HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-04 - Orange Coast Pilot... . "· \ \ THI DRANGI COAST THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1982 I Dally Piiot Photo by Rlcherd Koehler Tom '.\it·l!°'t'll l a ll,. ... a lwul Iii ... pla 11 ... for llw lni1lf' <:0111p;111~ ., ... ht• pr•·pan•.., lo a!°'~ll llH' lfw pn· ... iclt·11c ·~. Bradley mulls recount D e ukn1ejia n bask s 111 glolv of nar,.0H1 vicl<>ry B r;id l1·v rl1 ·< 11111·-. 111 111111 1·d1 d<·ft·a1 : but "'""' p r 11t <·c·t1\'• scr v1<:t· tlff tt'1•r.., ;ir1• :.ld11d111g gu;.ird :it G1·11rg1• D1·11k1111•J1o111·-. h<J US l' and r all111g 11 1111 "govl'r11or" afu·r th1· 1'111 .... ·:-t , . .,,,. 1n C<1li ro rru.i h1 storv Bo th Dc •mo!'rat Br:1dl1•\. t h• L os An ~<'lt·s n11,y11 r , <11111 0 cu km t• J 1 a n . t h c· s t;; L 1• ·,, Hl.'publtl'an <1llorm·~ g 1•n1 •r.il awa1tl'd assura1wt·.., t h ,11 th1·11 a lm11 ... 1 1d(·n11ca l \'ol1 tc1ll11-. Tur·sday wt·re t·mTt1.'I "Wt· -;hall look at th1• f1~un·" a!'. qull'kly as poss1blt-t11 d1 •\t'rnrnw w h ('th1.•r then• 1s <lr1' has1s for asking for a rl'l.'1111111 ," 8r,11Jlt·:-o ~atd W l'Unl'sdav Rut 81 .idle·\' c;.1mpa1~n l't1 n°<;Ltllo1nt llo1 11k Morn s said "Tht·r 1• .-. a • Jt..1r f<'C'ltng among Tom .ind ht!-o ... 1.1 ff not to prolong this thmg JUSI for lh1· sakl' or prnlung1ng ll " With LOO p<:1 c t·11I 11f I ht• \ 1111 • 1111111• d I), 11h.1111 jl.111 Ii.id I~. I 7 1.t .11111 H1 .11ll1' .17.!I 1111 ,, g ,'I, 111 ,, 1111·11 · •.! ..:11 i '"''' t.1-.1 ,ind It--.. ... I h.111 11111 pt 11 • 111.ig" t11 1llll dill1•11·1111 111•{\\1•1•11 11!1·111 \\11111 lh• 11!!111.d \loll l.ifl\,1-.~. v.·1i11 l1111uld l.1k1• Ufl Ill .!fl d o1\'' l'o 111111pl1'11 H1 ~1dh \ 1111ald ,,..,k !111 .1 r'l'\IJUll\ ,111d th,,.,..,.. 1111 'flt'\'!111 fllt'\llh l ... 111\'1·11·d l1 th1 l1'tt1Unl 1h.111gtd tli1 llllllllllll' .,f lhl' 1h't111111 J>.·ukr111•11.111 1 e111hl 11!1•11 "'k fo1 c1nntlt1·r r1•111t111L of d1fl1·1"11l pr" 1111 h St.it•· ··11·1 I ldl1 1ol I II 1.11 ...... ('flt m.11 lgr,11n i. 1t1 ;di ,111 1·111J11t 11· ... W1·dn1·...il;I\ .ti. r11 11 g l11c,it olf111.tf.., lli th•· p11.,...dul1 tv 11f d r 1•1 .. unt .111<1 urging 1h1·1n H• pr 11t1~ t Ii.ill• 11-. I r<>m l.1n111C'l 111g 111 d1•S\I Ul \1111\ J'ht• 1\1 \\ '> 11J I ( lt·1tk11l• jlolll \lt l11t\' -.1111k Il l -.l 11wl\ .ll 111.., L o 11~ H 1"11 Ii 1111111 1 I"·'" pl.11 111'l•llh1·" 11lf1t'l'I' 1111111 1111' 'I .t". I" 11 It•( 11 \ ' ,, J \ I" ""' k I d <1lll!-old1· \\'1 d111·.,d.iv \11 g11.11 d lht• .qip.111 111 g11v1·rr11ir 1'11-< l .i11d h1~ f.111111' I gu1 ..,,.. \\I 1 .111 1.dl h1111 g11\'t'I lllll 1111\\ ( '1111g1 ,1 l\ll.1llt1ll!-o," 11111 11 I I Ii ' Ill I" Id (;I 11 II" (/1•L1kllll'fl•'ll tilt• I .111d 1d .1l1•':- \\ 11 • J ),·uk1111 •j1o111. :>-I h1·ld 1111 lll'\\'S t'111l11 •111111· W1 ·d111·-.do1\ w •irkmg m11 ... t 11 f lh1· d;1v with .11J1·-.. .ipp.11·1·1111\ pl.1n111ng f111 his .1d1111111 ... 1r.ill1111 Hut h1· d 11l '>.I\', 1111r-.1d1 · 111.., 1101111•. th:11 p11ll-.1;·r l>l'11J1·( 111111,, th.11 Br .11ll1·y '~ 11uld w111 did huvt· h1ni worr11·d · I w.1!'> l'<'ally d1sc~1uragt't.I." ht• .... 11d "I lh<•ughl I\ wai. all ovf'r" I >.·ukn1t·J1:111 h<•d "'1ld h1111!*·lf 111 \'nll'I..., ,,,.. ,, tough 1 r1m1· f1ghll'r "1111 "11uld k1·1·µ ,, tight n •1n 11n 1111 -.1.111 liudg1 l B1 ..idl1·v .. 1 fill lllt I flll lll I )t1 •!1\\•1l,1lll ;iJ,_p ... 111' ... Sl'd ;111 ;illll I I 11111' ... 1;1111·1 • IHI\ \,\ ,,,.. t'd!idld Ill :o-.1\'lllg lit 1111glit l~•·t• llt-:('OI ~T. Pa ~t· .\'.! 1 COUNTY IDITIDN ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Nielsen charts calmer Irvine Company future U) STE\'I·: MAHUl.E 01 lh• Delly Piiot Stell S o1 \'1111 11g tl11· 1111.d d"'" 111 1111• laki n g 11111t11 d 111 t lw 1111.ig1· l'llllM 11111~ (r'Vlll\I ( 0111l1Jll1t l'y , '1'1111 1 Nll'b1•11 1" Ju-.t ,,.., , 111111·111 l11 Lilk ,1li11ut 111 ... f..,,111 . .11 d ,,,., ,,., th1 pul1l1< l1·l.1lll11l" ll "IS l,11 111g li lt Nt•\\'fllll l '~""" li.1M·d 111111 N1t•IM•11, .i Fulk111111 11.111v1· ,1111! ;i l11gh sl'11111J) f1111l l1.dl s t;11 . b pr .. p111111g 111 t.1k1 • "''''" 1111 h1l> lu 11g1 11111· f r11·11d .111d 1111'111 11r Pe·lt·r K r1·1111·r K11 ·1111·1 \.\Ill J.,1\'o .J.111 Nwb1·11 ..... 111 11 '"11tld 11111 1,.. 111.., pl;111 l11 'Pt'<'ttl.111· 1111 \\ h.il I h.11 1111'.lll'o 1111\ 111g 11111 \.' I h.11 I h1 ;11111 1111111· 1· 1111· 11 l I 1 I l 111 Ill -;urp1 ,..,. . .J B111 N11 •l s 1•11 i... .1nl1·11t l v nµ111111 ... 11t ;il1out th1· ;d f.11r ... til tlll' lrv1111 • l'orr1p.111v .111d h11w 1h1· l.11 gt• ... \ l.111d11W lll'I' Ill ( )1 ;111).(t' l'1111nt\ '.111 g11 :.iho11\ 11•..,\111111g 1h d.1m.1g1 ·ti pul1l11 1111.igt· In .111 11111·1' 11•\\ W1 ·dr11 ·-.d .I\ llH' :1J ,Vl'ill told l')l.l•l 'Llll\'t ' l.dkt:d , ( ~· . .1111111 1111' pu-.:-tltd11\ 111 "lll111g 1111• 11.1gg111g l1·.i -.1·l111id '''Lii' rnrl;.1d1· llu 111111 Ir •»1111 'I' I" d i... I' 11 r , · 1,.. r \\ , • 1 11 1 Ii 1 • d1·\1•l11prrw11l 111'111 .111d Ne·wprn l BI .• " Ii ·' II d I I \' 1111 I " .... d I II .... 1 ... .-.111g l:111d 1111111 1111 l1v1111 l'11111p.111\ ..., -.d11·d11lt'll 111 gu 111 1111111 111.-. 1111111llt N11·b1·11 t,ilk1·d . .t .. 1u t 1111·ruli11g lt·111 "" Wllh e llllllllLlllllV Jt o,ult•t" lrt llH• IWO l'llll'l> a11d !'>;111) th1· lll'lr~ will 1111dt•r't.1k1 ;i 111IS!'>11111 ;1111H·d at 1d1•11\ll v111g w li;1l h;1!-o ..,..l o l I th1· \\,1\'t' 11! .illl.iglllll!-olll dllt'( lt·d .11 th1· (1 \'1111 l'rn11p;111\ ·v..11· II II v 111 find 11ut "'Ii.it till' -.111i ... lo1llll 111 lhl'!-1' 111111Cl lh I!'> .. 111 ..... id. 1111t111g th.it 1111• 11 \'1111 l '<1ntpa11 \ 11ll1·11 ll> lilar111•d l11r pn1lil1·111.., that 11 did 11111 1·1'1 •:111 · N11·l~1 ·11 n 1ut111111·d t li:it h1 :- .wl 1•111 pl;111 !-oh11uld 11111 111• 1ak1·11 ,,., .1 :-11411 th.ii lh1 · 1·11111p.111_v, urult•r K11·m1 ·1 f.11 l1 •d 111 h.111dl1 th1 111 11111.·111 ... "( rto,dlv d1111 't h,1\'1 .ill\ 111,1.1<11 1 li;111g1•., 111 111111d,' h t• ~11d "W1 .'ll (;o \t•r nor-•·lt·c·I (;t·oqt •· Ut·uknw_jian a nd AP Wttepholo hi ... "ifr (;loria fla!-h \'it·loq ~milt•s oul!'idt· 1twir l.ong Bt•:wh honw. 111 \\11tk111g \\Ith tl11• 't.1111(.' 111.i11.1g1 1111·111 t• .. 1111 .1111l wttli our 1•\l-.t111~~ p111gr ·""" l '1111 1f'o111 v 111 ..,1d1·r-. hav~ ... 11gg1·-.t1·d th · till\' ddlt·ll'lll'l' lwtw1·1 11 Kr•·r1to ·1 .ind N11·ls l'n \\di I,. 111 tl1• "''"' l11r ..... · 1)t·mhant l•>r t.11 1· tu t.11 • Ill•" t111g-. with I II\ J1 .. 1d1•1 .... ,111 d I flllllllUlllty gt I 111 J>" "f'VI' ,d\\ ,1\" 1·t1p1_v1'1J lllt't>\108 \\ 1 t I 1 r II , · 111 .. 11 d w 11 1 k 1 n g 11 u t 111 '11l1l1 ·rn,..," NwJ..,1'11 -..11d Ill· -.c.11<.l he · will ;1tt1•111pt t11 1'e111t111ue li.111dl111g tl11 dut11·" lw ti;,.., had as \ 111· 1111·-.1d1.·11t l111 J11n14 1 ange pl.11111111g Bui 11 11i .. 11 v1111 l 'on1p.my is '''"·111g 1e1 11 · Jldl'k.1g1· r~l'lr a:. a 111 ' \\' o1 11 d I 111 Ji I 11 VI 'f J Jo> I II tJ U l' t, N11 •l-..·11 w111 ild 11111 a1 k1111wl1.:<lgc rl I I•· \\,1:0. «:i r..tul 111 d11wnµl<t y p.1 .... 1 ''''"JJ.1 11;. d1·11:-11 111i. that 1111ght 1111'' Ix· 1.1kl·n ,,... n11..,t.Jkl'!> '\'!. ,\..,kt d ii !)II' It \'Ill<' l'11111p.tny 1.11111 111111111 lio11d 1111h1 111 -.1 day.., !Se·l' :'\IE l.SE1\. l'agr A5 1 Packard relieved • as winner B\ JEFF A OLEH Of the Dally Piiot Stell w r I l • Ill 1·.111 d Id .. \l' }{II n 1',11 k.1rcl w ;1!-o hn·a1h1ng .1 lo t t·.1~1t·r lo <la .v up1111 l••a111ing ht• 111d1•1•d h;_1d dl"ll•l11pl1 ... h1 d lhl n1·:11 1111pos....,.ltlt• w111111ng thl· .n1 cl <:11ngn ..... s11•11.1I I>1 ... tr 111 r..itl· !Ill ;1 \'-'fill Ill b,,,..I.., ()11 tht· .. 1n·11gth 111 ,,1,.1ut :n . (ltlll '' rilt· 1n \'Ott"' 1.1hulc.itt·d W1·cln1·Ml.1v b\' S.111 D1l·g11 l'ount y t·lt•t'\lt111 o lfll td h l',1l'kard cal<ipultl·d from 1h11d 111 firs t plat·t· lo w111 th1• thri·1· way <'lllllt~t Final hur uno ff1 t"1al rt'lurns from hoth Ur;m~r· <ind S;in D1t•go 1oun1 11·-. ... h o wl'd 1':1<·kard. a HPpuhlwan. th<' w1111wr with :10 ti P•'.n ·1·11t ol th1· 'oil' S1't·ond -plal'e f1nis hc·1 "''1s l>1·m1 x-ra1 H11v "Pol" An·h1·r wlth :l:.! :.! p1.·r1·1·11i w l11lt· Ht·puhl11.111 n om11w1· J11hn111e Cn•:111 1r.11h~I with :11 I J.11•rl·1·nt 111 tlH h1 ·,1 \·1l~ H1·puhl11·a n d1-.1r11 I Wall Street • continues its record ascent F111 • .t 1h11ugh c1 !'> •ii v1·t u1111•1ti!11·d r;.i" \'11 1•· t11 ta ls ....ti.i p••d up 1h1~ \,,,, l',11 k.i1d. h:'l I IH 1\1 dl1'1 .17.lllH r 8 ) T he AssoC'iatt•d Pres' Thi· 'ilot.'k mar kc·I 1·>.lt nd1·cl 1h h 1!>\ori1.· ra llv 111 1 .. 1rh t ro1d111g tod<.1 Y .il1h11u-gh 1h1• I )11\\ .111111· ... 1ndu.-.trial av1•rng1 1·dg1 ·d d11\\ 11 fr11m it s ri•1·111 d l""'k 1>1 1111 prl'VlllUS St ·s ... 11111 Bu s i nt·!.'> 11 ,,.(, 1' ,111d <'t'onnm1!>lS. n11•o11l\\ hil1 -...11d [)\•moC'ral1t g;11n!'> 111 th1· J!1'1ll'r,d f'lc'(·t1on arc• unlik1·lv 111 font' .1 s hift from "H1·:1gan11m11.., tin nation ·-. may1r ,1ulorn.1k1·1-. 1~1 ... 11·d l11ghl·r -.all·., 1n la11 < >. 111111 ·1 ,ind th!' nat11111'-. thin.I 'I''"''' r 11>1 1·1g11 1r11d 1· d Pf1ul wa-. rn1111 lh.111 dou hlP t hl' •;i•t·ond q11.11 I• r 4'hnrtfdll Wall S tr<'t't <'Xplocl1·d \\ 1111 1t-. b1gi;wst one-day g;.11n in h1 ... t11rv W 1•d nesda y a s l h1· I )ow J 0111 •!-o 1ndustrral <1Vt'r.1gr "lJI K•'<t ·l:l 11 points tu 1.06:> ·HI. 11·1ip<:111g tlw pn•v1ous peak of I .O:) I 70 '"' .J.111 11. 1973 The pn·v1111,... 11-<•ord for a daily arlv;:i nce w;1.., :01 HI prnnLo; la~l A·ug 17 Trading volunw 1111 th1• NPw York S tcwk ExC'h ;111i.:1· r1·;whed ---NDEX--- At Your SPl\'11 1· Bu!-otnt-s." C<ivak;,1ci1• Class1 fwd Com1c·s Community N1•w .., Cnissw11rd l)·::ith N111u·t·~ Ed1to n;il Ent<>rt.-11nnwnt Ho rOS<.'OJX' Intermission Ann Landl'rs M ovies Mutual Funds Na tio nal News. Orangf' County Public NotiC("S /\7 R:l ~ B:.! I) 1.D4-H ''2 Ali F\li A:l (\#) B2 Bli R4 A:I A4 B4 .B8.C4 H .:7.D3-4 Sports Stock MarkPL'I Te levision Theaters W eather ~ . C l -fi B5 8 7 Bfl A2 l.11 II( 1111111<111 -.h.111-. tl11 llfth h1gl11·-.1 1•11 lt'('llld Thi· I >11\\ .111111 , 111d11-.111 • .t ,1\1 1.ig1 -.!1 p1~ d II I i f>l•llll 111 I flfo I I:.' 11111 ·1 .l\J 111 11\Ul t'" "' 11.1d111).! t111l.1\ 11111 ll\'1 1.dl 11111·1· "''" k-. 111 ... t'-lor .... , h ""' r.1lli11u "" 1h1· NY!?E~ t\ 11.il \'~ls "'-lld I h1 ~dlll'> \\ It It Ii lw ·g.111 1n mid i\u~u..,l ;~nil pu-.lwd 1111 I )n\\ .111111·-. 111d11-.1ri.il .iv1 1,1g1 up .!!Ill p11111b \\1•11 .111 1 >.tt·n ... 11111 <11 th.ii l.itt· -.1111111111 1.illv r.o1l11·r t lt.111 .1 r 1,11 I1o •11 '" T 111· ... do1v·.., 111·11!1111, \\litll' 1111' ()1"1111 11 1,1\!-o j'.111H'd ,d111U t f\\'tr d 1111 •11 l111u,..1· .. "i-. wit 111 · t 111 H1·1111 Id11 .1 rh 111.tilrl.lllll'd 1111 •11 llloljlll I\\ 111 lh1 :-;, ·11.11• Thi Ill.ii k1·1 ti; .... IH·f•ll iillll\I d bv 111\ .. -.111r..., hc·lu·I th.11 1111t•11 "'' r.1ll"• \' 111 k1·<'p falling .11111 th.it 1h 1· ~-1d 1·1al Ht•!-o 1•r\I· wilt 1·11t·11t11.ig1 · .1 furth1·1 drop 111 r .111·-. llli\\ th.ii th1 t'lt'\.'tllllh .111· 11\'1•1 S11n11· ••x1·1·u1 1v1 ·s .111d pr 1\·.111· 1~ <111111111-.1, -.;11d W1 ·d1w;.do1 v 1h,1t !1n·!'>td1 111 H1 .. 1g;111 p1 oh.tlilv \\'1111 t h.1\'f• to -.h1fl hi" ,,.,,111111111 fil.111 d I ..... I 11 .. 11 \ . 1111 I I h ·'I I h I' ............ ,..... Harhnrn Flynn points out cro<·ks in sidewalk (above) and wall ( ri~ht ) m Huntin~ton ffeaf'h neighborhood. • 1·l1•1. l111.tlt !>l'l'llll'd ••• h1 · "·" 111g tl11 pl.111 1w<·ch·d .1dJu'tnu•111 ... 111 ftj!hl htgh llll<'ll1J.llll\ 1111 1\1 ,ind 1111 ll'\1' ...... 11111 Thc· t:ilk 111 W;1~lr111gl1111 ll> 111 1·1111\fll llllll~l hill 1111' 11Utl1H 1k IS 1111' ,111ifro111.1 111111 ;,,., H1 •ag:111 .ind l1 11u ... t· ~I" .1k1·r Thom.,... I' c l'N1·tll .Ji 1<"<11l JMr 11.:.111 ;1n,dy-..•-. 1S1•1· \\:\I.I.. Page :\j I th ROBERT BARKER Oi°lh• Dallr Piiot Sta tt H1·-.u l1 ·11ts ~1\ 1h;11 1111 -..111 '" ... 1ipp111g .. md ,i11 Ji11 g und1·r 1w.1th th1•1r hom<·!'> on L vd1;1 l>f'l\'1• I )1 .. 1111w Stn•ct. Kt'ttl1-r I .. 1111· ,ond 11 th1•1 nParh v !'>lrP e·t-; 111 I lunling111n Rt·aC"h Thl'v o;av 1h1·y·n · g1•11111g .111g1 y Tht:v l'la1m nlv n1unnl nwmh1.·rs an· uni anni.t and madl· thing!'> wn rs<· 111 rt'<.'l'lll attton Tht• n •s1denL-. ar<' 1ryin~ to gPl :1 largt•r park 111•ar G uldt•n Wl's t S trl'l'l Jncl Wa nwr A vt•nut• 111 11 u n 11 n g t o n BC' ;H ' h Bu t t h r c o ntrov<'rsv is m or(' tha n u routine· park-d1sputr 11 fo<·ust•s on tht• thn•I' :-t<'l'l' l rby Park in th<' m•1ghborhood and e igh t ac re's of c11y -o wnt•d Wt('l'lnl land next to it. H1:strlt•nts say they want all eight l.ll'rl'S devoted to grass, tr('('s and o p <'n space. But thc city council vote d to put just two acr es into park u ~c Thry d ecla red the remainin~ s ix acres surplus property . C ity officials h aven't approved any SJX'l'I riC' use for the land. But they said it is large en ough lo accommodate 26 homes and could be 10ld for more than $I million. Rt>std ents claim -and city offkiala agree -th•t the aoil in the area ia unstable and w ould have to be replaced should there be developmen t b ecau se o f a t1e avy peat conte nt. Rellidenta say they lx>lieve that 18H PARK, Pa•e At) t '11 .,111. :'1:1 .. il I l'.11 ko1r d'-. u11lrk1·l" \'11 l111 v 1s 11 111\ 1 h1· f ou r 1 h 111111• 1n 11111g1 , . ..,..,11111.il .11111.1b 111 "'h1d1 a \\I l\t Ill 1,111d11l,1lt' h,,... ~ll\'\.l'\'d('(J 111 pl• \'.otl111g 1n"' wr111• in I ,t11)p.1tgt1 ·11 ·,.. l>t•1•11 a 11•111 ;11k;1b lt• ..!lo rt " l'.11k.1rd s.ud l nHTI his C.11 hh.id h11 nH "I w<1 :,n '1 .;urprt!-o1'<I by th1· l'l'!'>UlL-. though, tSt>t.' PACK ARD. Page A2l f aj'.j'L • .. P.. .• ::W: '~ ?,. 1 P.• fC• ... z C ••~ 4 • • + . . . .. . ·~ . ·~2 01u11u~ l lti.lbl DAil y fill 0 1 • ll1111"1d11y Nl•Vl'lllllol 4 196:1 .--------------i----------------------------------------------------------..... ,......--------------------------- . ' 'PARK, HOME DISPUTE ::~~·v1ull~ 1•x1·ava111111:-h.1v1• t .111:-1·ll ·.;;~til'lf h111111·~ 111 ,ll)J anJ :-l1tlt· : :::ii w v 11·1·1 Ill'\.\ l'Xl'.IV:lllUll will •• ::eaus1· mur1• r>nihl1·m~. tht•y say • • • : .·:· T 1•r r1 Av t·1 s, all l ll y 1o;ar ·=::)"es1tlt•111 ul till' al't'<I, :-Hid s111'1 WilS :::.;atxrnv<i tt•d 111 I ~17 1 l •)J' :1 Sl't'•H1tl ·:• .phu~t· OI 1·t111st1 Ul'lll>ll Ill th t· a1'1•a ··::and t ha t 1•x1s1111~ h orrws h,1v1· 1• sufft•n•d t'V1•r s1111·1· ~ !:) h t• SJ I d l' I'd t• k .., h l' g ,1 ll • u pµt';11·111g 111 ... t.ab I lours :a11d .,. :-: µa 11rn., walls µulli:d .1w a y lr11111 •:• c·c1lt11gs, gan1gl'~ 1111 hl'd J IJi.lrl ;::_(Tom h oust•s :a n d s t11111· w a l ls ::::ljMwd hadly •J :·:·:· -!"'>: Ay t·rs says sh1· ft •ars thut 111or t· ·==·eXl'i.IVil l lUll wall 111uk1• thl' , :.probll'nl...., nwrt' :-1·v1 ·1 t'. ·· pt•rh.1 P" :·=~ven eaus111g h111111·.., Ill t<ollaµst•" .~: ~:-"Th1·y (th l' C'llY l'ilU IH'll • m em l.x·rs) don't liv1• h1•1'l' T h1·y ·· ('OUld t•.Jn• l1•ss W l''rt• v e1·v '. frightnwd." .sill's.ml •' "T ht·n• also :.irl' t·t·11ru1m11 !(vrom·t·1·ns Wha t lwppt·n~ 1n ll\'1· ~!~O 10 y1•ar~ If our h onws t:.ill d own'.' Ev1·rvo111··~ 1·on1·1·rn1•tl ' about an 1·<.1rth4ua k1· W1• hav1•11't . ' e ven hat! 01w a nd our honws an' falling d :1wn." Bar bara Flvnn. ,, fifth g r<idt· tl'<Jl'ht·r a t O~k V11•w &·hool 111 lluntingtnn &·al'h, ~ml th1• \\all in hl'r living mom hw; ~(·par<1h'd from I ht· t·c.:iltng S h 1.• saitl St'Vt•ral n-;1t·ks h av1· a µµ1.•ar1:•d m h l•r floors and ht•r ·k-itt·h1·n t'ount1•r ha:-µull1•<l :.1w:1y from th t· wall. Flynn said fu r th1•r t hat e1ty o ff11wls had assurt·tl wh1·11 ~he· bought hC'r hom1• 111 l!J75 that ;1 big park would ht• d t·vclo J..>Cd M.1v111 li<1ll M.111111< .i, 1l.111 d Wl'dt11· ... d.1y th.11 111 .. 1 llv ,, 11111 t ... 1111( ll):·•·11~1t1v1 ·w 1i .. 1 ·~ 1i •• 11 11 .. 111·t1 "·" ti.1JllH'l\l'd Ill \h1• Jlll~I ,111d \\ 1· l'ol ll0 l flt'l p lh <ll ," l1t• ""lltf "f\111 Wt' ".1111 lo 111ak1· 'u11· II won 't li.1pp1•11 :1i.;:11 n \V1·'r1· ~11111g 111 111.1k1· ... un· what1·v1·r Wt· d11 w11h th1· l.111d "'Ill Ii.· lk•lt· .. :\\el' ,111d Flv1111 .11111 u lhl'I 11•:-1d1•11 l~ dem't w.1111 hrn1:.c '' 1l11•y want tilt· µurk 'l'tw.v ..,;1111 1h1• l:111J was dt'<lil-.tl1·d 111 tl11• ntv 101 11 p:irk and a11v 11th1·1 UM• 1~ llh·g.d Till· l'llv att1111w v s,11d 1lu• pr11pt·11 v l:.111 l>1• ..,.,i.j p111vH.l111g tl11 · rc •\'1•t1lll' Is u"·d 111 tlw µ..irk A,v1·r:-.s<.1111 sh1• 1~ p.1r1 11·1!1a rl~· u p S l ' I w I l h M ;a II d I l' • :t II ti l'num·llnll'n H<•ll P <.1l t111s1111, !>1111 M."·A lltst1·1 a11d .Jat•k K1·llv !t11 tlt·1·l.1nng lh1· d1·:-1g11.11t·d ·p.11 k I.ind ..i~ surplus p1 11p.·1 l\ ·::rh1·~ JUsl wouldn't lts11•11 111 lls "W1•v1· lx•1·11 111 111ud1 w ith 11111 a11111111·y ;ind .11'1· n111s1d1·ri11g a dJ~s o11·11u11 suit Th1·n·':-. h1·1·11 t.il k l•l <.1 n .. -.ii I," A v1·r' s;ml •· 1 w11rkt•tl 111 1h1· 1·li·1I11111 p11 ·11 m·t Tu1•sda_\ .rnd .1 J, •t 111 n ·,.Hh·nt:-l'C.111\t' liv .111 d ask1·d what tlu ·v l'ould d1; "W1 • huv1• tu pn•v1·111. funh1•1 dan1agt· lll uur h11nws T hey :Jn • not S<•k but Wt' t'<tn't <1frord to 11\0V\• .. WC' an· d1·q1ly disappointed Orf1C'1als <Jrt>n't rt•ully ('Ulln·rmxl ,tbout th1· safl'l v fot·tor." A y(·r~ s.11d . . RECOUNT WEIGHED • • • t·11ns1dl'r 1n<-r1·.1.;1·d t.1xt·s fur 1'd u1-;11Hm Rrad lc-v. ti 4 , :1 grand son of SlilVI''-· SIJUgh t to bt-t'tlll)(' lht• f11 ... t f'lt•cll•d bl<ack gov<·ntor 1n 1h1· n.11111n 's h 1storv l It· :.ugg1·sl1•d I h1• ht•avv turnout r.C vo1t·r' opposl·cl te"i th1· stat1•~ ha11dgun ri'g 1s trat1un lnlliallvt· hod .1dd1·d ,1n Ulll'Xpt•1·t1•d llll"l'I \ Jll\'t• ln•nd 1t1 th1· ovt·rall voti· Askc·d wh~·lhn h1· ft•lt r:1t'i' was 1h1.· cll'nd1ng f.ll'tol' 111 t h1· t lift h;111 g1·1 t•lt·\ 111 111 H1-.1d l1•y 11·sp111Hh·d ... , h ;n•t· 1111 w;iy 111 krn"' 1ng th..i t I ha\'t• ..,,,1d in till' µa.st I dad not ht'l1t·v1· r;1n· "'ould bt' a :-11(111t 11·ant factor I d11I n111 say 1t would bt· nu ra1·t111 " PACKARD RELIEVED • • • t\·C' w<irkt'<i hurd .md Wt• krww lht· votr• was thnt•" T h<' 5 1 -vt•ar-uld f11rmt·1 Carlsbad mavor said lw \1,:a:- "part1t'ularly'; pl 1·~1s<'d by 1 h1 · margin o f v1C'tor y. calling 11 i:l d l'l'ISIV<.' Wtn that dearly .s hOWl•d h e had a "manda t ~· from tht' rx 'Oplt· .. Pat·ka rd also at·k1111\-1.'l1·tlgt•d n 1·,·1v1ng a tell'gram frc1m < 'n·an l:ltc· W edncs dav 111 which th1 :\:~. yt·a r -o l d i ra \'t • I · 11 .11 l1·r ma n u f " t' l u r 1· r t •I t ~·rt• u h 1 :- 1 'lmg ra 1ul;ll1 011~ ,1nd urgt•d 11!1· l'ot1gn·~~m;i 11 l'ln ·1 l11 "!\t,1y 1h1 t·0ur<;1•· w11h Pri·s1d1·n1 fh ·.1g,1n ·!> e'(·11n11m11 pn1grams '\ . • \ • John Bull1·r Buller gets Coastline presidency Hv PlllL SNEIOERM AN Or' lh• Oall~ Piiot Stall J ohn Bullt•f'. .H . "·" lw1·n 11 .11111·d th1· Ill'\\ )Jl'l·:-111'-nl of (.'11,1,111111 · C11111111unlly Coll1•gt'. tlw t"ount<111 1 V;,ilh·y·bast•d ~«ht111l t h;tl lal'ks :1 f11nnal 1·arnµus hut cd I 1•rs l'lass••s :1 l lllll11l'l'1JUS l111:;i t111rb th111ugh1•Ul tlw Coust l '1111\llllJ 11 ll y l'< 11 lt ·g1· 1)1:-tl'tl't Bull1·r a!>....,u1111·d tlw p11•s11lt·m·y 011 .111 in1t•11m ba:-1:-.lul\ l. wtwn l'u:i~1111w':-roui1tl111g j1r.·:-11l<·nl. B1•r11.11 ti .I J.11sk1n . wa s •1p p111t11t·d to tilt' pn•s1d t·111·y tit' ·s1slt•r ~1·htttrl l)1 a11g1· L'ou~t l 'ollt•g•· Bull1·1 was g1ve11 µt•rmanent st:J 1 u:-a~ C11astltnt•'s pn·s1d t:nl during Wcdnl·sd a y night's mt"l.·tmg llf t he Coast C.:omm u111 1y Collt·gt· District boa rd of trusl1't'S "This rea l l y c·~1 ml' ;:1:-a :-urpr1s•"" Bullc·r s:ud today Hulll!r h uu bl'l'll appo1111t·c..I lo 11 11.; 111lC'rtm post for a pt•f'll)(l not to l'Xt.'t•l'd ont· v1·:1r Thi· t1·u ..,tt·1·s, w h c1 drt>w sonie t nl11 ism for lht• manrll'r 1n wh11 h L11:-k111 wa~ appwr111·d Iv thl' U1J11g1• l'11•1s1 l'ol l1•g1· p1 e-.1d•·!ll:. h ,1d 11111 J rt nwUll• I'll p lan:-l11r :111 1·arly <1p p1111111111·11t Ill till' l'na~t 11111· I H ,..,, Pr1111 111 111~ o1µp111nt111t •111 as 1r1tt·1111t pn·:-1dt·111. Hull1•1 si•1 Vt•d a ... l.011Jstl1111:.., d1•.in 11f .11h111~,wns .ind gu1d.111l't' ~1m·1· 1tw t·ullt-gc· 11µt•1wd 111 l!J71i Dur111g :.!4 :vcan. WI th I h 1· l'IJI lt·g .. d1~l I'll I. t hC' Co~la Ml•o.;;1 n •s1tlt•1tl h;1!-l\\'ld a v:ar1t•l v 111 udm1n1str ,d1v1· p.i:;L..; Huli1·r '1HI 11l\l:1v h1.., pnmary , 1111u·r11:-;1r1 · 1·11 p1ng wtt h the 1111.1111 1.al tl1!!1tultH·' l.1nng l'.1lif11n11;i', i-11111n1111111 v c ollt•gt-s C1•.1..,1t1111 111 p.11111111 .. r "o:i !1111 1•d In I UI ,1 '1g111 l1t .1111 lltlll\l1t·r tif c l,c:-..., .. .., 1•,11111•1 th•~ \1 •.11 "'he•n ,\ ... t;tlt' "1111 111'1 ,·11111111.tlt ·d I und1nJ.! lor 1 1•1 t .1111 I \'I".., .,( 1"11rl\111Un1l)' l't1llt·gt· 1 l:.t~1 ·:- Cooling Friday Winds thal c a11,..f\O a1arm fOr lirehghtPr s o a1t11ng a 30-ac•e b 1a1 e •" r o It• q a C " n ~ o" 1 h11rsaay Novemhl'r 4 Ra1n O Snow Q Wednesciay n1gtH at the no•thtitn •1 . .,. f1·u•p.··' 11t11, end ot 111 e Ca mp P Pn d lt>t on ..,,......,, .... --.,...,.,----""'.'.'-;-;r;----~~-;;-::;;:;----, (~o "s tn 1 Fatt ""°"9" Friday bul some n1gn cloud1r>HS al tomes Patchy 100 or low clouds along coasl ea11y Fnoay morning Local gusly t18&t to nortneast winds ma1ntv 1n 1he moun1a1ns today Con•er coastal sec11ons F11day .. l/ .. \9. Sllllllll<t r y A storm that dum~ up lo 20 cnclles ol snow o•e• the northe1 n M1dweS1 con1tnued to bullet 111e rea early 1ooay tu• n1ng to rain as 11 crept lurther south The snow was !ailing aero" neaota. norlhern W1scons1n -tern uppe< M>chtga<' On nesday. 121 1ncnes ol snow 1ecorded a1 lhe Oulut h na11ona1 A1rport and a 1esor1 r nee• Otr 1n no1tneastern ••'*iota reported 20 1nc11es In t howe1s were numf'fous rhe lower Greal Lakes 10 ama and Oeo1g1u while wers and thunderstorms ailed ove< n<><l'-n Flonoa A ralnano-s alao lingered over aouthern Up of T exes Rain ... tYVet Maine. VllfmOtlt !Ind nort,_n Pacific Coast • ~ alrelched along Irle llenUc CQea1 enc! Olli!< parts em Vlrghi1a and western h Cwolloe. let -e c1ear1no ac1oas tile r and middle M1ss1ss1pp1 . CloudS prevailed from lhe -• 10 .. fer east as lhe n Aocitlet. Skies -e clesr tM rest of tile West end lhe ,....,.. uncleratorma were forocesr later today over the Flor1da ua and alon~ the Sout h CoMt. ram Showers we<e t•d from Oeo101a to the er O reet Lekas and New nd. whlle more anow wa• ed from -te<n Mlnneaota MlcNgan attar9d rain 1how1tt1 were from the northern Rockiee ~and cer>tral Pacific ,.., ...... -· ll~ely OY8f -of tM nation .,..,etutee around tile nation a.lft, E.8T r9"0Ad from 13 In , N.D .. to IO In l<ey Weal, Marine oa~e 1n Orange Count~ .. ere e~pected to rf!ach sl)ee<ls trom 15 10 ;>O mpll •n coas1a1 and mle1me<11ate valleys according 10 the Nill1ona1 Wea1ner Serv•ce T ne bla1e was con1ro11eo oy 12 45 am IOdav anc1 lhere was no structufe dBmage 01 m1ur•es .!laid a Camp Pf'nctlelon 1111' d1spa1cne< wroo wou10 not 1de111tty her sell Weainer s;,voee speci.c1ts1 Boo Websler sa•d a nigh pressure syslem over Urah and Nevada lorced a11 throur,in rrto unta1n passes into Souinern Calolorn•a causing t11e Sanla AnA W1nOs ·r l'lllJJf!r<t I ures NATION AlhAnv 1' 61 AlbvQvP'IJl> .. SJ 71 ~ma,.Un 53 26 Anc.11orage ?4 21 Asnev11I<> 64 S8 Atlan1a 73 ~ At1an1tc L1ty 67 59 Austin 56 53 Ballimore 14 56 B11i1ngs 39 24 Birmingham 65 57 Bismarck 30 25 Bo•se 54 27 Bos•on 73 53 BrownsvtUe 68 58 Buffalo 70 52 Burhng1on 74 49 Ca seer 40 17 Charle910n s c. 76 63 Charleslon W v 70 58 Charlotle NC 77 Ss Cheyenne 38 :>t Chicago 4~ 36 C1ncmnat1 57 5 t Cleveland 55 .. Columb•a SI 78 54 Columbv5 56 <;1 OeMas·FI Wo• 111 56 49 Oeylon 54 48 0.nvef 40 21 Oes Moines 40 .13 Detroit 55 50 Oululh 31 26 El Pno 57 38 F .. rbenks 16 10 Fargo 33 25 Flagateff 49 26 GrM1 Fans 43 20 Hartford 73 57 .....,... 38 19 Honolulu 80 70 Holmon 61 !18 Jactteon, Min 64 ~ .lact!IOllVlllfl 81 68 '• .. Front '> 11 -.,.y1111t .,._ Juneau 43 40 Kansas C11y 43 30 las Ver,ias 66 37 L•t1le Roe~ SS 48 lOUIS.,lle 57 55 Luboock SJ 30 "4emon1s 56 St "41am1 82 78 Milwaukee 45 38 MOIS SI Paul J5 3t New OtlflAns 66 6t New Yo1k 74 63 Norfolk 80 60 North Pl•l•e 39 t5 Okla1>oma C•I~ 54 30 Omal1a 36 28 Orlando 85 69 Ph1l8d8lph10 76 57 Ph<>eri•• 77 54 P1tlsburgh 63 55 Pot11and, Me 58 48 Portlaf'd. Ore 59 48 PTovldenct> 68 53 Aaletgh 80 51 Aap1ct Clly 30 2 t Reno 56 25 A1chmonct 82 58 San Lake S I 26 San Anlonm 58 54 Seallle 5 7 45 $hrevePQ<I 59 SS S•ou• Folls 3 t 26 SI LOUIS 47 4' St P•le· T amp11 84 70 St Ste M1r1e 411 4 1 Spo~1ne 47 31 Syracute 74 59 f~k• 48 32 rue son 70 47 lulu 53 38 Waah1ng1on 78 eo Wtehlla 50 21 ~AN AM Actpuk;o 88 76 Barbadot 88 11 IURf RIPlllT ..,. .... 3 3 3 • .... .... 2 2 3 .... .,., .. ..... ... ------------------------------ ' If t 11 1 •• Bermuda Curacao Freeport Guadalaaara Guadeloupe Havana Kingston MonUlQO Bay Mazallan Mo11da Mexico City Mont1111ey Nassa11 San Juan PR Tnn•Oad Veraetuz CANADA (..alg<Jry Edmonlon Mon1reat 011AW8 Aer,ilna loron10 V&ncouver W1nntpeg Extende d weBth er 77 73 88 77 88 73 80 43 88 7 1 87 72 90 77 88 72 88 66 87 72 73 45 63 51 87 73 88 74 1111 72 117 71 36 29 3• 28 58 53 60 411 23 04 Sil 46 56 ., 31 23 S•turoey-Mondey: Fair except n19hl and mornlnO log and low clouds 1n coestel ere ... Hight &e to 70 alono the coell Incl 70 to 90 Inland Lowa In upper 401 and 50•. Mountain reaort hight In llOI end io.s 211 to 4 5 Smog The. Air Ouallty Manegemenl DlltrlOt predklt1 good Air qullllty today In atl CIOftlona ol Ille 8oulfl Ooaal ,,.,,, 8Mlfl. Qood 1,lr q u 1 llty wttn • Pollu1_,.t lf•.,d 11\de• of 42 II lor9CMC In .. ., ... W!Mf• to oall (toH lrM) fM -::'.i~=;:44 ..... ~ " ..... County: lttb) ..... , ..,._ n 9"' kMrdllao oounttee: (IOO) H7-4710 AOMO lpteo09 Center: (IOO) a••_... Markets facing strike Uy JOEL l'. UON 0 1 lh• 0•111 ~1101 11•11 s " II I " I ' I II (,. II I II " I' II I II 1.1qwrm.11 l11•\:, di t' lit tit' II lg I OI ,, 1111~:-1hlt · ... 111k1· M 1111d11y 111111 w dl l'llVt' 'lltH't•:-w 1t h11ul fJlll( ht I', w,11 1•l111UM' .11ld 11((11 t· Wiii k1·1' ,111tl ll lllk d11 v1·1' 111 d1·l1v .. 1 j.!IKll), S1·V1·1.d Wl'l'k' .1gt1 g1 Ctt ,., :- s1111 t· 1 ho1111s l11 •g.111 plal'1 11g ,1dvt•r l1:-1·11 11•11i... 111 lll'Wsp;q 11 ·1 ~ .i11tl po~ll'I':> 111 11iark1·1 w111d11w~ l':ill11 1g for 1t•11q,.1r;11 y lll'lp1111••1:-.•· 1·111pl11y1·1 ·~ d1·1·1tl1· Sund.iv t•i tl1111 d11w11 a rw"' 1111 "'' Y"·" n11111.ll'l "111 •1 Thi• slnk1· 1:. h<'111g tl111·.1t1·111·d hv twc) u111111t~ I 1aq.~.1111111g for a11 1111provt·d n111111·v p:at·kagt• tlwt 111d ud1·s wagt·~. 111•11s11111s, l'Ost - 11 f • I 1 v 1 n g 1 11 l' r 1 • u s t · s ii 11 cl 111a11111•11a11ct· of IJ<·n1·f1ts Sp1'(·11'1t· tt·rni:-.. r tht• t·ontrat·t 11rgotw 111111s w 1·1 t· s11IJ Ull Ul'l'tdt·d lly )alt• Wt·d1wscl.1y aft1·rnuc111, at·t·11rd111g w a 'l"'kl':-.ma11 with tht· ft•dt·ra-1 11wc11at1011 warn tr ying tt1 UV(·rt a Stl'lkl' 'l'ltt• 'l'P;1111s l1•n; u11111 11 rt·p l'"tll'llll\ w.111•l1 11UM' .11ttl o l l1t'I' ww k1·ri. 11 .. w e·l l 1111 t lw clnvt·n1 'l'l111ugh 1 h1·11· 1·11111 1':11'1 1·x p1n·d St· pl ~l. lilt· Wtll kt•l'l\ itl(l't't'd Ill w1111 1111111 1111' l1utd11•rs' n 111t1L1l'I "'a' ..,t·I 111 1·11d S1111d.1 v M '"'' 1'Ulll•I' ,111tl Jl•ll k,~l 'I' ,l ft' lttHlc•I o1d1v1,1111111) tit•· lJ111t1·d Jo',.,d .111d l 'w11111t·11 1.d Work1·1'~ 111111111 "11 1111· 111111'111·1.., ,1nkt'. 11!1 'l',.,111i...1 .. 1·~ wi l l 11l1 :-1·1v1· 1t11• :o.t r 1l<1 "" ,;11d H1t11 Vo q.(h l , ,p11k1".r11.111 1111 l h t• ~·no d 1•:111ploy1•1:-l '11u1wil, tlll' 1111tu ... try t1ad1• ~111up 111·g1111.11111g w11h 1111· Ulllllll~ "W 1• Ji,1\'1 l1t·1•11 1111·1·l111g t'Vl'I \' (1.1 V 1111' Wt•t•k 111 Jll a111·111pl to Wtll k 11111 a pn1po:.<1I 'l'lw nw111llt'l'sl11p wall vol\• 1111 Su11tl:1y " J 11 I h I' I ' V t · II I I ,j ,1 ' l 11 k I ', off1t·1,1b at .-.1•vt·ral gru1·1·ry c•h;1111:0. ~1u 1111 -.hurtagt ·~ <11 d1~rupt11111 of ~ l ' I v It' I'~ art• a II I 11 · I JI a t l' d Con~unwr~ m ay f 111d, h11wt ·v1 •1, s p.·c·why l'UL' of 1111•;at 111 sh111 I suppl v. 'pok1·sm1 ·11 :-,1111 "W1 • t'>UK'C 1 lei h uvc• I.I 11•11 111al da Iv u uy t1fK'll1t 11111," iwld <.it•11e· fke1w r1, 'f111k1·i.111a11 1111 IL1l plt~ lllill'k\·\11 "Tlte· Tt·i1111!'>1t•1 s a11d hu u:he·rs 111 1· :.1111 Ill lll'J{llll:al 1011~ ... 1111111 'J'p;1111st1·r-. 'f1cikt•..,111u 11 ( ;t·r :a Id S.·1111 I It•'""! h<-t·ouldn 't pn .. Jw1 11 tilt· two u1111111s w11uld a ppruv1• tht• 111·w 1111 1·1· v 1·:ar tlln l rul'I uf f 1 'l'l\ "'f'h1· Jll llj.(1111"1" ht•rt• IS that W1·'JI llVllltl llH' Strlkt•," Ha 1J F:sth1 ·1· K l'a11w 1. 111 tht• O ri.Inge l'ounty h a s 1·d Alpha B c t<i mark1•ts "Hut u1111I you gM d11wn to tht• f111,1I nwdi;1t11111 vou n ·allv d1111't k1111W " . • Hl'lul I tle·rk:-tin · liul 11wolvt·tl 1n tht· 1·011tr:1e t n1 ·gol1at11m s. sht• 11ot1 ·d v II I ~ h I s a I <.J N I j r I h t· r II l'ulll on u;1 gr. 11. 't·ry workt·r~ also :1n· trying lu hanunt·r 'IUl lli'W cor11r<il'I'-, though a dt•t·1:-11Jn to ~tnkt• 111 Suulht·rn l':.illf11r111<1 will 1w l lw lia~t·d 11 11 I host· l<1bor d 1sc·us~i1 ms Faulty sampling upsets forecasts L t)~ A N GELES (AP) N1-.1rl\' h:all th1• ell·1·111111 1\l.14ht fll lljt't'llt1ns of WllllH·r~ Ill C.d1t•11111 <1':-gulwrrwt1111al ;.c11d l l S Se·n;itt· ral.'t'.s pre1vt·d wrong Ill t ti .. h;1n l light or mon11ng, <ind 1111t· pol lstt•a· 1·11111·1·d.~·d I hl'y w1·n• ol lt•ll "a 1T~1psh1iol ~· a u I 1 y ~ a 111 p I 1 11 g 11 I c·1111:-1·1 vall\'t· wh1 tt·::-.. 1.11·rh ;1 p~ l11•1-.1Ll'-t ' of Ulll'XPl'< tt·dly l<.11 )I.I ' numl>1·1·~ of unt'a11 vas))a bl1· ah~·111e·e• veJtt•r!>. was ll.·ntat1vt·l;.· blanwd ror the u11fe1n ·~e·1·n win~ of H1·p11hll(':.tl1 S t·nator t·h'<·t P(·lt' Wlls11n Jlld G ovt•r'11 <ir l•lt•t'I (.;1·qr,:!1• 0 1·ukni t·j1:.in 11\'l'I' J>rllJt l'lt•d l>e·n1111·r:1llt w1nn.-1'" Ed111u11d B n 1wn J1 for S1·11a le· and '1'0111 81·adlt·y fur gov1·rn11r 111 tht· \';1st· of Bradlt>y, w h o would hav1· bl·en th(· nC:tllon 's f1r:-t hl.11·k g11Vl·rn111 . rat't· w~ a t a1·t1Jr 1n h1~ ]<J,,,., !'.dtd M1•rv111 0 . f1l·ld. author 111 Tht· C:.i1tro rn1a Poll Ru I F 1 t ' Id d 1 s p u I t'd a· n a~), I'~!\ Ill l' 0 l b 'Y f 0 I' In C r D1·ukllH•Jian t•umpa1g n manager Biii Hoh1.·rts thilt ~oml' pt•ople 1111ght ltt• tµ µoll·lakt-r!> <ibout ran"t mot1v1·s in voling "I dn11'1 k now who'::. nght half tht· polls an· wrong,'' KNBC 111·wM·a~1 t•r Tri l 1<1 Toyota tuld v w w<•r s Tu1·sd ay 111ght as s he trit·d to ... orl ou t thl· lr{·n d tn tlw p h o t 11 f 1 n 1 s It r u n b 1 · t wt• 1 • n Bradlt•v and i)(•ukmt'Jlan S urgery ove r l '.S . Sc·n Barry C ;ulcl" a tt·r .... omc·l i mt• n·,.iclc·nt ,,f :\t•\\ port Ht·~u·h·-. Bul boa Ba~ (:luh. unclt>r\\t'nl a !o!ll('•···!ol~r u 1 triplc·-hy pa!o!~ llC'art 01wrat ion tcufo)· in Phoc·nix. Suq!t'on ... Huntington's Pete Curry dies; services Friday ... aid the~) found .. no ... urpri"'t'l" 111 o pc·ra l i n~ on tlw 7 :\-, t·a r-olcl Ari1.ona H.:·1mblican . Fu111·1.il -.i·rvu-c·!-will ht• lwld F11d.1:-loi l lunt1ng11rn Bl'Jl'h 11•..,1tl1•n1 ~·rank L "Pt·ll·" l'urry . 'u pe ·ri 11 tt•111h·nt 11f t•1111~1 ru1·1111n t 111 t 111 · F l u11r C11rporn lio n l'urr'" -lf"l. d11'(! W t•d rwsd;;v 111gh1 of " h1•arl ;11lat'k :1l P ac1f1<·;, I Jn-.111t:al 111 I lunltngll111 &·at'h It.· 11rg:11111t•d tht· I lu11tington HP.•< h \\T1·:-1 ling l luh :-t·n·r~I \t•;..-:-.1g11 .ti Ed1-,im ll1gh Sd1ool ;111d lt '.1111 nwn1l14•r:-'"'mp..t1·d 111 111u111.1111t•nt' thr11ui.:h11ut tht· l't lllflll \ l h . .i ..... w.1~ .111 ;1\·1d g olf1•r and ,, 1n1·nilJt'I 11f, thl Co~t.i M t·:-a 1\11·11·.., Ch1h lit· 1~ :o.Ul'\'l\'t·d by h1i. wife Dolort•:-. :-.on~ F ronk, Stl•vt·n and J;.is<m, of I lun11ng111n B<·;wh. and d a u g h t n s J u d ~· P l' r r y . o f F ount;1 1n V<.1 llt·v ;111<.l Ih •bc·n ·a \.. 0 t11T \', of llun11ngton &•ach T h t' r a m I I y s u g g (' s t s n1111 nhu11011s bt• m:.tdt' to thC' W111tt·r..,1111rg Gu1rk1nl1' Crntt·r f111 tht• :-..·v1·n·ly h;md1t·app1.«I in llu11t111g11111 Bo·~wh. St·n·1t't •s an• sdwd u lt>d 01 7 p m Fnd;.cy at t hr· l'hilp l·I o f PI l' r l t· Bro t h l ' r ' ~ Sm 1 t h :-· 'l\lorluar y, li:.!7 Main St Fluor co-founder, 85, dead Frt·d l' Fluor . m11· of th•· thrt·l· I !1411 ,111<1 tJ1•\'olt'<I µ~1rl nf his tuw· vt·~ll'). o.,on.., who hdp1.•d h1~ falh1.·1 fnund lo phtl.1111h1op11· 1•Hur1~ via tht· · lit• I!> surv1v1'CI uy h as widow, 1h1 • lrv11110.bas1·d 111tt•rn<1 t10rwl Fn-<:I Fluor r11undat1on A San t.a brotht•r 111-law. Matht•w Wa llaet> 1·ng1n1·1•r111g and n m s 1rut·1wn An.1 n·s1dt•nt all his lifl·. Frl'd of M1ss1on V 1t!J0, s ister -in-la w . firm. F luor Corµ, cl11'<I Tu1·sc..lay Flu•ir <'tlntrihutrcl In Goodwill Leon a li1lls o f Big Bear Lake, lie• w.i~ 85 lndu:-11·11·~. 1h1· St1lvat1nn A rnw nt>phf'ws J Hober t Fluor . J ohn T tw Fluor family starti•d the· :ind 1111· Bovs Club of S a r11.<1 Ana . S imon Fluor a nd Wil l iam J . (.1,11 s ti·t1t·tinn ('t>m JJan.v i n F' Wall<ll't'. all uf Ora n ge Cou nty In 1h1• l<llt' IYull!-. Fn 'tl luor d d · Oshkos h . W1:-. whc.·n · Fn:d Fluor a n a lllN'l• an a cousin. :111d his w1f1•. IX·a . hl'lpl'd build wa~ brnn In l!l l:!. thl' mmpany thf' Bi·o1 r Valley Commu n11 y Fune ral services arc sch1.-duled wu~ movt•d lo Santa Ana an d l lospit,al m Big Bear Lake'. w h ere for 1 p.m . F riday at Fairha ven f n'(I. f<1ncl o r thr' outcloor-. was tht· na1plt• owm'CI a home MPmoria l P ark i.n Santa A n a . pl.H't·d 111 ('h;irgt• u r ;.ill ftt·ld T h e f ami l y h a s r equ est ed t'linslrul't11111 llt• .llso was <• m<'mht•r of tht' donations be m ad e• to S t. J osep h .~~l~l~1-·~r~t'~t~1r~t~·d:__:l~~r~o~rn:...:._~1 h~t~·_.:..f1~r_rn~_11_1 ~_s~·~:t~n~1~.1~A~1~1~a~E_J_k_s~L_,_>d_~~·-t'~fl_)_r _6_·4~~·H_o_s_·p_i_ta_·_l _1n~Ora_n~g_e_. ____ ~- The Reglater for Free Drawing-IEAEnDIP.ITY ·----. ·--· . ••im • MYCtl lftOfel IMIAWllfO TO .. ltllO HtUllOA't, MOY ... 4 ,,M . _____ ,._,. TNI 'rtder a.....,.,, Nov. 1·1 11a.M.•IP.M. • HUGI IWU TIR IALll ~~~ ... A.WW~ • l&.OUll IA&.m '--.......... ,.., ... ·2a-··2111 The hrencllpltJ • Westclff Plaza irw. ew. ,, 11• st. 131·1350 Contemporwy F•lhlone NEWPOATrBEACH Olle!I tO • Mltf to • """"'.., ~ lklftday Oltltr roce1ton1 1n lrvlnt , Tuelln end Mehellfl .... of m R ul cc SJ p ~ tc st ti pl \Ii cc tt a H R s 1 C " ti R H le c "' r. • .... WORLD Spain military chief murdered in Madrid MAl>HIJ) tAl'I l\l.1 J l;t'll \' 11 1111 l..1g11 1(11111.111 l'Ollllll.llld1•1 ul I lt1 · .11'111 ,\ ', µ1·1·1111t·1 dl\•1:.11111 . ""'' us:.;.a,...-;111all·d 111d.ay ti:. gun1111 ·11 whu r.1k1·d lt1s u l I 1t·1.il < .11 w11h s ulJ111:1d11111· ~11 11 l1r1· frtJlll ii ll lllll H'l'Vd1· Ill .. IHIS\' Madnd 11111·1 s1~111111 Lag11 H11111.111, ti.I q -.11 1tld he.id u l lh1• l11 111w1t ,\11 111111·.I 1>1 v1,,11111, d11 ·d 111-.1.1111 1\ .111d his :-11ld11•r tl11v .. r -,ul 11•1 t•tl lllllHll' \\ lllltHb, p11l11·1· ,,iltl Til l' d11 \'1·1 t'.ll lll•I "·I' l'C'J.>Ol'll'd Ill 1 l'lllCii t'1llltflll1ltl Pope TOL,.EDO. Sp.1111 \i\l'I Popt· .Jo hn 1'.1111 II 111 kr1•d :1 pra_\·1·r l 11 r 1h1· Sp;1111 ... 1t gt•n1·ral gu11 111·d tlow11 h v assassin s 111 Madrtd lrnl:1v. and s.11rt lw hnpt·d ~p.1111 .... 11111 "would lw llh1·1.111·d 1111111 1111 pain I u I p h1 ·11 .. 1111·11 1111 111 It ·rn ll'ISI II No ~11111p 11111111·d1.t11'1 v 1 l.1111wd 11·,p111,...il11l11v 1111' tlw ,,:,-,,1ss111.1111111 '1'111· 11.1111111.il 1ww:. :ig1•1n \ FFE q 11ol1·d p11l1C0l ' Sllllll'I'!> ,.., :.:1.Vlll).( 1111' ,111.11·k h<td 1111 · 111.1rk111g:. 111 l•:Ti\ M. 1111111.11 \ w111g of 1111' ll .a " 'I ll I' :.. l p ,1 I ;1 I l S I \II g,11111.1\41111 '1'111· :ig1·111' 11u .. 11·d 1h1· '>11U lll'' "' .... 1\111).( l1ull1·l '·""'>!" l11u111 I .11 tlw '4'1·111· ul 1111• :itl:ll'k 1w:11 l\l.1dnd'.., J\11'11 111 'l'r11111111h W1·11· 111 tlll' l,\pt• lt1 ·q lH'llll.'' u:-.1•d llv 1111·11il11·rs I ol 1•:'1'1\ '""'l' hlllll~lll 111 11111. Ill!> .. .J11l111 l'aul w.1:. 111t1w1111•d ol ti ll' .i-.s.1~~1 11;1111111111 l\l;1J t;l'n \'1~·tll1 l ,:ig., H1111w11 whtl1· 111 (;u,1 d ;1 i 11 p1·, '.!.111 111111· ... .... n1lll\\1•s1 111 l\l.1d11d l11:...l1r-.1 -.111p 111 1111 d .I\ 0ffJl\1J8 Coust OAI L.Y PILOT/Thursday. N D 1· p .1 r I 1 11 g I r 11 111 h 1 , prl'p.in·d 11·x1 dun11g .1 l\J;,,,s in 1h1s et•n1r.tl l 11\. Jo hn 1'.1111 pn1yt•d for .. lh1· ht1·s t \'ll'll111 and £01· all t lw \'1et1111.., 111 I l' r r o ri:. m 111 S µ .1111 V1u lt·nl'l' 1~ 11111 1111 "".' ,., I n ,, "'''"'111 · 11111-.1d1· 1h1• \'11g111 111 t:11.11l.d1qw l.'hunh 1111 1111' llllh .t.1 \' 111 hi:-111-d:J\' \'1,.11 111 S11.1111 I hl' po11tdl p:11lltt·d :1 IJ J1'.1k flll'IUrt' u l 1·m1gr.11 11 111'1 · 1111 .111 ;1ud1c•111·1• 1'lllhl~ll11g l:trg1 ·1\ ul \\'ullll'll \\ h11s1 • d11ld11 ·11 .11ul hu-;h;111ds \\Ill k .illl 11.111 Sailors swimming toward title ; Salvador battle e nds S t\ N S A L V 1\ I > < > H . E I S;d v ado r ti\ I' I Lt· rt,..,, gul'rrill<.1s w1thdn•w I nun 1111· hl•avrlv t11r11l 11•d t o wn Pl Suc:h ito111 <ti 1<•r .1 blomh l;j-hour lw111t· 1h;i1 lt-11 .it l e a s t Sl'\'t•n gov .. rn1111·111 troops . ..in 1·ld1·rlv w11111;1n .111d two ehlldn·n d1>;1d 1111111;11 .' sou rt:t •s ''" d 1l1r11u1.d1 1111·g;q>l1111 11·, .. · w • .-.... g11111~ 111 1 l'llll'll" If your watt:'r llolo h·am h ud ju~t beatt•n pn•viousl) unclc•ft•att'll (:orona dcl Mar lligh S<'h ool to dinc·h a CIF playoff h c•rth, you'd ht• c·ht>t•rin~ too. Oc•tnils of' the ' Nc•w port llarhor lli~h vic·toq· in S ports, P agPS C I and C6. ... ... ~ .. ,·1·11 ..... 1d11 ·1 ... \\1,'lt' k11lc-<l, :!!l "1·1 .. "11u11d1·d .ind 1·1ght '"'rt· n11~-..111i.: .11111 1,..11l·v1•u 1.·11p1un«I d11n11g lh1 t1gh1111g th.II 1·.ig1•d Ill tflt• tO\\ II ~\rt•t'tS. th•· guard 111111111.i11d1·r s.11d '1n .1 11 l1·1 1h11111· 11111·rv11·\\. H1· ;io.;k1·d fhll ll• h1 · 11.111\l •d . County, Irvine oppose tower plan ,, ' I has approved a pre liminary, •1'te .plan for thr towf'r. but S heldon stressl.'d that a fin al s1tP plan wit! nut Ix· approved unless it mFts tht· 150-foot w ning requ irem!llit . T h l' n " t 1 o 11 " I g u .1 1 d t·omma nd1•r 1n 1lw 111w11. :!7 milL·s north ol lht· 1·:ip11al 111 <:c>ntral t:I Salvador. ~1d th;il as 1h1· n •b1•J.; µulll'd bal'k Wl'dnt·~d.1.', tlw.v :.huutl'J I 'l'lln·l' l'l\!11.111 ... 1h 1.· i ld1·r)\ \\ 11111,111 .i 11d I \\'II 1 hlldri·n · ''111• kdll'tl bv 1111s.;l1n-. th1· 111111111.11\dt·r !>JIJ. .11ld111g th.ii fl,. w .1:. Lmahlc· lo L.ilLul.11 .. n ·ud 1.·;1su.ll111· ... Terrorists s ur,.e11der. COLCX;NE. W1·st C 1'rm.1n\ ( A P ) N 1 n c· T u r k 1 s h terroris ts who slorm c>d t ht· Turkish ronsulatl' in a blL1w of g unfin. and Sl'IZt-<I abt1ul 7·, j1 o s tag t•" s u r r 1 · n d 1 · r 1 ·ti peacefully t•arl:v today ;ii ll·r authoritic·s pn•nus1.:d t11 ll·t t h e m a p p I y f 11 r p o I 1 l H ' .i I asylum Thi• ra1cl1.·1:-.. <ippan·n ll.' ra u1l'al ldll:.l fO(•:. uf Turk1·.'"' NATION nu I Ila 1 y g1J\'l'I n rn .. 11 t. f n·ed .1bou1 tiO of 1ht>1r 1.-.1 pl1\'L'S in "1ag1·' during tlw Iii-hour <,1t·g1.· They 11.ft I h1.· bu aiding \\1th 1h1·1r 1.i:-.1 1:1 host;ig<'s in 111\\. ko1v1ng I h1·11 pistol:. llf·h111d Tv. 11 1 ,f 1 h1.· hostagt-s wc•rt> shghtl~ mJun-0 one had a hh1d lllJury .inti ,111ulh1•r w:1s Iii :.lt11c:h. p(lhtC' -.,11d Toothpast e tainted MINNEAPOLIS tAPI - An acid .is :-.trong a~ b<•tll·ry acid was fou11<i in thrc·L· 1ub4·.., of IO<)thpaslt.• purl hw.;1·rl Ii." LI M 1nn l'apoli... w o 111an .ot " 8 owntown dl'pm·1nwn1 st11n· federal mvt•sll~flttJr~ s.1y Jim Hobt•rts. chl'm1-;t of 1h1 r ood and I> rug Adm1nistra1mn. o.,;llCI th1.· ;.w1d was found <JI th<-top of tulws of Crest toothpasll' pur<'ho1sc ·d a t a D ay t on's s l11r• 11 1· STATE dr<;<·nlx·d 11 ,..., ,1 lif.!ht IH'nwn ... u h s l ... 11 l I I h 'I I . \\' h (' 11 1·x1rudc·d tn1111 th1 • 1ulw. gavt' 1h1• loolhp ..... 11· ,, stripl'd ;1 Pl~ ·arann · Thi .11 ul '' "' 11111 11lt·1111f1ed . hut R11h1·r h -.;11d 11 ·'Pl'1.'<irtod 111 hf• .1liuul .1 ...... 11011g a~ 11.1111 ·1' .n·ul l-'c.1111· cl11I not u l1·11llfv tht· ,Jh \'1':1r -o lcl wom;in ·who l1<1Ul'.hl 1h1· loolhpa.;11• Boyfriend enters plea LOS ANGELES 1AP1 The fo rml'r boyfru·nd 11f actress Dom11114ut; Dunm· h~1:­ pleaded mncx'l·nl 111 .m a11.1c-k that le ft hl'r 1n t r1 11c•:d cond111on1 and on hft•-supporl equipment J ohn Swt'<'rwv. 2f'i. t•n11·n·J his ple a 111 R(•vt•rl y 11 111 ~ Munki~I Court Wednt'hdav. four da.~s <1fll•r l~c· attat~k outside 1M1 si. Dunm"s Wt.'s t Hui I\ w1111d h1111w I 11: was 1 har.g1·d wi t h at11•m ptc>d murd er and ,,..,..,,,u lt f o r ,1 1lt·gt·dlv trying 111 'ilranglc> hc·r Sw1•1•m •v w a s 111 l'Ustody w11h hail ·st·I at $7:i.UOO by Mun1 t·1p :il Co u rt C11111m1~s1oner J ohn Murphy A µrc·l1minary h earing was ~·l for DL'I.· K By STEVE TRIPOLI 0 1 lh• Dally Piiot Statt /\ proposal by a n ·a l t·sta11• .t1 fll1<1t1· o f lh<' M l'Donnl'll Oouglas Corp. lo build a 200-foot 1.dl u ff11.·c· building nc'ar J ohn W:.iyn(• Airport appto;irs headl•d for lroublt> on two fron ts .• Off1.l·1als 111 lrvtnt', where the building would be located. and (>ran ge Count y g o v e rnment, wh1t·h owns a1rspac:t• rights above 1h1• 150-foo t lc·vc>I over the site. an• o bjec·ting to thl' plan. The towc·r would be the first of s c·veral planned by MDC lh-;tlty. a Mt·Oonnc ll Douglas subs1d1arv wh1t·h o wns the land. 10 ;;t·1.·on1pan:v M DC's n earby Crcx.·kt·r Bank towc•r at Campus DrivC' and MacArthur Boulevard, s;i1d S tt've Kozak. airport plans ;ind programs officer. Known as T ower 2. the office building would be loca ted near lhl• Crock<.'r Bank building at Martt"n "StrN.·t a nd Von Karman Avt•11ut" Kozak said K oz<i k s aid th e t·ou n lv t1C'gotta1ed a Iflli4 agreeme n'1 g1v111g 1l a1rspal't' nghL'i nc•ar the airport. 1ndud1ng ovC'r the propost•d Tower 2 silt• Other dt'Vt'lopmc>nL<; m pla<..'C' or u ncl1 ·r t·onstrucu on insid e tha t 211 ne have ad h c r t>d to th t' 150-font hc>1ght limtt. K ozak said. Thi• MDC proposal n:prl'Sl•nts tht• f1rs1 atlt•mpl lo penetrate lh1.· 1!10-fuot lim11. he said Airport off11.·1als an • conl'erm·d about the movl'. l'Vl'n though thQ Ft•d l'ral Aviation Admmistrataor'i ha!> found that the tower would not be• a hazard 10 air traffic. T he county fears a pproval would set <1 µn·t·c·dPnt that o ther dPvc>lopers ·wo uld try to follow NumProus buildings over th<' 150· foot hl·1ght 111 thl• area c:ould .. t•fh><:tavely put the• airport in a Mesan dies of injuries A Cost;i M t's<t m a n has died from mjurtc•s ht· suffe red after \)(•ing s t rul'k by a motorcycle nearly two Wt.>t•ks ago. &('cording to the Orange County Coron er's nffice. - A lf r e do Cas ti llon . 25, 792 ' Shalimar Drive. died a t 4:45 p.m . in Hoag Me morial Hospital. He was hit by a motorcycle on Oct. 22 n ear Placentia Avenue and 18th Street in Costa Mesa. We1re Listening ••• Wh;.iC do you like a bo ut thl' Daily Pilot? Wha t don't you like" Cnll th<' numbN at left and your message will be re<.·orded. 1ransc.-r1bcd and delivered to thr appropriate editor. The siJmt· 24 hour a ns werinl{ service may be used to record lel- \l'r!'> to tht• t•thtor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include 1 h1·1r nam1· and tt'lt•phone number for verification No circulation l' JI ls. ph'tlSI' 642·6086 Tt•ll us "' hat'' on ~our mmct .. Dllll)' , ... ~ II 0 I Sifff4 t.itonoa"t r,'° • ., " ;Oil' o-ftOI h.ewe f°"' Oaf'.-b; ~300 m c..lll>OIOOe 71"1' •"d your COQY w.11 tJtt -·o Saotu;d•y ena ~uftO•y II yOY do not r«•'•• vni;1 w: !I~ %J~~·:: .. -"" ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomot ft. Holey P..,,,,,,,_., nr+d lh1t1l f•tt• uf1"1 Of•~ .. , Jone Amari ( •9CVh•ll f dHCW ~ l . Kay 5chult1" Vo<~ '•e•-denl Ot>d Dote<•<>' ol A<J•.-"""11 Roymond Maclean COll"nilN Michael ft . Horvey- O.•ec•0t of M0tl•l"'IJ ·c . ., ultt1.nt1 Kenneth N. Goddard h . 011..Ct0< ol ()perotiont CIHIHlect edffrtlllnt 714AM2·M11 All other depertment1 142~321 MAIN Of:FICE .UO W••I 19' it • (Ml•-... CA M•ll •llcl,.H "°' 1te0, C•la -... CA n.16 COPyrlQlll le7 Or ... C••I "''*1-"' ... c-.. NO""°' \IWMl, lll~ellOfll, .... ., .. 1 ,....,., W .. vetllH rn"''' .,., .. ., .rne1 119 ,.~...,._. ....._. ·-···""'""'"°"of <ortPltllt -- , ... l'an yon." said Kozak l'fl•atmg OJ narrow str ip of <11rspat,;<· through whit'h aircraft would have to fl y. K vzak said o ffat·i;ils at tht> tounty-own1•d airport also ft·a1· that sut·h a s1tucit1on. 1f II ll'Ci to ;m a ir disa.<;tcr. l'ould leavl' tht• c-o u n l v I 1 a b I l· s i n c 1.· i t 1 s rl.'sponsfblc> for safe operation of the a irport. own prohk•n!' w11h tlw propos<.i l 1)1'<.'illlSt' th{.' t'll:V's 7.11n1ng for thl' arl'<.1 a lso l11111t:. l1ualding lwig hL-; tu l !JO f C'l't. Tho ugh zun111 g vanam·c-s arc· po~s1 bll'. Pam Sh l•ldon. a senioP l'llY plamwr. said one would be unlikc·lv in tht• Ci.IS(' of T ower 2 bc•L'iJUSI" tht·n · IS no ('Ompdling n ·ason for ont .. K ozak said airport o ff icials. because of conC'erns ovC'r safety; IC'gal liab1hty and the setting ,of precedent, are urg ing county supervisors to adhere to the 150-foot height limit. Irv ine• o fficia ls arc h aving their lrvin1''s Planning Commission County to· hike O range County governmt•nl's building and saf1 •ty t·cxll· insp<'l.·t1un fees will 1nl'fl'i1S(· lh-. I. N C'w r eside ntial and n un-n •sidentia l inspl'<·tion fees will Ix> based on the valuation of the prope rty being inspected. General plan amendment fees will switc h from S<'t rat.cs baSC"d on the size of a pal"C'('I lo hourly charges. County s upe r v isors approv~d the fee t·hanges last month Anyom.· n C'cd1ng f urtht•r tnf11rn1;:i 1iu n to pnx-ess futurt• applications should t all s:~4-21i 15 for building p<'rmil informat111n. l:l:l.J -2626 fur· plan chl'ck mformation or 834-5:180 for Ge1w ra l Plan AmC'ndmt•nt m form allon • • Tht• Indus trial U:>ague uf .Orang<: County. a b us1nc•ss group n •presentmg about 650 local firms. has adclt>d its voice to thoSl' urginR m unty s up<'rvisors to im prove J o hn Wciym · Airport Taking a cu<.' from the Community Airpurl Co uncil. anotht•r busine ss-bac k<'d group. the lcagut• is t·1n ·ulating petit1 oni. <.·ailing on thl' supt·rv1sor!> to act quic·kly on th<' 1mprovcm(·nL<;. A resolution whic h la unc·h1·d t he dn\'('. adoptPd at a league meeting 1n October. said 1mprovc·ments s hould include· acld1t1onal parking. more terminal spac·c. tic-down spat·c·s for general aviation aircraft . runway 1mprovC'nwnts ancl traffic: 1mprovt•nwnts on surrounding str·C't.'L<;. The resolutio n also called for <:onunuing t'ffo rts to rC'dUl'C' noiS<' levC'ls nNar lhc• airport Ralph C lock. l'h airman of th(• ll•ague's Arr Transportation Task F'ort·<'. said thc· goal of the Llrive is to make sup<'rv1sors rc•allw that "a great J building feeS CDUITY DIGIST numbc-r of people in the rounty want to ~ improveme n ts at the airport. . . . . J In anothl'r airpurl-rclatC'd development. !\Jr Irv ine. a C'ommutc r t·arner, h ai. an nounci~ service from J ohn Wayne Airport to Mammotp Lakc>s starting Nov. 24. . , Thl' rurlinc will offe r one round-trip to the ski area daily. lc>a\'ing Orang<.' County a t 9.:.JQ a m a nd departmg Mammoth al noon we<·kdays; Y a m and 4:30 p.m . respectively Saturdays ant( S undays a t 12:30 und -l p.m .• respec·tiv<'ly. • : The fare> will Ix• $76 eat·h way ... . . . ~ Hunting ton Bcac:h City Councilwoman Ruth FtnlL•y has lx.-eo ek'C.:t.cd second vice prt>sidenl. of th1• Orange County .League ot C1t1es . '-_ • . Fmley was installC'd along with new leagt,..1e: Preside nt Jim Jarrell. who is Mayor o f Bue "at Park. and Vi('(" Preside nt J ohn Cannon. a mayo~ ur Gardc>n Grove'. • ; Outgoing Preside nt Marv in Adle r . FountaJN Valley's counl'ilman . was la uded by leag~ n'll'mbers for his service to the gro up during tl:fo1 past year. .:.. t- Thc> league at·ts to preserve tht• interests ,pfl thf' county's :lti ntit•s. at times clashing with! othc>r governing bodlt'S such as the c'Ounty Bo;Jr<it of Supervisors m the p~. ,· •. ,.f .:.1 OrM ge Coa.t DAILY PILOT IThuradoy, Novemb r 4, 1982 • , .,. CllllJ Pact sought for mor~ indigent care I Rttl1>h Cla rk Bruc•e Nestnndt• B Y OA vm KllTZl\1AN1' Of ltl• D11t, Piiot l .. lt With u Ju11 I d1.,11lh111• dui.111~ 111, 1111 1 ou11l v will \IPl'll lll'f(llllutllJlh lhl' w1 l'k Wllh lut·.tl phyt!ll'IUll u 11d ho'll>ltul J.ll!IUJ>t> ht 111 tllll~t· f111 1·uu• Of lnd1gl'lll utlUll'i. II f(''i>Ol\HllJ11lt~ lx•lll~ 111\lfhcJ fru ni 111Hlt• to c•ou11t11-s hv tlw 1·11d 11( tlw yt•u1 Tht• Boord of Su1~·rv1M>I ii ~UVl' ttw ~o uhl'l1d Tul•sday tu u 11q.{11taa1111g lt•um w h1d1 will pur>illl' a l'o n trut·t lor 1nd1g1•11t ht•u l t h t'U r t· w1l h rcprl'Sl'ntatlvl'N 111 llw On111~1· County Ml•d wal Assocwuon 11nd 1h~Jl11:.p1111I ('11u11d l or !')outlll'rn Cuhfornlu. l Consumer aff ajrs spurned An attempt by Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark to partially restore the county's clisrnantled Office or Consumer Ar£air s was spumed Tuesday by a board majority which said it was more <.'Oncernc-d with new fiS<.'al pressurc·s the county must sho ulder beginning in Janua ry. The VOll' brokl' down ulong the same Imes us last July 16, w h l'n SUpc'rv1sors agrc.~'<.i to disband the t'Ounty's dt.'Cadt>·old program Clark b m erly assail~ \....lion again T uesday. He a lso traded sh~~ .. ~~~I jabs w ith Nestande, who origina lly proposed last summe r that the program ix' nearly e liminated T lw lNllll mu111 work out u c.onln11·l In l&Jnt• f111 l l\l' (.'OUfl l)' ICl llSM..ltlll• .,. duly or t·111·1n.c for un t·11t1111utc."<.I l:J.0011 111t•tllt'nlly 1tull1oet·11t n<lult!oi 111 01 m1)l<' C'ounty hy Jun. I, llJtt:i wtwn tlw l hllc• Mt·d1 (.'u l p1'11l(1 u111 n u lon6'<'r p ruvH.lt•!i th<• M'rVlt'I' T iii' L1•1o1111luturt• trl111111t!d lht· M t•cJl -Cul prui.iruna c•llrlil•r thlit yl'nr 80 tlrnt n ·t1fX>fl1ill>11lty fw· l'Ort.• of the• 1mh1otl•11t udullli wm; 1ih irt1 .. 1 from tlil' litUtt' to l'OUrl\lt•li A c•or111 ulw11t'1i n •rort tu tlw BCHi rd o f ~uµ1•rv11111r11 n ·<'tl111m(•nd1•d that tlw county opt rall' ii.'! ow n prln*•'Y ,w ·c• pr11i.im 111 w prov1cjt.• bu."111' rr\l-<lluu l ni.si!nur11:<• tu lndlUl•l\t'i ot u <.•link with o 1naff of 45•pc.c 1plc.•. The csumall'd l'l)l\t 01 thul progrum h; $:l I m1ll lun , according to thl' study pri·1.wn·d by A111lwr:it As.o;ociatt•h In<.'. Tht• cl1n1c.· w ould op<•rn te !l('VC•n duy11 u W('(•k , eight hours a day and hundll· ubmH :~. 700 palll•Jll v1i.1ts ix·r month. In tht• meantiml·, th • <.'t)Un lv must hav(· an m tl•r&m prugram m plae<· by J anua ry A rwgw1atlng ll•um hl'od c'CI by Robl•rt Love, an aide to S u p<'rv1sor ftarrwtt W1l•dl•r, w1 II meet w ith mNlw I a11A<ll·l 1tlnr\ ruul ho11puul '-'Oum·1I offil'IO ht l.Jt.•l(l1111lnl( th111 Wtoe.•k County Admln11trutor Rolx•rt Tho111a11 h1'11tl tlw two ~wu1-. a.ulJrrn\11-d u p1 o poewl In Cktolx•r tt-> uw1•1 llw t>"' 1uc:I f 1 urn Jm\u111 y I lt> June• :w Tlw i1tut1· would fund th1• p1ul(1'1U'll run by lhl• l'OUnty, l1ut u11ly at 70 1x•rt'(lnl of th1• lcvt·I prov1dt•d through Mc><J1 -C:ol In tht> IU81 -ff4! llM.·ul yeur, thl' atoll· paid i:'tt m i llion for tht• t'llrt' of mt-UJc·ully indigent udult11 111 0 1·1t11w· (.:ounty thruul{h Mt'<ll·C'll Lov1• :w ad a c:o ntrru:t with tlw Ornng1• C.:ounty M1•1llc;1l A i.11uciution w o uld bu for physh:1ii11 i«•r·vlt:c•s 'und with lht' hos pital t•oun<:ll for UIW of faclhllt•H. "Our uppt•oal'h will tw. to humnwr out ~· t•on\ntt't with OC:MJ\ und the• hospitul c·ounW and IN \lw m go to \ht•ir ml•mlx:n. to st·c· w ho p1d(s up 1 lw 1•011\ruN," LtJVl' said Pn•hmlnary m t•t•tmgs nrt' und1.•r wuy with m·~o\mt1ons opc•nlng by today. Mt·unt1ml'. u so-c.illt'<I "projl'Cl dL'!.1gn tt.•am" will go to work on Jon~r ra nge.· plaru. for the• can · of <.'OUIHy 1nd1gtml.b bclglnnlng m July or Jatcr • ThC' wnm mc•mbers w ill Ix· uppomwd by the d 1r(,'(:tor o{ tht• c.vu nty's Health Cure Agency. On separate split votes, supervisors firs t re jecte d Clark's p lea a nd the n tenta t ively a pproved an ordina nce which finalizes budge t action ta ke n last July to discontinue the consumer affairs o ffice. S upporting Clark's proposal to restore four of e ight position s slashed last summe r w as S upervisor Thomas Riley, who like Clark said that he had received numerous complamts from constituents t'Oncerning e limination of many of the county's c.'Onsumer services. Two positions remain funded. "I'm oppo!>t.~ to offering an madt.>quatt-level of consumer scrVl<.'l'S m O ra ngt.• County," Clark said . "And I'm disappointed that in our $800 million budgt>l this yc.•ar. <.'Og,umt•r aff:iirs alone was targeted fur ehmint111on." lndustria~ development eyed • In 10 y1 ars of opc.·.-ation. ht.• said. the office had act·ou11t C'd for $4 5 m11l1on 111 cash , merchandise and &•rv1l·e~ "n:.'turm•J directly to satis fi ed C'Or.s umcri.." S upervisors voice concer11s about finan cing - Voting for the ordinam·e which sharply curta i ls con s umer a ffairs act ivil1t-s w e re su pervisors Bruc.-e Nestandt', Ha rnett Wieder and Roger S tanton. Focus on 'Life' Ama teur p hotographers who res1dt' or attend school in Orange County may enter the "Choose Life" photography contest sponsor<.'<.! by th e American Cancer Society Entries w ill be Judged on o r iginality. rele v a n ee to l h e m e. com p os1 t 1on and photographic techniques. ac.·c.·ord ing to Carl Lindho lms <.'Ontest chairma n F irst throu gh thi r d p(1Z<'S and f ive· honorable mentions will be awarded in both the c-olor slide and black and white print categories. Send all entnes, along with an tmtry b lank, to the Amerit'an CanCC'r Socwty; 4030 Bi rt·h St . Suite IOI. Nl'wport Bcac.·h 92660 by Nov 30. For more information. call 752-8600. The curre nt program. h1• said , ''is not equipped to pe rfo rm . It's a s ha m a nd an embarrassnw n t .'' C lark ij lso ac.·cusl'd Nl•stande, the board chairman. o f ignoring c.·on!>lllu<•nl complaints which resultl-d Crom July's b udget dt'l'lsion Nestande had 1.•arlic>r claimed that he had received no formal complaints from consumers upset b y the board's action. He argu ed that the county will face expensive new fiS<.·a l burdens beginning in J a nuary. especial ly for care of med1ca1Jy indigent ad ults And Wie d e r m a i n t ained tha t fund ing priorities would have to be established by the county to deal with the impending fiscal crisis. "We're going to have to start culling back," the Huntington Beach lawmaker said , adding. "There isn't an yone on this board who d oesn't share your (Clark's) conc.-ern for thE.' consumer." Restoration o f the four positions proposed by Clark would have cost $70,000. Tht> board will vote next week to give final approval to the ordinance disma ntling the office. / Crf'at1o n of un Indus trial Devt.•lo pmt:nl Autho rity in O ra ngc County appeals to the Board of S upl.'rvisors who want tQ look further int.o its financing. Such a n ag('lll'Y would mukc low:inte rest bond financi ng availab le to nt•w or f'S t.ablished firms, helping Cud ,1ob growth m the county, at'{'.Ordmg to Supervisor T homas Riley, sponsor of tht-proposal In e ffl'C"t, th<· t•ount y wnuld act as a "<.'On duit" to allow a b usiness to boc'row money by using the <.'oun ty's tax-c•xempt status. T houg h the b oard voted unanimo usly Tuesday t o h ave a ll ordinance pre pa re d activating th l· Industrial CX•velopment Authority, as allowe d under stall' la w , several board membL·rs expressed reser vations abo ut the fi nancing concept. Board chairm an Bruce Nestandc said he w asn't sure if county gove rnment sho uld be involved in providing bond financing to lure ne~ industry to Ora nge County. · , ..) ' ~ Jew elry -Art Glass -Object d 'Art Louis Jc art E tchings -Porcelain Figures Signed Remington and Russel Bronzes Max Ka rp En am el on Coppe r Pa intings VASE STANDS 18th. 19 th & 20th Century Lis ted Artist Paintings Silv r Coffee and T e a Sets PLAIN 3'/t • dla. 2.39 4 'h • dla. 2.99 5 V1 • dla. 4.49 OPENWORK 3'h • dia. 2.49 •'It· dla. 3.49 5Y1 • dia. 4. 79 PLATE STANDS e 5'ZES •· to 14" tall .99to 4.99 1 oo 5(.:at A ir-conditio n ed Auc tion Galle ry NEW OWNERSHIP MINIATURE ZINC COATED TIN BUCKET a TUBS·From. Hong Kong Delightful utility comes down to hold tooth· picks, paperctlps, pencils or whatever. TERRA COTTA WINE BRICK FromT•lwan Unglazed wine brick wllleaally SHESHAM WOOD t=.:• WINE : : BOTTLE : : HOLDER : : From keep wine ·',..,.,.,.. ......... ~ ,/ \ lndfa ' \ La Jolla -Newport Auction Galleries BUCKET 3" deep 3'1·. ~-.49 TUBS Both PA• d,.p R.9UNO 4• dla. cool for hours with· out Ice. 10· tall •v.· dla. I I • I I I • I I (7 I 4 ) 63 I ·8807 254 2 w . coast 111g h way New pon Beach. CA U2bU3 Free~ for you when you buy a Hickory Farms·· gilt for somebody else. ......... ~ -,,_ ~ Our own "Very Merry Berry" jar filled with imported strawberry bonbons, a $4.99 value from our Confection Collection. .49 3.89 OVAL 5 '11" x 3'/t • .59 COST PLUS' OWN DESIGN HOLIDAY WRAPPING PAPER a ACETATE RIBBON 5· x 7" a·>< 10· KITTY BAMBOO STEAMER CAT a COVER From China Beau11tu1 b11ketrv MERAY works as a steamer CHRISTMAS container for dim sum. Both 8" die. 8" long 4Yt" Wide 3.50 "l have a lot of t'onc:erns over this whole bonding issu('," Nestandt.• &1id. County bond munagC'r J ohn G ibson-_ said the indus tria l authority would owe its powers to attr;.ct indus tnt'S thtll wouldn't ordinarily want to locate here. Tht• author1t v's jur isd1c t1 o n w o uld be countywide, although it would not infringe on a ci ty's territory ''unlC'SS they invite.· us." U1bson said Supervisor Roger Stanton said he also had. "deep concerns" <i bout the pro posal and suggested tha t the county m ove cautio usly. Supervisor Harrie tt Wieder expressed similar re!*•rvat1ohs. Supervisor Ralph Clark called the plan ":.. very ~itivc ste p." • Riley has proposed tha t the super visors ~ec la.r~ thc•m st'l ves as ,the d £vclo pme nt commtss1on. The authority c.-OulCJ lSSUe up to $10 . million in bonds for each approved project. FERN "LADLES" 15v,·10 17" tall BELL WITH ANCHOR BRACKET & COAD Bell and Breckel 1• fong . Red Cord 11· Jong 7.77 FULL COLOR PRINTED VILLAGE CANLSTERS O.R OIFT TINS From Hong Kong Colorful lln1 ere: Grandm1·1 Cookies, Flour Miii, Sugar Shop and • CofJee House. 21h • to 1• t•ll 2.59 1.99 3 'II • >< 4 '11 " 1. 59 STAINLESS STEEL I PAKKAWOOD FLATWARE From Japen Set an Inviting Informal l•ble! OlehwH~ .. re. FORK. KNIFE, SOUPSPOON & TEASPOON To 8" long .99 each ·1.19 pfece Jewelry Section SQUARE WOVEN PANDAN BOXES From The Phlllppln¥ Natural p•nden In a thick wt1ve for gifting or slt>rege. With It's free when you buy a cheese and sausage or Florida citrus gi~ assort· ment worth $20 or more before Thanksgiving. We'll even handle the details sending your gift assortment out in plenty of time for Christmas. 10· long 51ri • wide 4.75 1V1 • >< 12" 2.99 g• )( 14" 3.99 10· x 1s· 4. 4" dla. 4 1/1 • dla. s· die. 1.77 1.88 1.99 5'11 • 10 1• dHp 5V1 • aq. ey, • aq. 1 •11 • 1q. .85 .85 1.25 · We'll give you a t.astt of old•timc cauntry goodneM~ We1tcllff Plaza 17th & trvlne, Newport Beach 6~2-0972 -..l'lo .. 1 •1....... """ ... 3 PANEL HARDWOOD UATE"Y F"OM CLASSIC TO CONTEMPORA"Y From Romania IP.-. ...... NATURAL ....... ,Hendsome ch1lrs ti ere bHUlllUI· .......... ,.,. )(38• l'ldH open 10 eo· 1ono ly linl1hed end designed and rHdy for dHll, l•bl• or •lldt •howl Walnut l'lnllh 118.88 11.81 ""'1•h 18.19 29.11 Wal nu I ft1n11n with Cane !Mt u.11 · LUAN WOOD SC"llN From Telwan t • luan wood 1trlp1 form an openwork laltlct lnalde aturdy framH With br111 lllnQH. &'tall 11• panel width 51" total width 39.18 DIR•CTLY ACROU llllOM 80UTH COA8Tf# OPIN 7 DAVI A WllK MOH. TO PRI. 10 A.11.-t P.11. -..m.YMITGf.._At 111 ~Ml .. ITILlln.... Yt L UT. tO A.11.-1 ,,M. IUN '1 A.11.-t ,,M, r ; .. . WALL TREET. EX FL ODE ...... ----now JDn11 lndu1trials -----NIEL EN TAJ(ING OVER . From Page A1 of a midterm <-lectlon thut offer a mix of triumph anc.J 1011 for Republicans and Dl•mol·rulll alike. "We w1·11 <'Xtend to him (R eagan) the-h and of cooperation." the Domocruuc speaker said Wednqsduy. A l the o th l'r l'nd of Pennsylvania Avenue, th<.• president pledged in th<' White House Rose Garden to work with Congress"'ln a bipartisan f~h1on to aolve the major problems thut sUJl have lo be solved." I B ut there is every likelihood the partisan differences o l tht> pa.st two years over how to deal with "'hose problems wall continue In the 98th Congrcs:. that takes ofrire an January w1lh a markedly more Democratic H ouse but with a 54 -46 R epublican maJor1ty In the Senate holding steady. In Tuesday's e lections, the Democrats won 265 scats and we re leading in the two races that re m ain undecided . The Republicans won 165 seats, and Republican Ron Packard. who lost his party's primary, won in California's 43rd District as a write-in candidate. Two Grorgaa House seats held by Democrats • Arts 'n . Crafts Gift Sala· Hohday previews ol unique holiday gifts al lhe Huntington Center mall daily thru Nov. 14. E.T. Sale And Photos Huntington Center .merchants celebrate their 16th Anniversary with • special E.T. memorabllla sale. Bring the kid• for an exlra-terrestrral visit. Souvenir photos dally thru Sun. ($3. 77 donation to Youth Fund). Weekdays 6 10 8:30 and Sat./Sun 12 10 4 SUGAR MAY NOT St«>W '" Ttl: URK It is the oversupply or aupr in the blood, nol m 1he u rine , that constitutes diabetes. When the blood IUflll' level Is high 110mC or 1t. not all, spills over into the urine. The sugar test for unne .. aood and euy It can detect many. but nol everybody who has diabetes Many okter per90N have elevated blood sugar w1c.h no unne st11ar. Has your physician checked your blood this 'jftt? U you have a family hls1.ory with diabetes, better -him. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will dellver promptly without exva charfe. A areat many people rely on ua for lhelr t-llh nftda. We welcome reque11a for delivery let"Vtce and charp MlClOt.lllfll Going Into Business? 111 t• llkt•ly 10 i.tuy th11t wuy wtwn th('y arf• Ul•CIU(•ll In dC'luyt•d "lt-c11onB Nov. :lO lf thot holdtJ, the '0c>m0<·rat11 will .odd 26 S('ats to thcir Houll<.' majonty, by coniwn¥us a handful mor<' than ei ther party h1Hl counted on. In tho undecldro Hou!W ra<.·<'8, Democrats wer.e ll'adlnK In North Curolin and Tc?'as. Republican Sen. John Chufoc of Rhodc Island was leading with absl•ntcc ballots s t ill to be counted. That won't bl' don<.• unul Friday . Votes also still wen" being counted in the race for governor of Illinois between Republican incumbent James Thqmpson and Democratic challenger Adlni Stevenson III. As expected, the Democrats made some o f the biggest gains an t'Ontests for goveri:tor. 1070• .. 1 -~ 11 1.t 10IO•'· .10 1040• 1030• 1020• ,. I 1010• 100lh IOQ• ..,. 600• • 1973 AP 1973· 82 • • • 1& n 78 .Not counting the Illinois rat.'t', which was supposed to be a runaway for Thompson, thc Democrat9 netted seven governorships. including five m the once solidly Republican Midwest. · Chatt shows Dow's record ga in. ,-1 • / It's W1rn1ng: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your H11lth. ,_, .. • • • • 79 80 81 82 A~ Wlrepholo From Page A1 or tlw l(•a11t•holtl diNf)IJ\C', Nlt•li.('n IWld thc, firm hllli alWllYH had II poh<.·y for working 11ut 1nd1vlduul ll'US4•huld problt•n1N hut "JX•rh P" that didn't l'OffiC 0(.'rOSS VC'ry Wt•ll In th<• 1•nrllt•r llmNi " NwlS4.>n also downpluyL'<l Don BrC'n's T<'Cent' mgtr vl!itbtlny ln 0 r a n g l' Co u n t y . 8 1...t• n , a homt.•bulldcr, Is thc largl'Vl Irvlnl' Com'pnn y s t oc k h o Id e r and rcc:cntly was named co-chafrman of th(• board. Bren, in th" days just bt!fon· Kr"mc•r's rC'signation. mN with a numbt•r of community leaders in Irvine. Those he talked With said Brl'n usli<.'<l for the mc'C'tlngs to find out mvrl' about the city and what resacfonts want. ~ Nicl~n suid he did not fiCC the visiL'i us being unusual and said Bren has always had a strong interest in Newport Beach and 4Irvlr.c • Tom iclscn Truck blaze halts traffic The San~a Ana Freeway near the Orangl• County International Rac.-eway was closed briefly ·1atc Wednl'sday after a wheel 1;m a ~asolinc tanker truck caught 'firl'. • the California Highway Patrol said. Both d1rect1ons or the freeway near Irvine were shut down for a ur20 minutes al 11 :55 p.m. _ ... ~/mg. It's slim. ltS ~. ,. 17 mg. "tlf", 1.4 mg. nicotn IV. "-' c.-b¥ FTC ...._ •' ·= "' .. ... ... •1• • t:# -I • ·''' ,,'; •••• , t ' lJ"~ ' ll•. '·: •"•, •.I .... J',,, • • 01 ngu Cou11 DAILY PIL 0r11 hur d 1v, Novomb 1 .( 100'- Time JOr councils to get bacK .to business It's a g ood. t hing Tucsd ;ty'::. d (.'{·tion c·nmc.· alon~ whl•n it tli<.J. Had lht.• trt:'nd in campaif{n ing tn bo th Costa Ml•sa anc.J Nl•wµo r t &•ach gorw uninterruptl'd mul·h lon ger . lhl• wounds would havt• b<>l'n cltf fk ult to hl'al. In Cos ta M esa . till' d osing days of lhl' ra ce found inl'Umlx.'n t Nor ma H<.•rtzog calling <.•halll'ng<.•r Chris S t l•l'l a m cnal'c tu th <.• c:ommunily whik' Stt•cl thrcate1wd to-sue hl•r.for slandt'r. Noni.' of this nonscnsc• had anything lo d o w ith tht• is..-;uc•s in th<.• eampmgn . ln NPwport &al'h. inC'u mbt'nt Paul H umml'l took an 11th h our blas t from dcvl'lopt'rs wanting lo get his "no-growth" voice silt•m·<.·cl in t•ou nl'i l C'hambl•rs. The Ko l I Company, for one, spt•n t a good Cteal o f money al the· last minut<.' to g e t ri d o f Hu mmel . Th t•v suct·c<.'ded. but thl'l'l' ts a lari,w·r q uestion of tht• t•nds justifying till' means . If the last-m inute· b litz accounted for Humnwl's narrow defe at. h t· was ddt•a t c·d b v spec•1al-inte rest for<.'eS. • The ral'e bl't Wl'l'n Mayor J a c kie H eathe r :rnd c·halkn gt·r David Grcmt was a nother bittl'r Cight. In the first plat:<.'. the City C ounl'il ra{.'e in Nt•wpurt Bt•ac·h had bct·oml' big ~l11 kal busin l'ss -t o the tu ne of $80,000 in combined campa ign c.•xpcnditurc·s. Secondly. Heather. in a last- dit{.'h mailer , at:cuscd Gra nt of being a DC'mcx .. ra t disgu iseq as a Republtt:an. Mayb<> he 1s. He say::. h<''s n o t. Bu t the pomt is, w h o ca r es? This is n o t a p a r tisan election ::i nd H eather's attem pt to injet·t that e lem ent is beneath her. And finally. Newport Beach voters. given the t·hance to r ule on the propos ed Ban ning Ranc h deve lopm e n t. decided it w ould ~roC'eed . Tha t . t oget he r w i th Hummel's defeat, -would seem to be a. clear indica u on that the people-o f Newpor t Beach would ' hkP l11 loo k (ur WUl'd. Giv(;n all of tlw ubovt• untl tht• fuc:l thul thtN Jung -nwuiwd l'll'l'llon no w h; hi~lul'y, it 1s uu r ft•l'Vl'llt hOJX' thnt tht·St.• two l'ilil'~·will gt't on with 1t. Cns tu Ml·:-;a hm. Nunw tricky c.Jt·vc.•lo1)nw m q u<•stions of its own t o d t• c· i <.J <' • A n <l p oss i b I t'' grandfuth<.'ring of 1tw famous sign ordinanc:t>, pos tpu1wd u ntil afll'r t h < • l' I c· l' t 1 o n t u s u v l' t h c.• int·urnbt'n ts from having to m ukt• u dl'ds iun bdon • t h t· vott•rs mad<' theirs , is s till hanging fim • • I n N t• w po rt B <'fl c h , t h t' ult1mall' fzllc.•s' o f Nc.•wport Cl•ntt•r and N o rth F o rt{ H uu d d<•vl•lopmt•nts. as wt•ll il!i a irport ~1lt t•r1rn t1 vl'S Ul't' p<.•nd in g . W(• would h opt• th e council woul<l .bl"'gtn · moving for{.'l'fully lo\\ u1·u solvmg sonw of theSt.• d tl C'mm<1!>. W v w o uld a l s o as k th <.• 'N t'W RU rl B e a l'h cou n ci l t o n·ml·m lw r a couple oC things. In tht• 11 rs t place, this has b<'<'n ;,1 n ast v rac e, n o t n ecessaril v confu1c<l to lhe....issucs_ S omc.Jla.sk:. fl'nt'('-f'Y:t·nd ing needs to be donc.•. or Nc•wport w ill re ta in the imagl' of a d ty split down the middk And a rorollary of the first b t h a.t d ~s p i t e a n ex p e n s i v t> o p p osition ca mpa ign. P a ul HummC'I nearly gained re-electton . And Don S tra uss, who a lso is mun• cauti o u s in his a pproat·h t.o dcvelopm~nt , was h a ndily rt" el('('t<.>d. So w hile the Hummel deft-a t and th<.' a<.-ceptanl"e of the Banning Ranch proj ect w o uld ~ecm to indicate that the vote rs fa vor d e ve lopm e n t , thc·y a r e by no means a umfied v oice. It would lx· ntt.-c to see the new co unc il a c tively see k con s e n s u s o n t h e s e thorn y q u Pstions in the future rathe r than re~ard T ue sd ay's results as a mandate• to a ··damn th<' torpcd~. full Sp<.'<.-d a head" a pproach . s <Jlairns orchestrated Plant closures a nd m ass layoffs in many industries have g e n e ratl'd a new a p pr oac h to wor k£•r s· ('Ompensation . s killfully orchC'St ratcd by labor unions. Workers who have been la id • o ff are <'nc-ou raged to participa te in filing mass compensation claims for so-ca lled "repctiuve trauma." T his r efe r s to o n going l ung damage . hearing damage , muscle injuries and symptoms of ~xposure to toxic ch emicals, resu lting from workplace conditions. Following the closure of tw o Genera l Motors plants. GM-was t h e targe t 'o f 1,200 worke r s· t-ompensation claims. and another 2,500 a rc expected as a result of additional layoffs. Fireston e re por ts receiving 1.500 claims. Goodvear 500 claims , Bethlehem S teel GOO claims a nd Spreckels 400 claims. In the case or the closu re of a GM assembly plant m F rem ont. m e mbe r s o f the U n i ted Auto Worke rs local w e re a d v ised by their unio n that thl'y might be entitled to file claims if they had worked around dust an d fumes that mig ht ca use lung damage; lou d noises th a t could dam age hearing; or required to do bending o r li f ti n g t h at could c a u se orthopcchc problems Jg the back. neck or shou lders. They were m v1tcd to report for free medical examina tions at the union.mrtl, set up by the union and paid for. under the law, by th e e mpl oyer 's in s ura n c e • com pany. T he worl<-ers~ were advised by t he union t h a t the aver age claima nt w ould s w nd to receive ab o ut $5 00 per y ea r o r e mpl nym<.'nl. w i th addi tion a l romp<•nsat1on. depending upon the exten t of injury, a t the diS(:retion of a compensation h ear ing judge. In one case, records show that a physician gave 41 m t..'Ciical exams in one· day, charging the employer $1.000 per exam. O nce s urricient claims are f i l e d , t h e u nio n a tto rn ey a p proaches the employer to ~k a lump s um ~etll c mcnl in the interest of avoiding the expenS<' of hand ling claims on an individua l basis. T here is n o dou bt that many jobs in indus try can result in p h ys1<.'a l d a mag e, fo r w hic h a n inj ured worker m ost certainly deserves compensation . Blft the d elit5erate targeting of e mployer s who h ave been forced by econ omic conditions to clos e pla nts o r lay o ff large n umbers o( workers with th ese mass claims of "repetiti ve tra uma" has an unsavory odor about. it. And ins u ran ce compa nies compla in that the backlog o f work r e s ulting fr o m these m ass com plaints is causing a slowdown tha t 1s de p riving ge nuine l y injured individuals from rec<.'iving speed y a ttention to their claims. The pt'ocedure raises -some s e ri o u s m o ral a nd e thical q uestions. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Otner v\ews ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artJsts. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321. L .M. Boyd/ Wr ong k ey Item No. 737B in our Love and War man's Cile labeled "Men of Honor" reads: an officer ~llcd off lo the ~ in old Rome locked his beautiful wife in armor and pve the key to his best friend. "If I don't return In 10 yea.nt," he said, "use this key." They clasped each ~ther'a shoulder II\ one fraught moment of aClectlonate trust. The officer galloped off. Five miles out he pulled up to await the cloud of duat rollln clo1a . The beat friend on ORANGE COAST DaHyPilt horseback rode up and shouted. "You gave me the wrong key." Q. How 'did the Penn1ylvania town of Bethlehem 1eta ii• name? A. In December of 1741 , Count Nicolaus von Zinzendorf, leader of the Moravlaru rec1mtly arrived . from !:t.trope, led hla fol.lowen in\O a at.able t~. and proc)aimed, "Let thil plln be called Sethlehem .. . -· T"""'9 '· Het.y "-bi,..., Jette .... (, • .,. .•• IO'or ....... ""*'h ld·'"">OI '• ld••or ,....._Mcee,.,. "°""""11'"9 [0o10t - I Letters to the editor Who 's b ehind bullet train ? To tht· Editor: Isn't it interesting! Our Gov. 'Brown exempts t he bullet train from either an Environmental Impact Study or a r<-v1ew by the• Coasta l Commission. This 1s the same governor who was so very wor ried about the environme nt regarding the mecHly -remember? What could .possibly impact our environment more than 100 trains a day roaring through our community? In an eight-hour day. this means one every five mi n utes or :;o. T he pro m o t e r s say t h ey m ay "underground" it .through our area. Can- anyone imagine w hat a tunnel of 12 to 14 miles would cost? r WOULD take bets on the S(..'enan o that will come out: When they get down to the actual planning, they wiJI say that undergrounding is not foasible -too costly, can't get the permissioa , water table 1s too high , or some one of many other reasons. Then they will come out with the sad news tha t they will, after all. have to run 1t along the I-5 fre<.fway or on the beach. Not a pretty picture. Where do these.promoters come from that they can ram through such a bill in the last days of our Legislature? They aren't on the stock exchange that I can find -they have no long distance 800 number, and the only address is a P.O. box in Washington. What goes on here? Who are all these people who will want to ride Crom L.A. lo San Qiego and back every day for $60 a day? Something seems very rott:en -not in Denmark but in Sacramento. BARBARA McCA~THY Va lues warp ed To the FAilor: The Pilot's 10/23 front page· story about a guy who bought what he thought was a .Bentley "thinking how 1mprcss1vc 11 would be lo pull up lo a restau rant" in it Is a victim, not of Winston's Newport Je~elers. but the Ame rican phenomenon cr eate d b y ad vertis ing , movies and TV that substltut('S dogs. cats, "luxury" and matN1allstk acquisition for genuine, human re lationships and the sweat of tr ue grit. Observing the tra ffic at the corner of Broadwa)' and Coast Highway In Laguna Beach any weekend when the ~real parade of molor vehicle showoffs are at their most obnoxious revea1s an m ter mitte nt s pectrum of Be ntleys, Cad1llal'S, BMWs and Mercedes hauling a lo n g the scuddlest c ha ~acters imaginable. THESE PEOPLE have been so badly waqwd, their sense of idcnUty can relate only to what Hollywood has l>(Oject,cd as the "rn" thing. Unlike the inllfcure exploited by status peddlers, persons who have made their mark in society through honest e ffort on behalf of providing true-value eervice lo otf\..ers are totally self-identified . The re as no need for self-assured persons to buy into labeled mcrchandUle. Goodwill scco'nd-hands. used tan and much less than pa latial living ar~ handled with distinction founded upon a discipline immunized against stoOpintl lo the t'On of movie "stars" whose physacaJ, clhlcal and intellectual facades arc all the product of flack Image-makers paid for by billions inve11ted <Wt malntalnlng a phony sta tus thal you too can have by smoking this brand, dr lnkina that, dr1vmg anoth<'r, .u11ng WOW C011net1c or dousing your!lelf with macho, saddl~ lPatht'r squc<'zins. Next fkntley you sec consld<'r the pc.>8!1ibillty its owner Isn't the driver but the ~nk the guy's hocked himaelf to for lift• to pay for hit need to imprete tht' d()Orman at Taro Bell. ~RUCE HOPPING Pen sion g ravy train To th• F.dhor: With th• prennt a1llatlon 1ncS • pl'Obl•m• wtth th• rapldly-becomlna· lneolvent Sodal S«urlty •YI~ It It ln&ere1Un1 to not• that no fundlf\8 problema exit\ In tbe rnf'rvn from which the t.vilh penMnl att paid IO tt. UPI*' ecMlon of ~' workers. MAILBOX A few prime e xamples folJow An arf1d<• on this subjt><.'l recently OUl of Sacramt•nto: indkutt•s that Gov. J('rry Brown's full-time salal'y is $49.100 while at present his father. former Gov. Pat Brown's retirement pension wnh a supcr escala tor ·cost o f living fo rmula is $56,880. This same lush gold -plated pension a nd cost of living for m ula allows & former state employt'(', Bert Betts who pot in eight yeau of state service as swte Treasurer to have his state pe nsion tripled to where he now draws $52,910 a _year as a pension. Max .Halferty until his rC<'ent death received a $51,800 annual state pension f o r se rvin g eig ht year s a s Superintendent o f ~ubhc Instruction while the present full-tifl)e holder of the Job . Wil son Rail's 1s paid a salary of $42.500. YOU CAN m ultiply this kind oI situation many. many times over, wher~ a retired govi:rnmcmt employee ls paid more in the way of a pension than is paid the full-time emptoxce ha ndling the ·same job. This and other state pension fattenrng procedures was a ll made p ossible b y legis l a t ion AB -577 formula ted by sta te legislators a nd signed into l aw by the lhen Gov. Pat Brown in 1963. A little known fact, certainly of great interest to the taxpayt>r, is that ov('r the last 35 years the taxpayer has paid into the legislators retirement s,ys1em fund . $15 for every $1 pul into the fur1d by the pension fund par licipal)ts. To create and allow such an inequitable system lo' exist is nothing more than fl super rip-off of the average taxpayer who foots almost -1he entire bill. While this is going on 1t is absurd that Congress is considering fon·ing the general publk to take a cu t or draw out time-wise their compautively small Social Security monthly payments when these kinds of unconscionable pension inequities are allowed to exist in the government employees pension systems. It is also interesting that legislation making such greed y and i nequitable s ystem s poss ible Is a lways d on e in cl()S('d-door hearings w1tho\Jt debatl' and little if any knowledge or input to the taxpayer with regard to how he 1s getting shafted. With their lack or conscience and idea of equity, we suppose our legislators would call this ''looking out for the interests of the taxpayer." . E. P BENSON Mission still h elp To the F.ditor: Have you ever wond erc-d w hat became of Brot he r Michael and his mission w hich used to be on Tustin Avenue near 17th Street in Costa Mesa until forced to move? (Oa1ly Pilot, Nov. 21, 1981). . Brother Michael is still going stra ng, cheenul as ever. yet at the same time broken hearted at having to turn away more than 100 hungry people when he runs out or food. Hard though he works. he can't seem to earn enough to bu y adequately for the growing lines of needy people. At his new a~drcss he tacks the visibility t hat used to produ('(' generous donations from passersby. Because he ls too proud to ask . l have choaen to let you know that he's still here and needs our help more than evl.!r. Donations can b e sent to Brother Michael's Chrwtlan Mission, 233 Flower St .. Costa Mes a . 92627 , They're deductible, and KUrt>ly will h lp fl1 1 a great nc>C.'d in our area. CONNIE CONN Carmel aid seniors To t hl' F.d it or On<' of government's highest pr•orlt1~ 1!4 to hl"lp nt~-dy SC!nlon; Thur It a«-eptro by 1tll rf'1pon1lblt' gove rnments and 1oci<.•tl<•• evcrywherl', ex('('pt La1uno. Lag"~ Beach IS th<' only ont-of tht' 26 dtlH an Oran1e County without an affordablt• houslni ptOCr•m ln f'fft'<'t lo • dall' 1.ettenfrlf!lr_,., .... ,.-''-''t'll•5'9t ............................ ..., .. ,_..... -· -·· • '"' "'" • ""'" "'lftr-• All ......_ 111• '~ ........... ,... .... ---..,. '-""-':!': ....... 111 ,..,... ,, tllfl1Cl9A• ,.._ 1' ~ w•n•tt_., ... Lt"'"_, • .___. .. ... ~ ...................... , ................ .. ;_ ........ ........ Thl· vac·tims of th is mutrunc:11on of govt·rnment arc• S<m1ors who arc obliged to ltvt: on &x:1ul Se<:urtty. S.S.! or small pt•ns1on~. <'IC: R{'t'C'ntly SC'niors. who are loc:kl•<.I m on tht'be small fix{'(J ant-omes, arc.• lx·111g ('Xa l<-d out of Laguna Beach . Th11; sud happt•ning Ot't'Urred when five s..:nmr c:ltlzcns. whose average age 1s over HO 4.1nd who haw hwd in Laguna Beach for a total of over 100 years. because then• 1s no affordable housing for our senior:.. wcrl• cx1ll'd out of Laguna NOW THE F'1tzpatrn:k Administration rnkes ovt•r w h e r L· the Bt•lle rue Admm1stra11on left oCC The latc.'St victim bt.>mg Julia Robinson who· has lived in Laguna Beach stnc.'\.' 1942 She 1s now ~ year~ old ?nd l'an no longer afford t<.t li ve 11} Laguna on her fixed income. What will huppen to ht·r? Where can she go? T his 1s JUSl the• lip of the ic.-c•berg "'hat confronts our needy seniors. ll 1s my undc•rstanding that there are many other :.en1ur l'itizcns w ho are an the same s1tua11on as J ulia Robmson. Whcm 1s this madm•ss going to end and help begin for our n<.'<-'Ciy seniors? Why c·an~t Laguna do what Carm(\h s dmng for their n(.'(.>dy semors? Quoting from The Carme l Pane Cont'. ··Erica Axt(•ll restdt>!> m a comfortable studio a part men t at Haseltine.' Court. Fifth Avenue and Lincoln Street. owned and operated by the Carmel Foundation Beca use the 12 units or senior housmg at Hasdtml' Court are s ubsid1:.cd, rl'nt for - the i.tud10 a partment 1s only $1 25 per. mun1h." • Concern<'Ci ('lll7t:ns are vC'ry J nhappy \\ llh thl· IOSC'ns 1t1ve, 1nnJm.p c.'le nt Jdm1n1:.trat1on. which has donl' nothmg towurd affordabll' housmg m Lliguna to datl' The only a<.'t'C'ptabll' act will be to impl<•mC'nl the• c11y.owm'd sewerage pl:rn1 property for affordablt• housing for our !Wniors without delav ALANE ADAMS Founder. ignored To the Editor: This letter Is from one w ho spent maoy hours and trudged many weary miles soliciting funds to build South Coasl Hosp ital. now renamed South Coast Medical Center. T hat was circa 1957: 1 resided in Laguna then and knew of the dire neC'd for a hospital in the area. I also knew that when the facility w~ completed. it was through the hard work a nd sacr1(1 ce of ma ny Laguna Beach r es id e nts, pl us th ~ grea t con tribu t ions o f two physicians practicing th<•re. FOR THE above reasons. I was shockt.'Cf and angered wh~n I received a letter from the "Nominating Commit " of the Medical Center Board last week. It stated verbatim, on the back. that "the Nominating Committee is looking for ca ndidates who are employed in a m a n age m e nt o r p rofessio nal capacity .. .and hve and work m Dana Point. Capistrano Beach, San Clemente. San J uan Capistrano. Laguna Hills, Irvine or Newpor~ Beach." ln other words. the commiuee has made its own deci ion to exclude candidates from the two areas that created the hospita l: Laguna Beach and South Laguna . • I t'Onsider this committee letter to be an expression of the governing board and administration policy of the last four •• ~ears toward I.he people who founded the hospi\al -a policy of "frct'ze out " The letter was a gratuitou.-; insult lo all th08C people, whom I hope will someday again have a vokoe In the monag<'ment of the hospital. MARY 0 . DOWNER Maytx-thr trap<IY of John 0. Lor.ft will fot'UA utt•lloi1 on lhf-fad lha\ Whl\ IA mora0y Unet'\~ptabfe for 1nd1vldu.l1 Is al., UMl.\.'i'ptable for corporauona whtt·h att, afwr all • aroupa of 1ndiv1duat.. c.c \ Beneficial details By PAT HOROWITZ Of the Deltr flttot ltaH DEAR R EADERS : Some people arc eligible for Social Security and don't evon know it. For example, wh en a divorced man dies, his ex-wife t•an receive survivor's benefits lf she's at least 60 years old and the marriage lasted l 0 or more years. For reure menl benefits, how much you get depends to a large exte nt on when you elect to retire. You can retire al age 62, but your benefits will be reduced permanently. Sixty-Clve is ~he usual age to retire. IC you can continue to work beyond age 65, it could be to yo~r advantage. First, you can earn up t_o a certain annual .limit and still draw the same Social Se<!urity ch~ as if you were <.'Ompletely retired. Then, if you earn over the limit, each additional $2 you earn causes a reduction of only $1 in your retirement benefits. What if you make so much in a . year that your wages disqualify you for retirement checks? You'll earn the righ t to higher retirement ·penefit.s when you fina_lly do stop working. Also, when you t~rn 72 (70 in 1983), your wages have no effect on your Socia~Security checks. You get full rNircment bcn<'fils. Social Security also can provide for yoL\r d ependent porenta In the event of your d eath and there are benetlUI for unmarried children under age 18 of workers who die, ret ire or b ecome disabled. Soc:ial Security also includes Medicare and other benefit programs. . For more information, request a free copy of "Your Social Security" from the Consumer Information Center. Dept. 514K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009 .. Boy must file DEAR PAT: Mrsoa, ate lZ, made a little more tbu 1,000 Jhis. year deUverllag new•papers. Do I have to report It on nt)' tax return to claim bis refud? S.T., Huntington Beach No. Internal Revenue Service says. your son is required to file his own re turn to claim a ny refund to which h e may be entitled. Got a problem ? Thl'n write LO Par Horowitz. Par will cut r(ld Wpe. getting the answers and action you n eed ro solve inequirief in government and bUSlnC'SS. • conlinenlal arls • period furniture • loys • bronzes • lamps • orlgloss • 0 c: 8 ·;: .. E ~ ~ c: :::> 8 "' co .e Dorothy Emerson & Don Nolon present ~ AITIQUES EXPO & SALE :; IN THE COMMERCE BUILDING ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS II FAIR D~V£ •COSTA MESA. CA NOV. 4, 5, 6 & 7, 1982 THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY. 1-10 P.M. •SUNDAY, NOON .. P.M. AJmission $2.75. -With 1his ad any number -S2.50 each Childron undor 12 f re~• Free Parking c: Use Arlington Drive fbacl<J Gate JA entrance Saturday of1ernoon and SiMtky. '[1.1mm----------------------=-= ...... -=====-=-------..-. • dolls • lighling fixlures • jewelry • watches • collec1obles • painlings • • • -;· ~ ~ ... ~· ;; • r ... 011tnge Con1t DAil Y Pll OT I fhuradny. Nov nh r 4 1982 BAN/f OFAlf/IERJCA PRESENTS A TAX BREA/f ~ YOU CAN BANNON - , .. FOR A FUU YEAR. When.you invest in Bank of America's Tax Free Time Depos,it, you and your spouse can t arn up to $2CXXl interest, free from federal income tax'!" That's $166 a month, tax·free for a year~ (Individuals may earn up to $1CXX> tax free.) DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, A BETTER INVESTMENT Since this income is tax free, a Tax Free Time Deposit Q;)ay actually give you more dollars after taxes than many investments, including money market accounts. Com- pare for yourself. Just stop by or call any Bank of America branch. We'll show you dollar for dollar how other investments stack up against a Tax Free Time Deposit. MORE THAN A TAX BREAK Add value to your investment .by u sing your Tax Free Time Deposit to help you qualify for checking free of monthly charges with our Combined Balance Service!"' And of courSe, with Bank of America you can bank on all the safety and con- venience of California's leading ban· . BANK ON IT. NOW -----------------A good inv~tment like this won't last forever. By law, Tax Free Time Deposits can be opened only through December 31, 1982. So be sure to call or stop by any branch soon. Ask about a Tax Free Time Deposit-tbe tax breaJc you can bank on for a full year. rrax exemption lost for early withdrawal. plu~ sub· stanual 1mercs1 penalty ,..Sued on couples depos111ng Sl0,936 at rate available on November I. Deposit amount needed 10 earn $2C1KJ I\ reduced 1f you receive interest payments le~s frequently. One yc11r term, S500 minimum deposit S2CX)0 iomt, SIOCXI 1ndlv1dual hfeumc exclusion from federal m oomc tall on Tax fr«' Time Oc:poius and all other 1nvcs1mcnb of this type at any financial lnsmu11on. BANK ON THE LEADER .. .,> .. . _ .. m BANKOFAMERICA <-of M'Clit• NIUA tN1 • '"l"8CllrOOC: DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE RECIPE? sJ a:s - sp~rt 111111 It you like to cook and have a "f avos:ite" recipe, it could be worth a trip for two to a city of your choice anywhere in the Western Hemisphere {via Western A irlines.) Or you cotif.8 w in o ne of five $200 gift certificates. It can all happen in the 1982 Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe Contest, and it could happen to youl Even rf you don't w in a 1op prize; your recrpe could be publrshed 1n our "Or•ng• Co•st Cook Book .. 1n lhe Daily Pilot <>n Wednesday. December 8. I 982 Daily Pilot Special Sections ed1Jor Janine Fiddelke w ill supervise a panel or rood JUdges who wrll name the best recrpe on the Ora~ Coast W1nn1ng reC1pes w ill be Judged on orlg1nahty. ea~ of preparauon. ad~rence to theme, anct of cour~. taste So get cooking Read the rules carefully and senct us your recipes as soon as possible Entries must be postmarked no later than November 12 M•ll entries tos o ... , ...... '•WMlt• RH .. C-•tt, ... o .... 1160 Costa M•aa. CA 91616 ENTRY- CATEGORIES: ,,~···,. '""°'"' •«~ '°' Meat SptUdJ. Ully tiw _,1..,, or int O'f)SOt munc~ """' T.llle your pt<- #.Veeet•bf•• •nds.e.dl J. Grein• ln<ludfng wgtllllo.M ........... ~~s Ntd don't forget Int Wrvt Is y04J/ ouc .of •1uson 1-ite wr, to Hatt trtaMn In<-Md "" .. hOllcl"1 mtal In tnt ltottn food &f<Uon S. Deuertt ....... ltt's stt wnai you .,..,. .. un oo w•tn WNIMllM 'tnocOIMn. gtl.tt1n. hll!eufglfl Of COQ bUtlft, "°"'· •au vln. tnt WM ~UHll'IW <N<lrfn .,.,,., Of ~'-"' '°'"' dUcllllr'l9o ~ St1tnost ~ ..... ( ........ . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1- 7. "": 8 . CONTEST RULES: LISI all ongrtd1t nu '" Of Oft or Ult . IOllOWtd. by (.Ifill. conclst Olft CUont ll(ld 1~ ~' or 'f'Mngs llfflltmbt•. or191nar11y c~u Subm<r your '"'" l'nll)' on .., 31S · 1ndf1 ClltO Puc ucego<y 1n upPt• ll'fl nan<1 corner Only <>nt' fntly Pt' Pt/Jon Pt' U ltgoty w1• l>t «<fPlfd II more !Nin ant' l'nll)' 11 /H.tlV•d IOf An)' Slllglt' c.t1t90ty. • Miiies lor '""' c.ioc~y w•• Of' df\Qulllillfd ~I IHefVf' !ht ltgnl 10 pt~ly F•ll'OOflZf' tl!llleS lltt•1>t1 mull .,. compjf'lt, MIO m.ty not .,. <f\iln9t'd ¥ttr wt>mlnlOn 1nc~1e ttt~' -l>t diiqulltlltd In ~ t'Vfnt 10en11cM IKIPfl ,.. Wbmtllltd by two Of mOft Contl'Uo'lnll Int lllSI lt<f'IWd wtl Of' Int °"" (()tljidff"fd lat JUd9!r'IO nie conte11 ,,. optn 10 .. 1r11df1111 or"" OrlnQr Co.SI. t•<tpt tmp!Oytts #'Cl 1ne11 ll'MWCll•tt l111Mtt1 o l Or""llf Ca..11 l'ul>lt~ Comp.wiy lnd!Catt on U<h lf<IPf In the I~ ltlt·"""" (Ofnt•. yOUt !Ymf. illCl<ken, 1~. MXJ cMt90fY erntted UW'll M'P"'lltl' '""II IOt fll(h It<~ Mall to "O••'Y PllOI f'"'10tilt HOllday lll'CtPf ConttSI 1 • "0 lk>• I 560. Coll• Mesa. CA 92626. Ot bf1<'19 ti 10 uo lay-St., Costa ... ALL ENTllfS MUSI If l'OSTMAllklD NO LATU THAN MIONIGHT. Nov~r 11, 1912 0t lt<tllled at tht PllOt ollr<t no""" 1n..n s p"' Novtmlwf 12. 1'92 Entry of a lf<lfW c0ntt1tutt1 89fttmtnl 11\M II l!e<omtt tnt PloPflty of IM OjMfy l'llCM. Md IN)' bf puol~ned W!lft -~~1 fno HI~ •O<ltflM't Ot pnont nut'l'llltt Wl" bf pub!I"""" lfl Inf 04111)' l'tlOI ll(Wj MlflOt MW~I l "''lel Wiii ... dftqUollllflfd If 1r.y '"' '" c Ollll>'Y Wltll Int <onttlt riMs M )1119f1' ~ •• hNI M pttttl wll bf -•Off CON'1U SNOS NOVEMitll ll ,, -, " SKI SALE IWOBIG SATURDAY NOV. 6th AND.SUNDAY NOV. 7th SKIS . ~ .. · .. ·/.eo. LA CROIX MACH 3 . '425 HEXCEL 532 HS 1260 HEXCEL HOS I & 11 '325 SPALDING 385 • 190 SPALDING 365 '185 DYNAMIC VR t 7 '293 DYNAMIC EXPERT '275 DYNAFIT CABER SANMARCO NORDIC A LANGE ·s K I s s K I s • SKI CLOTHING •BOGNER •FILA •FULSAP •VE LEDA •FELLER •HCC •COLMAR •ELLESSE • OESCENTE • KITEX REG . '275: NOW s4a:s Spart Hiii 1771New'""181¥4., C-te .... ........... .,,., cT1•1M1 •aae • . .41 • ... -- I ~· • " TWO DAYS ONLY SAT. & SUN. NOVEMBER 6TH & 7THI . . . * Z·DAYS ~ONLY,-NOV. 6TH AND 7TH * . Merchandise Available At Both Sportmart Loc~~lons fWhlle Suppll!!s Last) With the purchaN ot any '82·83 slcl1, boots or bindings dlspi.ylng the red "Sider lncMtlv• Progr•m • Tag," you will ~v• an SJ.P. Certificate. Thi• . c.rtltlcate can be used tor the purch.,. ot addltlonal mereh•ndlN or can be '9de1med foT caah. The mote • you buy, the larger the value ot the S.l.P. c.rtltleate. Stop In at Sportmart and tallc to our ski squad ,,.nonnel tor tull detalla on this fabulous Wrf ot uvlng money on your nat ski equipment purch .... LOOK FOR THE SKI MERCHANDISE DISPLAYING THIS TAG I .-- PLUS A $30,00 SKI SPECIAL. BONUS!- Trade In your old skis, boots, and bindings and we'll apply an addltlonal S30.00 toward the purchase of equipment In our already popular Skier Incentive Programl Men's & Ladies' Goose Down SKI JACKETS A s120.00 VALUE! SPORTMART PRICE s5996 Men's sizes S-XL. Ladies· ... 8·1 4. YO"'H ; SIZES A $100.00 VALUE! SPORTMART PRICE s4996 · • .. Auolt9d Colors To CllooM From 82-IJ · · IN-LINE K2 SKIS ............. MODEL SR22 - A $185.00 VALUE! SPORTMART S 11487 PRICE MODEL 305 A $220.00 VALUE SPORTMART S 13996 PRICE MODEL 612 A $250.00 VALUE SPORTMART S 18487 PRICE (WHILE SUPPLIES ~STJ • JI. • MEN'S EUROPA SKI PARKA BY. GAECHTER-HABER Available In grey, navy or royal with two color accent stripes. Sizes S-XL. A '120.00 VALUE! SPORTMART PRICE s5996 HUNTINGTON SQUARE YOUTH RAGLAN PULi.OVER Wf!H ~N_ SHIU Available in burgundy/grey and grey navy in sizes 14-20. SPORTMART PRICE t- A $36.00 s2396 VALUE! HUGE SAVINGS ON FAMOUS NAME BRANDS SUCH AS: WHITE STAG, GERRY, WOOL.RICH, SWING WEST, PACIFIC TRAIL & MANY OTHERS! ~AFull Selection Of 82·83 ln·Llne Ski Boots At -Huge S.vlngs Such As; • PULSAR • $90.00 VALUE SPORTMART s4996 PRICE VENUS • $100.00 VAtUE SPORTMART s5996 PRICE GEMINI • $110.00 VALUE SPORTMARTs6996 PRICE VFX • $245.00 VALUE . SPORTMART 11 54a7 PRICE (WHILE SUPPLIES ~STJ .1 ~·I•J :fl 375 SKI BINDINGS High performance quality at an afforda· ble price. High anti·shock at the toes & heel for optimum retention A $95.00 VALUE! SPORTllART PRICE s4996 CC Kiiat:le I ~•I• J :fl ALPINE SKI PACKAGE 82-83 SKISI REMEMBER ••• THE MORE YOU BUY Kestle 82-83 Sport-Lite Sprinf Skis complete • THE MORE YOU SAVEi with LOOK 27 Bindings. $9996 A $250.00 VALUE! SPORTMART PRICE ..J:;"":..u1 "*THREE GRAND PRIZES-1st Prize· Sid Trip For Two Vla'Frontler Alrllnesl SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE • • • ~ * NO SECONDS * NO JOB LOTS * PLUS ••• PRIZE DRAWINGS EVERY HALF HOURI . THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF MERCHANDISE GIVEN AWAY ••• • SKI BINDINGS • SKI VESTS • SKI GOGGLES • SKI POLES • SKI GLOVES • TURTLENECKS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE •· •• DONT MISS ITI * EXPERIENCED BOOT FITTERS * FACTORY TRAINED STAFF * CEf'TIFIED BINDING EXPERTS * KNOWLEDGEABLE HELP IN AU SKl.DEPAR1'.MENTS NO PURCHASE NECESSARY-RULES FOR PRIZE DRAWINGS POSTED IN SPORTMART --.. . *,~ •••• ~. INSTALLATION OF SKI BINDINGS Wlt:H . SKI BINDING & SKf • ~rtmart ·* . .... Gives You rhe Edge In Any Sport Or Leisure-time Activity .. PURCHASEI # You ·M•J Punue ••• ' - ~ •••• * * *SKI LIFT TICKEIS TO. MOUNTAIN HIGH HOLIDAY HILL 9WITH SJ00.00 Cit MOii StCI IOUINENT 11\MCHASE (Umll One Per CUltOIW ftef ~\llhlle &..- GET .TH&-EDGE TODAYAND SHOP SPl:>RTMARTI .. . '" . -.J -I SPmCIAL. HOURS .. 9AT., NOV. 8TH I AM TO DNIGHT SUN., NOV. 7TH TOI Pll -' ' Thurad1y. November '· 198? • 111cam111111 caum CAVALCADE BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT 82 83-5 86 eniors (far right ) .. line up for coffee a.and doughnut• before taking their cards to play bingo. Leonurd Sarmco (right ) is the caller for thi game. Dally Piiot Photot by LH P•yM Ethel Schuchardt is hoping for the right call ... . . . while Myrtle Utz gets the right call to win. ..... Blind students·· get assist fro in computer reading machine By JOEL C. DON Of tht D8lly Not I t8ff Reading is a tough chore for some. But if you're blind, like UC Irvine student Debbie ~njamin, the task is even more difficult. What few textbooks are available In Braille are cumbersome and slow to read. She has ha(i to rely on paid helpers to spend hours reading assigned course~ork and texts. This year pr omises to be different. A new <..-omputer-age machine has allowed .Benjamin as well as three other blind. students to hit the books without ~tance from a student reader. UCI is among several hundred universities and libraries acr06S the nation to receive a $30.000 Kurzweil Reading Machine, a tabletop device that can read just about any f orm o f prlnte~ material. The unit was donated to UCI by the X e rox Corp., which is distributing the product. "This is here when I want to read ," said the 24-year -old Benjamin. who is working on a second bachelor's degree in computer sciences. "People are a little h ard lo coordinate, especially In the computer eclences because, for) example, there's usually eomettllng I get on a Wednesday and ntied to have read"by Thunday." The machine won',t reed charts or dlaataml. But lher\, "People don't dO lhoee things much better but al least they make an attempt," ahe ukl. The voice of the machine ' IOUnda much like th9t out o( a low·IJ'ade edence fldkJn movie' with talkln1 robot.a. It takes a few hourt to 1et uNd to the e lectronic-Ii ke sound, said Patricia Romero, coordinator of UCl's Disabled Student Services. "S o unds great if you can understand Japanese." said a sk eptical photographe r after listening to the machine read a few lines from a book. "We thought at first it had a Russian accent," R o m e r o laughed. Ne vertheless, Benjamin appreciates the freedom the computer reader offers over oth er methods . Since the machine is housed in the Main Ubrary buildii'lg, she can USt>. it early in the morning or well into the late evening hours. "Once you learn how It says thi~ you gel used to it," she said. 1- "This piece of equipment helps blind stude nts avoid that dependence on others." "In some ways undentandlng this machJne la very much like getting IOmeone who la new to the English language to understand it," added Romero. "It's an interpretive process.'' The readlf11 machine consists of two '1\8in componenta •nd a keyboard .for varloua commands. One box houses the computer procesaor. The other looks much llke a photocopy mec:hlne. A book. maaulne or other prinled peae la placed face-down on a ~ 11M1 plate and tlh• rNder aw aroull9 of 1J.nll uwt are then read aloud through a small speaker or earphones. It can read hundreds of type styles or fonts and the computer's programming a llows for thousands of linguistic ruJes. U a w ord doesn't sound right, the user can request a repeat of a sentence. word or even for the letter-by-letter spelling of an unrecognizable word. Pum:tuation is normally omitted. though the student can request the computer to read every comma, period. quotation mark and exclamation point in the text. The machine can also perform calculations through its numerical keypad, with entries and results presented audibly, much like the talking calculators that are available for the visually impaired. But as with all technology. there arc a f e w g litches. Sometimes the machine sounds like it has a speech impediment. Foward I s pro n o un ced "for-a-word" and Lincoln comes out like "Lmk-o.-lln." Paperback books, newspapers and photocopied materials are generally a no-no. It aeems the paper la 110 thin that the machine's optical reading light tends to pick up chatacten from the oppo1lte aide of the page. The . result 111 a bunch or gibberish. ''The mass-produced J¥1perba<!ka are the hardest ones to reld." Romero noted. "In the p1perback trade they've 1tarted 1klmpl9'1 on the quality of paper •nd binding ... Romero added that the machinl' will be eapecially appreciated during mid-term and final exam1, wh•n 1tudent twlpera Nive much of chetr own .. Es1Jio11agt>' sh11bby world where r("a/ · pie.. live i brillianlly 11orlrayed i11 s 11ew TV drama tarring Alec Guinne . Page 87. FV hospital keeps bre.wing coffee fOr the senior set By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of tht D•ly Pffol ll•ft The Fountain VaJJey Seniors' coffee pot won't be running dry, and members won't have to do without doughnul.S, thanks to a contribution from Fountain Valley Community Hospital. The hospital has agreed to provide the 500-member sen ior citizens grollp with $225 per month to make up for the loss of city funds that had been used to buy refreshments for the seniors' meetings. The group gathers twice wee kly at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center at Mile Square Park. The .seniors organization had been receiving $215 per month from the city. But In September, the Fountain Valley City CounclJ voted to cut off this allocation as part of an effort to make local recreation programs financially setr-sufficient. The council did permit the seniors to continue meeting at the recreation center without paying rent. But many older residenl.S viewed the cut-off of refreshment money an a nother example of the ci ty's alleged insensitivity to senior citizens. They reminded the council that it has failed to futrill a decade-old commitment lo build a local senior center. Councilman Ben Nielsen. who voted in favor of cutting off the s'enior's coffee and doughnut allocation, promiS<.>d to help the seniors fin~ prl\tate sector funds to make up for the,loss of city. money. His meeting with officials at Fountain Valley Community Hospital proved successful. Hospital adminis trator C r aig M ye r s a nd p ublic relations director Michael Nash agreed the seniors rganizat.ion was a worthy cause. · Nash said local seniors do a lot of volunteer work at the hospital. "This 1s just our way of repaying them." he said. According to Nash. the hospital has agreed to provide the cofCee and doughnut allocation, beginning this month. The hospital has made a one-year commitment to the program. he said. Rosalie Kociela. a spokeswoman for the Fountain Valley Seniors, said club members haW! been dipping into their own pockets to pay for refreshments since the city cut off its aUocation. She said the group welc.'Omed the hospital's contribution. "We were very pleasantly surprised," she said. "We needed the money. We couldn't see charging our members. who are on fixed incomes." Councilman Nielsen said the city Is close to arranging for another business to take over printing of the seniors' newsletter. which is still published at city expense. He-said the seniors were the last local gr:oup...to continue receiving regular city allocations. The councilman said he hopes the organization will take additional strides toward financial independence . "I think I s howed them there is private money out there if they want to go after it," Nielsen said. UC Irvine student Debbie Benjamin prepares book to be .ead ·aloud by a computer-age machine. reading to do. "Thls piece of equipment helpt blind 1tudenll avoid that depel._,. on othMa," lhe ukl. "And leamlna to Ulwn to &h. machine It much Haler th•n reading Braille." And the rnerhlM CUI tJ. Rt to reed a text almoel aa fut u a 1lght.d 1peed re.der. thou1h even the bHt l11tenera would haw traUble underltandh'I thal kind of c.cophony. Romero hopes the-comp\lter dHltnl'rl will nt'xt work on lmprovlna the voice of the .. machine 10 that il dolln't .ouOa ~thins akin to • vkleo ~ prM. . Of COUIW, then pUpl then tJ. a ct.bale Oft WMtMf IO liW the N9cltnl· dftrb a male or ~ vot~. i}lltp' t'Cfw, it'• •baU' .. neutral • an tn...,.tld Clftult. . ' • .. - • . . t , Friday~ November & Parents not to blame. for s on's s uicide ARIES (March 21 ·Apral HI) You'll gc.•l to hl'ltrl o_r mullt•ni rl'g1.1rd1ng fnmtly prnblc.·rN .or proet'rty Somt· pt.•ri.1.m" muy otll'mpl to lntlmltlatt• you S41nd toll . m:untnln Kt•lr-t•Sll'l'fl'I UEAR ANN LANm:HS: Thl' 17 Y<'Ul'·Old son o r our dl'al'(•Sl Cricm.ls mmmlttdd suictdl' W<' arc m u state or shock This boy wus one of thl' brighll'Sl, sweetest, best·lookm~. most popular I ds an school. Ile was un achl{•ver, Jtdmirc.'CI, respectro ~nd lovro .. He ext'Clk'<.l In spo1·t.s. did not smo~e nor d rink and, so Car as we know, hl' newr mes..'ied around with drugs. ~., LAalS His parl:nls are 10<:onsolable. They feel that 1t ls their faull Cur not n .'l'Ogmzmg signs that their son was deeply troubled. ac:cldents as the cause of death among tetn·a1ers. The indiscriminate use of drugs ls one of the major reasons, but you say thl1 young man w11 not a user. Why would u seemingly happy, well-adjusted: attractive boy w ith his whole life ahead do s uch a thing? He left no notes, not a clue. He picked a lime when he was alone at home. When his parents returned from an evening out, they found him dt•ad, with a bullet through his head. Something was wrong in tlie boy's Ille. Outward appeara\lce1 of cbeertulness can be d eceiving. Unhappy, frustrated and depreued people often learn to mask their feelings well. The boy you write about was one wbo did. There always are signals. Parents, teachers and close (rlends should be a lert to them. Any m ention of suicide or verbttllzed dou~t~ a11 to whether life ls wortll IMng should not be Ignored. Can anything •be don e to pre vent such .tragedies? SEARCHING FOR ANSWEI\S DEAR SEARCHING: Suicide is second only to ... GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARI::€$ H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. North deals. NORTH • Q863 IV AQ 0 8653 + KQ6 WEST EAST +A 52 +K ':'10853 ~J 92 0 10 9 v J 742 +10872 +AJ 9 4 3 SOUTH • J 10974 'V K 764 v AKQ +5 The bidding: North East I 0 Pass 2 • Pass Pus Pass South West I + Pas" 4 • Pau Opening lead: Ten of '). The dc·f<>nders are nefar ious charac·tt•rs -they art· conspirint{ to defeat your rontrarl. Bui you do not ha vt• _ to coop Ha t1• Th<' aurllon "a!. unn · markablt· Om·e North c·ould raise '>padt•s. South knew where hc> wanll.'d to pla.v the hand. and "asted no t 1mc· 1n RUFFELL'S ·> UPHOLSTERY .............. ~ S..• .:. 1922 H.UIOI I LVD. !=OSTA MESA -541-1156 THE EARL'S ~TING -CICINllmONNO 50lAI WAIB HUTING UTMIOOM lllMOCl8MO SI I l17•P 6erviCe ~ StW11 et Your 0ocw !Cell State --Your Ar .. ) C:OSTA MESA 641-128t 1526 ,......... ....... MIWOM VIVO 495.()401 2"22 c:....i-Clfl ,,_ I'-oi.p ,._, . ., ,....., "'""' I V2-Pric1 · Plant Sale gelling there. West led the ten ol diamonds. and declarer realized that there was the dagger of a defensive ruff. In nn dfort to prevent that, declarer won in hand and im· mediately led a trump. East won lhe kinic and continued with the two of dlsmonds-a suit preferrnce ignal to ·sho" that hie; entrv "as in lht• lo"n runked ;1de suit. i.e .. c·Jubs. lwrlarer won the 'il'Cond diamond and t ried another trump West "on. led a rlub to his partner's.11rc> nnd ruff ed the diamond n ·turn for down one. Tough luck. Well. perhaps. Sourh could hnvl' preventl·d lht> cata~ troph1· with '>onw rareful play. Obvious)). 1f tht' dm mond lead wa!' a singleton. derlan·r rould <lo nothing about it. However, if 1l wa~ a doubldon which w;"' muthematicall~ morl· likch drc:lart•r could hu' l' $alvaged h 1s cont racl. . <;uppose that declarer win'! thc> open1nit lc•ad and im nwdiately leadi. a club to ~he Roy.11 .i spectat11r 'lhng worlhv of it!> nilml' A\d1Llblt! in taup.• <•If "11h taup.-Sul'CI~. .tl'41 J(<~V lud With 1>1.id. ~.d king. Thut loses to the uce and East re.turns a diamond. But now decl:irer has a counter. He wins in hand. crosse~ to dummy with a heart and leads the queen of clubs, on which he discards his remaining diamond win ner. Now hP lt"ads 11 Lrump. • East wins and leads n third diamond. but de<'lnrer can rurr high and forcl' out the ace or lrumps. lie will lose only two trump tricks and th1.> a<'e of clubs. What an odd game bridge -is. To makt> .his contract declarer must get rid or a winni<r hf' does not nt.'cd! Have you been runnlns in- to double trouble? Let Charlea Goren belp you llnd your way through the maze of DO UBLES for penalties and for taJceout. For a copy of hls DOUBLES booklet. 1end Sl.85 to "Goren·Oouble1," care of this newapaper, P.O. Box 259, Norwood, N.J . 07648.'Make check• payable to Newspaperbooks. '"~ MA 1>10 AA ~'.~10 8 4-lfl Huntington Center 16th Anniversary Sale features 20 varieties ol beaulilul 4" houseplants direct- from-grower -thru Sat Reg $1 75 sale ~ =•N I .i \hiun .. l,•sl 16;1-"lnd•ll!ll• ~~ q SHOE S ••N•.•l "•po•"•lk•.t•c•h•7•')•9•-9•')•') 1 .... I ingval~ ( • II An alt~mpt to "put tbln11 111 order" la another flag. Siana of depreuion In normally cheerful ~ople are another ladlcatlon of trouble. Experlli on 1ulclde dl111r~e on 'Wbetber it ii preventable. Some wise beads 1ay certain people are programmed at an Hrly aae· to sclf·de11truct and nothing can atop them -no amount of love, emotional support or carlaa. I never fall to point this out to parents wbo view the suicide of their child as a personal failure. Tbelr guilt mu1t be unbearable and It helps to know it wasn't their fault. Even 1£ drinking is rht.• "m " thing m your crowd. ir net'<ln't ('rowd ynu out. Ll•arn the• fm.·f!i from Ann Lnnd£'rs' booklt>t, "BoozC' and You For 7'c•c•n-ngcrs Only." Send 50 cents and ll sell- iiddresscd f'nvelopo-to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995. ChiC'll(IO. Ill. 60tJ 11 . POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT EVEN THOUGH , IT'S TRUE, IT CAN STIL.L &E' V£~V INSUL.TING . FRESH LOCAL ABALONE DINNER '17.95 Include• choice of aoup or salad, and potato or rice pilaf. 4 -Call For Reservation. ~f;j 673-7726 ~·J?t:'lf '!_!f:~(!~.. 101 -,. ~} BALBOA I . l alltN l lft. • Rinconado Animals • Chilmark Pewter l1m1led ed1t1ons • Swarovski Straus Crystal • Aus Ben Cold Bronzes • Mannequin dolls by Marilyn Houchen TAURUS (April 'iO·Muy 20): family member dlspluys loyulty. lfolutavc vislli., makes 1pt-cwl rc:-qu1 ... t und t<c1uld l<cmrlde finant.·ml embarra!olmcnt A<.'l'<•nt on trips. nH~gc•s, t.·11lls unc.J uniqu<.· reports GEMINI (Muy 21-Junl' 20) Budget dlscussaof) nt•c.·1•i.sury uvuld (•xtrovugunt·(• without being pmunou11. I ltghlighl vPrsutillty. hurrfor, abllt\y to bl• flL·xabl<• and to laugh ut your own foibles. CANCER (Junl' 21-July 22). Cm:umstancl·S turn an your luvor what htic.J l>ecn a roadblock will lx•t•omf' a i.wµpangswn~· to prugn'8. .... Cycle high. you'll he.: al right p lac·c ut r1~ht trnw and your judgm<.•nt will bl· on target. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): At't'<•nt t.·ommunlcation, ch _fingc. vari<'ty, ability to present case in c•nwrtamang, dramau<.· mann<.•r V1s1l to hospita l muhJ prove msparmg. e nlighte ning. You <.'Ould be <:ulll'<.1 upon to sp<.·ak before media. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): S urprise gift lends l>cauty to surrour1d1ngs" Domestic changes OC'Cur, n •modelmg proj<.-ct could get under wa'j. LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct. 22): Orders· from top suh.JC.~t to change• -t have alternatives at hand . Keep options open ; emphasis on business, <;areer, swnding in community and reputation . SCORPIO (Oct. 2'3 -.Nov. 21): t:ommunicate , acc:cpl re11ponsibilily, contact individual with overwas <.'Onncclions. Activities will be on broader' scale don't hm1t yourself. Chancefl for reward are heightened. S~GITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dcc. 21): Dig deep. rcjc.oet superficial expla nations, rea11re that you are on brink of mojor breakthrough. You touch on universal theme. more people are conc.-erned and turn to you for guidance, counsel. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): New start may coincide wth change of legal counsel. You tleed not feel tied d own to one course of action. AQUARIUS. (Jan . 20-Feb. 18): Follow through on hunch ; initial impressions apt to prove correct. Focus also o n health. employme nt and Wa;:JS to achieve basic goals. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Change of routine is beneficial. You enter area or speculation. S k ill ('Ombihes with luck and you could win c;ontest. You and your friends are Invited to hear an Inspiring Christian Science Lectare entitles: "What Do You Mean- Christian Science Treatment?" At 8;00, Monday Evening November 8, 1982 Stcontl Church tf Christ, Sci11tist 'Newport B••ch · 3100 P•clflc View Drive, Coron• del Mer A free Christian Science Lecture by Rlcahard Howard, C.S. of Toronto. Ontario, Canada Member ol the Christian Science Board of Lectureship Child 0.re Provided -Ampi. Parlclng WAITING FOR ESCROW SALE! .Aiiiiiiiiiii•Now4 th liJnl 14. ~AVE ,,,, KANAT COLD J£W£LNYI There'·s nothing Ilka real karat gold to com~ent every outfit. every occasion. And now you can add to your gold Jewelry wardrobe at attractfve savings. See us now for jewelry yciu'U treasure for years to come. 20%-50% OFF NOTHING ELSE FEELS LIKE REAL GOLD Come In today w hlle selection Is bestt Sale good until close of escrow SiMply US Have you entered the 1982 Daily Piiot Udo Minni .,. 3416 Vil Oporto """*' e .. c11 675-3123 ~avorite Recipe Contest? For more Information call \ Janine Fiddelke (714) 642-4321 • , ln1proving on nature A leclrnician al :JM f actoP"y iQ Coslu Mesa m easures a ccc•ssory for a pQwcred s urg ical i1is1rumenl lo ensure-ii meels <1uality standards r«•quired b y orthope dic surgeons. The accessory, which function muc h like a drill bil, fils into a powe r tool and i · u cd lo pre pare a palie nt' hip ocket )or an artificial hip. Australia trade, invest seininar scheduled· Southland businessmen will ix' abl<' to k·arn about trade and investment o pportunlltL'S in Australia at a seminar at thc World Trade Center Association of OrnngC' County in Warmington Plaza. on MacArthur Boulevard at the Newport Free way in Santa Ana starling at 11 :30 a .m. on Monday. Principal speaker will be• Richard Flc H:hcr. senior trade commissioner with the Austra lian Trade Office in Los Angeles. and i>ther speakers will include representatives of the New Sou th W a les a nd V1ctor1an Govl•rnmcnt offices. Three of the maior Australian banks will also ix' rl.'prt--M·nll'd The El Camino Business a nd Prof('SStona l Women's Club will hold its dinner meeting Nov. lti. al Virginia Bcrncrs Restaurant. 313 N. El Camino Real. San Clemente. CA al 6:30 p.m SpNlkl•r will be Norm Wcaver on "FinanC'ial Strategies of the.' 1980's". Employed women are·urged to call for mo rc.> informa tio n : 492-998 8 o r .ig:J-6676 Construcuon is under wav on the new cor porate headquarters facility for Truf'sda1 l Laboratories. Inc. at 14201 Fra nklin in the Irv in e Industrial Complex. Tustin. According to Gary Parker. v ice p restdl'nt/ marketing of Clock Construction· of lrvinl'. thl· $1.2 million building ts s<:hc-dull•d for completion in spring of 198:J t At a special board meeting of the La gu n a Niguel Chamber o f Commerce, members t't.'lcbrated the 209th m c.>mb e l' Joining the or g a 1\.1 z a t i o n S 1 n (' e l h e firs t organizational mc•cting in January, the l'hamix'r has enjoyed tremendous r esp o n se from the buslpess community. As of today. membership to tals 227 a nd indudcs business residents as W(•ll as business persons. 0 rang t•""C o u n t y C h a p_ t er . Associatio n o f Business a nd Tax Consultants wall hl'ar member Jack Kang, Associated Financial Service Group, Garden Grove discuss tax pre parers liability at the monthly dinner meeting Nov 18. Those in the field of tax preparatton are invited to hear this umely update on the subject at Sir Ge o rge R es taurant , Westminster, tl p.m., cost $10. For information call 833-8199. Long .Beach Transit has awarded a multi-year advertising and public relations contract valued in excess of S200.000 per year to the Newport Beach adverusmg and public relations ftrm of Basso & Associates. lnc. Ford Aerospa<.-c & Communicattons Corporauon ha.o; rt'<."CtVt>d an $877.000 U .S. Army contrac.·t for a joint services imaging infrared seeke r design d e fin1t1 o n and t ec.·hn o l ogy demonst ration. Thl' program is aimed toward development of a new lost cost seek e r . M ajor current programs co n ducted b y F ord A e r ospace Aeronutrontl' Division of Newport Beach indude the Sidewinder air-to- a 1 r mi ssile a nd the Chaparral surface-to-air m1ss1l~ system. LENORE TOBY MEYERSON M.S. ,\,'<>I V l <;Ill H i\'\S<X Ii\ 110 ' \\I Ill ---RA881TT IGlAlANCE 441 Old Newport Blvd. Newpor1 lluch, Ce. u1-n.eo The Algazi Famil y Counseling Associates • l'lll\ 11>1 \I \l/\kkli\C,I "'I> I /\.\111' 1111 k/\l'Y • l'KI \l\KllAI fell ''Ill'<• • 111 '\fol K" I' C khl' • I Kl A I \ti" Ill /\( t\l)f \llC" I ")IR\( 1111 VI Ml.:'1.'T (7 14 ) 6n-11 61 27 1 I E. Coasc Hwy .. See 208. CdM NEW ISSUE This is not an offer to sell nor e sotlc1tallon of an offer to buy thete eecurit1es. The offering 1s made only by the Ottering Ctrculer 150,000 to 187,500 Shares Common Stbck Price $10.00 per share For an Ottering Clrcular end• Stock Sublerlptton Applicalion, plNM cont.tct lhe Organ1zatlonal Otfic. bv meil 0< t ... phooe 303 Creecenl NenUI • P.O Boll 2408 • AYelon. Callfom11 907°' • (213) 51~2296 .. SKI SALE . ) Saturday, November 6th 10 7 1981 · 1982 Merchandise Sunday, November 7th 12·5 SKIS Rossignol FP K2 SR33 Fischer Cresta S tock Umlted to Quantities on Hand. Reg. 270.00 195.00 210.00 Now 189.95 129.95 BOOTS Dynaflt Cups Nordlca Cosmo 129.95 San MarcoAXl Reg. 265.00 130.00 255.00 Now 159.95 59.9~ 149.95 Parkas· 49.95 & Up Roffe, Serac, CLOTHING Pants · 59.95 & Up Obermeyer, Serac, Roffe SweJtters -19,.95 •·Up Demetre, Ramos, HCC, Obermeyer SKI SWAP Meister, Obermeyer Saturday Only -November 6th 10-5 Bring your used clothing. skis, boots. and bindings to sl!ll them at our parking lot ski swap Caeh for your eold equipment and clotl)lng IMMEDIATELY. 11 • SPECIAL OFFER for, people wlshin9 to sell skis. ~ts. bindings or poles. Sell your equipment In the swap or we ~111buy11 from you and Issue you a store credit (which mus1 be used November 6th or 7th) for th.~ amount we e$tlmate )he Ile ms to be worth. EITHER WAY YOU WIN! • · · · · '2.00 cher9e far e.c'h ltem bro~ght 10 •wep . . Newport Sid Company 2700 W. CoHt Hwy. New~rt Beach, Caf. 714/631-3280 Soles & Repair 714/642-833 7 ~Report · Newport Sid Company ... Llttle Store 2500 W. Coaet Hwy. Newport Beach, Cal. 714/631-3144 Rentals, SklSdftool 714/631-3277 Soles TM to . Minbnum Annual Annual Tums Balance IUt~ Yield -- . N~w! OetaJ.ls lhoo1>c 1!1e term lntcrt~t .. . " • •• A '· ...... ..... .. , ..... ..... t'\ ' I I I I I ' • ' l I t t ' I l · 1 • • I ' ! . ' , . ! _j . l .J • r ~ . s 7 to 31 lC'm1>oundt-d daily , Every dollar up to . $100,000 is Federally Insured Whatever your savings goals, short-term or long, Gibraltar can help you put together a savings/invest- ment program that will pro- duce substal)_tial,guaranteed results. And it's safe. Let us show you how easy it is to earn a sizeable return on . your money. • WE HELP YOU mAGE YOUR MONEY, !~ l'UIUIU .• ~ I•" days <:; New! 3 months 19l dayt) Po:.lililu i: lU Acc:ounl 6 months IWd~ys) P.yt ino~ 1J1a. bmlt! 30 months (lYJ yunl Tu-frftl u months fly-) «A/KEOCH ~l Accomd9 ~ s~. l8 months lDyean I s20,ooo· 10:2.95% 11.000% I J -R.itt-"f1,.l.J tor * 01 d.i)S Simple 7.813"° 8.160% mtl'rest s 7,500 . Rate 1s f.,.t<l f<>r * 182 d.>ys. Simple s10,o<Xf' 8.731"0 9.049% 1n1crl•i.1 R.Jlt' is l1'<N tor JO 10.200% 10.893% months lnttl't')t s 500 compoundrd d.uly Up to U .000 m mtcrc~I l.'<1rnrd $ 500 6.448% 6.660% exempt t r<>m M.'tlcr.11 l;iw~ lnll'rl'st compN1ndcd dJ11y'j \ Choo!>t' the pl.in .ind lt>rm th.JI~ I , I : n~ht tor vou ' J Fixi?d Rolle i2.002;. f $ 500 11.500"° R.Jte 1\ ftxt"J lpr lt-rin wl«trtl lnltrl'SI compounded every 182 dilys. • Varlablt' . & .~, . R,tte $ 100 8.~31% 9.254"°' R.ilc v•ri~$ l'Vl'ry i 182 d.iyi.. nlefl'5t compoundt'd d.J1ly S ! Tht• y1dJ on th,w t1ct,1un1~ d''"m~· 1h.it ptm ip•l .ind 1n1e""1 Jrt re1nvt-\lt'd • .11 ~.ime r.ill' l'Xh m.itur1l) J.itc O\ll'f J ont )e.ir rcrioJ. By IJ\\, l'tHly w1thdr.iw.-l lr<>m Hl11fic.it.ICCOUOh rlHllh tn 'ub\t.Jnlt.1l 11\lffl'\l J>Cn•h)" ~ SAN JUAN CA~: 318Tl o.I Obillpo St./ (714) 493- SANTA ANA : 39255. Bristol St. /(714) 9'19-7580 14 Santa Ana Faehion ~/(714) &l4~7 .. ~ . . ·~ 8 :-. • ' ... A UNIQUE NEW OFFICE COMPlEXIN HUNTINGTON BEACH 1Wo racquetball courts, gym/exercl~e room, whirlpool spas, saunas and dressing room facllfttes are on the premises for use by tenants and their clients or guests at no additional cost. SOC PER SQUARE FOOT This monthly net lease amount includes FREE membe;shlp In the on-site health club facility Utilities. doily janito rial, taxes and common area maintenance ore oddltlonol. · • Beautiful central gard en courtyard with o waterfall. • Standard tenant imp rovem ent pac kage included ot no cost. l eased oy Brokers West For Information Call Tess Alvey o r Sher Mu rota (714) 898-0733 • Office interiors c an be designed and built to suit tenants' specific space needs • 682 to 9,000 squa re foot office suites ava ilable. • Immediate access to the Son Diego Freeway of Beach Boulevard. P\llllC NOTICE PlllllC NOTICE T-1S1M s .. s.se1n NOTICE Of' TIWSTH 'S SAU NOTICE Of' ntUSTH'I SALE PlllllC NOTICE P\llllC NOTICE HOTICI OF TIWSTH'S SALi YOU AM .. DEFAULT UMDIER A Nwwtbef 1512ICIM4 DHD Of' TitU8T DAn D JULY 11, T.S. Mo. HflC •61 FOM:CLOSUN No. 550001 ...oftTANT NOTICE TO YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ~OWNUl: \DEED OF TRUST DATED YOU AM .. DIFAUl T UHOER 1111. UNUM YOU TAKI ACTION A DIED OF TRUST DAT ED TO NOTECT YOUft ftROl"ERTY, DEClll8 U t•, 1H1. UNLESS rT llAY -SOLO AT A "'9t.IC YOU TAKI ACTION TO PROTeCT 8 A L E • IF Y 0 U N I I D A N YOUR .. ROll'I RTY, IT llAY 8E Hll'lAMATION M THI NATURE SOLD AT A ftU9lJC IAU . IF YOU Of' THI fttlOCIU*fO AOAIMIT NH D AN U ftt.ANATION OI'-,,.. YOU, YOU aH0UL0 CONTACT A NATURE OF TH PROCHDING u wn ... YOO ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A SEPTEMBER 19. 19711 UNLESS DEED OF TRUST, DATED 4-2941 YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO YOUR PR(>PERTY. IT MAY BE PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE tf YOU MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NAT URE OF THE AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD P~OCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU CONT ACT A LAWYER. SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. • On Friday, Oeoemt>er 3, 1982. at On November 28. 1982. at 10:00 11 00 am , TRANSAMERICA TITLE A M . HOME RECONYEYANCE INSURANCE CO MPANY a COMPANY, as duly appo1nt•d Cafltornle corporation. H d°uly Truatee under •nd pursuent to eppolnted Trustee under end · DMd ol Trust r•corded Mey 5, pureuant 10 Deed ot Trust recorded 11181, as Inst. No. 5755, In book , Sef)temt>er 25, 111711 •• Instr. No. Peoe • ot Ottlclat Records In the 29M5. book 13323. page 1142, ot ott~ ol the County R8COl'dera ol Olllclel Records. necuted by: ~ County, Stele of Cllllfornla Gregory A. Tully u truatCH{s) on tne .. .wted by James F Fehey •nd otflc;e of the County Recorder of Linde L Fahey WILL SELL AT Orange County, Stile o1 Calttornlll, PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION BIDDER FOR CASH (payeble It TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH lime o1 sale In lawful money of the (p1y1ble 11 lime ot Hie In lewtul Ur\lted Stetes) al the main enlrence money ot th• United StllH) st: to City Hall. 1 CMc Center Clrc:le. South front enlrence to Jhe old B<N, c. 92621 811 right. title Ind Orange County CourlhouM, City of lnt«ut conYeyed to and now held Sent• Ane. State ot Cellloml• ell by 11 unoer Mid Deed ot Trust in lhe right, tllle end lnt«est conYe)'ed to property situated In H id County and now held by 11 UNSer Mid o.ect end Stele de9crlbed as. ol Trust In the prop«ty 11tueted In Lot 45 of Tract No 5005. u per Nld County end State deecrfbed u · mai:i recorded in Boo« 1113. peges Lot t5 In Bloct< 11 of Tract 772 15 end 16 of Mltoeifen.c>\Js Mapa, es ehown on e map recorded In filed ln,.the ollfce ot the County Booll 23 , Page• 5 and e of Aecordel-of Mid Orange County. miteell1neou1 maps, Records ol The atreet •ddren and other Orange County, Calllornlll common designation, If any, of the The street eddreH end other ru l property described ebov• 11 common ~IJon. 11 any. o1 tl'll purponed to be: 3129 Boston Wey, rHI property-described above I• Cost• Mae. C. 112626 pu<poned to be. 23 I Caoel Street The undersigned Trust•• Newport Beactl. CA • dlscf1lmt any lfebfffly tor any The undersigned Trustee Incorrectness of the street addrns dlaclelmt any llsbfllly for eny end other common detlgnetlon, If Incorrectness of the street eddreu eny, lhown herein. end other common deslgnatlOll, 11 Seid Hie wllf be made, but eny, llhOwn heteln. wflhout covenent or warrenty. S•fd tele wffl be m•de, but oprea or Implied, regarding title. •flllout covenent or warranty poeHulon. or encumbrences. expr ... or implied, regarding 1111e: Including fees. cherget end POHestlon or encumbrances, to expen-of lhe Trusiee Ind of the pey the remaining prlnelpal aoJm of lrueta crested by Hid Deed ot the note(•), advanc.s. H eny, under Trust to pey the remaining principal Ille term1 of u ld Deed of Truat sums ot the note(•) eecured by laid •-. charges and ••pen-of 1"9 Deed of Trust to wit: SI 1, 700.00 Truat .. end of the trutl• creeled by with Int•• thereon from 10·21-81 said Deed ot Trull, for the amount at 20 percent per annum u '•U<>n•bly estimated 10 be. $40, provlcMd In Mid notll(•) ptua cost1 441 119 end eny edvenc:.a ol '867.eo with The beneficiary under Mid Deed Int.,.. I. :>I Trust heretofore e•ecutec:t •hd The beneflcl8'}< under Mid Deed 3ellvertd to the underalgned a ol Truet heretofore eHcuted and ""1tten Oeclaretlon of Default and delivered to lhe undertlgned • Otmend for Sele, and a written written Declwstlon of default end "lotfce ot Default and Election to Oemend for Slit. and • written Sell The undereigned caueed s8'd Hota of Oefeun and Elec:Uon to "fl>ttce of Oefeutt and Election to Seti. The uodtulgo«I CIUMd said s.11 to be recorded In the county NOlloe of Default end Election to Ntltre lhe real proptfty 11 loc:alad. s.n to be recorded In Ille county TR.ANSAMERtCA TITLE Wllere the relff property 11 located. INSURANCE COMPANY Oete: Oclober 25. 11182 u said Tru11 .. HOME RECONVEYANCE By LOIS LIOOELL CO. AA19l8nl Sectetaty a Mid trust" P.O. Box 48709 3220 C 8'N Canyon Rd Bletnlennlal Station Diamond &.r. Ca 91765 Loe A~ CA 90048 (714) 698-e 1t1 T et: (2f3) 6S5-3000 By H...,, Lombardo, Published Or•nge CoHt Deify P b'la /Uftth d ·0Sec:y· C O >lfot, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 1982 484e-82 u ¥' e range OHt any PlloC, Nov. 4, 11, UI, 11142 4'«·'2 Ml.JC N()TIC( AGAINST 0 YOU SHOULD NOTICE Of' TRUITH'S IALE CON'TA L ER. T .I. No. ISM NOTICE ERE.BY GIVEN that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MAR VISTA FINANCIAL, INC , 1 onWadn.48)1, November 10, 11182, CorPQfallon, 767 North ' E. Street. II II 00 o"CIOctl 8 m ol Aid dey, In San BernatdlllO, C1111tom111 g2403, lhe room Ml Ulde tor conducting TM9hoM Numbet (714) 889-0231, Trustee"• Sales. 'lllrilllln the ollocuot as the present TruatM under Ille REAL ESTATE SECURITIES deed ol tru11 hereinafter mentioned. SERVICE, IOC•ted et 2020 North wolf Mii to Ille l!lgh111 bidder tor Btoadwey, Suite 206, In the City ol Cash on lawful money of the United Sant• Ana. County 01 Orange, 'State Stat11 Wl\l>Out wsrrenty of eny kind. OI C1lll ornle. MISSION VIEJO •I •public: euction •I 1ne ttme and AECONVE't'ANCE CO I Cellfornla place dHlgneted below. In the corporetlon, •• duly eppolnted Cour.ty 01 the Stet• 01 Cal1lorn1e Trull" undet end l>UflUtlnl 10 the deslgneted below. all of the right. power 01 Hie conferred In that 111le eno Interest now held by Hid cer18ln Deed of Trust pecutad by Trustee 1n and lo all thsl cer1eln DONG MYUNG KIM and UI SONG property which 11 sltulle fn Hid KIM, huaband and wlle, who ~ounty and 11 detcr1be<I below The ecquirad !Ille u DONG M. KIM and" ttrHt addren, If any. or other UIS KIM. recorded August 8, 11181, comMOn Onognauon. rt eny, of u1c1 In 80011 14170 ot Olflc:lal R«:ord1 of pr008f1y II Ml forth below Hid County. It P•g• 1010, Said deed of trus1 wu executed Record4't"t Instrument No 5711}. by t>y the Trustor deslgnalld t>elOw 111<1 r•Hon ot • breech or default In wes ••corded on the d•te. 1n the I P•yment or performence of the BOOk end el lhe Page•• Document obllgetlon1 HCured thereby, Number ol Oftleiel Record• fn the Including lhet breach or del1ult. Office ol the County Recorder ot Nottce of wlllci\ wu recorded June said County, 111 .. dHlgn11ed 15. 11182, H Recorder'• lnttrument below. end conveyed Mid ptoperty No 42·202621. WILL SELL AT to lhe Trustee therein ~hed PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Sate ot the prC>Pfrty wlll bl made HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, pur1u1n1 lo tile demand ot the lewtlil money ol the Unltad Slatet, Beneficiary under said deed ol trusl or • coh1er·1 check dra""n on 1 and by reason ol'aefaull 1n th• 11ste or narional benll, • atet• or payment or perfOrmence of federal credit umon, or• stlle or oblegallont secured by ""' dMd of federal Ulllng1 and loan H10Cl1111on trutt Including the def11u11, notice ot domlelied In thlt stale, an peyabfe st which wu recorded on the date. In lhe lime ol Ale, 8lf right, tltfe end the book end 11 the Page. and u lnter .. 1 held by It, a1 Trust ... in Document Numt>et of Nld Official lhsl real pro1>erty slluete In aald Recordt H deslgneted below County 1no State. dHcrlbed H The total amount of the unpald IOllowl bslance Of the oblogatlon M<:urad, PARCEL 1: Lot It of Tract No. by Mid deed of trust and e1llmlled 101 t6, In the Clly ol lrvlne. County co111. eJ1.pente1, end adva.nces at of Orange. State ol Calllornl•, aa Ille time or tlle 1n1ua1 publication of per mep recorded In Book 432, this Notice of TruttH't Sale Is P • g • • 4 2 . 4 3 and 4 .e o f dettgNlad below Mltc:etlaneoua M8'19, In the Oii-ot As UMd herein "Trustor • aheR bl lhe County Recorder ot Hid deemed 10 mun "Tru1tor1·· 11 more County than one Trut1or 11 dlSign•t•d PARCEL 2· An HHment for below, end "Benellclery" 111111 be t ld•y•rd purpou e over tt1e deMllCI to mun ··eenellclerlea" If Nor1he111erly 5 oo feet of Mid lend more lhsn 0twt Beneticlery ell.eculed P• ahown on • map recorded In lhe Notoce of Default lleralnabove ltooll 432, ~ 42. 43 end 44 ot mentioned Mfscell1neou1 M1p1, record1 ol The time end piece of Hie, Orange County. C.lltornle description of H id propeny and The •lreet addreu or other other date referred to •boYe are .. common dHlgnatlon ot the real IOllowe property hlfelnabove detcrlbed la County:-Orange f>U'l>Ofted to be' 2t Cerlina, Irvine. Trua or: JOHN BONO, AN c.tllornla . UNMARRIED MAH The u nderal gned htreb~ Deed of Trust; Rtcqr_,dat1on Del•. dlacllfm• all lfeblllty lor an~ Otcernber 21. 1981 ~ 14331, lnoott9'1-kl Mid str• eddr ... Page 418, Document No. 26932 or other common ~nation. Notice ol Oetaurt Reco•detion Saki Nie will be m~e wlthOut Diie, JulY 13, 1982 Document No werranty, upreH or lmpllu , '2·240114, regerdlng title, ponenlon, or Time of Site: tO;OO • m. Wed., 1noumb11noH, to ullafy the .)ecember 8. 11182, prlnclp1I balence of lh' Note or Place 0 1 Sale. Nort h tront other obtlg•lfon secured by 11fd NllrlllCI lo Ille county courlhouM. Deed of .Trust, wtttl fn'9fttt and othet 100 CMe c.nter OrlYI We•t, Santa 1um1 et pro111d1d therein, plus -n•. Cellfornla ld11-. If eny, i;"def the t.,m, K-2• Totel of Obf198tl0n eno 11rlmlttd lhereot and lntet ell on auch ITATDllNT M M~NT lOlll, eJtl)en .... and 1C111snc.e ., ecNMMt, afd P!Yt ..... Ohargeoe FIC1TT10U9 --SS tW UM tW nlll•I publjcellon. ttll2,"7 14 end ••.-n-of the TruatM Md of Th~!:rn~n• .,. 'tCTITIOUa .,... .. NA• S1ret1 lddr"8 or other common !tie 1ri;1t• cr .. tld by Mid Deed ot clOlng ~ •· The 10 110..,,lng pereon ,,.,. 1111gna11on 01 .. 1d property· 25113 rru11 The 10 .. 1 •mou11t ol Hid PAAT· IHT£R· .... TIO ... L .. _, •b•ndontd the UM ot Ille fielftlOut :LDEN AVENUE. COSTA MESA. >l)lfgtllon. Including re11on1bly " "" "" • ,,.... ~name BAKE.A FROM THE ;)ALIFOANIA 11282$ .. lllTl•ltCI IHI. OhlrgH llld Dow A..,_,., Tildn, CA t2t80 FOAESf 8t 27001 La Pa&. Mltalof\ OttcrtpliOn of Proptfty .-pen ... Of lht Truet ... al tht tlf'llt JIM lt.EMOH8 IMPORTS, INC .• V1eto CallforMI t20llt 1.ot 26, Trect 376. ea per m110 >f fnltlll publlcatlon Of lhltl NotlQt, le II Cllitomle corpordoft. 130 I °'*' The 11c11110111 buein••• n•m• NCorCled 1n Booil 15, Paoe 211 ot M0,211 47 St • N9wport a..ctl, CA t2MO. referred to •bolle WH llltd In 141~ MllOI, In IN omc. Of OMICI Oatow 11, 1112 Ttlll ~ It oondUc1.0 by I County on JuM t$, 11192 he Covnty Atcordef of MIO QrMIOI ~INION VltJO AECONVIYANCE COl'POf'~IOn_. Anthony S . Venture. ~103 t ~ounty Except thlreltd11" 11i1 :o Jim S .. mon1 lmpotte, Watef¥tl!NI Pl~. LIQHfil l'fllla '°'1Plwe11erty 20<! IMt lntteol -Clllfomt1 COfll(lfAtlon Inc C*ornl1 t2•53 • 0111<1 NO¥tMtlllr I, 1N2 M Truetle. JofWI M. llllainalor. a.:. tu11nnt M Ventur•. 29031 MAR VllTA RIAL llTATI SlCU .. I Tlll T .. I~ -lllecf" llfl1tl 119 Wattrwtleel Piece. •1.agun1 HUii ,INANCIAL. INC , 811WICI., CCJUntr C-. OI Of.net County °" ~ t2t63 ' 1 aorporltlor\. 1 ~ COrPorltlOn OOIC!tler It, 1912. Tiiie ......,_ -~ by T"*-Ila~ ' ·-~I Vtntut1 SUfllfll & ~lYI" 0..1 , ..,_ C.D. D._,Y LAW ~nDM ~I. Vtntutt A Profmt~ IOIO , •20I t1 ~,._.Dr. fl'9tW 1y JoeM lame Ane, CA 709 .............. CA -• Pi;DllAhed Orant:1t Cotti Dally Allor~ lot,,.,.._ 171•! "3 ... tO 'ulMlth.cl Orange Cout DlllJ Piiot, Oct. 2', 21, tol'ov 4, t t, llU ftUtlll•hed Oren .. C.111 Delly ll'ubl!INd Ot1not Co111 Deity ll'lllM. Oct. 21, H, Hew •. 11, ttU ~ tltol, New 4, 11, 1f. tta Ptlol, Oct It, II. Nov. 4, tMI • ~ "IQ.fa -*·11 Bon nice Deland Coast attorney heads group Anthony M. Vi tti hus Uc't'n named prl-:-.ld•·nt or Goldl•n Wes t Capital Croup. N1•wpor t B1.:t1l·h P rt'v1ously, hl' wa..'l n porth£>r 1n tht• luw firm of Vim u nd Milt•s .. Nl'wport Bench, whlt•h ·ret•t>ntly nwrgc•d with Ktld1son, Phat-lzer, Woodard, Quinn und Hos.'>i of Los Angdt'S. Nt•wport Bench and Wa.shinuton D.C. f) • John L. Laun Ill of Nt•wport Beach hus Ut.•Pt1 name d m a rke t ing manag<>r of W<.>stinghOU8t' Elcl't rlc Corporatio n 's Vc>c trol divis io n hea~quartercd lh Oldsmar, Flo. lit• plans to rt-sid~ In Palm Harbor. Fla P hllllp E. Bonnlce of Mi.s.-;1on Viep h~t!> been appointed product markl'ttn g mnna gcr of the Con nl<.' Division of Conrac Corp . of <Avinu. Virginia DeLand of Yorba Lmtlu hab tx·cm named t'Ommunity relations coordinator for Odt-lt<.'1>. Inc., o( Anaheim S he has more than 20 Yl'iUii of comm u nity service in Orange County Robert G. Shaw has been numed vice prl'sidL•nt and district manager of Granite Home Loon!i Ltd., with responsibility for second trus t dl'l~ origination and service act1vny in the <.'Ompanv's S~mt.:i Ana San Diego and Torrance branch offices. · Dick Miller has bt.'<'n appointed managN o f military marketing for lhf.' Parker Bt•rtc~rn Aerospace Group, Parker Hannifin Corp., of lrvinl· A rfs ide nt of Ranch o Palos Verdes. hl· Jot ned Parker Hannifin In 1976. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND AlphJ Mllro1oyhlt•111" of lrvmt• unnounce1 thf' <•lt'l·tum of Richard A. Corte~e. :m. to pr<'Sldc•nt and l'hl<'f t•x1;:uliVf• 11U1l'(•r of th(~ (•ompany. succ<.'Cdlng Rubert J. Hitchcock. G 1 t•ntc•Mt llospitalfi, lm· . of Santo Ann 111111c1unces 1hut A. II . Carry Gibson ha s lx-l'~ tHHllt·d s c•nlot Vt('t· pres1d<·nt o f corporatl· dt•vdopmt:nl. Ron Reiter hu.., lx'l·n promowd to ~anagcment supcrvisot .at Ccx:~rant.• Chase, Llvmgston and Co., Inc. of Irvine. A CCL t•mploy<'<.' for one year, Rcill'r was Connerly a n Ul'l'OUnt sup<•rvisor Mlldre~ L. Wright of 1iunungton Beach has been appointed manuger of Bunk of America 's Balboa branch. S he• had previously served as ass1su1nt manager and head of CmanciaJ st-TVK'CS ~endell ~oen of Anahcun hu.s bt.-en promolC'd lo vtc·e prcs1dc•n t o f o peration s for Decke r lnlc•rna t1onal, the-Califo rnia commercial trave l agc•nc:y he<tdquartt•1 c.J in Los Angeles . George Hov51nec of Villa Park has been naml'<I d1v1s1CJn managcrt1t·t~mnbridgl• Funding of Santa Ana, part of lht· Cambridge Capital Croup. ~tua rt E. Power of Corona del Mar has lx-cn appmnted trus tee of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline L1ab1l1ty Fu~d by St'C"retary of the> Interior James Watt. Power is v1cx· president of Alhena Investment Managt•ment, Inc., o f Pasadena , ... "" f-inNw uin MOOOt W\ C•t>llV N•tw!Of 810Ttt1 VSE FlnN,.. Mo bot Ampw un Rnod~, "~'' .. t .. Et1QOol At18Crn tnlpflrm Mier~ l<ot C.•nt1Et1 11n UpR1Qnt ""'!.ol•r WOIClhn !>o riOp llt<lorG I><'< 1\0 010f'Ut'i TwnCI~ UPS I l•~t;: ,''JY. VPP<I .. ' 1'• • Up JI S S • I • Up )1 S JI , • to· • Up l l 5 l'· '• Up ,. I 11 4 > Up :.. 0 4 I Up J) l 1 • '• Up :JJ 1 J • I Up Ja. •'• 1>, Up 11 S IJ • 1•• Uo 2' I ) "'.Up ,. , I) l Up H O • 1 • • Up 1• ' ,... • • • Up ?J 5 ~. I • Up 121 )' l • I UP 111 ) • I Up 11 1 ,,.,, • l'. uo Jt .. •'. • t • Up ?O 9 • I.._ Up 10 I '"'• • 1 Up 10 i .... I.._ Up 10 l J uo 100 IO • • • uo 100 oow,.~ L•\I ... J , .. s , • •• , . s • , .. , .. , ... ... 1u., ... J J I .... u l'. )'. >'· )'. JI, l"9 .. .. 1•. ... . Ptl 0 11 IH Oii .. , Oii 11 > 011 IJ 0 Oii II I Olr II I Oii 10 . • .. Oft •OO • Oft • ' 'lo 011 •• '• Oft I l '• °'' • 3 •• Off • J ... 011 • l I Oft I 0 .. Off , f '-4 OU 11 '• Oft 11 " on 11 tt 0 11 I ) J•' Oft 1 . •• Off I <4 '• Oft 1 I '"' Oft 1.1 '• Off 1 I '• 0 11 1 1 Mitt l'l•t Win !Ml ... le, H•I W I• Jttl \.It• H•I II I ... , c;-t "t II l ... t (-C... P llO• (ieM (... I" I Nh (It .. ("t . I" .... (.16W (. ... 911,.,,I > 40 OJOl uO• ••I~ H .. ut I J t •!Jl '', • MtrH 11111 ._. ~I ~ • t '• l'el'l I" II 1110 ul1'• • '• m I al 10 ., tt • ' 41\j:=i :IHI : !i ,, ~=~:~,~ .. " :: "''::I ' :1:::11lr~.~"· u~~"'~ '• t:~t 11,~.,: :~ :: • '., 1:: 1r1'" "'·.I' ... ,.. H•t :~ l r > /~ ~ •• H•<h 1f t 1t: ":l.:' t ~I• Cl I '•tit lb .. ~wt UI ti I .. Joi fl'tl : ~ I 1):i !,, ... _c .... 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LOulnt, J1 IOI uJt .. , lo Oc.clP Pl7 12 J U'o S.•tn •. .. ~. • lo IJ$St"I I 14 JUJ ""' • 8•rt1CA lot ti 30' u47 • l'o Crane t .0. U JS t.'>, .._ GePc •I J,1' ti uJO•• tlo La<C.•• 1 Cl s It '12J••, OulP ptJ JO 1t 111,. \e S..vfn pl t )0 1J tO, US~tt pfJ 2W 10 " •••nGp .60 '° ,. ... '• c,.,,_. l1' .. 1 ,.~. .. Ga "' pf82,U J u:l'I•,. I' I UmSe• tlO J De.Cl pt .. ., » ..... '. Sehr Pio t .. tJ tm " .. IJSTobc ''° tJ JI ... 1 ••• lernet I 01 10 n ulO t • 1 CroON 2 ct 12 .. n .... 1, <HP< DIC2-2A 4 11•" • L•nltt .0 tl !OS uU , , Occ1P81 t• dO tS• r Sclllmb 96 9 SIOl 42'•, 111 IJnlecll 1 Cl 1 IUI II krnl pf ,.. JI ..:is • 1. C~kN pl1 ti .. ,,., • ~. O.Pw pfl.lt m 1911 ,, L Wttftl n ti JOI 11 • OOEC I • .al 211 •• ,, SclAU .11 .. •lllS ll'•. '• UTCll Pl 111 , It ••ryWr ,.Ott In 19••• 1. CrmpKnt001 tO 100 tS'M• "G•l'Wpt25t 24 u10'>• '•l.!•rPt 12 tSG If'';"' Ooden tlO •tS2• Jt'•• '•Scot\ M li tS JJ•. ;. Uf<llPI JU •!t 11•, l ... R .. '" ,, 351 , ....... CrwnC• • 100 ,.., G•P• "U.SJ l "'• .... ,~ t 50 t ... ulS;. ~ Dlilolll • ,. I,,., I••· '• Scoil•d 11 19'9 •'• Uni ht t I• ' ... JI •• ' Mi.M:h t.S62St~ d \, 7 (tWZ•ttnJ t• 'ISO 11'•• 4tG•ll•pl2 11 t JJ••• ''LHllnl s AOtl 0 11..:• 1 E E•ptJ.'IO 1tlllf':1<1;,, •· koFtl t lO t 1'1uJlt •• -.unlt•dt Utt t9'9uAO "•" ~tTt .. l0 1U1 .. , .. '1 CrZelp14t.l .. 0 '• lot O..llPtl,t.»' ... U \., t'•uw Tr tSOlt tU ie•,:,,: IJC1pl1.a. 1200 ~ • ScottP I IUUwJO'a• '• Unlv•r .. tJ JI 19 ••' yFln 96 U '"' '• C1Z•l,llJ ~ Jd n 1.. I Ger1>S<; .IJ 2' JM 14 It utlnt II• 12 17 uJ2> \ ttl pt 110 , 1100 Sf'• S<;otyl 1 .0 19 11• u1•',. 1, Unlvfd I 00 I ~ '' '• • rl.DQ t 13 11 ,,... Crum 1 ,. tJ Sll St~ • O.tly 2 • .0 ... 1 10'7 111, "t:QPlat .. 10 ,. , ..... .: o nto prJ., IS ,. ••• 'I l>co•lll t.U u JO) u12\.r. .... UnL•at I .. • .. "'I •. :~11~."H:~.:~;!:: ~:~on I J ~ .. ~~'3~ i l:'ln .. .Y t~~· t ~Vet U 1St4' • g~~~r·:~ ::: ~h .. , t:t:::t~ ~: r:~ '-~ft~r2'~1~a\7\~ 11~!;11 tno t 10 ll 396 .... • .,. mEn 1 JI tit u47 • I', GfffHltl t2 36 It.le• '• t~~~~11 ,,. J u1f." • ~ r:P pf( 7.0 110 st•.. 5'uCont o • JOO uJO , '• U'Lf' Pt 1 U ••t 1S • 8elfer • tit 11n • "" Uf'rlrK t 10 ... \., ... Gltl•ll• JJOll ..... ,. • •• ""' lllGJ" J ti'>• '•Sufi! , .. JOJ ..... \1 U\JftFdt00• " •••• ~coPI 70 • 111 u • h urtW 1.10 1 Sl SC)t,., "'-GIHSW tot If 7J •••••• t::::•r ··=~ 1~ u~~I • •t· •••Gl I,.·;,.., II'•• .. SH9rm t '° I 10 llo, .,, Vl•PL J.lt 10 "' ,.~ .. I tl<IH .» 10 JI l\o-"• Cyc1Gp1 t IOll JO 1' • °" GtotltM .1' • 12 .. I°""• '• Ltwc:C. • f1 th'' ,• OUeG pt 10 . dO I'• i. s .. 9111 J! 19'9 1+. UtPL Pl 7 IO 3 U4 k-... IO t..0 lOI>-\."J -D-0 -GICIHUll tO 500 lilt'•• 2'• u ,.. ' Otln t.Jo I a)t0u1S • ~ $ee1Alr t0 It ISi 70• UIPl.111 t.'IO S 14'• ilnd 1' 11 1U 100,. + ~. OMO " t~ GllWF .oJl 11•1 I• LAYj!>lf I U II 613 ~~ Om•r• t .. a) tl\e Se•IPw t ., It " •t"-UIPL Pl 7 lt 11 u201• • Cdgt ... 41 11~ ... 0.mflf\ 20 61• 10 • l,Gelrl<ll ~2:211'1 JO• 'coLA•ll 121 Q .M•• h Ol'llllCrn IOlO 1'u0J\oe+I' s .. rleG ~,lt •?t7 ~ UtPL pf J O>t 6 .,._ hlnl• I .011 l1 Jo,• 1"4 O.nAlv S6" 1>1 t•>w • Gelrch pfJ,IJ lM :IOI-< 1, 1.0F I JO 10 )0 21'' • 0 ,.,.tde 71 t •1 171 ,, \: S.•r6 t lt 1' )atf ullt \.o -V-t(-lefllll1 J.J1 IS ·~1 •• 11 ....... O•MCp I '° ti tlM ,.~. • • 0--,r 1.All IO !013 ll •• l.OP' pf .,, • SH• ONEOK ~Cl • ISi 2n •• I I St< Pac , 40 .... 41' :· 1 \If',, , '° • ,,. , ••. t a.n4• pf•°' I ., Olnltt 1• 1 ... ti·~ GorclnJ ,,. • $1 JO '. LfbtyCp n .. .. ..... ... <>Pell•• 12 s•.. "' S.CICO " • 1'1 JO• • \, V•I••• ~ I .,, ,,. • • ' ICP l • :WO 2''-.. Oarlt<r l to .. 1411111\e• '-Gou-Id I 7114 tno UlJ'• • +.,Lllll'llli .0 11 l•t H 'tt '" Or•"IU 1 IO I 1'1 ti 1, SelgLI to 11 t6 u .... '4 V .. t.)'I~ :lllJ '1 '1 ;o, 1• ._,pl . ao • I Jth " Oel•On u Jill oil • 1\1 Gould pt t.1S 1 u» • 2 Lill' t ~ n 11'0 ., •• .th Ol•lltf OiJ .. s•.. .. S•<C.P ,. •• ... 40'·. V•nOrn 117 • Cl I•'. \, lei\et pf 1 lO 1t00 IP,, O.tltr . , as I'" l e Grett 2 • 6 ,.. fl'• It Umltll 11 • lf UI '1 > I OrionC. to tO 01 t•<t 511•111.. 1 10 }J't 11>t• •, 1 V•rco 1J U •JI s .. + h "" 1 11 JU µ.. '" OelPnt 1,.,.,. ,,~ • ~, Gr•l"9• t I• If tao ..io• .. 1, Linc Mt 2 J • IS ., 1 i. 0,_ 1• U'• •1 $haelttt 1 ,,.., v .,o ,AO 22 ,.. u •• •, " tltY IO ,., s1. O.Y<• ... 21 tlJ "'. "' GtMI"' SI tOI.. " 1.ln<Pt .. I .. • .... 011911 Jlf IS JO'• ••• Sl\eWJll Ut u ,, 10 Y"CO ., n Ill) 1120'-• ••• IPCI .J:l tt f'IO f1 O.yH\111 t 10 17 ti .. U4 '• GtAll'c . 500 .... ., Lt11'arl .. I 111J Ml•• l\o ul&M 'IO I » 11"9 '• $1\ellO t to I Jlt 4C1 VtnClo , ISi 11.o • 1, flStl I -'It 11~1 '• O.ylPI. t • .U ,,_ II GILlllft ... II 1' 1411 • \ L ,_,. 2 I ""' ' ltt .. IS , .. .llO' 1 , h Sl\etJT I~ • • 21\.e Ye\tSe I * t 10'-• 1• wrly ClliO 9'9 a · · OPL 111 1.AI tlOO USI , OHINI 6."9 t 1 U '" ' Lac I 1* t1 ' vrll01 I U I'll 111'•1 • 4-$1\etGto !O ti 10 11~ • \, Vl•o"' •Jt -JOI, ' .. ~.., n ti -,., ... '• Ot•111' n "IO 2• 1''• g'H.,.11 t • J1S ., ' ~O<llt• ,. JI ., ~. I rTrn IO u t1 ,... "" IC. pf t a) " )1 • '. Vl<m pt 2.10 I• ... I~. I\, '-ll,JlllJaU:M\.o+ll•Otet-t llGt-111»~ IWFlfl .A03S4U.11"\.o+H t.ofW1 tMt11•tt11t .. •I tf WI .. U• 1.-. rwln Ill G..-0 .. • V•l:,,_1.11 ... l•'r• • • Co st DAIL. V PILOT /Thur1day, Novembor 4. 1982 $1.2· million lo s hits gene plicer SOU'l"H SAN FHAN ISCO (AP) G1•11c11tt"<·h Int•. )>h.1t11C'Ci • n UOC'Vl'n I low O( lit.'l'tlSll18 rt.•vt•nut• for It" SI 2 n11lllon m•l 10~11 m tlw third quurtt•r t.tntlvd Scµt . 30 "l'h1· J>l(llll'i'rlf)t{ ~1·1\t.• :1phd1114 t•U1YIJ.>J1ny has lost $1 l milho11 un rt.•wnu<.•R u ( $21 2 mllllcm through the.> flrRt thr('l' qua rwr11. "'fh<.· fluc:tuut1on M'<'n this qunrtcr r<'sul\J> from thu t iming •>t n•vt·nut· (or lil'1·n~tn8 untl r1•sN1rc:h bl•n<:hmurks. wl1u .. ·h Hf't• :1t µrt.•M•nt our mu.)l>r w urc.·<• of lrH·onw." said G<•tH•ntN:h ptt.'Sldl'nt R<>bc-rt /\ Swanson. /\notht•r b1oll't'hnology company. lkrkl'I •y-b:1~.cJ Ct•tus Corp .. c.:1ll'('t ~tw sanw rl'ut;on Cora t1ua1 Lt•rly loss reported Tuesday Sw:.inson said Cc:nc•nlt.'<·h Mill hopt'!. to brc:ak t·wn for 1982. The• company dcv<'lops ond produt-•t.•i. rt't.'Ombinant DNA prod~·t.N SS to get firs t loan WASlilNGTON (AP) -l''or th first Uml' cvl!r, Social Security's old-agt• trust fund must borrow money this Wt.>ek from a nother fun<l In th<• system to pay for checks going out to retir<'Cs About $1 b1lhon will be borrow(:.cl on Friday from the 01sab1hry Ins urance T r us t Jo'und, anothl'r compo ne nt of the Social ' Security srstem . satd Treasury Secretary Donald T IU•gan Regan, who is also mana~ing trustee for Social Se<:urity. said the borrowing 1s nc.'<'essary to ensure November pension paymc•nts. The government has long Ix-en paying old-e1ge benefits at a greater pac.<e than it has ~n taking m money from payroll 1.a«es Social Security's d1sab1lity and health msuran('(' trust funds a re independently solvent New packaging ordered WASHINGTON (AP) -T he government today formally r e quired that all n on -prescription med1cauons be sold m tamper·resistant packages on a phased schedule that w1JI bcgm in 90 days. "Richard S Schweiker, the S<.>cretary of health and human ~rv1ces who announced the rt-gulauons. s.aid most non-prescr1puon capsule and hqu1d products, including eyedrops. would have to appear m the new packages m 90 days T 1s prov1s1on also would cxtcf\d to cosmetic products such as mouthwashes. which are susceptible to tampe ring. But 1t would not coveT skin-care products Tablets and supposit-0r1es. which are considered less susc.-eptible to tampering, .would have to have tamper·res1stant packaging m J 80 days STDCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT WHAT STOCKS DID HEW VOAK IAl'I No• 3 AC1v.11nuo 0Kt1ned Unchan~ Tot•I tHut~ Nt w ~IOI\> N•w low' ""'~" AUl& C)ttl N.O •ti• tst nt ~":?- • NEW VOAk tAJ'I Nov ) AOv•nc.., OecllMll unc11•n9" To4•1 tUYH ......... ,"' N•w IOwl METALS Wed sJ. 111 IS) ... t .. 1 .... .. 2• ... • Po • J ' '• • 1 .... .. . ~. • 1\o .... NEW \'OAK lAP) metal PflCts loda)' Spot nont•rrova C•Pl"•r 72' •· 76 c:1nu • pouno u S 11 .. 11 ... 1;ons L.-22•26 C*>IS a pound ZIN •0-42 -• pouna del.....O T1n $6 7325 ,,....,, w-COftlPOtll• lb Al-lmHll 76 cents 1 pou1ICI N V MerCllfJ S360 00 Pflt 1141§11 l"latl11um $SS 7 00-$365 00 II oy c>unc:e N¥ SILVER Hariay a110 lo!a1m111 l!O 63 P•• troy Ol.I~ COLD QUOTATIONS ly TM ltHocl•IM ....... Se1.c:1to w<!tld Qot<I poces today lonclon "*""°" lia1ng $42ii ~QI! $1 IO LondClll •ll••nOOf\ IWr\g $04 75. Oft $2 76 l"arlll altt1n00ft l1Alf\Q S-42• 09. Oii Sf 05 l'1aMf1trl t1••"9 S•~l ot 011 $9 OJ Zuo1cfl l•le lltett\OOll liatng '422 60 Oii SS 00 l)jel, $•2'3 50 afl(ect H•lldJ a Hat"'•" tOnly Cl•lly QllOlfl '42• 7t Off '2 76 ........... (onty ci•y QllOl•l 1<12• ,~ I~ (Oflly daily QVOlfl $•4S ff Oii $219 DOW JONES AVERAGES H~W WORKIAPI FtNI Dow J-s ·~ tor Wed Holl l STOCllS » '"° JO lrn IS Utt tS •1-lndu\ Tt•n Ulll\ U Stk °'"" "• i..w ,_ a-. 101•" tOt1 t• 1011 11 tOtS "t 4J 41 USU UJOt 4J.I JS ~Sl+16 n 11112 tZJ1' 1700. 1UG+ I ti AOl ll 116 61 1" ti 415 11-ts U 11.1 ... 111 J, I 11,/00 •.•.•oo J0,261.tsl AMERICAN LEADERS (l\Q t .. '"' "' II• '• t t\o "' ) ~t .. .. •• ... ••• \'> .l: '. ,.., ••• ... ~ p" 011 11 t 011 • I Oft I 7 OI t:f ()ft •• Oft • J Oii •• J Oft s ' 011 s. Otf s 1 Oft U ()ft ) • Oii s s Oii s • Oii s l 811 H 8;1 !i ()II ft Oft •• ()II • I Ott •I Dir • I t •• '1'S .. , 11 •• \.o OelmP ) •• I 4111 u1o. .. "" ~,..." 18 ... It\•. " Lemr._n I IM ll 111 l>fJ •• I 11( '10 ~' 2•iw1 ~i'.01;,, Sl~P•< I .. • " tJ'. V•I ~.... 1106 ,. • II, 110 ,)J •• Mtt ulPo. + 1\<t OtltaAr I tJfl 11 ... + 20,. §"'A 1.5' S 4 t" 1 I 1.#11,..l J .. 10 tJI 2111 ~ 11111 1 ti I l lill• Sltn•I .. la Ml• u •, V•tl I to IJO ., • I ,..,, t.• • oil » .... o.i..... • 9$ 10\>t .. I '9\'fl t,• •I tilt ..... LnStar "' 51 216 ,... • • O•l1lltn 1 11 • to ti SIM Pr• • tl ,.., U'ft V•I pU '° • nit SYMBOLS rJll t ' tOO ft Ol•Cllll 1 tt ts JM wlll + ay wt 11• I'•' S-t ILCo l 02 1 ... t1•1 , \: SlmpPt Ml IS ti ''' • II•' r J /,l'l 1to )9 • IC Hll I t2 n 251 -~· I ... O.-fo 1 .. 11 __ ,. U I<• ,..., n l Ji 1 I LIL pll us 1 ., llHH ,. II ~.. ••• ..... 10. I~ •• ., •• ~ 1111 JO "* St't••'• Ml t,IO ti JJ )I "I,; 0.-YJ t ' .. t• JU u)o, + GrowG .»ti 101 ''• I ~IL plK I JO 1tl4 " • PNIMI I jO; tO If . ner 111 ) jO " I ft', VtrllH S.t ti " 11 . ....., _..,.,lo-II• .... YMfly l\OQI\ .... IAl,!"1sat•~ OeMllfY .a t1 tll1A'1 GU.Illy ... , •• LltfJfYJ'° "21 t Pp(, ••• ,.,,.11j.J 1 .. J'9 $kJltM .,, ,. n . I Vlll<I~ ... 12 u·. l. ,~ ....... tlllOIClllltOenllt MC ,..,. '" " ••• 0.SM• I"" toe a..... G'""'"' lAUlllU Uofth+ 'u lllU .,, SJ JI... "'"' eo, no JI .... ""'"'A i: ., ,,... Vill<toM 2.A4 I 0 .. •, .,.~!'~-.'...__.,ontMIMI .. ,. 1 22 I I ... ~• f'-Ottld I .. I ,... U 4 • Grum fJfJ.a • 1• t2 • IL fJf T ) JI It f1' t ,ecA$ t 00. JO 1,1, • ~. Snltlflln ) »T U , t lo. -• lllr .,~.,._ ---·~.. -9W• t.U ~ UI .-.I\ :::" Dell! pf S.10 • .. • Glllo'ltl It t 410 llll•e • 4 ~1L l'tf' toil ) Ifft \ ,KGl l 't *1 n l•• 4, iftllll 2 1f •4* /j , 1, Wl("lt t U •' I? ...... It flutrtuly 01 Mrl\l•Oflnllel dOtlerat•Of\. mnt •• tll •• "9 0..1 .. ,.. l100 u G IW ,., ., 1 uto. .... s L lll!O , ., J -l"ecLtt ) • 17• ... ,, lff\U(kr I. ' •• "'' 1. I\. We<llt• t AO ... )' ... t ~ ... or••••• 0,...,,. Of peymellle "°' • t: I 100 14 ... \.o ;f r. rJ110 Sl °4 l GllW llf 210 • .. • t Or 1 IM IS 114 ~ • dlo l>e<L•m ID JJ m 7 "'• h W,c)ft .. If 1't •'• Wetll fft IO lO " + l °"'91'...0 M 1..,.., -~ I\ IM ~ 11'0 -; •• ·~ -~ ,·,s . • 70\.o-, • ~l!Olf ) •• ..,, Jtlo ~ .... .. , -4''-'• PecPw tt• I )JI ull' .. '• I ...... JO.. ti Wee'"' -1) .. '°"" I+ lottOWtflt IOOll\01 .. :·~. ~f .. .:! ..: .. , u: • J JI : .... 6:11:•.o • . 'i w·: ~ 1 ~ • ~ ;~. ! ~~~Pl ! 1t ., r,1e \; Zfl t.~ 1: 'tft1 ;:· •• ~ :r:.-~. '.:J ,, m ...r·. I•. • "'"° •1"1 Of ••11 .. II AMvOI ,. pllll 1.-.lf 11 '3 Vi ~ll 411 n !r°" ll~IUI ,,. 1 61) IJ.'o . 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II" N •• , •• •• ~Watt• ., • W\,lfll911 ........ ~· • ... • 11 ... la W.l•lllf I • , •••• """•~ J:!! ~"::t:. wr''" :tii1iff r· I =~ftl'M;~ I" .. :~~: i TJ'J : ~ 11t~{a.:: ' .. JM ·!I Jt; ~ uX~ .• l: u·~ .~ ::;&::..::·: ~. :: =·rHi uil \:·: iul'I R1~~," it~·~ :t~~> ... ~ ~W'I~: ~ ",\J11Ji L~·.~ ,,: lii.uff~:.;. e1~ 1t.::i' Jt·-~ ~··,.,! .. , ":::'\! ".~1 ~·I· :::r~~~~~::e-i"~, e:!,·d1· ==~~~1;·n ,'9 .. ·: ~· u, ... n~ t!i~tt" j'°'ai· : ... ·~ "li t ~ ~ • ,.. " • 1" ' ~~ i \1 a:a Jil;,., • ~ w.11 'I I .. '"'' ,,. • » ... I ' ! • \ -tta J ~.... t. 1· ... ~ • • ' !'°"' l, Niie .... ffF.' 111 J!l l:.!:'"1, wet I I j It 1• t ,_ ... ._ P 'f t ' • J !-t!ilt1~.,.. t :' jiu .. ~;·:::. ~=~~.·1* .,' , ~: ·~ ~1:. J • I , . •at~ , .. ,'-;J~ I ..:_ i !1il.,.: ,t ~t· ~, ..... 1·~1'-' '' :: r·' 'f ·: t~.l~ I ' • .. ·~ 1J ~ I "", • • • I t , H•r-t 1 It'> I Lt 41 I A • 114-... \.. ,.., .... , 1 • ~II' I •• '• o it .., t tltt , , '9 • .' ii • t • 1 o ,; • ... ,...,. ' ,. ......... \ f't .. .. &,. • 'I " " \ r • • • .. ,, .. , -d f"' e I ! ' I \.0 It i -c-c -'' IJ ' .. .,, If G ••.,•t\ 'Ill.I t•l11tlt<••I.. • ,, .: & J• , .... ~ WllAl•L ,I • ._;·" ,,_.:."~!.f'1 •tJ • •• ll I • ., lc::~l~IA:.t~,a=~~ tt~ *:..~::::.:•~IJt:::=~~it!!,.J!~=~·····.;·~· J.:":·~·=:.:=~ll~--·=-~*":,;.;"1::~.:"'':.::.;;..~Nl:.~IN::~·~·.1.::~::~·~::.;;::;..~'•i~:?~R~l:~·~:!..:.:~;-~'J:W::A~H:.:ltf;.._.:.:.~:.~·~·..::.;:1 '111MK I. It t .. tt. :.-~ t 1, '(, 1 M : I\. .,._.. .. ttl • \ IA I 1 .. .. • I• .. .· ... .. ... ... 01Mngu Co II DAIL v PILOf/Thur•day, Nov•mb•r 4'. 1qM j 'Brothers' premiere at CR's econd Stag th ater .. B)'. TOM TlTllR • 01 t11e o.Mr "''°' 11ett T~w fl 111l volll-:i' m Soulh C.:0011t Hl•pcrtory'• n1 wnul ol w o 1 Id p1 t•m1l'1 t: on ttw &~'Ond Sw~" la lx.·111~ firt-d w. Ul'OftW Sibbuld'11 "Brothc-rs" opcni. the 11rnallt•r thl'lttcr's m•w lil'WK>n. JotntnR "lirulhl'~ on lh<• opt•nang purutt<' thaw Wl~k will be> "1..1'1 Al>nl'r," the mu. lcol based on tht> we ll-known {'omlc strip, nt thf• Westmln1ner Community Tht'.'oh•r . For the younger set, the Lu*una Moulton PluyhoUJW h• offering a production o( The Ugl y Dut'kllng" thh1 w1..-ckcnd only. "Brothcn1," dirl'cted by Le e Sunkowich, focuSl.>s on u father and his four middle-aged sons ,and their pattl<'S ovt'r the• merits of labor unions. Gt'Orge Murdock will pluy the father, witj'l Dennis Franz, Joo Pantoliano, Jonathan Terry and David Ralphe cnst as thl' sons. Pcrformarl<:e wlll ~ given Tuesdays .ihrough Saturdays al 8:30 (Sundays at 8) with weekend matint'es al 3 p.m. ot lht' repertory theater, 655 T own Center Drive, Costa Mesa . Reservations 957-4033 . Ke nt J ohnson is directing "Li') Abner," opening Friday at the Westminster theater, 7272 Maple S t., w ith Dave Hutcjlinson playing the title rule. Karen Matheny will portray Daisy Mae with LUXURY THEATRES lst TwtlbtillttSlaMl1uOM.YS2J!IU.ltssOtlMnftwllh4 S 113r1UU•X1dl6l63-4 25ss1~~~) FOR FOOi EXCITEmEnTI YesltOUr ••• ARCADE of GAMES* ... •· .• ~ :: Uv'fAW>lnlYW AJV~m r'l's11owt_1121D\J110 5:40 ~ 7 1 0 .. 12 1:00 J:15 ... 11.a 1Ck00 «i''WD 14s1216J4 92ft/"g.-=rJ MONSIGNOR m •• TERRESTRIAL CH'91SToPH.,, --••v• I ETTHEEXTRA· Sllow. 1 1:1I10:20 s110 .. u11001:11•1o:Jo ID !!J.~-- 1161 ijlll1II.If.I§61639 8770/~~) SUPEIC-_,ISOunOOH<\ 1o'fourCotlodloOr•lnQ IT CAME FROM • · ' ' • • • ' HOLLYWOOD ID fAf1 T!Mr! m AT lttDGOICNIT ...... Tiie u• Anwtc.i Ylt;n (It) Dri.,..lns Open 6 :45 Weeknlthts / 6:30 w.-..- CllildrH U.der 12 Fret U..less Mated MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS ANO YOUNG PEOPLE - N1mdt• Anclt·1 Miii uml Wuy1w MuylM 11 y ''" M11111111y uml Puppy I luku111 , l'lur k llu1 Hu n u111 (;t•11t•1 ul Bull111e1e1M1 uml ~:.CJ wo1 cl Hh•l\I '( k 1 M u11 yin' S!Jm Otlwa p11rn·1p11hc 1111• John M111·c•m1, Shu1·m1 Hf'lt'hl'h.lt•rfe•1, N1•11l K11p1t , .Hw Flynn. Pt•HttY Jlul'ling, Jc>S4•ph l'unuuln.c~. Amlit•r U11u111u11, K1 I llollowoy, Stcvc• Mmlrnl und '1'1m .loh11s11n Cui tuln tlrm.· IN 8:30 t"nduy11> und Haturd11y11 th111uuh Ol'(· 4 with n· •rvullom1 11vull uhl1• ul IHI:\ •11 l:i. t..11m Su1;NH• 1,.. dm'(·ting ''Thi• U~ly 1>u1·klin.:" C9r tht• youth th1•111t•r ol lhl• l:a~unu Moulton P'layhoUl!ll'. A 1;11sl ut 41 t't11ldre·11 will p11ist•n1 tlw classk fol.lie• Friday oL 7::l0 1.111d 8111u1 c.luy ut i und 7:30 p.m. T1('kct lnCormutiun ui bo111g lllkt•n u• 4114-0743. Completing Its run thl11 Wt'l'kt•nd is lhl• Nt•al Simon l'Oml'UY "(.;od's F'11v11ril1•" l>y ~ht' Mission Viejo P lo{huus<.• a t lhc.• l''owm Th1•ule1· on tlw Festivol·u Arts grounds in Laguna &uc·h. Hundy Cobb dirt'Cls und ploy11 u nmjor roll• in the.• show. which will lX' stagl'd 1011lghl through Snturday at 8:30. Rt.'SCrvatlons 770-0:l81. Seven other swge productions tt>maln on the boards this WCl'k , inc.foe.Jing: -"Th<• Divinvrs" ul South Coast Repertory, 655 T own Ccnt<'r Dr1Vl', Cosw Mesa (957-40:13), A l"MA*'I Nl 1•-ru11~ CAI(¥~ -UUiill•••11 .. -.........,..flll:c:Mt•~~ -.... ~~" !-.' ----14'tH SMASH WEEK! - llllA IQMB1u l'l.i.lol S29 ~339 MISllOll VllJO (d..,lllOS V>etO l w•• 8306990 llWl'Ollf llACN ldwA•d• Nrwoi•t C111rrn; 644 01~0 Oll&llGf C1t1eil!Jmf 63• 7S~l H&Nlllll Poe~"' AIWltom tlf••t '" 879 qa~o DI NO ll LAUR(NTllS-.. EDWARD R PRESSMAN • WUTMllllTUI Pat•f• 'HI w,y 39 (love Ill 891 3H3 NlllO SCll*RZENEm JAMES EARL ms "!WM THE BARBARIAJI ' s.iWfl 8£1WN m llAWIOS(JI GERRY UfU MAKO • WILLIAM SMITH -MAX VOii SYOOW:.. 1Mfi. MILIUS !lMR STllE BASiL PWDOURIS b ~TWINE com -EDWARD R PRESSMAN BUZZ f £1TSHANS. RAffAELLA OE LAUREUllS JOON.MILIUS ~-.. ,.; .. ..,,,_. R · .~"::c:~-... , ... ~ l lll.2 '" The movie ~a m ,.,.o IHI Flt.Ms 11ec£tv[ ™'SEN.."' TME M01ION PIC rUAe 000E C1' SEV AlOU\.Al lON you'll want to tell all your neighbors about. .. . r ................................................. , ., ,.. 1 . ••J ~. I -~, '.. ~ } "'t.. '~ i Businessmen ' I f you are doing j business under a : ractitfous Busrneu ii . Name you are required , I. by law f Business and : Profearions Code. Sec. l I 17m to 179301 to file a i 1 Fie t itlou1 Business I: Name Statement and have it pu~ahed for ! fowr C(19llfCul1ve WHka WE at the D,(/LY PILOT can help with bOth, Call tlw LEGAL DEPARTMENT at 642·43'1 Ert. 332 for furth" tnformotkm ........... , .................. , ................. . f)'I. . ~h2· • pl11y111H 'l'u1~l11y" lhw uaita :,utuul~yi. 111 U, :->u mJny11 111 7 :m u11cl W~'t·k1•111J llfwrnoun"' ot 2.:iO 11110116(h 11\"(· :! "Tiii' P1rn11" of J 't'tltlllll't'" fll &•hm1llftn'1t Wt•s t 1>1111w1 Pluyhuuse•, 140 Avt• Mtl'O, Sun l'h•nw ntt• (<&U:! llllflO). 1111 ic llll(l' nlf(h Pl'y l•Xt't'f>I Mond •Y a t vu~inll ru1w1r1 tl111 !it throuuh Nov 1-1 •'Ut•11tht1 np" 111 till' llnrlc•quln Oinnt•r l'luyhoui.t•, :t503 S f Jui bor Blvd , ju!jl north uC Cot;tu Ml-su (070 55 11 ), runnlnu 111ululy (•)((•t•pi M11111luyi- 11l vary1nu llrn<·11 throuuh Nov. 14 . "Tht• f'uurj.>o:.h•r" ul tht• Nt•WJ>Ol'l Tlw at1 •1• Arts Ct•nh•r, :ti>O Cliff Drive.•, Nl•wport B1•11(•h ((l75·31•13), playm g T hui:sduyN thrnulo(h 8aturcluys ;1l IJ p.m. until Nov. l :i. "Two u'nd Two M n kt• S l'>< ·' a t t'h ,. l l u ntin14to11 D1•uch Pluyhoui'il'. Main S lr\'l'l ut Yorktown Av1•nu1· lt1 tht· &•udiH V1lluJ:tt• shopping c.·t.•ntt•a (847 ·1405 ), <•O nt1nu1ng Frida ys ~·nu Suturd nyi. ut 8;30 throu"h D«.-. -l. • "Mornings ut St•V<'n " at the Newport Harbor At·turs Tht•uwr , 390 Montt• V1st.a S t., Costa Mesa (li3 1-5 I 10), o n toge Thursd ays th ro ug h Saturdays ut 8, Sundays a l 2:30, through Nov 13 "Ttw Murdl'I' Houm" at the Gardt:n Grove• WE'RE GOING TO MAKE \'OU LAUGH .... Ple111 y of ll'l'llilgt' lust. IAi.td' of c rnwllng nea1u11-~ 1111t.l lo" of t.iliiy pl'lm •. PG ::. -----NOW PLAYING ----- lllH ~-;Vl'~fN....,. " T 0110 OllAllG( td111tMd ~"lMM~ t.flt'(1.l,in, "' 1880 61• 1~~3 mm!"'•""""' QllAllGf ' • ~tiMf!llm 0H'lt!' 1n lJU'70 WISTMlllSTlll PJ{1t.,." H• ~Jy )it lk····" 1q1 'l6q) COSTA MllA 111¥1111 WUfMllllTIR ld1UIO c.~r1.1{1nJf'! 919 "" rttt11i1)10 WtJir1dDhOQ1 f O.-;ttch '°'"''"' Wt•.I c;,..,. •• \~I 0(,\\ 891 391\ COST A llllU I d~,11~ "''"h (:o.i 'AAI• ~•L 1111 11tO,, .... , ... cc:r.rro10-fM t110•ou•1 .. t •BARGAIN MATINl!l!S * Monday thru Saturday 'I PerfOfmancH befOfl 5:00 PM (EJCllM s.-. ~-llM H*aysl 411MONllONOR" 1•1 tl'.11.,_ ... , ....... LAKEWOOD CE"ITER WALK IN "MONSIGNOR" "''",. -.._ .......... ,.. . •f'tNIC fl~.%,'!'~':. WALL" t•l "T1tl ~ST ....CAN YIOIOIN" "AN O,,ICUll ANO A GaNTLIMAN" 1111 . ..... _._ .... "FIRST aLOOD" 1•1 t~M.U..•tl.HL••tHI loc11tly 01 Condto•ooo 21S/531·9510 -....... llll LAl<EWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAI. , .. loc"'V Al Del N'fWJ 21J/H4-9211 "T1tl IWCMID ANO T .. IOflCIMll" 101 ---ne •AlflM.ITl.r (N) , ......... .,, ... .. ... ANAHEIM 0 1/IVf fN ·-·'"''--" 179-fllO ~AN Gn'ICUI MIO • O&JfTUllMf" "'' -"T1tl IOUMPI" 1•1 Clllt ,,_ ~ "-t A r A~• BUENA PAR K 'lrll~I IN llftCOill .... -ol '-11 121...,70 .......... LINCOLN OlllVf IN ltftC~ AH ..... Of lftO" 121...,70 ' ,,.. ~ . FOUNTAIN VALLE Y OllfVf IN toft-_.,_, .. --IMI Ml·l .. 1 "JINXED" dll -----.... ---~tel"'"' -•nt1 KAITillAITTit"' 1111 Cllll ··- 1.T~T .. IXTllA•TIMt:ITl!W.~ 1-ou,. "1HIAOOtllU YI.Ir '"' *HAUOWHN Mil ILAIOtl CW TME WITCH" 1111 ..... •THl~"Pll ctortnMIUHO liOcll~ Oot...,Gl_k_ 191-JHJ -ff CU. fROlll HOlL YWOOO" -!NI "90llll KIND Of' .. llO" 1111 ci.. , • ...., • "UTIC*AL~I eLAM-~~ •YOUtlO OOCTOlll • &.OVI" 1111 ... , 111111 IMI 1111 -. .,,...,,... .,.... "" 'llOlll~IDlll" 1111 ..,.,.. ....... '"i .i - (.'u111n111n11 v Tha•iltl'r, ('h.tpmun ut S t M 1rk't. Cu1tl1 II c;111v1• (lill7 ~12:t). pluylnu Jo'rltfoy 1tn1 Sulw dH )'l' ,11 H .W. Kuntluytt at :t 30, throuuh Nuv 11. * f ALLUOAfH> Aud1 twn11 ror thl· ('OOWd) '"flat• H1lvl 1 WhMll•" will 1>1· twld 1wxt Munduy 01 7::JO pm ul the· Wt·"lmlm.tt•1 C111nmun1ty TlwatN 7'J.7'J. Mt1plt• St , W1·M11llraste•r tliri'l'lOr Cliark Du1'l>Qn will Ix· ~·11sllt1J< 1·1~ht n11ddl('·a~c.c.J nwn, tw1 1•l1k rly mt.•11. 11111· wunuan tn hC'r m 1tl :JO ond fou1 l'l<ll•rly womt·n .t·ull !JllO 41 l:J for tll•U11l11 • 8 7 Oru11g1 Co at DAILY Pll OT /Thuraduy. Novomber 4, 1982 -----------------------~--------...-....a:;;..;.. __ __, ____ .:.._~----------------...... ----------------------------~ 'Smiley's Pe,ople' like ~e al s pies CB top r:a tin g ; NB C slips to third '• ,.. By BARRY RENFREW AtMClaa.t ""' Writ., N~W YOUK Fi.r IH"yond Jomes Bond und tht> 1J1Ul)t'rhu111an agents of flt'Uon lws thl' ahubuy realm of e11plonu~c whl•rt.1 r<'ul spies ll vl~ Wl 11 lon<.'ly world of iihadows. That world Is brlll1a ntl y portrayed In a new dramatizauor1 for television ,of John Le Carrc"s n ovPl "Smiley's P eople" u Story Of hidc-Ufld•SCCk bt.•t Wl'to'fl nations, and ot the• ordinary people cnught in the middle. It is a talc of the ag<' in which we live. "Smiley's People" is a sequel t o the TV adaptation oC Lt• Carre's "Tinker, Tailor, Sold1<.•r, Spy" and is every bit us v1v1d and mrnstt•rful. ll follows Cror~t· Smiley of British lntelllgenc:e in a quest for "Ka rla." his C'nigmatic Soviet <.'Ounterpart. · Years before, Smiley had uncovered a Soviet "mole" m the .service, an Englishman recruited 1111 l<SIH' t.'00 ••• NIWI CHAIW.JE'I ANCKU The Angels rift In lht Army lo ln-•lgtlt tht ll'IUfder of t WAC reclNlt. D EGHT •!HOUGH Tommy~ I lertn pee- • M0A01°H by Kl'l'IU who ruhwJ thl• fti'-'•WY That ittory. blUit-d 01) ttw trut•·hfo wl1· of Kim Phllby. thl' British lnh•llirl•ncc Of(ll't'r WhO WOii 11 <.'Ulont' in th<.• Sovil•l KG8, WU!! rt-..'OUfH<'CI in "T mkt>r, Tollor .. N11w u photot(ruph Mnd lht• drt•ums of an old RU."j..'4ian i•mlgrc muy h uvc provided u s mull l'hunt'l' Cor Smiley to stf1k<.• ~wk. Smiley Is playt..od u~uah by A lt'<: Guinnl'ss, ,w h ost• brilliant portraya l of thl' l&l'on1c and booki11h spy lops dozens or flnl' performances fro rn leading l:hara1.:tcrs to figures who appear momentarily. The six -h o ur Briti s h Broadcasting Corp. miniseries is bt•1 ng distributed to stations across the country by Operation Prime Time, a major television synd il'a tor. "Smiley'~eople" will ajr on Channel 13 later this month. The fine acting and a supurb eve for realism and <4?tail brmlZ E\WYQllle Is In .,.. "Pf Ollr wti.n INy find OUl the! their -g«IC'f 9'ipply of light bulb• tunw oul to be an lee cr.-n c:bum. • HAWAII l'IVE-4 A negglng megalne writer lolows McOeneu on 1 kldNpplng CMe. A.J . (Jameson Parker) is robbed of $450,000" wortli of diamonds by s towaways who parachute over the • OVSll!AIV GllWl: ectr-Metowet Heml~ G . THAOUOH THE AAT8 de ert in "Simo n & imon" a t 9 on KNXT (2). ........ '-H 'I )' UlUlH lrun1 lbt• dr~'W y routhtl' of lntl'llllCt'lll'\' wo1 k tu thl• mlnur huppt_•nlnK of llh• In L.c111don ur P11ri11 Tlw poorly mod« 11u11 und hully1ng monnt•r ol u m111or Sovil'l ortl\.'1&11 In Purh• 11umn1111\ up thi• pt•lly l'l'Ui•lty of the• uuthorllorlon stow. T lw bruylng t.tHll'li of Srltltth burN1uc·rutt1 l'llplun· lhl1 follin1i11 or unuttwr S<.·gn1t·11t of !i«'INy . To LC' Corrt'. int1.•lllgl•nt·i.• llgt•n ci1.•s ur t.> u n •flt.•l'tion uf socit.•ty. Ills book ii urt: ui; 111u<-·h about nations arid human natUl'l' as ubout spies. ll bur<.•ly sccm11 likt> a 11py story at oil. Glamour and udvcnturl' arc just things its charut'Wrs r<.'ad about in novels Smiley's work is a mix o.f dc:duclion and waiting. with us much time c.'Onsumc.'Cl by quar~ls with his own side as fighting the enemy. His agents often or ' mundane characters pla~ued by the same weight" Ortolnelly pro- INced M Pll'1 of CBS'a PlayhoyM 00 ttntt, lhla ttledretna atetrlng Jeck P81ance glvet 1 gllmpw Into the lhebby world of ptiaflghtlng, G MMTEftPllCa THIATM '"To Serw Them All My Otya'" Tile 11111 wom111 lolnt tile 1eec111no 11111 et 81mfytde Ind befriend•' Of14I of Ille Older boye, who lnevllebly !ti.ta In love wtth her.(Pwt 4)0 e IOU>OMU On lhe operetlng t1ble, • doctor lorcee enotlltr doc· tor Into • dfnotrout medi- cal •aperi"*lt. • (%)MOYie * * ..... "'Tiie Innocent"' I 1976) Glenclilio Glenntnl, l.aur• Anlonelll. In ~ 20!11-cenluty Italy. 1 tr-sile lr1angle de¥elope lnYOMng • dlttut1*1 man, hit wife Mq hie l'lllttr-.. t:aO 8 Cit TA>CI All the cebbl11 ere lhoclted when Jell Ta .,, .. ,eel lor ll!lmmlng ~ptoflta. 8 119 ITTN<DTWO sem·1 unfulflled dellte to prow hlmMlf .. Molly'• ~ an.:te ttle courM of their nwrtege. (f) MOYlll ···~ "Hombft'" (1te1) P1ul Newman. Frictrle Metell. All Apache-rtlted whll• man It forced to pto- tect the llYM of tl!OM lie ... .. Lltlfeture: The Story Beyond'" ,,..... ----(a>MOYll ·'. Cl) C81NIWI (fl MCNlwtQ QIN8CNMI ! ::::.,. "'1ICe • NOHT * * * ''The LN1 Time I Sew Peril"' (1054) Ellu- belh Teylot, Van JoM90n. BaMd on 1 llOfY by F. Scolt Flt2gereld. llrolltfl romencee end "'911..-.d ~ populel9 Pltlt at the end of Wot1d Wer II. .MOYIE ***'.i "Dey For Might" (1072) JecqueMne Blteet, VINnllM Cort-. Dnc1- ed by Francoll T rulfeut. The ._ end loYet °' Nm perfonnera we atudled In • mov11-wllhln-e -movl1 'PG' e::ao • ALICE • C*::K CAWTT (I\) • GftOWIHG V!AM "'Sodel St•eotyptog'" Cl)CllNIWI l ~MIUM WON.OM~ 7:00 8 C8I N1W1 I NBCNIWI HAPPY DAV8 AGAIN Fonzie It pereuecled to put on • poliQe ofllotr'1 uni- form to help pt-t • N.mblt ~ two rtv81 li9°MC·NIWIQ G IOAP The wedding of Corinne end Tim .. dlwupted by tht ~~inothef. • THME'I OOM'Nl'f Jecll end Clwltty beby-elt StainMy' 1 llltrlk- • QI J()t(!KI Wk.O ........ Nl"OftT (J), ...... ~ Thi CNI of I '"LOW Bott'" ec>edll --at p1ey on • Gr.a llland aulM: lht Navy'• $kyOMng ow.. vtls. O~ANimlT TONIGHT A looll at !tie ahlfl of ahow ~ ICIMt; from LM Vegu 10 Atlentlc: City. • OPANQa COUN'N TOOAY CID INllDI! THI HR. The lelett dfo<t!Opment1 In Ille Hf\. """• ere ell• mined. (%)a.eow **'.i "Tullpa .. (t081) Gabe KIC>len, Btrnad91te ....... When ... ,.... In love. • Mlic:ldel men tn. to oenotl Ille contrec:t lie put ova on '*'*ilf. 7:aG8 20NTHITOWN Feelured: ., llweetlgetlon Into tht "'.g·--nectecl '° end ... ""9111111'1; • loc* Into ....,.. .,. u.e. flMm" menl """ --.... •llcM 1.#0t i ---,.,... Vie rNM9 "l.T.~ It "*• lldlon Of ,..... 18Clt. • • PMll.Yf'IW '-Avw.NI & IHR.IY &COMPNl'f LA-end Shirley -~ to 11111 In an Army trllnlng lllm. • !YE°" L.A. F•Wred: en Interview w11t1 Bo Oerel<; pe;, two of • report on r9llgloue c:ulta; laahlon m•eovera for "*'· -~PlAm. ....,_,, ~ tr'9nd So6er1a ofterl • ..,.,. clue to help In '* nMty courtroom benle. • w·A·a·H The 4077111 llndl • lfttle bundle of joy on 1ta doof. llep. • Cl) TIC TN; DOUGH • .....aia..1 IJIHMI' N1'0fn' • WILD AMrNCA "Mounlaln -..-e11a" A IOOk .. , • .., at the apec:ial ed-c>t•llona th•t 111ow e1p1rie -*"'* to llYe In the M vere high mounleln ecoeytltm. al YOU A8KED '°" rT Featured: "Pleylno T-si Wnh Charging Bulls'" llnd "Swimming In A Pool OI Ping Pong Balla." .MOW * * * '"Tiie Advtillluret Of Tom SIW)'tr'' (1038) Tom- my Kelly. Jldtle Mor9IL 8eted on Ille Mor, by Merit Tweln. A ml•· dllevoua MlttolA1 boy hat • _... of exciting ~ turw. CD> NBA IA8tCETIAU o.r-~· ... Lot Angeltt Lallerw Cl)Almt Get In lflllP' look good, end IMI gr.et wltll Ihle pllytlcal 111-ptogrwn. 1:008 (1) MMIHUM,,J. Magnum It ''""'*' In • time warp wNle att~ lo cletr • unlOn IMder llCCU89d of ll'IUfdtrlnO • c:onetrucUon megn41te. e a,~ A bleck behrtne ,.... IN'a beil'O unduly pt-_ _, by • htrdo-ftoeed ln1truc1or. •nd Bruno ~tome blMed attl- ludM towwd • cNld Pfodl-i MOYll • *** "Mktwey'' (Pert 1) ( 1971) cliettton Helton, Henry Fonda. J..,.,_ end Amerlean mllltery lorcee ~ off fOf • rww81 end Mftel beltle- 1..cl Wound I P9dllc: ltltnd ~ Worid W• II. • 0 JONIR LOY8 QWH °'*"' "'*'°"' • tllg br9lll '°' tfle ............ glen!OurCM reon sito-._ ..._ .. ..,..,_'" '*"· • MOVtl ....... ., ..... Myi.- 1(' 111711....,, llitlldMnl, ~~9..cly 1MCle ..,... • Ptlllp ......... ._ ..... ""'°'-lnl..... end CHANNEL LISTINGS e l<NXT <CISI e KNBC (NBC) e l<TLA llllCI. > e KMC.•AK> e K'MI CCII) • IOC.J.T'V (lftlt,) e KCITCAICl e KTTV Ul"-l '• K~ TY Clftd.I ••CITCNll •1COCacN11 .. (II) On·TV (J) Z,. TV ((I) HIO CC COMnla•> (I) CWOft) NY., N.V. aJ CWTlll Cl) <Ill~) C lflowtlmt I . .... ""' • 1c.111e ..... ~., danger wMll lie a.At on tht Ullgnmenl of locatlnO • tough hoodlum'• mlMlng ~so:,. Jeulc1 uaounda the cour1room with lier btNllir· kit, Denny bm9f IElelne home to meet !tie ltmlly. end Ftllw T1m teoei-WI ~ ..... ........... w The CMI ol I "\.owe ._.- apedtl --• '*'on • 0..-llllfld cNte; en unm1trled -wf\o dedded " -lime to be • mott'9r. • MCMl * * * "Cante" I 10761 Sie- sy 8'**'. Piper Laurie. A timid ~~ !tie butt of • CfWI prom- nlQht prenll Ind ,,,.....,.. 19t1ne1 ,,., Qeelltnelee with • deYMlatlng. eupw- Mlut81 My. • U.I. CHRONICl.E "'And a.by Mellet Two" A ~ It pttetnted on the growing """'bet of tingle edul1 -In the United Stllet wt{o we deciding to 111ve ChllOren end the 1mpac:1 of their decltlofl on I~. their Chlldten end eoc:lety. e 1NEAK....wwa ...... ()ebltt llnd Jeffrey Lyona re¥1tw "NatlOnel Lampoon'• Clue Alunlon" end "Jinxed ... {C)MCMI * * * .. Love Mt Or Leev'I ...... (1055) Oor1t Dey, Jam. Cagney. A mobtter martin tllt alng« ht m1d1 lemout , · bul ~ enreoect wnen 111 can't control lier (8)MO'llE **"' "Ttve ConfWlllonl'" (1081) Robert De Niro, Robert Ow911. The '*'9lly atptrlte wor1da of two bfottltrs. 1 Lot Angeltt ~ --=clve end en emb!Uout Aoman Catnollc prleet, comoeroe duf'lng • lllUfdlf lnwlll09tton. 'A' !llaMOVla • * * ''Alctl And Femout'' (1081) CendlOe lergen. J1cquelln1 II n et. ThrougllOllt the Ufll tnd downt of INlr reepectM lllertry eereere end rornenclo !NoM, two -'*' ~ on their lt1endlNp tot ltaMlly. 'A' l:aO . 0 ITM Of THll ,NA.Y Ao99111 ""*• • "'*' ..,..,_ on e TV 1a111 "'°" ...... --• boy end "" pet "°"' • burning Cl)~ ..... .,.. Angell -.... 10 ~·--wtloltlhe -..ct°' ..... .........--• IO YOU lMNC YOU eO'rTMM ... .... ,,..... ..... ~ . ......, L~ r.-. "NlltoMI Lempoon'e CIH• "911111on" ... "9mled.'' ~---.. 11:=.·--.......... ""° ..... .... Of OllM'• ""'* If 91111 --.10 • '°°~'°" OOillllall'I ~ ............. ,._ ..., 1'0WI In I ...,.. .,........,, ..... ... ... -..... ..... ·~.:.-... ~MIOP . ._.....,_A ....... *'4 "Hel!Oween II" (ttat) , Jemie ~ Curtis, Donald P11111nee. A hOUl111ly "-!e murderer~ Ille l'9lgn of terror In I ~·-··"' 1HO. Cl) fCMOTa LNDG A""Y It Infuriated -., Q9ly gMI OI\ I ependlng ............ '"'*"-. llfld IC.-.... ... ... rwleUGJ ........... .. P'flOO .... . •atta.L~ a u. LaAw tqUef9I on-....,.. I ntMy IWCOUct CCCI llnd ttlee 10 bile en "*"-c:omp1ny, end Bellte r Mtlta a medlcal loen for hie iill",,.,· l l:!NIWI '"The Kirghiz Of AfgNnl- atan" The S<N1el takeov. of Algnanletan llet lotcld tht Klrghll people to eben- don their mount.in p1e1- llomeland llnd nomadic weyofllttl~.(A)c;J / -~VIMNAN A Ctnedllln Mountie OWf· lllPI hit tl.llhOttty wtlell ,,. era.. the ~der In put· ault of 1 murderer. (C)MOYll * * * "Alctl And Femoua" (tt81) Candice Bergen, Je cquellne 111111. TilfougllcM IN upe end downt of lhtlr reepectlve llleru y cu11re end rOll'IMtlc llvw, two -~ on their lrltndeNP for ttabllty. 'A' (8) ITANDNI N>OM ON.Y "Crytt81 Qarte In Concerl'' The Gtemmy Awtrd--wln- nlno "" .. meiny °' ... bl119111 hit•. Including "Don't It Miii• My lrown Eyw .,_ .. end "Talltlng In Y-!Meep." Cl) A NIW ~y If IDIN A powerful fwnlly turnt I lmtll lown lnlo 1 model rejuY91\1Uon profect. <'iwt ~MOYi * * "hptntt W•ya" (tMO) Ktrln lleclt, Tony Lo ller:lco. A ~ cou- ple'• fellln to oommuN- cet• ..-ty ~ In the deetruc:11on Of ltltlr mtr• rlaOe-'A' 10-.. e 1ND11 B IDINT Nll'TWOlll ..... .,____THI BIOMANnD~ "",. ........ In Mlettcen *' .. dooument· ... IWOUQll • .... °' ........ (l)A -IMYlt ... A powerM ...._ Uni • .... .._ IMO I lftMll ,.., ..... ..,.........,, '*'••<1>•• rlimM!MY-.T HOit: hr'l "9rftotd1, .... ....,,.,. ......... _ r~:= ...... =-=--~:..: flll ...... .., ........ -...... ........ .... 1 ...... DOCnORltM --........ o.1111 .. -. .... .,~ .......... .... lllll'llirr ...... ... -.... Ql)llOWll pr 11 h 1 ,. ru .J& l h 41 L l r o u l> l t• t1t'l't1Ut\1 111ttN or tnwk d11v1•fa. 1'twy 111·1· no moft' 1m111u111• to '; u11hu1>p1nt•)IK 111 hc11·l'<Jum lhun unymw (·l~· 1,,os J\NW·:LF.S <AP> <.:BS took bo<·k ·~ h•iJd Ill thl· tt'l1·vh1111n ruungi. with 111)( o( tlil' 'J'up 10 t1how• foa the• Wt't.•k t•ndinu On :H. uc't'Qrch nai tu 1 tw A C N t•l.,.·n C:o r llnfPJ. (.'RS' "Dallmf' wu& thP toJ> rnnkl•c.I ptogrom fur tht• Wt'(•k and lht.' nt•lwork'11 "00 Minute.,;" 1111J "M A-~ II" uro Cur !lt"<.'Ond phK't'. ' Tht• hi!( lt)i;(•r ww1 NJK:, whh-h ft•ll mlO ttw t•dlur with Attt•nl ' duyi. ~u.· flllN.l \Allth 1.mdlt~ dll'<·kinR of minor c.lt:tullN for 1mlf)JW~ r1f mformulion thut U!!Unlly li•ucl W unoth1•r dc 111d t•nd 'l'hi'y drl•um of the• llflf• hlU hn111k wh1lt• dt•pt•ndlnl( upon hwnun lru11ty to ply llw tr• 1r11cJt• tht• t•11d of th<> World St•ru•N. • <:BS flnhihc·d fmSt in ttw Nwl~m i;urwy with u rating of HI.!\ AOC wai. in st'l'OIJd plt11•t• wnh' }0.5. oml NOC wus lhinJ with t:UJ Tht.· 1wtw111 k!i 1wy th111 nwnntt thot ln an &Vl'l'UJ(t> prlnw-t1mc m1r1u~~" llS :t J>4.'l't•t•nl of 1tw l')uti.on's l11rcwmotlon la <'<JllXt-tl from tht· lonely, ur soul(hl by al(cnts prt•ten<J i n~ to lw frl<-nds, <11' extortl'd from olht•r:,; cuuuht in stagoo t'</P t"<1mprom111t.'ti. Agc n L'I u n d in o I'm u n 111 n 11k1• u rt• dlscurd<.-U to l111wly, t•mpty llw~ wht•n llwy :u't• nu lonl(<1r USC'ful. ho1111•11 with TV Wt'!'(' tu1wd lo ens . • NBC won tlw pn•vlous two wt•1•k11' rottng1> wht•n I~ c:nrrk'<.i th<.· Wol"lc.l SC'rit•!i bo111•bull l(amc!t. Tht•)> Wl'•'c• thl' m'l work's C1rst ratings vat•l'urit•t> slnw Sept. I :s. UHi I. Ht•l'l' art· the> Top JO· "Dallas," a ruling of 28.:3 or 23.5 m1ll1un h ou.'ll•holds, CBS, "60 Mmutt·s" und "M·A -S -H ," 2H 7 or 22.2 million , tied. both CBS. ''Knots Landing," Spl'<'ial e pisode, CBS, and "Dyna.sty," ABC, 25 6 or 21.3 malhon. tic-d. "Newhart," 2:J 7 or 19 .7 malhon, CBS; "Little Clona . . Happy at Last," Part 11. 23 4 or 19 4 m1lhon, NBC: "Three's Company." ABC:. and "Herc Comes Garfield," CBS, 22.8 or t8 9 million . tal'tl, ''Th£> Fall Guy," Thl're ls hardly u du8h1ng figure or incidcpt in "Smaley'is People." But the produc tion Is truly s uspcnst'Cul. "Smiley's Pf.'Ople" reatun•:. the_ late C u rt Jurgens as the Sovwt G1°1. Vln~lim1r TUii TDPPIRB 21.8 or 18.1 m1lhon. ABC • * * "Come FllC ·The Cup'" (10511 J1met Cegney, Gig Youno. A men left w0t111-- ..,. becauM of hi• drink· Ing It laught to f-Ill• again lllfough ,,,. ltflor11 KNliC (-1) 8:00 "Fumt•.'' A bfac·k ba lle r inn f e els s h l•'s bL•tng unduly pressured by a hard-nosed msu·uc:tor, and Bruno dt.!vclops some blast: a ttitudes or 1not11tr alcOllOllc OJl ENTIATAINMENT TOHtQHT A look 11 Ille ahlft of allOW bualneta ectllllty from L .. Vegu 10 At11ntlc City, 1~ 8 8 NBC NIWS Jowar ds a «hild prodigy. OVEAHfOHT KC.ET (28) 9 :00 -"lh•quiem for a Heqvywcight." Originally produt·t.•d as part of CBS' Play h oust• 90 s t•ril.'S, this teledramu starring J al'k Pa lanct' gives a glimpse into the• s habby world of prizefighting. O MOVll *Ji * "The Amerlcanlu - uon 01 Emlly.. ( 10041 Jemea Gerner. Jullt Andrewa. Romance orowa betWMn I Brlllllh Wiii Wld· ow end • non-lltrolc offi- cer ualgned to pt<Wlde 1111 auptrlora with tM luxutlet oll!Otne. KNBC (4) 10:00 "Jl11l Strel'l Bluc•s." LaRue sq u a r es off agains t ;;i n ast y narcotid> t:op and B<.·lk(•r S<.'<'ks a medical loan for his ailing fatht•r. 1:50 ©) MOVIE • • • .. The • Clnclnn1t1 Kid" (1065) Steve ~. EdWard G Rob- lnton A young cerdaharp triel to beet tht king of atud pol(er In • blttle lor P'•!!Pe * * * °" "'Prince Of The City" (1M1) Trett Wit- "-• Jllry Orbeef'I A New Vorti C09 le caught betwelll ....... .,,_. end loyltly 10 1111 fellow ofllo9l9 during .,.. 1n-11- gellon of wldeepre1d poltce oorri.iptlon. 'R' (D)MOW * * "Young Pleythlnge" (1074) Eve Por1noft, Chrl .. 11.,_ Lindberg. A hlpplly married COUOle ~ tr""'*' In • llltllrle>OOI °' ~.'A' Cl)MOvia **\i "Telloo" (1H1) 1 Brvc. Dern ...... AdMll. "" bb.....cl t.llttoo .,,... ltlclnept • ,...,., model and ~OCMdt to coYW lier body wllll hie ti. ldlwortl. &l~ ••i. "lo l'IM" (1M1) ~ O'NMI, .I-* Wtr· den. A ~ colegt pto- 1.-or -.... fllttltr'• llounOertng owment lec:to- ry by .,_ttng • rww type of ladlet' ....... "'' 11:*>. Cl) GUN:V Quincy ~· dNgt In tt1e body of en aplrtng Olymplc: gymn•t wtlo died wtllle In !reining. (Al •atTOHIGHT Ho91; JGftnny c....on. e @ MCNIWI NIGHTUNI G YOU A8KID '°" rT FMlured: "Pteylng T-e With Charging lkllll" end • ''Swimming In A POOi OI Ping Pong WL" •nta~ A tum of late lrantforme 0-ge end Loulte'a "rou-- llne" lnlo the good old cs.vs. • Nrr cw --HUMAN '"Olonyeua: IEcetMy And ,..,_ .... • Ne LATINICIHT Hoee: Dennie WhOleit • MOHT GAU.1RY "Spectre In T~" A -ret\Wnt ~om -tlon to her New E'9llnd WIUque af'09 _. flnde her lllttrdeld~ -~ ••>A ''True Conl111111111"' 11081) Aober1 De Niro. Aober1 Ouv•t The ueuelly aeperat• wor1dl of two bfotnera, e Lot Angelet poltce ~ end an embltlout Aofl\an Catholic ptlett, c-oe duflng • murder .,,.,,_lgatlon. 'A' ~AMma TONIGHT A loolt et the INft of ahow bullt'8le eGtMty from Lat v..-to AltMtlo City. l~LMTWON> • * "lldNlt Ider t" I 19771 Mk:hllf Pttlll, M1rjoe Oor1ner. Male tnd female cyctltta ride tlWOUllfl Ml ~ lancet. over dirt ,,_.. and 111111 10 win • motocfoet racing CflMlo plonlfllp. 1= • • ''Wlten The L-oendt Ole" ( 1972) AlcNrd Wld- nwti, Frwderto 'oneet M orpNned lndlttl IMlr dllll- lulloflell by -OOMMnt ....... lllln wtlO lillrG f !OM .,.... te rodeo ... 'Mnll• 2:00. (J} C8I NEW& OU1 on hi• own IO bec:ome NIOH'TWATCH • toe> rodeo ater • 'fEWI • LOVE, AMINCAH Clil AU.-NIGHT AAOIO ITY\i Tiit nny Oolngl-<ln aa en "Low And The Loud· llHllght radio at10on ate Mouth" Jim llnd Helen juat utlrltecs. went 1 quiet honlymOOn. 2.'06 Cll MOVIE "Love And The Sc>lll·UP"' * * * "HouM Call•" 8uttn Ind Oertlt find lhtl ( 1078) Wllllf Matthau. divorce lan't ell that Ml'I · Glenda ,Jec:ltaon. A wkl· G NMY MA80N owed doclqr 111111 Illa Simple Inheritance lurna to Caaanov1 lendenclea long murd« u Meeon'• clltrot enough to 1.,1 for t dlvor- 1• found In• locked room, cee Who d_,., betlelle In betide• bOdy. wllh-a gun. phlCendeMg. 'PO' 11.'01 cc:> MOV1l 2:IO • UOllE **'4 "Eecape From~ ***°" "Fl\/9 Gr-To Yor1t" (10611 Kurt Av...it Cllro" (1043) Frencho1 Adrienne 81rl>eeu. Ir . Tone. ErlCll von 8trohelm. 1"7, e hardened crtmtna In 10421 I 8rlllttl lank off\· It ofttred 1 pwdon " ht cer attempt• to llt'I MCtet CM r-tlll pretldtrr Information from Fleld of Ille U.S. ~om _,. ptltor Mllflllel Rommel OUl'lng city IMI MW'INlttan hel 1111 ~ IO I lmlll Nor111 ~.'A' A"1Cen t-. 1l:ao 8 Cit LATE NMIHT Wl1W • Cit__. DAYIDUTT'l!MWf • MOW Guee11· MIClflMI Palln, ........ Murder In Mcwle- IE"9fM Lewy. land~ (1973) J-St-- • ~ wt, Strothet Menln A Cf) TOM COTTU: Utt detective ~ lnlo tht Cl.OIE MkU81 jungle ot Hollywood • lOW. AM1NCAH to defend Ille huaband of"a ITYl.E ledlng film atar. "Low MM! The Anxious IHIU THE NFL Metna" Mra. Albano lrlem The laletl developmenta In to get Julto to ptoCIQfJe to tht NFL aarllle we eu. het deughter. "Low And ml'*' Tiie Aelncamttlon"' 01MM (0) AU.-81' AA COUNT'f'Y trlet to get Nldl to no11Qe MtJetC FUTIVAL her. Tutu. Oklahoma provldel (O)MOYll tht badcdroe> tor perfor. • *,... '"The Night P0t1er" mencea by Aoy Clark. (10741 Olrlt Bogtrde, Ctlar-Timmy wynettt, Mel Tllll• lone Rampllng. A blzllfre Ind Thi Oelt Ridge Boya. relellonaNp la rtewtllened CZ) MOva bet-• fonner SS otfl-**\i "Oemona Of The Otr and • former cooc:.n-Mind"' (t078) Peul JOMI, 1r1tlon c1mp prlaoner Petrick Magee A 19111· wti.n lhey mMI by chanOI centu.y count wno.. feml- ln •hotel elter lht-. 'R' ly llM • hlttory of lnaenlty (%J a.tOW trlet 10 uncover tht ldenll· • • "Green toe"' (Itel) ty of • bNtll murderer A';an O'Netl.. ~ Arcflet.. WhO htt kllled _., 1111- Atl engi-end• IOClellt• 1,-· .,.. l llernpl co rob • South 1:00 llA HUlfT Anlertc.n -eld emug.. 3:30 PAITH IO gltr ol 1 f0t1une In gerne. MOVla 'PG' **''4 ''Trve Cont...iont .. 12:40 e Cl) MOQ.OUO ( 10811 Rober1 De Nlfo, MoCIOud ~ to belllve Aobett Ouvell. Thi '*'9lly 11111 1 vemplre wee ...,., .. , wor1dt of two r""°"91blt kw lhe bNtail brolherl, I Lot Angelet murdll' of 1 beeullM pollOe detective end .,.. ~-.(A) embltlout Aomen C.thollc 12:41 MOYll prieat, converge duf'lng • *,... "Naughly Wlvn " mwdlf '"-tlgatlon 'R' (t0741 Brendon Price, CD>MOYll • Jec:quellneLogan.Ayoung *°" '"Hll._ If' (1081) men from the country flod• Jemie l • Ovrtll. Donald 11111 hie Job • e door•IO-"'--· A hopeletlly door Mittman In London lneene murderer contlnuet II•• •i>m• unupected hi• reign of terror In t ~'A' am .. town. 'R' 1:00• ~ - ---.a.eow • •• "Wake 111and" ** "Tile Hend" (1081) J 11M2) lrlM Oonlt\IY. Roi>-Mlehetl C•lne, AndrM ert Preeton. On Wiiie MarcoYlc:cl. 81.tarre Incl· lelanO during World Ww II, denla •rid nlghlmerea the Merine Corpe dl9p4t)'I begin IMlppenlng In 1 car- t~ oourege toonlat't Ille elter he • MOVla eurr.n the loM of • hand. * * .. ~ Or8cult" 'A' ( 1972) Ingrid Ptn. ,..... l:.eG CC) MCMI 4 G1een Ml lglrlQ couni.e • • * "low Mt Or L .. ,,. cat1 ...Clln lier routllflll Me" (1H51 Dotie Dey, ~ ontr If Ille drtnllt "-Cefnt'v. A motmer llnd bettltt In the blood of m1rrlel Ille elnoet lie ~ IMIOenl. medt rimoua. but (f) MOYlll becolrlel tnreged ""*" ,,. • * * "Out VII'/ Owft'' cen 'I control her (ltlOI AM llyth, F~ 1!41Cl)~THON GrllftOet A yovno Olfi A oomedlefl llOlll end lour 111111• lfte l!'llUl'lllllc 01t-eCllllllC IOMMttflll wflo ~ "* ltle It .., compete 1tllntt one ..... Cfllld """'* -....... In""' • MOYlll Uf1C)811901811 OCMMlly l8IM • lhOW 4:00 (f) TOP O' THE MOMNI • MOYll ..... "I Cover The Undetworld" (1t64) 9-1 McCk>ry. Joanne Jordan. A theolog y etude nt UIU"* Ille kMntlty of hit gengater awtn brotlltr jutt before tht letter'• P<llon r ....... (%)MOV1f * • "Andy Warhol'• Dr• cul•" (1074) Joe Otllelln- dro. Udo Kier. A vemplr• Miking virgin• 10 Mlltfy 1111 thlret for blood la helped by • nobCemln whO wenta Ille money ht lhlnk• It pot--' by 1'1' count. 4:•• llPV Cf) IUU.WINKLE f 'rfda.,•• Daya i•t-Movft-• t:OO G ••'A '"Her Adventur-oua Nignl" ( t946) Dennie O'Keefe. Helen Wallcer. A child with an OYer"aclive tmeglnatlon ltlll • lell .... ol 1 mu1 der wtlicll landa het parent• In Jall end ... vn ,,., to lece a rtal t>ogtyman. CZ) • • .,.. "The Seclet Lile Of Planla'" ( 1078) Oocu- mentery. The muaic of SI• v1e w~ 111g1111g1111 11111 film. 9:30. * * 'J\o '"Kid Galahad .. (19621 Elvia PrHlay, Gig Youno. Arter gelling out 01 the aetvlct. • youno man win• • bolllno matCll end 11*1 return• to Illa euto ~elrt/IOp. cg)••• '"NoNuk•"' t 1080) JteklOn Btowne, Cr~y. Stilla & NMh. FoolaQe of 1 _., of Wlll- nuclMr power conctrta htld In New Yott. City dUr· Ing September, 1071, 1111urlng the Oooble 8'01,_., Cetly Slrnon. ,,_ Taylor end Bruce Spnnotlean, 11 compfled In 11\19 documentary. 'PG' ••• "Good fll<ldarw::lf" lO:OO (t) •• \t ''The Gambler" ( tHO) Kenny Aogert. lee Purcell A profeulonal gambler lall• ·a lreln ride through tile ~ W•t to help hill •lrengecl aon end finds ,_ wllh • .,,.. dy llOClety lady along the wty *** .. I Go Pogo'" ( 1080) Animated. Voioet of Jonathan Winter•. Vinoenl Price. The motl popotar rHldenl of Okefenolc" Sw1mp decides to Nn for pretldent. •PG' CJ) * *'it "Sklrta Ahoy" ( 10621 Eathef Wllllama. VMen Blaine. A trio of Nevy women lhtr• their !!!._oblem• wtth men. 10:45 Cl)**'!\ '"American Pop'" (19611 Animated. Tile his- tory of Amerlcen pop mualc. froin vaudeYitle lo rode 'n' . roft. It treced 111toug11 _., oener• Ilona of • lemlly of muW. dena 'A' 11:30 * * "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( INO) Uly Toml!n. Cher1et Gfo- din A hou.-lle finda II herd to cope wtlWI Ille IUddenly begins to ahtlnk In ll:te. 'PG' CD> ....... "Carnal Knowtectge.. I 19 711 Jeck Nlcholaon, Ann·Metgtet. Two college frlenda apend _ .. )'Nfl before end att• greduatlon dllcoYtr- lng Ill• by ahetlng end twitching Mell other' a ~ rrt.nd•. 'R" ··~ "lNe eont.--llon•'" (10811 Robert De Nlfo, Aoberl OUY .. I. The usually Mf>lt•I• world• of fWO brolllert, • lot Ange. let polloe detective end an ambfflout Roman Catholic prlltt. converge during a mutder lnvetligallon. 'R' lt:OO . **"' "TheyCeme From Bey<ll'd Spece" 11967) Aobet1 Hutton. Jtn• ntfw Jayne IEJltreter,...,._ .. CfMluret ..... havoc on the~ Eafttl. • *** "TlleMl4-ltonell'Ma'' Ctt81) Sophie Loren, Peter Senere. 8aMd on !tie '*' by Oeot91 9emll'd &Mw. A _1ouno mt1111ne1r-19 ~byWl8lMr'1• 10 """" • -Wltll • good~ ll'ltftd • JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batlu" 118 Or ng Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thureday, November 4, 1982 Ch~na'S 'population soars over one billion I r t'EKlNU (AP) China announcl•d Wl'dneaday It hu morl' than I billion proplr, counll•d by 6 l million cen11us takers who roamed everywhere from Shunghal's l('t.'mlng strt.>elS to the out<'r r<>ochea of Tibet for Cour months. First re11u I ts of the ct>nsus. annoum.w by thl' orricial Xinhua News Agency, also showed the world's most populous nation has grown sim't' t.he last head C'OUnt in 1964. by 313 million people - about B6 million mon• than the entire U.S . population. The Communist j(overnmcnt Nit.IC NOTICE 111ld tho mamhmd populnllon la l ,008, 176,288. and tha l th~ populutlon of Taiwan, llung Kong ond the Portuf(UettP ~·oh•ny of Macuo w s 23,707,22:i, fur u lOllll or 1 ,031,882,~l I glv(' or take 1.6 million. China refi(ards Taiwan 1.u1 a rl•negudt.• provinc"t' c.-ontrolltxl by the rival Natlonullstis, who fk-d t h e mainland uftcr the Col'}'\munis t civil-war vl<;tory in . 1949. The govt'rnmrnt also <.'OnRidcrs Hong Kong and Macao · to be part of China. lndia, the world's S«'Ond most populous nation . has an Nit.IC NOTICE YOU A .. l IN DCl'AUl.T UNOI" A YOU AM IN DCl'AUl T ~ .. A 0110 01' T .. UIT DATIDDllD 01' T .. UIT DATID .IANUA"Y 11. 1111. UNUH YOU OCTOM" 11, 1•1. UHL.Ill YOU TAKI ACTION TO '"OTICT TAKI ACTION TO '"OTICT YOU .. , .. O,. .. TY, IT MAY al YOU .. , .. O,. .. TY, IT UAY al ICX.D AT A PUe&.IC IAU. IP YOU aou> AT A~ IALI. IF YOU ••o AN IXl'lANATION °" n. •ao AN l.Ul.ANATtON Of' THR NATU"I 01' THI '"OCllDINO NATU"I Of' THI '"OCHDINO AGAINST YOU.L YOU SHOULD AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LhrYP. CONTACT A LAWYI"-. NOTICE Of' TIWSTH'S SALE NOTICI Of' TMllTH'I SALi ·T.S. NO. •1t T.S. No. 11a3 NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN. that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lhat on W9d~sd•r, Novambef 17. 1982, on W9dllMClay. NoWlnbe< 10, 1982, at 9·00 o ctocl • m ot ... d day, In at 11 oo o'clock a.m. of Mid day, tn Ille room Ml aside IOt conducting the room Mt aside lor conducting Truatae'a Sales. within the ofl!Qea ot Trustee'i s.... within lhe ottice. REAL ESTATE. SECURITIES ol REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. located at 2020 North SERVICE. tocatad at 2020 North 8f'Oadway, Suite 206, In the City ol Broadway. Suite 206, In the City of Santa Ana. Counly of Orange. Stale Santa Ana, County ol Otenge. State ol California, REAL ESTATE ol Calllornla, AMERICAN CITY SECURITIES SERVICE, • Catllornl• BANK •• camornl• corpo<etlon ••• ieorpo<1t1on. 11 duty appolnla duly appoint9d Trustee under and Trustee under and purauant to the pursuant to the power of sale power of •-ui conlarred In thal conlerred In thal cartaln Deed ol certain Deed or Trust axecutad by Trust executed by JAMES L. GRANT D. MCNIFF and DOROTHY LIVINGSTON and JOAN c . - £. MCNIFF, hutband and wife, LIVINGSTON, husband and wile r<s record9d January 28. 1982, In the Join tenan11. recorded December --office Of the County Recordar ol tO 1981 In Book 14318 ol Offlclal I sai d County. as Recordar'a R~ordsol Hid County, at page Instrument No. 82·032402. by 327, Reciorder'a lnatrumant No. reason of a breach or dalaolt In 13139, by reason ol a breach or payma111 or parlormance or the delaull In payment or performance obttgatlona sacured thareby. of tha obllgation11eCUred ttwreby, Including that breach or delautt. tnctudlng that breach or delault, Notloe of which wu r1CO<d9d July Notice ol Which was recorded June 21. 1982, u Recorder's Instrument 29, 1982. u Reco<der'a Instrument No. 82·2526112. WILL SELL AT No 82·223993, WILL SELL AT P U BLIC AUCTION TO THE PUBLIC A UCTION TO THE HIGHEST ~IDDER FOR CASH. HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. lawful money ol the United Statn. lawful money or the Unltea Stares or • cashier's check drawn on • or a cashl1<'1 Chectc drawn on ~ state or national bank. • state or 11a11 0< a national bank. a state or federal credit union. 0t • atata Of federal credit union, 0t a state °' ledefal savings and toen uaoclatlon lede<al MYlngt and loan llSIOClatton Oomk:iled in llllt llata. all payable at domlclled In !hit state, au payable at the tome of tale. alt right, title and rl\e time ol &ale, all right, title andl lntetast held by It, aa Truttae. In tnt.,Ht held by It as Trustee tn that real property situate In H id that real property' sltuata In Hid County and State. dHcrlbed ~· County and Stata. described H fOllows. IOllows. ~ Lot 46 ol Tract No 6663, 11 Lot 12 or Trect No. 9552. In the! shown on • map recorded In book City of lrvlne. County ol Orang., 293. pages 1 t to 13. lnclualve ol Stata or CalllOfnl• u lhOwn on a Ml1c1t1anaou1 Mapa, records ol map thereof rlCO<ded In Book 410, Ofange County, CalllOfnla • P a g 1 1 9 t o 1 2 I n c I u s I v e . The atreet addreu or othar Ml1c11tanaou1 Map1. records or common dHlgnatlon ol the raal Hid Orange County. I .) property herelnabove described Is EXCEPTING from a porlion ol purported to be; 1783 Kinglet Mid land all oU, gas, minerals ant11 Court. Costa Mesa. CA. other hydroc.rbon substances tying I The undaralgned hereby below a depth of 500 leet from the dlsclatm1 all llabttlly for eny aurlacie ol Mid land, but without tt~1 lncorrectneu In .. Id atraet addre11 r1ght or tfllry upon 9ny portion of or other common designation Iha aurflC4f above a aepth of 500 Said Hie wltl be mada without feet, to taka. matket, mine, eaplore warrenty, expreu or Implied. or drill lor same as •eeerved In regarding tltta, pouaulon. or deeds from Mervin L. Bose and encumbrances. to aatlaly the Wanda L Bote. u co-trust-ol prlnctpal balance of the Nota or the eo.. Family Trust dated May other obllgallon a.cured by Hid 21, 11178, rec:otded In Book 111162. 0..0 ol Trull. with lnte<Ht and Page 21. and in Book 111162. Page other sums as provided therein; 22. both of Official Recotds. plus advancH. II any. undar the ALSO EXCEPTING !Tom a ponion tarms thereof and tn1ar ... on such of Nici land al Oii, gae. m1nar ... and advances. and ptut 1-. Gn.rgee other h)'drocart>otl aublt-lylng and expan-of the Trustee and of below a Oec>lh of 500 feet rrom tn... Iha trutll cr•led by Mid Deed of turf-of Mid land, but wltflc>ut Ille .Jr..at_ the. Iola! amount ol aaJd r'911t of anlly upoo> any-pof1lon of obhg1toon, onctudlng re11onably the surf-above a depth of 500 estimated lees. charge• and feet. to take. mwkat, mine, explOfe expenses or the Trustee. at the time or drltl ror Hme u reserYed In or int1ial publicallon ot this Notoee. Is deeds from Virginia Atppan Kindel 1121.257.49 recorded Noveft'lbet 16. 1976, In Dated Octot>er 25. 1982 Book 1111411, Page 111111. and Book "EAL ESTATE SECO .. ITIEI 119411, Page 1920. bolh of Official IEIVtCI!, . Reco<dt • Calltornle corporetton, •• The street addre1s or other True... common dHignation of the rut D.J. Moftef, ,,__ Pf°'*'Y heralnabove detctlbed It 20:20 N. Btoedwer. •206 purport9d to be 2 ChOllte. !Nine, Santa Ana. CA 92706 calllornla. (714) 953-6810 The under 110 nad hereby Publtshed Orange Co111 Delly dlaclalma alt ttabtllly for any Pilot. Oct. 28. Nov. 4, 1 t, 1982 lnoo(ractneta In Mid street addr111 475&-82 or olhar common designation. ------------1 Seid Hie wltl be made wilhout Nit.IC NOTICE warranty, uprHs or Implied. ___ IU_l"E_NC>ft--C-OUR--T-Of'---1,.g"•dlng lllle. poasenlon. or CALIF°""1A encun.brancaa. 10 satiety the , COUNTY Of' OftAHOE prtnclpa1 balance ol lhe Note or other obligation aecured by H id In !tie lllattef of !tie ~Deed ol Trull with lnter .. 1 and ~ CU,.Tll For Clian1• of other eums H provided therein; · c-No. A·11Al1 ptua advances. If any. under the ON>E .. TO IHOW CAUH termt thereof and lntlflll on such "°" CHANCM! cw NAME advances. and plua 1-. ct1a1ges HARLEY and FAYE CURTIS and expenMS of the Trustee and ot C Iha INllt cr•ted by said Deed of behalf ot RJ URTIS haa llled Trust Th• total amount ol M id petition In thil court IOf an Ot • allowing applicant 10 change hi obllgallon, tneluding reasonably name trom RJ CURTIS to HARLEY estimated I•••· charge• and CHRIS CURTIS Ill ·~ of the TNstee. at the time It ta herebw orderad the I at ol lnttial publication of this Nollee. II , 162,427 78 persona lnteteatad In the matt Dated: OClob« 111 lll82 afOfnaid appeer befOfe this court .._.__ ... CITY a '._ . in Department No 3 at 700 Civic ----A ... , . .c....,.~ettoft Center Drlva Wall. Santa Ana. ee Trwtee callfornta. on Nowmblt 24. 11182 al 10.30 o'cloctc am., lllld then and "EAL llTATE SICU .. ITIEI there thOw cause. If any tMy ha,,., M..vte:E why H id petition for change of :_c~..._.,. e«poratlort name llhOuid not be granted. .J ll 11 fut1hef 0<der9d that a C09Y of D • • ,,_ !hot Ofder thaw UUM be publilhed 20lt N. .,......,, ·- In Dally Piiot a n1w1papar of a..ta Alie. CA s;":"Ot ~al ctrc;ulatiOn, published In lhla C7~4Jb=-Oren~ coast Dally county at leNI once • week IOf lour contecutlve weeks prlOf 10 the day Piiot. Oct 21. 28. . 4. 1982 of Mid hearing. 4634-82 ---~12. 1"2 Published Orange CoHt Dally ---------~~-Pilot, Oct. 28, Nov. 4. 11, 18. 1982 l'ICTITIOUS 8U8MIS ' 4745-82 N._ STArn.NT .. l'ta.lC NOTICE f'tcTITIOUI 9U ... H NA• ITA'RMINT Tha lollowtng person 11 doing butlneN as: EXECUTIVE SUPPLIES COMPANY. 24331 Donner Cour1. Laguna NlQuel, California 92877 Vlrgtnfa Wong. 2433 1 Donner Courl. Laguna Niguel. Calllornta 112877 Thia butlnela Is condllcted by .,, lndMdual. Virginia Wong This ata1-t WU fllad wllh the County Clar1I ol Otange County on The followlng Plftonl are dOlng bullnetau: WARNER AE LTD .. a 1trn1ted partnership. 938 Ele venth St .. Huntlnglon Beaelt. CA 92M8. NICHOLAS C. AMES , 938 Eleventh St .. Huntington Beach, CA 92648. STEPHEN A. EAICKSOA, 1380 Oxford, No. 8. Clarernonr. CA 91711 Thll bu"'-8 II condueted by a llmlted pannenhlp. Nlcholu C AIMB. a.<l. Part Thia alal-t -tiled with the County Qerll of Ofange County on October 18, 1982 October 11, 1N2 ,1-.z ,,_ PulMl•hed Ofan:r,, Cout Dalty Publlalled Ofaf'Q•..Co•.i Dally ....... OCt 21 28 • 11 111•2 Potot, Oct. 21. 28. Nov. 4, 11, 1N2 .--. • • • . ... • .. 45sa.82 4576-82 P.WLIC NOTICE ..... '1CTrnOU8 ....... ncnnoue .,..... ..... ITATIMINT .,._ ITATW•NT The lollowlng P«90n1 are dOlng The lolloWlng pwsona are doing butlnee8 ea: ~ M: (al SHORELINE POOLS (b~ OX HAR 0 B OULEVARD SHOA£ tHE POOLS AHO SPAS (c CENTER. • 13 COfpor••• Ptau, SHOAILINE SPAS ANO P00\.8 (d Suite 200, Hew port Bueti, SHORELINE SPAS (a) 8"°"ELIN c;;,itfomle t2MO CONSTAUCTIOH (fl 8HOAELINE Sleph•n C. Hopktn1, /I, 13 ENTEAPAISE8. 121 Promontory Corpo,.1e Ptua, Suite 200, Drive WHI. Newport Baactl, HewpOrt leectl, Cllltornla t2MO ca11torn11 tneo o.,,.,, At1ocl11H, "" Niii L . Mayfield . 121 Corporalo "~~. ~.;:.110 200. "O!Wt'I°" Orl\le weet • ....,.._. ............ .... lladt.C.......--Tllll .,.._ • oondUCled by • Thie bu11M1e II conOultOd by 111 ----~---lndMcMI .......,.0......... .... .... ~ Thie ............... wltll lt)e ™' .............. llld Wlltl "'° ~ a.rti .. °""" COUnty Oii County a.II .. Or .... COunly Oii _...., •• .... ... .. r .. , .. ttll ,_ , .. '"~ Oronge Cooll Deity 'ut>ttatlecl Or9n90 eo..1 Oelll Noe. OCt. 14, 11. •• No¥ ~".L PllOI. Oct. 14, 21. 21,.,.,, ~ I \ .. ... wnutt'\i 700 1111ll1on rt•1ddcnu. ' Fort•IAn ..,, pt,•rl11 1ta1d t hl• fluur"~ lndlt>ult• Chmu lti making prourt'l\.'l &n birth <."tmtrol, lllld thut populnuo11 l(rowlh t•urn•ntly he l.4 pt:rc.•cmt n Yl'Or . 'l'ho Btatt-d Obj( (IV<' of Chlnn'B top 14.'<adcr ~nll Xiaoping 1s to n•ach iero population growth. This rcvt>rse111 thl• polky of revolutionary leudor Mtio Tse· tung, who exhorted Chinese to Increase their population becaUS<! he c'Onsldercd people a resource. As a rt.>sull of Mao's directives th e population boomed. outpacing China's ability to produce ,...,, .. ,. f/V\rl nnrl ..,.., .... ;.,~. Xinhuu KUlc:J the> rlgun>H wt•n• humun c lt-uluu•d und wall bt• v~ri fic·cl tJy 4.'ompuu.·r for the flrat tlnw In Chml'l!U hb1tory. But ll llllld rl'llU itAI Wl•rt' l'S\hl'Ull(.od to be ac.oeuratc to within l .~ million. Cen11us offlclals ut11ng i9 computcr&J nHmy lmpor'tl·d from the~ Unltro SU1tt>11 will Spt'nd nt lcrnat two years tabulating o ther Information gathered Ira t ho CC'r\8U8 thut of ficially bt'gan July l. Ht"ad counts rn remote areas began earlier. Th~ gover nment said 6.1 million t>e ns u s takrrs and 11upt•rvl»o,.. wen.• involved, eonlE' tnavclltHl by horse, donkt'y or ~·1.1m I 10 11alated n •glorui of Tltx>t, X1npong anc.J outt•r Mon1iol1a The <."Cl\IUS 11taff wu1 c11tlm4ted 1.1..l l2 times the numbt:r drnftL>d by the Qin dynasty t>mpc'ror 2, 000 yc.·uni ngo, to build tht.> Grcut Wall . Census takers faced special problcms1 Including old J>4.'0plc: who <.-ould not remember <fat.cs. Some gave blrthdatc..>tl of relatlv~ as "the·ycar the house burned," or "the year the pig died." Others did not want to report family d ea ths becau11e they woulcJ lOk' a valuat>t IOOd ruuon tic.•kt.•l Still oth n wanl4.'d to ronc.·1•11 that th<'y had mort' thon on e child bt'<'au1 • 1 h •y would lose flnancrnl bl'ndnw under China'• onc·c:hlld lomlly rt•gulnuon'i Ccru;us (lgur show Shanghai is China 's mo11t populou11 city with 11.859,748 ~>oplc. including more than 5 million su burban dwelh•ra. Peking's popu lation was 9,230,687 and Tianjin's 7, 764.141, in both ca!lt.>s including.., suburbs. Males account for 51.5 perc:e nt of China's populatlon. <::::::>< Where Friendly Service is a F'amil11 Tradition llllyPllll THURSDAY, NOV ~. 1982 r' FOR THE RECORD C6 • • ~·.'Y-l"ngunn Hellch High lllr 11ea ci11g 111 , <•1ul of ,."JJege volleyball car,•er. ~'re C2. Talented -duo . was . cµt o.ff at. the pass Marco Pagnanell i Lakers , Denver in replay DENVER (AP) De nver's painJul 135-134 overtime loss to the Los Angcll-s LakcN sets up a tough S<.'C'nario for the Nuggets tonight. Thl'Y have to try to win on Los Angeles' home floor Thal task was ac·utely on the mind of Coach Doug Moc after his team lost at h om e to the defending National Basketball Asso cia ti on c·hampion s Wednesday night. "No w w e hav e a ver y unenviable task -having to go there.'' he said. "Somehow we have to pick ourselves up, but It will be tou~h." Moe said Wednesday night's game should have been Denver's. "We were playing great and then we ~lowed 1t down. and we can't afford lo do that again this time." DcnVl'r guard Billy McKinney said hc was confident about the trip to Los Angeles "Our guys have a lot of character and we'll be ready. and they bet'ter be ready too." 'Moc said the kev w ill be keeping up the pressure on Los Angclt'S' defense. which he said wa s De n v er's d o wn f a ll Wednl'Sday nigh t "I don't know why w(• started to stand around, but we did, and that le t the m pressure u s defensively and the result was some bad passes and turnovers," said Moe. Los Angeles Coal·h Pat R1lcy said he• was pleas<•d with both teams· offcnS<' "Our games he re art• a lways high-scoring . but I JUSl don't know why they always have to be one-pmnters." he said "I'm glad we're headC'd in thc right dirt.'l'llon no~ .. Denver's W>ss was ulttmatc ly cauS<.'d by Laker rookie Ja mes Worthy. who lipped in a shot with four seconds remaining in the overtime period Wonhy.'-'W'h&'~m:I 22" potms; was positioned perfectly under the basket after•Karccm Abdul- Jabbar misfired on a short hook s hot. Dan Issel's las t-second dL>Spcratlon shot from the corner failed to pull out the win for the Nuggets. Los Angeles trailed Denver 134-129 after the Nuggets' K.Jkl Vandeweghe SCC?'"ed with 1:29 to go In the ove rtime period. DODCERS MAKE GA R VEY OFFER • LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los Angeles first baaema n Steve Garvey has received an offer that would make him one of the highest paid players In bueball, the Dodgers aald In a nat..emen\ l•ued Wednetday night. "Our offer lo S teve would make him on an annual balia ane ot the lOf 10-pald playera ln baaeball.' Dodgers Presidenl Peter O'Malley was quoted aa saylnc In the statemen&. "In addJUOn, we haw made Steve·an otfeir that would enable him to continue with the Ood1u1' or~tJon for 10 yean1 on a apeet.I con1ultant basis al a aubitan\lal nte of pay followt".'8 him ~ carMr.'' ·. -It was a roug h _ da y for Pag nanelli, Margerum ... By CURT SEEDEN Of ~ Oallr Pllol 8t1H Both Ma rco Pagnnncllt and Kev in Margerum knew this would be their last season of collegiate football, but nctther of the former area stars figured they'd be> on the sidelines for the final four wet•ks. It certainly was n 't by d esign that Pagnanetli. the former Huntington &•uch High quarter~ack. a nd Margerum, a Four\tain V:tlley product, sufforC'd S<'ason- ending injuries on the same day a <.'Ouple of weeks ago. Ironically. Pagnanelli's <.'Ollegiale earner came to an end after he had just thrown a pass against The Citadel CX·t. 23, whill• MargNum's injury <X'Curred mom(•nts aft<.•r he had caught a pass agains t Eas tl•rn Washington. Thr prognosis: Navy had lost 1Ls re<:ord-breaking quarterback to a broken leg. w hile Northern .Arizona had lost an oulStanding scholar-athle te lo three brokt>n nbs. At the time of his injury, Pagnanclli was rankl'<.l :.ilhh in the ('OUntry 1n passing cfCtcit'ncy and was closing m on scwrn~ N;:1vy r<.'l'Ords. Pagnanclli e nded his car<.'f.'r with Navy wtth l 7H c:umplet1ons (309 attempts) for 2.- 143 yards. Q\OVtnR him into the No. 7 slot on the ull-timc Midshipmen passing ltst. Hl• finished ninth in Navy cart-er LOI.al offenli(.' wuh 2,593 yards. The! injur~ st.alls what was a rathc·r difficult dimb ror the former Huntington Beach High star. Wh<•n he was with th e O i l e r s . Pugnanelll was a member of a team wh1c:h finish<.-d with a 1-9 record in 1978 and thl! victory was by way of forfeit. lk tried to make it as a QB at Golcfon Wl'st College. only to injure his kn<•e m thl' Rustlers' scrimmage with Citrus. S urgery follow<•d. • , Undaunted , Pagnanelli kept trying and. in fact, was recruit<.'<! by the Naval Ac·ademy. When. li~t to Annapolis. he found himself in the ®plhs of the depth chart. In short, he was the Middies' sixth· 11tr1ng junior vursity 4u1,u·wroock: Yl•l, prior I<> his mjury. he had alrL>ac.Jy brukt.•n thl! Middies' single -game pass compll'lton perct'ntagc record held by Roger St.aubach , whu, of l'OUrse, wen t 011 to play for the Dallas Cowboys and n6w pt.>ddlrs antucid tablNs on tekvision. That r ecord. incid e ntally . was established wht:n Pagnanclli .hit 15 of 17 passc•s aguinst . Duk<.• Oct. 2 for an .88~ JX'l'l'l•ntage Margcrum. meanwhile. fmtsh<•d ht~ c:oll<•g1ate care<'r wilh 59 r(.'(.'Cplions for 854 yards and s ix TDs wnh Northern Anzona This season, Margerum had bee n on the receiving end of 17 passes for 284 yards a nd a TD b<.'fore being injun'Cl in th(• third quarter of a 14-7 defeat to Eas t<'rn Washington. It's the sccon<.l time . Margerum has suffton.•d broken ribs. As a sophomore, he fractured four ribs in a game at Cal Stat<' Fullerton. - Margen..iJll is a pas t rccjpient of the <See TALENTED, Pa~e C6) Kevin Marger um Angels off er, Go-ah ead goal Newport Harbor's Grana ~tanley fourlh quarte r of match won by C6. Oellr Piiot "'4>to br ltlclletd kMfllet • Jmls ailors in front, 6-5, in ewporl, 7-6. See story, Page . ' Seattle balks -Bannister d eal h as a hitch By JOHN SEV ANO Of the Dally Pilot SteH It's a shame the Angels and Los Angeles Dodgers couldn't combine their e fforts in an atte mpt lo get left-h a nded pitcher Floyd Banniste r from the Seattle Mariners. With the Dod~rs. in which negotiations broke down late Tuesday night, the problem was money. Banniste~s agent, Tom Reich. wanted a contract in the neighborhood of $3.5 million for five years for his elient. T h e tight -fisted Dodger organjzation, balked. however. n ot «.r.antlng to disrupt their salary structure with Steve Garvey filing for Cree agency and Fernando Valenzuela and Pedro Guerrero eligible for. arbitration. On the othe r h a nd . the Dodgers had little d1fftculty in <.'Omtng to an agreement with the Matiners. who agreed to take minor league ou1f1e lde r Ma rk Bradley and pitchers Alejandro Pena and Steve Shirley as compensation. It 's t h e Marin e r s ' compe nsation . thoug h . t hat appears to be the Ange ls' stumbling block. Ange ls G e ne r a l Ma nager Bu7.7.I(' Buvas1 said W<>dnesda~ tha t the two sides "just couldn l agree" on any kind of a package, although diSCUS;SIOns were still taking plat'<'. "W e don't see m to have the playcrs they want," said Bavasi. T he Manners. acl·ording to Bavasi. arc seeking a pitcher. a FLOYD aANfflSTElt aUZZIE aAVASI young outfielde r and a young infielder tn e xc hangl' for the ri8 ht to m>got1alt• with &nmst.er (I:! I :i. :1 -1:1 EHA tn '82) w ho fl ~U rl'!t l o bl• a frt•t• age nt S11 1u1 d,1 ~· 1( no agn •c•mc nt ls r<·Jt hl<I .,. "As for as I'm c.'Onccrncd, we're out of 11," said Bava!'t. "We made a Vl•r\.-fair off<·r. a bettcr offer th:>n th<• Dodgers made. but they ke<•p ('Ommg ba<'k to the same pl;,yl'n. und we ('an't give them." The Angels huve reportedly offered a pal·kage that tncludl'$ outfit'ldt'r Bobby Ciak. infielder Rob Wtlfong or Gary Pe ttis and either pitchers Mike Witt, Angel Mo r(•no o r any combinat ion thl'r(.'Of. The Mariners. however. are asking the Angels to inl'lude minor league prospect Dick Schoftt'ld Jr .. son or the former m a jo r le a g u e r . a m o ng t h e <'andadatcs. "Every body w ants him.'' said Bavas1 of Schofield. "and we're not about to let him go." The cas e of the missing CdM marks Schofield. signed in the June draft or 1981 out of Griffin Hjgh in Springfield. lll .. started the 1982 season at Danvtlle. a single A affthate of the Angels. He was moved to Redwood (another single A club) midway through the campaign be fore fi n ishing the last two weeks or the season al.-Spok~ne..(AAA.-1-~~~~ Holy gridiron, Batman! A closer look sh ows it wasn 't a record to begin with You know the old saying -do it until you get it right -or at least keep trying if somebody is ..behind you, nipping_ al your heels. Lance Martin of Corona del Mar High rambled for 206 yards on 27 carries against Irvine recently, which was a school record for yardage. at'l'Ording to his coach , Dick Morris, snapping the previous "record'' of 186 yards b1 Bill Bright. Bright's yardage wasn't the previous record, it was discovered. somebody forgot about· Bob FerrAro's 205 yards against Newport Harbor in 1971. OK. so the previous record was 205 yards in that 1971 opener, a 7-0 CdM victory. Rig ht? Nope. A phone call from Ferraro clai{.l\S the official yardage was 208 yards. "The Pilot had me for 20~ yards and the Times had me for 202 yards,'' sa)'I Ferraro. "But the Rdglster had l'n(' for 208'Yards and I ha'le thc pme mm. and It's definitely 208 yards.•· Holy mackerel. Ewn if he didn't have the film, I'm sure not going to argue with thll ex·fullback. But, he added that ""'Ybe hll yard• waar\'t really the record, anyway. juat maybe it Wat Tom Wettgate In 1066 or Orear George In t96&. PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON GJDOtNGS SAYS he used to bet on Silky Sullivan. but this type or course •-~~~~~~~--.i·ll>U.-•trC4llly...paying.~nC~C~~~--.,-.~ Valencia for 185 yards as the Sea Kings posted 26·6 and 21-7 victories. Westgate> carried 24 times for an. average of 9.3 yards per carry and scored all 14 of CdM's fourth-quarter poinls after tralJing. 18-12. His two-poin t run was th<' on ly conversion points of the night for either team. Case closed (I think). • • • WHEN STANFORD gave away a quick touchdown to the University of Was hlnatoo the other day my first thought waa the Cardinals would probably win the game -they're that kind of team. Gave 'cm an early lead and they'd probably fold. But Ex-F.dfson High a nd Mater Del star Mike Dotterer led Stanford to a 43-3 l upeet over the No. 1 rated Hu1klt!ft. Newport Harbor's Sailors may be in the same vein -It least their last two starts certa1nly tend to give you lhf' rome-from·betllnd look. Irvin<' jumped to a l4-0 lead and he ld on to upset the Sailors. 24-21. Estancia was up. 17 ·O. then fell to the Sailors' catchup tactws. 45-17. Then unbeaten Saddlcback got a 21-0 lead and hung on to post a 21 -20 decision. dropping the Sailors to 3-2 In the Sea View League. Gid~ings. although the Sailors appear to be a year away Crom really exploding. has nevertheless ignited the scene at Newport Harbor after a ,4-16 record the previous two years. He says a b ig key to the Sailors' success on d attitude l ies bt'hind 225-pound senior Dave Cadigan, a prospect who appeared to be 106t ror thl' season after suffe ring a severe knee injury against El Toro. But Cadigan has regained emplo)'lnent in the Sailors' line and will start against Costa Mesa Friday night. "He only missed three games and It was with an tnJury that would have knocked a lot of people out of the season," says Giddings. "It took a lot for him to come back and he had 14 key blocks agalmll Saddleback in a 11ltuatJon wh•~ they had a defonsive e nd we dldn '\ think could be bl<>f:ked. But ht! did a JOb.'' .. ys Glddif\18. S c hofield . primarily a shortstop. just {inished'playing rn lht• Arizona lnstruclional League where he batted .467 in 29 games. &vasl said Wedncsdny that he had alrcat1y talked to Reich and lhat the financial end of the agreement wouldn't be any problt'm Now 1f the Angels l'OUld only i.1_1t11tly lh<• Mor11wr-. As for Don &ylor. he was u1~ of four Amencan League players t o ftl e for free age n c y Wl'dnt·sdov. The Angels. and Baylor's agent Jerry Kapst.eln . ha-u had trouble mt.'t•ting this week because Kapttctn'\ top priority is trying lo work o ut a contract for anolher client the Dodgers' Onrvt>y. &vus1 mud Baylor intends to lt.'SI thl' frN' ogcht mitrkt'l The Angl'ls will rl'laln negotiatlna r11hta by dr1flln1 him. SO, A PILGRIMAGE to the c41tarombs of this lnsltlUtlon Wal madl' In ordC'r to pc'<'r ul mkror1lrfl. Tht.'rl' 1t was. In blurry black and white. 224 yard11 for Wl'ltgall' In thc l!Hi6 victory (26-lff) over C011ta MCN. Among his <.'Irr!~ wu an ad~yard touchdown run Mike Giddings. the Sailors' coach, tells It best: "In tht> laat thre. pines we've been down by 1 combined lt'Ore of ~2-0," txph,jns the Sallon' coach. "Then we OUtl<'ored people, 88·10, but \ht nf • l'ftUh II one win. two lolitt. Brett wants lif e iime pact Oeorp, 1 conver\ed lineman. ran fOt 206 yar'dl eplrwt Padfke ln l•. and canw bKk tM followi"fl wMk .. 1lntt • "Nobody can put• llftll"r on It. we just IH'm to be a bltdt·to-lfie.wall Marn - and thtlt'1 w~~ we art' now .. KANSAS CITY tAP) - Bubby Bren. brother and bualnftl aclviwr of ~ Brt-u. hM conflniwd shat th~ all·1tar third bueimn haa demanded • . ~:· I I Players considering jumping to US.FL From AP.dlspalches NEW YORK S t rik i ng • National Football League players arC' •II• talking about jumping en mtissc to the United States Football League. . And Chet Simmons, commissioner or the USFL. is beginning to wonder if t))e NFL is thinking about jumping on the. fledgling league. The NFL Management ~uncil 1s propoSing, in the negotiations to end a 45-day-old players' strike, a series of provisions which would, in e CCec.-t.. panahu the new league and uny players who might head Its way. A numbe r of pJa,yer represe ntat ives at the negotiation si t e visited Simmons' midtown office a few blocks away, and said if they became free agents llMMOHI through voided contracts, large <:hunks of NFL rosters could jump to the USFL, whit:h opens its first season next March.· "If contn1cts were voided and we were faced with l.500 free agents, that would be a bonanza that we never counted on," Simmons said later. ''But if the}' .. wanted to move a team in toto, that's a poSSib1lfiy I had never thought about before today." Don Hasselback, player rep for the New England Patriots, also mentioned that the union will give to the USFL a list of 352 names of NFL players due to become free agents on Feb. l. And Ed Garvey. executive director of the union, said NFL playe rs could legally sign "futures" contracts with USFL teams, as Larry Csonka and Paul Warfield did in the 1970s with the now. defunct World Football League. Among the proposals reportedly being made by the NFL Management Council. the owners' bargaining unit, in this current round of negot1at1ons: -Moving the NFL college draft from late April to Feb. I. about the same lime q1e USFL plans to c..-onducl its draft. -Adding mid-round draft choices for tt\i: poorer teams in each year's draft a bottom-of- the-ladder t~am might get an extra selection in thl' sixth or seventh rounds, for example, rcdudng thl' available pool of talent. --A yl'ar's severance-pay penalty for any player' who leaves thl' NFL for another league and thl'n returns in a subsequent year. Quote of the day Larry Brown, coach of the New Jersey Nets, joking about why the team. selected - Princeton University for its training camp: "We decided to work out here because Darryl Dawkins had never been to a four- year accredited 9Chool." Smith 1et1 record In Clipper 1011 MOIC'I M1lon1• l'4 Ill 1·d :w JN lllllH m 111111 pulh•cl .tuwn l 7 1 l'l111u1uh1 u• Phlladt•l11hau luamlt•d 811n Dlt•l{o 11 l:ltl 111 O"+'I Wt•tll\t~ttoy 111uht 'rlw ChpfX·t • R11dy Smtih, who N 1111"1 I I po11l111, Wiii• hunon'<I lx•fon • tht• KUOW fo1 M•llltlJl 11 1ww lt·.1.iut• 141.'0rd l> 1>l11y1nu in h1 H tJ.l~th nmStot uuvt• l(unw. 11u1 pu~lnl( tht• murk ••N IJy Johnny Kerr (111111 CA·t. :H, HIM throuKh Nov 4, llHlr> Sam Wllllanu dropp<·cJ two frt't• th1ow11 With \WO l'(~llldS n·111u1rnn)( Uli t:oldt•n St1111., which r11llu .... J la-0111 11 14 ·polnt fourth.quortt•I' dt•flclt, t:flllW from bt•hlnd tu nip Nr w · York, lJU -97 Uuvtd . Thol\'tpson.'v 28-foot thn!t.'· f)(>lnt jump shot ut lhl' huz1.(•r If t 1• d St• U 1 l It• p 0 s t S II n Antonio, 109-107' . . blab IMITH Tbomu und Kelly Trlpucka scorl·d 28 poan'\g c..•och us Detroit df'foatcd Chat:ago, 152· l·H for the Pistons' Courlh stralghl victory . Guard Kelvin Ranaey's two free throws wilh HI S<'<.'Onds lt•Ct h(•Jpc.>d hft Dallas to a 102-10 l triumph over Houston Frank Johnson nl.'ltud 24 point.-, to lead Washington to a IM-85 dc..'<.·ision ovc..•r Nl'w Jl'l"Sl'Y . . La rry Bird S('Orud 10 or has wam-h1gh 23 points in thl' third period as Boston rolled OVl'r Indiana, ll l-104. Llnseman rgnltes Edmonton attack Ken Llnseman scored two goals Iii and Wayne Gretzky ta llic.'<i once and ' set up another as Edmonton whipped Winnipeg, 7-2, Wednesday night in a National Hockey League game. Ltnseman's first goal broke a 2-2 tie in the second period and his se<.-ond, just 13 seconds into the third period, provided the spark for the Oiler~ in the final period . . Denis Potvln's third period power-play goal lifted the New York Islanders into a 3-J. tie with Detroit . . . Rick Paterson drilled a 30-footer from behind the right faceoff circle in the final period to. enable Chicago to tie Washington. 3-3. the Black Hawks' fourth straight deadlock . . . Center Tom Ftrgus rifled a 30-foot slapshol past goalie Jacques Cloutier at 5:22 of the third period to give Boston a 3-2 win in Buffalo. · Walton suffer!r·another Injury Center Bill Walton of the San Diego Clappers. s idelined since 1980 with a painful fool tnJury. frat:tured •• his c hee kbone during his first regular-season appcaranl'C in the NBA in more than two years, a spokt>sman !or the club said Wednesday. The 6-11 c..'Cnler was injured Friday in the third quarter of the Clappers' opener with Phoenix, but team offl<:iaJs were optimistic that Walton, 30, would be able to play later this week, pendinJ an l'Xamin{ltion o r the injury by Walton's physician Ray L. Fisher, the ,oldest Jiving alumnus of both thl' New York .. Yankees and Cincinnati Reds, died Wednesday at the age of 95 Cal.<:her Rick Cerone, Wh<>S(' playing time has been limited the past two seasons because of injuries, signed a multi-year contract with the New York Yankees Wednesday. " Television, radio TV: No events acheduled. RADIO: Basketball -Denver at Lakers. 7:20 p.m .• KLAC (570). Morrison happy with Kings INGLEWOOD (AP) -When Dave Mornsbn was called up by the Los Angeles Kings from their New Haven Cann club earlier this week, he wasn't certain he would be seeing much action . Then, he was told something that changed 1 all that, he'd be a winger on center Marce·I Dionne's line. .. When I found out I'd be with Marcel's line, I knew I'd get to play," said Morrison after scoring his first Natjonal Hockey League goal .,during the Kings' 6-2 victory over Toronto Wednesday night ... I was prepared tonight. ··Getting my first National Hockey League goal was very exciting. I was on cloud nine." Morrison S<.'Ored at 1 :21 of the second period to give the Kings a 3-1 lead. 'l'he goal trigg~d a four-goal Los Ang~les outlS'Urst an a span of less than seven minutes that blew the game open. Morrison. 20, was called up to replace Dave Taylor on the Los Angeles roster. Taylor suffered a broken wrist last Friday night and will be sidelined indefinitely. College football ••TUftO•Y'• GAMe• Colo<ado et Mluourl Cahl0tnl1 ... use II LA ColiMUm (1.30 "C*lahome St 11 Nebtelkl 0·!".,1,I Biii St. e1 Bowling Gr..-i uo..LA et WUhlngton (Chlnnel 2 11 12 50 Wlchill St. at Drake p.m.) Kent St .• , EMtem Mldllg«I Arizona at S1antord C....tral Michlgen II Miami, 0 Pacific 111. Long Beech St. 11 Anaheim western Michigan el TOiedo Stadium (7:30 p.m.) Nof1hlm l"inOll a1 Ohio U. Senta Clara tt San JoM SI , n 9CMlttl Cal Stal• Fullerlon ti Freeno SI lSd •I Al•bema San Diego St. 11 Hew1ll, n Rutgers at Aub\Kn --~~-em.11~~SlO),n ~ Wuhlngton St. II Oregon Wak• For .. t 11 Duke Montana al Portland SL, n a-gla II FIO!'ldl Cal Lutntren et St. Mary'1 Virginie al Georgl• Tech Wlltlll« II LaVeme VtoeMrblll •• Kenluelly Occldentel el Aldlendt. n lndl1111t St. at Loulavllte Cal Poly !Pomona) et N0tlhrklge St., n Miami. Fla. el M.,yltncl UC OrM et H1yw11d SI Tulline et Mlaelsatpfll, n cn1co St. et Humboldt St .. n FIOrlda St. et South Cerollna Sen FrancltcO St. al Stcramento SI., n MemPflil St. ti TennetMt llodllM Menhtll et VMI Oregon St. •I Arizona SI., n Brown II Wiiiiam • Mety Wyoming et BYU Buclcnell el o.vlclton Nevtde-1-Vega ti Colorado SI JamM Medleon et FUrmtn ldllhO et Idaho St. n McH11M SL 11 Loulelena Tech, n Northern Arlzona ti Monlane St Nidlolll St. et NW L..oultlana. n Nof1tl TU# St. at Hew Mexico SI Southern et SE l.Oulllant. n UU1h St ti UfWI NE LoulelMa at SW LOl.IWena. n .. I was playing well at New Hav<'n but l wasn't cashing m on a lot or chances," said Morrison, who had three goals and three assists m 11 games at New Haven this y<'ar. "l'm very happy to get thl' opportunity to play for the Kmgs ... Los Angeles got goals from Daryl Evans and Jimmy Fox in th<' first penod. Toronto cut the dt'f1c1t to 2-1 al l :03 of the second pcnod when Billy Harris Cirt'<i in an una~s1stcd goal Morrison's goal cam<' JUSl 18 St'<.'Onds later. JOHNSON &SON presents .. COLLIGI ~ed•Aeno 11 Wet>tr St . n Appetechlan St ti T1nne111t-..,... ... , Chattenooga. n Artl-It 8eytor EMttrn Ktnludcy ti T-TICh t<anN1 St. et Otllehomt The Cltaclll et W•tern CarollM SMU tt Aloe ._. HoUlton ti T•UI North C•ollnt St. at Penn St Tex• Jectl el TCU Notti 0-11 Pitt w ... l"uae 81. tt Tulle, n Na¥Y at SyrMWe ....,.._St .. ~. n Mr "°'ce •I Ntf!ll( fall C.°*'41 et TtQl-Artnoton, n BoMon College 11 MMMChuNt11 N9w Mexico et T,_B Peso, n Bolton u. • ~tcut ....... COfnell et Y• Mldllgen M lllll'Oll (Cfl4nnel 7 ti 9;26 • m.) uf~ et Pr~on Noltha•lllc n et MICflldllin St Colgate et PeM Mlnfltl04• at Olllo St ~ aJ HOiy CrOM Iowa .. Purdue COiumbia .. Oltrtt'noulfl lfldlellt M Wltco!ltln M.,_ et New H e .. io...__._ ..... ~teat-~~ ... ~ ....... --..... __ --~---·~--=Lel~-~llgll:;.;.;:et;.;.;.;Ah~IOdt;;;,,~;.;;...------................ .............. So. Calif. over California * ' UQ.A over Wo1hin9ton * IYU over Wyoming * ,.., over Netre Dame * 0..9ia .,,., ' ~oaching . next I ' for Chalmers? By llOWAJlO L. HANDY Of Ille Dttl~ PllOI Iliff Commy Cholm1•n1 hn!I It'd lilt' good liflo IHI o ryi.ult of hr r vollt>yball proW('SS. But shl• says enough Is enough and 4ift1.•r tih c..' l'Oncluc.J(•s th< current s1,,•ason with the UCLA Bruins, Hht.• will look tu c·ouchlng rather than ptuylng 011 he.r future in the sport. "I'm not intl'rl'stcd In trying for the national team and devol&n' that much time t o practke,' Chalmers says on the eve of the UC LA natio nal mv11.Hl1onal tournament "There are just too many other things on my mind," the blonde graduate of Laguna Beach High says. "I don't want to devote my life to volleyball'but I do want to stay in the sport. "l 'M HOPING I t an bc..'COme an assistant coach under Bill Ashen at Laguna an the future . I'vci talked with ham and hopefully we can work something out. ''My major a t UCLA is history and I would like to teach and coach voHeyball. I've talkc..'CI with Bill and he hasn't turned me down. l hope to return to Laguna Beach after I finish .. here at UCLA in another year." The Bruins got off to a slow start this scaJ1on , partially because o r inexperience and partially because of lnjuri<.>s. Chalmt•rs and Mission Viejo's Jeanne Bcauprcy arc the only seniors on the team. Both were MVP"s-ot their respective leagues in high school and have played together for four years. "Jeanne is probably the best athle te around in volleyball," Chalmers says in praise of her teammate . "She's got a great attitude and is a real team leader. She was out for Cwo weeks when she was sick and that really hurt us." £eauprey play(.'(! basketball as a freshman but has concentrated her efforts on voll eyball since that time. She has turned down a chance to try out for the national team and. is a sociology major at UCLA. C HALMERS HA S been a starter for three years for the Bruins as a middle blocker. She was· also' injured early In the season. "l was late coming in because --of a sprained knee but it's all right now," she says. . "The team this year is lacking Cammy Chalme r in e xperience on the college level and in playing together. We have some freshmen fiUing in for the seniors who graduated but I think w e have improved more than any other team I have ever played for -or for that matter, any team in the NCAA this year. "This weekend will be our big chance to prove how much we have improved. I think we're going to do much better at the end or the season than we have before this time." .!f'HE BRUINS are currently in fifth place in the WCAA but could improve their chances of an NCAA playoff berth with a good showing in the two-day tournament that ~gins. Friday. The nation's top 12 teams and 17 of t~e top 20 are competing. ''Last weekend we went five games with Ha"(aH before losing and they're ranked No. 1. We we nt ftrur games with N<L-2 ranked San Diego State and l feel we can do well, if not beat both of them now." Chalmers adds .• "Everyone is pretty equal right now and there is no dominant team. The one that improves the l1'I06t will take it and right now. it looks like it could be us." Volleyball # play lures area stars It Wiii IM.• ltkt· old homl' wc-t•k for u nurnlx·r 11( pluyn s from tht• c..'OU11t urf•f1 wh,•n ttw nation's tof,> women'" volleyball teams gN togt'ltwr In the 24-team UCLA national lnvlt:ilional toumam •nt Frldny and Saturday. i'hc..> tournament will foa'turc thl• top I~ women's wams In th<· NCAA und 17 of tho top 20 with sessions at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. both davs. The 24 teams will be divtdl'(.I anl11 four pools and the lop two wams in e>ach pool will adv:.im·1• to the• quarterfinals. There are 34 coast area players competing on 14 of the 24 teams involved. There are 36 games Friday with starling times at 9, 10:30, and noon for the morning session and 6, 7:30 and 9 for tnf oight S('SSion . On Saturday, morning matches are at 9, 10:30. noon and l:~O to conclude pool play. Quarterfinals are al 3:15, semifinals are at 6 with third place declded at 7: 15 and the championship match at 8. Here'• a 1181 ot area playera In the tourney: PEPPl!lllDINI! -Shel Hutchins, Laguna Beech, 5·8, treahm1n; Sue Dawson, Laguna Beech, 5-7, 1ophomore: Ctthy Hou11on, Newport Beech, 5· 11, sophomore; Julie SchHr, Laguna Niguel. 8-0, senior Kim h k1c1. Lagun1 Hiiia, 5·9, junior; Ranee Huttmln. San Clemenle, 5·6, tunlor. CAL l"Ol. Y (aAN LUia ~) -Cnr11 L1w1on. L1gun1 Beach, 5·7. 1ophomore: Wendy HQOOer. CO.II Mesa, 6-2, Mnlo<, T1n1 T1ytor. l1gun1 B11ch. 5-8. Hnlor: Lynn Kenle<. Yg\.lnl Belctl, 5-9, lrnhmen; Dede Boclnlf. Mii.ion Viejo. M . Ir~. aTANl'OllD -Kim Oden. lr111ne. 6·2, lrHhman, u .. Murphy. Ug\Jna Beaeh. 5-10, aopnomore. Oeidra OYortlc. L.agun1 Beith. 5·8, IOphornore: Terri B1)'$0'1, £1 Toro, 5-4, lrHhmen UIC -Lill Nledrlngh1u1, Newpon Beach (Mlllr Del), 5•7, lrHhmen, Lori Urenlch, Miier Del, 5-11. aenlor. Trtcy Ct1rk. El T0to. 5· 11, lr11hm1n. lHlll Oevereau11. El Toro. 6-1. lr11hm1n CAL aTATE FULLEllTON -Cynt hia Syphord. Newport Beech, 5-7, toph0mor1. Linda Coegget. Coron• d61 M1r, 5-11. senior, Krlttl Stoll••. 01111a Point. 5·7, lrHhman. UCLA -Cammy Ch1lmer1, Laguna Beach, 5· 10, Mnlor. Jeanne Beauprey, Mltllon Viejo. 6-0, aenlor SAN DIEOO aTATli -01n1ette Devereaux. El T0to, 6-0, aophomore, Angela Rock. El Toro. 5.9, tophomor• CALIFOllNIA -Sue B1lln1. Newport Beech. 5-7, sophomore. Shelly Sutherlend, Laguna Beach, 5-10, IQPhomor1 HAWAM -Mercie Wuna. Coton• det Mlf. 5-7. jUnlor. AlllZONA IT A Tl! -Suzy Boggess. Irvine. 6-0. aoptiomore. UC a ANTA 8All8AftA -Mery Allison, Newpor1 Beech. 5-8 tophomor• TUA8 .UM -Sue Wetzel. L-ouna Beac:n, s. 10. ltr'rlOf •YU -Tami Strlkovocn. Fountain Valley, 5-11, IOphOn\Ort AlllZONA -Gall Grabowsky M1u 1on V18j0, 5-9, aophomore Have you· s~en your new T.V. Log ----· ~ every Friday in .. the f:?aily Pilot I . -... 01111101 Con11 DAil v f'll 0 r II hursd.ly Nov rnhm •. 1'182 .. These are the kinds of Fellows who have made McDonnell DOuglas what ~t is today. · And we want the 'world to khow it. l I ! • ' . ' • • j . I i • • I • • . i ' I • • • • ! i I l I : I I ! I To be a world leader in advanced technology, McOon.nell Douglas'Corporation . i needs people who are themselves world leaders in-engineeri~g and research. i We've long been committed to search out and develop men and women i with such leadership potential and to proyide laboratories and facilities to fulfill l _ that potential. -.. i That's .... one of the.ways we 've become the company we are today. I Now, to recognize some of our top achievers and encourage continued i growth, we 're starting an Engineering and Research Fellow Program. It provides 1 recipients with new opportunities to advanc:e and remain creative without requirfng them to leave the fields in which they do their most productive work. f The following are the first McDonnell Douglas Engineering and Research ~ Fellows. They represent in the world of technology what the Albin Pofasek {\ sculpture shown at left expresses in art. • Dr. Tuncer Ceb eci has earned distinction in computational fluid mechanics r!1 and theoretical aerodynamics. His work is leading to better understan~ing of .. airflow phenomena and improved aircraft performance. ·~ . . I Dr. William K. Douglas is recognized for his contributions to flight medicine ·~ and acceleration physiology. I-tis perceptions and interpretations of the space environment are of continuing significance t~he advancement o(,rrtan 's role ~2 •I in space. Dr. James I. Gimlett is a pioneer in optical and electro-optical system technology, showing the way to new reconnaissance, signal processing and sensing systems. • John Ma ckey is an expert in the field of human interactions with technology. He has applied computer science to visual image generation, making new simulation and training systems possible. 4 i I .I IV Dr. Daniel L. Rosamond is an authority in the theory of orbital mechanics and its application to spacecraft and missile guidance. His understanding o_f fli ht d namics and control is leading to new guidance concepts. . . ~ D.r. Robert J. Sunderland specializes in surf ace phenomena, applying practical basic research to adhesive bondjng, corrosion c9ntrol and erosion resistance aircraft and electronics materials and processe·s. , Dr. Rainer Zulee~ has applied new ideas to the development of gallium arsenide microcircu1try leading to important advancements in solid-state electronic systems. · .. "Man carving out his destiny " ' . •• .... .. -.~r ' (•.a Orung Conti DAILY PILOT IThurtdly, Novernbof ~. 1 82 Nowotny's 95-yarder topp·ed. a _ big play _w.eek Big µluys m prt·p footbnll wcrc d1nw ~ duwn la~t wt~k with IO of :'>O yuru1 or mort\ lopix'<i by Ed1-.cm l l1gh's Jon Nowotny's 95 yurd dush O tht•r long dista nce.> plays indu dt>d Uanny Th om pson's 9 I ·yard tout•hdown scamper, which highllghtt>d Huntington Beach's 48·2ti vktory ov(.'r Ot't'un V1(.'W Marina High quarterback Bill Marll•r had an 87-yard scoring run in the Vikings' 27-21 victory ovt•r Westminster. Among the 50-yarde-or-better cfforl'l was Eric Kurm an's 51 -y~rtf Clelq gout for Morino. The big phay1 ~5 Jon Nowotny (Edison). TD run 91-Danny Thom pson (Huntington Beach), T D r un 87-Bi ll Marler (Munna). TD run 68-Lance Martin (Corona del Mar), TD run 64-Darin Da niels (Wood b ridge), k icko ff return 63-Todd Cage (Saddleback), TD pass from Rod Pesuk PERSON AL PROFILE 120 IOenl!ly yout v~ 10 .,.,.._ or • relellCW>thlpl -.-c-...ro ...... , •• H••OOtt B•acl\ , • .PettQ.tmaa Sy•t•m• 1n1e1nat1onal Cerlltled 8ella•lor, 8 111lne11, c..-. .....-....--c-C--t Groue>I PlB.IC NOTICE ·~\. ~--~~ """ - ALIACORE TUNA (whole tuna hsh)' 7 lbs. or more 11.00 LB. Boat Karen Jan at 31 St. nr Cannery RHlauran t N.B. Dally 11:00 1111 darll. 545-1713 evH . NlllC NOTICE NOTICE Of' TRUSTEE'S SALE CPP 2t151 PURSUANT TO NOTICE OF TIIUSTHS' SALE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, November 24, 1982 at I t:OO am CONDITIONS AND M STRICTIONS F I R S T A M E R I C A N T I T L E INSURAN CE COM PANY, e YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER Calll0trne eorporetaon. as Trullee. THAT CERTAIN OECLARATION OF Of iwcc:essor Truslee 0< SubStitute<I COVENANTS. CONDITIONS ANO Tru11ae. of lhal certain Deed of RESTRICTIONS OATEO JANUARY TruSI u eculed tty Fatemeh M. 26. t972, OF THE BAYSHORES ABDI. an unmarried women. and HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION recOfdod Seplember 11, 1979 as UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO Instrument No 9455. In Book 13304, PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT P1ge t966. Olllc11I Records of MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE Or1nge County. Callforn11 and IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION purw1nt to th•I C8'1aln Nolle• of 0 F T H E NA T U RE 0 F. T HE O.f1ult the<eunder recorded July PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU t3 1982 u 1n lnslrumenl No SHOULO CONTACT A LAWYER 82·240208. In Book or Ofhclal On Wednesday. November 17, Rec0<ds ol said County Wiii undet 19112 a1 tO 00 a m or as soon 1nd pur ... ant to »Id Oeed of Trust therealt" u may be rHsonable, at Hll 11 pubtrc auction fOf cash. lawluf tile front steps of Iha IMPERIAL money o f the United S1a1es of BANK BUILDING, 6115 Town c.n1w Am8'ICll, a castue«s checi< payable Orlve. In the Clly of Colla Mesa. 10 &aid Truatee drawn on a Sl~te Of County o l Orange. St ate of n111ona1 bank, a 1111e or fedftal Calofornle, tile BAYSHORES credll union, 0< a state O< fede<al COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (lhe Uvongs and loan asaoc1a11on "Assoc1at1on"), lhrough Its duly domlclled In this stale, al the main appo<ntecl agent end attorney, LEE entrance lo First Ame11can Tolle H DURST, whose atreet addreu Insurance Company 1oc.ted at 114 and telephone number Is shown East Filth Street. tn the cily or Sanla below. WILL SELL A T PUBLIC Ana. CaUl0<ni8, all that right, lttle AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST and mtereSI conveyed lo and now BIDDER FOR CASH (payable 11 held by U und9' saod Deed of Trust ume of sale In lawful money of the in 1he properl y situated 1n sal Un11ec: States) pursuant to the Coun1y and Stale described as. power ot sale confe11ed 1n that Lot 3 of Tract No. 7099 as P.- certeon Declaration of Covenanll, Map rec0<ded In Book 326. Pages9 Cond1t1on1 and Reatrk:tlons (Ille 10 11 1nc1us1ve of Miscellaneous "CC&R'a"I H recorded In Book Maps 1n the oll1ce ot lhe County 9979, Paga 575 at seq, lnc:luatve. Rec:otder ol Uld county Ollte1al Records of Otange County. EJtcapl all Oii. od rlghlS. m1nerats, Cahlorn•• and without covenanl Of minaret roghts. natural gas. ngllls. warranty. eapreu or 1mpllad. and ot her hydrocarbons by regarding tltla, pouaulon or whataoev« name known That may enc:umb<anc:es, elf lllat ~aln r.., be With in Or under Said land, property altuated In rtie Counfy of togelhef '1111111 Ille pe<pelutl nghl ot Orange, Steta ol Calllornl•. drllllng mining, eaplor1ng, and daecrlbed as follows OP8fallng 111aref0f and stOf•ng "' Unll 80 of Tract 7338 as and removing Iha same from said c:onta1ne<1 in BOOll 288. Paga t ro land O< any Otl>ef land tneludong the 1 S 1nclu1ive. of Moscallaneou1 Mapa rtglll to .,.h1pstock or d1rac:1K>n8lly 1n tile Official Rac:ord1 of Orange dr1H and mine from lands other than County Cahloanrn1a thOM here1nabove desU1bed Oii 0< The street addren and other gas wells. tunnels and Shafts onto, common e1estgnat1on. 11 any, OI Ille 1rvoug11 0< across Ille s..bsurfaoe of real properly de1c11bed llbove os the land heraonabove described purporled to be 17681 Brittany and to bottom IUCh Whlpstoel<ec:t or lane. Huntlnglon Beach. CaHIOft11a, direcltonally drilled wells. tunnels further, 1181ting 10 n id real pr<>91rty and shafts under and beneath or IS on the name ol RICl<Y D JAMES. beyond the HlerlOt llmlll lneteof, a !>Ingle man and to red11fl, retunnel. equip, Tile undersl9 ned Trustee malnteln •repair. deepen and dlsclalms any tlablllty for any oper81a any w ch walls or mines. lneorrectneu of the street addr-wolhout. however. the right to-drift. and other common dHlgna11on mine, atore, eKplore and o,..rata designation. II any. tlhown herein. through the "'rla<le 0< tile \ll)P8r 500 <:>8'0 sale will oa mlda to u llsfy feet of the subsurface of n od land. the obllga1fon secured by, and H reserved In the deed rac:0<dad pursuanl to Iha power ol eala February 28, 1974 In Booll 11084. c;onl8'red In Article 1 ol the aboYI Page 1169 of ottlclat reco<ds referenced CC&R'a: and purtuant The llraet address 01 othPr to Article I, Sec of the CC&R's 1he common de11gnat1on of said NotlCe of AIMUll'lef'll and Ctalm of property Is purported to be 3571 Lian was recorded agalnll the Nutmeg, Irvine, CahlO<nla above d e scribed real prop-Said sale will be made wllhout arty tor nonpayment of dues covenant or wa11anty, express Of and asseumenll on March" tit, 1mpllad, H 10 htltl, possession or 11182. Instrument No 82..()94265 tn encumt><ances to sattsfy the unpaid the Olllcial Records of Orange balance on t ile note or notes County. Cahl0flll8, anc1 lurthef, the MCUred by UJcl Deed ol Trust, to HOllCe of Oefaull and Electlon to with 131,()8.4 61. plus the foltowlng Sell allectlng aald real property wu astlma"led coils, aapenses and recordec:t JU"8 3. t982 In, lnclualue. edvances et tile tome of the lnotaal " Instrument No 82-189 t57 In the publicatlOn of thlS Notice of Sale. OfflCJal Records of Otanga County. 154.&0e 72 c.tlfO<Na NOTICE TO l"ROP£1fTY OWM£R The total emount of the un,..ld YOU AM IN OEFAU\. T uNbEJll A b818nGe of lhe obltgetlon MCUted DEED OP TIIUST, DATED JUNE~ by the properly to be sold and 1m. UNLESI YOU TAKE ACTIOft reasonable e ltlmalld co111, TO f'flOTECT YOUR ""ot"ERTY, axpenaes and ldvancea at the time IT MAY IE SOl.D AT A PUIUC of the tnltlal publlcallon of the S ALE, IF Y 0 U NEED A N Notice of 5ale, lncludlno attorney'• EXf'lANATION Of' THE NATUflE ·-and costs, Is $2,270.00 Of THE f'ROCHDINO AOAINIT Oatec:t ~Ober 21, 11182 YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A IAYSHDRES COMMUNITY LAWYER. ASSOCIATION, LM H. Ovtat, h i FIRST AMERICAN TITLE attorney and agent, HS Town INSURANCE COMPANY, Canter Drive, Sulfa IOO, Cotta • C811f0<nia corporellon Meu , Celllornl• 12121, (7141 Oan Ormerod, authorized olf!Qer 141•1'97. 114 E Fiith St. Publl1h1d Orange COHI Dally Santa Ana, CA 92702 Pilot. Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11, 1982 (714) 558-32 ti -4729·82 Publlshed Orange Goat! Dally -----------PllOt, Nov. 4, 11. 18, 1982 PlB.IC NOTl,CE FICTITIOUI IUSMH NAME STATl•NT The followlng person Is doing bullneu u : STEADMAN ASSOCIATES. 1278 Glenney1a. No 18. Laguna Beech. CA 926H SHERRI M STEAOMAN, t278 Qlenneyre. NO Ill. Leguna Beach, CA 92851. Thia. buslnaea II conducted by an tndtvldual Shatrl Sreadmen Thia ltat-t WU lilecl Wilh lhe County Cl«k of Otanga County on October 12, 11182 F1 ..... Published Orange Coast Dally Plo4. Oct. 14, 2t, 21. Nov 4, 1H 2 C»! 4522-82 NIUC *>TICE ..crmoua IUINM .. ,,._ 8TATa.NT The lotlowtng partont era doln( l>U9'Na..: CAD I LLA C DAf V I o\880CI A T 1!8 , LTO PARTNERSHIP, 3520·8 C1Clllle1 A~,. C08t8 Mela, CA 92Ut. JOSEPH W. OeCAFU.O, 202• ..... ,1c Orl111a, Cotti M ... , Cl '"2t. JOHN A. T"TUM , 7101 I L#I~ ,, ... 0r..., CA .... 7 Tiiie ~ .. COlldUCted I>}' • lltTM!ed~ "°""" OeCtrlo. 04ll 4657-82 Nll.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINEH NAM STATEME.NT The lollowlng person 11 doing butlMu .. HALLMARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC . • Callfornl1 C0tpe>rat1on, S482 Bu~ 0.f\'e, Unit 0, Huntington Beach, Caltf0<nta 926411 Rof1nd Barry, 94 1 Jasmine SlrHt, Costa Maaa. California 92626 This buJlneaa Is condue1ed Cly an un1nc0fporalad anoclatton other than a pertnaf11111p Aoland Barry TNa 11e1-1 w• llted With Iha County Clatk of Orange County or Qc1ober tll, 1982 ,,..... Pub11111ed Orange Coast Dally PllOt, Oct 21, 28. NO\', 4, I t, 1982 4571~' NIUC NOTIC£ 'JCTmOUe ........ .. ,,._ ITAftfll!IWT The lbllowlnt P41f•On la dolno buelneM M : NAILi ft_.TURALLY, 2676 lrWla IM:I., lkll1e 2A4, Coate .._., CA 12127. JUOITH HI LTO N , '01 ~. IMne. CA 92716. ~It conducted by .. "-"'* Juclllh Hlton T"'9 .....,,_. WM lilecl ""'°' tna Tiiie ttetement WM llled With IN 0-"Y C. of Ofange C°""'Y on County CMr'1 of Of.,.. Count~ 911 OctoMr 12. 1... OC10b8r 12, 1M2. "--, .. t'lt .. lllMO Orlf'ltt COM• ~ f'ubll"*" 01antt C~t Deity Not Oo1 14, 11. II. Nov. 4, 1tll · f'llot. Oct. l4, t 1, a . No¥ 4, 1.U 44~ 4-..a - 5U Miko Mt·La111 t ~:1 'I'm u), TU pu" Mike.' Oougln ... ., (111111 ~tJ Grt'g Ciort:t 1 (lrvint'), kit'korc 1 t•tu1 n ~3 Chaµ lh11h (Morino), ·ru flll'"' from Alli Murkr ~4! l lngt•y 51 flon t lnyt'l\ (C:oi.tu Mt•1U1). pu!o..'i from ~·ot Erk Kormun (M11r1nn), I wld flOltl Tbe 1eason'1 bl11 playmakers 99 J umlc• Cruft O'ountnin Vnllt•)'): 95 J on Nowot ny (Edison); 92 • S tt.•vt• Brn:rns (Nt·w~rt 1-tarbQr): 91 Dnnny 'f humpson (Huntington Beach ); lili Jim Gurwn (0~:uan Vww). Jt•rry ~ldrldge (El T oro): U7 Bill M11rlt-r (Murinu), 80 S teve O prla h ( Mn.tl'r D1•i); 7U H1<.'hard Agulrrt• (Mater Dc.'i), Gnry lonuzz1 (Uniwrs1ty); 78-Vc rnon Wa lll'rkh (Edison); 77 Rich ar d Me ndoza (Huntington &ach ); 76 Oury Ianuzzi (University): 72-Danny Thom pson (Huntington Beach); 68-Don Pryor (Corona del Mar); Lanc.'C' Martin (Corona dc l Mo r); t$7-Carl Saterfield (Hunting ton Beach). Lance Martin (Corona del Mar); 66-Loui<' Cerd (Huntm ton &•ach ), Bobby ID nun TBUBSDIY ID DEALER u•xs DORIE COLOlllL STYLE ROCKERS I Cllll·D'S 377 ADULT'S 3777 l'IWM DOIRE 30" STOOL 1497 Yow baslc no-trill a bar •tool. Thlaoae'aalNadyput together, but tM atal.D.lng'• upto you. DOllE EARLY IMERICD LODER BICK CBllR _.., r· -., I , .. x 8" $1997 The kind that the early Americana rnted tMlr laurel• QG, Comes CDMmbled wltfl wo .. npalmMGt. Youflnla.h. BEITWOOD LAMlllTED OAK ROCKER Natural flnlah rocker ha• c:cme Hat and back, you c:an ac:ry you paid a lot more and they'll be lien yo\l. · 4477 . RD QUARRY - UICL•ZEI BERITICE FLISRED TILE PAYERS Mair•• for a good° loolilng and long la atlng border mound the Uower patch or walkway. "'Wal llnma. (8add ldn.w k), 64 Hll·h urd Ai(ulrrt• (Mutl'r Ot•1I. D .. inn l)anh•l11 cWootlhrld"l'), K"vh1 Bruclll•y (Suddlt•hot·k ). 03 C h rl11 M1A11th.•v1 llc• (lrvlnt•), Jumlc• Wl·lll<>n ( Unlwr111ty). Todd Cugl• (SaOtlh•uac:k). IJ:l Ulll Murlt·1· (MArlnu), Johnny Sallru111 (lrvlill'), M1k\• Zaldivar (Utuv<•r11itr>· 6 1 Bill Ru~fll'll (Woodbrllli;cc•). U lt•nn Vll•1ru (Marino), 00 J on1ett Dunn (llunlang 1on BNwh), 59 Jl•rod Jo m •11 (Edison); 57 Erl<: K rman (Marina); 56 Lnnc•t• Murl in (Corona df'I, Mar). Mike McLain (f;l Toro), Crt·~ Garcia (Irvine); 55 Pat Oubar (Mule'r !)(•!)! M J1•r ry Eldridgl* (El Toro): G<.irry C rnhum (Edison); 5!J C.:h ip ltish (Mnrina); 52 K<!vln Bradley (Saddlcba1:k), Chris Mund1•vlllt' (lrvlm .>), Ron H ayes· (Costa M('su): 51 -Davc.• PallNson (C.:oron11. tlcl Mur), Rich RN'to1 (Manna), Eric Karrnan (Mnrinu): 50 G~ry Ianuzzi (University). C lark Pallt•rson (Mar ina), Lance M:it tin t l 'u1u t1Jtl'I Mui I Last ek's lltalls llcal leade rs Ru1hlng 1. Danny h ompson (Ilunt1ng to11 Beach), 23-220; 2. Johnny Salinas (lrvlne), 22-176; 3. Lancoe Mnrlln lC.:oronu dt'I M r), 23·1M: 4. 8111 Morlt•r CM11rma), 10 -14!3. 5 Jon Nuwo1ny (&lt"°rl)· ti 109, 6. Mutt Wolf (ti:tttitnc•m), 2~· lOli. 7 Carl Suwrrll'ld (Huntrngton B1•tH-'h). 12 lO:J , 6 Sl·ou Gnrn •u <Foumuin Vuth•y). 17 · I 00 l'u1ln1 1. HO((('r H1•yt10IJ() (Mat<•r Dt•l). 2~-37-0. 208 yurds, 2 TD11: 2. 'l'lm H un son (Wl•1Hrnln1tc•r). 15-27 -0, 2 14 yards. :.! TDs: 3 . Eric L awton .<Huntington ~uc:h), 7 11 -0, 202 yardai, I TD: 4. Mike· Dougluss (El Toro), 9-11-0, 196 yard s, a TDs· 5. Chad Pp1·ii;c•tw (0<.·Nm Vlf'w). J4·:i l-4, 186 yurd~· :J T Ds. ' ReceMag 1. Scan Wright (Woodbridge'), 7-79; 2. Derck O rifC1ths (Edison). 7-52: a. S tc:•ve Brows (Newport Harbor), 6-106: 4. K<'vm Walsh (Ot•t•un View). 5-6:>: 5. Matt Edtly (Westmmstvr) 5-64. Scoring l Danny T hompson (llunungton Beach), 18; 2. Johnny Salina5 (Irvine), Mike Doan (Mater Dei), 12; J . Ray Be rg (Wcstml nste~). Eric Ka rman (Marana> 9. I WISH ·~WE'lf BUI THE I YERSA~TRUCK ~ .. ONE MORE TIME! Let thia four-whffler take the grunting ClDd groaning out of hauling bulky tblng• around the house and yard . Wcnerly Walnut tlnlah. eaay cmMmbly. A neater way to atore yow ... reogear, with a glaH door lo keep dut out. IEIL ... .....,, l/3r'IEYEllllLE ITllP PllELllC OClc a~ lor tllat cect.or plae looli? Qetyow IMmda- dleee ...... cmd poo'Nci ...,.,. bi .... pcdia. I GRASS CIRPETllG IBOWlf TWEED TURF CllPJ:T OR lllPPY ~ I 9 7 I loot wtde patio tcnortt ... (I • -· CGD tell • ....._., laOftf. lly -~tu•treturnect my · cm LIN n . JawD.fwnfhue .) • -CIEYlll POLYUOll D CJWS CUPE1' BlllTE PllE I 3 .,., 21.5 SQ. "· Ow beet quality low·mablt-. lawn c.~ ba 12 ft. width cmd ba• a big S 15.,., . 21 .5 SQ."· '1£1.LEB ILUNllUM COJOlllnOI LIDDER . 6977 D.oe• do\lble duty a• a alx foot etepladder and a ten foot extenalon. lo aid IA wbateTet you'r. up to. 418 PUELlllG I I . I I I I 1 ' SPUTDDU 2 97 DIPLOlllT CIYSTIL El.II DI ........ , sommu .., 5"' YMrl C UI CI i--tr· ' II liLmDEI SPRED LITEI SEMI-GLOSS EllMEL 77 GAL. So the people wbo uMd to Un ID your bouM left rou with a pink bathroom cmclpurple 1rtem.,? Here's th• cure. GLIDDEI SPRED SITll • 8 77 GAL. Waehabl• at\aff drt" ln 30 mlaute1 and c:omee • IA more colon them I CCID OOUDt • ., llDgen andtoea. I-LUI UClfllli PllELS FOR SUIPEllDED CEILllliS 1 77 ll4 1 .. \ "*IC NC>TICC i """C'lr:-:~"*'~K~NO~l~IC£~~-\itu AM IN Dl'AUlTUNOlll A YOU AM IMDl,AUlT llNDlll A DllO 0' fllUlf DATIO 0110 0, TllUIT OATIO llEilMHll 21 t .... UNLlll •IP'6All't ti. t•. U.•11 YOU Y TAQ ACnaM TO NOTICT TAKI AOTION TO PllOTICT Y '110111..-TV, IT .. 4-Y 11 YOU" '"OflHTY, IT MAY ... • AT A PUllLIC IALI. If' YOU 10&.D AT A flWl.IC IM.I, If' YOU AN l~ANATION1 0fl TMI NllO AN lltll'LANATION Of' T .. Ill 0' "'41 PROC .. DINO NATU"I O' THI '"OCllOINO A=NIT YOU, YOU IHOULD AOAINIT Y0\!1• YOU IHOULD C ACT A LAWYlll. CONTACT A LAwYlll. Ttel OI' TitU9Tll'I IAU NOTICI Of' TllUITll'I IALI T.t ..... _ T.t.Ne. ... NOTIC£ IS HEREBY GIVEN, 111•1 NOTICC IS HEREBY GIVl!N. tllat on Wedl'IMd•y. Novem~ 24, 1982 on Wadntld•y. NOVIHTll>ef 24, 1N2, at t .00 o'clock a.m . 01 Hid d•y, 1ri •t 9 00 o'clOCJll a.m 01 Hid d•y.Tn tllf room "' uldt '°' conduclillQ tllt room Mt uloe tor conductk\Q Trull .. '• Sain. within tllf offlcM of TruelM'• Sale8. Within Ille officfl OI RlAL ESTATE SECURITIES REAL ESTATE SECURITIES S!RVICI!. located ti 2020 North SERVICE. louted •I 2020 North lroectway, SWte 20t. In thf Clty ol Bloedway. Suite 20e, In the City Of Sent• An•. C011nty 01 Otange, Sl11t Santa Ana. County Of Otanoe. Slit• OI C allfornl•, REAL ESTATE ol Calllornla, REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, a C•llfornl• SECURITIES SERVICE, a Calllornll corporation ... duly appointed corporation, H duty •PPolntad TNt lM unpff llfld purtOant to tht TruetM undtt and purauant lo tl\9 power ol Hie conlerrad In '"" pow•r of aal• conl•rr•d In that '*lain 0..0 01 Trull .. ecu1eo byl '*'lln Oetd 01 Trust ••eculed by JUDITH C PETERSEN. who THOMAS J l 'ANPHIER and accwtreo lllle u Judy C Pet81Mll, MARGARET L LANPHIER, r9CC)(ded Sei>llHTlbe• 29, 111110, 1n llutbend and wife. ae totnl ltn•nta, 8oOll 13783 ol Ofllclal Rec0td• of recorded Ftbruaty I 7. 1982, In lhe tald 'County, al p1ge 1518.l olf•c• ol tile County R•corder ol Recorder'• ln1trumen1 No. 40010, Uld Coun ty. •• Recorder '• bj r ... on ol t br11c11 or delaull In lntlrum•nt No 82·054158. by payment or p•rlorrnance ol "" reHon ol • brtach Or delaull In obligation• !'•cured thtreby, p1yment or p1rlormance ol tile Including 11111 brHch or del1uh obllgatlont Hcured '"'°'•by. Notice ol which wu rec0teltd July Including lllat brHch 01 detault, 30, 1982, •• Rec0td•"• lnatrument Notice or Which was rec0tded July No 12-285047, WILL SELL AT 22, 1982 ... Rec0td .. 't lnalrument PUBL IC AUCTION TO THE No 82·254340, Will SELL AT HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE t.wful money ol Ill• United Stires: HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, or a CHiiier's check drewn. on a lawful mon~ ol the United Statts, •lilt or national bank. a 11ate or or • CUl'tlat • c:htCk on • at all or fedtfal er.Ou unlOll. °' 1 11111 °' n111ona1 bank. a •lat• or lecler~I fedtfal "vtngs and 1<>1n association Cledlt unlOn, or • atal• or I.Offal domlclled In this state. an payable 11 ••vino• and loan auocl•llon tht time or "'•· 111 right, 11111 and domlclle<l In 11111 stall, 111 payable at 1n1~ .. 1 held by 11. u Truetee, In Ille llm• ot Hie, 111 rlQht, !Ille end that tHI property situate In said Interest held by II, 11 Tru11ee. In Cotlnty and State. described ea that rHI property ellual• In uid follows: County and Stale. dHCrlbed H Loi S ol Tract 5005 as per map follows recorded In Book 183. Pages 17 to PARCEL 1. Loi 60 ol Trect No. 18 ol Mlacellan&aus M•ps In the 103A8. In Int City ol lrVlne, County olllce ol Ill• County Recorder ot or O•angt. State ol C11il0tnl•. as Slkl County • per map recorded In Book 474, The 1trte1 addrua or other P8Qtt 18 through 18. Mlacel'-61eous common designation ol tile real Maps. In the office ol the County property llt<elnat>ove deacrlt>ed Is Recordff ol said County purported to be· 3 t08 Tall Way. E • c •PI a II o 1 I, g • s • n d Coeta Mesa. Callt0tnl1 hydrocarbon substlnOM and otrier Tiie u ndersl g ne d hereby mineral rlgllls, wtlhout hOwever. the dltclalms au llablllly tor any right to enter the surt•ce ol uid 1nc:Otrec1ness In said street address land down 10 a distance ol 500 feel or other common deslgna11on • lrom the surlace lhtrtOI. •• Said aale will Ile m1de without rect1ved In tile Deed recorded May w1rr•nty. express or 1mplled, 23, 1980, In book 13615, p1ge 157. r•oardln9 title. pouesalon. or Olhclal Records. encumbrances, 10 s•llsly the PARCEL 2· Easemenll as set principal balance of th• Note or forth In th• S•cllona •nlllled other obllg111on secured by said "Cer111n Easements lor Owners". Deed ol Trust, with 1nlerest and ··support. Settlement 1nd other eums as provided thereon· Encro•chmenl'' •nd ··common plue advances. 11 any. under the Orlvew1y Easement" or the Article tttms thereof and interest on SUCh enlllled ··easementa" of the· adv1nce1, and plus leea, charges Dec I a r 1 llon ol Coven ants. 9nd expenses of the T1u111H1 and ol Condi tions and Reetrlcllons the trusts cntaled by said Deed of described In "SUBJECT TO ·· below Truet The total amount of said (the "Oecl1ra11011") obllg•llon. including rHsonat>ly PARCEL 3 Eanmen11 H such eetlmated lees. charges and ea~ts are partiGUl1rly set forth •x.ptn-ol lhe Trustee. at tht time 1n lhe ArtiCle entitled "EaMments" of lnlllal pubhcatlOll of this Nohce. ts of the Declaration ol Covenants. $33.809.28. Condll1ons and Re11r1c11ons Oiied: November 2, 1982 deterlbed In "SUBJECT TO:" ~ow REAL ESTATE (lhf Master Oeclarellon") under the SECURITIES SERVICE. section Section headlnta In such • Calil0trua COf POtatlOn. Article lllllltled .. IOllOWI "Ow,_s as Trustee Righi• ano DuliM ·u111t11es and By· (SEALi D J M0tger, Cable Telavl.11on, ' Stdeyard Ila President E11emen1s, · Support and 2020 NOl"lh Broadwey Selllement,"" • Encroachment." and Suite 206. · "Community Facilities Easement " Santa Ana. CA 92706 PARCEL 4 E1sement IOI lng,.u, Telephone (714) 1153·6810 egress and street purposes. and Publlehed Orenge CoHt D••ly dr•lnage In. under, through end Pilot. Nov. 4, 11. 18, 1982 acrou 11181 pot1Jon ol Lot N and Lot 4872·82 42 of Traci 10334, as per map hied ------------In Book 445. pa9ea 25 10 39 PtB.JC NOTICE lnclulive. ol MtScellaneoue Maps. ------------recorda ol uld County, shown K..oz212 es Common Roadwey on Exhlt>lt I ot ~LllK>fll COUltT OF tllll Supplementary o.c;rar•llOn ol • CAUFOltNIA Coven•nll, Condition• and COUNTY Of' OltA.NGE AestrlctlOns rec0tded on Auguet U , 10I Clwtc Cit. Or. WHt 1980. In book 13704, pages 168 '(b Sent. Ana, CA 12701 182 lnciua;ve. or Ofliclal Aecords of "'LA IN Tf F F: N A Tl 0 N" L said Otanoe County • AMIRICAN TITLIE INSU"ANCIE The 11ree1 eddren or other C09ANY. common dH1gn111on ol the reel 0 IP IE N 0 ANT: HA" 0 L 0 I. Pfoperly herelft•t>ove dffCrtbed In TAYLOR; "AYMOND I'. l'ANICI; purported 10 be. 11 snowappla, TMOlllAa E. ITillNGE-"; l'AT"ICIA Irvine. Calll0tn1a ITRMGe"; GlelllALTAI' SAVINGS Th• undersigned hereby a LOAN AllOCIATION, a dltclalme •II llablllly tor any ltfpefttlon; l'A"KE" ESC"OW oncotreclnMS In said street address COMPANY, INC ••• COfporatlon. OI Olhat common dflslgnallOll HCUNTY ALLIED S£"YIC£S, a Salld .... wilt be made W11t>ou1 C..._. COflMl"tlcMI; l'ATRICIA w1rr1n1y. express or implied, MM>WN Md DOES I through too, regarding title. possH•lon. or ............ encumbrances. to ••tlsly the SUMMONS principal b•lance ot the Note or 0 N a E C 0 N D A M IE N D IE D other obllgallon secured by Hid CC>flllf'LAINT Oetd ot Trust. with lnt1res1 and CASE NO. 33444 olh•• eums •s provided 1hert1n; NOTICEJ You tl•w• been 1ued. plus adv•nc:es. 11 any, under the n. -' "'81 decide 9981n•t rou terms tt,.,eof and lnter•t on IUCh .,.._. ,_ .._... heard ..., .... advanc:... end plus f .... charges reu r..,.nd •"'*' 30 dare-lttad end ••PlnMI ot Ille TrullM and of the lntormattoft below. the trulls created by said Deed of If you wlsll to seek the advice ot Trull. Tile total amount or said en •llornay In this matter. you h.ould obllgatlon, Including rHsonablV do IO promptly so that your wrrtten eetlmal8d l•es. charges and reaponM, of any. may Ile filed on expen-ol the Trustee. •I tht tome tlmt. ot lnlllal publocelJOll ot lh•S NOliCI. IS A Y IS 0 I U 1 I e d II a t I d o S27,788 12 lleMandado. El Tribunal purd• D•ted NOvember 1, 1982 ..WW_,,. Ud. aln wdleftda a REAL EST A TE SECURITIES -.... Ud. reepotlde dantro SERVICE. de • dlee. Lu la lnlOfmaclon qua as Trustee ...... a Calll0tnl1 corparallon, H Trustee lll U91td desea sollc11ar el DJ. MORGER, Its Pres conM Jo de un a1>og1do en este 2020 N Broadway. No 206 • I u n I 0 • d • be r I a " • c • r I 0 Stnll Ana, CA 92706 lmmechatamente. de •ta maner1. 714) 953-6810 111 f'919U"I• escrill. al h8'f alguna. Put>Ualled Orange Coast Dally putda -reglttrada • tlempo. P,lot. Nov 4, 11, 18, 1982 1. TO THE DEFENDANT. A Civil 4873·82. complaint has been llled by the ------------1 plalnllff ag1ln11 you 11 you W!'.111 10 81 •• •c ~TICE defend this lawsuit. you must. within ---'"-UDLl--""-----1 H day• alter this aummons Is FICTTTIOU8 autMSS -....0 on you. file ~Ith this court a NAME ITATE_..T Wfftlen reeponsa to the complalnt. The following pereon 11 doing UNeae )IOU do so, your delaull wtll bu.,,,_ as be tnltf'td on appllc.llon ol the PAINTING TO THE MAX. 19 14 plllntllf, end this court may enter a Aleun1 L-. Huntington Beach. CA Judgment against you for 11'11 relief 92948 demanded In tbe complaint. which Mll(E A XANTHAKIS. 11114 could rtaut In garnlahmant or Alsun• Lane. Hunhnglon s.acti. CA w.gea, taking of money or PfOPfl'tY 02848 or othtr relief requ••l•d in th• Thia buSlness 11 conoucted by an compialnt. lndMdual DMect: February 5. 1981 Lee A. 8rencti. Cteni ........ Goddard, OecMltr ML.ft ... ott-tri•~--.... ... MC:-... ....... lltvd. No. 1250 ..._.,, .... CA I0212 (211)--- Publlah•d Or•no• COHI Daily Piiot. Oct. 28. Nov. 4, 11, 18. 1982 4747-112 rta.IC NOTICE •ICTITIOUI •UllNIEH ~ITATEMINT Th• followlng paraon la doing ~­C~EATIVE PLANT DESIGN, 20IO ...... A--. Coat• Meat, CAtll27. Ni<>NDA LEE 08EOOZA. 2300 ,.e!MeW, No. 0-104. Cotta Meat, CAtHH. Tllla ~ It conducted by en lnclMdual. Nlondalet ObeOou , .... , ""' -~ -ftled with the County caerti of Otenoe County on Oct. 12. 1M2. Mok• Xantl>allla This llatemeot wu rlltd with thl CO\lnly Clerit 01 Of1nge CounlLQn OCtober f2. lMr ,,......, Published Orange Coaal Dilly Piiot. OCI t4, 21. 28, Nov 4, t982 ~ Ptll.JC NOTKE 'ICTTTIOUI au.-11 NAMllE ITATIEMINT The lollowlng peraon I• doing butlneslH: SCRUBETTE SALES, 18873 S•n Antonio Strtat. Fountain Valley, Califoma 112708 H•rold Salvedor P•mplnell1. 18873 San Antonio StrMI. FOllntalo Valley, C.llfOl"nll 92708 Thie busl,_ la conducted by an Individual, H.,Old S. Pemplnella Tl\lt atattmenl WU ftled wlltl the COunty Clerk o1 Oranee County on October 12. 1982. ,.,... Pubtlehed Otano• CoHI Dally PllOI, Oct. 14. 21, 28, Noll. 4, lta2 44.3.92 ll'vblleNd Ofenga Coal Dally Pllot,OCt. 14, 21, 28, Nov. 4, 1M2 ..a1-e2 -----------·l Mt.IC M>TICl "8.IC NOTICE PICTITIOUl.,._11 MCllllOUl-11 UMllTA~ T1te =:'~ ~ ~o:_~rno peraon I• doing butlMel •: OO~E CHECK DETAIL, 397& f Al.L RIVER FIREWOOD Birch Sufi• F, Newport lleacti, CA COMPANY. 32 Pinewood Drive, HMO nine, Callfornla t2714 ANDRES ALOY CALVO, 5851 "" ~Orand ~ JOllMC·"f • .!?! Btllflald, Huntington ... ell. CA "llM!Od lwe, • .,.,., -«•-~. 12714 n.11 ..... la Conduc1ed 11y an TNe ---"~ ., ., lndMdult ........... Andr99 CaM> • 0. 0 JoMI ni11 .....,,.... WM llled ...., 1M Tllll 118115 •II .. MeO Wftfl .. County Clerk 01 Or1111tt CW\ty OI\ CClllMr Cllrll el 0ranp County Oft OC1toeiet 1t, 1MZ. OGMar 11. tta. ___._ ,_, ,_. l'11011~ Ortnot Co .. I O&Mw '"'leNCI Oreno• Coe•L DtllY ..... oat II, ti. NOv. 4, "·,.. ..... 0.. ''·"·No¥ 4, "· ,.. .... ..... ., .. ID STUTS DUISDIY 110 DEILEI Sita •I 0111nr1n CnHt OAll Y Pll OT fT hut1c1rtV, N nv1•mhf't it tn6? ~ ~s VAS. SllliLE LEVER DECK .MOUIT KITCBElf· FAUCET AQUASTREAMWASHERLESS Chrome pla1ed. non·metalllc faucet• won't conode ln hard water area• and need 110 apeclal toola to put In. (The water ln my area la ao bard I ~t ~naleed ln the ahow'er.) COOL WHITE ' FAUCETS YOUR CHOICE EA. SEQUOIA PLlllTER MIX FLUORESCEIT TUBES ~ Uyou'reaqulntlng 4 n • . 79 C ·--I 5 9 11/2 CU. FT. toNad thlacopy. mwl EA. youmlghtjuatneed 222 to reploce a couple of 'em. 8 n EA • • /-~· -~ LUTROll FULL RllfGE ROTIBY PUSH ON/OFF DIMMER I lib theH. they lei you pick a wide rang• of lighting. lrom II lack Hole to SuperNOYa. 3•7 #DRIOOPC PADDED EMBROmEBED TOILET SEATS w.· •• got them ln aaaorted colora to match your bath. (Granny would be shocked. All ah• •••r embroidered Wfl• pillow ca Ha.) 1•·· DURO SUPER GLUE 53t 3 GRAMS Not lh• atuff to let the munchklna play with. or they'll be a tuck ln their rooma. BUY OUR 30 LB. BIG CELLULOSE llSULAnOI IT on COST. A.: --V-.j; 4so 1.1111m1 179 .. WMa 'JOU haft It profffalonally lnatalled bf""OUS proe to ll·llTeft • up to ' ~ 2000 sq. tt.*FWlr guaranteed • Local,repreMDtatt ..... wlll be lD Qll atoree laha.nlar • hadar· K~r I • 7 to cma .. r all queettoea from 10.S.. "IOOSQ.n'. fllllf.·MUST HA VE ll"MDmWM Attic CLEAR.MC£. 0 llRGLE FAMILY REllt>ElfC£.MUST l!HEATEDIY IOUTHEM CAUFOMIAOAI TOOOALIFY FOR UIATE. • OVAUFIE8 FOR 14G'%DEROYTAX CUl>IT. EXAMPLE 1000 SQ. n . HOME 32 IAGS ATIUO LAIOR 1"• ,, .. TOTAL COIT 323• LElllOUTHERN-•02• CAUF. QA.I REIATE...;;:•~=--- L£11t0%TAX CREDIT YOUR COIT AFTER llEIATEIANO CREDIT • 2 J • -·-:2 .. My mother· lo law Ian 't much of a gardener. She thiDka planter mix la..aomethlng you H"• at cocktail ~IH. #332 TUCKER 30 GALLON TRASH CAii 4•7 The plaallc •ariety. wblch make a lot leaa racket when thoM guya baagthem around at 7 am. MURRAY BIKES IGYS' ZI'' TUii llUBUY 1111 When I waa priclng th•H lrtnd of bllJea laat Cbrlatmaa. they coal a bunch more. Not.bing wrong with thinking ahead. (But whe,. will we 59~! putlt?) I TEAM llURBAY 1211 IMI BllE 129~2!38 ALL TRADE 5 SPEED DRILL PRESS "'8997 #982·0 ·513 Cast lron bench model (how much CCIII It bench preaa?) with th" chuck. tilt CIDd ham tabJ. and Y, HP motor.' flL ftLlllE-MOTOR Olt a.,, I tuat paid a lot mo,. at the cl.fpwbwDt atO... WhlJ. I'm kicking m.,..U. JOU ougbta na.n down and nalteome. 30 WT. IOW/40 WT. 3 •• - QAL .. ......,.._ ..... .,,.. ..... ,..,......_caa .... ,. ............ ,.. .................. . #4201 SIMGLE RADLE OR LAVATORY FAUCET WITH POP-UP ASSORTED cnRUS 4 77 2GALLON We guarant .. you'll get a lemon (unleaa you choo .. another). Sorry. not CJYailable at Cathedral City atore. (Too darn bot out then.) BOLYKIT PORTABLE STOBICE SYSTEM 11 COllPIBTllEIT Hopeao • yglyeame 7•'1 one of theH for Cbriatmaa. (Ar. you Uatenlng out there?) Ju at roll It up to cloH, the interlocks lrH It tld • 14 COllPIB_TllEllJ ... -89'1 umm eunma 5 55 ,PL-19 A wood tote for your toola. Loolra lib the lrlnd my grandpa uaed lo lug around when 1 l'Ga lmee-hlgh to a beDCh grlnder. 7/16'' WATERLOO UTILITY IOI Wh'B tttE TRIY lox baa baked red eDCDDel Knlab CIDd la perfect for toola or flahlng att,df or wbat..,.er.19"Lx7"Dx7"R. McCOY WOOD UTILITY - BOXES 21" llEDIUll .• 88 32" LIBCE Coutnactlon grade atu.U. good lnalde or out when the~afor aometllng atronger them plywood or particle board. 4 XI ft. abHta. 7"17 UTIES 15 MllOTE FLUES 47•u. ,,. '' .. ·' " 1 • , •• • ' ,_ l i Or ngt Co111 DAIL V PILOT /Thurad y, Nov mtlor 4. 1082 Lue Alamlloe WID .. bOAY'I AHIJl.Tt , .... of 1S-nlllhl ..., _..,.., APPA\.OOIAI flRat AACI. 4 1 f11r10nga OouOI• WMmrMy f Pdrd :13 80 8 40 3 40 f Macho Balanc• (Aquno) 3 80 2 80 Double Outck (Rood) a 60 Also ••C•d Balli• Roell. c ... co. BOICI Don Double Park. 7L Ado1tng Power. Jella·Sana Mlnehaha County Tome s1 •15 S2 EXACTA t9 81 paid S84 00 OUARTIRHOfllE .. SECOND RACI. 170 yar~ ~·1:tlher Vart1 tfrey) 9 20 4 00 2 80 1~ ... a Bouqool \Paul1n•) 3 80 3 20 '4• 0 S Roc~e1 \Whit•) ' 3 40 Also raceo Pt1pe1uato<, Miss Prllly Lull, \olakll a 810. 011e111n1e FQO T1mo 46 20 THIRD RACE. 3~ yara• 'ye Oare tAaa1r) 13 20 & 60 4 20 Mimond Oaa1> .. 1t• (T on•11 ?5 00 13 40 :aralol (Card~•> 4 40 Allo raced C1th., tn Snoo1 High ~anded Pa111trc h A lways Hopt '.;olhon•rteh Loolr1n Euy T•me 17 75 SS EXACTA 16·5) paid $615 50 THOROUGHBREDS FOURTH RAC,£..Jl!..t..iurlo11g1 Ga~en1 Polea• (Catndal 8 00 4 40 2 80 George M (8111Cll) 5 60 3 40 Dark Ace IHansen) 3 20 Also raced Cornish 1/1;.rr"'' Coni.(11- N.snv•ll• Nall•• Name 'four Po•son Reoa R-ard. R Tom I HC)pol Time I 18 315 FIFTH RACE. ~lurl.:>ngs Greenberg Wernandat) 8 80 3 60 2 60 Brownle s OrHtn IOllverHf 3 20 2 60 Fleet Bauer (Cas1anoda1 3 20 Also raced My Small Boy Reb s Outllw P1cnK: Star Wll•D It Sr,wbank."Okl Ttmt# nme111 25 15 EXACTA (1·,I p $78 50 SIXTH RJ.CE t 1 1(; m•""5 Bt<:ll s a Kt<:k !Cllncll 8 60 3 •O 3 40 GOloen Mtnitlet 1B1ackJ 3 00 3 00 Jim Jim !Hansen) S 60 Atso ra,ed Stappln Out Zal'IOC Snakebtte Medte1n11, Bold Bobby 0 . Don t Panle. Magic Place Elt•,a Joo M Time· 1 46 415 SEVENTH RACE. 6'> h;rtono1 Astrologe. 1Ae-.Clt1) 3 20 2 80 2 40 Good Room {Ph1N11>9) S 00 4 60 0.0°1 Magic Hope (Flor•I 8 •O Also ra,ed T1mu11n Be Resplenaent Centuuon 1 SWO<d, WhtlllMIU Aun. EloGO<l t ltk•. Easy Play. Mt Wood Tune 1 20 115 SS EXACTA (S-21 paid $54 00 EIGHTH RACE. I .. mites My Roll 1VaJde1) 5 80 3 40 2 60 Kurco ISlbrllet 2 80 2 40 Jeans ley BIHi (l'etnenclezl 3 40 Also racao Taste Tempter Ch"'ose Bronze K s Vtndic.tor Ttme 150 NIHTH RACE. 1 1 16 moles She s a Gal ics1nc1a1 • 60 3 80 3 oo OebO<e s Sage IWMt) 16 00 8 20 East OI Ttme (o.lgad~IO) 7 eo. Also raoed Juel Otelle. Pe111e ~·• OHr Frenchy. AnnlH Friend. P1en1yllel'I The Vainer Ttme 1·45 115 SS EXJ.CTA (9·11 !Wd $247 50 S2 PlCK SIX 1s.1.g.5.1.g1 Pa1<1 $2.325 20 wtlh t2 wtnntng ttdltll (8'• horses) U PICll S11 consotatlon paid $40 00 w•th 231 ,.,,,n.og IJCl(ats (Ihle llO<MSI TENTH AAU. 8 'IUtl()ngs Prince Rot> L• 1c .. nc11 13 80 R1eman IBlacll) 600 320 420 260 2 60 Mighty Return Pat s Pet tHantenJ AIM> raced Jereoa 0ec:ec>11on Ooc•l!Oll Ttme 1 17 ELEVENTH RACE. I 1116 miles Tnree Two One INQzl t4 20 S 60 • 00 On The Ptowt (Culaneda) 3 40 2 60 ~e) 340 Also r acecl H9f I V elltr/ flytng K™9fll Bagdao Bolo One Anotner PurChUt. Kacillna G040. Ra1sewin Ooclt Mulltgan r""" 1·45 S2 EXJ.CTA 13·91 Patd SSS 80 Altendance 8,460 Hollywood Park WIONIESOAY'I AESUl.TS (1•1 ol..,, ....... eel mMtlnel FlAST RACE.. 1 1116 -win-Windy 111.,._.,I II 80 4 40 3 00 0omman1 L• (~er> 3 ao 2 40 ~ H8Pl)<nffS \~ton) 3 40 Alto taced High Caftbe<. Ms B<*l Theme Ou1go. Candy Glas• Fogur-ad, Star Bulh Bittye'1 v .. vel Time· 1·44 315 IECOttO AACll. 7 hirlonQs Bemidgl (Mcearronl fUO S 00 3 20 Nego1111e (O.W.OUINY9> s eo 3 eo ,,.. M_ .... (Plneey) 2 80 Also rllCld llaalerratl Oulltc. Winners Town.. Ryen"• Aeel. C-o. Bestom Gey Blade. Reclnd T1- Ttrne 1 24 115 S2 DAil Y DOUelE 17-3) paid $52 80 THlftO RACE. 1 II 16 mites Libanon IC>el1110u111y•) II 20 4 80 2 80 .i.oma Ptalfle (Mtzal 3 20 2 80 Prineely Vt<dlC1 (Vatenzuelal • 80 Also raced Last Panner. Prto< ApptO¥al e.ndelalt• Tltn8 1 42 4/5 S5 UJ.CTA 111-51 Pl<d S77 50 FOUflTH AACE. &'> fur~ Ii•"•., Accoo-M ~• s oo ..-3 eo , Wttt<lortl 8i1ly (Metal 5.00 3.to Seminole Kid (Cltlegl) • 80 Alao raced· Royllly True, Palntec. Mr Mud. Otl Gee Tome. 1-18 315 flf'TH RACE. I I/IS m1 ... on 1Utl Torso (Toro) 1e 80 7 40 4 40 ~ One (Valtnzuet41) • 80 3 00 Red Ct-t ISlbllle) 3 80 Also tllCld G040tn Flak. Sh1m'1 fool. Bohemlen GtOYI, SW Oa-. AdvoaittnQ Time-1 41 2/5 95 EXACTA (2·7) paid 118300 tfJITH RACE. 8 lurlOngs TiPIOPI* ISlbllltl 15 80 1.40 3 20 Merri Ann41'1 (Hawley) 14 20 4 60 Slew MaMI (M,Ct1ron) 2 40 Also rllCld COOi Manor, fly1119 Looll 8tor1le. OltcrMI, Malt• No W-. Vle1orlen Seng, 0--WO.Id TIMe 1"11 2/8 tAO 140 uo •. ,., .... HIOt4 school NeWpofl Haf!Nt 1, CerOM etl .... I C0tlll•• Oel'MOr 1 2 1 2-11 N ... PQr I HatbOt 4 0 t 2 7 Coro111 dtl M11 1to11ng ltnbe rn1no a. Scull I Mouow I, T•mlllt I PllVIMn 1 N11wP01t Harbor awrn111 Jeppt 3, S11nley 2 OeV1tee I, lt1Qrn11tot• I . ~10.lnMet IJnlvtfllly I a 4 4 11) ....... 0 2 0 0 2 Un4-sny KCH'lnil B•tletl S.. SolOmOn l C.otwlck I, SchlllC1t< 1 s Washl>Oufrul 1 lr••M ~"'ii Well .. 1 Coriell I Coela -· I, l alllftda 5 _ Ee1anc1a 1 O 3 t-5 Co111 Me11 • 3 1 2 2-11 e111ncia scoung tnaaomt J. Campbell I, Ftn"y I Cotta MllS• scoring Ct1Ah11 &. Ure 2 UI'-'-• El Toro 26 Saddleback 5 Fountain Val .. , I, OcHn Ylew 5 0cHn V...., 0 2 2 1-6 Fountain Velley I I 2 4 8 Ocffn. V-1CorV1Q NICI) 2. Cr .. ttnO 2. Mllfllnez 1 f ountain V•ll•y 1co11ng Moor. 3. Baumgarlfltf 2, Nom<iro 2 B~t\llty 1 Marina 11. H11nllnglon 8111Clt I Mo11na 7 • 2 4 18 • Hunllngton Beach 0 I 3 4 8 M111na sc;or1ng Spanovtdl 2 Oesp1u1 1, Brothe1ton 1 Enroghl 1 Wetd• 3. Hopl.1n1 4 Euog 1. Sm1111 1 Zakl5ky 2 Muzte 2 Hun11ngton Beach scoring t1•n1tn 1 Bllro 1. F'oli\et I Mtlle< I l etlOI• ' Hayn 2 Or-.. I CIF ranking• 4·A 1 Corona del Mat. 2 Co111 11e .. : 3 NewPOrl Harbo11 4 Sunny Hilla. 5..-Long Beach Wilson. 8 El TOIO. 7 VnlYenlly, 8 Downey. 9 wuson 111nc1endo 11e1gh1s1. 10 Buenot Park J.A 1 l usun 2 Vtlla Pt1k 3 RIVttrllde Poty 4 l'OOlhtll 5 l •n Cleme nl1: 6 lndto 1 Oa1emont 8 Muir 9 San11 Ana Valtey 10 Royal 2·A 1 La P...-n1e. 2 Servile, 3 CebrlllO. 4 los AmlQoS. 5 San M.inno, 6 Ch11r1tr Oak, 1 A1gh81t1, 8 Santa Fe, 9 South Pasadena. 10 Santa Ynez NHL CAMPBELL CONFIRINCI l my1"8 DMtlon w L T Of OA Pf• 1(1"9• f 4 3 53 w ... ~ 6 4 I ~) Edmonton s 6 00 Vancou•er 5 6 2 •8 Cat;ary • 7 2 Horrla Clwlelon 66 M.,,,_.,la 10 1 ' 61 ClllCago 6 2 5 !15 St LOUIS 6 7 0 48 0.trOll 3 9 2 42 Toronto ' 6 4 40 WALES CONFERENCE Petrick Olvlalon N'I' tstllndlrs 11 3 1 70 Pn11aoelpt,.a 8 s 0 54 NY Rangets 8 7 0 53 Ptlllbut!lh 4 II 1 4S ,.,..., Jtraey 3 II 3 47 Wasn.ngton 3 8 2 39 Ad-• Ohlltlon Montreal II 2 3 62 Bolton II 4 3 42 Ouet>ec 8 5 1 81 Bu1ta10 4 a 3 52 He11tord 2 7 2 38 WedMMtf't lcotM IClftttt 6, Toronto 2 Boslon 3 8uttal0 2 -York ltlandt<a :l 091rool 3 Wahington 3. Cl\ICagO 3 Eoinonton 7 w~ T °""lftl't P11tSbufgll al Hew WW/ Van<»u-al ""'lacsetpll1a Hatllord at eo.ion Minnesota •• Montrtat Wtnn11>419 at Catoary Klng1 I, Meote Leef1 2 koreby~ St IS 311 13 67 13 '1 n 85 12 •3 21 •& 11 50 n 6!> 8 51 e 42 23 40 16 54 n 71 fl 61 9 52 e •5 19 •2 15 S8 13 52 11 38 f Toronto 0 1 1-2 Los AngeleS 2 • o-8 ,.,., p.,ieof 1 lot~ Ev-3 (K~). ss2 2 Los Angetu . Foa 7 INt,holla). 12 22 P...,alt--Sitnm«. LA, 1 43, tltnllCak. TOI. 6 03, Duris Tor, 7 32. fluakowa~t. l A. doubl•mtnor. 11 35. !"'-T0t. 11 35 ~ ...... 3 Toronto, Harri• 1. 1.03 4 lOa Angeles Morrtson 1 (taalcsaon, L Murphy). 1 21 !> LOI AngtlU, Ntcholl• 14 (Simmer L Murplly) 2-ot (pp) 8 la. Anoeltl, L M!HPl>Y 1 llMkHOn. Morrtson~ • 15 7 LCM Angtlea. Bozek 3 fEvans. Kelly), li>I PlntltlM - V-To.. 1 58, Kelly, LA, 11'09, McGiii tor. maior-mi1eonduc:1, 17 57: w .. 11. LA. mtnor_,,.IQf, 17.57. \1 ..... , TOI, 17 $7 Tlllrcl,..... 8 Toronto, Adam 1. 3 2t "-tin - Salmlng, Tor. 5 02. Rlltllo.alt.I, LA. s-02. Korn, Tor. 18 18 Shella on goal -Toronto 9-9-8-24 Lot ~e.10.11-25 Goalies -Toron10. Pelmet-. Laroc:qw Lot ~. LIMoaltt A -10,441 ... WHTE"" COWl.AENCI Pacific Dtor1aloft Wl~.08 4 0 1000 S..111• OOlclen Stale PlloenB 3 0 I 000 '> 2 1 6417 ,.,, \ ~· ...... --Poilllnd 0 3 000 3'~ San Otego 0 • 000 4 MldWHt Dlftalo!t Kanaas C11y 2 0 1 000 O&llN 3 1 750 San A11I01110 2 1 867 o.n-1 2 333 Ulall 1 2 333 Houslon o • ooo fAtTIRM COWUll.Nca At!Mtlc OMlkMI 3 0 1000 3 0 tOOO '\ 11-, ,., 3 Bolton P11t1aoetp1>1a Hew Jersty Wut11ngton Mew 'l'ork J. "' 500 ,., OetrO<I Miiwaukee Allen II & t 2 ~ 1·~ 03 .000 3 Ctnlrtl DWI ..... 4 0 1000 2 1 617 1 2 333 I 2 333 0 3 000 0 3 000 ......... ac- ~ 135 Olnvtlf 134 (OI) eo.100 111. lndl-t04 PMadelpllla 130. 8111'1 Diego 111 WllhlngtOO t04, Ntw Jetaey 15 Detroit 1&2. Chicago 144 o.11 .. 102. Houtlon 101 ....... t09, Sen Antonie> 107 ~ Slate "· New York 97 o.n..., *' lTI=-~ ._.. MrlwMee114MaiWI ~-CNeato Utllll • ""-"-Sen M1oni0 .. POft...., ................ ,,. l.Ot ~I -F\lfn'\ll 10, W•• 12. Alldul......,.,., 11, NI"°" 14, ,lorlnto!> 11, M , Wonflt ft . .IOfclen 4, MGAllOO .._,......,. tM -.,..._.II, V•rtaa tlfll ti, .... H . .....__ n. ~I, Gelilr ... 10, ......,..,;..._ .......... ........ 2, "9f 0 T ..... 1Mt7 ao.H Jait ............... l119..,...... ,, ., .. • ,,_,. ~ '° II a II 10-114 .. ,.....,..... ,.._ .... , ....... -- llO'le ----Lei MlllMl 41 ~ II,=·~ '81, ~---LW =·'::i~=F-·:~ , ___ "" ~ ...... , A-lt.I01 • Hefti l<IMt CllHlo ... 11'41 ........ tlo1t ... li<•IJ ~lllbttl IU II) Ott M"hMI w .. 1p11111 ~w .. 1 o .. ma11v~ •:i.. :ill t 4 Mo111t ll110<11 U I) lltl 11111 W•lt~• IV I), 0 4 0 4 Olancl IUMI ... (U 8) dtl fllotl<HI Vtll t Hbl IU I I· t·l o...A MIU a-., IV 1..1 dtl I 8'yOlhi f ukUI (JNllllll 0 4 • l hftt1 CMMenM (at '9tUI, Alilll ... I lllWMP:IMI John M1;£11ro. lu a I Clal Btom lloro (IW41d.n) 1-J..:,~· ,_ ........ 1"91M 1¥111 (.,efldl (OH CflOtlov11'111 Cit! Vlltt t\11ul•ll11 (U 9 ). 11•3 9.4 atookhotnt Open • Pint AeuM l lfltlM 0111 Rann11•10 fl 1nt9nd) a.I 01tyt Owr11on (Va ,, I 6, 6·3, e •. p., H141flq11l•t (S~) O.t 8t11n TaacMt IVS I. 8-4, 1 ·4, Hana 81mon11011 (S•ad•nJ Otl Cl11P Hooper IV S I 8 I l·S 6·3 Hen11k Su11d1trom 1s.....i1111 dtl \line. Vit\ Plltlln (Vs). 6· 1. 4 41 41· I 8rH111 Ootllr141d IVS ) O.t Marco 011011 1vugo1•••t•1. • 3. 8-•. M18nu1 Tldtm1nn {US > dut Ptler R4!11ntr1 ( $ I. 2·8. 11·3, 8 t hcOlld Aound ""' ... Lloyd Bour11<1 (U SI dtt Clt1udlo P1ne1ta lhlly), 1.s. 6·"· Mel Puttell (V s 1 del Jonalhan 8"'1111 (8tHtlnl. 1·3.8·3, !Jual41f Mo1t11m (8rllaln) def Ramtt11 K111hnen (tndla) 7.5 11·7. Runell Slmp•on (New ~ealaod) del Andera J1111yO (Swedttl). &·3. 8 1 HIGH l~HO~ WOMEN C0tot1a cltl a.., 1t, SllddltOack 2 • Slnelte Katzm•n (CdMI del Tuyen. 8·4, dtl tern, 6 1. del Evonne. 6·0, Tyler ICdM) lo" 0-6. won 6-4, 8·2. Ste~ens {CCIMI Iott 1·&. won ' 11·1, e.1 0.11blta Mallo• EMIQn ICdMJ del Th<!lma·Tuyen. 8 0 def Ha•Soot. 6· I. dtl Joani. Trinh 6·0 OeM11t•·GoodOOCly ICdMt won 6·0, 11-0 6.0 Rosen·Bu•oe 1Ce1M1 won 6-0 8-0. e.o HIGH SCHOOL Tonlahl'• a•m•• IU VtaW LtAGVI vn1-1oy vs Corona a .. Mat at NewPofl HarbOr SOUTH COAIT llAOUS Laguna Hills •I WOOdbridQI a1 lrvtno ANGii.Vi 1.UOUI Se"••• Maler 0.. at SGl)ID Ana Bowl EMPIRE LEAGV£ El Dorado .. Katella al La Palma Park Pac.IOU ... Loara at W811etn CENTURY LEAGUE Santa Ana V.iley vs C•nvon ti El Modin• ORANGE LEAOUE Sav111111a •I Vllleneta GARDEN GROVE LEAGUE R.incho Alam1101 va S11nt11go 11 Bolsa Grende All games 11 7 JO Women'• volleybell COLL.EOE UC ''""" o~• u ot San Diego tS·S IS 10 1~·8 Point Loma ·oel Southern Caltlornla Col~ t$.4 15·& 1!>·8 UCl.A del LOng 8'o•~" S1at1! 15·• 1$-9 IS.Q CC>MflllUlitlTY COLLEGE GOiden West def Santa""" 15-0 1s. 10 1~9 ,- Orange Coaa1 Ott Ml San l'n1c.n1u 15·2 16-3. 1!.-10 C>M ... hhlna AAT"S LA.NC>lilo (Newpon .. llCh) -22 lll!lletl 11 bus. 2• 1>on110 :1g mackerel OAVEY'I lOCICIER (Newpotl h11Cl1) - 38 angler• IS bonito, 1 ,.llco bMI 'cow cod. 135 mackertl 130 rotk cod 4 aand btsa OAHA WHAIU' -80 1tngle•1 19 ban 131 oon110 I ltng cod 97 roe., cod • &lleapst>e.0 2 ~uop!n. 3 l>Ulle1 IUl\I SEAL HACH -6-4 engttt1 1 cow coo 100 "'8Ci.er ... 158 roe& 'od 400 •octc 11an, 2 wl>•le hah WreettlftG COlllMUMTY cdluoa Oclldef> ...... l111ta Alla ;11 1111 -Lowe (SA) won by rort•t \ 128 -Halau (GW) dee Bonh . S·2 134 -Sc1scen10 1SA1 won by lortell 142 Yon91<ure (GW) won oy fOtlett ISO ee._ (GW) dee _,.nnn. 4-2 158 -Calenltnoo (GWI dee Haight 11-.3 167 -Glore (GW) p Ro1u 1110 177 -Oa11en (GW) ortw Wtln Htlnnant 2·2 1llO -Roi (SJ.I dee: Ceo•Mo. 11.Q I ~WI -Shaclltalord tGWI p Ka.r>I., Wedne.cley'1 ttanMCtlone eAllUU. ltatUt HEW 'l'ORI< YANKEES Signed Rick C•rOM, catch.,. lo a mulllyHr conlrac;t SOid Bobby Ramos. caleMr, to the Montreal E•po• NetttMIL._ AlLANTA BRAVES Removed U rry W'-11on anc1 8oC> POJltt, 011t14lder1. rr'OM INW tntlor lteQue rotltr'lnd Mll(lnld 11\tm 10 RllclU!'>ond or 1 M tnltr riallonal Leeou-Pl'omot~ Adi B4Mr1Nt -.,..,. ,..,.., , pllellera. and MIQuel SOM. tlhOrlllOC>. 10 I'*' major ~ 1ot11r CHICAGO cues Senl Mika King pilclltf, trom l•Udlancl ol the Tt••• 1.eagut to Omahl Of 1111 Amt<lclln AMOClalton for Jim Wrlgnt, pllehll IAIUT8M.l .................. ._... .. NEW JEASE'I' NETS Announotd 11111 Letry •own. COIQI, waa hMd SUDO bY 11141 ...,. lot .... ~ 111acltlng ....... Olcti 81¥ .. 11 end rt11ttin9 10 ... ~ 11141 rtoO!' 11 lht tl\CI Of • Pf-o-on Ocl 23 HOCHY ....._.tttc11er1.e-.w N!W J(!AS!'I' 0£VILS Reclllle<I Jtll L11m11. 1•11 wino. from Wlo1111a of th• • (:trltral l'loc:lley Leaciu- IT L0018 8LVES -len1 M 81 ... att, CllMneeman, and Alalrt L--. .... etrtllf. 10 Sall Like Of 1111 c.nir .. HOCkoty l _,. POOT9AU. , ............... L...- aT LOUIS CARDINALI llOn.d Jim Hlnll-l'lt6d COICll llWOUQll tMI u... ...... , ....... ~ ARIZONA WAANOLERS llgntlt Den Ma-I QllltllfbKk, Zack Olltlll n6M """·· ,.,,,, .... , HICU end Aon c, ... , ~ -=.... 1<111 1911 '"°· Jetrl ~ ....... ll,Clfl9 ........ . ~I ............. . .. -_ •••• , .. , ••Rtfl"f •1111 •tntlfl• St llJWtllton ................ NIW' '"'llY OINllfALI -....... 0.. ............. Qlllla ,.,..,, ........ ,= ...... ·----....... -··--'~-=-........ ...... --"""~ -ur'£1'J.i~&.1!!iZ< :rm:._ .......... T TALENTED DUO CUT OFF AT PA • • From Page C1 U111d111 l-~1.:lc• /\wunl wh11 h Uw unlVl'I llv "'""' l11 1up M hul•11 ·11lh'4•u'tl /\ 1111<ik••a.mu11 ul thl• i.ch11ol 1iUltJ M ;11 v,t•1 um h1 •\Ill iHINlding J>nw.·11,•c• und lt•n'1inai a hund with lht· y11untc11h•rM llnlOn~ itw l..umbt.•t jl1l·k ll'\'t•IVlllij l'lll'V"· M111·J(,•runl'li lx•111 yN11 ol NAU wu IUJl t ll('llllO!l wh1•11 lw C'aughl :i7 ~·· for ·IU~ yunh; and four Tf}.oi llC'n•'li h<>W .-nm .. otht•t url'D p1 uclul·t~ .1rt• d11l111.t. ' Parlll<•·IO 1'"'ormcr Edhw n ll1gh runninR bnck. Mik e Do&.terer, who kcyt-d Sulrlfol'd'11 4:t.:H up1w1 victory over W~hlngt.on Jwc t wC>Ck with two t..um•hc,h1wl} runs, i11 the l'at .. 10 lt·odtir In that dupMlll)t•nt with 6l'Vl'll this sco11cm. 110'11 picked ·up morl• lhon I 00 Y.a rl.l s in each of his las t twu g umcti .• rcnmmnlt.• E mile Harry, kx-Fountain Vollc•y) mouthed a "HI mom" whim AOC tcll•vlsion l'nmeras cuught him on the• s1dt•lin<>S during thl· UPf'el. I tarry is stivenlh in tht.> <.'Onfcm:nc~ in rt'C:cpllons with 33 for 527 yards . . . At California, former Laguna Bca<·h High and Saddlcback Colleg<' quart.crback Lance Ste wal't hasn't thtown a ball yet, bul for th{~ last two weeks, Coach Joe Kapp ha groomed him as a running back dut-10 Injuries lO key personnel Still St-ewarl hasn't played, and there's a good c h a~ce now he'll b e r ed-shirte d .. Washington's Jeff Partridge is now No. 5 in confere nce punung. The former G oldC>n West College kicker ls avc>raging 40.7 yards per punt .... At Washington S tate, ex·Estancia High lineman Kevin Sloan obviously doL•sn 'l receive much ink as a right tackle But the 6-7, 263-pounder 1s on the ballot for tht• All-Academi\: team in tht- c:onferl'nce. He was u sec.'Ond-team, Academic All- American last season. Sloan boasts a 3.3 grade point over age in pre -law . . . Another Estan cl<.1 product, Ed Stringer, who also played at Orange Coast, is a backup ldt offl'ttslvt: tackle a t Orl'gon. PCAA Former Capistrtino Valley lhgh swr Eric Fox is enjoying an outstanding defensive season al Fresno State. Fox, a left corncrbal·k, hus six interceptions m eight games for thl' Bulldogs and has 35 yards in re turns as well. . '. . Inciden t.ally, another C'x-Capistrano Valley player, Josh Hary- ung, the son of Laguna Beach High Cooch Dennis Haryung. is also on the Fresno S tate roster but isn't seeing any playing time. And lhe n, there's Bryce Malavasi,. a freshman strong safety out of F.dison, who joins Pagnanelh and Margerum on the casualty list. Ma lavasi broke his ankle thrC<' weeks ago in a game against Pacif1t· and 1s lost for ttie season. The game with Pacific was the Bulldogs' fifth of tht· season. which mean.-; Malavasi had played in too many games to bt? red-sh irted . . . Former Fountain Valley High kicke r Greg Ste inke of Cal· State Fullerton and ex-Saddleba<:k College kicker GU)' Johnson of Long Beach State are st.aging a preu y good battle in the kick -scoring departme nt Jo hnson is se<.'Ond in the ronforenec with a 9-for-9 PAT performa nl'l.' and an JJ-for-15 C'ffort in field g()als. S teinke, a sophomore. has h1t 8 of Ii PA Ts and has connected on Hof 14 f1l'ld goal tries . Long Bt•11t h Stuh"• Mike Oualvln (CUJ>IAtl'llrlll V;1llt•y. S11dul1·ba~k> hu. poun<'i'<.i on twu fumbh .. frurn nlic dt•fcm •lvc• tot•klt• pm1111on l'uc·1 f I<''• Tony Camp (&lttuw111) 1._ four1h in tlw t'Cinfc·n·m·t• in pa.'!.-. 1't'l't1pll1mN with :m. ~cw><I fm 40» yurd~ ;,nil t111 11 :J t1v1•ruu1 " fJtlu•r .fi,.111101~ Kuns:1s updoh" A thigh' mJury kt•pl Kerwin Bell uul of lhc• J uyhuwki.' gl1mt• with Nl•br.lbku lru.t Wt'f•k. 011~ the• formt•r Edi!lon ru11111nu btwk u; Ju;wcJ oit t1U1•11t111nubll· lor th111 W(•t•k '<i gumt• w1\h lowu l::it.t11c., Qu:1rtc•rback Frank Seurer 111 c•><µt '<'tt'<I to piny after ml8Rlllg last week's gurrw with u !ilruincod Hhoulclc•r An<l ttwn. th,•rP'11 Dave Geroux, who hWi nol ployt·d the Inst two gamew and 1s 111.tt•ll ai. doubtful for this Wl•ck's gnmc m. wdl whill' ht· u1Jow11 u shouldl•r inJury to heal. lt has indtotod t:x-en u rough season (or lhL• cx-Ed1i.on star Ev<'n fn"t>hman dt>ft.•11s1w hack Troy Seurer ii. IOJUrcd HI.' broke his a nkle bcfon1 th(• 8'!ason ewn bc•{(1.m when hl' foll off lht• roof Dl hlJi Huntington &ach homfl. . At the Univt·rHity of San Diego, ,rx-Mnter Dt•i 11t.ur Michael Rlilh l'uugnt four passes !or 56 yardR und a TD in the Torurus' :l4-7 v1cl0ry ovt<r Cal Poly Pomona last Wl'<•k. Rish nc1w hus 36 cal(;hl'S for 57:! yurcl!> this year . Teammate Greg Stein, a ' SIJphomorc out of Edison, has a prur of mlc:rt't'pt1ons, Or1l' whkh hl' ran bad< 15 yards far a TD ' * They roll up the numbers RUSHING teb yd• avg td lg W. Glllens, Fountain Valley, Ariz, St. 83 ,421 5.1 0 43 Mike Oollerer. Edison, Stanford 73 369 5.1 7 46 Dino Bell, Edison, Kansas 81 272 3.4 0 18 Kerwin Bell, Edison, Kansas 45 138 3.1 2 18 !Harry BIUups, Unlverslly, Oregon 20 84 3.4 0 26 IO&Ye Geroux. Edison, Kansss 18 59 3.3 1 10 Phll Spencer, Mater Del. U San Diego 11 48 4.4 0 12 Frank S•urer, Edison. Kansas 42 -15 ·0.4 1 14 PASSING P• pc Int yda td M Pagnanelh. Hun1 Beach, Navy 169 98 6 1, 133 7 Fran!\ Seurer. Edison, Kansas 168 89 10 1,079 5 Sam Aiello, GWC, Tennessee 2 2 0 45 0 RECEIVING pc yd• avg td lg Mike Rish, Mater Del, u. San Diesio S1ephone Paige. Sad., Fresno 36 573 15 9 6 71 24 Emile Harry, Ftn. Valley, Stanford 33 Tony Camp. Estancia, Pacific 36 K. Margerum, Fin Vall"li, N Arizona 17 Mike Oollerer, Edison, tanford 22 Mike Eddo, Saddleback BYU 5 Dino Bell. Edison, Kansas 10 W Glllens. Ftn. Valley, AriZona St. 12 Kerwin Bell, Edi~on. Kansas 5 Dave Geroux. E 1son, Kansas 4 DEFENSE Bryan Caldwell. Fin. Valley, Ariz St Brad Rowland. Golden Wes1, N Artz. Joe Donohue. Maler Del, Long Beach SI B Fairbrother. Sadd , San Diego SI. Tom Pistole, Golden West, N. Arizona Mike Duntvln, Capo Vly .. Sadd . LB SI Bob Casper, Golden West. Weber St. Mike Womack, Golden Wes1. Tulsa 8111 Malavasl. Edison, Kaneas Greg S1elo, Edl~on, U. San Diego 533 527 408 284 176 112 90 80 33 20 22.2 5 73 16.0 4 48 11 3 5 16 7 1 .. 2 80 2 18 22 4 2 35 90 0 20 67 0 14 6.6 0 12 5.0 0 11 UI II lol lnl 25 46 71 1 26 3 .. 60 0 20 33 53 1 18 30 48 1 21 ~2 43 0 6 20 26 0 8 18 26 0 9 8 17 0 9 6 15 0 2 Sailors top CdM; Mazatlan Barons • Wln Sunset F.iccd wi~h the possibility of bfing eliminated from the CIF playoffs via a eoin toss, the Newport Ha rbor High water J)'Jlo squad did something about 1t Wednesday afternoon, ha nding to p -ranked and previously unbeaten Corona del Mar its first loss of the season, 7-6. Thompson finally dN:1dc:d the i~UL' race tops calendar By virtue of its victory over the Sea-Kings in the Sea..Ylew. League finale. the Sailors thus will enter post·scason play as the league'' top·seedcd team. Corona del Mar. w hich also finished at WATER POLO 6-1 in the Sea View. advan('(.>S to CIF, as will El Toro. ·- The Chargers .sent their junior varsity t.cam against Saddleback and still came away with a 26-5 romp. El Toro gets the playoff nod over ~t.a Mesa hecause of its v1t.·tory over the Mustan~s earlier this season, 10-b. El Toro nnd Costa Mesa each had 5-2 league marks. Th~ Mustangs, rankt-d second in the latest Cll<~ poll, Will be on the sidelines when the pl!!yoHs open, despite their 8-5 triumph over Estancia Wednesday. tn \he other Sea View League t'Ontest, it was University rompmg past Irvine, l-0-2. -- Meanwhile, Jo'ountain Vallev sewed up the Su'nset League crown with a 5-0 record after dispatc hing stubborn Ocean View, 8-5. T he Barons will be joined in the playoffs by Marina, which took care of 'Huntington Beach, 18-8. and &fison Knowing it ncqdcd a w in to clinch a playoff spot, Newporl Harbor came out fast against CdM, taking q uick leads o( 3-0 and 4 -1. But t h e Sea Kings ra llied lo lie the game al 4-4 early tn the third period and 5-5 In the fourth quarter befort' goals by Grant Stanley and Colin Junior John Morrow tallied for CdM w11h 46 S<.'<.'Onds left but the Sen Kings could not gel the l•qualtzcr. Newport's M ik f' Heinw played well in goal, while Art Jeppe scored three goal$ to pat"C the offense Costa Mesa improved its mark to 18-5 overall by top~ng Est an cia. Aaron Chasen. The Mustangs' hole man, had s ix goals and Michael Ure added two (or Mesa. while David lnadomi nette!d three goals for the Eagles. who C'Omple ted play in thc ruggod Sea View ~ague with a 2-5 mark. Golden West hosts OCC Golcten West and Orange Coasl colleges continued on a collision course for tonight's oonfrontation with v ictories Wednesday night, UC lrvine continued its winning ways and Southe rn California College qualifi c..'<i for the NAIA playoffs des p i te losi ng in women's volleyball action. The Rustlers, who host Orange Coast in a crucial at 7 tofinight, posted an easy 3:0 trfurnp over Santa Ana to up their record to 6 -2 i n th e Sout h Coast Confe r e n ce . H itt e r Lisa Osterman a nd middle blocker Phylhs Lange were the standouts for Golden West OCC stayed unbeaten at 7-0 by taking care of Mt. San Antonio. 3-0 Outside hitter Lauren St. Clare and m iddle bl~kcr Val Grad y turn e d In fin e performan<.'eS for the Pirates. UCI has now won six straight matC'hes and 12 of its last 13 after Its 3-0 win over the Unive1'11ity of San Diego Cindy Rohrig had 14 kill!. fo r lhl' An1eatcrs. By ALMON LOCKABEY Of the Daffy Piiot 811fl Top interest on the yachting front lhis weekend will be the start of Los Angeles Yacht Club's 1,000-mile race to Mazatlan .. Mexic.'O, which will send 22 crack Inte rnational O ffs hot e Ruic (IOR) yal'hts down the coast of BOATING Baja California o n a colorful spinna)<er run and a fast reach across the Gulf of California from Cabo San Lucas to the finish line at Ma1.atlan. A race within a race will surely d e velop in C lass A In which seven speedy and almost equal Santa Cruz-50s will be striving to beat each other and the 69-£001 Drifter for line honors. On the local front Ne wport Harbor Yac h t C lub will see Lehman-12 sailors in competition for the Jean Schench Memorial Trophy Saturday and Sunday. In olhtr Southern ce11101nla Y•cl1tlng AsscXl•llon llUS King Herbor Yach I Club -fell, R41ge111 (11"4 boa11) Saturday. Marina del Rey Home POfl Aeg1111 (all clasMll Sa1urday. ~nday Sou111 CoHt Co11niruan Y1ch1 Club -l Mullny ~lf'HF3fl S~ lfollywood Yaelll' Club -Commodore s Cup prldtc:11d log ran. Sllurday C0tonado Cays ~c~b -fall Cl...ic Serie•. Salurday. <>c.an11be Yactit Club -lndlln Summer Reo111a (111 Clasaes) Sa111rday, ~Y S'anra Cl11a Racing Auoc1111on - lnltrn111onal Club CrulH (all cla1161I Sllurdey S in Otego Yachl Club -Junior Sabol Reg•ll• (lnvllaflonal) S11urd•y, Sunday, Slnf\11oler Hof Flum -i... Sunc:tey. San Dleao Crul-Asaoctellon -Prediclld log r11C141, 4und1y. 'Sliver Gal Yacl11 Club -S-tt/HanMn . Rum Runnet Serles (PHRf) Sunday,~ Mug 0 Rum Serles (SOHf) Sunday Nertt!llMlftllllW a Slhll B•tbltl Yacl11 Club -Fiii ,., ..... (PHAFI SatUtday. Ont-detlon. Svndey Anac.pa Ylld11 Club -&ea SMll ~ta (PHAfl Saluntay, Sunday Vtnlufl Y1c111 Club l ady S-IPP••• SerlM ·3, (PHRF) Svndey Sea Kings tak~ on Uni~ersit~ 'onig~t Three pre p football gam~s •re ch~duled,...thlrd·p~ Cini1h an th<' South Cout Leque with• tonight, but two of three invnlvlng Delly Pilot amt win. dc!pendlna on the outcome of San Clenwnt.e'• t.eama figure promint'ntly fn ract.>S for CIF' playoff laat two games. And, Wo<>dbrid~ la In • apot to berths. Each be1lna at 7:30. Cort~ a ''Oln fUp U ll l·an win tbnight and next week qainat t.aauna lk-och. If• at Irvine Ht1h. ............... Del • Mat« OM, on a thnttoOnW wtnnl"I 1\lftk '" the An1~lu1 Lu1u. ..... tnd th• pHfln•~f ~ Mii• ~.nit nmn1111or1 Of~. can_. itlWf up lat' a uw ahowdOwn ..-f'atlld ....,,. .. Milt w.k lf 1t CM pt ~ s.m . a MM Jmfr' to sem .. 11ii1t w.k. lt'• at ihe S.ta Mia~J; ~-.......... M&t •• ,, • lApna HUl8 can tel lteelf up for a po~U.I Ualvenlly ¥1. Corwa ffl Mar Corona ct.I Mar'1 S.. K1np (3·2 in IM See View Lffsue) .-vo done whh the runnlftl 61 tall*k Wnc» NlrUn and lt'a perunount &My • JU•• that If t~ want to 11ay In ah• nn for • pott>ntlal third pl~ duel with N.wport Ha~ nt'Xt week. Unlwnlty'a §amt> revolvM around quar~rt.ck Will Watmn. h 1 at N.wpoH Harbar. • } Ml.IC MOYICC Mt.IC NOTIC£ YOU AM .. Dl'AUL.T UNM" A K.-e K·tll .. !!,!D °' ,.,., DATID ~ 1t NOTICI °' IAl.I °' Notte• OP D"" •nt or ·-UNLIH YOU TUI ACnotl ..... .&. AMO-... .,. .,.,. TO NOTICT YOUll ~ .. TY -"°"MY A~L JORGE DIPP RltYEI AND IT MAY • tCM.D AT A "'9LtC ....VATI I AL.f 0 , P E T I T I 0 N T 0 IALI . " y O U .... D AN .... P.AHl181 ADMINISTE· ""~T·-NO ~~~:..-:.r~ NATUM kl me luperlor Court Of Ille,, ... A·llllU n ~ ftl ... • YOU y -AOAINtT ol c.lilorlll .. lft lllld IOt ,.,. County T • 1..A"ii.1:! ~ CONTACT A Of 01•110• '" ,.,. M11111 ol 1111 0 all ht'lrt, bt•nrfld1&rh'I, MOTlCI °' TIWI • • ..... ol '"ANCll H IU"NS, rredhou and ":ontln&•nl Tl .... a:••AL• O.C..Md creditor1 o f J ori " Dlpp NOTICE IS H!RE8Y OtV!N 11111 u~::~ =.•~ ~\v:;v~~!'.!i. Reys and Pf'rlOJ\I who nwy on Wed~ly, November tO. '11112, lo the nlgllHI Ind b .. I bidder: 00 Oth•rwl(MI lnten11ltld 11'1 el II 00 O Ciodl I m OI .. Id d1y, 111 IUbllCI lo CCnllrMlllOn ol H id lht' Wiii and/Or ft&att'; Ille 1oom Ml ••Ide tor C!Onduc:tlng Superior Court °" or •lier the tOtll A pet.ltlon hu l>Hn lllC'd TruatM'• S1.lff, within the ottic.t ol d1y 01 NoYember, 19112 1111141 ottic. by Marie Bk kC'I S.xi.r In :uv~c:.81~:.~:d ~~~J'2~1~~~1~ ~~;?~~o ~.~,:.~:Rs1~11:i~ ~'. the Superlur Court or Orant(e BroadW1y, Suite 208, In th• City of Lagun18Hc!h,CA92651,Coun1yo1 County r e quGfltlnii l hat San11 An1, County ol Orange. St••• 0 11nge, St•I• ol Celllornle, ell tM Marie blckel Butter b e OI Cllllotnll, STEWART TITLE OF right, 1111• lfld lnler .. t Of H ld appointed 8 1 p e r1o na l CALIFORNIA, • C1t1lornl1 Decedent In Ind 10 •II Ille Ctrlaln __ ,,. ootpot1Uon. 11 duty appolnled ,.... and oe•son•I properly lllu•led rep • .,,....nt.atlve to administer TrullM under end pureu1n1 to,,.. In the County ol 011nge, ''"• ot the eatalc of J or11e Di pp power ot 1111 conl•,,•d In lhll Cellfornl1, parllcul1rly cfftcrlbed •• Reyttt, G uadalajara, Jalllk.'O, 011111n Deed 01 True• eHculed 11y tollOws. to-wit Mex I co ( u n de r l h e WILLIAM E JOHNSON. r1e:ordtd La nd e nd lmprove menlt Ind d Ad I l I June 15, 11182, In 1111 oltle• ol tlll conllsong ol • OM·lamlty rnl epen enl m n 1tral on County Alc:order ot aa1d County 11 ~'"' detcrlbed 11· of Eat.ates Ac t). Tbe petition R1c;ord1r '1 lnttrumenl No 'Thal portion ol Stcllon e. Is aet for hearing In Dept. 12·204335. by r••1011 ot • breach Town.nip 8 South. R~ 8 Weit, No. 3 al 700 Civic Center or del1u11 In payment or SanBern11rd1110 B ... 1naMerldlen, Dr' w l S A performance ol th• obllg1et1on1 In Ille County ot Orange. St11e of •.ve es • anta na, H cured thereby, 1nch1dtng 11111 C.lt1ornt1, partlcutarly bounded and Cahf. 92702 on Nov. 17, 1982 breach or dlt1u11, Notico ot wnlen etc:rlbed u 1o1iow. at 9:30 a.m . Wit recorded Juty •8. 11182. •• Be9l11nlng •t • point In tile IF YOU OBJECT to the :2~~:1~~;: ~ILL" s~~ ~: ~Le~:t Nori= .'I:!:~ ~=d= .~0~ granting .of .the petition, you AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 1, P•gH I 10 3 lnclutlv• ol should e1t~r a ppear al the BIOOEA FOR CASH. 11wlul money l1ctll1n1ou1 Maps, record• of h earing and s ta te your of the United Stet ... or 1 c111111er'1 11d Or1no• .county, d111ent objecuons or file writte n :=:. d:-:.'!,':' :r •::~.~t~~~ft .:r. ~~r :: ~r1~01~· :~~ obbfjectlonhs whllh tbe cyourt ul\lon: or 1 at•I• or leder11 .. Ying• outneul corner ol the Nortlleu( e ore t e ear1n1. o u r Ind loan IUOClllk>n domlclled In uaner ot 1111 Nor111ea11 querier ot ppearance may be ln perl<>n ttlil 1111•. Ill pey1b1111 the time ot •Id S1e:llon 8 11 shown on Hid r by your attorney. tall. 111 riglll, 11111 end 1n1ernt held IP ot Mid tract, 1nence North 47 I F y O U A R E A :l~,;~.~~~::~~i1~n c~~V::~ :"~-:·,~:·, ·~~· ~·;~~n~'.'1,•11":c0~ RE,DITOR or a contingent Slit•, described •• IOllOW• Norlh41fly 11Qng a cuf'\le conceve to red1tor of the dtceaseti. you PARCEL I ; lot 59 ol Tr eel 5692, he Eat! 111Yil1Q I r1dlu1 of 85 41 ust (lie your cliJm with the In the Clly ot Newport 8e1ch, '"' and bl4ng tangent to th11 last ·ourt or present It to the County, ol Orenge. S111e ol Hcrlbed course, 1 distance ot c111torn1. u per map recorded In 30011 teet 10 •point;,,,_ North e rs~nal representative book 206. peges 24 thru 28 ol 28 degrM• 53' '30" West.••~• p p o mted by th e cou rt Mleoellaneou1 M1ps, In the olllce ot to !he Int de,erlbed curve, 1 ithin four months from the th• County R1cord1r of 11ld dlllanc:e ot 173.50 '"' to • point; ate o! first l11u ance of County. thenc;e Nortllly 1long 1 curve 'd-"' PARCEL 2: An 1ppur1enen1 non-conc•v• 10 Ille Eut 111vlng 1 r1dlua euers aa prova ""' ln Section exclullve HMment tor lngreu Ind ol 282.50 f"I 1nd belng 1engen1 1o 700 of the Probate Code of ;xr•u throughout Lot 70 ol Tr1et the 111t dHcrlbed couru, • a lifornia. T h e time for 92, In Ille City of Newport BMctt. dl11ance ol 106.83 fMI 10 e point: Wing claims wlJI nol expire Coynty o t Orange. St1t1 of lh1nce Norin 5 degrHs 13' 30" · Cetiforol". u per map recorded In Wnl 11ngent to the lut described praor lo four mon th1 from book 206, PIO•• 24. 25 en<r26 of curve,• dl111nce or 180.113 IMt to 1 the date of the h e arin g Mls,celleneous Maps. In tne olllc• ol Po4nt, 1nenc. Nor111_1..,1y elong a noticed above. the County Recorder ol u ld curve conceve to the Soutnwest. YOU MAY E X A MI NE ~n~~~'t!: ~u~ ~V::,:~~:o 011~~~~ ~~= the file kept by th e rourl. I( lneluslve ot said tr1et edlol!I .. Id courM, • dlllence ol 156 oe IMt to you are inte rested in the lot 70. t090111er Wllh .awmenis for • point, 1nenc:. North 50 dellf-est.ate, you may file a request H VH or overh1ngs. where 1uch 30' WHI, 11ngent lo Ill• IHI with the court to receive ::::r'dee;c•. c,:,7~·~~~1t1~!b\~ ~~!~~br~,c~~v~,;.'tr~'!':~fn~ ~: ~pecial n o t ice o f the municlpel ordln1ncH . end In beginning: thence con\lnulng Norlh inventory of estate anetl eppur1enen1, non·••clutlv• right to 50 degr-30· WMI • dlltance ol and of the petitions, aooounta UM the flc:iUlles loc:eteo on sald Lot 30 00 IHI 10 • point, thence and reports described In 70rn. •lrHt •ddren or other ~r!i~'~:~::_. ~.~v: Se .c lion 1 2 0 0 o ! the common dulgnellon ot the rHI redlu• ol 87 50 IHI end borng California Probate Code. property hereinebovl described 11 11ng1nt to 1111 1111 described Alex Stelaber 1 , F lae, purported 10 be 2 t2• Y1111 Laredo, eoutM, • diltence of 20 oo feet 10 • P e r 1 I k 6 F r I e d ma 111 Newpor't 8elch, C11ilorni1 P<)4n1, in.no. Nor1n 21 deQtMI 4•' A ttor111ey at L l tttt' Tne unde11lgned hereby 50" Eatt, e dlalenceof 13'1.51 leet aw, dlsclelma 111 llablllly for eny 10 •point; in.no. South 50 deg(-Wlld1lre Blvd., S.Ue ltOt, lncorrectnna In said "r"' lddresa 27' bit. a 01111nee ol 78.00 feet to Los Aa1eles, Calif. tlOU, or other commQn deslgnlllon • ~nl; lhenee South 33 dogr-(U3) 8'71·33M Said .. 1. will be m1de without 23 40" West. I dlslence ol 129.35 Publ11hed Ora~ge Co111 Dally warranty, upreu or Implied. fMt to Ille 1"'41 polnl of beglnnln!>-" Pilot. Nov 3, •. 10. 1982 reg1rdlng 1111•. pouenlon. or AP •056-041·08. Personal property 48:$·82 encumbr1ncea, 10 salitly the con111Ung ot uMd lu1nllure for 2 !-----------;...; prlnclpal balance ol the Note or bedroom hoult, Including 1om• Pllll.IC NOTICE other obllgallon secured by Hid llvlng room piece• bul e1ecludlng I------.....;..;.;.;..;;_ ___ , Deed ol Trull, with lnlerell and peln1lng1. print•. 1nllques. Olen., other sums H provided tf\ereln; tllver, peraooet effect• and famlly NOTICE OF DE ATH OF plu1 advances. II eny, under the helrloom1. .t.w ""RE C terms tllereof 1nd lnter .. 1 on auch Al•f. known u 3 1082 Brook n.&a" D • G ILLEN AND edv1nc1t. 1nd plus fees, chargn SlrH , South L1gun1. Calllornla 0 F. P E T I T I 0 N T 0 end 1Jtpen-01111e Trull" ind of 92877 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Ille tru1t1 cr .. ted by ... Id OMd ot Term• ol HI• 01111 In lewlul All51t'7 Trust. The total •mount ol H id money ot the United Stetes on To all hein, be-fa ........... , obH11•Uon, Including ,.•son1bly conllrmlllnOn a. tale, or part casn ""' "".,..,_ 111lm11eo feH. chergH end end b1t1nc• evidenced II>' noll cred itors and con tln 1ent ••l)enlef ol the TrullM," the time MCured by Morlg9ge or Tl\Ntt Deed creditors of Allred C. Gillen of 1n11et publlcetlon of tills Notice. Is on the properly 10 IOld. Ten per and persoM who may be $37,5-45.98. C«'tl ol lllnOUr'lt bid lo be Oeposlled otherw;-•-•a..-•-' ln the 0.ted; 0cl0ber 19, 1982 with b;o .....,. .,,.,..,~ICU STEWART TITLE OF CALIFOANIA 8idl or otters lo be In wriling Ind will and/or ealate: a Cllifomle c;orporehon wfll bl received et the eforeHld -A petition hu been filed u TNllM, otftc:e et eny lime •lier the llrst by Mary l. Gllfen In t he :i~~~~l EST A TE SECURITIES :i::tlOrl hereof end before date S u perior Court of Ora.nae e Cetitornlll c;orpor1uon 0.1.0 thil 111t11 esay ot October County reques tin g that IU Agent 1"2. • Mary L GWen be appointed D.J. Morger. Pr11 JeM w. 0..-, as penonal represent.alive to 2020 N 9roedw1y, •206 AIWNf .. lew d ' ' h s11111 Ane. CA 1127oe ... "*'a..-. a mm11ter t e eatate of (714) 953-6810 .....,..,... Alfred C. Gillen (under the Publl1hed Orenge Co111 Dally Publl1hed Or1nge coast Daily Independent Admini&tratlon Pilot, Oct. 21. 28, New 4, 11182 P•IOI. Oct 28, 211. New •. 1982 of Estates Act). The petlll ________ __;4.::;83:..:5-:...8=.2 • ..., ..... is set for hearing in Dept. Pta.IC NOTICE Pllll.IC NOTICE No. 3 at 700 Civic Center K-G22SI PACW'IC nLE....oNE Drive, West, In thC ity of MUNIC•AL cou..T Of' aHltl MVE..U. TO Santa Ana, Cahfo~la on CAUf'CMMA Of'FHT INCMAN.. December 1, 1982 al 9:30 CENTRAL OftAHQE COUNTY DEPRECIATION EXP£NIE a.m. .IUOICIAL 0taT1UCT Peo111e Telephone 11u w eci 111e IF YOU OBJECT 100 Clvtc Cir. Or .... , c •Ii IOI nl. p u bl le u ""II•• to the aam. Ane, CA Commlstlon (CPUC) tor 1 revenue granting of the petition, you PLAINTl,F: PHILLIP M. 1ncruae to otlaet lflcreued should either appear a l the HUTCHE,.SON end MA RY E. depreciation expen-. hearing and stale your HUTCHt!"SON C#laln Changes In deP'llCl•lidh b • i lll n . tectors were determined In • 0 Jecl ons or e writte n Dl'ENOANT: EMMET L. NllL, meeting In July 1982 of F1d1t1I objec tions with the court SHl,.Ll Y c . NEIL, tw11n1"N Communication• Commbslon (FCC! before th e h ear ing. Yo ur .. u Tu Al E . c " 0 w Slall. CPUC Stall 1nd P1ciflc appearance may be In person CO,.PO,.ATM>N, 1 C1llfornl• Telephone Repruentatlves. who1 or by your attoiney. _.,.,ltlon, fMTZ QlANZE", Ind reviewed telephone equ1pmen F ~• t ltw!Mllfl 10, lflclwtH. "lrvet" 1nd ul\lege factor• upon 1 Y 0 U A R E A c"o•• COMPLAINANTS: wNcn deprecillion ,., ... ,. based CREDITOR or a contingent .-r L. NI ... Ind SHIRLEY c . A rev••• ot these l1c1or1 takes creditor of the deceaaed, you •L WL piece every lhree years At the most t fUe la.I Ith h CltOaa-0£,INOANTS: PHIL.Lit' t1c:en1 mMllng aever11 cn1ng" mus your C m w t e 111. HUTCHIE ,.SON, MA"Y IE. -e agreed to wtilcn. •long with court or present It lo the HUTCHIE,.I ON , WEITl"N 01ner r1commend1d cnengu personal r e presentative MUTUAL EIC .. OW p(OC>QMdbylheCompeny.-•tie.~ppoinled by the court CO,.PO,.ATION, • Ca lllornl• n•• rHult ol lncr••11no Piclli~ wathln four months from the corp e r1t1on. ANNA M. "OH :::::::,~,~~..'!'...~·~.;..!·;date or fl rat issuance o f lllCAOW'l. INC~ FNTZ GLANZIE", -·...-·1 .. .., I t•-......... · c.~• end~• 1ttwouati10 lftduelwe ottMt •he expenM 11 S165.9 milllon. e .... rs as proVluo:u m ~ .. <>o aUWC>lil O.:. · Tne added revenuu will not 700 of the Probate Code of CftO....COWL.MNT 1ncr-the S)(..noutly "''~ed California. The lime f o r c-No. 141111 -nlngs ...,.. ot '1141 Company. filin' 1ai NOTic.t Yov "-•• been '""· A 009Y of the Applicltlon tor Alt• g c ms will not expire n.. eewt mey decldl ._..,.., reu lncrHM and supporting uhlblts to four months fJ"Om the date ..._. ,_ beltte hMrct ..-. w111 be 1ve1111>1e tor lnspec:uon 11 of the he&rin,g noticed above. ~ ,...__.. ....... ao deJL ,._. PKtnc·a P'lndpal public ofllc:el. YOU MAY EXAMIN E _ .....,_..... Meow. CoplH of the eppllcetlon end h f'l k b .__ '' 1upporlln~ exhlbill will elso be l e 1 e epl Y tuc court. If you willl to·~,1111 ldvlce ol i en 111orney In tn11 milter, you avlileble 1 Ille CPUC olflcee lhOwn you are 11 tere lle d in the lflOllld do-eo-i)romptly 110 11111 "'°"' below_ lnq11111e1...rui comments es~ may file a request .. ,.r1C1en rnpon••. If any, m1y ~ relauve to ''-matters. lnciyding w ith the court to receive !Med on time. requesll to receive notice of dlle . 1 . A y I • 0 I u • ' • d h • I I d 0 time end pl-ot eny l'teaflngl m.Y I p e c I a n 0 ti c e 0 ! l h e H••nctedo. 11 trlbt1nel puede be directed 10 the CPUC oltlee 11: Inven tory o f e11tatc asset1 ...., -"'• Ud. ..., ~ • and of the petitions, accounts ...... .,. Uct. ,....... clefttr• 350 McAlllller S1. a nd reports described In de • dleL LM la lft'°'1Mclen .,. Sen Frllndeco. CA 114102 Sec l Ion 1 2 0 0 , 6 o { t h e ~Uated dUH aollcltar el 107 S Broedw•y California Probate Code. conMJo d• un ebogado en HI• Lot Angeln. Cf\ 90012 Pa • I g • • a p e It ll l , ••unto. deber11 hec erlo Attoraey at Law, 1 5 0 lmmedlltM*ll•. de 1111 mtner•. Publl1hed Ot1ng• CoHI Delly a.ftta•t Street, Suita •Au, "'reepuMI• eec:rlll. II hay llguna. Piiot. Nov '· 111112 2"'-""0-•-.. ., ••• Tel--.. puede -regillrld• t tlemc>o. 4732-t ........ ,.,.. ,,., ... _~. 1. TO THE C.ROSS..OEFENOANT. • S•l·51•7. A c:MI CGmOlainl ,,_ bMf'I ftlecl by Pllll..IC NOT1CE P•llilhh • Or111• CoHt O•U~ IN Cf~I egatnat you PUet, ~v. I, 4, II, IHt If you with to defend 11111 1-i1. '1CTITIOUS aueMH OU·U you muet, within • deya eller 11111 NAMR ITATir•NT _,. II Mr"9d on )'OU, flle wllh The lotlow1n11 pe11on Is doing !Ne cour1 • -111en reeponM lo the bUll,_ M. ~. u.l6MI you dO eo. your DESIREE JEWELERS, 230 E PWl.IC NOTICE .. ,.., Save '50 ·19995 Attachft &ally To Any Color TV Reg. 249.95 Year 'round family fun. "ses lntelllvislon • and Sears Super Video Arcade"' car· trl=. Poker/Blackjack cartridge In· cl · #58-1000 •TM Manti Electronics , AM1FM Stereo Cassette Recorder Cut 33% SCR·5 by Realistic Slive'60 11995 Stereo-Wide'• for Added Realism Reg. 179.95 Record off·th&-air. or "live" with built-In mikes. Auto-Stop, Auto-Level, pause con- trol. AC/battery operation. #14-ns 25% Off Per8onal .. Mini" Phone ET-100 bV Radio Sheck Save'10 !H long, re~dy to plug 1n. FCC registered. White, #43-284. Brown, #43-285 Ultra-Compact AM/FM Cawtte Min1eett ... 10 bV ReaJ1st1c Cut 33"- • Powerful AM/FM Stereo Receiver STA-850 by Aealistlc' 50 watts per channel, minimum rma Into 8 ohm• 5.;;; ... ~140···239t~ j 379.95 • LED Output Power Meter Power and performance at 370/o ottl • LED Slgnal Strength...Meter Separate bass and treble controls, • Auto-M_..lc FM Tuning tape monitor, and FM-muting. -· #31-2096 • Save 29% on This Matched-Component Stereo System! By Realistic Save. '26080 • STA--850 Receiver • •Two Optlmua T-110 Tower Speaker Sy at ems S639 • LAB-395 Dlrect- Drtve Turntable With $29.95 Reallatlc/Shure Cartridge Reg. Separate Items 899.80 Backed by Expert Service Through Our Stores Budget AM/FM Portable Radio By Realistic S Save $77 :;• 2495~is '42" 1~9\s Our most popular portable features AFC on FM, "high 'n wide" dial and tone switch. AC/battery operation. # 12· 711 Bettenes extre 360/o off! Instant access to Emergency Ch. 9 and Highway Info Ch. 19. Lighted S/RF me- ter, speaker jacks for mobile PA. #21·1503 With mounung herctware Video Disc Player With Remote Control CE0.1 by Realistic Save'160 219953~95 deteult wlll be entered on 17111 St .. eo.11Mne.CA92627. a ppllc ellon Of Ill • oro ••· AYDIN IPEK, 24701 VI• S•n complaln1n1 1nd lhl• court m1y Fernando, Mltelon Vlei<>, CA 112692. .,,., • judgment lgllnlt you for Ille Thie bUelnna 11 eondue:lld by 111 relllf' demlnded In 1111 c;omplaltlt, llldlVldull. Notice 11 hereby given 11111 purtuent to INIC11oft tNI of !he CM Code, 1111• 01 Cellfornla, thet--::----..:....------r---------2---':-~==========-r-=========== under119Md wll ... •t Pl!'*° .... ;. ~y~~~~b. •: :: Ml.JC NOT1CE Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE ---PU8l--IC_NO_T_ICC __ "-'- wNd'I COUid r.1111 In garnllhment of Aydin lpoll ....... liking of money orroperty This II.al-I wu filed ""111 Ille Of Olhef reflef reQ11HI• In tne County Clent of Otange County on ....... Ootot>er 18, 11112 o.Mld: ~ 18, 11182 ,,.... ....,. .. K ...... Cletll Publl1ned Orengt COHI Delly ...... ~ De!M1tJ Piiot. Oc1. 21, 21, HoY 4, 11, 1182 ....... -. ..... c--. 4528·12 mn .._.. ""-ir103 Huntington BMetl.i. CA 112647·5"9 l-----------(1 1A) '4r.eo41 "8.IC NOTICE PObflllleel Or•no• Co11t Delly 1--=~~~;.;.;;.~::...,----Pllot. Oo1. 21, No'I. 4, 11, 18, IH2 f'ICTmOUI ..,._ .. 4113·12 MAMI •TA,_.,, Tl!• IOllOwlng l)erlOn 11 doing butlneet ... THI TICKET SHACK , 1820 lie 0 TIC I O • M 0 M • Newport •twd., Co11a MeH •INlll• m Cellfornlll tH27 . fo .. CUllO 'Ml"I of 8!""9y l lone KaMettl Jo, Oberlin, 7tO W•I ~....,,., * IElet 17ltl •wtet. 11tll IHH I. Newport IHch . -• MeM Cellfotnle, • rooftno Cetffotnle tHIO _.,_...·TI; ~etlon doee Tlllt ~II aoncMteO ~en • 11ot e111111or Cieri! We ier• 11 lndiYIOllel, ••t1111 e1or e nd wlll not ltl• Kennell! J °""'1 I 19' I 19111'! lof",,,.., OOfttleotl illld ~ , .. ....,_, P11bll1"4td Ore"" C°"I Delly ,...lleMd Orente COH I Olltr Pllot,.oct "· a1. "· No'I •. ,. ""· ..... 1182 ... ,-ti t471-ll o'ti0ck 1> m , on IM~""«• ~TmOUa .,..... 'ICTITIOUa .,...,, K407I It~ Mid ?f'operfy llM beef! .. °'90. and MAMl ITA~ MAim ITATlfllll'T ,tennoue M*NIH ,ICftTIOUI IWllNIH f'tCTITIOUI ., ..... wfllell ere located et Publle ••ere IKlll!ni:_ ..... io '*'°"' .,. dOlll(I Th• lollowi11g per1on I• doing .... ITAT1MINT NAiii ITATIMINT Th• 1:1~:.;'c::O':~. doing ~; ~o~:.:~n~y Of CoM':l .. CIAl HOM! ANO bVww• ~GENT REAL TY (81 .,!..':... ~ng pettonl .,. dOlng ou~::.:':.wtng l)eflonl •r• dol119 l>Ut4netl H Or1nge. 8tete ol Celllornla, the ~l~~l~HtRODUCTS. 2~311·0 AEGENT ASSOCIATES. (C OXNARD ASSOCIATES t3 1 HAR80R /IMP CRIAL THF HURTS 124 Sun1t1 U l ndoned good1, Gh l ll••• Of Hiii• CAM•= Ml• 318. Leoun• REGENT INVl8TMENT8. (DI Corporll• Piao 8ullt200 ASSOCIATES, • t3 Corporate ~r;:::·· Lllg\ln• Beach C11ttornl• pel't"&;~.!.'!""Y, ..... delcflbed l*Ow. Ol .. ALDO FLO'"ES " REGENT SCHOOL. 240&t Cetltll!a Nftpo(t IMoh Ce11lorn11112eoo 'I Plan, Sull• 200. Newport Belen Tnom•• Joe 8urt, 1"4 suft~. In I ,,,..,_ '" n • 1.r 123 Ad , LeQYM ....... CA 112t77 Stephen (: Hopkl 1 • f" Calll()fnl1 ll~ee<I ' c ·-llld l.W. -32 bow ... 4 BrOOllhvrll. APf 121. W•tm1n11er, ROltEAT JOHN DONOHUE, corporate PIM• lutte n ' .. I Devtd 8 $hrr11on, 2332 t v11 Teuece. leguni 8eecn, Cel!tornla flllng oeot .. 2 cilg. mac:tllnel, fUlle C~ tC~~··EN S C E · S 31581 Tlblerock 01111e. No •II, rwvt 8Hc:h Cl tlteO (~,:_New) • Aond1, MIHIOll Viejo, Cellto1nla ll:IHl bole. ""'" U VA , 8021 South Ll(IUn1, CA t2817 ... -· Fi ecterick J a ,.....,._ 11289.1 lPlrtner) Steven J Suri, 124 Sunset Landlord,_.. the'""'' to bid ::~1:~ow1r Btvo .. L•ktwood, CA Thie butlnee• '• conoucttd by 1111 sln1: M1r91r1t1 p/::"f~n'J~~~ S11p11en c Hop kine. • 13 ~;er~•· L1Qun1 Beech, Cel1torn11 ~ .. ~~·:.:==· ~~:,, ~~ LOIS M C08UAN, 324&..0 Seti lndlvldutl . ~ J OOnonut o·~~tlllO, C1111ornl1 92175 ~~~ .. ~~-i~'~:.r~:i ,,_ Calvin Sun, 124 SvnM1 IN Ullle of~ M ~ Amadeo, lllf'llll Hiiie, CA 92653. Thlt Ital-I WM liled wllh Ille (Pt' , fredeftc:k J 81tmf'tllt< 31 t02 Terrece. l •t11"-letlCll. c./tlornle 0000. .,. eold ..... Ind mutt • Thll bullMM .. concluetecl by • County CWtl of Orenet COllnly on 0.vlel •• O•m•on. 23311 VIA ltlllt M., •• ,,,. Pl•c• Sen J • 112954 r«nO¥eC1 11 1M 1t1M of ~ 1191* .. """9'11Np Octoo.t 11 1112 "ond1, MIHIOfl VltjO, C111tornle a I I C Ill ' tzeut: M~ Lou WllNem1, 12• SunMI lall "'*1lo"'°'a.noe19tlen 111 0.tldO ~ ' ,,._. , ... , (pettner) P 1 reno. • orn•• " T"rl!Ce. liQunl e.111:11. Cllllfornla tfle event of Mtt191Mnt "'""" Thie ... ,__.. _. Med With Ille P11bll.tf\H Of~o COHI 0.lly Tlllt ~ .. ~ by e lntlf) t2t&4 lltlldlllnl .... 0.....-'*"· Olttd eounty ~ of °' ... Count-, Ofl "'°' ~ a 1 at. Noll 4 1' 1112 ...... per"*1lfllp I,,.. .,.,..,,... •• condueled by e '""' lllullMlll llt ConduclM ~ • tlllt •ffl end 1111 -, of No'4mbtr. OCtotler 1t. 1112 ' ' ' ' •W·tl leepMn C H•IM flM'll pe11nert111C> ltmlled partnerlll!P tllt ·-Tr. etlltft:et\I -flled "''" Ille ·~ C HOl)klM Tom 11.'1 "*'° "°' Ille Publltfleel Or•nee co .. 1 Detty ~ Cltrk OI Ofenge County on Ttlll 1111eme111 ••• ''*' W1ltl the n111 "•'"""'' "'•• ""° wi111 111e LIMIOnt .... • Piiot. Ol1 21. 21 . ...., • 11. 1MI Octoei. 4, , .. , COlll'ltY Clertl OI Oftngt C°""l't °" Coull•~ c ..... Of°' .. County on ,1o11>tl11!e d Or•"O• Cout t---------4M_8-.:....;;•12:J Ceh Nl•ll71. Pul>lltllff 0refttl9 Coe:.: QclotMlf 4 · lM 2 ,,_,, Octobe!' 11, IH2 ,_ Oellr "'°4, No\Jl!Nler A, f I, Illa O •IWllMI Ade, ~ on.-Put a ... WOrdt ""°'-OCt 14, JI, ft, Hoot •• ltlf Pubhtf!ed 011nge CoHI De1I~ Publtlllff Or.,.ge Co .. 1 a ....... .... ........ .... .. .. ,.. ....... Pelot. Oct "· 21 21 No¥ -i. tllU '*"·Oat 2t, 21, Nov 4, 1!1.. ~~~~--~---'--·~ •U7.a .. -""""~~---~-L--'"' C., I .. I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thursday, November '4 , 1982 \ ... r -. formerly /' ··J?olO . ' . announces. C~NGEof NAME and CHANGE of POX..XCY We' re maintaining th~ largest selecti'on of · / -But, we've extended our lines of ., merchandise to include all the best labels in the world and changed our name to reflect this broadened ~iewp9int: " GIANNI ACCARDI • GIOBGIO· AR~ANI JHA YNE BARNES • PETER BARTON 'PERRY ELLIS • RALPH . LAUREN . . ENRICA MASEI • MISSONI ~ . ROBERT PHILLIPS • NICOLA TRUSSARDI · ' . ~.SOUTH COAST. PLAZA Open Monday-Friday 10 to 9 • SatUrday 10 .to 6 • Sunday 12 to 5 '. ·,. ...... -....i:-.:.- .. • ft . ' .• l . !l L • ~ llllJPIM ClASllllED Thursnoy, Novombor 41 , 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. • I CLASSIFIED INDEX Ta Pllce Ya~r ld, CaU 642-5678 HOUSES fOR SALE ,,,, ,,,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• t,,.....,., ::::: ~:!~~:,vi: t::~ Ptlltll1ll1r'1 lttlot1 t •t)t\h•"'-tw ... ._ l ..Vt"'•.,,""•' t ""'4• "•'• ..... t4tl•"4 •11.,,v to1o•fl4•'" \•II•\ ._ __ ... ,,, ."' . ,;.,,, ,., ;,,, · ·il,.,n '" '''' ••• ,,, '" "'' -N .. ,,, '" ,,,, 1.,.,,, ,., '''' I °''" '"' 111111 .,.,,, u.1.,.1••" .,.,,, u.1.,.,,." •.•..••••••••••••..•.. •••••••••••••.•••••••• .••••••..••••.••••..•• ••••••..••.•••••..•... 1······················ •••••••••••••••••••••• •.••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• F!-.~~'.L .... °.!!:.!.'.f~ f!~'.'.'.~ ......... !.~ f!~~ ... ~!!!!!! .. !.~f: f!!!t.l!!!~ ...... l.~~1 ~!.'!r.!!.f!l!! .. J.Ojf 0·~~i~:·t., ,,,, JIOO f!~'.'.'.'..." ....... 1.~~l f!!!!.!!!!~ ...... IJ.~t " STOP! •••••••••••••••••••••• 8AYf-R0NT CONDO/ 11dt 3 OR lb•, fem rm, Ull llLI ••••• DIPLll LllO llLI Two trlpltUI. c M . uoturn OnL1<10 P11110r lg11 0"· s1001 mo No Lfmc Lido Nord bayTrOnt nifrm ~~ beth. PRtCf AtsOUCl':O TO Otlor• you t>uy • house UYFIOH 7110% dwn, breoll .... .,, Lot 2Br & oon. MC bldo p • t • 2 1 2 L 111 11 n . • L k , •ir.l'Ond. 2 boa. \ allp!I $1.~00,000. $250,000 3 Bdrm•, 2 In Co•I• Mtaa yoo muet PrttttlQIOOt letanel lint• Two 2 Br Cluplt•U Slt001mo 11'7·63H blltht plul atucllo tPlll• ate lhlt ont l C1t1n. UI" IOCtllon, you'vt E slelt C M S 142K H BAYFRONT /Furn Avt ll 3 BR 2' i bt fpl(; wld & ment above o rege F1r11 ''"hly p•lnltd. rt•dV 10 heard 111 the oood Low own now .Loe docll 39r wl •I dbl 01; s75o Aot RemoddeJ 3 bdnn, 2 bath + Wae r«. rm. beam celUnp. furnl.ehed, pallOll. t42Q,OOO. I ' . PlillSILA fll Ocean & jetty viewa. Mar room, 4 bdrm, !i bath, 3700 9q.ft. $1 ,386,000. QreanCront. thnt ot11red wath to move 111 Fireplace. l>ulll wor<le now let "' etiow One yr new NB Clupl•K fftm 1m 1/1 ou111•nd1no ~4g.41390 645.4765 11he>1>1, bu,, 111c Ownert In nook anetv••· w11t1pa· you 11 wettrlront homt tn forecloaure. Aot Sh&· IOC S3000tmo • 1111 r~epUve to your II· p11r •In kltchen/Cltnlng with 4 b<J•mt & 4 bttnt rvl ·558·8191 , 840-7814 WATERFRONT HOMES DHI 11/•t 3ZZf n1n<1lng ntede ertt 3 tPtCIOut bt· that ho• 1111 the orace & or 983-7800 831·1400 •••••••••••••••••••••• 142• Clroomt OOO<I loc •near Ch tr m OI whll you Ntw duplt• "+' oreal GARDEN OAOVE 2 l 3 HuuM . Condo . Apt All 11\0l)pi"" tenOOll Ir... Cl " I I "01.. , 11 v I t I e b I e n 0 w wa 1'C'ceu V~cinl rt•m 1.,ou n "I 1oc111on neer 17th By Belrms., 2 ~ba tu•ury S 6 5 0 • S 9 5 o S ltT 000 By owner COP• Coo·· $2,200,000 Owner 2 2·8drm un111. condo• RENT, RENT TO 7111ti93 01187 J U\tMI~'""' ..... h lru11ir ......_.,."'. tt. •• n \Al'-lft• UIH'\ ~=~::;1 ~:t-:!!: •. t:" '9 . .-J~"' ..... ., •.•. '-""• ~"· ......... h :~:. All tea~ e1t1te advetUHd :·~ tn 1h11 newspaper II •·~· aub1ec1 10 Iha Feelerat :.~~ 1 F11r Housing Act 0,1 19M ,.... which makH II 1119011 lo ::::. adverllso "any preferen· '"' ce, hmllallon or dlscrlml· ::::-nation based on race, ,,,. color. re1101on. aex or :: : na11onat or1g1n, or any 1.. 1n1ent1on to m11<e any ::: such preterence. llmlla· 1•,. uon or dlacrlm1nat1on ·• l'!:i,1·5418 968·2481 tip $194,000 A11ume OWtl & LSEIOPT avalla· LI.II ISLE U YFIOIT I ' ~-ul1t1ng $136.800 1st ble 2 car oar Full ame· Super I Br 1 Ba Vitia, -..,. TO Earl 679.0856 n111ts 1875 10 $726/mo covrtyerd, reured pre· "- Lagoon view from 6 bdnn, ~ bal h, pll.iyroom, VA/FU THMI • Eel 984·8171 I e,, • o S <I 2 5 1 mo dark nn, den. Boal allp. Now $1,000,000. _______ _. Sharp 3 Bdrm 1aro• l•tt•I ,,, .. ,,l ZOOO •T•• 673·33 13, 493-4803 ' •••••••••••J.-.. •••••• RE•TALS • IE -s --lllVIME TEllllAOE corner IOI. RV I CCIU LI 0 ea ty SALi IY OWHll CdMI NB/CM HOMES , ... 1.1. "'"'" 3Z34 U,11.E PUCE •1tl,OOO Spa, naw paint and roof, 673-7JOO Undivided "'1 '"1er111 In ll Molyrty No lee. M Fer· ••••••••••••••'••••••• ~Ull•CW••t11 ... 'l,f•Hlhlf'f Mub11 .. U1111,1 '•h ' •m mm " ......... ··•'\.iih A_~im.ft4,fu4"-h ... ~ ~ .~,,,.,.,,, Kw'I.""'' l'tu~JOPlt\ ff'R"Whl \ l •"'l lt1.t+1 f •ttnn1 .. t• ••I l'•u1*''h C hft()uf'111fhtitfh' '•h ,,_,,., ... """ '"'' , .. ,. ..... ~ .. ··-\I ·~·J 1--. .. n .. t·"~'" lllWhit"'"•I t'ti.t• U• '"''' .. , .... \lubtk-tlf'-4; I 111 t ,. )1:1"1MI'\ l!it"\• ft h• ·•••I fif'otntr .. I " '''•4t flvt•lf••l\llll\ ,.,,,,. ttlott"' ............. ,. "•"" """ .. ,,., ...... .. ...... 1. ,, ..... '\! "·"'' kr•I .... l•h "•.W••I RUll ALS t""''""' •u1n1 .. t1 .. 1I HtN"''" I nlu1 t'lhfh-.J lh:J.v.,.,., t urn ut t nl t onduftun;urto t t.ttn l~tAtW"1•lft( ro .. ~._. ....... h•'" lo.ntw"' .... t ,., 'Jv~"'t'· ...... _,,, .... .,...."'"'"' Aph •\lift 4~,l flllutA A~<i •u1n111 t 01 M1ll'lft•" ,.,_,,,., 6 ""•"I II• lllf'h \I ~" f.. ~ ..... , ... ..,, ... "'-" n .. 1 k••U•I \ ..-.1,..-, M• 1tt ., .. .... ...-..... , .. ~ ..... c;.,., •. _ ''" th ~' hffo"' Kt"nt.1 IU ... 1&."\""' Mtht .. 1 lndu'\tr111I k11,U•I "9. • ..-.... MrN•I" 'A•Ah·1l """ ltt'fM•h ltlSIN(SS, INVEST MENT, flNANCE ""°'''""'"" '"'""~·· Hu._..,._., "•"1 .. ,1 , .. ,...,.,,. ... nt tt~'"'°"' ' ·~, ..... .,.."' "-•""'' KtW'\ to t"._" "'IW'"•Mf'd' ,. ..... ,_..,_ ,, ... ANNOUNCEMENTS, ,ERSOllALS & LOST & FOUND ~ .. ""'"'""' l •f ..._ ..... l.lt.·•'" ..... . '"""' ..... _,.a p,...._"'.1""'• So..-1.1 t lut.,,• Tt•u•l' SlRYICES £Ml'l.OYMENT & NErAHTION Vhuiul" fft'\lr~INN\ JtA V..tnc.-.t• ""*'-"•"' .... J "". MERCHANDISE •·•i ....... Allit14.twr1o AINt1•"' .,, A"''''-"' a.hrko .. lw. .. 11\1 ...... ,1.h f • .... fOlo •4'• .. Mt•' \ ... •'°"' ........ ,~''""' n11~1wr lk10f'\. ·~tM~d·····' ,,. .... ., .. ~\ .... tot~ M .. h1Wf\ 'itlY-f'll#fW'f>U ... lilt'M"t'll•fW'I•· \11. ......... 'illw .... .-1 l"''"'fnt ~ .. Olht.-t wtll ' t ~--4P ~ ... t'1•"""' 6 uu.n ~·inc \4 ., "-•"•"' SJ;ott1n1ll '·"•""" ~u•·r k•"'•"'•f\I Ii•' ~·r.,, ............. , ... BOATS & MARINE EQU"MlNT ,, .. ,....,.l hi~•h \l•IM '-"h 10· "'"""" "'•"""" • 'f'lll# Mo.1 ........... , "-•'" tc ... M I l'l•lhr llliuh '411 lilD•h ..... !"' ,,,.,.,_ .. ~ .. """'"" ..... lkwt .. "Uf•IC .. lHNS'°ITATION "''''·'· t .-n ..,....., "'•" Mntt t:s.N-tttt t .,.. Mrb .... thoM• .. .._ .. c~r•f" VO"ll~n· Mot•• llft.l' '"'" th nt r,.,, .. ,., ,,. .. ,., Trt11..,_,, t 111m """" V h11 ' I'•'"' AUTOMOBILE "-M"'fWt., '1•"'"'"., M .. , , ...... "'\I h +l k .. ........... H.,, I H+•I t ... t"t'I HIH .... ,, ..... .. ,.,,, ''"""' , ....... ,.. .. AWll,..., Vt.,, . ., I AUTOS. '"''°mo l1t•nn•I "' .. k •m. .. '"'" " ... ,.,. ....... M>I .. , ... ~ u.1 .. w .. ... , .. ,. "'"'' l4'n1 .. J.,.:_._~, ~ ........ till ...... ,,.,."~ '•"' .. 1.o..-...... .. ,.,. .... ' ..... "' ~:: .. Uprol ,....,.. .. "' l'"....._t·ot ., ..... ~ .. " ..... •1111t K...th M·•' • "'"*"' ..... ••1 f'wh•t• J&>·~· rnw.._itf' \"4•••• ...... \111hw AUTOS. Nll 11•- '" ... ". I•• ... , ... I " · 1•• I " .. .... . .. :ao .. "' .... .. .... Thls newspaper will not knowinoly accept any advorllelng tor real 81· late which IS In vtolauon ot the law • copper plumblno. cul de · Why throw awey rent S,,_.t.acular beyfronl dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, Thi• neat 3 bdrm, 2 b• sec 11ree1 QREAT Fl 16 u""' "&Pl btdo In g us on & Hahn A E 11 can own "' 3 .--• I Hununoton Beoch, CA 6<12· 1183 w en you • 2 ba dn. 2 boa\ spac:es. Reduced-$1 ;500,000. with OYef t800 sq II with NANCING TEAMS As· 1 1 9 1 w/$1200 10 $2000 pay· lovely pelioe end oar· king only $105.000 Cell Call 7 "'' 60•2" 11 or menll. S 17SK • S215K, FlllUlll lllftll Ciani Ownlf WIM llnanee S40·1161 N~wporl Heiohts older 2 intormeuon ,,,.,, move "' • lake over • ·New 4 br, 4 ~ ba, custom French Normandy I ~~t~~:·•17 ·~~ ~~r~t ~ ~ ,_t ~1j ~~ 1~~r oar90e, I I HITS/SH,000 lfl •• !.~'!!'!!~}! ••••• /~! ~~':,'~, 3//i'.~~~i()n, cell Est.ate-1.2 prime acre hilh()p $1,2~0.000. ieo,ehold 8_.1818. Priced 1166.000 1 Prime eas11icte CM I~•· Penin Pt, s BR,~·., be, • _ · · I •o sell in ree 461 Santa Ano Ava 11on P11ced to "" et OR. lro patio. $1200 mo Clean reelec 3 bf':' 2 ba, lvaall IU·l· 211 s1111•61101 1111 6 $295.000 Joyce Wallze. 10 mo Ao1 673-9060 Oen.' ltplc. patio. Quiet .. I l!QI 83'·1266 C 'I JI 3••• erea $750 mo. 111, 1aat Fee simple 2 br couag~ on quiet Dcs<-anso St. BHli•tl•• SPHUSS MILL UVE llPLEX .!!!!~ •. ~ .•. !! •••• ~~~ & sec 963-2118 (an Flats) Reduced lO $100,000. lllt• 1040 "' Bdrm Sacr1lk:• Sate • Brand spanhlng new ev•· •••••••••••••••••••••• 01 S3S9,600 Mike Crow WILL TllADEI rywhera 3 bdrm 2'"1 ba H••li•tl•• 00101111 DIYI I OM TME SHD R E 611S·3176 _ 3 Br Plus 2 Br, hloh In· Garaoe. patio. SI ,ooo '"'" 3240 Co laland ba { I l a~· boal la•k FertoleSllfl com11. approx 95K equi· mo 607 Iris 641•4868 .•••••••••••••••••••••• ronado cusl . ronl o , C1111 11111 1014 2 story, 2 bdrm t 'h ba WESTDLIFF ly lookino lor bulleleble 777-2233, 673-4399 • .. 1>ee1ome'mw1/J2•bcauthzzc1u!~om50 d9(k~Pl.anl avail. Now 7o,OOO w/l.erms. •••••••••••••••••••••• beech • Condo co-op 3 Bdr 1'• Ba, owner will• tot or llOuSe lo uPOrad• Avatl lmmeo 2Br & Oen. 3 " METRO ALTY.., llll llY '" Pool. sauna , weloht Mance al low. tow rate I Rob• r l M I 11 l ken . ba, oar, p111 patio, clean 636-700S chg llHE 'I WMY room , sub parking. I Proper,•y vac~1'' Sahoowt , 631·1266 $97Slmo Includes oaa. 0-cean uj~, "Olley ball.Cl, m• Oon't miss this goroeous Oceen and Pier View en YI me· "'8 Y Reis req 7141673-50119 • .,_ • :-:: I•--------• 5 bdrm home with tam Listed at s 149,SOO, $76, 631· 1266 -119 Huntington St. 2 BA. EllllOU1 Advert!· sers s hould chec k their ads daily and report errors lm- m ed I a t e I y . Th.e DAILY PILOT as· sumes llabihty fo r the first incorrect inser11on only . ••• BIHll 111 S.lt rm Over 2000 sq II and 000 under market All I Condos never lived In, S6SO, 1 BR, SSOO, or rttnl :~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1011 ol upgrades Price cash or new fin. Greet lovely view ot waler & ent i re Clplx $1126 • I •·1 I• eel _,. $132 000 • t -• harbor. 2 Br 2 Ba or 21 636·3602 or 661-7622 :~ ,. w 1 ,. $ 000 JuSI r uc ...... '0 • opp Y or 10meone .. ,,o Positive cash no.,.,, t>eaul Br 2 Ba + huge bonus •••••••,•••••••••••1•oo••z• REOOCm TO 745, Call now 979-S370 c en ac1 1111 Aoen1. I ap1 bldo Prtnctpata only room Deluxe 2 be<lrm wioar•oe ;;.:: ¥!~.'.'.'. •• ••••• •••••••• 53 t -8100. Ask tor Jim I 1.,, V f L f 549•9213 801 I and utlla incl no.,., $375 ::; TWO WlHS Un Riohelmer I •ti IOll I -Charter Ilea ty METRO AL TY "" I 10 assume 12% loan on UllA ISLE/0111111 OtsfS 01111 -0 IHllHM I II FtrtoltHrt f~!!.!!'..~~~'. .... !J.Oj Marr:::~641;;.8686 93a..7oos ctio ::~ I beaut lnl oec Condo I Owner h•• bweln••• rei eraala and MUIT 1 '') ba '1wnhse. edull I ><Int loc on penlneule Hlsperta LOI 100 x 18S. Spotless 2 Br 111acheel ::: Fullerton/ Brea area. Nr I lktwtdetel To q...mted buy., tfll• home fNIJ be -----comm Walk 10 beach Corner Bay & Cypress 1 u 11 1 $ 9 . O o o 1 er m Buuulut E.eeuhve Hom• dbl gar. W/O hookup. ... C<>llege 2 BA. 1250 sq II curchaeed tor cloaln~ co••• onlJI Fabuloue • E'Slll IMITS Tennis, pool, extra clean. I block from lhe bay To 611S-768S eves. 3 be!. 2 ba 1n Irvine T8f· $5-00 & $SOO ditp Ou1e1 . '" Owner desperate $119 8 1a .., l•·lla's cress 51 15,000 Own•• I be sold Nov 12 Can be --race Nr Fashion Island nr F""' & ahopplno. Sml ••• · ·1 oweet prlo• on Lin a Itta. 11oerb laaoon .,,. "' F 1 f .., I · D N t c t L _, 11~ 000 oller ht d tt• l•IO had cheap. or n orma· ,., •• 11•, e1111, ewpor en er eaH pet poss. wl dep Mc· ,.. 1/S29-3798 or 9s1•13411 locatlon wltll pler/ellp IOf large JIG an • Owner will carry a sub· &· 1 ,10n call Trustee Sales 1,..,1 ' Z400 !'"SO/mo 7141673-1700 Fadden nr Beach Bl ~~ ==·~=='~ tamNJ room. tnv"' ~:~·~~1~~~i~.°o" ~1~~~= -•• t•·•O OHL! Dept 1 w~-6810 ••••••••••••••••••• ••• Coit• 11,,, 3zz4 893 .. 89_11 _____ _ .,. .00 &1ory 1 & 2 bdrm units. CtoH lo ocean, 3.3 ' HlllOR llllCE FOR •RENT! •••••••••••••••••••••• Sensational 3Br 2 bath, WIRIFllll .. S, Ill. II 1· 1 I Ptenly ot olt street Pll· Pymta S 1200 to $2000. I DEYO•SMlllE MIL Laroe execull~e 2 a1ory sun deck, garaoe • .$600 .......... '''" ••I) ..... -..... . ... •llf "' ..... ..... 1 king "' car oaraoe Al· $175K to S215K Move In house wl4 beelrms NO fast mnlh req lor For our new regu ar I•--------• 1 trec1lvely priced at $325,1 . teke over shared ap· I Panoramic views and 2 bedroom, 2 baths & 2 2''> bths 1 1 $600 weekly feature A••llei• Hilll 1004 000 preolatlon. Financing potslblllly of trade wlll stories In Twin Peek1 In Formal dining. spacious right lam ly, on Y LOOK 8 0 IT SH ft W • "MINGLES" l••••A•;;:.. •E•l•.·•_:l•L•L•S••••• I ••• 1211 j avellabte. Call Sue at 1 entice buyers to this S Lille Arrowhead area. 11v11am1ly room. walk· METRO RLTY ., I "-" --691 SSS6 · bedroom. 4 bath nome Has bullHns & ltreplaee thru kltch 10 large bbq &36·700S chg CASE 11 you ere S1ngle and la•k Fertolenre 1 I · · 1 S67S,OOO 6"'4~7020 F1r11, last & C1990sll re. 1 patio ano oorgeous pool 2Br Conoo. 1~Ba. cp111 can't aftord 10 buy In 5 yr old s & s Home l'·"'··'·'•.• ••••••••••••• I.tH •• t ' Ll•ll REAL ESTATE q u 1 red Ca 11 I 7 1 A I won·1 last tong at $780 drps. pool, jac. clbhse Every Saturday In th• Corona Clel Mar, Why nol 2572 sq 11. Pool with 7 6 8 O 2 6 6 or (7 14 I METRO RL TY $S15 mo 768 7633 Oltlly Pilot Ctauitieds become e mlnole? 2 or 1• s~im up bar In cave. I BEST BUY IN N,0. IAVINE.' ---667 Otis1 weekday eve· 636 700S cho . • -. more mlnglH who go s25.000 below market 1 1· E"cet hnanctno. 10 &a· ., l•I Vil Liii •OH nlngs alt., 6 pm II no j-· --OPT TO HY * •HA YHIE On the 0011 course Custom beauhlul 3 Bdrm home. many. many ex· I lra.s $279,SOO with 10% down owner will carry at 12'•% lntlfest Iler lhCar•le, llHr. Hl·ll21 togelhef 10 buy a place 2ov. on 12 2% 1n1eru1 •E•• YElllE tum loan. Nr tehoots. 4 $1 S95.doo anawer, please keep 1 3 Ir. 2 la. Custom 4 '*''m 2 baths 10 live are "mlngles" Aot Jim. 531·8100 -Br 2ba. 10~. dn M ay S·I0-4 CASH DOWN trylngt Frplc, range, yard. oa· w/JACUZZI and POOL And we have Juel lh• -------IUITY ... I carry 2nd. by owner I Up 10 $1 II milllon HSU· ---I rage. no pets Private Kids • pets Ok. Today Corona Clef Mar property ,,,~ /dH' lOOl l Former model decorated 213/747·9l>2S mat>le ltnanctno 40' Real £11111 I $7SOl mo 1st. plus sec $S7S lor yovl Low prlc:41 duplex •••••••••••••••••••••• In werm ear1h tones! II J main bey view Ext•H•I 2100 only 6118 W 18th St METRO ALTY with aCIJotnlno oue11 $211,000 Bdrm & lam rm and IUITIFl~l-S TURNER. BROKER •••••••••'••••••••••·· 1499-1617 636-700S cho house avaUeble at $229, Ovplex. two 3 er units. more. Close 10 ":hoots. I Flll•IS•EI I 640-6350 I llESll·. HITS Quiel tree un-" str-t--11 1 000 wllh 20% down 10 a 10% dwn Darrell Pash shopping, etc. Don I miss Eaa111de Costa Mesa ""' """ Why 1 row ren away 12'h% toan. Ml""'les are Pro....,.teS as 1·8767 this onet $179.600 Can ll•ILE LEYEL le whera this •P&c•ou• when you can own 3·3 ... ......, , Poslllv• cash flow. Ow· 1 2 beelrm hoose 11ts with wlS 1200 10 $2000 ply· welcome C ' I /II. JOZZ 979·S370 3 BR hOm8 In Unlver11ly I WHTCLIFF lllOYE ner will exchange $200. crp1 ... e1rapes kids ok I ments $175K • $21SK; lllll63JIH ILi llM 1121,000 -1 bar and prlvll• pa· and library, 2.850 sq.IL Mike C ~w 64 8 5 3178 · METRO ALTY share a.pptecletton, can : 17 I 4J 671-4400 .!!!!'. •• ! ••• !!....... Park for leaM Fireplace, I Nearly new 1 11ory 3 BR ~cehqy~~1~0rn~:W~00~1 10-IO move In only S.-SO move 'in • take over •• " a Rao• So. of H...v 3 Brr--...... 110· 5995•000;. Call now E1eeuUve home. on lee ' · • 636·7005 chg "Sue 11 891·5SS8 . ; .. -. * * ,,. n -· .. '""""'' An I I 1 Se" • n Cl 8 1 • 111nd Hl(lhly uPOr•Cle<t by Be1u1llul 3 Br. COileio In ·;:;. * * * * * * * I on A·2. Aeiwme lf8 toan. ------·• 844·&200. prolen lonat Clecoretor. Fresno for •• Of trade. Eestttele condo. 3 br, 2 *""ltlt* Now vacant ella I w11111·-H curlly syatem, pool MIJlY •• , •• Auume 10-1. ba. ~2~~s~~~o·· WllTD-NIT SUP 3 BR 2bl. 3 car oat )(Int I aod ape For ••••. leUe. • loan My equity $211,SOO raoe ---Need by Dec 1: 3.4 br • .... ••• Pr&ee S411,lllt roe & cone!. For quick Of le ... oPllon Reedy to 1 p ro x . Ce 11 O o r I• Roomy houM wlw crpta house In Hun1tno1on. • ..,, 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 1~~~~~~~~~=! Hie 11 $12S.OOO. Prine dealt Call agent• 11 S45·60 10 wkely1 9.5 drapes, 'kitchen lt>f>ll. Beach, touth of Adamt:·· ~•· bd den 2 bath OPEN!· on I y . 5 4 7 .. 7 • 6 5 or 6-46-!.092 5-48-5284 other ME TAO Rl TV Xln1 refs~ 864-0332 • ..._. '"'" rm· • • · I ....... .... j ••"2223 --836-7005 chn 8A2.0100 Cl= ..... DAILY 1·5. . Few ci............ OWNERIAGT. DUPLEX ~~ ---2oe1 J . ~ • .. UT lllYmTTI ACTION ,. In J••• leal1)1 Quiet. Clean, 2 bel int ...... llULTll/t... Call. I o~eg: ~0.~~~n SJOOO HWI C• ;,,,,., 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• court New earpetl, o•v s bike 10 cc.an Eitoanl 2 = I o.lly Plot 675•3063 °' 879.9tW17 Nooe 2Br 2be e<>n<10 No DOWI ••••!f •••••••••••••••• R•••n f•r•i•llH rage, yrd. comm poot.-no BR. I am r m & Cle ~ . ..... •111-1111* ·AO-VISOR __ ___ quelllylng S82,000 Ow· end take over payments WlllW lllTIEIS •••••••••••••••••••••• pets. SS7Slmo Mgr 211S3 . S87Slmo Plush cp11, 2:... :~ * * * * * * * *.. · &42"5e78 I 1 ner 1·687-9554 on bes I located VIEW 11/Ha lllH4 310f B Orenoe Avenue C M 1 ba. cedar & glass Sun· ~~ I' ¥!!'.'.'.1.. •••••••• !!J!. N~+goc~~d!e~:~ ;6 ~~C::r~~~ t!a7:::~ 2?~ SALEI ;;;··;~;·w;~;;·i;;,: 1san1a Ana 'Hi53Br. tr~ ~:,:· ~~1,:i~/~.~:'T0 ::•, UllH YI llLLS I Plaza. In S A owner/ ba, library, tem rm, Cl1n Charming 3 be<l;oom, 21 •II ... Wi1ter Le11e1 ~~~1~C:t:o~1~~~~ pets tnq S27 16th SI • .. , IHl Ylll brOk8f. Jtm 6.ilS-19117 rm and ttv rm Brealelasl bath, 2 story, ocean view PLIS •• te •• fr•• I------960·63_3_1 ____ _ :::·, Quiet. park-Ilka setting • I nooll oll k11cnen All home in stlH lovely San SIOO I SllOO •EW DAH COi O• Hl UJll .. .. , Rm lor paddle tennis and 1 IESPHATE OW lR rooms have unobstruc· Juan Capistrano on a I t • I C.M. TOWHOIU Vu 01 ocean: 2Br nu;.i, • .... poot Cul Cle sac street. 3 must aell thte 1uper 3 tad views e11cept lam I prtvato cul Cle sac Many 1 Waltrfre•I Me•ts. Decorator perfect spa·· ouard oate. pool. sauna;" ... Br. tam rm. $299.500 Bdrm pool home across rt~I A.~~~1111i<>n POien· ui>orades Move 1n eon-I 113-llOO · c1ous 2 Bdrm. 2•,ba. o y m . $ 8 0 0 I mo.•: "'"' Low oround teas• from perk site Best 18 8 ""'""' I Cl•tlOn well below marll· I poot 1ac, recre111on 2131333-38 118 or.• S375iyr. 17 yrs ti.IOfe terms Try Sl2,000 et of course Quick sate ,l1IH1 area pv1 patio, balcony 902-1298 aeljuslml CIOWll Asltlrl' $l17.000 rJ" Cleslreel. WISh 10 relocate lt•itJIO/I 3101 a tge oarage Deco wall -----..... lu:' .. 10 M 1 k e o I er Bk r ~~ Call 1196.3680 . •••••••••••••••••••••• papet, draperies &~ore 3 br, 2 ba. HuntlngtoA.· '•llU .,.,. ..... _. ..... .,., ,..--------- 1TAYLOH co ~ ---·~· 1:::~~~~~~~~ ,,,. . .. , ...,. ... , •11•1 .... lltf ..... tl>t .. , .. , .,, .. .. , ... ..... ) ••.'" .... . .. I• .,,. ' .. . ~ •I. •I ,,, .. •rum• Four bedroom CIWelllng. Oversized yard. Pool Spa Multl·l&veteel uaeel brick declls. Grell for enter111nino Price tusl reduced SH,000. Now $245.000 Ul-1300 II• Will LIVE m 4 Br 3 Ba. lrg aCICllllon form1 11niltc separale II· vino qtra. Welt prlc:eel 11 $15S.OOO. 7S1·3191 ' r. I =jijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii , . .,,.. I• t • .:.1 l,,11 1.:. .. . ' I .. tT11 Rf SIOENflAl RfAl rsrAr£S£AVICES 6"'8·0709 D_ -14 Br, baylront wtdock. $99S Utll pd 1Ca11 Harboor area, s7oo mo · • ~4/.:J. 011111 Ital l1lalt S4000 mo yrly or S3000 67S-2311 10·30 10 6pm , ~·OK 1•492•2847 ·~ TWI STtllY I 'Jf •••••••••••••••••••••• mo winier Avail now --j3BR 1BA yd W/0 attalt CHIU Ill 1111 IH0,000 ELHUCE 833-86()() lldilt H1•fl I .llCllS REALTY · 3 bf. 2 be, mmac Htgh· 11-10 lor 1yr$600111 •, Bayview Duplex' Large units. Le hi Le PJ•b! . • Ffl S1l1 llOO PHPHn •HMH , ~~~g,:,.8'~e1:.0,';;~ :~I last eo:~o;;:,~ B. Ext•cllenl income. Owner must ••LY H2,000 I 1 .... i;;;~j;;;·;;;k•••• · 111-1113 Call •679, 642-11300. 24 -.-.• --·-- sell!! Price is mut·h bl'.'low a Steal the show with this .S 3C'MdvsDll·~IM( 20x48wteneloseelporch lllJ1Nll lf1tll iiff hoors. --: Hl••ll•• r~-cnl lender's appraisal h1ohly pampered 1wo -----2 BR 2 Ba, Corner 101, ••••~••••••••••••••••• Spacious I 1700 sq Ill 2 H11N•I 3Z4Z IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 story Garden Villa WMllllllE hghl tntertors This II the LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm. lam bel. 2 ba. Cllntno rm/ ··~···•••••••••••••••• Oynamll• 81yle run1 Best Buy in Town rm 4 Ba. $1700 mo lludy, M ull I· leveled 40 dock, patlO, Cleek, 4 I rampant lhruou1. w/ 55000 dWl'l, owne< must s o S937 townhome Frpt, vaulted Bdr 2 Ba. 3 car oaraoe. walls ot mi rro rs and 1811 2 Br c:onelo EKceltenl 4 • 'egl OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. celllnoa. pool. 1po S8SO owner 2 l3/S92·490S beeullful wood paneling. auumeb~e 8"/;,11~°ao11• .'57 101140 Mayflower 1 Ba $700 mo Bill mo 673-9498. tease <>P_tl_on_. ____ _ Upper level office and nanetng. 97 •4 U· 1 Coach Classic, leoal In Grundy, Rllr, 675·6161 ,,.,,... , ... .. .___ If 1 d cad from $110.000 Aak o c courti. ale. good 3 bel, 2 bl. French Ooora, .. ~ .. .. blo and .,.,..ul 11 eeo--for Mark 644·832S or cond needs ainl $3 Ocean front yrty II bdrm, 1011/wood & watpr. No •••••••••••••••••••••• rel or bedrooms Pvt 5S9·6"'112 ___ 000 'oBo. !.11 Don: I 2 car oarage Ind hot tub CM. S79S Intl oardnr llEllTALS klno tush greenbelt lllOT IS SELLl•I 7si.099~1•50112 -• ------• "" S6SO 10 $900 ··• cockllll patio overloo· 675 76SO 1 9S7 5••0 2 10 4 belrme. sterttnn II ExclHno low price of htghly upgraded prof, 2 Br 1ba, upgraded. w111 IBtaut turn Bio Canyon 2 Br new uPOradas. •n· $92 ,000 & ea tow as dee . 1 Br romantic twn-take ltuch or cu tor 1 • 1ownhor11e, 2 br. 2 ba clad garage. off street. $10,000 On. $812/mo hooM Waler 11\tw, lrPIC Clown peyml s 17 ,900 $1175/mo~I 760.0795 quiet. no pell. $S851mo ~~~Ea~0~~~!~~EE • $119.SOO hrm 730-1250 Dys 971-06211, evl WknCI $l ,OOO 2Br. 2ee. Cliff Ha· 768-7&33, 548_·8_2_5_1 __ , eves or early am 631-S943 van area Condo, pool. 2326 Fordham SI C M CEllTlllY 21 #_.rt I.id I Of I 2 Br 2 Qa Mobile home In Incl ttnens & CllShes, avail Colleo• Park Area 3 bel. WALl·I• 1111.n •• -.-a••••••••••••••••• ooo<I cone!. To be mo· 1mmee1. 1-S7S-7505 2 ba. Obie 011<, Lrg Yrel, Hl-0111 vtd $9 soo but open 10 --Frpl. S825/mo. 631·8062 IUFFI llllUI• 0,,., ~ c 111 0 0 r t s IH•Hll u.1.,.,,.H Ets.d •. c~se"t."2""br LUXURY 3BR 2BA Clean, t>Mut carpeling. watlpa· per, yard $1100 /mo. I 6'0_·_7_800 _____ _ VrxJ own ti)& land 2,000 511 5·80 10 wkelya 9 ·S •••••••••••••••••••••• & 1 br, wlwhlte picket sq fl, 38', fem rm. 2·~ 5411-5284 other Shue luxurious ocean-1ence1 , $6SO /mo & Ba, w1oe Greenbelt, near -----lront home wttl'I Newport U SO/mo 6"'5·9628 '573 CMWS """·..._ pool hrbelow merk'et-t.Hi ,,....,,. 1350 Baacb-he~uve .On _ • ~l"T~ '235 ooo Wiii tease op. •••••••••.s••h....... Sand In Newport s finest Eaststele house 2 Br plus lion. ·Bk,, 6"'4.013A OvpleK on the sand. 30th Beach Area $600 mo Cl • n • 2 B • I r P t c 2 BA 2 Ba, cpts, C1rp1, encl gar. $750 No P•I•. 675·6606 •I NB ~ly remodeled &3 1-6676 $635/mo 873·1734 In and out 3 br • 2 bll I upelalre. 2 br , 1 ba. C.Hlll 3101 down1talrs Min 10V. •••••••••••••••••••••• Clown owe b1t1nee II lllTILI 13.9% for S yra Great for Vetrly·Wfftlty·Wlnter. 2, 1ummer renta11. S7a5, 3,4 Bdrm• ooo Armuage Aeatty. •i•U IULn 714-544·248"' • Br 2 Be neM Fairview & Paularlno. S700tmo 540-0388 fiide 38r~ardl WI/I pd, 187Sl m. no pets. 780..0161, 651-l111 j ---PllP Clo lor te11e or leUe WOODBRIDGE. 11100 Pf mo. spacious <I Br 2'"' Ba, tam rm, lrptc, dlntno rm Pettos, nicety land· ecapeel Lake, pool, ten· nie privileges &40• t327, 65M1H, olc 720-1373 llPLIJ 091ion 2 bel, 2 ba iiJRTLE ROCK. Prvt )aCI HARBOR RIDGE e1ea1 owner'• un11 3Br MlllllMllT 6S6·9283 3 be!. 2 ba, dbl gar. tam • :Iba, 2 Br 1ba Welk 10 1'1·1111 Newoorl Hgt• tree. 3 Br llv1no. & dining rme. Frpt: Custom View th• beach CloH 10 ~-lliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2,t B 0 1 1 P, o I d •co r 1 t • d H snopplng. E.rctl cond 11111 a con °· amt V rm, • S 1200/mo Ave II 1211 ome Asking '166,000. HIY unaars FOR RENT lrplc, lndry rm. t:'IOI 848-2353 1 • , m 8 B 11 r f1UlllL '825/mo Joye. 11111, ---------UO.OOO oplJ(ln moooy 7141731•5161 1g1 831-1288 Single lemlly l'lorne on 7 4 Ofodmoma, 5 flAth& !'alele •ml 1 8, Clpl~. '9t acre park, cul·da·HC • • 299 5()( ••• ,... ... EL TORO* 1700 ~' Cl • u 111 I n c I. 0 n I y aero.. from "'r C~· ' ' 1 ,,.._,., 14H s.i1001mo Pel ok, Mike munlly pool, Br. + •• ;.e.W.•'lf.••••••••••• •MISSION VIEJO* Crow 846-3178 Dani 9Clrm 2 Bt Family llLlll .... ----1 MITllUIT -. · Great new dec:Of, latnl Lido ltlt 2 br. 3~ tot, 111 equip , very popular. time T1ad•tc111y 13911. 'Turn key QPlflllon, '"· .!!!!" Bkr 846-~9 ctudff 11u11c1ing a aptrt• 8EST10£AL "'•"' and t it IO•IUIH IN HAABOA RIDGE lter I wine llcenH ...... 3 br, IOCrael VUI $7&0,000 ltrl'lll tvtll lq6K. 111·1421 rm. lrple, p11lo, ~ M75--S700 •1& Yllll yard, Ptl• co"eldara6 tmMIC 3 &orm, lro fa• L•H• HOO tnctde gar· •YORBA LINDA• $875 mtlv rm. btl, 2 lrplet, o.ntt ... toellllon '-· t0tmt1 d"""° rm, gardt• eabte TV. &52·<1'489 or •CHILDREN• net Ill, ... r & MC ,,.., 54t·HS1 •l'ITS OK• req d No ~.,, Av•ll Walnut Sq ~t;;;tiM YILLAM llVUTllllTI 1211 140-1697 $1000 ftttn o, avtll now. Lrg 4 Br~ Ba, a car tat'. IU61mo 133•7119 9'\CI blCkytrCI, IOCeN IO 1¥ft/ Wllndt .. 75a·!IOO poot, CO"'PI ''ffeOfl• dwt fed. '750/mo 141•1H'4 3 If a•• I• townt'lom;:" -., 2 It 1IOO eq 1' of 1900 • f., AIC, Oft, lam lu!Wrf llvlnO· ...... ,etd ""'· poof. UC19ftdld, '"'· w/poot &~.181M meet occ 1111 ,.., wl pool tablt lnold 2 .... 1M3 Ctr e"oltd garege, •Hfl-'ldr1'tr llooll·ut>. lett1n9 •nJtfltng _., ... • I_ r p I c , e 11 b It • I n e Dellr "°' Cit , .... Al llHlf'M la a ----••• T8\: .... ....,. .... ... 14N171 •• • \.. . Ot .111\lt' L<hl'.il llAIL Y f'll 0 I I hut tJuy Novi mlJt r 4, 1982 '."'.:"!~----- .. .. THt; t '.\MILl' f lRCl'N by B1ffKeane "Jeffy learned that cough from me." 0'9.\R,..\Dl"kE by Brad Anderson ... II· 4t t •tu ..,,.., ........ s,~u•• ·--= ~~.J "He's been like that ever since mom told him he looks bright-eyed and bushy-talledl'' . .., .. .... -... b I ' IT'S LASAGNA. ANO DON'T CALL ME 17A17PV C'' ... I ' ' 00 0 0 0 ''"" ,.00'.\ ,. l . LLI NS IIMGo/NGTO WRIT~ OUR CoN<jRESSMAN iO ABoUSM SATURDAYS ·' JUST BECAlJSE IT'S THE ONLY ~Y I AAVETO HAVE FUN?:> • ~CROSS 52 Wreck 1, 1 Mtrit • 56 AppfOll. price WEDNllOAY'I PUZZLI IOl YID ·JI 8 French city 57 Flow control- t• 11 SiQI llr: 2 words • 14 In the know 60 Morey 15Vla 81~ .. 18 Recent: 62 A Ot Mille Prtfi11 83 Sec 17 Memotlal 64 Barrlefl 19 ..... ~ 65 MlflifNI 20 8'lld DOWN 21 Soundld out 1 PUllUll ., 22 Force 2 MoftQllllO' 24 Ferm eound 3 Brlndlel 21 L-llelfty 4 Stllk• 27 Grine 5 -end hew 30 Erupt 11 Dlell out , 32Wftttled 7 Horttco4or . 33 OoMlpour'I • 9tNttllng • 34 a.c • .._ «OI" pllCI • '37JourlSI11ope t Md to on 21 OM Prtfl• 31 Fnd 10 Ferm 2t NIM!y ' 3t EIN product mlCfllnet 30 Gourmetld • 40 .,..,_ eound 11 Butn 31 ...-. 41 ... 12 Go 33 "°"" ... , Cnr 13 """"" 3t COlftlllMed : .43 <Mck·wltted ti -,d'Or ,. 9coot ,, ._...... L•e. NS 31 Turn tl'lfl ..... ...., u Jaa,..., ,. ~ 41 Odf wcwd n llOodr 4' aw.-• 4t A.... II Mttltl...... plM 60 l....-. f7 TIPlfld 41 ""OUfll 44Lllftb 45 Aoullne .......... 47 Bed vltatlr ........ 50 llly 61 Alverto"" llltlc S3Annbont 1411#t - 66~ ..... HWortft Al* au; GEOR(it; ... • - by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) /1 '1 "I think I'll shave 1nd go Into town." . . WACk WACK f, WHIFF I ) by Ferd & Tom Johnson 'PEA~l'TN Tl' MBLE• EEDti OHE Ot THE 6tNS OVE~ Al lME 6VM 15 LOOKIN6 F~ YOO ~ --------ME SAIP If ~£ CATO~E!> '1'00 NEAR ~IS 6fRL AiAIN, ME'S 60HHA POUNP 'r'OU ! -u- !fr .... by Charlet M. Schulz ME WOULOH'T ~IT 50MEBOPY WEAR*6 61..ASSES, WOOlO ME ? 'IOU CAU..1*1" AU A'M'CK ON A POftf? P.UU. MCK ANP RIGfl>OP1 .. SHOE · WHAT .ARE YOU DOING, NANCY? ((0(1KNO<O I I 'VE 8Wj -rn1NKIN6 ABOUT (£111N6 SOME 5MOKE AL.A~5 ... I ooM 1' 8EUf.>IE. IT! ~ JO!>f "AO .. 6',.()&)()Jf \~ DR.S•OCK I MADE A PROMISE TO AUNT FRITZ\-- M~:. 'IC\J• wo.U>J! -me &f;,:,T 5fCl)~IT'I, ...,, il'E WOJU.o t?A MAMA! ' J l t •I· by Jeff Mac~elly by Ernie Bushm1ller THAT I'D CUT OUT ALL SWEETS by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan i.MA1 ~ \l)A'i 1'o ~l .. Rf A llU¥'.E~ 'AlA1'IOM-i.>11" ~ f \.Al 11~ \ l~IS IS ~.., t.tl <MN Of OON'1 ~._.., 1AA1, ~9! .. T ~U~1 IT ~M'~~O LooK .. T 1~E ~16~tf -SIOE. ! WoR£ WE. E~~ '101' 001' 'f~l~S 10 c.cME. \ SO WOU t.-PN ,,.. A • <Se~M-FRee PAS1"RAMI SANPWICH ee ENISN ee1'"f"ts~ FO~ YA ?! Of 1"~E-OR\\IE.Wl\i ! by George Lemont •. . . ' ~ .. • .. Barbara Uct•rs lug~ ho t• m eatlle: Shooting. mishap • • victim • • wins suit SAN DIEGO (AP) -A judge has awarded $261,752 to a San Diego woman who was shot in both arms whcn a friend's husband playfully dropped his pants ~hile posing for a picture causing a pistol that was tOdged in his belt to discharge. Superior Court Judge Daniel Leedy ruled in favor of a suit filed by Eh.one Cunningham aftor a one-day. non-jury trial. Fire women value debated SBA'rn.i-: (/\1") Th1•n1 .ua· 1uur1• fun.iii· (1r<>f1ghttt111 in &·ot th· thun uny otlwr c·lt v 111 lh1· nowrn. Ol't·orcltnu to urlhm fl~uri·11. 11 fat'I 1h,11 t•11g1·ntl1•r11 con 1u1•rublc• pt l<h• anti i.11m1 n'!Wnlnwnl In Uw ucpal'Um:nt. __ "h's prown thut .civt'l1 th(• riKht l'L'\'ru11111" und truintnK. wvnll'll t•u11 ht• HUt'l't' ~l ul In C1rt• s<•1·viw," soy11 Owtm PINon, chi<'( of tlw Jc•p1u·tnw1H'H lruinlng dlvlslunr But 110nw othL'I' ~<•ulllL· f1rl'f1~htL'fb don't a~n·P. "I don'1 fc•c•l t)w publ l' 11> gl•ltinl( tht stuuht~ il should." !laid l 1 • ycor vc.'ll•ru11 K'·n Norri~. s11y1ng that prnfor(•nl't' In hiring und promotln~ wonwn hnR hurt dopurtml'nt morult•. St>allk•'s 27 w1111ll'll firC'(1~hlt'1°l'I nrt• th(' mt>Sl 111 uny department In tho Unhl-d Staws, at'C'Ql"(ling_ to the lnwrnutiu11ul A11so<:latlon of Fir('fighwrs, although lust month Nl'w YtJrk C:1 ty tll'l'l'ptt•d more.• than 40 wom('n as tra111l'L'S after th<.•y pussL•d u ' modifll'd physwal u •st. Now lhl• SNtth·-dt•purtml•nt ts tough('ning its requirements. mslitutrng new standardS !or body fat and what Plt:tun calls "huff and puff" str('ngth. They go 1nlu t'ffccl Jan 1. &uh m('n and women will have tu •Til"<!I Jhl'sc swndards or they'll be on lt\(' way out. Chief Bob Swartout said,. "lt r<.>qUtrl'S a c.•crtalh amount of swturt· and l<'an body mass to be able to handll' thL• equipment," said T .L. Dooliulc .. a prorC'S.wr or ktnL'Slulog~.-the sdenc.•c.• o f muscll' movement, at thl• Univl'rs1ty of Washington. . "ll boils down to a quL:.slion or siature rather than sex," said Ooolittll". who dcvelop<.•d spcci'"1I training programs for S<•attlc's women firefighters in the late 1970s. About 420 of tht• nation's 180,000 fircfightl'rs are women, said U:.rol Vouglouklcs, director of the InternatlOnEjl Association's women in fir<' service program. Th<'sc.• flgurt.•s include only union fire dcpartm(•nis and those women working in full-time payin~ .iobi>, Vuuidokl<'s said 1n a recent interview. •There are 942 umformt.-d firefighters in the Seattle department, according to Plctan. Including four women t.'Omplcting their onl'-year probation, tht>rc arl' 31 woml'n in what Swartout calls "combat" pos1tums such as fighting fires or riding an aid cars. which ass1s• fare v1ct1ms. AP Wlrepholo Cunningham . 23. brought the suit against Tim.othy Chandler. 29, an unemployed heavy equipment operator who represented himself because he said he couldn't afford a lawyer. After the verdict. Chandler wondered aloud how the plaintiff l'Xpected him to pay the judgment But one veteran of more than 10 years who asked not to be 1dent1flL'<i says. "There have been very few women that have come across as real aggressive firefighters Whc•n somebody is hanging from a window, I feel it's my job to get them out. I haven't seen any aggressive women." Al eely, the "hermit of Di m a l Key," le ft c ivilization 15 year ago a nd ha exis ted on a Florida i land ever ince. The suit stl'mml•d from an April 19. 1981. incident in the Alpine area. where Chandler. his wife, Melba, Cunningham, and three other people went to a picnic. ' Swartout, a 23-year fare• department veteran,• has vigorously defendL'<i the women on his force. "I've had personal experiem.-c with 15 or 16 women in n:'<:ruil classes. I'd takl' them in my crew any lime, any plare." he said. "If guyc; doing lhe complaining don't have the guts to L'Oml' out in the open then nothing is going to happen about it." 'Hermit of Disinal Key' • According to the Lawsuit, the men in the group had gone target shooting and allegedly smoked marijuana a nd d rank alcohol while they wpe practjcing shooting. When they came back, o ne of the women decided to take a (>icture, and Chandler playfully •·mooned" (dropped his pants) for the camera. the suit said. The .44-magnum revolver he hacl in his belt dropped to the ground and went off. hitting Cunnihgl:wn in J>oth arms. The same bullet then struck Chandler's wife in the chest. Cunningham entered the resulting photograph as evidence. It showed Chandler with his pants part-way down and his back to the camera, and Cunningham w ith her mouth open in ~in and her eyes closed. A cup and wine bottle she held are seen dropping to the ground. The victim had sought $250.000 in future medical expenses and earnings losses, in addition to $28,952 worth of medical expenses that have already occurred. For his part, Chandler said that he had no idea the gun would discharge when it fell to the ground. He insisted he wasn't drunk or reckless. Chandler's wife has recovered from her chest wound. . Ill THE RECORD Women are better than men In some> situations, he said. One woman firefighter working on an aid car was able to help rape victims and abused women. "The woman who Is being treated can relate better, and that's a real advantage.-'-' Swartout said. Lt. Barbara Beers, the department's first female officer. said she has not seen any d1SCrimination but 1s aware of lhc men's disc.'Ontent. "'l'hey complain about tt," sht' said. "It's a real issue that builds a lbt of emotion but there's nothing practical they can do about it." The order for the fire department to start hiring women camt' from lhe 0CC1ce of former Mavor Wes Uhlman lr1 1975 Standards. were lowered to admit women. "with disastrous effects," said Pletan. the .training chief. Out of that rccru1Ung class of about 30. few passed .and none were women. he.• said. In the next several years. th(• department took a different approach. Instead of lowering the standards. they raiS4.>d the physical ability of the women through a program of workouts developed by Dooliulc. But the program was expensive because the- wo.men were paid during their spcclal training and was diS<.'Ontinued earlier this year. One be n eficiary of that program was CURRY F. Curry. ~lovl'CI falher of 27-yebr-old L inda K enoyer, a former taxicab FR A N K L . CURR y Frank J. Curry. Huntington driver. (PJNE), 45. A resident or Beach, Judy K Perry or Kenoyer ls aware that some of her fellow Huntington Beach. passed Fountain Valley, Stevtin M. firefighters do not a<."Cept her. but she says still she away Wed.. Nov 3. at Curry of Hunungton Beach, loves the job. Pacifica Hospital. Mr Curry Rebecca L Curry. a senior at Despite working at Station Two, a downtown was born Sept 4. 1937 in Edison High School anhd fire station that is the city's busic'Sl, she says she Galves1on Tex He was a Jason A. Curry m the St h • f d k h • h di veteran, se0rvmg with 1he U grade or Moffett Elementary asn t oun any wor s c can l an e. s. Manne Corps, and ror the School Also surviving are Kenoyer says the morale probl<'m 1s largely past 1 s years has been hts parents, Frank and lnl'z caused by women who are given prt'fcrent'<' and superintendent 0 r Curry or Trinity. Texas. promoted ahead of men who scored belier on construction for 1he Fluor Three s1sll'rs Gladys L . advancement tests. Corporation He was also an Hantz, Santa Clara. Linda M. "If I was No. l on the list and didn't get FILA wrestling 0Wc1al He Robinson. Lufkin. Texas and promoted because No. 80 wus taken. I'd feel bad was an avid golft.>r and Catherine A. Massad1 . too." she said. devoted to his ramlly Tnmty, Texas. Two brothers Beloved husband of Dolores Gerald and William Curry. -----------both of Hunungton Beach. Funeral services w ill be Athens limits driving HAAIOll UWM-MT. OLIYI Monuarv • Ceme1erv Cremalorv conducted on Friday, Nov. 5 at 7PM at Pierce Brothers- Sm1th Mortuary, interment will be private. Family ATHENS, Greece (AP) -An early morning 1625 Gosier Ave man who's By JOHN PLATERO AHOCl•19d PrH• Wrll•r DISMAL KEY. Fla. 1'I this maze of 10,000 islands hugging the southwestern t'O<lsl of Florida, then• is only one permanent resident. He's called "the hermit of Dismal K~y." Findmg Al Seely's ramshackle house isn't easy. Th(' best way is by small boat, wtth Ci htng guides from the Port of tht• Islands resort at Marco. The water route, through often shallow c.·hannl'ls a nd bayous. 1s twisty. risky and confusing; every island is t'Overed with th1l·k mangrove trees and looks alike Six males south and around an unmarkt'd tum between two islands, Seely's makeshift dock comes mto view. By the time one tics up. the wh1tc-ha1red and bearded "hc.•rmit" will be al dockside with "Digger," a S<:raggly mongrel he plck<.-d up on the mainland nine years ago The 65-year-old Se<'l) provides a history of his 16-ocrl' island during lhe short walk across a dl'armg to his home 100 yards from the water's edge. "Dismal Key is about 2,000 years old and t'Onsist.s of 90 pcrc.•ent oyster shells put here by th Indians," says Seely. The island has an altitudl' of 17 feet. making at th_c highest an the chain. "That's a Royal Poinciana. but nollce the native orchids growing ,Crom the branc hes." h e says. descnbing the tr~ "And that one 1s a Cumbo Limbo.. I call 1t a 'tourist tree' It's always red and peeling " A cement and swne eastern as hts only water SUJJply. His front door barely hangs together torn screening flapping in the warm brcc?..C and doing httle to keep bugs out. Painted ovN the entrance arc the words ol naturnhsl an island John Burroughs: .. 1 came here• to find myself; it's so easy to get lost in the W•)rld." There arc two largl' rooms to Seely's house. "Tht.•('e was another enc in back, but it sort of collapsed," he chue1des. The main room in the 75-year-old structure serves a s living room, kitchen and the studio where he paints. It includes a three-burner gas stove, desk. several chairs. pots and pans, a sink without running water and shelves stuffed with paperback books and a set of encydopcd1as A single kerosene lamp pr-0v1des the only light he has at night. A portable radio keeps him in touch with the world and a wind-up clock pat.'CS llml' for him. The other room is his bed.-oom. Neatlv folded on an extra bNJ arc his clothes. which he washes by hand. The warped wooden floors arc swept cl<.>an. One modem luxury Seely allows himself is a portable toilet. Scelv, who doesn't haVl' a ll'levision set or a CB radio is not too concerned with what goes on outside his island He says he lc't "c1villzat1on" 15 ·years ago because of a drinking problem. "I figured if I lived on an island I wouldn't be able to get n," ne says. Born in Athol. Mass .. Seely was a musician during his early years and !>erved m Europe with the Army in World War TI. Has first wife d ied and hlS ~'Ond marriage ended in d1vot\.'C after he came to Florida In 1953. He was a. music therapist at a slate mental hospital and drove cabs before moving to the Teo Thousand lslands. Desp1le occasional visitors. who are always asked to sign his makeshift "guest book," ~ly misses one thing by living in isolation: "I miss having a close friendship." Costa Mesa 540.5554 suggests contributions be driving ban went into effect m Athens' center made to The Wintersburg city in the government's bid to reduce air pollution. Guldall.Ce CemeL fo.Llhe "Athenian reslden~ must be prepared wsuffer severely handicap~. 17762 a little lo improve the air quality," Mayor Dimitri Ooldenwest In Huntington Beis said. 'Instant will' quesTioned "HCt .. OTHllS 111.L llOADWAY MOaTUAIY 110 Broadwav Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALn & HIGDON SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLlff CHANL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 rtHCt llOTMHS SMITHS' WOITUAIY 627 Main St HunhnQton Stach 536-6539 . ' PACIPfC ••w ...OllA&.rMI Cemltety Mortu1rv Chapel-Crematory 350.Q_P1C11flc View Drive 4Jiewpart St.ch 64<e·2700 ~WOITUAl•I Lt141una8e.Ch •94·9415 Laoun1 Hllll 711-0933 sert Juett C.p11trano --'711 c Beach . Pierce Brothers-1 d Smith Mortuary Directors. Al private cars must stay outsi c-a•centraJ zone LOS ANGELES (AP) Do-it- 536-6539 for two hours beginning at 7:30 a .m ., when yourself kits lo guide people through LUCIDO atmospheric pollution ls most likely to thicken into a the intracC.lcil'S of drawing up a last TERRY S . LUCIDO. low-lying brown cloud. the Environment Ministry wlll and testament huvc bct>n around passed away November 2, said. for years. 1982. He Is survived by his mother Felisa; brother Gary; But as uf Jan. l . California will sisters Rose Marie Schmand Do f • b ·11 • d become the Cirst state in the natton to Sunn Cadabes. Prayer na ions I s1gne offe r a lrgally approved form for services will be held pas!'mg on your cstat<' to your spouse Thursday. November 4. -SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. EEtmund Brown or children Just fill In th<' blanks and 1982, 3:00 PM at the Harbor Jr. has signed legislation prohibiting the dehvery of sign al lht' bottom. ' Lawn Memorial Chapel campaign donations In the Capitol and most oihcr Final lntermcnt services will state buildings .. It l!f very tgntfl<'8nt ~ot\1uuner be held at the Diamond Leiislators' district offices would be exempted leg11.lat1on," says Los Angeles Head ~metery. Honolulu. from the ban. attorney Mutthc.•w Rae of th<.' State Hawaii. Harbor Lawn The bill's sponsor, the state Fair Political Bar's proball' set•t1on. "People who CMountMOllve fMortuda1ry. Practices Commission, aald IL would pr<.'vcnt arc going to raake wllhl thl'msl'lves 06t1 esa, orwar ng . 1 h h aren't aoina to t-omc l<> lll torn<',YS di tors situations n w ic money chan1ed hands "at the • " rec .. SUKOV same time government decisions are bt>ing made.'' anyhow. !I() wt•'rl• only trying to help H Y M AN ·s u Ko v , &«'Ofdina t.o the commlsalon's lawyer, Bob Stern. th~m cfo the· Joh right " rHldent of Anaheim. Ca. , ''Thi' will w1L" dt"!llgnt'd 1md writtc.•n Pasted away November 3, in plain Engl111h," added CN"ltury City 1982. He Is survived by hit. ~ dr d 141wyc.•r Irving Kc.•ll1>gg, who wr~tt~ tht' son L o ~d • o f Tu~on , J. 'tSVY UD' use rons onstnal draft for the documt'n l. Arl1on1t: dau1hter 'l?crne e r~ Bur1teln ot Anaheim, Co: NORFOLK, Va. (AP) _ Illegal drui UR b · But Onan1t• County's Superior arendt'hlldr<!n Julie, Billy. junior Navy officer• and low-rank Ina enllatJ Court pr c> b a tt.• Ju d I c. Frank Mark and Jay. Gravc-•ld•' penionneJ 11 atUI not uncommon but hat d~Uned 'oomenlchlni. said. "I am kary ot eer\ricet will btt9tte82ld F~)" sitnlfiC'antly li.fK"l' ~ber 1980, tht' Navy aays thfw do·lt-yourwlf kltt ... You can't ~~~~r~r\A~1~\1~ Surpr• urine ll'lta on about 2.000 ~I. ch,_. it h.'1 not In t-Hl't·t unul t~ Olive Memorl•l Perk tomt tn San Dl-co and aome In Norfolk.~ th.a\ d ~cuaC'd .. d IC'I, and t h ..-n It • 8ervk"8 .....,. tht' d&nr:tlon 20 percent t.o 2& perc.nt had wed MlrijuaM thl' luc lrrevotablt• f Harbor Lewn Mount 30 daya -down from aboUt half In• almllar lftt m Tht• leail11 latlon. aulhor•d by Olive Mortuery. :MO~let4 Oea!rnbl'r 1980. the Na~ 1ald. At e mbly m a n Elihu Harri•. D· Oakland. was signed by Gov. Edmund C. Brown Jr. on Sept. 26 . The t11l-1n-the-blanks will form will be available in libraries and bookstores after the law goes into effect the first of the year. A study by the American Bar Association four years ogo found that 57 p<>rt'ent of the adul\S in California do not have wills Nationally, It found, 70 percent o f pcopl<' with minor Children had not drawn up w1lb. The form will Is design~ only for simple est.ates It it not applicable to pc•rsoos with ta>< aheltt>rs and c.vmplex plana for disposing of their propertv. Undt•r thf' Corm wlll. a pc.•rson has thffi• optlonR. to leave all property to l'lther the apoull' or children or to d1!1lributc the dtatc u If there were no wlll at all. Jn the lauc>r C&M', tht' t•t1latE' Is usually spUl by th• rourt.9 urnong the t1pou~ and children. • The form will allO hat'c.>ne blank to permit a tash gltt lO a 1ln1l<' charity and aslul that• prcUan bl' named for minor children and an exl'Cu\Or ~ named to diall'lbule thE' l'lwte. TNll\f can also bl'.-~up f~ children. A.a wllh moat wllla. the form must be Wllne.!'Ci bY \WO people whO .rt' not amonM \M l'K-ln. • PlllllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •UllNlH NAMI I TATlMl!NT 111• rollowlnO per1011 1• d<>lng tJu•lneH 111 BAJA TREl<S 1738' D111ty••- C11cl11 D Hun11ng1on 8Nt' c1111orn1a 926• 7 : Hamel Cla1e Tom111•w\~1 1738? D111ry111tw C1rcl• D Hun1or19100 Buell Caloforn10 Cz110 11111 bu11..-1 II conc1uc1eo Iii' en llldlVklU 11 H1111e1 C Tomeszawtkl 11'111 11a1emen1 was hied ""'"' the County CM!fk or Otaiige courty oo 0clOb<..'f 19. 1982 • F1ttnl Pubh'lneo Orenge Coesl J:>111v P11<>1 OCI 21 28 NOY .. 11 ~982 ·~12-82 PUBllC NOTICE flCTITIOU• auu.ai NAME lfATUIENT The rouo..,ong per1on 11 bo1ng businen 11 • OR.ANGE NUTRITION,, 1730 New Hampshire, Cosla.Nlou Calll0<n1a 92626 • Gary Slaulfer, 1730'New Hamt>r.hlre, ~le Meta. Ca0torna 92828 Thi• butlness 11, conduoled 'by an lndovlduel. Gary Stauffer Thia tl•l•menl waa llled wl!h lhe County Clerk or O<ange County oo OCI !l, 1982 Fl9H19 Publlahed Orange Coasl o.,,:., Prlol. Oct 1•. 21, 28. Nov • 1982 4526-82 PUB~IC NOTICE i.cTmOUI BUSINESS NAME IT A TEMl!NT The 1011ow1ng person 11 001ng buSlneal H PARA MEDICAL SERVICES INC . 9778 Ktlella Slreel, Su1le 101 Ananetl"I Calolornia 9280'4 Brenda Gotnes. 2811 Sao Juan L .. , •. Costa Mesa. Calol0tnta $121126 This bus.nus 1s conducted by • ~poratlon Pat• Medical ServiceS inc Bobby R Gaines Voce PtMIOenl · • "'" 1111emen1 wu hied wtlh ll'le Coun1y Cletk of O.anoe County on October 12, 1982 FftM.54 Pubh•had Orange Coas1 Delly PoloC. Oct 14, 21, 28, Nov 4 1982 •.(11•·82 PlllllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUllNHS NAME STATEMENT The IOllowfng pertons are doing busloeu as STRONGMAN BEl TS & GlO\/ES, 3857 Bt1ch St . Suite 291 Newl)Ot'1 Beach. CA 92660 ARNOLD L JACKSON 1101• 'yJ S11wen1 Ave • No 1•. Santa Ana. CA 12707 j MONICA OE U1 ROSA. ·2113 w .. 1pon Dr . .Anaheim CA 91$205 Tiits busmesa " conducted. by a general p1r1nerm<p • Arnold L JKllton: Tn.s 11etement wu ftle<I wtJn "" County Clerk ol Orange Coufjly on OclOl>lr 18 19112 F1.-M Publllhed Or•nge COHI :oeily P•IOI OCI 21. 28. Nov .. 11 .t9f2 •563-82 Pl&.IC NOTICE • FICTITIOUS austNEsi NA.ME STATEMENT • The loltowing parsons ere :ootng business as , (ef THE ROUSE SCHOOL. 121 THE ROUSE CO • 3• 10-b W Mat Arthur, Sante An•. CA 9:il628 ARTHUR W.AR!>IER l<ASSEl Ill, •2t Fe1r Dr No 208. Coll• Meu . CA 92826 SUSAN MARIE KASSEL. •21 Fair Or No 208 Co11a M-. CA 92828 : This bullnoss Is conducted.by •n Individual Susan Maile Kas .. Thia a111emen1 was !tied wilh 1ne Coon•y Clerk or Orange Cou111v on October 12, 1982 ; F19Me0 Publllhed Orange Co111;D1lly PllOI. Ocl 14, 21. 28 .. NOY .... 1~ ·~78-82 Starting a New Bualneaa Acccordlng to Cellfornl• •uelne•• and ProfHalona Code ,-.C. 17100 10 17130) •It peraon1 doing buelneH under • flcthtoua ne"'9 muat fll• • atetement with th• Couftty et.II and hawe It pubtt_...41 four time• In • newapaper M"""9 th area In which '"• IMl•htell ta looetecl. The atelelftent ta ~"''" " ........ ,. MHSllty lft ,........,. fOUr butlneH ftalft•. Meat banks re~~: ,..., ....... '° OOlllMefCllal H•u ..... I Ttoie DAIL "t PILOT PfOVldeS ...... ding·~ publiceltofteor-.s. .................. fer•e IN tnelfttaln d•ll• Hrvloe I• 1 Orone• Count Co."'"""9. llttlof .._ ~ r • tt o o t o u fr HltVOMeftl efflHI f9'eae t9'o LIGA DIPART-.n , 111. nt ••r .... , ................. DI Or no Cc:1n1t DAil Y Pit 01 /Thmectay. Nov 111bm •. t986' MltC NOTIC£ PtalC NOllCf IUN~ COURT CW C•lf• O~OMIA lllUMC•A&. COUAT 0/1 COUNTY OI Of'ANOI CALWOMt!A 1tt CWle Otf, Dt. WM t ' COUNTY OP OttAMQ& ...... Alla, CA nm '"'... AM . ....... *°'~ ..,.,.....OI Of'1 PlllMIM CA '9llTIONllt! KYONG •ott CMOI ltLAINTI,,! UN10N IA.Nt(, I 1'11,.0NDINT: YOUNG IHtlC Cllltofllloa _,_.,._ ...... CMOI Olfl .. DANT1 JOAN HI.If IUMMONI t•4MIU LAW) IOll Y; DOI• I llHOllth 10 OAIC HO. 0·210»1 111c:111elva. NOTIC:ll Y.v lleiro Nell •wed. J IUMMONI TM -1 ..._, cMcldo .... , ~IMI 1;;1•• No. A ...... 2 ~I r-M lft9 l!Mfd ""'9H NOflClt Y~ h1H bff11 111•d ,-. r..,eM wltllln M dar•· IMMI Th• 0041'1 -'1 clecldt .... , rOll IN lftW fl\ltlefl Mtow, wll'*'I your belftt lwetd llfllitlt tryeu Wfllh lo Mell lh4t ICIVi<e nt ~ ,..__. • ....._a~ AMII 1n 111101ney In lhll m11t•1. yo11 Ille lllf111t11INN\ bltlw. tl\OUld CIO to promptly IO lhll your II you wl"1 lo Mell IM &dlllCe OI tetPOOM or ~adong 111ny m1y b4I an 111orney In 11111 matt or. you tll9d on time should do 10 p1omplly ao that your A v I • 0 I u • I • d II • • I d 0 Wtlllln rHPOnH, II any mey be d•m•nd•do. II 1rlb11n1I p11rd1 llled on llmo cMcidlf oont11 Ud. aln 1~t.ncl1 • II. V I I 0 I U e I I d h a a t d o -quo Ud. r .. POnde denlro dam1nd1do. II trl1>11111t pued• de JO d&e1. LH 11 h1t'ormecton q11& decldlr contra Ud. •In 111d1tilci.-a "911&. meno• qu• Ud. 1Hpond11 dln1'o ~I Uated dHH 1011c1 111r •I di )Cl dlu, L.•• 11 lnformecton quo consajo de un abogodo '" 1111 •'9wo. 11un10. d1berl 1 hac etlo "SI Uated CIM•• 1ohcll111 el 1mmedlataman1a de ••I• mtflllfl , coneejo de un 1bog11do .,, 11111 fl.I r411PUftlA HCllll, II hey •lguna .•• u n I 0 • d • b., I I "II c • r I 0 pue<le l8t regl"rad1 1 llempo 1mm.<11a11m11111, de est• manora, 1. TO THE RESPONDENT The au rupue111 Nefllll, 11 hly 1lgun1, pe1111one1 hH lllld • p11111on pued•.., reg1111ad1 a llempo concorntng your merrlage II you 1111 1 TO TH£ DEFENDANT A CMI to lilt a responM w11hln 30 day• of co1no111n1 has been tiled oy the lhe d11te lhal 11111 summon• 11 p1e1n1tfl ag11n11 you II you w1Sh 10 l«VICI on you. your Clllaull mly be delenel lhl1 l1wau11 )'OU must. wltl'lln 11111n1d •nd 'the cou11 may enttt • JO day• 11ta1 lhl1 summons 11 tuelgment containing 1njunc11v1 or Hived on you, h,. with thil courl e olller ordllfl conc:e<n1ng Cl•Yltlon ol r111en r•'i>onM to lhe eompllllnl p1ope11y, spousal 1uppo11. child Unless you dO '°·your CS.f1ult w111 custOdy, child 1upopor1. 1Horney be 1n11rep on 1pphcatlon ol Ille tees. costs, and such 011\11 101111 as plalntill, end lhls COUil m1y en11r 1 ll'\llY o. g.rltlled by thl cou11 The iuogment 1911nt1 you IOf lhtt relieC g1tnl1hmtn1, of wages. 1111.lng of demtn<I~ In lhl compi.io1, whleh money or pr()j)e(I), OI 01he1 COUii could ,.suit In garnishment of 1u111or1zeo proceedings may also wages. laking of money or prope11y reaull. or Olh•• ••11•1 11quas1ee1 In the DlllCI Octot>er 27, 1982 complaont Nanc:r 011nt, Oeputr 011ed Septambel 28, 1981 Law Ofllc11 ot Y.T. LOI Rob41fl R ROI, Clerk 120 W. 1ttll It. Charlotte Faist, Oeouly Coel1 Mau, CA t2t27 OONOVAN.1. SOMER9 a SPEAR (714) 145-1350 145 a. r l9111toe 91. •2.'40 Published 011nga Co111 Daily Loe Ang1181, CA I0071 P1101, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 1982 Put>llahed 011nge Coosl Dally "' 4746·82 P1101, Ocl 2t. 28, Nov. 4, 11, 1982 •6•2·82 PlellC NOTICE K-o20e1 PUBLIC NOilCL_, FICTITIOUS 8USINH9 9 U It E R t 0 R C 0 U R T 0 F NAME STATEMENT CAUf'ORNIA The tollowing peraons 111e doing COUNTY Of OftANQE business 11 In lhe Miller ol the Appllcation ol HARBOR WE S~MINS T ER JENNIFER LEE BRICK. For Change ASSOCIATES. • t3 Corporate of Name. Plaza, Sull• 200. Newport Bench. CASI'. NUMllElt A115571 Calrtorn11 92660 OftOSR TO IHOW Cll.UH S11phen C Hook Int. • 13 FOft CHANGE OF NAME Co1por111 Plu•. Sulla 200. JENNIFER LEE BRICK has ltled 1 Newpotl Beaoll, CaUIOlnll 92680 petition In 11111 court IOI an or-Cllt ROQe< P011er. •041 M1CAt1hu1 11tow1ng peloli<>nlf 10 change h11< Blvd .. Sult• 280. N8WJ>O(I e.acn. ntme trom JENNIFER LEE BRICK CulO<nil 92660 to JENNIFER LEE JACOBS This 11u11ness 11 ~ducted oy 1 II IS neret>y ordered that •II gtnetlll pall,_lhlp pe11on1 lnleres1eo 1n lhe ma111r Stephen C Hopkln1 1forHll<I eppeer oelore this COUil This lllllmtnl WIS llllCI with lhe In Oepet1menl No 3 al 700 CM<: Coun1y CIOfk of Or1nge County on C1n1e1 Or111e west. San111 Ana. Oclobe< 4, 1982 C1lll0<ni1. on Deceml>ef 8, 1982 a1 '1~ 10 30 o'clock • m . an<I then and Published Orange Cout Dilly 1"'-• Show ceuse. if any they have, PllOt. Oct 14. 21. 28. Nov •. 1982 hy 11id petition for change of 4531-82 name should not be g<anteo. ------------It It lurthlr Older~ that 11 copy of Pta.lC NOTICE lhl a order 10 show cause ba -.-T-11._n_ME __ N_T_OF--A-.-.-NOO--NM-IE_N_T publi1h•d In Ille Daily Pilol, • OF USIE Of newspape1 of gen11<1I circulal1on. FtCTITIOUa eua .. as NAME p111>hshed In lhla county at '-•SI nee • w"k tor lovr consecul•ve The lollowlng parsons have eeks prior to Ille Clay or UICI abenelo~ lhe uM ot th• ncuuous 111ng bu11ness name. Dated. October 26. 1982 BBND PARTNERSHIP, '350 • FRANK OOMENICHINI Von t<arman II.venue, Sul11 365, tCHAIEl a. McC:ARTIN Newport BNc;l'I, C1lll0<nl1 92660. 70 Hatbor Blvd., •214, Th• FlctltlOUI 8uflnH I Nam• 0118 Mesa. C1lll01nl1 92626 reterred 10 above wu lll•d In el: (714) 540-75$1 Orange Covnty on Nov. 30. 1g77 Published Orange Coast 01111y C W. Hogberg, 835 Amigo• Pilot. Oct 28. Nov 4. 11, t8, 1982 Way, •5, Newport BellCh, C1lllornl1 4749-82 • 92660 Nancy Ch11111, 3720 Blue K1y. Corona del Mar, Cahlornl• 92625 Richard O Fruee. 236 Mon•rc h Bay. South l1gun1. Catilorni1 9M77 Thi• buelnlss ..... ~led by. 1)«1411 al par1nw9hlp Rlctlard O. FrazM Thia '111-1 WU filed with lhl Couniy Clerk ol Otange County on Oclot>e< •. t982. Law Otflcee of ltlCHAJIO O. FltAZEE A ltroh n loNtl Corporation 30111 Town C:-IOf Orlwe, Suite 290 L19une .....-.. Cetlf0fnl1 92171 '**211 ._.Pubt11lleel 011nge Coasl Daily '"II°" Oc1 1', 21, 28. Nov 4, 1982 45241·112 Ml.IC NOTICE FIC:Ttl lOUa •u·--·· NAME ITATEMENT The totlowlng P«ton• 11e dOlng business: RONCIN CONSTRUCTION. 9113 LI CHiia, Fountain Valley. Cahlornla 92708 Ronald Joseph Gengler. 91t3 la C11l11. Foun111n V1lley. Calllorni1 92708 Pl&.IC NOTICE K..Q207t FICTITIOUS BUStNfSa NA• STAHMIENT The IOllOwtng persons aro dotng ~ .. El NORTE /BROADWAY AS SOCIA TES ~ 13 Corporate Plau. Suite 200. N-pon Beach. C&hlOINI 92660 Stephen C Hoplons. "13 Corpo1a1e Pteu. Sul1e 200. Newport Beach, C1hlornia John D Hopl11ns. 24142 C· 1 Elden Avenue. Costa Mesa Cehlom11 9~27 \p811,_l Frederd J Stemmler. 3\102 Santa M11q111111 Plac;e, San Juan Cepia1rtn0, CA 92e75 CPlll,_) Dl••d B Gamson. 23321 Via qond1. Minion Vle10 Cahlo•n•a 92691 ti>art,_) Th•• bu11ness Is c:onelucteel by • ~neral partnership S1ephen C. Hopkins Thia llllemefll WIS hied Wllh \hi County Clerk of Orange County on Ocloblr 4, 1982. f19M71 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot. Oct 1', 21. 20. Nov 4, IQ82 •529-82 MUC NOTICE Cynlhla LM Gengltlf, 9113 LI C1s111. Foun1aln V•lley, C11ilorn11 Ttils business 19 conducted by an FICTITIOUS euatNEas • 1ndivi<lual NAME STATEMENT Ronald J. Ganglllf The IOllOWtf'il oeraons are CIC>mQ This 1111emen1 was llled with lhl bulinffl as County Clerk of Ot1nge County on EYE CATCHER. 2485 Irvine October 13, t982 A11enu1. No 4, Coale Men. CA 1'1"6)$ 92627 Published Ot1nge Co111 Daily RICHA~D JOSEPH l<.11.SPER P110t, Oc1. 1•, 21, 20, Nov '· 1982 JR 2•85 Irvine Avenue. No •. •523-82 Cotla Mesa. CA 92627 ---... -m-•1c_"""'_T_l_C·E___ LINDA JANE ROLFSON. 24185 ----~-llU\. __ nv ______ 11rv1ne 11.-.ue. No •. Costa MMI FICT1T10U9 BUSINEH CA 92627 NMitlll'. aTATIEMIENT TNS bu11ness IS CCH1Clvc:1eel by e The lollowlng person 11 dotn9 ll"'llfll parlnerlhlp ousiness as Rochlld J. K~ Jr INTERCUl TURAl GROUP FOR This stalemenl was ftted wtlh lhe SINGLES. 5:1'6 \7th SlrHI •B Couflly Clerk ol Ot1nge County on Huntington e.acn. C1hlorn11 926'& October 7. 1982 Dogan M CucelOQlu. 526 171.h F1tt1M Street ,, e. Hun11noton Beech P"bhsheel Orange Coast Delly Cllhlornl• Q2648 Piiot Oct 21. 28. Nov "· 11. 19112 Thll business IS conoucteel t>y 1n 1 _ •607 ·&2 tndlvldusl 0001111 c~10g1u Pl&.IC NOTICE This tlal-' WH Ille<! wolh lhl FICTITIOUS ....... Counfy Cletll of Otange Counly on , NAME STATl•NT October 18, 1ge2 • Th tot•-·• __,..... ....... ,, ..... l • ""'"'ng ,...._ ... ., • .,.,.ng Put>llahed Orlan~e Co111 D11:v1busl~~·AN FISHER CO. 333 Piiot. Oct. 21. 28. ov 4• 11· t98;t EHi 17th Street, Coale M111, __________ 4_56_2_·_021C1tll0<nla92827 fltlllJC NOTICE Hal lehm1n. 734 Vl1 lido · ISoud. Newport Beech. California ll..-0 92663 FICTITIOUS llUSIHata EINnor Flther O'Bryon. 4 73QO N ...... ITATRMSNT Am11 Oflve. P1lm OUeft. Calilornla The following perton 11 doing 92260 bul!MM 11; This bullneu 11 conelucted t>y 1 E8CONDIDO BOULEVARD generll p811nershlp. CEHT·ER •• 13 COl'POllll Plaza. Hiii Llhman Sull• 200 N••POrl Beech Thi• llllemtnl ...... flied Wilh Ille California ll2Mo · Counly Ctetlt ol Orange Coun1y on Stephen C Hopkin•. • 13 OC1oblr 18. 1982 Corl)or•I• Plue, S11lt1 200. ,,_ HewpOtt lleedl, Clllltornla 92tle0 Put>llsh~ Or1n91 Co111 0•11)' Tllil bull!-. II c:onClucl~ by 11 Pllol, Oct. 21, 28, HC>v. 4, 11. 1982 llrnit.o .... "-·· 4e24~ Sl9')Nn 0 HoplOn1 Thia ai.t-1 ... lllld wtlh the County Clafll of Otange Counly on Pta.IC NOTICE ----, ..... Oclober 4, 1"2 ,,_.. fl"CTmout IUSMH Pubttalled Oflnge Coaal Dalty NAMI ITATIMINT , Plot, Oc1 14, 21. 21, HO\' 4, tff2 The IOlloWlng l*IOnl are cloing • ' 4&30-8:1 but.l~=roN 8RISTOL SH~E.ET. PWlJC NOTIC( 3099 s ,8fl•to4 Street, Coe1• ....... __ .,..,....,...~~_,...~~~...;...-ClllllOlnla 02828 l'ICmtOUe-11 TINY HAYLOR'S INC., 1 ..,... ITA~llT C111tor11t1 co1por1Uon, 130 13 E. fhe folt-tng pefton 11 doing Molelte Str111, 81n11 F• St>rtno•. .,.,.,._ • Cllllfornle I0670 MIClllO DllOOUHTI, 14158 Tiiie blllineta it conoucted by a OYel AMO. IMne, CA t27f4 corp0r111on. JAMI HIO A. •AAOOQUll, Tiny Nay!Ot't tnc 14QI o.tlt l'oed, !MM. OA 1Ut4, Mlcl'IHI W, 011v111et1, Tiiie ........ eonctuoted "1 •· "'"'dint lnCIMdUlf, Tlllt ttllemetll wat nltd With Ille """"*' A. F~ County Cieri! of Orange County on T'llll 111111•11 ..... """die leptembef 2'7, 1H2 ~ Cllrtl of 0r.,,,. ~ "" ,,.... ~ 12, 1112. Pubtt•h•d Orant.• Coe1t Deity ,.. "<It, Ocl 14, 21, ff, Nov 4. 1112 ,.lllllllMCI Ori,... CHM DalfJ 4 .... ..... Oat ... If. n . NGw. ~~ -Went Ad• call 642 M11 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y ~ ..... , ... ,d.J ..... ,.,.,.,.,,_, AMtl•••'• ,.,.Jd..J ,,.,,,.,.,, A,,,,.,.,, A,.,, ... ,, -,,,,,,.. ._,", ,,,, .. •nell'IRll'lTo'"i'I .. 'S"e"e''hn •• i'lnr;rr.~ ...... -•••••••••• unm~ I a.1 ''''-' I/, '" I iH a. ~ .Jd.-4 •••••••••• "H7 .... 1 .... H .... J Mf .._.,a.a.A JltH .,,,,..,, ..... ,A , .. , .... ;nfl.............. . ... ~ ... r.! .•.•....•...•... !.f!:JA' •••••••••• Condo .... PALM DI· ernnl•••'"' w.wn1o'rl1D"t••'""u1 ..... u •• -:rr.r. •• I'~ '~ , .... D•• ..... '-' , UH,...... ...... B.tf HAT COHDO 1 aa~· lH~~= c:·~ ~":'J I •tlU .. .,. ~·-1"1" VIII• IA'U liOHf lle~lilol I °' rll.l.mn •••••• ,,..,, 'f:".~~ •• r.f ••••••• neu l'l'J"'.nJl.'11Jlr ... ~ o.c I llP• 4 PuOI ten I~(; deQ y~ 91 '::~1UOf 0111111 Ot 1110111 •1111• 2oeo" cs·,~ u o~ I~. I Plllllll ..... .., , ...... , n .. t I Dr 11111. I t 1,1~: "":: c • 11 d. l\lrl '"'"' Obi !lla1 w1l1pkl II Ir a •• ll<Jtll '' 0~· ' lllkO "" •o• I b1 ..... ba ln\tMI' COlY IWYlllt \IVf HC~tlty •'•un•: tiia' Jatuut, ''' t 110Cltmo t v l1plr. DW oar . 147~'1.tP 1400/mo 112·33 ''·I •••l•I• ,. ft••• 4tM t lllOO/mo 49tr '100il t1l !U 13 Of Ul·l 103 I Oi ••" 01)110!'11 w/ PllllO Or Cltl(<>!ty l'OOI I 403 OllO:l lor lurmll!Jd) , , , ;'°.Jo•••••t;of:":':.Joo.r.w;l' ' ll'IO JO ~O Clltl -•{1()(111110 y1ly A11a11 •P• N" :Mii '0~0 l11rt1 I menl11ev'" .. 'UV" MlRllLO DAY , 81 2 Ill mu cl do· t 1111 • M W'lll P1111'1t 54G 1441 ••• ,,.,,.. I COVNTAV (;ll8 11\llNO ..... " ' D• 1700 IQ II trplc I \18!1 ,.,.. Oii •11•1 • ·• 3140 IN NCWPOIH CACH I brick p1t10 wllh •P• '"''''"Cl hi & 11111 • 1 JAOOll lllALTY •H ' Odrm "''IO· P• •••• ~~!••••••••••••••• 1 811111'4• 1 a 1 hurm fllHll 11 I 0 0 0 I mo l1200 dep I !175 7&0~ PHPlllTY M•IMIT 110 no Piii• adulla pref, Av11t oow I 01 I 61 Aptrt"*lt 041.1•11 a,,, ... , ag.nc; 213 1 &78 1:1'&6 or Tl1( fll1[Mlf'R Harbor lll•l111 J:l•·A.JlllTln ll73 71l7 OOWMtllf• apt d•wtll1. ilOWMOV AUclMll't .. tc1MNOWllh 810 306t Rl(lQ• VleW horn• 4 BR TUNNINO toro• ' Or Pfl\111t• 11•110. ••note II.. rrom S&llO phOlt>t" , ••• ,"''" 0 llOun• r edwood, 3 011, l11u111111on1 m1,,dtll 'l ar t ltu c.<.eant1on1 wt g1uJ'ln •Ill 110 w t&lh 1"0• No P•ll w11er On J11mborM Ad •t Cr~111 Co1mopol1t1n gloH. oc•lin vu wooday "v111 now $3 ooo mo 110 dt<.t. 111001mo yrlv tit P ., 1 d S 4 5 O / mo 91111 Joaquin H1tta Rd Oo~ M0r,t11n11 AtN11l<:a 1 01 2 Oil. 1 tiok' 1 01 760 1Gn JlCOH llEALTY 11 r 1811ltPomona. 1 Or. 6•5·2000 Ag.,,1 no'" 144· lHO Trtt t omorrow Show nln~ rm, dllPH. or pt, PROPERTY .... IT I Ha down•t"lr1 ... ,. .. •• ,.1•1 w·L• • ', Oii • IO •11 wllo I 1• u v "'"" n • Yeorty 3 Or ~ 81 Av811 nteo o pttee 11pp . dbl gor S\150ln10 WHTOL" llOVl I •I 111 corµor1 , wt1lf!I po, I c:hlld Lr(I 2 OA t ownhouH 1mmod Newly 1emodtled I l"'l llll Lono term 400 Pano Ntorty oew 1 11ory 3 BA 011 no P•'' 1400 Aoem 11pt1, anc:t 0111, trplc; N er on Pt111111ut11 184!1/mo ••r•r t • • 11m11 484 3288 and llb1111y 2.850 aq 11 no 11111 1102·0?17 l!unl tltbr trorn $64$ 676 3 t3!l, 640 11710 ,.,00 1 1 BA (.OnOO. U()Hfl YIVIN blt\.uUVI flO<OI. on ,.. E .. PA <> " B Childr11n OK e•o 8801 c:I •<I I condo WIYllW t"n('i Highly upg1111d40d by CIOU., 'l n d. 1 11• 30 r 21h. CPll. drp•. OI O•tll Bay, buulllut l;o I ''gun11 N1 1hopp1no prolonron 1 dec:orator. aoam c11111ng11. 1111v nor WAANef\ VII.LA 2 hd, 'l 11111111ty 111d11eoratod 1n & ornunbtll & ewJrnmtno Cu11111r •90 1•60 aecudty •Y•tom, pool Woo1t call . 1\0 01111 ba Con<10 trpt, dlN po out $1160 mo (2 13) poolti w111 11cc;opt 1or2 11111\v111edwood1011111 endip11 f:oraote,teeH . ''GOOD 1 4 7!> 'l'ltiG M11ple t1 0 po'ol , 1000 332·11051 11du1t101 1aout1w1chlld 1111110 or1111. 111'. d1111 ale or lltlt& option Andy to b411 135tJ or 073·8803 2131510 0036 WATERr AONl N11wpor1 657·7683 or 640 8330 S 1300/mo ••• AO I deal! Call ogent• at LIFE'' Br 1 1~ Oil No pol•. 3 t><lfrn 2'• bl l1pc;, dbl• tal11nd 1p.i1;1out 2 Br 2 5111 1u.o1 condo Qt.. hous11 494·7518,4115·114!S G4Gb092 54!0/mo lor 2 p11110111 11t1uc:h o r $850 6• dut1lt•llPI new c;.,. $285 111 teet R curlly ,.,,,., Nlf.U ll JZSZ . 7 S 5 W ' 8 t h S 1 9114·41633 ~~1·3004 pet, d111pea frptc bll·ln•. 966·84 79 0, 6112·2•49 ••'••••••• ••••••••••• S•• Cl••••I• 3111 YI Al'-ROUND FUN1 646 9507 s37• 1 g•r•a• veerty HOO -.. I " mo I bl • Ulll• pd 73. 100 Of e•o.2 "87 N I 11gon1 lu•uru hOU*4 Br 2'• Bl ln 0uardod •••••••••••••••••••••• .Soc:ll l Act1vl1le1 B I b 323 E 18 h ., , ~ ~ , "" g a t e c; om m ii n 11 y Httl lllde oc:een view 3 br D t '• c I o ' • F r • • ' '> 8 1 Walk 10 be&Cll 207 Chi· I Avail Dec; 1 exc:luslve •<•• Sep.,ete S 7G5Jmo Av11t now convefl den & maid'• Sund • y I St No pell Oar 1625 c:eoo 085·4964 bdrm balh lrptc. dining LHse option potttble Quarters $2000/mo Brunc:h•BBQ't • Sie,,a Mgmt 641•132' -Be11utllul 1010• 4 Br en· rm S300 830·9348 3, 9 .... 8 P ,, ........ Pl N 2 BR 2 B t I clsd p11t10 slept to 760· 1977 21 •• ., .. 2 • .... ua ower 11 no P4I • l:>e 11 't'e&tl' P6 4419 Roommate 10 share 2 ~ much m<>f• $4 7 ! 7 60 • 14 1 8 or llC '>' • • bdrm apt 1n Cotle Mesa lniH Viti• 3111 $u J•lll G It I AT 642·7528 evSlwknds 2 Br 2 B• Condo. i:ilt· I """' mo Geo 11•2·6381 •••••••••'•••••••••• C • 3211 "IC It I A T I 0 N : •"" harm1no Hlllllde 1111w 3 ~11111•0 T • n n 11 • F, • 1 * 2Br 2Ba Near S C ;•~r: ,ugo.,.d~so a~a:.'~ Single mother w11hH 10 drm, 2 be Ft11pt1ce, L;:;.,L;;;;c;~,j~~·;~~ LeNOnl (pro & pro Plau, S A luxury Con· • Stc~111v Gjlff $900l mo 5$9•71"' iha1e Mesa Ve•CI• home I Lelle prlvltegea $776 2 be, c:ovrd patio, c;emm 1h op I • 2 H ea II h do w/poot 1595 No • Poo1 6 fie( Aoo"' w/(HPQns1bla Fe 1 crnld Ev!.' 213·~30·4327 pool 1650 497~ l857 Club1•S1un1• pell 833·8974 Eves • t a.? BA'"'° Ap11 B11y1rnl. 20• fBa, ga1a9• OK . ~o Smk• 546·3831 IN1wNll ••d Jiff 180 degree vtew/oc;een SHy01rom1m•~e· •Mesa Verde 2 Br 1 Ba : ~~'::s~~s:~!~,Gs ;~1~1i~:,'1~~.2~~3 557·11207 fi•••"•••••••••••••••••" from Dln•llQ Ulllng and w m ~oU I Newly redec S495 No """ O\IS ' Fem roommate to 1h1re 2 ELUXE 3 BR 2' t ba 2 I Kllchen and Oen 3 bd :~Yl~U T I : U L l>Ull 833·&974 Eves • J09 10 Boen & ShOps· bdrm. 2 ba apt $235, •, sty, tge front yard & 2'~ b~ Immacu l ate •••1tTMa N Ta· 28A l '•b" d l w, bttlns, On Bay, 2 bdrm 2 ba, t u111 631·8543 I up1t11t11 pallo Near Is 122oi mo, No"'peu: ....... · I patio, goip. no pets, 5575. c;ar g11r Pt1va1e Beach. beec:h ISi & IHI, HCU· North San Clemente. ~'~~:.;:U:n1:~. 548·4291, 645·9857 Good neighborhood fo1 Lady between 40·60 10 rlty $1100 per mo 873.6632 owner & Unlurnlahed•No I c;ouple 0, &Ingle $1100 she1e home wllh elderly 831·5661 I . Pett•Model• Open t l;>CI. neor South"Coaat SAIDPIPEll APTl, 1673·2 167 8· 10AM. gentleman Eu1s1de New beechtront home. 3 1C••'••i•i••• dally 9 to 6. Plaza, $370 mo Ullls A LOYILY PUCE 6·9PM Costa Mela 5<18·0&68 Br 4 Ba. rurn S2250/mo. ' l81•i1jH 3400 OaLW ..1 paid 754·0588 TO LIVI 4 Br 2 Ba 40 from sand. Ml,F 25·40 to shr 28r unlurn $2000 Call Mra. •••••••••••••••••••••• • Olw t ''r 61 g1uoge. yard •Home IPYI 1,2 Br w/balcony & sundec:k 1 ,ea a1>1. CM Pool. jac; l ong 673·1190. Biii.t i Condo, W•lklkl .., .. , $525/mo Westside P I YS BBQ l "9 50/yrly Furn? Avell 1mm11d $270 mo I _ ---1 Beac;h, 1-tonotutu. 2 bd. 2 • oo • po • B o b 9 7 2 • 1 3 O O LAROE 2 br. 1 ba. ger, I 'ba. comp turn. Aval! Nov a,.-1h 64 l·0763 No peis, • 5 acrea ol beautllully 1 645·0340 6•5·636J · ~l w, 5308 S"euhore. 22 10 Dec 20. Adults. ...,.,. ltNfll•. Redec 1 bd. relrlg. qule\. landscaped surroun-Sin Cltllltnte' 3116 $750 mo Vrly 982-~9 ~4 . ._Reas. (2 t3) 838·4179 I 880 trvlne $410 See mgr 81 19220 dings · •••••••••• ••••••••• ••• Female roommate $300 N PRESTIGIOUS BIG H'o•/••'••I (a1 16th) W o I I ace Ave o, • Nr Fwys & shopping tNr S C General Hosp, mo E Costa Mesa Own CA o L 1 (71•) •:u5 110 • 760·8376. •Quiet area r 3Br. frplc, 2Ba, stove. room, both 642·33 18 NY N: uxur out 4 V I 'tiff 34ZS " .,.. • " • SoHy no dogs cpl~ Avail Nov 1 $575 I Bdrm home w /pvt •••• '!.~!~!............ ...,.,. ltM•lle. Ug I bd, relrlg, Alorm (ll4) Hl-HH 1110 (7l<l l 891-1644 PROllGITOllY POIH custom pool end 1p11 All BR 2•_.,9,. Twnhse, prv. 1700 16th St. system, 2nd floor. no 1 Furn luxury 2 br, 2 ba, ne w amen 11 I e • patio, pool, apa. gas (Dover at 16th) pel9 $400 6"0·4979 8081 Holland Cr, HB 2 8R, $465, yearly, new c;athedral celling. lrptc. L 7141644·9800 BBQ Bacil Bay $925 mo Btwn Staler/Warner decor pool ni beec;h sundeck. '" emenil1es 'waterlront, br. 2 bl dptM ' 631-3815 · ~71.4) 642-5113 •~1~i~~k~~ ~~· ~5~;· ,_ 011 Beech bus No pens 498·11277 ' Wiii shr .,,1p1of M I (upt. 1850 sq II. tmmec. egant 2 br nr SC Plue, I A L l u T 1 l s p 0 12 Bdrm I Ba upstairs Sul• An• 3llO 673·3887 1111 6 __ Btl·•n•. lrplc;. gar No gar. Chlldren ok. $575 63'1-<1320 condo near Talbert/ •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 81 2 Ba Hunllng1on pe11 $1200 1175·4186 ~lease .Agt8•1 ·26"1 A111t111tnl1 N B -B Newland. Batc:ony, c;om. 2 Br 2 Ba condo, pool. Beech COndo. neWly de· ----_ ear new I r 1 a di•· mty pool. carpOrL 1 child 111c tennts So Coast A A 1 Den. fireplace $800 mo Fairview & Wer ner ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••I no pets 369 Avocado St 545-2000, Agent, no lee Prefer Prol Uhls lncld 7 1" • 55 I ·1103 7 day or I 1850/mo. 2 yrs Old, W/O thntrll 3102 $400/mo 631·8155 8"2•2012 all ' 5550 $350 964.052•. alt 5. 2 lulr•, 1Y• It• Br l 'h b• condo nr I u.1.,.;,.,, hwashar. enctsd garage Ok . no pets $525mo Pla~a area' 8•0·8905. corated II men ties eves 1 incl Kids/pet pou Ed c.·;;;;~·n··0~;;;·2 .. ;•3 Ilg 2 61 Easislde garage+ BHli111I•• 2Br 2 ba. "". securtly, HllOll IUl5E · 96"·8171 I BllHllt 3142 poot nr SC Ptaza No Nwpl H01' 3 br, 2 be, , _ _ _ Bdrm $425 10 5525 c;11rpor1 & yard. stove. •••••••••••••••••••••• p e 1 s s 5 o o Lux condo Ally will lrplC. gardener, $700 mo IA F • "-~ 636.,1696 'I I" II• $ 5 2 51 mo HUGE 1 br l Condo 2'31860 9513 sh 11 r • 55501 m O ' 25 I KnoM St 645·5 I IO 1••1ta1at1 •t•ll•'"' I JIN I I ,. -Jiff 631·075" · Ul\ ' ' • 752·9442 dys. 6"0·2'434 I•~•••••••••••••••••••• 1 1 1 I •• 1 Mint cond, all amenities. A F I .__~ p I L 0 T 212 S 7 4 5 1 mo. 3 1 2 '• l1IHI /111•' 3111 •••••••••••••••••••••• EJS1de tuaury 111 11 pine 1600 mo. 962·49t4 11111111•1• Ufll , • .,... eves I s 1 9 5 / mo , 4 / 2 'I» •••••••••••••••••••••• E·Baylront Llllle Isle, lorest, tge I br, relrlg. 3141 or Un/.,n 3100 ROOMMATE WANTED I $1250/mo Have others Newly decorated 2Br Iba. 1 pier. 3 story deluxe 11g ow. BBQ. pvt bale, avail f!l.".,~.~!!.~~••••••·· 1·•••••1••E•l••w•·11•·1••••••• 1 Mlstra1gh1. non.smkr Fred Ten o re , ag1 P8lt0.1mmed occup lhru 2Br. lrplc, $1800 mo I now gas incl $425/mo OCUI VIEW $250 + '• u11ls Dys 631·1266. 631 ·2711 1 June. $600 Incl ulll. 675-3067 631·6741 0 1 YILU~E 842·5446 . all 6pm 1 _ 973_3458 ---· _ I m1nu1es so o Laguna w 6,2•5820 !Responsible 11dulla 2Br 1 lge I br apt, $550/mo Lge I br upper apt, encl on Dana Point's most New 1&2 bdrm luxury I bll house S600, 2 Bel 1••llN1 Wesherldryer. No pet• J g11 No pets $400 mo secluded sc:enlc blull., apts in 14 pl11na 1 Bdrm M/F to i hr 2B; hse, H.e 2ba $600 1 & den, furn '••i•Hll 3101 1 Avail Nov 20 875·9378 Maso del Mar area Im· 1 like new, 2 Br wi den, from S540, 2 bbrm trom l g lncd yd $350 mo ~600 673·7544 .•••••••••••••••••••••• Renl 0, lease 3 Br 2 Ba med occ Call 75 1·9905 xtra large private patio. I S595. TownlJouse from 964·9465 LUFFS 3Br 2ba. single ,BAY FRONTAGE. beac:h, I paruatly lurn. uut peld 2 Br 1·~ Ba Newer tnhse, garage. $725/mo. Galt $665 + pools, tennl•. I CtrtH ••I lar 1ory Linda Ion Clean & I pier, prkg, 2br. $800 lbr Ye a r I Y S 6 2 5 1 mo no pets $495/mo 1916 661·6441 or M ·F, 9.5 waterfalls ponds! Gas Female roommate lo , 1gh1 f 12001 $650/$600 UtlL. pd. 303 642• 1334. 851•9889 Wallac:e 102 I 643·02 tO Drive by to lor cooking & heating 1 , · mo E Edge w a 1 er . ___ • see at 24583 SanlS paid From San Diego share 2 bdrm, 2 ba con· 55J·I006 11871·2866 l1JIN1 Ea11s1de Bachelor Ctara Frwy d•lve Norlh on do, 2 blka from be11ch,1 .~STBL UF~S 2Br 2ba y8;,,y 1325 SmaH studio, leai•lllll 3101 Beamed ce1llngs. paho. I-OCEHFROIT Beach 10 McFad~en to I ~~;s.11in, ~~M 78~t~~~ decOfator home. 11p1C. 1 person only street •••••••••••••••••••••• large bath. kitchen. utlls I Se aw 1 11 d v 111 age ·a •------dbl gar. c.omm •pool perking utile paid 2 bdrm. 2 ba newer dp!x paid $350/ma No pets Most elega~t llPI bldg (714)893·5198 Aespon F needed to shr $1400/mo SHlc:ktend 1875.3063 'or 679•9667 yfly. Mature non·sm1us, 75?·2550 i In Laguna each. finest CM apt 1185+ uhl AftM M g m I S e ' v no pets S650 X 3 -location •n town, breath· R.-1 400019 J 631 0679 7141990·9256 Coron• ''l 1111 3122 213179g.4195 ~57·9792 La1ge 3 Br 2 Ba Town· laking views. eH bultt-1ns. •••-,.••••••••••••••••• pm oe • •••••••••••••••••••••• "'17141 673•3986 house In quiet comolex. huted pool, sub.garage. LA,U•& IE.ACM Matellemale nell. non wpt HglS 2Br, tB1 very ocean view. beautllully _ • I large poo1 garden Ml· etev11or lease only MOTOR Ill smoker to share home nr Pvl & huge yd lurn 1ownhouse, lrptc. $295 nlc;e bllcttelOf re•· ling $675 6•5·3381. $850 & up Wk 595 I SC Ptu1 S180, " ulll 645·9095 pool & patlO $1095/mo ponsibl• pe,.on, u11t1 1175·5949 330 Cllll Or 494·8083 0 01 1Y '11,~11~11 11uo I 850-<>907 ayfronl 5 bt quiet ••ec Bay. Apl 9 LIHIJ 2 lt4'r•, 1 !ta L•f.•H llit.••l 3ISZ, heated pool, & llept to Reso tm to attt 3t>r '"''ne home, beaul vu no Cllll lltll 31Z4 Upper un11 f<>t r1n1 Bull1 •• ••••••• ••••••••••• .ocean t<11c11•1v111I 1 c; on Clo R •• s r a 1 e r---673-01196 p111e1 no pe1s 106 E ---or , ree c:o ee. __ _ __ doc:k. $2000 675-7673 •••••••••••••••••••••• DELUXE 2 bd 2 b1 S1ep1 ins carpels, drepea, no On Goll Course Well ... 985 N Coatl Hwy, I 552·3248 e11. 7&0·6000 C STEPS TO BEACH Furn 1 bdrm apts $385 lo the Bc:h WID. gar. no p•IS 1 c;l'llld olt. $500 Nine Condo 2 BR 2ba 2 Laguna Beach 494·5294 1 it 317 dys Ann , B DRM$ 250 M O jlnd up Enc; garages pets ·yrt y $750 mo 760·073 4 0 , car gar wtopru Wash/ --YR y 1 2110 New~ Bl11d CM 645-6956 alt •PM 631·"402 Gen 1 dryer Lower unit w/ $90 & up wllh kilchen. LJDO ISL~ non smkr L I 5"8·4968 ----• patio redecorated weekly Oc:eanlronl Mo· $395/mo • ulll Work Lovely 1mmac: c:omm _ $395 1 Br dpla Ulll pd 11 B<lrm S4251mo Carpoft $725/mo 7141770_ 1950 let 675·8740 673·0869 675·94'9 Res L r pool & tenn11 546·5704 OAS& IE Ill 4 17 E Bay Ave Balboa & laundry 1ac1I Cell Stu Fem non·smi.r rm l'tl hH Female rmmte needed 10 XCLUSl\IE AREA Har· All UTILITIES PAID ~en ~o pe1s 547•1155 I •·4197·233! or 640·3666 '!1."!~!!.~!!~ •. .!.~~1 prtv C M $225 unturn , stir Mstrl 8R 1n N B bor \11-home Proles TUOIO APT yrty $300 llSU•T l•I INO FEE• Apl & Condo turn S260 1145·54511 Condo. pool. 1ac;c; $200 d41COflled 4BA 2BA. lar· Compare belore you mo 212 30th SI See I S•OO·S•lSlmo 2 Br t ren1at1 \11lla Rentals Room with kllCl1 p<1v Nr mo plus '• ulll 845-5"1' o• 1011 on t. acre w/ rent Cust om design Sat 10·4 675·6t04 675 4912 Brot.er ---- A trees Walk 10 FHhlon features Poot bb eves I Ba poolside apt laundry _:. _ 1 Bua line 4 s11opp1ng FEMALE OVER 40 Share !stand. baach, pool & cov'rd garage s~rrou~'. ----room. beamed ce11mg1 ·~ Block 10 beach. 2Br. cen1er 962·7520 2BR Condo in Hunllng· schoote Oercsener Inc;! ded 111 plush 1 dsc 8ac:hetor Yearly rental, No peis No 1111 month bdglll & •lry SUS mo F 10 1 w 1 ton Beac:h 536·2001 all I SI 400 A II J pl w~ I en a· ullls paid $340/mo 20 I •t:'11 depo11t req Call Yfl)' 968·8263 uri" ,rm s;2'sen Ill esd· 6pm ~759-60 va an 111 ng 0 pe s. E ea 1 b o • B t v d I rsL Mgm1 642· 1603 m ns er • u P 00 I BR Furn $515 875-9562, 646•13111 --OCEHFROln 694-9 1.e:L' bel 9pm So L11gun11, gated, nr S Br 1 ea, nr buc;h, 365W Wilson 642•1971 • -Me~:\ Verde. sharp ups·t 3 bd 2 b 4 BR 2 Ba hS W/O beach. pV1 801/ba. $295 $650' I ------C ' I • 31Z2 ' tBlt&. 2 8A 2 Ba, bllns. r, a. gar great e. yr + u I 4 9 4 • 4 9 9 3 mo yr Y HWPlllT YtLWE .!!f!'.' ••• ! ••• !! ••••••• , new cpls encl gar. tndry toe Winter kllch, etc S225 mo S20 49&-4722 , JACOH RIALn ltHtltttl Ladso••• rm. no peia 5575 mo 1 I dep 648-8386 1111 !!M _ _ PROPERTY MIOMIT Gas. water Peld Patios L STE~leT030:H" Call !>40·1158 all 6 .1 B•ctetor. greal loc Lrg turn room, pvl Ba, Wanteel lemtoShrCdM.2 S ~ Ill-I ni wl pOOI tewul saunes arge r • many 979·3848, ask fOf Pam year y employed Fem over 2!> I BR 2 bl apt. Non amkr ays•de home, 3200 sq 11 , tennis 'c:ourts. ~olleybati ~~,~~~~·~.~ 1 J!t 5f t~'.15450 2 BA. 2--Car gar. I TS!_ •c•t H2-11H I $200/mo 546·2573 ' ~3~~:.~6~111 Allalt Dec; 4 Br. 4 Bl. targe muter ~~~'o R~~au:; 'S::O· eves & Wllnd1 831·6~ child OK. no pell t32 E WllTER llE•UU Balboa Peninsula. Private I sulle wl lrplc, 3 car gl • c{111 557.~;5stt ' · The Shores In beaulllul Bay SI 5"1·5331 3 & 41 Br Close to w111er, En Ir a nee S t 7 5 No Lu• condo Nwpl Terrace I rage. 2 bOSI allpa avalt ! Corona del Mar ha• '2 Bedroom adult Ille ll)'la lurn & unlurn. reason&· sm oking or cooking 2brl 2ba, pvt l•C. 1350 $2500 /mo 955·:L'4 73 S1ud10 Apt Oecora1or newly refurbished 1 & 2 1 apt light & Airy ble, all amenities Br<>tler 675·3391 Reap MIF 642·9545 Jim & gas paid $340/mo f c I t -ai ' ,., -1 b 1h JI t ETREAT HOME wlocean 846.!1330 up or rent el He eo EASTSIDE 2 Br 1 Ba 1 1 blk 10 Bch Lower 2 Br •••••• ••••••••••••••• pv • • • comm 11C r: wkd11ya 9.5 furn private PllllO, water bdrm apts lrom S550 & 646..C549 675·4912 ___ u01111 .. ,1111 41-Housemate want~. resp .• F & harbor vu t acre • 2 --~bson 84•·2611 c:er gerage sost mo den. 2 t>•. yfty. btt1ns. SHUii .. TIL trv1ne, nr UCt S250 + '• 11ory home on Cloll Or Ranli•fl•• 4 Br 2' t Ba. 2·sty. In i••• 11ncld1 w.1er tmmed refog $700 675·81139 Wiiiy rentals now ava1t ul•I• 8S7· 1'50 Eechlevelhasownentry, ••d 3140 1n otd CdM 1900/mo 111111 Prefer couple Nwpi Hgts 2 br. 2 ba, $105 & up Color TV Roommm toshr-PVk k•"··· n. library. hplc; & •••••••••••••••••••••• yrty Avail 1111 I mlnlmat on·11te manege-apac;tous Avall now Phonet in room 2274 Newport apt. beaut bay gorgeoua vu Ole/home .IACllS llHln men• req 229 Colla 5735,mo 64s.7400 N-PO<I 81vd CM view tennts, IC>8 Many I use or shared llY1ng YOI DESERVE m M.'. c by • pp t • 646-7•45 amenit ies. Call J im. s 1950/m o Dog ok PRIPlllTY lllllT 642·6557 1eALBOA PENIN 1~ blk 10 -759-1216 Fri ~pm 752·2 197 R & H lnvell· Beau111u1 & park Ilka with 111·1113 ' --bch 2 bd, 1 Oe. yrty 8 [ A C H AR [ A menlS to,,aoed pool ._ _ _ _ :L'Br. I 1Ba WfflSlde Ilk• I c 1 pr 1 . $ 5 4 o m 0 Rmmate wanted to find •SpaclOus Apte 1 Br 50 of 11wy. builHn•. new S•75 mo S52·0853 $S4/ k I and share tn Costa Mesa. E 8 !~::::~~:1ng ~~~o~·msos5r;!o:· S57·6985 -·3Br, 2011 3 c:ar garage. 1 W trv1,;:e. Npt ech .,.. wt 0 1'1'0ln1ng Area 3 br 1'' ba blt·lns. gar .. I blk 1o ocn, seoo mo Aefriger1tor·M•ld·P001 SO Mom 662•2154 Ev •Walle In CIOMll 955-3649 crpts ChllO OK No pets 1175·917• Nwp1 Blvd & Wiison l1•l•l1 W••IH f3ZS •Home Ilk• Kltcttens Quiet area 408'• ACieia $595 Cati alt 5pm. ----Co111 Mesa 548·9155 •••••••••••••••••••••• D ~ : b lk 10 Hunllngton 3Br 2ba. ocean view, 548-1058 Priv & Spec. 2 stry, 2 bd, Pine Knot .. 01 ... on ,.. __ 11 • 5 6 7 8 , .... -G t t """ I & $875/mo 673·7942 -2') ba, wt lrpl New ca· .., "' """' IHI IY HC. 1 •n er, rans ... ~ .. e ion 2 Br 1'-Y Bs t ludto pool. met c:arpe1tno. nr Fa· Hwy, Ne St•P• to HunUng1on Buch 3.4 lrwya C11t1 /1111 31Z4 tArporl, pvl patio. Chit· •hlon Island, no pelt ocean Wkly ra1es bdrm house. south Of ITILITlll Fllll •••••••••••••••••••••• dren OK No pets $475. $795 845-6218 645·0'40 Ad 1 m . )( 1n1 ref 1 ( t Bdrm From $5151 House .. Bac.h .. Ouptex 6411-t82• IEED A PUGEi "64 0332 e~2-0100 2 Bdrm H15 333 E 2111 St C M ---Bluffs Area, lrg 2 bd, 2 b11, " • • .. LA OUINTA HERMOSA 645·6589 645·8103 5385 I B! pool. 1 perion. I upper unit. wllrpl Quiet Reasonable '81H. Kit· 16211 Parkside Ln. I blk I no peJ;s J 17th Pt I s'11Ps'.1116,L5?6c218No Pe11 chenettes, phonH, maid Mature Adult Male, Ea· W. of Beac:h, 3 blks S. 6 8 5 7 .. serv1c;e, z c:hennel mo· ecutlve Employed. aeells ol Edinger .. 847·6441 lfe8ti8'18 ... 13 I 1AM·7PM 2-bdrm. t ba. enclosed vlas SANDPIPER M O· prrvin• Ne, CdM, Irvine I apallTMllTS E/Slde decorators own j g&ra~. iN•lk to beec:h TEL, 1967 Newport Btvd, 11ea, room , apt., small • S4251mo up 1 Br un· "' "' i •Pl 2 BA 1 Ba, 1ge get· 645•1819 CM 645·G137 c:ondo. houH turn. or .... __ lurn & lurn pool, .spa. Buulltully l1nd1ceped den. e!'IC:I g1r, lndry rm, 1 unlurn quality rental S.6 If It's got wheels,1 you'll move It faster In a Dally Pilot classlfled ad.Cell M2·5678 and a friendly ad- vlser wUI help you turnvour wheels Into cash. ------- 18992 Florldll. 842·2834. garden apt1 Pool & Sp1 util part paid $60() Avt SE ASH 0 A E DRIVE 1111 #1•11 • 411S mo'a Ralerences fur· 8•2·3172 Palloal decks No pots Nov t 6 648· 1509 1.,8 S7001mo 2 Br reftlge. •••••••••••••••••••••• n11hed (714) 960-4569 Bachelor $4 tO !f\Sg carport. enclsd p11110 1 Mt FllH 111 7pm L••H• •aei 31f 1 Bdrm 1495 548·5682 HAU I Odil --••'••••••••••••••••••• 2250 Vanguard 540·98211 lge newly dee: 2 er w/gar -a.,,.,. ,., ••• , 43SO \.uJCury '1udlo. tnte HBO, Centre! iree. no peta Ver1111tte1 Studio Pen· Severel prime loc111on1 ••••'••••••••••• .. •••• phone. meld .. r11. •PA. ---· 1475 ahown Sal/Sun thouae $525/mo Ask In S•ddlebtck \111119'; to Dani Pt •Ingle 1tor1ge, I '130 wit 499-3015 I eac:netor• ... 10 7 I 4 I 7 5 3 . 0 7 1 Q & lor Sh1ron A1c:hardson choose from Featuring I eecured .. , ... entrance. S.CQ.8187 RHltors 768·5600 or 24 hr auperv111on. plan. 34097 Gnn1d1, $60 Mag{llllC9f11 oc:eanlront 2 I Bdrm S490 f\Ome 770.2313 neCI rec:tullon excttlng 673·S313, 493-0803 & • b r untie, ea ch 131 E 18th 1146-68111 18r •Pl •11 ~ tn••de no o 1 I • I I ,. ·~~ ... • g urme me• • 0 re• Stor•g• gar•"'•· •l""I• 1 1350/mo 497·2042 1111 E 18th 6'2-0856 pe11 $375/mo 2 Br Iba blk l1om bCh toc:at 1111nlp0'1allon Call 9x 2 Coaia M~ii ~.'.'!r.!!.~!! .• l!.t g~~r.'! 23B~,' B: •• s4:: PALMe~s~::~PTS ~~~y .u;~ .. 3~~'$7 ::c~tl~o;;e::.•Y IOI the S501mO • OCEANFAOHT OI~ 2·4 •• l.c75 Laundry fee , pool , 1175·3206 788·7142859-1271 alt !> ~:!-4907 wt&deye By week or m onth. &48 9558 12·7PM I s•oo1681 Mesa °'e "81 181 •)blk lo bC:h u -SINOl.E OAIUOE In T; • ~ Unfurn 1 I 'g•'r $8"' .. -o urtv. ,,.,.,, ..... ,.,, 4111 Cenlr•I l egun• Buc;h 8 31873 eR 1eA.OlelhOuM.nol Cettblwn9·4 !>411·t&e0 84 ' 7c.~"' ' 'r ••••••••••••••••••••• near Main 8eacn' IHOI •II 1>911, cl'ltlO OK All ulll pd Sp11rkt1"G ctean 2 er 10, e-350 FOR RENTI $65/mo 494·30'4 I Completlty turn .,,.. 415 Hemlll on, 1!>75 ea $490 Utlll pd Re· V1r .. lllH •PIC b8Ch 'CIOUI t it er, pallo, Incl. 8"1·0763 lr199 2amatl c;hlkSrenoll, bdrm l)enthOuM, COUf· t 0.ltc"9Cf r'•· 400 tea ulll Avall. 11/1 $850 lltt•-ll"t no pett lylrd, poot. c;tubhOUH, 2 bedroom, 2 bel'1• & 2 11. Ute tor •10f11Q41 or OI· 11\0 NO ...... ,. 540·8632 j -· 1'60 Wattaee "6" MCUlllY $550 842·6149 '"'"" In Twtn ,. •• tn b. II\ COft'lf'll I 1t9t, nr E ,.. Ea1111de H2$·Sei!>lmo 1 l•k• A,,owh .. d tr••· 17ffl St 4 OrMge. CM IOCEANFAONl taro-3 er 2 Br 1•,., e1 TownhOUM DfN ltl•I 1fU SUMy 1 BR llPI '~ t>lll to HU b\lltHn1 I tlr~e 1 lllOl n\O Call ~5. M·F, 2 la wthf/dfyr, ~ peta. all bullH na. tndry rm, ••••••••.,.••••••••••':I t>ch. 011 atr"I s*g Yrly F1111, 119' & cMpotll ,.. 1'2·•310 w1n1et H50 873·~. clrl)Ort. yerdt b1lcon;. IGUI YllW 1450 mo !ii' 175.1142 Qulrtd Celt (714) ~!NT llnt•• t •r ..,1c Be11ahfront 3 BdrM 2 D; .man pel OK From CINI Point'• mo•t 181u<llO epl, pvt pello Nr 7 88 • O 2 U 0 ' P 14 > ll.hl We11mln1ttf • CM 111111 furn 9, utit )'tty TSL Mgmt 8"2· 1803 HC:lude4 1eenlc bh1fl lido~· a t>ffeh VIiia 161·0811 .,...d•V .._.., Ul!I mo A'lall i a.1 l 4&01mo '11123 w' B•f· r;tplace 0001 oteh· Ltll• newt 0"'1 4 unltl, I pd 1360 mo tmmod ntnoa •11• 11 p .m " no Hl-113t b o e I t '• a w.,._ f~ pottO >C Lt Ir wtd9n. >Ctra ~ pnv~ 173.0~ *" I 1n1wor. P HH ketp -- a13tt•t-3091!1 _ ' 0110.n •a Ir. on et I g:~091~~;:i~~ !'':; ILAAGt. clNtl 11r lttPt I..,_.' f!tl!!AP.Jfl .... IMf On the tlHC~ t aide SUO, 1610 ... 143-0812 0rNe b.j 10 -~~~ yrly 1511 ~trt• 119 IH c .. tn. • ....... . room~ ltlf a!!!:.'~' _ __ toio.14113hnt•CW•1 "'-octiz.1i.a.110t 1 r::lc~!'*i=;,"';·.1 1 MO '"*MNT b I t h • tut I\ I I '1 e d ••• •• •• ---~11•1141.t.tt 1 fOOfft to 1100 tit ft 1300/mo + 1300 •· Ntwly dtlCOf OH pd I "'* ,,_ 1111 '"""" .. Keep an .,. : pttoee 1119 I "°"' I' 11 • .. ~·" Mt ~:1:187~4~Hnhont =• =rsi:..•::i·.J0«;;1; ~ =."; ........... Ml., ~~ti ~.':r.'r.! ~ 1 et &:,;:;.• in ~-~-,,... I I } u~.'.~!e~o:r f()f • 30 d1y •d .. In lht IAIU PlltT UIYICI llHOTOllY 00 IT NOWI Ask fer S11llr1 Your Dilly Pltot Service Olrec1ory Repreaen11uve 142·Mla, tit. 322 01 111(1•• Co11111 OAILV PILOT/Thur day, N011ombur 4, 198~ DI lessimlBI Sm-vir:e ~h1•9y 51 -~!!!!~!1~ ••••••••••••• 'f~!~-.!'~ •••••..•••.• 11f~'!!!Jt!1,.'l!~t!1! •• ·~1!!.a.!".f •••••••••••• !'.'.~~r!':~~ •••••••••••• ~~!!!!~''''········~~!!~•···············Ir!~'!!~ ............. ,~!!!!~! ••••••••••••••• Our o lftcu lltndl• '" AtmOd I Aepllrt ,,.t NQflt 2 tllg noM 2 •m•ll Tllll JACK or Al.l TRADES HOUHClfANINO oooa • A· 1 MOVlll• I hpe1t w11tcovt1•ng In M081L( srrw1cf are11 of law Prompt, "' ~o '"" Otcll• P• from A to l wt oo II •II (.;1111 Jtct. nnvume rel• 1ren1po<tttion f•· Top qu•IJIY 28 yr exp 111111111011 A101 pr1t.. Re r 111t1N.,. "'"""' CO\lfl~• MMff FREE tlO Sl•v• 752 0561 I 7 14·87~·f43Cl lie 4'&7111 '0~'*1111•movt0 c..11111 Doy 01 niol•t 4170 3014 ""' d 970·11168 Cumpe1l11vt ra1oe I ConatJlt11n1 Au1g11mC111t NBtCM only 842·fl&62 conwu11111011 S•9·0335 up 111'"' itnov 75 t· !4?6 , No ove<llm• 730 1363 I t.11 t 8'90 •iwl• ;.·~llltllll•I Exper c111p1n1tr dot• Home lmprov«1m1tttll r111nt1ng p1umb1ng·elte Ou1l1ty H0\111Clt1nlnO I • •• " Aggreutve AtJ01n1y. Nq addll16n1, rtmodel•. all 1r1<1f't TME lllHI ICE•I c:trywnll·•nllqut itlin with• Ptr10n111 Touch AOC MO\/INO· lwu g la thcl hong toot •••••""••••••••••••••• F'M lnlt11I CC»11ult11ton., dtCkt Sl<yltghta & rt Hemodel Add1t1u111 lawn tlH·lhrub inttelt 6 llPlllf S1an 640 50881 Call 811h 850·01133 Quiet. Ct1rtlul Service ther l'+nng, Hltct Up WAROA00£ MISTRCSS Peraontl Injury CHH, pa111 f1e1 011 Oen, 844·8067 • frtt t11mtremov11t low lllH 662·0410 hOl•HH well• 930·0730 All•1at1on1 Ouulily wori. No R«1cove1y. No Fee 962.0816 R OD" C l,Own MelnttRotOlltling Hlfl/IO• l~ou11el111nlng rtlllblt sranviNG COLLEGE 1 nnytlme Heidi 151·1"50 4114.9591 t;M 0-L omrn• r,.,. .. 11n11111 &48.soo6 ••••••"•••••••••••••• rtf Own11tntp Rtll ... , I llHttr CrafttMH rHldtnlltl, 1t1111r1t ltn· DUMP JOBS 'IOLANOA 942·0405 STUDENTS MOVINO 1Hll •1•1v1I l•tlnk/111 l1)v1illi•• Finl I\ • "'I pr 01111m1nt1, 'major r•· C11p1r 011r(lc111.,, & clean & Srn1111 Moving Jobi CO Lie T 124·4138 ·•T•••••••••• •• • •••••• •'"••• • •••••••••••• ••• • ••• .,........... •••••••• A 1 ',.. .. r~9o-8;~try pa1r1. Bldg ''"ov•ll.C.O., 11111 Tree lrtmmlng f IOI Coll MIKE 648· 139 I Houtucl .. nlng hOnlll, 1111urtd 641·8.tl27 • •BRYANT'S•. f ·Z LAY N WILL StT In my.CM home, Cle nC!!_ ~o(to OOllCrCllOlll, t ic 110 H I Poto 64' I· 109,6 'o"IOl~I. ~ .. ~'!''6n0CSH. WATCH us GROWi Wallc;ovcHlllQ no1nov11I Sprllllilt tl l8ndlCllPO 11111000 V.,d, hot moils. Cullom Car~nlry by OICI\ y1• Orange Cly, bonded. le d Yd Ct HAULIN<i·OAADING llYll•VH" " "I ue All typn &Ii· 1343 Ouertullt•d &36 2737 re .. re1es 548·287• & Nell P1111111ng lormk!a irlt lit 101801 Pl• t 11 IClpln/g .~ups dtmolrHon, Clean· up c•P•Hltnce, OOOd rtl'e 11iolJ1• , . C ft'/I d Ph G 8809 • c rH ttur1 11m°'1 .. villnl Cone11m1' ., .. 1tmo1111. .. .......... ••••••••••• •• •I•• OVlll Baby11t1tn9 my home S/E ~or1, eic 42· lombo onll At1ytlrnt 1111ou11on Jim 8!11·0 ''G Oulck '41r11 842· 7638 Coate MH•. Hunt Bch, Pl•E P&IHl•G 1 ·••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• • • ••••• border CM/NB. Inf an I Clt'HI Sltvl'tl 962·83 14 laRDE•l•I 1Ata•Tll Nt wpo11 892-4601 or' CUSTOM woo<I patio ,o. TllE' tNS TALLLO thru 3rd grade Love & ••• ,..-••••••••••••••••• Cuiloor WfHWOlkl•• 1111 "1111 Pi:tOF SERVICE H8·08311 all 8 · ~Xo:~~ha3d S•n~rh Lia. ve11, redwood deck• & A.ti Ktnd• Ouarenttea r••P•CI Refs Av111 Sh1mpoo & lle&m cletn ...................... MOwlrlg, t'dg1ng. raking, Hauling . y1d clean up u I • 1 Y" 0 llPPY fence-R.,ndy 64 t.()82' n It John 8 .. 0 9211 645-7889 Cotor "rlghleners, whl "'It iomod, c•blnot•, vi 1we1p1no Free otl· Oulcll & cteen Free H t nfUlfl 1111• 1oc111 cu11om011 v " Met 645 5737 673·0548 ••••••••••• '•·•••••••• Th11nk yexi. 63 1.44 10 1111111 l •1•1it T111 l11vlt1 CHILO CARE my home. crpts • 10 min bleach dOO enteflalnmtnl untt• 1' • Lic1n11d security com• ••••••.,-•••T........... ••••• ••••••••••• •••••• U'ilil•ll •e•HIJiO• tunch/snacka Included. H811. ltvldln rms$15, &YO FrH 1111 642 088 1 JAPANESE GARDENER HAULING • 1tuCJ1n1 has pnny Wiii PIOl tcl your CUSTOM PAINTING ED'S PLASTERING llnlftl •••••••••'•4••••••••~ Lerge yard 646-7939 room s7 50• couch SlO, D II SPECIALIST· m11n1 , lge truck Sima low home whtlt you are lnlfut ~osld/comm Neet polchts lnllexl bperienc:ed C11penttt chr $5 Guar 111tm pet '!.'" tleo~ up, 11tmm1ng Low 111111 Prompt 759· 1978 aw1y 7141·966·6494 24 • frff 111 Lie 644-4798 Res1uccot 645-8258 TIU lllYIOI Remodel/Add·on/Repalr ,,,,,.,; .. l1tvit1 odor Crpt repair 15 yrs •• oRv·v/A.l.l.r°i.Pi°r:a·.. price FrMest 548-94183 CdM Thank vou. Jotin hour• INT./EXT P'"INTING "'L&"fER ""ATC ... ING "Tr" Work with• Con· 780·2685 548-8654 •••••••••"" .. ••••••••• exp Oo wprk myself All Tt•tures/A~~·111< • ... .., ER NG r ,.,., r " talence" Trimming & ---JAYS SPEAKEASY . Reis 531·010 1 ., ... est "-·in ::""75.9099 Jttsle s O•rdenlng H11li•• JHil11i1/ 0 WALL .. A.P I Rellutcos 1n1/1111 30 remov•I b.y Howatd Doi Additions. carpentry, ma· Any occeslon PC»I bar .... "'" " Cte•n·ups tree 1r1m & ••••••'••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Cut1om wC»k Frff est Y"· Neat P•ul 545.2977 • sonry. design i nd drat-1·521·8141 879.-7552 No StHmlNo Sttampoo El1tltitll mllnt aervlce 540·8035 2'1., H 14a. laH COMM'l JANITORIAL Ren Steve 547·4281 Iott P 0 8o1t 3AI, Cotti -,'"0· BBO's llC Dave S1a1n Spec•allll Fnt •••••••••••••••••••••• l•wn .. , ice I $18 Furnace.poot.wal8' hH \1 & CARPET CLEANll'(G PAINTER NEEDS ''••bi11, ~~~~93~· 92827. Ph 494·1003. 1111 724 ~.~~!!f!!f.......... dry Fr8!_ ~-~82 ELECTRICIAN-Priced mo Yd ~Hn-~:s~ wee----Dee'a Cleaning Servi~ WORKI 30 yrg e11p, int/ •2•;•1i •••;;1·1iii' -------...... - Moonlight 0tatt1man C1autlC1•tt1l1 right, 1118 Httm•tt on d ing. tree work Kon !'.O.'!!.f.'.'! ... ~'.~~~t.'. ••• I UC Bonded 963"5474 ea1 Acoustic c11111ngs l1C • SLOW RATES S Home·Add'ns-RemO<lets Compu1111zed bookkee·1 •••••••'•••••••••••••• large or amell JOOS 964·1083 1 shot house & yard cte•· L••'•t••i•f 366780 Free est 40 gal WA1torheJl1er $225 Tree t11m/r1mo11. clean Member A.ISO 645-1871 ping from S50 mo Also Cement·Masonry-Btock lte 396&21 673·0359 ,._ • nup & repair Rental or •••••••A•• •••••••••• oev•• P11ntmg 847·5186 ATLAS P1.UMBING & up1 mowing 554-7017 - -mail 1191 & payroll Walls·Cusi. work l ie 'IC D ELECTRIClaN .,_,,.} ,.,,.,;,,. "" 38• 20 YRS EXP H1ultng tree ... eating specfal1zing 1n SLIDING GLASS DOORS 662·2430 ,,381057 Rob 547-2683 o"u1t work/Reos ~tes M·o·c·B··e·,·,1··c·o···c·o·n··c·r·e·te. ~•les houses"" 1· u2 tr1mmtng, lendsc1plng 15 yrr. .. p I'm small. my ~epairs 645· 1688 r t • lnslalled/ Aemod. add'ns ll I · Brothers Const prices a,. 1ma111 Ron •• ".!!!~/. ..•.••.••••••. &concre1e.Llc 361681 luild111 D &llO lk -Fru.est 631·5072 conttrucllon, stabs .•• ~~!!~.'.~~!~I........ 646•0555 673-6477,861·8849 SSAVES20"/e ·40"'• Mostsubject1.K·l4 J 892 327 •••••••••••••••••••••• r1veways·p s-wa 1 wollls. cu1b. gutter & p /H 27 7031 Day/eve $5 & S 10/hr oe ·I CUSTOM HOME BLDR Blockwalls·masonry ELECTRICIAN doc k ot so repair ROBIN'S CLEANING EVE'S ~ANOSCAPING' Lowes! rates' Prompt, ~:~:~~SI ~e~s/~o~m Mr Morgan 645·5176 A · S .... i needs SMALLER JOBS Free es1 rees 892·4557 Sml jobstRepa1r1 Lie ..... 2•5610 Service • a thoroughly 1 1 neat professionals 15 ••••••••• ........ ".. belween house1 Free THOMPSON CONCRETE • -• • comm 6 1ea1C1 646-7556 yrs exp 636·71'9 953.5474 HB lllWlll•f •-ti 233 108 C 10 548 5203 "" clean house 5.-0.08571 comp aerv & hsec ng. • 537·4378 GG !!!'!~!~.~!~~!!~I ..... 50De.lipe· ~FdFab~leRSaTlro?dNabTIHe esl Call Dan 537-0342 PallOS·drlvewayS· RESIDICOMM'l/INO ~!~!}!'/................ OTutRalEll~ OCIFeaHnA1nsgs':.~slp?1s OICJ Country lund1c11pe1, RALPH'S PAINTING R . II ' ' toundallons. •393383. 20 yrs De; my own work TRACTOR WORK Ell· , ,.., Christian Int or e•t. lll•U Ill essent1et. Answering C1bi11I lfdi111. 6 2 8482 L 278a..1 Al 646 8l26 I here! Reis. 960·7452 "Anylhl,,g outllde the ••••A•••••••••••••••• 'Lei the Sunshine In" Coll Sunah1na W1ndC1W Cleanrng. LICJ 548·8853 20'h Mo,,lhly Olacount serYlce. sectetariel & •••••••••••••• ••••••• 4_·___ _ ic. _ :.__ ca11111lng, compacuon, h 0 me .·· 8 4 5 . 5 6 9 7. Reis. reas _536·989!__ AC AAINGUTTER business services. mall Cabinets & Carpentry CAild Cirt Elec Service & Con1t1uc· 1 backhoe 20 yrs up I HOUSEWORK 675·6058 CUSTOM P41HTWORK Bonded·1n1·hc B344764 bo• rental. word procet· Smail lobs & repa1rs •••••••••••••••••••••• llOh. Lo riles Free estl· 1 King Equip 637-7392 WAITED Comm'llreslCJ. str4pplng, . Free es1 1·524·5824 sing. Telex-Facslmlle. Free estimates 645-2003 Looking for xlnt chllCI· males Lie. 3332 t7. Hi d I Ln11d1v S11vit11 · 1 Th J th C 5 3 7 n r.••n ....... , .............. Stain no e ob Bl R1l' . ,. order entry. pagers-lease C------care? ,,, my osta Mesa 57· 17 8 • 847·4 14 ••••• •••••••••••••••• Tired 01 doing laundry? 1 s p 0 8 k 5 10 r 11 5 e1 1 lnll Inf. lnl/8)1.I Reaid/comm I Froe 1111 20•1. monthly d1scou111 644-4798 buy desk space rental ''!.''''!. home, lull time only $40 Carpentry Masonr H1gft quality housework llull & lold. hand wash. 498-8580 •••••••••• ••••••••••• ANSWER NETWORK. 1 ••• •••• ••••••••••••• Lunch snacks. TLC Lin· RMH EleCI -Remodels, A " ·p, b y Experienced, dependo· • FURNITURE· KIT CABS WINDOW C:LEANING RESID & COMM'L FREE EST 631.9131 (ask for AV ) FREE ESTIMATES! da 751·2342 Add 111 on s • 0 a r . oo ng . um mg hand iron Metlculoua lit CL'ASS PAINTIN~ C.Sl!JI flntshes repairs. -----. . Reasonable prices. last, wtkshop•. low rates Lie Drywall • Stucco • r ue ble. honest, Intelligent, Exp Renee 642-978! W1llpaper, tnl/E•I Re· doors. Joe 673-1469 I A i } protesstonal work . I C•11tn,lorr G111r1/ .. ~25738, Ins. 846·7376 Remodel J B S4s.999o :'1~~k:u~°::55 :•e•l~I~ ~ ~~ pairs Free est 979-5294 9 1.. I .!/ •• ~.~•••••••••••••• custom wotk tool No jot> •••••••••••'•......... Carpenlry • Cabinets ll11011v -110, 1110 Drlv-ays, Parking lot C R J N1df•a1 I St• F11ti•• Pl b 0 I Cl 673· 7012 alter 6 PM •••••••' .. •••••••••••• 11'1.1ti11• ••••••'••••••••••••••• ---------Repa11s. Sealcoa1tng too 1m1tl or loo big I a· t • • ••••••'-••• ••••••••••• umEI • I ra ~ T ~an Ing • wellkdays. AM day S111ur· BRICKWORK Small JOl>s •• ••••'-••••••••••••• 1 Huber Roohng·atl 1ypes For Cl111sllled Ad S&S Asphll 631·4199Lic ~·n,~~~sh:~c~!~p~4;X~d.el l Lie,.,=~a~:~el, A&K FENCE wood & Relsac~a956.~~49 ~ day and _!u~ay. Newport, Costa Mesa, Farthing tnteuor Oe51gn New·recover·dtckl 1 Ag:i:~N 581·1132 ttttel I plumb I cabinets/ 646-85861645-4644 ch11n ltfll\...81$/lnd/com -111 you want your houH Irvine Reis 675·3175 HANGING/Sf RIPPING • lrc =4 I 1802 5A18-9734 Buying Ind Htllng at • countenops I do every. Custom RemOdfAcUfns 548·5493 540-7751 28 YRS EXP DUNHAM REALLY CLEAN, C•ll1X-per1 brock & cement I Vrsa-MC S~ll_~2~ I ROOFING REPAIRS ~~~~~~~ re11on1ble p11c4Hhat't thing from llart lo hnish' Free est oualtly 2nd 10 SELL Idle item• with 1 ~~~~~.~=:.~1~~~!%~ Linda 669·0318. Good work. Nwpl/CM since March lo your phone 10 ·small 1obs OK Free 642·5678 w hat cl111illed 11 ell Cati Brad II none• Bandel Const Oatl)IJ>llot CIHslfled Ad electrrcal·plumblng Reis -----1969 Call now & save place e test-acting clu· es11mates C1t1 Tom or •boul. 6"2·5678 (714) tl 1-3250 Lie 418570 546-4271 6Al2·5678 carpentry 631-8530 Class•lied Ads 6"2·5978 645·8512 llfle<t ad. 642-5678 Chuck. 542·6392 • for 1our atlll99ood r•trtt-rator DOLLAR 1>A Y DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or coi:nmercial ads. Call today for full details. ' (~.Extra lnH tt.OO) 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 OLLARS Ollit1 l.-111 4400 Oflitl l1•l1l f400f •Nll•t•t 1t..11 I ffH' SJIO : ,,,, I ,,,., 5300,J•i• WHIH 101S l}!}l..Vf!!'!!!. •••• J.1.f! IJ!}l..Vf!!'.~'!. •••• J.l.'!'! .IJ!}l..Vf!!'.1.'/. •••• J.l.'!'! F.'}l..Vf!!'.~'!. •••• J.l.f!'! •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 I 'I 5015 ••••••••••••••••••••.. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1617 Westcllfl, N.B. 256 4001·B Birch SI. N.B 440 ••• ~r..1 "' l. Fo11nd Golden Lab , -.1c Nurses Aide Cleslres da Counlet Person, Kuste11 M~IDS na.ded for resort eal Eatat• IAUS/lllTllG to 4000 SQ. ft. 181. floor. sq. II S 1.00 per sq II AY ZER0•1•;;2 ir:c".~;;;; LaP1at1 Park. lagune work aa comp1nlony Cleaners. $5/hr Apply property. Call today or Canvaser, college Siu· Eern lo S 1500tmo P/T A""nt 5"1·5032 Agent 541-5032. get refunds 1979-80·81 FOUND ADS Nogutl, 71Al/493-A1049 chaullevr tor etderl o; between 7-1114.M, Mon· apply el 34862 So Coast dent pref Part· lime I M u st be ma I u re ..-800% profit polenttit. ---111 Ph 549•0373 Y I Fri 186 E 161h St. Hwy, Ca~trano Bch work, collecllng tenant 659·90•3 LHve Mes· Airport area • lillec. Sut· 710 •• fT • I I $50K wute·oll just $500 lo11 N1u1 Male Cat __ :_ · Colla Mose 7141496-66~6 data tor Grubb & e1111 ssoe les. From 225-Al50 aq. It .. • dn 638 9 1 ARE FREE Grey/Blk atr1p wl wht un-House work desired --Business eture req Call s 1 per sq 11. Many xtras 1200 Sq Ft.· $900/mo , ~ 11 ders1de Blk Fie• Collar Newporl/Cost• Mesa ,Oeltvery P«10"-IOI flower MEllCAL /F11ll Ti•• Mike Russell 833-2900 Siles Pe11on Needed FI T. Call 557-7010 328 NO N~ Blvd r··•r. I• LH• sozs 10-31·82 5700 Sen· HOUIS open Releftncel 1 •hop, must have good Fron• Office position. --lnctud1ng weei\ends S•· •. 720·1665 ••••• •••••••••••••••• Cal·. shore 531:9118 on request Phone d11111ng record. PI T I Mrssron Vtejo Seereta· EAL ESTATE SALE· l1ry +Comm App.ly in 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq It -------FIHCLOSlllE -642.5"70 833·1883 V1rg1I rial upr req uired SMAN Need 2 opt· person Super Fit Family Penthouse Bayfront Sul· E•ecutrve Sutt" near Air· 142 Ula Found Mlle puppy. •·6 ___ 1 --495.1060 rlenced people 1n com· Fitness Center wirner/ te. p1rklng . pattoa port, xlnt panung. tree-IELPLJIE • mos Ship X wtwrty 1a1t Hil• Wl•IH 1100 o;'11 enced A 0 A - ------me<ciel & 1ndu111111 real Dale Cnl H B 842·Al46AI 673-1003 way 1cc1u. lhered Of· Ctt S.llltftll 1 9th & Fu II & ti on •••••••••••••••••••••• xperl 0 nee-1Need Olstrngu1sned Rell· eslale lor 1 aucceHful & free soace or prrva1e Of· M2·5937 I• • Cltd for rthodonttc I rid Genltemen M!ll l be growing ttrm Best wor· SALES tree• Full 1erv1c1. 1 ___ 851"5995 __ 1Los1 Cat, nr Cberltl ----piac11ce In Mlsslon-VleJo able to worll unrestricted king cond1llon1 '" New· I p A PERSONS NEE· •HITE IUU• month lrff rent wrth 6 llUL ESTATE LIUS H11m1t1on Or1ng1. like !!!!~~.'}! •••.•••• !.~!! IDVERTISlll Area 830~0~ _ hou1s G.ood Supple· po r 1 Be 1 ch I OED Migoc Island 11 O.C. Airpor1 area. Prol mo tHSe 957.9451 .Jrul~....3rc1s.-4ll\S Mortts M neuttrld, nd• 1 lt•fal Auistaet mental Income l1moe. 714/646-5051 looking tor 8 few 1n1em. ~=~;,~~1=.'f:: Rttall & oltlce spice Ct1ttHi1I ~~~:~.;J1~2.~1e4';0'd 1 LlllA I VICKI'S COISULTllTS N-port Beach. 4'> day 1 go od phone vorce: llUL ESTATE SALES oen1. anracttve & Sincete 1v1llable 17th St. Cotti , .. •tt l l A t -PHOTO MODELS local Company now ta week Needs X·Aly lie knowledge or lO key ao persons lo 11p1ese,,t flees or de9k IO&ee 150 Mesa from 1250 1 t to art tll SS I METAL DETECTOR • I ESCORTS /DANCERS kl"" annticatt0ns lor Id~ E d I eO drng machine, rellable. Well localed P1nlnsult, 111tm In the;t pvt club In sq ft • 3500 sq ft 1 MO FOUNTAIN VALLEY g oa ··• .... xper es r alen & presentable Call OfllC:e hlS open desll fOf Nwpt 8ch Interview req FREE 759-8978 400. I. 64>34n 164-9111 find your IOll nngs ..... OUTCALL 24 HRS v11r1tsino & publtc rela· 6"4-2485. 548-2886 751-8822 aggressive salea Ind C•fl for •PPI 10-6, lruiH:r IHI•} 4450 ~~~{ 646 "8 7 12 ev• 111·0207 tton& lor new division DESK CLERKS • Brighi, rental person Generous Mon·Ftt, Ask tor Mr •••••••••••••••••••••• REFl•A•CE 1_ Rapid advancement energetrc Ex~r req'c OFFICE /CASHIER comm schedule Playa Halt>erg 675-0900 IESI SPACE Clll Allrec1ive rustle ups11111 settrng We auppty desk, space, copier. You sup- ply phone. & $95 pr mo pr desk. Cell 644· 721 1 Costa Mesa 1 or 2 room suites, From $75tmo Ullls lncld. 779 W 19th St. 851·8928 IUITIFn •EWPOllT CHTER -With use ol recepllon. conf. room, k1tch, phone. secretariat & word pro· cesstno Mall & message serv. avail. separ1tety rt desired Cell. Judy. 714 /760-0100 ST u D 1 O I OFFICE I 1st. 2nd and 3rd TO's. Found York1h11e Temer * * * Company will train E•rn 1 Starl lmmed GOOd be-Wttl have d1vet5e dulle5, RE 673-1900 __ STORAGE/ DESK space Now 1s the time lo acl M, on Balboa Peninsula, ur> ro nef1ts Cell 1ooay or ap· Including credit opera· SEAMSTRESS avert On Balboa 111e whrle 1nwes1 rat•• are NB 675·5102 Atlantis Parlor $] gg/h ply 81 34862 so coast uons bkkg and dtrecl Reception•si 10 do prece work 11 home s 100 . $200 per mo. Call low Call on our exper1• ~;--d CAT ·-.;;i8, white r 'iwy. Cep1strano Bch dealtngs wllh Ille publie. Ablllty to handle h11vy part ltme Mr. Pemberton. days at no charge to he_!e you "' Open 24 hrs a day • 7141496-6856 Some experience helpful I phone lrlfhc In a pro· 548·9160 dys 6,.5·2504 1 2131617-1294; eves with your problems Za· w/orange patches & 7days eweek Call Mr Howard, 17141 Full range of company tesslonol !"Inner HStn· 1111 2131289·9307 nith Funding Call Art orange ring tall Stilt has I Jncuu l Sauna Locals 528· 1000 benelrts avail Contact ti al Typing 55 wpm, 857-l422 . . stllchea Vic S side 0 1 well 1s Tourisa EAR• M r McOermoll. at operate 2-way radio plus Se<:rtttary/ Receplloni!lt Retail slore 11 2650 Avon, Santa Ana Country Club BankAmer1card, Amer· • • 1 CNlllSTIHS MHEY j 6U· !380 good olllce skttls tor Non-smoking. aggreJ· 1665 sq fl ptu1 8 .car llotlflfll, THst ~45-7908 _ Icon Express, Diners. All • ARTISTY CONSULTANT SUYICl'S JEWELERS elec1r1cat contrnctlng slve Real Properly Len· garage 641·8777 Dttli 5035 Found smell blonde Lab welcome 7141645·3433. hceptionat Income Op I _ _ -r flrm 111rg1n1a. 540-9570 ding Firm needs someo- 71 So " 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• lypa. blue collar. s A 2t l 2 Harbor Bl. CM por1unity as a color an1• Sales people w1en1 ted lor Perl-time. occaslon11 II 0 t' I t/G If ne who worl<s woll with . 0 • " M •anlE• -· temporary pos 1 ons •n· wo ke s needed to assist t tp 1111 S ti. O people phone expeflen • • • •• • -n Hgts a1ea 548-5703 COEDS • Would love to lyst, skin cart and color llde depl 11ore1 Floral I 1 r Good type tkillt & figure r ' • 1200 sq ~1 • S900~d lhrtcact Ct. lie. Found blk M cal. unu1ue1 . party w/you Call Sue Of ~o~~etlc c~u~ant Items & gifts Must be ~e':~;~r:·P~~~:r,8.~~~n& aptitude Prof Phone l ~!, w~1~a:X~~g =~~j 328 No720~C;' v I SpecoTahz.ing on 1st & 2nd wht markings. Ilea cellar~ Kathy anytime (2 131 f ;an,~~ p10C II 7 o;'!s well groomed & an en-special PfOJet1s requiri~ manner & appear1nce position Salary med O's since 1949 w Nwpt 2.3 wkl ago 6 3 4 • 4 5 7 1 · ( 7 1 4 I 49~":oo7: 8 I l 1hus11a11c per1onatlly minimal training we Computer da11 exp btntlits & once~Uves Co••tttill Robt Sattler NHfCM Can·1 keep 673-85 111 527-7l86 -----For detells contact Mr l\fld people who can be helplul 640·1813 1 Lindt 71Al/851·&936 •••11/1 4415 RE Brok!?' Bel Realtors Found.M I kii1en. w MODELI•& PLIS HIYStnH • Smtth (2131 s~-6908 --on c all . in lhe o c •ECEPTIOllST ----------•••••••••••••••••••••· 1~2·2 171 S.5·06l l Nwpt 2·3 r.' ego. ow,,.. M 5·3&46 11:30-4, my C M home. 1IUCTlltCAL llSll•H 1 Alrpott aiea wage, n SECRETARY RENT OR LEASE Newly :W1oow HAS$$$ for TO's or gOOd home 673·8518 •.• -car nee 557-6038 e111 I EXPERIENCED Perm•· $51hr Cell 10 leave your RHI Est1t1 Investment * 111 * t11ge tot Comm I zoning, Credit Check. No Pen· Found Blk Shepherd mt•. I a m 111sag1 , ca 11 BABYSITTER wan1ed P/ nent postlton 25 'fl otc:t Interview 101 lulure as· attllude/appeerince ap1rtmen1 comple11 In remodeleCl ho!"e v111h I RE Le1ns. IOK Up No Women & men, relaK ... th --_ __ n1me and number lor an c 0 . pr 0 11 s 1 ' on a I to adm1n1s1ra1or ol lerge EJECITIYE SUITES •di to Newport Blvd atty Dennison & Assoc med ~.vie Adema patk 1497·5718 • lime, Oea1f>le. my home I e I• c t r I c • I co signmenlS 81 540-9646 needed light 1yptng 4•, Newpo<t S.ach Type 65 Full service Keep your 642·1334 851·9889 1673-7311 -101 OCC OC Sheller -C'M 631·8208 714/859'·7200 I day week Npt Bch wpm mrn . 1ttend IO de· 63 730 New to l A beaut . Intel· --j Pin Trme 54g.2981J 111ls pl'tones busy Iron• o11111head low 6 proft1· loda1l1i1I llUL_ISUTLLl&IS 4. 1 ltgent. soph111tcated yng IUm E11and Person. •PPIY, In Holly.-ood Referrel desk requiring even d•s· :!f;:!islmV::ic~~~,:.r:i •1•11/ 4SOO tst. 2nds. 3rds. 4ths Found 10/21 M Yorkte tad)'. 111ek1 hnanc ,.. Manicurist needed lor ,· ~:~=~~. ,~s,f~~~~~ Company for movies & REPUBLIC FEDERAL SA· positron & lrllndly man- Newi>Or1 Beach 881 Do· '1'•5•o••u•p•··2·1·s·o··t·1 ··,n•d•~,: I C11t1111'1I Terrrer. Sin Ctemente cu~~ gentleman lowr ~· busy S11on Richard on Ave WHtmlnller TV com m er c I a Is VINGS h ner Cati Mts Ha""e"· -w 498-4556 , r1a..,.1 rel111t()(lsh1p '''~ Ouellette, 200 Newport lblCkground or non· es In o,,_nlng 1144-1900 • _:> ve< Dr Ste 14, 631-365 I st rill • Oll1ce 1810 I Re-Thrift I Lt11 Au'• Found -W"V blk ""tit Per· Ad No 731 clo Oattv Pt· Center Dr N B IEIH&l OFFICE spealung onlyps Metllng for PI T New Account.._ _______ _ donc:to Circle, p & T FOUNTAIN VALLEY .... IOI 330 w B•y p 0 BOlt modllC 6 tle•llh club Id· Aepresentaltve S•l•ry +I"' DELUXE SUITE Hun tington. Beach I he•.9111 •Ian cal. Hughes market, 1560 Coste Mesa 92626 IUln Full time, typlno, loucti Yerttsemenls No e11....... Fringe benefits Laguna SECRETARY R.I. I ,._ NB. Flea collar 548-9400 conttol on •ddlng nie· ,..... NI ue1 e h s 1 1 1 W .... tr Frtlf llj1 842·2834 ------E lool\fnn 10 nCJd lo our chtne Payroll and nen~ necessery, snap 905 "850ranc 83 9 ecrtllfll PO• Icon in •• ~ arehouae space High 30'J. SOLll Yt LI Found Brow n Aebbll •Tiil lllltFlllllll stall t~o styllsts with phones 957,8353 shot requ11ed on it'let· 4 ..., 1·1 40 ectlve Newport enter 20$1.1520~sqq ~'t lc68!'2~~v64:>. door acces1 4000 feet S75K note. payable Harbor & V1<1101la, CM OUf CALL ESCORTS cltentel Richard Ouelll· ----v I e w B Y a PP 1 ~.O; Realtor'• olflce Fronl .. avail 6"2•5535 Karen S 1000 per mo lncludlng D • y 8 5 I • O 4 3 1 or 24 HOURS te, 200 Newport Cenler , llYlalMllfT JllS 2131464-7514 ...,1 I H olflce position requ11es M·F. 9•5 --·----i 5•1. rnt. All due 17 mos 645"4685 tYes M/F All Credit Carela Dr NB. •mmedl 111 openings Phone Soltcllors nffded llSlllYATIOI OUlll goo, d telhephhoned v&oice. Li,. a-F 3200 sq. ft. with A/C OI· Sec. by rtal 111ate In-OvtfMH •nd domestic IYP ng, • ()(I an 81)· •• .. ea 111. floes. Randolph SI.CM. come from natlona1 Found Liiiie 4 or 5 mo ... 172·1112* CASMllll 20.000 to 50.000 + a immtdl1111v. no stlllng Entrgtllc •t•ll nHdtd pea1anc1 RHI H l•I• Olllce. 650 sq It, 01111 SP 11 n k ltd w /comm comp• ny & person el old soft or•y color kllB1en. FI T. Good Piy. Gr....,.h "tlr C•ll ,312) 920•9675 0rnuvro1Nveedw.powr111l Bceaallchfro0m1• for 11111v1lion ol ftce, uperlence helpful but nigh! lac. $500 mo 10 mo 1 1 64•1653 1 f 1 t vie l & Ocean Btvd •I· ----v .. • , • day & evening ah Ills not essenllal Preler local Or I••, 562-7730 -e• ron age. .,. gue1an ee o equ pmen b " I Cuatom Fentaav Phone Compa,, .. , S locallont, E•I 2239 flee no expartence ne· ·1 bl M t .. a bl -v• lease . $63,000 tekea II oo ren n Conver111ion wfth Barbel C B , flt A I I --·I • ~ ava1 a e us .,.. I I iealdent. For interview Tl1ed of crowded fr11w11y 1'''"f' 4SSO 7 I 4 1 2 4 O • 1 1 8 5 o r Found· Ml• dog. tooka Ilk• MCNIS'" 24 hrs 0· ene ' PP Y n MAIHllHSRH I cesnry Wiii train. For to work weellenda Apl)ly coll Mii Duhl ••••• •••••••••••••••• ,. Pefso,, Metro Ctr W11h. " houri 3.9 Call between In person· 140 Ave Pico. W I I T I C commutes North? WoulCl Storage Space 12· x l8' 493·1153 Pek1nes11, IOng tall, fem. Call 638·'0701 2950 Harbor, c M _ 1 •nd Aulstenlanffded•t 2•4 111641._0119_ San Ctem H tJ • IJ tr t. you like an office at thl 36" door $70/rno. plus vie Sunflower, Fuchlta, EXOTIC DANCERS ----Hai r Well Newport ----Rea11011 644·4910 beach lhll your family $70 e ec deposl1. A•••••c••••t•/ CM 662·1615 -Bachelorl 8Khelorel1• CLERI / r Beoch, LOulH 673-4186 PLANT CARE TECH Per· HUS OOMllllllO• :U~d::.,~w:t:tt':! 673-A1 154 Newpo r1 Ptt1•••l1/ Found B1ownlth·blk '"" t p&rtyentertllnment RECEPTIOlllST 11111yt11t end Mantcurltt zi:~~~!:.~~~:~:~c-:i~: 111111 I HOIRln llAlll leasing lnformlllon cell Beach Wll Ir, •• , Toy Poodle Vic B1ook· 738·8538 558·8538 wanted Buey Shop co. Exp'd l)'el'd Re118ble Unique lldy'a clothlng Nlghte. Nwpl Bch area, The C1pt11rano Suri lfi1t1/J1•H•I . •••••••••••••••••••••• lf~tst &~llanta 963:!_756 ---Be1utlful 01n• Point M ••• Vttd• Art• 1 Trena e mus• Hourly+ etore Htkt enerottte $4/hr John. 1·288·6152 Center. 681-6292 or li•l•Ji ~~·so A••n•c••••ll SllO Found 1111 F med u 11111111 j Htrbor Full Time. Tu11-month F~•5e7 re0n8t0 ~1 mrleage 839-84A•---lady wlfl11r lor tHhlon ' SEC'Y/lXEC -... •••••••••••••••••••••• Sal Requ1rem1n1t com m "' • u , Y and/01 modeling 111p1 831·SOM •••••••••••••••••••••• Q • L C h puppy, Bulldog ml•?. Ir· S11rlc.1 SJIO F • fl'-1586 6814 -1-Till htlnlul Appl" In ...,.._ F1nancl1t lnvHlment hrm UIOa IS 11 In e & S • n I 1 An a • •••••• ••••••. ••••• ••• , ron,·o .... e ep,,.1rence. ' __ _ """ _., .. , ,... • .,,., Tll UM llllllll FOR RENT! --· .. 5Al8 .... 76!1 AT YHR 1r11v1c• type 60 wpm 1ccu1acy. •••Lpr/l••-IM•r WllHIT ~497-4777. Ate.1111 Nllurll I 0 r • d u c • I 0 I • hh .. i....19 lflCll S125 t -I ft ,.; 1p111u<11 for delall Min 2 • ,.m Fuhlons 2110 Forest P11sonnellcommun1eatlon -'lll 0 ° Found Sil of Keye on Personal. qualtlted com. 1 30 to 8 PM wkday• Entry level production A~L-.. n• Beach dep1 sec'y Xtnt llfl) & SlGO, 2 llT\I w/bay View 2 bedroom. 2 ba1hl &-2 Cl•u•ut keyrong On Boardwalk penton d1111et1 lot your r' o•n o lllce up Newport home. Ml Hood 8UISl1fll l)OS•Uon IValll· ---S/H req'd EJttc MC, .. 11 $450, 3 ims 11 $800 atorill lh Twin Pllkt In Mr. 'lliler lll·NOT nr N e Pier 873·1093 d•y to dey trt1nd1 T~~Fr~Pf'~~n-~•:~ 111 6 PM 84•·6141 bit lor de11gn studio •teaglrl wanted fOf Bou· 111111 ••P 1 mutt Non· Secre33ie5r5i~!-Hldorvl~•B• L•k• Arrowhead •re•. 1111 5 Shoppi ng. doc;to1'1 ll'ld 1 PM ." PM Dana 11oor1ng tub·contractor llQut E11pr·d J>'•f Xtnt emki prelerted Cell avail. • .. l • " H11 bullt-lnt & flreptac. Miglc l i le Club Mtm· epptt, cl'turch, ttc All P01nt Matina Co 24705 Le1el IHrttary WatehouH/ tnvento1y Oc>oty fnll'""""• belf\O 553.09.co 81~158 Flr11, lut & deP<>lff re-btiahfp Save S300 Found, Bfo~ Fe Afghen ntedt mtl By hour or Newport C.ntlf A110f'nt\I control. P O 1tnvotce lllken 11 218 Main St S•• mo•flll qui red Call (7 14) Ort11 Prennt pp hound 11111 & lrvln•. d•y 404·5857 ~~lvt,OtntPOlnt wUllCorportte/buttn ... proceu•ng typing 50 0,118 ~7258 SICY/llllfO 9"1 loc:alfon In Air""" 7111 ·o2811 o r (7 "') 552·4519. 85$-8868, Ai· N B 12 13) &81·0808, 11•1uu1 P .. lllMt prectice n-.CS b11g111, W911 WPM ieq'd Con11e1 Jen l and develOpn\lfll com· t ree, 1275 mo/mo"";;; H7-41157 weellday ,..... chard Mttk n -Cockllll1. R191n1t on OfDtn•nd SecrtlllfY With 556-1&0 t •let pany. n.tvy phonn 4 lorigtfH2.0722 nlng11l1er 6 pm lino -----Found Sml yellow CaHnowtorptofeNIOntl theWat.,,Newl)Or1b 111awht!tll\llt1111dword PITJ•nllor needldcom· ll•llJFUll typing Shorthand or 1n1w1r, pltlH k••P sCR•u LETS "MOfllS type kfllln" eounHlillg No Chllgt, Diaco~ llv• 1n1er1tln· proc111.no ••Per merc161 ••l*'tenCI only, IQUlll reqd Mature, non ........ 1.Hlftel I l rylngt Nft• Artlt Sl llll IUbtll no obhQlllOn 850·1028 ment Mull l>e 21, -8"0·1800 Fin Vly lftt. imnwdlllt Pttton tor Chrlll mH I imkr Send ,.1umt a '''"'' lnt1111ct1on ot 'NSWERS Tutlln. NB 842·5e23 24 hta 111111 A~ Cholct opp. IGHT HOUSEKEEPING openrno ~481 Giii S.IH To etll on Hl1ry reQulrtmtnf to M11eA11hur i ncl Jartltx>-l•1llln1/l•rnl/ n ----1Y for • Hllct ,_ Apply Pt111Clen11 of Compa. PO Bo• 70011, Newport , .. $1 per IQ ft Sub• llH•t• Found Orty & lltclt t•Hll I 13333 W COut HWlf. N Engllth IP~k~1 1 dey PIT S•v~ Stetlon wOrii. nl". Pu11;htti"O Agentt. 8eech. CA t2MO l .. M t Yell1bl1 120 01 ••••~•••u•••••••••••• ~= .. A= Gerfhsf~~y~3 d~ •• 31c l•llnltl/,. ,,,, : 4'; floor rove lht wk. NI 87 ~ 11&0·8300 wk. Atk for ::~~:c1~n~n~~r~:i1:,.~'c, llt't/111, lfflOI 1200 IQ ft fOf I )'9tr. Call h1i••11 OOPEY 1 th , I· ....... ••••••••••••••• pin llfttr Ht Btl• George. 841 .. 5781 acco nt d ti .. C t vndlCtl10*IM"-t Sltld". 21).8204851 • !fmt1•l!l IOOI F d C .. 8 I II rltnO w ttn 4 PM • 8 PM U I 1n Cltl ng " , .. •'" , Th• trouble with potlll· oun oc .. er P•n • Pynemlo E•per p11no a Mon· If rt IOn /Niii 1111 n.w oott A~ly ti Mrc· comp1ny H11~y pflont ..... uuu111 ... ••••••• •••••••• clan• II they tvf11f t1om Bte911 m111? M•I• A~· c 1 • kory hims. l ?th end Ir-work dlct•P~M. llnh1 -m•ll ru bber produc11 1 1111v t•I• 1vndrome • pro~ S yr1 847·9SU ompotll on Lenona. I Dally Pilot 11 VOU 1• good wlflgurt1, YI .... W"tcl1lf •1 N "' Exec. 8urtt11 Incl recept., minuttcturtno homt ' "M u11c11nthlp btlore .... • ..... 01ginlzed. nt11 & dt· ..... ,. u1. bookk11ptng F'ull or MC'y Mrlll, cont. mi.. C)f:ltrttlon, IOll'le• clllh + ~out of Mvtn Oii. lrlltl N tftt ltm mey IClllll"l 141·0112 ...... ,... Clattlfltds rn:ttlle ... nMCI you I !*llltfn4t Mult be OfQ .. ~·i~ ~d~= g~~~~·· gold? Ev11. P!Y.__ ;;oo~~ 6:,X~I ~:1•1 ~··J•rm.•I -~::~n:,~ :~::::,~ ...... for I ~;:°t:!!.:'~·:':':. • .... -~!:c:n:~o::~~ netdt ActJ . .ot Fwr. WI •• am.H.'. •••••• !~ff A111 ~tt• llO r-erd, any •• a.................. ~ h11 OC>eni::fc In their r:ou· C:.11 tetrtea _,...,.,,11' 1n 1rv1ne •-" mtnlt 10 PO I 112, ,..v. lndlY .... Mo/mo. hrtltopflef Niison. you•. 'n I O't m. 110 n c.' I ••• ,, .. ,. ,,,, OOlltctlon CIM on AP· • ..... 1!11.,er req 10 key loueh . ~~~"""'~ N-QOl'I 8uch MO troml325.ta·6«9. rt• Wondefhll SC*:ll l 5.48'1919,8'Q~440AI ....... ..-........... -.· pllcllnlmutt lleve2•3YJ• ... _, Type 6()fl0. $1100 -._ -P t••1t lervtng COlltOe tt~• man 1 b•ll1111 tn yo" le cl vocettonel nvtlt I eOlleclfon HPr. l ank • for quick c 0 m g p k 0 PllOt Cl•• fled dt to - tc..,., .,. Clft sine-... ..... lo 00 llmott Mr.: IMldrl . • Tll"*lftt Of • Mw home lnl'I trtV91fnt oompenion cerd • Cfllf ••Pf Pf... I calh ...... ~:~·0137 ,... .... OrMg9 Co.I ··~19'1Ced only .._ef\ ..., WtY·De e ,...,.., ttllno ltlMI. fOf IN r · tot eprtng? ... U.. IMI\)' Ketpllflt t>ooltlfto holl-Contec1 .lotw't Alen Mon IMIUl. ll1CI womtfl'I tlt•t tlOM fl-ttlfled reeder , Pflol ~10l7 8itl I « Heve eomettlfnQ to .... ? lltt. In todey'e at...i. dtyt U >Cini NII Cell ttwv '"·I 30 to •·30 pm, ~ rour .... 111C1 IMDrtng1 ~1Cll ......n I Pm ellltllededldO" ... ....,.......,.._...., ... ,. ....,.1H (7·109l'M nt-1• ; IMP lflGlll..,._.. ., • ·-· ; -~----.. • I -.... •I' j •/, .. ' ... •' I '-• .,. ... , r~ ', ui: IO tJ , .,. ., . . . ~ I I ~ .... _ ~~ .. ' .. :~ .•·t L :1c .. .... , ··~J .... . . . •, .""1:-..J • I '" .. .. ... fill I ,,,. "'••'-' l ' .. IL.,, .. ,.,,, .. _,0-,.,, '-'"''' ,.,.,,,,, 1111 1, .. ,,. "'f ,,,,,,,,,.H.,1 "" .,,.,,' 0tr11• 1.m ,.,,,, "''•''•"'" ..,,,, 111,. .... ,..:1'9r.·.-r. •••••• ,;1 rr •• A-·••••••••••••••• .,.,..,.... ••••••••• rr.\ • ,.,,,,, •Olf •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••'•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• i . ••••••••• •••• ••• lf1~lt1 1010 lfti• H11 TelePnon• l•IH Nt11ll1•1t• ~· I"' am...-1 .. nl ;h•••••••••'••• 011a 11 .. oc11 l'wv 11rt1m AN nuur """" cut ltOJtt f'11t1l111 Of> ,11a111llSL111111ir' ';i' '>• 111 "' •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• , •• ,. I ............ i........... lH '"' llU •• llt/n ,., Uhl• hl•llbl II .. c:•v•••I ln1tlh~" • UolO 141,,. ,, t ,, IUIQ Oii Or 110 Jlllfl I mo old M;dtlitl >«1rv1u1 lOWltf ,...,..~,, o .. ,. -M vino Hit, tvllYll'llno "90 • .,.,". tlllHll ' nllt ,110"91, Ovltl 100 Yfl ol!l, •Ire (hllll ~lnl conu '"'"' Mu•t "" PUS llOO OIMQU/ll1tl1ll/H IJl•f tll!Jn 30 311 Hit N"d tO SHtOPle to WOik mu11 go Admit al ~eftlO H1rv"1 •ooll ''' d•tlllng •lir1ct 11110 ti I 0001 D1111c11 tlHJ' $600 or 6 160 131 07'• I 1 a II• t Io 0 O c • •" 01ty "'°'• ... II 2510 r ~ lid• liM ttl 24tt .,,, lrom our office lllllng tl0·3032 DOIG w/wOOdgtaln 111nd• <l•JO ll111g, .,tO r11lw11Vd M t olf•r a:J •·780 I 110•06M Aw I I• 1 A 11 c 11 o. 6 pl\OM OIOtt• fl)( P'llmco JM. I dr •'"' Cllflll &aoo ltH>Ciog C1111 Jj"' ()I' Kin Hlde•l·l>•OllOv•Hll. lrVllll c. c membllfhlp ..,,, ,,.,., 1040 48 ·1001 Proc•elnil f /1 Of PIT It'll•• .. , .... , 11\yllllwt 170 1<111 t11g1 81mmu111 UO, pll lfttl/•11• 1111 IOI Hie Cven11101 Y•lll& 1·10 •••••'••t••••••••••••• Slud"111 11100111111111111 •••••••••••••••••••••• • &IG·ait~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 'Jt3 <IJ<I 100!> I CONSOlfi Of1<1AN 11111 ClnUlf II ~ , ••••• ~. Avl•llhl unin.U1.ita4y 40 a olllefl ..icome MUii ..... •·Pa•llJ lalt Amll'a IO' fr ... tll hn•l tlotr;t•t•r tll•l•ia OH.,lf llllJH SftO u11dar Wlllfdnly l>Wlhot.I C. nl11ry l•lf bp4t A cyl to 4~ 11 Se1l1Joa1 pr1f •'"••k En~llh cle111y Mo1lly turnll11rl. tom• 1111• CO,Ptrtont o•olnl •o ~a ( •11011 , .. rl-.:I •'o'.·.1,-:: 14l:w.~1,1 ·,~.!. I ••I. Doti 8Afl 040A IO&JILllll FHlllH I IJ 100 640 4083 Orey i:iwo '16t>1111 .. ~o II WPl'tt IJllCI rX>· I' &•fl1 /08COnd •tOO /O WQrl\lllQ 01!1elQUlrlll• v~v VV e l'\AA.taKa 67'"1"'21 Wiii trllfl I Olttr up lo tnllQUU, " 6"2·11333 h•IKI ll'Ul·~4!J 6l l·lG 16 ltll"l//l •H•I IOIO •ti t'vn .,..v v4v4 I 11 ti c •nlttl cnnaolt, we1 ,. • v • 10 AM $200 per week C111 only earn• at 16011 ••• :•••••••••••••••••• IJrenU ntw Ou1rd11nl lai.w 11 lr1111 11•1111~1 11~ 11?. M1uJ 111111011 PM 654.0444 lOOAVt JTe11111-vrey"' .r"'cuRl~enc, h11"1'mwn• REfRIOERAETDOA WANf '"' I• r111 IHS U..11n11 ~ .. 0111 tf'l c11111,1 & llHWOOI 2 .. DIO«IM w1lk•r t1l11 '°'HO will wtr1,,,cP~•Ri1cbor:'11 .. ' c1>nU pow0t 1t1m turn umk ~ • •••••••••••••••••••••• hUllf!I tU*•f\11"-ttnl no 1'0 a•9 70 •c•et•orf•t 1nctu"11d TIP•AOllllSTS 60c tolt00 Ooodcono11100 ltrg11a~1.111y llmo r11. mivlllu M~il 1111wuol.f 8tolll long 38cpotll lik1t r> ~· • 11 45fl~n ro~ 1;,. ·x11,1 t;no 1/0 " 0HHlllltHI PrlVlll Ptrly M7·3113t Cno1 L•IJI U01>1• Mia 121()-0/()bO 131-9<100 71~ 1411 I jlflylon ROK SUFIF !)OARD , ........ P·202 \.ooo 000 113(; O(,(,t/ Paid me<11ca1 ~!.'!r.!!.~~•••••••• Waaher•Olyer &1211 H J11n 048 70'l4 01" '" wooo oll''e Clotll OAK 1111rwooo YOU 117 lwtn tin 1100 1.1ke new w /t1•r1•t1 I •060 101111 1'"' I Two W_..._ uacatlon Y F P I " v "' PIC.K UP OR W[ OC:ll Clll 6•6·3147 tvnt ~ v I Hll Iii 7 • ... d .. • MUL Tl FAMI~ urn. 011nwHllt1 1100 •1aon1 ilY I 611111 ly w1ty1111wr1t11r 1h1H. gd A 8 $ 111 s II 8 <I 2 O :J 4 8 •••••'•••••••••••••••• ~k 1010 11 pal holld1y1 lnclu· hOuHhOld lleme. CIO· R1trlg 1200 846·118•8 pe 'J' y1 M, lrM lo lo cc.>1111 $1,5 04?·11006 Vl <1113 748 ftl/1tl/Jl•llUI 046 111 I 10 llobi• Cdl yulluw w/ .. •••••••••••••~•••••• ding C111111m11 10 New 1htng, collac:llbte1, com· vi11u licxno 84? 0701' 11111 t1.1r1rl•• <1nll~ t iktt 10 ft Dtok Vea11 Pllllll dllk room •quip, Obi• WlltlnQhH r11tr1g. ,. WLltWI bol.f, tql "· xlrll LOVl HLLOOll WHIH 1011 Skilu 1093 llUW u1,oo 67!> 111111 N( WPOH' HARBOR Top Pay camera• Sat 1110. lreeaar l<enm or e Pooa1e1 11111 10 goou cond w/h11111.tbo1u1.t 1$ S11nd 10111toone you lovu •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••'•••••••••••••••• · r Eiu:elllnt equipment ll·<IPM 16.20 watwlck w11her, dryer llllO 11260 ll01T111 Sh•irv • POOOIH l\e111or $ tllO 079·9260 o beau111,u1 bovqucu 01 30 W11111•t.1 UHt.1 buok1t111 I 9 8 2 S k I N 11 u t I q u tt N~CA" 'J? w11r11ilor ~lrll urillllflt intluelo hOlld, Expeminced only need Lant, WHtcllfl Oove1 Wtilrlpool Retrlg r 11,..,, 6<16 26•8 :I Yullow wioughl Iron l>U· Hullum balloon• POf'locl 11••· wood 01 m111ul, MY j ''200 I Only :16 nou11 no_. 1111a, 1:1000 llfm ::;~0~;~ w~l~~~o ~G~O apply S~oraa. _ Avocado 11,,1 Good Kllle1111 bl111;k ' White 111 kei'• rA~k butcher blk ''" ull ot.cotlor1a Oreo! tllu 116t·1176 Al10 hllvu u 1977 f'ot 7141831• 1(',()'J mti Well·Tuch Comp ny Antique Clow Couch, cond 2 dr $150 Ph mele F1111nOly&lov1ble l11blt, wllh ct11.11r11 •11d Uocor1llng l\lOlll WANT£:0 A "Pntty Plsyl ~ula l/OC.20 fl ? Ilka 1979CittHy.16'HObleClll llfa·6540 1506 Avenue de la Et· child'• dHk, designer 788· 1428 1184 ·5184 011 5 matching Ughl, •Oto bed, 673-"1419 ' Pol" doll W111111 11ze 3 E W 1 11 I I I I 4 l w/lmller 1 0 d~ 01 Xt~n• S.l 'cr~~.,... CIOll)81 IJ 7.10 Toya, Wtilrlpool dryer S7!1 FOUND Set or Keya. VIC quetn tlzo brn . desk MAGIC ISLAND GOLD ~11,2 769682 uhvr Opm Or ~:·2J0r001f :,~~ 1~;.~~~ s !j 2 0 0 t Ir m . ~!!.'!,.~!~~·At •. !.~!~ ~118'.2860 etulloU c1111. kid's blkts. Compact, 111 eyelet like H1m111on & Moyer, c M 960·!1260 • MEMBC:RSHIP S800 In· .,e ore m leovo messag111 714 559·8'90 piano, Marlmeco print, new cond 63 I· I098 P1eaae 1dt1nlll" 6<1!1 8704 s c I u <le• ' 8 2 due• fllllll'"•I enc 1837 Port Wheeler, ' • ocllonal oll·)¥hl playpen. 7511· t 2 I I u I 284 or ~ NOROICA SKI BOOTS Sl AR N0tlll S ilt• Spor Sol 11·1 Whirlpool avo grn retr1g fa1•il111e 1050 10'•117 ' •nd qllomao 640·0236 IMlltM•H I.. 1013 MENS SZ 8 $45 tech meal ~arkan ng - -19 6 cu It New cond •••••••••••••••••••••• $270 642·9006 •••••••••••••••••••••• 631-2786 gmg S2000, 63 t 20flS Wld. HouaekoeperJor tn· l1n1, Mon & We Lite Hakpg Eves O<IO· 1948 DRY STORAGE Monthly boat sto1aqo •ny 1110. 24 hr aecumy trge I unch1n9 FPFlllS1AT 9s•m1 top5ta·n2cle1 1 8 Under warr $250, FUANITURC:. NEW Ret1r11st111d mllfored dres· OHIUITllllS IDEA YAMAHA Bue Amp SKI BOOTS Lii"•~~ 17 8 16 HOBIE CAT loll ot a,, .. , S1J11 or ml m ap I ' 631· 1098 aer $60 5 drawer dr••· HORSE LOVERS 5" u v,.. XI h 3~ ••••'••••••••••••••••• More Mull ra11e Cesn $ / Head with a double 1 Garmom. new• S70 (pd 1tlrae nl s ope. yrt MEWPOAT HIES 1131 lack l•r I r H I U -0510 ' I It -Whlrlpool hHvy duly Prices 11ar1 11 Hr 25 640-0388 or Boeutnul ceramic horse.: PV 1poaker cabinet All St50t 531•2766 old StOSO 675 3J13 f!!!!.'. .• ~ •.• !!....... 0111111 3 Family Sale •asher, 3 yrs old May· Ma11retses & tound 801 731-4599 hand painted end glo1ed In excellent cond1t1on 0 Cloy 25 bll 78 nice. otr Everything you could Ralelgh RecorCI, poker tag dryer, eteclro111c eye Twin $77 . Full S97 60" round Rattan Omlng Only S75 Olh01 co1am1C $800obo SHt li nf Cootl1 8094 Am!'ricOn 26 clt11an 011 1mag1ne from S 110 $500 table, fishing 118"· cotor ·wuttngh9uH Rel rig Oueen $ 147 • Ktng S 167 table, Formico top. 4 animals made 10 order 131·0511, 1·1Plll ;,~~;.·;b1;·;~;·;.;;·:1~~; Lancer 28 nr nu whl 'TtlnlHtll liOM Cash only Nov 5/ 617 TV. 5 pe bdrm Ml, up-Frost trM 17 648·6862 Solo Beas $197 matching uph seal swl· 101 you1 an1m111over1 tor top toalher pocket1. Oh •••••'-••••••••••••••• between t & 6pm only right treezei. Riviera HB Soto A Loveseall S2A7 vel cha 1r 1 S 1 oo Cllrlstm•• Call me lor Bank Repoa A <111r'( #olo1i11d l ikfl 9140 ?!~.A~c:sc·~~nA;~as~~~ e~~"n:~~·,;1'~:.r~~ Relriger11or, good cond 1 O~S~~~~'F4u~~~rt~E 844-848!> _ g~~111 81 840·970ll all c::~h: ~h::.::~~lc: ;~;~;g~~<la1:°i:~1M SSOO 67!1·8990 ••.;;;;•0;:;;;·M~;,:,d·· Conoom1111ums (rrght be· mdla equip~ pl1nts. ck>-dr, white S 125/~tr. 111511 Horbor Blvd ThomaJ Bros dlonett~set Won\a • Skis & Boota cob1n a11 w/15 Allecs l C SMITH 1111 I Htl, Sli11 Must sen $400/obo n Ind I ho 8 an le o I thes. books & lots ol ..,UST SELL! 645·~201 Costa MHo 631·6809 & hu1cn1 Uv rm sel. 4 pc El ct" IC T po to • •horns & pwr a~p w/ Oo~~la·berreled sh.ot· Do,.LI 9010 759.0644 • N 11 misc Sal/Sun 9·4 195A CIPPHTOIE STOVE w/enCI t blot & cotlee 11 r Y wr 1 r cover like n11w .1000 " •" _ ewpor Port Claridge 720-6406 Ible 8 ti wal stereo. 8 Pllone Answering M•· 498-4614 • gun flt*! grade, good BOAT°sLi'Ps'AvAiLABL•E• 82 Suzuki Shuttle Lo m1. Coll• #t u GIS, $50 Don 648.0<164 **I BUY** tract turn Ible imllm chine F1om S25·S 150 cond S 1000 540-4083 Newport Beach 25 , 26 like new cond S3651bst •••••••••••••••••••••• /lln dudi11 l·E WISIH/HYH atereo wthg1111ng Reas Call 662·27A7 !!!~ •..•......... !.~~! MEW llERIC 600 30 ~· 40 . & 45' Colt o1t 751 9582 SW•• IEn ••••••••••••••••··,·o·o·s• $200 pair 557·1056 Good used Furniture & 848·6862 HB 6 MILL SS MAN SHIH-TZU PUPPIES Exercise Rowing Ma· 642 64• l rom 9 .5 Mop11d excellent cond -Anli••ll -Apphances-OR I will sell a s Pinball 6 Player $350 KC c Mon-Fi $300 Call Jim Every Sunday. 8am-3pm ••••'••••••••••••••••• A•tlill IOJS 01 SELL tor You n IZO '' amo. box Blue & Gold Macaw A hamplon line. all chine 968 0723 • Orange Coast College 4 Pressed Bock cane seat •••••••••••••••••••••• llSTEAS IUCTIOM springs and r11a11ress. gd S 1050 Citron Cockatoo. •hots, 8 wka Wiii nota Only $275 67!>·6641 SLIPS AVAIL Hunting) on • Fairview & Arlington, chrs.AmGoldenOak,80 * l•ti~11tl11etlH * 1•1-1111 1•3-112• c2o8~d_.y$s80.979·1100ext tome , S600 OBO ~o5r3~0h6r~s~mos 720-0891. lalanct beam He1bour Boy Do #otorcytl11/ Costa Mosa. Admission yrs otd $200 240-3267 Thurs. ov .. th. ,. PM .. 111 11 " u 645·2963 P.P " • 840-5545 846 7766 ll·9 alSO S .. v $125 548-5644 Eves p M 8•4 0 • ., 0 9 7 Scoottll J tree 10 buyert eller Carved wood chat1 w/rose cont ents o t Antique I HY FlllMITUllE Gold leol & gloss top hall ' Golden Rotrle'{er Puppies, • ., · •••••••••••••••••••••• Reservellons/ Into. colored luClked fabric, shops and warehouse Les 957 8 table. ornate design. BRITT ANICA ENCYCLO· AKC. ahote. TV, R1dio, 213·43 t-3764' t971 MOTO GUZZI 750 I 556·5880 $65 642-5006 trom Maino Mirrored • 133 S tOO 963-1932 :f :;1A6~4~~;;'J"918 181 557-969~ HiFi · Slllt O 8098 Boal dock for rent. New Ambassador. full dress. dressers. Hlboys w/mlr. Large dark wood desk Knee·hole desk. 6 dwrs, & F 1 d h 1 1 ••••••h•••••••••••••• port 1s1ond $175 mo up 27.1.000 act m1 $950 FANTAStiC INDOOR ANTIQUE LOVESEAT Oak Side boards. curved w/2 Ille drawers, 30x60 c"alr, walnut finish. $125 SKI BOOTS. women'• rce 0 goo ome erna e 81 Sony remo10 cont1ol to 27' 573.4749 55<!·4782 eves Wood Ir ame w/lucked SOS 645 8358 " Humanlcs Sz 7. mell Goltlen lab Goo<I with 19" TV. $375 C I PUIT SALE! upholstery. $200. glass chinas. oak wall • 963·1932 blue w/bkla, llke new kids '495 65o:or Slip-up to 2211. power or 81 Honda XLt85S, Kini 1552 Orange Av Sell 842·5006 phones Trunks, com· Must sell Rtog u Cop· 498-2469 • told Ing B•lboa c 01185 con d Mu• t s e 11 Sun modes, Morris chairs 101n'1 Water bed w/ Must Sell King sz Safari $SS. 631•1098 VFR 1urnl<1ble. never A 673,l 174 $750/bSI olr f>52·80t4 IMTIQUE IDlll SET rockers, lots ol Vic and mirrored hUdboard. Water Bed wt mirrored Newport Beech Tennis 'EllSllM ltITTEMS used. and dust co<1er rea 00 980 CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE Early t900's. xlnt cond. Bai Harber Wicker Oak S3001ofr 63I·1278 hood-board $500 .obo Club full mmbrshp Value CFA, 8 wks 557.7305 $37 call 63I·1098 9•35 Slip on Main Bay, SUZUKI DR·4 1 Fri Nov 5. 3.5 6 5 3 bdrm set. Folding hi -497-3818 _ ___ S t 2 0 0 . M lrlr'e'-o 1 r -· Newport Beach Good cono111on $750 Sat Nov 6. t0-4 s9ootobo 40· 14 chairs, Stde secretaries Like new queonalze l i11111/,OtfHI1090 Sanyo AM/FM N·8 track I 673-5340 548·0596 alter 330 664 Ross SI c M 4 Anl1que Pressback press. back chairs, 4 waterbod with leather Ho1111 1060 631•1098 •••••••••••• ••••••••• player Locking last tor· """'ler "'""s. 2 diamond trim S200 240-3267 •••••••••••••••••••••• lladro cotlectors • set ot Emerson Upright Piano ward OX local Sw11chtng Prime Lido Slip no Skip· 79 Yamaha 750 Special YARD SALE FJsh ro"s. Cnalfs with 42" oak tab· ,,.,~ """ PONY t3 2 hands Boy 1 d needs hltle work $800 u le $600 Eves 8A2 t775 .. e cab Lg collM g n G ' busta, 3 ladies w/llats 1300 as Is Front to Rear Speaker per, no lve-abo1r reels. furniture, misc • uY • " • j elding ISyrs, gentle, go 4119-5527 alt 6PM Fader $40 962·2883 50 + $55011710 PP 9G0·3032 IO O der Lots ot old lln end For Classltled Ad w 1ch11 d r.e n $ 5 0 0 Unusual. 13" hgt $350 ~~I-Sat 9~ 281 E t61h ~/J}J!.".~~~ ••••••••• !. iron toys. doll carr11ge, ACTION 760-8258 °'131S1323544ea5409r21g34bo5 xes Hobart cable upright Pia-after 6 Pm 831·3671 or 675·2880 1,74c~YavmanaoodEn_?_'!_~o HARBOR AREA wlteet barrow, suck and C111 a • • · no $800 Firm 30 Ft ooc:k avallable Lido ""c ery g ,,.,.. .... ,. HOLIDAY BAZAAR. Chrlllmas decorations. gifts. Annalee dolls. 1oy1. etc Sat Nov 6. 9-4PM, 2963 Baker St (Meta Verde) CM APPLIANCE SERVICE ball tre1 work bukelS Oaoly Pilot What a Wonderful World 1-way llcket 10 Detroit 6"2·0638. 6A6-620t lo1ts /, #1tint late Are;i· lton j27~ 631-4489 We sell recon<I .. gulf and much more Call AO-VISOR ot Shopping. right at Metro. good 1111 11120. GULBflANSEN Premier ~·!f•t11I 673-6803 73 Honaa 750 8 I 1cc appliances 5A9-3077 Ch1tles for detail 6A2·5678 your hngert1ps everyClay1 Amer Airlines, S tOO obO tneatr1 organ, xlnl col'\d • • • • ••••• • • •• • •••• Mart~k ejctronic 1gmtion. Larry Morg1n Auclion Dilly Piiot Clossllied 673-1291 673-4252 s3200 760•0795 Dtntt•I . 1010 You don t need a gun 10 Yoshimura headers 1us1 1685 Toronto Way C M __ _.. Ads To place your ad, ...................... draw fast • when you ret>uill itlnt condition 714-556-990 I 1 call 642-5678 and let a place an ad 1n tha Dally 5800 63 t-2589 WANT ACTION? Classlliad Ad.Visor help P1101 Want AO!ll Call now Have you read today's C1ass1fled Ads? If not, you're missing the best batga ns In town! Ctassffied Ads 642·5678 Claaslled Ads 642·5678 you. I 642-5678 iiiiiiiiiiiil illiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • ATLAS CHRYSUR.f'LYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tet 546·1934 3 blockS south ol San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd Complete body shop Salos. SoMce P81'1s Service Dept. open Monday lhru Friday 7 30 AM to 5 30 P.M. and 8 A M . to 5 P M on Saturday • HACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Slreet. Newport Beach. Tel 752-o900. Celt ua. we're the spec1allst1 for Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, Saab & Maser all. • THEQDORE ROllNS FOO Modefn salts, service. parts, body, paint & lire dept•. Competitive rates on lease & dally rentals. 2060 Harbof Blvd .. Coste Mesa 642·00100<~11. • JOHNSON & SOM UMCOU4 MllCUIY 2628 H1rbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-5630. 57 Years of lritndly lam11y aerv1t'e -Orange County's olcMlt Lin · <:oln·M4tl'Cury d ealera!t•P 'DAVID J . PtilLUPS luta(.flOHTIAC-MADA Salo s • &trvloe • La.ing 2•888 Allcla Plflcway 837·2400 MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE ·BOXES NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Toi. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree. Ma<:Ar1hur & BrlllOl behind Viclorta Stallon Sates. Service, Leasing & Parts. We make great deals! • HAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 540·!)100. Orange County s Largest Cadlllac dealer Sales Servrce. Leas· Ing . • SADDLHACIC IMW/SUIAAU 28•02 Marguerite Pkwy . Avery Pkwy exit We olfe< whal no bank or lease company can 1 E11per1ly &tatted, most modern serv1co & parls dept • 2 One of the Southltnd 1 most experienced sales & leasing stall, 3 Ehm1nahon of the middleman by leasing dealer d1rec1 831·2040 M1ss1on Vle10 495·49.t9 • • CHICK IVERSON roltSCHl-AUDl·YW •15 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach 673-0900 The only dealership In Orange County wtth lhtse three great mtkn under on• rool t • ALAN MAG NOH POMTIAC·SUIAAU 2480 Harbor Blvd Cotta Mesa Tel 549-4300 Sal11. Setv!Ce. Leasing Mr. Goodwrench ., . IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminster Tel 892-6651 Oran,go County s oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Sales, Service Parts • DICK MILLH ft AT /LANCIA "Probably lhe lowetl priced FralS In Southern Callforn1a" (Located 1 mile north ot Soulh Coast Plaza near Main 61. and Warner Ave In San1a Ana.) 120 w Warner, Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANTA AN.A DATSUN 2001 E 17th Slretl Santa Ana Tel 558·7811 Your Or1grnal Dedicated Datsun Dealer • MllACLI MAZDA We ve moved' Our new loc1tt0n 11 1425 Baker Slrfft Coal• M... Tel 545.3334 Stop by & visit our modefn showroom~ ... why we ra tht •1 Mazda dealer tn Sout"-rn Callfornla SalH Service P•ta and Leasing • con111t DeLILLO CHIYllO&:IT l'°"""'Y Qrottl Cftewoeet) 11111 ......... """'""'°" IMott Hew • Uted • .... • LMllnt • ,_,_ • lerW)t COIM by Md ... our H\IQt ltMntoryf 14 7.eotf 141-Na, COST A MESA DA TSUH 2845 Hart>or Blvd Costa Mesa Tet 5•0-6410 Servrng Orange County for 16 yean 1 Mile So •OS. SUNSET FORD, INC. (Home of W1ll1a the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove B lvd . Wes1m1nster Tel 636-•010 • ORANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd . Garden Grove Tel. 530·11190 Exclu1lvely Volvo to covat 111 your Volvo requirement• New•UMd•Sal•t •Le&11ng•Parts•S.rvlce•Body Shop Freewey cloM WI Ille heart of Orange County al Gatdefl Grove Blvd. & ltootchurat 0 COtt"aL CHmlOUT ' 2128 HarbOr BIVO , Costa Mita Over tt years 18Mrtp Orange Countyl S11e1 l .... ng. Mtv1ce C.lt 546·1200, IC)9Ctal parts Ima. 548·9'00, body •not> h"9, 754-0400 0 . IOY CA&YM IOI.LS IOYCWMW ISAO Jlt'flbOrtt Aaad. Newpof1 llMcfl. ~ Sal•. s.rv1ce. ftart1 And &.•••ng OHlll(lt Con•I DAILY PILOnThu1 doy Novomber 4 1982 07 •:_::::•! 1111 Y.·.~~ ............ I.~!! ~1.'!!1.!f1'!.ltl. ...... IA~1.!f~'lt ...... IA~1.!~'1t ...... ~.-.1.~·.!~r.!!~...... ~1.'.'!1.fl!I. .......... ~.~'!! .. ~!~ ........ ~ •. ~1.1111.V!tl. .......... ~l.'1!1.Fl!I. ......... . •••••••••••••••••: •••• 811 0000• '• 1011 v11n. • 1!f! 1,1'1...,,_.t a.11 '''' ,, .. ,, 111f V•l••Wfft• 1111 l!1,/ll.a1 lllf C•tt11l1t 1110 '''' 1141 I.I•,•'• •l'f 'I 1 KZ 1 tOO th•fl. •Int Gyl.L IU~O. runt :.tn' ttit •••••••••••••••• ••~ ffi'fffu •Ti•••••reele ••l•I•••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••• rf1e•li•••••••••••••• 1•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••i'lf••••••••••'••~ cond, Mu11 NII Bell ot• 14•·4\ot tU. -•n'I '70 MethdM ,.OIL, Im• 'U Toyo1a Cotoll1, e '70 l/W 9op top Cernoe1 1111 UltLUI /7 MOfll• Corio 11111 po Th d 80 Miik VI 1t.IK loioed. '" ••t oe21 JI .... "'•~W HM ILlllY mao co,.pl 1erv ,.. tlMICI, 11ln\ cond tun• \l,IOO m11 .. Oft l\ellll tn(I llWW Wtl 0000 c:ond 13180 eo ore •H wM1. Mini t<lnCI t tO 'll HOflda C)(600 i'o•u•nm·m•iol'le'U COfdl 2 IOl)I IUIO, lir QIHI 11700 0111 nlw Urtt "-W l'llUllltr 10070 IOC .. milll Im· IA 7 8Qg:J 600 131 1133 11600 WI PM & 117.500 lll·tlll. •M4.., IHOO IU•!ISH iny· maeulllet(IJC111). 1t12 C1v11 .. r.11raClt4lfl R b' f d • .,,,.. 1111 147· 1070 110• IOtO ..... PM .. ,,,, lllM I 111,111 low ,.,,,., 'tl IAQI llo· 0 1115 or .•.•.•. ,, ............. . Tl. .WI . 11•n 4801~ Dark Ofown uifl!rr..... ......... •10 YW Ill •• llTHI Wtf Auto' &•8 0431 73 ~•11o0 Convet11b1t '91 YAMAHA SR 115co Salte 8 ~ L el 114,900, 700·1711Sev Cla 7t 8pi1t .. ,. convttllbll II. 1900 •t• 2'90 J fl )Mtlllllc 8rwn 4 IPd Str .. lbtlltlnmlnte~ ••IUllAll .• ,., ••no .,3•21111 ' oooorlt m1111,111n1 ' BtKllBlvd ·80Frwy C11r1tt1 1131 FIHTAllOlTlllP Jlloc:ond t J:>OO 8&mpg, clll 848.c>AIO Vt'~ C(l(lcl 1&000 117·8113 '7• bVQ Ooo<I t ond Ntw W111m11111tr ,••••••• .. ••••••••0 ••• (wllh purc;t\Ht) '876·3121 IYH ... ,., ..... , ·-·~ AUii ...... l1 HI llL a.1 I llrH 12600 (71•) 194·33&7 ,. Cor"'11• T·Top A8K roR OfTAIL81 ,., •' ~--.wt•o1•-••t fCU.S ·!MW Xlnl e•a·0"4A r• TA·O. 84,000 ml, run1 842 1888 • 1'11 Miil llLL d1'1•16/11 f.111 • Ve'.',., ' .. ~•• -.-----1• _..., " • & IOOk~rHI 1•&1\1\,.., Ullllf fo•••••••••• .. ••• •••• •• .,. """' UIO Hllbet llYd .. -.... ...:., .. M ... ~·-·~· -.. .,.,., ..... BLACK BEAUTY wltll NEW 87 Olde. AC. lo ml, 1 ••••• •••••• .... •••• COSTA MISA -.. ... -111 30080, Turbo, dual otttt. • 101 I V1ln l!.11 llUITlll jull 35,000 mllH LOI· Rani. 21' motor home. _ ....... " IW l•nk•. ca. pvt PIY U-IL -................. .... ded with op1lon1 Inc ••• , ... IT'• 0 w n r . 11 I(\ I '0 n 0 alpe I. lulty loecMd Mt-4111 11 toll ..W 840.3475 !~!.'!,,~ •••••• !.~?f 11 1 Ytht lteltr 01 1111 ~. low milH· 1ea1her 1n1e110r, air cond.. 10. ll~ PllAIOIH 1 1 6 o / O 8 O O Y • 645·Ht9 (Ptul) Ml-1 .. 1 Sunrool, am/Im tttreo, ·79 300 co '18·7 P•H wgn, 13850 11 lr1111 Ot1t1tJI II• Cl<lllllCI In Soutfltm pwr wtndowa, 1111 whfft, 01/ER 20 IN STOCK 133 ·9\9 '· •v• wknde 20' 4·1Pd atk, V-1 Cfltvy. MW elulell, br&k::o&,000 CREAM PUFF CONO Snrl, au10. air whit, .. --Celllorntt l SM ue lodlyi c1utU con1101 ete lmmtdllle Oeftvtryt 494"'111 1 283. UOOO or trade tor WI Ill eond Mull Mil Cell E• 54l·512t ltpe •70271 de ••P UUI 111¥111 IUUI (•HZOAI Jull nMd r.. 8 t Old• Cullan Su· Clld 0( P,u. &.-8·9754 ILUll IAll 5H-Olff 11 •• Ml •00t '13 Dir 645·2"3 ... 1 'LUllll •••1wo 1111>1• P•rty to mlk• IUI OU prema, 2 door. 1011ded, -• liiiiiiiiiim-ii"iliiliililil --llT'ltll mon1111y P•Ymtl'I• lllPIUL llLl •Int eond 18,600 OBO 1111/u~ f11nl 1111 .. TIMll "17 130CSI, IUIO. llr, amt ivory. Ivory 1n1 .. aunrl, •72 vw But Inn mini OVERSEAS O!LIVeRY j 2800 H11bof Blvd. No old contract lo ... 497·2079 r:~;:;~,.-;;.~~;,.;~t~ ~58~=2lull PO\i¥91', lo ml. •II 0 y ••• 18 .80 0 . cofld. lody ln"Qd eond. l!XP£RT6 COSTA ME!lA tum•. llO b11ek paymlf!lt 'll MUITAll 'H OICI• Toro run• W4111 ale. •Int eond, Ilk• nu. ----A94·9308 -12500 080. can An•-..... • I 141 1110 I due A61( FOR ROSE. 1850/090 I 5 5 0 0 • Mu a I '• •, '78 320I. red w/bleck, air, '76 450 SL bOlll topt, wlrt AO 82• 842·4300 2• 1111 I ._. Ill • 831·&202 lkt ll'nf)Olll (137049) 848·8422 Ht-2142 a11oy1. e11ae111 1te110. wheel•. alnl eond w111 ___ _ YtUt Eldorado Co11verllbl•, IJHH ll1S 1211t • ·'I ,, 'II llll ~; 2;;~11 • I 8 200 dHI lor 0 .. 11 Slll,400. '80 vw Rtbbll 011 L, mint. t98a Hart>or Blvd. 19711, brown, lotdtd. •••"'••••••••••••••••• 'll i•••••a !!l!'!~!!~ ••••.... !.~~f du fll# 1111 hr • / • Wkdyt 884-0583 or cond •. AM/FM, tnrf, COSTA MESA letther lnir, $5700 '85 Dodge • ..., Ion van, 8 -187oearrecudt MwllrH •••l;;;:UtMtty•f,•;..;••• '72 2002, good ~ 846·11487 EvH & Wknda. $8750 720·1221 HI-IHI 141.f .. l 845-1288 cyl auto, runu,lnt 1825 (115Aa7) • grtet car In Good Condition. ... llYH Mual NII $3500 OBO '12 30000 Coupe, loaded ·7 1 vw Super Beetle, Volvo 1900 GL. brown. 5 '75 Coupe de VIiie, Wire 549•4 IOO _ 12111 631·2927 anytime $300 548-2874 Top dollara lor Sporta 1142·1819 w/only 2,000 ml Saerl· aunrl. rebll tng, ntw tpd ovtrdrlve, eunrool. wh .. 11, Xln1 Condlllon 74 Oodr Challenger, ndt 1011li1t lllS • A•I• i.mu, 1.,1, Cart, Suga. Campe11. O•lll• 1110 flee 11 w11011ule. 128, pelnl, AM/FM. 11750. Air, mag 1poke w11ee11, 12300 548·5591 work, ~60•3032 'lt FAHIMOIT ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• I Mm,.1',. HH 814'1, Audi's ••••••••• ............ , 500 or ? Scolly (213) 662-7478 em/Im ... ae111. 19850, Ct•llO 1111 (138A221 '80 Trans Am T·Top •••••••••••••••••••••• A~lllor~11CIHMGR 991·2695 '71VWSquarebeck,good ~4111 .... •••••••••••••••••• '°'' 1140 12111 MUST llLL PAINT & ltte body wortl, • -'71 300 SEL. 8.3 Ver) 1h1pe. 11700/0BO. Jody • 118 Camero. good lnl., •••••••••••••••••••••• Fully equipped lor FUN up to 50% off your .. ,. YtLllWAIH good mechenlcll eondl· 5f0·8832 or 148-1881 A•lfl# r.w need• t>ody work Sl200 '68 Fofd Wagon. nHdl 'll FIESYA IN TtiE SUNI Velour Bttl 142-01001984.C)332 11111 a..c11 Bl d Uon and111pp11r1nc• •••••••••••••• .. •••••• or bell 83l ·A960 br•k•• S6001080 !A78550) buekel seats. pwr win· '• All lllOll HUNTINGTON B~CH aun roof, PIWlndowa'. '78 VW Bu•.~7000. am/Im lt•11tl llOI C-:-Ll"'llllt 1120 499·5527 •II 6PM 1211.. dows on wlllel. eruJae ........... th 1 t F ,..... ce11. 111n1 ....,...,, rblt •••••••••••••••••••••• • " " 1 01 elc 1•'"3ZU'") 142·2111 ~ -•r n ·· or qu..... eng $3375 ee 1 7772 Come In & -NIW90fl ........ " •••• •••••••• '7 t Ford L TO ttatlon w•· con r ' v" " · f!or Ford, lncludlrt9 .,r , a I•. C 111 o 11 1 c e . • • • 8each'• 11,,..1 tellcllon IEE II FlllTl gon, powtr' steering & Ju11 need rollabll party llnet. $35. 540-4043 lll.AlfED' 540·5121. Exl 25, or 79 l/W Bettle con11., blk ol prevlou11y owned we have• gOod aelecll· I br•kea, air conditioning. '11 T-11111 10 meke smell monthly t980t300ccl/Wmo10f12 "" • home 8"0•0838 •lier E w/only 20.000 ·1 own., Portell•'•, Audi'• end o n ol NEW & USED S850 OBO. 6"6·3104 al-'1597011 fr:~r~n!~s~: •. 0~~~~~.; Voll Sy11em $150. Lala model ToyotH, pm. m7610, ~I cond .. 17495. V01k1w.,.....1. Chevroletal 1er 6pm. SHH •~• 86 1/01\101, Pickups & Vant. .vv3 ........ payments due: ASK FOR .,...,..12 Cell ua lodayt '73 300SEL: low mllea • 111 I '73 TORINO ROSE 631 ·5202. lk• elMn. 10MB057. $6985 78 Camper I/an, atove, Jf I pp nttCI• velvea g' l lro, '11 PllTO 1mpor1s. A•I., 1-i J.11 .72 011 Bt10. 26,000 ml, Call 840·5884 EvH relrlg, AM/FM ttareo, .,. runt 1350. 536-1416 (1 13295) -------•••••••••••••••••••••• a 1 , • 8 u t 0 • c 1•1 n . 554--5222 days. S 7 • O O O O 8 O . Pp. 445 !. Cout H'wy ---$2411 'II FIREIHll '80 IM:oo~~~.:;oz~J $2000/obo, &75-4988 ·112 MBZ 380SL. 1llve1 760-9399 ~..o::ch 1 1960 FORD RANCHERO Rebll 400 Turbo 1ran1, ADVERTISERS '74 280Z 2+2, mint c:ond, gray w/black lnl .. 300C , 70 Red VW 8u9. New I clean '12. 8 cylinder' new velour & neugallyd• • Th• price ol Item• ad· ml. Mutt Mii. Best otter tires, pelnt, 1un·root. ...ULE" run. g 0 0 d $ 7 0 0 Theodore lnl, extras. Look• good. auto, new rtdlelt, lo•-540•5700 18_..) $"""" I 873•8551 5A8·9273 runs xlnl S 1200/obO. vertlMd by vehlcll dea· did, 14595. 53fS..9993 cvvu Cart 11 FOf Ctu1lflld Ad 842-0100 964-0332 lert In the vehlcle claul· l~:::::=:=:=::=~~~::!l::;.7;:::9-;0::•::1au=n-:2:;80:;::z;;.X-;----·73 vw Super BHllt, ! 11HULI ULEI" ACTION R b' f d lied •dvertltlng column• WE '" Lo ml. AM/FM CHI, 5 needs alight eng & body Buy Em, Sell Em Call • To piece your menage 0 ins or 'll FlllEIJlll 0011 not lncludt_ tny USED CARS & TRUCKS apd. 17100. 842-0972, Yau CM lffard lo work In rear $800 OBO. I Trade Em Delly Piiot before the 55,00.0 mlles. Joadtd, ~:~1:~.~'-,':.-.~·,\1~':• COME IN OR CALL FOR 673-8355 .... , _,Mercedes 675·2785 JoAnn I • 443 w. Bay. C.M. . AO·lllSOR reading publlc, 20gg~:~b~rE:~d clean, $2750. 848·7775 ' FllEE APPUIUL --------•-.65 S b .... 11000 F 1 ec:rou lrom Robtn s 1142·5878 phone P ,_ h _ __,, .,_....... ChltgM. tees '°' air pol-. 78 Datsun B210, $200. 11111 ...... UL q ..... ront FOfd Perla a Ser\lice Dally Pilot H2-0010 140-1211 eop ... w 0 ......... r-- lutlon control d.evlc• Cormief·Oellllo lekt over peymenls. $0 end erunclled Rbll eng. I 645-2963 • --~ T11er1 wllet the certification• or d•eler CIEYllLn 499.9594 830·2278 --HaYt aomethlng you want Cl1tslllld, 642·5678 '71 FORD Meverlc:ll Good DAILY PILOT documentary prepara· 18211 BEACH BLVD Clanlflld Adi, your ooe-to Mii? Claulflld edt do cond 3 n-tltff, econ SERVICE DIRECTORY tlon chargea unl111 HUNTINGTON BEACH [!!!~! •••••••••• !~~I CIH•Hied Adt llA2-5878 I 11op lllopplng certler._ 11 well. 842·5e71. I ~850 A9~1_ _ It ell aJ;>outl o tllerwlae 1peci11ec1 by IU-IOU, 141-3'31 A tn I Hll A I 1HO A I #i 1100 A I 1100 A I Hll the advertlMr. '.'i:r,·:.~~=-::~~ .! •• '/•••~••••••••••• •'-"''•••~••••••••••• .!."J1 •• !!f. .. ••••o••• •• ~t'!1 •• !!!••••••••••• .... '!!1,!'!! ••••••••••• ~!t•.'1,!~••••••••••• A•g~::i{. isio Top Dollar Fnua1 DOWN Paid -··11111"1 LEA E ...................... ~ IHEL .. l!r11 eoupea. 4 10 ehoou ........ a ... Slley rte>llta3: QlekuQI & For Your Carl I~ lroml (008768) jStlC'. U.Hl•·Mer••rJ ~ A3093). Prlc:el 11111 ng at • 21128 H1tbor Blvd. • . --------------... MY 11,"ll Costa Mesa 540-5e30 THEODORE ROBINS FORD . ··" HU80R 81110 ((),TA "'HA ~41 0010 '53 Studebaker Cllemplon 5 P•ll cpe. Nice car. $3750. 2131592-1792 hHh•1ltttletl 1941 Ford Woody W•· gon, lt:j,000, 3100 WMl Coast Hwy. HIGHEST GASH Imm•· N-port Beach dle1ely lor your vehlclt , 642-9405 domestJo or lorelgn i--------- 551-3285 Fi•I 11ZS ...•...........••••... """''" 10 NW care II\ 1tock Oft •PC><«Mld credi\ A•I., la.mi ff '89 Flel 124 Spldtt. @ •••••"••/"•••••••••••• )(Int eond. S1800 Of bat. y A•'1 1111 Cell 21316112.2991 •••••••••••••••••••••• B " 1111 IO h4i IOOO T•r~ .!.'!.!................ . 21,000 miles, fully loaded HllA .. ITlllt 'mhll 1unroo1. gd cond. Like we een helpl Before you AollNlr1lld.., ·:7- n ew. $1~.AOO 0 8 0 . buy, cheek our unbeata-._,~SL*"""llNdl 8 A 5 • 8 2 1 1 Eve 1 • bl• 11leetlon. eavlngt •'•"•'1»•1JOO,•'lhl3lim.·5000••• 857·98&4 dayl. and ~ IOdeyl , 1Nt Ford Model A Town '75 Audi FOii. Needt llttle llllllllTY sad an. I 1 o. o o o . wort!. 11000 or belt of-•un 1 UD•• 675-8181. tar. 857-4187 - • 114~ •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 1979 MG. E•cellent • oondltlOll. 27.000 .ii $3, 500. 831·37341 .. 'fl Ythe p 1100 '73 Audi tOOLS runt 28gg~~~~· 12200. Tony 6"6-TQ.44 good. grHt mlleagt. ••• ..... . $10 00 OBO (213), ___ ..... __ ..... ___ _ 4 Wini /hln1 ISSO 592-2473 eve * II ltMe Prtl•H LARGESTjEEP.DEALER •-.-8-2_A_u_d_l-50_0_0_._U_n_de_r_, 5 apd. air, am/Im CH· In the wes1 •4000 ml. 5 yr warranty. aelte. Moon/atnrool, n- ~t!. ••••••••••.• !.~4.f ·11 G'r. 0000 cond. New pllnt Orfft MPG. 11800 080 dflperately nMds Clllglrl 551-A307 Eve cellent cond. S7100 or y()IJ( JEEP. ID 1111 bit ofr. 540-&eo1 7.51-80&4 Highest Dollar Paid ....................... '78 AccOld UC, m11oon, Cell Gery Grey ,__ le ,,,,,.. .,,. ....•.••••....•.••.... -•-I -••t ..,... ~. Mitomat • --14250.'551-1100 t.ESTER Nl ... /lUI A•Ol .IEEP/IEIAILT 2524 Harber Blvd., CM 5A9-8023 645-7770 1980 CJ5, 4 eyl-never ott road 35.000 ml. E11cel· .. 1en1 cond. 646-8730 SllH-SHYICI l.Wlll Hond• CVCC. 1971, green, runs perlect. 11900. 6A6-97A3 '79 A-dr Accord. AM/FM. lo ml. ear. 15200. )(Int. 675-8295 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove ...... ..,.. .. '81 CJ7 Jeep Renegade, 831·2040 495.4949 loaded, auto, musl Mii. SUILEUCI llW ll•z'• 1111 LNllq 114 IH-2111 tt4 ,_SOIE IH-C ...................... 10,000 ml. Mini cond. 28402 Marguef'ltt Pkwy Convertlble. mech per· lecl. solld body & Int. $10,000 Arm. 838·3975 eves, 113A·0955 ctys. Never olf road. 111 $9500 Mission Viejo cuh takes. 720-0586 !Avery Exit off 1·5) ·79 Jeep CJ7, auto, V8, .__ __ o....;oen __ S_ufld_ay..;....s __ , hard & soft tops, good cond. Must sell. Bell of- ter. 875-4498 ett. 6. '62 SC Reo xlnl cond. $8500 831-1390, 892·8987 'lt JEEP saies-SeM<:e-Leasing CJ-5 4AOO 831-0A95 1112 llW CLISIHT ~!!!!.~!T!!. ••••• 1~~f Nice SelectlOnl HI US 11uk1 IS60 • '7A 30CS:" speed •o• You1 ~ •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. •••••••••••••••••••••• !960NAC) MIT NAIDA. Toyoll '76. AMIFMS Ste,-• ·71 320tT: 4 spd .. sun -n I ~CARVER reo c assette. ma 1 roof (248 RRI .,_. 1"'1....11· camper sllell $2175 • '79 320!: A spd .. tun ..... ... ((]15-K:Jl(} 673-6618 roof. (849VHZ) fACIUT'fl '-1)_,,.IGO-)ll!GINO '77 FORD ¥. TON * '80 3201: 5 spd., sun ""'"'°"'·~II ... ...,_ 460 & root (1159Z0t<) 14" MUI um llUUOUll 0.... --.n ,,.. eng, reek side * '80 3201: 5 spd . •Ir l liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil b oys, good eond 11 $4000/obo. 897-6212 cond (lASX049I l·1-9_80_RX_7 _____ '83 SILVER CLOUD Ill, M•rll IH-3171 mint cond. $27,000 obO 208 w 1s1. Santi Ana •IST SELL (15000 will llold 1111 V••• IS10 Closed Sund1y lntlde & out ltke NEW! Cllrlstmaa) '57 BENT- •••••••••••••••••••••• .._C_H_O_l_C_E_IN_V_E_N_T....;O....;R_Y_I Only 30,000 mllu, 5 LEY SI, 11lnt bOdy, pelnl R b• ' VO Es speed trans , air eond .• & mech. 18100. PIP. 0 Ins .~UM&ALES sunroof, AM/FM ce11et· 873-11315 I• a )'ou aupply tile tx· 1~~~~~~~~~1 cttementl (602906). Jutt I-van need reliable party to IMj 11H I I I IOLA IE I make 1m111 monthly •••••••••••••••••••••• ... paymtlfllL No old con-1111 UU .. Conversions S•tes-Serviee-Le&Mng ~~:~~ = Equ~~ 1~. s 850 N. Beaeti BIVd ROSE. 83 1 ·5202 . Ike lc>eed transmlulon, po. Fill TAHl TllP (wl1h purchaae) ASK FOR OETAILSI NEW ou• 11ASn11 YllStamml llUIT YUll ...... UllllUI '""* '11 Olm llllFH (120281) 111,tt1 'll ... s.ffl (087VUA.) .... 'll-llAXI (239052) ..... 'll,.IUllPll (12 .. 19) ..... '11 ,_ YUi (A11145) llnt Theoaore Robils Ferd IOIONerW9MI. COITA-.IA ..... MMl11 La Habra Imports. -ti-Ing & AM/FM 122-HH -,9-7_9_R_X_7-.-G-S-. -llk_e_11e1111--.1 stereo ca~ta. 1190081. Open Sund11y AC, aunrf, new 1900 •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiil 111110. a II oy •· I 7 300 Liii IWll lft ,_oeo_._ .. _2_-9_2 .. _1_1'11et __ , Setes-S.-Viee.LHllna .,,,.., Ja1 1141 needs your clean BMW •• ••••••• ••••••••••• • • 148 0ows1,. or Import Alk lor Wolf· Mercedel Benz NEWPORT BEACH gang Jurlnek. our UMd .. -fM 0 0 cer manager. '1111111' M 752 9 0 3e7LOO~GC~1;~w. lhln cfltCk with ue. We'••-----·---- 11. ••• lllt atMJW you over AO eup«b ...... 1,111 ~~~~~-~-~~~~ UMd MercedM ~ In f9o•••••••••••••• •••• i.: atock. lnepec:t, Sel«t & Sllllt-Servlc:e·LtM'ng T11t Drivel Contldlr IO UIM.llAOI • I Tum your unUMbles ..... ........ ca11t.ca11 Dally Piiot clauffled '42·5'71. For Ad Action Cal I Daly Plot Al).VIS(I I mo. purctlae w/ -*· mut Ille pmta. or allow ue to 111tOr11eae1oeutt yow U1·1M ..._. .. ,...._ Up '° 2yf't!a•.ooo ._,, 1.m ,,... ..,.,...., :.,.......... .... . ... ................. tlUllLftm 01•1 7141213 MER· Do you r••lly love C• CEDES llCll'l' II IO, give me • !;Ill Aitflt now I've fol e • IBIDD Ion 01 them. lnc=s WllTll ST. OT, end fully Supra'• wllh t. Tope Juel nMo raliabll party ~ !!!_lrlKr?'.P.W. to mtk• tmell monlllly ...., ,....,_ p1ymen11 No otcl oon· Diii 213 Of 1 4 trac1 10 ~.no llldl 131·2333 payment• due All< H>tll ..... tf ......... llt ROSIE. 131·5102 Ille '11300 8L, 7000 ml. Wire _lmf)Oft __ ,_. -----• wheel•. 138,000/0ao 1111 111111 213·832 .... 79. -• -------------· ..... '°' c-.lfled M ACTION Cell. ~ 141-111'1 # I ·umall Automatlo tr1n1 • •It eono , f)wr ••••rlnf, AM/1M etereo a • ,,.., tml111on1 tyttem (UJll?HI ,rt f)ly 9'Mt. Call N?-4141 °' , .. 4llO AND FORD-MOTOR COMPANY ANNOUNCE NOW AVAILABLE A.P.R. FINANCING ON All REMAlllNG 1982 CARS!!! PLUS REBATES FROM FORD UP TO-MOTOR COMPANY . ON All REMAINING 1982 TRUCKS I VANS! m!!!!lllf!!!!LU __ _ ·3 DAYS 2 NITES THIS WllKIND Mr. Robins lnvttea you to 1tay •t ehher the Lake T9h<>e Inn or the Tlmw Ccwe Lodge for 3 Days 9ftd 2 Nighll When you purcf'I ... any new or used Car. Tructl or Ven lhlt ..,..end sz5a . RETAIL VALUE Ttll• t••ulout p.ck• .. lnolud .. Conunent•t lrelkfelt. ~ ooupoN. 2\t hour 1911• °""99 on .,. ...,..... ~··· Dbdt end Moret tfurry on thle Gr•t DMll Winter In Tahoe le grMt. l9nd.....,....,. In pour •lldtlnG new Theodor• 1Aobln1 pur~ le 8C*'9 to be onfy tl91f the fun ol your trip. THEM NOW! , .. ... • 08 Ornng Coaat DAit. V PILOT /Thur1d1v. November 4, 1912 ' ·CL ' . ·GOOD NEWS ON FINANCING RATES. YOUR CHOICE: CAR CARE OR 10.75%A.P.R. Now when you buy onynew '82' · Ford, Mercury or Lincoln, your participating dealer cqn arrange 10.75% financing for qualified retail buyers through participating financial institutions. This offer is good on all clearance- priced '82 cars. From Escort, America's best-selling car: to the luxurious Mark VI, From the spo,rty LN7, to the Boss ... Mustang GT. And this low annual percentage rote is available when you finance from 24 to 48 months. Offer expires December 31, 1982. Limit one per customer. If you select a new '82 Escort, Lynx, EXP or LN7, you can choose two-year, no-cost Car Care Cov- erage that coyers virtually everything for two years or 24,000 miles, whichever comes 0Bosed on Manufacturers' reported retoil deliverifl colendor-yeor 1982. jirst. This limited warranty excludes accidents, abuse, tires and fluids. Car Care Coverage is not avail- SAVE HUNDREDS OF At this RATE: You can SAVE: . . able in combination with 10. 7 5 % financing. California residents only: '19.75% financing is now available on 1983 Continentals. Offer good through November 30, 1982. You must take delivery by December 31, 1982. Limit one per customer. 22°/o ••••••••••. $2,220.48 20:°/o ••••••• ~ ••••• 1,807.20 1&°/o •• ~.~ ••••••••. I, 08 .. Ex~ of a typical .CB-month contract. total cash price of $10,000 with a 22% A.P.R.; $243.43 at 20% AP.R.; $234.99at18% A.P.R.; $205.78 at $2,000 down payment. Your monthly payment would be $252.04 at 10.75% A.P.R. Dealer participalion ~ aff.ct custamer -. ... • ' \ • . ~ .. • • THI 111111 ClllT I Hllll'.[>I\ 'I N U V t M lll H 1 1•111: o.ie, .-11o1 "'4110 by lllcMrd K-- T om Nielsen ta lks about his plans for the Irvine Compan y a he prepares to assume the pre idenc;y. 1:1111 1111111 , l J t <A N < , 1 1 < >I JN I Y 1 r, l 1 f 0 fl N I A / '> C E N f ~i Nielsen charts. calmer Irvine .Coinp8ny future I By STEVE MARBLE Of IM Deity ll'llol ll•H Savoring th.., final days before taking contro l or the image- conscious Irvint• Company, Tom Nielsen is just as content lo t.'llk about his football days as the public relations crisis facing the Newport Beach·ba$cd firm. · Nielsen. a FuJlcrton native and a high school football star, is preparing to take over for his longtime £raend a nd mentor Peter Kreiner. Kre mer wsll leave J an . I. Nielsen said it would not be his pla<.'e to SJX."<'Ulatt• on what that means. noting onl y tha t the annou n.cement l e ft h i m surprised. But Nie l sen is ard e ntly optimistic about the affairs of the Irvine Company and how the largest" landowner in Orange County can go about rt.'Storing its damaged public image. In an interview Wednesd ay, the 51-year·old excculive talked about the "possibility" of settling the nagging leaseh old issue OUWdC the COUl'troom. The dis pute be tween the development firm and Newport Beac h and Irvi ne resid e nts Teas1"g land from the lrvil1c Company is scheduled to go to. court this month. Nielsen talked about mending fen<.'CS with <.'Ommunity leaders in the two cities and said the firm will undertake a mission aimed at tdcntif~ing what has set oH the wave o( antagonism direcled al the Irvine Company. "We'll try to find out what the substance of these concerns is," he said, noting that the Irvirn.? Company often is blamed for problems that it did not create. Nielsen cautioned that his action plan should not be taken as a sign that the company, under Kremer. failed to handle the probll'ms. "I really don't have any major changes in mind," he said. "We'll be working with the s ame mal)agemcnt team and with our existing programs.'' Company insiders have suggc•sted the true difference between Kreme r and Nielsen will be in the new bo.Y' penchant for face-to-face meetings with . city leaders and community groups. "I've al~ays enjoyed meeling with them and working out problems.'' Nielsen said. He said he will attempt to continue handling the duties he has had as vice president for tong-range plannlnf But i the lrvlne Company is s triving to re-package itself as a ne w and improved product, Nielsen would not acknowledge it. He was careful to downplay past company decisions thal might now be taken as mistakes. Asked if the Irvlne Company came on loo hard m the Cirst days (See NIELSEN, Page AS) StOck market extends· r8lly hut Dow edges down ·, By Tbe Associated Press The stock marke t extended its historic ra ll y in early trading today although the Dow Jones industrial average edged down from its record peak of the previous session. Business lead e r s a nd economists, meanwhile, said Democratic gains in the general election are unlikely to force a shift from "Reaganomics," the nation's major automakers posted higher sales in late October and the .nation's third-quarter foreign trade deficit was more than double-the s econd-quarter shortfaJI. WalJ Street exploded with its biggest one-day gain in history Wednesday as the Dow Jone3 industrial average surged 43.41 'J)Oints to 1,065.49, eclipsing the previous peak of 1,051.70 set Jan. 11, 1973. The previous record for a daily advance was 38.81 points last Aug. 17. • • Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange reached 137.01 million shares, the fifth highest on record. ' The Dow Jones industrial Bradley declines to accept def eat LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tom Bradley declines to concede defeat, but state protective service officers are standing guard at George Deukmejian's hou se a nd ca lling h i m "governor" after the closest vote in California history. Both Democrat Bradley. the Los Angeles mayor, and Deu.kmejian , th e stat e's Republican attorney. general. awaited assurances that their almost identical vQte tallies Tuesday were correct. "We shall look at the figures as quickly as possible to detennine whether there is any basis for asking for a recount," Bradley said Wednesday. But Bradley campaign con s ultant Hank Morris said: ''There is a clear feeling among Tom and his staff not to prolong this thing just for the sake of prolonging it.'' · With 100 percent of the vote counted. Deukrnejian had 3,773,· 713 and Bradley 3,721,418, a gap of a mere 52,295 votes cast and less than one percentage point difference between them. When the olficiaJ vote canvass, which could take up to 28 days, is complete. ~adley could ask for a recount and choose the specific precincts covered. If the recount changed the outcome o f the election, Deukmejian could then ask for another recount of different precincts. State election officials sent mailgrams to all 58 counties Wednesda y, alerting local officials to the possibility of a r ecount and urging the m to protect ballots from tampering or destruction. The n ews of a Deukmejian victory sunk in slowly at his L o ng Beac h h o m e . Two plainclothes officers from the s tate protective service parked outside Wednesday to guard the apparent governor-elect and his family. "I guess w e can call h im governor now. Congratulations," o n e o f them 1.old Gloria Deukmejian, the candidate's wife. Deuk.mejian, 54, held no news conference Wednesday, working most of the day with aides, apparently planning for his administration. -But he did say, outside his home, that pollster projections that Bradley wouJd (See RECOUNT, Page A%) . average gained anoth er 2.02 points 1.067.51 after 21/t hours of trading today. but overall three stocks rose for each two falling on th(' NYSE. Analysts said the gains, which began in mid-August and pushed the Dow Jones industrial pverage up 290 points, were an extension of that late summer rally rather tha n a reaction to Tuesday's elections where the Democrats gained .about two doren House seats while the Republl,cans maintained their majority in the &-nate. The market has lx-en buoyed by investors' behcf that interest rates will keep Calling, and that the Fed e ral Reserve will encourage a further drop in rates now that the elections are over. Some executi\les and private economists said Wednesday that President Reagan probably won't have to shift h is economic plan drastically , but that the electorate seemed to be saying the plan needed adjustme nts to fight high unemployment and the rt.'CeSSion. The talk in Washington is of Ro n Packard samples a "Crean cookie" from wife Jean. D .owntowii devastation By JODI CADENHEAD or .. ...,.,_.,. The familiar Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavon ice creem parlor at the comer of 19th Street and Harbor Boulevard ln C.O.ta Meu ls goAe. All that is left of Dr. SOng's dentistry office la a sign. • Judrng from the •peed and roar o the heavy bulldours, the mustard-colored Antigues of the World and Fine Furniture A7 B3-6 B2 Dl,04-8 D2 A3·6 D2 D3 A8 Be 82 • building is not long for this world. Then. there will be nothing left of the 25-year-old Costa Mesa Plaza Shopping Cent.er. When it opened In July. 1957, the 10-acre commercial center was a vista of modem shops In the heart of the <.'Hy's downtown. But over the years the strip of stores and offices feJl victim to time, An11 Lailders W Movies B6 Mutual funds B4 NaUonal New1 A3 Oranae County A4 Public Notk8 .84,B8,C4-5.C7.D3-4 Sporta Cl-6 Stock Marketa 86 T~ 87 ,,......... Be W•lhlr A2 dete rioration and waning popularity. By the time the city had started planning the n ew, Neighborhood Community Center and fire station around the l'Orncr In the late 1970s, the aging center had loet much or Its early glamor. rfhc city's Redevelopment Agency moved In to buy up the run-down center. and ln April. 1980, •1reed to grant Pacific Federal Savln11 & Loan A11odaUon first bargaining riahta on ~ property. Pacific Federal recently completed a lav1ah t 17 million Spanlah atylc-oftlce complex neerby and produced drawl"" that depicted the ume MedlterranHn motif lor the ~·l pn>ptrty. Ahhouah the dty hil alnedy purchaled all ol lhe proplrty apMI Nlcalild lhe fonMr ........ , • Cllil~,, ... AI, <.'Ompromise but the outlook is ror confrontation as Re agan and H ouse Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill Jr. lead partisan analyses of a midte rm election that oHer a m ix of triumph and loss for Re publicans and D e mocrats alike. .. W e wllJ ex tend to him (Reagan) 'th e hand o f cooperation," the Democratic speaker said Wednesday. Al (he other e nd o f Pennsy lvania Ave nue.' the · president pledged in the White House Rose Garden to work with Congr~ "irr a bipartisan fashion to solve the major problems that sli 11 have to be !l<>l ved." But there Is every likelihood the partisan differences of the pa.st two years over how to deal with those proble ms will continue in the 98th Congres~ that takes offic.'e in January with a m~l'kedly more De~ocratic H o use b~ with a 5 4 -46 ·Re publican majority in the Senate holding steady. In Tuesday's elections. the Democrats won 265 seats. -Packard joyful as victory official By JEFF.ADLER Of"' .... Delly Hot ..... . Write -in ~andidate Ron Packard was breathing a lot easier today upon learning he indeed had accomplished the near-impossible · -winning the 43rd Congressional District race on a write-in basis. On the strength of about 22.- 000 write-in votes tabulated Wednesday by San Diego County e lection officials. Pac kard catapulted from third to first place to win the three-way contest. Final but unofficial re turns from both Orange and San Diego counties showe d Packard, a Republican, the winner with 36.6 percent of the vote. Second-place finisher was Democrat Roy "Pat" Archer with 32.2 ~rcent while Republican nominee Johnnie Crean trailed with 31.1 percent in the heavily Republica n district. Final. though as of yet uncertified raw vote tota ls shaped up this way: Packard, 65,449 -Archer, 57,408 -Crean, 55,511 Packard's unlikely victory is only the fourth time In congressional annals in which a write-in candidate has succeeded in prevatling in a write -in campaign. "It's b een a remarkable e ffort." Packard said Crom his Carlsbad home . "I wasn't s urprised by the results though, we worked hard and we knew the vote was there." The 5 1-yea r -old former Carlsbad mayor said he was "particularly" pleased by the margin of victory , calling it a decisive win that clearly showed he had a "mandate from the people." Packard also acknowledged rca?iving a telegram from Crean late Wednesday in which the 33-year -old trave l-trailer manufacturer offered his congratulations and urged the congressman-elect to "stay the course" with President Reagan's economic programs. The race in the 43rd district, which takes In much of north San Diego County and portions of south Orange County, was an acdmonious affair and probably the most expensive congressional campaign In the nation. The cost o f the bitterl y (See PACKARD, P•ge A%) * Orang Coatt OAILV PILOT l:thur1d1v. November •. 1982 Water pipes 'out' ashesths tests Water plJ>C.'!i in Nl•wpurt &•1.K·h _.tentatively huvl• bl<t•1\ rult-d oul ~u the tourw of ns~\OI fl bent t l<!9\8 rcVt'al art> showing up n varying amount!! 111 l'lty rinking water Test.s taken ut scvcrul poant.s In e city traet.'<1 th(• asbe11tos lo the ctropolitun Wutt•r District, h I c h p r o v I ~ l' K w u t l ' r t v ewport Beach. Joe Devlin. tht• city's utility ire<:tor. said results or ll'sts u1 .other points in the city should be known within a wt.'Ok. · The tests Wl•re ordered by the city council after a Corona dcl Mar resident cxprt'SS<.'<.I <:onccrn that the city's own water pi pes ere con tamin ating d rinking ater. • Water p1pt:s in tht• d ty. as in ost cities and <:ountws in the tate, are made of t'Oncrcle and bestDS. I ronically, Dev/in said t h e ighest asbestos reading in t he . city was on Balboa Island in an area where cast iron p1pt.'S arc used. The tests. t·cmduct.t>d by James . Montgome r y Consulting gineers of Pasadena, showed h ere we r e 140,000 asbest os fib ers per later in the MWD This rtgurl• l'om part•11 to un l•orlle r tt>ia t 1n Ne wport Bt·ud l that ~vealt>d U60.000 fllx'~ l)('r lltel'. An MWP spokt'!m'lnn amd the h igtwst 1't•tu.lln~ t.'Vl'I tokt•n wus two y<>nrs ugo in tht> 8un Joaquin Valley wht•rc• 15 bilhon fibers per liter wcrl• Counc.J . Ex(>(:rls dlsugrl't' on w)wth1·1· ingesting tfsbest.os Is hui•tnflU. Dt•vlin said ht• has l}('1m told that tht' asbestos an tlw MWO wa ter Is com ing • from nnturul sources, from rock Cormutions tha t contain asbt.'slos. Ron Kennedy. the Corona dl•I Mar reside n t w ho raist•u t ht• q uestioh abo ut tht• city water pipes, said he is SUSPICIOUS of the tests and cannot understand why there is such a maJOr d icterencc between the late\t readings and the early test result. "It's no\ like it's been two years between tests, it's jus t been a c.'Ouple of weeks. How do they explain that?" Kennedy asked. Devlin, saying it is not unusua l for test results on asbestos fibers to vary greatly, said he Is not con cerne d about the ra nge be!ween the separate tests. An MWD s po k esman said asbestos readings normally rongt• from a low of 50,000 to a high 2 million fibers per liter. DOWNTOWN 'GONE'. • • cost o f $58 m illion. P acific Fed er al and the city recen tly ·"':•t erminated thelr agreement 11 ·! Maril y n Whisen a nd. city ll1 redevelopment directpr. said the ;.•,termination does not mean that ~;11Pacific Fede ral is no longer .alconsidered a possjble developer . '{Jfor the site. h ''They're still very interested t !rin the sit e," sh e said. "Ou r -)rt discussions with other develo(>(:rs are meant to provide a n objective view." She said both the c.·ity and RECOUNT·. • • win did have him worried. "I was really dlsc;'Ouraged.'' he said. "I thought it was all over." -Deukmejian had sold h_l(nself to voters as a tough crime-fl'ghter who would keep a ught rein on t h e state b udget. Bra dley. a former police lieute nant. also Stressed an anti-crime stance but 'Was candid in saying he might 'consid e r inc reased taxes for --~ .... ·ed~ . • Pacific Federal agreed to scrap their agreement so the city can complete a comprehensive view of the city's entire downtown area. A group of planners fro11 the Urba n L and Ins titute P a n e l Advisor y service w ill arrive in Costa Mesa in J anuary to study traffic conditions, developmen t )X>tential a nd urban designs for the e ntire 200 acres. S ince completion of Pacific Federal's s prawling complex a t 19th a nd Ne wport Boulevard. several other d evelopers have expressed an in tl!'r est in pu r c h asi n g \h e n ea r by commercial strip center a t 19th and Harbor. Whisenand said . "I'd pe rson ally lik e to see some thing tha t compliments Pacific Federars butldmg. "I feel some component of the project w ill be retail, how m uch remains to be seen." Following comple tion of the Urban Land Institute study in Februa ry. the red~velopmen t agency will study the commercial center and begin looking for a developer. she sajd. John Uull(•r Buller gets Coastline presidency By PlllL SNEIDERMAN Of the Dally Pilot llatt J ohn Buller. 54 , has been named the new pr esid ent o ( Coastline Community College. the Fountain Valley-based school that lacks a formal campus but offt'rs c lasses a t numer ous locat ions throughout the Coast Community College District. Buller assumed the presidency on an interim basis July l . when Coastline's founding eresident, Bernard J. L us kin , w as appointed to the preside ncy of s is t e r sch ool O r a n ge Coast College. Buller WilS given permanen t status as Coastline's president durif\g Wedn esd ay night's meeting of the Coast Community College D' trict board of trustees. "Thi r eall y ca m e as a surpnse," Buller said today. Buller had been appointed to the interim post for a period not to exceed one year. The trustees. who drew some criticism for the manner in w hic h L uskin was appointed to the Orange Coast College preside ncy, ha d not a nnounced plans for an early appoin tment to the Coastline ..post. Prior to h is appointment as inte rim president, Buller served as Coastline's dean of admissions -;md guidance since the college opened in 1976. During 24 years wi th the college d is trict. t h e Costa Mesa resident has he ld a variety of administrative posts. Buller said today his primary con cerns are coping with the fin an cial diffic ulties facing California's community colleges. Coastline in pa rtic ular was fot'Ced to rut a significan t number of classes earlier this year w hen a sta t e• "h i t list" e liminated ru nding for certain types of c.'Ommumty ('Ollege classes. COoling Friday .\ Coastal Fair througll Friday but IOtn4I llfOll clOudineu et limn Patehy fog or low c;louds along c;oaat early Friday mornlna Loc:al gusty eut 10 northaaSt wfnd1 malnly In Illa mountain• today Cooler c;outal sec:tiona Friday · U.S. summary \ Wln(l1 111at c;aused alarm lor llref1g11ter1 ballhng a 30-ac;re bllie I n Tolega Canyon Wednesday nighl at the no<thern end ol tile Camp Pendle1on Marina base In Or1nge County -• e11pec;tecl to react\ speeds lrom 16 to 20 mph In c;oastal an<l Intermediate valleys. ac;c;ordlng to Iha National Weather ServlC:e Tha blaze was c;ontrolle<I by 12 45 am today and lhera wes. no atruc:ture damage or injuries. aald a Camp Pendleton l ire dllC)lllc:he< wt>o would not identify harMll WN llWlr .-VlC41 Spec;l8l!SI Bob Webatar n1d • high-pressure ayatem over Utah and Nevada torced air tl'lrough mounlaln p-into Southern Cahfornoa. c;ausing Iha Santa Ana w\nds Fronts c ~.1 ~ w .11111 _.., c "7' eniperatures Fairbanks 18 10 R1<:hmon<I 82 ~ NATION Fargo 33 26 Sall Lake 51 Albany 74 61 Flagstaff 49 26 San Antonio 68 54 S3 23 Great Faus 43 20 Sutt la 57 45 Albuque<Que Harllord 73 67 Shreveport 59 55 Amar mo S3 26 An<:horage 24 21 Helena 38 19 SIOUJI Falla 31 28 Asllav111e 64 54 Honolulu 80 70 SI LOUii 47 41 Atlanta 73 &4 Houston 81 611 St Pelt-Tampa 84 70 Allantk: Cily 67 59 Jacicson, Miu 64 58 St Sia Marie 419 41 Austin 58 53 Jac:ktonvllle 8t 88 SpOlc1na 47 31 Baltimore 74 58 Juneau 43 40 Syracu1• 74 59 8llll11g• 39 24 Kansas City 43 30 Topeka 48' 32 Birmlngllam 65 57 Lat Vegat 88 37 Tuc;son 70 47 Blsmarc;k 30 25 Llllle Rook 55 48 TulH 53 39 8olM S4 27 LOCJllYilla 67 55 W1ahlng1on 79 60 Boat on 73 53 Lubboek 53 30 Wk:hila 50 28 81'owntvllla 68 58 Mafl\Phll 56 51 IMlalo 70 52 Miami 82 78 CANAD~ IMllngton 7.t 49 M•hwaull• 45 38 c.igary 38 29 C.111« 40 17 Mpls-St Paul 35 3 1 Edmon Ion 34 29· Chwteaton. S C. 76 83 N9w Orlunt ee 81 MonlrNI 58 53 Charlealon, W V 70 58 New VOfk 74' ., Ollawa 60 •8 Charlotta.N C 77 56 Norlolli 8'i eo Regina 23 04 Cheyenne 38 2t North Plana 39 t15 TOfOlllO 58 •8 Cnlcago 44 88 , Otlllahoma City 5" 30 Vanc;ou11er 6e 47 57 :l Omaha 38 28 Winnipeg 31 23 Cindnnall 95 99 ClaYaland 55 Orlando Columbia, S C 78 54 Phlladalpllla 71 157 COlumbu• 56 5 1 Phoanllt 77 54 Extended Oelln-FI WOfth sa •19 PtU-:::J.h 83 155 Oeyton S4 "8 Port • Ma 51 .. Oetl1191' 40 21 Portland, Ort 69 "' wealher Dea Molnet 40 33 Pr()'lldenc;.a .. 53 Oelroot 55 50 :t'cny . 80 at Dulutll 31 2t 31 2 I Set1HOay-Mondey fw *11Cept 51 25,.nltl'll end morning log ano low El Paao 67 38 Nno dOllCll In coeMll era• ~ M t., 10 8IOlll the c:oea1 anc1 7 eo ea . lfllelld Lowa 111 ""* 40. end SOI MGwltllll NeOn lllgha Jn IOI ·1111 llPIRT 1nC1 1ow1 n 1o u. Markets fac~ng strike By JOt:L C. DON Ot llla 0111~ , .... ll•tt S u u 1 h l' r 11 l ' u I I f o 1 n I u K\IJ)(•rmorktiUI Ifft' lwudnK fol II pc.111t0bll• "trikt.• Munduy lhut w lll lt•ovt• 11to1t·• wllhou t butl·ht•r11, Wiii t•hOUI'(> ond nrl lt•1• WCll kt•l f> un1.J tru<.·k <lr1v1•1'tc to <h•llVl'I' good11. Sc•vL•rul wt•L•kH UE(O, grm·Ny s t orl' c hul·n11 bc•gon plu<.•1r1~ a dvllrtli;t.•nwnt11 in m •wspupt.·1·11 and poslt'l'S in murkl'l window~ culllt1~ tor temporury hl'lp In cnsv cniploy< .. •s d !ddt• S um.luy tu turn do"'" o nPw t hwt•-yt•ur c1or\l1'u<:t offt•r. 'rht· 11trlke Is lX>lng thn•uwrwd by two unlon.'i bargaining for an imf"rovt.•d mom•y pal·kogc• th:1t includl'8 wogl's, pe ns ions, cost- o f -l ivi n g 1n<·rl!osl.'s a n d matnlt!nonc..'C of lx.•nc•fl1$. Spt-c1fk terms of thc> contract negotiations were sull undecided b y la te Wc<lnL'Sduy a fternoon. ac."COrdlng w a spokt.>sma n with the federal · medlaiion team trying to avert a strike. Surgery ove r U. . e n Ba rry Goldwa te r. some time reside nt of ewpor t Beach' Ba I boa Bay Club. unde rwe nt a succe ful triple-bypas heart ope ration today in Phoe nix. urgeon a id they fo und Hno urpri e " in ope ra ting o n the 7 3-year-old Arizona Re publican . Thl• Tramr;tc•r11 u nlt>n rup n •11c•nt11 wnr1·huu1w uruJ uH H'l' wm kt•ra 011 Wl·ll u \)w dr1v1•r1 Thuu"h lht•lt c·on trat.·t •t'XJ)irt"<I 8tf?t ~. \h(• work1•r11 agn ·l'd to w•lt until tht' buk•ht•ni' ronlnwt wu11 1wt lO cmd Sund.1y Mt•nl <.'Ut wrs und J>L•t•ko~l·r11 art'-und<'r o division of thl1 Unit1.J 1''ood und C:omml·rdal Wurk1•1 i. union "If tht• butt'lwri. i.trik1•, ttw T c•onHclf•r11 wi ll 01J11t•r v1• llH• Ii ~ l'I k l ' , " IHI I d B-o h V ti i 8 h l , I\ p 11 k t•llm11 n fo r t ht• 1'' o o d h:m ployl•n; Cuundl, tlw 1nduKt1•y 1r;1dt• group nogouuung with th<' unwns "Wt• huvl· lx•t•n l'tll't•ting <•v<'r y duy t his wt•c•k i n un nttl'mpt to work out n prop1~I. Tht• nwml>ershlp will vott• 1111 Surldny." In tlH• t'Vl'nt 11 £ a strtkl'. orflcials at several grocl'ry choms said no shortages or disruption of serv ices a r e a n t1cipat<'d Consumc.>rs may find. howevl'n, specialty CU\S of m<-'ul m short supply, spol<esmen said. "Wu t'>U~'l to haw· u normul duy to duy OJ)(•rullor)," tcmd (il'nl• Brnw n , apokt·11rrnrn for HDlphK lf\Ul kt\11 "Thl• Tc•um11tt•rt1 and butcht-n an• •till In n1•1(11tlt1t11111 K," ..uld T1·u111"t~1 11 i.puk1•111mrn Gt-ruld &•ott Ht• Ill.lid hl• c:ouldn't pn-dlct If tlw two union• would approvt• tlH• n c•w thn •l··yt•t1r contr;ict pfft•rH "Tht• pruj.(110. UJ h <>rt> Is that w-t·'l l uvoiil tlw str ike," H id Es tht•t' Krunwr. of tlw Orange County -but.•d A I p h a Be t a m 1rkt•\i;. "But until you get down lo th•· £111al mt'<huuon you rl•ally ucm'l know." HNuil clt•rlo> url' not jnvolvt.-d in tl1 l• t'Ontract negotiations, she J)t)l1·d Voi g ht said Nor the rn Callformo groc-cl'y workers also arl' trying to hamm('r out new contrac:ts, though a decision wJ str1kl.' m Southl·rn California will nut be based on thosl' labor d u1c:uss1ons ~~~~~~J~, e~~~~~,~~~h:bl~.,;~g of $:i m i ll ion whe n t he fina l most of the 18 Repu~lica!"s who c:;impaign at•countings arl• filed sought -l~e-party nomination. wit h the F e d e r a l E l ecti ~n Cn o:rn an~ RepubJlcan Party Commissipn. o ff idals in b o th counties Also. C r ean 's campaig n expn•sst•d fear tha t w~.at ha~ expenditure cou ld proVl' Lo bt' bt•c..•n <-·ons 1dor ed a safe the mos t of a n v ca n d 1 dale Rc•publil'an scat would go over lO sceking a seat in the U.S . Houi.l' t hl• Democra ts. as. the t w o or ReprcscntaliV<'S this yeur. RC'publicans would spilt the ':'ote . .p . ·k·rd a conserve1 t ivc I n severa l cam p a ign Rep~~lic~n ~nd a ~en list. dt>eided ~~ar~n~~~ .~:Pa~bl~~!~r;~;~ to wage the uphtll battle as .a ac a~. s write-in candi~a~c following h1s HoErf:.. ff1 cials in b oth sec.-ond -place fan1sh to Crean in cc:uon o . h • GOP · b 92 vott.>S counties said there stJll arc about t c pnmary Y 2.000 absentee · ballots to count Call ing Crean 's campaign from Tuesday, but those baUots c o n d u c t a n d l a c l 1 c s will not change the ou trome of "unconscionable." P ack urd the rac..'C an tht· 43rd district or in annoum·c>d he ~"'.owld run a!> a anb" other rare. officials said. Fluor Corporatio n's con lructio n c hief Huntington's Curry die~; services Friday l Funeral services will be held F,riday for Huntington Beach resident Frank L. 'Pete" Curry. superintenden t o( construction for the F luor Corporation. Cu rry, 45, d ied Wednesday night of a heart attack a t Pacifica Hospital in Huntington Beach . He organized the Hunungtora Beach w restling dub S{!Vcral years ago at &Ii.son High School and team members competed an tournaments th roughout the rountrv ~ H<· also was an avid golfer and a membc.•r o ( the Cosla Mesa Mcn·s Club. He is surv ived by his wife Dolort--s: sons Frank, S teven and Jason . of Huntington Beach, and daught ers Judy P erry. o f Fountain Valley a nd Rebecca 'urrv. of Hunli~Jtton Beach. The fa mil y s uggests contributaons be made to. the Wintersburg Guidance Ce-nter for the severely ha ndicapped in Huntlnf(ton Beach. Services are sch eduled a t i p.m. Friday at the cha pel of Picrc·c Broth en S m i ths ' 'Mor tuary. 627 Main S t. Fluor co-£ ounder, 85, dead F red C. Fluor, one or the thrc.>e sons who helped his father found the Irvine-based interna tion al e ngineering a nd con s truc tion firm. Fluor Corp .. died Tuesday. He was 85. T he Fluor family started the co n s truc t ion compa n y i n Oshkosh, Wis .• where Fred Fluor was born. In 1912, the company was moved to Sa nta Ana and Fred. fond of the ou tdoors. was placed In charge of a ll field construction. He retired from the firm in 1948 and devoted part of his time to philanthropic efforts via tht.• Fred Fluor Foundation. A Santa Ana resident all his hfe, Fred Fluor contributed to Goodwill Industries, the Salvation Army and the Bovs Club of Sant.a Ana. In the late 1960s, Fred Fluor and his wife, Dea. helped build the Bear Valley Community Hospital in Big Bear Lake, where the t.'Ouple owned a home. He also was a me mber of the Santa Ana El ks Lod~e for 64 years. He is s urvived by his wido\V: brother -in-law. Mathe w Wallace of Mission V ieJO; sister-in-law, Leona Hills of Big Bear Lake. nephews J . Robert Fluor, John S imon Fluor and William J . Wallace, all of Orange County and a niece and a cousin. Funeral services are scheduled for 1 p.m. Friday at Fairhaven MPmorial Park in Santa Ana . The fami ly has requested donations be made to St. Joseph Hospital in Orange. Aegl1ter tor ,,.. Drewing-iEAEnDIPtTY Contemllarery ,......_ NEWPORT BIACH .. .._ .......... .... .,.. . ....... ,...,., WORLD Spain military chief murdered in Madrid MADRID (AP) M1.1J Gen Victor Lugo Holllan, commander of l hl' army's p r emier d i vislon, wus assasslnulod toduy by gunrTwn who r nkod h is offldul cur with submuch11w ·gun r1n.• from a mutor,·yclr in u busy Madrid inlt'rsc.'<'llon. Lago Roman, 6:3-ycar old hl'ad of tlw Brurll'h .. · Armor1-cl U1v1s1on, dit•d 1ns1:mtly hnd his sold1l'l'·drivl1r suffon•d mmor wounds, pol1l'l' said T h e d r 1 v c r t' a r I 1 e r w a s reported 111 t•rlt1cul t'Ond1tmn No group 1n11rwcl111wly daimro rt':.ponsib1Hty for lhc assus:;lnutlon. T ht' notionul news agency ~t"'E quo tt'd polkc suurc<'S us saying th<' attack had the mu1·kings of ETA-M, military wing of thl' Bu s que sc pu r atisl urganiiatlon, The agcnl'Y quoted the sourt•es as sa,.ving bullet casings found al lht• S<.-enc• uf the attack near Madrid's Arch of Triumph were of the type frequently usc'CI by mcmtx.ors, of ETA .. Pope mourns general . TOLEDO. Spain (AP) Popt• John Paul II offerl·d ,u pr ayer for tht• Spanish general gunned down by assassins in Madrid loduy, and said he hopt'<.I Spain soon "would be.• hbc.•rall'd from thl' painfu l phcnomC'non or terrorism." solve human problems." John Paul was mformcd of the assassination of Maj. Gen Victor Lago Roman while m Guadalupe. 250 miles southwest of Madrid, his first slop of the day. Departing from hi s prepared text during a Mass in this C<'nlral t'ity, John Paul prayed for "the latl'SI victim a n d for a ll thl' victims o f terrorism 1n Spain . Violence 1s not thl' way lO In a service outsidl' thl' Virgin of Guadalupe Churl·h on the fifth day of his 10-day visit to Spain, t he pon tiff painted a bleak picture o f emigrant life for an audicnt'<' consisting largely of women whose children and husbands work abroad. Sailors swimming toward· title Salvador battle ends If your water polo team ha<l just beate n previou.sJy. undefeated Coromt d e l Mar lligh chool lo clinch a CIF playoff be rth, -you'd be cheering too. Deta ils of tbe ewporl Harbor High vi ·tory in ports, Page C l a nd C6. through megaphmws. "Wt•'re going Lo return!" SAN SALVADOH. El Salvado r (AP) Lt•f11 s1 guerrillas w11hdrt•w from the heavilv fort1f1c•d town or Suchit-oto aftl'r a bloody. 13-hour batth.• that l(;'ft al least sevl.'n govl'rnmcnt troops, an l'ldl'rly woman and two children dead. military sourc-es said .. Seven soldiers were killed, 20 were wounded and eight were missing and bellCVl•d captured during th<.• hghtmg that raged in the town streets the guard commander said m a telephone interview. 1'1e asked not to be named. County, Irvine oppose tower plan The national g u ;.1 rtl commander in the town. 27 miles north of the c<1p1tal m cenu•a l El Salvador. said that as the n•bels pulll.'d back Wednesday. t hey s hp utcd Three c1vil1ans -the C'ldcrly woman and two children -wt•rc k illed by crossfire, the commander said, adding that he was unabh.• to calculate rebel casualties. T errorists surrender COLOGNE, West Germany (AP) -N 1n l' Turkis h terrorists who stormed the T urkish ronsulate m a blaze of gunfire and S<'lwd about 75 hos t ages s urrend er<'d peacefully early today after a u thorities promised to let them apply fo r pol 1 t1cal asylum. T h e raiders. apparently radical leftist f<X'S of Turkey's NATION military government. freed about 60 <>£.their captives in stages' during the 16-hour siege. They left the building with their last 13 hostages in tow, leaving their pistols behind. Two of the hostages were slightly injured -one had a head mjury and another was in shock. pohce said. Toothpaste tainted MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - An acid as strong as battery acid was found in three tubes of toothpaste purchased by a M inneapolis woman al a downtown department stor<'. federal investigators say. J im Roberts, chemist of the Food and D r ug Administration, said the acid was found al the top of tubes of Crest toothpaste purchased at a Dayto n 's stor e. He STATE described it as a hght brown substance that , w h e n extruded from th<' tube. gave the toothpaste a striped appearance. L .. The acid was not idenuricd, but Roberts ·said ll .appf'arcd to be about as strong as battery acid. Police did not identify the 56-vear-o ld woma n who bought the toothpaste ' Attack victim dies LOS ANGELES (AP) - Actress Dominique Dunne, the "Poltergeist" star who had been coma tose on life- support systems since she was choked , d1ed Thu r sday, a hospital spokesman said. She was 22. The dark -h aired actress, who made her movie debut In the thrill~ "Poltergeist," had been in cr1ucal condition on a respirator since Saturday night. when she was attacked al her West Hollywood home, allegedly by he r ex - boyfriend. John Sweeriey, 26. entered J his plea in Beverly H iiis Municipal Court Wednesday, four d ays after the a ttack outside Dunne's home. By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the 0•111 Pflol Sten A proposal by a real estate affll1a1e of t h e McDonnel l Douglas Corp. to build a 200-{(jot tall office building near J ohn Wayne Airport appears headed for \rouble on two fronts. Officials in Irvine, w here the builc.ling would be located, and O range County government, which owns airspace righ~ abov.e the 150-foot level over the site, are objecting to the plan. The tower would be the first of sever al pla nned by MDC Realty, a McDonnell Douglas subsidiary which owns the la nd, Lo accompan y MDC's nearby Crocker Bank tower at Campus Dnv.e and MacArthur Boulevard, said Steve Kozak, airport plans and programs oHker. Known as Tower 2, t he office building would be located near the Crocker Ba nk building at Marlin Street and Von Karman Avenue, Kozak said . Ko:ia k said the cou n ty negotiated a 1964 agreem e nt giving 11 airspace rights near the · airport, in clud ing over the proposed Tower 2 site. Other developments.in place or under constr uction inside tha t zone have a dhe r ed l o the 150-foot height limit, Kozak said. The M DC proposal represen ts , the fi rst a ttempt to penetrate the 150-foot limit, he said. Airport officials are concerned about the move, even though the Federal Aviation Administration has found that the tower would · not be a hazard to air traffic. The county fears approval wou ld set a precedent that other developers would try to follow. Numerous buildings over the 150-fool height in the area could "effectively put the airport in a Mesan dies of injuries A Costa Mesa man has d ied from injuries he suffered after being s truck by a motorcycle nearly two weeks ago, according to the Orange County Coroner's office. Alfre d o Castillon, 25, 792 Shalimar Drive, d ied at 4:45 p.m. in Hoag Memorial Hospital. He was hit by a motorcycle onr.- Oct. 22 near Placentia Avenue a?d 18th Street In Costa Mesa. We're ·Listening ••• Whal do you like about the Daily Pilot., What don't you hke., Call the number at left and your message will ~ recorded, transcribed and dehvered to the apprppriate editor. Thtr~ame 24·hour answenng service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Ma1lbo" contributors must include tht•ir name and te lephone number for verification No circulation calls. please 642•6086 Tell us what's on )Our mind ~ II Ou a11.- llo<ldev·Fr.a.y If '°" oo "°' "'"• '°"' Pl9., Ill' ''° .. "' ull~7pl!I ;:J:'' copy '"" Dt Se!<KflaY end 8u11~a ~ It =.. t ~ ,;.tc:;•i.f:~ 10' i ... 8"11 fl'# ~ .... .. ...,..., OwletlM '0 ••••• .... ~ C9Unlr MWHI """'-'r::=ltm: . ~ ............ ORANGE COAST Dilly Pilat Thomas P. Hat.y Pub11•h•r nnd Ch,.I f •l<uhvt Otltl'.et Jone Amari hKvt,.e fdttO< L. K.y Schvfta Vt(e ,,_.idefll Giid [).r.c!Ot al AO.tlt••"'O Micha.I P. Hervey O,,e..ror ol MO<ktl"'Q ' c" tlllnl tQlll Kenneth N. Gedd•rd It. 0•8(10r ol Op.;111'°"' CIHetfled """'elnt 11~2-1111 All other....,.""*"' 141-4321 MAIN Of'FICI mw.tt..,M,c••w.. CA. Mell.-.. ... 1•, ( ... M8M CA .... c~ • °'= Clleet ~tlll<ie c......, ... _........ ... .......... , ... ~., .. v4tllMIM!ltt ,..,.Ill Mey M ,..,Mu< ... ....... -...Cle!,.,_. .. CtltffieM ... canyon." s~ud Kozak crl'atmg a narrow strip of airspa<:e through which aircraft would have to fly Kozak said officials al the county-owned airport also fear that such a situa11on, 1f it led to an air disast.er. could leave the cou n ty l iab le s i n t'e i t is rcsponsibll' for safe operation of the airport. own problem!> w11h thl' proposul l:x.><.·ausc lhe city's zoning for th<' area also limi ts building hc1ghL'> lo 150 feet. has approved a prchmmary site plan for the tower, but Sheldon stress<.'<.I tha t a final s1u• plan will not' be approved unless 1t meets the 150-(oot zoning requirement. Though zoning variances an• 'possible. ~am Sheldon, a senior city planner, said one ~ould be unlikely in the case of Tower 2 because there is no compelling reason fo r one. Kozak said airport officials, because of concerns over safety, legal liability and the setting of precedent, are urging county supervisors to adhere to the 150-foot height lim it. Irvine oCficials a rc having their Irvine's Planning Commis.5ion C.ounty to hike Orange County government's building and safety code mspecuon recs w1U increase Dec. I. New residential and non-residential insMCtion fees will be based on the valuation of the pr operty being inspected. General plan amendment fees will switch from set rates based on the size of a parcel to hourly charges. Coun ty supervisors approved the fee changes last month. Anyonl' ne~dtng further information io process future apphcalions should all 834-2615 for building permit mformation, 834-2626 for plan check Information or 834-5:380 for General P lan Amendment mformalion. • • The Industrial League of Orange County. a business group represenung Qbout 650 local firms, has added its voice lo those urging ('OUnty supervisors to improve John Wayne Airport. Taking a cue from the Community Airport Council, another business-backed group, the league is ctrculating petitions calling on the ~rvisors to act quit:kly on the improvements. A resolution w hich launched the drive. adopted a t a league meeting in October. said Improvements should include additional parking. more terrmnal space. ue-down spaces for general aviation aircraft. runway improvements and traffic improvements on surrounding streets. T he resolution also called for continuing efforts to reduce noise levels near the airport. Ralph Clock. cha1nnan of the league's Air Transportation Task For<.-e. said the goal of thl' drive Is to make supervisors realize that "a great building fees COUNTY lllilST number of prople In the county want to see improvcmcnL~ al the airport • • • In another airport-related devclopment, Air Irvine. a commuter earner, has announced servll-e from John Wayne Airport to Mammoth Lakes starting Nov. 24 .. The airline will offer one round-trip to the ski area daily. leaving Orange County al 9:30 a.m. and departing Mammoth ut noon weekdays, 9 a.m. and -1:30 p.m . respect ively Saturdays and Sundays at 12:30 and 4 p.m., respectively. The fare will be $76 each way * • • Huntington Beach City Councilwoman Ruth F inley has lx'l'n elec·tcd second vice president oC the Orange County League ot t:1t1cs. • Finley was installed along with new leagu~ President Jim J arrell, who is Mayor of Buen:J Park. and Vice President John Cannon, a mayot of Garden Grove. • Outgoing President Marvin Adler. Fountain Valley's cou ncilman. was lauded by league members for his service to the group during the past year. ~ The league acts to preserve the interests oC the county's 26 c1t1es, at ll mc.'S clashing w ith other governing bodies such as the counly"Board of Supervisors in the process. ll1111 l•------~---------~------~~~------------Orange Coett DAILY PILOT/Thurldty, Novembtr 4, 1982 • Safer • crossing outlined A flurry o f accid e nts ut Mountain Road and South Coost Highway -many of the m Involving tipsy pedestrians - has prompted Laguna Beech to seek safety Improvements at the lnte,rsecllon. Counci l m e mbers vbted Tuesday to ask Caltrans oCClclals to Install an overhead illwninated sign reading "Pedestrian X ing," on a trial basis. The request is based on a series of accidents the pasl two years, Including 23 vehicle ac.'Cidents al the inte rsection in 1981 and seven in the first three months of this year, including a pedestrian fatality. Figures show that many of the accide nts were the res ult of rear-end collisions as motoris ts · abruptly braked for pedestrians on South Coast Highway. Callra ns d istrict director . He inz H e ck e r o th , said a ' ' s u b.s t a n l i a 1 n u m b e r o f pedestrian-related accidents (al Mo unta in) a r e ca u sed b y Arts 'n Crafts Gift Sala Holiday previews ot unique holiday glt1s at the Huntington Center mall dally thru Nov. 1•. E.T. Sala And Photos Huntington Center merchants celebrate their 16th Anniversary with special E.T. memor1bH11 sale. Bring the llld~ for an extra-terrestrial visit. Souvenir photos daily thru Sun. (S3.77 donation to Youth Fund). Weekdays 6 to tt 30 and Sat./Sun 12 to • SUGAR MAY NOT SOOW IN Tlt: lltlNE ~: R. Ph. It la the oversupply of .upr In the blood. not in the urine. that constitutes diabetn. Whe n the blood aupr level is high llOme of it. not all, spilb over Into the urtne. The sugar test for unne 11 rood and easy. h can deleet many. but not everybody who h as diabetes Many older penons have elevated blood sugar with no urine wpr. Hu your physician chec ked your blood this year! U you have a fanuly history with diabetes, bl-ti.er -him. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US wile'\ you need 1 d4l.1lvery. We will. deliver p1omptly without db cbarp. A lr"l many PilOPle rely on ua foe thetr health ..-di. We wekome requsta foe dellwry ..-vb and chirp account. -Going Into Bualneaa? Overhead c ro sing sig n sought for Mountain Road .corner . inattention, disregard for traf(ac condllio~ and driving or crossing the intersection while under the influence of alcohol." The crosswalk is heavily used by patrons of several bars at Mountain and at Cress Street, a block north of the intersection. Caltra ns offic ia ls say the inte~lion does not .warrant a It's "., ' traffic signal. citing the existence or a hght at Cress Street. Callrans suggested a sign be mstalloo, ar least temporarily, to determine whether il is effective in a lerti ng rnotoris ls to the cr<>'Swalk Council members directed City Manager Ken Frank lo discuss with Cahrans the cos t of the -~_...,,..r....,, -==-·- ~ overhead sign. In addition. the eouncil approved remov111g one parking space on Coan Highway. They also as~Cd l'olice (.;haef Nell Purcell to pursue lhe possibility oC enlisting volunteers from the two tave rns to act as crossing guards for pedestrians, cspcdally during the late night and early morning hours. From Page A1 of tht• h•uM•hold dlspulc, NwltK'n said tht• firm has always had a poll<'y for working out indlviduul lt•tllK'hold problC(Yl.'1 hut "JX•rhaJ>ll that didn't <.'Omc acr<Jl8 vc.•ry wt"ll In the earlier times." Nlt•lst•n al1<> downplayl.'CI Don 1 Bren's recent h igh vlt lbillty In Orange-C o unt y . Bre n , u homebuilder, ls the lurge11t Irvine Company stockholde r a nd re('ently was na01ed co·chairman of lhc board. Bren, In the days just bt!fore Kremcr's resignation, met wath u number of <.'Ommunity lcadcri. In Irvine. Those he talked with suld Bren asked for the me<"tlngs to find out more about the city a nd what residents want. Nielsen said he did not sec the visits as being unusual and said Bren has always had a strong Interest in Newport Beach and Irvine. Tbm Niel en .Truck blaze halts traffic . -. The 'Santa Ana Freeway near the Or'ange County International Rac""'7ay was closed briefl y late Wednesday after a wheel on a ~asoJlnc tanker truck caught fire. the California Highway Patrol. said . Both directions of the freeway near Irvine were shut down for abou t 20 minutes at 11:55 p.m. •. , • 1 -.. ... •. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Oigntt1 Smoking Is Dangerous to Your H111th. ltS long. It's Slim. It's~ ,. . . 17 mg. "tar", 1.4 mg. nianin111. per Clllflnt bf FTC ......t . f .. • Orunu Cooat OAIL Y PILOT ITtluraday, Nov nbftr 4 1982 A 7 . ·- B e n e ficial ·d e tails By PAT HOROWITZ or'"-o.Mr ..... , tteff DEAR READERS: Some people are eligible for Social Security and don't even know It For cxomple, when a dlvorec!d man dies, his ex-wife can receive survivor's benefits If she's at least 60 years old and the marriage lasted 10 or more years. For retirement beneClt.S, how much you get depends to a large extenl on w hen you elect to retire. You can retire at age 62. but your benefilS will be reduced permanenlly. Sixty-five is the usual age to retire . IC you can continue to work beyond age 65, it could be to your advantage. First. you can earn '.u> lo a •certain annual limit and still draw the same Social Security . check as if you were completely retired. Then, if you earn over the Umit, ·each additional $2 you earn causes a reduction of only $1 in your retirement benefits. What if you make so much in a year that your wages disqualify you for retiremenl checks? You'll ear n the rig ht t o higher retirement benefits when you finally do stop working. Also. when you turn 72 (70 in 1983). your wages have no effect on your Social Security checks. You g1..•l full rctlrcml•nl bcnt•fil8 . Social Security also can provh.11• for your dependent parent• In. the even\ of your death and there ar•e benefill> tor unmarried children under age 18 of workers 1 who s;l?e, r etire o r bc<.·.omc disabled. Social Security also includes Medicare and olht.•r benefit programs. For more information, request a free copy of "Your Social Security" from the Consumer Information Center. Dept. 514K. Pu~blo. Colo. 81009. Boy m ust fjJe DEAR PAT: My son, ate U, made a Jlctlt more tbaa 1,000 tbis year delivering new1papers. Do I bave to report It on my tax return to claim bi1 refund? S.T., Huntington Beach No. Internal Revenue Service says your son is required to file his own relurn to claim any reftand to which h e may be enlitled. Got a problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut rc•d wpe. getting the.• snswe1'S nnd actfon you ne<.'d t o solve' inequities in govC'rnmc.•nt and business. • ·• conlinental orls .. period f urniluro • loys • bronzes • lamps • orlgloss • 0 0 c: ., 0 ;; u Dorothy Emerson & Don Nolan present :I -= 2. C> E 0 < ~ AITIQUIS EXPO -& SALE ., ;:., ,f ;;; ... c: ,. :I ~ n 0 ~ u ~ IN THE COMMERCE 8 UILDING ::ir-"' -'C ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 0 0 11 FAIR DRJVE •COSTA MESA, CA I c: l)Q 0 ., u NOV. 4, 5,'6 & 7, 1982 0 ·-= "O Q.J ::r E 0 < THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY. 1-lO P.M. •SUNDAY, NOON-I P.M. "' Admission $2.75. -With this ud any number -S2.50 each -"' Chr/dron under 12 (rec • Free Park inf( ;· coo .,. ·= "O ·= Use Arlinxron Drive (bad<J Gate JA em ranee Sorurdoy tJfternoon and Sunday ., :;· 0 ;;; Q, . dolls • lif(hlmg fix lures • /ewelry • wolches • collcclables • pain lings ' . BANlf OF AMERICA P .... 'flESENTS A ·TAX BREAN YOU CAN BANlf ON ' 1 FOR A FUU YEAR. When you invest in Bank of Amer-ica's Tax Free Time Deposit, you and your spouse can.earn up to $2000 in~crest, free from federal income tax~ T hat's $166 a month, tax free for a year:"* (Individuals may earn up to $1000 tax free.) DOLLAR £OR DOLLAR, A BETTER INVESTMENT Since tbis income is tax free, a Tax Free Time Deposit may actually give you more dollars after taxes than many investments, including money market accounts. Com- pare for yourself. Just stop by or call any Bank of America branch. We'll show you dollar for dollar how other in\!Cstments stack up ~gainst a Tax Free. Time.Deposit. MORE THAN A TAX BREAK Add value to your investment by using your Tax Free Time Deposit to hcl p you qualify for checking free of monthly charges with our Combined Balance Service!M Ancf '0f.course, with Bilnk of America you can bank on all t1te safety and con- venience of California's leading bank. BANK ON IT NOW ~~~~~~~~ A good inve~tment like this won't last forever. By law, Tax Free Time Deposits can be-opened only through December 31, 1982. So be sure to call or stop by any branch soon. Ask about a Tax Free Time Deposit-the tax break you can b~mk on for a full year. *Tu exempt Lon lost for early wuhdrawal, plu• sub· sunual interest penalty. *Based on couples depositing$ J0,9.36 at rile available on November I . Deposit amount needed to earn $UXXl 1s reduced if you receive interest payments less frequently One year term, $500 minimum deposit. Sun:> )01nt, SIOOCJ md1v1dual hfe11me exclusion from federal income tax on Tax Free Time Dcpostts and all other invcstmcntJ of th•~ type at any financial 1mt11u11on . BANff ON THE LEADER- m BANKOF AMERICA DO· YOU HAVE· A S~bS · sport Haus FAVORITE RECIPE? If you like to cook and have a "favorite" recipe, it could be worth a tr:lp for t wo t o a city of your choice anywhere in the Western Hemisphere (via Western Airlines.) Or you could win one of five S200 gift certificates. It can all happen in the 198 2 Dally Piiot Favorite Recip e Contest, and It could happen to youl Evtn 1f you don't w in a top prizt. your rtc1pe could ~ pubhshc!d rn our "Or•nge Co•st Cook Book" rn the Daily Pilot on Wednesday. Oecem~r 8. 1982 Daily Pilot Special Stcl1ons editor Janrne Fiddelke w rll supervise a panel of fOOd JUdgts who will name lhe ~st recipe 011 the Orange Coast Wlnnirlg reCtpes will be )Udgt'd on c>rigrnahty. ease of preparation. adhertnce to theme. and of course. taste So get cooking Read the rules carefully and send us your recipes as soon as possible • Enwes must ~ postmarked no later than Novtm~r 12 M•ll e ntrl•• t o : D•NJ rtfet '••~It• Recipe C-Ht. P'.O .... 1MO ColtaMna,CA9l6H ·•NtRY CATEGORIES: '. Appetlaers ~-sprt..m. nny 0<p1 Of muncnrts T illlt your p.ck 2. Grains ...... WhM lsyOt.lf l...,Otltlt Wll'f to SUlfl olf a nolNla)I _,, ....... De.ii .. Wh«Mllbt '*'*"9"' or coq lllJYln. tn.~ (lll(ktn ~ Ot rO.tH dUcliflnt, ~,..,,_NI • ,.,,Ofllt lt<!pf '°' tht 11\;ionltfl)I of Int mul 4.Veeet•ltl•• aMIS...... Inc~ VfttUWIMI d•shf1 And don't fOlgpt ttw out-ol•staltlf1 "'"'"•' In <-"" Mid In , .... "°"" 1000 1.KllOn • 1.0. ....... Ltt't Me What you c.tn 00 with chO<Qlllet. 8'fatln. 11u11rr, flow. whlppltd < '•"" atl(S ochtf 1.wor11t 900dlfS ~ lllOH (Moflft •• . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CONTEST RULES: ll\1 aN 1ngrrd1MU on Old.r or ust rot1owtd Dy tlec'll con<11t 011tc11on1 l!nd 1~ num~r ol 1trv1ng1 lltmt>m~r 01191""1ty COUNI Submit yOUI t~d tncry on a l•~ · •ndt• Cc'l•d Put Clllt'gO<y In u~r ,,.,. h;lnd COl~f Onl)' ont miry Pt'' ptnon pt# c•t~y w•• l>f' acceptrd II "?t ln.tn ont tnlly 11 (l'Cffltd fOf Ml)' 11f191t' catt'gc>I)' ". Mlllt'J IOI lh#I C<'lltgoty wr• l)t dr~.il•ht'O JuclOti rtitrvt t~ right to p!O~ly (itlHJOlrlt tntr1l'I ltt<•Pt'I muu Dt complt1t Mid rnl)' no1 Cit th.!ngt'O Mltf wtlmlSMOn ln<Otl'lj)ltlt lf<IJ>t'' W•I "" Ot~olota In tlW t'Vfflt rdl'l'tlCal •K•PU #tllt WC>m>llt'O Cly two Of mort ConlfltlnU tile 11111 lt(flYt'O wrl l)t Int ont <OtUltMll'<I IOt JUOgtng Tht Contf'U 11 optn to "' lt'l~ ol Int Ot;ln9t C~lt tutpt t'fl'lj)IOyttJ M'ld t"Mr ltYWMdlMt IMTMiot's of 0.'"0l' Co.m ~·sn•ng Compry lndltilllf on ltM:h f/t(I~ In t1'/t top ltft h;tnd <Olnltf your Nmt llOO•tn tfkopnc>N, Mid c.ttt'OO'Y tntt•tO us•no wp.trMt 1t1Hu IOI t.Kn •ttlj)e M11~ to • o.wy Prk>I FavOttt• HOlrd.ty lltCljW ConttH:· I' o llO• I 560 Con• Mt'w. CA '26211, °' blll\Q 11 10 llO l1y SI . Cost<11 Mtw All fNTltlE5 MUST IE POSTMAltlCfO NO LATU THAN MIONIC.Hl, NOVf'ml>tf 12, 1912 or rt<•-0 .tt llW Prloc olh<t no !Met th1tn ' pm Nov~• 11 ''92 7 ll'll•Y of ' ••<•~ ContlltUH'S ••-nt lhlle II • l>C'(Olfln tnt propttty ot mt Diiiy Not, Md IMy IM' pylllltllfd W!l,11 «.llnClwlfclgrlllt:llU fllO tl~I <11c1<1rt1stt or PflOM niimotr wM l>f pul>lllllf>dl 1n tht 0,,lly Pr!Ot trrM1 """'°' -~'' a· EntlltS wrl Of' dttqu41111..0 If tlW)' 1,ttl tn Comjllf #!In • tht <onttu rUlfs NA ,IUdOf1 ft<•l•ons ""' 1""111 All pmrs w• lit -MdfO CONTnT l'NOS NOVEMIU 11 ~ .. . SKI SALE TWO BIG S A T URDAY NOV. 6th A ND SUNDAY NOV. 7th SKIS ··:---? .. ·/AEO. LA CROIX MACH 3 '4 25. HEXCEL 532 HS '260 • HEXCEL HOS I & 11 '325 SPALDING 385 '190 SPALDING 385 '185 DYNAMIC VA 1 7 '293 DYNAMIC EXPERT '275 OYNAFIT 'CABER SANMARCO NORDIC A LANGE \ SKI CLOTHING •BOGNER •FlLA •FULSAP •VE LEDA •FELLER •HCC •COLMAR •ElLESSE • OESCENTE • KITEX · REG . 1275. NOW s4 aas spart 11m ... .. \ THI IRlllE ClllT ' 1 t.U r~SDAV NOVl Miil H I l'HI.' . . ClllT/fllll ITICD i \ OH A NC[ LOUN I 'I < Al If OllNIA ;•, ClNTS Nielsen charts .calmer . . . . . . Irvine . eOinp8nY .. f utrire By STEVE MARBLE Of Ille Dellr ~llot lteff Savoriog th.: final days before t aking control of the image- conscious Irvine Company, Tom Nielsen is just as content to talk about his football days as the public rela.tions ~risis lacing the Newport Beach·"based firm. Nielsen, a Fullerton naUvc and a high school football star ,. is preparing to take over for his longtime friend and mentor Peter Kremer. Kremer. will leave Jan. l . Nielsen said it would not be his place to speculate on what that means, noting only that the announ cem e nt l eft him surprised. But Nielsen is ardently optimistic about the affairs of the -Irvine Company and how the largest landowner in Orange County can go about restqring its damaged public image.·· about the "possibility" of settling the nagging leasehold is'sue outside the courtroom. The dispute be tween the development firm and NewpOrt Beach a'nd Irvine residents leasing land from the trvlne Company is scheduled to. go to court this month. • .Nielsen talked about mending fences with community leaders in the two cities and said the firm will undertake a mission aimed at identiCying what has set off the wave oT antagonism directed at the Irvine Company. "We'll try to find out what the substance of these .concerns is," he said, noting that the Irvine Company often is blamed for problems that it did not create. Nielsen cautione.d that his action plan should not be taken as a sign that the company, under Kre mer, failed to handle the problems.· bt! working with the same management team and with our existing programs." Compan y insiders h ave suggested the true difference between Kremer a nd Nie lsen will be (n the new boss' penchant for face-to-face meetings with· city leaders and comm~hlty groups. · · · · "l've always enjoyed meeting with them and working out problems," Nielsen said. He said he will attempt to continue handling the duties he has had as vice preside nt for long-range planning. . But 'if the Irvine Company is striving to re-package itself as a new and improved product, Nielsen would J\Ot acknowledge it. He was careful to downplay past company decisions that might now be taken as mistakes. Delly Piiot Photo by Rlcfterd KoeNef Tom Nielsen talks about his plans for the Irvine Com·pany as he prepares to assume the presidency. In an interview Wednesday, • the 51 -year-old executive talked ''I really don't have any major changes in mind," he said. "We'll Asked if the Irvine Company came on too hard in the first days (See NIELSEN, Paie ASf Dow average retreats from record-high level NEW YORK (AP) -The Dow Jones ind~~t rials average retreated from its record-high level today as the stock market turned in a mixed performance overall in one of the busiest days ever on Wall Street. "A lot.of fireworks is going-on here," said analyst Eldon Grimm at Birr, Wilson & Co. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks, which soared a record 43.41 points Wednesday, was off 15.27 points to l,050.21 at ·· the c)ose of trading. Wednesday's close of 1,065.49 was an all-time -~ high finish for the best·knCJ wn indicator of stock market activity;- ec:l i psing the 1.051. 70 mark . _reached Jan. 11. 1973. Buying sentiment r emained strong. however, with five stocks rising in price for every three that fell on the New York Stock Exchange. . The NYSE composite index of aJI its listed .common stock rose .26 to 82.31. The American Stock Exchange market value index was up 3.01 to 339.46. Bi.5( Board volume reached 150 million shares to set a record as of Bradley declines to accept def eat LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tom Bradley decli.!les to concede defeat, but s tate protective ser vice officers are s tanding guard at George Deukrnejian's . ·house and calling him "governor" after the closest vote in California history. Both Democrat Bradley, the L os Angeles m ayor, and D e ukmejian, th e state's Republican attorney general, awaited assurances that their almost . identical vote ta IJies Tuesday were correct. "W~ shall look at the figures as quickly as possible to determine whether there is any basis for asking for a recount," Bradley said Wednesday. But Bradley campaign consultant Hank Morris said: "There is a clear feellng among Tom al\d his staff not to prolong this thing just for the sake of prolonging it." · With 100 percent of the vote counted, Deukrnejian had 3,773,-71~ and Bradley 3,721.418, a gap of a mere 52.295 votes cast and less than one percentage point difference between them. recqunt and choose the specific precincts covered. If the recount cnanged The outcome of fhe election, Deukmejian could then ask for a nother r ecount of different precincts. State election officials sent mailgrams to all 58 counties Wednesday, alerting local officials to the possibility of a recount and urging them to protect ballots from tampering or destruction. The news of a Deukmejian victory s unk in slowly at bis Long Beach home . Two plainclothes officers from the st.ate protective service parked outside Wednesday to guard the apparent governor-e lect and his family. "I guess we can call him governor: now. Congratulations," o n e of them told Glo r ia Deukme jian, t he candidate's wife. t h e same time Oct. 7, when -trading for the day reached an all·time high of 147.07 million shar~ . Earlier in the day, trading was proceeding at a record-shattering pace. · Gro wing exi:tectatio ns of further declines in interest rates and lasting relief Crom double· digit inflation raised hopes for an economic recovery and spurred the rally that began in mid- August, Analysts aJso said there was re lief t'hat Tues~ay's elections were out of t,he way. and a belie{ that the FederaT Reserve Board now could move t o reduce intcres~ rates further without being c-rUicized for taking sides \n a politicaJ campaign. The talk in Washington is of compromise but the outlook is for confrontation as Reagan and House Speaker T h omas P . O'Neill Jr. lead partisan analyses of a midterm election that offer a mix of triumph and loss for Re'publicans and Democrats alike. "W e will extend· to him When the official vote canvass, · which could take up t(> 28 days, is complete, ~adJey could ask for a Deukmejian, 54. held no news conference Wednesday, working most of the day with aid es, apparently planning for h is administration .. But he did say, outside his home, that pollster · projections that Bradley would (See RECOUNT, Page A%) Ron Packard samples a "Crean cookie" from· wife Jean. Downtown devastation By JODI CADENHEAD or .... .,.,,.. ..... The familiar Baskin-Robbins 31 P'Jayors Ice cream parlor at the comer of 19th S~t and Hatbor Boulevard in ~ta Me. JI gone; All ~that is left of Dr. Song's dentistry office ii a sign. Judfing· from the speed and roar o the heavy bullcfozers, the muttatd-colored Antiques of the World and Fine Furniture· building is not long for this world. Then, there wlll ,be nothing left of the 25-year-old Cost!! Mesa Plaza ShoppJng Center. When it opened in July, 1957, the 10-acre commercial center was a vista of modem shope'in the heart of the city's downtown. But over the years the strip of stores and offices fell victim to time. B2 86 84 A3 A4 deterioration a nd waning popularity. By the time \he cit y had started planning· the new Neighbo rhood Community Center and fire station around the com er In the late 1970., the aging cent.er had loet ilnuch or its early glamor. The city's Rede elopmen Apncy moved in to buy up the run-down center, and in Aprll, 1980. agreed to grant P acific Federal 'Savlng1 & Loan Asaociat.lon first bargaining rlahts on the property. -Pacific Federal recentl y completed a lavish $ 17 million Spanish style office complex nearby and produced drawlnp that d e pleted the tam• Mediterranean motif for the comm.ref.al property. Ahhouah th. city hM alnilidy pure:~ all of the propen.y end ~led &be ,..,.. -.n11 at a .... DOWHmWN, ~ .... , ·1 . (Reagan) tbe hand of cooperation ," the Democratic speaker said Wednesday. At th e o th er e nd o( Pennsylvani a Avenue, the president pledged in the White House Rose Garden to work with Congress "ln a bipartisan fashio11 to solve the major problems that still have to be solved." But there is every likelihood the partisan difCerences or the past two years over how to deal wit h th ose probl e ms will continue in the 98th Congres~ that takes office in January with a markedly more Democratic House but with a 54-46 Republican majority in the Senate holding steady. In Tuesday's elections, the Democrats won 265 seals and· were leading in the two races that remain undecided. The Republicans won 165 seats, and Republican Ron Packard, who lost his party's primary, won in California's 43rd District aa a write-in candidate. Two Georgia House seats held by Democrats are likely to stay that way when they are decided in d elayed elections Nov. 30. Packard joyful as victory . official By JEFF. ADtER Of lhe Deity Piiot lfen Wr-He-in candidate Ron Packard was breathing a lot easier today upon learnint he Indeed had accomplished the near-impossible -winning !be 43rd Congressional District race on a write-in basis. On the strength of about 22,- 000 write-in votes tabulated Wednesday by San Diego County election officials , Packard catapulted from third to first place to win the three-way contest. Final but unofficial returns from both Orange and San Diego counties showed Packard, a Republican, the winner with 36.6 percent of the vote. Second-place finisher was Democrat Roy "Pat" Archer with 32.2 percent while Republican nominee Johnnie Crean trailed with 31.l percent in the heavily R e publican district. Final. though as of yet uncertified raw vote totals shaped up this way; -Packard, 65,449 -Archer, 57,408 -Crean', 55,51 1 Packard's unlikely victory is on l y the fourth time in congressional annals in which a write-in candidate has succeeded in prevailing in a write-in campaign. "It's been a remarkable effort," Packard said from his Carlsbad home. "l wasn't surprised by the results though, we worked hard and we knew the vote was there." The 51-year-old forme r Carlsbad mayor said h e was ''particularly'' pleased by the margin oC victory, calling it a decisive win that clearly showed he had a "mandate from the people." Packard also acknowledged receiving a telegram from Crean late Wednesday in which the 33-year-old travel-trailer manufacturer offered his congratulations and urged the congressman-elect to "stay the course" with President Reagan's economic programs. The race in the 43rd district. which takes in much of north San Diego County and portions of south Orange County, was an . acrimonious affair and probabty the most expensive congressional campaign in the nation. The cost of the bi tterly (See PACKARD, Page A%) * Water pipes 'out' asbestos tests Wowr plpl':i in Nt>wport &.>ach tentatively hnw Ix-en ruled out ·M the 900~ ol asbcstol tlbel"I ·-that l8ta reveal are showing up n varying amounts In c ity rinking water Tests taken at several j)QinlS In the city tra<.'\.'<i the asbestos to tht• ~etropolhan Water District, which provide~ water to ~ewport Beach. Joe Devlin, the city's utility "director, said results ot tests at other·points in the city should be known within a week. • The tests were ordered by the tity council after• a Corona del Mar res1dent expressed concern . that the city's own water plpc.;s ::were contaminating drinking '"'.'.:~ater. •• Water pipes in the city, as in :.fnosf cities 81)d counties in the '•tale. are made. of concrete and :asbestos~ • ••· Ironically, Devli'n said the highest asbestos reading l'n the city was on Balboa Island in an area where cast iron pipes are used. The tests, conducted by James • .M. Montgomery Consulting gineers of Pasadena. showed .there were 140,000 asbestos r~ fibers per liter in the MWD water. This rlgurf> compurt•• tu un l'urllcr tc>st an Nt·~1>0rt &•ud\ th t l't'V'f'Blcd 960,000 flbt-1"1 JX•r liter. An MWO •pokt'lm'lon said tht.• haghlast rt•tu.Jmg l'Vt•r tukt•n was two yl'ars ogo 111 tht• San Jou4u1n Valley wh,:n.. 15 billion falwni J)('r liter wcrt• found Ex~Ut qisngrec on whl'thcr ingesting asbestos Is hurmtul Devlin said he hus lx•L•n lOlcJ thal the asbestos in th(• MWD water is coming lrom na\ural sources. from rock formutaonis that l'Ontain asb<:stos Ron Kennedy. thl' Corona dl'l Mar resident who raised the question about the c•lly water pipes. said he is susp1c1ous of the tests and cannot understand why there is such a mapr 'Cfifforence between the latest readings and the early te;>t result. "lt's·not like it's been two years.betwe_en tt.>Sts, it's just been a couple of weeks. How do they · exQlain that?" Kennedy asked. ' John Duller Buller gets Coastline presidency Devlin, saying it is not u(lusual for test results on asbestos llbers to vary greatly. said he as not concerned about the range By PHIL SNEIDERMAN be h ts Of the DellJ Pllol llett tween t e separate tes ', . John Buller. 54. has been An M WD. spokesman said -named the new president o f asbestos readings normally rang~ Coastline Community College. from a l<~w of 50,0~0 t.o a high 2 the Fountain Valley-based school million f19ers per later. that Lacks a formal campu~ but off e r s classes a t nume rous locations throughout the Coast Community College District. 1 -r--:--.~ -,.~~' !~'~ ·. l \\.' Continued stories Buller assumed the presidency on an interim basis July l , when Coastline's founding president. Bernard J . Luskin . was appointed to the presidency of sis t er school Orange Coast College. DOWNTOWN 'GONE' ... cost of $58 million. Pacific Federal and the ci t y recently terminated their agreemeni. , Marily n Whisenand , city redevelopment director. said the , termination d<>w not mean that · "Pacific Federal is no longer considered a possible developer . for the site. • I I "They're still very interested '·in the site," she said. ''Our · discussions with other developecs are meant to provide an objective view." She said both the city and ! RECOUNT ... i win did have him worried. I "I was really d iscouraged," he said. "I thought it was all over." ·-Deukmejian had sold himself lO voters as a tough crime-fighter 1 who would keep a tight rein on J the state budget. Bradley. a ' former police lieutenant, also stressed an anti-crime stance but was candid in saying he might consider increased taxes for education. Pacific Federal agreed to scrap their agreement so the city .~an complete a l'Omprehenslve view of the city's entire downtown area. A group of planners from the Urban Land Institute Panel Advisory service will arrive in Costa Mesa in January to s tudy traffic conditions, development potential aqd urban designs for the entire 200 acres. Since completion of Pacific Federal's sprawling complex at 19th and Newport Boulevard. several other developers have expressed an i nterest an p u r c h a s i n g t h e n e a•r b y commercial strip center al 19th and Harbor. Whisenand said. "I'd personally like to sec something that compliments Pacific FederaJ's building. "l feel some component of the project will be retail. how much remains to be seen." Following completion of the Urban Land Institute study in February. the redevelopment agency' wiU study the t'Ommercaal center and began looking for a developer, she said. Buller was given permanent status as Coastline's president during W ednesda y n ight's meeting of the Coast Community College District board of trustees. ''This really came as a surprise," Buller said today. ' Buller had ~n appointed to the interim post for a period not to exceed one year. The trustees. who drew some criticism for the manner an which Luskin was appointed to the Orange Coast College presidency. had not announced plans for an early appointment to the Coastline post. Prior to his appointment as interim president. Buller served as Coastline's dean of admissions apd guidance since the' college o'pencd in 1976. During 24 years with the college district. the Costa Mesa resident has held a variety of administrative posts. Buller said today his primary concerns are coping with the financial difficulties facing California's l'Ommunity colleges. Coastline an particular was forced to c-ut o signifi('ant number of clnsscs earher this year when a s tate "hit last" e liminated fU'nding for certain t ypes of community college classes. Cooling Friday Coasta I Felf lhrough Friday t>ul some high clouOIMSS el limes Pelchy tog or low clouds along co111 urty Fr\dey motntng Local gusly _, to ,_i1>ee11 wfnds melnly on Iha mounleln• today. Cooler coetl•I MChonl Frld•'.11'· \ U.S. sunimary Wtnda that caused elarm tor tlratlghter1 batllong e 30-ecre b leze In Toleg• Canyon Wednesd•Y night el the nOtthem end ol lhe Camp Pendleton Me1lne bue In Or•f198 County -• expected to rNch speed• from IS to 20 mph 111 ooastal end 1ntennec:tM11e valteyl. eccord•no lo lhe Nauonel Wealher Senlice The blllU wu conlrolled by 1:1 45 • m todey end thefl wH. no sttuC1111'8 d'mege 0t lnjur-. HtO • Cemp Pendleton flt• 0191>alcn.t wno would not 1oen11ty herMff weather MfVIC• spectalist Bob Webller Hid • hlgh-preuure system over Utah end Neveda lorced 11r through mountain pUMI 1n10 Southern Celllornla, ceullng lhe Sen1e A11a winds A 1torm Iha! dumped up 10 20 lilches of anow o.,. lhe norlhern Mid-I conllnued lo bullet Iha ., .. Ntly lodey. 1umlng 10 rlrin u ri:t .~~:-.~·.~lllng ecrou ~ enipertttures Mlnn..ole. northern W1~nsln and -1•n upper MlehlgM On Wednaadey. (2) Inches ol snow w•• tacorded •I the Oululh 1111eme1lonel Alrpott end • rnort owner near Ort In notlhees1etn ~ r9P(ltted 20 lnChel. Rein ~· _,, numerous from lh• lower Gresl Lelle• to Aleb1me 1nd O•orgla. whlle ahowera end lhunderatorm• prevtlled over nonne<n Florida. A ~ relnshoWBfl elto lingered over the eou1nern llp of Taxes Rain -.o ... ove1 Maine. vermonl end ._ llOf1'*" Pedtlcl Coast. o... tog ltrailc:Md llOtlg Iha !N6-Mlnllc ooe11t 8"d over perte C14 .... .,.. Virginia end -t•n '°""' C.ollnL ........ c:IMl'lng ectOM Iha ·-•t l"d mlddla MIHIHlppl Y*t Clolldl prweiled ltom Iha •lllwMI to-aa 11r ...... th<e ~ ~-8'11n-• CINr .,_ tM '911 ol Iha WM1 end the ............. . Tflunderelorm• war• lorecu1 tar lettf 1od1y over Iha Florld• ~11 end 11on~ Soulh A_.. eo.et, rain • -• e11,.otect from Georgl• 10 Iha 1owtr Great LekH ind New .,,.._ ...... lt'Of• lllOW waa ~.,... ..-m MtnnelOC8 ---~ MIONll"· .._.,.,ecs rlln .,,_1 lfff• ....... "°"'me northern Aodllee IO .. '*"*" and eentrll PllGlllC Albeny Alt>uquef que Amertlto Anchou1ge AtheYille Ananll Anenltc CllY Au111n Belllmote Biiiings Blfm1ngham Silmarck BolM Botton erownevllle eun11e> Buftlnglon ~on.S.C Cllerteeton. W v. Cherlolle. N.C. Cheyenne CllieegO Cincinnati CleYBland COlumbl•. SC Coklmbu• OaHH·FI WOlln 01y1on OenYBt Oat MOlnU Oelroll Oululh El PMO 1• 6t S3 n S3 241 2• 2t 6' S8 73 6' 67 59 S8 63 1• 56 39 2• 65 57 30 25 5' 21 73 S3 68 58 10 52 7• 49 •O 17 76 63 10 58 71 55 38 21 44 38 57 51 55 41 78 54 56 51 se 49 64 48 40 2t 40 33 55 50 a1 ae 87 31 ThurS<lay No11ember 4 • Low f l'IHI >t ••,ti hrt "• ao t Ftonls C:•~rt .,. W.trtt1 .. Fllrl>enks t6 tO Fargo 33 25 Flag•l•lt •9 26 Gf .. I Fiii• '3 20 Hanford 73 57 Helen• 38 19 Honokllu 60 70 HOU II on 61 58 JllcillOll, MIM ... 6' !>6 Jecktonvtlle 8t 68 June1u 43 •O Ken .. , Ctly 43 30 LH VegH 66 37 llllla Rock 55 •8 Loulsvlrte 57 55 LubbOCk 53 30 MemOhtS 5e 51 . Miami 82 78 =UM 45 38 p1,:s1 Paul 35 3t New Ortean• 66 81 New Yori! 74 63 Norlolll 80 eo Norlh Pl•ll• 39 ~s OklahOITll Clly 5' 30 Omehe 38 28 Oflendo 15 69 Phll1d8'Phll 78 57 Phoenix 77 54 Pllltb~h 83 " Ponti , Me 68 48 POrllttnd, Ore &t 48 Provldenc;e 68 53 =::fc11Y IO 61 ,. 21 ""'° M 211 . Co-' ,. ... ..,. ltllely """' .. ,... .... Mtton. , ........ .,_., ~.,. ~!~ al 1 aA UT r9ftlllld .. om • '" , __.., N.O .. to to In Ker w.M, lllf llPllT ,... ,...,.. ......... -. -=-''r ' .., .. ,.. poor .. t•I .... .. .... .... .. ,., .,... .. ' .... . 1 _,........,.. .. ' poor .. M poot•felr II 1·2 poor.felr .. , . - t 1.02 111'1~ L°"' TIOe 1·41 p lft.: 1we11 . '"' 1f1twt.o v •• Richmond Sall Ulla Sen Anlonlo Seana. Sht-por1 Stoua Fell• St loutt St Pete-Tempe SI Sle M11le SpOllane Syrec:uee Topelll TuclOl1 Tulll WHhlnglon Wlchlle b CANADA Celgety Edmonton Monllffl Ollew• A.gin• TOIOlllO vencouvet Winnipeg Extended weatlJer 82 SI 51 26 S8 64 57 •S 59 55 31 2t 47 " " 10 •9 " 47 31 1• 59 •6 32 70 47 53 39 7g 60 50 28 36 29 34 28 58 53 60 48 23 04 58 46 6e ,7· 3t 23 Selwdey•Monday Flllt e;_. flltlll end m0tnlr\g tog end IOw deudl In COM1el .,_ Hiafle II t" 70 Mono Iha coal end 70 to IO lnl•l!d Lowe '" llPS* 40• Md 50a Moun'81n ~ 111Qf11 In IOI lfld 1owt 11 lo •t Markets f aCi.ng ·strike 8Y JOEL C. DON O(tM Diii, ,i..I llltt f; u u t h ,. r n C o I I f o r 11 I u 11u1w•rmurk1•ti< on• bnwln)( tor· u ~lbll· ~11 lkt• Monthly lhnt will ft•nvt• lfto1·,·11 w 1 thout bu lt0hl'r11. wurdrnui.t• und ofrlc.·t• work1•1" ond truc·k dravl'r11 to <ll-livc•1 good!! S(•Vt•ru 1 w,•c.·ks Uf(O, J{l'CK.'l'ry Htorc• t•huini. bl·~un plac.·an~ lldvcrthwnwntg an rwwspapl·r11 ond postl•111 In markc.•l winduwi. 4.'lllhnl( for tllmJXJru1·y hc.·lp in l'USt' cmploye<.>s dt•ddl' Sunday to turn down o m.•w thr<><•-year l'Unt1·uct ofter. 1'h(• 11trlke is being threaten('(! by two unions bargainjng for an improved money packag(' th:tt includ('S waget., pensions, <.'OS\· o f -llylng increases and malntcmmc.-e of benefits. Spcclfac terms pf the c'Ontract. negotiations were stall undecided by late Wednl'tlduy afternoon, according t.o a spokt'smun with the federal mediation team trying to av.en a strike. Surgery over ll. . en Barry Cold.water, ·ometime r esident of Newport.. Beach' Balboa Bay Club, underwent a ucce f ul triple-bypa s heart operation today in Phoenix. Surgeons aid they found 44no s urprises" in operating on the 73-year-old Arizona Re publican. Ttu' 1'r1.1tn1tlN'11 unlura h •p r1 •1wrH11 worl'hou1w uncl 0 Hkt- workttr11 llM well a11 th<> tlrivt•r1 Th111..1i;ch thc•ir l'ontr114.'I t•><pin·d Ht•pt 5, the w<nkNll ojlrl·L'<i w wult until ttw butchc•ra' l'Ontrtw'l woi. w~t tu t•nd SumJuv M1•ut cutt1·11' rmd pm•kugt>r" 11r1• undt·r u c11vb1on of tht· Unlll'<I ~·ood und Comnwn:wl Wor•ki•ri. u111on "){ 1h1· hutchcrli 11trikt•, tht• Tcomi.tl•rtt wrll 11b111·rvl' the• li trlk<•." suad .l:loh Voit(ht. s po k <' l! m JI n f'o 1· t h c• F' o o d Jo'!mployt•r.,; Council. the andustry trade t(ruup lll'~utwlin~ with the• un1un11 . "Wt' hovl• bt.•l•n ll\l't'Llng c•vcry day th as Wl'l•k In un uut•mpl lo work out u proposal. The.a mc•mbersh1p• wall vott• on Sunday." In tht• <'Vt>nt ul u s trike•, oHlpals at several gnll't•ry.chalns said no shortages or disruption of services are antat:ipntcd . Consumers .may find. huwt•vl•r. specialty cuts of meat in short suppiY.. spokesmen :w1d. "We r>UX'<'l w huv1• u normal duy to duy llJX'l't1tlun," 1111id Ci«n<• Bruwn, HJJUKt•1111non ror HolphH mm kv\ti "Ttw T<'am.stC'r1 and huu:hert arc• Hllll an nl·~ouu11cu111," aaid TNlfl1!tlc.•ri. •J>Okt•11nurn Gl!rald &'OU 11t~~1ld tw couldn't predat<I 1r tht· two unions would i;pprow lht· ttl'W threc·-yt•ur t:Ontract orf ns "Tht• progno:tis h<'re I• tha\ we'll avt>J(I th1· strike," said Eath<'r Kramer. of the O.-ange l'ou11ty-ba11<"d Alpha Beta murkNs. "But until you get down to the fmal nwdiut1on you rcaJJ y · don't know." Retail dt•rlol are not involved m thE.-t'Ontrac·t nl'gotaallons, she not('(J. Voight se1d Northern California grtx.•ery workers also ore lrying lO hammer out new contracts, tho\.lgh o decision to strike in Southern California will nol bt-based on those Jabor (.liscussions. PACKARD RELIEVED • • • From Page A1 t'Ontested seat c'Ould well exceed write-an with the blessing of $3 million when the final most of the J8 Republicans who campaign a"counlings are filed sought the parly nominalion. with the F e d eral Election · Cre.ah and Republican Party Commission. of Cid a 1 s i n both co u n l ies Also, Crean's campaign' expressed t~ar that w~.at ha~ expenditure .could prove to be been considered a safe the most of any candidate Republican seat would go over to seeking a seat in the U.S. Hou!.C the Democrats. as the two of Representativc·s this year. Republicans would split the ':'ote. Pac:kard. a co nservative R<'pubhcan and a dentist. d<'Cided to wage the uphill baul.e as .o write-in candidate followmg has second-place finish to Crean m \he GOP primary by 92 votes. Calling Creon's campaign conduc t and tactic s "uncon scionable." Packard announced he v.::ould run as a ' Fluor Corporation' con lruclion chief In seve ral campa i gn appearances. Crean referred to Packard.as a "Republican Trojan Horse." Election officials in both counties said there still are about 2.000 absentee ballots to count from Tuesday. but those ballots will not change the outcome of the race in the 43rd district or in any other race. officials said. Huntington~s Curry -·dies; services Friday Funeral services will be held Friday for Huntanglon Beach resident Frank L. "Pete" Curry. superintendent of construction for the Fluor Corporation Curry, 45. died Wednesday night of a heart attack at Pac1f1ca Hospital in lwntington Beach. He organized the H\.antingtou Beach wreslling club Sl'veral years ago at Edi.son. Htgb School and team members compNcd m tournaments throughout the country. He al'iO was an avid golfor and a member of the Costu Mesa Mtc>n·s Club. He is survived by his wife 'Dolores; sons Frank. Steven and Jason. of Huntington Beach, and daughters Judy -Perr y. of Fountain Valley and Rebecca .> Currv. of HunHnRton Beach. T h e family suggests contributions be made• to the Wintcrsburg G widance Center for the severely handicapped in Huntington Beach. Services are scheduled ai 7 pm. Friday al the chapel of Pierce Brolhcr's Smiths' 'Mortuary. 627 Main St. . F.luOr co:..f ounder, 85, dead Frc.td C. Fluor. one of the lhrec sons who helped his father found the Irvine-based international engineering and construction firm. Fluor Corp .. died Tuesday. He was 85 The Fluor family started the construction company an Oshkosh. Wis .. where Fred Fluor was born. In 1912, the company was moved to Santa Ana and Fred. fond of the outdoors, was phJced in charge of all held constructlory. He retired from the firm in 1948 a nd devoted part of his tame to philanthropic efforts via the Fred Fluor Foundation. A Santa Ana resident a.II bi~ Hr/. Fred Fluor contributed to Goodwill Industries. the Salvation Army and the Boys Club of Santa Ana. Jn the late 1960s. Fred Ftuor and his wife. Den. helped build the Bear Valley Community Hospital in Big Bear Lake. where the couple owned a home. He also was a member of the Santa Ana Elks Lod~e for 64 The years. He is survivl>d by his widow; brother-in-law, Mathew Wallace of Mission Viejo; sister-In-law, Leona Hills of Big Bear Lake. nephews J . Robert Fluor. John Simon Fluor and William J . Wallace. all of Orange County and a niece and o cousin. · Funeral services are scheduled for 1 p.m. Friday al Fairhaven M.-morial Park in Santa Ana. The family has requested donations· be made t.o St. Joseph -Hospital in Orange. ->:'-------- Aeglater for Fr• Dr•wlng-IEAEnDIPITY ....... ....... • llllrtl •Muell-I TNI l'rldllJ a........,, Nov. 1-1 , ........ ,... • HUGI IWUTn IALll L~F~ar-.. -·aa.ou•••L• , ................ .. ·aa•··• ContempDIW' ,......_ NEWPORT BIACH • w..,.,........,,.. ..... ..,, .. ...!CllPltv CNrte--·· ........ ., ... OFF 15.27 CLOSING 1,050.21 $1.2 million loss hits gene splicer SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO (AP) r-Cc•nenll"Ch Jnc. blutn •d an Un V('n' flow u( lw£>nsing rt'VenUl' (or Its $1 .2 million nt•t Joss in th(' third qwirtcr l•nded &>pt. 30. Tht' pioneering gene-splu.'ang c-ompimy has lost $ l.l milllcm on rev<'nµcs or $21.2 million through the first rnrt>e quarters. "The fluctuation SC'cn this quarter rl'tiultS Crom the timing of revenue for lic:onslng a nd research benchmarks. which arc a\ present our major sourc.~ of lncom<'." said Gencntcch president Robert A. Swanson. Another biotechnology l'Ompany. Berkt•ley-based Cetus Corp .. cited the same reason for a quarterly loss reported Tuesday. Swanson said Gencntech still hopes to break even Cor 1982. The company develo ps and produces recombinant DNA products. SS to get firs t loan WASHINGTON (AP) -Ji'or the first time ever, Social S ecurity's old-age trust fund must borrow money this w eek from another fund in the system to pay for checks going out to retirees. About $1 billion will be borrowed on Friday from the Disability Insurance Trust Fund, another l'omponent o f the Social Security system, said Treasury Secretary Donald T . R<'.!gan. c"t. lh \, .. 1'> ·~ ''• ,., '• 1 •• JI. 1 •• '• 1 • ". 2~. .i. 1 Pel Up )1.) uo ?SO UP 0'4 UP 13 • Up IJ 0 Up 111 Up 12.t UP 12.0 Up 11 O UP 10• Up 10• Up 10 J UP t I Up ti Up ,,) Up •1 UP 91 Up '1 UP t 0 up • o Up II up I.I UP I• Up l.J Up '.J P<I Ott ., • 011 I l Oil • 1 011 • 7 011 • t 011 • , Off •.1 011 )9 Oii s' Oft s. Oii ) ' 011 S• 011 ). 011 s .• 011 S.• Ott H OH U Oft ) ' 011 SI ()ii S I Off 4. Off •• Oft 4. Ofl 4 9 0 11 •• MElALS NEW YORK (API me11J PfQt tociay $pol nonletr 0 .. 1 Copper n•.-7$ cents a oo~no. u S oeson111on1 LeMI 22-26 cen15 a !)(Xln<I Zinc •0·•2 cents a !)(Xlncl. cleltVere<I Tin S6 2325 Metalt Wffll comoosil• ID Alu11111Mim 76 cents • poun<I NY ... r~llty $360 00 per 11861< "•tlnunt $3S7 00·$365 00 1roy Oii~• NV GOLD QUOTATIONS llf Tiie AMOCi.ted Prm ~led WOf1<I gOlcl PfOC.W toelay London mo<nlng """f, SA26 00. oll S 1 50 , 2 L; 5 ndort aflernoon ••1ng $424 75 ott p., .. elle<noon li<ong SA24 09 otf $7 05 f'.reftlltun ''"'no S424 94. Off $9 03 Zwlch tat• alternoon l111ng S422 50 off $$ 00 IH<I, $423 50 Uked Handr I """'•" (Only dally quote) $424 75. Ofl S2 75 ~d lonty cl•~Y qvota) $424 75 E........,d 1on1v owy quo1e) $44S gg otf S:ll9 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NE,111 YOAlt IAP1 S.lri J pm P<•<• •no Ml <"'°"'9' OI PW llllMn """' a<llv. r.::1n9 Yn':'t~o,..~~t n!:~'l'"~•" •\-s, f;uon 7,744.JOO Jiu • .. Sony C0<p 1, .. 1,000 ·1s1, , 1 > IBM 1,l20,t00 .. -\< • .. Tea u111 1.ou.100 u~ .. To.co Inc 1 OJI eao "" ., 'lrnpCpAm 1 OOl.JOO 14•~ • •, Amer TI 1 -,IOO """ ''• SursAoeb _,.,'Oil 31\1 • "" C1Wys1... 111,IOO 10\.o ~. PftlbroSal "4,000 s.•. • >•• Avon PrOCI 167,IOO n "" • ~ Te"°~ IJO,IOO •9'• •I~ B•nllAmtr .,.,'Oil 1• •, AmEI Pw UUOO II'• GTE C0<p IOl,.00 O"- SILVER Handy and Harm,n S 10 63 P•• 1roy ouncie I i r f I • I J ' , I I rl I I I I '. I I • I I ' . I t r I ·' j 'l.Q • •