0·833l ll:~5~!~.,2~b:_::~~~ wood bufnlng fr~. moet ~11, anc:t ger, rri>IC. Heir 2\it be. wt trpl, New oe-• •-··t ''' ComnWfcill 1ontng •di. •NTl l 'II* .... '"""" utlla paid, vlaw of Hunt. Hrbr. from t&-41, mal cerf.e11nn, nt Fa· •••••••••••••••••••••• ~t-lo H twPOtl llu .. , I Agl. -1·...,.. ,.. .. lld OK ... 0·'".,.1 • 1 •1-.a 11t.• • "' 11ream• & w11erltll•. "" ,.,, · .... ........, ahlon le tnd, no ptt• . ..,. ._ -••• ••••••••••••••••• 1151·96\ft. 942-1334. &3815 4 room abode Beautlfut 24xto El Oren. LIDO ISLi • 3 bdrm, f1m INlll·lne are nere ail utl-e•YfRONT IUll ... F t o m S a 0 0 • C a 11 WAANEA Vil.I.A. 2 bd, 2 S7t&. M&.-1218 da 2 8R, 2 BA, Con. rm,• Ba, l r/00 mo. .Avall, Nlov 1, 2 At, ' Ba, llllft art paid lor you. n CompltttlV lutn. •P•· M2-l30t bl. Condo. frpl, OW, s>e• 81uftt ArM, lrQ 2 bd, 2 ba. I 0 I n •w Ctr P• tt ' ---toe tenc*1 rMr ywd. NO Unit It tMdy ••Ibo• lalario. 8endy Clou• 1~ •• '*'°• lftCl. Nice. Quiet 11911"'9 t .... 1 I 0 • p 0 0 I • I. 0 0 • ~ Ul\lt, w/trpl, OIAe1 dtaPet. ltfand Kitchen, OCEA.NFRONT 2 bdrm,t peta. V.'altl' • Otfdentr CALL $39·1110 8E8T bHCn, oetl. vl•w ol uUI. Avlfl '"111. IHO t be, apl. HSO, moat 2131157o-oo3e. & PrlV Loe. No Pele '•m Am. Llgftt 1n1onor. t I• 1 700 mo. llll pd. M 60. t4e.H27, Rl.TY open 7 deyl COST t11y. 3 a r aoe ytly or mo Ho peta. l40-ttSt. u11i. tnct. aa HtmMton AUr. 211r1111e, eno. 1.,, 1175 .... Mt11 134,600 540.5937 0'1.lftdy, R"'· t7S.e1et. Avell. "°"-•. ~.a:--:-!!!,-.~l"'."'.'i\"""'."'.'be-1.H-.--IN_;_OCMfl __ l ..:..N-lot-.rm-1 winter. ltlOO/mo Ow• Oo.nftont 2 belt"'• I b.. It ~77 OW, bkyd, toe Wlfk·lf\ lABfBLUFF "IC. I Ir MlfClfl lo Vol" ptlOne to Pu1 'fOA/11 td\iitt ...... ..,_. Otll. Otrlt'Ml?. fMd ~ ~ '300'• .. Mii pejd, '* .. '-HIS WHt Nt':fotl, ,urn. t 9r, ''-' be, 31S I . llttt Ciel. l60& ... 2•Hl7 I PIUO & pool In quiet pleot. ftM•tctlfta ........... Ille,........ ... M . At ,,,. IE9l &31·81to 8¥1 IOINMl'ttt19 10 $710 mo 1 encl.... ''·No ptta. ca. ... '1· 8hOP ,, "°'" "'' wyl ~ .... No ..... Id ... l.-M71 art. ....... 11 ieiidil 1t1 mt ..,_..7( COIT L=ClaMi=::::=flecl==ldt=do=l=I =well=-, L===:-6'6-MOl-::===:=.t..::8*=='•=Mgrn==t= .. ='=·l:S::;U:;. =iwwn+t_., .. e11iitealtlld-.,r..:...a.....;;..-11.;;..•_111~J.::::M:7070:1/:mcmo.=: ... == .... :1t:7== ' • 011111(10 l onat DAILY Pll 0 I /Wodnu'ld V Oc.tobor 'l7 198~ 1)7 'EiiJ lessianal Service Diredary ~ ~t.~~l~e!ovDo~f IOf • 'lO Cl•y •Cl 111 th• tAJLY PILOT IHYIOE llHOTOllY 00 IT NOW! Ad fer l111fra Your O•llY Pllol Service Dft~tor y Ropresent1Uve 142-Hll, Ht. 122 :--7 M~~'i!!'~l.~!~~!!~':.f •7 E•Pttrlenced CarptH"lter •• Remoo.t/Add·on/Repalr 760-2685 548-8654 Additions. carpentry Mil· sonry dtal(jn and drat· ung BBO"s etc Dave 494-1003. ext 724 Mooallghl Dreltaman Home-Add ns-RemOdels " Member AIBD 64S· 187 I A•1w11i•f Strvit~ .•.••...• ~·········· 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable, allordable. essenllal Answering service. seco eierlat & business services. mall bO• rental. word procts· sing Telh·Facllmlle, order entry. pegers·leese buy, desk space rental ANSWER NETWORK 631·913 1 task tor A V ) ~!/.~~~~ .......•...... Drweways, Parking Lot Repaors. Sea1coallng S&S Asphll 631·4 199Lic Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co Res/coml Lie 397804 842-1720 ~!!!!~!!! •••.••••••••• Cur otloces handle ell areas of law Prompt courteous service FREE consullallon 549-933S ~!!!!!~r-! ..••••...•.•. Ayg1110IVJ1 Allot11•y Nu FM lntttat t.on11u111111011. Pe••Onal Injury L•u' No Rocovary, No f-•• •9• 8~0 I ~!.·~~'!{!I •.•••••••.. l)eby•t11111g, my non111. 1n l1n11 OK, p I or ~ I IOV•I IS r•tPl'CI 1 t11 l(ltl}ll 114~-7811!1 WILL Sii 111 my CM 11()11111, h111Cod yeru, not mct1ls. $40 Fii 548·2674 ~!!!!!'.~i!'JI..~!!!!~~ ... JAYS SPEAKEASY Any 0CC8SIOll Port bill 1·621 814' 879 75!>2 ~~!.~!!ti!t ••.•..•... I Computer1ze1.1 ooot..t..e11 Ptng from S:>O mo AISU mail 1111 ~ p11y1ot1 18A Se1v1c11 Re<.t!l>llllOU F1011t1no Rates 968· 1682 f~.~~ .. ~~."!~!!~~ ..... . C11b111ets & Carpentry Small 1obs & repa11s Free Hflm111ea 64!> 2003 f~!I!.-.~'~············ I Remod & Repaors Free HI Lo tales Decl\s po1• 110 Steve 752-95S6 E~per curpenter does 8dd1t1011s, remo dels decks Skyllghl!> & re· Plllrs Free !!SI Don 962-08 t5 Master Cr1ttsn11n f1nt1h & rem di crp1t11 y References 499 3 105 FllEE ESTIMATES! Reasonable prices last. protessoonal work custom work 1001 No JOb too small o• 100 1>1gt Ca· llonets t..uchen remodel & flnisned ca•Pt!ntry elect / ptumo 1 cctb1nets countertops I do eve•y· thong from start to l1n1sn• Call B1ad at (ll.e) 171·3250 f ~!r..'. !!!!!!~ .•••••.• ¥!.'!.r!.'!~1 ............ I 9!!!!.n.~n.t ••...••••.•. I ~~~!~!~~~!~1 ........ I f~~.~~~~f!~r... ....... r!!~.1!~1 ••....••...•.. r1~."!~!~1 •.•..•....... ~~ .. !.1!~1 .............. . Sn11mpoo & •l••m cleon Color 1>11ghten•11 wlol CIPI• 10 mln bl•Kh llall. 1.v1u1n rn\l $16, ev11 10Qm '7 !>O couch t 10 cnr $ti Uu1r 11llm p11I V\111• C1p1 rlll)alr Ill v•• "~P Oo work myHll 111111 'i.l 1 o tO 1 Nu !>1t<11m1No Sh11mvoo S1u111 Sµuc11111s1 r ••' 11rv F11"1 11:.I 11;;9 16112 lXCLL CAnPfT CARf Jn1.t.. llutllngton o .. 1111rruµ11r1110r l.11rne1 upnol 1111111 ruu clt11rn1n11 Wo•~ gu1" Fr~ Est 64!>· I 77 I KURT S KARP(T KARE Ou1111ty WOi k Rel• ~tj>C 951 49•· 1429 C1•1111 C111t11t1 ..............•••..•. Cement-M11sonry-Btock W11lls-Cus1 w orW Ltc J3810S7 ROD 541-2683 Dr1vew11ys-pa11os·w&tki. Btoct..""c1lls-masonry Fre11 est. reas 892-4557 c.iJtl C1r1 ...••...•••...••.•.... Looking tor xlnt chohJ c11re' In my Cosln M"5" home lull hme only $40 I unch snac .. s TLC Lin· dc1 7S 1-2342 fll l11!ll N 1 IAI INT UL JAf•ANf !:if t.All0(N(f1 HbKl'HS & MAIO~ CJIU Country t111tJ1c.1pH PAl~-HFR NEf()S ~tON(fl '""' •rr1111u11 ',f•l 1,,IAll:J' nl81111 llVl IN •Hll VIWl\l ~ Anylh111u uvt••CJ• "'" WOHKI .10 y•• exp, 1111/ mat1t ,;of or t t.:t111mas tit'"" "" 111111m111y Low V11110 Se111t<;e• AQ9<1C)' fl om" · IS 41) II !1111 11•1 Acuuattc. t lllllOQa Lie; 0')) 2060 111 /!)~ 03U prn ... I r•1111111 540 \14113 Ltc IJ/bor1dt1d 07i 9000 tilt> tl058 Jllts700 rrM HI D •ll H ' CuMom ttom11 c 111111uno Lun'r l ftvitll I 011v1.1 PalnllflO 047 !1180 .!!."! ••••••••••••••••••• '.'!.(!'!~~............ '(.,OfnJ)t Mato Svtvl,., ••••••• l ........•..... 16 vr• fl.(P rm •m•ll nty ORYWAL L fAPINQ c;arptrotry Mot1onry Prof Bonded tne d f 111'(1 Of OOlng laundry"/ I j)tll"U 111t 91\'\0lll 'n on All luturo1A1.ove11c. noo11no l'lum1>111g UNIC.l( AN SYSTfMS llull & tuttl hond w11-h. 67,l 6477 Gii t 1111411 I-to. ••I K•vin ll7!l 001111 Uryw11ll Sauc.c.o Tllu ot Nwpl Bell 111>0 1:.100 r111n(j •rem M•ttculou• I l11ttl it1l ll11t11noo11 J U 040 l)IJ90 Out1hty wor~ with .., ""' Ellp Henu• tl4:1-U767 t.u~l~l~~·:,,~:~~T"~~l~•m• •••••••••••••••••••••• t:lltf)ltllfty CHHln11ts blJMUI llluCll BICllelOI fll•IOlll'F ~llf15h1C:llOll l)UOtUt\1000 fl CIRICIAN Prloau Ph.mu 0111111Clt1UllllllJ vk C.M Irv, llU Ulllli •••••••••••••• , ••••••• I IO rltl(lt ?13-430 1134? flglll, lfuo .. 11ma111 011 Litl(.fott.111 11111 6:>0 09:13 UfHCKWOAt< Srnall j<iha l111g1J or 1m11t11r;11, nor~ Oon 966 01411 Nawport <.:011111 M11u Lowe1t r11l11b• Ptonipt, I ot 191102 1 on 03!>0 HOUIEWORI trvlnH nt1I• 117'> 117'> 1111111 µroleo1011t1l•1 I'• LI(, l1 nrcH~ll,,IAN HOME IMrllDVEMHT WAITED I( '"'"' bllCk & c11mon 1 yrs 11•11 tl:.16 /14\1 Ouill wQ1t..1Ae111 111111a REPAIH PLUMBING wor ~ NwJJllc;,M '""·" llALPlt ~PAINTING I""' 11at 631 ')072 l ur1Junlry "1"'· 111" Free 10b& C11ll nt.ow & uvu C.n11111an Int or Ol<I ELECTRICIAN Sml 101>1/H1p1111 lie 233 108 c 10 !148 !>20J RESI01COMM L INO 20 y•b Do rny ow11 .,.,or~ l 11. 278041 Al 11411·81:16 Effie Service & C.onstrui; llOrl lo rt1ll$ rrH eato mutus L11 3332 17 5:>7-1738 841-4714 !~!'.'.;!'~ ...•.••..•.•.. A&K FENC:.( ""ood & i;haon link Rt"11ndtcom I '>48·549 j 540 775 I I nNI Rt1.t~ b4!> 2811 Hogn quutoty 1tovst1wort.. t.4~ ll!I I? Rel~ rt1ll~ 536·0898 1:~1i.1r1u11c"d dop11n1Ja Jll Vil& (XP DUNHAM till! none111 or1111111u•111t HOME IMPROVEMENT mehwloos flu•lbl11 I otm ll111flodet 111p1ur~-t.,11cino 1 n e b 11 s 1 1> 11 •J ,, .. lllftt.lrlClll·PIUmbong b7:1 1012 ""'" b PM c..irpt111t1y 631·8S30 wtltit..d•yi. All d•y S11tur J0t4N f HE 1 IANOYM AN dey 11nd Sunday Plumoong t!lec;·odd 1oris f I tie tl~loMdtll~ 638-4 116 ~~~~~·.t ............. . DUMP JOBS & Smull Moving Job5 Coll MIKE 646 1391 If you wanl your nou:.11 REALLY CLEAN Coll Linda 669·03 t8 Good R11ls HOUSECLEANING Also w111dows/applcs HAULING GRADING Rea~ 66:.t 2674 evefi 01111101111011 clean up Houseclea11111g 11onesi Concrele & tree removnl elt1c1ent References Ouoct.. H•v 642· 7636 Day st eves 645-6169 Sue ~~!!~r ............... , r!1.~1i!'1. ••••••••••••• •A-1 MOYIH• I I Of) 'lllUhly 2!> yr 11-<I• Cotnp11m1v• r11t01 No QlltOllml' 730 t3S3 AAC: MOVING Ouoi.~ Cn•elut SH•v•~e I ow rnlt16 5!>2 04 10 Sl AAV1ie C.OLlEC.E STUOCNTS MOVING co uc r 124 436 ,,,,u, .. o 64 1 6"127 WAIGH us Gnow• Nu1ic Lt11oa1 ....•................. DRUM LESSONS 111101.,d Ferth1ng Interior Design HANGING/$ TRIPPING Vtbe·MC Scon 645-9325 ASA PAPEHHANGINC 1 yr a 1ocat 8•P Ou81 work PflCe• starl at S8ftOll Alec 75 I 1021 Jolly Cr1ct..e1ers Prof W11llpape11ng & ''"P"'"°" Man~ rt1lt1renct1!l Paul 8S7·0118 E •P"' I W!lllCOvt,11111g 111 !ilJllOllOn Reas Pt1C1'~ Con,u1tan1 Asa1g11m .. n1 58 1-8590 UllrH Ul·lUI 40 Oii wMt••r•Htar 122!> AILA!. l'lUMl)INQ 6 H•1t1ng, 1p.c1a1111r1g 1n I ,.,011111 64 'l 1111111 I C !>AVE C <'0% 40'1. t l'1vn11ll1t(j/H11111 • 27 I 70"J c,u111 lo~I Ht11/e,.()mm !>'.17 4378 <.;G llll:I ')474 HS ~.·.i !'I.~!!~'.' .•.......•. At, flAINC.UJTFn Bo11d11U 1n• ht B3•4'114 ( r~ HI 1 ~~4 'Ill~~ ~!!!~!!~!~1 .......... . r 11HNITUAF t<IT C..ABS <:.'tm t1n1ane1 11111&111 d004' ,. ... f>7J 14&9 ~!."!~!.'!!'!I. . ~~t!!! ... METICULOUS MORT S ..... I r • I I r • .. " I • • .. • • e I . . ·' 1 • '•' ' ~I I •• I •1 I '' .. . ' f !!~!'}!'/. -~~~~~':~~ .••• COMMERCIAL • HOME BUSINESS We do win- dows toot Roll 547·2683 WOOD FENCESIGA1ES I 111~1a11ea & R .. pooreo Ftt!tl t!SI Garv 499 1724 PROF SERVICE HOUSECLEANING Goo(J to your a1>1111y Mike Nel· C11tltnioo ' Hau111111 yrd c•ean up refs Transpo1tat1011 E•· son 63 I 6300 •••••••••"•••••••••••• Quick & clean F1ee ttst d 979-9756 . • 9~1 606 7 We gals ahd nang loge I ---------!her Hang, selec.1 Up- holster watts 839·0730 I . TREES I 673-0548 Hper L Id S . I f!f!'.'!~I ......... ••••• TUPIJlldlrttmoved Clean tlAULINC.. SIUdt!nl has •• O.~!!'!~ •••• ~!!!!!!... Fiii ratHlltG Coollltllll Gt11ft1/ I ur town reno v 75 t :3476 1 lge I ruck. Same tow Experienced to I Dy Rocnard Sinor Loe •••••••••••'•••••••••• ' THE &llEElt SCEllE •~\C~ Prompt 759· t976 INSTALL SHELF PAPER ~80644 13 yr~ ol 11oppy 11.J. Huff•111 I Sen I CdM Thank. you John. Reasonable 673·803 l local cu~tomers Loe 306668 Remodel Low11-tret1·Shrub lnSlull • -I le 63 4 0 Add ns Cabonel5 I 1 ree lt1m/removol HHtlao J111ilori1/ Mii you 1·4 1 ' luwn M a1nl/Ro10111t100 ••••••'••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOM PAJli.tNTING 646"85861645·45<14 FttH' estimate 548-6065 2.ehr ED l.el-1125 COMMERCIAL HOME Int/ext Resodlcomrn Cus1om Remod/Ado ns E r & I f"urnace-pool·water heat BUSINESS We do won-rr~ t1SI L1c 644-4798 ~·ee PSI Qua.Illy 2nd to I •PAI varcrnner clean • dows 100• Roll 547-2683 none' Bendel Const up~ Tree 111mm1no Free Houietlt•aint . INTIEXT PAINTING Lie 415570 54µ271 est Pt•le 641· •096 ••••••••••••• •••••••• L1ad1t•••Of 1 & WALLPAPERING I ROBINS CLEANING ••••••••~•• •••••••••• Custom wort.. Free esl • Lands<.Jpong-Yd Clnups Service . a thoroughly 20 YRS EXP Hauling. treo S 28 f.u.'.'!.Jl!.~~~~~~~'!f. Tree tr1m/remov-M o1nt clean nouse 540·08571 trrmming, tandsc.apong I ~eas teve 547•4 1 Kit remod callinels vt· lmga1100 Jim 8St·0129 !IRED OF HASSLES? Bro61n4e6r_s0~,o:s1 HOLIDAY PAINT TIME• ,,.,., 4'3 yrs AISO OOd IOl>S & deo entenainment units &AllDEltllt& WAllTED Ouahly cleanmg netp ,, repaors Brut.e 972-0 t 16 Free est 642-0881 Mowono edging rat..ing neret Reis 960-7452 EVES LANDSCAPING" sweeping Froe est•· co1T1pl serv & nsectng Fino wnel you want in C1ass1hed ad 642-5676 mates 645 5737 Ctass1toed Ads 642-5678 comm & resoo 646·7556 Daily Potot C1asslfleda tor your motorcycle DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed items tor cash If 11 doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE One Item anytime 1 RtlUlllt Se1vit1 , . c , ...•....••............ • ~.'!! •. ~!.'.'! .•••••...• I RESUMES CUSTOM wood patio co· 1 Proress101101-conflden11al vers. decks & fences oy Cell 631·8000 RANDY 64 1-0622 : Roo/ia P C I •••••• 1. •••••••••••••• • !!!. . !!'.'!! •..... •••.. Huber Roollng·Dll types New-recover ·decks Loe .a4l 1802 548·9734 Insect spraying as tow as $30 Etect11cat work Call 962-7520 f!~!!!!tt~.'~~{~ .•..... EO S PLASTERING Neal pa1cnes lnlfext Restuccos 645-8258 PLASTER PATCHING At!SIUCCQS lntfext 30 yrs Neat Paul !>4!>·2977 LINES OPNITHITI knocks often wnen you use result-gelling Dally Pilot Ctaulfled Ads 10 reecto the Oranoe Co111 mar1<et Phone 642-5678 Du11 1 ,. root re11e11 11 t1ac 11011 ()I GOii "~' 2890 ROOl-INO R(!PAIRS 1>m1111 i<ltll OK Free 11tt1111atH Call Tom or c.nucll $4~ 6392 St/IHI ......•.••............ MCAii f SEFIVICE Re11croe1111N•w Kroon• NBtCM Mly 114'1 11!>$? ~l!i~!!!!! •••••••••••• EL LAV N ~p11nt..l11rs. Llndtcepe c 1v1ir•nt111t1d 536·2737 Ti/1 ••••·•··•·•··•···•···· rtlE INSTALLED All K111d• Guaranteeo A11" Jonn 840-92 11 Trtt St1rit1 .........•••••.•••.••. llPllUll TIH IHYIOl "Tree Worf\ with e Con science' Tr1mmlng & removal by Howard Oot 1011 P o Box 34. Co11a Mesa. Ca 92627, Ph 642 1932 S LOW RATES $ loee trom/remov, c1ean ups, mowing 554-7017 '!.".'!.'}~!. ••••••••••••• MOii SUbj8Cll, K· 14 Oayteve $5 & S 10/hr Mr Morgan 645-5176 ~~'!~~~.~~~~1!!~1 ••••. Lei the Sunshine In" Coll Sunshine Window Cleaning Lid S•8·8853 20•1. Montnty 01scoun1 lntteAI Resod/comm"I Free est 20'1. monthly discount 644-4798 For Ctass1rieo Ad ACTION Call a Dally Pilot AO· VISOR 642-5678 per ad. must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. Call today tor full details (Non·r•tundabi.. Extra llnee 11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 " A'U':i:.~::;,., I ~~~~! ........... !.~! I ~.tf.~~'!. !! J~!!!.!.~~q ~!!!I.~~.'!!.~'.".!!.~~~ I~!'.'/!'.~~· .. ~~~!~!.!.~~. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1Room & Board $335 Fem roommale 10 Shi W/ Dana Pt single •">rag~. OFFICE srACE /lloiJ:j,"' T1•1t 5035 f!!!.~. !!.".~~ .... !.~~! lf.t}t •• 'r!!'.'.'!. •••• !.1.~! 1~eJ1 •• 'r!!'.'.t.~ ••. .!.'.OJ I ~'.11 •• 'r!!.'.~ •••• l.1.'!! •••••••••••••••••••••• Found Grey cat Warner BOAT REllTAL HOUSECLEANERS Man llUllUTll& lletrNrl l11ti 3161 Close 10 OMV, Costa same 2Br hse. on E Sode secured, Slfeel entrance I 2 suites evaolable now on 2nd TD Linda lale, .C5!> and N "" 1 a l\d A 1 ea. & Wile team. PI T Must ' Mature Ambltioua Cou· 000 at 13•1, due June Hu n 1, n g 1 0 n B ch Operator lo• Huntington neve own trans Et Toro pie 01 respons•bte Smgle 1983, will d iscount to 842-2844 Harbour Must be exper Ma11ne Base homes Call to nelp 1n Mgmt tOev 01 reatoze 20Y, yoald Call -in sa111ng Knowledge 7141438-2227 tamlly owned bu•lne11 ····'"·················' Mesa CM $225 mo + .,, ut1I 34097 Granada. $60 roun1a1n Valley 14 16 SQ ***NEAR HOAG 046--0450 $50 dep 631-2895 673-3313 493-0803 II and 1536 sq It For Steve 1175·3285 1 l•110111J1 5350 boat repair & oull>oard 645-6776 ' •••••••••••••••••••••• engine repau hetptut Hou1etceepertbeby11t1e•. -------- 2 SR 1¥· b• $495 -----lurlhsr details Call Mr 831-3888; 645"'6822 Hunl BH Ch Employed Prof F rmmte 10 Shere Storage ga11ge, single • AlllOla (213) 663·1287 '----------male pret d HouM pr•vt~ Back Bay Condo pool 9 • 2 O Co 1 1 • M --s a ---'***'~BLOCK OCEAN i.g.a 52!>0 96A..ao95 iac, 1enn111, lrprc. ate S'iOJmo jC0••1tti•I ~ 2 BR 1•~ ba. lndry, gar, --$ 2 8 5 + s e c Eve 11 6•2·4907 witdays Ital di 4475 llEAL ESTATE Lldl I $5/hr to s1art (2131 live-tn 2 tm•ll children. MKhan1< 1st. 2nds 3rds, 4ths LlllA I YICll'S 211.2&n non-•mkr atuoent 01< 1..;..;,,;,.;;.;,,;,.;;.;,,;,.;;. _____ _ PHOTO MODELS -----648-4547 Celtt•••lal ESCORTSt DANCERS Boat Spectahst with neavy I 'Oirlft I Le .. &u'• OUTCALL 24 HRS mechanic oackground 1r11 .. ll11(1'rtu ';..'~'.ie2s2650 631·3888 ~'.'!}!,.fl!!!!f! ••• !.J.OJ 631-8758 . Oil" I 1 I 4IOO' •••••••••••••••••••••• SUL.ARI MOUL F 25.35 10 shr 2 br EtC M ••• ~':~ •• !~.~•••••••••• l 1250 sQ 11 reta11/01t1ce 2 bdrm, 1 Ila. enc101ed I garage walk to t>each 645-1819 SE A SHORE DRIVE $700tmo 2 Br relrlQO. carport enclsd p a110 548-5682 Newly painted & carpeted 2 bd. 1 ba. Frpl 1 unit/ ocean. yrly. $6SO/mo Rei s . 568 -4 306 642-7005 Su Cl1•111tt 3116 •.•..........••••••••. 3 llr. 2 oa. patio, ges & water $600/mo + clea- ning & dep 53 1 -3565 evs Nr S C General t.osp, 3Br. lrplc, 2Ba, stove, CPIS Avail Nov 1 $535 mo (714) 891· 1644 t Br pv1 deck, 010 world charm. spect aculer ocean view. w alk to beach $4 25 Conlect Mgr al apt C 332 Encino Ln 2 BR, $465. yearl)' n- decor. pool. nr beach. bus No POIS •98-6277 Sa.!1 h• 3110 •••....•.......•...... 2 bd, 2 ba A/C, Sec • Poot. Nr So Cat PIZI 1500 213-860·9513 Bradford Pt 4 bd Town· nome. pool, dining rm $600/mo. 642-8738 A111t•1•t1 F•1•i1iH •1 D•l•t• 3HO ................•••••• IUWlll YILUll New 1&2 bdrm. lo11ury apts In 14 plana. 1 Bdrm from $S40, 2 bdrm rrom $596, Townhou .. from 1665 + poola, tennis, watertatte, pondal Gae for cooking & h•allng peld From San Diego Frwy d rive North on Beach to MoFedelen to Seawln d V Iiiega (714)893-5198. Wt..ly ran1a11 now av111 642_747 1 wl<d)' ev~ 1 MO F'REE RENT Coste Mesa. great v•5•· hse no dogs S265 I •IELHI OFFICES* space E t71h SI 1n FOUNTAIN VALLEY Ht-0201 Call for a.pp! 645-0901 --------- 964·9ll1 CARPENTERS SIOS g up Color TV I 1>11t ty & p ark in g Phones on room 2274 Prof woman & 14 yr old 1 room to 2800 •Cl It 645-3477 NewPort Blvd CM daughter Sfft< rental to From $1 16 a SQ II Adf WE CAI rUllCllASE 646-7445 shr CdM Call Sharon Airporter Inn & Frwyt RENT OR LEASE Newly Your 1st Of 2nd TD"s Hm 673•4520 Rm 3 Call AM 633 3223 remodeled home wotn Rich 644-91190 for into BEACH AREA 76 29 3 larne lot Comm1 zomng., -Wor~ 1· • A11por1 arva EAec Sui " ad1 to Newport-Blvd ,._ / tes From 225·450 SQ II 642 1334 SS 1•9889 IUIOOllllt~•tllll 25 yr old M ptot seeks 2 $84/wk M or F rmmt•s 21·28 10 snr moSI t>eaulolul twnh· Ret11ge•ator-Ma1d·P00t se on Unov Pk Irvine Nwpt Blvd & Wilson Poot & spa S250t m o Co5te Mesa 5~975~ Dys 7!>9·2 676 evs Pine Knot Mo1el on Coast Hw y NB Steps t o ocean W kly rates 645-0440 552-6310 Female rmmate 10 sh condo nr So Cst Plaza. $270 MO 641 ·8617 811 $1 per sq II Many •HAS -----PtllHlll/ Call 557-7010 Ol11ce & garage $28S1mo L 1 I/'. ' •00·900 PLUS 1400 Ml 11 Near Balooa Bay Club •••• ~~ ••••• !~!•••••••• Pen1toouse Baytronl Sui & Coast Hwy 646"764~ A1111111u1•Hll 5100 te par1ic1ng. pattos l11da1lti•I •••••••••••••••••••••• _673-1003 __ I Rtat•I 4SOO FrH Wel1ht CHlrel OESI 5'ACI CH ,$750·~~··2·1(;0··1~·~~~~: lutritieaal Se•inar 5PM Attractive rusflc up11aors s111al • Office 18101 Re-Option al llualnen pre· setting We supply oes~ I dondo Circle. p & T senta11on oppo11un11y IEED A PUCEI ---------soace. copto1 You sup· H un11ngton. Bea th tollowlng sammar For Re&1onable rates Kii· Mature resp non-smoking ply ptoone. & S9S pr moj 842·2834 r8$erv1Hon 673-7357 Cheneues. phones. maod lem to stir cute 2Br La-Pt desk Call 6~•-7211 service, Z channel mo· guna Ben charmer $300 C M 13200 SQ It with AIC Of· L • F ' 5300 mo u111 oncf'd 494.3 186 osta ese 1 01 2 room I fices Randolph St. C M ••I • ••• vies SANDPIPER MO· 5u11es From $75/mo Spt1nkled wi comm •••••••••••••••••••••• TEL, 1967 Newport Blvd. Roommate wanted 2 t>r, Ulll5 oncld. 779 W 19th I troniage S46-16S3 CM 6415-9137 1'1 ba. $225 & ''> ullls St 851-8928 - ------' -631 3272 M I Corner 90x127 with 1111 Bo•~• 41 15 · IUUTIFUl dOO sq It btdo Fenced ••• • • •••• • • • • • • •• • • •• • • Dr. 2 ba waSher. dryer. 9 g t w t g t h S t IOARI I CARE k11cnen. e1c $20 depoStt HWrOllT CHTEll 6~2-3490 $225 mo 646-8386 alter W11n usa of reception 7 pm conl room. kotc;h phone, -------&ecre1a11a1 & word p10- Fe 25·35. CdM $250tmo. cesStng Ma11 6 message Isl and last. Ava11 Nov t 90rv avaM seoar1tely 11 ~!!!~I! .......... !.~~! Storage Space 12· x 18 36 door $70tmo plus S 70 sec d eposi t FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: U2-Hll Several prime locahons 1n Saddlebacll Valley to ctiooae lrom Fe11turlng 2"1 hr &uperv1s1on, pllll1· ned recreation. ..clung gourm11 meats & tree tocat transpo11a11on C•ll IOdly C • a r g o r 0 e b b • e deStred Cell Judy 720·0850 attar 6 7 t41760·0 tOO 673·• 154 Newpo rt ---------- 111-0110 llO-.etlt MI F rmmac non smkr estab io share w/same nice condo nr SCP $250 V1t1liH l1•l•l1 4250 +'> utrls 545-2575 .••••••••....••....... FOR RENT! 4001 B Birch St NB u o SQ It $ 1 00 per SQ It Agent 54 1·5032 -hl•H OftlcH Redhlll. Co1111 Mese Sublel I 776 SQ ,, II 79¢ Rer.apt . work room . atorege 675-3802 10·!> _B_o_ac'1 _________ 1LOST G_ar_m_S-he_p_F-em lfiitell••M•I black & 1an 4 yrs HH 1,.1,11 4150 vouble breathing VIC of •••••••••••••••••••••• E 17111 Irv IC M S48·3794 FOR RENT! Lost. Rare 2 headeo gold fish at Z1no s Pine. NB reward & free p1ua l o find., 67S-3 tOO Appren1ooe lmmed *** 6•2-8100 Atlantis Parlor I counter Hetp -M&iure Open 24 hrs a oey person part tome Apply 7 oays o week on person Tne Tummy Jacu~1 Sauna Locals 1 S1uller 270 So Brrstot. as well aa Tourists CM 751-3566 BankAmericerd Amer-DENTAL OFFICE MNGR 1can E~pre" Diners All Etloc1ent. Enthusiastic & welcome 714/645 3433 orgentzed, w /l>kkpng 21 12 Harbo• Bl CM _ exper 4 dy wk 546-3000 AYL WMS PCYB RFGQ COEDS Would love to oent8i Receptoontst lull YB? porty wiyou Call Sue or lime. previous ollloe ex· Ketny anytime (213) pe11ence 1n Peg Board 6 3 4 • 4 5 7 I . t 7 ' 4 I collections &. ins ll•lhng I ti• \111, ,., 1· I· ,..1 .. 527·7166 required Fountain Valley Exo ttc dancers lpr Bachelor / Bachelorette P9111es 738-8538 or 558-8538 Women & men relalt with a massage c a ll I 491.5119 omce 963-5634 DOOHH-SECUlllTI Senior Securily guard wanted fo r condom1 ntum Rei s & E•per req d Call 675-6101 M -F 8-4 pm I t •• , '· . LA O t e S Sens u a t mas -.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill 1 •·M• • sage relaxing. anytime Ulll ElTllA SSH Cosl1 Mtu warm sincere 24 ht$ Part time etter school (at IU!lllcton lkh Cell Dave 842-7656 least 3 days per wffkl l•Clll• Hts You can earn $20 to $50 S;inll An.1 lttllllll per week. No expe11ence D111.1 Po.it Strrit11 5360 needed Call Dally P1101 AlllY. +<• f" I " 01 ,, I I , !>40· 1026 961-1121 m -!>m !>41-4763 493-1901 ················•••••• 6•2 ·4321 ext 342 ask IE All YD• CAN IE. AT YOH SERVICE tor Joe E o E Persona• quaut~ com-~~~~~~~~~~ pan1on Orovers tor your llECTlllCu IESltl!IEll Januors w•nted. depen· day t o day errands .., • dable rehable $5·S7 per Shopping docior's EXPERIENCED Perm•-nr Ftextble hours C11t 1pptJ church etc All nent poSttton 25 YT old Lo 497-5907 leave mes· needs met By hour or a I e c t r 1 c a I c o _s_ag..;;_a _____ _ de 494 58~7 7 141859· 7200 y • " W AUISTUT SIHICll PltlU11 ~~~ ~;:c,s~~~s::P tor medtcel tab tn Laguna 2500 SQ It condo wfVlew of Back Bey beautllul greenbelt a swimming pools Wiii K~t 1 or 2 adults or I adult wtchllo 557-7883 ()( 640-6339 Room for renl $.225 mo I mlle to beach 714·963·9925 2 beO•oom. 2 baths & 2 storlet In TWln Peaks on Leko Arrowhead 1ree HH bulll·lns & llr~lace First. last & d•pot1lt r .. q ui red C a ll (71"1 7 II 8 . 0 2 8 6 0 r (7 , " ) __ N_EW_P_O_R_T_B_E_A_C_H __ , * 111 * EXEOITIYl SllTH Full service. Keep your overhHd tow & protea· siona1 tm•o• nigh. Pre· atlQIOU& W•llcllll ., .. of Newport Beach !181 Do· ver Or Ste 14, 631·3651 2 bedroom. 2 bath• &. 2 storl" In Twin Pnks •n Like Arrownead 1rea. I H11 bullt-tns & llraptace. First, IHI & deposlt , .. Quire elter 8 p.m II no 1nswer, p l••-t lleep l•ylngl C•ll now 101 proleulonat nee Sell-slart•T. test Beach. call 633-5634 Lo at Tiny B lk & Te n covnH llng No charge, C I Yorkshire Terrier. Biren no obllgallon 1150•1026 learner M 642-965 t Legal Secretary SI Sant• Ana Heights 24 hra, FOLLOW TllE Sii lrvtne based tew firm REWARD. 549·8379 O• 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil IOekS sell mollveted tn• 559-9770 11 Work and pley In Palm dlvlduet Typing 50·80 867--0657 weekday eve· nlngt •lier 8 P m 11 no Ladies onty. evall now entwer. ple•H ke•p ____ 64_5_·_9_s1_5 ___ 1 trylf1QI F to snr 2 br apt, C M Begin or end your d•Y Springs, LH VegH and wpm S1l•ry commensu- Found: 1mall ahagoy dog. the rtght way Have 1 resort areu demonstr&· rate with exp. Btnellta, 1.,/•tll/l•rflt/ vie. Brookhurst &. lndll· mHHge wllhOul leevlng llng exciting new pro· some legal exp pref Fi•••tt nepo111. 962-4093 your home or ot11ca By • duel Travel wltll Chft?8· M•rlbeth, 851-9001 0 11100 1p•c• tor lease, •••••••••••••••••••••• Foun<l: Parakeet. vie; lloenffd m11M1VN roned group. transport•· •----------i NB. nr Airport Sacre-I I 7!11-8254 tlon furnished. relurn LEGAL SECRETARY ••• ,,, WMI Coste Mesa Tom 1~~~~~~~~~~1 s I • I I tary end Computer avel· 1. guaranteed. peld tralnlng an • ... ne· rv na Rmmte to snr 3 br, 2 be lable 1·2 Of 3 aeperatt ".tf!tl•alll SOOS 6 H>·4573• 548"220 1 end high e11rnlngs. Must AV rated lew tlrm, "nlor hff, garage Meta Ver· offices evelleble 1nd uae g~"uth "c~~·;.-y •,:;~:d~~ _x_2_7_3 ________ l••l•f•l•I be w•ll groomed and lltornel y, min It Cbalsl: -v-1-111-eea--..,.,--c-r .. -k-.-c-o--1 Pool. laundry S225 + .,, Lu• townhom•. 4 br. 4 _u_1_11_s_54_8_.-._4_0_2_be_f._4 __ 1 ba, slpa 12. Dally or wkly ak l r •n1at1. Chuck (213)376-3906 .... de.C M 540-9481 of conlerenc• room Locetlon end michlnea FOLINO Red lrteh Seiter •• ~ •• ••••••••••••••• st•rt 1mm•dl1tely. For exp n cor001a •. u • ---------1---(714) 955-2580 or loc•llon only. Call type Fem vie 20th & J•t1 W1•lttl 101S tntervle\lll c•ll e.6·4 167, neu & real estate MllQ II ..... 4!'!f l1•t1l1 I• lilrt 4300 ROOMMATE WANTED T o m o r S I m o n e W•llace 11 1145-48110, •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 am to 4 pm Peranta exp. e mutt COMP91111.,. ••••Uiiii•iUii••• M•,;;;;,;·;;:·9;;·9;; ~~t ~~~.~~f,~: C M DELUXE SUITE 58&-2895 646-9852 • .,.. E~':rc r:'~rn'::~Neld~;~ welcome ~~~A~:3n,•ll11 Call lllT•.. condo Poot, jac, tennl• M /F stir 3BR apt NB Nr Wtftr Fre•f ll~I '••H I• £H• SOZS FOUND Bl•ck Cit vie N•wioeper. meg, bua GENERAL OFFICE Wlcly rental• $95 vp. $300 e.5-5123 beacll 1242 111 & IHI 20 12 SQ Ft (~n dM0.11·····'················ ~Isla ::'eo~0• ::~:~5~ IJIP 497-4105 ~:~:d p~~·~~t •• l~~l~~- Color TV. lrea coflM, ROOMMATE WANTED deposit 1176-0818 S 1 50taq It 642·48U , flll0&.Hlal .nPM ly COm~lon/l\tl!Ptf Nw In I P•Y•ble Pc>t111ve 111ilude "-led pool & 119'>• l o M/ttratghl, non-1mllr. -Fttrn--a-le-room--m-at-.-10-1-hr-• M·F 11·!1 llLPUll P<>alllon cs.tired by m•-1 ~ury CM area. C•ll OCMn. KllCl'l'I ..,.,. $250 + ·~ u tllt D)'• w /tam •• 2 Br Ip I ...... - -ht ......... LOST 10/23. BltH:tt & gray ture, eAp'CI F 548-2567 Mra Bryson $4&-7172 Man•gement Amblttova couple nH · dad PIT to m1n1g1 gro- wing tamlly bu1lne11 f 1141-9725 985 N. eo..1 Hwy, 642-54411, '" llPM , s 64~9106 , .. ·-•H ........... 5 lheggy lem dog M•d L'9Uftl BMctl. 494-5294 e.2-5620 ,_i_ra....;lg:...h_I _____ Olllce on 2n<l 11oor, llP· .... ., • .,.,., t i n Muc h IOvl<l Bil• W .. IH fllf Ull tmJIT Men-1 t llO ' up with lcltchen, -------..,.---IM/F thlr• 2 bdrm, 2 be. 2 prOJI 500 elf So ol Co111 •• ,,,,,,., ,,.,, "OMCk" nffd• medic•· ....................... MOC1va1ed $1yt1•1 rw.ded .....-··-· ...-1y. OoMnfronl ~o-F !2t!:~ ~ :'·F~~ba· ~! alory epl In CCIM Non· Hwy wt ocean brHZH DH4i ' SOJS t t on Imm• d C d M c':~P~o~:~'~ In tor PrC1Qre,11ve s11on. lttft• lllttb lei. •1M740 $ 11'1'\11r 1350 per month • n d • v n f\ y p. I I 0 ••••••• !.............. 720-0930 REWARD Hunt ..... s --e1 r-·~ Salary, Comm • Vac•· ....... Train" PUT AN AIUMGmKX IMGIMIOM THE ROAD TO RICOVllft .. , \ ,, It "I I •f fl \'If Ill I .:• u ~II ,,,, ... 11 I 111, d!'1t1 "' '11 t .... \ ti, I Coth Mtu tuitlntton Bch LICl#ll Hih Santi AIU 01111~ ,.,, .... ,. S40-1026 962-1121 m.szs1 !>42·•763 493-1901 IE ALL YH Cll IE. IHSll&HS •t F Neat appearance. de- pendable transp n-.. sary MolorcyclH OK Call M r Johns on 75•·73S2 or apply In p•rson 2925 College Ave Suite A·3 HIL IOILPTllUIT Needed ror progr .. slv• salon Some cllenlel• pref Setary. comm .. vacation Mgr 540-8889 NURSES RN's & LVN's 11PM-lAM Shift Sm111 •lcoholltm lrHt· m•nl leclllty tocllad In Newpon Blach hu mul· llpte opening• tor quell· fled RN'• end LVN'• on the 11PM·7AM ehlft Bl· lln g u •I tk111t (Engllshl$p1nlah) would be. plul Thll le en •~a.1*11 op- l)Oftunlty for ln<llvtdvlla lnlerested In the l)h)'9IC 1n1ere1t•d 1pp1to1n11 1t1ould contecl Gerry Maua 1t· r.llo. garege 2 5. 111. 1nc1ue1 .. c.ble A p~ S5&0/mo Av•ll Nov 1 1 1 ••mia 0 1 """ .... ~ .. -11on u..r 540-8889 •-· Small at1r1otl,..,. 1tudlo nr • • 1 & • • c 8 r I • n •; e19C1rlelt)'. After epm Cell 9 to 6. 875·2311 • • -Found: 1 114• .,,, <log In to lnve•t Weat Mno1 ""' · htll l•lf llfeer ! b ll I I 'd N 673 -11119 720.oe32 ,_________ ••rts•• ... •••. S.A. Blk & whl. med IU. p 0 BOJI 30460, Santa Halratylla1 Ind Manleurl•I Siert )ICM new Cat-on ~ 0 or •mP Y · on-Liff Arte Fllt'I. s ---l•lfllng In Ill & 2nd Mein nr Werner Cell B•rben. Ca. 03 1011 or want•d 8 u1v Shop 3 lhlft '-~ 714/141 1111 ~~iry~~~c::,~:,:: F rmmte to lllr ~ 3 l>f• lt•U/1 WotH 4111 Olllce. 850 1q '1 . over ,,_TO'a .,nee 1049 536-37111 c.ll 805/887·15N M•11 Verde ArH. 1 our rd • eern".,, • ....,.. 2 \.t b• C.M . condo, ••••••••••h•••••••••• "''"II •• ,.,. t C -onth Fre• rent or Up 10 14,50 II rdouYt>e-1 UU1ll al.I ~. pool, TV. 1~nte 1275,mo. ~5.43se liiiilimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiill n • .,.. K .• ...,., mo o mo Robt S1111er NHI M Found: Yng tem Calleo Anht..t ..... ., "' come mor• •11P • ou llUIT&L _•_'3-34 __ 90_. _____ ,_M_/_F-.-r.-a-p-.-2-8-r-2-8 ...... 1 Ull IT •I 1 or IN 562-n 30 "'" R E Broker Bd AHllora cal, vto. 18th & Pt~ll•. Malure person to work ~::.:,4 9 5 7 • O 8 O 8 . will be promol•d 10 Equal Ooc>ty Ef'l'll)IOyef Room wUh ltlldl PfN, ~ twnhM, trv. Poot, lndry Hunllnglon 8el;h 2-4 Ollloa Bldg. New, edd e.2•2171 5411-0el l CM &3l·2g42 Ill llPM wllh ttlabllahed yollth :Y:~:1• ';'~ .. t i MIF But fine & ehopp(ng $325 4 .,_. ulll 6112·3618 bdrm hovH, t oulll of your own lmpro~mtnll WIDOW HAS Ill ror TD'• I.oat. White Male Kiiien counMllng nrm. Mu11 be ll·fl llLll lntervlawe held ever vi --------- e«1tar. 982·7020 ...,.. Ad• m . XI n 1 r •I a '1'60·7600 " a-..,,11 l!lt • RE Loana, 10K Up No t2 weak•. Vic 600 blk 1herp, ou1oolno. 1ttrtc· 1. .. dlng retali.r 01 eudlo w.a. &-7 pm et 111 0.1 l1nlM BedrOort'l l<>r ,.,..1 wt beth, ~~tiitff"oeM""Poiiii"i!,~*=~-0~3~3~2-----.1 II 2488 N•wport Blvd. Credit Ol'leck. No Pen-Nerc luu• CdM REI· tlv• ~nallly, pl .. Nnt c:iomponent• •Hlllng Mrltt Cer t. NA 3~ d':30PM a Clll btwn IAM·SPM, 8~2~~~~~~: C,M 642-3490 :~~ i~r,n1aon & AUOC. WAAC, 7llO-fl0i r:=t~':a:r~ eherp men & women. wllh cller11 ... 3870 llrcll! P/llm• 3:30•7:30PM. 642·1478 IMt ,_. Ullla 493.ot417 ,,, ... , i.r 11•1 .,,, 0Hk Spice, '200/mo • Lo•t! Cbclter Spin lei alttled Call ProteealOfllf llUIUde •nd SI, N 8 445-7112 I &m. conv holf) nt CM · · ' •••• ,..-•• 1:•••••••••••• 'ornlehed Utll'a paid 1 11111 Pll Brown l•m•le. Vic WWII wl'Mlf'I ~u • •PPHttnc• r•q. 1!:11c•I felrgrd• !14t·30tl Pvt11 ~m0 &meno.'"'c:'.~:: TOf) r9f'1. o yr1 MeCf*lg SINGLE OAAAOI. Neer Pr .. 1109 8enlc lldg, £11y llroolthuret and Elllt 2.00gn\·I ~ 842·432 I opportunity Call onty To c>llM yOU< "*IMO• .. ••P· Wiii h1tor elemen• M•ln l)HCh In Lagun• FrHW•x Ac~ ... M•H j Tim Hm 1 100 Rewerd ~-4721 •111 48 e o.e. Mon tllru Fri, 10em 10 btf0f9 the FOt c........o Ad SM-MU; 041 4eet 1_, Oflllcl "1 •JlCtlentl fOf 8 • a o l'I I 8 I I m o Verdi 5t·9250 CIHM Home t..Otnl Allendent, U*4n. ANltt 3pm '1318811·1543 ACTION M/F Olw19tlen "*' CcfM r •duced rent Cell 494-30<t4 0 T 8 . 0 •tt-.22tl lo1t. Sml brn cocller dlMINd ptot woman No rMdlnO publto, Cell • 2l:l/&4&-3tH NEIWP R EA H ..,.nlll, vie lrOollhuBt/ I I O O~ prlV9ee room & blttl, Df"I 01r999 tor rant MO mo Privet• otllCe 127&/up I,...,...,.._. •d -...... [tilt, t9WIWd "3"4721 hHclean ng, n ct Mrt your lldYertl.alng met-OlllY ,._, Daly Nail en1rall09, 11.ltoMI\ Pf...,, 2164 La Selle, C M An1 .,, 150/mo "' ,..., " I , your..,._.. -r hO!tle. PYt rm, rm & btd MOii wnw. t"9 r-.r1 C!Mlifted1 .. l ·M'71 AO-\'!'°" =t2=50+=\.t=utll=. :W.=IOH=:·:.JL.:Cl:..itlad===Adl==e.=2-:5t:7~1 967·2740 en $ 30PM . 7 1417112·6408 11~ at\OC>Plng cemer. I Clu1w.d AO. t41·M71 plut $200 mo~~ lfl '42·H71 r~~-===·!::::==1==::::!W!!:!!·M~l!~-~ ... ~ p 08 Ot•nga C..01t11 DAILY PILOTI WttdnHdlV, Oolober ar. 1982 ~!.'I .. rf l!.1.~ •••• l.'.'tf 01 ,.IG ll(NfAAl 1111 .. etllng po1M11011 IOt lll•1 t 1n1etl1g e111 eppllo•nl Oouo *"" n11111b.,• t.t ei;QRf QOA YA CHI t:OAP 1U 1 f.lleL111111 Co•I• ,._. ... ,All1 Tiii I •&epho111 Clerk 0•11~ Piiot Cllcul•tton Dept lve 1 6 WknC.I 0• ••• llOUI. IOI coll•g• llU d•nl U 2 432 1 alter 4r)M At k for Atchard EOE PRHUMMIR/ JR. llM SYSTIM/J4 RPG II, SOA. oru G•••• oppor lUt)lly !or conaclen11ou1 appllcenl foun111n Valley Co John, 964 9090 REAl ESTA fE SAL( S MAN Need 2 u pe 11enced people In com· merclel & 1ndusHtel re•I estate for I IUCCHllUI & g1ow1ng llrm Bell wor ktug condlt1ooa In New port Be•c h 7141646-5051 HOUTtlllST Trainee for phones & Ille olltce dutlH S11rllng sal•ry SJ 75 ~ h1 Ap. ply In person lrom 2 lo 6 Mon lhru Fri No pnone c:.nll1 please l eonlte 245 Fischer. Unit 0·6 Coste Mesa Resteu1an1 MEAT SLICER And Por· t1on control person lo operate Hoban Slicer Exper Prel'd but wlll lreln g 30 AM ro 6 PM, Mon· Thurs 6 AM lo 1 PM Sunday Apply tO AM to 12 or 2 PM 10 4 PM Lou's Kitchen 3077 S Harbor Blvd , (Harbor et Carrl1ge Or.) S A SILES/MITlll Eern 10 $1500/mo PIT M us1 b e mature 559-9043 Leave Me&· sage Salesperson lo< reputaole an11que sho p, some knowledge ot entlques. PI T, wllllng 10 work Sundays 642-7945 Secretery ') C Atrport Area All Agency looking for a mature person 10 1111 po- sition es adm1n111re11ve secrela•y Proreulonet 81tltude, appe era nce , pho•te voice • mull Sherp generel o ll1ce Skllls 1equ1re<S 70 wpm typing 556-0•60. Ask IOt Britteny, 9 30 · 1 PM SECY/Ill tfO Land devetopmenl com· pany. neavy phone1 & typing Shorthand or equiv req'd Me1ure, non amkr Send resume & sa111ry requueme nl lo PO Box 7006. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Service Station A1tend1n1. experience wllh rel's Ne w por1 B each 644-7151 eSALES~ 1st TIME OFFERING $50.000 YR. I\ ....,,t\•I .,.o-.. can ••tn on 6•y Leunth 20•h C....1u1y l 1p11teke. ti tnboetd, U !IOO 67& 1Ut1 lvet ~.!ft~!.¥!/'{!! •• !.~!! ~.·.'.'.' .. rt!~'.~ ... !.~~ '~ ... 1.'!1.!~r..'.1!!....... ~ ... ~~·. !!'!r.!!!~ ...... . l AR(,)(51 Jf(P oui..rn ltllUlll"l l t.A!ill "'""• ~ ...... 1:11.1. 1134 fd•r• 111 tn 1"9 W•tl •Jl•t .. r tor y0U1 vet•l41•. ••• • •. •••• T:'l • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • ••••• a .. f*llltly 11-i1 I d o m••llCl 01 I Ol •l ~n Oil (JIU• Ca111 ••vie At Sele• Gelv"• LffJllng you1 J[(I' ~~ t 8'86 loy1 tu~• Cltl4111 Atktng l&lllll&OI 111\jlleat OOlllt PllcJ ,4/00 C•ll 1141 201" JllAll C•tl Oe1y Or•y ... ,,, l•NtlH ., ' (,Om1>1n18llOll IV J .16 I ern lll•~lo. l eh I YI (lkl JO t.llHI<. (.l\1l11<.r11' lwm 1 1 t•llll OIAIT •••••"•••'•••••••••••• ,..., • 1111 U1·20CO •tl·4141 " A II 1101 •••••• ••••• ··•• • ••••• • ' 110)1 ~,, •• ,.. 4• w I r:A'~~:~.~6'4;011~~" AMO/Jll,/HIAILT ....................... 111• :aa,,,_. '''!.''' 1111 000 j)IUI 114.lllUI .,,cJ ell I ll al\011 -.>l yed Rutlt Ill 1111.IU<I' ll•lltl•n 21>2• ll11bot OlvO CM 10 A1t•I 1000 Ttr~t •• ••••••••0 •• ••••••• .... , u~o w/1111111 ... , Clu11c 18 L•p1t1 .... :,4(1 llO' I Cl<l!I 1770 lb 000 lflilO• l11Uy 1010.aj OELIOI LIYIH ~•v11on11 oenet111 1141406 031• 011p0<•uMy lo tr•V•I tor e l>rtgh1 highly mo11v1 ••d ull 11er1•r Aaq f>eg1 M 1.nd •111<1ence Of 1u1>•1 all• •ccompll1h m•nte II 11111 llft'I yOU PIH••1 Spttnger Spilt\ b1w I wh 2 y1 Old AKC A4'(1 Ne "'ed 511111 Gooo home 842·6844 Mtld at rert1lly ooo ""°' 1ov111g home ~•ti O:l7• at11I ho111J WlnOo w t.•lltury Oay IJo•I 4 cyl . I d. d ltk 00 VOii 111lly IOve C•· n1oun1 111 cond111on•r I.I $3~ 675 · · tOOO l.J~. 4 <.yl H•v•• orr •unroo ~ c.on • lit.II? II 10 give me • 11000 UIU "'Ul'l•H c..enl ••y 616 ' ro•d J~UOO ml (•c.el u ow 1 ' 400 ODO t I • t•ll f1~111now tve11u1e c.••lt11g light lt•tu•• IHll Sill fHO 1•111 'o"u '6!100 6 4 ~ "2 1 1 I:"• 1 ·1 j •on of lll•m 1nc1ua1ng 1149 3 t04 elter llpm •••··'··•••••••••••••• Ull8 02113 (o & Wkuu1 llt.T U!lll4 ll•Y9 b l QI end runy toeo.o #•lit•I t•Q 1unr1111 nil• l ike New AE. mar. mew urea wm k '1000 or be lt or I •oa YOUl · , . Ju11 n..U ••llel>t• ,,_,,Y 1111 your 1merleal 111r M•I• 0 0 11 . Spei111111 Qulllly friend et>ovt 11111 , Aullr•llon Sll•P mlK. t ad Non 1moker1 plouo vr )<trtt w/ktcia M(l1t1 ••· l'lt1HI! Hnd r•aume 10 lt1rg1c 7~ 1-11313 IG Hobie Cal v_ellow wf ·15 (,J'\ V8 n•w 111111 7'.> AucJ1 ru • Numfo 11111• HI U• ~ Sup111 1 wltll T·TOPI /•1lt••••l1 IOl3 11tw S,500 117!i 11161 Hg tp !;up•• l•ucok 1111 657 ~187 "'llf•dlD• · • • to m11ke •m•ll moolhly • •••• •••••• •••• •• ••••• 14 llOBll:: CAT 1971. ln11 s 3 0 0 0 0 n 0 r • IJ. l#W 11 J 'I "" " a payments No old ton YA MA HA Bue Amf. cont! l t>O-O 675 4506 !>46 0403 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~lllf M -,., .. , Hie.I 10 11•1um• oo tu1~11 • ,.... P•vmonta duo ASK ~OA lloocJ with • doulll• I " LA••' w111allc11 , Ahli cond 'r1utk1 IS60 fA<IUTTI -AOSE 63 1 6~0:. '"" COLLINS ASSOCIATES ' 567 S•n NIGflotu 01 f•t•il•lf IOSO PV ftP'\lket cnt>mal Alf $ 1000 •••••••••••••••••••••• I ltftf)f.Hll in o.aell•nt oondlllon 760.114 14 rovoto 711 AMII M St11 1411 ua(l 11 Ulla w1111111111 Newport Beach. 92860 •••••••••••••••••••••• S800obo i' 11HJ cu~e 110 S n111ll 1111 TOYOTA Ut-one. 1-IP• 8 fl SABOT w/nftW patnl c11mp111 •hull '2 I/!> 111 M1H elt1 01 r.. 4 d• OELICI IT te11 c 1ters A id e 12·5 30PM, av•ll 1mmeo Oerbera Cht1019f) Center 644·0232 Teachers Assist 10 •Ide IOI pre•SCllOOI, lull & part ume C1ll btwn 1·2 30 552-749• f e1t1p11one S1tlH rlltC Oelpor•ttlly need 3 peo· pie to woik lrom ovr ol· lice 111o.1ng phone 01oers lo• Fllmco Procesatng. no e•perience nece s- sary, S200 p111 week el1er training Cell 554-0444 tOday TELEPHONE SALES MlUIER **I BUY** Good used Fu1nl1ure & Appliances-OR I will aen or SEll for You MISTEH llOllH 141-1111 IJJ.tl21 too b•ll. maat. so11. 110¥ era 1Jti18 rin"nbk AC •Int S4119:i ' 0 "' • h • I d w • I I 494 •920 LIFTllOI LUOWIO ORUM SET $16!1963 !>272 60 081tut1 P U Ilk• ll•w. Aulum•11c Ilana 01r llo1dly usod, 9 pc, w 5 I H C.OI cond Aak 15000. SALES-sr•v1c~ 82 Mil.lcJll RX7 GS. !i IP ' •/' n It 90 E CO"d . pwr 1•e1111"g C:ytnbjlj ' C•M• •• ,,, .. ,,, d y. 6 3 1 ' 1 6 t e" t :i m1lt1~ LIKE N WI 1>.MIFM tl8180 & jj new 6'46·7'445 Room 47 f.!!'" •010 771 S299 LH$111 BHI 01101 646-7641 ,,,,, •• ~ 6 • 0 0 495 <1949 em Is' I 0 II. ~ y. '. m UKElELE •• ••••••••••••••••••• 73 OotJun PU w/sh111t, Jt "I 4 #ttttdfl ltllZ 1140 IUJV7661 P11 t>ty M•flln tenor, w/CIH BOA I Sl IPS AVAILABLE r•llw peint 42 OOO 01111 $110lEllCI IMW •••••••••••••••••••••• $4399 Call 837·4 146 or I HY FHllTIH I ., In 1 con d S 2 2 5 Newport Ot1&Cl1 25 26 mt custom 1n1 & whit 28402 Ma1guerlle Pkwy 759 •560 Les 057·8133 646·7909 3o· 35 · 40 6 •5· Call am/Im ••111110 8 t•k M1ss1or•Vtejo 6"2·4 64 4 Ir om 9 ·5 . s2500 or 011., l l.C E (Avery f•ll 011 t-51 70 Co1ona Merto. 11 nffds 611 b1own ptald sola hide-Rere Fend9f Coronedo XII Mon-Frt Wllauu • 1 673 11893 Opttn Sundays some wo1k mus1 Mill tor •·bed $75 Mepte dinette •COustlC·eleC gu11e1. SLIPS AVAI L Hvt11tngtOll (Tomi JOU Can afford fO II o wn p 11 y men I set , 4 c l\11r a S75 1unbu111,1nm1nt cond Hu •tJ Ou• Bay , 08 i/i~~··R buyyour Mercedes S800 /be1 1 o l l er 642·89~ _ _ ~ 1146· 7909 840.!>545. 846_7766. 6.9 '58 1n1 1 Crew-Cab 11111 ~ y IL. Benz f rom us. 646· 7335 0111 ... , f•t•il•t• I P M 8 4 O . 4 O 9 7 . sboemd .• g~oodrL ensg•L'o'•,oedrr' S I S L $0 •1 l'" •110 FURNITURE NEW • 213-<13 t-3764 -~ .... 0 et· erv1ce-eas1no !!.~!.".~,!~ .....• ! •.•. Must r91M Cesh ~·!t•••I IOIS · -631·20~4 ltl2 IMW OlOHOUT 76-7 pan wgn. S3650 PrK;es Siert II ••• • •••••••••••••• Wl>.NTEO MOORING tor 72 Forll Cou11er S 1500 Nice Setecuon• Snrl auto 1111 whls Mattressea & found Mt 0 11ve1t1 16$0. 1111 p~r dry 75' BOAT In NEWPORT • 7 4 3 OCS <1 speeo tape • 70276 ltC ••P T $77 F I S97 copier Auvme l•ese w/ HARBOR 557-4073 Good cond n"w 1"85 (960NACJ win -u 1 low down 7 t•·85 l ·6936 494-4191 alt '4pm 83 Dir S..5-21163 Queen $147 . King 1167 --Oock rental 28 It maK No ' * 77 320•. 4 apd sun DOWN Sole Beds $ tg7 ltll IOl1 llvo aboard Wesl New· i 81 Oa1su11 long bed. 5 root (248TRAI I ~00~: ~a:~~~~ L. ;"n'~: Sota & Loveseat $247 •••••••••••••••••••••• port $195 mo spa, camper shell, loa-• 79 3201 4 spd sun 01nene w/ 4 chrs S97 SlllM·TZU PIPPIH 673.3074 ded $6500 545·8380 root (849YHZJ LEA E S6900 720-l22l DISCOUNT FURNITURE AKC Chlltnpion line. 811 •72 COURIER + 80 3201 5 spO su11 78 Ret>bll. silver. blk 1111, 1959 H•rbor Blvd shots, 6 wks Will hold Slip space to 42" Neeos motor work, 54!>0 roor (659ZOK) 1 sunroof, ale 1111wleu Costa Mesa 63 1-6609 tor Christmas 720.0891. ARDELL MARINA 534.0 121 + '80 3201, 5 spo 111r $3350 759·0490 ,,,., u.~ .•.................••. ~~ ... ~~'.'.'.' ..•.•••. II.ff '1111 O•IH StHO Cte•n Cnevy ~•nt rnot0t •nd •••n• l!.lt el 1n11 g oO O th o 6 Or ... ea '14'.) 648!> l'l l.nevy Mon18 • c.yt 4 •PO AIC gooo cond ' t 500 1:10 9(182 f~,~~'!! ......... !.~~~ ltl Woodt• LA 8AA0N lw11 t. Cotty Aulo, AC. AMlrM I~ n-$4.69' (153 •220 c .. ,, ... ,., 1130 •••.••.•....••••...... 73 M11fli IV, beeu1tlul c.ond Eve1v opllon S9'· 111tc11 s 1495 a.4'·0956 Co1rellt 1132 .••.••••••..••........ '79 Co1ve111 T Top MIST Sill BLAC K BEAUTY with JuSI 35.000 rt\11.. LOI · doo wllh op11on1 inc lt1•lh•• 1n .. 110<, eir cond pwr wlnoow• 1111 wtle411. c 1u11e conr101 e tc 1455ZOAJ Jull need re- ltabt e p111y lo m ake amell monthly peyments, No old conlrecl lo as-sum• no back peymenlS dutt ASIC FOR ROSE 63 1·5202 11o,e lmpo<tS 77 llUIO, very CIHn. II olue mel grey ieeth 1n11 Loa ded S 7500 64'4-9582 74 CORVETTC brand new 350 daalet installed eng T ·Top 4sp, AC. PS, plus ictras S8200 540-0388 ~.C! .••.••••••• 1.f.~~ I m looking for a 1e1t1 enlhu&lastlc manege• E•P•• needed running coupon seles & rel•led 1 prog•cms Musi be de· penOable, enlhu•lasllc & I be able to generate e,---------poslllve l1llW de Stan Brend new TWIN BED w/ 1mmed E~cellent pay.I frame 1 75 Call Anne Call 554.0490 I 851·1033. aeys •11 &PM 553 0644 642-5735 cono 11ASX048) N B Lido Isle, ecroas/ V1111 9510 135-3111 79 OMNI 024 Priced lo sell, snrl, TIA & rims 72 Gh111 nu patnt & ltras 846-4665 or 898-5648, $2600 OBO Runs greet! OllESAPllE IAY Rn Balboa Bay Club 36', •••••••••••••••••••• •• 208 W 111, Sonia Ana AKC. 15 moa old Fem $375 Wkd ays. 631·5252 VIII Closed Sunday 646-9929 ,.,, 1140 74 Super Beetl e. "'Xlntl " .. Th;;~~·r~·R;~j~;,••• 548-1428 N11eds Iovino l1mlly OOllYE•s1011s CHOICE INVENTORY Travel Agent, melure . 1 $125 644-4071 10111, Sllll•f IOIO " VOLU&,E.SALES I yeer ea perlence , parl 5 piece dining room teble ••••• ••oooAoooo••••• At>C>l•C> 10 n~w <A•• on time 720-0771 I set $50 Good condlllon Pattot, Umbrella Cocke· DRY STORAGE FllEE TINO~ TRIP ,,,_,. • o., •v11• m«I u'"J•I cond 7 14-835·4535, Eict 14 nites, 714-536-6258 FORD ' MUST SELl 6<t6-7230 too, teme. young. 1525 1t Weite•s & Waitresses over! --.. 662-7637 • (with p11rchne) I 75 VW SCtROCCO Good Cond111on $ 1995 21 yrs. apply in pe<son 11 Antq derk f:tne hutch 36 Monthly boa1 storage. ASI< FOR DETAILS! ID I II 0 l A II EI Ji= . i 'j El Mslador 1768 New-1 wide X 68 hi. •lnr cond AKC L"8,. Apso Puppies, 111ny size. 24 hr securlly, ~ Por'I Blvd. C M $265 548·6234 male & lem.,e S200 lree launching I NEW lllW I s 'lO IUQ 11100 -148' Round Table. •••ends 549.4223 lfWHllT lllfS I CHClf MHTH Sa1es·Serv1ce·lee111n9 ~D~ x1n1 Cond 646·5505 S•1•1,1 $1/11 10 60. 6 chrs •U w/ AKC Cocker Spen1el Pup I 13 t .. Ok l•J Ir 111 VAIS HLIMITH 850 N Beech Blvd llllU•) j 548· t•87 611-2092 •••• :•••••••••••••••• w h 1 t e p e o 11 s t •t s 4 weeks M/F Liie bull 144-0110 · srlrCT VAIS La Habra ""'°''"'et..., / '13 SQHREl&CI I Be•ll••ll• B.•t) $100/best 011 673-11772 Select now $200/up " " •22 •333 $800 S.5-8049 ••••••iA•••••••••••••• -540·9444 REll·UMP w ·w ' '~. l.I -unrl Brz• GIANT G8fege Sele 9401 Ktng oed. 78a80 w/ ----ft1•INtl•li•• Open Sunday '' 6JJCJJOO m &n~ 70 vw SQrOk new eog ·I Bre•kweter C1 H B Oct rreme good cond Grey cheeked Perro t. •••••'-••••••••••••••• WIMARI 78 320• '••••••••••I tran5 pnt Autom111c 9.10 Hem11tont8ustt•10 s 12s1t>est orr 673-8772 tatka some. ptu1 ceg• IC•a,-11, S•le PACIFICA M•ST SELL I' s1895 oBo 646 -7445 #flt)••"" Un1Que BA set Oren e r S IOO 540'11444 ltt•I IJ ZO w n11e wtth ten saddle XS• 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• w/md mlrrOI ~heme WllTEI: Ill FISll ·7;-.;.;/c";,MP.ER~;~~;·;. USED 1nte11or Factory s1td1ng 81 380 SL. 7000 mt W11e 70 Bug .<Int cono n) blif,•H IOOS '4 d w r ch 's 1 $ 1 5 O · 160·0124 535 0 'll 10181 VAi sunroor 1111 cond coco whee•s $38.000/0BO pauH. re bit e ng Must I •••• ••••••••••••••••• 675-5810 , looks goo~.5 8°0 1 Crutse, 11r cond & C B mats etc 011ven will\ 213·832·8979 see• $2500 857·2705 Antique Itel lop rM<I OI· -----I •r*. _.. llll best Oller ~ -1 89 I 132769• gen. sm1ll size, rooks ueen size weter bell 7 • mo old, eera CtOP· #flflilH likfl 1140 S4ttl need reliable parly 10 Volrt f11 Q ""'. ru I tare t9 49ZRTI Just Oil OF ITS 1111 -1 good but needs work. heedboard, 6 drew•r Ped , I 1 5 0 'ob o •••••••••••••••••••••• mal\e small montnly FOR COLLECTOR •••••••••••••••••••••• s 2001obo 631-2250 pedestal, good c ond. 8•1.0258 '11 MIPEI s..100111.1 o• r.1 Yelwe lt•l•r M•lolad 0.Htry OAK DINING ROOM SET F!elgulm oell wltll perQu•I tnley 11bte, 4 X 8 eKp•nd 10 13 It • hend made Ame11cen Wlnd1or ch11r sel, 2 arm and 6 11de · Scolhlll mlttored Sideboard S4 000 673-S..23 WANTED Amertcen 11'1· d11n beske11, bead w0tk. po11. te.xlllel 494-7874 S ., 2 5 "' ,. • 'll "MO CAMPER payments No Old con· n l.VESTORlll sneets . eic ' GA"" cond 631-63•9 • I b k I Or• C ._, 545-1201 Golden Retriever Puppies. """ ~ H1 back chairs & 1111 rect to assume no ac I 67 Classic .. 600 • •&• •••rr AK C sh o 1 s S 2 O O vespa Grenda Moped wheel (510523J Pilymenls due ASK FOR Cnaulleur pertl11on w/all Recliner cneJr, dark brown 567-9695 Must sett. $400/obo S5ttl ROSE 63 I ·5202 Ike I pos111ble opllons Metal· SILES, SHYICE velvel. hH exlr&e Xlnt 759.0544 Imports 11c brown w/llght 1an All LEISll"" cond $100 642-8571 ,. .. 0 1~ I h I I c • llllOI • lfHI "~" '77 DOHE MUI ORHH COUMTY'S Pus ve our tn omp OVERSEAS DELIVERY K11c nen Table modern •••••••••••• ••••••••• MOPED FOR SILE tactory re:iu1ll & res1ored EXPERTS slyle. boige w/bulcher PIANO Uprlghl. Cherry· Needs T l c. $125 Frog bay windows & 1111 OLDEST 10 new car cond Con· lop (formic•) wllh leel wood Mad• 1893. xlnl !>48·4426 I cont! (239052) &:-. vE.>rled 10 u S specs very nice SJS 542.857 1 cond. S 1000 759--0097 Sitt& 0110 1>1lls for OM t04 --'--------S • ., &. • 1012 lfolfttfdfl/ 000 on hand • cer pro· Queen 91ze spr1ng & ma1·, .!~.•A.';'.'!~i:!~!! ••••• 1 $tHlfTI 11 SO 'll FOH OAMPH sen11y stored 1n Germany tress. 1111e new good Singe r 1,91011 sewing 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• Sink lrtg 6 sleeper Sales-Serv1ce-Leas1ng but ready lor 1mmed111e I <.ond S200 wlfr•me f()Y CARVER sh p ..,. cond $500 85 7 ~ 17 5 Selling Proce S75 000 HRUllE YOLYO 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA Hl-1303 UO·Ull 67 .. 8839 I machine, 80 yrs, xlnt 81 CSR KAWASAKI 250 C6286191 I tp ing Convertible steeper sole. elter Spm 720-0572 "'-iu...-. "'-'"' ,., ' ' ' ~ , •&•• HU TlllOE TRIP (w11h purchese1 ASK FOR DETAILS! NEW MHTlll U '1 I 1.t"X. FllllClll OVER 20 IN STOCK tmmed11te 09ll•ery1 HH CAR llSPOSAL SALE 'll MHTlll 1137049) UHi 'll HAllll ( 115497) SHH '1t FllRMOIT ( 138422) UHi '71 FIHTI !A785SOI UtH '71 T-llH (1597011 UHi I · low mllN ge $700 obo S5tl& flt "II ' t Dr '-1 1:.u" "\" Please onlu Q"aht1ed '11 W 211 •ANTIQUE AUCTION• etl•.alive Hore! peUern. P&..:• IHJ ... _.. .. , .--..,... • ·· casn buyers. call l Learner onrer10t 3rd rea.r Thur Oclober 28. 6PM open• 10 lull di\! bed •ml•f. '11 FIRI YAI 04,.. "'~· • ..... ,..... j (714) 642-0138 seat 50 ooo mt S• 800 Lota of amen II.ma tn-Xtl'lt cot1<1 s t 76/otler ••••• •••••••••••••••• '7!> HOl'lde XL250, run• 6 Wmdow pkg . •lereo 6 _.,_.. ~" ,,,, 75 4 505l Boin tops 673· 1397 · I Cludll'IQ h8f\Qlno and tbl 559·5038 1 9 8 2 S 11 1 N • u 11 Q u • took a 00011 . gre•t ror •Ir cond (A 188451 7 2 M BMW 2002 'll ptlfl tamps Ornately cer'Ved 200 I Only 38 nours around town, must sell. eroon · 1 wore whls ewce l cond 8 1 VOfvO" GL E loaded ( 113295) tvory pc Bronze Stetue. L•ke new queens11e Alto heve • t977 For $475/ot:>o 645-2$85 Sltli sticto. sun rool good Woll deal lo• cash St9 I Gola S 11 200 C•ll U4H German helmet Chin• w•te rbed with leetner mute 110 20 It ""'I c5o0n5d0'9 1 6'0 " s32oo 900 wllllys 894-0563 wk nds a nd elt 6 and smell primitives trtm $200 240-3267 NE w 1 c 11 1 ( 7 1 4 ) Cullom Huaqvern• e•cell Tl(OHR( 4 · _ _ wk nds/eves 846-6487 496·7t31 I T1llllHE Furn 1nc:kidff Ou dres· 842-2000 4 H k tor Jim· c 0 n ° $ 9 0 0 I Q B 0 I llOlllS FORI /5 BMW 530• 500 ml new 1973 450 SL Derk brown IM I II 82 II •-' sers. high boys, tebtes. Trundle beo. con1empo. ""Y• Jr II Oul pleese 71<11494·8988 2060 Harbor Blvd eng Must see to believe S 4 900 760 8765 us se ie ..... wgn RtlllS FIRI chrs dnl<s. Sid• boerds. rery des.gn, good cono1-teeve mesuoe' HONDA 175 XL. 3300 orig COSTA MESA $7 tOO 953· 1574 8~3:259'1 . ev da gold w oeige IUther I 2060 Harbor Blvd servers Edl1on phono uon S75 675-9497 S C-" I m1 ,_ 200cc kit S300 142 0010 540 e2 mint conO Take over I COSTA MESA w/horn 10•,(, buyers. Geme Teble and 4 pea-.r.!!!!l .•.... ! •••• ~!t 963·5272 . I ·---• II D1t11111 .!~~~1 78 3000 ivory snrl at· ~j',";~~5 S 3 3 0 mo 142-00IO U0-1211 premium d ed chrs S150. Good Mini Trempollne. heevy I 78 FOAO Beeut custom •••••••••••••••• • loyi. housewile s car. · • E •Cl1J!O•\f' !Cl 01.nl!. LARRY MORGAN COl'IO •99-5840 duty lrlme )(Int cond Honda 80 CM400 eacell I high lop 4 okt r.et 19111 sh a r p . I 1 6 5 0 0 rl2 YtlYI S 1200 71 FORD Mave<tek GOOd 0 F T p T AUCTION "45 fS.42•8571 cond asktng S 1100 seprt bed& 1911 con 1 I ~ ' 493· 1665 eves 64 2_11386 cond 3 "ew hres econ Hew Eacllln9 Product! 1665 T0<onto Wey CM Wiohr liHtte, 140 ---85 t-1388 a'1 SPM S1ereo1tape 1111 wheel 72 l\4ercedes 280SE 4 5 I $850 494-_3_2_1_1 __ _ Mr. Devi• (714) 55&-9901 536-8268 St•t•, l1tl••t••I, 80 YAMAHA400SPE· ewn1ng. nw ltre Mull 1mma c . AM /FM. a1r 'lO ST~Wa&H 1100 (7141 521-1000 Cherles Waltec;e I Girts' French Prov b<lrm l•t IOfS CIAL Mini cond very See• Sell<>< ttade on 82 $8200 S..0·7884 ~.1.'.'.'1.IJ!!!. .......... • Ford Fairrane 351 Xlnt Dealer lnqutrtH I 181. dble ll Udbrd & c~;;;;.j·,~~·~;~~~;;;·4 low mtleege $1000 I Wagon 673-3622 'li 4•0 SL 11..a 100 c..,,., 1101 molo• and trens Clean Inv ited IA/J.lll•fff 1010 lreme, dre u er & nlle l lOrege retrlg unde r 962-l64l ·77 GMC. camper conver-w ,., •••••••••••••••••••••• body & 1ntr 22mpg I" •HARBOR.AREA•••• •••nd. s 150 551.5001 I 1900 ns-6591 ' #•l•r B•••• S•lri s1on, 1111 cruise PB. PS, ;~:~ c;~"~~og~~Y AB~k 1,c~;;:,.1~ tin:!~ :T:~ 5•3-6485 Shipping & Rece iving APPUANCE SERVICE J.W/IY 1010 ru • '' ---• /11$t 1 1~0, Dir. llnled windOW1. n-11hr. cash out 529·3489 ol prevtously owned 1970 LTO, 4 llr, 78.000 m1. Clerk lor electronlcs we sell recond , gu•i. ••••••-'••••••••••••••• "c.l"r'l 1•, 1_1 .:'.~~:r ••• !!~f! •••••• '!. radials, 14900 631·4793 Porsche's . Audi's end gOOd 1nt & mech. Some compeny. lull-time post· appllences. 549.3077 Lovely gredueled purl If, 'I lftH "~ Rent , 26' mo1o1 home A I W• IH fSIO '8 l 2400. loaded. sunroot, Votl\sw1gens rust no dents. S350 11on Nr OC Airport ne cl\lece. S•OO velue ··~··• ••••••••~•••••• sips 8 fully toaOed · .... !.' •••• !............ ~,_Je8113°3~2• 528 1.K 8m51 1• 1S00 17 1· .... 673-7966 540-9264 I HY IPPlWIOEI higher. 23" 64S-J295 BEAUTIFUL 25 ' RCA 6~5-8616 (Pl I' WE PAJ """' ~. ------Les 957•8 133 Color TV 2 yr wrn1y u' 'lt lafHI 110 or 499-5846 '61 Falcon Pickup, 6 cyl, Survey #•tiiHn 1011 St48 Free d•l1ve ry A•l•S1nit1 11111 TOP DOLUR 1' 4 0001 AM/FM •t•r•o l' L 11SO ••5E Co•sl H""" J GoodCondlllon $450 Waahef Dryer Relrig •••••••••••••••• •••••• Open Sun • I. E ,,,,., ~.. _, 645·8746 Olshw~·Freezei lTUI 4" .11110 TV JOhn·s fS.46· 1786 • Att•llfllfl 1400 I ca.99ette xc.llenl con-••••••••••••••• •••••• • N-por1 Beech Xlnl cond 646-5848 $135 675-5292 BEAR CAT •250 SCAN· PAiNr"&"1it;·;,~·Y·:;;k~ FOi llEI CUI d~2~.~6~ 687•0686 1111 POlllOllE ___ 673•0"°° N~6~:~1~0 ~~;ogNood Reltigs. Weshers. Dryers. N-Rockwell wOOd le1tle. NEA $245 up to SOV. oll your est WI IUllH I 114 2.0 OllPE ~!/!!. ........... !.~!_ S500 760-0161 e ves Many to Choo•• lrom JS", 'It hp, w/cuttrng I 546·2655 Bill 842-0l00/964--0332 HITIAC/SIUll 66 0 11sun Wgn w/'71 , Opllons Include eppe•· 79 Buick Skyterk 1 ow-I C<lM Guer StOO/up. 95g,.,()682 lools. $495. 675-5292 10 .. ZenllhCOlor TV. gooo Europeen Mechenlc re· 2480 HerbOt Blvd eng. 4 '9(1. steteo tepe I rence group, AM /FM ner, auto. elr. S3SSO Alt ,79 F-te em/Im CU9el· Relrtgerelor. very clean. #iu.lll•H•I 1110 cond St90 s..4·7676 pit rs European cars! COSTA MESA d e ck 11 Int con d a1e<eo. custom Wheels & Spm 495. t337 te low mtleag 1 1 like ,_ two door S 165 •••••••••••••••••••••• French Spkg 991·1229 14t-4JOO S850/otter 554-2079 I more• l/e rv sherp c•r! e . x n 893-9060 -hi ... 0000 40 WATT SPKAS JOhn Ut-1411 (1AKC749) Pro Ply Call 74 Ced Limo. gOOd cond,, cond 714l5'18·90l8 . Fine aound, $40/peJr -F111•rl 11Z3 now because I am gotng $4500/t>eSI ollet 1 L • I _ _.S . Whtrlpool w1She1 S t25 8 lo 20 long, 36c per tl. j 646-7909 PARTING OUT 67 Fire-••::,::;;._•I·~~·· to t•l(e the 642· 1268 .!~!!.~••••••••••!•~• \ ffW1•lr11• hftfl 1 ftt1n I t ti I t•11H •ith-1•U I I M•yl a g do s h w•aho r 775-l49l •n)'lime 1 b ird Doors trunk WE llY -_,,,.., • C ,.11 HlS ·eo Mark VI, 26K. lo1ded. S 1115 Ap1 sz weahe r/ Anlique m•hogeny c•b1·, ~nel ':":':r:•s:, rec:-ltd.sieve ILW 001 llU AITIIHIZll BEST .! .. ' .. ~!•••••••••••••• ell wtiue. lllnl cond $10. dryer 1295 N•w top ,,., wllh 0tlg RCA rlldlo ver. xn · · FE•U•I '81 El<lored o 500 631-1133 ,,,, ...... II ... , '4'"1'" '"'' model Admlrel Rettig, & reco<d pleyet-$75, be-646-7909 A•I•• ,., s.1, &II TllOll n n • 111 ••' t••I '" "'•'" ''"' S~by-Sld•, ••tet & tee throom "muble type" O·E lndu1. 23" bl11<1k & •••••••••••••••••••••• IEllERUIPI OFFER! Che~~SneTe$xE,..';l1~ with !!!!!~!f •••..•.•. !!~! ''" • •l•i•I"" ·~•II •1 ''"' dl1pen1er $9 95 New sink In t dOOt & 2 dr•-whll• TV. l'lel oull•le. IMPORTANT NOTICE ,....,_"' -~ I 77 ST G G '""' Whh1poot e1ec stove Toe> cabinet plus m•lcNng 2 lnpult, etc, good cond, TO READERS ANO belg• leetl'ler lnlertor MU AN HIA 11 .. ..,, •• 1,..1, .. 1,..~ mode ll·low co sl d oor wall c ebln•t 4 $.50 fS.48•7909 ADVERTISERS (714)553-0584 Compt•tely eQulpped Odcond Askl~S2500 ,r••I ~"'"'"' 111, • Jr .. urMI 54a-8672 "m11tble 1~ .. welt ltlell, The price ol llem• ed· Jtl STER wllh power moonrool, 968-759 n. 1 1 $ 00 ... .. • vertlMd by vehicle dea· I windows. custom sound '66. New tires. pelnt, Mor "1'1'"'1""'" """"'~ '" Am~ 18' Freezet, cop-• 1 or only 1 · lempe-II • Ul•t lers In lhe veflk;te clessl· & morel (8 t0328) Jull ... 11. susp brks ... , ..... ,_.; C.11n•1ru,1.-m '"'"'"" S200 red gl-lhOW9f doota L.J PGllOIE/&111 "'" ,..., ..... ~1 1,., 11 pet1one. •Int cond like new. onty $!SO 10; ~-;!f!l•I !led 1dver1t11ng c0lumn1 00 C H need r•lleble perty 10 stereo $2500 545-7098. 642-8333 both C 11 a..2 0136 •••• • •••••••••••••• doe1 not Include •ny 1111 lmR 3l West °'11 W'f 13831 Harboi Bllld m ake •m a ll (T'lonlhly ---------t of ""''" 1n£orn111t.,m "•II \OlJf .,"Al I ... \ttn't R~1 rt11H•, . • • · 11tf111'1 HI 0 eppllc•bte 1axea. llQenM. T d 11 1 s • Newport S.ech Gerden Grove P•vmenla N~ otd con-01'1•Mllf HSS Melc hing Meyleg AVO· Unlveraily Alhletlc Club •••••••••••••••••••••• 1ren1ler leea, finance c~~ •. ~:~:. Cr•m~:~~~ fi42-o4o5 lrl Ct to •••u~ no beck •••••••••••••••••••••• cedo wut. & gu dryet, Memt>etllllp Men Only 1111• Piil .. cherg .. , lees lor elr pot-9 t4's, Audi's , fill 11ZS S•IH..S."ltt peymenla due. ASK FOR ·70 Otd1 98, good 1r•ns· 1200· 559-5039 ·~Price, $'4So, 053-eeoe FOR SALE tutlon conrrot d•vtce Alk lor U/C MGR •••••••••••••••••••••• l111l11 ROSE 631 ·5202 Ike portellon cer s55o ~0·10~ Whlrlpool wHher. Ken-642-..a.M, M·F, 8•6 cerllllcet1on1 or d•aler Ml llRtll ·77 124 SpyOer, AM/FM 114 IJl-2111 tmpor11. 4117·37'411, 631•9188 ~!·!'.!11 mat• dCryer"~!~1ea08. Xlnt G~=~~ ;:;~~~~·T• .• ~\~~!' 8 n OtNOHY 1 documentery prepare-YllllWllll case Alloys, Clean. runs 1 '81 Culles• S upfeme "·~·~ ciond. •II....,..., Unique & peraonellze<I. NHd• • Ulll• pelnt & lion ch1rgu unlua xlnl, derk red/len lnlr '10 121 TIE UlllllT 2 dr, V6, loec:ted, n•w ~ti~: S Hra 17.2 cu It r•frtg. C ell belween 9em & TLC. MS. ~7909 I ~,::~~~~1:•clllec:t by HJ!~J~~ :~oCH s3300 4g4•6875 llZl Low miles. Lee Int All ULEOTill ~':n9d~~o °!1 & ~uu~· ::.~t He"'91t gold, gd cones. 11em. 6-44 .... 594, Duck boll 8• 170 3032 142 !OGO .,.,. power. AC. cleen. must ol lale model, low mile•· $6800/obo 497_21179 lllY. 1200. fS.46-04c•~ 819 Oek Mini( Stole. Emt>e p .. 111. No 58 Coo'ttc:tge Ave. A.lit•••/ . •••••••••••••••••••••• sell. $28.500 OBO g• C•dlllec• In Southern ----'"'-·--~ netu rel brown mink, Cottle M-. C/111111 ISZO WAITED! •1& ltlTlllt 714.955.3501 wk da C•lll0tnlet See u1 lodey! 'll Cllff1111.,, ... 1111.l Yll CAI II. 0-E REFRIGERATOR S300 240-t253 • •••••••••••••••••••••• WI can help! hlore you '66 912, !> sp, all orig l/ery IAIEll Air cond .. •ulo Irena. If it'Sgot wheels, you'll move it faster In a Dally Piiot classlfled ad.Call M2·S678 and a friendly ad· viser wlll help you turn your wheels Into cash. Froelfr" wtill• "40 ,.,,,, •l•ll•••n I lttfl ua"tJ L•I• model To'/0111, buy. cheek our unbeell· cteen. Must'"' S8000 O t Oood conc:t, $1700 or 875-4707 .,,: 6 OAI< FIREWOOD YOU ltmn IOIO' Shey repltc.•: pickups & VOIVOI, Pickup• Vert• bl• sel•c llon, U lllngs 640-79 12. 544-9455 AllWO I bel t oiler 5311-1148' ----------1 PICK UP OR WE DELI-...................... coup•• 4 to Cl'IOOI• Can UI lod•yt •nd ~ lode y1 2800 HetbOt BlvO Admirer R•lrlg. Herve11 VER 483-11748 Mwlne S«vlOee I lroml 1(1087681 (Stlt lllYEllITT 76 Porsche 914. 1.8. 5 COSTA MESA 111•1• HST gold w/ ............ eln hand-~n/lne1 ..... /Aeor" 1pd, Ilk• new. stereo 1 ··,·1·,···,.··m······,·.;· .. •••• lea 2dr-~.1250 Hydreullc Selon Chr, QI~ M'9.-2520'E I A3093) Prtcee1tartlt1Q•I Ulll 1 IHYME Megs, AIC. Mull H ll 141-1111 ' 642·tMS ' amok• c olored Oood . v ., H,lllJ 28SO H.,l>Of Btvc:t BUI oll•r 846-3753 --------~ cond 140 873·4 188, ... ,, #•lilH COSTA MESA -•: 641·5555. dey1 '79 Etdo 0 11 Stive r & 636-2593 ~!!r.!!! ......... 1!. •• 1 "3-e313 ~nl Hll 1'~~_:• M0-1140 lollr ••-11Sf t;~~A:.~~'~ At cd ,,.,,., HIS Ladi.1 10 ~ bllle In Vlctor len doll houae, •••• • •••••••••••••• ••••••••'·-·-••••••••••• . •••••••••••••••••••••• exc.llwtl cond 176 329 mul•r c relted. Coat 10 HIP, Sew• outbOatd " .... .,., .u .. uo '11 08'11 Eldoredo Conv•rtrbl•. '11 flll•I 11 .. 3rd St COtn Ot Ot8nQ.. S40 0 , .. 11 1 3 00 motor. V•ry ld oond. 4 f1Pd,goodconc:t $2500 *lOUllR INU.S.A tll75, brown . loeded. Pont1eo.xtnt cond.mo10t H 8. ' •t5-4123 l t75, M:S-627 WI Ill Ot beet O"-711e-809G IUll'l•r 1n11 . $5700 '11ene perf CIHn body ALUM, MAST few Mllboel, USED CARS & TRUCl(S mr A 0\ /CO 8'45·8266 & lnlr, new tlr .. & radio 20" Soya AMF ~ t wey elrpl•ne lle ltel eo~t SlOOO COME IN OR OALL FOR Cherry 'IO Prel\ide. Sunl1. \....l"'-1'V LI'-64,...85 bllte. Fine oonc:tttton. 139. (TWA) lo Pltttbvtgtl, Pe ' · ....... _.. 5 IY""'1: C•••lf HI --------~ .. -..8 hep tr ••• Nov 6 , '82 _. " -.2.seeo ·53 s1~er CNlmC>lon ••n _.r_ al<, IPd. •ml lm. 14100. -('i...11~[ •••••••••••••••••••••• 'ti re•-•t ... ........,.,, 5 ~.. c~· NICI 0 Cormier O.Ullo 8 5 1-1228 Ann I Ytl' - ••. 1,1~1-I &4t·6057 ..... hwt -... l3 ,.,. 1,.t 15·9,. 17•9,. er. . • .cg2•1292 ~~:~~ ~,;.,,::,,1~ '80 CAMARO l28 ltw. Rtbll 400 Turbo tr•n1, .... •••••'•••••••••••~ ""' • •· ' OllYllLIT 11991 ._n 1,,,. xlnl cond Meny x1re1, new ~ & neuo.n)'CM •• ,.,,.,, '" Lift uu..... ... . IULll • ht4 ..... lte4M 182 t 1 HACH 8WO. .. ...... ,,.,.. 8 4 2. 9 3 8 3 0. b b y Int, •Jtlru. Lo<*• fOOd, •••••••••••••••••••••• Perl9e1 lor Ill occatlOnt. -. 1041 Ford Woody We· HUNTINGTON IEACH 5 epd, •Ir, em/Im CH · hd fflf• 647-llt22. runl xlnl. Mutt Mil now A!'!! ~~:~!!~1ng.f :~3~4!~;. H•llo wun ~~r::· 0::·c~·~,~-~·; gon, lt3,000. Hl-1111, Mt-Jiil ::::n~=~~-~0,0~ •:; .... iiii"w•iii°• .. f!'.~tJ.-.1 ........ !!~ .:11~:::.e:c:::.eio 4-20' IOtlO: ~ r9dWood SCRIU LETS 1:~ ... at lldYlllC!ecl 1929 FOfd Mod411 A Town T Doi bat otr. IMO-HO I • .... lllAll Ill II PlllTI corwtrllbl•, n•• •nQ, f9ncWl9. C4llt Jim or Ken' ftlll• Marine Tfll'ltPOf", 1872 Std an • I 10 '0 0 0 . op ar '78 CVCC. new tlrH & Equipment lncludH a Wt hevt e QOOd eet.c• Irani, xlnt cOncl, 13200 tnyttme. 7'76·1•t1 ANSWERS P1ec.ntle Aw CM. Oot 1175·8181, Pai·d brtkH, amllm 011•, "*"' tranemlMIOn, po-11011 ol NEW a USED 1>11 olr. &5 1·0•31 . c .. ,,,, ' 23 lhnl Oot 2t. belwMn ·ee MU8TANO Conv. •int grHI mpg. ~1nl cond . w•r .... ,,.,g • AM/FM C~olel•I _11_4_&-_14_4_2 ____ _ Hoolttd . ,.lour 8AM·SPM, l taltd bid orig oonCI, 1 owner. Red For Your C.,1 13500 LIN &t.MT70 etet'eo cautt1-. (1to0a). tt78 8onnevll!e. Per'ftet •.• ~!tf!~!••••••••• Grime . TMPOI Of*111'19 2 PM, Oc!1 21 at •16ilc 1n1., 7&8.Q097, ..... I IH .92 Aoc:0td <4·d•. io.o.ci. cond. Low ml'"9t, fUll n~••• K.1000 .....-..... ,, MOUT... ofllc• or Soutl'I CoHI 0 ..,_ ••teo 844••11 n•" ...,..,..,.. " Merine Sl.H'Ytyotl , 6732 '82 Xoellbur, Ivory •llh LhMell•ltrHIJ lmmao . 1&476 V•1 ..---· .,., · .._ with &Omm, Hm"' I P anflandlt r l•menllng 1.,t Znd SI, Lone 8Mch c•m•I lntt H '"" Of' 2t2t Hwt>or ltvd et•·7395. e\19t 873-<>1'4 136mm lt nH•. 1 170, hie ..... OI •lfelr•i "I'm toe03. M•tt Hou1ton TV Sflow. Coe11 ..... 640-5830 l'OI CllHlftad Ad 931"9207 '° poot, I otn'I ~ ... IMt ""'91 be acoomp•-(71•) N1·S04e. You don'I need • gun to ACTION flmo ~ I loOW\ U · ford • roof 011•r mr nltf wttl'I a1at'1i mon.y 8uyl1'19 end Mltlng e1 • "draw fHI" wflen )'OU ; ~ ,,..., 00f'llP4, MometlO. MOUTH:' Ofdtr. or ~ ctltOll N "/Oii ~ "*'" reeeoneblt pr1ot-01at'• piece .,, Id In IN Deity 752 0900 .....,. ..-i:• yall -.t Ao.~ ,.~·r:::~=I~. In f:~to:/uu , Ill /~·.::.::&:..=.'" ;r::,.,.yebte to Aldo :rMW:::1r',.... ::.::, ~1::.~~;d I• •II ~l~~Adtl C•now • :=.•:::.n;:•oo Mt ... 11 ij_' - • Q lllllif CIAIT lllTllCTll 1111:1 I flllTAll lllllY WfONES OAV OC l ORHl II l!.1112 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Four flee burning boat, saved off Laguna four pt'<>plt' s,1 ,mdt·J 1111 11 hll• 1,1ft fut 11\Utt• lha11 :111 llllnlltt·~ Wt•re rt·M'Ut>d Tut•i-.day t•vt•nin~ oU tht• l'Ofbl 11f L<.1guna &'iJl'h whllt• thetr pll·<.1~Url· l'r.irt burmo<l und sank 111 ah•>lll !10 ft•t•I of wutt.•r Tht• Vt'liM'I. a ·I:.! loot 1':d1111 'r11h1•1 11111 111 N1·wpu1 l fh•.11'11 "Thi· Fut v " c•t uptt"I 111 ll.11111·::. .11 Jbuul Ii -t !'> p 111 111111o(hl v .11111 v.ud' 11ff ~:nll'1 .1 hl l~v. 11111 lh ol L.1gu11.1 At·,11 h ~:u..i1·111 • M11l111.11 11, .1 N1 ·wp1111 Jlt.,1d1 n •s1d1•nt and owrn·r of lh1 • I 1\1,1 l. tuld .111 thcll'l ll1 •!<> 111' ,c nd l11s Councilman sued over Huntington marshland work By ROBERT BAllKER 0 1 lhe D•llY Pllol St•tt H unti n gton Bt'Jl'h Cit) Coun('tlman John Thomas has been sued by thl· Cahforni.i Coastal Comm1ss1on on c-ha rgl·s his heavy equ1pmc•nt l'Ompany perfonned work on a protC'<.'tl'<.l 15-acre marshland without stau• p<>rmits Mill s L a nd and WatC>r Company. ownt-r of the la nd south of Newland S trt•et and near Pac1(1c Coast Highway an Huntingto n Bt'3l'h, also w a~ named a defendant in thP action The lawsuit. fik>d Tut•sdav m Orange County Suix•nor Court. asks for a $10.000 l'IVI I penally and a potential f1m• of $5.000 JX>r day of alleged violations It d1argt•::. th c.11 lWo l\ Jlt'' ,,r µn •lt'l'H•d wt.'lt.1nd pl.mt-; w1·11· n •m 11\'t'l.I m th1· "ork do1w "' l'I thl· Julv :!:~ '.!b wc•t•kt·11u Effo1:t.s tu l'OlllJl'l Thoma:. w1·rt · Un!>un·l·ssful tod.1\ Hut tilt· !>L'l.'ond-IL'rm c11v coui1l'llm~1n hiJ!> said l'ltY off1L·1-ab hJd !Jnkrl'd Mdb to. l't.'muvt• tht• \\'(•t•di,. iJlld g.1rlx.1g1• from tht• µrn1~·rty .ind that l\lill!> h1n·d h1' 1·0111µany lo dcJ tht• work. A <'llY off1c-1.il pt 1•v1ou:.l ~ -,.ud th.it a WL't'd al><.1lt 1111111 1111t11 ,. w.i-. p(lstt·cl on only 1h1• uutl•r. nun·m<Jr:-.hland prop<'rty ,j{JJ:.1c·1·111 to tht• marshland an·01 But tod:1y . Publ1l Wurki-. Dirt•c-tor P au l l'ook sai d subSt'qUl'nt tnVl•::.llg<.1t llHl ... hllWL'<I I ce THOMAS. P age A2J Pelican destroyed; • • • 1n1ur1es too severe By JOEL C. DON ()("the Delly Piiot Sien A mutilated brown pelican th at turned up Monday in Re dondo Beach had to be destroyed due to lls in1uries. according to a stale Fish and Game Department ofhc1al The death is the first among the 11 maimt:'d birds that have been captured during the past two weeks. said OFG spokesman R alph Young Authorities believe angry fisherme n may have cut or c ho pped off the upper beaks of as many as 15 pelicans in the Da na Point Harbor area. The pelican's beak was partially severed and the nasal passage cut, leaving the bird m extr eme pain , Young s aid . H awthorne veterinarian Rick Woerpe l. who perfo rme d prosthetic s urger y on another mutilated pelican in Laguna Nig u el Sunday, dec ided the animal could not be saved. "It was a value judgment on my part to put the bird out of its misery," Woerpel said. The situation as a little bright.er for the other muulated pelicans that have been found Nine birds are being cared for at Crown Valley Animal Hospital in Laguna N iguel and a 10th pe lican, that had apparent ly flown to San Diego Harbor. is at Sea World. OFG officials say they have no way of determining the exact number of mutilated pelicans. "I hope there aren't any more," Youn g said "lt's bad e nough as it is." Pinocchio recovering At the Crown Valll.'y hospital. vt>tC'rinanans surg1cally atta('hc>d an artificial beak to o ne bird appropriately dubbed Ptnoc:'('hio the' Pelican. The a nimal doctors hope Pinocchio will be able to return to the· wild, though they rear the fiberglass prosthesis (See PELICAN, Page A2) Newport election By STEVE MARBLE 0( IM Deity Not 8teff It's election sea.son m Newport Beach and all the dignity and restraint of city government has been pushed aside for another high-stakes political shootout. In the tradition of past City Council races. the election has bee n punctuated with mud- slinging, five-figure spending sprees and a re new a I of the growth/no-growth debate. Four of the 1even council seall will be filled Nov 2 and in th<• waning days of the c:ontcst, more than $110,000 has been spent by the nine candidates wooing the voter. ~nd1dates run in districts but are elected on a citywide vote The most expensive contest is between Mayor Jackie Heather and challenger David Grant, an ollom ey who has spt>nt nearly double the $22.000 that Heather haa raised ----llDEX---- At Your Servlce A5 Ann Landl'rs B~ Business AS Movies 84 Oavalcadl' 82 Mutual Funds A8 Cl&Mlfied 05-8 National Newa A3 Comics 86 Public Notku C1'09WOrd 86 A8,83.B7-8,D5 Death Notice. ~ Spor\11 01-5 EditorlaJ AlO Stock Mark~ta A9 En~nainmcnt 84 Tt"levlslon 86 Food Cl -12 Thentt>rs 84 HOl'09COpe 82 Weather A2 I ~-:; ' () thre v 111111p.11111111' lill'<I 111 li..:11 1 h.11 k 1111 · fl.11111 .. \\Ith li lt c •>..llll~lll,111•8' hut lo:•i \'1 llfl ,dt1 I ,,·v1·1,,j llllrllllt•:. ,1i11I '' I 11111 111 11 t uhht·i ltf1· 1.11 t <lth1•1, .d111,11d 1li1 v 1•,s1•I , i 1•11t1t lt•dly h1 •:1cl1·cl {1 11111 l>.111.i l 1111111 l•• N1•wp11r1 l l.11 IJt•I', w .. , ,. 1d1•1111t11·d '" .Iii\' Mt•H't'I, :1:l. c1f 11 v1111', .L1111111 M 1 I )ornild. :!"/, u f S ,, n t .1 A 11 .1 • .. 11 d M .1 i v Kli·11lw11111·'· :! I 111 < '0,1.1 M1·'" A11 Or.11tJ.W ( '11u111 y S lw1 iff'i. !lat 11111 l'.llt'c1I ,,puk•"!->111.111 said -.t'\/t't .ii 111 uplt• r1·poi ti ·d M'l'llll;! tlw l1111 n1ng li11:i1 a11d 11111· rn1111 l'Vt'll Ir 11•d Ill SW ll)I lllJI lei th<• II ,If t Bv till' lllrn• th1· l'oai.t Cu<ird l'U t tc•t l 'rnnt D1v1d1• 01rr1v1•d u 11 thl• ~·t•rlt', tlw l'.llJlll lTlliSt'I w.,u, 1·n~ulf1•d in rl.in11·s, lhl· s pokt·sman said I t V.J' Jll0llt1·t h;1lf h tJ UI bt·ron· tl"•l Ut•ts w1·n · .1blt· to l(J(·att· lht• life r.ift •1fl Abalone Pu1nt T iii' own1·r rt.'fJ<ll tt-dly tuld authon1tc:1 his hoal h11d IJt-en havrng trani .. nll!'>Mt111 p1 11blt·rns, but till' C'ausi· •>f tlw f11 t• was not 1mmt-d1utt•ly known Deity Piiot Photo by Q•ry AmbroM """\o . I " .\rt'lwr waH·~ to Laguna motorists in his ro le as the city's •H '" ,.:r(•(•ft•r. ··1 ~a" a Hu·a rwy and I fillt•d it.'• he expla ins. He's 'No. J,' but only No. 2 greeter By STEVE MlTCllELL Of the D•H1 Piiot Sten He's calll-d The New Gr<.'C'tt>r ldenllC'al twin:. That \\.'as thl' l.1:.1 thing Mr .md Mrs Artht•r l'X(X'<.'tt'<.l wh1·n tht• boy~ W(•r<' born 5 1 V('<ll"> ago Ill l'ullonwoo<l. TPx Nol by everybody he gre<>ts, mind you Somt: o f them call him unprantablt.> nam<~ Othl•rs point at him with a f1:igl'r that d0<'5 not sig111fy "No 1 " -. But No I JUSt laughs and ~houL<>,''I IOVl' you." to his motoring antagonists To his l'redat, No 1 does not appear to be hom ing m on lht' old Dane's popularity "I'm not trying to portray something I'm not," the beardt-d nC'w gret.•tt'r says "But as far a~ w alking thl' path he (Larsen) walkl'CI and filling a trJd1t1on I saw a vacam·v. I flll(•d it .. md I find it As 01 n•sult. hi!<> hasulv S<:rihblt:d lllrth l't•rllficatt· rc·ad~. "No 1 Unnamf'd Art·ht•r " No I'" hrotht•r .1;, you might h..iVl' guc·-.sl'd ""~ cluttfulh ltstl'd .ii. "No 'l Unnam('d A1l'h1·r" You sc·c-. No. I "gets his l'n<.'rgy" from the .:;milt•s h<' puts on JX'OPlt's' fa('t:'S. fulfill ing." · "No onC>'s h1n-d ml>, no om· pays me a salary. I work for 1•vnybody." hl' says, smiling thrOU!o{h a p<tlr or m1:-.s1ng front h"l•th Thi· om•:-. going to work in the mornmg Tht· 11111·~ takmg thL· kid:. to sc:huul Tht• om-:. ~tut·k m hl<x.ks-hmg trafftt· _)ams No 1 :-.1111 g1.1e·' h' "h.1t·, 11n tht birth I 1• rt If I l d ll' l' \I II I h 11 Ugh h IS fJ.11 I' n l C. 1 vl.'ntually ~ut Mound to giving tlw twin-. mon• c·onv<'nllon.il first n<1mc-:. But. lt•t's fac.·c It Ei ler Lars~m h1•'s not Tht· original GreC'l('r. who d1C'd seven v<.·a~ ago. was bdovl'{I by Lagunans and \'isn ors who luukC'd forward to his hearty "Ha 1111000 llow ArrrrrPC·(•(' y ()I){>(),.. ro"r 01111 t· th.in thrN· dt:tadt•s on Laguna's 'lfl'<'h And the n -sponS4• to datt• has lx'f.·n good, No I says But in Lagun;i At·.tlh. N11 1 ha~ al'<lll•rt·d ,1 fl(•\\ nmnP as h1• 'tands on the· <.1dc·w:1lk. waving .md p11i 11 llng 111 µas.o;111g ni1 •t•>r~'L' Jnd rwrplC'lWd fJ1•tl1•,t11,111' "It's the m~t r<•warding thing l'n· P\'C•r du1w," he says I fr dt'SCTllx'S his stn.•1•t mmistrv a.'> sort uf a "lime out" for mutori::.L'>. · (See GREETER. Page A21 AirCal's Clifford seeking new career I\ 1 r Ca I Pr L's 1d1·11 I H u lJ l r I Clifford. to ll•aVl' h" post with 11,.,. Nl·wpnrt Bc.•al h h;1<;tod t·arnrr Ix... I .,.11c1 h<· will pursu<• a nt:\\ l'iHl'l'i outs ad (• th<' :urlinl' 1ndu~trv Cit ff ord' ti I. IS a f nrml'r u s Air Fort't' pilot who t·;1ml' to the • flc-<lgltng airltnl' 111 1968 und was namt•d pres1dt•nt a nd th1t'f ('X('\.'UllVl' thrft• VNll' latC'r He announec-d hi-. r<>srgnat1on Tuesday. less than ,1 W('C'k aftl•r A1rCal unveiled plans for a maJOr r out<' rC>altgnmc nt ll'av1ng m;irkC'ls m Las Vc•gm;, Phoenix. Frt•s no and M11nl1•11·v. while adding flights 111 L'i~ht otlwr dl .... u n:ll1ons In another <:o::.t·l'Ulttng move, tht' airline wall I.iv o ff 309 cmpl oy<.•t's lx•forl' tht> (•nd of the ypar mC'ludmg 2Y pilots Gen Wilham Lyon, chairman nf tht' board and ('<1-c>WnC'r. will l<!kt• ovn as pn•s1dt'n l Clifford said h<' has bt'en pointing toward n•t1rt•ment for a y (' a r a n d h 1 s d t' l' 1 s i o n i s md<•JX>nde nt of tlw r('('('nt moves at A1rC:al He wall t•ontiHut• lo work as a t·on s ulta nt for th e a irline, w o rking in governme nt and poltt1cal c ircles He• said h e mt<•nds to start a ne w 1:arcer m a non -av1at1on field but, a t the moment. 1s undecid ed o n spcc1ftc-s. "l think the liming 1s right," Clifford said 111 a te leph one interview "We're going through a maJor change in our r oute schedule, building in strength and pointing toward proflt.ab1lity It's a good lime to J>8$ on the rems .. Lyon, 59. began his aviation car('("r with Fronl1t·1 A1rl111es and rcx-..•ntly ('Omplt'IL'CJ i.I rour-ycar wrm .is chie f of thl· Air F'ort'e Rt•sc.•rvC'S L yon also heads th<• Wilham Lyon Co . o rw of lht• largest rC's1dcnt1al homl' builders an California C li fford . a San C lt•mente resident, previously was a pilot with Northwest Aarhm.•s and is active in numerous l'l\'IC a nd govC'rnment organizallons. A1r<:al 1s an interstate carrier that has a rlet>t of Bot>ing 737s and DC-9 Super 80s. gloves off and pocketbooks open At 52, Heather 1s a City Hall wtcran She was elected tn the c·otmd l m 1978. selt'<'t(>d mayor m 19110 and has M'rwd on both the l'llY planning romm1ss1on .and the n ow-dC'func t South Coast Rej(1onal Coast.al Commission. HN campaign Rtratcgy has bf'C'n lo highlight tht: polliltve things that have happcnl'd in the city during her stint as m11yor and to indirectly brush off G rant as a "no-growth. antt-busln~" t·andidAl<' ''The city needs t'XpN1en<.·e right now," llh<' noted during a rf'Cent intervu•w. "My opponent 11 very green. He dO<'l!n't have the experience or thP Bct't'AA thnt I hnv('" She said that Grant hns a potcnlml conflict o f ln«'N"!il 1n h11 rnli111onshlp with the! Comm trn'(' of 4000 . th t• group o f hom1•owners who arc fighting lht> Irvlnt-Comp.1ny over 1.mnunl l<'Wlt' teell th y must poy Grunt. 3~. IA" ~·nlor µ.trtnt'r In a Nt•wport Beach law firm and has spt•nt m ort' than $43,000 trying to get tht-naml' identity he• ne<'Cls to unS<'at Heather. Grant s;:11d a p o ll he comm1ss1oned s howed that H ea t her has be t ter name rt"cogni11on in Newport Beach than Tom Bradlf'y does in Los Angeles. He addc-d that the poll does not indicate how much of Heather's rt'<-'Ognition 1s positive. "I thank Ill the lost l'OUple o ( years she's been ~oing downMll m dealing .with c1tlum."," Grant ch11rgl'<I "She's out of touch and h a s s h ow n ll la c k o f professionalism In how aho goes ab"ut j(ctting things done." Grant Is not defensive about his rc:>latlonshlp w it h the Committee of 4000 Hf.' said h " d id legal work for the sroup, llvt•s o n I rvi n e Compan y I AM-hold lond himself and did us<' tht' committtt m mbcrthlp 01 o 1prlngbo1rd for his campaign "But that Is not a ~ovemmenl issue It is a legal issue a nd it ceruunly won't color my thinking in dealing with t h e Irvi ne Company. I am unbiased toward the lrvine Company." Though they may mix words. Heath e r and G rant are not tlra malicnlly apart on issues such as the airport, growth and traffic the st.apl~ of the election. H ea th e r voted f or the controversial Banning Ranch development and. in retrospect said the approved plan was ar excellent compromite. She doet share 90me concern with othen that developer Wllllam Bahning s h o uld give c itize n s aome indication what he Intends to de with the remaining 425 acres of hls ranch. O r tant d oea not f•vor the 1pprovett pl1n but Hid the preaent zoning on the land - lour dwellina unlta ~r acre -ia unfair to deVeloper &nnlng. In mektna her pitch for re· election. Heather h•• pointed conatantly to the U ml1llon cleanup in the Upper Newpott Bay, the cons truction of the Newport Bay bridge and the city's legal victory over the opera tors of John Wayne Afrport as some of her achievements. G rant's response 1s that h~r administration has also been h\t by tw o r e f e r e ndum s, a n indication, he said. thht things in City Hall aJl aren't going so well. Although som e candidates have talked privately a bout Heathe r's recent stroke, Oran.t said he has gone out of has way not to dwell on the mayor-'• hcallh and does not con.\lder It en Issue . Heather, who impr~'Aed even h e r h ardest c ri tlca wll h h er speedy return to City Hall. aald her he.Ith 11 flM and ~ only lingering reminder a allaht llmp. The council battle between Inc umbent Paul Humm~I a ch1llenaer Bill Agee ln Co del Mar la the muddlett of all, non .. top exchan,e of edjectl Aace. O , • proftulon (See ELECTION, Paa• AS) • • r.aa W I FV d lays roof ordinance • action • PELICAN DE ,TROYEJ>. • • jJ(ht rip u (f wtwn tlw htrd dlV•'' Ho th1• :.1•u tu h u111 f11>lt It.ts 111t1·11·d .t $.1.nno '''"'•"" '"' 111l111111al11111 l1.1d1 11,. 111 1111 Coor ID h art I 111 I 11u 11t.1111 V.111• )' l'11 ~ ( '111 1111 ti I 1.1"1 d··l:I\ t•d " dt '''"1"11 1111 ,, Ill• to ,,..,l,1111 111•11 111d111.11t11 111 din\\ lrM .ii 1 r .ii • ,l,111 ••I!' llh 111 1 \ ilu 111 lh1 I oud lllJ.: 111.1111 1.il, 11111111111.t 1111d11 '"' p111p11-..d 1,1\\ li t Ult\ C•lft-d l•I lht• l'llUIH ti Ill ~' pH·111lw1 1'111 11111111,11111 114u111·-. llial all 11.11 1' llll 111·1A.I\ 1111.,.,l lUtH•d Young p1'11t•nn:-. s how httlt• (1.,11 f hu m ans ancJ u f1t•11 w all i.nJld1 fret• nwal uf ltv1• .1111'h1,v11•-. m bl.lit ta nk:. or 1·v1·11 d 1vt• ul 11•1 { llll\'ll 111111 111 1111\11111 Ill lht '•I"'' In Jdd1111111. ,, "1i.11.111 N.1111111.il Aucluhon So111·t\ 11 •\\,11d l1111d h.J'o 'oWo·l lo•d 111 $11 ,0IJO, \\ 11 11 do>ri.1111111:-. 1111111 '" l.11 .i-. Liit· -.1.111 111 \V, ... 11111g11111 aving announced l-'111 · ( '1111 I H11 lt.11 d .11111{1·11,1·11 ,1).'l t Id 111 llll"t 'I \\1th 1111111111 '' 111 tli• 11111111111-:11111 Ht ·" 11 h 1l1111.1111 \.•II•, U11.11 d 111 Ht .• 1111 7-. 111 lu11111 "' 111 '''''' 11·p l.it • 11wn1 111 " 1 • • 1 ., I" 111 ,, ti 1 • 1 of n 11 n • vt11l11J.,11l11!· '"'"' 1 t.tl-, Tiu· 111·w p11rp11 .. tl ,tlo,11 111I11111 ' llt'.llt•tl \\tHHI llM ll'o lft,11 11 '"'>1 1111 l1UI Ult 11111 c 1111q1]1 I• )\ 111111 111111liu.,11'1lt· crmt•n's l·au:h So11ll'llrnt·s t h1· b irds g t•l lm1gll'd 111 11:-.hang 11 111·' and rn.•ts Pt•lw~in populat11111-. tilong \ht• Califurr11,1 1·oast lhl\ ,. hcen inn t•asi11g following t lll' ban of 1hc-p1•stie1d1• DO'f in tlw t•arly '70s, Young acJdt'tl T hl• M'.irl·h fur tht· J>l'r..4111 111 1 -p eop lt• rc:.pon ... 1bl1· fur th•· mutila tions 1s l'Ont1nu 111g in tlw I Dana Po int H a rbol' ur t•u T lw U.S. Fis h .rnd Wild h ft• St·1 vw1· I H1 II\\ II p .. 111 ·'"' .111 1111 I 1 .. fl•d1·1.il 1•11d.111g111 ·11 '>fll'\ll''o 11,1 1\ny111ll' 1·1111v1t·1t d 111 h 1 ll111g 111 Ill.JUI Ill).{ llll' li11d'o 111,1:-· IH· ,lll•J''' I 111 ,, $;!0.lllJO 11111' .111d 111 .i \l",ll 111 J.111 Al ..... tht• .. 1.111 'llll'oldt•I'> 1111 lit1d-. " p111t1 •1 lt•d 'f14'1 II'' .11111 •• fH 'l -.11 11 l11u 11 d lllJlll lllg th•· ;1111111...11" c•11n hi• l1m•d $1 .llllll .ind t)I ·' \1•:11 Ill J.111 THOMAS SUED • • • ~tl')at the <'i ty postl·d thc l•1H1n• ·~-acre m a r s h a rl'a for Wl'l'd 8':>a te m e n t "It was a m 1stuk l'. T hl· Wt'l'd abate ment o ffwer first tulcJ 11ll' ·oe>ly lhe outside art•a was po~tl'd Bi.at we la ter founJ out that thl· ~Ids we h1rt>d lO do th t• .)Ob poslt'\I ~t~ whole area," Cook said 'l'lll'V ,11"1 ,,11d p1\'\111l"I\ \li,1l I h \' w ,, I k \\ .1 !'> ,1 . v. I 11 I II I \ 0 11>1,111 11 11 "' '""'' tu.i-.1.il fJI Ull'l.'llltll f,IW' Th1·v .... 11111h.1l Tl\11111.0:-. .ind th• Mdb i .. 11111 a11d \A,',,11·1 l'olllp.111\ \\'t•11· .1war1 ol the di'"' ' pntlt 111•d .. 1.1111-. .111d k1ll'W th.11 g1.111!11g \\lllk ll'ljlllll'fl pl'lllllh ·11 ... llu111111gl1>11 1\1 .1 1 ti 1<111.11 .. ( 'f11ti \\ill ''""''Ill ,1 ''" 11,.,,,t s.1\11" "'"'". 111 • o1 I d I II p ll I Ill It 11 .I I \' 11''-'1'-' 11,1111111 'l'ul',d.1 v .• t 1111111111~•11111 11111 ·111111111111111t \ ll11-.p1l.tl l1 1'i.! l\c·.11 lt lihd '1'111 · •I."'" ill Iii h..Jd 1111111 It ;111 '" Ill :ltl p 111 111 t 1,.. h 1,.q1111 .1 ·~ bu ,,1111•!.-. .111<1 l'lhh .1111111 .111111'' 111.11 th• , uu 11•• '" ' ,f, ",, 11n. ,., ·r1u • 1111· I· 1111111.1111 \'.dll, S1 lt1111J I'"'' 11 1 li.i:-. 111•1•11 111·11g 1111 1 d 1,, Su11tl11111 ('111 1111111.1 Fd1 ... 111 l 'u 1111 ,,1\ 111g ~I l ~I l1hll 111 1·t11 ·1 g\ 1·\pt 11il1lutt"• d111111g 1111· J !II! I H :! "·Ii 110 I v, •.11 'f' Ii" ''"""ltd ll1t d1 ... 11111 ', l'l/!tl Ill 1'111 l g\ ,,t\111).(' 111 '11 ' l:.!' """ .• \\di 111 ,, , ..... 1.·d 11111111 111.1 1'111 ~d.1\ "' '·""""''tit l '.ot lhfl•·•lth \\ill 11 .1111 ltuv. Ill ,1d1111111.,ll'I 111• -..1\ 1111.1, 111·.111111111 111 \ll1111h "' 111 .11 1 ·'"·" k d1ti\\11111~· l111k• .111.J 11t 111 I ,11lt11••fl h t111lll '111,illf 1t•d 1111 · 111 1 .1 I h c· Ip ,, 1 1 1 \ 1 ., l<1·~!l'-ll':tl1011 111l11rm:1t11111 1·:111 111 11111 .11111 11 l1 v 1.1II111g UL! I li'J 1" ..!l.1 I )1:-011·11 I 111111 ·1.il:-. -.:.1.I t1111~.t ul lh•• .,;i\'lllJ.l Ill t 11 ·1 11 ll.d I ll'>h """ i1ll11h111o ·d 'llllf1h 111 llHlllllj~ 1111 li~:/i h Ill .111,1 11111 111 UM S1 11 .. '"' .Jll "'"' " .. ' ... 11 ·1·1 I llCJll) llllllll llJl''o \\ ,,,, ,,,.,urc· 111.11 J1gh1, "" 111111• d 111 I \\ 111 II \ l,l'-'-l t,.tll1 .1 It \.II ,1 It •d d1 •• lh' 1111 · 01d11i.11111· ;111d "''"'·'' ,,llllJilt•' 111 l•Hdllij.!, 111,llt'll,tl' 1\1 lu1• d.i\' 111 .. 11111-'. :111 I I 111111 ti \\ '" 'ol1t1V. II ,1 I dllt 111 l,"I 1~fllll ' 1\11,d11 1111 I Ill \\ l t11 It d t .. 1111\'1 d 1111111 111.111 11111 ''""' w11b .111d Id I Jboul l..11J!J p1 opll• '"''"'I·...,., 'lh1 111111 1111111 .tlt·d '"' 1\1t.tl1t·lll1 1111 l.111111 oJ Ji\ '-l l u llg \\ 111tb ... ,,11·;111 qui• ldv .1111111114 tlw l1u1ld111g-. \\1lh ll.1111111.ilil1 · ,ft,.f\1 · I"" h F I I I l . It I • I .I II I '~ I II " II 1 lllllt 11d1 d 1h.11 '1111tl.11 • 1111d1t1111" , '"1 111 Fm1111.1111 \',,Ill'\ .111d '·'"' 1lw '·""' l\)>t 111 t11 .... "lt11w. 1111 " Ill Id •• I· 111 I h I I ' • I h1 I 1111 I Il l d 111.1111 I "I pl•,, lilt d '!Ut·,d ,1\ 111glt1 IA.,,, .• 1.1 ... 11lt•1 \\ """' 111 1111 111•11111:-..11 • l>.111 ll•l flfl\ 'l""'kllll{ 1111 li1 ·1t . .11 "' 1111 IJ0.111 1 ul 11·:1ll•11 :.. ,1-.k1 d 11 ... c11u1111I t1• tlt·l,1 ~· ac·t11111 1111 1111 1111 '"'"'' 1111111 1111 11-.11tw·-, 1 ,1 ti 111 1 I I 111· I 11 I 1 h II I • '- J1l 1 ,, 111.iltllll ..... 1 ""fl' it lht· fll 11111111 cf llHlllllj.( 111.Jll'l IOil .. 'l'h", 11um·1I ug1 .. l'll 0111 po'>tponc· I ii II ' I •It I ,, I I ti II I) I I h ,. 11 td111.i 111 1 u1111I N 11' lfi ( '11u111 d111.111 B .. 11 N"'"'' 11 •• bu ,...,kt1l th.ti 1h1 11111l 111g 111;111•n :1b !Jt It·\' If' W 1 •cl Ii\ I h I ' II l \.' :-. J•J.11111111g ( '111111111-.-.11111 De Lorean spends 8th Cook said Tho mas' c ram• Jnd king company hnul<'d away of rubbish and w eeds 111 lhl· ning a nd g rading of thl· an•a "The city h as no probll'm wnh Marathon meetings bug cable workers night in jail 8\ Ll:'\DA OEl'TSCll Aiaoc:leted Preu Writer what was d one. Th<',v (Thonw ... · workers) also pu t up a berm 10 <>Ji:*otect 011 tank far m s in th•· ·>1Mie a," Cook said <tH>·C o a s t a I C o m m 1 s s 1 o n w oepresentallves said prl'v1ou'I' .,.~11hat two t y p es o f pro l eet1·d wetland plan ts Wl'rl' d estru\'t•d ~ffttr S a h t·orn1a V1q,pn1t·a. ·""' 0 rk,.f\o wn as p1t·klcwl.·ed .• inti .,rFrankcn1a Grand1foha ')')II I .,CREETER ... h !J 8) ROBERT BARKER Of the Oel1y Pl1ol Still L 11< .ii • ,1hl1· t1h•\1-.iun '' ,11111 t·mplo\•·•·' 11,1 1111 th1·~ .ill' ,ulf1·11llg 11 0 111 burnuu1 .ifll'I l"t•n •1111g Jt"I l\\ o I lunt111g1on &·<1d1 l '11 \' l 'uu nn 1 mt•t·u ng:. Both !'>t·s~1n11' -.tLirtt·d at 7 ;m pm Mond.i;-.md l .1:.tl·d u1111I l'Xhau .. 11111\ .,,.1 1n .It I :w .1 m Tu1 •sd,I\ i; _ii' h 's takmg t he t1ml' tu b<.• \\1th "><1111t'Orw even .r 1t':. JUSl for an 1ri~tan1." hl' said. 0 )11$ green eyes Clashing .,111 "It's a m inuscult· b:-l'ak. hk1• .i coffc·l' n w eak for th<>St.· on tht• highway " b11,,Beforc hl· d1scardl'<I most of h" "'orh.Jh ~c;e-ssion~. No I wa~ a Navy mcm lnr a c:1~41zen Yl'<lr~. and latt·r was a n>ok .iho .. 1d uwna boa L-. Lind a 'l'l'olllll' rf'Sl'.1n h \'l':-.~c·I He evt·n upt•rat<'d h.-. u wn lx·aut:-"""11' 1~ San Dwgo. but hl· !'>ay-. h1' t·ur r .. ,,1 fiYQCa tion is WC'kommg moton!'>h t•• lht .\11 •)'1plon ,v Jn·/i'M y food and shl•ltt•r l'Oml''-from (;,,o d lJrough all my Cnt·nd._, .. hl• '-lY'-of hi:-rw\\ bhve lihood "I h<avc 110 mun"'y an m~ J.)(X.'kt-t t;vv;l I don 't know whl'rr mv dinnc•r's c:om ing from 10111gh1 .. ~n11•sut," hi.' savs. smiling again. 'Ill\' n~~·d., '"'Ill b<' me1 .. nu <!11, .An h o w long dr><-s No l pl.:.1n 11 • u111~tnlh his slr<'t'I :-.<.1lu1..C:1t11m~ m Laguna Hl·;u h " l'J)4 ·•r ,"H ow lung havt• I g ot. d1.x:t111 '· ht· <,.,k,, 0~aning on h1., cane• and laughing l1 '"I have• no othl·r purp<1M• for bi ing them ·1\lflts," hi.' an:-.wer., "'v\ ' .. \',. h1'l'll d11111g 1111-. ...... 1 pul,}11 11·lall1111' 1·111111," ,,11d S1·t 1111 t\rllold p1 og1 .1111 111.111.1gt·1 I ()I DI I. k I II :-." II p .• I I I It' t ';1 h I 1 • s " ' t l' n t ' I n 1 '' h 11 It hro.1tl1asb thl' 'h""'.., ll\·1 ,,,.,., c li.111111·1 I:! ·our t"" v1Jlu11tu 1 1 .111111 a opt 1.11111, h,1\'1· 1111111 nll'd 1111 lht•\ ,11 • nut 101111ng llil« k unl1·-.:-. till' O•ll) Piiot St•" Pnoto Fair and cool Small c;ralt advisory 1n outer l'llaters from P<>int COl'IC9(>110f't to San Clemente Island and over inne r w aters lrom Point ~ncepllon to Newpor1 Beacn ver ouler c;outal waters from P oint Conception 10 San tlemente 11tand nor1hwes1 winds ol IS lo 25 krools With 5-10 8 loot btned sea1 Inner waters from nt Conc;epllon to Newport ach northwest Winds at 12 10 20 knots 1lternoon EIHwnere lignt and v111able winds westerly 1t 10 10 18 llnots alternoon Wntetly swell 2 10 3 feel Mollly ~ar U.S .. ~II Ill Ill a r .Y Thunder .. orm1 conlinuf!d IC dampen Plt11 of uratt early IOdl) In lhe wake ol a heavy 11orm Tuesd1y 1n11 brougM floOOlng and mud1flde1 to norinern and central part• of the state There were sc:111erad power oulagH l hroughoul Salt l ike County and tl'le Na1ic;naJ Weothet Service 111uad a llun llood warning lor a sevan·Coun1y region. Widely 1ca11ared ahowert eprelld o...., Iha Pacltlc Northwest and lrom Minnesota to MlatOUrl C181t akle9 l aYOfed Callf0<n11 Nevade end ereaa eHt ol lhe Milllstlpp4 River The Nellonal Weather SlltVICa pradlclacf tnll r11n would continue In M1nne1ota and ecrou Ille nortnern Ple•n• ea11 ern Montana Ind n<><tl'lefn Colot100 flle rein WH Upec11d lo dlenge 10 1now over c;enlral Monten1 and Wyoming and Into lhl Central Aoc:kln Tempefaturet at mldnlgnt POT ranged from 23 In H oulton. Maine. lo 70 II Key Wesl Fla California A •lorm 11111 1l)IHhad o 10 lnChel of rein In downtown Loa A11911M h• mov.ct aut. la1V1ng ICOUfed ..... 8nd •enlnO Wind• In Southern CafllOfnl• 1hroug11 Thutldl'f, ,,,. Natk>MI Weall\ef 8etvloe Hid today. Guity ~1~1 wind• -• to conflnvt bul ""'"' let• etrtn0tt• in movtllllinl end ci-11 fl>ure<la~ w i th 1 ll 9hlly warme r 1empera1utee tl'lrouo"oul '°""""" Calltotnl• . Tfle wee1t ~llCtllc Iron! brO\/Oflt lfll ~ ltil\1114 10!8' 10 0,9' of en Inell 41t 1M l.01 Ante!M Chllc: °"'* ..,. .Mr '. llllglltly ahe.ct Of Ille norm .., ''* perlOd 9u4 ea "",..., ... ,~,IO did 111'°8 _..,.. .. IN clropt wMNd _.., OO!Mann ha J11 LOI M9el .. wtrt ' lorecast et 78 ThurS<Ja1 w1tn 10""1> a1 !>8 Coastal ••1!8 rughs m,:iy range lrc>m 76 IO 8• w tn ll)wS from !tO 10 !17 a"a O!'C•tJa$·"0 Wind$ Owens Valley '"9"• fnurs.day Tnursoay w11n tows 1tom 2e 10 38 H1gn& on nor111ern dH!'rl5 ma.,. range from 68 10 78 wtlh lows from •2 10 52 Southern dese<t nighs we•• lorecast ltom 78 10 1!6 w1lh lows from S• ·o 62 Te111perat11res NATION A1t>an~ Albuquerque Amat1llo Ancnor119e AS/\evtlltt Auenta Allentic C1ly Au1hn Batttmore B1t11ngs Borm1ngn1m B1srnarc;1< Botse Boston B10.nt~111e Butta lo 8urlcng1on Casper Char1 .. 1on S C Chatle\lon w v Cnar1011e N C Cheyenne OhlCllOO Clnc1nnot1 Cleveland Co!umt>ll. S C Cotumbua oenu-F1 Worth Dayton Denver Oet Moines Oelrou Duluth El PHO Felrbenka Fargo Flagstall GrNI F•lls Heriford Helene Honolulu Houaton ln<ltan1p011S J11Ck10n. Mias HI l o 62 4' 11 4!1 15 ~s 18 11 67 l • 75 3q 56 •S 76 " 65 ... 62 44 69 3• 67 •6 59 •8 S• •O 8• S• 61 3• 57 33 6? 43 68 50 60 29 67 " 6• 36 6' JI 85 31 63 30 70 48 6' 29 7• .co 84 32 71 •1 39 33 87 66 6" 116 0'1 82 52 55 60 A9 II• 1' II' 73 " St ..()5 $3 37 •O 39 35 70 St 28 3 1 J6C."°S< O'Wt•lf' Ju~au Kans89 C11~ t<noa ... 1fle la• V119a, l1llle Rock loo•s••lle Lubboc~ M"mPh•S M1am1 Mllwau~ee Mpfs·SI Paul Na.snv1lle lllcitw Orleans Ncitw York NO<lotl< N0<tn Plo11e Oklanom1 C•'• Omatie Orlltndo Ph1t•de1pnoa Phoeno• P111s1>urgn Ponland Me Por1tand Ore Providence Aeleogh Rapid City Reno A!Cf\fn<'l'10 Sell lake Sen Antonio Sea We Shreveport StOUK F1111 St LOUIS St Pete· Tampa St Ste Ma11e 7 I •O 67 63 76 7 1 6• 80 69 75 64 65 ll6 O SoNane 38 SyracuS6 31l IOPf'll• 30 Tucson 65 fuls.i 42 Was111nqtm 32 Wtelllla 40 )!t 67 35 40 2ll 7' 51 '>1 45 t,g •8 68 45 73 " 66 45 7!1 47 66 44 83 68 62 30 56 '2 56 so 58 44 69 •9 71 •O 51 ., 65 47 61 •2 77 '' 52 .cg 70 37 '13 48 64 33 75 49 6 1 33 CALIFORNIA App11> Vllllf'y BnkP-.f1f'lll Barstow Beaumont B•q Bt•ltr Bi shoo Blylht- Cetattna Cul•er City Eureka Fresno Lancast11r Long Be,u h lOS Anqi'.'11'' Momov111 Montebello Monterey Ml Wiison Need let N8WJ>Orl 8aOGn Oak lend Ontario Pasadena Paso Aotlllll Al~Sldt Red 81ufl Aedwooo C11v Sac•11men10 Se11ne1 San BemRrd1no San G1b11!tl San 01ego •,J •S 60 35 66 37 8~ 56 74 43 68 4 ) 7J 5 1 HI l o (;7 55 71 60 1) 67 ~ti !)~ '•!> •3 61 46 80 6i 72 6• 7 I 63 6 1 48 67 5S 60 57 " 66 69 65 n 63 74 64 63 55 47 41 19 68 70 6• 65 56 as 81 81 8l' 115 56 62 61 8• " 64 55 . ' I ' • •• SURf RIPORT San Fr1nc1Ko San Jose Sanll An• 8• •8 85 53 83 81 75 62 73 69 84 55 G• •9 18 82 ... G':rP .. iill•·~'& ... '& ........................... .. Toder'• .. ., .. , ..... l-3 fl 2·3 II 2·3 II 2·3 II 2 It I 2 ft I 2 It 2 3 II 2 !Ill .. ,,. lhepe l•lt '"' f1tr ,.,,.poor 1111 la1r l•ir 1111 lttr AHr99e Temp 8• 8• 84 6• 66 6$ es e• e.c tomorro111 Hlgll tide 8 •e 1 I'll. Low fide 1t·•2 p M Swelt dlrtctfon· WMt Tide TODA\' Second low I oe p m , 2 Second nion fl'' pm • t THl./llllOAY r 11t1 tow t t6 11 m o 6 nrtt l'llO/I 1 •G 1 m 4 t Steofl4 low 1 42 p m t 8 Secon4 lllQll 7 28 p m • e Sun N II IOdtry •I 6 O!I p m 11ae1 r 11u1e<11y 11 7 00 • m Moon rlMt !Oday •t ' 41 p m HI• ThurMlay 111 2 02 • m ) "I I I t' 111 'II .... ' Tl.1 \ .. 1.11HI Ill llllt ''" '' I 1 ... l'l\1111 ' 'I' h11lll-. .11ul 1111 \ c ;111 I 11\tJ\'1 "' 1.1k1 tlwll li.111d' 111 I th• l 'iUllt1t:a A111111 •1 ,,11d t ti.ii I 11111 p ;111I ' Ill p I "\ I I ' I II ' I \I d I 11 g .. I" h11111.111 d1t 1-. 1111 .ind 1 ·d1t111 Ill ..t 11·1 I f•lll Ill l\\11 1·1~hl h .. 111 'ol\I I 1' I'll\ l't lllg 1 ht i\J1111d.i\ 111i.:h1 'J\11· .... l.1\ 11111111111).l "'':-01•111' H1 ·1 .tll'I 111 l h t 11 I.tit' h11UI ' lh•\ d 1d11t l•fllJll 1 .. \\111k llJllll 1 11 ~111 T111 .11.,, l;, 111•1,d ;\J.111,1~1 I J)o 1l1gJ.1, H11uk v1111l11111• ti tlt.11 1111 l1111g 11tlllllil 1111·1·1 11\j.!' ·'" t.111,11 1g •• d1.1tll 1111 lllll ''"'"'""'' ·''"' f.14 ''"11111 I lf1 ,,11d 111 \\ "' l.1'-1 II lo\ ''"f"I'' It\ th• 1111gt l1 .. 1 tit• 1111·1 11r1g, 11111111g 1111 • 1111...:' 111 •11111 I t 1111'' .ill 11,11 . .ll\ 1\<'I Ill ,111 '111111 "' l\\11 H111 h J{,,.,J.. ,111d .\1 1111ld .ii " '"""'""'ti d11~tl·" '"·'' "'"""' '" \\,11tl1111g 1111 pl ••j.!1'.1111 ... I .• Ill l\l.1v•11 H11h l\l,111d11 -..1111 1'111·!'>11.1\ ho • l>t'\;111w ""·•I•· •ii tht· 1'l1tltJ. 111' ''Ito II Ill 111 ,11cl th1• \\\11 '.11111 1.1 o p1·1 .• 1 .. r-. • 11111pl.t1111ng . .t .. 1111 tlw l1111g 11111·1111g !11· '"'"· liow1•\'1·1. 1 l1tit 1111· II 11 Ill ltl.il',llh11lf lllt'I llllg'o ,lf1• lh• ,.,, t pll•Jll 1illh1 I lli.111 1111 1 uh· .11111 h1 • 'J11t1, .,,.,,, .. n., 111 ht l "lllplt lt·d II\ 11 .1 Ill Ill "I \\ 111 II "'")"' ,, ... lit'' ..... ,,., .. l\'t•d '1'1·J.·v1,11111 111I1< 1.d .. h11p1 1ho11 I 1\ '' ,IHll' 11111 111\j.! '\\I \I 111 I II ol l1lll t 1111 111 p1 1 , d ,,11d A1111ild \\', d1t11°l lt.1\1 1111 111.i111111w1·1 J111 Ll11 '""Li 1111·1 ·t111g .. :--;111111d \ ·, 111.111 \\ iJI I .. \\tll k1·tf t1lll :--,.,11 ... 1 hill).! \ l.11g1 lllllllllll 111 l •'llh lll• """ ·", d .it !\11111,J." n1~h t .. 1111 ·• 11111-: "' '11n1int 111 1111 n1nl 1il• h• •I llt I'• II k /111l t11g 11.11 1 "' lh1 ·•).!• 1111 ••. ,,,,, • .1111 •II cl 111·1,ou" ••I lht l.11< t.•1111 Iii• l\1111 11).! otl lllJll tlll tlll• flll"ll1lt I h,1fj.!1 111 ll.t'>h .tlld ,,1111l,1lll1ll ll·t•, LOS :\N<.:r:u:s J ohn U1· Lult".•TI S J>• Ill ,111 1·1ghlh 111ght J .11 It cl 11 n drug t h <• q~ 1 ., a::. all•110111 '' n1·g•1t1atl·d fo 1 Sf• llllfllt1ll 11.ttl f>l'f ho1p'o Wllh ht•fp ,,ffc·11 ·d h \' <.i l'"' dt·•d(·r who :-av~ 1h1 ;t1Jlo 11);tk1·r..., "101 1 l<.ih·nll•d ·l11 '" 111 'I I I 11 1':11111 B111 h dhtlill\'1111 1111 N 111 \\ 1111d l\l.111~ 1wg11i1.1lll\).! With 1·w Engl<1nd Sub.JIU 111 .,., 1d hi' \\'<JI!> l>c · L11rt·an's I 1 JJI I " 11 I ,ii I\ 1 '> Io d r I ,1 ll g {· • rill.111 1.11 1111 °':.!.>II 111111 Bol h 'M:.I\'::. 111 "Ill l•lll up t11 lwlµ frl't· ~· f1tflt ••II Bot It 1:1 '·' \' h1 · :.old t\\" ri r 11111 t I>. I .1111 .111, ,,, .., .11 ~~> 1111111111 I"' ~.!.7 111111 11 .. 1 flrl\I "Ill I U<.· L1 '" "" ' •• I 11 ., l ()I l I 'I I \\ 11u Jd11 ·1 1 ••lldn1H ·•11\ 1l1111g lfl\'11)\1 d \\ llh ll'lllj..( Of "" 11t.u1111g drug li<Jt h 1 .. ld 1h1 l>.1il\ r', 111llg It• 111 n l Lvnn. i\IJ'" 'I JU'>l \\11Uld h.1lt· t11 '>l't' 1111 tl'• L1111 .. inl 1u111p.111\ go d11\\ I\ I ho · d1 ,11n · Tiger trainer 'in seclusion' r\ II l 111 .i I I I .1 I 11 t I .J C• h It ('.1111p11lt•llJ.!" ""' i'••ll• 1111 .. "~ lll,11111 ,li,1Kl fl h\ lltt Ill• 11 ft Ill o1t l.11111 l'11u11l1 \ :-;,11.111\\111 11 11111 .. r h1' llJ!.1 '' 111.,kc· 11 .. 11 1 .• , .1J.!• . 11111 lllJlll"t·d .• .! ",,, 11ld ""' .. 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Tl11 I r.11111'1 '' \\ 1 l t .md 111, cm 11 11 1111111111 o ld c h tld "' r1 Ill tlw .1t1d11 Ill I ,111d Wllllo'''<l'd !hL• .i' l.H k ( )lg11l11ll'k "llCI "It w." ;1 \ i I\ b,111 l'XJX'rll'lll'l' 1111 .111 111 th1·ni tlil· attrn ne\ ..... 1t1 Th1·S<· lhlll~' .i1<· a~ rnr1· ..;_, .11rpl1m1· <T.i!'>ht·' .. 'I' h 1 • l 1 g <' r h a s b " l ' n qu.1r,111 11111•d Thi· 1n< 1cl1·11t 1' 1111dc·1 Ill\'• .... 11g.tl 111n Shop Early for Christmas I Save WEIR-EVER CAN HANDLER .---. - PORTABLE $19 88 ELECTRIC CAN OPENER • Ecologizer 2000 Air Treatment System REMOVES ODORS, OUST, ANO POLLENS $16.88 BAROMETER INCLUDING: THERMOMETER AND HUMIDITY GUIDE Brau ln1trvmenh On Wood $18.88 • "" --== ~- P73Q5 CONllR Mlir llower /Dryer 1500 WATT ... $19.88 ATIACHMENTS INCLUDED WEIR-EVER Popcorn Pumper Makes Popcorn Using Hot Air Instead of Oil $18.88 FARBERWARE 12-Cup Automatic •.. ,..... . .... PERCOLATOR $42.88 C()Na10 ~ - ~l Ofter Good Thru 11/ 1/82 Limited To Supply On lltnd Free Gift Wrapping Except On Sale Items more than you expect In a hardware store ••••• HARDWARE ' EJ V1S4· @D WMtcltft 11th St •t !<Vine. Newpoft llMCl'I, 142•1133 ...,... Ytew San Mtguet Of at San Ja0Qu1n Newpcrt 8e1c:h, '44-1570 c ..... def .._ 3107 E. Cout Hwy .. '13·2IOO ArtMtelm Hite Sen•• AM canyon Ad .. et 1"'"'1a1 Hwy .. " .. em 1 ' .J STATE Off-duty d e puty foil hij~cking of TWA j e t By The Auoclattd Pre11s LOS A N (iti~L1';S f\ h lJut•k l n g nbonrd 11 'l'W A Jumbo jN w11i. tollt'tl tud :1y w h1•n 11 k11 1f,· Wll'ld1 11 g wou ld h1• h 1Jut•k,·1• w as pulih ffi from tlw plunl' ond f,•11 to tht• pilVt'rnt•n t dun11g a :.trugglt• with a 11 o ff tl uty slwrirf's dt•puty. pt>lil'\.' ~11d W al l 1om llo U man . 25. arr('Stcd for 1nvt•sllKilt1on 111 h&JUt:kang. was &nJun:d 1N tht• 20-foot (a ll at Los Angl'lt·!> lnternullunal Airport and wa:. tak en to CPnl11ll'la llosp1 &a l. wht•r t' r 1u1 -.111~ 'uµt·rvai.or P.11 & hkml1·n11~ ,.;1111 hi' li\llft•n ·tl ht•ad 1111d h ap 11ljllrli'!l lit· w11i. 11111•1 tra11sf Pt r ,.d tu t lw Jall wa1•tl 111 (.\>u11t y l)S(.' Mt·tht•ul t\·nt,·r f11r book111~, poll<'t' "'1cl l>t•p u ty l>t·nna!> H11IJ111su11. whu WJ~ 1111 '11~ w .1y ho 11w tu A lton. 111 • 1·1111fr1111\t'll th1· man 1111 ::-;, Louis bound TWA fla.:ht 1'l Wit h 97 µ.L'l.'4'11~t·I'~ .1lio.1rd aruund I :!:-HI .1 111 , :..ml pul1t·1· Ai r por t 1>1v1,11111 ( >ff1n·r V wlor Flon·~ Quake jigg l es LA suburb CO M P T ON A s m a ll earthqua ke.> that l'l'J!!llStt·rl'CI :.! 9 o n the Rll'hll'r S(:<ilt• Jiggll'Cl southern a nd e as te r n Lo:. Angeles s.uburbs ea rly today. prompting numl•rous n 11ls to po lice b ut no n •po rts or damage. authorities said. T he 3:2 1 u.m qua ke w as C'entered four miles northt•ast of GArd1ma, said gl'Ophys1t·1st Carl Johnson <it L'altfornt<• lnsl1lUll' of Tt•chnolugy 111 Pasadl'na. wh1t·h would pl.1l 1' 1l in tht• area o f Compton ,11111 Lynwood L o s A n g l' I l' " I 1 r t• ~pokt·srnan H;,1y Walkl·r ~1d thert' had lx•t•n nu l'alls asking <ibout any quakt• and thus nu n ·port'i ~·( ;.iny dam.ig,· Autry to sell KTLA-TV L OS ANGELES Former singing cowboy Gerw Autry h a s a g r e e d L o s e I I l h t• t e levisio n d1vis 10n of has Golde n Wes t Broadcasll•rs e mpire. 1n<:luding flagsh ip s tation KTLA. a'X'Ordmg to a company stateme nt Au try. 75. will r em a in c h air m a n o f Lht• n e w company Lo be organized by Kohlberg Krav1s Rolx-rts & Co .. a Sa n Franc1S<.'O and Ne w NATION Yo rk-basc>d investment firm Spt"l'1a liz1ng tn ma nagt'mt•nl buyouts. the release said . At the same l1mc'. Autry 1i. buying out The Signal Cos.' mmora Iv in lt•rest m Golden · West's n·ma1n1ng busmt'SM's Those mdude the C<th fornia Angels professional bast•ba ll t eam. it s e nt i r l' r a d io broadcast d 1v1s1on a n d O k lahom a C itv lt•l,·v1s1on station KAUT · FBI probes witness d eath WA S H I NGTO N A fed era l prosecutor says t ht• s trange death of a sc.•cond potential governm t>n t witness wiU not hann the case agains t former C IA agen t F.ctwm P Walson for allegedly aiding Li by an terrorists. The wi t n ess . K evin Mulcahy. 39, a forme r CIA a nalyst wh o was the first p e r so n t o t e l l l aw enforcement authorities abou t Wilson's d ealings with the radical Arab n a tio n . was found dt•ad Tut>sdav outside a motel cabin an rural Virg inia about 90 n11lt>s wt·sl of hl'rl• Fede ral p rosecutors in l hl• W ilson ca st-a nd t h <' FBI m o u n t e d a n 1mmt>d1 a t l' inquiry into the dt•ath "'as a precaution in the eve nt this was in an y way related to thl· government's m vest1gat1ons o ( W 1 I s o n a n d h 1 s t' u • d efendant Frank E Terµ1 l." FBI spokesman Rngl•r Young said 'Copycat' wave continues T he mak er s o f Excedrin o rder ed their ca p s ules off s tore sh e lves in Colc-rado after one man was poisoned. and r e p o r t s o f pro d uct tampe ring -ranging from fruit to laxatives -spread across the nation in what a federal official called "a wave o f 'me-too' crimes." Cons u mers scrutini zed con tainers of cold medicines and pain relievers for signs of foul p lay, and officia ls i n WORLD thrl'e states warned T ut'Sdav that any Hallowl'<.'n trick-or treating should be don C' wnh cau tion In C hicago. w hl'rl' the S<.'llrt' began nearly ci mon th ago with the deaths of st•ven p eopl e fr o m C'y n a n 1d l'· poisoned Ex tra-Stren g th T yle n ol caps ules. po li t·c• s e arch ed Tuesd ay for a woman who hed a bout ht'r identity a fter turning an a bottle of tainted capsu les Israel's airport closed T EL AV I V . I s r ae l - Aut h o r iti es c losed Be n - Gurion International Air port today afte r angry workers s t r iking aga inst Israe l 's nation:il airline b lock e d runways with jumbo je ts. clash e d wi t h p olice a nd deflated aircraft tires. The dis turbances c ame afte r hundreds of s triker s, joined by their families, sle pt o ve r n ight at the airpo rt Tuesday In th e fi rst day of a sit-in to pro test management's re fusal to n egotiate with them over the future of El Al. which has been shut d own for more than three w eeks. P o l ic e re inforc e m e nts sea led off th e airpor t and i n c o min g f ligh t s b y international airlin es we re diver ted to Euro pe, or to Israe(j airfields in Je rusalem or Eilat airports if the planes could land at their s horter runways . a con trol Lo wer officiaJ said I~ I -' 1~(~1' I 0 N Fr om Page A 1 ph11111Jo(1 Upl11 I .11111 11111111'1 IHM1k f11t ld1 .. ht1 t).! I l\l l'lll l VI', " ,111 1•1Jo(hl \ 1·111 v1·l1·1.111 of ttw n ty'11 ltl.1111111tlo( 1'111111111,i.111 11 lit· '"' llJothl\-1·11tll .11 111 I lu111111t·I l'uul •~ 11111· ol 1h 1i. 111n· Iii Ull)ll lllt•'i>llllllll ,_~--Qllll .111d 111• h 11ll•1111 I II JI V t• I Y '\11111 11 Jo(l'llllfJ ,;, pt•u plt• who un· l11rg1•ly 111 I h 1• ' I 11 W Jo(lllWl h ('ltlll(J lk d 111'~ 11111 I I ' I t' 11 I 11 I 111S1111·S~111\' II ._, __ .,.;a_..;.._l-..J ,11111 11•1 UM'S Ill Ill' I 11• ",. I h .11 m tin v 0 f I ht· hlhllll'l>.'llll'll .111· l'P~1d1•11t~ too" 1 lummd . !>11. WJ~ 1•lt't'lt'tl lo lhl• rnum·1I in 1971!. M·rvl'tl bnefly un Lill' plunning t'Omm1!>:>1on a nd 1s a \'\'11•1 J ll uf l>oth till' U S Navy .11\d 1 lw Lo~ An~f'lt•:. County 1\i.."·:...,or 'l> 11((11·,• "Ag1•1• 1s l:u y. w is hy wushy .111 d w It t• 11 ht• w us o n l ht' pl<11111rn g t'l>lllnH:.l>IOn ht' w as u:.u<i II y la l l', wou Id floa l a lung .ind u .. uall v volt• wtlh the maJtiraly JI ~· 11 ffl·lldl> nw," ht· ~:ud. llum11w l t·aust•d <t sllr tn thl' 1\i.:1•t· l'ami: rt'l'l'nlly by plad ng a lull -µ:tgl' rwws pupt'r ad tha t 1rnpl1«d A~u· 1s a n I rvine Company t'rony. ci mouthpit•cl' for "bag growth." Agt'l' dt•ntl'<.l th1· datn1S, saying tht• 1run v as th<H he· o nce was l.1l>e:l1•t..l a'no-growth advocale. Hc> c;a1d tw 1s not a memlx>r of either fot·t111n but l>l'11t•v1•s ht• t·an help bridge the gap bt.'twc·en them. "I will hslen. <:ommumca te a nd l't>O pt'ra te ," Agee said. "P a ul doesn 't do any of those things" HunimC'l swd he is innocent of the l'hargcs agamst him "I suppost• lhere were timl's '' ht·n I w as demanding of people but I've· alwayi. asked pertinent qul'~ltum. dnd l'Vl' always don<: my hunwwork I JU~t ha ppen Lo h;:1v1· d gruCf vo1t't'." s aid 1 lumrrwl "I ;,i m not anu -buslnl'SS but Nt>w port Beat·h as a residentia l :ind n·<:rt«:llton nl v <ind I strive lo prolt·t'l tht• rt•sadl•nts from the• ouL'\tdl• Ul'Vl'h>pmenl forces." llumme·I S<ud for cvt•r y person whu opt•nly cn t11.·1ws him , there• art• al IC'ast two who feel as ht• do('s ant..! who eumt• to htm for hl•lp wlwn tht·y arc· hav ing a problt•m w1lh tht• city. "Somt• d ays I'll get 20 phone t·alls from all over the city. When the rt"s a problem. I c·all th e city or 1 t·all lht> polic~ d epartme nt. I'm a full-llmt• councilman " Agee r(·torted that Hummel 1s a "frustra ted policeman" who spends his llm<' "doing nickel and d 1 m 1• 't u Cf t h a t l he £'i l y is pt•rft.'l'tly t'ap<1bll' o f handling." L1 k t· lhe oth('r candida tes. Hu mmel a nd Agee agree t hat John Waym.• Airport as a menac-e to Nl'wpo rt Bt>a ch and ts an unn•ason abll' locatio n for a rc•g10na l a irport But the ir vie ws on wha t s hould bt., done differ sh<irply Agee said the city "needs to get off its lawsuit image a nd do some good P R wor k with the county a nti surround ing citie s . The luws u1L a pproac h will reach a point of ded aning returns soon ." AgN' sugges te d that on l y through c.·oope rau on wit h the t.·o un t y. whic h o p<'rates the airport. can tht• t•tty hope to '>UC'cessfully push for a n ew airport s1 tc- Hummel said he docs not trust th<' county and doubts tht•re is any way to get the atte ntion of coun ty supervisors short o r a lawo;uit "Th<.' su perv isors JU St don't havt' c.•nough guts to look for another su e." The two candidates are also at odds on the Ba nnin g R a n ch deve lopment. Agee suppor ts il , Humme l does not. Oppone nts Don S trauss a nd Norm Loats have agreed to do things diHerently. The two council candidates are running a dignified contest -no low blows, no name-calling. no dirty pool. lt's issues or nothing with Strauss and Loats. Councilman Strauss. 66. was elected to the council in 1978 after ser v ing four te rms as a school trustee. He is t h e vice president of administration with We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like~ Call the number at left and your message will be recorded. traNCribed and delivered to the appropriate edltor. 642•6086 The same 24·hour answt"ring servict" may be ust"d to record let- ters lo the editor on any topic Mallbo• contributors must includt" their name and telephone number for verification No cir culation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind Gui l1ree1 ' ? ,, ... ~~......,. 1$f===· ORANGE COAST Dilly Pilat L Ktty lchvlt1 Vic.~ Ol'ld twKtot ol AIMtl-o Mkhoel , . ....,., Oittetot ol Mortetlng IC1tc..to1'°"1 ·KettMth N. Geddor4 Jr. Oor.oor ol ()pera110111 CIHalf!H edveftlatng 11 ..,.,.2·M11 Aff Olll•r detMlftment• M2-t'21 MAIN <>P"IU •••et ter St , C .... Mew, GA Mett...,..: ... u ... c .... ,... .. ,,.-...,. c .. yrlflll "" °' .... c .... l'Wll ....... c-.. He 1'1-t tttrlet, 111"9tte!ltrlt. .. lt.,lel ,.._..,., .. • ., .... ,....,,, lltftlfl -· -, ... WllCW ......... tH<lelfll~ .. c....,,..,.._. 0 1m1g Coost DAILY Pl\.p t /WCJdnui.duy Oc;tobor 27 1982 : AIRP()flT & TltA~"FIC Humme l Loa ts Beckman Instr uments. A Lido Is le resident, S traus:. has worked hard a t d1spelhng thl' nagging crtll<'ISm that h e• as a n o · g r o w t h a d v o t· a t c· I n newspapt•r ads he· h as d1i.playt'll th e n a ml'S o f p r o min e nt busmcssnw n who support ham a nd has gom• to somt.• lc·ngthl> tu d etail the· dcvl'lopmt·nt p roJt.'<'L'> that hC' has supported. L oa t s, 60. ts tht• d l'pul y su pennwndt•nt for thl• N(.•wpor l- Mcsa Unified S<:hool D1stm·t and has been in education for 36 years. He lavC's on the Ba lboa Pemnsulci Loats said hl• 1s not running Stra uss - thc·v nc.oed. We should go ~,, tht ci<'v°«lo~rs and tell thl'm what we net'd " C Edwa rd Wo lfe . r unnang ~1gams1 1neu111bt·nt Evelyn Hart <ind l·and1datt· Alla n Bt·l'k, ha~ lx'C.omt· the forgotten man an tht lour-way t'tty l"OUnnl r<ll'<' Wh11<.• pul 1t1eal t'umm1t t1·1 ·~ hav1• trl!'d tu build pro-growth rn no-growth sla tes o f four. Wolft· hal> bt.·e·n left of( evl'fV h~t In :.. lUUnll l r at·e o f f ivl'-d1g1l spt"ndmg. Wolfl' has :.1)(:n t only $8:J I Wo lfl'. 63, ts a re<il P~t a lt• a p p rd1scr a nd b rokt•r with no past pohllcal expt•rt!!nl:<' But ht.' T h e t•lt•(·tion's pun(•tuuted b y mud- slingin~, fi,•c·-fi ~urt• s pt•nding s pree!' a nd r ent•we d g rowth/no g rowth debatt·. Wolfe Bt·t·k !>atd he h as vowed to 't·r vc· by l'l>nd UC'll ng pu bJic o p1n1on polls a n d wi ll vo te against ht!> own better judgment 1( a poll shows citizens disagree Wtlh h1m "Th1!. dcx-sn't mean J'm some kind of µul1 l1c·a l e u nuch wtio w 1m 't try to fight for what h e lx·ltt·vt·~ an bu t 1f I can't con vince t ht· l'lltz1..•ns. tht>y're the boss.", H .irt said :.he 1s a m used •Y Bt·l•k'!> up1mon poll no tion b ut bt·lu:vt•s he aetually represents a <,mall m inority m the city. Ano ther Beek proposal is '° c'xplorl' reduC'ang traffic on the &1lboa Pt•nansula by sealing ~f thl• three-mile n eek of land and t·hargmg non-residents to enter, Ha rt and Wolfe agree that tius 1dN1 as "absurd " and likely not lt•g a l. Harl said she is a comprom~r un lo(rowth and su pported both agains t S trauss. He said ht• as :.<1 1d he knows the 1~~ul's, hus t hl• Nt•wport Ce nte r and t.he r u nning b eca u sc> h t' 1s a n formulated positions a nd ll> a Bann ing Ranch de v e lopme nt tnformed. aggrt'SS1ve and proven S<'raous candid ate. pldn!. bl'cause the y we re lt!SS alternauve "I have a desire a nd thl' llml' to t han tht· builder asked for aod While Strauss doc..'S not Cavor st.>rve.'' said Wolfe. "I look at th1..· p rov 1 ti e d need ed r o -._d the Ba nning Rant.·h project incumbents an d I think it's tinw 1mprovem~nts because h e said he believes 1t will (or a turnover and I don't lx•lac.'V<' &'t'k as opposed to the Banrung 1 n t r odOce off1ce -1 ndus t r 1a I Beek as a very good alkrna t1v.-.. p I an and h e I p e d ga t b e r developm<mt mto a res1d<•nt1al Harl. 5 1. was e lected tu t hl· s1gn .. turcs to place the issue on a rea. Loa ls said he favors lht< e·ouncil tn 1978 aftl'r s.,•rvmg 1.n the• ballot Wo lfe said he supports plan even thoug h at rt<prest·nts the t·1ty's parks. beaches and tht> Ram·h pro,JE'('t "pic.'C>emeal g rowlh " rccreauon comm lssion She !-aid &'C'k also sued t he city to get Both C'and1datesarl•cnt1cal l)fa s he polled ever y ho mt>nw n er lht> ha llo t l a nguag e on t h e c'Ouncil tha t has betm hit bv two organization m ht>rdislnt·t 1>4:fon• 8 ;1n 111n g R a n c h ques t ion referendum drives m a one-year agrec·ing to seek a sec:ond tC'rm l'h<i nl;(l'd H e· lost . He sa id if span. "I didn't w an t to run again 1f I vow~ approve the developmen t, Strauss. who n ot t>d h C' as felt the people an my d 1strtl't did h1• will t•hallenge tt in court. gene rally opposed tu multi-story not believe I was listc·nmg to Har t said shl' 1s not w ithout buildings and con vC'nllon hote ls. the m and sc>rving them Bui I got sympathy fur those who si;l said he lx>lieves the rcfc·rendums una nimous e neouragt·nwn t tu n•fo rt•nd um petitions. w er e a rt>sponsc to a c-ound l that r un." "I 1h ink thE're a re still so changed dramaucally in the 1980 Beek . 55. worked on licin's 1wopl1• who are uncomfor t eleetion a nd charg1•d quickly l'ampatgn m 1978 a nd said 1t 1s"' wit h what happt:'ned in the last ahe ad wi th d evelopme n t. He "mattN of persona l grief" that t•lt'\'tHJn. who g1•nuinely feel we b I amt· d pa r t o f i l o n l h c• he now finds himself trying w hav'· moved too fast Pe rhaps "in e ptness" o f t he• Irv ine Uns<'a t hC'r thPv·!~: JUSt asking us to 'ta~it Company's handling of its own "ThC' truth as that ,ht· JU!.I (•as) - Newport Center expansion plan votes wrong She's a wo11dc-rful Wnlh · """d he behC'ves if \ e Loats said the re ferendums are lady but she voles wrong." ('OUnul was really doing its · b a sign that the council has failed Beek is a com puter designer. a t h t> r t' w o u Id n o t b e a nt to work togNh er and has failed f o r m e r c i t y p 1 a n n 1 n I( rcfert. ndums to involve the c1t1zens in long-comm1slrio ner who a dmits his "Appare ntly the council ju t range ci ty planning. council platfonn "lS easy to ma ke isn't doing 1ts pb m ge tting "The dC'velopers s houldn't fun of 1f you don 't take tht• tame public to b u y thes e proje~ come to the city and tell us w hat to understand 1t " That's obvious. isn't it.?" .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-4- Gem Talk Bv J.C HUMPllRIF..'i Cut1f 1f'd (;f'molo1111t. AGS BANGLE BRACELETS "'""" • bi/( hit Bangle bracelets arc emerging as the big rash1on trend on the w rists of American women The brac-elets are wider than tn prev1ou. years. and w o men a re as k ing (o r diarmmds. pearls and colored stones to be added to the bang!" to give them a touch of drama Aho gaining in popularity are bracelets mAM of thrtt different shadea of gold. Ml'llh bracelets and rleicl ble-coll ban1lcs are much In demand With th4' price of gold a bit lower than tut year. tome women a~ uik1n1 advantage of that fac t by buying ae veral bangles of varylna pld hues. One of the more veraatile bracelet.a. which cen bt worn with a va rlt'ty of todey'1 fH hlona, 11 thtl! buded bracelet det'orat'ed with af'veral roloted atonea. Some of the nt"w detlgN feature 1eml-pl'f'Ciou1 atonM a nd a old be ads In multl •rOW braceleta. Rope brueleta and flolblf'·llnk bracelet• are oth.r very popul1r atylea. The 1reu Amer~n wrlat 19 belftl pam~red by aome f""t brec.-&.t deltp. A carat or more. A little extra weight she won't mind putting on. A diamond of a carat or m re. Th res only one in a milli n , J. C.JJumpft,."1~ r}.w.f.r~ MEMBER AM£RICAN GEM SOCIETY @~ 1809 NEWPORT BLVD .. COSTA MOA SINCE 194f BankAmt rtct rd-Maater Ch1rge P~ ...,_, . • • Ii ' , - Co111 DAILY PILO r /Wedneld1y, Ootob r 27 1982 WF \9 NY . 14: TRAN ~At:"flON 011011111011\IHHUOt l llAOl\ON TtU Nt • YOll• .. IOWl\f 1'•(•~1( l'I• •OttON OlfllO•l t.•O (llt(INNAfl 110(• I :L(NA1t0 t \ANO llt l'Oll II 0 l 'I I Ht 1te\I) AltO llt\f 11tl I \e ln 'f•t '\41•• ... , \~ti•\ IOI \.ll•\ "'•t WI•• "-'•t • I Ml\ l IWW C ~ ,.. f '-h "tv\• 'ftt ft f ~h C IO\• t n.J .. l ""' I I~ r-i ~ I• t PW)\ I ht\# ( hg Pog,:•~91\ I :~ :~ ::", ,; ~~~}~1 , ·: ti m:: ,: :::~!!fl ill~ -~ ~\':, ,: ..... , prl.. llW tA )wt Ill "41 II I ll" ', ,... '° • llOI "'• ••• Ho••A I• ... •• a:·n':'1 : 1.11 "· ~:~t :r.1J~' ,.cit :~~ . t::t:~ , •:i • ·1~ :~··. Ore•M 1 • ""• • • H•••ltu •I• •• v.16' • • t\iit ~l~· ' t) I)•, .-... L At 11 11u '''• I"'' nr n \J 14 -.., I• , , \lie~ ... _., 0 f'!Yhl\ .0. tO r,/ ~ • • • He<9'• 2' I 11' hJ • ....._ t Ill ll'•, , '" ' ~ 0..1' ) ~ P•Pl 111 11 1.0 "'', wl .. ') I ti I UI I).. 1, ~ (NJ\ t•o\# t.f\Q °"' «l • • n "~ • -. M•fl•M \I• t•h • "'• ,...,~,. M ut 1-... •• fl'••·•L fit 1 1100 .o 1 p, l.k>••tn .a•• o ,,4., ••• cwt~:·~=!~ J& !~ : ti:1.•-r.: •t 17 IJ::. ~ ~! ICI 1.0 J .~ ~! ... '· ....... ,,~ '"' '° 11-0f,} ti • I \t;o>UI' I} Ill .,.. I CC •1 m"" ffilfll j 4) Ill -.. _ ,.. ~ .._.,.,II J10lllll'9w.J4•r 1I"' "4MlffY 19'/ IUO Jr•. -. ! .. In I • • .. 11• .... , •• I ,,,.. •• •flt ,.. I.I ,... M•r t J7 .. ' P•llW pl 1 >O \ .. u • I \t>•l"ij• I \1 I IU JI'. 1 , 2 80 11 .IOI M ' wh Pl I iii 11 IO 11. rlnl I ,1Q ., \4 It.. Merrlt4 » U tM )I••, ,. Pfl'w pt 1 .o 11 wlO'•, "• Fu••U , .. 11 11M1 JO". •, ti • tll ..... OUM,., uo •llll» wt.Hu • Im.. » 6 n il ..... • .. Mo-t» 'J llJ 00<. .... ~ft{OI , IQ • ·~ JI•• ., "'"° Ii II 1141 ..... I\.+ '8'4A Ill )0 • \II 41 b.i•• Pf I IO ,.. ........ • .. MC• " ·~ ~. ~llM "II ,., ... '. " 'eooo • "' II tO ,,, •• 1. t levnl ,1, 112 •••• \•'" Nol I pl 1 IS \41 11,.. P11•• pt J •• 1 U'• .. i'l•."1,•.,1n<1, tot t IOI.•• '• ~~'¥.,".. t•'2 t M 41 • '• P"Pl n 1 • .,. 10 , .. 8 P 1 .. 14•· 1 " 1..C If u IO' Ou"• Pl J ,, J JI\" I• "•• •1, n IJ) :.• ':Z 't", -C ,. • t :JI )t' • • •• "•P•IC.o 1 n 11 1•lJ "'•, '• Mol ' M tu IJ 11" • " P ( nck CIO" ("nq HA '1n I UJ ,. ' • §"""' I It I~ ~t tcJ4•' I\. !'I (' ~. M•&eo ... tf 110 ..... • I• P•rlf,lll )0 1• 1001 11"• 1 >. Sl~llC.I ' ti) I lfl) )I\• 1, A-A MA PI 110 •,• 10• • uQLI l'IO 1 .. 1•'• He•llCPll lO tl 1• • '• M•t11hn \J .Ill I Ptml•nlJw 1 11\ ti'• '• \1 ln<I l lO 1'111/0 "'• '• """ ... n ., ........ CHAI I lk • 10.''' UQPI 1 110 .... Het ll\y JIO I '" ... 1. M•tM I/ .. ,, .... 160. '• p,,,,. t <O IJ "' l•'· t' 0011 t.O )/II• Jll'-• •• w lit . J! ff'••.._ ~PC lnl J IO I UI 11•'' f,?uQP•llillO iM 'J"' "' H .. ,,.,.. IOJ IS •'• M•M•F llO I'• l'etrln 10 •~I II'•• tl'••(;p 1fl41 \I IU'•• tM~ ~I.at t fii 'J~ 11 r Net f 4' i .. wJI':: O~= :: ni !1 h~: ~=~rpr·~ fl 1~ ·'!; ~' ~·.•.C1!,, I·~ .. u :I011i. •' '~ Ptl ll\ • J~ J~ 11' • '*no.. t) f ti I)•• • ~= H It 1 .,. I ••7 •· o < "• 2• 1 llO,.. ~ ,... ·~I ~. "''"'"'1111 , ~i , 1, ll••nW• I•""'°" n • •. 1-. -w ~. .. , ,. y Or .2s ) • ' H••C•I ' 11 II :IO • I Meltu• J 10 tn ·~i.. • .... f s 1 A/Ill ... 1.11 , 1 .... )(Pl I I ICN • I OynAm u" ., 11. \• HI""•' If ... II ...... ,,,,., .. , )0 • :.... 10', 1, ~ ,,., .... "·r· 11 '•' ~,.,,... •• • , ... ~~ .. I. • ,. ti ... • le ~C !..,. ..! I)/ II h•t • I HIVOll It" I~ .... M•lt1;1t .. '•"• P,_llibtp,00 3ti lO 7•~ m~: : 11•.Mwl:~ \JOM .. f l l!ll 11,u~.· .. A • "' ., )Ov. • ' e~ ., .. u.. l GI.,•, n •• ., n1 • • " "I'""° • '° '' it .U'-• "' ~ II 1 -~.. , A ~. f'1 tl~l ~ .. II( ) :IJ IJ'1 f:$y 1011 ;a.)t ~ '• HllOll l lO IJ ... ~"-• \\ 1._t IO U 4''•• 1 • Plljlf lil llf I Ill\~'•• • $1H Qo 17bll 10 J'•• '• •v ·!,. •1•• ,.... .. .. , JIO •no 10 E•el•P .. 10 tff if,. ,~ H•t•<"., , .. ,, 114 ,.,., .,.. -yo~ , ., • 1w "'' • .. "" 'i! 111 • .o 1•M> t; • '· S1trt111 '• •• •• '"• • ~L~ 1ii .... 1 ft'· .. •111111 1~ • :~ ~~. i .. u IR I li! 1 .. ... Helleloly IO II IW lt'· ~· ~~1,,.. .~ 1; ~l ~~: "t ~=::d:. ~ .~~ IO'· I ~:~~1,1b; I~.:,.: ,:·;: '.; rm"'a ~.,.:~ 1:: ... 11u 1 40 m 110 • .'t!t~"~~ .. ;:~.~: ... 1::<: i 1••h .:MC•pl)JO .,,. ... 1.1>1111tr1n ,,oo ... ,,,,r: .. nJ 110 ... i .. 11• ••• ·°' 1 11 "'. .... ""'° 2 10 • st> '°''. h"'' p11... t1 ,... •• ~:'muf ' ~u 1IY J.. , . ~on' r. ~ .ci. ,, , .. ? ,,.. ~~::t "'',rn 1m :~::: :.~~ • : :: •: :: ~: ·. '1 ..... ,u.. ,. '" •mpl .... IJ M JI ,. EE .... ,,•:,oo,!!! IO'I ..... '• HoNI• U.10 100 ~··· ., .... • ,.. ~· •• p ' A.4IM 1 .»e l4 ag 19'. lo dP•<t l <O ltl 1)1 , • u" ~ 1,)J -· '• HOftwll hO 1 •JI., .. ,, M<OnO 11• 9 Jll '1'••"' l\llt P'•IO 110 .. ._,,,, ~V(pl I 1"41 ~ .. AMg C 511 ~.. ._ •nPI • IO •I ll'• IHIVll 110 I 10 U'-t • • MC GEO t I " jj• • ' '• PhllE pl /IO ttCO )I •' $h•l•W I e.ci.o I I• 0 ' • AM ... . , t>VI . I •Niii ... .. ,. uJI • " h l(OO )I ll ~ '<>'. • • ~:i:.\'n : ~ '; :: ~:··. : : M<OtH I . IS I/ .... • '. PllllE g' I H 110 " I • Slon(.. ""I) 1/8 IO..... .. ~~I~ I lit; :v. II. C-.~·I~ I:': m 't .. •I: ~:~'lrn I ~:; ~ ,Mo,' '' HOtltC)ll S..I UI 0 10.. '• ~::'~1f 00 O I~ n... :: ~~::~, ~: :g ,.{l ~.. ~ )!:~~r I 4f ! ~ ~-~' :: t . Al . Ul6 II' lot Celine Q JI 101 I.. EO • .,O t7 i. .cl1 i;:--' ... Ho•pCp .. 11 11\4 ~"' " ,,,,.... 1 SI 01 II '• '• Pllllln<I ~I IJ llJ ll'• • .:_ t..,., /1 0 l<it JU ' '--: • '~ ..... c .. 11,1. .., • 14) tt •• fell••· 1.. • J lS': .. Hotelln J 11 I 1... ~·~u )lj .. I) '• PPllllllllP'".r, ..! •• ~.! 1)11~ • •• -. ~·~Sllhll ')IJO •• ,..,_ '11''•·"· .... ,.,,,.,. '° • 411 12\\ "' C••n•I J • 111 J'I • EO•erCI ,,. II Jll 11~. .. Hov9M I .0 •O ) JO•. -lln " .. 119 .... ... •• .., -• -~ Aklll,r1 .AO" 10w1"-' '-C.,OFI »II ll 1J•, f lPH o 141 1 JIS II\.+ • HckllFb 40 U ti H 'o' '' MellO<l 11• t 111 O'-' I PhllVH tO • n 11•., .. bPrG I .otl V ''°JI\. .......... " 1'-•.,,. C••Pw 1 40 I '131 10 •• EPG opfllS •• 10· ••• =~:"p't ~~·o ~ ~! . -lvllleJOO IJ m •1't• .. PP!!ONAG•I ,.n ·.I~ l,':0-.·1"' ·~a·~. ,1•1. '°,, ,1,: ••• • Ale .. pfAJ.t7 10 1'\o• "1o C.,Ppl ltl 1 ,, .. , 'IEPGpl )/S I 71H ''• ,,,,.rc~I 1 9 '1 ..,.._, '1 -~ ..., " QI "l:"llpf .11 2 .,.. '•~·•he 110 11 .. )S •• I EPC,pr II ,... HOlnl ptt l\ II )I'• '•Merle•,,,. \.ll 21•+ Pl<t• I I},,., • S..nth .. I JI ..... .. A~P~ 11 IJO\A.S ol c•"Ptr 11011 " 11.. El<oo JO .M IJ'.· '• ~::::'8 !l: ~I~;~~ '• -rclL J IO IS S.0 """' ~~:, 1 4'1 1~ ~~= ;:.,: 1, t:~~ 11~ :rt ll':: ~1.: :n : · .~ =~: .~ ~:~:~ '!rn ~ :!': · ~In"' ... ~: W. :r.;: ~ =~ 1 ~ ) :~ •::: • • • $~~l ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ... · ~: ~:l~L8.,d ~ •0~!! ~: .~: t:~,f: ~ ~ ,~ ~ .. ~==.:! ~= S ti~ t!\,. , .. c::.~~ l~J n 10:: : .. , ' ~::,:~y 1 1! }._ '• How Pl 40 ll I_. It '" 'o ,,,,. .. II 1ll• J)t n~, ... Plll~I" .0 t lll IJ•, S..nMn W 11-., .. Merger to form 'largest' S&L LO:;) AN(ir~LES IAP ) 'l'ht· pu111m'~ lh 1rd antJ lourl h lurg<•st K.1Vl 1tgN 11 1\d lui.111 UKNl.X'l:.s llm111 huVl• JJl'<lptJM•d u nwrgttr that would c.:rttulc thl• b1ggc.'lll S&L 111 tht· 1.•ountry with a..'iSt'l.8 of n~urly $20 b 1llio11 I At.. AllJ(l'lttS·bm;(.'<.I CcAhfornia Fc.'C.11•ral Suv111~s & Loan J\.s.•iu1.:tut11in , with assets of JUllt ovc•r $10 lltll111n, ugr1.•c'l..l TuL~ay to mt•rgt-with Amcrtt•tin Suvings & L•lilll A.sscx·1utwn. :i 11ubs1drnry of S.•vl·rly lhlli; ha .. -.t•d 1-'1r..l Chart.t·r t:or11 wh1d1 has asst•t.s of sh~hlly lt...'!l'i 1ha11 $10 l111l11111 ThP 1ww {11 m . tu be c-allt>d F1rs l Ft·dt•rul of An)l•rt<:a F A . would d 1:.plan• Lo:. Angl•lt:i.·bai.t·d I lorne Savings of Ameri,·a, l·urrcntly llw nau un''i luggesl S&L w1lh asset'i of $15 b1lhull State sells bonds SACHAMENTO (AP) Thl• SI.all• h~ :.old $181J A!Mnr I Cl 10 • 11.. .. C•lrpT I~ ..... , I I Elt ln 1.0 s ,., 10' .. HwllOIO 110 tl ......... ,,,,. .. b 1"' • 1111 I .. Pl•nR.c ' ISi I '• Sun•••• SI s ''· ••-to '.w • lS •• •• Ct<oCp .. • • ~:;. Emtlfl , I) ,., ,.,: • HHuclu'IMy II 101 .! '10)~. " ,,,,.... I H•. h Pl•n trn •• tJ I) .. '• \.,pr Vt »I) •I~ II .. Ai4lct11 111 lS 42'-lo> Cel•nu , t l'O 10 • ER•d \ lS\ 934 "'°'•,I', H·•~hTI .. .0 , 1,-1, II •", , ,,,,.lrm ) 10 I 10' 1 , 1 Pl•yboy 11 441 I<.• • SuprOll 10IJ10" 11 • '• Ale... .tO .. Ut 2~ \, Cel•n pf 4 so I lt',. EmryA SOJO ~ 1•'-, •, •w , • • " MIC' ptGI .. ttO ,1, 1 1,, Pneum • IO II •1' ll •I"° ~m•G .. 8 \/t )4• •, , Ak oSIO 1.Cll ' 141 ,. • I C••••O<> .0 \ ISi '°'". Emller1 , 40 • tn .. ,., ...... Hum•n • Ml II ,., JI•·. •• MIE p!J I " ISO ull' ••• I P:r.:Po .cl •O ~ H • HP 10 I AluAI ,., .. 10 l3' t••· ... ,, C.lllel J 10 I Ill ~·. • Emhtopl J 10 , ..... • ,, ' HH11ul'lln1.c 11"" ~ •• "io J,•, • ••• MIE pll ." ,....., ,, Po .,Id I so 11• ,.,.' • en• '° IJ ~ 11 • •• EMii I SJ I , J -• ..,. Pnclro• !O ,, •• , ,. .. ' •• SybrO<l I QI II " .... m1lhon wo rth of general obhgauon bonds for 8 7777 p<·rt·enl mlcrcst. and most of the· mom.•y will go for i pnson cons tru1.·11on ftleMlr IJ 4l ,.,_ Cen!.. U •• ii )) • \ I I '• H"llf ~ IO I I 11~ ~~ MMel~ pfOHt l1 1'~ s,1:.• P~T •I IO JO •I "" ' I S•brn plJ -"' I JI • AlleCp 1.• I I .. ,, • '' C.rll>GW I .. t 19'.ll II'• • Emp pl '1 1)$0 I" -,. ' • "I'd ., • ~ • .., AtetJ> pfL• • 2'"1o. '" C.nHucl , .. ) ., 11... Em pine "° IJ .. 2' '. Hyelr•I II• • 10 II • •• M<llE A I .IA 1 IJ'. Po<lt< IO 11 11 11'. SYM•• • I 10 1• I~ S)• •• Altllll 1.40 I 11'2 74\e ... C-"llLI .... I 100 "'" " ERQICG st II -21'•. " I I MllWI pO ., , ,. =~~~ ,: ~ s ~ ~~ ~: Sy><o. 111r /11 JI •• , •• Altl~ t... 11 IH•, CnlLI pl• IO 1100 lt Ennl\ IO I St l•'• • "• I~ 1"° ~: ' l~I !I"' "' MhWI plJ,11 I "'' .. P0<G pf l . .O ) 19•,, , TOK n 11, 10 lllO )l'•, ...... Cll.1$ • 11 ,. • "' Clllt..1 pl 2.11 LJOO .. ,.,, •. , Enwrtll I tO • 111 ,.. • • '. 'c~" pt " ...! • I Md( Ttl I ,. .0 10 P0<G pt •. .., ll J7•. • .. TECO ' .. • ... 10". • "'" 2.CI t 1351 11 ... \t ~l'fi' J.61 11.00 10 1 •• EnilO I .. J' •• '• I I '17 , ·~ ••• Mldcn n 1.0I • IUl ,,... • .. '. ::;tpfi~·; ~l ll~. ~ ~t:1l:ltn : ~~ m; · !~::~: .~: ~r, ~~; :: !,d9.~b~0:•p.,:g 11 ) 1 .'I ii::·~: ::~.;~,:a1.t':H H~: ·.; ~~~(;:::·~ .H H~. i~~.,, :~~ ·~.U , Stale Treasurer Jl'SSC Unruh l)ij10 Tuesc.fay the tnll'fl'SL ratt' compared Lo 9.443 percent on a i:.ale of :S 100 1n11l1un worth on Au~. 24 Both salt:>S wc•11t LO o;yndacates headed by the &nk of America. Tuesday's sale induded the first $ IOO m illion of an authoriiC'tJ $4!:J5 m tl lwn en prison conslruc:tion bonds, to Ix: USC'd to provide 5,550 bc'<is al Tehachapi, Adl·la nlo, San Diego and Folsom, plus other housing and camp fac1l1t1es ~'f .. d ,Ill .. 19 ·~ 11$oy• 14 11 " ll ._ Eqwlmk • 12 s 10 .. 18 I lll I/<, •, MlllR, U IO II• ull , , , PotEI pf • 2J 1t :IA •I•• T•<Botl Y l?J It•., '• A.ld(p pf 12 . I '6"' '19 ~MPw l.IO 1 ~ 141• I ' Equlh > 13 Ill ul•'' • 1•. " p -• lt" Mill8rd I 'IO y t.l> 1l'• "• PolEI pf4 00 vSOO """ '• 1 RW pr 'SO 10 II) " '· ••.1111t11r u o ' JI l4.\<o . ft 111/tPS 2.1' ) ,., 'I0'4 • Eqmk ptl.)1 11 .. • lllPO•I 1 48 I , .. JI•. .. MMM ).10 •• •&Jo , ....... Pr•M•I ., •• Xi )) l •fl8 rCI I 10 " 40•,. I A .. T•I n I 1 10 10 "" nlrOI 251 11'•, " fQIG•• I SO t l• lt '•, " i!Pow 111110 11.cl "'' '• MlnPl 1 1' t II 11", \>o Pr•>l•Y lO ll ., Ill. Telley 110 u t • '• 4jlllOI 41 l h . . ntryTI I• t .. 1.. f qlLI lie \t _. I) llPow pfl 11 110 11• 1 MlroCp .cl IS ,~,, ,,. Prmrk n1 40 ) IO 16 '• h lley Pl t '1 w 10, • '• A llCll pf4411 . JI ~ I Cenvlll 4 t 11 • • '' Etm•'" I .. 10 ltl ti • "' II Pow Pl J.11 1600 u1q•., • • Ml•nln' .IO ISO 11 • '• PrlmtC n Ill) l1 h ndy 11 l~ll '"" " AltlllPr . j) IS\e • ,, Cr1·1-)ti ltl•• 1. f\Qulr > .. 1 11) ""' llPow pt•tl 1UO lS'""' MPe<C )IO llW 1• PrlmM • 1611 722 11 •• '• lndycfl II ~I IJ'.0 Alt M I.JO • 141• 11" '-S!UA!r .40 23 111 11.. E>W•C 10b I 'IO 19.._. •, II Pow pl4.4J 1100 JI", '• MoPS• 1 11 I 11 14', Pro<IG 4 10 11 110 110 h nn.1 ?to I I) i =..s.te .~ .. Ill: m:• ~ c~r·;.::ttl01~ ~ ~· w~,ne ,·~·:it ~~:::-: :r:•pl 11:11 ~~ ~.:: ~: :11:.5P~HI t~ ;~:::~~~:.~~II 1 ~~ 1: ;!.._ {~~~:~. 1:,; ~"~.';::,: AfNIMpl l .. 2 11"1•1 ~""'·t;•·.c> n ........ Ell\ylplJ OO 1 II .t . INCO 10 "" 10'• ::::i:H · l •':~ ,,., '• PS•Co• ,,. I \1• ,, ... '• f::~oizi ll /. ~~':. ::: :~ ~ ~ • I,, ~ ... ~Co -: ·: !:J ,;.~ : ~ ~==~':.i I~ :': :". • :~::: ~~ ~ ··~ ;~, •• • .. ModCPI ,. ••I I~'. : ~ :~.:: "'~· i~ ' •I): J~ . . :: { =~·n=co •• ~· t ·.J fu.. ~J.J~:: : •• Tht• rcma111de r was $:m malhun for bl-achc'S and parks and $50 m11lwn for water quality improvemt•nl pru)l.'l:lS. A~s pl J.!O 1 111 o1 ... ,, wt llS ..... '• E •C•lo 1 .O t ... ll-'o, ;,. ln<llG•\ l 00 I I JI.. Moh.,.t IJ II I) ~In pl I )1 1110 ti • " ' -"" ~ .05j . 211 ·~. ~. N r1 pll t.S IOS II... • Eacl" I -10 ,, ..... lndlPl , .cl • Ill 1 ....... Moll-0 1 •• 4)) IS• .. 'I PSvNH 111 • ?JI •• .: Tent pr II ·~ ... A9"t . U 11',. V. M ) IO • 170' S3\r • '" Enon ) t W O ,... '• lnea<O I• 10 ,., 10 • '• Mollllwb '° ) SJ .. ._ • '1 PSNH pf1 I) rllO lo ~:~~.':,', 1 40 u J~~ ~·I~ : : ~ , A9r-J.jO I n• .-~. lot Cllete pfS.H 111 •I' 1 -F-F _ lnlml< ~ IJ UI "''', • r -nrcto IO • • II • '• PPSSNNHH Pfpll• 11! ISi ?l!:•, , • h\O;O '° "; J<>< ii • . ...... pf 2 .. 1 . l ....... ~. Cllew pl2 De 11 ,.,. ... FMC I .cl I ... )I". • IRQ41rR J ,. 11407 '°" I • --· 9'.l • II '°" '• . ., FDIC suing bank At.kit 1.10 9 111 ...... , .. C"*IW• -) t i II •• " FMC pf 1 U I J'I •,. I , l119R pl 2 JS f JI•. Monwn • • ).)4 19"' " PSNH pl) IS • ,,.. Tl\Of Cl' 2 '' )4 )I AB*-I IO U 31.,,_ 't (llmecl nl.U 10 It 1t • '• FF·.~~ltel •II SS 11.. , lngrTt< W 110 JO "" • I Mon• pl JI) I ••• • .. ~SvNH plll ... IO 7~ J1,1:•, ·, • ;:~•J: nl ,1 ~ 11;: u ....... .l6 I 4 1~, l o CllNYt JM SUOI 4J•,.70, -Cl J71• )I 11"·''• lnlOSll I I" IS MnlOV 1J• t t i,, ... ,•·• M --. SAN FHANCISCO (AP) California Farsl Bank .. AfftCeft 2.tO II )II 31.., IV. CllHY pll.11 It 21 , I'-Ft<tl JI ti I'•, IMllCO ID" llt IS , • 1 -n-1 .. t 10 1S.. PSvEG 1.~ 13'1 11"'. h •Cm I 1t I lllJ .18 AC-pl J.ID . l ll'• CllNY pf2 .,,, IOO ,.,, ... F••«llO IO 10 :i.. ....... ln\lln• J I Moons• ''°' It 111 ·.: :·. PSEG pll 40 ) .... {·e~'r' ; ~~ 1 m I) • :: ACMry IOe IS so .... CllNY pf S) ,. ••• F•l•t pf l 60 l7 ll ... ho 1'nn,1eeA1 Rn'-•·1 ,•, .... ,. 1,11:.._ •• •• M NV U.10 ISi PSEG pl• II 14JCOul4 ..... ,.·., 111 \ ,.'1 JO"" •• ~CJell •1.JS 11 1110 ll'• • 11 CllKV• I 111 10 2• H '•, •• F•mOlr tO I• ., JS", .. AF • , , -"' Moo•t C 110 l4 l6'• • '> ~EE~ ~ !! s' •,,'.. l••u1_ _ 11 1, JI•• • .. OT 1.6' 11 UI 4' 1 OIHPn t.n II i.J l'I" • \l FfW\I F 1 It'• ,• llCPS• 2 10. l4 II '• , -••M I 00 1 100 11'-• '• r~ u ,.., ..., ·-..,., • :.hould bt· stuppl•d from offering unlawfully high antl'resl lo its dl•pos1l<.•rs. according w lhe Ft·dcr<1l Deposit lns uranc·e Corp . AEIPw J.3' t 1001 It'•• '• ~~:~· .. ~ ~. F.,•h II 111 ~ • -:11:•«ro ,','f' :~0 ,s;•• =~::n 31~ r ~ ~ ', :: =~~g ::::: '!:' ~~ • : .. ~==:~:· ~~: ~~~":.:.I'• ~1'.~r. i::g ~ ~::. '• CNMlwr • lt':: ~=c! 1 .. io ~JS , 1~1~\ t10 ,,t ~.::·I ~ -rk nd l l1 I .. Jo,,'• ~EGptl OI 110... h "'M• lit 0 Ill 11 • AGnCp 2.JO I ti •l\. ClllPn JOj 10. J7 ll'-• .. • FOEap IO 1111 tO'•. lnttl• J tO t Jt Jt '•, ._ -•MS 101) 1'0 "'•• ~EG Pf'ltl i lJIO 11 • h OG .. 1' 1110.• JI" I , AGIBCI l.16 " ..... ,, ~~1~:·. i;t n ~: ~·· FOMoQ LJJ 10 , .. 7• '"'"''" .cl 1J ISO 11•.. =~::r. : :J .~ ~~ .. . I PubllO 11 1•·. h P•< lO II • 11 ...•• ~~~i 1-'t "t : m;, 1, Clllllln 41 II •'• ~=~: I ~ t 1'~ ~~'•: :!1":1 •• : ~ :! •:t ~!., .. MIFw•I 1.cl I 1J ~~: ;: ~:~:m It / j: ~.~ • ~::x·:~ l °' •IO~ /~ .: • '• Thl' fC'dt•ral agency su<'d the b<mk Tuttsday, aC'C:usang it of using subterfuge to break lhl· Federal Dl·poslt lnsuram·1· Al't in what lhc> FDIC called a "sham" AHolsl .5tj . t'S I~ CIWOtn• n1 l4 tl 'I • • FP•p Pl Ill) 1 l"I'•. 1 lnlH•tv ... )•o '• MunlrO SO. ) 100 I)'•• \>o PvQ•IP I It t ])/ u , Tolron I IO 10 ~ 1• • ""-1.20 u 1n• ......... CIWM Pl s I •• ,.. FOSQnl• .IO I! ~ ,,.. lnlH• pl • .... MnfOpl '° I I '••'• PwrllnF s ,, 10• ••• '••II pl108 • " •• An·ordtng ln lhc suit, c u s to mers open an AHosp s ... IS 1"'3 ~ • '• Clllolr 1•119 ulO "I Fedl>St l 10 10 ••I ... , • .. 1n1M1n 7.cl I.Ml >?'" • ~u"",1>>11911 I -II .~ 11'• Puro'*I IOI 10 11/ "'' • T ... O I/) l • • AMI 5214 10U l1""°• 'It Clltywl US11 J ... "''" 11011 72 1•" tnlMnpl 4 I :M•, m ~llC .. ., ,... Pyro 'II• •'• • l11tmE1 IJ I) II••· AmMot "" •(•• '• C"'.,'P'f '4lul1'••t1 f60V4nt """ • 1/ JS~.'• lftfMuli ttO ll0ult4...P . MutpO ) • 91~ 14 O\.t•"O 110 81\ .. '•·"• ltwn8•t1 11 h d \\•,.t AN•IRn 1 's 101 JJ•, "Cll<lrCh 111101.1''••' Flckll '211 :• ll'-ln1P•prl40 Ill ,.,,,._MurryO •llO• •O '•'• o..oso IOI 110 h\.+ 1110mln-•• II••·"' ASl..1'1* ]} II.,, ... ClnlMll J ,, 1 2• )I'. lnlA•<• 1• 10' Mui Om I .,. II ll °"-· '° • 'II I'• TnmMo 10<t • ... " ••• ASlllp -.• 11 10~. • CtnGE ),It I 101l II ~t~lt :: 1' ~ ~~:: • .': !nil T l .. I 11'1) JO'' : Myt"L ,_I I 11• RBI·~ -A A lll111!y IO • IOI lt 'o • AmstCI t .ltO " 11•s »"-••• ClnG pl 4 IS ao .>o· I "sC ' J !Tl PIK • J •I•,. ~ H N ·~ .. Jl tj 10•.. Tl(ero I 10 I ' ,, •• foSCerll .•11 .ell "'"' ... ClnGplt)O LlOO II' .. ' ~rn1F:~ ~2 ,}::: .: llTplO s I ... , 1o1eo 10I . 10 19 •• ,. RCA '<)1()'110017•. l10wlr 'Cl \ 0 10··· AmStr I • JO ... ,,, ClnGpf 7,..._ 11100 ~·i 11 flrtttn eiO )l~ tl•• '• lrttTl pt 4 )() J 4'f•, 1 N81n n~> ",' 3411 • :•,RCA pt 4 ..0 H ', 1 • l1g.erll\ Ill I •-. AStr pf ,,SI I 41 ClnG pf flt 1100 10'• • FIAltn s 1 I 10,, lntNrl~ 111 6 ))0 21'-, , NCH IS ... • RCA pl 117 1•S tl'lt, 1. l1mel I I• •10 O , '• ATT S.40 I t:IM St.:... ~. Clr1Mfl n II 100 a ... '1 FICllll IO 11, , • ., lnlrP<• 1 IOO , .... '• NCN8 • t 1tJ 19\>o • " RCA pf )6) .lo JI'. Tomi 11181 )I 11 t) •I ..Ultimate Chei.'.·k1n~·lnlcrcst Plan .. acl'oun l at a California offict· ;mc.J lhc al'l.'ounl •~ recordt•d as a -.avings ao:ount in thC' bank's Guam branch At the .;ame ume. lht' 1.:ustomcr opens a chl'('kang at.'t.·ount and agrees thul funds from the Guam a{'(:ount l'an be used to cover outstanding cht.'(;ks. ATT pf 4 11 U~o , 11 Clllcrp I '2 I .loll ]/;,.. " FllClll< I JO •• lnlf.f I .c> 10 q J'I\., •• lolCR 140 10 U'll ...,.,, • "• RLC n ._ q 21 •• Timi t.'" 10 11 /0 I' ~H:: tr.: »; ~i ... :: g:~~~ :·~:~2t:, ~:·· 1d::~:·,/'IO: m H::: ~: :~: •• ~; ... ~ !~ .~~ ~ti"0 • .:.~·~~ !!;:, ~ :!.~Pur ~·~2ffl :~~· f:~:n 1J 1 : ~:.: ~.: :: AWefr 1.10. 1l 201.. .... Clyln pf 1 ' lt . Flnhtt ,,. • lO l! .. l~ll•pl 11' llOO •• NVF .,., ...... '• R•m•d ,,. S•• Too!>l1p '11 ) 711 J) • '• AWet pl 1,43 1400 H '•• '-Cl•blr . .0 , .. 10 i'• • FtMtH l• • l~ ' IOw•EI In t lO IS'• " N•b><B 1.0S 1143) ll'•' " RR•,mn<l><O 1 IO .. t10S 1~401 111•'•," '. 11o0k1Ell0m1, I~ 106 \~ 11~ • '• AW•I Pf l.U lltO 101, ci ... e 110 .. 1• '• ,.. ... a .... 1..,) So l1'·•"• lowllG 1.lo. ,. ,,., • Nboc8 pf)'° 1740 >o•. •.• -.. ..,., , A....,Oll l.tO • ll 1• ..... I. ClvCll t lO IO t l 10'• '• Flol~l8 J 40 •JI ll ... • , low•PS 1 41 t SI n•, "H•l<Ot 11111 1• 11'1 '• R•yc mn M IS IJ )I'•• 1 IOlfOpl41t I ll'o• A,.,..sO .4010 21 11'-.+ ~. Cl.,.EI 1 • t 110 tt• 1 • F\IP• l"l2 •'" '• low•R• J .. I u JS N•OCO • 1' 10 " ,·.~·, • \, R•ymk ll'I I'•, '. lotEO Pf?» ) 11•-'•. "-ti! I ilO ll JI JI\. ... Cin i* eG I 111 1'-'• F\IP• wl )< j.ltol J1 IP<OCp 10 u Jll '""° .. lol•plFO -11 <l R,ymo1 I S It 11•., '• TOIECI pf111 I II • Amie< 1,6' IS ,,, l•loo. "" c..... ., 10 SI) ·~·~. FtVnRI I 10 17 lf> ........ 1rv98' ) .lo s )S .,.. • "'••co .. .. )I 21•. •• R•Yllln I .0 11 ,, .. •S.. '. ToolROI .., " ,, •• :::;: ':: :~ 411{ ::: 1 ... e:. ~ I S! :;:: • ' ~:~t!~ t.t ! 11\ll ~~ • :! llH CI> >Clt>r J .. ?• r ~=~~~: '\' I ~ :~ .. : ~ ::1i~~~l.~ • ·~ ~;,.' '• ~~~o' I .cl J; ~'• ........... " .., "". "' M 21 JU ...... I• FIKllll 1 • •tt •I JWl I ..... 1' »>-'• NICn•. MI\ JSO ..... " RllRef I Ole • 11 ... • 10\C.O •• .., .... AmStfl 1.1' S IJ %1"1 • \, tl•I 40 l5 111 J)4. \ , 1$11FCI 10 l tl IO Jme•F I .cl II II J•'-'• N•IDl•I J 10 t lit 11'9 • '• Rt<llEQ It) I • > T-lt 4' t4 11 , • ""'Me' I to IS 1n U \o EC' 7,41 11 ,_ Cl.. FllFlnG 1 S 11 l3'•, •, JR1 ... , 00 II •IO wJ•'o •I H•IE<MI I DI I St It" ~..s .. !".en JO 10 , ... ,, '.'~ ., 11ow0vAI• pl' ., _ .. ~ ,'!:.•, , ...._" M •• I S•-lo H l .6' 11 S ""'°' F IMIEJ\ .it1' Ill> II'-• "' JRvr pl S 00 t)~ wlH• • Jt. N•IFG l 16 S tS JI "' ~ ~ , V I •• -, -IA TJ 14 ,.... I 0 • 14115 "" • , ""'"no I ,, II •• ...0 • I 1...... •t 10 •• ••• .. .. lolelGyp I • 21 111 1126 .... I fl-• n I JU "• • l••<•• • JO I/ .,. JI... • -mpn Ill!-. JOA IJ"o ....... Inn I JO I) 1'0 11 • FltalV .•It Ill 11 JJe.l>ftlPF111t 1U. .. I 1.Mll JO·~ • NtHom Ill >~• AefCl\C 41 .e ,I I)' lr•M I ~• l4• )\ ,, ...... • XI .. 11". ·~ Co19P•I l.llD I llJI ..... • ~ltJll pl '61 I .... Ill -NMOC•• .. 9 •IO .... RepAlr JM SI, • 1w Cp 211tJ l) •• Aftc-I.» 1' tJI 1' • VI C•ffAlk n 10 111 ll1'.. f'lll•l Pf 11S ) 1' • ,1 JerC Pf 111 14* loO'• , .. lolMdlEn 40 I• 11)1 tH• • '• R...Cp eG I 1• II>,• \, TW wl 11' I, -"'CleJ I.JI 6 111 ,. ... ~· CellftFd • .. .,.. "'11'151 ....... n-.. '" JtrC pl I . 1100 "" .. lolMl~i 12 •• ,. I • \, R • .,, .. s I 20 •• • .... • • l W ..... " I•. ""'*G II •• I 111 " I Cel..... t 40 tO IS.:... F-IPI " ICl'I n~ • JtrC ,.. II 110 111t'•. ,, NPflt •• IOI I n ~ ,, 11.toHY "'° I n »1 .. lWC: Of 1 • II "-'k ,601' '"'°'"'•"• ceiun • ''° w ,.~. 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" .! 111 ll~ nl• ....... P .. , ... • Jj ,. .... ' ~·.~!."!'m I ~ II 1,n11 211·~· •• , ''"'"n 021 .. J-. •• .... Pw pf•.11 . • J0V> CmwE J• 1 llll 14 F0<CIM 11111 1I' v.f., •• ' '• "'••P pl t .cl LlOO 11'> '> "··--~ TrGP r ••S I.SO st .. ~~~.~·: !!~ :~:=:~~:I= •i •:g :~~ ... ~='~ ?::'' 'ft ~~· ~ :o·~~e ·~Ks ~1s w ••. ::::::n: ~= l::.!. •· ;:.yy~1n~~p1;~01~ ~.~~: ...'. ~~g,p,·:~ ~ ~;~. Arl1PS 2.S2 • 1176 11... CwE ,.. •• IOS 43 • I F10e .. I J2 ., ...... , l(L~ IO Ill ... ... •• p pl I ts I ,, .. --~ lrGP pf J !O 10 11' """pf J.• JI JI ... ' -. Cwl! pl 1 J1 11 I•'• Fl-I Ill 14 ISO •I , , , ~ 11 1'I lJ ' 11 .. ..ss n II •>. ,._ =:~;;,r I IO ~ 1~~ Trn•Oh J • .: Ar118ll . .SI .. I ~ \. CwE pl 111 .... 1l • '-F-IWll .. I llO ,, ... , '• !S,m1 ·~11 .! IS ~1 1111~' ~ lolf flll[I l t 1ll 1' R-~ .... -1 SI T,.nwv I IO II 14 Atllle • ·"IO lll 11"' Cwl! pf 7.?A 000 Sl.. ''I Fo;SIP tt • II 11~. .. .., "~ -•v '• ' lolEnP plJ It I uJ•' •' ReyM ;;f;.i'i I .,._' ,, .. ,, t I M 0 1 Jl'• "'"'"' t ,.. 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' ~&J ~I :· 'u Y~: ~=;:,;#'I~~-: t'! ~ .. ,..: :r: :s: e & .... \o = am..,..,, = ',, f?~:"' .,,•l· .• ,,t."' •"JD 1'~-i! W!P~ Jl WI ~~ ii f t U I l -Ill I t t i Nli:i,. 1 -----.------~ ~ --- ~ .... ·~----..;.... ........__ - , • 4 i4 ~ .... \!<• f]f tn. ( l•Ht .-on! lfliJ "'-AiidV .. ""'IO Luu•u 11 z ••• CAN WIN $1,000,000 Canadian Government Lottery OVER sso.000.000. IN CASH Draws Every Month ONE IN FOUR CHANCE OF WINNING CASH PRIZES UP TO~ 1,000,000 -MANY U .S. WINNERS - Write f o r info & FREE br ochure : Write fo r Info & f"REE brochure: 4 OAKLAND BALLET 1tres1st1bly 11ght Gu1d1 sweeps his six couples thro11gh some infec11011s comb111at1nns San Francisco Examiner 2 P.M. -SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30 8 P.M. -SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 Admission Sl 00 Advance SB 00 at ttw Door ORANGE COAST COLLEGE ROBERT MOORE THEATRE MEGA AGENCIES INC. 261·1068 Homer Street Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6B 4W9 (604) 263-9645 ~ 2701 Fa11 111Pw Rond Costa Mesa ~l'--T_l_C_K_E_T_s_1_v_1._a_·M_C_-_5_5_6_-5_5_2_7_, PUBllC NOTICE PU8LIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PU8LIC NOTICE T·15533 STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL RE SOLUTION •21:9112 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NOTICE Of' TRUSTEE'S SAU FROM PARTNU.SHIP OPERATING ACTION OF THE BOMID NAME STATEMENT T.S. NO. 5314 UNDER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS OR TRUSTEES OF THE rh., 10110.,.11111 1.>erson I!> doing IMPORTANT NOTICE TO NAME OCEl~EW SCHOOL l"tSiness as .... OHRTY OWNER: T "" tollow1ng per son has DtSTRIC 1 Of ORANGE tAl SKHlEV LATZER & CO YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A "'llhdrJIM> JS agentirJI partnti1 trom COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 181 CARI El C.ONSUUANlS SOOI DEED OF TRUST, DATED thllP4lltnt>r~htp oper<1t1nounde<the Thelollow1ngmo11onw.i•movt'O W<1tn111 A•.,nue Suite 100. NOVEMBER 30, 1111. UNLESS l1c1111ou• ous1ness n~me of ISLAND by M ananr>e Blao~ JrH.I o.,1y Hun11n<;1on Beact1 (,A 'l2649 YOU rAKE ACTION TO PROTECT VILL A GE PROERfl ES SEAL seconded and CJlllt!d TIMOHtY r, SKfllfY !1042 YOUR PROPERTY, IT M AY BE BEACH .ll J IJ Mair> Str<!t!l Seal WHEREAS E<1uc .. 11ei11 t..o<le 0 1Ju1111.;1 Hun1111g1011 B•··1~t1 t..A SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Be~cn Ca11to-n1a 90740 Sections 39500-39502 IHOYldu in.11 'llb4'J NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE T ht' , C"110uS Dus1nl'•S name the Go•Otn"'ll Board ol ""Y '>(.llOO r1 .. s IJU'"""S• IS <.Oltdu~h;<J lly a NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING st"h,me111 lor ine par1 .. ersn•p was n1s1r1cl by unanimou• volt' ot ,,11 I""''' .. " 11.11tr1crsn1p AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD hlt'O oo May 4 19811n tne County member5 rn.iy t'A<.h.11>1Jt' 1r•y ,.,,,1 T1mottoy G S~.-11 .. t CONTACT A LAWYER. or Otange proper tr Wllh 11no1n~r puhli~ 1111~ •lulf'mt'nl w-·~ l1le<.I w1lh lhe On Novemt:Ht< 10 1982 at 10 00 Tne lull namt! and resioence or ager>cy 1ncludm9 " c11y ano t.ounti Cler~ ot Ora11qt' C.11.11111 on a m C 0 NT I N E N T A L tile person w1t11or aw1ng as a WHEREAS the Oc..l'lro Vi"" 0<.101.,., 14 1982 DEVELOPMENT OF CAllFORNIA pa11ner School O•Slr Cl tD•~lrrelt " now lht F199647 Pu uhshed 011rnu., Coasl Daily P1IOI Ocl 20 21 ND• J 10 1982 4626-82 INC a ca111orn1a corporation as MJrk Er+ .. Galyean P 0 Bo• owner ot real proptJrty tocatl'ct .it duly appomtec:t Trusttt unoer .ind 14~ 01 16772 Broadwa~ S Sunset 1724 t Oak u1ne Hu11t1nqton Eleocn pursuant 10 Deed of Trust recorded Bl•JLI' Cailforn•d 90742 Cahlornoa 92647 d 1-10111011 OI .. n1c..n December 20. 1981 as 1n5l NO s Mark E Galyean include~ appro11mlllety 110 8?!> 1------------- 35148, ol 01Hc1al Records m the Tt11s s1a1t<ment was hied w11n Ille sauare 1...et 01 lond 1oc:,1tPd JI uw PUBLIC NOTICE olltee al 111e County Rec0tder~ ol <Aounh C1.,r1<. of Orange CO\lnty on sou111eas1 corner a110 1------------- 0range County. S1a1e of Calllornoa vet 18 1982 WHEREAS Int" i!bO•e des1.11bP<J FICTITIOUS BUISIHESS e.ecuted by P18l3 Properties a F111•n 110 82S square I. 'I Of IJ11d 1~ nnl NAME STATEMENT Ca1t1orn1a General Par1nerst>1p Pubt1~ne11 Or .. roge Coast Dally and won nol at tne 11n11i o! dehvery tit Will SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION P1IOI 0~1 10 l7 Nov 3 10 1982 possession be neell1>0 tor ~'hOOI TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH 462 • 82 classroom bu1ld111qs by 1ne 015lnCI Thi' lollowono person 1~ do1110 tlUC,lfWSS OS (payable at t1mP ol sate 1n 1aw1u1 ------------NO w I H £ IH: r 0 RE a ( 1 T BOL SA BEACH BURGER. • 5032 Bellen Boull'•tlr o Midway C11y CA 9:itl'i5 money ol tho United s1 .. 1es1 .11 the PUBLIC NOTICE RESOL\/£0 ltoA T lh" D151 .. ~1 north front entrance to the county Bo ard ot Tru~lt<"\ 1n 1ne b.,,, SURll SAE THIA 1119 East flk No J Glendale <;A 91205 courthouse. 700 C1111c Conter 011ve FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 1111crests of lhc 01str1ct .iuthonzc~ West, Santa Ana. Calllornta. all NAME STATEMENT ano dectarl's 115 •nl1>n11on 10 rrus busmess 1s conduc1en by nn 1no1v1cJua1 right, !Ille end lnlere11 conveyed 10 The lot1ow1ng persons are Ooong e•cnange the ~uove de~crobrd and now held by 11 under said Deed bus1nes~ as 110 825 sQudr o l l<lnd tor of Trust 1n the property sHuateo 1n MARK VI I NVESTM ENTS approJ1ma1ety 102.300 ~uo1e lee1 UldCoun1yandSta1edeacr1aec1as 14802 Hillsboro Ptac;e lus11n. ot land o wned by 1ne City ot Sunl Sae Thou PARCEL I Ca111orn1a 92680 Hun11ngto" Beach IOC10led <liono " Parcel 12 1n the C11y of Newporl R C 1a y Md 11 a r d 1 4 8 O~ pa<hon ot Ille norlh<trn aoundary 01 I n1s s1a1eme111 ...,as llled with me Covn1y Clerk ot Orange Counly on 0<.IODl!r !> 1982 F 1tlto9 Publosned Orange Coas1 Daily Polo! Oct 6 13 20 27 1982 Beach. County ot 0<11nge Stute 01 H1llsooro Pl.Jee lus11n Calllornre the O.strret s ree1 properly tocated C11l1lorn1a as sllown on a ma1-1 fried 92680 al t 72• t Oak Lane Hun11na1on on boo" 93. pages 4S Jnd 46 ol Met Zenimo~ 2694 t Carranza Beach Cahtorru a 9264 7 A map Parcet Maps 1n lhe olf1ce or tile Dro•e M1ss1or V1e10 Caft1or1110 depictrng H•e 1oec111c tocat1on1 of PUBLIC NOTICE 4343 82 county recorder ot said counly 92675 ao111 propert•I'!> •s avll•lable tor E1.cep1 all 041, 0<1 rtghta m1~ra1s Oa1110 M Coll• n s 2S352 re••-ourong regular workrnO 11oun m1ne<al rtghls. natural gas r19n1a P11c1toca M1u1on V1e10 Calllorn•a at 1ne 01s111c1 business ollrc• and other hydrocarbons by 92675 toc111ed .11 16940 8 Slreet w hatsoever name known Nell Witham• Schhcnt 4020 Huntington Beach Ca11torn111 92642 geott>e<mel steam and ell prooucts ~.hp1e Trt"e Or •f' Anane•rn BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The I01tow1ng petSOl\S are d04ng :ius1ness as derived lrom any ot the toreg0tno Ca11torn•a 92807 THAT tile Secretary ol the O.st1tet that may be w11tun or under tnf' John R•'t'y 108 Topo Street Board ot lrus1ees rs dorected 10 H & H CONSTRUCTION SITE 601 S Eucltd Anaheim Ca111orn11 92802 parcel 01 lilnd hereonaoo"e Anane1m Ca1.1orn1a9280• pubhsto•GOOyOltt>-.resotuhonnot described. 1ooe1ti•r with the Rober10 M endez 14792 less 111a" onct a "'!'Ilk tor three V1'1or P Syauoa 19510 toe• Cerrrtos Cehtorn1a 90701 perpetuel right ol dnll109 mon•tlil H1t1saoro Place T ushn Cahforn1a wee1<1 prior to 1119 Board 8f11et•t11l explormg end operating therefor 92680 into tr•!' e~cnan11e of the above· Carol M SyQu•a 19510 lbea, Cer111os Cahtornra 90701 and stormo In and removing lhe Tnos business rs conducted Dy descrobed proper1>e,s same lrom said tend or 11ny other R Clay Manard I AOOPTEO SIGNED ANO 11111 aus.ness 1!1 conducted Dy an 1nd1vulua1 l and . 1nclud1ng the roght to Tnis s1a1ement was llted w111 tne APPROVED THIS 2ttt day ot June wh1pstoclo. or d1:oc1ionelty dr11t and County Cteri. ot Or<1nge County on 198~ CarOI M SyQU•a mine lrom land~ other tl'lan 1nose Oeto!M'r 19 •982 hereanebove described. 0tl Of gas wells. tunnels and shalls Into . thrOUQh or ecrosa the suaM1rtace ol the rand here1nabo11e described. and lo bOttom such whipstocked or dlrecllonally drilled wells, tunnels and shalls under and beneath or beyond the eJ<ter1or hmlls lhereot and 10 redr1ll, retunnet eau1p maintain. repa1t deepen and operate eny such wells or mines without. however. the rlQhl to 01111 mine. store. explore end operate througFI !Fie surface ol the upper 500 lee! ol the sv~rtace of tile rand as reserved by The Irvine Company. by a document recOfded Februaty 20 1980 PARCEL 2 A non-eacluswa eesement tor 1noress egress and ve111cular p81kit11l over Parcel B In the C11y ot Newport BeltCti County ol Orange Stele of Cahlornl8, as &llOwn on a mao 1119<1 on bOOk 93, pages 4S and 46, Peroet Meps. on Ille oltioe ol the county rec0tder of a.Id county Tha 11rael addrHI and Olller common designation of any ol.ahe rul pro1>9rty de.c;rlbed 1bov-. 11 purPQr1ed 10 be 12 Corporate Ptaza, F191MO Pubhsned Orenge Coasl Oa11y P1101 Oct 20 27. Nov 3 10, 1982 -4620·82 PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMIEN"T OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME lne l ollow lng person nas withdrawn as,) general partner from the partners111p operating under lhe 11c111 1ous business name ol SPECIAL TV GLASS ANO MIRROR CO at t 109 Vre1or1a C~ta Mesa. Cehl0tn1e 92627 The lrc111rous ausoness name 1111em .. n1 IOf tile partnersn1p was hied on February 26 1982 1n the County ol Orange FILE NO 18-4000 Per.on Wrthdrawong Gary Steven Grolf.n 2 1551 tl•OO"-hursl • 11 J Hunl•nQIOn Beach Ca11torn1a 92~6 111 Gary Gntfln Publlsried Orange Coast Darty PllOI Oc1 20. 27 Nov 3 10. 1962 -4,S75-82 N9wpor1 Beach. Cahlomla 92660 -------------T 11 e undersigned Truslee PUBLIC NOTICE d lsctalms any llablhty tor any ------------incorrec1nes1 ol the strMI address FICTITIOUS BUSINESS end Other commoon JesJgnauon. 11 NAME STATEMENT -11y. al\OWtl ller•n. The lollOwlOQ person• are d0tt11l Said 111• wlll be made. but butlnesa aa without covenant or warranty. WEST CUFF CONSULT ANTS. HPfWS or lmpto«I, regerdtng ltlle, 11125 Westcl1fl Or111e, Newport ponenton. or encumhrances. Beech Calllornla 92660 1ncludlng lees, charoe• and Michael J Gr1z. 840 Irvine expen-of tha Trustee and ol lhe Avenue :rS-312. Newporl Beech. tru111 creeled by utd Oeed ol Calllorn1a 92663 Trust, to pay the remelnrng prlnclpel Joseph 0 Voyer. S515 Rover wma of tile note MCJUred by '81d Avenue •313, Newport Beac:h. Deed of Truat to wit· $ t .803.350 59 Ca1ilorn1a 92863 with Interest tllefeon from March 1, Thl5 buslnest Is conducted by • 19112 at 17 per<l411\t per annum as gonerat partner1111lp. provtd«S In tald note plus cos11 end JoS&pfl O Voyer any advances •Ith rnterell. also ThU sta1emen1 was Meo with tile tncludlng 1a1e Cf)arga Coonty Clerk 01 Orenge County on The beneficiary un<lor Mid Deed October 26. 1962 01 Trull h9re1ofore executed and delivered 10 the underalgned • wrttt«i OeclalatlOn ol d411eult 1no Demand tor Sale and written Hot!Qe ol Default and Electoon 10 F2005.30 Published Orenge Cout Daily PllOI. Oct 27. Nov 3. 10 17, 19112 •73().62 Seit. The vn<Se<algned caused Mid Pta.IC NOTIC( Nola of Default and E*:llon to FlCTJTIOU• ~II Seit to be recorded In In. county MAm BTAnMBIT wMte tM ~ property 19 localed Oete. OCl1ob9t 14. tM2 Tile foltowtng penons ere dotnil c .. ,........_. Dvnlap-nl et bu~.:-LINDA APARTMENTS C .. enM. Inc. • C....,,. _ 11, P O Box 6040, Newport ~ ....... • trw .... 8'Mt Balch. CA 92660 4463 arreh. UT~ Bantclnt Co., lftC~ Newpo<t Bffch, CA I CalNa,,. ~atloft, M 899ftl p A R T N E R S ( 1 ) T H E 7m &. ........ Aw, p R 0 S PE C T •C A LI F 0 R NI A WNttlaf~ C 0 M P A N Y , a 0 " I a w 8 r e ~ ..._ T,..... OMoet e0<porellon. One To-r 8qu11e, p b I cl 0 c I 0 II Hartford. Conn. 011115, (2) E.E. u • ·~ '8"J!, OH • ., YOC'IER. 2555 E Chipman. Pll01. Oc1 20. a7• · 3• 1!:~7•82 Fullerton. CA 92631: (3) V J -----------:----SHRADER, 25115 E Chapman, "8.IC NOTK:E Fulletlon, CA 02651: (4) L.V L. ------'"".'~~:----COMPANY, (Yorbl Linde), P.O 80~ ,eoTICI °' eo•o u 93 Olrett. Newport e .. cn. N()M,.n...oN--.m CA Not~ 11 hereby given ma1 '"-Thtt blltlnete II ciondue1ed Dy • ~llgMd Wiit not M rftP(>lltlDlt gOM<tl paf!Mf"tl\lp I Of I lly cllbU or llabllltlU L. y I. Coft\pany (Yorba contrtcttel oy anyone othef thin LlnCl•I ITl'(Mlf, on f1f en., 1hie date A••d Baumtn, Mno. Dated tfllt 1tttl clft1 of October. Oen Part. BOARD Of lRUSTEES OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT M1i.well Sud•~ow Cnaotes Osterlund Janet Garr.cl< Ma11anne Bl11n~ Sne11a Marcus ST Ar E OF CALIFORNIA I COUNTY OF ORANGE f I DALE COOGAN. Secrou1ry Of lhe Board o t Trustees ot Ocean view Sct1out 01st11ct ol Orange County. Ca11tor"'" nereoy certify that the abo•• and foregoing motion was duty and rf'gularly moved and se<:ondPd And pO\~d by a 5-0 •ote of so:11<1 Bo11rd a1 a regular meeting lh4'feol ht'ld on the 21st di• ot June 1982 Dale Coogan Secrelary of the Board ol T•us1ees Publls'1ed Orange Coos! Oa1tv Pltot Oct 20 27 Nov 3 t982 4615 "' P\mlC NOTICE K..QZ2U NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PflOHRTY AT .... IVAT£ 9ALE No. A 113MI This statement was llled wnh lhe County Clerk ol Orange County on Oc1ot>cr 5 1982 F1MM5 Puot1sned Or11n9e Coast Dally Pilot OCI 6 13 20 '27 1982 4370-62 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tne 101tow1no ~rsons are doing ou,1ness u ON 1 IME TRAVEL 170 I Scott 011va Su11e D Newpc rt Beac'1. Ct1hlorl'l8 92660 Joyce V MCEiroy 2005! Cotoate Corel•. Hun11ng1on Oeach Cah10<n1a 92646 Nancy A Hagan 3007 HilrbOr View Ot1ve Corona <let Mar Caltfomoa 92625 Th11 1>us1ness os conducted by a ger>e<al partne<st11p Nancy A Hagan Joyce v MCEiroy Tllo~ sta1emenl was llted w1111 ltoe County Clerk ol Orenge County on Oct 4 1982 F1Mn1 Pubt•tlled Orange Cont Oally Piiot Oct 6 13 20, 27 1982 •397 ·82 PUBLIC NOTICE In 111• Supe<1or Coun of the State ol Calllorn•e for the Counlv ot Orange In the Maller ol the Ealate ot FICITITIOUS BUSINESS Vincent H Troller, Deceased NAME STATEMENT Notoc:e 11 hereDy given lhOt the The IOllOWlng ~rsona are dorno undereigneo wrll tell II P1111a1e sale busrnest as to th• highest and best btdder WARMINGTON-SOIJTHLANO subject to eonllrm1111on ol u td DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, 3090 Svpe<lor Court. on 01 alle< the 101h Pullman !>lreet. Coste Mesa. day of November 1982 et tha oltlce Callforn111 92626 of DONOVAN W BALLENGER, 40t The Robert P. Warmington N Brand N o 500. Glendale Company. a Ce111orn11 corpOfetion, Calllornta. County ot LOI Angeles, 3090 Pullman Street. Costa Mesa. Stet• of California. all 1119 rlgtot, title Cahlornla 92626 end lnl erHI ol Hid deceaNd 81 1119 S.Wrty Hills Savings and Loan time ol death and all tile r10111. 1111e Aaaocl1110n, a Calllomra Savings & and 1ntern1 that tile Hl•t• of said Loan Auocl11lon, 2727 t La• de c •as• d has • c Q u 11 e d by RembtH, Mission Vlelo Calllornla operation ol law or othlfW11141 oth9r 92692 than or tn addition 10 that ol '81d Th11 bus1n11H 11 conducted by • deeeaMd, al the lime ol de•ll). In generel partners111p and 10 ell the cenaln reel property w A R M I N G T 0 N • lltualed In Clly ot ltvtne. County ol SOUTHLAND Or1nga . Stale ol Calllornta 0 EVE L 0 P M ENT par1ic.ilarly delcnbed .. lotlowl to COMPANY wit 8 y T n • R 0 b • r I p Lot 5 1n Tract No 6236, ea Wermtngton Co al\OWfl on 1 map recQfded In 8ooil Wllltam J Pot1man. 136. PagH 24 10 3 I 1nclu1111e of S.cretlry M11cet1aneou1 M1pa, records of Tiits atate!Tl4lfll wH 1119<1 ..,Ill 1119 Orange County Cahlorn111 more County Clefk ol 0.1nge Covl>ty on commo,.,ry knl)wn •• 4671 Octobef te. t982 Sandburg Way. Irvine, Calllornt• ,,._ u n 1 t 6 , u n t v • r • 11 y P • r k PuDllalled Or•nga Coeat Dally Condominium. Ctmbtldge Plan P1101. OGI :10, 27. Nov 3. tO, 1962 Terms ol nle cnll In lawlu 4622·82 PUlllC NOTK:E money ol tile Untied Stet" Ofl '819 or Part calll'I and balance~ Dy note Hcured Dy Mortgage o Tru•• Deed on the property IO IOl<I ,ICTmOUI eu ...... Ten perunt ol amount bid to be NAMI ITATIMINT dej)Otlled with bid. Th• lollowino peraon I• doing Bldt Of otttt1 to be In writing and bualnea1 H Wiii De re¢tlvtCI at the afore11td PARRY CON STRUCTION olllc• ti eny ""'' altar Illa ""' COMPANY. Ut Cedlr S1r .. 1, puOllc111on fltftol and b4110t• d•t• Ntwpon 811c11, Callfornl• 112663 Of.... N .. 1 Vance Parry, Jr., Ut Daleo this 1t111 O•Y OI OclOl>el Ctcl•r , ...... Newport BHCll, 1082 ceruornl• 92&63 H•rry lttrnm Thlt t>utlMM '* cOlldvettd by an Ell.Kutor Of th• ttoCllvlClull Mtete ol Mid OeGedent Hell Parry 1082 "*' ••element ... flleO with lfte e.eara t. ~ Cownty Clwll o4 o.-. Coumy on DeM'fllfl W ...... ,.,.., m I. 1lt11 It. •M OCtober 11, tNt ~~:. 'f'~ Thia atetemenl wu IW.O with Ille County Clerk of 0.ange County on October 11 tH2 Cotta MaN, CA 02627 ""111 Pvbll '*'Of CO.at Dally PMol Pub1te11ed Orange Co••• oeuy P~itNd Oc:t 13. 20 27. Nov 3. Oc1 ;, 21 ::'t 1H2 . , Hot, Oct 20, 21, 27, 1H2 ltU ' ' 4715-17 48 t._12 45 Hl.f2 I •--"'-""'--- , .... Publtah•O 011ngt COHI Dally Pltot. Ckt 13, X>, 21 Nov ~. IH2 ••55--92 , 'f ,_ ~ \\ •. .., ... r '(.~./ ..., ... ~ .. r ~). ~___,,____· I ~'1 , Ii BEER A[t3 •1 ll iPLACE TO SHOP Jacques Bonet ,, CHAMPAGNE I 75~U~~1 89 TAYLOR i.I. EA California Cellars 1 C··E···L·L··A················ I WINES WINE . BURGUNDY 750 ml. 11.5 Liter • • EA I EA I COUNT VASYA I I I VODKA 80 PROOF 1.75 LITER 8 9.89. GILBEY'S GIN 80 PROOF 1.75 LITER JIM BEAM LITEJ0.99 WHISKEY 80 PROOF 1.75 BACARDI PUERTO RICAN ~l~~r A mber 11 5 I 80 PROOF 1.75 LITER • MacKINNON'S SCOTCH 80 PROOF 1.75 LITER 8.99 ANCIENT AGE BOURBON 11 I I 86 PROOF 1.75 LITER • \!.TORRE DEi CONTI Jf ~ ~Asti Spumante SPAAKLING WINE ml4.79 LITE BEER :12 oz. CANS PAK OF 12 1 I l NklC NCHICC YOU AM .. otlPAUL T UNDtlfl A 0110 O' TllUlf OAllO llfl'TIMllll 111...~MO UNLlll YOU TAICI ACfl0tt TO "'0TICT 'tOUll ,llOfl'llll't, IT MAY H 80LcD AT A "'9UC IALI W YOU NlllO AN IXfl'l.ANATION Ofl' THI NATUfll 0, THI ,lllOCllDINO AOAtNIT Y0~1• YOU IHOULO CONTACT A l..AwYlfl NOTICI OP TlllUITll'I IAl..I Tl Ne MM NOTICl IS HCAl!BY GIV[N lhet on Waone6day Nuvembet 11 t\181 11 8 00 0 ttocl. a 1'1 01 said O•y lrl 1111 room .. t ulde 1or condu1<1HIQ rru11to • 8•'-w111t111 11'18 Olflt.•• ,,1 HCA L CSTA TC ~tcun1Ttf $ SEAlllCE lo1,1tt11tl ,,1 '0;>0 NtHll1 01oedw•y $t;1t1 ~OCI 111 111• ~.11y 01 S11nte An• Counly 111 Or11n11t1 S1u111 Of C1tllorr11t :; AN M Ai Ill N 0 SA V I N O:; A N O lOA N ASSOCIATION 11 C..t1ll l C1rtlln CO•OOrtltlon IU duly llPPOlllll!d fN1tH under onll 1Jursuu11t 10 11}; power ol ule ~onlorroo 111 thlll ce<tam OHd ol lrull 01i.11<.u100 by RICHARD BAAR an u111lhl1rll<I mon recorolld OCtobel IJ 1980 In Book 13787 01 OlllCrlll Recort.11 ol •••O Couo ty Al P•O• 170 RacOlder s tn11tum•nl No t95 t9 Dy r11eson 01 a breach or oe11u11 1r1 1>•ym11n1 or perlormenc1t ol 11111 Obllge11ona secured tnereOy 1nclu01ng 11181 breach or default ~llQt al wlllc;ll w .. r8COtd8<1 July 2 I 1982 es Aec:Otder s lnatrumtnl No 82 2S269<1 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC TION ro fHE t11GHESf BIDDER FOR CASH lawful mooey 01 tile United St1t8'> or • CHlller s clleck drawn on • state or n111onal bani.. "II 1111c or federal crao11 union or • Ila e °' tedet•I ~v1ng1ano10111 11u«1a11on domiciled 1n 1h1s s111e 111 payable a1 1111 11me ot sale all r1gn1 !Ille 8110 1n1erost heto by 11 .u Tru11n 1n 1ha1 1ea1 property s11ua1e 1n said Counly and St11t11 desc"b•O u 1ollows PU8LIC NOJICL l'lltl IC HO llCl YOO All IN O"AUL f UHOIM 4 T t ..... 7 0110 0' TllUlt 0A1'0 .1\,ll't' .. NOtlCl OP f flUtl H I Ult ttll UNI.Ill YOU fAICI AC tlON 4 Ot•t , .. TO '"0f1Cl YOui. Pi.Ofl'llUV •Ill Allt IN t>ll ""'' llrllll 11 A If MAY I I OLO AT A fl'U•L.tC Ill Lii •II llhl!tl •Alli• MA• ti IALI IP YOU N I 1!0 AN 1•1111 1 "411'1!) ,1111 tA"t At 111114 l•,LANATION OP THI NAlUI" 11111111111 I 1111111•1<111I111, 11 OP THI fl'llOClllOIHO 4 01>1NtT MA> 111 \111 I• Al A 1111111t Al 1 YOU, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A 11 t Llll NtlU Atl 111t11Atll\l11or1 PU8l IC HOllCl PUBLIC NOJICL C ON BOLIDA T!D RePORT OF CONDITION Coneolld•t•d Repo rt of Condition o l AM RIC AN STATE BANK · of Newporl, Orange County , and Don111ttc Subeldlarl•• •t th• f lOH o f bu1lne11 Cln 8 tplember 30, 1992 S tale B•nk N o 1072 UWYlll I ll 111 1 "4A lllllf 111 1 111 NOTICI o• Ti.UITllf I I ALli I 11111 11111rn. Al.All~·' •IHI fl Ill TI Ho :MtU '1lt1)1Jll1 I IJNIAI I A I AW'l'I II Doller Amount• In Thounnd1 NOT II r IS llf Rt "" 1•1111 N lh•I On II•• /blh ,, •• I I "'"""'"•• oo W11<111.,•U•y NuvoM11l>1 • t I 1\18. tlltn 1t "'" h11u "' 1 1t}< 1 " "' '" •• Quo II C.~h • "' ul l>tlll 1l11y 111 "'" .... t;tt .,., ...... Ulll D ul 111• .... w Ill• tllllM Ml litld\I Im tl1ndul'flrt\j ( r>1Jllh ( Qlrlll•uu• .. IOCllllO 11 1(1() ln.t•ffffl I 'HI'" wttlthlU th• Vfll' ••a\ f l lV 1 t #Ufyl l)~ "" °Nft't h IOOOIJ flfAl L5JAlll :ILl..Ullllt1"!1 1.110""11 >I> TOO Wul 8th t.11t1•I StAVll.l IO•l•hlll at 20~11 N111ll1 1lu•••11 • 1 1~ ul '•'"''" A11 1 BfOl\dWU't' Sultw lOtJ m th" <.,1ty of ( 11u1 '• 1tt th MllUM 'tt,tlf• uf Sarli• AHO (.;ounty OI O••n,11u ~11110 t JI 1 '(I "... l u N ' IN I N I At ol t.a tdo111111 M(AL l:.IAlf AIJXlllAllt \.llMIANY 1111111111111111 Sl:CUHl1 lfl> :.EAVl(;l ll CJ!llllrlllll I ''"" ""'" J• ....... ,., 11111111 "'"'" co1po••h1o111 11 duly 11pp11111ltul •1 ' '"'" clnl••I M ott II 11111 l •UJIOO unoor and PU!IUMlll II• 11 ...... •Ulml IJ) JANNA M If Lii IANll pow•r of ttllO confeuod " 1h •I u• u111.i 111u1d wutt1o.01 uHt 1m outftd oer111n Oootl ol Tn.111 UOCUINl t>y "" M IY '' l'Jll 1 ... '""'""' ""' Nu S1ay1101 Ot!velopmv111 ,, 111 111 1 14 1 "' lluo• 1•1>~ t I "U" 1111 "' corpor111un rttcorooo July ttJ tin,, ul fh,, wt..1 t rnmly ur 01.-nu-. ASSETS Cu..'111 llllU !Jud It u111 b&t1llB i11Vofttnli11ll Sueur 11111'> N on ln vmltrnunt 11ucunllut. r tl(ftll ul funds :1010 111111 !>OC.Ulltltll> fHHChusuJ 11nchH 11orUt11nljnt!I to resoll Ill domo~11c olftCeb u I oans Totut (oxch1dh1y unearnad m come) b Ltll>S Allow ance '1or possible loan losses c Loons net Bank pn.im1ses t t &E e t<.. O ther assets TOT AL ASSE IS 11181 In Boo~ 1<4 t4:l ol 0 11 u dl I '"''" ""' •l••"" ... ,,, "'" 11n ROCOfCJ• OI tilld Coun1y ut P•ou 1rnh•h h•'-h1uh\ .,, t •~~•• nr Uunk ut 6117 Ro1.c111.lor • lllllrumon1 No Am• 1 c .tr• Nntir11• 11 I 11111 1111<1 :n119 oy ••a.ou 01" t>tti.•d• ,,, •,.,.,,.,,, ,.~.,,. '"'"'" 1 n1111ollul LIABILITIES dll•uH In p1ytt1tr11 °' !11-Jrlorn1011l v h111k1t•11 ••~•><•1111111 J1y '"''on •ll fOIAL DCPOSllS IN 01 Ille 0DllQ8l1un1 IHl\.utt<l trlt18Dy Ill• 111 , ,Ith • I tht• nOhQUlluh~ 1r1c1ud1ng 111a1 01t111cn or <11111u11 41!<."'"'' 1n. "HJ> 11011~0 01 wn•<.h DOM ESTIC OFFl''ES Notice ol wnich w11s roteoro110 July .., ,. "• '-'<lrCI 1111 July G 198J ~) ...., 20 t9112 u Recorders 1nstrumti111 111111 u111 .. 111 N o ll:l 2J t 1711 ul Total dumand deposits No 8:1 :1s 1033 WILL SELL AT 0 111, •ti R,•co•O• or u •<I Orang" Total time and savings deposits PUBLIC AUCTION TO Tt1f lOu• h ullO n1o rv 1111111 lll1t•u HIGHES I BIDDER roA CASH mr """ , uvn otl01>•u<1 \Ill«• •uc.n TOT AL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC 11wtu1 mooey 01 11111 U111teo S1a1 .. ,, rt!<.u• 1 ''"'" w111 '"" 111 1wt>l1< ANO FOREIGN OFFICES or n cHll111• 1 clluc~ <l•nwn on .i .. uc1100 lu '"" 111111111,1 h11hl11r "" Other 11abilllles •t•to o• ne11on11 bunk a Sldlt' OI c.1~n .,, """'"'Pl• c hu< ~ tlrt1w11 "" TOT A L LIABILITIES te<lolal c1~11 union or d >lale OI 1 ~I •t• 111 1u111uu ~ b1111k 1 ~1 1111 or JU Oi''i 54 084 9,376 44 708 federal 511v1ngs '"'o 101111 ds\oc1a11011 tede1a1 u eu11 urnun '" " ""'" o• Subordmated notes and debti11tu1 ljs dom1e1ted 1n 1111511111t> o111 Pt1r•1b1t1 dt teoe1a1\avings1111d 101111 .;ssoc1d11on SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Ille 11me Of •Ill• .... I •\]Ill """ olllO I oom <•It'd "' lhl• .... ., IPdyllblv .ii Common stock :t 860 4 89tl 17ti '800 J9 099 282 1 465 & I 144 54 084 2 260 56 344 9,.29 1nieres1 11eld oy 11 ~' ltu\hit• in time 01 saie '" '•'"''"' mnn11y 01 11lfl _... N o s"ares autnorized 11111 ... c11 pr Olltl• ly S1lu1t1e Ill s 1 Cl Un ... d Sl<thl~ ol Am ... <.di Wllflt•UI .. " Counly anu S1a111 Clt!~criouo il• (()VI n.inl O• w tr•dnly ~·ll•u•• " b No sna1es outstanding totlow& •mlJI t ll a• tn 1111, ~1ouo., n11 , 1 Sur plus 1 200 000 A1t\CJUt1I 0 1 004 4?3 ArnOUJlt I 2!>5 t il55 Loi 93 ol Traci 7386 as p111 .,,.,c.,11101,111<•• 1110 ""' ... 1 TOTAL CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL EXHIBIT A map recorded m Book 31 S Peg.is cunveyoo 10 ano "'"" flt'l\l 1Jy ""' R 'PARCEL 1 40 IO <16 11tcluS1\lil OI M1sc.,11aneous ~"a Tlu•hHl 11ntl~• \11111 Uet'cl ul etatned earnings 2 710 t t61 3 871 LOI In OI Traci No 94i3 as Maps Ill lhe Olltee Of '"" t;nunty I f ""I " "'"I Ill 1n, folluw11111 TOT AL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY sllown on a mall recorOad 111 bOOk Aecord11r of •u10 Cou111y <Ills<• 11"'1 µ11111.,11r '111111.,.i 11 ""' TOT AL LIABILITIES AND 406 pages 1 5 t o l6 0 1 E)(CEPf THEREFROM Jll 011 Cr 111tv 111 0111110• "IJt• o l SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 61 144 Miscellaneous Maps rtJcords 01 g a a m • •1" • JI• rJ 11 d u 111 c r l C.olll< "" 1 1<1 w11 Orange County Calltornia hydrocarbon~ bolowooep11 ut !>OO l'ARt.EL 1 11 0 u11~1 1•rl ) The undersigned S R Wt11t11e1Cl Sen101 Vice ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM all 011 leet w11hou1 th" r ll"' 01 sund,., •ec11111vu1ar 82 luul ul Lor ? 1 1 President/Controller and James C Ga\ln Sernor Vice ::ill t1gllts minerals m111e•11I 11gh1s entry as •o~ervt><I "11»1•umP•ll• 01 I• •tt No '> LJI ,.,,,, • ,..,,, •U" Pres1C'ent Senior Credit O fficer o t the above-named 1>11lural gas flgn1S ond other reco•<I O•c.11 u d A~•u• ""'' < •v ul < ust11 d I I If I d t t lh ny<1roc111bon substances btlO ... a I Iii' Slt<•tll Hl\ltt'\• 0• Olht•• Me•d ,, ,11r wr I" I"' •I•·~·""'"'' t>nnk eacn ec ares Or tumse a one an no Of e deplh or 500 reel under 1ne parcel common 1J~~ Qn.11 on 111 the •t al "boo• HI "•n• 1 ,, M•~t•'"'""""' o t her I have pe1 SOJ1al knowledge o f the matters 01 lano hitr(>rn abO•tJ oescnued orooenv nure•naoo•u atisc.11011a ·~ Ma1" '"''u' .,, Or '"I.I" c '""'\ contained 111 this 1eport and I believe thal each slatement w11hout me rrgn1 ol surlactl en111 1J1.1rporieo 10 oe 4 Rnc•r Pornt C "t.,,,, 1 d t t E h f th nde s gned l o himself PARCEL 2 Aoao Newixr11 eeacrt c; '"''"", PAl•LH .• ft• w. \h 1, 4, 1n sa1 repor is rue ac o e u r 1 r An e•clus1vu ea,11 m11n1 10 1 Tne u1111ers 1111 .. ,1 "" etJY •· 1•t Ln1i 1noir~E~ 1u•v 40•••t alo ne aml not for the other certifies under penalty OI porkrng purpose> ove1 lhdl por11on d1SC181ms dll l11ll11I I~ IOI an, , 1 er l nl ffl<I N, '7 '' olll1V>ll pequry that the foregoing IS true and COrteCt 01 Lot 237 sh<>"'n on Eaf'l1b11 A 10 1nco1re<.111•~~"' s.110 ~"~' dddress • • '"uP •e<o101 u" "' "" 10 1 J ie Execu t~d on October 18 1982 at Newpor 1 Beac n the Oeclara1ion 01 Rt1s111c1rons ror or omer common oes19na11on ) ut M >tell11~ .. ou' M 11 • ,.,.,,,u, 1 • ICal f o rnia 1ne Lake M asler Assoc1a11on Saul sale wrl Dt rna<le ... 11no11t <'•~n w CuJ• 11 C•• 'O" r I recorded September 19 1977 1n w11rr an1, tl•P•<'H O• 1n1c1 e<I rr, 11•1••"~ o• th•• «1" 1" S R Wh1lf1eld bOOk 1:138:? page 126S of 0 111c1a1 regoro ng t 1 e Pos,eH•no .,, l!• "1 d!tO• t ''. • 1 1111 r• • I James C Gavin Reco•ds as carpon spoce C P112 encvmor;icct's 10 5,.1 !>I) in., 1 1 • ''' d • er 1:;,.J ,, ,,,, ,, Said easemen1 1s lu•lhet del111ed P"nt•P3' OaldnCt ol 11 e No•< " 1 "I Jrlt't! lo It' l • 1 W It '' n p ,1 "'" d fJ•ll"!J•d•u,., Oa11y P11rc Ocint er 1• 11'82 eno descr•l>ed 1n Article II or $11 d otne1 00119111 on setureo o, Sd a S••.-"1 t:o•t 1 M .. ~ .. < 11turn•1 Oectarahon 1nctud1ng Parking Oeeo o t ''"~' "'-1th ntere,, <1nd C..cbe"T ht 1•1u ... rs1gt m1 r1 '"", Space -380 01nor sum&-d>D'O~dt'Oltt."'f.."" O:n.c.t •'> •'• '' t, • -, PARCEL J p lus eo"ct"ce• 11 aH, ""'h ' tne ' ,,. ctr "''" 1 tr• u.Jtl , ,, An none.c1us1•eeasemen11or 1erm1ine1eo1anu1nte•rs1on>ucn "'" ~ ""'" h~•'l"''"' 1 1•, CONSOLIDATED PUBLIC NOTICC PUBLIC NOTICE use and en1oymon1 of LOIS :137 end advances .ind Plus IN•s en tlQl!S "" wr 11 r• " REPORT OF CONDITION Orn11g11 (,11ft1I DAii V Pll C> 11w11tl111 duv Oc..trJb11r • 7 t!J6i 11fJ fl 7 l"UOllC NO flCl c >014 N Oiie• r o PCll lO N I INf(lilllflD IN THI ltT ATI O~ HlllH W 19AAKli. ~ 1hc • 1e ht h U)' u ~• 11 h .,.,. ft •tt0•1• .,,,,. .. -lt'J .-wtiulf•tof ll 1 ttll It • • tu-11 ft \J th r h 'rl'Mft 11 lf\tl t ''"'" I ttf l f U Vt/ t A t4.,.. I fl •I• 1 .1•1 I wfu I 1e1 .uh.tf"'•• w •• • \IU• t 01111 P4nw 'f• tlioi I l 1 tt111I t t~ It tt I t I~• I I U 1 11 t If .,. 1 r t I uhu 11 111111 ,al u1 lht\11 tm1 1t 11u .. mcl lo I llU nln t II,, Uank N A .,., tUlllJ,JUff .. ( f1Url W IJ"f ti (Cl ml\ I c OUfl 1 I I Htll ttht11I fW•~dll IU fl JI tht" h t11t,. nt Nnw Ynr.., ' If wl ''' l11ltur • tv,,11111~1 t uy 0• t1f uihtt u1l11 ohht1 fl~vtJ Ltn u ,,1um.J All lltH .. , "' tHtYlflU t.lflUH~ ltUJlfl•t ltu dot• th 11t Ut un Hth11c-.1 o -.uuJ 1 ''"" aml w1,.hUHJ tu utJ1tt< I tu \Ut h t• rnov;tl Ut U1l W1Ytf W"llt h UUlll • Uf -.uu oUf"' hon tu tt1• ' •••a.on 01 I ,., '""' 11 cit t)htd tc; ''' hoh1•hU llOllll'-11411 11r111>Mrty CJI lhv <Ill< "tlout •,uth , l'Jli(lt rtHJ\t ·~· u•w ,, to ..... rt r '"" hohJlf'l\I 11 t tO hA Y!J tltut I r~1 t '''ht 1tu n of Hu fl("\Ur llA 111 •,,.f•lt mt>tJ' ~ t ':llll • Hrc.11.,111 <; •w11u lly M~11nn Mcllt 1 CBhlOllO 1 I llJ\11 11 A• bt~ ulO• t!I HtU [ •tuh' ul ~·· h II W p I lrl.1t (h ti I Id It I "' t I u. Uf1Qt; l.,11 "' CJ J 1.,. 11 lrit I I I (I 27 N1 • I 1'1!11 46 "' 112 PUBLIC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS 9USINE88 NAME STATEMENT IHJ'JIH t '~ t~ 1..ALll onNIA l IM OtJ'ilNf SF HVICf t " 1(1 ay I\ !'11111111 4400 M •CA•lhur llhl<l No 1110 NllWlfllll Ht•••< h l A 92bt>O MllC NOrlC( c 2040 IUP'ffllOll cou i. I O • CAU,OANIA COUNTY OP LOI A.NG8.Lal '" lh• M•11 .. or CRV8fAL l YHN r I INt• "4111Ut A p.fMH\ wflO tnould ,,. llM<IA1IO hM tlO<ll Ille c.Mlody '""' (;C;fllrlll QI tltll p1tenta CAN NUMe«fl A·t .... CfTATIOM ,,~ ,,_ ,., .... t.1 C1111lo6f -4 Control (AIAHOO*llNTI (fie AOC>nlON) l o 0Ml00HV ALllH f I IH(I l•IHlgtHt H•lur•I la th••> wllerHbout• uni..r>own CYNl•flA lY NN SIOll l tmo therl wllerd•Oouta unknown ano to 1111 uor1ono cltimlng 10 be Ille lllhel OI mollwtr ot 11110 m11101 potlOl"I 11bove n11mot1 Uy oroer or 1h1• Cout1 you ue horeby cntto 11r11l rlkjuirod 10 •PP8•r bol oro 1110 Ju.Sue Prt•ldlng In Oop11111\1n1 ?J<I Rro 7 3 t 1 ol mo .ibove <1flllllNll 1 uur I to1.111d II Ct1m1na1 Cou•I BIClg ') 10 W Temple Loa Ang11IH C111torn11 ll001:1 on Oecen1ti.11 13 11182 a1 8 00 1t m 01 lhet day 1111111 i.na """' to allow cause II any you llllve wlty aa1d peraon ahOulO 11<11 .,. decla1e<1 lree from Ill• COt•l•OI OI her p&ren11 eccordlng l o 1f1u 1101111on on Ille hetem ' or llllu•• 10 ullend you m1y be <lo•m•O gu11!y o l a conl•mpl ol COi.in MltlC NOllCl H()flCI O• T.-UITll I IALI f ruolN • No 01SU 1111 Nu.em! "' I """ ~· IU IJU • "' ")h••,•utt Atr ,., t a1 r •ur•-• l •• fl1W f V«'U•fl\o fofn1tu f k1 uw u 11t• ~oO lh•• n ( t t t •fli l •C. ft""' c omp.,-.y •• ''"''.. , '•v<tft•'" • I rutl .... ,,. 'ul>tlllul ... I I•~··... (If tn"t t.tt11t1u• OM4J v t t1utt ••• .,,_, tJr !IT UAR f J SWCl N( f •1•0 JAllf 1 s wt riic,. .,.o r•• "' 1.1.1 ''"" '" 11181 •• 111ll•ur1••" 1 '' • 1a1e "' l>ul;~ 14 I 18 Piii• Iii~• 1;11 ._ • R•tt11do u l O••flU• <..uurtly l..11hlu1111• •11d 11u10u•11I II.I 111111 1.erl•rn Notice ol Oaleull .,.., fltt<.tlOU tu 'l•H """•urt()i..pt ttt\,Ufd•J J1mtt ~4 108' •• m•truttttitnl Mt. II~ 'Ill t I• "' 0111~··· ..... Or<h (If 1a1d < ov11tv w111 uud•' •ntJ u111a11~11I 111 Hiil IJ...,11 ut l ru41 ~I •' pvt1l1c, we hem fcu ' ••f l•wlut r!f1111ey 111 Hlft t1111l11d $11 111, ol Amfl\r tt._ st thtt Nc1rtt\ fttJnt ttn1re11c• lo lh" ~ounly C(lt11lho11 .. 100 C1v1c Ce111•• Orl•tt W•••I "Jani An• (;11hlorn10 ell 111a1 1 ghl 11110 eno '""'"' ,onv•1etJ 10 ~nd "'""' h!lld or 11 un<l•r .-d O.,•ll QI r .... 1 1n th• 11•optr1r •llue101J 111 t1110 COUl'IY and lltete dt11G•lb4'd n LOI I OI Traci No 3G41l "' ,,,,. C11y ol C<nll Mn• at 1nown 011 " M•P roco•Oed "' f;OO~ t29 t1•<1• 37 10 •4 DCllll 1n"u11v o Of M ••'•llunaou1 M•P• ""0101 ot 011no• County C11110tnia T ne 11r1e1 •tJOrou o• uHitH common oe11gn1111on 01 11t1<1 P•<>c:r;;tly 3:10 t iowo Sttf"ul c;, •' MHo Cahlornu1 !):?(;26 I no l)Olllllon lllOO llClflin " 10< Ille j.lurpo~ ol l1t.etng 1"8 aubiect chllCI for 1Jlocemon1 IOI 11oop1100 Nt1fn• •nd lddqu\ .,1 11 • Oo11od St1ptomllef 28 1982 h•111111c1a1y •t wnose ""l"'OI H • JOHN J CORCORAN aale 11 tuung conou1 ted I l•t <;ourity C••• ~ F • d • 1 a 1 S • v • n g • • • 11 I c. • r By R Kun1po Aaa<><.u•lion Dy Snoa•Mm "" ""'-" 0e1,u1y EAPr110 Mortgage C<J•P 1 11 r John H lat10n 120 I Eaai H19111ano Aw•11v~ • " County CounHI Betnerd1no Calllorma 9/40• Met11n E w .. i.1 Dtrect1on1 lo 111~ etiove 1.1• 1 ~•1; D•puly County CounH I m11y b!l obta1nod l>y roQull II Ii J 520 Crlmlnal Courie llldll ~ome '" w1111"0 lrom II tt IJll'"''' "', 210 weal Temple SlrHI w11h1n tO d•y• Iron 11" t r 1 Lo• Ang•••• CA 90012 publlco1oon ol tit~ no11ce 974 51191 Said l8le will be metJtt w•ll• ~ 1 Atlorney1 for County of tovena111 ol w111ran1y ll•P•tt~~ Loe Ang•IH 1mpllell as lo 111111 poue1s1on • Deparlmenl ol AC1op1lon1 oncumbr nnc81 10 •u111ly lh8 un~ 1 Puol '>ti! ti 01 •ngt Lo1tSI DJ1ly l>olonco <Jue on Ille note securv<I IJ, P1101 (J~1 (; IJ 10 21 1982 Hid O•eO ul flult 10 wll $31. 4413 8? 900 00 1>lu1 m .. follow1"g 11&11ma1111 PUBLIC NOTICE 11' M C C\N I 11 IUA I FU INC ii FICTITIOUS BUSINESS t ,, ,,,, .. I <;.•llflOI ''""' t 48Q' NAME STATEMENT coals e•pt111S8$ a11t1 advance! 11 rhe time 01 lhe uut1al µubhc.at.on '' tll•s Notrce ol Sate Eat1met"d T •U!lee Feus 111 Hu 11moun1 of SI 12 7 65 plus 1n1eres1 11 17 75.,, 0"' annum on lh" ""~' rJ p11nc1p.i1 011ance lrom .. 1 82 1r S&IE otus .,ny ao~a· t• 5 1r' benehC.•ll'Y may tie au11 or 1~0 ,, ob1oga1e<1 10 oay plu~ 1,1ny .J(c•v~O •11te cna•ae• "'"'"'\'"'""' t31Y<l !,u"llYl•l•MO 1,,A 11,. tou., .... mq PC'"""' Bii' doong If, J68 l>U I t'l'> 8~ f11. I 1• '" •• • t .. 1u1 "<I tr • A(JllA Tf(,H POOL AN() ',I .A 1"'1t<J•JI ,,, I 5rR11 LF .)771 II d l 1 Corun 1 H:OM Co11,v1 o •lcJ lnr M ~ " v, 1o C~11lorn J 'll69 t l 1Vttlilft r.;1 .-ot t ltJ Pff't.. (nhlt Dot" ... 'i ldM HUJ '2 17 I 1r11 '"'""tl"!tt ..-rd ,,,~d "tn 1h• V•-. l •Ct''"' 1 •A•~"-•'>' v, .. 1< \.tlUtlh (;. ,.. t h ' ~· l-OJ• It 'II JI'"" I, ~lb41 tJctl••Lll4K.i I f(,,,h1tftu')1l 1M1rt••"'JI Ft99660 v , L 1 Coron, M""<l' "" <l KRAY & SMITH CounH lon al Law 4400 Mec;Arlllur Bl•d 330 Newport Beach CA 92660 I .Jtll )t • 1 •')r ,, , .. <.. •a ... t Oa;I) 1111 r t , '" ,') 1 •"'"t Flt71H YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF Ti.UST DATED JUNE 25 1M1 UNI.EH YOU TAKE ACTION TO Pi.OTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY llE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU N EED AN EXPL ANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE P'i.OCEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYEll 138 01 said Trac.1 No 9•:13 said ande•Pf'nsesotlllt! '•ulh;e.moot '"t l1i:."•'11 rr l '"• ,.,, '' Consolidated Report o f Cond1t1on o f CITIZENS BANK easemen1 Oerng lur1ne1 defined and tne 1ru11s crea1e<1 I>) ~aro CX-t'tl ot ~' '"t •U•''"'\ o• r ""' ' nm." PUBLIC NOTICC oesc11oed 1n Article 11 01 1118 Trus1 The 1011t1 dm11un1 01 •ol •d il"'C"~"o" 1,., 1'"'"''' 1111,.t , OF COS TA MESA Orange Count y a nd Domestic Pt t '); t U Qr jflQI { flJ~I f>.t tr • tr I 0~1 u I) 2U • • 1«8< Oateo Sep1embQr 28 198l SHE ARSON 4ME1'11( Al< CXPRESS ESCROW GOMPAllY Oeclara11on or Res1ric1 ons reterre<I 0011ga1ton 1nch1d1ng rea~onao1, 1 ;tP ~ •t ,, 11• r '" 1, mJy l" I Subs1(11aries al the close o t business on September 30 T 1~ 10 In Parcel 2 above es11ma1eo lee• cna•ge• ano • IJI • ,..,11 r• ti• 11-'r ~• '"' ,, ,,, • 1982 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE s SALE T ne llreet add, ess 0, or her ••Pen>eS 01 Ille T1us1"11 al Ille llmt! ' • 1 ().,._.,, ur T • "'' 1 11 .. h' '" State B ank No 1060 • Ol57 74' common oes1gnatron ol 1ne real ol 1n111a1 pubt Coll nn 01 11115 NOl•Ce s '"'I"" .• ti ........ ~ '" b• Olf<l11< .. I I YOU ARE IN OEF" AULT UNOER A prQCerty neremabove de6Cribed •S S 124 364 83 i>u• 'u tnl tu " ... 1 lier • tt1N• sl Dollar Amountl DEED OF TRUST DA TEO MAY 8 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS purporleO 10 be 128 Lakep1nes Oaled Oc100.,1 U 1<18. I ~"t'm 11ee1 w11n111 I"' d '''Irr m "" In Thou1and1 1111 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION NAME STATEMENT trv111e Co11torn1a RfAl E'SIAlf l 1"1 ouolcJ1"1n "' "'' N ll• to ASSETS ITO PAOTECT YOUR PROPERTY lni lallcw r<i ''"'~''" :i111 10"11 The un<1ers1gneo hereby SECURITIESSflWll..E •uCI Brrnell~.;1, 01 "" t1ll1)w111J IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC 1Ju~~c?;S'o1..iA 1 ED LO N d1scta1ms all l1ab1 1ily !01 311y ~Cal1lo,,11.;~c,1pnr11 or lddel•"H B AN" Or AMfRll,;A S AL E IF V OU N EEO AN 1ncorrec1ness 1n S81d 1tree1 addre>s as lrustvt> NATIONAl IRtiSr ANO SA\1111(;~ C c1:sh and due from banks 6 578 EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE rr1AC I QA!> 265 , 1 P.Jseo '>•11 O• Olhe• common des1gna11on By lSEAl I 0 J Mr.1\)1 A 5 s () (, I A ' I 0 N l 0 A II Investmen t secu11t1es OF THE PROCEEDING AGAIN ST f;.dlJ , .. , $ 111 111•111 c ilPISlrMIO 97675 'w:r~·:n~~te e:~r~:s m:rd~mw~\~:~1 ~~:O'°Jo~,~~·~·o.i<1w .. , ! :~ju5 ;~~~ Z' g~~~~r ~~ti •t~N I (Mar kal value $5 524 J 6 84 1 ~~~Y;~u SHOULD CONT ACT A 5An r~~r~:.~, 't.i~ey1u~:5~111.,,~,;~;,~ regarding 1111e possession or Su•le :106 I 4 ~ SO•J' 11 11 uoc;o11 Allf w it Feeler al funds sold and s ecupt1es 01 int ~611 o •v "' Nov('mDe• "2675 4 j<"lll ff-' PUBLIC NOTICC torme''• known a~ SOUTHERN CIT•ES C:SCROW COM PAN t Al r, us lee MITZIE A BROW" AS,1$lant \ltCt' Pfe~1(JPr ' 1701 Easl '"'•<l' •• A•enufl San Bernu,o nu C.A '!ft:4 ..t• 17,.1 886 79~ &tl6 78" eat 286•287 PuDlrt11ed O• angP CoA~t ti• ~ P1101 Oct 13 20 27 1~8:? 438~ n encumbrances 10 sa11s1y "'" San1a o\11a CA 92'06 PASADENA CAllH(lRNIA 91101 purcnased under agreements "181 ,, ", r vu• c.t t 1 oo am .,, 10"' Sn '11' 38!.0l P<1soo 5uri prlnc1pal balance ol lhe Nole 01 Telepllene 17141 953 68 10 I The tolal Jrnounr u1 Inf' """~'" to resell rn domestic olhces "" Ill• .,,., • .,, 1." '"'' "' Chi ' .... n11sa San J Jd ll C81J1Slrono '12675 1------------- \ 01ne1 obligation secureo by sa1o Pubhtneo Ne .. pon Har1>01 Ne .... o-11anc~ ol 11 e "olt't>1 stteu"'" hr 1;"""'> t. ,,,~.,.,,, 1c.c;111,.!I at 700 1"'5 Uu• re•s ·~ onoue1uo by 8 PUBLIC NOTICC Offd ol Trusl witn interest encs P•a•t. como ried .. 11n rile O•dnQel sa o Deeo at l ru•I w1111 '"'"""' a Loans Tolal (excluding c ••• c ,., "" l>ri«• Wt1•I torfflerlv 11ener 11 oartnC'rSh•P l------------- OJI\•• sums IS provided tnerern Coas1 Da1l1 P1101 Oct 17 Nov .J the,..,, "IJWV 11+<1111 ''<I 11c lf9f\1 unearned income) 45 830 • """"" i• 700 We11 6111 SI"''" Ion Sm It STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT plus advances '' any under the tO t98:? .io. "'-" , J,. untle< '"ot l•rm' I b Less Allowance IC'lr possible :t' • '""'' ' ·~ t ,, ,,, s ,,.,,. """ rn1s Du, ne's stalt'men• "'' 'IN OF USE OF 1acma tf'lereot and intarut on well 47 1 e 8<' 1 >a11J Oc....-o ,;ii r •us1 1nc. uo • 11 '""' roan losses 3 15 i..; o .. " 1 , o 1 o • '" 11" s 1 "t e o 1 I ~ 11 ;' ' l..~~1 i,,. l ·~; • 1~~?0• 1"!l" FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME advances and plu5 lees charge5 'l'l•' 1•l r ·r~~"~ ''" r 1hl "'" co11T1 Nf N TAc 0"""n" 0 r Tre I 11 "rg ~r,. ,.. and expenses 01 tht' Trustff ano ot PUBLIC NOTIC[ r, • ,...,. " 1 "• u ••~ • "• "1 • Loans nel 45 !i 15 A J~ 1 Mh COMPANY A <.,1111urn•.i P 0 C Fl~JH 1.1C.Ofl00<1ed rn,. ""'" 01 '"" F 1 • I lhe !rusts c•ealed Oy Hid Deed ol l.o1ol I«•' t;ll o• 11 f' •.01 « o• Su.. • Bank premises r F & E etc 3 304 (.;('ri,..<,••fl{>• d5 TruSll'<' ... nae• Deed .. ~I flt'(l •dnQI! oa•• il•ly 'Bu' nes• Name Trust Tlletotalamount olsa10 NOTICEOFTRUSTEESS.\LE Sl';04 386J. Realestateownedotherthan ,, Tr11\ltliole<1 M11y 8 1981 PololOcl t.l:?OU No .. J '982 CO~T AMESA CHA1SIA "' oohgation 1ncluoing reasorian1y S No 76770 • N '"" SI'""' "dO•P , '"" 648 , • .., ''"""'JANNA"" FEl 1..IANO ••J6 II:? PRCSCMOOL 320 E •81ri Sit!'• I estimaled lees cllargt11s ano SvS NC at du•1 appo•rteO T.,1.,i,11on .. N1rmbt'• of fruslt'I' " bank premises '" ,..,r '"I'd .. on ar 3ncJ tt'<o•oea lC011.; Mtaa Cahlorn a 9262" •expenses olllleTrustee a1111e11me •us•ee unoa• •~e IOllOwong ~ ..... Pe''"""<On!IUChOQlheH~' Other assets 1 2 18 nn Ma( It •Q8l1S•Mttumen1No PUBLIC NOTIC[ lne r1c1111r.us Bus res' ... ,,," ot in11ial pubhcation ol 11111 N1. IC4I 1s escr t.eo Ott>O ot 1•us1 WILL SfLl t 0 "< r N Ii N I Al A u ~ • L An v TOT A L ASSETS 64 104 7"50 01 Oll>C•dl A"'ortls C0u111; NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE • olorreo 1 .. o • e ... a• ' H ~ " -S4S611 19 AT PUBLIC AUCf•ON ro h•E COMPAN>' •S South Hu<l\O• LIABILITIES ,, Oranoe Cahtornra g1vt1n 10 lm ...... ant notice lo Ot~nge Couf11~ on JIJI, I tC.<j 0111ed OcloDer 22 1982 HIGHES T BIDDER r o R CASH ...... .,, •f! 6th fltO• I' ·~•ClHl I \f'(.ulP 111 ndeo1eores. 1n la•O Of p""'ro·-·rty ow-• lo .. E lettr Sf'~llP• -1 SAN MARINO SAVINGS tPayao1e at 11~ 01 saie n •awlu• c 111 "'a 'l 101 TOT A L DEPOSITS IN Ban• 01 Ame11C.il Nahonal Trust aoo YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A C.cnuo" P1acff W• sr..,-"'\ • ANO LOAN money 01 ltlt! Un11eo S1a1es1 all O.i1ro Q-=1<11><>• 1, 1 • , DOMESTIC OFFICES 5 7 487 ' h •llQ A'>,O< a11on a r allon.01 DEE 0 0 F T 11 U 8 T 0 A TE D CJi.torn 11 <11683 ASSOCIATION , on• hlle ar>O n1er('~t con•ereo 10 B1 B l/Y .. ,.m, Total demand deposits 18 494 fldn•. q '""<' 11 on l>t tt'8$0f> n• JANUARY .v. • ... , v. UNLESS Tn., ll•J5 !lt'SS "a' CO• cl",... • as Trustee ano no .. nt'tdC:.y lunaersao~ C1 0 H cn Aqer1 T 1 ., d 38993 '""or""' ot 1nF 0 11rg1tt1ons YOU TAKEACTION~OPf!OT~CT 1rm 1oot1artnP•shrr;, By REAL ESTATE ol TruSI n "1e prorerty ht! e nat1pr '"' 121J < 18 6011 o ta 11me Q savings epos1ts .. , "' ~ '"' •~IJJ nohce nl w111cn YOUR PRO PERTY IT MAY BE LO•S E Shiite> SECURITIES SERVICE oescrrtx"O 1•,1> •t>eO O•" 11" Co~•I Utt,, TOTAL DEPOSITS IN 00MES71C .,J, 111<.• 1tkll • Ju•" JQ l'<B. » SOLD AT A PVBLIC SALE IF YOU lh1s ~ta1emerrt wds 1 w "" a CaJ1forn1a corp0ra11on TRUST OR PAUL LAB•N a110 P vi <Jc• r NO• l t 1•18. AND FOREIGN OFFICES 57 487 ln•tru"'""' N J 82 22 4270 o l NEED AN E•PLANATION OF THE Cou111y Cl('r~ ol Orang• Co"'"'• • ns Agenl SrtEAYL lABIN husoano ano w te 4<,<1. k O ther l1ab1ht1es for bOrl owed money 1)11 < al Recc.rds OI SO•O Orange NATURE OF THE Pi.OCEEDINO Ot IObe• s 1982 By !SE.ALI 0 J Morger as 101nl 1enao1S as 10 an unCl1v1CleCl Cnunlr Jlld mo•t! 1han """" AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD FU1486 115 Pres•deni ' 1nte•es1 sno ROBERT 1'1E!CHER PUBLIC NOTIC£ 1nciud1nq note balances of ,., on th h.M.• Ptap,etJ smta '" h c 0 NT Ac T A L A w YER T 9 Puu11sr1t o 01 ar1gt' t.o <>l D "> ;;>020 Norlh Broadway •no SUZANNE AEICHEA huSDalld I us Treasury 442 H•tordat ~n "''" sell 81 publ (; -31196 3 P1lol Otl G ,, 20 1' 1082 Suite 206 and wile as 10.n1 tt!nants as to an I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS I Oth 1 ab•i 1 es 52 1 , Cl on 10 11" h1QhPSI b•dder 101 4400 ~ s A CA 92706 und•Y <led • 1n1eres1 NAME STATEMENT er I • I I ; ;sh' O• J tflSh1M, ch""I. O•dWll on NOTICF IS tt[RfBY G•VFN lh II • 1781~1i895~868 tO BENEFICIARY SIERRA REALTY I The tollowrng pe•~O'I$ di" <10110 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1 ~ldtP or nQllOllO L•an~ a slate 0, 11 e '"a' p•oP• •ly <iluull!d 111 '"" , Publisked Oranne coasi Oa'I" & INVESTMENT tNC a Ca11torn1a business as I (excluding subordinated notes """'Ill c,.-<1 1 unon 0, 10 ~•111e o• Covnly t i O•~nqe S IJll' 01 PU8LIC NOTIC[ " ,, ', HP ASSOCIA1£S 332 f *'SI ra1rtorm~ lrnown as 120 Sno1e<:l1ll 1-------------: Piiot OGI 27 Nov 3 to 1982 corporallOr'I H , ' and debentures) 58 450 h df'r.il ~11• lll')S ~n!) •oon ll5'!X•Bl•on ( Orona D<'I Ma• (,11, OI Newporl NOTICE OF DEATll OF ' 4719 A:? Aec;orded J.tnua•y 7 198 I a~ Ave11ue Su leS 22 l 1Qtmri Bw111" SHAREHOLDERS EOUIT y •I in < If'<! " in' s1111e 1payobt~ al Buacn c,,.11r<11n1 • a11<J <l"sc.11bed as LESLIE ,. BEATT\ A"'O , tntlr No 5386 n boo~ 13904 page C11111a n•d 926 :? 1 "'" 1 1 , 111 11 I l wlul (Tinney 01 1ne v . , PUBLIC NOTICC 187;;> ot Oll•c a1 Reco•Os n the 011 ce tl'lllnur.i ProP• 1 es • 1 m11,.11 1 Preterred stock 1,, 1.,11 sint<'~ 0 1 Aml'••CiH wnhout lnllows 0 F p E T I T I O N T O o1 the Recorder ot O•anq .. Coun1y par Iner sh u JJ:? r orot A•~""" N o shares outstanding None • '.ro ''I o• worra111v e•oress or lo• 46 o• l•dCI t t 16 "'lhe C11y ot ADMINISTER ESTATE i\O NOTICE INVITING BIOS sa10 deod ol l•usl desCflb<'d '"" Su11e 22 Laouna Be.Jch CJ •IOrrm+ C 0 stock mo111 <I ~· 10 hllf' possesi•on or Ne-wpor1 Be.ich county ol Or•nQ<' 39 N tee s hereb gl en lhal Ille lollowing propetly 92652 omm n ••ncuml>•~nce s lhe l nlAtCSI Stale ol Cahlu•n•a "5 per map A 1155 : Boa~d 01 1 T;~siels 0~ Iha Coui Lot 2,c ana tht' Eas1e•1y e u Roland J J""'"n 10 10 r a No shares authorized 1 500 000 "'"'"'..., 10 ene1 roow helO Dy tne •KO•Of'd •n Book 36 pages 19 ~"d To all ht 1n, bt 111 ftu.,ru., l community College 0 151,.c1 ol ref'I 01 LOI 25 ot Bloc~ •3t ol Chesinut Av11nuP San•• A"" b No shares outstanding 1026 718 , 1 r"""" unoer \a10 Deti<I 01 ~~0M0~;;:~~~'::u~~P88~:~.~s:~ lntl itor:> ;.ind 11111 111\lot• 111 • Orange Counl y Cahlorn1e Wiii Lancaslel s AOO•llOn IO lhe C•ly ol I Cal IOrn•a oro I TOT AL CONTRIBUTED C APIT Al 3 711 Ir •\I " ~nd lo Int' IO•lowing SOIO .II puOl>C 8UCl10" un lhf' rear ( rt'Ci1tur-. of u~ltr c; At •II' • receive seateo D•da up 10 t I 00 Newp<l<'I Beacn as snown on a map Antr.ony J U"~"" F o1m1 ' R ,,.._,,b, d pro,r•lv s1tu111eo on lht' 30 Ce 0 ·' '-l J : a m Monoay November 8 198.? al reCOrCleO n l>OOk s page "011T•us1 l'OOS Palo v .. rdl' .... n(!P etained earnings 1 877 ounty of Or l nQ ft S 1ate OI steps olf 2 Newpotl nit'• rivl' :inu Pl'f!.1111' WnO m" I(' the PvrChl$l"" Oepar1ment OI U•d m1scell1neous maps recoros Of I Otl(I Beecn Cal 10"' 90815 roT AL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 5 654 l l ol('rnq 10 .. I Nt! .. IJO• I Beiltll c.u.iorn .. O•I u1h1•r\\ 1st' lflll'r<"ll'(f Ill 1111: .. ., C C p n U t61'~ SI Noveml>tlt ISln 198.? 1190t11m : college d•slrict tocall!d et 1370 Orange ountv a11iorn•a Mer" ru no '" TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EXHIBIT A 10 lhe 11,Qne~• Diode• lot cash rn will ,mJ or t.>;,l.all ' A01ms Avenue Costa Mesa E•eeoting lf'le•t'lrom inti Weslerry Cro .. C1rc1P Hullllf\Qton B• ''" SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 6 4 104 Lot~ H 3nd 4S ot lr11<1 No '.rl in 1awtu1 cu1renc• o1111e Un•leO Slalei. I\ Pl uuon has h.'f n f1li d • Catilorma at wf\ICll time said b1"s S2 le>el or lht' Ees1er1y 8 1• IE'E't of Cdl rorn1a 9:?649 "'" c '• ot Costa Moso Counly 01 • b S I S d J ~ • wllt be puoticly Opetled an<l reld la< H•d lot 2s r111s ou~nMs ,, cootluc1flo 11 1 The undersigned Kenneth L Donahue Senior Vice I 0 ,a,.ne :;11118 01 Cni lornia ., Tile sale w111 ne maoe w1t1tou1 y tan ry nv l'r r 111 '"" : Pl\INTING & BINDING SPRING YOU ARE IN OEFAUL r UNDER A Qt>,,... \I pannl'rsn•P President & Cashier and John W Walsh Senior Vice ~nn ... n M ~ mAP 111e<eol •e<ortl~ n covenanl or warri1nty reg~•0"'11 Superior lout t ut Count) ! 1983 CA LENOAA OF EVENTS OE E O O F r RUST O" TED HHP ASSOCIATES President CAO o t the above named bank each ooo• 10 paqe 3 M•sce111noous 11118 possession 0< encumbranct"s rt•qul.'!>t1n~ that St..illll) GCXOEN WEST COLLEGE DECEMBER 2<J 1980 UNLESS YOU a g-ral p,,,1ner~t11~1 f h If I d t f h h I h M~~s •f'IL<><OS 01 sa•d Coun1y to salrSl)i lhe oDllQ&lion s11<:ured Dy S d Jr ~ JP"'>tlltf'(J ~ AM l>tds ere to be In accordance TAl(E ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR By 11 IL I H u Rs declares or 1mse a one an no or t e Ot er ave EXCEPllNG THEREFROM LOI .. "nd under Ille Po wer o l $&IE' nv l'r r I w1111 Ille Bid Form 1ns1ruc:11on1 end PROPERTY IT M AY BE SOLO AT A PROPER 'IES personal k nowledge o l the matters contained in thts an un<l•••dl'O one n111 1n1ere~1 or an conto,.ed '" •Ile Oe.,d 01 I rust pt r'onnl n prf'\l'nt '1" 1 10 Con<11t1ons an<I Spec1hca110ns wllteh PUBLIC SALE IF vou NEED AN • parlne•»t110 report and t believe that each s tatement in said report 1s °'' sno mw11•ra1 ''II"'"" and unoe1 tH ec u 1" d 0 Y R 1cHAA0 B aJm1n1s1t r I ht t 'ILi It 11 f a,e nowln ,1 .. a-Am-~-ur-A EXPLANATION OF THE NATUR( Br AECREATIONc, 1Nl MILLER 11n d BONITA JEAN 1 I G D -d h '"' -, .,. ~ ""' true Each of the undersigned lor himself alone and not ill .. Ent '"11 01 uio •ano 81 MILLER hu•bano ani1 w rl!' u. ~ tf' .,..·.tit) tun <'r 1 ~ ' '"Ille OlllCB ol lhe Purcnas1no Agenl OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST gene< al pat Ir,., •e•et•l'd n lne Oeed from G1ac.e M I d d I Ad ' ' tr al n 1 olsald CcoUegedistrict YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT ~ Ooug1asA H111 lor the o ther certifies under penalty of pequry that the B•mkman •ecoroe<1 May8 19!>2 in Jo1n1 Ten.an!> os T1uS101 10 n tptn C'n n 111s 10 Eacll bidder must tubm•t w11n n1s LAWVER V•ce Ptes•0""1 foregoing IS true and correct 1>00~ ~326 pege • 12 Olt1c1a1 Amem an Home Mor IQ.IQ«' T•usi of Est.Illes Act) The JX'llllon bid • c esh•er I chec~ cer1111e11 430 32nd SlrMI tolewport Beacn rn11 slAletN>nl wu lied w11n the Executed on October 20 1982 at Cost a Mesa Records Ooed Service Corpora11on • IS SN for hl'artng Ill Df'pt check or 1>1ddttr • bond made CA County Cler~ ol 0•1nge Coun1y on C f A11en11on 11 directed to 1"8 l•cl Cahl0tnra Corporation BS lruSlf't' Nu 3 at iOO Cl\ I( Ccnll'f C 111 a st eel aOClrass Of Gommon Oc1o~f t9 t982 all o rnia tnet 111, 041 etc 11 ••cepted lrom 101 the ounet11 eno secur1ly ol C g~:n:~ ·g~~~of:1r~ B::~ dtS•gnefl~n la Shown aoove no Ft'"41 l s/Kenneth l Donahue Ille dHCrlphon 1n !Illa guatantee ~~.epr ~c;.•.·:.~~m: ~:.·,1,~o.~~= SI?~~:a ~~l c\1\~~rn:~v r~~ ol Trull-1n an amount not 1es1 w 11ranty ''given as l o rt• Puohshf'O Orange CoAtl 0 •11Y ls/John W Walsh andenypot1Cy11wedtnthe11emeol C 6 O then 11.,. percent (5%1 01 the turT\ compleleness or corr11<:tness1 P1lo1 Del 20 27 No• J 10 1982 11 purch•Hr 81 1 .... unde• said orporatron as 1111e11c1ary dated Novcmbrr 24 1982 at 9 ~ bid ••• gu.r.nt .. t"et , .. _ b•dd-Tho t>enel1c111ry under sa10 Deed '619 112 Pu"l1·~·<1 Ort""• Co111 O•I"' Piiot Oct ~1 198~ ,.......,. ol Trull ~11 al•ft c;~111n ••1<1 January 6 198 1 'nnd iec;orded on .. rn wlll en ta• Into 111'~ p;;po a;d of Tru11 by reason ot a oreecn Of u ~·u .,. ,, • • •m 82 ~cepflon -· ~ ~· -~~~~''j3~11 a:~~;,::m~~~kN~:::~~' " ff YOU OBJECT 1(1 lh& ' COntracl It the eame Is awarded to dttl1ull in lh• oo11g111on1 aecure<I PUBLIC NOTICE PU8LIC Ml"\TICC PUBLIC NOTIC[ fhe addrats or other commo11 18732 ol Oll•c••t Aecoro1 o1 ine granting of the Pf'tlUOO you him In the event ot tallure to enter thereby here1olo•• uCK:uted and STATEMENT OF A•AHDONMEHT rtV tie11gn1111on 11 eny o l 1ne real County 0 1 Orange siaie 0 1 sh'>uld "tlner >1prv>ar at th.., Into auch coottacl Ille proceeds ol delivered lo the undersigned ti OF USE OF FtCf tTIOUS BUlllNESS IC-G22.44 propa!ly descrlDad 11>ove is Colllo•n•• ' .. r -v tile ~k wltl 1>8 torelelled or In the writlen Decl1ret1on ot Default and FICTITIOUS •USINESB NAME NAME STATEMENT NOTICl OF OtllOLUTION purponed 10 t>e 301 307 Avocado Nouce 01 Oelault and Election 10 h e.1 r Ing and Sta t c Y IHI f case of a bond Ille f\111 IUm thflreol Oemend for Sale arid written nollc.e The 1011ow1ng peraons 118Vtl fhf! 1o11nw•no per•on 15 dO•llQ OF PART ... lllHlfl' Street Co11a 1.Me1B Celllornll Sell 1118 described real properly obJec11ons or Ctlc w ntll n wlll be lorlelltd to 1eld college of brHCtl and ot etection to cauae eoandoned thtt use ot Ille llc11t1ou1 bu"""' 11 Pur1u<1n1 10 !he prov111ons o 9:1627 1n1 unO'lrs1gned Trustee under the Oeod 01 Trull w as obJ<'Clions with thl' Ci•lll t ! dfltr1Ct Ille under91g n•d 10 sell said bu1<n8" name SUNSET SURVIVAL 1043 t Sec 11 on t 5 o 3 ~ S o I In e d1sc1a1ms any lllblllty tor any re<:orde<I in Boo~ 14320 II Page bt>fore the hcannu Y11u r No bidder mey w11f'ldrew his bid P•Ol>8r1Y IO sallafy N ld obllgaoona TRENDS :10221 Crown Reol 2 Sth s tt eel Su nsol 9,. ac h Co<p0ra11on1 C:Ode of 111e S1a11 ol incorrectness 01 the •Odrttas or 56d6 "' fOf 1 period tor !orly five t45) days •nd lh1tadal11r the1 unde~slgnedf Lane Hun11ng1on Buell c 1111orn11 Cnlllornia 90742 Celllorma nollce 11 hereoy given olher c;ommon designallon II any ~~7 ~~~~~'"f.11 ~e~~ ~lllCral appearance m.1y be tn person •It• the dlle set f0< tile OPenrng cauM<l saJ notice 0 breecn and 0 926•8 Sam Riiey Kennlldy 18731 251h thet 11\own lleftln Reca<ds ol me Countv ol Orange or by your 11llorn('y lh«eor eiecuonlobeAec:orded January:?t The F1Clll10ul Bu11neu Name su .. 1 SunHI Beach Cllhlornl• The partnertlllD k nown 91 "lhe alorHAIO P'oe>et1Y lies no Stateo!Ce11lorn1a IF y 0 u ARE /\ The Boerd ol Tru11 .. 1 •-1912 H insl r No 82 025202 In referred 10 above was f11f<1 In 90742 CALLISTER & CALLISfEA II 11'Hl •ddrHI or 011\ar common Tf'le sale will oo conducted Dy CREDITOR or a <.'Ontinul'nl tht ptlvllege or rejee11ng eny ln<l ett Olticlel Records Otange Counly on Augusl 16 1982 Tiii! 1>uslrw1sa It conducliWI by"" previously ex•allng betwwn Aeed E ci.a1gn111on d11eooona 1110 llOW to EA CA tiOM E MOAT GAGE .,.,, bida or to welve any 1rregularllr8$ or Said Hie will be mide bul Bonn18 Berkley 20221 Crown 1noivl(lual c1111ale• Aeed R C111111er 0oug111 1oca11 aucn properly may oe ~~ u ~ T NOE E 0 5 EA v 1 c E crt!dtlor of lhe dt't"\.•ast.'tl you ln!Ofmalltles In any bid or In Ill• wllhout covenenl o• wartanly Reel Lana HunhnQlon Beacn Sam Kennedy L Call111et and Tad A Cat11111r ob111ned tromthe8-t1C1•ryunder CORPORATION a Caliloinie must hie your claim with tht Dlddtng tKpreu or •mpt+.0 regarding 11119 Cahtornta 926"6 Tn11 11a1ernen1 w11s 1118<1wrth111e eecll or Wilow address la 700 Nor111 U 1d Deed ol Trull 11 wllo1e COtpa<atlOf\ whose .adieu ,. :?30 court o r present tt to th(' Ill NORMAN E WATSON P08MUion Ot encumbrance• 10 Sue Bergeron 43 I • Oanhe County Cieri< or Otanoe County on Bf arid Bout•vttd Suite 640 •eQue111ne '""' 11 to De conouc1ed Newport Cente1 Drive No 200 per !lona I rcpr l'SI n 11111 \ ~ Sect'811f}' P•'I' tile remaining P'•nc•P••c:;: 01 Coron• del Mar Cahlorn11 926:>5 Octobe< • 1911:1 Gi.ndale Calllorn1a 91203 ... 111c11 Pur1u1n1 10 • wt1t1 en r equul Newport Beach Ctlllornta 92660 ap~oinl "d by th•• •our• 8<>41rd of Trull... 1118 note(1) ..cutecl Dy nld 01 This buS1rw1u wH coodUCllKI by 11 F1117IO P•''"ll'lh•p did bu11nau 11 S23 •ubm1tted wi1n1n tan Clay• from 1118 PhOtle Numbtl< 17 t4) 75!1-tS IS • • • • Coelt Community Trust wltll lflt•esl ••II\ said noie gener11 parlnenh•P Pubhsll•d Orenge CoHI 0 1t1y West Sixth SlrHt Suit• 8 16 LOI llrlt c>ublteatton ot 11111 NOl tee 10 Prlf1CIP•I ano in1eiest Oue wll in four months frolli lh~ COllegeOtst•IC1 provided edvanc.i II any under Bonn1e81r1t1ey P11<>t Oc1 20 21 Nov 3 10 1982 Angelff Cal!lornla900t 4 1nd700 tuc;ll Ben111c11ry •t tlle fo11ow1ng $21681154 dale o f hrst 1ssuann· o t Publitlled Or•nge Co111 Dally Ille 1eu111 ot Mid Deed ol T1u1t lhl1 11111emen1 was tiled wllh Ille •&09 112 Norltl Brand Boulevard SU11t 1140 •dd•en 8enk 01 Ame•IC• N••IOn•l Costa Exo.n ... ''1 Adv•~s l~lters as p rovtdt'CI In &-cuo~ Pllol Oct 20 27 t982 1 ... chlrges and eJ«)enMI of tll• County Cieri\ 01 Of•noe Counly on Gleno•le C1t1lorn111 91203 llU fruit •M SIYlnQI ANOClatlon Loar due (eppro.tlfnatety) !I so,c OS 700 <>f thft Probat•• 1 ·,~•,. of 4592..e:? Trull" and o1 tile lru111 creeled by October 5 111112 PUBLIC NOTICE. -amend.a (1110 IC)f purOC\ "OI Ad1u11men1 Department No 4,Jil TOI AL $226 3 15 69 • " T • '-"'"' -----------.-;;;. NldOeed ofTtull SetdnlOWlllbe F1t"27 Section tS03S sot the Foreclosure Seollon 0 South Otl!IO OclolMI< 11 t982 C tallfo rnla he llll'U' for Pta.IC N011C[ neid 00 Tllurld•Y Novamt>tr Ill Published Orange Co111 011ly FICTITIOUI •UllNlll Corporat1on1 Coele 1181 been Hudaon A venue Puaoena AMl!RICAN HOME MORTGAGE filing claims w ill no t l ><pl11t tH2 •• 2 00 pm •• the Clleprnan PllOI OCt 6 13 20 21 t98:1 HAMS ITATUiHNT IUolved) by mu•u•I consent C•llfOfnl• !11101 TRUST DEED SERVICE CORP to tour monlhlll f mm thr• d111v FICTTTIOU• .,...II Avenut en111noe to Ille C1vtc Center 4399-112 IN! IOl10w1ng pettonl 11• dOlllQ llacllYtl Jenufl'Y t 19112 TM 10111 amount 01 lhe unpaid C 1 Ion NAm ITATDmNT BullOlf\9 300 E CllApman Avenue Dutlnt .. as The buflne11 wlll be cootlnued II balt1nce ol llW noteCl1 NCUrec:t by e Ill ornla CO<l)Ofll 0 ( the hc-or tnfl nol k't'Ci 1400Vl\ file IQllOwlnQ ~ ece dolnO Orange CA Pl8l.IC NOTICE CHARLES E $MITH CO INC partnen111p comprllMld ol Aeed A ••10 Deed ol Truat with lntereal ~/~:~~l=A ~re• YOU MAY EXAM l N K DU~ u. A I I f'l t 11 m • 0 I 'II• In I I I I I 10812 Miiiiken Avtflull p 0 Bo~ allltter •nd Jull•M • C1lll1t1r 1"-'toO .. provt<Hld In •lid nolt(ll COUNTY OF ORANGE l,!S tht' Wt' kept by the rourt u CAL•PAC MANAGEJJIENT pubflClll()n ol 1n11 no!~ lhe 10111 .. ICTITIOUI •UllNlll l9t20 lrvtne Cahl0<n1t U113 11019 •ddreH II 1325 60Ulh 800 &Clvtnc.s ttenv underlhel«m1ot "'--,..,. ._ __ • I .. ,.. I I t d ' I SEAVICE8 111& 8 ttv•do• 81 , amount o1111eun1>•1d01lance o1111e NAltill ITATl•NT Cllerlo E Sm1111 M 1tlnt1 111sune 11s Orem u1ah l40!1T Ott<I I ft t I ludlnQ i-''".,,,to.-1 •' ore me you arc-ntrrc-s c n l It "--18 ••~· CA. 9282& obllg1t1on H Cu•IKI bl 111e •Dove Tiie lollowtng oeraon 11 doing oietrtkuto•• Inc a C•lllornla c'!'d1,g11 •Ono ~:P· a'::en of 1118 undert1Q1neoc • NOl1etY Pl.ldblio&lnt a,nd eat.ate, ~ou mAy ftlf' 14 rl'qurst ..,.,.. .....,... 1 ... TE • d l b d 0 Cl 0 tr 11 and u odobu11neaaun0t11hel1rm n1me " ,_, l o• 1a o oun y en 1 e Ith t l 1 ,..,., HOWAROW ...,.N L Y 11111 n or • et u bUtlntslll corporelloo t0872 Mllfl119t1Avtooe I CAl.ll$TElA &CALUSTEIUI IOO Tru1tte 81 0llh8deleoltlle"nllll perionllly eppelled Mery W t' tour U ,t,ctV4' S1tvador St • Co••• M•H CA Hllmal•CI 00111 ••Pen1ea •no LAM BROSE FOUA L TO <1000 p 0 Bo~ Ill t20 lrVlnt C•hlorn111 0 be IOC8110 •t 132& Soulll DOO publlc;1tlon ot ,,,. Nolie. ol S•le II Kellletine Z.Ot\811 known lo me to • p (' c' 14 I n 0 t t (' (' 0 t l h ~ 02828 Advances 11 1173 405 118 To MecAfihur Blvd Wt1t Towet Suitt 1127t3 11at Sult• 111'1 Orem Utan 8•051 S2 ~ 3H 02 bt1 Ille PtMldtnl 011118 Oorpor1llon Invento r y of CSUltc M8t'lf 001\00N 8 MIU.ER 480 8o deletmlne th• openlllQ bid you m8) 4000 Newport 8Heh Cet1torn11 T1111 bu11ne11 11 c;onductld by • fhe MW Otl•lntfahlp w111 cer1y on TeNle~~o•ne s,,,'u'm•!.~,AodfdTrt•u•1•, .. •nodr '111et e11ecuted the wit~ 11111~ and of lhC' n .. Utluru 111.'l:OUn•• June 8t Lot Anoelff,CA 90020 call \714) 937.Qillt 02880 co1por1t1on he butlne118nd 11 enlltled to 111 ol ,... .,.., known to "'8 to be 1r .. oeteon ... ..., d rt d" C lb d i""' PAUi. A MYl!R8 Ne Front St O•tt OCtot)e( 19, 19112 0ouo1u1 Lttmb•Off 28 Ote1>11 Chari•• t Sm101 llt 111811 o l 11111 dlnotved o1hef peraon conouctlnt_tlle ulete 1111eouted Ille within lntlru!Ml'll on an rrpor I .-s r «' I'} LAll•ln• HI ""' svs INC Irvine Celll0tnl1 92714 M11jne Olt'UlbUIOfl Inc ••1nertlllp Oetecl Octo"8f 1,, 1912 I bellalt of Ille CorOO•••IOft lheteln s. C! l I 0 n I 2 0 0 0' l h . Tl't!I butlntte .. cond\tettd by an • HJd TrullM Tlltt l)\ttllnut II conducted by •n dO• Charlff E Smith Co A 11 d. b t I 0 w In 0 b v 111 t CONf!NI NTAI. ed d ICl\110 ltdoect 10 l'f\t c. 11 f 0 r n I 8 pr 0 b ll t • untncotl)Ofl!H H•OClttlOfl 0111.. ~~,,,~~AVIC!i; lndhlldu•I Inc; •ttner&lllO .. l>flNIOUety ••ltlflCI Of AUXILIARY COMfl'ANV ~:.'i' MICll.Corf)Of•I.;:, .,ecu*I lllt Code Utan. ~"1w ltentl9y Bv "°"A &C~ ~:~~:OM e:ie:..~.~~Pton Jr aat11811C1ad and Ill CllOll ~,,.. :~he,= HudlOfl ·~ l w11hlh ln1llul'lltlfll ourav•n• 10 II• l\Ntrl N. Broxtoa Eaca .. Tllta .. ...,,.,,. w• ,.. wllfl the Altlttant lecreltfy Thi• ····-· WU llte<I wllll lht Thll 1111-nt ..... "''° wllt'I the 'f~~~= i:::r:r~T,:~::~ P•••denl CA 0 \ 10 I :r :;;:,:.· ftleo!UtlOn Of '" lotto I HI Par Ir A \ltHe, Balbl• ~ c.. of Orenee County on One Clty •~ W•t Ccun1y Cl«k of Or•nte County on County C141fk ot Orang• councy on Ottll •t>CM lye Wiiiiama wllNISS MY hand eno ottieltll.... hi• ... Callferela tUU .Oct ti, 1"2. ,__, ~"'r,i.~~r,818 Octobef 6, 1H2 ,,_ Octow 5 ion ,,_,1 OATIO StottrnW< 2t ltH ~·t~~~ :,~• 1 AM siocum C•ntll Ttleplloee: .,,, ..... 4 t~OllPllCI Oranoe Co11t OlllY Pul>llahecl Or•no• Cou1 Delly Pul>lltllt d 0111101 COUI 0111~ P141>111hld 01enge CoHI 01tty Pul>h•~~e~g<;•tl:.t Dell~ PublllPttO Orange COHI 0111\i Putl!l•llt~ Or,anJ:, ~o·~~:r°elly Publlth.,d U t1n1• CoatL f'•il.t ~1'01 Oc1 13 20 21. Nov ,, 1M 1 Piiat Oct ~7 N0¥ 3 tO t&t:l PtlOt Oot 8 13 20 27 1H2 Pdot OCt 8 1!) 20 17 t&U llOI Oct ~7 1912 Piiot Oct 27 NOV~ 10 IN.2 fl'llol Ocl 2 1 481.._12 l'llol, lll\ 2« 11 Nuv a lllU 44'7..f2 46TS·8' 43&0 12 U 02-1:1 •Tl• l2 4814-U tTtl U I \ Jot> Torrt> llunt') Kut.•nn Torre, Kuenn picked as managers of year From AP dispatches t\ t I .i n t ..i ' ..., J o e T" r r l' .1 11 d ii Milwaukl•t•'s l h1rvev Kul·nn. \\ hu sk1µpt•n'<.l th1•1r n ·six-C11v1· dub.. .... to th .. N,111unal L1·agu1· \.Vt>s1 and Am1•r1l·an Ll•aguP F.as\ l"rowns. but who both 1·anw up sh11r1 along lht• way, havt• bt•1·n nanwJ lllJllJgl•rs ul th1• Vl'ar by Tlw As:;1,..·1at1•<l Pn•s., 0 Turn: l'l'l'l'IV(•d ;3~ cir 7H VOll'S l'aSt bv ·' n t1 t lt>tlW tdl· p<t nl'I of spurt s w ri t1•1 s 0:11d brnadt·astl·rs Hunnt>rup was Frnnk HolJtnson ul tht• San F ranl'IS<'O t_;1.H1ts. who r<"t't'l\'t•d :.!'.! volt'" for th1• N<itrolk.11 Lt•JgUl' honor ThC' BravC'S fm1s h1'Ci th<' l~l:rL S<'a'>On wrth :i rC'<'Ord of 89· 7:.S. 11\'1·rn>m1ng a prulu11g1·d rnrdsun11111•1 slump tu w111 tht• Nallonal L1·..1gu1• W1•st by ont• gam<' 11\'l'r thl' Dodg1•r\ on tht• fmJI d:l\ 11f tht• !>l'aSOn. · Atlanta had not wun tlw d1v1s1on srnt•1• l!:lti9 wh<>n thl'y finished ~l:4-IHI but lost tht> Nn1111n.1l [.. .. agul' playoffs to tht• l'Vt•ntual Wudd S1·111·' eh<1mp1on Nl•w York Ml'ls KUt·nn. wht1 gu1dt·d thC' Bn•w1•r" 111 lht• hc•,t n•t·ord in b.1s1·bid l this Sl'<ti,on und tl11•11 t 11 ~• World S1•nt·s and rE'<.·C'1v('d <i •lnt"Vt·ar t•,tt·n~1011 of his l'ontratt only two day-.. ago, ~,·a::. ,1 run.i\\'a\ Goring I oda lslondor · win Uu1t·h t:urlnK'" 11111111t ,111111 h,111dld ~11111 111 tlll' '1'11"4•11 Hild IW11 M t•1t•11 ••t'"" t• I r11111 Uuune• Sull1•1 .uul Mlkl' I o O)' l1·d lht· N1·w \'111 k 1 .. 1,1 11il1·r .. 111 11 7 :.! vlt 1tll v uvl'I l '.tlHul v 111 1111.iltlt)(hl N.1111111 .tl 11 111 l,c•.v l.1·11~u1· u• 111111 1'111 .. d.1 \ '1'111' \\ 111 '111·11 lwd tlit li.l.111d1·r ,· t 1•1<(lll11I ",1.1111 11111111 1111111 1114'11 'It l'.tk Ill :!'I 1<·"11" C!7 11 .!I 1·:1...,..,, 11111 Hit· '\1·1lln .11111 (';1ll1•1i tl unwl -.11111·.t 11t11 ct pt 111KI g11.1I" 111 pull Bu i f,tl11 in111 ,1 7 7 tll' "uh M11n1n·JI Mldwl ctoul1•1 ... 11111 •d 1h11•t• 1.i11.11, .11111 Mari· Turdll .111d l'l'tcr Stui.tny mld··d 1w11 I'll( h l•I lt•.111 Qth'll<'l' \11 .• !I I Vl<'l tH '/ !J\'t'I' '1't1l't11llll Tom Md'urtb) 1.1n·d up tlw llj.(hl -.1d1 • 11fld 'ltut f1 IJl ll dust• r,tllj.(f• Ill i.1•1111· I ht• j.(.1111<· Wllllllll~! 1;11.tl ,.., l\l 111111•1-.ol.1 OOIUNO dl·lt-.111·d N1•\\ .11·1 "'' :1 :i Th•· v11·t111' 11npn1v1·d M111111 ·'11l.1', 11,ord 111 7 :! I .11111 , 111 th1· pn11;1-s.,, lt.1111lt ·d tlw l>1·v11, th1·1r thud .... tru11<(ht lo"' 1:1 I :1 11\'1•1.1!11 t'apt.1111 S tan Sm yl '4t11t•d two j.(1.1.1b 111 lll'lp111g \l,111louv1.·r lit' j duh H'l.'t1rtJ with f1v1· g11.ils m tlll' I 11 ... 1 p1·n11d m. lht· l".1tllll'k,., t•ru1,.,1·d In .111 H I Vlt'lt11y ovt•r I l1111nd1•r111J.{ l lart ford Close finishes In Hobie nationals 1o :v HI SL'AYN£. Fl.1 I n ~ ''11m · 11{ tlw l hlsl':-.1 s.i1l1ng 1n ·tlw l11s1111 v 11( }1ohw ( ".11 nwing. 1 lw I 1r .... 1 1h1 n 'pl.t•'l'~ 111 llw I lolm• I ll 11.1t11111al 1 h.m1p111n,.,h1p' \\'11u11d up in tws .1fll·1 thn·t• ran-s Tut·"d.1y Thi· po111l sprt·<td hl'lwt't·n l11~t-o.111d­ th11 d \\ .tl'o :.! I t J>llllltS T1t·d 1111 t1r,1 pt.w1· Wl'1c· .11 ·11 Allt·1 111 C.ip1,t1\11l11 &·;id1 and Allan Egus;i, I t. ..... 1ho111t'. T11·d 1111 "'t mid w1•11• ,J111t11 ll.1ekt•V. Jt'llst•n f{.•.il'h . fla , :i11J l':ir lton Tul·kt.·r'. F11i·t W<tlton, Fl.1 .• ind d •"1dl111·k1 ·d l11r third Wl'f'l' Bob Wtll1an1:-. F;i11 t11·ld, C111111 .md 1> .. a 11 Fnmmt'. K:ulu.1, I l.1 w.i11 Knight, Lopez get married l'ELll Al\1. Ga Cullt.·r N;HH y Lopi•:r nwrnt'Cl Houstun As troi. third b.1S1•m;111 Ha\ Knight Ill a pr1v,1tt• tt•rt•11\m\\ l\lond::iv Tht· \q·dJmg was at the· huml' of Pelham hus11w~ .. man Max Frosllg, K night's p<irtrn:r 111 a "Pm 1111.,; gt "'"h '111n· hl•rt'. Frost1g ~11d TuL·sday. 111• .... m l tilt' mupll' "wantt>d a n·al pnvatt.• a ttair no µhotugraph1·1-i;, nn prt:'SS " Lupc.'Z. 25. was married fur t hrl'l' yt•ar'S lo I lou-.tw1 lt·ll·v1s10n sportSt·astt•r Tim Mt.•ltun Shl' rt11·d r111 cit\'Ol'l'(' 111 Mav L11p1·1t'JI1wcl $J :i6".-17-I l..ist y{·W. 1.•1gh1h Ix-s t •in tlll' L<1dt1-:. Prnft•ss1onal Golf A~<11;·iatton Tour •• selection. naml'd on -17 ol 7~ hallols for th1 • :;: American Lvc1gu1· dWard Knight. :.!H. 1., a nJt1vt• of Albany, Ga .. about :m m1lc•s from h1 •rp lie· :lllC'ndl'Cl Albany, Ga .. Jun1111 Colh•Kt' bl'for(• bc•111g s1g1wd by the C111ltl1ll<tll H1'tf., I lt• was tr;1dt.'<I to l li>U!>ton la:.t •.• Runnt•r -up w ;1s Earl V.1!'<1\'l•r. \\ htt n ·s1gm ... J •• : this Yl'ar artl·r 1-1 '. Sl'd'>Oll .. ,,., ma11Jgt·r of tht Balumorc Orioles Weavl'r rt'f.'l'l\'l'<l I 2 votes On Jum· :.!. lhl' Brt.:\\'t•rs had a :.!:{-:!-I rl'f.'tml \ l'<tr ::ind Wl'fl' lll'U for fifth plac·t· in thl· Amt·rtl'<111 Early postponement for NFL • Lt'agut• 8a:;t Managc•r Bul·k Hodgt·r' wus firnl. •• and KUt'nn, thl• BrL'WL•rs' batttng tnstrul'tor for • : · 11 Vl•.irs. n•ph.1c·l'd him . . . Tht N.tt11111.d F outlrnll L1•,1gut• 1111111.dlv c·.dh·d 111 f this wc·1·k\·ncfs g.illll'S i'Ut·sday And for 1h 1· firs t 111111., NFL l'u mm1ss1ont•1 P e l e Quote of the day Bill Fitch, coach ol thl· Boston Cl'lt1C'l>. rompanng pro football Jncl pro b.1.\<kl·tb..ill "Our leagu e's s1tuat1on 1:. a httll' d1ffert>nl ;., than lhl' NFL. In tht.• NBA n 's tht· ownNs Roze lle !..ltd tht! lc•aguc· m1gh1 play f1·wcr than 12 ).lame·" Contrall l<llk,.. brnkl· off lx•IWl't.'n the San Dic·gu ChpJ><.•rs and tht· a~wnt rt•prl•M·ntmg 1h1·1r Nt• 1 dr..1ft p1c·k Te rr) Cummings, hours ,.rtc•r .1n .1gn•emcnt appean•d 1mm1nl'nt ::· who ttrC' asking for 55 pc·rt.l·nt of thl· • :~· player.,· gn1ss tn<.imw" Bill)' Martlo, f1n.'<.I a-. m<maj((•r o l tht> Oak land A's last Wl'l'k . ts apparently no t gwng to bt."t·ome th•· rww .. k1pp<'r ur tlw t'lt·Vt.'l<.111d Indians. his .1gl•nl said Oakland A'., l'n·s1df·nt Ro) E isenha rdt annuurmxl th•· h11·111~ o f Bill RIJr?ney an an advisory roll" H1gn1.•y. 63. h<1:> bt>t·n "' '-<'llllt for the· Angc'L" the past five• yt·ars <iftl·r m..1nag1ng four maJOr lt,aguc teams Tht.· Los Angelcs LatC'rs '>l'll'C'tt•d Indiana Un1vt•ri.1 t ~ 's G reg Thompson. the.• natwn's top 1 att·<l u11lt'g1dtt' '>(J('('l:'r plavl·r. a." thl' num~:r om · p11 i< ovt-rall durmg l\11inddy's MlS L mllcgt• draft hl·lu in St Louis Normand Le\'eille, tht• Bos ton Brums' 19-yl•ar -old lt•ft wing s trtl'kl'n \.\1th d brain hl·m orrhagl'. rl'mamc:d in poor t:ond1t1u n a t Vanrouvt•r GC'ner;il Hospital His t'ond1t1on was unchanged from Monday, a spok~wom:m s;.11d \:~l's Carlton by a landslide •.· N EW YORK Stc·vc· Carlton ii ::-recov<'rl::d from the worst s tart of his • ::~areer this season t o win ..in :.·unprcced<:nted fo urth National ·::League Cy Young award Tuesday :. Carlton. of the Philadelphia Phtlht-s. was : :the only pitcher tn the ma.)Or leagut-s to wm 20 • . gam~s this vear. fm1shmg th<' sN1son '''1th a . 23-11 record· a nd an earned run ave rage of 3 10 At age 37. Carlton got orr to an old man's .. start, losrng his first four games But he won four of ht!> nc-xt fi ve games, and. o nc.'C' again, he-was on th<• form that has mad<• h im the all·llnw • Natmn<il League and left-handc>d str1keput kmg • " Carlton's leaguc-lc-admg 286 strikeouts thts North Amc-nt:an S1x.-ct•r Lc•agut• prt.-stcll•nt Harold Samuels, ;1dm1t1111g ht" ll•agUl' "t•11uld go broke'." mC'I Tues<h.1v w ith duh 11w1wr .. 10 fmd ii run• !or the lc·aguC'·s financ:1al Wot•s Television, radio '-season gave him 3.434 for his career. only 7-1 sh:-- of Walter J ohnson's all-ttme r ecord of 3.508 Carlton sh ould have little trouble breakrng that mark next season. his 17th in the-maJOr leagu£>S a nd 12th with the Ph1lhes TV: No C'\'l'OL" ...,..hl'l.IUll'<i RADIO: llcx:kl·~ King, .1t Winn1rx:·g. 5.~0 om KPRZ 1115111 . •' ~; College football .. ~ :··. SATUl'IDAY'S GAMES .... . ,· Oregon va UCLA at Rose Bo...c 11 30 P m I Wastmigton at S1anl0fd (Channel 1 a1 I? !iO ,• pm I • Cal at Oregon SI ::: Atlxona at Washington St • c.i S111e Fullerton at Hawa11 n t~ Utah al San GleQo SI . n San JOM St al Neved•·LH Veges. n ! Azu11·Pac:fflc al USF • • Sonoma St at Cal Lutheran \. Cal POiy (Pomonal II U. or San Diego •,, ~landa 11 Pomona·PIUar n Clatem<>nMoAudd 11 Whittle<, n Cal POiy ($LOI 11 Santa Clara Roell lea use 11 Arozon• s1 n Wyoming 11 Alf Force BYU al Uteri SI Otttel\oma et Color ado Texu-EI PHO II COlor8<k> St N0t1hern Araon• •• New Me•ICO SI l'locll ... Texu A&M 81 SMU Teus 81 Texu Tec'h R;ce 11 Arkensas TCU at Houston. n Or•k• II WMI Texas SI New Mexico II Norlh Te•H St lllld-t Mlc!hlgan St el lndlan• llllnola 11 low• Mlnnet<>la at MIClllg&n PU<due II Olllo SI Noft~lern al w1econs•n Kan.as SI 11 IO'flll SI Nebfatlll II Kan .. t Toledo 11 Mllltnl, 0 TUIN II Wtchlta SI ()ftlo U at Cen1tal Mw:riioan Sou1hef" llfino•s a' EastPtn Uljnr_..-. Ball St at Eastern M1ch1911n lll1noo~ St at lnd•ana St Bow4mg Gr~n at l<t'nl St W!!Slern 111•1\0fS at Nottt>e<n MoclltQan N0t1ne.n •lhnoos at Western Moe111gan South Auburn ar FIO,.dil Memp111s SI •I Geotgla Ou-eat Georgia Tech M1ss1uipp1 al LSU n Ftor1d1 SI el M1em1 Fie Altbama va M1ss.1soppl SI at JICkllln Meryland at Norlh Carotln• Soulh Carolina II North Carollna St Rutgers at Richmond n SW Lou•S1ana at Soulhe•n M1n1u1pp1 n Baytor a1 Tulane n VMI II V•ro1n1a Kentuc~y ., V"O"''' Teel\ Marlhall al The C•ladel Oa.1dson at Furman E .. 1 Loullll\lle at P111 Noire Dame vs Navy at Ea.i Rutherl<lfd NJ Holy CH1~ 11 Boston u n Easl Carot1n1 at Wesl Virginia Penn St al Bo.Ion College Columb•a ot Army Kings POlnl 11 Cornell Yale 11 Oartmoulh Wllliflm & Mary al Oolewere Brown at Harvard Bucknell 11 Letugh Norlh8utern 11 Maine ConnetllCUt II MISNChUNll• RhOdll llll nd at New H1tnp11\111 Penn at Pnnce1on Colgate 11 Syr11euae Ck>clflnall al Temple 2626 Heritor llvd., Co1ta Me10 140>MJO J .. 1101 ....... . JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLI GI Pleb tf "' Wtt• UCLA over Oregon * use over Arizona St. * 8YU over Utah St. * Ok lo homo over Colorado * Notre Dome over Na PRl~P PL y POT N THE l~I E • • • From Page D 1 J1•.11l111~ llw \~,1 v II lil't'u1 111• :w II lh111llt.(h lh1t•1 tjUlll h 'I ' t 'uro1111 d••I '11.er '·'· ,.,,,,,, ,,,.,,u c '1111111.1 ti• I 1\1.11 ..., S 1 .. 1 K111g., .11 1 1111 tlll' 11111•,hltnltl 111 1ll1111111( .t 111111.( .111d I 1111111 .1t111~1 '«'.ti.1111 111111 .1 .. 11111111 1111· ('IF l '••11t1.1l l '1111l .. 11'111t• pl.1 yufh th '"lllh ,1 '/ I llVt 1,111 ll'lUlfl 1 111 ~t·.t r.111g• .. 1wt11ntl 1111lh.11 k I .. t111 c· Mort111, uri· ~ '.! 1\1 h·a~ut• µluy 11nd ur\• r.1v111 11 l l"rulu.v :111tl a w1•1·k lll'lll't' (V\ I lit1v1·1 s1ty ), :.t'lt111g up .t ptih•ntial pl.1~·1111 J1t•111t thll'I w1tlt 11v.1l N1 \.\ j.1<11 l ll.11 11111 Nov 11 "( ·11,t.1 M1•".i 1s 1n11n· 111 ;1 11111 11111·1111·tl 11·;i1Tl tl11s v1•;11 ," .,,,y..., ( 'dM ( '1,;wh l>wk M111 n s '1'111• St'.t lunMI LH9ue ..... u. Owtt1ll W LT W l T LIJ110<1 4 ' I 4 ' I I fJUlllUlll V .. 1101 I II 0 J ~ 0 Mo11111• I l 0 ~ ) 0 Or11•1 v ..... I I II ] 'I 0 Hu1111nutt~• U• ti II. u 4 I 0 Wwalmmatm 0 • II Ill CJ South CoHI L•99u• c .. ..,u v .. 11.,.,. M1aa.oh V..,tu Stt11 (.llHt,tt11h~ l 1tyw1u thlhi. 'ouw111 thol( h Woud1J1u1u1• 0Bnt1 Hill~ Laegwe O .. t all W LT WL T I 0 I 4 ' I ,•CJ I i, I t I I 0 r> "J 0 I :1 0 J !> U 110 J;U I J 0 4 :I 0 II ~ U ll I 0 a .. View 1. .. ou• le1141ue Overall w l ' w l' '.ut'-1dhfh4U Ill 4 Cj I h NtJW11w• thullUt I t ~ I I t 1.,.., I I (.r~''"•• dM4 Mtt' . ? C "''''Mt •·i I I 4 l •tdlll hi J • lt;1h,. 4 I IHt•'<lr-t•'t'( I ., Angelu1 l.HOU• L•aev• o .. reU WLT WLT bt'•Vlf .. M~tlttf [ht1 81th'1U Am,tt St Pu11I Pw• .< J II II • I (I , ti II 4 ~ I t I () ro I I I I I) ' I II 010 J •O 0 ,• U I ~ I K111J.1' t1g11 11· 1t1 1·1111v a d1!.t111l'l :11lv.111t.1gt· 111 1lw ------------------------- 11111• pl.iv .111d l1gu11• t1• h.1\'t ll,1V•· 1'.1111 ·1 .... 11 .i11d !>1111 1'1 \111 b.11 k .d t1 •1 IJ<1Uh with tlw 1111 ( '1r.t.1 M1·....,1t '11 •11.11 h .l11n I lal.(•'V hk1·11' llw 1 ...... k "1tlt L'tlM \\Ith 1 ...... 1 w1·1·k·-. 11 ........... 111 (.!!I 11 \<\1th El '1'11111 •('111 1111.1 • .., \11 ,, \'t'I\ phv ... 11.tf .. 1 1111 ltk1· El '1'11111, \\ 1111 It kwkt·d 1lt1 ht~ k 11ut 111 '"·" h1 .... v-. S:tfl't}' H1111 Young"' 11ul 101 lh1· :.t'.1so11 with :1 t.l1slUl.'t1 lt•d i.h1111 Id• •r a mJ llagt ')' s.1 ys I 11s 4u.11 lt•t l.iJt'k . S<~11 lla1ot1•y. 111.1y Ill' lls•·d 111 tlH · ~··\·11ntl11rv. too fie:''''" t '/f•w '·'· llu11tlnlflo11 llfllu•l1 Although I ht· Olll·rs of ll u rll111g11111 B1•.1d1 µl.1 vt·d Sun .... 1·1 L1·agut· hl•avy w .. 1ghL., Edison (:!I lhJ 1.1nd l-'ou11t.1111 Vall1·v (17-H) un a noM· tu llt>s1· bJi.t' llw t.11·t 1t•111,11ns. tlw Oil<·r., an· on th1· wron!! 1·rnl 11I a :1~ g.11111· Su1i....1·1 Lc·agut· losing i.tn•ak. dattr1i.t hat·k 111 I Lli:\ It l1gu11·s tu i·nu Frid:tv Jltltough Ollt•r., qu;irtl'rhal'k Ent· Lawton is <• <.jUl·:a1ont1blc· swrt<·r bt'l'<lUSl' 111 ll'Jllnllg his nght wns t agamst Ed ison la-.t Wl't'k If hl· 1s11'1 11·ady, HR Cm1c h (;n·~ llt•nry s;1ys lw'll swrt l3ud1h· Noblt'. last v1•ar's .... i.artt·r "W1·'v1• had troul1l<• With 0lhl' l)(·lawan· T ." says Ot·l·an VH•\\' l'•>at•h Stc·vt· Colfl1· .... h "l'ypn·-.. ... and Wt•!>Wrn uwd ll and did Vl·r,v "t•ll .1~.111)st u:. It t·rcatl·s sonw n ·al probll•m!>. not lo O\l'llllu11 lJ.1n11y Thomµ. ... on L.iwt11n .. tnd thl' n · .. t " Ou·a11 \'11 \<\, ho\\'t•vt·r, I!> an up .ind duw11 u111t. havmg t.l1•ft•at1'<.I W1~1m1nstt·1 thrt'(' ... 11 :11ght Vt•.Jt' (21 -7 th•~ llllll') 1'iidd l'orkt•r 1 ur1:-11ul 111 tht• I .11 tailb<1t k ,11111 Chad Pa1·1s1·au has t·11111pll•h'd !'>fl o l 1:M with rnily mw m tl'l"l't•ptum 1n f1vt• of hi:-six gantl'S Park1•1 h;,is sc:u rnd Ii T Ds lluntington':-. Nu I strt·n~th 1:-Th11mp!>on. :1 !!HI-pound JUl\1111' fullbm·k Willi i Tl>.. Tlw Od1•1s cilso ha\'l' tlw l'Xph1-;1vl· pot1·n11<1l t1I 'P' mtt·r C;11 I S<tll'l'ltt'ld Ill thl l>.il·kftdd Ir' Int• '"'· E .,tanf'"la Ei.tt:h ts 1-:J in St>a V1l'W LVi1gu1· pl.1~ .111d If thl·r(• 1s u tomorrow, 11 hci~ to tx·g1n F1 1d.1\ £.,t.;inna tatlb;.il'k Mall Spll'l> 1:, n ot l'XJX'< t1·<l tu play hc.'(·;1uSt• nf s tn111wd ltg<1ml·n~" .ind cou.ltl bt· u~t n1·.1o.1 wc·t·k. t•>••. ·•l'l'Ordang to f.st.111u.J l 11ad1 Ed 131.tnton Man W olf, us uallv <11 luwlJ,llkl'I, t<1k•·" tlw starll'r"s roll· .11 t.11lback !11-r E. .... 1.1m Id "Irvine··~ offl·nsc.· tr<:atc·~ a lot ol problt•m s." savs Blanton, "with 1G ·•1011011 and -.l11ft111g w,.·11 have· to play ):(ood d t·l t•11. .... 1· • Irv11H"" l'h1t·I \-1.1·,1p11n "lJ1lba1k Joh1111~ Sahnt1., who hi.ls ru..,hc·d fur i I Ii y,ird .... on l lll t'arru:s. a 1-i J ••"'"r;1g1· Eath \\h1ppt•d L.1gun,1 Hilb. 1-1 II, 111 nun· lcagut· pli.i:-' dllU t,',1d1 ft.·ll tu Curuna dt•I l\1.11 uy t\<\u tou1·hduwn:. Irv1m" l10wL·vt·r d1 .. t11 N1 \\ p•>l l a 24-21 dt:ft·..11 .1 \\'l't•k p11111 ltJ E. .. tJllllJ· .... 1:1 17 l11Sl> lfl Nl'wpurt :::,(.'\\'ltl'l'I' Mater Oe i at Bishop Amat Tht· Mon<1rd1!> 11f Mater Dt.•1. frt-sh l rom th<'1r t•mut11m<.1I 21 14 v1t·tur.~ o ver St Paul. must deal with tht· !>pnnh•r's !>pt•l'll .,f Randv Tanner and Aaron Bro"" n. m <1dd1t11m 111 th1· potC'nt1al appt.•aranc:e of All-CIF' runn111g ba<:k !'1•1111•11 T.1 vl111 T.1 v lt11 ltJs l><:·1·11 11t11"11g a k111•1 lllJUI '\' ,111d d1d11't µJ..1 V f,....,I Wf•l'k l.af(una Kea('b a t San Clcmcnlt• 'I It• Ar11"L' 111 I .. 1gu11.1 Bt•at h apµt•a1 tu l.1t• ht·~1lthy with t.<Jtlhat k l~·d1• t\r <1ltt· .111d d l·fl·n...,.ve b,,, k I >ru Mui plw In th1 ,t\ 1. l1ut 1h1·v'r1• <•l S;m Clt·mt·11lt', hi-.t•>lll«1lly h,ul 1ww' li>r tht· Arl1sL'i San Clt•nwntt•\ 11i..1Jt· l'UnJ1111g 1<•11111·, built around qu<irterbaek .J11hn Wt·1S\'t and b;wks Hugl'I 1"1c·klini.: ;md .11111 An111, has lt•d to rl :; :.! "',.,all I l'f.'t1rd El Toro vi.. Univl'rsity El '1'11ro 1s 1111 .1 1li11·1· gamt· w111ning s lrt'<Jk and ll4 ·g111111ng lt1 rtJll l.1t l1111d 11:. big ltm., a11chon·d by .,l..1111lout ...,. 111111 P.tul Sv1t1·11k11 lli-:i, ~ 151 U111vt·rs1t' ., T111r.111-. h;1vt 111·1·11 11111v111g 111 tlu• 1Jth1·r d1rt·1111ir1 With thrt·1· ... 11.11gh1 lus......._ • ., El T111 o h.i::. l>t·:11t·11 U111v1·,.,1t v tlll' JI·"'' I 1 Vl' Vl',11'::. M b~ion Viej o vs. Woodbridge W•xxlbndgl· I I 1gh 's hopt·s Ill the.· South Coast L(:agul· have· tak1·n ..111 upsu rgt· with tht· return. ol fullln1t·k J ohn St'hrm•dc·r. but M1sswn Vt<:JU enll'r~ as a solid l:.vontt· with 4uartt•rb;:ll'k Klaus Lt·tlt·nbau{·r. who h.i~ mnipll'l1·d 7'.!.. of 1:.w for 1,138 y<irds and 11 TDs l'\11-.Mor\ Vwy1 taill.x.tt·k Rogt·r Brown ha.s l:l T[},, lo h"' 1n"tl1t, mdudmg om · g;.inw 111 whith ht• r..11nbl1 ·d f111 :wri v,11 els C hino vs. Capistrano Valle~ Burt C<ill h:1d ..,.., I'll TD p.isst·s for Capo a WM·k ago 1n tht l'11ug.ir.,· Ii:! 1:1 rout o f Laguna llills. but tlw 11ppos1t11>n tould Ix· st1flt'r 1h1:. llmt· Chmo 1s 5-:! ;ind l1·d by sophomo re.• runnmg b<il'k W:.iym· D<iv1:.. who sc.·on;d a pair of TDs. 1ndudmg a ti:.! :vard dash . 111 .1 rout ••Vt·r M1•llt( l:.ur last wel'k . It'~ a nw1-l1•agu1 g.11111 · Dana Hills vs. Laguna Hills lh•<,p1tl' tht :;hl·ll111g till' l lawks touk from Cap1str:1110 \'i.illt:-y L<igun.1 Htll., is .. ull vt·ry mul'h in the· running for 1h1rd pl . .1c·t· in tht.· Sou1h Cc>ast LC'agut· A nuggt t in tht· L..igurw I Ill ls c·;,imp 1i. tight L·nd Todd W11l1.11ni.. <> lO:l pound '-l'nior who hos taught :H p:J-..-.<·~ f111 5:.!li yards Han g<~r to pic k Rade r'! A HLINCTON Tt•)l.as <AP) Duug HJdl'r, managt·r 11( tht· AAA Hawaii lsl:mcll•r, uf the• P.1ufk t'o;,i.,t L1·agut'. i.. nu\\ tht· lt·ad1ng 1 and1d..11l: to tx"t·1ml( the· -.k1ppc·r ol tht• T1·xas R<mg1·r~. aci.•11d111g to ,1 putilt .. tw d n ·porl Q1111t 1 11~ ,111 unn.irnl·d .... ourt I' \.\ 1th1n t ht• Hc1n1.wr...,· ur K•u11zallun. tht' D.illas T1m1·s lll•r .ild n ·pc1rtl'(I todJV thot Hang1·r Gl•nl'ral M.m.1gl'r JO<· Klt·m lav11r. h1nng Hadrr Hadc·r . who has managl'd tlw San Diego 1-'udrt·s' top farm dub for th<· past lhn•t· y l•..1r ..... has IX'c·n nanwt.l in thl· pa!>l as a toµ t"111d1dJt<: fur thC' po:.t. along w11h Chit·agu Wh1t1· S11>. r11,1( h ,Jim Le•vland Lc·vl:111d l'llJl'hl-<l f11r 11 V(•..1r" tn 1h1 l.>t tru11 T1g1 ,...,· fJrrn .... y:-tt·m · -------------------~-m1Mtt1•1 1 WHAT TAX St£LTERS (tQI TO BUY IN 1982 I I An ln<l•Spensable Seminar lor Ille sopll1st1cared investor I and ta•payer who needs 10 absorb new ta• 1nlorma11on If vou don't smok I can offer 1mpo1tant savings on auto insurance Clatm your reward from RABBITT INSURANCE .. 1 Old Newport Blvd. Newport .. ecn, Ce. 131.n40 I quickly Our tllird annual upda1e on tax sllellers an<l the1r I problems I Presenlod by Tom H1lgaertner. CFP. Ta• Ptann1ng I Spec1a11s1 and President ol Magnum Opus AOv1sory I ·AND -I carno••i• • AUll•tA • CMltr I I Marc A Tow, Allorney and M ember Ta~ Section ol tile I au •HI Ame11can Bar Assoc1atton WAR_R_E_N_M_t_L_L_E_R_L_tV_E __ I Wedne•d•Y Evening, Nov. 4, 1982 •I 7:00 p.m . I ,, • .,,. • •r , , 111 ,. 1» •t the Holld•Y Inn ..... "· ...... '""'' \ .... I • CALL (714) 752-o&el FOA Rf SERVA TIONS I l 1' ' ·~ t ,,_ •' • , ' ) t ~.. Seo,,nt>ft lfvough PtNate ~ ftin.en(jat Serwton W'c • ~·.,. -.,.. • 1,.. ... L 3131 Brlatol St., Coat• MeH I 't4 ---------------~~~==========--=-==--'!-==:...=::...=::....:::=....;:::::....::..:_..:_~~~~~========- CIA VI IAIC VI WOILD OF OUTLAWS • GUltll'f • JOMS • UUfHUll • lllHll • llcWAODlll • onn •I. MMMIAll ••. MIUllAll •SllU • SIMOll • D. SMITll • J. SW1Htll • S. SWIWMlt • TllOMOW • WIHll • WOlftAltt THiil llG llGHTS-1 P .M. THUe•Flle·SAT e OCT. 21-29-30 QUALlfltNO, KINDALL POINT IACIS-TNU..111. SM.AP fUTIMI, I-MAii C-MAll-SAT. 18100 S. VIRMONT AVI ~UDIU 71)· Jil 11()0 ·71)• )]] 11 ~1 ... ~.·~ FOCUS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH ( O·SPONSOREU BY PA{ If I( CQ\jM ~ITY 110 PIT \l AMEKICAN CANUR !>OflCT'I STOP SMOKING CLASS 12 HOUR COURSE FOR SMOKERS I>< I,\ \ I H I,\ I< I \\lt:l<ll \\(\\(I.I{ ... (}( 11:rv l<IOllll 7 00 . 9 00 P.M Thursday, Nov. 4 Monday, Nov. 8 Thursday, Nov. 11 Monday, Nov. 15 Thursday, Nov. 18 Monday, Nov. 22 TO REGISTER PllONE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIE l'V l~I >I '<'.\ l'I< >~ l>El'.\ln ;\11~~·1 7S2·8600 I. \lnlf\: Yl 1•1•' l 11'.'\H:1n:...:u l I·' I .. ~ l~ll' lk•l .................. t 11\ lllttt k "oulh ul \taint llunllnl(lttt\ ll<'lh h, l ""'""'"' Norm oats Newport City Cou~cll November 2 Committee to Elect Norm Loat1 Ru Baron·Treat urer, 881 Dover Or .. N.B. l0#82231Q ) ' • • • • • • & • • • llAICI t:lllT ua111UC111mn mu wr ONE S DA y oc 'O Ul II // l~U/ ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Foui_: flee burning boat, saved off ·Laguna Four pt>ople strandt'<l on a ltft• rah for morl' than 30 minutes wert' res(:ued Tuesday cvC'nang off tht• coast uf Laguna Bead1 wh1k their plt•asure cruft burnl'<l and sank in about 90 fl.'et of water. The vessel, a 42-Coot t•aban 1·rulst•1 out of Newport Beal·h. "Thl· ... ury," t•ruptvd 11\ Clumt'ti al about li.45 p 111 roughly :mo yards off Etm·rultl Buy, north uf Laguna &>al·h Eugene Molinaro. a Nt.'wport Bea{'h rl.'s rdcnl and owncr of tht• boat, told authorities hl' and hi:. Laguna seeking federal aid for several projects Laguna Beach has forwarded a seven-item "wish hst" to county 0Cfk1als in hopes of obtaining up to $435,500 to fund the projects fund the projects. Money would come from tht' ninth year H o u si n g and Community Development Block Grant program. and Laguna's application includes a number of housing-related programs. Primary on the city's wish list is a r equest for $100.000 to complete sewer line installations i n th e Thur s ton Park neighborhood an Laguna Canyon The city successfull y lobbied for $100,000 m federal funds last year for the sewer pro.)l'Ct. but 1s arguing this ume around that an add itional $100.000 is m'<'ded LO complete the pro.)('('t Properly owners in tht• low income canyon neighborhood an• currently served by St'ptic tanks The latc>s t HCDA grant applrcallo n als o rn<'ludc>s a request for $7.500 to fund engineering plans for nt·w watc·r Imes to the old neighborhood Laguna 1s also S<.>eking $148.- 000 in federal funds tu begin a low-interest re habilltauon loan program for owners of hrstorr<· humcs m Laguna Beach That pro gram s et•k s to preserve Laguna's historic homes by prl'senung financial in<·t'ntiv(.•i, to owners and tenants fSee FUNDING, Page A2) Viejo decapitation suspect arraigned By STEVE MITCHELL Of IM Dellr l'9oC St.II Cody Leo Schreiber, held on s us picion of the d ecapitation murder of 'a Mission Viejo man earlier this month. has pleaded innocent to the slaying. The bespectacled 29-year-old s u s pect , who escaped from a Montana state mer . .al hospital five years ago. where he was sent for the murder of a cab driver. was arraigned In South Orange County Municipal Cou rt in Laguna Niguel this mommg. He is charged with the murder of Dennis Shubert, 24. of Mission Viejo. whose headJess body was found in a shallow grave in the back yard o f his Via Guard1x home Oct. 16. The VlCllm's head was found buried about a quarter m ile from the home which.he shared with Schreiber. Ramon Ortiz. the public defende r wh o s p o k e o n Schreiber's behalf, entered the innocen t plea before Judge Blair Barnette. J udge Barnette set a pretrial h earing for Nov . 5 and a preliminary hearing Nov. 16 to determine if Schreiber should stand trial in Orange County Superior Court. He also ruled that Schreiber will remain in Orange County Jail without bail. Schreiber was arrested as he stepped off a bus in Sacramento Oct. 16. but the news of his arrest was kept from the press. and apparently, the pu blic defender, for three days. That circumstance prompted the public defender to raise the 0.-, Not l"MIO Cody Leo chre ibe r question as to wheth e r Schreiber's rights w ere violat.ed. Outside the courtroom. Ortiz said law enforcement officers "purposely gave news to the press tha t Schreiber was still outstand!!"g and not a suspect in the case. (See SUSPECT. Page At) Newport election By STEVE MARBLE °'IMC>elJ ...... lteft It's election season in Newport Beach and aU the dignity and restraint of d ty government has been pushed aside for another high·•takes political shootout. In the tradition of past City Council racea. the election has been punc tuated with mud- slinging, five.figure spending sprees and a re ne wal of th e growth/no-growth debate. Four of the ..wen council 1eat11 will be filled Nov. 2 and in the waning days of the contest. more than $110,000 has been spent by the nine cand idates wooing the voter. Candidates run in districts but are elected on a citywide vote. The most expensive contest is between Mayor Jackie Heather and challenger David Grant, an a ttorney who has spent nearly double the $22.000 that 'Heather has ralaed. ----lllDEJ----... At Your Servfce Busi nett Cavalcade Clallifled Comlai era.word DNth Not.left l'.di torial l:nwtalnment Food Horom>pe • A5 A8 82 .00·8 B5 B5 D& AlO 84 C1·12 82 Ann Landers 82 Movies 84 Mutual Funds A8 NatJonal Newa A3 Public Notlcet A8.83.B7-8,D~ Sporta 01·6 Stock Markeia A9 Tel~on 86 Thea~t'I B4 Wt1ather A2 thrc•c• t'«JlllJ)(l111ur1~ trhod w frf(hl hul·k lhl' flumt•s with 1111• t•Xllnlo(Ul:-.hl'n. but govt· u11 ufw1 M'Vt·rul nllllUll'li and lll'l UUl lfl u n1bhc.•r lrfe raft. Othl'r:. ubourd tht• vessel, n •portt'dly ht•adt•d from DanJ Point tu Newport Harbor , wt•n • 1dt•ntrf11•d a!( .Jut• Mt•rt't'r, :12, of lrvrrll', Jurum.· Md>om1ld, '1.7, of S a 11 t .1 A n 11 • a 11 d M J 1 v Klt•llh•·rnll'.~. :N . uf Cos tu M1•hl!: Au Ora111(l' Cuunty Shl'l'rft'i. llarhur Putrol i.p11kt·i.ma11 said 'll'Vt•r ul pt·oplc· n ·porLC'd :-.l•l•mg tht• bur11111g hm1L und unt· man t'Vl'n 1rr1•d to sw1rn uut to ttw c•ralt By thl• llnll' Lht• l'oast liuiird t'11ller Pul 11t D1v1dt• arrivt•d on 1 he SCl•m·. the cu bin t•ru1S(•r wru; l' I\ g u I ( (• d I n r I ;1 m l's • t he l>pokt-srnan S<t1d I t w a 11 a no l ht' r h ;.i If · h u u r la•fore resc:ut:rs w1•re ablt-to lol'ate tht.' life rufl of( Abalone Poin t. Tht• owner rt'portc-'dly told au1hurit1t>s his bout had been having transmission problema. but the cause of the fire was not 1mmedlawly known uNo . 1 •· Arc·her wave to Lag una mo tori ts in his role as the city's new g rPt'ler . Hf saw a va{'ancy and I fille d it." he explains. He 's 1 ,' bUt only No. 2 greeter By STEVE MITCHE LL Of the 0911J Pllol Sl•ff He's called The New Greeter Iden lt(-aJ twins. That was the last thing Mr and Mrs Archer expected when the boys were born 51 years ago in Couonwood, Tc>x Not by everybody he greets. mind you. Some o f them call him u n prinlable names. Others point at hi m with a finger that does not signify "No. 1." But No. I just laughs and shouts,"I love you," to his motoring antagonists. To his crl'drt, No. I does not appear to ~ homing in on the old Dane's popularity "I'm not trying to portray something J'm not," the bearded new greeter says. "But as far as w alking the path he (Larsen) walked and filling a tradition -I saw a vacancy, I filled it. and I find 11 fulfilling " As a result. his hastily scribbled birth ceruf1catc reads. "No I Unnamed Archer" No. I 's bro ther. as you might have guessed. was dutifully listed as "No. 2 Unnamed Archer." No. I sull goes by what's on the birth certi ficate. even though hrs parents eventually got around to giving the twins more convenllonal fi rst names You see. No. I "gets his energy" from the smiles he puts on peoples' faces. The ones gomg to work in the mommg. The ones taking the kids to school The on(-s ~tuck m blocks-long traffic jams. "No one's hired me. no one pays me a salary. I work for everybody," he says, smiling through a pair of missing front tccth And the response to date has been good. No. I says. But m Laguna Beach . No. I has acquirc'<i a new name as he stands on tht• sidewalk. waving and pointing to passing motoriSL'i and perplexed pedestrians. But. let's face it. Eiler Larsen he's not. The original Greeter. who died seven years ago, was beloved by Lagunans and v1s1tors who looked forward to his hearty "Halloooo. How Arrrrreeee Yoooo," for more than three decades on Laguna's strP<.•ts. "ft's th<' most rewarding thrng I've ever done," he says. He describes hlS str~·t ministry as sort of a "time out" for motorists. (See GREETER, Page A2) AirCal's Clifford seeking new career AirC al Pres ident Robe rt Clifford. to leave his post with the Newport Beach-based carrier Dec I. said he will pursue a new carrer outs ide th e airline industry. Clifford. 61 , ts a former U S Air Force pilot who came to the fledgli ng airline in 1968 and was named president a n d ch ief executive three years later. He announced his resignauon Tuesday, less than a week after AirCal unveiled plans for a major route realignme nt leaving markets in Las Vegas. Phoenix, FrC'sno and Monterey, while adding flights to eight other desu na lions. In another cost-cutting move. the air line wtll lay o ff 309 employees before the end of the year including 29 pilots. Gen William Lyon , chairman of the board and co-owner. will take over as pr(.>Sident. Clifford said he has been poinung toward rellrement for a yea r a n d his d ecisio n is independent of the recent moves a t A1rCal He will continue to work as a co n s ulta nt for the airline. working in government a nd political circles. He said he mtends lO start a new career m a non -aviation fie ld but, at the mom e nt , is undecided o n specifics "l think the Urning 1s right," Clifford said in a telephone interview. "We're going through a major c hange in our route schedule. building in strength and pointing toward profitability. It's a good time to pa$ on the reins." Lyon. 59. began his aviation career with Frontier Airlines and recently completed a four-year term as chief of the Air Force Reserves. Lyon also heads the William Lyon Co .. on e o f the largest residential home builders in California. C li fford , a San Clemente resident. previously was a pilot with Northwest Airlines and is active in numerous civic anli government organizations. AirCal is an interstate carrier that has a fleet of Boeing 737s and OC-9 S uper 80s. gloyes off and pocketbooks open At 52, Heather 1s a City Hall vet.erAn. She was elected to the council in 1978, selected mayor in 1980 and has served on both the city planning commlssion and the now -d e funct South Coast Regional Coast.al Commission . Her campaign strategy has been to highlight the positive things that have happened in the city during h er atint as mayor and to indlreclly brush off Grant as a "no-growth. anti-business" candldalt'. "The city needs experience right now," he noted during a recent Interview. "My opponent is very green. He dot'sn't have the experie~ or the accesa that I have." Shf' aald that Grant has a potential conflict of lntcreat ln his relatlonAhip with the Committee o r 4000 . th e group o f homeowners who are f1ghtlnt1 the lrvtne Comp11ny over a nnu•l lcut fffl they must pay. Orant, 35, 11 a 1«1lor J>'rtner In a Newport Beach law firm and has spent m ore than $43,000 trying to get the name identity he needs to u nseat Heather. G r ant said a poll he commission e d s h o wed that H e a th e r h a's bener n ame recognition in Newport Beach than Tom Bradley does In Los Angeles. He added that the poll does not indicat.e how much of Heather's recognition IA poglUve. "I think In the last couple of years she's been going downhlll In dealing with d uiens," Grant charged. "She'• out of touch and has s l"lown a la c k o ( professionalism In how she goes about getting th ings done." Orant ls not defensive about h 11 r J a ti on 1 h I p w I th the Commit~ of 4000. He Mid he did legal work (or the group. llvea o n Irvine Company leUc.'hold land h im.elf and did uae th committee membership at a s prl ncbo&rd tor h i• ~mpa'Jn· "But that lt not a l(Ovemmen& J issue. h is a legal issue and it certainly won't color my thinking ln dealing w ith the Irv ine Company. r am unbiased toward the Irvine Company." Though they may mix words, H eather and Grant are n ot dramatically apart on issues such as the airport. growth and traffic -the staplet of the election. H ea the r voted f o r th e controversl•I Banning Ran ch development and, in ret.rOlpect. aaid the a pproved plan wu ar excellent compron:\J8e. She doet ahare eome ~m with othen that developer WlllJam &nn.lna t ho uld atve c lti1en1 1ome lndk:et.ion whit he intendl to de with the ntmalnJna 42~ acres of ht. ranch. Grant d oea not favor the a pproved plan but aald th pruent aonlnc on the land - fOW' dwelllnc u.nlta ()81' acre -it un(•lr to developer Bannlnt. In makln1 he r pitch for ,... election, Heather haa polnttd con1ta!'tly to the •• rnlJllon cleanup In the Upper Newpoi-t Bay. the construction of ttle Newport Bay bridge and the city's le gal victory ov er the operators of John Wayne Airport as 90me of her achievements. Grant's response is that her administration has also ~n hlt by two r efer e ndum•. a n indication , he said, that things in City Hall all aren't going ao welJ. Although some candidate~ have talked privately a bout H eather'• recent stroke, Grant laid he hu gone out of hia way not to dwell on the mayor'• health and d<>e9 not consider It an i.ue. HMther. who lmpreteed even h er hardHt crltlca with he r speedy return to City Hall. aaid her health ll fine and lhe only u~nc remindtr • lllaht Ump. The council battle l>etwe~n Incumbent Paul H4mmel ~ challenpr Blll A.-In Co ct.I Mai '8 the muddiee\ of an. non-•~~ of aidjleU Al(et, 45. a proteuion (S.. ELECTION, Pqe Al) . ' ' .. I ! $ 3 6 0 L 01 ''"ti Cmu.1 l>AIL y PIL 01 1Wod11tt1diay. Oc tub•• 2 7 t 108~· Irvine puts annex on back burner FUNDING OUGllT_ • • The city 1:. n-<JUt•N\111~ $100.000 for purchnM> ot lund tor ~' low nll' h OUSlllt( fll'll~~l. ltut l'llY ffkials adllltt tltot s ud1 ,, a t ion h as yt•t tll lx• tlt•lt•rn111w<I .And $50,000 1t1 l.wm.i 1't't1L1•·st1·d the l'lly tu rt•p111r dl•ll•r1m·11l1n1< 'leyways in o ld1·r p:iri.. 111 WgUna, SJX'l'lftC'ulJ y 111 tlw 1101 th • part ol town. An 111on· u1·1·1·i;:.1ul1• tu 111 111•1 1~·0µ111 untl llw h.111du:<1pJX·d 'fhc..· ~·ounty':\ Hou31ni;c a nd C11111 mu11 i t y 1>1• v c..• I u p1111· 111 pruHram o rfiN• will r't"l.'t•tv1• th1• t•1ty's r1•qu1·st lor fllrnh; ond .1 l'nunty p.11wl will 1·1111~ult•r th1· Jll'llj(rtllllb Hy <:LENN S('01T 01 IM Oallr l"llol 11•11 I I\ Ill•' ... l '1 1 \ ( 't<1J lll 1 I hJ'C d11 11 h ti 10 111 1ld 1111 11111,1d1•1 ,1111111 111 .111111•1.ill~ .111 \ ...... 111111 Ill l..1..:u11.1 11111" u111il l.i·1•H111· Wol'ld I l'!\Jtkllll> ll1k.1 •• :.hlll .1t IX'<.'\Jllllll~ ( llUllM•' ( \111111 \ ·.,'"''"'''I ll Y E,11111•1 lltl'> \t'lll !ht• l'IHllll'll It.HI 111d1•11·d I ll Y pl.11111 1'" lll n intltu 1 ,, 11 .. 1.,.111l11 y :-.111dy 111 ,111111.,..111~ .i 1il!H ,11·r1· :-lnfJ 111 lu11d thal d1v1d1·1> 1111' IWll lllllJOI l>lll Loe 111 Li·tMll't Wurld No honwi. at 1• 1111 l11cl1-c l 1111 1h11t i.lrtJ> Tht Nlutlv wu!'I u11tll•1 tukl•11 Jilli rir11111H.J h y llll' K11ll l'o . whtdt 1111"1 .111 11pl11111 t11 hu tld 1111 olrh • 11.irk u 11 th1• IJ1HJ 1 u 1r111tl y Cl w IH' d ti y th,. Hu._ H II\ ti 111· I .1111111l.11111u 1'1 u,t Bui 1•uu1111 I 11w111h1•1"' .1~r1•1•tl Tut·Ml••Y t11 fn·1•11· 1111 y 1111111· w111 k tnr ttw 11tudy til thl' 111/.(tnJ.1111 11111· 111 lh1· lll')(llllt/.l'l l> 1111 l.1·1i.1111· W orld', 1111·111 porullon l11d J 11 h11 I .11 ltl'lllj.(, p11· .. 1d1 •111 .. 1 I .1•1i-.u11· World'~ ( ·111111u 1 l ll'1· 1111 1111·01 p111at10 11 , luld 1 0 11111·11 1111·111l>e·1,. llll' j(.,,,111111 11 l''"IJl'l l\ 1i. 11wll11ltoel \\ 1th111 tlu l.1111 111du1 It'!> Ill htll I l'lll l'll ll 'ltl lHllllll Ulllt \'i. .1f1p l11.1t1tlll 1111 111\ liuud I ft• ,,ud Ill{ VI f.IOl olllllll II> lo111kl•d UJ>llll b y 11•:-11l1 ·n h , \.\ lt11 .t\'t•l •lj.(1• 7'.!.11 \1·,11 " 111 ·•1(1•, ,,, ,, 1111·ur1-. u l p1<·•,(•1 Villi( .tllttJlllllllllll'> p11lt t11 .ti 1111 111 111 w1tl1111 tlt1·1r 8ll·11rl1 d l(t1l1· ('fllTinlUnll V ,tlllfll llll11 .1t11 l111.111tl'd ti s .• I d I II II II ( I I Ill •• II HI I I V.11d11uli' 1 11 111.1k1 1111 .... 111"! t " ,, I I d 11 .1 v I I " h .1 v I II\,.,~ l11·hH111~ 1·v11l1•111 P that lhlK '' ,, "111 "111 .,11u.1t11111 lt11 'Uf11"1rl I II V 11\\ Ill I ~lllji) Vu11 .. 11lt.1111 l .. 11 1\ ll 11flrna11 n1111•J th.11 tlw .1111ph1tl .... 11t·r 1i, tl11 1 •1l1 11I \ ·.., '' 1 tt111I laq.(t•st t lllt·l l.lflllrlt Ill l,u tli.'\o 111 ~ 1111111{ 1.IJl.ll'll \ l\t'i ''"" '"'"' 111 J\11.tl11 illl S1.1dtl1111 . w li11 l1"1 11-v 11w111·d The city 1s utso St'(•km g $:l0,0()() lo m ak e lht· Irvine Bowl, Ma111 Beac h Pork amt thl' M u .. t•um 11( \.. UUlll \' .. uµ1•1\llMH1> will hultl Sl'VC'ra I ru bl11· lll'<ll I ll~S 1111 rt'quc..•!>b tor llC'l>I\ lund., 111 c..'arly s pr111g Laguna teachers' V11111ll·il m 1·n1h1•1 s dttl 11111 .1pp1·111 w tll111g to di;1llc·ng1• 1h111 • 111111 ol T11 .. ~1l.1 y <."0 1111c1 l111.111 l>t•Vld Stlb lll)ll'd llt;1t 1111' 1 ll\"~ .1111wi..:1111111 s 111dy 1111 ... 111k1•11l y l1 ·d '>111111· l.1 ·1.,1111• Wolld 1111 11 tab 111 l11·l11•v1· llt1· <'llY 1111~ht 11 \ ltt ,11t111'>i lh1•11 n ·,11lt•1111.1l ..,., 111111., lit· IH l•llll"·d t h:it tin· 1'11L1111 ti 111'\'l'I 111t1·11d1•d lo d u :.11 'l'ltt• .111q1lt1 1h1 .;11 •1 111< lud1·' .tl1t 1l lf !111011 11\t•d ·,( .11., Jlld ll/(1111 lfll I 111111 1111111 '111'1 l.tl111' 1111 ;1 g1 '"'"' 'l"I" 11 pl11ll I 111111 t lw " ·' .... SUSPECT ARRAIGNED. • • "The delay lfl kl'cping lh1:. arrest) from the public..· a nd ou1 oCfice, is a d elay that is 1:ontrar) to the law. a nd a denial of ht!> m urn111g (lullowmg lht• Sutun.h1y arrl'!.I )." Ortiz S<11cJ pay contract Ol{'d But 111 .11ld1 ·d "W1· p111l1.1hl\ .. t11111 hl11'1 lw 'II"' k111g .111 \ llllll t I Ullllll' 111 •lllt1lh1·1 111.1tt1·1 1·1111111 ti 111 • rn h 1 1 ., • 1 I i. o " ., k 1 rl ,, 11 p1 1 ,1·11 1Jt1v •· o l l 1 v 1111 f\l1 ·,11low' .11nphttlwal1 r 111 ,11 1111111 ,1 \\I 11 lt•fl pl up11,,,tl t•Jo. pl,1111111g 11·q 11 t pr 11 p11, . .i, 1•1 "'"tilt' ttllldl •tl ll11 ,1lt I l11 ll1t t II \ ~ l11t It ltHtltf 1111'11 ll'J '>I' lltt 111 1/fl•l l\ 11.11 k (~r a .:h vic tim id e ntifie d >ngh t to speedy arraignment. : "I understand h e w as denwd ~any phone calls u n til Tu1..•sd,1y s: 4, "If lhitl IS lhl• CU!><', ht:. rtghl.l> h a v t· b t• e n :. u b s l a n t 1 a I 1 y abndg1..'<.1," Ort12 said . Oru2 n otl'll that Sht>nff Brad Gates h as agntt'<I lo 111vesugale ~Catalina channel misses 111ark • 1-SWJHJ . tos ANGELES (AP) A ; l -yea r -old auto d eale r has ~defied the c h illy wate rs of the CAtalina Channel to 1..'0mplNe a 21 -mile s wim f r o m Santa Catalina Isl a nd t o the Los .~ngel es m a inla nd a b out 54 , minutes s h y of the record. · • "Th is race t ook me down •.deeper -as far as physical pain · ;s concerned -than I've ('Vt>r been before ," Jam M cComca said .after wading ashore Tuesday a t . eabriUo Beach . The general manage r o f dn :·GREETER. • • automub1lc dt>alershtp m Vcnturc1 had never s wum long d1stant·1• before. a lthough h1..• did rompl'll..' m c..'Ollegc . Followed by a large fishing boat with his trainer and a <:rew abu ard . and guided by a ··paddlt•r " 1n the watc..•r , McCo nac:a made the swim <1l a speed of JUSl over two kno ts an h our with a concluding ume of nine hours. eight mmutc..-i. and 43 ~'<:onds. The record 1s eight hours. 14 minutes "ll's taking the umc to Ix• with somc'(me -even if it's JUSt for an ins tant:' hP said. tus green eyes flas hmg. • "It's a minu scult• brt•ak. hkc· J t·offee t break for those on the highway .. r Before he discarded most o f h1:. w o rldly possessions. No . I was ..i Navy ma n for a '~zen years. and later WaS a l't)IJk <tW<trcf l·tuna boats and a se1sm1r rC'st'<.trl'h ve~l'I H e even operated has own b..•auty sal11n:-. 'm San D iego, but ht' sa y1' his l'urrC'nl ·vocation 1s wekoming motons l.l> to thl· Art €olon y. "My food a n d s helte r comt-s tro m God "t hrough alJ my frie nds," he says of hlS nc•w l tive lihood "I have n o money m m y pocket l and I don't know where m v dinn<'r 's coming from tonigh t .. · <.: "But." he savs. sm1 hng again, ··m y needs ~Ill be met .. · An how long does "lo 1 plan to c·on t111uc..> his street salutauons in Laguna &•ach " • • "H ow long h ave I gu t. doc:tor·"· h<.• a.-;k., nleaning on his can e and laughing Lung lllllt' L .1j.{U11a Bc·a t·h t1 .. 1t h1·r1' will l.111 h1•ll1•1 th<Jn l h l' I ,. I t•:.:. l' ). l' l. I I 1· I\ l ' \! cJ 1·01111t1•r'Jl.l l'I ~ u11cl1•1 ,1 nPwly rJltl tl.J 'J IJ1 v -cdwdull• Thi· 111111pi1·' :.alury l1111l1 J l'I, approv1•d b~ ll•.1d Wr1> JIHI lht• d 1:.lnl·t l.1 ... t wt•1·k . calls for c.111 UC'f Olis thl· board, 1·ns l of ltv111g 111c·rt·as1• for all 111i.tru1·10r:. fur lhl· I YU:.! 11:1 wa1 . It ;tl:.o-l".tlb lor a 1>1ll'-ltnll' only 1·;1:-h 1'l'lll1•nwnl 1>f l 75 pt·rt'l'lll 111r all 11 •al'hl·r s . g ood o nl y through 1wxt J um• Rut lt'i.H'ht•rs w i th t•1ghl 0 1 mort· y1·ar:-. l'Xpt'rtl'rWt· will s hun• tht· c..•qu1valt•nl of u 4 4 pc..·rc:cnt cl1 1'tr11·t-w1<.k pay h1k1• amo ng lht•m 1>l'IVl'!> undl'I' thC' nl•W agrc..'\!ment 8111 Barnt·s. su rx·nnt1..·ndt•nt uf lht> four-s,:hool d1stnc 1. said lhl' purpvst' of d1stnbuung 1ncTPa:.c·:. to more t'Xf)(:r1cnc'l'Cl wac·hers ~as to bnn~ th eir sulanC's 1ntu lirw w ith tht• mC'dian salarws pa id lo tl'adwrs in uth1·r Orangl· C ounty un1f1c.J '4:huol d1strw1s O•llY Piiot St•n Pf>olo 1• "I have n o other purpose for lx·mg than this." he answers. •·No. l " ay '"h e loooo'' Const nl Small craft •dv11ory on ou1er "••er• from Potnt Conc41p11on to San Clemente laland •nd over I/Ine r w•ler• from Poon i Q>ncepllon lo Newpor1 BHch bver outer coutal wattra from point Conc•pt1on to San ()emente llland nonhwest Win<!• of t5 to 2S knots with S-10 a-1001 combined -Inner w•ttrs rrom Int Conception to N•wPOrl not1hwe91 wind• •• 12 10 20 knota aJternoon Elaewnere ligtll and vtrl•ble winds -18'1y 41 10 10 18 knoll •llernoon Weeter'ly ...... 2 to 3 fMI Moally clelr V .S. sun1n1ary Thunderatorma continued to demlllfl parta ol Utah early tod•~ In the wlke 01 • heavy alorm Tueaday that brouglll lloodlng and mud1lldn to northern and oentral parta of the 1111e. There were aoattered power outage• throughout Si lt Like COunly and the N•Oon•I WHlhef Sarvlc1 luued • lluh llood wunlng lor • u v•n-c:ounty reQlon. Widely 1e1ttereo 1hower1 tl)fMd oY9lf the Pecfflc Norlhwnt lfld ltom Mlnnnol• 10 Mltaourl CIMt lklee l1V0ted Celllom1•. '""•d• •nd •r•u eut of the Mlleleelflpl ~ The Netlonal Weal,_ Servtce pre dicted lhal rein would GOmlnue In MlnnMOla end ectOH tlle northern Pl1ln1, eulern Mont-end (IOt1hern Colorldo file rein WM expected to dltnge to 1nOW over c.nlrel Mon11n• end Wyoming and Into 1he Cenlflll Aock'" fempefet\HM et mklnlghl POT ranged from 23 In Houllon, ....... to 10 II Key w"'· Fl• t > Fair and cool roreca'1 •I 78 ThurSday with tows al SB Coastal area highs may renge 1rom 76 10 11• with lows lrom SO to S7 and d•crHStng WtncJt Owens \/alley n1gns Thurs<lay ThurSd•y w11n lo...s from 28 to 38 Highs •n northern deserts may r•nge lrom 68 to 78 wlln tows from 42 10 S2 Southefn' 0-1 highs were forectsl from 78 to 86 w11n IOws from S4 10 62 T e n1pe ratures NATION Alb•ny Albu<lue<Que Amarillo Ancnor•ge A11Wr<1I .. Allant• Atlanltc City Auston B•mm0te 8llllngl 81rm1ngn11m Bismarck BOIN SO.ton Brown1\lllte Bull110 Burllnglon Ca1119r Charletton. S C Chtrlnton. W \I Ch1r1o1te. NC Cheyenne Chic ego Clnclnn•ll Cteveland Columl>I•. s c Columbul ()ellu.FI Worlh Dayton Oenvtr Dea Molnft oat.roll Duluth EIPHO Ftltb•nka Fwgo Regettll OrMI F•119 Hartford .....,... Hc>N>lulu Houeton l~napolt• JKklOn, MlH HI Lo 62 « 71 •S 15 ~s 111 11 67 34 7S 39 S6 4S 76 " 65 " 82 " 69 3• 67 •6 59 48 S• •O 84 S.4 61 34 57 33 82 43 88 50 60 29 67 ., 64 36 84 31 85 31 S3 30 70 46 84 29 74 40 84 32 71 41 87 39 86 33 84 41 ee 51 03 -05 82 53 52 37 S5 '° eo 39 •9 35 84 70 74 51 84 28 73 31 J. J • , • t1 ./ lf-''1'(.i""' ,,,, ..... · ... J•cksonvolle June•u Kana.et City Knoxvtlle L•s V99es Uttle Rock LOUllYll .. lubbock Mempn11 Miami M1twaukee Mpls-SI Paul Nutlllllle New Orlea111 New Yo1k Norfolk North Plaue Okl•homa City Omah• OrlllndO Phlledelpl\la Ptlotr1la P11tabu1gh Portland. Me Portland. Ore Pt~ ~Qty Reno Richmond Seit Lake s..-. AntonlO See Ille Sh1ewpon Sloull F1"8 SI Lou•• St Pe1 .. Temp• St S11 M11tle 71 •O 67 63 76 71 64 80 80 75 64 65 66 71 57 59 68 73 6e 75 86 83 82 56 5e 58 89 71 51 85 61 11 S2 70 63 84 75 61 SURF RIPIRT lAeatloft Hunt1no1on Pi.t IMll Ml Al'/11' Jelly "°'"'' ~· 22nd II~ lllboe~ ==; len~tePter TrefalgM Cf·SlrMll •2 38 39 30 65 42 n •O 35 61 35 40 29 61 •5 48 46 " 45 47 44 88 30 42 50 " •9 40 41 •7 42 u 49 37 48 33 49 33 Tomorrow HIQll llot 8 •• • m . Low tide 1~ 42 o"'. 1 .. 11 *Kllofl WMI --- Ra in r:J Snow Q ShowersliliJ Flurries~ SPOk•ne 53 4S SyrllCuM 60 3S lopeke 68 37 Tucson 85 S6 TulH 7• 43 Wulltngtnn 68 •3 W>chil• 73 SI CAL,,O .. NIA HI Lo Apple Valley 87 55 Bakerslleld 71 60 B•r11ow 72 67 Bnumont ~II ~~ Big B~11r 55 •3 Bishop 61 •6 Blyihe 80 67 C.t•llna 72 64 Cu1¥tr Clly 7t 83 Eur•ke 81 48 F111110 67 SS Loncat1er 60 S7 Long 8HCh 72 66 Lot Ar. 89 65 Monro a 72 83 Mont.i>e!IO 74 64 Monterey 83 55 Ml WM1on 47 ,, NHdlft 79 " N-i>ort 8MQh 70 64 01klen4 65 5e Ontl(lo 85 61 PaMden• 87 82 Puo "<>blfl es 5e RIYer"lide 82 81 ~Bluff 64 44 Redwood Clly &4 55 Sec11mento 04 49 Satin• 85 53 8111 8efnard1no 83 81 Sen 01brllll 76 82 S111 oi.go 73 " Stn Fr1nctt1eo 84 SS S1n JON &4 49 San1a An• 78 82 Tides TOOAY Secono row 1,08 p,m 22 Secono nigh 8 •2 p"' 48 TltUfllOAY fin• tow 1 t& e m. oa ~ 7:41 I m 4t low 1:42 p.m. , . 1fOon<1 hlgll 7 25 o m ... l11n Nit lodt'f 11 11>6 o m .. rt ... lllunOty •t 1 Ot • m Moot\ , .... lodl\I 11 2 47 Pm , NII Thurtr<ley ti f 01 e m · · T h e 1· o n l rat· l pro \I 1 ti t'., .idd1t1un<JI I u11d:l lu 1•11mpt·t1,Jll' the murc :>l'lltu1 t~ .. 11·hcr~. · · &rnt-:. said F.ventually , h11\H•Vt·1. lt·a1·h1·" who n •rna111 111 tlw cl1..;11 1e t w ill l)(•11t•ft1 (1 u n1 lh1• 11•slrut tun11g 111 thl' sala r y •i4.:lwdul1·. ht· ..._,id Hat1f1{·atw n 1J f ,;d ,1111•., 10 1 dass1 f ll·d t•mpluyt•t ·•., 1w 1i-.o 11m1 ·I and ~u1dani·1· 1.·mploy1·1·' .ind ad1111n1s tralw ~ ts l•X.pt·t:tt•d 1·.11'1 \ rw>.l mo111h, B<1rnt•1> '><lld 'l'hosl' l'OIJJIOYl'('S ~in· lll'tllg offl•recJ ci 5 7'.!. p1·n·1·nt .H ,..,..,.., 1he-board s;.ilarv 111u·1•;.is1• .is w1·ll as a um•-tinw ·1 7':> pt•r1'1'11l h1k1· good through 111'>.l Ju11l' One p e lican dies; • • lfiJUry too eve r e B) JOEL C. 00~ 01 the O•llY Pllol Slall A m utila t1·d hr11w11 1wl11.111 t ha t t u r n 1 • d ll p M "n d,, ' 111 Hl•d o n du B1 .. 11 h h.1d t u 1~1 · destr1JVl•d tlu1• 111 11'> lllJUI 11·-. a(·corcJing to ,1 ,t ,111• 1-"1-.h a n d G<111w Ot.•µw 11111 ·11 t 111 t11 ·1.J I Tht· d<":•lh 1~ th1· ru· ... 1 .1111w1g 1h1• 11 IT!.lllll{'d bird -. th.it h ,1\'1• l1t11•11 1«1ptun·d d u ring tlw P·''' twu w1·1·k !-. ..... ud IJF(; 'lpok1·,ll1:i n Ralph Y o ung A u th11 11t11•' bC'l1t·\'(• dlll-tr\ '''"''111 11'11 111;1~ havl• c..·ut 01 t ho pfw d 11 ff tlt1• u ppt.•r bt•iJ ki. ol a s m ..i n y :ii. I :1 p{•l1t·an:. 1n lhl• DJn.1 P u 1111 H arbor an·a T h e p e I 1 c-a n · :. b l' a k w .i '> part1all;>1 S('Vl'r('(f crnd th1• na)o;JI passage c-ut. lc..·aving lht· bird 111 e xtre m e pain . Y o ung s a1cl Hawtho rn£' Vl•ll"rtndrian H1l'k Woe r p <·I . wh o JH ' r r o r ml' d prosthe llt s urg<'ry o n Jno 1h1·r muttla t l·d pc•ltl·.in in L ugun .. Nigue l S undJ ~'. d 1•<·1d1·tl t lH an imal eould no l Ix· i...t\'l-<l "It W dS iJ v;.ilUl' JUdg m 1•1tl 1111 m y part to put th<· bir d out of 1L'> misery." Wocrpel ~rnl Thl• s nuallon 1s a litth· brig hrc·r for the othe r muu la tC'd pt•ltcans tha t have oc'l'n fo und Nim· b1rd1' a re bC'tng ca r ed for a 1 Crown Va l ley Animal H o 'J)llnl 111 La g u n a N 1 g u <· I a n d a 1 ll l h pelic an. that had c.ppa n •ntlv flown to San Ott'go 1 larho r , 1-. .11 Sea Wo rld. M .1 \111 I .:11 r v 1\g 1 -1 11 .,,11d 111111 I It• ,, 111 1t•11 IJlllf)(''··I 1 .. Ill h.111d I 011111 ti 111\'llllit I'> Wiil I ttli..1tlt·1 lt11w to :.o l1u1 Jll 111d1·111•111h 111 I 111.i111·1a l 't u d v lo d1·l1·r11111w \\ l11•tl11 •1 lht· .11 r.1ng 1•1111•11 l w1111ld I 11 Ill• I II I 111 l h I h I· I' i l V a 11 d ollllJlhll ht .tit I llWlll•r ' 1\11"1 111t1111·1I 1111•111la·r:. .,:,i 1d llw v \H 'll' l1·1 ·r~ 11( 1111· Jll Uf)(l:>HI lll'l .1U-.1 tJI :1dd1·d n ·:-1.11111-.1btl1ttl'"> 't.!l hlll 1111 tlll' ·rtl\ Hut th1·v ·'1•111 ·.1n ·d \\ tll111/.! 111 go ;1lo11g w 11 h I h1 ,1 ttd \ "' 111 11 ~ ;,, I h 1 a Cle m e nte an 1\ ~.111 ( 'll'rlll'lllt \.\•1111,lll ktllt·d 111 .1 I h1 '" 1 ,Jt .1111d1 ·n t 1111 LJ guri.1 l'.1111,11111 H11.1d Tu .. -..la" l .. L ... b(•t•fl 1d1·r1lil11 •d a:-'.!.II ''"" u ld .JJ 1w1 E .ft·ll"'ll . ,11·111r1i1 ng Ill l..1gUll.J l~·,I(" 1 ~1111·1· ()f (1 n•1 ~ ~;.i 1d I h1· WUllla ll·~ '"u1hl>11und l'Hr lTw ..... t·d 11110 tht• n•11 1hhuu11cl l:.irw:-.. n1lltd111g wnh l\\'11 •1th1·1 v 1•hwl1·,, .d m ut two 11111t· ... 11w 1li 1Jf El Tor11 Hoad . 'rh1· olht·r dnv1·rs, K;..y Turnl·r . Iii. of L ;1guna B1·<Jl'h ;,ind Janl·l Sullivan. :lf1. or S11uth L;,guna. wr·r l· lrt•alt•d for lnJU rlf'S at S..iddh·h,1l'k l'11mmun1t\ l l11:-.p1ta l 111 M1:-i.11111 Vwy.1 Laguna committee sought • senior I .,1gun,1 &•.1d1 C 11y (.'r1L11ll ii 1111 ·111l1<·r... ''ill lx 1111t·1' 11 "Ullo! .1pplw;1n ll> fo r ;1 n1•\\ '1'\ 1·11 n H·n1 u 1·r S e n10 1 C11111·11., l '1111m11111·t.· Tuesday al 11 p 111 Aµpltrnnt:. for th<' fll-<lglt11g l'On H111 l ll'C s ho u Id s ubmll .1 rt·,unw o r ll•llC'r lo City Clc·1 k • T h l' L a g u n a B e a l h I> r " IH h u f t h l' N a ll u n J I L1•,1gu1• of AmC'r u:a n P1•11 V. um1·11 will met>t Mondd " JI 10 :$0 .em ol the L JgUnd F1·d1 ·ral S avings Jnd Lu.Jn •A ''S1mpl1 1 11 y n l m11vt'mcn t" te<:hn14u1• fur J<llL danl'C' ts under way throug h thl' Laguna B~a l'h Rel' l'Pfllt on d e parlml'nl .• ind part1t·1pants can enroll any t1mt' \ 1•rn:1 llull1111itcr "" J.111·1 th • .n ~ 11d.,, a l .i p 111 t'h1 1·1111111111 lt·l 1., t hargc•d "1th tl11· t.,i.k ut 1dt·n t1fymg .1ml J :o.:.t•:.:-1n g 1Jru ulc·m" Jnd , "'" • 1th ,,,,111.1.,.ll'd "llh loc.al " I d , r L d g u n ,, n ' F u r 1111111111.1t111n 1.tll tht C11v l'lu k .11 1~7 :l.11 1. u ..t :!llY . lttJ1l tl111g .!loll (II <.Ill r\\t• H1 1111 11wnt II\ mg "ill b1 · 1h1· t11 p 11 111 gu<''' 'Pt•a kt•r Ca r o I II ump I e. a t 1· c1 < h (' r ''" t11 ru .ind \\l'ltt•r F o r 111l11n 11;1t111n t .tll -ll:H-511-1 7 I n,t ru l't111 Patr icia Diana 11·.it ht·:-tlw r.111 t h 1.;., which runl> th rough 01•1· l!i F o r n ·g 1,tr a111m 111 forma t111n call 1h1 · rt'l'r<•a1111n dc·pa rtnwnt a t -l!fi' :!:J 11 , t' t 20 I Shop Early for Christmas I Save WUR-EVER CAii HAllDLER COllAIR Mair llowtr /Dryer 1500 WATT ,. PORTABl.E ELECTRIC CAN OPENER $19.88 $19.88 ' ATIACHMENTS INCLUDED Ecologizer 2000 Air Treatment Srstem WEAR-EVER Popcorn Pumper REMOVES ODORS, DUST, AND POLLENS BAROIOER ,.~f., INCLUDING! THEltMOMETH AND HUMIDITY GUIDI tt7305 Mok•• Popcorn U1ing Hot Air ln1teod of O il FIRBERWIRE 12-Cup Automatic .............. lfo H lnttrumente On Wood PEllCOUTOR Offer Good Tllru '111182 Limited To Supply On H•nd $42.88 Free Gift Wrapping Except On Sale Items more than you expect In s hardware store ••••• HARDWARE EJ VISA. ._...., 1701 It 11 lrvtne, Newport IMctl. t•2·1133 ......, v ... Seri Mlgu.1 Of 11 Sen JIOQVln Newpo;t heclti. t44•f$70 c__.. def ...., 3107 E Coee1 Hwy • 113·2100 ............... 8ant1 An• Cenyon Rd .. II ltnp9tlll Hwy . 9111-5212 > • ·. '· r } ... • If ?. DI LB Orllll)U <..OHi DAIL v PILO 1 /Wedneaduv Ootob•r 27 198' I BUlllTIN BOARD 1Unlf8 hoekP) ltra• boac rat'lnlf N•t lon1 1 D1•g Ouat A t aoc.1 .. 11tt11 Cha mp11>neh•11• 111 ln1111,. l 11 1..• I 11111v Satutd&y 1no •• u11d11y Pv r•• of $!)Ii tlM 00 wnh I.ii /1111feu1Ur1•I c11•11H 1111u ttu -•11u1t•m1111 • 1. 111tt11 V')-1110 101 n•IHmal ChflflllllOlltflll.I• Ill t htt 16111 11111111•1 Coo11 11111011111 l~11Ch111 1101111 a t 11pµ1m.1m111111y f} 11 111 1111ch "eme4ntftg Home lcMdule day r 11,h1y OIUllllytno unbtUWll b1>1H• S aturday Ou11111y1ng blown bo•t• Sun d ay F tnnl round ol1mt11t111on1 Oct 30 Chtcago No v 3 To ronto. No v 6 P111abu1ull. (llde·bv·•ld• 111clng) Nov 13 M ontreel. No v 16 Mlnne•o to. No v 18 Ootroll, Nov 20 Bullalo, Nov 24 New Jertey, No v 27 Phll•delphUI ~ 1 -C a lgary, Otte 4 S t Lou11. 1 1.1 m • Dec 9 £amorn on, De c 2 1 Winnipeg, Dec 23 Edmonton. Dec; 26 lr¥tne Lek• dirnc.110111 T&kl! ttH1 Newport f:ruew1y 10 Chupmttn e o a t Procootl 1p pro 111mo1e1y lour m111111 tu St1nt111go Canyon Ro ad. tum right l'roceuu 3 1'> m ile s 10 1rv1n11 I nku t111tra nce Vancoover. Dec 29 Winnipeg Jun. 18 Edmonton, J an 20 H11rt101d, Jo n 25 Calg ary. J u n 27 New York 111nndera Adm1ts1on $10011r11d11y. S 15 on Saturooy $20 0 11 Sund11r lnlun111 lroo, ctilld ron und111 12 hall p rice Gates o p1111 ul Uaybresk Feb 1 -Ne w York Ran g ers, Fe b 5 PhllaOefph1a, 2 pm . Fe b 10 Bullalo. Feb 19 Washing to n, Feb 2 2 -Boston. Fe b 2• -Vancou¥er. Fe b 26 Toronto Marc h 8 -Calg ary. Mareh 13 -W1nnlp9Q, March 15 -Winnipeg, March 17 -Que bec. Ma rch 19 -P i tts b u rgh Marc h 26 - E\lmol')ton Tennis cournament Aprll 2 -Minneso ta. 2 p m , April 3 Vancouver lhe seventh onnual UCI An teate r Tennis Tournament wtll be held Nov 6-7 ano Nov 13-HI w i th proceed s g oing t o the UCI 1n1ercdUeg1a1e tennis program All games played II the Forum All games 01 7 30 pm unless otherwise noted. Entrants can compete In o pen. B a nd C divisions 1n men's, wo men's and m ixed doubles. Tlclllet lnlormetlon Tickets a re priced at S 16 50. $9 a nd $7 For more 1nrorm1t1on. call (213) 674·6000 All entries shou ld be received by Friday For more tnformatton. phone Doreen l11sh. tourney direc to r a t 833-6960 between 8 a.m and 4 30 p m weekdays Loe Alamltoe TUEM>AY'I RllUl Tl (2nd of tJ-nlollt tell m-llne) Al'PAlOOIAI Fllll T "-'Cl . 4' • lurionos Southe<n Pride (ClttQO<O••I 4 AO J 20 2 60 Tiie Rea1101 (Rond) 27 20 7 00 BIQ Ct>el< (Val<lezl 6 20 Also •llCiaa Diamond lu Wold N lUC~y .Jell•·S81>d. Sweet Se<en-Oouole 8'1al APICllfl High H()IMI Tne Gallana<I Kid Tune 53 12 EXACT A tS· 7) paid S 130 00 OUAJITERffOR SES H CONO lllACE. 870 yltOS wanvo (Armacrongl 16 00 & 00 ~ 00 F1n..-oe Paoe t~iOtHI • 00 3 00 Flea Ktng (CU4111&) 4 00 "''° racea LtQ11• RhratO Batlle Moutit•n Gobar Too Wondy JOO.et Tiny Hay B119 Ttme 4689 TMlttO ltACE 400 yatds loe> Em Up lv~I 9 00 4 80 • 20 Ouon Lonie S..a• tBatOI • 20 3 60 PalletM Go Go tG••c•al 14 00 Also 1eceo Spec:lacullt Btd, Simple Man Ventur<! Folk•. Pte SI• BIQ League Otncto• M1to SI Pahoek Ba<i.-MOOfl Tome 2062 Ill U ACTA 17-10t 1>ald S6S SO ntOROUOMllMOI FOUttTH "-'Cl.. 6 IU(lonQa CheftenNlm Roe9I (~161 20 Ill 00 5 90 Georoe M (BlllCikl s oo J 20 C0t nlan ArriOf (Glll'f\Of el 3 20 Also rao;ed Fuu 't C>rt•m. Fatty Pole Co1poret Brown Sweet w11u 1 Money M~ ..,,.,.,.no Oel•Ye<Y ,,,,,. , ., 115 FIFTH RACE. 6'> IUtlOl'IQt Ooc W••d (Ortegat 11 80 6 20 3 80 TalN!lane tSlblllel 3 60 2 60 Frhpov (CHtaneela) J 00 Also 1.ceo Mo11ana Road Toonaer s B1ot,.,.,. Chtktla, Frle<tdty P0<ky Rooney veoas 0ro11, C11t•• Oanc:.t fime 1 19 215 115 IXAC"T A (6-31 p...O S 1u SO llJCTH ltACE. 6 lurtonos Slat Bulh (Slt!<lte) 4.AO 3 20 2 80 P1.noeu Mtnlnt (Noguezl 7 00 4 20 Brtodtll• (Caalatllldal J 80 Also recaa Gala I Cap, $oltet ivn P009y Return Ctoeck, Kllal Me P .. noesa. Hoot To Tell, Ou• L~ky Penny S11in•no Snow Time 1 14 115 1£V£NTH lllACIE. 6 lutlonQI Cl\00 Choo Gitl (Navttro) 7 20 5 AO 3 60 Upllttono (Aenklnl 15 80 6 40 Double F0<1.-(H.,._.l C 60 Alto rae.a Susane Seo.. Bounttlul Ari Jolly O•. N11u1es Troumpn $eftcon B~o Jotepltlne. Robin 1 S.llO< Time 1 14 415 t:2 EXACT A 11·2) peld i•81 00 £10HTI4 IUICI . 6 l\Klono• I d Be Ptoua (Caalenecl•I • Ml 3 00 2 80 Call K•tan (V•kl-) 5 Ml 3 80 Lltidy S a._.. (Ollvat .. I 3 00 Also raced· Soetfl Pendan1 Lu1voe1 M•llyn OIM90QIC> Alie< Tt>e Oewn And St.11 A•ay WM1•n $nores 8rolloanl Kvscn Time I 13 315 flMTH IUICC. 6 lutlonQ&. Alm Adl>MI (81-1 28 •o 10 60 !I 80 G1_,_g (Fernendez I • 80 5 oo ~j~O) 6•0 AltO racecl l(Jrby Kid. 11<1 .. H~( l 6d. Hol Trecka, 010 11me•. Jub••'• Bold ttlaticl Metody, Halle<ecl Time 1 13 • EXACTA (8-1) peld '311 00 -a PtC« 11x 11-&-1-1.s.11 pa.c1 SJ.388 20 With 11 wlonk>Q llcktll (""'9 11<><-I 12 Pic;k SIA ConJOllllon peld 1 63 80 with 231 WinnlnQ liel(tlt (IOUf llOrtMI TUIT'H M CL Mile enc! 1116 U<IOO o..too IVAICI"""°) 5 80 3 60 I 80 L•tid Speeder t81blltel 4 40 3 40 On TM Prowt (C•trttnecl•I 4 00 AltO rl!CeO Ba<bulell tncllet\ l~• Jeen1 Icy BIM1. TrlhOI Time• 147 11& ILIYINTH ltAOL Mlt. end 11 18 P8'rnelll (Slblli.) 6 40 4 00 3 60 Ploud Kung (Nogua) 83 ao IS eo E't T111d11Jon (Orleo-1 3 80 Alta r-d Bold Conlldt l\Ct 1(1M;toln1 Gold, K101enkl, Mini'• Broth•" J •vler. Couf\ltymen, Hloucllll Time I 47 11!> ti IXACTA (4-IJ p.icl VIC"° Att~7.I ... PGA 1tat .. tlc• (IMOUfll Ocl 2oel ICOIUNO LEAOlltl I Tom Kn•. 70 21. 2 CaMn PMCe. 70 32 3 C..rllt S11ange 70 39 4, !om Wac_. 70 45 S C•aig S1aai., 9'>d Ray FIOyd 70 71 AVEltAGI OfltlVINO OtlTANCI I Boll C•llee 175 I 2 Oan Pohl. 274 6 3 Oen•• W•tson 27 1 8, • Tom Wet1~0PI 270 7 S Tom Pumet 270 2 OfltlVINO PEltCIN'TAOI IH FAIRWAY 1 Calvin Peele, 809 2 BIR Aoge1s. 1 n 3 MoMe A .. a. 749. 4 G•ne L•llle• 73~ ~ JKI<. A&nne1 730 ~ENI IN ltlOUlATION I C.ivtn P•te anO Pete< JtGOosen. 721 3 A11<1y Bean. Jae~ Nicklaus •"<I Cuntt S1r11ti0t. 717 A¥lltAG£ Puna PER ROUND 1 B9" Crensnew 28 65. 2 C•alg Staai.. 28 73 3 MOt"S Ha1t11i.r 28 93. • Tom KtlS 28 9S 5 Je<1y Pele •nO ,,..., AO'• 28 96 P£ACfNTAG£ OF s ue-PAA HOLE• 1 Tom Koll! 2154 ~ Tom Wflson 2 ISO 1 C1a-o S1aa1.,. 207 • Rey Floyd 205 S Way"" Leve 20• EAGLE l£AOIRI l JC Sneaa ana rom We1si.op1 10 ~ Gtl M0t0""· Craig Staell<11 and Andy Beart 9 etltOtt: LUOlltl t !om Ktle and Cutus Sll•nQe 331 J Ar\lly ~an. 372 4 G"°'O• Bu•ns 369 ~ Ge<><oe Arch<'< 365 PltlZE MONEY LEAOllll 1 C•aw;i Staa~ sus •&2 1 R•y l"1oy•' $386 809 3 I om r<ole $3• 1 oe I • C••• n P.ete $317361 S Tom Watson '316•63 6 LIMy Wacll(11u SJ06 827 7 BOIJ Gold"' '296 ~98, 8 w ry Pait S280 141 9 Wayne levt S268 6l 1 10 Cuti" SI• eno11 S263 378 C oaat area result• LAGUNA MACH GOV AU N. l'reeldeftl'e Cwp T-ne-1 ,., a.-"'"' ao1t c--1 Cttempoonahlp fhQ/11 -Bruce AQulnaldo 77 -8 -69 L°"' O'OM Mnner Presoaenft Floglll A FllQl!I I 0<•- 0taon, 82-13-69 2 E1nu 1 Schop••• 80-11-69, 3 f'i¥""Y Moller 113-13 70 v.c.• P1u 1aen1 1 FllO"' B F11gn1 -I l(ennelh Sm.Ill. 86·, 7 69 2 Httb Walel11p 11s-1s-10 3 .J«ry Btown. 116· tG 70 Soc•ellry ~ fl!Ql1l C F1oo111 1 Roc:ha•d Ewer!. 83· 1& 65 2 w1111em Saetioe• 90-20-70 3 Treal4ll• I Fl'Qlll 0 F119111 -OMI W- 9S-23-72 2 Emw Aleunc>et 96-'• 72 3 Not>le P11tll1ps, 94·22-72 011ec101'a f'llOrtl E fli9h1 -I Gii F•eawalo 99·3 c -118. 2 O•••cl $hand 98-26-72 H .. D JOM901' 101-28-73 r--• b•Oi<en bv INltchlnQ l()orecatas DegltWllQ wttto 1ne NO 1 h.llnooeao ~ ,., .. Ofend ,,,. ... , ... ) Ftn 1 1Mwod1'"91M B<lan Goltm.d tU S ) Otl. Mtk• cit P-(Fra~I· 5-2 5-1 6-2. Billy Scenlon tU SI oe: Mark vines tu S 1. 6-3 ti·• PHG•I P0<ln (France) ael Oleo<> P111•1 1uwouav1 e.. 1 3-6 11-1 Mel Pv•-• tu S I cltl Man_,, B•ll1am1 llrtnf 8 • 6·, WOll•k F•b•k (Polctndl dtl Pelt' l'9IQI (A_..lt .. } 6-2. 7·5. i.t llkO ~11nv1ov1c tYuooslavoal dtl Ter1y Moo• IU $I 6-c 6-4 Co,,t OO Ba1a:avtll (llalyl Clef l•O Palon 1r1n1ana1 tl-2 7 ·6 Puca> Qencau tF1encel aet A~llaul l-• (8r•l•Jnl 8-3 tl-7 6-3 SuP8f tournem•nt (•I TMJe) ,. .... ~ ........ JON> McEnroe tU S I del Cflatlel S1roae IU S l. &-0. &-3, """ Dene (Auup<t (US I cl<tf Yannlc-Noall (P:••nce), 7-e, 7-1. Hanh t'1ttltt \U b J del Tim Wlll<toon IU s ), S.4 6·4 B"ln THChtr (U S I Oe l Gle nn M"lltb•l• tCened•I. 6-2, &·1 8·A Pe1e1 McNIJnlle (Aulllllle) dtl Clllp Hooper (U S I 6-2, 8-4 Jtmmy A•IH IU S l Ofl F1encllC:O Gonul•• (Pue<IO RICO), 7 6 II • Met~ Edmonoaon \Autcrallt l dtl Tim (Wl!tkeon (Us l. 1-6 &-4 Robetl Ven I Hot (U $ I del PMA ~N-(Auallllll•I •-II 1-S. e .4 Tim Mayotte IU S) Clef Tom OuHIU ;)l'l \U S~ 1·6 7•S, Milo.• l MCll tlJ.8 I def Brad Ollbell tU S 1. 7·6, •·8, 8-3. van WlnH!llly (U S I del And1 .. 1 MeV"f (W .. l o.<m..,.,.) e.1. 7-S ~ > . NBA exhibition Tu.ecsa,-, kOft lake" 10!> New Jet .. ~ 102 ~ . ' . " NL Cy Yovna Award wlnnere 19~6 Oon Newcombe Brooklyn Oo<loe•s 1957 196() 1962 OOdQett 1963 ooa0 ... 196~, Ooaoe•• 1966 wa11en Span,, Mtlw•ulo.ee B•1vea Vto<ll0<1 I aw Po11aou19h Pitaltt• Oon O•ysdale Los Angele• SOrHJy r<ovla• Los Angelu Los An9elt!~ Senoy Koulu Los Angeles ~~;• M;kO MtCo'"uci.. Sun Fr•n(ol>CO G••nla 19U 1969 1970 1971 1V72 Bob G10t0n 5t LOU•' C61rdina1s Tom Seavttt New YOf~ M~U Bub C.obW" SI LOU•> C;.,0111alt ~e1qu,on JO•l"ona Cht<:41QO Cubs St11..-tt Catllon P fHladtHvrnn J>tolh{"' 197) Tom ::.eO•O' Ne.., '1'11•• Mell 1974 "''~" Mar>hall lOS AnQtlt'\ Dc.o9111~ 19n Tom Seeve•. Now Vo1 k M•lll 1976 R•ndy Jone• Sa11 OteQO Pad'"" 1911 5,.,.,., C.a111on Pn11toe10111a Ptooll~\ •979 1~79 1980 Ph1tl1tt~ Q4ylo1d Pe•I) Ser1 Otego Paa•"' B111c" Sul!~• (.h•.800 Cubt St""' l.aH10" Pl11laOtlO'"'' 1981 r ~·n,,.1•d v•1.-n1u&hi l n\ A"Qfl'tf"~ 0o0g,.1' •'182 $1~~" C~1ll01 Pholad•IClll•ol P111lll~~ Hh•f@ w&S n11I) ontt ~"'tM. tiOf'I tor both ""'llu"• hom 19~~ 1960 Cy Youna vollne "°'"'" oueo on s-J -1 wtlh two 8BWAA w10ltrt l1om &Kn NL city vOllllQ 1 <.ar11on P11ot1M1 .. on•1 ~·· Mont•eal V.i.nalMIA.~• Sv11•• Sc lo'"' N .. klO A!I0'11D "1111ton San r1anc1w:o Anclu1at St Louoa Gatoe< Atlanla Soto C.tf\C•nn•h 20 I I 2 2 J TP • 0 112 6 & 211 6 2 1 25 I J 6 25 • 5 18 I I ~ 1 1 '. .. Weter polo CU...UMITY CO\.UOE Ooldeft w"' 20. 111t. a.n ""'°""' 1 Ml Sen AnlONO 3 1 1 2 Golden Wett • 4 II 4 20 006<1en Wet1 tc:<><•no Del v111e • !olye< 3 Oeml>ff'f I, Karl 2. Pe1111een 2, H•ll 2 Grall 3 Slephentotl 1, HUQIWI• ' Of ..... Coatt 20, Crpreet t Cyll'•H 0 1 3 2 6 O••noe Cou• 7 s 5 J-20 Otc.noe Coast ~·no Sle<Venr 2 B<own 2. B1onn1olle 3, AMII 1 McCorm•Gk 2. Simmons 5 Hewk1n1 1. Ra,,.., 2 Sell191 2 HIGH ICHOOl c ... ona de! ..., 1t. OowMr 2 Oo--.y 0011 2 COiona cl .. "''' S 6 • 2 16 Co•ona oe1 M11 sco11no tmberntno 5. LOOll>OuffOW • Temple J Seoll 3 P1ulaen t MatN 11. a.. c-.e • Ma11n• e 2 1 3 12 San Clemence 3 3 2 1-9 M111na SCOfot'll B101nenon I Weide I H001t1n1 3 Smolh I Za~eal<y 4 Oenoey 2 S.n Cien-t• 6GC>rin9 WYf.OP•• 3. la•-1 2 Hales I Som ..... 2 Ruhn I CIF Ranklft9t ...... 1. Corona de! Mtw; 2 .... ....., Hal1Mw; 3 Sllnny Halt 4 El T0to I c .... ..._II LB Bolaan 7 Oowtiey. I. Unl••tslly; 9 HH WI~ 10 BueN Pa11t. J-A I T u.11n, 2 v~la Pari. 3 Rlveuldt POiy 4 Foothill 5 8111 C..._,1,, 9 lndlO, 7 Cler-•. 8 MUii, 9 s.n11 Ane Va11ey. 10 Royal 2-A I l • Puenll. 2 &«vii•. 3 CebtlllO 4 lOI Alll+QOt, 5 Chatttt O•k, S A1Qhe111. 7 S1nt1 '•· 8 Lompoc, II. LOfQll. 10 Senta v,,., • .>'-• l .ak.-r~ baHk~Cball Home lchedule Oct 'II Goh.len S 1111e SurflnM t'hMmplun,.hlp11t 011• lo bad 11turl c.c:>mJ1trun11 •ht• Wom1111-. In I'" 11 111 1011 of Sur 1111 11 A~"" 1111011 • 1HOIOHICln111 i.lfld UltlUU1ut I lrnm1.11on1h11>1 •<..hfl<lvled 101 11111 wuei.e11<1. will uo hold 1111~ w0tii.e11<1 111 S iln Onohtt S1t1tfl Bo .. c.11 Nov 4 Utt11¥11r Nov 7 Portl1111d. Nov Cumpo1111on 1n both v1olett111rw1 1S11d •mllt11u1 01v1s1on11 will b~1n 11 7 11 m ~,1111111.hiy ur Su111Juy oer11nn1ng on c.011C11t1011& II K11n111~ C.:lty, Nov 12 llOullOt1, No v 14 Glnv•l11nd, Nov 19 Wa 11hlngto n, Nov 2 I C:utlt 0 1v101on will 1nc:1uu o Ifie 1011 If! """"• 011 Ill• Cet1to1ou1 '°11s1 as rutttd IJv llll!I WISA O.n ¥e 1 Nov ~8 Ooluon S tate ~ J Potllllnd, Doc: 5 PhllDCl•lph111, [)fJ(. 8 Pnoenlx, Otte 17 New J11rny, Amo11Q 11toe11 compn ltng on tho 1111111teu1 1•1101 11re No 1 111t9d All111 Sc11w1J111111111 0 1 l agun11 Hnnch, 11ne1 Knren w 111111m11 ol 011n11 Point thn Wo11tern Surfing A•,soc1ut1CJn • No t rnnkoQ -.vrff!1 De<. 10 O•llllf , Owe 22 -Ul•h, O.C. ~o - St1t1ttlo J1111 2 Ootrolt Joo 19 San Diego, J 11r1 2 I ~an An101110, J a n 23 lndln na, J un 26 Mllw•ukee, Jon 28 Atlanta I or mort1 111tcnmut1rJ11 r•l1on11 v111e11" 8 eck111t a t 438-698!. 01 Mo1y l ou Urummy 111 493-5496 f eb 6 KonsH City. 1 50 p m . Feb 9 Utuh, Feb 13 NBA All·tlO• G am e , 12 30 pm Feb 15 Sun An tonio Feb 23 Bo ston. Feb '17 CJti11ve1 M111 Ch 9 San Diego . MtHc h 12 Chica go, Ma rch 16 Phoenix, March 18 K11n188 C tty Merch 20 -Dallas. March 22 Seallle, Merc h 25 S on An101110, March 27 Housto n, Morch 29 San Dl~o Ap11t 1 New York . Aprtl 8 Golde11 lloxln.C tournunu•nt Stale, Aprtl 10 Phoenix. Aprll 15 -S e11llle l we111y-one boxers 10 loe avywt11ghts and April 17 Porlland All games played at the Forum All g ame s at 7 30 p m . unless otherwt&e n o ted I I welte rwe1gh111 are entered m the S 124 000 1111gle-el1m1na11on boit1ng 1ourname111 which will oegin Tuesd ay at the Forum In Inglewood Ticket lnfo rmetlon T 1ckels are pr teed a t S 12 50. $8 50 and S 7 For more lnformallon. c all (2 13) 6 74'-6000 The ltve tourna ment dales are r ue~day Sund ay. Dec 12 , Monday, Jan 31 Moriday. Feb. 21. and Monday, Marc h 21 tor the tw o championship bouts NHL CloMNILl co•WUtl NCI l mrtM OMeloft K1"9• Wltinipeg Edmooton C•IOW'/ vancou• .. W L T Of QA Ph s 2 2 36 31 12 5 2 1 ., 2& 11 3 5 2 47 SS 8 3 6 2 52 54 8 3 6 , 38 35 7 N0«le Ol~- 11.llnneaola Cn1cego SI Lou,. To1on10 0.l•Otl 7 2 1 •• 32 15 6 2 , • , 32 13 s 5 0 35 37 10 , s 3 31 ., 5 I 7 I 25 45 J WloLl l CONP:lllll NCI P•ttlctc OIYlelon N'f ltl9'\0e11 Pnlladetpll•I N-Je<sey NV RanoCH• Wu111no1or. Pollabu19h W L T Of OA P11 9 2 0 34 29 18 8 • 0 40 33 12 J 4 33338 9 • 6 0 36 43 8 2 5 ' 26 37 5 2 6 I 30 46 5 .......... 04vteloft Monl1Ul 8091on Ouebec: 8ullalo H111lo1d 7 1 2 52 3A 18 s 3 2 34 32 12 5 4 1 54 49 11 3 5 2 44 4S 8 2 5 2 30 45 6 r-.,·.1co-.. Quebec: 9 T0ton10 • 11.linrwttOlt 5 New Jertey 3 BullalO 7 MOl'llrt al 7 N .... YOH lflan<Mll 7 ~IQ.,y 2 v•ncou-8 Hf<lfOfd c TOftieht'oO-.. Kint• at w1nn1peg C•IO•l'f 11 A~a Wunington •I P•uat>u•on Boston 11 T 0<onlo Ctwceoo a1 Eamot1ton Klnia· 1t•tl•tlc1 (Th•auo S11nd.ey'a Game) G " Jtm fo, ' 9 Bern,. Nicl10I• " 3 Chath• Simmer !> 6 Ma1Gel 0<0<11111 • 6 Oa1yl Ev•nt I a OaYt! h~OI 2 6 u11 1uuson • 3 Slev<" Bozelo i 3 0ouo Sm1111 , 3 Mike Murpny ~ 1 J ay Wello 0 3 Dean HOl>'ttn> 0 ' Te<fYRusi.-1 0 2 Merk HarOy 0 2 Jeiry i<o•ab 0 , Dean Kenn41dy 0 I p.,,., Ht"on<'t'• 0 , J p l(elly 0 , Dean lu•"9< 0 0 Oan BonAo 0 0 Roe~ Cn111•n"" 0 0 (..,ty Mu1phy 0 0 Oave lewot 0 0 ao.11 ... ci.ro· •••ll•tlc• OP Min 11• "''"" Blai\e • 160 8 Gaty La,•Owll" 5 l80 IS Maf!o Lttaaro 2 80 7 T ..... • -J1 C roH covntry ranklft91 HIGH aCHOOl cw .......... h• 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 !> 4 J 3 1 2 2 1 I I 1 0 0 0 0 0 .... 2 67 3 21 s 25 JM 1. Mate< ~ 2 El M°"""• 3 El Ootado 4 Et T0<0 S Plllos Vttda, 6 ~ry P•rll 7 VIiia Par~. I . H11nltn9lon lt•cll: t , Unlvenlty: 10 Tllousand O•'• CIF J-A Men I MonleDellO 2 HIW1llO<NI, 3 Ba•llOW 4 Canyon (Stui;utl 5 Sou111 Hiiis. 6 Buroan~ T M1t• Cosla 8 Temoie Ctry 9 Le Can•O• 10 u .. 1 Buen• P••k ana 01111 Hills CIF4-AW- l Foocn111 2. UnlVettllJ: J. f11elln: 4 ldleon; 5 Aolllno HIHf, II MMllken 7 !Wene 8 Dos Puebtoa, II P11oa verOtte, 10 (tlel Coeta Mtea t nd Thc>oatn<I Oak& CIFJ-AW- 1 Bial10p Am11. 2 HfW1110tn•. 3 -.itt • Costa, • S en Ma11no. S 8 1ugu1. 6 A11ing1on, 7 Aowl"'4. I ....... OM; 11 O•n• Hiiia 10 (tie) t.at-• a-ti 1no Bevtttv H•lla Tltffday'e traMeetlone a/IM8AU ~L...,... NEW ¥OAK YANKEES -P\lfCfllMd '"' oon11~c1 ol Brad Gulden. cllohtr, lrom WICM • ol '"" AMerlOan AMOCIAllOfl OAK ...... NO A'S -N•m•d 8111 Alon•y H lltttnt IO thl pr•••d•n• IOI 0 ... 11.11 m•11~ ......... lMtW CINCINNA Tl REOS -N•m•o 01•11 MeCOllMI Olle<:IOf ol Pfc>mollont ..._ ........ ~ INOIANAPOLIS INOIAN5 Nemec! A0y H1111litld manlQe< 8A9'CS'TaAU Netleftal a..lletMll A•-latlef! OAll AS Mo\VERtCKS -Ptec:'td C0<ny Tll0fftP90", fOfW•d, Off Int 11\jurecl Mal INOIANAPOLIS PACERS -Aeq11ll•d l •td BllnllO". lnnoretd from '"" c ...... atld Caviller• tfl e11e111enoe IO< • MCOllCl•rounel p1Gtc In 1N3 NEW Y0"1< l(MICl(I -Cl/I Mi«• O.V... _..... Tickets tor a ll r11ghts are on t>ale now at lhe Forum bOJt o l11c.e T1ckelron outlet s and Mutual Tic ket Age11c1es Vikings post upset; GWC, Bucs • Will Both Goklt•11 Wt-:.t and Orang(.• l'v.J:.I c·olll0gl:.'s wort•d lup:.1dt·d v1t·to rtt·:. w htlt·. on thl' high ~<'huol front. Marin<i upi-c-t S<in Clt•mt·nlt• a nd C11r un<i ffl·I Ma i pounded Down<·v to l11ghl1ght watt·r polu action Tut·stfay Tht• Rustlt·rs. whu art• now 6-0 in thl! South C0<11>t Confcon·m·t•. 12-1 overall. "'as1ly d1spt1sPd •>f Mt San Antonio. 20-7 Sophomore Brt•l l Dl·l Va lk• s c o r e d ( o u r g u d I :, . w h 1 I t• wammat£>S Carl Savler and Tom Grall talltl•d lhn.·<.· l'al·h. S leve Simmons' five goab k'CI the Pirales to a 20 I) drubbing of v1s1t mg Cy press Tc·ammatt• Jeff Bron nkhl• added three more as OCC improved 1~ South Coast Conferen<.e mark to -l-2. 10-5-1 oVl'rall The But'S JUmp<·tl out tu a 7 O first penc.td lead ;_1r:c1 W<'rt' n<·v1·r th rl•atc>nc-d. The big s H1 ry 1)11 t hl· h 1g h sC'hool level w a!> the v1s1 t1n g V1k1ngs' 12-9 up.'><'t Vt('tor:-r O\'t•r San Cleml'nle, l'UJ t t•ntlv r;.inkl-<I No 5 1n tht· :i-A nmk11.g ... 'I'hl· Vik ing:.. i :J-5 overa ll . JUm pt.J uut l11 ~ ti-:3 l(';;i<l and thl'n hdd un ~ thi·v Wl'rl' lt-d bv the S<.'Orlllg or JUnwr J im Zakask y (fou r go<.1ls). ~·nwr Jeff Hopkins ('.!) •rnd Darn·ll Dcnn('y (2) Ttw Tri ton:, <l ruppt•d tht•1r ovt•rall r<'<:un.l lo 12-<! Corona dl'f Mar. lop·nmkc·d tn t he• 4-A ran ktn~i>, h a d no ll"A TER POLO prnblc•m ~ thl· St·a Kings S<.•orc'<i a n l'<l:.y I f)-<! d ec1!>1o n over Dowm•v T h e S 1• a K 1 n g s , a n unbll'm1shetl :W-0 uwrall, scored five llll'll'S 1n 1 hl· fi rst two periods tu a~ume a Hl-0 advantage L t.>ud1 n g lh<· way fo r Cd M wc>rP :.c•n1on. Oc1VL· lmlwrntnu and Jol' Hoh lm lwr111 no !>C'C>rt·d a gamt .. h1gh 11\'l' goals. w h1lt.• Kuh had 17 ~Vl'' St•nior Pat Looi bourrow also :.t·orc•<l four ttmt•s. "'hilc• To m T t· m pl t · ,, n d H 1 l k St o t l l'•mt n lJuwd thr•'l' c;u h Ford makes charge Kiffin issu e a firm d c niaJ RA L E IG H . N C 1AP ) - North Ca ro lina Stall' foot ball eoat·h M onte K1ff1n d l'ntt•<l Tuc>sday tha l hC' rnnta1·tc•d tht• NCAA about possible recrutting v io lat ion s at C l e mso n . a n at·cusa tion Tiger t:Oa<'h Dann y Ford made Saturday. Fo rd and K iffin exchange<i words on the su b.)C<.'t as they lc·fl the field following C le mson's 38-W Atla ntic Coa:.t Confere nce victory K1fftn earlte r said he couldn't rememlx>r the topic of conversation. as did Ford later H ow ever. a l'ame raman for R a l ei ~h t e lev1s1on s t a tion WPTF-TV r(>(-o rdC'd part of the con ve rsa tton. ptckrni;t it up in progress. AC'('Ordmg lo the I.ape. Ford said he doubtt.'<i that K1Htn hadn'l cont.acted officia ls. "They've been up here three li m es," s aid F o rd . wh ose co mme n ts w ere fo llow ed by some unaudible com men ts. "I didn't teU them. I didn't tell them," K tfftn responded "Who d id?" Ford asked "I never did ." K1ffin said . "I never turned you tn The y came up here. l don't know how they got here." On Tuesday. K1U1n repented his denial. "I didn't turn him m ." K 1ffin told WPTF-TV "Bul tf I had. I wouldn't have bt-en wrong." K tff 1n at ftrs l sa id the <'on vl'rsal1on was t:unf1de nt1a l. b ul c fte r lea rning lha t tl had been recordl'd , satd 1t w as a m1sundC'rstandtng Jabbar cores 20 as Lake r top Ne ls SPRINGFIEL D. Mass. (AP) - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 9COred 20 potnlS as the defending National Baskl'tball Association champion Los Angeles Lakers downed the New Jersev NNs 105-102 in t he 10th annual Basketba ll Hall of Fame be ne fit e xhibition game herl' Tuesday With 55 S<'t:onds le ft. Jabbar. who S<.'Ored six points m the last f ive minutes. made a jumper from the left side to extend the Lakers' lead to 103-98. Darryl Dawkins. who led the Nets w ith 20 points, answer ed with a stuff a nd Buck Williams scored on a stcal by Ous Birdsong lo bring the Nets to 103-102 with seven se<-onds left. LEACH'S UPHILL FIGHT. • • From Page 0 1 I couldn't run for ~·bout a month. I could sw im and ride the bike. though. "one bi~ reason why I went into training for the triathlon w as to be w ith 8 111 more. We tnuned togethe r and in that way we spent a lot of time toge ther which is what we both enjoy. "[ can 't say th1A t l enjoyed the compe t itio n but l love the training. The com petition was all right. too. until 7 or 8 miles into the run. "I felt real comforwble during thc swim which took about 6~ minutes The bicycle ride w as 11b o u t s i x h o urs and the marathon four. When I got off the bicycle, l waa hoping l would make it without c:ollapeing llnd was wondering I( l would even be able to run at all. "T he an k le t oo k about 12 wcek.1 to heal com pletely nnd l gtve a lot oC the credH lO Leon Skele (lralnt'r at Orange Coast College)" A bout t h e t u tur~. 11h e la uncertain "I' II n ever bt:• a great runner and I realiw that. But 1 do enjoy running when there isn't a lot of p ressure. There a re cer tain things I w o u ld st l 11 li k e to accomp lish tn s ports But m y main goal isn't to be one. two or three. It's a personal thing and 1 get a lot of satisfaction just out of l'Ompellng. "l may go back to the ocean and the kayak or I ma y even cha nge m y mind and do the tnathlon again. Perhaps I'll tum to bowltng. Rlght now l'm pretty much satisfied with my athletic c a reer. httY1ng been on t ht' Olympic h.-am and wi nning tht' triAthle>n "But I miss the <X't'tln and may go back 1 really haven't given too much tho u.ght to 1.ryina for the Olympics ln 1984, thot.(gh . "At the momen t, l don't hav• th1u dying dcsir'f' to excel. When 1 do ~thl na •lone thla llne. l go pretty much all out. You have to w ant 1ometh ing real bad, though. to e><ttl." At 25. Julie wach hu rudwd the plnnaclt' or IUC'C't"U In h •r a thletic cArttr. I . . I '· .. .. 11111111111 .... -------------------~--------------~--~---~-~----~~- llAICI CIAIT IOlll lllTll WEON~ SOAY OC1 OlJf:R .•1 1'16;/ ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Ho files fOr retarded find disfavor • Ill Irvine 6 ) (:t,l~NN SCOTT Of lhe Dally Piiot Stall &·v,•1.11 d1111•11 1 t·,1tl1·11t:. ol .111 I rv1 nt• h11m1.'11w 1 i1 .,., ' .1:.".11·1.J 111111 Tu1•sd .1y prok!>h·d J 111111 pn1l 1t group's plan to h~·dtt' two h11r111·, for thL· 11•1ardt•d 111 1111·11 n1..·1~hborh11ud Hu 1 l 1 v 1 n ,. l' 1 1 ' l ·,, ll ll l'I I lllt'll\li1·1' ,1 1l1>Wt•fl•d th.11 I h1.•\ lrnmd 1111 lll<t'(I 111 ,11•1 1111 d1J1 t-(1·' f I 0 Ill I h I' (; r t • I' II I I' t' I' llclm1..•vw1wr,· Al>Mx1.1t11m th.It tht• two honw' wuuld not 111 tlw n1•1ghl11Jl'h11od':. ... 1ngl1· fJ1111l ) 1•hara1·t1•r :.nd would v1ult1t1· Irvine to keep Laguna Hills annex 'on hold' l r v11n"s C ity Counc·il hils dt><:idcd to hold off l'Onsid1.•rat1011 or annexing any section uf Laguna Hills unttl Le1surt' World rc.-s1d1.•11ts Lake a shot at bt.'l'Om111g Orangl• County's nt'WC'st l'lt.'' EarliC'r Lh1s y('ar tlw euurw1l had ordered nty pla nner~ tu condud a ft•asibtltty study o f annexing a 689-acrc strip e>f land that divides the two ma,1or parts of Leisure World. No homes an · lncludt.-d on that strip. Tht• study was undt•rtakcn and fananc:ed bv tht' Koll Cu . wh1c·h has an opL1on to build an offtt'l' pa rk on tht· land t·urre nt lv o w n t.• d b y t h e R o s s m 11 o ·r Liq ucda ling· Trus t But t·uunt·ll nu:-mlwr:. ..1g n ·1·d TuPSClay tu fn"'·z1• dny mun· work tor tht.· study al the u1 ging uf usw of the urgan1zers for Ll't:.un· Wurlcl', meorporat1m1 btc.J J ohn Luhring. pn·~1dl·nl o f Lt•ti.urt• World':. Comm1tl1•t• un lrH·orporat1on. t old c·u unul nwmbt•rs the Rossmoor pr11pt·rty 1:. tndutled within tht• boundJrtl·s 1n his rt'tiremc•nl l'11mm 111111 v·!> :1ppltL'at1on for ntyhootl · He· s;ud incorporatwn is look1•d upon by r1..-s1dcn~. who avpragt.• 72 8 yt•;.irs of age. as J nwans 11( prt•wrvmg i.IUtonomuus polil1n il C'ontrol within their gu .. nll-d g;itt.· tommunnv. Coun 1;l membt·r~ dtd not aµpt.·ar w1ll111g to challl·ng1· th.JI I ee Al\'l\'EX, PaJ!e A 2 J Viejo decapitation suspect arraigned Cody ~'O Schreiber, held on s uspicion of lhe decap1tat1o n murder of a MtsSton V1eJ0 man earlier this month. has pleadtod innocent to the slaying. The bespectacled 29-year-old suspect. who escaped from a Mon tana state mental hospital five years ago. wherP he was sent for the murder of a cab driv~r. was arraigned in South Orange Count y Mun1c1pal Co urt en Laguna Niguel this momin~ He IS charged Wt th the murder of Dennis Shubert. 24, of M1ss1on Viejo. whose headless body was found in a shallow grave in the backyard or hts Via Guard1x home Oct. 16. The victim 's head was found buried about a quarter mile from the home which he shared with Schreiber R amon Ortiz. the public d e fendt.-r who s p o k e on Schre1ber's behalf. entered the innocent plea before Judge Blair Bame ti.(' Judge Barnette set a pretrial hearing for Nov. 5 and a preliminary hearing Nov. 16 to determine if Schreiber should stand trial in Orange County Superior Court. He also rukd that Schreiber will remain m Orange Counly Jail without bail Schreiber was arrested as he stepped off a bus in Sacramento Oct. 16, but the news of his arrest was kept from the press. and apparently. the public· dC'fender. for three days. That circumstance prompted the publtc defender to raise the o.1tJ Phi l"tlolo Cod y Leo Schreiber questi o n as t o whl'lher Schre1ber's rights were v1olawd Outside the courtroom. O ruz said law enforcement o fficers "purpose ly gave news to the press that Schreiber wa~ s till outstanding and not a suspect an the case.'" (See SUSPECT. Page A21 .Newport election By STEVE MARBLE orttte Delly ..,... sleff It's election season in Newport Beach a nd a ll the dignity and restraint of city government has been pushed aside for another high-stakes political sh ootout. ln the tradition of past City Council races, the election has been punctuated with mud- slinging, five-rigure spending s p rees a nd a r enewal of the growth/no-gro wth debate. Four of the teVen councU 1eats • will be fllled Nov. 2 and m the waning days of the contest , more• than $110,000 has be-en spent by the nine candidates wooing th(' voter. Candidates run in distriC'ts but are e lected on a dtywlde vote. The most expensive conte!'lt 1s between Mayor J nckie Heather and chalJenger David Grant, rm atto~ney who has spent nearly double the $22.000 that Heather h as raised. ----lllDEX---- At Your Service Bualneu Cavakade c1 .. m~ Comics Crmsword Dl-ath Notices Edi tonal En~ru.lnl'Mnt Food Horoerope A~ A8 82 !»~ ~ ~ AIO 84 Cl-12 82 Ann Landers 82 Movies 84 MutuaJ Funds AH National News A:l Public Notlcea A8.8.'4.87-8 n~ Sporta Dl -~ Sio,::k Markett A9 Te levision 86 Th~aten B·I WHlhf'r A2 ,1:.1mn.1t11111 11•1-:ul.1111111:. Su111111 E>.h·11d1•d l'.1u· S1•1v1u·' '' h1ddlll~ 111 huy tlw lw11 lum11·' Ill C:t1·1·t1lll'I', ,1 11,11•1 Ill ft:!ti huusc-:. w1•..,1 111 WJl11ul 1\v1•11u1 .inti 10,1:.t of l'ulVl'I I >11vt .. 111d .1 1h1rd h111111• 111111·11rhy l:ll·1·1 l1l'ld llow1..•VL'1, S uttu11 Prt·!>1tlt•11L l)\•11•k l.1111 ""ti iifti·1 Lill' lw.1r1ng tllllt .1 l11w,u11 I 1lt·d M11111l11y hv th1· t\\11 1w1ghl1111 hum.I g1;1u1}~ 1111ght k.111 ht' 111111 p1 ufll ~111up"• J tlt•111pl 111 IHI\ tlw 1h1 1:1• h111"''' The 11111111·' o111 111 llt' f111a111'1·cl t hn.ugh .1 111 '1 .11 . $'i I :1,0llll l11a11 I 111111 •• 1!-tl1•1.d IJ1•p<11 lllll'lll "' I l1111:.111g .md UrhJll l>1•vl'lop1111•111 lllU!)) Ko;c·ruw 1i. .. dwdult.•t.l to t Ii..,,. Nnv I lw s:11d II tht· l<1W1>Utl IJl0<·k ~ lh1· pU1d1 aM·, tlw fc '(lt-ral .ilo(1·nty may w11hd 1 .1w Il l> luun, l>-.utl Lull, .iddlll){. "If Wl' hUVt.' tu 3l.il l (10111 '\- "4't .it1 h .igu111 . I l.wllt·v1· "1·' II lo~· 111 .. lllll> moni·v · 'l'lw Sutton g11Jup. 11 .. 11wJ .1ltL•r µ1 111t•-..,1111wl l>a.">t·wll JJ1td1{•1 [)on S U I I o 11 . \\ h 0 S U p p <1 r I l> I l S program:. .ilrt·.idy hd:. n·\.e1vcd t lir\.<t' 1•x 1t•ns1011~ I 111rn II U D Thl· 1s~~ IRVINE. Pagt· A2 ) Dally Piiot l"tloto by Oary AmbfoM "'l'o. 1 •• ·\n·lwr wan·~ lo Lugunu motoris ts in his role a the c ity's n ew g rPf'lf'r. '"I !'!la w a vacancy and I filled it .'' h e explains. He's 'No. J,' but only No. 2 greeter By STE VE MITCHELL Of Iha Dally Pllol Slaff He's t·alled ThC' Ne w GrN'tcr ldl01llll'al IWlll."' That was the• last thing Mr. and Mrs Art'h('r t'Xpt.'l'lt'<.I whl'n tht' boys wen· born 5 1 year!> ag<• m C1Jttonwood. T ex No t by t•v('rybody he grt:'i.•ts, mind you Some of tht•m eall hem unprintable nam1•s Others point at him with a finger that doc!> not signify "N u. I " But No. I JUSt laughi. and !>houts."'I love you." to his motoring ant.agomsLo; To hes ercd1t. No. I dcx-s not apJ>t.•ar to be horning 1n on the old Dane's populanly "I'm not trying to por tray somNhmg I'm not." the bC'a rded new g re<'te r says "But as far as walking tht.' palh hL· t L<ln.c•n) walked and ftllmg a Lrad111on -I saw a vacancy, I (tiled 1l. and I ftnd it fulfllhng " As a rro<;u lt. h..., ha<.ttlv scnbbll'C.I birth t't•rttftt'ettt• rt•adio.. "No I u·nn<im<'<l Arc'ht•r .. No 1 ·, brothc·r. <JS you might havr g uessed. wa:. dutifully lti.ll'd as "No i Unnamed Ar«hc·r " No. I sull goc." bv what's un th<' birth eert1f1call'. c·vt'n thuugh hes part·ntl> eventually gvl around to g1v111g thf' twins more ron vent1onal first namC's You S(.'{', No. I "gets his ent•rgy" Crom 1 he snulPs he puts on peopl~' faCC'S The· ones gocng lo work m lht.· morning. The onC'S taking thC' kids to school The o nes :.tuck 1n blocks-long trafftC' .13ms. "No one's hired me. no om.• J>CIY!t me a salary l work for everybody.'' h e say!>. s miling through a pair or m1sstng fronl tN..'I h But. let's fat.'<' 11 Eller La~·n he's not. And the response to dau.> hai. hl'l'n good. No. I says But m Laguna lkat'h, No I has al·qutrl·<l a ne" name as he· stands on the s1dc•w:ilk. waving and pointing to passing mol<Jr1"ls and perplexed pc·dc'Stnans . Tlw original Greeter, who dwd seven Yl'an; ago. was bt•lovc'Cl by Lagunans and v1sit<Jrs who looked forward to his hearty "lla ll oooo How Arrrrrc•c•ee Yoooo." for mon· t h<i n th ret· dPcades on Laguna's 'tfl't'L'> "It's lhc most rewardmg thing l'vt.' t•ver dont>," he says. lie dc-sc·r t bt•s his strN>t mtnistry as So rl of a "llml• out" for molorists (See GREETER, Page A2) AirCal's Clifford seeking new career AtrCal Pr t•s 1d ent Hol>1•rt Clifford. to lcaw hrs post wnh the Newport &•ac:h-baS<.-d t•arrier Dec. I. said ht• will pursut· a new ca r e e r u u ls 1 d 1• l h e a i r I i n e mdustrv Ch rr ord. 61. IS a former u s Air Foret.• pilot who c·amt.• to th1 · flcdghng a1rlml• m 1968 and was named prc•s 1d<>nt a nd chtt.'I executive thr('(' years later He announc·ed hes resignation Tuesday. less than a Wt.'<'k aft.er AirCal unvPtled plans for a major route r ealignment leaving markets in La'! Vegas. Phoenix. Fresn o and Mo nter<•v, whtl<' addcng fl1gh1s to eight other d1..•st1n::it1ons ln another t'OSt-cuttmg movt.'. tht• a1rl1nc• well lay off 309 employc'<'S bt•fore thf' e nrl of the year cncludmg 29 pilots Gen W1lltam L von. <.·ha1rman or lht· board and C'O·OWner. Will t.akf' ovt•r as pr1..-s1dt•n t Clifford '\a1d he has be<'n potntmg toward ret1remt.-nl for a y e a r a n d h 1 s d e c· 1 s 1 o n 1 s independent of lh<' rN.-cnt moves at AirCal H<.• w1 II C'ontmue to work as a c·o n sul t a nt for th e airline, w orking in g overnment and political circles . H e sa id he lllt<'nds to start a new career in a no n -aviation field but. at the m o m C'nt. is undeci ded on Spc'Ciflcs ··1 think the timing 1s right," Clifford said in a telepho ne mwrv1ew. "We're going through a maJo r c hange tn our route sc·hcdule. building in stren gth and pointing toward profitabilny h 's a good time to pass on the rems" Lvon, 59. began his aviation career with Frontier Airltnes and recently completed a four-year term as chief of th<' Air ForC'e Reserves. Lyon a lso heads the Wilham Lyon Co .. one of the• largest residential ho ml.' builders in California. Clifford, a San C le mente resident. prev10usly was a pilot with Northwest Airlines and is ac tive in numerous C'1v1c and government organizations. AirCaJ is an interstate carrier that has a fl{"t't of &x-ing 737s and DC-9 Super 80s. gloves off and pocketbooks open At 52. Heathe r Is a City Hall veteran. She w as l'lectcd to the c·ounc1l In 1978, selected mayor in 1980 and has served on both the city planning commission and the n ow-d e r unet So uth Coast Regional Coastal Commission. Her campaign strat<'gy h as bt'en to highlight tht.• positive things that have happenc.>d in the c ity during her stint as mayor and to indirectly brush oH Grnnt 0 11 n "no-growth, anu-buiiin('!IS" C'andldate. "The city nf'Nb experience right now ," she nol.t'd during a r1~ent intl'rview. ·•My oppon<'nl Is very green. lll' doesn't hove the cxpt.•ri<'n._~ ur the a("('(.'~'4 thot I h11v1•" She• said tho t C:r &nt h as a potcntlol c'Onfllct of lnh~rt•St in hts relntlon~hlp with the Committee o f 4000 . the gr o up o f homeowners who are fighting the Irvin~ Company ovt>r annuol leruM! fK'S they mUJt poy Grant. 3~. II\ A ll<'nlor pi11'tncr In a Newport Beach Jaw firm and has s pent more than $43,000 trying to g<.>t the name Identity he nec-ds to unseat Heather. Grant s a i d a p o ll he t'Ommission c>d s how ed that Hl'oth<'r has bet ter name recogn1t1on m Newport Beach than Tom Bradley does in Los An~elt'll 111..• addro that the poll dc!MI not Indicate how much o f H1•nth1•r'!> n'<'Ognitaon ts posltlvt>. "l think 111 the Jui;t rouple o f yC'ur:. !>Ill'':. b<>t•n going downhill 111 dt•alinR w11h d lir.cns," Grant ('hnr~ed . "She'" out o f touch and h as s hown n lock o f profc•s-"1on~li-<m in how she goes 11bout F1Nlln~ thlnRs don1•" Granl i~ not dl•ft•nsiv" about he s rrlot1C111 '4h 1p with th<' Commlth.ot' uf ·WOO He !Vtld he did lt•flal work for the group, lives on I rvine Company leaM>hold land hem •Ir nd did u~ the romm11t~ m<-ml>crsh1p as a sprln.choard f or hlti camp;i.ign "But \h;Jt itt not n llOVl'rnment , issue. It 1s a legal issue and It ('Crtainly won't color my thinking 'in dealing with the Irvine Company. I am unbiased toward the Irvine Company." Though they may mjx words, H eather a nd G r a nt a r e not dramatically apart on issues such as the a irport. growth and traffic -t he staples of the election. H ea the r voted fo r the controve rsial Ba nning Ranch development and. in retrospect. lM!l1d the approved plan was or excelle nt compromlle. S h e doet share 90me concern with othen that developer Wlll'-m &nnint s h o uld 1lve citlsens som < lndlcauon what he Intend• to de with the remaining 42~ acrt>S of hl!I ranch. Grant does not favor th<' approved plan but u ad the pn•11en t zoning o n the land tour dwclllna units pt'r acre -ll u nfair to ~veloper Banning tn m•klng htr pitch for rto- c lectlon, Heather hu pointed cons tantly to the $4 m 1lllo n cleanup in the Upper Newport Bay. the c onstruc t ion ot the Newpo rt Bay bridge a nd the city's legal v ictor y over th e operators of John Wayne Airport as some of h er achieveme nts. Grant's respon se Is that her administration has a lso ~n hit b y two referendums , an Indication. h e said~ that things in City Hall all aren't goi"i so well Although some candidates have talked privately about Heathe r's recent stroke. G rant uld he has gun~ out of h is way not to dwe ll on the m ayor's health and does no t rons1der It an Issue. Hea\hor. who impreued even her hardf'IJt c rltlca with her •P"!dY N"turn to City Hall. said her health 11 fine and \he only lin~rina rernJndt"r a «iaht limp. The council battlt Mtween Incumbent Paul Hummel and chal~npr Bill A.-ln Corona del Mar la tlw muacu.t or all. • non-atop eXt'hanp of adjtcUwa. A•H· 4 ~. a pro f eulonai ISff ELBCl'ION, Pase .U) ,\, r a • • --------------, ' DAii y I'll() l /Wud11u•JdUV Cktuhut u . 1\JU~ Pelican destroyed; Ya cht burn • • • 1n1ur1es too evere ofJ. Laguna; four ave d IRVINE DI 'PUTE. • • I i t ln<.'ludC'd u w:m tN lor tlw r oup to buy l'Xl11t111i.1 h11111P:. 111 rvtnt• rather lhan ord l•t 1n~ 111•v. nes through lh t• I rv1ne Co •" JN'ig1n a lly intt•ndl'(f · Loft su1d h1~ ~r uup 1·x.11t11111-tl a bout 1511 s.•µ1:1rah' hnust•s 111 all parts o f 11 vuw lx•fort• e1Ht•1 in~ ,111 agreem e nt 10 b uy lht• l'Urn·111 l h r C' (' B I' l' au~ l' ll r t I Ill l' t.'Onstra111ts. how1•Vl·r. tw :..:ml hts g r 0 U p h a J ll 0 \ II 0 l I f I l' d h om eowners' groups about 1l:. i n t e n t t o n t o I' I a l' l' s 1 x d l:'velopmenta lly d1sabl<'d pc•opl1• a nd two hve-111 "J)drcnt.:," 1n t•Jdl of the thrt't' u rnts T h a t lack of tOnlacl up:.1•t 1 n e ighbo r s who come to tht· r meeting in d roves not lo a rgut• • t h e m e r 1 t s o r h " I p in g l h t• f h andic apped. they said , b u t to ~objec·t to wh,n they l'allcd .1 ~precedent-setting antruswn 1tl the ir n e ig h borh ood by no11- rt>Sidentta l fac1httes "1 think what Wt>'rc against SUSPECT. • • "The d e la y in k eep111g (h t~ arrest) from the pub lic and our office. is a del1ty that is con tr<ir) to the la w . and a d l'nial of h1:; n ght to speedy arra1gnml'nl "l understand hi:' was denu.J a ny phon e calls u n til Tuesda) mornin g (follo w ing the SaturdJ) .a~l):" O r tiz said "ll that 1s the case. his nghl:. Have b een s u bs 1an t1 allv abridged," O rtiz said -By S tl.'vc M1tch1 •// GREETER. • • lht• IH•ll>l '" lu ht• i.urpriwd by 1n <1u,..1ril':o. 1·11111 1111-: 111 th.it '"' thin k a11• 1·u 1111111·1·nal," :.:11d <:r,•ent11•1• r 1•,1d1111 V1·r111111 "Hud" Pttyrw I t u11,•I I luov1·1, .1~'>! .. 1.1t1on vw1· pn·i.tdl'lll. 11a1tl 11•1111li•nli. r1ri.t bc.'gan h•a111111g 111 Su11t111'!> 111lt•11t lo buv tlll' h11m1·-, l\\11 Wt'l•k:. J go from a n1111v111ous 1·all1•1 :-. Aft1•r that. r1·:.1dt:nL' 1·u11tu1·1t·J Sutt.111 off1t1:.1ls fur all i•xpl,11111111111, 111• ~lid H i.. group l'Ollt1·111b Ill 1111 l.1w:-.u1l f11t•d in O r:111g1· Cm111ty Supt•nur l'ourt lhttl 1h1• h onw:. d11 11 u t m 1• t· t g u 1 d 1· I 1 n f's f., r f't ''llf1°11 ll.1 I ll'ol' L 11 f 1 a 11 d C: ll} Co u n 1· 1 I nH•mb1·r:. d1s.Jgl'l'l'U L11 f t bJscd h1:0. u11111111n 011 a r1 •1.·1.·11t s1a t1.• appt·als l'OUrl r u l111g 1t'l'O!:lllZ1ni.: stx-pt.•1-son hom1•:. for thl' handn ap1.wd <1s ml't'ling l'l'Sid1•11t1<1l n·qu1n •rn1.·nLs Mayor L<1rry Agran satd statt• gu 1d1·l 1rH•:. wc r l' f ormc•d to I.' n c· u u rag 1• a I 11.· r n at t v <' s lo 1n::.11LtHt011;tl <·an· for thl' d1S<1blc<l H 11 w1•\t'I , rt·::.1u1•11t Earlt• H1t·h11111nd datml•d that tht• Sutton hon11·s wuuld cau sl• <1 n avt•ragt' $15.UUO lv:.s 111 µrop(:rl :v \'alut•i. uf th1• fllti honws 1n (;rt'l·ntrt'i' J'o l'uunter that argum1·111. uff1e(•rs o f thl' Hl'g1onal Cenlt·r of Orangl' Cuunty passed out :-.ummJrit·s o f :.ur vt•y:. in four tommun1t1t•s nattonwid<· in \\' h 1 l' h n o p r o p e rt y v a I u e tkprt•l·tauon wa:> d1S(·oven 'CJ 111 areas with home~ fo r the d1sablt'Ci "It's taking the time to bl' with somPon (• -even i( H's just for an instant." hl' said. his g r een eyes flashing. "h 's a min ustul<• bn•a k . hk<· •• l'Offc·t• , b rea k for those on the highway .. Before h e d iscarded most of his worldly possessions. No 1 was a Navy man for a d ozen years. and later was a l"l)()k dlxxird tuna boats an d a seismic rl'SC'arl·h Vf'S.Sl'I H e even operated his own lx•duty saloru. 111 S a n Diego, but he ::.ays his t:urrent ·vocation is wek•oming motonsL-; lcJ thl· Art Colon y "M y food and shelter comes trvm God through all my frien ds," he says of his new Uvelih<X>d "l have no monc•y in my pot:kN a nd I d o n 't know whert' my dinner's .~'Oming from tonigh t " "But." he .~vs. smiling agam. "rn't' nc.•eds will be met An h ow lon g does 'fo I plan to c·on11nul his street salutations an Laguna Beach" "Ho w long have l got. doctor'>" hi' Ji.ks. leaning o n his cane and laughing th JOEi. ('. UON of th• 0•"• P1101 1 1.11 A lllUtllJtt•U 1)111\\11 111111 .111 t h11 t 1111111·11 11 p M1111d.iv 111 I<• 4'1111d11 Bt al h had 111 IH· d1 •:..t111yl'd d111• 111 th l11jlll 11 '>, .11 ·1·u1 d111u 111 .1 .,t,1\1· 1•'1,lt .11111 t ;.111w I >-·11.1111111•111 1111111.11 Tltt· 1h .1tli "1111• 111 s1 .i1111111g I h1 I 1 111.1111wd h11 tb I 11.11 h.1\'t' 111• .. 11 l11 p tur1·d du1111g 1h1• p.1 .. 1 lw11 \\'1·1·ks, 'l•11d I >I"(; "l"'kt"•llH111 H.1lµh Y111111g Auth1111111·., 1 ... 111·v1· .ingrv 11 ... 111·1 r111·11 111.i y h,1v1• l'lll 11r I h11pp1·d 111 f I ht llfllJl'I lw.tk:. Pl '" lllolll) .1:0. l!I p1•lt1•;111:. 111 th1· lhn.1 1'111111 Jl;1rhm .111"1 '!'ht• 111·111-.111 ':. h1•,1k .... : ... par ttUll;'I' "'''\ll'l't'<l ;i111l 1111' 11a1111I P·''"'1g1· 1111. li•.1v111.: 1111' l11nl 111 ('Xll'l·111p p a111, V11u11g ... :11d 11,1\\ lhlll Ill' Vl'll'l'lll.111.111 H 11·k W111·r p1·I. who Jll'I (111 m1·d pr11s llwt11· ""' g1•1 v 1111 :11111t lw 1 111u111.11 .. d p1·l11".1ll 111 l.,1gu11u N1gu1·I Su11d.1y. dt•l·1d1·d th•· a111111.ll l'rnild 11111 lw s.1\ 1·tl "It \'•" .1 ,,tlu1· Judg111t•11t 011 my p11rl lo pUl tlw li1nJ 11lll 111 ''" m1:.l·r) ," W111.•1 111 I -..11d Tlw S1tu.1t11m 1:> .i l1lllt hr tgh11·1 1111 lht· 11th1•1 111u1ll.1t1·cl p1·h1·an:. th.11 h.1v1 l1t•1·n luu11d N11w turd-. .1r1· bl·111g 1·:11 .. d lor at Crown \'.1ll1·v ,\111111al l l11"1Jllal 111 L.11-{Un.1 N1gu1•I ;i111l .1 lllllt 1wl11 ;111 , th.11 twd .1ppa11•ntlv flo wn to S.m l>1t·g11 llJ1!Jt,,., i:. Jt S1•a Wurld DFG off1l'tdl' s;;iy lh1•y lwvt• 1111 W<•Y of dl'l1·rm1ni11.,: t ht' t•i...1t l n urnbt.•r o f mu11l<1tt•<l 1.wl11 .. J11:> "1 h ope thl·n· ar1•11't .iny more." Young sa id "I ts baJ enough as it 1:. .. At th t· Crown Valley h oi.p11.1l . vctl·rin arwns :.urgu.:a lly alli.ll'ht·d an arlif1l'1al bc-ak to 11111· b1ru appropriau.·ly d ublJ1.od I 'invc,'t:h1t1 "I h ave no other purpose• for bt>ing t h an thlS.'' he answers. ··~o. 1 •• -ays Hh e loooo •• oerrr 1'1101 Sten ll'hoto '· of l 'oastn I Smell crell edvltory 1n outer w1tera from Point Coneeo1<0n 10 Sen Clemente Island ano over In ner wate rs from Po1n 1 • Concepuon ro Newport Beech OVlf outer COHiii wller• from Poin t Conce ption 10 San Cllmente lstend northwest winds of 15 to 25 knots wnh S-to 8-1001 bl'* -Inner w11er1 from Point Conception 10 Newport Beec;f\ nor1hwMI wlnda II 12 to 20 knoll 11lernoon EIMwhere light end vlfll bl• winds -•erlY et 10 10 18 knots 1llernoon WHterly twelt 2 to 3 , .. , M ost!y clMr • sun111iary Tllunoerllorma conllnueo re Otimpett per11 of Utah H rty 1001> In the "''kl or a heavy storm Tue1d1y lhal brought lloodlng and mud.ilOea 10 northern eno e«1tial Plf1• of the a11te There were 1ca11ereo powe• out19H lhrouglloul Seit l eke County and 11141 Nllk>nll WHllllf Se rvice ln ueo • flash flooo warning for 1 uven·county ,.gloe1. WIO•ly 1c1ttereo 111ow1ra tPrMd over the Pacific Nor1hWHI encl lrom MIMllOll lo MINOUrl a.er •In favor.a Calllornll, Hend• and ""' eu t or 1111 Mlellllllppi RIYlf The. Na1Jonll Wellher SetviQe predicted t hll flln wou10 oomlnue In Mlnnesot1 ano acroet 1111 11or111ern Plaine. eaatern Motltana end nor1hem Coloraoo TM rain ..,,.. expecred to c~ to enow over cenlrel Monlen1 and Wyoming •no Into the Cemrel Rootllel Tll'llC*'•luree " midnight POT ri nged from 23 In Houlton. ~· 10 70 el Key WHt. Fla California Fair and cool rorecatt a1 78 Tlluraoay wttn Iowa 11 58 Cou111 1re1 IHghs may range from 711 10 84 w•ll• lows lrom 50 10 5 7 ano Ottereasong w'noa Owens I/alley l\1gn1 Thursoay TllurSOay w11n lows from 28 10 38 Htgha 1n northern oeserts may renge lrom 68 lo 78 with lows from 42 10 52 Sov1n.<n ~ ll!Qht -e forecast lrom 78 10 86 w11n lows from S4 to 62 T e 1f tpe rat 11 r P s NATION HI ~% Albany 62 Albuttuerque 71 0 Amarlllo 78 4S Anchorage 18 " Asllevllle 67 34 Atlante 75 39 Allan1oc C•ly 56 4S Austin 76 " B1111more 6S u 8'1hngs 62 u Birmingham 69 34 Bismarck 67 46 BOIN S9 48 Boston 54 "° Brownav•llo 84 ~ Buttalo 61 34 BurllrQlon 57 33 Cupe< 62 43 Charleston SC 68 so Cherleslon w v 80 19 c11111011e N C 67 " 64 36 Cheyenne Chlc6go 64 31 Clocinn111 85 31 C._,,.,enO 83 30 COlumbla. SC 70 411 Columbus 64 29 Oallat-FI Worth H 40 01yton 84 32 Oerwer 71 " Des Moin. 87 39 OetrOll 68 33 Duluth 64 " El P110 86 51 Flltbanke 03 -05 F11go 62 53 Flegttlft 52 37 Great F'11t 55 "° Hlftlord 80 311 Helene 49 35 Honolulu 84 70 Ho.lat on 1' 51 lndlan•l>Off• G4 28 Jachaon. MIH 73 31 .,.., -,' '. .... Fronts C'•O ~ Jacksonvlfltt Juneeu Kansai City Knoxville LU Vegas Liiiie Roell Lou1sv111e LubbOCk Memphis Miami MHw1ukee Mpls-St Peul N11hvllle New Orleans New Yori! NQ(fOll>. NOf1h Plane Oklehom• City Om ..... Ortanoo PhllaOl!lphla Pnoenlx PlllSbutgn POr11end. Me Portland. Ote PrOYIOenc;e Ral::Jll R1p1 C11y Reno RIChmono Sall Lake Sen Antonio SNllle Stir~ Sioux a111 St Loula SI Pele· Tampa SI Ste M111t 7' 42 40 38 67 39 63 30 76 6S 71 42 64 32 80 40 69 35 75 67 64 35 65 40 66 211 71 51 S7 45 59 48 68 45 73 " 66 45 75 '7 66 44 83 68 82 30 511 42 56 60 58 44 69 49 71 40 51 " es 47 Ill 42 77 44 52 49 70 31 83 48 64 33 7S 49 61 33 BU Rf RIPDRT -T~ .... ·-... ~ A .. .I I. .._ .. '""" Hun1::rion Piet 1·3 fl lalr 84 811111 n• llWtt Jell'f 2·3 h fllll ... 40th .,. NlwPOtl 2·3 " , .. , 84 2ano 111 Newpott 2·3" lalr·po<>r 84 8elboe Wedot 2n '"' es ·= Hollow 1-2 n fllf es T 9rooh 1•2 " l•lt ea ten CWnelll• ,.., 2·3 n fair ... Tr111aio-CT·ltreetl :1·311 ,.,, 14 Tomorrow Hloh ue1e dhctlon w .. t e 411 .a m.t Low ue1•· IHl"r.i M7S!.~i .a -- SnowQ Showersf!l] Flurt•tsE!J , . .,( .... Spellane 53 45 Syrac:u5e 60 35 Topeka 68 37 Tucson 85 56 Tulsa 14 <13 Watn1ng1on 68 43 W1ch1ta 73 St CALIFOlllNIA HI LI> Applt1 vaney 67 SS B11keishe10 7t 60 Bar slow 72 87 Be1umont C.11 :>:> B•o Beai 55 43 B<tllOP 61 46 Blyllle 80 67 Ce1111na 12 64 Culver City 71 63 Eureka 81 48 Freano 117 55 L1ncast11r 60 57 LOng Beech 72 68 Loa A~et 89 85 Monro e 72 113 Monlebello 1' 64 Monllfl)I 83 65 Mt Wiison 47 " NN<llet 70 68 Newp0f1 Be•ch 70 64 Oekland 85 66 Onll<IO 85 61 PHllClena 67 82 PHO Rol>lel 115 511 R1,..,lld11 82 81 RIO Bluff 64 44 Reowooo c11v 84 55 SICfamento G4 48 Sa11n3a 85 53 San ernerellno 83 Il l Sen Oebrle4 75 82 Sen ~ 73 H Si n F11nc1aco 84 55 San JON 84 49 8t nt1 Ana 711 82 Tide TOOAY 9econO low l 011 pm 22 Second high 6 42 pm 48 T"""t OAY 'lr1t 10w 115 a m 06 ~IOw 7 41 e m 4 t 1.42 p m 1 f ltCOnd hlgl1 7 25 p m • e 8un N it today 11 I 0$ P m • ri-ThlltlOl)I et 7 09 • m MOOf'I rl ... IOCllV 11 2 47 p m , "'' t hu<IO•y 11 2 02 a m 1111' 1'1•1!1.111 Tt11 u1 11n111l tl•it 11111'1 h11µ1 1'11111t1 h1u will ht uhlt· Ill 1 t•turn tu thl' wild, lhou~h tlll'y 11•.11 tl1t· filwrl(l.1s:> p11111llwi-is 11111(111 nµ oft w lw11 tlw l1114l tltVL'b 111111 tlw .,..,, 111 h1111t lis t. Yulll\J( 1x ·lwa11., 'Sh ow l11ll1· l1•a1 of ll\11111111' .111d 11flt•fl \A. ill Sil.Ill h ,, I 14•1• 1111':11 111 liv 1· :111l'h11v11·s 1111111 b.111t1111k'111 1 v1·n d1v1• .dtt•r l"'h1•11111•11's t·atth S111111·t11111·., 1111 turd' Ht'l IH111-(l•·d 111 l1 ... lt111j.( l1111•s .111d 1H'h 1'1·111 Jll p11p11lat111n' .d1111g t 111' ( '1dlf111111.1 111a!>t !i,1v1· 111•1•11 1111·11 .. 1:.111g l11ll11w1ng th1· liJll 111 1)11· 111.'hl11 uh l l l YI' 111 llw l',1rh• '70s, Yo1111H 11dd1•d Tiu Sl'olll h r111 lhj,: IM'ISllll Ill p1·11pl• 11•sp1111~ild1· 1111 th1 1nut1l:1111111' •~ l'Ont111l1t11g 111 llw 1>.111.1 1'111111 11.111>111 tit'"' Tl,.. ll S F u;h .rnd Wtldllfl' S1•1v111 · li;1s offl·n·d .i $!1,000 u •wJrd 1111 1 11 f 11 r Ill a l 111 r,1 It• iJCl t n ~ to l h 1 • l'Pll\lll'lltlll 11f a11y11n1 · Ill tlll' I ol!>l' AP Wlrepholo PiuoC'd l io t•••('O\ t_·ri ti~ Fuu1 pt-.•p lt· ... 11 .111111-tJ on u lift· 1,1(1 (111 1111111· 1li.rn :w rnln utr·' w ., •· 11•M'lH 11 Tut·>Ml.1" 1 VL·111n >( 111! 1ti1· 1·11.1i.1 "' 1 ... u1111 •• & ... d1 wh1lt· 1111'11 ph·a.,u11· 1·1 Jft bur tll'd .ind s.111k Ill .1 l1t1UI 'IO ft•t t 11f wa11•1 'J'h1 v1• .. -.t·I. ,, I.! 111111 ( Jl1111 11 Ul:.t•I fllll "' N1·WjMll I &· .. l·h . "T lw f111 y," 1·1 uplt d 111 flu111 1·i. <tl .1h11111 1; ·1:1 i> 111 11111ghh :mu v:1rcb 1111 i-:111 .. 1.dd H.1 \ 11111 lh of l .agu11.1 Ill "11 h Eug1·111 · M11l111.11 11, .1 N1·wp11r1 f)(.,l('h 1'1•.,.d1•11t ,1rnJ llWlll'J of l ht• h(1at told .1uth1111t11 ·' lw ;1rnl lr1' thn·c· 1or11p.11111111' 1111·d 111 l1gh1 h~l(·k 1h1· flumPs with fir<' ""'"'KU1:.h1•rs l1ul g;1v1 up .ih1•1 'l'V••r.11 l lllllllll· ... and "" CH~I I ll ... 1 ublx·r llfl· raft ANNEX H ELVE D • • Oth1·rs abo:1rd tl111 v<•ss(•I. 11·µortt·uly hc•11f1·d 1111111 "'""' 11111111 111 N1·wp111l ll.1rhw w1·n 1d1 ·111 If ll'c.I .r::. ,Jot-Mc·r 11·1 . :1i 111 lrv11ll', Jan111l' Md.>on;1ld , '27. ol S anta Ana , and M ... rv l<ll·1tht·rnw::., '24. 11f C<ll>t..t Mt·~. From Page A 1 u1nt111l Tu .. ~cl.1v ('1111111 11111.111 1>.1v1d Stll:. 111111·1·1 th.it th1• 1·1t\ ·, a11t1t•XUltOll :.ludy 1111:.l;1kl'11h i1·d '4111ll' Lt·1:.u1" W111 Id 111 ( w1.i1, to t ... J11•vt• th1• t'll\' 1111gh1 ti\ t11 ,1niwx lhl·1r n ·-.1d1·11t1.d .,. ·1 111111 .. lit· prom1:.t·d 1 h . .t t 111 11111111 ii lll'Vl'I' llltt·ndt'(I Ill do 'II But hl' add1·d '\\'1 p rol1.1hh ... huuldn't bt.· '>p.1rk 111g .111y 1111111· rumor~" In anothl'r 111.itlt 1 • 1111111 ii Ill l' m b t.' r s a I :. u ,1 ., k 1 • cl ;, r t· p r 1 ·:. t' n 1 a l "" • 11 f I r v 1111 Mt•aduws ;1111ph1tlwJ1t·1 to sulmul a wri llt•11 propo,a I 1·x pl.11ning rt•t'l•nt propos.ils t 11 '>l'il lht· outduor thl'.tll'r 111lh•·11tv. wh1d1 Tiger traine r in seclus ion afte r m a uling A 11 1 m a I t r a 1 n 1• r .J 11 h 11 t'amtJrtlongo h.<s g11111• 111l11 s1'l·lu ... 11.m . '>hakt·n bv tlw tlll ldl·111 .It L11111 Countn Safan whl'11 11111' of h1:. u~wrs brokt· fr11111 a l·ag• .ind lllJUr(-<l il 2 y t"<ff old hoy. ,1 ::.pokt•!>man fw tlw 11,11n1·1 -.<11d todav "rt(• a nd his fJmtlv .in• Vl'r' very conct•rnt•d ttl)out wh~I hap pt.-n ed a nd Cor tht.• w elfare ol the boy." ~1d Chul'k Olgolnwk the trainer's Sant.a Ro:..i attornl'\ A n t h o n y S t o p a n 1 • w h." suffcn.-d a skull frac1ur11 dnd .1 laceration to his l1·g wtwn attacked by tht• S1bt•r1an ugt·r during a s how l..u.t S<1turdav. " lisled 1n i>l'rious bu t st:~bl1· c·11nd1t1on t odav at M1s'ot11n Community Hospluil. Off1c1als al tht• M1~'1(Jn Vw.10 hosp1t<tl said lh<' youngster Crum Up lan d 1s alert.· "how111g good v11a l signs and watC'h1n~ t£'lev1s1on Su r geons spen t f1vl' hours w o r k ing on thl' boy Jfler tht• tiger escaped from a Cenl't.•d t•ompound during a show and larncd the 4!-v<'ar-old a short dtstanC<.' by his -h('ad I 11ll Id 11 tt•ll 11 •"' I hi' JJlllJll'I \ \. li.11 k l\l.1.v111 Leirr)-Ag1 a11 :.111cl 11m·1· 1111 v. nltt·n p1opns.il '' 111 h.111d , llllllll d 1111·n1li1·r!> will t 1111:>1111·1 li11w 111 solt1·1t ~111 111d1•p1•ncll'11I l111.11H 1.d ... 1udv to d1 ·l1·11111111 \\ lrt•lhi·I' lht· .11·1:111g1•1ill'l1I .,..•11uld l11111 ·l1l h11Lh Lht· lllV .il\d .<lllllhllht'.tlf'I HWIH'I ), l\lo't 111L1n< ii 1111•nil11 rs s.11d tllt'y \Ao('lt' fl·1 •1 \' oJ th1• JllOllllS.d l>1.'(',1U"t' ol .1d1Jt·d I l'SfJflll'lllllitll'' .. 1,1tkl'll 1111 tht· ut\ But th• v .q1pt·~1 1 t•d wllh11g tu go alung Wl\h th1 'l\Jd\ .1s long,,, 1111• .1111 ph1tl11· .. 1c I f lll<•lll l'<.i IL Au UrJllgl' Count\ Slu·nff'., l1arb11r P<J trol :.pokcsman !laid -..1·v1·1 al pt•opll' n ·port.t•<l s••ein g I Ill' 1Jur11111g boJI <ind CJlll' man 1•vt•11 lnt·d to :.w1m 11u1 lu .tht· • ·ra f 1 Bv tht• l irr1t· tht• C•1tt't Guard l'Llllt·r P111111 1>1v1dt· ;irrivt•d on 1 ht· s.t'l·nt·. tht· 1·ab1n 11 UJSl.•r was t• n g u I { t• d I n r Id Ill •• ~ l h l.' ., p11k< .,ni<i n s.ml l t \\ .i:. an1Jt h1·1 hJlf hour bt·fon· rc•:.t:uers wt·rt· ablt· tu loc:atl' lht· lrfl· rah off Ahulom· Pu1111 Tht· ownt•r rq:i<il'll•c.lly told · .1uth1111t1l's hi:. b1>;.,t h<id bt·en h,1v1ng Ir ;i11sn11.,!.11111 problt·ms. 3 school choirs • • to sing Ill Irvine Thl' combin C'd t•h<J1r:. of lrv111P Hq~h School ci111t Lak1•s1dC' and Vl•nado m1ddlt• M.'hoob \\ 111 p<>rform in a frt'<' 1·um1·rt Tut·sday at 7 pm .11 L<.tkl·s1de Tlw th1 l'f' s1ng1ng group:> will Ix .1ot11l-<l by thl· In·111t· 11 r g h S t h o o l 0 r c· h l' :-. t r .i • d1n-t tt·d by S tan Steele. •Pat Boone 1s !>{'ht.Jult'<.1 .i:. ft·a t ured s p C'Hkl·r fur un 111augural Prayt•r Bn·;ikfnst :.pllnsored by thP l rvint• Exl·hange C lu b Tuc'Sday. Nnv 2:!. ell the A1rportt'r Inn Thl· h igh ~l'hool t:hOll' IS d r rt < t t · d b ' R i c b a rd M e ssenger, Lak1.·s1dt0 s by S usa n R as kulln e c z and \\·n .. du's by R o b in Herve). J ac k Vau g hn , 1h1.· dts lri<:t's n111rd1ndtor ol fuw arls will 111.· g11c~t l'oni.Ju1111r I. ,1 k I' !<. I d t· I ~ .l I :1 Lt·mrmgra .... .., Ill \,\'111.Kibn<lg<" 1., 11l1lJ1t\l'U fut till' l'Vt'nt bv l«1ll1ng a 'lub r1•pn.·st.·nta11v(. ,1t 7:!0-2'!:!5 . ...c11c.J Prc•s 1dC'nt R a lph Ro dbe im. ThP lrv1nl' C1tv Coum·il has dl·clared No\·c·mber as "Ont• Nation Und1•r God M ont h " in the l'I t \' Shop Early for Christmas I Save WEIR-EVER CAN HANDLER CO NAIR ll1lr ll1wtr /lryer lSOO WATT PORTABLE ELECTRIC CAN OPENER $19.88 $19.88 ATTACHMENTS INCLUDED Ecologizer 2000 Air Treatment Srstem WEIR-EYER Popcorn Pumper REMOVES ODORS, DUST, AND POLLENS BAROMETER ,.~r., INCLUOING1 THERMOMITfR ANO HUMIDITY GUIDE Bran ln1hvm•nh O n Wood $18.88 0 119' QOOd Thru 1II1182 Limited To Supply On Hend 11 7305 Malr.H Popcorn U1in9 Hot Alt ln1tead of Oil FIRIERWIRE 12-Cup Automatic ..... , ....... , PERCOUTOR $42.88 Free Gift Wrapping Except On Sale Items more than you expect In a hardware store CROW• HARDWARE EJ MSA· W ... dff 17ftl 81. 11 lrvtne, Newport BMctl. ~2· 1133 ...,_ View Si n Miguel Df'. at San Jeoquln, ~ hlleh, M+1$70 CeteN 4lel IW 3107 !. Coeat Hwy .. 173-2.00 ~ .... Sanll An• Canyon Rd ... , 1"'99'1al Hwy., tt8·5H2 > , I Dally Piiat WCONESDAV, Q(;f 'n, UH:l2 CAVALCADE 62 ENTERTAINMENT 64 COMICS 85 THICOllTANDTHICDUITY llri l 11i11 ",.; Alist uir l:ookt• lt•lls wliy lu· ,,,.,.f,•rs wutt·hi111{ A nu•ric1111 1t•lt•visio11 011 PuJ,:f:' U6. 0 I 0 Warnings for Halloween are more urgent • • • Halluwt•t>n ort<'n has bt•t•11 more t1•1ek than trc.>ut to pohl'\'. homeowners and parents who fear pranks and hursl•play will get out or hand. .md J.(ohl111:. who will ht•J.( tn•.1L' dour tu duol t )t l 'I l g1JVl'rnrrw111 uff ll'lllls to µu n ·n L~ of "' hool-agt· t•hildren Vl'IH', ht• :U:lllJ "I would try tu tl1-.c:oura~1· 11 Ctn1·k 111 111•.11111g)." ... ml C.1pt .l11t111 B1·dd11w 11f Llw F11u11t,1111 Vullt•y )'olll'1· l>1•part11ll'nl "·It\ J<Angt•rou:. 1·v1·1 v y1·111 and the-. yc·ur 11':. g11111g tu lw 1·v1·11 m1111• '41, .. ht· .... Jld 11•solut11111 1s11'1 g11111g to 11111µ Jll'Clpl•· Thu 1 Spt'<.'h•1 1:. t·1111:.1dt·1 • ·d '" hutu1d u u :. t1y :-01111• that Hallowt't.'ll hu:. l~· .. 11 l11111111•d a11cl tnc·k ,,,. tn•ut111g 1111 b1dclt•n 111 t~rwm part!. uf tht• t•uuntry "If tlll'fl• ,11 t· 111·11pl1• who wu11't 'Upt•I VISI' lht•IJ" l'f1eld1 l 'll lhl:, llallowt·l'n, aft1·1 all that '!> happ1•J\pJ, th1•n th1•y '11· mS<Jm•" B ut thi s H al l owe(·n 1s different ThtS year, the threat of al ready occurring ··copyt·at" poisonings, fashiont>d after thl• Tyle nol killing11. and othe r twisted v1olenc:e hangs like a reaJ-li(e specter over tht· ghouls Although OrJni.w County will not go so for .1!> tu u ff1l'lally r l':nril·t younl(s ll•r s this Halluwl't'n. strung wan11ng-. an• ~·ing 1ssutod by t•uunty polt<'t' .111J Thi• C11:.La Mt·~ and Nt•wpurt fk·ad1 ptllil't' will )O&ntly ISSUl' •• h-lll'I to par1•1Hs uf l'hlldre11 111 I h t • N • · w po rt -M l's a S d1 u 11 I IJ1:.tr11:t d1•taillng saft·ty llpi. anti lllStrUl't lOn:., :.aid orr1t'l'r Phil Hartman of Costa Mt'sa As tht· letlt.'r states, some> of tht• 111akt·- bt·liev1• horrors of 1 lallowt>t•n i.ll'l' unfortunutt·ly all too real the:. "The wi.1r11111g 1:-. a W)IKI or11., .. su1c.I Brun· Nt·stand1" d1d1rma11 ul the Urangt· County OcJi.irJ of Su~rv1son. "But 11u1 µ.issmg ,, If pan·nt:. d1 .. ·Hlt· to ll•l tlw1r 1 h1ltln·11 tn(·k ot ll 1·.11. th1·n· Jn• u ft·w b!l.l>ll' s:.ifl'ty rule-:-. wh1<h l'aJI bt• fullowl'd to n •du1 ·1• the n sk of hazards, aC't·ordmg to h1•alth and :><.ifrty OCfil0Wb. • • • hut costumes, apple-hobbing still scheduled With the ghoulish a nd giggly Pve of Hallow<.'t'n arriving this weekend. St'Vt'ral Orange Coast organ1zat1ons hav l• scheduled famtly-or1l'ntcd ac·t1v111es to capture its spir it Key events are hsted here' by nty IRVINE: Turtll· Rol'k Community Park will host "The Ghostly Affair and Carnival" from 6 to 10 pm. Saturday The festivities will indude l'OStumC' and pumpkrn drawing contests. a cake walk, game a nd food boot hs. a fortunC'-telling service and a goblin shoot. Adrrnss1on 1s free; games will cost 20 c:ents each. -Santiago Hills Elementary Sl'hool will hold its annual carnival from 11 a.m to 4 p.m. Saturday at 29 Christamon West in Northwood. Highlight will bt.• a I p.m parade for participants in <·osturn('!>. including preschoolers. Wmn('l'S with thl· best costumes will be awarded prizes. The free carn ival will inc lude a haunted house built by sixth graders. who will use proceeds to help fund their outdoor education program, said Pauline Embree, c hairwoman of the event. sponsored by the school's Part•nt-Teacher Organization. Photograph!> uf t1 1l'k-or-tn·att•r.. will Ix· uffen'CI fur $1 t'al'h U111v1·rs1ty Pack ~leml•nwry St:hool will bt· r1p<.•11 from 9 am Lu :1 pm Saturday r,1r 11.S Pumpkin ~ <•suval :.ind Carn1vi.1l .11 Sandhurg Way and M1ch<·lson Unvt• A nl·W f P<itUrl· will bt· a p1t'-l'Ullng 1:hal1Png<• among four t•ll•m1•11lary S<.·houl prml'I pa b The annual ft·.,,L1val also will mdude a hauntl'd huusl', goldfish toss a nd p1t·k- pock1:t game" si.11J Chairwoman Gail Kahn. Cus tunws ar,• l'ncouragt•d and there I!> no adm1s. ... w11 floe, Shl· smd FOUNTAIN VALLEY: P4trt1t·1pants ar<' mv1ttod lo bring their own pumpkin for a jack-o' -lantC'm carving 1.·ontt•st during thl• "Monstt•r Mash" at tht• city's Hc'<.'rcallon Center, 16400 Brookhurst S t Also planned for l'hildren 12 years old and younger at the I pm Saturday event a re a rostume conlcst and parndc." dant.'<· competll1on and Hallowft'n games. For more information. call 839-861 1 -A costume parade will be the ftnale of the Halloween Carnival hosted by the Boys Club of Fountain Valley at 9840 Ta I be rt A v c . r r o m fi to 9 :HJ p m Saturday. Boys, girls and parents a1·t• 1nv1tt>d to JOin tht• fun at I 0-l·ent midway gamt• booths, a moon bounl't.', and l'Olll'es.<;100:. selling popcorn. hot dogs and drinks Phone 968-1635 for deuiil'i. · HUNTINGTON BEACH: Pro<·t·eds from a HalJoween t'OStume party at 8 pm Saturday at Huntington Cent<.·r mall will go for equipment for paramedics. Thl' $1 5 tickets can be purchased at tht> door or from thl' sponsoring Huntington Beach- Fountatn Valley Board of Rt•:tltors. 8!01 Slater AVl'., or from any R<:altor CORONA DEL MAR: Appll· dunking and all the traditio nal fun wilt at'(:ompany a <'OStume t-ontl·st from noon to 4 pm Saturday at thl' Commumty Youth Center, Firth Stn•N and Iris AvenUl'. For details. phone 644-7606 LAGUNA BEACH: The public 1:. 1 n v 1 t <· d 1 n l ' o s t u m e Io EI M or r o Elementarv School's annual Boo Blast from 2 to i p.m. Saturday on the campus at 8681 Coast Highway. Re flections on the weather Prut·<•1•d!> from th1· 1:, ganu· l>uoths. food booths, t·akl• walk. D1s rn ·y films, puny ndt•s and moo11 bour1t·1· will go tu PTA proJl't'l!. COSTA MESA: Youngst1·r!> 12 and yuungt•r are 111v1t4..·d tu th\• "Mun:.t1·1 Manie Gras" at noon SunJuy at tlw Ci.iniuwl Court in South C1.iast Pl<.1za Parl1l'1panl!. <'illl r<'bfJSU·r at tht· door for thl' four rntt·gorit•!> of <:ostume juJgmg w1tc ht·s and ghosts, nostalgia. spact• rnvadNs and gobbll--d<•-gouk Phonl· 75 4-5300 fur dc:t<uls For the first time in nim• year.. the· March uf 01mt•s of Orang(• County will not host ;1 haunwd house this Hallc>Wl'l'll Unabll' lo rind a new lot•iJllCm for th<· popular (und-ralSl'r aflt'r lh<' rl•gular building at tht• Orungc C o unt y Fairgroundc; was k•ased, 0H1t·1als had to abandon plans to rt•peat the ghoulish fun In thl' past Mar<:h of D1rll('s vulunt('(·r.. ra&'Ci about $6,000 at hauntl-d houses tu help handicapped youngsters and support resean:h programs o you washed your car yesterday a nd the n raindrop s platte re d it. T h ink of how Bob Falk and hi son Jim must have (elt. They had just washed the windows on Douglas Plaza in Irvine. Each 10-story "drop" takes I hour and I 0 minutes. Et>pt•l·1ally thtS Yt.'<tr, lll'Vt·r· lt·L u t·h1ld eat any trcat.s tx•fun.• b11ng1ng tht•rn hum<.· f o r 1 n s p 1· l' t 1 o n . T h r o w a w a y u nythmg tha t IS not IH:curl'ly wrapp(·d fruit, homt.•mude l'UOk1es and c:andy or anything thi.it tonks like 11 may have lx.'t'n tamp1:n·d with. R eport any susp1c:mus a<·tivity or treats to thl• polict' to avoid possible hazards to uthl•rs Do not ll't t·htldren lnc:k or trt-at without adult superv1s1on and make sure tht•y go m grouvs of two or rnorc . Vis it only famihar homes or m•1ghborhoods Avoid loosl'-f1tting, long t'OStuml'S that can be tripped OVl'r easily. Avoid dark costumes, or put rl'flective paint or tape on them and on l'andy sacks so youngs t ers will be seen by dnvPrs. Wat.ch out for masks that may obS(.'Ure a child 's vision. -Make sure all parts of costumt'S, including beards and wig!>, are fl ame-proofed. The Costa Mesa Police Department has a formula for a fire-proofing liquid parents can make and <ippl y themselves. Call 754-5J:l0 for mun• information Never allow children access to lighted candles or torches and USl' a flashlight rather than a c:a nd l e to 1Jlum1nat e J<lek-o'lanterns. Homeowners should make sure their front e ntrances are well-lighted and easily a(l(.-essible. Motorists should slow down and use extra caution. especially in residential areas. Today's Teddy's birthday, and he can hardly bear it .. By KAREN E. KLEIN ()('the DellJ ""°' ..... Lining toy store shelves for Christmas season, right beside E.T. and Pac-man, ·will be a familiar, fuzzy standard. There's nothing revolutionary or supernatural about him -JUst a combination of button eyes, a felt smile a nd a hard. black nose. Just a teddy bear, one of the most popular toys in history, hiding be hind that innocent. cuddly exterior. The teddy has a birthday of sorts today. Actually. Oct. 27 is not really the bear's birthday, but the 124th anniversary of the birth of the man who made him famous -Tedd9' Roosevelt. the 26th president of the United St.ates. Today's date uted to be celebrated as Navy Day, because of Roo9evelt's association with the Navy, unUl the military was unified and Navy Day went by the wayside, said Nelson Woodard, a hiltory profeseor at California St.ate University, Fu1ler1on. Then. teddy bear lovers and collectors eveeywhere began celebrating on the 28th because J\ooM!velt himaelf inadvertently started the whole teddy bear craze. It wu in November 1902 when Romevclt went on the bear hunt in Ml.ssi.ippl that led \0 the concept of a teddy bear, Woodard Nld. Apparently Rooeevelt wu having an off day -not -..al for the preaident, who wu an avid bunter despite hi• b e!.l ef In scientific can.rvau.n. Aa fate would have it, one of Rooeevelt'a aides trapped • 1.0Wll btiar near th camp •t Smed4!9, Ma.,, and brou~ht It In \0 camp for Rooeevelt to kill so he could save foce with the press entourage accompanying him on the hunt. But the president took pity on the cub - probably a black bear , Woodard s~ld -and re fused to shoot it. The next da)', Washington Post cartoonist Clifford Berryman, who was witn tne president on the hunt, ran a cartoon in the paper about the incident. Berryman's cartoon showed Roosevelt sparing the young bear's life. and from that time on, the bear cub became increasingly popular -from the original cartoon, which was reprinted thousands of millions of times, to the toy, which soon replaced the woolly lamb as a child's favorite playmate . Roosevelt never liked being called "Teddy," Woodard said, but the nickname stuck and got attached tn the bear, a symbol that became very useful as a poUtlcal tool for Roosevelt. At Republican conventions, the teddy bear was the standard decoration, surpassing even the American eagle. The teddy bear was popularized in prose, verse, poet.card.a and almoet every k ind of varlatlon Imaginable: but th<' longcst· lasUng version was the toy teddy bear. which h as only increased in popularity as the yean have paseed. Celcbr~tlons which occurred last weekend and wlll take p1-ee today will be sponaored by beet collectora, beer lovera and peoRle !oven. like the "Good Seara of the World, a club that promo\tl good will t o c hildren and love, frtendahlp and undcratandlng between all llfl8· The Good Bean I• a non-profit oraanlutlon which donatel \.eddy bean \0 children who are ln .. hospitals or can't afford to buy teddy bears of their own. The group, foundt;'<i by Jim Ownby in 1973, has a membership of around 1.300 nationwide, att0rding to Mary Harbold, Ownby's co-worker. The group estimates that more than half of the American public owned a teddy bear at one time or another during their childhoods. Other bear groups will celebarate the furry creature's birthday -like collector and bear fancier Janee Lutticken McK inney. a former Orange Coast resident who moved to Los Gatos, Calif. and opened the first all-bear shop In the world sev~n years ago. Her shop. "Bears In the Wood," features thousands of bears Crom all over the w orld, McKinney said. She has bear accessories for almost any occasiol') and bears tha\ range In price from ~O cents to $700, "After at.amDS and coina, teddy-bear collecUng ls the third largest adult hobby In the United Stat.cs." she said. Loca lly, the Chlldrens Hoepltal of Orange County will celebrate the day with a party lull ot famous bean like Lhe hospital's maJCOt, CHOCO, "Bear Country Jamboree" characters from Disney land, Winnie the Pooh &nd Smokey the Bear. The teddy bear 11 likely \0 be around long after E.T. fades and Pac·man la gobbk!d, up br, anoLher fad. "ClU1ic thlnp keep com1n1 back. ' Woodard Nid, and it lookJ like &.he teddy will be ll'OUnd tor a Iona urne. C..,fll._ ...... ..,-....,,,www , . t ' •' .. ' ,, .. l t ~ l ' \ ~ ' ' \ ' ~ _, ~ . . . • DIANCI l:IAIT CllTA 1111 110111 WEDNESDAY . OCl Ol:ll H JI l '.111~ ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Four flee burning boat, saved off Laguna Four pt'Oplt• strandl.J on u lift• raft for mun• than 30 minutl•S were rescut'Cl Tut-sday 1.'Vl'nm~ orr the l'OOSl uf Laguna &•;lt'h whale their pleasure craft burnt'l.J and sank in ubout YO foct o f water The ves!H'I , u -1 2-foot n 1bm 1'1'u1sc•1 uut 11( Nc·wport H1•iH'h, "Tlw Fury," \'rtlfllt'<I 111 rl1111ll's .11 uboul Ii -1 5 JI Ill rnuutllv :wu yardl> oll Enlt'r.ild B.1\. 1111rth 111 Laguna &•ad1 Eug1 •rw M11l111ar11, 11 N1·w p 111 l &•ut·h rt-s1dl·111 1111d 11Wlll'r o l t ltt• boat, told 11uthurit11.•i. hl' and hts Newport-Mesa teachers given 3 percent raise Trustees of the Newport-McS<l Unified Sl'hool Distrat·\ h ave approved .a 3 pe rcent s alary increase Cur tht.' distrtC't's 800 teachers The way for board aeuon on the increase was cleared a ft1.•r a California TcaL:hers ASS0(•1at1on affiliate withdrew a <:ha llcng(' to t h e o r gan1zat 1o n c urn•ntly representing the mstructon. T he 3 perct>nl pay increase will be retroactive to July l. Teacher salaries will now rang1.' from a low o f $14,01 5 to a high of $30.154 yearly Trustees had postponed al'tton o n adopting a n ew sa lary sch edule whil e awa1t1ng resolution of the CTA-backed chulll'ngt• tu thl' AJo'L ·CIO group now rcprC'senttng th{' t<'ach1•rs On Sept 10, tht• CTA afftlwll'. th{' Nl'W port -Mt•sa Educatio n As.'l<X.'latC'S, ftlt><J pap<.•r:. With thl• Publk Employt'<'S Rl'la tro ns Board. seeking to dl'(.'Crtify tlw Af'L-CIO affiltalt', the Newport Ml'sa Federauon of Tc·aL·hcrs. a:. the ans truc·t or~· b.irga1n1ng organaza lion. Tl•at'hC'l's had hl'l•n n•prt'Sl•ntl'Cl bv !ht> CTA-afftlullc· until IY7Y. when they decided to aC<.·eµt a AFL-CIO-based n •presentation 1n salary talks wath lht• distnt·t. Fran Kre1ltng, a spokesman for the-state board. said th<' CTA aff11ta ted group failed by onlv a (See TEACHERS, Page A21 Viejo decapitation suspect arraigned Cody Leo Schreiber, held on s uspicion of the decapita t ion murder of a Mission Viejo man earlier this month. has pleaded innocent to the slaying . The bespectacled 29-year-old su s pect , who escaped from a M ontana state mental hospital five years ago, wherf' he was sent for the murder of a cab driver . was arraigned in South Orange Cou nty Mun1c1pal Court 1n Laguna Niguel this mornin~ He is charged with the murder of Dennis Shubert. 24. of M1ss1on Viejo. whose headless body was found in a shallow grave in the back yard o f his Via Guardax home Oct. 16. The vicum's head was found buried about a quarter m ile from t he h ome w hich he shared with Schreiber. Ramon Ortiz. the public defend e r wh o s p o k e on Schreiber's behalf. en tered the innocen t plea before Judge Blair Barnette. Judge Bamett.e set a pretnal h earing fo r Nov . 5 and a preliminary heanng Nov 16 to determ ine 1{ S chreiber should stand tr ial in O range County S uperior Court. He also ruled that Schreiber w ill remain in Orange County Jail without bail. Schreiber was arrested as he stepped off a bus an Sacramen to Oct. 16, but the news of his arrest was kept from the press. and apparently. the public defender. for three days. T hat circumstance prompted the public defende r to raise the 0911J ,._. l'Mto Cody Leo Schre ibe r question as t o whether Schre1ber's nghts were violated Ou tside the courtroom, Ortiz said law enforcement officers "pu rposely gave news to the press that Schreiber was stall outstanding and not a suspect in the case." !See SUSPECT, Page A2) Newport election By STEVE MARBLE oc111e o.-, ,.... at.ff It's election season in Newport Beach and a ll the d ignity and restraint of city government has been pUBhed aside for al'loth er high-stakes polit.lcal shootout. In the tradition of past City Council races. the election has been punctua ted with mud- slinging, five-figu re spend ing sprees a nd a renew al of the growth/no-growth debate. Four of the aevc-n council teats will be filled Nov. 2 and in the· waning days of the contest, mon' than $110.000 has been spent by the nine candidates wooing the voter. Candidates run m districts but are elected on a citywide vot.e. The most expensive contest 1s between Mayor Jackie Heather a nd challenger David Grant, an a t torney who has spent nearly double the $22,000 that Heathe r has raised. ----lllDEI--- Al Your Service Busine9fl Cavalcade aa.tlied Comics era.word Deeth Notices Editorial Entert.airnMnt Food Hor09C0pe ( A6 A8 82 05.9 85 85 ~ • AlO 84 C l -12 82 Ann Landers 82 Movies B4 Mutual Funds A8 NatJonal Newt AJ Public Notkea A8,83,B7·U » SporU 01-6 Stock Marketa A9 Televlaion 86 ThNten' &f W~ath~r A2 thrt"t· <~11npuniu1u. trwd to fagltt h1.1t•k tht• fldlll\'S With fit't• 1•>.t1ngu1slll'1'!< but ~av1• up .tf1t•1 st•veral rnanutt•s uruJ st•t uut In J rubb<.•r hfc· n1ft Otht•r s aho11rd th1• v1•i;s1•I , rt• portNJI y lwudt•d r 1'0111 Da IHI Pciint tcJ Nt·wport llarhor, w1·n • 1cl1•11tr (u-d 11s J11t• Mt·n•1·1', :t:!, cit 11 Vlllt'. J .1111rn· Mt 1>1111ald, 'J.7, •1f s .J II t .1 A II .1 •• II d M II I' y Kl1•1tl\l·rmc·'· :N . 111 C11-,lJ M1·s;1 An Orn111o11· <.'11u11tv Sh1·1·1f f's I L11 l1or Pali 111 'p11kc·s111a11 suHl St'Vl'l'(jl pc•oplt· f'C'fJUI lt'{J M't'lllj.( tlw liurn111g h11o1t ;rnd 0111• m:111 1·v1•11 trac·d t•I SWl111 Olli Ill th\• I I ,if I By th.,-lllllt• th<.· l'uasl (;uard 1·uttt•1 Point 1>1v1d1· 11111v1.'d on the· S('t'nt'. th1· 1·ab111 t'l'Utitt•r was 1 · , 1 g u 1 1 , • d 1 11 f 1 11 "1 , . s , 1 h 1· spnkt·,mun smd I t was a 11 o th1•r hillf hour lwfore rt'Kl'Ul'rH wc11• uhll• to l11t·ate tht• llf<. raft ofr AIJulcm1: Pwnt Th<.• owm·r rt-porlt-dly told a uthorat1C's his bout had bct-n havan1ie transm1i.s1on probl<.·mi.. but the l'UUS(' of th<· fire was not 11nmediatc·ly known HN o . I " Ar<'ht•r wavt•s l o Laguna motorists in his ro le as the city's ru •w g rN•te r . H I saw a vaca n c y a n d I fille d it,'• he expla in . He's 'No. 1,' but only No. 2 greeter By STEVE MITCHE LL Of the Dettr Piiot SI•" H~':. called The New tirL'Cter. Identtl'al twms That was the last thing Mr and Mrs. Not by everybody he greets. mind you Some of them call him unprintable naml'S. Others point a t ham wtth a finger that does not signify "No. I " To his credit, No. l does not appear to be homing rn on the old Dane's populanty "I'm no t trying to portray something I'm not," the bearded new greeter says Archer l'xpcc ted wh1·n tht• boys wen· born 51 years ago an Cottonwood. Tex. As a rl·sult, has hasttlv stT1bbll'CI birth certtfac·atl· reads. "No I u·nnamed Ar<:her " But No 1 JU:.t laughs and shouts,"! low you," to his motoring antagonists "But us far a s walking the path he (Lars<'n) walkl'CI and fiU mg a tradnion -I saw a vat•ancy. I fail ed 1t, and r find 1t fulfilling " No I':. brothl'r, •h you m ight h ave guessed. w as dutifully ltslC'd J S "No 2 UnnamN.I Archer" No 1 still goes by what's on lhl' birth certtf!catl'. even tho ugh his parl'nts eventually got around to gavmg the twms more ronv1.•nt1onal first names You St'<', No I "gets h is energy" from the smiles he puts on peoples' faces Thl' ones going to work an the morning Thi' ones Laking thl' kids to school. The ones stUl'k in blcx:ks-long traffic jams. "No ont>l> hired me•, no one pays me a salary I work for everybody.'' he says. smiling through a pair of mas.sing front teeth. And tht• rC'Spons<• to date' has been good. No 1 says But an ~1guna &'adl, No l has acquired a new name as ht> st;;inds on the sidewalk. waving and pointing to passing motorists and perpl1.'X<'d ped£·str1ans But, let's fan.· at. Eiler Larsen he's not. Tht• original Greeter. who died seven y<•a rs ago. w as tx•loved by Lagunans and v1s11ors who lookl'CI forward to has hearty "llalloooo How Arrrrreeee Yoooo," for more· than threr decades on Laguna's Slr<'I.'~ "It's tht' most rewarding thing l'Vl' ever done," he says He descn bcs has street ministry as sort of a "time out" for molonsL'\. tSee GREETER. Page A2) AirCal's Clifford seeking new A 1 r C J I P r rs 1 d c· n t R o b c rt Cl.afford, to leave has posl with the Newport Beach·baS<'d earner Dec. l, said he wall pursue a new carc•e r o utside the-a i rli n e industry Clifford. 6 1. as a tornwr U.S . Aar Foret• pilot who camr to the fledglrng a1 rltne m 1968 and was n a med president a nd c hie f e xecuuvc thr<'c years latt>r. He announcl-.d his rt>Sagnation Tuesday. ll•ss than a wet>k after AirCal unv<>tled plans for a major ro ute r e::d1gnmenl leaving markeL'! m Las Vegas, Phoenix, F rc·sno and Monte r<>y. while adding flights to e ight o ther dcstmauons In another cost<utting move, the air line wall lay n (f :l09 employees befon' the end of the' year including 2Y pilots Gen. William Lyon. chairman of thC' board and ro-own<'r. will take over as prcstdt>nl Cli ffo rd said h e h as be en pointing toward rPl1rcment for a yC'ar a nd hi s d ecis i o n i s rndcpendenl of th<• r~-ent mc>Ve8 at A1rCal He-wall con1tnu1• 10 work as ti consultant f o r the airl in e, working an gove r nment and p o litica l circles. He said he intends to start a new career m a non-aviation fie ld but. at th(' moment . is und ecided on specifics "I thank the taming 1s nght," Cliff ord sa id 1n a telepho ne interview "We'rt' going through a ma1or ch ange in o ur routC' S<"hC'dule. building an strength and pointing toward profitability It's a good time to pass on the rems" Lyon. 59. began has aviation career career with Frontier Airlines and n:-cenlly complNed a four-year term as chief of the Aar Force Res<'rves. Lyon also heads the William L yon Co .. ont' of the largest residential home builders in Cahfornia Clafford . a San Clemen te resident, previously was a pilot with Northwest Airlines and is active in numerous civic a nd government organizations. AJrCal 1s an interstate earner that has a fleet of Boeing 737s and OC-9 Super 80s. gloves off and pocketbooks open At 52, Heather is a Caty Hall veleran Sht> was elected to the council an 1978. selected mayor m 1980 and has served on both the city planning commission and the n ow -d e fun c t South Coast Regional Coastal Comm ission. Her campaign strategy has been to highlight the positive things that have happ<'ned in the city during her stint as mayor and to indirectly brush off G rant ns a "no-growth. tu1ti -busincsi;" candidate. "Tht' city needs t•xpt'r lence right now," sh<' nott-d during a rec-ent i11lervlew. "My opponent is very green . HI' doesn't have the experience or the-accca." that I have " S he Hid that Grant has a potcntlol con fllct of Interest In his rela tlon1 hlp with the Committc(> o f 4 000, t h e gro u p of homc>owne rs who arf' fla htlng th Irvine C.Om p0ny 1.>ver annual leue Ceca th y mus t pay. Orant. 3~. II a ee.nlor partner In a Newport Beach law firm and has spent morl' than $43.000 trying to gel the name-1dentaty he needs to unseat Heather Grant sa id a p o l l h<• commiss ao n <'d s howed thot H ea the r h a s bette r n ame recognition an Newport Beach than Tom Bradley does in Los Angeles. He added that the poll does no t indicate how much of I leather's recognition is positive. "I think In the last couplt' of years she's been going downhill in dealing with cltir.cns," Grant charged. "Shl''s ou t of touch and has s how n a l ac k o f professionalism an how she goes about gC'lti ng things done." Grant Is not defensive about h is r clallonsh lp with thl' Committee of 4000 He said he did legal w ork {or the group, l ivt's on I rvan(' Com pan y lt-asehold land him.elf and did UM' the commitlet' me mbership aa a s pri ngboa rd f o r hi t campaign. "~u that It not • JCOV ~nt ' issue. It is a legal issue and it ('ertainly won't color my thinking in dealin g wi th the Irvine Company. I am unbiased toward the Irvine Company." Though they may max w ords. Heath e r a nd G r a nt are not dramaUcally apar t on issues such as the airport. growth and traftic -the staples of the election. H eath e r vo t ed fo r t h e controvers ial Ba nning Ra nch development and, In retrospect. 8'\ld the approved plan was ar e xcellent comprom.IM. She doet share 10me concem w ith othe n that developer WllJJam Bannina s h o uld a l ve citize n s s omt indication what he in\endl to de with the remaining 425 acres of his re.nch. G ra nt does n o t favor the a ppro ve d plan but sa id t he present sonlna on the land - four dweWna u.nJ\I ~r tcre -la unfair to developer Barlnlna· In maklnt he r pitch for te· eJectto n , Heather hH poin ted conat~tly lo the t4 mlJllon • clean up in the Upper Newport Bay, th <' construction o f the Newpor t Bay bridge a nd th e city's legal v ictor y over t h e operators of John Wayne Airport as some or her achievements. Grant's response is that her administration has also been hit by t w o re f e r e nd ums. a n indication, he said, that things In City Hall all aren't going 90 well. Although some candidates have talked private ly about Heather's recent s troke, Grar\t said he has gone out or h is way not to dwell on the may or'• health and does not consider It an i.ue. Heather. who impresaed even her hardest crhka w ith h er a~y return to City H'1J. g Jd her health la fine and the only llnaertna reminder• allsht limp. T he council battle beiween Incum ben t Paul Hummel al'Ml. challenpr Bm Aaee In Corote, de.I Mar la the muadlelt of all, • non·•top "xich-. of ecljectlvetl A•ec, 46, a prote11lon4 (Sff ELECl'ION, P-ae •U , I •: a CIN Ort111ou Crn111t ()All' IJll Cll /Wudntmluy Ot tfll>ur ,IT, llJtti njure d p e lican kille d By JOEL C'. l>ON of Ille Dellr ,. ... , t t•lf A niu1ilu11•1I hr 11w11 pl'lll·u11 lhlll tur111•d UJI M u11duv 111 R t:donJu lll'Ul h hud l1> la · , d H troyed dUl' 111 i1i; 1njun1·~. ~ccordlng to u :.tutt• Jo'1")1 aml Gaml' !A-purlml'nt v!tac:1ul 'J'ht• J1•1.tlh bi the flt !>l "tnOllt( e 11 momwJ IJirdi. lhnt h.1w n t·apturl•d during tht• p.1:.t o weeks. :.u1d UFG spok1•s111.111 alph Y n u11l( Auth11 11t11•o; ellevt• angry f1sht•rnw11 m av have l'Ut or t•hoppcd off tl1t• upper tx•aks o f us mJny a:. 1:> pelicans an t lw D.1na· Po111 t Harbor area. T h e p I.' l 1 c: a 11 • s b l' u k w a s pa rtially St.'VNt•d u nd tht• nasal passage C'Ul, leavmg tht· bird 11\ ex treml' pa111 , Young ''"d • H a wthornt• vNt.'nnanan Hu·k W oe r pc I . w h o pc rC o rm t• d prosthetk s urgt.'ry on anothc·r , mutila t ed pt•lil'an in Laguna ~Niguel Sunday, d ecidt•d thl· t animal could pot be saved .. ,, wu' 11 vuhll' J11du11w111 1111 Illy pm t lo µut till' 1111 ti 11u1 111 th 1111't•rv." W0t·rpd 11<1111 Tiit• "llht.tlhlll '"II lit1l1· l111~hh I 1111 lht• utlwr 11111lll11h"tl pt•ltt·un" thut hovt' IX'<'11 l11u11d Nttw lnrd ... Jll' h1·111t¢ l'lH1·d 1111 111 ('row11 Vall••v A111n1 d ll wq11111I 111 l.11.:u11u Nq,(u1•I 111111 u I011t 1wlrlun . thut h .111 11pp.11t·n1ly fluw11 lo ~~n 1>11 lot" 1l,1rhor. '' ut S1·11 World DFl: 11ff1t•mls :.<1v 1lwv huvt· 1111 wuv of d1·t1•r111111.111.,: tlw 1•i..1w1 m 1111h1•1 of 111uttl.1t1·d 1wlr1·;111:0. "I h11pl.' th1·11· .111•11 '1 .111v 111011>," Voun1ot :o..11tJ ·1t·-. b.1d t•1\lllll'(h a s ll rs " Al 1h1• Crown V.11l1 ·y hospital, v1·to·n11ar1a11s sur~1t·:.illy atlal'l1l•J .111 .11 llftl'WI lwak to 0111· h1rcl .1pp1 u1.:matl'ly dubbt·d l1111oc~·l1111 llw l't•ltl'llll Tlw a111mal Joc.·1111' hu!Jl.' 1'1110<.·<.·h10 will l.x: abk tu 1 l•turn lo tlw wild. thuugh tlwv fc•ur tht• t1lH·1-~lass µroslht•s1:. might riµ off wht•n lht• bird d1V1'S into the• S4.'il tu hunt fish \\11111)( pt•l11 illl"'11h11w ltttlt• lt•.11 111 h11111,11\ .. 111\d 11111 II \\Ill "lllJlt h ,, 1111 nwul 111 II\• .111thov 11· ... 1111111 lo.ill l1111k' 111 t•\1·11 d1v1 .1l1t•1 I 1,tw111w11'" 1·u1t h S1111lt'll111t•i. tht· l111tb 1ot•·I 11111~lt·d 111 11:.11111~ htws .111tl 111 ·h 1'1·111'.lll p11p11l.1111111' .1l1111K ll1t l '.1111111 111 .. ('ll~tsl hav1· lw1·11 1111 11"''"'K l111l11w1ug llrl li,111 111 1111' l"''t11 tcl1· lHYr 111 llw 1 .. 11 Iv '71h, \'01111K :11l1h·d 'l'lw ""l•ll Ii 1111 1111· 111•1Nt111 111· 'pl'll)llt• I l''>l'""'rld1• I 01 1111· llllllllallull' I' l'Olllllllllllg Ill llh· l>.111.1 1'111111 l l.1tl1111 •lll'.1 '1'111· ll S F1,h .11111 W1ldlrl1· SPrvw1· II.is 11l l1·11•d .i $!\1100 n ·w :1rd Im 1nf11r111at11111 l1·11d1111( l 11 lht• l'tlllVU'llllll 11f illl\'11111 Ill llll' l'OJSl' B10\\11 )H'IH .111:-. .111· 1111 tin I t'tlt•ral 1•11d.111~1·1 t•tl 'f>t 't'lt'' 11 ... 1 J\11yu1h: lVll\'ll'lt•d Ill k1l1111~ 111 lllJUl'llll.( lhl' 1>11 tb 111..iy Ill' ~Ubj('l'I to <1 $'.W,IHJll f1n1· .mdll1r a y t•ar 111 pd Also, 1 lw ... 1 .. 1t• 1·1111~1d1•1 ~ 1111· Im d., .1 prolt·l'lt•d spt't'H'~ • AP Wlr•pholo P inoc·c· la io rc •c•o\ c•rrnµ. St el threaten t o s u e H ertzog Uy JODI CAOf<:Nm ·:AO Of the 0•111 Piiot t t•lf ('11~1.1 Mt·11a t'11y l 'outlt'll 1',111tl11L1ll· t 'lo11:-1 S1,·1·I !4a1tl lw will I I J t• 0 I u w ti u I I II ~•I I II " I (. 'uu111 ilwom.111 N111111.1 I l1•1 t1.11g 11n l 1·,o; th(' l o l'llH'f lllU )/Hl .1pol11~~1/I'' 1111 11•111111 k.., 111,ulo· 111 .111 111l1•1 Vh·W l.1 ... t Wt•t•k "Slw, ,1ll1•d 111e ,1 1111•11111·1· to lht c 11111111111111 , ," ...,utl St1·1·l. 11·l1·11111g 111 .111 .11 t 1t l1· 111 I h1· Or .u1g1· ( 'ou111 ~ H• gi...l<'r 'Th.11 "lx·y1111d 11111111.il I .llllJhlll.(11 I h1•l11111 It s•11111d' l1kt• I'm a tl11 •"II lo lilt' t I lllllllllllll V I d1111 t tl1111k l'v1· lw1·11 111111<' 'II""' .. l1uu1 .111y1 h111g 111 111y lilt ." 111· .1Jd1·d "If 'ht• d tn•:.11 l .q111log11c I 'm go111g ltJ' (tit· ;1 1,,w-.1 111 'l't11:. 1:-111•11 •· 111qx11·w11t 111 1111 • 1111111 1r I v.111 " 111 .m llltt•t Vll'W L11t.l,1y , 1l1•flWK s.11d 11 ht• rt·K• 1•li. huv111g '1dh·d S I I ' I' I ' ' ,1 111 t ' 11 :1 t I• t II l h t • I 111111111.JllllY " Slw Jb11 Iii 4 t111t1·J 111 ,J H1•g"l(·1 arucll' ~ saymR thnl "J k h;,i~ nu ,l,1k1· 111 tl11• tllllllllllflllY f11 tl1K•Mt'I OWll JllOjM 11,Y Jlt JJ~•Y' 1111 t.1xt•., Wt• lt..ivl· w1 1d1·ti w lwl Ill' du1·i. hll·..illy 111• h,,... 1111 wil1·, 1111 duldr .. 11 " l l1·rt1•1g, wh11 1' .,..,.king .1 third 1t·1111, :..ml ... 1w l11·l11·v1.., Stt't•I •~ l1lciw1 ng rht· 11·111.11 k ' 11ul of I H • 1por111111 "I d11lt1'! n ·;ol11t• 11 w.1s g11111~ to dt·stroy tlw 111.111," '>J1d I It 1 tw~ I wish I hJd11't .... 111 1h.1I · .. ~--,,-s.\-, Homes for ret ard e d Stc•t•I , who ra11 Ull">UC't'l'S.'I ully 111 1 ~71:! Jlld HJllO, s:.itd ht· payi. liu~trh·ss and 1;;dt·l> t;1x1·:. and own:. prop<'rlY 111 Nl'w Mt·xwu. N 1.·v<.1da and P1..·nnsvlv:.n1;, 1 lt• ,., ,, markc·lln~ c·on.s ultc.111 Jnd d1s1ribulur fur ,1 t.'U'>t1H·l1l'!. t onip:~my ~' ,,,._ Continued stories EACHER S. • SUSPECT. • • narro>A margin to gain suffrc.·1cnt s ignatures lo plact· the • , . representation issu e to a vote of , \be instructors. . ,, Kreiling said the union had .~sufficient signatures based on the , ,JWmber of teachers employed in "Thl' dl'lay in kl't'ping ( h,... arn-sl) from the public and uu1 offlC'i.'. ts a delay that is l'ontrary to thl• law. and a denial of ht~ right to sp<'l"Cly arraignment. ··1 understand ht• was dC'nrc'Cl any phone calls unttl Tuc:.day morning (follow111g the Saturday arn-st)." Ortiz said September, but not as romparc.-d '"'° the June employment C.gurt" 1111& required. ,, • She d eclined to release s pt-t·d 1l' figures. .GREETER . • • "1f that IS thl' {'<ISC'. his righL'> hav e beC'n s ubstantiall y abridged." Ortiz said "It's taking the time to Ix• with someone -even i f it's JUSt for a n inst.ant." he said. .Ots green eyes rlashmg. •' "It's a minuscule break, hkC' a corrt·~ lllfeak for those on the highway." .Before he discarded most of his worldly ,ppssessions. No. I wa<; a N avy man for a J(i~n years. and later was a l'ook aboard tuna boats and a se1snuc rC'SCar<:h v~I .. He even operated hrs own beauty saluns ~ San Diego, but he says hrs currE:nt -vocation is wekommg motorists to the Art Colony. "My food and shelter comes from God w ough all m y friends ... he says o f his new ijvelihood. "l havl' no money in my pockC't and I don't know where my dinner's ~-pming from tonight·· • "But," he says. smilin't again, "mv needs \lrill be m el " An how long does .fo. I plan to c'Onttnue 1hAs street salut.at1ons m Laguna !kaeh" ''How long have l got, doc:tor'>' h£> a\ks, 1.J.eaning on his cane and laughing By GLENN SCOTT ot"rh• Dallr Piiot 61a11 Sl'\'11.d tlt11t•11 11•s1dt·11Lo; 111 .111 lrv1n1· h1111w11w111·r~· as.,on.1111111 'l'ut·~J .. , 111 otl'slt·tl ;1 111111 11111f11 gn1up', plan lo loc·alt• tw11 11111111·..; for 1h1• rt•l:11dt•d 111 tht•11 lll'l~hbrn htKJtl B u l I 1 v 111 l' l' 1 t y C 11 u n e ii nwmlwr:. answen·d ll1.1t tht·v Jound no 1wt-d to al'l on dl.1q,~t~'> C r u m t h e G r <.· t· n I r l' t • Homt·own t•rs' A ssoc1a lion t lw t the two homes would nut fit th1· neighborhood 's singlt··f<tmtly ('harac·tc•r and would v 1ul<itt· assoc:1auon rl.'gulalloru. Sutton Extended Cat c· St·rv1ces ll> bidding to buy the two 'homl'S 1n Greentrf'l'. .i trac·t of f:i2fi D•llJ Pllol l l•lf Photo ' "I have n o o ther purpose for bemg than this,'' he answers. ·•No . I ,~ ays ""h e loooo·· I 1 • Small cralt adv11ory In out•• w1tera lrom Point Conception to San Clemente 111end and over 111n•r waters from Point C-PllOll 10 Newporl Beac;h 0-out_, coaatel waters from Poin t Conceplton 10 San ci.men1e 1111nd northwesl wind• ol 15 10 25 knote w1lh 5· to 8-too1 blned Mal lnnet waters lrom 1111 Conc•ptlon to Newport ee.ot> n0<1hweSI Wlnd1 •I 12 to 20 knots •ll•rnoon Elsewher• Hgnt end vatlab .. winds -sle<ly 11 10 10 18 knoll allernoon W•tefly awe11 2 to 3 feet Mostly ctur. U.S. sru n 111a r.r Thund•r1torm1 continued IC dampen p8111 of V•ah early IOd•) In th• wlk• Of 1 h••vy storm Tuffdly llllt brought llood•ng end mudllldff 10 northern end ottt'lltal p1111 ol the atate Ther• w•r• 1c1t1•r•d pow•• oullg•• throughout Sell l •k• County end the Narlonal Wealhe! S•rvlc• lnu•d • llesh flood warning lor a 1aven-count1 ~•ly 1e11t.,•d ahowera 19<Md over the PKlllc Ne><thWMI and from MlnnMOtl 10 Mlaaourl CIMr altln l1vor.c1 Calll0<n11. Nevada and •r•H ea1t ol th• Mln t111ppl River The Nlllonll w .. 111« S«vtc. p r•dlct•d thll rein would continue In Mtnnet0te end llCFOSI the norlll•rn Pl•lnt, •11l•rn Mont11na and n0<thern C<NOfldo The rlin wu e11.pectld to c111nge to enow over c•nlrel Mon1en1 111d Wyorn1n9 1nd Into Ill• Centrll Aoclklee Temper1tur• •t midnight PDT rang•d from 23 In Houlton, .....,,,. to 70 I I Key Wffl, Fla Calif ornia •• Fair and c ool loreca.s1 a1 78 Tllurldar with lows II 58 COHiii •••• highs may 11nge from 76 lo 84 w1lh lows lrom 50 lo 5 7 and decreasing winds Owens Valley highs Thur54ay Tttursd•y w1111 lows lrom 28 10 38 H1gh1 1n nortnern deserts may range rrom 88 10 78 wHh lows from •2 to 52 Southern desert l'llQhl were f0<eca11 lrom 78 to 88 Witt> 10,.. lrom 5• to 62 T e 111peratures NATION "lbany "lbuQuerque """'"lo AncilOf ag~ Ashevllle Atlante AllaJ\tlC C•IY Au1hn B11t1more Bllllngs Bu rn•ng llarn Blsmerc;t< Boiw Boston Brownsvtlle Bulfelo Burtlngton Cawer Ch•rteslQ(> S C C111rleston W V Cll1r101te NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland C<Numl>l• S C. Columbul 01lla•FI W0<1h 01y1on o.nver Del Molnet Delrol1 Dululh El P .. o felrb1nk1 Fargo Flegttalf Gr .. I Fall1 Hlrtlotd Helen• Honolulu Houston lndlenapOll• JICkton. MIM Kl 62 71 78 18 67 75 56 16 85 62 69 61 59 54 84 61 51 62 68 60 67 64 64 65 63 70 84 74 64 71 67 66 M 86 03 62 52 55 80 49 e• 74 11.4 73 lo .. •s .tS " 3• 39 45 44 u u 3• 46 48 40 5• 3• 33 43 50 29 41 38 31 31 30 46 29 40 32 41 39 33 41 51 --05 53 37 •O 39 35 70 51 28 31 ........ , t Fronls C '1 ....., JKl<•onv111e Juneau Kantas C11y Kno•v1110 Las Vegas Lorrie Rock Lou11v11te Lubl>OC1< Me"1ph1S M1em1 Milwaukee Mplt·SI Paul Nuhvlll• New Orleans New York NO<lcN~ North Ptetle 011i.hom1 Cttv OrNalll Orlando Phlladelph•a Phoenla Plt111>urgll Portland. Mo P0<ll1nd, Of• Provtdence R1lelgh Rapid Cory Reno Richmond Salt Lake Sen An1on10 s .. 1t1e ShrevellOf'I Sloua Fallt SI Loull SI P•t• Timpe SI Ste Mar .. 71 •2 40 38 67 39 63 30 76 65 71 •2 6• 32 8() 40 69 35 75 67 64 35 65 •O 66 29 71 51 57 45 S9 •8 68 45 73 44 66 45 75 47 66 •4 83 68 62 30 56 42 56 50 58 44 69 49 71 40 51 • 1 65 47 61 •2 77 44 52 •9 70 37 83 46 84 33 75 49 81 33 SURF RIPDRT L...-... Hunt1no1on Pllr 8tnta Me Alver Jelly 40l11St ~I aaMSt.~ lllboe Wedge 8'-0Y Hollow fhtllt ·l fOOkl Sen Ctementt Pl« T 11l1lg1t fl ·StrMll f ornotrow High Ode 01n1c:11on w .. 1 Teder'• AV9-I••· f.3 It 2·311 2.a n 2.a n ' 2 n 1-2 n 1·2 fl. 2~11. 2-' ft Waft .... fair lelr fllr lllr•poof fair , .. , ,.,, ... , fllr Snow CJ Spo~1ne 53 45 Syracuse 60 35 lopelta 68 37 Tucson 85 56 Tulsa 74 43 wa1111ngton 68 43 WICl'ltll 73 SI CALIFOllNIA HI Lo Apple vauey 67 55 Bakersl14!1d 71 60 Baral ow 12 67 Boa11mont :.11 !>~ Big Bear 55 43 BtShOP 61 •6 Blyllle 80 67 C•lalona 72 64 Culv., Cotr 71 63 Eur•k• 81 48 Fresno 67 55 Lancaeler 60 57 long Beach n 66 Lo• A:lales 69 65 Monro a 72 63 Mont•bellO ,. 64 Monte<ciy 63 SS Ml Wiison ., 4 1 NM<llH 79 68 Nr-p0<1 Beech 70 6• 01kl1nd 85 SB Ont11rlo 65 61 PHed•nl 67 82 P110 Robles 65 &8 R1v.,lld• 82 61 R4ld 91\llf 64 u R41dwood Cl1y 64 55 Secre~nto 8• 48 S1ttna1 65 63 61n B•rnardlno 83 61 Sen G•brlel 75 62 Sin OlllOO 73 69 Sin Francisco 84 !15 Siii JOM 64 49 S11nt• AM 78 82 Tides TOD AV Second low t 08 pm '~ S.Con<I hlOh 8 42 pm 48 TMVfllOAV Alll low I 151m 06 Flrll ~I\ 1 481m •• Stco IOW • •2 pl'll I 8 s~ond hlOl'I 1.20 Pm u 8u11 Nit today at 0 05 P m • rl-Thurao.y •t 7 09 • m M~ rlMe 1oday a1 2 • 7 c> m , Mii fhurld•Y 11 2 02 • m lll)lls•·:. wt·~t 111 W.1l11u1 1\vt·m11· .ind l-..1~1 111 t 'ul\11·1 1>11v1•, .111d ;, 1h11d h111111· 111 m.1111\' l>t•t1f1t·ld l l11v. 1·v1·1. Sui t1111 1'1 ..... 1dt·11t l>t·1 1·k I.oil s.11d •tlt1·1 tlw lw.11.11g th,11 ;1 lawsuit lilt•d l\l1111tl;1\ Ii\ th1• two 111•1g ltl111rh11rnl gr•1llp ... nught kill h1-. 111111 prufrt giuup\. attt•mpl lo 1111\ 1h1 1h11 t' hnu.,,., Tht• h11nll·' ,11 t· lu Ix· I 111a11u ti through~· 40 \t'.11, s:i1~.llllll l•i.111 Crum ::. fcd1•ral Dl·p<.1rt11wnt or I lousmg and U1 liun £:X·v1•lopnw1tt (H UD) EslTo\~ 1s :.l'hl•tlult·d 111 dtJSt' Nuv. I. tw !,;ud 11 lht· l<i\\''>Utl blocks th1· purt·h.JS<'. 1 lw lt·d1·1.ol .-11<wm·y m•·~ w1thdn1v. 1h loan , '>Utd Lo i t, adding. "It v.t· h.1vt· lo o;t.arl frurll Tiger trainer in seclus ion after maul ing A n 1 m J I I 1 .1 1 11 1• r .I •' h 11 l'~t 111 p nl11 11g 11 h .1' gon1• 111 tu ">('t IU'illrll, 'h11k1 II f )\ 1h1 llll llh Ill .11 L11111 < 'ou11t1 \ S.1L111 "ht•11 1111t· nl his llg 1•1:. liruk1 t 10111 a 1·;1g1· .11111 111,)Urt•d .t 2 \t'.tl 11ld I.toy .1 'pok,·sm ;111 lrn 1111 11 .111w1 ,;11d toJ av "I It-and hi' f.1mllv an• Vl'I '. vt-rv t·onc·t·1 n<·d ,1l1oul wh.ol hapjx·nC'd and fol' 1lw wl'lfarl' ul tlw b.,,., .. :..11cl t'hUt·k Olg11ln11·k. lht• t1.11111·r 1; S,111111 H 11s;.i JtlortH ·\ Anth o ny Stopun1 . "'ho suHt•t c<l d ,kull frat:tun· anJ J lal·t•ra11u n 111 htl> ll•g whl·ll •1ll<1c·kl·d by tlw S1lwrt<1n t1gt r during a show l.J1;l S;1tu1·d a;.. 1:. lt•qt•d Ill "1 lllll' hut 't.1bl1• <.11nd1t1on t od.iv <11 l\11 :.:-.1rin Commuml.' I ltisp;t.ol OH1nab ..il th1 l\l1s.. ... 11m \'11·.JC• ho!>JJrtal said tht· ~·tJungstL•t frn111 Upl.md 1s alt•1 t. sh ow111g goud v 1 ta I s i g 11 .., u 11 d '" a t t' h 1 n g l1·ll•v1-.1on Surgc·on s 'iJ' 111 fl\·1· hour~ working <•n I ht IJo;. aftl r thl' t1gc•r escap1·d from <1 f('nu·d l'Ompo und during <1 s how .rnd <:a1 ned the· :.!-vt·ar-o ld a '>hort d1\t,11wc· by his ·1watf "t all It .ig.1111 . I lwlll'\'• w1 .'lt lost· tht lll'I> 1111111t•v" Loft '-llll "" g1011p ,.,,,111111t•tl ,1l1rn1I 150 :>l'Jl.tl i.ili• ht1U'l':> Ill Jll par h, 11 I rv11w lwl1111 1·111t·1 tng .111 .1g1 1·1·1111 11t to huv tl11· l lll r 1•11t th r1•t• H1·1·u u :.1 o I 111111· t 1111'11 llllllS, ltl!W('\lt'I, lll' '>iotd ht~. g I U ll fJ Ii :1 ti 11 o l II 11 I I I I I' ti h11111111V. 111·1,· g n1UJ>' .tlit1llt ll' I II l ' 11 I I ti I\ l ti JJ I •• l ' I. s I )\ J1•v1·lop1111•1ll<1lly d"11l1lt•d ix·uph: .111d l V. ti ltv1··tl 1 "p<1t t•llL'>" 111 l'<.tl'h 111 llw thn·L· un1L-; "Should Pt.·lt• Wll so 11 fw tlr'>qualif1c·d bt'l.·aus<· ht.· dtlt.'sn't h..ive a w1ft• and c h1ldren»" ..t!>kr·d Su:t.•I. "Norma's n ot m<.irt 11.·d . 1·1th1·1-" HertzC>g I!. d1vorc"1·d llNtzvg und Mayur ArlCo"nt· Sl'hafer are both seeking re· t·l<•ct1on rn tht· s1x-p1'rMm ra<:e tha1 1nc:ludl's city Planning Comm1s.'>1Unl'r Lynn Van Akc·n. Jllorn ey Davu.1 Wheek·r. n•t1rcd businesswoman Claudia Kelly· Wt•yL·r and Stet·!. I rvine F o u nda tion aid s can cer unit T h I ' .J J Ill l'' I I \' I II I ' F11u11d.11111n h.1-. d11n.t11·d SI n11ll11111 to th1.· K1·nn1 th Norri ... .11 C.inn•r H ospttJI at USC Tlw gift will Ix• addl·<l I<• th1· g1 ·m ·r .. t build111g fund a11d v;1rr11.1rkl·tf for lht· t•omplN11111 and (mal equipping of th•· • Or. Craig L. Fischer, NASA'l> phy l>H'1an f or ..... tronaub, will d1st:uss tlw tun t•nt s pac·t· program Frrd.1v ;ii tht· Balboa Bav Club T1<·kets for ·tht• 7 p 11 1 1 t·o ·pl10I" a11J lt~:tun .on• $:!.> • Su u th<.' r n l' ,ii if u r u 1 a C:ull1.·gt• in Col>l,1 Ml·sa h ..... I I..' !' e I V (' d '1 $ 5 0 , () 0 () 1.•011tr1bution from tht· Cc11t11 u f Thl•O log ll'a I Stud I<'' former ly basc·d rn Ncwporl Bf.•:K'h h11 -.p11.d. 111 bt· opt•n1.·d 10 p.1111·11ts 11t 1.·,1rl;. 19!:1:! Tht f11und..tllon. bast·d m N1 ·v. port Bt•a t·h . gran~ funds 1 11 k ll p po r t p r o J e c t s a n d µnigr;.im~ 111 Californ1.1 lhdl IK·rll'f11 1-dut·.1t11m dnd m«dtnil pn1grarru. Jt1d p1 m t•l'th ~o to M BH I 11 L 1.· r n .1 t 1•1 n •' I S 1.· Ii 11t1 I . a p I 0 g ( ,; 111 ( 0 r II r p h .0 Ill' d d11ldn·n F11r n1111• lo i 5 71011 The t.'l'nl(•r. wh1d1 1s no longC'r Ill upt•rat1on. gavl• a $10.IJOO ('i.ISh g1 ft and a S(.'lond tru:-t dc't.'ll gafl to Ix· uS<>d for th1..· 1..·xp;in~1on of the l"Ollt•gc•!<. library Shop Early for Christmas I Save WEIR-EYER CAii HlllDLER PORTABLE $19 88 ELECTRIC CAN OPENER • Ecologizer 2000 Air Treatment Srstem REMOVES ODORS, DUST, AND POUENS $16.88 BAROMETER ,:r., INCLUDING: THERMOMETER AND HUMIDITY GUIDE Brpn Instruments On Wood $18.88 #7305 COllAIR Meir llowtr /Dryer 1500 WATT ATTACHMENTS INCLUDED WEIR-EYER Popcorn Pumper Makes Popcorn Using Hot Air Instead of Oil $18.88 .,IRBERWIRE 12-Cup Automatic .............. PERCOUTOR $42.88 OOfitAn:> -. - Offer Good Thn.- 11 /1/82 Llmlled To Supply On Hind Free Gitt Wrapping Except On Sale Items more than you expect In a hardware store CROW• HARDWARE EJ VISA. w .. IOllfl 17th St. It ll'VIM. Newport IMoh. 142· 1133 ......, ~ 8an Mlg'* Dr. at Siii\ JM>Quln, Newpor1 BMct\, 144-t&?O C-.... de4 Met S107 E. Coett Hwy .• 973·2100 AMMMt Nllltt 8Mte Ane Cen,on Ad., It lmperlel ., IM·H92 IRAfHil CIAIT WlDNES UAY OC I O ULU II l'IUl ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Four flee burning boat, saved off Laguna f'1>ur fX'Oplt' 11trund1-cl 011 11 lift• raft Cor morl' than :ill 11ll11u1t•s w,•n • n•st·ut'Ci Tut•sday ''Vt•nmg oCC tht· l'oasl uf LagunJ &·~wh whtlt• tht•tr plt•asun• lTUft UUrrWd und s:.ink m about Yll f1•1•t 11f w, ll'r Tht• v1•sscl. 11 I:! fo1>1 <'<1b1n 1TUIM'I' uul of N1•wpu1 I Bt•.wh. "Tlw Fut y." t·ruplt'(I in flu1111·:. ,11 .1buut Ii 45 p m rou)(hlv :mo yard' 111 I 1-;1111·1.1ld l\;1 y, nut th ul Lugun.i &:och Eugt•rH• M11lt11u111 .• 1 N1·wp111 i Bc•ud1 n •s1d1•1H und 11w11c·r uf th1• boat, told .1uthontw:-. ht· ,11111 lus Newport-Mesa teachers given 3 percent raise Trus~s of the Nt•wporl-Mesa Unified School Dis trtl't have a pproved a 3 percent salary increase for the dtstnc t 's 800 teachers. The way for board at·l1on on the mcrease was clearc.'Cl aflpr a California Teachers Association a ffiliate withdrew a chall l'nge to the organization c urrently representing the instructors. The 3 percent pay m<Te~ will be retroactive to July I Teacher salaries will n ow range from a low o f $14,0 15 to a high of $30, 154 yearly. Trustees had postponed at·tion on adopting a new salary schedule while awaiting resolution of thl' CTA-backed thallengt.• to th<· AFL-CIO group now reprE'St'nLing the• tt•achers On St·pl JO, the CTA affihatt'. tht• Newporl-Ml·Sa Edut'atton ASSOt·1att.'l>, hll'd papen. wnh the Public· Employet>s Hi.•lat1ons Board. seeking to dt'<.'t·rt1f y thl• AFL-CIO affiliatl'. thl· Nc.>wport Mc-sa Federation of Tc::whers. as thl• ins truc tors' bat gaining organization. Tt>al·hers had bt't.·n n ·prl'St'ntt-d bv the CTA-affthat<' until 1979. whl'n they decided lo accept a AFL -C lO-based representation in salarv talks with the d1strit't. Fran krctling, a spokC'sman for the slate board. said the CT A- afhliau.-0 group failed by onlv a (See TEACHERS. Page A2 ) Viejo decapitation suspect arraigned Cody Leo Schreiber. held on s us picion of the d ecapitation murder of a Mission Viejo man earlier this month, has pleaded innocent to the slaying. The bespectacled 29-year-old s uspect, who escaped from a Montana state mental hospital five years ago, where he was sent for the murder of a cab driver. was arraigned m South Orange Coun ty Munic ipal Court in Laguna Niguel this mornln~. He is charged with the murder of Dennis Shubert, 24, of Mission Viejo. whose headless body was found in a shallow grave in the backyard of his Via Guardix home Oct. 16. The v1ct1m's head w as found buried about a quarte r mile from the home which he shared with Schreiber Ramon Ortiz. tht' public def ende r wh o s p o k e o n Schreiber's behalf, ente red the innocent plea before Judge Blair Barnette. Judge Barnette set a pretrial h eari ng for Nov. 5 and a preliminary hearing Nov. 16 to determine if Schreiber should stand trial in Orange County Superior Court. Re also ruled that Schreiber will remain in Orange County • Jail without bail. Schreiber was arrested as he stepped off a bus in Sacramento Oct. 16. but the news of his arrest was kept from the press, and apparently. the pubhc defender. for three days. That circumstance prompted the public defender to raise the 0..., "°' ,..... Cod y Leo Schreiber questio n as l o wh ether Schreiber's rights were violated. Outside the courtroom. Ortiz said law enforce m ent officers "purposely gave news to the press that Schreibe r wa~ still outstanding and not a suspect m the case:· (See SUSPECT, Page A2 ) Newport election By STEVE MARBLE O(IMO...,,._.tt.tf It's election season in Newport Beach and a ll the dignity and restraint of city government has been pushed aside for another high-stakes political shootout. ln the tradition of past City Council races, the election has been punctuated w ith mud - slinging. five-figure spending sprees and a renewal of t h e growth/no-growth debate. Four of the seven council 11eata will be filled Nov. 2 and in the waning days of the contest. more than $110.000 has been spent by the nine candidates wooing the voter. Candidates run m districts but are elected on a citywide vote. The most expensive contest is between Mayor Jackie Heather and chaUc nger David Gr1tnt, an attorney who has spent nearly double the $22,000 that Heather has raised ----lllDEX--- At Your Servict> Buainea Cavalcade Clulified Comk:s Cro.word Deet.h Notice. F.dl t.oria1 Enterial~nt Food Horoecope ( A5 A8 82 ~~8 ~ ~ DO AIO 84 C l -12 82 Ann Landen 82 Movies B4 Mutual Funck A8 National NeW1 A3 Public Notices AS.83,87-8,~ Sporu 01·6 Stock Marketa A9 Televlalon 86 Theaters 84 WM\her A2 '· 1hr1•1• 1•rnt1pt11110111> tn(•d to fl~hl hu1·k till• flu1111·i. with fi1t• 1•xt111~ul!'.1h1•1li l>ut J..IU Vt• up uflt·r '\'Vl'l11! rtllllllkS dllCJ M'I 1)lll Ill ii 1 uhb1·1 lilt• raft Otht•t s ubu111 ti tht• v1•:.:.1•l, 1 t•porled ly ht!Udt •d r I Olll Ot1n<1 Poml to NPwporl I lurhor. wc:n· 11h•11t1l wd 1t1o .lot• M1•fft•1, :1'.l, •lf 11 Vll\l', J111111w Ml'J)rn111IJ , 'J.7. or S ,, 11 t ;i A 11 ,, . a 11 d M a 1 y K l1•1tl11'11111"" :M . 111 l'w.t.1 Mt•!>J All Or ,1n~1· t'uunly Slwraff'i. I l.1rb111 l'all ul -.p11k1•i.111Jn s:.i1tJ St'Vl'I al fJl't>f>l•· n •portt·d M'l'ln& tht• bu1 n111g hoal .ind 11111• ma11 ,·v1·11 lr wd lo sw1ni 11ul to tlw t•rafl Hv th1· t111u· tlll' < 'o·"' (:u.1rd n 1t11·1 l'111nt 1>1 v1d1· ;1r11v1·cl 1111 tlw M't'llt', th1• 1·ah111 l 'I UIM'I was 1• n g u I It• d 1 n f I .• n1 1·..,. r h 1• spok•"Ol),111 w td I t w a !! a 11 o I h t• 1· h ,J If ho u r l;l'fod• l'l'Kl'Ul'l'M Wt•f t' UIJlt• lO lcx·at..-till' lift.. ruh off Al>t1IC111t.' Pmnt 'fhl· owm·r rc·por t1-cll v Loht · aulhorit1t·i1 has boat had lit•1·11 h.tv1111< tran1>1n1ss1011 fJI uble111 ... but tlw t uUS(• of lht· fin· wu:. not 1mmt'Ch;1tt•ly known "No . I" Ar,·her wav~s to Laguna motorists in his role as the city's nt'w gr eN.-r. HI saw a vacancy and I filled it ," he explains. He's 'No. 1,' but only No. 2 greeter By STEVE MITCHELL O(th• Dolly Piiot Stan He's called Tht• New Grt'C.'tcr Ide ntical twins. That was the last thtng Mr. and Mrs Art'hl'r expected wht>n the boys wt're born 51 yt>ars ago in Cottonwood. Tex Not by evt·rybody he greets, mind you Some of them call him unprintable names OthC'rs point at him with a finger that d<X'S nol signify "No I " But No I JUSl laughs and shouts,''1 lov<• you." to his motoring antagonists To his credtt, No. I d0t-s nol appear to tx- hormng in on the old Dane's popularity "I'm not trying lo portray something I'm not." the bearded new grP<>t.er says. "But as far as walking the path h..- (Larsen) walked and filhng a trad1t1on I saw a vacant·v. [ f1lll·d tt. and I Cmd tt As d result. ht!. ha:..t1l v scribbled birth CNllftcatl' read:., "No I u·nnamed Art·hN " You st'<', No I "gets hts energy" from tlw smiles he pule; on peoplL-s' f:.ices. rulfillmg." - No. l's bnitht•r, .is you might have guessed, was dutifully listed as "No 2 Unnamed Archer " No I s11ll goes by what's on the birth C<'rt1f1c·ate. even though his pa rents eventually got around to giving the twins murr c'Onvent1onal first naml'S The om-s gomg to work m tht· morning The onc:-s taking tht• ku.Js to school The ones stuck m bhx·ks-long traffic· .iams "No ont"s h1rc•d m<'. no one pay!> mt• a salary I work fur everybody." hl' says. smiling throu~h a pair o f missing front l<'t'th And tht· response.· to date has ~n glX>d . No I savs But m Laguna &•at·h . No l has at'qu1rc'C.I a m•w name a'i he ~t.ands on the s1dC'wa lk. waving and pomung 1<1 passing moton sl!. and pc>rplexcd pcdl'Stnans But. lt•t 's fat.'C' ti Eiler Larsen he's no t Tht• ongtnill Greeter, who died seven years <ign. 'wa..., beloved by Lagunans and v1sllors who looked forward lO his hearty "Halloooo Huw ArrrrrcC'ee Yoooo," for more tha n thre<• dc:-cades on Laguna's s lr<'C'L<; "It':.. the most rc•wardmg thmg I've• c•ver dune," h t• says He· dC'SCrtbt>s hai. stn~·t mmistry as snrt of a "lime out" for motorists. I See GREETER, Page A2 t AirCal's Clifford seeking new career AirCu l Presad c·nl Hobert Clifford. to leave hts post with the Newport Beach-based earner De~· I . said he will pursue a new carc·er o uts ide thf' airline mdustrv Clifrord. 61. as a fonncr U.S. Air For<.·t· pilot who came· to tht• fledgling airline m 1968 and was named preside nt a nd c hief executwe three years later. He annoum:ed has resignation Tuesday. less than a week after A1rCal unveiled plans for a maJOr route' r e alignment leaving markets in Las Vegas. Phocnix, 1'~rt'sno and M6nterrv , whdi.' adding flights to eq;cht othN dcstmal1ons In another C'OSt-<.·uttmg mO\'C', the a1rl1nc will lay off 30Y employ('('S before the t'nd of thc.> yC'ar mcludmg 29 pilots Gen William Lyon. <'ha1rman of tht-board a nd <'0-owncr, will takl' over as prC"Si<lent Cli ffo rd said ht• ha!> bN•n poinlmg toward reun•mt•nt for a year and ha s dec isio n 1s inde pendent of the rt'<'t•nt movC'S at A1rCal He will continue to work as a <.·o ns ultant for the• airline. working in gove rnme nt and pollt1cal <.·1rdcs H<.• said ht• mtends lo start a new t·art"'l•r in a non-aviation fie ld but, at lht.' m o m e n l , 1 s u n d t• c 1 d f' d o n spcc1f1cs "I think the ummg 1s right." Cltfford said in a telephone interview "We're going through a maJor cha nge in our route scht•dulc. building tn strength and pomtmg toward pro f1tab1hty It's a good time to pas.<; on the rC'ins" Lyon. 59, began has av1al1on cart.'er with Frontwr Atrlmes and rectmtly completed a four-year term as <·h1ef of the Air Force RC'SC'rvl'S Lyon also heads the Wilham L yon Co .. one of the largest rC'stdC'nt1al h ome builder s in California C id ford. a San Clc•mente rC'S1dt:•1H, previously was a pilot with Northwest Air lines and is active in numerous c1v1c and governmt•nt organizations AirCal as an interstate carrier that has a fleet of Boeing 737s and OC-9 Super 80s. gloves off and pocketb_ooks open Al 52. Heather 1s a City Hall veteran. She was e lected to the council In 1978, selected mayor in 1980 and has served on both the city planning commission and the now -defunct South Coast Regional Coast.al Commissi11n. He r campaign s tra tegy has beet\ to highlight the positive things that have happened in the city during her stint as mayor and to indirectly brush off G rant as a "no-growth. anti-business" candidate "The city n el'ds experience right now," she noted during ti recent Interview. "My oppone nt Is ve'.\ry green. He doe3n't have the experience or the acccs..<i that J hove." S h e said that Grant hns a potential conflict or intt.'rett In hia relallonahip with the Comm.ilk~ o f 4 000 , th e group or homeowner• who arc fl1ht1ng the Irvine Company over •nnuitl I«!~ fet't they mwn pj)y. Grant. ~. i. a scrntor partner ln a Newport Beach law firm and has s pe nt more than $43.000 trying to get the name identity he needs to unseat Heather. • Grant said a poll h e comm1ss1oned s h o w ed that H eather has better name recognition in Newport Beach than Tom Bradley docs in Los Angeles. He added that the poll does not Indicate how much of Heather's recognition is positive. "I think in the hut <.'\>uplc of years she's been going downhill in dealing with citizens." Grant charged "She's out o r touch and ha s s h own 8 l ack of professionalism In how she goes ubout getting things done." Grant is not defensive about his r~lationshlp with the Commin ee of 4000 He said he did legal work for th<' group. lives o n Ir vi n e Co mpany lc-asehold land hlm11elf and did ute the committee membuahlp u ~ a prlngboa rd f o r hi s campa!gn. 118ut &hat ls not a Movemmen& 1 I issue. It is a legal issue and 1t certainly won't color my thinking i n dealtng with the Irvine Company. I am unbiased toward the Irvine Company." T hoU,gh they may max words, H ea ther and Gran t a r e not dramatlca!Jy apart on issues such as the airport. growth and traffic -the staples of the election H eath e r vo t ed f or th e con trov e ·sial Banning Ranch development and. in retrospect. said the approved plan wu ar exce!Jent comproml1'e. She d~ share 10me concern with othen that developer William Bannin@ s h ould give citize ns aome indlcatJon what he Intends to de with &he renullnlng 42!\ acres of his ranch. Grant does n ot favor the approved plan but uld the present IOI\. Jng o n the land - four dwelling unJtt per acre -la unfair to develo~r Bannm.. ln maklnt her pitch ror re· e lection, Heather has pointed con1ta ntly to the $4 million c:leanup in the Upper Newport Bay. th<' con struc tion of the Newport Bay bridge and the ci ty's le gal victory over the operators of John Wayne Airport as some of her achievements. G rant's response is that her administration has also been hit by two referendums . an indication, he said. that things In City Hall all aren't going so well. Although some candidates have tal ked privately about Heather's recent stroke, G rant saJd he has gone out of h is way n ot to dwell on the mayor'• hl'aJth and does not corwder it an iaue. Heather. who lmpreaed ever\ h er h ardest crltlca with her speedy return to Ctty Hall. Mid her health la fine and the only Unpring reminder a 1ll1ht Ump The council battle between lncumbt!nt Paul Humme l and challenc r BUl AIM In Corona del Mar IJ the muddJett of all. a non-atop exchaf\Ce of adjectives. ,\~e . 4~. a p rof eutonal (See ELECl'ION, Pqt ~) ) • Ornnge CoHt OAI L Y PILOT /Wtldnetday, October 'J1 . 1982 NB NY '14: t :()MPO ,ITE l "RAN t:TION OUOl•llO-""tu10• t••0 •\011 , ..... ,. •o•• ........ ••&.•"< .... I OU Oll 0•••011 ••O (llll(llOIAfl n OC• t •C1tAllOUA1tD •l ..OUI O I~ f lllMA\DUoDllit fl"t ' ,.hJ\ H•t ..... , N•t 1-•I•• N•t \.•le\ N•I WI.. ... •• "'-""' ...... l l'lj I• t "<I• Ctvw (f\t l'l hlh , ..... (l\lj ,. • "'" c ... .. ' "II I' I l>d• (to .. C"l\t r Dow Jones Final UP 2.7 CLOSING 1,008.34 Merger to form 'largest' S&L WS ~?t· ELF.S (AP) -Thtct nal1on's Lh1rd und fourlh-hir~ savings and loan assoc·1aL1on~ have• 111·01K1s.•d a n •rgcr Lhat would creaw the biggest S& L 1n th1· t·ou11u·y with SSS(!l.8 of nearly $20 billion. LO!> Angcll>S·bas<.-d eaJifornia Fedcrul Suvmgi, & Loan Assoc·1<1tmn. with assets of just ov~r $10 billton. ;ign-t.'<.l Tut·s<lay tu mt•rgc w ith American Saving!> & Lu:on As.'l<1nat1un, a subs1d1ary of Beverly Halls -b;·sed rar~t Charll'r Cc1rp which has assets or lilightly floss than $10 halhon 'l'tll' rll'W firm, to be called First Federal of Anwril"a FA . wou ld displace Los Angdes-ba~l'd I lome Sav1ngi:. or America, curr ently the nataon·s biggest S&L with asst'lS of $15 billion State sells bonds SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state has sold $180 nulhon worth c)f general obligation bonds for 8.7777 rx·rcent mlt-n-st, ;md most or the money wall go for prison c-onstrul'.t1on. , Static' Tn•as urc•r Jesse Unruh said Tuesday the tntl'rest raw c·ompared lO 9.443 percent on a sale <1£ $1 ()() m11liun worth on Aug. 24 Both sales went w svndil'.oit.es hN1ded by the Bank of America -Tuesduv's sale> incl ude.'<! the first $100 mlluon or an authoriicd $4Y5 m1ll1on in prison construction bond:.. to be• usc-d t.o provide 5,550 beds at Tehachapi. Adt•lanto, S;m Diego and Folsom . plus other housing and l'amp fat·1lit1t'S. The r(•maind<'r was $30 million for beaches and µa rks and $50 m11lu.m for water quality unproveml'nt prO,JeClS. FDIC s uing bank SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Califomfa FLrSt Bank should be stopped from oHer ang unlawfully high interest tu Its depositers, according to the FedE'ral Deposit lnsuranc.·e Corp. The fedt•ral agency sued the bank T uesday. ac.'Cusang ii of using subterfuge to break the Federal Deposit lnsuranc.·e Act in what the FDIC called a "sham." According to t he sui t , c ustomers open an ··UJumate Checking -Inte rest P lan" account at a Cali fornia orc 1ce and the account is recorded as a savings account an the bank's Guam branch. At tht• same tlJTle, the cust.omt'r opens a chC('king acrount and agrees that funds from the Guam acc.'Ount can be used to rover outstanding c hecks. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK tAPI !Mio>, l Pm l><•<o ono ,.., c~ of lhe 1111.,.n mo•I .. ,,.,. New Yor' S10<k E11Ch•"Of' ''~· lr~lf\O "-hon.811¥ •• lllOrt lhen 'l ~~T~'·· I~:: ~L : .~ Amo1' ~ T 110 to0 S•'o IBM 1 ... 000 II .. e .. on '"·"°° ~i. Sof"Ro.b -.700 11' • Phtllp•Pel •11,IOO '2'- .. ~ ,, CMmp HO AIHU A lrt W•nv 8 Ae...-•Oll OyMIKI c.o GullC•n 9 Ml<NE"9 WerMCom w1 AH rlllll A METAl.S 11t.4llO ••2 .00 •••• 'l()O 10~.IOO ... IOO .. IOO ... ooo ~ 100 ~ • .lOO ' . 9•. 4qt., , .. 10 " I/ " . 11. •• .. . .. SoulMrn (..o ~J • .oOO ••1• ..... .. GTE C0tp Ul • .00 l'I • •• Scniumbr9 11'1 'l()O .0 • "' NEW YORK (AP) -Spo1 nonlt'rtOut ,,,., .. puces IOO•y EHi l(oci.~ 111.100 'JO.. 1'> hndr HI.JOO "~ • .. UllOll(f l dl.000 1'' • '• OowC,,.m •I• 000 H ._ ._ .... IMI Int -.)1.100 101 1 1• UPS AND DOWNS Copper 72~· 7S cenos • po11no IJ S cjesllnelton• Leed '3·76 cenlt a PO<""' ~ .0..C2 '*'" • pounO --~.., Tift S62Sl8 M•l•I• w-eoml)OS'I• 10 ANmlnWft 78 c.flla • oounO. N 1 all•et Sil 770 i>e• troy ounc& Hanor A Harman lonly Ollly quo••l ~ '37000 P<lf hu~ PteU1111m S3•2 50 SJ•ll oo t<11y ounce NY SILVER Hen<ly & H••m•n S9 71 ~ lloY OUllGO GOLD QUOTATIONS l'J The ,._IN "'*91 s-.c1ec1 world QOld P<ices rooay L-momln!l ll•"'O S•22 2S. Ull $3 00 Lo11d o11 tlle•noon l1a1ng S• 17 75, oft ,, so •I ...... lflemoo<I ll•lnQ 1•25 16, up se 118 ,, ... ""1 llal"Q SA7i 98 vp S6 98 Zwtdl 111• ell.,,_ ll•lng So 19 00 on - SO SO 111<1. S•20 00 -.ea C.119 II l ... , ... '• "" .... I'll ... .. P<I Oii , , Oii I 1 011 •• Oii ~· Off ..s Off ••• Oii 4 0 Oii u Ott s• ()ft SI '"· Oii 17 ()ft s. '• I I ho .,. I ••• I ... .. .. '"' "' AMERICAN LEADERS Oii s l Oii s l Off s, Oii s.o Ott s.o Off S.O 0!1 •• Off • , Oii •• Oii •• Oii • ' Of! .. Ofl • s He11df a He r111•11 (Only dally quotel SAH 75. on $1 SO ~ 1on1y oe~y qvo•el S4 11 7S on l l 50 1,...therd (only oelly quo•111 tebt1car110 So38 lie. olt $I 57 ,