HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-03 - Orange Coast PilotTHI ORAllil COAST WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1981 ELECTION82 • inners State Senator Edwarcl Ho, t•t• llenni~ llrown State Assembly 5H1h. 691h. ~olan 1-'rizzt•llt• 7fhh and 7 I !'.I l>i !->lrit•ls Dori.. \ llt·n Newport Beach Ci1y Coun<'il Costa Mesa City Council ~-~ t • .. En·ln1 ll arl Marian Rt>rgeson l '.S. St·mllo r -t·lt·•·I P t•lt· ~'il~on caum 1111111 OAANGECOUNTV. CALIFORNIA JS C.f'Nl'l (:on~rt'!'\!'>IUt'n Hol>t'rl Batlham ancl Dan I .unf.(rt'n 1:Jrd Oislrit•I Hon Pac·kard Wilson, Deukmejian • victors Bill Honig new state school boss LOS ANC;ELES (AP) 1-hopuhhl'an Gt'tJrg1· IJ.:ukmt·Jian tlt•ft•alt·d Dt•mcxrut Tom BPadley in tht· taghc·st ran· for lo(Ovt•rnor 1n Cald11rn 1a his tory. whdt· Rc·publtt"an P ett· Wilson dl'f<·atc'Ci Dt•moc:1 at1t· Gov Edmund Brown Jr for thc· US Sc•nau· Although Rt•publ1n 1ns look thP !.lLllt,.s tuµ two offu:t'S, O..·mUt·rats won f1vt· othe r sta t1•w1dt• off1t·es and m l'rt·ast'CI th1•1r m<1jonties in the· s tate· LPg1slaturC' a n d In C al1fo rn1a 's t·o ngrt-ssional dr l<'ga tmn V o tC'rs also <spprovC'd the nude<sr fn-cu• 1mt1allvt• and five stat.t .. widt' bond is.sues totaling I 5 billion Bui rou r other controvl·rs1al b<sllot 1n1uat1ves were dcfcaled. including handgun rl'gistration, bottle d e p osit and wat e r conscrvallo n m easures and a pr oposed bi parti sa n n •apporuonmt·nt <.'Omm1ss1o n [)(•mcx:ratit· Rc•p Phil Burton eas ily ddeated Rt•publ1 C'a n Mllllm Marks in a hard-fought San 1-'rnnnsco t'<mgrt'S.'ilOn<sl rat-e But two Vl'teran Republ1t·a n ron~rt·S!.mcn Don ClauS<m and John RouS!>t•lot Wl'rt' ow .. tc·d bv vot1·rs · Cal1£orni<ins Lilso (·o nf1rme d Brown'-; app111ntm1·nt uf th ree stnl<' Supr<'mt• Cou rt, rt'j('(.'ting a Hcy>Ublil'an Party n 1mpa1gn to ovt•rrult• the appointnw nts But 111 th1· no npart1S<1n r;w1· for s tall· ~up1·rinl<'nclt-nt o r public 1m.t1 uc·tum. c·hallt·ngt•r Bill Honig ou:.tc·d 12-vcar 1m·umbc•nt Wilson H11t•... . With Y!-1 :.! pt•rt·c•nt \If tht· vole' t·ountc·cl . Dcukmt'J lan le d Brndl1·v. who would h:w1• ht•t•n ISt'e . TATE. Pa1te A2 1 Govt•rnor-PIPrl Gt•orgt• ~4 Duke" Deukmejian Gun curbs, bottle tab voted down LOS ANCELES (AP> A li1tt1·1 ly £o ught, l'Ostl y lml t11 t·urb C;t!tl or111;1's 5 mllhnn h:111dguns w;i~ tt'J<~'ll•d by vutt•r:-... wh1lt• a µIan to c•!.t :1bl1s h a 5 t't•nt 1111111111u111 n ·funtl on mu:-..t IK•t•r :111d o;ut l dnnk nmta111Pr:-.. w 1·nt d11v. 11 .11111d rnult1·n11llt11n dollar t1pp<1:.ll1t Hl H ut 1h1· nul'lc·ar fr1·1·11· 1111l1.111vc" wh1l'h 1«111.., £11r an 11111111 ·d1att• halt to 11uc·l1·ar w1·ap1111 ~ 111a11ufal'tur1ng and d1·µloy111t•n t . was <spprovc•d h;1ndtly following a doi.c· ran'. 5:.! 5 to 47 4 pc•rt·t•nt w11h ~9 4 Jll'rt 1·nl of s tall's· pn·1·1nt l:. rc·µ11rt1ng Thl' r ;H'I ', on l· o r s 1· v 1· r ,, I s 1 ni 1 I a r 1· I 1• 1· t 1 u n !. throughout thl' nJUntry. drl'w n<.1t1onal atll·nuon Propos ition 13. lhl' w1d<•· ranging walt'r 1ni~1at1vt' that sought tu require lc><:al wa te r d1s ln<"t:-.. to usC' s tatc•-approvC'd l't>ns1•rva twn pla ns and whil'h would hav1· hmnc'Ci lhl' filling of Nl'W Mt·lont•!. Ht>sc·rv1>1r nc·ar S t11<'klu11. was fC'Jl't'll·d rw<1rly l · I . :1~) 2 pt·n ·1·nt in favor and IH 7 1x·n ·1·nl in 11ppos1t1on Survn:.mgly. Ill a llllll' or high urwmpluyna·nl and a rt'l'l-S:.IOn · plagu1•d t'('tmumy. <ill f1vl' bond i:.s u1•s o n thc• bnll o t w t•r 1• <tJJJ.>fllVl'll. µrov1chng $I 5 bdlum f o r s 1 h 11 o I s . v c· t c· r ;1 n s . t•n v 11·11nmr11tal planning . n1·w J a ii :. a 11 d f I r ... t t I fl) 1 • h O ll1l' pun· hast·~ A to tal uf $7 7 m 1l11on was pourc·d 111111 tht• bat t l1· t1 \'1·r Pru1Jo:.1t11111 15. tht• g un l'on trul nwasllrt'. with $5 H million ~JJ<·nt by oppo1w11L-; The· p1 op•1 sa l w nuld hav1• rt'<jlllrt·cl statt· rc'g1strat1011 of ,ill ISee PROPOSITIONS, Page A21 Hummel ousted in Newport voting By STEVE MARBLE Of It.. Dall, Piiot Slaff N l' w JJ o r I B l' a (' h v o l l ' r s r('t urn<.'d thret• m cumlx.•nt l'ltV cou1wll memb<•r!. to off11·1· by t·o11v1nt'1nlo( margins Tul·sday but tur1wd bal'k a rC'-t>lt"Ct1on bid hy Counnlman Pa ul Hummt·I an a dOS<', hard-fought mntt·st Hummel . w h o c anw u nd('r heavy attack 111 the final c•l1'<.·t1rm days from dcvclopnwnt a nd businl'S.'i mtt·rests. wa!> un~·att'CI bv B1 II ARt't'. a photof{rnpht>r and lncu1nhents prevail on Mesa's council ByJODI CADENHEAO Of , ... o ... , ~· ''"" Costa Mc•sa voters rr•Jf't'tl'd a fu•ld of four t'hall<'ngNs and n ·turrwd M;1yor Arlrnt• St·hof1•r and <.:ounnlwoman No r ma I l1·r11.11g to of£11·c· Tut'!lday Thc• qu1t·t ral't>. s tn·wn with fam1l1ar is.,.urs rc·gnrding the• t'i ty sign urcimam·1· and commernal clt•vt•lopmt•nt, gr<'w loudrr an the d osinJ.t days with at'CUsataons o f 1·onrl1t·t of intl'rt'St and i1onw mild mud slanging. Tht• final unoffic ial rrirn lts WC' rt': Arlt•nc &:hater. I :J. 738 Normu Hertzog. 12.11 5 C hri11topher Magee Steel. 7.428 Davt• Wheeler. 5.924 L y nn Van Aken. 4.238 Claudio KC'lly -Weyer. 2.~2:J A rt'l"Ord 51 pt•r(>ent of Costa Mt•u'11 44.644 r<•gistered votC'rs turn<'d out Tuesday. t'OmparNI to at·1·ord 1 Ill-( to t'll y dl'rk Ell<'('n Phm1wv It wa~ th1• £1ro;t llllll' that l'ltV l'OUnt·il e lections had ht-en he ld In c·onJUnl·t111n w ith thr i;<<'nt•ral (•lt't'llllll Thc• toµ vot1• gc•ltt'r Sd1afrr, who was l'h't·tt'd an 1978 11nd bt't'a nw ma vor in 1980. smd sh1 · was Vl'ry · plt·asPd with lhl• rt•sulL'I "I wuntcod lo bl• numbl'r onc," Sc:hafc•r siml "It mt'ant a lot to me• I workt'Cl hard for two and a half yt·ars and I felt this was a chant'l' for the• pcoph· to rei;pond to mt•." _ • f 0 r m l' r l' I t y p I a n n i n g comm1s.o;11mC'r Thc• f1n<sl unoffll'la l tally was. Dis tra1·t I Oon Strnuss. lfl.()1 5 Norm Loa Lo;, I I .W:i Distric·t 3 E~C'l yn Hart. 15.543 Allan &'('k, 9,391 C Edward Wolfe . 2.4l 0 D1stnt·t -t. Ja1·k1f" Heath1•r. 17, I I 4 David G rant. 11 .1 :~I District 6 Bill AgC't'. 14,402 P11ul Humme l. 13.0:\fi While some political ohst•rvcrs in the C'ity hailed Hummel's ouster as a vil·tory for the pro- growth ramp. Ag~e dismissed that suggl'stion as "simplistic" and said he will not align himself with C'lther side of the growth iS.'iU<' "It was a tough ra~ and given the fa l'l that th e ot h e r in<·umbents won. I think the rnc•s!rngt' hc•rt• 1s that people' w a nt<' d a c h an g c. ·' Agee ob."4.•rvt'CI I l umm1•I .... 11rl hl· was gra tdul that n\'<trlV half t he• V•>lC'rS :.u ppo1 tt '<I h 1.111 "It':. ov1·r and to tt•ll you th1• truth. I'm n •IH•v1-d 1 did lht• bt•st I l'oulci a~ainst tremendous odds and lrlC'd to bring truth t•> tht' pt'<•plt· of this town I'm ~rah•ful• so many hc•anl my ml':...<;<J&l' .. Mayor Jac·k1 c· HcathC'r. the top vote gc ttc.•r in the four-d1 strit·t raC'e, he ld off a f1('rt.'<' and wf'll- financC'd challcng(• by attorney David G r ant. who unloadt•d nearly $50,000 111 an e ffor: to 1·ut into the mayo r 's h igh narnC' ide ntity Heathl"r said she was daslurbt>d by the amount of money spt•nt an the contest but described her win as a defeat for tht' "no-growth interesl'i." · Grant said he was plC'asc·d with (See NEWPORT, P'age A51 ----lllDEI---___.. 83 AI0· 11 82 04-8 87 87 04 Al2 B6 Cl-12 82 "''''' ~ .. J~·~ Movle5 Mutual Funds National News Public Notices "" 86 AIO A3 A9.A 13.84 ·6.88.C 13 -14 . Sports 04 nt-3 Norma Hertzog Arlene Schafer 17 pt•n ·,·nt durlna the last .__.,.. ____ ,.. __________________ ..,_. munll'ipa 1 ~lectlon In l 9RO. R<~pondang £or th<' £irst time tO 8l'l'U!W lions from l'hal lenger Dev<' WhC'<'ler that shl' acrepted contributions from developers during lht• 1·ampa1gn . &-hafer Yid. "You're' talking about 10 perwnl n( my funds. A m nflkl of lntcrc11t mt'an11 you're 1olng to make a pc>rsonal gain. No way h•vc I made a ~nonal~ain," (See MESA, Pa1e At> Al Your Servke Business Cavalcade Claasifled Comks Crossword DNth Notices ldltorial !.Entertainment Food r Horoec:ope Stock Markets Televlalon Theaters Weather Al 1 88 86 A2 ., . • • ( \ ... .. t .. -• • .• .-• .. ,,,.... .._ .. _ f A .4 > ~ -'" .. \ ~ • ' t ;' t t • A 01angt1 CoOlll OAtl v Pll 01 /Wtt<1nesd1w. Nov~nit>etr 3. 1082 1!::------------..... ~-----------------------------"""-------------------------------------------------------~ No contest for ·Badham, Lungren ESA ELECTION • • • c II u ,, ('I I w Cl Ill •• II N II I Ill h •rlJA)g, l'lt'\'h •d ht lw1 I 1\11 d 1<'1111 t•stl:iy, ~;Ill.I ,1i1· w.ii-11'1 1·1·1 l.1111 l' W1tltld "111 "I fl'l·I .1 1'11.111i.w 111 llw 1t•ar11 .11 >. this 111111 · l'ould,.h:1v1· 111•,•n v1·rv :~:d Is I' U ~I I I Vt' I I> I h 1· l' It y •'s .···d l·v1·l11pn11·111 pl.111:-. I'm sur1· ;1t •<(Lin1t·s I'll w1111d .. r why I workt•d k llO h;ord 111 1 t•la111 1h1• :.1•a1 lor ~.Jnollwr· lt1lll y1•.11·s." :-.Ill' ut.ldt•d ?-llt•rtrng. wh111'.1lh'(I d1;tll1·t1gl'I • ~hns St1·1•I ''.1 nw11.11·1· to llw · '¥f411unu111 I v" l.i'I 1111mlh, 1·11 ·d11l·d his tlunl pl.1u· :o.ht1w1ng lo h1•a\ y lllf>;ll,t..:I 11 llj.! • Slt·t·I :-.11d lw p1t1h..ihl y w ti I 11111 s t•k o (t11·1· ,1g:1111 l'l.i1111111g ( '11n11111~''"'"'' I.\ 1111 \',111 1\k1•11. who pl111nl 111111 111 1111 • XIX WJV l".lt'I'. ,,11d htt w1111ld 111,1k1 11111.' 1111111· at lt•nq.t al ,1 I llUl\l'il M'll l "II':-prl'll:V dtl t 1n1lt lO dl'll•al 1tw 1111·11111111·111:-.," .... 11d V.111 i\kt•11 ''( t h111~ th\'11 '0 ' .1 l.11'j.(\' p1·11·1·11tHgl' 111 p1·11pl1t. wh11 v11t1 · l11r lht· 1111 uml.14·11b, 1l1111kn114 111111 o1 nl:V l'nu11l·1I r;1n· ii. not that 1111por 1.1111 " l'oht1l.,.tl 1ww1·111111•r .ind 1 •·t111·d 1·x1'('llll\'1· l"laud1.t K1•lly W,•y1·r . "hu µ1:11°1'<1 :.1xth, said si111 d1;l11'1 t•Xpt'l'I lo" Ill, "That ·s not 1110 IJ..1d ft1l' 1t rirst 111111• 11ut." 'h•· ,..,1111 111 tw1 :!,!l:!:t \ 11\1'' · Th1i. w.ti-a l1•ar11111g ,r·-..,11111 I'll k1111w 111·:...t t111 w wh.1t 111 do· Ht•1J11bh1 .111 n1111111IH •111:. Holll•t I lt.ulhmn u11d I >.111 I .ungr 1•11 ,.:h1h·d I<• 1·11..,y t·h ~ 1t1111 \Ill ll•1 ll·:-Ill th1·11 01 .1111t1· t'1111,1 1·1111j.(t 1·,;.;1111111 I d"1111·1:. '1'1h·,d.1v, '"" h ... 11n11tl v lrrnJn1·111..i lht•lf' 1n1d1·1 l111:1111•1·d UJIJMllll'lll:O. 1-iud hum w;1:. l'lt·1·l1•d 111 11 tow th 11·1·111 111 tlll' lJ S l111u:-1· 111 H1•prt"M·11tal1vt•s f111n1 th 1• 40t h tl1sl1'11·1 g11nw1111g i I p1·1·1·1•11t 11 f tl11 • v11tc Lu11gn·11. t ·lt'l'l1~I to ht~ thtnl two v1•111· 11·r111, won 111 th•· -l:!nc.J drslr;t•t with li\I lll'l'l'1·111 1ol l IH • Vllll'S 1'11!'>1 f1nul u 1111tf ll't,tl 1•lt·llio11 1 Murn:-. 10 the.• 40th d1slnc.·1, wh1l'h takl·s 111 l'us la M1 •sa lrv111l', LaKu11a &•;Jl'h , N1 •wpor1 Bt•twh and 1:><1 rls of llunun,.:tun Bt•al'h, Oran..:1.· and Sant;1 /\n;1 W1•r<•: lk1dharn. HI.I I:! P.1ul llas.·man. J..>.·111111 1-,11 , .i I ,!IOO M.Jx1 n1· R1 ·ll (Juirk, I 't.,, •. ,. .ind fl'l'<'<h•111. 4.772 ~'111111 hut u1111tl1C·lul 1•1•1unu1 111 tlll' 421111 dhctr u·t, whtr h ln('lucli•t s l' lt I H 1 .. 1 d1 . h 11 cl "ta I I " '" W1·~tnl 111-.11·r 11 11d ll u n1t111(t1111 H1•1J1·h '"' Wl'll "" Lein,.: B1·11d1 Hollin,.: I lllh• und Tvl'l'Jl\1'1• in I .w Ang.-11 ·<1 ('11t1111 v, 'h11w1·d l.u11g11 ·11. I :l!l.11!10 .J111n1·1i Sp1·ll111.111, I >.·1111x ral, ~. 7 ,11!1:1 .J11l111 I >111111l11w. l'1·1w1· ;111.t l•'rt·t·d11111 , :1,•f:IH Both tlll'lll'h 1,.. ,,,.,, 11111s 11l1•n •1e safr H1•µul1l11·:111 d1:.1111·t ~ l>1 •1::111st GOP vot1•1'' 1111· •1u 111u111l11·1 D1•111ocrab Badhan1 . a ~:1 v 1·ar 11ld e11nsl•rvallv1· wli11 1·1111s1::.lt•11 tlv has vot1·d w11li tht• l<l'ag;1;1 At.l111n11:0.trat111n , 1·a 111pu1gnl'CI on his rt•uird li f :-.1·rvt<'<· to th1 d1s tr1<·t and 1·mphas 1£1•t.I hr~ 1•1111S<·rvullvt· pohlwal pl11lo:.11phy "I .11n g1.th·lul 111 tlw 111•oph• wh11 '·''' l it 111 '4 ·11d 1111 · b:wk" lbdh.1111 ..,,11d 111 .11 k1111wl1·dg11)g 111' v11 trn \' "l'ni g•nng tu go btt<"k 111111 do 1nv '"-'1'1' " l-'.111/111-:1~1..: 1111 tlw H1·11t1liltrn11'-. w 111 , a1d1· l1 11w.t1d S1·t•ly1• 1111111111•1111•.J, ·n.,11 .t11l1npatt·d 1111 111 01111•11 " '"''" hti. 11•1·h·t·t11111 1•:1111p:i1g11 I .'.111d. tol t Ulll st•, lht•l't' \\ I I I 111 •nl ' 111:0. U1•1111.11·1.1L11· •lPIJ1•1wnt Paul l l.1M•111;111. :r :i7 y1·11r old allortu•y t 111111 L:rgu11a N1gw·I. ;11)~t1t·tl 111111 H11dh,1111 h..it.I .h1·1·111111· ;.1 1·11111pl:1 t'l'lll 11111gn·~111a11 who no loni.:t•I n ·1.Jl'1·s 1·11lt·t.I th1· '" 1•v atli11Jo: po!1111·;tl lt •:111111gs of lhl' t.11stl'lt.'l Mud1 ltk1• &uham. Lungrl'n loll.I v11tN!> ht· n·pr1·st·11 l1·d t h1• "1n:H1m·L-. and as1.>1r:i11on~" uf lh1· sprawl111g lwu-c.:ou111y d1 str1ct. A I .orig 1.X·al'h m1t1Vt', I ,ungn·11 r~ a :1ti -v1•ar-old uttorlll'Y whost' v11u ni.:1·1 l11 u1h1·r Bn.J11 was 11v1·1 wht·l111111gtv dd1·;1 11•d 111 ,, I .rn. A11g1 ·lt·, ( '11u111 v d1,..t11l'l JU~\ lllJI lh Ill 1)11• ·l:!11d "I \\ ,,., pit •.1s• d I w.1s a bit• to "111 Wo· d 1J11 '1 1.1k1• 1h1• ral·t• l1g hll y ," Lu11g 1't·n o;.i1d th i' 111on1n1g ll t• :idth•d lhul wh1l1· lit· "obv111u1ly" 11' huµµy tu IM· ~'m1g b l.ll' k I u I h I' t' 11 IJ I l 11 I , ht· I !1 t•o 1111·1 nt•d by lht· Dc11111t•r.1111 ~a1n11 modt• 111 tht· llouwt· of H1 ·prt·St'lll-l.l llVl'!! Ill I ht· l'lt'\'ltWI Lu11~n·n 11<1 tol h1• lt·ttr:. th1· l.lt·11111l'f.tlN lll('f'l'HM·d xln·11~1h 111 l'11111o(rt•s.-. t•uuld CTt'lth• a polilwbl ,t,d1•111:ttt• dul'l11g tlit• llt·XI 'I 'SS II Ill Ot'm0<:ral Jamt'S Spl'ilma11, a 41-yi•ar·old Long Bt•a(·h l'(.°!itdl'nl and O r angt• Coun ty public dc.>fonder, chara<.'lt->r ized Lungr~n as a right-wing id(.'Ologue . lit• attt.'mpted to fut:us tht' campaign on economic: issu t.•s . da1m1ng high inte rest rat<'S and um•mployment were th£• re8ult or "tnt.•kll' down" economic polines promoted b y Lungren am.I th1•, lh •pubhcan Party Thl• Pc•atoe and Frecodom Party t andtdaw. J o hn Donohue. said rc>peatedly througho ut th<- 1·ampa1gn that he didn't have lJ t•hanc1· of being c:il'Cted. , .. ,. "Thi• vot1·1~ won't havt· ('ht'" ~lt·<'I 111 k11·k .1ruu11d ,111 v111111 t', .. h1· said ''1'111 d1saµ1.1rnnll'1l , li111 1'111 not .su11>rrs nl W11h 1111 prt•:o.1•nt ,ol l.iri.:1· 'flhl V111t· 'Y"lt·n1 11 ':-. v1•ry d111 rru I l tu d1 o;l11dg1 · .111 1!11 ui11lwn1 unit•,:-, \'illl 'Jl1 ·1HI .i 11>1 111 llllllll'\I .. M,1\111 p1 11 1 .. 111 1>01111 II.oil, wh11 1:-. ,.,., pt·• ll•d lo 1>1• l'lt'\'li•d llli-" o r ;11 1111 Nov I :1 t'•llJlll ii 1111°1 t111g .... 11.t lw \\,,...Ii.a pp\ \\ 11h 1111 • 1•l1'I 111111 11f St l1.if1 I .all d l l1 ·rt111g J?ackard heading for • • wr1te-1n • v1cto~y _ D.iv1· Wh1•1·l1 ·1 .111 .itt11r111·\ p1.w111111g In N1•wp11rl B1'.t1·h wh11 pl;11·1·d 111u11h. ,..111d h1· w11uld try .1gan1 tor· a 1•ot1111·tl sc•al "('n1 :I l1tllt• "Ul'pl'ISl'd a11tl d1:-.:ippo1111t•d ." ::.a11I Wlwt•lt ·r "I 1hink I l'llUld h;1Vt• ht·1'll ,, llllll' X.t..f11t ~ll'll11~i1·1' .. "l\·1· h1 •1•11 ""' k111g \\1th l111th 111111nil"1111 ... 1111· qu1t1· a whtl1· .111d ,, .... g11111g 111 IH.· ·' pl1· .. ,..111·1· t11 \\111 k "11h th1·111 .1g;1111," ~;ml I !:ill "I k1111w 1111•\ 'II 1·onl111111· 111 do .i j.!• .. 1d j•;li .. ' ~P.ROPO S ITIO NS • • 11 i;handgun:o., 111111\l'll tlll' nurnb1•r of t.:"l'Jgun~ 111 1·trl·ulat11111 a11d n •11u1n·d ltiiltH11111.il1t j:11I 11·r111~ lor p1·11plt· '{C4 ·11ught 1·arr y111g u1111·g1i.11·n ·d h'andgun~ on th1 :-lrn·t t.11tll':o." .111d '1111,..11\l111111.1t11111 .. H~ JEFF ADLEH Oi' lh• Dell~ Piiot Slell W1111· 111 (';1111l1d ;1t1· H 11 11 t>;11·k :trd r.t·1 ·111t'd a l1k1·l v 1·a11d1ua11• for 1nL'lus111n 111 c•t111g n•ssw11.1I poltlll'id l11stor.v l11111k~ tht~ mor11111g i1~ his upst;11·1 w1'1t1· 111 11111 ;q1pt·art·d lll'adt•d 1111 \ ll'tol'V 11 1h1· 1·111b•·rv;1L1\'1' H1•publt,:111 5 1-vi·ar old d1•n11~1 pr<'V:1tls 111 tlw· 4:.h'u Cungn ·~:-.1011~11 ll1slrw1. h(· will b..'\:onw 1111ly llw l11urtli pt.•r.>1111 111 his tory lo 'w111 a :o.\•.ot in l h l' u s 11 \I u ~ l' II ( H1·pn •sr•ntat1v1•s 1>n a wr1t1'-111 IJiJSll>. A final outt·omt• in tht· t11µ,~· lLlr".V rat·l' 1w1.«li<·tl:llily a:-\\ti.I :t:-tlw • .1111 11o11g11 h.111 111· .. 11 1:. l'Xpt'I l1·1l 1;111'1 lt1do1 y ;If \l'f t.1l11tl :1111111 111 11pp1 ux1111.ll1·l.v :!:!, 'IOU Wl'lll Ill l.1:11l11L' 111.11 1'1'111'1111 l•I 111 · (.11111111·d Ill S ;11) D11•g11 ('11lllllV. S1a11s tH0:tll v. 11111-.1· wr11t· 111 IJ .1 11111 :0. ;.h o11 ltl 1•1 0\'t• I ll 111 · l':ll'k.11·1r ... 111 k1·1 111 Wal'll1111gt11n I> (' t·11l.1J•Ult111g li1111 I 1't1lll lhll'd 111 ,,,.,, pl:ot·1· Ill tl 11• thf'(·1· "·t\ I ; 11'1 \\'h1'111 •h•11111111111111,d'111 l"1lli ( )1 .111g1· .ind S.111 I 11 .. g11 t •HUllll'l- 1 llll,hl'd f'llll llllllj.( 11.oll toh 1."t 111ght. l'.11·k.t1 d \\ .... Ill 11111 d pl.11·1 . lrutlt11g tho l1·.11lll. J)i·n11.11·1,1t H11\ "P,11 · r\11 hL'I l1v ' 11.477 \'ltll•' W11h :ill l>;1ll11ts l.1u1 ttll' :l'2.tmt1 wr1 11• 111:0. "'>U lll1•d in lht· two 1·11un1y t·1111 g1·~·,..:-.11111a l d1:-.1ri1.·t , An·h1 ·r wa~ lt·:id111g with :U:i 1 i.x·1T1•n1 111 1111' v11t1 · Ht ·publ1tun .l11hnnw C'l'l'l•ll w ;o:-. 1 111~1· lw tnod with :H !I Jll'l'l· .. 111 wt11 l1• l'a1·kard h:id g.ir·rwrt·d :w II 11<·rc·1.·n1 nl th1• \'111 t • Thi· o11111;1l ,.,,,,. 1·1111111 1111111(111.tl lv l11ok1 •d tlll" \\,1\ Ard11·1 . :i1 •. i :1 I l'r 1·;111, ;,4,11:rn Pal'k.inl. -t:l.~7'i "llnl1•S!> w1·'v1· lu·• 11 g1\'1.•11 111cu1 r · 1nfonp.il11111. w1· 'huulcl •c.· Lh1: ry. hut I'll w;,11 Cot the· toUnl 111 IJ1· 1·0111for1ahlt>," P;wk.~nl !'>.ttd tl11s 11111111111g. trv111g !::liti<! Hui 11 l;1n ·d 11pp11..,11111n I rc1111 ')titdns 1·1 v.1t1 v1· ~I.tit· S1·n 11 1. ·1J·.R11·hord!'>On . t ht• nlthl pm..,·1·rf u I ~nliepuhltea11 in tlw Sl•rl<Jtl'. wh11 ., ..... ol s bu I 1 t .t II I' Ol p J r l ' II n 1111.~mputt•n11·cl 111.1~' 111a1ling:o. ll•r ·1'-IJ*.>ltt H·al t·auM·s H1t·h:1rd:.11n ':o. no gcr 11 u p . l; u n 0 w tH' r :-• d ·.1·ifllt11lifornia, lt~I tht• 11pp<1s111011 to P rul)l.1:-1t11111 11 . a hal'd-foughl 1·fl 011 lo n •qu11 l' a m1n1111u111 ;1-n 111 dt•1x•slt 1111 m11sl bt·l'I' ,111d ,111 t dnllk 1:u1ll~t1111·1~. pat1t•n1t'<I ,of lt·f' ,111 Or"gu11 l<iw, w1.·nt down II• dl'fc.11 111 a c«1mpaign m;irkl·d It,\ ht•:iv.' uppos1 uon spc.·nc.h ng 111 t 111• I 1nal w<.•ck s S11n1t· ~;~ 7 po ·r n ·11l \'OlL'<i 111 favor of 11. \A. hi.k :1ti :! pt•rt·1·nt oppo&-d the.· ml-.1,..un· 11u1 of 8 '2 million volc·s t·ast Up11o n e nts , l1•d by lh1· 1, .. ,·t·ragl' 1-onlamer industry ,111d "111w ret<iilcrs. Spt'nt about $ti n11ll11in on the campaign through (•lt·t'lron day; Propos1t1o n 11 ~UpfJ<trlers Sp<!n l SOlllC' $750,00U T h " 1 n 1 t 1 a 11 v l' w o u Id ha v c r••qu1n'<.1 ntl'kel dt•pvs1ts on most IH•1•r ;ind sort drink t·ontamC'rs to pr11\'lth· an inl'<'ll\l\'I 111 d1•;H1 up 111;11ls11 It· w astC'. Allen upsets Wray • Ill Asselllhly tht• ml'a::.un· <!?.o 'lt wa~ dt·fto;.1ll·d n1.·;1rly :!-I. o.. Io IA.•ncl wl11l'h l_x·g;rn l'<1rly 111 th(' ::inoal'I ' and l'n111111ul'd throughout 1. •la1· 1•v1•111ng. with sup1,ort1•rs vl•Ml'U!oolng •>IJIJOll\'l)b of ''Sl'iJrt' STATE • • • the nation's f1r:.1 (·h·('ll·tl blal'k governor. by 47.IJI)() V!ltl~!'> OU\ or .. r117 million v<H<~ l'ounll•d '~1lson. th1• ·l!:I v1·ar·t1ld lhrt'\" 'Ct4'rm mayor o ( Sa n 01eg1.1. c· ,, ·-:~recited Brown by 51 2 pcn:en t 'J4'o 45 l p e r l't•nt. dl·al1 ng a crippling blow II> Brown's hopt..-s ~'o 1 making a third hid for 1J•tJrles1dent .. ((ir- Propus1t1on 11. th1• 11u1·ll•ar 111111all\'l'. ord ers tht• govl•rnllr to lll ~1· Pn•sidc•nt R<'agan a11d ntht•r l1•d1•1.d officials t<i n<:gotiale ;m 1111n1t·dtatc n uckar weapons ln·1·11· \\ 1Lh thE' Sovrc·t Union Thi· 1m•.1sure was s ponsor<.'<1 l.Jy t11rnwr anti-Vietnam war acl1v1st 11 a r o Id W t 11 ens . a d a p pc• r mtllionairt• who grew up in U'l> Angc·les· tough Boyl<.· H eights drstncl. t:Sy J~fl' AULt;R 01 lhe DellJ Piiot Steff, ThrL·(' 1m·uml>t•nt Or~rngc Coi:.lsl Assl'mbly m embers were rt" t•lt"'t'Lt·d by widt' margins Tuf's<lay w htlP a fourth, Demo«rat Cht·t Wra y , w;,is t opp l e d b y H('publtl:an Doris AllC'n 1n tht· 7 lst Assembly D1s tnt·1 ra<'l' Hc-1•ll'CtNI wl•n· Rt'publ11:ans 01·nn1s Bro wn 1n the 58th district. Nolan Fnzwllc• from thf' 69th d1 s tr1cl a nd Manan Bt'rgeson 1n the· 70th As..<:<:mhly Dtslnt·t Allen finall y s uct•t•c.·tkd in upselttng Wray a fter runn111g against htm 111 both the 1978 and 1980 elC'Cllons ShC' won on ht·r ';{;o un f i anS back Duke, Wilson Uh;·1: p:.BV STEVE TRIPOLI ·10bf1he D•llJ Pllol Steff WhatC'Vc·r th1•1r p ull ll('al .q"'t!ology. Tul•sda y's t·ll•c 11 u n ~iippearcd to Ix· a dt·ar vit•tory for <.;i;t}le morP than 8.00ll c•lt•t"t11>n .,,,,)IW>rkcrs 1n O rangv County a~f41>m an opc•rntHJnal st.andpo111t, that is nbi.Shtrlt·y Dl'~llon , thl• ('ounty , ~pvernmt·nt s dll~.o f dt·puly ~.i:1:g1strar of vutHs, s;,i1d ;ust ont• · tiiinor httt h slowt·d t.abulat1u11 nf ., l,he county':. apprQX tmal<•ly •'7:1.· t•~-~o balloL<; 1o ~'Tht• fmal prt<'tnct's vull· WJ~ 1"1-recordc"<I at -I 2:~ am today. ::.hi• said "'?.'' ThC' turnout was fi7 percent ;.Jn • She> c·harac·tc•rizt.:d the· vott· vlrtnunttng opcr atwn ,1s .. prt'\ty smooth all night hmg " About -100 worko·r:o. t·ovt•n ·tl 1clephones. t·he1:kl'd incomtng hallot boxes and h e lpt-d with th<.• c.-ount at the reg1strar's oHit't' in the County Operations Ct•nter 1n Santa Ana, Deatrm said Another 8,000 workers fed rl'SulL<> to the l'enter aft.er they c·ompJ<.oted lheir .1ob of processing votPrs in the county's 2 .066 pr<.><:inl'ts. sh<' said. The registrar's off1c.·t· pubhshed fresh results about t'Vl·rv half hour after the polls l'lt1St'~t a t 8 p .m . with compll'l<' n •sults published in the llith frn<tl report at 4 :23 a .m . Dc•aton said a rn111111 s nag 111 l h c l:oU n t rng of the.• mal· h llll' "'-.·annablf' ballots n •sulll-<l in thl' con snlida tron of th1• 10th and 11th rPptirL-; al ;1liout I a m Thal w ,1 :-. t h (' 11 n I .., p r 11 h I 1· ni 1•nu1untt•fl'fl The final hox t'f ballob w.1~ dt·hvt•n ·d to Santa Ana shortly after midnight. but inspe(:t1on of the· hox1·s and tht' ballots plus thE· aetual tabulation de layed the r111al 1·ount an additional four hour:-. iil'C'Ording to Deaton. Tht•rc· w e r e no add ition a l dl•lay s <·aused b y specia l cirt·umsuinccs, sueh as the large n u m b c• r o f w r i t e · 1 n v o l e s rf'co rded in !he 43rd Congrl'ss10nal District race• whi<'h 111dud1·d the southern part of t.h'}. t.-ountv. Dc•aton said Mort.• tha~ lfi.OOi°I wrilC'-111 votes w1•re cast in th<' 1:oun1 v 111 that ran·. almost all 111 th1·m for L'arb\J;HI Mayor Hon P:11·kard · Thi· \'Oii' 1111.il fl•Jlfl'Sl'l11t •d ,1b11u1 a li7 1.x·n ·1·nt turn1•tJ1 1r1 tlw 1·11Ullt,V. JU'' ,t p111n1 11r two ;iho\'1· thl· p r1·d11 t11111 or Hl'g1:-t1.1r ol V111«rs Al O lson Winds decreasing Con.te t n l Trevelets edvlsory ln mountain rengn tonloht and Wednesday lor 1trono ou11y north 10 northeHI winds 25 10 50 mph Clt•r and dry thr ou gh Wlldnnd•y Strano ouaty north to <IO't'-•t Winds 1n mountains end 1>9tow puse1 and c11nyon1 through W11dn11adey Warmer coe11e1 are••· but cooler on o-1• with local gutty winds LJ .S. Sltfllfll<lry '1ow1tng wind 9nd rein hit much of the M~I ..,1y today, and ----· beMt by lle•vy '*'· o.n.. •ao atwouded p..-11 ot tM South-.! Thund«atonna 9nd hlQh w1nd1 b8ttwed .-thefn lndlllNI, cenlr .. llllnola ..,d touth-1 MIHOUrl, while "911 lhe 11111 ol be1M1bell1 denied c•r• end 1me1h11d wlndMlltlld• In Columbla. Mo Hell .iao wu rep<lf1ed In Lule. Oki• A•ln lhOW•ta llnOtr•d over eaattrn North Cerollne whll• d en u loo bl•n••ttd 1h11 CetollnM and nort"-' Florida Fair .,...,_ prev....._. acroaa tlle Weet. with • ltw rein end lnOW lhOW«ll IJ'll9r lhe nortllern "°'*" Mounlelne. California w•ll have a h•Qh 01 88 and beaches h,gl> temperetures will be 78 lo 88. wtlh a weter 1emperature near 63 lows 1001ghl "'''' ranoe from lht! m•d·40s 10 m•d-5-0s, n51no to 86 in ~ome coastal areas and Orenoe Counly los Anoetes low reading will be 1>bou1 58 Te 11ip e ralures NATIOH Albany Albuqu11rque AmarllO Asheville Atlanta Allenlte City Austin BanimOre e1mno• Bttmlnghem Blam•rclo. BolM Bolton Bruvwnsvlle BuHalo Burllnglon CHI* Chetlnlon SC CherlellOO WV HI Lo 69 56 64 34 66 40 11 45 79 58 78 58 86 70 80 52 52 37 80 59 54 21 58 28 76 SS I)() 76 66 53 59 52 •6 32 75 68 79 55 Chertolle. N C C~ne Ch1t99<1 C1nc1nnelt Cleveland COiumbia. SC Cotumbu1 0111u -F1 Wo11h 4 'wV1•1•1 .,..' 77 SS 46 30 67 50 80 8• 65 60 80 58 76 59 83 69 n Todey'i "~3'7 lllliillti.·-~U ____ R_f R_IP_IR_T Lw.tlen Huntington BluH• Huntington Pi.. Sant• Ana Rlvtf Je11y 40th 81. Newp«1 22nd St. Newpoft lelboa WedQtt Flocllplle. LAQun• S1MPY Hollow Thele-9roou Sen Clem«lle '* Trllflllger (T ·Bir"') •• ,.1 ..... 1-2 1-2 1·2 1-2 '+l na1 l-2 t-2 1·2 I t Wewt ·-· Sllape Temp . ~., . ., ee al Oood 15 poor ee poor ee poor ee poor-falf ee poor.f .. t .. poor·lell .. poor·falt M poor 84 • poor 94 Tomorrow-Hl9ll T1oe: t JQ em , Low Tide• 4.37 p m . lftll dlrtdOn! Soulh'-1. f Snow CJ 01y1on 78 60 Oenvtf 55 33 Oe1 Mo<nes S6 53 De troll 85 54 Oululh 51 38 El PHO 75 49 Fargo 50 32 Flao1tell 59 24 Gr .. I Falll 46 33 Heriford 77 56 Helene 45 40 Honolulu 84 12 Houlton 84 70 fndlenapo111 15 81 JI CklOn, Miii 81 59 JKklOnvtlle 82 85 KenaH City 89 ~ lH VfOH 81> .... l lllHI Rock 80 12 Lou11vllle 88 es Lubbock 78 •7 Memphl1 78 84 Mleml 82 73 ~llwllUkM 59 11 Mpla-Sl.P•ul 66 41 NNfWlllt 83 .. ..... QrlMn• .. ... Hew Yori! 17 ti Norfolet 71 N Nof1h Plett• H ,. Olli-City ,. a Omaha N .. DNndo .. !! l lh1rcJ l•lt•t'lllll) L1llt•11lpl Wtlh :"1:! pt·n·1·nt 111 tht· \'<1t1· ((l111p;11Pd with th•· 4:1 pr·ru ·nt pulll•d by Wr;.t\' Ill th1· h Vil\'ilV D1 •111111·1 ;1111 d1~ll'0ll'I W r:-.o.v h:.id IX'<'tllrll' tht· wrg<·I ot Ass1·n1hl y Hl•publ tl·ans h1·1·:1us1 ht' wa:o. b\·ht•vt'll 111 Ix· a l>i•atabh· Dl·nll>t·ral with :r lc.·s~ than ('11Vtabll· lt•g1slat1Vt· rl'<.'Ol'd. Plat·t'd o n th(· 1'lt·publ11·..in Assl·mblv C :.rui ·us "hit ltst'' tht:. yc.·;ir. Wray w:.is l ht· frx•ul> of a t· a m pa 1 ..: n I h a t m a rs h a I I l' d cun!.tU<·rabll-GOP l'ampatgn mo111<'.'s agatru.t him a:-. well a:. Hepubhc.:an poltttl'al l'XPNllSl· The 59 -y t·a r -u ld DL·m m ·ra t fou~h t bal'k with U1.:moaau1 doll.1rs s uppl1 L·d 111 h upt.•!> of saving the s1•Jt lit'> t·ampa1~n v.-as gu1dr·d by As:.Pmblym..r1 Brun' Young. D· Duwm·y. whcr mast1.·rmmdt·d Wr.1•/:. 497 vot1• v1c.·tor y u":<·r All1•n 11 1 I Y80 Final but unoff1e1al n·sullo., Ill the 7 lst d1stn1.·t. wh1L·h cu\'1:r!'t W<·stm111st1.·1', Surnton. La Palma. l'yprt•ss . Los Al.im1tul> <i nd portwns o f But•na Park, Anahl'trn a11d Gunlt·n Crov<.'. ar1· All1•n. ·17,45:1 W1a\'. -11.2:!:! l'li.1;·l1 ·s 8 ;11'1'. Lllll'rt;.i1 I.ill . :i.:rnti Un11ff1l'1 <tl f111al results tn Ol ht•r Orangt• Coast Assembly distric·l-; stacked up this way· Asse mbly D1slrtl'l !'l8 . wh1l'h 111dudes a -shoreltnt· s lnp from Sc.·al Beach to Huntington &-ach ;1s wl'll a!> much o f L•>ng Bt·al'h and Signal Hill. Brown. n .:i 17 Patrick Spnngt·r. 1.>t.·rn•K·r<Jt. :~!I 11!\6 Paul lla ;tk . l't'.Hl' and Fn.:t·dom. 2.171\ A ssPmblv D1stnl·t li~. wh11.·h includc·s C~lsta Mc.·~;t, F ountain Vallc-v. lrv 1111· dnd portion:-. of Santa Ana Jnd llun11n~t(l n &·aL·h tSee A~SEMBL\', PaRl' A31 HB b ack s con solida tion I lunl111gt<•ll Bt·.il'h l'l'S1d1·n1 s \'11h'Cl by,, -1-1 111arg111 Tth"•cb1v 111 t<Jt1s11l 1d..i1t• lut·al 1·1t ~ .. t1•1·t 11111,.; W1lh :-t:11t·w1d1· gl'l\l'l,'l il l'll"t'tltlll>. hl'ld rn N11 v1·n1ht·r 11[ (•\'I'll nu111lwn·d vt•aro; Hun1 1ngt1111 B1 •;i 1 h l'11v \'lt'('\11111:-. h .. v1· l.1<·1•11 h1·ltl 1111 th,1· s1·l·11nd Tu .. ;.d,1 v 111 A prtl o l 1'\'l'll numbt •n •d \(•;11 ~ Tlw t·h<1ngt·. 11) th1· (11rn1 o t .m .inwndn11·n t 111 th1· 111\ 1 har t1·r. app1•art'd 11n th1· 11.ollnl ..... M1«1~un L F1n;d, lout urwl I 111.d r 1 '>lllh Wl'l'I' y t· ... -Iii !179 No. !J,8H!l Supportt•rs o t 1h1• 1·hang<· ;1rgu1•tl tha1 loc.·JI Plt'\'l1(1n~ ht•ld 111 N11\'< ·n1lwr would 1·nsun · lurgi·r .V•lli•f' ltirnouls that might hPlp Ill prt•v1•111 :-mall groups with v1·::.tl'(I 1n1t·rcsts from controlltng l1x·<1l go 1v1 ·rnnH'nl Ml·asun• L supportt·rs also argut-d th;H consohdat111n would r<-sult in a :o.ubstanual saving of t·lP<'tlllll l'OSlS Ill thc l'll\' Tiit' 1 h ;;111g1· 111 ek'(:i1on 11mt·~ will a fft•t•t Sl '\'('11 Ci t y l.'<IUIWll m1·ml"1<·r... th1· l'llV att~nwy. th1• 111v l'll·rk a nd t·1tv treas un•r Tt'rtns 1•xp1rmg in April. 1!184. .1 111i /\prtl. HHltl, will bl· 1•xtt·ndt'Cl unttl Nm·1 ·mlx·r of thuSt' y1«1r.; CUISINART ALL WITH NEW EXPANDED FEED TUBEI ll•I Price OUR PtUCF OLC 10E .................................. ..................... $130.00 S 99.99 OLC 8F .............................................................. 185.00 131.99 OLC 7E .............................................................. 260.00 179.99 DLC 7PRO .............................................. NEW! 275.00 199.99 PASTA ATTACHMENT ................................ 99.99 DLC 7-220v For Foreign Travel ............................. NOW IN STOCK CUISINART COOKWARE Offer Good Thru 1119182 Limited To Supply On Hand 20,_ OFF THIS WEEK ONLY tlll,..Ul'('l '!'<1'1u11 y LIJ :o>U JlfJf'l':.S 111:. 1·x1 ·11t·11H·nl "I 1·;111'1 t·11nc.·c.·1v1· th;Jt w1 •'d lost• 1t al 1h1!-o prn11t" l':ickard :-.a id that of th1• o1ppr11 x1111a1t·ly :.12,000 wrne-111 v1111·, n·nmin1ng t{I b1· n1unll-d h(' l·X pt·t•tt•d rllt lrllJrt• lhi.11 1 :l,0()0 would lw rull·d 1nval1J f ur v:irlou~ n ·ason:o. "If Wt' Wiil by !J,()(I() ~flit·::> II would II{• h twalthv win and a ~1gn1fl<'a111 111amfat<' ·o f tlw pi·oplt· g1v1·11 lht• st-umbllng hkl':k:o. lal·1ng a wrrtl·-111 1·a11d1dal1-." Pal'kcird .1ddl'd Tht· ran· 111 thl· 4:ird dt:o.trtt·t. w h 1 t· h t a k c• :-. 1 n :-. u h !. l a n I r ;-ti p11r1111ns o t north S ;m Du·go l'11unty and part ~ o f ~uuth Or<m~c.· County. prnl..1<tlJly will turn out to tht· must t'Xf)(·n~1Vl' HouS4.· raC"t' m U.S . history l';1(·kard dt·l·1ded lo wage a wnh .. 111 bid following his 92-vou· lo:o.s 111 Cn·an 1r1 a h1ttt•r GOP pr1m;1ry th at f1·aturl:d 2 1 n ind1da11•s, lli H1•1Jubl1cans and thn•t• D(·mOl'rats Packar d and h1-; GOP coll1·agu cs aC'l'US<'d l'n·.111 <lf mud slt11g1ng and of (• n1pI11 yin g u n d 1• r hand e d 1· a fl\ p a t g n l a c.· t 1 L' s Seal B each OKs school m e rger plan Vutt·rs in !:it'al Bl•och haVl' ,, ppr11v<·d tht· ml'rg1•r o f tht· fl n.ant·1:tllv troubh·d &•al &·at·h S<"hllol ll1s tr11·t. with nnlv ont· '>l hool. 1n1 11 1h1· L o:-. Ala.m1 to:- ~·hool D1~tnc.·t Thi· fm;il un11Ct1t 1al l'ount was· Y1~. H.!'l!-IH N11. :!.71-1 Thi· mt·a~un· J ppearl·d o q Tu1·scfo y'!'< l~Jll111 i.IS Propos111on A Tht· mNgl·r will takt• d feet lll'XI Julv I But th1· m•arlv 400 !:><•al Bt·al'h v11ungs1....-s who now allen<l llunttngton &•at'h High School n 1n t·on1111ut· to t.lu so 1f they wish Eighth gradt• grciduates of MtCaugh S<:htXJI, the.· only public school in Sc·al Bcal'h. w ould attl'l1d Los Alamitos Hjgh School nt•xt Septc>mber. barring inter- d1s1ricl tra nsfers. Elt•mt•ntar y students in Seal Bcal'h will continue to atlend Mc·Gaugh which now has an (.lnrollml'lll or about 750. Tht• mcrg<'r was instigated m Seal Beach as a cosl -saving mt·a<;UrC' ••• • • •••• c s a u~-. s a a a c a 4 ea oaeueeeeso , WORLD Gunmen storm '"l'urkish consulate in Germany l' () L l) (.; N I!: , W P s t <.;t•rmanv (AP) vunmt•n thou~ht 0ltl lx· lt·fltsL'> upj.)OS("tl to thv n11litar y rt•MHT\l' 111 Turkey sturmt.-d . tht.· Turkish C'onsulatt• in Cologne ttxfoy. ta k1n~ dui:•·ns of pt•oµh- hoslcll.(t' Pollt•t• :-.aid tht.· a ttackers, a r nH·d with p1 st o ts' and poss1l>ly otht.·r wt·apqn.s, later rl'lt•ast•d a bo u t :rn fiostagt•s but th1•y said an unspecifit•d numbt·r ol t.·aµt1 Vl'S, ind uding C o n s ul Gent·ral llh un K1nnwn. wt•n .• hl'ld se veral hours afll'r thl' sil'KC l>c~an. A numbt·r of 1x•ople wen· :-.l1i.:h1ly tnjun·<I 1n the panat ul thl· lUkl"t>Vt·r but nont• was sho)I , polict• addl'<l Turkish ~IUl'l't'S S<11d !'hots Wert• firtc'd dunn~ tht• ta kt.-ovc•r Thl' allal'kt•rs unfurh.•J u nod bunncr with the words in Turkish anll Gt•rman "No to tlw Junta Constitution in Turkey." Tht• bannc•r, hung lrum tht• first floor o f the narrow, four-sl\iry <.:onsulate builcling, borl' a rt.•d hammt•r and s1t·kte anti white· star a nd thl· words "[)c_.vrnnl'i Sol" or "tlt•volutiunury LA•ft " Pope raps nuclear arms MADHID, Spain (AP) Pope_• John Pa ul II. who madt• a su ngmg at tat·k 'Tut•sda y on thl' int•oming govt·rnmt.•nt's stan<.j m1 sudal iSSUl'S, turnt.o<l his a ttt.•nllun lll ;inulht•r pollt1l'al <kbatt· tod ay and d t.• p I o rt• d n u c I e i:I r a r m s rest•a rl'h as "a scanda l of our t1mt0l>." In a s pel'l'h to Spi:1n1 s h intt'lh'<:tuals and professors at M a d r i d ' s C o m p I u t t' n s ~'..-. U n 1ve r s1ty , th e pontiff plt•adt-d with his hstC'ners to u'it' their 111fluem't' to stop tht· nudl'ar a rms rat·c. Looking slightly tired on tht• fuurth day of his 10-day v1s1t. tht.· 62-vt•a r-old. Pohsh- b u r n po pe 0 l>pt•nt a busy m o r n 1 n g a l t h t' V a t i ca n Embussy, gn•t•tt ng Spain's ~mal l Polish l'Ommunity. a dt•lt•gation uf Prolt•stants and tl1t• Vatic·;m press l'orps Th~ popt• also had his first nH.-L' i1 n g w 1 t h a J ew is h dt•lt•gatiun s1m•t• he granted P a 1 c• s t i n t' L 1 b c r a l i o n Orga n1zat1on t:hlC'f Y asscr Araf<tl an aud1<.·m•(• in Rome: Sl·pt 15 Soldiers patrol Beirut BEIRUT. i.Rbanon (AP) - Lt•b a n c s e sold i t.· r s w e rl' de ployr'Ci 111 east Beirut tooay ahead of the first U.S. Marine patrols. sc·tting up positions at key po111l'i and threatening to arr es t a n v C hri s tia n m1h11amen who rt.•fus<'d to lay down their arms 'Th<' movf' appt•art'Ci to bt.• the first full-scale l'ffo rl to takt• control of tht• c·askrn sec·tor. run by the militias for the past eight yl•ars. It was NATION n 11 t t' I e a r w h c t h e r t h e Christian militiamen would t•o op e rat e with th e disarmament dt•1r1and. In the Chou f mountains 12 mllt•s southeas t . of Beirut, pullet• said at least six people wcrl' killed and 15 wounded 111 another series of clashes bt•twcen rightis t Christ ian and le fttst Druse Moslem militiamen in the villages of Brth and Kfar Nabrach Boy poisoned by candy DETR 0 J..,T ( A P ) -A 15-year-old boy was poisoned when hC' ate• candy l<•t·c-d with c;yarude, and a t'ha111 of stores began removing the brand of candy from its shelves, poliee announced Tuesday. "Our department took him to the hospital . . and it was confirmed by a private testing laborato r y that he had cva111de in his blood." said Redford Township polll-e Sgt. Roni:lld Harding. T h e youth purc hased a package of "Now and Later" tand y al a Lawson 's Party Foods store Saturday. ate it and began' vomiting about an hour later. Harding said. "Prior to that, that's the only thmg he ate except some toast and water al his home," Hardmg said. "He ingested it, lay down for about an hour and a half and. when he woke up, became n,useous a n d began vomiting. · GM recalls Chevies DETROIT (AP) -General Moto rs Corp. is recalling about 107.000 of ns 1981 and 1982 m o d e l C h t'vrol c t C hevc•t tes and subl'ompat·t l'ars lx'<:ause of tht• possibility of fires undN the hood, GM said Tuesday The• cars: equipped with I .Ii · 11t t'r , fo u r -l'y l1ndcr gasol111c· engmes, have a fuel STATE mlet housing plug that t'Ould w o rk l oose fr o m th e t•a rburetor. t'aus1ng gasoline t o l ea k . the No. I U .S . c:a rmaker said 111 a statement. The problem. disc'Overed in c u s t o m e r <.·o mplaints . s temme d fro m "certa in batt·h es o f ca rburetor s ," company spokesman Harold Jackson said. Shock ban approved BERKELEY (AP) -A national <.'ampa1gn to outlaw electroshock therapy gamed its first ballot viclory hen• 111 a nationw1d<' movement The proposed ban on th<' m edic al t r ea tment h ad garnered 25,380 vote:o1 with about 98 percent of the vol<' tallied unofficially, while 1;1.7fi 5 opposed the ban. Alamed a County e lec tion clerk Larry Redmond said tooay Opponents of the treatment say it can ca use perma nent bra in damage and that the equ1red patie nt consent is obtamed under pressure. The Am e r ica n P s yc hia t ri c Assoc iation s upports the therapy. say ing it has few side effccts and is useful to certain severe ly depressed patie nts. In Be r ke le y. the s h ock trea tm e nt s a r e on l y admin ister ed 1H H e r rick Hospital. which said about 63 o f its 1.500 p!l y c h iatric pauents received the therapy last year. Royce new -state senator Republk un Edward Royce was elel'lt-d to the state Senate rl'preacnting th~ 32nd stat• Senat e D1strid Tuesday , defeating Dem ocra t Frunk Barbaro in a bitterly contested .. ra<.'e. Thl' :JO-year-old act·ountanl w ho resides in Anaheim won With 5.J dl'rct'n t uf the vote t·o mputl· to th~ ·Hi p!'rl'l•nt garncn.•d by Barbaro. Fina l but uno ff1tial vot e 1.<1Qulat1ons in tht.> district, w hich co~e rs Westminstt•r , Gardl'n Grov e, Stanton, Or a nge and parts of Fullerton, Anaheim and Sant.a Ana, showed: Royt·C, 7ti,5!J!J Barbaro, 65,lrn I The campaign was one of the• most bitter in Orange County and by far th<' m·ost expensive of any l'Ounty rat-e for a legislative seat. Ch arges and counte r-charges flew bctwt!t!n Barbaro and Roy<.1e as each tried to portray the .other as a s ubscriber to the radical right or radical left and as living outside the district bcfurl' the primary,. Registration figures in the distri<·t , a cr e atio n o f reapportionment and, therefore, without an incumbent. favored DemoC'rals 51 to 37 percen t. Non e the less, both parties viewed the 32nd district as a key race and poured in hundreds of thousands oC dollars in hopes of winning it. The campaign was a contrast in style as Barbaro campaigned actively throughout the district promoting what he called his moderate Democratic belie fs while Royt'e, a self-described con ser vative. f ocused his campaign on direct-mail appeals t.:> voters. ASSEMBLY From Page A2 -Fnzzeollc, 63,0l:H • • Robert Hanson, Democrat. Incun1bents celebrate Dellr,... ....... ....,.~ .......,_. ~ " I E\1t•lyn Hurl a nd Juckic llt!alher i;wap high fives after lt•urning of the ir 6.000-voh• margins of victory in Newport Ht•at·h (:ia y Cou1wil ruct•. Mort-eelehraling shown on Page A5. "I II .11 I•• V,3lley police, fire tax 'fails "I II :r By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the D•ll~ Pilot ll•ff A Fountain Valley ballo t me asu re t·alling for a public safe ty tax to support IOl·al pohl'l' and fire servu•t.os faik'Ci tu l·aptur<.· the n e c ess ary tw o -t hirds approval in Tuesday's ele<.·tion. A majority (52 percent) of the d ty's vote rs fa vo rt'd the lax. whk h Founta111 -.Valley urfu:1<.1ls c l a i med w as crut·ia l f or ma1ntenanC'l' uf the t·urrcnt k vcl of Safety S<'rvie<•s. But the mt•asure fell far short o f obtain ing tht-two-thirds approval (about 12,GtiO votes) nect.>ssary fur cullet:tion of new t a xes . a s s tipulat e d b y Proposition 13, tht• 1978 propl'rty tax re form measure. .. . With all 5!:1 Foun\ain VallC'y prel'inl'ts rl'purttng, tht· final unofficial totals fo r Measun· K were: Yt'S. ~UJ77 No, !J,202 "Tht• l"ity just hos tu find othe r ways to t·opt• (with the cost of sa fM y st•rvil'<·s )." Fountain Vall<'Y Councilwoman Barbara Brown said today. Sht• said the voters set•mt-cl lo bt.• saying that city officials "must go bat•k and be more cn·ativt•, rath<'r than take tht· t•asy way ' out with nf>w taX<'S." Measure K was a i med at raising $331Ui40, which eould onl y be used for police. fire a nd paramedic Sl'rv1ccs. The city's cuntral't with thcst· employct•s <'Xpircs Dec-1, and negotiations arc under way. 8\.lt the curr<.•nt dty budget contains no money for pay ra1st>S, city offil'1als said. BN·ause of .Propos itio n I :i re forms four years ago, the city has lost a signiriC'ant su m in • propc'rty tax reve nue. Founta111 Valley has no majo r s hopping centc·rs, auto dealc>rs or hott•ls to gen e rate sa l es or revenue. To maintain c urre n't a&lety servil-cs. homeowners were altec:t via Me asure K t o pay,i1 an additiona l $I7 per year.°""~ of C'ommercial and indua~ial property were being asked 1Qpay $30 to $120 per acre annualb\ ' Coundlman Ben Nielsen ~ the majority vote in favor of.1he • tax. indicates th1Jt pllblic safety r<•mains a top priority amHng Fountain Val!ey reside~ts. 1 H~ said city officials may havei to diver t money fro m ot .. er programs, such as recreatio~ in order~ to maintain strong pOlce and fire departtnents. .11 Counc ilman Fred Vo~s desl'ribed the o utc ome•of Measure K as "a very strong a nti -tax vote," rather tho a t'ritidsm of current public 5*ty services. 34 ,1!'>5 ~ Assembly District 70, which '80 hi • • D ...J ~:~.~:r~~~~tr~g~~~ ocs ~eJ~In ~Inocrats .1:~ the in la nd un in corpor.ated the portions of Orange County. NEW YORK tAP) -The Demcx·ratic• Party. votes of those who were discontented with -Berge-son. 86.395 which lost man.of its traditional voting bloc'<; in w<Jy Reagan 1s handling the economy. They got -Linda Westfall. fA.mcx:rat, .President Heagan's tandslidl' 1980 v1l'lory. won 83 per<.·ent of the votes of those who said q,,y 31 ,066 mo:.t or them back in 1!:182, according to the Q(!lieved that Reaganomics had hurt the CX>_Unlgy; In each or these districts, in Associated Pres-NBC News poll. 86 percent of thoSe who said they thousht,~ prosram was a failure. • 1n which the incumbent euily won The poll of 12.000 voters In 400 precincts Blue-collar worken, who ipUt evenllr}h re-election. voter registration across the <.'Ountry showed that people who have their l 980 presid ential preference, raHd figures favored the Republican helped the Dem~rats to vktorics 111 th<' pa st Reagan's economic per(ormance ~r or poor b1 a candidate by varying degrees. In vuted Democratic again Tuesday. They included margin 01 more than 2!'1. And their votes.a~ fact, Bergesori's 70th district is blue-collar worke rs , member s of mi nor ity it _ they went 58 pettent to 35 percent r the most Republican in the state. groups. the elderly . womt•n and even some [)c_.moc·ratic· House candidates. , Bergeson and Brown. stressing traditional Re publicans those who describe Women rated Reagan's economic program their co n servative brand o f themselves as profC'SSiona l or managerial. fair or poor by a margin of 62 pereent ~134 . politics and record of service to Th 54 t to 39 percen\(Jor their districts. each were e-lected Thl' poll S<.'C'mcd to 111dkatl' that the• major pen.•ent. ey went pcrcen to third terms. Be rgeson is a reason was ReaganomiC's. But there were some· Oemt.ll'ratit• candidates. 55.ye ar -old Ne wpo r t Beach anomalies -several differen t questions on the And that unusually De m ocratic gr6'lp, resident. Brown. :J3. resides in subject elid tcd somt'what c'Ontradictory answers. professionals and man.agers. reported t~ Signal Ha ll. T hose questioned as they left polling pla<-es opposed to Reaganomics by a ·margin oftJ52 "This is not so much a victory. said that they gave Democrats an edge of 52 pert-ent to i6 percent. The poll said that ttfey but a challenge for the co urse percent to 42 pert·C'nl over Republicans 111 tht'ir vo(/2'd Democratic by a margin of 48 percent tel46 ahead," said Bergeson. as early votes for HouS4.' seats. And 58 percent of those percent. . · f II returns established a d ear lead in askC'd to rate Reagan's performance on the The poll a lso reported that nine of IO blacks her favor. "It will be a busy and e<'Onomy put it as fair or poor compared to 39 found Reagan doing a poor job handl~g active two years ahead of me." pen·ent who callJd ti good or excellent economics. It a lso reported nine' of 10 btaelc:s P"'i n a 1 th 0 ugh u n 0 ff i c i a I But those sampled split almost eve nly on the voting Democratic. . ~: t a bu l a lio n s had B e rgeson question of whe41er Reagan's economic-poli<"ics And it found thauhose over 65 dlsagr~56 winning with a who pping 74 have hurt the country. And asked whe the r percent to 39 percent with Reagan's handling of ~rcent of the vote in her district, Reagan's economic policies were. a suCC'ess or the econom y. They voted 53 percent to,414 h h f failure. s ix percent said Succe91j 36 percent said • e ig est percentage o any f 1 b 49 'd h h Id percent for Democrats. . •.<! legislative race in the county. ai ure. ut perc-ent 581 t e program 8 ou In a related AP-KNBC poll or 2,972 voteri in B r o wn ou t dis t anced h is be given more time to prove itself -sefmingly 100 California precincts, six in 10 respondents opponent. 47-year -old school an endorsement of the Republican siogan. "Stay rated President Reagan as doing a poor or,,_,)' h P S · · h the <.'Ourse." 'I"\~ teac er atricia pr111ge r, wtt fair job handling the economy. :;. 64 percent o f the votes cast r-===~B;u~t~t~h~e~De~m~oc~r~a=t.s==c=e=r=ta==in=l=y11r•e~a~pe~d~t~hmeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii compart>d with her 35 percent. Stressin~ h is commitment to less government. Frizzelle. 60. of Hunting to n Beac h , was r e · elected to a second two-year Assembly term. 1 "I e xpecte d to w in fairly com for tably," Frizzelle said. "I'm happy to have gotten this far." He also pointed out that both the 1980 general election and this past June's primary contest were e xceptiona lly . tough races for him. He said he therefore was doubly pleased by his victory margin. FrizU'lle received 65 pel"C('nt of the 97,239 votes cast to Democra t Robert Ha nson's 35 perc-ent. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES C'1tifird Gm1oltJMi1t, AGS HOW DIAMONDS WERE FORMED Corum ' s Masterpiece Collectio . .. We're Listening ••• What d<1 vou like about the Daily P ilot., What don't you llke" Call the number at left and your nihsage · will be recorded. tran9Cribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. A diamond ls carbon. like the graphite in a lead pencil, but with an Important difference: it is c arbo n crystalize d b y tremendous heat and pressure . Geologists estimate that this occurred about 60 million years ago. when molten rock, boiling 11.ke wate r, caught up bits of hrbon and formed diamond crytttals. In volcanic eruptions. rock w..t f thrust upward. building a mountain beneath which a plug hardened Into a "pl~" of eond rock embedded with diamonds. 64~·6086 Thl' same 24-hour answerin1 service may be used to record let· ters to lhe editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No l'lrculalion calls. please Tell us wh11t 's on your mind. =-110 ...... ~·'•'09'1 "fOU do r::o ~·,:,· c".!"r;./l,.'fr ~ •"er yOv' cop~ wuf b• .....,.., .. llHdly •~d Sunooy II "°" oo no1 'K••¥• YOU' WYtl'I '•"' c .. -. ' 'IO • "' """ .,_ COClf .. ......... .., ·. OAANGE COAST Dilly Piiat Themet P. Haley ,uti1.t11e• Of'd c 11 .. 1 taeoii·•• Ottot•• L. Key Schulh viejl ''"._.. Olld o ... c1cw ol """ .. """O ~P.Hervey 0it~1cw ol Mor•etlftO ICorc\Aol>onl KenMth N. o...a.._.t Jr. Ow.cior ol 0.,..0llCWI• • • Some of lhete ''pipee" remain today, bul many have beep we•thered away throu1h the. a1ea. the diamonds 1>eln1 released from their volcanic beds. carried away and deposited In river bed• and mnu. . Althouch dlunonda wllh the hardnem and lutln& brUUance of a natural atone l\ave been clupl"'-t.ed on• labontory ltale, no one Ml yet found a way to K"Onomlcelly maaa·produce a iynlMdc d6alnond o( &M -1Jty that ...,. .. loiewr." ~ 1ne Gold lngot1, Weighing 5, 10. Or 1& OrMWNI. Eleetron10 Quartz I UOOotd. Piecei E~'° QUllUAnd w ............ 1 ·~ .. -. . Orange Coal DAILY PILOT /Wtdneeday, November 3, 11U LTB .. llM OrW• c ... ay °Preclac&I Ht 1f Hit IHH Rtale Pndaet1 Mt .. HIH GOVERNOR Bradley (Democrat) County State 1e Deukmejian (Republican) County • . State Douahert_y .(Libertarian) .. . County State. 249,059• 3,720,010 41 5,172 .3.771.821 • -56as ·79,028 Grif~in (American Independent) County 3,482 State M,949 beth Martinez (Peaee & Freedom) County State 3,296 68:754 LIEUTENANT GOVf:RNOR l Hallett (Republican) County State Kuhn (Peace & Freedom) County _ State ~76,804 3,2~2,110 6,482 90,"87 ' McCarthy (Democrat) County 261.855 State • 3,931.880 Houston Myers (American Independent) County 5,799 State 78,107 John Vernon tbibertarian) County State S~CRETARY OF STATE Mar.tin Buerger (Libertarian) County State Gordon Duffy (RepuQljcan) County 1 ·state M h Fong Eu (Democrat) County State Smith (American Independent) County • State n Takei (Peace & Freedom) County State · CONTROLLER eth Cory (Democrat) County State Flournoy (Republican) County State . • Gingell (Libertarian) County State raham (American Independent) ~ I . County 9,293 106,701 15,445 149,322.- 312,293 2,552,616 307.282 4,488,339 9,498 101.170 5,793 97,499 281,249 4,165.629 333,066 2,691,196 11.059 119.443 16.402 170,187 • : State . Flilimce McDonald (Pe~ & Freedom) 80437 ~ • ~U~ty • · 180,245 TREASURER K~ AkJ.n (Peace & Freedom) 'Ill County State ~Antman (Libertarian) County State 8,493 126.761 15,795 167,063 ~rt Chai'lton (Amerkan tnct.pendent) ITATI: ll:NAIDR • County 7,706 .... Dlllrlet . State ~ 15,374 t'r•nk Berbaro (Oltrnocral) Donald Ji'r~nc~~~';"bllcan) · )b.485 , I Suue 2.571,167 Edward Royce (!Wpublan) Jesse Unruh (Democrat) 1 County 296, 166 , State 4,360,149 ST.ATE .ASSEMBLY .A'ITORNEY-GENER.AL H" Dt1&rte& &rtholomew Lee (Uber\arlan) Dennla Brown (Republkan) County J 1,872 Coun\y State 161,078 State George Nichol.Ion ~~publican) Paul Haak (Pe.e & Freedom) County 334,377 · C:OUnty ~ ..auue 3,048.415 State Dan Sie.el (Peace & Freedom) Paltitia Sprtt\19r (Du1hotrat) . County 9, 146 County •. Stale 174:8U State John Van de Kamp (Democrat) . It" Dtl&rlc& " County _,-~&i..113 Nolan FriueUe (Republican) -State l.11 3,945,084 Robert Hamon (Democrat) BOARD OF EQUALIZATION ·• _ 71" Dl1&rtel 8 iii' ---Marian Ber..-n (llepublican~-- Jack Dean (Lioor·tarian) · Linda Westfall (Democrat) 35,681 73,31:/ 965 2.176 17,000 39,088 63,084 34,_166 88.3U 31,086 Couoty 39,108 711& D11&1'1e1 State ""1'08,763 Dorla Allen (Republican) · 47,455 Ernest Dronenburg Jr. (Republitan) Charles Barr (Libertarian) 3,306 County • · · . 360,201 Chester Wray <f?emoc:rat) 41,222 I • • State., . l ,"012,J79 . • · . . ECJmund Kelly' <De'moerat). ' • S'tATE. SUPERINTENDENT QF PUBl.IC ' · County 205,322 . • . 'INSTRUCTION· · ~ " · State T78,952 BUI Honig U.S. SENATOR ., County Edmund Brown Jr. (Democrat) State 372,494 3,838,188 11. WaW Colmrv1don I 18,187 ='Y 2.441.146 14. --~· Comm1IMon c.o.an&y :i87 :wt .... 2.880.6t l I~. Jiandaun Rep&raUoo .227 A't2 County • • •• 8tal.t' 2,776.134 NEWroRT BEACH Norman Loat.1 Donald 8'nUll .. AllanBe* as, c..-11 D11&rtc& I . ·Dts&rk.1 s .Jlvetyn Hart C. lldward Wolfe Davkt Gnnt JKIUe Heather au Aaee. ·Paul Hununel Dlt&rlcl I Meu•ret O. Aquatic Centerleue Y-es NQ N. Banninl Ranch project ' Yes ·' ' r. • -No · COSTA MESA Ctay Coadl - 428.211 4.488.J21 • 311,83& 3,802,73? ,.-• . dfl,817 4,668.277 11,2113 16.016 e:asu l5,M3. 2,420 11.1a1 :· 17,114 14;402 1 3,0~ 1i ,304 . 8,507 ' 10.808 J-4,0li?. County 208,461 Wilson Riles State 3,438,806 County Nonna Hertzog · 228,506 Claudia KeUy-W,•ycr 3,057,096 --Arlene !:iCnafer 12.115 2.523 .13.738 7,428 4,238 5,924 Theresa Dietrich (American Independent) 6 State County · ,443 _ State 81,838 Joseph Fuhrig (Libertarian) County 7,752 Sfate --05,2 David Wald (Pe'l<.'C & Freedom) County · State Pete Wilson (Re publican) County State.' U.S. REPRESENTATIVE 48tlt Dlatrlct Robert Badham (Repu.blican) Paul Haseman U.Jemocrat) Maxine Quirk weace & Freedom) 4%Dcl District J ohn Donohue (Peace & Freedom) County State . Dan Lungren (Republican) County ; State James Spellman (Democrat) County State Ord Dlatrict Clncomplete) Roy Archer (Democrat) County ·· State Johnnie Creaii (Republican) County ~ State ' Ron Packard (Republican write-in) County State .,. ~ 7,005 ~77 437,750, 3,908,454 141,112 51,900 4,772 2,166 5,439. -53,123 139,890 21,966 57,893 16.979 56,754 22,463 54.838 16,040 45,277 STATE PRQPOSITIQNS Yea No ...L~l Construction Bonda -county--274:9W "350,749 - State 3,540,fil 3.465,,18 - 2. County Jail Bonds" , County State 3. Veterans Bonel County Stare 316,566 3,794,466 307;493 3,195;120 381,879 248,133 4,728.485 2,31 1,133 4. Lake Tahoe Bond County State ' 291.834 335,224 3,694,444 .a,282,979 5. Horne Buy~n Bond County 308,101 -.. S\ate _ 3,794,609 326,198 3,2'38,163 6. Pension Fund lnvestment228 328 · County • 369,!Mo 4,014,088 State 2,588,686 7. Fire-safety system exempuon County 242,186 360,494 State 2,732,225 3,902,237 8. Local Governments Funds Transfer· County 288,206 296,471 , State . · 3,287,399 3,163,130 9. Scnool Textbook l...oa1'• COunty. 238.746 • 396,836 St.ate -2,756,716 4,3.10,378 10. Courts Consolidation ' County 195,155 397,634 State 2.261,637 4.~63,508 11. Beve..-.e Cont.liners CoUnty . . State 12. Nucle4f Freeze r County f?t,ate 249,537 413,587 3,280,252 4,161.~33 290,749 .... ·356,890 3.794,145 . 3,437,447 Christopher Steel Lynn Van Aken - Dave Wheeler FOUNTAIN VALLEY K.F;.ice, fire. paramediC'1lh y~ No · (Did not paaa, sance two-thirds majority needed) I° HUNTINGTON BEACH L. Charge city election dat;e Yes No JUDICIAL Callforala S.preme Coart .. Yes Allen Broussard • _, County 237.668 State 3.101.841 Ono Kaus County 236.279 Seate 3,080,258 ,Cruz Reynmo 2'?0.916 . County , Scne 2,918,492 Frank Richardson . 3tH,324 County State 4.318.~ 9,97/ 9,202 ~6.979 9,885 No 258.382 2.396.202 260.346 2.455.062 279,412 2,630,840 125.970 1.354,106 MUNICIPAL COURT West QraD1e c.Dty Office Z 1 Dan Dutcher 72.59~ Ronald Nix 58.925 ENSON & HEDGES . . . . r ·~ I ' :l ' 7, " Only 6 mg )'Ct rich enough to be called deluxe.·. ..... · -· _ · Regular and Meribol. Open a tK. t~ t'~lftl Uy Tlie Junior Lague of Newport Harbor. Inc. ·.A 3-DaY · Shoppillg Ext_ra vaganza Tuelday & Wednaday. November 2 & 3, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thuraday, November 4, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. OraJ18e CoW\ly Fairgrounds (Building 14) -. . t:.. ... ,..i ,,, .... , ... 011: \•lull· l:?.~'41 cc:1..i.1w11 t ••""• I:! ~~._r'"'T ' Benefactor &.rd · 1982 \l .. 1,1i •• , ............ ,_ ................ ,._~, ... ~ ... " ·~, ...... _ ........ \1 ........ ~ ........... "'"'' :"~•· ...... ....., ............ \I ................ ~·-~ ........... 11.......... ' .... 1t:1.,.,_ ............ 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""'"-'-r.-.... . ~· ~ ........... ~.tit ......... ·"""''""" ........ ~~1"'"''~ '""" ,. ... ...... "'_. __ ,, ... __ I NI. (NllDll \ \ ICM .. •Mlll'PI .....,.. ...... ,_,. .... _ ................. ..... ... l1JI ., "'"" .............. ... .. ................. _ ........... . ,. '"'."""' ............. .... ........... .... ,,., ...... , .. ,.,.,, :.:e-.!t!'"' ......... .... . 1• P\I 11\t '\t.Uth' Ulll ti 110\ ~ ..... c...-:..:;:wa' c::.:...... , ................ -""-' ... _.. .. ,_ .. .... ICllUIClf CUii -.. "-'-1--·-·-· -tlHllAC tll ''I l-.... ~ aim.. ~~--........ . ••nNflll'· ....... ~ .!r:~IJ:l~.,r;;;;. .......... • Both . parties claim victOries By DONALD M. ROTHB ERG .. ,,........,... ' WASHINGTON Dcmo1.·1'llllc and Republican leadol'tl clulmoo conlradlclory mandall•s o n R e a g a n o m i c s t o d o y o r ll' r• midterm electiOnf In whh:h tlw Democrats strerlg\hcned thvir House m aJON\y but faikd to s hake the GOP h o ld on the Senate President R cat4an was descrlb«t us ·•upbeat'' by While House chief ot stuff J amc.•s A. Baker Ill. The pragmatic..' a1dl' · acknowk'C.lged that the clC'ction of more.• H o use Demo('ra ls ,, lndicf lt:!S "we may h ave to compromise some more" --wh<'n the 98th Congress takes office tn January, but he predicted the• con ser vative coalition that enabled Reagan to cut spondtng and t.axes would remain intuct. .,. paker held out ttopc that at least some of the new Democrats ~ill "b4!' the same kind of boll- weevil Democrats that we've been able to attract in the past ... It's gonna be tougher to pull · tnat coalition together 111 the As T om Fuente congratulated GOP fa ithful o n their win a nd invited De m ocra ts to rejo in the cele bra tio n, Co ta Me a Counc ilwoma n Norma H ertzog got a victo r:y ki from h er so n -in-law Chuc k ~ Wing. A e mblywoma n Ma ria n Bergeson , husba nd Gar th , d au ghte r Nancy and o n Garth m ingle d in crowd . ttou11t;, but wc."vl' by no ml'1m11 lc>11t that c:oollUon " D<Jmocr1A tlc House.• Spoukt•r Thomws P. O'N<'lll Jr. c:ullNI the• elc't'llOI\ "a dll{lstrouH d<'feut for the· pr<Jseidl•nt " H t' 1ald It "showed thot Amenco doc-an 't ugrt...-with tht• unfnirnl•sit policy o( tl'w prt>sldvnt." "I think whut the Amcrkun people said w 1u1. •Stay ~he course'," said R<'pubtkan Party chairman RichnrcJ Richurds. However. Sl•natc Republlcun leader Howard H . Bak<'r Jr worried illuud that the n ew Democrats in the House coulda give O'Nt>lll the power to bottlt• up Hcagan ad mi nistro ti o n proposuls. "Unless we.• 1•an agrl'f in a ge neral ':"ay on what's going to be on the legislative agenda this year, it might be difficult to get to oonferenre committee" where House a nd Senate diff rl'nccs normally a rc ironed out, thti Senate's Bakvr said. ' But the offidul White House lint• was con f idence. "The pr<•s1dent's ability to govern and . • h•utl h• 11tlll tht•u·. llllllJ.:I." 1'<Htl 1>rt•1;ldt•1Hl11I 11puk11wmun uurry St>t•ukt•!I · l)l111111 tli.f1w11un w ll h U t•ul{un f't~llllllllll' poht'H'li Up)X'Ufl '(I tu bt• u fnctor Ill 1wvt·rul ntt'\'lf but not l'flOUl{h 11f 11111' tU pro4Ut'C {I D1•1llll('l'Hlll' lu11dslidt'. Ttw I 0.1 p<'l('l'llt Ulll'l11r)loynll'nl l'Ul'' I.Ind 8 0<·1ul St•t•ur ty w1•rt• th(• big 18.'>u1•11 111 l~•11)11t·rot1c compulgns. H1•publlcon c ampalt(ncrs co un t l'r N I by c iting lowf'r 1ntc•rt•st untl Inflation rutl•s and blun11ng Dt•muc.:rullt: policies for · thl' t.'Conom1c problem.'!. · lnlt•rviews with VOll'l1l us they lc rt polling µlu t'Cs found a mix uf d1splc•asun• with the rt•sults of thl• HNigan c.•c.:onom~ program - but also a rc'&'rvo1r of pallenc..-e. Tht> impat·t o't He ogan's personal cltmpoigning also was mixl'<i. Republkans wor In Utah, Wyoming (lnd Vi rginia and were leading in Cahfornaa -all states whl'rc the pres ident appeared. Reagan also campaigned in Nevada, but 1t was a s pl it decision th(•rl· with Democrats capturing th<' governorship and Rl'publicnn11 wlnnln" u St•nntt• Ill. 111 Nt'w Jt•r1wy . Montono. N~l.>ruaka, Tcxu11. Nt•w Mt·xko. nd North Curolinu. wht•rc· Kcaaan t1hoi t'nmp11lg1wtJ , th<• ltt•publlcon cand1datl'R lost Th" blggt•11t polllic:ul non1~· among the loi>!-'rH wus Gov Edmund' G . .Brown Jr. twt<.'t' o candldatl' for the Dt•mocrullt' presidential n omination, who was•beatcn by San Dl(lf(O Mayor P ete Wilson In th<.• Callfornlu Senate race. Defuocrats won 2~5 t!ouse seats and were leading In 11 others: •Rcpublkans won 1~8 and were lead[ng in 9. If that trend <.'Onllnues the Ocn'locrat.s would pick up 23 scat.'l. • Two Georgia HouS<' scats, now he ld by Dt'mocrals. will b1.) dcddoo in balloting Nov. a.o. In the-Scnaw, it appeared ti')(' Jte pubucans would hold their 54 -46 majo rity . Only two • incumb<.'nt senators lost, Democrat Howard Cannon of Nevada and Republican Harri~n Schmitt of New Mexim. Prc·~iclC'l1t Rt.'ugan a;1d Vice President Hush mN·l rt•portt•r·s to day. HWe fee l ver y good a bout w hat'~ h a p1w rw cl," Heagu n said . County R epublicans toastu.M - -' ,,.,~) _.victorie s in Mesa ballroom11. By GLENN SCOTT and KAR~N E. KLEIN Of tblt D•llY Pllol ll•H Republicans who gathcrt•d Tuesday at the South Coast Plaw Hotel ballroom for an clet•tion night bash w e re a s tudy in confidence. It may be that members of thl• weU-drcsscd and sociable crowd were more interested in. the Mission Viejo jazz band than in ~tatewide rac:es. , But It would seem more likely that Re publiCBns, who built up a 70 ,000-voter e dge over Democrats in registration during the past three years in Orange County, felt certain they had done their part. Initia l returns showed that Republicans had piled up a 3-1 margin over Oem<>t'rats in voting inside the county for statewide' races. And if that were not enough. the Republicans also boasted thl' television crews. Four cameras from region.a TV st.at1ons were set up side-by-side within the ballroom, their bright lights casting dramatic shadows over a relaxed crowd. In contrast. less-confident Democrats_.meeting across the county at the Inn al the Park. Hotel In Anaheim had lured onlv one TV crew. The atmosphere there was m ore subdued .. more philoso phical. Pa r t1c1pants watching Orange County's conservative vote a 1d1ng Republicans in statewide rac«>s had less to celebrate. Orange County's Re publican Party cheerleader, Tom Fuentes. was master of ceremonies for the affair at the Costa M<'Sa hotel, which was officially hosted by county Supervisor Thomas Riley. An expansive Fue ntes was more than willing Tuesday to invite the Dem<><;ra ts back lo South Coast Plaza where they could s hare the TV coverage. That is, if they had anything to say. He noted that the get-together was ~nitially conceived and hosted by Rttey to give Orange County politicians a meeting place to see their fric..nds and be seen through the TV cameras. But the Democrats never felt at home In the non-union hotel. And Fuentes' pro-Repub1ican updates of vote counts w e re d elivered with a flourish that only the party faithful would enjoy. "We get too partisan her~ This ls supposed to be a non-partisan party." he said. "We've got to somehow break through the partisan thing and get th e Democrats to come tx.""Cause the TV stations in Los Angeles don't have two c r ews in Orange County." About 1,500 people arrived at the South Coast Plaza for th e tree get-together. Most of them sapped drinka. which Included a 25-cent surcharge to cover expenses, and huddled among fri.ends. Well d rinks were $2.75 each. Beer was $2. · Only a handful of peoph.• pressed near TV monitors set up In t~rners of th<' ballroom lo hl'ar tettt-.updalCSI-. The ilver-halred Rllt-y spc.•nt m ost of the evt'n1ng In th<' hallway greetlnai Republican arrivals. T he supervi1or wus distrcsM'd to team upon arriving that no &ables had btoen reterved for his group. That wu swiftly 1'9Ctified. Riiey. of coursf:', w 11 nt>t runl'Un1 for offl(.'(!; he won hi• Hal In June. C•ndld atet who w•rt' runnlna were ldl likely to be mllllna amon1 th• crowd . Conarnalonal ho~tul J ohnni• Crean and Allembly contenden Dorl• All•n and John L e wi• remained in '300 tulwa upttain In \he bcMI • eerly ,..,uma were COWl'-'CI. How.vw, ~ ROtiirt 8 •dham, R·Newpor\ Beach: I ,c I D.ity "°' ......_ ~ NcMrd K..._ S ta te . e n . John chmitz and h is wife Mory ~ (•ha t with Nico le Pie rce of KOCE Ch anne l 50 whiJe Cos ta Me a C,)uncilwoma n Arlene chafe r is jotervi{"we d by K UCI. Assemblyman Nolan l''rizzclle, R -Costa M e s a. a nd A ssl'mbl ywo m a n Marian ..Bergeso n . R -N<'wport Beach , mingled in the ballroom. all three acting hke winners. Ln a mild surprise. state Sen. Joh'n Schmitz. R-Newport &ach, and his wife, Mary, appeared and evC'n consented to interviews with n'JX>rters who only months ago Wl'rl' pressing the m for comments about his relationship with a woman who claimed he foth<•rt.•d her two infants The Schm1tzes appeared on camai.ra togNht'r. Nothing seemed too earth- s haking to change the county Republicans' fosl1Vl' spirits. Said B e rgC'son : .. I. know whatever happens tonight, we're going to ke('p o ur vnthusiusm high. I know we'r«> going to have a long evening and a sUL'\.'CSSful ev<'ning." In Anah<'1m, the proceedings at Dt.omocrat1c headquarters started out on an upbeat notC' with the CBS rwtwork's early prl'd1ct1on of d victory for Tom Bradley's bid for governor But. as th<' pohtlcol lide turned agarnst Jerry Brown and several Orang(' County Democrats. the mood swung to one ot subdued un~rtuinty. Althou1h election rt'IUlts were not <'nrouraging at lt.'Ut thf." larae wmout 1t the party gave party ofl1cials 1ome hope for t he future. S h i rl ey W alton , puty coordan1tor. aaid the aatht>rlna w• • final for county Democrats. B e t ween 700 a n d 1.000 1upport•ra. lncludtna ma ny minorlU"· lt\owed VP to dua to a local 6and, mln1 l• with ~ncUde• and .. ther around tM 1tw t•l•vi1ion monllor1 In t he room. "It's been a long time since I saw this many Democrats in Oran~ County:" said Assembly candidate Ch<'l Wray. shortly after he breezed into the room with young, fl'malc campaign workers on each arm. "Even if we don't all wm this~ ttme. we've gotten off to a good s t a rt," h e s aid. Wray was defC'alcd. Fran Smith. who nas bel-n - active in the Orange Count:¥f Democratic party for 22 y\!ars, I s~ud the turnout alone was cause for celebration. l "I can remember the daysj • when your tires would be slashed and your house pape red with l pink toilet' paper 1( you were a I ·Democrat in Orange County."!- she said. The scarcity of Democrats m: thl' t'Ounty will not likely change 'I soon. ocrording to Robert Ryan. w h o c a m p a i g n e d f or• congressional candldl\te Paul I Haseman in the election. ·~The l amount of high -technology industry. the high l'hcomes and the property values will maintain 1 a high.level or extrcml'ly conservative voters in the county," he said. When asked why California's Democrats f ared so poorly as com pared t o Democrats nationwide, o n e cam_palgn wotk('r quott'CI Richard O'Neill. forml'r state party chairman: "California is really a ~parat~ nation -it's only a rolncldt'nce that we vote on th~ samf' d1y .. the r"f'St of the t"OUntry " But Ry1n offered a d1ff erent explanation: "You hav• to~ bualneu-lik~. market•orlt n \ed and you h avt to l t t e•f'Y support to win •n eh!cUon. t Tbt1 yur1 he 11641. "°'"''' O.m~ra\t almply l•ckecl all thrw. , ,. DUtcher newOC judge Sun lu Anu alturnt•y Oun Ch41rles Dulchcr hu11 IJ<'f<>awd Rum.aid F. Nix lo win u s1x·ycar ' term us judgl' an the Wt-st Orongt• County Mµn lt:l p11l C:o urt In Wl>stminsll•r. Final unofllc1al rei;uhs in Tul>sday's l'lt'<.'llon wc1'l', . Dutc·hcr, n,595 Nax. 58.Y:l5 Aepublan Wlmwr -Democr11tic Winner ~ Gain From Republans * Gain From Oemocr1t1C • San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson embraces a supp~rler. '· T he Dutl'hc•r·Nax c l(.'Ctlon was mode possabll' after an Orangt• County S upt-rlor Court Judgl' Invalidated the June t>lect1on of the incumbent, Judge J oanne Harrold. Deukm.ejian vi.ctw-y ilson halts Brown's career The judgt• r~led that Harrold, who easily defoated Dutcher and Nix, wasn't a resident of Orange County when she filed candidacy pap<>rs last February , . . runs against tide LOS ANGELE!::> lAP) San Diego Mayor le Wilson defeawd Gov. Edmund Brown J1 111 ancorous ral"t..' for the U.S Sc•natt.• m wh1l·h son was accus<.od of S<:hemmg lo avoid tnmn1l' es and Brown was blaml'<l for a burgt'ornng budget defil"it. .... - Republican Wilson. 49. in the middlt.• of-a ter m as mayor of the statl''s second largl'Sl !.'.apt4n •d 51.2 JX'rccnl of thl' vote Tut•sduy to wn's 45. l percent wifh 99.4 percent of t~· Le's pn.-cincts counted. He claimed v1c·tory ly. saying he was "thahkful to thOSt.· who re thinking of voling for Jl•rry and didn't " Supporters crowding into t he l mpl'nal lroom of the:> Holiday Inn-Embarcadero in San · o threw confetti on each other's hl'ads and red Wilson to the podium. "My dad used to tell me, ·Son. it's much ter to be lucky than to be smart'," Wilson told . Reagan 'freeze?' WASHINGTON (AP) -A nuclear weapons proposal won s uch overwtie lming approval l everywhere it was on American ballots that porters say-Presiden t Reagan cannot ignore the ge. But Reagan is expected to remain opposed lo otittions w.ith the Soviets o n ha lung the uction of new nuclear weapons. Jusl last week. nse Secretar y Caspar Weinberger said a fret>zc uld increase the danger of war" -a pos1t1on easily d ropped. Freeze proposals, purely advisory. wt•rc on the ots in 39 places Tuesday and carried in almost :hem. Arizona was the only one of mnc states rn it down and the others places where at lost e mostly conservative outposts such as Mesa nly. Colo. and Izard County, Ark. Philadelphians voted yes by a margin of 3-J. freeze refer endums carried in rural areas like ingfield . Mo .. Sun Belt regions like Dade nty, Fla .. Republican suburbs like populous folk County. N.Y. _ Although all the votes had not been tallic.'CI. it clear the states of Massachusetts. Rhode ·Island. J ersey. North Dakota, Montana and Oregon approved freeze referendums a nd the position led solidly m Michigan and California Approval came also in such cities as Chicago. nver. Wash ington. D.C .. Re no. Nev., and pia. Wash .. and nine towns in Connecticut. In tral Nebraska. the-people of K earney approved concept by a 57-vot.e margin out of 6,659 voling. The ballot question varied from place to place. ilwaukee. it asked if voters supported spending e on education. mass transit and he~p for the eedy "by reducing spending on nuclear weapons nd programs of foreign ·intervention." Nearly four oters in five said yes. In Rhode Is land , Steph e n J . O'Rourke, xecutave director of the Conservative Union, · eel the outcome was a victory for opponents kept the yictory margin below 70 percent pile a "w e ll -o rganized . w ell-fina n ced paign." tate passes clear halt LOS ANGELES (AP) -Califo rnians owly voted disapproval of America's nudear policy. but campaign leaders on both sides of atomic w eapons freeze initiative claimed ~ ry in the election . ' The state's nuclear arms freeze measure. position 12, clung stubbornly to a slam lead ttus ing, garnering 52.7 percent of the votes to 47.2 n t against the initiative. Harold Willens. the millionaire Los Angeles nessman who headed the freeze campaign, said was happily unconcerned by the margin of ry and called the results of Tuesday's elect1on beginning of "an incredible journey.'' "This is not a contest that has a finish line n aJJ the votes are counted." Willens said. "Of , we'd like to come out with a winner. But Is not a World Series or a Super Bowl. It's the ·nning of a long journey ... on this Ji{e and h Issue." Opponents said they, too, w e re pleased, !ally in light of the fact that they wcr<' pent by an astounding 133-to· l margin in the peJgn. "From the very beginning, we have anticipated at, getting less than 50 perc€!nt of the vote," Nick Sirokln. a Los Angeles engineer and ol \he opposition campaign, Callforniana A Strong America. SlrokJn noted that the opposition was lotu In nmg a campaign. and spent only $15,000 to •2.8 mlJJion effort wagoo by freeze supporters Nld he considered it a victory 1' his aldt' ~ anythln1 over 45 pt'm?nt o( the vo\e. "Almost half t-h e people In Ow s tale of fomJa don't want a freeze.'' ha 9id. "We're thlt ahowa \hat the more det.ce th<-re ill on ,.__, the Jell support thel'f' Is." HmdUnlnc the <."elebrily ronuncent lfURpe>rtlng ,,,,... WM .cior Paul N~man, Who df'bat.ed Ht'ltlon o' the freeie on nall~al wlcvlaion. • the noisy crowd "Some people said I "T'asn't smart to gl?t into thl' Republican primary with 11 V('ry good t·and1dau.-s or take on in the general tdl'<'l1on Jc.'rry Bro\vn . who has a reputation as a form1dal>IC' ca~;.ia1gner. And he's lived up lo it." Dutcher. 51. led the ch~llcnge against Ha rrold's elreuon. WAS HlNGTON (AP) Dcmocnlls toppll>d Hepubhcans from govt•rnorships in Texas and seven other states and he ld onto power in New York. Jlepublicans partiall y avenged their heavier- than·e)( pccted losses with a California victor y over Tom - Bradlcy. who had h.-Oped to becomc the nation's first black elected governor. were ahead in Alas ka. That would give them a net gain of seven statehousc..'S, when added to the acven Democratlc seats that were not up for ~lection this Thl•n, Wllson s;i1d he was about to assume "lhl' grt•al privilegl' of representing you in the United States Scnaw." · 1;. B1·own. 41.._ who went to a Los Angules restaurant to await Late returns, lold a reporter.-' "I am prepared for whatever the ve rdi<'t ls." lit-is scheduled to a ppear today at the 4th District Court of . Appe~I in San Bernardino w hen Harrold's appeal is scheduled for consideration. sear. Wilson won th<' seat vacated by Republican S.l. Hayakawa. who retired after one term. Gray Davis. who quit as Brown's chief of s taff-to wage a successful bid for a state Assembly seat, ins1sl<.'d early in the race that Brown "may sull hove another miracle leCt In him. I'm not walling to throw in the towel.'' <:;ities in the West O range County Judicial District include Huntington Beal·h , Founta in Valley, Westminster, Seal Beach. Gard t.•n Grove. Cypress, Los Alamito s. Stanton a n d ·unin corpo rat e d l"ounty territories. The position pays $57.776 a year . Except for Caltfernia, the resulLc; were mostly bad news for Pres Iden t R eaga n . whose economic policies were major issu es an m a ny· states where Republicans lost. Democrats won 26 of the 36 races at stake and DemocralS took power Crom Re publicans in eight states - Arkans as, Ohio, M ichigan, MinneS'ota, Nebraska. Nevada, Texas and Waconsin. The California victory' by state . Attorne y Gene ral Geo rge De~kmejlan, couple d with a GOP win in New Hampshire. let Republicans claim two seats held by Democrats. .ANNOUNCING-~-. - AUNIOUENEW FINANCIAL SERVICE M BANK OF -ERICA! BUY OR SELL SECURITIES WHILE YOU BANK. THROUGH AMERIUS.1 FADING DISCOUNT BROKER. Amertcas leading-bank and AmerlcaS leading dlscoUnt stoc9' brokenlge firm. Charles SchWab & Co .. Inc_ tlll'Vejalned forces to bftng uau a unique new stock transaction service. Now uau can buU or sell securities at the 5chwllb Stock Brokerage 5ervices Counter Inside selected branches of Bank of America. YOU CAN SAVE UPTO 75% ON COMMISSIONS You'll !'ave up to 7.:;%on t'Ommassionscom- p:irl..J m rnt~ chnrgcd by full com.mis.-.1on hrnkcr-.! And You'll get more: convenience an the bnrgnin. Bcc.1usc once you open your <iChwnb Account, }'OU cnn h:mt.llc • 111 your '(.'CUriue~ tr:m'>.1ct1ons right when: you do yourb:mking. CHARLES SCHWAB 15 AMERlaS LEADING DISCOUNT BROKER Whl'n you buy or .,ell .-.vcuritics itt the ~hw:th Stock Brokern~c Services Counter you h.1vc :t d1m:t line m n Schwab Au.·01.mt E.xl'CUliVl\ Your 1rnns.1ction will be procc~c-.cd with clcctromc spccJ ond .1cuir.1cy. Whn t~ more, you c:in simply phont.' Ch:ub Schw.t'b & Co .. Inc. from your home or office to enter nn or<lcr to buy nr ~II "l'(;Untic:. 2-l hours n.dny, 7 dny1:i n week-on wt.-ckrnds nml most hbladnys. No other hmker:tl(C firm offer.. uch con · vcnicnt ~·rviec. And Chnrlc-. Schwnb & Co., Inc. b n member of th\.' 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How 111 Cnt\'r ;Ill orJcr to buy or -.ell nny 'U)(.;k, optton or t.'t>flim'l\tc bond. · Dt.•monscrnuon!ll of thir. exe1t1~. new Ji~:ount Mt-.:k brokcm~ service will tnko pl:ic..'\' ill the tuno. nnd bank bmnc~ lu.tcd lll:IOW. m>c hwt."!ltor Cul~ wtll be )liven il\1!.I)' Jur1~ the ckmonMrnt~~ -Z.1Afll4 RIWanDA.M.AltmJIM.. Bink QI Amcrlcft branclv:s: ~-wron Bench/.~ Via Udo Ne\-tpan Cc:nm/ :Ill> Nnrpan Center Drtw LqUna Htll112.o;1 Callt de la ,... FREE INVESTOR INFORMATION GUIDES Come m to one of the select Bank of America branches for the two free Investor Guides we have for you. One is the handy Standard &. Poors Stock Guide th.at shows penincnt financial data on more than S,100 common and preferred stocks . And we have a Symbol Quik"" booklet for you that provides a complete listing of symbols for st0cks listed on the New York and American Stock Exchanges and major bvcr·thc·Countcr issues. ' These Investor Guides will be given 10 you frcc when"you come into one of the select B of A branches for a demonstration. If you cannot come into one dour t<'lcct tt~c:hcs nnd wootd1tkc nMft lnfonnation cm Stock Brokcr41C Services mall the coupon or cnll Chnrlcs Schwab & Co .. Inc. t01l-frcc (8ml MS-5.lX>, txtm.Sion .S... ------------------. Ph.w,· ~nJ 1114.' nMin: anform11th11•1 S&c~k hr1*4·m~· 'icrvk.~" NM•~ - AJJr\~ Cit)' ~lllC .. I I\ fl • J • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, November 3, 1982 Voters react DEMOCRAT REGAIN BLO LO T IN '80 LAND LIDE • to economics NJo;w YORK (AP) 11\lf'rVl('WI with l~.000 voters" nht>r they cu11l bollot1t ot 44 pre<.·an"ll Tuesday were lhl· bosls for the As11oclau•d Preas-NBC N l'W~ t.'lt>c Uo n uu y voter poll ~lionw1de. Thl' scum l1 fil' random 1m mpllng for thl• survey wns dl•signt-d in sut•h u woy as to give: everyonl' whu vott'd Tuc!iday a roughly even chnn<.'C oC being scle<.•tl'd. Tho sumple wus drawn in order t() rerlC'Ct a<.'<.!Utatcly the makeup of the country by region and by state. Here arc the questions und answers from the • ·poll: l. Which candidate for the United Sta tes • House of Representatives did you just vote for? The Republican t·:i ndidatc. 42 pen.:ent Thl• D<•mu,·raut landid ult' -52 J>Cf'l.'Cnt Sonw 111 h,·r l'ill1tlldotl.' 2 pcrt·t-nt Did n·ll 1\l' 2 per<.'(!nt Not ~url' '..! ix·r<."en l. 2. In thinking about .President Reagan's economic program, do you feel It bas ... Hel):>l'<i thl• <.'Ountry 38 per<.-em From Page A3 pVll him U f'UCJI 01 VIII,, t µu 11\\ l tUI r l.J '"1111'4, 1M.-t"<>rdl1111 to tUl d \'t'llt11l duy vuwr pul Forty two 1w rt•1•n1 1mld tlwy bl•llt•vN.I Rl•oai1m'1 C'conu m lt· pr11w1 um h111 hul'l tht• t'Oun\ry, whlll" 3 IX'l'i.'t'l\I N.llll thl•y tho .. ~hl It wwc helpln.i. TM "UfV<•y wuH lm~·J 1111 l11tt•1 vu•wa with 2,972 vol<'l'll Tu(•!Jlly nt 100 1m.oeincui A('r<ltlH the SlOll'. Rc11pondenl11 wen• uhoul ''Vt'n ly d ivided owr whl•\hcr inflation ol' unl'mploym('nt 111 u PIRIONAL; PROf'ILi U0 ldent~ly OW Villle 10 ~ Of I 1el1t I ......,.., 0.......-•1 Ii••••• , N1wpor1 l11c11 (I Pe1lo1m11 s,11.ma lnt11n111on11 C111lt11d lellnl~•· l1111"~·'"'i c:-................... _ ~°'OU411 11• M0·12U RUFFELL1S UPHOLSTllY ••••l .. er.-S.. ltU HAJllOI IL YD. COSTA MHA-14 .. 1 IH ,, ....... mo1'l• impor111nt prnblt•m for thl.' .iovt.•rnnwnt to ht•lp rn111rol. but tH perc.ml 11ald ttwy art• mon· t>tmt'l'rm-<I ubuu\ lnfl111lun thun um•mploymt>rll wh1•n mn~1dt•r1ng tlw h OIA n pt•n1onul Chwnt-t·1. Nl.'llhl•r polltlm l party r" vl(•W('(J u bt.'llll( bf'ltt•r obll• lo hundlt• tht• nuUon'ai t•l'onumk probll'r111c, thouKh u 4ti pcrcl•nt plurality sold Rt•ul(un nc't>dH moro tlmt· 10 mukt• lka"unomk'fi work. Thirty-six P'.'rt."t•nt L•alll•d lht.t p1'l't1idl•nt's prot(ram a Cullun• uno only 7 ix•rn•nt of th~· 8Urvt•y1'<.l lt•1·nwd ll n BUl'<'l.oi..>1. ....... •TllOUIAID UCAWA OAJll . ............ . N1•arly hall ol tlw j.IAt llt"lp11llnfl vo11tr they ''"'' Rt•apn'1 K'Onomlt· pulidt'tl havt• unrulr lO 1h1· m1<Jdll• cl und M! Pl'ft't'lll lht•y would nc>t llkl.' lO him l'l.'·t'l~tt'<l In I One third 1ald th(.•y would hkt' to fiet• R4• rl.'-t1ll!t'tt•d whih• 1 ~ pt>r«.'t'nt 1Jt11d lh<•y um·t-rtuln Fih y-onC' pc.'rct'nl 1ald th<'y 11 UHt Rw only 10mt'l1mt'll or almoat nt•v<'r while 4·1 J>C ... r &<lid tht.>y trua-1 him JWlt oboul ulwoy11 or m ttw linw. Hurl the <:ountry -41 percent Not made any d1fforl.'n<.'C 12 perl•enl -~lhd. 714·'41·1 ... ·~-c..........• , .... .., ... ........ , ... c...,... .,,..,. .,._. ·---...... . ........ ··~ •.C'-' Nol sure -9 percen t 3. What kind of Job do you think Ronald Reagan ls doing bandllng the economy? An eXl'Cllcnt job -• ~ per<.'<.'nt Good JOb 26 perc.-ent Fair job 2~ per<.-cnt Poor job 36 pereenl 4. Which one of the following statements comes closest to your feelinfs about President Reagan's economic program . Prcsidt'nt Reagan's l"<.'Orwmic program is a success -6 percent -:i Prl.'sidcnl Reagan's e<'Onomic program is a fa1 turc -38 JX!l'CCnl President Rl'agan nt'l-ds more time for h is economi(' program to SUl'<.'l'e<i -49 percent. Not surc !I pcr<·cnt • COnllOCnloJ Oris • period f urnll tkC • IOYS • bronzes • /amps • OrllJ/OSS • c: 0 .., ·;: ~ E '( "' "' ·= .s Dorolhy l::mcrson & Don Nolan present H FAIR DRJVE •COSTA MESA. CA NOV. 4, 5, 6 & 7, 1982 THlJRSOAY THRU SATURDAY, Ml P.~. •SUNDAY, NOON .. P.M. 1\dn11ss1v11 $2 7!i -W11h 1h1s od ony number ..,... $2.50 coch Ch1l<lrnn undur 12 free • Free Pa!'.krng u~e Arlin)l.tun /)r1ve fhud<J C.'ute JA enrrunc:e Saturday afternoon and Sunday Ki-.--------------------=-=======-===-=-=---------....u • dolls • l1AhlmA f1x1urt·s • 1ewclry • watches • collec1ables • paintings OUAL.tC .. AFT• ~ STOIW8 AUTUMN SHOE SALE! Prices in effect th;u Nov. 20 REG.16.99 TO 20.99 12.98 REG. 21.99 TO 24.99 14.98 REG. 25.99 & MORE 16~98 ' • Select groups. regular stock• Broken sizes. big choices! Exciting Handbag Bargains! MasterCard • Visa SOUTH COAST PlAZA • FASHION ISlANO Anoheim Plo:io • lueno Pork Center Huntington Center • The City Shopping Centr• Thu 1s not on offrr to st/I nor o solicitation of an oO:tr to _buy these ucurltltl. 71it offering if made only by tlu Olfenng Ctrcu/ar. 1/\ llllGl\1'1110\1 New Issue 400,000 Sl_tares Comtnon Stock Prioe $10.00 per share ' For an Olferln1 Circular and a Stock Subscription Appllcat/01t, pltose contact tht Organizational Offec1 by mall or ttltphont: PASADENA FIRST NATIONAL BANK (IN OllOANIZATION) 50~ But Colorado Boulevard Pasadena. Caljfomia 91101 (213) 792-0'44 0 ... ;· ::s [ Q ... iii • ..... llOft alllhka V!d.S .~!6' Llr. -~ 114· 14'7 11'·"'4111 ... ..., . .,., 114-nt-etn 21 .... 1 ... 111 .... nn •CAIOIA , .. •HEMET •TOllUMCE LMCUTEI ....... .... v ....... ,IMlllC ,_, ....... C_M...,_1, ........... .... Jlelftl• a Aiue ll'\411-1111 111.121.1111 JU.J11 .. 711 Jtld =··~. Molt I iii Chandon Champ11gne .,.. White • 12•• J.. ... , A -'"), ~ 7IO-nll. ... y 1.71-ltr. ----------------------.... --~-----------Johnnie W1llc1r ... "*" s::...•14•• Smlnlatl Vildll1 ....... ., .. .flnlMdl1 Vodll1 ·1~· ~ ~- Martini I Ro11I '71 lnglenoall •. , .... •,,..... c11111hnr •ell.-... 1.1-Ur. •211 acq._11 Bonet · 1mp11n• --d1J!. .. • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wednttday, November 3, 1982 Volunteers get awards Joulh County g1·o u1J l1011ors dt•tlir11tio11 anti , ,~rvi'·" I 1 Two Orange Coust rc1Jidents and a group of Fluor Corp. workers were among thoiw honort.'t.I ai6 outstanding volunteers recently by tht• Volunteer <;-enter of South'Orange County. und fund •rDltiln& f•tfortll thllL bf'nt'f1'etl'tl ll number of m·aanlwtion1t. • Floyd Meyers of Newport Bc1u.•h won recognition in the senior citizens' category £or his work as a chaplain and patient serv1<.'t.'8 volunteer al'Parks Superior Conval~-ent Hospital. He has donated about 2,000 hours of service to the hoepltal and its patients, according to volunteer center officials. ' Sharon Esterly of Irvine wns named outstanding volunteer coordinator. Esterly. who works for the county's Social Services Agency, was credited with taking a virtually non-existent volunteer program and turning It into one which coordinates the activities of about ~00 volunteers working for ..._.merous agencies. , , ' Fluor's Community Involvement Team won the group community service award for work The tenm'll work lndudt-d p11rtlclputlon In tht.• March ot Dime• Walkathon, th<' Unlw<.I Cer£•bral Palsy Phbnathon, a Chrlstma1J rMA.rty for Santa Ano senior ci\ltC'ns, renovation proj(oetai for thl' county Human S<'rvlces Agency. School playground <.'Onstructlon projl'clS und numerous olhcr events. San Clemente resident Kathleen BaSSt!ll ond Pat Dobbins of Laguna Hills were rl'<.'Ognizcd in the youth and Individual community servlc(' cuwgorles. respectively. - A special award was given to Laguna Beach's Festival of the Arts for its longtime use o! volunteers in the live tableaux of the Pageant of the Masters. I The awards, an annua,l even t. wl'r<' bestow<.-d last week at a special lum.h<.'On at th.c Harlequin Dinner Playhouse in Santa Ana. The Carnation Co. co-spon!lorcd the event .. YOU'RE INVITED TO OUR MISS ELLIETTE TRUNK FASHION SHOW on Nov. 5th and 6th from 10-g:30 Holiday formals and Cocktail Dresses. Largest ~ ..;{ selection in Orange Co~~ty. ~ m~ ~¥/l~ Barbara ~-/1,.;da/ & \\ 5orma/ SZoppe '1 \ \ 270 East 17th Street · " Costa Mesa, California 548-8264 Refreshments BOLSACHICA STATE BEAQt .. ~ itosi~· nnJ Steve Mitsuhashi and Mike McCracki~ built hcnc h-;s a t the Guidance Center in Hu.ntington Beach as otu• of the projl'cl!-t tor which l•'Juor t;ommunity lnvolvt'ment Teom was citt•d for c ivic participation. % ) :z: u HUNTINGTO.N BEACH ~ ~__.;. TOP SIRLOll STEAK A rtavomA steak. 3 35 griled to your taste. • A delicious steak ) wrapped in bacoo to 3 85 enhance the flavor. • lbu CMl'f cook If., home for ... ift . s g ... ~= i ...:m:...~-.OA4 MD AU.ITT . .,_,,_, ~'°.!l,lA~~~n.Nll '"""' ...... ca1n CllllTIPICATll AVAILAaLI 1 .• j • .I .. 1. 2. WICI< 87561, 3.· DRESI 1~l 4. POPS 1829 s • . ~15,Zr wn~~ FURll . I WICKER~. 8756 WARNER FOUNTAIN VAi: - UNDER • Evan f' • Pa tti 4 • Oscar r; • Californ • I .oubell~~ \ ... llifplrl lllCb -------------------------=~----------..-.;.'--~----....;.--------..;._-o~r~a~ng~e~c~o=a•~t~O~A~tL~V~P~tL=O~T1~w~e=dn~•=td~a~y.~N~o~v•~m~b~•~r3~.~1~ee~2:._. __ ~~.:.=:--~ B • • t .· t d • N NEWPORT . . Aqua ente1· f ann1ng prOJ ec suppor e ID ewport :i:0.:1~1~~eli:} •n•d 11 would inea ure OK'4._ Vot l'I In Newport BeM•h havl.' held off an c!Cort to rep<'al \h UOO million Bonning Ranch development by o vott> that wru more lopsldt.•d thun t•lthcr side had predicted. Viewed as thl' dc•velopml•nl fl.ht of the.• year In N t•wporl Beach, supporters of l hl' 75-acre project h eav il y outspe nt qpponents of the developme nt ind h it voters with a series of laat-minull' mailers and lettN'S. The issue appeared on lhc ballot as m easure N and a "no'' vote signa led s upport Cor the W est Newport plan. The final unotricial vote was: yt'nr In whkh two dl'vt•lopnll'nt i:m.uoo und rt'tu1111·d u 1x1lltil'ol hnw bt•1•n u m•ur rrllf>C>!>..,lhlt.• tu1>k A Nt•w 1rn11 llc·11t·h bu I lot projt•t't ll hU Vl• bt•(•n h it b y l'Oll'<\!h lng film \0 mtoclt•lf)\11\d llrt to Ull'i<'Ul llt•ttlht•r llll'0l'llrt• tu pt•llllll d nvn·pl'Oflt rl'lf1•rt•n d um 1L T h<•n• wert• l'UIH p:rli-:11 "Wt· rul-.i·il :r lol 11f 1niportmll g111u11111 u1x·n on quour l't'nh·~1 varytna \tH'orlt•• on whut, If .. 1 think 11•11 un UJ>pulling oncl t11:-iu1•s but It app1.•11r11 pt'<>plt• un• on 11 1wldom u~wct puhlk bt ·m·th 11nylhln1t. Tut•"'1ay'11 vow mcaflt. 0 ff e n al vo f ui·t tho t p o I lllt•o 1 p1 t'lly m uc h 1mw1fh><l wuh tlw "'u .. ,11Jpi11vc•d 11v1·1·wlwlmlni;cl~v "I thlnl< I\ 1 h ow1 thut our t•onMult unlK now HtWm lo b<' woy things ar4.:," Grunt 11nid . hv vutl'r" 'l'1Jt':.d,1y c.•llli11ns huvl' conrldl1n1.-t• In lhl' 1 • d In th<· most polittt rtH'<'. t·oum·ll and lh<' ~urwll'& ability running our tommu11 ty,' 1101 • Cm.lnt·llman Don Struu11N hutJ Tl11• volt' will u llow u gr9u1' to handlu large and t'Ompllcatcd Wa tt. llttll• dlffu:ulty lUrntnK IJm:k known a' J\quutw <:t•11lt•r Int·. Hm1'w 1 d I " Id M ''l uuoHH wt• uavt• th<• powc•r N L d 1·1111i-11 Ul't u 11t11n1u1· um.I. rcmtu un Ullc P un11, 11a ayor 1:1 ft o r m O a 1 6 • " Pu l Y r:wi111 u 1111 Nw th Stur· bc•ac·h furJ8 Jo<:kh> H{'{lth<•r, brok<'rll In I his tow II II uuud HUpt,•rl ntt•dc.>nt of the•,.. Newpor t-·' l "I doubt. th ough, that tfils tight,'' suggc:liWcj Miki· Jc,1hn'"hm , Ml"tW Unifil.'<f 6'.:h ovl District. ~~::~~~1-powt>n·d cruft Huch a~1~ rc:ally HC1\llc•11 uny larger Issue or a n o t h t' r c r i 1 I c 0 l c· With llummL·l's dt•fl'ot , Stri>ui,.s 'Y.l w i 11 d I ti(.' 0 u r 0 g l' ( u l u r c dl'y<.>lopmcnl I lt• 8Uld hh. woup Mid hc Is left as th1• l111w ''v11w1• Tlw ft nu I unorflt:ial VOt(' on rdt'tc.>ndurns ,". .,. tht.• W est Newport L c.•gislauve of bnhmc·~" on the S(lVCn·mC'mbcr ml'm.un• 0 w.,s. Jcl\n W a tt. a c r itic o f the: Alliant'C -wtll take 11S t.'Onccrn!l l'oundl. Banning Ranch projc:'Ct, said she to the coastal l'<>mm1s.<1t0n . "I find 11 intcresllng thut Yt·i-. i7.:w4 w os no t disappointed with the Banning. in rctruspt.'<.'t, said hc llummL•I would comt' so t•los<' No, H,l>o7 1~ vote "whe n you consider the is surprised h lS' projcx·t became so givl•n tht> amount of mont•y !>p<•nt 'l'h1• 1111•u..,un• wui. th(.• lt•a s t•/ No, 14 ,087 Bunning proJ· eel &lick and manipulative ads and volatile. He said he is pleas(.•d t.o de!foat him,'' Strauss said. • l'11n1rovcl'hwl iti.•m on the c1t:)IJ Yes, 10,808 mailers thnt were used." wtth the election results b,ut Coum ·1lwoman Evelyn Hart. bullot nnd ltlitrt•al obscrven> ittu De I W .11. 8 1 lied h , re . The suptort gt "UP for tll·' caution ed that "I still have a th l th · ....-1 ve oper 1 1!1m ann ng, ca t e vote a 'rea lrmauon " ~ coasted to an easy vktory ovc•r· t· t't ~ suu t•y wt•rt• s urprrM,. who now must take his project to of representative government." project -itizcns for a Better long: lc>nR way to go." ct\allc ngers Allan Bee k and c that tht•r1• wai..a11y oppos1t1on to th e stale Coastal Commission. The vote brought to a close a N l'wpo rl -sp e nt more th•n STEVE MARBLt-;' F. d w 0 rd 'W 0 I r '(.' . tlw ..tl1u;J11t• t'l•ntt•r plan. r1J ~~--~---------------,-------~-----------=---------~----------~------------------~~--~--~--------~.-------------~--------~--------------.....-----~------__.:;__;__....; ain Hunters' GUide Bunti~gton 8eacll ZERO TAI PIJ 0 Tu 11 1112 r----------------------P111 l101wtr J I '"'a, .. ,. Ta1H ... -I • No NotH to lien A Value-Packed Monthly Feature • One Tim• P•rrMnl of 'S,000 I • 112,500 ln•Hlm•nl I Cr.Olla A•all•bMt I • Aclu•I I YHr lncom• Pot11ntlel I • I YHr Publlc Acnplenc• l'!.__·_Nrf'i ..... ·n_M_r_I ______ __. JEWELS ger Ave. (Near Golden West) RATTAN MART mer Ave. (West of Magnolia) FFAIR ach Blvd. (At GarfleldJ s WHOLESALE WARE HOUSE uclld Ave. (Near 405 Fwy.) Y G. WALKER CO, rveyor Circle (S. of Hamll~on) ~~--RATTAN ACCESSORIES STORE- WIDE SALE! BRING THIS AD FOR ADDITIONAL 10% OFF TTAN MART 714-841-4248 OFF ·RETA.IL PRICES 'la llenta :i Girl Diamond Earrin.gs ~ Y2 carat V3 carat _s45000 ~ carat ...... S 38500 1/5 carat S2SOOO .10 pts ............. S 23000 .05 pt. . .. .. . .. . . .. . s 1 0000 Many more styles and sizes to choose from. ~~~~ ~~ 7 1 7 2 Edinger Ave. /Gemco Center) 842-7334· REMODE~ING? Cat Your Cost! Bay Direct! Stanle'J (). A Family Run Business MANUFACTURER OF CUSTOM DOORS•AND WINDOWS FOR REMODELING OR NEW CONSTRUCTION l • Pereoaal Service • Shorter Delivery Tl•• • • Q!lillltv ~rafta•aaa•lp • a .. aoaaltle Price• • Call for Qaot .. 960-9433 Mention Thi• Ad 21571 8uvevoR Circle Haad• ... ••••c• ... "Your Orange Coast 1n11ati0n Fighters " To reserve apace call 642-5878 for Dtleltd w-allon Cll 714-833-2832 ----------.-t----------~J ------------------POOLIC ~TICE FINALLY AVAlABLE! SOBER PLUS 100% Natural Dietary Suppleme nt that helps sober you up and prevent hangover. 1 Package of 9 tablets, $3.95 + $1 handling and postage. Wholesale & distributor inquiries ,inVited. Nutritan Co. P .O. Box 7685, Npt Bch. Ca 92660. 7141760-8486. ENGINE TUNE-UP. '29.95 (Pin,.,:) With electronic equlpfNK)t our profeselonat1 will fine tune your ear'f engine -lnatalllng new polnll, new DIUQt, and a new oondenaor. w11.11 Coupon -E•Pll• 11115/82 . LARRY ti.INT AUTO CENTER 1125 lal\N c.,... ltd. l111111 BtKh 494-3322 497-2030 f • • .... '" 2 ,.., " SMts &et 1 ,. of ... fl[( FREE or::~ .. '"' 11111 ~lttD IOI Mll!\ N.•Mll' 11 SMOf (!CTCTUtv\ Doe & Lugpge ...... 392 Oce111 Awe., LlllN Beach MIRROR Y/ARDROBI DOORI *10% Off Tl NOTICE Of' TRUITH'I IALE ... Olff.741 YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A OEEO OF TRUST OATEO MAY 8 19&1 UN LESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEOING AGAINST YOU. YOU : SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER : On Ille 26111 d•y ol NOV9mbet I 1982 .•• Ille hour OI 11·00 e.m . II • : Ille 8111 StrMI 9fltrence ol Ille,_-: Counly CourtllouM, locel.O et 700 ! ~~~~~~e;o~1:~:-=~h f;;r::I : lltu•l•d In City of Sant• Ane • County ol Or•ng•. Ste le of I Calllornl•. CO NTINENTAL 'I AUXILIARY COMPANY, a C•llfornla Co<porllllon. •• Trus1M uno.t OMO : ol Tru•I d•t•d M•Y 8,' 11181 : exec:u14ld b1_JANNA M FELICIANO. • •n unm•rrlia woman end rec:orclec:I : on Mey 11. 1981 es 1n1lrvm9'll No : , 12949, In Boole 14053. P9g41 1111. of : I OfllCJal Record1. County of Or91!Q•· o C•lllornl•. glv•n to ncur• •n ; lndeb1edne1t In l•vor of Benk of : Amu1c•n N•llon•I Trust •nd • S•vlngs Anoclellon, a n•lionat : I b•nklng euocl•llOn. by r.-.on or : Ill• br••cll ol th• obllg•llona : 1.c:ur11d lll•reby. nollc• of wllteh I WH rKordecl on July 8. 1982 IS : lnatrum•nt No 82·231776 ot : Oll1cl•I R•cords or Htd Or•nge o County, end mor• th•n tllrae ~ months ll•v• .,epMCI llnc• aucll r•cordet1on, wlll Hll et Public 9UCllOft IO Ille hiOllnl bidder lor cetfl pr • caaflier'• dMldl dr9wn on • t1•1• or nellonel bentl. • 11•1• or 119derel cr.citl union or • tt•I• or C.CS.81 Nvlngl rand loan eltOCl8bon domtclled In 11111 11•1•. (1>9y•bte •• 11me ol ..,. In lewtul money ol tlle Unll9<1 S1•1.. ol Am«lce) wi1110U1 coven•nl or 1#\rr•nty, axpresa or Implied, u 10 111te, po.-slon or ancumbr•nc••· th• ln1er111 conveyed to Md now field by Ille .. Id Trull•• under H id o..d ol Trull. in •nd to Ill• following dt\t(:robecl pr1>p9rty "lu•led 1n Ille County of Orenge, SUI• ol Calltornl•. to wit; • PARC Et-1-Tll• •nlerty rect•nguler 82'~ feel of Loi 2 of Tr1c1 No. 57, Calllornl• Avoeedo Orchard Acres, In Ille City ol Coat• Mau . H lhown on a m1P rec0<ded In book 10, p11ge 3 ol MllC4lllan.ous Msp1, rKOrds of Or•nge County, Ce11torn1• PARCEL 2 Tiie Wes1erly 42~ IHI or lot 2 end Ille e.11.,ry 40 IMI of Loi 3 ot Traci No 57, •• lhown on• map rec:0<d9d In booll 10. PllQ9 3 ol M1aeell1neou1 Maps, records of 0rlnQ9 County. Cllltornl4L Tll• •ddrHI or olh•• common dulgn•l1on. II any, ol Ill• rHI property dHcrtb•d •bove 11 purpor1ed to be 2• 1 W Wiison Str•et. Coll• Mu•. C1111ornl• 92627, Ill• und.,slgn•d Truat• dlacl•lm• •ny ll•btllly for •n lncorr.cln•n ot Ill• addrua o Olflet Corn1Mn da;gn81ion, If 9'I)' Shown llef9'n _ II Ille •l0t ... KI p<oper1y flu no l lrfft ltddrHS Of Oth•r coma dalgn•llon. dlr.c:tion. es to hOw t loc•t• such prop•rty may b obl.in.d from Ille Beneficiary u U ld D••d ol Trull, et wllOH r9(lunl Ille .... 11 10 be conduct9d, purtu•nl 10 • wrlll•n r•qu•st aubml1141d, wllllln ,.., deys from Ille llrll publle•tlon ol lllls Nolie., 10 1uch 89n•llcl•ry •t tlle followlng = •ddro• BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST ANO SAVINGS • ASSOCI AT IO N , LO AN AOJUSTMENT OEPARTMENT No .... 4327, FOlllEC\.OSURE SECTION, ~ 4& SOUTH HUDSON AVENUE, a: PASADENA. CALIFFORNIA 91101 ... Tiie lol•I emounl ot Ill• unp.id blllenc. Of Ille nole(I) MCUf9d by Hid Dffd ol Trull. wtlll lnl•rest E · m.r-. es provld.O In Hid note(s). ec!vancet If .ny, und«, the ,.,ms or .. io 0..0 of Trual, Including f-. cll•rgn end upantu ol 111• E TrullM, •• of "'-d•I• ol Ille 1n111.i pvblic:ellon ol 1j\e Notice ol Sele Is 12.504,388 92 N•m• Str••I Addr•u end .. T.iec>llorl• Number of TrullM or Olf\ef l*l<>n ConduChng Ille .ie It: CONTINENTAL AUX lt.IARY . COMPANY , 45 Soutll Hudson ! Av•nu•. 8111 floor. P1ud•n•. Celtlornl• 91101 0114ld Ocl<>Ot< 12, 1982 = lyB W11t1-E•.()ltlclo ~1 T• 12 131 s11.eo10 Published Oreng• Co.II 0•11)'8 P1tol, Oct 27, Nov 3 10, 1982 4511:\·ll' s --Pte~T!""'IT~llOUl=~lll!""'U~.=.!""' .. ~-= um '"'TnmNT Th. followlnO per_,. ., •. d°'"CJ ........ .. CAL· PAC MANAOEM!NT 8 llRVICH, I 11& Salvador 81 .. Coate Meaa, CA tHH HOWAlllO w. IAANTl.EY. "''I ltlv•CIOf It , Co111 MH•, CA. "'" ~ I Mll,1.lft, ..0 8o .Mw It . l.OI AllQelM,CA to020 .. AUi. A MYIM ... l'ronl II •1 1.111111N HI. Hft I T1lla ~ la conduMeCI Dr WI UftlMOtpor••• eaeoc:letlon °"* "*'•_.. ...... .__.w.,.,_ Tiiie ............ ..., .. .. 0.-. a.ti .. Or-.. ClllMy °"'·"• .... ~•o 1 I J • llollg Me morial Hospitul l1resbytcri11n presents THE WAY ' , TO WELLNESS . . " An open forum on nutrition ancl exercise Tue11duy Novenlber 9, 19K2 7:0Y-9:00 p.m. Hou~ Memorial Ho~pital Prc~b) te riun Grace llouj.! Conference Center 30 I Newport Bou le' a rd Newpo rf Beach. CA Introductio n: Ja11c1 Kell\, R.N .. Ctrn1m~n li y l~dlll'alion Punel l>i!lcu~'ion Topic~: llw Bui.k' of Ciooll Nut rition The lkndit' ol E\cn:i'>l' Panel members: John C Kern. M.0 . Card iuiog) Dchor;i h Grav,wn. R.D. Oictary · Brad Bjurl-11\an. M.A. I: w n+.c Ph} '>iology ··~ ~Jj Staying Healthy Semi nan For t'urther inf onnation: (714) 7~5923 .. 111 J" 111 .. 11 tlw 1 .. 11 .... ing rq11'tni111on lurm '" """" M1·11111nal 1111,1111.tl l'ri"-byh n.111. l 1111111111n11\ hh11 .1111111 ll1·tMr1t111 nt. :1e11 \1 '"I"'" lluuh'\Jrtl. 1·wpon II""' h. l A •1:!1\11:1 1 llEl<E I~ NO \11\ll'''Cl'll l II \I<!.~ I"'"" cl "Jlin11 .1v.u(,IJl1· '""''·--- i\chln"'-- 1 ),tylillll' I 1h11111 -----------Zi11 ___ _ ···- interest for one full year. "' That's the yield a taxable investment ·wou ld have to deliver to match·our insured Tax-Free Account, if you ,re in the 50% tax bracket. The more you make. the more you need a Tax-Fre e Account. -• For instance. take u look at the yield a taxable account would have to delive r to match our Tax-Fre~ Account. If )Our tn rate ls: Efl'ecrh·e Yield 50% 13.32% 40% 11.10% . 30% 9.51% A year ago, Congres~ gave taxpayers what may be a once-in -a- lifctime exemption of up to $2,000 in intcre t income for cou- ples filing jointly ($1,000 if filing ind ividually) on one-year Tax-Free Accou nt opened by December 31, 1982. You ha1•e 011~i1 until year' end to open a Tax-free Accoum . Once the account is opened, the exemptionJTiay include earnings re- ceived in 1982 and 1983-up to the maximum eligibility. The Offer Ends December 31 The current Tax-Free Account rate i 6.449% and the yield i~ 6.660%-higher tha n the average yie ld on tax-free mo ney funds. Unlike money fund . however. your Tax-Free Account will be in ured afe up to $100.000. Call The Financiul Line and open your Tax-Free Account by phone. today. THE FINANCIAL LINE (800) 272-9000 Thll I rnunciul I iru: flour' llf~ II 11.rn. till 7 ~.m . ~h1nJ11). anJ 8 "m. lilt ~ rm .. fur"4Ju) 11irou~.N14'l1) El Great ~'"! Federal ·e;rc t:.;.::..:.-.... 1 J ....... ~ .... (~ ( ....... , .......... t ...... • i i 1 1 t l 1 1 i No n1icro The re' nothing 44 mini" about the ~,;e r-sized keyboa rd th is J a pane e booth a ttenda nt use iOJ T ok yo trade show to d ~monstra te the new ha rp X I microcomputer. Life -sized versjon of ihe ne w mic ro couples computer a nd color T~ to allow its user to watch , ay, a footba ll gam e while (>laying a video game superimposed o n the same screen. OVER THE COUNTER NASO. LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND UPS LUI Cl>Q Pct 1'> I Up .. 1 2· • • .._ Up •I 1 ,,. • '• uo ,,.,, •"-, I'> Up 21• 2'• , \t Up >l.t 1'• • • t• Up 2• 3 •11 '• Up 1• I • • '-Up 1l I ,._ • '-Up ll I 14.. • '* Up 22 l 1~ ••• uo , •• , J • UP 10 0 ,.,, '• Up 111 •• 1 I Up 181 S '• Up 11 • 1' • •-. UP 116 • • '• Up 111 ~, t•• Up ''' ,... ' Up •• 1 ,._ ._ Up I• 7 10' 1 I Up 1• I W t • 2 Up .. o 411 ...... , I Up 1S~ 11~ I Up IS 4 l'-'• Up O • DOWNS YSI n. 19 , .. - S' • s .. ,,,_. 2 , . ... .... , ... ... ,, ' 1 ' s 2 u•. .. . 1"-l'· , .. ~ l'• I) l•· l'• '~t 01rn21.l 3 011 13• ., 011 Ill '• OU 11 I • 0 11 12.$ , .. 011 u I •• Oii 11 i. • ... Oft TOO 1, Olt 100 •• 011 , • '• 011 t.S ., 0 11 9 s • Ott 'I '• ()ft ... , I 3" 1-. •• '· Ott 'I Otl ... 011 ... 011 l .l Ott 1-3 '• Ott 1.3 '• Ott 1.3 ... Ott 1.1 •• 011 1' '• Ott 1 t I Otl 1 t • Ott I.I '• Ott 1 t NEW YORK '"Pl MOftlll 10 •• 11.. Mal)tl u,. ,. JI I I OS llo • .. • II MunHI • .. • 00 Plan In• 11,)2 ",. Com SI ~,. •.10 I-~~.:~::;:::., 'I: ~!t:: : :: ·rn r.~. &d I=!! ~t :gt g;~ 1: ~ 1: '1 't:t~'; 10·~·1~ n ~~·.~:oFUNI~ ,. NL ~~~~~ ~ : r, ;·~ ,,. Nehonel "·-·· c'aoTNI IOtS NL G•I Set • ., NL •OS HIV HI JO Sol Val •9110.0 Grwtll u .. NL SIFrm GI ... Nl •lk>n Of SKU'llo._ Ctnl .... n1el Go H1on<O I J1 NL <OS NO I 00 I 70 Mid "M I> 119 7.. ln<OM I.., NL Stfrm 81 11 IS NL ~•lerl. Inc ¥e Grll1 • S4 10 4' HI Yid 10 7S NL IDS Pr09 • .. 7 OS MM~Opl 10 JI NL •1111 • 11 NL StSlrHI Inv IN prf<ei at wnitll lQw•I •" 1.. LI M..n I I• NL tn• Mii IO SI 11 0 MSB Fd ..,,.vatl H Era IS 10 NL E•<ll 10 I• Nl ~:~~ ,,.::'"'= C'=~~tor ~t'M'o S7 ~.r~~I II)/ NL :~J J,~ .. i,~1 ~ i; ~lc.8.:." \t !l IJ~ ~" ~::• Im ~t rne:SI :rn .i'~t. M>ld \Nel ftWI HIMUrl 13 70 u., 1011 NL Inv S.< Ill 131 Mlf """'" Pro Servotes SIHdman furcli value I or DouQh< NO.< 1•111> 1109 Tllrtll 'II NL Inv V•r • rl 10 o-1 NelnFd z.n 9 '1 Mtdl 11.~ Nl Am Ind 311 NL l••lue PlU) HftS T••M 11.SS II., Tr•n4 JI IS NL Inv RHll '~s •• , Nalc.111 IS , ,, Fufl(I •.• , NL ASSOC 93 NL <IWlrQ<!I ~. ~::l.r~~d ::-: »N;. ~~~I~~ :rn =t :~~!,.d :rn NL M~.~~dol ~041 P.'::'s'r?> 1~: t)N~ 1>7.':~ :: =t "ble u ... va11 Cllt» Otr ....... 11 ~1nenc1al Prog JP Grlll 1117 IS°' ... m... 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G•-11 '1 13 01 B-1J9 3 •S VIMI 1110 10 •• tempi.ton Gr-" Bal t" 10., Comp 10 • 11 10 SS T •• Ea I a 9 0. HI YIO t •I 10 ll Grwtll t.Ol 9 14 \loy19 1• •I IS ti GI-3t OJ lO ._, Amtp 1 " 1 IJ Comp FO • ,, 10 SI .. Wl[Q ••• 70 lnllFO 10 Q 11 "° Pr•ld • .s I 11 r •I.. NL. Gr Wiii 111 I ts A Mull 1J It l•.•7 Conco10 21 .. Nl u well I• n NL Mun 8 I llCI 1.• tn<om • 7S 1 N el11bw 31• NL. World lOOt 21 .. Bond 11 70 12" ConntCll<UI Go!nl Fosler S • s.91 Opt11 11,. t31l Sl0<k , .. tO 0 "OCiila 11 ... 111• lrni Cap 10 11 11 00 Fd tnv t .. 10 w f'"llCI 11~ t• o ~lld Giii .. ~!.. S 4' Summ 20 "4l 11 JO f •• E • I 11 I.. loco s.<... tn•N•w I:» l\L ff...~ :*~il,!r.!d.!~.;5f5f1'1!' ~t !ifi~ a,::":rn N:e:r!~t..:1!.*" ?.E~ :rn ~t~~~:c~J. :~~"=t N Per\ 7 0. 1 .. Consttl (, 1S,. NL Mui.. • IJ • ~I Keyslone M<IU EQ\111 22 •• ,, ,. 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'!~ r, , H• s 1g1121 ).«I I HU m:; 1~~ Allo'fl Ill I h':. 1: Cl.•EI II 1.12 I •1• .... Emr•EI , .. 1111.!.MI.. • 1, HOwPI .«1 •4 TO i.i. . ~; McOrH ••• IS 105 •S\\o •• ,. PNIE pl I.IS 1340 ... • 4 . St '"" , ., Ii...• .... I '. AlldSt! I ID 9 •JO lol • I Cl A El pl4 18 I 31\o • ii. ERacl' 21S ~ • H Hlibllrd 2 IO ,.. It '' Mclnt g 10 >t• 1 , i,. PhllE pl 1.IS .. L .. 90 SY' 1, 1'•• 51'10011 2 60 ~ 4ll< '.»' 1 • I• AldTtl n I 8 142 10•• + 't CtMl'w I ID I Jl1 "" '• Emry A 5010 112t IS1 • .. ~::ii.~ 9 '2c! : :i~• McNelf 90 4j SO 140. It Phil pf 17 13 140 111 StPatCp 10 ,.. 101• II~. AlllsCll llJJ 8'. •• CnSOy• .. 11 w ....... Emhul , «I • 2tO J'I ... I • • MH<I 1 SJ , .. "'• •• , PnllE plU 2S. 1110 101\to I' I s 1 ... dn 9) • .. 11 .... Ali~h pl• •It SI 1Q1., 't CnVIPS l le I .. 10•• ', EmpOs 1 Sl 6 10 IJl ,. •., uQrtTI .. S 3111 II\" " -lta ,Jlj )J 14~ -<Y Pt\111:'~ ,,J0--:'7200 l'T Sl•nWk It I• S64 711, • \, AlphP• ll ull\• ..... Ct nltOI 1•11 ,, I I .. ~mi;f~r .97 rlSO' u a • .. 11m •11 : tO •• llU '° I 'f• AMdlrn .... IS IUI ., ... ' PhllE 7.IS. •50 ,. • " Sl•rr•ll I• • 71 , •••••• Alco• 110J'JU.IO 21'" '• C11tryTt ,. • lCli I'"" Empln< .4011 .. U\o ~~~,.P'~is ~"?:~:· ~: M911on H • • 101 421•• '• PllllSu 12010 H 1J , <. SlaMSe lZO. .0 10 •lo ~:::~SllUQ ~ 't«J~ ;:~:. ~ ~:r~~ • 1 ;r:~~ :::: ~~~:~r .:1: ~Jg"f!~: :; uttEF IO t21101 40, •t\~ ::~~1~:•1.o;1~ ':~ ;~ •• ··~ =~:~~ 2~~H~~~~:::,t ~:=~~" ,1,::,:u:~u7r•: ~ AlllU pl J 10 J<I • 1 1 (oSAlr .07• ~14 ?J\o , I EMAr<fl I 60 I I,. 21'• • .. ydu l I 1' 1 1 I J1 II '' It M9rfn 1.11 I )l'I 741, • >, Plllfln rt I 'l1 ulO , 1 .. ~lttefll 7• 11 ll II~•• " ::::;~·pt;~l8 ·~ ;:::· .• ~~:!:r~ .. : .. ur."~~~:~:: ~~~~.pl-. l~s;~· .. · 1c1n11 u1 • u1 s1 ... ::~~ ... h~.:·p~ ~~:2t :~:c:. 2.: ~'m tt ... '· s!~~f~ ,·~·=.:~ ,~!;: ~: Daon says Chemical won't press lawsuit VANCOUVER. British Col\,Ambm (l\P) Duon Dl•wloprnt1nl Corp. ts41)'8 Cht>n1kfll Bonk o( N<•w York has agrt·~-<l t-O w lthdl'aw a S37.~ million s uit against the VanC'ouver·batll'<i developer. ln a nt•ws rclcusc Mondoy. Duon spokt'1onun Cc-orgc· M11Cf'ttrlune 11nld arri!ngt.·ments hud &t.•\•n m:1dt· to satis fy the: 1t1dt•l>tcdnc1s to thl• bank ull two npartment proj(.icts to the Los Angcles aN'a. No further details on the arrangements were nvailttblc. Cht.•mkal B.'lnk f1l<'d thu suit In tederal w url In New York City' Jn mld·S.:ptembcr. At that timt' a Daon spokl'Sman said the rompan)' would defend the act um. Western S&L to rest? PHOENIX (AP) -Western Savings says ll has no current plans for additional purchases aft<:r acquiring 24.9 pcrLoent of Del E. Webb Corp. Common stock for $26 m1Uion. ~·we have no current plans to make additional purchases. but we're not ruli!lg them out," Western's presidr:nt Gary Drigg , said...f,1.onday a fter the third such major move by Western sinc.oe June. In each case, Western has acquired more than 20 percent but less than 25 per<.-ent bf the company. "Going over 25 pcmmt defines it as an affiliate," said Driggs. "B y acquiring at leaiil 20 percent we can include the propprtionate amount in our earnings, under ae<.•ounting rules." I More asbestos problems AmH" I 10 "•4» 1'I '• (~ml pl • 60 lJ o •,, 1 ENS TR 60 • <II llA.. '• :~~II pl 3 50 II 2~; '!~:, ~ Ma"lY , .. t 4•S. ~ ... ,II• PledAvt .21 t Ul 17 , , .. SltwnJ 110 IJ 111 JO '• AlllA9r OSI 090 1 C ... mSp 80 11J/401.1 ''" , Ente<• 14 J 42• 10', '• 19) 2 19 M9wPI .10 I,_. 141. '·• PMNG 1 • I IJ 11',. o, SlwWr' I .. I• , .. H 1 • ~:::~d J so ~~ ~:-: • ..: (Mrl(O I • .,. IJ ...... Ent.. 1.0I , 191 161' :c~~7 IS II ,.. ::~:. : : WWR 111• 10. ,.... •• Pieri I) 110 ... '• ~:o~v~ '·~ : ~ .,.,,: .. ,.. • A8rd pl 1 l'O ' ..... n. ~:::~: :1' 1.s 1:i .t.:. ·: ~~~:~ .. • 1 n ·~ 'll 2~"· ": IV lntA I 10 • 1 .. ::r.: "" • ~ ~~ .... ~~:. , ~ .~ ~;: u~:~: ':: si:~ \ tO " JSJ 20':: h PHILADELPHIA (AP) -A second asbc.•s tos l'Ompany has filed for reorganizatJon lb protect itself from creditors because it !aces more than 10,000 lawsuits from workers claiming asbestos poisoning. ABrd pl 7.IS • 1• , • 't CM.. l «I • 110 SS , • I', EqtGn 1.JO • US h +. 1Uln4 Pl I JS ~ ll M9lrm s 11 14 ,.~,, PllnyB 16011 llll .,-, , •• StopSll • 1 lO I ••S ....... • '" ~~s't1 ~~ ••01! ~::::,::~:::!:::a~ '~u!;:::1,: !!~~:~1~;:1 1Jr1,,~ .... ,,·s :1•· :~~f1 ;~ !::~ n'": :: :rn::~':. :~ ll"'' '• ~::~~1."'1:!A10 )tt u .. · ': r.:!;c n J~ ~··: ~ :=~~'td s! ·~ si ~::: :: c ... ,. pll"" so. st • I Etta a( .ob 9 ·11• u71' ·~ lllP-· , .. 7 ... ;t~ ~ ... .! IM•~· II) '"' ~= Pl•nRK t 1511,. •••• ~ StridRll I )I 10 IO'l u)I • , •• AmCai\ 790 SSS ·l1'•• I• Cnel'>t• 60ll • l" '"•• .,' EurlM M IJ SlO 11 •:: .. llPow pUO. 1100 11 • \t McllElt I :W I I u ... , It ~lilnlrl\ l•U IS 11"'• t::p~ ,-:, 1. ~~ .. .,~ .. , ~· AC.11 pl 1 II> ~ 11'• (llmtO nl lS 10 IO ,..._' Elh I I SO 1 46S JI.. llP°"' e>f1 IO llOO .. • \o Ml\WI p) ti • 2' 1• 'I IOllOY .l1 llS ,.. . Sult I 16 )I) S\o t' ACnlry 10.11 '1 • • : CnNY ' t. S ., .. 47~' '' E1yT pl8 . 4 1 d • 1 • llP-plJ IJ ~ 1210 11', MdChl 1 ID I Ill 21 • 1• ::ieuey I ll~ 19 IJ '°1"' 1 wr1&:, I ; 9 1'7 Jl ~ ~c0y•n 11!~1111n?!:i.• •. -.~~~~~ :~~~.::::e·mP rn 110 t,.1.11Powp1 .. 12 ~»so»•1·"·~~~~~.,~1:,·~P,.~d·-:1:m~t ~~s..r1cn •1 4'41...:· •• ~ T -~ "'• • "' CllNYllf a. SI 1 Ew•n pl I 46 3J •1•, llP-pf] II 1JllSO n • .. '• ldS ,' P:l':.1e1 1 SI TU ,. .. , ~ Su11E1 Ill lOI 11" '"" AEI-1,. ••n 1 19'•• • Cne•V• lllllU 11 H ... EaCelo 160 S02 t• , '• llPowpl 4 10.ull••• '• ::ldll~ ::1:~ :;,• ; P_.os .5017 771 u•,. '• SunCo J lO S iOt n .. '• ~"'F•Em•P, , ~ ,•o, •!!! ~ ..... ' Crte•P" In 11 1~ i i .. • ,bl e..... • ... ,. , •••••• ITW I •• II ,.. u ..... Mii-1 so. 10 1:1 uv1·. , • PooT•I IOlO u "'. s..ne pl , 2S . • .... " II -_, 14 ,. '' CNW\I l•S 12'<: ._ EuOfl J • 110 JO .. • '• lmp!(p 4IDt 11•., '-Mlllllrd I lO 11 Sii u1t '; ;, : Portee A0 11 ll '''• SuMKlt I ID I .. :I' t '• ACinCp 110 I 10. O•• (n;Mlw .. H ,. 1-. -F-F -INCO JO ll2t 10• •' \o MlllR t U 10 14 17 \\ Por1r r 5., 11/0 1• " S..flMll II" 11'•' lo ~~~~ I.~ 9 ~ ff:. 10 • ~~:~~,. ~IOI 1~~ ::·' : , ~F •• ::J;I' ~] 1; :: *~ ~ :::::!Hi :mo"!:~: 't ~~L N~ ·i '5: m:~· ~ ~~ ~ i~ . ~ ~::. :: =~:·. ~ n JOf. .. ~~~;: ·: :~~~ 1~ IJ .. ~~ !~::. , ·. ~hH ~II S71 ~ l:I' ~·· • -c1 .J2 u 49 11'.. •• INllM pf 12 t.O " ::l'°f p • )4 •1• i... P0tG pf 4 l2 " n .•• !><#pmkG .. I )JI )SI I I .. c::C'1~0111 1 1 ··~",'':! F.,., Jr1 103 , .. L 1n111Mo12 1s 1 •• "M~"c'··!!?: ,!:"rt·•~: 1>0111<h 1.•1• no :i.1 •• u. s..oscp o• >•·· • AMm• pl , 1 u10<• .. ,.. ' Felrtfld 8010 , .. ••i· -lnolM ptt 2S 1o ,,... ... ·--• • PotmEI .... 14' "'• ... Sw•lllt. ., IS .,. IS ..... AHO~' .... llJ' •21· .... ~::.c.~.~11 '° ·~11• ••• '\; f • .,, pl l '° St ll .... '• lndlM pfJ,~ uo ,. ·II =:~,,.,_~~ .• ·~ u:~ft. ~ PotEI pl •.so . 1100 •••• lh Sybro11 I Ol 10 ,.. II ..... AMI Sla2SS9 J?•., 11, Cllrom• n JJ " ,,•• ,, f.tlllOlr «11• .. 2S'1 • 1, lllCllG•t l .O. :i. 71 , +.~PS -·.1 • I ,., 1• PotElplt.0. • dO n•. I" Sybrn olt40 s 1' '" AmMol 911 •" • 'J " frW,IF YI II'•• 11• lndli>l 2 60 I 10J 26 -p, ... • •t• • Premrl .411• 41 26'" \0 Syntu s I.JO 14 14" S' AN•IR II ) s ' 13S n . " Chrm pl ~ I •••• • I F•••ll IJ 4Sl '°". .. 1nu co " 10 )90 10'. Mol'S pl• 13 , I\ I . '. Pruley JO 14 49 12 • • •• ASLFI• 179 IC~• " Chry'9r 8'd 11'-' ' .. • f-rs , 21J 3~ • It nlmlt n IS m u:ll ", 1\o Mlltl 3009 23t '· • • Prmrir. 11)40 I 17.J ll'•; \~ !>YKO' !:'f!._yut_ )I• 1 • .. ASlllp .,. I /1 10 ..... Chry WI 2 ... u ~. feGICo l.M IO 39 26'•• •• Inger A 1 S. , .. ) 311, "' MoOll , 1"" ,.... Pr~C 221113 )14 ~ TO • ,. , Am51d 011014131• '1'o•I" ChrJ\pt 411 IJ, ... FOIExp 1•1112 61'1 •1 1-Rpl 23S . IJ9 771,. 11,MObllH US •~•+-'• P~M s lt1' •19 )4.: t fECKOn l.2ll•l • Joi+. ;__ ASlttll :ie 11 'l()f> ,.. , • •• CnurCll 1 11 19'1 ,.._ FoMov •.n 10 1n .. is • "' 1n°9•T« ·"' 111 102 , , .. , "• Mo0Co1 1s uo '°" \to • " ' • 1 1 61 20~• • "" AmSI• 110 l'M 6)• .. 11,CinBtll 771 Ill ll\ot '• FeoHM .••.. 11JYl11't+ .. lnfdSll so . 44} , ... ~ i ,MollU< 13 t .. tJl;,. '• :,d'3. 4:~n·~·:r·:·'~ l=~ 1.J~ ~ !!\•: ~! AStr Pl S.Sl I 41', • '• CtnGE 1 1• I "'1 II.. FedP8 I JO t 14 2•~• + ... lntll<o lb lj 2tl 11 • "'MOllkOI IS 20U ulH• • I/, Pg l,r 1.40 U 71 )4 , 1, TRW pl 4.40 I l40',, 1,, AT"l S 40 lllil~ '°'" f, CtnG pl , ., 1300 H »' '> Fd5ont t .ID I) II, It';,• I• lnslln• .. '• MOllRub 90 5 IS 701,' ''lo P•Cot I.It t ~JI I).>• Tlllf.r 4 50 . 2 llt•• • H• AlTpl • ) .:r .... crnGpl t7t l lSI0'1 .. Ftd0Sl2.1010S51 .. '·• lnl!QA\ 9201 ,, ... :. ..... -•<fl .IO I n" ••••• PSC01on.10 .. ,. II . T•< I IOS•• )()>..•. All Pl J.... '.16 Jc'• C•nG pl •.s:t ll150 fl •1 Ferro 1.20 .. S03 2S't• ... lnlRfn, UllS IU ...... '• Monoil• ., ... 41,,.. PSINI 21• s 1..:12111~. \; Tttll .. Ill )4] 41• .. t\r ATT Pf J 14 J .16 ClnMll n 11 41t M • '• Fl<1Unt 1 IO t 11 -• '• ll<pS. 2 10. 4S II' MonWn 4 t 11M II '11, P$1n pl J 50 UOO )Ot 'J ~ AWtfr 1 lO o 10 10• •: ': (1tlcrp I 11 l 7ff) JI'•• 1~ fld<SI 2 U lO ,,... lo lnle<to 1 • ' 411 u,. ... j._: MnlOU J ,4 • 1J 21>1t .. PSll'I pf 1"oe • ta:> I'" 1~ ;elley lit •'>' 1. AW•I pl 1 4J 1140 lS • 1 C•llS•< I~ '11 JIJI 41"'• ,,• FIQiltt .ti t 101 13.. lnl•r r' /) • u119• 1 , 1 MonPw > • • •22 )j"-• ~> PSl11 pl tM , tllOO 14_; '• T:~! "'. 1 1·· .. )Jt .!~,,' ~', •w I , 1 u '"'° ulO<.' ... C•IYl,.•n·I I~ IO 21~ ~·.... f .. 1~C.1A ' .... 14 CJ " .... lnlrfl '20 I w )i-l• \t MonSI '.,. ,. ''· •.. PSlll Of I,, 10J .. ~. ·-· ' ... ;(w!~T.2S 1tt0 '°"·· '· "•'·· p ;;. ,_ ;';: •., ', fl" pl .60 1 s.. lntrl~ 7.0 to 0 ti • '• MOfojY ,Qt 10 144 I ... $NH 2"n. )12 ,., • Tnoy(I\. • 11 «I ., .. '• A-ron I ~ • IJ 14 1 • '• g:~'E J jO -JiO ,.,• 1;: Fri ' 13' •~• • .. lr1tAtu tO It US IS••, '• WloreC I IO .. <Qt~,• 111 ~H pf).I) tllO 10 • • .: l~~,' ~I~~ J~' &, Ameso .40 10 Jc ,.., • '• Cl c ., ff • • • • F1111F.., UI "'"'. 11. 18M l 64 ll 1m.s. 1u.' "' -·M 1,0. 1 .. ,, ... '• p ... pf2.ll . 21 '°"•. ' ftklm• I u tJI .. "'. ,, 11\"'41~ 110U <1•1Al4'•·1'-c1: t11~JI61Q) ~··It Ftr .. ln tO -.... 1n1Ft .. 10.•S 509 fl'-~' _.., l:ll>IJ In u .... '• PSHHpl4,2L ., JO•,. T•l<om ™ 111 .... Amf« 1 .... 1• tit U", '• ,~:~ ~I ~ 10 : ,•, FIAlln s I • M 11•, lnlHA<• "1 3\.. '• Mora-n J,40 12tll .. ~ \\ PSHH pfl,JS 20I 21'•• '• l Id 1•-132 •1 AMPI!! I 40 It •ff •I•,. I'• (:;o,;; ;j ittm n .. l'l(IVI A:> 47JS ullt" I l111Hr pt .S .... , l o Motl("" I J1 • Ill 14\.'> .. PSHH pfJ .• , 11' Jt , '• f Y<W .,., ' Amoco 60 • 1J.. • ciwnP 14 9 •io ::,,\=: .,, Fs1c11k 1 '° • "" 11<. • •. '"'M'" , ~ 1 t n l1',, ._ MorMS 20 is •II 1s PPSS~H~GM H! ,1 1m1~ ~~. •t ~~·~. 2 n •rn~ ~~,,: 1~; Amrtp n ., • •• '• Clwtpl I n ll • "'FtBlu 110 • 141 !• ~ l111Mnp1 • I» • ,.Mortan 151 ~ U lu,.... •• • ._. -~~ J 11 ft' ' AmSlll 1 )t • II 11" c ... <llm JO 21 .. , ""~' '1 FIClly II ·~ 11\IM"ll I tO 11:1 JI'" '• -rala IMI II >MS •1 .. Kt PS£ pl•.•. L400 » ''' l=: I «I ; 6S • I ' Amstar ''°is 2s1 n •,. '" .,.,,., 40 n ~ n.. "' "'""l• >" • ttO l4" •I•• '"'"-J «> .,. -· '• M"r' ttO ' " J3'-• i .. l'\~G pf4" t~\0)0;;,, • n, r.ntvn' . .. ,,. ul1'-•II• Amit pf .. • s~ ••• Cot•C• 1 .. 12 .,, ._µ. ...... F\MIU .2' • ltS •• , h '"'"tlC' .. 10'9 ....... _ •• JOe s 711 1.,._,.. \t P$!GG ... , ~ ~ ~:·, ,,'·. T-• Al '.... ,,. • • .. Am ll..S I .O U ID>••..-'• OltH s M ii U »>-• FNIOl~lt2 6 fOl"1S'•• 4. lntll 1 .. II-JO"' dlllf «I I) ••I,. PS~ •I~ -~ T 216 t.1 - AllClllP11121'1Jt "'•·'•(0 .. (0 IOJlOlllJ9••) ~NS .. •B 140 S l)tuJ0' •• 1 lll'plH . >HI =:::!1 a1i2~·:~..::~P$EC llOll WOOoHJ •• J•r r:!" )65.JUJI ...... AlllOQ. :w 110 n• •... Colemn 'JO I) J» ..,., .. '• ti • 12• si. ITT pftt • u .. -pO I ) u. n PSEG .,.,,., I IH ..... hAat ftl .. 1 "' n•. '• Antllor 11' ·~ llt II'•. • COlgP•I I lO ·-101-,. '• fslP• ""' $0 ~. IT r 1140 s ,. .. • ~. -· "° I 20 ' ll ,, ). PSEG pfJAJ IJ U)(I .... '• Tncm ',. , J3I ,,.. '• AnCl•y 1 JJ • 300 t. • •, COlfAia n IO lit It , '• flUnltl 110 11 lJ.I It , l"llt pl ) t} I JI , 41 Mv!Om •l n PSEG Pll.10. UlOO •t ' t J•• THl!tl 4 10 1 •II S.'-, It AndtG n .JO I S4 ll • • (Ollftfd 10 l/S 1' , • FIV•Bi .. • lMI ttl 1' • ~ • Intl T pl 4 50 1\ SI'" l 1 MytflL 1·-ITS 1l>. t PSEG pf/AO tJW •? • I hE T pl)., t ,, .. , <, """"'I< ~ 1• 206 ,,.. • .. CotP.,. 1 "° dJ ···~ ... flWIK 110 • •• ,.~ .... 11\IN ..... , IJ • lOI 11'' -,._ -• PSEG pll" II-...... "' r .e l pf 1., • , •. I ,, Al>M1.1• 1•1110.1 <M .1·,co111n s 110 •Uull •<I f •Kl\b 1 t '" G!-•''• 1n1rpo 101 >SO, • .,. "NllO 708 , IOv1'4'• 4.. PSEGOf"U ll&.0 11 • •1 , .. or 211 • 110 JO'•• 1, Anlalr .101' 414 11 .. • '• ColGA• ? .. S IOI l"•. , hW>fd 10 1 ltl ' • • lnlPc pl S I 0 \+ • .. N91 M 920 )4~ ,._ Pl!Oh<ll II 2't • '• Thi"° -IJ '1 -,oo,, ~1 Al\lA n .'6 S .. 13 ... , • COIG• pU 41 I SI.. • • fllflr>G l t 2H lollt + 1 lnlpGp 160 ' 14 Jt'., 'lo NCH n I) ll IS~' Pueblo• 11 • .. 11• Tnlnsl 27"f4oo ul11\o ., .. Alltllny 4411 10 711 , , CSOplnlS n dO 10s .. , FletlEfl 521614)1 1''··' lflll•kr ll ., '"" NCNll I 62011 10 . \\ PltCtlll • , ••••• tolnl OSt• ..... ,. •• ,..,..,.. , .. 0 lll ........ Comoln , I 111 TIO.. •.. Flem"' l.2A 11 2'7 ... , ... 1 ... lnltll'• 1 M ... , IS' •• '• NCA 2"°10 IJ14 ..... I\\ PuoelP I,. • :i.o ..... '• TaNMa , ,. I 1J ,, ... lo ApcllP .., ~ 11 11-. '-CmbEn , .. I 111 ll•• , FledV AO It W 22'• • '-ln Pw pt '2' LJOO 11 NL Ind 1 • t'll 11, •• .. 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STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORI( IAPI Sale\ 4 p m Tuesday pr1ce anCI ne1 tfl111Q(I oi Int f1l1ten molt acllwe New York S tock E•~flang• 1ss11es treel1ng na1t0Mlly al mo•• 1nan St 1,.UU,UW 1,IH,'O!l •.111.100 1,0:U,400 ,,, .. * 114,SOO 110,.00 U ,100 -1• soo 1a.:100 1St,SOO 150.tOO m.-n1.100 101,)00 WHAT STOCKS DID MEW YOAK (API -2 -,...an<.., T~Is w. O.Cllned JS/ '" Vl'ICflan-,., ,,. Tee .. lt-s lt/J itn N9w 1119"• ).<' ,,, Hew tows ' 1 NEW YORK IAPI Nov 1 Pt•¥ AdV•nc:ed To<Wy .. ";Jo DKll<WO 100 2'1 Vl'ICnan..,o 1st 204 Tolel IU..S ... ... ,,_ fliotH • .. SI N•w IOW\ l > METALS NEW YORK (API -Spot t1onl•rro1.11 mel.tl prius Tuesday Oopp•• 72'•· 75 eon ts • pound, U S dHllnlllOtlS i....d 23-26 eonts • oound Zinc .0~2 c.nts a OOUn<I. d04t•Orecl lll'I CIOMC:I Al'°"'""'"' 76 QetllS 6 f)Olllld N Y "'"' S 10 52 per troy ounoo NY Comek spot mon111 clOled ~on ••CtHJ S36S 00 per flask ltl•llnlltn $337 00·13•3 00 troy ounce. ...... SILVER ffilnOy & Ha<,,,.,., '10 ~ '* 11oy -- GOLD QUOTATIONS ., The ·~,.,_ Seiectltd WO<ld gold l>'ICM TUMC!ay l.011d•11 MO•"'"' flsl119 SO I 50. up $• 25 l,lftdOl'I elle•l'IOOft ll•lr19 SO I 00, \IP S3 7$ lt•1le ell•tllff" ll1Llr19 -Holiday - INfllel clOMd Ft_.IWI Iii .... 1432 ICI u() SS 00 Zllftdl IM• ....,_ lln,o $AlO 00. llO S3 25 l>td, S43 t 00 .. k .O Heftdr & HerMe11 (~Ir dttttr qyot•> ~· 00 \IP S3 75 I~ (Oftlf deltr quote> -HOl!day INfll•I clOMd f ......... d (4"11J dellr quo!•) -Hol!day -mllfktl CIOMCI ~ N•lloflel ..... -HOllOly - m•fkel CloMd SYMBOLS d•N .... Yff•ly IOw u·N-~l"r lllQll Uflln• OlllelW"IM notltd ••• , .. 01 OIYtdtno• .,. annuet Ot•l)<if,_16 bft9d Ol'I IM lN1 ~11erltrlr or Hml·ann11e1 oeclera11on SOtC•al 0t t~tr1 d1¥1d4ttldt 0t P4fyl'll4M'11 1101 ClllS'9f'lle0 H ,.,_, ... ~tllltO 1" 11141 IQllOWlllO 1oocno1" •·AllO aahe O< eXtrt.I b·AMuel •elt 01111 ••ock 01•10•11G ~·l.•9u1oa11110 OMd•nd O.CtareO 0< p4llO 111 prK9d'"9 I~ ,...,.,.,, .-0.CIM.O Ot peod t it .. tlOCk dnlid9nd Of ~I 1111 t-Ptl4 lll1t 'fM'. Olll~ -11.0 ._..,1ec1 or r10 ..c:ttof\ •••.,. ti !Mt dilntMlld -•"It ll•C>el;twto or pe-o '"'• ~ • .,.. 9'~ah ... ti-Wtlfl d1~6 HI etr-• 10 "" 15 VII U Slk 1nc111' \ Tr•n Ullll t S .Slit. 1011.St 10» 91 1001 0 1027 01 • I• JI .oll 50 Ml '2 4)1 JI 071), •II lit.SI 111 00 "' .. 110 U • I 1' ~ .. CO.UJ946040000·..>S. , . • t.7•1,000 1,9",000 AMERICAN LEADERS l.'94.llOO 14 lll,IOO NE.W YORK \API S ein • p m ,.,.S<l•y 11ti0t end ,.., tn•<>ge 01 •lie ten mo~t um• Am•ric•" S1oc-E ocllengf' •i!tet lracltnQ ntttonally •• mo<• th.,, S 1 0om4t.,.,. l .>11.000 1 , 1• ... W.n9 8 :mt,)00 ••;• • '• ~;t;l~Q gg: 1~ . ,: l"•V51/.. ,11.l'OO I ... ltwf Jlt,100 IJ • I Ul-.. e 171 IOO I~ "9 GlllfC.,. • IM, /GO U ~ • lo Oy-1 "' •••. soo 10•. • •• A•"9ff04t ,.._. JOO ,.,. .. '• UPS AND DOWNS NEW YOAK IAPl ,,.. tOllo..,1nv ''" -· ,,,. -Yorlt. $Iott. E•tMnQP t.IOOl .-Ill -rtlftlt lh•I ...... 90M UO , .. "'°'' --riw "'°'' o.wo an t::"U .... r r-•a•M• °' ... 1 ...... Ho ••curl •H lr•ll•no below S2 er• lnClud9CI Net and o.-~•age cll•nge1 .,, '"• dlll•r•nce b•t,,..een II•• P••.,ou1 CI05H>Q PIQ I/lei luetae~ S 4 p111 P<ICe N•-' wjManvllle 2 APl Cp J OUlltP pN 4 StP•<CP S Keul 8ro.ct • t1.,nt1t11111 I NMftue Cp I Aanton t l.FECp plA 10 BIKOHL II CllrhC prpt 12 H•rttaQC.om n IJ F•r WM!Fn u WnAlr llDI 0 ....... lleti •• 111eoer~r . 11 C,,.ln I lllPI II Vul<.., Ir>< tt C.ntr..O.w ilO EAL wlO 11 0..mp Int 12 ParkrOrlll 2J A ... ,.,,,.., 24 CIWhC cvpl 1S f..,,..lits u~ ..... ~ .c~?. ,.._. . ', &1111 .. 11•. 10'• • ,..,. IJ ....... lw • I lh1 .... J•· • ~ ,, , "' ''• . '• t I 11\t I ,. 1 ,,. • ... ,, '' · 1•, •... ,,. . ~ ,, ..... , .. tJ\oa P . ., . , .. ,.,.. • t . n ... 2. ,, ' . .. J.S.. •• l'· n• • u•. l \.o '· DOWliS IA>I C"91 1)1_, 1\.t ,... '· ...... '"" ,,. 10 • ... 10 1)•-4 .... '"• ••• '\I 10\.. 12•• 10' I )1•' j~ , .. J.J ,, . . ... U\o. J4 .. ,. '• '• .. ... ... " l' 1 \,, '· •• '• ... ., ... " '• ,., ... '• ... "11, .. Pel Up ,. 1 VP II• Up Ue UP "S Up IJ I UP IJ,6 UP 13 • UP 13 0 Up 11.1 UP 11 S Up 111 VP IJ 0 Up 11 I Up 11 • Up II I Up II I Up 11 0 Up 11 0 Up 10 • Up 10 S Up 10 4 Up 10 I Up 100 Up 10..0 Up • • PU Oii 11, Oii •I 011 • 2 Off , • Oii , • 011 •• Oii • ) Oii St 011 )4 0 11 SI Oii so Oii 4. Oii 4 I 011 4, Oii •• 011 • s Ofl • s Ofl • 4 011 4 J 011 ., Oft • 2 0 11 ., 011 •2 011 ., Oii 41 ll•Htw ...... r·~l .. 9(1 or paid Ill pr-Ing 12 month& pill• •t<Kk 01VIO«ld l·fl~ HI •Ioctl ... P•K.011\Q u montll•, H hma1.o CUI\ ....... Oii U •df'lid4llld O< ••-<lletrtl>l/llOfl de!• •·h ·OtViOendt Of aa•llQlllt ~-Ex·d•!M.,.G an<I Mitt '" l\IM r·S .... fn Ml cwt·CAl!ed WCl·WMll 111tlfli..itltd #l·W11911 IH 11•CI WW•Wll h ••"•"'' aw.Wtll\Out w.,1aJ'llt a"1 .. fa•Ott lllllUllOfl It I ratlO ,,,. ptic. OI e •le<' H a mulhOlt OI oet·tlle<• M11!1ng••ff'l\!9CL 11\t Cl•Yld"'I 11141 let•I lt•month Mtn11>9t 1.gur• 111101 ....... ~ .. ' v. Novombtu 3, 1882 Don 't use ch arities as dumping grounds Tht.' iJllposition of u~r let's on the coun~~·s landfill dumps !\us pro dut·e d a ti c kli s h anti unexpected problem w h ich cuunty supervisors and charitable groups are trying to solve . Tht.' fees rouid bc<:ome a rt>al f financial burden for s uc:h chan llt·s t as the G oodwill lndus t rit·s. Salvatio n Army, thL' D1sabJC'd l Ame r kan Vcteraris and tht• St Vin cent d e Paul Soc:1t'l y, superv isors.have been advist.ld . T hat's· because up to hntr nf the donatio ns r ecei ved by tht• c har i ties -from <:lothtng tti furniture to appliances -are in such bad condition they cannot be.· ·repaired. and therefore arc simply hauled to the county dumps. Whe n dumping was free, that ,was no problem . Now that there's a fee for every load; Goodwill anJ the Salvation Army say th e fees could cost them about $50,000 a ·year . money that would havl• tu come directly from their charitabk program s. And they fear. with som l' l'l'r,spn, thut pt•opk• now could lX' rne>r<' incll1wd to ''dump" their old howwhold goods Otfth<• l'hurilirf! lo • u v o i d p ti y I n g I h <' n t• w Ce e tlll'n)tWIVl'() Th<' sup<•rvasors Sl't'm indincd to givf> tht• ~ruups sunw sort o f ranant·aa l brt•ak l)tl the dump fees but only Lhos • most .scven~ly 1mpal't.ed by th<' new rules. And, thc.•y suggt•st , the• charities may have t u do u bt't tc r j o b of s<,Tl'l'n'lng dunouolis fur u~bilit.y. instead of ~c·t<.•pting everything that 1s offt·r~'C.I in p rdcr to avoid offC'nding donors. even thoug h half the t·ontnbuu ons are without valuc Would-ht• dunors. loo. s h ould n ·ahz1..• that tlw l'hant1es benefit only I rum 1lt•ms t ha,t can b<' n•paarl'<l and re-sold :ind should not bl• reg;u-ck·d as a convenient J umping ground for b ulky items that don't fi t in to the trash - c•sp<'<-·ially if the• ('huritics ~re going to h avC' tt1 dap into the ir cash 1 rc·sPrvcs to gM rid uf the useless _a km~. rBoost for s tude nts W,he n people in Fountain foundauon!> an• not• funne le d V a lley say -tl-rey give public dirt'<.'tly into their school systems educa'\ion a h igh prior,ty, they but. through tht• ma('hinery of now. have a foundation on w hich theil' opera t ing. poards a nd to lay their prooL commiltN.'S, ctcwr~ine local needs T h e fo unda tion, pattC'rn l'CI and r a ast• funds for specific after a similar organization an San projet:ts. Fra ncisco, e xpe('LS to be in thl' T h t· l" u-u n t atn Va 11 e y busi n ess of sch eduling fund-foundation. for example. has as an r aising activities and accepting t•a rly gn<1I tht' purchase o f dona tions for the im£rOvement of comput1..'rS for the dassroom. local educat ion before Lhe l'nd of Not univ for this laudable the year . goal, but for. Lht• work tha t went Whal a Christmas present for 1 n to th v I' o r mat 1 u n o f th e ,: Fountain Valley students! foundot1on 1tst>lf, a tip. o f the h at Th e San Fr a n cis c:n to the thrt·e F'ountain Va lley F.clucationa l Founda tion has bc-t•n teachers who startC'Ci 1t a ll. r a isi ng $250,00 0 annually to L aura Woodward , Mindy supplement operations of its local Sm a th and Y vonne H o llan d · schools. attended a class which focused on A similar foundation fornwd the Sah f'rancasco foundation .~ i n l r vine i n th e w a k C' of They d eveloped a format similar Proposiuon 13 c:u ts has alrc·lidy to the San FranciS<:o model as part raised in excess of $1 million for of a classroom assignment. students there. Bui th<'n, realizing that the And foundations are helping foundation really cou ld work in out in Newpo rt-M esa a nd 1n their lo('al schools' c:ommunity and L aguna Beac h unified s<:'hool· that it <lidn't haw lo ~ merely a "districts. paper pruJl"l't. th ey brought the Funds rai sed by S Ul'h plan to hf<•. I K~~~ig:u~~~hat~~~pS Th<· program origmated as a I and k ids d on 't mix. community rl'lauons booster. I From what we can s e e. Polit-e officials figured that sixth l the re's a successful program in g radt-was a good level because the I Ne wpo rt Beach to disp el tha t kids are about lQ advance to junior ' myth. hig h sch ool '*h l·r<.• they'll b e ! For the third year, 100 o ff. assodating with oldt•r -~t~dents. • duty police officers and 600 sixth . There art• two pos1t1~e results ! grade students have gathered at of the program, The kids lea rn \ Eastbluff Park adjacent to Coron d that cops arc people, too. And th.e . d el Mar Hig h School for a day cops learn t~at m.~st kids aren t. spent getting to know one another. troublemakers. It s the hope of f pohc.-e offacaals tha t someday every · -The 'kl s get a c ancc to oo h 1·11-agl'f' tx't\vccn thcr-srxth-1.ln at a police h e licopte r , pa lace l i!th grades ha.., m('t thl• t'Ops and ! vehicles and othe r d isplays. Then isn't afraid to talk LO tht'm. ( the kidsand thecopssitdowntoa It's a good program, o n e • barbecue lunch, provided b y t he '>(o r th rep ca tin g i n o the r I A rches Restaurant. L a te r, they communities, It s ure beats those break into groups and talk about chance ent·ountc>rs cops and kids mutual concerns. often have on the streets • Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex- PrHMd on this page are those ol their authors and arltsts. Reader comment 1s invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 6-42·,321. L.M. Boyd / No comic fan "We are not a mused." Maybe you've heard some Seasoned C1tiz .. 11 deliver that once-popular sardonic comme nt. Client asks if it was a G reta Garbo line. No, credit Queen Victoria. I' who said It when .she canceled her subscription to The Times of London aft.er that paper first came out with n I page of comic strips, tl!mporarily. • • ln 364 out of 450 airplane crashes, the automatic recording devices fownd In the wreckage indicated that at ll'ast one of the crew mem~rs began to whistle in the last few moments aloft There was a time in n orthern FA.arope when the cultists during the winter lighted enonnous bonfarcs ln the-h ope or coaxing the sun bock nor.itt. Slrm>leat of all house humidlCieni 11 a hellow bowl of watef ~ front or a hot-air furnace outlet. · Q What were Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong's Inst words? A Do not have his final hne in any rerord at hand, rt'gret to reporc.. Can tell you h1~ first words, though. According to hts mother, they were. "Oh. yeah'" If you want lO buy a watch an Hong Kong. you go down o strecl where the shops ~II nolhing but watches. If you want to buy silk. takt• another stTeet wHerc stlk only Is sold Buttons? You bet. there's a nrc'Ct of button shops. How about Ivory? Sure, go down the ivory str~t Gold has It.If own Street, too. And rnd1os And clothing None of th11 running all ow1 town to check out the compt'lltlon. ThlB la a Chinete mArketing tradition • M c• n mt' n ti o n C' d I n t h e B i b 1 e ()utnumber thl' womt•n mcnlion<'d therein bv ubout 19 to orw. 4 ,...---------------,.--------:-------------------..., ~ ·ORANGECOAST ' Daily Pilat Themot'· HeleJ Jone Amori f •• ..,• •• f rt •N ... Work incentives scutt~ed WASHINGTON -Aside from myself, perhaps no one believes more strongly an the work ethic than Ronald Reagan. One of the rockets that boosted h im into the White Hou se was his expressed belief that welfare is not only wasteful of the taxpayers' money, but demeaning to the recipients. who would rather work for a Jiving than exist on government handouts. · Unfortunately, President Reagan is be ing Hl ser ved by his OCfice o f Management a nd Budget. T he false economizers at OMS are sabotaging two eminently t'OSt-effective programs that have been putting welfare recipients back LO work and taking them off the public dole. THE OM8 PENNY -PI NCHERS may even have violated the law by refusing to spend $70 million Congress voted to hl'lp rood-st.amp and welfare recipients become self-sufficie·nt. Even if the programs w e r en't working . th e admin istra tion's impoundment of appropriated funds is of dubious legality. But. in fact. the curt.ailed programs were successful: they were making productive --workers -and taxpayers -out of people who had been living on welfare checks and food stamps. One of the scuttled programs is called Work lncentlve, or WIN. Last year, on a budget of $389.5 million, 1t h~lped find jobs for 310,000 recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This saved the government $1.2 billion in AFDC payme n ts, food s tamps a nd Medkaid. It works out to $3 saved for every dollar spent -not counting the income taxes paid by WIN-placed workers on the $2.3 billion they earned in 1981. WlN did more than just provide job referrals. The program also removed the o bs tacles th ~t '11scourage welfare .IKI 11111111 . mothers from getting jobs. by arranging for child care, vocational training and _ transportation allowances. Despite the evidenc-e that WIN was a winner, OMB tried to wipe It out of the 1983 budget. Congress not only refused to go along, but appropriated $35 million to keep the program running while next year's funding is being worked out. The Labor Department thumbed its noae a t Congrus by sending o ut telegrams on Aug. 4 to the states - w hich admin ister WIN -forbidding them to spend any money except for "closeout costs.'' An angry bipartisan group of senators wrote Labor Secretary Ray. Donovan protesting the decision. They included Mark Hatfield, R-Ore .. chairman of the Approp riations Committee, Harrison Schmitt. R-N.M.; Alan Dixon, D-lll., and Arlen S'Pec~r. R-Pa. The o tber program th-at's be ing starved for funds with questionable legality is the Agriculture Department's · $35 million effort to find jobs for food- s tamp reci pi e nt s . B e f ore th e administration axed il last April, the program had put 78,000 pc.'Ople to work in one six-mol'\lh period. BUT AGRICULTURE'S job-search program is being turned over to the states. Even if the fmanc:1ally ha rd· · pressed s\ate governments elect to pack up the slack, there will be a lapse of at least nine months before their programs get under way. Assuaant L abor Secreta ry Albert Angrisani t old m y re porter J ames Crawford that WIN is "an ineffecliv.e program .. " and cited a recent report by • the General Accounting Office as evidence. Tbe GAO found that Labor "sig ni (icarrtly ove r s tate d W IN accomplisnments." But the re port acknow_ledged a high success rate -36 1 percent of the participants found jobs - and concluded that WIN would have placed many mo re Jobs except for "funding constraints " • ln other words. the admamslration was making 'j t s c I a im 0 f w IN Is ineffectiveness seH-fulf1lhng by cutting off its funds. Books di~inish presidential heroes .. LYndon Johnson was in love with an attractive young woman other than his wife during most of his presidency. ac'C'Ording to a new book by a capable writer named Robert Caro. So. what ~se is new? · ls there lnything more certain on earth than that a former president of the United States will be accused of Infideli ty long aft.er he's out of office by some writl'r or historian? ,Many years after he was president, Thomas J efferson was accused of having made advances -what.ever that means In a history book -toward Betsey Wa lke r, U\c wi fe· of his friend and neighbor. John Walker. I NEVER KNEW either Betsey or John, but I'w read quite a bl\ about Tom and whatever he did probably would have been OK with me. I have no idea what the circumstances were or what took place, but Thomas J e(ferson is one of my true heroes and no trivial bit of gossip could diminish rum in my eyes. Warren G. Harding, one of our dull presidents. was said to have had a running love affair with the wife of a department store owner in Marlon , Ohio. ls tha~ dull? They.said that Harding was .. always chasing women and apparently catching qult.e'1r· few of them. Harding's father, according to one historian. said that if Wa:'ren had been a woman he'd have been pregnant all the time. A president can't even trust his own father not to say nasty things about h im. The love affair Franklin D. Roosevelt had wit.h . his wire's secretary, Lucy Mercer, has been the subject of so many lllY lllllY books that It's difficult to disbelieve it, but then, just a couple of years ago, a book was publish ed suggesting that Eleanor Roosevelt had a l esbian Jove affair with a newspaper report.er named Lorena Hickok. . How would you like to be president or the wife of the president and lay your UCe open to books (lbout '}ou like these? There are always people who love to hate any president we have. Franklin Roosevelt and, ... ater, John F. Kennedy. Food's the clue • ID • quiz If you e njo~ eating, you may be surprised at how many book.a and plays contain the names of different foods In their titles. Today's quiz assembles a list , ~- .-,.-.1-Y 1-11....;.;ll;..,,..;.I ~~ of 13 of these varied comettlbles, wh&ch you are ask<.'CI to supply In the followlnc titles. A ft-w of the entrlea are aWurdly simple. to Inflate both your aicore and • your ego; but about the umei number are devilishly clW¥&wlt, to put you back In your place. One-third correct la r,"llpecuble (but mark yourself a(·c.-uraJeily o n the half-poin t and double-point quettiona). I. "Tht> • • · · • • • C.rt.." • pl•Y by &m1u'd Sh•w . " • · · · • • and Wlne," • nowl by lanaz.io Sllone. 3. "TM-· -• -• · la Green," • pley by Emlyn WaJlialna. ... " • • • • • • • And Ale," tforie9 by Sonttrwt Meu,ham. $, "Tb41 • • · • · • of Wrath," • nowt by I ~I John Steinbeck (take only a half-point for this). 6. " • • • -• • In the Sun,'' a play by Lorraine Hansberry. 7. "The Wild • • • ··,"a play by !been. 8. "A Clockwork • • • --."a ,,Ovel by Anthony Burgess. 9. "Triumph of the · • • • --," a story by Sherwood Andertan (take a double !ICOre for this.) 10. "The · · • --Orcherd," a·play by Chekh.ov. 11 . " • -• · · -and Kinp." atortes by O. Henry (take a half-point for t.hla). 12. ''The Flowerin1 · • • -·."a play by Clifford Odet.t 13. "The • -• • • • of the Jeat.'' a novel by Jamee Branch Cabell. (Take a double point for thla.) ANSWERS: l . "The Apple Cart." 2. "Bread and Wine." a, "Th e Corn la Green." 4. "Cakn .hd Ale." 6. "T he Grape• of Wrath." (Probebly I lhould have ,tven 1'!N the hal'CMr Steinbeck t.ltle: "TortUle FleL") 8. "RaWn ln tlw Sun." '1. ''The WUd Duck." I . '"J\ Clockwork Or•ne·" I . ~ of tlw la·" 10. ''The (.'berry II. ·ec.~ end KA.._\, 11. ''The ,..,,..... ... Peilich." 11 .• .,,_. Cnem °' &he J..l.IT' were both loved and tfated to the e xtreme. We neve r-.had a president about whom so many rumors were started about affairs he had as John F. Kennedy. It is apparent that Kennedy wasn't impotent, but if he'd had a(fairs w ith all the wome n his detractors claimed. he'd have been the lover of all time. · Kennedy was supposed to have made love to Marilyn Monroe. Blaze Starr, the stripper. and at least a dozen other semi-famous women. I doubt it, but what do I know. One book even quoted Marilyn Monroe as saying Kennedy told bcr Junade_blS back. Iet!l better. That sounds a lot more like something a writer would h ave invented for Marilyn to quote Kennedy as saying than anything he actually said . ,A LOT OF the women who were supposed to have been involved with -presidents wrote their own books. Kay Summersby wrote one about h er relptionship with Dwight D. Eisenhower when he was General of the Armies plannJng the invasion of Europe from London. Ka,y was the closest I ever came to one of these stories. I knew her because she was a driver for Eisenhower. -I was a reporter and we botfi often found ourselves waiting out.side Eisenhower's office (or him. She was a ta ll, broad-shoulde red woman and I'd describe her as more handsome than beautiful. She was very good-looking, I'll put at c.hat way. and it would have been st.range if Euenhow~ had not found her attractive. What happened, I don't know . but I'd have ended up thinking more hlghJy of her if she'd never talked about it. I've read the review of Caro's book about Lyndon J ohnson but l don't think I'll buy it or even take It out of the Ubrary to read. It's a book I have the fee ling I'v e read be for e about an Amerf~an president. For whatever trutt'I or fa~esa there is in il, ll has very little to do with whether they were good presidents or not. ·- -· Couldn't undentand why the tlor91 wer• fH\urln1 ao meny Hanow-.n eo1tumn tlil1 year. Now rHllM the wWd outfl._ are Jui' ~new ,..,._. J.V. .. •--=™· ~~ .llL . "YOUNll~ I W. Of ntl NANM °' "=I'~' Y ACT A LA °' TRUeftl'l IALI . , ...... _ NOTIC& • HERUV OIVIN, INC on WMI =No•--11, 1tf2, et t.QD o' am. of Mid c1ey, In the tOOM -Midi for ooncluctlna Trut1M'1 ...... w1tNn VII otflcal ol RE>tL UTAH IECURITIH SERVICE, localed at 2020 NCHlll Bf~. Sult• aoi, In the City of Santa Ana. County of Orange tll ... OI Call!ornla, RIAL 18ifATE SEOUNTIU SERVICE, a Calllomla corporallon, H duly appolnl•lt True• Ulldtr and pu1euant to the pow., ot aate con..,red In that ~aln Deed of TNtt eMOUled by Staynar Dava1opman1, a Utah corporauon, racord•cl JulY 111 t981, In l ook t4143 ot Olflcla Recntda of Nici County, at Patt 687, ""°'cltr'• lnltr~I No. 2217f. by rauon of 1 brtedl Of deleult In ~t °' 1*I011nance ol tltl ::-r!'°'" .-wtcl thlt'aby, Inc~ het IH•ac:h °' cletaull, Notloe Of wtlid'I --clad JUiy 20, 11U, M AIOOfCMr'I "'*-t No. 12·251033, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 8100ER FOR CASH, lawlUI money of Iha united S.at•. or • culller'a cnectt drawn on a 1111a °' netlonal !Mink. a etat• or l«leral a9Cllt union, or a atata or federal aa\llnQI and loan aeeodallon domldlecl In Ihle atate, ell payable et the time of ...., ell right, till• and lnter•1 held by It, aa TruatM, In 1hal real propatty alluate In .. Id County and State, detcrlbed H foltowl: Lot 93 ot Tract 7386, . .U per map recorded ln Book ~~ 40 to 411. lndull'*' 01--MI Maps, In the Otb of tile County Recorder-Of uld COunty. - EXCEPT THEREFFIOM all oll, ga11 ,•·mt nara11 •nd o th er hydrocarbOna, below a depth ol 500 leet, wlthOl.lt th• right ol eurf- entry, u r.-ved In ln1trument1 ol reoord, The atreet addre .. or other common d•elgnatlon ol the rHI OfOCMll'tV hereln.00... deacrlbed II purported to b•: 4 Rocky Point Road, NewPOf1 BNch, c.tifomt .. The underalgned hereby dleclelma all lleblllty tor any incorrect,_ In Mid ttreet add<- or other oommon deelgnetlon. Said Nie wilt be mede wlthOul warrenty, expraH or Implied. regarding 1111•. POIHHIOn, or encumbrances; to aatlely th• principal balance ol 1he Not• °' -othtr obllgellon eecured by Uld OMd ol Truat, with lnter"t end other sum• H provtded therein; plus advances, II any, under the 1erms thereOf and lnt«Mt on auch edvenon. and plua leM, ctiergee and IXPenNs ol the Truat" atld ol the trueta cr•ted by Mid OMd of Trust. Th• totel amount ol H id obllgellon. lncludlng ra•sonably Htlm•te4 feH, chargH and expenaee of the Trust11, 11 Iha lime of Initial publication ol this Not~. 11 $124.3603. Oiied: October 22, 1982 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, a Cafifornla corpor1Uon, •• TrultM By: (S~l) 0. J Morger. lie PrNident 2020 North 810ldw1y, Solt• 208, SMle Ana, CA 92706 Tllephone:(714)9$3-6810 Pubhlled Newporl Harbor Hewe Pr-combfned wfth the Ofange "'Coul Dally-Ptlo\. Oc1~27. No¥. 3. 10, 1912 4718-82 MOTICtl Of' TIIU9T'U'9 SAUi T.S No. 78720-7 SVS, INC. H duly appointed Trust•• under the followlng dwatbed deed of llU9t Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (pey1ble at time ot Nie In lewful money of th• United Sletaa) •II right. title end lnter•t c:onveyad to and now held by It under Mid OMd Of T ru11 In 1ne pr<IP'f1Y herelnaher dncrlbed: TRUSTOR. PAUL LABIN end , SHERYL lABIN, husband and wile a Joint tenW1ts " to 1n undivided .... lnteres1 and ROBERT REICHER and SUZANNE REICHER, huSbend and wile a joint ten~t• u to .,.. undivided .... '"'""'· BENEFICIARY: SIERRA REALTY & INVESTMENT. INC .• e Calltornla COl'poretlon ' Recorded' January 7, 198 t H Instr. No. 5386 In book 13904, page 1872 of Ofliclll Aec.ord• In the ofllce of the Recorder of Orange County: Mid deed of tru1t duc:rlbed the lollowlng property: • Lot 24 end the Eutetly 8. 14 IHI ol Loi 25 ol Block 431 ol Lenca91ar'e Addition to the Ctty of Mwport BMd'I, .. --Otl • """ recorded In boot! s. page 14 of ~-• .,, ..... record• ot Orange County. Cetllornl1. Ex~llng theMfrom lhe W•larl)' .52 .... of"" Eaeterty 8 14 .... of Mid lot 25. YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNOE.R A OEEO OF TRUST DATED -DECEMBER 211, 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPEl'TY, rT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU 8"0ULO CONTACT A LAWYER. 430 32nd StrMI. Newpor1 Belch, CA ''(II • et.reet addr-or common d"lgnellon It ahown above, no wtrrenly 11 given •• to It• com~ or con'lci,_I .. The b9netldary under Mid OMd of Trutt, by r--. of a breach or deteoll In Ille Obllgatlont MCUred thereby, heretofore executed end delivered to th• underelgned • written Oadaretlon of Oeleull end Demand for Sale, end written notice of breadl end of electlCMI to ceuM th• underelgned to Hll aald pr~ to 11tlsty Mid obllget~. and therHflar the underelgned clYMd Mid nollOe of brMdl end of lllc11on to be Recorded JtnUery 21, 11112 " lnllr. No. 12·025202 In Offldel Reoords. Seid H I• wllt be made, bul wlthoul covenant or w1rran1y. ...,,_ or Implied, t'l>lfdlng Ihle, po1111JIO'I, or ~mbrance9, to pay the rarnalning prlnc.lpel tum ol "" note(•) -ad by Mid OMd of Tf\191. Wltfl lm«Mt • In Mid nN pr~.edll~."•ny.under IM teflM of Mid DMCI of Trull, .... cNrgM and ~of the TN91M end of the trueta CfMled by Mid Daad of Trwt. Said ....... be lleld on T1Nr1ldrf, "°'*'"'"' 18. IN2 .. 2:00 p.m. al the CNc>lnan A~ entrence to the CMG Cent« ...... 300 E. °'-""" A-. Orenge.CA. At "" time of 111e lnltl•I pulllctatlon Of thll nollOe, the total emount ol IN unpaid ~of the obflOlllon MOUf'ed l)y t~ a~ cleecrlb•d Cf••d of trull and Mtlmated coat•. expen-end advancu 11 l17G,4t5.et To .......... .. ooenlnG blcl. )'OU Mey Ml (714) .,.... - ~~tt.)M2 -IV.. INC . ... '"""' ~ T.D lllW1CI Ol:Jt#Nl't. ~ ~--A .... a.....e--y °"'a., ... -.. Or ..... CA .... -Tel: (JM) ...... ,, ..... °'""' COMt Delly =--OIL rt ...... a. 10, ttN. ":'1 ~ . ...7M2 ( # .I Or1ng1 Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wedne1d1y, November 3, 1082.. All DISPOSABLE IAZOIS 5-PAI PACIOF59c ~FOi . ~~:9 We've shoved lhe price of these roion f you save big! Buy now! HEAD ·& SHOULDERS 11-oz. Reg. or Con· d itioning lotion or 7-oz. Tube GIT I .IO MR'S MAI. llBIATI WIRYOU MCMASI 2 • ._,_llTMS CLAIROL LOVING CAii HAllCOlOI IEG. 3.49 EA. Choose from o H · lectiol'\. of sham· poo·ln shades. r fl OM REVLON .FALL SHADI SPECTACUL~R IEG. 1.95 NAIL POLISH IEG. 3.20 LIPSTICK ' -=~~NC*·g9c • ,UCM • 1110 OlltY llUI IMNUI llllS NICI , HG. S.•9 llllFS HG. 6.9' l·SllllTS PACKOF 399 PACICOF 499 3,o• · 3,01 Select T·shirt in V or Crew·neck .styles. Sins S·Xl. Brief, siies 28·42. All in washable easy core 100% cotton.- YOll UN U<I 'IM 1W tMI WAUS DIC11K 'KALEIDOSCOPE' NYLON FASHION TOTES mMOID "--· 'CUff·HAllGDS' 01 TUSSY llODOUIR nonmoN IEG. 1.09 W CASSITTI TAPES • TllC .. G sn I ~T t;t1)~99--, .. 2999 p Cl CllOICI . of 2 FOi Cliff·Hof19ef tolies fh. con straight up the wal. Trucks hove forword, revene. IEG.,99 9.99 YOUR CHOICE ~ The Square duffel & Shoulder tote ore lightweight & washable. lf352 or #353 79c YOW aeaKI For all day prolec· • l ·Ol. <IHM tion & confidence. • 2· 111-0l. UICI • 1·114·01. IOU·OM TllSSY s.oz. UMS<Dflll SNAY •S... __ Mm __ ..nlSNAlff ___ ...J ~~scrr· 1 •• llt4ny figures to choo•e from. STUIDY MnAL-CLAD FOOTLOCKll ~~~·· 14•9 No nHd for bottled waler Complet; wrth filter that lolh up to 1 yeor u.•MTMI ........... ~· features locking hosp & strof handle, Blue or grffn 30"xl6"a 12 ·Menthot, Cherry Of Children'• GfoJM. 11'•· ~r relief . -....... ... • ... , Mlill If 111 es II• ____ ..._.._ .......... . .................... . SPECIAL SAYINGS ON CALIFORNIA WiNES YOWCIMI ....... : ::tf!' • iiia'Ciiiu :mn • SMlllA __ __. llG. 3.29 ...... YMUY . ............... ~· . .. -...... ........ _ . ...... "•• uu-••- • . . 1 ...... ·•,•-c..· ... E ... ·----..... ... llG • •••• =:=:::;;~·. I ,~A) v • -------'--1 flllZI DlllD TASTER'S CHOICE INSTANT COFFEE SUPEI 229 PRICE •. A·oz. Freeze Dried. While Stocks Lost! Limit 6 jars pe~ cvstome~ value. TOUI (llOKI • IOUINHHl KNOn'S DEUCIOUS PIESllYU SUPEI PllCE 119 • Ulf(OT/,IM(Affl( t l~oi. While Stocks lost. Limit 6 jars per (ustomer Sov~! • StUWIHIT SNOW'S CLAMS SUPEl,,C . PllCI YCHll {llOI(( 6 1h-oz. While Stocks lo.st. limit 6 per customer. Chopped or WVnced. MARINERS COVE NEW ENGi.AND IDll ClUI CHOWDEI SUPEI PllCE 69c I S·ounca con. limit 6 per customer. While Stocks lost. DOLE PINEAPPLE IN ITS OWN JUICE SUPEl3•c PllCE #1=.1 8-oi. While Stocks lost. limit 6 pt; customer. Chunk or Sliced. SPANISH OUVES HOM llPOISIYIW SUPll PllCE .99c 7-oi Spanish style While Stocks lost limit 6 per. IUITONI RAVIOU WITll •AT OI ClllSINUH SUPRPIKI 59i& 15-01. While Stodts Last limit 6 per cv1• tomer A to•ty d!Jh. I · Orange Coa1t OAU.V Pll.OT/Wtdnetday, November 3, 1812 Today, take your first,step into a new world of financial. opportunity and security. It begins with Bache, the investment spe-." cialists ... part of Prudential, The Rock. Now we're Prudential-Bache Securities; bringing . ,the energy of our combined strength to your Jnvestment and financial needs. For over a century, the serious investor has come to Bacfie for some of the market's finest minds. Now, the investment acumen of Bache and the re~urces of Prudential can create an investment strategy for your · financial success. To meet your present and future needs, your Pruqential-Bache investment specialist bffers you an unparalleled range 'of services. From stocks and bonds and municipals to • r commodities and money market funds. Complete financial planning and institutional services. Tax shelters. Even private place· emg U8 )QI" future. ments. And innovations like our exclusive Command Account,designed to make your · money make more money every minute. Prudential-Bache Securities. One powerful source for a lifetime of investment and finan- cial achievement. For a brighter financial .tomorrow, call · us. We're Prudential-Bache Securities. Call us any hour; day or night. We'll be there. 800-526-7854. . .. By SANDIE JOY qflM Delly Nol It•" P ractice makes perfect. lt'U mak~ you money, too, If you're a card-counting professional black jack pl~yer Like J erry Patterson . . Playing and teaching othe rs how to play blackjack has become an enjoyable way of life for Patterson w ho claims li ft' as. a professional gambler is lucrative 1f you know what.you're doing. "The first thing most R,layers do • wron g," h e s aid, "is they d on 't undedta nd h ow t o play ha n ds correctly." For example, he said, many players don't know they can double their bets and take one more hand on "a soft hand like an ace-three." He also said most player.s bet too much. Patterson, a computer scientist before he turned to blackjack as a full-tame career in 1978, talked abou t tfi'l> ... mathematical theorem called Gam blers Ruin. i ''Basically," he explained , ''all tha t means is they bet too mucli;ltnOney in proportion to their bankroll a'1d they go broke." Patterson's goal is to build a national blackjack business. "That really turns me on," he said, explaining that basically his background is entrepre ne u rial. Before he turned pro fession al gamble r , h e h eaded a computer c.'Ompany in New J ersey which he founded. Palle rson was abo u t 12 w hen he gan playing blackjal·k with olhe~ kids. "You played around a table and , if you got a blackjack. you won the dea l. You played for a nickel a h and. If someone got fi ve-card Charlie wh ich is five cards under 21. you won the game." · After graduating from college in 1956, Patterson took a computer job in Southern California and began driving .· •'. •'· ... ... Illy 111111 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 62 BT 88 a gaille ba<.•k a nd (_Qrl h to Los Vegas ever y Th<' classes meet once ~ookly for four weekend. • weeks In hotel rooms that favc tx.'t!n s<'t "Fortunately," he said, "btiic st..rateg y up to look like casinos. . which will get you an even game if you "We use casino-like chips," he sa d, know when lo split, and double down "and get people Involved with decks of was discovered about the tlme I started cards, practicing at tables. The cl~. we playing in the casinos ... and I learned teach are like workshops. You hav<' lO how to break even. Otherwise, I w ould practice in order to have the skills lO beat have been wiped out." the game. • When card-<.'Ounting was discovered In "That's really what we teach," he said, Bridge players can lea rn lun• 1111 ot'f'l0t•11ll h(•lps I Ju • 01111osi1 iou. P11g«• 82. for losers - with Colombia and w vrk south tu Argentina. "In the Far East,_ there's an exotic place called Macao right across from Hong Kong. It's a fucinating place lO go. Tti.cy play blackjack.differently ao a real serious player will have a little bit diffe rent twift. 1961, Patterson said he got serious about "how to practice." the game. , • Players arc taught how to count 11nd • Card-counting is a te<:hniquc that he . how to pre dict tables where the. bias "A lot of players who gel serrbus will become world blackjack players," ."Pattenon aaid. "They travel around the wo rld leac.Hng the g o od lite a nd blackjack wiJl support thero." claims gives players an advantage over favor8 players. the casino when they play blackjack. "Y o u can get an even h igh er "By observing the cards as they are advantage where t he bias favors dealt," he said, "you know who has the players," Patte rson said, "and that's advantage on each hand, you or the abo u t the most exciting thing I've h ou se. W hen t he h o use h as the learne d in 25 years o f playi n g idvantage. you lower your bet; when blackjack." you have the advant.age, you raise your Patterson speaks of the game in an bet." a ut horita tive, assured manne r and, Eventually, he returned to the East judging from the 150-plus turnout at Coast where he formed what became a . one ot h is tree sem inars last w eek , succ-essful computer firm. plenty of folks are prepared to liaten and But, with the opening of New Jersey's learn. casinos four years ago, he returned to his He'll offe r another free l 1h t.o 2-hour first love. sold the l'Omputer firm and seminar a t 8 p:m . Thur~day in the became a professional blackjack player. Holid ay Inn, 3137 Bristol S t., Co ta "The casinos were an m y backyard Mesa. again ," he said. "and I was lucky enough No, he's not really giving . anything to get a ga mbltng colum n in the awey that he won't make a profi table Philadelphia lnquirer." return on, explained P atterson's wife Soon, he formed w ha t is known as Nancy, also a professional blackjack Jerry Patterson's Blackjack Clinic and player. • • began teaching others how to beat the ·The seminars are offered free, she odds a nd w r iting book s a b out h is e xplained, ''because we teach a course favorite subject. a nd a certa in number o f peop le T h e c linic, he said, "h as beel') a a'u ending the seminars will decide phenomenal suc.'CeSS . . '. It was just one they're interested enough to sign up. of those things. a need that Was fulfUled. Nancy conte nde4. the semina r s People were looking for ways to break actually are profit.able for the students, even." too, because they'll learn enough about For $500 -$450 if you attend one of the game t.o at .least stop losing money his free seminars -Patterson or one of and should, if they practice what they're his associates will teach you gambling ~ughl, co~ out and start being winners money management, the high/low point m the casinos .... count system and everything else they Wh ile c a sin o managers appear thmk you need t.o know to beat the odds._ _ un~appy a~~t card-counti~g. Patterson ,,,,.. J erry Paller'On T he - ma )<ed man of ·l he blackjack _crowd. said they really should be happy. "It promotes the games." Nevertheless. None.Cy indica~ed the casinos don't a ppreciate card-counters. Her husband was barred from playing in five New Jersey casinos and two in Las Vegas. she explained, because he was spotted card-counting. That all changed recently, at least in New J ersey where the sta te supreme court ruled card-coun ters can 't be barred · fro"!J'115ino playing. --..oiM>...AJ..!!..r~Las Vegas. Nancy said, "He still plays there. They-forget about-h im-afte a few months." The pair a re n 't a bove playing in disgui~. though. jus t in case they're spotted by some eager-beaver pit boss. Nancy has r"esorted to w ig s and various other dlsgu\ses while playing in cuinos as has her spouse. And, even though a photo of Patterson appears in publicity for his three books on casino gambling, he'd still be diCficult to apot becaWle, for the photo, he died his halr, shaved his beard and donned a mask a la the Lone Ranger. It's not like in the movies, though, for a professional gamble r , Patter son contended. "It's not dangerous although there have been stories about some of the mor e h igh rolling card -counters getting beat up b1111t that's the exception . "The· rule is," he explained, "aJl the casinos realJy do if they t hink you 're counting is ask you to take your action elsewhere.'~ Professio na l gambling can be an exciting career, though, he indicated. "If you like lo travel. they have casinos all over Euro pe, in England, Africa, a lmost any country and almost every pai:t of the world, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, South America. You start 'The f int thinr moat players do wronr is they don't understand how to play hands correctly.' • • 6 He said he hadn't taken that approal:h, though, and, because of his business, had limited h is playing mostly to the United States and the Caribbean. In a few years, Patterson thinks he'll ha ve more places to travel than to Nevada to play. "The states are learning that casino gambling is an e¥y form of revenue and they'll legalize," he said. ''ln the next few years, at least four or five s tates wil\ take the .legalize d approach and give Atlantic City and Nevada competition. It's a painless way of getting tax money." Patterson predicted legalized gambling "has an excellent chance of passing" in Florida this year a nd will become a reality soon in New York State, New Ha mpshire. Chicago, Detroit, Canad a and Massachusstts. ''MGM Grand is politic king in Massachusetts with a little seashore town called Hull," he said. "They'll probably legalize within the next two t.o three yea rs.'' He also pointed out that blackjack gambling already is legal in Fargo, N.D., Oregon and Calgary, Albert.a. In addition to his own playing, teach i ng and writing. Patte r son bankrolls about a doz.en other blackjack players. something he indicated is highly profitable. ''Blackjack really is a lucrative game,'' said Nancy. "J erry calls card-counting ·s.Jnvestment program " With the card-counting, she explained, "you have a 2· percent edge over the house . . . You get your money back plus 2 percent when you count and bet correctly. • "T wo percent d oesn't sound like much," she admitted, "but the average $25 bet will ge t about 90 hands an hour. That's $2.250 you would put across the table an hour. "Y o u would make $45 a n h our because you would make 2 percent of aU the money put across the table." She added, "We suggest people start with a sma ll bankroll and plan on winning." For e xample, starting with $200 or $300, a player could have $1 ,000 "in a really short time." Nancy explained, "As the bankroll goes up, the money earned per hour goes up. If you consider it a part-time job and you want a raise, increase the amount in the bankroll. She also indicated women have a special edge when playing blackjack. "She can get away with incredibh; bet spreads and do things a man couldn't do." () One thing taught in Patter son 's blac kjack courses is h ow no t to get barred from a casino. Pattel'90n's books, published by G . P. P utnam's Sons, are called "Blackjack: A Winner's Handbook," "Blackjac k 's W i nning Formufa" and "Casin o Gambling." The first book is a review of all systems, books and newsletters while the second was designed for occasional players, Nancy explained. The third won't be available in bookstores until January, she said, but can be purchased earlier by contacting the Je rry Patterson Blackjack Clinic's Los Angeles franchise office at (213) 390-6000. Questions about the Thursday night seminar in Costa Mesa also can be asked at that number. I • • t I ~ I : • • 1 I j 4 • ' . . " I r Ba Orenge CoHt OAIL.V PILOT/Wednetdl • November 3, 1982 DEAR ANN LANDERS: I was surprised you did not educaw the reader who was distressed. by her neighbor's luwn ornament. It wos the little black boy dressed as a horse groomer. If she had asked her black friends, they might have Jumped at the chance to pass along some fascinating black history. She would have heard that w hen Gen. George Washington decided to attack the Hessians on Christmas, he arranged lO have someone .mc..>el him on the other side of the river with a horse. Tom Wells, a black man serving the general, chargc..'Cl his 8-year-old son with th.c task. It was a bitter cold njsht. and the boy was ill-clothed. He stoodr firm ir(his duty, holding the : horse's reins while he slowly Croie to death. • I I ... !::io yolJ see, Ann, the little statue is a reminder of a noble deed performed by a courageous young lad. By jumping to the wrong <.'Onclusion', the reader: betrayed her own prejudices. -OOROTHY IN FT. MYERS, FLA. DEAR F .M.: That's a nice s tor_)!, but, unfortunately, I was unable to tum up a slired of evidence that it ever happened. / I checked with Charles L. Sanders, managing editor of Ebony magazine. He laughed and said, "Is that old yarn still ldckJng around?" Sanders bad )leard the story when be was growing up and said his contemporaries in Victoria and Galveston, Tex., considered the lantern boy highly offensive. "In fact," be said, "we used to go around at night and paint them. white." I also called my friends at the Thomas More Association. They did considerable research and could find no evidence after spending bours in the Cbicago Public Library. Todd BrellUJI of Tllo mas More arranged for a friend to contact Waldo Tulk, assistant librarian at the Pennsylvania Historical Society in Philadelphia. Tulk. said Charles L. Blockton, a member of the board of directors of tlle society, who writes extensively on black Iii story, told blm tbe st.ory WAS true and tllat the boy's name was Jocko Graves. He was referred to la a book entitled "The Crossing" by Howard Fast. Tulk scanned the book and coafd find no reference to "Jocko Graves." Our next contact was -Ellea McCallister, the librarian at Mt. Vernon. Miss McCaUister iaid. "I am aware of the story, and U ls pare fiction. George Washington kept a list of all his slaves, and Jocko G.rauJ .Jlou .Dot anear oa the list. -Washington also faithfully recorded the lili to cal events that occurred in bis lifetime, and tb(s tal~ is not among them." I am sure many readers will continue to believe the mytb in spite of the fact that there is no documentation. Legends die bard. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our children are arowing up with no respect for money. WW you please tell them a dollar saved is a dollar earned? T h ey'll listen to you . Thanks so much . - PARENTS IN AUGUSTA, MAINE . DEAR PARENTS: Sorry, I must be honest. In today's economy, a dollar saved is 50 cents lost. .. N1•llh1•r v11hwr11hl1• Nortli (fl•ul\ ORTH •KU ('•A k J2 ¢A 91 + A 6 .. WEST f;A!'1' •e3 • •81 I05 ., Q987ti v HO o K62 + J 10 812 + K 9 3 SOUTH +AQl()S42 ' c;:;>O 0 Q108 +Q5 The biddinic: North •~••l I + I ~' 2 I::> Pa11 6 • Pa11 POT SHOn South Wtt1t I • Pa111 3 • Pa81i Pa11 Pa111 BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ~ ~ d.ott't- ;Ji v~ ~ me..mories a c9ood home, . ..... <Wh.qll? 'WL • . ..• ,, . ; By PHIL INTEALANDI -~ .. .:. ... ~ GOllN ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF . - . - '1 K J 2 0 A 9 + Ae JI . -Sonw 1wovh• llkl• th(• 11ound or lhl•lr voli:t•jj llul blddinic slr1111ly h1•1·uuiw It Ii; .vour turn l'lln h11 v1• 11ntow11rd r1•11(•r1·11" ~illM 1n l ht• flhl) ,., 5 ¢ J 6 .. • J 10 ~ l:'J Q 9 8 O Ke +K t Nolt• thut II muko no dlf ft•rt•ntt• how 1-:0111 tll"•nrdio dt•tlur('r c:nn alw11y11 111nk1• 1 ht• •IUl by rt>ly1ng on t-:n .. t to, hold the· ml• intc kinl(" h••1·11u1w ot hl'I ov1•rt·oll. llud t hrr .. b1•c>n no OYNl'H ll. Soul h 1•011 h1 11t Ill c·onw lo t Y. t•h t• trick, hy icuc•,,.ing c•vrn •A ' ' O Q JO 8 • Q 5 . t hinic right. but w1• "ouldn'I \\lint .to lwt on t hnt. ~:111.;1·s d1·d~1on w ovt•r<·11I! on1· hl'llr l r11nk., :unonl( ·t h1• wor111 ovt•r1•all11 w1• hu vt• '''t'n I hii. y1•or. As It w11•,, it 11r11 rwll<'d Nqrt h Soul h Into ,, 'llnm lhl•y mrKhl not hnvl• !(Oll1·n lo unrlN t hrir OY. n stt•um . ond 11r1w1t dt•1·l11r1•r orr to lht• wlnninl( lim· lo muk1• 11 douhl.v l'XJwnsiYI'. lk-rlarer slmpl.)! led u din mond Lo thr ace and rt'turnNl u dinnfftnd. ~ast won t ht• kin!(. bul was t•nd pluyc·'l. A dub would allow detlarer lo How do you ehoon lht' ""'-opealn1 lead? ('harle11 Corea hu the anawer. l"or a copy of 1'Wlnaln1 Openl91 Lud1," and Sl.8~ to "Gorea·Lead1," care of Ulla new1peper, P.O. Bo. 259, ' Norwood, N.J. 076'8. Mah cheek• payable to Ne w1paperbookt. D1•rlurt•r won lht• ht·nrt 111 dummy and ran-off r1v1· rounds or trumv~. Thi i. n•d111· l'Cl Lh1• hund IQ t ht' (ollowinl( poi.ii ion: tort' the queen. while the h('nrt would be into dummy's lc•nnc(', pt•rmilllng declarer lb slurr n losing club ood lcav ing hi hand hi~h . • llOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA , Thursday, November 4 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): You'll complete import.an.t project. Call or mes.sage verifies findings. You gain added recognition, roadblock lO progr~ is removed a'nd personal hori:zons are enlarged. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Fresh start helps overcome obstacles. You'll get to heart of matters, income potential is increased and you could be in the money. You'll l<>Cflte missing article and you'll be dealing with creative, dynamic persons. . • GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Judgment, intuition are on target. Timinf is superb and you'll bv at right place a l crucia moment. Intuitive intellect rings hell of accuracy. CANCER-(June 21-JuJy 22): Forces tend to be scattered: leave details for another day. Perceive picture as a whole and know that you ·are close to obtaining vital information. Gemini, Sagittarius pe rson s figure pr ominentl y. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Member of opposite sex outlines unusual plan. Be receptive, open- minded; but .not gullible. Cycle Is such that wishes come t rue. Fantasies can be tra nsformed into realities. Routine1s subject to radical change. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): Someone wants something Cor nothing -you could be prime target . Know it, tnsist on definition of terms. Lunar emphasis on business, prestige. LIBRA (SeP,t. 23-0ct. 22): Go slow. be diplomatic, avoid trying to for<.·c issues. Language study is Important, project travel plans and promote education;AI or publish ing project. - SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Interest in mantle arts will be stimulated. You'll be doing some pfivate detective work. Article that had been lost or stolen· is likely to be reoovered. Exercise discretion. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Have source material available; locate legal documents, check between lines, gather dat;a which verify claims. F~us on· public relations. partnership proposals. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J an. 19): Lonptanding assignment will be completed. Sense of drama is he~htened; you'll express feelings in dynamic, drama.tic manner. You gain alli es, vitality makes comeback and you'U again be in driver's seat. AQUARltJS (J an. 20-Feb. 18): Lunar and numerical <?ytles highlight speculatfon. variety. romance and abilJ"ty lO win contests. Charisma is emphasiied, invitations multiply and members of opposite sex make no secret of their admiration. PISCES (F eb. 19-March 20):~ Emphasis on security, regulations, basic rules and territorial r ights . H ighl ight safe t y measures, obtain !'. professional appraisal and know that you have something of value. Means don't sell yourself short. Announcing ... The Irvine CoJDP.any ·Leadership A\VardS Pri>grmn For Orange County High School Seniors "Your beep was interesting and provocative. However, I'll. call back later.'' • James Rooseuell, Chairman What is the lnine Company Leader- ahip Awanla Program? The IMne ~ Leedersbip AWards J>rotpam is an annual Orange County-wide cxxnpetition·sponecred by the Irvine Com- pany to recognize and enoourage high achool seniors who show evidence d lead- ership. Each )'eSr, 15 8Wlll'd recipiet its. five d wbJm will receive t.op awards, will be selected. . Who • ..,..., to Apply? The paqpan is open to aD oollege-bound high adm lltudenta who will gndme bun ... Orqe c.o._. public high echool by Jme, 1983. Howv WDI die 81111! cdrua be Made1 Each hilti ICbool will inninale cme studed. The 69 Mudem •111 cteCJ' fnm the 59 public hilh ICbooll in 0... Chmty will be divided into three IBOll'8Phic regions. A oorm11ittee d buaineel, dYic and educatimll leeden ., each rePJri will bUM!w the., .. in that~ and will select five ftnalia. The fiw ftnalilt8 from each repm, 16 in all. will be judpd by a eeled. cxwnrnjttN d Chriy-wide leader& Fn:m the 15, dU oornmittee will eelett the five t.op award recipient& W1ui1. Form Will 'I1m Reoopldon 'l'lllre? Each d the 59 smdenta •lec:flld will be invited to a day-kq 1eedenbip aociea-.a in Febnmy, cbinc wtK:h histt Khool leaden will have .. opportur*Y to dilam --and leedenhip concepta with mq d the ~· outlltandir~ bulin88I. dvic, permuD and edandcm ...... The ave ftn 'n in wh rePm will be mmounced at ...... bdlecn In Mlrd1 to Mtii their .... and the regional ~will be lnvW. • . -.. _ 11'8 ... Cculbr-wlde ..... Will be Romcld ata bmquet m Apt Each~ dw .. wll llCliw • 18,000 dip . liddlOHp. n. 10 ftlkml lz ... wll ........... 11.000 ~ acbalwilisr- Jn Mk'*"\ ..... , ....... dmt ...... in.~......., ~. ,,. &.lijts wi1I .. idlded ~ ~· pablallimln...._..... ~ • ' What are the Criteria for Judging? • Judging will be done m a pcint basis JIB follows: Legdersbip pgitjrm,· e1ected cr appW1ted poeitions held in edX>OI, ..,cooununity er work-related areas ... 30% S!;!1!l!ll qctMtia· demonstiat.ed wide variety d int.ere8ts and ocm- mitment.s to the school community .. : ............... .'203 Comnumity involuement: service to or involvement with the local, st.at.e or national community out.side of school ... 203 ~ qpgieoce. lm'Bi- Qao aaiJ awar4s: factors auch-81 jobs, honore or awards which indicat.e leadenhip ................. : . 103 &Mhllfic achievement: accomplishment as evidenced by grades in subject.a under· taken at school ............... 10% C . . .J,,,;IJ .. OfDll1Wl4cqljon mtm: ability to communicate orally od in writing ................. 103 The Irvine Company Leadenhip ~ Procnun Coordinating CoiimiUee . Jamee Rooeevelt, chairman; Mrs. Daniel Aldrich. community leader; Gordon M. Andenon. president, Santa Fe Intematioaal Corporation; George ArcYroe, developer and investor; Jamea T . Capreta, ettomey, Capret.z & Kudan; Robert CWJord, president, Air California; Ronald Dominguez, vice president, Disneyland; William F. Fur- niu, prelictent, KOCE-TV; Mn.Walt.er Gerken, community leader; Marion Knott, Knett'a Beny Farm; Peter Kremer, pn1ldent, The Irvine Com· pay; Tbomu Lowe. chairman of the board, Monarch Bank; Ann L. Mound, oommunity leader; Rev. Monaianor John Sammon; and G.T . Smith., presi· dent. Chapman CoU11e. How Doel a 8mdellt Apply1 AppUc:atlona uve been aupplied to IChool prtnd.,.a.. Deadline for student ttllction by.-1ebool l1 January 28. 1813. Or•ngo Co11t OAIL Y PILOT /WtdnHdly, Novtmb« 3, 1982 8 3 ~~\ --··ln·--1111!1..._ ......... . I WttA Al ftl TOI llll TO IUY .. 1112 I ~"" .. , . . ~, . Diffe r e nces . . ' 1n ·insurance Stay In the black not In the dark with ,,, I An lndl"*'Mble lernlnlr IOI' the '4)ptllttlce19d lnv"IOf' I · and texpeyer who need• to ebt0tb new tu lfllOfmeuon qulekly OYr lhlrd ennuel upd•t• on 1a11 lhelt..-1 end tnetr I ptObleml I PrHenled by Tom Hllg .. rtner. CF'P. Tu Plenntno I 8~111111 end Preli<Mnl ol ~agnum"()j)u• AdvllOl'y I ·AND· I I Mere R Tow, Attorney and Member TH S41Coon of Jhe I Am9fleln 81r A1110Cle1lon I ·I I 1 . l By PAT HOROWITZ 0t 111e o.111 "'°' •••" OEAR PAT: How do direct markettd In s urance pollclu differ rrom agent-sold policies'! Also, how con you be sure OH of these Insurance-by-mall l'omponl c1 ls rcputublc'! ' . N.J ., Co ·to Mesa ~ 'l'lw dl.ffl•t'un('l ' Is 11111 n ·ully 111 tlw poll<.·y, but in thl' nwthod of sah-. Any k111d of 111SUl'Ulll'l' l'UV~'l'Ul(l' that l 'llll be pUl'l'hUSl'd from un agl•nt l'llO Ul' bought through thl· m•11l Somp 1nsurun<.'l' l'ompanlcs 1wlr onl y thrnui.:h tht• m ull, sonll' i,(•11 t•xdusivd y • through agt•nts, and utht•r'S usl• a l'ombination of thl• 1 wu mt.'lhoch. Tht• lx•sl way to t'h<.-c:k on uny ansururwt• l'Ompan y·s n •ltubll1ty 1s tu 1:untu<.'l t he• Ca li fornia Dt•partment of lnsurnnl'l' by dropping a hnc to 600 S Commonwc.•alth . Los Ang<•lt•s !W005. or by phoning (213) 736-2572. You also may want to l'l'<}U<.'St thl• frt'<' booklC't, "10 ~ Bt'for{• You Buy In :.Uf'IH1t'l' By Mail." ~ M•ndang n Sl'lf-addn•sscd. stampt•d t•nvl'lopc.· to "lnsuranec• By Mail." Tht• Direct Mail Markt•tang Assot·ration. 6 E. 43rd St.. Nt•w York, N Y. 10017. .. ;, Pl •. L~ •. Yo%otessional · UtM4\ · . Florist . A.oAIST 29 15 Red Hill Avenue A· 108 Costa Mesa "'', Stone Mill Business Park 641-0810 ROUND-UP CHECKING Fl NALLY ... An easy way to earn our high repurchase plan rates on funds in _ your checking account! Earn 10.25°/o on your balance over $2000. Rate sub1ec1 to chang3 daily ..:::-__ ---- Deposit any amount 1n the ti•g Money ~Round-Up"' Checking Account and earn 5' ,.,_ 1f your balance is $2.000 or leas Every time your balance exceeds $2,000 the Big Money Wranglers at F81 West will corral that excess cash and herd •t into a high interest fund that pays our high repurchase plan rates You'll earn lhose rates on every dollar over $2.000 - until you need your money a day, a week. a year or longer• And, your money 11 insured by an agency of the Federal Govermenl up to $2,000 EXTRA SECURITY TOO! Your balance over $2,000 Is not Insured by the FSLIC. becauae It la not a 11vlng1 account or deposit Instead, It Is secured by obllgatlons secured by the U S Governmenl or a U.S Government Agency The securities are held In a separate account at one ol the largest commercial banks ln the United States. and pledged to Far West Round-Up Cu11omer1 When you need 1t, wnte a cheek ti your balance drops l*ow $2,000 you'll 11111 earn 5'·~ So. round-up your rHdy cash and •PPIY for ·"""'"9·Up· cheeking. today• DANA POINT 24501 Del Prado Dana Point, CA 92829 (714) 881-3358 HUNTINGTON aUCH 19114 Magnoll• Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 12846 (714) 983-2800 •WPORT llACH 4001 MKArthur liYd. Newport Beloh, CA 828eO (714)~ (213)281-lOm Po liti(•u/ ta t:rcdi t DEAR PAT: Are tbere ID)' tax benefits for contrlbut1n1 money to a political candidate? R.P., Irvine The• Internal Ht•vt•nuc Scrvkt• ~rmlts a hmlwd tax t•n'<.llt £or c:ontrlbutlons mud<.• tp a canclfdate for clt.-ctlon to a fodt'ral. sthw or lonil offi<tt• In p primary. g<'nt•ral or Spt-clal <.'lcx:lion. or to a polltkol t'OmmitWt.• (or suc;h purpoS<.>. This credit is limitt-d IS' 00 pcrt'<•nt of your total political contributions up to a maximum of $00 ($100 tor taxpayers filing jointly). The oost of raffle, lottery or ~lmilar " tickets to raise campaign funds docs not qualify for this crc.'Clit, nor 1s It' availabll• to cor porations. trusts or estates. • Got a pmbl<'m~; Th<'n writ<' to '9 'l Pat HorowHZ. Pat will cut red tape. • gettinl{ th<' onswe~·and tJ~·ti~m .Y<!U .-. need to solv<• 1neoqu1t11•:1 1n government and bus11wss. Moll your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Servin:~. Orang<' Coast DDily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, CosttJ Mesa, CA. 92626 . • 199.99 Stereo Music System With Cassette Recording • I· Track Playback AM/FM stereo receiver Front loading c osstflle recordef/ployer 8·1rock tape plover Fun-size semi outomotic record player Garden Specials "'°'111 onC1 Plonl 5'A)Olles Nol AYCll6able commerce 3rd onct Fo9fox. Westefn and lmperiOLSon Yfldro Qo\\O~\ . I Thurtct.r !vtnlng. Nov. •· 1912 at 7:00 p.m. I at the Holiday Inn • L 3131 a rtetol It., Coete Met • I CALL (714) 112.-'°" MH"YATIOHI I a.c ... 11 .. ""°""" ~ ...... ltcl99' ,~ ...... -. lnC ---------------The Dally Piiot's year-end business . review and forecast. Coming Dec. 29 in the D1ilyPilat .. FRESH LOCAL ABALONE DINNER '17.95 lnclude1 choice of 1oup or •alad, and potato or rict1 pilaf. ~ :_ Call For ' . ReMrvatlona -::-~ . : 173-7721 . :j. ./(.f.1!~~1!:) .. ; .. . • ·~7 IJALBOA L lalMI .... . 99.99 Country French Stereo Console AMlFM stereo. Ml-sized r8COld· \ changer and lull·1onoe speakers 0 Model 52201 569.99 ZenHh®lt"::t. Color TV /Space Phone, Remote ~ontrol Lets You make/receive calls· ltwough TV without aeov1ng vour chair Remole scan channels up/down, on·screen channel numo.r. time dlsplay Colo! sen1rv svr1em ·Not fOI connection 10 parry hnes Model SN1903W 219.99 Portable TV With Auto-Color Switch ln·lir'18. Qutek·slort pctu1e tube. ou1o-color switch VHF telescopic and lJHF loop antennas IOI o great picture EQulpped with earphone· IOI povote listening I A~=-I 3.57 Your choice of Chablis. Vin Rose'. Heorly Burgundy Ond "10'8' 3 0 l Ask About C.r~it l em"IS 319.99 19" Dlag. Meas. Color TV Ulehke lleshlones and bliQhl true colofs Spec1a1 GE• VIR cllcultly adjust the colOt tor vou OUIO moticolty, Eneigy Conscious"' chassis ln-hne biOClc Mo111x picture tube DELICATE SSEN SPECIAL •, A ' ' • ... "·. F~r1 .6.5 Chopped Hom •ChMM Sandwiches 0.hCIOUS Chop- ped ham sand !'fiches mode fresh doily • 1.37 5.44· I . I e 1111an . ea1d1n A"*Vlae Sun·lovlng ever· QMet\ wilt\ goiderl filgh·hghls Bushy gro wltl 5-QOI 1-Gal ....... Your Choice ol llOllOn Cypest. JoponeW bwood. and ITIOfe4 • ·2.ee >Ou. ... Compo It lfedWood '°" amend '""*'' 3 eu fl Vit•I OUf ooroen~nl • ~· .... •••d•••d ConlrOI ~· With o.n i.rtlliMf ~ when weeds ·01• lr_o~1no Cove11 .GDOaq fl • t .. . .. .. .. " ' .. .. .. ' .. " . IM Orange Collt DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, November 3, 1012 ROUND OR OCTAGON ralll•• •••• llfC '14.99. Gmt IS iamO. ftm, °' otiont stand. fisy to asstmlllt. wainut ftnlSh. #F525111229. SUl.IKT TO noCK ON HMO .,. 1.111rorr Uni~. WtTHDOORS . -···· REG. '89.99. Futures frame 000rs """ en pn1 IMerts; 5llflf stoD9f beNnd OOOf'S: en IS l'Ml"5llllf to wood grain fln1511. 1562. EASY TO ASSEM8U ACCESSONS NOT INCLUDED 114 " x 4 ' x 8' Boat:ik HOUSEHOLD ··pop'' 11111e~oo1 ·-·· llK. '8.99. FJStlftS from one Sidt In seconos. ProfesslCNI mutts tor do- lt -yourself tobS. Fastens metal, flltf9lasS. lntfltr, doth. I l · 1<M. 81NCH fllu•N•c•ne Ado11eer •s•• &lllrlll'r .•• ,, un1e -···· llK. "'·"· WllnUt "'*"· 29~" I 11~" I 11'6''. ... to ISWfNlll. 1565. ACCESSOllES HOT INClUOED DROP LID 1.111rorr Uni~ ssa•• Clnno1non Ook llK. '79.99. WM!ut ftntsfl. 29~" 111~" I J1~". I~. READY TO ASSIMIU 4' x B' Paneling CONSTRUCTION QUAUTY-~ tlou111os Plr SUltFACEO FOUlt SIDES t.1~ fff.1?.f sq. ft. . ~ .....• t , .••. ~loilllr~~~~..... aec ~loUM'r.~ .. · ..... , .. :z ...• --•• ~loillo'BfC~ ..............•••• R-11 KRAFT FACED • t ••• 3~"''-X 15" •. 12 sq. 'ft. . . . . . - :~1: Y~1f~~ so. n ........ • ta•• Cut lleamg and COClln9 <OSU llY U5lnl lnSUUaOn. hlO yow l'IOnw COOi in "" summtr and watm 111 die """"· cuts """' cosd and SMS YoU money on statt • ftOlfil talfS. .. An • purpose ftftdnl proOuct. use to end05f yam tor snaq or to uep pm In. Eallion*31, StufOY and attra<tM. ~~ ,. INTERIOR LA TEX 111nv1 .,,.,, Poln~ . •s'!!' IK. 'UI. Ortis to a flat flnlill. asy to •· dNRs up """ soao and water. =:=lil~rJ DWIOll and faGe "5IStJnt. A~ In SMrJt Olcorltor coton. #Z0100. • INTEltlOR LATEX s&1111-c10•• -.,..,., •a'!!' JWa?U C•Ulk · •t•".' .. • STUD GRADE 2''. 4''. 82% ,, ·~•d• a-.-e • I 10 AlftlsS -s11r•v aun . ·--·· .. ·•··· ......... --; ... ..-.moPI.---...... ~·· """ ............... ..,--. .. . . ... ,.., .. PACK Orengo Cout DAIL v PILOT /Wtdne1day. November 3. 1982 ICONO PAK ~llll 10 • au1a11 49c: ...... ... . IEC. w. cnoose rrvm a vntv Of tulqK, hVa<lnttts, aattoa1is JM ottltrs . ·&eddlng & 11ege~aa1e ··- ' 112" x4' xs· Slleeerock ··-·gm, MANUFACTURED used -Cloy Brick 27! -p1anes . MCCULLOCH 14" ELECTRIC Clloln 501111~~::::-i •799 ~' ' HANG TUFF f'OOI Holder ··~·· IEC. 15.99, COIMts of OM C' IOng heavy duty mtta tTXl JM Sii stwOy mmi tool hOtclff's. CJn bf mounted on any wall sur- f xt wttn SC1fWS or andlOr bolts~ lnot lndudfcll. IHM. IEC. '89.99. Wl10 around ~ QU¥d toe cutting safety. EM·14A. 14"GAS · •ggee CHAIN SAW IEB-14 ......... . .. , 3/4 " X4' X8' Por~lcle Boord •&••SHHT Bulk llllre 1812 .. .' .....• 09n . 1612 ........ • t .FT. 1412 ........• t S n. Appearance Board ~ ·-·· smoke Ala•nl . ••••• IEC. '15.99. MtlfY QPlnhel. EISY to lnsUI. 9 wall1. IFC'.18. THERE'S AN ... AN88LS IN YOUR NEICHBORHOOD ., :..;:~...,..~""~SHOP MONDAY THROUCH FRIDAY 9 TO 9 .. OPEM SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 TO 6. FULL RANGE ·01,,,,,, ... ••ftl~ •••• Push on or off. Fits mn-cwa swrtm boa. 180().lj(j()(). •. SUPEltCOP 24 HOUR r1n1er. •&•• REC. 11.tt. Tums on &amps, radios, rte. wtlllt you·rt 1"1'f. ~ tlUr'P'S. 107111. tV• H.P. 11oucer ..-1'£ .. 59.99 ft(;, rl'n. · · · · · · · · · · 49.99 SAli PIKE · · · · · · · · .... 10 00 l£SS MFG. REBATE · .... · · _ GOLD IMPERIAL •ho•er •nclo•ure ~~•791111 11580 Ci. IEC. 111c 99 Poper Holder '-~ REG •• t t 911 ~ 'Q~~lO l '1U9 " ~~~~ ( '"'"~ 2•'' rowel •or .:-.. •••·· ~ ,-~ -- • - r ;I - 88 Orange Colllt OAILV PllOTIWednHd y,· November 3, 1982 ·-Car upstages star • series ~ LOB AN<.ito:Lt-;~ tAl'I Al·t111 l>.1v 1d ~lui..,dholl w,1nli. 11 umh•1-xtuutl lhat Ill-: IK tlw lw1 11 "Ill N BC'i; "Kn1Hht HtJl•1 ." uml nut hi.ti ·uu\umub1h• But hl''i. nut tuo U})M•I ul>oul ull ltw Ollt·11tw11 hl' ru1ur1sllt' wh1dt• 1?(.ti. Thl' uu111mob1lt· 11-1nch•!'.tl'Ul'tlhh'. l'11111puh•1 ~·011trnlh'tl. tulki;. und prm·tkully 1hink11 frn itst.'11. N 111 un~v t Ii.ti, t I'll' 1·ar is gl'l ll llH tlw mui.l u,lll'nllun r• In tlw shm~··s pnnm1t11m. " "It UtK·sn'l lx1tlwr nw u b11," l lus!wlhufl imys. "Most p..·u~lt• don't know nw us 0<.1v11I llo.1s.o;1•1l111rf. :T'h1•y know llll' us Snuppt•r Qn 'Tlw Young and tht• Rl'Sllt·~ · You l'Ull promoh• tlw cur. "I'm till' ht•ru, t.•vt•ryum• agrt•t'!'>. I I th1• 111r was thl' lw ro thl'n•'d be· no m•cd for thr humon l'll•mt•nt l luok at 11 this way: I'm M1chut•I KnighnmcJ Llw cur is my :.hmm~ armor. No, 1t do<•sn't botht•r mt• I know what it's all for." llu:.sl'lhuff 1s ubu uwun· or thl• murk1.•t : P<>tenlia l for toy models or the car if the s~w is a ', sut'l'l'l>l> I It• own:. a mark,•tmg tvmpany and has a 'toy or his own l'alll'Ci Rug Ball ·' "Thl' cur 1s not a i.upcr101· lx·rn~ ... hl' Sllys. "It's a tool. ll's like R202 in 'Star Wars.' " lo l"M/oMOUr<T f1t•111u,, °"""'"""' MC:M.'-ll'•llWfW ...... f'C ...... ~' I .. ~ ................. ·-· •• .... ----14TH SMASH WEEK!--~--, ~. ... ,. Monn Bf•• 1'1.114 S29 S339 lllW,OflT lfACll [d,.,tdS Newpo11 Clf1'm.t 6U 0760 ithitJI#@ ~'~""" .. ll.'--• MtlllClllYllJO Eo .... os v...., 1 w1n 1306990 OllAllCtf c..-63• ?SS3 ..... ,. Poc•hC: \ An.INotn llf1ve"' 8199850 • WlSTMIH Tl• P•(•loC \ II• Way 39 o., .. ,.1n 891 )693 from the people who bnlught you "blmal....., NA T IONAL IAMPeeN'S. K·0%348 NOTICE OF DEATH OF ioRGE DIPP REYES AND P F P ET ITIO N T O ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. ~-115%%5. I · To all heirs, benefidAnes, creditor s and contingent creditors or Jorg e Oipp I Reyes and persons who may l be otherwise interested in the will and/or estate. ' A peuuon has been hied I by Marie Bickel Baxter an I the Sueerior Court of Oran1te County requesting tha t Marie Bickel Baxter be a p pointed as p ersonal re presentative to administer .i.he eatate of Jorge Olpp 'j\eyes, Guadalajara, Jalisco, ;M exico (u n der the Independent Administration 'of Estates Act). The petition ;s set for hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 C1v1c Center \ D r ive West, Santa Ana. Calif. 92702 on Nov. 17. 1982 at 9:30 a.m . 1 \F YOU OBJECT to the l granting of the pelluon, you l should either appear al the h earing and s late your 1 objections or Clle written I objections with the court I before the hearing Your 1 appearance may be in person I or by your attorney I F YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a conungent creditor or the deceased. you must file your claim with the cour t or preaen t ll to the person al representative a ppoin ted b y t he court within four months from the date o f firat lasua ncc of letters as provided 1n Section 700 of the Probate Co.de of <;allfornia. The time for fJll.rig claims will nol expire prior t.o four months from the da le of the hearing '10liced above. , YOU .]dAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. Ir 'Jlou are interested in the Elsta~. you may me o request with the court to Jeceive l(pecia l notice of t h e lflventory of estate assets lind of the pellllona. accounta and reports described In l}ec t lon 1200 o f t h e ~llfomla Probete Code. , Alex Stel•ber1, F l••· fenl• • Frte•m••· Atterut •t L•w, UHi WU1lllre Blvd., Salte ltff, IA1 A•1ele1, C•llf. H OU, (1111 111-Uff. Publl•h•d Oran1• Co••• D•lly Piiot. Nov 3, 4. ID. 19112 _48211 82 -MllC-=.,=nu=.....:::_ -- • •AHAlll MATIN•••• Mou1y U1ru 111ur~1y All ''''°""l ftCH HfOrt 5 00 '" 11 .... ,... ....................... , .................. LA MIRADA WAI• IN "IT CAMI ,__ t40lLVW~"­.,..,r--..--.iMttt.~ ... "MONl lONOlt" ca1 lt:W.1 ............ .. NATIOtlAL L.•Mf'OOH'S "Cl.All MUNICNI" 1•1 llA•••••ll.o ....... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN "MONllGNOfl" 1•11o 1t -__ ..... __ lAIUWOOO CENTER SOUTH ••1• '" •TMS SWON> ANO T .. SOftCIMll'° 1•1 -·· 09 •&a'1Mltt• {NI ··-·· ._,. CWPIOlll ANO A OINTIJIM•N" ca1 . ........... .. "fl"IT ILOOD" 1•1 .......... ~ ........... Joc111r, 01 Col\ol••ooo 21J/ll1·9HO "T .. CHOSIN"1"1 -·· "TH« J.u:l llNUll'° (l'G) ............. "JINXED" 1•1 , ............... , .. LUXURY THEATRES let Twl MltittttSllswl•a••YS2.12U..lusOtlltrwlselllttd S lllifQ44•111il6IM~ 2ssJ/~~y ) S· * fOR FUOI EX<ITEmEnTI V111tOur ... ARCADE of GAMES• .;;:, ·.:;.'," ,• !~1!!!'1!! m TIM L.lletA~Vll!lin(R) CHEECll 6 CHONG • TllP8All1'Uil W.tm ""' Ch~ll .. ChOIUl'I NIC'-Orum1 111111 " Nuo Movie (I'll) Drw•ins 01>9n 6·45 WMlcn1ghtt I 6:30 WMkends * Cllildrt1 U.cler12 frtf U.less Mtttd t .. ' ANAHEIM td/IVI IN ti,,, ........ BUENA PARK ''""' '" "IT. THI IUllA·TIMllflllAL" 1"1 Pille ,, ...... Me WMI 41 INlt "IHIAOONILAYlll" IH1 ..,~~---- ., ........ . LINCOLN lllllllt IN l11'COlll\AM .......... " 111·.070 • I~. A •, FOUNTAIN VAILEY DlllVt 1111 "HA&.LOWllN Ill: llAIOtl M THI WITCH" 1111 Pille "THIT~"1111 Cl<lflt- "" ca• '"OM HOlUWOOO" : ~ .. :: =~,. ..... t• -t"J •eoMI lllND M HP0" 1111 C•H- •NATION~ LAWOON'I Cl.All lllUMION" 1•1 -I ....... Al --.J:l,. IOI "YOUNG OOCTIHIS 1t1 LOVI" 1•1 c111111- ... ' ... ,., ..... LA HABRA t ~"11 '" C:llltll- "NATION~ LAWOOtrl CLASI MUNION" 111 --·-·--a.,.. .. -"VOUHCI OOCIOl'I llf ~Q\11" J•L 17MM2 '""'' .! ORANGE DlllVI IN "PMllST IL.000" Pille "MAO MAil• 1•1 ... '• . . ..... MISSION OlllVI •N . . - •, '• . -. ' WARNER ()ll!VI IN "°"'a~"° ,,.., • 'tote COll•O• 134-1311 •MONSIONOll" 1•1 -"\llSITINO HOUllS" 111 ~'eOfl"(ll •\llSIT9tQ HOUtl•" (l'G) COtl U CUUlf'O ,,,_STADO COtl AYI Ct491UAHUA NO Tl llAJIS •• MRY WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY CNldren Under 12 AIWays FREE '° NltOll IOl~-IA#O&l .... -·-NOr---1'~ ·--1'· 0-~CML ~#GANllllDtn L .M .Boyd informs in the Daily Piloi is • • • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS • • • . . . . • • • • • • • MARINE WEATHER -The lat est information from crdes to temperatures. ,direct from the Orange County Harbormaster. • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon drivet1me freeway and highway informa- cron from the Orarige County omce of the Hrgh~ay Patrol • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Twice daily. the most up-to-date information in the world of finance. as 1t pertains to Orange County, from Bob Schiff or Merrill Lynch In Newport Beach • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expert advrce from U.C.I. Track Coach and U S. Olympic Development Coach Kevin M cNair. twice every day. • CONSUMER REPORTS -Listen tor KOCM's own Consumer Advice Specialist M ary Ann Prrce She's out to help you! Two timf"S each day of the week. • Nl!WS -M ore than JUst headlines, and a special emphasis on Orange County • ENTl!RT' AINMl!NT REPORTS -What's go.ad -and not-so-good -on Orange County stage and screen. ex~fustvely on KOCM with Herm Boodman. • A CLOSER LOOK -KOCM's own weekly detailed look at ~rtlnent new s toptcs. with Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn • COMMUNITY PORUM -An award·w innlng prese~tauon o f the Junior League of Newport Harbor. aired weekly only on KOCM . delving Into t!'le unique lnteresu ot our area. ,;.,. .. KOCM IS ORANGE COUNTY· MUSIC • • • AND MUCH MOREi . • • • ON YOUR PM DIAL AT 101.1 1 WE'RE GOING TO MAKE VOV LAUGH ... !'1.11111ol 1• .. ,.,...111 ... IJ1itd' ol 11tW/lln9 crr•lurn • .iwt l 1>1• ot dl1iy 11arl• PG >e -----NOW PLAVINO ----- uta u ,.., IMlllf ~ ....... h,,,.,.,.. • ...... ,~~~ c...,.,,.~ '•I• 'iJJV '·I• ~HO 11' 7~~J coua •" 11t1• WlllMlftffA l rli11i~• l-tMo>H\,(rnJr• ld•Md WUtdlf~ I••>'-fiM'"~Wn1 Ulq ~ U t· f (;•"'"' \'1 Ofl~\ 19 I lf ,, COil~ !IHU ION••d r,.,1~ Cc1o1,1 Pct/I ,,. 7{11 -.(), ..... Uc:'.t•ttlfCHt l.,..6tlf060 • .._ .. , am .. ...... I '' • 111rin ............ I of''' "< N , If Dt•O' '' l'tl :t•~l THt: t'.\'91L'' C'IRfl'N by 811 Keane Blti fit:ORfit: I by V;rg1I Partch (VIP) j/ l "Why does grandma always coll us by three or four different names before she gets it right?" "I chose my carHr tht first time 1 girt c1lltd me 'bird legs.'" I by Brad Anderson ' .. "If there's a puddle around. he finds It!" Jl'DGE PARKER e 0 0 LOOK, KIP, l'M NOT VOUR MOMNW. l'M A eov. BOVS CAN'"f BE MOMMIES ACROSS 57 0r8'or'I mlllu TUllOAY'I "IZZ1J IOI. VED 1 O«mln rt.. 61 lhnclltll 5 Subet#ltlll 62 Home for 10 Frilnd Henry VIII? 14 -~ 64 At• c:tlilf 15 DiNgr.. 65 Dlugflter f6 Cony of Zeul 11 Sftl> clblnl ee aow bone 11 ,,..rlgM 17 Blrttw WMllf'll -.. &th 20 GreMllOppel Ill &laMnt 21 Holrdecl 23 Door S*f DOWN 250... 2t0utllne 2tAdjutt• 3-4Hlgllnotea 35 Cllllllngt 37lofAWOl 31 lntotmlr 3t Ulliont 41 -Com- mendmlnt• 42 "'lfl'd ridge .,. AlllOUnCI .,.,., .. ......,, ........... ·-.-...... u--- Nlltoll I Mont.'1 neigflCIOf 2n.Mrorg 3 Med. IUbjtct 4 Dols I llt• 12 EumNltol• 45 ... • fMI 24 °"""' 47 Not nenw 5 T endettlt . 29 011Cie1 lei 49 .._. dllfl I Olltroy llloc:ll 52 Sltlre 7 Ytn 27 Slnt1 -53 8pol'OI • Clrdl wool 28 loeltler 14 Oentll t PNll• lot dly 30 WOOdy tr• H Ctt¥lng Of ,.., 31 -Bowl 51 "°" up 10 Chell 32 Tum outwerd II AU - 11•• 33~ UMlly 12 ........ 31 Clrdl Pl'fl II Md. lfllt. 13....... • .... ..,.. ..... ,. ........ 40,.. 13 Cllurdl ~ '"" • 0 "°""' Oft. Allllr. by Harold Le Ooux e 0 0 R~ I N G by Jim Davis .. Orange Coa11 DAILY PllOl/Wtdntldly, November 3, 1982 PE..\~l'T by Ch1rltt M Schulz •• -------LUNCH ISN'T FOR AHOTMER MOOR YET I KNOW THAT, MA~CIE THIS 15 A ~ACTICE D006MNUT SHOt.: ~ WJ NAVktATe 9( -r lllAT ~ CtE l ll'T~,~~UA\E~ lCWONn!E~ 1· • KOJ ~T YOU'RE~. MU'1" 0f ~. 1HANX~ KIN YOU 'l}llNK CF SUM f NCOtJRAGll\JG OORPS I KIN Yf:LLATibO? . THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE INNOCENT-- PLEASE RAISE YOUR HANDS ~ . ~'f ~f::Ui '40t) ~'T ~~DA ~~M ~T, eLJT "tOl) ~·I.I. N!WA (:Jl.»J/ GO~ . ~! ,,..~ t'L~K ,. WINKt;RBEi\~· - Hl,1HERE ! WO<.H • .O LX>U 8€ lmERE!>iED IN BO'JIN6 A BAND S/IOOKE ALARM , 51R? BRABBLE 8Ef<*.~~.~ 1"A'! WE.'u. 8£ ~ 111l~AT~1, ~-·· by Tom Batiuk IN CASE OF A Fl~ DORIN& -rfiE N16.UJ. 1~£ AL.ARM 1>.Wf.O ~ :fHE FIR5T S16N OF SMOKE ... ~WOULD IMMEDIA1El4 lAUhlCH 1mo A VERSloN Of i~E '6TAR5 AND STRIPES R>RE.VE.R I L..OOD ENOO&H TO ' W\KE EVER'110N£ I~ ™E ~ ! ~~ c,or~ foR1A&.£.1v, 'f "f.. \lE. '~'f. 'f~ rob, llW.U\Mt~, IW\O, AAI~ OfHEi, !IAA"1ft>O, C.W:.1ft" IWOfl, MOM'-s £.U.l~\C. l~l.!~-s, AKO~ lbfC.oAA tbfVUt by Kevin Fagan ec>'i, ,, ~ 11.)\U. et MKE 10 c,E.I AllA'i r~ ,.___...., E'J~f~\~&~ . ____ ____......._.__... wco:xz---""'a:a:;:tlu..UL.J'. Dll.8MOCk by George Lemont .· Fo•811Ti••• t•e• •••11 FWN'rile. ~. YOJ IU?Ol.ON'r Lswes Nem",. 1HINK ~ano MICt-ft.l.? IURt-t SOC'H 8">6til" ...__"\t--ir"":T.:::~~ ~SI . . . 87 I I t I I • •• Htwa CHA"Lle'I ANOllA ...... 11 .. "" ,.,.. • -.oatm "" 1m1>1111 r1d "'"' --to """" Ille .... .. I ... It. llCI of ~ •*'Ai "Tattoo" 11HJI ll'uc. Detn, MIUCI Adame An ObMMlcl 111100 •tlel kldnepe • faalllon model and Pf~• to -her body with .. Mndlwofll .,.. CJ)MOWI • ••• .. ~ .. Cll7tl "°" O'NMI. Cetl L• A Mariam dr119 p11eher ~ lb ln11et1 ... Of Ne ... In -llNI. mtlor dee! Mfor-retlt'tng trom ltle "blllllrleea.'"'"' l :IO.(I) '1&.THYNOH a ,,,.,.,v na ltewn'• macllo lath., .,,1,,.. for .. Mnu.I 111111 and hat Illa WUll .,~ INftt wltll Ne eon, TUBE TOPPERS KUC!'~ (50) u·ao, KCWJ' (2li) U:OO "Stnnh•y Krnnwr on Film " Jtuw l''omla 11urrot.<•i. n pru(iJc• uf tlw dlt't't'lor h•olurin..c lnwrvif'Wli with hlin tultl 1x·1·fornwn~ wh1> workc>d with him, und d11x from 11 of ht~ fllma. KNXT (2) 10:00 "Tu<.·kpr'11 W1td1 " A t'Ompuwr whli helps th<• 'rut•kt•r:; solw u ~ase o( pohta(.'al blnckmuil. KNBC (4) 10:00 "Quincy." Qulnry s u s p e ,. l H t h u t a f <.' m u I L' co r o n 1.• r · :. alcoholiwm h11111 aCf {'t,·tcd ht•• JUdunwnl of u cnfW that oppcars LO tx• murd<.•r. NIOHTWATCH OOflald ,.....,. A"'"' i~=ANNOUHOID ll1tl1 NINM mlltMr., c;ontlnula hi• relgrl Of I«· ror In a am .. town '"' • • • "ltteno-In The I IO . • '"' lod)' Alld IOWI ' HOllM " Cll76) Keir O\lllM, -(IHI) Leon ltMCJ ~ 0!11111 Hl.ISMV A peyChOllc dy, Jay119 I<~ A mutdwer hkMI In the amc yovng l>lec:k lutnt to at 1 COiiege eorortty houM prlzetjgllltne 10 ,... the on cnt111mae t v. money he ftMdl tor tMdf. 1: to Cttl MOVll cat IQ\00! .,.. * • * "HOUH Calle" ... 00 (C) * * • "The Clndlwlatl C 117'1 W .. llr Mettri.u, Kid" (IHI) II ewe Olelicta Jec:Mon, A wto. MCCNMn, l .._d 0 "4ltlo • O,_.d dOC10t he1t1 1111 lntori A V041f\G eatdlllatp C1.-nov1 tendenGNle long trlff IQ bfft the king of lnOUgb to , .. tor 1 dlYor• flud o611er 111 • Ntlle IOr C.. '#114> ~·1 1>41111\19 In pr•tlge l>hllllllderlng 'PO' Utl • • "WllO Haa e-2: II (%1 M0\111 TM Wind?" ( 1117) Gore{.., • • "lN &rood" 111111 Pineent. JoN ,.,,.,, Two OllY., AMO, 81m•nth1 yoJng bo)'I' llvee tOUCll In fgg•r A men ~nttt• a .mlll 1>1llri. town ckitlno teHor Wlltn he lflee 10 the GrNI Oec>llNlon, ffftn Wiiy IO<ll* Ptlllnlt t ·ao (0) • • • "Oanny" C 11711 Of • !Mnl., Cllnlc .,. 1.,rl-~~I P.... George fled by ml!JIOl'lee Qf the Luc• A 12•yeat-dd git! doctor '#114> lrMt.O ''*" ... tight• to 11ve a l>MUtlful 'R b\11 O'tet·tn.-11111 pony. '0 ' 2'.30 8 8 NIWI (l) * * "Andy Wllrllol'1 • MOVll Dracula" (1174) Joe 0... ~ TM Angele lnllltr• .. • lu•- "'Y reeon 10 1n-1ie-1e 11141 c:lrc:um111nc.. tur- roundlng tl'e dMth ol the deughler Of • fri.nd Of Olwlle'a. G L YNH IHACKELl'ON> • M•A•l'H CharlH Wlnc:hHter '9CorOt 1 letter to Illa -'lhy l11t1er begging tum 10 UM hit lnnv.nc. 10 get hltn out of tl'e unit Andre Previn conducts the Pittsburgh Symphony at • MAOAMl'I fll.Mll MlderM 1*'-I 00fr\IP1 )lldoe and bleclll'lllll wller'I lhe goee to trill In a betlle with 11« I X•prOduoer, (!) MOWI * *'Ai "The Landlord" (1970) .... 8'1d9M, L.- Otanl. A ...,..,,hy young "*' CeuMe • etlf within "'-llnllly ""'*' ~ .... 10 purd\IN a ,....,,,.,,, dllld. 'PG' (a:J MCMI "Em~ Around The World" C 11511 La.ur1 o.m... Katin~. TlvM people trait I gang 11111 llldn• women Ind Mill "*91 to~.,._.,, (J)MCMI tnOMy lie need9 !pr maol- c:al ICllool 'R' 12:0e • ()) MOW! • • '~ "0..lh And The leundro, UOo 1<i.,. A"""' M•ld•n" ( 1973) James Pl<• ..-1ng vltglnl to .. ,. Stewert, Slrother Mattln. A Illy hie llllrll IOt blood .. young woman, long tu•-helped by a nobllnWI WhO 7 :30 tonigh t on KOCE * *'A-"TM Chlld Stealer" f 1171) 8-.1 Bt'ldgN, 9lalt lkown A dlvoro.o mottler NII OUI In Miich ol Iler IWO young daugllt.,a, wllp hl\19 been -ldnac>l>ad by pectad ol mental lmbal-wanta the tnOMy he think• aoe», ,. cn.,geo with IN llPDHllHdbybcounL (50) and a l 8 on-KCET (28-}. llloollrig deaths Of her 7:00 Cf) • • ·~ "Apertment For • HAWAII f'Ne-0 All ••lie from • lor91gn c:ounl/y. dlH In whit •. ~· to be an KCICMnt, Ille llllc>r• Of C~e • •• l>vt his wife IMlata It w.. B•y t • mutder 9 !Nn"TAINMENT .• ~ • OvEA EASY TOHIOHT •-: Gueet: <>Per• 1111 Dorothy An Interview with CM1to· • l<Jrlten. o ptiet ~. • G UHOf.NTANOINO '1) OAANOE COUNTY !• HUMAN BEHAYio.. TOOAY •. • "()perent Conditioning" CO) MOVIE ~.· ()) C88 H!WS * * '~ "H1rper V1ll•y 9J A9CNEWIQ PTA" (1978) Barb1r1 Qt NBC NEW8 Eden, Ronny Co•. A v«y Cl ~~II RIGHT llberlt.O young mottler ~ __,,.~ with e gf'MI dMI Of Mii • • "Tiie GrNt Tr•ln Rob-appeel lnlentlornllly r•tt ... bery" (1979) SMn Con-the oonterVatlve viewpoint MfY, Donald Sutherland. of loc:.1 school bo11d Two .4!•.P«t turn-ol-tM-"*"'*' century con 111la111ttempt MOVIE to pull off Ille aMmlngly **'"' "So Fl~" lt981) lmpoulble robbery of 1 Ryan O'NMI, Jldt W11- IOC:ll.O 111e •boltd 1 f .. t. den A stuffy C011eg9 pro- moving locomotive. 'PG' lessor 11ves hl9 1•1'-'• CID TAILOOY: THREE floundering gat~t f.c:to- ClANIC TAL.E.8 ry by ln11911llng a,_ ~ AnllMt.ct Th<M atorlee of i.dlee' jNn&. 'R' for children -· "Rip Van 7:30 9 2 OH THE TOWN Wink I•." "The Lllll• Featur.ct: • IOc.i ptiolo Prlnee.'' and "Miiiin Tt\9 MSslon for "L.A NucN"; Cobbler'' -... brought llR Int...-with the mual· lllve. through the Claym• c:.i group Fie.twood M.c:. tlon proc:eu. • night In OllfMYlend. CD) OH VIEW D 8 FAMILY FEUD ())MOYIE 8 LAYIANE & 1HtRL.EY * * * "TM Club" 1111801 & COWAHY Jd Thompeon. Gr.riam Shirley hi profoundly lnnu- l<ennecty. The co.ch of 1 enc.cl by a l>Mt!* (Art . hu-been Auatrllllan foot· Garlunkel) lhe mMts at a , ball IMm nnd1 the going oof!MllouM. rough both on the playing 8 EYE OH LA. field Ind In Ille boerd room FNtured· • proni. of Paul -**• he tac. an ant.. ~ • r9POf1 on rellg- ~llllC G!Ub pr .. ldenl. IOut cutll. • report on BMX 119 80PtfiE MIHDI THE b!k ... STOM CI) NEWS D NM 8ASKETBAU. .... A 'l 'H Denver NUQ09tl VI. Loe B.J. and Cherlee CIUll -.> Angelel Lak.,, When they are both hon· ~. Al.ICE ored l0t a Joinl medlell • • Dia( CAV£TT (R) C>Pe'•llon ID NWINO POW£A • ()) TIC TAC DOUQH i Qt NEWI • MACNEIL I LEHRER a.\flEY MIU.EA_ ~ WOAl.O OF P£OPL.E c;) PMvtN N«> THE • CD) THE loW<JHO OF PrTTllMMGH •• l.ADIU: THE ITOftY OF "RKhrAanlnov" Pl1nl11 •: '°'lllTICATU> l.ADIU Hortlc;IO Gutierre joln11 •' Thie minldocumenlary .... Artdra Prftln and ffle Piii• .; Ille 1tory behind: "Sophia. burgh Sympf!Ony lot a P«· • · Ocat.O Udlee" the first lorm111Ce of A.c:hmanl· • 11¥9 telecMl of a 8roadwey l'IOY'I Thltd Plano Concer· ehow to !Tom Helt'2 Hal 0 MOVIE 9 YOU AIKfD FOR IT ••• "TM GrNt Ad\1911· FNtUf.0' "Whit• Water tu re " ( 1054) ICl•ll Rafting Up A Al\lw"' and Sudildorlt, Andera Net-"Unelerwater Mualdan .. •. borg. A Swedllh dlr.c:tor m cou,E0E : • pr-t• • doc:umantwy VOL.l.EYMLL • : on IN wondafa of nelur• CSUF T"-.,. uses ' and wlldlofa. Trojans CZ) DEATH AHO THE CH) MOHIY MATTu.e MAIDeH Thia , .. ,.'**' ~ I C88 NEWS tary oft.,.. ,.. to - NBC NEWS money on t~ bib, • •, • HAPPY DA YI AGAIH • · loolc 11 t119 ..... and :•Fonzie talc• Jenny .. his -lnlUfanoa point..._ bride In • mock CllrllmOny 1:00 • ()) IEV!N -- ., • costume b .. orll)r 10 FOR IEVIH 8AOTHEM dl90oYer thll the marriage Evan decldee to df'op out le binding. Of high ICtlool and Join the 8 A8C HEW1 Q rodeo dfcult. • THME'I ~PAHY D 8 MA!. PEOPL.I Chrleay'1 mlnlller lath« F•atur.O. • •·)'Ml-old PIYll • \11111. ~; an •lldu9Ne • Qt JOKER'I WllD club with 111111 "wal- •• •18INESI I,_"; • ~ ,_ • MPORT teem, • man With fNW 200 • ()) P .M. MAGAZINE hits. TV1 "Love Boet" lllln1 a 8 MOYIE apac1a1 CNIM to a Or... ** "Born.__, .. Cl987) 1911/ld, tr_,,. hunting on Tom Ulughlln, Ellubelh ~~~ ~~---~---~~ HANNEL LISTINGS . • "8 KNXT (CBSI 0 °'1 TV l Z TV H HBO ·=·e l<NBC (NBCI :• 4 l<Tl.A (Ind I : ttKABC tABCl :· ·0 KFMB ICBSJ c l(•Mfl\4•1 • (WORI NY NY ~ IWTBSI .. E IFSPNJ • IC TTV (Ind l ~..:· l(COP·TV llnd.l •• l<C£T <PBSI ,e ICOCE (PBS) $ IShow11me1 0 Spot11g1u 9 (Cable New' N~twork) PUBllC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOOI M.19Mll • NAm STAT~NT HAMI I TAUMINT lollow1ng 1>9r1on 11 doing The following person ii doing .. : bulinfft .. MALL PACI< CONTRACT. RAINBOW BAKERY. 17231 ,J9111borN Road, Suite 160. Brookhunt. Fountain Valley, e.acti. Cellf0rnl• 112eeo c.111ornl1 12708 .. L.,•. 260 Clltl Oflva. Chatyl Lynn -Slalnk•. 112 t f4, Leoun1 S..c:h, C•htornl• Creeoent Orlve. Huntington EINc:h, I CallfOrnle 92648 , bu.ir-la c:onduCtad by an Thia 1>u1IM11 f1 conduct.O by en • lndMduM. lofllM Liia Cheryl Lyim Stetnlla lfll-1 WU flied with tM Thie ll•lem.tit WU filed with the Cletk of Orange County on County Clerk of Oran09 County on 11, 1192. Oclob« 11. 1982 • -,,.1, '111111 llel'l•d Otanga COHI Oahy P11bll1had Oranl)e COHI Oalty 'OCt, 13. 20. ~7. Nov. 3. 1H2 PllOt, Oct. 13. 20, 27, NOV. 3, 1N2 4513-82 4485-12 P\8.IC NOTICE FIOmlOUt .-aa MAim ITATl•MT J-. A hll1-brMd Indi- an. INiy Jadt, feat a town full of rnolOtc:yela t~ 8 0 TALIB OI THI GOU>MOHKIV Jllk•----·111«~ lc·~ov11ed trunk 11111 unlNahee QhOetl)' vlelonl of s .. .ri·1 tata tether an0 "'-bizarre niwOIJet. • P.M.MAGAZM TV't "Love Boat" Nm1 I sc>Klll ervlM to 1 Graell ltlend; tall• • looll' •• ,,_ who c:h••t on thalt •=vi. • •• "Poaae" C1175) Kll1I Oouolle. ~ Oern. An amblttoue m«lhal cvt• • path of rnutdw. llee and beltayll Kl'OM the Sout~ _, In 1119 menlec:al pur- suit of~. • PMVIN ANO THI PfTTaeuMH "RKhmanlnov" Pianist Hor.c:lo Gutl«ru joins Andr• PraYln and the Pitt• butgh Symphony l0t a per. IOrmln()a of ~ nov'1 Thifd Plano C-· to from Heinz Hall. (C>MOW * •• "SOutn,tn Com-lor1" ( 108 I) Keith c.,.,.._ dine, P-. BoocN. A ll'CIUP of NMlonel GuMO. man on •••k•nd mllMU""9 In a Loulelena bayou .,.,. • small guer. rilll -wlfll a~ °''*-~ CID OMOVI! • ·~ "So Fine" (19111 Ryan O'NMI. Jectl W•- dan. A ltutfy GOllege pro-,_ .. _ 1119 flther't llounderlng gw"*11 facto- ry .,,. lnwntlng • ~ type of llOIM' ,..,,., 'R' CSJICZAAN! Jolln Byner lllOw9 you thlllQI '1ranger IMn ttutll, llfgaf than llM. Ind --than 1111ythlng you·w ._ -. l:30 (!)~AHQll..a The Angele ...,,, of tN I Xlll9nee of I bMl)'-MlllnO ring. • IO YOU THN< YOU GOT~ G'DITAHl.EY~ ON ALM J-Fonde Mnelee a profile of St~ K,_, fNlurlftO inMI....... wltfl "" dlractOt. ffle actora and IClr-wtlo tww '#Of11ed """' "'"'· Ind c:llpe from l 1 of ,.. tllma. tl>JOHN OUMra IC8WtaN9 Olympic: gold mad•l- wlnNr P.w Fleming and "Ice Capedea" •t• Jo.Jo St.rbudl foll'I ~ 10t tN1 ~of lllellng wtltlry. t:OO . Cl) Ala .... .• ~ ... tt. llrlcel Pf~ • ._ ~llP---Md out of the lflow. (Pett 2) 8 QI THI l'ACT'I OF LR Eaatland'I oldeet fMt'O grllduete t•• • llklng to Jo Md decldee to ...,.. '*•~pertof heraet .... Q 8 9 Tte..,AU. GUY Colt and Howti di-1 bMutlful bell-JUn191no C8t bufglar 10 • poefl leland reeon. D ION' The wedding of Danny and Elaine II c:llmo.O by I 111rtllng announc:.ment from her lather. • MllW QMIP9c • STAMEY ~ OHPll.M J-Fonda narrllt• a profile Of Stanley KtMW. IMturlng lntarvlftl wltll the director, IN Klora and~ who Mw '#Of11ad with him. and c:llpe P\ellC NOTICE FICTITIOUIM.1 ... H NAMI ITATl•NT Th• lollowlng pereon It doing butl1'14111 .. C11 GAROEN JEiWELERS C21 fHE GOLO CREST. 230 E. 17th i'r"-~I, Co•t• MHI, C•llfornla .'111 Olkran Yazmaclyan. 121 S P•rlc A~. Monlabelto, Calllornla 00840 lhlt ~II oonduct.O by 11'1 lndlYldllei 0 Yum.tlyll'I Thll ttllement w .. flied With tti. county C1et1< ot Oranoe Collntv on nou.. In lhe ~10. • ttAftT UP • RevlHd version• ot • Oac amber bro1dc111 IMtUtlng IN story of John De Lorean, who h11 been Indicted on coun11 ol drug trattlcklng and rac:lcet..,lng • 00 ON LOCAT10N "Catch A Riiing St•'• 10th Annlverlary'' Nctlerd a.lnr, Pllt BeNI•. Oevtd lr•nnar, Biiiy Cry1111. Gab9 Kllllan Ind Robin Wllllamt ,,,. ~ the , etan 'Nlllllne the New Yorlt .,_...dub wNcfl @11'1 them lhelf 11111. • 8POTUGHT PMVllW RobWt Oebome prftlewe 8po111gr11·1 coming anrec- 1\oM, 10!001 i~ wrTCH Quincy ~· thet • '9nlale COfOf\9r'I lllcoflol· l1m hll afl~t.cl h•r 1uagmen1 OI • CIH thll IPC>Mfl to b9 • rmirdar I ••• NIWI 9 D'INAITY The police doM In on Ula kldneoper of Fllllorl and Jeff'• baby. and • ..._ rlltlle le Mlc:hael Torrence'• Otrtty lltMI to Ne blrttwigh1 11 ~~Q TILEYlltON "I Remember BHI• StrMI" The torcee tnet •t.tllllhed a.... 8trMt In M9lnpflle • • center '°' b1ec11 c:uftura Ind tN blrtt.- pleca Of IM-..._ .,, ~.(R) • THI MAGIC CW cwce "TM Ebb And Flow" Rudolf Nuray•v and Mlllhall e.tylllnikO't ,,,. !eel~ • OMle M•gol Fonteyn trecee 1t1e o.wt- oprnent of ballet °"" the -Of300...,.. • THIVIMNAN Whan the Virginian ---. ........... c.ttteto a~~. he II C8Ullflt In 1fle llllddle of •• 100,000 ewlrldle. ~~ Puteult Of O.B, Coop.," (1911) Tr .. 1 Wl- llMw, RobWt Ouvtl. A thief lkyjlldl• • ~ and pet.c:llYt• 10 .. let)' 0¥9t ~ with a lorn-In Molen tnOMy. 'PO' Cl)MCMI • * "&rte Mldnlgllt Hor· ror ~ .. Oemonlc: torcee and ~ hOmlr9 com-.,._ io ~ mlell\laftl tbe ...... tlrneofal.~ ·~~(1M11 :J, ~:-8-ty O' Angelo. A bed.ior In Ne IOftlel """'° WMte to b9 a father ~ tor ffle l1ght -10 . .,.., .. c:illllCl.'PO' ......... ~ ~NeWe 11:ooeee<1>oa HIWI • MTUllDAY .-.r 1'1011. l<•I• J I Chon • ~: Oelbel1 McOllnton. I .. llNOt~-~ THAT QUIZ IHOW ~OllAN l'fWCllOO An ~ peycllil- trllt hypnotU. • petlent Into bllleYlnQ tlllt he Illa klllad lhe Pl)'CNllrlet'a wife. I 881Ul_.INUIE81 M'°"'1' DOCTOR IN THI HOUM MIChHI and Oanny become rtvllt tor Ille - ;J·MOVI! **~ "Paternity'' C1181) lklt1 "-Ynold•. 8"etty O'Mgelo. A blcNtor In hie lortlee wtlO Wll)tl to M I fetller -c:n.. tor IN right WOITllll 10 beer ,.. Nit.IC NOTICE ·~ "H..,_'11" (1911) Jemie LM Cunle, Oonak1 Pinn ice. A hooelelll)' lnlM9 ---contlnuM his r.ign ol tetrOt In a 11'1111 to.I .• ,.. 11:aoe <1> ~ ....... Pl.ACI W"ll tfle ,..._ent open- ing Juel houri awey, Mui· ~ llnell)' llndl a OOOll. (RI •• TOtafT Hott: Jollnny Caraon. GueeQ: 8111 Har°"', WhO growe 1 '-' on hla car: ....,,.Fledl. ea AeCHIWI ~ • YOU A11C1D "°" rr l'eltlnd: "'Mlfte WMer AM1lng Up A Alwr'' and ''Undlrw9ter Muelclan.·· • THmM IE40HI a.or,,. ,_ a dfMtlc dedllon. I l'OCUI ON IOCIETY. NILAT'INGHT Hoel: Oenrlle ~. • NIGHT GAU.IRY "With Thll Ring, I Thee 1<111" A men ...,_ tor 1111 dauofller Ind her forth- coming matrieo-. (l)MCMI • • • "Ar91 Monday In October" llM1) Walter Matthau, Jiii Cleybu(gll. A liberal &upr.,,,. Colin Jul- tlce dMllee wl1h !tie --... member of tfle nation'• hlgheet court, an uttra- ~lve womwt jurhlt. 'A' 'tt;4f CQMOYI&- • **'A "The Elapllant Men" (IMO) Jolin Hurt, MlhOny HcJ91llna. A d9dl- c:at.cl plly1lcl•n tek .. Uftder hie wing • llorribly cNformad "*' .,_ llf• unll then Nd bean "*'' In dlNP ,,. .... axhlblnonl 'PO' •\ 1HO. INTMTAIHMl(HT TONIGHT All Interview tillth CMtlo- pflet ....... II,:' LMTWON> ··~ ....... , H1 L-·· (tin) Lane Turner. Aobet1 Lansing. A woman l#lknowlngly ,,.,.,,.. lier half~. 1 =· ***~"~o·~ .. C1147) Olde Powell, LM J. Cobb. A M>t)fll1tlc:1t.O gMlbllr ~ prllCMl- ouel)' lrwotw.d wlttl Olltt.M and•-.LOYI.~ ITVLl "Lg,.. Artd The lloorn- ereng'' O.W i.11• ffle advice of ,. OOod friend .Jerry ... ~ Attd The Old ~· Two Old ,,_.. •1Mw-~on1TV tall--. • PIMVMMOH MllfOft te retalnH to def9flCI a Clerll on a rnur- dw dlargl. •wov. *'A "Body Artd Soul" 11M1) L.on -.C: Kenn. dy ....... K..-cty. A young bl4ldl turn1 to ~ltnt IO,_. tfle Mf eJC•hutband, I 12:30 8 Qt LATI HtGHT WITH DAW> LITTDM4H Gu..11: c:omeolen..,. Emily l.wi., ac:tr-Tatrl o.,r • COUP\.U (!) TOM COTTl.E: UP Cloel • LOW. MRNCAN ITYU! "l.Ove And TN Awaken· Ing" MIChlel hit lo Mor two Ktorl In Iha fltm he's dlrac:tlng. "Love And Tha Small Wadding" Wand)' and RobWt try 10 hell) out • lrlend In need (O)MOW! * * "Just A Gigolo" (IHI) !>avid Bowt., Kim Novak. An arllloc:ratlc , Pruulan IOli:tl« returns to BetMn alter World War I to Nrn hit IMng a a male aec:ort. 'R' (Z)MOWE ***'A-"The inn-ti" C 11781 G'-lo Giannini. Laura AnlontJlll. In ewty 20th-century 1111)', a treoic trlatlgle develope 1twoMf10 • disturbed man, hll Wile Md Illa mlelr-. '2;40 ® MOVll * '~ "Death Va.{' 11182) Paul LIMll, Petet 81111"09- tey, A~ Yoril young11er 11 l«lt to Arilona lo visit Ilia mother Ind stumblM .croea • -• of grllly tm1tder1. 'R' 1:00 8 MOYIE • * • "O S.S." (t046l Al•n Ladd. -Oe raldlna Fltzg«llld. Just prior to the 0.0.y lnvulon. an O.S.S • spy t9MI le dlac>etc:nad to France. • MOVte * * "Thunder All•)'" 11967) F1blan, Annette Fllnlc:.llo A reclf .... r- car driver learn• hie IMeot'I after c:auelfll • tallow re.cw to loee '* Illa CI) MOW! • • "Nft Frontle<" ( 1935) John w~. Murfel fvena. TN TIYM .,......._,aid ' group of ranc:twa wtloM land 1111 been llNCk by I flood. • MOYIE "lklle!Mecfllna" 9 IENTERTAIHMUfT TONGHT An Interview with Chrltlto- pt,., Ree\19 I: 10 Cl) MOVIE ••• "loot &HI" 11981) Oanlal VlldU. Edw1rd J-Olmoe. In t940I LOI Angelel, I C1UM cele- bre erupts OYef the fram- ing Of _.,.,. of • C>lc:a- no 11rea1111!"1110{ murder. 'R' 1:30 8 Qt N9C NEWS OVUNOHT 1:61 CC) MOVIE • • • • "Ord.inary Pw- .,... C 1980) M91'\' Tyter Moore, Oonald Sutherland . A guilt-ridden teen-eger trying to pul his Ille bec:k , .. her .,,., his brother'• dMtll Ind .. -IUldd9 ettampl rMC:llee out to '* compl-t lather end 1111 COid. rMWWd mother 'A' 2:00 •<I> cm Nlwt JOHN DARLING Ml.IC M)TIC( P\8.IC NOTICE tltl'er, 11epmot11ar and Paogy" ( 111<48) Wllliem H• t119841ter den, .IMnM Cf'lln. !o Pf0- (0) MOYIE '-~ 1111 111~ to 1 **'~ "Tltloo" (Ul8tj , Bfuc:t1 o.tn, Maud Adame. An Ob-Md tattoo lrlill kklnac>t • f Mtllon modal 111<1 Pr00Md1 to cover her bOdy with hi• handiwork. 'R' 2:66 MOVE • • * "The Cklb" ( 1160) Jsc:k ThOl'l\Pton, Grlham Kennedy The COllCh ol a ha•t>Mn Aullrlllan loot· blll team finds IN going rough both on Ille playtng field and In the board room wl\9re N I-an lllll· gonlttlc: club l)reeldenl. 3:00 8 MOVIE • • • "Lucky Jordan" ( 111421 Alan Ladd. H.ian Wiiker. A mllltlfY dalart., rldeM11 hlmMlf by ••poe- m I group of Nazi egenll. HA HUNT a:ao FAITH 20 3:45 MOVIE * ~ "TM Utlle Sllop Of Horror•" ,(1191) JKkle JOMQh, Jonathan Hau. An amptoyM In a llor19t allop develope • bloodtlllr- !.'l plant. 3:50 {BJ MOVIE • • "Sllenc:, 0 1 Th• North" ( 1081) EJlen Bur• tyn, Tom Skerrlt1. In 1011, a young woman's matrteoa 10 a trapper IMda her to • Mle Of hlrdlhlp In IN wi.. o.-of northern ean... di 'PG' 4:00 (!) TOP O' THE ~ • MOYIE • •'A "Gangster Story" ( 111801 Walter Matthau. Clr04 Gt-A woman trlea to .,,., • meet., Cl'ook'• c:hOlen way ot Nie. llMOVIE I *'h "'So FlM " (1081) R>,.an O'NMI, Jldt War- den. A fluffy cotieg. pro- ,_ -hi• father'• flounderlng garment facto- ry b)' Inventing I MW l)'PI or lad._. IMne. 'R' 4:0$ (C) MOW! •• • "Southern Com- lor1" ( 111811 IC.Ith Carr .. dlM, Powar1 eoom.. A 91oup of Nallonal Gu«O.. men on wa•kand maneuvetl In a LOU!tlena bllyou eperk • em .. ouer- 1111a w .. with • communny ol bKkwoodl CajuM. 'R' 4:308 llPY . ~ :c:;.,,,wH<t.E • • • "Fl.alh Goroon" C1080) Sam J. Jonee. Miii Von Syd-A trto of 911'1hllngl travel to the planet Mongo and help It• oppreeMCt lnhlbttanll 1n IN overthrow of the evil Emperor Ming. 'PO' 4:31 MOVW * • "Eer19 Midnight Hor· ror Show" Demonic: force. Md aw1hly horrorl c:orn- biM to ""*• mldnlgllt the dMdllee1 time of ... Tlt1tr•da11'• Day I I•.-i9fo.,I~• 5:00 Cl) * ~ "H....,, II" ( 1181) Jamie l..M eurti., P\ellC NOTICE lludent and hit pragoant wit• tor housing, 1;30 w ••• "HouM Calla" ( 1178) W.ittt Matthau, Glenda J.c:keon, A '#Id> owed doctor halt• hie Cuanov• lendenclee long enoogh to , .. IOt a divot- '" WhO Cloeen' I believe In phllllld.,lng. 'PG' 0 • * * "The ~lc:an­ lutlon Of Emil)'" (1194) Jam11 Gun11. J u lie Andrewa. Romance growe ~ • B<"ltll w• wid- ow end • nofl.:hetolc Olfl.. eer aaalgn.o to provide hie IU!*lorl wllh Ille klxllf'lae ofnom.. 1:00 C1:) • * * '"TN l.u1 Tim. I Sew Perla" ( lts4) Eliza- beth Taylor, Van John9on. 8...o on a llory by F Scott Fltzgiiwald. Broken romanc11 end .natt.,.O lndlvlduall Populate Paris 11 the end of Wor1d W• II * *'A "Por1relt Of A Rebel. MarOfl'.C Slftoer'' (1 980) Bonnie Frlllklln. David OUl<ee. At the tum of Ille C*ltUfY, -C:OUr• oeou• woman 1>1111ea oov· ernm•nt, madlc:al and religloul oe>c>oeltlon In an effort to eoucel• women in t>lf111 contr04 tn411.hode. HO (D) "Skin ONp" 119821 Oeryn COOC* A ma. MCuM 11 Invited by a local IOWf\ to (l99n I lleelth 9PL CZ)*·~ "Tullp•" (1081) -Gabe KIP!tn. a.m.o.tte Patera. Whan he 111111 In love, • 9UICldll man trlee to can<:411 the contract he put ou1onhlfnMlf. t:OO G * * ~ "FOf The L0\19 Of Mary'' ( fl48) Oeenn1 Durbin. Edmond O'Brien. A While HotlM ewltc:ll- board oper1t0t leetne al about WNhlng1on't polltJ· ell mid IOQll ICIMly. l:30 • * * * "FIMllng Star" C 1HO) EMI Preele)'. Bar- • blrl Edin. A llth-<*!lllfY, put·lftdlM lemlly le Cautftl In 1fle f!*kll9 of llt Indian """9ing. 10:00 (C) ••• ~ .. The....,, WllO Would S. King" (19751 SHn Connery, Michael cein. B...o on IN llory by Rudy•d K..,.. Ing Two BttllJll IOldlerl ... out to Clelm the rtdlee end ~ of • r.rnota, ~ary kingdom. 'PG' Cl) •• ~ "Soldler• Thr .... (1951) Sl_,t Granger, wan.r f'ldOeon, Th< .. Brlllth IOldlenl 11• lloned Ir\ lndla take their dutlee eertoutfy, but IP9lld oft .floura Q4Mllng Into trou- ble • * • ··"'-way llland .. M._ Buchanan, S1moM Buchanan. In 18309 Autio tralla, two yo11ng111te ..cape the dutdlel of • C«Npt oo-nor. (%) ...... "The Inno- cent" 111781 Olancarlo Giannini, l.8ura M1ontJ111 In 91ffy 20tll-ciantury ltety, • lreglc triengle ~ lnvoMng a dletUf1*S 111.n. '*wile "'° hie"*"- l'lCmlOUI 8U ... H '1CTTTIOUI .,._.. 'ICTITIOUI •UllNUI '1CTITIOUS .U•Ht '1CTTTIOUS _, ..... NAMI I TATIMINT MAim ITAT'lmNT HA• ITATIMINT NAMI ITATHIQ IT NA• STATIMINT The following person It doing Th• lollowlng f>ll'IOn II doing Tll• lollowlng pereon I• doing Th• tollowtng pu1olf 11 doing The tollowlng pereon 11 doing bulinMe .. bU.a.-.. bull1'14111 aa buslMH H buslnett .. . (A) SKELLEY L.ATZER a CO, WOOOWINO MARINE. 208A CS 0 INTERPRISES 4000 THE COVER-UP ORESS SHOP. (Al US A WETSUITS, (B) 181 CAAiEL CONSULTANTS. 511<11 Colton SlrHt, Newport BHCh, Park N"1)0fl, Sutt• tOt, Newport 20044 Senta An• Avan.,. S1n11 RAINBOW WETSUITS. 221 Mlln Werner Avenue, Sult• 100, Cellfornl• t2280. BaKll, CA Ana, C.iltorni. 92707 StrHt. Hunllnglon BHch, CA H11nt"1Clton e..cn. CA 92141 D•Yld S tephen ~.1 ... ii!OIA KE'LI. v F HARWEU 21130 JUOIUI AM Thorlll, 2453 Irvine. 92548 Tl~OTHY G SKELLEY. 5042 Colton Strffl. N•wport Beach, l>aniM °'ln09· CA 92887 Colla Meee Calllornl• 02627 LOIS J~N~ BROWN, 308 "O" Ountlw, Huntington Beech, CA Clllfamle HMO tlllt ~I• condUICllO by an Tllit bUl4'1"f .. CondllGl.cl by Ill Robin Hood. Coat• Meu, Clo 12840. Thie bullln.M II oonctuctecl by en lndlvidual 1nd1vldulll 12527 Tiiie ~ le conduct.cl by • lndlvldl* Kelly H•rwell Judith Ann Thorell Thi• bullnet• It c:ondueled by •n limited pertMrlhlp Dllfld D. ..... TNI 111temanl waa IMO wltll the Tllll 1\11-1 wu filed With 1119 IMl'lllduat Tlmorily 0 Sllelley ,.,... ~ ... ~ wlttl Counly Clark of °''"09 County~ County Clsk ol Oreno-County Loot J Brown' Tllll 1111-1 WH ltted..ttll tilt-County Olrtl of 0..-Count'; on hpMmb« 23. 1912 OctObef ti, 1182 Thtl 1111...,.,,1 w .. lllad wttll Illa County Clerk of Orange Cout'tly on OctObtf It, 1n2: W-• -'1•1• P1..,.. County Cterk ol Orange CO\ltlty on Oclobef 14. 1M2 ·-" Publl1h•d Oreno• Co••• Dally P.Ublllh•d 011no• CoHI O•H OCtOber 11, 1N2 ,,_ P~ P11blltMd OflM\99 COMI Del Pilot. Oct 20. jl1. Nov 3, 10 tH2 Pilot Oct 20, t7. NO't 3 10, 1112 ,_ Publl•"-d Orang• CoHI Diiiy Publl•l'l.cl Or•no• Cont Ollly Pilot, Oct 13, 20. 27, "°" '· I 4904·82 4800-ta P11l)li•h•d Or•nv• COHI Dally OC:tol>er t8, 1182 Piiot, Oct 20, 27, Nov 3, 10: 1112 Pl~. Oct 20, 27, 1'011, 3, tO, 1112 1451 .. 2 -----... .i..., "' Pl!Ot, Oct 13. 20, 27, Nov 3. 1192 ____ 4s.-.11-_12_ ,...12 1-------· ---1 Nil.IC NUIM '"""""' MOllCE "1'1-ta P\&IC NOTICE ---------1--....--"*....,..L~lr.. NOllC( l'CTmOUe ..,_.. "°"TIOUI llJH•• M.IC NOTICE ·---------MJC M)TIC( l'CTm0Ua IUl9mH I :um ITAn.INT :um""~ 'ICTmOU9 WH NAM1 ITATW 1119 1°"°""'9 ~ .,. dOlng Ttie lolowlng P9'tON .,. dOlno N:fiflOUI -· ... NAll&ITATlm#f PICTmOUe _.. TM lollowlng HflOll 11 dolnt but1Nte ... butlMH •· iUm ITAT-.n Tna IOll°*•no peflGfl .. dOlflt :um.,..,_.., ~ -A •• 0 c I AT f 0 c 0 N . IHT·LINt SUPPLY co . 1111 Tl\e '°''°""" "''°" .. """ bVtlMM• TM M11ow111t pertoM "9... MRK1ft·G0"00N 10'1·lRACTO"I. 2Ht1 PeMO len AIY.,.A"*"".Orenge.CAtatl1 ........ •aCUS FINrt'NCI A L SUNIET SURVIVAi., 10431 ANNETT!'I UHIOUl G1n1. IMIMel... WAMW•11t0,Nt3l~...,.,llnJ\lanC ...... 1111. KIM 100 HYUNG, HU ALOHA LANDICAPE CA ... . ICtl. '111 114h IH•••· U th StrHI, 8UnHI ... 011. 1131 H.,llOr llvd . Coell ...... H ll1ITAllTPAH8.PO ... Ct.,•,4,,....Vmll9)',CllllfomMI ...... Lip"'' Hl1t ...... l'lllfllleW "*·NO C-IOa, 00et111'1A ........... Co1t1 ..... . e-cfl, CA 1294t Cll!Wnla 90742 Cllllf0rn1t IH27 ION, 402 Hlfl It ,......,,~ 1• ... o.n.t. Sen J\1111 C•IHllM Meu. CA Hiit, Calltomll ... , NCY l PLIHH ltl tttll 8el'll Rll9y K«lftedY, !873U&ltl Annette Irle .. Ck . 3041 CA 12113. ICtflll Gofdot1 lerUr. 13H..,. CHU HO IOOH KIM. UH .._ ..._, ......... 11t1A ' HUftllnglon tHch. CA 8tr .. ,, SunHI •••ch. C•Ulornl• Country CIVIi Oftw. Cot•• Meu, NANCY LYNff •<*.:""' C•:.1 •1'. ,..,...-v...,. '°"' ......... t p-len ,..,.... "°911 .... O.IOI. C.• ,....., c.. ...... Cllll•• ' t074Q • c.it!ornle 12127 It. Newpor1 IMdl CA •Z10I "°'9. 11n "'*' 0.WlllO tlt1I U.. CA,_ 92117 ·.._....••MM• llr en TIM~ 11 Oonduet«I by en Thll .._. 1e oonduC..o by• IMMON LOM PJtl Tllll ---II~ by 111 fllll .,.._.ti conducled 111 1 Tilll __.. • oon..-.. -.. en Tiltl ...... II CIOflllcelld., • lndMdull lrldloltduel ""'tt .• ~~ ........ ......... .......... ' ......... =I ,"""' • 11m i<..-, Al!Mne I IMll QIOMIA M , ,. ~Got•~ T9111.... lite H KMI ...... L ..._. 9 -...... IN Thi•~· .,_. llleCI wllll.,. Thie ltW ...... """ .. :!£'............ t. ···-.... .. ... Tllll ~ ....... '1111 •=•It........... Tllll R... .. 0111f1 llf or ... coune, on CcMMy c.tll o1 0r.,.. County Oii ~ Olltll ti ~ C0UMr lft ...._ 11 ODRA!ltell llr I Qarti..-Ot Otlf'lt on Wltll !fie of Or11119 CountV · fl 0..,.. eaw..., tfl ~-1 1 • C tfl u. -. Qctotler 4, 1taa ._...,_ IO. tm ....... °"'*"I; '911 Geufttr °" 11, ttll. o....iw I. ,_, ~ t -. ~ ~ m ~~~~ ~ ar..... CoM1 DellY P11l>ll1fMd OtMte CoHl = P11blltlled Orante Coeet l'u....,._, Or-9 ~ 2,9 ~ Or11119 ~ !!.Ji Pl ..... 0.... !!"fJ . "· •· rr • .., ~ Hot. Oct 20. 11. No¥ •. ':.O.... ...... Oct. IO, 11 •. Ncw a. '° , ....., o.e. 11, •· 11. Nlw. ::.a -.... 0ot 1a, 11. 11, "°'· :..,_ NOf. Oat. 11. a n ...... a ' .. • llllyPlllt WEDNESDAY. NOVEMIEA 3. 1982 SUPERMARKET SHOPPER C6 SLIM GOURMET • C 11 ... f I ... Dinner dilemma solved in minute ... C4 ·when the. frost Is-. on. the·· p~mpki.n . ~ •• Pumpkin quintet caters to the tastes of the whole family t i Pumpkin-Eater Doughnuts . Creamy Pumpkin Ri~otta Pie . i 2 tableapoon• ahortenlng ¥•cup augar 2egg• 1 cup c•nned aolld pack ptMllpllln 1 cup ahredded bren 1cereal :. 2~ cupa alfted ·all- 'purpoee flour . 2 t•••poona b•klng powdw 1 t•••P"" pumpkin pie '8plce ! 1/t tenpoon uft ! Vegetable off ! Cinnamon-auger, ·Opttonel : Beat shortening and sugar :rog_ether In large bowl until fluffy. Beat In eggs. one at a time. Stir In pumpkin, then cereal. Let stand 2 minutes. Sift flour, baking powder. spice and salt together. stir · Into pumpkin mixture. half at a time. Cover and chill one hour or untll stiff enough to handle. Roll out on a lightly floured ·board to Y2-lnch thickness. Cut Into rounds and holes with a 3-lnch doughnut cutter. In a large pan, lieat 2 Inches of oil to 375 degrees . Fry doughnuts. a few at a time, untll golden brown and cooked thro.ugh, about 2 minutes per side. Drain on paper toweling on a wire rack. ~eroll and cut trimmings. to use all dough. Dip doughnuts Into cinnamon-sugar If desired. Yields 2 dozen doughnuts. " • 2 egga Preheat oven to 375 • 1 cup ricotta cheeae degrees. Beat eggs lightly In a , can (11 ounce) aolld large bowl; beat in cheese p1tek pumpkin until smooth. Stir in remaining .. cup 11 g ht brown Ingredients until well-blended. auger, flrmtr packed . Pour into prepared pastry . 1n teHpoon ult -shell. Bake at 375 degrees for 11h teaapoona pumpkin 45 minutes. Cool completely pie aplce on wire rack'. Jus.t before · 1 t ... poon venllle serving. garnish with yogurt 1 amell can (51,A, ounce) and pumpkin seeds If you ev•porated mllk wish. Yields one 9-lnch pie. 1 nine-Inch unti•k•cl.._-• PMtry •hell * • Health-Nut Fr:uitc~ke 1 envelope ectlve dry , .... 14 cup werm water ._ cup floner, divided 1 cup cenned aolld pack pumpkin 1,A, oup or-.e juice 1 cup 811-purpoee flour 1cupwhole..._.flour Ya cup .~ulok-oooldng ... 1 'MapOOft Ult Ya tea1poon ground oardaftlom tit. cup 1fllpped plU•d .... 'flt oup chopped oanclled ohenlH over warm water In a medium bowl: stir until dissolved. Stir In 1 teaspoon honey and let stand until it foams. Meanwhrte . combine remaining honey and pumpkin In small saucepan; heat until just warm. not hot. • Stir pumpkin mixture and orange juice Into yeast. Add flours . oats . aalt and cardamom; beat fifty strokes . Stir In fruits. nuts and orange rind. Spoon Into greased 8 x 4-lnch loaf pan: covtr and "t stand In warm place f ot 30 minutes. M1an- w h I I e , preheat oven to 300 degrees. Ba\e tor 1 hour and 20 minutes or until wooden pick lntfrttd In center comes out clean. Remove from loaf pan and cool cOrflpletely on wire rack. Yletdl one loaf. t ... • When the days turn cooler and golden , pumpkins dot the fields, desserts with a real homespun taste wlll nudge nostalgia. Perhaps you'll remember such back-home tavarltes as fragrant pumpkin pies, fres~ warm doughnuts and jewel-toned fruitcakes, deliciously signaling the approach of the holiday season. Capture the flavors of these old time treat~. and create a few surprises, with a · beautiful be':')' of new pumpkin recipes. they're bound to win praises as long as a country mile. Pumpkins' natural rich endowment of Vitamin A, plus Iron and other nutrients, has long been appreciated. But extra good- for-you Ingredients have been added to this tine pumpkin tare. , Miik·, ricotta cheese, yqgurt, bran, fruit and nuts enhance the flavor of these new pumpkin specialties and bring your f amlly a nutritional boost. · Pumpkin and pastry, llke horse and carriage, make a natural pair. Our updated version of old-fashioned pumpkin pie Is lightly_ sweet and extra creamy with the addition of- ricotta cheese and brown sugar In the gently spiced filling. . New as tomorrow, Pumpkin RlcQtta Pie flaunts a flower-shaped garnish of vanilla yogurt and crisp pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin-Eater Dougnuts are a welcome sn·ack for the keen-edged appetites cool Brimming with honest- to~oodness flavor, you'll find pumpkin's perfect for desserts. --· weatner.....brlngs~ Pumpkin and bran make these savory nut-brown doughnuts s~ flavor and extra hearty. , Served warm and unadorned, with a mug of mllk, or sparkled with cinnamon-sugar and tucked In a lunch box, they're a sure-fire success. As the holidays near. a deliciously home-style, portable dessert tills many a need. Savor a richly fruited Health-Nut Cake and plan a few extras as thoughtful gifts. Amber gold pumpkin adds to Its hearty, wholesome texture and flavor. . Honey, whole wheat flour, oats, walnuts and fruits, embellished with a hint of orange and cardamom. make this a healthy loaf that could well become a ''specialty of your house." Though the gingerbread man In the old nursery rhyme wanted a cake "baked fast 8$ . you can" we think you'll agree our Pumpkin Glngerbread Is well worth a bit of extra time. Again you will find a nutritional bonus in the recipe made with wheat germ, honey, _ y-0gua and a nicely balanced blending of __ --'-'-- pumpkln 'n spices. Simple but elegant, this moist fluted cake Is easlly glazed, adding a sweet flavor finish that absorbs as it cools. Pumpkin Nog Is a cool festive beverag~ to give your home-for-the-holidays hospltalit ·a delicious new twist. Flavorful pumpkin pi mix, conveniently pre-sweetened and spiced makes for easy mixing with the dairy fres flavors of Ice cream and mllk. To serve a grOl.IJ? including chlldre'1 divide the recipe in half and consider ~ spirited addition of light rum to the adul portion of lhJs smooth and dellghtfu nutmeg-sprinkled nog. I i Pumpkin Gingerbread i I egga I oot clean. Cool on rack for 1 q mlnules: rem ove from pan and • cool while making glaze. Plac~ cake on deep plate: spoon horl Yogurt Glaze. slowly overt cake, letting It soak In. Spoon! any glaze that drips onto platel back over cake; continue until! all glaze Is absorbed. 1 can (11 ouncff) aolld p1tek pumpkin 11h cupa honey 'la cup melted butter or margarine 11t cup plaln yogurt 1 cup wheat germ 3 cupa alfted flour 2 te-eapoon• baking aoda 'It .... poon .... a teaapOC)n• ground ginger 1 teaapoon cinnamon 1 teeapoon ground nutmeg • Ya teaapoon ground ctovee • ~ Yogurt Qlaze (recipe below) Preheat oven to ~SO degrees. Beat eggs wett. In 1 large· bowl. Stir in pumpkin. honey. butter, yogurt and wheat germ. Sift flour, baking SOda, sdlt and sptces together; stir Into pumpkin mixture, ttatt at a time. until well mixed. Pour batter Into a greased 12-cup tube pan or angel food cake pen. · Bak• at 36o _.... for 50 to eo mnne « tiitlf wooden pick Inserted In oenter dorna • • I Note: For a smaller cake f th is recipe .may be divided I~ half. Bake In a 13 x 9-lnch pa for aboul forty minutes. Yogurt Glaze I 1 cup •ue•r 1h t•aapoon b•kln~ aoda • -Ya c.1p plaln yogurt -f 1 tabteapoon light ·ooni •rrup i 111 cu, butter o mergerlne ~ t•••poon vanHla Combine all ingredients I medlucn saucepan. Cook stirring oonataatly, untt mixture begins to boH. Reduc; heat and simmer, atlrrln constantly for 2 minute• · Remove tr om heat. Stir I vanlll. 8Pobi' OYit Ol1&I glen .. ltll hot. J .. I Orange CoHl DAILY PILOT/Wtdntaday, Novtmb•r 3, 1'l92 .:.....::-i-----.------------------...... ------------------------......... ----.._, .... ~--~~-----------------...... ----mlll!'----------~-------'!""--------;:....---po ____ ___ Mediterranean • main dishes .nJade easy and economical .. You don't have to 2 p ound 11 I am b 11eW10nlng 8u rnn14 Ol'CWSJonully.-Add B\retch the family budget shou lder t•hops eut mC'O l in CUbl•M, t•urrotll; ht•Ul ~ mlnUU"li. 4 to make dinner a special I t.nbll-spoon oil dliK.'nrdlng fat and bom"H; lu ~ lit'I vl nQ!:i. occasion . Try these 1 can (16-oz.) sliC(ld brown in oil in lorgt• Mlcrowavt: Do no t imagina\ivc main dish carrots s klllN. Pour off t•xccs.~ bruwn meat Omit oil. Greek lew mudP. recipes; they're high in Wat.er fat. Drain currota, saving Combine lnMredlt'1nu, flavor, not ln price! · l cnveloa'c (~-02.) liquid. Add water to ext'Cpl ('Qrrota, in 3.quart with ground beef Go Medite rranean brown gravy mix mak~ 2 cups. Add liquid casserole. Cover and lran1forma classic \O'ith Greek Stew. The 'h c up uncookC'd to skillet with gravy mix, mlcrowav(• on MEDIUM u se of g'r o und b eef barley barley, on ion , snit, nnd 40 to 45 mlnut<.'8, stirring Mediterranean · transforms this classic 1 tablespoon instant ht'rb seasoning. Stir to occ as i 0 n au y, u n ll 1 recipe inlo an recipe into an eoonomical minced onion blend Cover and simmer tende r . Add carr ots; economical main . main di h, Ahhj)ugh 'fl teaspoon~sall ·l hour. until meat and m 1 crow ave 2 to 3 groundtx.>efprlcesareon l/i teaspoon h erb barley are tf'nd e r , mfnutes. dish. the rise,costperserving r-~~~~"'--~~~~~~--'--~~~~~~.;.;.;.;~..;.;;.;;,;..._-::--=~--:-~~:-'::-----f--..;_~....:........:::;;;;:::;;~....:.....;..;;:~~::.=::::;;:;.::..;;:=====~.;.:=:::::==========:.=.:.:.::::::::::=:::__~~-==:::.....: is low bec4tuse tt\ere is no waste. Preparation is quick and easy. A splash of Worcestershire sauce and a sprlnkll11g 'of cinnamon quickl y ble nd w i th brown· sugar, flour and catsup to create a thick, full-bodted sauce. Then garnish with shredded c h ~ese a nd chopped walnut s f o r an e xtraordinary touch. Serve with tossed salad, • c rusty bread, ( ru I l . turnovers and milk or coffee. If lamb is a favorite but the cost drives you away, try Old-Fashioned Lamb Stew. It's made with lamb shoulder c h ops , an o ther economical meat. By trimming excess fat and bones, you'll have enough meat to serve 4 or 5 p eople. For a delicious change of pace, this version features hearty barley. (You'll find it in the rice and pasta section of the supermarket.) Barley and lamb cubes are simmered In a rich, brown sauce, made easily with brown gravy mix. The seasoning blend is already taken care of and th e sauce is a lwa ys s m ooth ! A ccompany Old-Fas hioned Lamb Stew with spinach salad, hot rOJTs, bal<ed app1es and your fa vo rit e beverage. GREEK STEW 1 pound ground beef l tablespoon flour 1 cup water ~ cup Burgundy or other dry red wine 1 tablespoon brown sugar 2 tablespoons catsup 2 tables poons Worcestershire sauce 'h teaspoon salt 'h teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 can (16-oz.) whole onions, drained, or 1 1h c ups ( roien whole onions Shredded Monterey Jack. or m ild Cheddar. cheese Chopped walnuts Brown ground beef in large skillet, stirring to crumble; pour off excess fat. Blend in flour. Stir in wate r, Burgundy, brown sugar, cats up, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and cinnamon. Add o ni o ns. Cover a nd simmer 10 minutes . Serve garnished with cheese and walnuts. 4 to 5 servings. Microwave: Crumble beef iii 2-quart casserole. Cover and microwave on HIGH 4 to 5 minutes; pour off excess liquid. Add remaining ingredients, except decrease water to 'h cup. Microwave, covered, on HIGH 4 to 6 minutes, stirring occasionally. OLD-FASHIONED LAMB STEW Coffee - perks and politics What goes best with coffee? My true Jove, crossword puzzles, conversation ahd butter almond ice cream. These were some of e many discoveries ade by The Nestle Company, In 'fl survey designed to explore the cu1tonu and rituals of the American coffee drinker. Remaining anon- ymous, they __aen t 1,- 600 1urvey1 to retail bu1ine11e1 .. publ11hln1 hou1e1 and other corporation• acr<>11 the Unit.eel S'8tea. A return ..... of only 10 percent w• expected; lnlteed a whoppln• 42 percent were received and Ubulat.ed. ftll: EYE-OPENER America Iii • nadon of colt. drtDlaln, but how OOn'U,CI) i ___ , ...... .,...,...._..-i,........ I I I I ~:~::""'': .. ~ ... -::.~-=:.~--:...-:-I I ~ =.:=:?-..E':iS'" ... ' I I ,.. VALID NOYaM•U .. 10, 11U I ~----------------~ USDA CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUT BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE n.oz. .IAR OLD llLWAUKE6 •CMILM Oii UOMT - 11.01. c~. -· - ·~· • lie 111• 'AK CARLO ROlll WINll 2" ..._._ •M.fll. 1~ ~!~c!!~~!.. ....... -............. ···'-·-· ~ 111 2;.~~.~~~~.l~ ... ·------.. -.. ~.1'' !!.~?~.~~~-.. ----·-····--·--~ 21• !!~~.~~~-~~ ............... "' ... -....................... : ~ 98• PINEAPPLE ,_,.. MAWNI 2!.~~ PAPAYA,! __ ... __ :._: ... 98• !A!!!.~!!.~~11pNIONI _. __ 5?1 N!PHTHYTUI PLANT 411 ---·-'°'-----··----····-·--......... ,, __ _ 2~~~~!.~ARQINATA._ .. _311 PAPER TOWELS FLOUR 1""'9GPllLD,AaaoRTID IMNOPllLD CCM.0111, llNQ&.a llOU l ·La. aAO BANQUET DINNERS ·-79• SHORTEJHNO 11• U~HWMMITIH,lltQ .. U.,lllQllJO, ·-·~CAii ---· BANQUET FRUIT PIES ....... is: CRANBERRY JUICE _____ .. 1•• ~a, NACK, c ...... Ml Ml. "ICIUll~ COCIUAL_D._z.en.. MINl·MARIHMALLOWI CELESTE PIZZAS 2" .,...,..LO. 1e1 .. 0L I Ae .. -~ .... _,.. ____ llMlll.-ftll SALAD OIL 1" NICE·N·LIGHT ICE MILK ·-1" ·-· ......... -...... .., ...... •twON" '• ... •U-O. C1W .. .... ~........ .... . MEAT WIEIEll , ............. •·La. NO, ~~~~~.!~".!-...... 211 • ~~-!_.0_!1 ... ..'. .. ,... 4•• (~rnith~~) • t JI II I....._ II ~.J\ • ... ~ n .01. 211 en. 3100 BAI.IOI Ill --217.1 HlllOI ' • BEST OF THE FRYER ZACKY OR ,OlnR 'AIUll8 CHICHN8 BROWN ONIONS ••• 11~. BLUE BOllET ne MAR8ARINE MOUL.AR OUMITPI 1-&.8. CTN • 311 ' • J I-•<-· ... COFFEE (From Pase ct) many really depend on t..'OfCC<! to ge t U1em ~olna i n th t> m o rning . "1 cannot function without It .'' was n commo n r espo nse. The survey shows that 61.9 percent find coffee absolutely essentia l at breakCast; o n ly 7 1 pe rcent said they never to uch th~ stufC. · That first cup, for 76.8 p e r ce nt o f th e res~ndents, Is s1pped In a kitchen or dining area . A pampered 9.9 percent have their coffee in bed, whill' 6.2 pcn:enl drink the ir fi rst cup in the bathroom. Peop le tn a hurry w altz with their coCCee from r oom to room as th ey ge t dr essed . Mascara and coffee was a n unu s u a l du e t mentioned by severa l women-on-the-go; their ma le counterparts tend to gulp down their coffee b e tween s have a nd shower. One dignified drinker enjoys her fi rst cup in the 'upper library.' and another tak1?s it with 'Beethoven and knitting in the parlor.' A romantic respondent likes to gaz.e out her window at the Florid a s unrise as sh e si ps on her f irs t c up, w hile a practical man pours his first cup from a · bedside thermos. A MUG OF COFFEE Whe n ask ed wha t they pre fe r to driflk coffee from, respondents often had more than one a n s w e r •• but an o ve rwhe lmi ng 73.4 pe rcent prefe r mugs. Surprisingly, the more tra dit ional c up and saucer is used only 31.1 percent of the time and a ba re 4.2 p e r cent use styrofoarn or paper cups. S ome r espon d e nts were very specific: about th eir coHee v essels. Answ ers ranged from t h e patricia n t o t h e plebian and included a 1 111e Limoges cup a nd English Hornsea ware to a wooden pitcher , soup bow l and Tupperware glass. It takes an average 12.4 minutes to drink a cup of coffee, according to the survey. While the vast majority (82.5%) take between five a nd 15 minu tes to finish their coffee , s o me s p eed demons ( 1.4%) consume a cup in one minute, while slo w pokes (0.4%) can take up to three hours. One me ticulous man clocked his drinking time at ''37:31" while another s po ke of one n e ve r - ending cup which he just keeps refilling as it gets down to the bottom. THE POLITICS OF COFFEE-MAKING Is coffee mak1ng still the job of wives and secretaries? F orge t It. Self-r e liance is the c urre n t t r e nd , a s reflected in response to th e q u e s t ion "wh o prepares your coffee?" Some people had more than one answer, but a whopping 86.4 percent said they make their own coffee a t home. Spouses prepare ooffee for a mere 26.6 percent. In th e o f f ice, numerous scflemes have been devised to see that the coffee pot is always full. Self reliance (45.2%) again prevails, only 22.6 percen t r e l y on their secretaries. Th~ rest of the tilne, the task is left to the first to arrive, or the u nluc k y p e r so n w h o's left with th e grounds. • COFFEE PERKS -. .~ ... Or1ng1J Coast OAILY PILOT/WednHday. November 3, 1982 THE . YOrtl· DIFFBRBtlCE II. r. LOWER PRICES OVERALL I • COOKIES 11 ~ OiOC CHI'. SOOAlt • ~ OATl'EM. ICED OATMEAL- PROOOCE LIQUOR t <Vor£ P.c'ov.Gf Fancy Mu.hrooms ~.79 1'0....nvl-TW<~ ChMelu lA Saile ,...., c.Kl" 0.ll'fEJIS .... 39 l lWJD~-Frah Broccol Mai Vodka c;llUlo LUI <)II llrJT11:0 Red Lui l.eltuce tA .33 -P-!}Ol"~ DosEquls lftU••f'<.""1 l 9 .49 "°~ Large Bel Peppers_ Jim 8ourt>on ' "~'u'"'*"' l9 .99 ~t~~ Jumbo Walnuts "-""' P.c c.-o1 no~ •oz "'" -Jt 1 5 Bulk Cam>b '°"'Off LI e I l)UIUI ff'"" )OOI---BIKk White Scotch 2 39 799 298 5 ss 599 1299 .PLU84 DOUBLE . CODPOfll 6PAO< I 2-00P«2 CA/'I GROCERIES 1100-.ci:.. c .... ~ons Sweet Pus v~Ptc:~ BJ. ~~pple Juice ~~k· .42 .• 39 .49 , .95 149 MEATS 1"111(~11£U 368 Boneless Rib Eye Steaks i.e 1-lo<roCjll:U 137 Center Cut Chuck Steaks le TAa.t llK • ..J.IUT ll()rV:IESS Chuck Family Steaks IAlll.L ~"" l!U, Boneless Chuck Roast IA/llf ti,.,.. l'lt-p Center Cut ~huck Ro.ail . . ll 229 ... 189 L8 127 •-O.NillC~r 18 J 98 Bonelul Stewing Beef r;;-:-~-.~ -.-.-:-.-~:--:-;~~, I I :· DCJUBl I ·: :~ COUPONS ·-: MEATS ~~'Wofl-.:C'f ""' 60nele.ls HarM ~ Slced &econ -, ... 149 l B )79 "398 tA 179 tA 349 lYC.O c-.c llA • Tr l'Ol -.... Ai!iOOl'T!D 399 6" (JpriQht roplca9 • .-nr:s DOIOUllTf.•, 8agram I 7 Crown 549 )!°'-"Cl °"' Vons Fruit Codd.II .59 .49 ~ MAXAM CUTLERY FROZEN FOODS 119 109 ]99 DELICATESSEN ~=~~ ... 229 ~~·~l ]19 l9l.>All KIW'T /IW'ahmanow Creme .59 DISCOOIJT TICKETS TO lliE ITEM-MVEEK OFfER: 8" FREl'ICH CARVER Hoot'• ,.,.. dwa ID c'llloct ·~-d .. .,.., naltfy1 I I ----<"*'Y-on Mlt-" u.1'"orw1 flllr)\ ''"n''""'I"' Oregon Fannt Clkes t•V .. "• "'fllt '''"°"" ""' ~Dinnen _ .. _ )69 .99 .39. • 69 ]25 ]19 )19 ~~ ~~BreadMlx 119 .69 SERVICf Sf AFOOD ~~""' ....... ,.. "''" ... •l 98 eSalmon l l ~~Flkts ~wk"~'S°tea1u LI 289 l l ] 98 VONS BAKERY V'on';"a:I~-u:tt> ~~~-s// ~~tt.m 219 l l 198 ]79 DAIRY PRODUC:l S HEAL TH f, Bf.AUTY .89 ~~~Punch .99 c=a'c Cold Capsutu ) 88 Jl141,,. c ,..,..,._.,.. ...... l ..... '·" ... 1 Home Bllkc Bread tOKI "''"'"'"trflHl)rM Hlll 89 tpl (n;-1Jf1;'1~1l<?'"''•T 35 ~(~l 209 Chocolate Chip Cookla • ~ YOQ.-IU • c.dree Panty Shlelcfs 11•.r• .,.,.._., 89 l,l,t ..... -:ICWITD< ] 89 I~ ~"4 ll't>OtOl• 197 FmKh Sour Dough Roll • &neckfl Country, Spread Pert Shampoo 105 R~~"°'toPPtnv ) 19 w=. Skkt Lotion 177 30th Annual Manufactured Houllng & Rec:rutlonal Vehlde Show OocSe-' St.dlum P'tov. 6 thr\I l'fcw. 14 wttllE MJPl'\JD LAS T'S! 8 --- -1or -..-· ...... ... "-cNcllOl.t -K,_,for •~ ...... '"*'11 ~­p!Kecl _....,. ... -~ ......... Mel-....-...... "'*'td .-and ) n..i ...... NICfS Ul't(JM TfftlltS. TIM<I ftD,, ~ • TO ~ I 0. 1992. CALL (21 J) J~Ol l'Ofl LOCATIOI'! ~ ITOM l«AlltST YOU . ...OT AU. ITVIS N!O "'9CtS .. 1'ltll AO l!l'n:CTM ATl/OM,1500W.l'ICO lll.Y0.,1'71 W, IOTH I T .. LOIMO!US.INIDll00,ftl£S/'IOA"C)l.Al\lfCIAS,IAlfl'" 7fTAll.OUMTITIU Olft.Y. l'IOIT ITOMS ~rt 1 N'o TO 11 1'111 7 OAYI A W(EI(. 14..8 )L8 FOLGER'S COFFEE BOLD 3 · DAWN UQ010 NUCOA A.JAX ASSORTED GRINDS ~~~~T D&f~~~ MARGARINE LAUNDRY 2A3 DETERGENT 6.96 ,'~l700ffl 6.85 32-0Z 2.04 H.8.STICKS •.69 42-0Z.. l.33 ""'"'""°" IUCH ln2 1...., • .,...? •• 'I ,OUNTAIN YAUAY ,..1Hef1*11...., CoeTA•U 1• I . 17ttt..,......, 0t_,. Awe. , CANTIWIO •Aett ,_, ~ '-"-.4'-a Vlatefte 2~8 BAO CYCLE I DRY DOG FOOD 'OUNTAIN YAUAY 11111" ...... , ..... l.AOUMAMl.U ,..., ..... ,.,_ . ., .... 9.69 r. ., ;: I• J . 1l 'J . .. • f.t j r. t I( ., ., tJ n > t1 w I ') , .. ti t".) l'.l ,., L b .l l l ·' II ti ,., .<! ,, •i ~ •) ?. •<f :.; I1 "' I~ ti '" 1./I H '" q q Coffee at w ork ls a perk for 46.5 percent of the s urvey participants. The other 53.5 percent rttll'._ on coffee shops or canlerias (39.6%), coffee machine1 ( 18 .2%) an d coffee wagons (7.6%). A resourceful 2.2 percent brlna coffee from home a nd 5.5 percent h ave 1-~~--~~--~~~~~~~.._~~~~~--'-'--...;....~~~~~..,,.......,,.....~..,......~~~~~~.._~~~-----'~~~~~--1.__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:--..,.-..,.-~~n-- thelr own private office supply. Othen hav e formed co ff ee c lu bs wUh contri but ion s to a communal k itty on a m o nthly b aala a nd membera taking turna pre parln1 the dally brew. ln 1ome o ft lce1 , employMt pay per cup on an honot 1y1tem, ihou1h one man noted that In hi• oUlce the k.luy w• never 11 full • Ch• coffee pot wu emM)'. In another office, coffee 11 • 1ame of c hance , where ~ dnw loCI and the loW number ,.,. for t'Offee &hat day. Cl1111fted ldvertlalng 11 vol r beat Choice for help In 181Hng .... Item• you no longer need. It'• quick and lnexpeftlive, •nd lhe Ptlot r••ch•• . POtentlll bu)WI who llv9 fn tfft ...... Call today. • • .,. Orange Co111 DAILY PILOTJWedntaday, November 3, 1982 all1 beef with microwave . 30'.""minute siroga_noff e r S tr o gan o cr role, prepared In o n e dis h In only 30 min t cs. is a great m1cr wnve dinner. If the round steak is fro en . It Is ea s il y r th w e d In th e mlc wave. The one · poun steak will thaw in 3 to 4 minutes on a. med um (50 p ercent pow ) selling. Let the stea s t and about 3 min t es to finish def ting. Beef is easier to sli thinly if it's still port! ly frozen. M y beef strip or d beef recipes requ e browning· as a first •tep. ln microwave cook ng , the b &e f is sepa ted and placed in a ·glass bowl. Seasonings may e adde d at this p o i'll · Cove r a n d m ic r o wave 4 to 6 minu~es or until the beef is a l ost cooked. For even cooking, stir once durin this time. T e r e m ai ning ingr dients are n ow stirred in. The noodles for this stroganoff are added, uncooked, right to the t:role. The dish is eover and microwaved (See EEF, Page C8) Beef Stroganoff is ~quick and easy casserole when cooked in a microwave oven . With this m e thod of pre par@tion, many beef dishes can be made in minutes. ( -) --Qave15t ·-··- '""4· a on SouPStarter· • llV-.At---------.. ,..c-Atty---~wlf'lbw_.._ __ ,, __ lctot,,.,_,.. ..,_ ,..._,.... __ ..........,_ ... _,,, ___ _ ______ .,.._ ... __ _...,...ID ..... I C,....., P'O lo••Cl30.C--'11>1 -·--......... ______ ... --·- ---C-•-lf20 fll--.._ __ ... -•-tt-• °""'*'' COUPOll.Ol'lllU DICl~.1.U t90tr SAVE20~ on one 2 lb. package of Blue Bomlet. LIGH T TASTY SPREAD ____ .. __ _ _ ..,.,, .. ___ ,.. ________ ..... _ .. __ _ ... ---.... -·--· _____ .. ___ _ f--·----•UlA.• -"°-----.--0..- .. .. .. _, ___ _ -·--.. ·--·---·-----··--· ---.---· :c":·--... '0 '""'!" ""''"" " -:.:-..:=.::,;;,:;,::: Lmf ____ ,._ LI----&- 4061 ---------------•- ·~-4111111l-? l <Klll<H .. ._ ..... _____ .. ___ ... _.,. .... _..._ __ .. ....... ........... -----.. -·._... .................. _ ___ ,,___. ..... --.-..... --.......................... . _., ..... .__.... ... _ ............ ..-............. __ ...,.._ ........ ._ .... _. ........ ~ .... '-'-' ...... ..,__,.. ........... _ .. ~.-. .. ~-... STOlll~ °"" ....... )O. 191:1. . ._ ........ ,_, ..... _,... ____________ _ ~O lH'I OOU1 ti SavellC oaOSCil llAYlr .... pa 4 It 700 l.35706 SAVE 100 On Any French's Potato Sauce Mix SAVE15e . -. -=·-... • ~ -~-;i( •For that fresh long-lasting scent tha~ says you've cleaned and disinfected and deodorized::. -- Use It In: The Bathroom .. toilet bowls, sinks, tubs and shower stalls. The Kitchen stoves, <>Ve(lS, kitchen appliances, sinks, floors. walls and drains.~ ~m thls.couport today & s~ve 25' • l20'[02 hb2'[h ,, Ot• ... U'll '~ 1~) '°"~'· •«~ •t4w• -~i ,, ft.t'C"'t MttfJ ...... "' t' tfll:.' , ... N•f .... (~ Wlffl f '4w•t ll f"'tlf'" It'""' '~ .... IM ~ • w t'\ff ot ~,., ti """ CO"C ~ ftf""i COUOO" ,, •• e ..,.-, •"'t'"' ''°""""'° • o, , , .... , ··~f ''O'ft • t\l\~1 ,, lrf'l\t .. ~ Cl'ln• ot SO«•htG D•Al'IO .&ii\; O'fltl W\t O't\I twttt STORE COUPON h1uct Cw1..,,,... '"""'' 04i; """ ~.~ '•• '"•O<f\ tOVll"'CJ 0U'CftUt O': \ut'l('lf"1 \to.,~ 10 (Ovft CUtMf\ltCI covoons fni,i\I De '~" 0" 'tOW:\I COVOOI' ~not lflft\tff•Olit Vo.cl •l'lt'ff' w•t 1\ OIO ••tea u a.H 01 otrw..-• .,, •n H.ctto c,.."' .... __ ~~~.10:o~•"':''~s:··~::;: ON YOUR NEXT PURCHASE OF PINE-SOL~ Liquid Cleaner Af!!'lf•-C..l" tw;~ (~fllr lo• 111/ ,..,_., • ~11>4 UllO Ollf COUPOll 'U "'llO ASl fll'lllAl•ll •U JI 1Ml., < 1982 American CyanamiO Company 41294 201027 · 8oaP Starter . So~~and ltsamearr Enjoy this 20C SAVINGS on Delicious Blue Bonnete LIGHT TASTY SPREAD with' less fat and calories than regular margarine . Look for it in the economical 2 lb. bowl. And reme mber ... fJ fJt8f!"iJlls ·~~ 41?~ I/De /JooJJetOll it fl OllH• l'OIUI ...._ _ _, ..... ........., _,... .... lUl-11 •-- SllWI ... •~· •1 1s1n ..... , __ TOTALAMOOMTOICt.OMU" $ -- l'ltMttMUch«k•~ .... ,_.....,. tholllfw~C~~. ~ "": 0 MASTU CARD O VISA C>*C""'llo ____ ......,. __ ""---::-.:--:-;-;;;:;;;;::::;::::--,__~--------<'llr--------- • I"" • ~redeem these"lllll . _, coupons . " at any store i , selling· these ' p~ducts • .. Oranoe COHI OAIL y PILOT /WednHday, November 3, 1982 --------------I &!~~ I '7CIYC soc S'l'ORf. COUPON Take the ~nd-0 -· Challenge I'll give you 5CX If you still like \bnlsh: If you use \.bnish In· Tank. I challenge you to try Depend·O. I'm so sure you 'I/ like Depend·O and Its low price better. /'II euen send you SOC If you still think \hnish is better. , Depend 0 works as well as \,bnish for a lot less moi:iey. So use this JS<; coupon to take the Depend·O Challenge today. See your participating dealer for de1ails and refund form. For that fresh long-lastlng scent that says you've cleaned ancldlslnfected and deodot tzed. Redeem this coupon today & save 25' I I ABSOWTELY I NO-~~~~. I. NO WAX BUILD-OP. I I HURRY UP AND SAVE! I On Milk-Bone· Dog Bisculcs :•~BOX lQCoff any size. any flavor 'PUa'n 'llOOT8 . MOIST _MEALS· 44000 b02bb2 .· - - - - - - - - - - - - ---~••J !.f ....-----------__..------------------~-, .: ..... 15t DO MCA 1182 15t IJtl••f': , ,, "' -Sa11e 15C on Depend-0 7~:·· r.Dealer:Wew111redcemth1scoupon toilet bo···I cleaner ~I ~fll lor face value plus 7C handh~ provided .., Ci'. . you and your customers have compiled with the terms of this o"er Any other ~ J 1111~1 use consl1t11tes fraud. This coupon void 11 proof of purchase of suH1c1ent stock ~ I ic. to cover all redempt100s Is not submitted on request. 11 coupon assigned. trans· w nlil ,, terred or presented by one not a retail distributor of specified product(s), or 11 :S , ull tl\•cd. licensed. restricted or proh1btted by law Consumer must pay any $Clles ta)( :;; ' Offer limited to one C<>Opon per purchase. Cash value l/20C Mail coupons to Boyle-Midway D1v1sion. PO Box R·7027, El Paso. Texas 79975 'J Jf' 1 • ~ 0 ,, • re..,>ter"'1 ''-"'"'" 01 AHPC t!or•e Mod"'"I' D•v 6'[0'[02 tib2Ht SAVE30¢ Eapiration Date: May 31. 1983. I: 1982 Bo,.te-M'Clwit)I New ~k 15<: ON YOUR NEXT PURCHASE OF PINE-SOL* Liquid Cleaner 1982 Amet.un cYanamtd Com~ny .-ll l.294 20J."019 19200 ----------------STORE COUPON 25 Fl I I SAVE 15¢ <>NEITHER CHEF BOY·AR-DEE ~ Oulck&Easy PIZZA CRUST MIX or PIZZA SAUCE SAVE 10¢ onenyltyte CHEF BOY·AR-DEE ._ RAVIOLI SAVE 20¢· CHll'aaou- SPAGH1 1 II DINNER • -t STORE COUPON o..i...., .. _ PO llo< A 11n £•Puon11t7' ~..;.....-.,,m STORE COUPON -----.:.---" .............. ,.._. ____ _ ------.-.------·---·--.. ..-........... _ .. ......... ... ,,_ . ...,.. .. _ .. ...... -... ......... ...._. .... . --.i:s:t:---·--=. ... ..... , . .,,. -...... ·-·--· -· ~t:,:,m [I I'-I'll rtl1\ c.... ..... ~ .. ,- I I 1· I ':" ~I Orange Co at DAILY PILOT/Wadn 1duy, November 3, 1982 ~abel reading By MARTIN SLOANE Dear MartJn: \'(hen a re fund form iii printed on a lal>el from u bottle or can, ts 1t all right to count that lal>el as one of the require'<! numtx>r of labels askl><l {6r by the t'Ompany. or do you ne<.'<l the required number or labels in addition to the on~ on which the refund Corm W Ull printed? - Pat, Parkl•rsburg, W.V. Dear Pat : A l ot depends on the exact wording on the refund form. If tht• forms says "To receive your refund, send 1h ret.• labels. " most co mpan1 l's wou ld consider that the form was one or the labels. But if the form says "To receive your r efund. send th is form alon g with three labels ... " then the label on w hich the form is printed doesn't count. ExperiencL>d refunders read the directions very <:art!fully a nd fo llow tht'm to the letter. If. aflcr doing this the <:ompany ts not fair in interpreting their own rPq uire menls , you · should let the company know how you feel. Dear Marti n : M y husband 1s a full-time fireman. Every third day he works 24 hours. and this means that he sleeps o"cr at the firehouse and takes his mea ls there. ----r h e m e n_ i n t h e firehouse eat a ·lot of e r ent foo(fs a nd l ave asked my husband o b rin g h o m e the a rious boxtops and abels for my re fund ffe rs. Since the men ind it hard to remember o save these things. my usband often winds up 1gging through the rash in the firehouse. "Wo uld you throw way a dollar bill?" he &ks when one o f the el1ows calls him a trash o llector. "Well. that abel is worth a dollar to c!" he says. 1 can't tell you what a elp he has been to my perlorated centtt dtvlCJei lound .,.~Ille toP tl\d bOttOll'l ltyall lnllda tile tin Of elthel KjeldMlie Buller Oooklu or Kl•IOnne CllOCOlate Chip O~IH t!•plr" M1rch 31, 1"3 NA .. ICO St.00 Refund Sand tlMI 19qv1rtc:t refund lorm •nd Ille purch•M conllrmallon Hiii lrom any thrM dltlatanl N1t1l1eo Sn1cik Crackare 11111d· S oclabl•• Crec1!1ta. 8e41at Cheddtte, s ...... Cheaae, Vagatabla T111n1, Bacon Tl'llna, S ... me WhNll Chicken In a 8 111111, Olp In a 01'1\p E•plret Dae 31. 1H2 "lLt•U"Y f'O,,IN' '"UH Fr" Mug Otter Sand Iha required ref11n<I form and ltte mllk company name ctlppad from the aid• of any milk C¥1on, or Ille cap from any milk l>Ollla, IOQall'ler with aoy thr" Plll1t111ry 811ot •n 1•11• Cookie label• '°' IOdfflOnll ™'Gt· Hild I 1 a& I nd ont llbat IOI MC:h mug ordered hplrt1 J1n. 31, 11113 .Shirley Jonte l RISCVIT FrH Recipe l ooldat land the requited relund lorm end one proOI ol p11rchH• •••I from 1ny elu Ttll Cllll Walere, PIUI H cenu poe1age and ttendllng. bplraa Dec 31, IH2 WAU IHAffU. ClAAICI Co. tnc $I ••l11nd lend 11141 requited refund lorm 1nd Ille ne1 welgtll 11a111m.n11 lrOff\ ll'lrM P9Clu10•• OI Waaa Crltp llrHd £xplru Dec 31, 11113 H.,• ate two refund lorm1 to wflta tor M .. well Houaa t 1.00 Coupon Refund . General Food1 Corporation, P 0 Bo• 4 Hl1. prices good thru nov. 9 e funding. Lately. he ven calls home to as)s - bout produc t s a·fid roofs-of-purchase he's ot sure of. He's my faithful trash ollector and he enjoys very minute of it when he re fund money fills ur mailbox. -Alice. · tover. Ohio. ear Alice: Some ers would love to n how you lit that nding "fire" unde r y r hus band and got h im s tarte d on h is e pful wa ys. As a matter of fact. my mail hows that a substantial umber of spouses are ow helping their mates ith their refunding. en they see those nd checks roll in . naturally want to in on a good thing. ART SHOPPING : Wendy Alexander rom FL Lee. N .J ., says he ha s f o ur upermarket.s in her area hat she s h o p s at egularly. "I check the specials nd make up a separate hopping list for each tore." says We ndy. 'Since making my way round this 'circuit' takes me time and I wouldn't ant any of the food to porl . ·1 k eep a picnic ler and a n iee pack in y trunk and put the roze n, refrigerated or crlshable items in it ntil I can get them back ome." CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS Clip out thla f"-and II.MP II with lmllar caell-oll c oupona - a11araga ralund offare w ith age couPon•. for example meat tuslrn · newpon only fresh u.s.d.a. choice top sirloin steak ,., .•. 4.98 lb. marinated pork roast ''!· I~. 3.69 lb. n8me . of game for ref ull 1<1n11111 ... Ill • 00907 Thia otter ••plt• OtQ 3 I 1H2 l<IHnH 80ltlqu• Oll1r ... 0 Do• 11276,•&t Paul, Mlr111 661112 11.110 In coupon• or • llO·oen1 r elund Aequ11t1 mull ti• potlmatkeel by Nov 30. 19U Tllll otter ••pltN Dae 31, 1HI Tl'la IOllowlng tefun<I otte1e "' WOflll 111.411. Thie ollar do11n•1 tequlre • rerund form OICAll MA'tl" Aelund Offer. P,0 lo)( Ne ••e, !I PHO, r ..... 701117. ~v• 111 refund plua I 20·0•nl coupon for anr 01car M•ytr COid CUI llam S•nd al• label• lrom Illy Otcet Meyer COICI Cut produot bplrH Oac 31, IH2 Tt••U oll•r• require refund form a ARMOU" CINNH ClAHlc'I HO"MIL MIAT '""IAD t t S I he hind 8 end I ha re -Refund l end lilt raoulfld refund Q11lred rtf11nd lorm and thrH lorm and lour 1ee>a11 lrom a1 IMtl Vnl~Ml Product Coela 1ymbot1 1wo varletlH ol the l ollowlno 111'11111111 lllPPEI Ir~ 1ny 11ertaty of Almour Dinner Hormel produate1 "0111 IS••• ClaMlca l!aplraa Dea 31, 11112 Sprud. L.lv1rwura1 8prHd. C** ICIMO ,... 100 ~ Pevlled Ham. Clllcken lprHd, Oii.,. Rec*w a coupon for a lrM. Corned 8eaf lprMCI. t!X$11fM Fao 12-count bOll Of Cl'lun King l!gg 1, 18113 Roll• lend lht r9qV!fed relund form and tl'la Unlvetaat Produca LA CHOY '1 00 Refund Send Cod• eymbola from three Ille required relund lorm a~ Ille PICkAQN (Illy fta11or) of Chun King '•t>•I lrom • 1pec1a11y m1rkeC1 Frozen Egg ROii•, alorlg Wltl'I Ille PICka{le or l• Choy Beal Peppe< reglll•r tape. E•plrH Dae. 31. Orlelltal, along wlll'I one ta!Ml lrom 11112 11ny other l1 Choy canned or bottled lleni ExplrH O•c 31 , 1112 MO .. TON HOUH 11 Ralund Coupo11 Otter. 8anO tht required retund torm end thrH 4'1\llte 1111a1e from any combination of ~or1on HOUM Slew Of Chlll PfOOUCtl IOf a It coupon for Monon HouM ••-or two e1n1 ol Morton Hou .. Cl'llll t!xplrN Dec 31, 1H2 .. .... f'AUL'I KITCHINI 11 Coupon Racalvl 1 I 1 ~pon for any Mr• Paul'• prOOucl Send 11141 requ1r1d refund totrrl i nd the "M r• Paul'• 8at1111c1lon Guet11ntM ' 1111-ta lrom Illy thrH ol Illa lotlowlng Fiii! Flllell, "'" Sttcka, Soallop9, Oellllacl Crab Mrn1a1u111 or Buuered F111111. Exl)lrea OeiC 31, 1H2 ICHICIC AUi IWIPT t 1 00 Refund the r94111fld rtf\lfld horm and 1 VnlvarNI f'rodvcl Code 1ymt1ol• lrom anr tour Selilekllaua Frtnll• and.or lacon packlgH t!xpll•• Maroh 11, 11113 WIAY•"'' llO Cou,.on Pytllllld ~ *'· 12, or 13 NI Wuver'1 coupon• Send the raqulrad rahlncl lorm on epaclally m1tltad packeou and. from. wuvtt Ftoaan Ftled Chlcllen (Outcll F~ or lellar Oillpedl. tile proof• of purc11 ... .a1tacllad te;ltl4 pyramkl on the form, alqoe with lhr" PfOOI• ol purc11 ... for i 1 1n COUC>Ofll, five Pfooll of P\WChHa fOt 12 In COUl)ON O< .,. f)(oofl or ourchH• for 13 In coupon1. E.aplrH Jan 1, 11113. produce fresh pic~ed ... local Qrown' ... crisp leaf romaine lettuce new crop e I 1u1ce oranges •• f specials J .I holiday nut harvest new crpp!,! • _pecans bulk only • 1 j ,.,, •. 4.39 I~. 2. 98 f• new crop!! almond! :0~~~"1~~.1.S9 new crop!! walnut! :~;;;'Y,~.2•59 • no dealer sates ' • limit rights reserved seafood natural foods provisions tus11n · newport only arrowhead mills fresh pastry flour · silver salmon 2 lb.,.,. 1.01 .89 last of the season -whole or half s lb !!9· 2.4S 2.19 2 98 Ne flour · ,.,. •· 4.98 I~. • •t -f-re_s_h-fr-o-ze_n_......;.... _______ ,""'t-2 lb. "9· 1.13 h~libut fillets extra 1 ancy ;!;;It 5 ;0;, IM res. .. S.98 •• 4.98 2 lb.,., .• 97 • 79 5 lb. !!9· 2.091. 79 ,.. ..... 40 .. brown rice flour 2 lb. ,.,. 1.9S triticale flour 2 lb. 'It-.99 vitamins bakery 84M1 eollactlng the needed JHoof• of P\A'cMM wtlla loolllng for Illa required form• at tl'la tuparmarket, In MWIC>llC*• and magazlnafe. and when trading wltl'I Irland•. Ofltre may not be avallable In all araH of tl'la COUIWY· Allow 10 waallt lo recalva ~ refUnd. imported from flnland evening leppi oheese s~~~~ike) \ t pri111011 oil cap 9olde~oz~!~I~ 1.19 1 .89 homemade baked fresh daily irvlne ranch farmers market small The following otfere are wonll $7.25 Th• followlng olfar doun't require a rall#ld (Orm: H .. t .... Y'I, AltCHWAY, NT Homameda Ice Cream I 1 Aafund. P 0 Box 1131, St. PIUI, Mlnn.1 M1t1. lafld --d "HartM(a' CIUI Ir°"' tlle ,...,. plallto lld of OM '~ Mir' of Hef~'a Chooolata P'la110f'ed Syrup, one lebll ·-..... of Aldfwr/. ~ c:oa.tal (rl; ~ end .. lront ....... of tfla lllbal9 from fWO 13·ounca une Of Pet (VllPOf etad --• ,., • total to four proota of purtMiM. l.Jlplr• Dec. 11, 1tu Th"• offett rtqurt refund '°"'* al.L-0 Geftefal Fooclt Cotp. ,_..... a 40-.m OI t 11.flllwnd • ..., .. ,......, ,...... '°""and lf\9 t lela lalMla thowlnt tlle ................. ,.......,'""" ""'-· a11y ~=-="· of Jtlf.0 .. _. • lerid Ont lebll90fa--.~CWIWO ........... ,, reMlf, .. ,., .. "9· •· 2.91 I~. 2.2 11' 30 capsules !tf. 14.95 11.95 charlies pride ... rare roest beef sliced toorder 'II· •· S.49 I~. 4.4 gallo specials ... I cotto 11l1111i Of 111ortadell1 from england hee pollen 30 pods ~ 4.9S 90 podsf • 9.9S u1·-----.. ~ \!_ .A>o.O:~'«Wblta 16 oz. pkg. ,.. 1.99 1.59 41ni1h ·IW•et rolls .... .,.1. l9 thompson seedless rei1in1 ' bulk or 119 16 oz pkg. "I· . a.oz. pkg. ,... 1.09 __,,_.._ M::.J.1•~1' ..... o.111 11 ~ ltM ... ,...., refUnCI IOtm. flle ,.,...., tape and Ille ~ ·- • ____________ _... ................... ~ .......... --~ ..... ----~----'-"!"'------~-----------::-------:-'"'-..,,,.~---~ Make the most of a cohhle'r Thanks to tnnovotlvt• KnNtd o n floured uarly Aml'rlcun bukc•rit boord f or about 30 who mny havt• 1.'0nCOl't<'<I s l't'Ontb, !toll out to Cit l'Obblcrs us S<Wlng wuy!> lllµ of baking dish; cut to USt.' u horv('St o ( fruits, 11\lo 8 wcdgC's. Place the co bble r dt.•sst•rt dough o n h ot a pple rontinul's to bt.• popular. 1111xturt.•, Bakt.• ul 375 . Now as u variety Q(i d<'g1'l'l'S for obour 30 mou~h-wutcr1ng applt•s n1in utcs. or until lightly appear on farmswnds brownt.•d . Serve with and in markets, Apph'-whipp<.•d topping or jce Raisin Cobbler promlst.-s c;rc•am. 1f de:;ired. Mal<es eight generous i;Nvings. Ii St.•rvlngs It may be th<' answt'r to next Sunday supper'N Nott•: Syru p m.ay . dessert. bubbk· owr t-dge or .dish; This t:obbler has a nt.•w place baking sheet on look . Biscuit lopping is lowl'r rack. cut In wedges. much like ~ a pie, to make serving APPLE PIES WITH easy· CHEESE CRUST APPLE-RAISIN 5 cups thinly sliced COBBLER peeled apples . 6 cups peeled apples 1 1."1 tables poons (about 4 large) quick-cooking tapioca 3 tabfespoons quick-'1 cup sugar cooking tapioca 1 ~ l e a s p o o n 1h t·up granulated cinnamon s ugar 1 ~ teaspoon nutmeg ~ c u p f i r m I y ~ teaspoon salt packed light brown I cup pie crust s ugar ' . v~ cup finely grated 1 teaspoon cinnamon cheddar cheese 11.i teaspoon nutmeg Combine appl es , •A teaspoon salt tapioca. sugar, spices and l cup water salt in bowl. Let stand \ \ . . ~ raisins aboul 15 minutes. Then 2 tablespoons butter spoon into four 10-ounce or margarine ovcnproof glass baking Buy any size jar of-§UPERMAN'" Peanut Butter and you con z 'treat yourself to o great, big, · healthy chunk of savings on theprice. • r--------1 ~ cup unsiftl'<i all-dishes. purpose flour Meanwhile, pre pare 2 ta ble s P ou n s pie crust mix as directed granulated sugar o n pac kage. addi ng 1 teaspoon doubll'· cheese before mixing. acting baking powdl'I' Roll out pas try very 1 & teaspoon salt than (less than i,.. inch ~ cup shortening thick) 3 tablespoons milk Co m b 1 n e a pp I es. Cut 4 rounds. each 1 t a p i o c a . 1 '? c: u p mt'h larger than· top of granulated ~ugar. the baking dis hes. Cut brown sugar, spices, • ~ several slits or design in teaspoon salt and the center of eac·h. Moisten water in large saucepan. edges or dishes. Center Let stand 5 minut.es. crust on fillings. Open Bring to a boil over slits to permit escape of medium heat, s tirring steam. constantly. P.our into 2-quart souffle or bakmg dish . Sprinkle w i th r aisins and dpt with butter. Seal. f o rming a st.anding rim. and flute. Bake at 425 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. or until crust is goldPn. Makes 4 servings. Mix fl o ur with 2 tablespoons gra nula ted suga r , the bak i ng For decorative top powder and \4 teaspoon c rus t, c ut s tems ~nd salt. Cut in s horte ning. ,J.e~ves or o ther designs Gradually a dd milk , from pastry trimmings stirring until soft dough and arrange on top crust is formed. before baking. That wax you con treat your whole fanv/y to its rich/. creamy, fresh-roosted peanut tlavor. And you'll be ... -·"•-..~ . . th # * ..... giving bem the ~O... •• 1 1 o' ~ peanut utter •~,.... -· .... AL "'-d .&..!.. •••.a-• rn01 s eame ryi::: Good Housekeeping Seal. ,,. .,.,.,..,,. ,. ,,. .,.., ...... .. • A FR'SH .NEW ANSWIRTO •WHAT'S FOR D1Ntm1T• -/ I ------~~-----~---. --·--------------.. ...._ __ _ ----·---~----·-·----' F05IER FARMS • l Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednMdly, November 3. 1Gl2 t :J When you buy 2 specially marked Daisy 4-pocks, you'll get 2 free shavers . And Giiiette will send you $1.00 bb.ck. What a smQOrhwoy to save money on rhebestond safest woman's disposable shover you c:.on use. ·--------------~· 1 SaveS1?0 on Gillette Dais}t• I 1 have' enclosed the proof of purchase seals frOfTI 0 two packages of I I Oa11y 4's/5"s or crrour packages of Oajsy 2's. I Please send my $1.00 refund to I Name I Address I I City State Z•P----. I Mail to O.lfY S1 Refund Offer, P.O. Box 4552 , I Montl~lo, MN 55365 • I rr-s _.... mus1 ~ )'Ol.w ·~ ano may noi bl! •9PloduttO Oii., 11mo1eo ioone '* nousel'oold"' .00.es\ Olfe< good only"' u ~ \/Ood -· pt~ICI IHICI"' -W•M IHlflCtecl 0., l<t" A-6 IO 8 w..U IMll•ety Off .. Hpifff ,,.,,_ 30. ltt), I . --·------------. §ou.'tmet Presents , llolidny Hrt'nd& "ilh ~1ur \l'illhoitf' Wondt•rful J/onw111;1dt• B1n1ds for E11tt•ru1i11ing. Gifts or Family Mt•munc•s. .. , . " -lnduding: ,-1, S tolle n. almosl a c:akc -It fs so rich with goodief{, Cinna mon Raisin Braided Christmas Wreath , Cheese-Pimento Filled Bread ' PLUS DEMONSTRATION OF FANCY DINNER ROLL S HAPES r ridiiy. ~ovemlwr 12th I :00 -~S:OO p.m. f'ee: I 8. 00 If it's got wheels, you'll move It faster in a Daily Piiot classified ad. Call 642 .. 5678 and a- friendty ad- viser win help you TO,J:NROLL IN A CLASS ~' l'e.l:lllrnl mu.I Le medt .ii ed .. ,.,.. (0< lhe ful 11-.nt RrfonJ t•n'ri9\ hr gt•~" bu1 ci.11 rr~ .,11f1w ........i II r1 Phon~ rr ... ru11on• •111 lw 1u rp1rd •llh • urd11 urd numt..or.' (\'I <\ MuttrC.rd A11wn ... n Eap<n>I cw 1°" may "'!Sitt on prrton •It • Coul ll ardwarr 'J u turn your wheels into cash. Fine Wir1 e and Brandie ~p<'ct·"' I Gift~ Derantns CooJ..books Bottle opt>ner:. and holders \\ 'uw-re/,Jtrd note cards Complimentary Wine Ta sting Open 7 Days 11 -6 Free Local Delivery 2400 W. Coast Hwy. NewpoTt Beach, CA (arrn , from Cano·a) 642-5749 ~ • n.:il . ~"" \. • -.1>tO ~~ 1. .. ~ wv :\N>J~ Use ,,,,.,.. M service when placing your. ad •.. a Dail~ Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad .. ; we take your messages 24 hours a day . . . you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this servlc.e Is onlv $5.00 week. For more Information and to place your ad cell '42·5678. 111• ,, , Ill C~ Orange Coaat OAILY PILOT/WednHdav, November 3, 1912 .. Make p~ella the modern way ·with frozen food, microwave Wh•tever you decide th o m~ with • Moc k conC\'nlraw, th1wvd 2 tahh•11J.>U1101 Crown Ml'lk<I buti..•1 powdl•r, bhwk p<>p pl'r , dlNh , c·ombln c• grN•n AMBROSIA lo makt' these daya, S-.nsrla made quickly 4 (6 ounc:t') ju ll:t\ d)oppt-d onion · Puprlku 1·u m l 11 . irn crro n e nd J)('ppcr, onion, rk't) plloC, 2 all~ troum plul n chancet are aood you'll with jul~ t'Onct'ntratc. .. , can1 water 1 (1() w nce) ~ka,ic-2 t 11 h I,.• po o n 1 •hr I rn p C o v l' r tomuto Ju lc{l, g a rlic pound cake. thawwl fi nd It either already Strawbe rry Ambro-2 (6 ounc:1•) juicu rnm·n rk't' pllaC chup1>toel plmlt•nto Mkmwuvc.• on lilGtt ror powdt•r, b lack pt'ppe r, Jo' r o i e n wh o I e prepared, uaually frozen, ala I Is the re rroah lnai c:uns lemon-lime llO<lu I ( 6 o u n co) c:a n Choppt'<.I par h:~ :i mlnutc.•1 or unlll •h rlmp c:urnl n ond saCfron. Covt'r Hlruwtx>rncs, thowc'CJ or you'll find you can cut flnalt! for t h la meal Orange and lemon tomato juk~ M IC R 0 W A V I'~ un• wndc.ir. und bake.• In 3~0 d9gr1.'<' F'lakt.td t.'OC.'Onut preparation Ume In hatr wh ich c an bo re ad y allc:t't l l'UP rroun JX'Oi COOKING: Add buttt•r, puwlkn vvt'n 16 mlnutC'I Chopped walnut.a by u 1 l n g tr o i en In under l~ minutes wl\h Combine conccntriuca \• h.•upoon garlic Comblm• ur1•cn pt>ppt>r nd pln1 l1·ntu. Covl•r. Add P\'US and tthrlmp; Froicn n on-d air y lnaredienta. a mk rowave oven: leu with watl!r: chill while pow1t1.•1' und onion In 2-q u ort Mk rowavoon HIGH tor dr1 ztl1,• w i th mel t ed whlppc•d t o pp i ng , Paella l s a ~oo d than 3 0 w i th a preparlnadlnncr.Bcforc 111 tt•ospoon black ·c:assl•rolt• Cover w ith 1 m i nu te or un t i l butwr und aprlnklc wlth thawed example. The traditional conventionul oven, 1 e r y I fl g: add 1 o d a. pepper J(laiq>-lid, m1c:rowaw .on thoroughly hl'aw<l. Sur paprika and ch o pped Divide cake between S~nlah dish combined MOCK SANGRIA Garnish with orung" and 0 f' n c r o u 11 das h HIOll fur l ml,nuw. Add mixture. Sprinkle wftti pimiento. Bake, covered-. two dcucrt dishes. Top amall a m o unts of 1 (6 o unce ) can lemon sll(.'eS. Yleldl 6 (8 ground c:umln r ln• p i lo f , J.'O Vi.•r : choppt.-d pur11lcy. YI Ida an additional I~ mlnut~ w i th a lr a w~~l e•. lnaredie nls tha t we re lroi en \'ed fruit punch ounoo) fllLll8etl. Pinc h powde r e d mkmwavc on HIO JI for 2 ~rvlngs. · o r ,u nlll s h rimp a rc coconut, walnulll and a· In exp e n s Ive and cont.>entrate. thawed SHR MP PAELLA saffron 2 m1 nu tos . S t ir r lc:c C 0 NV ENT I 0 NA L c'OOkcd through. Garnish d o 11 op o C w h I ppc d plen(l(ul -rice, peas, l (6 o unce ) can 2 tablespoons trozen Yi po und frozen mlxturt•. Add to mato COO~ING: • with c:hopped parsley. t o p pi n g . Y ie lds 2 chkkWl, sausage and fr ozen o range juice chopped green pepper shrimp j Ull't.'. frozen peas, aarlk In m(.>d lum-slz.e baklng STRAWBERRY servings. pork -and simmered .----------------------------~------------------~-----:-----_._ ____________________________________________________________ ~.....;;;.._ ......................... .... them in a savory broth until the rice absQrbed the liquid and the meats were tender. ln seacoast towns, different kinds of local fish , whatever was available. were ~flcn ·"' aubstituted for the meat. Today, this he a rty dlah can be put together In a matter of minutes with read y -l o -u se lnaredlents fro m the freeier. Frozen chopped onion and pepper do away with the tedious Job of chopping. Froien shrimp means never having to remove shells and membranes. A rice pilaf and peas, also from the freeier. can be added right from the packages. Yo u wi ll also c ut actual cooking time if the paella is made in a microwave oven. Continue the Spanish BEEF (From Page C4) for about 12 minutes or until tender. During this cooking period, the moisture in the dish c ooks th e noodles to just the right ai.ge. The sour cream is not microwaved , but atlrred into the cooked "' cauerole. This way, it won't separate with the h igh heat. The sour cream adds that creamy tanginess whic h has made Bee f Stroganof! 1uch a popular meal. With this method of preparation, any number of beef recipes can be made. Using just a little Imagination, great meals can be create d b y ~ up bee! and the h\icrowave oven! BEEF STROGANOFF C~EROLE (microwave method) • 1 pound beef top round steak, cut 1-inch thick 2 tablespoons flour 'A ~teaspoon paprika 'A teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoon s Vegetable oil 1 cup beef broth 4 o unce s .egg ~es. uncooked 'A pound mush - rooms, sliced 1 tablespoon fine ly chopped parsley l teaspoon Dijon· atyle mustard \ii cup r eal sour cream , at r oo m temperature Slice beef top round a teak in strips 'A -inch thick. Mix flour, paprika, aalt and pepper. Sprinkle nour mixture over steak strips; toss. Place oil in bottom of 9 x 5 x 3-inch microwave-safe loaf pan; apread steak strips over bottom of pan. Cover with two taters of plastic wrap. Microwave on Me dium (50 pe rce nt powe r) 6 m i nutes, atlrrin!l every 3 minutes. Place beef broth In microwave-safe cup; microwave o n High (maximum power) 2 minutes. Stir beef broth. ea noodles, mushrooms, parsley and mus~ Into cooked beef stripe. Cover w I th plastic wt•r. microwave on Medium (~0 percent power) 12 minutes, atlrring every 6 mJnutes. Stir in sour cream; cover. Let atand 3 minutes before terving. u des+re<i, gamah wtth additional pa rsle y . Makes 4 ..-vinSI· • Partially freeze ateak t.o faciUt.at.e allclng into thin •tripe. ~=-: Nahn't 811.a Sweet, refreahlna 1rapea are Nature'• perfectly packaaed 1nack food. Plucked from the Item OM bJ one or u&en by the bMdfuL ...,_ an ·kind .• tht willdne, tao, •• onl1. 100 calorlH a WpNI. U J'OU'n ........ • me.& al .... tbllt =r·,';Ttlm:. =..1 adullll'al~ fnlh...... . BONDED MEATS BLADECUT 79 ~~~ ROASTLD • ?·BONE CHUCK ROAST lD 1°~ 8ondfCI llfff CROSS RIB lD 1 8~ ROAST ~Beef LARGE ENO lo-187 RIB ROAST l!OtlOfO 8Hf WHOLE lb.57 FRYER LECS Fresll PORK lD 1 47 SPARERIBS Ff'~ .PORK LOIN lb 1 67 ROAST Slrl04n Cut. J Lb Avg PORK LOIN Lb 167 SPARERIBS countfY Stylf llO(nd ~og~~· BEEF PA n1.:s"' 3. 98 POLISH SAUSACE ll 2.29 ~:!~!!~~l!~~?.E,~ •...... 1.09 ~~~.!!CON ... -1.69 CANNED & P/\CK/\GED r HARVEST DAY 79 BREAD . It"' & Honey ,. oz ~, • r BROWNBEIKPY 79 STOFFINC~~ - Htrb or Sage 12 oz I<>• • &Mon I~!!!'N~ PO~ATOES ••0110••99 r ~.~~~'~e.s~·. . ,. 01 IO~ 1. 23 Joan Anderaon Saved •11.45 CANNED & PACKAGED P9 LADY LEE AS i!~~t16 0Z ~ or DMlt'lrOwn pi.CHOCOLATE 119 • f.,~~ t20Z8'9 Sflnl Sweet pi TREE TOP 299 6 APPLE CID~ •tt rLADYLEE 63 PUMPKIN 29 0Z can• I~TER CHES~NUTS 1 01( .... 69 I~~~ & CHEOO~.~ IOI .31 .I~~ ~Y~~... "°'en .89 I ;~eN B~T~ .. or c .... 33 r ~~~.H~~~W C.RE~~ , ... 59 l ~ .. NJ~~s~A~T,~ ,.. 2. 79 I~~~!~;c2Ress1NC 1 ~9 Ol(MJU • ..or t ll o'O r~R~~~ ~OC~T .. o' "' 1 .39 roe~~~~~°' '"'2 .89 r DIAMOND PECANS •oci -2 .9 5 !Ll~Y'S ~M~IN. "°' <""• 79 I !!Su~~-NT ~TATOE~101 eo1<1.79 I r!~~T COCKTAIL I00(( .... 79 l~~~~~EO .M~K IJOI , ••• 44 f.EAGLE BRANO MILK .. 01 <.,, 1.09 . :Mm..,...., .... " ... "'.' . , . :\ v 10°/o off the pre-markea price! • All greeting cards. magazines and paperback books are automatically d1scounted..at the checkstand • Lucky is the only ma1or supermarkel that discounts books, cards and magazines • These are 1ust a few examples of Lucky's discount prices Magazines AfTM. WCICY PRICE PlllCE 1 TV CUIOE .SO .45 2 •PfOPlf 1.25 1.13 3 COSMOP<l.ITAH 1.75 1.58 RETM. WCICY PlllCE PRICE 6 LOS ANCaES 2.25 2.03 7 a.AMOUR 1.75 1.58 8 VOUCE 3.00 2.70 9 FAMl Y ~ .69 .63 .6S-.ss_,~ .45 .41 HOUSEKEEPINC 1.501.JS'" Paperback Books RETAIL 3.95 4.50 4.95 LUC'KY 3.56 4.05 4.46 RETAI. 5.00 5.95 Greeting Cards RETAIL .35 .so .60 LlJCl(Y .32 .45 . 54 RETAL .75 .80 1.00 . LUO<Y .68 .72 .90 RETAL 1.25 1.50 2.00 LUCKY 4.50 5.36 LlJCl(Y 1.13 1.35 1.80 CANNED & PACKAGED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS pi CRANBERRY 5 5 r PUREX 54 .. !~"~'~ 1101 c111 • ~EACH g, ot art • Str-Jlnecl °' W~ lltn"V rLAOYLEE 69 YAMS · · 290Z one COLO MEDAL 89 FLOUR la A" Purpose 5 IAG e LAOYLEE · 159 SUGAR 5 l• CranUattCI BAG I~~! TORTILLAS l ~~~'LEE C~IES uoi .. ,.69 !~~!Ym DATE~., .,.1 .59 r !!c~SHEY'S A~~,~, ... 75 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS I~~~~ ......... ··°'~ .. 85 r ~~~~. ~~~~~~., ... •.'01 ••• • 9 5 r~,~.Towns . , ""-cu.69 l~~l!!.~TERGE~J", 1 .39 r~~~ i.Ol ec•1.15 r KITTY QUEEN 32 CAT FOOD • Va-If~ ' Ol can e l ~J. .. <?NES '00 .. ,1 .39 r ZEE NAPKINS t_,.·~· ... • l«)tl .. c;.74· Key Buys mean extra savings. I Key 8u1s ••• 11ems phteel below tn..r ... ryday c11ac:oun1 pr~es aa • rttull ot manutac1u1e11 temPQ•ary promollonal allowan«• Of ••C•PllOnal P\llCl\I MS FROZEN ITEMS !TINA'S 25 BURRITOS •v~ soz "'9 • r COOKIN' BAGS ,_,,~-''" rPte SHELLS ' _!Oto, H I t llC1t ••• 1101 .. ,.89 I ~!.E.~AUB~T. •01I0•2.49 rORE·IOA POTATOES 99 'OIUOUO_ta_ ... I IOOf "'40o r APPLE JUICE ' -.ill ... 'CJ (Oll(ININtt " •IOI (Moo 79 r BIROS·EYE VEc;&TAaES 49 (_ .. A\Cl'lllo•fO .... I•" ..... llOI• l ~~STRA~! .. ,.99 QUALITY PRODUCE COLDEN SANANAS l lpe ftavorlUI REo .oeuaous 29 ~,!!l!~xrnFancv lb • FRESH BROCCOLI DELICIOUS SOU ASH T lltllf O\lftfl Butremut or Spagnetu GENERIC ITEMS ALUMINUM 96 FOIL _/ ~ ~Sf llOll . HOT COCOA MIX GENERIC COOKIES e>«-.. rr tNI' °'"•"' oe ""•t• CHER.RV PIE FILLING 11•.'eo.1.19 JOOl -.99 1'01CM •99 ~~BlE"~IAPE~~ -6.28 ~ENE.~1c ~~T~.NI~ CM 1.49 ~~E CR~AMER ma JN 1.29 CUT GREEN BEANS GENERIC CA TSUP FROZEN WAFFLES Cl ..... .. 01( .... 29 uo11n.75 "°'-.69 ~~~ORY, ~~TER~EN~01 ., •• 99 ~~~~~. ~1.~,. , ... , Ir 01IOI•98 DELICATESSEN ITEMS I!!!'-~N ~~Ml _ \101 ~3.89 !~!KEY B~OGNA ,.01 .. , 1.29 I J!!~~~ ~~~E~ ~~~~~ .. , .89 r ~~·.HOT LOAF . I001 _. 79 r ~T~A ~ES~ ••ot -1.19 r ~ME~ ~~NK~ .. 01 .. , 2 .09 r~~s llOI M 1.09 r KRAFT SWISS CHEESE 3 49· V.lttO ... nitAI •IOl"O • r BORDEN'S LITE LINE ~-lllOMt -139 _..09_....llA(V , 101 .. 0 o DAIRY ITEMS LOW AT MILK lalt'IL .. .... "186 ~~NIZED Mil~ r.-. ti\ 1,91 r~~ JUICE ... o, c,.1.69 •Ol t#e39 .ttofCnt 1.29 'roANNON VC>GlMT '''"""' r~~T 1 , ,)t 1on A WINf -- !WUI Fish & Chicken Dinner •2.69 Oet two great ta1tea In our Fl1h & Chicken Dinner. Each dinner has a crispy fish fillet end two tender whltemeet Chicken Pianka,• served with fresh cote slaw and QOlden f ryea. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa Uu•I 'MNlh ol !Mon 01eMO h•y' "'""' horn lctku 14715 Jeffr~y Rd. •I W1lnu1 j1111 c>ll .,,.,,,. 1111. lwr 1 lrvlne .: ''''" ,.,., v1ry 11 p11toclp1ll"I fotjtlon1. C011po11 IOOd OftfY 111 ~the•n C.li!ornt1 Whtie )Oii Ill th• mtmbtlllllp IOI ol tll• ltt11t..cky Fri~ Chlckt11 Anocl1tlon. Your Money· or Your Life . When you get right down to It, the ch oice Is yours. We'll give you the industry's finest professio nally a55lsted stop smoking program and you give us some of your hard-earned money. After flve consecutive two-hour sessions. we'll have you ·off cigarettes. Guaranteed. Or, you can ignore o ur program offer and continue s m oking ... and that choke may never be offered to you again. Introductory Seminars November 3. 4 and 8 at 8:00 P.M. Newport Beach-The Marrlott- Fashlon Island fullerton-Grlswold's- 1 SOO South Raymond . The Stop Smoking Center Reservations: (714) 768-42SO .t; 1982 Robert Mayo Stop Smoking Centers, Inc. Fresh. refrigerated dough already rolled out Just unfold and bake for a pie crust as flaky as home- made! • . -··-:---.. ... ~ . ......... . . . . '• ....... ... / i . . ........ ~ C 11121'\e P1"eoory Compeny ~ ' • \"' ~,':', :',( r::r• - ---------------.... ---·- 1111111.,. ... 11 SAVE27 ' I I 1. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Wedn .. day, November 3, 1882 c-"l -.. • • • ~ • • • e • • • • • • • • • • , • • • . : WI~ A · .. : S~r»~f )fJ f _) VACATlf )~ ·. : l~\TA~Tl"! : • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PLAY HIGH POINT'S ~· • . HIOH .flOHlf IWll,.fAllll IUlll MD llllTRUCTIONI INSTANT WINNER SWEEPSTAKES. ;f\ 'I Cl , IUh •<t ll t·llq I '10 ~~ ''"' ll)(•J •'lg (II II 1tnl 1n I l•Jlq iltb ioq 1•;rfJ Jnu .,,,, l'JW WOI !;')()[ ,,.,,. dlJll T ·hdb I n l l lW ~111 m1 lno •V•Jn b rl11 'i'J!1 •1011 bba """' v ,,.,,. ioq l!}jl'(J ') [8 111"1 ) 'IOl IJttlJ a 11~ ., ", IOON 'iJS1A , {IJj ' •11111 OG~--'\­ '11JW \ li I rl ~!)1'.) '\NAI b&m rb ua 'Ii ,,,,q l lo bAAt !MJf ". :> i----------------,.........----------------------------G'1 FREE* •EID COilPOI . ·. (V .. ., .. 75C) IY MAIL when'°" buY Welch's . and td. ID U&l llllllllU 1U1111D "HERE'S HOW: BUY: One 32-oz. or larger Welch's Grape Jelly or Jam and orie 18 oz. or la.rger J1f Peanut Butter. MAIL: This required certi~e and the net weight statements from orie 32-oz or ll1f99r Welch's Grape Jelly or Jam and one 18 oz or larger J1f Peanut Butter to the address below AEC£1VE:BymailaFAEEBREAOCOUPON(valueuplo75e) :--~:-~~-=~:-or-~~~~~- 1 mt fflEE llREAO OOUf'OH (WllUe I.IP to™' 1 l&I Piiie»"-"'*' en...iooe "'° """'° Wl:LCH'll.M' l'MIE eMAO : fc COUl'ON Off'UI PO BOX PMe33 El ""50 TEXAS 7911111 !~~ ~ ""' -1U 11 ~. AOOAE....,...,..,.,,..SS,.,,.....---,(Pnnl CiNriY-ewoper ,,....,, cleC>endS I ~ Oii a cornolele "'° CiO"ec1 --I :j CITY -I Nole I) °""' 0000 Otflt WI us A 2) 1l!IS CEATlf'ICATE MAY NOT 8E ' I MECHANICALlY REPROOl.ICEO ANO MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR 1 ==-----.,..--REQUEST 111 L11M one COUllOf' pet .....,. or adelrffl 41 Your ott81 I STATE ZIPCOOE ~....,, nd lie...._, or lr ...... tO SI°""'·~...,_., 31 1913 : fl ...... ..,..410l ....... lord111Naty 1 WELCH'S/JF FREE MEAD COUPON CERTIRCATE 1 '""AREA,..,.......,.cooe.,..,,.,,----,TE==-:LE==PHONE~.,.,,- (cath reclemplion vllue 1/20 d 1 e) : llJMd Ot'/ly w more clellvety Wonnabon 11 neecledl ----.------csave when you buy -• 1 • one any size • r . c • l I I I I ---· l?lin ~8 "' I00'1 1orh 1l'(Jt , '1 , 1m'1 12 &912 birfJ 1182 uot\ t l1J11 JJod s:>lm :>'lQ• uoc;I iliW C1W 19M '/O Q l'JIJ8 q 'llm ?I m arrl} •• •nlm u~ '1Mq 1'00'J J l w "Im Otl) ·nim 1nlm a VO? 1nlm b ll bb• il1M I l I l '10 Or ngo Co11t DAILY PIL.OT/WednHday, Novembtr 3, 1912 PomegraD.ates : a:f.e more than m e re decor a.tions HOME NEWS frcciur conto1m1r11 und alllmJ><'d cm tht'm. lan't p t-r cttnt o r pul•kuut·cl un 111•, :ind unyth111u not tlw anon· la M•lllng mc11t• pu1 t•h11!tt'<J, 11rnount tutt, ANO VIEWS chill In the n•frlawrator t her., 11 1 tat(' l u w produl'lll .,Id t1h10 mu1.i 111'111 pr1t1 •d on Ju11u11ry ltcmu1 unµrlrc.'(J thnn you unc.J w1i1I lfCI you huw h•ih twat and th1• stwlt lt1wl r will ruat. • By Dorothy Wenck bc.•ful'(l fr~'t·zlng. r<'qulrlng pricing, or am I huvl• the prlc:c.• on the· I IP77 frt·I u. h•ulllmutl', l'onv1•y :i r l' c· u rd u r yo ur Oraace Count)' remcmbt•rlnK It wrong? packuait• tlki(. or lht• ll'I pt•n1•1ll or y ou I ('OIH't•rn to ttw pun hll'l'!4 Q. Can you llU~t"il Home Advlaor QUESTIONS WE ARE , .. A. An old 11t1Hl' fuw ll1•m .. ln cluuud llrl' 1> wkuul·cl produc·111 lhnt mnn •Ul'r h l'ould tx· thn\ Q Cun I uro.t• my olc.J u wuy ttt n •movc: tlw 1u,t • • University of ASKED: rt>qul red ·p rlct111 to be.-tood11, pt•t food1. n\oHl can 114• 2'(11d without un 1lw lill)rt• 11 t1l1ll ln a Hll.llt· reMg1•rutor wlrt• s~ll'IVl•i. 1n 111 n 1 h u l _.I> 11 t'IH 11 Callforala . Q Th 1' pr«'t<'nl on pM·kogn paper a o o d • and ltt·rn pr It•('. 110nw l'Ull ht• of trun11lllon nnd pro1>4•1 us outdoor l'ook1ng will urnunu the-dram In th(' Cooper1tlve Exten11lon s u pt'rm or k <' t w tw rt• 1 w h l' n u u t o m a l I (' d e t c r I e n t t , no n -ut tlw grnc.'i.•1"1J d1sc·11111on pr0<••:du1 N hawn't bt'<:n rucks? ..iunk (.;h lc1111w blc.mt h hai. Ponwgranatc season Is s hop just installed tht• cquipmC'nt was used to pre11crfptlo n drugai , Ttwy'n• llkl'ly w lw labor 1mph•11W1Hl•d u11 y1·t. . , A No Appltu111:t• no t•Ht'<'t un It. here and if you've ne~cr aulomutic c hec kout rc.14Hl thl' unl vt•rsa l toi letrl ea, and 1101111• lnwn11ivt• lumis. A liNt of M<'unwhlll', not1• thul munufu<;tun•r s udvf11r . A Try soaking the· tried this colorful fruit syst<'m that rends th pr'CKJUC't c.•ode. This law othf'rs Exempt IH'nH1 unf.lrit'l•tl lt£>ms mwcl Ix-tht• salt'll U1pt•,. g1vt• you that n •/rlgt•rutor shclvc.-s .i.ta in with undilult>d and have an adve nturous cod<' prin.ted on lnbl'ls. t' x pi r l' d a 11 d w o i; tndudc lhQSt• t'<>Stlng l<'l.iS ~lt.od in the blort' m mplN1• 111fomwtlon tirc• not lreatt•d lo a~rb whilC' · vln~gnr. tht>n spirit , why n o t put l'vl'noti(.'('dthntmanyof replace'<! bya n<•w stutt• than 40'', Vt'ry smull lfyou cunClnd noNueh k111d uf prodUl'l, bnind, hct1l Tht• lacqut>r finish scrubbing ll uui with 0 pomegra nates on your .-lh--t>~l t_cm~s_h_u_v_e~no-..:.p_r_k_~~l~a~w~U~•~ld~t~·r_..;;.;.th~is~·~la~w~ •• a~~~it-l'_n~•s~,~P-rt_~_u_c_·~~•-h_ut~o_rc_·~ll-s~l ,~t-1n_c_l _1_al_s1_1_r_1n_<_l _t_h_u _t _w~t'~'g~h-1_0_r~sl_i_(>,~n-u_m_lw~r~w~i~ll~<~·o~n~ie~o~r~r~U~s~u~b~~~~-·1 _to~~b~ru~s~h=--___,,.....-~---~~ s hopptng hst'? The rosy-r od, hard. woody p et'I sh e l l t>l's seeds l'OJlta1n1ng a n a bundance of bral11anl red , un1quely-flo von •cJ JUin • that is used in makmg grenadine syrup and <'an also be made into a ~autiful j<!lly. Some J)eople buy this auraclive £rutt to use as a table decora t ion and nc•vp1· ,•at it because· it l 'lill lx· a messy hassle to sepa rall' the )uifil-filled seed s from the pithy shell~ So what else can you <lo with the juice-filled seed s besides eat them f rom the s he ll? So me JX.'Opll' serve them as an tnteresung addition to salads or fruit cups. To remove seeds from the shell, lift them out with u teaspoon, being care ful not to break the jukl' , sacs. A n o t h c r m l' l h o d , recomme nded in t he Sunset llomc Canning book, is to remove the seeds f rnm thc s h e ll u nder water. f'irst cut the crown off the s he ll and then score the peel lengthwise down the side in several places. Put the scored fruit in a large bowl o f cold water and let soak for at least five min~es. Then, working under water, break the sections apart with your fingers and, separate seeds from _Q_ulp. The seeds will siO)< to the bottom and the peel to the top as you separate them. Using a strainer, skim off the peel, then pour th e s e e d · fille d water thro ugh th e stra iner to capture the seeds. If you wish to remove the juice from the seeds for making grenadine syrup or jelly. there are se veral m e t h ods to choose from. The S unset canning b oo k r ecomm e nd s whirling 11/z to 2 cups of seed s at a time in a blender until liquefied, then straining th rough a c h eesecloth -line d strainer You can allow rt to drip through slowly or speed the process by gently squeezing the seeds 'and juice through ' the cloth. If you don 't have a blender. omit this step and simply place the seeds in a jelly bag o r cheesecloth bag and squeeze the bag. Another method is to u se an orange juice reame r and ream the h a l ves o f s h e ll s containing the seeds tn the same way as you s queeze o range s to remove juice. (This can be messy -do .rt in lhe s i nk !) Strain th e extracted juice through a cloth to re move loose particles. To make gre nadine sy r up with th e pomegran.lte juice. mix equal parts of juice and sugar and allow the· mixture to s tand for three days. Then bring It to a boil and simmer fi ve minutes, strain, pour into hot, sterilized jars and seal. If you want to store unswee tened p o m - egr anate juice for later use, it would be a good idea to freeze it. Heat the extracted juice t o 190°F (us e a thermometer), pour in to Brigh ten day J with grapes Sometimes, with the advent o f cool fall eveningl, when darkne11 comes a blt ear~r than we'd like, the dinner hour can uae a bit of brtahtenintf. Take 1'W" 1afad1 out of th• doldrwnl by ....,. In • handful or two of table "'T,·perk up your - favori.. rice pilaf by. addln1 h1lved and ...... ~ ......... with pOultry or limb! Try cooked Bru&1elt 1prout1, to1Hd with fre1h 1rape1 and llllOdMr9d In • tmOOth -Oii-" SIJW CROP FIVE ALIVE · TM , ll'tl!TI Oii COCA· COLA NOIPtlfTlllOlllDIO I ~j WMTI CWll TISSll Imperial 88C Margarine .• z4• .. at-....... _ ... BEEF BONE·IN CORNER-CUT 1= -• _..I Nucoa ..... 49c Margarine •. ICU IOClUNO ~ Sirloin 'ftp Rout ~ -zs• .. HOT ro vrcao no. fAr 11((1 l.OIN -rr:a..k ~ {r ~ BANQUET FROZEN Fried Chicken Lean ~&L llUF-80flEUll Stew Gl'ound Meat Beel Steaks •x•• lA •x7• IJI -z~ lA ·.:. 11.19 .-11.11 L6COO 11.71 L6COO 12.09 .. •2.a m· l .. ... 4 ~ \.! ,.._YHCOlOM Oll-n• IORTllRI TISSll .. 11.31 wuu-.. •1.u "*" __ ....,.. ~Dell _ .. _. ____ ••c ;:.I* .... .... ;.a.= ..... 11.11 H I 11.11 DUIGlllll BUWIY TOWELS -- Con1e'N~1 s .... I nn Get It ~ .&. • -,...., Chiff<.'n ~~ 78c Margarine ~' •1.21 ... -· ~-• • .'1.I ,,,.,t• S2.ll ,, .... '5.39 t,,,., •• u : ......... . ... '1.D .. _ .. ... •1• .. I' ··~.i ,·· --~~----wbH• eauce •• an ex1ra-1plldal veaetable. I I '• . ) .... Orange Coa•t DAILY PILOT/WednHday, November 3. 1982 . Use cornstarch for low-cal sa·uces, gravies By BARBARA GIBBONS For "1Ut'I~ und wruvlt' that arc culorh•·lltiht, think cornstarx·h 11uwad or Clour. Ont y :rn t•u lorll'll u \ablespoon, curnst.urch Is a super thkk<'nl'r that ca n makl• snucl'·Y toppll'\gs Crom lean ingred ients li ke fat skim med mc'at <;lripp1ngs, the rooking wuter from vegetabll's, fruit juicl'S and purees, or c:nnned or homemade fat -sk1mnwd broths. Savory suuces mudl' from lht'Se calor1e-ltght ingredienlS can save you from butter, margarine. o ur cream or sugary yrups. Cornstarch and flour have the sa me caJor1 c -<.'Ount -approx1matc.•ly '10 pe teaspoon and 30 per tablespoon but you nee.d o nly hair as much cornstarch as you would flour to thicken the same quantity o r liquid. Sa u ct•s based o n ~ornstarch arc glossy and transparent w hile Clour- th icken ed sauces are ,-ieavy and opaque; that's wh y corn s tarch is a better thicke n e r for 16riental-st yle sauces. glazes and fruit toppings wh e r e._ c 1 a r i l y i,s important. Cornstarch can· replace flour (and save calories) In milk-based sauces which a r e alreAdy opaque. There's no need to add butt e r , sh ortening, margarine or othe fats to cornstarch - based sauces. THICKENING WITH C () R N ST. A R C H - Here's how: Heat l cup liqui d l o b o iling (fat-skimmed meat 'uices, poaching liquid,, nn~d or homemade broth , or fruit juice, tomato juice, skim milk, or blends of broth. fruit juices or wine). In a small cup blend together: l tablespoon ornstarch and 2· to 4 tablespoons cold water or the r cold· liquid. Or shake the cornstarch and cold water in a covered jar until blended Gradually add the rnstarch blend to the immering l iquid , tirring constantly until the mix ture simmers. thickens, clears and eaches a full boil. Add easonings, flavorings. ther ingre d ients t o tas~. AU J US GRAVY hailing water mto the pan tha t meat or poultry was roasted in, raping well. Skim and discard all the fat that rises to the urface. Measure and aQd water or liquid, iC needed, to m ake 1 cup wine, canned broth, tomato or fruit juice): heat to boiling. Combine l tablespoon ornstarch with 2 to 4 blespoons cold water: lend smooth and s tir nto simme ring liquid ntil sau ce simmers, hickens, clears and eaches a full boil. 5 lories per tablespoon. WINE GRAVY - ollow the rule for Au us Gravy, su bstituting ine for the cold water. 5 calories per tablespoon. "SOUR CR E AM " RA VY -Follow the e for Au Jus Gravy. Stir 1 tabl es poo n ornstarch in to ~ cup plain lowfat y()f;Urt until blend ed smoot h . Gradually stir into immering liquid, just until mixture thickens clears. Remove from urger meal lwa t lmml'dlatt'ly. ~ ualorica per tableaipoon. ORANGE SAUCE FO R M EAT OR POULTRY -Jo"ollow the rule for Au Jus Gravy, s ubs titu t ing unswee te ned orange JUiee for port of the liquid. Or prepare as directed and stir 1 or 2 tablt•spoons undiluted defrosted orange juice coh centratt• into the thickened s auce . 6 1:alorles per tablespoon. 111 POLYNE S IA N SAUCE Uaf' uquul parta unawC'e lent-d pln~1i1pplc Jul~ and mt•at broth for the liquid . Scuon to Wtf wltfl aioy aauce and ground glt\jcr. 7 calorics per tablespoon. ~ATURALLY SWEET FRUIT "SYRUP " Defrost a 6-oun<.'<' can ot orange, pineapple, appltt, grape, or other fruit juke concentrate. Add 1h cup wuter and heat to boiling. Combine I tnhl 'llJ>oo11 c.'<.11 nt1wrrh Notua ully Swl'l'l F'rull MORE CORNSTARCH with '• t'l.IP ('Ol(J wuwr • • S y r u p . ' ' A d d 2 THICKENING TlPS1 and blf\nd amooth. tnbll'llflOons brandy or Combln<• I tt•uspoon Orllduully •tlr into thl• 1lmnwrJna fruit jul<·c, until mlxturt• 11lmnwr11, lhlckt.>n11, c lcara, an'd rcachl'll u full boll. Uae as ,a topping for pancukcs. Fre nrh toast, crept'S • .,}ce milk, frozen yogurt, frc t1 fruit, etc. Under 20 ca lorics per 1.ablespoon. FRU I T FLAMB E SAUCE -Prepare llll llURllT rum to tho thlckenPd sauc~ and carefull y ignlle the vapors with a long mat.ch. Spoon over lowfat ice ml)k. ·Under 20 c alorlt's per tablespoon. .. 1.•onn sta r C'h with 2. lublc·~poons cold water: 11 lir l nlo 8 ounces undrained juice-packed pint•npplc which has bt>Pn heated lo a bofl. Cook and stir until thick. Double Coupon Double Coupon Present this coupon along with anr. one Manufacturers' "cents off • coupon and-get double the savinga when you purchase the item. Not to Include "retailer", "free" or "groceJY purchase", coupons or exceed the value of the item. Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Limit One Item per Manutactul'9R' CocApon and Limit 4 Double CO\lpons Per CustCHMr Coupon eHec:ttff Nov. 4 thnl Nov. 10, 1112 Present this coupon along· wit.I!, anr. one Manufacturers' "cenfs off • coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item. Not to Include "retailer", "free" or "grocery purchase", coupons or exceed the- value of the item. Excludes liquor, 'tobacco and dairy products. Umlt One "em per Manutactu,.,.• Coupon end Limit 4 Double Couoons Per CustOfMf' ett.c:tlve Nov. 4 thN Nov. 10, 1112 Present this coupon a1q_eg with anr. one Manufacturers' · cents--011 • coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the Item. Not 10 include "retailer", "free" or "grocery pur~hase", coupons or exceed the value of the Item. Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Limit One Item per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 4 Dou~ Coupons Per Customer ettec:tlve Nov. 4 thru Now. 10, 1112 S<>r vf.' uvt.•r 1>t1nl'Uk<•11 or u11c u11 a filling for c.·reJX"'I (Or odd u pinch of grtund clovt> and dry mu11t.urd; t;(lrYt' with lepn IJllkl'<.1 ham). 10 l'ulorh.>11 J)('r t.ahlPspoon. 1'o k('(•p 11pught•tti 1uwcc from scµurn trng when it's sc•rvcu , combln<.> I Urnspoon cornstarch with u lltllc t.'Old Wat~r and stir il Into the spaihettl saut'C in the la s t few mlnutC>s uf cooking. Use cornstarc·h . . t() thlck1•n ' too·thln SpuHh<'l ll U(.'(i lOC> ThMwn ttw poac:hlng llquld trom t 11h or shdltl11h with <·orru.t.tu't·h Rl'mov<' from the h<>ol und udd ll'mon julet.i to lalltC Coo k or s t eam vege tables Jn fat · sklmm«d chick(•n broth; th(•n ,thicken the broth with <.'Ornst.arch to make u <.'IC'ar sauce lo scrvl' ovC'r the vegetables (ins tead or butter). Present this coupon along with anr. one Manufacturers' "cents off · coupon and gel double the savings when you purchase the item Not lo 'include "retailer", "free" or "grocery purchase", coupons or exceed the value of the item Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Limit One Item per ~anutac:turtrs' Coupon and Limit 4 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon etfec:tlwe Now. 4 thru Now. 10, 1982 Here's one gift you kno\i they'll use ... A Ralphs Clift Certificate r01mer John·SQlall SIM Fresh Spareribs USDA INp .QokHn riea:uum.llHf Cbuck 0 -Bone Roast 1.29 ~ 1.39 . "= 149 2.29 USDA lnsp -Golden Premium.IHI Round Sirloin Tip Roast ':' , ; ":. 1.99 si: L79 pq oU .49 l*9 oU . 99 a.-. .... ~ l'IOlll WllCONln Meeters Kraut ute.i!ne'Cheese Olco:r M(lfet ·Meal CIC · Beef Bologna &2• nn -.7..:Y "; .39 :.er: 1.39 i::;l.55 -Appetlt• lboppe Values_ Gourmet '-'llleed 6 99 Smoked Salmon* :J: . CarcmdoSC 2 79 Hard Salami** .J: • 58ddaiCil9ese··..r: 179 • • Avelllble •t ftalpft1 Appetl .. lhoppe OnlJ . --•1.1quorv-..---Fle°ischmaruis Girt".: 8.98 Pl.AIN WLV«> hoot 3 19 Vodka "°:: . i:°"'&J°Brandy "°:: 4. 98 • Call Gitt CertUlcat• Dept at (213) 605·4664 tor Oetmls ---Produce Values---• MUdsw- BIOwil Onions l'l••h Broccoli .15 .49 Red L.at Green Leal or 33 Butter Salad Lettuce "°e" • Juicy ' Thin Skin Lemons "°e" rr•lb C111pGffn land Celery eocb .39 .19 .. 33 -Penonal Care Yalu"••• lff\I kenl IO 01 llO Wondra Skin Lotion 1.87 r~ th• romlly 2 88 Johnson's Baby 011 a..:. • unrex Shaver s:,, .49 ' s r .. I - ' l \. '\ . . r. 1 la Orange Co It DAILY PILOl /Wodnoaday, Noven'tber 3, 1G82 au CalifOr:tiia has .. nouvelle • • cu.1s1ne elegance Chick~n au Calllotnia i a French •tyle dish capped with a 1ilky 1auct-and Simple but l'l1.•gunl d esc r i b es th 111 fulaginalive t hlc:kcn dh;h Prepared In the Frt•n<:h H y l c o f " n o u v t.' 11 l' <.·uls inc," C h it·kC'n uu ,. California is capp<'<l with • . a silky saut't.' ond 1Hudd1..J with Ca lif or ni a artichokes und sparkling ripe olives. Bone 2 chicken bn.•asts (or have your butch..r b o n e the r1\ even •• s imple r !) a nd p o und until thin . C ut into serving picc..•es, they an• . floure d a nd sautecd quickly. A smooth sau<.-c ' o f wine and cream 1s thicke ned by re duction 'and e nh anced by a rtich o k es a n d r i p e olives. Use them whole oc halved. A dish as spectacular as this o ne is liable to become a "spedalt)' of the house." Served with sunny lemon wedges lo squ ee ~e o ver each se rv i n g, this eye - Cpoking with class Fassero's International Cookware. 2919 E. Coast Highway , Coron a del Mar, is presenting a class on Holiday Microwave "''Trea ts, featurin g an abundance of ideas for ·. holiday entertaining. The session wi II be held Thursday. 7 p m ; cost is $20. Call 673-2343 for reservations. Fassero's b as a l so -sche duled a Desser t Buff e t c l ass o n Wednesday, Nov. 10, 7 ' p.m. Cost is $20, call store for reservations. • "Coun t r y Fre n ('h cooking demonst rauons by French-born cooking teacher Jacqueline Hahn will be held W ednesday and Thursday. Nov. 10 "and 11 , a t Robinson's Newport Beach S tore Hours are 1 to 2 p.m. both days. Guests attending th<.• d emons tration s mav register to win a thr~­ :" da y co urse a l th e 'Cook e r y a l the Cove 'I coo k i n g sc h ool 1n ' Northern California. -'$ Chpcoholics ,. ~!II judge best -mousse '· An ofCi cial chocolate m ousse recipe will be Q. selecte d S und a y for Too-Loose the Chocola te Moose, whose whimsical ~ portrait has been created by graphic artist Stewart Moskowitz. The lithograph print of a moose dripping in chocolate was insp1rallon '!' for fi ve finalists whose .. recipes were select ed from entries submitted d µr i n g R obi n son 's "'I n t ern ation a l Food Festival, which closed . this week. h A panel of celebrity , judg_es, in2ludmg Sally St r uth ers, star of "Glo ri a" (CB S -TV , Sundays a t 8:30 p.m.). '· w i l I m e e t i n t h e .. Housewares department .,,, of the S he rma n Oaks Store for the chocolate mousse taste-off . . , Other chocoholic.'S who ~ will judge the entries arc ~Mos ko witz h im se lf, ' Michel Richard, pastry c h e f and ow n e r of M i c h eJ._R i c h a 'r d Pat~e r ie ; D ia n e > Fre is t a t , c r eator o f ~ "Double Truffle" han - dipped chocola tes, d Nancy Silverton, ~ chef at S pago. Hobgoblins were busy ·making mischie f w ith •the croisaant recipe in , last week's Food Section. Delete d from th e \ lllltructions was a crucial Sragraph explaining w to handle the dough i.r Letting il ri.e. Here •!are the ml11lng lnatructiona: • l Punch dough down; 'refri1erate for 1 ~ ~ mlnutm. Divide dou1h ln .. half ; keep hall In ;i refrlaera&or. Divide l9nA1nlnl half Into two 1 plecee.. Roll ••ch Into• to inch dttle . ., each circle into 8 wedaft. Continue with r,•n1raph beglnnin1 'Starting from wide eMa.·· • uppeol1n g d10,h "'"'l W a mood of Its ow11 C HI CKEN CALlf'ORNIA A lJ 2 hn·ust!'> of d1lt-k1•11, split, s k11u1t•d 01111 l>1.11wd Solt und f.>C.'pp.•r !''lour 1 I l'UIJ UUllt•f' 1 , <'UP whltl• wlnl.' I l'4P hc.•avy crt'lllH or <Tl'ITit' fraidw l I 0 -oz pncke.g1• l'roZ<.·n 1u·t1l·hokt• h1•arts. l'Ollkt'\I dlHllll'tl I l'llp p l lll1ll r ip'' 11llws. w ho!\' 01 hulw d L1•mon Wt'tl~'·s Pound t•hll•k1•n br"UNl hd Wt'l'll WliXt•d l>llfX'r lo · '• 11wh lhll·k, <'Ul 1•uch inlo' :J p ll'l'l'll. Sprlnklt• • wjt h 'sui t n nd pe ppe r : cool Jl~IHly with fl ou r. Sautt• <:hkk~·11 ~ulckly in butlt'r over nw dlum high heat, turnmg ohcl' until guldt•n brown. Remove• to plult1•1 onc.J k cc•p "'Hrn1 A<HJ W lfll' 1rnd ('r<.'Um tu 11klllN, 11lmm<·r until 81l UCC lhic:kN\~ (4 lO 5 m1n u t <>11 ). S tir In ur\11·hok\•1S nnu ollv<.•s. Scrw Sl.IU<.'C with chk kcn allo wing :3 c:hl,·k e n• rn<'dllll lons fo r e a c h 1u.•1·vlng. Sc•rvc le mon wedges lo squccw over each st•r v1ng. Makes 4 Sl•rvings . ••• tudded with artichokes and ,.ipe olives . ••• • BOlllLISS · RUMP ROAST .~·~~t.89 FRllH CATALINA . 4 9-8~ -.-a .. a IOHN PORK SKINUSS LINKS ~~~!~~s~:~~-~~~:·~D~~~~F1ters ... ~ Pp .. 2.29 .•• ~·~~0• 59 ' . DOWN~-~ ~ sonENER SWEET All.IOU PIARS - 96-0Z. INCL. 50< OFF t8 .39 ~-s.•• .... , • uouo•• .. e FlltNCH COlOMIMO e CHtNIN ltAHC • C41fltNIT S4UVIGNON . 2!.! ~--FALL HARVIST OF CHI.SI ¥ALUIS---... AMERICAN SINGLES 12-0Z. HUGHES CHEESE FOOD 29 24 01. PARKAY_ MARGARINE WlllON OIL 1-LB. STICK PKG. ··~ -'CRA.NBERRIES 12-0Z. PKG. , Nrw C'llO' 1) II SACll 7.29 11.oz. MIJ'.UO A(A UN\flUCl •pl i.11 KOKUHO RICE ...... . PICKLED PLUM ,M01111:4•c;• 1oru 10 l Ol IO• ••• ...... •u •u .... riN '"~"' Mt' l oz i,& I SbV Bf-AN CURD RAMEN NOODLES VAAo\AM010VAMA 16 Cl I A<; .71 .49PKG NllYAKO ~llTAlt 1.()1 "10 I 31 GENMAICHA DRIED MUSHROOMS • • ._., l"(I Jt Oft AQUA RlllH 1091HllAl11 ~r.:n• n••IDAY. •anm•-11 ~ASE CHICK JC)Ult LOcA\ STOii Po. HOURS • I • MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE FROZEN FLORIDA CONCENTRATE ..,,,· ~ ,/\. ,. ·:::'·~ .. ~ ._ .. ~_ .. ·I!~ CAN PKG .89 ~--aun .... IOR.llllllG 2·~1 SALE 011 . COLOll Plltll' · GOOD THltu NOV. 10 • r_, MllC NOTICE MUC NOltCC MllC lll>ltCL YOU AM W Dl'AUL T UNOIU . Rl'°"'1 Ofl CONDITION DI ID O' T It U IT DA fl D NOTICE OF DEATH or ConlOlldatlng dO/"lltlc 1ub1tdl1tl•e o l 11'11 liberty ::i:=:c~-::·.=\:~' Al.BRED C. OILLEN AND Nallonal Bink of Huntington BHc h In th• 111ta of YO"" '"ONHY, IT MAY .. 0, p & TIT I CJ N T 0 CltlfOfn&I II tn. OIOM of buaaftMI on Sept.mber 30. eo&.e AT A PUatC aAll. •YOU AOMlNlSTU ESTATS NO. 1H2 ~ In retponM lo call med• by Comptroli.r =~:: ~.::C:'o: A 1~!'!~ helni. bc!rwftclANI, of t~ n Currency. under tllll 12, Unlt•d St1t11 Code, AQAINlf YOU.1. YOU IHDULO credllurt and contl~u nt S.Ct 0 1e 1. OOMTACf A uwvn. Cherter number 113CJI N011CI Of' T•UITll'I ULI crt!dl~l'B of Alfn'<J c. llf'n AlllTI T.8. .... Mll4 and "f>or.on• whu may b() NOTICll 18 ~EAE1V OIVEN. 11111 othurw~· lnt~l'hll'<i In lhc on Wed~y. Novenib« 11. 1tea, wUI and/or l! \.Ito: ltetetfteftt of "9eourc11 end Llebalttlff Thouaandi of .. 1.,. 11 t1>0 ° olooll 1 m ol Mid o_ay, It! A ti l on hlil bt'l•n fUed ~~= ~ U:-:i.:='=~ by Mary 1 C llhm In th\! Cuh due rrom de009itory ln1t1tut1on1 8.808 REA l ES TA Ti: s E cu R tT tu Superior Cou r t of Oran at· Obllgatlori1 of othef U 8. Gov't, S!AVICI!. 1oca1.ci ~· 2020 North County r equl.'s llni th at agencle1 and corp1 .................................................. 2,404 !'Oldw1y. ~.!.'.• 20e1•01n tile C~y OI Miu'" 1 Giiien ~ iappolnled All other securities ......................................................... 150 .. an11 Ana, ......,nty o t1119t, ot111 " F d I f d Id d lt1-o I Oetilornlt , SAN MARINO u per~nal reprtl11Ct1t11\Jve I.Cl a •re un I ao an aecur .. 1 s Av 1 Na s AN o Lo AN adminlftcr tlrti estnh' of ·purchased under agrMm•nta ASSOCIATION, a C1lllornl1 Alfred C. Gillen (undl'r lh6 to resell ..................................................................... 1,315 c;orporauon. 11 duly ippointed lnde""ndenl Admm 111tra1lon loans Total (excluding Truel" undlf •nd pur~1n1 10 llMI ~ , '_ .. power ol 111, c:onterrtd 1n 1h11 of EstatMl Act). 1 ht> pctlOon unearn...., Income , ............................ 9,35e _ cw111n OetCI ot Truat 1atcu1ed by Is set for hearing In Dept LHI: Allowance tor RICHARD BAOcAR, •n unm91rr11d No. 3 al 700 Cl111c Center Potslble loan IOSffS ...................... H 18 man, ~dt<I IOl>lt l3, 1 80, in "-' W I h C f L N t "" 338 Book '3717 or Offtelel Aec0td• or u• .ve. est. n t e ny o ~.. .oans. e ............................................................ •· 1110 county. 11 p 1g1 110 , Santa Ann, Cal ifo rnia o n Bank premises, F.F.& E .. etc ..................................... t.043 R«:ordef'• 1n11rumen1 No. 10510. Deeembt•r 1, 19112 al 9:30 All other assets .. : ........................................................... 370 by rea'°:' 01 • br~:~.0,:c~':r':~n a .m . TOTAL ASSETS ........................................................ 24,228 ~:lro:~lo~r. P,e;c~red thereby~ IF YOU OBJECT to lhe LIAalUTIES Including lhll brHCh or dlllult, granllng Of tht~ pclilion, YOU Demand deposits Of lnd1VldU81S, Noia ol which w11 r~ordea July should either appear a1 the partnerships, and corporations ............................ 3.961 21. 1ea2. •• Aeeofder • tnatrument h earing and state your Time and savings deposits o f Individuals No 12·25269•. WILL SELL AT obj ec tions o r file w rlue n hi d I ' PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE ' . I h h partners pa, an corporal ons .................. -....... 12,991 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH obJCCllOns w t t e ~url Deposits o f United States Government ..... ,. ................ 38 11wtu1 money gt 1tw United S111es. before the h earing. •OUT Ce .. lf'-.. and offl_,•• "'he<::kl ' 418 Of • c11ht1r'• check d11wn on • a aranee n\8 be In person 'I .... .... .. .. ..................................... .. a11t• or n1llon11 oink • "''' dt ppeb y Total depe>alts '" ......................................................... 17,408 • or Y your a u orney . Total d•m1nd dep'oslts 4 417 ft<lerlt crtdll union, or • 1tat1 01 I F y 0 U A R E A '"'"'"""""""" ' ledtt11 .. v1ng1 and toan 1110f'l1llon Total time and savings deposits ..... 12,991 domlCli.c:t 1n this stall, 111p1yabl1 11 CREDITOR or a contlng<'nl Federal funds ~hased and lht lime OI sale. all rlghl, Ihle Ind creditor Of the dt'('('ased YOU 1n1er111 held by 11. as Tru11ee. In musl file your claim wuh the securities ao er agreements , 1h11 r111 property 111u11t In 11td n or pr-sent It to lhe to repurchase .......................................................... 1,919 Counly •nd Stall, detcrlO•d .. cou " Al other llabllltl-246 1o11ow1 personal represe n la live "'" .......... , ............................................... . wuHl9fT A" appointed by t h e court TOTAL LIABILITIES 'AllCIL 1: within four monlhs from the (excluding subordinated "Otes • Loi 112 ot T11c1 No 9423. 11 d a te of first Issuance of and debentures) .............. u .................................... 19,573 :'16;~ ";;: 0"':~ r~or~~ ~ 6~ leuers as provided in Section EQUITY CAPITAL Ml1ct1t1neous Mapa, r1oord1 ol 700 o f the Probate Code of Preferred stock Orange County, Calllornla. California . The lime for No . shares outstanding None r EXCEPTING THEREFROM Ill olt, (iling claims will nol expire Common stoct( oU rlgtlll. minerals. mlner1t rtghll, · N h h 1z n11ur\1 gas rtghla and 0 1h11 lo four months from the dale o. s ares aut or ed 800,000 hydrocarbon sublten<:es below • of the hearing noticed abo'\le. No. ahares outstanding 500,000 ........................ 2,500 <1ep111 o1 500 feet under 1111 ~ YOU MAY E XAMINE Surplus .......................................................................... 2,493 or tend herein above d11crlb1_d the file kept by the court U Undivided. profits and reserve w11nou1 Ille nghl ol aurfaee entry . · ,AJK:IL 2: you are mlereated in lhe for contingencies and o th8' An 111ctuslve easement for estate, you may rite a requesl capital' reserves ...... -................................................ (388) Orange Coatl DAILY PfLOT /Wedne1day, November 3, 1082 ·11 ~ "*IC NOTICf. "8.IC NOTICl .. OTICI INYITIMO lel T·1tiUI NOffCif IS HfHllY 01\f(N lhll NOTICI OI T"UITll'I IAll M11iH ptOl)OUI• ""ill be r~llM l>y .... ,., .. lhe Cllt 01 C0tl1 M.., II tM Ollite YOU AU IN Ol•AU6. T UMOIA A el 1M OMy Cltfll 11IMCityHell,11 DnD Of' TMltT OATIO MAY I , '"' Otlyt, COf1I M ... , CaiifOfl'lll 1•1. UNLlll YOV T~TION untll •h• 11our ol n 00 • m • TO "OTICf VCMll ltT't', o.c..mw ••. IH2. at WfllCh Omt " MAY .. IOL.D AT • ~JC lh,.1 ""111 lie O,,.ntCI publlCI)' and I A L I . I P V 0 U NI I D A N tlad ••ow Ill lhl CO\lncll Ch1mbef1 •• ,LANA TION o• THI NA Tu•t for F UHNIStU NO ALL LABOR, O• THI 'llOCllDINQ AOAINIT MA lfRIAllt rOUfP MENT , YOU~.!!>U IHOULD CONTACT A TRANIPOHfA ION ANO auoH LAWypr OTHIR J'ACILITICI Al MAY li'f. Qn 1111 20th OIV of No~ember flll!OUllUO TO PROVIOI 'AAK 1tt2. •• 11141 ho.Jr ol I 1 00 1 m . 11 C 0 N 8 TR UC I I 0 H 0 N AN 0 lht Ith lltHI 1n11111Ce ol 1111 MW A E l A I I 0 I r R E E T I M • Cov111y CourlllOuM loc:lllCI II 700 PAOVtMl!NT5 FOR VISTA Civic C•t1l1t Ottv1 Wffl IOfm«I)' PAAK -nowl\ et 700 WUt 8th 811HI , "*IC ircc •1ef1fi0Ui ..... NAiii lfAf,_NT Yllt IOllO'#lllll peteont Afl OOtng l>u .. t\11 .... D t L IUPPLY COMPANY. ~Ha. Avoc;ado l•r-' COtll Mela. C111t0tn11 t212T 0.00.• • H1n11 3&0. No H2. AYOUCIO '"'"· Co1ta Mtu. C111lorn111 t28'7 Leurl M11w1111n, 360. No H1. AVOCICIO 8 Htll, COiia M•U, C11t1orn11 82027 > Th11 but1'11tt 1• cooduCltd by 11 l)8flllfll PtlflnlllhlO 0.brl I Hlrlll Laull Maik.,ltll TNt llaltmenl WM hied with lhe County Clerk ol Ot1nge County on NOYttrnl>er I, 1812 •ao1012 Publl1h1d Orengt Co.11 01lty P1101. Nov 3, 10, 11. t•. 1082 • 089-82 A Ml OI pltnl, 1peclf1CtllOlll. \1\(1 lllUllld 1n lht Cny OI 81n11 Ana Olhet cOlltrtcl dOCUmelllt Mly bt County Of Ortrllj t . 8U••• o l oblllfntCI 111 1h1 o lllet o t 1n1 C111torn11. CO,..,TINfNTAL o.i>•rlmtOI OI Lel1Ur• Sttr"._~·· T1 AUXILIAHY C:OMPAN'I' A C•lllo1n11 Fair Orivt, Co1t1 Me ... C ... tornlt, Corporol1on. H TruttM vndtt Offd upon r-1pt OI • non11lund•ble,.. ol l rull' 011tO Mey 8, I 98 I 01 ICI 00 II blO(lltl rftQUlllU""' UICUlld by JANNA M FELICIANO, PUBLIC NOTICE and 1p.c1t1C1Uo11a be milt , lh' en unmarrltd women ~ rilCOfClld 'ICTIT""'• 9UllN«ll cnar~ wm tit 17 SO Pit Ml on M•y 11, 11111••111e1rumtn1 No • ,...... Eecll bid 91\All bt mid• on Ille 129'°. OI OllJcJal Rtc<>•Ot Coun1y ..... ITATa•NT propoul torm Incl In llMI m111ner of Or1ngt C111101nt• given 10 TM lotto•mg pettontJ 1r1 OOtnQ pro y t d • d In I n t c on I r 1 c: I HCure •n 1ndeblldnt .. Iii tevor of butlfleM u doc um 1n11. t n d 1h1 It b t Bank ol Amt1lc1 Nallontl Trull ooo ALL PACIFIC FJNANCIAL, 44 1 1¢com.Panled by 1 cent1t1d or S•vlng• A110W11ton, , na11ona1 N Newport 81vd Sutte 203, ca1hl1r 1 olMtck or • bid bond tor banking 11soc1111on, by ra11on or Newport e..c;h, CA G2&e3 no\ , ... lh•n 10 percent ot lhe ""' bteOCh of lht Obllg11t10111 JOHN K DJAHANGtRt, 8601 1moun1 ol 1h1 bldl. made P•V•blt .. ourtCI 1hor1by. no11c1 01 wn1cn1 L•rthorn, Huntington Btac:h. CA 10 lht City ol Co111 M"• wu rec;ord•d on Jun• 30 1082. aa A?ll46 Th• Conll•C:ICV lhltl, In th• tn111umen1 No 8:1·2:l4270 UI GEORQ{ ISKANDER, 8591 f,ertormenc:a of lhe work anCI Oltlclll Record• ol 111d 0 11nge l 1tlho1n, Hun11ng100 Buch, CA mprov1mtn1a, conform 10 1h1 Couoly •nd mote 1h1n 1h1t1 92648 Labor Code or the S111e ol montn1 111v1 et1p11d 11nc1 1uch Thie bullMlt 11 conducted by• C11Uorn11 1nd other tews of Iha r1cordo11on, wilt 1111 11 publfc lttntled Pllt11411NP s1111 of Cellforn11 1ppt1cebl1 1uc11on 10 tn1 hlgh111.01dder tor Jonn t< Dihlf\01 lfl 11Mtr110. wllh Ille exctplfon ontv ol cash or a cashier's cfleck d11wn on This allllt'llttll waa tied wtlh lht such v1rl11ion1 11 may l>I requlrt<I s 111te oJ neuonal bonk. s 11110 or Co~mly Clerk ot Orange <:ounly on under llMI •PtCl•I 1111u1ea' pur1u1n1 ltde11I credll union or a 11111 or Oct. 11. 1082 • F1"30t PubtlaheCI Orange Co111 Oalfy Plloi, Oc:I 13, 20. 27, Noll. 3, 4435·82 • MLIC NOTICE MltC NOllC£ '1Cflft0U8 SUaMaa MAMllTATlflllNf The l~ong l*IOM 111• dv•llQ llUlll ...... THC AtN1.Al. IP(CIAltllt SO IS I To.n Cal\111 Dr1v1 11(, L•n• NfOUll Cet;IOfnll 02111 N1gu11 A11oct1111 Inc; 1 C8'1for111• c0<f)0!'1llon, 30131 fOwfl Canter OtlYt 136. l eQUlll NIQuel C1hforn11 02671 I fhll bUtJl1Ht It Ct.llldlKl,ci by I CorpotlllOtl NJQUll Allt«lltltt lr\C Rl<.h1td 0 H1111.on, Prffl<llfll tn11 """"'"' w•• Med with 1n., County Clttk of Ot tngt Coutlly on ltpttMl>er n tN2 •11'1Mt PublltlltO 0fl'1gl Co111 0111)' P1101. OCt 20. 27, Mov'3, 10 1082 • 4~91·12 PUBLIC NOTICC "CTITIOUI IM.ll .. 11 ...-1un•1n 11141 tottowlng persona ere ~ bultnlel •• IMAGE MICRO. 22&3 B Pomona, Co••• Mtu C1lltorn11 02Cl27 Cn111tt1 Notn1n SymmonCla 2263•B Pomon1. Coat• M111 C1llfornl1 9282 7 Lindo R•v• Symmonda, 2253-0 Pomona, Cotta Me11, C1lllorn11 92627 Thi• butlness It CondUCll<I by II o-•t p111nera111p Linda AaV" Symmonds Thot ..... men• WU lolld Wllh llMI County Olltk of Orange County on October 18, 1982 •1•10 Publlahed Orange Co111 011fly Pilot, Oct 20. 27. N'ov 3, 10. 1982 • 4l>Cl3·82 MLIC NOTIC£ to whlc;h proceedings hereunder 11e lederel aav1nga and loan 111oc1a11on taken 1nCI which have not betn domlclle-0 In lhlS 1101e, fp1yab1e 11 su1><1rHde<I by the provlsJons ol tne 11mt ol stle in lawful money ol the Lsbor Code P11t1r1nce 10 labor Unllt<I Stetea of A1nt11c1) wllhoul lhlll be given only In llMt m1nnlf coven1n1 or warranty 1aprea1 or provlo.CI by law 1mpOtc1. as to ltt ... possession or No bk:l anlll be conlldlfed' unllsl _t_ncumbrancea the 1n te1111 FICTITIOUI •UStNESS FICTITIOUS au ... 11 II It mldt on I fC)(m rumllhed by conveyed 10 and now held by the NAME ITATtMlNT NAME STATEMeNT tht Clly ol ~II M111, end 11 midi 1111d Trustee und1r said DMd of Tne IOltowlng persons are dOlng Tiie IOllOwlng petsont 111 domg In ICCC)(d1nc1 with the prov1S1on1 ol T 1ua1, 1n 1no 10 the lollow1ng business 11 bu~nn• 111 lht propOHJ requlte<nentl. desc11bed ptQOe11y tlluated 111 lht BAS HFUL PALACE. 228' 1 -DAVE'S 'WAENCH IN TYME Eacnblddermuatl>lllC8fl~and County o r 0 11ng1 S1111 ol C teude Circle , Lake Foresl, 2C5 Fischer S1ree1. B·1, Co1111 allO prequ1lltled 11 required by law C111ifolnl11, 10 wit Calllornla g2830 M1111, CalilC)(noa 9262CI The City Council of 1n1 City of EXHlalT "A" Bever I~ Krllnleln, 226• 1 Dov1d William Fulbrtghl, 2.3151 Coate M1l9 1ea1rvea the right to Lois•• and •5 of Traci No 57, In Cleude Clrcte, lake Foreit. Loa Ali101 r: 152, Ml11lon Viejo rejeel any or Ill bids. the Clly ol Co9'11 Mesa. Coun1y ol Ceutqrnle 92Cl30 C11ilorn11 92691 EllNn P Phinney Orenge. State ol Callforn11, 11 Peggy Jo Moo r e , 3 14 'It Mol>I .. Mechanl11. 1 C1lllorn1a City Cle<k ot llMI allOW!l on• m1p 111erool recorded In Diamond, Balboa talend. Cilolornla corpor11100. 245 F11ch1r Street Cny of Coste Miii book 10, page 3, M11cell1neou1 92662 e.1. Cosll Miii. Cehlornl• 92626 Published 011ng1 Coetl 011ty Map1 record5 ot .. Jd County This bu$1,_1•11 conducted oy 1 This tuSlntsS IJ conduetld by 1 P110I, Nov 3. 8. 1082 EXCEPTING THEREFROM LOI 44 general Plllnftlhlp hm1tl0 p11r1ne<1hlp 4860-82 1n undivided one-halt interest ol 111 Bevefty Krltulem David W Fulbrtghl ------------olt and mineral rights In •nd under This llllement was hied wllh the This 1111emen1 wH fifed Wl1h th• lhl EHi natl ol u ld t1nC1. as County Clerll ol Oraoge Counly on County Clerk ol Orange County on PUBLIC l«>TICE reaervld In the dl6d lrom Grec;e M Octol>« 11, 1982 Stplember 28, 1982. Brinkman, recor<Sed Mey 8. 1952, In , F1"3e1 F111502 booll 2326, page 4 I 2. Olllcl1t Publlthed Orange Coast Dilly Pubhthed Orange Coo11 ODHy ~r'~fr= ~.~,~~.1fo with .the cour.t lo receive TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL .......................................... 4,655 1111 Declaration 01 Restrlellona tor s p ec 1 a I n ot 1 cc· o I l he TOT AL LIABILITIES AND a 1Jtl7 I..& the Lake Master Anoclallon. in ventory of es1a1e aiisets EQUITY C APll'AL ................................................. 24,228 NOTICE Of PUeLIC SAU R41cord• p IOI N 3 10 17. 24 1982 Piiot Ocl 20, 27, Nov 3 10, 1982 Attention 11 directed 10 llMI lac;t 1 ' ov · · ' ' 4443.92 <4627-82 1h11 1111 oil. etc . la excepted lrom 1he dtec11pllon In lh11 guarant11 ------,111-NO_T_ICE_____ IMmtlC NOTICE and any policy Issued In lht name ot 1 ____ ,.._UIK._.n. _______ l·----'"UIK.-------- 1 purChlHr II 11 1111 under Hid 'ICTITIOUa _,..... FICTITIOUS aUSINEll Deed ol Trust wlH 1teo conllln .. Id NAME ITATU•NT NAME STATEMENT oil 1xcep110n The rotlowlng peraons are dOlng TIMI fOllow.ng pe1son1 ere doing Th• address or other c:ommon business 11 t>ualntu u . dealgnellon, II 1ny, ol the rul CARTE·TUNES PUBLISHING, LE BALLET PALLAS. 12942-A prop1r1y described 1bov1 Is 177 Rlverelde Ave,,Newport Beach, Magnolle Avenue, Sulle 78, Garden purported lo l>I: 301·307 Avoc:edo CA. 92663 Qrove, Cellloro•a 926• 1 SHHI. Coll• MIU, C1tllornl1 KEVIN KREIS. 11602 E. 2071h, LE BALLET PALLAS INC , a 92627. the undeu lgn1<1 Trustee Lakewood, CA C1lllorno1 corporation. 12942·A dlaclatms 1ny ll1blllly for 1ny CRAIG MILLER. 527 Rivera, Mlgn()h• Avenue, Suite 78. G11den lncor11ctn1u ol the 1ddr111 or Seal Beach, CA 90740 Grove. Cettfornia g2641 "t oth« C91'!mon detignallon, II any BRIAN TANNEHILL, '1516 Thia butoness IS conduc:led by . anov.n herein MIPfedlll. Norwalk, CA. 90650 corl>O'•hon 11 the alores1ld proper1y hit no .This bu$1neta 11 conducted by a L• Biiiet Plllu Inc 1u111 actdress 01 other common gener-aJ pertnersNp. Jean Bare, """'."' recorded September 19, 1977 1n and of the peutions. accounts MEMORANDA • M NlllONM. "'°""T't' book 12392. page 1265 of Ollocill a nd r.e porls d esc ribe d an Amounts outs tandiru. as of report date: (UftllwtYI ~I Reoofds. IS carl)Ot'l IP-CP 112 $ e c ti 0 n l 2 0 0 5 0 ( the t db le 'f,. edit 65 In lhl Mllltr ot· Rlng Btolhert Slkl easement ·Is lurthet defined . . · I 81'1 Y tiers O er , total .................................... Mll\lglMlfll Corpor1hon. P111n1lll, anc1 delcrlb9d 1n Attlell 11 01 lllkl California Probate COde. We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness o f Vttrsus Eatth Foods Corpor111on. • 01c111111on. 1nclud1no Parking P a a I IC o D a p e I s It "f , this statement of resources and llablllties We declare Caltlornle corpor111on. 0e1encs1111 -si:,~clL~· Attorne"f at Law, 1550 that It has been examined by us and to th.e best of our Case No 38-07-90. Superior An non-9xc1us1ve 11semen1 for Cltestnul Street, Santa Ana, knowledge and bellef Is true and' correct. g:r;n?:-in•y 01 Orange. Sl•le 01 uM end enjoyment of Lota 237 and Callforala 92701. Telepllone: Robert w. S mlley NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 238 ol seld Tract No. 0423, 191d 541·5lt7. J 0 H _.f Id pursunt lo Secllon 1088 ol 1h1 Civil •-I l>llng further defined end PDbllalled Ornrtf Coasl Dilly ' on a, 1 e er Code. Sllll ol Catllornla, the ducrlbed tn Article II 01 the Pllol, Nov. l, t, It, ltH Phil S. lnglee un<ltrllgned wltt NII at publlc 1111 Olclar•llon of Restrietlons, refen'ld , Ult-at Directors by com1>4111ttve blddinB on the 22nd '0T":i:a::::,•~; .. , or other P\&IC NOTICE I, James 0 . Ott. of the above -named bank do hereby ~~~~~~:i.:~O: common dttlgnallon 01 the rHI declare that this RePort of Condlllon Is true and correct tlk:I property ,.., l>llfl stored •nd 'Property neretnat>ovt delctlb9d 11 ·NOTICE TO CMDtTOfll to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' which .,. 1oca1111 11 2062 eu11ness purported lo !Ht: 128 L1k1plnt1, °" auuc TllANaf'aA T James 0. Ott Center Or ' Sult• 100. Irvine, trvlne, C1lllornla. ~~NMSFE~~LCTIONOHOLTICO Pub11shed Or1nge Coast Dally Pllol, Nov 3. 1982 C1tllornl1, the 1b1nd'oned gOOdt, ii Clfllgn1Uon, dlrectlona H to llOW 10 Kevin Krell Presk:len1 IOCllt such prop111y may be Thi•'"'""""'' WIS filed w111\ lhe Thlt ltllemlfll WU flied Wllh llMI-.; __ _ 0011lned from the Bontlk:19'y under County Cltrll of Orano• County on County Clerk of Orange County on The und e rsig ned hereoy '"'" ",. -· 4825·82 ch11t1la, or p1r1onat property dlaclalms all llabltlty tor 1ny aEVEAAQE LICENSE described ti loltowa. 1ncorrec1ne11 In.aid slreet address (lec:1.11101 .. 107 U.C.C. IMID•tC NOTICE ..... ,IC NOTICE One S--gatton Sparkllll• wit.,, H id Oeed or Tru111. II WhOH Oct "· 1982 October 11. 1982 requetl the 1at1 l1 to be c;onducled. ,,.,.. F1ta10 ~ur1u1nt 10 • wrtllen requHI Publl1h1d 011no1 Coast Dally Publilhed Or1nge Co11t Dally or other c:ommon Clfllgna1i0n and 2401S-7• •a It Codi) _ l"UIK. ----'"-UV'---------one couch tno cuahlona). tour Said Siie will be m1dt wl1hou1 Notice IS hereby given !hat• but11111-----.,....---1-.-----'ICTITIOUa au.,...11 chairs, one 91111 end table, one w1111n1y, upr11a or Implied, 'tr1n1ler. Including •n atcohollc NOTICE Of' TRUSTEE't IALE NAME aTAft•NT credenza: one dHk; aecr11ery, re91rdlng llllt, poueHlon. or beverage lk:41nH. 11 •Oout to be ... ~ The following Plttoh 1, dolng wut1b111te1, three box111 computer encumbra nces. to 11111ry the made ol l.hal certain Poua Par'?' ~YOU AM IN.Da'MILT ~A A ousl,_. II: ~. t~ fife MC>llllllB; MVltl prlnclpel b1t1nce ol lht Noll or ~ knOwrt IS OC::SPEAAOO 6 DEID OP' ntuaT DATE> JUL y I THE ARTS t N OR ANGE llilpllOn ... one lllM pla)'ef'. len other obttaallon aecurld by uk:I PIZZA and ~led II 5932 Wern« 1111 UNLSll YOU TAKI ACTtotf COUNTY 3857 8Wcl! Street SUtll p11n11, ont lddlng m11ehfne; two Offd ol 'fruat, with ln11rea1 1nd A..-. City ot Hun11ng1on Beach, TO "-or.CT YOUll "°""TY 503 Na;..poH eHcn Celifornla tecigera, lhr" not1boo4l1: p111ut olhlr auma 11 provided lh1r1ln, County of 011ngt, Slit• ot IT MAY M IOLO AT A PU•uC 02&eo • cover lor chelra; eight c1111 ~bm•tted, wi1h1n ten d1yw lrom Ille Pitot, 0c1 13, 20, 27, Nov. 3, 11182 Pilot. Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 1982 11111 pubHc11ton ol lhis Notl(;e. to «70.82 4516-'2 ptua adv1ncH, II any, under lhl ClllifC)(NI 926.44 a A L I I, y OU N I I 0 AN Madelyn S.lh Wekfl, 4799 E. -1ed P<oduCllL t-thet'lol Ind lnl-1 on auch Ne mu ol Tr1n1ferot1 and IJCll'LANATION Of' TM NATllf'l Oc11n Blvd .. No 4, Long 811ch, The ebove property Is ~blec:I 10 auch Beneficiary II lhl loflowlng ldor... Bink ol AtnlflCI N1li0nal flwl end SaV!ngl AllQCl&llon. Loer AdJw1ment Oepertmenl No 4J' 1, Forecloaur• Section, 45 South Hud1on Avenut, Pa11dtne, Calllornl191101. 1d~, and plus •-. c;h11ges Licensees, !IOCl1t ncurlly number OF THI ,.llOCElDINQ AOAINIT Celllomla 90803 a Hen tor 11orage llld ooet• of NII and llqlenWS ol the TNllM Ind of • n d bus In... add , e.. a I • ' YOU YOU SHOULD COflfT ACT A Thi• buslnes• II conducled b" an Oalld lhll 2flth day of Oclober. The 1ot11 1mount or the unpaid balance ol lhe not.Ca) aeeured by & said 0..d or Trust, wllh lnl1r11t thereon. as prov1dt<I In 111d nota(a). IN lt\1118 C<Mtt<I by Mid Oeed of KENNETH G WISE. s s . No . ' -lndlVlduel I 1$82 Trutt. The 10111 amoonl of Mid 556-64-7024, 6052 GtenWOOd Ottvt1, i.LA~llltdl ~ 30 1942 Mlldelyn Be h Wlklh M 111 r v t , Mum p 11 obllgetlon, Including raason1bty Hontina.lon 8-dl. Clflfomie 02648; 11 1 1 J.O 0 Y9 m 1Mpi:'R1 AL Thia 1111_, W:. filed Wlll't IN Hug1-levenc;a, II 1ny, undlt lhe terms OI .. Jd Deed of Trull, Including 1-. chltges •nd 1xp•n111 ol thl Tru11ee. u of the d111 ol tile lnlllll H tlm111d f111. eharg111 and TIM Of HY R. GREENE, SS.No BAN CO R p 1 C 1 tII 0 rn 11 County Cieri< of Orange COunty on -8y-A9iph~NIVMro 91(,,.._ ol the Trustee al tile time 587-88-8353, 8052 Glenwood Drove, ' d "' d 982 Allon'9Y1 tor Pl1lntJtf of lnnlef pubhelllon or this Notice Is Huntington Beech. Caltlornte 92646. corporation, e1 u., ippointe November 1• 1 .,.__ 333 SOuth Hope Str-$45 811 19 · Name toc:lel ~rily number Ind Tru1t11 under end pu11u1n1 10 ... _..,,.. 351h FIOOf oalld Oclober 22 1982 butlness •ddr'SI of Intended Deed ol Trust recorded July 14, Publi1h1d Or•n11 Co111 01ily L09 Angeles, CA 9007I publlc;aliOn ol the No1IC4 of Sale ta 12.504,386 92 N1mt, Street Add111s •nd '4833-82 Telephone Number of TrullM or .SAN MARINO SAVINGS Trensfl<M la; GUY T. TOMA, S.S.. 198 I 11 Instr. No. l7 U~. oooll Ptlol, Nov.!), lO, I '24• 1982 Publl1h1d Or1n9t Co1t1 011ty ANO LOAN NO. 559·80-8088, 9129 North U t38. page 1452, of Olllc:l1I 4118t·82 p~ N 3 1082 ASSOCIATION Marine P11elfoea Drive, Long Beecil, Records. llCICUtlCI by· Slltklon N ,----811-... 1-IC_NO_l-IC_E___ ot. 0'° ' 11 Truslee California 90803. Ch111 and Gr•c• L Ch1a1. !'-. other pefson conducting the 11111 It · By REAL ESTATE Tola! conalderltlon 10 l>I paid'°' hllSblnd aod wile .. )oim lenanll 0 CMOITC>fll ------------SECUR,~ES SERVIC"' lhe .,,.,_,_.... delcrlbed In ...--a1 11 11ualor(1). In the office ol int NOTICI T .. Ml.IC NOTICE " cc, ............ ., I d. 11'1'~ ' Counly Recorde< of Orange County. °" IUUC T"ANIFE" I C111fomla corporauon, II Ill lllOCk n Ill e , x ur81, Sl•tl of ClltlC)(l\ll. WILL SELL AT (lect. 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) C,,·29142 Ila Agent ec:iu'pmenl and good wiH togelhef PUBLIC AUCTION TO HtGtiEST Noll cl II hereby given to NOTICE OP' TIIUSTIE'S SALE By· (SEAL) o. J Morger With lhe 11cenM Is S100.000 00. SIODER FOR CASH (P•t•bte 11 creditors or the wllhin nemed T.I. No. •·2114/Hallr ill Pres.denl 1 -cneett II\ nc:row, 11,000.00 of ·-•-In ......... of llMI trentlerOB lhal a butll lrtnsl1< ii NOTICE 2020 North Broadwav 1 -Demand Noll lo be replaced tll'llll -.., .. ,.,, money b t Suite 206 _, by cun In 9'«0W. 124.ooo.oo Unlltd Sllllll) 11: llMI front ol llMI about lo • m1d1 on person• YOU AllE IN OEFAUl.T UNOEft A ( Santa Ana CA 92706 1 _ Nole -Id by 2 det<lt ol 1ml)«lll Tnt1lt Ind. loan building 11 property hlraln1'11t described DIE D 0, T II U 9 T DAT E D 1 17141 953.6910 trutt rn lavor of Miiera. 162.ooo.oo 102 W•I Fht S1r111. Clly ol Tustin, 01~:::1~=!;'~:'.~= :S:.'':5 ~~~"c ~·,J:1r~~·T;~ PUbtllheCI Orenge Cout Oally 1 -Demand NOii fep!'-1ting Slit• 01 Cllifornla.,all rtQhl. lfUl.llnd AUK soo KIM, 1325 w. ROl>tlr11 YOU" ,,.O,lllTY, IT MA't' •E 01t8CI October 12. 1g42 CONl'INENTAl AUXILIARY COMPANY •S Soulh HudsOn Avenue 6th Floor Pasaoen1. CA g 110 t By B. WllU1ms. El<·QfllCIO Agent (213) 578·6010 Publlthed 011ng• COHI Dllt~ P1tol. Oct 27, Nov. 3. 10, t982 4874·82 Pilot Oct 27 Nov 3 10 1982 111umpllon ol 1iu1tlng obl1gallon by' lnterlll conveyed 10 and now netd Ave • Fullerton, C1l1to1nl1 92633; :o AT A "'8&.IC SALIE'. " YOU ' ... ' '4719-82 Ouyer101>emark1dVOlOupon byllundlfaaldDeedofTruatlnllll S ONG HOON KI M, 132SW. ID•Nlk-• .. •......,~THI buyer's asaumpllon of 11me and property allulleCI In said County Roberti Avenue, Fulletlon, NATU;I OF ... 00,.,.~0cHDINO ------------ sellafaction or credit°'' Of ICIUll<lf and Slit• d:= :' C1hfotnla 92633 AQAINIT YOU, YOU attOULD PUBLIC NOTICE Qflller prlOrll)' In cornpll•nce wrtn T 95S2 Thi tocation In C1h10<nll of lhe CONTACT ,. LAWYER. NOTICE TO CMDITOfll 'ICTITIOUI !Mia.EIS Section 24074 ol tile Bualness •nd Loi 7 01 reel No · lllOWn chief a·-utlv• 011~· ~ ptl;';1.-' PrOleslions Code s13 000 00 on• mep tnereof recorded In Book " ~-....., -.. On November 24. 1982. 11 10 00 Of 9ULX TllANIF'E" NAfllE ITATIE'•NT Kind of llOIOte 10 1>9 ltanslerrtd 410, P1g11 9 10 12 1nclu11ve. Oualnllt olltce ol lhl lnltn Id AM~ BUCKEYE RECONVEYANCE (S.Ca.. t101-4107 U.C.C.) TIMI lollowtng !*SOOS 111 doing Ind numt>er.,. On·Sate a-•nd Ml1K1t11naous Maps, records ot trensferor Is 13U W l'loberll CO MPANY , 1 Cat 11o1n 11 Notte• 11 hereby g 1v1n lo t>u'"-11· • Wine Llcenlll No. 41•100832 Mid Or.,. County A_,ue, Futllflon. Cllllorn11 92633 Corpor111on 11 duty 1ppo1nt1d cr1<111or1 ot lh• wUhln n1med Ht1P ASSOCIATES. 332 Forest bc:epllng from e portion ol The namt and bualnell address Truslee l!fldlr snd pursuant 10 111nsleror thel • bulk 1ran1l1r 11 P'tllllC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE REPORT OF CONDITION Consolldatlng domestic subsidiaries of the "MARINE NATIONAL BANK" of Santa Ana In the state of California, at the close of buslnesa on September 30, 1982, published In response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under tJtle 12. United S lates Code. Section 161. Cherter 17052 Natlona.I a.net Region No. 13th Doffer Amounts A8SE'!8 In fhoute\d• Statement of Resources and Llabllitles Cash and due from depository lnstltulloilis ............................................................ 2,702 Obligations or other U.S . Gov't, agencies and corPoratlons ..................................... 801 All other securities ..................................................... 180 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to sell .................................................................... 4, 145 Loans, To tal (excluding unearned Income ....................... 16,202 · Less : Allowance for PoSSlble loan la.es ............................................ 97 Loans. Net .......................................................... 16, 105 Lease financing receivables ......... .............................. 222 Avenue. Sull1 22, Laguna Beach, The Hll 1nCI lran1ter will I>• u lcl land 1111 oll n•• mlner1l1 ind of the tnlanded t11n1lttM 11· YOON OHd ol T1ua1 C1a11d Oclobar 7, about 10 b• made on pereon1t • c1111~ 11 928c2 consummated et 10·00 • m on or • .,._, ... E E H w .. NG , • 2 5 s New Bank premls-furniture and -n " .............. _ 9 01her h""rocarbon sub111nces tying ,.. ,.. " 11181 recordld November 13, 1981, proPlfl" h1t1inalt., deacrlbed """• Hltlhur11 Pro....,lles a llmilld •lier the 111 day ol ....-nblt, 1 82 'w 500 H1-p·hl•1 ... pt 302, Los A ......... •. N ·~5 • ' fl t d th " ,....,.. · 11 tt\1189Cl'ow dlpartmenl 01 ems below 1 depth of f•t from 1h1 "' ... • ... ..,,...._ •• lnll o 1 .... 3, 111 book 142 .. 9, me n1m1 end 1>u11nea1 •ddresa x ures. a n o er assets repre-SUP1[111ne,:!h)~~;; :_0~1 t.~~C::':i:'a E~OW ENTERPRISES. sos N. turl-ol sald l•nd. but w11noulon1 1~ Ctlltlhfor1n1111 h900• P2or0. per•" par tlnent Pl!Ollflc 9581• ~· Ocfflclal ~d• In 11111 of the 1n01enctec1NCtran1301.,30or E•••P·'"'f'· sen ting bantt premises ........................................... 633 &£, ..._ ' Tustin Avenue, Sull1 160, Santa right ol entry upon 11'1)' l)Ot'1 "" ' ' o e o lue ounly ..... orcJer o TH KEl, I ·• . """'"" Real estate owned Other 92652 Ana 92705 catlfornta tlMt aurlaee 1bovt a dept.II ol 600 11tr110 laelelcrlb9d In general at alt Orange COunty. Siii• ot Catilorn11 Co111 Highway. Corona dal Mar, Rot1nd J Jensen. 1010 E All otn~ buslntu nemH ind 1ee1,1ot1k1.mark11t,mlne.111plor1 oll1Mtlurn11ure,lhllur111,ftQIHpment, Exeeul1CI by ELIZABETH 1 c.t1l0<nl1 than bent( premises ................................................ 491 g:..~".'.:tJ7~•nue. S•nta An•. lddrlllMd uMd by lhe Tranaf1tors or drltl tor 11m1 If reserved 1n tnv1n1ory, feuellold lnllrHI, CORZINE. 1 Widow WILL SELL At Tiit IOC:9lton in C111forn1a of the All other assets ......................................................... 448 or I ' .... h-1...., p••t lllr" -•rs IO tar 15 dMdl trom Marvin l Bo11 end lease!IOICI improvemenll, goodWlll PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST c~I 1•1Cul-ornc. or prlnclp1I TOTAL '"'SSETS 25 727 Anthony J . Uruno F•mll y ..,, "' '""' -,_ Wendi l 8oM 11 co-1ru11 ... of anCI lllCM M.me ol thll ce<llln last BIDDER FOR CASH (pay1bte 11 bualn111 olllc• ol the Intended " .................................................... • T .' 2005 P.to V •...... ven t 11 known 10 lhf' Tr1n111re1 111 ' food busln111 end 11 1oc111d et LIA•1LmES ru • ..., "' u • SAME the 8oM Femitv TruSI, d.1llCI Mey llmt of ull In lawf\11 money ot the lranstlfor 11· ume •• 1boYe - Long leach. CelifC)(nil 008!5 The parllH 119,.1 lhet the 21. 1078. recorded In Book 111ll12, ~!~h w. ~!k:!n~a~nue. Hunllngton United S111as) 11 the Iron• outllde Alt other bu11n111 n1mt1 1nCI _ Cro'Px•c'~~c~e·, ~~·:1~g·t~~1:;.~~·. conskleratlon for the transfer 01 tne PIQll 21. end In look 11982. Page -.;;::., bu·'..::.. n·~ u· ... by , ... en1r1nee 10 1ne Cont1nen111 Horne 1ddra11u used by 1h1 1n11nd1C1 Demand depoalts of Individuals 22 both ol Otflcl•I Records """ .,,...,_ -·-...,. '"" Loan building II <134 South Euclid, 1r1nsl1ror wllh1n lhr" y1a11 l11t hi d 1 ' Clllfomla 926.411 busl,_ and lheollceMll 11 to be . Atao exeepuno from • portion aald tranalerora at said toclallon is An1h11m. CA. •II rlghl, 11111 •nd p111 ao far II llno""n 10 the . partners pa, an corporal on ............................ 4,476 This l>valnels ts conducted by • P-'d •tier the 1p1r1mtnt o f 0 1 11 1 d tan d 111 o 11. g 11 TACO TIO. Inter"• con~ to 11\d now held intended 1rans1er11 ,,. none Time and savings deposits of Individuals, 911*11 plftnerahlp. Atc;ohollc Beverege Control has m1n1r1t1 •nd olhtr 11ydrocarbon T h11 u ld bulk H1n1111 •• by II undlf 111d Deed 01Tru11111 1111 Tiie n•me 111d t>utlneu 1ddr... partnerships. and corPoratlons ........................ 14,592 HHP ASSOCIATES. appr<M14 •Ile e><opoMd tranalttt subt1anciU tying below a depth ol Intended 10 be con11im111111C111 the propt'tly 111uettd In said Counly Ol lhe 1n1endlld 1ransl1tM are 09 ...... its of Unit_.. Stat G 1 31 •general partnership Detect-Oc:iooer 211, 1982 600 ..., from lhl-wrl-of Mid ottlce of. Sens Etc:row Enlltl>f'IMI, and S1111 C1Qc1lb9d u Larry Herm11. 2 Ou1b11d1, r--vv es overnmen ..................... . 8 't : Ht LL Hu As T l(enneth G. WIN land bul WllhOul ,,.,. rtghl of entry Inc. 505 N TuSlln A,,.. Sutl• 160. Lot 15 of Trec;t No &eo7. County ,,,_, Cefltofflle 92714 Deposits of States and PAOPEAT'IES, Timothy R Or111t11 u~ any portion of lhe 111rl1c1 S1rot1 Ana. CA 92705 on or 11ter ol Orange. Stele of Calt1orn11. 11 Thal th• property p1r1tn1n1 political subdivisions in ~=TIONS, INC • Transferors ~arkel~ = :.=.~·~~It~~:; ~i:.:2ir~::er 11 eubjlcl lo r~~~ ~~~o~~·~I t~=~i :::.~~~ pc:::e:= ~:,:.,:, the United States • ................................................... 100 91'*111 T1::: Guy T. Tome 11me 11 re-~ In Cited• frOtl\ C1tllornla Uniform Comm11c111 Maps, In IN office of the Coun1v 11 3030 e P1e1llc eo.11 Highway. All other deposits .... ; ...................................................... 5 Doug111 • Trapnabf.,11 "h 0 0 c 1 0911., v1rg1t1i1 'llp-n Kinde! recorCllCI COdl 9ec:t10n Cl IOCI. Recordtr ol 1110 Coun"' Ooron1 def M•r. ear11orn1a. Certified and officers checks .................................... 311 Vlee Prelldlrlt u • • rangt o.a , N-blt 1{197CI, tn Book 11981. Tiie n1m1 and 1ddr111 of 1111 '' Thll •••t-• -flled 'Wlth the P1101. Nov. 3. 1982 P1wg·~,., 1t19. and In e oo" 11ot1,. r::f.' .... ,h ~nom ~talme m1y be Th• ltr1t1 aCld1111 and o1ner The t>ual,_. name utld by the Total Deposits ....................................................... 19,5 15 Or <186s-82 " ... w ~ eommon Clt1lgo1110n, If •l\Y. ot •h• .. PhOld.• ''s'n,!•ror a• said locallon la Tot. al demand dannslts ..................... 4,823 County C1ert1 of 11'191 County on Page 1t20. bottl of Ofllc:lal AeGordt. lied 1 Bells Escrow EntlP'I-Inc.. r11t property described 11bove 11 o-_,, -.. -Oclobef It, 1982. Th• slrMt •Odr•H end otller 505N. TutllnAve.,Su11e 180.Sent1 purl)Ot'lld 10 bl 2335 Orcflk:I Hill Thal uld bu lk u 1n1f11 11 To tal Ume and savings deposits ...... 14,692 ,,...1 P'tllllC NOTICE eommon ~. If 1r1y, of the Ana. CA 92705 and 1ne 1u1 d1y tor Pl•c•. S1n11 An• Heigh ta, CA 1n1endld 10 be coneumm11ed •t the Federal funds purchaMd and securities Publlstted Orano• Cou1 Delly rH f properly described •bove 11 llltng C1ak'll• by any creditor ll'lell bl 02701 ottic. or Noma 1 A~1111 tnc sold under anreementa to rep chase • 200 P~. Oct. 20, 27, Nov. 3. 10, 1982 '1CTTTIOUI ...,...., pllrpOrlt<I to be. 12 Ct>oaf1, tmne, NOYtMber 19, 1982 Wftlch II thl Tiie underatgn1C1 Tru1111 4570 C• · p 1 O I S 1i, 9' -ur ................ .. •01M2 .. ._ STA'nmNT Caltfomll bu'' n ' .. d • Y b'' or• I h • Cltact11m1 iny tt1bm1y 101 •ny .._l>O', 9.~ti ~u~or u 2eec) All other llabllltles ....................................................... 209 ----NIJC---NO-TIC(-----1 The followlng peraon 11 doing The underilgned truetu oonaumm1t1on d'att 1p1c1111d tncorniclnftt of the a1ree1 llddr•• on or 1tter November 22. 1982 ' TOTAL LIABILITIES ---------.,.,,.~--I~:'~ WORl<S , 2811 Vitti d11c111m1 1ny t11bt1lly tor an)' above ,.._, and other common C1es1gn11,on. 11 This bulk 1r1n1111 •• subjlCt 10 (excluding subordinated notes •1C'"10Ua MlllMll lncor•ectntet ot lhl 11111 edd11t1 Dated ..,..,ober 29, 1982 eny, lhown hllrtln C1llfornt1 Urdta&m Commt1c1•t d d be t ~ 1" ""2 ...-STATIMIMf Way, Newport Beacn, Catllornl• end othttt common dlltgnatlon, 11 VoorfHM Hllrang Seid 1111 wltl be m1d1. wllh Cod• Section 8104! an e n ur" ............................................. •·• 4 The following persona .,1 doing 92"3 any. al'lown flerlln lnlended Tr1ntlerM without co11tn1n1 01 w1m 1nt)'. Tiie oame and 1ddru1 ol lht GUITY CAPITAL buellMM 11: Conrld Arlllur Sctl"'eble, 2222 Seid ule will b• midi. but Publl1h1d Orange CoH1 Oelt; tJCP<IH or lmptlecl, reoardlng llllt , peraon with wnom clalma m1y bl ACCOUNTS ~ECEtVA8LE. ~~~~~ N1wpor1 e11ch, •llhout covenant or w1rr1nty, Piiot, Nov. 3, 1982 po1M11fon, or 1ncumbr1nc1a. 10 llllO 11 Norrie I. Auocl1111. tnc:. Common atock llOO e. Garry Awl'ilJe, Suil• 11a. Tiiis ~--19 c:onductt<I .... 111 a1tprt11 °' fnlpllld. '991fdlng mtt, 48M·82 pay the remaining pr1ne1pet sum or 4570 Campua DrlYI, Su111 O. No ahares authottted 810 000 · 8anU1 AM. Clflfo(nla 9270S lndMdual w7 Pol ... llon. or enc:umbranc•. 10 lht notl(I) MCurld by Sll(I OetCI ol Newpofl BNch. C1llfornl1 12fl80. • • ,,_ l(ennetll 0.¥11, 15500 Con,ad A Schwabll P•Y 1ht remeining ptlnelpel IUITI of PUBllC NOTIC£ Trust, Wllll lnt11ut lllereon .. end Ille last dey '°'filing daH'll• by No. shares out1tandlng 600,000 ................... 3,000 .. ==--Wey, No. 18. Tuetln, Thia 1111.,,,..,1 ~ .. llled w11t1 ...._ the no1a<•> MCUtld t>y llkl o..s of PIOVlded In 111<1 note(al. ild.raoce.. an10y,!'ldw~i°'ct1"'i,1111n1>1• Hovemb·-•-1bef1 0119Y. USurp1!~!_:;;·p"r"o''t'i't"•"'.,,'"'d· .. ,·~··f·o"r""""""''"""'"""" 2,982 .,.. t2tlC) .... Trust, wltll lnttrttt 1M1r1on, 11 •temM>Ue -•• "'"1' under the ltrmt 0( .. Id DMCI • .. v. .... ndl1n....., ,._, • ., , ftafielt "-n• 0 11111, moo ~~ ,°'..':'.,. CoYney on provtclld In Mid i\Ot .. ~ ~ ·~ T ~ aTATlmtn Clo! ol rull, 1111,. cll1rge1 end btlo•• lllt eon1u,..m11lon oa11 contl~lea end ot~ AAnl,11 r•serves (170~ : '"""' Vllege Wey. Ho 18, TUllll\, ,.,.,. It In)'. undlr ---... -...... ~ """'"'"Ilg l*IOM -no llCPtr'WI ol Ille ru•t• and of Ille mpec:lfltd lt>ov9 t :~ ......... .. Ct1fOtft1a t2t80 P bit h d Or CO t 0 11 ot f ruit, Ill!_, Clltrt11 and bu11n• .. •• lrusll c:r11ted b~ H id O•td of Oiied ~t>er 1. 19at TO AL OUITY CAPITAL ............... ., ...................... 5,80 • ,,. ~ 11 eono'*'d1>y an u 1 • •nr •• • Y tJCPln-ot 111e 11ue1• erMt of 111e MARI< v1 tNV£.STM ENT8, Tru11 l.•rry H1tm111 TOTAL LIABILITIES ANU ' ~ PllOI, Nov. a. 10, ' . 24, JN2 lru1t1 c;raat11CI by .. ,o o .. d ol 14102 HtttUOtO Pttc•. Tualln, TIMI IOtll amounl Of Ille unpaid lllltnded Tranaltrtt EQ"IT·v CAPIT'"'L 25 7 1 ;,,,_ K. Devit 4811-ea T1u11, tor the amount tH•on•ltly Clllllornla UNO balance ol the ClbfiOltlon aecured Pubtllhed Orant• Coa11·0•11v '< " ..................... ............................ • 2 ! ...,... A. o.w. '"" 1 t1tlmalt<I lo be: HU~,CM, A Olay Mtll11CI, 1002 by lh1 p)openy 10 bt 10ICI •nd Piiot, NOYlnlbtf 3, 1912 •MORANDA • ,,. ... ..,1 .. 11 -flied .,llh tl'lt ' "8.IC NOTIC( Thi benellcllfy undtt Mkl Dead Hiiisboro Place Tu•1111, Cthlorn11 reuonabta u11maled co111 , 48'4·0' • ,. __ C1itt1 of~~-tf TN ........... tlltOWIM end tHIO ..,.,_enc1. ......... lht llfllt _..._ ,_.~ l•---t1 out1•--dl"" U of AftiWt (late '-"• .... ":"-..,. ~nnoul .,,,... dtllvetld lo IM under•lt lltd • Mel Zeramby. 2"41 Ca1ttnia OI tlle lnttl" Publl .. ttlOfl Of lht -_.._, ... , ".. ,_...,, : , "'' ••• 1, '-· .... -.,.-"' Standt.u '-tt-1 of ~---1t tot1I •.u. • ,..,. -•• -.... "'""" Dtldarllton ol OeflUll and Orlvl MllMOn V1110. C1llfo1nl1 Nof!Ce Of ...... 116, 11a ao PlalC NOTICf. .. , ... -...... • ............................ .,.,., ~ ""~ Oranot cout Daffy The folowWli ,.,_,. .. doNIO '*""" ,., I••· end • wttlt•n tNT5 n.e IMMflo.•ll'Y vndtf Mid o... Time cer11ftclt• of d9pollt In ·v.Not . .....,, i, 10, 11, 24, 1"2 ~~ INTIRPAIUI LTD . HoCIOt of Default MCI llteilOft 10 Ot,,ld M. C0Jt1n1, UU2 Of Tl'\ltl llttttOfoft t11te11ted and .CTTT10Ua IUIMll cMf'lomNtlonl Df 1100,000 or mQre ... -..... 10,183 i~··---------4_1_..._.. __ 1UH E PaMO oi.to. A11et1eyn. ~.!":.~~=ion~ ==~$"· M1a .. on Vllto. CahfOfnle ~;:'·~~:.:,, u;•~~9:,,: Tfle •=~T~ dotno Otll cMpoeitl ................................................... 17,5ee ~ ft8.IC 11)11C( cellf0tnil t2IOT w io .,. r-llMI., 1f11 county Hwil w1111am1 lcllfto111. •020 0-,1nd lor I ll•. •I'd a w"ll•n 1>111111tt111 W1. the uncMrllQned clkator1 •tt•t the correctneae ·--L•wt1nct E1191f1h. HU E. _,,.,, ·=· pt:r.:~ltd Maple Trtt Drive, An1hllm. N011c;e Of Oeflull and lttc:Uon lo HIWPOAT WllT 1-..,0ATI, Of thll ltltem.rtt of rMOUl'Cll end lllblllllel. We declue ...,_ "='°AnoN = O!etO. Anaf*m. C.llfClf'nle Ollt , callfOfnll tH01 &tit Tnt 19110erllDl\ld eeuMO llld , ... 8\lptfklt A...,_, Cotti Mell, ~hit It h .. Hen exah\lned by UI end )0 tt'9 beet of our ...._IC--..... A H. Rotnurmet, eo• ::.ci ,n:. ' , ~ ~°'~~~~ 1""1• :=";: ::~.::"Cleden:, ~::'C:.: c"'C!:2l-. 1r1n11 11. 201• .. tcnowledge and b•ll•f 11 true' and correct. I, Kerel ' ..... CJul>ll011H. N•wporl IHCll, IY <IOllflM C ValqUll •otierlo ._.,l'ldtl, u 7U 'WNtl 1111rNl1WopetlY 11 loceted UnCI lltHI, Newport IHCll. OUJllon, Aulltant VIOe Preeldlnt Of the ~ To --I .... CoftlMI: ~ Mtu AftefMW Ill ... Hlllllleto "9oe. Tutlln. CtlllfOfnil Oele OCIOllef 1a, 1"2 c---·~ Denk do ... deolaf9 ........ "'Port of Condhlon .. ••~:';,~.~ :::%:':,:: ...= ::::-...; CIOflduC19d l>r • ~!:°:.:.•Jr'.:=', "t: IW'fll "concluCteO l>r t:8/~:.~0NVEY· ~---It ooncswa• Dr"' ~rue and oorrect to tM.,... of my knowlldge and btlef . ....,ii°' '°' "41'' ON • "· ....._,,... Tel 111l127•-GIOT 111 cior .....,. .,. t. 1~ ~ L .,.,. " executed on October H . 1112. at Senta Ana MU I ... ("'9 IAT 'L TNI ~ .. 111111 114111 IJlt 'u11ll1'*1 Orlflr. Coett Oelfr Tfllll 111191Mnl wot MN Wllfl 1111 ANflellft, CA NIOI TM .......__. .. lllOf Wifll lfle ·-II Ill U •1111•11111 County Ctn of 0rtfl0tl COl#lty on Jilllot, _,, a, 10, t , t• ~~ C11r11 of OrtflOtl COuntJ on 714·M1·l'NI ~ at"'9 ol °'*'I' County Oft,_,_,._. .,.,,., ... G.~~ "°"'"*" '· lM2 4111.U OcloDtt 1t. 1M2 tw 0.... 1011 ,....,..._ 1, !tit 181 Lany T. Smmt ~-""'" 11 ,_ AufllOnlW ...-.. ,._. 181 JoM P. ltMlkl Jr • . NZ>•~ 0.... DeltJ '"""""°Ora~• Ooa11 O•lf~ '""' ;:•~••r•. Pullltttled 011ne• co"' Delly Publllfl•• Or11199 Co111 D•U~ PuOUIMCI Orenp c.._., Dalfy 181 Donlld A. Mtllr ~ .... ''L .. ..,..u Piiot, "°"· I. '°· ' 14 '':Ju.a to:.::-~-;::. Piiot. Oc1 "· 17, No¥ I. ·~ ,. Hew. I tO If. ,.., e81MI ""°'· ..... ,. '°· ,,, ... •-:-,..... ~Or ... 0...-Dlltt ~ ............ "" t • I i (I • • ,. • - Or1nge Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Wednetdl , November 3, 19H MUC NOTIC£ Ml.IC NOTICl Ml&Ufi&i ,fij;li 0,,tCI OP '"' INUtf'fl · Aono. Of TMI eouo COMM" 0.. ,-.UITIH OI' THI COUNTY Of oaANOI OC=vtlW ICMOOL NOMI OI' IAL.I Dll TOl'OMMU UNOI • DIO"ll Of' c I CAL.WCMIMIA ,OMCLOMMI Tl-. to1ow1ne motion wu moY9CI Pleln111t WOOD81'1t00l \/lLl.AOI I))' MUl•nn• ll•n-e nd duly ASSO<:IATION, elo V& 0.ttncl#ll 9'oonded Ind Ollfl141d DOU01.A8 E JONU . 11 el No WHIRi.AS Educe llon Codi 3&-75·82 hc11on1 39S00·3H02 provl<M lhll I, lhl unwllgned. BRAD OATH . the OQ.,,.,nlng Boerd of eny 1eh0ol Slletltl.COf'on«, Coun•v of Ore~. district by un1n1mou1 vot1 ol ell S1111 ol c e11tom11, do 11et11>y ~illY. l'*ftbefe m1y ••Ch•no-•ny IH I lhlt by vln u• OI OIClll OI C)fOp111y with en'&tl\er public Fo11clo1u1e e nd 8•1• In t he -..ncy, Including • cuy, end Sup11IOf Courl of the Counly ot 'WH!REAS . tht Ocu n View Of~. Stall ol C-..Of'nta. ent•td Sctlool Olltrlcl (OltlrlcO It now 1111 on A.ugut t 10, 1912, &llO rec:Of'Otel OWflll of rMI propetfy loc:eltd II A\ti!Ull 10. 1112 In '"' 1bo~• 1'2"'1 01111 L91'11. Huntington llffcll, • n 11 ti. d I c 11 0 n • w h II• In Cellftrfnl• 92e47. I potllOf\ of which w 0 0 0 8 R ID Q E v ILL AGE lnOIUdH 11pp1011lm11tly 110,825 ASSOCIATION, II CeUlornle Non· lqUlle 1111 of lend 1oce1ed et 1h1 Profit Corpor1llon, lhl lbovt IOUlhlaal corn1t. 11\0 ne med e.11lntlfl, obte lned • o::~~~, DO YOU tf1'VE A ;:.·~ FAVORITE RECIPE? WHEREAS the ebo,.,,..dMCtllHNI judgment lt>d dlClll of forec:toeur1 110,125 ~' f11I of lend It not end Hie eg•IOll DOUGLAS E Mdwilfnot•l ""'llmeoldlltVltyOI JONES e nd RH!TA A JONES. PONetalon ~ needed !Of echOot d1l1nden1t, lor th.e tum or Two ~OOM buUdlngt by lhl Oltlrlct, Thou .. nd Eight Hundred Forty One N 0 w T H E R £ F 0 R E B E I T & 58/ 100 Oollert. l•wful money ol l'l!SOLVED THAT the Dlttrlct lhl United Stet ... end by vlflue ol e l!loerjl 01 Trut1111. In 11'11 l>ttl writ ol 111fotC*n9tll In .. Id ICllOn Int•"" or the D11111c1. authorlHt, 111111d Of\ October 4, 1982, I am 11111 d1c1aru 111 1nt1n1ton 10 commanded to Mii all lhl Pl'091'1Y 111ch1ng1 tne 1bove-d11crlbed In the County ol 011ng1, Sitt• ol 110 825 iquere feet ol lend lor C1lllo<nl1, dMCflbld H follows: ~oxlmately 102,300 aquere IH I PARC~L 1 Unit No 51 H of land owned by tne Clly o l •ttown 1 nll d HC•lbld In l hl HUnllngton 8Ncto ioc.111d e10f1i1 • Condominium Plan recorded on ponlon ol thl nortne<n boundery of J111uaty 12, 1977, in 8ook 12031, !hi Dla1ncr1 real Pf098(ly loclled PllOI 1seo or Olltelat Records or et 1724 1 Oak Lan•. Huo11na100 aatc:t County !JMcll Celllornla 92047 A map PARCEL. 2 An undlYldld ·one· deplctkio thl 9P1Cil1C toc111on1 ol HYlilly fourth ( 1/7'1) lntlfftl es 1 both properties Is 1vellebl1 lor len1n1 In common In lhl fH lnllfll ,.vfew during regular w0tklng nours In and 10 lhl Common ArH or Lota at the District buslneaa olllce 1 and 2 of Tract 8900 •• per mep toc111d at 1694 0 B Street , Ille<! In Book 379. Peges 3t to 32. HUf'llingtoo Beach. C1lilotnl192642, 1nctuslve of Mtsc1111neous Maps S E rT FURTHER RESOLVED records ol H id County, 11 such THAT lhl S.Cretary ol thl Dtllrtel term ts dellned In lhl Arllc:le enlltlld Boerd ol Tru~tees 11 directed to "Oehl)lllons" of lhl ~1r1Uor1 ol put>llah 1 cllpy ol 1hl1 rnolullon not Cov1n1nu, Conditions end ••1 then ont. a w11k lor three R11tr1C1tons recorded Of\ July 29, .._. JKior 10 lhl Boatd entering 1978 1h Book 11830, PllOI 793 of Into 1111 H change or tne 1bov1· Ottid11 Records or aa.ld County (thl dMcrlbld Pfope<1les. "Oeclar1tion1") ADOPTED. SIGNED ANO Pro perty It more commonly APPROVED THIS 2111 day of June. known 111: 10 Perk Vista. Irvine, 1982. C1lll0tnla BOARD OF TRUSTEES Togelhlf willl Ill en<I ttnouler the OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT tenemenll. heredllements end M1x'#lff Sudakow eppunen1nce1 tnereunto l>llOnglng Charles O.terlun<I 0< 1n enywl11 8'>Plflalnlng J1n11 Garrtek PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Marllnne Blank G I V E N T h II o n T h u r s d a y , Sl'llll• Marcus ~bl< 2. 1982. II 10 30 o'olock STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) a.m. of ttlll dly II Mein Lobby, COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Coortl'IOUH, 700 Civic Cllltlf ()(Ive J, DALE COOGAN, Secretary ol West, City ol S1n11 Anl r will NII the Boerd o f Trustee& ol Oc11n the above deacribed property. Vi ew School District ol Orange under said writ and dec:r11, or so County. Calllornla, nereby cer111'11 much thel<eol 11 may bl -uary that the ebove end foregoing to sallaly nld l11d.gm1111 with motion wea duly a nd regularly lntlfestl end coats, to the l'l'Ollffl mo\led . .ena seconded, and pesseO bldcll<, lot casn 1n llwfut money of by 1 S.:0 VOii 6l Mid Board 11 1 lhl United States f99Ular mMllng thlrlol held Of\ tlll Oiied el Santa Ana. CalilOfnle, 2 111 day ol June. 1982 October 25. 1962 D~ Coogan BRAD GATES. Secretery of 1111 Shllltt-CotOtllf Board of Trustees County of Or•noe. CA Publlahed Orange COHI Delly By: K Bro\lfn, Pt101. Oct. 20. 27. Nov. 3, 1982 S.rgeenl 4815-82 HICKEY, ,.ruuNO, ,AflDfS 1111C1 COL.LITT A ---Nll--IC-NO-TICE----i 22t11 L..Mt1Mt1 11'"1• ------------1 lultl -· ....... 1 El Toro, CA aaG ,ICTITIOUI llUllNEU "8111tlff'1 AllOfMf NAME I TAn.NT Published Orange Cont OAil)' METROPOLlrJIN S OVT H PilOt, Nov. 3. 10. 17. 1982 OUTDOOR SIGNS, 300 I Redhill 4828-82 AY9 .. fllpl111W., No. 4, Suite t09, Cotti MIN. CA 92828. ----------- METROPOLITAN OUTDOOR Pia.IC NOTICE SIGN CO RP .. 1 C e lllo r nla T·lSll2 corpo11Uon. 2300 Stockton7 ~rd NOTICE Of' TMllTEE'I SAU Floor, San Franci9co, CA. JAY KINGRY CONSUL TING T.S. No. 1~ - SERVICE, INC . e Catllornla IWOflTAN'T NO-nc. TO corporetlon, 465 W. Wisteria !ove . YOU=~~ UNDE" A Arcadia, CA 91006• DEED Of' TMllT OATIO MAY 15. Thie bua!Ma It conduc11d by • genetel partne<Shlp 1tl1. UNUU YOU TAJCI ACTION MltropoU1en OutdOOf Ston Cotp. TO "'O'UCT YOUlll "'OHRTY, Thie 11e11m1n1 wH flied with the IT MAY IN IOlD AT A PUM.IC COIJl'tty Clerk of Orenge County on I AL E . IF Y 0 U N ll I D AN Octoblf t 1 1982. 1 EX"-ANATION Of' THE NATUM , ' P'119M1 Of' THE "'OCHCMNO AGA•IT Publlth1d'Oranga Coeat Daily YOU, YOU lffOUl.D CONTACT A Pilot. Oct. 13, 20, 27, Nov. 3. 1982 LA0n~~.._. ... , 1.,.2 lOOO 4511-82 ....., • .,..,.,.... ""'· .,... · II · -------,.....----o'clock • m F1r11 Lot Angeles Dlmt 11' NOT.ICE Corporetlon. u duly named or l"UIJLJ" · substituted Truall• under a nd NOTICE Of' TRUI TEl!I SAi.£ pursuant lo the Deed ol Trust dated Important n.ttc:. to May 15, 198 t. e111Culed by Henry Pfopenr --: A.lhlt. a marr141d man .. his soi. YOU Alll! IN Dff'AUl.T UNDI" A and 11pa11ta property. DlllD OP' T"UIT, DATED Rec0<ded June 1. 1981, in 8oolt JANUA"Y •• 1111 UNLEll 14050. Pao• 1212.11. lnatrumenl YOU TAKE ACTION TO ""O'RCT No 818 ol Offlclal Reeorda. in the YOUll , .. O,EflTY, IT MAY all :>ftlce of 1111 RICOfW ol Orenge IOU> AT A l'U9lJC IALE •YOU County, Wiii 1111 81 public auciiOn to ~llD AN I XJ'l.AMATION OF THI 1111 hoO'-' l>kldlr for Oath (payable NATUfll OP' THI PflOCHDING al the tJrne of sail In llwful money AGAINIT YOU. YOU IHOULD ol the Unlled Stetu) 1t-tll1 CONTACT A LAWYER. Cnaoman Avenue entrance lo 1he T.I. •31296.3 Civic Clllter C«lt« 8ulldif'IO, 300 E. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll Cnepman Avenue. In 1111 City Of th• rHI property situeted In the Ora"041. 111 rignt, 11111. •n<I lnl!!fltl County or Ora n ge. Stet• o f cooveyld to and now lllld t>y said CellfOfnll, --as 120 Snorect•ll. Trustee under aald Deed of Trufl In Corona Oet Mar. City ol Newpc>f't end 10 111111 certeln property lllueted a..cti. CellfOf'nla and delcrlbed es tn lhl Stele ol Calll0tnll. County of tottows· Or~. d11c:nbld aa follows: Lot 48 of Trecl 1116. In the Ctty ol PARCEL 1 Nlwpof1 Beach, County of Ot11191. LOI 100 of Tract 1~7. In Ille S tall o l C1llforn11. as per map City of Irvine, County of Oranoe. rac:ordld In Book 36. peges 19 and Stele ot Ce hlornla. as per map 20. Ml9olllaneous Maps, racordt ot recorded In Boole 469. Pages 37 to aelli Oreng• County. end wlll be 39 of Mlsc:ell1neou1 Mapa. In thil 90lcS 11 public euctloo on the rear olflce or tl'le County Recorder or ,,..,. 11 230 Newport Cllltllf' Drive, .. id Coonty. N1wpor1 Beach, Cellfornla. on PARCEL 2· , NcMltnblf 15th. 1982, •t 9o1 • m. EeMmenll u M1 lonh it'I 1111 to ~ nighest blddllf' IOf c•lh In Sect1ona 1n11111d ·•c ertain leWful curr,ncy of thl United S1a111 Eeaem1nts" lor Own1 ra" e nd Tf\I .... Will bl made wHlloul "Support , S11tl1ma n1 a nd C0'</9nant, or warranty regerdlng Encroachment ", "Common 11111, polMtllon. or encumbf'anQIS, DnWW8Y EaMmlnl" o4 llll ArttCll to .. 1i.ry the obligation aecured by enlltlad "EH1m1n11" ol th• 1nd under tne P ower or Sele D1cl11111on ut Covan anu, conferred In the Deed of Trull Condl11on1 1nd Ra11rlc1lon1 e 11ecu11 d b 'f RIC HA RD 8 racotded In Book 13684. Pege M MILLEA a nd BO NITA JEAN Uttlciel,Record1. MILLER, llusbend end wife ea PARCEL 3· J o(nt Tenants 11 Truator. to Euemanta u euch .....,,.,..t• American Home Mortgage Tru11 ere partlculerly 111 forth In Iha Deed Service Corporellon. • Artlcll entitled "E-11" of 1111 Clllfornil COfl>Of&tlon, u Tru1111. D1c11111ron of Cov1nents, for 1111 benefit end 11cur1ty of Condition• end R11lllctlona If you like to cook and have a "favorite" recipe, it could be worth a trip for two to a city of you,.. choice anywhere in the Western Hemisphere (via Western Airlines.) Or you could win one of five S200 gift certificates. It can all happen in the 1982 Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe Contest, and it could .happen .to your ' Even if you don't win a top prize; your re cipe ,!:ould be published in our '"'Orange Coast Cook Book" in the Daily Pilot on Wednesday, December 8, 1982. Daily Pilot Special Sections editor Janine Fiddelke will supervise a panel of food judges who w ill name the best r~cipe on the Orange Coast. Winning recipes will be judged on originality, ease_ of preparation. adherence to theme, and of course, taste. So get c;.ooking. Read the rules carefully. and send us your recipes as soon as possible. Entries must t)e postmarked ·no later than November 12. .. . M•ll entrJ•• to: --O•tly Piiot F•vorlte Recipe Contest, l'.O. Box 1160 Cost• Mes•. CA 92626 l:NTRY CAR GORI BS: 1. Appetizers Meat spreads. zesty drps or munchies. Take your pick. 2. Grains and Breads What Is your favorite way to start off a holiday meal. 3. Main Dishes Whether It be hamburgers or coq au vin. the best chicken salad or roast duckling. everyone has a favorit~ recipe for the mainstay o f the meal. 4. Vegetables and Salads Including vegetarJan dishes. And don't forget the • out-of-season · treasures in cans and In the frozen food section. s. Desserts Let's see what you can do w ith chocolates. gelatin. butter. flour. whipped ueam and other favorite goodies. Set those calories aside. ' \. 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . • 8. CONTEST RULES: list all ingredients in order of use. followed by clear. concise directions and the number of servings . Remember. originality counts. Submit your typed entry on a 3x5" index card. Put category in upper left hand corner. Only one entry per person per category will be accepted. If more than one entry Is received for any single category. all entries for that category will be disqualtfied. Judges reserve the right to properly categorize entries. Recipe~ must be complete. and may not be changed after submission. Incomplete recipes will be diisquallfled. -· In the event identical recipes are submitted by t-10 or more contestants. the frrst received will ~ the one considered for judging. · The contest is open to all residents of the Orange Coast, except employees and their Immediate families ot Orange Coast Publishing Company. Indicate on each recipe in the top left-hand corner, your name. address. telephone. and category entered using separate sheets for each recipe. Marl to "Dally Piiot Favorite Holiday Recipe Contest, .. P.O. Box I 560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, or bring It to 330 Bay St .. Costa Mesa. ALL E~TRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MlpNIGHT. November 12. 1982 or received at the Pilot office no later than 5 p.m. November 12. 1982. Entry of a recipe constitutes agreement that rt becomes the property of the Daily Pilot. and may be published wrth acknowledgements (no street addresses or phone num~r will be published) In the Dally Pilot and Mirror newspapers. .. Entnes will be disqualified If they fail to comply with the contest rules. All judges' decisions are final. All prrzes w ill be awarded. CONTEST ENDS NOVEMBER 12. • A mer lea n H Otnl Mo rt ageg I recordad In 8ooll 117M , P1lgl 420,t============i-============i============r.===========r-===========ir===:::=::::=:::=::==:::::===~ Corpo ration. a C a lllornl• Hladlng(t) In aucn Altk:ll anll1141d ----------rtaJC N()TlC( fltB.IC N()TIC( •-II' NOTICE rtaJC JIJTIC( fltB.IC NOTlCE Cotporatlon. as 8-flciary, dlltd 11 1011ow1 "ownert' Righi• and "8.IC NOTICE ,.~ • · ~ 8, 1981 end recorded on Dut111, Ullllt lu and Cable ,tCTmou9 .,..... ITATl•NT °' WITHIMIAWAL. NOTICI 1NV111NG MDI NOTICI OP DlllOUITIOM C JIS14 Jllffllary 111. 111ii1 1n 800k 13917, T1l1Y11lon. Sld1ytrd E11em1nta" NAMI ITATl•NT ,,.Ollll ,AMNl"IHIP ON"ATING nlOllll 'Aln'NIRIHIP o.119'A For traa trimming Brulllan Of P~llP N 0 TIC I T 0 fl a RI 0 NI Paoe 338, 11 lnetrum1n1 Number "1upport e n d S111 leml'n1 · Thi lollowlng pereoni 111 doing UMDlfl UNDI" "CTITIOUI IUllNlll Pepper, F le ua Nlll d 1 . Ind Public notice la hlrlby given ltlal .. ,,_IN'TUllllTl!STID,... t8132 of Official Record• of lhl Encroac:t1m1111". •nc:I "Community bUll""' 11· P'ICTITIOUI llU ..... NAMI NAMI • miec*laneoue vetllty II-8088IE A. STEWART Md CYRUS .. .... Co11nty o f Oreng1. State o l F8Clll111s ~11 .. CALIFORNIA LIMOUSINE The lo llo wln g per t on haa The fo llowing p1rao n ha1 Bid cloalng: 10.00 a.m. 11/15112. ANDERSON. heretofore doing NIU .. W. f'AMO Cllfornla. Thl unpaidbelanoeand•llm•ll SERVICE. I( & Smit 400 wlthdrftfl••generllpettnetlrom w11hd<ewn11egerwelpartnertrom City of Founteln Vellay (714) ~under tlll flc11tlolle non Notblaherlbyg!Yen· Hottel of DlllUll and Election to of cotll. expan-end adYlllCel " c/o ray h. 4 1111 partlllfatrip operating under tne 1ne partnertNo opereung under t 13. 8 3 2 1 • a 11 t . 3 7 S, S •mp I• n • m • • n d at y I• o I FA I T H To II pair90ftl .._....,, wtlllhlf s .. thl described 1•1L.1>rope11y ol OctOOlf 18, 1982 11134.M7.7.7; =:-"C: ~No. 300· Newport f1 c111tou1 butlnau name of 11c;111~ ~"""'of ISL.AN trimming c11mon11r111lon 11109/U , BUILDERS, It •:Je...,. 8'ooll, H c rldllor1. heir•. leg•IMI. or under th• Dead of fiual WU Nldamount wllllncr-untMdal• MM CONSOLIDATED INC • S PECIALTY GLASS AND MIRROR \/ILL.AGE PRO ERTIES 8EAL callfOfdttllllL Colt• ...... City of Coll• ..... ~.lnlMMtallofHELENW reoOl'dld In Bootl t4320 •I Peoe of ..... c 'llf I • 24197 co at 1109 VIC1orla. CO•t• M .... BEACH., 3t3 Mein Slllll, s..i Publlthed Or•nga Coatl Dally County ol Ore nga. St••• of PAAl<ER decu11d, •llOH IHI 397 • lnetrument Nvmber' 155", Thi t1r111 lddr ... M common 1 0 "111 ~oret on, Clltfornll 92627 hlcll. CalllOf'nla 90740 Pttot. Nov. 3, 1912 ... Cellfornle, did on the 4191 day of llddrell •11 7t40 Over1o<* DrlYe, on Decemb« 11. t98t of Olfk:lal d11lgn1tlon. 11 1ny, of the real =j"88" • SunnymNd. CA The llc tllloue bu1lna11 n1m1 Thi tlclltlo"' t>u1lnau name 4M3.&2 ~. 1119, by ltlUIUll ~I. 8odl'9 Point. Nlw Yortt 14555, that Rlllofdl of the County of Orange, property duc rlbed above 11 Thi• bullnMI 11 conducied by 1 1llllfMll) !Of 1111 perllllfahip waa 1111_,t tor lhl partnetllllp -• d~ thl Mid partneratllp 8fld letter• 1e1um1ntary or ol St ... of Clllfornla. purported to bl: 13 8llkll1I, ltvlne, tiled Of\ flbtuery 26. t982 In tile lllld on May 4, 1981 In Ille County Nil.IC NOTIC( termll\tla thelf relellona • '*11*9 adminlltrellOf'I hlYI ~ llaued to Thi aela wm bl conducted b~ Cellfornll 92714. corporillon. s IOlid County o l Orange, Fl LE NO of Orange • tll8feln. Lincoln F'\111 Elenk. N A by, AMERICAN HOME MORTGAG Tl\• u nd1r1lgn1d TrUllH t'.~a1~ec1f.:iec1.:.:: 11<4000. Thi lull n•me end lwldenc.e Of IUfll"c'!.~ ... uRT Of' Seldbull!IMt"'""""'" .. bl Sufr0fMl9Cour1.Wa~Coun1y .• T fl UST DEED SE R VICE dlaclalma any llablllty lor eny This •l•tement wu flied Wtth lhl Peraon Withdrawing 1111 peraon w111101ewln9 H • .. -~~ conducted by 8obbl1 Artllur cour1 o4 competent lufl9CllC11on of CORPQAATION. 1 C1lltornle lneorrec1,_ of thl ttr811 addr-County der-o4 Orange County on Gary 91evan Griffin, 2t5St pa11ner; ...._,, _.. Si.wart. WftO_. pey arid c11tG1w01 lfll State of New Yor11 COl~ltlon. wi-eddfMI Is 230 and other common clellgnetlon, II OCtobet t4 !912 ttrookllurel • 17:J, Hun1in91on M•r-Erik G•l)'991'1, P 0 Box In..,.....,_ of 1111 Appllcatlon: al .. billllll Incl ~· of ltle llml Tll1t the following .:>•non la .._.,.011 C111tar Dtlva No. 200, an/. allown ""91n. ' · ~ l!IMcll. C91fofnia ~ 142 or 11772 lfoeow.y •5, 8unMt PAUL .IAMU OMV F0t CNn9I lftd r909MI II moft1M ,.,_.. to lndfflect to Of llOtdtnt "'1on1l .....,_, Beecfl. Caltfornla $2960; S eid 1111 wilt be m1d1, but KAAY a ...nt /II Gary Griffi!1 llffctl. Cellfornla 90742 "'-flnn, IWCIPl'1Y ol tlll Mid __,.,,. Number: (714) 769-1515 wllhQut eonn ent or warranty, Ca•nlu• .. .._ Publl•hld Or1n91 Cont Dally 111 Matll E. ~ CAim -A,_ P'urtlllr notloe 11 lleflby oi-P'• Wiii SeWlaa & Loan. 4001 nclpal eno lnterut Due. upr ... Of lmpllad. rdOerdtnQ tltll, .,... .... .,._....., •• P11ot, Oct.20, 27, Nov 3, 10. 1H2 Thlt ttlllfMtll -ftlld wttll tlll ~-~ ~ 1111 lhl unO.rttgneel wlll not be Mec:Arthuf atYct., City of """'°'1 111.54. po1M1110n. °' encUl'llbflneel, 10 ........,. ......, CA-4575-82 County Cleft< of 0tenoe County on , ~u ,::=--0 ... Y .._ .. ......, • reepon111111, lrom 11111 day on, tor e.c11. C-ty of~· Qllle I~ and Adv~ PIY tlll remaining Pflnolpel Nft of oblllah•d d O C O II OCt, ti, 1112. A L _ _.. 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U Ot llle~ ........ l~of MA I mw...... ._ ao DAYI ..._ =_, t111 wlllllft "'*-"• lllteefler on July t , IHI Ille Nt2t Ollld the pert,_..., .. oept lor , .... Mellen leeotl, OA. 0111 orcter 10 lllOw OOllH lie :,.-. Oolll Mole, 11r9t PtJl'I Ill el ......... If,.. .. Ille .. PltMn WillO c.-d Mid notice of Oou9tH C Pittman, :IOH Te11-Nln1ty, Ltf , wlllCll 1111 IUllll.,... lft•ONftte 0.... Deir ..... """""'*" °" ............ to ... ,...,_, ...,.. ..,, Coate ....... Cellfornlll ~IO ..... -.......... TIWHCI IHl,PAlllO, ... , , ...... -::c= •. IO"flt ow "::i. =::mr DAUD ~, .. "' .. °"",.. ......................... ,......, 11·2*11 .. '"" .,..,. -. ..... CA..,,.. .... .. ...... .._ ""'....... -.,., -_, ==• ftll IO fM Mid 0-... .....,_ Tt.-IMlrlW le OOflductef -, I 1911•8", L'8.. a 0 .. 1 .... ........ le• f .... -, I ot .......... I ... tot fOUf ....... _ -.r tr: ... -... ~·~: ..:-""'-... ~--=":.-l:llllill'•=-:j.~·.. '=.-==-..... -""' - • .,._~IOlft gg:.J~ LOI ANOll.ll ee::,:i:r::..-&::r: II• -~ flllt If -:&::,.. -•J.&::"~ =~ _,lllflltlM llMalot.... T,,,._ 0..-. 11, 'lllt I.Ct . t , °""II ~ tt, ' bh c:... Cooet ~ "'"'Jt.";:,;~. 0.tty ,., ... IMO °''"" CoaM"= w:::= Cont D.ity "*'"'" OrlW oe. ,.....,. .. rac:-'•'11 l l.T-. ..:..1:1. I ~ • rr . .-. t, ,_ ftllot. Now I, JO, 11, ttll "'°'· Oat IO, 17, Now. I, '°· ,_-"9C, Nov. a, t111 Ole "· a tr, Nov, t. ...... ~I. t , , ., ..... ~ . ..t..., . 41U... ........ .... , .. J ' ' ............ _.,.. r----------------------------------------------------------------~ ..... --.... ~--------------------------------------------------------------------..... • WEDNESDAY. NOV. 3, 1982 Clllllf 110,,__04 - MeNaritara ~ • ... 4 i ~ • ID Ang~l pressure cooke~ BY JOHN SEV ANO of"'IMO.-,Noe81aff Calling it "an exciting day because I've r ejoined the ranks of the e mployed," John McNamara became the 10th skipper of the Angels Tuesday. McNamara's record tremendous prt.~ure to not only win Instantly, but to at least get the Angels one more step up the ladder and Into a World Series. M<· aanara i No. J 0 I "I 'm very elated that 1 can come bal·k to Team Oakland (1969-70) San Diego (1974-77) Cincinnati ( 1979-82) W L 97 78 224 310 279 244 600 632 Pct. .554 .419 .533 .487 "l would say the Reds ball club In '79 would lx> comparobl1;: to the Angels. Whether thl'y hot* as much talent as this club riemains to be seen," McNamara continued. "You tlave t.O remember that '79 .Kedg team had players hkc (Johnny) Bench. (Joe) Morgan, (Duve) Concepcion and (Ray) Knight. And the outfield ,was (George) Foster, (Cesar) Geronimo and (Ke n) Griffey. J ohn McNamara ts the 10th Angele manager in the club's 22-year history .. Here are the records of those who preceded him: ·California with s uch a talented team," said McNamara by phone from Clermont, a suburb of Cincinnati. "I've had a number of jobs oCCered, but I'd hoped this (bein" hired by the Angels) wou~d be Where I'd wind up. ' Totals Manager W L Pct. 1. Biii Rigney (1961-69) 625 .. 707 .469 "' During the strike-tom campaign of 1981, the Reds finished with the best overall. record In baseball (66~42). qnly to finish tn se<.'Ond plucc in both mini seasons lx>hind the Dodgers and Houston Astros. 2. Lefty Phllllps ( 1969-70) 222 225 .497 3. Del Rice (1971) 75 80 .484 ' In winding up with lhe Angels, McNamara said he's e ntering a situation similar to the one he encountered in 1979 when he replaced the popular Sparl<y Anderson as ntanager of the Cincinnati Reds. "That's not too bad a club, although I know the Angels Have outstanding talent.'' • The AngeLCJ were so good, in faci, that many times Mauch ~aid all he had to do was put the names on the lim:up card and the team would do the rest. 4. Bobby Winkles (1912-73) 109. 127 .462 . 5. Dick Wiiiiams (197.4-76) 147 194 .431 . 6. Norm Sherry (1976-77) 76 71 .517 Somewhat Ironically. in McNamara's first year ('79). the Reds went on to win the National League West, only to be swept by Pittsburgh in· the NL playoffs. 7. Dave Garcia (1977-78) 60 67 .472 8. Jim Fregosl (1978-81) 237 248 .489 "That certainly wasn't a picnic, walking in behind Sparky," McNamara pointed out, alluding to the shoes he'll be expected to fill in Anaheim by the departed Gene Mauch. McNamara s'topped short of saying anything similar ·and flatly declined to g e t into a n y discussions cen ccrning Mauch 's managerial str'ategy. 9. Gene Mauch (1981-8?) 122 103 .542 . "This situation could be as tough, but I can't imagine it being any tougher." Mauch e njoyed even greater SUl'<.'eSS in his first full year with the Angels ('82), leading them to a divisional title with the best record in the club's history (93-68) and the third best record in baseball. .. f would rather stay away from tha t a t the present time," was McNamara's <.'Omment. officiall y sign the contract, believed to be for only one year, early next week . • McNamara spent 3 'h years with the RedS until ~ was abruptly fired last July and replaced by J(uss Nixon. Prior to 1981, the Reds had posted a 245-186 mark under McNamara's guidance, which was the best record in the major leagues during that time period. Mauch, however. was rewa rded for his efforts by receiving heavy criticism after the Angels le t a 2-0 lead slip away in the American League playoffs ' McNamara and the Angels came to terms when General Manager Buzzie Bavasi, in Chicago for an owners meeting, called "three or four times" over the weekend. .. I was as surprised as anybody else when Gene decided not to come back," said McNamara. "When th<> job came open Buzzle called me immediately. It's where l wanted to go and I'm glad it worked out." against MilwaukC<'. .'.J An agreement was finally r~ached between the two and McNamara is scheduled to be in town to McNamara said he had also been approached M cNamara. needless-to-say, will be under (See McNAMARA, Page 03) Lull before storm Preps warni up for showdowns By ROGER CAR~ON Of!M D.., Nol Steff A week's lull before multi-showdowns for a potential championship duel in the Angelus League and berths for the No. 3 spot in the CIF Big Five. Central and Southern conferences is on this week's prep football agenda. At least, on paper, that's how it shapes up. Angelus League powers Servit.e _and Mat.er Dei are 3-0 with their confrontation set a week later. Sea View League playoff contenders Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar are favored to meet a week lat.er with identical 4-2 league records. And, Woodbrid~e has a shot at turning the South Coast League into a potential three-way snarl for third place (and a C IF S outhern Conference playoff berth) if it can get by Laguna Hills. In the Sunset League, Marina and Fountain Valley can put Huntington Beach and Ocean View to rest and set themselves up for a potential second-place finish in the leagu~·s final.standings, barring upsets. · Edison, meanwhile, can clinch a tie for its fifth straight Sunset League title Saturday. Here's a look at each: Newport Harbor "s. Costa Mesa (•H a•m" et 7:30l Thuradey • The Line University vs. CdM 8t Newport Harbor CdM by 7 Laguna Hills vs. Woodbridge at lrvlne Even Serr• vs. Mater Del at SA Bowl Mater Del by 21 Frtdey Fountain Valley vs. Ocean View at HB F\I by 9 Huntington Bch vs. Marina et Westmjnster Marin• by 8 Newport vs. Coste Mesa 8t OCC Newport by 7 Saddteback vs. Eatancla at Newport Seddlebaek by 8 El Toro at Irvine El Toro by 14 Capistrano valley at Laguna Beach Capo by 19 San Clemente et Mission Viejo Minion by 7 Dena Hiiis at Montclair Montelalr by 3 ....... ., Edlton at Westminster Edl9on t>y 12 passes for 687 yards and six touchdowns for Fountain Valley, and it can be either sophomore Dave Swigert. Al Shaw or Brian Paval~o at tailback. Ocean View's offense revolves around the aerial game and the Barons' secondary figures to be busy from start to finish against the slants of quarterback Chad Pariseau. Newport Harbor's Sailors will be trying to regroup after last week's 21-20 loss to Sea 'View League leader Sac%tleback, and the scene is much improved with the return of two-way tackle Dave Cadigan. -Vnl.,erslty vs. Corona del Mar The Sailors enter with better Sile and the soliO:-Neither has been too successful in terms of running of tailback St.eve Brazas. but are up against season records, but they're going in different an opponent which virtually shut down Corona del directions at this point. · Mar last week in a 7-3 loss to CdM. Corona del Mar can set itself up for a playoff Costa Mesa r elies on its option-oriented showdown with rival Newport Harbor if it can get runni ng attac k a nd s h ort-yard passing o f by Uni, a team which has been struggling the past quarter back Scot Hagley with a double tight end {our weeks, losing four in a row by an average of co111bination. 4 38-7. Hunt.lngton Beaell "s· Marina • It's the Delaware winged-T of Huntington Beach, with the Oilers' three-pronged punch of q1:1arterback Eric Lawton and runners Danny Thompson and Carl Saterfield against the veer of Marina, which hls been nearly unstoppable on the ground since switching to an unbalanced line. Huntington Beach's offense has generated over 30 points per game in establishing a 5-3 overall record, while Marina's defenae has allowed only 10 points a game in the same span. Marina's chief weapons include hatfback Eric Karman and quarterback Blll Marler behind a big, veteran line, keyed by ta<:kle Blll Macias. F••tal• J'alley vs. Oeean J'lew With the 100-yard performance of fullback Soon Garrett still fresh\ the Barons of Fountain Valley enter with a solid double-'Punch offense. Quarterback Dale Frye has completed 57 of 112 Corona del Mar's defense has allowed just one field goal in its l~t two •tories. Lance Martin is Cd~'s big running weapon (passing seldom enters into the Sea Kings' a~). with 875 yards on 179 carries In eight games. Martin has scored five touchdowns. Will Watson is the key for University's attack. His passing (131 yards) and running (76 yards) accounted for all but 67 of the Trojans' offeMe last week. Sallflleuek vs. EIJU.ael• F.atanda '1 F.agles have loet four of their last five, Saddleback's Roadrunners are riding high with an 8-0 overall record and the No. 8 poaiUon In the Daily Pilot Orange County Top 10 • '· Saddleback's speed revolves around tailback Kttvin Bradley (13 touchdowns) and the pulinc of Rod Pt'Sak (12 TD tciaes). Arnon2 the Saddleback squad is ti.cht end-defensive end Blake Smith, a (See PREP, Pa1e 03) .; Todd Parker leads Ocean View High againsl Foun'8in Valley Friday night m unsel action at Huntington Beach . How about • • a comm1ss1oner with some personality? New baseball 'czar' doesn't figure to have any clout, so why not pick someone who is fun-loving SPORTS COl.UMNllT the nauonal pmume. · "Czar" is a wprd flnt llllOCiated wl\h this job When Ow chair WU ~pied by Jucta-Kenemw Mountain Landia. the fin\ ciamrnillkJner and tM mt • of anh:~~ tlw ..... wtlh the provertital hand. WMther bllfball WM MY ....... fJ'Glll a l&lndpoint of t.hl «Nl ......... 'I olftct will hrie to be told by IGl1MDfW who Wll eround at taa, lime. Howewr, it .. ~ ~· '° note tMt &he OWMn hlaft bH'lOW'td no clout upon•~ lllnte. What II mar., theft" ii no NallOft IO e•~ a c:o11nleloP• with~~ paww ....... future. . Wha\ then? Well, if it. offift ii to exllt, why not a man With an Iota of ( . • penonallty. It should not be necessary for a commt..ioner to wear a lampshade and keep mall in stitches but it might be pomible for the right appointee to sell the pme whh 90me warmth. Bowle Kuhn waa as waPm as a penptn'a upper lip. His manner and appeuance were to sugest that he wan't hnln& any fun ln this game and would eei1alrily do whatever he could to 1ee \hat nobody ei.e enjoyed hJrnaelf. As a maner of lac\, the more one contanpla&el the matt.er, the more dear it becomH that toctay's 1portt cornrnlllkJMr .tsould be a 1pokecman for and • repr ... ntative of hi1 aame. h rn&lht ewn be pcmible to 1p.ak ln behalf of ioth flldiona, labor and manqement. 'nlet.,.,.. la no ttel authority in ~ offke of any of the commtuionera la quit• obvious durtn111 strikes. Bowie Kuhn ,.....,...bly u...-In Che t..t:.U welbut of 1181. A. a matt« of feet, tht CC11nmllldan1r w• lnvlllble In bwblU'1 darf&e1t 9'our 1lnce th• Black Sox an Ml Pete aa.11e of Ow NaUonal FoodMlll Lu1ue 11 a far more •n1a1t111 ' personality than Kuhn, but his role in the great player strike of 1982 has been reduced to the edge of elimination. ManagemE'Rt has its representatives and the players have their mouthpieces and these people take to the cent.er of the ring in times of strife and there I.a no need -certainly no room -for a comml•ioner. Perhaps what baseball and football really need are permanent mediators, ready to pounce In time of Internal anaulah. At any rate. If Bowle Kuhn I.I to be repl...ed, It Is to be hoped It will be by a per-.onalJty .who will ieeve 10me aort of mark on buebell hiaiory. Judp Landis became c:ommlaaloner when \Mn wu a danaeir that bueblll miaht le. lta credibtUty and tw •1'-pped In and threw people out of tM pine and no one ever f orp. "Say It ain't m. J~ ... aald the snail boy 1 tu11ln1 on the aleeve of the baniahed ......... J~ Jadclon. An &anknpwn urchin 1HWI • more vlvld marlC than thl• eommluloner. ............. • • Union sending· signals NEW YORK (AP) -The National Football League players union is sending out signals to both sides in the 44-day-old strike. To the Management Council. representing. the owners: We've made some big concessions. Now it's your turn. To the striking players: We've made some big promises to you. We can't keep them all. THE UNION, in its latest package of proposals, excludes previ o u s d e m a nds for a percentage of television revenues and a central fund. These had been major parts of the ·union's promise '° i\s 1,500 players to ·dramati call y restructure control of the game. Other changes. though. are being negotiated and could become an integral part of the agreement: severance pay for all vested players and collectively barga ine d inc entive and . performance bonuses. The league, which the pas t few weeks had been calling off its weekend game on Tuesdays. held off this time because Commissioner Pete Rozelle "is determined not to influence the talks by cancelling the games too early," said Don Weiss. the league's e>(ecutive director. Rozelle had a busy Tuesday. He met with groups of players who asked that he take an active role in the negqtiations (he said no) and asked whether the date of the Super Bowl could be changed (he said no). And he met during the afternoon with mediator Sam K agel. The substance _of that meeting was not known. KAGEL ALSO met with the owners' executive committee and, lat.er. with union chief Ed Garvey and union president Gene Upsahw. The New York Daily Ne ws reported in today's cd.itions. that a change in the date of the college draft from late April to Feb. 1 (right about the same time the United St.ates Football League holds its draft) and a major upgrading of postseason pay are also being discussed. The Super Bowl winners' payt'hecks would go from $18,000 to $36,000: the Super Bowl losers' from $9.000 to $18,000: division playoff winners' from $5,000 "tt> $10.000 and wlld-<:ard winners' from $3.000 to $6,000. The union, when il opened negotiations with the league last Feb. 16, demanded 55 percent· of all NFL gross revenues. That, Upshaw said. was "etc;.hed in stone " The owners flatly rejected the concept. On Sept. 17, four days before the st rike began, the union mod I fled I ts demand t.o 50 percent of the NFL's television revenues. The owners were equally oppoeed to that. NOW THAT IDEA, too, haa been set uidt by the wUe>n. Wh•t It wants lnitetd i• a 1uarant~e that if \he lea1ue ~IVes mort' TV money th•n th~ S2. l billion due from the m..... major networks from the lucrative cebt. TV mark•t. for eump&., tho union will be ebka '° noptn ftltOUattonl '° ~ for • aha" of th• ......_u money • I., "" ~. l iWJ '· '" l~t ~ l ,)1 ' ... \ p 1 1 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Wedn11day. November 3, 1982 - I ' ~--------..... ~--~----------~--------------~--..... ~------------------lllllml!'------------------- Bre wer s' Vuckp vi ch Name d AL's b est \- From AP dispatches NEW YOHK H1ght-handt•r P et e Vuckovich. a model of ('Onsisll'lll'Y on Milwaukt.'l"s Amer1c:u11 League diamp1onsh1p team, today was naml'<.l winner of the AL's 1982 Cy Young Award. The mustachioed pitche r, who hud two eight-game wuming sln.oaks as ht.• <:a rved out a nifty 18-6 re<.'Ord, bt.>Camc the second successive Milwaukt.'O hurler lo wm the award. Reliever Rollie Fingers was last year's AL winner. The 30-year -old Vuc kovich beat out Baltimore's Jim Palmer for the prize, l.1t;>t.'Ordin6 87 points tu 59 for the Orioles' righ t-hander'. Kansas City rt'lief a<'f' Dan Quisenberry. a t:osta Mesa High and Orange Coast College produc:l, was third with 40 points. followed by Toronto's Dave Stieb with 36. With two writers voting in each AL City, Vuckovic·h had 14 out of a possible 28 first-place voles. Vuckovich also rt.>cieved four voles for second and five for third. Palmer had four firsts, 12 seconds and three thirds. Under the voting system conductl'd by the Baseball Writers of America. a Cirst-plat'C vote is worth fi ve points. St.>cond plac.-e thrre and third place one. Quote of the day Penn State football c.-oacb. Joe Paterno, whose team whipped Boston College. 52-17. despite being oulgained' 656 yards to 618: "I don't care if they got 800 yards. I thought holding them to 17 points was a pretty good game." Hanlon's 35 saves spark St. Louis Mike Zuke set up a pair of first ~· period goals and goalie' Glen Hanlon ' stopped 35 s hots t&-spark St. Louis to a 4 -2 victory over Detroit in a National Hockey League game Tuesday night ... Elsewhere in the NHL. Mark Hunter scored his second goal of the game at 15:14 of the third period 'to break a tie and give MpntreaJ a 5-4 win over New Jersey ... Vancouver connected for three pow<'r·play goals by Moe Lemay, Doag Halward and Darcy Rota and Harold Snepts chipped an with a short-handed goal as the CaAucks defeated Quebec. 5-2 ... Red-hot Pat Boulette SC.'Ored his 14th goal of the season four minutes into the second period tn lead Pittsbttrgh to a 3-1 win over thl.' New York Islanders. The loss snapped a 30-game home unbeaten string Cor the Islanders·: .. Minnesota's Al MacAdam scored what proved to be the game-winning goal as the NoPlh Stars withstood a four-goal fourth period by Hartford Lo take a 7-6 win. Phoenix out111te Portland In NBA Alvan Adam•, Wall 01u·I• o!ntJ m Maurice Luc•u l'11mhlrwd lur l'l ll polnl11, 111l'11.uHnte nlrw IMlt• lo Llw fourth pttrlod, a. Ph<.1t1nlx ou 1lui;ll'CI PottAncJ . Y:!·H7 , Tut•11day nlaht 1n Nutlonul 8'uikctball Aaodatlon aNlon . t:l~·wl"'rt• in thu N8A, t't•ntt•r Jack Slkma &e.'OH'<1 :.:1 polnL1 and 1uw-d1 Gus WUU11n1 and Oavld Tbomp11on t-umblrwcl for ii l w1 S.•ulth• 1wt•rwh1•lnwu Utuh. 120·9:! ... fo'orwurd ~ddlt! J ubniun ptJUlittl Ill u cnrf>C'r·hiKh !M pol nti;, pullt'<.I down u t•111't .. •l'·ht•Ht 15 rt>lx>undb und fut•lt.-d 11 third quurtl•r rully t.o lift Knn!IWI <.:iLy lo u 11»·1 l:l win ovt•r Mtlwoukt'l' . Rookw Domlnlqu' Wilkins hit h111 h1~t 11hw l!hOlS J.·om,.thc• floor for a c:nrt"t'f'·hlgh 30 pohllJI a'i h k>d Atlanta to u 105-88 win ovt•r Wuicli1nuton 1 •• hlah Tbomas scOl'l'U 30 puinvr nnd Jobn Lonjl uu<fo<l 211 ui'I Dt"tmh ~·rH Clcwlund to 011 • NBA rt."l'Ord 22nd straight d<·ft.•nt wilh u 120 119 victory . . . Darryl Dawkins lt.-d flw t~·tunmntvs In double figures wilh 20 ptJinlS us N,•w Jt.•rSt>y dC'fouled San D1C'g0. l 10-100. Randy Smltb ltl•d lhc NBA rC'cord for most consccu11vt.• ~unwit played at IH4 ... Jay Vincent and Rolando Blackman Nwh S(.'Ort.>d 19 polnlS to IPad Dnllm1 to a 113-103 wln ovt>r Hous1on . Lillis to manage Houston Bob Llllls, who P.iloted tht> Houston • As tros on an interim basis after Bill • . )'lrdon was fir(.'d, was named managf.'.'r of lhe National League team ... Fir<;! bast•man Steve Garve9 of the Dodg<.>rs formally 1 f1lfd for free agency at.'t:ording to has agent Jerr y Kapstlen. Eligible players who wish to be included m the Nov. 10 re-entry draft must file for free agency by Thursday. The Dodgers may sign him up until midnight Saturday or they tnay re tain negotiating rights al the d raft and negotiate alter Nov. 10 ... T he New York-> Yankees arc oonsidedng playing their regularly 8':hcdulc>d home opener in Denver if improvements on Yankee Stadium are not finished on time . . . '.the .Lakers announced thal the NBA has approved a revised multi-year contract signed by Bob McAdoo. Tei-ms were not announced ... Pete Rose, w ho will be 42 shortly after the 11183 baseball season opens, signed a one-year contract with Philadelphia and predicted that he would break Ty Cobb's major league c.'Qrccr hit record after the 1984 All-Star game Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv-excellent; vvv- worth watch ing; V'v fair: v forget it. (j) 6:20 p.m ., Channel 9 v v v NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Denver. Announcers: Chick H earn and K eith Erickson. The Lakers hope to post their first victory o( the season toni,ihl in Denver. Kareem Abdul- Jabbar. JamaaY\Vilkes and Magic Johnson lead the defending NBA c hampion .Lake rs , Rookie James Worthy scored 18 -points in his1 NBA debut as the Laken; lost to GoldMl State in their opener Friday. RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Denver, 6:20 p.m .. KLAC (570). • _ ,. Hockey -Toronto at Kings, 7:20 p.m., KPRZ(ll50). Anteaters breeze, past 149ers UC Irvine breezed to its 20th straight v1ctoty of the season '!:,Vllh a 9-5 conquest of host Long Beach State m Belmont Plaza Olympic pool Tuesday night. On the communi ty college Cron t, Fullerton u psl'l Golden Wesl, 14 -12 in South Coast Conference action while Orange Coast was losing to Santa Ana. ·" 11-9. The No. l rated Anteaters of Coach Ed Newland jumped in front early and had little trouble in winning over the 49ers in PCAA action. ll marked the fifth straight victory in con ference play for the Anteaters. John Vargas paced the scoring with four goa ls w hile the Campbell brothers, Jeff a nd P eter , each contributed two apiec.-e. Tony Choquehuan<.'a had the other UCI score. J ohn O'Brien had 13 saves in goal for the Anteaters. UCI hosts UC San Diego at WATER.POLO Newport Harbor High Sunday Jn its next outing. "We played ver y badlY. on defense today," a disappointed Golden W est Coa c h Tom Hennstad said ... We just got behind and we were never able to catch up. "I feel that Brett Del Valle and Tom Grall who came off the bench. played well for us on offellS('." The loss was the first in conference action for the Rustlers this season and only their second overAll. The Rustlers came storming back in thl' final period with six goals but it was too late. Orange Coast battled the Santa Ana Dons all the way before two goals in the final 2:10 or action gave the hosts the win. The final goal was protested when the 35-second clock wasn 'l turned on. Brett McCormick had Cive goals for the OCC Pirates who are now 4.4 in oonfcrence play and 12-6-1 overall. Scott Hansen had 14 saves for the Pirates in g~I. College football . . • . IATUN>Ara GAMEi Calilorn11 "' USC •I LA CollMVm I t·30 D.m.l UCLA et Washington (Cllennei 2 11 12.50 p.m) Arizona al SIAlllOfd P1clllc 111. Long Beach Sc. II An1'11lm Sledlum (7.30 pm.) Santa Ciara 11 San Jose 81 , n Cll Siiia Fullerton II Frnno SI 5an Diego SI al H-911. n Boise St. ai Cll P~ (St.Ol. n WUhlngcon SI. II Oregon Monllfl8 11 POrlllnd SI .. n Cit LulMtln al SI Mary's Whilller 11 LaVeme ()cddental 11 Redllndl. n cai P~ tPomona) 11 Nortllrioge SI , n UC Davie 11 Heywerd St. Chico SI " HumbOldt SL n San FrenciKo Sc. at Sau-to SI. n "4ldJM e>egon SI 11 Arlzon1 St., n Wyoming at BYU NlvacY-1.11 Veg11 ., ColOfaoo St. ld8llO at' ldlllO SL. n Northern Arizona 1t Montane St. North Tellll St. 11 Hew MeJtlco St Vtllll SI. ac Vt.all ~Reno 11 Weber SI , n .......... Min ... 11 Beytor l<antM St. at Olll9homa SMV 11 Ra Ho\lllon et TelWI T111M Tech at TCU Welt TPM SI at Tulal. n Atlt-81 •I Limit. n l;alt cw .. It Te11111-Atlinglon. n New MllllcO 81 Tex-El PMO, n ........ Mkitllg8n It llllnoll (Cllanoel 7 11 9.25 a_m I Nort"-81el'n ac Mlcnigen 81. ~a It Ohio St, loWe .. PufdUe lftdlerll .. Wlecol llln IOM8t.8'~ COiorado al Mlsaoun Ollter-SI 81 Net><utll 8811 St II Bowling Gt_, Wlchill S I. 81 Dr811e Klfll St 11 EM1em Mlchlgln • <;.ntrll MldliOln It M18mi, 6 w .. 1 .. n MldllgM II TOiedo Northern ltllnoll 11 Ohio U Souttl LSU •I Allblml ~lgtfl 11 Auburn North CWOhn1 11 Clemeon Wike Forni 81 Duke Geo<Ql8 II Fk>f kll Virginie •I Geofgla Tecll V1ndef'blll 11 Klflluelly lndl8"a SI. II Loulavllle Ml81111, Fl8. al Miwyl8nd T"'-at MIMIM!ppl, n Aort08 St 81 Sou111 C..ollnl Memp/llt SI •t T--• M8'ltllll 81 VMI Blown 81 Wlllllm I M81Y BuckM!I II 08vldllOll JarnM Mlldh1on •I Furman McNMM St •I Loulll#ll Tech, n Nicholl• Sl. •I NW Loul"8na, n Soulhern •I SE L°'"'8n•. n NEL~118WL~,ft Appal•clllan St al Ttnn•••••· Chall~,n Elal•n Klfttudly •• Tennea ... Tech Thi Clladll 11 Wntern CeroUna .... North Cwolln• St. II Penn SI. Notre 0-at Piii Navy 1t SyrlCUM N< t:or~ •t Almy 8o1ton Coll8oe 81 M~ll Botton U. •C Connecticut COrnell •I Yai. Lal8Ytll8 81 Princeton Ciolglll •I Penn ... Hervero 11 H~ CfOH Columble •I Oer1moutll Maine It Hew H.,,..,.. L8hlgll ........ Wind LllllM lltAPJ. JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLIGI .............. ~ . .. So. CC.lif • over California * UQA over Wa1hin9ton * IYU .,,., Wyiemln1 * "" over Notre DalM * ..... .. Prep runners geai: far league finals~- lllJ(h 1chool t•rou c:ountry A1llcl1• from &rrl~d 11U ol rln11l oreo li(•t for this wt...-k wllh twr tl•am~ll .. (Sut• mcntrout. Hunt1ngto11 9t.•uc·h <Sun1t•t J11ml NourllC), Judy c,; ughlln LC1ngut.1). El •roro (St'll Vlt!w)1 und Mtdl1111a Portln, Ju11t for Dunu ll11l11 (South Const) un<J 1lurtt.•r1), ttwri• art' ~l Toro'll Mutc•r Ot•I (Anst-lua) holdlnj thl' Ml<'ht•I{• But·k 1md Nkole Siggt•rs upsx:r hand after finilihlna wp and <.-Ott• Mf'tlft'• Juli() Morris. their rt.'!lpt_•c:Uvt• lt•u6lut•it In dwil Bn·tt CUfforcl uf Hun (,:IPmentt< !JleCl compNltlvn wu unbt!Utt•n In Houth Coa1H On thl' wonwn's side. Jt:dill(Jll, Lcuguti uct)on. a,11.d Billy Christy University, Ml111lon Via Jo ond of Ml111lon Vlojo and Duna Hill#' Bish op Amo t en tc•r UH tho Jon Kl'llY 1m i 11l110110Ud l.'n tries In favorites ufll'r domlniillng duul lhC' S<>Ulh Comet rtnuhi m<'et Bl'UOn. It beghls Thurtiduy uftc•rnoon Jt'a Klrlc:tly ca two warn banll• at Huntington B<iuch's C<•nirul bctWt.'t)n Onru:i 1111111 nnd Mlll81on Park (2 o'cloi.-k) with the Sun11t.tt Vie jo. On the women 's side, finals, followed by thtJ St.·u View Miludon Vlt.',)O tlpµt.•ar11 to huve tht• and South Coast meets Friday hlHldtJ truc:k with 11.8 dl'pth-laden and the Angcluis League flm1IK lA!um. ' Saturday. • Mul<'r IX·I. l'Onstdt:rt.'l.I by some Th<· S1•11 Vi<'W rinuh; arc nl a,, th" state's finl'st aggregation $addlcbac:k Culll'U''· ~Ith tht• and the early choice to win it all South Coast flnul being held ut · at the CIF finals, ls teq' by Mitch L aguna NltJut•l Hcgionol Park, Eddy, RJck y Marlinez, Jim both beginning at i . Ton<'r . Ro b ArsenaulL, Matt The Angelus finals Saturday Munoz, Scan Dolan, Ed Behrens arC' scheduled to begin at iJ;30 and Herb Klein . a.m. at Otterbein Park in the Clly Eddy and Martinez recently of Industry. turned a 14:37 for the Monarchs. The top thacc from each Martin Cueva leaf ue (individuals and t.eams) wil qualiCy for the CIF prelims, which are scheduled for Nov. 13 at Mt. San Antohio ColJegc. Among the top stars at the Sunset meet ·are Huntington Beach's Gus Quinonez. Greg Baugh and Martin Cueva. along with Westminster's Kyle Martin and Fountain Valley's Ed Gould, a lthough the latce r has been handicapped with a ~trep ~hroat.. CdM clinches title Sea View League • 1n Huntingt.on Beach swept to a 5-0 record in dual meet action and is a top-heavy favorite to roll in the finals. Lumped with 3-2 records are Edison. Fountain Valley and Marina. In the women's divis ion . Edison is a shoo-in behind quality depth. topped by individual standout Leslie Pratt. David Anderson of Corona del Mar is the individual to beat at the Sea View !Jnpls, but ln terms of depth, El Toro appears to have the h orses in Mike Ma k ens, Spencer Allen and Eric Farien. Other individual standouts expected to vie for a CLF berth are Greg Whitely' of University .and Dou g K iner of Newport Harbor. · University, led· by Te rMa Barrios, has a strangleho1-.: '>n Lhe women's div1s1on .. The Trojans were 7-0 in league, followed by Newport Harbor (6· J) and Irvine and EJ Toro (eaLn 4-~). ~ Corona del Mar wrapped up the Sea View .League women's volleyball championship after ·a tough, 3-2, victory over runner- u p Newport Harbor H igh Tuesday night. In another Sea View outing. Esta nl'ia clinched third place with a 3-0 defeat of University. In the Sunset Leagu e . W estminste r d1nched the championship with an easy. 3-0. victory over Edison while Fount.nin Valley was extended lo f ive games before d owning Ocean View, 3-2 and Marina won a 3-0 verdict over Huntington Beach. .... WL-stminster is first, Fountain Valley second and Marana.is tied with Oc-ean View for third place .in the standings. Corona del Mar had a tough m atc h with second place Newport Harbor. "Newport was really tough tonight." said CdM Coach Harold Noreiga'. "After we lost the lhlcd game ID fall behind Kuhn tabbed 'nation's idiot' OAKJ -\ND (AP) -Charles 0 . Finiey, former owner of the Oakland A 's. stil l ca lls Commissioner Bowie Kuhn "the nauon's idiot ... Finley. who lives in Chicago, said in a telephone interview with the Oakland Tribune that he considered Kuhn's firing on Monday "a red letter day for baseball. · "It's the greatest thing that's ever happened in the history of the game. I've always considered him the nation's idiot. T.\>e son of a gun ran me out of baseball . "h 's like the old saying: he who lives by the sword dies by the sword. And he got his." Finley 's tea m , world champions in 1972, 1973 and 1974, fell Crom the top when most of his star players got away as free agents, starting with Catfish Hunte r after the 1974 season. In 1976, Finley sold Vida Blue. Joe Rudi and Rollie Fingers for a total of $3.5 million. but Kuhn voided the deals, saying they were ''not in the best interests of baseball." Rudi and Fingers left the A's as free agents and Finley received no compensation. Blue was traded away later. Finley sued Kuhn f o r nullifying the 1976 deals but lost the court case. When Finley, who sold the A's three years ago. was asked to name his candidate lo succeed Kuhn, 'h e said, "Charles 0 . Finley." • 1-2. we decided we wanted the league championship more than an ything else and we settled down in the last two games. "We play Eswncla in our last home game Thursday and we want to build some momentum ""' for the CIF· playoffs." Senior Pam Lawrence and VOLLEYBALL sophomore Hrooke Herrington led the Sea Kin gs a\I. outside._ hitter while setter Ilene Hess J)layed well for the winners. Lara Asper and Mandy K.cn.ney were the standouts tor the Tars who are second in the league- standings. Es tanc:ia is I 0-3 and h as a utomatically qualified for a playoff berth. Coach Joe Wolf praised the excellent all-around play of middle blocker J ane Ferda who a lso ser ved 11 straight points at one juncture The Setting of Kathy Hall and the play o( Jamee Tomei, Gena Garrett and KelJy Horgan also drew-praise from the coach. In the Su n s-et L eagu e. Fountain Valley dropped a pair of 12-l 5 decisions in the first two games before coming back to win. Christy Svalstad. a freshman, came off the bench in lhe final game with the Barons trc1iling. 9-11 . She served six s traight points and made four digs off die floor to put the decision away. _ acc.'Ording to Coach Rick Evans. ~ Ocean View fell into a tie with Marina for third place in the league standings with 4 -5 records . FV is 7 -2 an d Westminster 9-0. Marina had outstanding play from captain Shelly Thrall whb scored 20 points including six aces io d e feating Hunlingtoo Beach, 3-0. ,. . I L • I • . • .-1 i I • ,. .. j r I_ Loe Alemlloe TUIHOAY'I llHUI. TS '"" of 13-dete fell falt mHll119) Al'l'ALOOUI r1111T llACI. 4' • lurlonga Suoun SonM (Whit•) 22 40 14 60 1 oo A11n .. Aoc 11 C&.rna) 14 80 0 20 S11tl1ta legacy IVallltl) 4 60 AllO •aced Wegobyt>y, Wh11laW11yhOiln .. Forward Rock. Viking Pt111Co1 ' Time O ~- $2 UACTA 11·~1 Plld S200 00 QUAllTE.JIHOlll U H CQMO llACE. 3SO y..,oa Maggtf9 Mam CCardozal 13 40 6 60 4 20 lady w 1na !Chaveil 9 00 4 80 Coney Island Whltl 1Tonk1l 7 00 Alto raetd Nice lin<l R1¢h, Jepciy WOhOOI Angel. Sally Ooo Sally ftme t8 35 THlflO llACE. 35() yard• AM Ji> Te !Hlrl) 3 20 2 00 2 60 lamtoo !Adair) 4 00 4 00 Reba Polly CCardo1a1 S 40 Allo raced Peac h Picker. Prouoly, Seymour Sooner, Now1y101rea1 Sco111e1 Ou1crieu Ttme 1807 S2 HACTA 18·81 patd U 9 00 THOllOUOttallEOS FOUllTH llACE. 6 furlongs Solomillo cele1gad1llo) 10 00 5 40 3 60 Pie HOSIHI CWh1ltl 8 80 8 00 F.,1y Pole (Valdeil 13 00 · Atso 1actd Sanoy Banta Geotge s f1111 Zeetrun• lmpuls<ve Na•onod ~ Star SweelHI · Jan-Supj)f85Slve Tune t 13 115 FIFTH RACE. 6 luflongs Sea Tears 1Hansen1 7 20 3 60 2 40 Repeat John 1De19ao11101 3 40 2 60 Have A C1111 1Pe<1ro1a1 3 40 Also •teed F11st S1111t11 T unety Bell Laoy Oriana Bea 1 Copf)ef 0-To 1~ Wwe Mtss P1111 Walker, Tullv111e Miss Time I 13 215 SS EXACTA 13-10) paid $66 00 1 SIXTH RACE. 6 lurlongs Take the Flack !P1ncayl 3 60 2 20 2 20 Undercover Man tTorot 2 20 2 40 ()tymplC KlflO jArilgon) ? 60 Also raced Edge of Knight. Catt AmetK:an Our Luc~y Penny. Kffl) the F11e Time t 120 SEVENTH RACE. I 1116 miles ltsnotmytaull COhvatHI 7 40 4 00 3 00 1) Foose tCasta"41Cl•I 6 40 3 40 <l1Nt Cloud tpw;ay) 2 80 AISo •aced htremely My Honey 81scu11 Tho11tndgar Something Happened Su Rozaiot Time t 45 t/5 SS EX ACTA {4·5) paid S 127 00 EIGHTH llACE. 6 lurlOnot Fmal Spac;e CSC/\aumou1g)14~ 80 36 ?O 1 00 ..,.,krntnedllll (RA1T11tezl 8 20 5 60 ·Embermah( (Cas1ane<111 3 20 Also raced 8uu MelChOnl War House OermOdy Kendon Can Do Time 1 12 215 NINTH RACE. t II 16 mites Nancy I Hooey CB'-Ck) 3 60 2 60 2 60 Real Phrt tPedrOral 3 00 3 ?0 Slualty Wtalh« (Rond) 6 00 Also raced SlallOn J, Lita 1 Gay Ruler Leg Serl, Bombay Gtn. Arromanche& Moneyopoutos Time I 45 115 15 l!UCTA (6-4) pllld S29 00 S2 f'ICX Siii '9·3-4-4·3·01 p..a S t.08J 20 wtlh 28 wtnn1ng tickelJJf••• hofses) S2 Piek Sr• con101a11on 011 S 14 60 w111t IS91 wlnnw>g tie;k•ta tlou1 hOftul S2 Piel\ SI~ acrelctl conlOlallon oe10 S58 20 with 64 winning tlekela lth<ee hO<M• onti ocrete/11 n.NTH RACL 6 lurtongs Kist 'Em Goodbye CVllOMnOl r-1 • t4 40 3 00 2 1U- 8at• Lan (Pincayl 2 20 2 10 Sunny Ridge C81ack) 2 tO Also reced Famous Perlormtr Ag11etetreas lime I tO 315 SS EXAC TA 12-51 Pltd $92 SO EL.l!YEHTH RACE. 6 lut!onQS Wind OI France (TO<O) S 40 2 80 2 20 O.lletent WorlOs (Rometo> 4 60 2 ao Test of Time CPl<l<:ey) 2 20 Also teeed Haiel Too c Est MO< Cheri T11ne 1 ti o $2 EX ACTA 12~> paid $ 13 80 Allef'<lal'Ge -6 583 LeiKllng money wir:,,.,.. JOCKEY I Mounta iat 2nd PutM• Plnuy 1,228 248 204 $7.853, 194 Cordero l,48J 313 275 7 .8 IS 869 YelatQuez 1,433 281 230 6.302.082 • C McCanon 1 148 255 194 6.238.1171 Oeiahouaaaye 1, 1&4 187 169 5,585.921 Fell 1,048 178 142 4.2113.&34 MacBath 1.282 170 194 4,449,447 Srtoemal/.,. IS29 107 93 4.169,882 Day 1.521 319 288 3.951.795 Semyn 923 138 111 3,8S0, 195 TIIAIHEllS Whflllngham L Bau era LukH Frankttt McAnal!y Ven Betg F.MWIJn Stecir-t JCampo John_, Ii.rt. h i 2"d l'wMe 3'60 SS 58 SA.073,1535 31S7 156 66 3,280.208 460 17 61 3.285.545 490 87 90 2,442,727 425 55 47 2.288.821 I, 180 20 I 1211 2, 178,M7 640 121 .89 1.975.327 233. 81 39 1,177.AS 495 52 61 1,734, 192 30I 6' 44 1,844.900 HOllSU Ptnlllifl LemlllGOld .. .,.. ,.. 2nd ""'- • 4 I $1, 197,400 11 8 2 1.068.375 ll'a IM One Galo o.I Sol JOlwl H9IWy Bluth wllh Pftde Tnlel< flobbtry ~s..rpr­AellwMl.ed AIO<Tla·• ~ 12 3 2 1163,49• • 2 3 583.779 4 2 0 5341,300 12 5 3 510.857 10 4 3 518,3'7 1S 2 3 4'2.482 18 e 4 419.549 • 4 3 468748 .. A W.I Tl.llN COWIMNCI! l'edflc ... llloft W L l'c1. 09 3 0 1000 2 0 1000 2 1 .667 O• I .000 0 3 000 0 3 000 --..~ Sen An40nOO 2 0 1 000 ~ Ctly' 2 0 1 000 Delllt I I '67 OenWf I 1 500 Ul8'1 ' 2 .333 HOll91on I) 3 000 IMTIM CONnNNCI .................. 2 0 1000 t 0 11100 2 1 M 7 I 2 333 0 2 000 c-, .. ~ 1b 2 ' .. 7 1' -1 2 •w ~IMC4lp0 . g 2 000 ~ Q 3 .000 , ........ ...,.. ..... .,.,.., 110, .... OleaO 100 QttfOol 121. ~ 111 Alllrttt 1()5 """"'"°'°" • ~Cltytlt ......... ,~ I Ollml t ~. "°'*°" tn ..... tM,u..-• "'°"* n. ~..,.. 11 ~ib=-... ~~-... Yen 11 0°'°"1 e1111 ~ t 2 3 3 ., ' 11~ 211 h "' , I 11\oJc.hofm Open l•t l toct.holm, l wede11) ,. ""' llOllftd l lfllle• ShlOmci G1ocu1 .. ,, 11"''~' ctet JOlln I 1oro !Englt111Cll ti 7 6·4 I 8 J~r lopoO..• IU S I <l•I Jo111en Wonllllhl IS,.110@nl 8 4 II • 1.ICIJO Oou1ne (U 6 ) 011 Miik OtC~IOfl (Us). 0 3 7·6. Wo11e11 I lbu~ IP0181llll (llll Ndukl 001101 CNtgor11) 7 ~ 1 S H1111t1 L•tonh• tFr•ll<•I det Jtn KellQv111 1S...a1n1 8'2 11-2, th11 N.111•*' 1Ror11.i.wa1 del '"'"' fayg.,, IU SI 6·4 G·•. Aonn111 8amm .. n tSw~""' o~I Vtttor Am•~• IU I 1 e·3 IS 4 N1(k S1vrn110 IU S) ll\tl StentllO• Birner (C1ocllo11ovak1e) 1 6, 8 I (rttk ··~• .. ky (Us ) 1101 <;n.i11op1111 OOtnllllt 1r1A11M'"I .... 6 4, Br~ M•nMHI cu s) CIOll HMrOOn ltmalr (Zlmbdb"'•I 6·2 6-I Hong Kong CIHtk Ftral llou.wl l lngtea L 1 om Cain CU S I def Jo1tan K11ek CSo 1111ic..1. ~-7 6·2 6·3. lauyo1111 Fu~uttJap1111) oel Kim Warwick CAustrolia). 7-6. 1·8 7-6. Trey Wnltke (US ) det Van Wtnitaky IU S 1. 6 3 6 2 J1nimy &iown IV S 1 del Dominique Beo-4 llr•ncel 7 6. I IS 6 '· Torn GuH1kton tU S I oer Andrew PathMH1 1So AltlC<ll &.2 6 7 G 4 l otn Ciull1Uoo IU S I dtl S l•ve Kr1.11ev111 IU S I 6 4 4·6 6 2 Pet OuPre IU s I dOI Sas111 "11111011 llndlill 6-7. 8-3. 8 4, Morfin Oov11 IU S I dlll Mike Estep tU S I 6 3 1 ~ Guy ro1get ''""'te1 del l erty S1efenk1 1r111iu1 1·6 3·6 6 O WOMEN ltcond llound Slf19lel Oena Culbert tU S I del Laur,; O..po111 IU S I 6 I 6 4, lrllan Ott95ellt>r ($w11lerland) oef Julio Harnno10t1 1u S 1. 0·6. 7·5. 6· • Kom Sten1ine1r 1U S I lldl Shelli Solomon IU SI ~ 6 7·5 6-4 Pll)llil Black"'ell CU SJ oel M111111nnu \Ian Der T011<> CHOllandl 0-6 1-6 6-J Perth Challenae (at Pttlh, Au11r1IT1) SlnglH Semifinal• John McEnroe IU S I del Vrias Gerul1111s (US I 6·4. 4-6. 6-3. 8j0fn Sorg (SwedMI <1e1 Iv.in lendl (C1echoslovak1a) 6·4 1·6 6·3 High echool women Lag11n1 .. ach ti, Sa" Cltmtt1I• O Sl"llM• W1lll11tt1 II Bl dt!I Klo51erman. 6-1 oul • Bunov ~ 0 def Hoo 6·0 Sturm (L81 .. on 6·2 6 t 6 1 810 ... n Cl81 v.on 6·4 6·4 6·2 Doublt1 Conl<"y Nt1ylor ll81 def H1sh1mu10 Cum•ns 6·0 oef Kusseck·Kunrcl<a 6 -3 a.JI Siegel CarlM>O 6-1 GOdl1ey·Suol (l81 \00<\ 6-0. 6 I 6-0 Wallace Tt8Yt5 CLBJ won II· I 7-~ 6 2 Marin• ti, Hunlln91on .. ach Q Slnglee De l aal 1M1 oer C11a11ee 6·3 oel Milla 6 0 dfll Flt!ury 6-0 Cl•u~ !Ml won 7 5 &-J 6-2 Atbtrll ..... won fl. I 6-2 .6-L Oowble• StMll•ld Hamt IMI oel Alturt·Subherw111 6-2 <lei 811ter1 Veodella 6·0. dtl 811 M•Nngkly 6-2. lotito-1 Htllt1b1ano (Ml WOfl 1 0 6· I 6·2 Ngh1an·K Hillebrand !Ml "'°'' 6-4 "'o. 7.5 Cotta Mffa 12, Saddltbac• I Si1191t1 Hansor1 !Cl lost to Pham 2 6. def Nguy~ &-1. oe1 fo,,es. 6-0 Barmore 1c1 1ot1 1-6 3·6 won 6·0 Tucke1 CCI lotil 0.8 3·6 won 6-1 Double• Sl~·lerson tCI oel Tran·.Ltllung &-2 det Aoo$-Truong 6-I del AptU·VI 8-0 Hugnes-Jonnet !Cl 1os1 O· 6 won 6-2. 11-2 8ened1ct Duran tC1 ,.on 6-3 7 6 6·3 Corona del M., 10, Newporl e Slf19ltl Aog111 1G<Jt.11 oel SI..,,., 6-2 oer e~ans 6-0 091 CtOOk 61 Rosen CCdMI IOll 2 6 won 6-4 8-3 Ste...,,• (CdMJ tos1 0·6 3-6 won 7-6 Ooublt• K•trman Ensogn !CdM) det Turnet·Sloc' 6· I oel Tully-Rabbl11 8·2, del Gel•Y· Sebaallen 8·3 GOO<lb0dy·O.M1111 !CdMI iost S-7 '"°" 11·2 lost 3.9 8uroe-Mat101 . CCdMI IOll 3-6 2-8 3-6 hi_ .. 12, ""'""•llJ • Slfll'" LeltO•re tUI IOst to 0 Meara 0·6, oel Ertlers 6·7 Iott to Barb1rino. 2-6. Baktt IUJ lost I -6. "'Ofl 6-0 8·0, Cot1Man CU) lotl 0·8. o.e 1-8 DouMet B11Shk•·M1oo•etott CUI del Lancut••· ·eunn111011arn r.9 011 O<ak..C.•ey 6-3 Ott We<1•w0ttn-F9fdto 6-3 lucas·Seoal CUI Iott 6-7 IOSI 1·6 '°'' 2-8. Anoerl0fl·0raf)et • IUI lost 2 6 losl 2·6 IOll 2·8 Founteln Vel~ Oce•tt View 5 o.,ch tFVt del K11c:e 6-• oel Pranq 6-1 oer "'"z,k 6-0 v.e 1FV1 won~ &-2 6-1 •• Noack 1Fv1 loSI 3·8 2·8 won 8-0 • O°"blff Bt•C~ley-llght tFVI dtl MulltnS·Tom 8-3 del A1l•V· Oe\<er a 6· t. oel G0<don-Z101a 6-2 Sp<vak-8alla<d-(FYI "'°" 6-3 !Ott 3 ·6 won 8 -3 KwgmMn-HOOlJSIAd !FV) Iott 8·7 fl<adltof·Lighl •• ~r· -· Cert 1113 ec:Mdute Tne CART-PPG lnd1·C1r W0<ld' Set .. 1 8Chedult 10< 1983 Marcil 20 -P11oen1 a, 1n1erna1tonal Rae.way ·~-°'Pf~ 17 -Atlanta lnl.,nehonal ~. H1mp10<\ Ge • 200 mtlea June 12 -W1ac:on11n Stale Fair Park. Mltwll\lkM. 150 mil" July 3 -Clevtleno 8utke Lekef•ont AKpo<l. 500 kllo!nel .. 1 July 17 -M1c1t1gan lnlttnat1onal ~ay Btool<lyn, Mtelt 500 ""'" July 31 Road Ametoca Elllrtan Ull\t. WIS 200miles Aug 14 Pocono 1n1 ... 0111onal Raceway, Long Pono, P• • 500 m!IM Aug 28 -Rlvttatoe 1n1ernetton11 ~ey 500 kttomelWS ~ I I -Mld·ONo Sporle Cat Cour• Le1ongton, Ohio. 200 m,... Sepl II -Mlc;rtlgan in1e tna1tonel SptedW~. 8tOOIUyn, Mich , 200 mtlet Oct 23 -Laoun• Sec•. Mont•~· 300 kllOIMt•• Oct 28 -Phoe nix lnlttnatlonel fWcewey. 150 ,...... The lnelianapo41t 500 on May 211 MCI ...,.. count 1n 111e 1t11on point 11ano1flg1 lllttougli 11 I• nof a CART·Mnclloned •a<:• Womet9'1 Y011eJ1M11 COUIOS 8tola Ott SoCet College ~-11. 15-11 15-9 HIG" ICftOO\. t.t1nc1e clef Unlvet1llV 15·3. 15· t. ''·3 Corona Cltl Mar del Newport He1bo1 12-16 15-7 1-1$ 11-8 U-5 Wtslmffltl., cMf Ed_. 15-8 15-1 IS·I M111n• O•I Hun11ng1on Beac;ll, 16· 10 15.5 , ••• l'O\lnl-'" Veney del ~ View. 1~·.16 12·16, IS·S, t5•'4, 15-11 Sen Clemenle Ciel MIH1011 Viefo 15•4 10· tt t&· 10 18.tO H•'ll'POrt Cltrltllen det 1.elftegwell Clw,.114111 IS.I . 1M 16 1 I , ... - NHL C AMl'lllL CONfllllHCI W1w .. ~*U Klflt1 Y111<:0Uy;11 (,161Ql'ly rt1111u111u11 IMrllM Otwlt ... 1 W L T I I I 11 4 J & I :I ~ , 2 4 e l Nou lt Olvlt lofl or OA '" &1 JI IJ •t 4\1 11 u ., '·' Ml ll'J 11 &II u~ 1 t Mmoe•ull C11o<;ago It Luu,. TP11l1tto OttrOtt 10 2 I 0 t 41 f I • l • &2 ., tfl 8 , 0 41 !ICJ '' 2 & • ,, 0 • • :I g ' 311 ti;.> , WALH CONfllllNC• l'atrlo.11 Olv .. lon NY I IUll<htn 11 3 0 '7 ~II 22 Pnu"o''""'" 8 s o ~• •O 1 o NV fl~1ig., t II 1 0 6J ~4 11 P111t1,..1gll 4 0 t 4~ 11 t NtwJI'• .. ~ 1 • , 41 81 0 Wath1ngton 3 6 I 36 49 1 Adame OMt lon Mo111,.1a1 Ou.b Soll on &11e10 Haiuoro 8 2 3 62 ~6 111 6 5 t 61 bi 13 !> 4 3 39 40 t3 4 5 3 ~ 411 II 2723836 8 T11t1day'a lto•u V11rn.ou•t11 5, Outbll' l M111nll110la 1 ttarllorll 8 Mon11u111 6, Nqw Je11oy 4 P111a1>urgh 3. NV lfllndl!ra t St louts •. Oe11011 2 Ton .. ht'1 Oamt1 ro;omo 11 Kint• Bo"on 111 8ulllllo NV 11tander1 a1 0.11011 W1111111101on at Ch"'~1111 Wl11n1peg al Edmo1111111 AL Cy Youn~ winner• t 982 Pete Vuckov1Cl1. Milwau~ee 1981 Aollio F1og.,•. M11wauk119 1980 Steve Stone, 801Umore 1979 Ml~e.Flaneo11n 8atlll!IQ!t 1978 Ron Guulry New York 1977 Sparky Lyle New Y0tk 11176 Jim P1lme1 8altomore 1975 Jim.Palmer 801t1mo1e 1974 Catfish Hun1111 Oakland 1973 Jim Palmot 8all1more IC172 Gayloro Petty Cltvo;tano 1971 Vida Blue Oel<l,rr;a-- 1970 Jim p.,.,Y Minnesota 1969 Mike Cuellar ea111mo1e and Denny Mclain Oetro11 111e1 1868 Oettny Mclo1n, Detroit t967 Jim lonoo1g, 8011on 1964 Dean Ch•nc:• Angttls 11161 Wltfley FO<d New York 11511 Eafly Wynn ChlCago 19$8 Boy Turley Ntw VO<k P1101 LO 1967 the Cy Young WU • comb'Md a""ard given to lhl! top pile,.., WI 1rie ma1or ~agues Weter DOlo - -coutor UC lnlne t. i..ong Beach SI. S UC.. lrvtOO 3 2 I 3 9 long Baaclo St 1-'2 I I 5 UC l1Y1nt tc0t1ng vargH 4 J Camp~t 2 P Campbell 2 Cr.oque1.uanca t COMMUNITY COlLEO& Fuffetl~ 14, Ooldtn We•I 12 FullertQ<I 4 2 4 4 14 Golden Wea1 2 2 2 II 12 G~ Wnt aco11ng Oe4Valle 4 Salyer 2 S1epnen900 1, N.OV I Grall 4 Saflla AM 11, Otaftllt C-1 I Orange C04st 2 5 I I 11 Santa Ana 5 O 3 3 11 Orange Coul aconng McCormick s, 81onn1che 1. S1mmona I , Lewis I SkOWfonsl.11" NCAA lndMcftaal leaden 1.IADIHO llUIHE.llS TC \Ide. Avg. AnderlOfl. Oltlahorn• SI 231 1.328 1811 7 Adema CtnlraJ Mdligen 180 1,005 167 S Ooc:kereoo S¥U 168 1.319 11>' t Walk .. , 0-0ta 242 I , 194 149 1·1 Roi•. Nebtaslla 18 I I 128 14 I 0 Oe1arne11e So Mtu 252 1,257 139 1 Monroe, Ulah , 201 1,0211 128 2 Gu'1t•r. Tutta 1311 1.02• 1~8 o Austin C1tma«1 133 810 115 1 S~ CINoSt 177 924 1155 1.EAOINO l'AI U llS l'A PC llamtty UCLA 229 143 Peace, Florida 170 121S AIOfdln. Temple 163 104 81acklldge Penn St 2 17 126 Elway St8'lf0td 2114 186 Oennell. Duke 262 163 Tunntehll Aroiona 202 117 McKay Siil Otego St 135 II Giii Nebrallca 133 76 A1aller. LSU 140 83 TOT Al. Of'FENM \Ida. TO 2 127 17 1,458 1 1,286 11 1,6118 20 2.301 111 2.040 16 1,625 11 1,052 7 964 11 1.010 11 O!llon. Long 8actt SI s Young avu Eaton, llllnolt flulle. Bolton College Ramsey, UCLA A Cunnlngllam. UNL v Elwly St1nl0to ~-Mtnne90te Benntll. Ouk• leuHlnbetg 11\CUana Yda. A•I· 2 287 323 9 2.576 3120 2,710 301 1 2,3A1 292 I 2.217 277 1 1.858 276 0 2.117 273. 2.oeo 280 0 1,198 237 2 1.877 234 8 Ma•llO lll!nooa White. StanlOtd Hvctson, avv M CEtYING PC 58 41 A Malt'-Ytlnderb~I Long long Bueti St ~blidi UNLY 48 40 40 39 42 42 38 38 Ellard, '"'"° Gt1ff1n, Tulane Geull. Tef\119S- Olaon. FIOftd• "" A ... 111 8 2 431 s 11 848 5 7 ~4 57 458 5 7 721 58 981 6 ll 580 5 2 539 6 1 470 5 1 Orange Co11t DAIL~ PILOT /WednHdly, November 3, 1982 03 PREP .FOOTBALL ROUNDUP. • • From Page 01 •n h11 with All St••• Vh•w L..·uaiut• ~·11•J1•1lt111lic Smith, u rt'llJ<ltmt o( thL• Mt•iw V1•rt.lt· 1u-•u in C>Jll,1 Mt•llU (In J;jct111wla'11 l'nrollmtnl u rt•o), utu•1HIH £11dd h •but·k l>t'<'l.tUHt• u( th r 1t•h ool'1 i.pN·iul ul1·ommod11tlonH for dt•nr 11tudl'nt" Estnncla'11 gnmt· revolvt11 uround <1u11rwrb1wk &'<>ti U.w 1w un<l ti11llJ1wk11 Mull Wolf or Mau Sptt'tl 8plt•11 g111 m•d ~411 ynr<.111 on 120 <.·nrrlc•11 1md ll'Ored sue Lout:hdownH bcfon• un injury 1111,Jclln<><I him Woll. in rc•ht•f, run for 109 y41nJ~ ml 2!\ cnrrl<'!i lu:it Wt'<'k EdlNon t 'N. ff'~NtnllnNt1•r With St'<.'ond·dlvlslon teams' Wt•strni nsll'r und Oct-an V.J1..•w r<•moming on Its scht-du l~., four umt• S unset 4 •agut' <.·hampion Edison will Ix> st"t•kang lo clinch a tit• ror its fi fth straight lc•aguc crown, in addition to tuning up for the tht• .C IF Bl~ 1' .... lvC' Conferem,'t' playoffs. Quartl•rba<.·k J on Nowotny icads Ed1son'g alla(·k with his passing (and running), along with t.uilback Derck Griffiths. Westminster, whil'h hus had trouble gl•lling IL'> offonse going most of thl' season. extcndC'd Marina. before falling. 27-2 1. The Lions' best wt•apon a ppears to be• the Tam Hanson-to-Tam 'Valenzuela passing <.'Ombinat!on. · El Toro 1·.s. lr1•lne· Irvine's passing game has ndd1•n the shuuldc•rs of St>mor Make Zorn, but first a back injury, now a km'l' injury jt•opurdizcs his t'hanc:cs o r starting against burly El Toro. which ls on a roll beh ind the· offensive thrusts of quarterback Mik<.• Douglat>S and dcft.>nsave-prowt.>liS of Paul Sviten ko. If Zorn isn't available. the Vaqueros wall be going with sophomore J e ff Bielman, who has completed 6 or 17 for 78 yards this year. El Toro appears to cn tt>r wilh a d efinite advan tage in size and depth. L111tuna llllls 11.s. ff'oodbrldgt• "Despite u 1-3 Sou th Coast League record, Woodbridge's outlook is on the uptake with the return of f ullback John Schroeder and Kevan Burke's continued barrage of pass comp letions. Burke has netted 1,160 yards and 8 TDs with 94 completions in 176 attempts. Laguna Hills. s mall, !>ut with some top skilled performers (receivers J ohn McDaid a nd Todd Pr •p f oothall '"""' La .. ua td1t0n M111na f 011ol1I" Valley HunllrlQIOO Bell Ootan vuiw We1tll'llnllet Lt .. ue Offf .. Wl.T W LT lOU 62 1 2 1 o ~'o 2 I I) 2 8 0 I 2 0 530 I 2 0 21.i(I 030 1 7 0 l outh COHI Leegue Le11ue OVetlll W ( T WI. T C111>0 V111t9y 3 0 I S 2 1 MIHIOlt VleJO 3 0 1 8 1 t Sa" Ctemtnte 3 I 0 8 2 0 Ltguna Hills 3 2 0 3 5 06 Lagune Beactt 1 3 O 3 4 O Woodbmlgtr 1 3 O '4 • o Dano Hiiia O 5 O O 8 o landings ... v .. wLNtue &.....ie Offftll -L W L llddlebKll 6 0 7 0 El Toro 4 I • 2 ~port HAtbOt 3 2 ' 4 Coton1 del Mii 3 2 3 6 Coelt Mtu I • 3 6 EtCtnCll f ,4 3 6 • !Milt 1· 3 6 3 Unl'tlf•llY I • 2 6 . . •neet111 Leegue • &.Mtue o .. telt Maler Def SeNll• St P11.1i lllllhop Amal Ptu.11 l( s,,ra W LT WI. T 3 0 0 !I ? t 300 6 1 0 210 620 120 820 030 360 0 3 0 I 0 ' W1lhams) must win or face the posslbihty of a <:uin fli p to determine the No. 3 entry from the lt'agut• In to the C IF Central Confer e nce p layoffs assuming Capo Valley and Mission Viejo handle San Clemente a nd Woodbridge can add Laguna &ach to its list next week . ./> · .<'11p11 I 'all.-.•· t',4j~ Lattuna Bc•at•h . ll'8 I.ho ioame..old 11lory -David (Laguna &>at'h) and Goliath (Capo, frqm top lo bottom) mC'<'l an a South Coast League skirmish. - Laguna Beach Coach Dennis Haryung is well awar<.' or what h'is team faces -he was an assistant at Capo for ,the past three years after being exih.'Cl Crom Laguna Beach. _ ~ Now he's back with the Artists a nd trying to turn the tablc:s on the Cougars, who have averaged 41 points per game in league play be h ind th~ passing o f Burt Ca ll a nd running of Rand y Lanham. Call has 1-8 TD passes on the season. Laguna's forte is defense and has been hm1ted to two touchdowns in its last three games. OTHE R SOUTH COAST LEAGUE games rind San Clement.e's run-run-run offense going agmnsl the balunt-e of quar terback K laus Leitenbauer i.tnd tailback Roger Brown of Mission Viejo ... Dana Hills tries to snap a 13-game l osing streak with a non-le'!gue tcsl at. Mont.clair ... a nd m tl'leJ'\ngl'lus LeagUl'. Mat.er Oei is a prohibitive favorite. to stop SNnl, which is t'Oming off a 50-6 loss to Scrvatt• McNAMARA IN COOKER e • • • From Page o 1 by Baltimore but hadn't heard anything from the Orioles since last month. -··1 spokl' with (Baltimore G~neral Manager) Hank Peters and I was supposed to sit down with (OwnerF.dward-Benn~tl)-Williams, but I never did," McNamara admmed. Actua·l ly, th is won 't b e the f irst lime McNamar!l has donned nn Angels uniform. ln 1978. he was a coach under the managerial tandem of Dave Garcia and his replacemen t. J im Fregosi. "Withstand ing pitchers, those that are st ilJ with the club from back then are Bobby Grich, Brian Downing and Don Baylor. Those players immediately come to mind ... although Ron J ackson was there. too." McNamara should be pleasantly surprised with Road races added • to CART slate NEW YORK (AP) -Two new road ra('t'S are induded m the 12-event 1983 Indy-car schedule announced Tuesday by Championshi p Auto Hacing Teams lnc. The Indy cars wlll race at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course m Lexington, Ohio, on Sepl. 11 and at Laguna Scca m Monterey. on Oci. 23 . The 200-mile race at Mid-Ohio wall be tht> first the additions the club has made since. ln facr, the only area McNamara said he can see improving is the pitcHing c.'Orps. "Tba.Ls. the. way I ec it:;.'' expla ifled the 50-year-old native of Sacram~nto. "But it's not only th at way w ith the Angels, it's that way with any other club, too. You can always use pitch ing." As to how he plans lo manage the Angels, Mt'NomarCJ said: I'll try to be flexible . H the team 1i. going-good then you don'l want to change thmgs. lC i t is n 't. the n you might have to d o things d1fforcntly." Noted for being a pitcher's manager. Tommy Joh n was elated upon learning the news. "I've been around J ohn McNamara since 1962." John said. "I think Joh nny McNamara wlJl be very good for our kind of baJI club. He is a laid-back type of person that is low key. "Being a forme r catcher. he has a particularly good rapport. Wl!h pitchers. He's a good manager and he's $!0od for our ball club." John added that McNamara should be able w handle the pressure, too. "l thank he'll just roll with thc puncht>S." said J ohn "He doesn't get excited. "As much as I hated to see Gene Mauch leave. ~1nCC' they had lo name a suc.'CessC>r, I'm glad at'l> J ohn McNamara." Bannister tries Angels for the Indy -cars sin ce t he 1980 season. The LOS ANGELES (AP) -A spokPsman for the 300-kilometers event at Laguna Seca will be the Los Angeles Dodgers said Tuesday nig ht that the first Nor thern California a ppearance for the club was unable to agree to contract ter ms with powerful open-cockpit, open-wheel racers s ince pitcher Floyd Bannister and that negotiations with they ran at Scars ~oint Raceway in 1970. ~ the leCt-hander have been terminawd. T he season will open March 20 at Phoenix, Thus, I.he spokesman said, a trade that had Arizona with a 150-malc race and will conclude on been completed between L os Angeles and the the same track on Oct. 29 with another l50-mlJer. Seattle Mariners contingent upon the Dodgl'rs Th 11 · L.-A 1 200 .1 being able to sign the 27-year-old Bannister has ~re wa ~gam ~· races at . l anta. _ m1 es been voided. on April 17; M1l':"'a uk<.'e, 150 miles ~n June 12; The Dodgers announced Monday that they had Cleveland, 5,00 k1lometcrs on J uly ~· Brooklyn, agreed on a deal w ith the Mariners involving Mich .. 500 males on J uly 17 and 200 m iles on Sepl. Bannister, who was 12-13 with a 3.43 earned run 18: Elkhart Lake. Wis .. 200 males on July 31: Long average during the recently completed season. Pond. Pa. (Pocono) on Aug. 14. and R1vers1de, 500 The Dod gers were g iven until midnig h t kilometers on AU,:;(. 28. Tuesday by the Mariners to sign Bannister, w ho led A 200-mlle American Speed Association stock the American League in strikeouts this year with car race will be run as a tw in event with the 209. Atlan ta Indy-car race. It had been reported that SeattJe wouJd receive The second ra~e at Michigan In tt;rnattonal pitchers Steve Shirley and Alejandro Pena and S peedway has been increased from 150 ma les to'200, ou tfielder Mark Bradley in e xchange for Bannister. while the traditional :-econd rac't' at Mil wa ukee's The Mariners are expGo:ted to attempt to work State Fair Park has been moved lo Road America in out a trad e that would send Banniste r to the "Elkhart .Lake. Angels. Bannister reportedly turned down a $2 The schedule includes seven oval races and hve malhon, three-year contract offer from Seattle and races on road c:ourses. • is ehg1ble for free agency. The India na polis 500 on May 29 w ill be sanc uoned by the rival U.S. Auto Club but will <:0unt for the fi rst time m the CART-P PG lndy-Car 1 .. ---------World Series point standings. College x-Plttsburgh 10 over Notre Dame So. Methodist 231~ over x-Rlce Georgia 4'~ over x-Florlda ><·Arizona St. 30'/t over Oregon St. Arkansas 12 over ><·Baylor ><·Nebraska 27'~ over Oklahoma St. x-Penn St. 20\t over ~h CaroUna St. x-~fabam1 I over LSU UCLA and x-W11hlngton, even Florida St. 11 over x-So. Carolina x-Clemson 2 over No. Carollna x-Ok lahoma 151~ over K.,, ... St. Michigan 7 over •·"Hnot• x-USC 17•;, over Catlfornta Wn t Virginia no odda va. JC• Tem~• x·Maryt~ 7"ovw Miami. Fla. x-Denot• home te9m (l'roftll ......... ,.,.. .......... , <~ ·-~ ............. ~ " - ALIACOll TUNA !whole tul)a fllh) 7 lb1. Of more 11.00L8 ..... IC.,... ....... It "· ""c_, ,. .. ,..,, ... , N.a. Danr 11:11 tlll derll. Mi-1111 Aa required by law, new bualn••••• ..... • Jll•Ulleu&a euel,.... ...._ MUat reglater tltet n••• wltlt .... Counly Clerk. C•llMDM.YMOT LIGAL a.Mlm:NT ............... In ............ 84 Orange Coa11 DAil V PILOT/Wednetday, NovemNtr 3, 1082 Ml.IC NOTIC( PtCTITIOUl IUlllNlll ....... IT~TIMINT The lollowing PltlOftt ate <IOinQ OuelnMt .. VOAllA LINDA APAA1 MllHI -II, II' 0 lo. 1040, Newport l 11ch, CA 92110, 4413 Ullch Newport 8Mct\, CA PARTNlAS Ill Hl P AOSll'eCT·CA llFORNIA CO MPAN Y , t 01 f 1w111 COIPOrttlOtl, Ont Towel SQUlll. H111tord, Conn 08116 (2) E E YOOl:R. 250 E Chepma11. Full1r1on. CA 928S '· !SI " J SHRADER. 2566 E Chtpmen. Futt11ton. CA 92861. (41 LY l COMPANY, IYorb1 Lindt), P 0 Bo~ 8040, 4483 Blrcll, NtwPOfl BalQh, CA. lhll bullfljlll It C<lnCIUCleel by I Qen1tal par1110flhlp. L Y L. Comp•ny IY(l(ba Linell) , , R11d 81um1n. Mng Gan Parl lh!s tllttmllll Will lllld wilh Iha County Cl.,k of Orange Counlv on OClobar I I, IQll2 P1"311 Publllhed OCI 13 20. 27. Nov 3 1082 •512·81 -NlllC NC>TICC NOTICE OF Dt.:ATll 0 1" C LARA MARIE -LLE ... i R"'O -AND ~F l'~:TITION TO AUM IN• I Tt.:H KSTA T I-: NO . AllH31. To nil h1•1n1, bt•nt'tl~j.11 i1 .. , l'rt•rlltor• 1.1nd l'OllllnJt"nt t.'rNhlv r .. o f (..'l11r11 M 1111l' ·rolldi.rud nnd pt.•11.01111 who 11111y ht ut lll't WIM' lnt1>rt'ttA1i ii\ tlw will und/or 1."i•.1110. NllC NOtlct PICITmOUI.,._ .. NAMl ITATIMINT Hie loll .. .,lr!Q fl41! !Wint •r• dOuig bo11riaaa d WA AMINO I (')N IOU fH~ANU 0[VU0f!M(N1 COMl1ANV :IOIO r>ullmaj) S11 .. 1 C.11111 MUI Calof1>1nT1 91818 The Hobarl II' w11n1wo1011 COfllf)Allly .• Ctll1IOtnl• COrPof•llOll. :IOllO f'ullmtn Otrwt C0tle Meu C' Jhtorn11 02820 Otlvllfly tlillt llYlllOI ttlO l.Olll Auoc1tt1on. " Cahforn1e Sev1n111 & Lo•n Auoe1t11on. UH 1 l~• Rtmblll. MIHiOll ViejC> C•llfOftllt 02002 Tiil~ t1u11n111 " t<Jrtduc.ttcl by • g1111er•I ,,.r1ne11h1p WAAMINOTON • SOUl.tiLANO OE\/E.1.0PMfNT COMPANY By Tht nonO"n P Warn11no1on Co William J Plllm•"· Soerolary Thlt 11111mont !"lit llllKI wllh lhl Coonty Chltk of Or1n111 Coonly on oc1on.r 111. 111112 ,, ..... Publlllltd Or11ngw CoHI Delly P110t, Oct 20. 27. Nov 3. 10. 10112 •822·112 A 111.'lltlon hllll ht'4.'ll fllt.'<l IJy C"hot'll'tl W. lltinJrlckM>n lo the Supt•r1or Court of On1ngt' County rt•qul'11tlng that Charlc11 W lll'nJl'lckson bl' uppoir1tt•d 1.u1 personal 1•cprt.•s1mtutlw w admlt1iiitcr thl' catatc of Clam Mar1t' Tollefsrud (under t ht' lndept•ndent Admtnistrntion or Eatatcs Act). Tht> petition 1s set tor .hc1mng tn Dept. No. 3 01 700 C1vk Ct'nte r Drive, West, in the City of Santa Ana. Caltfornm on Nov. 24, 1982 at 9::JO a.m. IF YOU OBJECT to the POBllC NOTIC( IVES granung o r the petition. you ITATIHIENT OP WfTHOftAWAL J.. a V ER A M I V ES • should either apJX>ar at the "'°"' PATitTNIR'""" resident or Newport Bfach. heari ng and state your ONRATING ~ Ca. Passed away on OcLObcr obJectlons or ftl{· written ir1cTmous eut~tt NAMI 31 1982 S h ~-' by h h Thi fOllOWlnll P•raon h•• · , . e 11 surv1v.,.,. obJecu ons wit I e t'ourt withdrawnue~alpan"¥from her daughter Donna Lynn before the hearing. Your 111e !*lnlflhtt> Ol*tllng undef lhe Ives of Newport Bench. Ca apJX>arance may be 1n pt"rsc>n 11e1tt1C1Us bualnus n•~ ot TRIM IT Services will be held on or by your attorney SYSTEMS, 20901 PH~ Pino. er Wednesd~, November 3, I F y O U A R E A T<1ro. CA 92830 ~ 1111 l1cllllous bu11n111 n•m• 1982 at 2: PM at R1vers1de CRED~TOR or a t'Onllngenl s1arem1111 tor the pat1111fthlp was National Cemetery. chapel crechtor of the d{-c.'t-ased , you 111.0. on Jenuery 25, 1982 In th• services will be held on must file your cl::um with the County ot Orenge Wednesday, November 3, courl o r prvsent 11 to the Alcllefd ChM!n Ortlfln l!:llll al I.I.Oil PM al Ballt personal reprcsl'nrntive ~c!,!,~,:: Bergeron Smith & Tuthtll appo1ntl'd by the l'Ourl '111121 W estcliff Chapel. Ser vices within rour months from lhe Publllhed Oreng• CoHI 011ty unrlPr the dirl't'lion of Balu date of first issuam·e of Piiot. 0c1 t3. 20. 27. Nov. 3, 19112 .Bergeron Smith & Tulhill letters as provadro in Sel'lJOn 4487•112 Westchff Chapel Mortuary 700 of the Probate Code of of Costa Mesa. 646-9371. California. ,-.h e time for POBllC NOTICE BLACK filing claims will not expire flCltllOUI IUllNHI J ESSE ALLEN BLACK, prior to four mo"nths rrom NAMl tTATE•NT a resident of Garden Grove, the date of the hearing The lollowong penont are doing business es. • Ca. Passl'<I away on October llOlJl.'ed aoove. T u pp A N c A B I N E T s & 31, 1982. He is survived by YOU MAY EXAMINE CONSTRUCTION CO. 817 w. 17th his wife Atma, daughter the ftle kept by the court. U SI . Nb t2, Coate M1H, CA 92627 Donn a Lynn 1 v es of you a re interested m the ...... GREG TUPPAN. IM02 Ntulilus N Be h ,.._ "-I · ( .,.. · Huntington Beach CA 92U46 ewport ac . ~ .;x-rv ces estate. you may I.le a requ.est Tllos t>tnlness 1, conducted b an will be held -on Wednesday. w1lh the court to receive 1nct1V1Clual , Y November3.1982at2.00PM special nollce oI ilie Gr111.Tuc>p•n at Riverside Nattonal inventory of estate assets Thlsst11emen1 wetltltCIW1lhlht Cemetery, chapel services and of the petitions. accou.nts Cou~ty Cl«k of Ot•ng• Counly on ill be h Id Wed d . . Oct, 11. 1982 w e on nesday. and reports es<'r1bed 1n ,,.._ November 3. 1982 at 6:00PM Sectton 1200 5 of the Pubh•h•d Oreng• Co111 Delly al Balu Bergeron Sm11h & California Probate Code. Pilot, Oct 13, 20 27. Nov 3, 1982 T uthill Westcliff Chapel. Rey 8. Woolsey, lac. and 44~2 Services under the d1recl1en Woolsey, Angelo & Tbatc ber, POBllC NOTIC( of &Ju Bergeron Smith & Altoniey at Law, 2099 San 1----------- Tuthill W es tr It CC Chapel Jo a q u I a H 111 s Ro a d , T-'155» Mortuary of Costa !esa. Newport Beacb, CA 92660, NOTICE Of TRUITH'I IALE 646-9371. (714) 640-0800. tMPo.rT~;<>No~E TO MEEHAN Pubh•h"J Or•nlJP Coa~1 llaoly "'OPlflTY OWNER: ELIZABETH VERONICA 1'11<>1 Nov 2 • .I II l9lfl • YOU AllE IM DHAULT UNOIR A U!:'C'UA "'. ~1dent o' "-·~ ~8Z7-lll DEED OP 'TRUIT DATEO .<nLLn .. nn ~~~ L ........... NOVEMIER 30, tH{. UNLlll Mesa. Ca. Passed a way on YOU TAKE ACTION TO ...-oTlCl November I , 1982. S h e is PUBLIC NOTICE YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY H survived by her son James FICTITIOUS IU81NHS SOLO AT A PUILIC IAl.f."' YOU a n d 7 g r a n d c h II d r e n . NAME ST ATE ME NT NHD A.N EX"-ANA TION Of' THe Recitation of the Rosary will The followl11g oers<1ns .,. dOing NATURE OF THE fllflOCEEDINO t>utlntn a~. AGAINST YOU, YOU IHOULO be h e ld on W ed nesday. WE.STCUFF CONSULTANTS. CONTACT A LAWYER. November 3. 1982 al 8:00PM 1825 Wetlcll ll Drive, Newport On November 10, 1982. II 10 00 a t t h e H a r b o r L a ~ n BelClh. Catltornia 92660 • m C 0 N T I N E N T A L M · I Ch I M ( Mlch11t J Gllz. 11•0 Irvine DEVELOPMEN1 OF CALIFORNIA, emorta ape . ass o INC . 1 C111torn11 cdtporallon •• the Resul'J't'Ction will be held Avenue. •S·312· N41wport Beech duly a""""nled Tn.ittM under and Calltornla 921563 .,....... on Thursday, November 4. JoffOh 0 vo~r. 5516 Rrve< pursuant 10 DMd ot Trust recorded 1982 al l 1:30AM at St Av1nu1 •313, N1wpor1 Beach. December 20, IHI. II Inst No Joachim's Catholic Church C1~t0tn11 92663 35U8, of 0111e1aJ Record• In Iha otltce ol Illa County Recorelert 01 with final interment services Thia t>usiness 11 concsuctld t>y • Ora1199 County, S11t1 of Cellforno., being t\,eld at the Good generet 'j'O:~voyw uecut1CI l>Y Plea Prop1rt1H. • Shepherd Cemetery This atatlll'*ll wu hied wtlh the C1llt<1rnl• Oentr•I Pertnerahlp. Services under the direction Coun1y Cletk of Of'ange County on fJL~~~1e'sTA11:;g:~ICF~~~~ f H b L M l October 26 1982-0 a r or awn • o u n F20053G (p1ya1>le 11 time of .. ,. tn Jewl\11 Olive M ortu ary or Costa • Pubhlhtd Orenge Coast 0111)' money ot Illa Unlled Stat .. ) •• Iha Mesa. 540-5554 Pdot Ocl 27. Nov 3, 10. 17 1982 nortll tront entrance 10 111e county G ILLE 4730-82 COUrlhOulO. 700 CMC Center OfM N Well. Sent• Ane. C•lllornla. 111 THOMAS A . GILLEN, right, title an<11r1ter"1con~10 pas.-wd away on November PUBUC NOTICE :. end n<>W helCI t>y it ut>Oat Mid Oeld 1. 1982 at h1s residen ce m HC~H of 1'c"'' in the Pls«>PlflY ellullld In Newport Beach. Ca lltl the YOU AM IN OEFAUL T UHDER A ~AR~~ laod 1119 dncr1bld &I age of 41 H<' IS SUrYIVl-d by DEED 0 f T" u. T 0 ATE D Plfcet 12. In 1111 City ol Newporl his w i { e P o 11 y G 111 en, IEPTEM91R I, 1•1. UMLEH YOU 8e8Ch, County Of Ofenge, St•I• 01 ~rents M a rga r et and TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Calll<1rn1a.Hlh<!Wn on•m11>llllel G S d YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY IE in 1>001' 93, Olgll 45 end 40 ot omas illen of t.affor • IOlD Al A PU9LlC SALE. IF YOU Parcel Mepa, In 1h1 olllc• ot lh• MUC NOTIC( ....... MOTIC:I °' TIIUITll't tALI Utmlfl 0110 °' ''"'" ~TAltl NOTIOI TO flt'ONRTY OMilfl- YOU AM .. DePAULT UNOIR A OHO °' T..UIT DA TID JlllAAC)t II, IHI UNLlll YOU TAKI ACTION TO PllQTIC T YOUfl ,..ONRTY, IT .. AY II 906.0 AT A ~IC IAL.I, W YOU NllD AN ll"-ANATIOM OP TMI NATUf'I OP , ... ll'llOCllDINO AOAIHIT YOU, YOU IHOUU> CON'fACT A l.AWYlll NOf1CC IS lielll!8V GIVIN 111411 undtf tl'd Dy virtue 01 in. P•Ovltlon1 ol ll'ltt c1dat11 OMd of lrutl d•l•d Ma•<oli 2tl. tte2. ind rtoord•CI tn 1111 olllct ol 111e Att.nr1t11 QI llltl Counly ol Orang•. Sltll ot Ctlltornte. on April 6. 10&2. h1 Votumt INST •'2·118198. Qf Otllclal R•corc1a, IUC"l•CI OY Arlhur C Pon• •nd Rul>Y O Pone, tlu1b1nd tnd wilt 11 foln1 tentnll II Tru11c11 , 10 8u1111111 S•rvtCI Company, • torportOon. u Tru11 ... tf)O STATE SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION. 1 Calllornlt corl>Qftllon. •• Btlltliclary. And pur1uan1 10 "" rtquttl Of lh• owntr lind llold•r of tht promiuory 11011 ncurtd by lht OMd ot Trull tbO~ rtftrrtCI 10, Al\d by lfHOn 01 Ill• d••aull 1n Ill• peym1111 ot Hid prom1 .. ory no11 tnd lh• brttch of Ill• co11dlll11n1 In U ICI 0..0 ol Trull provideCI. • Notlc:4t ol Oeftull tl\d EIOCllOn to Sell U~ OMd 0( Trull hnlng bHn•d\1-IY recorded H prov1C11d tor by law In UICI R«ord«'• OllK;1 on July 29, 1982, In Booll INST •82·26148 I SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY, a corpo1111on, as lhl p111en1 eulhorlzed 1nd 1ct1ng Tru1111 undlt Hid Deed of Trull, 1for1HICI. on Wldne1d1y, Novemblf 24. 1982, 11 1111 hour of 10.00 o'clock a m. of said day ti 1hl Nor111 tron1 enlrtnce 10 the Ortr1G9 Counly COUrlhouM. 700 Civic Cenler' Dfl111 Wiii, In the City of Senta An•. Counly of Orenp1. S1a1e of Callfomla, WILL SELL:. pursuant 10 lhl p<1w1r ot sale confttrld 1n "Id Oet<I of Trust and, wllhou1 covena111 or '!'18rranty 1tg11dl11g 11111. ponenron or encumbrances. 11 pubUc euclloo. to 11141 highell cesll bidder. In lawlul money ol the United Sl81H ot America. ell that cerlaln real property 111ualld tn lha_Counly of Or1nge, S111e of Ce111or111a . d11crlbed n follows PARCEL 1. An u(\dMClld 1/14 1nt1rest 111 011d 10 Lot 1 ot Tree• No. 10095, In the Coy ot Costa Meta, C011nty ot Orange, Stell of C.l1fomle, as per mep rec:otded In 8ooli 484, P9QH 6 Ind 7 of M1ac1heneous Meps, In 1h1 omct of Iha county Racordat 01 ..id County Eacep11ng 11\erllrom un111 I to U lncluSlve aa shown <111 the Cone1om1ntum. Plan r1coreltel 1n Bo<1k 138211. P1ge 1336. omc1at ~d• Aleo 1xcepUrg lh1r1from Ille Hclullve rlghl lo possession of 111 tho•• •r••• C111lgn1teel aa balconies. gt111ges, p11to anel ~ tr••••• 1hown on 11111 Condominium Pl1n PARCEL 2. Unit 1 l ti 11h<1wn on tile Condomm1umJ>len ab<1v1 ret1rred 10 PARCEL 3 The ••Clualvl rlghl lo potMUlon 01 lho&a porhons ol Loi 1 dHCrll>eel In P1rcel 1 ebove, d11lgnt11CI 91 G· 13. CP 13, 0-13 a11d P·l3 on Hid Conelomlnlum -Pl~n 1nd u appur1en1n1 10 Parcels 1 end 2 above: end more e<1mmonly known u 2157 P1Clfic Avenue •AI02, Coale Men, Cellf If 111111 ia no s1ree1 tdelre11, Cltr1cllon1 may 1>1 Ol>lllneel l>y Wtllllt\ requesl 10 Stall Savings 11111 loan Aasoclttlon, 222 Norlh El Oo<ad<I SlrMI, Slocluon. CA 95202, Allenllon LCMn Senllet Deoertm1n1, no1 ta11r then NovemO« 23, 1982 tor Ille purpose ol peying 01>llgellon1 secured by Mid o..i of Trust The 10111 tan'IOUllt ot 1hB unpeld balance 01 1~ Ol>llgttlon •• Sl16,· 000 00 1n11rHI $12,759 06. Ind th• Hl1mt1ed 1m<1un1 ot costs, expenses end ac:1v1~ wNch wttt t>9 lncurr911 l>y Ille Clall of Mia II ,, 136 10 Oiied Novemblf 1, 1982 ...&illkl11 SefvlCI Company • C()(J>O(lllon By Otvld Ch1Vief Aul VICI Prllldenl 222 North El Dorado St. Stockton. CA 95202 (209)9411-1116 TrullM Put>llshlCI Orange Coetl Dally P110t. Nov. 3. 10, 17. 19112 4837·82 Vi r g I n i a, s ister Jo an NEED AN EXl'U.HAT!Oft OF THE j;)()Unty recordlf ot uld county Edwards of Fairfax. SUltion. NATURE OF. THE ll'ROCl!EDINO Eltcepl •II oll, on rtghll. mlntflll. Virginia. He was a member AGAINll YOU, YOU SHOULD mineral n.ghll, n11uret gH rlgtll•. , ____ ML ___ 1_c_NO_Tl_C_£ __ ~ Of the Commodores' &lboa CONTACT A LAWYEfl and o tller hydrocerbon1 by NOTICE OF DEATH OF SALLY ANN RAPSTOCK WILSON AND OF PETITION TO ADMIN· J STE R ESTATE NO . AllHZZ. NOTtC~ Of 1AUSTEE'S SALE wll1tsoav1r ntm• known . Angling C lub and the 552 No. PIC-4511 • geothefm11 a11em 1nct 111 product• Club. Memorial services will 22001M4 e1e11vld from eny ot tfll foreg01ng, be h e Id 0 n Sat u rd 8 y . On Oeoemblf 2. 19112. 11 10 30 that may be within or under lhl N b 6 1982 t m . PACIFIC SENTINEL percel of lend h1rtln1bovt ovem er • al CORPORATION. a Callfornll e1aacr1b1d. 1og,1her with lhl ll:OOAM aboard the yach t corpor•n<1n, H duly 1ppolnt1d per,,.tual ,right o dr1Wng, mining. Men.°t.'dt'S al thl' &lboa Bay Trull•• under end purauanl to uptorlng 11'11 oper1llng lhBf1lor Club with Mr. Same) Weller OMd ol lru11 recoreleCI OCtoblf 2. end 11011ng In anel removing lh• ff. 1 C d 19111. 11 Instr No 4046, book ume from 11111 tenel or eny olhef o 1c1at ng. remataon an 14243, ptgt 1248. ol Ot11c11t lend. 1nctuC11n g Iha rlghl 10 bur ial at sea directed by R«orlll. 1•ecutld by Ruin PCW'ler. wtllpatoclt or di<ectt0nally drill end Saddleback Chapel. ln lieu • merrild WOf1&n, u 1rus1or, In lhe mint trom la/Ida olher lhln thoM of flowers con tributions may ofllCa of lh• County Rtcorel•r ot ri.teirlabcrve delcrlbld, oil or gas be mad e lo the H o a 1 Orenoe County. Slit• ol ca11t0tnlt. wells. tunnel a ind thtlla Into, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION through or llCrOM the IUblurl-ol Hospital Cancer Fund. 30 TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH Iha lll'd harelnabove Clascrlb8CI, N ewport Blvd, Box Y .. (p1ya1>1• 1r ume of sale In lawful end to bottom l4ICh wt>lt>lloclted or Newport Beach. Ca. 92660 money of lh• Untleel S11111) et dlrecuon•llY e111tled welit. tunntlt ·~~;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;p:;;;;~=::=::;dou1tlel1 the front entrance 10 end lh•lt• unCI« end t>eM&lll or , N L • w Ya r I T It I 1 In au r • n c • t>ayOlld the 1xt1r10t nmlll thereof eptune Cclrpor•llon 520 Nor111 Mein S1reet, enel to rtdr1tt. r1tunne1. equip, c;AEMATl()fj IMJftlAL .AT HA S11n11 Ana. Calltornoa. all righl, lllle mtlnteln repetr, d11pen enel . 646-7431 end 1111-t corweyed to and now operate any euch welts or m1n11 held by It unellf saoel Oe8CI of Trvst Wllt>c>ul. hOwevtr. 1111 rlglll to Clrltt. Ovr literature tells the In th• property 111uated In Hid mint. atore. t•ptor• and operate complete II Ory ol our County 11111 Slate Clelq!bed a.s through lh• surfece of 1h1 upper society. • LOI 70 ot Tract No'493. In the 500 IHI of thl aibturf-of Ille Cel ....... ~ • City ol Coate Men . County ot ltnd es re11rv1d by Th• lrvl111 >a""' c.. , OrtnQ8, Stlll ot Cahtornle. ae pet COrnpeny. by a ~menl recorded HAUOI LAW""-MT. OLIVE • Morluarv • Ceme1erv Crematorv 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 PtllCl•OTHIH 1&1.llOADWAY M09TUAIY 110 Broadway Cosca Mesa 642-9150 IALn A tH•HOM SMITM I fVTHtlL WHTCUff CHANL 427 E 17th St Cos1a Mesa 6•6-9371 PtllCl.OTia$ $M9TM$'..OITUAIY 827 M11n SI ~n11nQton Beach s:J&.6S39 m1p recotded In 8ook 223. Pages Februlf)' 20. 1980 28 through 28. M111CB11eneova Maps, PARCEL 2 In ttwl otlk:e Of Iha County Recotdllf A non-uclutlv• 1111m1n1 tor ot Mid County lngr111. 1grau end v1hlculer Th• 11reet eC1Clr111 end other parking OllBf Pere.I B. In Iha City of comrTIOfl e1 .. 1onallon. II a11y. ot the N~p<1r1 Beech. Cou11ty 11f 011r1G9, rHI pr<1p1!1y Cleacrlb1d ebov1 11 51111 ot C1tlfornl1, 11 tllown on • purporte<S to be· 2018 Phalarope map flied In l>OOk 93. pages 45 end Court. Coll• Miu. C1Hlornl1 46, Perctt M11>1. In the ofllc• ol lhe 92828, county recotdlf ol 111d counly The understgn1d Tru•••• The 11r111 tddr111 tnd ollltr dt1clelm1 1ny tiablllly tor any common ci..gnt110n, II 1ny. ol lhe lnconec:tnMI of th• 1trMI lddrMI rHI prop8fly dHCflbeCI 1bove 11 trfd 011'1ef common dellgnallon. If purporled 10 bl 12 Cot'J>or•I• Pit.It, flllY, shown llerlln Newport a.Kii. Calltornl• 02eeo Stld ult wlll b• mad1, bul Tit• uoderalgned True111 wllhoul cov1n1n1 or werrenty, dl1clt1m1· any 1reblllty for 1ny •~PIHi QI mplied, rlQlfdlflQ 111141, 1ncotr1Ctneu ol the 11rtt1 addr1u poaM .. k>n. or 1ncumbrences, to end oth« commCIOll del!Onlllon. If PIY ttMt remelning prlnclf* IUll\ ol eny, .,_ '*"'· . Iha notlC•I MCUtld by Nld Deed ol Seid .. ,. wlfl b• m•dt, bUI Tr1111. wilh ln11r111 ther1<1n, •• wllhoul covenant or wtrrtnH•, pr~ In Mid not.Ca). adv~ ••PrMI or Implied. reo1rchng utte. It 11ny. unelt• the terms Of Mid Oeld pot11uton. or 1nc.umDrane11. ot Tr1111. 1111. ch11ge1 •nd 1ncludl11g ••••· chergae end •Pin-of Ille lr\111" ~ ol lht ••panMI ot the Trust" end of lhe tru111 cr1•l•CI t>y Hid Deed of tru1t1 crHlld by H id OHO of Trull, few tile 1mount rHIOl\ebly Tru•t. 10 pty tile remaining PftflCIPll 11Umet9CI lo be '227.440 12 turns of the note MCUrtCI by Mid Thi bBnefldwy under Mid 0..0 peed ot Trutl to Mt SU83,350 ff of T rutt l'lefllotor• exec:uled end with lnt1t•I lneteon from March 1. d1t1v1r1d lo the und111lon•d • 1982 11 17 perc.tnl per tnnvm 11 wtitlen Dlcltrlllon Of o.tllUlt end provldeCI 1n Miii not• ptut eoe11 llnd Otmend tor 8111. end • wrlllen tny edvenu• with llllttHI tllO NollOI ot Dlleull end Etacllon to ~Ing late cher.0-1 To all heirs, beneficiaries. creditors a n d contingent creditors oC Sally Ann Rapstoek W ilson and persons w h o may be otherwise rnterested in the will and/or estate: A petition has been filed by St.even Edward Wilson in the Superior Court o f Orange County requesting that St.even Edward Wilson be appointed as personal representallve to administer the estate of Sally A nn Rapstoek Wilson (under the Independent Administration oC Estates Act). The petition Is set for hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 C ivic Center Dr1vc, West, in the C ity of Santa Ana, California on Nov. 24. 1982 a t 9:30,a .m . IF YOU OBJECT to lhe gr anting of the pellllon, you should either a ppear at the hearing and state your o bjection s or file wrltteo objection s w ith t,he courl\ bclore the h earing. Your appeananee may be In penion or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDl'IOR or a contl.,,t creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court or present It to the p eraon a l representatfve a ppointed by the court within four months from the date o f first Issuance of le tter1 u provided in 8'c:tion 700 of lhe Probate COde of California. The t iml' fot filing clalm1 will not expire prior to tout month& fcom the datt' o f th ~ h eerln1 noticed above. s.tl The unoertiQned etulld NICI Thi blflBllcll!'y unci.r ltlCS Ot9d Nollet ol D1teu1f MCI Ellellon to ot Trull hlfelofbf• 1x.cult<I tnd M to tie fllOOfded Wt !tie~ dtll .. red 10 th .. un<11r1tgned 1 YOU MAV IXAMINE lwh•• tM rMI "':r.'ile It located wr111en 0ec11.,.uon o1 deftuit ~ the file kept by the court. If D•!• ~°c!f,~c 18 l,ni"'t' 01m1nd tor 8•1•, and wrlllen you are lnte r•ated in thjj ,.. .. Nollet ot 0.ftull end ttecllon to '9Ul\e tou may (ilt a -u•t I CORP.. Seit. TM undtrliOMd OIUMcl NICI ' • ....., u Mid TMtM Nollet ot O.f•ul• tl'd ltecllon to with t e court to r~ivo L ly: lue Kiiiy Sell 10 ~ rtcOro.d In the oounty • p u• I a I n o t I c: • o f t h e ""''*'-wt1er• the,... pr~~·• tocMICI Inve ntory of ettate aaMta =---.. ~ \,·' ·... .... ......... .-._...... .... 1: ~~·i:..c;i.o:-:ii.::. ~~.:!'::''~m·~":". ~: .. '-0....... C.Ufam&a Probate Code. ...................... • 0.-.... • ..... ..... .. OeN. •• ..., t:'C.~~c... ,............ ... • .................. . .... ""-;i ':,. ..... ML IM A---. CA ,.~~ . =: .... ---...... ....,,:-ra11, m. l'v ,......, Ortr199 CoMI Oelly ..!!'~ °',,"' .. ~.!Ml Delly Pllllilill .. Orlt• C-t DltlJ ,_. "°" ,, 10. 11. tMa ~ ~.a... "'· • ...., .., 'lib• ....... Nev 1 a. 1.1• ....- ) .r • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y I L 0 T c L A s -:S I F I E D 6 4 2 • .,,J lASSlfllD CLASSIFIED INDEX I ~.'.'.'.Ff~!t •.. ······· I ~~!!!~.~~~ ~.I! ....... I!~~!~.'!!.!.•!! ...... . f ~~~{ ••••••••• !.If/I¥!!'.~~'.{ ••••••••• !.~! 1 Prime Lido b'o~ t?.~!'P!Prm,~.~.,~~~ le Place htH Ad, Call I Lfll• L. n . Dir {'Ond. ~ boiil allpi1 • l.P\N,11\1\/ 642-5678 NOUSlS FOR SAL£ l,tt,.•tel ...u., ... ,.,,., I~ H I" lOUAL HOUtlHO O,,OIHUNITY Remodt>l('(.I a bdrm, 2 bMth l 111.tgtl (l'(I, rm beam ('eillnp, fumbaht.-d, pitliOI. J420,000 9'•11~'• l'•rhA\1itl• t ••·••ltet'l•1 th1e1 l1 ~ ..,. ,.,.. ~ .. , ""' I" I •"''' PlllllliU •II . I II '• \Ir e 11<14 .. •··uh' .,,,..,,. I ••11Wltf .. 1ft \ •lh llwl 111 i'I ,,~ k1 "'I In,, ... • •• l•h• ht •• ~ l,1;1iH,• H·ll ( ••111"• '·;.\f•I M""'"''·"r ~.-,.~~~:.t.· • ~"' lw•• I •I t '1tl!Ji•.\f'I .. '-•' ...... " " .. ._1 .. 1111•• "•If!!• lot '4 ........ .,. ..... .. •mmm ' , .... ,. .. '•. A•.,,.,.,...,,, ''"' ,,. .. I =:.::..~h·,-v;·.·.,h· l •ft•••t•I A tt\1-4 f ......... ,. •' ,., ·Iott ft I'"'°'"'·•···" .., lti.~ • •• I ••\ ""u 1 11 ........ 1. .. 'j I"'-••ft• I , . ..,...," IM~ I#., •.•. ..,.,, '"' f,4 ..... I \t ,,,.i. 11,.,-ln1 I'• 1 \f,..,.." ... t ti h• •I' t ••• , .. ,I., I , •I I::::.~ :.;:.:"l .':.·,:I th"" hf ,, t .tn t.1 ,,. M•ctt t •h h t , t ••·•• H•ctl t \lll'I• "-"'' ,, I RUIUlS th~> .. •u11 .... 11••I 11•-u ... 1 ,.1,,.,.11 ~·~ .,,..,,.~ tv•n·" I,., f tl'f'\ttl!ftH"*~"! t ..,,,! ... ~ .. JV!.;l11·1ti1 '''"""~"' '" h un 11t•fth•1Ullio1 t "' 'Iii.Ii·'· ... '·'" ,N.,1.-'•' I ftl ,.,. ."'" -\l,A• \Aho• .\jA' t wtf1 •1I I hi M••"'• Ht•11t 6 Ou.,,I • .,. ... ,. \t11hl ••l;#•t ll ........ ""'"'" .. t H11 ... 1 '~·····~ "'"' .. " Hrflil•hln~o11r• .... , ..... " , ... """" Uh,,,. Hr"4•1 "~'"""" ........... f"""'•h1•I M•M•f "·-'"' H:•fllil:ttl "•""'' 't· ",. ...... IUSINlSS. IMVES1 MlN1. FINANCE """ fM '"'11•1ft• M,v ....... ~ .... ''"'" , ....... ,, ..... '"" ... ,.. .......... "',.'' I \I.,...., I,, .. _.," \l~~"·"~.4· \f •t ... , .... , •• I -AllNOUllClME N Tf. ~:;~N:~~N~ [::~_ ... "'~,.. .. ....... , .... .. t.1.f'll . t t.WNt ,.,., ....... t .. • I ~ ••• 111 .. 1,.• I ''hct\•t• I ............ ~~~~ICES lMPlOYMEMT & rREPAUTION "._. ... , t""trw.~ II• 11 ,..,. .. ., •.... i ..... ,, .. J11h1t , ••• ... MlRCHAllDIS( • I '" . .. I Alill ·f tf'"ll ,. ............. ~ l ;:-:::, ra..."8f\ll 'lll•l•l1•"• ..... ,.,4 tttW•"fl••llll t ........ . , ., ..... ,., \ .. I :~"':· ·-~ ...... ~ , ..... ,, ,.,,,"""'1• ... """" I 4if1..t"tH~"""'"'' '111 + •''•~ '" 16, •"hA ....... '" , ....... ~. ...... , ···"'. , .... .. '"' I ==~f:,~,:. .......... "'Wf··•t!t· ",.,. tfin.•~·-'t .... 1• M.rt,.1 U1h \oitt1t· I ,..... . I IDUS & MARIN( EOUIPM£Ml ,,nwt•t .-. .. , \l•IM ...... f \IH ._.J•' \l .. r1n• f lt'f•tot ._,., ....... ,., "'>•h .-.. ,11 t " .. ""' ,.,.. ,.,, Mu.,.1 "'~ hu1t • M.t .... vni. "'' I~--·"""···· I tHMSPORUTION I ...... ~ t ....... , ,., .. ~. ~· ................. ~::-,~:-~ ".,., .. , '4i4 •Ullt,,•hH1M ,,. ~ ..... , .. ,,...... ' ... ~" 4-... .• v ntit .. f'•'' AUTOMOlll( 1_..,_ •• ; '"" ,.,. t .. ... .,.., .... \,"' . "" .. ' ..... t4 •f •• ..,, 0 ,,. t .... . '~:; ......... .. '""" "·'I I AUTOS. IMPOUED ., ..... . , ...... ~. , ... '" ... , ...... , 1111 .. ...... (-• I .... , .... ,. ... , .. .... , ltlft•f,. J t ..,. ftll•tl\ ... ~,, .......... ft ·• \t~.-:r1turu "''' t" '"" \ht ~ .... '"" v .. n11 4 , ........ .. ....... Ao, "'"'''' Mt1ht'l •1t1 ..... , ... .... ....,,i.~,. . " ... It .1!Py' \ ,.., ..... I ,... . MITDS. lllW mos. USlD ., ..... 1'4 ~· . •• t ~ .·::~:)lf . ... . '•'"•' \ llft\dWlll .. I .. lfl \ ... . '~ ... . .... 1 '""". l.11 " ...... . '91· ,., " .. ,1 ... ti t .. ftlhtlo1>1 t'••ltt f'O M••tll .~.,.. ·~ • .-........ , .. f' - '"' ......... "'" Pullll11her'1 llotloe: All t1111l 1ist11111 11<:111erll&tt<.I In thta n11wsp11per It eubl er 10 the Federal 0cl'an & Jetty vlewa. Marlne room, 4 bdrm, a bath, 3700 aq.fl. Sl,365,000. Ot>eanttont ,... Fulr Moual11g Acl of 1068 Liiii llLI UYFllllT Whlcll makes It Illegal to • •r advetUse "ony preferen-,.: :·.:~n:·:~~~:r 0~9~~1~~ Lagoon vl£>w Crom 6 bdnn, :I bath, playroom, dark rm, de11i Boat allf' Now Sl,000.000. ! : color. 111101on. H• or , •• nellonat origin, or any • • 111111n11on 10 make 1ny UTlll. PUOE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br. 2 be up; 2 br, 2 ba dn., 2 boat·~· Reduced-S l,500,000. , .. . .. .. ... 1uch prelerence, hmll•· 11on or e11eerim1n1tlon " This newspaper will not knowingly accept any •dver1111n9 for real es- 1i1e which Is 1n 111otatron Cit the law F&lllllll 11•n1 New 4 br, 4 ·~ ba, '-'Ultom French Normandy FAtate 1 2 prune acre hilltop $11250.000 . .. l •u •··· ·-· AYALll Fe<> simple 2 br l'Ottage on quiet Descanso St (tn Flat.S) RedU(.oed to $100,000 . 1:: 1---------· .. £HOU: Advertl· 1• sers should check .. : their ads daily and ~: report errors im· ... 1 mediately . The COlllllUI CAYS Coronado laland cust. bayfront 'lol. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w /t.enns. DAIL y PILI)T as- "" ·sumes liability for :;: the first Incorrect :~: insertion only . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )41 fl<Jy\•Ch Dr,. '•"I t,l~ olli' :~: 1---------· .. :.~: 1Hou111 for Silt R.EDUCED TO $7 45,900 ~· , •....•..•.•••.......•. ~:: 1111 Eu111 ........................... ::·: ,,,.,,,, 1002 LINDI ISLE/Cltsi•c Cests 01lyl Owner h•• bu1lne11 reierule end MUST llquld1tel 'fo qualified buyer thl• home m•r be purchaeed tor clotlng coet• onlyl.febulou• . ......................... . IUCll HOUSE I•• ... ... I•• ... + llCOIEI lowHl price on Linde ltle. 8uoerb laaoon 2 Bdrm 2 ba111. t1replace, locttlon with p6er/tllp tor laf99 yec:ht tnd • dining area. 2 car gerege I great 5 bdrm home w/'91 temlty room. lnvMt plus 3 Bdrm 2 beth now betor• price gMt up. 1 .. ... ... rentat• Onty one block to WllllfHIT 1111111, HIO. H1· HIO tne beach' A bargain at , • • ''" ., ••\ $285.000. call now• 646-7171 i---------THE REAL ESTAT&:RS I. TWO WHIS LEFT *"" ,., ···* Is ell you P•Y when yov 10 assume 12% loan on beaut inl. doc. Condo I Fullerton/ Brea area Nr .. I College. 2 BR. 1250 sq 11 ~~: ' owner desperale $1 19, . .. 1 000 offer .. ~ 11529-3798--or 951·1344- lake over 81(1Sllng loan on lhlS bflghl and airy townhomel Fe11tu11ng 2 s1orte1. 3 Br. master SUI· I le w/t>alcony & 2 car. garage Proced 10 sell at' $125,500 75Q..1501 Or 752-7373. ~ " I,., •• ~~P},.,,,., 11-103' WlTHFllm- 1 weekly feature SHO,OOO FH I BOAT SHOW-• Owner will accept 5% Walker B Lee ;;.~ 'CASE 1 cash dn Md carry the fl· , .. • nanc1ng at IO'Yo 1n1eres1 Every Saturday in the I Over 4000 sq It ot Dally P1lo1 Classilteds custom design. 4 1pa· -========~~ crous bdrma including ti I master suite wtlh sauna . immense t1m11y rm 111\CI * rooltop Cleek wlvlew MESA YEllDE Many luxury teaturet In- On the golt course eluding gain. room. high Cuslom t>eluhlul 3 Bdrm ceilings tnd dock l0t 60 home many. many U · ti boat A new hs11ng tras $279.500 with 10% . down owner will carry al -IA.Ml Kl HU'\f 12 ,.,., mle<esl llHMI .. t.c. lltJ lcCa,.llt, IUtr. ·I ~ REAL ES1ATE 141·ll2t r bO 141\tl :::, 1·.-.·.·.-.·.-.·.·.-! UCELLHT HY .... •IAYFllOllT* 13 Br on counlry alz• to1 Furn included Full prK;e ::;. lllT SLIP s101.ooo. 151.31111 New Price 1411,500! 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 C:.',I I . -1-' ')~JI I 't H' ' t I) c., ... ,,, ,,,, 1022 ...••.••..•••.....••.• TRADE your boring income pro- perly Of outgrown resi- dence with larga equity tor this ne11 rustre and roomy 4 bdrm. 3''t ba llomt In WALK TO THE BEACH CORONA DEL MAR LOCATION with IPIC"l aCUlllT 180 deg ocean, " 1stand and har-bor view Priced 81 cur· rtnl appraisal ot $475. 000 tee Owner has $195,000 equity and wit( carry 2nd IU-1211 . elm OWNERIAGT DUPLEX Redue.d 10 $250.000 o we t2"• • S50,000 dn 675-3063 or 679-9667 C••I• lln• 1024 ••.•••••••...........• CIHHllll snu Lovely 3 l>dlJTI w/lge la· m1ly rm on qu1el street Be1ut1ful herd wood floors Ck>st to schools aod shopplflg s 125',900 Catt 979-.5370 \ f ~·I l I 11f,·11 ! : • ' ••• t .... ( "'l WAL• Tl llH llY I bdrm·den-2 bath. O~EN • ., .. DAILY 1-5 liiilll~mmmmlliiiil "·" AIT llOVIHTII FLU1IU 3 BR on LARGE LOT Used brtck flreplece and wallllng d1s1anc• 10 Back bty 30 yr ossumabte at 10~•"'•· On e Cut-de-sac tool Only S 122,900 Catt now 979-5370 ~i: I llElLTOIVIWHll FIUIOlll :~ *'-lJ•ltll * Por1ot1no 4 Bdrm, owner .,., wttt help llnence every * * * * 1t ** * .. way pots . larg• gueal '1.-lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil room wolh beln Asking I' I $3 19,900 \ f >I l I 11 Fit • I ' '• • • • '.I! ·~ • • IU,...1001' 11 ~f.S Reatiors, 675-600'0 ., .. , EllTSlll CHIO ::.: 1 hd•I• •ill• lltH 3 BR 2t>a. 3 ctr gar Xlnl .... 011111 ....... , ····mioii·iia:.:i.... ~~ '.,c~~:5.~ i~:~~ Solld comlor1 for ltrge .... f a. I on I y 5 4 7 • 7 4 6 5 or • family Four bedrooms. •rt• Mlft 646-2223 ' I Huge country kflC:l'ltn 5 yr old S & S Hom• ------:~. with eating' erea. I.Ir~ 12672 sq It Pool with SJOOO HWI : : pool. wrought iron len· swim up btr In c•v• Nice 2Br 2ba condo No .:.. ced Separate hobby $25.000 below mtrkel qu1hlylng $82.000 Ow- :.., shop. $285,000 1 20% dn 12 2% interest °" 1•687•9554 ··• 131-1100 Agt J•m 53141~ NO DOWNS64,900. FP 1-::::i~~~~~ l1IHI ldul I OH l+O OOndo Near S C Ii •••••••••••••••••••••• Pita•~ In S A owner I 1211,000 br<*Bf. Jim 545-1947. . ~ .... '"' ... ''· 'I "" ti; COLDWeu. BANl(eRO '=-.~ ..... utan--.:• .,.. .... "' lllffl SSH,000 You wlll bl cap1111eted by ~,:& the setting & vklw 11111 ;•:: lhla prime property ol· , 1 fers A gr ec1ou1 home In "" the best ol ta.ate 3 ~R. 2 : ~ SI~ pltfl I In lmmecu· · " tete cond1tlot1. M4-... "I Oupte11, 1wo 3 Br units. 10% dwn. Oarr•lf PHl'I Proper11es 851·87117 '''"' .. ~~~!~!~!~ ..... !.'!!? IEIT llY ON THE POINT eeautllul 3 Bdrm 2 btth, cl11n. sharp, llr1plece, new kitchen 2 ctr o•· rtO•· tlrtued tor H · cond lewf. OWNER Fl· NANCINGI $359,000 . l•Z·llOI j PE11 ' BARRETT . REALTY KSPWTEIWIH must sett this super 3 Bdrm poot lloma across from perk silt Best t erm• Try s 12.000 down. Asking $117 .000 Mi ke oller Bkr 848--0709 • • • : I ' Tum your unusables Into UHbte cash.Call D~lly Pilot classified 642·5671. .... .... .. Orengo Coatt DAIL. V PILOT /Wednt day, Novtmb r ~. 198' DI ~~~!ff .~'.~'! ....... ~~!!!.{~ht~• •••...• '1~!!.!':'.(/},,l/}1.. !'.ttn.'IP!PtrJ~ •• 1111111 tJ1l•f•l•i" l•11t1 0•'-11IM"""' AMtl•t•I• l•t•JtiM A,.1t111111 ,A,.1t•11l1 ,,.,,_/ •I• a..J ft4 # It ,a, lllf 1i ht ".:.&i&J. ••••••••••·•····•····· 1 ···••••••;"Jr •••••• ~ •• !.,...,.................. U1/111/1AH ll•l•t•l.siH I• •m••"" fH!f.!t!t ••... .J •• u .!!!r.!! ••• l!r....... .~tt!t •.• rl!lr.tm '1111.'..'.!U'/n /lfl ,.,,,.,,.. "''',._ ,,._,, i111 C••t• •••• i''' ······················ ............................................. . --------tee 11111 ,·· •• • If# J.t4f ••••1"••••10••••1r. ................... :t ••• r., '/ #i Jiff ~ 11 ._ .tff ,,,...,, .... , Ulf TWO ITOIY ILlf,. IHUll W.I" ·-• ~ ~ti·~:~ "r' ·····•·•••••····• .-:.1 Ctlar~n1 Hllltld• \/I-I futn I b(lrm •Pt• t3f5 r~!1!'. •• ~ ••• t! •• 1 •• n rn.,.nuf •••••• r.o-: ····"·· .":'Jun •• u.., YOU own in. tend 1000 U11qjyldecl 1~ 111111H1 In rate Nr ~ 1~111~ "r 11~ O.lu•• 'bed"" 1¥lgart11• bOrlTI, b• '1r1p11c1 ono up r11c 0111gu Tllo Shor11t In b.,vurul Ltwelr t Wr• 1 h 1 btk to er.11 Low., 1 Ur ILllA•OI iq 11 3er, tim rm.' 2,~ 18 unit• •&' Dldg tn Newport Ct nter ~Ht a11d utllt Incl now 1376 llkt l)rl."~~~~;3271776 2110 Newport ltvd CM Coron• cltl M•r hU VP~lt unu roi r~nl uum 01n. 2 be, yrty, t11ttn1 Lt 111 Lt h•ttl I 81, wide Oreenbllt. nHr ~unt1119•on ucn, CA 11.c&01mo 7 l.C/813 111 MlTAO AL TV Iv.• 2 13 5•1·•1181 ru1wly r•lurbltfled 1 & 2 1 Int. coriwt• d11pu no tefilg S.700 67~·lll31J tllY SHrOOO pool Ftr btiow m1r1i.e1 inr" 7 MUIO 2' 11 tor 636·700fl c;119 ,,.,,.,., lt1tA Jiff lldrm •1111 hom S!!IO & Pttt 1 cfllld Ok S600 Nwpt Hgt• 2 br, 2 ti• Stell tilt 1how with thl• I •236.000 Wtlt IHM OP• Orn'lllllOll Ct1ll /lltH 1114 Spou .. o 2 Or •tt•Chtd ••••"•f .. ••• .. •• ...... &,tudto '1>' 0•1cor1t1or up lor 111nl C•ll H1te11 m o 1~0 0 7 3 •. o' •P•tiout /\11111 now highly p1mptred two tton 8~1 8•o4·013.C Ltll ltt l•ll 1100 •••••••••••••••••••••• 0111 g•1 w 10 hookup,' br, I' bl plu•h condo. 1 a'n prtv•\~P113~0w•., 01t18011044 2611 831 o4.C0? Otrl S1351mo 8'1b-7•00 .. ory Q ltd en VIII. •••••••••••••••••••••• Large ••ecuOve 2 ••orv S&OO.,& &500 dip Ou~•. '1" ~1 .. · poll t>Oal tllp 11•'·~~3~· I mo ' Bd1m S•26/mo C11~tl. 8Al BOA p NIN ., Olk to Dynemll• llyle run• ISTATf ... , Hl•P•''• LOI 100 • 1116 hOU .. w/.C l)jt(lftl\I ,,, Fw., • .nopptng amt 1 ,...,,mo • ' • ..... • I I c II *' rtmplnl lhruoul well• 01 ·~k " , Ulll 10.000 """ 2\t blht pet pou w/dep MO· 1175·11>311 51.93g H••tl• It• • , • l•unl.lry ICl t olul bch 2 00 t bl yrty, mt11or1 ana beautllul g; 2::J ~·~i 3s:u~t~ 645-78116 •ve• r0rm11 din1no. •P~IOUt r1ooe11 "' Buch Bl D!LUXI! 3 en 2'~ be, 2 l11tl '140 :;~:."::~~r.c:U'!~~;t.': t •97 73311 °' 6•0·3tff c' P, t s bA 0 mo wood 1>1n•t1~ VPP•' gait, prt11att community #•••t•i•, 0.11rt, I~~~·-:::~~~~:;~~ 193,4194 tty, tgt lfont ytrd & •••••••••••••••••••••• 011r101 Piiio 3 bdrm1 t•STAIT Ill !IS'l 0863 level OlllCI • big end 1305.000 6~ Oown Wiii .... ,, 1400 01110 Ind ooro-ou• POOi Stn .. 11on11 38r 'l bath, upatllrl 1)1110 NHr , •• lllEIVE ITI 2 blllll ull bll In•. 01· S•OO ,. 18/mO ' Br 1 36r 28• 3 cor , ... gt. 1 bt1utltut decorator bt· con1ld., llBdH tic •••••••••••••••••••••• won't taat tono •t S?IO IUn deck, 011101. SOOO beKh '" & 1a11, Heu· O.eutllut • p11k like wtth Pt•• nnd drapoe S99S 811 poot11de apt 18unClry blk to oen S 00 mo droom1 Pv1 cockt11t P•· Armillo• Realty • MFTRO .RI.TY NO tatt mt1th req tor rlly St 100 pet mo ,.,,.~pool per mo ro""' bHn'ltO ce111110• 87$·917' • 110 O"l•IOOklng luah 71'·54'4·2o48o4 FOR RENT' 636·1006 c:no 11ont l1mlly, only SllOO 1131·5601 •Sptefoua Al>lt HAAAOR REALTY No Pflt No IUt month Prov & Spee, a ltry. a bd. O•fltnbtll bolling tow ' • I ~ METRO RI.TY New beacntront nome 3 •Private Pallot (7 1•)e73·HOO rent oepo111 r11q. Ctll 2'• be w/ l1pl Now Cl • price 01 '°2·0004 19 low lido 11~ l>r, 3!,· tot. 111 'l bedroom, 2 oathi & 2 I If, 2 la, I 638·7006 chg Br <I Be. turn •12250/mo, •Covered P1rkl"O TS!c Mgmt o42• ttSOa met c;~rp111ng. llf ft· at SI0,000 dn. S812/mo lime Tr1de1c1rry 1395 rroto d t S2000 c 11 M' 1h1on lttoncl, no pets. "'•u• .,, • MUSl S"'""' 000 Bk ··e 39•" • llOriH In Twin Ptlkl In I . r1no1. yer • g•· "Or Condo 1'LB• -CPI•/ un urn ' • ••. •Dlnlnn Area .. er 2•1 Bo 2·tly, tn rftllf, MOH l/trde. en111p UPI· TAKE ADVANTAGE""· r ., .. • .... Lake A11owne1d 1re1 11g11. no peta. Privett 1•drpi pooi 1~ ~lbflH t..ono 873·1100 •w11kin Clo"" In old Cd~ HOO/mo 1e1r1 2 BR 2 Bl. 1>1tn1, 1795 6d 6218 OllTllRY 21 BEST DEAL Hu bullt·lnt & llreplece S7501nlo 111 plu1 NC 1516· mo 166•7633 · t.ARCJf; 2 br 1 bl g&r 1 •Home Ilk• Kltentn• yrty Avail I 1/t n11W cpl•. encl oar. lndry Btutla Artt. tro 'l bd. 2 bl, IN HARBOR RIDGE F1r111, IHI & Cleposll rt· only 6.cl W 181h 'St -5308' 8 · · t btk lb Hun11ng1on JAOOll IHLTY 1"' 110 Pets S5]5 mo utx* unit w/lrpl Oultl WALl-11 RHLTY B11u1 3 or, 1nered vut QutreCI . Call (71 4 ) •09·1617 OPT TO llY d/w, euhore Ctnter, tran1porlltrOl'I & PROPERTY MllMIT Call !I.CO t t58 aft.II.I & Priy Loe No Pett tlC·H 11 S465K 759'-1'28 7 611 ·0 2 8 6 or (7 1' I Oulettree lined alrffl Cu1lom H>edrm 2 bat ht S750 mo Yrly 982.'914' lrwyl 979·38•8. H~ for Pam 1176 &45·6218 667-0657 weekd1y •*-It whtrt this tpacloua w/JACIJZZI and POOi. IN PRESTIGIOUS BIG HILITIES HIE 111·1113 S 60 .-N-porl Hetghll OICIOI 2 n1nos .,.., 6 pm II no 2 o.drm house alt• With Kid• • o••~ ok, Tod1y CANYON LUMUllOUI ' I Bdrm ,,om 1615 4 2 qn, 2 Clll oar 2 Odrm I bl encloHd IHCllUJllAll Br IBldblc••o•r•o•. enswer.plea .. keap CIPll·d••e>e•kld•ok sm Bdrmhomew/pvl 28drm $616 IBraoOll'lwy.l>ullt tn• chllCIOKnoft:1S 132E oarlO wellllobeach llHll IOMEI '50 JI 11 ~:!sk.'86o trying! lo·to move In only ••so METRO ALTY Cullom pool end IPI All LA OUINTA HERMOSA ~~~0~"11$~5t1f!iU:· Bav St 541 331 . 845· !8111 FULL PlllCI SH,000 •6 • Santa Ana Ave , I lit I METRO RL 1Y 1138-7005 Chg n • w • m e n I I ' • • 1621 I Plrktlde Ln, t blk 955.3549 2 Btll.lr09ffl eClull Ille style s EA s H 0 R E D R ' I/ E ThlS bright and cheery 5•8·5•01 all 6 •• •t• 636-7005 cno Why throw rent aw~ 71'"444·0800 W of Beach, 3 l>lkl S •Pl Light & Airy S7001mo 2 Br retrlge, Garden I/Uta ••n-<s 11··•1 lXt.HH ZlfO I -h 3 e;;Uc111.11 Executive Homa ol Edinger 8•7·54'1 Ou1e1 areo 408') Acacla 6o46-4S49 carport. enclad p11io .... v ...,. SPY"''USS lllLL •••••••••' .. •••••••••• Eastatde condo. 3 b. r, 2 w en you can own •·· 38• 2ba, ocean view, ' ~.8•5682 10 hlgh·etyte llvlng with • Wiii 1rade SllOK equity In bl, den, trptc, 2 car o•· w/$1200 10 &2000 o•y· 3 bd. 2'11 be. Fmly Rm. * S'26/mo up t Br u~· S876/mo 673·79•2 EASTSIDE 2 Br t Ba 1 .,.. tuxurtous ear Ill lone car· ' Bdrm Sacrifice Sate · NB 61yshores home for raga 1125. 5•5·6685 men11, S175K • S216K, Din. Rm, Spa, 11300/mo lu(n .& furn pool. •P• eer oarao• S•96tmo Townhome. 3 bd, 2 ba, peong thruout. Beautilul at S359.500 Mike Crow trvtne area. Priced al Roomu ho-u•• w/w ~rp-ls move In • take over • 1st + 11300 11curlly & 1899,2 FtortCla. 8o42·2834, COlll ftltH 31Z4 lncld• water ·tmmed split te~al, quiet, 3 ca1 wall co-ordinated win· RE 645·3176 S269K a remodeled 3 Br , "" w 1hare appreel11lon, call $250 Cltanlng deposit 842·3172 •••••••••••••••••••••• avail l>r·efer couple. I S 7 5 o dow 1rea1men1s. Set in IEWER AiEA Of 2', Bu. S189K IHM nold ClrapH. kitchen appt. Sue at 891·5556 6'2.·8663 • I ' House Bach Dv~e11 min)m&I on-iltt manage· ~S~~o1fs 0 0 · ' prime locallon. A real Clue t99 t lniereated METRO ALTY I C----Ll•UIJI l.,tll 3141 333 E 21st ·s1 C.M. ment reQ 229 Costa gem of1buya11helow TllEILIFFS par11escsll6.C5·1l2111 636·7005chg Spotteu 3 bd, 1'/~ bl tllfHaven 2er 1b~,frplc ., •• , ••••••••••••••••••• 645-6569 6•5·8103 M esa C .,by appt Yersatllea S1uo10 Pen· S J 2 ---_ ' l wnhH. bll·int, W/D, det glr . no p~U 'Lu11ury studio, fret HBO, 642·6557 thouH SS'l5/mo Alk ~~=•~' Y~~·~ ,:~ 0~5~EE~~n':. '.~~. ~·~: I REiii lllTS Oulet. Clean · 2 bd In encl ptllo auch carprl S6'l5lmo Agl 642·5722 phone, meld aerv, spa tor Sharon R1ch1rdson . Eas1s1de c 'o1t1 ••eaa coun Nd-carpe11.,o•· kids 1'" ;,,I/bell S550~ Wat.(j;-o-nt 4 "'r -2 ba dpl• S130 wk 499.3015 ........... ".. 2Br 1'•B•. Westside 11~ R all 768 5800 monthly pyrntt of S711 droom, 3 bath condo has P ""0 ••o•. yr . comm poo . no 111 tut dep terms 850 " ·, 1 ~ u u new S•75 mo 557 6985 • ors • 01 HURRY •• won't IHll two patios. hrep11co end osluve cash flow w· pell S575/mo Mgr 2,53 •3 • 7900 • • · (up). 1 sq t, mmac 1Megn1llcen1 oeeantront 2 APAllTMll.TS~ • hOme 770·2313 CEITIRY 21 spa S269,900 6•'-7020 ner will e.cnenge S200. BOr•noeAvenue C M "1• ~""·~ Bll·lns, trptc, 011 No & 4 br un111, each 2 Br I'-> Ba s1ud10 POOi. 2 Br lba b lk from bch W~I.,. Wln lllliO auL ESTATE 000 equity lor Newport pell $1200 675-'186 $1350/mo, 497-20•2 Beau11tully tsnascaped I carport pvt paUo. C.hll· G d k $600/ Beach residence Agl Santa Ana Hts 3Br !(QI~ WAml ---garden apts Pool & Spa dren OK NO ""IS $475 ar, sun ec mo WESTCLIFF 1750/mo. 546·Qlli SIU. Need by O.C 1: 3·• I!' Oen, fireplace $800 mo •••·~••••••• ••••••• ••• Bachelor $410 -675•3206 141-1010 Mike Crow 645-3176 · b Io y er Cl . 'no 0p e um 2 ~4r•1 1~ Illa NtrtNtl h•cll 3161 Pa11os/decks No pets 6•6· tll24 "v Yr 1 Y 2 1 2 3 0 1 h S 1 3 Bdr l't'o Ba. owner will • I ------house In HunlTngton 7 14.551·6037 day or OCEANFRONT Dt112·4 Br I Bdrm PBS DllJI lo/al 3126 2Br. 1Ba, • ., blk 10 beh: STOP!. llnance at tow. tow rate ':'!.".'!.! ••••••••••••••• Eat-de Condo 2 Br. 1•11 Beach. aouth of Adams. eves By week or month 2250 Vanguar0540·9626 •••••••••••••••••••••• gar, $625 mo yrly Properly 111c1n1 Show Ba f 1 PI c. O •rag•. I Xlnl rela. 98•..0332 evs; · 67!P873 OCHI VIEW 846-3567 any11me. Moy sell on Horufl F•toi••H S650/mo So46·3561. 1142·0100 dys Nwpt Hgll 3 br. 2 ba, From Dana Point's most - lease Ol)llon SM to •P· •••••••••••••••••••••• • lrptc, gardener, 1700 mo. llACll llOUSI Bachelors $41°' secluded scenic blufl. Versailles spec bac.h prec1a1e Harry FreCle· l•/h1 /dH' 310f IEW OAPI COi 5 blks lo ocean Elegant 2 251 Kno11 St. 6•5·5110 Completely furn. •P•·. 1 Bdrm $"460 I.Ike new! Only 4 unlts.,2 bClrm ponlhouae. cour· rick. agl 63I·1266 •••••••••••••••••••••• c.•. TOWllOMI BR. fa m rm & Clen . CIOUS 11'>. Br, patio, lnc.J. I 131 E ISlh 646-6816 Br wi den Xtra lrg p1111ate I I yard pool. clubhOUH, Before you buy a hOuse In Cos1a Mesa you must set t his one I Clean. freshly painted. ready 10 move In Fireplace. built 1 In book shelves. wallpa- per In kitchen/dining I area 3 1p1clous be· -'========-drooms Gooa toe • near shopping SChools. free· way access Vacant. St27.000 By owner Wt"-"···"' ..... Decorator perfect. •P•· $875/mo.. Plush opts 2'11 WARRFllHT I Ulll. Avail. 11 11 S650 I 161 f. 18th 6"42·0656 patio From $725/mo. sec.u111y $550 6<12·6149 1111111 Wl1ter LHIH clous 2 Bdrm, 2'"b•, 1 ba, cedar & glass. Sun· CllH mo. No pet~40·8632 ,spacious 2 Br 1 Ba 1,25 Cell 66 t·64• 1 or M-F. sunny 2 bd, 1 ba dUijj;; PLIS Mt ft Mt frtM :,oot. ~c, 8~~cr:•ll!n deck. dbl ce.r pv1 g1rage, 2 BR. ptua dtn. 3 BR, OCEANFRONT large 3 Br Duple• 3 er 1,'n Ba 9.5 643·0212 Orrve by 203 33rd S1 1525 mo SIOO fl $1100. & ~ ~ .. ~ °o.c!lcwar, fully malnl d yard. No bayvlOw, S'lOOO/mo 12 Ba wshr/dryr, no pets $475 Laundry tac .. pool 10 see 2•583Santa Clara Ao• 675-16•2 Waterfrtll Mt•ll· paper, Clrtpe;i8$ & more 1 ~::,~~~~ 527 18th St. ~8116y2. 00 pona Cl11Chester Wtnta~850 673·66•0 5o46·9556 12·7PM 2Br. garage 11ea1 ocean. Sunny 1 BR 101 ,.., blk 10 751-5418, 966-2o481 CllAIMlll HSTSllE Extensively remodeled 3 BClrm nome featuring taro• mos1er suite & bath, gourmet kitchen and eddeO rumpus room/artist's studio be· hind garage Cul Cle sac street Asking S 175.000 I For appointment 10 see. call 5•0.1 t5t • ~HERITAGE REALTORS TEllS, TEllS!I Harbor View Hiiis melt perlec1 3 Br Below market at $369.000 Only SY. Clown OWC 8 •;. 1n1eres1H Patrick Tenore. agt 63I·1266 SuJau •.• ~~!!!':If.~ •.•.. !.~!! WllOW DISTRESS 113 1100 $995 Ulll pd Call 1 --'-Beachtronl 3 BClrm. 2 b•. 2 BR 1 BA. old h'Ouse. no ocean 111ew balcony 'l>ch 011 streel pilg Vny • 675-23111030to5pm I 01 TH sa•• fully furn, gar. W/0 , pelS,ChllCIOK Allulllpd S•SO/mo 2 131•02·2657., $450mo Agl 675·t6'2 ' / &. k"-/ th 640 O 2 $68 at 24682 Apl A. ---I 110• 3 br,2 ba,lmmac High· l/uotocean 2Br1'hbl. w .,mon · 11 415 Ham111on. $575 Cor o oba Or . 4BDRMS1'l50MO YRLY lt11i1ual• 3101 lanas area No pets. No I ouerd 081"· pool, sauna, Blk beach 18r, ulll. yrly 641..0763 7141661-8899 STEPS TO BEACH •••••••••••••••••••••• singles. Rois. $795 mo. 0 Y m • S 8 O O I m o · $•50/mo 1823 w. Bal· llSTAIT II' --I Lovely, 1mm ae. co<J'lm 4 Br. llay,tron1 w/dock, can r879, !"44!..C300, 2, 2 I 3 I 3 3 3 • 3 8 4 6 or b 0 a 8 1 ~ 2 , • Super neat 1 Br. I/Ola, I pool & 1enn11, 546·5704 S4000 mo yrty or $3000 hours I 902· 129& 213194 3065 Eas11tda H25·S635/mo Ba small & cozy prl11a1e , mo winter. Aval!. now. ---13-b 2 ... ._. 11 1 2/2 SH 5/mo . '312 '1'1 _ 1• __ 2 Br. 1'1> Ba Townhouse, $400/mo 673·3313. Studio 11p1, pvt polio N1 JACOIS llHLTY Spacious ( 1700 sq Ill 2 r · "'· nun ng on S 7 9 5 Imo. 'I 2 'h On 1he beach hotel t all bull1-1ns. lndry rm, 493·0803 (or furnished) Liao shops & beach. Ullls bd, 2 ba, dining rm/ Harbour lrH, S700 mo.. $1250/mo Have others room apt. kilehOneue & carport. yard/balcony. -PO $350 mo tmmea PllOPHTY MllMIT study, Mu!!.!·leveted pelSOK 1-•92-28•7evsl Fred Tenore, ao•1 balh , fu rni shed smell pet OK Haati119to11 673-0343all 5 111-1111 townhome. Frpl, vaulted 4 bl, 2 ta Nr bch. Grdnr. 631· 1266, 631·2711 • $300/mo. + $300 dep TSL Mgmt 6•2· t603 lt1t• 3140 LARGE. clean 1 Br, 11~ D 1 . 3126 ceilings. pool. spa $850 No pe11 Quiet cut·d•· Responsible adul11 2Br 1 2306 w Oceanfront, F1reptace.pool, Otsh· !:~~i·~~,;·1·9; .. ;·9~· 10 bay bell. yrty $515 .~!!~ •• ~!'!!•••••··~··• mo 673·9•98 ' _sac $650 675-7673 I ba hquae. 1800. 2 Bd NB 673-~ 15• washer pvt paUo X Lg Clownslalrs apt, aswshr, 673..0072. 67!J.5706 Charming 3 bedroom. 2 Exec 2 br, 2 bl condo, 3 bd. 2 ba. French Doors. 38R 1BA ya W/D av1lJ. 2bl SOOO 1 & den. turn BAYFRONT Elegant t or Garden I & 2 Br on E/ p11va1e pa110 single ga-SALE! balh. 2 SIC>')' ocean vi-oeean view. pool tennis tots/wood & walpr, No 11· 10 tor t yr $600 111 ~ $600. 67~75•4 2 bdr m $9 5 0 I mo s 1 de S 4 6 0 . S 5 6 0 rage No pets. water I PARK NEWPORT APARTMENT S hOme 1n 11111 lovely San Comp! furn 760·9o486 CM. $795 incl gardnr last Downtown H.B • BLUFFs'38; 2ba. Single 680· 1176 dys. 673-3909 557·2114 1 pa 1 d s 4 5 o / "'o Juan Captstreno on 1 (6-51. 2•0.32011111 6) 957·5880. 536·7t03... llO')' Llnd•f•n Clean g ev _ I llR. 211, 3-IR. 5•5·2000 Agent, no lee I private cul-de sac Many ---T"' C UBL G upgrades Move In COii· ''"""'' h•ti 3111 3 BR, 2'• ba. fplc, w/d & B ,. t bright 120'0/mo t Br 8Jt8C baylrOl'll, w/ Newly decor Gas pCI, MARllEllS WALi cpNu~EWr-YPO~T Bc~"c'~ Olhon. ~ell ~ow mark· ••••"••••••••••••••••• relr, Clbl gar. lam. condo, •• l•I •• 55·3-1006 sec $900/mo yrty. Avail encl 0.,, dwshr, pool, l 2 B"' n "" " LIOOiSLE ~ 3 bdrm. tam no4)e .. $7~0. Agt. .,,...,, 3Z4Z s . nn I bbq "' L 0 r> townllouse s11191e1 I & 2 BClrm et. ot course Q\Jlck sate m S 00 •••••••• •••••••••••••• EA TBLUFFS. 2Br 2ba COIS REALTY no pets. u4r.5073 apls, enc.t o•r, lrptc. Nearl Apartmel'llS H••ti•1t•• -Cleslred, WISh to relocate r . 4 Ba._~_ mo 6'6•4380· 6'5•4765 40' dock, patio. deck, ' .. decorator" nome. lrplc, a FIRESIDE COMFORT Hunt Hrbr from $545 & Townhouses ltaej 1040 Call •96-3880 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm IMesa Verde, 4 bd. 2 ba. Bdr 2 ea, 3 car garage, I dbl gar. comm pool PROPERTY MHMIT I Children OK 840-6807 ~ From S5'0 •••••••••••••••••••••• -----1 Ba ,7 00 mo Bl ti S750/m9. tat & Last plus owner. 2131592·4905 S 1400/mo Strickland ll1·11U ~1~1~. ~uw.1~~ .. ~ ::1~f~~· WARNER VILLA 2bd2 On Jamborff Ra at OI TIE SUI OtAu ltll Esl•lt Grund~ Rltr 675·6161 $8200 Sec Oep. Fmty Pref. tease option. M 0 m I S e ' v . 2 Br 1 Ba. ~eanlron1 w/ Patio or balcony Pool & be. Condo. lrpt, dw p' •· San Joaquin Hills Rd I • F .. •••••••••••••• •••••••• . • _ 51.1159 • 11 .. 11190.92s6 .,.., 100 •• tree Hrt #di/t H•••• Ocean front yrly. • l>drm, , ltrl•t 3144 1,0 deck. s 1 IOO/mo .,rty J apa No pets 2650 Harta 11 o p o o I . S 6 O O ICC· 1 2 11ory, 2 bdrm 1'h ba ,,. • I 1100 2 car garage and hol tub. 3Br. 2 i'IBa. epts. drpt , •••••••••••••••••••••• Nwpl Hgll 2Br. tBI, very JACllS •EALTY Mesa Pm•• 549-2'47 .1231570..0036 early 3 -9, 2 BeA;;ii bHCh • Condo co-op ,., .,. • 67S-7650 Non·smoker $750 mo aEITALS pvt & f\uoe yd ------ Poot, s1un1. welghl ···.··(•W••P•O•R•T•·,··u··c·1•••• ---5•8-'292 2 to• bdrms. sterllng at 6'5·9095 PIOPllTY nlMH S•65 2 Bdrm. ret11g, P•· 'o'•9~o.3klBdR• o~ B,:o· ~1s''1' on1mmedPen1Nn~1'1yr~S/elmoed . room . 1u1> p1rkl ng. Beaut. furn. Big Cenyon L _,. ...... f le 1650 10 S900 111.111• Ito, no pell. adults pref. .. 6 9"'"'" ..--....., Ocain and Pier View Bel Atre Home. llghl lownhorne. 2 br, 2 ba ar~ c.,,...,o, ..... an, P • Bayfront 5 t>r qutel e11ec r • 724·A James, 673-77117 u• · """· 960·748' 675-3132 846-5710 Listed 11 s 1•9.500, s1s: :n•~~~· ~~m t ~~ $1 t75/mo Agl 780·0795 ~!~ ba m_:,c::'v!ic.3 s~~ ~!:"::~s2~u~7~~47;0 VILLA MEDERA 2 Br 2be. 3 bdrm 2' • oa lr~~r 2B• cots. oro•. 000 under merket. Alf !on ic ..... ., expa • ..,..,. mo NOlse 549.8366 THE E••de. femlly comptu attacll oar $650 oewty redeco11ted In & c11h or n-tin. Great hv. dining trH Young Bt•ln U•/•r•iliH ' EXCLOSIVE AREA~ • O/W, garage Wlr/g11 96•·.C633, 1·526·3004 out $950 mo (2 131 opp'y tor someone who Adutta & pe1s wetcom. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ~ n-upgrades, .,,. bor l/tew home. Proles pd $525/mo & $300 332 •ost cen 1c1 test Agent'. $2•.500 5•0·5937 agl '-••.11/ JZOZ clad garage, oft a11ee1. dlCQ(tltd 4BR 2BA, tar· •,•1001 dep 232• Elden, Mgr S3f6tmo 1 br,111 ullls pd • _ .. _ ...... ___ _ 531·8100. Ask tor Jim •57 tO••O Mayflower •••••••••••••••••••••• quiet, no pets. S585fll)O o• loft~ on Y· acre w/ Apt 1 548-4147 Walk to beach 207 Chi· • Clt•l•lt 311f Rlghelmer Coach Ctuatc. legal In llllTALI 768-7833. 548-8251 ""'· Wtlk to Feshlon ¢ago 985-'954 •••••••••••••••••••••• --latand, beach, pool & LIFE'' STUNNING large I Br r S.C Gener1I Hosp, SPAOI ft IHOI llOME O.C cou111, a/c, good Yaarly·Weeltty.w1n1er, 2 , 2326 Fordham St. c . M. achools. Gardener tnol I ga1raen apt 7t0 w 18th 3Br, l1p1~. 2Ba. 11ove, 5 Bdr 4," Be 3.aty 3000 cond. neeCls paint. $3. J ,4 Bdrm;_ College Park Area. 3 bd, J uoo_ Avall. Jan !st.. s tpls Avail Nov 1 $575 sq. II·+ ove~ 900 $q ti. ~~~0~8~~~ ;8~~~~~n . JAClll IULn 2 ba. dbl• GF.1..rg Yid. •S""~·---L·'--759..0060 =~.,~~ Near 18th/Pomona:TI;: mo-l71•1891·16U olbaleonySome<>C$8/\ PROP Frpt,$8251mo.631•8062 U~.,.;1"T.W: 2 arl Be,nrbeach. Otrector•Frea IBa.downsratre.dll. 2 B R.S465,yearty,-;;;;· view, 1 blk to beach. 2 Br Iba, upgrtded Witt M&ll•IEIEIT E/Side, cu1e houses. 2 br ?-$650/mo yrly s 11 n d 8 '1 caroort. water pd. 1 child Clecor. pool. nr beach. $285,000 F P See owner lake truck Or Cir for .... & 1 br, w/whlle plckel 2 BR 2 Be. cpta, drps, encl •A•-s aiu• 8functl•8BO't• ok. no pets $400 Agen1 • StcYnty GalH bul No pell •98·6277 ~t ~6~~: et 206 15th ~:f.\.b~214. s.~~~~d lll-11U ~~,~~· :.~~~~;'o &. x:;.~so N o pets NWn .iii:.'n ~:.• s':A:o~:~2~7d 1 Be, : ~';'~'.:~11!~~' ~~~.'!.~~! ••••••• !.~~~ TWO •rn... UstSidl house 2 Br plut oNOOOBRIOGE. S 1100 pr 111·1113 Q "I A T Beam ce11inns. serv bar. • ll1tdtn lllldsco1c1or>0 2 Br 2 Ba condo. pool, "'' I • 1 13Sll HOMES fQR RENT mo, fPIClous • Br 2'" "1 C ll.e'A TI 0 N : w ooCI ca·b•. no pets • O•Sh•Ulltu ' 880s Jae '1ennl1 So CO'HI ~~":ii!• ~';~kh~~· t!~~~~ .!!.c •••• !~!!f........ ~~~im~ :,;_ 17~/' c Ba, l1m rm, lr!>k, drnino Bayside h~. 3200 ~ t1 ' T •" n I s • Fr•• $'7 5 22 56 Ma pie • Jog to Btac:h& Stiops Plan area 8•0·8905 Tenn11.pool.eit1raciean. °:.P~~~!~=~~~ 2 BR 1 Ba. duplex. 266 :;.O:"~!ii;'~.·~~: ~~~!,~~~·rci;:~:. ;~1·.?~.•.r:~· 5•8-7356or673·8803 8'2-2012a114 ss;o __ ., $115,000 Owner 1n and out 3 br . 2 ba. •EL TORO• 1700 Santo Tomts. $550 No nls prlYlteges 6il0-l327. 11ge. 2 boll s1tp1 avail Cll.rbl•Sl\lna• 12 B~1 ·,-Ba No pets, A,11t•tot1 F•t•iliH 112·1Cl0 ups111r11 2 br . t ba pelt. 6'2·6368 559·6l88, ofc. 7~.7313 ..$2500/mo 955·2'73 Hydromutage• S•SOlmp for 2 persons or U•f•t• 3100 IO Dl-!IO OHL! Clownstalrs Min 10% •MISSION VIEJO• 3 8, 2 Ba near Fairview & wkOays 9.5 Swtmmtr;c•Goll 1 7 5 5 W 1 6th S 1 SAllPIPll APTS. •••••••••••••••••••••• : down owe balance 81 $675-$700 Peularirlo, S700/mo ' yr , ..... 3 br. 2 ba. Exclullve Wettelltl I/Illa, Driving ano• I 6"'6-llS07 A LOVELY PLACE SUWlll Ctoso 10 ocean. 3·3. 13 9•1. tor 5 yrs Great tor tenced. comm pool, + a I AU TI f UL Pym ts .S 1200 to $2000. summer rentats. $735. •HUNTINGTON S40·0388 w81er, $900 mo. Call Clys Dover Dr' m•ster suite A I' A It TM INT I : 2 Br. 1'• ba. 323 E. 18th TO LIVI VILUIE . S175K to $215K Move In 000. Armhage Realty BEACH • S650 E's'de 3Br 2ba, gard/ wtr 851·3003, tva 851·8180 wltrptc, 2 Br 2 81 pool, S I n g '•a• 1 & 2 Si No pets Gar S650. • Homey/Pv1 t&2 Br New 1&2 bdrrn. luxurv • .. • lake over shared ap· 71•·54•·2484. pd $675/m no pets J•cvut, eic StlOO/mo I 8eclroom1•Furnllh9d Sierra Mgmt 64l ·l324 •Pool . Spa . BBQ ' prectatton Financing •YORBA LINDA • se75 760-0161, 651·3111 T~:L~ :ocd~t Prvt 1,acz. 1173•3313 or_!75•31~ & Unf~rnlthed•No 2 br tn newer 111.ptu nr • 5 acres of t>eau11tully ~~~ 1~5~~.P~•~,~ ~~~:!: available Call Sue al l•si•fH Condo for tease or lease I llvi~. & d~~lng t~;: F:: J.• C/t•'811 3Z1f ~!,~~:de"t Open SC Plaz1, gar. No pets landscaped surroun· $595. TownhouM from 891-5556 , t 1~00 •CHILDREN• p I d f •••••••••••••••••••••• _.., $525 83~·9293 Clings $665 + pools. 1ennl1. r~rr• ., option 2 bd, 2 ba. r 0 • c 0 • I 8 d Hilt side ocean view 3 bf ......... • Nr F-& •""ftplng ltri•t 1044 ••••• ••'•••••••••••• 556-9283 S12001mo Aval! t2/1 convert den & maid'• • Newer 2 BR 2 Ba, no pell • Qu1el~;ea -""" w11ert1ll1, pondtl Gii' eEsre·uviN.NoiRV.Ne~ ULNA llUll •PETS OK• N~t Ho•• area. 3 er 6'&-2353 quarters s20001mo .... S'75 760· 1' 18 or •Sorry no dogs ~0:,dc~r~~o s'anh~,~~~ • Excel financing, lg as· R'STllHH 2'1 Ba condo, family rm, Single lam+ly nome on 7 2 1314'9•26211 &,..-11tt 642"7528 evs/Wknds (114) U l ·HH Frwy drive North on tum. loan Nr scttOOls ' Great new cseeor. 111811 VILUft( lrplc, lndry rm. garage acre perk, r:ul·d•·HC, S.• J•i• ....,.. ..... ,.. •2Br 2Ba. Near SC Pl 8081 Holtand Cr, HB Beach 10 McFtdden 10 Br 2ba. 10% dn May equip • verw poputer • S825/mo Joyc:e W1t11e, acrOfil from l1tOt com-,. I 3 • .,1 88() Irvine Eves Brwn Sieler/Warner See w 1 n d v 11 11 o e ca 2 d b ' egt 631·1266 munlty pool, 2 Br. + ••• 1111•• 11.1. off Be h (714)893 5198 rry n • Y owner Turn key operellon. In· lllYESTIEllT$ Oen/ Bdrm 2 ea. Femlly ••••~•••••••••••••••• (at 16th) •Mest Verde 2 Br t Bl ae _-__ _ 2t3/747·9625 eludes t>v1ldlng & apatl· E Iida sml 1 Br dpb, lge rm, lrptc, Pllio. fenced Lea1t/LeaM Option ' bd. (714) 645·1104 : Newly redec $495 No Ha.tinftH IH•• 4000 PRICE ment and •II fl•tures rd· ulll incl. Only yard, pet• conaldered. 2 ba, covrd plliO. comm ...,.. ..... /... I pal$ 833-8974 E;;es II .. 314Z •••••••••••••••••••••• :::~,~ w;~~~=~~· I (114)141-2000 c~~~'~s.~1~6ok. Mike Leue $900 lncldl o•r-pool. '650 •97•1657 1100 16th St. '2BR 1''1b•, Cl/w, blllns ••••• !! •• !! ••• ~······ UHi& IUOI REDUCED AGENT, NO FEE dener. auoctallOll f .. s. c .. , •• ,.; •• , (Dover •t 16th) ptllO, o••. 00 pets, S575, HUGE 1 br. L . ~o. MOTOR ,.. •• ~"UM.D"D MHA Yllll c;1ble Tl/. 552·U89 or .._t•i•·"-~ 3~00 (71.4) 642-5113 5o48-'291, 6•5·9857 I Mini cond, at amenlhes. Wkly rent•I• Sll5 uo on this l1ntasllc Plan GOOD l "'INGS I 5•9-8651 • 1 • •""' ,. $600 mo 962·•91• C I Tl/ t If •• 25A In Northwood 3 ,... come n lmmac 3 Bdrm, lrg I•· •••••••••••••••••••••• t bd near South Coas1 ----0 or • "' co 88• bdrm. 2~. ba Huge "•A~TY 3's Ooeenvtew from •II mlly rm. bit, 2 trplca, Walnul Sq , 2 Br lwnhse. Bt1ul Condo, Waikiki Plaia. 1370 mo Utll• L•1.••I li1t• 3141 helled pool. & 11ep1 to Bonus room Large la· tNV••TM•NT• rms 3 atory home• 1 fOf'mat dining rm. 0.,o. Pt1n D. 1velt now. Beech. Honolulu 2 bd, 2 paid 754-0588 •• ••••••••••••••••••• oceen Kotch a av111 mlly room wilh walk·ln house lrom beech 3 ner 1,1, 1111 & MC dtp S625/mo 833· 7 519 b1, comp furn, Avell Nov A,.tt•t•I• tOEAI YIEW 985 N Co111 Hwy. wet bar end hreplaee r ~ 0 &•1~ 4:22 Bdrma. 3 btlh1, 3 o•· req'd No pets Aval! evel/ wknCIS. 752·1800 22 to Dec 20 Adult• n 1 j-"-~ LO IBr, n-cptt, e>ainl 8 10 mtnulH 90 ol Leg~m• Lagun1 Beech 494-629o4 Plus uour private ••1 • rages$1250/mo 1211 SA0.8597 SfOOO _dys Reas 1213)638..Ct79 .,.,.11.... I tmoleum. 1 Child OK No on Dane Point's mo•t ----------, LIDO PARK/Furn. Lovely •••••••••••••••••••••• pell S350 mo + de • $90 & up with kitchen. ' SPA $238. 2er, mol>lle home In ••-L•O • 8t 2 ea, 2-c:aT ger. '"-HI IHd 1141 C•H••l•i••• C.Ht1l 310Z Call Mgr 1142•2866 P 11ctuded scenic bluff. weeitlY Oceantront Mo-D•,lllltl/ eel loc. S7SO/mo, encl backyard. accees to "'·•••••••••••••••••• 1Ti Ii l iH UZS 4•••••-••••••-•••••• like new, 2 Br wi den, tel 675·87•0 tS73 CMWsJa:,._ • W .... lllE 15000 ctwn. 0""'* mu•I Mil 2 Br condo. Excellent 111um1ble ulallng fl· n111Clng Sll7,.COO Redu· C.CS lrom 1110.000. ASll lor Mark, 64'1·8325 or 559-&U2 llllT IS llLLI .. hlgnly upgreded prof. cite , 1 Br rOmtlflllC IWn• h()\IM. Wlltf .,iew, lrplc S I tll,600 firm. 730-1250 evee or ea(ly ""· Uiitl /or l•Jt JIOO COSTA MESA/Unlurn pool. comp!. redecor•· HARBOR OOEAN FRONT ••• .'!.~!!'.!••••••••••• Oerden Gr?,!e 2 & 3 11 •t Br gerage, yard •Ire large private patlO. Small eltrective lludoo nr •••••••••••••••••••••• RETIREMENT APT. 2 Br led. $750/mo 848·1624 Nu 3200' kill hmon blutl. 3BR 2'ABA TwnhM prv Bdrm, $425 !l1S525 I $525/mo WeststOt gerage 1725/mo Call bch for emply'd Non· Two lrlplaxes, CM ' in quiet clean loc. 3"8r:"'2 81 1800 sq t1 ol 180 deg vu ol harbor. pallo. pool. ape: gu 1136-96 I 6'4t-0763 No pets 661·6'441 or M·F, 9.5 smkr Prvt kllcllenelle..' 7.50% awn, bre•k IY8fl 1396/mo. luxury 11\/tng, large yerd aurl. mtna. 3br. 3ba, BBQ, B~3k1B3•Y,!925 mo lllHI /dH' 31H Re'Oec 1 bd, relrlg. qu1e1, :::·o.~ 1~,. ~~t~e sb."n :oa prvt entry S300 inct uuts, • Two 2 Br d11ple11es, W1'TERFRONT HOMES w/pOQI g liall"""d. o•me •ecurtty, seuna, spa. u • 6 " • •••••••••••••••••••••• S•tO See mgr at 19220 Clara . phone, pool, TV, teilnts E side C.M S1•2K ••· 631·1.aa ,...... 11900/mo. •96·7009. E·B1ytron1. little t11e. 1 w a 1 tac e • v e or 93 3 "" ! L rm w/poot tebte lncld. 2 Eteg1n1 2 br nr SC Pl--. ,... _!.._-_4_""'_· __ ow Clwn. GARDEN GROVE: 2 & 3 ctr enclsd garage. EMERALD BAY 3 Br. 2 gtr Clllldren o~. S575 pier, 3 story clelu11• trg 760-8376. A 00l&IFRllT One yr new N.B. duplex Bdrms, 2~ba luxur~ w1111er/dryer hook-up, B1. 1700 iq ft frptc. letM Agt 8•1·26•1 2Br. lrptc, $11100 mo. MOtl eteg1n1 1p1. bldg. Fem non.smkr, rm w/hH In IOfectoeure. Agt. Sile-1, P 1 c , 811 b 11 ·In8 • brlok patio, with spi. 875-3067 Lro 1 bd. refrtg, Alarm B Ii pnv. C M $225 unlurn , ryl 568-8191. 8•0·7111' condos. RENT, RENT T S 1 6 0 0 / -1y11em, 2nd floor, no in l.lgune eech. nes1 turn $260, 6"5·5•S9 or 963•7600 OWN & LSE/OPT ev1lll· S9251mo m 0 AMrl•l•tl FetaltiH Lo• 1 br •Pl. 1550/mo pets s4oo 6<40-'979 locallOl'I 1n town, bre1lh· !~~!!.!!!r.!!l.l!!f UYI llPLli Will llUIJ 3 Br Plu. 2 Ir, high In· come. ~011 tSK ~i· 1., toofllno tor !>ulldabte IOI or hOUM lo upg11cle. Robert M ltllken , 1131-12te bit. 2 ~ p Fu" eme-~L Mgmt 6".2· 1803 :7~~,7 fl . 2 ~ 5 5 o' .,--.···•••••••••••••••• W1$her/dryer No pelt -taking YllWI. ell bullt·rns. Room wlltt kllc:h ptlv Nr nru ... S075 to S725/mo ..... , l••'•I 'Df ~ /1/19' 1111 Avail Nov 20 1175·9378 •EASTSIOE. 2bt, t bl, hftled pool, aub..g11ege, Bua,lln• & 1hooptng Ed 984~111 f'••••••••••••••••••••• 1Dt11 2Br. 2bl. vu. Walk •••••••••••••••••••••• KIOS/P£fS OK. $575 etav1tor Lelle only cen1er lle2·7520 s N9Wly decorated 28' lb•. Loe 2 BR. tll bl. tpk, lge AL l u T' ls p D 1650 & up -------,,, ... /s/H' 3111 HOUM • Condo • Apt All I b c. II 1 2 0 0 I m o , PlllO, lmmed occup thru ~ au~. yrty SOSO 631.,320 330 Cl ff Or ,9, flO•"' F nonsrnkr. no pell, 1265 •••••••••••••••••••••• • v • 11 ab I e now •9•·58"1 wkndt or 111 Junt. 1600 Incl ulll ino 1a1, last, $300 MC _ _ 1 • ...., incl uUI Wt1tmln1ler Outlot ealboe 111 2Br S 115 o • S ll 5 O 8pm 173.:Mse No pelt or gar. 325'• Near MW 1 Br 1 81 di• w II' I JISZ 897·"200 dy1 (Judy) 2be, opn beam ceitlngt. 714,.93·0•67 N.;i'y Decor, NW Crpl, 3 Orand Can41t 673·•200 hwU/ler, enctsd 011age .•• 'l.~'!~ •• !I!.~ ••••••.• Nie. cory room w11,;p;ji.' single g1r • W/D hkup Super 1 Br. t Bl. 111111, bd. w/atudy. 2 be. Ca· ·~-Atilt or ltaM 3 Br 2 91 no pell 36ll Avocado St On Got! Cou1se Wtst $60 week Good roe. Aeglr Prop courtyerd. retired P••· nyon View, Aval! Imm. rHJ.,1/1 3101 parlltlly turn uOI peld. .!'~! ~~5_5_ Nine Condo 2 BA 2ba, 2 5•8·3&23 676·o4000 1 err e o, $ .c 2 !5 /mo. S tOOO/mo. C11t Cindy •••••••••••••••••••••• y 1 s e 2 5 / LO 2 Bf Eastslde o•rege + car oar w tOl)(ir W11hl FUtn rm IOr rent. Wttl· ••l'"·· _673·3313_,,93 ... 903 -_(714)953·8500,Wkdl'f'. BAY FRONTAGE. beach, 6•~~1~3~ 851·ff&omo c1rport & yard, SIOYe, dryer Lower Ullll WI • _. -pler.P1kg..2t>t.S000.1br • ,., 1 5525 /m o 01110, rtdtc:or a.ted minster 1226, ullt pd 1'itrd•••ll 3111 FtHl•I• V1lln 3U4 No. L1gun1 redwood, $e50/S800 UttL. pd 303111/M 631.'01os: s1as1mo 1w110.111so llt•·f1•2 btl. Opm •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••-,••••••• gl111, ~ w . wooct1y. E • E d g t w I ' e ( •10 -----Penln Pt, 11 BR, 3~ ba, Wny throw •w•v rent 2 Br 2 B1. 2 ffplc, 2 di· 111111.2eaa. r11la1•I• " 1 £/Side luxury In a ptne lllWMtt 1H1t3lll l1ttl1 ll1t1/1 4100 Q.A. tr9 petlo. s1200 MO. when you 01n own 4·3 nl"9 '"'· dre~. criit. ;·;o;,;;:·;c,~·=·0;;,t 1ore11. lg• 1 br. retrtg, ••••~•·••••••••••••••• •••iiiiui"iii?n ... l"otllttwe cte11 flow. beeUt to mo. Agt 873-toeo w/11200 10 saooo pty• appf , dbl p U&Olmo. ~~ANq:?~,~ ~~~U.,XE., yrly Mllur9 non•tnllltt OW. 880, pvt bate, 11111( NO FEEi Apt I Condo llPt bkto Pn~ onty C... ftl llM i•-"*'"· St18K • 12151<. Lono term •OO PtnO· rtntei. 67;_...1 • " no pete SOSO x 3 ' now, 011 1nc1 $425/mo rental• V1111 "-'t•te Wkt~ ren111a now e1111t,· 649-t2f3119' ••••••'-••••••••••••~ move In -take over • rem1 •t•'"32a& ___ 213,799_41gs 281•9792 831·17'1 876 •1112 8rOlter S10S & up Cotor ti/ -·11 -p••• lhnd IS*llllng ,_...,... there ~ec1e11on. call t BR cOl'lclo. OCMn view CllMI ftl 1111 1111 Of (t1.c) 113-3tM Loe t br up!*--;pl," enct it ltock to t>t•ch. 2"Br: PhonH in room 2274 ,_" -~ 3 Mrm a~ be Sue at lt1•5SM So Lagune Nr lhoPPlnQ •••••••••••••• .. •••••• S•OO bf19hl a elf)' $470 mo Ntw90fl llvd CM Trtvtl treller park, 1 hf 0 1r1g1: pttto lt.000 CIMn, rtc1ee 3 t>r, 2 l>a, ctnttr '4"·!4t0 Oce111 111 ... bteu1llutly S2ts nic. b9'"'40f. rH· ~N:J'~!r eree ':. yrly Ha·IH3 _ 846-7'~ :...._ trom Cotti M .... Mer mo 907 lrta 641·'"'· den, trpl~. Piiio Q(,19f turn. townhouH. lrpto, 110111tble per1on. ullll med oce Cell 75 1 .HOS ---• Lelle P9frte at..,_, 1 m .2233, 8n .43tt 1,11 1760 mo '•t IMt '-••• .,._, 1111 ooot a'*'° l•otalmQ. Plld. 110 ~et• 108 ~ __ • • HUlflMT 8 EACH AR£ A' llou,.., 2.78 tcrte. In· & MC 083•277; · :er ....... -, • .-.•••••••• -t11.:otee • ley. Apt f 2 Br t•, Be. Newer lnllee, 3 bclfl 2 bt'?gtt OfMI com• IH. 700 Owner Avell !mined 28r a oen, :t lclrm. I be condo on -~. -1 ..... , ~LU"I! 2 ...... ,, ... 8, no pet• &<1H1mo 1918 toe Winter $14/wk ; Wiii flnanoe w/tow CIOwn ba, Ott. Pllt Pltlo, OIMn f: golf oouree w/vtew of ~If fH • • ., ~ "' ""' "' "'"' tP• w lite !02 • HARBOR RlooE •utl prl"t 1"•1,000 St75/mo tnctud .. 61.H. e ........... ..-. -pt a m_i ..... ••••••••H••• 10 t"' ICfl W/D get, no 1 e . · _ ,. " " • I _.,_,...,.__ • 1 I &7 50 lachetor.91ee1loe Atfrtger1tor·~·POOI N"'7370or 14t·ia.4t Ref• req 714/67'3· •• HI lfl•• painting WllfMlr, dryer .... ,WILL.Ill g: •: yr Y Etttllkte yeert~ Nwpt lfYd a Wlleon Conetoe n.;;,-Hveo In ...,t llfl & rtfTto tncl. "*''· loc· ........ , ....... 5-ttM •fl •PM 811med c:tthf'O•· patio, TIL .. 141 1M• Cotta Meu 1141-t16S LEASE OPTION Custom View Home ~.ooo option money 4 BednJOITll, 5 Bethe 11.291.&00 hlfbor I Bf 2 II or 'l 4 blelrm12 btll'I ouetom 1170 mo (71•,..13·1181 wt.,00. llCuUI lllot •t7 l 1ey AYe. 11.it>oe rid S3&0lrno No~· 2 I! 2 le ll'omMa& No P~":~~~o1;t~p~~ If 2 ia + l1VOt bof1uf nomeMwl~,:oCl/.ULTIYMeo .,. 7pm teMte 'c0\olft1 ~i Pen No~ ~7·11H s2.ueo .,.., Ac:rou "°"' ,,._. ocetn Wk t" r atea room n -., I '" 9t lfl f'llrded eourt1, RtorMtlOl'I room "'--· ,,_, Jla. 'LttOI 3 Bf 2 11 Town• POf1 leech OOft COuree ' ...,. .. ..., -.,.. 7005 oflO 111 • co"' "' u", t y . "' 1 w. furnllfled. "''° I ~.r..nn •• 11.ff nou .. 111 q111e1 eomsite•. 145·••11 Mf.<>'~ • .... a1n een vtew, V'OllW IMlf ct. Ul/mo Avett now. C.. HT-0076 lllPI 11.. ..-oe pool Qttoert .... ..... mf&I c__. to Qo.c.11 : 1 I· \;'I : !1 ) '. \ l I " ; . ..-...-.. 1011e1y ~lew 01 wit er a .. • .... •• • • • •••••••••• f tloft wfpool a llQ .,... ca.. Wit« Pllct P,.. $311 1 Ir dp4; uut pd large bath kllcllcln, utllt •I • • . _ _ • ...._..,..="',..,'-'I MtNeent •N-NM i1t 1Mit~°" It I BR. LHN oP'IOft PoMtlllt t1lfte a• a .. fNflY on1. sen 8"5·Utt. a & ••·aw'°..... WMM:'* ... ,., i """"'-1 .. -..__..... --...... -... --• .,, _ .. .,. .. _ ... _, ............. ..--·--1..-· ... -.......... . " ••II I Call HOw, ll•11d wfllt'/OU ··"' In •nllr• clpla • , '" Ner .. ,. ... I,....., ~=.., .. ,.,.;-.....-WIG lo ... ., ............... .,..; WM. C'lll,,.. M •• ' .... N7e Otll'/l'lloCCl•eM •1 ut-3t02orM1·11U WMtAdt CelllU·MTI !!!_Uill•f rtehr. ft911• .,._ Olutmedlctlioft .... i?i.il1t Cell.._....,. < --·· --1 { ' .. ..... DI Orange Coaat DAILV PILOT t WednHd1y1 Novamber 3, 19H ~t,'.~!e!ou~!f tor a 30 dly Id In tht lllU PILOT •HYIOE llHOTHY 00 IT NOWI Ask ftr ... ",. Your Deity Piiot Service Directory Representative 142-1171, .... 322 ~!.~~,i~~!l.4!!!~!!i.".f E11pe1lenc:ed ·Carpenter . ReO'lodertAdd·on/Rep&Jr . 7t!0·2685 548-8654 Additions, carpentry. ma· sonry, design and dral· ting. BBQ's etc. Dave 494-1003, exl 724' Moonllghl Draftsman Home.Add'ns·Aemodels Member AIBO 645· 1871 Ao1w11ia1, S11vi11· •........ ........... . so•;. OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable, aflordable, essential. Answering servloe, secretariat & business services. mail boll renlal, word proces· sing. Telu-Facslmlle, order en1ry. pegers·lease buy, desk space rental. ANSWER NETWORK 631-9131 (ask lor A.V.) ~!/.~~!~ ....•....•.... Driveways. Parking Lot Repairs. Sealcoatlng. S&S Asphlt 631-4199Lic ~!!!!'!!(! ••••••••••••• Our olllces handle all areas ol law. Prompt. courteous service. FREE conSYlla11on. 549.9335 ~!!!!!~11 ••••••••••••• AggttHl111 Attorney. No F.. 1n11111 Con•u1t11tum. Per•o11a1 Injury CHtl. No Aecovorv, No l'ee 494·8591 ,! .• l.!~'1!" .......... ~ WILL SIT Ill my CM home, lerllled yard. hot meals, f~!I!.'.!'~ •••••••••••• Exper carpenttr doo a<1dl1ro111. rtmouwl•. dtCk• Skyllghl• ' ,. Petra F'.ree 111 Dan, 1182·0815 laster CrafhMH Flnflh & rem'dl c:rpntry Relerence1. 499·3 105 re~. rate•. 5A8·2674 Cu11om car.,.ntry by Olclt Babysitting my hOme -8,E & Nell. Penetlng. rormtea. borc:ter CM/NB. Infant do~s. etc Ph 642·8800 lhru 3rd grade Lov• &, C11N I S1t11/t1 respect Reta AvClll •••,-•-••••••••••••••••• 645-7889 Shampoo & steam clean ---------Color brlghlenert, wht CHILO C!<RE. my home. crpta • 10 min bleach lunch/1nacka Included Hall, llvl din. rms SIS, avg Large yard. 646·1939 room 57 50, couch 110, llllHlia• Sit11ilf chr S5. Guar. elim. pet •••••••••"'••••••••••• odor. Crpt repair. 15 yts JAYS "SPEAKeAS\I" up. Do work myself Any occllslon. Port bar Reta. 531·O101 1·521·8141. 879·7552 No Steam/No Sh•mp0o- IHkkH•i•• Su1(n Spect1111s1. Fast ••••••••'"••"•••••••••• dry. Free eat 839-1582 Computerized bookkee· ------ ping from S50 mo Also c •• ,.1JC011tt1ll mall list & peyro11 ••••,••'•••••••••••••• 662-2430 . CemenM.ies'Onry·Bloek Walls·CUSI work L1C: Jail'"' ;381057 Rob 547-2683 "cusro·M·HciMe·a~oA: 0ii;;ways-peuos·wo111s 'needs SMALLER JOBS Blockwalls·masonry betweeri houses Free Free est. reas 892·4557 esl. Cell Oan"537·0342 fH'OMPSON CONCRETE f !.~~ .. ~~ !!!Hi1. .•.•.. Caotne1s & Cllr.pen11y- Small jobs & repairs Free estimates 645·2003 P81ios·drtveways- lovndallons •393383. 642-8482-- -__ _... Ciild Cirt ...••.............•..• C. Looking for ~Int Chila· .!!/!.".'.!!.. ••••••••••• care? In my Costa Mesa FIEE ESTIMATES! home. 1u11 11me on1y S40. Lunch snacks. TLC. Ltn• Reasonable prices: last. de 751•2342 professional work .. cuslom work 1001 No JOb c,;,,,tlOll G111tt1/. too smell or too big! Ca· •••••••••••'•••••••••• blnets. kitchen remodel R.J. Muffin-ft I SH & finished carpenlry .. Lie:. 306888. Remodel. elect.I plumb.I cabinets/ Add'ns. CablnelS oountertops. I do every· 646·85861645·4644 lhlng from start 10 finish! Call Bred at Custom Remod/Add'ns (l l•) 911•32 .. 0 Free est. Quality 2nd 10 ___ ....;._ ____ v __ 1 nonel Bandel Const Lie. 418570 548·4271 Remoct> & Repairs Free f!~.'!!.'!!m.'k~t!!!.. llOrnu hn1>ro11om(lnt• •11 trlelff nerN>tltl·Ado111011• 644·89'>7 !~!'!.'~~ ............. . WOOO FCNCEl'I OATC8 11\llllllfld 6 A11pelr.U f rlllll 1111 011 y 41)1) I 724 !~~!'."A .............. I !~~!!!~'!fl ........ t!!l.11'1 .............. ,!!!!~.f!!!!! ••••.••.•• !~!!!!~1. ............ . DUMP JOOS Hou .. c;ton1no. rtliablt FHel PAIMTllG CUSTOM wood patio co· LEM' l &nail Moving Joh• ctf Own uanap Aoaa l>'t Alc.htrd Sinor Lie v11r1. redwood aeck1. ll~OF PROI . C111 MIK( 0411·1301 YOLANDA 842·0405 280644 13 yra OI hlll.ll.IY llJnc n by fhndr."· Don I re.root. teOlJtt 11 It AUi ING OAAOING Houeec.ionino honui. local customer• 64 1 0622 .. Ir c t 1 o n o 1 e o •' IH.MODCL • Cornm· rutdtnt111, tenant ltn· p1ovoment1. major re• patre, Bldg 1enova11on, cod(I corrCl<itton1, eto '20 yr1 Oronde eiy, t><mdo<J, ·1n1; Lie fl 10 180 I P•· fombo Co1111 Anytime ll62·8314 9~!!!.~~".t •••••••••••• TlllH dtmolltlon. cle&n·up •lltelent Aileroncu Tho11k you 631 4410 I ,11 I 9&7 2890 Coneretl & Ute romov111 Oayt/tvH 645·6169 Sut CUSTOM ~AINTING !.~!!!~ •• !J.~!........ AOOrtNO REPAIRS Toppe<11r11mo111d Cleon up, lawn ronov 761·3476 Quick 1erv 6d·7836 lntle11t Aeeldlt omm ED'S Pl,,ABTERINQ Smell jObt OK ri•e PAOf aeRVICE Ho1111lllll•1. rroll ... , lie 844 ·4798 Nelli patcihet lntltill Htl(Tl819t Cell Tom or ••••••••••• •••••••• •• .. R'UllUCCOS • 6'45·82&8 ChV(lk, 642 639~ Hauling . y;d C:lltlln up 2 Mii 11dult1 lo mol111Dln INrtE;XT PAINTING • . J -TH 1111111 SCHE O'v1c11 & cltoii' free ee1 yovr propeny wn110 & WAl.LPAPERINO PLASTER PA1~HING h 111111 · Law11•t1ee•ellrub lnet&ll (173 0&48 you're away H1kpg , CulllOm work Frwii ttl AHluc:c:ot lntl e•I 30 •••-••••••••••••••••• lrH trlm/rnmov111 HAULING • ltudent hO~ gordt-nlnQ Avail for Aelt Steve 547 4:/B I yl• Nqot Paul 545·2917 MOBllf SERVICE Lewn Mo1111tno101llllng 1~11 I ruck SA mo tow ere111 NB. 811111>00, Llclo, • Rell(lrecmt/New ocrOtin' C •• •.1.t.o.• ••• ~.ffd •••• w.o.r,.t.J.11•. F_rMlf&llmete · 5411·60_65 rott1• Prompt 7"9•1976 I CdM. CM , Irv w/rol PAINTER NEEDS 1/uabio• NB/CM only 6'42-9552 _. " " Judy 645·6621 WOAl<t 30 yrw e•i>. 1rit1 ••••••••'••••••••••••• Kl1 remod, cabinets, vi· E11per Gardener & ~lean CdM Trt•nk YOIJ, John L d , . ~ -ext Aeoua11ci ce111ngs Lie Uhr H Hl-li2i lr,1iakltt1 deo entertainment units ups Tree trimming Free jH II '" ltUllll, ~80 F•ee csl 40 gul waterhtater 1"25 • ..... i ."ii.",.".f;.;•••••• F111e est 642.0881 ell Pete 641· 1096 •• ~~-~/.•••••••••••••• •••••••~·· •••••o.•••• 1 ain11ng 847·"'186 10 VAS ~XP Houllrig. lree ., ATLAS PLUMBING & Sprlrlkl•r•. L•fld•cape Do•fl1it Landscep1ng.Yd Clnups 24hr ED 141•112& trlmmi""· 1an1lsc11plng 1 exp r m small. my Heating. speclallzlng In Gu_aranteed 536·2737 •••?••••"•••••••••••• Tree lrlrt\/remov.Maint Fumoco·poo1.wa1er htnt Brothers Const prleea are smalll Ror) ropo1rs 645· 1688 fi'I• . HSKPAS & MA1os·· Irrigation. Jim 851·0129 -646·0555 673·6471, 661·8849 L~;j~Ngervl~e~LZ~~~~\I IARDENIH WANlED IJ.O."!!.Ft.1! .. '!.~~~'.'.... EVE'S LANDSCAPING. Lowest ratut Prom pl. P~u~~Y:o:H~~r· ;2~~·~03 ••• A.ITl·1r1En"di~sGT"u/.a~rL8. En·0,~:d·· Uc:'dl bondeO 973.9000 Mowing, edging, raking, 1 shot house & yard Cle&· oompl serv & hseclng. neat p1ole1s1onals IJj Guar, rut Res/eomm. " • ..v sweeping. Free esll· nup & repelr Rental or _c:om_rn &•restd 6_48·75~6 , yr9 e•p 636·7149 537·'4378 GG Reis John 840-9217 Dir.will motes, 645·5737 sales hous11s 661·3862 963 .5474 HB • S •• ••••••••••••••••••• ~ Old Countty landsc:epes, RALPH'S PAlfl(Tlf'IG ._ - -t111 11vit1 OR\IWALL TA~ING JAPANESE GARDENER HoiJ11tl1111i111, · "Anything· outside the Christian Int or ul 'R1in ut1111 ••••••••t•• ......... .. -All Textures/Acoustic SPECIALIST· mt1tn1 ••••••••••••• •••••••• home.'' 64!!·5697 , Ref1, reas 536·9898 ••••\,(•••••••••••••••• ........ Free est 1(e I 675 9088 Cleon up, trimming. Low ' ROBIN'S CLEANING ' 675·6058 • -• AC RAINGUTTER _ • _v n • _ price..Free ost. 548•9483 Service · a thoroughly CUSTOM PAINTWORK eonded·lns-llc 0344764 Elictiit•I clean house 640·0857 L1u11d1v Strvitll Comm'l/res1d. stripping. Free est. 1·52•·5824 •••••••••••••••••••••• Jessie's Gardening •••••••~•••••••••••••• »taln•ng The Job tnat ELECTRICIAN-Priced Clean-ups, tree trim & TIRED OF HASSLES? Tired ol doing laundry? I speaks Io r t t s e 11 Rt/iai11Jin1, right, tree estimate on moin1 service 540·8035 Ouallly Gleenlrig help Is llufl J fold. Ilana wash, 498·8580 •••••••••• ••••••••••• large or small jobs. here! Ref& 960-7452 hand 1ron Meticulous • I FURNtTURE.KIT4CABS Lie 396621 673-0359 Gt1diao a Ii k 1 .. E)(p. Renee 642·9787 1s' c Io s s Pa.In 11 n g · Cstm flnti;hes. repairs . ••••••'••••••••••••••• ua ty wor w '" a per· wallpaper, Int/Ext Re-doors. Joe 673· 1'469 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN TAACTG~.C18K: ElC· sonol tovch. Bachelor .. I F k CM I He B th n11onrv pa rs ree est 979·5294 R•mod•/i'•t.V.R•l•''' • · Oual work/Rea~ rates c:evettng. compactron. 0 • • r11, e •••••••'•• .. ••••••••.. " ., ., • Free es1 631·5072 backhoe 20 yrs exp. -850·0933 BRICKWORK Small 1obs ''l."inl. •••••••••• • •••••••• ELECTR1c1AN King Equip 63M'392 HOUSEWfl( ~~~~0~6~~%~~~~ ·;a;,;,~~g ~~;;ri~:o::i~~· ---- Sml 1obs/Repatrs Lie. H1ndr,a1n WAllTED " HANGING/STRIPPING METICULOUS MORT'S 233108-C· 10 548·5203 ••••• •••••••••••••••• X-pert brick & cement Vts&·MC Sc:ott 645·9325 ,,....HOMl REPAIRS RlfilOOhS ----. ---Carpenlry • Mesonty High quallty housework. work, Nwpt/CM since RESIDICOMM L/INO. Rpollng • Plumbing f;>1perlenced. dependa· 1969 Call now & save E>tpert wallcoverlng In.· ..-11r 11 l\FRVICl 20 yrs Do my own work. Drywall . Stucco -Tile bte, honest. tntelligeni, 645·8512 stallallon Reas prices • Carpentry e plumb1ni Lie. 278041. Al 646·8126 Remodel J.B. 646·9990 metlculous. tteiclble. I am -Consultant Assignment etlectrical F1n"htd carpentry Elec Service & Construe· Carpentry • Cabinets ' h e b es I Ph o n e /llovint 581"8590 ecloor~ emotd1n1s ec.a u tron. Lo reles. Free esll· Plumb _ Drain Cleaning 673·7012 after 6 PM •••••• ••••••••••••••• We gals shd hang-toge· •1helvrnr fAuctts to race mates Lie; 333217, Electrical _ TiJe weekdays All day So,tur-*A· 1 MOYIMI * ther. Hang. select Up· door so11nes Bra DI \m 11 we 657.1738 847·4714 Reis Don 966-0149 ~day and Sunday:. Top quality 25 yr e•P holster walls 839·0730 co 11 all fail elfteitnt \ - --1 Competltrve rates. anytime 20 AMH Elecl-Remodels. 28 VAS EXP. OUNH~M R~o~L~:nbz~~rNhoc:~ No over11me 730·1353 "~,,:~~ 18351 .. 1 A d d , 1 r 0 n s g a r • HOME IMPROVEM~NT • PINt R1111ov•I u, wrkshops, Low ~ales L1c Remodel·repalrs·fencing LRlnfda 669·0318. Good -ABC MOVING-••'•-•••••••••••••••••• '951·6067 n 325738. Bond. Ins electrlc:al;Plumbing es ___ __ Outcl\. Careful Service. *•BRYANT'S•* 646-7378 1 carpentry 631·8530 Ot.JSECl.,EANING: Good Lpw rates. 552-0410 Wallcoverrng Aemovul F • --"JACK OF::'ALL TRADES refs. Transporlatlon. Ell· S T AAVING co~ All types -642· 1343 Tiii lllYlOE "Tree Work with e Con· 1clence·:. Trimming & removal by Howard Ool· loft. P.O. 8o11 3'4, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627, Ph. 6'42-1932 SLOW RATES$ Tree trlmhemov~clean. ups. mowing 554· 7017 !!~'.'i~I. ............. . Most subjecls. K· 14 Day/eve $5 ·g $ 10/hr Mr Morgan 64~5~6 Wiado11 Clt111i111 ••.•...•............• "Lei the SunShine In" Call Sunshine Window Cleaning, Ltd 548·885~ 20% Monthly Drscounl Int/ext. Res1C1/comm·1 Free est 20•4 monthl) dl5COUl1t. 644-4798 Are you planning a move? est. Lo rates:mR:J<s. pa. ----March lo ·your phone to 110. Steve 75~·9556 None 2 big. none 2 sm!lll, pleoe e tast·actlng olas· From A ~o Z we do 11 all .!!'.t!!'J.•••••••••••••• Cell Jack anytime, pef'd 979·9756. STUDENTS MOVING BRP Wallpaper Removal ~!_o_lf~I ••••••••••••••• A&K FENCE· wood & Day or night. 675-3014 Quality Ho7secleanlng CO Uc T124-436 All types AlsQ wallpaper Huber Roolmg-all 1ypes. chain link Reslmdtcom with a Personal Touch Insured 641·8427 hung. 581-1132 New·rec:over·dec:ks Clase/fled ads will point you In the right dlrecllon to find ihe home you need. 642·5678 sflled ad. 642·5678 Sell Idle Items 642-5678 714·675-9436 lie 425781 548-5.493 540·7751 Classlried Ads 642·5678 Call Belh 850-0933 WATCH US ~ 1• Ciassifled Ads 642-5678 L1c ir411802. 548-9734 DOLLAR· DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merc~andlse under •1,000. · Sell your no-lohger needed items for cash. If it doesn't sell. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item DAYS 3 1 I OLLARS per ad, must be priced: Sorry, no reel estate or commercial ads, Call 'today for full det ails. (Noft.refundeble. Extra llnee SUO) 31NES .. CLASSIFIEDs642~678 IJ.~'.'/!,l!!.'!!! ••• !.~!f !t.".~•..'!.!!.f~!!!.!.~'! 9!!!e.~.~!!!~! .••• !.~'!f l•~::~!i' ~500 A11111ou11cta1111111/ ~!!!.,.!.'J'.'!~ .••. !J.~ /!~! •• "!!!'.~'!. •••• !.~~~ IJ.'.11.."!!!.'.'L ••• !.'.~~ '!!.'1..'lf!!'.'.t!. •••• !.'.~ !'.'l .. 'lf!!'.'!~ ••.•• !.1.~ LOSE WEIGHT-MAKE Ph9ne Sohc1lors neede<J • 1400 I e e rch St NB 440 .. '110111 I Foun" Set of Keys on D t I A • llEEI A PUCEI M/F to Shr 2Br Ilse. H e. • r . ................. ••••• " Nurses Aide. deslreg day '" I sstst111t Lg fncd yd s350 mo sq ft $1.00 per sq It 200 sq II will\. A/Col· Lost I Fo•nd keyring On Boardwalk work as companion. Newport Beach. 4,) dau Reasonable rales. Kit· 964.94,,,. Agent 541·5032. fices. Randolph St. c •• •••••••••••••••••••••• nr N B Pier 873· 1093 h 11 f Id 1 ' $$$ tmmedlately, no selling Need 10 people to lose Involved. will call from 8·28 lbs 1n Nov Enioy our Newpon Beach of· counseling people with flee. no experrence ne- fastesl growing health & eessery ·Will train, Foi nutrition company APPi hours 3-9 Call between h h "" ,.,, A SJOO c: au eur or e er y or week. Needs X·Aoy lie c enelles. P ones, maid __ _ _ __ _ _ -Sprinkled w /comm nno11ntta1nl1 1111 5 111 Ph. 549·0373 Eitper deslrea service: Z channel mo· Respon F needed to shr * 111 * tronlage 546· 1653 •• •• • •••• ••• ••••• • • • •• --- 552-0775 8· 10. 1-S . . 2·4 at 641-0 I 19. vies. SANDPIPER MO· CM apt $185+ ulll. After EXECUTIVE SUITES Quick C1sh~ Found. Browo Fe .A(gllan Htl'I. W111ttd iioo 1 644·248~548-288-6 TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd. 9pm Joe 631-0679 Full service Keep your StOtlfl 4SSO hound~ 171h & Irvine. ••• •••••••••••••••••• DESK CLERKS • Brighi. CM 645·9137. Male11emale. neat. non overhead low & proles· ••••• ··;~··········· Xmas Closeout ~.Bk ( 13) 66 •·0806. ARTISTV CONSULTANT energetic EKpllr reQ'd 1 1 1 h P 1orage pace 12· x 18' er __ ___ ucep11ona1 1nc.ome Op· Start immed. Gooa be· 1111 H1•11 411S smoker to share home nr s onai mage h g re· 36'' door S70trn• plus Mr. Miller 1&2-llOl -F--d s I I I portuntty as a color ana· nellts Call today or ap-•••••••••••••••••••••• SC Pl&?a $180, 'I• ulll stig1ous Wes tr.Ir II area ol $"7 0 sec de po s ll ----.?.~ n 1' m Y ei 0 ~ lusl. skin care and color ply al 34862 So. Coasi 1 MO FRIE 850·0907 Newport Beach. 881 Do· C73·4154 Newport H. A4 51 20 "'0 " s type k llen ~osmett-c consultant Hwy, Capistrano Bch IOUI I CARE! o~ft Im to shr 3br 1~1ne ver Or Ste_14_. 6~·3_6_5_1 Beach .!/~( ••• !............ Area Santa I sabell Tra1n1ng provided. Hours 7141496·6656 ,,..,.., " • • !Christopher Nelson. you'-~stin. NB. 6'4_2-5623 MAtOS needed for resort PLANT CARE TECH Per. property Call today or manent Pll pos1tton with apply at 34862 So Coasl an interior plant:sc:ape Hwy, Capistrano Bch. co Ekp'd prel'd Rehable '7141496-605 Tr11ns.-~ muat..-HourtyJ S.veral prime-locations ~do A e 8 5 r 1 t e Ll..i• Arte Fttr••-11 e )(I b I e Ca 11 ( 7 1 41 • .. I'll 11 Wonderlut Special Found· Grey l Black 492 0018 ELECTRICAL DESl"MER In Saddleback Valley to 552-3248 ev. 760·6000, Ollrce. 650 5Q fl. over 4650 man 1 t>e)reve In you. Greyhound type dog, vie I · . • _ __ _ mileage 836-8484 choose from Featuring x 317 dys Ann night tac: $500 mo to mo •••••••••••••••••••••• Sanora _ 191h St, CM 631_7783 BA8VslTTEA-wanled Pl EXPERIENCED Perma. Management 24 hr supervision. plan· or ise. 552·7730 eves time. flexlble. my home nent position 25 yr old Uf t I -L ts ned recreation, exclling lfeol1J1 WaatH 4325 -----FOR RENT I Loll I Found S300 Found: Cocker Sp anleii c M 63 1'·8208 e I e c 1 r I c a I c o 0 •• lraO gourmet meals & free •••••••••••••••••••••• Tired of crowded freeway 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Beagle mix? Male AP· 7141859·7200 lc•t• TraiHH tocat·transportatiOll Call I.EEi IY IEC. 1 commutes North'> Would prox 5 yr. 847·8548 BEAUTY Bob Lyon today for lhe you hlle an off1c:e al the 2 be<l•oom. 2 baths & 2 Errand Person. apply ln J eci1 Yt11r Career exclllng delalls. Huntington Beach 3.4 beach 1hat your ramily storres In Twin Peaks 1n FOUND ADS Found Golden Lab. vtc Man1cur1S1 needed for person SKS Plumbing Start your new eareer on 768-71,.2859•7-277 alt 5. bdrm house. south ol cou!d use on week-ends Lake Arrowhead area LaPtota Park. Laguna busy S'alon Ric hara Ser111ee. Inc 13602 Mill-our 3rd shift. earning $4 Ad am . XI n 1 re Is . as a vacation unll? For Has bullt·1n11 & fireplace • Niguel. 714/493·4049 Ouellelle, 200 Newport on Ave Westminster Up to $4 50 as you be· Vatalio11 lfe11l•/1 4ZSO 964·0332, 842..0100 leasing 1nlormat1on can F1rs1, 1as1 & deposit re· ~O[ FREE - - ------Center Or. N 8 FOLLOW THE SUM come more eitp'd. You ••••••••••••••••'••••• The Cap•strano Sutt qu ired. Call (714 ) ~nl\ P1111111l1 53SO -----w11f be prom oted 10 FOR RENT'' Mature Adult Male. Ell· Center 661·6292 or 768·0286 o r (714 ) Call·. •••••••••••••••••••••• IEAITY Work and pley In Palm mgmt & supervisory le· ecullve EMployed, seeks 831-5084 667-0657 weekday eve· LIMIA I YICll'S Looking 10 add to our Springs. Les Vegas and vets Call· 714-537·4840 • prrvate N.B. CdM. trvrne 1----------ntngs after 6 p.m JI no 1 .. 2_1111 PHOTO MODELS stall two sl yllsts with resort areas demonstra· lntervtews held every 2 bedroom. 2 balhs & 2 area. room. apt .. small TME LllO IUILDIMI answer, ple'Bse keep • CO clien1el Richard Ouelet· ting ucttlng new pro· Wed 6-7 pm at 111 Del stories In Twin Peaks 1n condo. ho.use furn. or has single offices $125 to trylngt '!~~~~~~~~~~1 ES ATS/DANCERS te. 200 Newport Center duel Travot Wllh chepe-Mar. Costa Mesa E. O Lake Arrowhead area unlurn quahly rental 3•6 $190. 2 rms w/bay view I . /l I'/ 11-OUTC)U.L 24 HRS Or NB ro1 nedfgrou1 Ph. transporta· E Has built-Ins & fireplace. mo·& References fur· at $450. 3 rms et S800. 111n1u llVfl Lost: Fem. Irish Setter, 111·0201 ton urn s ed. return l••-------•I First. lasl & deposll re· nlshed. 17141 960•4569 Secretariat services Finl ntt wearing Texas tags, re-BOl'T REITIL gua1anteod. paid flaJnmg q u Ired . Ca II ( 7 141 avail. 3355 via Liao. NS •••••••••••••••••••••• ward. 2300 Mose Or, E. ---------and high earnings Must l tch111ic1I Asst•ltltr PIT Jani1or needed com· me<Oial e11perlence only. ...Fin Vly area, 1mmeo1ate opening 980·8461 PIT ServtCe Stallon Work. -S160•$300 wk. Ask ·ror George, 646-~ 1 ----RCPT /GRIER DESI If you re good w/ftgures, organized. neat J Cle· pendabte. we need you in our lronl office order desk for busy men's 101- lelrles company rn lrvrne • Exper. req 10 key touch Type 50/60. $11 00 C o mp . p k g 7141540·0737 7 6 8. o 2 8 6 or (7 14) _e_1t_7_pm. 673·41 56 l111io1u San 1 a A n e Hg 1 s . * * * Operalor fdr Hunllnglon be well groomed and I yrs expr In mec:h e.s- 667-0657 weekday ev~· G •• •.r.••.'.'··'·'·'··'·'·•·'••4•3•5•0• -----·-----'!fnitooi'tl t:!<005 5'46·1919. 640·4404 lfl f" p I Harbour Must be e•per start 1mmed1otely For semb1y, heavy 11111ng req Real Es1a1e I fl 6 II ,. DEC OFFICE .,, an II 1r or In ulllng Knowledge tntorvlew call 646·4167, Good benel ilS. c M Canvaser' college SIU· n ngs a er p.m no ••• ••••••• •••••••• Los1· Cat . nr Charle/ o 24 b I epel & o tb d d P answer. please keep Dana Pt. single slorage. Best localion in Airport Smell rubber products pen hrs e day oa r r hu oar 11 am to 4 pm Parents area 7141540·4293 ent pref arl·t1me lrylngl secured. street entrance. area. s215 moimo, or manulecturlng. homo Hamlllon. Orange, like 7 days' a week engine repair elpful. welcome. work, collecting tenant 34097 Grenada. $60 tonger 662 0722 operahon, some cash+ I Morris M. neutered. nds Jacuzit. Sauna Locals $5/hr 10 start 1213) MEllCAL/Full Ti•• data for Grubb & Elhs Large e1g Bear Cabin. 673·33l3. 493-0803 • d\'lrmonds. gold? Eves medlcallon. Reward as well as Tourlsis.1271·2677 Furniture deliver y, full Front office poslllon. I Business alllre req Call Pool Table. color TV. 2 E1ctllt11t LocatiH 548•8952 548·1409. 642·9142 BankAmericard. Amer---I time. must be neat. hus· Mission Viejo. Soc:reta-Mike Russell 833·2900 frplc's. Sleeps 14 S1orage garage. stngle. Prime Intersection ol -------METAL DETECTOR . I lean Express, Diners All CAPTAll/WAITH/ ky & ebla to lhlnk. Cell I I I d --9 20 C M St II 1 75 88.,2 r4985.1 1oaoxpr · requ re R"•L ESTATE SALES 71'4/5'45-6916. $~/mo osu osa MacArthur and Jambo· lllV'lll•tnl lino your 1091 rings & l•· welcome 714/645·3•33. WAITRESS · eve a 1• 1• ~ ~ lt•la/1 II Si1t1 4300 642·4907 w'kdays. ree. $1 per sq It Sob· O•NtlUllilf· SO/S welry 646-8712 evs 2112 Harbor Bl CM Contln~nt&EI Eltperlence I IHERAL OFFICE . Mtrc"H4l s_tr_/ ~f~i~,~~:t~peno P:•;:~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• -----lease available. 820 or P••A·Ye"z·'"E"•A·•0••1•9•8•2 .~n·:.·,·a::5• (Ron) COEDS • would love 10 re1qu1tre... veninbgs. AP·. Full time. typing. touch of Baek Bay. beaullfvt Hunl. Bch, S4!>/mo (213) Sand)'. 213-820·8857 get refunds 1979-80·81 Found· \lorkshlre Terrier K (2 3 3·5 PM MA Stolt Ae.s· 1 P Pltime, women more rental Pftr!IOn. Expr. nol 2500 sq It condo w/vlew Slorage avail Nov ' In 1200 sq It lor ' year Call ~ ~v ------r parly w/you. Call Sue or PY n person etween I conlrot on adding ma._ Feo4 l kr aggress111e seles and green bell & swimming 420·7705. 43~·2'435 800% profit potenllal M. on Balboa Pentrisula, 6 a3t:y ~a5n~u1me.( 7 114 )) taurant. 1105 E Katella chh ne 957a y93r5o3it an Cl s u It able. c 8 r n e c . nee: Play• RE 673· 1900 .,.0015, Wlll accept 1 or 2 SUPH IAll&AIM! $50K wrlte-olf just $500 N.B. 675-5102 • " ' Ave, Anaheim 634·2994 P ones · 213/949-0574, 9--12 MOii A~pt1on·151 ;dulls or 1 adult wlchlld. SINGLE GARAGE In E)(ec:. Suites rncl recept . dn 638·9 111 Found CAT femete. white 527·7186 GENERAL OFFICE & Fri only ;b7'ny to handle heavy . 557;7883 or 640•6339 Central Lagurra Beach. sec'y servs, conl. rm.. Women a men. reta11 with CASMIEll Fpr sml Founlaln V11lley ---phone tralllc rn a pro· near Ma i n Beach. kit . marl handtg Res· PAllTM•ll WAITED w /o range parches & a massage , ca 11 FIT, Good Pay. Growth company Immediate Need Dis11rigu1Shed Retl- $65/mo 494-3044 ponstve 10 your business Developer seeks flnan· ~~~1~ghee~lngvl~11 ~~Ills~:: 497-5716 Company. 5 toc:811ons, hire Hts flexible Salary redbl ~enlle~en. Musi~ :~·o~~,P~~nn:; 4::;8:; Room w/kll privileges. $225. 1st & last. Nwpt Bell, 642·681 1 Shr tux condo or bouse $285 1st lasL secutlly 966·8479 or 662-2449 Oeteched garage. 400 sq needs Adi 405 Fwy. In clal pa11ner to complete S • C C Co Benellls Apply In open $Inda Industries o e o wor unrestrlc:tvu te.,2 di 1 It, use for storage or 01_ F V lndrv. oles . Mo/mo rental unit projeot. Good ante ,.ne ounlty lub New 10 LA beaul • Intel· Person Metro Car Wash. Inc, 18090 Euclla St, F v I hours. Good Suppl opera 011·way ra 0 Pus llce, In comm'l area, nr ~ from $325. 963-6445 cash flow projecle<J wt 1_6_4_5·_7_9_0_8_· --.....,.--llgent. sophllfticeted yng 2950 Harbor, C M 557-2080 mental Income, Limo ~~e~~r1~11;'!,,~11t;~csti'~~ most 111K benall~ to fi. Lost, F Old l:ngl. Sheep· lady, se~ Inane. se· ~~-Dri\11~ 67b-9800 ""' ' • ~;~~1~0~ C~~~9~;; ~~:I llO SQ n .... I nanelal partner. dog. West Newport. N.B c:ure gentleman lor va· CLElll/ Goll ShOp, sales & pur· tltm. Virginia. 540·9570 642-4210. 1200 Sq Fl • $900/mo 30 yr G P M /A A M Call 536-Q.794. • r\able releltOnslitp. Wrne chasing. 32 hrs week Ofllc:.Personnel. full time. leoe,tt.1i1t/IH. Ofc N. Laguna luxury house, exclusive area. Separate RENT· S1ngte gar. vie: bdrm. bath. lrplc:. dining 16tli/Weatmlnster. CM rm. $300. 830·9346. $65 mo. Avail 12· 1. 328 No Newport Blvd. permane~t toa~ at 9~~·4 -Ad No. 731 et o Dally Pl· RECEPTIOfllST $5 50 per hr. + comm goqd phone voice. G 665 available el thla lime. Found· small blonde Lab lot 330 W Bay. P.O Box Con1act Paul, Dave or knowledge ol 10 key ad· ooQ lype skills & ljgure 720-1•. ApproK 550.000 requl· 1ype, blue collar. SA. 1560 Costa Mtsa 92626 Beaullful Dana Point Mike '496-2023 ding machine. rellebla. aptUude Prof. phone luliotll lftol•I 4450 red Eitoellanl return plus Hgts erea. 548·5703 l•------lliiiillil HarbOr Full Time. Tues-111 .. 1.ESSE•s •len & presenlable. Call ~~~t!r~~~!r~l(c:!'. •••••••••••••••••••••• ta11 benelils make this an Found: blk M cat, unusu&i •TME 11•Lf•IEMll Sil Requ lremen11· '" " " 751·8822 ..... ., ~ Roommate to share 2 ,_54_9_-6_83_1 ____ _ bdrm apt In Costa Mesa. S200 mo. Geo 642~81 Single mother wishes 10 lhare Mesa Verde home w/111sponalblt Fe. 1 c:hlld OK. No Smkr. 546-3831, 01/iu lt•l•I 4400 ......••.•....•.••..•• *IELHE IFFIOEI* 1 MO FREE RENT I room to 2800 sq., It. ST u D 1o1 o FF IC E / " " F1ont·olllee appearance. and Assl11ancs needed Bl OFFl_C_E_/-CA-S-lllE• helpful. 6'40· 1813 STO~AOE/ DESK apace e•cepttonal op~rtunlly. wht markings, Ilea collar. OUTCALL ESCORTS type 50 wpm. eccurtcy. Heir west Newpo rt n evall On ealboa Isle. W Nwpt 2·3 w'kt ago. 24 HOURS ep11t11de tor detail Mtn. 2 Beech. Louise 673·4186 Wiii heve diverse duties, llEIEPTllllST sioo. 1200 per mo. Call Gall Steve AnthOny Can't keep 673·8516 M/F All Credit Cards yrtli gen o ffice exp. rncludlng credit opera· Real Ealate tnvealment Mr. Pemberton, days 7141953•803° Found: M llger klllen, .... _ •• _•.12.-.•.1.1.2.*--$5/hr 1'ppty In person. llAIR snusT tlOns. bk kg, and direct c 0 . p, 0 I es s I 0 n a I 213/611·1294: eves Hlll•LllO 50ZS Nwpt 2·3wksago.owner •• Tues-Fri,8AM · 11!<M Mo\lvated Styllat needed dealrngswlththeput>llc attllude/appeartnce 2131289·9307 ••••• •••••••••••••••• or good home 873-85 f6 Ev 011 c d 1 n c:er 8 10 r and 1 PM • 4 PM. Oai'a for Progrenlve Salon. Some e.perience helplul needed. Ught iyplng. 4',. -FlllECLlllllE ~ Point Marina Co, 24705 Salary. Comm-. Vac14-Full range of company I day week. Npt Boh. Aetao store et 2650 Avon. Found 911\ Shepherd m~ Bac!lelor/ Bac:helorette oana Drive. Dana Point. lion Mgr. 540·8889_ t>enellts 1vall Contact 5'49·2988. Femroommate loshare2 1665 sq, ft plua 8 car llELPLIME med.a.z,11lc.Adam1p1rk Perllea. 738·8538 or, .. __ lltiiiiiil--llli• Mr M cOermotl, nt --------bdrm. 2 t>a apt S235• ,,, _!!Brag':. 641·8777. &et lelutiHI lot OCC OC Shelter 558-8538 1• HANO IRONING Person 644· 1380 SALES O•MllSIOI 557-0207 From $ U6 a sq. It. Adj Alrporter Inn & Frwys. Call AM 833·3223 \ltll. 631-85'43 ,~ol~:Oe!~ll~: ~1~·11::: llo IQ n. -•.•. 851·5995 '"6o3uo4n·d7·.30110/21 M. Yorkfe --------~~c~:i!~: ~e~~~~ts e~~ to dO h~i~!~i~l~g SUYl011$ JIWELHI u I •, ldO~lll lhl l.ady between 40·60 10 Agent 541-5032 1200 sq It . $900/mo. RIAL ESTATE LOAMS .-Custom F1n1uy Phone 0111co l111e en1e11aln·1•--iiijiiiiiiiiiliii._ ar1·ttm1. occasional n que a 'I• c 0 ng 1har1 liome wllh elderly Alrporl ar•a _ Exec. Sul· 328 No Newport Blvd. 1a1. 2nd•. 3rd1, 41h• Temer • ;:;.~;9ent• Con:~1~:~l ~!"'h~!'t* m~nt A Must ~· 1 2 1. we Hos1ea1H, Aeglnes on work era neoded 10 assist , ~.•:; ew1~:1~ •10~nf-,;1iT~~~ genlleman. Eutslde 720·1665 • Otitelllll tran very c oce OPP· •Ii• Wettt, Newport rn malling, ¢ofl*tnce & and/or modeling tK$>r. • Cotr.Men. ~48·0868 tea From 225-.450 iq. ft. C I I Th lft I L A 1 Found W'11/blk 9art Per· ~al1 l38-010l ly tore Mlecl '-!<Pl)ly 8Nch Disco, live enter· motllrig preparalfon, i'\elplul •. A. pply In ...,..on "' St per aq. ft. Many ictrea. •••trC I r Ill II I slan c:at, Hughe• market. 1 I 3333 W Cotti Hwy, N ta'-men1. 1• ,.. o-. -apteltl "'Otec:l• requiring I •97. •777 A'-•'e .. N-a.tural M/F 25·40 to 1hr 2Br, Call 557·7010 FOUNT.IN v ·L· ey 1n... B "lh floor aboye t"6 "' v VI ·~ ,.,,. .. .. "'"' l1al1l1 441S "' '"' ~"' NS Flea collar. 54&·9400 '" "~ train A very choice opp. minim• training We I Fa•hton· s' "'"0 Forest · 1~ee &Qt. CM. Poot fee .• 00 900 P s ., &64 911 1 ''"'"' SJIO Spl11drllt•r Ea11 Bt1· need..,_.,,. wllO ca be · <v Avall lmmtd $270 mo. .. • LU 1400 aq. II. ·1·2••0••••••••••••••••• · Fo nd· ero n Ra;:blt •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ p M :.. p M I'/ IOt' • etlec:t tew. Apply ,...._,. n Ave L.aouna Beech Bob 97 2 •1 3oo. Pen1houseB1ylront Sul· 5 aq ll retallfolllce ----u · w "· ween ... ., · 3333 Wes1Coas1Hw.,.N "Onctll"lnth•OC. -· · 645-8383• II. parking. pellos. space. E. 17th SI In #ltlfllfl, f111t Herbor & V1ctor11. CM. AT Tiii IDYIOI 1111iMiiioiinil·Fiirill. ______ e '4th floor a1>ove lhe Air port aree. Wage, Sollsgltf wtnltd for Bou· 673• 1003 Cotta Mesa, great vl•I· D"'• S03S D a Y 8 5 I · 0" 3 1 o r Personal, qualln.d com.1• Splndrllter Eaat Btwen" S51hr Ctll 10 i.avt 'fO'Jt ttque EKpr'd prtl. )Cini Female roommale S;JOO 1---------b 11 11 y & park In O. •••••••••••••••••••••• 645-4665 evea. penlon df111er• lor your OILLllT• PM • a PM. Mon·Frl n1d and number tor an Oppty Int-.,,.._. t>etno mo. E. COfte M .... Own HH IPAOI 011 6'45-3477 .... SAnLH Found 1.11111 7 ()t 5 mo day to day err1rid• I lnltrvlew tor lvtura ... t.ictn 11211 Mlln St. Ste room, beth. 6.42•3318 A1traet1v1 ru1tlc upe11lre RENT OA LEASE 'Newty ltrt~*-t Ot. 111, old 1011 ~·v color kllten, Sho pping • do c t or '• E• P•ndtng Newpor I UIY Tl ..... T 1lgntMnt1 at 540-9846 0, H.B. M0-72$6 111 we r d k ,.. 1 L • 11 01 d B 1 1pp11, ehuren. ttc All S.ach c11cm card com· -• ... 2 8r. 2 Be. Huntington " ng. tupp Y ea ' remodeled home wllli Specl1111ng 111 t11 & 2nd "c '" n v •. ,, .. di met. ~ hour or p1ny "-' Ol*'ltnt In li'lelt tlclarty Olf'll,.,,,.,.., 2 lo 3 Part Time .. lelt• 8Mclft Condo, -...wly d9-. space. COPllr S yr top· 1.-rr IOI Corl'lm'l tonl119. lO't linct t949 boa Ptntn day, ...... N57. OOll9CllM CINlalon lop• In AM 6_., v .. y-.e HoHywooo ReletoJ ... , , ..... corated. All Arrienltte1. plV phone, 1 9 pr mo ad to N•wport Blvd. Rol>t S111ler NH/CM Fo1nd Mix dog 10011111111 ----·-PllC1n1 MVSl lltve 2·3 yr1 lltltPO SlmPlt f d p Comperi for mo lea 6 ..... Ptllftt Prof. Ut111 lncld pr dep 'Cati 844' 1211· 6,. • ~34. 851·9889 A E. Broker Bd RHt\ore PtklntM, long 1111. r.m. l•lllAL Plll&.ll' eo111c11on upr Bank IMHtlof'i, "" .:: ,.,: T v co Ym"' t 1 o"h 1 a Opt'y to Hll '°"""•1 1350. ""'"°924, 111 5. 011a M1u i or 2 room l•l •itrli/ 842-21'1 1 5~0611 vii; Sunllow1r, fuof'tllt, Call now for profHllOnel card & CAT exp1. pref. flutble. ~rl .,... (be~~gr~~ or non• ~=-= t': ';"..::::! •Ill• lllll . eultH. From 175/mo l l•lll 4111 WIDOW HAS $IS ror TO' a CM M2 1615 coun• .. lng No Chl'l:e Contact Jolin Allen Mon Pie ... call Mr Gal>rl... IPl-tno -"rr II '""lnO l•land 14o-8030. w .. ,. Lu• condo. Atty w111 ~:~1~~7?~i2l79 w Hltli ...................... cAe_;1°1 •cn~, 1~or<NupPNo round erownltl\·btk i.,n ;: ,,0,:"'1100 950·1 ~5eJe~:;3'J to uo pm, 11414 ... •7801 ==.,i: ~1t::. c11n Ptua eo.otr2 1111,. 1560/"'o. '150 up. 2t80. ft, lndu· r,... ec,,. o tn· Toy PoOdle Vic 8rook· L .... ......., !Mio 752 ...... 2 0y9. 840•2434' IUIYlfa etrtat . Oflto. 19101 Ae· 11~ OtMl•on & Aseoc '""*t & At11n1t 983·57&8 0en1a1 Nawpi,t oeft* ~omay ::ttW:::i. -=-==:. r •c._llled Ad 111198. • ... , lllTll 1~~~~t°n;11~~1.•·,:.~liT e:UL·73 1'1T1 ITI LI•-Found ; 111 ~ med er f!t.flfP.!!f!.......... =~':'~7'8,~:o~ wtttl Corpor9'al tlldlMlll "*"'· M U • ~ ~MATI WANTED Wlllt UH or reoapllon, 842·2134. " -· puppy. lulld09 m111?. Ir· J• ..... ,.,, pl'lctlee In Mllllon VlljO ,,.. need""""·.. ~. -,. OellW,...,. M/ttr•lttt•. non·*"kr. cont room,kltetl,ptlone, ~-111,fnell,,,dt,411'lt vine 6 8•ntt An• ............ .,.. .... ~ ... -... ,., ... UO.J7N . 01111ft1Md ...... WY""" ·---;~~-~;~~r·~"~I AOoVllO" Uto + ,_. utllt. Dy• NefeC#lel & M)fd pro. Wtrei'IOuH •Pace High 1111111111 541•4781 1.IC'd vOCltlOnll nur .. & ellielllnt ..... and word -~ 4 ...-n Ul·l4•1 .ell 1Pm -M•I------lleMIM'•I .,..,,, __ .., ... __ OI O P•P•HOl•IHI••· ;...,~~--~~~~~~uww:~.,,...~~·~=~·~t-ely __ "~=tv:•:l1~14~2·~5~113~5~.:l(e~r~en~IL..:."~O=UN~TAIN~:VAlLl!Y llLL .. ,. !tame With. aocef111nt bOONftl: MN-,.. ....... prfoeotMI'• ..... , .. CM11lft9• Ada Ml·M71 ~14'1r'.0.0 , Clallltltld Adi 142•1171 . "4-tH I ti!..~ Cl8Mffled ACI :.;~ .r,o:: .Clll =· ~ II ell WMn t\cmotn =~==;;;;~:;.;;.;;;;;:::;:::L=:;=::::;;;;~:;;;;_;;;.~J::::::=:;~:.. .... ~c~1:•:1:11:•::A~dll~ .... ~ ... ~1l~~=========:!:::::::::::~:::::;:::;5!=:5::::::=:~ W.H (RnAI.) • Eiq>erlence In rell I fre· ming 11111 req. Sat. & Sun only. Call bet. 9&5 M·F. 8511-8505. Sales SIPPUlllT YI .. llCHE Work PIT, 9 am • 2 pm, or 4 pm • 9 pm. wltn the Los Ar19eles Times Cir· culallon Team In te11-, phone aalas. Earn arr hourly wage + comm. Training provided. Fllr details, Call (7 t4) 540-0301 s101n111Y with at least 3 yrs stoctt brOkerage expr. Full time 9 to 5. 644-7040 ask for Susan Messenle IHllTllY l.f. Secret1rl1I poaltlon In ( 1cllve Newport Center Reeltor'a office. Front ofhce position requlr" good telephone voice, typing, ahort"-nd & ep- pe1r 1nce. Real e11111 uperlence helpful but not es1«1ll.i. Prefer IOCll resident. For Interview call M,. Duhl Wesler I . T1Jler O.. Realtor• 644-4910 un1m 11u1 Nights. Nwpt Bch area, $4/hr John, 1·286--61S2. IECY/IU lfl Lind development com· piny, heavy phonH & typing. Shorthand or equiv req'd Mature. non smkr. Sand rHume & 11t1ry requlremant to: PO Box 7008, Newport Beach, CA t2eec> llt'Y /ID. lf'FICI R.E. ayndlcallon/mgmt company. Heavy phone work, dlctaphone, light bookkeeping. Full or part/llrne. Mutt be oro-- nlnd. Alfport area. Send r.ume & lllary requlf• IMflta to: PO Box 8182, ~ e.ach 92880. TIUI Experienced only Men encl women'• anara11on1 endt111ortng. &40-8103 m1,.. UUllTMS We need good people to aet up ~~menta from our Beech office In the ewnlng tor Holldey tnn'a new trewl club. Setery + comml1- 1 Ion + bonus. Call 133-3740 &tier I PM T~Selel , .... Need 10 people to wor1I from our office taking phone oroen fOf FlimcO ProoeMing. FIT or PIT. Stlldenta, mooulghtera, & °"*' welcome MUii 1peak l!n9ll1h ctHrly. Wll ttein. We ofter up to UOO per week. C all 164"°'44 TOOAVI "'.. 111 I /I era.11111111 Plld rNdlOll Two welll .-cetlon 11 pe~~ ...... ... 0....... IO .... v .... Top P,Y EJallen1 •Ill"*" l11perlen0ed only need "i':it-Tldl COlfll*W tlOt Awenue cit la ... ..... Ian Ciiis•••• 4M-MIO " ....... , .. , .. ., .. CIMlifted Aft? H ~ ,_.,. ............... ....... '" ...... f Amana t8' Freuer, lroet free, coppertone, xlnt cond S200/0BO 842-9333 Turnrour ....... Into ....... callLQH • . ( Orarigt Co11t OAIL Y PILOT /Wednffd1y, November 3, 1982 07 \ SAUi, IEllYICE &Ml LEAllll OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS COMNtll C HE~•OllT • ~-I I , r,, j j r I 1 \' r ·, ~·~ 1200 FREE TAHOE UHP (wotn purchase) ASK FOfl DETAILS' oNEW llSTHC Cl's 10.11% FIUJICll& OVER 20 IN STOCK lmmed1a1e Oeltvery' ISH CAR DISPOSAL SAU .'11 llSTlll (13t049) SHH '11 CllAUDl I 11S497) SHH 'lt FAllllOIT (138422) SHH '11 ftlSTl IA78550) SHH '11 T-llU (1597011 Utll '71 PllTI. (tf3295) S2CH Theodore Robins Ford 2060 Herbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 142-0010 540-1211 '71 FORD Maverick Good cond 3 new ltres, econ saso 494 .3211 '68 Ford Wagon. neeos brakes $600/080 499·S527 alt 6PM 71 Ford L TO, stauon wa- gon, power steering & br1ke1, air cond1uon1ng, $850 OBO ~6·3104 al· ter 6pm "73 TORINO, needs v11ve1 & tires. runt $350 S36-14 t6 Orange CoHt DAil. v Pit.OT /Wednelday, November i, 18U MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTEQ RETAIL PRICE .... 4 Door. 4 cylinder engine, Tadio, wheel trim rings. body aide moldlngl, 4 SP"d transmission, rear window delroS1er, $ . ATLAS CtiRYSLER/PLYMOUTH'S PRICE ........ 519 5 . . . . $ ·300 ' rallye handling pa<:kage, bucket seats. wsw radltls & morel (500601). 'CHRYSLER'S VALtJE COUPON ............... • , I YOUR COST ... ~, '' 1n1111111 •1011 Riii IEW 1912 PLYIDUTI CHIMP HATCHllCI 2 Door. 4 cylinder engine. body aide motdlnga, )!ISW radials, velour bucket seats. body aide atrlp, wheel well moldings. radio. wheel trim rings. rallye handling package & morel (501095) MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE .... $6 5 8 5 ATLAS CHRYSLER/PLYMOUTH"S PRICE .... . $5895· CHRYSLER"S VALUE COUP.ON Moottooo•••••• $ 300 YOUR. COST lllLT IY 1m111111 IOTOIS s5595 tl11 fLt•1111 "OR\101 SlDll d In• 4 spee 4 cy\lnd~f ena~r condl\lonlng. transrn\ss1on. and morel radio. wsw ti res ·~;·329s 111111111• 1111 PL1M0111 COllLLl ~!1?~!~d~. C"&Mf CIUfl 4 cyl .• auto. "~tiiFM radio. I der engine. pwr br ak••· I • wlr• wneel Economical • ~~nwall Hr••· 4 cus10me1tl. mol~fr~i & morel radio. whit• s 1s1lon. luggage covers. wsw ::~3995 1213 $3995 , ..... "= 01P£'11lllnd•r engine. ECOl'IOl'Tllcal 4 ~10 tllt wtt .. 1. auto. trans .• ra wiw \Ires. air ~3595 t IRllD IEW 1982 SAPPORO 2 DOOR MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE . $ 8 6 2 2 5 1peed trans .. velour bucket·aeata. 2600, 2.6 • Iller 4 cylinder engine, crulte control, stripes, AM /F M stereo wit h casaette, steel belted radials & more! (502128) AILAS CHRYSLl R/Pl YMOUHt'S PRICE $7079 CHRYSLER"S VALUE COUPON .. ...... $ · 3 0 0 YOUR COST IUIL T IY llTllllSHI IOTOllS $6779 MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ATLAS CHRYSLER/Pl YMOUTH'S PRICE ...... . CHRYSLER'S VALUE COUPON ········~··· '· $ 5 0 0 I C~ST $7695 11111IEW1112 CHRYSLER L•lllDI TDWI I co1m1 WllDI Loaded Inc. auto. trana., luggage rack, air cond., rear window defroster. power seat • windowt • door loclcs • deck lld r ....... wtre wtieel covers, air cond .. AM/FM stereo, tilt, cruise and much morel (2'45592). MANUf ACTUREHLllfilGESTEO RETAIL--PRICE-. s 12, 81 ATLAS CHRYSLER/PLYMOUTH'S PRICE $1 1,1 95 CHRYSLER"n'AUIE COUPON ......• :: $ 500 . n1 FUET SILES DI WSlll llFllllTlll, · DILL .1111 IEIDm .. PLYMOUTH 546-1934 imports SERVICE HOURS: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. t'o 5a00 P.M • • BUILT BY MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPQRATION . . . IHI IUlll ClllT. Wt D Nf SDA Y NOV~ MIU H I 1'111.' ··--------.-----1 ELECTIO~ 82 -inners. Sta te Senato r Ed~ard Royce · Dennis Brown Nolan Frizzelle State Assembly 58th, 69th, 70th and 71 st Districts ) Bill Agee Newport Be ach Dori Allen Evelyn Hart City Council Jackie Heather Ma rian Bergeson ~ Donald Strauss .... U. . Senator-elect Pet~ Wilson· - ( CUii 110111 OHANGE COUN l V C AL If OHNIA '/~ CENTS Cong ressme n . Robert Badham and Dan Lungrc~ 43rd Di tricl Ron Packard Wilson, Deukmejian • victors Bill HQ~ig ...,.._.._ Gun curbs, boitle tab voted down new state school boss~ LOS ANGELES (AP) - Republican George Deukmejian defeated Democrat Tom Bradley In the tighest race for governor in Call fornia history, while Republican Pete Wilson defeated Democratic Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. for the U.S. Senate. Ahhough Republicans took state's top two omces, Democrats won five other statewide offices and Increased their majorities in the state Legislature and in California's conau•uional de&eaation. - Votera also approved the nuclear f~ initiative and five statewide bond issues totaling 1.5 billion. . · But four other controversial ballot Initiatives were defeated, · including handgun registration, bottle deposit and water eon•ervation-meaawrea and proposed bip'artisan reapport.ionment commission. Democratic Rep. Phil Burton easily defeated Republican Milton Marks in a hard-fought San Francisco congressional race. But two veteran Republican congressmen -Don Clausen and John Rousselot -were ousted by voters. Californians also confirmed Brown's appointment of three state Supreme Court, rejectina a Re publican Party campaign to overrule the appointments. But in the nonpartisan race for state superintendent of public instruction, challenger BUJ Honig ousted 12-year incumbent Wilson Riles. . • LOS ANGELES (AP) -A bitterly fought, Costly bid to curb Californla's 5 million handguns was rcjc'C:Lcd by. voters, while a pla n to l'Sta blish a 5 -cent min imum rt•fund on most . beer and soft d rank containers went down amid multi·million·dollar opposition ...i---H trt t h <:n-U c+e-a r-'"f rel! z f! -- in i t1at1 v c , which calls for an i mmedia t e h a lt t o nuc lear weapons manufacturing-and de ploymen t , '!Vas a pproved handily following a close race, 52.5 to 47 4 percent with 99.4 peree nt o f s ta tes' precinc ts rc por llng. The race, on e o( scvcrul si mil a r e lec tio ns throughout the country. drew national attention. Proposition 13, the wide- r anging wate r initiative that sought to require local water dislrrcts to usc-staTe;approved cons<'rvauon plans a nd which would have hmited the filling of Ne w Me loncs Reservoir n~ar Stockton. was rejected nearly 2-I, 35 .2 percent in favor and 64.7 pt.•n:cnl in opposition. Surpnsangly. in a 'lime of high unemployment and a rect..">SSion- plaguro economy, all five bond issu<'s on the ball o t w e r e approved, providing $1.5 billion f o r sc h oo l s . vete r a n s, environ·mental p'lannlng. new jails a nd firs l ·t i me h o me pun:hac;cs. A total of $7. 7 million was poure d into the ba ttle over Proposition 15. the gun control measure, with $5.8 million spent by opponents. With 99.2 percent of the vote coun-te d , Deukmejian led Bradley, who would have been (See STATE, Pa~e A%) Governor-elect George "Duke" Deukmejia n The proposal would have required stale registration or all (See P ROPOSITIONS, Page AZ) . Hummel ousted in Newport voting By STEVE MARBLE o<lfleDelr ..... ...,, Newport B e a c h v o l e r s returned three incumbenl city council members to office by convincing margins Tuesday but turned back a re-election bid by Councilman Paul Hummel m a cloee, hard-foughl contest. Hummel, who came under heavy attack in the final election days from development af)d business interests, was unseated by Bill Agee, a photographer and Incumbents prevail on Mesa's council By J ODI CADENHE AD o<lfleDelr ......... C<>Sta Meta voters rejected a fil'ld of four challengers and retumoo Mayor Arlene Schafer and Councilwoman Norma Hertzog t6 oHk-c Tue.day. The quiet race, strewn with famtUar iMUCS resardln& the clt.y sign ordinance and commercial development, grew louder in the da..in& days with accuuUona of l'Ollflict or interest and 10me mild mud allnaina. The flna1 unofficial rea4lts we~: Arl<>nc.• Schafer, 13,738 Norma Hertq, 12,116 Chrtatol>htt Mqte Sift!, 7,428 0.vc Wheeler. 5.924 Lynn Van Aken, 4,238 Claudia KeHy·Weyw, 2,523 A r«'Ord 51 J»rt"ft'I' of ODell Mt'tA'• 44,844 re,t1terect votera turned out Tuelday, com,.M to 11 perunt durln1 th• IHt munklp•I elecuon lft IHO. • according to city clerk Eileen Phinney ... It was thc first time that city c:ounal elections had been held In conjunct ion with the general ela'lion. "The top vote getter Schafer, who was elected in 1978 and became mayor in 19So, said she was vuy ple ased with the retuha. "I wanted to be nua one," SchafC'r said. "It meant a lot to me. I worked tu.rd ror two and a half years and I felt th'-wae a ctulnl't.' for tht' people to reapond to me.'' Responding for the flnt lime to a«uaatlons from challenpr 0.Vl' Whttler that she ec.upted contrlbutlona from developen durlna the campai1n. SChafer eakl. "You're t.alkln1 about 10 P9ft•M of my fundl. A t'Onfttct of inteNlt meana you'rw aotna to m.ke • penonal pin. No wey hew I ~• pe•••I .an." CIMM~P Al) f o rm e r c it y planning commissioner. The Cinal unofficial tally was: District 1. Don Strauss, 16,015 Norm Loats. 11,293 District 3. Evelyn Hart. 15,543 Allan Beek, 9,391 C. Edward Wolfe. 2,420 District 4. Jackie Heather. 17,114 David Grant. 11 ,131 District 6. Bill Agee, 14,402 Paul Hummel, 13,036 While some political observers In the city hailed Humme l's ouster as a victory for the pro- grow th camp, Agee dismaaaed that suggestion as "simpllatic" and said he will not aUgn himself with either aide of the growth issue. • "It was a tough rate and given the fact that the other Incumbents won, I think the 83 Al0-11 82 04·8 87 81 D4 Al2 • Cl·l l Ba message here is that people wan ted a ch a nge," Agee observed. Hummel said he was grateful t h at nearly ha lf the vote rs supportro hint. "h 's over and to tell you the truth, l'm relieved. 1 did the best I could against tremendous odds and tried to bring truth to the people or this town. I'm grateful so many heard my message." Mayor Jackie Heather, the top vote getter In the four-district race, held off a fierce and well- financcd challenge by attorney David Grant, who unloaded nearly $50,000 in an effort to cut into the mayor's high name identity. Heathf'r said she was disturbed by the amount of money spent in the contest but de9Cribed her win as a defeat fol-the "no-growth interests." Grant. said he waa pleued with (See NEWPORT, Pace At) Ann Lanaera ti~ Movies • 86 Mutual FUnda AIO Natklnll News A3 Public Nodc.w At.A13,84·8.B8.Cl3-14, • D4 ., 01·3 All • • • OrenQe COlllt DAIL v PILOT /Wedneaday. November 3 1982 NB .411 NY E COMPOSITE TRANS ACTIONS OUOTUlbN• llitl.UOI UAOUON TM!l llllW Yo••,Mt .. Hf, ,.t.,tC ••••• IOUOli, 01 flOIY ANO c1111c1111111nt noo· • ICMANOll ANO ••flO•••o IY '"' •••o 61110 '"''""''' i..1" ... , ~If\ .... , ... , ... , ..... H•I ~ .. , H•I • • "'h ~ C"t • • M' ctow ,.,. • •~ c1o .. CllO "r ..,, cio .. c11t • r "'°' cio .. <11t ~~t 1"1 I II n 'l lfMllO•t lff I 't11l,·e•-. Mllllt\ UIO ~I jilt io ... nCn• I I~ 11'e•14 l't11I 'i ~2 10•, '• Df 1,10 .. I t "-IWllllL ., I~ ) , I MMM t tt h 1'11 u I',, 4•, f•tt\.Jlr l '1 -)t 1' •I INtQlf I I I I ,. , t•• • t1l \ 10 II 101111 ~, \> l"'a<C> ''} '" il'°' I, MlnPl t H • II• ti'+, 1, p'"ttnn,..c! I~ If Im u!!,'•, t /t, l~l 1 6S 1 ,~, 1 ',•. .... P' •II 1.10 IO t/M .... , " '"""'''-11 I ~ ul • 1 M reto 40 11 H' •, •• "' . t ... .., l•<n 11 '-tlft ..... "'!'' I '° IJ •70 u··. .. Ii" 'I ' I '-."" Mlttl(n • • I u .. I ltt PI. ' • 1 '°'• •. v•nli •je 14 au •\· • •• Pl-CIO .. c ... , .. Ulll 21116 IOI 11... •• pl • ,. .... Ml'~(,.' -., ..... l"••t.-111• ' M' u. U•nlll l44W t1. 6•· '• c1t1h< 1 .o u ion ., •• , ~ ,~,1 t u ,. , ._ I T' n1 11111t• .. ., Mt"I" 1 11 • tt .,,,,., •. '•Pl pt 4 IO ooo ,. • • "*-" n 11 ~ )f 1, (;llyln. 1 70 11 UOt 112/loo, 11, ~ le .. t J41u141oo•16-, .,., t1' • .... MOil Pit" t tt\1 't flePt Pl f .0 11'0 M I 1111111 I .. II t) II • 1, Clrln ,, t I 41\}. \t , ~A ' .. I 1t1' 11• ., I l(t ID IJ -I '•. " MOP ,,, ti I •••• " "•P ,,. .. 1100 U lt I\, '•Int • 10 t6. I) •• ,, (lel>lr i '" M S'• F Ill .60 11 SI• "' I,.,""-" I fe MfP pt4 IJ t Jll, PIP ..,JI) JO 111'14• •I 1-"'•f I JO 14 1 11'•, '• CllOE. 1 llJ) 21~, I•• 1111• er 411 l\o, ... Ill~•\ II Ill u~ I 2 .. Mll<ll Hiii/ i .. P•flL pit 2' tlt20 vii•, .-(\ 11111( 1o. 1• t•,, '• ClvCll 1 IJI 21 • 1, ,.111·1 ed 07 utt•e . \• lnlll n t 9)1 It lit tol•• t 1111411111 t I) ft , 11.. P•Pl pr J 11• Mio '• •lllP I M S JJ tt••• \• p E lld\ CIO\O (llQ Cl•l!I pll • .O uoo ,. ->. il'IA,lln' I • 11n • .. I llllHC• t • •o 11t) 1111\,. ti. ,MN{ol h 4N 111 .. 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U 11 • \ PftllE Pl 1.IS , 1tt00 "'""·, \, Sed<o °" I llJ ~'• t 2 ~"'"' ·'° '411 uU\o. 21. so ppl nlUJ°' 100 I(»·: ..; ,FlftlSPI ... II "' 2•1 .. '* lnllli!kr )l ... .... . MlllPllC '·" ,, 101 4'\1 I \+ p"l'l'"·'J. uoo "'"'·. "' SelQLI tO II 1'7 ll•·. "• A IMn IU ) ' f fil 1 IHI I II ,.S 21'-• I lnlSIPw I M 6 ,. 1115"'4 • Vt Murp() I 6 1"1 U 1 Hs Ph I plU 2$ .. dO 10111 Sv<(r. .S. 14 11) 2''• 1 '• rPrd IO ici , .. I u1;;j ':..~~·~ I ~ 11W ./,":". ~· FltlEC .10 " .... , .. t. lowefl 1.11 6 IS. IS•· ~. Muroo 1.20 10 "IO 111.' 1\1 PllllE pit)(). 11>40 10' I" l>n•k .. 110 .,. uu• .. , .... 1"1rl>Frl .020 .......... Gmel\\ 'u u 117 1t1' 1' ~l•PPL J )t 6 "' "'•· 1. 1-llG ,,,. 6 S4 '"•· t M1110n1 , .. ,. l 2 "'·· Pf\11£ pll.IO •ll)O vS9 •I s ... pell ' 6 >•··· , •• AIMO<I n ,,, 1'. • • omMll .. 6 21 11 •• rlt "' ,,., 10 1114 "'"• ... •-111 pll JI 1400 II~. • Mytrtl Jtj 41 ••• • I PhltE pl 1 Ii llOO 5'\·. • ~·•In ·~ u 2SJ U10 ••• At•P pl AJ9t 11 JO•,, '• omd l 1' J1'S SI'-' 4 1'1•511 SJ ·· :IM lt le • Ut IOWtPS J • I a40t U + ... -111-N - , PhUS..b t 1010 JI tJ• •• •, $htll0 1 IO t 170 40•• • ''• 1"1•P or1 111 Jl 6'• • • • u ' FlwGen U IOI IJ '• l°"l•Rt JM 7 U t6 .t NIO 101 S O lilO<. .t PllllMr t 40 II Jttl .,.1 , 10, ~111 1 Ile t 6 " , '• olll•P p t tlOO .... , o.. "':~ ~ ~ I HI~ ~;~' 1 FIOwr \ .0 II IJ4 It • .. lpeoCp JO U JU ulOh , l< NBI 22 rlt uJt~• 41, Phlllnd .~ 16 .. I v17'>, /•t S/ltlCilo SO 11 _.,.ult .. • ~. 1"1ePpl II 1.0 lS ·I "' ... ,•• • Fl\IOr .90 •tm 13 ., .. ''•Olla a~ s m 4$•··•'· NCH l21l u U4e t Plllllnr I . &l!J.O •• i!.'!ICipllU ~y)t• •• 11. olll•P pt •. ,. 140 61 =~ = I, ~ 1;.:: ~ ~00~~ 1 JO ' ,~ .:"'.; lttkCp .lOll" ,,, ""' " N(HI I • I~ v10\•. " PllllP• u o • Jm ,.. • I $MIG pl 1.40 .. u11'•. •• :::i~o 11'~ t~ ~! u~=~=: I~ wEts 2l7 4 ""· ·, F:MK J.40 ii .. s "4~ ! 1= WT 1:..!o 11tu'U , t ~~~nd l ~ 1tm: ~ ~ l4'. ::'~~~,, ~ ~ ~ 17::.;_,~ Slor~~:I l I ~ u~, •: ~"• Alberto S.10 1' 111, ""c~ •• ~ a~2i .~ :!;~." f'FM1 Kpl 11.!!,' .. 1 iu7111>+ ~ JmHF 1.tOlttQ)O ll .••• HLT l.I0 12 ~ .... , 4< PltHG t.• t "ta\t Slttl'•c , .. • 2_. ll'• 1"1bhn Ill Mil .s .... 1-t. c p DI•• .... • " , ••• JAIW• .ea 13 "' 112)\, t '• NVF -• 4'1 lh . . Pltr I IS 191 9•· Slen•I ... ll 1ll1 1 .... ,., Alun '°,. ··~ u1•'1t., 0 aye ' » 76 6"' ull\\J • l't flHOWd I°' 1$ '°' uso ""' J RYI Pl s 40 . I .. ""' • ., •• H•l>M:B , OS i 2'20 >'l~t . \,, Pll•ll•Y 1 ... I ., u$t • '. ~tmPra .40 11 2lt 154,. '· 1"1COSld 1.0I 9 Sllu11 • ··~om:t .. s" ,,~ •• \, FnlWI\ ."4. 300 Ulot. \o Jemtw 12 10 ,,. 11 N•l<.Ol 11217 477u>O .... PIOnH r I '"' 1224 1HHl't SITPPI .21j ,. ''° ,. .... 1111•111 nt.t4 10 1117 U" • '• omp l1 l2 IHH FodlP ... 9 1'• Ult• ~. J•pnF t iw Il l '' ;, h H•PCO I :,. 14 ff ,._ I, PlonrEJ 11• 17 102 I)•., SU!ller 10. Jiit 1119 , '• ,. .. ~dt "1JO 10•,. .,5p1v.sn 1tllS4 l4'••l , ...... ''°''° 10I ,, ... , JellPlll I .... .:io l2 """ H•ptra ... u M ,, ..... PU B 160'11U21 .. "" !Ml\llflll lSO 11 ,., ' llNQCP '·°' • l9'I ...... "•"'°""Jlr I II "' ,.., • I Frr.1 .. , tO It,.., .... , .. JtrC pl • i1\I ,. "' Nerco .. ll ,., ul1'1. I Pll~' pl 2 It . • ... ~. I SAyllM .. "llU ..,, •• :: .: 1119CP PIJ.. l Jl•" IC-'fl r: 1~ 1~ tt:.:· ,_ Fr lllm .. ' DJ 15.. \, JtrC pl •it dOO .O ~I HftllU• .40 111 11'• • ,., PllUln ... II IOU .,.,_, 1•. ~1111~Aln .131 , 1~ 21~•, • •• • 1•, ·Alg lnl 1«1 1 i24 171•tl'•[Con" " . Fr,..M ,«I • 411v13\ .. ll• JtrC pl 1.12. 1ti;o u •,.7 N•IC•" I I .Q '°'••lo. Pl•nRtc •1111u10 '·''....,. n t6 , -• Algtnpl 2.19 !lull \., '•Cno!:~~ 2 :1t ~ ~T~· .. F.,qv• tO . J7Su17 "'• JtrCpl a. 11.0 52 , '• NICnv\ .~U :IOI "'" \; Pl•nlrn .1614 120 19•,. '• !>m•B 2.014ln• 14'"''• 1"1111 ptCll 2S "4 "811. , t on Ea, 1• .. • atll•I 11, 1 Fuqa pl I U . 5' 1111 • 10,, .JtrC p. t t ti 21 io.. NetOltl 2.20 9 •76 16\,, \1 Plfyboy U , 111 ,.. Sm11<11r I «J I '" SJ', •, A1r11Pw 2.«J I 113' 1l • '. E I l 20 • , • -G-G -J•••IC , .. I Jll ..... •• Nelf:elll 1.l2t • S9 "'"'' •• PltUty t.15t ,. 1 102• J •.. Snllll<>n ... 14 ~ ,... '• olllltnG 118 19) u 1. ... c:!:E pf t ' s '40( I t GAF .20 I IJI ll'•. I JtwlC pf . 0 ,,. ... ~. H•lf'G l .ll s u IO\t· ... Pntum. AO 12 Ill/ ,, • t •. Son•I l.:IO • 11\0~I•,. ~. 1"11dCp 2.40 6111/ 311 , 2•• Fcf. 132 I , •' ' GllF Pl 1,20 ' I~.• " Jtwler 1j1 •l S', '• HFG pl 2.:IO .. I u1H• • 1, PoooPa .tO 11 1101 JS • '. SonyCp .t~ ll lllJ'lll ,_,, \• 1"fdCppl61• Muss•,.,, onF:1.i;o "t ,~.··,'-GATX 2 411 I "' 11'•• ... JON\.Jn lll lMI 0 1 •• 1 H•IGyp l.4I J1h:nv2••,.1 Porarid IUtUI 21 d' Soolln2 .0.' ,, •'· '• "'"''t. pf 11 l ,, ••• ,.. F I I tO 12 ... s2.'. I GCA ·~ 20 2ll2 111 .. ,, • JOhllEF 41 flt uo "' ... Hom .. 7115 u 4.... \, PndrO\ ,)() IJ 261 .,,.\,,. I • Source l tO " 7111 olllld d "' 2S •• ,. •• n~H~ ., •• I" 1• •• ' GEICO 10 02 ,.~.1 .. JollnCn 140 . )QuJSl-.•2~ HMdCr• .•102011 ' • '· POPT•I .111)1 JOO 191•.1 ~c,cpGpl2,.! • .2,o '°11'··· AWS!r t IO ~ 1n lS' 1 • ''' ConsPw 1 ., •sou 19 • , ' GEO 24 J uo II .. • th JDN>C p1 2 1.,.1,,,1 NM4En .so u Ult uH• •• " PottK .Ill 12 n 11'•. • ..., El •• • 1"10hl n 1 I lO 70~ C Pw ' GF Eqp JO 4'• JOfllgn .o 1511121~ , HMlneS .J7 " 2S I••• '• PotlGE I U S 1..-15' • • '' strE Pl l so l n 1"lll•Ch l11 "'. '· C~P .. ::; ~ ~ ~:·. I C.T f:; 2., 10 .,,,, ....... , •• Joroen I • IS ll : .: HP<\I ,, :io. 1 lt.S JO•· ••• PoG Pl 11 so 1110"" • , !M!Jt rln , 20 I 0 704.. ' -~\Ch pl4 0 1 1020 11 • '. c p II n S.IO ii I . c; TE pl 2 so 20 ult ....... J~(tn '1 ll Ill 21 ' HS.ml ,.... uU• •• , .. PorG pl , tO • 9 .... " Souclwn lO • I )t• .. '. AiphPr I) 110... "c~P::111t ;JOO SI :"c1ep1 2 .... 11 '• JoyMlll ,.., 51S17 15->o• ~ Hl~•ln ... 9 '7ulj .... PorGpl440 . ",,.,. 1. SoelB• I I l't~ llltoe 1.70 0 ~ JO•• 1' • c p,. 1 IS 7'I , G•IHou .51 9 191 11\o -K K -HSl•nO IOi 14 9'lo • " PorG pt 4 :1:1 . 51 l2 .. • • SoelPS t.31120 1, 1"1t>l!>uo s 6 I ..... " C~Pw ~13 ~ ) ,, .... • • G•nntll I IO It 934 uii ... KOi n 10 91 ••• kellSll l •10 17 • 1-1> POlllCll 1.•'I• loM u3S•' .... ~C•IE.d J.i2 71911' 3 h .... A'!'U 20 ,., 2S'o. '• CnP .. P•l II ,., 11• .... G•pSlr .)()II • ., '" .. '• KLM 12 511 JI • 21. Nt!UI n , io 5 22'· ,, Polm EI ..... '31 "'•· .. !oo11lh(o t.70• I JOit I•'•. '·• Atflu pl l , )9 CnPw prJ IO s ...... GHS•t 1.3' 9 II ,, • '. K n)•rl I I/ Ill .. vJI ... • 3 Nelom I 40 10 11n 19 • I POIE I pf. i;o 1100 37 ,, • !>olnGE 2 OI 1 ,, ,... •• 1"mru 1:17 II 1l "" • " CnP ,2 ll J "' ,' G .. rht lll 10 119 I•',• '• K•l\r1"1 eo 1lSI 1)1 .. 4. H•lm pl 4 "4 ).6~., " Prem rt 42 II 93 26 '• M>IE. Ttl •.511 9 20i Sil•, '• "'"'r< Pl1 l0 -I 7'1•, • '-cni>! ~,4 02 41 2'1':, , ' Gtl'o 112 10 tl1 2~ • K•llll pl 4 12 I S. , 7 .. NtvPw 1.64 °6 121 JI'•, ._ Pft\lt y JO IS 145 vtl•" l'o SoNE pl J.12 -1 u).6 , o, A"'HtS I 1011111? )Oo, •I~ CnPw pl2 '3 I ll , , C..mC• 91 471>411•, t'-KaltCe tO IJ Jlt U~, \t H .. P pl 1,.0. 11CI 1J • -Prmrlo, nJ.40 I tit u2'1• • l SovP.c 2.eo 9 tUJ "°"'I "'f:"'11r Oj1 j4 ,.. .. CCWllCoe> '3 5 .. C.."ll" l '°" 11 u·. • • K•IC pl I JI s " ... Ht•P pll 14 1JO 14~. .. Prl-C u .,., "'" "· SouR"y 901 ', ~ 9 '°.. 2,l1'· •• •• ,··, " O r -... II • Cn IC 1 eo • 1n ul2 ••• GA In• • i.. -11' , ...... K•ltrSI 174 ··~. It ..... p pll" l IS .... PrlmM ' 1120 5't vu • .. C• -~ rtdnal l2 ri 1 '11 41' • • I._ cn:IG~p 1 eo • ~ Jj.. ' GollmOol tOb 14 nJ li • ~ .. K•neMI ll 10 20 IS'•; \t Htv.OS n ~ 114 .,11•,, 4. Pfo<IC. • 10 12 »'9 u116' • • l " Sovllna I II 10 'SI "'i t 14. r II 5 1120 2•'' • 'o (nl(ip p1 • 1 .)A ll->o' , Gn8clofl .• S ti 11', K•neb I i S44 t"n .. HEnoEI ) 1 114 n•~ • ,, PraR~h .J2 11 l•S 17'• • '' SoRoy Ol 2410CM II "'!ro pt 2.•I i 41 • '' (nlGp Pf4 IO • »' ' , C.Clnm ' S11J l)f ulO'.. '• KCtyPL J 11 6 IOS ,. ••• • Hf:nP pn 16 • ?• Proltr 1.40 ti 11 1« • • 1, Sovmrl• 06' l W ••• • '• "' d<sl 1 . .0 101104 u)A>,. 2•. (Onllll 2 • 21k>2 1•~~: 11' GCl"m pf.. 51ulO'·.11. IC.CPI. Pl1 X> I "'• NJ Ilse nt)• :, 31 ..... " PS•COI 1.76 I ..... '. •. Sornsw• "1rf ' . .!. ,, 2 .. , •• ~· ..... ,:·. "' ldM ' II .. 32•·. '. (Ofllle• '16 • 18)() ul9•. • GnO•I• ..... u•• • ~ ICCPL plJ" 2 111 J HYSEG i 20 .... ~ to Jlsco1 pll 0 usoo "61\. '... .. ... 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CiHO\I t i;o • llCll , .... 4o t<•PL 1141 22 S 10 • ~ Ntwml I 29 75' o • ... '. PSI" pl • '4 r....0 uH••••1 SwlPS I •1 I Sii 16' • 1"1;1Pw 2 16 'I 11Si l'l\o • '• CooprT .. a 211 ull ', 71, GnHou\ JO t :Dt uU', , I'• K•PL Pl ! U 29 vi~, .._ NWP••k .16 1 10.1 6' / • I, PSI" pl I"' 110 70', • '• ~fin .0010 71 vl9•• • '-"':!!E•p 120 II SIS'I uf>A • •'• COPwd s 1tt3) 11 II , 1 GnlMI i;o t5 l37S 4'1o, J\, K•lyln I Ill tO••• ... Hl•MP I.Ill • llCM "'• • " PSvHk 2 12 I ti• 11'• • *• SpeclP "' S21 20'• • 2'• A~•mll ) 60 II 214 W • Ccwdura eo tl llll ul6',. I GnMlll$ 1.M 12 U20 u .... • 10, K•IY Pl I.._. 1 11\•, '• NleMpl l.tO . llto :It I~ I SHH pl2 1t t>OO 21 ... •I\, $peHy I 91 t OU 30'•, 1 .. AGnCp 10 1 Ill .. • '· Core In · .. ,, -114 ' GMOI , -20 6311 USI'•. 2 K•ulB• ,. 22'0 ....... ' Hl•MPI l '°. 1100 JO • PSHH plJ II , 101 >. '·. $prtnQ\ I i1 I 91 ~ • '. AGIBO 116 S8 1'11• CcwnG 1 l2 l8 :.6 <M':: 4, • GMol pl J .IS .. I )fh. \. IC•ul pl t.i;Q . • ul41" '"' Nl•Mpl 4,10 .. 1Jj0 )1' ... .. PSHH pl4 U 14 JO ', SoQ11•rD t'a. 12 .. , 3l'• '• AGnCv I IOe S 11•· • '• Cor8I~ I IO 14 lOI 21 .; GMol pl S . / • O•t , "-Ktlltr JO 10 i72 ult , If, Hl•~rl ).U •. 1100 41•~ .. PSHH pl), IS It 21 ~. Sq&ilbb I.~ ti J:lt/ uSO•• • 7' • 1"Htrll .. ., • ,.,,.' .... CowlH I ,, 19 .... •• c; .. c ·°' 21 ,,. u1l•·. "' K•llOOI t.io 10 14111 ,, ••• , ... NIMP 10 . .0. ISSlO ....... a .. PSHH pl:I.. 111 211. •• ~ s•,•s'p''n1 '°"° ,! ~u,."·. •• ,·· 1"Holst ~, 200 .. .. CoaCm ,. ,., ,., ...... : •• GPU u 141> •• , Ktlh•d AO 1 ... 14'l. 1 HIOllPI 1.n . 141 St•'. H. PS•HM l 90 1 us u • ' , --AHonlt 120 ll U16 .. • '. Cr•ll Ii I 6, , GenAe s 101 11 J06 lot , p , K•MI .10 J llJ 6'•• lt Hle9Sh l .llt 4l "'" .. PSvEG 1 S. I 012 tl • ~ SldMol ... II 199 u:JO+.do, llHO•P> .. 11110i ll4j •2._crene ltOIU ii 1.,::i 'Gnllelt .. 1• , ... , It Kenmt -17 117 ,, ... \. Ni<olln .llJM .. 11..._• .. PSEGpll eO 14 ll '•• 1 St011CI 2.«J 172°' u •,. 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Ho<laa-~~ Ill -'-'•-_.._ ·PSliG pt1~ -ll-.. lJck • Sl•rroU I• 9 41 2•',, I\\, llSltrll .Jll 11 16l 151,, " C~ei'pl 4 •l I• .,qi°' , <ill pl 1:.0 . 14 17 , '"" Kl s 1.10 S tit 11 I, HllCH I .IO I 2U u3) •It, PSEG pl1.IO 1100 .S •I SteMS.l~T0?-1o•r< ' llmStr 1 10 90 tS', ·• • , .. GenuPI I JO u 166 40", '• l<ld pr8 4 . 3 St•·•• ~· HoollPhl 1.7010 11 o•, • 7 PSEG pl1 n 1JOOO 61' 1 •· Sl•11tCh I " t l20 u76'• • 11. llSltpl HI 9 411., o, ~~~~f'~l1~\21.:C,lllr.!•• 0:G1P.c .60 1ill10Y2S ,,,, f(lmbCI 4 I 't'I ""' '• HEur01 0 e t 16 22 • ~. PSEG plt U .. 1110 11'1 ' Slttgo .121>10 •7111 4'1• '> 1"TT S «J 1 lS/40 67•,. 70, C lb 0 llO )t ult'" 1 Ci•Pt pl 1 ZA 4 1'~. \\, l<l\llhlR 91 I• IOU 41\• '• HM,IUll :II 11130 11 • '• Pul>llO 126 J\o Sterchl 16 It I 1''•, '• All pl • JI u • .. , v r ,. I Ge P< plC22• I 21 " K-r 1.lO J7 JOI "'•• '• HlnGPS I SOIO .,, ., ... '• Puel>IO 11 I ,. ,..... SlrlB<I\ 12 I JI ••• 1"TT Pl l-.. 111i )5• •••• ,cuuj"e" , !! ~; "~:"". "'· C.•Pw ptl.76 . Ui ulO •• , Kofmo• J2 11 "• 11 ... 1 NOSIPW 1 I• 611" JO·~ •• PR C•m l J•. SttrlOt I.Ill 11 •S'O 2S'-••• A IT pl J 14 N JI'., , um n ~ ~ -• • • G•P• plJ 51 1J "'•, 'o K-n t.4010111t 16' • • It. HSPw llll .0 1500 ..it .t•. P\19t1P tit t 1119 "'• • \ SlhnJ I JO 14 IOI '°'• • '-1"W•lr 120 • 10 '° '• c'""W 1112, i;o '•' G1Pw pU .75 t'4 n4., ,, K-pl 10 ' II~•· I HSPw pl4.IO 1li;Q Joi ., Pllrll"f 1115' tot> .. 14 SlwWr > 1 .. tS tOot ti'" '• llW•I pll 75 '"'° 10'. " urt -/ '1 SO", .. G•Pw Pl1 IO r200 tO llreefllf' 1 1'• 1, NSP"" 1114.1' • uo Jt • Pvrot•I 11111 ll8 '4h • 2' $IOll.VC tM I 110 veO .1•. 1"W• Spll lS z.O utl'.. Cy<IOPI l10. U '"• • '• GerbPa 11.» 10 JtO ,.._, ... Kr-r 1 •• '. "1 ..... HSPw Pit.Ill 0200 ujl .. • l\t Pyro 17 ... 41• I S"VC pl I . 1100 t'• Amtron t tO 5 41 1S , OMG 0-~-2._ , C..rbS< .12 2' l71 I•'•, • KuNm .llMi I 51 utJ~ • .. HSPw -,,.1 M 1600 11' 1 4. OU.kO 111 1"4 47'• • + Sl-W I .0. I 37 u•~ • I'• Am .. o «J JI SI 2'1••, • O 10 319 9 .: Getty 2 tO I 911 JI~• ~ Kyour .2tr » 117 ,.,,. 4• HSPIOI pl 1 • 110>q u60 "'·jOu.tO !!1 9 5'. r10 " SlonC t 60 II llS u21 .. '" 1"mtl• t,JOl• noun ... 1.: o.•~11f ·~,,•.-1,~•·1, GellrJ>l1:20 .. 2 I~• Ky-.10 . 1' ..... 11 HorT111 110lltt u6S\,.4\, OU.•SO .Ill • 77li i.1-., SIOOSh\l.lO I tJ O" 1, 1"m f.c I .. 16 101 1)• I • • • • ·-·-~. • o ..... p 1t;-s~.. .. -L-L -Hllltel II • ,. J~. •• Ou•ne• '° I 401 I ' • • SlorT •< 9 IWI 1J • J'. IHflOIB 11 Jll S"° o, g:nr~P 11::! •; ~ ~~, '>:' G•br Fn •l1t1 10-4., \1 1.H Ho nJ 41t 10 .. 2• Ho1 frp I.Ill 114... H '• \, Slcwer 12 1J 'Go! Jl•• • •• 8-•Y IO lff v ~'.. " 11 e , '• • GlltHlll '2 U lt\1 It LFE I 51 u I ••• 'o Nw'1 .... lr 90 ltS lli;Q :19 •I'< • • It-I -Sltid Rtl 1 l4 10 1)6 JJ.. ~. Be\IPd l1 1tl .. lu17 .1 .. g•~t~r ltOj;~!u:,•·l Cilllellt 1>0 t IJ$ .... •.,1 LFEpl )() .II S'-• '• Hw18<p l.IO I l10U:11110" RBlnd 1'Jl lJOu11'"' S..•v5" JO• lll 11'1 " B.ihSll I UU 11,, '• • • 11 -'' J GIH\W tOj U .. ''-• '• LLCCp 0 1•, • 't Hlcp • 1141.IM JO SI • I\ ACA '° "' S04.s 2t .. •" S..l>PrG I'°" t 210 JI'•• '. Beverly Cl JO JI» 311 .. O.ITar 4Jl I • '-C.t-M 24 4 ttlO 10• 1 , .. LLCCp pt S 51., • l, H8cp !Ill.I.. 64 U•• • '• RCA pl l )() t2io JO• 1 • ' Sull•ft llJ OS s.. " B•oTllr n101t00 , ....... \, ~-'""' !?'1 .. $21, ":'GlclHVO '..,,. .... I.TY JDI01041 ""'" ... "~"I •O ,, 1111111 RC1"pl • Jt uff +t Sunlu i.oe ' ,., 1• .... Blnnel t JO 11 tit ll', .t .. .,.yco . lt" 120 I •' ' GldWF 011 I ... 1116 +I'• LTV pl L 2 .a NwMLI I.JO • 4 IJ"< RC1" pl J.11 2U "2311 • ' SullCll • I US 1••• •~ 81\fS 1n I • '• o., .. ..., 1 JO II •lU ... , ••• l , Gd<itll I 14 n -..,.,, • I\ I LOu•nl. n '" ..,,, ...... ,., HwSIW AO 20t " AC1" pl J 65 lt ,, .... ~ 5"1111 . "'. 111 ,, ••••• Bl«kO )2 • a.15 11\,, \>o Oa'(IPL I 'IO I IJl4 11 • 1 Gdr<h pl .'7 1100 ' . L<MG•~ 2 . .00 S 6 ll>o• 1 • Notion 1 12 lot :Q'4t • h RLC n 20 11 221 I"'• I-SullC. 1 30 S 1» :IJ',, I Blll.HPw l.«> i. ll ulO , l' • OPL pl 1 10 1400 uSI' •' 1'• Gdr<ll pll.12 . 10I ~ • ''• !AmS.\ · 1J l HOfSlm I Ol 11 12,_ ut~ • .. ATE .«J U 110 tn-. • " SullC pl l 25 . S .. • t• • 91elrJn t 9 91 " ~ OPL pl USO •100 "''' ~r t.«J 10 42)t u3il • 21, L•nl., 40 11 JI" 111,. J Novo .:n. JO >90 .. , • t R•l•Pur ,11 U 4113 t6• .. ' Suncl\lr t IO I 211 "'" '• Bl"HR 1 '1 U tlOO 40", .. 0.•"F" 1' II 6' JO '1, GoranJ .S. I M "111'" <. L•wlltll n i. 71) 11._, '• H11<or $2 1\ 211 5'"-• J4o R•m•d • 1743 • • \ SvnMn . llU 11'•. , 8lue8 I IO II l16 ul4 , 1•, Ot.,e I 10 2131 lt• .. 1 , Gould 1 n IJ lllS u»••• , .. LH rPI 12 . •114 13'• • t •• H"trS n .1416 J06 :IO'o" 1, A•mPt I IO II 2J1 2"'--ti~ SuM lll ti tS 6'•, 1, Boeln I «> 10 ro.s u19'-. , .. O.lmP I ii I lU. n • , Ciovld pl 1.U . J "31 • I L•~St I i;o • ))I JS • '~ -0-0 ll•n<O ... 10 )II .. , •• \ ti'"' S6 u 111 u21• •• '1 Botw~ i:'IO'llno?llJ'·,.J', Ottt.tl• 1 •P2vli ;ol•·G••ce 2 90 •2•21 •2'•••'• LH Rnlt 40 11 IJO 11• .. • O•lllnd 24 1 1411 14 • "'Aaycmn '4t7tl00uei• .. 1• prOll 20t•a7• :n ... 1, Bo<cltn 1 1:2 I,,,...... 1...., 0.llONI 100 to>.. '• Gr•t"9r t 1114 lO'I wtJ•., 2 ... LswrTr I SOU tU ,.._. I, O..ittP I SJ IO 4 10'• Raymll. • 10.. \ omllG .. I JU vJI'" 1•, llo<llW• l-"2 IO •llull'::, .. Ol•Ch~ I 11 U 2'11 ull•.,1 Gr•nlh JI 100, '• LteEnl I 1611 4011)2 • 4. <kUPeL2.Jo l20ll 1l••• ~. ll•ymdl I j i.J 111,, I S..ptcp U 1 .. ~mM IJ .. I'• O.nMl91 .. 11 .. 7.l ... GllllP< ,,,. I'•• -Lt11Pl•l •to ... 1S'•• .. <k<tPpf2SO ,, , .... ,, "'"'"" 14011*4 41....-.n Sw•nl< .IO I\ tof ulS\o• •• Bo>Ed 1_., • lf>A 14, • ' Otnny> S M U S.I ull'• • l'• GtLllln .0. 11 G 24 , t L•~V•l 17 IS.II• Ml O<<IP pl1 12 26 tS•e RUdBI Ill 5 711 I-· +. Sybron 1.0I u -417 16>• •• -E Pl ta rJO •1..: • , ntply • 11 100 2•'• '• GHlrn 4 Sk 5 1J 11'• •• LVln pl • I 10 • w °'<IPfl2 >O 4 17 , AdB•l 1111 IJ . ,. l2 , \o Syb<n PIJ 40 4 29 .. , \o 80lE pr I· 11 ,. 94. • OtSolo 1, 12 u 3'20 ulH•. "• GIHoHll l • lJ9 u41 ... 11 Lellmn 2.nt • 14' 15' •• \. Occl p , .. 61 M .... + 1 Rlllttl 101•10 SI 9lt. ' Synlta. I 20 , .. l>o.I S)I •• t. B~E pr I 't 11 l1' , , 0.IEO I .. I ll62 11'-• I. GtWf;in Cl S4 l473 u1t'• • 2 Lt M ar .X> 41 U'I 1'\t •II• 0 0 £CO . I • t 711 2He + \, A•cnEq • Cll t•" +. 5Yl'O 1 21110 m ult', t 1 8rl11SI 'lw 12 SlS »•' .. 0.IE Pl I .. 1360 n GWHWI I'\ 11 214 111 .. "' ~-I• 10 106 0 • ,,, Oodell 'IO 6 JU ,. ... Aedmn ,30 Jt ,.,, ,, ... ,, -T-T - 8rlt1M '7 tO u tW ulJ•!: t~ OtlE pl Id 1120 U • :--GMP II I 56 S II "'·•' '• Lt llOd • M ull • ~· Ol110Ed 1:7' 111.0 wt•'•• '· AH<t 42 4-"' '• TOIC" llo 12 1474 35' / • ~ BrllM pl , I 11 l OtlE Pl 1 J6 1100 S4 •• I J Grnh I 20 I lt9' .... ~. , •• Leu<d pll 115 2 12.. ' OllEd pl)'° ilOO " lt•o•I n • sso ,.. •• TECO 1. I ISi 70.1. •• BrllPI 10. s ..... ,, ... OEpfF 71S J 20·. •Gro wl .. ,,, •• ,. .. LtvlSI l tSUa116U3"-•2'· OhEd pl440 110 l:J Aei<hC .. " 113 ''" TRE 111 l34 ... .. Brock" IO l2 ll'I tO• ' ' OE pf8 l 15 I 10<· Grtr,h pl4 IS 110 )I ._...IUF I 21 IU$ » • l 'o OllEa pl•°" &SJO ll' ltep1"1r 16U 6\.t, .. 1 ltW 2 .0 l2 ll• ...... , J•• Bro t.:n. ,,, .. ..: • DEprL • ,. lt•· ••G•ot<n • ll2 2•. LOF llOIO ... 21'•· I, OllEd1111°l6 1100 56 •• ~-ltepCp tO I •• "'•·I'· TRWpl•OO 1uld .... B•yu"G' 110 • 12• 19• .: OElfK • 11 "' JO ... Gr-Ci ~II 11S •O •• LOF pl •IS ' 51•. OllEO pl ··10 . 1120 SI' • 21 RepF"S 110 ..... "'• JAW pr 4 i;o • '""• , .. Bl\UG P11·,1 1 11 " .. 0.1 "' 111 l 11•. , c;1nA1r 10 2·. L1111vco n" >00 1s • 1 Ollf:o P•l.91 · .. 21, • , ' 1t1pHY , ci 1 1i. "' , ... T.cBo.i 10 401 >O•· ., BwnSI\ '° 43 1,. ' , Onur 110 12 19 JO••• .._ (',rumm I tO '° "'" ... , • l '• Ltfemk 40 16 4tO ).t•~ • • OllE:a pl 1111 S1 14~ • ; AHY pt 111 t ,., , T•lllra 1 11 l6l vO',, '• 8 nG 17• 10 IJ1 51 .. '' OoGIOr .. 10 )JI 11 'o .... Grwm Pit IO II ,,,. '• Liiiy 2 . .0. 111111 .... "'• OllEa pl •. 64 uoo M • ANY plCJ.ll • 24 T•llty :IM u •'• ••• B:nF:, . II• 411 41;, ,' O~Goo pl J 75 ) ll-4 .. \o Gu•rdl .J6 14 U4 112''-• '" Llmlld n 212A ISi u4l \e• t\t OhE pl 10'41 rlO 11 2\.1 ANY pl1"2 t0e lll vll4-• •, h llo pl I Ill u ''•, '• Bmswk I tJ IOll JlO,: ·= g::~~ : ~ 1~ ;~~ , GllW\I IS I 1311 II • 1 r t::~lpl l I ~ ::'" 1~• OnP pt Bl.to ;. &10 )I •I\. RtpSh la J7l 17 .. , 2' t.ndy 11 •t4f v41•1t »• Brufhll\o t.10 .. II o • .. I Ooebld 'eon 10.i ... ,.,:s.: GllWPI ,,., I IOI • I Lln<PI '". J 111. \ 01\P ptC 7,tO • n1 S9w• ,, Atp8k,., 6 3'16 ~ Tlldycll II .. 11•. Bu<yEr • 11 tOlt U", -. Otftll•I 14 .,. 99 , S' GllW pl 2.i;Q . 2t •1 •I Lll lon I tOb I l ... )t' 2 OllP ptG217 t ti .. , l, AtPBk Pl2 IJ 10 J't.,. ' ••nnel 181> 1 l>J 'I • '• BlltldV .0. 11 41 ulO·,, ..._ 01 11911 /Ob I 910 15 ,• GullOll 2.111 • -2'1' >•I I '• , Of\P lllEl41 dOO U '> t A•hCot 11 I IOO u"'• •II 1<11<lr n IJ 2600 11•• BunkrH116 12 ""-• "D<llOfl ll7l>IO 111 ,.,,,1 "Gulllts Dl ll\• "'t.!.':".Jf 2 1 1sJ"~~!;•1., Of\P ptOl.76 fli;Q .0'•• A)t•<O M 17 91 0 1••' t'1rna 114 10. u ,.)', Burll"d 1 n IS 1003 JI I . • 0• ''° 11 :11'< II J Gull II f" JO 6 ,... h .. Olll•GE 1 ,. I llOl " • a, "Re•tr UI }l. \ .,,_ SIO J ... 8r1Hlh I S2• tl 17 .. u.O· • 4 • gr.y l 21 S J1 "11._ • : GllSIU I )t 11310 IP.• -. LO<llle _5' 1,1 ~ ,291, • t Olll•G pl Ill 1400 1'"-Rt wlon I .. II t20t lt<.' 11, Ttldyne I Jill Ill •t l rlHo pf .SS s 5•. •Pepp .. IJ '"° 1•'• •• : GllSU Ill•. 1100 » . I Loe .. , I.,, .... vlU • I Olln 1.10 I SOI.,, .... l, lttah•m 40 I 11• ""'· ••• TtltA .. 0)1Ull'·.2 • BrlH pl 21l II II ••'• Oomeg 10 tl)f II '• GllSUpr315 1.0 "'" '• Lon'tFn 164 13 ts...01..,1 O~rk 116 t>S , .... '' Reanro I Ol 11 142 11 • >. TtN><o 2n t1'11uit .t Burndy .I• IJ 1)] 10'-. '• Oon•ld .. •• J6 20•. •• GllSU P•• 40 .. ~ ••• Lorn Ml 1 .... 10 ,., ~. 4, Omn<r " .IO " :19 uo • I Reynln l 111')0 S6 • ·~ lenc pr-n I '° •• ' Bunt h 1lO116"16 uH.,. ,..., OonLJ 20 13 2• ull'•• 1,,. GllSU ptt.m Ultll ul2 .. ••' • LnSl•r I'° S. 144 21 • • J• Oneld• .n I 10 "'•• ~ lltyln pl• 10 16 ud"o. " ltrdyn, 11 :Doi ~11• .. " Bullrln S1 tl a Ill ut~'• • I Oonnly t o 1J 2'i ui1 , 11. GullUtd I 11 f IU U"-+ ._ LoneS pl4 SO · I Ill) • 16\1 ONEOK 2,40 S MO 2•"-, t. Re yin r' no 103.\o • I letOfO 40 t .... 11 .. , ._ 6ulle~ 10 9•, ._ Dorsey I IO lll lO • 1 (iullon tO I• 7• 11'• • '• Lit.Co t 02 I 119i 11•• • ~· Opell'• . ) S , lo ReyMI I 10 6U u16',, t• Tu or pt 1 tt 1'1 31 • '• -c --<: -Dover 10" ., 11• •• '.. -"--LIL plE • . .)$ ''° ,,, I ' I Or•nRk I IO 1 .. 11~ •• ,, Aeyllll Pl•,jO • J 11U • ,, Tta•<o 2 • ~11M l2 • , •• CBI In I ea. I Ill JI , l'e 00..Ch I IO l3 a:JIO ll' 1, HMW II •• I'• , Lil plJ 1.12 1J.IO •1 •1 Or•f19t OSl 4t Sh ~. AeyM p11 J1 6 O ~ 1 •118c nl '4 1 Mull••• •, CBS 190" 11'3 S4 • • I OOwJon I Ol 12 "' ...o:: 2 ' HR T .,, ,, IM .... .., Lil pfV l i;o 211 ,.. > Orlon<: '.t6 10 All ..... "' RCllV<lo I . 11 , .. , ult ... I Tu Cm 111 I "° )9 .. .,, • CCI 6 2•1 ti O to ts 1I , ' W.<llW >I M I .. 20'• LIL PIU 4 2S .. Jll.• • Orion 0 1 111,. t 1 ll~IT I 111 11 U ~, l T .. E\I 4 10 I 111 Wl., ._ CIGNA"tJO 1111) -···2•·o~::: .6~ :~ ... :-H•llFB 1.1011100. 11-'o• '• llLPITJ)I 21 "'•• OtJonpl II 1~. "'lti.Gr•nUll 11 1Gj ~ •H 1,.•.E_!Of?"12 6 1"°n !~4-••• 1 .. '· CIG pf l.li •SO 19 ,. 1• / , • • H•IDln 1.40 611'0 Jlf" l'-LIL ptP 1 4l 24 1' • ' 011l llM ·'° 1 M lllt'-, " llloGr pl • 911 ll'-•• •, vf , ., CLC .. 10 ..... ~:~ • .o! I ~: ..;~ •• ,::: H•mr P I ... )jl u»• •• , .. LIL PIO l 47 2 .... Ovlltl tO .. 112 .0 • ~ llllt1"kl .Ill u w ...... I\, TtMlnd -11 ICI' ll'• ..... CHA F" I UI ti • I ' '• H•nJS I 47•. 4l U• • ~ LOftQOt I ... 14 64) •11• • OvrhOr I ff .. 12'-lloCKln• 1 40 16 S.7 2JI", '' Teal ml 115 l:ttli utU , • l .. CHA pl 110 •• 21' .. , •• a~~:.''p,:: ~ ~ • i.:· H•nJI ....... '°' 11\>t •• Lor•l .Ill II 412 •21• 0YrTrll IO u , .. "" • I ltollltn 1.t0 6 SOt JI'. •• , r .. 1111 .OS 11 Ill) ....... CNAI 1.io. . 10 10 duPnl 14 IO • 43, ' , ' Hndlmn I IO SOt l•\.t • ._ IAGelll 0 9 10 10' > • I OvShlp i;o 6 wl 't) , I\. Rollllns Stu 145 17..._ TaHM• 11t 1 )I 21'• 'o CPC i"I 1 10 I 2!01 l'I • t •., o ••Pp 1ll 1 tJll ll '' , ' H•ndH .tO If 11' 11'" " U L•!ld 1.IO IO 1f24 2S._, •I\, O\Olen<. t'.20 3\1 IW lll'll-t .. H RochG 1.1.0 J 19) 16h ~ T•OG•t .2' IJ 1415 lJ •• CP .... , l '4 • 11 JI'• '• " • I H•nn• I.Cl " 2JO .. • " L•P•c .eoo 110 "" .. ,,,,.JI 0 Ill ' ... 170 ,., ,; Ro<llTI J.04 I 1 .. "'• h PK .JO II • ,,... •• CSX l.M 11 .. 5 SI',. 1 gu:::: ~ ~ ~ ~\ ' : H•rBrJ I tlm Jn. · Lov~Gt J.JO t 211 211 ,. 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I•· Tlm'n I IO ,, tm ... • •• C.rMI , • ,..., .,.., ••• '" EGG • Ji JO 1,.-Jt.loo 1' Htlrlnl I 30 u ~ u ..... I M<ml pt 1 JO I \SH • I Penolllk ·s. ' ,, 16' l • ,, llvtToe ' 6 S' .. 11 ...... TOdSl\p 1 ,, 6 ,,, .... , •• C.rof'I .5'1l J1 .. u • .. 1•·es IOll •IO ''2•' HelmP J2. IOO '°"'·'· _,, 114141'u)6•,.4t, Pen1"m . 11" l ' ... Ry ... ..-ta..i ta.!Ult •l•) T0411tm ..S4' >IO •••••• ~~rpPw 22.All 1 "'; '12tl•. " e.Jt~t .. II ,, ~.;: '·; Ht mC• 27 .. Sh . '• ""''"d I ts. • .,, uni ..... PlllllEt t :IO s u• ,..: : h Ryaers l,Olll 12 ,., ... ,~. ". Tol(dl• J ,. • IOSI " •• t. .,.r Pl ., '• E•Ko I,, 1 ., 1l"1 H•m ll¥-lile . s 101 •• '• M•t•CI • u S'7 u1•1·.111 P•P<ll • ' II 163 U•,.' ~ fofld pl•.21 IS " \. C••Te( ?.10 12 40 le' ••••• EH11"lr llt1 II 1•.o '• Htrcu!l ~ u IMI 27\H •• ~lnH l IJ 14t4 U\o. ~ PerOyn ,, '211 ••i. .2~ • -IOI d pl1.l6 II .... C.r\Plt 1.lO II " .. E1"1. wlO .. 3 'It HtrilC n 11 Ml 11 .. t ~ MOIAtl 13 41' U'H I PertH t Ulll 7 1,.. U~• o,. SCA JO 14 lit. 11\,. ... TOI d 114111 •• 6 11<. '• C.rlHw 1.22u1301 Ul6'•. '• EtAlr plJ.. " IS • HtrllC pit, JD . ,,. 11\oo. l'1 ~nllln lOb 6 Ill "". 4, P•rkOrl .... 1116 10 • " SCSFM 1.1'6 •'• S!! JOIO~ •• ~,· fonk• .40 )'I .. 11•1 •• Cert WI ... 10 :l8S .. 11• •• I r;,,.,, r> 10 0 "'.; i I HerSf\f J. IO • 111 ...... " "'41nhLI l2 ' 1cn ,, , ,, P•rllH .. ,, 0 1 21 • n: "' ., -ToolAOI .40b • ,. ,, ..... C.tcHG 11211 SO • ... EHlG 120 1 m 72,11 1 H•n lon .IOf 4' •'" ~. MenCr• lt 16 116 JS'•• '• P•r•Pn 'un JO> u_.., \ ~!_'STtc n ll ,._ u c,. '• Trcllmll. t.tO 1 10S 71•., •• Cu llC• .oi U ... • ..... • .. EHIUll I 10 6 ti 13~' 1 Htttn of IOll 1 p , MlrH~ 1 '2 S lW 40"-• tt, P•rM , ' 110 ... 21-' .-lltnt 40 n )II ll'• • '• T0<oCO , Ito 11,. > C.lrp'r l.5017J1Sl Jt\o d EtlCOd J.sl•ll6l "-J' 'i." HewtPlt .14U l014 ..... -..••.,.Mlrt4p41'°9 Its S•'•• '· Petfltrl Joi ll• 6,, . Slflll\t 11 11 UIU11'4.t 1-o te l UI t•'•• '• C.CoCP I I tO ..,, ...... £eton 1 n I/ ).22 )I~ ... • Heactl to 11 )4 10 \t MlrH pit --S.'-. ... P•ylH "'14 ,. u21 'ti.. SlfdS< JI •••••• t-·· "' . l" 2tlot . I. Cll•nM • •• 11• S.•• • ''• Eclllln S. 14 Iott utH ' 1; Hl$1te•r .so tJ Jt• 11.-0 ~. UllAM\vl •l !Ut • 1 P•yCSfl •20 u "'· U4H• • 1.,. SlldS •1•2 _ 10 .. ,. •I It 10 .. 1e pt ·"' 1 t~· •. •, •••111114.50 . 10,. '• E<lltrd .. ,4"' ,~·' HIVoll .U20 1G7 ' ... ~ .... I ,..~, 11l lt.\o, "PNlllelY "'' 2lS 6h SMewy -1 1001 ..... , l oyRU• 111 ....... 1· .. J'• ••tron .40 11135 11"-•''• Edi18r ,· .. ' u ,,...,; .: Hllnllld• .IOI) tO!l»\ft l~· APCOl lO ' 1s_2 ,,~. "Penoo en. s •i;Q >""•'i.. Sffe(p 5'10 ••ult•1•I, Tr•<Or\ lD tt 'Go! JO .,., C•nltl 2:10 9 01 u~. '• Edwuo n• u 711 7th .1~. HI"°" l.IO t• w .... +t\t Merc11.11 t1 .. a l"-'• St'9LP '411 ~ " 14<•· • I rene I,. t 11•1 ,,, ,. ,,, ...... .u" "u)'I• .. , ... EIPHO ·,. I 1163 II'•• \) HI.ell n 240 14 )71 ,,~ .. I M.trMld I u s "' 12• .. I nSoW I .. 'lltl II EPG dlll2 )S ' 20>o Hollllty AO " Jl2' uJ7 .... 2 Merion 64 ... llS u41 .... H . Hird t • t 'IO 11\o • EPG t l IS 164 n• .. HllclyA l ,/CM ,. 1 U , I M•rl<C .» 1"1 t• • enllLI t ... 1 1111 ulll•• 11 EPG :, . lfj 1't!• ~ HotlyS I . tlJ '4'> t•t Mark pl I 10 U ") .. 't "~;;;: ~ ~ ::~ ~ =::r-, ., i• .~~ m~: ,~ ~=~r1:: ... 1r. ~· ,~ =~~ ,-:g :; u!t ·:t:: IU"!tl , .. , u .SO 111 • • EDS M 24 lJI "'',) HOllde .Jtt 11 U I "''"I ... MtlrtM I 9111 S40 '4 • J nllPS I . I Ill w .... El~M• 10t S'1• '· ........ )tO Ill .. ~ •• ,, MttrK ,,.ts t1•11s.•1•llo Lefl n I n 7"" "" E-pf I l ,.. Hte•U 1.2' 1l .. 112• .. I Md CllP •• 102 "'1 • , •• u t 1 pl4.lt . S. n • .. f.ltlll 1 tO "i 7S U••'+ '"" Het-tln 1.11 6 » •• , ""M4otco ..,.14 IJ1J u.SO·•, 11, nSOrt .. ., 10. 14.._, ... l!m,.EI 2. 10 14 111• .,., ... t~ Horlton • .wt Sit t•.S !Oft " ~1~1 n1 7 .. 11 S11J1 u'!. • 4:• 11VIP$ t ,216 S 2l Jl ... • '°"' EllH 1 >».Qt 10"" '• 11KOCp ... »• llS. • 2 ..,..1~ ~ 1•-' •• rOt tM 14 ~ 1 mryA ,i;o 21 111 IS\u v.. Hotelln l 12 11 ,,._ • \-1 ~Mc'" t,. ll69i1 .11;,. ~· u't'll .1• '6 316 ''°' • II. mhert 1.40 • ->n u>t+o, •-. HOvtM uo 10 tt U»'-, "'1 ..,., P • • • • • VIII 4 1 •1 41\• • V.. 111p01 U t 6 '9 14 + "" ttoutFll .41 IS 4'0 ,.... + h -IM 1 • · H 11.t-. • ' ·-'· 2'3 11lt'-• 1\o mp pt .O .. UOGD ~ \o ..._,llnH .. 5 11 llU H , l'-Maltul JJr I t lJI •••ti Air Aln Jiil U \.'> • h ""'pt 11 1• ~\, . ...1111!If2.9. • t 11 • 2 1111111•1 • 1 lll4 u1J'• t I -.111 A 1J71'4111"~•tll Emppf 91 llOO t '491Mllf6'U n tt e11, Malelwl IM.su20 d i llml llf I 1t 111741" I~ f;mplll< '41117 19 U... , H0vl1141 1,16 '"'2 11\t \.o MOlll pt 1 JO Ul jlSO • •2 IWftl ill 4.40. 2.tt "47~ • l te EntlCP _,. U 9ti uJll;. •I H9\ll'IG I 10 S 716 J>\o • ~' M.yOS I II IO t4G t>CI' tt " mSP .111 11 nu utOh • ,.. fnnhl 111 • 7111114., , .. -0 1t 1.w .. n 11\o, " M41Yll >• u 10 ult•" 1 llllf1CI I 6 1 .. 7 111.-• I Enter<ll 1 '40 7 ,.... ii I• How«ll 40 U U ' MC Orm 1.IO 4 tot>s It'• • 1'1 Mf'l•I •• '10u l~· .. Enlfct ... m 31•• •• "°"'"' ,.11u JI "~l ~ McE;''" 1111 n •••• llMI Pf 1-4$.. tl lt + '• IN5Tll ''° 6 J .... h Hu...,• 2 10 )S t•~• t \It MC r f 2..0 U'1 Jil, ' fleN J.40 6 11174 SI "'"' Elll.,e ,fl 4 21 t ~t HllfM t IOI ... » IJ+. Mc t •• 'i 1fWI uMlo • 1' M "1M • lt "'"" + t w fll(t" 1:. .... I lllf t '"" Hll~I ,tO ,. 117 tOh + '> ~gOll•(>• 1.2144 •121= !? ... • H !fl H 1'I U4l~1 • '" f-OU"• t 1.D t J • t4" H Tl ... S _., 10\.t , tt... .... -"-4 t !, 2... M' II'•• to t;~mtt • 11 4•• 10 H •n 9 ·••Mt U4J4.t11oo Mc rH I •1• I "'''• ''~ ... . ... t 141 lih . ·-,,u ,, ., 1 ...... 9 ...... . ,.. "'-· •111• • ,. u... •• Ill nt OJ -·I QIGM ,,,. • ,. •••• '• """' " •ts •1'1•..... ... M(IOelf .. ~ " "'' "I • 1t s ,....., rtl\<e £•1.t 1'11JI 14 U -· P •t>•I .,._,,.... ..... IM .. 1'_..• Y It .. ult + lh .,,. .... i ... II ~ 1111 +J H~r.. 1 i. 1 a ,.... Me• jlll1"2 • I •l lot • lll'IV,,. • It 1'1• lo. ·~I .. t 1112 .... + It -1-1 ..._ •• Vj .... '''•• I .... 'Yr • "'°" • • "' tune -t 1 I U'-• le I~ IN 2 .• • J1t J2 • • •• MHltll M 'l llM •I ' v lo@ 14 t2 t61• +I.... .,,,,.. .. ,. 1nu-ll'I I In pt I.II , I• 4' , 1~, Mtl*' f '4 ~t 4Jlo • ~. .... 11'11 1,'1 If -1MJ4· .. i l11 tllYI I.to I I Ii\.~ " .. II '" !~'· .. MllVI! .. ) ... I "=' .. 'II =~ • = u~·;."" .. ::~ '1 ,, :~:: :: 10~~7 ~:l\.1 ,u :~. :: =~r. '·i ; , ;,··. ~ ¥£r · " •"" "" "'' · ,. ~ ·• 1u 1"'... • 1 11 .,._ ' , ..... ,,.,,,, M~•ll ~;rJG ::::• l: ii:,• .. '., i::;Hr r 11., : ~1!!: ~ :=i~: ', .. :..:11::,,:!: ""It(' Ult " .,.~ .. ·---, •• -· ..... -: ,. 'I '' ....... ,.. .... ,., ....... ' IW ..... n1ii '-: t W 1-1~-4: '' II m ... '7 ~! ~ = ·= ,,1r 1:~:.: """" L " '" ~ 2 ,.., "' .. ' .... .... f"' I ,.., " n:; ~ _, • it i "'• ... I ·:t • r I"' lw =-t M 1' ,j1 .. 1·' -r·llil.,c ='~ 1* , .:.~I =::it :, : ~· .. :: ,n .. : i~. "· UI • ~ ~-1 lilt'u .. I _.,,,., i.. Ml f 1-.; , Ut "'• .., -Dlr , tt t! •Mu;i. t w 11111 -.., Mc " 'I'~ ~· a I :: n::: :: " ' b .. •• ID . ''1' • ~ .rt • H"': .:·. t:t: . , ... ~ ; . '. . ,,., .!'"' r I j ' ... :.· 4f e tot .... • . • '· I .. Jlt. J •I : h ., Ill I• I ~ I .. "'911• .,<i'"'_. ............... __ .. Ou.-to reNnd volume delaying tran1'm i ion, thi report i incomplet DoW Jones Final UP 43.32 CLOSING 1,085.39 'Biggest' s ale of mortgage paper LOS ANGELES Coast Federal Savings and L ocin A1urncaallon <;hai rmun R oss M . Bla ke!ly announc<.'Cl Tuesday-the salL• of Sl'l'untit•s b<ick(.'d by $:!50 million of murtgag1•s originated un Cci hfornla propc.•rtics to thl• C<thfor niu Suite Ret11 1•m(.>nt Fund . ThC' Californ ia mortgagl's h ad ~en In Coast FC'dl•ral's $4 b1lhon portfolio. Sale of the packagl• of mortgagt• SC<'Until>s. w hich was arran ged by· Coai::t Fcdcrul c.n d two national second ary m arket agencies. 1s believed to be t he largest single sale to a sl.al.C pension fund ewr to be t:ompleted. •·W hat tht• sale means for Coast Federal." Blakt.•ly said. "is t hat wf! (·an now uiw the prOCl•(<d~ from the transa<:tion to make n('W mortgage loons lo families SCt>k ing housing in California . It's a dc..·al w h('re C'VL't'ybody is a wmn<•r " Unnam e d units sell fa s t LAGUNA NIGUEL -Digital Datat'Om Inc .. an Oran ge Coun ty indus t rial computer systems man ufacturer, announced 1t has received an $8.9 million contract from Therml'On Corp .. of Tustin. for m1croprocessor·based computC'rs the company had re<:e ntly developed for its own use. Thl' contract with Thermcon . a producer o f soft ware-based syst em s for s peC'i fic b u s iness a p plication s. rep resents a n adju nct to Digital Datac.-om's trad1uonal marketing of full scale systc~ for Cactory data _P-roccssing to_cust.omers .S.l.1CLIS rtugnes-Alrcr aTt a n CI -i-cledync, Corp. The major contract is for more tha n 1.000 new microc.-omputcrs - so new they haven't been named or even announf ed as produ<"ts aimed al original equipment manufacturing (OEM) marketplare. Gulf changes GA name SAN DIF.GO (AP) -General Atomic Corp., a high-technology and a tomic research company with 1,800 e mployees. h as c ha n ged its name to G A Technologies Inc. · Gu lf Oil Corp. announc:ed the change and said n was now full owner. In a complex transaction. Gulf said Royal Dulch Shell subsidiary Scallop Nuclear lnC'. 'Sold its tnterest for 57 acres of vacant laDd nearby m Torrey Pines and other considera tions. No details were announced . bu t that land reportedly 1s wor th between $30 million and $50 million. · In 1973, Gulf sold half-interest m General Atomic lo Shell for $75 million. The hrm was founded an 1955 and sold lO G ulf in 1~67. UPS AND DOWNS . .. • lt ... +JI-. . ~. '· . '. • 1'"' ... HEW YOAt< 11"PI Tiit fOllOw•"9 11$1 -· .... ....... YoH Stock E•(ll<lnge •10<~\ •nG wMrMlh IMI """" -141 IM MOii -down 11\e mosl INS<tcl on i::u~t~ <'*'9t r~telltU ot YOl"- HO MCurillft lroldlnQ bflOW u ••• 111<1· udtd Ht l •nd per~tonl-cll.on9u ••• lht dllttrt nu 0.1-11 I~ pr~•ou• <I0•1"9 P•l<t ·~ 1-y·s i~sm P"•• 1 Ttl:.~ YI~ ."'f, 1 SIP•ctp 11"-• 11, J Plllll"d pl l4 • • 4 WllCoO\ Pl 102 • IJ s Cief\ll• 9 .... 14. 6 ~IPlly• 20 • flo 1 •r Wut~n ""' • "' I W\ll'ort•I 1711,. I'• • llP L ~ J\, • \.o 10 FllSIMI It .. t 1-.. 11 Altlt (.N im •~ , '• 11 CM <llMl'I 21• r • ) I) l(.ulld pl1" 14'• • I .. IA M-lte n JS • )\,, II Hel -· 4'o • "9 lt a,Ttrr~Kll u:: ~ ~' • ti ltocllnl,..; 1' I ,. lr;•VflJl'f"n JIO I J"-ri 11't' ~:, a;~: : > •• u lnt ... t llet JO•, , t'-U ""toCll ,.. '-Je Stitt L.e!J IJ... • •• IS Qeflst ... Of 11 • I 't SYMIOl.S DOWN$ LU\1, C~'• 11. '• t i-. '• 19 • 11.o •.. ... ,., .... 11' I 1 " .. >'" ,,, , \, ,. '"' . " U'• I ,t!: '.! •'• "'' ,.. "' '"' .. ,.. ~. Jt' .,, __ ,,.. >i. 10•. "' ,,.. . .. ,,. .. IJ \t PU. Up u J UP Ill Up IJ l UP ll.J Up 12 0 Up l l • Up n.t Up II 2 tip II I Up IO I Up IU UP 10) Up 101 Up IOt Up 10.0 Up 9 1 Up •.I Up 9 1 Up U UP t S UP 9.j UP •S Up •• UP 9.l U• •• Pel 011 14 0 Oii • , Otl .., Ott r.1 011 7 0 Oil 6 I Otl •t Ott • J Otl H g:: H 0 11 •• Ou i t 011 ,. 011 ).• Ott j I Ott 'I Ott '0 Otl J 0 Otl •• Oii •• 0 11 41 ~I o I 4 7 I 4 t METAl.S HEW YORK IAPI tMl81 prt<:es tnd•Y Spot nonle,,ous C opper 12• .. JS cenl5 a pouno US oe111natooos LMd 23·26 Qtnl$ • pou!ld Z1llc 4().42 C«llt • pound dell-eel fin S6 25'5 Me1all WMll COMP0$119 ID AllH'ltlnvm 71S QC!flll e POU"d H Y M9rc11ry S31SS 00 pet llHk "'""•"' $337 OO·S3•3 00 troy ounc• jllY GOLD QUOTATIONS IJ The Aeeocl•led ''"' Sel«lecf WOtld golO P<K:fl toelt) Londo!I morning t1urig S.!ll 50, up $2 SO LonOon erternoon ll•lng S•27 SO, olf S3SO ,.,.. ellern00<1 hung S•3 I 1• up $8113 F1 ... lvr1 llaong $4:M 01 ""SI 02 Zwlctl fate all .. noon t<••na $427 60 011 $2 SO I>'<! S•28 60 a$11td Kendr • Herm•n 1on1y dally quol•I ~27 ~. oll S3 60 lf19eltl••d !only datly QuOllJ $427 60 up so 26 1:,..111.,d 1onry dt••v Quo101 S448 118 up S02T STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVEI - , Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, November 3, 1982 • 'II MUC NOflC( --·---,..-IC~NO-,-,c-c-~1\·,-___Ml_IC_NO_T_IC_E ______ Mt._l_C _MO_T_IC_( __ YOU AM .. DIUUU UMDllll A NOTICE or DEATH OP' Mft°"T OP CONDITION ::,~:.::,. ~r u1~ tCl.~: AUR!D c OILLEN' AND Con1ot1d1t1no dom11t1c 1ub1ldl1r1t1 ot int L.lbttty YOU TAM. yo 'NOTSCT 0 p p ET 1T 1 0 N T 0 N1tlon11 Bink of Huntington B11ch In tht 1te10 of YOU" '" TY, IT MAY II ADMINISTER ESTATE NO Ctlllomla, It tl\e clolt of butln ... on S.ptembtr 30. :_~g :_~~L~ = AllHO · 19H publllhed In rNc>onN to c111 made by Comptroller NATUH 0, , .. "'OCllDINO T o all hctln1 bc<nt"fid arl of the Currency, under till• t2. United S tatH Cod•. AOAINIT YOU YOU tHOULD di d . ( . Seotlon 1111 CONTACT A LAWYlll cro tor • "" contln~l'nt Ch.,ter number 1730I NOTK:I Of' TRUlftl't tA&.I credlt.urt of AUr ~ c. Ulllen AlllTI '·'· .... -. and p cnon1 who may be NOTICe IS HEAEIY 01vtN. 1"-1 o therwiH lnt('l't'lllC'd an \he on W~1y. Nowmtltr 17. INZ. wlU and/or l .. taw: llatemeftt of ...... rcH end Llabllltlff •• •-«> o ctock • m of Mid dly. II\ A . pel.ltlon hall been filed Thouaand1 of dollare 9,808 ~'::.=:a':.. ~111~t!°!ri'11G1~ by Miry I Glll•n In lh• Cllt\.due from depo11tory ln1tltutlr>na REAL ESTATE Sl!CURl~ES Superior Court of Qr11n gt> Obllf'tlon1 of otti.r U.S . Gov't. Sl!Rv1cE. 1oc11ed 11 2020 North County requ..-a t lnj th1o1l 1gencle1 encl corp.a ................................................. 2 .404 l~::i~. i~~1~;~~~~r.~ Marr 1. Ofllon tx-appulntoo All other .. eur1t101 .......................................................... 150 ol C1lllornl1, SAN MARINO 8li personal rep~ntaUV4' to Federtl funds sord and 88CUrltlet S A VINGS AND l 0 AN administer the l'Slale o ( purchased under ,agreements AS SOCIATION, • C1llfo1n11 Alfred c. Omen (Undt'r thf' to resell ..................................................................... 1,3t5 corporellon. 11 dvt~ •ppoln1td Independent Adminllltratlon L.oana Total (excluding fNal .. vnO., end purtuent 10 the • powar or 1111 conferred 111 11111 ul Estaws Act). The peutlon unearned Income .............. ,_ ............ 9 .356 Gtflatn OMd of Tru11 uec:u11<1 by ia aet lor hearlna in IA-pt Less: Allowance for RICHARD d!:~I :; ~;~~1·~ No. 3 at 700 Civic Cenlt•r possible loan losses ........................ 18 ~~ '~fe7 01 Ot~tc111 R9c:otd•' of Drive. West . an the 'City of loans, Net ............................................................ e .338 1110 count y. 11 page 110. Santa Ano, California o" Bank premises, F,F.& E .. etc ..................................... 1,043 RecOfO.r'• 1ns1rvmen1 No. 19519. Dceen1bcr I, 1982 at 9:30 All other assets .............................................................. 370 by rMton of a bra1ch or default In am TOTAL ASSETS 24 228 ~:T;;!~lo~r1 P:;~o:rn;~n~~.~~~~~ • IF YOU 0 8JfX'1'. lo t!;!~ """"'LiAiii'l:iri'Ei""""'"'"'"'""'""" ' Including Ulat breech or Oafaull, granting Of the pellUon, you Demand deposltS Of lndlvlduall, No11c1 ot Wfllch wlS '~°''*' July should either appear at the partnerships, and corporations '"'"'"""""'""'"'" 3 ,961 2i, t982, H Recoroec • 111•1ru1Mnt hearing and state your Time and s avings d e posits o f lndlvld als Nq 12·252694· WILL SELL AT objections or file written J d u ' PUBLIC AUCTIO'N TO THE b " ... h pannetshlps, an corporations """"'""""'""""' 12,991 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH 0 JeCt1 o ns Wlln l e cou rt Deposits Of United S tates Government ....................... 38 11wtu1 money of tilt Unllld States. before the hearing. Your C tlfled and om,.,.. • h k 418 or • c11n1tt'1 check drawn on 1 appearance may be in person er ..... rs .c \tC 1 ..................................... . ..... or netlonal bank • llllC or b t.o Total depotlts ............................................................ 17,408 lederel credit union, o; a 111te or or .I t yo~r OtU rn4Z.R E A Total demand deposits ....................... 4,417 ledet11uv1ng1111d1oan 11eor1at1on Total time and sayings deposits ..... 12,991 oomtclltld In 1hl• s11••· ell payeb11 et CREDITOR or a ronungent Fedef'al funds purchased a nd Ille lime of nle. 111 r1g111. 1111e 111d creditor of the deceased you 1n1er1a1 halo by 11. 11 Truatff. in m ust file your claJm with the aecurltle1 sold under egreements C11111 reel ptoperty 111uate" rri .. ,d court or present 11 to the to repurchase ........................................................... 1,919 ounly and Stat•. dHcrlb•d 11 All other llablhlles 246 1o11ow1· personal reprt>sentlllave .......................................................... . ufXHl81T A" appointed by the court TOTAL LIABILITIES • PUCEL 1: within four months from the (excludlno subordinated no1es i~~ ~~2 ao~:;·r~~~eJi;~: date of first issuance of and debentures) E'"o"u"'1'r"'y'"'c"~A"P"'1'T'""L ...................... 19,573 'o 6 . p • g • s 1 5 to 2 II o 1 lelters as provided in Section A Ml•c•llaneovs Maps, 11corda of 700 of the Probate Code of Preferred stock '°'u"re;~~"T~~~EF~M a1i oM, Calif ornia. The time for No. s hares outstanding None o11 tlghla. minerals. mlnttal rlghta. filing claims wall not expire Common stock n11u111 gu tight• 1nd othet to four months from the date No. shares authorized 800,000 hydroc11bon sub111nces t>tlow • of the he anng noticed above. No. shares outstanding 600 ,000 ........................ 2,500 depth of 500 IMt undet Int Pltcet YOU MAY EXAMINE S urplus .......................................................................... 2,493 of land herein •bov• dHerlbfd the file kept by the court. If Undivided profits and reserve wlltloUt the right of su1f1ee entry. 'ARCIL t: you are In teres ted in the l~r contingencies and o ther An exclusive nHm1nt for estate, yOll may ftle a request capita l reserves ........................................................ (3J8) ~-~~fT~= ~~~~:.~.~ with the court to receive TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL .......................................... 4,6 55 Int Oecllrlllon ot RNlrlcttooi tor spec i a I not lc e of the TOT AL LIABILITIES ANO th• LO:• Masier AuoGtallon. inve ntory of e s lale assets EQUITY CAPITAL ................................................. 24,228 reco<dod S1p1embor t9, 1977 tri and of the petitions, accounts • MEMORANDA NOTICI INVJTINO IMOI T·t ...... NO II(. II Hf!APllY OIVt N 11111 NOTICI al1 TlllUITll'I I.ALI .. lltKI P'OOOUl•."'111119rte.•t~ao1>y .... ,.,., Ille C..lt Of COtll Mell II thlf otlau YOU AAI .. Ol•AUl l UNIN'" A al Iha Coty c ... k at Ille Clly littll . .,, DllO O• TMleT OATID MAY_~! Fiii Drift, Coe•• MIU, C11ilo1n11 ,., UNLlll YOU , ••• ACTION unlll 111• 110111 OI I I 00 a m . TD PflOTICT 't()Utt "'Of'IRTY, OllCambtl 1e. 1'"'· •• whic;ll llm• IT MAY .. IOLD AT • ~u•&.IC tllu~ "''" b• opt neo publicly and I 4 l I • I fl 'Y OU NI ID AN , .. d 11oud In 11)41 Counc;ll Chaml>tll IXPLANATION DI' TH• NATURI 101 f UHNlllilNO All LA BOR, 0' THI P"OCllDINO AQAINIT MATERIALI. fOUIPMl!NT, YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A TAANSPO~TATION ANO 8UCH LAWYI". OTHfR ~ACILITll!8 A8 MAY BE On th• 261h Oar ol November R[QIJIRl!D lO PAOVIOI! PARK '"'· Iii Ill• llOUt or n 00. m •• c 0 Na I Ru c I I 0 N 0 N A ND Iha ••11 Strffl anit•nc.• or lhe new HE l A T I 0 S I HI &J T IM Cout11y (;o\111hou .. IOCllad 11 700 PROVU'4ENTS ,OA VIST A CIVIC C11t111r Om• WHI lotmwly PAl\I< IU1f)Wn .. 100 Wot 8111 StrHI. A "' 01 p11na, 1pec111c•t1on1, llld •11u11.a in tnt Cny or San111 Ana othtt con1rac1 ooc11rnentt n11y b• County ol O•anot. Stolt ot obll1lntO In tho ofllc.t Of 11\t C111torn11. CO NT INCNT Al' Oep$rlmtnt Of L.elturl StrvlCtl. 77 AUXILIAIH' COMPANY, A C111fo1n10 hit Otl\lf, Co•11 M••a. Calllornla, Co1p01111on. H Trvll" und•t Ooed J.IPoll rtctll)I 01 I nonrthinOlblt '" ol I rvll dalaO Mey I 108 1 of so 00 II blddlll r.ciu.tl ptltlt •MKulad bt' JANNA M FELICIANO. and ~U1C•t1on1 t>t mlllld, Int 1ri unm1meo •om•n Ind rec:O<dtd c;ha1ga will bt t 7 SO 1>9r Ml on M1y 11 1981 at 1n11rumtnl No l!t1ell'fbld t111ll be made Qll Iha 129!10 ol Olltelal AecOIOt Countv ptoPo•ll IO<rn •n<I In Ille m1nna1 or Orange Calllornta. glvtn 10 pro" Id• d 1 n t II a c; on I t D c; I MCiure an indoblednHI In l•vor ol doc um• n It , an O 1h111 b • Ban~ol Amlflel No11onal T1u11 and 1ccomp1nlad t>y • c1rt1llo<1 01 8 ev1ng1 A11oc101ton. 1 n1t1on11 ou11101'1 ohlCk or 1 bid bond for banktno 011oc1111on. by r1uon or nol 1111 than 10 p•rconl of Ill• tilt br•11ch ot Iha ot>llg111ons amount of Ill• t>ldt, made payabljr a&cur•d 111e1eby, nollGo ol which 10 11111 Clly..ot Collll MHI 'wlS recorded on Jvt1t 30. 1982. I) Tn1 Con111ctor ah1ll, In 1111 1nst1umen1 No 112·22•270 of p1rlotm1nca of 1111 worl' and OH1c111 Recoro1 ot Hid Orange lmprov1m1n11. contorm to the County and more 1n1n 1nre• Labor Cod• of the Stal• of montllt h••• el1pHd 111;1c:• aucll Calllorn1a and 011111 11.w1 Of Ill• ••cordallon, will Hll at publlc Sltlt OI CaUlotnle 1ppllc1bl1 1ucllon to \h• lllgh"l bldd•r tor thereto, w11h tll• e•cepllOll only ot cuh or ,a cHhler'a check drawn on eucll v1tl111on1 at may be required e 1111e or national blnk. a llala or under 1111 1pec;1a1 a1a1u1" pvrtuen1 loderal credit 1,1nlon or a 11110 or 10 which proceedings 11treunder ere fader II savings and loon 011oc11llon taken and which have not been dorn~11e<1 ll'I lh11 11111 (payat>lo 111 supe1Nded by Ille p1ov11lona 01 tllt 11me or u1e In lawful money ot tll• Labor Code Prelerenc• 10 111>ot UnlleCI States ot America) w1111ou1 tllall be gl-1 only In the manner covan1.n1 0t warrenty eapress pr prOVIOad by law Implied as to !Ille. posseaslOll 0t No bid 111111 be considered vnlnf •nc11mbr1ncea Ille Inlet all 11 11 m•de on • lorm 1Urlli8he<I by t0nveyed ta Ind now held t>y the tll1 City or Costa Mau. ano II mM!e 1110 Ttustee vnder Hid D••d 01 In accordalrice wltll lhe prov111on1 ot lrutl. 111 ind 10 1110 tollowlng the propoHI 1eq11lremen11 described ptoporty ~1tv11ed 1n the Each bidder muat be Uoenaed end County ol 0 range. Stet• 01 also pr1qu1lllled a.required by law Calllornla. to wit. Thi City Counc;il ot Ill• City ol EJCHlllT .. ,. .. Costa Miia r•erves !he tight IO lots 0 and 4S OI Traci No 51'. In reject any or •ff bldt. 1t1e City of Costa Mesa, Covnty or Ell_, P Phinney Orengo Stale ol C•fllotn11. as Crty Clefk of Illa ahown on a map theteot r1C01dod 111 C11y ol Costa Mesa book 10 page 3 M11c•ll1n•ou1 Put>lllhld 011ng1 Coul Dally Maps. tecords 01 n•d County Pilot. Nov 3. 8, 19!2 EXCEPTING THEREFROM Loi 44 • 4868·82 an und1v1ded on•ll•ll 1n1erHt of all PUBLIC NOTICE • 19117 NOTICI OF PU81.IC 8AlE Of l'E"SONAL PAOPE"TV (Unl1wt11I Otlallltf) oil ane1 rn1ne1el r•ghll tn end under 111e East 111111 ot aald l•l)d, es 1aSetveO In th• deed lrorn Greco M. Br1n1em1111. recorded May 8. 1952. 1n 1>ook 2326: page 412. 0111c1a1 RICOfdS MllC NOTICE ,IC f1f10UI iOl*iH NAMl ITATlflllNT Jiit 101e>w1ng 1>«.ot1• 111• dolno 111.1 .. ,,... .. 0 • l SUPPL V COMPANY 3~ NO 1-12 AvocllClo 811"1 COtlla M9M C1hl()(1111 t2t21 0.00.1 I H1n1&, 350, .. 0 HJ, Av oeaoo OltHI, COiia M••• C1111ornl1 02027 laura Mlrk.,lln, 3&0, No HQ, Avocado l traat, Coate Me ... C1111orn1a 92027 ln11 bu11ne .. 11 conauc1.o by • ~·I plr1nttenlp O.bre I H1n11 Leu•• Mlrklttl!I nu• 1111-1 wy 11~ w1111 u1e CO\lnly Ct«i. Of 011not County Oii NO\ltfnll4lt I. 198:1 11201072 Pvb111nod Oronge Cou, Oally PllOI, Nov 3, 10 'IT, 24, 1982 MUC NOllCl -- FICTITIOUI __, ...... UfllllTATIMINT IQll011>1no C)eftOl\I "I dOollQ ...... THI! AINTAL IPfCIAL18T5, 30131 Tow11 Ctnltf D11v1 135, L119vr1• N19~ C1!ll011111 enn NIQUl l AUO,lllt• lllC •• c•11111nt1 c;orl)OtlllOn 30 I) I TOwl'I Can101 Drive 13~ l ..,11111 N1ov•I Calltornijt 92011 l hll bullneN 11 c:on<I"'''° by a tOtpotallOO Nlfllel AHOC:lllH, Inc; Rleh11d D H1111ton Pr-IOenl Tlllt fllltf'lltllll wit Med Willl IM Cwn1y C141<11 of Otano-County on 8t1>1tMllar 21 1112 11117 ... Pubo•11•0 011ng• Coau D111v 111101 0(.t io 21 Nov 3, 10 '"' 4~91-U ou.12 ----------------------~ Nil.IC NOTICE "CTITIOUI 8U .... H NAllH ITATIMINT Th• lollow1ng pe1eon1 are tlOlllQ bllllllMI H All PACIFIC ~INANCIAL. •41 N N1wpo11 Blvd Sullo 203. Newporl Beech. 01'1 82863 JOHN K OJAHANGIRI 8591 Lartllorn, Huntington BHch. CA "'1148 GEORGE ISKANDER, 859 t L1r111orn, H11nunglon BHc;h, CA 92646 Tllit bullntM II COllcluctod by I NmtlllCI Plflnttat)lp ' Johll K Ojh1ngtri Tiii• 11111men1 wH tiled with Illa County Clerk 01 Otenge Co1.1n1y on Oct. 11. 198~ Fltt*ll Put>ll tntd Orange Cont Dally Pilot. Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, U 3S-12 Pla.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUI aus1 .. u1 NAME ITATEMENT the following persons are OOlng bus1n1st u BASHFUL PALACE. 2284 1 Cl1 ude Circle. Lake Foratl. Calllorn1a 92630 Beverly Krl1u1e1n, 22641 Clauda Clrcl•. Lake Fore II. C111lorn1e 92630 Peg 9 Y Jo MO ore. 3 1 • ''\' Dt•mond. BalbOa lalend, Cahloml• 92662 Tnos t>usinats 11 conducted by a o-tal partnership Beverly KrlUSll•n Tiits 1111emen1 was filed wlln lhl County Clerk ol Orange Count~ on October It, 1982. Fttne1 Pubn1hed 011nge CoHt Diiiy P1101. Nov 3, 10, 17, 2•. 1982 4843·82 Nil.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUI .U ... H NAME ITATIMINT Tiit IOllOWl"O pettonl Ma dotng bUlllltM H IMAGE MI CRO '253·8 Pomona. Coll• MH•, C1t11ot111• 92627 C1111IH No1111n Sym111ono•. 22S3·B Pomon•. Cot1• Mtu . Calllornl• 92627 Lind• R1ye Symmondt. 2263"8 Pomona. Co111 MHI Cal1torn1a 92627 Tllil OOllrtHf IS eonduelod by e ganerll p111ner5hlp (Inda Rev-Symmond• Thlt lllletl'ltlll WH 111.0 With I~ County Clefll ol 011ogo County on October 16, 198~. fl11M10 Published Orange CoHI Deily P•IOI Oct 20. 27. Nov 3, 10, 1982 •563·82 • Pt8LIC NOTICE FIC,TITIOUI IUSINHI NAME STATEMENT Tiit IOllowi~g peraons ara do.ng OOlllllSI as DAVE'S ··wRENCH IN TVME", 245 Fischer Street. B· 1, "Colle Mesa. Californla 92628 David Willlem Fulbtight, 23151 LOI AlllOS ¥ 152. MIHlon V1e10 Cahlornla 92691 Mobile M9'han11. a Ca~lorne1 corpo1111on. 245 F11cll•• Sl•HI, B· 1. Coal• Mesa, Cehl()(nta 92628 Tiii• business 15 conducted b~ a h~ed p4ltne1ah1p David W Fulbright Thi• 1111emen1 WDI filed Wilh lh• County Clerk ol Orang• County on Septamber 28, 1982 L, • F1M502 Pvbl1shed Orange Coot Doily P1lol. Oct 20, 27. Nov 3, 10, 1982 4627·82 boOlc 12ae2. page t265 of Olflcill and reports described an Amounts outstanding as of report date: Aeeotcn ... carpor1 IP-CPl12 Sec tion 1 2 0 0 5 o f the Said HMm•nt Is turtlltf daltnllCl Cali! p-.. -· Cod standby letters of credit, total .................................... 65 and dtlcrtbod 111 Artlcll 11 o4 seld o rnia ........ te e. We, the undersigned d irectors attest the correctness of In th• Mallet of. Ring Bro1he11 Management CorPOtellon, Pl11n1111. v1<1u1 £ar1h F'oocts C0tpo11t1on. a C1lllornl1 corpor111on. Oelendanl Attention II Olrect.O lo Ille lec;t that lhe oil etc IS axe.plod ltom the dHcripllon In 11111 gvarantee l----Dll-.,-,,C-NO-T-ICE ___ _ and any poHc:y Issued In tlle name of ----'"-~---------fltlJl.IC NOTICE D1c1er111on. 1nc1udlng Parking P a • I Kon• P e 1 s k Y • this statement of resoufcttS and liabllltles We declare s~~cE3L8g: A tt 0 re e Y • t I.. 1 w • 1 5 5 0 th et It has been examined by us, and to th~ best o f our • purchaser at 1 Hll undet H ld FICTfTIOUI 8UIOll!ll FICTITIOUI .UIMll Dffd ol Trust will 1lao contain Hid HA• I TATEMl!NT NAME STATEMENT An non-exc1ua1va .. M!Tlfil, for Clteatnut Str eet, Santa Ao.a , knowledge and belief Is true and correct. CllH No 38-07·90. Superior Court, County or Otange, State 01 Calllornla J Oii excepllon Tiie loUowlng ~1on1 are doing The IC>llowlng 1>9<10111 11• dOlng The address or 011\or common buslnoll as· bvllness as: uM and enjoyment ol LOts 237 and CalJfornla 92701. T elephone : Robert w. Smiley 238 ol Hid Tract No 9423. H id 5'1·5U7. .J 0 H f NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl\.IEN thll pursunt to Seclton 1988 ol lh• Crv1I Code, Slit• of C111fornl•. 1111 underllgnld will 5111 •I public .. ,. l>y CompltlliWI 'bidding Oii. iiie 22nd day of November, 1082. •I 10-00 o'clOCk A M., on lhe ptemiaU where NICI pr()j)41rty lies been stored 1110 ~ at• IOCAJ.eO.aJ 2062..Bullnesc. C1n1er Dt • Suite 100, lrv1n1. Calllorn11. th• 11>1ndoneo.. good1, destgna11on, II any. Of the real CARTE·TUNES PUBLISHING, LE BALLET PALLAS. 12942-A properly de1cr1bed 1bov1 la 177 R1v111ld• Av•. Newport Beech. M90no111 Avenue. Sultt78, G9'0en HMmelll being lurl/ler defined Ind P•bllslttd Oreoa" Coast Dell) · on art elder d11c1lb•d In Arl1c1t 11 or th• Pilot, Nov. i. •. It, Jtat Phll S . lnglee purported 10 t>e 301·307 Avoc1do CA 92663 Grove. California 92641 S11ae1. Cost1 MOH. Calllornla ~EVIN KREIS, 11602 E 207111. LE BALLET PAl.L.AS INC .• e Dtd1r111o11 ot Restrictions. referred • tHt-1% Directors 10 T":i:'!f:"'.;1 •::tr .. s ot 01111, fltlJl.IC NOTICE I. Jan'les 0. Ott. of the above-named bank do hereby 92827, th• unda111gned TruetH L•kewooct. CA Caltlornla corpo11tlon. 12942·A dlu:l1ims any llablllty 101 any CRAIG MILLER, 527 R1ve11, MIQllOlla Aven~. Suitt 78. G1rden common dHlgn•llon or Ill• real declare that this Report o f Condition Is true and correct 1ncorrectn1u or the 1ddren or Seal Beech. CA 90740 Grove Cllllqrn11 92641 011181 cornmon dfllglllllOll. II any BRIAN TANNEHILL. 11515 Thtl oosrness .. ~uctec:I by a property herelnebova dMCl'lbed 1a NOTICE TO cMOtTOflS to the best of my knowledge and ~let pu'l1Qrted 10 be: Hl8 L1k1p1nH. Of' auuc T".ANll'P • James O. Ott lllown llefeln Mapladalt Notwalk~ CA . .80650 COtPOlll '· 11 the aloreHld propeny has no Tl\11 business 11 conducted by • le Blllel Piiia• Inc; Irvine C1lil0tnla ANO OF INTINTION TO The u 11 d era I g ne d he, e by T"ANIFI!" ALCOHOLIC ~ Put>lilhed Orange Coas1.D1lly Piiot. Nov 3. 1982 11ree1 address or other common genaral partnership Jnn Sare. oealgnallon, dlrf1Cllon1 IS lo how lo Kavin Kreis PrellO•nl 4825-82 cne11111, or peraonal property dlaclalms 111 llsblllt~ tor 1ny IEVE"AQE LICENSE incorrectness In said"'"' ldd,.11 (a.c., 9'01 .. 107 U.C.C. ,.._IC NOTICE described as follows· ----Dll-.,-,-NO-T_C____ ·Ona 5""0allon SpBJ'llltllt water, locllo such pro perty may be Thi• stalement WIS hied wllll the This 1t11emen1 was tiled wllh tllt obt11ned from Ille 84tn1llcr11ry under County Clark ol Ot111ge County on County Clerlt of Orang• County on 0t otner common deslgnallon Md 24073-74 I a P Code) .,.,,_ Seid HI• ..... be mid• wlllloul NOllCe IS ller•by glllen lhll • bul• ...... t. ____ .,._~_IC ___ l_E _____ one couch (no cushlon•J. lour Hid Deed o f T rutt. 11 whou Oct 11, 1982 October 11, 1982 raqueit lhe HI• 11 10 bt conducted, F1thOI Ftll310 warr1nty, a11pr11s or Implied, 11ansler. lnclud lnq an alcollollc NOTICI Of' T_.TIE'I SALE regarding till•. poua11ton, or btver1ge licenM, it 1bov1 10 be ..._ "04eOI FICTITIOUI 8U9*Ell chalrt. one gl111 •n.d t1bl1, one NAME ITATIMINT Clldenu. one Ouk; 11c111ery, Tll• tollowlng pareon 11 doing Wlllebllllli. lhr .. bor<ll compu1er our1v1nt to • wrl11on ••quest Publlsh1d 011nge Cout Dally Publlslled Otange CoHI Dally aubmtlled, within 1111 01y1 from Illa Pilot, 0c1 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 1982 Pllol, Oct 13, 20, 27. Nov 3, 1982 flr1t publ1cat1on ol lhlt Nolie;• 10 4470·82 4516-82 •ncumbr1ncH, 10 11tl1fy Iha made ol that certain PIU.1 P81''!" YOU AM ...... AULT uec>I" A prtnclpll belanc:. of Ille Nott or business known u OESPEAADOS DQIO ~ TIIUaT DATm .M.V I otlltt ot>llgallon ncured by u ld PIZZA and IOClllCI •I 5932 W1mtt 1•1 UM.aU YOU TAKI ACM O..d of 'Trust, wlth 1n1tfnt MO A-. e1t7 of Hunung\on Bea.ch, TO P"OTICT VC>tM ..,.0""TY other 1um1 11 provided tllareln, County o Orenga. Siiia ol IT MAY N SOLO AT A PUaLIC plua 1;iv1ncea, II any, under 1111 Ct1lilorn1e 928<18 • SA l I 1, y 0 u NEE D AN term1111eteol and Int-I on klcll Nl!,mu of Tr1nsl•ror1 and EXPlAHATION OF THE NATU"E •4'Venotl. and plu1 IMt , cl\11091 l~llMI. toeil.I iocurily numbar OF THE PflOCEEDINQ AGAINST 1N1 ~-of the Trutl .. and of a nd b111ine .. 1ddre11 •rt. YOU YOU IHOUl.O CONTACT A IN lNlll cruttld bfNld DMd of KENNETH 0 WISE, SS No LAwYt" rn11t. TM 101a1 1moun1 01 111d ~Y~~2 == ~~· On T...:..S.y. Novemw so. 1992, ollfloallon. lncluOln9 rea1on1bly TfMOfHY R GREENE SS No' 11 11 30 1 m .• ll.'PERIAL a1tlmet•d tees, Ch1rga1 Ind ........ ••sa, IO"'" G'-.:._. """'·-. BANC 0 R p , a Ca 1110 rnI 1 ~of the Trust• • ., the lime ....,, ........., '" -""""' .,.,.,.., 1 d ot lriftlal publlealion ot thl• Notice. Is Huntington Beec:tl C1litornla 92646 corpor111on. II duly appo nt• M5,11 I 19 N-. IOClll Mc:ut1ty numbtf and Ttul\11 und1f 1rid purtuant to Dl1ed October 22. 1982 bu11n111 1d01e11 of ln1ond10 O..d ol Tr1111 record•d July 14, SAN M•RINO S GS Tr'"9feree ta: GUY T TOMA SS 1981 II tnatr No 171•4, book ANO LOAN ~AVIH NO . 569-80·8088, 9129 Nonh 14138, P•O• 1452. ol Olllclal ASSOCIATION M.,.,... Pecmc:a °''"•· Long Beach. Rec:ord•. 8XllCUled by Slltldon N bullnlll u lhtltt•. lour Iola MC>l'lllll. -THE ARTS IN ORANGE lll•PllOllH, ona tape playar, Ian COUNTY. 3857 Blrcll Slr .. I, Suill pl1n11. one IOd1rig m1clllna. two 503. Newport B11ch, c111tornla l1dg1r1, uu .. nottbook1. plHllC 92660 ,. cover for cllalre; elglll QHH Madelyn Btlh Weich. 4799 E UIOfled ptodUCIS. Ocean Blvti .. No 4, Long Beach, Tiie ebOva propatly la tub).ct 10 Cllll0tn•• 90803 • Hll'I IOt 11or111• 111d C081t of .... fjllt busl,_ 11 condvcted by 1n Dlltd lhil 26tll day Of Ocloblf. lnOlvldUIJ 1 lle2 Mlldllyn hill Welch M ••••Vt. Mum ptr I Tiits 1111-1 waa lll•d Wltn the Hughes County Clerk ol Orangt County on By Ralph C N1v11ro November 1 19112 Allomeys tor Pllin11ff • flOton 333 South Hope SlrMI Put>lishad Oran1.• Coast Dally ~5111:=.. CA 90071 PllOI, Nov 3~ 10• 1 • 24• 19::81-82 Publl1h: Or1nge COHI Dally Pnot, Nov. 3. 1982 fltlJl.IC NOTICE 4833·82 1vch Benefoc1ary 11 the following address. Bank of Atneflea N111on11 rrvat end S1v1no1 Auoc:latton Loar Adjoatrnent Dtp111men1 No 4'J.i f. Fateclosura Section, •5 South Hudton Avenue, Paa•d•n•. Calltornle 91101 t 1111 10111 amount ol tho unpald bal111ce of the notl(•l MCurod by nlo Dead ol T1u11. wllh ln t.,est 1neraon. u prov\Oed II\ 1tld note(e), edVences. If eny, urns.r Int terms o4 MOd Deed o4 Ttust, lnclucllng r-. cllerge.s 111d ••P•n••• or th• Trustee. es of the dlll of t"9 1nl1ie1 publ!Utton of 1111 Nolle• or Sale is S2,504.386 92 PtllllC NOTIC£ P\&.JC NOTICE REPORT OF CONDITION ~onsolidatlng domestic sub sidiaries of the "MARINE ATIONAL BANK" of Santa Ana In the state of California, t the close of business on September 30, 1982, published In response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12. United States Code, Section 161. Chert•r 17052 National Bank Region No. 13th ASSETS. Dollar Amount• In Thouundt u Trus1M Clltfornla 90803 CnaH and G11ce l ClllH, By REAL ESTATE Toti! oonllderatlon 10 be plid'lor husband Ind wue IS j<>lnt ltnlllll NOTICE TO Cfll.Pt'TORS SECURITIES SERVICE the ~ dttcrtbod 111 .-.-11 H trullot(I) 111 the office of thl _a•"" T ........ ., .. 1 caJotornl8 corporetton, 11 ;i17i~~ .. 111 trede ,,;1~;-.. · County Recorder of Orange County ""'" ................... " Name, Street Add••H and Telephone Number ol Ttullee or Olhll person "'1'du<:tlng Iha Hl8 •• ---... -.. -,,-C-NO-T-IC_E ___ 1 Dlltect-Octot>er 12· •982 ----il""<!.;~.·atement at-Resources 1md Lrabttitles-,..~ CONTI N£Nl AL AUXILIARY COMPANY C ash and due from depository Its Aganl equipment and good ..;. aogeu* Stale Of Caltlor1111, Will SELL ~T No\~eL t1s10~:.~~·~·l~·!n 10 NOTICE o~'r~~~::.E'S SALE Bv· (SEAL' 0 J Mor..-woth lhe lieetiM It $100 000 00 PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHE T I d 45 South Hudson,,.....,_ Institutions ............................................................ 2.702 lls,Pr-'",:_t .,.... 1 _ C'-k in etcrow' Sl.OOOOO BIDDER FOR CASH (payable al credrtors o 1111 within name T.I . No. F-2314/Helllf 61h Floor Obligations -of other U.S . Gov"t. PHadena CA 91 tot ........ _, . . ' Nit lawf I money Of Ille 111nslerors lhll • bulk 111n1ler IS NOTICE , 2020 North Broadway byl~s11°:':::!ot:i~ :;:IQed ~~~ Sttt~l 11 ~lie lront ol th• abo111 10 be made on par•onel YOU AAE IN 0£FAUlT UNOEA A By B wi11tama agencies and corporations ..................................... 801 e...0111c10 Agent _ All other securities ............................. : ....................... 180 I ~ult~ ~ CA 92706 1 _ Note MCU~ad t>Y 2 deed• of lmPtflll Thrill and Loan 1>111ldlng 11 pr~ lleremaner OeKrlbod OE E O O F TA U a T O AT E O ', ~·1~11953~~.10 trvtt if\ fevor of Miiers. s62,ooo.oo 102 Wiii F1111 Street. Cuy ol Tuslln. T~m11 and buslnau address OCTOllR 7, 1111. UNLESS YOU 12131578.&010 Federal funds sold and securities -' St teorCallfOfnil 811/lght tllleand ofthe1n1onOICl1r1n1leror1ar1: TAK E ACTION TO PflOTf;CT ' Pvbn1 ad Orange Co111 Deny 1 -Oemancl Note represenhng a ' ' AUK SOO KIM. 1325 W Roberti YOU" PROPERTY, If MA Y IE Publlshoo Orrtriga Coast Dall~ purchased under agreements Pilot Oc1 27. Nov 3, tO. 1982 • Pilot, Oct. 27. Nov. 3. 10, 1:~~M2 ~=~,~~, :~~~~ 0:0~~":~ ~~~~:"~'&:, !~r~~~1n":"i! Av•. Fvneiton, Calllornla 92633. IOLO AT A ..uauc SAU . ., VOLi 4674.aa to sell ................................................................... •. 145 _Loans, Total (excluding i, • buyer'e IHUmptlon ol same ind i>toparty allulled In H id County SONG HOON KI M, 1325 W .. ID AN EJC"-ANATION OF THE ------------n111n11c NOTICE u1tsrectlonotcredlt0t1of~llor anoS111adft<:nbeClas Roberta Avenue Fulleraon. NATU"E OF THE P"OCEEDING fltlJl.IC NOTICE I niuu gr .. tec pt!Otlly In c;omploence wotll IXH191T A C1Hlornl1 92633 AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOUlll FICTITIOUS llUltNIESI Section 24074 01 Ille Buto1181$. and Loi 7 ol Tract No 95S2 lhown The locatlon ,n Cll1l0tnta of tl\9 CONTACT A LAWVER. NOTICE TO CMOlTOR8 NAME STATHllENT P•of8SSIOllS Coda s 13 000 ocr on. map lllereot rec;orOICI In 8oolt ell••' 81llCUlfv• Ollie• or p11nc1p1l On November 24, 1982. II 10 00 OF IUUt TRANll'I" 1 ...._ Kind ol llQenseio ~ trensl.,red 410. PagH 9 to 12 1nclu11v1 bu11nen olltca of Illa Intended AM BUCKEYE RECONVEVANCE (lees. 11014107 U.C.C.) bu~~1ow11 •. ng 1>9<aons 118 d-.., 100 number era. On·Sale Beet and M11c1Uaneous Mapa. records or tr11111erot II 1325 W Roberti COMPAN Y, a C 1 11t ot.n11 Notic e 11 11areby glvrtn to ......... ~ said OflnOI Courily A~ue. Fullet1on, C11110tnl1 92833 . .{;orpot111on u duly appolntad creditors or the within named HHP ASSOCIATES. 332 Fora11 Wint Ltcenae No 4l·l00832. Excaptlng from a portion ol The n1me end ootlnffa •ddren Truaiee und•r and pursvan1 10 1r1n1t1rot that a bulk 1r1n1far 11 , Av111U41. Suite 22. Leguna a.tell, Tiie 191• and lranatet win be , ....... land all 011 gas mlneralt ond ol lhe lnlended 1ren1leree 11· YOON Ooe<I ol T1us1 dated Oc1ober 7, 1bou1 10 be m1oa on peraonal · C•"1~n11 "2652 consummot.O al 10·00 a m on or ""' • · LI E E LI w • N G • 2 5 s N "~ " · olhef 11...t1dcarbon subtlanct1 f•Ang n n ,. , ~ ew 1981 recorded November 13, 1981 "'~IY ll•ralnal1et oescr1t>ed Hlllllurst p,.._.._. .. ,, • limited atter th• 1•1 day of December. 1982 rv ,. .., A I 302 l ......... ... 33.,.......2 F • • 11 1119 e\Crow dtplrltMnl ot BETTS t>etow 1 depth OI 500 feet from 1"9 Hampsn re. ,..p · oa ,. . .,,....-•. H Inst No 14353. In book 14289, n1me and bullriu• 10dr111 • partnership. OIHI ,.v•nue, ESCROW ENlERPRISES: 505 N. su•I-of NICI lllld, but wtlllOUI Int Callf0tnta 90020 PIQ9 9M. Ol Olllcoal Recorda on IM ol lhe lnletlded 111n1l.,or are '. :2i:2 22. Laguna BeeGh. C11iforn;1 Tustin Avanua Sun• 160• Santi rigllt of entry upon any porl!On ot Tt111 I he, properly pat linen I olllc1 ol Ill• County Recoroec ol THOl<El, INC . 3030 E P1e1lic Rolind J. Jensen. 1010 E. Ana 92705, C.hlomla . Ille surfece abov9 o Oeplll ot 500 11 .. 110 IS describtld In general H 111 Or111gt Counly S111a ol C11tl0<n11 co111 Htgllwa y Corona del Mir, loet 101ak1 metket mine a:x"'ort ot111e.1um.tur•.f1x1ur11.aqu1pmen1, Extcutad by ELIZABETH I C111t-nia Ch11tnut Avenue, S1n1a A111. All 01111r butln•n na,,.u Ind · • • • "' 1 h d "' C .. ll-nli 92701 addressed uWd bv Ille Tr-lerort or drill lor 11me 11 rtHrvad In lnv1n101y, •11• OI lnlorul. CORZINE. a widow Will SELL AT Tiit IOClllOn Kl Clt1lorn;1 ol Int "' l ' deeOI trom Mervin l Bose end lealet'told lmprov•m.nll goodwill PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST clltel .. ecutova olltCI or pr1nc;1n1I Anlhonv J. Urnno Family with n lhe plSt tllf" year• to tar as __ .. _.. f I.. 1 1 1 "' Trust. 2005'Palo Vard• Avanue. 19 known 10 1118 Translerea .,1 Wand• l BoM. es cc>-1ru11ee1 ol '"'"' tr .... e name o 1111cer1111 as BIDDER FOR CASH (payable al t>uarnen Qll•c• ol tll• 1n11nOtd 1119 BoN F1mlly Truat dated May lood bu•onH• and 11 localed •I 11ma of Ille 1n lawlvl money" or IM tt1111leror is Nma 11 •bOvt L~ BMcll. Clllfornle 90815 SAME. 21 1g16 rec0tdtd ,,, Book 11162 7171 Warner Avanua, Huntington Unlled S1a111) 11th• front outside All other 1>u11nH1 n1mH 1no Piiar R. ,Ursano, 11123 SI. Tiie put In agree 11181 1111 ' ' ' -......h C ... 11~1111 p ....... 21 and in Boot< t 1982 Pa-....,. • ., "' entrance to 1he Corit1neri111 Home •"dreuaa vsad b~ the lnt•ndad Croix Clrcl1. Hvnllngton BHcll. conlld«111on for Ille t11n1lec of 1"9 ...,.... • ' .,.. Tll b tl b Ila ' r-111-....a... ...,..,... buainM8 Ind Int lteenN '• 10 t>t 22. both of OlllClll Atcord•. • u ~ n•ma UNO y t Loan building II 434 South EucUd, 1r1n.l1ror wilh1n I ,... YHlt IHI ....., ..,.,_ •4 -• 0 1 Aleo artmpllng from • porllQ/I ••Id lr1n1ler01'1 81 11ld loct1oon I• Anaheim CA, 111 rignt, 1111e and pall ao far 11 known to tlle Thie~ II conOucl.0 by. P•IO al11r lh• •P•••m•nt 0 0, • 11 d I• n d • I I 0 11 g •• TACO TIO. . lnle< .. I conveyed 10 •nO now h~d lnlanotd ltantltr" ••• non• general pertr>a<Sh19 AlcOllOlrc Bev«aga Contr~I hH minerals. and otllaf ll'(<lr~att>on Thal Uld bull\ tr1nal1r la by 11 undtt nld OMO ol Trull tn Ille TM name and bull'-• lddreu HHP ASSOCIATES. approwd Iha prQPOMd ltan,., IUblllnCll lying bt40w • dtplh of lnl•ided to t>t COlltumrnallCI" Ille Pt01)9tly ••lultlld In Hid Counly ol 1119 tnttndtd transl .. " ... •~II pertntt8111P Dated· October 21. 1912 500 f.., from the aurftct or Hid olllC>.l of Belli Esc:row EnterprlM•. eno Slit• ~•bad.. Llrr'( Harm••· 2 Oueb11d1. a y : H I l l H U R S T Kenneth 0. W1N I ..,.. .. N f t a S 1'*" PROPEATifS Timothy A GttMll land, bul ""lhout the rigll1 of ent1y ne 'IV., "' Kl ...... • Utt• ""· LOI 15 ol Tract No. 8407. Counly IMn• Clltf0<n11 927" • ...;._1111P Trentlerors u1e~.•1n~o1!10101~ 11"110 1 . 110vr1r11~c,•. S1n11 Ana, CA H705 on 0t 111., Of Ofenga. Stale ot Calllornl• ., T1111 the property ptttin1n1 -u-.,.,. ....,. " ~ ~ No'tell'lbtt 22, 1982 par m1p recorded In Book 237. ll«•lo Is dtKribed in ganerll es By: RECREATIONS. INC.. mltkll lf!lnt tllOIOf~ or drtll for Tiii• bull( 111n•l•r I• IUb).cl to P•C>M 40 and 4 I of Mlec.lllntOUS one hour photo lhOp and It loc1ted Q811911:5P!"1::,: ~,'Zn:,:!'"' um• .. r .... ....ci 111 Offd1 Trqm Calllornl• Uniform Commerolal M1p1. In th• olllGe ol lhe Counly 11: 3030 E. Peclflc Cotti Hlgllw1y, • Dougl "'· "· Virginia Fnp~ Kindel recorded Cod• S.Cllon 6106 Racord« ol .aid County Corona det Mir, C11ifornla Vice Prllllklenl ~tub~•11•g o:rige Coast D•ily Novllf!'blr 16. 1176, 1118ooll 11te1. Th• n1mt and •ddrtlS of Ille Tllo tlratt eddtHS and olllar Tiie buel,,..• natM ulld by the Thie llllemtnl WU 11116 wltn Iha IOI, ov. • 1 2 Page 1119, end In Book 11981, petlOn will! Wflorn cl11m1 may be common dHlgn1uon, If any, ol Illa NIO trenafttor at Nld locallon 11 County Clltk of Orenoe County on 416s-a2 p~ 1t20, both of otlicl.i Atc:0<d1 ttltd I• Bel(• Etcrow En1eptl ... Inc., real property dttcrlt>fll abov• 11 Photo-Stop Oclober 19. 1182. The 111"1 eddteu 1nd olh., 605 N Tuallll Ave , Sv<ll 160 Santa purporltd 10 be 2335 Orchid Hill Th1t uld b11lk lran111r II P'1 ... t PUBUC NOTICC common ~~. If tny, of the An•. CA 92705 end the 1111 day'°' Pl•c•, S.1111 Ana Helgllta, CA 1n1ari0td to be con.ummatad II Ille Publllhtd 011no• Co11t Deify 1111 prop«ty deecrrl>ad •bO~• 11 ftlrng C111m1 by "'Y cr9d1t0t a11111 t>e 92701 Ollie• of N0trt• a AMOClllM, inc . Pllol, Oc:I 20, 27, Nov. I, 10. 1112 fllCTITIOUI ., ... ,, purported to be 12 CllOlta, IMM, Novembtt 19. 19U whfCll 11 tll• Tiie under s igned T rutt•t 4570 C1mpu1 Orrva Suitt 9 , 41~12 ""* ITATl•NT C111torn11 bu• In e • • day b •Io r • th• dt1c1a1mt any Uablllly tor tny Nawpof'I Beeotl C1hfornt1 t2HO. ----.. ---.,.-NO-l)TI--IC(----Tl'le lollowrng Pittlon 11 dolnO Th• u1tder11P.riad T tu•I•• eon1umm111on date apecllled 1ncort9(:tn"' or 1110 ttr .. t 1dor111 on or atter Novembtf 22 11182 .,._,., bualneaa as. l>OY ., OCEAN WOR"S. 2811 111111 dl1ct•lm1 any I 1blllly tor any • • and otnei e1>mmon d1s19n•11on. 11 Tiil• bulk 1ran1ler 11 eobtec• 10 •te1TT10Ua Ml ... 11 " 1'1corrtc:tMM or tilt 1111e 1dd11•• Of1180 October :19. 1882. 1ny. •hown htreln Calllornla Uniform Comm1telal NAMI ITATIMINT Wey. Newport 8H~h. Callfornll' 1no other common dael(l"•llon. If Yoon HH Hwang SllO ure w111 be m101 with Cod• SK11on f108 anearned Income ....................... 16,202 less· Allo wance for posslble loan lose s ............................................ 97 Loans. Net .......................................................... 16, 105 Lease llnanclng receivables .... ..... .. .•. •..•....•. ........... .... 222 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures. and other assets repre· sentlng bank premises ........................................... 633 Real estate o wned other than bank premises ................................................ •91 All other assets .......................................................... 4-48 TOT.AL ASSETS .................................................... 25,727 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of lndlvlduals, partnerships, and corporation ............................ -4,476 Time and savings deposits o f lndlvlduals, partnerships, and corp0<atlon1 ........................ t4,592 Deposits or United States Government ...•• ................. 31 Deposits of States and polltlcal eubdlvlslons In the United States .................................................... 100 All other deposits ........................................................... 5 Certified and officers' checks .................................... 311 Total Deposits ....................................................... 19,515 Total demand deposits ..................... •.823 To1al time and savings deposits ...... 14.692 Federal fund• purchaMd and MCurlties IOfd under agr~11 to repurchase ....... ..... . . . 200 AU other llabllltles ....................................................... 209 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and det>entur~aui·rv"ci;iiiAL"................. 19.a2• ~~. no P«IOlll art doing-8~onrld Arlllur Schwible. ,.222 111r. lllown llertln • lritendld Trantler" wllhout covenant or w•rt1n1y, Tiit name end •ddt111 ol 1111 __ _ .. Said 1111 will be made, but Publ!1llad Orange Co111 Delly IJl.C)ltH or lmpllld, r41g•rdlne 11111. petton '#Ith Whom cl11m1 mfy be ACCOUNTS RECEIV ABLE, ~=~ ~;::O Ntwporl BHcll. •llllout cove n1ri1 or w1r11n1y, Pilol, Nov 3, 1882 po111111on. or •ncumbr1nce1, 10 filed la NOftl• • AHoelat ... Inc , Common stock 1800 E. O.ry ,.,__,., aut11 111, Tllll ....,_ 11 CIO!lduct.O .... en 1xor.., 0t llt!Pllld, regarding 1111e. 4ae&-12 pay Illa ram11n1no P<ifK191' aum of 4570 C1mpu1 Dr ive , Sult• 9. No. lharee authorized • S.11 AN. Clllforllil 92705 ittOlllldWI w1 poa"1110n, °'i.!ncumbf1nct1 lo ------------tilt nolt(•l NCured by Mid Oeto Ol N~t S..Ch, Cat1lorn11 t2e&O. JllMe l<ennatll D•""'· 1~500 ConrllO A 8cl!Wlble • p1y Ille 11m11n .. 111 pMc;lpal aum of PUBLIC NOTICl Tru11. with ln1er111 lheraon. 11 and the '"' day tor hllng cleim1 ~ No. shares outatandfng -600.000 ·.1.t···""""""" 3,000 T\11111\ ~IY· No 11, TU11ln, This 1111_,1 -filed ..,1111 the the nolt(ll MCurlCI by Aid DMd ol fllCTfTIOUe IU8INlll pro\llded tn llld no11(1). lldVenc;a1. any fr.OrtOt '"'"be Novembtf 1 • Surplu1 ........................................................... :' ....... 2,912 : ~1 "o•nna Otvl•, tffOO. COunty Cletk of Ofenoe County on ~:i!;.:1~ ~~·~~~~;te:::~ NAMI IT A,._NT ~ 1•nJ; ~~ ,•=: !~':~ !~ ~~ ~ ~!f 0~1w:',:~11 c':n~"u•m~!~:~• d~~! Undlvld1 td pro1 fltl end rMerve for : Tuatln VlllW w..,, No, 1t. Twtll11, No\olmbtr 1• 1982 It enr. under 111a term• ot ukl Deed Tiie 1o11ow1ng Ptrto11• •t• dOlno 1x1>t11M• or 111a TN11te and 01 th• epac1fiecf tbOYt cont ngenc ea and other capital , ... rves ........... (179) Ca1110<nl4I ~MO not01•ro-1 Tru1t. leH. ChllQH and bu11nH1 •• trutll cru•td by Hid Deed of 011.0 NOYffll!)tf I , 1982 TOTAL EOUITV CAPITAL ....................................... 5,803 !. Thia~ la condUCl«'I by 11'1 Pubntll•d Or•nr COHI Dally 9l(pertM• 01 lllt Ttull" •nd of lhe MAFIK \II 1N\1£8TMfNTS, Tru•• l.•rry H•tmM TOTAL ltABIUTIES AND .. I lndMOuM Pilot, Nov 3, 10, 1 •• 24, IN2 lru111 crHltd by u10 D"O of 1,..02 Hllltboro Pl•ct. Tutlln, Tiit 101111 1moun1 or 1111 unpaid lnlt<'lded Tr11n11.,.. EQUIT Y CAPIT .. L 2,. 727 f ,;_ K. DlrVle • 411 l-82 Trull. IOI 1119 ll\'IOUlll ltltOllabl'f Calllornl• 92080 t>lllll(t or '"' OOllgllloll llCUfed PUblllll•d <>r•ngt COHI O•lly "" .................................................. ... . _...flt Dew. "11malld 10 be lt1.t 2t04, R Clay Malliud t 410' l>Y 1111 proci.tty 10 bt told ind Piiot Ncwemb« 3. IN2 MIMOA~A Tl!lt .....,.14 -llled '111"91 lfte ~ NOTIC£ The benttlelaf)' under Mid 0..0 H1lltb0fo Plec;e. T11111n, Cal1IOt'lllt rt .. ona1>11 •ttltl'llltO co.i• 41&4·U ~ ~ Ca.tit of Or11191 ~1y on ol Tru11 htfetofOfe •~tOultcl tnd 92880 t~l*'Mt tn4 .Ovlf\Ctt •• tilt t~ A nt out ta di t ft d t • ~ 1.'ltl2. '=A~.JI dlll11e11d lo lhl unOtrtlgntd I Mii Zlflmby. 21941 C1HtnLt ot tll• lntlill l)ubllCttlO" OI lllt mou I I n nQ at O repo a~· .. • ,.,.,. ..nnen Oed8'1llOll of Default and Otlv• MIH IOn Vl•lo C11ilo1n11 Notlel OI s ... II 125.11) 20 l'tB.IC ll)TIC( Standby letlM of credit. total ........................... eeo l '""'"'" Oren" Co111 Dall) The IOllowlng l*.onl .,. dOlllO Otl'l\lllf IOI ..... Ind • wrllltn 92975 The tlentf11;11ry ""°" Mid °"<! Time oertlflcat .. or depotjt In J "°'· Nov.J. 10. 17, 2.4, 1m ~LAA~ ENTEAPAIUS I TO Notle• et Oel11111 •nd tlectlon lo 01v10 M Coll Ina. 26362 ol 1rual lleralofOf. ·~ICUled Ind flK:TITIOU8 IU..... denomination• Of 1100 000 or more ............ 10 au I "TrM-12 .. ·• W. Tiie ~ eeuMd Mid hctltetl. M111tlon Viejo. Cllllornlll Oellvared lo th• und1rt19ned • NAM1 ITAftMINT Tot•I -........., • 17 '1raa r ·------------1t511 II. Patao DlttJO. An1h•1m, Notice ol O.feutf and Election 10 ea.111 wrt111r1 09'uw1110t1 of Oeltlllt "'° Tiit 101iow1ng oe110f\ 11 e101ng vw.,.,.. • ................................................... ,..,_ t "8JC fl)T1Ct ClllfotlMll 92807 hit 10 lie NICO!Old 1n the county Nell W1fll1mt 8cll11Cllll. •OIO Demand lor Sile, '"d 1 wr1111n bu"""9 Ml We, the Undtrllgned dlrectora.att .. t the corrtctneM Lawrance~, 1818 E ~t It.., ... ptopewty •localed Maple H" Otlvt, Anaheim, Notice ol Oefaul1 and l!leollon 10 NIWPOAT WIST IMPOltT9. Of thll 1t1tement of retoufOM and 11abftltlee. W• ~ ... W !UflUCAnoM ,_ OiteO. • California 0 ... ~OMf 2t, 11ti c.llfornlt 12I07 $111 The ndtl ............. CIUMO HIO 1681 au.-ior "--Colle Mela TO -.a. t2I07 IM~ IANCOllP John Allay, lot T~ '"*''· Notlai ol uo.iM';;(, EllCllon to Calltornll l2tl1 • . that It hat.,..,~ by ue, end to the beat of our •CU 11 IC~e A H Rot,hurmal to• ... ft\119t An.,_m,Catlfon'lltttlO• hit to t>t rtcO<Clld In the county ~ .__, 111111111 207•., knowledge !Ind belief II true and COrrfft. I, Karel ..., ClwbhOll"· Newport 8ucl'I, tr~ C v...,_, Aoberto Mendel 1<1 7U Wlltft 111a , ... 0r00trty·rt aoc1ieo.._ Ond '""" Newoorl luch, Gatrlton, AMletent Vlie ~t of the ~ TOT=.:.~_.,... te er· tate3 .. eondUC1ed ..., Aft~ In llCt • HIM.WO "-· T11111n, c...o,.._ Otta °'loblf 15, 19n ~ tnt3 bank do --decler't """ thla Report of Condition la 1'1• o • .., ........ Ale9flill• .,,,,:: ~ .. ¥f • ~ ~:"'eot:. ·~.,.,..,_"~led by. :~:~6~,"J.~OffVlV• ~----......... by .... true Ind eotreot 10 tN ..... or"" knowlldge Ind belllf . .._., .... _c..-1ro1 ,., ... , .. ON A H. l'loiMeflMI r .. 11111214.oto1 A Clay Wlllrd 434 • EIOd ~ 1. ""*" lxecuttd on October II. 1111. It lent• Ana IALI IU" a WINI ff'U9 IAT ~· Tllll •..._I -llltd wltll lfll 'ublltlled 9.,.,,,. Co111 Deity Tiiie 1t11_,1 w11 flled 1iW1 l1'e Anlhetl\'I. CA t2I02 Tlllll ~ wet ..._, ....,_ llle Callfomta IO ... _,..--~ It -c-ty Clllrtl of OrllnOe c.wity °" P1to1. "°" 3. 10, t • tlla C°"'11Y Clefk d °''""County on 714·"1·7031 Cowltv c.ti flf Orlflll Couft'Y on · Ill Lerry T """" ~,.. .... ........ NO..,,.. 1, '911 4U1·U OCtober " 1912 •Y 0.0'"9 '°'' NoWllfttlef '· ,.., '" ............ p " -.. , Pll1m ·-AutllOriNd 911"~ ...... .,_"' ' --• "'' °'""' 0.... 0.. '"blllfleel Or....-Coaet Oalty '-""~·-..... , • .....:__. '"bllai.tel O,.noe Coaal Detty '1111»11111ect C>fanr Coaa• Dt1ty '"''' .... Ora .... ~ o.ltr Ill Doftlld A. ... ...... . J. ,_ .,~ Piiot, Nov J, to. 1r, ~4. '~ewa r:' .:,k,., -;,;,~ ,..., Oct "· 11. Nov , ·~~"la "'°'· Ho¥. 3 10. t . 111a .. ,.11 ""'· NW J. 10. 11, M, '.-U..... ~Or ... a... f1111r .._ No a ... a. - 810.000 • • Oraog Co11t DAILY PILOT /WednHdl , November 3, 1982 rtalC NOTtcE MLIC NOTICE MIOl.UfiON •i1llt8 O,,ICI 0, TN• IHUI"· ACTION 01 THI IOAN> C°"°"'ll 09' TMllTUI OI'"' COUNTY Ofl OllANOa OCIAN V .. 9CMOOl NOTICI OI IAt.I CMIT'ltCT QI OllANCMt U N 0 I ll 0 I .0 ll I COUNTY,CALPORHtA J~CLOIUllW The IOllOwlng moUOfl wu n\oved f>tall1litl WOOOORIOOI! VlllAQI b~ M1tl1nne llenll e"d duly ASSOCIATION. 110 vi Dlfend1"t ~ Ind c.tii.d • DOUGLAS ' JONll. II 11 No rWHEREA8 6d11oa110" Codi 35.75.92 DO YOU HAVE A . . S.C:llOflt 39500·38&02 p1ovld• tnal I.'"' 11n0fill0ntd, BRAD OATES, lht oov.,nlno &o.rd ol •"Y tcllool 8hlflll·C01one1. County ot Ofange. Olttrlcl by u111nlmoua vot1 of all 81111 ot Cllll01nl1. do het.i>y Clfllly memb«• m1y ••cll•llill any , .. , 11111 by virtue ol Decree of property wtlh '"other p11bllc Forec10111r• and 811t 111 lhl 9Qtn0y, lncludlng • clly, and Superlo1 Court ol t111 County of WHEREAS lhl Ocun Vl1w Orang•. 81111 of CelllOlnll, entered 8chool D11tr1el 10t111lct) 11 "°"' 111t on /11igut1 10, 1812, •nd 1ec:01ded OWMf ot IMI p1oplf1y locat9d •• AllQUll 10, 1812 In th• lbOVI 17241 Oak Lant. HunllllQIOfl e.ect1, • n ti II• d • c I I 0 n • w ". r . In Calllorn11 112647 .• portion Of whleh w 0 0 DB RI 0 0 I! •v ILL A 0 E ln~IUOH 1ppro•lm1t1ly 110.826 ASSOCIATION .• Calllornl• Non- lqU.rt '"' ot t1nd loc•ted 11 tllt Profit Corporallo". 1111 1bovt e«rt'-11comer.11\d named Plalntlff, obt1tneo 1 FAVORITE· REEIPE? WHEREAS tne lbo\/l-dNCrlb9d 1\1(10m41nt end cMct .. Of IOltclOeuf• 110,125 equart IHI of tend 11 "°' and Hie 1g1ln11 DOUGLAS E and wlll "°' 11 thl llmt of dtlt111ry of JONES 1ncf RHETA R JONEI. po11111lo" bf nllded tor tchool detend1nt•. for the tum ot Two deletoom bUlfdlng• by '"' [)j1t11Ct. ThOllM!ld EIOht Hundred Forty OM N 0 w T H E A E F 0 R E B E I T ' 58/ 100 Oolt1ra. f1wlut money or RESOLVED lHA T Ill• OlllrlCI '"' UnlllCI St••"· end by vlrtlll of. Bqerd of Trull••• In 1111 bHt Wtlt of enforcement In Hid ectlon 1nt«t1UI or th• 0111ric1. 1111horlzM. 11111•0 on October 4, 1882, I em 1nd 01ctart• 11t intention 10 commanded to Hit 111 th• property e11ch1no•. th• •bove-c111cr lbed In Int County of 0r•rlQ9. Stile ot 110 125 squire IHI of llnd for C•htornll, dffcrlb9d U IOl!owt appi0Mlm1tety 102,300 aqu1re feel PARCEL I U"ll No. 5 1 H or 11nd owned by th• City of 1hown ind deJctlbed In the Huntington Beech tocated along 1 Condoml"lum Pl1n recorded on portion of tne nortnem boundlry of J1nuery 12. 11177. In 8ooll 1203 t, lht OlttrlCt't rNI property located PIO• 1580 Of Official Record1 OI 1111 . 1724 t Olk Lane, Hul\tlnplon l~d County . Beach. Catllornl• 92647 A map PAR~EL 2 An undivided Qn•· d1plctlng the epectllc locations of ffYtnly rourth-( 11741 lnt.,eat 41 I bolh propertlH 11 11111f1bt• tor tenanl In conwnon In tl'le f" 1nter111 rev..w dunno regu11r working hours on and to the Common ArN of Loll 11 the 0111rlct buslneu olhce 1 and 2 ol Tract 6900 u per m1p loc11ed at 18940 B Street . filed In Book 379, PIQM 31to32, Huntington Beech. Cal1loml1112~2. 1nctu11ve of M1acell1n1ous M•P• l)E IT FURTHER RESOLVED 1ecords or H id Counly, as 111ch THAT the Secret1ry ol lht Oostrtct lerm 11 detln9d1n the Arllcte entllled Bo1rd of Trustees 11 directed to · Dtl1nit1ons of the PecJ1r1t1on of publlah 1copy ol th11 resolution not Covenanll, Condition• and 1 ... 1111n once 1 week tor lhree Res111c11on1 recorded on July 28. -.Ill prlOr to 1he 8o1rd entering 11176. on 800ll I 1830, pege 793 Of Into lh• uch1"oe or 1111 1bove· Oflict•I Records ol aa>d Collnty (tht dMcrlbed properties "Oect1r11ion1' I ADOPTED. SIGNED ANO Property IS more commonly APPROVEO THIS 21st day of June, 'now" 11 10 Perk Villa. Irvin•, 1982 C111tpm1a BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tog41the< with all Ind ttngular tilt OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT tenemenll. llered1tamfnl5 and Maxwell Sudakow appunenancea lhet~n10 belonging Charles Oaterlund or In enywlH 1pper11ln1ng. Janet Gamck PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Maro1nne Blink G t V E N T 11 I I o" T II u r s d 1 y . Shella Mercus December 2. 1932. et 10 30 o clock STATE OF CALIFORNIA) 1.m of thll day al M1ln Lobby. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CourlhOuse, 700 CIYIC Center Of1vt t, DALE COOGAN. Secrellry of West. Coty of Santi Anl I will Htl tll• Boerd of Trutlees ol Oce1" tne 1bove ducrrbed property, View School 011tr1c1 ol Orange under sald writ end decrM. or M> County, Catilo1n1a, nereby certify much tht;re<>t u m1y ti. neo"sery 1n11 the above and foregoing 10 sat11ty uld 1udgment with motion wu duly and regu11rty interests •"tl costs, to the h'9helt mo~ Ind seconoect. 1nd pusec:t bidder. for CNh on l1w1ul money of by a 5-0 vote or said Board at a 11\e United States. regut1r ,,._""" tne<eol held on the Dated II S1nt1 An•. C1t1fornt1. 2191 dly of June. 1982 October 25, 1982. Date Coog•" BRAD GATES. Secretery of the Shtf1N-Coroner Boerd of Trustees C011nty of Orsnge. CA Put>llshed Orange Coaet Oa1ty By K Brown, Piiot. Oct. 20, 27. Nov 3. 1982 Sergeant , 4615·82 HICKEY, Nl'UlAND, PA .. OES Plll.IC NOTICE Incl COUETT A 22111 ~bert 1tr .. 1. lulte SOI, II TOfo, CA t2'30 Plalntlfr• AllorM r MN-t2M1 P:ICTlTIOUI 8USMH ..,._STATEMENT METROPOLITA-N SOU.Hi OUTDOOR SIGNS, 300 t Redhill Ave., E.1pt1n1dt, No. 4, Surte 109. Pubhshtd Orenge COISI Diiiy Potot. Nov 3, 10, 11. 11182 4828-112 Coste MMI. CA 92626. -----------METROPOLITAN OUlOOOR Pl&.IC NOTICE SIGN CORP . 1 C1flfornt1 T.15112 corporetlon, 2300 Stockton. 3rd NOTte• ~-~ IALE Floor, S1n Franc:llCO. CA. '" •.., "' JAY KINGRY CONSULTING T.S. • 1 • SERVICE, INC . a C1lllornla IMPOftTANT NOTICE TO corpor1uon. 465 w wi.tarle ~ve . YOU=~~~~ A Arcadl1. CA 9 tO<Mi This businea IS con<'ucted by • 0£ED Of TMIST OATIO MAY 11. general pannerlhlp 1M1. UNLEIS YOU TAKI ACTION Me1ropolilln Outdoor Sign Ccwp TO PROHCT YOU.. Pfl~"TY, Thia ttatement was Hied with the IT llAY U IOL,0 AT A PUM.tc County Cle<k ol Orenge Coun!}' on S A L E • ... Y 0 U N I E 0 A N ,__._.._ 11 11182 UP\.ANATION Of' THE MATURE ...,....,.,... ' . F1_,..1 OF THE flftOCEEOtNG AGAINST Publi1hed Qrenoe CoHt Dally YOU, YOU IHOOU> CONTACT A Prtot. Oct. 13, 20, 27. Nov !s~~~2 LA~~ber 30. 1N2. II 10 00 o'clock a m Forst lot Anget11 Corporetton. H duly n1mtd or sub1ll111ted Trustee under •"d Pl&.IC NOTICE NOTICE Of TIIUSTEEI IALE purauent to the Deed of Trull dated tmpof1Mlt noetce to May 15, t981. 1JCecuted by Henry prepenr -Mr. Alhet. a marri.d man aa Ills SOie YOU ARE tN DEFAULT UNOE" A end aepat111 P'Ol>l<1Y OEEO OP: T"UST, DATED Record9d June 1. 1981, In Book JA NUARY I , 1111 UNLESS 14080. P1ge 1272·77. Instrument YOU T MCLAC.TIOMJO PB0T£c.J "IA.. 8 tl ol..O!hc:lal FMcorda. In the YOU" P"OPE .. TY, IT MAY 8E :>thee of the Rac:Ofder O!Ofenge IOl.0 AT A PU8UC SALE • YOU Countv. will Mii II public IUC11on to NEID AN EXPlANA T10N Of nte the highest bidder for cash (p1y1ble NATU"E OF THE P"OCEEOINQ at the time of tale In l1wlllf money AQAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD of the United Stltn) at the CONTACT A LAWYER. ChlPmen A....-llf'll<lncl to the T .S. • 31296 3 Ctvoc Centtw Center Bu1fd1ng, 300 E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Chapman Av1nue. In the Coty of the real property situated I" the Orange, all roghl. 11111, Ind lnterM1 County of Orenge. State of conveyed to Ind now held by Mid Cllolornla. koown •• 120 Snorec:hlf. T ruetM llnder said Deed of Trust ltl Coro"• Oet Mir. Coty of Newport 1110 to thll oerlltn pr~ 11tu1ted Beach. Cahlornla and described as In the Slate of Cafitorn11, County of lollowt Or1nge. deterlbed H IOllowt· LOI 48 of Tract 1116. on Int Coty of PARCEL 1 Newpor1 Beach. County of Or1nge Lot 100 of Tract 10347, In the State of 'C1hfor""· 11 per map Crty of Irvine, Cou"IY of Orange, record9d 1n Book 36. pages 19 and State ot C•lllornla. 11 per m1p 20, Mlecellaneous Map•. records of recorded In Book 4611. Peges 37 to alld Or1nge County. and will be 311 of MISC41111neou1 Maps. In the told 11 pubtlc auction on the rear olllc• of the Co11nty Recorder of •lee>• II 230 Newpo<l Centlf OflYI said County Newport Be1ch. Calllornla. on PARC£L 2 Nowmt>er 15th. 1982. 11901 1.m Easementt as Mt fortn ltl the to th• highest bidder for cesh on S tc tlon • en 11 ti td •·Cert 1 In lawtul currency of the United Stites , EH1men11" for Own era" end The Hie wlll b4I mid• without 'S11pport . Settleme"t •"d covane"t or werranty regarding Encro1chment", "Common uue; poaa'..s11on, or encumbrence1. 0.1vew1y EaM1tMnf ' ol the Article to ftllfy llle oblig1tlon NCur9d by 1ntltl.1d "Enem•nll" of the an under the Power of Sale Oecle-r-atlon o f Cov1nanu, co11lerred 1n the Oeed ot Trust Collditlon1 1nd Reltroctio"' e • e cut t d by RIC HA R 0 B record9d In 800k 13M4. PllQI 114 M ILLER •nd BONITA JEAN 0ttocr1tRecord1. MILLER. hu1b1nd erid 1ft11 H PARCEL 3· Joint T1n1n11 as Trualor. to ~ts u IUCtl ee.sement1 If you like to cook and have a ''favorite" recipe, it could be worth a trip for two to a city of your choice anywhere in the Western Hemisphere (via Western Airlines.J Or you could win one of five S200 gift certificates. It can all happen in the 1982 Dally Piiot FavorJte RecJP,e Contest, and it could happen to your Even if you don't wir:t a top prize; your recipe could be published in our "Orange Coast Cook Book .. in the Daily Pilot on Wednesday, December 8, 1982. D aily Pilot. Special Sections editor Janine Fiddelke will supervise a panel ot food judges who will name the best recipe Ofl the Orange Coast. Winning recipes will be judged on originality, ease of preparation, adherence to theme~ and of course, taste. Su get cooking. Read the rules carefully and send us your re cipes as soon as possible. Entries must be postmarked no later than November l 2. D•lly .Piiot F•vorlte Recipe Contest, P.O. Box 1560 Coat• M•1•. CA 92626 1. Appetizers Meat spreads. zesty dips or munchies T<\I<~ your pick :"'!. 2. Grains and Breads What 1s your favorite w ay to start oH a holiday meal. 3. Main Dishes Whether it be hamburgers or coq au vrn, the best chicken salad or roast duckling. everyone has a ~ favorite recipe for the mainstay of the meal. 4. Vegetables. alflt'Sa1ad Including vegetarran drshes. And don't forget the out-of-season treasures in cans and In the frozen food section. 5. Desserts Let's see what you can do w ith chocolates. gelatrn. butter. flour. whipped cream and other favorite goodies. Set those calories aside. .. 'f • I• 1 . 2. 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . CONTEST RULES: ;r . ' List all ingredients rn order o f use. followed by clear. concise directions and the number of servings. • .Remember. originality counts. Submit your typed.,., entry on a 3x5" index card. -Put.category rn-upp~r left hand corner. Only one entry per person per ca tegory will be accepted. If more than one entry rs received for any single -category, all entries for that category will be qisQuallfled. Judges reserve the nght to properly (ategorlze 1 entries Recrpes must be complete. and may not be changed after submission. Incomplete recipes will be disqualified In the event Identical recipes are submitted by two or more contestants. the first received w 111 be the o~e considered for Judging The contest Is open to all residents of the Orange Coast. except employees and their 1mmedfate fam111es Of O,range Coast Publishing Company. Indicate on eact:i recipe.in the-Lap Jeft=ttand corner. your name. address. telephone. and category entered usrng separate sheet s for each_recipe. Mall to "Daily Pilot Favorite Holiday'Rec1pe Contest." P.O. Box I 560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. or bnng rt to 330 Bay St .. Costa Mesa. All ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MIDNIG_HT, November 11. I 982 or received at the Prlot office no later than S p.m November I 2. 1982. Entry of a rec:.ipe constitutes agreement that rt becomes the property of the Daily Pilot. and may be publtshed with acknowledgements (no street addresses or phone number will be publrshedl In the Daily Pilot and Mirror newspapers. Entrres will be disqualtfied if tt\ey fail to comply with the contest rules. All judges' decisions are final. All pnzes w ill be awarded. CONTEST ENDS NOVEMBER 12 • ! 1~ .. \ Amtrlc1n Home Mortg1ge TruSI 1re p1rt1cut1rly Ht forth In th• Oefd Service Corporetlon. • Artiete llf'llllted "Ea1Mnent1" of the catlfornll CorPor•tlon, 11 TNl1N. Oec11retlo" of Covenanu. for th• benefit 1nd H c11rlty ot Condition• and Reetrlctlon• A111erlc1 n Hom• Morugao• record9d In 8oolt 117M, Page 420,t===========::ir:============i-============r:===========i============i-============- C 01Po,.11 0 " • • c 111 f0 rn1' Htedltlg(•I "' alCh ~rttc:11 entitled !'ta.IC NOTICE '18.IC NOTICE '18.IC NOJIC( rtalC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE CoQK>r•tlon, aa 8eMflcl1ty, elated IS follow• "own111 Rights ind P'talC NOTICE JlflU"Y 6 1881 and recorded on Outtu. Utlfltlu end C•blt flCTITIOUI llU..... STATIMENT "'WITMDllAWAL Jaflulry i'v. 1vti1 1n SOOll 131117. Tatevlalon. Sldeyard E1Mmtnt1" NA• STATl•NT '"OM PAflTNlll .... Of'lllATING ITAT9•NT M ""'"°"-'"At. NOTICa INVmNG M>S MOTia CW DtUOlUTION C 2074 'fllOM PUTWfl .... ONRATINO For trtt trimming B111lllan M PA..,..... N 0 T I C l T 0 PI" I 0 M S Paot !36. aa ln1trument Number "aupport ind S11tfe1T1tnt, d UND«lt 11132 of Olflcoll Record• of th• Encroechment", and "Community bu~~ peraont .,. Olng ACTJTIOUS ., ..... MAME UNDllt JICTITIOUS 8UllNlll p. pp.,. F' cu. NI t Id.. I n d Publk: notic. le hereby given lhll INTIMITID County of 011110•. S t•t• or FIClhlia e...tmentt." . C ALIFORNIA LIMOUSINE Tiie loflowlno pareon ha• Calffoml• Tiit unpaid l>alanoe Ind estimate SERVICE / K & Slnlth 4400 withdr1wn u 1 gener81 p.,iner from ..._ ~-t vwlety ,,... B08BIE A. STEWART tltld CYRUS .. THI HTATE Of The lottowlng peraon lln Bid cklelng 10.00 a.m 11115112. A'tOERSON. heretofore dot"g HILlN w. PAMEll Nola of Oefautt Ind E*tlon 10 of C091t, expen-ltld edVancet II ' ' c o rey 300 N' the p1rtnetlhlp 09,fltlllng under l!'i s.a 1111 dt1Crlbed rHt property of OC10l>tr 16. 1882 It $34,687 77: =:''C'~ :~No • ewPOtl 1tctltlou1 bu11ne11 nemt of Wlthdr1W111t agene<•I Pittner rrom City of Fount•ln Valley (7 t4) bullneu und« the llctltlou1 llrm Not-II hereby 01-..n. thlpert".,.,..lpoper111ngunderttoe 863-8321, e•L 375, Semple n1rnt end 1tyle o l FAITH Totltpenonstn1.,n1ed,Whelller rk:ottou• bull-nemt Of ISLAND trimming Oerllonttr•tlon , 1109182. BUILDERS, II 8341 Hollow Brook. .. creditors, "''"· tegalMI, or VILLAGE PROERTIES SEA ' call for o.taitt eo.11 Mesa, City of Cotta Meaa. ~.In thl•llll of HELEN W. u11dtr tht OHO of Trull wH llld amount Wiii tncreaM unlit d1te RSM CONSOLIOATEO INC 1 SPECIALTY GLASS ANO MIRROR rtOOfded In Bodi 14320 It Page of aalt. C llf I II ' 248e7 CO ,1 1108 Vletorl•. Cotti MeN, IEACH at 313 Mein Str .. t. Seal Pubftt hed Ort"ge Collt Ot lty County o f Orange, S tall of PARKER deceHed. whoH 1111 381 81 lrlltrument Numl>llf' 155M. The 11r .. 1 1ddre1t or common ' orn 1 co'l.,011 on. CallfOl"la 92627 on e>ecernl>« 11. 1981 of Olficlal dHlgnatlon, II 1ny. ol tha rHI t~lmffd Bhl ·• Sun(lymead, CA °fhe fictitious bualneu n•m• 8Mch, C1llf01nl1 90740 Piiot, Nov. 3. 1912 C111fornl1 did on ih• 5th d1y ot addr-wn 7140 O....loo4' Oflw, AefOrde of tht County of Orenge, property oucrlbtd ebovt 11 Thie bullnut 11 conducteCI by 1 111temen1 tor ,,... Plftnerlhlp wu StlM of Callf«nla purponed to be: 13 Silllfelf, Irvine, C<>fp()rltlon fifed on Ft«>rulry 26. 1Ql2 In the 'fie N4I wtN be conducted by Cllllomla t2714 RSM Corltolldated Inc County ol Orenge, FILE NO The llotttlou1 b111lntu n1me 4"3·12 Octoblt, 1878, by mutual conMnt, $OduS Poll'lt, New York 14555, thtt lllltmll'lt for the plflneralllp waa ·-.,. MftTIC[ dlMOlve the ltld partMrlhlp end I• It• rt 111 um• n tar y or of llild on M1y 4, 1H t In tne County ..--nu terml""9 thetT rtlltk>N ti p1r1nere admlniltrllion hew bMfl lsauecl to of Orange ltletllffl Llncof" Flret Bink. N A b)', AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE Tilt under1tgntd TrullH LaVette 8redfleld Prn. 184000 T I( US T 0 e E 0 S E RV I C E dl1ol1lm1 '"Y lf1blllty for 1ny Thfl lllttm«ll WN flltd ._;Ith th9 Pefton Withdrawing: Tne full name and retiOtnce of I U P I " I 0 " C 0 U " T O ' 8ald ~In the~ Wiii t>e Surroget• Court, W1ynt County, 1 tne pu1on wlllldr1wfng H I C~~ onducted by Bobble Arthur court Of competent iuftldletlon of COl'PORATIOH. a C•llfornla lncorrtctntM of the etrtet addr-County CWlt of Or1ng41 Ccltinly on Qery Steven Grlllfn, 215Sf eofPO'atlOn. wtioee eddr-11 230 end olh« common detfOnatlon. " OClober 14 1982 ttrookhurat • 17~. Huntlng1011 patl:;k Erik Galyean. P.O Bo• In lht Mauer of the ~Ion of :-:::..:: ;: ':Vt1t':c1ofd':!"',:: ~:!~1~~ 't:ioy~g per1on 11 PW#PC>'I Ctntlr Drive No. 200. eny. shown herein. • Jt-e..ui, C.Uforl'lll 92846 ~ eeech. Cllifornla t2UO. 8110 1111 wltl b• m1d1, but KllAY a ~ /I/ Gary Griffin 142 01 t6772 lroedway •5. SunMt PAU\. JAMES MAY ,or CftMte of ,.....,. 11 mon1aa SM1't91* to iftdMled to or hOldlng pe11ort1f lleech. C•fornll to742 Name flMI. ~of the Mid~ Pf\Ofll Numl>ef. t71•) 789·1615. without ooven1nt or Wf(flnty, CewtHl•n If u. Pb•1t1htd Or111ng1 Coul Dally ~r1no1pal end tnterut Due: ••i>r-or Implied, regetdlng tltte. .._ ...,.,._ IWd. •llO Piiot. Oct 20. 27. fliov 3, to. 1taa II/ Matll E GMyean CAM -A1,_ Fllf11\tf notleil le hereby gtwn F11 w..t SavlnQi I Loan, 4001 Thll 11t1ement WH filed with the "' ~a:..~= hat the under•loned wttl not l>t Mecl\rthut 8"'4 .. C'ltV of """°'t 12,..111.54. posMNlon. or enc:uml>I_.., lo ::C ...-, CA -4576-82 ,._. boentel. and Advencn pay lilt retnllnlng prlnc"'81 IYm of C 0 II ~· o•lmlle!V): 18,604.05. the Mid nott lec\lfld l>y Mid Deed, Pubt11 td Or1no• oaet • y "8.IC NOTICE ~1::"'1229.315.5'. with lnt«Ht tnerlOfl 18 ~ ltt Piiot. Oct 20. 27, Nov. 3. 10. 1882 County Cleft! of Of1nge C011nty on 9 ....... fnlm tllle d9y on '°' 8Mctl, County of °'Anfll· Oct 11. 1MI PAUL JAMI GMY ,.... -• o•••••ao• ~ l>y "" -Thll 1111 111\0erligntd ~ 10 ,ttMn pecllon In ""9 -1 for an ordar flllt OWfl -°' 1rt IN -of r ........ Ifie NICI Ptf90f\al l)foperty T . October 11. 1N2. 11kl Note, adYlt!C*I, If any, uncl4r •625·12 A=-~ HOME MORTGAGE th' t1rm1 of H id Ot1d: fHI, TPiJIT DUO s~ C<>flP. chugu and upen111 ol the rtatc NOTIC( a Clllfornll OOtP«lllon Truet .. and of lht Trutla cr .. i.ci --, .. IC....,,_=-~-~-~=:".:1-:::1--"'"" K8'fletlnl Zvonell f>r•. by Mid Deed. , , , _..., STA~ CW CAUl'OfNA) The 8eneflc:lary under 11kl Deed NAm ITATI_.., COUNTY 0#-~ ~ by r~ of a l>IWh or defMl!t Ill Thi 10110W1n9 ptrMM ltt aomg ()ti ()c:90Nr lt. 1 , e me the Oblioatlo111 MC:ured thwtOy, l>utineltF•t""~Nl(I • .,.....,. ... N HO .. ., .. ...,,.., , No4#Y Putllc: In encl heretofore ·~ and deltllWfed " ""'" .....,.,.... ~ ~eld Cou11ty end 8Utl, to the Tru1tH written NollGI of COMPANY, 3028 ~Bey, Cotti ~t~'..:;.::C:O ~~~ ~ ::.'°"...!f :;':: M"t'1~~1!~~1t1m1n 30t;e llW ~of .. Oorportnon ltltfy H id Obll91tlOlll llld lM10I lly, Cotti ...... Ceflfetlllt l~ ............. ...,.. IMWmlnt, llllrHflef O:.!::T f , 1112 the t2'2t ~to"" to tit Ille""'°""""° Ulldtl...,_. Mid llOttoe of Oou9111 C P111m111', 3028 __,.... N W11Nf1 IMlrument on IWMOll Md NetlOfl to .,. '900t6ed 1 Lante lay. Coe•• M..-. Oelltornle ~ .... ~"'°" ....,., • ~ """*" 12-a-..11 of HH ~ aM edlM*llillld to -_..., Olllciml ~ Tiiie bualltW le COllCluoied illy I ,__--CUQOI ... .....,..... DMed n. 2tth -°' ~. Oii* .. '*"*~ ~::-::::.::.: ttll. Pl•IT LOI ANOILH '"' :..:. -"'="-"" COM., COuftty Clertt ot o,.,._ ON\ty Of! ...,_.._, ........... • T.,... ~ 1t. 1ta c.119 ., -T---. ·-AIJi::::. or91111 Ooeat Deity PlllllllMd 0f"'9f Coaat Oally """'"*" °'"'" CoM4 Del~ _,! ..... IO If."°"· I, '"I l'llol, No¥. I. tO. 17, 1Na l'llol, OGI. 20, 17. Ho\o, I, 101.~!'I ...._.,..... I o .. 1t-el 411142 ·-a a , Pubt11hed Or1nge Cotll 0111y llOWlnO pellltonar,to cMflll Ne1'1er ~ °' GOllec1 Ifie claiml1) and to r""°'4 K.... Piiot, OClt 20. 27, t'Ov. 3, 10, 1992 ,,.,,..1rom ,..,. ,,.,._Gray to...,, De'9d No---I , ,. "" c:olltcted or· rte*~ "°"' Ille MOTICI OI' DlllOUITIOM 4111·&2 J..-Ktrnr ....._A. ~ Stile of C1lllorn11 lei' the tfei-MID I.ACK OI' A"'"°"'" 1----• ..;;;;;_=.,.:::-:::.-_....;:. ____ , 11 I• hereby ordtted t"•t ell p~ Or11119.1 coul Detty wtlert ttttera t .. 11ment1ry or of A 80U11Wldgl VIMOI f>lfln.tl. a ..--""'._ ~ ~ ..J!'_ IM=~ , Now ....... 3, 1• admWtttatlOtt f\eve ~-*' putnerahlp oonal•llng ol Ttn· --_...... -· -· 4175-U M IM'IOM 1111vtng dalmt llglMllt Nlnt•y. Ltd end INA·Unlttd PICTmOUl W.. In Del*1ment No. 3.. CMc '"'~tor 111 lnltl .. l lrt Mid Homtbulfdera. end whloh hH MAMI ITATIMINT Cenler Drive W111. Senta Afta, MJC •TU 81..,. and wtlhlnQ 10 OOjlet to 9'1Ch c.errled on II• bullne11 11 7012 Titt tollowtnt ~ .,. doWIO Calltotftll. on Du1rr4ler t. 1111, M • 1 .. l'elnCMI ll'iUlt give wrtt-.n notA O! Oat"'9d Aver-, Hun~h. ~ • 10 JO o'Clodt •"' • lfld "-' llld .... na1'mn euch olllectton 10 th4 "t•on 0t :nr:.·~~~:.-on ~~t!.U~~..:~~~ =-=~·,::re=~ TM,........,.,., ...... fOI a:.=~0:0.;..0t~ I Anet NI dete. no Pitt'* 111 12114 n.,.-.... not Ila.,...._ ....._.., ,..,.. 11e lllVlft to"" t,,. partnertlllp Mii tvlhorlty to fl O IE "T P ! "fll Y, 3 2 0 t " 11 MtMr .......... I°"" of M l I DllTMUTONI. 711 W '*'°" hOldine 1tle JO DAY9 efter t>lftd the pert1M1111t'4c1. •-ctllt for .. l'YleW. M1nhtl11n ... o". CA t"I• order te •"e• H•H bl -'Nt, ..... C.... .._, llrtt lll!HDMfO, ot tNI,.... Ten•Ntnetr. Ltd , wnfclt "H IOtM puMlllM In Otlllfl a.. 0., IUtflOrtlY to wind"' ... ""'*1NP TIAl'A,.C! SHIPPAflO, 417 ,1101, • ",::'1::' of tefteral Ted M. """"· .... A'*-. ..-. O,ai'oe llotlom, lrltnl, CA 11714 olroultttoft, fft N '°""" C.. ..._. Olllof'llla ... OA TlO :''* I . 1VN TIM r1111n, LTD ... c..... Tlllil ........... OOllM• ~ .............. '"" '°' t.ur TNl ---.. OOll ...... ..,... "' .... 0 VOllftl r----·-··· ..... ---·--·----~ to:::"O: Ir TM lie. TIN).._.. oflllCI....,.._ ·--.-.. Al ........ • -...••' M *"""''' .. ,.... """ "" o..t: °"""II, "" ""' •ta• alt -... .. ot ........ of .. ~ OouMw C11t1t ot Or.,._ COUll4y Oft '""* OOMINICHN °""' ., 0.-.. °"""' .,. Halal w "9ftltr •. rw... Ool ,,, 1• ~.... tt, '"'· DllelMd "":~~ Or ... Coe11 Delly PuetllMd Or~ coe!.1: Pu--::-:re;iric-.Coeet Deity ......... °' ... ceee. "= ......... ONftee oe-.. ~ '" Ml -... ""-.. -I .._I --. .._I -1 .... -,_Oil tl, •. IT,'"9w,I, ,_. ""·°" to.lf,M'e¥ I. ftll Ptl04. NoY •• ' ,.._,, "'" ,.,, -· • ._.. • ·-..--., ...... • -..... ·~ .... ' • u--.. , ... ... ,... ~ --' ' <' \~ ' • Oran~e CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Wednetday. Nov1mb1r 3, 1982 NB ,\ 11 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOTU IOi.• IN(LUD• U ADH ON , ...... lll'IOH.AlllDWUl , ... Cl,IC, ,.., •ono111, OIUOIY AlllD C•lllCllllllAft tYOCll ••CNANOH ANO •I PO.,ID •v l NI !IAtO 11110 INUINI' ~ \al.. Mel \ti.. Ntl Mia• N•l WIH Ntl t.11.. ~ti • • IMI• Ct•.. '"' " t '10• c1ow ("41 ,. • 1111• cio .. e"' 11 • i.ot <1ote ci.o " r ,.,,.., cio.. C"t ,..... I.JO I 11 lt • t\. lllljlC•• J CM • .. uHI •• 1, MUii•. .N 10 JI ,,., 1. ll•n(..n • • IOM 11'•. 1 • lleul I JO 111 10•. 1. ""m•lfUO I U ,,., 114~1. t.O. Jn t1 •l MMM •tlll•l .. lu••,1 •'1 P•to~pr\1/ U 1t ,, IN'9111n 11'•J 11 •H• ~ti ,, ' 11111 IOJ VI, .. t 11 Ma(O .If II , If•• I, Mlnl'L J H • 11• 111• • I• ~P•.11n~,!' .l .. i "• ,MIJ~ J!,'•,, ,(, •lent .0 ll t t M II t,~IOl~M ..... •• 1n1111t1.11 U ul •1 Ml~p .cl .• JI 1010 , 1, ,,_, ,.UI.,. tlltC.l lll J I/ , • S.....( Nel 510 I, I) •IO Ult t It i"' l'~ 1 I ' ~'• • t1. Ml l'l •~ 1 tt tt._ 1 • t t • 10 10'9 \, Juan .•lt If U ._,, to J> t:-IO .. Cllt, Uni t t 101 1/lt~ Vt 1j! . 'Jt l M ''i' t -tt11,. ~ P•P Pl~ dO )4•. '" Juan If •'°t 11 t ... It c111S~' 1..02uon ••1.., 'It " " u " h • -. ~ . 1tt u 1 •• " MoP • 1.1 • •tu••'•, '• 11111L oi 4. 11c!O » • 1, """ ·'' •t ~ l''w 'lyln• l'tO II UOtuJ/4.. ·~· ,,.la ·s • 141 U'4l·. I .. " St ' • .• ,., , I ,, Moll 1112 .... J. ••11 '• P•Pl pl., '"° .. I 1111111 I .. I u II • ,, (lyln pl t •. 1 .. 1,, \1 !ll~~JA. \ IJ IU• 11MI t J n 11co., D • a 1 I !" • 1, MoP !>''·ti .. to't, '< JlaPl-O•t 40 1100 t111 I\< ftlnG 110 hit U '" I• Ctat>lr et .. tr: 'It . ~111 Pf • II )I, ._ "t n • Mo• 1114, J . I Jll, , Ila Pl Gi)fa,h . .i 112¥ .. • I IWt i I~ le )I 21' •, •• ClerkE.. J, / 21~ t lh ~f:' er .. fl/ !It, ~ II Hilh 10 '! u.IO>t •ho ~Itel . UDI i .. PaPI pJ.f ,f4 11110 vii~•• I< \II~( Jt 1•,, 1, Cl•(ll I , 31 ti t ~, ,. 1111'.. 01 Vlt't, I• 1111111 .. 11 2 ... It l ~ t I MolMi t t U. '' , It. ,.•Pt P• II I)• .. 'lo '• •Eill' 1 t '' It" lo ,.," Ntl Cl••il t.• .. ..., , .... ~ ... '"t" .eo MU .. ,. ... '• ICP .. t 10.. .. , •• '• Mo~IH . nl ••• •• P•P P• • 1tl0 i4 \ •Ill pl I,. J IO't P ·f hd\ (IO .. ("41 Cl•E.l 1tl l,4> , dOO St 1 t f'.1At111 I I t ~ uU\,,. I llltarto l .• 101'9S y)l1, 1 21• ~(JI iJ AQ 'i'', tlo PaPI. Ori 10 do .. _ ••In . J)t 6'9, 1; CIJl'ElpH16 t!OO Ml t w l'IClttl ,ti) .>OiJu1t!"l"' l"'"Jll.IJ , JOull•l• .. s MoNJ< l• U '""' 1, Pt11wlt t.111.11 IO'i ).f •• ,$;avlnptl$0 , h IOlt A.:..;. -ftyJk '..o t -ulll'• 1 It f11Chl< 110 t 1.110 Wt• '• nll'f po e IU la"'• I"-IW>hkDI 't 1~ ul , •• Ptnw pl MO' t >O ~ kllrPlo I ti I~ 1111) utt•• • tlot MR ..i u n loro.. ft 111.,. ·n 1. "'"' • P• .. ICM SJ w I" rll1 "'° 10 41 11 • . Mollfl11b to 11• 21", ••• P1t1w 01 1.eo-., .,, N' 1 t •. ~11111111 .._ • e.JOO .,,. , ,,, ACF 2./t t ltl IU9tlll :.. 1 .11) 21 i.. 1'18Tn 1.20 t »t a.'1• ~t !!1 All! . ,.O IJ lot ... • .. ~ Mol'lttll .• :. 1 1• 191.fl '• Ptl'lfllOI f,'IO • 14'11 u ... , I', IAll U.,., 41)1 U'o •,. A:N I' 1:i.61Ut lll9tpt , d!ia• .. ~•"ICllY • 4 ~ ..... I M J.f4'1J1•1~•,.••''~' tj•o.•Sd •,PMPl>•·••12f/h1•"'• O•• .. 11211u)t•,.1•. ",."~RR 'wll ~1' Clim :ioi• I 11111., , ... "111•1• ,,,. t 1)1l »~·. '"' 1n11r•·· I°" I• 11"1 2.-... Moll ...... tlllOO *"'• t''· PtOPl n ' .... '°'' .. S<olL•ll 11 1U •••••• ~ l ,., •lal .40 U 1 UI., I'• l'IMl6' 1A f 1001 t \.1 • h l'I Harv • ·~ lft• It MlllDU t .1• • .. 14• , ~> flap•!Co 1,U ~ Wh O'o, JI. kol~_tl I to " 40 M)>'•, .. AMR pt l.1.. 41 '"pl l,A 4 Uh, 1,1 [Nlfl• tl.'2 • Jl1 "'~ • It 1n1~' !>I .. SI .•~• •· .. MOnPw t .4' 1 70l ttl .. 11 PerllSI tO 1• 11tt1., 11., kolll' 1 I ttn "'°"' 4t APL , 130 o<eCI 2.4' Ii UU U4I .a .-"''8 J 40 S to "1U• • 1\1 II Min UO llltt )011 I, MOnS1 UO. .• 1~ ,,.., ll'rml•n t.:br Ml 11'-, •• koly• t t0 l'I '.14f U , '' ARA • 110 105 0101 • .. " ., u•'"., F•IP• • '°"' i 1. lnlir:t 1,.0 I ~ 32 ' "' MONY • .-10 •IJ ... ,..,,,,, I 40 Ii )91 .... f l, kovlll l.S117 .,. ,, • .. ASA ,. .. '"" Olt<O . It »!211'1 ., ......... wt .. •> 7•1t-,,,. In pr t 40 1 , ••• us• .... , .. ""°°"' J 11 I " ,...,,,. ·'° ... , ,,.. k•Cl'ptl .. " 10.. ~. A\/X .:iuo 713 Oltmll l 20 lJ IS ,.~.. FIUnfll '·" ·~ 21) 19.h .... 1111 "' . IO IOI.. It Mor•M t.04 , a1 Ptllh •• ~,.. n , •••. U•f,' Pl 1.10 ,. .... • Abtlall .. O 1111 lt" + ~gPel 1:20 t .SI) tll<t, -, "Fll/tell ... t t ll ull\,. lt ll'llT T 2 .. I ~la it•,. H• Moran , !ID 11 t'• lo Pll1•r 1.14 It l011 HI••,._ Su onl d • ll• 7'11 ot 1 .. AcmtC t.ao • » II•• ol11P pll j() 110 331. 4• Wik J.10 • al 2ht • \t 11 t plJ 4 • 7$ n • l\1 MO•t•" 3.eO 7 l n •f\t, II• PhtlOD ,30j . 4SI 2a1o 1 .. Su ll l..W S:l'I 114-, \, A(meE 11.320" llO ... 1, olfAll •/J 10 292 1.. ... f J<llb 2 • n4 1144~" I~ ITT pfl( 4 .. UI 11 I • 2 "'°' t1G i.ll I u .. t11o Phl1>ro .... II ... , vS<t • 2<. Suqrm 1.IO • 1'7 1• , J~t AC1rn011 .04 9 UO l•• ,.. olinFcl 10 tt1 19'-• 1H "IJllFll ,10 2 tit IU • '• ITT P\0 > .. It ''' h Mona~ ~I) 11· U .. , Pllliafll J.11 lttMull•t~ '· s .. oul 2S '57 1'•. AcNIC• 2.2s. . ,. 1~ , •· oiPan 1 411 os 11,.-., '• f IF1110 2 a 1'1 lllH• • h Intl r 1111 b .. l •~, '-Merl001 1.u , "° usn., 1. ""lie pf •.JO , 110 u . . ~ •• r~·· u. I" ,,.. '"", , ... Adn>MI ,10a1• ,., ... \,,"' ltln• ,·IO · 5'~ ,,,.,· flwlll!;n .>2t2144 ulH•tl lnl TTpl f,lO . 11\ISJ •lh MOtroiil 'l!' .... 2"'°'-•·"· ""f:pff • .0 •. 1200 l2h•I SOl!'W ... I n .,,. '• AMO' .. 210'1 u11v..1•. OIGH J .... WI )ll•'+'ii.; "F!'"',no 1.1• 11 )St~~ ••• lnlNrlll 2.11 • , .. Hit ~~ Mtl'l/t( t 1 "' u1.,, P1111e pf ....... dlO .. •• Saerl•C.. ,)J 11111• v•j\ •• ''• A•lnLt 2" 1 "41 41\o .n. IG• pl).. • ,,... '• .. v .IO,. ~ 14 • '~ lnl•IXt I~ ,. II .... Mu111ra • ' ... IH.. Ph IE Pl 1 •• t lOO " • I S.•rt 13' ...... u:IO'o· ''• Attnl. pl J .. I 901, ... 50111 lfS '' 200 ,..._ F HI pf l.•l .. I ll~t 1, lnlPc pl I!! .. 1 ._ Mnlel p4 ,<IQ ,. • 91,, I PhllE ple.H ,, 12M1 .... , 1 S.cPtt t.40 t SU '2•·•·· .. AelL pll.039 . II• ~ • "' $0 pf ,·., .. I It\•;· i. 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AltOSld l,Of 9 lJI u21 • '·• ~ • ' OSIWn ,44 I ~ 14\e • \.o Jem>w 12 10 211 17 ~al(O s 1.12 17 •U u30 • +• Pl1>nH• 1.1• 11 112• 1Ho .i• 1 S mpPI ,21) U u () 1~ .. 1, AIHAI nl.'H 10 1371 u ....... ~orp ;: 1lli ll~· 3 \ Fo1llP ... 9 18' "'• ... JepnF 1.3°5e .. 1J1 "." ~~ N1peo. .2... 49 ·~· "' PlonrEI .ne II 102 .,... Sl119'tr 'IOe Jl ..... q • '• Alt•clr u 230 10' '. 1, c:..vro, I II 197 2•1 • I ~oar..' ··~ :o ·m'°' lS ... t 2 Jeff Piii ._. •• 4311 '' .... N•plFd •.IOb 33 .. 2SIH •• Pllny8 1.60 II 1)28 ....... . • Sll'IQf pl ).IO . 11 'l•'· .. \1 Al~p '·°' 9 199 48\. fl\• Ml 110 11 11 34,,. 'f, ,....c · 1 • ..... , .. Jere pl 4 oo t• 1 ... Nerco ... 21 295 u311>< 1 Pline pt 2, 1l. " ..i.i. 1. Skyline 413'I II•• ull<•, 'a Al11Cp pt2, .. ·· J •J)\1. ' . •··· Fr lllNI .'46 t n 1"-14 J.,C pl •.36 . 1200 60 •I NHllu• .40 .. 711 11'" H1 P1111tn ,60 II 1075 1''-• I\. f>mllhA 13j .. IOI 10"-, ', Alglnl 1.40 • S2• JI'"'"' ::,r;.,e n1.eo 1 a U~· ... Fruthf .AO ..... ulJ'.·• '"• J.,C pl • ,, 11so "' •• 2 N•IC•n I 1 •3 201 ...... PIAnR>C • 1111 ulO .... Smltllln ·" ~ \..o 1fl •• I Algln Pl 1.19 . SI u11· ..... .,.,,.~ 2: ,; ~ 1~..! • !: Fuqua ..0 . l25 uJ1 • H• Jere pt · •: ''"° u • '• NtCn~ s ,S4 IS 301 "'', •. Pl•nlrn .1• u 170 1,,,, 't, Smll8 2.60" ln1 "'•, •'· Allll ptc;ll ts ... 1182\,. I ortEO s 1·.a • 122,1 Ii< , Fuq1 Pl 1.2S . 56 u21 + , ... Jer' pl 2.11 ti 10, N1t Dhl 2.20 t 676 2•1•, \t PleybOy .12 n1 n. Smuekr 1.<11) e 119 SJ•. " AlfgPw l . .tO 1 11)9 2l • •• e I x 3 120 ', 2 ' -G-G -JewtlC 1.48 1 313 .. ,,. \\ N•IEClu l.Jlt I )9 16\-• • '1 Pleuer I.tie 14 1 1011, • '-SnapOn .M 14 341 71\o I• AllenG I 18 193 IH• 'o c:::E P1 t · · S .t0' 1 GAF .20 1 131 Ill•• I JewlC pt 4l ;i.1,, lt NalFG 3,lt S JS 30n , "• Pn.um, 1012 1111 J2 • ,., Sonal 1,30 4 860 31',. •• Allcl(p 2.<IO & ]11/ ll • 2\• ConF.'5 2 J? 8 486 ,.., •: \:GAF Pl I 20 9 14\. • h J~Wltr Ill U S'• '• NFG pl ).JO .. I v2H" It POQOPCI :60 111101 U • '. SonyCp .l .. 13 11139$ 141,. '• AICl(pp ... 1' "°uSS11 , "'CoriFpt 4·50 SI031• I GATX J.40 I !66 H'.•• ~ JollnJn. 11•1 .. l O•• ! N•IGyp l.48311232u29L1•I pofarlCI ISS1S31 ?I .J• Soolln2.<IOa 9 2J ?a<. '• AldCp'lt 11. J 91•' .... CnsFrt 1.60 12 4411 J1'~: I OCA .10120 lllJ t11,. l~t JOl\llEF .. tJll u45 ~ ••• NIHOm .. llS u "" \, PncltO~ .50 It ,., u211-1 .. I • Soutc.C 2.ao. 91 ,.,, .. AllCIP• . Ill 2) .,,, t.. n~NG ,1 ·11 • lll'I '1• \ GEICO 54 10 411 l'll.o+ 1~ JollnCn I «I 9 m wl.S\e, 1,, NMdCr• .'46101072 9 • lt Poe>T •I .Ill JA JOO 19\n 7 Sr<Cp plJ 40 ll 20' 1 AOdStt• 1.80 9 859 JS11 .i1,Co111Pwi..i 6~3" ~,'GEO .l• 3 uo 11\..+l'iT JOllnCpl 1 11141' •2 NMdEa .ltOUU81uH•·· \, PorlK .IOtt 13 ·12, •• '· SC•EG 1',92 <i 410 II'; . AIGTel n I I JO ~ . c; p · · ' ' c:JF fQP JO ..... ,. Jonlgn 60 . ISi 1I: c NMlneS ,32 1• ts ei.., •, PortGE 1,1• s Ito» IS',, .. SCrE f,12 ltO l n AllhCll 112 HH .. ,~.,:::;·~· ~ t;~·:.\·GTE l .91 109213 .... V.tlh Joreen 1 '• ISull ... : NPtllll.10• 119S lfµ,. '·PoGpfll.ltO . r810v99 •1 SoJern2°l()0 7 42 20 ..... , All~ll pl4 . .,1 1010 l! • '• CnPw 1in sso SI ' • GTE.pl 2 Ml 20 ~·~ • •~ Josren 92 ll 112 11 " NSem• .• 2%4u2S\.wo l\t PorG pl 1,60 .• t 19._ '• SollClwn .SO I I :i.•.' \, AlphPr .. ll 114., '• CnPw gl1 I• !JOO S7 : •GTE pl J... • 21 h Jofllolfll 1·<10 s 1521 ls.._, \, N1Svln .... 9 97 ulS .1\, PorG pl 4,40 . 11 3111• \, SoatB• 1 1 1 .. 19" ... At(OA 1.20 •2 5019 JO'" 1' • CnPw 1 ' • as 29 , G•l~ou ..S2 9 191 !Ho. . -1(-1( _ NSl.fnCI .IOI 2• 9.J.., It PorG pl •.32 , . SI JH" '-SotlPS 1.)11 lO a 121. AmlSUQ . s • I .. ~ •••• CnPw ~I] 911 s 29.... • G•nn•ll 1.IO •• 'l:JA un .... l(OI" 10 .. ... • . R•lfSll ' .. 670 17 ..... Polllth I ..... , ... ul.S\,. I\. SC•IEocl ).~, , 1909 u• •• 11• A'll•• .10 · 2381 lSI' • '• CnPw pr3 as IO J8' , G•c>SJr .SO 11 162 l1"° • '• KLM 1J 511 31 , 21· N•IUI n 110 S Uh 1., PotrnEI 1. .. I 431 17h · ·• Sovlh(o 1.10 7 3011 U't, 1, ~rau pt J ·a 2 ~ CnPw priSO s 19f: , 'GHSV< 1.36 9 II 12 • '·• K m••l 117 llSltll ull" t3 ' Nllom 1.4010 1112 19 .1 POIEI pt 4,SO .. 1100 31. II. SolnGE 101 1 II 1•'• 1, ri1rce 1 ... 1 .. lllo' '• CnPw •2 23 ' 3 I.' ~ Gu rlll .3610 119 lflo+ '• K•lsrAI .60 13Sl U \<t \o Nllm pf 4 u 344. 1 \, Premrl .<111' •l J6 '• SNETtl ''6 t 10S S~••• <o Amrc pl 2.60 I 291 " ... CnPw p ,_ 01 •1 ,;, • 1 Gel<o 11210 611 U >,. " Kai Al pl •.12 . I ~ di. Ne•Pw 2 M .• 121 11 .. • \\ PrHley .30 IS Id ul3'o-. II, SoNE p1•3,12 . 1 u)O t I / ~m~u 10\0 1~ ~!! J01 1• • 11. CnPw :12'•J · 8 II ': , 'GemC• '11 •J .,.,,,, , ... Kal1Ct 60 lJ 279 234. + " NevP pl 1:60 13.tl) 13 • :i. "'"''" "1.40 I 111 u19\• • 2 SouP.c 1.60 9 11)3 40'•, I m II' . I -•• '. ContCop . •3 < •• • Gemln 1.<IOa ,, IS\1 '• Kale pl I JI s •• • ,, ..... p pl .. ,. . llO , ....... Prime( U •242 331,,. ,., SoRy pl 2,.0 40 23' I • ... AS.II' .. 468 II \. Cnll(p J 60 •• ,,. u32 .. ' GAlnv •.lM.. IS9 l~t ... K•llrSI .. 37• llh. '• NevP pl I 9S 3 u .... PrlmM' ••• 10 S6I uU • •1 SoUnCo. 1.Slt ·; .. II''. '• ~t:"°plm 1 1~10/I :a:•.t~•cnt1GrPl60 •mu .. : 'GAmOll .60b" 213 JS• 4. K•ntMI .1810 70 ISlo• 'k NeveclSn ·• ll•llllh • \, Proc104.2012~1111•\"l" S®llM llelO •Slu4S ,i.. • ·• ·• • ~ CnlGp pt 1 34 lt\o , Gn8u11 • s 9S 211,,. •. Kaneo 1 s MO 16\., -. NEn11E1 l 1 "' 321., '• P•GR•h .3:211 19S 12 ... •· SoAor .Ol1"00t 19 . Alltel pl , 61 s '8 • \7 ClllGP pit)() . • J&• ': ,"' GClnm I .SJ I] llA uJO'<. h KClyPL l l& • 805 ,. ... I \, NEnP pl2,16 . .. 2• ••• Proltr l.<11) IS II , .... \, Soumr1' .00< ) 3411 •••• 1. ABclul 1.60102104us., .. 2,, conllll 2 a111et 2,\0 ,,.;Gc1nmptM ssu301.,.,. KCPLpl2.10 1 1H... NJRlC nl.16 1 31 ••'•• •. osvc;o1 I.I• 11Gl'I 16'" •. So5wm,.•1,f' . .!.·11 .... 1, s!!.•·,1~: ABICIM I II .. Jl~. '' ContTtl I s. • 2850 ul9• •• ' GnOll• ..... ul4 ... KCPL Pl7 33 1 II'' . . NYSEG 2 to • 1114) 20 • . . t>sco• pl1. u . ••SOO ....... •I· •• • .. ·-ABll~PCI .5'> 9 JO II« • 1• CIO•le SS 10 JIJ\I 41 , 3 GnOyn 1113 3A'l8 3S\.o • l\• KC Sou .M II 399 oil\" l>o N'l'S pl I .to .. i.ao i..• '· , PSCol pfJ.10 . . • 18 . . SwBklll 1.36 6 IOI Jt' •, I AmC•n 1.tO 1110 lS'·• • 2 .. Conwe>cl 1.ao 11 I~ u391o, 1 GOrn pl 4,25.. ll 12 + 4'> KCSo pl 1 . 110 ll'o.. NYS pt 2.ll. • lei.+ ., PSlllO 2.16 • 1m u21" • ,; SwFIBk .80 9 :M !•'• 1, ~~Clltnpl 1;!12;8 1.J.. '!!•• 1, Cooaun Olr . 241 31,, 1.,Genfl J.aol 21140u93l .. 411 KanGE l .12 6 JS6 11 , ~; N'l'Spl03,7S .. I ltle• 4. PSlnpl l.lt0 .• 1100 JI • ~. s5wwt10Foa~ 1 .. •1s1 9 901.J 1110~.··,•~.· 'Y · """ -u •-• ;, Coopr 1 ~2 61123 2e1 •• •, GnFcts lAI 10 1250 ....... t 1,, K•nNb l.'8b 10 tt lO~• '-Ntwell I 10 ~J lt•• • '• l'Sln pl 1.04 . 1800 t + 1,, ~ 6 u • , ~ an :·~:~JO~ u~••• 1'1 Coopl pl 190 126 331 ,. '• OGIQ ao.36 293 It\•• n K1nPLI 1 . .0 I ~ ~ ... • t. Nwh•I .n 11 116 ull>• • , .. PSlfl pl IOI •. 1100 9 • \. Swfnr n .S2 ll 152 14" '• c• • I u• • 2'. Cooplb 80 i1 313 uSJ1,. 2'-GH0\11 .SO • 1103 19~ + 1, K•PL pn.:n S 20 , '-Ntwml 1 29 15& 41\., I, PSln pt t .411 • U44Q.u7Ye t \1 SWIPS l,'2 I 511 14~•· A,.oPw l .26 9 62SS 19~• • 'o CooprT w 8 211 ul? , 1•. GllHO<ll .20 t U9ulS\•~1•• kePL Pl J.U .. 19 ul94,. ~ Nwptrk rlt 7 l(lel ,,_, • -.,, PS In pr t.96 .• • 110 10•,; '• Scl•r ln .60 10 71 ul9~t t '• !~Ekf> 1.10 !! SIS9uM ·•'• COl>Wd s 11635 12 19 , 1 GnlMI .IO ISlJ/1 •91,,3\1 Kalfln 1 161 IO>Oi '-NltMP I.Ill o 1104 16'•• \., PSvNk 1.12 • •lo IH. • •• SpeclP .. Sll 101.,,1. Ao.mc'' .·"°20 111 21') .... COfClura 60131/17ul6'••' GnMllll..1.Ml211lO ""''"' K•••P' ..... 2 170,., '• Nl•Mpl 3.'° .. 1160 le II. 1$NHpl1.1S .• lJOO 11\••1'• Sf»"Y 1.92 ••7S3 30'••1 '· .. p.. 11 ... '•cortln 4'11110S 11 ....... GMol 1.-totJlluSl'o•l K•u•Br .tf 2~uuh •• Nl•MPI l'I0 •• 1100 JO •. PSNHpll.81 .. 1 101,. •,.Sc>rinq• 1.52. 92 )9>. '• AGl8CI 21& S8 19'• CornG 13138 otSlil>C>'•••'• GM.otplJ.IS . 1l4h·,. 1. K•ulpt I.SO ... u1'•,.n, N10o\Pf 4,10 dSO 32'•· .• PSNH pl•,lS .• I• lO -, SQuarD 1 .... 11 .. , 33•• '• AGnCv l.80a S 21.._ • '1 Cpt81k 1'801• 20I JI \t GMol pt S . • 45~, • \, Keller .JO 10 SIJ ul• , 1+1 NltMrl S.25 1100 •II•. .. PSNH pl3.1S .. ,If> JI \t Squlllll l.:M II 32111 uSO••, ,,. AHe•il .84 9 8 IH •• '•cowlH · .,, 19 ........ GNC .Clll 12'u22 ..... ~. Kell09ll 1.50101..0 11• .. 11, NiM.p 1060 .. zSS30ul9•··3• PSNHpll.16 . 127 291., \ Sl•lo .IO I ... ,, 19 • " AHoi'l .S4j . 200 " • '9 CoxCm 18 19 HI !>fl ... , " GPU 13 .. 23 •1, Ktllwd" 40 I .... u~. I Ni•Mpl 1.12 14 S9• • • 11., PSvNllll 2.IO 1 S35 26 • I SIBPnl tO 1S 2911 u3'~ •I AHome 2.101)HJ6 ... '•er .. 11 1S 8 ••••• :~nR••l.Oll1 J06 }6 .:ii.= Kenai .10 3 3.$3 .... a, Nla115113.1ile .• ,, 1,~H \< PS•EG 1.Slt 1012 23 . l SICIMol .Mil 199u~ •• ., AHosp. 84 ,, I/OS u4S • J•. Cfane I~ JS SI ,,..... I GnR•I• .. ,. O•. '• Ktnml .'6 11 Ill ,, ••• \. Nicoll n 111 M .. 12"• ... PSEG pll,aQ . .. ., ••• ~ StOllCI 2 • .0 11209 •31' •• '• AMI S21'ln3vl51t•l••cravR•. 381878u40•1 '2 GnSl11n1 16'111016uoS •llo KyUlll 120 ll•SI 1n ••• , NICOR 4. J36 301 •• \. PSEOpt4,ll . llOO 31 ... f\ SIOll\Q 2.80 l•SOS ••••• , .. Am Mot . 1104 5 • '• '"'OH , 40 12 91 32'>: •• GT Ff pl I.JO . HOO II'• '. KeHGI .... 1 202 If' .. 1, NOOIAI .12 I •030 ., ... I\. PSEG P".lO . 1•SOO lS .. : • . StclOOll J 60 s US! 37• .. H, ANalR n 3 ~ ~ 31'. "" CrON p12' 11 1 13.. .. G Tire I SOtl )I ... ,..,,.,..... Ke•G pl 1.10 t3 JO•" .. NorSo II J.IO • 2<!01 60~. 2"-PSEG pfS.lt . lSOO olll. \ SIPacCp .70 018 1112• ..... ASL Fla 19' ul& .... CrmpKn I Gt 10 IJ 141,' '• Geni.co . 201 ·~ .. :. l(e,,111\c 1.10 • 900 JI•·· •• Norlin 1 200 ..... " PSEG pti,11 . s 11 ... ' SlencleA tt • •II• II • '• • ASI\~ IOa 9 ., 10' .. \, Crwn(k . • ljl ,.,... • ~ GnRaG .10 i1'"21• ult1 .... 1~ l(~y&C" u 11•·· ... No'"' n 2.lO " 60 30~ ..... 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Purol•! 1.11 II Xl8 ... ,,., i~ Stok\/C 1 . .a I 1101M10 , I'• AW• )pl l.U . r40ull' •• ' ye OP• -~ .. 1• GerbPG•i3610 )90 ,. ••• ·.; K•oee• I ... 9 442 ... , ... NSPw pl•.IO rt100ulil'" '" Pyro . ll ....... ~ Stll\/C pl I 1100 9'• ' Ameron I .0 S ., 2S , • D-0 -GtrllSc .12 29 311 '"• • \• Kulllm ,IOa 8 51 uUt, • '> NSPw pl1 .... t600 •J' > ~ OuakO l 11 lU. U 1, • ' SICNltW l.60a I 31.j.0•9 , I'• AmetO 40 11 S2 ,.._. •. 8:'~.,. 10 · ~ ~~· ~ O.lly J.60 1 921 s1-... '9 KYO<t• .2lr U 111 29t, • e, NSPw pt I •. 11030 v.e> .. 11..1oua0oc>1 t.Slt , . dO M Stone• • .a II 135 u21' .. 1• • .Ametk 1.20 .. lle u3S~. ' •• D•nRI "'1• ·..o 1...:. I• Giiiy Pl 1.20 • 2 IS"..... KJiOf .20 • . 1t ·~ • • Nor Tl Q I 70 1119 ...S\1 . •~. OuakSO .IO • ns ..... \ SloPr.I\ I I.JO • 9l .s-. 't Amlac 1 .... 16 107 251,. •, Oar.a( v 1 60 II 111$4 ul.S 'J' • Gltt1IP . 11 S'·• • \.o -l..-L -NlllOtl Q .. 2• 3\o 11 Ou•nax .60 7 «17 I\" \ Slorlec 9 13S9 2' + 1\1 1Hf11118 II Jl1 S .. 1, panietp ito 1 lll 111 '11 Glllrfn • «111 I~• 11 LN Ho 113.'1t 10 '4 l• ... Nodrp l,I0114 N 7St.. \, Slorer ntl tQo 311,. '• ....... 10 1'9., S» ... DartKr ;, 60 16 1151 10' •• J • OHIHlll .'2 . " IS\1 h LFE 1 SI u II•. ~. Nw•tA" .IO ltJ 1150 ,. • I\. -•-R -SlrlclRll I.Jo 10 1'6 u.. ... llftlPCI J2 .. 14'1u21 •''-D•laOn · nltil u<IO, .. J Giiiette 2.3011 7:15\Mtl .. 1 LFEpt .SO . II S\o• '• NWIBcp 1,IO I 330ut1•,,. '' RBIM .l•li JlOulHt• I S...vSh .JO• 311 12•• '• 8ethStl I 1514 "'·. '• O.ITtr •13 ...... GltHW .601.. .. .... '• LLCCp u , ... ,, N8cp. pll.16e JO ,,. ~ " R"CC~... ·'° ... soo 2tl .. " SubPrG 1.60b .. 210 311'+. '• 8evarty . .010 J06 JI \, . • GloblM 2' •••IO 101,. ,, LLC<;p11f . s s1 .... N8cppll.16t M, u .... , ~ ... 1l0. ~JO'••! Sulla lr .... '2S i~ ••• e111Tllr .n 10 1600 1••·. I'' g:•pn• I ~!s ~~s '•1 I • 1 .... GICI NUO • "3 ,. • I'. L Tl/ ,j() 10 2041 In •• \, NWl If n • .•O •• '"'"' RCA pl • l'I un • , SunBll• ,1.oa • 3'1 J• .. 8 inne'(_ 1.20 12 1/l ll'• .i-.. y<o · • , •' , ' GldWF" 02t •• 1 ... Ult • llo l Tl/ pl ). 1 .. • . NwMLI 1.10 • 4· II~.,... RCA Ot 2.12 • 213 u1311 • < Sun<ll •• t US 1•'• 1, 81sfS llS ••• ,. g:r~1:·:1:1m ut,,"! 'GClrl(ll l.S4n»46u291··•'· LO\llnll u 1'1u21\o.!•, NwSIW .IO .. '°',, ... RCApl J,•S. .. 11~. "Su11El .11) 111 121, ••• BlahD .SJ .. IS 11'«, \.. Y' ' , • Gdrcll pt .fl , tlOO 9 , La<Gal 2,aQ S 6 234-1 I. Norton 1 IJ IOt 331>+ • \1 •LC n 70 11 '21 • .._ + '' SuflCo 2.JO S llS lJ" •I 81kHP ... l .<11) • 13 u30 • I\• DPL pt l.IO . uoo uSI •• II• GClrth pf),IJ •• 20ll ulO•·. I'• umSes . 23 l . Nor51m I.QI 11 IHO Ill~. " AR•T•E•Pur .• «>,. !? 610 11•• ... SutlC pf 2 u . s .. • 1• .. 81•lr.Jn I • 91 •I .. g:'L ~I 12·r · · llOO 'Ml, · • ~yr l.ao 10 '156 ulJ • l\> Lanltf «112 ,... 21'-• 2 Novo .nt 20 J90 ., o I ., 4113 1..-.. \ SUllChlr I.Ill I 211 39!•, I t 81<kHR 1.92 12 UOO 40\• • .. an 11 • • 11 ~ 30 • 1, Gordn.J ..S. t M U201• • .. u wllnt '2 It 2'l 11"> • '• N\Kor .S? 1• 211 56~•, ~ Ramad •• 170 • • ' SunMn . 1123 12'• 81ut8 1.IO 11 Jlt u:M , t•• ~er•p ..,! 20 Ull 21·« • 1, > GoulCI I n 13 IJIS un ... I .. L .. rPI lJ .. ., .. 13'" '• NulrS n .1 ... J06 JO.\.o, \, Rempe 1,80 11 112 2~ +I~ Sunsl•I •I •S t •o, i, Boeing 1.«l 10 10lt5 u79 ... • n • .,..Im L,. 1 1630 IS, • > Goulcl pl I.JS . l uJI • I LaarSo t.SO I SS1 3S • 14. _ 0-0 _ Renco ... 10 :Ml "'• • ~ SuprVI S41S •1 u271,, ;0 Boise( I t010 110'1u39">.31, ~lllAt I ,.3()9J u3' ••I'-Gract 2.IO •tin .,,. • 111 LtaA.111 • 4012 730 II\•• I. 0•1'1nCI .l < 81•12 u • <Ii> RO<m n 44 211100 u49\.,. H S..prOll .10 It :Ill• n .. , i,.. 8orctan 221 7171•u.ii..,,.,, .... Hon• Jilt icµ.., \o c;,.1ngr 1161' JOfuSJ1 •• 2l, UwlT' U OU m J6.'o, ~ 0.klltP IS210 ' 20<e R•fmll IO 10 .. \ S<fpmkG ti I :121"37'-•1._ 8or11wa 1.'s1 10 •11 ull• .. l'• OlxCnk 1 12 " 1'18 l>ll.., .i G••nllv · JI 10\' '• Lee "' 1• 1' 11 40 u32 • •· OcclPel 1'.SO s 2012 lH.; i. R•ymdl 1 S 3'l "'· • l Sui>s<p • • SS J• •.. 8orm11\ IJ .. n, • '• OenMt11 ..... II •• 23 ' .. GIAIP< . U. 8'• • >,, LeQPlll ... 10 9• Ul '• " O«IP pt2 SO . 21 1e~. ~, Raythn l.<11) 12 304.4 .. \t ' n Swink IO 16 ®' uU~ • ~ B<>1Ed l IO a IM 1''o Denny•\ M !l ~7 ulJ'• • 1'o Gllkln .806 11 13 2• • 1 lAh\111 87 1S.l• • l·IC OcclP pll IJ 2' IH• Reacl81 .IO S 7/7 I•~+ l Syb•lll\ I oe U 411 I•~• '• 801E pt .:. llO .1 ..... Deni ply • II 100 ,... : • GHltl\ •.Sl• s ,, lS'. ... LVln pl . I 10\. ... 0cc1P pt2'.lo • 11 • ' ••. Rd61t pf2. IJ.. S'I 22 ••• Syorn pn'..o • • ' """' ... llflE pr I.II 2' '""' 0.Solo I 11 U 120 ul•~• •I 1 • GINoNk 2 I 239 .,.11., • "' Lallmn 2 71t . 1.S IS••• I, Occ pl ... '2 . M -..\,•I RllRel I.Ole 10 S1 , .. , t.. Synltlt l I 20 1'1l0 U \o , '• IJO•E pr l.<14 . 11 l2l o • '• DetE.cl I. .. 8 3362 12 • • • GtWF1n <10l4 ]AIJ u2''•, 1 Len11ar .JO .. 659 Ith• 1'. OOECO I • 11S t!4• • °" Rt<nf,Q .. 137 •1., i.. $YM:O t .2' 70 m u:i.•., 2 BrlgSI 1.]6.a 12 ~$ lJ'.. •• DelE pl ,,.. 1360 S1 GWH\p n II JI• "'·• • '. L•no.11 I.IQ to lo. 0 • 21. OQClen l.IO • JIS l• ..... Reclmn 30 JI l.&J1 11~. ,. -T-T - BrillM 210l•lll3u7l'••1>,, 0.IEpl l,O .ll2ll SS,• "GMPn I.Sit S 11 "'•• .,_ L•ucad • ,lAull '~· 01\loECI 116 137.0ul•'•• \, Rtto · 41 •"'-+ \1 TOt<.n 12•711•1• U'•• 4. BrstMpl 1 1u11 •2 0.IE pt 1.3' tlOO ~,"'~' Greyl\ 1.10 lll'4ul ... t +I .. L•utOptl.IS 2 121.o ,' OllEOpf).90 1300 tt Ree•tn e SltO I.._ '1 TECO I,. 8 8S1 ~. '• SrllPI l&:le S ._. in , OE plF 2.7~ 3 JO• • Greywl 8116 IJ.16•3'1' LevlSI l ,6SIJJll6u3no•l 1 DllEOpt•.ao llO l.J Ref<llC .48ll 113 f4\. ••. lR IU. l3o II' \>. Brockn ·.IOl1 ll'I 10,:• ,: 0Ept8 l.15 1 10•· Grtytlplt 7S. tlO J1 Levll,F IHU:U ll, ,..,,, OhEClpl• • ..i •1S30 ;J.ll.:,--~ RtCIATr .. l&r3 t~>• 1\ TA.W 2-.o 11 876 u46.::u. llrc"wy l,Jl 8 1n "'" "OEP•l • 1• 2"· "G•Olf<I\ 4 1l'2 l'o ~OF 1.rs•0 1 .. ,., .. \, 0'1Eapt),J6 .1100 Sit • \, Rep(p ·'° .... I'"'"' TRWp .. ,<11) 11110 •• 1, BkyUG 210 • 11• 2'1 .. • 0. g: rK ;-~ .. JO ' '• GrowG .lOCI II 21S 10 ' .... LOF Pl •. S 1 SI • OllEa Pl e to 1120 Slit 1'' RtpFnS 1.10 I• 1•1 .. i. TRW pr '50.. • 121'' I• 8"UG pll:o . 3 l I • ~· Oe~le~' 1·10 l1 J ~'; , ~~ g:~~·~ l.60 71i •• ~ uor "; ji • t:~~<t :~ :: = ll• •:I,, 011Ed prJ°92 .. .. Jl\H '. AtpN Y 1.eO 7 IS 3S~ >+ ~ T ac8oet 'lo .07 30'• • •; BwnSll 10 . 43 1.-.. 'DiGlor .. 10 331 II'•• .. Grum plllO II 21'• c Lilly l60al1t111 61'••"• OllEdpfl,IO .. Sl ...... RRNN~pflClJ.lllJ I 1''·• l •lt8rO 111 362uO•,. '• BwnGp I .I• 10 IJJ SS '• DIG 0 pf 1 2S s l3• .. · ' LI I ' 1I J S8 l OltEd ft I.. l~ .. • • , ' P · • · • 4 1 • T •lley l6' u 6'" 4, ll'oolnF•• '" '18 .,~ .. ., 01a1'nt 1'4029 l04 •1•;' Gu.,dl »14 lloul'~•ll• _m1dn • 1 u•t•·I\> OtlfP 10 . .e .. zlO II ,,..,.jRNYplAt,~ lltulil"-• '' Tilltypt I . lll u''•• ., 8rn~w" 113 1081 2•' I. " Ol•mS I.le 91.SI 12"'. i., GllWSI ./~ • Ul2 II • I) t::~· r ~ • ~ ~ •• ,, OllP pl81.60 • tlO S8 1q RepSU 1• . 323 ,, .. • 1" '•ndy 21 .... u'1•• d·· 8r11snw 1.20.. 11 •S" +' OieOld 80 IS 106~ ..... -'' GllW Pl 3.,. I 101 •I L nc:Plp l 16 . , IP.. , • 0'1P pl( 7,IO .. ,,, 591 ...... RtpBk I -• ,,. ,. . . Tnoycn II •• ,,.,, 8U<yEr .• II 1016 ..... '"Oigll•I .. ll7• " .• s·: GllW ~t 2.SO . 2• •2 • I L:llOft I -116611 S6' J OllP plG2.V .. 1 ,.\. •• ~ Rep6k pll.12 .. 10 1t't• ' ;•nnat ,lie> I 133 •• '• BunClf .60a !! 48 ulO'>• .., Oillngll 10b 9 910 IS '• GullOil 1 IO t -1'1»• I I • '• , OllP pfEl,.e . 1100 .,,_, I RlllCol .ll 1 800 ult\,. I\ Tell< Ir .n 12 1600 21 ... 8unkrH J.16 . . SJ 17h • '• Dillon 1":n1110 111 ?•o.., I Gull Rt. .,. · 225 13;,. ~ t.:C~::/1 2 ··1sJ u~:!: • ,_• OllP pf DI.It : 12SO 601>. • ,.,_ ReR.co ··II 92 '11•' I Ttktrna I I• 10. U ' 1 • 3;, Burllnd I.SJ ·~ 1003 ?I• .... Oill\ey I 10 21 JJ'M u/I • l .. Gull A ptl... . • •• • •• It ' • Okl•GE 1.1' 1 1803 II • " VI fVtr •• 6SI si. I Telcom . SIO J ' .. BrlNlll I SJ• 13 ,, .. u60') +•'. gE1 2.28 s 32 21~ ... GllSIUI 1.}6 I 1310 13"-••• LO<I • S6 JI 149 19 •• \ OkllG pl IO . '"°° lb . . R'tvlon I .. II 7109 3•~· .... h•ovna • 2813 1:11 •• ar1Nopf .SL. S S'1 • rPepp .. 131960 "'" 't GltSU Pl• . .., .. 1200 36 +1 Loew• l.20 9 16•ulSS, •I Olin 1.JO 8 !Olul~~ .. •. Rt•ll•m AO t 119ult' .. ~.Teles "•U7u11•,.t1, BrlN pf 1.13 17 191,. ~. Oome II .10 . IJ:lA 11 '·• GllSU P•).IS .. 160 ,. ..... I'> LomFn I ... 13 •s u4() ,. I Om••k II• llS "'". \1 Ronra 1,(1121 ,., II • '• Ttnnco , ,, • 16211 u36 • I Burncly _,. 13 UJ 1Q.4o. '• Ooneld .6' u 36 10,, '< GllSU pr4AI . .. :M • \.. LOftllloll 2.-10 267 19~• • ~ Omll<r n .IO 1• )9 uAI •I A.tynln l I 1110 S6 • '"' Tenc pr IL. 1 90 , , , Burrllll 16012..0.u•P·•'"OollLJ .10lll.-Oul,'o~l\t GllSU Pll.I0 .14l60ul1"°''"" LnSlar l.t056 .... 21r,.,21, On.ldit .IJ. 20 "'•• '> Rtylnpto.10 .. 16 ... ~ ... Ttrclynl JI J:lAU'Jt•,. 1, 8ullrln Sl 13 all) ulS", I Oonnly I •J 13 m u51 , I\• GullUIO 1.ll 9 llS 2~ • ~ L-S pl•,ltO ·· I 110 • l•"i ONEOK Lao S HQ 26~• ~ Rerln pl 210 1034., \. Tt'°'o .<II) 6 i<&M II~•, 1, Bullet . SO 911 +. Oorse~ 1.10 . 237 30 +I Gullon .eo 14 14 ll\• • ~. LILCo 2.02 112'5 11~ • 41 Opelll\• . • S S t \o RtyMtl l,IO 615 uUI,. H Tttor pt J, 16 .. lt7 JI , '• -C-C -Dover .70 11 lll ;oe•, • 1.. -H-H -LIL plE • . .U •· "° 3l "I\ Or•nRk 1.IO 1 • 18\.. • t,, RerM pl•JO • 3 uU "• l\o Teuco J t.a1UA '2 t 1•, CBlln 1.«la 8 Ill J8 ·•:• OowCll l.IO IJIJJO 27,~,1,, HMW 11 4' l''w .... LILPIJ •• 12 .t3SO 61 '1 Or•nge .11$1 .. '6 ~ It. ReyM pU.31 . • o ~ hABc nl.4<1 1 stuJ.t ... , 1 , CBS 1.80 11 1193 ~1, • 1 OowJon I.Ill n ltl u60' •• l HAl .JOI II IM •:-\1 LIL pl\/ 3 SO 217 u: 1 OrlortC Aol) 10 o31 1'h+ 1, Rcll\/O 1 ... 11 ,.,, ull\> + 1, TeaCm 1 H e "90 39.,, '"• CCI • 1•1 IS Oravo .soes 11' """ .. HaOW•I ....... 10• •• LILplU •.2S ... JI.. Orlon .,, .,, .. \It A•eeelT l.IOll SSu.J~. \ TUEii •.10 1 111 s.~.'" CIGNA nl.lO 7 111S <14'•..-l'• Or•v IO •)2'3 II , l'o Ha11F8 1.10 ll 1006 11 ... • l• LIL PIT 3,JI . 11 2S\1+ Orion pl 11 ·~•· lo A.loGran 1,60 ll 10S S. • t • hET pt 1.11 . <II) 2"'-•, i.. CIGPI 1.15 •.!O 29•,.1., Drue ·, 1• "'•• .. HalOlll 1.60 '"'° llh•l ... LIL ptP l.43 .. 2• ,, • OutllM ·'° i •un~ .... RIOGrpl .IO •• 911 -~ .. l· TuGT J.12 6 1n 13 •• ., ... CLC 9' 10 ... •· Oreyt~• 60a io 128 u•9, ,._ H1mrP "" I lstu321 •• 2 ... Lil ptO 2..'7 .. 1 191, , ouuet ,60" 112 "° + \ RlleAlcl .IO IS 131 .,,,, , 1., r .. 1no .IOb 12 109 1u •• "• CHA Fn I ISi II • 1 PCH\I J «I 9 '22INo 41 "n H1nJS l.•1• 0 U •• "-Lort11Dr 1.04 14 MS •Ho• OvrllDr t 4'1 .. 13~ • R~nw 1.«I It S41 130,., tt Tea Inst 2 lS IHS u12S" 1 )>, CNAPI 110 16 21'1•1'• Pnt plJ°SO 1 l2 : .,; t11nJt 1 ...... 104 111.ot • ~'Loral ,IOll 02 t2'o , OvrTrn .IOU 166vll '•i Rot>hn 1.60 •SO. Jl\••2 hlllnl .0Sll 11SS ,.._, '• CHAI 1.lOa 10 10 ouPnl ptiso e Cl' 1 Hnotmn 110 ~ 16~ • ... L•Gtlll .•S t 10 10'• • OvSlllp ltO 6 :•i ·1) 11 Roc11111 .S6 14 .. S 17+. hNMa 2 " 1 u 211. 1, CPC tnll.10 8150? l9 .1•, DukeP JH l l2J8 13 ·• ,'1 H•nclH . .OU J19 111•• '-L•Lano 1.IOIQ121• 2S'1•I' OwenC 1·20391.saun"w;H'" RO<llG l.IAO s m 1'h ~ hOGI\ 28131415 lJ ... CP N1l 2 4<1 I 21 ll'o '• Duke pt .. IS l tl : I ~ H•nna 1.C II 210 It • "-LeP•c .-llt 1111uJ1h•1' Owenlll 1:.a 9 110 2ll•, 1~ Roch Tl l 04 I , .. H i t . •. hP•< .JO 11 • 22'• '• CS)( 2.14 • 1 .. s s11 •• , Oukt pl • 10 SJO n• I H•18rJ ' • ,.,. 11\\t . Lou•G• 2 JO • JI I 21•··. ~ O•trelln 1.11 • U1 .. \, RO<ltwl 1.Slt 11 J'M• ... .s • I\• TOUlll '°' • 12'.M9 2••. I' CSX pt 1 . 1 ullO • • 0 k I •'10 l lO u ',. • HlrlllCI .• 1 II 101 u3J .1 i.-e11sl 1.20 1 2S .llh • I f'-0 Rklnl p141S ' .. 1u • ) Teall In " 1 ... CT!> I IS .,. 18 .... o:: .. : p I I 'ao !bo ~ .. \: H•,nhll .20j .. 224<"\·-1 .. LOI ... , .• 29 1>9 UUlo. l PHk '· ,. t33-u32, .... " Aklnl pl i.u'.. 1 ueo • • , .. , .... 1 IO 10 lil 27•.; .. CebOI '11 I 221 2Jlo+ ~ Dukt ~t 2·69 l 7,, H1,,8k 1.20 I 29' 3µ. + 1"1 Lut>tl.I l.Ol 1S llSS 22 .2~, PNBMll J0e 10 W u • \'\ RollmH 2.IO 12 .. u1JI,., J'-THtr pq Of . J 29~ •• C-nc J 6 13 Duk 1 J°l5 •• l'2 •· · j Harri• ·• •• :Jill 39 ~ 1"7 L110y• n . .o 20 It? v:JJ•, •II PPG i a. 1111.., ulOI 21,1. A.Ollrln • )tJ 1~ 1, lllack •1 Jh, ;. C:aewr lSO 1)91 10 .... Ouk·p~MI·.. Ill I•• • 1i' Har1<0 1.20 I 3 ....... \. LucllyS 1.16 to 900 ,., .. l PSA :60 J SJ 21..:::. Ro!V pl l u .. • JH. '·· '".'"'El ii 20t " • " Calllln U1 J4A 19 "' DunBr 2·16 iQ lJ3 ::,., '',' Her1SM I 1410 198 ~ • h Luke"' .1112 5' 11 • I,, P•tAS 1 .0. ltO 12.._ · • Aollnin 70 ~l 121, T11m8t1l.IJ11 <II) SI' t • t<. Camrnl .40 4 lSt 20'•• '•• °"'1LI 1·90 I 4'18 le" \ HerlH • .0 I• l.S. JI • ~ -114--M -l>acGE · 1 ··-V I ···~· Rollln1 ... 210 u ... i, fhomln ..._, 1• 10' 11 , I CRlk. 40 .. .,,, 19 .. OuQ pl . 1 t600 u·~. . HlllSa l.IOe II a. u1't·. "' MACOM ... 29 2SM '"· •2 P•<Lto l • "' ,,~: 1..! RolmCp . 2' J4'1S u•».. '" TllMllolCI ·* 1 '" It' •• I. Cam Sp 1.10 9 XIO 4J\.,. .. Duq pl 2.11$ tlOO IS\,. \., HwllEI J • 110 '""• lot MCA l,50b It 9'2 u11'• • l't Pac Lum Ill U ;al U~. + l'-1 RortJOn ., S1' u l~1 ... lll"llY IO 10 loll ull~ .. I'• CC1P•~11 •.40 112! 791 .... Ou I 207 t60 IS' ... H•Y••A 2'.S a.\.o• "'MEI .5' .. 120 ·"° •• PacPw t •• 1 56.3 "' "' "-· 'Cl II 17'u.~ ..... l. TICero 1.lO 1 , 111.. '• <:anPEg .IO . ISi is~ .... ~g1G 1·10 1100 •• • H•altn •11 •l!Ufl\.+l\• Mflwl .• Su2S , P•cPpt 3•1j ••ul':i;• ~ Rorer 1:0.14100. u ... ",,_,, .tO s .. , ,..,. ~. Cln•IR ...... 29 S71n. OUQ prKllO . • ...... i HKkl .14 • ll32 Ullo .. MGMG• ..... 13 w 91,. ~ PacP f l 401 .. an.: .; Rowen .oa • M S 10• .. 11 Tl0trln • -... •• C.pClh .10 It 100 ull3 .J O 1 J '• • HtcllM •• I~ t1~. • -. MGMGr pt.44 . • 1•. •1 p 5' '» io Jlll IS"-II. flow•n p12 44 .. llll. '1I• Tlmet 11110l3 •9'• .J•, ea, PHICI 1.~ t 1~::u~!!" , .. o~:;, 1~ ., ur, !~1 ~· H•llmn .n.10 ,.. a.II••• IMGMU•.J0t22111' 6l• . P:Tln ·.,30 2 11~· \lo RC CO$ 11w ti •• uJ11e. lh Ti"'' ptBl.SI , 1tu11 .s1, arlllQ II ... • • '• OynAm · ·s ll JO ... t .... lnr ' f.40 t 1229 .... I. M8 LI II .20r •• • II • I, P•int!W • '° IJ ...... ,~.1 RoylO J '2• • 1800 )S:O,.+ "" T1rrieM 2 16 1St .... , ., .. ~rlls11e ., : I~~~· 1~• -E-1! _ '· .· Helan' lS Ill U20' I•'"' Matmll .IOb II 321 Ulf\o • -it P•lm8( 1:10 I .S.S Ith+ \'\ A11brm 01.21 IS n uUla u, Tlm-n 1,IO IS 1m .. \, •• .. trn• t + • EGG s 1l 20 15' 2.,. 11 Hetrlnt 1.30 SS .. S Jl~•• I N\Cntl pf l,1JO •• I u11 •1 PanA8k S4 9 21 16, >• 1, Rull'9 I • jt1i11~, '9 TC>c1$11p l,IJ • 111 .la .. • I', O roFI .5611 llul5"•"•ESu• •1023 •I0 ~,'·2: HelmP .ll • IOO lO"-•l~• 111\aOl ll4147'uS6•1••'t PanAm ' 13" Jli+ I Ryantf laUl:l65uJ1 .21, Toah"' ,S4 9 JIO "" ~ ~rPPw 1 J·'°•1 1 1'9; ?!~ .. \o E•lll•P ... 11 11 .. ,,: : ~ H•rnCa • . nu Sh • '" MO\FO 1.2se . "31 uni,• "' PanllEC 2,30 s u.11 29.,_ • ._; Ryaers l,Olb 11 s.11141+.. 1•. tolE'lll 2.36 • 1os1 1••,. •, .....,, P • ·· '"' .... Enco 1.32 1 11 23' Hemlnc .IOt .• S 1~• It MaolCI . .e2S Wult'1•1'• Papell l 111 263 U ' + ~ TolEOpl•.21 U JJ '• Carle< J.IOIJ 4() 3'\1 ·•'• EHIAh llt2u ,.~if>. Her~uli 1.l21SIM1 ll\1t •• M1fnHs .llU .. 11\·· ~. Paroyn 29 8:20 .,1:.2~ -~--TolEdOIJ.at . II ..... "' c.t"Plr 1.20 II 19 19 EAL wlO lt9 l ~ HartlC 11 21 Ml """ • h MlllASI ll 41t 13' rt I Parg .. I ttll 1 I• ti~ "-SC~ .10 I•,,.. lt't • .. TOIEO pl2.21 , • II•• '• CarlHw 1.7113 2301 ul64. • h EsAlr pfl" 29 U • HerllC pll.SO .. 2t 16-\• • ~1 M•nhlll .300 • 181 1"• • •• p.arltOrl ' It • lilt IO : ,. SC:M 1 t sst lO~h ~t fOf'l-a ,40 ft 4 11', It CartWI .4'110 385 ult'·. I fiAlrpri10 ' •• 11'; '; Hersny 2.10 • 111 "'"-• " M•ntill .J2 t 1112 ... • .. P••"H .... , 0 " .it' SFN 1.1' 11 " 304 .. \, TOOlflol ·-• 14 IJ.4·. '• C•scN-0 1.11 11 !.O • \11 E•llGF 1 ·10 1 m 2:f1 '1 Hentort .10j .. .. •V. • , .. ManCre ,36 It 126 7S't •. 1, PerkPn 's11t 303 u.... ~· SPSTe< .12 ll 29' I•~., '• Trcttm-1.60 r 70} 11', , ._ CHllC.k .401 S3 "4 ·~ + " EHtUll 1" 10 6 .. 1:»" , HHln pl,IOk , . 7 ..... , MlrHall 2 '2 S ISJJ aQ\• t I'• Par"' t ' I 10 .... U~.. ' ~blM .40 'l'1 lOI ll' • + l'O JoroCo 120 11,. 1, CalrpT IJ(JJ1l7S3\lt\o•J EsKOO la1f!IU 931",:' HawlPk .14UJ014""'~···'·MlrHpl1.fOll , llS 591 •• '· P•tPI" i4 11• •1111···· lofgelllll .3211 s21u11~ ••• fot(o , ••• S)I , •••• '• C.COCp '1 60un-..u. E•I~ 1n11 m ,.~·.~ HUOI .eo21 '.M 10 -wMlrHpfl90t . -Sfqt It PeylH 441~ 15eV11 +ii..SlllCIS< •• 31 41 .. 1. , ... , ..... '1'S ,, ... 1, Celtnse "' lt• s.i .. • H• E<fllln · S6 14 1.,.. uin.; 1, HISllaar ,so ll )19 1th '• ~M•nvl .tlj , . ltsl I 1 ParCU. •111 25 "· 1 u.,1,..1._ ~~r.s wt. . 1 10 '-14 •I tt Tow It pf 44 . t is•,. '• l•np14.SO .. 10 l6 -.,, E<ke•CI ... 1. S2' 2 ...... Hl\1011 ,IS2014.11 t "" M'1¥lpl<i.ot1 . 2n1n •• 1, PH bCly ·,.,, 2U ·~· -•wv •. IO 1001 ...... toy•Ua 311 ...... 11,.)1, lerort .60 11/JS 22 ... • lit EGl18r ,·._. t SJ 2H ,• HilnbCl1 IOI) 60\06~•11" APCO 1.IO 9 IS2 214• \, p..,.40 c». 5 •10 3\'W'"i° S.0.Cp ,MIO 1 .. ul61n l lr•tor I 3011 tOo llO .111 nttt 2.20 • •11 U'\o ,. '• EGwaro .JJa 1l 711 291!: 1~ Hiiton 1'.ao u ~.... • 2\• Ma•'d n 22 "3 J>.. " ' .. • StJoLP I Ml ~ ., 14l+ • lo Trana l,)l '1161 ti•., I'• te• ,ts.. .. u39'1!.. 21· EIP .. o i .... l IU 11• ... ~. HllA<ll f'l.1 .. 1• S71 211 •• I MafMIO 1.2S s 2ll ,,, •• I __________________________________ ... nSoW I.ti •»ti II .•.. EPG c1Pl2.U I 20"'-Holidllf ,IO It )1U "37~, J MarlOll ... 44 11S UAI\• + l\>r HUCI 2... • '° 21~ .... EPG pl US ' 244 n 1,' .. ~ HUGyA 1.101... 1 Si + 1 MatKC .:n . l'2 t i• .... nllLI 1,'4 1 11(1 uiu •• \) EPG pr . • lt5 2.-... "" Holly$ 1 • ' IU 44ie-Ill NI••" pl 1.10'. ,. ··~t. \t nlLI pf •,SO .. '90 36~• h Etcor JO .. 31 u~ • 110 Hmeo ptl.IO •• n al•• w Martlo1 .JO II 411uS611 + ,., ILi Pl 2.11 .. t20 2•'-~ Elt<AI ii 411 lllH .._ Homll~ •• eo 1,11 43~• I ... Mrtll/lol UO U fS2 •2 1· ll• upl2.•L.uso 11.,., ,,eos .. 1,"' .. 1,.3 Hone!• .,,.11 u1 :16 ... , •• MflrtM 1.w12 wo 44 q nllPS '.. • "' !St., ..... EIMeM11 • tot Sh . w Honwll 2..0 • Jlt9 IM"'. •\t ..Wryk .lU5 ... llS.l/t. )I. La El n 1.ll r 1Mo .... . .. EMM pl 1 . 2 ,.,. HoovU 1.2A'tJ llO Ill• , I Mel Cup .• t 202 1142 'I'' UIEI pl4.ll .• S6 31 .... IFH11ln 1 • .0 ... IS 22~ ... "\,; Hori8n l.'2 • 2a 19 • ""..Wtct ... ,. 1513 u)O•·. lt :.tr• .t hl 10. ,. ... ,. EmrsEt 1.10,. 1116 ... 1 ... "' =•ltOll ...141s1•10 1~ -. Matnll n . , 5n u» • "• VlP5 2.2' ) 1J JI+.• .. ER.cl l 2iJ Q9 20\•· '-O .44 20 IMI US6 t 1 Ma1M I.I .. II •21 II•• t It 1.,01 .. ttt I• +I Eml'\IA .SO 21 •IS u •, • • .. Ho lln 1 t2 II 2r ... , \1 MAMYF • · »5 U• t, 11tryTI .U • 3tt .... , .... Emllarl lAO • J11v~+ It HOUQM l.IO IO 12ulNo+ ~1 Mate:1P U t , 91 2llt• • 11111 • I ., 41\H ~ EmpOI l ,Sl .. "" " • n H<>u•Fb .«>,, "° ,.~. It N\al "' 1.32 . . n 11•• + \ ·1-• , m ult .. + I~ Emp pl .AT •• tAOOO • It H0111l"t 1 .. 5 ll tlSl U • ,_, ~!..,IE .JSr II ~I. 41~.-l '"''' .«IU SOJ m .... l:mp pf ·'° . UDO 4\ ...... Holnl pt 7.)0 .. • ,, t l ...... •• , .. ,. U?l( .. I ""'fin •• n 1J'4 ul•"' • t~ Emp JI ti ; tJOO I . , Holrit ptt,U .. J2 St • 1~, Maltl wt .. 130 u20 +I\ pl l,to.. ll114V. +I~ Emplnt '.4017 It W•:.:. Houllld 2. 11 • "52 21h w Mahl r 2.!0 • 117 !''Ci\.. t 7• IM!\I Pf U O... 2., "''""•It• en111cp .Si ta a2S 11)1\ .. I Houfl!G 1,10 S lo. »._• ~I MarD 1.IJ 10 1411 u40\t t ... ,.,~ .ao 17 n.t UIOYt. .. Enn 18 ,ao qi 11 .. .,. ... 2~ Ko.iOll 2.1 .. " 1i t1'-t. ... ..Willl '~ IJ 1•• Ille',. I MtlC• 1 t 1Jol7 ou .. , 1 £1'1 .. t'ChJ.jO .J 1"4 " .. ....... •• u u .. ~" Mc '"' ...... IOJU ...... .. I wt • . •TO u•7 ... + 1-E"tr<• 'Ill' ;', JOO 11<•, h ~fltt ,<40 U ~1 14~1 Mc r P. 7.10 , Im!\ 1 n ' 11 pt ),'5 •• •> If + .... ENstR .0 't $ 11.l'W \lo Hutl&t"d 2 t0 U lt~H ~I loll< r 2 .0 · 2 '" • ' ..... ) . .0 • 1n• S7 • '"' Entlll'• ·~ ~ .. 21 • ~. ~114M •• 10) • . • IJt., ••.. M<On I •• u uM\ •• , H pfJ,eQ " 16 utf\M )~• Entea t:OI I .. 1 ulf , Iii'> HUlff ..0 ,. 117 IOlt" " M<OflD l.ilA 9 •a Al~" I .. pf$.U •. 10 UfJ\o)• \lo Ectu1•·. I '2 f ' • 1•~· tillellll ... s • ..,., 10~ .. n. M<OEd I t 11 lt .. H M ilfl.339 1 • l .. Jl~o • 4o EQu mll • • JQ Ot' t~ Huf'na11 t ,tj) 10 Nff ~2 .. •2~ lol\CGrH t • 16 t 1•7'• • t\ IM• .tlb • 1•1 11'-··." lqmll fU! U 111 .. 11t Hu"'f ptJ lO \1114 111"1 Mttttt D · 1• >~ • I td 111.U 11 45.l ~. 1 ctlOI 1'J0 'i, 1' !16'a• h Hlil'lt 11 '.• \J •1'1 ~· "l, ~N•lf .'O ~ U t\., •, NIY t 2 ... S 714 u431.t • t\• fllf tit SI ,4 1i Hlltt r .• IJ 1'Jl 4 ... , ~ .. Mead I U 'Mi i.;.. • ..... pl.87 .. """ ....... ""'"i ... ..o at1117t ·.r· H~f· 1,Jt, .. I ~ •••••. Moe pfAUO . I •t\.o• y J 6tt ' If SIJ w ICIUlr I -41· • I u11h +-\.1 -l-1 -Me•.,1 alt .... IJI •" I """' .. * S1 • v. E ... 11c Mb t 1 , ,, ... ~. ,~I"" 2.,. ., ,,, n• ... ,, MHtft• .. u ,,. ., 1 I\/ l,Ol J4 12 2•~• +I"-tlflne M 14 m 7flo• l~ I n pl J IO , 14 a9 , lh Melltll t,t.4 • lll ~(, t ~ Pll 1.n,2 •11t11•1n,,: ~ i'te 111.,. ~U•+ '-I 11 1t .,, ......... f'jlelwtlJt.'.IM 'f ru"rit:•l Mr. 46 ~ ir:, :::~ i;i · · "' ::: 1 :: 1~~~7 I:~" • .: 1'4":. ~: :m~~ ,_ ,J , ~ 1~··. ' ·r .. IO Jt\lo \lo .. 2' .. IO ........ \lo IU '""" l 1o lll'tr<ll t.•u .,., .••. ~ .atl 109 ,..,..., \'9 w~ 1• ·, ..... ~. t 111111t ,, t·1·. JH~"I, Merc1l1111 .• t t• +1' ,.1111 ,e fl U ... .. I,.. ._ .,.... )'.! \11111{ , , f 2«o i,.. f'o\lfrl.W 1,44 10 .... UJt11 ••'• Itel 1,ttt u I ""~·. ,... = '·"1 ·• -t, 1'~ c I..... I a:· 11~•. •• MeN" ,tO t •!ti ISi• • l> '411 M. I t 1-. ~-' -I , lf't, " ..... t.11• . 110 1C' 1 F. -!. ,1th~ J:""• ~ PM( t -11 QM "h 0 \; ll=m • 12 n111 • '-Maul ,,.. 1 1' • "• I "' ... S " -!.'t !if 1 IU ~ II " CM lM ft .. ~. Metia 1' )'e I yWc " 1~:: 19 ' it l i':;·-. II !If ·1 ··11 o~ tloo i '"' s1• '1111 ,,1, ~ I;. ~-._ ll -' ~ ,. • lot ::= : :: !1 tl't:···~ M ::a~;· ;t ~'•:._+' l·"I .-;',. •wUMI M l! 1 t .. 1~l!~ 1 · lit -.!IA )!111• .. ior'I'"\ . . 1' 19\lo• .. Air~" "J " If llM~H .. ITw I It if I ._ fw =~l' ·1·; U 1,~· 0 1 S • .. 121-. \It Mii tr tt »'w• •lit 1,..ic, • .. ! ... 11 110· " ..... ~ ' ., fl\'lt \<, :':' ii wtt~t2 1 l ·1· VIO ~ Ttl I: .• j'•• 1 '' It +J ...,., ... ..._ i' , ltlf •J IUI f : t \) 'rt :[' »•&.::: ~ , ... m 1t t1 • !. · dO d UI • ~ + I, ti ,! ,.., .. IJ''f!...tl~·,.. = . . ! l ~!· t: I t I!'!.! ,'~·I" t , •• ' "-~:... . ,,, •• ~. "' ' tr "' ••'"• Ou.-lo record volume delaying lran!o\missio n, this re port is incomplete. ... -· J,. CLOSING 1,085.39 "Biggest' sale of mortgage paper: '-' LOS ANGELES Coast Ji'ederul Savings and Loan Associa tion Chairman Ross M . Blakely announl'C•d Tuesday the sail• of S(:>eurlties bacl<t.>d by -$i5o million of mortgages or1g1natcd 1.>n California pn>pcrtil'S to the· California Statl' Retirement Fund. The Cttliforni!" mortguges had been in Coast 1"t'deral's $4 billion portfolio. Sale of the pal·kage of mortgagl· s<..'l·uritics. which was arranged by Coast Federal af\d two national secondary market agencies. is believed to be the larg~l single sale• t.o a staw ~nsion "fund ever to be completed. "What the sale means for C<>ast Federal." Blakely said, "is that we caA now use the proceeds from the tranSaction to makr new mortgage loans to families seeking housing ln Cal1fornHl. It's a deal where everybody is a winm•r." Unnamed units sell fast LAGUNA NIGUEL -Digit.al Datacom lnc., an Orange Coun.1)' indus tria,I computer systems manufacture r, announced 1r1las rct~vcd an $8.9 million contract from Thcrmcon Corp., of Tustin. for microprocessor-based computers the company had rL-cenlly developed (or its own use. . The contract with Thermeon. a producer of soflwacc-bascd systems for s pecific: business applications, represents an adjunct to Digital Datac.'Om's lradidonal marketing of full scale systems foi:_!actory data processing to customers such as Hughes Aircraft and Teledynt! Corp: The major contract is for more than 1.000 new microc'Omputers - so new they haven't been named or even announced as products aimed at original equipm<.>nl manufactu1·1ng (OEM) marketplace. Gulf changes GA name SAN DIEGO (AP) -General Atomic Corp .. a hjgh-lechnology and atomic-research company wi\h 1.800 employees. has changed its name to GA T echnologies Inc. Gulf Oil Corp. announced the change and said i\ was now full owner. In a complex transaction, Gulf said Royal Dutch Shell subsidiary Scallop Nuc;,Jear fl'}l". sold its interest for 57 acres of vacant land nearby in Torrey Pines and other c.'Onsiderations. · No details were announced, but that land reportedly is worth between $30 million and $50 million. ln 1973, Cult sold half-interest in-Gener-al Atomic to Shell for $75 million. The firm was founded in 1955 and sold to Gulf in 19R7. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YOltK tAPI· Salll, l p ltl. price •llCI Ml <'-Of 11\e IHI moll tCllVt AmtrlOll Stoo E•<lllngf ··-·· ~~-t~:llOMU• •t ,f:.ij,,,lhalnS~116 4 Oorcllll~ 214, 900 Uh •, Cllamp HO 1 ... 100 •0. 1-. Ra-rOil 1l3.700 11, , 1. Wa119 8 132,000 U •1 ., .... Helter 109.100 121. + 1. l(eyPl\rm > '"·"°° ta~, 1. GllllC•n 11 1 .. , 100 U!o • loo Amdalll !U,IOO JI.. , 14. N•t Pa1en1 10.30ll 10 , ~. UPS AND DOWNS .. EW YORI(. IAPI Tiit IOllOwlng !Isl \how• 11\e -York StoO EOCllll'\Ot llO<.kl •no W¥r<ltlll tMI ll<tvt Q01M .... tM me>1l ttl(I down lite m~l baHcl on r::c•~,~. t~ 't11¥Clleu ot votume .,.:: ~~r!:::S .:;~!."f+:~oi:,,'Je:~.~r:<'· Clilttrence O.lw..,. tl\e Ptt••ou• <IO•:ll; 1>(10 •nO IOdO'l i#sm P•ict I T•le':.:...t... , Lal~ ,'"l UpP<t14 J 2 SIP•<CP ., ••• n, Up 1a.• J PftlllllCI pl JA • f Up U l • Wlt'9Cll pl 107 • II Up 13,) S Gen"• 11 1'•• • lti Up lt,O • 5"<1PflV. 'IO • 1"" VP 11.t 1 Far w .. 1Fn 131.o • I.. Up 11.t I s,.1tForttl 12.-. • 11• Up 11.1 t APL Cp J•• • lo Up 11.1 10 Fl•SIMI 1•'9 • I'>. UO 10,t t1 Allll CMlnl '1\o t <o LIP 10.J u s:.~~pl" w: : ~.. ~: :g:: H Mal0'11t• n lS • )\• Up 10.2 U N•I HO!M• •'• • .. Up 10,0 It .Storll9TKll 11~ 1 + 2 UP ••• 0 WalCI I.~ »1• ,, ~\• Up t .a 11 RoO.lnl pf8 1' • 1 LIP t 1 1t Lt ¥1tlFm •~• • J~ Up 9,t 10 oa11• co 141, • 3 u" •.s 21 EAL wlO ,.. .. '• Up t.s U lrite11rl Re• JOI.. • 2"" Up t S P !!_~90CP Ht • l<I Up t,• J o.::.i.~~ w· : :~ 8: ::: SYMBOLS c~v t . 01rc•;. 0 ft Oii t,I 1, Ofl t I .... ()ti 7.1 "' Ott 79 .. Ott ••• 1 011 .,. •t Ott u JI~ Oft •J ~· Off St 1\o 011 S• .. Olt s. 1 Ott s.• 11 Olt S.• "" 0 11 s. ., Ott s J h '*" f .l i . arr so '·• 011 so •• Otl ••• , ... °'' 4.t 11 011 4,I .... Oii • , ... Ott • ' .. Ult •.• METALS NEW YORK (AP! -Spot nonterrous metal a><ice• 1ooay Copp•• 72 t· 75 ce nls a pound U S dmihn•llons Le.cl 23·26 Ce<llS a pound line 40·•2 oentt e pouno del1ve<e0 Tin $6 2545 Melals Weelt COMpOSlll lb Alemlnum 78 cenlt • pouncl, N Y ...,curr $365 00 pe< nas~ Plellnum $331 00-5343 00 troy ounce. NY GOLD QUOTA Tl'ONS •1 Tiie A .. oeleted '°'"' Seleeled WOflCI oolcl P<ICllS l<HllJ Londori mom.no t1x•no 5433 so. up S2 SO ~ondon alt•rnoon li•lng 5427 50 ofl $3 50 • ,..,._ ollernoon tl••no S•31 14, ~ S8 63 f'r•ntllUfl h~lng $434 Ot up $1 02 Zurich lale elletnoon l1•1no $427 50. olf $2 SO b«I, $428 SO as~ao H•nd r I H••ma11 (only dally quole\ S427 50. ()fl '3.50 Eneefl\Md 1onty <1111y Quote) $427 so up $02!1 Ent.thard 1only da••Y q1101e1 $448 88, up $027 - STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT ... SILVER