HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-05 - Orange Coast Pilotl ----------------.. --------------. THE ORANGE COAST FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1982 Newport slayer • marries By JEFF ADLE H 01 lhe Dallr Piiot 91aN N1•wpur1 81·.11 h '"'' h11l11~1,,1 '('plf111 d "T1111' 1\111011 ·•"' ,111111g '>t'lllt•nuni.; lot 1111 l~IHO -.l.1\111g or his ltJll~llllH' 111.d1 ! 11111p.11111111 w m. rn<irrwd ThurMl,1\ in .1 hri1·f 1·1·n·mony 111 Ora11g1· t'11u111v Su11\•ru1r Cuurl To Llw s tra111:. 111 'l lu 1· l 'onu·~ 1111' Untlt·" hu1m11t•d h\ ,1hout I:.! Wt!ll Wl!>ht•rs. Moot 1· .ind (;Ion Larw. whn ht· nll'I -.h111 tlv li.·for1· the -.l.1) 1ng. t'll.l h;.ing1•d ''""'.., l>d 1111· Judge· Hnnuld Ow1·11 Ey1•!) WPrl' llHll,,I ;" M111111· w 1•ar111g a gr.1y su 11 , t lw1·kc·d ,ldl I, 111· .11111 p111k h<Hl lllllllll'l 1'. 11'\llt·d Ill.., \'OW' Iii' \11111' Wot' ,.h,1k111g liul 111 111.111,1g1·d ,, ,Ji~hl '111111 ll1>1t1 •tft1•J1·'' f'ho·ll !Ill 11 '' ·" .111 • 11111111111.JI 1·111h1 .111 ~·oll11\\ 111~: llll' c·1·11·1111111\ tlw hrtd 1· ,111d gru11 111 lt·ll !ht 111111111111111 l1 v d1ff1·n·111 d1><u., '1'111· 111·w Mr, M11u11• w.dk1•d 11111 11111· d1><11 I l:inkt•d by w1·dd111g gu1·,i.... whtl1• l11·r hu.,1>.111d fl.111k1·d by Ui.1111.i•· <.'11un1, Sl1t·1 II I , U;·p,1rt11w111 !11·1111111·' J. 11 h\ .111otht·1 1·x11 to 11•tu111 111 I ho 01.111gl' Count) J.111 1'111·11· Moon· \\'a ' 111 pr 1·p~111· 1 .. 1 tr.1n,f1·1 lo tli1· ('.1llf111111.1 ( '11111" 111111.d l11~t1llt11· 1111 M1·11 .11 l. h I 1111 I ti I ,J !J 0 d .1 v p I I '>I Ill• Ill lllg 1•\,d\l.1l1011 It• l>t• fl I I fl ,1 I I ' of IJ "J l h I' ' l ,1 I I' I >.·p,11 t1111·n1 11r <.'11111'( 111111' A., lltt l1111h· w1·a111\f.< .i lw1g1 !>.k1rt u11d 1v11ry J<1l'k1•t, lt•lt tht• ("l!UI ti IJtllll, '>ht• :..ud ~ht • w 1:-lll'd ti ... 111,11 11;11-w 'uuld ti.1v1· UJk1·11 JI I JI ,. ll II d I' I d I I t I ' I I ' II t l 111 \1111!>.l.illl'I''> '1'111 \t'I'\' li.ippv." .,111• -..11d "II ...... 111uld w·t 1h111ugh tht· pa ... 1 '"'" y,.,,,..,, lh1· n .. >.1 u1upl•· 'ihould 1 ... \•,1;,y .. Mow 1 w.1., unl1·1 <'d to l'h11111 du1111g a 11 .. a r 111is 1·.i1l11·r NB vote leaves questions By ST l•;VE MAH HU; Or lh• Oallf Piiot Stall II N1•\o\<p11r t K<·.01 It h.1, "tth-d I ll t II .1 pl .. ( I I \I I .ii t I I g I (I ... , I 1 ti J 11 \\ II\ g I Ii I h I o1 l 1 • d I I l \ l'lt'I. 11111\ ti 1 ... 11.l 'hll\\ 111g Tl11 I h 1111111 ,.., II\,., hill II app;·;11.., 111 Ii.on• 1 .. 1.,,·d .1 ... 111.orl\ qu1·.,t11111°' .t~ II .111,.,0,.\ 1•11•d Th .. ..,lall ... tw., a11• 1 l1 •.i1 , 1111ugh tl111·1· l'1tv l'ou111ii1111111111,.·nh Wl'll' rl'llllllt'd flt IHllA I I .111cl .• {11111 tit \\.<.., ou,,to·cl hut th1·11 ,iro· l.11g1·r qut·!>.lhll\'o th.It l111g1 r \.\lllllt'r'o .11111 lo..,tl '• Ill llll 1,111 .1g11·t ()1d (.'0111wt1111.111 l'.11al 11 111111111"1 llw v 111111,t·lf 111 "'"" lw ol111w 111 hy ~J>l'l'l,d llllt'lt''>I 11111111•\'' 1>1><·' 1h1· 8'11111111g H.111• It \nto· ., 1 g n ,1 I .1 l r u ' ' 1 1 t 11 1 -. I ', 1 i.upµo1 lt'r' ol g111\\ t It '" JU" Jlllllhl'r I Ill\ I Ill .1 l11i1J.! ,ot\ll \\ 1 ncl mg n 1, 1d 1 W ,1-. 1 oml1111111g lh1• <ti\ \ "'' w i th th1• g1 111 r.tl 1It1111111 " ~lit l'\',..,.1 I 111 1111111 I ,; l111ld11\'1 I I 111111 .. p.t"l l lllllll rl tli.ol W111 ko-cl 111 .,111\\ g111\\tlt 111 N•·"·p111t l~·.11h \\.o' I.II J.:1•1• of I .II I\ Ill 1111 I ,II I fi\ IJll ..,1111 ' ,111ol ofo \ 1•J11p11 1• 11 t "111 1\11" /\ t d 11 I I 1 I I 11111 I\ I~! h I fl.11 I \ l!u11111111.., l1111111111g d1•l1 .. 11 "·'" 1 h1 ·1·1l'd o·qu.tlh II\ 11111~.1 111 h1~ 11111rn rl n1ll<·:1g111•., .111ol o1 li.111dlul qf <It\ eilt1n.ib A 111.1,t '' ,,, 111 "I'""' ol "h1·11 1 .11 I\ I l'lUI ll., ..,h11\\ o•ol 11 111111111 I " . .-. 'ltJli,,ng .11111 < lt.ollt 11g1 1 Hill /\gt'( """ g.1111111g ,,., llu1111111l -...11d 111 "·•' .1 \1111111 111 · l11g d1·v1·li1p1111·111 .111d .111 1111h1·,l1 ,ot1 ·d 1;1111p.11g11 Ill trtpplt )11111 1111111 jlll\\l'I 111 1)11 1 .. ,, \~I'• h. 1111111'1 ... ,. "'' \,\ .I' Ii I,,' I I d I II "e · p •• I •• l I' l\l'\\ 'fl·I p< I .od' h \ ,1 111,1 Jiii cit' I 1111111 •• 11111111 I N1•\\ p11rt 1\1•,I( h p11l111 I h11 I .• flll ll\l'I Ne•\\ pw l l~'.ot h < 1lv .1tl111111•y .ond .1 1·111111l ii p.1111w1 111 lho· .111" 11111111111·1 W.1,. <f I '\I I I 11 e• d 01 ' .t II 1'11111,111.1..,.,.111·111 " ''lou-.\ 1,.,.)\ .. .!ltd Ill 11111 ' .od \\,.._ d1 ·f11t le •tf ... .., ,l,11ttf111g II\ lit< 1111tf,I 111 ,1 11,ol I 11 ;.1111 ", .. 11111g ;, plu111l111 ... 111 1,. •.• 1111 111' ho ,ul ,111ol h11l1lt11g ,1 .,.g11 11 ·,11l111g . ( ;., 11111111 11111111111 ·1,, 111111 .1ll1111pl .. 1 f 11111~~ Ii.ti k ,II lht ;id~ \\ '" \11 I ,aft " 1,,..,, 111111\llt 1111''' ( 111tf1·1 «111·1· llt.tl ........... 1111·111l1 •d 11, (llll 11 Jll•l ll'l ,11111 lllll'l I llfllt•tJ \\ 111'11 lht 111lll\t 11111,111 I Ji,"'t'd .1 ... ,1\ ,1 111.111 \\ llh .1 l,oJ>t rt"t111d1 I 11111111111•1 -....111 th1· "''"( 111111 \\ .. ~ l11111ght' 11111 from u11d1•1 111111 II" 1r1111.,, though, ..,;i1d th1 • l '1111111.1 dt I M.11 1·e1u1wtlni;111 w.1~ tu ... ''" 11 ""l"l 1·1w111v <11td h.od .1l11 ·11.1tl'd "' 111.111~ µc·11pl1 du1111g hh 111u111 JI ,,.,, .. ~th.ti ht ... 11npl' got wh.11 lw d1·..,1 ·1'1•cl llu1111rwJ', dt·f,.,ot cf,..,.,, lttllo l11 ch.111g1 tho· f.JI I 111 1h1· "'Vl'll 1111 ·111IM·r cou111 ii wl111 h ha:-ht'l'll ISl'C C0l 1M 'IL, Page A:JJ Irvine students ranking high Tes ts show i111prol't~11u•111 ol'{""r lc1s l year"s rt•s ults By GLENN SCOTT Of Iha Dally ptlot atatf lrvuw publw "'hool !>tudt•nts havt• t'Xlt'<.'Cit"tl last year's sc:on ."l> on s tatt· tesL<; 1n ('Jl. h of thl· thrC'<' lt•vl'ls tested third. sixth .rnd 12th gradr-s Rect>ntly rt>ll·a..,('d results o f thl• 1981-82 Cahfornta As.'Wo~.smt•nt i'rogram show that third ;,nd !>IXth ~radl'r'> in lhl· lrv1n1• Unif1to<l School District 1mrrovt·d llw1r sc·ort..., 111 ,111 thn·t· tt·,t•'<I 'ubj<'<'L'> rl'acling, writing and m11tht·m.1l1<..., Twrlfth grack~. mC'anwh11<-. •;con'<I h1gh<'1 \11 r1·.1d1ng. writ111g .111d 'fX·lltng but ft•ll ... 11ghth Ill ffidlh1•111Jlll ... Thi· 111.ith1•Jll,1t11 ... ,, 1111 h11\.\1·\'c·r w~'' h1gl11 ·1 th,111 th1· gr.ulo ·.., ....._,., .. '"" '(•,.ir, ,1g11 Tht· n-sulL.., .. ~ 1·11· pk<1..,111g 111 Br lll 1· C1\ 111 1 11Pputy '>up<•r1nl1'11d1·nl for 'J>f'<'l,11 ....._.1' 11 "" "h11 ov1•f"o(.•1.·::. tht.· d1 -,1 r11.·1 ., 11 .... 1mg prngr.Jnt~ lie ...;mi tilt· )>l.OI(·~ 1ncl1u1tt·d 'lll'll''-' 11{ 111•\\ pr11gr;1ms a1m1 d .11 1mp111v111g pr11(11 ll'IH ,, . .., moll\'.1llng ,1ud1·11h to ti v th1•1r lt.11d1•,1 .111d d111•1 l111g t'"" ho 1-. lo .,lrl -;., .,ktfJ., th.ti ,1r1 '''"''-'-l'd (.1w1d 1 .. .,11lh .1rt 1r11pllrt.1nl Ir\ tlt1 llf'llto') d1:-t1111 111 .odd1·d ht'< ,1u~1· of 11-. 1111.!h '.01111 -.v ... t• 111 for o•dw .1111111 · Tht• ,1,111· ... 1 .. nclc11d111•d ,,.,,.., "''"' .11!1111111-.l•·r o·d ""' I >t•11·ml11 ·1 '" 111 .. , .11 t 11.dh n ·flo'l I 1h1 .1tl111·\'1•11tt•nt 11( tht' \1 ·,11 ·, 1<1111 th .111d "'' •·111 h gr""' r' .u1cl '4'llh1r., \.\ lt11 j;!r .1du.1i.·d 111 .Ju nt Tht• 12th grad1·r~ avPrt1g<·d till pt•rtt'nt 1 orn·1.·t 1n rc-ading n1nk111g t ht·m on lht• 88th ix·n .. ·1.·nt1lt• among all of tht' stau··s studt'nts In writing. lhtc·y avC'ra~e 68 8 perl't>nt l'orrel't , rL1nking tht.•m at tht' 9:lrd pt'rl'e nt1!e They sc•orc-d 74 6 ix'rL"ent t'Orrc>t·t in !>pelhng. gwmg them a !:!4th J)\'rn·nuk ranking And 111 math<·malll's. tht·v av1·ragc-d 7:.l p<•n·1•nt. g1vrng thPm ,111 H8th 11t•n 1•11t1lc• rar.kmK To ta kt• 1ntn .11 c·ount tlw d1fft•r1·1wt•., 111 1111 orn1· lt·vpls anti 01h1•r LKtors tha1 1nflu1·111 1· 1·du1·..it1111ic1I ,1ch11•v1•1111>nt tht• 'ital< p rov1dt•-. .,., 1 .1111 d c omparison .,. .. , 1· li.1nds .1 rang1 of -.c.11n ..... a d1!>lrll.l or '>C h<M1I.., ro·..,ulb drt' <'Xl>t'tti·d tu (.111 "1th111 St.'l1rt•s .ibo\ •· th1 \).111cl n11·an slud1•11l.., .oro .a< h11·v1ng b1·ttl'r th.J11 <'XfX'l'lt•d a1111rd111~ to .,l,Jl1·w1dt• avc·rc1g1·-, Si 111 , . .., lx·h>"' tllt' band mt .1n I Ii" "ill" i:,.1 tt• 11\1111 :.., 1'..!th g1,1d1 ·1.., frn1,.,lt1·tl l11·l11" tho l1.i11d 111 11•,1d1ng .111d 111.11 h hut .tl1ov1• 11 111 'lot ll111g Writing >;(11rt·., ft II \\1th1n 1h1 1.mg1 11f I \fN.'t 1<1!11111' (;l\'ll('I h11\q \1 I p111tlt1 d 11lll th.it tho d1 ... 1111 l 1mlud1·' "'""'" fr11111 SELi-i\ltr r11.1tl\1 l l1gh ~ hool 111 thl' r.111k1ngs or lht• HW) 'ol'rllOl'S "ho look thl• l1·st la~l v1•.ir, Ii I 1·a1111· fi 111n St:Lf' 1\nd bt't·ausi· SELF 'f>t't r.olw·:-1n s1url1•1H'> who ,111 nut ch.1ll1•ng1"fl bv 111J1\'1·11t11111,ol -.... h1H1I. lh .1v1 1.1~1' '-l·on·~ <Ht· lo\.\c·r fS ee T EST. Pa~e All Dozers level Mesa Plaza as 8 ) JODI <'AJll·:'lll·. \J) 0 1 lh• D•llr Pllol Slaff Tlw 1<1111111.11 Ito .k11 1 lt11bl1111' :!1 Fl.1v111., 111· 11•·.1r11 p.ir1111 .it th1 ('Ol'llf'I 11f l~l h !-.Ir• It .111d ll.1rl>o1 Brnil1 \',11d 111 I · .... ,,, Mv..,.i '' l.!11111· All 1h.11 I lo II 11 1 (l1 Soong '- d1 •1111,tr' nl I 111 .... ,, ''~ll .lwl~ing !10111 tho ... p1·1·tl ,11 111 r11.1r of tht• 111"''' lt1illd1111·rs, 1111 mu~twd 1·1.J11n•cl /\n11qu1•:-o l 1111· W111lol .ond 1"1111 Fu11\1t111 1· l111 dol111).! I' 1t1 ol J11 11g (111 I h" ""' lol Thi 11 tllt'1" ""tll l>r· 1111tl1111g lt•l 1 nl I hi' :!:i V<':ll old l'11'ol a M <·..,;1 Pl,11.;1 Shopp111g { '1·1111•1 Who •11 11 11111 •1wd 111 .J 11 I-. HI!\ 7. o.-, ""°4 "9wlt• bf ftlotlard ICMtltef Bulldozer levels what was once the Costa Meso Plaza shopping center at 19th treet and Harbor Boulev..,.d. I . . COUNTY IDITION ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNI 25 CENTS before sentencing Thursday l>t·fm 1• Sllf>l'f 1111 l'l>Ur t J ll d g ,. M y I ()II 1:3 I "w ll I I 1· M h1·dulc•cl <i "·1\l1·nu11g h1 .. 1r 1ng fut Y .i 111 F1·b 4 Tlw 1·valual11111 will µ1..iy ..i br go· 111lt• II\ IH'lptng the· JUdg1· 111 dl•lt'l llllltt' "lwllll'I Ill "'ll\1·111 I' Munn• ttJ µnscm 11r grant l11m f>1t1h.it111n 011 111 !> v11lun1ary 111,111~)<1 UJ.:h ll' r l'Ull V ll'llCJll Tht.· wt•dd1ng. alTord1ng lo Morn l'·.., c1ttornt•y Al Swkkl" had b1·1·n pl..inrwd liy Muon· <111<.l l.<11H· f o1 som1• llmt· and wa::. arr <i 11g1• d to t' o 1nt'1 d l' w 1 th Mourl''!> l'uurt .1pp1•a ranl'e Thursday Stokko· -..11cl llw l'ou p l1· haJ ~.1111·d 111 g1·1 111.1ri It'd l11·1·11u.,1· I 111 · .,, d Id II ' t • I 1• 1• I ll w '" .ippl 11j>f t.111 l11 lit• flli.lfl l<·<l Ullll) .1f11·r .1 v1·1 cl11 l wa,., an11uu111·1•cl " M oor 1 wa~ t·onvll tt•d 111 v11lur1t.11 y 1110.m!>l<iughtt-r St: pt :!II 1n t ht· :.h1>oll11~ d1•alh of Sum ley l•: ... p111d;1 , h1,., comµ;.in11111 of 18 yl'ar ... and ..i fellow psydwlug1sl Ttw t wu sh<in•cl a honit• 1n Lht• 1· ll. 1 I u.., 1 v 1• Spy g I as i. 11 1 11 lll'tKhhw hovd o f Newport Jx·al'h Dur 111~ lht· trn1l Stokkt• argut'd th;,t M oon•, :11 , had 1ntt·nd1od to co1111mt i.u11·1dt·, but laps1·d into Ul\(.'O llSl'IOUSlll'SS and sho t K-.µ1n cfo ii~ h1· !Wl on hti. ltv1111.( n10111 floor Nuv 5. IYHO 1'::.-.p111d.i w.i" µurtr·ay«d In l'OUf\ tt·~llrnuny a" <i hom1r..<.'XU..il whu \'l• t1m11t·d Mo11n · and w;.inll•d him lu hdtl'Vt' that ht-. too, wa::. l111111o!>t'XUi:d M1J<Jr1"s ftr!>t trial on th<· S<1me d11trg1·s (•nth •d 1r1 a dl·<Jt.Jloc k wht·11 Jurors l'Ould11 't agn•l' w h1·t lw1 t h1· <.Id e11da 11 l wa~ gu1 I ty 111 first ur :.t.-<:ond-degre<• murdt-r 111 voluntttry m;.inslaughter Thi· dt•fl·nclant testtftl'<.l during th1· f1ri.t lnal that Espmda had lw•att·n and sexually a buSKI him <See SLAYER, Page A2) Test drive· just a test of the owner's temper What began as a minor lube• and 1111 t·hange t·ndl'd up a hlllt· mun· s<•nouslv Rtt·h ~rd Mike DeClure1 19, shown a t left. who said he works for an A MC dealership in Costa M esa, w<i s tes t drivin g a c·us tomer 's Jc•C'p Thursday aftt'r c:hang1ng the 0 11 and Ju brkat1 ng the four-wht'<.'I dnve veh1<:le Costa Mesa poltct-say DeClu rl' was southbound on Fairview Road when the J eep <ind a small Datsun driv e n by Guy H e n ry S tangenbNg. 20. of Hu nungton Beach . collided. Officers believe Stangenberg was turning left onto Mer rimac Way at about 11 a .m . when the acciden t occurred. Neither man w as hurt in the accident. which sent the J eep over on its roof top, below. Police M e investigating the incident downtown changes face th• Jll ·" r• 1111111111rc1.tl 11·1111•r \\ ·•' ·' \ .,, .. 111 11111d1·111 ... h11p' Ill tht lw11rl of 1111 111v·, dow111ow11 Hut llVl'I tJu • \'\'ill''-th1· .. tnp or 'lllft'~ ;ind llltll'I'<. f(•1J \'111 1111 Ill !Int(' d1•1111111.1tti•n .ind w:i11111g fMlf'I d,1111 \ B v tho 11111<' lho• Ill\ II.id s t a r t '"I p l.1 n n 1 n g I h 1 • rH· "' Nt>1.:hhorh1111d ('11111mun1ty C'c·nto·r .ind f111 ... 1.1t111n .iround lh1• 1'111111'1' Ill lhl' );oll' 1!17()-, lht• a~ing l'l'nh •r h.1<1 lo>..,I 111udt ol rt... P.Hly gl.1mo1 Thi· n t v 's H1·d1•v1•l11 µ11tt·nt Ag1•n('y m11v1•d 111 to hu~ up th1· run down t'1•ntt·r .• ind in April. 1980, .1grc•ptf to lo(r.rnt P<1<'1f11 F' t'<l I' r .1 I S .1 v 1 n gs & Lo an Assm 1.1111111 f1r,,1 har~o11n1nlol ngh I~ 11n I hf' prnpt•rt y l ' n ,, 1 ( 11· F' <' rl f' r ~· I 1 t• 1.· 1· n t I y rnmplt•trd a lnv1sh $1 7 m11l1nn Spanish s t yle 11ff1t't' romplrx t\C'arhv .ind prn<htn•d dr.1wmgs I h ,1 t d I' p I C t C' d I h t' '\<I m I' M rd1t1·1 rant•an motif fnr th1• m mm1•n·1:il pro1x•rty Although thr 1·1ty h:ts aln•,1d y purl'hHS<'<I il ll o f lhf' p ropnly and reloca1t·d thl' fo rmer tl'mints »l a cost of $~.8 m illion . Pacif1f' F ecfrrol and the cil v n •t'l·ntl y t.erm11iutt'<I their aJ&~mt'nt · M ,1rilyn Wh ts<'n a nd c·1 t y n'<it•v«lopmC'nl d1rN·lor . ..;.i11d lh1• tcrm1nnt1on dO<'S not mt>an that Pad fll· Frdt'rAI 1s n o ln ng<'r constdf•rf'd a possih lt• rl1•vf'lopN for thl' Rite. "Th(•y' n• <1l1 II very in u•rcst.<'d In l hl' s ttf'." 11h C' said "Ou r d1" "'"1"11" \\II h 111 h1•1 dt 't•lnprrs 111 1111 o111t 111 pr11\·1d1 .011 nhJ<'l. llV<' \ II'\\ ~I ll' ,,11d ltoth tho· t 1ty ;md l'.ll'rf11 ~1·d1•1,tl agn•1•d to. S<'IOtJl tlw11 .1gr1•1•1111•11t 'ill tho· t 1tv t'an 1.·11rnpl1·11· a 1·ompn·h1·1l'I\ t· \'H'W of lh1• 11t v·., t'lllll 1· dow11111wn .1rP.• J\ gmup 11( µl.111111•r.., I rum th1• U rl>.tn L.ind l11 st1tu11• Pant•I 1\dvl' .. 111-., •wrv11·1• will .llTIV<' 111 l'P.;t:i M1·s;i in J anunrv to study trnrfw nmd1t1nns. rk~1·l11pnwnt poh•1111.il and urban d1•s11<ns for 1111• 1·ntlr<• 200 :ll'fl'S S11111· <·11mplt·t111n or Pal·1 f1 <· i''r·cl1•r;il's sprnwhnK 1·omplf'x at IYth and Nl'wpu rt 8 oult•vard. Sl'Vt·ra I otht•r drv<'lopt•ri. have l' x pr t•"-; l' d an 1 n l t• res l 1 n pur c hasing lht• nc•arby l'Omnwrl·tal strip c'<'ntt-r a l 19th and I !arbor. Whisenand said 'Tel p f'r snnally hkl' to see <;o mt.•th ing that compli m e n ts Paci fit· F'C'df'ral's build mg "I ft>el some' t·omponent of tht' project will h<• retail. ho''' muC'h rl'mam s to bl' S<'<'n " Fnllow1ng nimp lPtton of the Urb;rn L:in d lnsllluh· study in Ft•brunry. the n·d«vl'lo pmt•nt agcm·y w1 II s tudy tht• romm l•rcta l l'Pn!C'r and b<>~in looking for a df'V<'lopt•r . s hl• said ----INDEX---- To actor J effn~y Combs getting the role rn South Coast Re pertory's production of 'The Divine rs· was a familiar story. t•e W t"t> ke ndcr. t\t Your &rv1n• Busint'S." Cavak'nd<> Classif ied Comics Crossword A7 EW -5 82 C5·10 B6 B6 C5 AS Dl'a th Not•<'t'~ Editorial Ente rtain mf'nt Garde ning 11 o rOllCO pe Intermission Wf't'ke ndc>r 83 8 2 Weekender ... Ann L1rndt•rs Movies Mutual Funds Natio nal News Public Notices A2 W eekendf'r 84 A3 B3-4.B7-8, C5 Sporu SlOCk Markets Television Theater.i W t-at.her C l-5 ~ TV Log Week e nder A2 ---- ----------______________________ ....... ____ --"''--- --·~-~ •; I l1o111111 C 1111'>1 !>All\ I'll Cll I 11tlny N11v1•n1l1111 •, I'll\.' Vall y to feel pinch after def eat of public safety tax Hy P lllL SNJ.;it>l-:HMAI\ Of the Dellr 1'1101 aten Fuu111,1111 V 11111·\ 111 11< 1.1b ,111 l1111klllj.l l11t .1 1111•....,,1._1 Ill th\ t•lt-<'111111 d.1 .... d1'11 ... Il l 1111 111\ ... µuhll1 !>.t i.\,;t v l.i,. p1 111m-.JI .111d a 11• stuJy111t-t 111h1•1 \.\UY'> 111 .... 1v1· lh1· nty\ t 11t.111u.ol d1lt·111111;" M1·.1su11· K , wl11d1 w111tld h.1v .. llll!JO"t'd ,1 t11 ·W \,1)1. 1111 1-'1>111\1.1111 V.olt.·v n ·"d•·11t:-111 I"· us,•d onl y f or p11l111•, f11't ·lq4hl1111o( a11d pu run11•d11 •·xp1·11 ... 1•-., w.1-. up pr ov1·d bv !i!. p1•11 t·11t 111 1111• lox•a l v1111•f'-, But 1111' 1111'.1M111 11n·d1·d 1w11 1 I ll\11,j., •'1'11111\'1!1 l11 l111l• l h1· tll)C , 1111ld I"· h·v11·d II" \till l1t1d 11111 1111' V11l1 Wu!> 1·q11.d Ill t \\" \I'. \llt\I '> 111>-.,•1\••d ~·011111.1111 V.1111 v ~·11v l\l,.11u.1~t 1 I low.11 ti Sii }Jl11·11:. 1\111 1h.11':. llw luw •· (l'111p11111111111 I.I. 1111 IU711 t.1x tl'ln1111 """'""'' -.1 1pul1111•d ·"'' "''" "'" 111· .q 1p1uvnt hy ,t lw11 11i11d, V•>lt ) S t1 ·ph1·11s. like• ulhl"I 1·11 y od I 111.11:-., l>t•l11•vt•d 'l"\H''ll.oy'-. \ o l111g oUlt't/1111' 11•fl1•1 l1·d 1111 ,ii n .... ,..,t.1111T lo .i Ill'~\ t.1>., 1.1th1·r Lh.111 1 I llt1 i-.111 111 1·>.1-,1111~ -..dl'l) "'t\'Ht'!\ U\1 1 lw l"•llllc d CHll l11,1I 1111 11ly will h,1\ 1• to 'IH 1111"411111'111 lh $~ 11111111111 11"4'1\I l1111di. Ill 111olt•1 ... .-1.1111 .111\ • 111pl10\o ,. p.1\ 1.0"''' dUI f fl~ 1111 I llfllffl~ \O',lf '> l '11 \ l 111p l11\ ··1· "'"" 1.1111111 I" 111 1 ... l ' I >..1• 11 t· u •. , I N1 ·~t1ll.1l11111-, ·'" 1111d1 I ..... ol\ ·Y 1111 .,..,,11 ·1 si·1 .111 y 1(1 1•.11 1·llt1I \1111 lht• 111v·,. l111u111·1.ol p11 l\11 I') 1111 .1IJ<1lll l~'tJ y1•1tl's, lilll .d 11 1 th.11 " -..11d Mo1 v11 1 M.01 v11 1 l\dlt·r A.Jlt·1 .111d St1•ph1·11~ both hl'ld 0111 l1lllt• 1111111· Im l11to111l'lal lil'lp 11 11111 1'11• :-1.11•· I n ftt<·l . l,cith ... .. William S ta ndl y. 5 7 , dt·mon s tra ting a hig h -rise fire escapt· d t·v i<·t·, c ra sh -Jund!<> (pho to a l ri~ht ) a ft er p lumme t ing ·1-0 f t•t•t to tht~ g r ound fro m the f ifth-floor IH·i~ht. llt> s uff..-rt>d a brokt·n hm·k . AP Wlrephoto Sal ety exhibition backfires SAN rmx;o (Al'\ A ri•111 I ti s<:h wl ll'mh1·1 d1·n111n-.11.o1111g ,1 n ew hrgh n-.1 .... dl't\ d c•\'lt'l 111 ... 1 control whil1• dt·..,<1·nd1ng ,1 13-stor y hulldtng, plunging 4 0 (ect LO thl' ground .inLI bn·.ok111g his b;wk Tht.• f,tll \.\,1, "'111w.,..1·d 11\ .o startl<·d gr 11u p 11r .. n 1. M •k•·1 .. 1 h.11 1nclud1'll h11> \\ rf1· Wrllram :-;1.1ndh 57 \\ .J' r (' p 0 r l (' d I 11 t .. I r l "IH .l I I ""' Thursd:Jy ,1t S.m 1>11·g11'" K.01-. .. 1 P (·rm.int·nt1· h11 -.p1t,1I -..11d spokC'Sm<1n Jrm M l Rrrd1· Thi· a111d 1•n1 110 t.llrrPd J'- St.111dlv w a-. d1•111111btratrng tht· E:n11 f\'~ll -t'iO •• dt•Vtl'l' IL' m<1 kl•r.- h11pt lo ..... 11 \(/ r1n·f1ght{'f' .. und olht·r n ·:.<.·ue pru ft·s.s1onals whu w o uld us<• it rn th<· 1•v1•nt tht•v l>l·uim• tr«tppt.•cl 111 ;, high rr ... 1 hl.111· Th I ;,, .rt• l \ 1 It \ ll l' l ll 111." "' • I h.1r111 ..,., .1 l>r .ik1ng '' -.tt rn .01111 l'llflU~h 'lt•1•l loobh· loo lt1\\ll •I p1:r .... on lllill ft 'l'l Sldm·I~-. a R.1m·h11 l'o "'•'f!U1l11-. I l' ... ldt•fll ht g<1fl It\ l11\\ I I lflg hrm .... dr from th1· t11p 111 1t10 rw\\ Commonwc•Jlth 8,111(,. h11tld111g locall'cl in M 1sswn \'.ti 11 ' lfc 1>lll'll'l·d1•cl 1,, I o wl' fl ng h 1 msC' If s 1·v1·1·al '111r11•s, but ~ h('n 111· n •.Jl'ht«I tht• fif t h flour . he .,udd1·nl v plummetc.•tl lo t h 1· g1m1nd I 'run111lt•r' or lhl· dc•\'flf'. wh" c.1111'<.I tlw 1111·d1.i lo wrlnt-s:. lhf· p1·1 (111 .1111 .11111 .. hlam1•cl th1· .11t1d1 n t on · 11rl11t 1·rror .. 11 c· t S t ,1 n d I v ) o ' 1· r - 111mp1·11 -..t11•d rn rl'it·as1ng th1· ..... i..111g 1111·1 h.illt'lll .... :.111 Jc1t·k St .111l11n \ 11 l pr ''"d1·11! or Lo:, ,.\ 11g1• It•' h.1-.«d E11t l·rv<o11 Corp l~·f11n• he <11uld 11•appl~ rt. hl' 111 l I hl' gr <1U 11d .. Sunny weekend Coas t a l Mostly svnny days w "' <tea• nights e•cept l<>r patct»r early motrHng r.:oas1"'1 •ou tH,d low ctouds Salurdily mnrnmq ( OOIPr days coas1a1 ""'~~ { ···'-'· ..,,, ""'"' ry Some res•Oenrs of W1scon,on and Moch1gan s upper penonsula awOl<e 10 more lhan 8 inches of anow rooay as sca11ereo flounder Slor ms 'P' ea\l ac•oss Fl0<1da and cloudy skies hngl!r"d on fhe East Snow show1!rs caused Dy .i deep low pres,ure continued over the upper M1sso111Ppo valley the Grea1 la~es and lhe northe• n Ohio Valley with lhe nPov1es1 sno w lall 1n north wrsteon Wisconsin ·Thongs are ge11ino r,1th111 mlse•able Sherill ~ Oeµuly Ga•) Erickson 1n Houghlon Counly MICh . s111d Ttoursday Tflere s a gOOd '2 inches on the hoghwi'lyS bul they're still open "ll's gotng 10 t>e a lono w1nt"r up here.' aaod Snerilf·~ Df'P11ly Alben Soderman 1n Oogt>b1c County Meanwnlle. 5<:111tered showet s and lhunoerstorms dampened the Flo11da peninsula whole showers fell along th" M•d At111nt1c and North Atlilnllc coa111 tr w as cloudy l1om n()(lhwestern Florida to '""upper 01'110 Valley :~k1e1 were clear loom Atet>ama and TenneasfHt lo lhe central Plain• ..,,,h pa<tty CIOv<lv Skl'lS In other reQIOnl F0< 1on191>1 ano SCJlurOay the Naltont l Weathrr S"rv1c11 !orecasl snow over the Orr31 lakes t nlo the c 11n 1tal A111>elachlen1, wllh rein over lhl' n()(lhealll .• ,.,... •h~• ov11r '"" Pacific No<1hwe11 and sunny tit ... OVfll the Soulh the Or11et Plaint •nd rt>& Rockies remperalu<es early todey ranged from 1 I d11greet 1n 811marck, N 0 to 76 d90re<11 in Key Wnl. l'I• California Hui hum1(l1ty "'dS 10 •ncoease arid 1he Lo~ Ang!'les F1<e Oepanme"l said •t e•pecled 10 en<1 its reo tllen warning ol fere aanoe• by Satu•day Soutnern Calllornt.a mountain area tugns may range from 60 lo 1• w•lh cloudy skies duri"9 n1\lhl and mo,n1ng n ou1s ovPt It e we.>~el'd Mostly 5unny ~k•P$ __,ere l>'t>d•cted tor Satur day 1to1ou9hou1 Soutnern Calolornia '"It snmt! tog lfle wealher '"r "ce 'a10 Hoghs on lhe 70s were e•pected 1n coas1a1 areas 5alu•Oay with lows.from 25 10 •5 los AngelM lows were l0<ecast near 60 1'p 111pera I 11res NATION HI Lo Al[,QF•) 13 45 AlbuQuf'r Qui' 60 }9 Ancho•.lQ" ?1 19 AllAnlot 57 \' Allaro11c ( •ly 66 49 aa111mo•t' 16 t4 81rr"'"<Jhm-r1 '•I }8 Bos ion I 1 66 Bu1t1110 50 )5 Charl('s1011 S l. 74 46 Ctoortnu,. N r b8 35 Ch1c.aoo 31 10 <..1nco'1nall 44 28 Clo>veland •9 27 Co111mh1a <; ( 71 37 Colvmb11s 46 <8 Dallas Fl WOllh ~Q )8 Denver 44 23 De9 Mo1nPs JI 28 ~trO•I 41 15 El Pno 63 13 Fairbanks 17 1• Fargo 25 22 naostaft 62 26 Honolulu 8• 14 H0t1S1on 61 52 ln01snt1pu1ts 40 30, Jack sou M•~5 56 25 Junf!lau 46 36 Kansas C1tv 32 17 l 11a Vegu 67 39 lo' Angell'~ 81 58 Lou•sv111e 44 28 MemphlS St 30 M1em1 81 75 Mol,.ovkOf' 34 30 Mpls SI Paul 32 28 New Orletns 66 46 NflW Yo'~ 72 56 Oklahoma Cnv 52 JI Om11h1 31 23 Or111ndo 80 54 Phlladelph1" 78 •7 ~..,,,.. .,. ........ ~· HOv u s o.oo 01 c-ce Ftonls COIO ..... Warm ... Pn,oen•• P1uc;n ''0" Po1t1a'1d Ml' Por 11,.no 0 11• Renn Sall t.;if..P San An1on1t1 SBn D•PQO San r r anc.1~< <> Sea tilt> SI lOUIS Spok~ne TOP"""' Tucson Tulsa WaSf•tnQtnn WoCMA CALIFORNIA Aop1 .. v~11 .. v Ba•P<ShPIO Bar51ow Bf'eumonl Big Benr B1ahop Blythe Catalina Cu1ve1 City Eur eh a Frpano lake A11owtieuC1 Lanc11Slf'r long BeAlh LOS Angel"• Monrovia MontebAllo Monrett!y Ml Wiison Needll!S Newporr Benrt• Oakland Onlarlo Palm Sprrno• Paso Rot>ll!l 83 53 50 29 61 59 S8 4J 60 17 ~· 30 6? JS 1q 56 70 '•\ S3 •3 \6 ?ll ~· J6 J'l 71 TA d'l St 26 1\! •S 41 l7 14 10 10 u n •O 1') 5• 6• 20 66 l • 80 ., 70 53 8? 5• 63 52 10 4 2 0 29 87 25 8? 'iO 81 57 85 4 I 83 56 70 •6 68 51 75 •5 74 •8 12 ~o 83 39 83 43 75 33 ttovt,,.,.n C11t10<n11 I wHllend wea 1 h1tr 1hould be c.ooter. and w•nln g t•nlll Ant w1nd1 01m1n111fled INJ 011noer of b1u11t ' "'" LOI Angel111 htghl Stlvrday ehOuld dip to 11,. tow 70. •"., ' ll'lland pr-r• dropped and lhfl (ICeall bfMt• made tit way bocto U hOlf , lh• N•llOn•I Wealher ... Vl()e tftVI SURf RIPORT 11 .. leble high ~IOvdlllaH WU •1~1.0 10 111enll 11111 lllWlltnO #Hh I0"'9 COOlef l~l)fffaturel •ellOlno ''°"' 61 10 12 In nort,,.,.n 1eie1r1 and from 75 10 13 in eourl'*n .,_te. lurt '"" llH1 a well ..... ..... . .. .... l'fd . .. .... Zume ' 3 12 1 2 81n1a Monoce t 2 t2 2 "'-Pott 8eKti 2 3 12 1 3 San ~oun~ 2 3 12 1 3 Oul f0< arur<lay Sllghl lll«HM in •u<I 1n<1 swell ..... Off IW aw .... IW R1vors1de Red Blull Red,..1)0<1 l •h Rl'nO Sacrttm,.t'llC-. Sahn1l" San B111nJ1 C11n11 San C.9tlrll'I !><tn 01eQn San r ro"':1srn S1111 .lose S11n111 B11rt;11rn 51111111 Crvt Sa!'lta M~r·~ Sonta Mon•c:i Str.ickton lohoe VllllPy lhe1mAI Yum A PAN AM AC.llPulcn Barbados 8N muda fri1epo<1 C.uada1111ara Guad!'loupe Hl\vRnD Kingston Monreoo Bev M1U11llan Merida MllKICO City Monte""" NHUll Son J1J11n PR r11n1d11<l Verocru1 C11lgary Edmonton Monl•HI Ott ewe R901n1 TO<OOIO V1ncou11er Wlnnlpeo CANADA S mog 81 48 66 41 72 47 60 22 fi8 39 7fi 45 81 38 84 45 79 46 70 54 67 •3 74 41 68 41 78 36 79 56 72 38 ~7 22 63 38 81 55 90 77 88 77 76 73 87 75 77 •3 88 72 87 72 88 8t 90 72 66 66 82 70 68 43 66 •6 87 73 88 75 88 72 73 68 57 29 . ' 28 55 48 51 47 28 04 47 40 53 46 28 22 Whe<• to 0111 (roll free) for lar"t ttnOO lnfMtnellon. Or~ County. (IOOI ~&-HH l.Ot Angetet County: (1001 2•2·4022 A'-91de 11\d ten ... ,..,~"'° oountlM: (8001 3e7-4710 AOMO l!pltode Cent., (IOO) .142-46" t'Xfllt''"'·ol r1·.11 th,11 tilt" i.t,11t• llhJY wrthhuld 1•v1•11 111111 1· llllll)l'\. 111 t'\'llll"IY tf1•11ll(ll11lt•U 1111 l llft•IC '·()111 d1111c t ''> o111• Ill flrnl lll'W -..1Utl1'> 111 l t'Vt'l\Uo \\hllli 'l't'lll' 1111p11-.1ollilt• 111 111 t Ill "''\'It, . .,.' tho· 111.o v111 ,,,ul "1\111,,1 l"'"l'I•· dt111'1 w ,1111 1i... 111 1111 1111lili1 ,,ofc·t y -.1·1v11 .. ,, .. ho · .ultlt•d "llul e111lsuh· 11I th.11, tl11·1• '' ~lrt•t'\ !'oWl'l'Jllll/.l , JlUI k ' 111u1n11·11111w1· I h.1v1• 1111 i.:1• .11 11111-W(•I'" 1111 lt11· IUlllH'" Co111wd111,111 ll<·n Ntc·b o•11 1>.11d ,, tt•w llt'W Stl\11 C't'' "' Ill• 0)1111' 111.oy lH• · ,,,. t h1• h o c 11.1111 , ~ta h .1.s ll'Vl'llUt' I 111111 llll' t1il1lt· lt•lt VlllHlll "Y'1tt•rn 111 wh1<'11 Lh1· lit}' p11rtwtp1111·., .111d from 11 hf'( 1md ~oil 1·11u"1 Jll o po...i•d .11 M 111 · Squ .11 1· l'ur k But N1t•b1·11 'lllld 1l ri. 11111-.1 r 1lit1111 I hut i.tatc· h ·l(11»li1ll•I., 1•111111 • 11p v.1llt .1 p1·1 1na111'11t f111.111tllllo( 111 11..:1 a111 "'' that ''llll'i. will k1111w P' ''''''"ly h11w 111ud1 11111111•y lo 1•Xp•-<·t 1•ut"h y1•ur und w ill Ill' .. bit· 111 fJl.111 th1·11 l1udg1·ts 111111 ,. 1·( l1·111v1•Jy l '11l1t t• .111d f tl't · t1rl11·1 ~tl1> h ad lw«11 ~u ppt11'lllllo( th1· 1;1x 1111·a i.u1't'. ... 11y111g ll1t• 11Jc..f1t10 11;,d rt•Vt'lllll' 1111d -,11 ll!'U>Cfllt•lll l>·•Y I .tll\4'1> Wt'l t~ 111 ... tlt·d 111 lu·l p 1111·v1·111 11.d l'l v 1•111pl11yl't''> I 111111 lt'oJVlllt( Lii JOlll .1w 11111•' \.\1th lt1Mlll'1 puy t l 'oltu• t'hll.f f'4,i1 v1n For 1111 1o .1 1 J , 11 "' l' µ o I 1 l' (· o r r , l' t· 1 cl1·1m1 tur t·, un· 11wv1tahl1·, but tw o l.i11111 ·d l h 1· M1·a o;u 11• K volt· llHlll'.llt•d lllf"tly l'l'!>l!>l.Hll'l' l(/ ol 111·w tux "Tli1•11··, oliVllJUs l y 'l•ffl•• d1~.q1p111nl11w11t ht·n ·," hr :-.au! "B111 111 j,( .. 111 ·1.tl I St'l' 11 mun· .ill a V!llt o( l'tllll ltf!•nt'l' W h1•t1 lht• 11t.1 jt1111 v of Lin• JH'topl<· th111k Vllll'tt• d o1trlg 11 ~l~1d J'lb " Huntington l and f ill h azard By ROBERT BARKEH 0 1 th• D•llr Piiot 81•11 A no long1·1 u-.l·d I l u111111g11111 Bl'.1l·h lunclf1ll l1it<11t·d 1wa1 l lu• l' I ' II I ,. ·" L I Ii I a I y h as h l I. 11 d1 .. l:.111·d polt'11t1.il.ly h.11.erd11u-. IJV tht• !.l,llt• Sultd W1:t..,l t M.111.1g1·11wnl H11,01 d ho •(',IU'>t' ti IXIM'S •• J'llS.'>lbl1· r1n· 1111 ... 11 St;itt· 01fl1t1.il-. ..,;11d 1tll'th.1111 g.1-. '"'" d1•lt'\ led .il1111g tilt' \.\t•,11 ·111 h11rdl'1 of t tll' :-.1l•· 111'<11 C11ldf'11 W1·-.l S t rt•t•I If ll'ft um·o11Lrnllt·d, 1 l l'llU Id l'HllSt. 1 ·x plo~11111-. Ill r1 l'l'"· th1·v -.;rn.l s'1111kt· ... \\ 11111:111 1•;1n11·l.1 <J11g IH>Wt·v1·1 . ~.aid I Ill' 11dt1rl1·"' ,111d l'ctlol'l 1·s~ 1111·th..in1• ~") 1 ~ 11111 hal.rnlou~ lo l>n·a rlw u11lt·s~ 111 ht•IJ\')' •'COIH't'l\\t allllll!> .ind Ill l 'llll (I 11l'd l'Olld I I 11111~ S lw .... 11d th1· g.". pr11duc1·d l>v d1•1·11111p11!>1l11111 •Jf 11rg.on1, wash' m.ilt·rrJI-.. W<•" 1111·.1-;urt•ll 111 <·onl·1·11 tral11111 ... o f 111011 th<1n ~> ix·n·t·nl 1n th1· .ur 111 l-\·hru.1ry Vinl't'l11 Muorh11uM . d1n'(:\11r of th1· 1·11y·, C11nu1111111t\ St•r v 11·1·s I nvestors' By STEVE TRIPOLI 0 1 th• Delly Piiot 81•11 An Or::ingt· C11u11ly Su1wn111 Court .1udg1• has au1h111 m •d th•· salt• o l ·WU .11•1 t''> or I.ind hy th1• ft' l ' I . I v I' ,. f II r ;1 r I II a n l'; ,1 11 v tr o uh I<· d Lag u n 11 N 1 gut· I mvt•1>lllll'l1t t·ompanv whll'h had a I" r g l' 11 u m bl' r of I c 't' a I I a \\ 1•nf1)n·1·nw1H ix·r 'itmnt•I among rL" mvt · ... tors J u d g 1· Th 11 rn .i ~ l' r u" 1, y ., ppr o v •· J rt' l' l' 1 v t· r M 11 n I l ' Kns..-;m;H~·s -x1l1· ul lhe Colur;odu Spr111g-.. l'<il(I J.111d 1·<11111·1 tl11-. "' 1· 1 • k I' 1 • I t • r lJ 01 v 11 I ' 11 n . K r 1 ., ... nl .i n · " a I l o r n t• y . :. J 1 ll Thursday l hat t ht• :!07 1.nv1·Slllr'l 111v11lvt·<t' rn th" porlrun o f tht· t•'<.'l'l\'l'rshtp c.1ct111n wrll mak1· ..i hl'<rlth.:v pror11 1111 tht• lh ·al Thi' l.Jnd \.\.i:. p.111 11f th1· ~· tal lt·d P n•Jt'll "J.7 holdings of P rnJt'l'h Unlrrrntt•d ln1 • wh11h Cro-.by platl'<I rn r<-<·t·1vl•r.h1p 111 !\Ian h folluw111g ..,I.cit ,Jllt·gatuin, D1·p.11 lllll'lll, ..,;Hd lht• u ly IS Ill 1111' pro11.1·~' 111 h1n11~" n1nsuh<.111t l11 t.ik1 · 1 ,1rt • of l lw prubll·m II•· ... :..111 ortt· llk,·lv n\l'Lh o d \.\11uld 111• lo 111:..t·n pr~·hm•' 111111 I ht· Mii i .111J 11(111 l t• I h1· g.1s 1>1 ou gh l t11 t ht· !>Urfan• by Pl''''lll I' M11111 h11u -.1· JdJ1•d thJt tlwn· pt o l>al1l v woulJ lw .. rrorls to l .11JlUI t' Jlltf 1>tt1ll' lht· nll'thJlll' g;1:, 1111 1·cw1 g y use 1f 1h1·n · an· -.1g n1l 1< ;int qu:..1111 111•s rn lht· ~l).;1l'f't• SI It • M oor h 11U1>l' s.11d lhl· 'ill•'. h1•t w1•1•11 T a I b1,r t a nd El I 11> .1 v 1·t1 llf • s 11 n d li 11 l hard ;..ind <.:11ld1•11 W1· ... 1 s lrt•t•lS, firs t tx .... ·arn1· a mu11Lv l:mdf11l abuul 40 yt·ar ... :1go lit1l '1t ..... 11·1 1,..('I\ t•xcavatc·cl r11r v1•.ar-. I Ii· .... 11d 11 furnwrly was a d1·1·p gully lh:..l had lx•t•n ('X(.'<IVi:l li!U Ill ..... nd :111d grnvd up<:ratron!> "l-'l•11plt· threw t·verything 111 llll'fl' rvfngl·rnton .. !>lOVl'S, nlc.J , ,,,...,, tin~. gru!>s cind tras h you 11.11111 II " Tlt1· old l.111d f11l , lut.lll'd wrlhm 1lt1· IJC 1u11d.ir11·'> of Ct'nt ra l Park ,111J J l fV!>'> th<· 1>lrt•l'l frum thl' libr .11 v, " t•urm.i1 kt•ll fur <Jpt•n "l'·•l 1 • · M1 MJI h ow.1· ~1d A 1111111·1• tll'part men l hl'11 port p1 l'VlllU'>IY ww, lol'dlL'd 1111 th1• l.1ncHrll But the landing p<td ll Jl k l·d Jlld the hang<Jr sank wlwn tlw lamJ !>Ub!>ldl'C.I Du111}J1ng up1.•rt.1l1oru. a rl· gmng 1111 lo till' l'asl o r lht• landf11l, but only ltlt'r t nwtt•nab art· allow!!d, :-,,11d Moorhousl' Thi· s taff u f thl· Wa s lt• M am1g c•rnt•nl Board regularly 111-.pt'l'h l;111<1ri11 s t o e n s url• l·omplwnt·1· with kde-ncl h t>alth a 11 d ' H h· I y r l' 4 u 1 r e m e n l s . a1 t11rding lo .spok1•swoman Ong L.1ndf1lb :.u t+1 .is the o nt· rn H untington Beach an• placed on th1· "Opt·n Dump Lrst" wht:n thl·V f<11l lo rnl·et s tandords 0 11g ~a rd thP s late l·ould 1n1t 1at t• ll·gal prol'l•edr n g!> 1f rt·'>p<ini.1bll· parlll'!> don't dC'an tht·m up land sal e b acked 111 '>•'t until'" l;1w vwlallun:-. Thi· "J.117 invt·stors rn Pruj(>cl :!I .111 1101 n1'l·1:::..""'r1ly th1· ~nw .... , thtN' 111 11th1·r Pru)''\."L'> Unhmllt«I pr t1jt't '" Duv1dson said. adding SLAYER • • • From Page A 1 dun11g th1·1r lo ng n ·ldlluns hrp 111· • .i..,., S<.11d hi' had planned tu ll'<•V" Espinda aftt·r meeting Lc11w a Laguna &•ath rl·srdc·nt L.11ll', laking the s ta nd 1n M1"1n·'s behalf during the r1 rs1 111.11, lt·,llfu•c.J that Mourt.' 11f1<•n b1•1k1· 11llo t1•a1·!> wh1h· d(·st·rrbrng tlw rl'trtl.iu1111h Espinda would t,1k1· .ag<irnr.t h11n upon learnrn~ that M oon.• had scx·n hl•r M oore· and Es pinda ran th1· N t· "' p o r t P s y t· h o I o g 1 c a l Labur.ilor v. \.\ h1t·h l'Onlrdc.'ll'd rl' -.1.•n 'lll'!> L~ S4.'V1•ral co<1s tal S<:h11<1l cl 1-.11-1 l l:. th.it lllVl·:.llor" in o lhl·r prujt.'t.'ls m.1 v lost· monc·v 1;ht• $!J.U45,0(i0 s<1lc· pm'\:· of the· l'11l111;1d<> land will nl·l Pro.Jl.oc.:t '27 11w1·stor ... all that th~y tnVC'sted. p lu s an 1mmt·d1.11e· 40 t u 51) 111·n ·t•nl pruf11 and mun· money o>Vl'I ~·v1•ral vt·nr:-. as t he· land I!> p .11J 11ff. David::.on satd N u t al l 1-'ruJN'l!> Unl1m1tl·d 111v1·s tors Wl·rt· that lut:k v . ht· '.JIU Thol>t· who put tht•rr m1111t·y 1 11 s l' v l' r a I o I h 1• r p r u Jc c t s . rndudrng Pro.JC'<.'t.s 10, :.w. 22 and :!:t "writ tw lu1·k y if tht•y get 40 or 50 p1·n ·1.·nt o f 1hc·1r money b.1l k." s..11d Davidson Thi· ProJ<'l'I :n land w cis p Ur l' h Ii' t'C1 b "j W II 0 d V I (' W Prop< .. rlll'S liw o r Sanui Ana in a dl•JI thal 1m·ludc•d $2.795,000 n 1sh. Dav1d-.on SC:1 1d A I c1 ..... s u 1 t b v l h 1• :, l a t 1 l)l:p;1nrm·n1 of C o rporaHons led tu tht· l'<imp.my lx·ing pla<·ed rn 11-<'t 1v1•r-h1p and rs s till pending OBIE SP()RTS lJTI). Take $SQ off 19ur next lWA flight to ski country. .. Just buy any Rossignol skis or Larige boots. • (And take aJong any family members for s25 off their airfare, too!) . . • \!\ • II ~" e you a coupon good ior $50 off TWA nights to Deml·r SJll L.ilo.e City or Albuquerq ue. Coml' into our shop ior deta1l5 on that excit ing promotion. see our complete lint> or Lange boots ... and take off! 'PrvQ!qf~rrha,,.a111f 111r 1,...,w 1!rrq111....t at ~B I E SPORTS LTD ' 2131 E. Coa1t Hwy. Corona del M•r -----------.. -~ ....... -_. ....... "· ,.....-------------------NI WP Ori BllCh -Irvine ______ o_,_or_,u_u _L_ou_11,_o_A_1L_'Y_r_1l_o_1,_F-_""_o_y._N_ov_o_'"_bo_, _!J_1_o_e 2 ____ "_a NATION Doctors transplant liver to ill child MINNEAPOLIS (Al') A team of surgeons workl·d today to transplunt a liver from a brain-dead child into the body o! 11 month-old Jamie Fiske, who dcx·tors said would die within weeks witho ut a new h vt'r J amie's cose r cl·c1ved national atlL·11t1o n last month wht'n her father ask ed 11 group o f 1wJ11.1tr1l'1ans for help Tht• liver wa:. flown Crum Sult Laki• Caty lo M1nm•a pula:. t'arly today aCtl•r at wa::. uakt:ll from the body of an a('pdt•nt Vll'llm, said Mark Sands, a spokt:'sman for the Un1vers1ty oC Utah Mcc.J11·al Cente r in Salt Lake. S11nds sa1c..I h1· ua 1dt'r,.t11nd ttu• parent:. of tht• v11 t1m 'uggl'stt'Ci the lr1uL'lpl111ll A team of c..loctw s from thl· U n1vt·rs1ty of M11111t•!w ta lh>.ipL.tals o.nd C lanin. lt•ft S11 lt Lukt· City al ub\lUl 4 am EST tn a lcust'<i .JC't Thl· liv1·r was remov~ 111 u thn-t• hour llf'Crat 1on that eu11dUUl•<l 111 <1bout 3 u m ., Sands said It had to be trunspli:111k<.J w1th111 sax hours of rPinoval, hl• su1d T o b (· s u , 1 u b 1 e· r 11 .. t rnns µlant to JJn11t'. who suffl•rs Crom hvl.·1· d1St·Usl'. the donatt-<l urga11 had to tx· rrmn un unc.J1seus l·d c.·haltl who wc.·aghl'<i 15 tu 17 ~1u11tl!> iJIHI had thl• ~•ml· blood ty pt• Chrysler strike in Canada By The Associated Press C h r yslcr w o rkt•rs s hut down the automaker:.' six Canadian plants t o day. laum·h1ng a s tr1kt• that will forec layuffs 1n the United States and could 1mpNil thf• company's fragile rt:'overy. The walkout bL•gan early today as sc.:hcdul(·d . shortly after neg o tiat o rs f or Amt'nt·a's No 3 a utomaker and its 10.000 Canadian w orkers eml'rged from a brwf session and annuunl't:'d uwrc w as n o la ~t minute breakthrough D e t ailed STATE ('Ufltllll'llL"> w<•rt• tu l1t• 111ad1• at n1•w s t·unf<'n•nu•' wht•dult·tl by l.'J t'h Sldl'. U num ll'Jdl·rs 011 hoth :.a<IP:. of lht• bordL'r arl' d t•tna11d111g p clY llll'l't•ascs for wurkl·rs whost.• salaril'S h <.1VL' bt'l'l1 froi.cn during 197Y, c.Jaspullng Chry:.lt•r's daim that 1l cann11t afford ra1st•s C hryslt-r's U S workl·rs vutl'd last month tu postponl· CurtlH•r nl•got1ut1u ns unttl J.inuary rather tl1a11 l:x·~m a s lrikl' during lhl' (.'hnslnaas SL•aS<,ln. Duke vows bipartisanship LOS ANGELl!:S (AP) F'acL·d with a Demucrat1c.·- t•untro llc.•c.J Ll'g1s latun• an 1983. Republtcan Gov -c:le<·t Gt>orge Deukmt•Jian promises "a new e ra of b1part1sans h1p 1n California govl'rnment " ln his first m•ws confl·n.·nc(· sincl' his razor-thin v ic to r y over Democrat Tom Bradle~. Deukmejian denal'Cl Thursday lh at an anti -b lac k vote contribute d to has victory, even though Dt.•moc•rats swept l ' v t• r y o l h e r p a r t 1 s a n !>tJt(·w1de r aL'E' whale hi:' tuppL'<i Bradll')' hy 1mly !"12.- 7!15 out o f 7.6 million vows Dc•ukmeJian, who S<'fVl'Cl lti y l·ars 111 thl' L c·g1slature. including six as GOP fl11or )c:adL·r of the Sena tl·. Lid c1rc> has t·IL'l'lio n as atto rney gt·neral four years ago, said hl· INrnt•d during those yL•ars h ow t o forge b1part1:.an c1grL·t:m1m1. and that h<' would do lht• same as governor Special session eyed -· SACRAMENTO(AP> A s p ec ial se~s 1on o f th e Cal1Corn1a Leg1s latun .. • ts being con side red . but Gov Edmund Bro wn Jr and leg1slat1ve leaders railed tu make a dC'C1s1on dunng thc.·1r Cirst meeting Brown met fur two hours Thursday with A ssL·mblv Speaker W1Jh(• Brown. D-San Francisco. S e nall· President Pro Tern David Roberti. D- L os Angeles. and Senate Dem0<:ra11c floor leader John Garamenda, 0 -Walnut Grvve T o reporte rs , Garamend1 prt.•d1eted a spl•C1al Sl'SS1on before the next govL'rnor takes o ff1n· in J a nuary He said It wuuld deal with the looming budget defat•tt, and probably reapporltlmmt'nt RobNt1 had earltN said the chanr t:'s of a spet:1al st•ss1on this month were "rl'mutc " Actress' beau charged LOS ANGELES (AP) The boyfriend o f actrt•ss Doman1que Dunne" an custody o n an attempted murder c harge. w as b ooked ro r mvl'stlgallon of murder when the dark-hc11rt:d perfo rml:'r d ied s ix days aflt>r being choked. Dunne, 2:.1. who made her film debut this y<'ar as the WORLD o ldl·r daughter an thC' S tl'Ven Spal•lbc-rg ftlm produc tion . "P ultcrgc1st." died Thursday an lht• intensive-can • unit at CC'dars-Sanai Mc'Clat·al Ct·nter . hospital s p okt'sman Larry Baum said Dunne d tt>d without r c.•gumang l'On.sc1ousrwss after thl' attack last Saturday Pope elevates nun SEVILLE. S pam (AP) P ope J ohn Paul II. standing under a soltd-s1lve r . l !>th century al tcirp11'L't' beau f aed a Spanish nun tod ay and I amen l t• cl Ku v t• r nm en t inattentio n to thl• "urgent problems" o f tht' world's rural poor Sister Angl:'la de la Cruz. the early -20th century nun e levated by John Paul in a ceremony rart'ly he ld outside the Vat U:an, ro u n ded an a~·cllc order that manasters to the poorest of the poor. like that r un b y Nobel Prize- w1nnC'r Mo t her TC'rt'sa o f Calcutta The pontiff has conducted only one ut ht•r lx·.'.lt1f1<.•at1on, th e f ir s t step toward sa inthood . o ut s ide the Vatican . In F ebruary 1981. hC' elevated the 17th century m1ss1onary Lorenzo Ru12 an Manila • • COUN<~llJ From Page A 1 • lrvlne Unified School District p11111ll ·d t11w111d g1ov. Ill 1111 two , ..... ' l '1111111·tl111:111 IJ1111 St111u .. s. un i( I""' Wllllll'I Ill 'l'u1·:-d11 v·., dP1 t11111, ,1tn.1•1 v1·d thut bt•t'HIJM· llu 1111111-I l111ot l1v 11nly .J imwll 111111 j.(111, It 1111lt .. 1t1·' th.et "tlll'l't' •• II ' l I II t \A, II .. IJ I\ e ·" I I) l h l' l'UllllllUllll \ " St1.1uss ,,11d tlw 1 h-t·11u11 h•uvt•K 1\1111 1111tl 1'~ve•lv11 I lart. u1'o n • e·le·e•ti ·d , 11111111• 111 pr11v1d111g a liala11t•111•! v1>1u· to 1111· e'l1u111·al 111.1.111111\ S t1 <1u" u11d llart, 1h1111~h. do 11111 e1111-.1.,tl·1Hl y vull• tugl'l lw1 ' J1•a11 W,1tt. p1 t•,11 lt•11t 111 S top 1'11llut111g Our Nt•W p111'l, 1'l·ho1·d llu111n1l'I·:. c·11111µl.1111b wh1•11 .1dd 11 ·..,s1n~ 1111· H.111111ng H1111d1 de •vt • 1111mw11 t ''II tha s Ii. '>Li j.1posl·d to 1t·µ11·s1•nt <i m.in<ltttl', it's .1 11i.111d,1tt· that was l><>ughl," said W.11 t. .a :.h<crµ l't 1t11 111 lht• 75-acrl' de•ve•l11f)111e·11t µl'11Jl't't The· d1·vt·loµnw11t. uph1•lc.J an tlw l'h 'l'l111n bv a (''>mfortabl(' 111;1rwn. w.1s 1·~p<'l'tl'd lo bc.> th(: bag s h11wduwn he•t Wl'l'n the• growth and sh1w growth factions 111 N1•v. J1t11 t lX«•l h W11tt ".11tf sh1· d11t:-;n't lx•hc•vl• th1· ,.1c ... taull pro\'1•d a n ythmg and 1:. u11wtlli11g 111 L1d1n1t that tlll' Ill hc-r "lift• WI Ill "[thank Wt· did Vl'IY w1•ll whc·n you 1·11ns1de·r Ow ;.1111uui11 nf moiwy tht·y had and tht• slac k, ma111pul;1t1 Vl' ma1lt•1 s and ads usc•d ," :.ht• 11bsc.·rv1·d M.ivor Jat·k1t· llt•athl·r . iJ s uµv11rtt•1 11f t h1• dl'Vl·lopml'nl wheo w.is r t· 1•l1·l tl'd t·a s 1lv Tu1·"dav, s:.11tl lht· VIJll' t«lb h1;1 1h:1t ni11.1•11,. havt· t·emf1dem·c.· 111 tht· vuUl\l'll's .1btl1tv to h:111dh· la rg1 •.111mphealt•d la;1d USL' plan:- "Bul I do ubt this sl'llll'S ;111v largt•r 1ssuL· or wal l d1sc.·11un.1gi· fut urt• ll'ft•re•ndums," sh1· n ·rm1rkt ·cl Dt·Vl·lo pC'r William B.inning ~11d ht· '"'"~ pk-asl'<I bv the vott• lJ LI t d 11 I' S 11 II t I' X p l" C' l I h l.' l't11lt111\ll·r:-y lo want• H as plan IH•W g11P-. to tlw s tat<• l'oustal l'11111n11;;s11111 wh1·re· 11.:. l'l'lt1t~ art• 1•,11t•1:1t•d tu n ·surf..1t't· t\ll.1n B1·1·k . a 111st·r ·111 the· u 1u nu I I' It 'l't 11111 . 'J 1d t ht• volt• 1t .. ev1·.s ham <'unfu:-ed ·· P1•11pl1• tl'll 1rH-th<.·y don't ~ .. 111 rarnp<111t growth but th1•y sun· v o t c.• f 0 r 1 t Th t• who IL' th111g's ;1 mystl'ry 111 111\'" A numl>t'r of n md1datC's alsn 1·xpr<• .. s('d Ulll'LISllll'SS with th(• C'le-t·taun 11sl'lf. he-Id for th1• Cu-st t1nw In t'OllJUlll'llOn With lhl· ge1wral 1 ·ll'l·t1011 lle•athi>r s.ml tht· fall clC'l·t10 n n o w ll«1v t>s th<' c atv with a "la1111•-duek l'OUl1ltl '; bt'<.'i:IUSt• ll u 1ilml·I . 1ns t1•a d o f IJ(•tng rl'f.Jlut•cd 4u1lkly. will serve until tht• t•nd of th<' year Oth1·r tandadate<; c·o mplaint:'d th at e l<1rg1? numbc·r o f Ufl(•du~·att•d" voll•r;;, drawn to th•· 1)11lb hy big s t<ttc> r;.i1·t•s. l'ast b;1ll11ts 111 the• city u>ntt•st NB's larges t • improvement completed Calltornla A11e11ment Program Orade1 3 and e Scboul Sc·ort- <:om puhwn Score Band Al.OER WOO O RASlt'S PLUS Grade 3 !\t•admg W riting M&thematks Crade 6 Hl'ud1ng Wnlin~ Mothc•mut1t·s BONITA CANYON Grade 3 RL·UdlllK W1 lt1n~ Mat ht•mallt'!> Grade 6 Rl·auing Writing Mathcmall<.'S COLLEGE PARK Grade 3 Hl'admg Writing Mathemutil'S Grade 6 Hl•admg Wnung Mathematics CULVEROALE Grade 3 Reading Writing MathC'mallt-i. Grade 6 Rt•ading Writing MC1thl·mat1c'S DEERFIELD Grade 3 Rl'ading Wnti11g Mathl'mlltll'S Grade 6 Ht•atlang Wnung Mathematics EASTSHORE Grade 3 R<>admg Wratang Mathc·matacs Grade 6 Rl.·adang Wrat1ng Mathematal~ • EL GAMINO REAL Grade 3 Ht•ading Writing Mathematics Grade 6 Reading Wnung Mathc:>matat'S EL TORO MARINE Grade 3 Read mg Writing MathcrmitiL·s Grade 6 Reading Writing Mathematics GREENTREE Grade 3 Read m g Wrltinr.! !H7 2!.Jlj 304 :.!7H 281:! 311 289 2!14 303 2!:19 308 309 297 :rn:4 312 379 407 402 292 20:1 3112 W0-324 lli5-327 :.!H:i.:i 19 282-:Jl 5 27IJ·305 284-31:.! W5-349 :.!89-341 21:lli-J:i5 287-322 281-320 2!ll:l-320 26!1-300 26!1-JOO :.!68-306 259-292 21i 1-286 265-294 205-303 265-:i03 21H5-308 270-308 268-301 27:3-307 21:19-327 288-325 281-323 277-31 1 27:3-304 276-:111 252-J:.!!J 244-336 241 -:333 252-288 253-286 255-290 284 not available 284 not available 308 not available 287 293 305 257 258 2l0 254 256 265 273-301 270-296 275-302 264 -294 265-294 261-293 254-287 256-284 256-288 266-304 266-304 TEST SCORES • • • From Page A 1 D1str1(•t o f fic ials don't call SELF a "contanua t1on·· St'hool. wh1c.•h would t•nabl<' thc>m tu omit its scores from final results. Stud ents at W oodbridge High School were· T tw l;1rgt·sl pnvatt•ly ran;tn('l'd not tC'sted last year be<:ause the school did no t road 1napr11vl·llll·nt pn>J1'<'1 in havl' a senior dass fts first sena or dass wall Ne•v. 1.1111 t Bt•m h hastur~ J $2 :~ undergo tests this yt•ar HC'Sults will be available milh11n t•l l1Jrt lundl'U b-, CtVl' n<'Xt year d I'·: t' I 11 J> ('I !> h ;1 o; 0h l' l' 11 l'nmpll'tt"t.I In the elementar y sc:hools. third and sixth Thi rarms worki'<l 11n 14 ma.1or grade-rs· sc:ores fell Within the comparison S<.'On' 1rHi·rwl·t1ons, a<lciang lmws. turn ba nd in five of sax catt•gon cs. In third-grade po<'k<"t~ and tr<1ffac· "1gnals. Half writing. the students' avt'ragl' score of :H6 was of the.· mtNH'1..'ltr>ns <Jrl' .lruund above th<' band (296-313) It was JG points haghc-r t:orl~l·Sll '<I J ohn w .ay rw Airport than last vear's average sc:ore ;and 1h1• olh1•rs on th1• l'a<;t s1dt• of In othe r scores, third graders sl'Ored :408 this tht• Uppi.•1 N1•wport Bay ypar compared lo 297 last y(.•ar in readang and 307 W h1 I•· th« road work wus t'Ompa rl'CI Lo 292 an math. r1·4utrl'd o f tht• bulld c>rs as For six th graders. this year's avera,Rc· Sl'Ore Muthcmolllii Grade e Heud111J( Writing Muthcmolll1l LOS NARANJOS Grade 3 Rc•ading W~lllng Mutht·muhl't> Grade 6 Reu<.Jmg Wriling Muthemulll'S NORTllWOOO Grade 3 Rt!ading Wrillng Muthcmulu.'b Grade 6 Rt"udmg Writing M<1tht>mati<:s SANTIAGO HILLS Grade 3 RC'ading Writing Mathl•mal1t'S Grade 6 Read mg Writing Mathl•matacs STONE CREEK Grade 3 1-kac.Jing Wr1t1ng Matht•m<illl'S Grade 6 Rt·ading Wntang Muthl•maucs TURTLE ROCK Grade 3 Read mg Wntang Matlwmut1c.":> Grade 6 Rl'ad1ng Writing Mathematics UN IVERSITY PARK Grade 3 Rl'adang Wnung M~tht•mallL'S Grade 6 Reading Wnting Matht•matil'!. VISTA VERDE Grade 3 Rt'adang Writing M::ith(•maucs Grade 6 Reading Writin g Mathematics :u :i 263-307 285 260·292 285 200·Zli9 275 264-29~ 313 273.313 334 269-31ff 313 268-Jld ZH5 26tj :40 I 27'1 2ti4·ZIJ<i 264 269-:iOO :i 11 281i -:.i2S' 330 283-3211 295 282-320 W2 281-J l!> 299 275-308 309 282 -3Hl :i65 ZIH -34 !). 31i3 291-342' 326 292-331 293 289-316 JOH W2-30H 311 289-:!15 :.!~Y. lHti-320 304 lB!>-3 19 :11 3 281-319 320 271-309 292 271 -300 314 275-309 :l09 28 1-:12<1 31 :3 279-320 302 275-316 294 280-313 300 274-307 295 282-:312 ;{ 17 285-328 304 286-325 323 277-326 323 280-317 321i 272-312 :132 :.!80-3 Hi 303 not avaalabll· 294 not available :~09 not avaala!>le :.!85 27..t -304 306 266-300 292 273-304 WESTWOOD B.ASICS FIVE Grade 3 Reading Writing 300 278-319 303 279·316 Matht:maucs 293 276-314 Grade 6 Reading 301 279-31 5 Writing 30() 273-308 M athl'mat1cs 284 280-312 High Schools Callfornla Aaaeaament Program IAVINE HIGH Reading Writing Spelling Math SELF HIGH Reading Writing Spelllng Math UNl'{EASITY HIGH . Reading Writing Spelling Math Percent Correct 68.0 67.4 75.1 75.1 63 1 58.4 60.7 57.2 68.7 71 4 76.2 73.8 Comp•rlaon Score B•nd 66.3-69.1 66.4-69.2 70.5· 73. 1. 7 1.0-74.4 63.7-68.7 63.3-68.8 68.4-73.4 68.3-73.7 I 69.7-72.3 70.1-72.7 , 72.5·7<4.9 74.8·78.0 . l' o n u 1 t 1 o n !> l u s I:' pa r a t f ' w as 297 compared to last year's 290. dl'V1•l11pml'nls. thr rar ms t1•amed ~--~~~~----~--~~----~~~~~~~~-~~------~------~ tog(•! h,·r to d u the• work and s p t'l'd ll p l'omplt·t 1c1n of t hl· 1mprovcml'nlc; Tht• firms that p artac:1pated "'l'fl' th,• lrvml' Company, thl' Koll Co , .J M. Pl•ll•a ~ Co .. Ford J\1•rnspa11· and P:1c·1f1 c. Mutual I .de• lnsuranr<' S tt•\'t• Gavan, a P<1d flt· Mutual 'PC>kt':-man . said harl th<.· farms not ba nd<>d togt>t ht•r . l hc> road 1mprov<'mr11ts would have been done• an a pu-<.emcal fashion and drngge'CI ovl•r many y<'ars instead of 1lw 20 months tht' .1nb tuok. Another ¥ arn It is easy to get confused when shopping for carpeting. There are a few hundred different kinds of carpet yarns. Take Du Pont's "Antron'' for instance. There is "Antron I", ''Antron II ", "Antron ///", "Antron Plus ", and "Antron XL ". Many of these come in different deniers (thickness of the tiny fibers which make up the yarn). different twist rates, continuous filament or stape yarn. Staple yarn can come in different· lengths of staple, making the carpet more or less susceptible to shedding. Also, the yarns come In different luster levels: low luster, medium luster, and high luster. We1re Listening ••• What do ,·ou hkt• about the Da al v Piiot' What don't you like" Call tht· nu~bc.>r at le ft and your mes.<wgc will be rt'<'orded, transc·nbcd and delivt•n •d to the appropriate' editor Various yarns have different attributes regarding dyeing. Some are beck dyed, kuster dyed, space dyed, printed, or resist dyed. Some are treated to l'epel certain pigments. and when the carpet comes out of the dye beck. It can have as many as six colors. 642·6086 The ~amt' 24 hour ans wenng service may be used to record let· ll'ro; to thl' cd1lor on any top1<' Mailbox contnbutors mus t include thl'1r name and ll'lt•ph11nt• number for V<'nflrat1on No c1rculalion r ails. ph•ast• Tl'll uc; .,.hat', un \'Our mind Mono.-. f ,f(f,-,. ti ft"• I• nt'I• "'"<ite tW r'•i\•' Df !i JO " m '-°"" oe•n-~ 7 1 ,. •nO J'Ot.1' c.-,Qy N ii n--t(I S"uf'd•f .tr!{) $\;'1<1•r 11 vou Ou "<Jt '•t••w• 1r1u1 (()µy o,. f • It\ , .. ,. tJ-hll'• IQ I m tn0 ,~,, "lf\Y •1tl .,._ ... c::ir..e.tw '2 ,, .... r OAANOE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Haley P~1\h~1 Of'W) ( hi•I l •4'tt:v•1we Oft•t. ., Jane Amari f ,.CUh'fe (d1t()f L. Koy Schult1 Vo<f Ptet..,..,. Oii<! Ootec•ot ol A<l-•'"''"ll Raymond Maclean (on11ott•• M lchCMI P. Harvey D·••<•0t <>I Motlt•"'Q •C •« ulol•Oll' Kenneth N. Godde.rd Jr. D•11t<.ll.I< "' Op .. OhOl\t Clualfled advertlalng 714.lf42-5t71 All other department• M2-4U1 MAIN <WFICl JJO Wnl ... $1 CO\I• Mn• (A M•ll e...,,.u llo• 11"0, (°'le MtW CA t?tlt C011yrl9ht 14'7 Or-. CO.ti Putltlthl"f C-y No"'"' 1e0t10 . 11111ttrtlio111 tdllortel m.Ct.r or .. verU1•m ... 11 M••ln mey IM ••P•odv<M •••-toe<I•• c-.rml\l«ln OI Co»yrl(lfle _,,., What does all this mean to you? The obvious answer Is -don't worry about /ti Buy from someone you tru•t and l»lleve'ln. Our family has been In the carpet business since the 1890's. We know a lot about carpeting, and we 're st/// ltflarnlng. DEN'S ·~ir;,t; ... ,,~·u• :iiiiiilliiiOR:·custom ''~!!!! 1113 PUClttl AW. • COITA llD. Cl 11111 •· PHCIE .. Orange Co 11 DAILY PILOT/Frldly, November 8, 1982 Economy-size pup te nt Tenting is req~ired while the roofs of Corona del Mar High School a r e being sealed with polymer so the spray doesn't blow a ll ottr campus. The project, which began in August, is expected to be finished by next Friday. Another pelican mutilated Anothc.>r mutllau.>d pelican hu bc!cm fourid In Rooondo fktach. Qc.'COrdlng to a state Department"' of Ftah and Game official. Though the bird's upper bciik woa cut off, It appearc:d to be In good hoalth , ul d OFC spokesman Pat MCJo rc.•. The brown pelican was turnl>d over to Marineland oHicil\l& by Game Warden Carroll Cox. The recent capture brings to 13 the number of pelicans that have been disc..'Ovcrcd with their upper beaks partially or completely severed. Under such conditions, the birds cannot fet.">d themselves. Moore said he ls puzzled by the Tuesday discovery since il is believed tbe pelicans were alJ mutilated around mid-October in the Dana Point Harbor area. Ten of the birds are being cared for at Crown Valley Animal Hospital in Laguna Niguel and another is at Sea World in San Qltgo. A bird captured Oct. 25 in Redondo Beach had to be destroyed after a veterinarian decided it could not be saved. Wildli Ce officials suspect an angry Cis herman is responsible for the mutilations since the birds steal anc hovy bait and get tangled in fishing nets and lines. The National Audubon Society is offering a reward that so far totals $13.411 for information leading to the conviction of whoever is cutting or sawing oH the beaks of pelicans. Foam Furniture You'll Flip Over riNY J-5" LOH(t ((j'Pt;fl, '10!.05 <X' II f/"1,A fLq,,JtR, A l..Olfjrtf'.. (A ~!/$. fWV fl'I0'1A 511/N~ ~5 M<'l1 flt:!(j-~95 l2B ' I Lofas and Sofas to Mix and Match ;- I When you flip over our versalile foam furnilure. you convert a cush1ony Lola sofa or chair into a bed! Made of sturdy com· pact foam. Lofas are covered in a durable cotton duck fabnc in brown rust. and blue The comfy 54" wide Lof a sofa opens to reveal a super soft bed Reg 219 95 S148.88. A single Lofa. 27" wide . makes a plush chair Flip 11 open and it's a bed. Com· bine two or more Lofas and you've got a great looking sofa Reg 129.95 $74.88.Colors may vary from store to store .uul qL" t•dif '"'i11 •th ·••1tlt1111 t1pL 1111 ht1 llf•'' ff1tll,to h-i f,H1•1•· r••\llHf .. ,,, 1 Htl~ dh'1\\,,,t,,hL•t \•tU 11• ,. \.It!• \tH •I\. 11f t •1~H"' \\, •lit 11 •tut It •UH 1101 •jl.Ut" 1••1 ,,,. •Jl.1 '••I,~ .11 lur '" pL1, tw '" t11 \"Ill fi,11nt' ""-•• ''''" ~ 11\,•f f1l1tl' "UJ1 l1th't fH ftlht:f ,11ul •Jiu,~ 111uu111 fl'''"''' .1nd Jllllll' \It..• 11 "fl'll h I.' •UI flolll It We'rp Here lo Hel1> "''J' ,,, ,111dw11, ,.,,ti .i--...•rt1l•I..• 1 , ,, ' \l•'tt 11 h .. , •' ,,., I 1 • '' """''( ftnn fr<ttfll'" dlU.f "'lhddtA\ 1'111 .. ull.tl u \', 11 k 11i tl A.u• ·~ tw ''~ ~~ \Ah,11 ;uu rh.'\'t' ~,, l~1 .. 1h,-1, Art M,,n, -1,.,. t• fl<'l'l lwlp" th hnm<j p 11.N.·111' h1·lr• \' ,., r "' • ..... ti Ml 1-...•rl ... 1 ", ~11u1 lrwmll\ , '"''uht111t "t h '""""''th• u,1 .. 111 < ''t 111 .. 11•1 ~ /\"'"" I~" 1thv" /\11 M<1r1' • . . " ..... ..... . HUNTINQTON 8IACH 7410 ~~./Open MON • .fW. 1N, IAT. a IUN. 104 C09TA MDA 1114 __;;; ./Open MON ........ M, IAT• I IUN. 104 IANTA ANA 2111 I . lrtllol &/Open MON,.,,...1M, IAT. I IUN.104 ~ 'llO Mo>! C)t l'flO!W ()tCMft tlefl'l• 1...-0 flO Mecla ~ llairlO A• ~01\~·~ .. 111.' ...... \ l ... W10 NUEIU,ANI> -This bevy of "Bauer Buick Beautict" ... in reality the gals who make the a~ency function timpothly ... for the third year in a row the y delighted our employees and custo.ml•rs alike with a daring display of their crcauvt.• st:wlng t.alcnts f't.X't•nlly for Halloween. • Bringing to hie the wond~rland chara,·ters Crom Alice in Wonderland, they made their'own costumes'. portraying their individual (avorites ... (L to R) w~ see Maureen Adam as Tweedle Dee/Tweedle Oum; Pam Waters as The Queen of Hearts: Shar Cameron, the Jabberwcxk· &mi Miller as the Mad Hatter: Mary Polla~d the Cheshire Cat, and Pam Doyle as the White ~bbit. The nl'w 1983 Buick hnc at Bauer Buick took a back seat to. th~.osc beaul1PS! *** . COSTA MESA .•. On Saturday, November 13th, from 10:00 AM t.o 4:00 PM. Estancia Hijth School in Costa Mesa. will be the site of Haroor Boulevard of Cars' lst Annual "Cook For Kids" Chili Cookoff. Wilh proceeds benefitting F.stancia, Costa Mesa. Newport Harbor, and Corona del Mar High Schools, the Chili Cookoff will involve activity clubs from each school, with 5 teams competing per school. The entire event is being sponsored by Harbor Boule vard of Cars Association. (See attached agenda for more specific details.) Special guest appearances will be made by Ted McGinley, who plays ''Roger" on ABC's Happy Days T.V. Show, Los .Angeles Rams football player Jack Youngblood, Rams Cheerleaders, and a special appear~ce from an "extra terrestrial alien" who will be visiting Earth that day! ''In this time of serious budget cut-backs, it's great to have a group of businessmen willing to donate time and money lO help raise funds for our high schools," stated Art Perry, Activities Director of Estancia Hjgh School. "We certainJy appreciate the effort&--of the Harbor Boulevard of Cars As~pciation . without whom the whole event wouldn't have been possible." "We have always wanted to do 5omething fun and wort~hile for the local community,'' stated Gary Gray, President of the Harbor Boulevard of Ca.rs Association. "We felt a chill cookoff would be an excellent way to raise funds for the local high schools. as well as get the whole community involved in the fun," Cray continued. . The team that concocts the best chill will receive a first place prize of $1,500! Second and third place will receiv e $ l ,QOO and $500, respectively. In addition. a special prize of $400 will be awarded for "showmanship". This category will be judged on booth de<.'bratlons, overall enthusiasm, craiy team name and the most creative song, cheer or skit performed. Each of the four winning teams will al.so receive a specially designed Chili Cookorr trophy. Directing the spectacular event will be Pat Michaels, Vice President and General Manager of KWRM and KQLH radio stations in the city of Corona. A resident of Corona del Mar, Michaels Is a veteran Master of Ceremonies for the International Chili Society. He has M.C.'d cookoCCs all over California and also appeared at the International Chili Cookoff which took place at the Universal Amphitheatre. The official chili judging will take place at 1:00 PM, with 9 judges sampling the gastronomical brew of all 20 teams. Highlighting the judging squad Is Ted McGinley, the Honorable Mayor Arlene Schafer of Costa Mesa, Dr~w Lawler, publlsher/edltor of Newport Center News and Mike Lawler. publisher/editor of South Coast Metro News. AGE~l>A 10:00 AM Teams begin cooking. Raffle of prizes • begins and continues throughout the day. I 1 :00 AM Country -western band called' COTTONWOOD begins playing and continues until ~:00 p.rn. 12:00 PM Team entertajnment begins, and will continue intermittently until all 20 teams have performed . "Extra Terrestrial Alien" visits the Cookoff. 1 :00 PM Chili is collected and judgjng occurs .. Rams Chee rle aders make their appearance. 1 2:00 PM Football player. Jack Youngblood visits the CookoH. 3:00 PM Awards ceremony begins. Throughout the day the band will play, guest appcaran«>S will be made, a unique car show will be on display. and over 90 prizes will be raffled off. Winners must be present to claim prizes. The Harbor Boulevard of Cars' Aisociatlon ia comprised of 11 dealerships spanning the length of Harbor Boulevard in C:O.ta Mesa. The group forms one of the largest automobile shopplnil. centen ln the Sout hla nd. They incluch Atlaa Ch r ysler-Plymout h, Bauer M otors (Buick-busw-Brit.iah Can). Connell Chevrolet, Costa Meu Datsfn. Earl Ike Impo rt• (Toyota-Volvo). J ohl'l80n & Son Lincoln-Mereucy. Nabera Cadillac, In ~ .• Ora n1 e Co aat AMC-Jeep-Renault, South Cout Dodge, Inc., Theodore Roblns Ford and Univenity Salea & Servk'e (Old.moblle-Honda-GMC Tl'\H'ki.) Ticketa for the "Cook For Kida" CookoH are f2.00 prior '° the event, and 13.00 at the door. 'M>ey may be .,.-..purchued al any of the tour high echoola. ChUdr@n under 12 are frM. nw went ii taldnc pi.e In r.tanda Hilh School'• covered "commom" area. l:ltanm la locawel at 2321 P!aeefttli Awnue fn C.O.ta M-. More information may t» obta&Md by ~ 7141832-091~. Alk for Robyn Child, tiw IYMl Coordinator. * * * SEE WHA-ir\'~VR LOCAL Atrro DEALERS HAVE TO YOIJ IN [ .. Seminar on death slated for Mesa Fear of dying is the topic of a fr~ introductory seminar tonight In Costa Mesa from 7 to 10 p.m . at the William Parker Holtstk Cente r. 148 E. 22nd St. C'n<i l ror th e en t ire .. •"Home Security," a film and lec ture program for single people, w i l l be presented tonight at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. The free program begins at 7:30 p .m . in Che student lou nge, Humanities Room 101. Th e event is co- •"Star Wars,'' George Lu c a s' popular space adventure fil m , will be presented tonig ht through S unday in Forum II a t Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Fr id ay and Satu rda y •Coastline College w ill present a workshop entitled "The T roubled Emp loyee: Inter vention Strategies for Managers," from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p .m . Saturday at the Robinwood Learning Center, 5172 M cFadd e n A ve., Huntington Beach. T he program will teach business mana~ers how to Try outs _for y ule play set Auditions for Golden W~st College's family comedy, "The Jungle Ctiristmas Tree," will be . conducted at 7 p .m . . Monday in the Playbox Th ea t er at tne H untingto n Beach cam pus. Actors and a~tresses of a ll ages are sought to portray the r oya l subjects of King Raja, the lion. Six men and four women will be cast. The play, an original work by the ater arts inst ructor C harles Mi tchell. opens Dec. 10 for a two-week run. More information is avai l abl e Crom the theater oCCic:e, 892-7711 . ext. 450. HB marsh tours set Saturday Tours of the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve near Huntington Beach are scheduled Saturday. The tours depart from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Crom the ecological r ese rv e parking lot located about two miles south ,of W arner A venue on Pacific Coast Highway, directly across Crom state beach headquarters. Guides from the Amigos de Bolsa Chica. an environmentalist group trying to preserve t h e Bol sa Chica m arshlands. describe plants, animals and fi.sh in the reserve. Tours coincide with the winter migration of birds. Scouts sl'1le a uto auction A new De Lorean and a 1952 Me rcedea Benx 300 w ill be among the 20 can auctioned Saturday at the Boy Scout service Center , 38 11 S . Bear Street. Santa Ana. Proceed• from the auction that begins at 11 a.m. w ill so to benefit the O r a n ge County Councill CJ:! the-Boy Scouta of Amer ica. For more Information , call ~-4990. "Journey Into LirJ(' S(lmanur se ries sponsor,Cd by the Socie t y for Applied and Academic Research 1s $75. For more information call 494-4834. sponsored by Neighborhood Watch. and Operelion 1.0 . of the Huntington Beach Police Department, and by the GWC Wayfarers, a studt:.nt. aupport group for widowed people. More information on the program can be obtained by calUng 892-7711, ext. 561. screenings will be at 7 and 9:15 p.m. Sunday showings are at 1 and 3:30 p.nr.-· General admission Is $2. T he ch arge for Gold K ey cardholders and children 12 and younger is $1. help employees -troubled by substance abu se. family problems, psychological difficulties and o t her problems. T he registration fee of $30 i n cl udes lu nch . More information on the program can be obtained by calling Coastline! 963-0811. T ... Orange Cont DAIL V PILOT /Friday, NovemMI' 5, 1812 WWII pilots fly By VICTORIA GRAHAM .. _lat .. ,,_ .,,.., Pl';KJNG l>ovl d Orth 11 u l>1K , twa11y rurm1•1 lrum Mo- dl'M \o, but h111 l'Yt'h t ill with t~·u1 und h111 voll't' tuhl'tll wtwn lw 11pc:•uk!4 of thl' Pl'' ilou• duy11 :n yl'uri. ago wht•n he• "fl•·w thl' llurnp." . "Sort'Wltml'• our men would pruy. for bud wt•ut hcr ao the , Jupum.•liC t.'Ouldn't find u11," lht• tiO· yt•u1·-old former t.•rew c·hlt•f H11 1d Wcunl'sduy. "WI! didn't know whi(·h wus worse, lhl' weather or the Jupam·sc shooting al us. but they both were pretty durn bad." Orth IS one or 115 former pilots und l'rewmL'n whu hove returned to Ch1n1.1 to relive their World W a r 11 rlig hts over th e tn•achct•ous Hump the stormy, 700 -milc route over the Himalayas bctwt.'en Chino ond- lndla. Th(•y and thc•lr Jomllies will Ily it again Sun(lay when they take a one-hour t.'Ommemorative t:ommt·rcial flight Crom Canton to Calcutw. But that flight will be in a modern jetliner high above the tallest peaks. not in the underpowen'tl, overloaded C-47s that someumes were dashed Into the jagged mounu:uns by winds or downed by Japanese Zeros. Fo rmer American "Hump" pilots gather in ·Peking sq uare for reunion. From le(t· are J ames COttaim, Salt· Lake City; Dale _ Mc Reynolds, Honolulu; Don Brennan, Arcad ia; Tom King, Mi sio n Viejo, and P eyto n Walm ley, Sea l Beach. · :..w "h en we f I e w from Shanghai to Kunming the other day." said Orth, "I recognized the terrain immediately and It was as if 37 years had never happened. "When you can bring back yesterday as this trip has, it is all worthwhile." The Hump pilots rlew supplies for Chiang Ka i -shek's Nationalists to use against the Japanese..1 The returning Americans-~ soon reminded that their Chinese hosts' enemies now are not the Japanese but those same Nationalists, who moved to Taiwan after they lost the civil war to the Communists in 1949. The Amcru:ans returned with t.•aps disµluylng their warti{ne insignia, a shield surmounted by the crossed American and Nationalist flags. Some wore their old flight jackets with the emblem of the old alliance on them. Their C hinese tour guides askod t h e m to r emove t he badges, saying they were an jn~ull and an indication of support for the government on Taiwan. Waiters in Kunming wouldn't serve th'em until they put the caps out of sight. "This emblem means a lot to these men." said Orth . "After all, it's the symbol they fought under and their friends died under . You can't forget those kinds of things easily." "We were figh ting for the Chin~ people, one people, and one day Taiwan will come back," t said Pt.•yton Walmsley of Seal &:ac:h. From 1942 to 1945, the U.S. Air Fon•c fl ew t h e H ump In C-47, C-46 and C-54 transports and C-109 tankers, <a four to five-hour ordeal, to suppfy the Chinese forces. "We Cl ew evPrything Crom bulldozer parts to rock crushers to chewing g4m to cigarettes," said Orth. "IC something was too big to carry in one piece, we just cut lt up with torches and welded it togt•lhcr later." Flying the Hump became a legt>nd, treasured by more than 4,000 members of t h e Hump Flyers Assodation in the United Stut<.-s. The twin -engine planes couldn't fly above 20,000 feet so they c•ouldn'l escape the weather. They had to fly through it and fight 1t. Sometimes they hid in , OUR HUNTINGTON BEACH ·FRANCISCAN BOUTIQUE IS FILLED ·~ WITH A COMPLETE MENU OF TREASURES FOR YOUR TABLE- You'll find a •tunning ~~y of our entire Franciscan dinnerNare and giftware aelection, all at 20% to '40% uvtnga. Add • new piece to your Francisca n pattern or chooee giftware from our newest patterns and give as very special gifts. Our complete cotlectlon is brought into view at our Franciacan Boutique in our Huntington Beach ltore . Come find a treaaure for yo ur table! China, 11. SAVE~TO•~ Our new Romantics collection SAVE•% TO 11% Franciacan hendpalnted dnlics SAVl~TOll% Desert ROM open stock plec .. and giftwere SAVI •~ T021~ Desert Roee Ind Apple gluawere and holk>ware. Choo. from 4 glauware and 8 holloware atytee .IAVE 8~ T041% Erjcal and Oenmarlt Ironstone open atockpiec• SAVl~T0 41% Franciec~ S. Sculpcu'rta With a Franciacan purchaee of 20.00 Of more, you'll receive a Oeeert Roee tie trtv.t. valued at 1.00 with our complimenta dwough December 24. Win a collection of F~'ln., and tablr.wre at 9ur Huntington hach Frenci.c.n Boutique. Drlwlna will be held December 19. Winnef need not be pt91ent. Prtn lnctudea: four 5-piece p&ec. Mttlnge, one 14'' -.. one°'*' vegetab6e diah, one c,..,,_, one "'II' bowl. fouf rim IQUP9. four egg cups, one covered Cl u uole, one coffee pot, four mill! jugs, one lllh/pepper .... MllT MAllY MAlll.t:IK2Y, "'t.~P.J!!'Le: at rat .. the megnffloent.,, or dlclCN=• ,,.,ldecen din· MfWlre and glttwere. She .. lie ----'""8 In the Ctn Depanment of our Huntington leech lllOf9 NCN9mber I , 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Marv wll per90nlly llgn any ffan. 17-----~ Clecaft piec• V0U ~during her vlllt. ,, the clouds and took their cha~-es wtth the mountains to escape the Japanese. "P lanes were tom i.part by the wind." said O r th. "Sometimes ' they just flipped over, just like a t kite might be snapped around by • a huge gust of wind ." t II the weather was bad, the i pilots had to keep fl ying after 1 they took olC because there was : no plal-e for them to land. • "The only thing to do was bail t out," he said. I Capt. William McReynolds of Honolulu was 24 when he first flew the Hump. He made 83-- round trips and considers himself lucky to be alive.· -1 · "Of course. you were always 1 aware you could be killed at any' ) minu te," he said. "You were a , fool if you were not afraid. You had to be on your guard because so many people died.". • .. 1· ~· Or ng Couftt OAll Y Pit 0111 rldoy, Novernbtr 5, 19~2 Surgery • ID infancy· SAN DlEGO (AP) Spl" 11111,t'i ptobh•ma nd Jwd urae alow aio~nw wllh till' H•lt1t1Vl'I)' A11lm11I pre>litht•lil'tl r\'l'f'lvt.'d world new acluncl' o( ullm:hlllH 11rt1(ll'l.ll wide• 1Htt•1Hlcm wlwn Dr Rulwrt llm bl to woundt't.I nnlmnls ck·tcplll' tht• Huok11 ot lluntlnl(ton Bc>ut•h ••t't•we'<I 1.1 flbera l beok thut 111 wmklnEt tor u tabt•rghu,s bNik onlo tht• atub of pelican named 1'1ncx.•d1lu Pmcx.-chao's lltlWl'<l·otr lx•nk. The ricld is being <'Xplorl-<l slowly Tlw urp1•r brt'Okll of tial lt·u11\ 12 and only rui the net><J ani>t•s, say:s Thn muulotc.•e C~llfornia brown jX'lkon Donovun of lh t• Amu 1 it·un -wl'l'l' hut· t•a ott. ltwvang tht•m to Veterinarian McdiC'ul As.-..ll'llltlnn l.inst· starve. Hooks auuchtd u hc.•nk of In Illinois. But hl· prl-t!il'U'tl Mundny Kt•vlur. u rnwrglasw UIWU In bout that lt will bet..'Omc mort• sophti-.llt•Uh '<I. c.'011s1ru1.•tlon, to the stub of Pmocdllo'A "It has been very 11nprov1M1t1011.ll," uppur bill d urrng a three-hour said Donovan In 011 inl1'1'v11•w oix•ruC11m Ol•t. ~4. And It has been Vl'ry ('OSlly An aci;ylic. rt•movbbll' p1·0Rth c 1il:t Craig Culver, vkl' pn•sidt•11l 11( a was atwdwd m May lo a 6-yN.110.old San Diego-based sht•ltcr for bll'tb 11! S11nt11 Ame goose namL'<J ~p. prey called Wildlife Re hab. says ··we have the ability to makt• JJro:.tlwllL'h Tht• urig111al beak was donated to for animals that L'OUl<l funl·t1on .1s a B<>t•p from un Ill *{,~ which had to part of the animal itsl•lf .. be put to death ctcrinorlan Suiwn Culver said, howt'Vl'r, that wking Klages tril'<l what was believed to bi' human tochnolog_y und 11 pplymg it to history's first beak transplant, but the beak caused blood drculat1on animals is not as~· y an undt•1·wk111g as you might th problems and was repla<.'t.'d with on A falconer. ulvl'r d1•s1grwd d. acryll<.' beak. A <.'Oyote killN.t Beep a f .1 f<.•w months later. artificial leg two yt•;irs ago or a n•u- tailed hawk WhOOl' k•g had ll\'t.'I\ shot "ll°S life Or death (or pelicans off by.hunters. • without a complete beak." says Dr. The leg was stamll·~-.-stt'<~ plast1l Gayfo Roberts. who is caring for the covered with spring lm1d1·d 1.~.111-. .md mutilated brown .pelicans at h is claws that enabll•u a natural w,1lk Crc1wn Valley Animal Sheller In . But the h aw k d cvclo pt•tl othl'r Laguna Niguel J w c lry -A rt ()loss -Obj ect d 'Art L o uis 1cart Etc l1ings -Porcelain Figur s Signcct Re rnington and Russel B ronzes Max Ke:Hp En<unl'I on Coppe r Painti ngs 1 8tlt. 1 Dth & 20th Century Lis ted l\rtist Paintings Silver< :offec and Tea Sets 1 oo s~a t Air-conditio n e d A u c tion Gallery Friday. Saturday. Sunday, 8 :30 PM; Inspection: o ne hour p rior NE\\' O \\'NEHS HIP ·,,..-n La Jolla:: Newport ~ Auc tion Galleries SOU tht'rn { .11Jfnrn1.1·._, :-..111..,I I 'W'>ll~IClll~ • \Ul'li<>n C,llk•ry (7 1 +1 tdl -KHd7~ ~ :>~~ '.2 \ \' ( ()d~I I I\\'\ . :"t '\ ,., H >11 I ~l 'cl( "Lt ( :. \ ~) '.2 nn: ~ SKI SALE Saturday, November 6th 10·7 1981 · 1982 Merchandise Sunday, November ?th 12 5 SKIS Rossignol FP K 2 SR33 Fischer Cres1a . S tock Limited to Quantities on Hand. Reg. .270.00 195.00 210.00 . Now 189.95 129.95 BOOTS Oynaflt Cups Nordlca Cosmo 129.95 SanMarco AXl -t. 265.00 130.00 255.00 Now 159.95 59.95 149.95 Parka• -49. 95 & Up Roffe , Serac, HCC, Obermeyer · CLOTHING · Pante-59.95 & Up Swe~ters-19.95 & Up Obermeyer, ~rac, Roffe Demetre, Ramos, ·sKISWAP Meister, Obermeyer Saturday Only -November 6th 10-5 Bring your us~d clothing, skis. boots. and bindings to sell them at our parking lot ski swap Ca1h for your eold equipment and clothing IMMEDI~ TEL V. • • SPECIAL OFFER for people wishing to sell skis. boots. bindings or poles. Sell your equipment in the swap or we will buy it from you and Issue you a store credit (which must be used November 6th or 7th) for the amount . we estimaie the items to be worth. EITHER WAY YOU WIN! · Swep •ndS.le '2.00 chuge for u ch Item brought to ew•p. Newport Ski Company 2700 W. Coa1t Hwy. Newport Beach, Cal. 714/631 ·3280 Sales & RefXJlr 714/642·8337 Snow Report Newport Ski Company ... Llttle Store 2500 W. Coaat Hwy. Newport Beach, Cal. 7L,/631·3144 Rentals. Ski&hool 714/631·3277 Sales G(,/~/Q(" ~11/1t11 >Y>;?y1, .I d / ( YlUJ'lf' ( ;!jlfJ/l{;!j Keith Clark, Music Director DO .YOU RAVE A FAVORITE RECIPE? A few good season tickets are still available for a five concert Season at San ta Ana High School Auditorium . Call today for Special Savings -(714) 680-3444. Section A $50.00, Section B $45.00, Section C $30.00 Sunday Novemoe1 1~ 198? MUSIC OF Ttta I PHEllEI Mozart's Jupltef lymptlon)', Holst's TM Plenete end the wc.1i..1 preme1e o• l'eotll Glet1<"s Albion Moonllehl IOI ftulP .,,a o•ctiest<o fea10<.ng the Symphony"s ow" LOUIW Do Tu 10 as ~~I Sundey Decembel !> 198? PAClf'IC SYMPHONY ON PAJIAOE SymphOny pttne1P81s teelUlel: ,, •a• a· c "<.!" 1 "1<:Wng Bach"s ~ Vlolln Concefto, Sct•o<''8~~·s Concet1 l'tKe for Four H«mo and lhe e•c.t.ng new Trom~ Concet1o by Ameocan Donll'o fro The '"' Olct>estra ge111et5 IOI Ot-~~r s """'"' ...,,. ,, me w. Le Mef. Su-clay ApU 17 1983 Sun<ley, Jonuaty 9. 1983 LEGENDARY U ONAllO ROll!I CelltSI L.onetd .._ JOtM the PIClllC Sympnony IOI Haydn's be•"t1f\JI c-to In O. The 0tcnnt1e te111ures ll'le Southland Pfetnte•e of lier ChAd, 1 ,.,..,.,, WOik by Pulotze1 P11ze-winntf10 Comp<IMf Ge0t~ Ctumb Sunday M3tCh 13 1983 STRAUSS ANO MAHUll WITH AllUI N AU0.111 Alleen Aug91. 118f ot the Vienne and Befltn opetH lot many year1 reiurns to ne1 name Orange County IOI a P<ogratn ol rOINll'ltlC maSIOl'4IOIU MtSS Auge< jOo!ie the Sympnony IOI Streuas 18Vt$ho<lg ,_ Lat a.n.e Ind the he•venl)' ....... '-"' ·~)'. BRAVO BROWNING. A SEASON FINALEI .. Ac;c..1,..·PO pian.st Jofln Bt-'""9 pe<IO<ms PrOll04...,.1 V• 1• • Third Concerto a!\CI Bee1ha..en·1 11~!\ant 8e'tenth srmsmonr. coocludong the 1982-83 -ton 01 Otange Coomfs o.vn Pac.tic Sympheny Call (714) 680-3444 For single or season tickets A Public Service of Dally Piiot If you like to cook and have a "favorite" recipe. it could be worth a trip for two to a city of your choice anywhere in the Western Hemisphere (via Western A irlines.) Or you could win one of five s200- gift certificates. It can all happen in the 1982 Dally Piiot Fav.orlte Recipe Contest, and it could happen to youl · E11tn it you don't win a top prrzt, your rtc1pt could bt' publlshtd In our .. Or•n~e Co•st Cook Book .. 1n !ht Daily P1lo1 on Wtdntsday. Dtctmbtr 8. 1982 Daily Pilot Sptcral Stctrom td1tor Jarnnt Frddtlkt wrll suptrvrst a pantl of rood JUdgts who wrll namt tht btsr rtc1pt on cht Orangt Coast Winning rtcl~s w ill bt Judgtd on orig1nahry. tast of prtparauon. adhtrtnct' to thtmt. and of courst , tasrt So gtl cooking Rtad !ht .1utts cartfully and stnd us your rtcipts as soon as possrblt' Ent11ts muse be ponmarktd no lattr than NQvtmber 12 Mall entries to: Dall)' l"llol P'avorlle lteclpe ConteU. l'.O. Boa U60 Colla MeH, CA tJ6J6 ENTRY CATEGORIES: 1. Appetlaera Mt.Ill \j>lt'Ml\ lf'lly d•PI 01 '1V'Ch fl ... ~f' you< pt(~ J. Gr•I"' •nd ., •••• Whft II )'QUI lllVOl!lt WltV 10 llMI otl A N>l•O~y mfM J. Mel" Dllft•• Wllflhft If llf' ~Of~\()f toq /t\l "'"'· tlif bfll (hot~fl'I 1111~ OI ro .. uM~h~. tvttyonll M l • t.;"OlllP 1~11)4' IOI Int' m1>n1111y of 1~ -· •. v ......... . .... l•l•ch ... tn<W"9 v1~1111,,n dlll~t And dOn I IOl~tlhf 0\11 of lt .. HIO 111'.t\UIPI "'~.-n\ Mid "' t1141 rrortn IOOd lf<llOI\ I . De11ert1 lt't s 1tt wn.tt Y°" t.lndnwlth CttQ<l.MAttl ~"1. , btJll rt ''°"'. WlltCJPfO Cl Hfll MlCI Olhfl llYO<llt 9QC>d~I ~t thcM (#Ort81 "''°' 1. 2. 3. 4 . s . 6 . CONTEST RULES: 1111 "" 11i91td1t'f1U 1,., Oldtr of u1t. IOffowtcl oy cltM. conc11t e111eot11on1 .md tl'W' numotr ot 1t1v•n9\ Rtmf<Ollf'•. Ort!)1na111y (OU'111 Subm•I YOU! .,,,... tnuy on .. 3aS-" 1ndr• ciwd P"t ottg<l•y tn upper ~fr hand cOtnt'r Only one tnlly Pf'I ptnon J>t'I (~lt90IY WIN l>f' KCfPIPd " mo<t ,,,..,. ont f'nlty IS lt<elvtcl IOI ""Y 110911 V ttQOI)' aM rn111r1 tor tnl\I c;ottQOly w1M l>f' d•l(IU.>ltltt'd JU(1gf'I lt\f'IVP lhf' rt(lhl 10 prDPf'rly c.11ego111t r11111('1 llf'CllJt'I mull l>f' complt'tf .,.,., '""Y "°' l>f' Ch~d ilfttl \Ul)tnjUl()n lntOITlplett rtctj)f'I w •N l>f' d•\QU,.r1fted In 11\1' evtnt <dt'ntt<.W lf'C•Pt'I flt 1UOtno11tC1 by two 01 mott conu·11~1 int t.111 ttct•vt'd w• bf' ine Ont ton\~lf'O IOI JU09""9 '"' cOl'llf'll '' oprn to .. ru~nu OI thf' Ot~ • CCHOll u ctpl tmplOytt\ and the<t ll'l'"'fdi.ttt f.wnolotl ol OtXICJf Co.m PuOl•1ht11g Co11tPMy 1n.1oc:.i1t on ,,..n rt'Ctl>f' '" thf' 1op ltft·nancJ <orntr, vout 1\411TM', .lcldltl\ ttll'pnon<> 1nd <'11f90'y t nttrf'd Ul•"9 ltPi'f•lf llltfU IOI U <h ltc:1pe M .. , 10 O•tly PtlOt fllYOl•tt ,HC')ltd")' llf'Ctpt COl'llUI P 0 Bo• I S60, CO\ti MUA CA '2616 Of 1>1•"9 II 10 HO 8~y St Co1111 Mtl~ AU t NHllH MUSI ll ,.OSIMAltKEO NO LAIU THAN MIONICiHI NOVtmtlfr t l tC>81 Of lf(t'IVed Al '"' Ptl<>I bltt<t oo 1.llf'I lhM ~ pm NO•trlll>!'t t l 1.82 7 I nt<y ut" '"''Pt° '°'"'•Iott• .-01nrntn1 tnA1 11 • bf(Mltl flit JJIOf'l'llY ot tilt Olltly '"°t .tW1<j m.<ry ~ pi1l~l\llf'd wtlll M 1tnow1"'~"Wl'lll fhO lllf'tl ' ••OcJIHltl Of l>f'O""' nvmtlf'I W•ff l>f' publl\f'f!ll 111 lllf 01111, P1101 .. !'Cl M111or "fW\j)"flfl'\ En11tt1 w•• tw dl\q1111hl1td 111nty llttl 10 comply w11n (hf Ci'lr1ttll lultl AM .f1Jd9tl Of(l\10111 llff ltl'Mtl Al ptlHI will bl' llW"'il'd CONIEst fNOS NOVIMIU 11 .. . .. I l I • I j J I I J l . ~ , .. . • 1 Rabies clinic set By PAT HOROWITZ O(tMO..,ll'llotlteH DEAR PAT: To help dogs and their owners, United Humanltarlans of Or a nge County Is 1poa1orlng a low-co11t dog vaccination clinic Nov. I at Sigler Park near Westminster and Hoover In Westminster. The clinic will be held from 10 a.m . to % p.m. Rabies ($3), distemper ($4) and Parvovlrus ($4) vaccinations will be offered. P ayme nt mus t be lo cash. United Humanitarians' profit from the clinic will be aaed ln our work to help animals. C.M., Garden Grove Thanks Cor letting A YS n •adt•rs kno" about this opportunity to get economical vat'<.'tnallons for their pets. • · • Got a problem? Then wrlle to t 'l Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • getting the answers and ac11on you .... need t o solve inequities in government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Servic.-e, Ortinge ~t Daily Pilot, P.O. &x 1560, Costa Mes.1. . CA . 92626. f •' ' { Ora11go Coaet DAIL V PILOT /Friday. Novt'lmbar 5, 1982 Ju"ilg liirt taDs can go on pockets· HAN i''HANC'IHCO (AP) It 11.n'l twudt,uarll'rt•d 1n S n .. 'ron' 111t·o , llkl•l y thul •h1rli. m11d1• by Lt•v1 lutl1•c to prov1· th111 Blu1• Bt•ll. Strnu· ... , & l't> will m• t•onCuM:d with tw1nh1u111lt•11'CI 111 (;11•t•nshow. NC , thos t• Uhtth• h y Bl Ill' u .. 11 I Ill' lnlrln.-wd cin fl ll'llUC'lllllfk loc.·tttt• 11.S lubt•I on thl• patt·h pcxkN of u 111hlrt, 11 infrlngl~ on u trudt•m.irk uncl Is 1•nl(agt-d ln unfair C'CmpN1tton Muv,:rlt'k 11h1r\JI The.• JUdlW »aid IA.'\11 (111 li-<J tu JJllWI' tht• two produc·l!J would Ix· 1.ti11Cu~ d IX't·auM· tht• tie I'" 1111• oot in the· ~11111• lotallon on th<• poc:kt•t • although tlll'y huth hav1• u 111h 011 \Ill' Lourl'llll' l'upof"k1, Ultornt'y Cor pockl•t, u ft'<h•1ul JUdjlt' 1myi. Lt•v1 , s11id tht· 1 ul1n1t would lw Slru:t• U>li!J. Lt•Vt hns pul u lallt•I nc•or th<· bottom of Iii. 11h1r1 patch' pocket.a, along the.• mn r verttcul scam Blul' Bell puts n I.Ab alon~ th(• bottom of the.' pot'kct of Wronglt•r un<l US D1"trl<'l J udl(t~ Samu<> I tonu apJ)(•nlt'<f rulC'd Wt'<lnt'!idt1y t 11111 I ,<•vi Sii uu...... Lt'V1 argu<>d tho\ wh{•n Rlllf' Bt•ll ~==~====-====-=::=:::;;~ JI<• liUld tlJal IX'lWC't'rl J91J!) uncl lf-nfJ L<>v1 c.hdn'l hav(• th1• c.•><c.·lus1vc uw ol a pockt•l t.ub. -'~6ei<t,)f l~-~1-1 762 \\'ISHO\\' l·'ASlllO.~S CUSTOM bRAPERIES ETC .. •.. FOR YOUR NEW OUTLOOK 40% SALE 60% 10-DAY SERVICE. GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Free Horne Estifnates -Custom Draperies -Levelor Blinds -Vertlcle Blinds -Woven Woods All At Unll11t1lll1 Prio11l .. PROJECTIONISTS LOCKED O.UT!!! UllJED ARTISTS THEATERS UNFAIR!!! ·. We are locked oul because we relused to lose up to 75'11 of our jobs. double the work 101d ol those re(l'latning, and allow our expertise to be utlflzed to en1ble underpaid, Inexperienced kids to handle the highly complex equipment In the projec11on rooms ol the United Artists Theatres. Management 1rr091nt11 and unll1t.,.,1, demanded that each projectionist employee aervtee aa many as eighteen ec:rMn1 In comple11es aa much ae lwenl1 mllee epert. We believe this to be unl1lr to the 60-75% ol the proJecllonlsts lhat would have lost their jobs under these condlllona. and unlalr to the movie patrons who are paying lop price for their tickets. with lhe chance ol 1ee1ng aub·1tanderd prolecllon of the leatures they paid to see. We were w1lhng to negotiate. but the Company dlclalortell1 and arr09anll1 LOCKED US OUT. YOU CAI HELP! Pleaee don't go Into 1n1 United Artl1t1 Theller •n1*het'•. Your wntten tellers or support )¥111 be appreciated by us They should be addressed to the Southern Association of IATSE District Two Locals, 630 Gen4'11a Street. Huntington Beach. C111fomta 92648 We will forward to the proper party at United Artists THAllS FOR YOUR HELP!! Southern Association of IA TSE District Two Locals, Walter H. Blanchard. Secy-Treas. ' ., •• ' ,.. - ' . . ,.. Robinsons WINTER WHITE somNSYOUR CITY SUit This Alfred Sung classic Is in command of eversi situation with iust a simple change of accessories. A pin here. Jetfcrystal there It's this year's approach 10 melding business with pleasure and coming up wllh lhe besl of both. In plush lightweighl wool gabardine Short, banded-neck Jacket. S253. Sllm skirt. S121. Both, 4·14. Robinson's Viewpoint, 27, Newport only To order, call toll·free 1·800·M5·1501. - Concerne d vote r s can turn a11 e lection 'tide Following an electio n notable write it in b<>low the narnes of the! for overspending and ug ly charges primary winners a t Orongl' a ~ d co u n t e r • c h a r g c s b y County polling plat'<:!N. 1 candidates. there was one bright In San Diego County, which spot -the outcome of the race in has punch c.·ard voting, the write- the 43rd Congressional. District In was more complex. Packard that exte nds from San Diego supporters had to write his name County into southern Orange on the envelope containing their County. punch cards. Whe n the dust settled, it Still, enough voters were turned out that former Carlsbad offended b y C rean's initial Mayqr Ron Packard had become campaign to go to this trouble to the fourth candida te in U.S . deprive him of -the right t o history to win a t'Ongressional seat re pr:esent the m in Washington. -as a write-in candidate. · On t he financial sid e, ~reari, a And the biggest. SJ?ender in 3~-year-ol~ miJlionafre· trailer the campaign , Johnnie Crean . who manufacture r1 spent close to $1 had won th e R e p u b 1 i ca n· million in his campaign, three- CMst11e; ElA?, 1931• IPllld ~ ftlthe1· ~,~ hiioff ...... ' .: l 1--· -nomination. in-t.he..-~un.e-prima~r)¥-1---1-foHitJFt.hs-e-H-l-hi&-ewn-men~ . 'FhiR---f-~ I I j afte r a particularly offensive contrasted with Pac k a rd 's campaign, went down to defeat. campaign spending of about $300,- lt was a tribute to the good 000. His write-in campaign was sense and real concern of citizens conducted almost en tirely by who were not swayed by Crean's volunteer supporte rs. million-dollar e ffort to clean up Voters often are accus~d of the ugly image created in his a pathy. of failure to take the primary campaign -an image he trouble to d e lve into issues, of blamed on his political consultants, being too s usceptible to slick the Bu-tch er-Forde agency. professional campa igning. There The victory for Packard, who were no apathe tic voters in the ran second to Crean in the GOP 43rd this year. They pa id close primary, was unique in that it attention, they didn't like .twhat involved an unusual amount of was happe ning, they w e nt to ~ffort on the part of voters. Since unusual lengths topbtain the kind. His name did not appear on the of representation they wanted - official baJlot. it was necessar y to and they succeeded. Me~a library over~ue Costa M e sa's downtown library, a 28-year-old square brick building originally designed as a grocery store, soon will be•. ... replaced w.i th a brand n e w • structure -with a little·help from · county supervisors. Two years ago, a s tudy recommended replacement of the city-owned building, which has housed a county library branch for r the past 22 years but no longer is adequate to serve the growing 'city's needs. Replacement cost was estimated at more than $1 million. Afte r some months of 1 negotiation, the city and county · supervisors now have entered in to • a n ew lease agreement under which the county will contribute $500,000 a nd the city abou·t $550,000 for construction and • .furni s hin g o f a new 7,500-square-foot library in the downtown Lions Park area. It will become a feature of a red evelopn~nt area that now i·n cl 1:.1des the Neighborhood Community. Center, the Historical Society building, the Downtown Conmunity Center and the park itself. .... The city has been leasing the old building to the~county for $1,- 214 a month but, in return for the county's contribution, will charge little 'or no rent for library use of the .. new facility. Construction could begin as soon as next April. Costa Mesa's population has almost quadrupled in the past couple of decades, so there shouJd be no shortage of clients for the long-awaited new Hbrary . Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. 'Otner views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvit· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321 . • J ~No ~ selective prosecution ~ An editorial from the Sacramento f Bee ~ :fhe government is acting totally • ... within its mandate in prosecuting young men who have failed to ' registe r with the Selective Service System. But there have been serious • and, until now, unanswered questions • about the way it ch~ which of "the hundreds of thousands of non- registrants it will actually prosecute. Until last week. the government had adamantly refused to tum over to a ;•: federal judge presiding over one such :.•.case in Los Ange les documents ~.pertaining. to its policy; instead it said : that the JUdge, Terry J . Hatter Jr., • . had •·an appetite for more and more ~;~irrelevant disclosures of sen!iitive . i::· information" wh ich had ''become ~; insatiable." · • The other day, faced by Hatter's : clear warning that failure to provide such documents would result either in dismissal of the case or in contempt charges against government officials. 'the government a po logized and agreed to furnish the documents. , Whet~er it actually wilJ provide ·everything that Hatter wants or that the defense has asked for is not yet certain. But there is no question that it :.should, not only to make clear once -sain that not even the White House •ia above the law but, j u s t as important, to resolve ongojng doubt that those who have been prosecuted OTHER VIEWS to date were chosen because they were vocal o ppon e nts of .draf t registration , not merely random d e fendants. In e ffect, it's been charged, people are being prosecuted fo r exercising con stitutionally protected rights or free speech. There is some evidence for the charge in a draft o f a Jus tice Department letter stating that "the , chanre that a qu_iet non-registrant will be prosecuted is about the same as the chance that h e will be struck by lightning." The government now says that as Social Security records become available for cross-checks and as reliabl.<? lists of non -registrants are compiled, "quiet non-registrants" as well as vocal ones will be prosecuted. That's absolutely necessary. no matter how the Los Angeles case is finally resolved. to reassure Americans - a.nd particularly its draft-age young men -that enforcement of this law is absolutel~ even-.handed. To leave -groun ds to s u s pec t tha t the governme nt direc t s its law e nforcement efforts particularly, or perhaps s<StM~ against vocal critics e><ercising constitutionally protected rights of free s peech w~uld ~e unconscionable. L.M. Boyd/ Tire reefs You say you want to make your fortune? Devile 10me proiltable use • for wornout car tires. In coastal waters around ihe world are an estimated 1,600 reeft made from old tires. Biggest of them ls offshore from Fort Laueterdale, Fla. Junkera add to it about 1,600 tires a day. ii1JPi1at Q . Where'd we g et the word "humdinger?" A. Best the word experts can do to explain this one sounds a bit too simple; "A missile hurN on the way to the target and dlnd'when It hits Its mark." That'• the orjgln, they say. Maybe so, don't know. Thomae P. Heley l'ulll11h•r Jane AlftOri h«11h•• Eootor ........ ~ ld•IOftol 1'009 fcj.!Qt , ....... .c... .. ~(!Mot Glenn: Don't look back WASHINGTON -John Glenn and I talked for more than an hour the other day before I thought I had the beginning of a sense or what he is about and how ,he might become the next president or the tlnited S tates. "I'm like Satchel Paige," he said. "I really do believe you should never look back . b,ecause they might be gaining on you." That. may not sound like much , blft Senator Glenn doesn 't ~ive a n interviewer_ a-lot to work wllh.•lt's even worse if the interviewer is pre pared - becau se the n you know tha t you're hearing; word for word, what he told tt\e last two doze n interviewers. • THE MAN 'doesn't raise his voice. move his body or use his hands -at least not very much. . was h ardly critical to me. I w as searching, a little desperately afte r a while, for a subject that would st.art him talking about his own public passions, his vision of America. Reagan, himself - anything but the s tatis t ics and Washington-speak he was giving me. OK. OK. Record deficits will take 53 percent of national savings this year and RICHARD Rl1Vll Are you going to run for president? l · 70 percent next year. We could save $5 billion of the money being spent on the Rapid Deployment Force. We only graduated 58,<100 engineers, to 74,000 asked -knowing that he is. ''I don't rule it out," he said. Why would you want to be president? "I don't like the way the c..'Ountry is going." Why did you become a Democra t? "My parents were." What would the country l:>e like now if Jimmy·Carter had been re·e~ted in 1980? "Probably better.'' H ow•do you r eact to P reside nt Reagan 's st atement that the Great Society hurt black people? ·•Disagree," The answer to any of those questions from Japan and 300,000 for Russia. "The hearing this morning ... " "Stockman's testimony ... " "Hollings' bill ... " Enough. I got it. Then. somehow, we got on the subject of the. reduction last year of the number of lower-income children applying to colleges. Glenn began using the word "opportunity" over and over again. "These people," he said or the .Reagan administration, "have a tot.ally-dif£erent idea of what Ame rica s tands for. • America· should stand for giving every kid a chance, a good chance." Then he went back~to the president"s remark about the Great Society hurting blacks: "Reagan is just preposterous. l can't believe a 'president of the United St.ates believes that." HIS VOICE still did not changti. I'm hot sure it does. But the Democrat from Ohio continued: "When Reagan was a kid and 1 was a kid, America was a little village with a cobbler down the road. Then New England became the <..-obble r, and now Korea or Brazil is the cobbler. We can't deal with this world by looking back, by hearken ing back to simpler days when problems s..-'Cmed smaller." Then he quoted Salchel Paige. I then realized that John Glenn. a real hero of two wars and outer ~p;:.ice, neve r seems to talk about the past. .Ronald Reaga&. the · celluloid he r o. talks a bout almos t n oth ing but the pa'st -in private conversations about the old days in Hollywood, in plA>lk speeches about how great ,America .was when he was younger. A year from now.' I suspect , Glenn may be seen as the Dem0<:rats' s trongest cand idate for 1984. He"" is se~n as a "conservative Democrat," a lthough "cautious Democrat" might be more accurate. He ha s almost total name identification because most voters shared five hours in orbit with him 20 years ago -that was as good as a movie. What ne e. needs now is a theme, an issue, a rationale for his candidacy. And he may be Cinding one: Don't look bac:k! Let's go! Playboy heiress supports feminism WAS HINGTON -Hugh Hefner's m ultimillion-dollar Playboy empire was built on the undeniable, eyecatching · appeal of feminine beauty. Now this fleshly empire has been turned over to Hefner's 29·ycar·old daughter. Christie (or Ch,ristine. as her father calls he r, with uncharacteristic formality ). This would be infuriating enough to the dedicatt->d sorority of feminists. But what must surely drive them up the wall is the fact that Christie Hefner is a self· avowed feminist herself. How is this possible? Where did she go w rong? HEFNER FILLE Is what young men in my day used to call. a knockou t ; medium height. brown hair that curls around he r shoulders, wide-set 'piercing brown eyes u nder arching brows, a mouth that could model li~tick ads. With this in mind. I asked Christie The Question: "Would you be willing to pose for Playboy?" There was a slight pause. The n the centcrfold ·class p~sident of Playboy Ente rprises said: "l don't think so. I'm - I'm pre tty shy. And I'm particularly shy in front of a camera . I I don't think 1 would t>njoy it." H ad J caught h er In a w eb or hypocrTsy? N ot quite. "I don't think anybody should do it who do<'sn't want to," said Chris tie. Then ~he added llomethlng that would . ' melt the heart of any daddy i n the world: "lt would need to be somNhing that my father would allow, would h~ let me pose for Playboy?" Hmmmm. OK. But what about the· • young women w ho do pose? Aren't they JKI 11111111 being exploited as Playboy's feminist critics insist? This was obviously a question that Christ ie had given serious thought to. "The most Important thing to me," she. said. "1s that I believe in feminism. I believe in othe r productive, political ideas. and that wouldn't ch ange wherever I worked." How does Playboy's exploitat ion of women reconcile with h er avow ed feminist views, then? ''There's really no reconciliation to be made," said C hristie. "'We've never exploited women. Our models are paid .$12,000. The women who are exploited a re the ones who are paid badly or sexually harassed.'' Christie mentioned that her Cather - whom she calls Hef -truly believes Smoke alarms neglected · Things 1 Learned En Route to Lookins Up Other Things: -That although nearly two.thirds of Ame rican homes h:we installed smoke alarms, only little more than half the • RlllY Ulll owners inspect them at !eat on<-e every two mol)ths to ensure proper operation. (And 15 ~rccnt never check them at all.) -That It took the world more than I.tJOO yt•ort to double lta population trum the birth ot Jesua to the middler of the 17th century: but the last \Im~ H doubled, lt took only 60 yeara, tram 1900 to J960. -That ot the more' than 2 ,800 dttterent dru11 and dru1 f1mlltH preterlbfod for patlenaa a.1 )'Hr, onJy 200 K'C'OUnt for two-thlrdl of all u... -Thal high school students are five times less likely to buckle up in an auto than older· drivers. (Also, ~at belt use among both teen·agers and older drivers is markedly highe r in wealthy areas t h a n in moderate or low.income neighborhoods.) - -That there is a serious shortage of &eience teachers in 31 states, and hair of the newly employed science and math tt'achers are ~nquallfled to teach theee •ubject.s. (They have ~n hired on an cm~rgency ba1i1 bec.Ufe no quallfit'd tt?achera could ~ found.) -That aJthou~h the Nazi• called themaeJves tht 'National Socialist Workers Party," ln the l11t electlon1 they did better in the wealth lH quartt'rt than In the workln1-cl111 nelchborhoods (and c:onaiderably better In amall towns than ln btc dtJee.) -That Americans trawlln1 allroad whu vialt Rome 1pend an averalf' of ft'wer thal'I 2 11' diy1 there. (Which d°"n't prt?vent th•m froM 1<>undln1 knawled1Hble when \he>y 1et b1clt home.) • • that thl' nude photos that are Playboy's hallmark are "a compliment to the womvn w ho p<>Sl'.'' Docs she agree? "Yes," sh e replied. "I know the womc•n who pose. I know how thev feel about it ... I know the kick they get out of 1t. the celebrity sU\tus that comes with it, and so 1 have a more human perspective on them.'' THE DAUGHTER scrupulo us ly eschews the flamboyant, swinging-single lifestyle of her famous father. She does not, as one might reasonably expect. surround herse lf with beefcake . Her entourage consists largely of coolly efficient women. as feminist in their views as the boss. No cha uffeur-driven limousine for this exc..'Cutive. She doesn't even own a car. She lives in a seven·room cooperative apar tment in an o lder building in Chicago. not in the famous Playboy Mansion. The walls t>f Christie's modest private office in the company's headquarters are covered with plaques a nd framed dcx·uments, including her 1974 highest· honors diploma in English Lit from Brandeis University. She u ses a hairbrush •as a paperweight on her desk . There's a big picture of Hugh with his arm around her. Like her father, Christie Hefner is a First Amendment advocate. She believes ~ionately in freedom of speech and press. in freedom to criticize the big boys. She is proud o r Playboy's First Am e nd ment Awards , given to w la tleb l owers , a ttorneys and community activis t s who hav,e c hallenged the establishment and suffered for it. As ror the future of the Playboy empire. Christie said she plans to expand It into the electronic media -cable television. "h 's the most e1xciting thing I can think of," she told me. lllllYlll i R.fl«tftta on thl' eampal;n' w~ hawnf UYl'CJ throu1h In California; If l'I WWt' alive today I wonder U • could aay he never met a """ M didn't llke. .,. J . .,;. 1 •' , 1 • ' Old Fashioned Service t • Coming Back with Style. One of the most recognized names In Laguna Beach is Hop-Sing's. The Chineese Laundry and Dry Cleaner. located in Nortt:i Laguna. offecs a full range of. classy services indud1ng pic1<-up and delivery. professional dry cleaning. elegant fluff and folct;-gorgeous-ttand flntshechhfrts;-one day service and a customer service policy reminiscent of day.s long gone by. The style of one care offered by H op-Sing's hasn't been seen around these parts In many years although the demand for It is apparently still here. Customers drive from Santa Ana. San Juan Capustrano. Irvine and farther. looking for the Cfiinamen. "Our greatest number of requests for service come from Newport Beach," says Gary Kirstine. "so we extended our full service up there. Word of mouth doubled our business In the Newport Community In one month ... Hop-Slng's hopes to have Its second store located in Newport Beach by the first of the year. In Laguna. you'll find them at 1000 N. Coast Hwy. from 7 a.m. till 7 p.m. Star Service (Home and Personal) Star Home Service is pleased to announce the opening of their Lagur;ia Be(\ch office at 3 I 71 3 Coast Hwy. Star has been serving Newport and Laguna residences tor the past two years. Their customers find tor an average of S35.00 they 11re tree to enjoy weekends and not have to mop floors. Call now for a no ,obligation estimate. 642"'6149. • "Callfornla's Grandma Moses Reflects America" _, A protegee of the late Streeter Blair. Kay Ameche's works reflects a t(ue spirit of warmth. fll{_endllness and vibrancy. She began' her career by enriching her home gallery with seascapes until her talent was discovered by Blair who inspired and encouraged her on to a w orld of art. A rt critics have discovered that Ameche. America's foremost primiti ve artist Is a descendant of the famous sculptor. Desiderio. Her list of collectors include President Ronald Reagan. Frank Sinatra. Gavin Macleod. Ka~ Jackson. Randolph Scott. Doc Severmsen a~d many more. Her original paintings and serigraphs will be on exhibit at the Johnson Galleries. 1540 S. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach. The show will run through November in the upstairs gallery. Ameche has painted two harvest time theme paintings In the spirit of Thanksgiving and the holiday season. Downstairs one may see works of such artists as Theo Tobiasse. Max Papart. Kwok Wai Lau. Ric Benda. and° local artists Ann Dunn, .Bidell, Jacobs. Clark. Bush. Mark. Inman. Austfn and • many more. el u~ Sef I You r .Stu/J Net/ AND USED ITEMS Art, Antiques, F .. rit .. e, Decorator Items, Baby Thin1s, Sports EclJipment, Qudty Clottm1, T axidenny, etc., etc. Pick-Up & Delivery Available 494-7595 15!50 S. PACIFIC COAST HWY. LAGUNA BEACH "As a new gallery In Laguna we want to carry well established as well as local talent. It's Important to maintain local as well as International refacions without sacrificfng our Inherent goal as establishing ourselves as serious art representatives. We seem to be 'attractlnq those artists and people who think like us and re~hze that art enhances ones inner being through visual expression. With any n~w enterprise we realize that It cakes t in:ie. dedication und honest relations.·· Most of the ai-mu are_contracte.d yet v.ery flexible at the Johnson Galleries. Gallery hours are Tuesc;Say-Sunday. 10:30 -5. If they are closed during those times they are either preparing fbr an upcoming show or out doing the business. For further information call Faith Strong at 494-4473. ~ Star sEav1 cEs mai11/<,1i11i11g Ike Sla/uj & Amtience ;,,· Yol4r -1Jome ~ha/ 'JO" require IOICULllS CLUllll I l&llTEUICE IACllELOR-OE SERVICES EllRlll SERVICES CUSTOM FRAME CALLA I by Brian Davis 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL FRAMES Frem O•r S•l•etlea 1 Lagun a A rt & Frame 497-5552 350 N. Colut H wy., U.UO• lk•ch U Block North of The Cort-se F irst Annual Co 11 DAILY PILOT/Friday, November 5, 1982 A9 Laguna Art & Frame · · Laguna Art and Frame·otfers a w ide selection of signed prints, art posters. and• custom framing. f.ccordmg to owners John Rowe and Randy Higbee. Laguna Art and Frame strives to provide the highest quality tramtng at the low~st possible price. After 12 years in th!! pictLJre trar;ning business their reputatlori has spread lhrovghouc Southern California. and this year Randy Higbee was elected president of the Professional Picture framing 1s as Important as the art itself. He views the care and conservation of prints and paper art as critically lmporcant. A. framer must help the customer undersrand what materials are best to use for a particular peice· o f art in a particular environment. Using special glass. mats and. frames you can preserve the paper and • provide a beautiful picture for years to c6me... • Lagunct Art & Frame 1s located at 35Q N. Coast . Hwy. Laguna Beach. li'l block Norih of the C:ottaqe....Re~uiu.r.ant. 497-5.S.52. open-I 2-5 _ Wed.-Fri .• I 1-5 Sat & Sun, Closed Mon & Tues. Framing Association. According t o John Rowe "OuCllity.; picture . ---·-··-------------------"J:J FINE DRY .CLEANING ' . OTABLE DISTINCT• I ( {\•~-S-t~~ I 494-4044 I Hand Laundry Hand Finish - 1 Dar S1"ic1 Pick-up /Delivery THE MEN OF LAGUNA@ 1983 Calendar MAKI YOUR OWN Home-made THE SEA. THE SUN. THE BEACH AND THE MEN -THE RIVIERA of the West Coast • Laguna Beach Twelve of the HOTTEST men ol. Laguna Ari:\ found on these pages ol our 1983 Calendar. Get yours now. end one IOf a lrtend so you can start yout year right -and have ™ Men of l aguna< help you O'fough 1~83. ~1m1ted Edmon Available only at thae < Laguna Beech locatlon1: • • IROW81 ABOUT 8001C LOFT -POMIT AVL -._ '• •OAT CANYON CARDI I QtllT9 .. N. COAIT HWY. 4'4-IJD • l l ACH lmN Mt9.codnnn.•-- Pasta! MAKES A GR~AT CHRISTMAS GIFT . Illas Pasta Makar Now you can make your own noodles and pasta w ith this easy-to-use appliaace. The perfect Christmas gift. .,,. /-/ 1111 Prio1tl '21.95 i.a. aa.11 Automatic trans., AM/FM stereo, custom wheels and air conditioning. (423SZG). $1695 Automatic trans .. AM/FM stereo tape, power steering, crulH control, & air conditioning. (913SFN). $1895 .. Automatic trane .. AM/FM stMeo tape, power steering & air conditioning. (IHIOZXT). $2895 1111 •••• , .... , llTmlll Economical 4 cylinder engine, 4 apeed trans .. radio, power steerTng. custom exterior & wheel• and air cond. (MOXIF). $3195 Economlc:el V6, autometlc trens., AM/FM stereo QIMtle, pow9f' llMrl09> cullom exterior & air cond. (370UZJ), r . . THI ClllT 1111 THI c11m FAIOAY. NOV. 5, 1982 • CAVALCADE BUSINESS COMICS 82 86 86 J 11ird ~ of Paradi e, though 11ative lo Af rit•a, lake lo Ille Or1111ge Coa t clin1ate. Page 83. John Wayne, the definitive movie cowboy who lived on the waterfront in Newport Beach and drove around the city in an open-top jeep, was -in spirit at least -again at the center or attention in Orange Col!nly. A nine-loot, 1,300-pound bronze sculpture of the Duke was unveiled outside the terminal Thursday al John Wayne Airport. Although operators of the airport have endured criticism for naming an airport after a movie star, the . d d w . d "h " d 44' • " statue was praise an ayne cite as a ero an a patriot. Pilar Wayne, shown on left below, is pictured holding Jennifer, her 7-month-old granddaughter. She praise4.the statue as being Hlif~like." On the ri~ht, Orange County Surervisor T~omas Riley, artist Robert Summers and Bruce Nott pul a red, whJte apd blue sheet away from the statue. In the center is Wayne, pictured in his 1973 movie HThe Cowboys." Wayne died in I 979 al tile age ' of 72. Dall~ Piiot Photoa by LM Pay~ The Duke's bigger-tha~-life statue _unveiled By STEVE MARBLE or-. Delfr Not SUff Chuck Roberson, a tall leather·sk:lnned man in a Stetson and cowboy boots, was impresaed. "I made 40 movies with John Wayne and I spent 35 years trying to learn his walk and this guy has gone and done it just like that," he said, snapping hla fingers. Roberson, the late actor's longtime stunt man, was admiring the nin~foot statue of the Duke that was unveiled Thursday in front of the airport that bears the movie great's name. "You see the way the anns are?" Roberson asked, pointing to the bronze piece. "That's right on the button. I never could do it quite right." The statue, nearly three years in the planning and one year in the making, w~ shown off to a crowd of several hundred that included eight members of the Wayne family and an assortment of character actors and stunt men. He re in the h eartland of Wayne country with the je ts thundering in the background. the crowd could have cared less that the statue was arriving more than three years after Wayne's death. Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates strolled through the crowd in a cowboy hat and boots. a Marine Corps band pounded its way through a selection of Wayne's f~vorite marching numbers and Michael Wayne, lhe actor's oldest son, was hounded for autographs by the invited dignitaries. "You know, Wayne's still a tough act to follow,'' commented Supervisor Thomas Riley to the audience following a tape recording or Wayne reciting the pledge of allegiance. The statue it.self was drapped in a red, white and blue sheet that was gingerly pulled away by Riley and Bruce Nott, a developer who pushed the hardest for funding the memorial. The bronze piece depicts Wayne in mid-stride, his head cocked slightly, a half-smile on his face and his right hand dange rously close to his gun. 'Tm just overpowered.'' said Michael Wayne after the brief ceremony. "My dad would have been a litUe embarrassed by all this commotion but I know he would have appreciated it. "I was going to say a little more to the audience but when I looked up at the statue and saw my dad's eyes looking stralght at me. I was afraid I was going to screw up." Pilar Wayne, the actor's widow, said she was moved by the statue. "It's him. It's just right," she said, looking up at the towering figure. Robert Summers. the artist from Glen Rose, Texas who spent a year sculpting the artwork. said the statue was a w·ork of love for him .• "Wayne is my number one hero, always will be," the artist, wearing cowboy boota and a string tie, remarked. "I've seen every single movie he ever made. Each one several times, I might add. Heck, I have copies of 30 of them." Summers cautioned a group of listeners that the best vantage point Crom which to view the statue is Crom the fT'lddle of the street running in front of the airport terminal Following his inst.ructions, a group of spectators ambled into the middle of the street to get the "perfect" view of Wayne. Standing away from the invited guests, taxi cab driver Jim Bromhend said the statue may finally convince travelers that the airport is John Wayne Airport and not Orange County Airport. "And I like it," he added. "I'm proud of it," said Katy Oviatt, a taxi cab dispatcher at the airport. "I stand here all day long and now I'll have something to look at." Jim Reynolds, a San Francisco businessman who was hurryinJ to a luncheon, was amused when the statue was pointed out to. htm. "Only in Southern California," he said before heading toward a cab. John Wayne's family stands in front of the 1tatue or Newport Beach's most famous citizen. From left are Michael Wayne, Melinda Wayne Munoz, Ethan Wayne and his wife-Marisa, Aissa Wayne Auhle, Patrick Wayne and Toni Wayne LaCava. ~ Sporting cowboy hats, a gang of the Duke's old sidekicks and admirers gather at the cceremony. From left are character actor Hank Worden, stunt man Dean Smith, actor Woody Strode, Orange County Sherifr Brad Gates and stuntman Chuck Roberson. A first ~ BY KAREN E. KLEIN « .. .,.., "9t .... ' A South Laguna woman who bu devoted the last 30 yean of her life to lay ministry In the Epl.aco~ Church waa ordained u the first woman deacon ln Orange County Thunday nlaht In a tervice at St. Mary'1 Epllcopal Church In Lquna Beach. ' BU'bara Muctce, ~2. who taucht fo\.u'\h, Cifth and 1bcth andes iJ\ the Llguna Beech Unified School Diltrict for many yean, will eerve • ~eacon until next 1prtng, when lhe will becot11e the tint woman Epilcopal prie9t In Orange County. Muds~ wu born in La1una lfeach ln 1930. . h'a been a ion,, hard r<MKI," Mudie aald. "Women have to be twkle as aood' to 'pt throu~J..~~f. have to.have twice -_.t""81t and twke-1he m&Uf11• • f" the IJ'ftter Loe Anaelea dloce1e, which Includes alrDalt all of Southern California, Mudge •Id, there are only 10 women who eerve aa prielta or deacons. "That'• not nwny f« IUC~ a larae area," ahe aald. Maey people, espcclaJly"'ln Souttiem Callfomi.a as well as the Midwest and the South. have traditional objections to women clergy which are founded In a fundamental, literal Interpretation of the Bible. Back East and In Northern California. there la a much greater acceptance of women In the church, Mudge said. "Now that the church h aa made It (women's Involvement In the mlnlatry) a fact of llfe, people will have to start living with It," Mudge said. "'I feel pain for pet>ple who can't aceepl women," ahe sold. "but by God, they'll have to now." The San Diego dlocew plana to ordein lt1 first woman dca«m at the end of &h• month, ahe Nld . Mudge, who joined the churd\ at age 14, 1pent four years taking night clauet al the Eplllt"Opal Theotoalcal School In Claremont whll~ ahe tau1ht aodal atud ... to elemenWy 1tudenta ln Lquna BNch. She UC> waa &he choral mualc director and each yt>ar ooordlnated Uw school Chriltmu papant. In 1976, •he wu nam«'d ~na'1 top teacher. In 1980, the left off t..chlna to attend school full time, at the Relieioua School of TMo~ ln Claremont and at the Church DlvinJty School of the Paclfic In Berkeley. A.. a deacon. and later aa a prlett, Mudge said •he hopee to promote 1reater vl1lblllty of women cler1y and demonltnte whit WOl'IWn can briq to the minlltry. "My lfN*' hope la aimply to be a pod deecol\ and ·a 1ood priest." she Nld. "I want to ~ a tood 1ervant of Chlist." · The Rt. Rev. Robert Claflln Ruaack. blahop of the diOC"eR of Loe Aiea.. performed Mudp'a ordination and htt h~ and ChildNft J*11c.ipated ln the aervice. Her husband, ;follli, .-ct 11 1 preeenter and her dauc::r. Suaanne Mud1• Donahower, played th• O'Om and aft'.IUllld ........ performed l>y • aewrt• .............. One of M~-. ,,..... •• &he &hurtfer for the C«~ -.... ,w the...., of 1""8nle It the hil9d of the '1:'·(~. ___ , Wll fClbowid by • boll cllnMr. I ., l l l i ~~ 'POT SH01S uJ 'BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT .,, .41 T"V TO AVOID "' . GOIN8 TM"°"'H THS ~L.D ·• •' ~ .. ti> TOO F'AST, A &LU". ~~L-·-----~:;..;;._ __________________________ ~ '•I• I ····--------oil . . :.,. . \ •• ,>, .t•·~----- HOROSCOPE BY SI DNEY OMARA .1.:.-&Jturday, November 6 ~.· ; A ft I E S · ( M a r ch 2 l -A p r i l l 9 ) : Re v i t· w a ounti_M_fil'ocedures. Be aware of security -measures. Focus on safety. territoria rights, special requirements and long-range policies. Locate legal : pape~. : TAURUS (April 20-May 20);. Make inquiries, fealize a trip may be necessary, reach beyond current expectations. Routine changes, morale is boosted by attending unusual social function. . GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Reversal of fiscal · p01icy could dominate S<..-enario. Focus on paylflents, • collections, finant'ial commitments and income , potential. Aquarius, Srorpio, Leo pt..•r;;ons figure • promine ntly. Puzzle pieces will fall into place. , •. • CANCER (June 21-July 22): Circumst.8nces · • ~urn in your favor -take initiative, wager on your own judgment. Significant changes oc'CUJ', outlet is found for creative expression. Gain shown through ': ~ritten word. You'll be asked to make a special appearance. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You are made aware of secret allies. Much that occurs is behind scenes. -Clandestine conference could be on agenda. Basic ' adjustment occurs in domestic area. • VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis on desire, powers of persuasion, fuJfillmenl of wishes. Some -aspirations will be revised -you'll be asked to • accept added reponsibility. DeCine ter:ms, streamline techniques, get 'rid of superfluous material. LIBRA (Sept. 23:0ct. 22): Emptlasis on career, business. promotion, production and green light to irfitiate your own policies. Relationship grows stronge r , older individual lends benefit of experience and chances for reward multiply. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Focus onr- communication. distance, language and knowledge of international law. Cycle also highlights travel, publishing. educatton and a definition of spiritual values. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You make iru'oads along path previously blocked. Financial status of close associate or partner comes into focus. Maintain indepe nde nt stance, refuse to blur individuality · ,. . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Go slow. ·maintain steady pace, study data and base decisions on logic. Time is on your side -play waiting game. -Highlight improved public relations, willingness to . cooperate with one who does not necessarily agree ·with you on all points. AQUARIUS (Ja n . 20-Fcb. liJ): Focus o n nutrition. h ealth, basic tasks a nd the return of vi.tality. Give full play to mtelJectual curiosity . You'll encounter active, energetic individuals, sorpc -of whom provide laughter and inspiration. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Scena rio · highlights speculauve ventures, swift changes. intensified relationship and increased popuiaril.y. 8 TENNIS LESSONS •2000 Costa Men T11ni1 Cll11t 557..()211 Fiance's parents a future problem?- l>Jt:AH ANN LANl>l-:HS My (lulll't' uml I pl1111 w Ix• 11w11 h'<I an ttw 1wo1 futu11• With pul'l ttnw jol.>11 uud 11tucl1•nt 1001111 w1• huvt> p111 11'11 'i1•lv1•11 throu..rh m lll'Hl' W1• ~1·1 11lt11\U l)(•11utlh11ly Tlw univ p1•11bl1•1l\ lh hlN l>llfl'll\H Tht•y ur1• hoth !HI oml hnhuhl'll 'l'ht•y huwn't workt•d 111 flV<' yr•nri. ttllll llvt• 0 11 murwy (1 om 1·clutlVC'S. 'l'h1•1'(' Ill IWVf>I' HI\)' ll(IUl'lt!hiitK f11od 1n thl' q _A1111_1J_•_D1_1S_~ ~_ l 'Vt.•I ht• ulJI(· tu ''"I l '<'t It? H{X.'l li'~S'rt;H STILL WAl'J'IN(; IN l>"~Alt S.W.: Your dlle01m1 lllll •PP*•red ln tbl1 column before. Tbt1 a.dvlce I 11vt *'H 61 1tlll •ood. • houtw unly pn·t;-l'ls, pollltn l'htpii and h11t11t'. 1 C't)'1)t• I rom o hunt wm ktn.; lun11ly 111111 nm not &<'l'U.'itonwd to mciodu•f'll Rl•ah~tll'~1lly. tlw hurdrn will foll on us~mwwh1•r1• down tlw rnad. My f10nl.'l' says ht• ho~ nn uhlll(,1tlon to tht•ri1, no tnOlll•r what, bloeau11t• tht•y un· h111 purtotlt.l. What mn you suggt•st? -NO FREE llAN1X>UT8 Anon and learn how to deal with the problem beuu1u>, at1 you •"Id, It wlll be yours "llOmewhere down th<• ruad." Firlit, the troublt' 11 In r.our bead. Jt II were uywherc ch1e, Jou wouldn t be able tu urinate prlvately. Seeon , you uy yo u 11rc not ashamed of yo ur body. No eon1cluu• 11hamc, perhaps, but you have a baog·up that gue. back to childhood. If thlv problem ls 110 troublesome that you arc wlllln& to 11peod 'the lime and money to lalk It out wllh a therapist, go ahca.d. Uut• unles you have a burning desire tu urinate for an audience, the stall arran~ement t1eems to be tbe perfect solution. DEAR N.i''.11.: Your teller brings to mind an old Chinese saying: "If you give a man a fl!ih, he will bave food for one day. )} ~•u teach him bow to flsb, be wlll eat for lb\!. rest or bis life." Dl!.:Alt ANN LAN OEH8: 'l'ht• IHU.·r from the womun whu muld not 111w1 ht•r nom<.• Ill P1·01H ·of unyom· gavt• ""' th<• ~·uu1·utw lo wrlw to you I huvt• no 11uubl(• ai1~nln~ my nanw, but 1.,do Clnd 1l 1mpc>S!>iblt.· to urlnatt• In rront o f oth1•rs wht•n I uS<· tho mt•n's morn. 1 am o W<•ll-NIUl .. 'Ult·d young man and nch asham<-<1 of my body, but fur som<• r(.lason I JUSI stond th<.•n • wailing_ und nothing hopp<.•ns. Ovl·r the past ft•w y<.•ars 1 havt• rcsc.11·tt'CI to using the swlls. Is this a physical problc•m, or is It psyt'hello~lcol'~ Will I Goin>: fQ lJ wc'tld111g:1 G1vi11g cJtu:? Or stundmg UJJ Jn 011<0:' 1-;vc •t) Ir .vou 'n• ulrt•udy murrwd Ann L11ndt•rs ' n>mp/c•tc•J.v m ·w "'rllt' Bride:'.<; Guide•" will 011.<;w<•r 4ul'stwns abuut today's W<oddmgs. For a c'Up_v. St'llcl ll clulltir, µ/us ll long. se/f-addrc:s:uod, s wmpi•d c•n VC'lupc• ( :J7 C'C'n 11> poswgt•) to Ann Lundc•rs. P.O. Rox J J 9JJ5. Chicngo. JI f. oOfi J l. Your fiance's p1tn•nt s need to become self· sufficient. 1 recommend Alcoholics Anonymous. U they won't go, your flaoce and you should join Al-· . . Neither vulnerable. o outll deals. NORTH •J98 'V KJ100 O AQ •QIZ WEST EAS1' •2 •106• 'V 986 t::I Q5 0 J760 0 K10982 +10987 +AO SOUTH • AKQ753 'V A 12 0 6 • +KJ 5 The bidding: SMtli Weet I • Pu• 3'• PaH Cu•tom ellored Nerta. Eu& 2 'V p ... • 0 PaH ®££.~ti!~ collar •n cuff .~ ~ .,,... --... ~ Coate Me .. 142-1711 Arts 'n Crafts Gift Sale Holiday pr9Ylews of unique holiday gilts 11 the Huntington Center ~all dally thru Nov. 14. E.T. Sale Ind Photos Huntington Center merchants cetebrlte their 16th Anniversary with special E.T. memorabtlfa sale. Bring the kids for an extra-terr"trlal visit. Souvenir photos dally thru Sun (S3.77 donation to Youth Fund). Weekdays 6 to 8 30 and Sat./Sun 12 to 4. GOIEll ON 81,DGf BY CHARLES H. GO~EN AND OMAR SHARIF ~ Pan · ,.-• Paa 6 • PaH Pa11 PaH Opening lead: Ten of •· South had the choice of one of two finesses for his con· ' tract. He made his slam because h~ took-neither! North-South conducted an orderly auction to reach their slam. Note that South did not resort lo Blackwood to check on aces. Once it was clear that North's four diamond bid was a cue-bid in .support of spades. South knew that his side was missing the ace of clubs. The defenders lost no time in completing their book wnenEast won the rtrsl trtck with the ace or clubs and returned the suit. Declarer won and drew trumps in three rounds. All that was left to do was avoid a loser in hearts. It might seem that declarer simply has to guess which way to take the heart finesse. He should lead a low heart to the jack if he thinks West has the ~ueen. or else run the jack from dummy if he feels that the lady Is with East. However. tht>re is another option -declarer can take the diamond finesse and ther: discard his hart loser on the• ace of diamonds. Whirl• finesse should South rely on'! The answer is neithcr- yet. Declarer can combine his chances to give himself con· siderably better odds than the straight 50 percent of fered by either finesse. Almost 30 percent of the time, one of the defenders will have either a doubleton or singleton queen of hearts. That is the extra edge declarer can give himself. Declarer should first cash the king and ace of hearts to see if the queen drops. If her majesty appears. declarer can claim. If she does not, . . declarer can still fall back on the diamond finesse.. Rubber brldse eluba throu,hoat the country ute the four-deal brld1e format. Do tliey know eometlilq you don't? Charle• Gore•'• "Four-Deal Bridse" wlll teach yoa the 1tratecle1 aad -t.aetlee of thl1 fa•t.·paeed ae· Uoa saae that providea tile cure fer uaendlq rubbten. For a eopy ud a 1eorepad, MDCI SJ.15 to "Gorea·Four Dell)," care of t hh new1paper, P.O. Box 259. Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make eheek1 payable lo N ew•pap11rbook1. INTRODUCING THE 1983 +ERCEL, BELOWTHE 1982 PRICE. ,- BUTTHAT'S JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG . You heard It right. The 1983 Tercel 3-Door Liftback is just $4998• -lower than last year's sticker price. But there's even more to the iceberg. There's Tercel's mileage -better than last year. an 11.8% increase. It delivers 51 Estimated Highway MPG.@EPA Estimated 0 MPG ... And how about Tercel's front- wheel drive. Gives fantastic traction all year. And a peppy 1.5 liter SOHC engine. An improved 4-speed synchromesh • .. transmission. Mad2herson strut frpnt and rear suspension. Power-assisted brakes. And these are just SQille of the standard features - there are many more. Inside, everything has that great Toyota quality. And Tercel is the roomiest subcompact you can buy .... So buy. Now. At your Toyota dealers. And oh what a feeling you'll feel. • Milnui.c1u•n' suu~cd retail SHI<< ~•lcr\ ~lual 1ct•1I price m.l)' •ary Pricc don not include••~ lkt'nsc 1t•n~port•tt0n C>PllONI 0< r('floNll~ required cqulprnl'nl •• Rcrnl'mbl'f, comparc 1his ~tm<1lt' ro thc El"' [Sllm.llt'd MPC ol olht'r ors w11h m;inual 1r;insmlsslon You mar eel dlllcrenr mllc- "iC depcndlnc on how lase )'ou drhe .. ear her cond11lons. and trip lenclh Am1al hlchway mllt'acc will pr~bly bl' len than tht' H(Ch"'ill)' EslltNtt' ••• 54lbcc>n1pact ca• class ol§ dt'ftned by EPA OH WHAT A FEELING! TOYOTA BUCKLE UP-ITS A GOOD FEELING! . • · Bird of paradise, .. ~olist compatible l• A native of Africa. the exotic stalks that eventua ll y t'Ould i lrellulo, more common ly reach 30 feet In length. Iri Its known aa the Bird of Paradise, youth, feed It frequently t<J gl'l it takes naturally lQ lhe Southern et>tabliahed and Jht!n little or no California climate: · feeding is required. All you'll In the coastal areas, plant In have to do is keep it watered and Colorful Annuuli; will color bulb twd until hulh J•lunlK bloom. l"C"lund ll4•1>1•it• are o good c•hoi"e with anlle r f)lunt" 1mch u tuli1l . . . Ot1t1g1 Co1 t OAILV PILOT/Friday, November 5, 1982 81 Gardening _ideas ·branching out A range of garde.min& ldt'H from ho w to sel<>ct water· conserving plan \8 to pruning and a tftaping fuchalla11 arc-being ottered In pru.iram1 next wc'f'k. St.•lcctlon and care of apring bulbs will be the class s ubject. ot Sberman Gardent, Coroni.1 dl•I Mar. from 9:30 o.m. until noon Wednesday. Thl' 1.1rt of flower arranging will be demonatrotcd by hurlll-Ulluri11t Kathy Pratt at 10 a.m. Mondlly at the Sant.a ~na Women'• Club. Ht'r program ts 1pon10rt>d by the Or111e CHDl)' Floral Arts Guild. An ot h er program on arrangementa -this time using Madonnas as the focal point - will be pres<>nted for South Coa1t Oardf'b Club members at 11;30 a.m . Wednesday at the Dana · Poi nt W o men 's C lub . full sun. Avoid an area where it cul off any dead leaves. wfll ~iw a dratft or against a The S trelltiia reginae, the hot, reflecting wall. But don't let common variety .. IS wown tor ~• • this atop you from 'planting it by Its spectacular and unu11ual URllllRI CllCllllT At 'a work party, sponsored by t.he Costa Me11·B ay Cities Branch of the National Fuchsia Society, members will learn how to prune and. shape fuchs1us and make cuttlngi> from thto! plant. The meeting will begin al 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Cosw Mesa Information ab~t growi1-ig cymbidiuma will be given by Ned Nash for members of the Oruae C o u a t y B £1a a c )t o f t b t Cymbldlum Society of America. The meeting Is set al 8 p.m . Thursday at the Westminster C1v1c Center. yotW awlmmfug pool where this flowers that are said by many lo ~er1rttn perennial will really resemble birds in form and in at.and out. their bright orange, blue and • The S •lltda nkolai Is known white color combination. This hyanuths uml hll<'!I t•on oil go In now. Community Ct'nt«i>r. · llia the gt. nt Bird of Paradise and plant grows to 5 feel and its It known for it• large bananalike leaves are the same l'Olor '8 ils )eaves rather than its flowers taller relative but onJy I ~ {cct wtUch are Ml very pronounc.'ed. l t.s long. , leathery, 1ray-green leaves can The plant grows very well in a be ~ feet long or up to 10 feet container · as it seems to bloom pwing in a fanlike manner on better from l.-rowdl'CI dumps. • Plant annuals that bloom all winter long. Look for calendulas, snapdrago ni>, pansies, Iceland poppy, primrost>s and the old standbys, violas and pansies • Th<' planting of bulbs this (.'llonth in flower beds and l'(Jntainers should be at the top of your lis t Daffodil:., tulips. • ·Houseplants usually don't need as much waU?ring during the winter months because of mort-overcast skies and shorter day!>. But so1b shu~ld be checked b<.>t·uust· indoor heaung can \>(% drying. Friends of tbe Hortense Miller Garden Laguna Beach, will host a lecture by Dr. Vance Healy. traveler, historian and artist. who will diSl'USS new c'Onl-CPL'> or th<.' garden as il rflates to health. The m~ting l,s to begin .at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at. the Laguna Fede ral Savin gs and Loan community room. Mrs. ·Donald George, a master flower show judge, will speak at th e meeting of the Laguna Bncll Garden Club at 11 a.m. Friday <tt the N el~h b o rh ood Congregational ~hurch. f t ~ r. . I ~ N011CR .. fiiUl1li'i IAU L ....... Wl-11 T.l. ... P-tt117 FINANCIAL CO~AATION OF SANTA BA~BAIU U d uly eppd'lntecl TrullH under tile lell<IWtnt dtterlb41d deed of tru11 RUFFELL'S UlltHOLSTEIY l11ft II f&r 9M S... ltJI H.UIOa ILYD. COSTA MISA-141·1116• Will S!ll AT PUBLIC AUCTION~=======~~~ TO niE HIGHEST l lDOER FOR·---~--· •!!!!"-"""I ~H lPrteale at time of ule In 1r I ~ moMy ol the United Stat") ifi-~t. tnlt wld Int.,.. corweyed IA•L'S 'It 1n!f now Mid ~ It under MIO = ti Truat In the prope rty "' r•lll ... .,.. 4'1er Cleecrlbed: All CONllmCl•ll T A lJ S T 0 R ~ J A M E S l . IO&M WAlll lllA,,_ 1 'LIVINGS TON end JOAN C aAnllOOMllMOOlllNO 4.1Vl~TON, 1119 wit.. St •~ 111~1 l llNEFIC IARY · SA NTA ~lt~-·~My-y~~ .A .. M SAVINGS ANO LOAN ,..,._ -· -_ _, ASSOCIATION, e corporation, COHA 1MSA 641-1289 ~ Metdl 27, tMO .. lnelr. tH• ..... .,._ ~. 31781 In book tWt, pege 48 o1~Alc«d•111 1"9 office ol MIWQHWJO 495-04()1 lhe ~Of'ber ol Oren,. County. ten1 c...i-c 4 1 Pu•• Milt hed of truet dMCrl~• the cs-.... ....., . ., -., .....,., ~ :T'~·No. 95S2, In 111e1--------- coy of lrvlne. County ol Or1nge. St ... ol CeliforTN • .nown on a rMC> thereof r-ded In 900ll 410, P •o•• t to 12 tncluatve . Mlacellan~u• Mep1. reeord1 ol ~~:it: l~AULT UNDER A !)HD' OF TAUST DATED MAACH 1•. 1HO. UNLHS YOU T~KE ACTION TO PAOTlC T YOUfl P..c>PeRTY, IT MAY llll SOLO AT A P.OellO SALE. I' YOU NE"EO AN EXPLANATIOH OF THE NATURE OF THI. PROCHOING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOUlO CONTACT A LAWY~R. Gift Guide. Coming Nov. 24 in the ----lllilyPllt TUAN 1,000 SQ. FT. OF TIRED QAEEN WINTER LAWN • ~OH ONLY 14.99 ! Fall -- is ORAS~ INTO A BEAUTIFUL t \aililM'!!• INCLUDES: for J s ...... nd'"' ,, .. r P.lantiogJ 10 Liia. Oregon lAEES• SHllUllS "1•or•11 SHd. IJIWNS • llUll'S Nur ... erv SpeciCJ/ ''MEYER'' LEMONS Compect, prolltlc 11erlety, beers thin skinned, tengy frulLlt eerly ege. 1 OAL. fllEO. 4.SI Since 1946 Ha1lis\itts Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mtso Ad OOod ttwouo+i No¥. t , 1112. wlllle aupply ....._ Addr••• ol ••Id properly ••;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 ChoMe. Irvine. CA. 92714. There • 1 , Of 11onect,_. ol ,.,d ecklrHt. ~ _ II no w•rrenty .. to comple111ne11 ~ -,.,..·HOUSEPLANTS TM ~sy under Mid DMd of Truet. by ,_ ol e brMCll Of =~~~::ri~~.~ WHOLESALI! TO THE PUBLIC ~Oec:ten•on ol Dela.ult Md ~ ALL . ~:r=::~~F!~.;:; 50 70 OFF PLANTS! It "'°'*"'°~Mid~ GJIODIE'•D ~ ,,. • ..,., the unffr•ltnecl .. ~ SPECIALS ............. of tweech Md of c c to a. ..-ded Juty 21. te•• DllA AENA llAIGll TRIPLES .-1nt1r. No 11-2nu1 of •ss .. VALUE •t5M ~-Aeeor'tla. 1e 111 .. 1. '"" b• "'.-..but te .. AllECA PALMS llevt c~111nt er werr•nty, ..-•• 5. 110 .. ..,.. or ~. ~ding title. • ~" 111~1• or ~--. '0 15 GAL. INDOOR A OUTDOOR FICUS ,_, 1M rerri8llnfnQ ~ .urn of .. note MWfecf ~Mid DMd ol NOW •so .. . ,, f""'· """ .,.... .. In Mid not• ~ -:=-o!..9"J; ~:~: lllZARRE BAZAAR =.:-~'::,=:.:St: 1858 NEWPORT BLVD •• COSTA MESA £o.ed Of Ttuat. Seid .... w111 be 645-3392 Llmlled qu.nllly ff\ W9dneedlly. o-tlber '. · • 111 r:ot '·"'· 111 111e c~ Mlflueentr-te111eCMc Cenl•t===========r=========-·r-======::::::::===1 300 l. Ot\q>men A-. rta1C NOTICE P\alC NOTICE MLIC NOTICE of Orenge. CA lllfl• ol ti!• lnlll•I lt.-1 NO"TICI Oi TlllUITel'I SALE IUttt!IUOfll COURT OF :Ion ., tNll notice. the tot.. ~ COURT OF THE Mo. l2M2' CAU,OfllNIA -I Of tlle'Uilpeld blllence of the tTAft .. CA&IOllMlA YOU AM IN Dl'AUI. T UNO« .. A COUHTY OF OfllANOI ...,_.,_,, Mcur9d by Ille above COUNTY CW OfllANGI D 11 D 0' T" U IT 0 A T ID In Ille MeHet of the Appllcallon de1crlb•d dHd of truat end 7IO CMG c... DfM .... TllAPTEMMK· •cT"1'..1.N1979.TOUNL.IP"O .. T!COUT of PATRICIA LOUISE WflilMeRUS •tlm•led COlll, .. .,.n .... •nd .... AM, ~ 92701 .. ,. u .. ,M Cheftge of "-· t ~venoe• I• lte0,111.71. To .......-.. You .. '"OPl .. TY, IT MAY.. Ho.A·115411 4111Wm1M.. tM opening bid. you mey 4LICIA lOPez. POAfl .. 10 tolD AT A~ IAU • ., YOU OADEA TO IHOW CAUN (7141 t37..otee. ~ AMUANO NOD AN IXfllAMATION Of ntE fOfll CHANGE Of' NAME Oet« Oflober 2t 1982 D ..... I: NATU .. e °" THS '"ocel!DINQ Th• •DDllCatlon ol PATRICIA F I N A H c I A L ':L:.:1;,,, .... 0 .. 0. C"AME.. AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULO LOUISE WEMMERUS '°' CNtnge ol Cdfu>ORAT~ • l. c T "0 NI c.. A lf" ED CONTACT A LAWY£1l name having~ filed In Courl, OF IAHTA SAMARA. ANTHONY .... A .. DINO, "OAD On Nollember 12, 1982. at 11·00 and 11 eppeerlng from U ICI ..... Trvst.. ~ CATDmlO, efM11DOii1 e.m., Stete•lde Foreclo•ure 11ppl1eetlon that PATRICIA LOUISE By T.0. 8EAV1CI! ~ .. ........... Servlc;H. Inc. •• duly appointed WEMMER US II a I f 11 e d en COMPANY, agent •-OMS Truatff und•r and purau1nt to -i>Dllclltlon pr0p09lng tllet her n-'- Vldll J Andr16ge. Ne.1147... Deed ol Trvst -ded S..,lember ~ changed to PAfRICIA LOUISE ....... ~ ,._.....,,. ~e4ery NOTICEI Yw ...... "9ft wed. 5. 1t7t, u lnatr No. 2117, book SCOTT \_J I l. , One Olly lll¥d. W"1 Tiie-'..., ...._ ..... ,_ 13298. P•o• 484, of Olflclal Now, therelore. It ta hereby '-f Or9n11. CA tteee .--,_ llell'I i..d ..-.. Record•. eaecul•d by· HAROLD ordered •nd directed. 111•1 •II ..l. (714) ~2118 ,.. .................. ...,... Reed NEWMAl" and GAIL NEWMAN, .. peraon• ln1er .. 1ed In Hid meltet Clo ~ ?>ullllahed Or•nge CoHt Delly IM...._...._......... tru1tors. In Ille office of Ille COUnty 1ppeu be lore thl• court-in ~ Pilot, Nbv 5, 12. It, 1982 II you WWI to Miii Ille MMQe ot Recorder Of Orlnge County, Slate, 10 llhOw UUM Wh'f IUCh lj)plicallon r 4853·82 an ettorney In thll matter. you o l C•lllornle. Will SELL.. AT 10< chenge ol name tl!Ould oot be llftOUld do 90 promptly so tMt your PU8LIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST gr•nted. l• ._ ...... ~ .. ---.,.-_-TIC( ____ written r"90nte. If 11/l)'. m•y ~ 8100EA FOR CASH (p•yabl• •t It 11 lurther Oldered that. copy of ~ ~ ~"" filed on time. time of .... In lewful m~ ol the tlll• Oroer to Sllow CeuH be i • . M.llfl COURT Of AWIOI ~ M .... .,.... deda United StetH) et Soul front pul>llllled In tile Orange Cont Dally '· C...-. 11 .,._... ,_. '"'* _.,. entr11/lC41 to the Orange county Oki Pllol. • new1p1per 01 gen.,•I • couww'i °' LC>e AWLll Ud. • ulliuti • --... Ud. CourlllouH, Clly of Senl• An•. clrcuJeUon. printed In Mid county. I l • • W ~ ...__ ,...,..... ...... de• .... LAe • Stale ol Callf<l'nle, 1111 right, title Ind 11 leaat one. euch week ror lour I " • · ...._ .. ..... , 1n1er .. 1 conveyed to •nd now held 1ucce111vo week I prior to tlle Clay ol c...... A --~ IR... • • by" under Mid Deed~ Trutl In Ille Did hHfing. l 1l • ._. c.lrelllMrtct -~, Uated dHe• collcltu •I pro1141rty allu•t•d In Hid County Dated 1hl1 d1y ol October 20, . i-......,. •: conHJo de un ebog•do en nt• end Slate cM9Crlbed u : 19112. 1 :-.~TIOW,": llllll MAI .. unto , deblirf• ll•c er lO Lot au ol Tract No •907, In Ille M1rk A. Soden 1 •, !"' lnmedletemente, de "'• mener•. City o1 Newport Elffcll. County ol Judge ol Mid Superior Court ' 19'1Cl•I"': .,._. Ll•TW" IU r...-ie nctlte, If hey etgune, Orenge. State ol C .. llomle, H P9f "oel"T E. •AKI ... HO\Me TII puede-realltrecla•tlempo. mej)rece>rdedln8ook211.pegM25 LAW o,,ICll 0, aT1VeN ( "4MMClllll ~y LAW) 1. TO THE.DEFENDANT: A cMI to 31 lnelualve ol Ml1cell1neou1 "OHMAH 1 C.. -.-ICD Miil compfelnt hH been flied by the M9PI. In Ille olllce of the Ce>11nty . 1• w. lttl It. ltd fl. \ NOTtem..::: ..... --..... p1•nllff ..... you. If you wl9ll IO Rec:Ofder of Mid County L .. Aneetee CA I0017 #.. ':fe'C -=-~l: ro-;:Y~~tii~=o~"~ Tll• •trHt eddrH• and oth•r Publlahed Or•~oe CoHt oa11y ff ' ........... .-... •.,.. fleed .-wcl on you Ille""" M court • common deelgnetlon, II eny, OI Ille P110I. C>el 22. 29, Nov 5, 12. 1982 ·.JI ~ ....._ written ~ 10 .,. compf91nt rH I property delerlbed ebov• la 415~112 4 If you ....,, lfl Mek in. llCMce Of um-you do '°· YGI" detellll wMI ~.,::. !:.~~ldo Nord, P\alC NOTICE • w. ettor11.,. In 11111 metttr, you be entered Oii elllltlc;allon of Ille The un. derelgned Tr1t•I•• ~do 10•='10 lllet your plelntlft, end tNa 00'.llt mey .,._a dlacl•lmr 1ny lieblllty lor 1ny ~N!!!!0"1,• .. ""T1!!'!!1 ~ Ot ...,, mey be ~ ....... you tor IM r9llel ar-eel_. o1 the 1trM4 llddr.e -,. _,.., ...., Olt'lrne detM!tded Iii ... COll'llNlnt. wNcfl 1 ;;;;; dealgnetlon 11 The lollowlng pereon I• do•n11 A YI t 0 I U • t e d II • 1 I 41 • could rffvlt lfl ,.,nl1hment 01 end :,_,:on • t>ullneH M .-..w .... II ,,.._. .,.,._. •eoee. ~ ol mGMY"' property 91'ald HI• wlll be m•d• but H & H GAS. 828 Newhope, ....., I IWjlj IM Pl 111 •or OINt ,..-let re~t•d In the wllllout covenint or werrinty, Slant• Ana, CA 927()4 ~ • W. ,..... ...,.. oomplefnt. ••"'9M or implied rtogerdlng tttle Hen• 0 Spitz. 820 S Hermon, .. • ....... II IAwuaft ... DllMO: Nov. 15. 1t1t. 'Poc .... lon or eneumt>rencn 10 Senta Ana, CA 927()4 ..... Lee A. •8Rdl, Clerk pay Ille ~ princ:19e1 llu~ of Thll bullne .. la conducted by 91, I I U1ted deMI H llcttlr el ~ Wwd, Deputy Ille note MCurecf by Mid Deed of lndi¥leh.llll ~ de en ....... o en •II• DI --I ,.,.... T I Ith I I at thereon II Hl'M Olelrlcit SpiU e111ntl1 .,., •• ,r.11aoer10 A" r1 r111n-c:er. .... , ;:.:.0.:1n.!i•~, .ovanc9. 11 T111•a11temen1,., .. 1iled•thtlle ................... , de ee4e "*-a. ,_ ................ -1ftY under Ille terl'l'I 'of Mid °"" County Clerk of Orenge County OC1 ., ,....,..... o .... ctcMI. Ill lley ......... c•s1w..,.. of 'Trull, IHI. c h•ro .. end Oc:t 20. 1982 =' ,.,... Mf f9'11tr•d• • (714) _.... expeneee o1 IM Truet• end of Ille ,_,, .. ~ . l'llblleflM Of•net CoHt Delly trUlll CrHl•d by H id DHd ol Publl•hed Ora•o• CoH I Oelly \. T() nil Ml"OfllOINT: The Pilot, Od. ti. 22. 21. Nov. S, tt82 Trvet tor the emount reuon•bly Piiot. Oct 22, 2t, Nov s. t2. t"2 flt p.mletter llel ntH e pellllon --4634-82 ...tmitec1 to be tt70,"80t 4112·12 ........ "~ ,.., fM ~ under Mid Deed I -~ ,.,... • d9'fl of ..UC lllOTIC( of Trvtt llefetofor1 ••ecu1ed Md "8.IC NOTICl ' . C9ll ! ~ ~ eur""to111 11 iiii.iiliill'm -.a dell11erect to th• 11nder1lgned • -™ --.. I' ~ ....... meybe iMilifA~ .nt1en Dec:lerellon ol Deleull end r'Uiilna'Tii°iiiT • ·-~en~ • The .......,.. pereon le 'dlrno Demend for ••1•· and • wrlUen Th• 1011ow1no "''°" 11 d01119 • ...,. ---~~: ~-· NOttoe of o.teutt end !lectlon to t>ulfNM k I pr.,.ny, .... : , Ohlld A ,_,.,.. ~ .. IJ~..: ::."':. '='-'1'::. c:.::c'ton-:: 0 A , ,AOJIC'TI, U0 Plum -.....,. atilll ..., • "'orn_, • ICM! J .... ..:.... 1119 Luoonle ... 10 lie -ded In Ille c:ovnty ...._, Costl Melle, caMOnll 11111 -. .... .,, lldt ... relltf II HO A .._:.:::"il.ioti Celitomle wMt. tltt ,... P'°'*1Y II located Curtll AllM """"'8. l30 flllrm ~: lllt '°"" Ttw .,_· ........ ,_, ' =·Oct=· 11. 1H2 ,_., Coete MeM. Cellf0rnll ntl7 ·==-==~,.;~ iJ:u.~lleoRdtafld~lll ·~~11 .. re ~---·OOllClllGted~llt •nt1 ... _, MO KM\ J. ..,,. = .=:. Tiiie .. ~ !:'*.:."'"' IN I"--<•• -l • *'· Tilll 111---llisdl...,."' .. ~Au llif •• • ••r eoun.y Qefll o11 Orlftl' Ceunty on ~ c;....., Clertl OI 0.-,.. co.yon ~-. y ,,_, OctoMf 11. ,.. _ Oet ... "· .... ,_ • r-• ~ Ot °"" Ollly Pllllfflfted °' .... c.... ~ "' Cont Deity '""""'" 0rlf!l9 Coat = ..... ... , If. , a ,_ ,_., Ooe, 11. ..... t. 11. ""' ,. ,_, Ooe n , "· 9. 1112 "*"·Oct II. Nov:"I. ti. ,._ I ...... .,... .,. ..,,, ... ·f I LLO\'D•!i ·garden shop GIANT FALL ·1 c SALE .SAYE UP TO 50% lc1l11d PoppJ . _ "11d Pri•ul• ·:.t.~ t!~-~ IUJ .... ''"' ~\ : ;:I . Pak 1t R11. Prio~ ~ Get 2nd 011 ~: for 1 ~ r ...... I luJ 1 do111 ....--..,.......--.,,,.....- R111Hala at rec. prio• let 2111110111 fir 1 ~ SPECllEI TREES lire• seleotlot 1f 1l 1all11 H4 flt1 lrtlS 1/2 OFF •arkt4 Prioe RYE GRASS lre11 1p 101r ..... 11.1 ... witll wilf1r ry1. c.,., IHll •.. ,,., .. •••••••·•ea. s431 Sl.41, ••• HALF Ill BIRRELL Reg. I • 12 •• -"lf,-cl~ . $16.91 ow ~~~~ .. ~ I GIL. CITRUS · 'l';J; Reg. $850 . -·~ $15.91 ••• FIELD PllSY Fie ld Grown Pansies in Full Bloom .Reg. '6°per basket $495 now '" llasktt lo..' ,im.;"-'91(Dlln Hllllll llSIDS lll 101111 CILll us1n1 ~ IFF • ., .. 4 Prlot CAM ELIAS IEW SUSOI JUST STIRTill IEW SllPllEIT JUST II • ~-..,1_ S1l1ct14 Wee4 lill•n l111otiol4t1 • FEmUZDI 41% IFF SELECTD WEEI llWll, llSEmcllU I FEmUZEIS 40% OFF ... ·~ ...... ....., ~·~ "' •••• i .. ,... 111.• ... •21• , .... ~=-~ ........ -, > I ), , . . ~ ( Oronou Co It OAILV PILOT /Friday. November &, 1082 For the c;enous dnver. l 1xtrciord111dry performance lids always been the most obvious and compelling rea- "°n for owning a BMW 3201. INTO But the 3201 also hap- pens to be the sort of car that turns those same ~n­ t11u51asts into very astute uwestors Because ac- rord1ng to the July 1982 NADA Used-Car Guide. the average 3201 manu- 1,1ctured over the past 3 years has retained a phe- nomenal 94 596 of its ong- 1nal value* And the 3201 offers its owners something that ranty and 6-year hm1ted warranty against rust per · forat1on.u c1al rewards of a car whose resale value 1s tast becoming legend , t>ven the most demanding investors rarely expect. let alone receive-namely. protect10n for their invest- ments. The 3201 1s cov ered by BMW's 3-year/ 36,000-mile l1m1ted war All of which results 1n a most delight fut comb1nalton: The emotional rewards of dnv1ng "the sort of car enthusiasts turn into leg- end" (Car and Onver). We 1nv1te you to test dnve that comb1na- t1on-and the only car that offers 1t-at the BMW dealer nearest you. · Along with the f1nan -M UU'IUTI '!'v.& MIClllHi. e.1 "<!,,, .....,dtt •tt..i i.e1w>g ""'' v "'~ ;,."'""" ur, ~,.,~ to1ne ondo!()tlo! 1 Jc..~~'"" ,ou,.trtptMllll'yor to aoe-• ., ..... ..,"' "°°""' ..,.,.._, °"''n.tloCO !rQmautt\7 :-., US. BMW~~~,,,,.., Sfflour 8~>\ de-lot del.tolt C 1982 8MWOl l\;Ortll ~,,,.. " '"" ,,... EW1\ to~:.v·.., J "K •e •eg •••N f 1 '!M'r r.,.," ~~an be,,,,., 9d t'-'l!r yo.< ••o.zed US !IVN Cit!._,, L [l YO~JB_ LOC AL BMW Qf ALERS ARRAN~ A THOROUGH TEST DRIVE I\ lh,ll1l0f('.I QllTVl'f MOTOISALIS !Bl I We<,t Mi1n StrE't'I ( lJJ) 570 81144 Aw)<! YYAA IMW, 11K. q I E hi Arr~'\' I !1,.:hwcr, ~.·111967 5331 Ht>,erly H1fts 1 ......... llYlllYMW ''0.:.! Wilshire B<)I jft~\'(!fd ( 1 1312'3 JQ80 ( d J'lclf! 0 IWWITlllSIMW : 11 Oitily Ori~,, <~o~,, 482-8A78 • l 'l 88Q .?11:.? Cam~~<l Park IOI SMfTll IMW '050 Top<lngd Ca11\on Blvd (213} 346-3144 Glendale - NOA<IMW La Habra IOllKIMBS IMW,llK. 850 North BetJ h Blvd l213) 691-6701 (714) 522 5333 800 <;o~·t 81<1• o1 L..-iraster 8\0 ....... (2111 ~46 b54:J 45201 N S1eria H B .. Hw\ err110:.d eac., (805> q48 6004 YASUPOUllMW • 2Q{) 1 Pai h l.JliiR ~ach C1 ,a.,1 H...,, I.Oii& llAOI IMW '213) 3 'b 0935 3b70 Ctierry Ave H P (213) 427-5494 unt1ngton ark (7JJ) 636_5 700 llCaALIUllll 1...n 6000 Pck.1tic Blvd \2b) 583 lCIOI Newport Beactl. ten UIVll, II(, 1540 Jomooree Ra (714) 6 40-6444 N0<th HoUywood IOlllT--U. IK. 4270 L.ankerstim Boule"a•d (213) 76 1 6133 Norwalk JAU<OUW 10840 F rest~ Blvd (213) 868-3233 (714) 636-6775 Palm~~s . u.a -UIS In. 4095 Edst Pa1n1 Canyon Onve (714) 328·652C, Riverside a.lllllMW 7850 Indiana Av~ (714} 785-4444 Santa Ana CllYD...S, IK. 208 West F r~t St ,714)8~5 3171 Santa Monica OCUllmTOa 1820 Santa Monica Boule\.ard ,213) 82Q 3535 Van Nuys ... llTO Cllllll 5230 Van Nu~s Boulevard (213) 788 1791 ~==========r-======r===r=~ t MLIC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICl P\8.IC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE StATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT K-«t10I SUMMAftY Of' P:tcTITIOUa ~H ~, OF USE Of' FICTITIOUS FICTITIOUS .USIHEU AOOf'TU) ~E MAM1 aTAff•MT aUSINESS NAME NAM! STATUllEMT ORDINANCE 82·15 Is IClleclul4MI The IOllowlng Pel'tone •e dOir>g Tile lollowlng person has Tiie t()llowlng perllOOI ate do.ng to be In full ellecl 30 deys from buslnest u abandone<ltlleuseoltheFICllhous businesses November I , 1882. e nd was -:EXCALIBUR LIMOUSINE • Bu11ness Name BU IL DER S EX C HAN G E. adopted by Ille tot1owl09 roll call SERVICE, One N8WPOft Pt-. Suite I• RM 0 LANDSCAPE, 1241 La ASSOCIATES. A CALIFORNIA 11ote Council Memwa: AVES. Hell. 750. Newport BHch, Celllornl• ~, Lome Cot . Anahetm, CA 92808 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 188 Eul Hertzog. McFarland, Schelet, 92ee0 The F1c1111ou1 BusonHI Name 17th SlrMI Costa Mesa. CalttOfni. Johnton NOES None. ABSENT J MRP TRANSPORTATION, referred to above was toled In 92627 None INC .. a Celdomla corpo<etlon. One Orange Counly on November 3, James W Ray, 16 Slon-all. Ordinance 82·15, amends Al11de Newpor1 Pl-. ~ulle 750, ~ 1980 • Irvine. Caliloml• 92714 17''\, Tflle 13 ot the Coate Meu Be.c:h. CalllOfnle 92MO Randy McDaniel. 2S247 Los Mtchaal 0 . Ray, 408 Hazel Munlclpal Code. 10 incorporele J M R p RancherlH, Hemet. CA 9234·3 Ortve. COl'ona de! Mar, C•llloml• conllruc11on ttaodards tor mobl'-TRANSPORTATION, INC This business was conducted by 92625 hOmea and mot>tle hOm8 park• end Rlc;hetd S. Paul, a n 1ndMdull Thi• ~ 11 c:ondUC1a<I by • 1ubd11111lon1 toceted in the flood VJe. PreelOenl Raody Mc0en181 limlled pennet'lhlp nai.erd .,.._ This atet-t ,,. .. flled w(th the This 1ta1emen1 was hied with the J-W Aloy The lull lut ol the propoHd County Clel1I of Orenoe County on County Clerlc or Ore1199 County on Mk:hl84 D. Aloy Ol'dlnanu ml')' be read 1n Ille Coty Octobet 13, 1912. Ocl. 21, 1982 Managing Pal'1nera Clerk's Ortic• at 71 Fair Drive. McOal a PAU\., INC. Frank Nlchota1 This 1t1temen1 wu flied wtlh tile Colle Meta Attome,• et Law A Lew C0tP9fatlon County Clerlc of Orenge County on EILEEN P. PHINNEY ...,...,_...,_ ._. ---~ 1301 Dove Street, Suite 400 Oct 7, t982. City Clefll S.-ttl P'leof, Newport 9-h, CA t2ttO Nlfta "-Cllomelcy City of Coll• Mel8 OM ~ ,._, F141137 AnglN a avrlord Put>llalled Orange Co11t Dally Suite 710 Dubhshed Orange Coast Dally TM ., ... , •lllldlnst P1IOI, Nov. 5, t982 ............... e....,. - PllOI. Ocl. 22. 29, Nov 5, t2 1982 •th Floof 4915·82 '1~ •659-82 SS ScMlth "-fmoed A"enue Publl1hed Orengt Co111 Dall~ Peeedetla. Caltfofnl• t110S-1t12 "8.IC NOTICE Pllol. Oct 29. No11. 5, 12, 19, 11182 Ml.IC NOTICE F1•1U 4766-82 NOTIC., ~ -..... ,,. .-............ Publlthed Or1nge Co11t Dally FICTITIOUS~· "' .,.. .. ...__ ,_...,_... PllOI. Oct IS, 22. 29, Nov 5, 11182 NAMI! STATU•r.• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I 4531-82 The IOllOwlng e>ettons 1111 dOlng publtc: 1-rinO wm be held t>y the •------------bualf1US u . C11y Council ot the City of Coate P\8.IC NOTICE SCOTT DESIGNS, 17 No. VIiia Meu on November 15, t982, In Jhe ------------Dt L• Luna, Sourh Laguna. CA Councll C"-tnbert of City Hatt, 77 l'ICTIT10U9 ausMH 92877 Fair Drive, Colla MeH . al 6 30 ....... STAT'lmNT Sally Ann Scoll, 17 No VIiia p m or ¥ 1oon therHlter 11 The lotlowlng pet90N ere doing De Le Luna. South La11una, CA Pf8ClteaOle, on 11141 IOllowlng hem· buslMM... 92877 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT THE PARTRAN COMPANY, o .. n Rl1:h11d Scott, 17 No GP-82-38, Coate MHa Clly 2520 S F1trvl-SlrMt, Suite F, Vllfl t>et"Le Luna. South Legunt, Council. tor perrnlaalon 10 emend Santa An•. Ca1Kornt1 91704 CA 92677. 1h1 G • n • r a I PI an I a n d u 1e Robeft Pafk«, 27692 Maplee. Th11 t>uslneu 11 ~ucte<I by e c1e11gnallon tor propenlet loceta<I MINlon VlejO. e.irtornle 92691 general pa11neu111p al 2129 throogti 2831 Bristol Stteet Ronald Miiier, 544 Wiiiow Sa~n Scott Codd number• onlyl from Low Sprtnga, Olendele, Ca lllornle Thlt ,,.. I w11 lllecl With Ille o ens 11 y II• 11d•n11 •I t o 91740 County Clerk of Orenoe County on Neighborhood Commercial. Thi• bua!MN It conducted by e Oct. 20, 1982 Environmental Oeterm1n111on: generet plll'1nerahlp . P:IOOOM Neg•tlve Oeelltallon • Roneld Mui. Publl•h•d Orang• COHI Delly NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Thi• Ital-I ... fled with ui. Pilot, Oct 22. 29. NOii 5, 12, 1112 at Nld tirne end pleu, an tnlerMted County Qerk Of Ol'111ge County on 480342 perlON may e1>99M and be hMl'd OCIC>Oef 28, 11182. by the City Councll on the P a78I 11tor-lloned matter. PuDllthed 0 11na• Co•tl Dal~ EILEEN P. PHINNEY. Plk>I, Oct. 29, Nov. "S, 12, 19, 198 City Clerk 4706-8 MLIC NOTICE PfCT1TIOU8 ........ NAMISTATa-..T Publlahed Orange Co11t Dally -------------1 PllOI, NOOI 5, 1982 P\alC NOTICE TIMI lollowi09 C*lonll are dOlng bull-- 4916-32 --------...,..----1 SANTA ANA ARMY & NAVY, P'tCTITIOUS M.llMSI 1002 E 17th S11 .. 1 Santa Ane. NlllC NOTICE PICTmOUe ., ..... NAMlaTATl•NT The lollowlng Plf•On la doing bu-... LI B E"TY EJ<PAl!BS MOATOAOE, 3851 81rllfl 8tr ... , No 26 t, Newport e .. ch, Celllornle 92660 Angt lt eond, ~867 8trch StrHt, No 291, Hewpon Btac'1. Clllllomlt HMO fht• bufjtitM .. ~ed .., ton Wldtvi®tl. .. ~ ... Thia 11 .. emtllt W19 fled wtlfl tM County c....tc of Or.,. County on 0c100« n . 1112 ,_ '11bltthed Orange Cottt o.i1y Plioe.Oct :rt. Noll I , 12, It, 1111 .,.,..., • ., MA• ITAT'lmMT Calllomll 92701 , The following Pel'tona ere dOlng UNllflO MILIT AAY SUPPLY butll'INa •e: we er . INC • c1111 orn11 HfAL TH 8 CltHCE CENT EA, corporation, 1o02 E 17111 SlrMt, 1044 E. ~ A"""'9. Orenoe. Stnll Ana, Clllltomte 12701 Celllofnle 92Me Tlllt ~ ta condue*' by 1 H••llh $Ciano• C t nter corpora•• 1 Co r po r •II on.. • C a I llo r n I• UflllTED MllrTMllV corporation, 1044 E Ch1pm1n, SUPPLY WEST, 1NO Orlf!Oe, Callfornla 92MO MICllMI 8herman 11119---ll~tdby • ~ corporttlon. Thia 111i.m.n1 waa ""° wnn tht H .. 1111 Science Ctnter County Cler1I ot OrMOt County on Corp "-W-.... ~12. 1112 _... . -"· '--.,..._ .. VIOi PrMICMnt .,...,., .. ....... ' 'Tiiie .......,..,.. -llltd """ Ille -~a.. ...... County Cln of 0!'1191 Coun!Y on .,... Octotltf 17, 1tQ ........ ' CA -,_ ,_ Pu041et\tel Orlfll' Coest Oefly l'u9fftllff °'*'" c:-.. o.., PllOI, Oct n , NOv &, II, ':;~ ...... Oct It, NeY I, 11. t~fi P\alC NOTICE P:tcTITIOUt .,_ .. NAMeeTAftMIWT Th• tortowlng ptraon I• doing bullneN .. 1 ECOLOGY COMPANIES: 2 ECOLOOY REA L ESTATE COMP ANY . 3 . ECOLOGY MAINTENANCE COMPANY; •. ECOLOOY MAI NTENANCE CO MPAN Y; 6 ICOLOOY LANDSCAPING COMPANY; 6. ECOLOGY CONSTllUCTION C 0 M PA~,)'. 7 . E C 0 LO 0 Y DEVELOP-~NT COMPA,;Y, I ECOLOOY PAOPEAT Y MANAOEMENT COMPANY, 1637t S.acih Blvd • Suite 200..1 Huntington BMch, c.ittomtl 92947 Aon<:. L~o. 8821 Fry Clrdt, Hur\lington 8Mcfl.. CaMtornle 92Mt Thlt butlneM II COftOllcted by an ln<llvlduel. Aon E Lucero Thi• ltalerntnt WM llltd wltn •"9 County Ctetll of 0r8"91 County on October 28.2 ,_ Pu 1>1t1hed Orenoe CoHt Oat~ PtlOt. Oct 211. Noll.-.. ti, ti, , .. UCM·U P\B.IC NOTICE '1CTm0Ua ....... IMMSITAT-.n Tiie followtnt ...,_ .,. dOlfl9 ~--~ LadlH , 101 17\h 81 .. Hunt on leecll. CA ...... JiJ tel\f'1 Ctllt/ "0H111ary Cowell, IO 1 I 7tfl It , HullllflOIOfl e-dl.CAt.... . """---·~ .... ,.,,.,., l*t ...... JulWtn Calle ""' .............. Witt\ tlll COUlllV Cltrll Of Orante ~ °" Oct ''· 1111 ,_ 'uttlenect 011111• Coat Detty l'ltot, Oct. 11, H , It, NOY I, , ... ....... ConsultiD.g firm opens on · coast Courlnf'y Aasoc1uws lnc. op<..•n1.:d its 01·angl0 County off Cl' thji; wN'I< In Ns.·wP!>rt Bt•ul'h. Ttw suk-s managcmt."nt and morke\in" <..·onsultlng firm Sl'r vin.g manu'faclurcrs, wholC'sal<..•r 11 , nod profossionul groups relocated lo th<.' llurbvr Ar,·a Crom Northe rn CalHurma. P resident J . Philip Courtney founded Lill' firm In San Francisco in 1957 .. Anthony W. Thompson, <:LU, uf Sanw A11a. recently atwnded"'lhe second annual <.'Onfl'rtmct• or Mutual Trust Life Ins urance Comr;><:my's "Blul• and G o ld Counci'I," h e ld in Scottsdale. Arii Me mbership in the coundl is the highest honor representatives can at:hll.'vc. Janice L . Ballester has been appc11ntcd assistan vice• pre-stdcnt and cashier of tht" Lnguna Bank.''e\\~ \\as nmc ~t:ars expcrienc" in t'Ommercial banki11g and has lx.-cn with 1)1f-Ld~una bauh. ..is operations officer .,.i.nC\' its opening Dec. 1, 1981. James A. Rust, a veteran oC :l2 years in tn~ financial servk-cs field . has been named prl'Sident of Huntington Pacific Thrift and Loan A$soc1ation· The firm opened its doors in October a t 19042 Magnolia Ave .. in tht> Garfield Plaza Center. Stepha n J . Sm ith, formerly senior vice "president of the Bank of Newport, is now pn.'s1dent of Un ited States Safe Deposit Company in the Newport Genter of Newport Beach. Tom Evans, owner of lnterfors by Torni, is now executive vice president of the safe deposit firm. OVER THE COUNTER Dale C. Olsen of Orangl• has been nam<'d munager o r thu nt•wly-op<..•ncd San f'ronclst·o Bouhingl•rit• In tlw Orun~w M:11l He will dir<..·<'t produt·tro n , sc:hf'dul1ng and p..rsonm•I for the gournwt bakl•ry chain owned by mulh-nal1onal Pt•ps1t'C>. Inc Dennlfl Edwards hus b.•cn uppolntt..>d national snlc·s manager for Systems Group. ma nufacturer of m1t·rocomputer systl•mi. and software for the ~ulll-u.scr businc-'SS cnv1ronn1<mt •• in Orange. \'{ho le foodS> M a~azinc• of San ta Amt, a nutmnul retail trade journal, has announced the appmntment of A.olta Fleldmao and Jan Klngaard fts m -c.'Ciitors of thl' naturnl foods busin~ journal. Ian Pro.c&or f L..tguna. Beach-h-a joined Cot:hranl' Chase. Livingston and Co .. Inc. as a ~c·opyv. ri tcr Proctor 'com es to the agency from Mancheswr, England, where he served as a copywrite r on r variety of consumer-oriented at't'OUnl<;. 5\\S1'\\Vlmn Bank or California announC'l>d that Robl>rt \\!f.tnmoto, v1·~· p1 ~·.c~n• has be<.'<>mc the new munill(()f' \i\ 'lw bank's Cost;1 Ml'Sa <>f<~:c, 3420 Bristol St. H•· f..l.Hi lhl' h:.tnk in l f'tHI. Diane K. Scbalberg ·of Irvine has been appoinled vice president and fini)neial counselor at Bil':'k _of America's exl'CUtive finandaJ counseling office m Los Angeles. With the bank-since 1979, sh~ prc•vlously served as as..,istant vice pr<.'Sident. u .. ~ I.At.I Cf\9 PC! 1 • • Up Jl l 1 .. • 9-it Up l l 0 I .. .. 11. Up 1• 9 1 • '1 UP JS 0 • ~. Up 7l I l II It • 11·1• Up 11 ~ 20•• • l~• Up 11.1 •'• ~. tJo ,. ' II•. • 1 Up ~ S 7'• • '-Up IOO • I • .... Up 10 0 • • • 1 Up 1• O 1••• • 2'• Up 1e I tti. • I~ Up 11 4 )', • 11-UI> l•.I 1 t 1 Up la 1 ,... • l, Up I• 1 IS 7 Up IS• ,,_.. ~. VP 1) 0 •"'• .. 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HlMun 1121 u ti FI0$11cn u 71 NL JP Grln .. It IS 0 Nal Ind IJ II NL lr><om ~81 'JO Strei Gll'I 21.11 NL ,,,. orltet ., •f'll(h NOec 11 .. II H t /tt'iHllh ••JJ NL JP lnco I., '31 NII Securillet. ln••SI "·°' 12 " !>UnGrll! II «J IJ 0. ~':.ro h•':u''l:e'! c11'~~ IHl ••N•~ ~~~·1 P~ NL ~~~'H•nc:~" NL g:;: '~ ~ 'In 001n 1rn trn ~ .. '":~ '! 40 1191 told INel auel CMrl fO 1• ~ 2017 fr><lh 1n1 Nl BOIWI IU llS ll C.r,.lh ~ • 10 tt ~t:./• ~~ n: 'c;"I:..! 11t!11 .. ¥•l11el O< llOUQl>I Cl'lll Olr U I) NL tndu'I • U NL C.rwll> 12 •I ll.. Prtfd • 14 I JI V S lS t• 11 G ti! l..S I 14 ... ,~ DI.... WIK cn.urw1 40 )J .. l lr><Om I JO Nl us (;vi 1 .. 'Jt ln<orn ... 1AJ .~":" htt NL w~":IO JO" n IO cMr9el T,,..rlOey COioniai Funcll FU ln•Olon Tea Ell 9 ll 1001 Slo<ll ... tO n Raonbw J Jl Nl Trns Cap 1040 11 lD Self ... , Fund II II 17 •1 811cl Ap 14 l>S IS to k•ufmn 11 NL Tu E• I 17 1 ... Ao<llT a ' 11.• 11" lrll>Ne• t.41 NL AC.Orn f h OI NI. Grw111 • CM • II OIKO ti ... 11 n ICem..-r F\ll'IO' lOIAe S tS • "7 S.teco Secur Tr•• EC! 11.)1 11 lt AOV 1101 NI. H YIO •14 , .. Grwll! 1 '7 •90 lntom l.•I t•> Felrllq 11) •ti Eull t2• NL Tuor Fer UU NL Alulure I) u NL lncono ~ 07 l.ll ln<om • .. I )• Grow It 1t IJ 4l Nellonwlot fCH G,,.,,, 1\.11 NL "l'wnc GI 11.11 NL AIM Fund\ Opln JI IOU N•IAH ... '°' HI Yid •U 10 .. N•1nrt1 ... 1015 lnc.o 1111 NL l•llC Stl 11.0 NL C•Yld lli.u o TeaMo>J .. U_., Opln •IS ••l lllllf·d 10 .. 11 .. Ha Gll! 1101 .. 1Peullnvul TwnCUI SIO s .. Gren•y 11 .. 12 1 Cotu Giii 17.. NL h• l • I• • 0. MIHI 8 ,., I" N118o ti• 10 SS C.Ptl 12 .. ll N USAA Group Hl'rlO h llOJ CwllhA8 IJJ 14) WU.ct ... 103' ()clln 12171>,.NELlfe rvno C,r .. 111 ll'714 ~ Grwll! ll.IJ NL Al""• F ll 71 Nl C•lll'I co I., 7.01 Wall IS :IO Nl summ JI OI n 0. EQult 1J" 15 Ot Select 20 ll NL HIYICI 11.. NL A 81t11!l 12.fl 14 n Comp 8d 10 1110 II Foti.. s s• • II heh I] O'l' )I Grwlll n ,. to JD s...-. ,..,..,. lnco 10 ti NL A~~,·11 fow;ri1 11 conc.~.~a ~~~ t°Nt ~::,.,~u;, c;~:i, s u °lJ\lC~1 i.,~&i i ~ ~~,o~Q ~rn ~rn %:':.f1 ~~~ ~t u~~ccu 'H~ ~t Amcp 1ll 101con ... <ll<ul (itnl c;, .. ,,, '°' Nl ICey>IOMMa" T••E• •• , ... CePG• 11~ NL Unll M .. I 1074 NL A Mull U .. la 1 fund Un 1• ll ln<orn I) ll NL Cul 81 U l4 I• SO """"'°'99' S.rm lllCOm 11 a NL UnllM! Fw-· ·-n a> ,. lr><om ) 11 11S Mulel • 4l • ., Cul 82 1•,. "13 EllfOY' ,. 71 NL '"" Fo ,.·.. NL A<tf'!'I • js 10" Fd Inv t .. 10 Mun 80 I U I n Scle<I 2J.. NL Cus 8• 111 I 60 Guard il '° NL MMll 7 '1 NL 10t1cf S SI • Ot C,rwlh 11 0/ 11 I fll'll lnw IJ U 11 IS l'••n~llll Gr-c .. s IC. I I GI 113 Llbly J •S NL $tcur•IY fll"llh lnlGlh 14. .. 1• JI fll(Onl • tJ 10 COl'l>ltl (, IS" NL AGE ).st )fl Cul K? I JO '" 1111111111 ) II Nl 8onCI I '9 In con Ir>< II" 11 s. l(A 10 .. 11 I onl Mui I OS NL 0N1C ,._., 11 lO Cus SI II" JO SJ Perl" 1• SJ NL f;QUIY • 4S 1 ! 1-ldU< "13 JO I• N PHt 111 I OflltW I U NL grwll'I •.7• 10 U Cus 5.:1 I 3? ' It Nt •I GI Jl '° NL lnvol 9 lO 10 r,1 In< 1J Al u .. T1aE •.K t I lrV Cep U 01 t•.U PtlOtl •»1 • 70 (u\ S• • •S I JI Nt'*I inc 7 93 NL u11ra 111 • n<otYI 11 13 II os W•l'I }1111 I Ill t. l•wer• o._. Ullll S J2 ) H lnl•rnl •.JI A,. NIChOle II 1' NL 5e1Kled Futlds Munl .. 7 t O .. .... r o....... Oeul 0 OS t• 0 lncom 19) 1 OI U •Fr n• '·" NE lnlr 11... NL AM SM I 0 NL SciE"9 10 tJ 'l 0. C•p Bo t IS I D•l•w JI OS n 01 Ul> GOY J.1' I IS Ma>t. It., lJ .. NE lnGl 10 II NL Spl Slls 11 Ot N~ ll•no 1•u 1 ~ f;nlrp IO t• IS Dttch 1 1• I 4' Cec>ll I Jt 'OS L .. lnoton C.rp !loveFO U 1t NL Sellt rnen br-U $ GOid s M NL HI Vlei t II IO • Ta Fre • •2 • tJ Ectu!I S .. • 10 Cp Ldt ll n ll tJ !<Y Vent 1 )J I U Cec>l-d 10 S4 11 :M Val\111 Lint fo Mun 8 1111 II Del.. IOS'f 11 S. Cella •SS •'1 C.oldfO J .. !fl Nu-1.0' Nl CmSI~ IJtl 1J'1 8-UO NL \ltfllr is 1S" I Dir C•P 'to NL funcll Ill( C,NMA , .. NL me.. 10'2 NL c.r-lh I It II,. fund us. NI. cmslk 11'1 "' OodC• Bl'. s .. NL Cmtt• ,. IO tS C.tCfw ,,, NL viwrn ltO. NL ln(O !flt llJ.:I lllCDn\ 711 NL f;ACh :It.. "l DodC• SI 22 I• NL lnvOI to,. "OI LDOmlt St wlt• -111\elnltr Fd S.n11 ... 1 &rout> Lev GI ... ., Nl I'd Am 12,JI ll 4 Pr•• Bur I• i. NL Pilot ti.I» 1)" C•!!I U fl I'll Dirt< I 1113 It,•• 8elen • O. '• SC>I Sil 1>':1t NL Gro• 2) 1S N D•t~lut C.rp 5unbll 11 » IS lt Mui It 01 NL Oooe" I SJ t )J Bond • 40 •" Ven<• S.!'lder\ Hlfl>r 1J •1 14 A encr IJ SI NL T Pa< I' :w NL Lord AObell H\ Yid 1a IS JO 11 corn s " 1t 11.. lll<lfn 11 _. u •I PK• >S IJ a Oreyl u 12 It SJ .,. Op • u NL Atlllld • aa ',. Opln n °' u Jl C,r"'" "lS u.. 1....... I "1 ... .. row1a s Gt s L•lrtll II " .. 10 II ~IK Inv. ~ncl db HI 10 ll *" 1• ... JI SI $eQuol• Jl.94 f'fL 1··~ ll" NL A C.lhFCI t .. t J .#f f'flN t 71 ~fforlTr 21,i< v GI 1111 7'.. H fort 1 IS '" $entry t2 • 14 '-! •PE I " NL AHtrllo 31) N ~111'1(. • ., NL lUJ'lla '" ncorn Jin J2' AIM 1••lllU !if>Hr .... F~ VGltl , .. I ll Amin• ~-,,, ..... IOP NL S&\ JI " "'Nt LUIM••fl 8ro lime 10.ff ilS7 Apt11re ISJO t•OO v la 11'1 "" A ln•HI f I• N flrd C • IJ NL. U S Lo 10 IS ~UnCI IJ .. U IS OTC Se< U ~ 17.•1 HlYIO .. ,. 1' M 111 1 U.'1 NL Alnvtn U I N flOIOth.100110•> 11"41< 121• NL-ln<Of!\ .,. •.OtParamM IU21UO Inc.om lllOlt .. v•rt J11S !'IL AmM.o ,. OJ N laron&H-•ro IT "·" Nl Mulll ... 7.ll l'••Yt~ 10 J) NL. MMU!I 11· .. u '.i , •• ~ f ,, CM NL A NIGll'I • 11 s 8&lMI t St '11 rlfl Ind to ts Nl US Oov • U •., Pet111 e 0 JlllL NwO)r Ult It.. ,,_d I 11 •I JlllL A Nllfl< 11 J'I to ,_,. 10 24 NL r•P'A I) '1 II :M Men Fin-I Petln u 4 ii NL. Mwrm ) 0. NL lclt. t A101 NL /Im"'•' .,. •I lncom .,, SU •mHOA ).,, .. MIT 110.IJW Phll• I00010ft'4erre t !US NL ~flcll )118 "L Ar~nG•I '.. NL lll<Bft I• '4' art C.lh II» NL MIC. 1J )I I• SI '""""'• (,..... Slerne -S..CI U U I• .. AM HOU9111on So<I 21 01 U 11 .,, L.., 2'.. Nl MiO II I' It SJ ..... l' 0t 12 °' C.1pll t ft 11 fl Y~a FM 8 'n 10 U $1eo ¥c JI IJ )J •telcl 101 . ., ,.L M,0 10 II 10" C¥f'tl I .. It ltl(e I .JI I 11 a aplf NL lfl<Otn • SU IMraleCll r~ .. Miii 14 )I I'll M § t 't 10 JI Orwin 11 $1 13 tnvul IUI IS 0. llWI Tr NL Mecll 11 U 1S them/ 0 11 II 11 HllltBnd 1111 Nt M 11 • 13 ff t41Ylcl '61 IO 5Pcl 11 IUJ IJ.. GNMA ' Nt ILC Gt u Joi i.11 nell t I• 1001 ult(llll IJ t• N Ml' t2 ~ 1' SloO ti .. 1111 T'ru•t U• 10.64 ~I !'I ,ic IHS IUt r¥ty IHll•Ol lNAHIY t:MI001 fljlllo\8 U > t P((eC! 14to Vtnl 1'4 tll itl N Ill< I"' .. L 11tUtll ~ 11 NJ,. ISi Group M'" • " I 2 Pie'" (irp ~ • ._,, t,.I lttl s "" 12 U NL wr .. 11 :M • NL Grw"' •rt 141 l11lr8 II M II " '" It a 12 8 l&Gf 111 t b Mii l Giii If• NL. wttrfll U I• NL II'<..,_ Jiii 41) WIMn 22 11 NL. C I S 111 l•.S ISK illl L Hiii I• II NL rtt'I IG I• M IS It lrtt Ml IO c) II" Mtttlll l]fl ,, M Ill ' I 111111< 4 t i N Lt Ml ~--.... ,...... ' ._ .. Jllll e.IC. I .. IJ e•Plllll.' r lft 11~ 11 11 I -!'cl 1UI Nt /Im I.Or ff i 11 n l11t .. c ... 11et. (1plt I IO Jt t D a 9tM ra II ' Ml f't 10,Jlt N lr<ll NL lllC• II II 11 It I CIU llcl ti II. 11""9 11•1 ~ 11 i"" M I~ "tee • "'-._ ... ,.. " ICM I 11 '1 HIV14 IJ IJ IA •I NI llM; '" I In< •• 14. >lwott tR . ·1 ·· Nl ~ Hli ffl( II H II • 'l .. ,. I NL. ~A'UI 11 II 'J II HI Olt IU• .. " .. -lllW .. ., """ , .. ,~ • .R "" ! I .:rn H Nl U Owl 16 NL llt1• 1 • •I 111TrM 10 tt 10 ,, ll'H .... L ~tnr I IC ,._ It u •1 f'•lllr c,,.,. , ea 1 t M t 71 IMM i l .. rlU 1'....et r111 ti N ¥ llNf l:l ~...C l" NL. "'l!Wtl II.it II It ""fi 1. Grwlll 14 IS NL. rwt llW I !t NL ltlMI '1 NL w llllk lolt .N.lo tfl •I I-IAI N'-llCll Pll.-e -lfl I ,~' It~ =t l'::r.· 11" =t ::-l'rif. ~;TI,,.. i,:,r If If :;it~ ,;r. Ct "'-:!" ~~ Jt 0 · :i c iuttrij:,·•11 M~ .~j I i t~~~lrn .Jml u~"~·JJ·u: tti~::.=11: · .. t; ~ I =:1 I fr:J;'• .. 1.. I , .. 8 ":, 1, H e t• -" 1 1h1 0""9t ."'.'Ji PI I C.TNl 11.11 -Hl'e1: IOlt "'° Ill• I• .. tt.M r.a-ti II.ti .... , • .. .. • I ~ , j " , , , ' r , I , t I I ' ' I ' I f • t i I ' ~ c t Or ng Oo 11 DAILY PILOT/Friday, Nov•mber 5, 1982 H5 ,,---------....;;;..~----~-------!.----------------NYSE· COMPOSITE TRANSACTION :~:::~::: ~:t,.i.~::0~\~\1:r."1.;::: .. t°oi~·.~11::.""• PltC.,IC, PIW, 80UO., Ol flOlf HO COICll•f.01 UO<• . \IHI\ N•f \•I" !Ht h i•• N•I .. let N•I I "'-f-Nt t ,. f 1141\ (IQ.. (... Ii l -UtM C !It ,. I -Uew (... I' I 1M10 (~ (l'e ,. , -,..; Cit'°' (!It 1.>1C:.1•p1 J H \ Uh• It 1eyl\ I JO I JIM' 11 .. t.•MO;•(J • "ult'•• '• 1 , Oletftl I;:"' "• ., • '· , • ., ., ~ •• I) ..... l t 11H I pl I I). , "'• ..• ~0 .. I '. 1• ':J ,,.. '· =9'1-It lU J•. ~.~~ftfl I tl JO • 1ewh pU 1' 11!0 "tit •' I'• 1.••1-1 I t) I I tl l R'• I'• 'cl~•pltJ: t JIJ Ill I•,' ,,• = .. •.,r I llO I'.~~ 1'~ -11 ,,. ·an• .. '• , .... fl ) ., I '• lt•lltl ,,. //II • •• I , ......... .. let Ntl t•I IOUI .... , .. IOl"C. )ill ll 141 t • '• 181 1n1Q 13 f \• '• 6.,, 1 •''•• ~ OW•I\ ,• ·~:u 10 Pl lltl\ t lOw c;,,. 1111•1 IO .... , .. lllHIY f l f\ , I. t-( r,..., • ... 1 • 11, ... " DI•.. ~I lt<Htl rH t It ~ "", 1 11111911 IOI> I Jl!t l)loo • •• rumn• I .. Jcl 1111 .. ,: ' .: I llltYt'11 '.M~ .. J.1 l!~ • ~; :11~ "l r' I ••" • '• MC. te• I .. 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OflnC pl l )4 u4> , '-NICnv i Sol I• m II' l I "SEC. pfl.OI dO .. ltaeto l • 1"'°2 JI.. ... a.llyMI 10 1 .57°' ,.... nPw ptJIS •1 JI '· C.l E 292 IO"ff O h I . OllLQI\ 60 ,.. J1• ..... N•IDhl 2 20 . •1•11 ts• ... PSEG pl7 S1 dO 60'> I TaA8c nl .. 1 11 "'· •• Be!IGE t M I It~ H ' • 1tPw pr?~ I ll 1• C.l E pf J jC) JO ull • Jorttn I I " 22"'-I\ NOl•I pt! t.S J lt4• PSEG pf7,AO HOOO U • '' l .. Cm I ti t '11 .0'• • 1 r etnCel I JO°' .. 2l , Pw pr113 I u111,,. • .. C. TE pf l .. 0 11'"> • .16\(et\ tt IJ 17J ti•,• •, NelEOu I »t t 15 It.; PSEG P" .. l r'370 utn . , J\. THf.tl f 10 1 11• S4'• ' &.l!Tu 20 •all! ••• nPw pu 0'1 /1 19'• GelHou U 9 1'0 11-. oyMl9 1.0 .S llSJ 2S\i • \, NelFG >It J .. ]I • 41o '°'*l<ll M J~•• lo hEl pt J '° I 12.. '• B•ncleO tO 12 m JS•• 11Pw pt 2 4J 11 vii~.• •• Gllllnell I ID t• n• S4.. -. K-K -NelC.yp I .. 19 1111 ti\. I\. p,_1110 12 • JI) 7 'lo T •E 1 pt l 17 t JJ • I.. BenQP 10 14S It••, Of11Cor '2 •'• lo Gep~tr jC) II :IOI 21 • '• le.DI n 10 Mo "• " NI Hom lliJ u 41 1 PR Cem l JI-. l eaG f J 12 • JG lJ'• BkNY i.eo .S .. , SJ••, IC P l JS 1100 't-'• • ~ C.e>S•C I » 9 M 12' i , \1 W.LM 12 Ill lt•• '-NMOCrt 4t 10 SJll ~' \ • PugelP I 1' • ~ 14'• lUlllO IOtl 12 1" 11'• • BkolV• I D • .. 13'• ntlCp , 60 • 14>9 J I.. ... 09••111 lt •• ,. 14~ '. m••l I J77Sll ,. Ho NMdEn )0 IS 11'2 ,.~ -: ~wltnl' I 1tA Ullo , .. lftJI 2 u IUI 1u.. I Bnk#.m I l2 9.,... u2S..o • ftllGtP 2 !JO t SO'I l5' • '• Gtl<o I IJ 10 3'1 tS'-et., Al !JO 2063 I) .. • 'lo NMlneS .l1 11 19 II,_ 1, Pwolel I 11 II ts; 4t' > + '"°' TOl!ll 0) 112•1• "-BkAAty 2 40 IJ '°' ""'•' nlC.p pl 2 Ut II~ Oemta tS ~ .... 1 .. n. •I S7pl • ,, I ... :t •• 1. kPrst •1 20. I 1U 111..: •• .: ,..,,.. ,, )73 .~ •• \. lakM• '·" I :w 21•. BIW'lkl r 2~ .s2n 2 o•. '• onllll J ... ,, ll'• '• C..m ln 1 40e 1l 1.S•·· '• •1!91>1•1.S I 5' •'"NS.ml llSI u.. , ~kO 2 1t:I04J '1h• ~ hOGu :lllJS••S al Bklr pl J 50 4t nt• •, ITet t 5' I 2~ Ul,l t • '• GA In• 4 2M 1•9 1•1•, '• t l\Ce !JO IJ l.Ol 2i 4-NISvln 1 41 I 71 :JA4to• ~ QuelSO 80 t 10.0 IS'• ~: hPec JOU JD U' • • Blllr pf •.12 't 21 uJ/ • , t ID•I• U 10 Jl!U .cl I GAmOll t011 1' 24t )4 I •It pf i JI I II'• • NSICWlcl •j ti t \ i,. CNtn.. tO 1 1119 a~, 1~ IUVlll t IM 6 111lt U• I Benner It,. 1• .... 1, onwO(I I eo II )4 31 l\o C.nBctll • s 111 11'•, .i. ""~' lit ti \• 1. ,..11:,11 laGI ti • -it-II -''""In 110 14• • eeroCA }t II '" '-SW ookU'1 07• .. 2>1 l ~· C.Clnm."' .ll 11 '°' ul0\1• •• •M MI lt 10 ll17 ·-·· ... N•IUI n ) IO t n.. .... ....... ,. ,. .. 'II• " re .. 11on 1 80 10 IOll lt~ BllrnGp !JO Ill IS'•, , oopr I S2 • 2S.. 21-.. t l. GClnm pl tA ll lOI• •Mb I ) \Ul 1Ut • \o k•lant I 40 10 2l3S 11\• .. ltGA tO 120 t!tl v1'lt+ i,. , .. ,, DI I OI 11 2"1 • $1.2 million loss hits gene splicer SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Gtmc•ntt•th In<:. 1)1 •. un ro on u1wvc•n flow of h~·1•1lS1ntJ rcv1•1H.11· ru1 11.S $1 2 million n ut loss in tlw third <•u11rtN' 1•nd<><l Sept 30 . Tht• plurwC'ri nlo( g111w·Rpl1cin(o( t'()11tpuny hns ICJSI $1.1 ntiltHlll Oil rc•Vt>OU('S of $21.2 tt'lllllon throul(h lht· flnn thrt.'<' quurtt•r1t . "T he flul'tu~1l1(m ll'(:n thl11 quartn r1·~ulls frurn tht• tmu.ng of rl•v nu<' tor liccn 111ng und rc11t'an:h \K•tlt'hrnarks, w h1<:h arc at prt.'!lt'nl our major t10un •1• ol H1< ome," 1t:ud Gt·nt•ntcch prf'ald<.•nt ftobtrt A Swnnson · Anot~wr htou-chnology company. &•r'ke ley·baM-d Cetus Corp , cited the same reason fo r a quarterly lo-.-. rl•ported Tuesdny S wa nson smd C1·ncnt.c-ch still hopt· LO break l'Vl'n for 1982 T he company dl'vc lo ps und produn ·-. r<.'l'Ombinan t DNA products SS to get f irsl loan WASllINGTON (AP) l''or th<' (1111\ Umt.< cvc·r. Social Sttu1'1ty's old-age trust fund mus t ·borrnw money this w eek from another fund m t he sy:,IA·m tu oa v for (hecks Aoing out to rellrc'<!S Abou\ $1 b1tho n will be borrowt.-d today fiom the Dis~1b1hty Insura nce Trus t Fund , a no lht·r compone nt of the Social Scc1,.1r1ty syst em. s.11d Treasury Secretary Donald T Regan. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK ~API -Thura ptlc1 -Ml Cl\lN\9f OI 1'<e ltllMn ITIOll KllV• ktw York Steck E•"IMnl" .. .....,, lre<11ng n•l-lly a l more ll\ef\ i t Euon 1 '21,.SOO 1111 , '-Sortl Corp 1 J03 '00 IS'llo , \> rli'M Ir L•n : m:= J;: ~> ha.•<o In< I "40 100 311oo .. To VIII I 11• 600 2311 \oo lmp(DAm I .. S.300 I• • ~. ..,..., l~T 1 1.0000 610, I\• W•rnrCom 1,0U SOO s.1. tlw Pfwl>roS.I I 031 200 ~ , 1\o SeertRoeo I OttlOO 11• • • " Qtry•ler 11'1),000 10~1 I Avon Proo .,,,,000 ll' • ~ • Beni.Amer •:M 900 U~ , '• s1o•l"l•<1• n1,100 n•o '• WHAT STOCKS DID NEW 'l'Olllc. ACl••nt..0 0.-<lintd Uncttenl"d Tolel IU~ Ntw lllQl\l New low' W~l'I• A'9'l > t>0 (AP I Nov • Tllura •39 87' 1S1 7070 SM Nf;W YORK tAPI Nov • METALS Thuts )4 m '" ., ISO , Pr .. du. 111 l)J ... , .. l NEW YORK (AP) -Spot llOtll•rous motel PflCOS Tnut.o•y Copper 72'1·7~ cents• pound u S dallnollOM Leed 22 26 CMIS a PQU'ld ZlftC •0-•2 cent• • f)OUnd O-od Tift '6 2325 Mel•l5 Weelt ~potlle Ill A~ 16 c.r!IS e pound, N. V .... c.,,, S360 00 pet llNlt N ~·•llnufll 1357 OO·S365 00 l•Oy OV"'' SILVER Tllursoay Handy •nel Hetm1n S tO 63 per troy ounc• GOLD QUOTATIONS •1 Tllo Aaeoclolect PreH se1ec1ed world gold ptlces Tllursd1y LCHldol\ morl\lnQ ft•"'ll SA26 00 otl SI 60 12Lfsndon •llernoon lla1ng $424 15 of! ,..,,. al1ornoon ll•ing SA24 09 ott 17 05 fr..,ltlurt ltaong $424 98 otl S9 03 ZIHlch ••I• •flernoon l1•1no 1•22 so oll S5 00 lltCl $423 50 •Sked Hendr a H.,m•11 1on1r oally quote) $424 75 on $2 75 l........,d l<>nl> 01111Y quo1e1 S42• rs Slier"' Conly d•'Y qvo1e1 S44S 99 ott SYMBOLS 0 New ~ly lqw .,,,._. yHrly lllQll IJ-Ol-M llOIK , retet ol CIMOend• ert 1111nvat dl~ll l>IMCI on Ille IM I q ultlt •ly or 1eml·•nnvel Clt cl•t •llon ~·· or H t•• d1.,otn0s or payment• not dH •Qfl•tod H r9Qulot .,. tde<\111.ed on Ille IOlloW"'ll lootnol" ' t.Jllto t•H~ Of Ultll O Annu•I •II• plvt 11ock 0 1v1d t fld c Liq u10111n11 dlvloencs OeclOlt<I or P•tCl on Pfeced"'ll 12 l!IOlllllt , 0ec11reo or paid eittf 11.xk Cll\l\<IOnd or sotot up J-P••O 1n1s veor d•••delld om111e0 Cltftrtad Of 11<1 KllOll ltlCtn Ill IH I OIYiOtnO ,,_iong k·OeQl8tad Of pe•O 11111 yeo1, an eccumvt11t.,. ,._ ""'" lJMC1911dl HI 1rrMtt JO lnO '° l tll IS Ull U Stk lndu• Tten Vtll• U Sta I.Aw CIO>• C.1111 IOt't n 1071 46 1047 '9 HH<1"tt 1) 11 •1" 21 •ff JI .. , l.S '"° •1 J I~ 12J H IJA .0 IJI QI Ill n I 11 417.5.J •JI ll <IOI .JI 0 0 l / • 7t ll•Jl .00 J 0.5 600 ) "' 400 10 St. tClO AMERICAN LEADERS '• '• ~. UPS AND DOWNS NEW YOAW. (API TM IOllOWlllQ llll sllow• lllt N.,.. Vora .StQc~ E1c,,.noc li!OCU •nd wettent\ IN I n••• QOM UC> Ille most And -n IN mo•I IMHO on peru nl ot c~ '-'"'"' Of ••'"IM !or 1 .... 1.0.y • No -v•lllft treGlf\9 lie'°"" '2 ett •Ml VCled Nel tnd -''""'-,,,._. are ll'w Ollfllr~ rr.= V. o<evoou\ <IOS'"O P<IU ,,..~orlee He-USO CJ\Q Pe l. I h le<om(.p ,... ~. Up JI l B:.~~f ""' ~·· .': ~~ :g ' SupetK pt Jl • 'lo Up ll t S Moel pfB JO µ. Up IJ 0 • Ownll • 7iP' .. • • u p u o 1 world Alrw '"' '-UP 11..s t Hou11n1 2 llpl 56 • • s• VP 10 1 • Aru ni ktl I • •• UD 10 O 10 Ky-Ind 1 .._ Up 9 I II Govld pf ,. • J VP 9 1 12 Orion Pl< I "'. ". Up t 1 IJ I ellnttlU • • • '• VD ~I U Pt •bOdY /1o • '-Up • '1 t IS W""lf 2Jlf .. , • Up 9 .S " Andrut(;rn n ll'• • l"• Up 9 l 11 BldwVIO plU IH • II VP • J 11 N..,.ISom pl ~1, • ) Up •l 1' Uni hl20 Pl 1t.. • 1' • VP 9 1 20 Mol>ll Homt "1 • lo Up • I " Rollin• I) • I • Up • I U N ICOll I tO!>f 30' • 1° > Up t 0 n !':~~~F m; : r· ~g :~ 7S Conl(;Oj!O pf •:\o • \. VP t J 22'7 ~ ..... MA.cu orptn' tO-.. ' .~. VD I l m Ml. oo:Ns .... Up i J l.H~.. '"t. o .r"12. 2h to. Oft 10 1 ~~ ,-S\1 liJ t1 ... 00 • , 41 • \• OU I l ' • \<o Oft I.I IS-., I>• Oft I I 20\o t•. 011 I. • I 1 Ofl I I 11'• I Oii I t 4) )\, Oft I 0 ..... , ... Ofl ... U~.. ,.. OU • 9 lO''t •• Oft 'I 41'-J OU t I J I '• 011 • I SI • • Ofl t 1 II II, Oii L ) ,... 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I n ,,~ \lo C.Oyn pl. u 10 ll • I CPL pl• JS 0 141> vJ5~ •• l~I N••P pt 1 '° •1• u RCA pl 2 11 •n 11Jn 1 ... lllrmEI 14 111 ti'•. UAL 31 .. ,.,. • u le t :It We 9alRH 2« 12 .,. 14". • OPWO ' 11• 11 .. " • I Gen Et 3 '° IJ S'IOt ,, ,.., CPL pl2 20 ~ ,,.. NevP Pl 2 JO 1'00 "' '' ,; ft_CA pf J •l .. UJllJ. lo. lhmBtl t 12 11 " H • UGI , CM • 9S u.. i~ vCl°:';E .. 1 : ..;:, ~~t ~ w.~~· : :; 2m !i·'. ~ ::~~~ I ~~= :~"" ~\\ :~r;• : :~ ~ m:, ~ G~~:· 1.C: ~ "!! U:t: • ~: ~t,';, pl1: 12 tJ !_l,, ! I~> =:::& nl !L • I~ um :! ~ =~i 11 : \! .~~ 111~:.:: ~ l::.m,.:: = '' m :r.:, ' ~~~pl 2,~ t 1~ ~~ • 1 > USl.F ,Id' 22J atn 1"• \ > WtlPIP I to • 00 147'H '• IMt'rFln • " ,, ••• ornC. J.32. 131' ··~ .... GHO$'\.J jC) • Ult ult~. ..... Se pf I ... 11UI I •.. kEnol• J 1 401 32 .... R•ltl'ur ,,. ".tt• "" lfttilly IO 10 d/O .. ,....... UMET "• 11 Joi J ... + i. ~:!':L. ~ t-i0 ~ 2f,, '. WllCIT ti°' ·~ uui .. ~. ••yStG t n • I 21"'. ' o.Bll I to" Jlt JI~ ••• GttHolh 20 9 Jll IS\• enot J 12 • Ill " NEnP ,.., ,. ' 14 R•mH Jill • JICero I 20 I ......... , \ UNCAn " •t. u PL ' 2 1 I WMfr L. Ill•• ... ..; ... ttno 'IJ l2l n•. .. owles I 11 11 ..... ~. '• GnlnSI .jC) '"1132 A14. ,~. .,,Npll I -to ,. JO~I I• NJAK "' 1• 1 ,. ,... ~· Remoc l IO ,, IW U \oo. IOwlr .., \ "" ""'. USFC. • 60 ·, ~ •2•· ~ u:PL:. t = ~ u,: .. : \:::, w=~p~l.' ,. , n,~, •• '.J1~ •• '• S..IFd I jC) • '°" 2•~ " ooCm 11 It )Oj ... 1 ••• I GnMlll• I .. 12 ... n•. ... •n Lt t 40 1 >SS u~. •• kYSf.0 '20 • •20 JO... ,: R~ M IO " 10• 11 , ... ,.n ,.... • •• ' '· Unllvr J He 1 11 '4S3 ,., .. VIPL pt 2.l6 "\IJOw . ~ ) Bt•I pf ) • ,.. 0 '• r•lo 1S \I "'· GMot , • ,, aim SI.. .. •P~ pl2 23 II ,, .. '• NV~ ... '7S 110 -~ .• ,, ll•wt m n .. 21 ... .."" , •• l l1T1tt "",,, .. \ UnlNV • , ... 20IO uu•. l \ UIPL .... t •t ll«ft1D 11012 '°' ............ 1 loOt U .. , ..... ~. GMol pl J IS • • .. ,. ••• '• •lyln • ltl 10•. .. 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Utt lit< '" 1 ltll 1'• i . ...o " --IS. s 1 ' w.... I 80 I .. v .. a.tllno t • 12 1• It'• '• rw nCl I IW ""' ~ Gl\llttr t • 41• .. t ,_ ,..10 14 21'• • lo Ntwml I JD 10I ::::,, I~ ltll I Ole 10 ltult • lOltllm Sol 10 150 It'•• UnEI pt J 50 r40 n •• \' v .. O•ll 1 1 9 $) It '" 11'1"1"~ 120 10 -H ' BttC•. I .. .. t7'• \ rwl.tl I n i """ ,. ... C.ttSlonl I .. ,, IG3 110''1. '• ..... -... «> • ' U4.. I NWH•• .. ' 10 •· • i: "~" 4 "• .... l .... ,. t lt • _, l•\1 VttEI pl • rtOO 10• I , ~=~:n ~ ~ ~ .. ,~~: ,· ::r.':, ; : .... ,. .. m is UO 11 4' :M•,. 1 rZt l P" U llt 4JI, ... GT Ff pf ) H rJO Ill• I• ft~I i: ,: ~~ •'-• '• NleMP 1'• tlCM IJt! ..,_, R-11 JO JI TJf 11-. lT .. lG pf• lll 41 un-.,' UnEI 1111 'SO rlOO ~·~ I Vwte 00 Jt •1• u ·~, 1 Wtyr Pl 4 jC1 lltfMll• )lJU tCllAll··' Z•l,f8)0S "'" ..... l Flpl l :IO lltO "" .. ''kYUlll tJO •• .. 2 """. \i NieMpf l.W 1100 JD\u \') R-.<• '1 4~.. .. •• ,.,,. • 11... VnUpl ·~. zJOtdJ, •I V•e• 10U104lul0t••I'-WllMf' 180 ....... "'"°' I) 11621·. ' ""' I I• 12 las ""' It GTFI pl • ,. rso .. ''•Kt '°' .. 1 111 1>"'-~ Nl•Mpf ' 10 ICIO uloelt . 1'-R••" • -·~ TOlld Cll2 ,, ' """ Unf.I plM • 60 1' • • .. ....... '°' ,, I WMIJ PU 11 tfftfCP 2 102 h ' • 4 ull>fo I t JI JI i.. lire I JOll ll 102l ~ 1, Kt~O~ I '° '4 20• NltMpf 4 U 110 )/\J 1 ltel(trC ... ~ 429 1.i1 • Tent.e 40 Jt )t '''' U(I ~L I • IJ311...0 •I' 1 VftlS. I Jle 11 10'• I Wfttll' r 2 e-1 p1 4.lll s J1 vllln 11 4J 7,, vS1"9 + t GtnKO 1511 ,, , 1.-1 Ml•Mpf s tl tllO •I~ , ~II 117' • l-lt•I • • 1114 12'• unE 2 •> " A•'•• • Vl«o"I JO t i tOJt )0 INlltlPo ..... I pf HO L!10 ull o1 "mEn 1 21 tl4 ... 1~ • '"' Gnll.. .!O !JO IS2 v)J•• • l't ::rr~n I IO • 11~ ~;~ ~ NIMpl . 10 !JO • m IT~• 1.! RffCO ... t 1JI 10\rt+ trC""'11 I .. 1 J IJ 1' U~tl P!, 1MI !?!:'! !:!h I .. vicm Ill ! 10 It U41'-• I WllPtl JI t 1100 8 It .... •~ wrrtnc I IO 11 ''• I<. 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GerllSc I 1 11\of ~. rour "' t2 ttt " h ..... ~UI I 'II I en "l1'H ... ....~ .. tj .e ,, ii. tOlllM ' • " lttt~ .... UlllU.. • " ,. ..... Wl(OR ' u f ~· I w ~,. ., "' , ii MG 1 ... tt 161• )ti. "' •YHllO I \IO ll 11't '11• I C..lly l t I M\• Ow Ytor JO , 7t I • '-Nine $ ! "11 JI" 1'-, -• .,., .. I.. Ii .. + ._ Altlty 1 21 It • Ufllnlf t •• llJ llolt•t •I WCMtwv 11 I M • • W 1 ff 'to I I ... 122 , ,_.... ... a.,..'"' •r•"L ''° ''*" ,,._ "' 1N11P , " ,., , ~. -L-L NIM 1111t14 • * .,... 11111 1 '' '-• '-'• 1~ , ut at • u111111111 .n • 11 1e1. • ••11 If a •• .1 w, 1111 '>i , .... ·,, • .., ••• \I J \.:: , .... •IOO wSI • \t 11i1r,n ..... tO•· \9 fllHO tttO•IO '°'''t.•lh .. "'lf' ... ..," ':. l"!~!!•IO IO 4 h • _,.,' a.._, u1n•• ,,. • * "" •oc•lll ·~IJ '4 JO'• Wt "'iH , fllfll i> llS l \lw+ \I PL j >I t106 Ml• 1i.. 1nH111 ,f1 ~ ,, + .... "I 1 111 ""' h It i1'W 4 ll . 1~ lilt • J ·"~ ltJ 'ti .. h r Ci" 14 41• "' UWMM 'ft 6\• '• ••I• 11 SIO ,..., "'l-'~I. if 1 ,.. 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I=· !f•.m 1~ '~ . ,. "» " ... r P,' .. l t~ • "' 11111\1 • .. :I'' '5 tt ,,. •t4 I j"'• "' •• , 1 n ·"'~· \t ' I' ~.. ~,... . , ,,.. " 1"--· ' ! .... "" -~-·· 1 iO • "-" ._ ,.,, • .. ' • ..., "~ i "' ~ " 111 1 * .. 1, 1a 1~ \1 ~ ... t • 1 '' t u c~ !! 11 !! .. • .. iii 1 M ~ it.,.. r '"' • .. '. :n't! ::· = ~L "! J.Jt.::,"-~.1.1q H"'•'t: v:.1' ~ ,~:!. '"I ~:,"' ,.,..: ••1: mu-·~ •• \ 'I : ~CJl.r hU! ;;~· ... !!!i I I.,::· t ~UllA 1'~Jl 't ~~ , •1r,~ :::· ~ ~r:,19, i~~.: ~,·"'.a, ff~ ~ \f'""',,,.1 .. .A.,jl;;: ~ !Jt11 !'·.,~Er;'" .. .: f;"' ~: :i:-.: ,• \.>·, :=t:.r' .. nl ~:'::I(.' , ·: , 't:· a:~:..,.·· . .J: I t• "'• \I l t'--ft I"' • ,..! 4lf '17 .... " Ii Ji • i,. M •• , ... U 'l\oo "" _.. ""'"" II .. It .. t :& • 1 ·m~ ... '' ... -• -• 1 II 1 ... "'. "• --IS, .. tfl.'t 14 --~""•''' I I ,., 1u .... ~ • • "1 • a w , • 1 -., I IM~ • 1 o W. P t • t 1111"' • I• I 1 1 • I I• " I .. t ~ > • . .. .. .. ., ,. .. " ' .. ' OrilllQt Cou I DAil V PILOT l~rlday. November 6. 1i82 • TMt: •'A'91Ll' CIR('l'M Blfi CiEORGt: .. .... JI " p.. ';' f c .. .. ! ... .. r • "Mommyl Now we can find out how good the vacuum cleaner really isl" "Whit would you Ilk• to hHr?" ,.AR,. A Dl' IK t: by Brad Anderson ~ 11 ·S "H~'s terribly depressed ... the poodle across the street moved today." ll:DGE PARKER G:\Rt'lt:LD ' YOU'~E A 6EN-.JS, eo5S1 ll£ RRST THING THAT 0 e. WILL 00 15 GET IN TOUCH WITH TONY PAS6MOFllE TO LET HIM KNOW Aec>u'T THE CHAN6E IN THE OLD MAN'& CONDITION t r;:;-~~-::i.-:. I . STOP MAf.IGING-AAOUNU ME. KIP. JU&T RE.MEMBER , YOU'RE A T£NI'£ R 'T'OUN(; C.HICt<£N ANP I'M A VERV HUNGRV CAT ACROSS 5381fd 1 -fide S4 Slllfl 5 Beflll 58 Post·WOOI 10 Playthlng days 14 Ellipse 61 Low place 15 Signal 62 UKrlvef 115awoan 63 EQUIStrian 17 Ms.Home 64 f-.tllity deltY 11 Wlftlout trees 65 H 20 Elfochufe N Hlfrative 22 Pen 17 lfllfwNn ' 23 T9k•IM 24 Orderlies OOWN . 26$petm 27 f\Oyal name 1 F11tener 30 c.n polttlco 2 Prtp9111lon !MUrldlrleeie 3 NurMtlllid 35 Booth 4 Kind of meal. 39 Uncoln 3 wordt 37 fra(lf'"1 5 TV dial 9'>04 wood 6 Shutt 31 -.Heep 7VtNctlt 40 Oalllry f Hobel 41 flNlllnt ~· i.rOOcl tHolN' Abbr •2 UI< ndlle 101-eout -43 P\11 on PIP« t 1 MIM 2wordt proctuclt 45 Carry °"' 12........, •79PM ",..,... 4'lrlct ... ,,,...oup 49 lecon ,,..., 2 I 'IOOr pieOI 90 Loud IOUnd fl , .... olf THUMDAY'I flUZZLI IOI.YID 2t Pugllllt Europe' 27 Holll 48Hellng 28 Coll 47Wcamer • 2t Banery pen 41Fdl . 30MIUM -IO HlllCllOIM 31~ l1Jlcob'uon 32 circa 12uu-- 33Sprt9 of~ -~ 53 8lftd fortfl 31Fllft .... II Holdlng IOOI 40Nowlfld II -ere lfllfl l?Unme •2 "'*'*"' llVtldl ....... of ·~ •HAT WOULDN'T BEE HONEST, MooN ... f{oW/llf1-.. L Hank Ketchum _s~.,J,.. ~ \ Tl: M 8Lt:W EEDH Hf;l.P Me, roe! I s-rot..e 1W~L-V~ f'Ol\ltr::S Ff'iOM MYOWIV 'f<O'Tl·H:~! OOW I CAN'! SL.~~r Al NIGHI ! SHOE , I • I'M SUPPOSED TO MEET SALLY HERE, BUT I CAN'T WAIT I 'D BETTER LEAVE HER A NOTE -· t 'l 'NKl' •INKERBE~- HW ~ A~ IHEt£ BAND ~AL.A~~ GtE • r~~ f.CT" BAD A"f AU..! wea...a..., A PAIR OF NAI& .... Cl....IPPE!Ft.5 W11"H &1...APes NINI! Fl!I!!,.. ACROSS ANP HANPa...es 1'We&..ve Fl!!l!"T"'_ l....ON~ WI&...'--HAFTA &e PU 1 ON SPe!CIAL... ORPl!R f8R •ETTI• O• re• •••II WEU.,Tt-Vrrs rr, WE OOIFU 1'*- MlKe. -WE. ~MKED DtD IT~ l,f-Ptl> 1F£ ~UX>t6 ~l Or r1go Co 1t DAIL.Y PILOT/r:r1cJ y, No mber 5, 1082 ., P'UIUC "'1llCC Ml.IC NOTICf MUC NOTICC fW.IC NOTICI -Ml.IC M>OCC -Mt.IC NOTICC ~·· -~ NOTIOI J'r.:111 IAt..I MOT101 0:7..:e,1:1•1 i•UI D :¥0 ":,• T°l~\"'t ff*: : "':li:.~t A ~=f I M9TIO~ ~"~~·: eAti L=T~~I a~n!~~~t1~1t:a'oA:I f.......... No •'lWI OICIMll9' ti, tNI U .. &.11, ll1tt loM<hWll\Q I'"'~' •1e llo+ng fl -.c.... 11 NO C-8a341 MOTIOI NOTICl YOU l Alll AOTICIN TO NOTIC bu•U-at NIWPOAt HOMI LOAN, INO M N Wl'ORT HO~( Ll)AN INC at YOU AM IN Dl'AUl.T '*°991 A YOU lo.Al IN OlfAUL T UNOIP• A YOU91 l'aOl'l!UY, IT MAl II HO 1 110U01~40 PARHirl\IS duly llP90iftlN Tnit~ 111MNf Ille ouly •PJIO<lllllCI Tt14'IM undet "" DllD OI' TJWlf, OATID lllAJtC .. OllD Of. IAUIT.t..~AllO .IUL'Y H . eOlD AT A l'UIUC IAU, W YOU J et 1004 Out11gger Clrgfe follovolnl O.tctl'*' 11.-cl Of 11u.t 1ollOl¥tnQ OttellllfCI dHO 01 1111'1 H , 1111, U .. Llle YOU TAICI ltlO UNLUI Yuv TAKI! ACTION ... 0 AN IP\.ANATION OI' THI C.uro. CA 110701 WILL I lL Af PUILI(: AUOTIOH Will llll Af PUILI(; AO<;llON ACTION TO 1'910TICT YOU• 10 PROlfC1 'YOUR PROPCATY, IT NATU•I O' THI ,__OCllDINO Alber! & l•iatrit JtnnlnQ•. TO THI HIOHrtT llODIA '0A TO Tit[ HIGHllf llOC>ll fUR NOl'UITY •• , MAY .. l«D "A MAY llf SOLD Al A l'UtlLIC AL AOAl .. IT YO~l~~ou IHOULD 161J'• OuhlQUtl Clr,lt. Ctttlloe, CA CASH (pay•blt .. llMt Of .. It '" CASH (pay1blt Ill 111'11 or .. It ill l'UM.tC tALI •• YOU NllD AN If' YOU NF!D AN el(l'l,.ANATION COHTAGT" l.AWTlll ll0101 l•Wllll money Of '"' Unllad 1111 .. 1 1aw1111 money ol th• Unll.O 9 1111••1 IX"-ANATION o• Tiii NATU•• 0' 'Hr NAT u RI 0, T .. I NOTIOI Of' '"Ulfl•·· I ALI GtOI II• a Mtyu AllO. 087 all rioh1. llllt alld l111tl .. I ()OllVl'ftd all nght, 1111• Ind lntarMI GOllY•>'•" o:.IT "T' .. 'ou".o c I '"Do'JloO PROCfeOINO AGAINST YOU. YOU T.I . Mo. Men Lo mllta Slra11t I <i• AnQtlH, CA 10 1110 l\OW lltlO tlV II uoc;Jar UICI lo •nd now hel<I by II i.md•r HIO A ,. NI • YOU SHOUI 0 CONTACT A LAWVIA NOllC( IS H(RLIY 01\/LN, trull 1100111 Dte<I ot Tru•I 111 tilt proptrlV DHl:I or Tru•I In Iha propally CONTACT A L.AWYlfl, On Nov•mbt1 12, 1'82 al 2 00 on 'rK11y, NoVlm~ 12, 11112. II o.torM Jtlltl Oatnam, 10102 htftll'lllltt Oee<:rlo.d hMtmalltt dttetoblcl On NO'l'tl!\bt< 12. 1012. II II 10 j:I m . OUCK('tl R(CONVEYANCe ~ 00 o'clock Im Of Hid dly, In Ill• Pttmlff Av .. oue, Wttlffillltlf(, CA T..ulfOA OEOROf-C l.VCAI. TR us T 0 R Ru' 8 fl l (, I m , IMPERIAi. BANCORP. a C 0 M PAN Y . • C I 111o1 n 11 1oom HI u ldt lor conducting J1Ht3 I ell'IOll 1'\111 -OARNf.'R an lll\ll'lllllOd m1n At 10 C1lllotnta c orpor1t1on. u duly Corpor•llon u duly appolnttd lru•tM'• 8111M, Wlth•n lh• Ollie•• ol Chatlff Ctc#wtllltlllll <181~ Lei# IC .. (,ICIAAY NEWPOl'll HOMI a n 11nd1vldtd &0"• 1111t1t11 ind appolntt<I Ttu1111 und•t I nd t r11llH under and pu11u1n1 10 Rl'Al tlST-'1 ! S!CUAll 1(8 0!1V1, La Cati.01 CA 01011 LOAN l91UST •184 RI CHARD F l!RIC K50N an put ... an. 10 °"°of TrU9t rtcOfdad OMCI or T1utl dlltd July''· 1980, S ERVICC., l~•l•d •1 2020 NOllJI l!d\llln • lkltv p .. "8"'· 2$3 I RtCOfdtd J1nu11y H . IH, ae 11nm11r.-d ''"" It 10 an undMOIO M11c11 S 1. 1oeo. u 1nt1 No 377117. racMded M1rct1 :14, tee 1, " 111" 81oadway tune 209, Ill the City or All•nfly Pt~. Qtano.ia. A ln•h No uo 10 1n l>OOil 1io20 ~ !IOV. 11\t.,••• Ill bOOll 135~. ,,.ga 12 of Olllelal No 31363 In 110011 138U. P•g• Santi An•, Counly Of Oranoe. 61111 9120I 12ot °' Ollltlll A,cOldt In Ille omci. 8ENEFICIARY TRU8l Dl'CD ~Otdl In the oll~ ol lhe COunty 166.4 ol,Olllc11I Racorde Ill Ult olllct of Ccilllotllll, AeAL l!'ll TA TS W111•11 6 lOlllll l(~n11edy. olthl R.cordar ol Olanot County. INllEISTMENT8 INCORPOl\ATf!O ftecorCJef or Or•no• County, Sllll or lho Coun1v RFCORDCn OP SCCURITIE6 ISl!.RVICf. a C1Jllornl1 14312 Jttt1¢ Orlv•. 01r<IC1n OrOVjl, Hl<I dffd or truft d .. crlbH Ill• RICOfdtd M411Ch 11, Hl61 .. 01 C•!llornl• EllKutad t>y WAAO Or•flO• County. 81a11 or C•111ornlt ciorporotlon .. duly 1poo1nttd CA 92G43. fouow1t1g property· '"'" No 1'1008 In book 13077, INVEST"'l!NTS, INC., a ea1ltornl• EHGUltd b'Y PROPERTIES WES'T. T1u11H under 1nd P11r•u1n1 to Ille ThOrYIH .. Merv S11ow1111r1. LOI 6. 81ocik 22 of Newpotl PIQt 1051 ot Offlel•I At¢Or<l• I" •II• COrpQtatlon WIU. SELL AT PUBLIC INC . t' C111fotnll Co1p WILL SELL power of HI• oonltflt<I In lhll 6368 HIQhll(llll l'i.oe. LOI Ang11ff. 8eKh Tract, In tn. City or NewPorl ollfct ot lht At<;Cl•d•f Of 01•no• AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER AT PU8llC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Cetllln o.act of Trull 111.C:Ultd l>Y CA eoofe BHOh .. par m•p recorded In CO\lmy, .. Id deed ol lr111t ~I~ FOR CASH (payabla II lime of .... BIDDER FOR CASH tp•yoblll •• DANIEL 0 CABRAL and YOLANDA l .. ltl H, •nd Zaida Mobley. 8ook 3. Paoe 21 of MIKlllll\IOUI .... IOllOWIOQ P•Optfly In lawlul rt1onay o l the v1111ao lime ol .... 1n lawful money of the C CA8f'AL, Hu1b1nd ind Wiit, a13 w Baker ~ulterton, CA 82832 Mape. In the ottl09 of the County The Sou1h1u1.,1y <etllnouhl• SlltN) 11 the front 91\lranca 10 lht unuaci S111es1 11 tht Iron• outtlde rocoroed Fat>1uary 4, 1911, In BOOk Myron a. Dofll 0011, Pott "-tdar ol H id County 100 fHI 01 Loi 18 B•ocll A ol Old Or1ng• Co11nty Courtho11H, ... 1r1nca or tha Con1tnenl•I Home 131137 or 0111c111 Reco1dt or 111<1 Olllet Bo~ 618~. Canyon L1i.t, CA YOU,.,.. ... .,.,AULT~• A H1rp11 l•ect. In th• County 01 IOCll•d on S1n11 Ana Blvd . LOOI\ bu"dlng al 43• South Euelld. County, II P•g• 1028 ., .. q. 82380 DI ID D, l .. u. T D "TI D O••"O•· $tat• or c .momll. a1 .,.. batwaan Sycamore Strati and Anaheim. CA 112802. Ill fiQ111. tltlt RtcO<det'• ln111umen1 No 403•. by S Peto Endo, 327 S Hoovo1 .IANUAltY 14, 1ta UN&.ltt YOU map 1tcordod In BOOk 6. P•ga 27. Broadw•~" Sent• Ana. Ca~lornla. •II •nd 1n1•res1 convey9d to and now raaaon ol a breach or dtlault In Gllffl. LOI Af10o4H, CA 11()()20 TAMI ACTION TO 1'910TICT Mla<:tll9f\llOUS M~1. in th• 011101 01 tha" 1lght, llUt.and lnl8' .. I conveyed 11411d by II undet Hkl Deed ot Trust p1yman1 01 pa1lorma11ce ol 11\t Aeillo &.. Lynna T.aouehl, 36$5 VOUfl 1'9101'1flTY, .IT MAY alL 111• Cuunty B.ltGOrder 01 nfcl to ind now held by ll undtt Nld tn the property artuated In Hid ob11go11on• uc11rad ther•br.· Morilolvo Way, San11 Ba1t1•••· CA IOU) AT A l'UILIC IALI. w VOU County "O 0Hd ol Trull In lht pfoparly County and Stele dHCribe<I H . Including lh81 breach or detau I. g310S NllO AN iXl'&.ANATION OF THI EXCEPTING THERCFn M the alt111ttd Ill Uld County and Stat• LOI 27 Ill Bl~~ 33 or Newpott Nolle• ol Whk:h wH recorded July fhlS bullnH• It cond...ettO by • NATU911 Of THE l'AOCllDINO NoflhtOSlllfly rectangular t20 loot detcrll>ed as II.Heh. H per map recofdtCI In 20. 11182. H RtcQtdtf"t ln•trumenl llmltl<I pa1tntt11hlp AOAINIT YOU, YOU tHOULD ll'le,.ol AL SO EXCEPT ING ~ARCEL I Lot I ol Tr•CI BOOie 3, P.ge 26 ol Mlac.llanaout No 62·251032. WILL SELL AT Albert Jtnnrngs CONTACT A LAWYER. • THEREFROM th• SoutllwHlllly 1086•11perm1pr1C0tdod ln BOOk Mep1,rac0td1olOrang1County PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE: Thlall•te"*'1w11lli.<Jw11n 1he 2'08 Ocain Front Avenue. 1actanoul111301HllhOllOI "7 I . p • g • s • 7 • n d 4 6 o I The stretl 1ddrau and other HIGH ES l BIOOER FOR CASH, County Cltrk of Otonge Coun1y Ott NIWPofl BMch, CA YOV ARE IN OEFAUL l UNDER A Mltctll•n•ou .. Mapa, u cap11ng common de11gn•11on, 11 any, ol the lewful money ol the \.lfllled ~lllM, OGI. 21, 19~2 "(It 1 "'"' addr-or common OE.ED OF TRUSf DATED MARCH thtrelrom unit., I to 36 lnc:tu.i.,. H real prope11v duc1lb1d above Is or a c1111rer'1 ChlCll dllwn on a Mcf1Wtend a Zlnfl dHlgn11lon It •l'lown above. no 4, 198 I UN LE S S YOU T..,l<E 1hown on a CondorQlnlum Pta11 ourporltd to be 107 33rd Street, atilt or ntllon•I b9"11. I •t&te Of All0{11111 at L•w w1rran1y It given at to IU AC TIO N TO PROTEC T: YOUR recorded In Boot. 13868. page 807 Newpoll Be&c:h, CA ledet•I credit union. or •••••• or llO w ••• 171h tlrffl complat1nat1 or corrtC!lnetl) .. Th• PROPERTY, ll MAY BE SOLD AT A ---Ml.IC NOTICE uomioui au11N111 NAiii tfAfllllllNT flit ru1tt1w11111 11tr1on 11 domo ""'I'••••., Cbl90N WAY Atli80t;IAHS LIMITlO 272f$ l H Ramblu l oole 200, Mtn 1ori v1110 C1llfo1n11 i:l6tl RIChltd H Ottmtoo 272'~ ~ •• R1mbl" Su1fo .'(IQ Ml•~lllfl VlttjO (;11ilom11 11209 I ltllt \JUtlllHI I• tondUOled bv I Hm11ac:1 p1nn11.i11p RIChwr<I n Sl1nlw1 Th+I •tllatnt lll WO llll)d Wllll ,,,. Co.inly Cletk Of 0111111• Cou111y on Oct 21 IOU Mlodla, Mendell I Httrlntlon utt MeeAflll1.1r tlwd .. 11.1111 tOI New,_,1 hech, CA t2ttO 1U·22t) F200tl0 flublo1heO 0111noo Coall 0111y PllOI OCI n 211, flfov b, 12, 1g82 •683·62 PUBUC NOTICE fllC:TITIOUI eutlNEH N,\ME ITATUotlNT T111 1011ow1no o•non 11 doing bu""•"" MUL 11 PH A SC ENOINEERl~G 26471 Suonmer Crook. Cl Toro, CA &2630 V1vek1nond1 1<1ndA1 P•· 260 I Summer Craok. C!t Toro, CA 92630 I hll bUIJnHI 1$ condll(l&d by ... 111d1v1du1I Viv llll'lll'dO Kand11f:ai Thia 11111eman1 wei rued -..wi(h lhf Coumv Creri. ol OratlQe Co(irlly on Sap1 30 1882 ,, ... 72 Putill•h•O Oranga CoHI Delly Pilot, OC;I 22. 29, "ov ~. 12. 1982 46"9·82 of Ollk:lll Records. T ha under stgntd Tr u st te ledtttll 11vl11gt •nd loan HIOClallon Sulla f benaflcl1ry under Hid OHd of PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN PARCEL 2 Living Unlll 11hr116 dtscla1ms eny Hablllly for any domlcneo In this 11110. 011P•Y•l>le111 tent1 A11e, C•llfofnl• '2709 Truet. t>y raa1011 of a 1>re1cll 01 CXPLANATION OF TH( NATUIJE PUBLIC NOTICE ln<1luslve, 8, 12, 14. 17, 20 lhru 23 lncorrKtness ot 11111 street odd/us Illa lime ol 111e. all tight, lltlt end f200t7t Cltfeult In tilt obligation• aecurtd OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST lnclusllfl tnd 2t 1hru 38 lncluslve and other comonon detlgnauon. 11 1n1er1111 h1ld by II. as Trustte. 111 Pubhshad Orongi. Cou1 Ocilly tneraby. nera10101e eaa<;Ullld end YOU. VOii SHOULD CONTACT A FICTITIOUt tUSINES& composed of LU I th"' 6 lncluslve. any. at>own herein 11111 rHI properly slluata In u ld Pilot. Oct 22. 211. Nov 6. 12, 1982 dellver•d to th• und1r1lgnad • Lio.WYER C NAME STATEMENT 8. 12, 1•, 17, 20 lhru 23 Inclusive Serd sale will be m•de. b ut County and Stilt, 11.escltlbed H 41162·82 wrtuen O.C:J.at•Uoo of .Peaiilt .111d 11113 Fulle1ton Ave11ua, oat• The following P•••o~ 15 doing and 27 tllru 38 Inclusive and 0 1 ~lthOul cov1n1n1 or warrtnty. ro11ows Olmand fOf s111. end written 11011<:• M-. CA bufineH H lht\r 8, 1nc1usive. 8. 12. '"· 17. 20 ••prau 0< implied regarding title, lot I on Brock 2 of th• 'Bllt>oa PUBLIC NOTICE of brHCh 11nd ot etecliOn to cavM (II"• atrfft add'"' 0< '4>mmon p R 0 FEss 1 o N L HA 1 R thru 23 oncluslve. and 27 '""' 36 possasslOn. or encumbrances. 10 Trect County of OtlnOfl, Stat• or tha und1u1gnad 10 ••II uld dea11111111011 11 1how11 1bova. no DESIGN BY HAIR SURGEONS, tnc1ua1v• u shown on u ld pey the remeining prlnelpal sum or C•hlornt•. 11 per Mep rtca<ded 111 FICTITIOUt aUSINltt PfooertY to Mtltly said obllgetiona. w111an ty 1.-grvan 11 to 111 2209 So Brlatol. S•nll Ana. CA MUC NOTJU NOTICI OI' laulJlll'9 Hl.I 1.aM .... 11t_,OUAIO-. T.t ..... O..... HI AMES "'*ANCIA l CQRl'ORAfl~ y M 111100!/lltd Tr1.1t1•• 11noer tne tollo,,.111g dt1e110.0 dttd of 111111 Will aru A f PUlll.IC AUCTION fO THl lllOHUf i;IOOIR '0A C481f (p1y1bllll •t time ul aa•• In l1•1lil "1on1; of tn• u11111d 8t1tH) Ill right. 1111• end lnt•rMt COf'IVll)"ed to •nd now ~by II undat Hid 0..0 ot Trim' II! Jt1a p11)parly httttlnaltet detelll>ad TAUSTOR flAMON LOPfl J AMI LOPEZ JAMU J ORAV OINt"FICIAAY MFRCU"'I' I AVIN08 lo.HQ 1.0 AN ASSOCIATION, 1teo1<1ed Au9u11 11, 1082 .. 11\'11 NO I 19U Ir\ IOok 14118 p~ 5' 1 of OlftCI•• Atc»tela 1r1 11'!1 olllct of tht Aec:ordtr 111 O••llGI CQllnty. "ld dttd ot tru•I dekrlbf• Illa lofJQW111g A ltaUllOICI Mlllf In anc:t to Lot tie ot trtcl No 7028. 10 1111 Crtv 01 Newpo rt B11Gh, •• Pit mll' 1.cOfdld rn Book 280. Pegt 43 to 47 1nc1u11111 .. of miteallaneous m11P9 on Iha olllGt or Iha county t11Cordlf ot aaid county YOU ARE IN OEFAUlT UNPER A DEED Of TAUST DATiO 712018t UNLESS YOIJ TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPt,ANATION OF' THE NATUAE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A .LAWYFA Condominium Plen. lhe note(•I secured by n1d Deed ot Book •. Page 11, Ml1c;elle111oue NAME tTATllllNT ind th.,Hlttr the undt11lgn1d completeness"' cot1eotne11).. 89210• ~ The llrHI •ddrass and oth1r Tru5t, with lnter111 !hereon, as M1pa. In lht olllel of the COi.iniy The following patlOO-111 dolno caulld aald notice or bfeach 111d of The benel1Glary unoar Hid Deed 1 Nick A c Patlynema, 1552 ' common deslgnauon. II any. or the provided in u1d nota(s,. advances, Aacord11 or 11ld County. t>ullnesa as: electlon to t>e Recorded July 20. or Truat, by 1eaton or. a b111ch 01 lt.all&I Way, Tuatln. CA 92680 The address of HIO proe>tfty It 19'16 P or I l"oCll1lt1gh PllCt, Newport 8Hch. CA 82MO "(If a 1"11ett a'ddr•n or comroon daslg11a11011 of property It ahown 1bolfl. no warranty I• given H to II• completenellS or cotrtctne11)" The banallol11y under Hid D••d of Trull, by reuon or • br11c:h 01 default In Iha ot>llg•tlona M®ted lhettt>y, ha1etolora ax.c1111d llld Cltllverad to lht und.,1lon•d a . wrtllen Oeclatlllon of OtllllUlt and Oem•nd tor Sate. and ...,,11.,, nola ol breach end of tltcllon 10 CIUM the 1111de,.1gnt<I 10 ••II ••Id oroparty 10 tatlsly uld ot>tigatlone. and lhereallar the undaralgnao cauMd Hid notk:e ol brtlCh an~ ot electlon to ba ftcorded July 13. 11182 11 l11slr .tf"O 82·2<11530 In Boo1i page of OlllCl91 Racordt In th• olliee of th• Recordtf or Oranoa County. Said nit wltt l>I m1da. b111 without c:ovmn1n1 or w1rt1n1y. ••PllH 01 lmplled • regarding 11111 pouanlon, or ancumbr•nce1, to P•Y th• remaining p1lnclpal sum of 1111 note(•} 1ecured by Hid deed of Trull. with ln111est •• In said noll pfovrdad. •dvancaa. II any, under lht terms or said o.act of Tfutl, ..... Ohetget--0 a.oeti-.-d Trutt" 1nd or lht lrusrs Crffled by UtO Dltd of TNSI Seid .... 'WI" be htl<I 011 Mond•y, November 2.9. 1oe2. 1t 2 oo p"' at .,,. Ch1PM111 Avlf\UI entrance to the Civic; Ctnt111 Building. 300 Eut Chepman Alfl .. 011nga, Ca real property described above la II 1ny, under Iha term1 ol aaod Deed EXCEPT THEREFROM THE CHARLES STEWART DATA, 1982, 11 lnllr: No. 82·2501108 of dela11ll In tho Obllgatrons MCUled Tl'!ls butlntHll cond1Jcled by an purported to be: 380 W. Wll•on o f TruSI, raas, charges and FOLLOWING· Commencing at Iha 1708 H1va11 Place. Newport Beach. Hid omc:111 Record• thereby. heretolore executed and lnOlvldual. \ " Streat. Coat• Men. Celll0tnl1 expellses ol 111• Trustee •nd of Ille northwettttly comer or Hid Lot 1, CA 92863. S1ld 1111 wlll b• m•dt, but delivered to the undttslgntd a N k A C Pall a 8 • • Th• undersigned Truttaa 1rus11 created bv H id Deed ot running lhtnGt Hllerly &long 11\a Mlrll'Charlas Stevenson, 2093 wl1hou1 covmn•nt or w111an1y, w11111n Decletatlon or Delaull •nd Thlt lll~mtnl was 11r.:, ':1th the . . ·~ ' : '· s , ~ dl1clelm1 any lleblllty 101 any Trust sout"8tly line or Bay Avtllue 5 '"'· Maple Ave . C:0.11 Mesa, CA 92627 ••P' ... °' lrt1plltd, regarding tllle. Demand lor Sala. alld W<lllen no11c1 Count Cletk 1 0,8 Count on lne:Otrectness of the strael address Tl'!e total amount or tl'le unpaid ttwtnc. llOUthwesterly 10 a Pl>l"' 1n J1y Stewert Th1y.,, 1708 po.-tlon, °' e11cumb1ancet, to ol bteaeh and 01 elechon to ~use Y 0 '108 Y and 011\e< common dlaign11oon. II b1l1nc. of Iha OOlogatoon secured the HSlerty ltne of Cyprau StrMI Haven Place, N-p011 Beach. CA pay the rem&l11lfl0 11<lnolpel aum of t he undersigned to ••II nlo Oct 6· 11182 F1...,.1 eny. Shown 111ete1n· by the proparly 10 bl so 1<1 111d 4 8 IHI sou111wes11rly from the 92663 Iha no11{1) eecurld by uld Deed of ~ to sallaly 161d obl'OlllO(l!. Publitht d Orange Coast Dilly Said ••la woll be made. bul re1son•ble a s11mattd costa. nortllw .. ferty corner or Hid 101, This 1>u11neu 11 oonducled by 1 Trual, wtlh 1n1er111 .. In Mid note an the11atter the 11nd1111onad Pilot. Oct IS, 22. 29. Nov $. 1982 without covenant or watranty. expenses and advances at the lime thane• nortllH•ll•ly along H id g-111 partner1lllp provtdad, adva11cH. 11 1ny. under t11d 11otoee ol brtl<:h i nd ol .,533•82 ••prna 0t Implied. regttdlng 1u1e. of the 1nll111 pub1tca11on ol the aa11e1ly line ol Cypresa Street to Marte Stevenson the •1erm• ot Hid Dltd ol Truet. tlacllon to be Recorded July 20, ponaulon. or encumbrancH. to NotiQe of Sale 11 $76.516.21 Iha po1n1 ol 1>egln11lng Thll 1taternen1 was llled with the let• ChllgH 1nd expense• of the 11182 e.1 instr No 82-250903 ol tald pay the remaining prlnolpal 1um or The beneficiary under Hid Deed A L S O E X C E P T T H E County Clerk or Orenga COi.iniy on Truetea and ot Ille tru1t1 ornted t>y Olllelal Rec0tds the 11018(1) secured by aeld Deed of of Trust l'!e11tolore ex.c:uted and FOLLOWING B;eolnnlng at th• most Oct 13, 1982. ..Id Deed of Trust. Seid tale wlll be Said aale wlll bl made. but Trutl. with interest thereon. 11 CleHvered to 1111 undersigned a eaeta11y C:Otn41r o( stlcl Lot I thanGe F1111572 held on Frld1y, November Ill, IH2 wllhout covanan1 or w11ranty, provlCled In sal<Lnote(s). '9V•llCltS. wallen Oecia•allon of Delson and runnrng-nortl'!Westerty along tha Pubhshed On111oe Oo•st-Dally •t 2:00 p.m .. .(1 th• Chapman tlCl'l'HI or--tmpltecl, rag11rd.ng llti.; ii eny. und11r the term• or u ld Dead Demand lor Slit 1n<I a wrltlen ""'11141Hlatly lines of NICI Lot 1, to P1lo1. Oct IS. 22. 29. Nov. 5. 1982 Avenue antrltlC4 10 the CNIC C.Otw poatasslon~ or encumb11ncas, to or Tru1t. l•es. charges and Nolloe of Delaull •n<I E18Cllon 10 •point whtoh It 5 leel southeaSJatly 4$17-82 e ulldlno . 300 EHi Chipman pay the rama.n111g l)f1nclpal sum of axpenMt ot the Trust" end ol the Sell. The undetalgned caused said from tht l'll04ll nortllatly comat of Avtnue. Iii the City of Oranoa the note(s) 1«ur.i by aald Deed or 1ru111 CIHl•d by Hid 0Hd ol Notk:a ot Detauu erid Election to uld Loi 1. tbenc• .wu1a1ly In 1 PUBl.IC NOTIC£ -At 1l'!e tfme of 1n• 1n11111 Trull. wit1nnt111n1 It 1n Uod nofe tr1111 Sell 10 be reco•dld '" the oounty d111c1 line 10 a point 1n Illa publlcallon of thlt notloe, the 10111 provtde<I. advanGU. 11 any. under The 101•1 amou11t of the unpaid Where lhe raal property 1s located notthweatarly line of H id Loi 1, FICTITtOUe autlNltl am01.1nt ol the unpeld t>elanoe ol lht the te1ma ol sald ~d of Tr.,.1. b•l•net ol Iha obllg1llo11 eecured -1181• October 5. 1982 whleh ootnl 11 4.8 teat SOl.llhwasterly NAME 9TATU•NT obllg1tlon aecured by tht above lee•. charges and e.cpa11111 of Ille by Illa property to be sold and B u C I( E Y E from the north n0tthe<ly corner of Tha toltowlng parlOtlf ••• dol"O ouctlbtd deed ot 1ru11 and Trustee and ol the l•usll crHtlld by reuoneble asllmllad coat a. RECONVEYANCE seld Lot 1. thence southwHterly butlness 91· Htlmlled colla, expantH. •nd S8ld Deed pl Tr111t ~tld sale will be expen1111 and advances II Ille time COMPANY 111011g the Hid northwe41trly ll11e a ARTISTIC EUBROIOER'Y , adv111ca1 11 $22:1.541.70 To held on Friday. November 19. 1982 ol tlle lnitl1I publlcallon or the 434 S Euclid. dollanct ot 6.69 IHI to 1 pol11t: 17229 Newllope St .. Unit F, dttarmlnelheOPtf1l110bld.youm•y al 200 Pm . at the Ch•Pmen Notloe of Sale Is $2,594.311 • 1 Ane.h9'm. CA 92802 tlleOOa southetSletly In • direct 111\t F01.1nttln Valley. CA 8?706 ceU (71•11137·0966. Avenue entren<:e to thl Civic Cant11r The benellciary ulldet Hid Deed Tel .. (71•1991-7032 10 the oat"' ot beQlnt11"0 Marie E ColKOhlo. 9841 Bey Dlt• October 22. 1982 8111ld1ng. 300 E111 Ch1pm1n ol Trull heretofore executed •nd ~ 8y Debbie Bolt Tha streal acfdrtss or other Meadow. Huntington Basch, CA NEWPORT HOME LOAN. Avanut, 111 Iha O ty ot Orange. delivered to Illa undersigned a Published Newport H111>ot Newt common designation ot the fHI 92846 INC A I the 11 m !' o I t I'!• In 111 a I written Dec1111flon ot OeflUll and Press combined .. 11h the Orar10e property hatetntbove CS..Crlbad ii C. H Momc:1. 10292 Niagara at uld Trvllae pubhc:ahon of 11111 no11ca. the total Dam•nd lor Sale. •nd 1 wrlllan Coast 0111ty P1101. Oct 22, 29, NOv our ported 10 be 4 13 Eu1 Bay Or , Hllnltngton BMcn. CA 82646 ev lo SERVICE amount of the unpaid balanea ol 11141 Nollc;e or Oelault and Election 10 5. 1982 Straet. Balboa, car11ornl1 This bUslnas.t I• conducted i)(a COMPAHY egent Ot>lfgaroon secured b7 th• ebove Seti The ulldatalgned Clused said 4638·82 Tha und11•lgne<1 hllaby gtner11 p1rtn11rllh1p By Cllldy Sclloonolfl• ducrooa<I oeed o 11u11-.nd Nollet ot Default and Election 10 -------------• d1t clalms •II ll1blllly lor 1ny c H. MoHJc:o Anlttant Secrel•ry Htrmeted co111, oxp1n1es. and PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUtlNESS -...... .al' A.TE.MOll' -The lollow1ng per1ons ate do+11g buSll1tllll KENSINGTON GARDENS. 335 SOUth C Street, Tuilln, CA 92680 M1rgttet Ca lista Hlnntnl. 1'722 Brookhl\8 W1y. Tu111n. CA 92680 Elizabeth Ann H11111an1 14722 Brookline Wey, Tustin, CA a2680 David George Hinnant, 1•722 Brookline Way. lustln. CA 92680 Thia bUllOHS II conduotad by • llmfllld partnerllllp EJ1zol>eth Ann Hinnant This 1t11emen1 was loled wi111 the County Clttk of 011noe County on s.c>1 27. 1ga1. flllUI Put>llalled Ore11ga Coast Dally Pilot. Oct 15, 22. 29. Nov 5. 1982 4•33·82 Sell 10 be rao0tded In the counly PUBLIC NOTICE 1ncorrtctne1.1 In said stretl eddrlltt This statement wu llltd with the Ont City BIVd .. Wait adv an c ts I a S • 1. 0 7 8 7 6 To wllart the real property Is localed -------------•or other common deslOn•tlon. County Clerk ot Otano• County on Otanoa CA 92668 <1a1111m1ne thll opanln9 bid , you m1y 1------------- Date: October 18, 1982 K..o20ll Said ule wlH be made wltti_oul 10Ct 13. 1982 7 l•le35.-6286 call (714) 937..01166 PUBUC NOTICE IMPERIAL BANCORP FtcTITIOU9 8UelHESS warranty. up11u or lmpll\0-, '1"574 PubllthaO Orange Coul Dilly Otte October 22. 1982 I CalllOfnla COtPQ<lllon NAME I TATWlllENT 11g11ding tltlt, poaaualon, or Put>llshtd Orange Coast Dilly Prtol. Oct a . Nov S, 12. 11182 NEWPORT HOME NOTICE OF TMISTIE.E'I SALE N uld TrustM The lollowlng Ptftorll are dOtflO ancumbranc11, to Hlltly tne Pilot, Oct 15, 22. 20, Nov 5, 1982 •722·82 LOAN, INC TO SETR.Vtl.CNoE co' ~MP-.. ~•• d~•"' 9920 S. ~ ~· Blvd . butineu N PflllCipll balance ol Iha Nolt or ... ~ as aa.d TrullM. "'"' -•. , lf>Olewood, CA 90301 F & S AOVERTISIHG, 3333 Olhtt obhg1tlon steuftd by Hid 8y T 0 SERVICE 1ppo11111d Tru•IH under lht (213) 417-5600 Mlellelson Drive. lrvlne. CallfOfnll Dffc1 of f'1u11, wllh 1nttt1111 and Pla.JC NOTICE Pta.IC NOTICE COMPANY, agent totlowtng descrll!ld dMd ol trull By: Wllhllmlllll Raml>eft, 82730. • otllll tumt 11 piovlded lh.,aln, By CK>dy SctloonOY8t, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Al the tome ot lhe 1n11t11 pub· 1ocar1on ot 1n1s notice. Iha total amount 61 111a unpaid baionot of the ot>llga11on secured by th• above dascflbed Claad or 1ru1t 1nd Htlmaled COSlt. UP•""'· and advanGes Is $29.115 88 The opening btd m•y l>I obtained by e1H1ng (71') 937.()966 11141 d•Y l>llore I.be Ult Date October 28. 1982 Hermes F1nani:1el Corporsllon es aaod Trustoe. By TD SERVICE COMPANY Agent By Marco Br-s Asststa!ll Secretary One cnv Blvd W1S1 ~anc;ie. CA 112668 lei 111•1 a!S--8288 • 111ce President Fluor Corpof•tlon. 3333 plul edvinc11. 11 eny. unclar tha .... ,. NOTICI Of' A#UCAT10N AM111ant Sacfalary TO THE HIOHEST BIDDER FOR \. Publlahtd Orenge Coul Diiiy Mlchelton Drive, Irvine Celllornl• 111rm1 tn«eof ll1d inter .. t on won 91HG..-dl Oetellef 11. 1ta TO MLL One City Blvd. Wnt. CASH (p•yeble II time OI Nia In 1 Piiot. Oct 22. 29, Nov 5. 1982 92730 a<lvancea. and plus lae•. chllge• lft ..... ft•Jl'Nn ALCOHOLIC MVEftAOl!S Orange. CA 9~668 111wt111 money of the Unlled Stalnl Put>l1V!ed Nowpon Hatbot Newt P1ass combined "'"" tht 011noe Coas(' D•1ly P1101 Nov 6. 12 19. 1982 C 48311·82 Tl'!ls business II c;onduc1ed by a and eapan-ol Illa Trullff ind of of OffteW Reoofcl• of 11·1..e2 • Tel (7141635·8:ZU en right, title ano lnl .. HI conveyed f o.i. .. .,. COfpottlldn" \.ht '''"" c:rHta<I by Mid OMd of 0faftfe c ... IJ. C-.mle To WhOm II Ml)' COllCtfn' Pubhahed Or1ng1 co .. t D1Uy IO tnd llOW Mid by it uno .. Nid atm11c Mnfll'C •85t-82 r P\alC NOTIC[ F1uot Co<POl•tlon Ttull Tne 10111 8mo11nt of Hid *'<>fl'JAllT NOTICI EDWARD A CAMPELLONE 11 Piiot, OC1 29 Nov 5 12. 1982 Dead of Tf11lt 111 lhe 1>rop11ty r..-"" ~ ~ • ------------R 8 Humbtt"I cSbllglllon. Including f•HOlllbly IF YOU91 l'•Ol'IATY 18 IN applylng~I'!• Oap11tmant ol ' • 4726-112 hertlMlt• Oeecrll>ed· NOTICE TO CONTMCTCHtt ~ "~:A~· TN111~..:0~~=-:i:,,111e ::=·~,::·;,~:..~~~~~~ ~0::c~oE·~~~:1~~U~IEoY:~ ~~~8£ERT~~~J~~~· Ml.ICNOTICE s:A~P:.~~~rz~ctc. N Scnoco~5=rc~~:PORT-~ Thi IOllowlng peraone 1ta doi"O Couroty Clari! ol Ofangt County on of lrnllal publle81ton Of this Nouo., 11 ,.AYMIENTI, IT MAY aE IOU> Pl) to Mii ~ b4MllllQU at BENEFICIARY MICHAEL A ME S A UN 1F1 ED SCHOOL ,. butineu u Oct 6. 1982 Sla,497 59 WITHOUT AlllY COUflT ACTIOM. 9'30 W11nel Ave .• Urnt H, Fountain flc:TITIOUS aUtlHESI NELSON. a SUIQle man DISTRICT • 1 NEWPORT HARBOR 80AT M. U. -.cMIYtn·Y-o, EeqYlfe Oiied OC'lobw 21, 1942 end J011 _, ...... lhe ..... rieftt \/MW;. CA t 2708 MA• STATEMENT RICOfded January 11, 1982 H Bid 0.adlu'le· 2 OO 0 C10Ck pm 01 t SERVICE. 3352 Tempt Orlv•. SSS) Mk:ftaleon Dftw REAL ESTATE SECURITIES lo brlnt 1011t aco•unt fn 9ood Publlthed Oranvt CoHI Oalty TM lollOWl"O pertons WI doing 11111r No 82·009103 In t>ook or the llllh dayol Novemt>at, 1962 I Hu11llnglon Beech. ClllU0tlll1 92&49 lr'Ytnt, Clllltomll t2nO SERVICE ti~ "7 peJ"ll'f ell of,_ peat P110t. Nov 5. 1982 buel,_ 11: Ofllc:lll Recorda In 11141 ofltc:. of lllt Place of Bid Receipt 1857 ~ Tracy Scou. 3352 Tempe Drlw. F1llOOI 11 Cahlornl• c"'porauon d11• perm1nt1 plu1 par"'llltd 4693..&2 ALOE VERA LTD . 16600 M11n Reeordar or Or1nga County, 111d Precentta St . Costa Mau. CA t H11ntlnoton BeaGh. Calllornla Publlshed Orange Coes1 Delly 85 TrustM, · coat• end Hpen-within thr-Streat. Suite 110. Huntington daed ol trull dasctlbat the 112827 t 1126"9 P1101. Oct. 15, 22. 2g, Nov. 5, 1982 o J Morgtt. p,... -the from the del• ltll1 notloe -P\BLIC NOTICE BMc:h. CA 926•8 lollOWl"O proptttty· Prdjact IClentillcatlon Name I Sleva Provence. •10 E.mttton. •538-82 2020 N Broadway. =208 of det~t WH recorded. Rot>., I M Smit!'!. G1n11al PARCEL 1 Loi 1•5 ot Trtct No ASPHALT PAVING BLACKTOP & l Newport. CalUornle 92660 ------------,,.r 581118 Alla, CA 9'2706 ThlS amount IS $5.655 50 C11 of NOTICTE_.~S "'Joi!..~. !:!..IA&.« Partnttt. 18600 M1111 Str111. Sulle 11•23 In Iha City ot Irvine. County of f TN• bu.U-S Is c6nducted by 1 PUBLIC NOTICE ~ 171.,1853.ea 1o • October 12. 1982. 11'<1 wtll lnc;<nM On o';"c:!~b':"r 7,9 1912• 110, Huntington 8eDCh. CA 92648 Ofanga S111e of Caltla<nia. H Pt• ~~¥~~f 1.~:iio:.~ VARIOUS genetal ptrtna<anlp. Pubflthed 011"11• CoHI Deify untK your aGCount b«omet CUtrtnt TRANSAMERICA INVESTORS Jack B Goen Glfilrll ~~,,~C • m•p racorded In l>OOk 406. pages Prace Pl•nt ere on hie 1857 r Tr..:y Sooll NOTICE OF TRUITEFS SAU Pilot. Oct 22. Oct 29. Nov 5. 1982 You ml)' not have to p1y the anura SERVICE COMPANY, a California 7841 Haff\ay Ave Midway ..,.1y A 15 lo 26 lnclustva. Moaoetlaneou1 Placeiuoa S t . Cot t• Men . CA f StllV9 Provence ~ No. ~ '16&8-82. unptld portion ol your 1cc01.1nl. corpollllon, 11 -duty appolnttd 9285S Mapa, In Iha othoe ol Ille county 92627 Tiiie t181tmenl was ltltd wtlh the T.S. No. Q.t5174 even IPIOugh 11111 p1ym1nt wu d This buSI,,..$ 1$ bainc;i conducted re<:Otdet ol u 1d county NOT CE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 .. I I County Clerk of Orange County on T.D SERVICE COMPANY u duty !'ta 'C NOTICE demanded, l>Ut you must prf the Trustee under an puisu1nt to by I pertnerstt. EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 011. 1 "1 ,. October 27. 11182 'ppolnled Trus t•• und•• lht imount 11e1ed •t:>ova 0Hd ol Tr11a1 executed by TIM Jack if Goen 911. m1nera11 •11d otnar lly<l•O· Iha eb0ve·n1mec:1 SchOol Ol1tr1'I of • r. .. '• :·~ ••• .... .~ . .,_ ..... ,...a followtng dtsCTll>ed deed ot trvst NOTICI INVtTING al09 Altet tl\r .. montht from 1111 dlle JONlS ANO MARJORIE M JONES, Robert M Smith ca1bo11s. below a depth of 500 teat. Or Inga COi.iniy, Celolornl•. IOllng Publlthed Orange Coatt Dally WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11111 Iha or reco1dallon of 1hl1 document hu•;i"d ind wile •nd recordtd This stalament was lllC!d wllh me without the ugh! ol eurtaca entry. as by •nd through lls Governing Piiot. Oct. 29, Nov. s. 12. 19, 11162 TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Board ot Tru11ees of th• Cont ('Whleh dale of reoordellon appears Oc10 er 23. 1961. " Inst No County Clerk ot Orang• County on reH!'ved 1n 1nstrumt11t1 of record B001Sr~Atehlf.81n11ter relirred 10 ,,!s 4707·82 CASH (payabla at lime of sale 111 Community Collage District of hereoo>. 11n1e1s the obllgatlon being 30316. rn Book 14286. Pege 1648. Oct 20. 1982 PARCEL 2 An fxclus1v1 · I '. W•ll rtt0atvt up lo, 1 Pl.a.IC NOTICE J\CTl'f\OU9 IUSIHHI NA• STAT'bllPfT The loflowlng panons .,, dolnc;i bull-at. D & Z DESIGN CONCEPTS. SSS P1Utarlno Avenue. No. K20.. Co.II Meaa. C1lllor11I• 92826 Darcy Charlott• Pr•tt. S55 Pau1er1110 Avenue, No 1<204. Coll• M•u. CaJllOIOI• 92628 Zerynt Woad Pt•ll. 277 EHi Del Mar BIVd • Puaclena, C•tol0<111t 91101 Tl'llS butlnees Is conducled by • lnlllad plrtnetlhlp. Diley C. Prall Thll tt•l-nl WU filed Wlfh lht County Cle<tt 01 Orenga Cou11ty on October 27. 1982. lawful money ot Ille Unltad States) Or1n9e County. C•llfor11l1. will foreclosed upon parm111 a lone•• ot Olllelll Record• In the 011101 or f'200072 usamenl '°' perk•no ourposa1 o•et not 111e1 than th• ibovt•lllltd all nghl. 1111e and 1111eies1 conveyed receive , .. 1.0 t>lda up to 10 00 period. you hev• only Iha legll 119111 th• County Recorder ol Orange Pubhshed Or•ng1 Co111 Darty thll portion of Lot :r.H lhOW11 on ume ... led boa• lor lhe award of • 10 and now held by 11 undet salCI am . Moncl•y. Novemt>w 1$. 1982 to •lop the t0<tol01ur1 by ptylnl;J Couflly. Celll0<n11. Olvtn to MC:Urt P1101. Oct 22. 29 Nov 5 12. 11182 fAhlo+I A 10 the Declara1ton 01 contract '°' Ille •bOllO P'Otee1 De•d ol Trual 1n 1110 prop~•ly II the Pur0111ting Department of the enti<e 1mount d•mandad t>y '" lndabttdn••• In la11or of •6&0-82 Res1t1c11on1 tor th• LOa Maater Bods shall be rec.Ned In lhe pllCe neretn•llet dNC<lbed Uid college dltlriel loeated 11 1370 your credolor FINANCIAL SERVICES FUNDING Assoclelfon tlCOtded September 1den11ltad above. and thalt bt T Ru s T o R A L B ER TA Adam• 1.venue, Cott• Mau. l o fllld oul the 1mount you muat 0 R 0 UP 0 F S 0 UTHE RN P\El.IC NOTICE 19. 11177 1n book 12382. pag• Ol*led •nd pYbllc:ly rMCI •loud et WILKINSON MOORE CallfOfnlt. •I wfllch time uld bid• oay. Of 10 9frange IOI p1yman1 to CALIFORNIA. INC llOW owned and FlCmtOU• IUllHlt• 1266, 01hcral Records ... Carport ,,,. abOVe-stated 11me and place BENEFICIARY MARK l FAHEY Woll be publicly opened Ind rtlld for. •lop tl'!e lortcloture. or II your held by MOUNT VERNON SAVINGS NAME tTATIMIENT Space CP "5 Said ea111me11t II Thtre wilt be 1 NIA deposit and GLORIA R FAHEY p RI NT IN 0 0 F CL AS 8 property is tn foreo101urt lor any ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION WILL d lorthar dal1ned and deaorit>ad In r•qurrad tor 11ch HI ol bid Recorded Mey 14. 1962 II 111str SCHEDULE, SPRING 1082·83, oth•r re11on, cont1c:t Bruce W, SELL AT PUIDLIC .. AUOCTIOCN TO bu~~~l:vlnc;i Plflonl ara oong Arttc:le II ol HICI O.Clerat1on, docum1t1t1 todguorantMh lhNa/lt/ldlurn No. 82-168086 of Of(lclll Records In ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Llndmork. Executor, 3788 Elco HIOHEeT et DE .. F R AIH GLAZED MEMORIES, IOIO I PARCEL 3 · A no11·axclu•fv1 111 QOO<I con lllOn wot in "' ays the ottloe ol the Reci«dtt ot Orange' All bid• art 10 be In acc"'danC41 Strfft. San 91eoo, Calilorn11112 It t. lt>aylblt II tltnt ot a••• In lew1ul •220 Statet Ave Founllln V•ll•y easemtht tor ust and en1oyrnent ot 11tar lhe bid apening dlle. County; said dtecl of trust describes with Illa Bid Fonn lntlructlon1 and Talaphone (71') 571-0757 (l\On8)' Of Ille Ulllled Sl81H) II l 00 CA 92708 Lois 237 end :138 ol Hl<I Tfecl No EICh bid ,,,\ISi conform Ind be thefollowtngprQPerty• 1 con<11toon11ndSpec;lftC1t~wttlc:ll II yOl.I have eny questions you 0Pm . 11 c'"' ~ltlc•ntrance to Ille RogetAntllOnyB Byr111.2212 1 9•23.111<1 eaMfYMnt being further reepon11ve t o th• cont1ec1 Lot 14 ot Traci 69'1. Block "G"' In ara now on hie 1nd ~y be tec:ureCI 1hould con11ct a lawyer or the ''"~ ounty °"''"°""· 700 Satcedot. MISStOn vieio. CA 9269 t Clehntd end daeettbed In Afttcll 11 ol documents the Ctty ot c os11 Mell, as per map 1n lhe otliGt of the Purcnlllng Aoent oovemmenr agtney which mav have Cnllc ••Drive. Wnt San11 Ana. G1ry 0 Andenon, 335111 the Oac1ar111011 of ~u1r1ctiona Each t>fdde< Shoff submit on 111e recorded w. Boole 111 P1gn 25 and ot Ntd coll9ga ct.111lc1. lntureo youf l'!omt Remember. Calitornlt Ill flQl'lt. liflt Ind lnter•I Shecklelon 1111, L6Qunt Niguel. CA 11terrld to 11'1 Par«! 2 1t>ove. form furnished ..,.1th the contract 26 of MltollllneOl.IS M•PI 111 the1 Eac:h blddeY must tubtnlt with 1'111 YOU MAY LOSE LEOAl RIGHTS IF conveyed lo 1nd llOW 11411d by II YOU AM IN DIFAUl.l UNDIE91 A doc:umtnll. 1 MS1 of Ille proposed othoeoftheCountyRaco<del inlht bid a c11hltr'1 Cl'!Kk. ctrllfltd YOU DO NOT TAKE PROMPT UllCI" Hid Dffd of Ttu.i In Iha 92876onald B lipping. t8962 DEED OP TflUeT DATID 1ubcont11040IS on lhlS project II uod COunty ehtck. or bldd•r'1 bond m1de ACTION. property tltu•tad In H id County Meclo.rtllul, lrvlne, CA 1127 tS OECIEMal91 ti, IH1. UNI.lee required by tht Sut>lttlllng 111d o;~u o"'FRfA1~s~~:~i6 ~~~~~t g!:~'!i:~ '~of~,,~~:~ NOT~T:~~~~E~,.:~1. Thal and s~~~c~~~ T~E CITY OF 81,/~·,r:_~~n:.0J~~~~~!~3:.!c•;, ~~;A::o~~~~."1~ ':~~~~ ::,i:ac~:~'~! F:\·O:~':°~~ Aei fllOOleO 1982 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION ol T1u1t-In en amount not 1911 FIRST AMERICAN l 1 TL E COSTA MESA. AS PER MAP FILED ,. tOlD Al A l'UeLIC tAL«. •YOU bell boddet m111l 1Ubmlt with Na Publl1he<I Or•11g• Co11t D•lly TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT than llva perc..t (5%) ol the IUm IN SURANCE c 0 Mp AN y •• IN BOOK 143 PAGE • 5 OF c~~!7~sll'ftS Is conducted t>y • NllED AN IXl't.ANAno. Of' THI bid certified Or CUhl••'• Chtcli; Plldl. Oct a . Nov 5. 12. 111. 11162 MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE bid .. a ouarentM tl'!at Iha tltdder corpo111ion. II duly 1ppolnt1d PARCEL MAPS. rN THE OFFICE OF NATU91E 0,. THIE '"OCIEIDINQ p•y•b .. 10 lhe OlSTRICT or • bid 4767-82 IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION wlll tnter ln\o tha propoHd Tru1tu under 1 Deed ol Tfull THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID gtllllll o-rtn11r&Np AGAINST YOU, YOU tHOULD bOnd rn the lorm Ml forth In the -------------10 F THE NAT u RE 0 F THE Contract II ''"' -...... .,cMcl 10 dated lo.f.IOUll 27. 198 I. tHC>Ultd by COUNTY Thi• .,::n~ !:~ Wiii\ '"' CONTACT A &.AWYIE•. conl•ICI document• 111 "' amount f'tB.IC N()TIC[ PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU 111m In the .-.1 of lailura lo enter Wandy S St Jean. a marrrad ltlMIMel91, YOU MAY LOii County Clerk 01 Orllllgl County on 161 Pinevtew. lrvlnt. Calif0tnll nolllU than $5,000(flve ThouHnd -------------1SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.. 11110 l4tCh contract, lhe pt~· of woman ... Trultor, In l1vor ol 0141 YC>Ufl ""°"""'"YOU DO NOT 3 1982 (II ...... IOdt ... "' common OoU1r•1 IS I gutr•ntff thll lhe MOTlCI Of' FJUNQ Of' The s1r .. 1 addr111 or common the ctiecll wlll bl lorleittd, 0< m lht O Ltndmafk, a wtoowaf u TAMI NOWT ACTION. If YOU Oct 1 • ,-,_. de11gnatlon 11 1ho""'" above, no bidder will enlet 11110 the P<opoMd eA\'1N09 AND LOAM dalg11111lon,Df tt>Ovt It 25t ~ caM 01 a bc>Od. the full.,.,., 11\ereo e.ntl'lcl•ry. recorded Oclobef 12, MAVI A .. Y QUISTIORe, YOU Publlahtd Or1ngt CoHI Diiiy w11ranty fl glv'9n 11 t~ lit contr.ct ii Ille MIM Ii 1w11ded 10 fACIUTV Al'l'LICATION Slreel. Cotll M .... CA 82627 No wtll ba lorr1tted to 1tld coll•O• 11181, as 1ns1rumtnt No 14878. In • H 0 U &. D C 0 NT ACT V 0 U" PilOt Oct 16• ~2. 29. Nov 5. t9a2 comptet-n °' oorr11Ctnas1) him. In the event ot llilura 10 IWlltt (New a11tct.ltoft) w•rr1111y 11 g lvan aa to 111 dlttrl01 • l>oCll 1•2S2, pegt 11173, of Of11e1e1 Lt.WV.A. ' Ull7·62 The l>eneflCl•fY 11ndat uld DMd Into Uid contrllCI. 1uch sacur11y wl~ Notice 11 hereby g1vtn th•• er complete,_ "' com101nN1 No bidder m1y wlthdr-hit bid Rec:ord• 111 the Olllce of Iha County The atrHI add11u ind 01ntr or Trust, by rHIOO or a t>t8'C/I "' bl rorlelt. IPl>llcatlon h" bean flltd with tht TM l>tMIJcltry 111\der ..id Deed IOf • petlOCI '°' tony•llw(46) dtya Reoorder of Orange Counry. common dMlgnellon, If any, of Illa Ml.IC !«)TICE dtl1ult In thl obll(lttlons MCurao DISTRICT rettrv" th• right 10 DEPARTMENT OF SAlllNGS ANC 01 Trull. by rMton 01 a t>1t1c:h or •lier the c:t1te Ml '"' lhe Ol)enlng Callfornlli, securing. among other rHI proptrly deacrlbed tbov• la that1by, hlretolOl'a ••tcuted end rttacl any or 111 bid• Of 10 waive Illy LOAN rtlattng to an ac>ollCltlon bl dtl81Jf1 rn the obllglllotll MCurad thateol ot>llo•llorw. 011e note lor the au"1 of purport•d 10 be •21 EHi 20th FICTmOUt llUt!Nlte <1al1verad 10 Iha unde,.lgnad • lrregultrttlet (I( inlorm1111tn In ·tny IRVINE CITY SAVINGS AND LOAll thereby. h .. atolOfe a11ecut1d 1nd Thi Board of Trust-r~M $5,i06 60 t hll thl t>enellcl1I 811111 No C, Co.II M-. CllllOtnlt NA• eTATW•NT wrllllll OaclarltlOll Of C>afault and bldl 0t In the blddo11g ASSOCl.CTION, tor pe.mluron I< dallvared to the underalgnad 1 11141 prlvilege o1 rtjeCUnjl any 11'<1 Ill lntttNI under tuc:h DMd ot Truat, 82825 f'ht loll~tno oereons .,. ClOlflO oamand tor SM. and wro"en l\OllClt Pursuant 10 the prov111ont ot "'abll•h a racillly 11. or rn tht wrttten OeclaratM>n or C>aflUli and bid• or 10 ._.,,,.any lr~1fll-°' end the obllO•llont Heu red Tha un0tta1on.o d1ec111m1 1ny l>ln•neu u ot t:>teecl'! 1nd of tltctlon 10 CIUM Section 1773 ot Ille L•bor Cooe Of tmmedla1e vk:lnlly ot Mlc:htllOf Demand for Sala, lllldwr1ttan no1-lnf0fmatlt111 In 111y t>td Of In Iha t~y. are pr-tty held by Ille lial>lloty rOf tllY u~orractnen of the COAST &LICK 50, 1889 th• 11ndartlgnad 10 "" uld the Stale of Celllot11l1 , tlla 0flve, and Vori Kam1111 Avenue °' braach and of aleGtlon to CIU'llll blddiflO undtnignad. l>UI a brlllCh of, and .,,... aoor ... and OthW common Pt-Ila. Coll• Mtta. CA 92827 Plop9'1Y 10 Nlttlp Nld obhgallon1. OISTRICT h .. Obt•lnecl from lhe City ol ltvlne., County ol Of1ng1. the 11ndttllgnad to Hll 11ld HORMAN E;. WATSON d1t1u1t In, lhe obliQ81iOnt lor wflk:I'! dniQlllllOn. II eny. Shown hateln EltlOll C Fatdon, 18 Ttlbula Ct . 1nd lhtrHllar the undtrtlgned Olrtctot ol ll'la Oap1rlmt11I o.I 1o. publlc Mering wm be held a P.Oi*'ty to 11111fy said obllglllon•, 8ecttt11y. aucn DHd or Trust It MC\lr'lt)I !'lat Said HI• w1l1 b• rn•d•, out N ..... pon 8111Ch. CA 82W ~1111<1 NICI no1ie. Of t>relCl'I and of· 1nou11r111 R11t1tont the gt11•r•I 11'!• Department'• olflce ., l:OC and thttaalter th• undtM'llgnad 8oerd of Tru11... ocoutrtd 1n 1h11 peymer11 ha• not without oovanan1 or ""'"ranty l<urt E Otgan11. 11288 11ee11011 10 t>• recorded M1y 11, prev1111no relt °' per dttm wea- p.m .. on Iha 2nd o1 Dloembef 11182 caulad Hid no11ot or breach and or eo .. 1 ~mvn11y t>ffn made or. the aritlrt prlnolf)al tl\Pf"' 0t lrnplred, raga1dlng title Fl"'"'•· M1u1on Vlaio. CA 1126111. 1882 H 111etr No 112• 1828&7 In 1nc:t tht gtnertl pr1v1Jllng 1111 tor et· 600 South CommohwHllt tlecllon 10 ba recorded July 12. Cofllot Oltltfct t>al•nc.t of $6,220 67 which t>ac•m• po11a111on or tncumb11nc11. to Thi• ovalrRt•• I• conductec:t by • booll of aaiO Ottleltl Aaoord1. holld1y and over11m• work In the Avtnu•. Lot Angalet, Calllornlt 11182, •• lnllt No 82·230451 ol P11bllth1d 011nge Coaet OtHy du• Sapttmt>ar I , 1982. with PIY the total amount ot lht unpaid Qtf'ltftl p•rln<lfehlp Slld Hie wlll ba m1d1, t>u1 IOCl1llty In which thl• work 11 IO be 80005. ltld Official flecordt. P110t Oct ~.Nov $, IH2 1,1nter .. 1 ,,,_eon lrom Sec>lttnl>I• 1. balanoa o1 ''"' Ot>llg•Uon ateu•td Ellloll C Ftttlon wllhovl coven1nt Of w111an1y, pa.formed'°' each cr11t or type°' Tht IQPllCltlon 11 oper1 lor publl< Said 1111 wlll t>• made, 1>u1 •&15-8T '982, et1v and !Ml aum• adv~ by b)' ti'!• Pt op t r ly to b• tOl<I Thia alttement wu hied will'! the exprne °' l1n9llad rag•rdtng 1111t worktr natd•d to uec:uta th• 1ntpect1on 111 '"°'Clanea wflh 1n. wllho111 gov1na111 or .-1rranty, 1ha t>entflcllty undlt the 1«111• anct C1onllttlng o1 p11nc1pel and rn111 .. t County Clark or Ofanga COunty on po-•ton. "' ancumbf-. to C1on11ac;1 theM rates •t• °" ma •I GOml!llMlorw"a regutatlont 11 ehhao uprne or il'l'lplled, ragarcllng Utle. r.aJC lllQTIC£ provlt«1n1 ol Hid OM<1 or Trutt, of 150.0M t~. Piii• cottl'. --~ Ocl T3 11182 pey Ille r-nlng prlnc:lpal tum Of 1111 DISTRICT olllCI locl!ed al 1157 ofllceoftheOipattrMntofSavtnat poeMWion, or encumbt1nc ... 10 loo-t!ll..-'W'ftftllltrutlff"tl"'lnd •dYencn ind Tru1le• laH fl1mnl 111eno11(1)aaco1tedbyt11dl>et40I Placan111 St , Co111 MaH CA ar14 Loen o1 1M Stilt of Calflomlt pey tf11 rwntJn1nO pqnclpel _,,,. of M01'M:I CM' l'\*JC .. ,.,.. cotte •tlfnllt<I IO l>I I t.MI 49. II lhe P11bll1had 01anee COM4 Otlly Trvet. wtlfl llM«"' M In Mid note 9:1'27 Copae llllY be oblllned on I 0 0 I I .. d at 6 0 0 8 0 u I h lhe not• Mou!'td by Nld Oeed of An 0 r d In Inc •• n 11 t,. d Thet by rt11on (htrtol, lhl llmt Of lntlltl publlC:atlOft of lhll P~OI. Oct 15. 22. 29. N<W e. lff2 provldtCI •Ov•f1C41t. ,, eny. U(lftf rtQUHI A GOPY of lhlH ralH commonw111tll Aven111, Lo• Tf'llSt. with lntar•t u lo ltkl note "URGE.NCY INT£AIM ORDINANCE unotrtlgnad. p111ent b1nal1cterv l\Ottot Ol Mlt. ""11Cfl two tl4lms total , 4504-82 the 1t11m• ot Mid Oet<I of Tru11. aheH bl Potted 1l 1ht jOt> 1111 Angalaa, 110005 (Tai. (213) provided, adllancel. 111ny, undtf OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE 1.1n<l•1 1uch 0Hd ol Tr1.111, hll SU.211 •4 Cur,.nlly cla11d • 1.-11i.ch•Ott tnd t•Ptn'" of !he It 11'1111 bl mlndllO"Y upon the, 7H•27H). and 350 S an10"'1 11141 tatm• ol aald Dtetl ol Tru11. CITY OF LAGUNA 88ACH e.ecuttdanddo41.,.,.ac:tl0111dduly c•tlllt(t'ofllol!IOfoel'llllec:tchtc:ka PUBllC NOTICE Tr\ltl"tllOOflhtlrvlllcr .. tedby CONTl\ACTOR t o whom lht 81real, Sin Ftancleco 84104. IT•I: f .... Clllatgff and ·~oen-or lhe IMP0811"0 A MORATORIUM ON appo1nt1d TIUtlH, a written ••• tcc:ec>llble lo fRANSAME.AICA Mid°"° Of Trlitt COl!lltCI II aw1r1Md , Ind UCIOfl toy (4111) 557-Mee).. Tru.-lnd Of lhe tnnrt• Ct .. lad l!y ALL TIME SHAA! USlS A& OtClltralron or Dt«IUR •nd ~lld MOlll TO AO! co M.,. lo.HY . • •TATIMINT °' wmtDRAWAL Slld .... "'"" l'!elO on ,rtO.,., .v1>eom1ac1tfrunder him to PIYnot Wfllltn on11c:llon1 or Olhlf ltld o.td Of Tn.fl. Slld Mia WIM be DELINEATED IN SECTION 26 20 '°' 8•1a, Ind h•• dtPOtlltll with Ctllfotnl• oorpo1111ori. too ""* ,..,.,......., November 12. 1Hl 11 2 00 pm II ,... ll'ltfl lht ••Id 191Cllled '""to <10011m•nu relevar>t to the !'"Id on Mol'ld'Y. Novemb., 15, ANO SECTION 25 22 OF THE Nld duty .OPQIOltc:I f'rutlee, 1UC11 Monlgomwy 81'"' S.., Fftl0Clt¢0. ~TINO~ 11'11 Ol'lepman A-1ntrance 10 all ..or~ttl tfl'IC)to,..o t>y I'*" In 1119 9C1pllCl'lotl ~be llled with''"' IOU et 2 00 pm .. at 11'11 Chepmln LAO UNA llACH MUNICIPAL Deed of Tf1.1et 1114 "' doe41tnt1'111 Callforn•• u 111. Alltnllon ~nnoua ....... NAMI the CMc Cem9f 8ulldll\Q, 300 (Ml ··~·ion of ll'!t contract O.,a""*'I• a110 a CooY ~ad Av.iua anlr-to lhe CMcCtntet COot. wtl inttOCIUCtd Ind ~lecl tvldt1'1Cin9 Ot>llJ:l:n• 1tc1111d Fo11cloa1irt Otpartmtnt Pl'! The lottow1111 PlltOn llU Ct1et>ma11 A ... 11111. In the City of NO !>MIO. "'.,, *'ll'ldr ... lltt bid or 1N11aO 10 ttte "'*9nt. lftVIHE 8ulldlng, 300 l!UI C1'11pman II tM City CouftCll lftMtlnO of J1Jtr tll«tt>y. Ind hat tel~ dote 41&·t83·HU. p1ovfdt<I proper ""'"'°'~•I f91*11 ptflner "°"' Oranc19 California fOf t l*IOO of IOllt·fMI l•S defl 0 ITV I lo. VI NG8 A NO LOAN AY911Ua, Iii tl'!t City of OrtnOt 2 0 . I te 2 T lllt 01 d rn .,, C: t lltrtby Otelere all eum1 eec;ur.O ldent-tlOn It evtlltble ' tne PtJtntflhlp CIPl'llrnt ""°9f lllt A I I ha II"'• of lhe I nlll1 I lfltl' tl'le Otlt Ml IOt Ille OQenlnO of AllOCIATION. <:lo Capfetz & Al tl'lt 11me o t 1ne lnltlt l Hltblitlled tn lnt•rlm or<llntn<:t llltttby 1m,,,adl1tety Clue and Tiit under•IO"ed ctuaed Hid 11cm1ou• bualneu name ot THI tputlllelllon of llllt noflOI. the 10411 ~ I Keaden. Anorn.y• II l-. 2091 publjcatlon Of lhla not~.'"' IOltl prohlDlllnt •II ntw ''"'' tl'lll• payable and IMI• tllec1ed ""'°°" None. of OtfaUft tnCI lttctton to HAllllOFI COMPANY II (lor1Mfly) llmOuft1oftMunpilc:tbelenoeollM " ptymenl Dono 1nc:t ' • lullnett c.n.. Ortvt. &ult• 200, 1meunt of Ille unpelcl l>tllnee of tllO t1Cl~11 .. 1or • C*lOd Of lour motllllt here t>y elect to oeuM Ille ttutt hll to be racordtcl In Ille ~ 1300 Mtrltfl Lene, Nfipor1 lhecft, obllg111on MCUrtd lly Ille 1110ott perform•~ t>Ond wlll bt requlfecf WIM~~-~la 12115, not lettt Obllg•tlon MCutt<I Dr 11\t Ibo... NOTICfJ II HlAE8Y OIVIN thel properly·~ be lold to Mtltly '"' ....,. 1114119111Ofoo.r"ty11 IOC"8d CA,...,, (now} 471 Old Newport dttcrlbed o .. d of tru•I llld prior to IUOUllOI\ ol HCl'I Job .,..,. "°""""* •O. tN2. d11crlt>t<I <IHI\ 0 Hutt and th• Clly Counc:U or lht City of Ob119ellon1 118C"'9CI lheteby TlllANIAMl9110A INV!S t09111 IOullYlfd, Newport 811cll. CA Hlf"'aled COlll, .. rn111. 1nt1 -ttnll!lnl. Al Iha fUOllo lltering, any perfOft Htlmttt<I coete. •~PtlllH. and Legun• haoh Wiii hotel a publlo Oetad OolObtt 7, 1N2 lllAVICI COM,ANY, I Caltfornta 1:19«\ IClvallCet i. etJ,477 7 P111'4Hlm to hc;Oon 4910 of 1N "''! ._., .. r ind mallt 1n oral idonc11 I• tH,401.H To lle«lnO to Gonlldet wnetll« Of not ,., 9'110t w 1.11\dfNrk corporation. too Montoom11y TM llctlllou• l>utll'ltH n1me To <ltttrmlftt tlMI ~•no bid. Oollet'""*'l Cod• of IM Slat• Of ....... A ...... .,, MIOUnlOf lllM ~ llleoC*llr!O bid,~~ IO Hf•"' tuoh Ofd ln1nct IOI • tirtcutot Of IM lattee '""'· Ian flrtnclaco, Ctftfotnill ... ...,..., tor tfll "'~ ... YoV """Otll (714) 1)7.olM Callfomlt lflt COftWtet .. ....... ...... .., ""...,,,.. .,...,t""""' COii (714) t31.otla . ""°° not lo tlloaed tlO"t "*'"" Of Oueltv Olal L~ ... 11 I "' 4 ll·NS·l11a flltcl on FMlfutrY 13. IMO Ill '"' Oii• Oclobtt ts. '* c:::o---petll'llttlflll ..... m ... ... 111 .Ill -f1 "" pttt011 -,_ 0.. C>Gtobef 14 tin lalcl .,_,.. llMtlnO .. lie tltN Oft Iii• Qwfel Ole! ~ 0.... Oc1otlef IS, 1tU CQllftl'f 01 °""'89· l 0 lllr\'ICI COM,ANY to ....,.. ..,,.... ... ,... .... ,,. ...... ..,._ ... °' T.D.191MC1 eoiiP,..., No••• It, tMt.". 00 p"'."' ... Quit 0 LIMrNrll fftANIAMPIC" "'" ...,. ""' ,, ....... 111t .... ,,...... •n.1 mo"•Y• ••11111••• ., "" ... ._ .... le .. lie......_. to •MM,,.._ lftl C1t1 ~ C"-"'ller•. IOI ~·miOM 'm\I c~'?!!9 ltfMCI ,._, WIMdr.wlft9 Denlld loott If ....._~:::--· Otlf9llCT le "*"' l*teflMI• "°' ,...,. "''" u ml"ufH '" .._A......, 'Aate .... florett A•onue, L•1una IHch, -~ oo., -..-""' ,......_ .. 1no ..........,. Clrote, A....... ~ ,_ 00ftt>ac1 _ ......... or IUdl ..__ 111M • 0.. ~........ Oellfomia. ,.0.... TNIMI ~ ...... CA'NMO ON Qty IMI w.t. 00001 .. = T:L alio-f by 11M 11tatln9 .,._... OA -Vlf'NA L ..alUNOIA ~ ....... ft'rir.f" •ttt !!.!'.!!"' loltel OIMld I ''"'"''°" Qt.,.., CA.,.. ~~--(nt) --Clly Cletll __, "9. I • ,...,,_ •tm11 r1t4> ..,,_... ~":' "" Ofanee Cotti Oelly ,.llbtl"'9CS Or•"•' Cout 0.l!Y 1'111111•'*9 Oflrl,. Coatt Dall~ flub~d °''""' Coea• O..ty ""Olllftff Or1r111• CoHI Dall, ll111111111td Ot1111_4' Coa•t O•llt 1'11tlllfl•• 0••• Cott• 0111, l'ulfl1119f °'••· CtiUt DellJ "°"' 0c1 "'·No¥. 'I, 1•2 ""°' oet 11.11. "°"· •. 1au Noe. ........ t , 111 ""°' °" n "·New 1, ta. , ... "'°'· °" it.~ s. 1t. 1au ,... oet a New 1. ''· "· ,.., ,..,. Oet n . "·Nov •· 11U Hot No¥ 1.. '"' •m• .....,2 .,,, . ., ..... ..1..., .,..... • ..., ~ ... • .. 118 .. Uft1'1{lu Cn 1l DAIL V rt LOT fFrluuy, Nov mh r &. 1082 . rtatc MOTICC __ -·-- --. - PU8UC HOllCt ---~ NM IC NO t IC( Ml.IC NOflCI -1-----------------------~1 --------------------------·-~----------------------~ ··------------------------CH>~ MIN"!Ot' cou..r O' ~" H 0' I c I 0, , I" .... 0, NOllCI 01' '"Ulfll'I IA~ CAl.,OflHIA A~ICATtON IU,11109' COURT O' CA&. .. C*ilA -Ml.IC MOTICL ~-h __ ~ MUC IOJICl ., ~ _ MUC MOTICl ·~ .~Mlle IOTU "°"'*" IUlllllll 'ICTmoul iGiiit1 ,teiiilOGi WH NftiiOUi llUGi11 I !. NO r <.. QI 11 llH COUNTV 0¥ OUNOI fO INCMAM ACCOUNTI Of YOU AHi IN 011 AUl I UNlll 11 A 100 Clwlo C111t. Df. w .. 1 • N IN I U" A I&. I TV 1111 IN 0 r r 0 0 ~ I II us I DA r l 0 IMI• All• CA 11101 OONNIOTtOM COW.TY Of CHIANOI "''"' .... .., .... ~ ..... NAlli efATlmwf NAiii ITA?lmNf NAiii IUn....T ..... HA~ The I0410oMno l*tQl'la .,. Clot/IQ Tna 100ow111g p.,1011 " d111111 fh• loltowlng 04!• •pn 1• 001110 The fOll0\111110 p111on '' llofng llvtll\Me .. b11alnttt II bu..,,._t U bull-M er P1tt.1m11 u 1010 uNu -s11 ... u., •• 11\e Adopt'-" , .. 111011 wn" •ANCH •cOU1et'flON41t YOU fAl\f AC.llON ro PAOHCl or OAllY ... OWN •11t1 AOATHA ""' .. lo lnlOfm 11141 Plll>llo 1ho1, ef ....... " .............. '* C:hMfe .......... "OH MANOf', JO•) Vie 1•1 MAflH[WI OHIOMI, lb) ,. OfVl!t.OPllU 8PfCIAltflH, IUZV WlfH A •y , 10201 lllteo llnra Ctui. Mlhli>ll Vl•)O, TI M MA l f HI w. A"' cs ITU WhlU ltt' Coll• Men. Clrelt. fOilftlaffl Vllley, CA 1210I YOUR PflOPr Ill\' ll MA\ 01 •llOWN, AdoPll~ ..... ".. 11noar 8•cllon en U(b) o r "" l.OlD Al A l'Ulil t<;, 8 A1.r u YOU ClfATION (lt .. OIATll fM••nd ~llOM IOf ll114Jrenco CAii NO. AHllN OllOI" TO IHOW CAUU l'CHI CHANOI Of NAMt C.illo.Nt 12tl2 AllOOIATH, 'J111te U . HtOI CllllOll\fa 9l!827 e1111n111 JHntlte Johlleon Tttom .. A ltillar, 2,..43 1111 M.,gu•lll• Parkway ••. Mltaton R1no111 Devlo llltuel 20U 1020t Vllao Clldt, fountlln lltllev NfrD AN {,t1P1ANAllON ()f IH[ c ....... AO·tn.. Of Aetountl, ~ S«llOll !145 t4 or NA fURC or 11•[ llllOl.l(UINCl lltl NOPl Of llt llAf( °' Ult~ an4 Atovl•llOn• IOI' 11141 AOAINI 1 VOU YOIJ l>llUUlO <Al"' ()ANIA 'tOttll S•Yl"Ot •lld lOtl\ SytlOM, CONIAt I A l/\WYlR lo HIUll\HO A HUllSUL Yuu W•tt•rn Fedtr•I ••wig. •nd lO•n Wl11f\CAe Ifie lt)Ptlt •llCln 01 lulAll l Oll<M 1rnon IOI UllUIQI ot n1_me hfl• IMen duly 1119<1 wtU1 11141 clttk or Ihle Courl. end II ac>Pffrlng hom n Jd 1pp1tca11on that Hid appllc e nl d11l re• 10 hlYt •PPllHnt 1 n1ma Gh•noed 10 lht propuea(I ntm• OI ClirlllOC>htl LOUii MU!llfl'ltl een la Cr u 1, Miu Ion \/It lo, lli.10, C•lllOl'nlt 12H2 I late Avenu•. Coe I• Meu, CA tJ?OI CeNIOfnlll t2'92 Jemte T Mtlthe*e, 21t7 t (I 0..toroi. 12827 Tlllt bu..,... .. le COl\Clueled by 111 Jam .. lalill•• Jr • 2 447 ' RttltO MIH IOI\ \/ltfO, C•lllornla Thtl t>ull""8 II c:ondllCltd II)''" lndMClufll On Novumllol 2U IHJ, .. u It> lltll '''""l.>Y CllN •nO '•llUll"" 10 AHOCl•llO!I. 1:11eo Mlll<lafltO Wey A M DSL oc IWIC' r COMPANY ii~ IAPPCllr '" • ''••trln\j Ill 111111 too• I D•l M•t In• d4lt ... ~. C•lllOrnl•, hH 111.-0 ll11ly •PrGlllhKI llUlll'O Uh\Jllf 11110 o.. ... .,m1101 17 IOI:! Ill 8 4&. m In •n IPPllGlllOll for pt1rt'tlUIOn 10 PUUUIUll 10 O..<i ul I'"'" I"'"' do<! 0.1.11 b IOt.\llKI '11 700 Ctv" C.0111 lllGl .. 1141 ICC:Olllllt 01 tn lnturtble Oc101>«11 I 10711 11111 NC• 1887 Ill Ot Wnl s ...... A1111 CA ono1 type b)' , •• ton 01 th• acq1111111on of boe». t3JJ3 i;.111u lb t~ 01 OllttlAI •n<l 11111• 1111y t1g111 1 eoun why b"nch 0111<0(1) of Mwcury 8avlng1 llleco«Js 1n tllfl ollictt ut "*County 11c,011111111 10 11141 V41f•h•ll po11Uon a f tdttal S •111no• and Loan llflc11101tr t>I 0.1111gt1 Coun1y Sl•lt 1114o1J w11n '"" '°"'1 ftw P.ironlitl "•eotl•t'°", 711:1 Edi~ AYtllUI, 01 C11htorn1n t•"CU14•1l by IWlK 1 Rlghta ot lhw OllllQl•d lt1lh41r •h0<1lll Huntington Beach, CllllOtnlt, 929-47 Hus s· ( l I • " ct J \) 0 I I 11 A 1101 O• IW •n111111eo tooted II 4800 l-l~oln Aoult11.,d, NOW, TMfA FOR , 11 It ht<al>y ()(dtrtd t11t1 Ill t>erlOfl• rn1., .. 1W 1n lh• .. 1c1 metier or ch•no• of 11.,,,. •PPH I btlOte 1111 •bove· fnlll'-d COUii. in 0.pt 3 lhtHOf, on tilt 1~111 cJty of O.Ctmber. IHl!. •I tha hou• ot. 10 30 o 'clock • m lhtn Ind lhlfo to allow-GauM, It any 111ty hen , why the •PPllC*llon tor ch1nge of name should 1101 I>• g1enlad "41dltll, ti T OfO, CalllOfnlt 82630 uee' "10IYl<IUll 8111•11~ J JOMtorl fhlt butlllHI I• Gonducltd by • Hitt b\1111\ffl •• Conducled by •n Ranaal RHMI rt11t tltlft!*ll w .. "'" wllh tho Otf\1'91 patlnetatllo. ~ lndlvlOUll Thi• •telttntnl Wll ftltd With 1119 Countr , ..... OI Ottngt County on Tllornu A leib« J1111ff T M111t1ew1 County Clffk ol Or•no• County on Oc:1 ti, 1012, 1 lhlt •ttlff'!1411)1 'NH llltd wllh lhe lhll llllement w .. fHtd Wllh lht Nov•mbt< a. 1882. ,..... Coumy Clark ol Or1nge Counly on County Clefk 01 OftnOt County on PI0111t P11bH•htd Ottnge Cout O•lly Octol* u . 1082 Novernb« 2. 1N2 Publl•h•O O,a no• COii! Oally P!lol Oct 22. 20. Nov 6. 12. tt12 l'20Mn MID a WllfOHT Piiot, NOY 5. 12, If, 28. IH2 .. 21·t1 PubllelleO 011nge Co111 01lly AltwMre .. WW 4155-82 1---~":'.:":'~~~----Pflol, oc1 H , NOY a, 12, 10. 1N2 .......,."' .... ~ PUllllC NOTICC ,4748-82 eoo CMaMarre l'tlll.IC NOTIC£ HUSSELI hu•hlnll 1111U w1lt1 n~ Ofllld Stlpt111llbt1 10. 1\187 Mttllla del 1{11';, C•lllOolll• 00291. trullO• ' W111ttr 1 'Kmg. ()11puly A•l)'Ollt l'llt~ wfllt In ltv01 01 Will Stll Al PUBLIC llU(; llON Pawl Kon8'11f•k~ t)•OIHI or ltlt •Pt>llCelloll' Your -----------1 utlHI• hech1 Calllornla nH1 PICTITIOUt Ml ..... Ml.IC NOTICt: • ,.,,.. PtCTITIOUt IW ... H NJ.Ml ITATllmn' P11bli1h1d 011nge Coat! O•lly NAMI tTAl,l•NT p flit fOllQwlng p.,1on It doing ro IOOHESr OtDDl:R FOR 1..A.,1• 1$ll0 ChHtnwt It. Comm¥11t mev dltcu••. IWI .,. no1 ll>•\lttbl1t 01 1irn1 ol s..i~ rn t1wlul •ante Ana. CA 12701 llm1tt0 10. the lj)l)l~t't rec«d Of PICTITIOU• IU..... PllOI Noll 6. 12, 10, 26. 1082 T1141 IOllOWlng '*'°"' .,. dotno ~"'"' ... N ... •TATl•NT •ll07·12 twt11n••• as NUTRIENT PAOOUCTS, 424 w '""'ll'f ot Ille! UMl!O 5131MI II '"° (7"1 14t4l47 !*IO<m..-ICI In htlplng lo mM\ t1141 lrOlll on1t111\Co1ltt111,..,,d Oran1111 J>ubll•hod Oti1t1Qt1 Cout 0111ly c••dll need• Of Ill Ioctl 11141 foflowlng otreot>• are dol"9 ------------D & v STAMP CONCRETE Commonwealth. Fullerton CA bllllnett "· .. _.,. Ml\flC( 10212 Con11111111on. Mun11ng1011 02$32 County Cou11'1ou••. loce1u1.1 on P1101. Nov r. n Ill 28 1!182 commuf\11111 Four c091tt mutt be S 1 n Io An <1 111 v d , b 111 w11 v n 4809 82 111ct1ved by "Supervl•ory Agtnl. IT 18 FURTHER OROl!AED lhal e copy of lhla Ol'dar be pyblf•"*<! In Ille ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT. a new•P•P'f ol general publlc•tlon, prlnltd and publl1had In lhf city ol Colla MtH, Count~ o't O••nge. Olic:e • .....-IOI' lour 14) 1~c.t$1vt --• prior to 11141 d•te above Ml '°' hearing ot .. Id eppltcahon. I. A \I e; N 0 ER AN 0 I. Ac E1.....c<":;.... __ £_-.._"-""--· -----8aacfl C•llfotf'll• 92641 Pwry Miiton Mani\ POwtll Jr WED 0 IN 0 SE AV ICE. 2 0 2 t PICTrTIOUI MJ ... H Domlntck J l11graflla Jr .. t0212 I tOO Plac;enU• Ave . 'llllenon. CA . !S)camoro SI 4 B10<1\lw11v St.11110 Federal Home Loan Bink ol 81n Ana. CnlllOllllll all 11ghl 111111 ond PU8UC NOTICE Francisco. eoo C•lllornl• SltHI, WMIMll\lllr' A9t., Cotta ....... CA ....... tTATIMINT Contrllullon," Hunun111on BHch, t1111 butlllt .. ,, COllOllCltO by Ill 112827. The fOllOWil'lg l)e!llOOI l ft doing ClllllOlnlt 02848 lndl\lldllal 1n1e1011 convayO<l to and now hold ---• Pos a Olftce Box 7948, S in by •t und•r 1111d DOV<I of T1ual 111 the K.o2313 F11nc1sco, Calllornla 84 lllO," by Henry Cloyd Mtndrlck1on Jr . butlnas1 u · VIGente c .. 111)1(11, 158 Pon(I Patr'r Po•llll Jr. 2028 W111m1111111 Ave • Co•ll MARKE l 1 NO SE R 111 C ES Piece 11 1:1, Vista, C•llf()(nle g2083 i.....!llte llalement w11 tiled with the f•rupeoty 111uJllt\I on Ht<l C0un1y OllANOE COUNTY November ~2, 19&3 An llddlllonfll 1100 Stahl dHU•ll4Ml IS SUPl!RtOR COURT 20 days lo submit c:ommettia INY Mtaa, CA 82$21 GROUP, 2945 MH• Verd• Drlv• Thi• bu•ineet ,. eoMVCltd by • """'nl~ Cletk of Ofengo Counly on Sandt• LM Handtte;klOll, 20211 EUI, Suite '· Coala MtH, CA general plflnlrllhlt) IOet I 1982 LOI 75 ol lrac;t 2J87 In Hit' C11y 700 CMc Cntr. Or. WHI be oblalntO, provided Such f9quetl ol Ccista Mesa Gounly ol O'rangu Santa Ana, CA 92701 II received In wrlllng by Iha DA TEO Noveml>lt 2. 11182 FRANK OOMENICtilNI Judge OI 11141 WMtm1n1111 Ave , Coela MIN. CA 92t2e Oomlnlclc J lngraflla J1 11'1 ..... 02627 EdWafd A Mllllt. Jr., ' Atrnond Thi• llllttnenl w•• filed Wllll Ina Pubhth•O Orano• Coast Dall)' Slare ol Cal1lo1n10 JS per mnp PLAINllFF JAMES U MANNINO Supe111lsory Agenl by November 22. recordeo Ill OOOk 70. paoe J3 .tn<l C/\ THERIN( M MANNINO 19112. Lind• ~. 189e Monrovia ~pl. TrM Lene, trvlne, CA 92715 County Ci.tk ol Or~ County on Piiot Oct 15. 22. 20, Nov 5, 1982 B. Cott• Meea. CA 02827 ~llllam B. Miii, 2H1 Via La November 2. 1982 4501·82 M1scellan&0u1 Maps in lhe oft1c11 ol DE r END AN r Mou N 1 R D Aroione sending • tubetentlal lll;r~ountyRecor<1111olsa1dcoun111 MAROINl.ondtvodually anddb8GUY P'oleat may request en orel Supe1ior Court "ON"T J. MASON, HQ. 21aot PIM Hiii LMM, This buslneet la conducted by • Stlvef Pelo' VttdH, CA 90274. f201141 1-------------- general pettnarlhlp lhl• buslneu la c:ondudld by •n Published Orange Cou1 Dilly , Ml.IC M)JICE The Sl•HI addron and othtr l"AWKES RESfAURANT,. IAENE M •1gumtnl Oii iiie 9'>Pliealiorl ta Ml c<>mmon <1es1gnat1on •I any or U1~ MARDINI JEFFREY B BEAVER. fOfll\ Ill SecllOll 5<&3 2(f) ol Ina Rultt ••al p1eper1y desc11bed attov" •• MJ\S JEFFREY e BEAVER. AlLEN end R1guletlon1 tor Ille F1d11a1 purported 10 be 690 VICI Olld. n SNAPP MRS Al.LEN R SNAPP Savings and lO•n S)'lltm FOf • St•eel, Costa Meao. Celtlorma WILLIAM f NORTON 111 MAS protee t to ba coneldared The ul\<l11rs1gned Trustue WILLIAM F NORTON 111. WAl · 1ub11ant1a1. II mu1t ba wrlllen, tJ•sclalms onv lr.iblltty tor dny KER & LEE, INI.. a Callforn1a 11c:e1vad on time. and cont•ln at tncorreclnes~ OI the sueet addtt'55 .:01puro11on JOHN FITZPATRICK. IHll the fOllOWlllO 1). 111mm1ry ol ind other tmmon l11!slgnal1on ,, MARV ANN BLACK CALIFORNIA Iha reasons IOI !he prOIMI, 2) 11141 any showrr letn CSCROW SERVICE a Ca111orn1& specific tnallOfl ol)jec:tlld to In 11141 DllMaftd ..,, Calllorl\le 11715 Tai: (714) MMG1 • Pubhthed Orange Coat! Dally Polai, Nov 5, 12, 19. 28, 1982 4902-82 H«lry,C HendrlcklOn Jr. unincorpor•ted u1oc;latlon othe1 Piiot. Nov 5. 12, 10. 28. 1982 • 1---,.,.te-m"'""'_K>U __ t_MI _____ •_• __ Tlll1 ltll-1 WU filed With Ille lhtn • patlntratllp. . • 4839·82 NAlflC ITATl....-J County'Clartl ot Orange Count., on Edwaril A Mflll• Jr. The lollowlng poraon I• d ol11g Oct 13, 1982 ,,... Thi• 1ta1emenl wu liltd With Iha Ml.JC NOTICE buslllMa u P11bll•ll•d Orano• Cout Delly County Cletll of Orange County on TR"D M"NUFACTUAING Piiot, OCt. 15, 22, 20, Nov 6, 11182 Ocl 12. 10112. ftCTITIOUS .,..... COMPANY, 873.c Was t 15111 4514-112 '1194U N ... •TAT••NT l'tlll.IC NOllCE 1-----------------Publl•h•d Orang• coua D•lly The totlowlng pareon1 are doing Slrffl, Nowpofl Boach, Calllornia -.T-.. -Tl-.. -.. -T"'"°'--W-ll'HDllA---.-AL-PUBllC NOTICE P1101. 0c1 15. 22. 20, Nov. 6, 111e2 bu••ne•• H : 92aec., ... KOflneth 0,,., 1118 D•ft• Sa1<1 safe "''" b11 maoe ou1 ,0,porill•On DAVIS WINTERS appt1ca11on 01 111 lh• appflcan1'1 without coven.int or wcu111111y s E v r LL E Es c Row comt11vn11y Mrvk:e rkOfd, 3) llCIS, e•press or 1mp1t0<1 1egar<11n9 t11le CORPORA r10N a Ca111o rn11 1nc1udtng any relevant, economic Of possession or encumbrJnces to coopotarion WILLIAM J VAUGHN. f1nanclal lnl0tma1lon, which tuppo<I Pc°IY me remaining pronc1pa1 sum ol VETERAN ESCROW COMPANY. ttia protest: and 4) any adverse IM note(sl secu•ed by said Deed ol INC . 8 c8 1110,1118 oorp 0,11non. elltcle on your org1nlzallon 01 lrust. w11h 1n1eresr theoeon. as DEN:SE DENNING THOMAS B community which may retult from p1ov1de<1 In said no1c(s1. advances. LEE. GARV w WARREN. and awrovat of 11141 appllcatlon. II any unoeo the lt'rmb of said Ooed DOES 1 lhrough 50. rnCluS<ve You may IC>Olc al Iha application .. r•...": p••-•a..-4532·'2 p R 0 p ER Ty REFER A Al Oflve, ,.:.!..1111 Mesa. Caltt-n•· 926:;6 "..,_ -, ,_..,_. lfltCTTTIOUS IUIMtl SYSTEM. 8 MornillQ Dew, lrvlno, CA ....,. -,. ' ONMTINO ~ ..... ITATWMINT l'tlll.IC NOTICE 02715 J'hll bulllllHS I• eondUClacl by.,, FIC1'1TIOUS IU ... ll ..._ Thi fotloWlng poraotls are Cloing 1---------.....,,~--,,~~~~ (11 Cl11re M11t11, 6 Morning lndlVldual The loll owing pereon hu bU~ U ! ITATE•NT CW WfTitOflAWAL Dew, Irvine. CA 02716 Larry K Dtrl • wllhdrawn u I gan_11al partner from AMERICAN RESOURCES f"OM PAJtT•ll ... MmllATINO (2) Jon~ Belli. 2645 Vine Ava . Thia llal_,t wu lilld Wtlll 11141 Iha partner.nip opartll!IQ ulld4w 11141 ENTERPRISES, 12 Rippling Stream. UNO«" FICTITIOUe NOfco, CA 91780. Counly Cietk ol Orange County on llctlllout buelntH neme ot THE INIM , Ctllfornl• 92715 IU ... 11 ...._ Thie bUlllnau le conducted by a October 27, 1982 HARBOR COMPANY at (formerly) Danny T. Liao, 12 A1ppt1no Th• tollowln.o pareon h ll gonaral oartno<shlp F20llt3 1300 Mattan L-. N4'W1>0rt 9Nch. Sltaarn, ltvlne, Cellfornla 92715 wolhd•awn as• getllr'fll t)lllner from Claire Mii~ Publlthtd Orange Cout Dall~ CA 92083; (now) 47l Old ~ 8•11• M. Liao, 12 Alppllng '"' P•'1ntt1hip oOlr'Allng undlr' Ille Thi• 111tament WU tiled Wiii\ Iha Piiot. Oct 20, Nov 5, 12. 19, t982 ol Trust 1ees cha•oeb .tnd SIJMMOHS end att comm•nta llltd at Iha ll•l)en!.eS ol the T1us1oe and ol lhe ON FIRST AMENOEO COMPi..AINl' Federal Home Loan Bink ol San huSls c1ea1ad by sa1 <1 Deed 01 C•N No. 35 7111 Francisco, uni••• a ny such Trus1 NOTICE. Yow heva been 111ed. mtlerlals are •~tmpl by law lrom The total amount of lhe unpo11e1 The court may decide agaln•I you pu1)11c d1scioau11 If you have any t.i.ilarice 01 tile obllga11on secured without your being heard unleH quaallone concerning tll••• by lhe properly 10 be sold and your11pondwllhln30daya.Raad proCledure•. contact the 1t>asonatlle e111maled cosis. tha lnlormillon below. Supt<ViSOty Ag•nl II the Feder" l'\penses ano od11ances at the 11me 11 you wosh 10 seek the advlCe of Homa Loan Bank ol San FttnelllCO 01 the 11111ia1 Publocat•on ol the "'" anornay 1n lhlS mailer you Pubhsllad Orange Coest Dally NOllCe of Sa10 IS $2'.l 272 74 wh1cn )hOUl<I oo so promplly so lhill your Pllc>t. Nov 5. 12. UJ82 ·S composed 01 lhe tollowong wtillen re5ponse 11 any may be • 4870-.2 Prol\Clpot $20.636 59 toteo on lime ln1eres1 St,690 35 Av 1so1 u 11, d ha 1 Id o l'lB.IC NOTICE E•penses $945 80 dtmtnd ado. El ttlbunal puada -------,,,.,.,--,.-'=--~~--The benellclary unoer sa10 Oeeo d ldl 1 Ud 1*11 1 FICTITtoU• eu•tHEH 01 Trust nere10101e e•eculed and ac 'con re · • n nc • • NAME STATEMENT menoe que Ud. re• dtnho delivered to the unde,sogned a de 30 dlH. ua la lntormaclon qlHI fhe IOllOWlng c>e<eon• are doong W<11teo Decla1a1oon ol Oefaoll and 1111.,, buSlnees as. Demand 101 Sate. and a wri111n So .Usie<! oesee solt"lu el FLORAL TECHNIOUES 61132 No•tee ol Oelaull 11nd E1ec1oon 10 conseio de un obogooo en esie Viste del Sol, Hun11ng1on Beath, Seti The undersogned causeo satd 15 un1 0 <I 0 b • r 18 ha c e 1 1 0 C.hlOftlla 92647 Notice of Detaull and Etectoon 10 unmedtatamente. de esla mantra, 11-Wood, 8832 lltsta del Sol Sell 10 be reco1d11d 1n the county su respuesto escuta. 5, hay atguna, Huntington Beach. CaljlOfnta 928'47 whe1e the real property IS locateo puede ser regislroda 11 llempo Cynlh18 Cooley. 12553 E Oale October 26, 1982 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A Clvll Cueala• Drive. Cern101. Calllornla DSL SERVICE COMPANY leomptaont has oeen Ille<! by 1no 9070t as sa1<1 Trustee plaintiff against ~ou 11 you Wtlh 10 Nancy Keysar, 9582 Rockpoint 3200 8111101 S1ree1 delend inis lawsutt. you musl. w.lhm Ofwe. ~unttngton Btacn. C.iilOfnla C1»1a Mesa CA 92626 JO d•Y$ a lter thrs summons •s 9264§ Tel f7141 549·881 t tE•t ser.eo on you hit Y.ilh this court, Thll bUSlll85S Is conducted by • 5811 wnt11n responae 10 the complaint general partnefll'llP By Randy H•1191ns. Unless you do llO. your default will Nancy KeyHr TruatlHI Olllce• oe entered on oppllcahon of lht fhls saa1emont wes llltd Wilh lhe Published Orange Coast Doily pl.iinulf. and anis COUii may enier a County Clerk ol Orange County on P1to1. Nov S 12 19 t982 4852-8:? tudgment against you tor the relief November Z 1982 f2011t2 Pubhshao Orenga Coast Daily Pt~I Nov 5. 12. 19, 26 1982 4903·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ll'le toffow1ng person 1s 001no 1lus1ness. 8$ • PACIFIC FIRE 'SUPPRESSION 12&0 B log~n Ave Cos1a Mesa CA 112626 Colon l<lt11 Jonos 2~42 Co<al Cove Lagun11 NllJUel CA 92677 ThtS business '' 'onducll!d by an rn<IMdu81 C I Jones This sta1emen1 wi.1~ Med .... 11h the deman<ltd •n tlwl comoia1n1, wn.ch could result on gern11hment or w~s. lalung ol money Of' pro0t!f1y or olher relief requested 111 Ille comp181n1 Oaled July 22. 1982 Lee A Branen. Clerk N.8ncy Grant. O.OUly GEILER 6 MARllN 1401 Ooto• .... Ho. 200 Htwpott had!, CA l2elO (714) m-1111 Published Orange Cout Dally P1to1. Nov 5. t2. 19. 26. 1982 ~900-82 l'lB.IC NOTICE K-oM1S FICTITtoU• eU•IHEH NA.W STATIMIMT The IOllowtng Ptf'IOt\I ate doing buslnasas BASHFUL 8AOEL. 2340 Harbor Blvd . Cotla Mesa. C1htorn1a 92621 :5c<>;'n;~ C1t~~; of Ooanqe County on ----POOL--l-C_NO_T-IC_E __ _ Sylell Entttprl•••. inc •• 1 California corporation. 3420 W Fordh1m Streat, Senta Ana. C1111om1a 92704 F200019 1-----.,..----.,....,.~--~--~ Pu!>losrieo Ortingt> Coast Daily NOTICE OF TftUSTU'S SALE Loan No Th•s business 1s conducted by• c:oroor atJon Pilot Oct 2:? 29 No. S 12 l982 I 18100124--0/HUTCHINSON 4&lO 82 TS No 1-00386 Sytek Enlarpnta, Inc JarMS M Gennette. Presld.nt PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUl lNESS NAME STATEMENT The 1011owtng oerson •s do1n9 DtJsmess as A MARINE AGENCY LTD l888 Baysho1e Oflve Newpott Bo&cn Cahfo1n1a 92663 W1t11am H R1n keooacn a Colilorn1a corpof8toon 2525 ~an Blvd Corona 001 Mar Calllornta 9262!> l h•s t>us1ness is conoucteo by an tndlllldllal w H R1nt<en1>ach Thos stalement was filed with the County Clerk ol Orange County on 0CIObef 28 1982 F200691 Puolosheo Orangt> Coast Dally P110t Oct 29 Nov 5 12 19 1982 ~728-82 PUBLIC '40TICE NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATIONS IN CO,NNECTION WITH BRANCH ACQUISITIONS This 1s lo mtorm the public Iha( under Sec11on 563 22(bl ot lhe Rules and Regulations tor lnsurante of Accounts and Sc-clion 545 14(el ol the Rules and Rtgulattons for lhe Faclw•I Savings and Loan SystMI. Mercury Savings A FeduaJ Sav1no1 end Loan Asr.OClotton has hied to meintein branch OlllG•s and lor petmlsslon 10 lllCttlllSO ~ounll or an 1nsurao1e type Dy '88$0ll ol lhe 1cqu1s11ton ol b• anch ofllces of Great llmerrcan Feoeral Savtngs 81\d loan Assoclahon. San Drago Calltorn•a. 1oc1111ea at 288 F1t11 SUMI. I.OS AllOS Callfot1118 94022 and 99 El Camino Real. Menlo Park, Calrforn1a 94025 Anyone mty w111e 111 favor or protest ol the 1ppucat1on You• comments may dllJCUU but 11•• no1 lom1ted to. tilt apploc:ant s rec0t<1 ol OttfOfmance 1n helplt'IQ 10 meet lhe credtl needs 0 1 •ts loc•I communillet Four coptos must be 1ace1veo by "Supe1v1sory Agenl, rad••al Homa •Lo11n Bank of San fronc11co, 600 Calllorma StrHt Post Olltce BOA 7948, San Fr1nc1ScO, Cahlomoa 94120 by Noveml>tf 22 t082 An llCld1tiona1 20 days to submit comrnen11 may bl obla•ntO. orovtdeo tuct1 requtt1 fl ttca1ved In wtlllng by I h• Superv1tory Agonl by November '2. 1982 Ponoerosa Ftnencuil Corpotatoon as duly appointed T rustoe und« Iha lol1ow111g desc11bed deed of trust Will SEU AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO '.r-Mi ffiGHE'ST BIDDER FOR CASH IP•yable at """ of sate Ill faw!ul money ol lhl Unlled States) all 'ioh' l•tle and tntOfest conveyed This Slllamel\1 WIS hied Wiit\ tho Coun1y Clerlt ol Orange Count'r on Oct 28. 1982 F200791 Pubhahed 011110• Coast Detty PllOI NOii S 12, t9, 26. 11182 4901-82 to Ind now held by 11 under sald ---------------Oeeo ol Trull 111 the p1opetty l'lB.IC NOTICE Mre1n1l1er desert~ ---,-IC-TITl--IOU--1-.,_----.-.-- rRUSTOR BERNADINE A NEIL, ......... •T·n•NT HUTCH HUTCHINSON ,........ '" BENEFICIARY MISSION BAY The lollowlng poraon 11 doing MORTGAGE COMPANY bu11l:a,.R~O'S FRESH PASTA. 514~ Rea>rded o.o.mt1er 4, 1981 M Inst• No 7«6 rn Boot< 1'313. paoe W a.Ibo• Blvd , Newpoft 8-tl, 183 of Ollte•al Records 111 the offl(;e Cal•IOfl\la 92963 R IO Cou Merlo Ztn•ltl, 211682 ol the ecor<1er o '8"00 nly, Annamarie, Lagun• Nlg11tl, C•ll· Said deed ot !rust deacttbel Ille IOltowtng ~ lornle Lot 111 Tract No 4008. 1n Ille Thlt buslnnt Is COlldUctod by •n City 'of Costa Mcen. Counly ol lndlvidlllllMalto Zanetti Orange. State 01 ahl«n1a. u Ptt TNS llat•maru wu 1111<1 with the map tecorded '" bOok 141, page 18 10 24 1nc1us111a Mtscellaneout County CMr1' ol Orange Countv on Mapa. 111 the olltce ol IN! county Oclot>et 27. 1982 rec0tcter ot said C<XJl!ty YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1212/81 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE O F THE PROCEEOINGS AGAINST YOU. YOU S"IOULD CONTACT A LAWVER. 1768 Polcel,n, Coato MeH, C" 92826 • ,.... Publlstled Orenge CoH1 Dally P110I. Oct 29, Nov 5, 12, t9. 1982 4333-82 PUBllC NOTICE ll'IC~ ....... NAMEeTAn•NT The fot1ow1n9 peraon Is ooing 'Ntlntlt u · CtNQfiRElLA FIGURES, Tl~ Adema, Huntington Beach. C11tl0tnla 92648 Rlehard R 8ou1wt11. 71 t Pec:!llc Cout Migtlway, Hunllngton 8aacft. C•hl0<111t1 9?648 T hit butiMlt i• conducted by &11 lndllltdutl Richard R 8ol,i1-!I Thll tlal-1 WAI flied With the County Cllr'k of Otanoa County on Octoc.r 28, 1982. P20Glf7 Publl•h•d O!lnge CoH1 D•ll~ PHot. Oct 29. Nov 5. 12, HI. IH2 4334·112 "(II a street llddreu or common det11gna11on or property 11 shown •bova. no w11r11nty Is grven aa 10 llt comptet_, °' CO<•fC"'-1" The b1111flclary under aald Deed of Ttu11. by •Hson of • brHch 01 default 111 lhe ob4ogat10t11 ~ed lhtr•b~. heralorore txl!Gllted and dellver•d to Ille understgnad • wr111en Oec11raoon of C>Mtull "'1d Demand lor Sale, 1111d wr11te11 notlc;9 of breach ana of election to ~M '"• unoers1gn1a 10 ••II safd Ote>pet'ly to aa1t1fy aald 0~11on1. end tll••••ll•• Iha underelgned ----.. -_-IC_NO_T_IC_E __ _ cauMd aald nooc. ol bf..c:h end ol r-UIX. elecllon lo be recorded July 7. 11182 --lfllC--TIT-toU--.-__,_---.-,-- 11 lnllr. No. 112·234363 In Olloc:lal NAMS ITATIMINT Recotds In the o ffice ot th• Th• foftowlng pa11on 11 doing Recotdef 01 Otanga Oounly: bullnaea ••· Slld Sele will be mtda, but AIR\/INE COMPANY. 14252 wlthou1 covenant 01 werranty. CulYtt Oflve. Suite A·111. lf'Vlnt, OPfHI Of Implied. 1agardlng tltle Callfomle 02714 PotM•elon, Of encumt>ranc... to Aklf••SOllomura. 6152 Maple, o•y 1he 1ema1nlr\Q prlnclpel 111m or trvtne, Oelll«nl• 92715 Iha notfl(I} UWrod by Mid dffd ol Thia bu I I Ttutl, Wilh lntlr'HI u In UICI nola lnd!Yldull • '*' • oonduoted by 4111 ptovlded, lldvanc.e, If any, 11ndtf " Sonomura 1 ... ltrMt of llkt ()Md of Trull, Thie tlat-t -111eO with lht teal. "' ...... Ind ••oenMI of the Collflty C11t11 ot Ortnge COUl\fy °" f'"''" and of ll'le truttt cr .. tod by October 21 tHZ llld Deed of T 'Ult ' ,..,.. S eid ult wlll b• held on Publl•hld Of1noe COHt Diiiy tuud•y. t-lovembtr 30, 19$2. •I Pilot, Oct. 20, Nov. t . 12. It, tll2 2.00 p m •• the Chipman .Avenue r '703--H 1nt11nce to the Civic Ctnttr Ekllldlng, 300 £a1t Chapman A,,.. Orange, CA I Boule111rd. Newpotl BHcll, CA SlrMm, lnllne, Celitornla 92715 flc:lltloue buslneu n1m1 ol OLD Counly Clatk of Orange County on 4738-82 92083 Wen ho Lo, 33 Le Sierra OrlW, NEWPORT ENTERPRISES at 3410 Sept 22 1982 1------------Tlle 11011110111 bueln•n n•m• Arc:edla. CallfOfnla 91oot Old Newport eou1a11ard. Newpon • ,,..... PlB.JC NOTICE llal-1 lor 11141 ptfllllfalllp WM y.., Wen lo, 33 l.e 81er_ ra Dnve, ''-•~h C" 92""~ P bll h d 0 a ~ Coast D 11 1----------.,---llttd on Febr11aty 13, 1980 In 11141 ....,...,. . ......,. u 1 t r n 8 1 y FtCTrTtoU• ., ..... 0 Arc.Ola, Cliif«nla 91oot The llcttllous bu•lneu name Pilot. Oct. 22. 29, ov 5. 12, 1982 ......... sr•nMaNT C~11~:y :!m!~· AddreH 01 the Thi• bullntM le conducted by • ataltmtnl 101 the partn.,.thlp was 4629-82 Th• toii:;:'rno 7'areon 1, doing P-·~ Wllhd,.wlnn: Donald Scolt genttll ptrtnarahlp. Iliad on November JI!. 1981 In lhe -------------bust~•.,. -~· ... Denny T. Liao Counly or Oft!IQ•r-l'tlll.IC NOTICE ·--~lngton, 1330 Hampllllf• Circle, Thi•., •• _, WM lltacl with Ille F11ll Name llld AddlOH ol Iha ---..,,....~~--~----~~--THE WORD SHOP, 1601 Doll• N-porl Btedl, CA 02880. County Cltnl of Otange County on POflOll WlthdttWl.ng FtCTITIOU• .,..... StrMt, Suite 145, Ntwporl Buc:n. Ooneld s. Redington OctObar 211. 1982 ~ lcott """'91on ..... IT.TEMIENT CallfOflltti 92660 '11a12 ~ 1no~ Ctrde Thi lottowlng l>'tlOllS ••• dc>lng Lind• l Sparr, 40 Wtriltw•I« P11bll1hed• Orange CoHI Dally Publlal\td Otano• Cotti Dally ....,._,. 9Mcfl, CA... twtl1111a u: Dnve. Corona del M1r, C1lof0fnla Pllol, Oct. 29, Nov. 6, t2, t9,7~!4e2 Pllol. <?f.•· 29, Nov. 6, 12. 19. 1982 '·171M7 BON AP.PETIT. 2031 E Plelofoc: 92625 4 .,,.. 2 · -4702·82 Published Otano• Coaet Dilly CoHt Highway. Corona del Mat. Thia buSlriess 11 conducted by en ----.. ---IC--NO-T_ICE ____ Piiot, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, 1982 CallfOfnla 92625. ind1vlduaLI lnde L Spetr P\JBUC NOTICE £~ 4904-82 Sally's Inc . 11 Ca lllornl• Th,. atatement wu flied with ll>e ---------------------------------cOl'porallOll, 1851 Port WeslbOume, •• FICTITIOUI IU.,..H PICTI'T10UI .,..... Ml.IC NOTICE Newpor1 Btec:h. CtlllOfnla 92660 County Ci.t1t of Orenge County on ..... •TAnMINT ..... ITA-ru.NT Th/9 bu-IS conducted by. Oct 13, 1982. <. Tiit lollOWWlg PlllOlll are doing Thi lollowfng parllOf\a ere dOIOQ FICTITIOUS ..,..... COfpotatlOll , ... buslnffS u . bullnlll u ; NA• STATl•NT Sally's Inc s c HNI T z E R . s A u l T & TM E RE,., 0 v AT 0 Rs. 3 10 The IOllowrng Plr'IOlll .,. doing Arth11r s. Arcnib•ld. Publi•ll•<I Orano• Cou t Oally Piiot, Ocl 1!1. 22. 29. Nov. '5. 1982 KINKER, ~354 1 Blnnaclt Drive. Victoria A·201, Colle MtH. GA <Ousinar H : • Vice Presldttll L-ouna Nlguel. Callfoml• 92677 92827. f H E F RA M E W R I G H T Thlt ttalemenl wH fltecl with lhe ------------ Robert F. Schnll.re1. 33~ I Matk Charles Stevoneon, 2093 GALLERY 8740 Warn11 Avenue County Clarll or Oflngo Counly on l'tlll.IC NOTICE 4537.112 B1nn1cle Drlv•. Laguna Nlg'lfal, Maple Ave • Coate Mfta. CA 92627 Fountain V•ltey c.JifOfnla 92708 ' Novembtf 2. 1982 ---------------CaltlOl'n!e 92677 K.rlly Ann Kephart . 310 Phlltlp M Lorge 8740 Warnar ,201147 flCTlflOUS..,..._H Raymond -M Sa11lt, 2783 Victoria A·20l, Co1ra IAtll, CA Avenue. Fou~ttin Valley. Ctllf0tnla P11bll1hed Orange COHI Dally NAME ITATl•NT Glorie tta Circle. Santa Clara, 92627 9270a-~ Pilol, Nov 5, 12, t9. 26. l982 T11a 10110..,.ng peraon 11 doing CahlOfnla 95051 Thi• bu.,_ 1• conducted by 1 Brian M Lato• 8740 Warnw 4823-82 butl111$1 u · Oak:b:.!. ~':~in 1~~~5c!:"or'i: general ':Z7s't!.neon :;;;;~· Fountain Valley, California REP~i~.~ ~11~: k~ E• 1~ ~~ 95037 Thi• 1111-1 wu hied w11n the Tlllt business 11 CondUClld by • l'tlll.IC NOTICE MllN. CA 92627. Tl\11 bUllnen 11 conducted by en County Cllr'k of Or1119t County on genital partnerShlp ---,-IC~T"'IT~K>U,..-s,......,,eu..,..,..,IM~=.~.--D•v•d A. B111, 364 Avocado unincorporated auocl1tlon Olhtr Oct. 13, 1982. Brian M. Urge ~ ITATl•NT St , Cotta Mesa. CA 92627. than • P•rtnarSltip '11157J This tl•temenl WM lilacl witb 1111 Tilt tl)llowlng plr'llOf\I ere d0ong Thie ~ " conduc1ed by an Aot>art F Schnlttlr' Publlsh•d Oreno• Cout Delly County Ctar1t 01 Orange Counry on bustnaas ts illdlll!dllel Tnla staternenl -· liled w.lh the Pllol, Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov 6. 1982 Novambtf 2 1982 ALA/KART ORIGINALS. 319 0.vid Bass County Cieri( Of Oflnge County on 4516-82 ' f201144 V11t1 Beyl. Cotta Mesa. CA 92617 This tlat-1 WM lllad with Iha Novtm• 2. 1982 1----.. -.. -.,.-NO-T-ICC-----1 Publlsh•d 01tno• COHI Dally Ann S. SantH. 2100 Vlsla County Cllr'k of Otange County on FI011t1 r-wa.1\1 PU I N 6 12 19 ~ 1982 l.erlldo. Newpor1 BMch, CA 02660. Ocl 13, 1082. Publlahed Ore no• Coa11 Dally 1---.,-IC-T_IT_IO_•_Ul _________ U___ 0 ' ov. · • ' • 490M2 ,Ankle• Jovanovic, 310 Viste 111-7. Pilot, Nov 5, f2, 10, 28, 1982 NAm tTA~ -------------Baya. Coela Mete, CA 921127 Publlltltd Ora~t Cotlt Dally 478t-82 The lollowW'O S*80"' ate dOtnQ l'UBUC NOllCE Thia bu"'-1e con<1uc1ad by• PllOt, Oct 15, 22. , Nov. 5. 1982 l"lalC !!b\IC( ~Q ~l-KN IC KO C AR PSE T --fllC-..._~TITl=IO---~~A-=:r~=~ .. ~-general ~tu NI.JC 11()11C( 4"9M2 CW-•'9 CLEANING. 11Ht othard I., n..... e~ .-..... TNI ,1:f"..:n~ wtth IMJ--..,,,.~~~~~==:---Hunllngton Bw:ti. CA 92M7 ',,. -~·.., si-aone "' --.., AC"'10UI we• "-.... ,..._.1 ~d A. Enafit •l7 Surl..,_ bullnau u . Coull(}' Clen( ol Orange County Oii ..... tTATIMUff NOTICa cw TMlflW••• IAU Cl -8-:il. CA 12'83 CAA CLINIC. 10M Plecanll• Oct. 21. 1ta2. I ' d I T.a ..... 'ctal \ " ji;°K'nicl!erbodcll Jr 2349 Av•n1ia, ltldg. "B". Cott• Meu. '2llO:l:aT The lollow ng pareon • o n.o YOU ARE IN OEFAUl.T uHoER A 8ul Colle ..._ CA 02'21 Calll«lll• 02627 Publllhtd Orano• Coul Delly bual~~~ESSIVE INK PRINT'INO. 0£.EO OF TRUST. DATR> M~ACH . ~· ... c:Onciucia<1 by. $Qgliolll Owcar. 530 w Wiiton Piiot, Oct. 22, io. NOY 5. 12. 1911_2 10542 Westm inster AY• •29. I . t971 UNLESS YdU T~KE 1 ~ • •'45, Coat• Mesa, Catll«nla 92927 "6M 82 "-o.n Or-CA 92643 ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Olfllr'tl '=-'*:'t Enolt Ot l•o Horacio 7592 Amuo ----.. ----..,.,-TIC(------J--~ Langford. 105-42 PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A Thie lteternent wu f!Md Wllh the D<tve •3 . Hunrlngton Buch, ..--IC nu Wellmlntlet Ave , •29, Gatden PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AH ,..,. County CaUtomla 02647 ElCPLANATION OF THE t.iATURE ~. 1~6~20f .,,enge on Thi• busltlas I• conducted by & FICTITIOUI ....... Grove, CA 92643 OF THE PROCEEOINO AGAINST ....... . • . '1971'1 general parlnetthip .... tTA~ Thi• bullMSS IS conducted by an YOU. YOU SHOULD CONT /\CT /\ p bit h d O"';t' CoHt Otflt Oscar Scegllolll Th• lollowlng pareon 11 doing 1n<1Mdual. LAWVER -u 0c' e 2" No 5 t982-Thi• ,,.,_, was flied With lhe bullneea ae; Jim lal'lgfor-d On November 2$, 1982 el 8;15 PllOt, I. 15· '· ' v. 4;,,.,,S-82 Coulll'r Clerk ot Orange County M SCHOOLHOUSE FOR THE This lllltmtnl wu fllod With 11141 AM .. OSL S£AVICE COM~Al'IY. u "" November 2 1982 NE'EOlE, 3400 lrvllle Avenue. No. Coullty Clark Of Orange County on duly appointed TNll• under end "8JC NOTICE · '201143 119, Newport 8HC:ll, Calllornle Sept 27, 1982 ,. 1 .. '° llU<IUlnl to ONO of Tr111t r.c:oro.ci Pubhalltd Orange CoHI Dally 9He0 . Publl•h•d Orange Coul Delly MAR 17, 1978, Intl No. 222t0, In '1CTTTIOUI .,_.. Pllol. Nov 5, 12, UI, 28, 1982 Bunny CrOMOll, 212 Saopfllra PllOt. Oct 22. 29, Nov 5, t2, t982 b001t 12900, pege 1960, Of Oftlclal ...._ ITATSMINT •&13-82 A-. mtll P.O. Bo• 2211, 8*bot Recofd• In the olllce ot the COUnty Tho following peraon I• doing ltlend, Celif«nlt 928412 485542 Aoc:order ol Oranga COUnty, Stet• bullneea u : l'tlll.lt NOTICE Tiiie bu.._. II condueltd by en of CalllOfnlt, eac:uted by Pllrille o 1 V E R S I F I E o D EN ,. A L lndlllldutl Ml.IC NOTICE D TerM, a alnglt woman end SCott DESIGNS. 131 Town & Co11ntry. lfllCTITIOUI ....... Bunny Croeaon FICTtTIOUI .,.._ •• 0 Mottetlw •• llngle man. Omlttl Orange. California 92_868. ..... •TATlmtfT Tilll 8\etemtnl -flltd with Iha ..,.. TetH and Vlolat Marie Tata•, .. .,old Hern1t1. 2102 North Trta loflowlno penon Is Oolng County Ci.ti! of Orenge County on T f tTATl19JfT hulbend and wife • trutl«, WILL AldoNood. s.nta Ana. Celllomta butir'9la 11: October u . 1982 bl.i.;::..o::.~1110 person I• dOlnQ SELL. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO TNebullnelaleconCIUC1edb)'1111 MASTER SERVICE' & SALES ~ AMEl'llCAN NUTRITION HIGHEST 81DOER FOR CASH lndlvlOutl. OF COSTA MESA, 2578 N_,,ort PubllalltcfOrano• CoHI O•ll'r GUllD. 908 LombarO. Colt• ....... (p•y•blt .. time of ..,. In lawful HarOld Nemetz Blvd . •B, Coete Mele, CA 9262e. Ptlol. Oct. 20. NOii 5, 12. It. 19'2 Ctllfoml• 92626 money ol ttla United Sttt•I at tt1a Thia 1111-1 w .. flled With thl Giovanni Podlctnt. 12 Sea Bifd. <1705-82 "'llllam D. Shaare, 908 front entrance 10 the old Orange County Clark of Orange County on Newpor1 Beach, CA 92083 l.Oft1b•rd. Coita M•M. Ctlllornle Coun1y CourthouH, tocerad on Oct. 13, 1982. Thie b<dlnes 19 conducted by 1111 Ml.JC NOTICE 02626 Stnll Ana Blvd , b etween l'tlll11 lnOMdllal Tftle ~ii cond\lc:ted by.,, S~ St. end Bfoadwty, Santt Publl1hld Orange CoHI Oa!ly John Podldnl lfltCTTTIOUS 90-11 lndlvlckltl AN. Ctllf ... right, Ulla and lntera91 Pltol. Oct 15, 22. 20. ~ 5. 1982 Thlt Itel-I w .. fMed Wiii\ iha ...-.. ITA~ Wtlhern D ~. conveyed 10 and now held by II 4536-82 County Cllr'k Of Orange County on The l~ng '*''°"' are ooino TNa ,,,,_, WM flied with Iha under .. Id OMd of Tr1111 In 1111 Oct 13 t082 bUllfMA H Cou Cltnl Or r-~ property 11tu111d 111 M id County Ml.IC NOTICE · ' · • II'~ LORI 'S LIO.UORS . 2200 11'>' 01 1n01 ...,....iv on and Slat• delctfbed M: '1CTTTIOUI tu ... ,, P11bllahed Orange Cout Dally Newport Blvd .. Coit• Meaa. CA Ool. 25. 1982 ,__ Lot 334 ol TrllCI 1712, 1n 1111 N ... ITATSMINT Pllol, Ocl 15, 22. 29, NOY 5, 1982 92627 P11bll1hod Orano• co .. 1 Dally City of Co111 MtH, County ot TIMI followlng PlllOll 11 doing 450242 Dudley B. Rleh. 1867 er, ~ Oct 20 Nov 5 12 19 1M2 ~anr~= 1~ ~~~': bu91neea ae: Ml.JC NOTtc( Wayi..~ ~· ~19~ ' . • • t742-t2 to 38 lnclustv•. Ml•c•ll•n•ou• CAL.-00~ PAINTING 81w,,2 ,ICTITIOUI ....... Way, Newport Beectl. CA 82660 ·-ti' WIT1C( M•o•. "' the omo. 01 the county ~~P~•9~9 unllngton H e • ,.._ •TATaMINT Thi• bu•lnass 11 c:ondocttd by ruuu.. "" _ recofo.t of Ml<I county, :.,.,, J . Colina, 1ea12 Plltl4pt Th• followtno porton •• doing H1isbend ~~·e. Rich FK:Tl110U8 .u-u EXCEPT TMEAEFAOM all Oii, M I "··~II C Ill I t>uslllesa u · _, NAMI ITAft•NT g a 1 . m 1 n er • t 1 • n d o t 11 • r Lane, 11n1 ngton ....,.. • • 0tn • B .. L B·o .. L .. N 0 ••• R I< s TN• 1111flmellt wu flied With 11141 928'11 "' .. " .., " c--ry C'--k t "·•""""Count" on The following peraon 11 doing h)'drocatbona, below a depth Of 500 PRESS, t542 VrVlan Ln •• Ntw9<Jrt _,, ,... o ...,, .. ,,_ ' bull,_."· fM1, wtlhoul 11141 right ol eurtece 1ncI.:U~ le conducted by an 8tlch. CA 92660 Oct 20, 982 f~ P.F INSUAANCE MAAl<ETINO. entry, Mr~ In 11\ettvmenl• of Brent J Collir\I ~th E. Hynds. 15'12 Vivtwl l.11 . Publolhtd 01anga Co111 Oally 801 N. Perk Center Ori,,., Ho 210, teeofd. lll• .. .,_, -hied wtlll Iha Newp(lft Beedl. CA 92-MO Pilot Oct 22 20 Nov 5 12 Itta Santa Ana. CalifQmla 12705 The 1tre11 eddreu end other County Cllr'1I Of Otango County on Tht1 t>utonen It conducltod by en • • • • 4911_82 Peur F\Kller Frucrtborn, 4733 common Cltlignfltlon, II arty, ol ,,,. Oc obit 1 IN2 Individual COfUano Drive, COf'ona dal Mer. rH I t)rO~)'"'d .. Crlbtd abOYt ,, t • ' ,,.,. Rull\ E. Hynd• Ml.IC NOllC£ Cafilorn-. 12625 pur":i'o'1r':c:'si .. Coata Mela. CA Pubflthed Orange CoHt Dally Th11 •••1.,,.111 wa1 flied wtth 11141 Thi• bul!MM 11 conducted by en 92828 Pilot, Oct. 29, NOY. 5, 12, 111, 1982 County Cllr'll of Orengo County on PtCfJTIOU8 eutMH lndlvldvtl •7e142 Oct 20. 19112. NAMa tfAft•NT Ptul FNCl'tbom The llllOtrelgned Ttu•I•• lfl20I011 Thi fotlowlng Par'-•.,.. doing Thie •lat-• w .. llltd With Iha OllCllalma 1ny lltblllty for any Publl•htd Orange Co•ll Dally buall!IM 11• County Clark of Orange County on lnc:om1ct-of Ille •lraet ~ Ml.IC llOTIC£ Piiot. Oc1 22. 2t. Nov 5, 12, 1082 UNIOUE GIFT OISTRl8tJTOAS. Oclobllf 25, t982 •nd othlr' common dellgnatlon, If '9Cnnout WU 4t06-82 27236 Nogel. Minion VleJo. ,_ "1·.~1:-':lf1 be mtdt, but ..,._ tTATDmNT l"lalC NOTIC( Ctlll0tnll 112992 Publlahed Of•nQt Cou1 Dally wllllour covenant or werral\ty, .... .!..h..!....'.Ollowlng par1011 la doing P1111 Aa)nlk•nt R11Ual, 2733& ltllot, Oc1. n , NOY. 5, t2, •:~2 ••Pl ... 0r-Implied, regarding tfllt, ~-T-H" :'!eWRENC" CO 2104 w f!ICTITIOUe .,..... Nagel, Ml111on Viejo, C•lllornla • • PotMHIOll, or t<ICumbranc.e. to " ...,. " • . NA• ITA,....NT 92492. ----.. ---------pay Iha 1'9melnlng ~"'"'of OCHn Front, NIWl)Otl Buell, Thi lollowlng pertona -doing Thi• bldlnt&S IS CIOl1d\lctad by 1111 ..--.IC llOllC( t1141 ll01e(•I MQUrod by MIO OMO of ICtitHOrnia. bullneu u. llldlVldual lfllCTlnOUe ._ .. Trull. with lntareet thereon, H Richard LH Lawrence, bO& CHIAPPE'S. t021 El Camino R R P•lel NAm HA~ provtded In Mid nol.C•). ~. 2ttll S1re11. Newporr 81ac11, Orw., Cotta MIN. CA 9HM. Thlt •t••-• wu filtd With the Th• follow&no perton 11 dolnt 11 any 1111C1tr the ler'mt of Mid ONO Clllforrlla 11*3 CHU L H. SOHN, I MHlow, Co\lflty C!tr11 of Ortnge COUll!y Oii ~ ol T;11.1 ...... ollartH Al\d ~bullnela .. c:ondVCled by.,, IMne, CA 92714. No.-bar 2. 1H2 REs"l!u"CE• INTUfHA· •llP"'-M' of the Truet• Md of tfle .. l L JtH J. SOHN,. Mallow, lrvil\e, ,.,117 TIONAL. 21&12 Polyl\Hllft Lii trull• CrHltd by Hid DMd or "· . -enc. CA t27t4. 'ubll•htd Or•f!O• COHI Deity ~ a.ectl. CA.... •• Trull. Thi• •••• _, ... flied .. ,h 11141 Ttllt tNtln ... II Clonducltd by an PllOI. Nov .•• 12. 19. 2e, 1eea Cllrl•lina LOlll9e Wlilltll, , • .., T,,. lottl trl'IOUl\I Of 111. llllPeld County Clar1t of Ofll1g0 Counly Oft llldflllOUll • 4901-82 p~ LI\., Hunttnoton ..... .,...,_ ot Ult ~llOI\ ~ Oc1obtt 25, 1182. Jiii J, SoM CA 0"41 l>Y 1111 property to M eofd lfld ....... O Tiiie ttltfn*ll wtit lated wlltl ~ NI.JC M)TIC( TNa ._._ .. ~ by "' r .. eo111bl1 •ttWllll•ct coet•, Publlehad Orange Co11t atty Cou'lt)' Cletk of Or1119e Collflty Oft ~ tllOeftMe 11\d ~ llt tM lllM "'°'• Oct. ft, Nov. 'I, ta, It, lltl Octol>tr 14, 1112 - -I ~ Wlllw 01 Ille ll\ltlal j>Vli>lloetlOI\ of IM ... l-82 ·-tltCTITIOUe ....... Thie ltllle!Mnl -lllld ...... ~lo. ot .... 1t Ma,01i.n . wtllCtl P11bU1heCI Orafl91 COHI Ollty ..... ITATltllNT County Clorlt of°' ... ~ 4lft I• Comf)OteCI of Ille follewtng: PlalC NOTIC( Piiot. Oct. "· Holl '· 12, "· 1112 '"' IOllOwlflo pertoftl e<• dolnt Oct ., 1112 flrinclpal IH~!IU<4 _ n~ bulflltM .,. • · · ""81 11\tw.et II 2M 12 N,,,..,.,...,...81 -.,._IC ;n-JIC( -• 0 UK I TIM IE A Ill 0 0, P1illfflhed OttllQI Coalt D9lw Anyone sending a aubtta,,1111 pro1e11 m1y requetl an o rtl .,gument on Ille llPpl!Ql1on as M1 1or111 In Section 543 2111 or lhl Rules 1nd ~•oulatlon1 lor Iha F•d.,•I Stv\ngS •nd Loan SY11t•m For • l)rota•I to bt con1tdared 1vb1tanllal, It mull be w11111n, r9'tlved on lime. and contain 11 ..... I lht tollow1119 1) • summ11ry ot tM 'tt.tOOI for 11141 protest, tt. IM ipfclflC 11\flltll Ob~lld IC) lh"Uit applk:•llo,, Ot In 1110 •Pt>llcent • COfllf!IU(llly MtvlCt reco. o. ~) IKll '1l<JUdlttg atty rtlt'VMI 9COl\Otl\IC or Wflc:lel lnlorm•tlOll. whlCll ~t ~ protHI. •lld •) •M adve111 ~tote on your oro1111lut1on or """''1111nr1y wlllell\ m1y tH\111 from WtOllll of Iha apploc:atlOll Al Ill• llme ol l h• •11111•1 oubllCatlOn of 11111 nollc•, Ille total ~I ot Iha~ bfllance Of lht OOllO•llon ffCllltd t>y ,,,. lbovt oucr lt>eo cretd or 1111e1 end Hllmeted 40ett, t•f)tn .. t . •nd ea.ti 11,472 81 ..._ lfA~ ..--. "" 81'111UCTUllU. 214' 0ow Aveawe, PtllM Oct t5 22 It. Nov I ..... Tiie bentftclery under MIO OMO 1"9 ......... per'ION •t clolllo 1'111ttt1, Ctllfomll IHIO ' ' ' ' ' ' PICnnDUI .,111111 of Truat '*-'°'°'9 ....... ~ ...,._ •. '9CTUIDUI ...... Ptc:lk •COHI Timber. Inc .. a ....... ._ ITA~ d 11 ed t ,..... ...... ..... .._.. Gl.INH't TAa<LI IHQP, IOtl ...... tTA~ Cellf0tllil ccwpotetlOn, 21'4 I Oow a ...;..;...,. loM ... • The tonowtno "''°" It OOlnt .:.;: o.ci:,.d;, w;~-.,.: 1 Her•or llvct • Ooe11 M•H. Tiit tonowtnt "''°" I• dolftl •-· TYlltll. Celltornll tlMIO ... -'•lluw+ .,., , . 'r Oii rnay looll at Ille 11904!081 Ion end all coMmtnl• filed al the f4'1Hrtl ~~ l Ofln lk•nlr. of Sen l'renc:11co, un11u •nr 1uc l\ lflallr'llll ere ea~t !))' IH trom OU!lliO dUlc:.toeurt If Y°" h.w ..,y q11ullon• c;oncttrtlng 111111 p1oceoura1, oentte-t 1111 JtllPlr~ Aflnl at 1"9 Fedefll ~ LOen 911* cM Sen ,t~O ftubllefted Or•l\fl CoH I 0•11y flllilol, Nov I 11 '"' 4IU·n tdllllrle* le '"·''4 39 1'ht °'*""° Did mt)' bl ObllllllCI by c:a111119 11 f 41 en .otM 1111 0ay blfOf• tM .... Diil• OctOber 27, 1112 f D. KAVICl COMPANY • M M11ct Truot .. , By Kettlleen M. 'ltrlclc, ....... .,,, .., .. Ir) an. City ""° w.ea. OrlltlOl.CAtHM Ttl C'1141--- P11b11"*' Or1t1111 COMt O•lly PllOt Nov II, 12, It. 1112 olMO-ta f llutllltM • o.m1"0 to1 s1i., 11\0 a tttltt9" ~ tMll "'*"'-•· TM .,..._ 11 coftdllcMCI ly • n • w bu 1&1' e I 1 ea HAl~.~~·H::: ~~= Nf!IM of o.1 ................ lo " ~o~i.°Ci,'1~1.,::: IJNL~f~&.0::·~ .. ~0c~~ corpor••irldllc COllt u1ln1 • ,,, ....... MIA. CaMomlll HIM .... Tl\9 undllf.::r:: ....... ..;: ' Coel• Miii CA.... ,......., 11\G I .... NorHnA 111\dera,HOlt =io::.c:....~:::.: ~·~ 1 .. 1 ..... Nut1'Je1nO~ll\l\,IOI Tllle...-.11111111eO*""'llel' ....... • .... =--llo .. n, Lal!• 'or•••. C1Hf0tnl1 .,.... ... ,... ""'*" 11 ......., ,,, .... Co111 ....a. Cal1tornl1 Lollllllrd 0.,,,. Colt• MIM. CA Qowftty Qerta ot Or ... County.. :.a: ' I I ftNO 0...~11,tttl ..... ..... Novl,ttll iD' TNI .,....,_It --.:tld ~Ill Dll MIMCI COMflAHY TNe ...._.II., ...... _, Ill TM ...... II ....... _,, lft .... A-.lll .. AA•' . 1 _..... ......,..,. a -..._ •• 11»• ......... Publl"*I OfMte C0Mt ~ ~ . ~ • ·~· ._..A...,,.. aaoo ~......, ....,. Olr9lf....,. ...... .-.. ~ ,_.,...., 1. 11 • ..-. 11. ,.. LleAL .• ""' et11em9nl wa. #114"11 wttrt Colle-...._ CA... TNe ....,_ ...... _... Tiiie Ua1•:•ie w ... _.IM ~ ,., ..... llllii ... • .. \. ::.=:~:.°' ... ~ t1~~ g:,cr,-.:,~,o.ier .. 8:"1.~~~°:::1 c.11141-1111. lnfenl11 n. ~ S: ,_ TPUllOll-. -........ _.~:w''( _., fw ) · .-•• '\ flubll-... 0rlfl9I ~. = """"'*' Or-.. ~ ~ ....... .,._ ~ !;,9 ,.... • ....._ I r-on 1 ..,., ...... Oat II . ...., "I, ti,~· ,._ ""' I 11. 1•, 1• ...... ,_,oat .... -.. ti,~ ...... Oii 11. II, • -.. ...-..... ..... ... .. r. lllllJNlt HllOAV, NOV 5, 198~ ClASSlfllD cs Computer age hit~. drag racing o I By HOWARD L.0JIANOY Of the DMty ...... I.left , Do n Prudho mme look s tit tht• Manufa c tur e r 's Funn y Cur Championship rare at Orange County lnternataonal Ra(·c•way as a t:ham:t• to end the year with somt' exc1ll'ml'nl. This Yl'Ur will be no d1ffc•n•nt than any othc•r ror the Granada I lilts res1dt·nt who holds the elapsed lime track rt-t:ord at OClR of ~.76 ~'Onds. "Wl' have some new parts and pll'n.•s on our car that we want to •try out, .. Prudhomme said earlier this week. ••We'vt• put a t'omputcr on thl• l"ar and hop<' to find o ut more about the functioning of the engine. thl• l'Xhausl nwn1ruld, thl' l'ngim· 011u other purl'>. "ThcS4..' t•ngi1ws µul out ll() mut·h µow1·r that nont' of us knows for :ture what tht•y ure domg "Wl• arc quite plcasvd with thl· computer although It Is very involved and thl·n • al'l' wires everywhere. "1 just hopt.• we arc smart enough to read the computer after a run. Thl'Sl' things an.' only as smart as the guys opt.•rating tht•m. But lo me it' is Vl'r't cx<:iling and I am looking f01:ward to it. · You'll S<.'C them on all the t•ars before Imig. "It 1s really a soph1st1C'alc<l affair and you'll have to have them w <.'Om'pcte.~· look place ul thl• Natwnul llo l Hod As.'>lit'll.lllun I mats in Octulx·r I lat> Pepsi ChuNt.ongl'r Ponl1at· ww. lht• f 1 1• i. t f u n n y c a r t o r ,. u t.' h 250-milt•i;-pt.•r-hou.r. lie as u 1wo-111m• N 11 HA winrwr and 1s ont• of lht• top nunwi; 111 drag racing. PrudhommC' lo o k :. ul th(' M u nuruc lurcr 's ruC'<' a:; a r1tt1ng t'<mdusaon to any season. "l,t's tht.• end of llw yt-ur· and lht.• t•xt·1h•mcnl is there. It's Ilk<.• winning tht• ln:-:t football gamt• of tht' yt!ur nncl I fe<:l It is important to C'nd tho yt.•u r on a su<:tt•s.-.ful note. "IX'Sldt•s, aU the.guys arc• thl•rc und H's a real nk~ one to win without a lot or pn.'SSure other than winning C<ll'h heat you enter. Whitt· Prudhmnnll' prc>dl<'lb t 1 v11·1~11·y 1111 his tl'u111 , otlwri. will b<• tht•rl• to d1:-.pUtl' Ill!, duim. Billy M1•y1•r or Wac:u. Tex holds the tru1•k HfX't'<I rt'l'Ord of 25 I .:J9-mph, whalt• t hrt'l' ltnH' Winston world t·hampwn Ruyrnoncl &•adk• of Dallas along with rormt.•r U.S. nuuunal champion Tom Mt'l•;Wl•ll or l"ounuun Valley, Will also be on huntl. A fwlu of 24 pro funny cars will ~JC 4uulifit•d for Saturday's first round bt•g111nirai at 7. Thl' eliminations will be prl'n•dt.•d by a parade and fireworks display starting al 6. Gates open al noon with pro qualifying running until 6. "Whe n a t'ar 1s running down thl' course in six seconds, there isn't a lot of time to t'heck things o ut. With a _ computer, we will have heat sensors on Prudh o mmc• ha s won the ' Manufacturer's rat'C' four times in the past and his r<.'l'Ord run of 5.76 S<.-'('Onds "I'll tell you one thlng, I am goinB to win on Saturday night." In adu1uun lo the funny CDrs, there will also bt• alcohol funny cars, t'<:ono funny t·ars, jets, rockets, wheclst.andcrs and thl' firC'works show. Don Prudhomme Woodbridge High's Kevin Burke is in a crowd .. UCI cashing • ID on In terms of sheer notoriety, Coach Bill Mulligan's efforts with the UC Irvine basketball program are unquesuoned What was once considered a less than flourishing program is now looked upon with bona fide respect and dignity. Indeed. the Ant.eaters have come of age. But UCI's image isn't the onl y impression Mulligan has made. He's put a few dollars in lhe university's pocket, lOO. In fact, just h ow muc h reve nue Mulligan and his teams have generated is somewhat staggering compared to previous UCI accounts. First, however, before any figures arc presented. guidelines need to be drawn and UCI policy clarified. It must be under stood that l'ach university d1Hcrs in the criteria 11 uses to formulate a budget. Some campuses arc all Inclusive. while others omit certain categories or place them elsewhere. In UCI's case, Sl('hool officials 00 NOT include the following: coaches salaries, telephone expenses or scholarships. So, with that in mind, and taking into consideration things like inflation and guessll.mates an some areas, the following ball park figures are presented. Back in the early 1970's, when UCI UC IRVINE JOHN SEVANO was a Division II entry, the Anteaters had a budget in the $18.000-$22.000 range. In return. they brought home approximately $20,000. In 1977, UCI's fi rst season in Division I. the Anteaters were budgeted for som ew h e r e in th e vi c inity of $28.000-$30.000 with a return o f somewhe re near the same amount. Now, the whopper During the just completed 1981-82 campaign . after only two years with Mulhgan al the reins, UCl's budget was in the neighborhood of $72,000. That's riJ{ht, $72,000, and that doesn't include any expenses lncurred because of UCT's two post-season a ppearances in the NIT. Remember, that figure represents operating costs only, the bulk of wh1c;h is used for traveling. Given t h e curre nt air rare rates. Inflation a nd the amount of time the Anteaters spent on the road last season. a but he and t he Warr iors escaped., 21-20. See ,C4. Mulligan regime rough but reasonably solid cslirnaw for travel expenditures wouJd Ix• $30,000. Heck, UCl's ENTIRE budget just four years t>arlier was $30,000. Anyway. the r <>maining d o llars would be d1vv1ed among recruiting, scoliting, equipment, films. game arrangem<'nts and guarantee.•!;, which Is lhc amount given to non-conference visiting teams And. believe it or not, relative to those items, UCI not only broke even. but even made a profit last year. Sinc•e such numbers are t'Onf1dcntia l. UCl officials refused lD dJvulge a figure as lD how much il gained. Best estimates. though. havt' the st·ho o l n e tting a total pa c kage somewhere between $85.000-$97.000, whic h equates to a profit in the $13,000-$25,000 range. Of course. if hidde n costs. coaches salaries, scholarships a nd Wl<>phone cxpt'ndlturcs are taken inlD a<.•count. UCI, as would almost all schools, would finish in the red. ' IC nothing ebe, lhough, UCI's numbers show lhe dramatic leaps and bounds the school has made under Mulligan. No longer can lh.e campus be considered a dormat and, granted, lhe Ant.eaters still have a lo ng way to go as far as competing with basketball factories like Kentucky, Indiana and UCLA (you can formulate your own guess as to what lheir budgets might be). But still, UCI has quickly become a' D1v1sion I force. And, to the credit of st·hool off1c1als, lhey have u pgraded the ir fananct'S to go along with the program *** An tnl<'r<>Sling sidenote to budget costs 1s tht• "guarantee" expenditures. By way of example, UCLA paid all it.9 , visiting teams a reported $10,000 last year to come play lhe Bruins at Pauley Pavilion. Frt'sno St.ate oCCered Kentucky:Notre Dame und UCLA $20,000 eac.'h if they would play lhe Bulldogs on their S<>lland Art•na hotn{' court. All three invitations Wt'rt' extended last year and each school rt' fused. Those samples, h owever . are the l'Xt't.'ptions, not the norm. Most PC.AA S<.'hools pay an average of $2,500 to a visiting non -confe rence opponent with thl' IC'sst•r schools receiving $1 ,000-$2,000 whllt' the bigger names command '$2.500-$4,000. . Umi<'r such a basis. UCJ probably paid out tti. biggest guarantee last year lo Nt•vada-Los Vegas and 1t.s smallest lo either Boise State or Drury College. Owners up ante at talks NEW YORK (AP) -Jack Donlan -rang the dinne r bell. "Come ·and get it!" he hollered. F.<i Garvey checked the menu and said, "No thanks; I'm not that hungry yel." On the 45th day o f the National Football League strike, Donlan, the owner s' chief negotiator. waved a $60-million carrot i n .front of the 1,500 striking players, an attempt 10 induce them to fl pprove a collective bargaining agreement immediately. The players across the country will never get a first-hand look at the carrot. Garvey,'°the union's executive director; waved. il aside with disdain. "We have no i nterest in this proposal whatsoever," he said. , But Jim Kensil, president ol the New Y ork Jets and a member of the owners' executive committee, warned the union lD think twice before saying no. "I guess you could call this an effort to save the season," he said. "I don't know or any (other) offer wr're prepared to make." Except for the timing. the offer wasn't much differe nt from management's Sept 8 "career adjustment bonus" -the one lbe union called a bribe. "You would think that seven weeks into a strike they would learn what we're striking for," said Joseph A. Yablonski, the union's chief counsel. What they are striking for is more money. "I hope the people in the NFL don't get the idea. lhat putting a certain amount of money on the table will solve a ll of our problems," said union president Gene Upshaw. ''When we started this process we started it in an atmosphere of fairness, one in which Wf were out to gain our dignity. We're still on ffiat course." ''As a practical matter there is no difference between this offer and the las t one.'' added Yablonski. "Nobody thought it.- would be as inadequate as this." The mo ney on the table, beyond lhe yet-to-be-determined salaries for this fractured leUOrl and the owners' $1.31-billion· package for 1983-86, is worth $60 million. For any vested player -one on the roster three gamea or more inlD his fourth season - the payoff for approving a collective bargaining agreement is $60,000. For rookies It's $10,- 000; second-year players $20,000; third-year vets $30,000. · What the Sept. 8 proposal offered was $10,000 for each year of service, up to $60,000. E x -Tar Heels. give LBkers a tremendous boost 1 C) By CURT SEEDEN Ot'tllehllr.......... • lNGt!WdOO -Thanks to back.ito-~k games with the Denver Nuggets, the Loa Angeles ,l.akera have two victories on this yoong eeuon, but just about everyone Involved asrees: There's aUU a long roed ahead ln their quest for a lleCOnd 1t.rai«ht NBA championship. Looklna more tenaciou. on defense . and criaper on offenae Thunday night. the Lakera eaally dl1po1ed of the Nugeta 131-108 at the Fo~m behind the double-flgure 1COring of no let1 than leVeo players. Their eo-called brand of 1howtlme .. basketball wu the difference In thl1 pme, but a little cbe of Tar Heel ball nude it that much Nl6er. A ,.1r of North Carolina alums - nemely veteran Bob McAdoo and rook.le J.-Wor1hy -both ldll l"tlnc thetr fMt wet for one reHon or anotht't. combined for 39 points as the Lakers had a far easier ti~ with the Nuageta than the night before when they pulled out a one-polnt overtime vic\ory. "I feel real confident out there;" admitted Worthy, aft.er 9e0ring 20 polnt.t aQd adding aeven rebo unds In 27 mlnutet of playing time. "I've got a couple of 1amea under my belt now." Worthy'a ronfldence off lhe court was even rnott evident on lhe court, much lD the delight of 12,811) fana. The 6-9 forward. the Llkera' No. 1 draft pick, hlt on 10 of 16 shots from the field, lncludlf\I 6 of 9 in the flrat half. McAdoo, meanwhJle, QI) providHI hla utual contribution off the ~h. but It waa an arduoua Wk for the 14 -year veieran who mimed all of the txhlbition ...,., dUl'iq contnc:t neac>UaUonl. "We put Mee throuih a Uttle tnJf\!.,_ camp tode_y," no-.cl eo.ch Pat RAiey. "He played 17 1tral1ht mlnutn out there I •I , which had to be lDugh on him. I'm vJry haopy to sec McAdoo back lo h1a ol' No. 11."'· • McAdoo eot that playina Ume after center Kareem Abdul-Jabber picked up three pef'IOl\Al fouls In the first. half and two more quickies In thtt third quart.er. Jabbar l ~h th• 11me with 4 :~2 remaining in the thl~ quarter and did not retum. , But then, he really waan't need.cl. The Nugeta ahot juat S9 pettent from tM ttelc:I and were outnbOunded M-38 by the upstart t.kera. "I'm u lrrUa\ed • anybody when we olav 1ik• tht1," bemoaned Denver Cotch ~ Moe. "(t WM a dl1U1er. But lt11 hO US)' '-il to come lD thil plaw." McAdoo. who ftniaMd waU\ UI pomta and niJM rebounda, laid ~ t.ken atill need .... Ume to ..... filem, and \he quicker he 1eta fnto aha.,. and th• quick..-Worthy ...,,. \M IN and cM1. t. ... h Cl .. .. Prime ministe r 's son caug ht sp eeding From AP dl1p1tcbes ENSENADA, Mexico -Mark • Thal.Cher. the son of the Br1t1sh pnmt! minister, was arrested brte!ly for speeding down the main strCC'l of this town while partidpatmg in a 985-mllt• ruc'l• on back roads. Police Offtt:er Raul Obeso said he tned to pull Thatc:her over Wednesday as the racer went through town at 40 mph in a 25 mph zone. Obeso said that when Thatch er finally st.oppcd ih his 1981 Dodge pickup truck. he was taken to poltce headquarters, rined 475 persos, about $5. and released. Thatcher rejoin.ed the race from Ensenada to -L.a Paz. caUed th·e Baja 1000. which' is an international event with motocross motorcycles. pickups, dunebuggics and other off-road vehiclc.'S participating in different classes. Quote of the day. Pierre Trudeau, thl• Canadian prime mtnisler. commc11.t111g on this l'OUn try's trade with the Unllcd States: "Canada is a country whose' main exports arc hockey play,ers and l'old fronts. Our main imports ' are baseball players and acid rain." HB pair to compete in Supercross SAN D l EC:O -M 1chal•l •. Monaghan a n d Ric k Zobel o f Hunt11fgton &·al·h will tx• among the riders compettng in tht• motorcycle Supt'rl'l'OSS f1nub al Sah Owgo Jack Murphy St~1rlium Si\turduy ntght. Thi• Sa11 Utl".(o t·uur·St· this vcar will take the ridl'rs into th1· st,mds wht•rt• 'more than 2.000 cubit· yards of d11 t from 150 dump trucks has bc<'n plal·cd. A ~lct·p, v1•rt1cal 50-foot-drmb leads riders from the floor of thl' stadium up lo the Tornado as a fralurc of tht· courS<'. Othl'r nd<'rs from Orange County include Jeff Ward of M1ss1on Viejo, Steve Rhyan of San Clemente, Clark Jones of Anaheim and Robert Reisinger of Anaheim Hills. U.S. take~ 6-2 lead over Japan INZAI. J apan -Three teams of n American golfNs scored vic:tor ies Thursday, giving_ the United States a 6-2 lead in the U.S.-Japan Coldwin Cup competition Twc:. of · the American teams -Ray Floyd and Lanny Wadkms. and Jerry Pate" and Tom Watson -both shot nine-under-par 62s on the 7,207-yard Sobu Country Club course. Each victorv in the best-ball competition was worth two points. .J LB's Smith • WIDS F rom AP dispatches LA PAZ, Mexico -Malcolm Smith of Laguna Beach, along with Don Adams of Nathrop. Colo .. captured first place Thursday in the two-seat unlimited class at the Baja 1000 off-road race. Driving in a PJ Blazer Chevrolet~ the pair finished the course in 21 hours. 18 minutes and 42.05 seconds. Meanwhile, Mickey Thompson was the winner of the race m the single-seat unlimited clas.c; aft.er 14 years _of trvin~. Thompson, of Bradbury &tates, a nd his co- driver Terry Smith of Covina, teamed to drive a Raceco VW single-seater, the first four-wheel entry to cross the finish ltne. Their lime was 19:40:23.84. A motorcycle team of Jack Johnson, 30, of Las Vegas, Al Baker. 31. of Apple Valley, won the overall motorcycle title in an elapsed time of 17:25:27.29. Thompson and Smith averaged 49.993 mph. Cavs SOf'll down to 231 d straight los Rt111lo Tbeuw •~11 t'<l 11 auuw h1wh m IO rx1hth1 illi Chit ••6'11 t'Olh>t•U'\J hi ,,,.,., Vtctury or till' llt'lllOll with u 1 IH 111 v 1t•to r y ovt•r w In I t•u (.' lt•Vt•l 11nd Thursduy nlatht In the.• N11tlo1111l Hu11htl>nll AHll(x•httlon. Th<' C 1vull..,11 hnv~ now drop1wd :l:I 11troiHhl RllllWll, cJut lnH bol'k lo lu l y<•ur, t•xtt•mllnH tht•ir own NBA rl-t'cml In otlwr lfllllll'll, Mike Dunl~MV)I'• thn•l• poin~ uc>ol with iwwn ll('C'Onds lt•ft In ovt•rtmw liftl-<l ~ml Antonio tu u l()fl; I 07 victory 11vt11' Porllond . . . Hc•lll'l'Vl' guurd Armand 111 11 i.t•orC'll 10 point11 in till' fourth quartt.•r und veteran t.'l'lllt!r Bob Lanier put the ((Gmt• uwuy with u thr~•-pomt pluy as Milwnukt•l• stOppt_•d Atlunta, 104-100 ... Alvan Adams hud 24 point11 :mu l(yle' Macy ~'Orcd 14 of h is 16 in the M'<.'Ond hut( us Phocmix shook off Utah. 1 JY-104 Jobn Drew tallil-d 18 µi~.ts for the Jan, now 1-:!. C.!ln11cxs e-.)end unbeaten str\ak ... Patrlk Sund1Hrom scor'cd two Iii power-play goals nnd Vancouver's ' defenS<' ht'ld off a lale Philadelphia charge to givP the Canucks a 4-3 victory over Lhe Flyers In the National Hockey League Thursday night. Vant.'Ouvcr extended its unlx-aten. streak to six games (5-0-1) and haw won their last thr('e on the road ... El~herc in the NllL, Keith AclOIJ'S two first· 'period goals tdggc•·cd a ~:ori11g blitz as Montreal whipped Minrtcsota, 8 -3 .... Devils defensem'an Tapio Levo nened one goal and assisted on two others as New Jersey snapped a seven-gamt> losing streak with a 4-4 tie against Pittsburgh . . . Blaine_ Stoughton and Ray Ne~feld S(:orcd goals 66 seconds apart in the first period, powering Hartford to a 5-2 decision in Boston . . . Lanny McDonald tallied the last two goals or the game, mduding the lie-breaker with 65 seconds left, to give Calgary a 7-5 victory- over Winnipeg. McDonald's tie-breaking goal came on a 30-foot wrist shot and the veteran right wmg the11 added his league-leading 16th goal into an empty net in the last minute. Indians settle on Ferraro The Cleveland Indians, who had • hoped to t)ire fired Oakland A's M a nager B illy Ma r tin , sellled Thursday for their second ch oice, r na m ing Ne w York Yankees' Coach Ml~.! Ferraro as manager through the 1984 season . Ferraro, 38. coached third base and first base for the Yankees the past four years .as well as managing m the YOl\kces' minor-league system (or fi ve years . . . Power forward T~ry Cum mings signed a four-year, $1.7 miffion contract in Milwaukee lat.e Thursday with the • San Diego Clippers, a club spokcmsan announced . . Barbara Potter and Anne Sml&11 won singles matches Thursday night to give the United States women a 2-0 lead over Britain in the Wightman Cup competition . . . ~tfielder Al Cowens, who drove in 78 runs for the Seattle Mariners last season, was one of four players who filed for free agency Thursday, the Major League P layers Association said. Joining Cowens were catcher Roa Hodge"S of the New York Mets, outfielder J ay Johnstone of the Chicago Cubs and cal.Cher Ron .Pruitt of San Francisco. Tetevislon, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: No events scheduled. ~~).-. , ........ --~~ - ALIACORE TUNA (whole tuna fish) 7 lbs or more f) ... ..., ....... .........~ .. .......... . t l.J AKE lt , BEAT NUGGET AGA I N • • • From Page 01 11•"11•mblinl( .1 run 111 1tw Lak1•1'lt, whH·h wuK prc•lly unu11u11I con"ldPrmu l)(•nvt•f l>ou11t1'tl 1tw No l urft•11'4lw h•um In lh1· NBA Ill l lihlMlll Htlc.•y 1..·hnngt•d hi" tl1·f1•n.,tv(• 111rot£'gy Thursday nll(ht, :md tht• rc•sull wua Just IOH polnL'i from u ll'llm which managPd to st·u1·1· murt• thun 100 point'! in evl•ry gaml• last M.'U!'.><>n. Unfortunott'ly for 1Jc•1wcr, lhl' Nuggl't.s ali;o gaVl' up more: ·than 100 points In evc•ry game last st'USt>n, tOO. •·we tr wd to do two things dlffc.rcntly ogumst them," Hiley cxplainec.l . "First, we tried to pressure lht• ball morc in thl' backcourt to slow thl•m down und ulwu w<• plck1•d them UJ> h1ght•1 In our huUcourl ddt•n11t• I think thut ma<Jt• lh(lm •hoot from ftll'th<'r out und thul muy lw why 1twy didn't hool Wl'll." All'X F.nschsh M'01 1'<.I 22 po\11"4 ror tht· Nugglll.ll, .in [bli(ll Ude.Ad J9, ;111d 8111 unzllk untl Rob Will1111ns t•a • orr tlw lx•m·h to St'Clr(• 17 und 15 l'('llpl'l'livcly Worthy, rm•anwhllt!, adm1tu.id hl•'s siill trying to udjust to the rigon; of the NBA, nriJ playing back·lo-huck, honw and awuy ganw;. with th<.' ·Nuggt>lS was u real (IYl' opcmcr. "Wl• got m about noon today. All I had tame lor was a ltlllC' nap and thun it was riijht buck hcrP again." he explained. ''Cummu from Norlh Carolina. I'm uS<'d to College football IATURO~'I OAMH Calllornlll VI USC at LA Coliseum It 30 I> !Tl I • UCLA at .Washlnpton (Channel 2 at 12:60 p.m.1 Arlzon1 el SllnfOfd f>olclltc v• Long Beach St It Aneh1lm Stadium (7·30 pm I Sanll Clatl at San Jose St , n Cel S1111e Fullerton at Fresno St San [)jego St. at Hewell. n Botse St 11 Cal Poly (SLOI, n WuNnglOJ'. '31 81 Oregon Monllna II POftland St , n Cal Luthefan al SI Mary 1 Whittler It LaVClf1141 Oecldental at Redland1. n Cal Poty (Pomontl 11 Northfldge SI., n UC 01vl1 11 Haywtrd St. Chico St 11 Humboldt St.. n San Fr~teo SI II Stcr1tnenlo St , n floclllM °'egon St el Ar1zon1 SI • n Wyoming 11 8YU Nev1da·l1t Vegas at Colorado St Idaho at Idaho St .• n Cotoreoo 11 Mlltoufl Oklahoma St II N11>r11k1 8111 St at Bowling Green • , • Wlc'11t1 St, 81 Oreke 1<11111 St, 11 Ellttfn Michigan Central Mtehlg•n It Ml1ml. 0 WHttfn Moc:hlgan It Toledo Northern 1111nolt 11 Ohio u South LSU •• Alabama Rutger• at Auburn Nor1h Carollna II Clemson W1ke FOf811 II Duke Georgia 11 Ftoridl \ltrgln4a 11 Qoofg1a T ten Vanderbilt 11 Kentueky lndl1n1 St 11 LoulavUla Miami. Fl•. II Maryland Tulane 11 Ml11l11lppt, n FIOfldl SI. at South Caroline Memphis SI. II Ten,,.._ M11ahelt al VMI Brown Ill W~Hltn & Mtry Bucknell al O.Yldloo J1mes Madison It Furman McN-St. It Loulsl1ne Teoh, n Ntcholls St. et NW Louisiana, n Soothe{n 11 SE Loultlana, n wlnnl11a arul that'1 whal lhh1 t um I. 1.111 about " "W("t'(• ac.•ttlnu It toa tht·r.'' addt•d Mnt:iit• John.on. ~="''""' * lAICI" 011 ... ll l0Ht yffr, tn. l'lllQOelt ••tltQftCl t:lfl P04n1t ag11n11 the L .... , •• ~ 6 !10lnla lbO•t their IHgue high I Yt!lgt OI 1?,6" Vil O.nv111 1011 lour or lne llvt g1mtt 10 LOI Allgtllt The Nugget•' IOWtll point OUlt>UI .... ••11on WU 10& Lllltl CoKll Pit .... ,. lllklflO AOOUI .MMee W~ 'Jame• lnow.d mt 1oniot11 wtiy he wH the No t pie-1n-"" d11t1 Ht'• 1 complete bHkelblll pl1y11 •no h4t. not •VICllV I 111111 Pllyllf The,. a tomtthlng lhll hl lll'I bMfl menuoned much •bout fllm end •thll't hit p1u1no " WOfthy c1me 1n10 ThUfllday night I g1me U tht L1ker1' thhO·IHdlng M:Oltl Wllh I 20 0 IYtleQe Am;;ng thOM on 11111\d tor Th\Hldty nlQhll Ol"'t WIS Lot Angelttl MtyOf tend nett-governorl T- arld,.r 1nd hll wile . The L1k.,1 travel to Ut•h tor a game 1111th lh41 Jau Stturoay night It wotc be 1etevl1td by KHJ, Channel O beginning 11 6 20 JOHNSON -&SON presents ... Northern Anzona at Mon1an1 SI North TaXll SI. at New Maxloo St. Utah SI II Ulen Nevlda·AenO II Wf'btl' SI , !J. louttl•"' NE Loulslan• II SW Loulsl1n1, n Appalachl-en St. a1 Tenn•••••· COLLEGE Ar1t1n111 at 81ytor i. K1nset St. It Oltlthoma SMU a1 Rice Houlton 11 Texa Ttxtl Tech 11 TCU WHt Tt ltN SI al Tulsa, n Arkll\NI SI II Lamar. n Ealt C110Una at Texu-Arllngton, n N-Mexico at Te'<H·Et Paso. n M"'-1 Michigan II Hllnols (Chtnntl 7 II 9 25 8 m I Nor1"-tern II Michigan SI Minnesota at Ohio St Iowa It Purdue lndlalla II Wltcon Sin IOWI SI II KanSQ Ch1111noog1, n E111arn kentucky 11 Tenneasea Tac:ll The Citadel at Western Caronna • E111 North Carolina St. 11 Penn SI Notra Otme II Pitt Nlvy It SyrllCUM Air FO(ce at Army Boaton Cottage 11 M1111achuHtt1 Boston U. al Connecticut Cornell at Vela L1l1yette at Princeton Colgate at Penn HervH~ al Hoty Croat Columbia 6t 011tmooth Maine at New Hampthlft Lehigh 11 Rhoda Island linittd Offer ll?APA ~, ...... "2626 Harbor atvd., C.01ta Me1a 540-5630 -I'-S.CWMtdlk . ' .............. . So. Calif. over California * UCLA over Washington * BYU over Wyoming * Pitt - over Notre Dame * Georgia over $1.00 LB. Boet Karan Jan at 31 St. nr Cat1Mfl' Ae1taurant N.B. Dallr 11:00 1111 dark. 545-171) evH . •••••••••••••••• •.• •••• e •••••• e •••••• : SYLVANIA F ollow your team in the Daily Pilat Valvoline Super RPO SAE30W 1 ~ ~ MotorOil ~ ·as ... ':..o=~-' "" ' .;./ #IH·l.2 4t. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hea11~ But~ • • sponge • Vbf•I• Dlffn•ne• • • Halot•n • ff•adLamps 7 •. -... • • #ff INJ, #1006 : #H ... J,#M6S' ....... 8~ • • SS.00 Dlt·ect Mall Refund on ea. pair when )IOU flll our coupon available here. • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e ·rr ry'\ t.x.x.x.x.)¥ ~ LiJli·blolt_J n. Dentt • •Lt•• A Pro • Traffic Kint • ae.,.1r •nt•, • Rluded, R•lln•• • •awteh••· ;--\ B • Sh ....... ~ • ra e oes : ••'• ... ~. · • Por ,...,.~ U.•. car• • ORANIE COUNTY Fill FAIR :_s4ueegee : ·•78 #6Sq6oJ ., ea. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·9!'· •.ch•••• • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ..... . $}OO CASH REFUND • • • • Monday-Saturday--- Post Time 8: 30 Early Bird 11 a.m. -4 :45 p.m. Exactas • Pick Six . ~ ' ' • ~DON~1!/ I . I/,_ !· .. ~ I I • • • when you buy two 9 OZ. OJ' 12 OZ. WD-40. loz. 6 Reg price: . J.f Lest rebate: S 1.00 ·YOUIND •al PRICE: .. "' ... 120 •. Reg price~ 4.56 less rebate: S11.00 :ml,. "'- • • • • • • • • • • • •1• •••• e •••••••••••• lmJJOrt fl. U.S. Auto Part• Spftfalbb COSTA MESA • sOuth Co1st Auto Supply 688 W. B•er At Bristol • 55~·2500 I ' • NEWP.ORT BEACH •' lMlted Auto Pd 2902 W. Coast tliflway e SU.:9363 '/ / •' ~-('I With help, Ru~tlers can reach top Saturday By CU RT St:t:DEN OflMOeltr,..._.11.tl Uoldl!n Wt•iot Culll'l«l' l'oukl hnd 11.M.•lf ull •1l111w utup thl· South Cuui.t Cunh•r.•1\{'t' ruotholl s tu11c.Jhll(S g1v1•11 ull thl' right l'll l'U1i1Ntu11n•" Saturduy 111~hl. wh1h• Sutldl .. h:.l(:k (.'olll·~w will 11 y 111 wtuy 111 1h111 poim1on tn tht• M1sMnn 'onfl'rl'n<'<' Thi• Hustlt•t'h uf l'rnwh Huv Shal•klelorcJ. :Ml 111 ~·onll'rl'l1l'l' pluy. will host Cl·n;1to~ (i I, :1 4 ovorull) ut Orut1Kl' <:uast SuturJuy rn~lll, unJ a vil-1t1ry ovt•r tlw Fukuns t•ouplt'<.I with a Ml San Antunlu los.., tu Sun Dll'l(u Mt•Nu wu\tltt lt•avc• Gol(ltm Wc'st us th1• only undl'ft•u\t'd ll'U\ll II\' Soulh l'uust l'rn1fl•f'l'lll'l' pluy . ' Spt•uking 1>f undt•I t•u tt·d h'u1ns. Com·h Kt·n Swt•unngl•n's 7-0 Uuul'lios will try to n1ukt.• 11 t•1gh1 stn11ght wlw11 tlwy travl'I to tht• Santa An<1 Bowl tu mt't•t tht.· 8.11rn1 Ana l.>o1~ K1ckulf 1s SN fur 7.:llJ (111 both gaml•s OranJ{c Coast, nwanwhllt'. hu,-; a hvt• llt•rt>'s lhl• way thl' gunws look· • Cerritos vs. Golden West Thtc• Fakon~. :l· I an nml1•n ·nl'l' play and :J-4 ovt•rall, loi.t starting 4uurtt•rb.1l·k Mll'kl'Y Corw111 last Wl't.'k wht•n the talcntl'll :.ophomor1· Wl'lll duwn with ~1ra11wd hgunwnL-. in thl• right knt.'t' Sailors' hopes on line tonight HR , .'lluri11a in i111st'I t•rucial By ROGER CARLSON Of lhe Dell)' Pllol Sl•ff Newport Harbor H1gh's Sailors put their C1F Central Confcrvnce playoff hopes o n the line tonight against <.1n old nemesis Costa Mesa -and rivals Huntington Beach and Marina collide in a Sunset League football game of major sign1ficancv as W eek No 9. a pre lude t o ncx t week's showdowns. evolvt•s tonight. Each has a starun~ timl' of 7:30 . . Newport Harbor vs. Costa Mesa Mesa. which staggered N!'wport Harbor in 1967 (3-0) and did 1l again to the Sailors a year ago (7-3) after a seven-year absen('e, 1s in a spoiler's role again with its o ption -offense behinq junior quarte rback Scot Hagey. Newport enters with better size and depth, including 207-pound tailback Steve Brazas, also a Junior. h 's at Orange Coast College. Huntington Beach vs. Marina If the Oilers of Huntington Beach, off to their best start in 13 years, expect to be playing in the CIF Big Five Conference playoffs, a Sunset League win tonight is mandatory. The Oilers' Delaware winged-T offense is keyed by quarterback Eric Lawton and ry nner Dann y Thompson, who combined for 424 yatds between them last week. Marina's veer offense is dir('Cted by Bil Maritt behind a solid offensive wall. h's a t Westminster High. Fo~alley vs. Ocean View Ocean View averages 20 pass attempts a game, with quarterback Chad Parueau a nd tailback Todd Parker the big hope in pulling off an upset over the Barons. who rely on a more conservative approach. The Barons have had 100-yard games Crom tailback Dave Swigert and fullback Scott Garrett, showing versatility m the running game. It's at Huntington Beach. Saddleback vs. Estancia _ Saddlebat•k's speed demons (8-0 and NO'. 8 in the Daily Pilot's Orange Coun ty rankings) are .,tested by up·and-down Estancia. which is on a two-game losing streak. Saddleback's speed begins with tailback Kevm Bradley. but the passing of Rod Pesak and receiving of Todd Cage rounds it out. Scott Davis is Estanc1a's passing game. It's at New port Harbor. El Toro vs. Irvine EJ Toro can set itself up _with a Sea View League showdown for a piece of the title with Saddleback H the Chargers can deal with the smaller Vaqueros. who get a lot from runne r Johnn y Salinas. El Toro's beefy crew includes defender Paul Svitenko, a major college prospt.~t. h 's at lrvine. ELSEWHERE Laguna Beach plays host to heavily favored Capistrano Valley and San Clemente is at M1ss1on Viejo m South Coast League play. while Dana Hills 1s at Montclair in a non- league venture. Rustlers top OCC T here's still a ral'C for the South Coast League w omen · s v o.11 e y b a 11 c rown after Go lden West's 3-I victory over Orange Coast Thursday night in the Rustle rs' gym. Golden West rccordt'd a 15-11. 5-15, 15-8, 15-10 v ictor y, sending t he Pirates down lo their first conference defeat. Golden West, which has Fourruun Valley. second m the Sunset. knocked o(( Marina. 3-0. New port,....S::hristianr the top-ranked team in th e smal l sch ools division. sto ppe d Heritage High. 3-1. and San C leme nte moved into a lie for second in the South Coast League wilh a 3-0 triumph over Capistrano Valley. spli l with both Orange jjiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Coast and Cerritos this season, remained in a tie for second place with the Falcons. Cerritos meets Orange Coast later this season with Ir chance lo send the r ace into a three-way tie. After taking a 2-1 lead in games, Golden West fell behind in the fourth, 7-4, but then caught fire after a timeout. raced to an 8-7 lead, and didn't trail the rest of the way. Sparking the Rustlera were IOphomore outside hitter Kathy Brown and •tter Linda Bohm. O n the high sch ool ,_leve l, Corona del Mar completed a perfect SN Vlew League 11ea10n al 14-0 with • 3-0 victory over Eetanda. Meanwhile, W ut-9f'l~'9f!~ mlntter capped a perfect Sunaet Lea1ue campal1n by but1n1 Hvnt.\naton Beach. 3-1. \ 'l'ht• lUhl llnw tlw Hu-.llt•f'll c•ntt•n•cJ u gunw :IK.1i11i.1 II ll'alll lhHt WO!> 111h1:cl11u II~ :clurtln~ QR, I lwy l)Ulft'tf 1111 ,1 :;tUllll lll~ :17 7 llp~·t I rn•11t Annal'l1ur1t•o·ll·~s S 1n Dll'Ut1 Mt'llll outfit "W1·'ll 111kt• oil tht• h1•lp we• t•1111 gt•t," nowd Sl11i1·kll•l111·d. 11ll11dlnK lo tl'll' lul·t th1• lo'uk~>11s will bt· without 11 t1u:11·1.t·1 ~wk who hod thr1)w11 for 1.111 yurds 1111d flVl' T l>H prlc.,11 tu hik l11jury Tiit• 1''11Jl'1tt1s wlll llt•ntl u t·1111ul)h• b1wkup "' Miki• DuuHf1is (li·U, HIU) mlv tlw ~anu• lo fall 111 for l'1Hw111 Duu~las llll 7 or 1 ~1 pusses lur !Ott yards nncl d1r1·c·lt·d Ct.•rr1tos' o nly st•oring drivt• in 11 21-!I st•tll.wk tu Sun D1t•t.io Mt'll<t lu'>t wt•t.•k · tioldt'n Wl•st, mconwhilt·~ht•s imp1•uvl•tl it~ South Cwst Conft•rt.•111.•e n•1,:orcJ to 2-0 b<.•htnd thl! Tice For most F·o1d & Chrysler produds. #lFlVP l;a.J ·•• M•llOll r Fot smon "-trucks & ~vons , Chrome 1 Of block. •709171 l l,• nRE INFLATOR JOHNSEN'S- ~ For spoce 111 .. ···;;· -~ 2 EA ~ 16 OL 1134()() .99oT. HEAVY DUTY 30W MotOf Oil e89 aT. LKS-Fits sfandord , fittings for tires 116'82681 3 8 EA 8 NEW MASTER FUEL PUMPS F01t MOSl CHEvaOLETS (EACepl CottVEnE & MONZA! 8 Cylindef 1959·'80 (267·283 305-307· 350 En9in•I b c991 Eorly 1966 & lot• 1967 CHEVEllE £ 19n.·79 350 f1>91N with outomohc tronam1nion ond o" condiiion F01t MOST CHEVltOl.fTS ~· IEacept CHMnE) 6 C)'l+nder & • l 6 1963-79 EA ,,.,111nu d ut lt•llM' I rnm ,,uurtt•I u.wk Adm11 liru"JlUl\O f l\1 1111 :!, ?till yurtl ) umJ running bu<k H1d1 Htulill11•h1•1 (I :?:l t•,11111·11, 110:.? yunhl) 11ncl 1">1>1llt' i.oltd 1h•l1•11 .. t• I win dt•lt•n"lvt• l>Jt•k C-:t l'K Wd>l>l't W1•hl.H'I', wllh two blot·k1•<.l pun ti., tlHt•<• llllC•ll't•pllllllll Ulld f'lt.'rlly O( \lll'klc•li Jn hlll IU!oll tWO KJlllll'S, Wiii\ nu nwtl 1il111t· l'tlllllTHHlllY l'Olh:~c clt•lt•11"tv1· IJ,11·k ul tlw WN•k lm;t wc .. •k f,y tlw JC: Athh·tk llu1 c·uu • 8uturduy 11ight. lw'll lx• uu1 to •top Oou1iClu:o. 111111 j.tUy\i llkt• running h1ll'k 'l'cmy K~·mp a11cl Stt•vt• Mlti.:hc•ll and r~1wcr Dunny liunt. "I thtnk th\• two tuums un• VN'Y ri1t111lar." nott•i; Shtwkll'foi·d. "1'ht.•y'vc· improvpd trc•nwncfoul'lly UK tll\' st•111>1111 h11'I 1-(tilu' on 11nf su h11v1• we• Both h:oms h11v1• hncJ 11omt• tough prt.•·cunf1•n •1w1· 1411mvs. tuo " (.\·rnlOs 111 uh;o without tht• 1>{•f'Vll't'K uf tlwlr lup l'l't't.•ivt•r (Jt•I ( Wc•ld1) m1cJ two starting cJ1•ft•n11iv•• bad~~. 1-:111· F1•rrwau (kllt>t• lnJury) u11d Hwk Habunl' I m'l·k injury). Suddh·bllt'k ut Sou thwt tctrn Sun tu Anu com h Duve· Oitu11 llU)'• hu, l)(m'I t 1 I , ~·4 uwrnll) wall throw tht• bull tit IN'"' 40 llffil1i agu111111 tht• Cuud\011 111• ullll> hupt'tl h111 dd1•niw 1 Jn •eonh•nd with flUr(•·flng(•t{•d Soddh•bul'k With· t't.'t.•lvt•r John Mor11hall. ~ In l>l'Vl·ll l(Ullll'h, M un.hull h,1, rnughl 43 fJ·l't'M·!I ul 1111 yurd:-and 11 louc•hclowrnc Mu'it of lht' llllll , • 'i. h1i. cild J.'1101 hill I li#(h u•1111lrH llL• :uul quarll·1·h11t•k C..'1,11~ M11lc•1' who I" 11upplymg lht.• pc•rft'l:l uc•r111hc M1llc•r hm, h1l 70 of J:\(j Pl•Kbt'll for H07 vunl11 und I:.! Tl>K lhli; sw1su11. Wlwn hc· isn't pu11l'l1nu. running IJlwk11 J im Glc.oc•d (HO <::u rwic, :jlJll yords) ond ltohl•l'l ( 'urrh· (5tl mrrll's. :Zl:M yurdll) 1111• dol111o( m 11Sl 111 till' work "H4.•;it111g U'> would mukl• llwlr yt•ur 1111· llwrn.'' l>.1yi. Sw1•w·ing~r1111f thl· L>cms' thoughlh ubout. thts g.1llll' "It :o.t•c•ni::. thal bl·<H1ng us woulcJ niukt• unybody'i. Yl'Lil " Kii Biii Auto Supply u·M"U6f. 11Al·300 -~ 12!7 REAR 6451FC FRONT 6450FC ICUCO MA•IMAllCI FBI BAllERIES J6M.ONlll12VOl.T FOR MOST CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS -""'' 2<4MF-36, 33. 88 24fMF-36, 7<4MF-36 fXCH %" .,...,. IMPACT DlllV• • LICS-lteftnible with ... bitt. 116'87334 For most p~uenger con. Set of 4 shoes for 2 Wheels "'9· TWO I.AMP ROUND SYSTEM 116014 fOUR I.AMP RECTANGULAR SYSTEM LOW #4652 ..UGH #46Sl TWO I.AMP RECTANGULAR SYSTEM .... , ........ ,, ·I . ,,,.; ..-- .. GAS CAii USMC .1•! -rwo bolJ solderlen lyp•. Nickel ploted. EoJy to imtoll. #6445001 Rugged 5 gallon gos con. No. 11010 ICMf FOltMOSTCHEVROLETS 1978 '80V·6 1 o•• 231 E1>9ine (E•cept Mon10 & Tutbo E"' Chorgel "" lri§lll FOR MOST FORDS 8 CyRnder 1966·'80 (289·302· 351 En9ine b c•pt Mullong Boni, 6 CyF.nder 1966-'IO Cytlnde1 19~ '801318°360·361· (Eacept V·6t. DODGE/PLYMOUTH 8 11 •• 313 En91M u cepl Ho·Petf0tmoncet EA FOlt MOSl CHEVY, MONZA & VEGA 1 51!!1 1972°77 (l·4 140 E"9Jnel . ~ FOltO MUSTANG & PINfO 197, '79 V06 171 E1>91N 2800CC CHEVY MONZA 1978 '80 17•• V-6 231 f"9'M EA l'INTO -CA,ltl 4 Cylondet 1971 '74 1 .... t98·122f19MI YEA .......... 1280 N. Euclid 772·"'90 • 2340 W. llncoln Ave. "9-1621 .... _ .... 5256 leach llvd. "4-I 220 C.••• 440 North Main 7~ c..--1739 Superior Ave.~.,_,. NOW OPENt C.•••• 9110 Foothill llvd ..... lt10. '-••cs• 9110-D Sierra Ave. ~I0-1441 f1u olAtaV-, • 9llO Warner Ave .... 6417 ,. for most Domestic & lmpOrt pouenger con •• 1974.'77 Ooc19e Monaco, Plymouth Fury, ond Chryst.•; 1971 '79 Dodge Omni ond Plymouth Hori1on1 1971-'79 FOfd Folrmont ond ,,,_rcury Zephyr1 1976·'79 Chevy Mot1101 C~tte. Oldt Storfire, '°'1t1oc Sunbird, and luick Skyhowlc 7 •• SET IGNITION TUNl·UP KITS Most Chrysler 6&8 cyl. 1962 '74. Most GM 6 cylinder 1963·'74. Most Ford 8 cylinder 1957-'74 Most G,... 8 cylinder 19.57·'73 Most ForJ"6 Cyl. 1948·74 . ...... 2 98 KIT • 141 E. Imperial 7• 6971 • 2971 Yorbo Undo "6-4780 ....... • 15081 Imperial Hwy. (ala) M7· ... I ......... • 24510 Alicia Pkwy. ff1·9171 ••• 1100 N. Tuttin 771• ... .. ...... • 10403 Magnolia Ave • .._ .. , -· .. -···· 2086 Eatt Hlghlancl Ave. II t tlll , ..... ,... 'N .. t to Gemco • 26CM s. INtol It. 7 ... 1 .. •1'°2 L 17th it. ta 1111 Loe Alemttoe THUlllOAY'a llHULT9 (tOltl .. t~ ...,_tlftel APt'AlOOUa ,lllaT llACI. 8 lurlonQt Ai.mar • 819 Reel (Aini e 40 2 eo 2 40 Sit Oenc:•alOI IRon<ll 2 80 2 60 Doub .. S..1 (WM•) 4 20 Alto r~ SW.I S«..,aele, Illa Cf*t. F°OKV l•d ... Tll• G1ll1had Koo On Tll• Ooubl9, Ollie Ooo, H!Qfl Burtt TllM. I 13 '16 12 lltACTA t:i-.1paid$1300 OUAllTlllHOflHa HCOMO llACI. 350 yerelt Conl-(8roohl 44 40 13 00 8 00 Hlgll VOQUll (CrMglll' I 3 40 3 OI o.i11y OuPll (Lac:l<9)'1 s eo AlaO r8C9(1· Casslllr. NuDl.oot Jet. MOMV 8-g1 Lu, .HI Set A41b. c .. uonove Mo EbOny Oruma, 0.-1 Son Tlrnll 18 20 TIMD llACI. 350 yard• Easy MaMUllllt tCardo1a) 11 80 S 20 3 20 FO(•••r Truckln (Hall) S 40 4 20 Solitary J.i (Paull~) 3 20 Aleo rac:•d Armon Jon. Gyp Choc:h. BrlltOI ~o..,, Talk 10 Pappa Running Oilll Sc:huy\41< Kid. F .. t F0<ward Time. 17 85 M EXACTA (3·61 pale! S7S 00 Tl40110UGHMEDa ,OUllTH llACI. 6 tur10ng1 EOgcola Laely (OrteQll fl 60 2 80 2 80 HOM)' 0on·1 1ca116Md1) 2 40 2 eo Met_.ian Star (N~I 6 20 Also raced llnlepage Road. Two For Bollie. Benton·• Doll, Robins Eliergy, Pollnalrl• n,,,. 1 13 Fl"l4 llACE. 6 lurlonQt w., Allied (So1>111e1 17 20 7 eo 3 eo Rakltn" Rebel (NOQllU) 9 40 3 llO Stable Pal (H•n-11 2 40 Alto raced Ovlel Clllel. Motl 0.pl0m91oc. Spor1tng Cius. S.m 1 Pr-. Lou'• Oettly OrNm. NO M .. C...1avot Heelo<lot Time 1 11 15 EltACTA (7_.) paoO $316 00 aulTH llACE. 8 lurloog• RNefl 8onG (Sot>tllel 19 20 9 40 5 40 Slier (Rone!) 6 80 5 00 Hang Men (Bleckl 3 60 Alto rle*I Slop Crowc!lng, KIPIY I Sat. Noble Dewn. AnO SIMI Away. p.,. Ral-. Apt lo Pass. Hqpe to Teft Time 1 12 115 HYENTH llACI. 8 lurlongt Briar Holl lad CSbll 4 60 3 20 2 80 Motlll loch (NogVNI 5 80 4 00 Brue:• G 10tlv91etl 4 80 Alto ra<*! El Trapllo. COIHltn CenOy, No Gra1u AlaM. Oak ... '• PrOfl'li .. , Run 10 WO(I, L...,ie·s Holl. Oklclllion n,,,. 112315 15 UACTA (4·11) paid $64 SO EIGHTH llACE. 11~ mtlff 0oc Ward (P.OrOUI 10 80 $ 40 3 00 Cllnc:!I Poe CRonOI 4 00 2 80 Don's M.,makl (CUten.oa) 2 40 Alto racecl Two HO(ns Dressy Jamn. Proue! Kung. Bldldoon Time 1 SO 415 MN'TI4 MCI. '7 h1tl0ngs Papa Too 1eu11MOaJ 7 oo 5 eo 5 eo l>sto (W11r..,) 14 40 10 00 CoNcrlpHon COrl-O-l 6 20 Also raceel ~·· Tip. Prone. Pale!-. N ... I KJO. GlcMI Men. 8 1('1 W'lftlltot lale. F91thlea l00te TlrM 1 24 3/S 15 IXACTA (1·91 Pale! $328 00 sa l'tCK 9lJC 11-1-1..._3.11 p..o s28.121 eo with one ~ llCl<.i (II• llOrMS) S2 PiC:k Sta consolatoon O••O $407 40 wUh 23 wlnnon(I 1ocke1s (love hO<Mtl S2 Pick Sia scratch consot•hon P•ld sen eo Wllh 11 wtnn1119 tdlal• (lour hotsn, one acr81c:lll TENTH llAct:. 1 lurl()ng1 J..,,.,a (Cac>i._I 24 llO 10 40 4 40 lJnchlln My Hean !Stonetl S 00 3 00 My Favon1e Aunt (81ac;.k) 2 80 A180 racecl Leacltng 0..-, l Olle Bade. S1ar<1us1 l ll<ly. Double Flulf T..,,. 1 24 115 ELEVENTH llACE. 1' > m11H, Veooewn ICamo~ll 7 80 4 00 3 80 Par~li CSiblMel 5 80 4 40 Po11910 (Aregon) 4 00 Also rac:.O lnellan lO<a. Rurin1ng Tr\A, Mini'• Brotl'Mlt. Orienta! Rllhl Rat. ScoWlll F~nv. CNkala Time· I'S 1 115. SS f.UCTA (5-31 paid S60 00 Attanda.-. 6.701 HoHrwood Pllril llfUll.OAY'a llHULTa (2nd ef ll..., IMUUfl • ed --) "MT llACE. 6 lurtonge OuchMa Tine (V~•I 7 40 4.40 S 00 Miu Malll (Sle!Mrl 22 20 10.80 luc:lly Key A (Bladll 8 00 Allo raced· Flee!lng CooM1 1'0 Be Proue! Fortunate MIM. Slulfie Tulfle Jey R Frw, Elsl9'a S!st•, Wllh l.,.... Amy Time 1 10 415 MCOMO llACL I tunonaa Ostenck>On (Mc:Oonnell) 2l 20 7 40 4 00 o.bl o.n (Ptncey) s eo 2 80 My ~ Kl<'9 IOIM•) 3 eo Aleo raced ......,.bot>. Doc: Camc>IMI. Sillcon Chip, Hello EIWO\t Time' 1 10 415 a DALY DOUal (1·7) oe1c1S9840 TMN> MCL 1 11 ti ....... _....,, Royally (Plncay) 4 20 3 20 2 40 One For G9lly (Maul I 40 S 80 ~ Ac1 (Upl\_, ...,, 3 eo Also rao.CI. Clat~ Jewel, By The 8y, Street L~. N001e Celel>tlly Time. t·44 4/5 • UACTA (1·71Oa10 SSll 00 ,OUlllTlt llAC.. I lurlonge. Roy91 Oly CMwa) le 20 to 40 4 eo Jeded ~·-("-"'It) 3-90 3.00 Surfer Boy (Ollv_, 2 80 Aleo rac.ct Davie!'• Oanc:er. Bold Jat. Strike Fk:at. T, v. Cat, Propoelllon 8 T-1'10 2/5. '1PTH llACL 1 1111 mMel on turf NatlW Gal (81blllel 22 40 I 80 4.80 Oeclalw Or..,, (Mc04wron) 4.00 2 80 \/ooCloO ~ ckawi.y1 uo Aleo t.ced· AMI NollOfl. Unat Pl• ... Gall's Oellght. Olllcate Or-. Out OeetJny T"-142 115. • UACTA (M) paid S tM 50 .. ..,,. llACC. 1 1118 mllee ~ ,..r_ CMcCtnl 4 40 3 tO S 00 ~ 8y Ovm (Or1-.i&I to 00 5 80 Qh09i ~ (T0tol 4.80 Al•o raced· Aun'• 11••1 McCoy. fu t lcuflta, ~. Bttlllent Kltlell, Meent To 8e Mine. TlfN: 1 ~ S/6 ePINTlt RACL I.,. Mtona9 Wond ~I~ 12.20 $00 t.40 ""'* Tr9dlllon (MclC«ronl 2 ao 2 20 Cert.clan (H~1 2 20 Aleo raced. My11le1I attttnett. Senior 9erlfllOt. , Miiiy Foll. Altl9r11 .._ TlfM. 111 • UACTA (l·ll paid 11'7,00. • ,.. ... ,,_, .... ., .... ,,paid .... 134.00 10 -wCMlnt llc*e4 ,. ,__). 12 ll'lctl ala contotellon Ollcl 110111 90 With 21 .....,. ...... (ftW "°'"'' ~ Mea. 1 1111,...... on 1w1 l\IOfy Wiiiet (l.JplWn) 14.40 1.20 I 80 '·-~1;r1' 104(1 uo .._..,M 1.40 Aleo r~id: note O•J· Op1teecenc.; ....... Giii ........ ~~.~ ,_, ~ OlllerY '"""' ,,.., """' UCL t U-. °""" .... ~, . uo uo t 40 ......,~~ f40 aoo r• I leMNll ....... I 00 ....... _,,..... ............ ..... =-t::..:S:.' llfl, ..... "'''· .. 1 ....... . • ;JA, ... ,, .,,, ... 00 M••• M . ..,l1 HIOH ICHOO&. ITANDtNOI IHVlewL ... ue ""'" O* .. W L W L ll'fll'A Sac!OltbllllM El TOIO 5 0 I 0 a17 tOS 4 1 8 2 tit 111 Newpott HlllbOf COIQna d .. Mat lfYlr\e 3 2 4 4 172 N 3 3 ~ • 14 11• 2 3 • 3 105 121 2• 4 s • 97 2a1 UnlY .. ally Cotti M .. e Ell-•• t • 3 0 81 t43 I 4 3 I 139 141 Tt111r9Ay'a aoat• Uni11.,11llv 12. C0tQn• Oel Mat 7 • louth Coaet L ... ue "-°"" .. WL't' WLT ,. ll'A C101ttr1no 3 o 1 s 2 1 229 9• Mltlllon VlejO S 0 1 6 1 1 229 11) SM Clemente 3 I 0 6 2 0 127 19 laoo;na H• 3 a 0-3 I 0 131 203 WOOObf109e 2 3 0 5 4 0 117 t70 Laguna 8Mcl1 1 3 0 3 4 0 14 ff o.na Hiiia 0 5 0 0 I 0 M 231 ,.,_.,,..., ....... W~INldgll 21. ~ Hiie 20 Aneofu• L~ • ~ WL-: Mat., Del S..Vole St Paul B~Amat Poul X s.,,. 4 00 62 t 300 5t0 210 820 12 0 820 030 3!>0 0 4 0 1 7 1 Thw9A•'•kon Mil., Olli 32. S.,ra 12 OllMH-" l!MPIAE ll!AGUE K11etl1 28, El Dorado 28 Pacifk:• 20, Loara 10 CIJO'IMY LIAOUf. " '" 117 110 200 41 168 117 ... 117 94 187 58 208 S1n1a Ana Vall4ty 48. Canyon 29 O"AHCM LIAOUE Valencia 2 t, Savann• O OAAOIN uova LEAGUE Rancho Alamllos 26. S1nt18QO 13 Tonlaht'a ec:"-dule eulf•ET LI.AGUE Fou,,1a1n V1t11y vs Ocean view at Hunhngton 8eac:l1 Hun11ng1on Beach vs Ma11n1 at We1tm1n11., ' aEA VIEW LIAGUE Nawpoll HarbOJ vi Cosca M•H at Or anee Coa51 COl!llge S1oa1eback 111 Estancoa at Newport Mlfl>Or • El Toro at l<vone SOUTH COAST LEAGUE C10tstrano Valley er Laeuna S..C:h Sin C1t<TMn1e II Mission Vllljo ANGELUa LEAGUE Boshop Amal at PIUS X S•vole 11 St Paul Elllf'IM LEAGUE lOS Alamotos vs E-an.ta II Valenc:ll Kennecly vs Cyp< .. s at W•tern CENTUflY LEAGUE Vofta Patt. al El Moelenl <><•nee vs. S.n11 .t.na at S11n11 An• Bowl Foochlll 11 Tuattn FllEEWAY IJAGU£ Buen• Park et l• Habra Troy at Fullerton Sono<e vs Sunny H1llt et Bulltll P•rk OllANGE UAGUE West.,n vs Magno4ll at la P.ima Pak GAllOEN GllOVE LEAGUE La Outnte at BOlsa G1enele Los Amigos at G11den Grove NOH·LUGUE Dena Hons 81 Monlc:lllr -(_ > . mA Lahn 111, Nt1~1te 10I Of.NYE.II -Englilh 12; Vand""9gl\e 8 ..... 19, Dunn 4, MdOnn9Y 2. HWlllik 11: Kell9y 4. Willams 15, Aolllec:h 2. Rey 1 I, Gondteza 6. Tollla. 31-te 32-38 1oe LOa AMGE..E• -Ram«* 8. Will< .. 17. Al>Clul-Jaobat 12. JohntOt> 15. NIAOfl 21. M Cooper 10. Wonhy 20. "4cAOoo 11. JOtClan o. MClGee 0 landtbet119t 7. J Cooper 2 Totals 51-108 lS.20 131. kcwe..,o.nww Oen-2t 31 2t 27-108 lot Angele9 « 34 23 30-131 Thr ... poont goals-none Fouleel out-None AebounOa -Oenv., 34 crour ti.cl Wllll Si LOI Aftgales 56 (A•mbll 11) ASMIS-Oen-22 {Dunn 4). Los Atigeles 34 (~ 9) T01al IOUlt-Oen-21, LOI A,.i.. 29 A-12.815. 1'1lw9claf"• ._.. ubn 131, oan-108 MolWaukee 104, Atlante 100 CNc:ago 118. c-.iano 111 Pf>oenl• 119. U'latl 104 San Antonio 108. Portland 107 (04) TOftWll'•O.-WUl'll119ton 11 Soaton New Jetaey •t ClewlanO PNll04ill)llll at Oettoll Oallltat~Clty Seti OleQO at MllwUM N9w Yor1< et S..ttte Sen Antonio et Goloen Stele I Women'a w....,._. COllmlUNITY eoUaO.: GolOen Wett Clef Orange Coul. 15-11 !>-15, 1M.1!>-10 ltlOH 9CttOOl wastmon11er Oel Hunttnglon Beach. t!>-tO. IS. I. 14-18, 15-9 fountain v.-y def Menna 15-9. 15·$. 1!>-10 Corona «Ml Mar de4 Ettancll. 15-10, 15-8 15-10 San Clemente <l•I. Capistrano Valley 15-4, 1S.9, 15-5 Newpot1 Chnstian def. """•· 15-17. 15-1 is-1. 15-12. HontKonaC.... ......................... Tim Wlllllson (U.S.) d41f. Tim OuNllllon CU S). $-7, 7.5, &-3; Tom Cein (U 8,) Off. G.iy Foroet (Frll/IQI .. M , •2; Martin Oe"'8 (U.8-) oel Tom o•-(U.S.). .. 3. M : Pat Oupt• 1u s.1 cMI J11ntny •°""' cu.8 i. e.3, 7 .. ._ .. o.. ............. Mrde Moulton cu S I tie!. Lllell 0r..a. CSwltrer1end). 1·1 , 6-1; Cetrln Jt .. 11 (S-) Cllll Kim Slefn!MIZ (U.8.). W . 2 ... t-4; Clwtat!Mne Jolleeelnl ~-Mii .., "'1ytll• 111_ ..... ~I. 1-2, •2 • vt.111 ~ ... ~u 8 I 09! GllW1 IU S ). 1 ... ltoollMlm ~ ........... Ofll AltllneMO ('1n1Md) . ltM 9"11ttl IVS). f..4, W . 1-3; WOjlell 'II*..,......, Clef J11n GUMIW_., (Swedenl. •2. ? ... Matt WllanOer (S-Clanl del T!10"'1e HoOtledl (SwecMll). 8·4, 3-•, l-3, T- Smld cc~~•.., Clef. H1C11 Sev1Mo (U 8 1. 1·4, 14 , l·S: Slllomo Gllclllletn (ltt ... ) dell l_, Palin (FlnlllNI), e.2. e.3, Henri Leconte (f:flftC:e) del llonnl • ... "'"'" (Sweden). •2. t-2, .wt U11*M cua.1 Oe4. atecM ~ c~i. 1-1 • t-3, 1·1: Jrlk llker.liy (U I .) def. tflHll Menton CIJ.81. 7 .... 1·2i AdrS-l'lnetle (!I~ Olf'H-aimol•-(9wldlrl). 1·1. e.3: P., Hl«IQulll !9wedenl dllf ... HMl-(Aomenlel; .. 1. 7 ... 1-3 WCT~CIMllO C•T~IMJ ow ............ Jlm"'r Art .. (U.a ) def Vljr( Alllfltflj (lnOll). •3 ... a. fliw .....,... (U I.I ..... ..,,,, llOft (U I.). M . N , a-4. """''"' .. c-. w'f.1a:,':..>.,.._ .. ...,, ,..,., (U.11 -... ..,__. , ......... M: ....... "'~:'.. w•w•~J.M.1 ... w ........... rl lltynrit Ill~ I 1'11111'1, 1•1 tel Haii,.n1. •• ... • 0 ... ..,.., 111 _, I·) t-0 0 l II) IMI I I WWII t .J 10 ......... Cllal""•n·ll•vtn11lu• (II Uel Lan11no• T11n I t. Clef '11 L...._..1 t 0 Olli frvr'll• lou .. I 0 Cunntooh1m Anll11.o; 111 W1111 1 I I 0 IS lltr 118<>811141 Ill -0.1 It I 0 It II ,.,. 1~•c' ,._, 4 Han~ tCMI def mtn, , ••• IOtl to Cua. t•t , HI Cait1110t1, I 4, T~., (CM) IOlt, 3·1, won, e 2, Iott, t e. vanacoyoc COM) Iott, 0 .. t-1, 3·8 ......... llmmo111•L•r1on (OM1 O•I T annr-~"'11111, 1.1, Iott to C11m1>bell·l.,i.y, 2•1, kltl 10 M0111t·O.,,lnQet, 44, HUOl>N· JOhftllf (()Ml loll, 4•1, 2·1, ~ ... hn4idic;t• Oullll (CM) oat, 1·6, 3•1, t.e Utllfffllt, 11, .... ~ Hfllllot • ...... lel11>v1• (lJ) Clef Stelnef, 1·3, del CrOOll, t.f, O.f !\19111. 8·1, lek., CUI won, 1·4, 1·2. 8 2, COftm.en IUI 10a1. 2•1. won, 8· 1, I· 1 ~ ll;i.hlct Mkld .. lon (U) def Tuon«·411ac:k 8· I, IOtl lo Ollley·Stbattt1111, 3·1, Oe1 Tully: Rabbitt, 8-0, luc:aa.&eoal CUI won, 7-6, toet, !!.il8~· ~~j ~~lon·Orep., CUI Iott,~·· ...,.,.. tr,,_ .. y ..... 1 ...... Oelalt (Ml Clef Otrell. 1-2. c»t YM 8-0 04ll Noecll. 8-0. c .... 1tMIwon1-2 .... : 1-4' 1111HH11 tMI won e-o. e-1. &-1 • ,,....... 8tanlle!C·H91rta (M) d411 8racki.y..lig111, 8-3, def $plVlll·8-0, 8-0, def Kluorn-Hoa91lad, f-0, Lolllo-1 ~encl (Ml loll 2·8, ,.on 6· 1, 1-2, Nghiem-I< Hll!llbfenel (Ml W011 f·S. l ·:t 8-0 Lat-.... 10, Capo v-, e ·~ Sturm (l81 Iott to Motcnell o.-. io.1 to MMle<, 1 .. , IOll 10 Oenllh. 8·7. Brown (l8) IOtl. 0.8, 1 8. won, 8-2, WMleti. (lBI loll. 0 ... won 8-4, IOll, 3·8 0...... Pllll-·Wallace (LBI 0.1 AIW.,t·Hlfely, 6·3, Iott to B1fllet1·Fl11, 4·6, def Mollat·Couti.., 7-8. OoOlr•v·SUQI (LBI won, 1 ... 6·2. 1-3. Conkey-Nayi0t CLBI won, 1·3, 7 ·8. 8-4. Croe1 country HIGH SCHOOL ._. L9"W ""8le (at c...-.. ,..,., MIN I Bqh (HSI. 15 24. 2 Olli-CHB). 15 42 3 Cuev• (HB), 1601, 4 Arc:IMbllcl 1ov1. 18 08. 5 Coe IEI. 18 12, 8 Motlon CW), 16 22, 1 C•s CHiii. t6 27; a Young ff), 16 31, 9 EOW9'Clt (H8) t8 39, 10 Stnlth (MJ. 18 42, 11 WlylhomH (H8), 16•45, 12 Mlgllorlnt (FV). IU8. 13. Herr)I (Ml. 16·49: :: ~amot>el (FVI. 18 51. t5 ll4wl'r" (HB). T_k« .. 1 H<on11ng1on 8Mct> 22. 2 E<lllon, 82. 3 Founlaln Valley. 88, 4 OcMll View. 17, 6 M91lnl, 104, e w .. 1m1na1er. 135, , ..... T_ • ._... (TepltltM......,..,Clf') 1 Huntington Buch. 2. Edison, 3 . Fountain Valley, 4 Mllf\na, 5 Ocearl View. 8 WMtmlrwtet WOMEN I Prall (El. 19 :it, 2 Vtnc!ermoletl (E), 11 10. 3 SnyO... CEI. 111 18, 4 WhM (E}. 19 20, 5 RHQllOI (E,), 11·30. 6 Whl•ll• (W), 19 48. 7. Corral (W), 19.41, I. Boni lJ), 19:55; 9 T•ranove (El, 19 68, tO. Venclley (H8). 19 69, 11 OHt>erl (FV), 111.59: 12. F-!El, 20·11, 13 Nh1 (HB). 20:40: 14 Moc;lr (WI. 21.01, 15 Glr9100t (FV). 21:08 • r---.. 1 E:dl1on, 1&; 2 WHtmlntler. 83; 3. Huntlng1on BNch, M. 4. ~ View, 110; 5 Fountain v~. 111. 6 MW\ne, 131 , ..... L...-....... (Tett llvM ..... let C•) 1. Edi9on, 2 WMlmintter, 3 ~ Vlllw; 4 Hv<nlnQton l!IMcll and Foun1aln Valley, e M ... lne •••• oolo HIGHK~ ,.,._........, .. ~. AOverlOCle POI'( 2 1 3 3-9 ~ .. ty 0 3 4 1-9 Untv•ratty 1cor1n g Solomon 2, S Wunbourne 2. Langlo!• 1, Colwlc:k 1. Sc:nlact., 1 K WMht>ourM 1 NHL '"""""''• ...,.. P1mbUfgh 4. New J«aey 4 vanc:ou-•. P11111c1e1p111a 3 HllltforO 5. Botton 2 MonlrMI 9, MlftMeOll 3 Cai9MY 1. w~ s T ......... o-e St LOIM 11 W81Nng1on New Yorti Aanoetll •1 Eclmbnlon o... ... ....... A"T'• L ...... (Mew(Nd llMcll) 28 anglers 21 tie., 80 bonito. 112 rMC:ll•et. 1e rod! 11th, a llle9'!1head. t ~ DAWY'a LOCHJll (~ 9Moll) 57 analert 101 bonito, 9 c:allco bul, 2 cow coCi, 380 tnae*aret, 227 rock cod. 3 MnCI beW • DANA WMAllP -45 OlllQlere. at bM1 107 bonito, 45 rOCll cod, 4 .,_,,.,,..,, 2 ~ .. ACM -64 llf191era. 441 roc:ll QOCI, 1 wfltte lltft. ( ...... ) -M ~. 5 bonllo, 300 MICll..... 5 N!Jld baH, 700 1111----. .. • Uni comes to· life CdM's p l ayoff h opes da111aged By ED ZINTEL lpetllll I• Iha Oelt, "'°' In µa1n y1.•ar11, tht· only n•al caun• for Unlv1.•ult y H lgh 'a footbull l1.•am to cc•lcbrnl<> wa11 when ll would lx>U.l crosll·lown rival lrvl nt•, O h c•n t lmt.•11 , It wouh.I lw Un1'11 only vll:tory of thl' St.'U!IOI'\. This yc•ur has dl've>lopc.'<I into much the 11am1.• s tory for tho 'l'rt1j1.1n11, but Thursday night, Unlvcndty upset Corona del Mar , 12-7 at Newport Harbor and tha t may be the h ighlight of this season for University. For Corona dcl Mar, which, despite the loss Is still ln the hunt for o CIF berth alon g with Newport Harbor, it will probably be th(' season 's low point. The Sea Kings. 3-3 in league (Newport is 3 ~2 go a rig in to tonight's gamc agaljlSt Coi;ta mesa), jumpt.>d out to tr quick 7-0 lead, then lost their o ffense. Corona dcl Mar t<iilback Lan<.'<-' Martin . who two w eeks ago ru11hed for 206 yurd11, ¥(.'Orl-d th(• gomc'11 rln1\ loud1cfow11 mid hucJ IM yur<.111 at llw half How£•vcr. he• wa11 ublt· to gnin just two yards in t h e 1wcond h n lf Uli t-h o Uni dttCl•l)tlO CUITll' olive. /\fl.crwo rd , u ju bil a nt U11ivcre11 y h cod roa(•h Rlt'k, "' C urtis cr edited his defense for \he vict.ory. The wln raised the Troj'1n11' league' mark to 2-4, 3-6 overall. "Our dt-fonsc really caml.' to play tonight," he said. "Wt• finully 11tar\cd to hit people." Finally is right. This was the same University dcfenw w h ic:h had allowed 153 points in five league games and which had given up an average of 38 points per Bame in four straight losses previously. On the other hand, Corona det Mar had been winning gam<.•s with its defense, allowing just 57 points in its five league games. induding just one field goal in its last two wins. S u it was a night for thl· unu8t.llll nnd for Crullrutlon pt1r\1<:ulurly for Corona dcl Mor. £11rlyo 1t wu· thl' pcmalty b y whkh Coruuu dl•I Mur i Uffl'rt'Cl ulthough thot changed In the> wN·cmd hulf w h e n University nNarly "UV4: tht• game a way to Cd M l)l><:ttUbl-' or pt:nalties. In all, 4!811 y:irci wt•rl' murched oft in f>lUloh1t'!l, 164 ogalm1t Unlvt1nity. Alwr Corona dcl Mar marched 77 yu r d 1.1 for a t ouchdo wn folluw1ng nn inl("rl·epliun b~ MtkL• Moltnuro on the flrsi setlf1l ul th(' gamt·. University slowly t·omt• b\.lck Th1.• Tro,Fms moved the ball 79 yards ror a touchdow n. capped by quart1.•rback Will Wa tson's :49-yard touchdown run around ldt 1.•nd On the play. Watson beat the pursuit to the outside. then c ut up f1 ~ld a nd ran untouched _for the S<.'Or~. J-lowcwr. John Peirano's extra point attempt was no good and at thL· time. "that seemed critical. Dramatic • Will Pe1rano, though, mor e than mad(• up for h when he booted two field goals, one in the second quarter a nd another in the third to finish out the scoring. --1 Pcirano's 41 -yard field goal late in the second quarter. caused for Woodbri«Jge a. the University side of the faeld to erupt in cheers. One would have thought that the Trojans had just won a league title. • ln any even t, that kick was the ma rgin as University's defense came up with the big play time after time in the ~'Ond half. By ROGER CARLSON Of 1M Delly .-tlot ll9" His Warriors had just put him through an e mo ti'onal ro Jler coaster ride to end all trips with a come-from-behind 2 l-20 South Coast League football decision over L aguna Hills Thursday night -leaving Woodbridge High Coach Gene Noji virtually speechless. "I"m OK now," he CinalJy said, "but those last 10 seconds, well, it's the most excited tha t I've been in .a long time." Woo dbridge is now 2-3 in league, 5-4 overall. Laguna Hills is 3-3. its league season ended. The Warriors' hopes for a CIF Southern Conference playoff berth arc still there. providing they c~n win again •next week and San Clemente (3-l) loses to favorites Mission Viejo a nd Capistrano VaJley. which would force a coin rtlp to d etermine the No. 3 re presentative from the league. But for ttWhile Thursday at Irvine High. at all appeared h o peless when Laguna Hilfs' Rick Trento set up the Hawks' go-ahead touchdown with a 30-yard return to th e W oodbridge 11 w ith 3 :01 re maining. On the n ext play L onnie Reiner raced 11 yards through a crowd on the right side and followed It with a two-point conversion run t.o give the Hawks _ a 20-14 lead with just 2:55 left. But the Warriors got a 23-yard kic k o ff r e turn from Darin Daniels, a 17-yard burst by Scan Sieler , a 15-yard gift (personal foul) and a 12-yatd dash from Rudy Figueroo to ge t the ball to the Laguna Hills' 11 w ith 1:32 remaining. All of this was with no time outs left. After quar te rback K evin Burke ran twice to ne t eight yards and stopped the clock with an Incomplete pass, there were but 15 licks remaining and fourth down at the Laguna Hills 3-yard line. It was more than enough tim(! for him to roll right and find Figueroa ln the end z.on e for the ty ing score. Tim Leach toed the PAT with 10 seconds to go to put the Woodbridge side into a state of bedlam. * Woodbrldfe 21, Lagun11 Hiii• 20 ec-~o-w. Ulgllna HCNI • 0 0 14-20 WoodbrldOe I 0 I 7-2 1 LH-Aoman 1 nm (put failed) w-"'°"°'oo 40 run tPMe flll9d) LH-Aonlen 14 run (put l•llecl) LH-Aelnor 11 run (,._.'* runl W-FIOueroa 3 PHI from Burk• (LHGll ltl<:k ' Allendenee-1.400 C•Um1ted) 0-lutfetln U4 w Ftr•t dOWnl 15 17 Au.,_.yll'd• 29-I 10 43-283 P ..... 19 y11d• 1N 20 P•-14·28-1 4·10-1 Punl• W2 2-35 Fumblee-loe1 2-1 3-2 P9nllf .... y.,d9 10-75 12-58 llllllitdll41 ......... LH-""'-. 15-63, Romlrt. 4·2.4, Plemel, s-14; Wlllkll. 3-3: Price. 2-e W-l'teuefe>&, 22·17 t: Sehr~. 8-28, SleW, 4-41; ""'"· 11·25 .................. lH-Pl9mel, 13-M•I, 117: "'°9. 1•2.0. H w_.,,..., + 10. 1. ao ....... bl ........... U4-McOllld, .. 130, WllllllM. M7, Ae1net 1·24. flloflwl, 1·6 W-'IOIWH. 3-1 t, t.ee. 1·1 * It was a st irring finish to a game dominated by mistakes, but a lso one in which a coupl.e -.of indjviduals displayed blue crup abihty. Figuer oa r a mbled for 171 Un=~~~ 7 yards on 22 carrries, incl uding a Un1vera11y e 3 3 0-12 0-7 40 d TD b · h f COtona det Mar 7 o o -yar urst m t e irst C<IB-Marlln 10 run (Hughff kl<:k) quarter and 71 yards in 9 carries u-w11eon 39 run (klcl< lllll4tdl sparked the Warriors' 79-yard u-Pelr"'° 41 FG U-P•rano 27 FG scoring march in the t hi ro A11en<1ane. -1100 1"11mattldl quarter. capped by Burke's TD Game ltallatlc• sneak from inches out. F•rat oowna ~ John McDaid was Lee Plemel's Aus11ea-yerd1 44.174 c 7 27-106 48 4-ta.() t-38 1· 1 U-126 favorite target for Laguna Hills, Passing yard• 51 PUNS 5-14-2 latching onto eight passes for l20 Punta 5.34 yards. Fumbles-loll 0-0 The differenc"? Aside from P•n•llles-yaros 14-184 ,. lndlYldual ftuetllnt Leach's toe, it was Figueroa's u-wataon. 15-39; 21101var. g.51, Ianuzzi o utside speed and the dominat1ng 8·17, Sneed, 1·14, Clingan. 11·53. f Woodb 'd • ff • CdM-Wllaon, 1·!; Martin, 19-96; Brown ·aspect o r1 ge s o e ns1ve 3.4, Pryor, 1-0; Molinaro, 2· 13, Mon line. ,. 1·for·monus 8 ..., W oodbridge's o nly p ass u-waieon'.~~~5~aulnt comple u on in the second half c-we1eon. 4-13-0. 48: Mar11n, O·M , o was the payoff to Figueroa-. aJI lndhrldual ~ h f · f h U-Zalelivar. 1· 14. Sneed, 1-15, F1llle, 1-3 t e rest o 1t ca~e rom t e ienuzzJ. 2.19 ground attack. C-Jqr11n. 3-29. Pr'JO'. 2·19. Monarchs tune up for Serv it ~, 32-12 By JOE DUDEVOJR Speclel I• Iha 0.-, fltlot Mater Dei High 's football team dtsposed of the Serra Cavaliers. 32-12. Thursday night at F.ddie W es t Field to set up th e M o n arc h s' Jo ng awai t e d s h owdown with S ervite n ext week. Both Mater Dei and Servile are unbeaten in league play, and next week's finale will decide w ho will wear the Angelus League crown. A Homecoming crowd of 5,000 watched tht! Monarchs bolt to a quick 18 -0 lead in the first quarter and never look back. With less than lwo m inutes gone, Mater Dei's Pat Dunbar took a Cavalier punt at hts own 31 and raced 69 yards down the lefl sideline 'for the Monarchs' mltial score. Mater Dei, leading 6 -0 before its o ffense ever touched the ball, boosted Its advantage to l2-0 on a brilliant 88-yard run by Richard Aguirre. The play occurred after a p enalty had pushe d the Monarchs back to their own 12. Aguirre. who e nded the night wilh 148 yards on only 11 carries. took the handoff on a· draw play a nd outran the Serra secondary on the Monarchs' second play from scrim~e. The conversion a ttempt, lik~ the first, was no good. Mater Del head coach Wayne Cochrun said after the game, "I think we might have had a few guys looking a head (to next week). but overall, I'm pleased. The league championship Is going to be decided the way it's supposed to be, by one of the greatest rivalries around." When asked what he thouaht about Servite. Cochrun ahook hla head and aa.id, "I've seen IOme great Scrv\te teams, but in my opinion, this one la the best yet, and I've been aro und, either coaching o r coaching against them. since '64." Serra. coming int.o the game a bag underdog. held its own in the second quarter. scoring.on a John J ackson 12-vard run for an 18-6 halftjme score. But the Monarchs, who bega.n to look a little lackadaisical in the first half. scored twice in the first rive minutes of the third period to tock up the w in . Ma ter Del's Roger Reynoso played a fine game. completing 10 of 13 passes for 144 yards and two touchdowns, one each to Mike Mitchell and Don Code. With the victory, Mate r Dei is now 4-0 in league. 6-2-1 overall. Serra dropped to 0-4, 1-7-1 for the season * Mater Del 12, ..,,. 12 ac..i.,a-.. S.•• 0 • 0 e-1t Mater Del 11 o t4 0-32 MD-Ounber 69 punt ,..um (kid! lliledl MO-Aguirre 88 run (kk:k talted) , MO-Mlldlel. 4 PIM from Aeyno.o (run lalled) S-Jeclteon t 2 run (llletl fllltd) MO-Aguirre 5 run (Doon klctt) MO-Cod• 11 p111 from Aeynoeo COoen kick) • S-Jeckaon 10 run (kick felled) Anendanco -5,000 1 .. 11matldl o-atatte"" • Flral down• 12 Ru"--y•rdl . 32..t8 .'-MMlo yltde 118 p-7-1$--0 Punt• 6-45 Fumblffotoal 3-1 .., 13 31-117 151 t2-1t-o 2-38 3-0 11· t2t Penllti ... yarell 5-55 .... , ...... """""' 8-J1c•1on. 10·29. Johnson. 11-40; Thom••. 2·(or-mlnut 11, llfttton. l-tor-mlnll9 12 MO-Aguirre. I 1· 148; lngt1m1, t -31 . Jonie, 3-25; Locy, 2· 10 . .-.,gene. 2 .. ; FWr91. 1·2, Barach, t-1, Pola, 1·1: Aeyno10, ... ,Of ..fllll'Md 37 11141\r1 ..... ,...... S -Btlnon. 4·11.0, 71, Sfllne*. 3-5-0,47 MD-~. 10.1:..0, 144; Locy, 24-0. 15 ................. S-Mllef. 3-1•. TilofnM. 4•44 . MD-Mllcllel. l ·ff: OaMn, 2•H , Doon, 1-17, Code. 1·11, Fefr.C, 1·8, l rown, 1•7, Ot&.aCNI. 1·5, ~. 1-3, .-.,.,.. ,., Oiler s, E d ison r un to S unset • wi n s ThN'C wcrt' few surprlws In tht• SunM't League cross t·ounlry finals at Central Park Thursd1y AHClmoon . JU c.•icpc.oettd. Huntln1ton &-.ch Hlah b!'ffzed to vktory In th4l team compt"tldon o( th<' men•• diVtllon. whlle Edleon twept t'he \Op f Ive aloe. for lM Woml'n. Ttw Ollc-rt pi.c.d tM top three flru•~ra for the nwn. led by o,.. S.uah'• lndlYldual triumph an 15:24. HCl wu follow9d by tMmme'"OuaQuinanea ( 1~:42) Ind MarUn CUft9 (18:01). QulnaMI WU lkl9tined wl\h 1n Injury for~ of \he ftl'lity dual ~ tNIOn.-~ Hununiion a..h ct.throned Founwn Valley, ~ whit•h had won lht> SunRt Le.,ue finals the? put alx yt•an. • Flnlahln& behind the Oiler trio were John Archibald of Ol. ... n View ( 18:08), MJk• Coe olc Diwan C 18: lt). Kyt. Marton of Wtelmlnl..,. C 18:22) and Hun~'1Jlavtd Ca11ll CJ.1:2'7), TM lidllarl women. who dominated tM Surmt Lap d.J "'"' eempafp. heel no uouble m w fin.la. lMMe Pnn wan ..a11 tn 18:38, laillowed by 1 t8;'" Shell! Vencletmolen (ll:IO), Temmy Ul;ll), IMt1 While (11:20). Md Ntcm. R&tdlal c ll:IO). ................. \he ................ Weelmi,...,. wtth OLWn v..-..._, INid:" Sports on ... this weekend S•t•rd•y TELEVISION 9 a .m . (7) -OOLLEGE f'OOTBALL Michigan at llllnols. Orange CoHt OAIL V PILOT /Frida , November 6. 1882 Cl ="'- ' I II ~ I Ii i.1 I•••" 111 "'' .'11. ••• 1tl! ••••••••••• ¥.~!!!!.~ !!.~·.... ... . .~!!!! •• ~~ ••• !. . • . •. • • •.••.•.•••••.••••..•. 11.. •• ,.1 ,,,, •• ,,,, '"' ... ,,, '"' . Qr :.:·:;·a~·~·~=~· ···:::·:·· "' II • 1 ~00 000 3 Bdrm, 2 ball\, !>Ml.Ill· • 4,tt L.Ji., 11lr .cond: " ~t 1 P' • • • · 1u11v ll•luraJ, neutr11 col• -ore and qultt area 12:30 p.m . (2)'-NCAA TODAY -With Brent Musburger. 12:45 p.m . (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - UCLA at Washington. (7) -BOXING -Amateur teams from the U.S. and East Germany meet In a series of bouts ta~ at Biloxi, Miss. P1Ml .. tr't ltffHI All retl aslate •dVtttlMd In thll ntwspapar 11 subject to th• Ftd1ra1 F11r 11ouslng Acl of 1eea lilhlch makes It Illegal to adveftlM "tltly preleran- ce, llmltallon or dlac1lml· nallon based on race. COior, rellglon, H X Or natlon11 origin, or •ny Intention to make any 1uch preference, llm1t1-llon4>r dlacrlln1n1tton." &modt!led 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. 1379.&00. l)c}am cell!ng•. fumilhed, paUoe. $420,000. lJfltlllOO~ t1()~f.I l .PllllllU lfll_ . R.ailors, 878:.eooo Ocean & Jetty ytew1. ·'larine room. 4 bdrm. 3 • bath. 3700 eq.ft. $J,38~.ooo. Oceanfront. "'"" /1lHI .10H 2:30 p.m . (4) ....._WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN -The 1981 Stam pede and Suicide race frc>m Omak. 3 ~30 p .m . (4) ~sPORTSWORLD - Scheduled: Middlewe ight Alex Ramos (14-1) vs. Ted Sanders. Also: T he mixed ~ t.arget dlving championship and a SportsJoumal report. 4:30: p .m . (7) -G REATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -Johnny ~nch, who hit m ore h ome runs than any catcher in basebalJ history, discusses his two National League MVP awards. 5 p .m. (7) -WIDE ·woRLD OF SPORTS - ' Anatoli Piserenko of the USSR defends his title in the World W~ighUifting championships, taped in Yugoslavia. Also; Sydney Maree and 1982 Fifth' Avenue mile winner Tom Byers are among the comp etitors in the Rome Mile and the Skate Ame ri ca internati o nal figure skatin g championships, taped at Lake Placid.-NY. Just missed Ang:l:;~ a~·ui.a~) -NBA BASKETB~LL -Los l:nguna Hills defe nsive 11 p.m . (5) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL -back Dave Price just ~1t'te.at Washington, played earlier in the day in , misses aQ interce ption as it RADIO goes through his hands and Football -OklahomaState at Ne braska, 11:25 • h · · f a.m ., Kl}l;V (870); Cal State Fullerton at Fresno mto t e waatmg arms o State, 1:10 p.m .. KWRM (1370) and KWVE (108 Woodbridge's Sean ":'rigll . FM); UCLA at Washington, 12:50 p.m., KMPC ------------------- (710): California at USC, 1:30 p.m., KNX (1070); Edison at Westminste r, 'l:l 5 p.m .. KWVE (108 FM); Cal P oly Pomona at CaJ State Northridge, 7:15 p.m .. KWRM ( 1370); Saddleback at Santa Ana, K SBR (88.5 FM); Pacific vs. Long Beach St. at Anaheim, _lQ_p,m .. KWVE (108 FMJ, del'!l'~· Bulldogs get OK 1mmm · Arro;t• fut ~•h A~ftnwtth rot '•h =::r!!~i'~,'''", f •""''.," 1,.f,' "'·.,"' f~"::{,~~:~1~'t..i"~ huplt't.f'"-'IUl\~ .. t1 "'"-''f"" IV f• \fl,, 1" !Alum.• t;p;Qt-11' A1JV"lr14l t'n1t,. lh .. uhf•"! '•ltt ,,..,.,,,'" ftrt\fl , ,,, ,,,.,~ ~ll'lll"'"'W"f'•I H• ·•OI :::~~~'...:n4·:'it.,.; (hl\uf'\11111-.,,,,., H11n.1 ""'" t"'"''" f,t1.~,11 tt ... t tAl•ltl t ,ft'l .. h~• k.-.t t.o11l•\t1 """"'I IENTALS Thia newap•I* will not knowingly accept any :':!' aoverllslng for real ... 1J• tell which 11 In vlo41t1on :~: of the law. ,... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1•1• ,., ·~·· UHll1 Advert! '~·r.:. sers should check ,~, ~:: their ads dally and ~~ report errors Im- -mediately . The ~ DAIL v PILOT as-~ sumes llablllty for •lt.N,.,,.. • .,,,,,,tt.fl )llf "the first Incorrect Insertion only. '"""'..., l t1fw11m.h1•4 r.H •••••••••••••••••••••• LI.IA I.LE• UYFllllT Utl,IOI Duplex two 3 Br unll1 Lagoon view from 6 bdnn, 5 bath, playroom, 1ov. d~n. Darrtll PHh dark nn, den. Boat 1llp. Now $1,000,000. Propert1e1 8151·8787 UYlllE PLAOE c., •• , '•' ~,; JOZI Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, ••••••••••• •••••••••• 2 ba dn. 2 boat lpact.'9. Reduced-$1,600,000. OWNER/AG . OUPLEX Reduced to S250,000 FlllUl.11 lllftM . owe 12Y. -150.000 dn. New 4 br, 4 \lf"ba, CWltom French Normandy e7s-3oea or 87IJ-9"7 Ea_tat.e 1.2 prime acre hilltop $1,250,000: . • IYALll . Fee simple 2 ~r l'Ottage on quiet Detlcanso St (In Flats). Reduced to $100,000 . ' . ORIUll OAYI Coronado laland CUit. bayf.ronl lot. 85" boat dock. Plana avail. Now $370,000 w/term11. . BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR ll' fl, y \ •lo [Jo•' 'JP, 1,/', t ll): TRADE tWu~•111 •"rn~'''"' n • --------::=:~:~:~~:~:~~" . ~ ' -::::::::=:=iiiiii:i::iii:::ii::::ii:iii~I f~:~~:::::: t ~:· :~ : ... ,,. ,., 141• · 1 i -----. -. -z -- your boring Income pro- ~rty or outgrown r1tl· dence with lar°' equity for this nea.t ruttlc and roomy 4 bdrm. 3'" bl home In WALK TO THE BEACH CORONA DEL MAR LOCATION with spectacular 180 deg. ocean, 4 lslantl and har- bor view. Prleed at cur· ren1 appra1111 of S475. 000 fee. Own er has $195,000 equity and will carry 2nd. '"'"'' ... t.ro "'-... •••••••••••••••••••••• REDUCED T0-$745,000 ~';':~·.-.;;.' •• ":;' I IHI lll1le - Alill"' C ntv1n '..': ••••••~•-'••••••••••••• 144-1211 ~~:.~:'"" "' "" ._ Gt•e11/ I 001· 1 "'""'" ""•"' ~ ...................... Lllll ISLE/Closl11 Costs 01111 ti:.·:,·.~~;~· ::~ YI Owner hll butlne11 rev·erHll and MU•T miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiili )o<in,n•·• H••l•I• •,•,•,. IPEQIALI ,,, ....... " ...... ,. llquldetel To queUfled bu1• thla home ftY1 lie ~:~~;,';:;".:;;; ::; Now that VA termaare at p.ircheHd for clo1ln9 co1t1 on111 Febulou1 PlllE 111111111 /Jn NICfl 131\ll[ Y & ASSU[IATE.S cw1 ... H·•••• ••• 12'h'le, the time to buy 11 lowe1t price on Lindi tile. luHrb leaoon ~~~.~:."~:::~, :~~ prime for this 3 Bdrm 2 locellon with pler/1llp tor large 1ec:hl e.nd a DllMI ~;'!.".'!:~...... ".. bath home with t1mlly greet 5 bdrm home w/lg• f1m111 room. tnYMI llllUln YllW Basketball -Lakers alUtab-;1>:20' p.~AC (570). Hockey -Pittsburgh at Kings, 7:20 . p.m ., KPRZ (1150). Sanda.'' FRESNO (AP) -Eligibility was restored for five-Pre~no-:-~tate basl<etball player~ w ho w~ d eclared ine ligible for play pending an investigation of alleged infractions. The decision announced Thursday came a day before the Bulldogs' first exhibition game of the season -1 against the Soviet Union's national team. M... .. •• ,.1, !:: room. Pride of owf!eflhlp now befON prtc:. goee up. F1nta1Uc ocean & ca- [ property! Only $119,500, WATllFlllT ... llC 111 141CI' nyon view. 3 BR, 2 BA, IUSlllESS, INVESI· call today! e.t&-7171 !~~=~~~~,~~·iiiiiiiii==·== dining area home 11 at-MENT, FINANCE iJl.i'.fij S ii _tuated on very 10 lot • ~~~~~![;£,I El r:i.=;rliil!I ICUIFHIT1 Two bedr oom ho me on ~~~~~.~-a:~~~: '"'"'1",..04 ....... .._ -----..,-·-.:; oversize lot, near Balboa Pier. $425,000 D 9 n n a God• h a 11 . ~=: ~~~;;:. ! I TWI WEEll LEn aamrw llPLU: 2400 Sq Ft lot across 8"4•9200 · TELEVISION . A joint investigation by the Pacific Coas\ Athletic Association and the school turned up "technical infractions r elAting to extra benefits and recruiting" by five unnamed players. 1o1"'1•••<> ,.,. ' lo assume 12•;. loin on -ANNOUNC£M(NTS, ,beaut. Int, dee. Condo. from Newport H arbor Yacht Clu.b. !fl: Macnab · Irvine Noon (4) -NBC SPORTS SPECIAL Coverage of the CART Phoenix 150, t aped Saturday. Also: Boxing. The National Collegiate Athletic Association restored eligib ility status that was suspended last spring, said Allen Agnew, Fresno State athletic representative. Fullerton/ Brea area. Nr Buildable size. • $340,000 ,HSONAlS & College. 2 BR. 1250 sq ft. El"'llT DUPLEXES: Something to suit LOST & FOUND owner ctesperate. s11e. • _,_ 12:30 p.m . (2) -NBA BASKETBALL - Seattle at Milwaukee. 3 p .m . (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL California at use. tape delay from Saturday. "This really lifts a cloud off our team," said Fresno S ta te coacn1 Boyd G r ant. "It has had a nega~ive effect on our p layers. there's no doubt A"ftoMn• •·mf'ftl\ ( ., p'"' ...... 1 ''•hfn. U...1 4 hMiind .,,,""'""•''. "'-l•I l lwt. .. • T'•\"t• SEIVICES 3:30 _p.m . (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN -Host Ron H ayes rows nine miles down the American River in Northern California. RADIO about that." • EMPl.OYMENT & Grant concluded the NCAA ruling m eant · PIErAUTIOll Basketball -Portland at Lakers, 7:20 p.m .. KLAC (570). "violations must have been very minor or that they .,.,..,., , •• ., ..... ..,, w eren't violations at all." ,., •••• ,.,,. ----..--------------------------------------;;:__-1•~ta-V. .. AtttJ\I&• 1982 SUBIRU 1982 PONTIAC HATCHBACK TRANS AM 1544"2) 1121MISI FULLY EQUIPPED Po-"'""'°"' & IOCka, 1111. aul.,,,..llC. cw1om >nlt<IO<, 111, CIWM.lulty~ $138 ~241 . - monthly + tax Ctop C011 M579, r-121113, tot.i OI pay<Mnll IO< .a "'°""" SM• 1 28 plus ,.. 0.,... 91"1 -on _o..., cted•I. monthly + tax eep coet S 12 150. ,..-M3$7 oe. 1otol of peYl'*'I• IOf .. mon1111 a 1 u ee pi.. ,.,. °'*' --on _,_ .,..,,, . a. magnon subaru ... a. ifiagnon pontiac BLACK JESSE A,l..LEN BLACK. a resident of Garden Grove, Ca. Paaed away on October 31, 1982. He is survived by his wife Alma, daughter Ethel McElroy of Garden Grove, Ca., grandsons Robert McElroy of Mira Loma. Ca., and Richard McElroy of Costa Mesa, Ca., granddaughter s Janice HAala. UW...,_MT. OLIVE Mortuarv •Cemetery CremalOIV 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 5-40-SSSA ..... ca HOTHHS llU..HOADWAY MOllTUAllY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 6'2·9150 .. LT2&1HGHOM SMTH&TUTHtLL WISTCLIFf CHArt\ •27 E 17t,, St Costa" Mesa 6•6-9371 &••·•301 ••w•n ., & .... An•. ea. Lee has designs a nd Del ores Noble of Mis s ouri, 9 great - grandchildren and 5 great-on gre a t -gra ndc h i Id r en. S ervices were h eld on this· race Wednesday. November 3, By ALMON LOCKABEY 1982 at l :OOPM at the DailJ"°'het~Wrttet Harbor Lawn Memorial One third o f the Chapel with interme n t yachts scheduled to start immediately 1ollowlni at Saturday in the_Los Pacific View Memorial Park. Anfe]es to Mazatlan race Services unde.r the dlrectJon wil be from the design of Ha rbor Lawn-Mo1.1nt board of young Bill Lee Olive Mort~ary ol Coata of. Santa Cruz w ho got Mesa. 54-0-5554. his start in the sport of JUNG . SMEAD KING, resident yach ting as Newport beat for line honors is Harry Moloscho's 69-foot Drifter, the only ULDB which has given L ee's Merlin a hard time. Drifter appears to be a cinch for first to finis h unless her c rew makes- one or more fatal errors along the 1,000-sJide of Costa Mesa. palled away Beach Sea Scout. Nov.4.HeialUJ'Vived by his One third ·start BOAT/NG daughter Nadine Black, of Saturday in the Los C o 1 ta M e aa a o d Ra e d th Ba · Calif · Campbell of I.rvlne and 4 Angeles to Mazatlan race own e J8 om 1a grandchildren. Services will will be from the design coast and the reach be held Saturday 2PM at w board of young Bill Lee ac r oss t h e G u 1 f of Harbor Lawn Memorial of Santa C ruz wh o got CalifornJa . • Ch•pel, with Dr. Jerry· his sta.rt in the sport of But it would su rprise Kirkpatrick of the lat yachting as a N<>wport no o n e if one of the Southern .Baptist Church of Be h Se Seo t S t C 50 k d Costa Meu officiating. ac 8 u · · an a ruz-s po e I n t e r m e n t • e r v I c e • L h b her bow across the fin,.sh ee as eco me line first Immediately followlnj. famous for his ULDB · ~~b~rai:~ d~~~~ (ultra-light displacement C?ther Sant.a Crui-.509 boats) the "downwind which will be competi'l& ~~l;t4oc-tuary, Cotta Mesa. sleds" that have proven in a boat-for-boat class TURSCBWEL hard to beat in most long race within the race are: MEaCHAllDISE 1t ....... ., ~ ....... AN·••~~' Awh,ulll .,,. Awh1.-. ::u.:; 'f .... , ..... r.,...,,, • ·~"'.,.,."fl'I' c,:.irvhh·"' rtt!"tC>'itW ~~~~ ttou-..ttr.tk:I ••• ~ .. ,....,.,.. , .. , .. ,,.,., .,.,~,_,., M•~•U•~"' ,..v-.. u.,......,,._,,"'~ "".._..,,, ,.,,lt .. llM'ftt .. 1~·~".., .. '"" .. "._ . .., ::~~ ~'!~~"".: ~"Hft4'fi"-Ah Mo,. M•\t•VJ •"-k•' ~·r.d ... 111•• ,...., .. ,. BOATS & MUlllC EQUll'MEllT Uf'fWt111I Mb•t.. \t•IM .._.htft Jlki11h\f.rnw•.~P •.. , ~., lo.t .. MFM t ••"'"" Milil•h '-all ~.h~IP-1 hoiil"' ~~~,!~· rlAllSPOITl TION A1rrt'afr C.'•l'ftJMl'r-, .. , .......... t'!lf'f'h.,,., .. t..":! .. ~;i;-~ooc•n• i'CQli• urn .. ""•'"' th"' t•..tlff>r'-,,.\ .. , ,,., ... ,,I Ol1h Awto "'''''' t•.rt .. AUTOMOllLE ~"'"''•' .\t1\h4w,i, t 1 ... , .... •• ,, ... , .. '"'•"01 ... ~~!.';..~)~::-.~·-h ''""'" '•"' \\;lu&....,•11111!11. \11tu ..... ,.., ... , AUTOS,lMPOWTCt Uff'H•t Al1 11 ""'""'' \Vitt \u ... 11n Ui .,,., 1111~ '•Pft t"1 .... ..... ll•t~w'1 .... ,,.,, .. ,., , .. .,. ... J .. .:u.1 J,n •• " ~.;t mAAU l1~a l.Am .... l~IN ..)11111/fl• ..... , •• h . Kit~' "" '4ltlt •¥1 v .. "'"·•• . l\pw11tol l';1t,,IW .... " .. ~" "~' .. "H'•t "'j''' ltJ: !'111.!tt .. rw ~~!;~ ...... \t:Jth•o•" \11htt UTOS. llEW "'' ooo offer. everyone all the way from .$200,000 to ~~ 11529-3798 or 951-1344 $495,000. Choose. ,. CAMEO SHORES, by ow-ner, ocean view, 4 BR,:> ~ ... ', 11 11. llUECHI IEll IHOI LIHllY1 Large two story ba, den. pool, Jac .. 2 wetbars. New roof. car-w~ older home on one and one half lots. pet, drapes. S595,000. Now's the ttrne 10 act on Gracious living for $387,000 Buyer assume 111 a·t this fabulous 5 Bdrm 4 7~%. Down payment both Newport Beach O•llEIOl&L1 Two Newport Blvd stores S146,000. owe S400. home with superb 111ews plus lge apartment. Just steps to Ocean 000 at 12% fOf 10 years. & pool & spa! Sellef wlll or Bay $249,~00 OPEN SA'f!SUN 12-5 I uslst Of exchange! Re-4512 ROXBURY RO ;~.~ ducec1 10 S799.eoo, 1et 111111 WllTE llUL Tiii, llC. --UU--,.-.,.-m-- 11w 2t01 hwJet't llw4., I.I. llllT N Tll ll.lfF 111-41• lncredlble Ylstaa of the .. . ·-~· THE REAL ESTATERS ·•• lllfbor. Bilbo• Pen In- .,., '•iiiiiiiilliiiil ___ lll•-....... ~ .. ~-aula and the ocean •• •JI• 1, FAIT llL.E PllOI yours with this R-3 parcel ;~ LOOK MllU HL 11&11 good '°' condos. $875, _ 11_1 FEE llY 3 Br 2'11 Ba family home, 000. 544.7020 :IJ 1"5 lrg lot, COOll9nfently 10· I .... 1•a1 man :. .... 1 For our naw regular Charming 3 Br. home cated. Priced well below ..._ ~ •ld weellly f11ture wllh lots ot extru. You m • r k • t a I 1 2 7 K • ilAIHI• .U · = IOIT SHOW own the land. Gr11t f•· 751-3191 .. IQ • mlly home. Reduced BY OWNER. 2 bdrm, 2 '""" ba. Oen. Under marllet :;~ CASE $45.000. Beautlful lg. price of $275,000. corner lot. Wiik to Ille 759.1666 :::': Every Saturd1y In the bay. Balboa Isl .. 1nd Fa-____ ..;;;..-..::..___ :: Dally Piiot CIUlilledl shlon Island Owner mO: C.111 #.u /IZ4 ..._, !~~~~~~ii;;;1 Ovated -could be best •-------•I •••••••••••••••••••••• ::; II buy In CdM. Fln1nclng .-:.r~~* 1Uf llY ... '!:':! avaltabi.M..11 .-.LEU p••i llln WIT ..-... •--Oon'l ml• tllle goro,eoua - ---••A This fine home has been 5 bdrm home with tam r,4,, ·~·· Jio; J1'1 Y:t: tit.t tllt r.lf '"fl>1 ·~:.' ..-~ Jf:i "•1 r.v 111';l1 ... .. :. ._ ... , H tJ .. ..,. ~~' .: .. ,;.; r., <ti#J rl-: .; .... ''" J;"-1 "~ ,. .. r.r, ,;;. .... If it's got wheels, you'll move it f as.ter in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad-viser will help you turn your wheels Into cash. T /\Y LOI\ < 'O remodeled thruoutll Be-rm, O\l9f' 2000 sq ft and sides 3 brs. the owner lots of upgr1dH. Price hat adct.d 2 Mlyllt11 In Jutt reduced to S 132 .000 lhe fmly /"' & r•tlled the Can now 979-5370 kitchen cwnters. Priced at $133.900. will\ anu-matSle flnanclngll Call \ f >I/, I 11 /:'It ·. .. ' ---9-1501 Of 752-7373 UITS9I - ..,., S.EI ~ 3 BR 2b8, 3 car gar. Xlnt fllree bedroom• with ~55!555!!i toe & cond. For quick two bedroom• and bath sale at S125.000: Prine plus bonus room ups-·on I Y • 5 4 7 · 7 • 8!1 or talrs. Atrium off mastlf , EllTSlll O.• 1_e.._e-_2_22-'_3'"------ bfidroom. Walk to blleh. New on the mark1t In a ... ftlH s 159,500. terrlllc IO<:allon. Comfor-aum 111-UM t1bl1 3 Br, family rm For-model ~ated ';~~~;;:;~;;~ home with t1lg beck yard .. .,.. * •UAYHH On the golf course. Custom beautiful 3 Bdrm home, many, many 111- tru. S279,500 with 10% down owner will carry at 121.--% lnler•t. •• , ... .,4 .. , lffr. Mt-lllt ********* *u'""'* UATIUP ................. 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 bdrm·den·2 bath. OPlN DAILY 1•5 . •t•mnn IU&.Tll/ .... •lll-1111* ********'* fo r clllldren. A1klng In w1rm earth lonett • S 84 995 Bdrm & lam rm and 1 • · • more. Ck>M to achoola, .... IUIMll IALll&lsum NOW S254,000I Adora-ble 2Br Iba with brick patio. On 30lt85' lot. A SUPER VALUE! shopping, etc. Oon'l mill tl\11 onel $1711,500. C.al 9711--5370 \( ·''' 'tll'1: ' . CALL 873·81100 ........ ....... , .... In a fine flmlly ., .. with Nice 28' 2ba condo. No • large lot and room to qualltylnQ. $82.000. Ow· exp•nd. This 3 bdrm 2b• _ll4W_._1_--u_·1_-9_S5_4 __ _ home 11 perfect for a MSPIUTI .... 111tter. Owner wlll help must sell this super 3 finance . S 155,000. Bdrm poOl l\ome ecrou 831·1400 trom park 11te. BHI •-a PL.II te1m1. Try S t2,000 -• down. Alklng $117,000. 11¥1111 ulra amenltlH. M a.k • o t I er, Bk r Seiter wlH l*P finance Pl-0709 this 3 bdrm on Of_,b911. -..:...11..:....:...--;__1 .-~--... -.1-S t50,000. 831·1•00. -... _ ~•\.Tl Ml M< 1'.ff Quiet • xlnt 1rM. Low dn lf<IMI ., a.. -trade. flnan. 1111Um.1.~ REAL ESTATE PP, no Pts. SIC tor Mil, - 2Br 21t• a ult. condo. ---900. Owner 83 t-1098 lt'1 a BREEZE .,_ Oluelf'lld Adi M2·8171 I~~~~~~~~ Englllf1 Tudor, 4 BR oust. 1: 3,000 sq.ft . 1284,000. C-21 Gold Stw. Oertene M&-7~: &42-8510 • Find wll•t ~ou want ln Delly Piiot ~·'*"· '::~::'i' S~\\4llA-/tf..~s· _ .,(~·. '°""'. -· 1&•1 PlllCl IM>TMIH SMn'MI' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Hun11ngton Beach 536-6539 NXTHAN TURSCHWEL, distance ocean r aces Kathmandu , J o hn AUTOS,USED reside nt of Bue~ Pafk. especially thoee that are London, San Diego VC; ~~i:-··1 • ;:~ passed away Nov. 4. He I• pre d om inantly off the Rocket , Mark Bleiwers, ~:,1·.~14, :::'. • ._, ..... -·· ol .... tov• v ro,.bl.d -d• b4I low IO IOI"' lov1 ~"'Pit -d• MICOIUICll NOllTUAl•I L-auneleech ....... 15 LeQUnl Hells 711-0t33 Ian"'-' C10111r1no 4f6.177& c survivl'd by his wile. Besal<i. wind. Del Rey YC; .Earl of Mar, 1•;.n;:,:;:.1 ~~ sister Toby Einhorn ol New Kirke Erskins, Mon terey ,.,,.,,., ~·.11 York. 5 nicces and nephews. All of Lee's designs -Peninsula YC: Night ~-:::.:~...... ;:-~; · 6 grand nieces and nephews. except the famed record Train, J .R. White, Loa :-:~:·:· ~ti l.91 m.1 U,•• Services wUI be held breaking 65-foot Merlin Anoe le1 YC; Oaxaca, ~!(.r ~! Located on Up o f Lido Ille this Sunday. Nov. 7. 12 noon at th Sa ta C D '"'""'••· ... : I the Harbor La wn-Mount -carry e n ruz Larry, J oe a nd Oick ~::~~~.. ;::; prime bayfron\ cuatom deel1ned Olive Memor ial .thepel. label aa that ie where he Burgin, Sant.a Cruz . YC, ii'"... .... home features 3 atoriea of imported lnt•rmttnt lmmedi•tely de.lgn1 and build• the and Samtral, Richard ... ·~::~~.... ::f ln\erion, ~utiluf wooda. gourmet lollowlng. Hf' w• Principal boata. Catlia, Stillwater YC. ~!!'.~~·· . . :0 ki~hen. wine cellar & maid'• q\ra. o t Educatio n at the In t h e'up c~mtng .. The untried Santa r-·"''' ,. : Pitr&.1Up lnduded. con1 ... 1•tlon Mo1en David l ,OOO-mile Mautlan l'9Ce ~-.40 -la•t·of Lee;a L\:·"=•=:•:*':;' =Id=~~"':~ ~~o.~!W::::c::~ there will be .. ven Santa designs -la BUI Wlllon I r [ ,,, 11644-9060nrl'Olfr. caraJ In the Los Ani•••• eree. Cruz..&Oa and at leaat one Mimi B, Loe Anplee YC. •••l&ii Femlly requ"t In lieu of Santa Crua.-40 compellng w l h h I · "'**',.,..~c:!; flow•ra doneUona ,to the for line honora (flnt to l t ll 1 '· 1 ';:., Clell1led Ml to ttet4' af Juu l o r \h• finish ) aa well H a repreaen a on, ta no ,... ""°""" OOlllt =~~:: = handicap vlctoty. ~~':ei!.~~ ~p~ ro; ~"=·=-e·~· ~!!!:=:ll~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~J]!l~~~~~~~~!~!!!!! of Harbor IAwnMountOUve The only boat th• thfo belt .,.rformanct of .J: Mortuery. MO-NM Senta Crus·&Oll haw to hit contend.,.., 11 • ' • ! , • ' • . l ' • .--1 J :·. t t I r I ' i I I I I t r r I ('8 «~!!!.{'.~.~·.'! •...... 1'!.'.~~~~.~~'.~!! ....... ~~~!!!.!~1.~t ....... !f!m.<,.lt.'I ....... M!l.!W..~•!IJt ••••• f!.•tf!.ff!H~.'!~.~ .• !~tff.ff/f!Ri!~ .. !'.!tft.fr/11,}H.~ •• ¥.'.~!!!.¥,!r!'-1!~.~ •• ~!.!!~.!~ .•• !.~? ~!!!r.!!.~~!~ ..• !!A! Huatl•1"• I~ ·~.,':.!,.,, llll ._,,., :J•J Ft!!~.!fff •••••• 1.'!f fm~f ••••••••.•• !.~f ~1.l.'!tm!!. ••. 1.~~. Au1t•,.I• l•n'dMI .,.. .•.•••..•..... ~ ~!!r.!!. ~!~ ••. 1!. •• • ' Hf f /Hf •1 -r.:e ••••••••••••• r .... N•wPo1• ........ , .. ~ 1, ruA1u• AOCK .,,111 Jl(J H111 w. <11.•1111 ..,,._ 3 br LI. I.LI .y Ow.Ell •••• ~~!.............. •• •• ••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• lllTAl.I 2•, e.1 cWioo. 111n11y rm, 3 bd 2 b1. dbl 0" 11m, co1wer1 den a maid • I., tb• llµljradl d Will y I w Ill" WI I 2 I I I 11 lno .. di I • I guart111 UOOOl mO fllllT TllE OFFHED HACH ILlldOI ltunungmn ~Ir••""" ~~"~'11 ·~~~~.°' • ~;·.~~, J ~·B~•mi: • "., $l.,~n::'~;Y~~ ~~~~:. P 11r o I d: ~ 'r~1t ,,'g · 213"49 28'28 OClANFA T 1110-3 ,, t'B• wahr/drvr no pet• Winier IOllO et3 0640 :t DH. 10011 ""' I l l'lt1l(I .. , y h11111t• 1111 '1'1 uh 111\' h t Sw1·y 11111111•• l 111111 lrnm D)'• 1111 012<1 t111wv'e1 .110111 IULn •u• 831 1214 1~gooimo Av•11 1211 IH J1,. OVl.•ri.1l1"tl l11l.11l qUlt'I K."11•111lul J .. t11111I ll1h . :\ \1d1m, 2 ' Im. ~U!lllllll h ltln!I. OJl59•:J PllP •IUYllll 8 23113 c~.,, .. , Jnl ti Or I 8• n<. .. rtltClfll wl 11 g dtck 11100/rno yrly ., ..... aua.n Sunn." Su •L1t111, :! l'X t.1 W10111(ht 111111 h11 m.1I 1h11 1111 l-'ulllll"'l" f1\1lib.1d• v.11 t1 ? Br 1 Oo Mobllo homt 1n M&•a•lll... lmmK 3 Bdrm lfO f•· Welnut Sq 2 Dr twnn1t •••• •••••••••••••••• entry guH•-1 " •!t'i11lh11l1, h11•pl.111 h1d1 •""''.I' "''IHI, 1(1111' u , uoe 1 gooucond o bemo· ' • " 18215/n'lo 133 7$19 2oe.co111<1p1110.comm ·' r ' b I I .. T ..,..... "' n'lll" rm ~r :I ftpl"t Jlltn D , a11all now LH~ll .. M Option• bd Pltnln--T lll·l1ll Fnmdl dtl<)I" Ill p;1l111 l•:i..11.1 11(1' dlil .i111 l.111dO..l'•llllll~. loh of brnk t..oukM ltkt• ;~t.~9.~~~~l 0ro,:: 111·1111 :::n~~~·~!. im~·~ tYtt/ wlmda, 7&2 11100 pool $660 4911061 w /ulll w111 kslwp .1n•11 I· 1·•· tlllt· Cf1111d 1111Kl1•l l iu11il {m.uwlt11(. $:lir1.UtlO 60·00 10 wkoy1 9 6 •--------•I req'CI No .Ptl•. Av•ll dV• 180 degr•• ... 1ew/oc:1en 2 Or Dvplt11. llCfOH 1trMI from !>etch 48 12 Gea· thOfa Or 529·8784 • ptll~·uti.tl lui 1.,11,111,11111 111 n 11111111·1 ~411·6?84 011111 HOMES FOR R 1211 11'40 8597 11000 3 Dr 2'~ 81 townnome, fro111 01n1ng, Lllllng, end $~j7~.oou. :!ll'\, UCIV. II, I It•>. il..1h· U\\ 111'1 RACQUET HLL AMYOH1 f:njoy thli. :m1 •1e• ,,.r.,!l IJSO Lrg 4 81 2 8•. 2 car gar. ,1:,0p:,/,1: ~~,..~::; I~ ~l.~h~r~, r~dm ~~,u~.~: C111um·111u :.! h.1 \"''' lll lc\lt:l tw11hm 1\•111\IN. Iii"' •••••••••• •• ••••••• lllCI b1Cllyt1d M:C"tlO m1cr oco 181111 11:no1mo. No Pill n DupllK on IM ltlld 30111 POOi, compl ltdt COrl• " It .. s c 2 Br, I'~ 81. 1t1p1 10 tlffCn 180$ w e.tbOa 81 Sf)~ Dolly 876-41530 1•2 VIA U•Dl•E l~ pool $1 .l!l,MIU " NO Ntwl~rtm<>d•le<I •CH. TORO• 1700 lltd. $760/mo. 846-1824 vll0·1"4" North Ill 11men11 " E 91• 1011 073·8032. owne1 CIO$l' tu \'llllltrl t'lllhliofii(\', ;1 ll1'.1d11·~. CtfttUJJ 21 •trJ •. In end out bl ' 2 bl ISS 0 3 Br 2 Ba 1800 t(l !I Of Univ Pk 3bd ab• •Ingle . ~. I I ' I I I I . ' bk for J11H 11111110 uPtltlre 2 br , 1 ba •M $11715N··f 7VOOlf.IP• 1uvu1" 11111ng, 1~rS1 yard dw1111ng, l rplo. lludy C11,o•l•I••• ll'Orlll' \V 11 a.v.irnll111 ~ ;1 1 111 1UV1'l'"I down1111ra Min. 10% • ' " 1"25 1no •"'7 10'" 1 or 3 " w/pOOI & lllhpon . game • Y" • "' f•t•l1t•' • 4 mu y ~:1111 II\\ 111'1 .1l (71 ) li7:l ·ltlli:\ loll down owe b•l1nc1 •t •YO"e· I.IND·• 1"7"' 1m w/ .. OOI 11""1• lneld ... 833·0329 ·····-··············· SpAClous sl119k, ont & two btdroom 1p111mtnt.s. r I I I "' I I.SI 13 9'11 tor 15 Yrl 011a1 lor '"' "' "' v " "' " • B 1 C d Waikiki Urth "r 111•1 1 1 -1111 \'It'' 111•1 L•r••••lll'l,••I JOSI £1••••• 1••• cir en~11d garag e. £ii••••••"''" 3z~1 111u on o, ' • •' ' ""' ••'••••••t ••••••••••• 1 ••A••••••'••••••••••• aummer 11t11e11 $735, •CHILDREN• w11herl dryt1 hO'Olo.·up, .. 1 •••••••• :.~ •••••• ?. Beaeti. tiOl\Olulv 2 bd. 2 uppomlmt•11t 000 Armitage AHlly lrplc;, 111 blt•lne. HARBOFIOC[ANfRONT be.c:ompfurn.A111JIN011 714·S44·2484 •PETS OK• $025/mo Nu 3200' lux hm on bluff 22 10 Dec 20 Adullt MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR c .. 1. ""' 1024 lrvittt 1044 llANOSOME COLON1AL·4 BH a Bo. 1dea1 owner'• unit. 3Br GOLF COURSE HOMES DUPLEX VILLl8E llVESTMEITS TSL Mgmt 8"2· 1003 180 dig 111,1 ol hlrbor. At .. 12131 8311·4 179 N 3 -2 b -" 'u~f, mtne. 3bt. 3ba. C ' J I r ocean br, a. 1 • Hourlly, 11une. •P• •• •• • ••• •••••••......•.•........•..•................ STOP! Before you buy • hous11 In Costa Mesa you must see 1hls onet Clean ' freshly p11nled. reody 10 move In Flrep111ce, built In bOOk 1hel111:1s. wel1pa· per In k11chen/d1n1ng area. 3 spacious Ile· drooms Good IOC . near Shopping. KhOQIS tree· wey access Vacant 1 127,000 By owner 751-54 16. 966-24181 USTSllE CHARMER A1111a11bl1 Fiunclns Secluded 4 Bdrm plus ltmlly room, lea1unn11 enclosed cour tyard pr.· vale back yard w1111 Ko• pond. Very op1111 0110 uirv with loads of glah Cur- rent 1s1 lD apµro .. mo- tely $133,000 Ask1011 only $165,000 Owner5 amdous Cell 5.C0-115 t i1i1i1 Pf lJf t ~ t ;,+ . j·= ltEllOH I /Siii Beeullful 3 br, "t:• 11.imo: w/lam. rm o punt Re- mOd. thruout Too many lealuros to llst• Clostl 10 schools & shopping Great assum ltn Open Set/Sun .12·5 •26 E Flower 645-4707 By owner. PUii 4 1n rurllti Hock 4 bdrma, 2'' bo O•rn l~vol Pro teu1onelly decorated Bedulllully landscl\ped back yard, pauo cover Th11 is u musl S6'! b11lure doCHllng on any1h1111.1 l'lM• $4!29.500 lfS23 CAMPV,Dt·IRVM WOODIRIDQE S5.:l00 dwn, owner musl Sflll 2 Br cundo E11ce11on1 '"~111n11blti t>•l$t1nQ fl 11111rn111 $97,400 Rt'CIU· u.·11 hum S 110 000 As~ I • Mar~ 644·834>5 or ~5·1 £.•4l IDIOT IS SELLING 111gn1y upgracJcd prof. llttt; 1 Br roma1111c twn hOUM Wal ti• 111e ..... I• pit $119 r,oo tirm 110 llSO e ... ~ o• early am 01II HSE SH. 11·4 309 Tallge•o I briloll Orangl!wlloct con<.l•J of· tered lor pdrtnersh1P or 531., Hy ownt•t $84 500 Call K111en 955·2033 75<\ 107' lahfront Woodbrid&• 5 I.tr JI.ta pool I" • 21>11. 2 Br 1ba Walk to lt11111al d11H11~ 101. .pJl0,000 the boec:h. Close 10 l'OOL + SPA--4 Im :.1 , 8;1, lani 1·m. 1nopp1ng heel c:ond ht 1l'k ix1t111, lowly vww $:JW.UOO t:k:~~ : 1815•0009 ta~y (714)141·2000 BREATHTAKING VlEW-3 BR fam rm. 714173M161 AGENT, NO FEE :! f1rl•pl.11·l•s. bm:k paliu, SfJIJ. $27»,!}00. Da~/Ull{. ........--cE'ANFAONT'i"FUrn MOl)J<~I. Pr:H f'loX."l'-·I BH, fum rm. ~l>lt '. ••• ~/t~.!!.,!J~.}.~~ ~~~~;~~ ·~:~rr,~~:. 1111lt'st· \"ll'W, t•oyt•rtod •)lJtlu + !jpU Two 1tlple1tu, G.M., neat & cl .. n $1•00/mo $335.000 7 .50% Clwrt. breal! even, yrly Two 2 Br duplexes, NPT BCH/Unlurn Mo to ON THE F,o\lRW AY-Gate guarded, 4 Estde C M S142K ea. mo or ehort term avail HH. low down, low in h •rl•bl $33U.OOO :Low dwn JJ 11u1, I u 11 y 1 urn One yr new N 8 dup1e11 s 1400/mo. loCORIACI flEAL TY 414· 1111 In lore.Closure Agl Sh• 1 LIDO PARKIFurn. Lovely '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• ryl 558 ·898 1, 840· 7 814 2 bdrm MOBILE home In "" or 963·7600 111ce1 loc $750/mo fWllOtl l11d J(Jff N1wN1f lt1tll /HI Ne-:-dupte11 "+·· great WATERFRONT HOMES •••'"•·••••••••••••••• ~···'"•··••••_•••••••••• tocauon ne1r 17th By 631· 1"400 Newpo<I He.gnte older 2 •EWPOllT 1110, Owner 2 2·Bdrm ul\HI. -AAOEN OOoVE.tt3 er 1 ea dbl car garoge OOOI l/p $194,000 Auume Bdrma. 20,~1>• luxury 50 x 117 R 1 IOI u1a1tng s 136,800 1st. condos RENT RENT TO $165,000 MUST SELL T.O. Earl 879·0656 OWN & LSEIOPT avalla· 461 Sonia Ana Ave I TlllS WEE bl " F 11 548·5041 all 6 I I I /.eo•e Pt0t,1ttl ZOOO e < car gar u ame· -BACKBAY 2 Br & den ••••••••••• ••• ...... nll1e11 $675 10 $725/mo WESTCLIFF I college on cul·dO·SICij IAL( IY OWMER Ed 964·6171 3 Bdi 1'. Be owner will IMM ACULATE I A S Undivided ', ln1eres1 In ltEITALS • HITAU t1nonce 11 low, low role SUM E $120.000 ISi. 15 units apl bJdg In CdMIN8/CM HOMES Properl!r vacen•. snow' Rock bOllom price! Cell Hunllngton Beech, CA Mo/yfly. No lee M ony11me Mey sell on, RAE RODGERS Cell 7.1 41960·2411 ror Ferguaon-H ehn RE lease option. See to BP· 63 l· l280, •al. 1 ll\formauon 642· 1103 precrate Harry Frede-I I MAYE DIPL-EI --- rick aot 631·1266 "'"' TER•S, TElll!I Harbor Vle.w Htlla mdl perl tict 3 Br Below IT\arket al $369.000 Only s • down owe. 8% 1111Pri>\I" Patrick Tenore. ao• oJ 1 1266 WILL TIUEI ,,.;.,.,, 3Z01 -3 er Pius 2 er. high in· ;.;~i~·;.;:s .. eA~·;.~·i,~~ come~pptox 951( equl· OR. Ilg patio. $1200 mo. ty loo111ng lor buUdable to mo Agl 673-9060 101 or house to upgrade. -- SU VllW PllYATE c111111n 111r Well cared lor .c bO· droom, 3 beth home with lmpreuive city and C111lln11 sunset views 1"65,000 60 · 7020 Ll .. O ltUl HT&TC Rober I M iiiiken . CONVENIENT 2 BR., .. ., 631·1266 be, steps to beacn. $625 mo yrly Ava1I Nov 15, Unda. tgl 642·5200 c.n;, ,,,-1i.-;-Jzz1 •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilll1111 ----------•••••••••••••••••••••• LUXURY 38R 28A Clean, btab1. cerpelll\g, wallpa· par, yard. $900/mo 646·7800 Pos11111e cuh now, btlaul Brand spanking new eve· FtllMH MllEL apt bldg Prlnc:lpela only rywh11re 3 bdrm. 2'' ba OWNERS LE A VING 549-9213 agt t>11rage. patio $1,000 Ownr .. 111g1 SSl 6!1?9 COUNTRY. 2150 sq" ol --mo 607 Iris 641·4868. Xtnl oc 011 pen1n ul& I l1111ng space 60'0 sq II of £1t1 lot $1/t ZZOO 777-2233. 673·.C399 81lboa Vac.lnt Lot f!l.".~~~~!~'.t .. !.~~~ in ForHIOSi.lh IUCll HHllll Fill PlllCE $11,000 OCEANFRONT Lgt' IJutldmg s1tP n tlA c111~•vt' pnvo1e con•mu noly w l24 llr security h'nn1.. ('Urt$ ltPDUtlful be.ith $1 250.000 Coll Df'nn1s Bush ~gt (7 14) 494·8595 !'.'!t~!!.!!~fA .. !.~~! This bright and cneuy Garden V1110 lends 11se1t to hlgh-~tyle living with luJCuri?I!~ eartn lone car· 1>4tllng thruoul Beautrlul well co-ordmaled win· dow treatments Set II\ prime locellon A real gem ol 11 Duy at the low price of $69,000 $5000 movn you In w /low ILIFFS IARSlll monthly pymll of $711 , You own the land 2,000 HURRY • won't 1as11 sq II 3Br. lam rm, 2·~ CllTIRY 21 Ba. wide Green~ll. nHr pool Far below market WALl·ll llULTI $235.000 Wiii 1ea5e op 141-IOIO 11on Bk1 &44-0 134 ESTATE NOME <.;orner au,.,. Cyptess 1 garage. vautted boamOd ;.~··••••t.•t·~oo···;9•5• Avau lmmect 28, & den. 3 block lrc.m 11 Doy Toi ce111ngs huge covnuy sper1a O x b,. sC'•ll Nov I< Car> b" i.o:chf'n 4 Borms ll\d 3 U 111 S 9 0 0 0 term ba gar PVI patio Clean had cheap For ontorma· b 11n~ large yard wllhl 645·7685 eves $975/mo includes gas Reis req 7 f<l /673·5049 11on coll lr1111ee Sales room •tpand Good /lloa•t•i• lhHtl Dept 7141953 6810 ltnoncrng ava1t11ble1 1 I 1 ~ 'zlOO Condos. never lived 1n, HWPORT BUCM HSE S255,ooo •••• !!!!.............. lovely 111ew ot waler & 1•2-1200 FOR RENT! ~J!'e: ~\~g:!lb~~u~ Steps 10 l h< sand w/ ocean view J Bd•ms. 2 Oolhs den. 2 story Cape Coo PLUS ldjtcent IOI F~ OwM1rSh1p -10% tt- l\8nC1ng $380,000 call 851-943'1 or 631·4239 141.VIA LllO 1111 $1,595,000 5· lCl"t CASH DOWN Up 10 $1 .c mllhon assu- 1 mabte t1nanc1ng 40' main bey view STURNER.BROKER S.0·6350 2 bedroom. 2 bllhs & 2 Ct. rt • , ... sl0f1e1 1n Twin Peaks In "1 tr "11 '' Lake Arrowhead area. 496-81~2 Has built-ins & hre~ace Merreena 49~8686 ::::::=::iiiiil first; last & depo&it re· BeauUlul EJ180Qt111e Home q u 1r e d Ce 11 f 7 1 .C ) 3 bd, 2 ba 1n Irvine Ter· 7 68 ·O 2 8 6 or Ci 14) 1ace Nr Fasn1on Island PETE BARRETI .. REALTY VIEW 667-0657 weekday eve-Newporl c .. nler I.ease Prestige custom home n1ngs aller 8 pm II no $ 1450/mo 71"/673-1700 w/penor•mlc view ot enewer • pleaae keep Oceenllde lElr-1 Ba ocean. narbor end city trying• •· ... n1 $575 Small 2 Br 1 Thoughtfully designed IEW LOT Close to lakes. 81 bee'! S535 1st 1as1 ll•lures and remodeled streams and ski hfl Ow· & e6c 760-0766 Dy owner ou1tder 2 levels t'!&r lioanc1ng $69,500 BY OWNER ... b1, 2150 sq II. Aum. $158.500 llnan et 11'h% N o Oual s 11161rno owe s189. SOO. Nr So CSI Plza 066-2602 Back Bay 01ea. 3 Br 2' Bo 2500 sq II Secu11ty gate. prtvate community $395 000 5°.olt Oo""n Will -=~~==~=ii~~ con!lfdti< trades etc ii Arm1109e Realty 714 54• 2•84 ol elegant hvtng space 3 Agl June Like Prop 2 Br. large ya1d. 2 blocks 8d1ms. 3 Dalhs. view! 714/648·7505 from D111cn $650/mo deck Ide.I for gracious ----7141675-6949 TllPlU WESTCLIFF lllYE level condo, yerCI. pool. S 1900/mo. 496· 7009 Ual•t•l1iH 341 tennla ct. gar. 1850/fTlO -••••••••• • •••• • • •••• •• lmmed 873·01172 EMERALD 8AY 3 Br 2 3BR 2"'18A TwnnM. pr11 E'alde39Alba. f;;-;m: Ba 1700 eq fl lrplc, pa~lo. pool, ape gu1 FUINISHED 0t UNFUINISHlO All UTIUTl£S PAID, HEALTH ClUIS. TEHNIS lgt gar, 5700,mo No brick p1110, with •P• 880, Bick Bay i025 mo I P~ll 212 Llllle n . 1 1600 /mo 631-3615 8(2-6380 2 I 3 I 8 1 6 . 2 2 5 5 0, Elegal\I 2 br "' S-,C-Pt_a_ze_.1 __ _ ---875·30e7 gar. Chlldren Ok $5751 3 BR, av. ba, lplo, w/d & N_o_L_e_g_u_n_e_r-ed,,.ood, lease Agl 841·2641 I 11fr, dbl gar. 1750 Agt, glea1, oeeen'vu. wooday, l SWIMMING plus much mO(t! Sorry, 6.C&-.•380, 6•5·•765 2 Sr 2 Be, 2 lrplc, dinln" Condo In Senti Crut, CA I • .,001. 3br 2bo, garage, EASTSIDE rm, dra1>4ta, c:rpt, IU>PI · lrpl .• patio 073·7589 no pets. Models ~ d~ily 9 to 6. 3 bf, 2 bl, ~ llOUH, 2 dbl ger $950/mo Long frplc:s. lg1yate1.1850 mo term •oo Panorama 3 Br 1 ''> ba condo nr Oakwood Garden ApM'tments Newport BeMtt/No. 880 lrvln« Ave. (11 16111) • 631·3091, 7159·111531 494·3288 Fairview & Warner -----$650/mo 2 yre Old, W/0 Lge family hm. 48r :tba. 1111 Ocean vu, redwoOdlglaH, incl. Kids/p11 pon. Ed rm. dining 1m, gar. lncd gated area, 1Br,denelc 964•6171 yrd, cul·de·HC Ralrlg $1300/mo lse. Agl _ $750/mo 1170·6719 494·7518. 495· I 145 Da~ltxll • 2 6B; 51 ~~·c ~05:'1 a~0 :~. '!.~•!!!~ .. ~~'i! .... !J.~! .... '!!'!!!~!~ •..•. !.~~! 546·9 l2.C Cnarmlng HlllJlde view 3 * * * Newport Budl/So. 645-1104 -----...---bdrm, 2 ba Ftrep11ce I Newport R1111era1fmly Lake privllegea $775 EXCEPTIONAL 2 80 , 1700 16th St. Condo 3 bd, 2W ba, 2 Eves 213·430·4327 DEN ONLY FOR THE (I I Dom) Ca/ g1r. pool. tennis. No DISCRIMINATING $750;1 642-5111 Pets. S7SO 64'1·2562 ~!."!l~!!.!!~!~ •• }.~~f Agl (714)-496-6804 ••••••••11111 Du1 l•i•t 321' Now buc:tllront hOme JI * * * I ••••••••••••• ••••••• •• Br 4 Be. furn S2250/mo, ---A t t House • Condo · Apt All unlurn $2000. Cell Mrs • Ill •1• 1 Ila II a II a !) I • n 0 w I Lon 673-1 190 Au11 ... 1. ,., .... "I u.1.,.,,." $650 -$950 . 0 .... -••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 714,..93·0467 1,.ARGE 2 br. I ba. o•r. ,,,.., la..,,., 3102 ---.-d/w, 5308 Seaanore leai•••I• 3101J•••••••••••••••••••••• Super 1 Br 1 Ba Villa, $750 mo. Yrty 962·491" ••••••••••••••••••••••Garden Grove 2 8 3 courtyard. reined pre· --Winter Rental 28r pool 1 I Bdrm. $425 to $525 !erred $4 25/mo IN PRESTIGIOUS BIG housetobchl5s0.Playe 63~696 673-3313. 493-.C803 CANYON LuKurlou• • RE 673-1900 -''---l ' 31-Bdrm home w l pvt 11,... 11•• - !!~.~!~~~J~!!7..!.~~1 Why lhrow away r•nt when you cen own "-3 w/$1200 10 12000 pay· ments S 175)( • S215K. 1r1011e In • llke 01111 • share apprtcl•llon, call Sue al 891·5556 cvllom pool and •P•. All BAY FRONTAGE. beecn .•••••••••••••••••••••• n • w 1 men 11I 1 1 pier. prkg. 2br. $800 1br E·Bayfront. Liiiie Isle, 71'41644-9800 16501$600 u11L pd 3031 pier. 3 story delu1t1 lrg E . E d g e w a 1 e r 2Br. Ir pie. S 1800 mo. Waterfront 4 t?r, 2 ba dplx 1187 !·2866 d 675-3067 (up). 1850 sq 11. 1mmac ---------Bll·lns. trplc. ger No Yearly $325 Small s1ud10, Lge I br apl. $550/mo pets $1200. 675·4186 1 person only. street Waaher/dryer No pell -parking ullls pao'd I Avail Nov 20 675·9378 Nwpt Hgts 3 br, 2 b1, 675-3063 or 679·9667 Al 1 3 B 2 e lrptc. garoener. $700 mo ___ I en or ease r • Clean, redec 3 Dr, 2 ba. 251 Knox St. 645·6110 Balboa •stand Bayfront. parllally furn, utll paid den. lrplc:. patio Oulet _ I small studio single. $300 Y a a r I y $ 6 2 5 I mo 01ea $750 mo, Isl. la11 Responsible adults 28r 1 mo 673•6092 642· 1334, 651-9889 & sec 963-2778 ba house $600. 2 Bd -- 2ba $600 1 & 'den. furn I '**•Oceanfront & 191h, .. IH• Huti•1to11 32~0 $600 673-754• 2 BR 2 Ba. lplc. paho. leaiH•I• 3101 lt•ci ., - 1 . gar. Wah/dry, ewesome •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• BLUFFS 38r 2ba. single Winier, $695 Open Sell 2 t>drm. 2 ba newer dplx • bedrms 2 bath custom 51()1')1 Linda plan. Clean & Sun 1·• 673-1943 yrly Mature non·tmkrs. nome w/JACUZZI $650 Dr IO h I 5 I 2 0 0 I mo --no pets $650 x 3 METRO RL TY 553· 1006 COIHI de/ 1111 312 213/799-4195, 257-9792 636 7005 chn -•••••••••••••••••••••• (7141 873 3986 • • EASTBLUFFS 2Rr 2be Ocean 111ew beeutllully ~ _. ---- CLOSE TO 8EACH8rand "decorator·· home lrpk:. furn lownhouae. frplc. $295 nice bllchelor, res· new 2 Br ~•di llOYse. dbl gar. comm pool pool & paho $1095/mo. pons1bte person ut1ls all uuls paid. ekyllgnt. S 1"001mo Strickland 673·0896 paid no pets 106 E ~P1:c~~~:,~~~•2o~a~ ~,:,~·9256 Ser" C11t1 11,-.. 31241 Bay_._A_P_t_9 ____ _ ruge. great loc et 217 ----------1 •••••••• •••••••••••••• $305 I Br dpho Utll pd Hartford, dflve by & then Nwpt Hgls 28r, I Ba. very Furn 1 bdrm apts $385 .C 17 E Bay Avl. 8elb0a call 536.7979 pv1 & nuge yd and up Enc garages. Pen No pe1s 547·1155 DeluKe 2 bedrm wtgerage ond ullta Incl now $375 MET~O RLT't' __ 63_6·7006 Chg - Ocean View. volley ball Cl,. 119 Huntington SI 2 BR. $650. 1 BR. $500. or rent entire dplx $1125 S36-3602 or 66 I· 7622 645-9095 2110 N-s.~~~:vd CM STUDIO APT, yrly $300 81y1ron1 5 br quilt IHC mo 212 30th SI S11 nom1. beaut. 'llU , no CASA IE Ill Sat 10.4 675-610• dock, 52000 575•7513 ALL UTILITIES PAID eves STEPS TO BEACH Bacnelor Yearly rental, ii BDRM 51250 MO Compare before you utrls pold $340/mo 201 YRLY rent Cus1om design! E 8 a Ibo a 81 v d . Lovely. 1mmac, comm features Pool. bbq, 675·9562. 646· 1319 pool & tennis, 546-5704 co11'1d garage, surroun· --------- EXCLUSIVE AREA Ha;: ded w11n plush lendsca-Pen1n Pt 28r 1 DI, IUI\· ping No pets I deck laundry. no Ptll IUll IEW DeluJte owners unll has 3 Bdrms. 2 baths lire· piece. and enclosed yard. Two 2 Borm units complete comple11 Let your tenants help make payments C•ll today• entorte1n1ng Lge entry,,., l1t1le Cllll lf,-,-,.---3-2_Z_4 Nearly new 1 etory 3 BR patio 1ecured by Iron lxtll•••t 2100 •••••••••••••••••••••• I and hbrary 2.850 sq 11 fence and g11e Beau11ru1 •• •••••••'••• ••••••••• Large e11ecu11ve 2 story Execu1111e home on lee master su11e of your eau111u14 Br Condo In house w/4 bedrms , land H1ghty upgrade<J by choice 321 Kings Rd I Fresno lor sale or trade 2'h bths Sensallonel 38r 2 bath ,iun deck garage, S600 NO lafil mntn req for r1gn1 family. only $600 METRO ALTY bor View hOme Proles 1 BR Furn 5515 $650 ytty 675·0963 111 decoraled .CBR 28A, lar· 365 w Wilson 642•1071 1_6pm ge 1011, on "• acre wt _,......,. :~r:~d.w:!~d~. F::~:o~ •EWPlltT VllLAIE 1f!!!!! •• ~!L'!!! .. !!.~~ 141-H03 COLDWeu BANl(C!RO _,_ ___ ,_ HLL MOISE Thia 3 Bdrm 2 Be char· mer h•s a c:ul-de·sac locllllon •nd IS situated on • lerge lot Assume low lnterHt loan Asking pr i c e $132 ,900 631-7370. 5'49·35<16 TR.\DITIO\,\L f?J ... \LT' LEASE OPTION HAHBOH RIDGfo: Cu-.tom Vil·w Home $50.000 opt.km "'"™ v 4 8t.'(.frwms. 5 U..1h, Sl.299.5011 -Lido Isle 2 bf 35 lot 1st lime Trade/carry $395 000 Bkr 6'6-3949 OEST DEAL IN HARBOR i;;;:ioe 8011u1 3 br. 1nc1ed vu• S•65K 759-1•2.8 ~rotess1on11I decorator. OPEN SUNDAY Many xlrat Assume 10% Formal dining, spacious security 1y11ern. pool --loan My equity $24,500 hvlfemlly room, walk· and spa For sale. lease. COllO p r o x C • I I D or 1 s lhru kllcn lo large bl>Q Of 11185" opllon Ready to 2 Borm 2 beth witn bey 545·60 ~o wkdys 9·5. pauo and gorg41<>Us pool 636-7005 Chg -------28r Cbrllta, 1' 181, CPIJ/ drps pool. Jee. clt>hse $515 mo 768-7833 deal' C111 1gen11 et & ocean view rn Vertall-546-528~ 01ner won't 1as1tong 11 $780 •64-s..509_2 _____ , tes guarded coml'lumly lft•l•ll METRO RL TY IPT Tl HY ---------·• with pool and clubhouse •••••••••••••••••••••• 636-7005 chg Custom• bedrm 2 baths LIDO ISLE EKOf!I financing Open H .. ,,, ,.,., •• " a "· 2 ••• w/JACUZZI Ind POOL Custom 5 t>drm. 3 bllh, dally 71..,5•8-8636 •••••••••••••••••••••• Frplc. range. yerd, ga. Kids • Pill Ok. Today schools Gardener Incl ltHtif•I Laa4sca•• STEPS TO ICU• S 1400 Avell Jen 1st Gas. Wattr Paid Pali0s1 Large 3 Br 3 Be mtny 759.0060 wlpool. jacuut. saul\H, 1menu1es $1175 Cell 2 8 8 tennis courts. votleyb•ll Anthony days 642·5757, r I a. "' beac:h, courts. R~reatlOo room -& wknds 631-e&30. $650/mo yrly. · Jr 1 bd. lurl\lthed, $430 JACHI IE.&Ln I Call 557·0075 Th• Shores In D1autllul , n --Corona del M er hes ltOPllt ..... T Cleen 1 Br furn cot11g1, newly relurblsned 1 & ~ 111·1111 · no pets. very private bdrm apts trom $550 & $435 lnclds eM uuls lat up for rent. Call H111n 1811 & sec 5•8-0522 Gibson 5"•·2911 dining & lemlly rooms 3 "'"' /llH' JIOI rage. no pets. Pr1111e $575 car gar. 8kr/own8', Ct•H •••••••••••••••••••••• 1750/mo 111 plus MC METRO ALTY Bayside l'IOme. 3200 eq It . 673-7783 3 Bdrm 3 beth. 2 car gar, t .... W .. kly lltat• only 6•8 w 18th St 636-7005 Chg ii Br, • Ba. lerge muler pvt patio. tn the heart ol tk "'Wiater LtlMI ,99•1617 Why l, Sl75K • 5215K. •suit• wl lrplc. 3 cai ga· '390. auractlve turn apt Costa MeSll overlooking PllS M t fr •----------move In • take over • t8'19, 2 boat sllps ava11 Lrg Pallo ger Melura. J .... MUST SELL •n adtolnrng park Priced t • •• .. Oulel tree llned Slreet Share approclellon. call $2600/mo 966·2• 73 quTet. no sh1r1no. No Warmington built duplu 10 sell 380 w wnaon SIOO tt 11100. 11 whore tn1s specious Sue at 891•5558 wkdoys 9·5. pets. 223• A Rutgers Or with llreplece, enclosed To E 106 w t rf t I 2 bedrm house .... with iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ---------c M (213) .Cl5•·5 IO• garage, patio. 3 bdrms • I t rte t•ts. ~rpll•dre""'• kids _... RETREAT HOME w/oceen ----------1 2 b .. II bl In BES 113 1100 " .,.... "" II harbor YU 1 Kr• • 2 H••li•flH 11 .. s. a t I ' car· T OFFER llllSH IAY Rill.TY • lo-lo move In oniv $450 WAITEI •tory home on Cliff Dr •ae• 314 Piii end drl!Htl $995 Auume I 150.000 1at 5 141-llH 141·1111 ,-.-,)H--~~~~r~~: Nffd by Dec 1 3·• br Each level nas own entry •••••••••••••• •••••••• 1 per H";.':.BoR REAL rv Br 3 Ba. 2 fireplaces, Hl·ll11 ,,,,; ••• ,, 3101 -hOUll jn Hul\llngton kilchen. ltbrery. frplc & , •• IESEllYE m (71")673-4•00 pool, lam rm You will no11~~~~~~~~~~1··•••••••••••••••••••• E1st1ide condo, 3 br. 2 Beac:h. south of Adams. gorgeou1 YU Ole/home Be 1~~~~~-~~~~~ llnd a t>eller buy or •I· er. baylront w/dock, ba, den, lrplc:, 2 car ga· >Cini refs 08"..0332 eve, uu or 1h1f"ed llvlng aulilul & park Ilk• Wtlh1; more mo1111aled seller In $4000 mo y1ly or $3000 raga 1825 545·6685 8•2-0100 dy• $1950/mo. Dog ok terraced pool •Br 2'" Ba, 2-sty. In r8'r. Newponll Principals mo w1n1or. A1111I now. • 752·2197 R & H lnvtSI· •Spaolous Apts In old CdM. 1900/mo only 1737 Bayport Way S•• J••• J•COIS llULn Roomy hOYse w7w crpts 5 blks to ocean "''-ant 2 _m_•_n_"-~--•Private Pahoa yrly Avail. 1111. 548 2714 631 8659 Cl lit I 1011 " drapes. kitetlen 1ppl1 8 R I &"cs *Covet'ed P1<ktnglosets "&OllS IUL n NEWPORT CRHT lll·llll METRO ALTY $t175tmo Plush cpta, 2"'• Dover Dr mes1er 1u111 1 blk 10 Hunllngl onl PllPlltn 111..-r Hiii.iiii.iii.iiiiiiil •w••l•ll~ .•.. '. ... '!!IT•••l•E•s··,·· PllPIRn IHMMT Pell ok $375 no lasl ' • em rm e n Exc1us1111 Westcllll VIII•. •Home Ilk• K1tctlef1s Co •• o ---------636-7005 chg ba, ceder & QIHs Sun· wllrplc. 2 Br 2 Ba pool, Cenler. tran9')0f'tellon & lll-1111 • B G CANYQ /I, ... • JI fl dtell. dbl Cllr pVI garage. l•cuul. elc $1100/mo lrwys ·,,·".~{'.. 10~0 3 bd!m, 2'• bath. lowesl I N SALE'. .!.'!r.!! •••. ! •••••.••. Ocuolu•(11, ~~:·cne.rp2etbs.do•'~ fully ma1n1'd yard. SNO 1173·3313 or 6715·3103 ITILITIH nH 1b88•'·m'!' .. oclehllwylng. bugerl"~· •• ,. price In Crest. 2 car ga· LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm. fem plls lnq 527 181h t. .,.. -.- •••••••••••••••••••••• rage, luxury kitchen, for· CUSTOM CntrmlnQ 3 bedroom, 2 rm. ,. Ba. 51700 mo. rage, yrd, comm pool. no 960·6331 $850 mo 28r. 281, Clllf 1 Bdrm From S515 1 person $S50/mo' t• Tiii SHI m111 dll\lng area Pool pell. $57Slmo Mgr 2•53 ---------Haven Arte Condo, av•ll 2 Bdrm $615 9 · • t a M I dUI. l> II I $1 bllh, 2 SIOl)I ocean view 8 Orange Avenue c M 3 bf, 2 11•· HUl\llng1on lmm1d Isl & tu t + LA QUINTA HERMOSA _9_5_5_·3_5_• _____ _ IN• FtrtoltSllrt ennos spa os • 0 c:ourae 11 •w · hOme In llill lovely San OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. · Hart>our aree. $700 mo . s 200 d 575 7 16211 P1rkalde Ln,,.,1 blk Oullt 1rea 408'·• Acacia: 2 SIOf)', 2 bd1m t'~ ba r1bl1 s1ree1 Welk lo ~~~,Od~100r~ .. c1,o~~~-Juen Caplatrano on• 1 Ba 1 700 mo 8111 ~AneHts 3er lrpiC° pets OK l·•02·2847eYS _, ___ IP_1·_· 505 W.ol 8uch.3 ~s S 38r 2t>I. oc•tn view, buc:h • Condo co-op . be•ch & shopping Prl· v-.. private cul de MC Many Grundy. Rltr. 675·6161 Dog ytrd, no pet : -THE PREMIER Harbor f Edi 8,.7 S•"1 $87151 673 7942 Pool. sauna, welgnt Ced 81 $175.000 Avella· c1ng AQI upgrlldn Move In c:on· leSO/mo $48-0814 8'Cr 3BR IBA yd W/0 .... 111. AidQe vltW tlomo 4 BR, o nge<. • mo • room, iub parking blenowi ltAlllllT d1tlon.-1tbelowmark· ~gfar~~.Y~Yd!_i>cs,t'mb, 11.101or1yr$6008 111•1, 3 Be,Lautremontmodel •S•25/mo up i 8r.un·OcHnsld1 I Br. 1 Ba oc:ean and Pier View OPEi UT /Sii 1·1 e1. of courae. Oulck Hie ' r " n "" u lllW WI OH lasl Downtown H · Avail now SJ,000 mo furn & furn pool. spa front 1575 Small 2 er t Listed 11 $l49,500. $75, ~ 673•77111; 760-1391 desired, wlll'l lo reloclle • ._e_7s_._76_so______ O,M, TIWllOMI 536-7103 760-1977 18992 FIQtlda. 8.C2·2834, Ba beck $535. 111 1111 000 ul\der marhl All Hf! l~~~~~~~~~!j~C~e~l~I ~49~6~·~3~8~11():·----1,000 28r. 2Ba. Cllll He· Dec:orllor 1Htrlec1. spa-3Br Tee. 2 c:-.,-ge_r_a.g_e_, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 8"2·3 172 & sec. 760-0766 e&lh or new fin Great I· v1n aree Condo. pool, cloua 2 Bdrm, 2'~b•. tenc:ed yard. no pell WISTOLIFF 111¥1 r.-••• .,,. 314 1 Br. up, quiet. n ew opp·y for aomeone whO F'Of Ciaeam.d M Ot•tr IHJ 111111 Incl ltnen1 & dlll'll1. •veil p ool. Jae. rec:re1Uon S750 11•6-1291 Hur 3 A "'·•••••••••••••••••• orplll drps. 1 block ~;~.:,~·o '':11k ~~·J7~ Lido ealty I A8:il°.N #;iii;·.;;,;;;········ :;":lt:·::~:50~tran· :r~:e ~~~'.°o!~lc;!"J ••• -.-,-Al-U_l_L_I __ , ~:c!~:;h;~~onl! L~~~~e."r':i~~ :.-:v.H.:: ~~;:~·~~:.~5\;rag• Rlgllelmer 673 7300 Delly Pllol fir 1111 llOO 01 Fr pie:. 2 It need paper, draper1H & more Spolleur 28r, 1•.,91 lend Highly upgraded by S130 wll •99·3015 .. •"ttlS IE•OH HO•r -AO.VISOA •••••••••··~··•••• .. •• decks '600/mo Incl ulll $00 5 Ut ll pd Call 1wnnaa lrpto. enclosed 1 1 1 ----,.,.------1Bac:helor, ao of hwy N1<:1 -11 .: I , 042-15678 LAlllA lllLI 4 EXCEL FARM FRESH 875·2311 10·30 10 5pm yd. ath1c:hed 2 car g_er, pro •Hon• decorator. Magolflc:en1 oc11nlron1 2 patio, no kltch. Avail Im· 5 Bdr, .CIA Ba, 3-aty, 3000 ~~~~~~~~~· ei•ut1lul 2,.1160 El Grt11· MEALS Country aelllng, clbhse. pool jBC. Xlnt So. security s~e11m. pool & 4 b r u n 111 . •• 9 h m•d 1350 Incl ulll or aq. It.+ O'ller too aq. It. I-di 2 BA, 2 BA, Corner cto~ 10 0 C '"lrport elc. 3 br, 2 ba, lmmeo High· H e . loca $1550 mo and 1p1 For n11. !Mae, $1350/mo 497·2042 13'5 w/gar 1173-3415 of balcony some ocean 1 0 t & -,.. land a tree No pets No 904.9346 9g,..6346 or ltaM option Reidy 10 "'''"'· 1 blk 10 bHch · new car pita 111/lul +aecuttly. 11ng1n Rtlt 1705 mo dHll C•ll ag1nt1 et #W!Mll Ifft• JTll 1!.n1 • .., 1114 1285,000 F P SM owner drepea l1l1nd Kl1c:h1n 557-8706 Call •879, &42·•300. 2• •••II•,,.• 6•8-5002 ••••""••••••••••••••• :r.;•••••••••••••••••• I ... , .. 2"· Fem Rm Light Interior ,_________ hour• .......... , J··~· ~~~~~~~~~ OCEANFRONT Dix 2-4 Br. HouM .BICih .• Ouplex n .., • nOUM at "" I 5th a a JI Al"'IU AD $34,500 1540·5937 1Qt. N1•111 U•l•r•l1•H ·-•H .;; 8 333 E 2111 St 0 M. St. 63e-l7111 IY~'1"\C •••••••••••••••••••••• LOYll}' 3 bedroom, 2 baltl, •••••••••••••••••••••• Npt Hgta 2br/2bt l&OO 5f3 ~8"1311 or month 845-11580 6<15-8 103 lW. Ill"".. IRVINE '57 1011•0 Mayflower Share IUKUllOUI OCH n· doublt garaoe, oardl• 40' dock, patio, deck. 4 E/Blulf 2br/2ba $800 l--·-------I Coach ClaHIC. legel In lron1hom1wllhNewpor1 n t r , 2370 Orange, 8dr 2 81. 3 ctr oarage. Npt Crut 2 br/2'~b• IUOI ..... 1 ~ bl twnh11, edult r:i.t:Al.TV OC. cour11, 1/c, good Beach E111c:ullv1. On $89 15/m o O w n er owner 2131592·4906 St50 I Completely furn •P•• ...,..~•n11 comm W•lk 10 beach ~I: I c:ond, nffd• paint 13. Sand In Newpar1'1 llnn t (213)541·11106 _ .. _._ .. ~ .F • r o u •on· H a hn clOut l '\ 8r, Pt llo. incl ~-..-..'¥' Ttnnt.,pool.eKlreclean. .. ... ··~ M• 000 080 C•ll Don, Buch Are• seoo mo -I.'-'-e~~ 842•1183 • ulll A\1111 1111 $850 .,....,. 1115,000 Owner 751.oMO Of 681-50•2 b"1·1870 2 Br new upgraelea, en-m.. ••T'W ... '"'iautllullv .. -........ ~ .. "" ••• ••••••••••••••••••• '' .... 1'1\0 ... o ""'II $40•11632 D , ,_.,... V HI-Ult C:lld garage, off llrffl. •m··· ....... I Pool & a IEIT .. , •• llWPlllT ... -'"' ,,,,,. IHJ ,,,.,, quit~ no Pl!•. $5115/mo -4 8dr. 3 81 hOmt .,,, di'! beach 119t, ulll, yrly j.,'*'., I • ll·H , .. Ll Sc'<' thl!\ Saturday & S unday -bdH_r. "" I. • UH 7118·r833. S•8-825l 2 to .. bdrm•. etertlng •t POOi lr11ln1 T•rr•c• l•l501mo. 1823 w. a.1. e=:::c-· Nope:: 10 C1011 to oc:11n. 3.a. 0 pt• n 1 l A M -5 p M . p r Ice ••••••••• ••••••••••• •••• ~~.~!'t~•••••••••• EHllld• hou1e 2 Br. plua 1850 to I prime 10ca11on, ovt•t•n· b o • e I • • 2 , 1 Bdrm $48& PYfllt• 11200 1012000 den . 2 Be lrplc ding 1111w of htrbor & 2!.;!19•1-3065 2a60 V•nou.,d5•0·1Hl20 11T6K10 $2tl5K.Mov11n $21~.000 Incl udin g land. A t 18351m0 1173•173, l oc .. n 13000/mo C1t11 • ••Ile over •hared •P· ''t>nc.lhion. 3 Br t 2 Ba I (3mlly 1100 497. 1290 or c:olleQt 0-' I ll• bHc h !10111 1 precl1t1on Flnenclng •-R ,000 lelm c M Doll Hou11, 38A 2121572·•230 ctya room IP1· kitchenette & Bac:helof• "''o evallabl• Ct llSueai rm 0t 2 ClrC'places. u r•l 28A newpainttneldt& 2-l>d l t>e-MOO/mo b et h . lu r n l 1fled l ldrm 1,.80 1t1.ssse. 11tmot.1>ht•rt•, close to a ll St•llt•r Wtlh S900K equity will ou1Frptc:.levndt}'rm,nu ,8,e""lo Blecll !30030j mo 0+'300 dep 131 E 1et11.84t-Mlf OAEAT LOCATION OAUru<.'tiQJ"ls. Good Cin an cin• ·xchi.ngl' LAGUNA BEACH mini ctrP•1•· drapH HOO ~ 1 . ...-0 5·5fto N' ave1"t ... ,.~Hnlront. 1e 1 I!. tlt11 842-0958 e . mo 11t, l••t & MC. 2224 ~ "'~ -3bfl2b•, frplo, 1122K avoilablo or dl!ICOunt -for canh . •'Stale Wtth vww & pool on 2 lots . . ~•lleQh o•e.ea 10 f0< l •tM becllb•Y a e r. BAYFAONT. l!leQenl 1-;; lpaclOue 2 It. t 11. '425 ~~~:jc)..a151 Lot'Gl~d ()f( Irvin Av •t. 23rd plua SUN VALLEY .t.ennla a Law iirrti. ~~. dttn Jtn•H~. Mo14e 111 a ~d'"'· INOA"'• om111 3 Ir ''-' I• St ncer bat·kbay & Cherry Lau & auat col~ tor South Orangt :~~;«>· 11001m o ffDCAMNI~..,.. ~.·.?;~.~ ,a::e :>·1178 csye, 873·3tot t.,~,t: · PoOf, k* ........... /!!f -2307 Fal rhlll Ln. For Info call County uct•a nfro nt with beach w--oooe----,00-1_1_00-~lwtaTc• -.. ,. I.. a -11r• 1ur IUY IH HO. IAVINI: Tom Alllruon or Terry Hane.. ~ 1·-. 31f 2be. fll'd' ..,, " • 11 Pf ~ .. .-• " " • 1 ' ••" beyftC>"t, •I _,, 1'"751 mo. •PICIOut 4 ., ,... '*"'"tone., 1800 tq" MC "°°'"'° yrty A\1111 ............ .,.,mo E•cet ttnanclno. to•• 644 6200 "9ei lalttr, .... ltll lltltt,.... ,:O.oi'81 .~,.;~,f111 e.. fem rm. trplc, dlnlfttl Ctoet to IQflOOll 11aoo w1 • "' 1~1a TOMi."to.-. ::'"a::."·,;,~~·.: • .,.... flt\ Pt!IOI. nicety l1nct•' rtlO A,,, I.I&, 842·5200 ...... ft 111 llulll·fftl, lndry rm, im1.: . .:;,e.y owner MMUI ..... :::'~· :::.·,;r;:'alll ldlt tie,;;-wl01 • .... ft •1111 :;;..&:d/latlOony, 55t.f111. ofc 120·137' D111r Piiot Ct••Wled M IJM1TI TIL 141·1IOI ( c A , .1 .... I 111 ""1111 11111111 W.t•l...I Olf l111ll1•H" i111 I '"' l l.1M Mil• w,.IH 11 ..,..,..,.,. A,111•••1• ,,,1 ••• ' ..,., •• lf!.1.~~ ............... ::...... • •• ,,,, '''' ••••••• :~ ••••••••• u .•• ,. ................. . lla'--ldail UalvaldH llal111al1•H ,,,.,al .. H o.• .. <l•d 11.,. 11 400 "I •••••••••••••••••••••• f'•u"CI K•y• el lt1ll•1 IUIY IFI. •••"1lr.r:rt.7 ••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ......... ••••••• •••••• lllllllATI II 11" fllf 11011111• oi ol ltark Colle Mffll Celt netclt hill tttn• 1111cn•n ,..... ....... Jll4 fll.'I #fll /I.ff MHll•fl.. ~'!ft!!.fffl~ •• .JJAfj Pllllll flee.'" c.cirnrn·1 ar1111;1ir I FOR RENTI le> ld•nlify CM!l·0•07 n•IP Muen ctt1n111g, r~•n'ernTI••••••••••• • • ••• 0 •••••• ' ltlC! Jlf0 i Dr I "" !t .. n' tteop to 111h 11 6 0111111t. C M • ., aome lteltV't IJltlng Appl~ l'lrefllaoa, pool. dlah• lllH 1 Or pool, I Pt!llOll ••••••• ••••••••••"'•• b•ICll , llltOtmo y1ly C)lrle•I A la1g.-I ou1111r.y a100lmo O.i1 V•b, M r, 1 oedroom'. 2 b1lh1 I ' 11 00010 1111 to good In pe116n no phone QW~, pyt& raOo X Lg nu Pffl 1 IJR I 01. 11111111 pQ Ill :lll/181tl01,171.ftit All tlllnllVl•10ri1tU wlifl 60 010 t10flet trl Twirl Ptoi<I In he>mo, l'ihttry'I Pl)9dlll C•llt t•l •r'tl 8w••I .,.,.., ' I 1 on f!I 326 J t101 r1 t llpl •lec C1111. tlrpe, phvtc1' ~ "''""4 fM L•k• Arrowh1n<1 trea I 54 ·26•8 Shoppe 440 r 11th St t ide. 1400 , 1100. fl4C fllJ7 llAM /PM OtW, Qllt tange rolrlg, O•ylrrol 2111, 1Ui rr•t.1• Crttdlla Co1mopoll11m fiPNT 81ngl1 011 , lllC ttU bu•ll•lnt & hreplace FOUND 6tl Ol l(eya. VIC C M H7·21•t Hie gllO Spat. park ltk• V'!"" rllt • S75 ""' Cloud MOllllllU ArllfrlCI 1611''Ww~1m1n1111, CM '"'' ""' 6 d4tpOlll ,. H11mlllon ' MO"Of. c M R 1• -Ill Lgo r19wly Cll'C 2 Br wlgar .. Hing. pool IK lllJnt, 7:10 in T dy•, 837 26 11 1111~ iurno11ow !.how $(1'1 n10 Avtll 12· t q u 1 r • d c 111 (Tl 4 ! n, .. 11 ... ld'"llllly ~ .... 704 C11hh1r w1n1ed ob•rt • ·-· • Ctnlrtl lfH, no Piii b1lc;on~. a pkg plac;H •V .,, • 011 • 10 I ll WllO 11'48 tlt:) t 7 8 e 0 2 e 0 0 t ( 7 " ..... • " u " .. Vn1t11p1 Co ~orm•t~ Th• ::~r~.dlCclO~lh~·~::.· 1476 thOwn 8111/Sun no 1)4111 146() mo V1Ha Ocu nlront yrly, 2 Or j n-.d • plll(;ll 61t1ylt1doubl• glrlgH, tl/ 0857 Wffkdt y ev• Polo StOttl 0 Ctl laH -.. ~I 142·_6073 · 1 141 76 3 0 7 18 & Worntr Corner of Ed bl no~h llOOOmo ltwtrt 141·1111 00 Oll81k11r Co1111 nl!)(ltOlltr O pm Uno SCR•M-LETS Applylnpereon w""' no,....t 54().6187 wordl & Wtrnor r:21"1>4J3~16 MOH 079074!1 11'1lwor. PIHH kHP ft Clt•ICil .......... , 181 •Pl Alt new tnlldo no 714 •803·320 11 011y 'J uurm. 2 ba ' f trrlmle 10 •hr r v llom•. Olfltt ,,.,,, 4400 llylnQI NSWERS FIELD. Litt• nu, IGI t br ep11, Piii S3751mo 2 ftdrm 1 9 1 up•l••re c111 g11 f'rivote fl •r h tO man 10 be1e11, $700 .+ •••••••••••••••••••••• A trplC, ow.:.:. 1475/up 8411·3420 condo nu1 T1ttler11 Oootl 11e1gl1borhood for util• 9 •·0291 •HLIH lfflOES• l.,l.,11/l•~fll/ Canned AlbW'\ $ E R Y I 0 E ) ("7 ~!JI •• !l.a.1.'!. •••• !.'.ff MAlltKI flNO l'llA,.4fif Mtr'1 I 1p1nuu1g !Na• nH• 11...Ut 1111v l'ltltf• ljv .. ••II tUrl•rt ••o bl 1• MICllDfllC Han HTY MIOllA .. 10 Petlo °' b ony Poot & PALM MESA APTS New111rid 8ak:onv, com cnuptt "' ~·noi. $1100 :lbOO 1n h eonoo wM tw •I MO rRff RENT Fl•••tt J8b01 • Trul'l"y =.No Pfla. 2650 Mart• 156t Mell Or mtv POOi. ,11rpor1 'c;l\1ld 6 7 3 2 1U 2 a t OA M . of Ou~k Doy, butultlul I room 10 2900 1q It •••••••••••••••••••••• JUS I MAO OLElll PlnM 549" 2447 $400 Unlurn 1 Br 011 , no Pl1' 070mo ll·OPM grHnbtlt A awlrnmlnQ FrOfll 11 10 8 •q It Adi l•li•tll \ M11rr11d 1nen l o Piii Ptilormt a 11er101y cfl · $415. a ldrm, retrlg, P•· Coll btwn 9.4 !140·98GO 541>-2000 Aooi11, no ''"' " Or 2 Du. 40' lrom send. ~·• w111 uccapl I cir 2 Alrporl•r ,Inn & Prwv1 '!.fr.,tl••ltf SOOS • Two yoar1 ago I wu 0011.,111 e1er1cat du1J11•. Hetvv duly mech11111t n1•dfd b)' Huntonut D11c11 City 6c.11ool Do 1111•.I P111"1plM ot lnlttr naJ combut11i.n etlQlntn kn()wl•llCI• or C1tthlo11 ,,. M010t Vthtrl~ Cmfo 1~1 pit<. l>Ho 10 ()1>1 1 •111,111 or vtlllGIH on 11ant1JOr11tro11 ot 11cnao1 c.Uildr111 "" Ql)tttlble QUllllll~tAllOll ( JllHilflt•nC• rllQUlllld Kno1111t1>d(lt ot hytl111uth. ~ 1w btuke •v-• !Jl• 01e*Cll d111gno••• mujor engln• 0Yorhllul1, th• <1blhty I() Clllll!llOloe 1•1"( 1r1e11t pwblam• • b•'" grouud '" wtld111•1 Mnd !> v• r• or re1pon1ublo 1ourm1ymu11 ltv111 in v ·n 11rn1 mtch•n1c.at 1ep " work S1t1ry $ 1602 llo, no ~ti, edulla pref, Sparkling clean 2 Br 1• • 2 Sr carpel, dr11pos. pool, w1u111,011~ & &urHIQCk , adult• or I (Hlvll wfthllQ Coll AM 833-3223 i;~clln'Q';:~ht •;,•;;,~1~ mOdly in lovt •nd ~~ tnelucUno pv1ch111ng, In· 72+.AJemN,'73·7'787 ea S•PO Ulfl~P'I Rt 21;>1oc111 1rombeaoh '$9 60 1yrly !'urn '! 557·1883or ll40G:i39 l6l7Wottcllll,NB.21111 n•OjOr br&nda,$&,OOO, n)trrleo 0 ~od ey, 1 v11111ory,1ocordkHPlng. ST UNNINO luge I Br frtge. 2 am ell chlldrlln ow: '0 ' h s I !I • 7 4 I 0 I. 045·0340 • -Sllr hlll C.OflC')O Or llOuH 10 4000 •q ,, "' floor 000 gross. 1300.000. + JUS l MA rod•O 011p11ct1lng. an•· 911rden ai>t. 710 W t81h. no pell s:ie-7053 Clean 2 Br 1r\k1lchon. 1210 111 11111 Heurlly Agent 041 6032 1 $200.000 l nvenlory I Wiring 1etephont1, 1Y St. 1960 W1ll11c• "6" " " 6 h s 968 847n o 682 7449 ftfml Buyer mutt h1ve I I ttJSO I ping, 8rld laling Prev•ou• 2 br duple1t, encl g•r & Nl)I Hl• ,•.1 1 1 t • ' • Air Port 11rea Elltt Sul· lm.OOO etl<lll Une Re· 1,!!f!!'.'..' ••• ,. •••!•••• related e•perlenc.e ne· New llth/Pomone, I Br, BEAUTIFUL 2 Br 2 Be V d K 'd s 1Pe11 0 K S•!.O tropics 6•5·!> lOO Stnglo mother w11hos 10 tns F1om 2:15 450 1q It 1 nd wttll ietume 01 c;HU ry Prior wtter In· 1 a •. d ownttelra. d i s, Frpte encl gar, choice 1400/mo 963-8286 llOO OOROEou§ 2 Br ah '"'Musa Verdi horn& S1 per llq II M•nv .alrit I .~::., PO Box 85Hi2 MB LlllA' VIOll'I I dullry •APl!f preferred earpon,wetttpd, tchlld a1ea. 0C1111prel U75 1 er 1 Be Gardon Apt lrplc.,pntlO StOOOle11&0 wlresporulble re tehlld Ooll 657·70t0 1 ,57 Sen Olego, Ct PHOTO MODELS Typonoeodgeneratolliee olc, no petl. 1400 Agtnl, 3094 Maco W/Fedco pr1vete pello. ltUhty 675-6359 OK No Sn1kr~1. 400•900 PLUS 1400 eq It 92138 Agl ESCOATS/OANCERS al.Ills neeestary Salary no tee ee2-02 t7 2501 w S unflower F-6 pointed $400/mo NWPf HGTS 2er, qvltt 557·6207 Penthouse 81ytron1 Sui ---OUTCALL 2• HRS $1681·$2043 per month, SPACIOUS 2 Bd, 1 Ba, Open Sun 1.4 2 bdrm, 2 Dee 840·5504 aiao ovorl now S700Jno 1 rem roommate to sh1112 t e. parking. patios •rt•l•l•I Ill 0207 XLNT eeneltt& Apply by 8eam c.ltlng1.Mf'V bar, baluxurycondo $550 H '""' ultl 631 -8000. bdrm,2baapl $235,'~ 673-1003 o ... ,, •• itl SOlS • November 19, 11l82on W d b I c I I c 11 8 c I Hfdf'"' II "3 8&43 ···~"······· •••••••• ---------OISlrlCt Appt1ca11ons. t4°~s 02•2s'6n~::,s ~.214.JS69° H11H•r JlfZ 675 8202 •ul .v t_-_.,_ DHlSPAOEOll AYZERO t9821ne tuot *** MeuCon•o1tda1ea 646-7356 or 673·8803 •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Hg1S t 8r. yord Lody between 40·60 10 AHracllve ru111c up9lalr1 get refunds t979·00·6 t W81er 01s1rtc1. 1965 Pia· 2 bdrm, 1<, ba. 11rep1ac1, HUGE 1 br, Lu>1 Condo, garog~S425 aMra home wlfh elderly $eUlng we 811pply desk, 800'!, p101t1 polentlal Atl1ntis P1rlor 1tenua Ave, Co1t11 MHa. 2 Br. l'I• bl. 323 E. 181n gar. no peu $495 Mint c;ond, all a"'enlll1s, 640·7814 gentleman E11tslde apace, copier You au'p· $50K wrllo-otl lust $500 Open 24 hrs 11 day C$hlornta 92627 (714) St. No pets. Ger, $625. 548-75 IO S600 mo. 962-49 14 ~ 311; Costa Mesa. 548-0888 ply phone. & $95 pr mo dn 638·911 t 7 days 8 week 63 t-1472 • Sl1n1 Mgmt. 64t·1324. ~--Jl~I S10 Cltml•tt v -pr desk Call 6'44·721 1. s ~' L ·1 _..._ ________ 12 Br t Be E1stsldo, quiet £••••• ll•ti ,, •••••••••••••••••••••• Fem 10 shr 481 hse. spa· __ llootr, II LH• SOZJ Jocu.111. aune. oce s OLERI/ ~ 2 BA 2 Sa, no pets nelghborhoO<J. no P.els. ••'••••••••••••••••••• Nr ~ c Gene1al H'oap, clous m11r bdrtJI, a11111 Cosu1• Mesa 1 0, 2 room ••••• .,.•••••••••••••• •• well as TOurtsts. S47 5. 780-1418' or near schools S450lmo OCEH.VIEW 38r. l rptc;, 28&. stove. Nov IS S260 mo '• uUI. suites From $75/mo ftHOLIUll 8ankAmerlcard, Amer· RECiPTIONIST &42·1528 evs/wknds ~.:,6155 10 minutes so ol Laguna c;p1s Avau Nov 1 S57S 720· 1326 eves Ultls lneld 779 w 19th llELPltlE tcan Express. Dinora All s t99•1mo W1111en "•' 10 be given I 1 22102 It 6 30 AM ApQly 204S 1 Cra1mer Lane, Hunting• t on Be s r 11 Pn orr .. 964 888t! IE,ICAL/f.ull Th111 Fronl olflce ,po~ltton Mist.ion .v10Jo Secr1111 r ltl e•pr r t Qw1111(1 •9~·1060 Medical llEllSTHED llUR· •2Br. 2B• Near s c 1 BA. CPIS. drpa, stove. on Dana Point' a mo11 mo 11 14) 89 I·1644 -PllOIOITOllY NllT _s1. 85 t-8928 ltt ltl•titet welcome 7 t4/645·3433 Beaultlul Dena Point secluded scenic blull. 12112 Herbor 81 CM HarbOt Full Time. Tues-P\au, S A. Luiwry Con· tndry lacol avall now No like new. 2 Br wi den, 2 BA $465 yearly new Furn 'luxury 2 br. 2 ba. IUITIFIL 8St·S995 • COEDS -Wo11ld love 10 Sal Requirements Aespons11>1e po.i11on '" :: ... w~?:~1•'~~! No pets $375 646-4382 •tra laroe prava111 patio doc.or pool, n9a~:;7c7h I c111hedrat celling, lrplc, IEWPOIT CEITEll IHL ESTATE LIAIS party w/you Call Sue or Fr0t1t·olliee appearenee. dOCIOfS ollle:e FIT Gooo ---------W1S1de 2 b t , I '' ba. garage $725/mo C•ll bu'I No pols 4 __ sundt'ck, al\ amenities With use 01 recepuon, K (2 131 type SO wpm, aec:u1aey, eenelots Ca11torn11 LI SE •~ V~d• 2 Br. tea crp1s. drps. blHna. pvt 661-6441 or M-F, 9.5 ~er 2 ea Condo, ocean Wiii shr wl pro l M cont room. kolch, phone. I 1s1, 2nds, 3rds, 41h1 a thy any1rme aptllude tor de181I Min 2 cense Llguna Hiiia aro .. Newly redec. $495 No deck. gar . sep lnd1y rm 643·0210. Drtve by 10 view $6SOl mo 673-3687 all 6 secretorlll 4 word pro· Otetteelal 6 3 4 • 4 5 7 1 · (7 1 4 I yrs gen o ffice exp 8SS· l l04 pela. 833-8974 Eves lmmed $510/mo Lease see 01 24583 San1 11 545-9911 MAlllOll lllD,.E cessing Mall & meH&ga 1 Thrift I ltH An'• _ s27•7t86 SS/hr Apply 1n person. -Need Dl•tlftgul,hed R11to only 760-0489 Clara • 1 1 1 II IOIELll,. PLUS Tues-Fri, 8 AM • 11 AM ~ " 1 bd, '415. Newly recloc. -----S1tit• Aai 3110 lu• condo Alty will serv. a1111 · separa ey FOUNTAIN VALLEY • and 1 PM . 4 PM Dana red Gentlemen Must b« D/W, AC. gu & water So Cst Plaza, unique OCEAIFllOIT •••••••••••••••••••••• s hare s s so / mo. deslred.·Call: Judy, 964·911 t 64~3646 Point Marina co. 24105 able 10 work unrestricted pd, patio, orprl, pool, model condo 2Br, 28a, Most elegant apl bldg. , Br 2 aa condo, pool, 752·9442 dys. 640-2434 1141760·0100 I llEFll&IOE j w omen-& men, relax wllh Dana Drtve. Dana Point. hours Good Supple party rm. Call alt t 1 AM, many upg11des $675 on Laguna Beach, finest jllC tennis. So Coasl Cl~es 4001.9 Bitch SI N e 440 1 151 2nd end 3,d TD's a ma 11 a.g e . ca 11 I mental Income Limo ~1=·~9a1t 0 r • n ad a . mo 545-5718 location l(l 1own. brealh· Plozo area. 840·6905, FiOOMMATE WANTED sq II SI 00 per sq It No~ IS lhe ltme to act I 497-57t8 COLLECTOR ~tvong 67S·9800 ---------Coll• lllll JIZ4 laking views, all bultt·lns, 842•2012 ~~ Ml slltlght. non·smkr . Agent 54 t·S03'-while Interest rates are Expending Newport OFFICE/CASNIH 28R l'!obe. dlw, blllns, •••••••••••••••••••••• heated pool. sub·garage. 28r 2ba, atr, security, S260 + •., utlls Dys * Ill * low Cati 00 our experts * T II E I I II L Beach credit card com· Woll nave daverH duties pallo.gar,nopots.$575. $350 Lergo IBr apt No elevator Lease only poot nr S C Plaza No 642·5 4'4 6 . al1 6pm atnoehargetohetp you FllEllS* panyhasopenmg1nthe11 Including credit opera 548~29t, 645-9857 pets Corpor1. t111nd lac;ll, $850 & up. CJ e t s $ S 0 0 642·5620 HEOITIVE SllTES wtlh your problems. ze-1 OUTCALL ESCORTS colleetton dtv1s1on. AP· bkk d di 1 bd, neer South Coasl 311 w Wilson 631·2 '!! 330 Clill Dr 494-8083 I 2 131860·95 13 MIF 10 Snr 28r hs4I. H 8 Full service Keep your nlth Funding Catt Ari 1 24 HOURS p1iean1 m11st nave 2·3 yrs ~~~r~iigs w~h ~~ P\.1~~1~t Plaza: $370 mo Ut1ls Lrg t Br t Be. patio. $500 Oceanvoew. 1Br decorator Beauhlul 3 BR 2 ba. con· Lg l ncd yd $350 mo ~~~~,·~~.:: n~g~.'0t~: 867-1422 MI F All Credit Cards ~~:~e~"i?ne~~~r BP~~~ Some expefocnc;e hctplul paid. 75-4·0588 Lu. a g 1. 6 4 S • 9 16 1 apt, garage. No Lagune do. overlooking poot6 964·9465 stlgious Wellclill "" 01 lllllJJ••I 111 ft•lt "*112•1112 * Contact John Allen Mon Full range ol c:ompany 1,,.. Br. garage. ye rd 760-9534 eves t btk 10 bch no pets near SC Plaza $65 -C--.. I I Nawporl Be.ch 881 Do· lhHI SOJS thru Fri, 8 30 10 4 30 pm beneflll avail Con1ect $525/mo Wes t side c;glt)d Apt. Wst·s•de. ss7s mo 494"6404• per mo 646-0686 , tftll •• Ir j ver Or Ste, 14 63t-36St •••••••••••••••••••••• 759-7889 Mr M c Dermo ll. at ... -0763 N t completely redeeoraled, 644·43 t 1 $ ...... / 1-b Jll~ Female roommate 10 · ' · I II ••nLEI Cuslom Fantasy Phone ------i 644-1380 '" 1 · 0 pe s '' llt .. snare 2 bdrm. 2 b• con· DELUXE SUITE • • -Conversation wllh Barbel Counter Per1on. Ku11ers SUVICK'S JEWELERS Near MW 1 Br. 1 Ba, dis· ~~g.;~~~r ' Relrto S 39s 2,r:;/~~ar~~t::,; ~,:c~~ V~;;;;;;:·:;;,~;,~·2·aR~ do. 2 blks from beach. Mar1&•Ct Ct. llO. MCIVtSA 24 hrs Ci.anera. SS/hr. Apply hwaahlr, enclsd oar11ga. 0 c ea n , N 0 •end ·~ blk 16 beach. newly $375, •;. ulll. 752·2384 Wiftr Frtlf II~& Speciollzlng In 1st & 2nd Cati 638-0701 between 7. 11AM, Mon-Par l·llme. occasoonal nope1a.369AvocadoSI 2 Br wt gar suo1mo 59251mo Incl ulll remod Nowslove&re-9·S.alle18 PM675·t280 Sl SO/sq II. Lease TD'sslnc~1949 EXOTICDANCEAS Ftl 186 E 16th SI. workets needad 1oass1s1 $400/mo. 631·6155 crpts. water pd 2176 640 562., 1 G on Ocean Ave P 1 Robt Sattler NH/CM Bachelor/Baahelore\\e cos11 Meta in m8lllng.. eontarence & "E" Placentta 836·4 t20 • " "0 or Fern to shr my tomonl·, 642·~644. M·F, 9·0 R.E Broker Bd Realtors --meeting prepar ation Lg 2 Br Eaststde garage+ SP • JI z Joe, 01 714·551-1452 orv Po1n1 Villa (Nwpt --perty entertainment CIEllT TUllH special projects requortng carport & y1rd. stove. t-M ~!l.'!'!~.~'l.'!~{. ..•• t Rooms 4000 Bch) Ocean/bay voow, Li4t Artl hr1. 642•217t 5•5•061 t 738·6538 558-8538 Expanding NB credll m inimal trt1ining w e re Ir I g e . S 5 2 5 Imo D•al l•i•I JIZI On Goll course West •••• •••••• •••••••••••. pool tennis Bee11t1lully OIUce. 650 sq 11. over w1 IOOW HAS $$$ tor TD'• Boytrlend. escort, model card company has tra1-need peoote who can b 631-075-4 •••••••••••••••••••••• Nrne Condo 2 SR 2ba. 2 U&Ull IEACI decor • lrplc. pvt belh night lee $500 mo lo mo RE Loans, tOK Up No Reply 10 Tenn, PO Box n1ng po all Ion avail In I 'on call on the 0 C E/Slde luxury tn a pine I OCUI VIEW car gar wlopnr Wrahl IOTOll 111 I 675-6327 - ----or lse 552·7730 eves I Credll Cheek. No Pen· 5278·SA, Santa Ana. Ca thetr eredot dept. APPll· A 11pot1 area Wege forest. lge t br, reltlg, =~~J!,6~as~:'n~~s b~:1~1 dryer Lower unit wt Wkly rentals ,95 up Mat1/lemale. neat. non ired ol crowded freeway Olly Dennison & ASSOC 92704. cant mull heve 1·2 yrs $51hr Call lo leave your OW, BBO, pvt bate, avail patio . redeeoral ed Color TV tree coffee I smoker 10 share homo nr commutes North? Would i 673-7311 I cualomer aerv~ exper name and number lor an now, gu Incl S4251mo Like n-r Only 4 units. 2 $725/mo 714n70.19SO heated pool & steps 10 sc Plaza s 180. 1 , u11t. you like en olloce et 1111 10-. SOLll TIELi ltllOll & good comm11nlea11on rntarvlew for luturo as· 631-6141 ~~~~d~,:~· ~'?:;~:~· It • " Jiii ocean Kltcn·sovait.I I 850·0907 ~:,~n u~•;,,,Y~:!i::~~ I $75{ note. payable '''"'" SJfO ck~l~~·a~1A~,,.~~e~i~~e~i s1gnments •• ~-984!_ Lge 1 br up~ ept enct c an 66 t -6441 or M·F ••• '.''!t!!! ••• ~!......... 985 N Coast Hwy. Resp Im 10 snr-3br Irvona as 8 vacalron unit? For I $1000 per mo Including ... ,T.YtiitiiiVici••• M 0 n . Fr 1 8 . 4 . 3 o . Part Time gar. No pets.lSAoo mo 9to·~·ee642~-o582312SanDlra1vCetabray N1~::5E1V~~'R!t~~ndo Laguna Beach 494.5294 c ondo Reas ral,e. leasing lnlormauon call 15%int. All due 17 mos Ptrtonal, quatlllad com· 759•7932 ~g~~;,oy~~' 1::~~~:8i Mele del Mer area. Im· ~ ~ 675-4912 Broket $90 & up with' ~ 1552•3248 ""'· 7G0·6000: The apisl rano Suri See. by re1ll estate In· panlon drlve1s for your med. oee. C111761·990S w~kl Oc;eanlront MO< x 317 dys Ann Center 661•6292 or c ome lrom nellonal d d Dellvery person, for llOwer TV comm ar c I • Is ---------Super neat t Br Valla. 1 2B ~ 'Y 87 0 company & personal day lo ay arron s shop, must have good (background or non- 2 Br. 1'A Ba. N-r tn'™'-Ba. smoll & cozy, private ·~ ~~~,c~ 1~~e;~~5 01~· lei 675· 4 . LIDO ISLE non smkr 831-50114 guarantee 01 equtpmenl Snopplng, doctor's driving r•cord. PI T speaking onlytts seek1"9 no pell. $495/mo. 1916 $4001 mo 6 7 3 • 3 3 t 3. r" " Fem n"On.amkr rm w/hse I $395/mo ', utll. Work EXEC AfflCl lease • $63,000 tallee II IPPIS. church. etc All 833· 1883 vrrgol model 1ypes & otr1ers tor Walleee • 102. 831·3671 493·0803 lot lurnashedl yrly. 968·8263 I prlv c M $225 11nt11rn 873-0869. 67S·9•U9 Res. j · ~ 1 1 1 4 / 2 4 o. 1 1 6 s 0 r needs met By hour or commercials MJCh ea la· · Best tocattoo n Airport de 494 5857 Dental Eattalde Bachelor • OCUIFIOIT lum $260 645-5459 Female rmm1e needed 10 I area s215 mo/mo or 493-1153 • Y • EJtperl•noed R.D A. nee-ahlon wear. cosmetic & Beamed cetHngs, pa11o, B••l1•1I•• I 3 bdr, 2,ba. gar greal IAoom wHh kilCfl prov Nr shr Mstr/SR in NB. I long~r. 662·0722 I SllllC&l Pl•UMf : ded for Orthodontic health club adv,ruse- 1¥ge beth, kitchen, ullls J.1ti 3140l loe Winter 8 11 e 4 shopping Condo. pool, jecc 1200 rl •••••U•tatl/ Call now for prolesslonal 1 praellee In Mlssl0t1 Viojo ments No experience paid. 1350/mo. No pell ••••••••••r••••••••••• us n96" 7520 mo PlllS • • ultt 645·5414 hcallHt Lt .. ffH I I / eounaehn". No ch1rne, Area. 630·3703 necessary, snap shot re-Avell now t Br t Be B t I center 4• I 1 .,,.., I • • quired on lnteN•-By 752·2550 downstairs apt, dl'#stir, ye~~~elor. grea oe Bft 2 Ba nse WtOyr. FEMALE OVER 40. Shere ~~~~t~::·~~~e~:~~ Wit f FoH' ~o obllgatton 650-1026 hltal hslstaet •PP' 213146"·7514 Large 3 Br. 2 Ba Town· private peho. single QI· TSL • .. 141-1103 klleh etc S225 mo $20 2BR Condo In H11nling· ree $1 P9f sq It Sul>-•••••••••••••••••:•••• 4 hrs Newport Beach. 4• • day PAIT TllE CLERK houM In qule1 eomple•, rage No pe11 w11er C1 dep 646-8386 all 7PM ton Beach 536'·200l all tease evall1bt1 820 or b••••t••llll SIOO $ i I ' week Need• X·Rey tic P v 1 P 0 st 0 111 c e large POOi. gerden set· p a 1 d S 4 S 0 I m o 2 er 2 Ba trom SS2S No Lrg lum -;QOm. pvt ea, 6pm t200 sq ft tor 1 ye1r Call •••••••;•••••••••••••• t H 1 • _ 5 E11pet desired. ~;t·5:4~~5 8• 5 ·3 381 · S<IS-2000 Agent, no'" POIS Aero" from N-· employed Fem over 25 So L1gune, got ed. nr Sand~. 2 13-820-8857 QUIOk CISh •• !~.'.'!!!!!!~ •••• !."::. 644·2405, 540·2886 ~ ~7 ~ ~~ ~ ~ "'n'~ ~ ~; ! UllllHI WALi port Beeetl GOif Course S200/mo S<I0-2573 beach. pvl entJba. $295 SIPEI 1••1&111 Olllrl1t•11 Plano ltlTllllTllS ,. 549-2287 Lnely Z Wna, 1 Ila SR h 5•S.4955 + u 1 • 9 • • 4 9 9 3 • -Dynamic E.xper Plano & • ----Upper unit tor rent. 811111 uo 2 town ouse WllTEI llEITALS Balboa Pentnsulo. Private 499_,1722 Exe~. Suites Incl reeep1.. Closeout Composition i.essons. needed Sentor Consul· PART /TIME HELP apts, l!f>CI gar, lrpte. Near Ent ranee S 17 S , No 1-.---M see y 1arvs. cont. rm.. "M 1 1 hip belo 11 tanl seeking enthusiastic snop 1a111toroal Ideal lor lpne'isca. ~~~~idd:,8n5~g CHhuinldtre~robrK.18r~0•6!~;s 3 & 4 Br Cle.a. 10 weter. smoking or cooking. Wented fem 10 shr Cd • 2 1 kll . malt handlg. Res· I Ir. lillet 112-llOJ ,us.~::: Ot62 r lndlvldual part time or 8 re11ted or older person " furn & unlurn, reuona· 575.339 I I BR 2 De opt Non smkr. ponslve to your bu1lneas sea es -lull time who will enjoy 895-4460 mo. 7 6 0 • 0 7 3 • , or 'w·-A-R_N_E_R_V_l_L_LA--2-bd-.-2 bte. all amenities B•Oker $350 & ·~ ulll. Avail Oec;. j needs Adj 4os Fwy In Magic Isle Club Mam· woiklno with peopte tn ___ _ 631·4402 G~t ba. Coft ... o l1pt, dw, pa-675-49t2. H1ttl1 ll1t1l1 4100 I 675-5067 F V lodlv ofes Mo/mo berahlp Save $300. E••ltr•HI lhe health and nutrition PBX pn Answef"tng Ser· ---------'"' ---'""""''••••••••••••••• -I $325 963 ~··s Greal Present PP ••~••'••••••••••••••• .,. S500 $3000 vice Flaw1bto hours at t I o p o o t. S 8 0 0 1 blk to Sch. Lower 2 Br. SEA' •11 •OTEL Luic condo Nwp1 Tem1u rom "'".. 552~519, 855•6866, Ro· J • W. H 1015 field ~rn 10 · l 8drm SA25tmo.Carporl 2131570-0036 den 2 ba yrly. b111ns. u. 2brl 2be pvt 1ae $350 ll SQ FT II h d .~ • .' ••• !~.' .....•...... ,per mo Call7deys8AM ler n oon Mon Frt & laundry laell Call Siu ALK TO BEa_C . .,...-, Br rein $700 675-6839 Wkly rentals now avail Resp M/F 642·9545 Jim ' e • • c ar Young mertled man wlll , IO 8PM 545-04 18 $ 3 6 SJ hr I o s I a r I 1~97·2338 or, S<I0-3666 ... H g $105 & up Color TV ---1 1200 Sq Ft .• S900Jmo ALZHEIMER'S Family do genet1t handy wO<k 549-~91 1 Ask lor tape llSTAllT II' stove & 1 e I r1 O a Nwpt Hg ts 2 br 2 ba Phonn tn room 2274 Housemlle wanted. resp .. I 328 No Newpor1 Blvd Support Group meets in Celt evu & wkends. 360 •~""s•15tmo 2' Br 1 $400/mo 536·7979 spacious Avail now Newp0f1 Blvd CM pvt bath, alt c.omm lac 720-t665 I Laguna 3rd Frtdeya, 972-9525, esk.lor &II WI PLANT CARE.TECH Pa.- ... vv-.. ALK TO BEACH Be· S73Slmo 645-7•00 546-7445 trvi,,.. nr UCI s250 + ·~ mo n I ht y In I o rm OlllllSTIAS IOIEY 1 P/I ,.,.. .. , .... Aw th Ba, poolside ept. laundry uhls 957. 1450 E.xecu11ve Suites near Arr· 499•3797 • Uc'd vocalr~nurse & 1 · manen ..---""' 1 room. b .. med c:ettings. ehelor, stove & relrlge BALBOA PENIN •; blk to B [ A C H A R E A port, .atnt perk•"9· free-int 1 Haveiing companion en tn\ettor plant-1eape No 1>81• No 1811 month gas & w a ' er Pa Id bcfi 2 bd. 1 ba. yrly Roommate to snr Park way access. snared 01• Liii I Fo•b' SJOO aceeptrng booking hotl· Sates people wanted tor co Exp'd prel'd Reliable rent deposit req. Cell S325Jmo 536-7979 carp o r1 SS 2 5 mo Newport apt, beaut bay lice space or private 01• •••••••••••••••••••••• days ,62. Xlnt rela. Cell temporary po1ttlon1 Ins· Trans a musl Hourly + TSL Mgml 642·1603r bdrm, 2'i'r be frpe, dble 552·0853. $84/wk vt-. tennis, 1pa Many fices. Full tervloe 1 I 496·8728 (7·10pm) Ide dep1 Slores Floral mileage 836-8484 emanll)es Cati Jim. 1 1 llh 6 1tom1 & gltls Musi be ---Men Verde sherp ups· a 11 a ch 9 ° r S 6 5 O Br· 2Ba. 3 car gar9ge, 1 Refrlgoralor·M:ild·POOI 759. 1216 Fri 6·8pm month ree ren w i FOUND ADS Nurses Aide dest1es dey well gtoomed & an en· PIOIUCTIO• 1a1r1. 2 BA. 2 Ba. bttns, 964-4633· 1 •526•3004 blk l o ocn. S800 mo. Nwpt 81vd & Wiison --------mo. lease 957-945 t ' wo1k' es companion. thust&1llc personat11y ISSISTAIT MW eptt. en<:I g11r, lndry 's37Sl mo 1 br. all u\lls pd 675-9174 Costa Mesa 548·9755 R:~:~:r:~n~~.~~~;: et ell 6 olllce •P~ chauffeur tor elderly ,or For delalts contact Mr Entry tevel pro<lucuon rm. no pets SS7S mo Walk 10 beach 207 Ctl•· Prlv & Spac, 2 Slry 2 bd. Pine Knot Motet on coast INlne, Npt Sch area wt ova1leble 17th SI. Colla AR[ FREE 111 Ph 549-0373. Smll h (2131 516·~908 ass<1lanl posltt0n eveo•a· C all 540·1158 all 6. cago 985-4954 2•,, ba w/ frpl Newc• Hw'-NB S teps to Mesa from 1250 sl 10 ble for design a1ud 10 979-3848, esk tor Pam mel carpe1lng, nr Fa· oce'an W .. ly , ste• sgle Mom 662·2 154 fv. 400 1 f 645-3477 Housework destred Errand Person. apply In llOOI'"" sub-eontrtctor "' ·• • Call·. Newport/Costa Mue person SKS Plumbing -·• $450 2 BR. 2 car gar. snron Island, no pets 6•5·0••o MIF 10 snr Mesa def Mar 2 Aours open HeteteneeS Service. Inc 13602 Malt· Warehou1e1 1nven1or)' cilftd OK. no pets 132 E. $795 645-6218 CE bdrm. C M wet bar 1 Ml FRIE REIT 1•2-llll on requell Phone on Ave Westminster control. P 0 /ln1101ce 8.y SI "'· 1·"'"31 IEEI l PU r $250/mo Incl u111s • procesatno typing so ..,.. .,,.. lulls Area trg 2 bd 2 ba 5•9 63•7 1 •M Choleil toe reasonable, 642·5470 Ex....,.___.ed "-~s n--'· . C t J ---------1 · 'o ' Reas· onable rates Krt· .. • .. ee.r Y,.. d bid 1 ,.....,_... """" ........., WPM rlQ d ontac an 2 B.aroom adul1 hie style upper unal. wt frpl u111 mo ern g . amp 8 • I W. H 1100 1d tor dinner house. SS6 160t apt. Light & Airy i . Sec11<1ly Gatts :6:;·~~~6~1:0 Pet• :~~~esi ~';>.':i°n5el ~~~ M:;,,~~ ~h: ~B~k ~a~i ~;~H~=r ':,~5cJ:r. MET AL DETECTOR • I • .'.l. •• ~!.~........... Night & Oly Shifts evall _P_fT_~-a-nl-10_r_nead_ ad c.om· 646-4549 • P(I01 & Aet Room vi•• SANDPIPER MO· S300 i~I ultt "" 1 ~220 M 5 • ., 11.,,8 kd tond your tost rings & It-Activities Director. PIT. Good Pay & Benerns merctat e•peroonc• onty, t &ZBRP AplS ORE OAIVE u~ ·-...., "" esa ...... • w yt welry 646·8712 1vs 1 lortflerschootprogram Appty t>elween 2 ·6PM, EASTSIDE 2 Br. t Ba t • r. d l ~'° $E700A SH 2 8 t I TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd, Lge ma•ter br, pvt ba & 8:30-4. (Ron) I Orenge Coast YMCA Mon·Sel. VICTORI A Fin Vly area, ommed1a1e cer garage. S4951mo. • ••• t<1 , .... sc.P•no I mo r re r ge. CM 645-9137 • opening 980·8•61 lnclda water. Im med • 01shwn11t1s & 880 s carport. anclsd patio ent t blk to beach & Found 1t i 1 F mad. 12 642·9 90, Amy STATION, 990 Oove St evell. Prefer couple, • JogloBncfl&Snoos 548-5682 6a11t H••• 4150 bay Balboa Pen. S300 IEWHllT OHTH puppy, Sulld"" max?, Ir-• e N. 8 · llCPT/llllEll DESI 11-----,.,.--.,..----•••••••••••••••••••••• mo. yrly 67S·S674 Full Senne. Su1t11 ..... mlnlmal on·tlte man11ge-Br Iba, blk lrom tx:h Xlnl Opp1y tor GENT to ' SS OIT OISTS •s vin e & Santa Ana .~ FAOTIRY TIAllH II you're good wlflgures. men1 req. 229 Colla Oar, sundeck, S6001mo enjoy Liily executive fa-Furnllhed Cond'b. Fe. • 648~769 ADVERTISI • 1st a 2nd lhllt available. organized, neet & d•· M • • • C by a PP I yr t y. 2 1 2 3 o t n S 1 ma I y h 0 me. superb Own Bd 6 Be. H B. area. $650 .... Furnllhed Found Set 01 Keya on 1 COISULTAITS Ideal for m11ure woman pendab~e. we need you 642-6 557 SUIPIPfll •-675-3206 I FOOD every comfort All Amenities. $250 All you need for one keyring On eoardw•lk I Ovef 30 695-4460 In our front oll1ce order 28r, l '!oBe, Westside llke Ar'•• ersallles spec; bach Must be eecust lo & •P-9&4·946 I or 644•2~ m::J~~~~1,91 nr N B Pter 673· 1093 Local Compi1ny now la· IVEAPAC CORP. desk tor busy men'• IOI· MW $475 mo a LIVELY PUCE bdrm penthouse. cour-• prec the bell•r things Rm-mate Mele to lhlre 1111 6 king •pptieauons tor ad· 5455 Production Or, MB tetrles comp1nv In Irvine 557-6985 Tl UYE tyard. pool, clubhouse Non-1mkr. non·drrnker big 4 bd ho11H NB ••1iat11 lt•lll 44SO • ver1i1ing & public rela· Full and PIT help w1n1ed. E11per llQ 10 key touch • 11,,,....../Pvt 1&2 Br security $525 642·6t49 (714) 658~552 In Hemet Welk lo bellCI\ S2501mo •••••••••••••••••••••• Found, Brown Fe Alghen I lions for new division N-Unique Plue Store. Type S0/60. S 1 '00 31>f. 1'h ba.blt-lns.gar.. _.,,_, Rel• req. + StOO Sec Oep Retellstoreet26!>0Avon, hound 11th & Irvine. A1ptd edvancement El Toro 859·4898. Comp P A O erpt1 ChlldOK No pets •Poot -Sp1 • BBO unny 1 BA apt.·~ blk to I 1 ,,. ~l?S 631•7325 1665 sq. It ptua 6 eer MN B (2131 601·0606, Compeny 1111111 train Earn ~·"'·""'"'• _1 14154_0._0131 $595. Cell 111 Spm. • 5 acres of b4l11u1tlully bCh Olf slreet pl\g Vrly ti nl•fl .. garage 041•8777 ark vv• .,....... _ ~ 548• l05&. landscaped surround· $450 mo. Agt 675-1642 ••••••1·····,··,.··E•E••••••• l11t1/1 WHIH 4JZS IF ou n d • Sm t ye 11 o w up 10 IHEl.ll IFFIOE RC!n~:~a~~. college s 2 Br l'!o B• lludlo. pool, ~,.~ Fwys & ltloppono \UdlO apt, pvt pallo. Nr ••••• I 0•1EI •••••••••••••••••••••• llo •• n. . •.•. "M orrlS type kitten" $7.89/hr full time. typing , touch dent pral Parl-11~; carport, pvt patio. chil· • ou1ec area Lido shops & beach Uhla " " llEI IY •O. 1 1200 &q fl · SllOOlmo Area San ta lubell control on eddlng ma· worl\, colltctlng ll'no111 dttn OK. No pet1. $475 • Sorry no d""I pd 1350 mo tmmed Several prrme locahona '"'untlngton ~••ch 3•4 328 No Newport Bllld Tustin, NB. 642·5623 Cell Mr Howerd. (7 t4) chine. Peyroll end data tor G1ubb & Ellis &46·t824 -. 3 f 5 In Slddteback Volley 10 n D 72.0· 1665 8 000 h 957 8353 8 j 111 ..,., Cell (l 1') l•l·lltl 673-03• 8 t. c;hoOH from. Featuring bdrm houH. south ol Found: Orey a Black 52 ·I P ones . -ua ness a re rv.., EISld• decoralors own 8081 Holland Cr. HB 24 nr supervision. plan· Ad am lC t n I r • f s . MIT& llll Greyhound type dog, vlo e e HftllmT Ml .,_!.41!<• Auuell 833--2900_ apt. 2 BA 1 ea. lge gar· Btwn St1ler/Warner ned reoret\lon, e>u~ltrng ll64=0332r M2-0100 300 S<I ft. to 2600 aq. fl. 19lh St .. CM. 631·178~ AATISTY CONSULTANT Immediate openings AEAL ESTATE SALE· din. encl gar. tndry rm, oll Beach gourmel mtals & free 75¢ per 1q It. 6 up Cell Fo11nd. cocker Spanl1ll E•eepllonal ll'\Come Op-Oveftels •nd CJ<>mtsllc. SMAN Need 2 exp1· utll pert. peld $800 Avt Hutinit•• I locat tran1por1a11on. Call 4 MO PAID HOLtOAV Aealonom1c1. Corp Beegle mix? Mele. AP· portunlty H •color ena· 20,000 to !10,000 + e rieneed people an com· Nov. l!I. 648·1509 Ive Bob Lyon todoy for 1111 C1nadlan re1euve1 vial-675-6700 prox 5 yr 647-8548 "'"·akin cere •nd COior yur Call (312) 920-96751merc1at6 lndualrtal real ...... le1d 3110 excl11"9 a.ia1t1 II"" mlddle·•oed cpte + ----I '' 1 EX1 2239 e1111e fOf a auccessM & .. -.. •••••••••••••••••••••• mtlflts rev.11 looo 768·7142859·727'1 alt 5 chttd went 2 br nome 1or 1 C1••t1tl1I Found Golden Leb, vre ooamettc consu t•nl. growing lifm Best wor· ~~§~§§§§~~-~~~~~==9jl COUNTRY CLU8 LIVING -Ooc l ·Apr l Wiit pay ltallll f41S LaPlale Park. Legunt Training provided Hours HYll•EIT .S king conditions 1n New-KenfiebunkpOft? INNEWPOATSEACH V1t•ll••l1al1/141SO ''000 up lront. Nr ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• Nlguel.7141493.,.0lt llexlbl• Celt 17 141 lmmedl ete opentngt port Beach • Slngles, 1 &28dtm, ••••••••••••••••""•••• downtown Legunl RENT OR LEASE Newly Lost ln9'1tet18fleni,mty 492·0078 0119rMU and domestic. 71416-46-5051 .... ~ lsThn't thAat ~e .boaCt .7· S? & 1jP!,~r;::. FOR RENTI, 838-6738 ~:r';.o~~,~~~~~0~::, be wearing TexH t•g• IAIYllTTH 1 20.000 to 50,000 + • HAL HT&TI SAL.El uiot WOO e menca S up In From S5e0 Malure Adult Male, Ex· aCfl 10 Newport 8tYd 2300 Mtse Or. E Senti 11·30·4, my C.M. nome, I ytei Call (312> 920-967 Well located Penlnauta ~f'V'\rv-x=,, 0~ JamborM Rd. 11 2 bedroom. 2 batns a 2 ecu11ve Employed. seek a s•2· t33• 851.9999 Ana Hll. BIO rewerd, eny car nee. 557·6038 1111 Ext 2239 Olllc• nu o~n dtSlt. le>< 1..:.-~-....::_.,ii I\.../'-::..-"' .. ~ s 1 Hilt Rd t10t1es In Twin Pell.ks 1n prfvele N 8 CdM. Irvine ' t n I o rm a I 1 <> n ea 11 Halrllylll\ and Menlcurlat aggr•111ve 11IH •nd lfyou'rt not sure who (or what) ~nyt)Unkport an J1°!~u1n._s · Lake Arrowhead arH area, room, ep1 . sm111 lal11ttl1l 546·19~0.4404 BABVSITTEA wanled Pl wanted. Bu•y Sh op rentel per1on Oen8!'0Ut was. don't feel bad-you·re not alone. _. -Mtll bull1·1na 6 flr1plaee. condo, houH turn. or l••tll fSOO llo'STNeut. Mii• Cet tlmt. lle~lble, my home Men Verde Area. 1 comm 1ch1dula Playa ~nit.port 15 one of 14 distlnctilltly early 3 Br. 2 Be. Avell Flrtt, test & deposit <1· unr1.rrn. quality ren111 3-6 ••••••••••••••••••••••I OreytBlk atrtp w/Wllt un· C M 631·8208 mon1n Free rent o Fl.E 973.1900 <*f'ftflnt SH Viii lmmed.Newlyremodeled qulred Call (7 14) mo's AelerancH fur• S750 up 2100 It lndu· 1 deralde Biii F~ Co"er comm 4 957.oeo81Reeept1onltl "*""""ttloorplanut wind 80f on Penlnaula. $845/mo. 768·0286 or L7 14) n1shed (714) 960·4589 ttrlll ·Ofliee 1810tA~ 'I0·31·82. 010i1SH· ~881 Abllll" 10 h•ndl• neevy In ~ lleach. SNwlnd VIiiage IH result . 075-3132, 646·5710 • 867·C>e57 weelcday ev.. et: 7pm don do Clrcle, P .& T lhora. 63t·9I ~-.l Blnlltng , of ~ ptr90Ntize4 pcofe5$0NI pYnnlnQ. nl"9& tlltf e p.l'lt II 110 ,.....__ Hun 11ng1 on, 8 e e oh TELLER .. ..,, /IMJsHttt phone Ir a Ilic In • P' O· 'Tht lcind of 1tttoUOn you deSlf'<ll' 3 Br, 2Be, cptt, drpt, onswtr, pl .. H kHP lllh girl, ego t • 18"NI 842-2834 Found Mitt puppy, 4.9 I 30 10 9 PM wkd9YI ltellol\tl m1nner .. _, A -blend of n.m.t and....,..., newly redecoraled 1n a trY1ngl pro. wen11 to rent room --mos Snep X wlcurty tell Eaptrlenced preltrttd Newport home, Mr H tlel Typing 55 wpm · ~·-· rt "'""'-ou1 1950mo (2 t3J ---wll1m1lylor 6wl11.La-120014ft tttn a Fulltrton butnol ..-.ttltry Call 1ttOPM~4-•1•1 oplfllt2·wty11d1Qplus ndtld "'a forat With blbtlllng t>fOOks tnd quiet 332.4051 Perk c11y Ut11n Condo ¥ u n • a r t 1 • o • 11 Sen Clemente Avtll 1m. 842-5937 T0tn, (J t4ifeo.t200 good olllce •kltta 101 ::-:;::::z.::i~~N~1~:'a: WATEAF'RONT· NM>Or1 ~~-:.~11f A~~~h~ :-;·:~ fal4 494 ;;2ft•I 4310 ~4~1ct W/enowtr Le4lft hi• W1t1• IWfM• ffllllL ln~"W.:: ~::~~ ~!~ol~~;~,:o;~O~~}og 1 ~t IOc:ation ne.ir Shopping and 111and apaciou1 2 Br 2 18 1450 7 14/49(1..03 14 •• !//!!. •••••• ,,.,,,,, 2500 •q fl f\Ut MOtO Lo1t,.~. Acleu7b:!',..f..~ng SIMll I Liii rr·~ee~JT• poHlb RHtlffelftt/lel, ~me11t and yc>Uw OOt a plact ~ wovlCf Be duP'9• 'f,1• new ctr· L•;Q• B•g Ot1r Cabin en• P1 atngle 1tore.g1. Hosp eepar••• o"lc• ' •01 ._...ar .. .-v ... _ E9uel Oeftx !mp!oy!t --"'-er offit•. Ne'#p<>rl .PfOUOIY Clll l'rOme.(EWn l<.eMyt>unkportl) ::';•d~:~·.~ ~~~~· POOi TaOlt. CQIO< TV, 2 eecurtd. '''"1 entrtnee, rHtroom HOO/mo. Lo11 rhlnHlon1 ber pin~ • ---...... ...,...,., iMC'~ Arctllleciturat r11m Oneanc:ttwo'*"Oom.Ol'lllndtw0~\11 813·810Uor e~0·2157 '1'1~1':~::.~1~HP• 14 3•097 Otan•da, 160 AUIOmOtlllt Ok Bllr 1hl118ytS250000 Mll-111111 HfwDOO~AllOf 'HhtVP••w.e• .... ~its from 1540 Avel1 OIQ. t. = .. .,_ .. ~$;.,. v --073·3313, 413-0803 ~ ....,.... ewllftll' Al!Werd, t.4enlourlet nHoad '°' whh Ccirporetet llYal Good typl"O tllllh. •• ··~· EMautllul largt 4 8, tti· Condo·Ptf ,,ALM OE · ioragt g11rtgt, 11no1e. 1,.,, ---.,,, Celt 1157~911 buay Salon Ale herd prectlea '"*' bflgtlt. phone upt• Salary Cltcl pttlO, ll•P• 10 Sl!RT CONDO • ., d•y• lh20.,Co•u Meal ••••• !r. ............... ovnd N8 V10C~llOt J( Ou•ll•U•. 200 N9111Yport OfO•nlledltot:.:,ry.n CIC*' 1•4·1581 l»t~ 111 H1H!1 on v" ......... y 1y 016·44 It Otc 2. llPI 4 Poot, t•n· 150/mo torege Space 12· x 18' Oo¥W Fe. Olfm SheP JC Cent• Or N 8 •~cellenl elltle 10 end 1 1 ft_M __ _ ·• ........, .... r nt•. et c 11 5 dy 8•2·4llOT'!"_c:ta!'l.-341" clOOf 170tll'IO P11.1•1l•t&-emo 845.~at ... ...., r;:~~ttno oP•t tsa.11e•t11t1. ... 1 IJr 2 .. Condo. l!att· 844 ot2t jlSINOll OAAAOl In 170 no dapo111 ---..,..,, _ GOocJ IYPt ... & llgure ,_ ~ Wllft LMI ~unglOll INch. CA bluff, upgredte, t1lacf*I I/AIL COLO o.c 25 lo I C•n11et Laguna leach. 173. 4 t14 Newport C.-.C1 to 00.Cert• Looklno to edd to our LIGHT HOOlllCllftlNQ eptttud• Prof phon• <?•4 > .... "91 1"•9• N o f.•U Jen 1 1 BfUh. condo. nter Mein Beaeh. Beech WMt...,., 1tlt Feet e11ff '•o etyll•1t •Ith Enoltlh .-1111 '• '""""'a tppearanoe ,,_ .. .sen Dllto ~.,,,.,.non.II on 8NOl 10 . 900/mo lff.71 4. "91 4 1700 In 1"9 Vit-Malmo 4 .. -3044 H4We _....,.,._ YoU '""' ~ ..,. oft tfle merket otlenll4 ~d °""91· ..-. Ne •71411t I Co1nputer dall .. p w--.-. ... onMcfaodlnto~~ l'lnd whetyou went'" leQt.Wtllt IO~hfflO -toMll?Cllllllftedectedo Wl1t11ClattlflldAd ~ ~ Nwlport ~-... ldlllleltlli 141-1111 ~ 14~11U ~ ....... Giiiy IP AM lidta Dtlllr Piiot Clw"1ecl• 11~·•333 " ca ..... Adll 14l417' " ... 141··~M~7:!'::..· __ J::::-::C:all~Now=::'~".::.2;;;·"~"=-1;;;;.~====;;;;M::=:======;; ::~===::;~= I J I' I ' I f!I Orange Ooa OAILV PILOT /Friday, Novembtr 5, 1982 ~!~t~A!e~D!J for• '°day Id In the IULY PILIT 111¥101 llllOTllY ~}l.'.~1!!~1.. ••••.•••• ff!r.!.l!!rl!! ....•••. CHILO CAAi my home. Shampoo ' ''""' cllln 1u11eh11nKk• Included Color t>t10hlenat1, wh• L d .. 4 .. 1939 crp11 • 10 min l>IHCh •10• yar " .,. l'jlll, ltvldll\, rm• 118, av' M11u11. cerlng mothlf wlU room S7 50, eoucll S 10 b1bv111 1nv •Q• tn my chr 15 Gutt ellm pel C M hOml 842·8072 Odor Crpl rapelr 15 yfl ~!!!!~.~'~A.ft.'!:!~~ ... JAYS "8PEAl<EASV" Any occ .. lon Port bar 1·521·814 t, ,879-7562. I KP Oo WOik mv1111 Reis 831·0101 No 811tm/NO Sh111npoo Stain Spacltllll FHI dr,' 'Ffff H I 839-1582 1-y~ ~-~-~-J~M-.-.-.-.. -.-.-.-.-.. -.~~~,-~-j~~~.-.-.. -.-.-.-.-.. -.-.-.-.-.-l~P~~-•• -!·~-.~~-•• -~-~~.-,· .• -.-.-.-.-•• -,-,-~-.-,-,-i-.. -.-.-.-.-.. -.-.-.-.-.. -!-l_!_!_L_f_!_!_!_!_l ••••••••• '1~~~! ... 1<11 rtmOd, cablnell, VI Ja1111'1 Olrdenlng PROF IUMCI HOUllCIH nlng hon111, Pfll PUmH CUSTOM wOOd pa110 co-WAHO"OOC MISTRESS d.o antlflllnmanl unll• C,.1n.up1, ''"trim & H141llng. 'l'rd clHn up 1 •lllot1n1 11'1f1r1ncat by Richard Sinor Lie var• rldwood dick• & Alhtr11ton• Ou1mvwor11 l'rM ltt tO·OH I ·-mtlnt .. tvlel &<tO·to35 Qulc:tl ' clMn ,, .. ••I P•v•t-8.U·81811 Sue 280844 13 ~,,. Of /lll)j)y lane:.. ~111dy 84' 0622 Httidl 8!H • 1450 /) II I Lawn • .,lite• tr om '" 873..0548 f•perftl\Ct . oood ,., •• I loelf c:u•lomert I "' I '"' .rr!'!! •••••••••••••••. mo VO Cltln'<\lf)I, WM-HAUllNO . 1lud1nt hll I Cott• Me•• Hunt 8ch,I Thtlllc yOll, 831·4410 r.t!!!!t..!I.~.' •••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• OAVWALt.. TAPINO I ding.,,., work K•n lga truck 81m1 low Newport •112 4501 or CUSTOM PAINTING (08 PLASTERINO Tllf tNSTAllEO All T .. lurtt/ACOUltlc H .e· 1083 ratel. Prompt 1611· 1978 888·0138 111 8 lnll .. I AHld/comm NOii p11lche1 lnllt•I ,All Kllldl OuarantM<I Fr ..... l<tliln 878·0011 KIO LlndlCtPI Mtllll CdM Thank '/OU. Jolin ...... 1111.,. I Frff ... Lie 644-47118 R81111CCOI 8o46-82S8 A•I• John 8"40·11217 l/Hltl1J1/ AHfd/Comm Cllln•Uj) .... ,,.. ........... •••••••••• INT/EXT PAINTING PLASTER PATCHING ,,., '''''" •••••••••••••••••••••• Sprlnklar •v• 648·2"4811 ••••••A•••••••••••••• Llc1n••<1 ••ourlll com· A11tuccoa 1n11t111 30 ••••••'••••••••••••••• E,~:11~:~~~1~~,j;~~~c~~ r; .. ,,,11;,,1,., . Hllr II Hl·lHI ~!':rta"'~'pft~o.t;0~ Y~~~ c~.,~!t;:~:~::~... vra Neat P11u1 545·21117 ........ DO IT NOW! &1• fer l114te vou1 0111y Piiot S•MCI Otreotory ~ ~-~~!!l!~I •.••••••.. f !!!!~!/.~!'!!!!!! ••••. llrg• or 1m1ll Jobe . •••••••••••••••••••••• 'urnaa••POOl·wattr htll I WI" 71,.·lle•·84114 24 R¥• Sleva 641·"281 ll•••I•• Tiil lllYIOI 'I 311••21 '"73 03*l ltu1v? Need 81n11'1 H"" -, v --,, • ~ o. vv v • " par? Wiii tddltH c1rd1, •••• C111 ,,,,,,, houri PAINTER NEE OS • ••••••• •••••••••• •• "Tr .. Work with • con. uc·o ELECTRICl.AN help w /gllt Hl•OllOll. ·,·.·:o·,·"·:.: ... ···,··:.·r·d·c· .. ··.: J,.,,.,,,, WOAKI 30 yr• ••P. Int/ I 24hr II 141-1112221& eclenc•" Trimming ' Repreaen111h11 Hl·Mll, tat. H2 Additions. carpentry. mt · llOflfX, datfgn Ind dtll· ting, BBO"• etc Oa,lie 4114-1003, •Kl 724 Moonlight Dratltm•n Homa-Add'n1-Ramodels Memblf AllJO 645· 1871 SLIDING GLASS ObOAS ln1t1llec:I/ RamOd, 1dd'n1 & concrete. Lie:. 361681. Joe 892-1327 ~~~~!~ ............. . Drlv-1y1, Parking Loi Aep•lra. Sealcoatlng S&S Asphll 631·41119Llc ~!!!!~~T! •.•..•...• : .. Our olllces h•ndle all areas of l•w Prom¢. courleoul service. FREE conauttallon 549·9335. Computerized bOOkklt· ping from 150 mo Al10 mall 1111 & p1yroll 882·2~30 f!.~i!~~!!#!~I. ..... . Ceblnel1 & Carpentry Smell jobs & r19alr1 Free e1llm1111 845·2003 f~!I!. .. !'~,,.. ••••••••.• FHI UT11&nst • Aetsontbl• prloee: last. proleulonal work custom work toot No job too 1m11t or 100 blgl C•· blne1s, kllch11n remOdel & llnlsh•d c11rpen1ry elect./ plumb I cabinets/ countertopa. t do every· thing lrom etart 10 ltnlahl Call Brad et 114) 111-3210 Cemenl•Mttonry·BIOCk Wells·Cua1 worl\ Lie. •381057 Rob 647·288~ OiJ;;_•ys..p1tlM·W°alk1 ·Blockw1111-m110nry FrM esl. <eH 8112·455i THOMPSON CONCRETE P•tlo•·drt-•v•· IOt.indltlOl\S. •393383 842·8482 ---Ci/1' C111 ...................... Looking for J1ln1 child care? In mv COlll M"' home, lull lime only $40 Lunch W!ltClll. fl ... C Un da 75 1·234~ Cff"t11tt111 c..,,;r ···········'·········· 11.J .......... .. Uc 306888. Remodel, Add'n•. Cabinets 646-85861645·46"44 Custom Aemod/Add'ns Free est Ouallly 2nd t< none! Bandel Conti LtC 416570 548·"27 a al •wor"IR••• r•t•• ,. 1 a • d " vv , e•I. Acoo11t1c celling• Lie 40 gal w1llrhHter " removal by Howerd Ool· u .. ..ven no• .. w••·•n • nup 6 reptlr F4en111 or •••••••••••••••••••••• loll p 0 Bo 34 COi FrM Ill 831·6071 840•2729 Ill .. hOUMI 88t.388., COMM'l JANITOAIAL 388780 ~rff Ill ATLAS PLUMBINO & • 11 • II - -~ & CARP£T CLEANING 0•111• P1lnt1_no 847·6t80 Healing. 1pecl11llz1ng In Miii, Ce. 112827, Ph. ELECTRICIAN M•C8tlh Co Co11ert1• u ....... ,,,.,.,, . "--' c I s ··-842 11132 S I I b /A."'ll • ll n• ... ..,_ t ltlll no ,,.,.., 15 yra 111p I'm em11J1, my repairs 845· 1088 • m o • ... r c conttructlon, 1teb1, ••••••••••••• ••••• ...:. Lie Bonded. 993.5474 --------- 233108·C·10 548·~: walkt. curb. gull er & R081N'S CLEANING I ~50rlc~!1'1r!. .. '1m .. •814119 Ron PlluSmAbl/lnEg/S.}e°°'at••·247CW.1:03 Tre'e LtOrJmw/rA1AmT0EvS. lct••n RESloiCOMM'l /fNO d 0 ck a I I 0 r •PI I'\'• ServlCI • 1 thoroughly W•,ltl,ll•f, v ·-' vv • ., n , ....,, 20 yra oo my own wotk 552·5010 cleen house 540·0857 20-vRS°EXP• H;;ti;Q":t~;; Lowell 11tetl Prompt. Guar6;;~~3~~·~8mm / vP• mowing 554-7017 lie: 27804 1 ~8·8 l2~ Q11'1•• TIAEO OF HASSLES? trimming, l1ndtca91nO nell pr~:~f::'' t5 1163·547<1 HB ftltorl•• R El A d I •••••• ,............... Ouallty cle•nlng hatp II Brothlll c~11 yt• •11P • ·······'·············· ::d I ,~c~;. :~og: ,• TRACTOR WORK h· heral Rel• 990.7452 840.05"'~· ~LPWS PAINTING Motl subJoc;I•. 1(.14 wrk1h091, Low "'" LI< c•li•llng , compicuon, EVE'S LANDSCAPING· _iihrlallan Int or ••1 ~'/*~~~Za·uTTEA•••• ~~v~;:g~~ ~~~~~~6 •325~• -840.7378 . ~~k~oa. 2~/;~9~•P· llllEWlll• compl Hrv I hHclng. Reis, reas 536·!898_ Bondec:l·ins·hc B344784 • F••ti•• a ' quip. • WAITll comm & rllld 848-7556 CUSTOM PAINTWOAI< I FrM eat 1·524·582<1 .w1.,.,, c1 ..... , ••••••ti\•••••••••••••• nl• r••• Cofnm'tltesld lttlp~ng -•••••••••••••••• ••••• A& I< FENCE wood I •••••'•••••••••h••••• Old Countty tlndaeapas, 'ltlllnlng 'fhe Job lhai l1fl•i1i1•f. "Lei lhe Sunstilne Ill" chain llnk. Rel/Ind/com C!rpentry. Matonry High qu11Uty hOUMWOl'k "M'tythlng ou1~lde 1h1 8 pea 11 $ 1 0 r 111e11 •••••••••• •••••••···· 1 Call Sunshine Window 548•54113 540• 7751 nOOflng • Plumbing E11perlenced, depend a· home " 8 4 5 . 5 511 7 . 498.8580 FURNITURE-KIT CABS Cteantng, Lid 548·8853 __ Ofywtll • Stucco • Tiie bte, honesl, 1n1e111oen1, 675-6058 ----Calm llntahH, rep1tt1, 20% Monthly Otscounl t:..' J Remodel J.B. 646·11990 me11culoo1. lklxlble I 1m ----111 CLASS PAINTING· doors. Joe 673·1469 ------.-r:f.! .... "A............ I he bes I Pho n • r.lfllf•tr Wallpaper, tnl/Ext Re· , tnllaxl Aetld/comm I. TllEI Carpentry -C1btne1a 673· 7012 eflar a PM •••••••'.............. palra FrH esl 979•5294 100/11• Free ell 20% monthly Plumb -Drain Cleaning weekd•y• All d•y Situr· AICKWOAK. Smell jobs · · --••••••'••••••••••••••• d1acoun1 644·4798 Toppld/removld. Clean Eteclrlc11 • Tiie dav and Sunday. Newporl. Colla Mes•. liuri•• Huber Rooflng·all types 00 C EA_N_l_N_G_ up, lawn r1nov. 751-3476 Refs. Don 966-0149 tn11ne Rel• 675-3175 ••'•"••A............. New·reeovM·deck1 WIN W L , --ti OU went vour hOUll Fertl\lng Interior Design Lie .,411802 548·9734 RESIO· & COMM L THI IRIH SOHi 28 YRS EXP. DUNHAM A LLY CLEAN, Celt X·perl brick & cemenl HANGING/STRIPPING -FREE EST 581-1132 L1wn-lrH·lhrub ln1llll HOME IMPROVEMENT I.In 6 9-0318, Good 1 work, Nwpl/CM since Visa-MC Sco11 645·9325 ROOFING REPAIRS Tree trlm/remov•I Remodel·repalrs·lencfng Reis 1969. Cell now & Hlil Small JOba OK. Free None 2 big; none 2 sm•ll lawn Malnl/Rototllllng eteolrlcal·plumblng 1845·85 12 ==i F.xperl w1111coverlng In-es11ma1ea. Call Tom or Remod. & Repairs FreE From A 10 z we do 11 all Ftee eallmltl 548•8065 carpentry 631 ·6530 HOUSE LEANING: Good tVl•f etallatlon. Reas. prices. Chuck, 542-6392 I L I ,_,.,.k• p 7 • 675 9•36 11 4251a· rels. Tran11portallon. Ell· •••••• ••••••••••••••• Consultant Assignment. • es o r• 111·"""" •· a· i... • " c Exper Gardener & clHn JACK c;>F ALL TRADES per'd. 979·9756~ •• 1 ll"lll• 581-8590 wtlfflll 110 Sieve 752•9556 Home tmproliemeola upt. Tree trimming Free Cill Jack •nytlme 1---I "" • •••••••••••••••••••••• Ex per carpentet do11 • •11 lrades est Pet• 641-1096 Day or nlghl. 675-3014 O~allly HouseclHnlng ' Top quall1v 25 yr exp. W I hd h -MOBILE SEEWtCE . wllh a Par1on1J Touch Competitive rates. e gas • ang toge Aescreans/New screens •ddlllons. remodels Remodel-AdOtllona -Land•~aplng·Vd Clnups Patnllng-plumblng-elec Cell Beth 8I0·0933 No overllm• 730. t353 lher. Hang. select Up· NB/CM only 642·9552 Aggressive Allornoy, No decks Skylights & re· • "• 1·6967 ""' d t l I h 1s1e waits 839 0730 F I Ill I C~· 11111 on ...., Tr~ trlm/r-ov·••aihl rywa 1-anl qua ra In. o ' • ---.-• ee n • .,. ... u I • pairs. Free esL Dan -..... ... ABC MOVING II .,,,.,,,, ,, $1 ,,, I • • • • • • • Daily Pilot classifieds work for you. can 642·5678 for quick cash sales, Person•f Injury Cues, 962•0815 REMODEL • Comm lrrlgalfon Jim 851.01211 & repelr Stan 549-5068 Housecleaning, r1ll1ble. Oul~k. C•teful s.,"v1ce. any me ~~: •••• !!.,.. ••• ~~'. ••••• No Aecoliety. No Fee restdenllal, tenenl Im llllllllt WAITH B••li•• rel. Own tr•nap RIIS. low ,11199 552•0410 Wallpaper & P•lnl1ng LEGAL SEC'Y Al/AIL 494-8591 IHltr Craftt•H provements. mejor re I ••••••itt•••••••••••••• YOLANDA 642.0405 -ST•AVING COLLEGE dona b'I Mike Hallock Temp or FIT 5 yrs CIYll Fl 1 h & 'di 1 pairs, Bldg ranovalton Mowing, edg ng, rtking, DUMP JOBS ... Cell tor tree es11ma1e & Cflm1nat exp Xlnl SH. ldnitti.1, n 1 rem "3crp0n5TY code conecttons. etc 2C 1weepl ng Fr•• 1111- 1 & Small Movlnn Jobs M M .P.H. SarvlcH. Plit STUDENTS MOVING 631-7081 typing. word p1oc a •••"•••••• ••••••••••• References 49.,... 1 . al .. 645 5737 .. ., l\skn'g, meld ''"" & CO Lie T124.,,.36 WILL SIT In my CM home, Cuatom Carpentry by Ole~ in!.o~:;ll! ::;'~e~d:: m • I "Cell MIKE 646-1391 housa cteenlng. By the t Id 841 8427 l1Nt l•••Pll cuen1 relations Bkkpg tCIH stlled Adt are the fenced 'jlard. l'IOI meals, I & Nell Paneling, rormica JAPANESE GAAOENEA HAULING-GRADING day Of' WMl!ty Prv. p•ny. w~~H US GROWi ••'·-·•••••··~··••••••• Nonsmkr 95'°936 1n1war 10 a auccesat~I r111.r11tes 548·2674 doors.etc Pf\ 6"2-880£ ~~.~1~onS1 Anyttmt SPECIALIST main!. demolltton. cle•n-up. food serlilca & b.,1911· 1 ••BRYANT'S•• IMe.rch to your phone 10 garageoryardsatel ll'1a cie.n up, 1rimmlng Low Concrell & "" removal ding. By the dav Of nfghl Cl111llled Ads, your one-I W1lk:overlng Removal place 1 1Ht·llC1tng ctu· 1>e111r w1y 10 tell mOf'• Classified Ads 642-5678 Cllllifled Ads 6"2-5678 Classified Ads &42-5678 price Free etl 548·9483 Quick Mrv 642-7638 839-2848. 11op lllopplnQ center. All l)'pes. 642-13"3 stiled 1d. 642-5678 people! CPr your old .ofe • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Nonoftfundrblr. ldr• .._ 11.00) 3 . 3DAVS LINES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 OLLA RS !'11.!f !!'!!. ..•• !.~'! ¥!.'I.!!!!'!!. ••.. !.~'!! GAllAGI SA111 ftlll _.. -IEOIPnllllT Secretary/ Aecept1onl11: Non·amoktng. 1ggres- stve Real Property Len- ding Arm needs eomao- ne who wonce well with people, phone 111perlen- CI w/oooct typing requl· rid Wiii Ira.In for special po1111on S1lery. med b1n1tlt1 & lncanllves. Lindi 7141851-6936 Re•I Ettll• lnliHtment Co. p ro t 111l onel 11tllud1/ 1ppe•ranc1 needed. Light typing. 4'~ d1y w•ak. Npl. Bch. 6"11-21188. REPUBLIC FEDERAL SA· l/INGS )111 In opening for PIT New Accounl Repf'eeenlllive Selary + Fringe blneflll Laguna Nlguat Brtnc:f\ 495.0850 EOE M/F/H 831-1940 IElllYATlll OLOI En.,gallc 1tett needed for rHarvetlon otllce. d•y & elienlng ahllll evalf•ble. Mutt be able to wonc weelcends Apply In perton: 140 Alie. Plc4 • San Clem. IPUL ILDI Par1-t1m1 I lull·tlme pos111on1 avall. Apply tn parson Pt., I Imports, 27 10 Harbor Bllid., C.M. I.WI lalff ae4 PMllll tor buay 11ora. Fuff Of pl lime, Apply tn perton, no phone calla. lsl1nd s-1 Shoppe, 4.-0 E 17th SI, Colla Mesa llllOAIYU. S1crtl11l1I position In 1c1tve Newport Center Re1llor'1 office Front olflce po11llon require• good 1alephont voice. c., •• , ,,, ,,,, c .. ,, •••• e"v·:r·;;;t:o·;~"u··;~~ia ·;~·~·;~·~;'.·~~=~·;;;;~ Imagine from SI to S500. ree11, lurnllura, ml1c C .. h only NOii 51 611 Frl·S•I g..,& 28 t E. 181h betWMn 1 & 6Pm only r-----------1 767 Avocedo Ave. Ga-Furniture end MIK' llemt Doub la 011111 elecl rlc i----------18 s d 1 S•t-SUn 8th & 7th ~4 rt~ 1100 Of bit. 8701 2 Ye\l<lw wrought Iron ba· rCaondgeomi ·1 an lgc•tt 1 pm 833 Sono 1 c M Larkport Dr, HB kar's t1ck butcher btlt n ums (r hi be-1 r: • · table, with ch1lr1 and iil nd th• Be n te of 751-8258 • ~ 1--------·•--------'--•ll•ttiu,i1• l/nr/n llZO matching Ughl. sofa~. ). Chttn fink l1nc1 I glla '--••• .. ti •••••••••••••••••••••• •••'•••••••••••••••••• queen size bfn,, desk ~AT. 2721 5th Ave CdM 1160. Elle dryer S 100. '::I••••••••••••••••••• .C.ti••n "'I ehwlnn Ver11ty 19'.+". 960-5260 Dishes. furn, LLtdro Slet'IO $75 Video game Sal/Sun NOY 6-7th. 10--4 .•••• 1................. Excellent c:<>t\dltlon S85 1---------- natlvlty scene. old new· $20 Clothla llZI 5, chll-74 VW Th ng w/hard tdp, ---------· 549-0432 A411lnlshed mlrrOfed dr-spepe'9. Books, planll dren• clolhel, chrletmu custom 1kl1, telescope, WESTMINSTER ABBEY I ser $60. 5 drtWlf dres· dlcorlllone & gifts, tug. Sat ol Mzb Wheels & hub ANTIQUE MALL 11/1'./•J ser $25. 540 -0388 or mite. gaga. ('79 DATSUN belt caps, clothes. cook · 11751 w111m1n1111 Ave #ltlli•ll IOZS 1_7_3_1 ... _599 _____ _ lypfng, lhOf'thand & •P-·----------· c .. 11 #..a oll1r). 448 Ellh., S1. books, misc. & much GARDEN GROVE •••••••••••••••••••••• 60 .. round Rauan Olnlng pear•nce. Real eal•le experience helpful but not MMOllll Pretlt' local realdenl. For Interview call Mr1. Duhl ..... , •. ,.,.., c.. AHllOf'I 844-4910 • .......... •••••••••••• C.M Sa1urd1y only. more. C'fl)relS Lane (off ii:i:iii6i54:·6:':0:3::= llW llO/fL-11ble. Formic• top, 4 e .. --Ii a , ·~ .... 8th St). So. LlgunL Patlt Redwood 2118 decking, matching uph. seal swl· ' .-•55' ..t .. ,_on_8_1_h_S_t._4_99_-_5G4_8 __ 1 4.20· t~, •Ito rldWOOd v a 1 ch a, r s s 1 o o Eliery unday. 8am-3pm. Furn . drapae. lght fix·• • all'VR9ll Y I PAl18'1 J J< &.1.4-8485 Ot1nge Coes1 College. lurts. medicine c1blnat1, #1111•• V11J.• -·~-lancing •If Im °' en -~::..::...---.~·----- Fairview I Arflnglol'), sliding git .. drt. 1pplcl, GARAGE.SALe:;,;.·s&e: s~~ '~. anyllme, 77&-i .. 9 t Thomu 91'09 dlnne11e Ml ~··,OM~~ya~:.m~·:,11~~ ~:::,·:1,'.1-:: :un~~~5~1 :! ~~84)o2 Alg.ler•. Mis-1800 w Colet Hwy H4~50~~·~~,:n~~.~i !,~u~~.~~.':1 &~·;,i,: ' llO'Y /DEO Aese<vallone/ Into. 2245 Aepl.lbllc (olt Wll· i-:-:-:---·-----·:•-•N•-llllporilllrr•1 •S..C-•h--I working order. gu111n· Ible; 8 ti wal stereo, 8 Plants ' ~ Birds Ca&H Pel supples UOTIC PUITS: Lge selection of unusual specimen size plants at incredibly low prices. MO•E FlllllH for small animals: Free pets tor good homes & good hom~s for free pets. 2310 IEWNllT ILYI., C.I. Open Daily 10.s 631-8350 l••ceot Mondt;! ••••••••••••• Flnenclel lnveslment llrm !!!!!!!!!.,!!!!!55!6-!!!5880!!!!!!!!!!!!!l..:ton:::.::l~;;~~-;-;~-ll..,_11 .. ti 1ee<1. 838-5045. lr•ct turn Ible, em/Im t or e d u c a t ors • y•11 ••u ··-·•"••••••••••••••••• 4 Anllqu• P1111b1ek o4X8' window w/2 tide llateo w/llghllng. ~11. I 1010 llli1tell••H•I IOIO Personnellcommunlcatlor Saint John the Beptlat • .a MULTl·fAMIL v. Furn. Chtlr• with 42" o•k ltb-ec:reena S50. 848·6862 HB .!!!!.'!. •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• depl. sec'y. Xlnt tvp. & School Carntval, 1201 VAS OF PACK·F\ATTING hou11hotd llama. clo· le $600. Elies 842·1'775. 982•3824 :-0-n-.-S-l-ze_t_r_t _m_e_,_b_o_x.r.; Gold MAGIC JSLANO GOLD SIH req'd. E.xec. secre· Baker SI. C.M. S•I. Noli. New gift•. Mexican pol· 1 lhlng. cotlec:tlbles, com-Big old rock., lrom prl-•Pfl~ and maurns. gd MEMBERSHIP. $800 ln- llrl•l exp. a must. Non· 611\. 10·<1. Whodlnl the 11ry. l1mp1, gl1uw1ra, pl•te dark 1oom equip; Ii ate gun club 12oo. C1a1111 I cond S80. 979.1100 exl ~-:--::-~-:--=---:-":-'.':-I c I u a e s '8 2 du••. 1mkr preferred. Cell Magtc:lan, A Llw Bind marina llama. collacll· c•m•r11. S11 11/6, 38 Cl 990 r../ 11•• 244 d r:: 759· 121 f ••1 284 or 553-0940 "The Lobllera" Beer bl11. ydt of m11ar111, 9·4PM. 1820 W11wlck 9G2• 24 rca 1 ••• ~:!f!i!~!! ••••••• -:? ys & PHrf Tree ol Lile 840-0238 Gerdan Food, Fun & small •PPk:•, plct, bn· Line; W11tclllt Dover A••li••t•I 1111 Ektllta und.,wtler-hou· <Jold Ifft & glaH lop hell Cherm ~~~8001 1----------llOY /Ill lfO G•mes. k111, peperback1, many Shores. .,,................... atng tor c anon A · 1. tabla, orn•I• design, Llldro coll.ctor• • Ml of P L•anndy.devh•etop•vy menpho'n•com11 4-•·G-A_A_A._G_E_S_A_l_E_·_L_o_ll_o_I, o1thar g30~ .. dtRe11 hc111h t-11-11-1-m-0-v-ln-g-11-,.-. -1-11-IC 1 AP~~:l~~~ ~~~ICE Complete 1 .. 2!0 7 . ,Gerl 1100 963·1932 NT 10 1 U E hhl n d 4 -cotud1 ~~~'!J '::.~·~~'~;~ SALIS ~ ctolhes. book• & goo· P 1111 .... oc 11 er d f a... 1 5<18-4903 04.,...,2 2 Knee-hole desk, 8 ctwrs, & crysll • •met Y11 g · · I ... I lyplng Shor1h1nd or d I e I Sun N ov 7 (bel Tuettn & Sant• .. k. ,. r..,. so a, chrs, Wa lltl recond , guw • c:ti•lr. walnut finish. S125 choker. over 100 ""old, or S125. et Ofig bolllS equlli. req'd Mllura. non Ana) Stl/Sun 9·4 Sff much "'°'1· Nothlr\Q 0~ eppllencas 549-3077 T • I • Ph o 1 o I 1 n 1 • 963-l9S2 bro1ch ctup, $600 or 731-33.«, 549-2345 Unique l•dy'• clothing imkr Sand r11ume & 8:30-4PM. 3291 low•. O.mes-•·Llnl 1 500 Sii Nov . 6 , I llY •-••-1 100-200mrn, 70.16-0mm bnt otter 831·7888 l •wty ticket lo Detroit llore H•k• anerge11c 11l1ry requirement 10. ,_C_M_. ________ 1----------1 10AM·4PM only. 423 .... .._ tor Canon camart 1100 Must Sell. ~ing sz Stllrl .. d 111 11120 lady w/llalr for IHhlon PO 8o11 7006. Newport .-FANTASTIC INDOOR Moving ..... Laning Viste Flota.., l" 1157-8133 G-1 548-4905, 645-2073 W•tll Bid w/ mlrrOl'ld •tAi•f~ 1011 ;i::,o',~l~MS.'S 100 ObO' end/or modeling upr. 8each. CA 92660 PLAIT llLEI ~!:!~i:r:.' ~:. n;,c:~,~'. ntlq~a Cl1w Couch, Amina 18' FrMzar. frOl1 F 11 r: IMS hud-board 1500 obo ••••••IT••• 1•1•••••·1-.·18••• 673·1291, 673·4252 helpful Apply In perton S M 1 child• dllk de:slgn., free. coppertona. xlnl .!1! ••••• ~~ ••• ;....... 497-3818 Ol9I Ill • 4111-4n7, AllKll Natural Saf'vlce ltllon •lltn A 1552 Or•nga Av S•11 Dllk. CouChH. rtlrtge-' 1 ........ Don 8'$-0484 STOPI Poulan 305 Cheln Fuhlona 280 Fdrall 111111, epply et 2500 Sen Sun ratOl'I lrMZar wuhlr• 1 ctothH n 7·lO. Toya, cond S 200/0BO Large & Llvely, 8 mo, Fe. Off While rosewOOd 1011 -11w 21 00 b•r auto od Jo•quln Hiiis Rd Co -d.-.-e dr.-.1 lablel' ltulfec:I Chrt, kld'I blltes, 642•9333 Choe Leb/Oobl• Miii Ind love IH1: Sing•r "#tllalt••I ,., w1ra' chain, .;Int cond' A~. Laguna BMc:t'I. I rone d... .... ·• • AoH bar tor 1m111 truck, te"m-p·,·. cloth••·' boo•e', pt1no, Merlmeco print. Jan .... 1"""' 0 bl •· ~ ft _ ,.._ .. _ ,...,... .,.... Stant--Mttic with ca • •••••••••••••••••••••• s 150 631.0754 Saleaglrl wanted tor Bou· IOI P•rrol cage, mllal car•. end Much Much llC 1837 Port Wllleler, REFRIGERATOR WANT-.,~,,.,. 11w1 net. 760-0465 o r --Id ... 1---------tlque. Expr'd pref. Xtnt e~ Salls detector, Hobie 12' MOfe. e..t Offer O.ta 111 Sat 11·1· ED !~!!'!••••••••••••••·~·. 673-8011 8 to 20• tong, 31k per 11 Irvine CC membership Oppty. lnlarvlewl being PAllC I 7'2~~~c~lt ~~~·E~ 488 TravtrM Or. C.M.1-A-S_T_E_S_T_A_T_E_&_G_A· GOOd eondllton w....,. 0 hi 1 di 775-14111 en';11me for 11111 Evening• lalltn 11 218 Mt ln SI. Sia ... ___. 20 _.... 10 ~k S Stt. 9-3 only RAGE SALE • Collec:11-P~1t1 Party 687·311311 FUANITURE ·NEW vvvar wroug .ron • r----------1 213/434·1005 o H B 960-725& ,_ ,......,.... _..., ry1hlng mutt gol •t.. Musi ,., .. Cuti nlng llble w/8 ch•lr1 VNAVtT Cornputarlzld •----------• · · from our olltce liking tfOll. 8. 850 Oek St .. C M. M etchtng 1011/cha lr, blH. •nlfqua Orlanlel W&atl«•Or'fll S125 N Prlcet ,,.,, •t. (213) 5116-57411 (714) uarct11r. Like new. IOAFllllH Fllml - S.IM 1 pl'IOne ordlrl IOf Rlmco laep aot• w1nt cond ruge, mite. turn. & l)shld Ot1hwasllef SIOO •••11r ..... & found . .._. 55g..,aee2 S • c r It I ca S I 4 9 5 . S15 Don ...... ,.... .... Processing. FIT Of PIT. Antique & COlllCtlbfH • ' ~ : Items. Stl only e.s. 901 ... -· . .,..._... .... • l•HY fAIMI Sall. Lot• of pink glue. kllcllln 11am1, Chrl1lm11 "" B A4ll1lg. 1200 84!)·5848 Twin 177 • Full $117 1-G-l -1 -.. -..... --.,,-.1-Wh-1-1 -759·11320 1 Sludenll. moonllghlara, k dacot·. ttarao aqulp·, Clllf .,.., N, . O 11•7 Kl 1187 ra ....,room""", I , ----------1Bt1nd new Gu1rd en P•rton IOI" ChrltlmH & Olhlll welooma. Mull doll•. record•. boo •• 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Obie W1111ngh11 rafrlg, -.. • ng 3 pe1. Good cond. Al( FIREWOOD YOU Wiiker, Sells IOI' $90, Wiii Giii S•IH. To cell on •P••k Engltth claerly. antique clOthlflO. llnen1, tempi. ctothat, mlf;llH •RBOR VI EW G ·· 1r11 11r. K a nmora Sola81d1 Sl07 $200/offlt.49"-3807 PICK UP OR WE Deu. llkeSS0.548-7011 p Id ' f c old dlehel &190 2 tefl'I WILLOW FURNITURE. " ,. d "*" "2*" Sola' Lovetealt 1247 ,., an • o ompa-Wlll 1r11n. w a offer up 10 • • £utr"thlnn 0 ...... ,, 11,9 F4 AGE s ALE 1 s AT,. w11h1t, ryar . ....., • ., "" Of 1 .. 7 llH-'TIH VEA •93·67"8 ••••IT -·T nlea, PurehHlng Ag11111, 1200 per wallc can gerator Oofllee, '25·135 • , • ....... • y 0 1 • neette w/4 cnre • --_, -Sal11 M1n1g.,1, Etc. 554·0444 TOOAYI I aecil. Much, much more Ch• r I e •I on ONL . u•llt'I' tem11. II Whirlpool hllV'I' dul y OlSCOUNT FURNITURE DA,. PER1es • hHvy ydreutle Salon Cht • Like new from Robln- conlacllng Htal>ll•hed S•t a Sun. 8AM. 1254 (Felrvlew/Pautarlno) S•I· you upect lunk don't washer. 3 'If• old. M•Y· 18611 H.,bor Blvd. print with blackout llnlng. 1mok• colored Good ton• AeHmblH Lyn>1. accounll and creating ,., 9UllmTI Lon d on de r r Y S I Sun, 11·3 9711.4390 com•. French Country lag dryer, atlC1ronlc eye. Coata MMa 83 1-eeoll xlnt cond. One ••1 48" cond S"O 873-4188, GtHt CMstm•• preeent. new ones. Apply at Htc-1/0., •----"'--II S.9-1021 • • 1 "l'• eoucn. cou<:lt& IO_.t, WHllnghouu Rafrlg . 1111 114" right. 100" 963·9313 S120 cir melt• ofter., _,,...... •••••••• .-1 ,n chrome & gl .. 1 etagare, Frott lrea 17. 848•114S2 length nd t 1711" kory Fermi, l7th Ind Ir· Peld madleal Big Site. Furn, china, ••••••••••••••-"'••••••• butcher block l•bl•. HB **'BUY** _..i ~oo·~". center LIVI l&LLIHI __ eso_._o_5_4_5 _____ _ vine, w .. tctllf Ptu.a, N. Two week vecallon 'glut. etc:. Sit/Sun. 1575 UIAll IALI wlndt0r ch•lr1. w11h1r, ~.. Send eomeona you lo~ ROI< SURFBOAF40 8· 11 P•ld holld•Y• rnclu·· Or .. ...,,., Ave. Not betor• Furn, c1m.,11, mite. dr.rc & more. 1927 POl'1 ~fr'lgefetor, good cond 1 Good aid Furniture & opening. Bolh sets 10' a ti.1ullllJI ...... ~uat ot 30 ST ' 11Mn Ill\. $100 _ • .,.. d r, white. 1 125/ofr u 1200 Including decor•· ....,..,. SALES ding ChrlttmH lo New 9AM. dr•sie•. clothing 18840 Br 1101 Clrcte, N 8. Apj)llanc.1·0" I wllt Nit 0119 wooct rodt Helium blltoona Perfect Call 548--3 t47 "" ........,.., ltnftet Veare. HOltOAV BAZAA R , Delay Ave FV StllSun ~~~~~~~~~I MUSTSELLl 54&-1201 «SEll fOfYOA.1 I MORE DRAPERIES . for ett occ111on1 GrHI E II t I Top Pl'/ t ·4 •PDT• 1-mtDI Mlltm O"t" w1au1 o1tm1•I dtcoretlng 10 111 BIG SALE. Antique wtclc· 11c1 an opporlun 1y. Ellcatlenl equl~I Chrlt1m1e dacor•tlon1, "9ffl. ..... Ille ••H ... " . 873-4419 ., chr, Hallcopllf 11et ..,.. eicpr. In lnturllnCI, E 1 Id 1 d gifts. AnnatM dolle. loyt, •••lla!f,.• J.Mj Meny !tarn., furn. desks Gaa, 150. Don 84&-0484 ..... Ul·Mll Col«, •lnl <iond Ona Mt 1------......,.......,.. ber 1tool1. Orient al chemtc.11, ale, l\alplut. •Plr enc on Y nH etc. Se1, NOY 8, 9-4PM, •••••• •••••••••••••• 410 vi.11 Suerta. 9 lo 4 52" II« 101" right 89" Deanne Durbin Doll ,,Col. 11mpe, pl11form kng o.cs, Cati 1171-5018 1":~t-Tech Company 21183 Ballar 81. (Mau Movl11g 1111, everything PM Sat M WlllO/MQI I llT PlllfTlll llnQth, and one Ml 159" 1ec1or1 Item Over 40 2 bootlc•'"· 2 refr'91. UUS/llTlll 1508 Avenue de I• E• VarO.) CM mutl go Sit 10th ---------1 1200 pelr. 557·1058 laa 1157.e 133 wide and 101 " long, yaer1 S250 7511·8001 wahr/dryr, vertout •C- E.am lo 11500/mo PIT. trllll l·S-e_t_8_1..;.h_ll_·_4_2_32_0 __ E-lden-·I Palfn, H~3032 ~J~:Ap~ ~. ~~: MOVIN~ Wtatl/Oryerl7~ ll11ge dertl wood dH ll. :,~t~~ 0f~~~1!,~~ Mite Old Clocks ='°"~ll&A~~:'o M \l.l I b • m •I u 1 • San Cllmenl• Coit• Miii Trlcyc .... 1----------• Ctothln~. ping pong, M 17 Refrlg 1290, 111 w/2 flle dr...,._ 30lt80 dec:or•U-.. WOOd OCll l300 to MS25 OS 5511-11043 LHv• Me•-498-2eee> baby l\lfn, dolhlng, hOu· • ., .... ~ dHk , mite kllcn.n RCA color TV 1250. 1115. 845~$1 ANTIQUE whll~ king 759-to01 •7 '842-4300, 24 In aaga. WllTll MtlOld ''-"' 301 <>"'"9<> Seti e-5 1t1m1 Sml 1ppllencas 4911• 1554 Duncan P'1yte OlnlnO Rm 1'111d board 125. lrlpla i-----Til&l---llU---•e t;/o~ 1~:3~ I 1~ 'a:r:~ a... Plftof\ Needed FIT, Pubtlaner need• Plf"lon Hou11hold go od• •nd lii~ll~l~IT!!ii!-~!ii!lll~~.~il!M~Ofl~--...,......,.-~......,.-1 1.tJ, 8 ctw. Gd cond ,_.. dre..., w/mlttor •100, -Llftll I lf\CMllno 111,9 l 011.,. ~welltenda 91• 10 -It•·~-• ..... , ... 1 .. tor furnl1ur1. H trH 338 T 011111 3 Family S•le A-.J'--llll lln. drk wooo. UH, two nlgfl11tena1 ~5.. 1 .. 0 h 1 h b ....... -· ........, ..., "' Borbeau• l.r\ 10-6 Set/ k _,,_ 54~554 OinlnQ roon'I -""•Cit• Beelltlful ceramic tl«M, " 1 num '" _., m. Al>Pl'I' In g1oeey publlcatton. Ideal Sun. &4t-7'08 H unt1noton t 11o ra1 Rai.lgh Record. po It •••••••••••••••••••••• mle~lt90 Call handf:tld and o...o_ .... e.toe paraon. Super F11 Famlly for coll-.. Journa.tl1m ·~--------• M.H.P 21002 P.C.H. ltblt. flthfng git!'. eolof Muet H ll IClnt 11 Cap· .,___._ 7""'i••• I n..i.. 7• Ot.._.. _,,.·---------Fltlllll c.n1ar. ww-1 -·-·-E 1 .... H ....... St TV "r,'; "'"rm .. , ...... eu&LIC Fu....,Tu.-r • ""'"-· cv-....., .,.,.. ........ , " ·-oer ........ 1· N•• ... couct1 sec BMIO-·~ m1Jor Submit aamplH Sii/Sun 1-3. Pino POflO n ., vu ""•-,..on · " "" • ..... -telri • Weter bed w/ Wknda, 831·7300 dayt enlmall meoe to order ouie;: 7x3S. 120 vim 0... Cnt, H.B. 842·H 84 to: 11 111 w. Belboe •B. labll, c•mplng equip· •t P.C.H. Nov 8' 7 jt-4) right t H H r ' Riviere *AUCTION* mirrored> h••dboaro. "-• ....... ,animal tovera tor .. 0 NB 112 ... 1 mant, 1urlboard and M0...-078 Qllllll coucn. !tectroiu. '"""'lotr. '""1·1271 New m11tr• .. 1111· full "'' ,~ I YFO'O T-reel\at •2 • UUI vv ~~~~~~~~~ T 1 ....,., .... Chrl1tma1. Call ma for &40-1081 mlte ltamt 19" Arnotd I" v•c, nlw ·111 tll, Cl• 1"'1 frNIJ ,... 115, quMn 1 1015. king detlllt I t o.eO·l70t lfl --------~a~: ~~:~o~~a~i~~ r!~1.H::":-CJ~ll~~ Ave. &41·1734 CtoMout ......... ,.,,, :=:. ':~!fkt ~~;,c':, An b l•ll from P111· H~·~1~~~:v~~as!r; $12&. Andy 75CM83l PM. Nw ••911r· AMF, IOOtllng tor ..... lntllll-Hlllpt ~ 84().1848 MOlllNO I A, LI!.,· Top b•by !!: ':ov· .,!', ""',.,P. ~-~~ec:ton" mlac: 8at/8un 9.4 19&4 denr . lovety mattooeny 1131-8190 Aldlt«•llnO Horne, lllQll w om1n1 l kl• ' I OOtl, Ha·M24 gent, ettractlvl & alncere 1•-• TV, urn mlt .,., " ...... p-c ·--1""*"'"" furniture, bdrm tat•. Of. ortdl uaacf Mnltvre for 11 1 1 T II I ..... ' • ·• ·1;..';.';.':;~~~~C;.r...;H~B:::·~~r-;"';-.'w;-~ ....... ;o;-;r;'&u""'nii,.......,in_l ..-'t&;t•..._ v1a1or tan wrrnu-8 001 ....... 11.......... •c f o ypawr ''· ---~------per1on1 to rtgr11ent • ror1, wetlglQlr,, com,r. GM Cl.PN 0\1TI .._-.. "' ....... led ~telcl 13 ---ttrtone And9flnQ Mt.. llf ... llllf ...,._ln.,.~.elllb lll l,.Turn--lddlflO mec"lnM· IYPt-T/ UN t ·4 .t 1Q\ P1.U8 T M 18'G . Ofl. toYeHat. ftlvet ....... ,,..., I H·l tN ,l '"It 1111lfw.G NWPt 86fl. ~ req, ....... wr1tarr. Potldle Ott,.., 1.atkoort °'; rw Adtlfllt/ O•:t: lair· 112' W•· 1111 Uft ... ortente1 pml New concl CeUl2·1741 Cail for appt. 10·8, UftUlllltles and I pena, plUt MO"I Newland a amity, wlOk n, NB. Sii. l ·4. We honor lo, rA. MC, 8.!!!'t~~~,~~ IOI, p151.at33 ·_ 11111 •••• ITI Mon•'rl, Aek for Mr. Into 417 Oelt I t. C.M. Ott Ir· !m.t UMMAOI 8ALI Nft· VII ... ,. • ....._, -.-....., ...., .,. ...,._,_. -Ptn!a~IL1L•N1a:r:MANl310 t H~ ....... 176-0IOO vlnl A ... /lutl ICltlOOI & ,.-::_~HO--·~L I 100. 9 .et • 4 t 0 3 , ANTIO (WOOd) " " ,.. W UUllle ve . ••••• •••••••••••••••• Po'\ I~ ' CH-ICIC'I ..... ~~. ,....., 145-0t71 111 ....... loel l lut & Ool MHHr1•••'1e•-· , _,_ caa C:.11 llMt U1•1J .. I t t t ·I • o or n •' ,.. ..,... ...... J 1&1 .. 133 ltOIO Cltran Cooltetoo, ---;;-i-1 ......... "°"'et Nf'M Dala........., PrlYete ~· HoureO.: Mott~ tufnttur•. eome l4"1/lllllM II ~=."""' Mtect '!!'..of~~ . .: Cl ''"' te.ie I H , oHI t1M•. 1100 o Io 1 .. .fl!" .... ~ _....... ..,._ll':"'t.,._ ear .. f\111 UfllQue 1ntt41ue1. I AT t l/OI .. pc_..., ........ to, ,.. -· ,.._.-,. t .... ._...,,, WANTI O: A .. -. flllir ...... , • ..,. 141-1~ Clallllld ltntpa, woodeft Ollelft, ont, l•m•.e. et''°" p•tlO feltle I of'ltr, 1re •1'm 1'·I0·14175 HOii or Cf'lelt ~""' M-.ci i Pit" OOI ---II 9W9 '42•16J1. =':i =··~~=-Tiiley in The fWlotl 11twn wMMMft, CftrlttmM I07t\t ~ .._.CM = =~ff C~IM't ==· naWt~v'C WANT ACTION? 115!· 1111 ..._ 1S1ftt ., CIC'!•~t1~S!!•!f!.Ml~,.!l4:;a~-M11~!Jiil•••lit.-•.J~"=l-O~llHL.----J Jefhy & Cuti« tle!M CHldtl eftde, mite. orefl • ,_1 ..._ 111,.119 hi ......,,. C........ Ada ..... 11 llllfof9...,. -IOI to ltOO ........ tot Cllf Dr. ... ..---C::======:.L;,;iiiiiiiiii-iiilii~~-• ' • ' # f ·-" •• !l'!!IP!l~.'t ••• l!M r!f~.-!.!..~!rf~!.1.~ Em41reon Upright Plano $300 aa Is. 499·5527 all 6PM 11' ~tw-SMboet ,.,,, ... IOOd oond. llOO. "3·5212 ITMl Narttl ..... IPer· • ledl MMC. H•tcen rlf-""9· '2000, ..,,.tote ................ ~ 1--------- ,... Went Ade '71 MllTAll (1370<19) SHH '11 IUOIA ( 115<197) 12111 'll FlllMOIT ( 138422) 12111 '71 FIESTA (A78550) $2111 '11 T-1111 (159701) SHH '11 PllTI (113295) SUH 1Ga2 c• 1977 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPE (622SZG) s5995 1911 CADILLAC ELDOIADO COUPE (461701) SIJ,995 1979 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD llOUGHAM (141167) s3995 1971 CADILLAC El DOI ADO llAlllTZ (938VPY) s7995 1911 C~DILLAC COUPE DI VILLI D'ELIGANCE (18GC30S) s11,995 1912 CADILLAC FLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (1EALS.5) s15,495 Offer Good Thru Monday, 11-8-82 ~\\Jla~ MOO HAR80lt 9LVD. COSTA •IA 540-1860 (1 • .:J Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Friday. Ncwember 8, 1882 IUll IEW 1112 PLYIGm CHllP . llTClllCI MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ITUS' PRICE wm c 1 4 Door. 4 cylinder engine, radio, wheel trim rlngt, body tide moldlnGf, 4 apeed trantmlsalon. rtar window delroater, , rally• handUng package.• bucket eeata, ·-· .. _ ..... WIW radial• & morel (500601). · . CHRYSLER 1310 $ J 37 2 VALUE couPli•--.. TOTAL DISCOUIT IS r -----------------YOUR COST lllLT IY llTlllllll lllllll Ull IEW 1112 PLYMOUTH CllllP lllTClllCI 2 Door. 4 cylinder engine. body aide moldings, wtw radials. ~10\Jr bucket seats, body side strip, wheel well moldings. radio. wheel trim rings, rally• handling package & morel (SO 1095). MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE .... $6585 lTUS' PRICE WITH CHRYSLER IJIO $990 VALUE COUPOI-. TOTAL DISCOUIT IS . ----------------- YOUR COST s5595 lllLT IY llTlllllll lllllll 1111 CillLLIC st••• •£!!~ pwr. O'Elegance. Lo•kd brak•• • d WS • IOC S • air win o Ut 98at. vlny\ top. _ _.. stee<lnQ • S9 lse ~MtfM 8 tr.., ... cond .. tll\, CfU i l 1~HG843). ~;5995 111111•t DlPlO•lT Cllft , tic tran•·· 81 6 cyl •• auto~.=.,lng & t>rakes. cond .• pwr · 1 ,111 wneel. wire cruise control, d\O wsw tires & I cov8"· re • ~,'5395 1111, 10111• 1111 "-'~ c•Ul ~~~~ •. Cli•f r• 4 cyt .. auto. tr~t.iiFM radio. under engine. pwr. brakes. dings. Wlr• ~eel Econornlcal 4 11e wall t1r••· 4 custom ext. in<>' tires & morel radio. '#tilt• s 1111on. luggage covers. wtw :~;~995 <"SJ995 3 1111·-= 1111 c111sL£• . • ~NIT Stlil ~ft .!:.. .. ~MtfM 9 air conu·• er ~uto. Han .. tearing. pow radio. P~~; :icSeW•ll tires and ~~~:\ 130NKK). s1595 · IUID IEW 1112 SIPNRG 2 BOOR i8 622 • MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE .... 6 tpeed trans .•• velour ITUi' PRICE WITI ~~;rk~t ::1~~~.~6~~01~~~ CHRYSW Siii $1843 cr1,1lse control. stripes, VALUE CllNl-A M /FM atereo with caaaetta. steel belted TOTAL DISClllT IS radlals & morel (502128). ___ ......_ ____ _ YOUR .COST lllL T IY llTlllllll llTlll IUll IEW 1112 CIRYSLER LellRGI TGWI I CllmY WllGI Loaded Inc. auto. trans .. luggage rack, air cond., rear window defroster, power seat -wlndOWI -door locks • deck ltd r ....... wire wheel coYerS, air cond., AM/FM stereo, tllt, MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE . $12 812 ITUS' PllCE wm , •crulte and much morel (245592). . y~~~S~.:_! s2111 -TITll llSCHIT II ______ ......, ___ ...... ~ ~~YOU~~ST. s10 695 ----·--' Fii run SILES DI WSlll llFllllTIOI, GILL .1111 IEIElm PLYMOUTH 546-1934 · imports · . SERVICE HllRS: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. to 5a00 P.M. BUILT BY I MITSUBISHI . . MOTORS CORPORATION ,. llilJ Pilat MAIN OFFICE -W. Bay St., Coet. Mffa, CL Mell addr ... : Box 1MO, Coeta M ... , C•., t212t Telephone: 142-4321 Program inform11oon 1s provided by the networks statioru and a subject to clla.nge wirhour nolke. -Index TV Antenna .................................................... Page 4 IJaytime Drama ............................................... Page 5 Tube Toppers ............................................... Page 7 Sports ............................................................ Page 8 Daytime Schedule ................... .A .................. Page JO Evening Schedule' ........................................ Page 13 TV Q & A ..................................................... Page :J9 -Channels -•e1wka (2) KNXT, CBS, 6121 W. Sunset Blvd. Loe Angetes Ca (4) KNBC. NBC. 3000 w. >\Jameda Ave., Burbank Ca. . (7) KABC, ABC, 4151 Pro.pect Ave., Loe Angefes Ca. (8) KFMB, CBS, 7077 Engineer Road San Diego Ca (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and 47th St., San Otea~. Ca. (39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. -·a······· .. (5) KTLA 5800 W. Sunlet Blvd., L09 Angetes, Ca. (9) KHJ-N. 5515 MelrOM Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. (11) KTTV, 5748 W. SuniM Blvd., Los Angitles, Ca. (13) KCOP-TV, 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. (56) 1KOOC-TV, 1730 Clemen tine, Anaheim, Ca. _ .. li4) CBS Cable • ~ 0) On-TV, 1139 Grand Centret Ave., Gtend81e. Ca. Z) Z-TV, 2939 NebrUka Ave., Santa Monica, Ca. H) Home Box Offtoe, 11fM.Ltfe Bulldlng,. ROd<efeHer Center, N.Y ., N.Y. C) CtMm&X. Time-Ute BuHdlng, Roctcefeller Center, N.Y •• N.Y. i ESPN, Briltol, Ct. y leleGtV, Manna Del Rey, Ca. ! ........ ..... Cable Newt Netw .>ft(, Atlanta, Ga. ....... ,. (I) WOA, New York City (17') WT88, Atlanta, Ga. 2 Frldly, November &, 1182 She gives . \ director the credit By TOM JORY .._..led "'-Wrttw NEW YORK -Belinda Lang, who plays Beth Powlett-Jones in "To Serve T he m All My Days," says characterization -a nd more precisely. casting -was largely responsible for the series' immense popularity in Britain. "l think I know why it worked," says the actress. whose prior TV experience was a single play call~ "The lmhation Game" for the British Broadcasting Corp. "It was because of the director . Ronnie Wilson. He's a very sensitive man. who ch006eS very carefully what he wants to do with a character or scene. "l didn't realize lhat while I was working with him. but when I saw something he did later. 'Frost in May' by Antonia White. I suddenly saw the reason for his success. He will take a scene where nothing happens," Lang says. "and make it absolutely riveting. "And his characters have a lot io do with lhat," she says. "For the main characters. he will take people who give exactly the right feeling. so in the end. nobody is acting their socks off. And for those who play the supporting parts. he gets some very classy people." "To Serve Them All My Days," adapted from the novel by R.F. Delderfield, continues its 13-week run on public TV's "Masterpiece Theater" with Part 5 Sunday night. T he miniseries from the BBC and th e Australian Broadcas ting Commission has been roundly applauded by critics in \his country. It's the story of life in a boy's school ln England between the world wars. David Powleu -J ones is a We ls h miner's aon who suffers from shell sh ock and Is discharged from the army before the war is over . He takes a job teaching ht.tory a t Bamfylde School in Devon, and. in due coune, meet.I and marries Beth Marwood, a young nune. John Duttine plays Powlen-Jones, and England's Best Television Actor of 1881 Is ideal in the role of the .mblttered ex-10ldler. unsure of hll qualifatlons M a tchoolmuter but abeolutely c:onvineed of his abUlty to teach. Fl'ank MlddJemua la perfect u the headmuter, Ala Hem... and Alan MKNauahton u Howarth, Nell Stlliey' •• Carter •nd John Welah aa Cordwainer are excellent exampl• of the near-flawl-cut!na of llCOndary .... -, Issues In OC TV Antenna, 4 Buzz dies In fall Soaps, 5 ~ Soap star in . . . • • f • ·. . •• . . . . • . · . • • . . . . ... . ... •Nov. 5 -Nov. 11 • 'Newhart' TV O&A, 39 Katherine .Cannon a nd H appy La Shelle on 'Father Murphy.' _______ .. (Page 17) ' -TV Antenna KO·CE to present 1 Jim Cooper's .OC' By PHIL SNEIOERMAN Of tM 0..,, "°' S1afl During the past 30 years, Orange County's citrus groves and lima bean fie lds have given way to housing tracts, office buildings and shopping centers; its two-la ne roads have turned into a sprawling netwo~ of freeways. As the county has undergone its dramatic transfonnation from sleepy agricultural area to populous urban center. Jim Cooper has had a front- row seat. Cooper grew up and did his early news reporting in Omaha. Neb. But during stints as a U .S. Marine dive bomber in World War lI and fighter pilot in Korea. he was stationed at EJ Toro and fell in love with Orange County. ln 1952, he moved here a nd resumed his career as a newsman. Over the past 30 years. he has covered the county for daily and weekly newspapers. plus three radio stations. He became the first Orange County television reporter during a six-year stint with KNXT Channel 2. In 1972, he joined the new Orange County television station. KOCE Channel 50 in Huntington Beach. and immediately went on the air with a program called "Focus Orange County," For the past nine years. he has hosted the station's weekly "Voter's P ipeline" program, focusing on elected officials and political issues. But the county he's covered isn't standing still. and ne ither is J im Cooper. The last "Voter's Pipeline" broadcast airs Nov. 5. In the same time ·slot (8:30 p.m. Fridays. with a rerun at 10 a.m. Saturdays). KOCE will present a new program, "Jim Cooper's Orange County," beginning Nov. 12. "The program 'Voter's P ipeline' ham'·t been aa broad aa I would like it to be becauae it was limited to la8uee that were in the political spectrum," Cooper says. ''Thia new fonnat gives UI more latitude to examine all kinds of concerns or i.ues of interest to the people who live ln Orange County." Cooper will move immediately outside the politic41 arena with the fint ~t of hi. new program. The 1ubject will be the Orange County Performing Atta Center, alated for construction in Cotta Meta. GuetU will lnclvde Jam11 Bentley, prHldent; Henry Seaeratrom, .. Ftlday.~owmber 5, 1912 Jim Cooper gets new format on Channel 50. chairman of the trustees Led Bedsow. executive director: and &tty Belden, guilds chairperson. A model of th~ center will be shown. Cooper will focus on the (.'(\unty's waste disposal problems in a Nov. 19 episode called "Our High-Priced Trash." On Nov. 26, he w ill J<>in the chancellors of t he county s fo ur community college districts for a discussion about the loss of local control over schools and the shrinking dollars available for education. He wlU report from Washington, D.C. on the lame duck sesaion of Congress on Dec. 3. "Stop-Gap," an Orange County theatrical grol.lp that focuses on social issues, will be the subject Dec. 17. Few people are as q_ualified to host a program on Orange C.OUnty lseuee u veteran newsman Cooper. He's been an eyewitness to the (emark•ble changes that have occurred locally over the put three decades. ''Not all the changes are for the better." Cooper admits. "A perfect example fa the horrendo\la t.ranapodation plOblent. 'n. mumy now finds itself with two million people and 1.6 million automobiles. Take those two figures. and you have the nightmare we've created in the way of transportation." But he adds. "The county is a much more exciting place to Jive in now. It has en ormously increased in its cultural diversity. It is Car more cosmopolitan now than it was back in 1952. It is much more sophisticated as an urban complex than it was when it was pre domina ntly agriculture- o r i en t ed and r ather m o r e homogeneous back in 1952. Its social. political and intellectual fervor is at a far greater pitch than it was back in 1952." Cooper observed that the recent election has given Orange County more elected officials in Sacramento and Washington than ever before. He believes the county m ust use this political clout wisely and draw upon the private sector and volunteer agencies to solve the problems that have accompanied Orange County's dramatic growth. Thou~h he sometimes feels a bit of nosta lgia for the old rural Orange County, with the scent of orange blossoms filling the air, Cooper, at61, remains optimistic about the future. "I can think of no more exciting or dynamic place to be doing this show than Orange County," he says. "rm very excited abQut the county, and that h as a. quality of keeping me young." *** VETERANS TRIBUTE -KDOC Channel 56 In Anaheim ia planning a special Veterans Day showing of two documentary films that station officials say have never been aired before on televisi.on. The two half-hol&r programs will be broadcast from 9 to 10 p.m. Thunday, Nov. 11. 1 The first film, "Chesty," It a tribute to Lt. General Lewis B. Puller, \he most decorated man In U.S . Marine history. The late John Wayne terved aa on-camera hOlt of the film, which waa directed by renowned movienlaker John Ford. The leCOnd doc:wnentary la about cowboy-bumorl1t wm SO,.ra and contalria never-befon-eeen foot81e « Rogers. The lWO filml ate flan a &dv* collecUon and w.. lent to the....._ for \he -Veleram ~ tribuae. SADDLEIACK IMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-31 71 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 @ :! ;419 j ;#Q ij#r·11 j! I ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 , DATSUN MIWPOIT DAnuM 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -133,..1300 FORD '• THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON UHCOLH·MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 ,... SANTA AMA UMCOLM·MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOM. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855! VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSW AGEH 18711 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 -Daylinae Draina Cont. Mitzi is h it by car driven by Nora From Page 5 think he 's the father of LI7.'s baby. Marlena (eels guilty about separating Ruman and Carrie from Anna Tony rons1ders hmng Anna as his secretary. [X)CT()RS Ken asks Kit about his surgeon, Jean Marc. Mike wants a commitment from Kit Billy gives Natali~ a brutal beating and Luke lS uncertain that he l'an ever take Natalie back Billy given refuge by Steve and Carolee, but when a roc:k crashes through their window they foref.' him to l~ave. Later Frankie holds Billy at gunpoint Althea attracted to Jean Marc. Jeff furious when he catches Adrienne in Philip's arms, bul later Jeff and Adrienne • reconc1 le EDGE OF NIGHT: After MitZJ 1s htt by car Nora ts driving. Miles realizes Nora 1s up to her old tricks. M1tz1 lS going to live, but a long recuperatton period ends her starring theatrical role. Val realiu'S that Ian once visited Jeff m the hospital. Can has Callen for Raven, while Raven uses him to ma~ Sky jealous. GENERAL HOSPITAL: On road to recovery. Dan clears Luke of any <-'Onnection with his stabbing. Luke and Scorpio trail the Corsos and Holly t-0 British Columbia. There they discover Percy, the true head of the family and a res~·ted citizen of British Columbia. Alan realizes Hand was not out to kill him, but Alan is still nervous because he does not have the money to place in Jason's bank account. When Susan shows up drunk at the hospitaJ with Jason. Scotty considers working to get the baby taken away from her. Angry that Laura is dating Blackie, Scotty fi res Blackie. After playing piano and singing at the sports benefit, F.ddie departs town. Leaming that Eddie is dying, Bryan decides not to lose time with Claudia like he did with his father and asks her to marry him. GUIDTNG LIGHT: A sympathetic Josh tells Amanda he knows about her relationship with Mark and says she must keep it a secret. Mike plans to fly t.o Madrid to see Mark. In a Madrid hospital, Mark remains in a coma and is Holliday joins 'Pv t. Benjamin' MARINA DEL REY (AP) -Comic actress Polly HoU1day wiU create a new character on the CBS-TV series ''Private Benjamin" w hile star Eileen Brennan recuperates from injuries suffered when she was struck by a car. ''There's been some confusion as to what wm.1ld happen to thf series and now the resolution is that Polly Holliday will play a new character," said Warner Bros. Te levision spokesman David Horowitz. He stressed that Miss Holliday, who starred in the CBS series "Flo" and "Alice," is not a replacement for Miss Brennan, who h1 now alert and able to speak with her family from her hOltpltal bed. "She's stepping In t.o pinch hit and help out her friend Eileen In hopes of keeplng the series alive unUl her friend is well e nough to retum to the show," Horowitz said, adding that writen were workina through the weekend to create the new character, who hai no t been named. "Thia lit.era.Uy wu 1et.tled abou\ an hour •ao,'' he aaid. ''It'll be a slmfl31' advel"Mry role to Private Benjamin, ao that thcrt' will be the~ conflict and humor and comedy:• 6 Friday, November 6, 1982 plagued by se1zun.•s. Jenmfer. a t the unconscwus ~ark's hcds1de. tells him that she is carrying his C'hild.,hoping that ~ubconsc1ously It will g1vt> him the will to hvc. Vanessa tells Henry he will lose the proxy vote 1f word about his 11legit1mate son Sean 1s revealed Tony df:.'Cidcs that the demolished Unmald1 house would makt' a perfect bar· restaurant ONE LIFE TO LIVE: When Aso buvs !Nhlah tht· dress. she 1s modeling in a show, Mimi once-again breaks their engagement. Samantha decides to spend some of the money Asa gave her when their marriage broke up. Unable to get a loan, Vicki fears losing the Banner. Dorian gives Cassie a ... urprise l.6th birthday party and a car_ Angry with Gary. Cassie runs off in the car and totals 1t. Gary decides he must end all t•ontact with Cassie. With Larry out of the house. StRve shows up and pursues Karen. Marco wants out of the underworld moVle-piracy business. but Steve says not until Marco returns the $10,000 advance. Larry at-cepts position as chief of internal medicine. RYAN'S HOPE. Rae shattered whe11 the Judge grants Kim sole custody of Arley. Roger and Rae get together for comfort, but when Roger realizes Rae is only using him, he backs out of going to bed. Kim's first night with Arley is a near-disaster when the nanny has the night off and Amanda does little to help her_ Amanda asks Kirk why Kim ts Uving with them and he says that he will find another living arrangement for Kim. Little John lands a part in Ox's commercial, and when Dee learns that Sydney could land another account with Kirk, she uses it as leverage to keep Sydney away from Ox. J ohn returns from Chicago with Mae',!e and promises not to interfere with the children anymore and to take her dancing every week. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Kristin tells Jenny she's pregnant with Brian's child. Kristin goes to an abortion clinic. but a t the last minute decides not to go through with the procedure. The Coast Guard halts the search for Warren . Brian and Suzi. Rusty. alias Rafael. takes over Warren's gun deal. In the jungle, Brian and Suzi are confronted by armed guerrillas. Llza angry when Travis will not sell S unburst. TEXAS: Judith fumes when Grant dines with Rena. Rena accuses Judith of being unfaithful to Grant. When Mark thinks Ruby's marriage proposal is a joke, she gives him an ultimatum. Hunt tells the monsignor he--has fallen In love and may leave the priesthood. T.J . tells Paige Gregory Is his natural son . Ashley's car Is found. but she remains missing. YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Cindy saves Paul by bursting in while he is talking with Pam. At first Kevin encourages Allison to see Douglas. When Allison does not return home because ahe has fallen asleep in the chair at Douglas'. Kevin a.wumes the worst. Later, Allison tells Earl she's not !'lure what happened. but if anything did, then Dou"la!'I raped her. Jack realizes he loves Patti. Leslie d«idea to ~ve Claire and Robt>rt a chance. Robert glvn • Claire physical comfort .. Have a quHt/on •bout your l1vori~ .,.p or ao.p •W1 Write co Lyn,t:J. Jlinlob. clo Field NOMJ»per Syndlal~. P.O. Box JHaO, lrvtM, 'Calif. 92714. She wlD atllWlY' u many qu.clotw •the mn In her column, /xii tbf \IOl1.11m cl ~I make. pent>IW repll'!" lmpo91bk •• -Daytime Drwlm Buzz dies from fall By LYNDA HIRSCH ALL MY CHILUR~N · AH Hu y ui prucUclng m llw hurk room at lht' lilumoramu with mawrl&il t.o "'' tht• M11rtl11 hou:M• 011 rirt', Phoebe urnVt'll. An l'>CplOlllon OC'CUr'll Ruy PUllhl'll l'h\X'ht• out or tht• way &r1t1usly burnt-d, Roy IN ru1d1l'd to Cht· ho.~p1Wl , whc•n· JOl• Sl!Vc'!I h111 hrc· nfh•r mud1 hottling with his mn11etcnt't' l.llll·r Jtuy dulrns ht• mnnot 11t•t•. Ri1y ts prcx:lnlml'CJ 1t ht•ro for Klwlng Ph1>c•bt•'11 hie. tu &•nny •:c about to d1•pun town, EHtt•ll1• 11how11 up ul the· bus stop und ttw I WO arl' rt•unttt.-<l Nmn rurloUll when stw learns DulKy told Stl'vt• of Nina's attraction tu him and augg~ted h1• ask tor u lrnn11for !Cram fumt'S when S<tra says she and Brundon h<1v1• remnt·1lt.J Moving out of Erica's, Salver movt•li into Kt•nt'-; on 11 frit•nds-only bui11s. Er1c·u humilluu.'Cf whcm Kt•nt a!umunc't•s at nn opening or tht• Glumor amu that he• and Em•a havl' no plans to marry lx.'t'aum• thl'Y urt• 100 busy with I ht•ta t'llrt'l•rs ANOTt IEH WORLD Buzz dies when he falls orr d1rf during fight with Sandy Alma departs town. vowing to 1:te1 Cc-ctllt· and Blaml•. Lou is tells Cecille ht• 1s her father, and she learns shl· 1s the bencfidary lo an immense est.alt· upon has death. Stt•vt• informs Rachel he refuses to move into lht• hCJU'>l' Mat• ~UV(' her Cass tc•lls Sally ht• plans to Ix• ht·ad or CQry Publtshm!( one day Ma<.' orders Cc.><=ille out ol l)IS houst•. C lur1l't"s overprOtl'<.'liven ess o r baby Jl•an troubll'somc• for l'Vt•ryone around her. AS T HE WOHLD TURNS. Receiving another INLcr in the mail about his b1rlhrighl, James bursts inlu tears Although Maranda pleads with her to stop, 81Jan ronllnUl'S as go-betwec>n for Gunnar and Barbara. Jameii fears that Gunnar knows about his birthright, but they are unfoundt•d h•ars. John makes l'ertain Ariel is no longt:r his beneficiary. that everything 1s m his name, then secretly decides to put d1von·e pr0t.'t'l'<itngs m mouon with Maggie as his attorney Margo asks John to give her away when she marries Tom Stl•ve b<'tng prc•ssured lo J<Hn the union Craig slashes Stl·ve's llr1•s and makes 1l look as 1f the unaon was rcspons1blL• Jamt•s and John tell Dee they desire her. Annie: tt•lls Ot.>e shl· 1:-. wrong to be sl'cing James. CAPITOL Hog and Danny make away with Myrna's j(.'WCls. and also rand the tape or Phil and Shelley at lht• Pres1dPnt Holl'! Danny rec:ognizes Shelley, but has no 1dc•a who Phil 1s. Mt•anwh1k'. Myrna as trying to pm the burglary on ShellPy. Jordy takes L1zbt-th LO the hospital to see Julie. wht'rC' Juhl• da1ms s he never wan Ls LO see Tyler. Sam Clegg tL•lls the Sec·urtly Council that Joe Luck, one or his workers. was left lx•hind ·111 Nosh1ba and presses for Tyler to go Oal'k and n·sc:ue him Julie 1s about to rNurn horn<.• and Sam wants to Ix• C-C'rtain Tyler cannot see her. Thomas upsl'l when he lt«l rns that L1zlx-th broke a date with him LO ix' with Jordy. t•wn though it was to help out T yler_ Judson a.s.sures Clarissa he never had an intimate relationship with Myrna Wally tells Kelly that he feels a failure. When T rey's med1callon disappears, he panics al the suggt•st1on that Sloane stoic 1t LO havt> at analyzed. DAYS Of OUR LlVES: Chris comforts Maggie over Mickey's death Tony's mother t'Omes to Salem but rc(ust•s to set> Stephano Robert returns from Europe with information about Stephano's crooked business dealings After Gwen rt'fuses a date with Tony. he goads he( about Don and Sandy's growing relationship. Neil beginning 19 See Mitzi. Page 6 THI FUGI IMARI SHOOTIR 35 THI ALL NIW FUllCA AllT0-7 HAI THIM ALL BIAT • AUTO FILM REWIND • AUTO FIRST FRAME SETTING • AUTO WINDING • AUTO FOCUS • AUTO EXPOSURE CONTROL • AUTO FILM SPEED SETTING • AUTOMATIC FLASH CONTROL Reg. '199°0 SALE PRICE • 2 HR. DEVELOPMENT COLOR SLIDES • 8& W l.D. PHOTOS • COLOR PASSPORT PHOTOS • ONE HOUR SERVICE • CUSTOM B&W • HUNTING LICENSE PHOTOS • TRAINED PERSONNEL Friday, November 5, 1982 5 -Spotts -•Friday NO'ftmel S. 1ID nB9Q ta PU RU ccwrACT UMTt (JI) NI · COACHEI COMllJI .. ..-TICOTB .. TOP U. IOlllG (It) ~ 9IOITIC8n'UI ml COUHI fOOTIAU '9WVIEW (It) ttl flRORlllOMAL ROCIEO .. fROll THE ~YAID ~ Actioft MglllWD• frolll the C---., FootlNll a:ae~~ W ([)AUTO MCM of the Sup9f· blra Ch111,.. from .. ,.._Id, Ohio. .. ~~ ........ etbel: ........ And Dtlbblng" (R) -Saturday MOftmal,1112 -.. (£) M\m ..-TA Kii ;ltk .......... llen ol .w.tlc ,.,._ ..... ..,. wNcfl cen .................................... Ill ICMOOl Yipe .. ......, ...... .r.~ Vt.) (R) AflEMOUill Model 4610 21" Oeler Oe11ele ;-mo, Sold St1te t:::::;;;;;~~:iii::::;::::;;;~:::1iP• 100° ln·lnt Mitri• Tube • MecNnical T 11int • Contef11)0rary Styq •479oo ~ ,, ._ •aJIM•ncATmtUllU ....... HIMe, ........ llRIM ...... ~,.,.. ............ .,... ... ..... ,,..........~: w rdr1 t er... ... LAM~·­ n.ler In .... Yertl CllJ. (I tn.. • ..... , --laharclay ~-1unc1ay-- Alex (Judd Hirac h ) takea a aecond job working aa a part-time 1ofer on Broadway Thuraday at 9:30 p .m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). Phinea s (Jon-Erik Hexum ) -Moaclay --•O GD GIOIMm .... NCOnBIU In.GU Geofwe 8wne ....... denoM Mdpoll•fUftel ... _.. ..... gueel .... .,..... 8clla s':'r r, L.lnd9 lww Md kvt:'rlte ,...,._ (1 hr.) G llATIOMAL cmOGUNC IPICIAL "Gcds le" LG. ......... hoel9 • loM .. h ....,_of zoo dlrMtore, cleilac1ted lndf- wldllell Md Nllnlillte who .. wortdftg ..................... of .......... epee doee not W wtcem to eJltlndl_IC_doll_ .. (R) (1 hr.) -Tuesday na.o t:a@ DAICI Ul9\St aon.. of CU c.ble'• ~ d.nce ....... ~--......... -Weclnesclay t:a m> tol9 ,_ THE FOllEIT The etcwy behind the ....... of the World W• I ....... ltoe In "°""9b• of 191&, Md the onlMrJ ...... who tound themeetMe ...... pert In .... negotletloM. .. attempt a t o dr.,..bed.(1tv .. •1Nn.) rescue Lawrence .._ __ ... __ of Arabia from ~~~·~··--~-~~·~~~~~ Turk s o n nB9eO ' V o y a a e r a ' .. llD THE GOLDa AGE tw T'f1.E'** .....,_ • .,.. Nod ...... Md NMcy ...... Id CAN WE HELP? Admission to a nursing facility can sometimes be a period of bewilderment and distress. Because patients ere encountering a new environment, our staff has been trained to attend to their needs with courtesy and reassurance . Whether for short -term postoperative convalescent care or long-term care for the chronically Ill or aged, you can be assured that our facilit y maintains the highest standards in the provision of skilled 24 hour nursing care. Below Are A Few Of Our Many and Varied Benefits • SUPERVISED ACTIVITIES • INDIVIDUAL CARE • NOURISHING & APPEALING MEALS • OPEN ADMISSION POLICY • RELIGIOUS SERVICES • REHABILITATION PROGRAMS For Information Call Newport Convalescent 1555 SUPERIOR AYE. NEWPORT BUCH, Cl 92883 714/646-7764 Sunday at 7 p.m. ..., In • 1tlll ,,11tvatioft of ,..., on K NBC (C h . ::.! ~'.!I;:':.::-...;.~= '--------------------4). ...,..(1 Iv.) Friday, November 5, 1982 7 -·Momlnt--- Billy Preston will guest on the 'The Glen Campbell Music Show' aturday at 7:30 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). ... - II i I 11 11 1 11 I Ii ii I Ii II I rn~ l!IU j H f !11!H !Ut9 I ~I !It!H ~· ~H~ !f ii&-~ I ii Ii II 111 ' .. I iii II Il l II I i illl I ii ii I I •• 8ff81i1~1tlH 83 s I ~~~---_ --. -·i I 'I 'i ! ,.., .. ,.. I .i ' I\• :! '' i '!' •!• • a r n nt ~ i ~ ~ r i 1 t ~ i ., ;J!i f ;r 1 Ill Iii ii II i I 1111 I I ill Ii II Il l I I Ii II i i 111 ;:1r;aG~•1 ;: u~~~H iiiU: 1~11i K i1 1 1 111u1:;1 i a 1m1 1 1 11ei. 11!i i ~ !I~ l~ 'hi if • iE!I 'HS t ~ fJ. ,a§ .f it J f~ ~ II ir I' (t I i llJ ~1 J·' llJ3 J·' !r • : ,, '' f r 11 ;,1 , -'' rf 1 I '' " !1 -Dayti11'8 Cont. James Arness stars as ~Marshall Dillon' weekdays a l l :30 p.m. on KOOC (Ch .56 ). -=~ -.. , ·-....... -~'=-:~" If... LIM I I • l ~ l ,, -.. -.. tW 11.11 1W inger Lena Horne will be the gu~st 011 40ve r Easy' Tuesday ut 12::10 p .m . on KCET (Ch . 2H ). -.. 1• 1:11 1:il NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT %/ty/~i'I ..iJtJ//t',1 ffe1-?1td ?'%.d: TH\ Ol fl OAIU '°IPt:U AI. t.ojoy Trri)•lu•T,.mpur• .,hu•hi b•r P"Pu "d br our r.mou• hp•n ..... f.hrf •Derr •''in ... •S•la,. Now Open For Lunch M on.-Frl. 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner from 5 pm. Sunday from 4 p.m. Closed Wednesday ~gistL JAPANESE RESTAVRAN1' 3840 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 673-3933 "Club of Champions" Focilitie• inclu de: • 19 Tennis Courts • Jr Olympic Size Pool • Dining Room Membership• Avail: • Corporate • Family & Single • Junior Executive •Swim • Bar /Bocl<gammon Room • Match Mate Ball ' Machine • Professional T enniJ fn5truction • Junior Tennis • Annual .•. For More Information Call 644-0050 2601 EaJtbluff Drive, Newpor1 Beach Friday, November 5, 1982 11 -l'riclay Cont. 0MOYll "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981 Comedy) George Hamilton. Lauren Hut ton The heroic son of old Calllorn1a's famous 1us11ce lighter 1s incapacitated by a 11d1ng 1nfury. forcing his fopprsh brother to don the cape and masl\ ·pc· 11 hr JJ min I . I WOlaJ> Of PIOPU 7:tl Cll .... ..: .... IW'P't DAYI AG.All ~ ':l"~ The true story ooh1nd "The Best L1t1le Whorehouse In Texas . a man capable ol 1m11a1ong hundreds ol ail terent sounds '°" tm .... BfTlllT~TOMGHT TMMl'I CC/fl11MY SJOIB'IWl.D G)lllll•lt~ NIOllAQAZm IOPtltTICATED LADIEI Maunce Hines Judith Jamison And Phylhs Hyman per form the music ol Duke Effington 1n this hve-flom-Broadway pr0duc11on broadcast from the Lunt Fon1anne Theater 1n New York City (2 hrs ) CZ) lllOVIE "The Secret Lile Of Plants ( t978) Documentary The Secret of St~ ,,,e Wonder h1ghhghts this ftlm ( t h1 40 min) m COACHEI COMB 7::9 8 2 OM 'flt! TOWll Featured the Great American Sleamboat Race a v1stt to a fireworks fac10<y 10 see hOw drsptays are done tor such aces as O.s and, Whe<Mt 'PS busy 11tnet •1 I.US JQS lor buSlleSS or peeu t lltlOlt JQ1 IJ> f)la1 a SloP 10 Pat Maley s I or Jl ,us row P ii J!Qrity fllllsetf. I'd assoaates COlll!llllt to Pfesell mens lastms 11\al l!IWt en thss or usual' llaw we vie extended to lldles lridt~ We ll#QfS llM J hideaway Ule '4JSIJllS 111 tll! ilhc rocrn PM all ntd Ille store JQS H lind lftll)etltd colleclllliH ,., ''" tllrRS for arty special 11tt1 DodQef Stadium. Anaheim Stadium and the ~ose Bowl I OD FAI& Y FIUD LAVllllE 11191.EY a C09Alff m OM L.A. Featured a look at calen· dar boys. new rehel 101 m.gra1ne headache sufferers. part two ot an 1ntervtew woth Bo Oerel<. Q) TIC TAC DOUQtf llADAm'I fllAC( YOU AIUD FOii rr M•A•t'1t llGMA,,_ Guest Robert Allrnan · llAa.L I LBIB IUOR'T • WAlt9QTOM WO M REVEW · llOVIE "Vergin Island" f 1959 Ad~en lure) John Cassavetes Virginia Maskell A hsherman comes to the a1a ol cl newlywed couple alter lhey buy a Carib bean island ( 1 hr . JO mon ) HI 8 (I) 'flt! DWll Of HAZZAllD Vance's romance with an old 9trlfroend is honde<ed by Boss Hogg·s amt>1t1011s for a big pohh cal career ( I hr ) 0 Oi) THE l'OWOI Of llA T11tEW IT~ Mallhew uses his supernatural powers 10 earn a spot oo lhe football team ( 1 hr) 0 MOVIE "Midway· (Part 21 ( 1976 Adventure) Charllon Heston. Henry Fon da. Japanese and American m1htary forces square off tor a naval and aer1al batlle centered around a Pacoloc island dun~ World War II (2 hrs J D Ml llMOll Benson gets a big surprise when his younger brother comes 10 town for a den11s1s· com1en11on o 0 llOVIE "The long Days Of Summer" (. Ofama) Dean Jones. Joan Hack.ell A mtddle class Jewrsh family faces bigotry and dee.el 1n thier town during pre-World War II days ( t hr . 30 min ) Cf) IOAI '8 , ... llAG.Um A IOcal ·so·s night at a restaurant. the true story behind "The Best Llllle WhorehOuSe In Texas" g) llOVll "Audrey Rose" ( t977. Horror) Marsh&. Mason. Anthony Hopkins. A cou· pie learn that their tormented young daughter is the re1ncarna11on of a child killed 1n a fiery auto crash (2 hrs.) @ mlllD IAG "A Pteee Of The Action" dealers, artrsts and collectors give their views on lhe movement prov1d1ng 1oyallees for painters and sculpl0<s fll) WAlt9QTOM WIB M llEYIEW '11) WAU. "1l&T WIK "What Ne>tt For Reaganomics?" Guest Beryl w Sprenkel, Undersecretary of the Treasury for Mone- tary Allairs lc:l lllOVIE "BOdy And Soul" ( 198 t, Ofa· ma) Leon Isaac Kennedy. Jayne Kenne- dy A young black turns to prozetlghtlng to raise the money he needs for medical school 'R' ( I hr , 45 mon I m ~ llOVll "Ghost Story" ( 1981. HC>f· rC>f) Fred Astaire. John Houseman Mys· tertOUs deaths begin to decimate the ranks of a small c11cle ol elderly men who share both a monthly storytelling get· together and a SO-year-old secret. 'R' (I hr ,50m1n) .,,... ..... -· 'They C11111e rrom S.yo11d Bµ11t.e' ( 1001 bo1e1nc11 n c t1011) nobt11t Huttc>r1 Jtt11111101 l11yn11 ( 1 tu 30 111111 ) CD "111u Milllr>n1t110111" ( 1061 Comudy) Sop11111 l <Jllltl. Pe1111 S t11101u (I' h11 ) CC) TIMI hllrl•l.ler" ( 10111 ()11111111) Wll hnm :..r1111111t1 r •811k Mo•woll 11 111 Jo 111111) 1i:a!Zl "fl1<.h Ami furi1tJUt» (10tlt (>111111111 Cunoit.o lloru1111 J11~1.1u11l1111t ll1t»bul t 1 hr . M1r111n) t•tHI "Pr1101111ty" ( 1901 ComttOyJ f11111 Rtiynoldb. lltivor ly I)' A11uu10 ( 1 111 1!> mr11) 1::111Cl A11y Nur111Jer <.:.1111 l'luy ( 144Y flt11 ma) U.ul. Go.11>1e Altt••'> ::;nurh 11 ,,, 4~ 1111n) 0 · 11111 I,,.,, I ycC>u11' ( 10 lb. ()mr11u) f1ulru11 ()11N1111 .11,,11111u Morouu (:' 11ri. / 111111) t:ID @ I l•:. V111h11'> l>v l\111" Je11n tow .. 11111 l•!Jl1•1111 M1111u Jo~c N.11 (? t11s 1 l 1 I ho I 11~1 I 11Y1e 119!>1 Lrn11t<dy) llot.>+>11 C,11111111111gl>. Oarllr11u Hull' (I hr IOr11111) !:001 I. I ··H1•a11hotip., .. ( 1981 CurruJClYJ Audy K.11111r1,111 fl1u11.1del1t• Pl•llll'> ( 1 hr 41, 111111) O' I••'•'""''' lsld11tl ( 1~/;' A<h1e111w1•) O•'>t"' W1•llt!., Kim Ourl1t>hl ( 1 hr 14 rn111 I 1::311 Cl lhrt't' War11u1s ( t917 Orom..i) namJy U<MIU ( harlt'S Wn11t• ruyle t 1 hr 49 111111 I • "While W11111 h•m (Adve111u ... 1 ~th I llltefl ( 1 hr ?1111111 ) .. (I ) "1 ttiJO•IO 01 I ho Wih1' ( 1980 IJHtmu) 0011 Huwmty. Cle11vw l'ylu ( 1 hr , 40 min) ( Zl "lllu11b11111u·., I 1utot1i W1t11 ( 1•J'1u Ot811111) C:l11u1loll«i ( oH.11111 (,.11y (.oupm (I tll :7'1 111111 ) d I l 1 tlull11w111111 II t l'IU I It >110!) J,111111 l 1111 (.111!10, l>.~111hl l'I"'"""'" 11 Ill Ill 111111) l0) "All I ull 1Juw11 t lllhl (lr11111o1) I v.t M11110 8111111, W11rru11 ll11111ly (;J hr'>) .. (JJ "I Ml M1lhun Vmlf', lo f <lllf> ( 1'Jhl\ S1..•t1111 11 I '' 11011) !1111111" 1>or1o11<1 Ar1<Jrrw 1("11 (? '"" t HJ I l oo •··~J" 11quo '"""'' Ar1111111t 11<.l V<Jl~t11> 111 J111111lho111 W111!1•1-. V111c..1•111 Pnce (I !Ir" I 0 "Gflwftlll Anti l ht• !1w1111 h11111hl 11 hr JO '"'") .. Ql) 'fl1l• n1.t1>'> 1111111., ( 1111>4 I .1111,1.,y) To11v '1111101111 (111111>111 ... f I Ill '•'•"""I t:a@ ' A1JU11t1• 11111 W1,11f 1 ll < ,, 11J I' 111.,., K111~k1 (;I t11•,) rz1 !1u11hh• 111 .. "·"""" ( 1111;1 ( '""' <ly) Hort.i"'' M.11 .. 11011 M111.11r1 tl11pk111·, (I Ill ;!()111111) --•Evening =.,,.....,.,.. AIC.WQ rA'l"M MAWAIPM4 OW.WY 011e111 e1ngo1 Kny 81011 ri .c.... ~ llOVll "rt11, U11mut111" ( 1960. Wevl 11111 I l<ttnny lie l(J!lll•. t 011 Puri;oll A p1oht1 m111111t u111111Jlo1 11111011 11 11n1n rldo lhrouuh lhl• Ohl W"'>f lu hftlp hill Hltonged ton .111\.1 11111)'> IOlllllll<.tl Wllh b &h8Uy 80Ciely luuy.= lhe wuy ( 1 hr 3fi 111111) r SJ ll1111k11k.. ( 19!>0 Ac1V11nlurctJ lonri Miii•.. 111<.hllrd Allonhmouyh The lJ11t11on1 W111111 War II ovocu1tllon ttlfo11s ol ll1t• Orllt!.lt '>IJVtl 1111t11y live& (I hr . 65 111111) QB THI MCI 11 llQHT ~~~ I =CAVITT GuttGI Juna1hRn M1llur ~ill t4) {n) >"-A PUU CONTACT lMATI I") ) INT CMllll'f Tllll ) IOftll'TICATID UOlll Mau11<.e H1r11tt1. lud1lh Jan11son and Phyllis Hyrnan per- Imm 1he music of Duke (lhng1on rn 1h1s hvr~ 110111 flroadway p1oduc11on b1oaocas1 1tu111 1hu l un1-Fonrnnne Theater 1n New York C11y (2 hrs . 30 min J I OJ lltl llWUNG OI LAmS: TMI! ITOflY Of IOfitllTICATID L.&ml Thrs m1nidocumen· 1a1y 1ells the s1ory behind "Soph1s1tcated l ad1es • 1he llrsl live telecast ot e Broad· way~how HEADACHES? Allied Lighting is YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL 645-5300 For Complimentary Consultation WESTCLIFF CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Dr. Robert A. 8adger 2043 w .. tcllff Dr., Suite 108 Newport leach (near Coco'• on 17th and Irvine) Most Insurances Accepted Southern Callfornla's Most Complete Selection of lighting At Competitive Prices. * Over I 00 Lines In Stock * Installations * See Our Complete Selection of Celling Fans jFree Installation I * We Repair All Makes of Lamps * Over 20 Years Serving Southern Callfornla's Lighting Needs. * Energy saving fluorescent fixtures -u ., COME IN ANO BROWSE You won 't believe our selection. you'll love our prices . Hour\ lur~ fr< R-h ~dt 8 ~ JO JI ,-~ Al!IED lighting ( IOH'd Sun /I. M on 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa l«<<OH ltom Nursl'ryland Nursl'ryj 646-3737 /646-8194 Friday, November 5, 1982 13 -l'riclay Cont. 0llOVIE Tr ... HJnrj ll'll:ll Hutt 11 Micnael c.11r>l' A1td1ea M.tfl 'I. 01:.1rre 1nl1f'.lt'rl( ,tr\(j ntt;hfrf1.tffH (,,•q1n happPnrnq 111 i1 c .u1uo111st«; "''' .ilti·r 1.,. ':>IJller<, lhf' ,,,c,, o f ,, tJ,Jntl n , , '" 44 min I ID THE ¥tR011A11 1t:iO 0 YOUT14 All> THE ~S • 1,,. ¥ '"' 1 Atcohotrcs· l ~NETWOMNl'WS ltQNATURE Guest Robf'rt At1m.v1 C~ WEB It llEVEW .,_, llOVIE THX 1138 11'171 •C•P••• r 1ct1on) Rvben Ouv:ill Oundld r11 •• 1.,Pnt• In lhP worto ol thP future wherl' hun1,111s arP rpc:Juced by c:l1uu::. 10 autrn11.11ons a man dnc:l woman ec;capt> the11 hon11<. ano 11Mltall DoO ~ @i ~ ~ IA l\MDAY NMllHT . ltlENIQ40f_ THAT QUIZ SHOW I TIIEETI Of SAN ~O MIXED IAO A r1t"ce ut Tnr-Act .. .,,· dealers ;1111s1s and tnllectors q1w the•• views on lhe movPmPnl prov1tJ1na r 11 • .itt.Ps tor pa1n1erc; and scu1r1or'> al) IUMEU llEPOllT ~ DOCTO!t It THE ltOUIE L' llOVIE · Thp S<'nsuous Nurc.e 11 4 /!J Comedy) Urs111a Andress [J1i1t10 Del Prf>tP Greedy relatives n11e .1 sensual Florence N1uhllnya1e · 10 la~e c.irp of an aQrng count s11ffe11ng from a dPii<:.JIP heart torid111on R' I t hr '10 mtn ) rO) llOVIE 'Blue MaQ•C . ( 198 t l Candida Royalle Veroruca Harl The m1-.1ri>ss nf .1 castle 111v11es seven quPSIS 10 a h11U'>P par 1}' (I hr 30 min) Zl llOVIE Montenegro ( 1q8 1 CcimP dyl Susan Anspach. rrtand Josephc;or1 fl r"eglected wile travr1s 10 Sroc.kholm <JnCl begins an allau wilh a man she rne1 •fl a ~em1an nightclub n ( 1 hr 40 min ) 1\:al 6 llOVE Diary 01 A Teen Aqe H1IChh1ker · ( 1979 Drama) Dick Van Pat- ten. Charlene Tilton A young y1rl's hie 1s endangered when "lhe accepts a ridP Imm a slr~r 12 hrs 15 mrn) D W TOMQHT HO"ll Johnny Carson Guests George Burns Richard Dawson Melanie Chartoll ( I hr ) MC MEWi leQHTI.M ( :a~~andra Harri i a woman o ut of 'Remington Stet•lp's' (Pie rce Brosn a n ) pa~l Friday a l I 0 p.m . o n K HC (Ch. 1&.) • I YOU AIUll f<>fl fT TWIJGHTZC. lME~ llOVll "Aguirre. The Wrath 01 GO<!" Klaus K1nsk1 A conqu1stado<s' exped11100 falls 1n10 the hands of a powefful. driven man who dreams of conque11ng an ent11!' coollnent (2 hrs J fD DAVI> ..,...., The Problems And Pleasures Of Long-0.stance Marriage · 11 hr) ml Pll LATEJIQHT Rev Robert Schuller. host ol the relog1ous TV show "Hour of Power. discusses the re1a1oonsh1p between Chr1s1oan11y ano sett esteem I 1 hr) ~ WORTICEfTEJI • MIGHT GAU..ERY U::ll llOft "So Fme" ( 1981 Comedy) Ryan O'Neal Jack Warden A stuffy col tege prolessor saves his lather's flounder 1ng garment lactOly by 1nven11ng a new !tee or ladies' ,eans 'R ( 1 hr 31 min ) lS.J llOft "Paternity" ( 1981 Comedy) Burl Reynolds. Beverly O'Angeto A bach· elcx 1n his forties who wants to be a lather searches tor the 11gh1 woman 10 bear his Child 'PG' It hr . 35 min) 1HI I BITBT~TONIQKT @) lME LAtT WON> · llOft "They Call Him Mt Shanel'' ( 1975. Drama) Stua11 Whitman. Peter Cushing A paid killer 1s h11ed 10 assassi nate an Ea-;1 Alrican pres1denl but soon finds himself involved 1n a l:irge mrerna· l t1on=ble cross (2 hrs ) ROCICOMCBT LCM, AIBICAM ITl\..E llO¥IE 'Emily" ( 1976 Drama) Koo Slark. V1c101 Spcneth In 1920s England. a teen-age girl comes ot age 1hrough an alla11 with an Ame11can schoolteacher ( 1 hr . 25 min) g llO¥IE "Ghost Story' ( t 981 HOfrOI) Fred Asta11e. John Houseman Mystenous deaths begin to dec•mare lhe ranks ot a small c11cle of elderly men who share both a moothty storytelhng ge1-109ether and a 50·i ::.1 d secret 'R' ( 1 hr . 50 mm ) ~ lllAtC* ~([) llO¥IE "Search And Destroy" ( 1981. Adventure) Petry King. Don S11ovo A for me1 South Vietnamese oll1c1al seeks revenge against the tour Ame11cans who abandoned him 1n an ambush during the war 'PG' (1 hr .. 35 min) a.a a tc'TV ••WWW The anniversary edition ot the "Sammy Maudlin Show" 1s 1hreatened by a strike of the j8nitcxial sef· vloes union at the station. 1 t'ir. 30 min. r-·--------···········-····-············-· TYPEWRITER TUNE-UP Davis:'lBrown 5 24.95 Portable-Manual Electric Slightly Higher Pressure Clean • Lubricate end Minor Chemically Clean Type Adjustments Clean All Rubber Parts• Check Out Entire Machine l•INO THIS AD ,0. ,.,, •lllON WIFH CLIANINO SINCE t9J! RCA 50" NlllAL PROJECTION TY • Pvll Fvnctt.n l•m•t• • lteciNnk T unint • 4 Spier. S.und. O~LY ~1695. 411 E. 17th, Co sta Mesa 646 -1684 ~ 'f1111111 Clay• 01 111• <.;1.111dot' Hilb fiu•111111 ... ) rlolM111 Redlon! riav• 11111way A ••Mllllh raade1 empluy.U hy th41 (.;IA u1111>vnr• 1111111nul l1111c:h11y wl~11 ult o l hi~ LO Wlllktl• ttfl OHIUlllnlled lay. 1111 flltlfl who IV now NIUlklrlQ hlfll 'I 111 tlb 111111 J .. ~AU•TMIPAl&Y ' 11111 9 TMI ... 000 COUfllJ 011 111 mnkn11 ll 1(18vy bflt wllh 11 !lllHI unnll pool pl1ty Ill i QWIJl"I MOii.i IO YOU n9S YOU CM>T 1lM>UIUt lllOVll Ayu111t1 1 ht1 Wrnlh UI <.vd Klnu!> Km!ikl A Lut111u11>1ut.1vt11 U•P1tdll11111 lllll!o 11110 tht1 himds ol a l)Ow11rlul OllVl'll m11n who Ore.:uns ol conquurn1u 1111 unlir" c.u1111n1mt ~> ID WAU. Wiii Whitt Nll•t I 01 Reo11u11111111ts?' Clu11bt U11ryl W ~µr1n1>.u1 l111d11r'>u1·rt•lt1ry ol ihtl Troabury IOI Mono tary Allrlll'> Qll) YOTD'I '911.19 'Newly l lectotl I nee·;· .11111 Loope1 presepts tho nuwly ult11.t(l11 111 ()1.111ye Cou111y, mo11t of who wetu 111vutvu1I 111 t1olly conto!>ted roceb d (lll MOVll "Cou1rh.1own" ( Hl68. DldtnO) Rut>erl r>11v11ll James Caa11 An Ame11c1111 obtron.1u1 l<Jllll!o on the moon ()Illy tu dr!:> c.uvv1 .1 clemohshed Russian SPdt.6Crdlt dlrt1<1£r tht'111 (;>hrs !> 1mn I .. B tu DAU.Al w11t1 Joci.·s w111 µ111111u lhcm .ig.1111!.t uuth uiner J A ano OotJby prep,:ue 10 do h.iltlu 10 prove who 1s the !Jest ni.111 onll t!llhHecJ to f wr11y 011 ( 1 hr) D m IOIQKT M>EJI M1r.hael Krnyhl help!> a widow, her so11 and <1 grouµ of calllr ranchers lt1ntl oil a11emp1s Uy mi unscru pulout-land baro11 IU !.teal their waler ( 1 hr) fJ Q]l ~ OMATUT AIEICAlt HERO Ralph hll~ 1n lw a pro football quarterback whu!>e writ! has been kidnapped 1n ;i SLheme 10 ~game (I hr ) G) mRV · Guests Rolll Mo1f'11u John James Greg Smith Marthe Kellt>r 1__I hr) ti:) IOOY II QUEl110tt "Breathless· Dr Jonatnt1n Miller !>hows thal unac.countabll:' orealhlessnes:; may be caused by the hmys, thl' blooll. ur the t~art (R) Q ( 1 hr) m OMAT P9fOMIANCU "Ttie Chat1e1 Byron Chl'rry ( lt-f t ) and ( :hristophcr Mayer co-star on ~lif "Dukes o f Hazzard' Friifi'ys at H J>.m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). house 01 Parmil • W1lh the ard ol her new lover. Count Moscd the Duchess Gina Sanseverina u!>es her Influence to bring her beloved nephew rab11110 back to Pai ma (Part 2) ( 1 hr ) m TOP IWI( IOXllQ (R) (I) •OYtl Oody Hut" ( t9tt I Su1penN ) W1111arn Hull K1thleen Turr,., A tt'Mffllme rtort011 l11wyt1r It j)eflkJlltJ.d by hll IOVet Ill murder h11 hu•t.a8nd n ( I hr . b6 min) CO)lllOVll "Ono11 S101y" PU8t, HorrOI) ~1ed A1t111re. John tiou1>emnn My11e11ov• d .. lhl hlli,lln 10 dec.;lrr1ate the r11nk1 01 11 •1111111 circle of 11td11ly men wno 1har11 both a mOrlthly 1to1ytelling gtt-togwther en<J 8 !>O yo11r·Old aecret 'R' (I hr . ~O min) !Zl lllOV9 "Rich And Famova" ( t98 1 Otama ) C11nd1Ge 0111gttn. JacQvellne B" set Th1oughoul tho upti 11nd dowm1 or thel1 re~1111a llt•rary cttretlff> 11na romantlC hves. rwo womnn dt1fJttnel on lht ir l1tendsh1p IOI fjtOblllly fl' ( t llr 55 lm1nJou,_. d llllC ln8&'1 a.oMCU IA Nl>AY llQlfT ,.. (I) PAL.COit CMIT Richard Channing uses his µaper to exploll Chase's pos111on. ano Lance 11188 to rekindle his romnnce with LOii ( t hi) D GD .-crTOlt ITll1l One or Remlng Ion's old llamtJS plans 10 steal ti f.l"Celess Bpa1~,t1ng lrom an ort gallery with his help ..,.., ... THI QUllT Art be<.ornes a he10 when he 1escues a busload ol Holran schoolchildren. bot the publrc1ty rmike~ rum the ~= f~ assassins ( t hr ) fl) LOI Wiii II MVEW al) IOI QlllAT IDOi "Beauty" Dr Mor 11mer Adler presides over an intellectual lree·lor all concerning the concept of beau1y (I hr ) lC) ll80VW "Blunie In Love" ( t973. Come dy) George Segal. SuSlln Anspach A divorced man becomes a 1ea1ous suitor, trying to win tus wile bacl. 'R' ( t hr . 57 min) (lf) ll80VW "Paternity" ( 1981, Comedy) Burl Reynolds. Beverly D'Angelo A baCh elOI 1n his lorlles who wants to be a lather searches for the r1yht woman to bear h•S child 'PG' (I h1 , 35 m111 ) ( Sl llOYIE 'My Bloooy Va1en1ine" ( 198 t, Suspense) Paul Keirnan, Lori Heller A small town becomes a scene ol terror dur 1ng lheir annual Valen11ne·s Day dance 'R' (1 111, 31 min) SENIORS ~.~' ) ·~ 0rgj(ltltnrdri(ffe.IJ11n ~:r=<1~~r;,~0 ~Crcari H' _k\\'rlcrs. Inc. Corona del Mar Medical Is A Medical Office In Your Own Backyard That Will Take Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For Information & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., #6, Corona del Mar "~ ~fl/fl'I' J£ g;;I' ~11('1:, .1 " Clusic Jew•y '°' Today's Cl as sic fa shio(ls Diamonds • Pearls • Gemstones COWl.£TE JEWELRY SERVICES Custom Des1gntng Remounting • Repa111ng ~anulacturing ~ (714) 790-6788 2610 E.ist Cout Higtiway Corona del Mar, Ca '==• Ac:roee Ftom $nerman 'ound•Uon O.,Oen• 14r AU•J)ll l\nwnt •n ...... .,. ... , ~ •1'4 '1 .. ..irt(. •'d Friday, November 5, 1982 15 -Saturday .... Morning ______ _ d ~HIO MAG.ADE HI U.S. FANll lllEPO«T llOVll Btuml' Int ove I 1973 Come dy) George Se\)al Sus.:tn Anspach ( 1 =i"';E_ WEMCOOT ( FAil. ~ Surler NAI Young arocJ fr Pe slyle sk11ng ch.1nop1011 Randy Wieman lahe on lhe lhrill~ <1nrl spill!. ol 1he tugh wa11es and sleep slope.., l::a TMATQllL .. Cl#TAlt lMQAROO IDEJDPm flW&JC AffAlll TEBITAUC 'On flpo...,1111111.i Thirteen· flDHlmAllD '9lf'fC1M OOOODAYU. IAT\alAY llOMllQ GllW'nlE ..... ( J ~ lfMI Ba!.ketb.111 Shoo1tn9 Gue"' Jim Valvano N C StalP coach (Rf ~ MOYIE It:(' c.1 .. tlf'S ( 1979 Roman<.el L ,nr Hollv John<;or Rot>tly Benwn I I 1 • ~~ "" 1 ) 0 llOYE 1,,1wa1r An11 lht•. l_,rePo Kntghl ( I hr 10 min l .. QftJIATq d COUNE FOOTUU.. P'MVEW (It) d TMnCAT ,ACE.-nat QROWleQ YUM Yoecl Off AGllCU'. TUii( YOYAGI lllWI Ul&.MT'fD rrtY<MtMlllEll B.DmfTNfY .... THE IU'l'fTI llOYE .. A Happeninq In Hamelon ' i_!975, Adventuri>) (;>hr~ ) rSJ llOVll 'Tore<' rive Srnrvengers .. (1981, Sc1encf'-r1c11on) An1ma1ed ( t hr 40m1n) CZ) llOVll 'Trouble In Parat11se· ( 193~. Comedy) Herber! Marshnll M1rram Hor· kins ( 1 hr . 25 mon ) M (£) MTIIUCTIOMAl .,., ·Basketball Post Play" Guest Jirn Dutcher Mmnesota coach (R) .,. DUl'TY'I ~ GD lMIA.Mm'oell~ ......... (ll SW& aJa lfT&IATIOMI. "°"' DAYIY Ml> touATM QUllUMIO LAl'llTmo ...rPBIC* YOU FOR NIAL TM llOft "The Grea1 Muppel Caper" ( 198 t. Comedy) Charles GrO<Jon Cisne hr . 40 min) YACA#fLOT .,. ::'."Harper" ( 1966. Mystery) Pe11I Newman. Julie Harris. (2 hrs , 30 min.) Jlllll~AW --· HOWi/ Llml MIGM / M:tll DAWT•IOUATM ... 18 Friday. Nov•m* 5, 1982 --·-., ·-- Guq· Coh•man mea~ure~ up aga inst K a reem Abdul Jabba r on "Diff'rent Strokes· Saturday a l H p .m . on KNBC (Ch. '1 ). I TWICI A WOllM COln'M'~ HIALTM lllWI FROll THI .. YAAO UNI Ac tion highlights trom the Canadian football 1Leae,1t.._THE ITOM .. w~"-Am' ;o_~ Singing CowbOy" ( 193ti. Wes~~ne Autry. Loos Wilde ( t h1 ) iwaw• IDlllMIOI~ IAT\ll»AY MC...a CIMl'lw. ~MITORY fV'nm "°"1 A scleo11l1C axp1orat10n of athletic perlormance which can aid ath· letes in 1mproV10Q their game (R) ® llOft "Blockheads" ( 1938. Come· W Laurel and Hardy D.,. "While Water Sam" (AdVen lure~h Larsen ( 1 hr 27 mln ) (%) "American Pop" ( 1981. Mvs•· cal) Animated (I hr . 37 min ) G .,. "Badlands Of Dakota" ( 1941 Western) Broderick Cr11wford, Rot>erl Slee)( ~, 30 min'°"° -,~..:.:..;;; .. ..,....,_ . • ICltocll. TIPI ror belier alcllng. ff°* at Kiiiington, Vt.) (Al llOWll "The L.MrnlnQ r,.... ( 1969. ma) Kyle Johnlen, ~ltx Cltrke. (2 hit.) CS) JCltl9 a.T'I ICIDMCM Olympic gold mec1a1-w1nner Peggy Fleming anj 'Ice Capades" s1ar JoJo S1arbuck 1on Curry for lhos display ol skating ar1is1ry ( 1 hr 17mrn) .. WYlffTOIEAVBI ®J MCAA fOOTIALL ~~ ....rMGUY MILW--.E • fOCUI <* IOClfTY mWE "Are You In The House Atone?· ( 1978. Suspe1.se) Kalhleen Beller. Blylhe Danner ( 1 hr , 35 mrn ) ~~Wh1ct1 Way You Can C 1980. Comeoy) Cltni Eas1w00d. Sondra .. 1Loc1Jke ~~~n~IUIEI T1tE UllY COi pwt INOW Ml>IWllET WIU),WDWUT mWE .. The Foghlong Ken1uci.1an ' ( 1949. AdvenlureJ John Wayne Vera Ralston (2 hrs ) fl9 tlGM ffAntBI "lost In The WO<>ds .. The campers learn abOut what the wok)er ness oilers to ear when lhey gel lost on Ille woods m) fOCUI <* IOCETY (E)lllTOfT1tU•\ 1968 New Yori.. Jels Htltghts" 0 MOVE 'Silver Streak · ( 1976 Come- dy) Gene Wilder, Jill Clayourgh I 1 hr 53 mon ) '1l) 90W ·a1ack Horse Canyon' ( 1954, Westem) Joel McC1ea Maro Blanchard i! hr . 30 mon ) t:a QZ) llOft "Search" ( t~72. Adventure I Hugh O'Brian Elke Sommer (2 hrs) M (%) 90WE "The Lady In Red" ( 1979. Ola· ma) Robert Conrad Pamela Sue Martin ~~r . 29mrn) .... m.f IUJ[ I AIWllQ..,.. l lNAMAMA 111-...-DOU.Alt lllMI -~ Tiii OU) HOUll Bob Vila and his crew reloca1e lhe garage and consider !urning 11 lnlo a workshop. '1i> YOTlll'I ~ "Newly Elected races" Jim Coope1 presents the newly elected In Orange County. most of who were involved in holly contested races (I) WCT 1-"Maryland Classic" live coverage of the semllrnal roun<ls from Bal- timore, Md (Thrs event will be blacked out within 35 miles of !he Batllmore area) Qhrs) Cl) mWE "Heaven Can Wall" ( 1978 . Fantasy) Warren Beatty. Julie Chr1Stle ( I hr ,4 1mtn) .. 1 mATIALLI• •AHm IMAMM ITAi,_ .,. "Law Of The Lawless" ( t96-4, Western) Dale Roeetlson. Yvonne De Carlo (I hf. 30 mm.) • TMILRBD 010'8 MTIUt The dwarf Branlc shoots Lancelot and Morgan's ptan to murder Guinevere back fires (Part 4 of ; hmlYDAY CIOCllCml wml MCOlm ..... Jecquee Pepin lhowt how to prepare candled citrus peels and explains how to M · Mellon and MfW frnh cttrvs fruit• IDCM..RNIA-·-CID .,_ "flaet\ Gofcton" (1980, Sci· trtee-FIOtlon) Sam J. Jonet, Mu Von , ••• 50 tnin-) m:r,. Coal. •w .. ,11. l11111 wagun .. (l(lhl\ ~~1116111) fOQllnrd Wl"rmark r11th,;l11 f llH A 1,.undemneil 1111111 e;omH h> tho r11111(;u11 ot wauan 11n1n "-!1v1vo11 lotluwtr'U itn tr11fl 1111 8118Ck (t> 1111 I • LCM. lmU CM Im.I 111.).,. .. Alt8Ck 01 fhe Moor•. 1 IUUO Adventuro) Chelo AIOllllO, Fllk Blllllll)lln A Spanl&h not>teman 111t11mp1~ to IU11.11 tho Moor b 10 rwl..-ito 1h11 Spa1111111 111y11I l11t11ly (1hr ~ (l)COUI• ,..... (Rt (0) ~ "Curnlll KnowlftdOe" ( 11J/ I, 0•8ffl8) Jock NlchOl!IOfl, Ann M8f\JIOI Twu cottege lrltm<Js sponCJ seve111I years IMth)ld an<J alter grauua1to11 d1acover1!\\I Ille by snar1r~ and aw11ch1ng each 01h11r'11 ~tlrlends ·n (I hr 37 min) u.ci )MCMI "Th11 rtra1 Tirlle" ( 1952, Come dy) Rober! Cummings. Oart>ara Hale A young mauled couple 11xt.>edence all the 1oys and lrustratlons of huvlny a child 101 the first 1t111e ( t hr . 30 m1r1 ) ta I AmNCA'I TOP ta POllTIWT Of A Llcml> lllfTIRT~TOMQNr PMIZIPMm MCMI "In Old Cahlouua" ( 194) Western) John Wayne, B111111ti Oer11es When a young Ooston µha111111e;1s1 at tempts 10 open a shop in Callforn111 dur 1ng the Gold Rusti. tie encounters some big nea(.lact1es from the IOWl1°S lawless 1eade1 ( 1 hr . 30 nun ) (.t)~llOOIO t:• (R) lllOVIE "The Incredible Sh11nk1~ Wom an" ( 1980. Comedy) Uly Tomlin. Charles Grodin A housewrte Mos 11 hard 10 cope wl'len she suddenly t>eg1ns 10 shrink rn size 'PG' ( I hr 24 nun ) CS)lllOVIE 'All Ntghl I ong" ( t98 I, Corne Oy) Gene Hilc!\m,in, Barbra Streisand Atte1 being ocmo1ed from corporate executive to chain store night manager a n11ddle·aged ma11's hle'>lyle and values are 1u1ne<J ups.de·down 'A' 11 hr . 28 min ) 1:11 D llO¥IE "The !>lory Of Dr Was:.elf' ( 1944. Drama) Gary Cooper t a1a1ne Day Dr Aoydon M Wassell, a heror<: Navy man. rescues American troops from the Japanese (2 hrs JO min ) U«DIEWI CC) llO¥IE "The Garnt>ler" ( 1980. West ern) Ke11ny Rogers I ee Purcell A µrotes s1ona1 gambler lakes a train ride through lhe Old We\I 10 help tus estranged son am.I t111ds 1oman1.t> wrth a shacJy <;OC1e1y lady= the way I I hr 35 m1r1 ) ,,_ 6 'Never Give An Inch" ( 197 I Drama) Henry r onda Paul Newm;111 An Oregon togging lam1ly devise a way to Clehver a large order Ofl schedule wher1 s111kers sa1:>01age their equ1p111e111 (II hrs) HI 0 m l9C NEwt OYUllQHT Ed ward Mulhu rt-is Devon 0 11 •Knig ht Hiclc·r~ F ridays a I <) p. m . o 11 K N RC ((:ta. ·•·) . 2:11@ MHAT'lt0l (?) llOYIE f'1~01e ( 198 11 r erna11tJ\ Ramos da Silva Marrha Peta (:> 111~ nun) J:iO CIJ llOVlf Jalopy' 11%3. Comedy) Bowery Boys, Leo Gorcey Tt1e Boy~ tJ1s cover a fnrn1ula tor mak1nv yasohne ano try their luck nt 1illopy racing ( 1 hr 30 ITllfl) !OJ MOVIE "Ghu~I Sto1y ( 1981. Horror) rreCJ Ast.me Joh11 Houseman Mys1t>r•OU!. dea1hs begin 10 Clecnnate the ranks ul <i small c•rc;le ol t!l<Jerly men wno share both a mo111hty s101y1ethng ge1-1ogether and a 'lO year old secrel R' ( 1 hr 50 min ) M I HJ THE AAJNMAlDI Tuesday Weld. T onin 1y I ee Jorlt'S and W1lharn Kall s1ar 111 the N Newport actress Atol\atd Nalh ~Y about an 1t1ne1an1 oon man who tullltl • • lonely woman'• y11rn I_~ tor tove (~ hrt, 10 nlln.) (I)""" Clfl MY AIQl\ard Thomae rep.alt hi• Oro.dw•y 1ote 11 • parapa'41gtc Viet• nnm veteran home. IOI • famUy 1eunlon on =~e:tr.l. (2 In. 10 min) ~ M .. YAllD Lm Action hlghllghll lrom the Canadhm roott>all Leagu.. 1r11(C)llCMI "BOdy And Soul" (1981, Dr•· m11) L.eon 1t1aac Kennedy, Jayne Kenn. dY A young black turns to prlietlghtlng to ralM lht money he "ffd• IOI medical .. (i}~~L:mtn) ... llCMI "Geotle Olant" ( 1967. AdV•n tura) Oenn11 Weaver. Ve1a Miies. A amen boy and his pet bear find adventl.lf8 In the FIOl'lda E11erglade11. (2 hrs., 16 min) 41118 llCMI "Operation Ha)'Ult" ( 1950. Adventure) Biii wirname. Ann Rutherford. The Air Foice tends euppon 10 ranchers whose callle have been stranded In a lierce snowstOfm ( 1 hr • 30 min ) (f)MWPOUI «D llCMI "Journey To The Seventh Plan- et" ( 1962. Sclence-Flcllon) John Agar, Greta Thy56en Astronauts discover beaU· llful women and ttourlshlng gras81ands In the btller cold world ol Uranus ( 1 hr , 30 min) l[) MITO UCllQ Coverage ol the Su~r· bike Challenge from Cleveland, Ohl<>. (A) 0 llO¥ll "Three Days Of The Condor" ( 1975, Suspense) Rol>en Redtoid. Feye Dunaway A research reader employed by the CIA uncovers internal treachery when all ol his co-woikers are assassinated by a hit man who Is now stolkrng, him (2 hfs.) .. ;•tl&Ml.ml d CAllTOOlll d MBICOM ICCW.-rY CA&..-All ~ "No Nukes" ( 1980, Musical) Jacllson Browne. Crosby, Slrlls & Nash Footage ot a series ot anh·nuclear power conce11s heto rn New York City duflng September. 1979, teatunng the Doobie Brothers, Carly Simon. James Taylor and Bruce Springs1een. is complied 1n !hrs documenta1y 'PG' ( t hr .. 43 mm) tI) MCMI "Rich Ano Famous" (1981, Drama) Candice Bergen. Jacqueline Bis· set Th1oughou1 the ups and downs ol their respecltve hlerary careers and roman11c lives. two women depend on their lriendshrp tor stabrhty 'R' ( 1 hr . 55 mm) d ~VIQITAIU _. .,_ CMTOC. INl'T1IUCTIC*Al ... "Basket ball HandlrflQ And Dribbling" (R) «D llOVIE "Dracula P11nce Of Darkness ( 1966, Horror) Chrr~topher Lee. Barbara Shelley When lwo couple'> unw11t1ng1y spend a mghl in Dracula s i:aslle. one ruarr is murdere<I and his wile turned 1n10 a vamprre (2 hrs ) in 1 Father Murphy' CIJ llO¥IE "Pr111a1e l c::.t<>ns" ( 1980. Com edy) Sylvia K11s1nl. Hnward H~ssernan A wealthy man .1-;<;1gns hi'> seductive ht1u•,1• keeper rhe 1ob ol pro111tJ1ng his 15 year olCJ 501) wrth hrs tu st sexual expe11ence 'R' ( 1 hr 30m1n) 0 lllOVIE 'N.ghthawks ( 1981, Orama) Sylvester Stallone 81lly Dee Wrlhams A tough New York City cop has hrs wor!\ cut out tor him when one of the world's mosl dangerous l£>1rn11s1s a11111es in his city R' (1 llt 3Clm1r1) JlJppy La S h l•llt'. an aspiring 12-yt'ar old at·trCS!t from Nt>w port B(•ath . has ;1 -;tarring rnlt· 1n 1 he l'µl'>(Xlr· ol "Fatlwr Murphy" th;,1t <11 rs • 1t 8 pm Ttll'!ttfoy. Nov. 9 on KNBC Channel 4 Happy. whu <rtl<.>nds St Joath11'11 S<:hool in Costa Ml'Sa. JX>r tray!> Lu(·y, a tomboy orphan who turns out to be an h1•1ress The Newport Beach girl fl)r1Wd th<• l'f)1S<X.h • Jurin~ .J tWO W(.'('k period lasl summer. S he says series star Merhn Olsen was particularly helpful in Leaching ht>r about various technical te rms used m television filming . Happy's first Jove is singing. She was in the running a few years ago (or the title role in the movie "Annie " Though she lost that part, she deciqed' to enroll in acting lessons. Friday, November 5, 1982 17 -Salurd 9 ICMDWNlW I WORD IWfO llAGIE 'Neil Simon" One of the most prohhc writ ers of our f1me, with over 21 stage and scr=f'ii1it~"· 1s 1nterv1ewed ·-POWD ~ llOWIE ''Lies My Father Totd Me" ( t975 Dlama1 Jeffrey Lynes Yoss• Y'ad on ( t hr . 40 min I 0 llOYIE "'Bustin Loose' ( t981 Come dyl Richard P1y0t Cocel'y Tyson ( t hr 34 min) (l) llOV'IE "Tile Secret l•le 01 Plants" ( 1978) Documentary Tne music 01 Ste voe Wonder htghhghts lhos lolm ( 1 hr 40 mon) aa@ WUTUllO UI 0 9JOllTIWOllLD Scheduled coverage ot the Ale.x Ramos I Ted Sanders 10-roun<I mtddlewetghl boul (from r1 l auderdale. Fla ) , coverage ol the Mixed Pro Targe1 0.111~om Hawa111 ( t hr 30 min ) IWOllLD=M..W. IOl....wff -POWD llOWIE "Rough t;ul' ( 1980 Aoven ture) Bun Reynolds Lesley Annr Oowfl U_ hr 52 min ) (£J ~ IPOR'T A !.Coen11ftc explora1to11 of atnletic perf01mance which can aid ath ®eao~ine" game m1 CS) HOUYWOOO Hollywood reporter Bili Hems presents up-close reports on ihP people and e11en1s wh•ch ere makmg new:. 1n the productron and glam()f cc1p11a1 ot the movie Industry m llOWIE "The Lady From Texas I t95 t Comedy) Howard Dull Mona rreeman --~r~J:,l '9\. llAQAzm TO•.MllCMMCl'D m¥ll ··iron Finger ( t979 Adve11 ture) Bruce U ~ di ClllATllT l.IQBl)I · Jacktt! Robinson" Host Ken l"ioward • •OYll "The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders" ( 1979, Dlame) Jane Sey mour. Laraine =hens (2 hrs:) I ~~· .... Potll A lllAI09I ..,.m m¥ll "Any Which Way You Can · ( 1980, Comedy) Clint fastwood, Sondra Locke ( I hr , 45 min ) (0) c•aa.1 • TOMI The propensity lor winning of such teams as the San Francis· co '•9ers. the Cincinnati Bengals end New York's Jets end Glan19 ts examined < 1 hr) Cl) UlllJ.A-'nm A comedian host and fOUf comic contestants whO compete against one another are featured in this uncensored comedy game &how •1111WAC1 mATBT IPOll1'I i..-"Johnny Bench" HOit Ken Howard i ATMmwml 119-UITYWM•MM. *-ctaell "Ooctor, I Went .. " Or Wiiiard Gaylln eumlnel Amerlee's health ciart:.=.~·l~r) • .,.. "Heeven Cen Walt" ( 1978. f.'ntaay) WAtrfl(I Beally, J\Jlle Ch<lttie. ( 1 hr .. 4~.J. .. (%). ~ TM.U wmt... ·~ Mlfdlurn'' -1--POOYIM.&.-.T ......... .-M-• 20 Friday, NOV9mber 5, 1982 Ro bert Mitchum stars in "One Shoe Makes it Murder' a turday a t 9 p.m. on KNXT (Ch . 2). I KAIPT DAYI AG.All Wl)I WOllLD <W ..,... Scheduled coverage of the World We.ghlliltong Cham pt0nsh1ps (from YugoslaV1a). coverage of the Rome Mlle (lrom Rome, ttely), cover age of the Skate Amertea lnternatlonat Figure Skating Championships (from Lake Placid. N '() ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (l)WA .. "H (!) m¥ll "The Amsterdam 1<111" ( 1978 Olema) Robert Mitchum. Bradford Om man (2 hrs ) I ... IOl.l>eou> llOWI "Dodes'Kr:i-Oen" ( 1970, Ola- ma) Yoshltake ZuShl. Ktyolco Tonge (2 hrs . 30 min.) Iii wocuz:w'" lltOP "The Plane Truth. Version II" Roy Unoemlll den)on· stretes how to work with and care fOf ~nes. W IAMWY _.,ATM Mt11 Uve c<M!fage of the Freddie Gasllllo I Etean- clo Meroedetl 15-round Flyweight Cham· plonshlp bout from ()lymplc Auditorium In Los Anoeles. CAUi (2 hrs., 30 min ) CD .. "Any Which Way You Gan" ( 1980. Comedv) Clint Eastwooo. Sondfe Locke. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) (Q) llCMI "F188h G0tdon" ( 1980. Sci· enett-Flctlon) Sam J. Jonet. MIX Von §l~t hr .. 50 min.) • "SllWf Streak" ( t976, eom.- cty) <*lt WJl<jer, Jiii Clayburgh ( 1 hr., 63 min.) (%) ... "AINfleeJn Pop" ( 1861, Mull· cal) Animated. I 1 hf .. 37 min. I ·1'9\.-..... .... LA~ a -.YI CO.AllT ~ WORLD <W WORTS Scheduled coverage of the World Weighthfllng Cham p1onsh1ps (from Yugoslavia). cove1age of lhe Rome Mlle (from Rome, 1t11ly) , cover age of lhe Skare Amertea International Figure Skallng Championships (lrono Lake Placid. N '( ) ( t hr . 30 min ) I Hn'Qti6l&iW TO 1lll QALAXY tclUAM fOOT Gl.NlB• Ill llOYW "The Party" ( 1968, Comedy I Peter Sellers. Claudine Longet ( 1 hr 40 min) m Tlll ..:>TECTOM --it;lvenlng .. C81 ... ..... LA~ a 1191.lY I CO.Ntrf BIC llYAIB»'I CHI09CU L V. IMACUllOllD ,,_.. CO.AllT Illa( ... WIJ) AmllCA "Mountain Monarchs" A loo« •S taken at the special adaptallon·. that allow alpme animats to ltve 1n tho sev~h mouniain ecosystem cm ""10011 {H)llOWIE ··s11ence Of The North" (1981. Adventure) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skerrr11 111 1919, a young woman's mamage I• 11 trapper leads fle1 to a ~le ol h~rdshop 111 the woloerness or northern Canade 'PG' l hr. 35 min) AUAI milt Ne .GEi 1::11 l9A IAlllTUll Los Angeles Leke<'l vs. Utah J112 (2 hrs., 40 min ) -,~JP.-.:. LA~ 1-.Y I CC.AllT AUCI WMY•MWORLD _. ,...., Neal Gabler and Jef· Irey Lyons review "Natlonal Lampoon's Class Reunion" and "Jinxed ·· (!) '°911 a.Y'1 ~ Olympic gold medal-winner Peggy Fleming and "Ice Gapades" star JoJo Starbuck join Curry for this display of skating ar11stry ( 1 hr .t~~ ... (%) CMAm'lll TAUi wmt.... "Robert Mltehum'' 119 • IUICMOl-Mn' IAClll LA-l-.Y ICC.AllT --'°"' ~ -· • • COIRl9fNl .. IO"*Tlllll 'f'OU IOT ,.._. ._.. ....... u-.waa ==an 11 .. l9llllT au.cma,_._, Alma.Ma. llCMI "Blood And Guta" ( 1978. Ora· ma) Wiiiiam Smith, Mlchellne lanctol An aging wr_.lef Metca hie ~ltWt-mllllon shol IOt euccess In Hfe. wOlk and loYe. 'PG' (t l'lr .. 32 min.) (0) llCMI "The Ootagon" ( 1980, Adven· ture) Chuck Norri.. L" \/an Cleef. A wealthy young women hlr .. e rttlred ~ tlal ans c:Nmplon to protec1 hit "om ter· rortstt trained by the myater!Oul Nlnla ~' 'R' ( 1 l'lt .. 43 min.) .. "Paternity" ~198 1, COmedy) Reynold9. 9eY9rfy D Anotlo. A. bach- tlOt In Na tonfel who wenta fo be 1 11ithlr eeatChee kw tht rkltlt woman to t.. ~ chlld. 'PO' ( 1 l'lt., sg min.) -lallanlay Cont. l lCMTMlt MON Olood Alley ( 1\lbb A1l111111 lurt) Joh11 W1yoe l 11u1t11 H1t11ll (J 1 1111 ~AW COOllmlY --YUM MDVII "Tho flop1111111 M11n" 111160 D111m11) John Hutt, AnlhO(l)I Hop~HI~ ( • hra . 3mln) ! IO ....... ITlMC« a... ..,_. "B1011to Ou~htt I 1111,,· dve111u1t) John Lund, Scou H11111y 1 I llr , 30mln) tt:91PATAUBT C::.~itw TO•AllD"9C:o MDVII "AbbOtt And t;or.11,1111 Mtoll 1 h•I h1v1!!1blt1 Man" ( 1951, Co111mJy) No111. ~ 1Gu1~'0f~~~fl1 J0111111J QMWllQYIAM llO¥ll "TM Trouble Wllh c,111., ( 1969. MUSICAl) Flv1s P1os1oy. Mtlllly11 Mason ( 1 111 45 min ) (l\ llO¥ll "R11.h AntJ ru111uus ' ( 1')1) 1 OrnmAI Canc11Cti Be1ye11 Jac:que1111c n.,, ~I ( I h1 . 55 mtn ) tt.11 ({l) llO¥ll 'Advise And Consen1 · ( 1116<' 0.ama) H1:1111y fonda Cri.itle!. l iluyhllJt• (3 hi~) --Afternoon __ _ 1MIBIUCllTAA AT ONI Gues1 Helen C.ildecoll. •~< 11111 isl and ault101 ( 1 hr l Tillll ITOOQU llO¥ll "First Men In The Moon· ( 1964 Sc1ence·F1c11on) Fdward Judd Lionel Jettries (2 hrs ) CD llO¥ll The Unbea1able D1agon" c Adven1u1e) (2 hrs ) fD WOODMIGHn ltO The Pl.1111:' Truth Version I' Roy U11de1h1ll looks .ii llhe ~c:="b:=~plan<?'. Of Ulmt All> MU llO¥ll "Silence Ot The North" ( l'ltl 1 Adventure) Ellen Burs1yn. Tom ~kc>11111 L~ hr . 35 mm ) (SJ MAM TWAI' TMIE.ATM ''The Bu11ed I TrN.tull Tom 81wy1t1 a1'd ~k .. btrry '"~P7 .......... ..... I. 1 tv 10mln.) M~~WO IMnf-,. --Ml OP .,..,_ ''A 0011'1 HouM" A woman (Juli• Harrl11 1t1Mrt1 htr own ldtntlty eller cont1ont1n11 hf!t hutblnd'a (Chrl1t~he1 Ptumfllflt 1 1mr00t1ll1y 111 a lolepldy baaed on tho ploy ~Henrik Ibsen ( 1 hr , 30 min ) ID MOWll 'B01<101 Alvtr" ( t9!>•. Woe1 trn) Joel M~rl8, Yvonne De CarlO ( I ht . 30 min) 8 AllATMIOllM "U.S A v11 £a.t Ge1 mant" from Dlloxt, MIU (I hr I!> min I a ....... D MOWll "The C1lmll0f'I Kimono" ( 1959 Mr stl!I')') v1c1orlfl Shew. aienn C010011 I~~ .-cA'ITOPTD llCMI "Mlt let noberl8" ( 1965. Com edy) Henry f'.onda, James Cagney (:' hrs) ID MOVA "Why Do e11<1s srng?" Sclenll8ls eaamtne why blr<Js am~ with regional ilccenta and pass their lnd1v1dual songs slong from generallon to generation 1n1 O (lhr) II) 8'0RTIWOll.D Schedula<I live cove1 nge ot the Alex Ramos I Ted Sande1s 10 round m1ddleweigh1 boUI (ltom Ft Laud· erdale. Fla ) . cove1age ol the Muced Pro Ta1ge1 Diving (hom Hewa11) ( 1 ht 30 mm) ·~ OCIA .. 11: 1lll W BrfWllMUT IC..-0 ROOlll ._.. llACINQ Live coverage ot the Washington DC 1111ernatlona1 from Lau rel.Mo ®l llOVll "Wtnnmg' ( t969, Orama) Paul Newman. Joanne Woodwe1d (2 hrr. 4!1 ; mtn ~ 1"°°' IOUL TUii OCl.wiet T1tl W Blt'RCIMXT llO¥ll "The G1eat Muppel Caper · {198 t, Comedy) Charles Grodin, Diana R.!9g ( 1 hr • 40 rrnn J (i) HOMUltOW ~ Coverage ol lhe Pres1denl's Cup from Landover. M<l (2 hrr.) 00 llOY• "lo• c .. 11 .. • 11e1e AiWM l ynn·Holly ~ Robbi l.itfltof I hr • 6& mtn ) Cl> • WOM.D Oii *''*" wnw Ouciil Biii Au1Mll eM0¥11 ··viva LAI Vega1" (196 ... Mu11 col) nv11 Proeloy, Ann-Margrat ( 1 hr , W min) Cl ) llO'WW "Bluobo1&1<fll C'lghlli Wiie" ( 1938. Ornmo) Claudelle Colbon. 011·, Coope1 ( 1 hr • 25 min J .. I ........ .., TO•~• .mlYAOAMI MDVII 'CNel Al Otablo" ( 1966. Wtsl e111) Jarnell Oarner. Sldntly Po11te1 (? hra) t8 tMIMATUM Guest Robert AllmAn • Ta.INIOlt THI IDICMMTID -Th11 rote 1elevlslon plays In American lilt '' oocu111on1ed through a series of lnlt11 views D ~A: 'IHI llCOll> CINMrt (0) lllO¥ll "Prelly Maids All In A Row" ( 1971. Mystery) Rock Hudson. Ang10 Oi1;1\1nson ( 1 ht . 32 min.) (I) lllO¥ll "l11111alion General" ( t958, Comedy) Glenn F01d, Red Bultons ( I hr . 28mln) II) MOW "Cave Qt Oullaws" ( 1952. Western) Macdonald Carey, Ale•1S Smith !ht . 30rru~ :ta WllTUlt ITDOOll ..... -.uwrt*-MD THl...wTI llllXID IAQ .. A Piece Ot The Acllon" dealers, arllsts and collecto1s give their views on lhe mo11emenl providing royalties lor oa1n1e1s and sculptors ............ GP .ncana WIB.LY I ,_.,.CA: T1tl llCOll> CIJfT\llY 2:11 llOTonlB UUITMTID ,.. PMl+AU. Lim.I UICAU IDT Of ....atfT IPlaAl OOOOTmt llO¥ll "Pillow Talk" ( 1959 Comedy). Rock Hudson, Dons Day (2 hrs ) @ llO¥ll "A9u111e. The Wtalh Qt (,ocf' Klaus Klnsk1 (2 hrs ) OPPORTUNITIES!!! IN ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATIONS How Would You Uk• to • • • • Learn a n•w •lclll • D•v•lop Lead•r•hlp • Male• New Friend• • Enjoy Regular Clvlllan Life ~-NATIONAL GUARD The Gt.ad belongs. 2651 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa W• Offer ••• • Exc•ll•nt CarHr Opportunll/ .. For H.S. Gr•du•t• or Equlv•l•nt • Training For Peopl• With No Mll/tary Experl•nc• • Ag• 11 or prior to 35th birthday • Opening• for Prior Service lndllfldual• SOUND INTERESTING 7?? CAU TODAY 979-7363 (between 8.30 a.m. • 4·30 p m.t ONOY GEHRING SSGT. Friday, November 5. 1982 19 -Saturday Cont. .. D fli) LOVl. lll*EY C,11J11ey may hi1111• 1n d1sappo1n1 Pat!• lw•cP ,., ,,,., tlay when h11 otters to tal<t:! her t• I """i'vworltl 1tlt>1 deSI= r1e1 IWC•tlfl' ;1t1llPI,] tilbbll (HJ T•lll C .n IP~oun<,'' ( 1cm 1 D<a•MI At DP•' 01' ti•• Aulw11 011v;ill The u'>u-illy -,e'"'' ,, .. w 11lll•. ,, tw<' 111r11t1 ers a L<><, An~"'"' 1, "<• J11tPLl•11r '1n1J .;11 ;imb1f1ouc, H11n1.1 ' "'"" < I r11-• t t in vf>iye (lurnltl .1 " ll·• 1ve< I <J•ll'll! fl t t hr 50m1") .. o 6:) M DEVUt COMMECTIOM fi1 •• I111111 N~k i;omrer,. 1 , ,, 1, f' .1 r1 .. 11t11 r""" nal whcJ I'-II "' yP11 H .. v ,,, hJI Wlf •t S<. '"' and a P'''' t • ,,,.,,,,,.,,, t, "' 111 h·!. 1 hr t 8 ~-:"ANTuY ill.AND ,, 1 ,, V•'l}l' 01ac111a1 ~ 1Jp,1tp1 '"''""' • M1.,s1·.•,1r~·· riverooat '" 1111•i>t 1111• ·,h1r ""wnd•''~ captain ,)111! .1 1 Jup11· 1·11,1lly 1" • "' 1t1r"' honeymoo11 t•H•r t11·<1•q ""'"''d tnr tJVf'fl ~arG O 11111 U ~ The ,.,,,. 1..11 IJ 11111nn1· ( 1961 Ael1<entu<PI I 111·~i11•y I l'• ~ tl.lv1'1 Niven S•• nen l•t> • nt l•i <lr<,tr •v tw i regnable 1.>ern~;r •J•• 1 t.r\, I IOU)QOlO mxE11 IAC l r"'" V.111ey Curt.1111 Ille artoslt<. 1•11" .. ..,, 1 1 ttw 11•.lC I• n< resodenls .11111 c "' ,11111111n w•llkP•'> '" shown whan th• <tf1•c;t C ,t111<.t tnlnu 111 orange nylo11 cvr1.i1r tJ•·l w>'Pr 111e lwc. t,ul orado mo11nta1n'> 111 1<l7 1 f1l.) llTCIHISl'I CMM>E TOM <WAXY '11) 190VE ' Mf>fly /\11oj11•w' I t~'·O (Jll!llf' dy 1 Danny K;iye P1r>1 l\11qf'h II n1111t,lo archaeoloq1st !>PV'llT't'" 1nv111vnr1 with 11 traveling cirr.u<. ,,., "" P11• low, tor 1t1p anc•enr <.1a11ie ot Pn• Ii' tr~ I lCl llOVE SoutnPrr I 11.t 111 ( 1')8 t Oramat Keith r irra•H t! P •w•••. B1 It'll A group ol Ndl•• 11;i1 t ... a• ll<J• ,.,. 111 week end marieove•'> • .1 I "'''•"'"rl h.:oayo11 spark a c;mall 111,e••1t1.1 .... 1r with .1 (;ommu mty or oa1 kwr,,irls c .111111<. H I 1 ru 40 min) ... ~ Nl>f.Rl()MCONFIDOfTW, , 3 llOVE "Dotlec;'K,1 Oe11 ( tf170 Uri! ma) Yoshilaka /v.,111 Kiyoko 1 a11110 Mis ery and clegrildilllUH chnraclP111r htP. 111 the Japa~ slum!> of l nkyn Ii' 1irs) 9 llOVll The tns[lf'CIC\I Gene1al' ( tg49, Mus1cal1 Danny Kaye. rtsn tan chester Durinu the 1800• in rr.1ncf' .1 town toot ()oec; ;:i c.nov1nc1ng mac;qu.-ra(ln as an ln!ipe(,lllr Grnerat 11 hr 4!> rnin I (Z)lllOW ·rt•f' 1,u1v Ir· neci I t979. Ota ma) Rot>ert Com.11.l Pf!mela 511•' Martin In the violent day<. ot the 111wl~S 1920s en 1deah9tl(' yu11r>g tam1 yort tiecomes lho moll ot the 1ntamo11s 11a11\jstrr John 0111 t~r 'R I t hr , ;:>9 min t m COUECllE fOOTIAU. llQHUQHTt Notro Dame flgh11ng lrtsh vi. Pittsburg Panihor:, ... ~T\MDAY~'ACllE 1W D 8 (I) llDl CJD .... 1iOIIHI ;oofiA&,1. UCL A v~ Wash ~ton (2 his , 30 min ) llO¥tl "The Boy'i In Tile Band" 970. Qf11ma) Chit Gorman Leurencn Lucklnbdl A homosexual's l11rthday par1y ptovldeS a platlorm tor revelanons by tlltt lr~hrs) e "Posse' ( 1976 W•l!ern) l<lrk Oougla&. Bruce Dern An ombtllous mar anal cuts a pelh ot murder, lies end betrayal ecroo.'i the Southwest In hill menl ~~~()~~ ~ m¥ll "Naughty Wives" I 1s"1. Cpm· edyl Brtodon Prk:e. Jecqueltno Lo0en. A young men from the country llodt tNlt hl9 22 Friday, November 5, 1982 100 as a door·IO-dOO< saleSman on London has some unexpected bonuses 'R' I 1 hr ?Om•n) (0) l'lA ftOY <* M NIA m 11ZAm John Byner shows you things stranger than truth, larger lhan Ille, anrt zanl8r than anything you've evef seen 1tM@ lllOVll "Hotel Sahara" ( 1951 Come· dy) Yvonne De Carlo Peter Ustinov Dur ing WOfld War II the propoetOIS ol a N01th Atrocan holel change their aue goance with each ne'W occupying army ( 1 hr. 55 min) 11:11 tJ TH! lllOCIFOM> RUI 0 fl) TWIJQHT ntEAlUI I Leslie Ntetsen hosts a comedy special lea1u11ng sallrtcal skelche-.; wolh gues1 stars and a debate between G Gorelon Ltelely and Moon Uno! l apf:c ( 1 hr , JO min ) ~ ~Airport" ( t970. Suspense) Dean Marton. Burl Lancaster A snow· storm, a m11e<l plane an etde1ty stowawav and the oomb1ng ol a passenger ie• pla· ~an a11pon manager (2 hrs 40 mon ) ~ ':::. ·r11e Eiger slnctiOfl" ( 1975. Suspense) Chnl Eastwood. George Ken nedy A lormer hired killer 1s lured from hos 1ob as a college professor to perform a mouniaon·top assassmatoon (2 hrs 15 min) t.£) .. _...-rneca.-...ninBI• (ff) AU.-fT UDIO The zany gomgs-<>n at an a~~t radio s1at1on are sat111zed 'SJ "The Happy H()()l(er Goes To Washington" ( 1977 Comeely) Joey Heattierton George Hamilton The 111epress1ble Xaviera Hollander 1ourneys lo 1he u S cap11a1 and uncove•s some very sensitive secrel documents 'R' (I hr • 29 min) m 110VE Frontter Badmen" ( t943 Western) Robe•I Paige. Otana Ba11ymore A 1110 ol Te .. as ranchers sets out to track down an underhanded salOOO·keeper and his gang of Western !hieves (2 hrs 30 min.) 11•8 MOft "Summer 0 1 '42' (1971, Dia- ma) Jennifer O'NelH. Gary Grimes Aller two ooys spend a summer 1ry1ng 10 lose their v1rgln11y. one of them falls 1n love with a beautfful older woman. (2 hrs I t2'I (f) ,_ TMI lllfTOlll'l- (C) 110¥t1 "Rough Cut" I 1980, Adven ture) Burl Reynolds. Lesley-Anne Down A Brlllsh sociahle lures an 1ntematlonal iewet thief out of retirement to help her steal $30.000.000 in diamonds. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 52 min) (ID MOYlf 'Ice Castles" ( 1979. Romance) Lynn·Holly Johnson. Robby Benoon A prom1s1ng young llgure skater and her boylrlend find sudden &OCCess tiard 10 cope with wt1en she Is chosen to train tor a pre-Qlymplc competition. ( t hr .. 55 min l CO) llO¥tl ''Cftacula EiCOtlca" ( 1978. Romance) Samantha Fox. Jamle GUiis. ·x· (1t'lr.,20mln) g ilCMI "The Flnel ContUct" (1981. Orama) Sam ~!. Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" lrMogy, young Demien. lhe eml>Odlmenl oi the A·nllchritt. IS now an edvll llnd a trusted advleof to ~ r:::;nl ol lhe U S. 'R' ( 1 IV.. 49 (%) "Ametlcl1' Pop" ( 1961, Mutl- cal) AnlfT\8tt<l The hlttory of Americ.n pop mUSIC, from v1udtYllle to rock 'n' roll, It 1r1ctd through NYtrll oenet•tlont of fl -c';\!:llil:' (I Iv .. 31 mkl.) .. "W.,.,.tn'' 410&1. w-.in) 0'8r1en. Polly Befllen. A oowbOy av~ the dealh of his hancee. (2 hrs ) @ lmllD UI "Christo'9 Valley Curtain" the ar11st1c process and the reactions of resadel'ltS and construction workers is shown when the artist Chrlslo hung an orange nylon curta111 between the two Col orado mountains In t971 (() IATUllDAY llQMT AT 1HE AQKT'I Cover age ot the Freddie Caslillo I Eleanc10 Mercedes 15-round Flyweight Champton s111p bout lrom Olympic Aud11or1um in Los AngeleS. Cahl (R) (2 hrs • 30 min ) .1 MCMI "Beau Pe<e" (198 1 Romance) PatrlCk Oewaere. Ariel Besse A IOfb1dden IOve allaor develops between a young girl and her recenlly widowed stepfather (2 hrs) 1• 1nll9GAT1HE MIWO¥ IUT Ol •llaHT 9"lQAl llCWI( "Trog" ( 1970, Science flC tooo) Joan CrawlOfd, Michael Gough lhe Army steps on etter a p11m111ve creature escapes lrom an anthropolog1s1 and o~ I on ':mpage ( 2 hrs ) --~ llO¥tl "Oodes'Ka-Oen" ( 1970 Dia ma) Yosh1taka Zush1. Kiyoko Tange Mis ery and degradaliOfl characteflze Ille 1n the :c:.nese slums ot Tokyo GI "The AOOrrnnable Dr Ph1bes" ( 197 t. HQfrort V1noen1 Prtce. Joseph Collen Alie< the death ol his wile. a dOc· IOI leets compelled to puntsh the man responsible (2 hrs.) CS) QAUAllB TOTAUY .. The zany. unpredictable Gallagher IS back In a com· edy spec:fal taped llve al the Mayfair MuslC Had rn Santa Monica. Ca~IOfnla ( 1 tit I tll 9 llO¥tl "The Shepherd Of The Hills" ( t9• 1. Orama) John Wayne. Betty Field Ozark Moun1a1n people attempt 10 save 1he11 land from outside 111vaders 12 hrs ) m llCWll "The Naked Maje" ( 1959. Ora- ma) Ava Gardne<. Anlhony Frencl068 The IOve atlatr between the OucheSS ol AI08 and FranclSco Goya rs 1mmonallzecl 1n ~1ng ot hef In the nude (2 hrs l CO) "Fantasies Of A Sensuous Woman" ( t977. Dtama) Believing 1na1 her husbenel no longer loves her. a young woman becomes Involved 1n e latetul altalr with a student ( 1 hr .. 35 mln ) 1l4I (II NIC ... CZ) 90¥ll "Montenegro" I 1981, Come- dy) Susen Anspach. Erland Josephson A neglecled wife travels to Stockholm and beglnS an aft.air With a man she met In o t>o/lemlan nightclub 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min l 19 CC) llO¥tl "fhe Party" ( 1968. Comedy) Pete< Sellers. Claudine Longet A mis- chievous Indian actOI creates utlar chaos wtien he etasheS a social party ( 1 hr . 40 al)'~UJI I ··--OOI--... llCMI "lndlacrtel" (1958, Comedy) Cary Grant. Ingrid Be<gman A rich Amerl- c1n and a European aclr"8 fall 1n lovo att:;w,'I he c'81ms 10 be manled, (2 hrt..) I UTN1'1Dl llCMI "Tattoo" ( 1991. Drama) BtUC4 n, Maud Adams. An obNSMd 1a1100 ertltt kidnaps a leshlon model and ptO• ceedt 10 COY9f '* body with his handl- W()fl( 'R' ( 1 ht .• 4S min.) • .,. ··sir~ In The HouM'' (1975. tiOrrOI') Kw OullN. 04lvla HulMy. A psychOllc l'TIUfderer hlOM In the 1111c of • Collt09 IOfOl'lty ho\M on Chfletl'l'lll Eve. ... 1.1,1w~ ... ,.... ''Tht ~n" Mickey ~ tllrt u an egottttleal C«nlO Who thrtwt ... ti.If by ~......-,OM ltound '*n. (1 hr •. 30 -lalunlay Cont • .. "Rlcn And r1n10u1' ( t8e I ao-lnlt twl ~ IOI ..... In Congf1111 11111) C.nu1C1 Beruen Jaoq~ 811 {1 hta) 111 ThfougMul lhe UPI I nd dowo• OI • llOlftl "&uni Offefl"O'' t 1870. HOf 1t'le11 '"'*II"• 111er1ry ct1rM1• 1110 1011 a.111 0.1119. K111n 81111ck A l1rnUy roo .. ntlO Ml!illl. 1wo women d•PtnO 011 1en11 • t'lau11l•O Vletor11n mun.ion wllh 11 tti.h lri.nd1h1p for 111bltlly 'A' (I hr bh wlll 01111 own (2 h11 ) min I (8 MOWW "(.)(l(jo1'K1 0.11" (11HO, Ole • llCMI 'Della 0 1 Cmo1111do'' t IYllO ttll) Yo.lllllkll /u1hl, Kiyoko 'r1tf11Je Miii WHltttn) Rov Rognta Ooln r111na (Jut ery ind (.l~r1\J111ton Qha111.tort111 life Ill faw1 threaten th• 1)4ter.n ot 11 11m1111 Wn~t oie J11p111tfM alu1118 01 IOI yo (:> hr1) ern town ~) • OOY..v "The KhOl'I' Of Afuli11n1 Ml I DMICI "1011 ' I hi! $011101 l1tkt1ov11 ot AIUhllnitUon ... cw I f)tJ!I IO•t.fld lhfl Kuuh11 l>CIOl'ltl 10 6t>8ndo11 LA.-I..._.., 6 00..lrlll't then 111oun1111n r1l11luau hoti16111nd ltnO l\'I Gel U r11atured • rt11>wt 011 11111 11or111101<.. way ol 1111 IU1t111111 tR) Q I I belief lhat rock mulllC m11y ~ c111ry111u hr I hidden meuagei.. 11 m()()elmu 11&sa1oi1 with Ii) -~ COWfTY I A ·s be11u111u1 couple, on 1101y OO\j v111 (C) MOWll "Thi! C1epno111 Mnn· ( t'lllO teat. an 1n1e1111ew with Mickey Ro~io11y Oturna) John 11u11 Anrhor1y Hovi..1ns A (]) PDfT IACI oeeicaloo physt<;1a11 lllkea under his w1n1,1 9 moe1 WO.QO fe111ured •I twll "llft a h0111l>ly oelormed mull whOSll 11111 Ulllll report on the Mamrm>lh I rtlo.e&. or1 111t.ir tl\e11 had be!m spenr 1n \.heap lr1111k 1:1d11 view with Ben Vereen, an antlqu11 \.tu t.ol b1t1ons ·po· (2 his J min ) Joct1on. a look al S O Muse1Jm of An~ (f ) Cf\ JllOOTl.AU ~ontrt1ol Concordes 111 currunl ·nuna1ssonc<1 01 Islam Ari ()I I hu Brlllsh Colurnb111 Lions ('J tllb ) Mamluks" axh1b111on ll l ID T1lllAQI rm.I Tt111 111y1n~ and @ ..m IAQ "Ch11slo'!> Valley <.;urra111 ' reahlles of teenage love rieer pressurt: the ar11s11c process and tt1e re111.11u11~ 111 and ch8r1g11111 mo111li. are exarrnno<J 1es1dan1s end c.onstruclfon w111ktw. 1•, through 1111e1v1uwb w11111een!:>. parents 1111<l show1\ when lhe iUllSI CIUISlo hllll\J <Ill 1each91s ('hr~ ortlft{le nylon c.ur1a1n OOIWtll'rt rhe two Col a.@...,. or ado moun1a111s 111 19 7 1 ll:JI G GD llLYIR WOOM9 Ricky and Arr101t1 I N8'YI get 1n trouble w11h the fAI whe11 R11.ky W llA~ manages 10 call up 1op·sec;re1 yoverr111111111 .a.m•1a ~ µlens from a comnu1e1 8'0!nlCllfllll 6Ii) llO¥ll "The Grear Oat>bo" I 1929. ~LAW¥!'•· IHEll.oat ttalml Drama) fllch vo11 S1rohe1rn. Oenv Comp M.ll1 A lamed ve11111loqu1s1 loses ~us 1denll ... (I) WALT IMINEY "No Depos11, No lY when l\e relle!:. loo heavily upon h1'l Re1u1n" An I I ·year-old y111 and l1t:1 dummy as a means ol e.(p10ss1011 ( t hr younger 1>101her plot the11 ow11 k1dnapµin11 30 min ) 10 stick 1he11 weallhy grandlarher w11t1 .1 .,. fJ (I) llO¥ll ·one Shot: Makes It Mur helly ransom (Part 1) (I hr) der" (Prenuore, Susµense) Rober· D m ..... 'MllT ITWU Arnold dl'l(I Mitchum Ar1g10 01cktnsu11 A down-and Duo1ey p101 10 gel 11d ol an overtv COH'X.1 O\JI ex-cop 1s hired by a gambhny cza1 111 en11ous sut>sfllute teacher Q lino his supposed~ing wife (2 hrs I 8 Cf) LAUGH TAAi D fli) -A Nell and her diet 0 T .J. MOOlBt Hooker pursues an elu group try 10 prevent 1he11 guest lecture< si11e sniper who has shot se1o10ral pohct• from comm~~1c1de ot11cers and w11ed the precinct bu1ld1ny 8 INTDT Tiii Wiil with explosives ( 1 hr I t1DJ LOW IOAT A rnan and a woman m llOYll "The Farmer's Daughter ' experrence an unusual roma11ce. a psy ( 1947. Comedy) l oretta Young. Joseph chologist and his 1he1apy class creale ___ C'"'o_t_1e_n __ A_s_,p_ir_11_e_d_S_w_e_d_1s_h_ ... g_1rt_r_u_n_s ____ h_a_v_oc_o_n_1_h_e ship. and an attractive worn •n GOlnet l>elw"'1 Doc Ind NI~ (~ i..., IOYI / IWIC' _..,.. M0WW "The T1e1tore 0 1 Tn. S1tr1I 1d t " ( 19•8. Or1m1) Humphtt)' I 'l()lrt. W•ll•I Hutton. A trio OI g1NdY mi,, 11Uernpt to outwit each 01tit11 In theh QIJda: fOf 0010 (t> 1111 30 min) 8 llY..,.., "I atner Brown The ThrH f'i""X>la Ot Oei11h" w nen o kindly pt11lan m1op1el'a d11ugn1e1 Is 1ccu11ed ot her 1&1'1111 '8 ltlurder. Iha girl'• fllllC.H 1;ootw1Mt11 10 llMt CrllM D ( I hr I CL) ...,_ "Southern "Co111l0t1" ( 19111 01dm111 Kellh Carradine, Powefl Bootne A urouµ or Na11ona1 Guar<JSmen on week 11nd maneuve1s In 9 LOUISIAna t>ayov sn111k o 9111all oue11111a WBr wnh a commu r111y l)f bllt.kwoods Cajuns 'A' ( t hr', •CJ Hlill) lOl ltlCMI ·Puternity" ( 198 1, Comedy I• (i11rl Reynolds, Beverly 0' Anoeto A bacr1 elor 111 h1i. to111es Who wants 10 be a father ';tl1m.het. 101 1r1e r1gh1 woman 10 bt!ar hm child PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) ($)...,_"Blood Beach" p98 I. Horro1) John Saxon Aurl Young A pa11 or pol!Gtl 0111cers have 1he11 hands lull when they 11lvt1s1iga1a Iha cause ol t>eachgoers being sucked 1010 lhe sand, never to be seen a11a111 'A' ( I hr . JO min ) 0 llO¥ll P11nce 01 The City" ( 198 t. Drama) Treat Williams. Jerry Orbach A New Vork cop is caugnt t>etween federal pressure and loyally to n1s fellow officers during an 1nves11ga1lon ol widespread po11c.0 corruption 'A' (2 hrs . 45 min ) Cl ) llO¥ll .. The Honor Guard" ( 1981) nod S1e1uer David Huffman 'A' (I hr . 30 min I m ltlCMI 'Susanna Pass" ( 1949, West· ern) Roy Rogers. Date Evans A cowboy se1s out to open a moun1a1n pass that is blocked by crooks ( 1 hr . 30 min I a.tm llOYll "Ulysses" ( 1955. Adventure) Krrk Douglas. Anthony Quinn Whtie Ulys ses makes a roundaboo1 return journey from the Troran Wars. his wife s1ruggles to pro1ec1 his throne (2 nrs.) TEN WAYS TO AN EARLY GRAVE 1. 'our 111lt 1·01111· .. f1r-.I: p•·r .. oi11il r•m1 .. i1lt·rutiun>o art• 2. C.11 to th .. off in• rv1•11 i11~"· Sutur<iay~, Suncl11y1t, holi· .. 1•1·0 111lur'.\. tin y!>. 3 . 0 11 C'\C'llHIJ.:" "''"'" ~ou 1t .. n ·1 lot" 111 1h1· officl', tulw tlw l1rwfr11.,t• hom•· ,,.jth Hiii. 5. \1•c•1·1)t ull irl\111111011" lo m•·•·li11~"· hunqut•I.,, n•m · 111it11•t• ... t'lc'. 7. 9 . lt••i.tur<l fo.h in~. h u 111i11~, ~ol f, bow l in~, billi11rcl ... ,·art! ... ,,:urdn1i 11,,: "" u wu .. t1· of tinw 1111cl nmm·y. '\,.,,.r 1lf'lt•l(t11f' r"'l>on..,i hil i t l o o tlwr.; 1·1irry the• 1·n1ir1· loucl your.1·1f ul ull t i m 1• ... 4 . l>riv.-fa~t IH•1·uu.,1· )•1u'r1· lut •" 6. Uon't t•nt u r .... tful, rf'lu~ing m1·ul; alway., l'lan a 1·011f1·r1•11c·1· for your lunc·h h our . 8 . H .. lit'Vt' it'i-J>04'r pol iry t o luke ull 1h .. vaC'ulion ulloweJ you. I 0. If y our wo rk <'ull, '°" l rnv1•ling, work all J ay and 11riv .. all nif(hl l o k t•t•p l hl' """' 111or11 in ..:'s appoin tmt>nt. I la rho1· La\irU · ~ot1ot Olive \ lrn 1oi-iul P<.irk · \'lo rt ua r:r · Crematory l'ru111·d \, \ Puloli• ~wn 111• 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Gisler Ave. a l Harbor Blvd.) Ph. 540-5554 Friday. November 5, 1982 21 -Sunday Cont. -@ llOft fhe tovP Mact11ne • (1971 Drama) Jot111 Ptulltp l aw. Dyan Cannon l? hrs :lO m1r I .. U @) IDT Of lll>I ArlfE. NOft.E TOO Gue<.1.., n on Ht;wilfd aCltl'<;s Randi Oakes ,1ny1•r Rei. Smtih therapist Lorna i51~ I WAU IT1lllT W&JC wrl111 Ne1t For Reaganornicsr GuPsl fleryl W Sprinkel Under<;e<;rPl;iry of the T1easurv lo• Mone tary Afla11s 10, ..atfT Of A DOZEI ITAM H1gnhghts a•P oresenteo ot an evP111ng earlier this year 1n L 0<; Angeles 1n whten a c;tellar galhertng of aclo<s comeo1ans. anl.1 rnuSK:ra% got tnge1he1 fl• i;uc;e lunds tor lhe N1lf1ona1 Comm111ee 101 an f llecrrve Congress ZJ llOft ' The First Time' ( 1969 Orn ma) JacQuehne Bisset Wes Stern ( 1 hr 30mtn) I CM. VNIV ctW'EL 1,. llCME Pillow 01 De111h I 1945. Mys 1ery) Lon Chaney Jr Brenda Joyce (2 ~1 Ill ~a TltEATRE To Serve n~m All My Days· The t11s1 woman 10tns the tearh1ni1 s1a1t al Bamtylde and l)efnenth one t'll 1ne older bOyl. wno 1nev1 tably la11c; "'love w11ti he< (Parl 4) Q (I hr ) G) IUWmEI nltOUGltt TltE All'T1 CC) llCME "The C1nc1nnat1 Ktd" f 1965. Drama) Steve McOueen. Edward G Rob rnson (2 hrs J (}D ntl~ Tuesday Weld. Tommy Lee Jones and Wilham Katt star 1n the N Richard Nasti play at>oot an 11tnernnt COil man who 1u1t111's a lonely woman's yearn ·~IOI tove f:> ms . 10 min ) g llCME "P11sooer Of War" ( 1954. Ora· ma) Ronald Reagan, Dewey Martin (I hr., 20 minJ. tt::ltl;::. .:=,.DAVI>~ ~COU·WllITTAlllll .,_ "The Sergeanl Wes A Lady" ( 1961. Comedy) M11rltn Wes1. Venelfa S1~~~.=1n ) l llD' llWlnmllltntEMTI IOalClllY --JUtemoon __ _ 11:91 TtlB ITOOOU ~ "With Six Yoo Get EgoroU" ,968, Comedy) Doris Day, Brien Keith, llfS.) .mAt ;a a• Y CD "The Cnarttr· hOvM Of Parma" With the aid of h8f new lover. Count Mo5ca, the Duchess Gina Sanseverino uses her Influence to bflng h8f beloved nephew Febflzlo beck lo Per- !ma.1=~)tlW91AWOI -"TIM" ( 1981. OJ1me~~ urlt, Mel Olb$0n, ( 1 hf., 35 min. Cl> tmaT uam • ccurm · 1 Lynn Andereon. DoMa Fargo 1ftd Ulcy J. Dellon are lealU<ed In a llve perlormanoo l&ped 81 lhe MGM Gr11nd Hotel In Reno. ~~1hr) "lhe Honor Ounrd" (1081) Od Steiger. David Huffman 'R' (1 hr .• 30 if"-''The Bettt. At ~ P•' um w.e.m> Jdw\ ~unes. .ltd cnen-. 'M ~a, 24 Frtdey. November 5, 1982 I :::=a.WOIU>Of ~ UMDBllTAIDMO HUllWf IEMAYa llO'llE "Runaway ISiand' (Adventurt>) Miles Buchanan. S1mnne Buchanan ( 1 hr 3!> min J tt:a@ llOVll Car11e t 195? Drama) Lau rence Olivier Jerm1ler Jone~ 12 hrc; JO min ) ,_ tJ COU!GE fOOlWAil Cahh)1n1a vs USC {? nrs . 30 nun ) U AT 0.. Guesl actres"-f rant.e Nuyen I~ HllNAW MOVIE "Thf' P11ntt> AncJ The Paupe1 I t937, Adventure) r11o1 f ly11n Ctauoe Rains (2 hrs 30 mm I ~:::~ • MATURI "Arna le Tne Creal r 1g 1 ree· The ma1estic fig lree which 11ses aOOvt> the tush rarn fore~t ol BehLe 1n Central Amer• ca •S viewed ( I hr ) ti) MF\, '°°1WALL The regularly scheduled games may be ore-empted •I the NFI owner I player doSJ)ute remains unre solved. w•lh eflerna1e proQrammong stheduled on a week to weelo. baStc; 13 hrs) ID AlmlCAM GOVUllEfT CC) MOYE "Secrets Ol Three Hungry Wives" ( 1978. Mystery) James f ran CIS<:US, Jessica Waller (2 hi') ) ([) WCT ~ "Maryland Classic" l1\le coverage ol tonal roonds from ~111m01e Md (Due to mandat0<y fCC regutauons, this even( wtll be blacked out w1lh1n 35 moles of lhe Baltimore area) (3 hrs ) CID TME GOU> IUG C1Jpta1n Kidd s bu11ea treasure and two mysterrous strangers add up to suspense and adventu<e IOI a ta(~ ROOTS In t 76 7 I 7 year old Kun ta Konte (LeVar Burton) is kidnapped from Gambia and shopped to America aboard a slave vessel commanded by a con· so1ence-s111cken captain (Edward Asner) larl 1L~hrs) •81MT f'llUT<* OI THI YW<* ~ .,,,... umllCM~_,., .,_ "The Sea Wotves" ( 1960. Adventure) Gregory Peck. Roger MOOle {?hrs) (Z).awl "The Great NOflhtield, MlnlleSO la Raid" ( 1972, Western) Cttfl Aoben &on. Robert Duvall ( t hr . 45 min ) -1MTl•AllA aL•WI..._, ....... ..,_ "The Yoong WerlOrd" ( t975. Advertture) Oliver Tobias, Michael GOI· har~j~{~.,..._ g .,. "Bedazzled" ( 1968, Fan1uy) J:.., Cook, Dudley Moore. (2 hrt ) • ..,_ "Mldntghl Lece" ( 1960. su1C1 0or1s oay. Rex H8rrlton 12 twa. 9 "Dodes'Ka·Den" 4rte10. Ofa· ma) Yothltaka Zusttl. KtyOko Tange (2 hrJ., 30mto,J I ' n ~ M ••"'• ,_.,,,., . .._ .... &IM.1 .. ..,..WlllllMlt 1n en updillte to • progrwn llred In Jlnuaty, tfle polltlcal lltuetlon In El 81fv~ Ind the .,~ of It beoomlog enot'* Viet· 'll_m le elllmlned. ( t hf,) Cl) ... "Soldlerl Thr .. " (1961. Adventure) Srewart Granger. Walter Pod ~n ( 1 hr . 27 min ) W llOVIE "Curtain Call Al Cacll•!> Creek" I t950 ComeOyl Donald O'Connor. Gale Storm (2 hrs ) ta 0 <* C.u.ut "Compulers at Pepper ld·E:OQY MOVIE "My Champion·· ( 1981 Ora ma) Yoko Sh1maoa Chro<; Mitchum (I hr 45 min ) Ml 0 AGllCULTUM U.U D llOVIE "Cheaper Oy rrie Do1en' ( 1950. Comedy) Cl1lton Webb Jeanne Crain (2 hrs ) (I) IT All TIB ~ MOVIE "The Stranger Who Looks Lille Me" ( 1974. Orama) Meredolh Baxter. ~Beac~~~l&MT lfTacJOUCllQ llOlOQY llOft "The Las• Time I Saw Pa11s ( 19&4 Drama) Ellzat>eth Taylor, Van JOhnson (2 hrs J (i.) MOVIE "F'lash Gordon· f t980. Set· ence Ftehon) 5am J Jones. Max Von §ydow ( 1 hr SO min ) [0) llO'tll ' The Fatten Idol' ( 1949. Ora ma) Ralph Rochardson. Bobby Henrey 11 hr JO min) lll llOft ·Bite The Bullet' ( 1975, West· ern) Gene Hack.man. Candice Bergen (? hrs , 25 mon ) -@ LAil Of T1ll ft.I> UI 1J CHl.DMlr't M'YITDY THIATD "Mys lery 01 Ftre ISiand" Two t2-year·old sleuths seek. clues to the mys1e11ovs d•S· !ap~~{ance ol 1t>e1r fisherman lroend (R) • 1lllTlllt OUTDOCl RI ''M AT TltE MCMll UTTU_,.CllTMI~ -WAll•T<* Hosl Mark Shields looks at the 1n1e<play of pohttcs, power and&: In the nallon's caprlot m>--liMOmlft'-- (H) IT..-0 ROo. ONLY "Crystal Gayle In Concert" The Grammy Award-winning star sings many of her biggest hits. inclucf· •no "Don't II Make My Brown Eyes Blue" Ml U,d~~ Your Sleep .. I 1 hr ) W D ..-AY Loca1100 live from Skarefesl '62, Venice and La Brea, Los Angeles (1 hr,::1.. . •-.com ucc. icma fi .,. "Strange Case 01 Dt Jet<ytl And Mr Hyde" ( 1968. Horror) Jack Patance Leo Geon (2 hrs.) e HYll "The Dallas Cowboy Cheefleade<s" ( 1979. Drama) Jane Sey-mour. Laraine Stephens. (2 hrs > e MOWll "Mhllar Roberts" ( 1955, Com- edy) H~ry FOndt1. James Cegney (2 hrs.) • WAU. n-r Wml "Whal Next FOf Aeeg11nomlca?" OUOfll. 9etyl W. 6PMket, Under8ec:retary of the Treaeury tor MOM- l~~=:.,7•1W ..,. "The RuMtr Stumblet" ( 1979. Otama) Olctt Ven Oytce. Kathleen Oulnlen 39 min.} .. caum NITIMI. cainornta Sttte ~ At Long Beech 49orl va. Paclflo =nm•, · .. ,.. -lanclg .,., rv1.-.. 1==-.. CM'fOOlll n WMArtMlt Ill! TllJtAQI ITYU I hu 111yt11" 1110.t 1u11t111vs of ltlt11111uu hwu flu"' p1u-,Hwt1 nn1f ct111ng1n11 111111ul~ Wt• u,11111101111111 t1111>u\)h 11otuov1ew" wllh 111N1t. ji.tll!lll~ 111111 1tm1.hll1~ ( 1 ho ) I ZHllOVll · ltou l 111Jy 110 111•11 11•11ci 1>111 m11) n11l>tlll Cu111t1ll 1'111101•101 '•11t1 M<11t110 LI hr ?Y mon) .. IJ FOfl OU11 TllRI M1111l .111 l\111u111.un Root'> A110 f .111h ll1\)hhyt11~ ,111d "''"' view~ frum thu Mt•Aot1ori A111l11ot.1111 < 11lf11111I Center's 10th an111ver•411y •,yrnp0'..111111 111 Sar~~111lull ~ lllOVIE · The HowhnlJ · ( l'IH I, Horror) Otte Wt1llace Paltrt k M.11 llt'lt ( I hi 11 nun) ... CtMTOf'MD Cl.OllUP .. CWTAlt KMGIJIOO ...: Ml> THI IPO«DI WON> CAll'\ll NOfU: VtDP09IT OM MUTM- TIOel Anatomy 0 1 !:ittel>S" Cuests cosmetic ran Gloria Mw tut l toycJ I 11ese11 D C .J,;;~~ ~~·i~ D ~ Yount Ml> THI lllUH · Do Wt1 Nt•1orJ lmm1Qra11on Ret01m?" i__,AYllAll m..a ~ROOM l.C..: THI FlllT "4Ml(IQfVllO Arnm,11 i:id A caveman and his pteh1!>to11c µ,11<. c111e brate a mos1 u11u::.u<1I fhanksg1111ng ({) COUfQE f00l9ALL Notre Oame Fight 1ng t11sh at P11tsburgh l-'an111e1s (3 hrs) (HJ lllOVIE "Thi' '>l»i Wolvu~" ( 1980 Adventure) Gregory f't't k flogur Me><.ut• (2 hrs ) •@ LOIT•IPA~ 1:21 ~) llAM TWAlt TitEATillE Thi· Au11ecJ Treasure·· Tom !:iawyPr .ind Huc~..reti\'llY r1nn go on search or buneci trea!.u1e dh>nu the M1SS1SS•PP• (I hr 10 111111) .. ,5~ atCAGOI A11D c:ttURCM !QM RAICOUT · AGNCUL. TWE U.l.A. ,Cl lllOVIE "The Fo11r lf(lr<;t'rne11 ut Tt1,. Apocalypse" ( l'lb:' r1r,ir11<1) l •lf'nn rmtl Lee J Cobb (2 hrs 30 rn•n ) CID lllOVIE "Tom" ( 1qs 1 Owm.1) P1p11r l au11e Mel Grbson ( 1 111 !11 n1111 l NI TOOAY'I llEUQ90M TMArtCAT UTTURAICAU rr•WllTTBI ~COPflAMD TARZAll DllKTIOMI DAY Of '*COVD'f WOODY WOODflfCKEJI Ml> ~S YOGA FOfl HEAL nt IUNDAY llAll M llEW llAI> A llf'W f»J>tl 00(.(Jlf\I", ., much·needeo l11encJ to d httl~ U.>y 'Z) lllOft 'The MatJ Allventu1es 0 1 f1abb1 Jacob·· ( 1974. Comedy) Lours De Funes Suz~r ( I hi J~ min I m ITlllll IWTll'T auat I Erik Es tra Ja t•onfront~ h•t•n-a~t·r Moon Zappa on ·(]I iPs' Sunday at R p.m. on KNBC (Ch. I·). 1• UQHTEll la Of M ..a 7:JI LRlml Wll'TMEY Ml> M ltOeOT DA YlllEAl LA. TV~ LOOl(I AT l.INl9tQ FACtNQ LR wmt CHEITEJI TOUC* .-YIWAQQMT : lrllTtR llOQEM ~ · MWOMJ>T MOVIE "Bustin loose' ( 1981 Conrt< <ly) Rr~h.ucJ Pryor Cicely Tyson (I hr J4 lll•n l 1~@ MOVIE Thi' Protess.onals' ( 1966. Mystery) Ourt La11cas1e1 Lee Marvin (2 hP. 30 min I t.'OD IUNDAY llON9tQ Tlll 11 THI LR ~Ml>REl>t 1'£MOUl~ LET lltEJll IE UQHT U.OYD OOI. VIE AAWMl>E IEMYFN.ftU CAlffOOlll El.ECTIIC C°"1AKY (II) . "° tu9All) (~ lllONEY MATTBtl fh1s last·paced oocu nir~nr;iry niters ways h> save money on t1•lephu11e O•lt'> a tnok al r;iy saler, and 1,t 11ttt• Hl".tH Jlt<..•_. LHJIOlt•f"-. ii FRACTIMED ruacm lta.Tlf COfl£UMD ~ OOYllEY (,w .. ts .Jar ~ Hayloro p.istor "' 111e t.hurc.h '" me Way van Nuy'> Oo11 Stephen~ lJJ~•ll Cowie anel Gary ':>tephen·, ot the M /V Anas1as1s an ocean go111g pa~Stlnger <;hrp with a cr11w 1eoresentin1.1 24 nations l:'J:&vu _.,..,_AT CALYAllY ..--:KltPllCI ILICnlC C°"1AKY (It) KM>WYOUR-.a )llOVll ' fh11l1111011tt.111 '>lr1111~t11y Worn ti n· ( t080 C.1111"•tly) I •ly 1111111111 ,C.h.Jrlu>. Orodtr1 It hr :•4 111111 ) <OJ llOYll '()111111y' ( lfJ/'I A\.lvu11turn) R111$.1.u 1'11011 C .11111011 I w 1· ( 1 111 , 28 m11t) ($) tofttm -.01 M ITOM lwo1 t1t1r1111u urb IOUlll II v11l111111l11l1n1b(lll111111111 fWllp1nu to c.r1111.lu•11t111•, N CZJ MOVll "'" 1111111111 1)1 ""' 'otJl.tJU\.U~ Seven" ( 1960 111.1111.11 M111k Amutt C.01 OOl'~p ( I 111 41; tllrr 1 ) .. THl,_11 •IT Of AJI. Lot ANOfl11 8 OIW. ROllJt'TI &co • ., rTllWllTTO lllAlm ITMIT (II) 0 CAUfOlllA ftB tf1WVllW ) lllOVIE .. flit: Druwm11u Pool' ( 197!1. My~.tery) Puul Naw111a11 Ju.111110 Wood waro (2 hr'> ) (.£) ..onlCIJfTt.ll ('S) f~ TALE TitEATllf flurnpel&ttlls 1\111" Hcrvtt V1lll:!< har1e t;tr:. ., .. ,, -.111mue 111111! rna11 wh11 h1>lp:. .r rrnlh•r ·. 11t111gtote1 SQ!n straw 111111 yold ( 1 tu I O lllOVIE "Pult'rrltty" ( t91l 1, t.u111eC1y) Burt Roy11olcJ::. fit•11r.ily fJ Anuot<.r ( 1 hr . 35min) WOtl.J)Nl()N I:» (I) 19\. TOOA Y &)IR'a DAY Off DllCOYBY LOii! AAMQEJt u..nt COPS.NI> THI WOtlJ> TOllOMOW • TMELAWMW AUTO AActNQ l 1v1• cuvu1.:1yu Of the Nl\SCAR Atlanta Journ.11 !>00. lrum A tlan- ta lnterna1101i.11 SpPrr1w.1y '" Hamptoo. Ga (Ou<' 10 mar1Clatwy r (. C regutattoos, 11115 f'v1•111 w ill Lw hlilt~eel •.1!11 N1lhrn 100 rmle:. of thr• H,,,,,, ,,, '" .1r.-u) (3 hr~ 30 mrn) ,.. B ~ FOOTIAU. Lu:, A1191;1ru& Rams at New Ortean!; Saints (Tf'11tat111e) (3 hrs ) 0 GD ~ FOOTIAU I 11P. re\Jula11y sche<l uled ga1111>s m.1y I.ii> pr.,. emptrrt rl the Nrl ownC'r I pl11y~1 <J1~µu1e ll:'milln:, unre- !.Olveo. N1th ·'""'"''"' programrnrng sc:hedutell 1111 ,, wt•P.k 111 wN·~ 1Ja!o1!'. (3 hrs I I UTTU ltAICAlS AT THI MOYEf ' ~ FOOTIAU l •1', l\1•rjf'lt-" R.irns a l New OrleJn•. S,J1111•. 11r11111lrl/t') ( l hr~. 30 rn1n) 0 HBW..D Of 1ll\1Tl4 (J) MOYIE "C to.11111• (.t1.i11 111 llor111lulu' ( 1938. My!-.flfr y I '.1clr11 ·y I oh>r Phyths Brook!. ( 1 hr JO""" 1 -~="° I} M LAWllAICDtl C•J1rP«p<>11dents Lin· da Wertherr11e1 .inll Co~1e rloberts 101n Paul OukE' for an up·lu·the n111111tP sum mary ol Congrel.s.un.-tl .i1 tov11res ml MOMFfltWCERS (H ) ITANDING 1tOOM OMLY "C.ry ... 1a1 Gayte lri C.Ollt.1'11' Th" liro1111111y Awilrd w1nnrng •.t.ir -.111vs tri.111; • 1r1r1 t.11gyP<t hit!. 1nc.lud· ony 0011 I II M.fk• Mr f31ow11 I yP'> Rlue" 311Cl T di~ 11 l fro 'Y •JI c,., •·Jr 11 lt1 I S llOYIE Tiu fl11•••" r ,11111•1.ll" I t979 OlamaJ (»c..._ v.u IJy~ t> ~ .ill11e1· 1 Ourntan ti hr 39 min 1 c:')UMaltA.PlNI Friday, November 5, 1982 23 -Sunday Cont. U Ml l9l.EY'1 ~ rr °" MOTi r ea lured a reaH1IP Or Jekyll and Mr Hyde b11ar•e OPI'> •ne <;,."•t>"I tic lrdud 01 the missing lrn• l New ,. .. arana lJPer round un. the WOr Id '> rrtO!.I 1r1115•J<ll JftoJI J', ( I lhr)==CI AU. CMAMlll GIREA T Nm 111.W. MAMIE ·1".op1e A Prx~ Fe>r All Sr.1 son" A him <;111dy 01 lhP ko1l1es huge ou1cropp1ngs ~• ·oc• " Ah •c..a:. Serl'nge11 Plain is pre-sen lea (I r•• .EJ 9'0«TacemJI <tJ llllOVll Tt11' Se,1 W(llvr•<,' ( 1980 Adventuret Lo1»gou f'l'n R1K)f-'• Moore [)vnng Wr1rld w,,, II I grfl<JJ'I ol Br 1•'>11 bu<;•ne<;smen tum •l v111trrlfee1 r1>gm1i>111 hl dest1oy a CJem .. 1n "PY •u>st " the 11101an Ocean PG t? hr<; C'OJ leA IAl«ET..uJ. l 11, ,\11qplf'S I <11\PIS vs Po11land Trail Alaler<, t? n•'> 1 IS QllEAT ~· OI COUWT1f1 lalllC • l ynn An1t<>rso11 [k1n111 f,1rQ~ anrt Laty J Dallon ari> teahJtf'll 111 ,, 1t11e pf'rln•mancp taped al th<> M(,M ( •' ·'"'' HOIPI ,,, Renn Nevada < t nr 1 l?J lllCMf: f'1P f 1!f.I l tl1'P tYG9 011 ma) JacquehnP l'\t~~l'I Wes i:>IP<I f I hr 30m1n ) I OUMQl COUNTY IPOflT1 ICOIE , ..... 1=-~OAYIAGAll &.C.: Tl4E RltlT THAllCIGMMO An1m;i1 ed A caveman .1110 ht • pret11 .inn< pats celebrarf' a rnusl uou-.11.11 rt1an~<,grv1nq ~ leA TOl9QHT ~Ol~COUNTY ,,.. leAIAUmAU Porll.111d T1.11I Bia/Pl':. •I Los Angeles t .iker• ti Jue'" m;rn1111t<,•y rec IPQllli!ltOll' lh1, Qarnf' may b<> OlaCl.t><l out rr1 y1Jur 1llf'ill 1.> hrs ?O m•nL .. 8 ())Mall IUllUJrl "'-AC( SIPphan1p rs granle<l an .iud1lron ..it lhP liJme<J ~11gh School 01 Pe•lorm1nq Arts D fli) CtlPI Por1ch antJ llntrhy qo ,111e1 <1 pair OI high SPN"•J br~1· ha•vltt~ Wtlh lhP help ol Bobby's b•OlhN o:1 vri11n11 c arti>I .11 lheCHPA~ (1 hr) B anaT Tiii ftD (!]) Man NOUITOM Mall '''"' '" harp a restaurant owner l11anrt whc. r111<;. hf'Pn accused 01 mwrti>11na ,, w••ll 1<11own lood critic (I hr I • m rT II WIWTTEN TftJQKT lOllE llOYll Tt11> IJalla!> r Jwb oy Cheerle11de1s" t 1979 Drama) Jane Sey moor. Laraine Stephrnc; A fJ•Ptly maga l•ne repo11er 101ns lhe qh1te11ng world ol professional cheerleaders 1n order to gather scan<lalous 1nlorma11on for an ~of !he all-Ame11can girts (2 nrs ) • MO¥ll "Voyage To The Edge Of The WOfld" ( 1977, Advenlure) Oo<:umenl&ry. World-famous undersea e•ptorar Jacques Cousteau leads an e•pad1t1on 1n10 the mys1e1tous and awesomely ooaullful Ant arctic. (2 hrs J tB llO¥W "Man Of Mar_,.,. Je1iy Rad zJwllowter, Kry<Jlyna Jenod A yoong fllm rneker lrys to 1ecoos1111ct the picture ol Poland's Stalinist past 01 shll11ng props Q!nda (3 hrs ) • UTUlll "Kop)e A l'lock rl)< All See son" A fllm atudy at \fte kop)ee, h\.lge outcrc>pplngt of rock In Africa • Serenoe11 Pleln, "'~etenle<I ( t hr ) flD llAYWaiCI ntlATM "To Serve Them All My Oay11" Ch11t1enged by his teaching and contenl In his m1111111ge to Beth end ttlelr 1w1n deughler&. David II 28 Friday, November 5. 1982 given his lust promo1oon (Part 5) Q (I hr ) CJ llOv. Three Days Of The Condor ' 11975 Su!>j)ense) Robert Redlord Faye DuMway A research reader employed by the CIA uncove1s 1nle1nal 1reachery when all ol his co-workers are assassinated by a hit man who 1s now stalkrng him (2 hrs ) llllOVll "Pllhca 0 1 The City" ( 1981 Drema) Treal Williams Jerry Orbach A New Yor~ cop rs caught between lederal pressu1e and loyalty to n1s fellow otf1cers du11ng an 1nvest1ga11on of wrdespread police corruption A (2 hrs 45 min ) SI llOYll Soutnein Comtort' ( 1951 D1ama) Keith Carradrne Powers Boolhe A group of Na11onal Guarasmeo on week c-nd maneuver::. rn a I ou1siana bayou spar~ a sm;ilf gUt>rrrlla war wtlh a commu hlty ril backwOOCls Ca1un~ A· t 1 hr 40 mm) 0 lllCMI: True ConlPss1ons t 1981 Orama) Robert De Niro Rooo11 Duvall The usu;1lly separate worlds ol two broth ers a Lo~ Angele<; pohce detec1111e and an amb•l•ous Roman Ca1holic pnesl con verge during a murde< 1nves11ga11on 'R {I hr 50m1n) e',;) COUIGI FOOBAU Cah!Qlnra S1a1e Titans vs Fresno State Balllin' flulldoqs i hrs . 30 min ) .. IEf/llYFAl.llEU t::a ([) QLOllA Maggie's pay as you-go policy at lhe c1tn1c backl11es with unex ~le<l and t a1as1rophic results ~ Tl4E WCllllD TOMOMOW IA T\Jl>AY 9IQfff llOv. "Bite The Bullet" ( 1975 West em) Geni> Hackman Candice Bergen A lront1er newspape1 sponsors a race against lrme across the Western bad tanos 'PG (2 hrs , 25 min ) .. 8 ([) TIC AJ I CU. George and Lowse learn that !he suave bachelor Flor- ence 1s out oo a dale with Is a convictE'd murderer 0 TV'S C&elOMD llOOf'al Marilu Henner and William Shalner 10in hOSI Dtck Clark 101 a look ar some of !he lunn•est TV llubs and gools never 1n1en<le<l lor public viewing ( t hr ) I llCIWID •••r••• OJ) MO¥ll "Krame1 Vs Kremer ( 1979, Orama) Ouslln Hollman. Meryl Streep A man ball~ with his ex wife 101 cus10dy of lhe11 young soo after she walks oul on them Q (:>hrs .. 15 min) GM CHO fl) 11.Aii&SCI TMIATM 'To Setve Them Alt My Days.. Challenged by hrs teaching and content In his marriage 10 Beth and their twin deughlers. David Is given hts llf&t promotion (Pan 5) Q ( 1 hr) G Tn ells D4m> ll.OOf'IM Merflu Henner and Wiiiiam Shatner jOln host O.Ck Clerk IOI a look st some of the tuonlest TV llubs and goofs never Intended for public viewing (2 hrs ) G lf'fl19Y "Fethef Brown The Three TOOis Of Death .. When a klndly phllan lhroplsrs d8ughler Is accused of her father's murder. fhe~rrs llancee conle88et lo the crime. 1 hr ia:C-' ~ 1111 ...... cm .,.. "TIU. Conleaslons" ( 198 t, !5fame) Robef1 De Niro, Robert Ouvau The VIUll.lly MP&r•te WOtldt ot two btotl). en. • Loe Angelel pol~ detective and an ambltlovt Aomen Catholic priest. con- verge du1log a murder lnvettlgatlon 'R' ( 1 hf .~ min.) •(J1}0MIW ••Cl>•MYATA .... I WU>~ MQYMl9£ llllOVll "Angels With LJ111y Faces" ( 1938 01ama1 James Cagney Pal O'Bnen The pains of two boynooa tnends Cltverge. one to the Church, the other 10 crrme (2 hrs ) 11:t1 IJ ([) 11'A"'8 ~ K.O. Or Stanley Riv· ers1de tS kidnapped and threatened w11h death unless his abduc tors get e S 1 000.000 ransom ( 1 nr) D IEW Nm .novm T'El.Ev.on QMATUT CO S?TXIALI Ed McMahon and Martelle Ha11ley h1ghhgh1 some of the beSI funniest and most memmabte TV commercials ol the past 30 years ( 1 hr ) l lD«l>lllWI WON> fGI TODAY ICMIJIMITBI I WON> lfTO IMAGE 'Carl Foreman" The award·wtnntng 5ereenw111er ol High Noon and 'B11dge Over The R•ver Kwa1 talks at>oot h•S hims and what 11 was like working 1n HollywOO<l du11~1e '40s and !!Ost._ ... m MOil EJIQLJIH 'lhe Unpleas antness Al Thi> Bellona Club On Arm1 !.t1Ce [);iy 1n 1ci22. 90-year-old General Fen11man d•t>S peacelully 1n his armchair at the Oellona Club (Part 1) ( 1 hr I 1C1 llllOVll 'fscape rrom New YOfk ( 198 t Sc1Pnce f'1coon) Kun Russell Adrienne Barbeau In 1997 a t1a1rtene<l t;11minal ,., ot1e1ed a p.1rdon 11 he can res ~V•' rne p1es1oen1 ot the U S from the pri!.On c..•ty that Manh111ta11 has become A t t hr 40 min I li)i.l 11EA111l 'lne Supt>r 70s' ( 1 hr ) (~ llllOVll Twe Conless10ns· ( 1981 Drama) Rooe11 Of> N"o Robe•I Duvall The uwally separate worlds ol 1wo bro1"· ers. a Los Angeles police detective ano an amM•OlJ<; rloman Calhof1c prleSI coo· verge ou11ng a murtJt>r 1nves11gatton. A' ( t h•. 50 min) 0 llOv. "BaO~'-' 173' ( t971 01ama) Robert Duvall Veina Bloom A New York C11y cop wages a singlehanded campaign against a ct1me syndicme ( 1 hr . 55 mm) -.([!) llO'¥IE Angela' ( 1955 Suspense) Dennis o·Keefe Rossano Brau• An American ltne!s h1msefl 1mplk:ated tn a plot tor murder when he pursues 1he charms of a ooau11tul woman ( 1 hr . 40 min ) -1 fAITM .. IAGI ... ...,..~ ...,nMllMT TOMY ..,,..._ ~ .. Blacks In White TV" Tony Brown looks at !he early commercial dec1s10nS that affected the treatment and / or omission or black actois Cl' JWCWU ... lZJ CMA&ll CMAl9Ut TALltl wmL ''Robert Mllthum" .. I MIDAY...,.. PAii 11'1 -·~AL UMY 'AMml "Is America Fatting Apart'?" GU861s Abbie Hollman, Charles Wiiey. tounder of the Comml11ee tor R~slble Patriotism ( 1 hr ) II _.,,ALRJ. 90Vll "Man 01 Marble" Je11y Rad· zlwlfowlci. Krystyna Janda. A young lflm- maker trys 10 reconstruct the picture of Poland's Stalinist PHI of ~fttng pr~ Q!nda. (3 hfa.) "" • mM Wn NHI Gabler end Jef. fray Lyont review "National Llunpoon't t a Reunion" and "Jinxed " CGU.ltl 'OOTIAU llltll..llMT• bralka Va. Oklahome State" (I) ..... "Old LMther" ~··~._....~~~-=-~.;;;;;;;..;;;._;;..,, _______ ....., ...... ____ .... ____ ..................... .. ~•llAIDtOI. ... IAO < 11111101 Vt1llny C"''""' I \fl 111111111 l'IU\ ll~o 111111 11111 lt!llL llOfllt 111 1nul\.ltt11lb 1illtl 1 i1110tl1111 ll1111 wurk111i. "' ·.h11w11 wl11111 1110 111111•1 ( h11r.111 hlll11J 1111 •111111un 11yh111 u111i1111 l1t1tw11"11 tlu' two< 111 Oltttlti 111UU1111Jlll~ Ill 1011 ' WAlt9tQTO. W1U • MYmW IYDYDAV COOlltG wmt ~I..,.. tioultlo 01 I t1lh11 .,· Mw11n1 I 1n111 h t fhJt .Jht qut~'• P11p10 duHHHt•,IH IJH '• 'ur111111111111 1111d "'''''"'II nuu·.. ''"" tli"l ll~t!Ub Vllll\JIJ'. lo.11\ iltUI tlllUljlllll!HI El COUJQI l'001'AL.L I •,11 I 1yt1111111 l1uttr~ 111 A101lm11,,1 < 11111""" l nJI' <:~tu .. 10111111 J H MOVll '"""' A11111111J 1 l•ilJll ( '"" tt•ly) C:.u1y llu•,.1y A11111•llt' U l1x1l1• t 1 tu '1 nun) IOJ MOW Ml 111.111111110·· lllllllh "" l>ru.1111 Hrn'"" ( 1'14ft l 111111•1lyt l 111, lillJllt, Myr1111 I uy (.' 111 <. ) 0 MOW "Duy I 111 N1011t 11~/t'. lir.i 11111) J11tQUf'lu111 lh'.'ot·t v.1lw1111111 Lnrtt'···· ltuer·ted tiy I 1ur1c1w, t1111t.1111 11 111 •,4 .. l'""'=.r:~=-AICtRWI ....... " WAU ITllEfT .IOUlllNAl. IDOftl' = "Man 0 1 M.lllJIP ' Jt'rty fl.111 11w1low1cz K1y~1y11.1 J,11111.1 tJ hp, ) &!) FllltQ LM l1v1u111 lo l<.h1r.t11<111 C.uesl Mo111111er Adle• 11 hr ) IC I llOYll I hit I 11u1 I to111A1111141!1 Of I 1111 A111x.ulyµ11a ( 1u11;' ()1a11111) Ula1111I 11111 111«1 1 CotJlt (I''"'' to 111111 1 IL) lilOY9 Jm lo. Ami 11111 llH1111111i1lk ( 1U1tl I 1111111wl A111111ulucl (I 111 1.1 111111) .. an 9'AIHVLLI MIW'll c •lltnlll Oolll>od ,.,,,., ft141 8 111mplar rtm I urn C 111y11 J11h11 I> I 1111<lttrr111llo. I hr ) •U l ZJ llOYll lion Muror l '""k tJ (1111111 My!>lttty) I ll111ti11lh l.1yh11 K1111 Nuv11lo. 11 ht 46111111} 1i:1t CUNIWI me.we LAYIMI a ltRn a ComtAlfY .... WCI 'AO(·~ COIRllJfT1Al AICNIWI I llOfOflWll)( --lllllvenlng ------- .. IOfmNIWI MAWt DAYI AGAle 1 a. Loc•noet r 1Mlu•110 ,, •e11ci11 .,,, the singles ~utll' 11 ~11oJl.t' 1t.i•11t11 ,, VH•I 11am vet who c.unquered !ht' hrn• M.111 I'' tHhfllUrt I =-~~ flGHTIAC« IJQHT 11 IMOUGH llOW "YOUIS Mine Arul Our•, ( 19ti8 Con•elly) l 1JC1ile Oall Herny I u11 do A man w11ti 10 kid~ 111J111e!> J wo111.11 l lUCl~ WON.OWAlll MOVA Wt1y I h flu I» '•"'U I t;( l1t11lllllt 11•ot1111nu wily tm1J~ ''"V will • lllQIO<l•I '", 11111•, 111111 ,,,,.,., 1hu11 11 .. J1v1t.J1111I 1tcmga 11l1111u 1111111 O••r111r,111011 lu u111111r1tl1011 (A) oc1t111 'SJ 'AIM TAU THUT'M fiumµelat1111 I.ill I ft!l\11> Vtlil!( """" •11111 h II~ R 1t111nu• 1111111 1111111 wilu ht•lp~ 11 11111101 " dtlughler "fl'" 1.1111w 111111 U•Jld 11 111 I .. Q7lftP•MVllW .. , NIWI COMFIJIPCI MAWt DAVI ACWM NOIU'I COURT -~ONON WHY .. THI WOflU> )M()Vll llut ltu 1t•1J1l1l11 '.)lo1111k111u Wo111 ,,., 11111111 1 111111•cly1 t 1ly l1111111n. Cherie:. """''" A '""'"''wilt• t111d" 11 t1111Cl 10 cope wtum "'''' "111111 .. 111y h1·u111'> 10 snrink 1n """ I'<, ( I tu • '4 111m I CQJLOI ~· WERI ... ~ 0 lllOVll I 111• I .r1•.1I A<hlt:lllUre" ( 1954 A.tvP11luro·1 1<-11·1 '.111 il'>tlu•ll AndOfS No1 l1or1J II '.w1•1!1•.l11hr1•tf 11 µ1e<oonl!. a Cloco rr1t•11l.11y •>11 lf1t1 -.Nnndn'"' ol r1a1ure and Wlillltlf• 11111 1'>111111) 1110 6 ([) IO MNITEI 0 Cl) VOVAOlJlll Pturie.10, 1 •• ip1ured by '''" I urk'> .11111111111" 11, '":.LUI' 1ellow pus· ''""'' I .1wr .. 1u" ,, Ar.otu.1 ,1111J Jell1&y 1111•1•1 Tl'''"·' ll•v.11 rh-"" t I ht I 0 HAWf DAYIA<WN 0!) Tlll OlD MOUi( !lob Vrl" .mo N111111 Abr.:1111 take ,J 10ur n t ""' '""Nly II:!•" 1v.11 .. 1J hou~ (Rt 0 w1tn e•Qht (2 nrs tr.;=:;;;;;:. ____ =-_...;;;;.. ___________ ====~ ~ ... -------------------.... POOL AND SPA OWNERS SAVE NEW SYSTEM SAVES UP TO 75% OF HEATING COSTS. Nothing etse like 11. Maintains temperature 24 hours with or wit hou t the sun For fr ee 1nlor ma t 1on and speci al introductory ofter CALL 631-6360 ADVANCED SOLAR APPLICATIONS 885 PRODUCTION PL. NEWPORT BEACH Every Sunday in the INFLATION FIGHTING PRICES! s4 All Men's & Boys' Haircuts Senior Citizens (Over 65) s3so ~\.)T-MARt BARBERS 5 Profe ssional Barbers To Serve You 631-9654 2200 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson. C.M. (K Mart Plazat Friday, November 5. 1982 25 -Monday Cont. lctl(L flil•. IC ,.. . I I IH , • l'!llf't!y) •,,111y f1pld fqn1f11, t •'f It •IH It r1f ,.-, lfllfl ~ l !lo I f\, I I 1· 1111111 I h.1•11.11 '.tno1 •· I• ,, , t • , • I< .. ,..., I 1 hf '>'•fl II t S.,{f7l f,11 1t.1 1111 fll'f I l~H 1 ( 01111 cJy) r ,1 1 11 • 1 ti •1 ( ' 111 I( ' ' 141@ f,1· ,f It 1111' fl I 1 1" '" 30 l!•ll tC T •••• ,, .. 11 ! ,, ! I ,, II 1 l•lfl I (1omt•<l1 II •I"" H ·~ "111 1r I HH<,lo v I' r I au" ' I H I •, ' qi ' oi1 1! ft f\r11n1 ti e<J v, If.. ' ,, it,., di, \~u '"' V•flC t\fll Pt•(P , .... t•f ~ --Evening----• t:tl OU MEWI awaJE'S AMGE..I C81MEWI EIGHT II EMOUQtl IUT Of lilmMOHT llP(CW. MICMEWIQ ....... " HAWAI RYE-0 OYBI WY r. II'·' H11 jl I •••WI' Q ..CMEWI • IAl>EJtlT AM*Q HUMAN IOtA V10fl ( ) llOYE ( ,,..,., If ,. I l'lfl I /\dvenlW<') ny;rn O'N ... 11 """' 1\11 ,,,., A11 PllQlllf'l'I and a 1111" 1•lr"nl I I '<\h I C.mrfll Ar-rPrrf1 , •'• t J 14 J "' f l I ft11f•t• 1n 9er11"' I • '', !-t1tt' , $1110Yll H•jl 1.o1wtrv 11'181 Orama) T1moll1y 11111' 11., 1 r t.i r "'' A11 i>scapPd corw•ct ,,, J r • 1• 1 .11 1 ·"fl !.J·rltrieno II!'<" 10 me m• ;r 1.111 f , I' hr 1,· 1111n > 0 MOYIE Th1• /\11 1•111 11111i1l11m Ot fm11y ( t964 CoHl'l<'tlYI J.11111" C ,,m1er .J11l11 Andrew<, Aomaru ,. tl''>W' L••lwi'ell a Brit 1sti war w11jnw .J•lfl .i n.Jn hPtO•C off1eer assignea 10 µ1ov11J• h•s .. upenur., w11h the luxuries ol h()me 11 h1 55 rn111 ) .. 1 :-~~ IAMEY -.uJI = CAYFrT c '"""1 1 .. 11,1111an M1lln1 Ps;irl l) (RI I l(WltQl'0W9 WOMDOf~ ,. ca.wa ..CMEWI NAlf'Y DA YI AQAlt MICNEWIO , .M. llAGAZlllE IOAI' ... Dn'DT~ TOMQHT nml'I CC.AMY G).IOKD'IWl.D __. • Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing lovP c;onci· tnqethPr w•lh the help ol John Ben11e11 ~ ............ NioMA~ llOVW "D111y Tllcks < l981 Comedy) Ellt0tt Gould, K111P Jackson A Harvard professor t>o<;omes the quarry of persons anKlous lo get lheor hands on a recently dlacovered let1e1 wrotlen by George Wash· i.!:!gton ·pa ( t h1 JO min J CZJ llO¥ll "The Return 01 The Secaucus Seven" ( 1980. Otama) Mark A1no'tt, Gor ! dOn Clapp The members ot a group of OOllege students active in the protest rnovern.nt during lhe '60s gathef for a weetlllf'ld reunion 'fl' ( I hr , 46 min.) I OUllll CCUfTY TODAY Ml ... NI I• 1111 TOllll FMIUfed thr" of the 28 Friday, November 5. 1982 I Gt'orge Burns a n d llernudNtt• Peters poke fun ut Sf'X on •(;4•orgf> Burm; & O ther Sex Symbols· Monday at 9 p .m . on KNB<: (Ch. 4.) . hottesl tJN>lcake C.illf'nelar<, tor 1983 a look al Narcorepsy and insomnia. Th1111t ans s1ars 1n dress rehearsal for 1h1s yoar'c; celebrity funora1smg extravaganza RG.H Ma.YFIW MOYIE "Cabari>t ( 1972 Musical) L11a Mmnelh, Joel Grey fhe rise ol lhe Nazi party 1s reflecleel 1n lhe upheaval of cnd1v1eluat lives (;;>hrs 30 min I moeeu. m TIC TAC DOUGH llADMm'I PUCI YOU ..:ID flCMI IT r•·•.,. ~n.11 Guest EltZBOelh Ashley llACIB.. I LBlml 90tlT ~ Plll'riifi Neal Gabler and .!el trey Lyons review "National Lampoon's Class Aeu"°'1" ancl "Jinxed " (C) llO¥ll "lhe Man Who Would Be 1ono" ( 1975, Adven1ure) Sean Connery, Michael Caine Based on lhe st0<y by Rudyard Kipling Two British 50lellers set out to claim the riches ano powet ol o remote. IGQenelary kingdom. ·po· (2 hrs . 9mln) G llO¥ll "Devil Bel's Daughtef" ( t946, Mystery> Roeemary LaPlancne, Molly Lamont A female leech-like bat •trikes tear In the hearts of thOse wllh the mlafor· lune to encounter her ( 1 hr . 30 min.) .. 8 IQUMm ,_ Marlhan Mis out 10 win the tehoOI'• telenoe fall, and Lauren'• hea~ With hit "love detector " 8., UTT\I MOUM.i A .. •H 1111 Of McOueen IMrnf the whe<MbOuta of voung Matthew Ind ga. to coun to ~a111 CuSIO<l. y ol him !Pall 2) c:;i I I,,, I ®)TICAT't~ LA TIM l'tW)Rf MOYIE Cry The HPluverJ < "'''''Y ( 195 I 0tdmil1 Cana 1.1 I 1·e •, .. ,,.,.1 Pn l1N Tragedy b11r19s ,1 hf,11..~ r11.11• ,.,, l .1 white man tr>gert1Pr a~ f111•110<, 111 l1t111t1lr·d Soolh Africa 12 hro; I ~ ~ MAGA29E $1.lvt• your '·f'• J.1 1•• •P fems over 1he phone ,1 v"11 w1111 1111• I '"' pa Bay Bucc11nCf'rs c.het.'1feader• (!) ll0¥1E Breakrw11r1 Pao;, 11976 Weslern) C.h,ufes Bron<,<Jn At•r 10•111<,c n A d1<;qu1sed lf'Cleral Jtjl'r11 IJ.JJ1•,prnl111y .1 p11SOllPI by lr.1111 throuqh ll•e WP~t IS <;IJtJ Clenly caugh1 '''' in ,1 d.JroqProu~ • 1'q1JP11c.e ol Pven1s a~ 1r.i1n p.1· "''nq'!r', '"' rn111 Clered (2 hrs I @ ..xED IAQ f'y1· T1 ryP Pno1c1gr.1 phers nobert r1,1r11> .111rJ W1ll1,1m f iqlf'<,1(111 Cl•SC.U'>S and h·mor1•,llJIP tUJW lhey poonePreel fho> 1111'•J111n1 ;i• • .'111 '"' form ar111 1001. 1t •nlo cn101 f1l) ~T '9lfONIAHCfl TtH• t.11..it1t>r hOUM' 0 1 Parma" Fatir1110 """' .1 111.111 ol Ille church IPilvPS wt1pn i-..... 111111 rpvpals her •ncesruou!. rove 1«1 li1m 1.11e1 t11> ~ills lhe waious hu'>lmnd ol .111 .lt.lr•'"' "' <.ell defense (Par! 3J r 1 tu 1 '1i) UT\JRI · Kop,e f\ fl ex. k f ,11 All <,pa son A hlrT· stud) , t lht k111 •1t" h1Jye ou1cropp1ng<, 01 roe ~ " f\tnl .1 s S1•renuet1 P1a1n. is prec;i>nrpcJ ( 1 h1 1 ~~Story (1G81 HOHOfj Freel Asta11e .John HOUSl'ntdl1 My<,lf>!IOUS elea1hs t>eg111 to 1Jec1rn,11e 1he ranks ol a small circle of elderly men who sh,irt> bo1h a mon1n1y s1ory1e1hng QPI 1oge1her a11Cl a 50 ~to ~crel A 11 hr ~O min 1 COJ "All r an Down ( 196? Drama I Eva Ma11e Saini. Warren Aea11y An 1rre- Stst1ble laellt'S man ha<; a broet bul 1n1ense alfatr w1lh a beaulilul v1s•lor (2 hrs ) (S) MOYIE 'Prince Of T'1e C•ty" 11981, Orama) Treat Wllhams, Jerry 01bach A New York cop is caught belween federal pre!.Sllre and royalty 10 ll1s telfow olhc.ers during an invesllgalton 111 w1rteo;preael e£11ce corrupllOn 'A' (2 hrs . 45 mm ) g llOYll '70110. The Gay Blaoe' ( 198 1. Comedy) George Hamilton. Lauren Hut ton The h1ttoic son ol Old California's famous 1us11ce hghler 1s mc;ipacnateel by a 11el1ng 1n1ury forcmg his lopplsh brother 10 don lhe cape and mask 'PG' I 1 hr 33 min I "I AU..,,. FMa.Y l:al (l)..VATl .. 'Amt CMr\Mft MGllU IO YOU Tim YOU OOT TROUR.11 llO¥ll "Early Days" Su Ralph Richard· son A rellred clvll servant behaves more mischievously when he reollzes It annoys relatllles and netghbors ( t hr . JO min ) M d1J .. "The Strange Love Of Marlha • fVers" ( 1946. Orama) Barbara Stanwyck, l(lrk Douglas A married woman 1s v1Ctfm- 1zed by a Chllclhood playmate whO watched her klll her aunt (2 hrs . 30 min) CI) CMAMD ~ TAUi wmt... "Aobett Mll.chlMn" .. 8 Cl) rA•l"tl Wlnchelter tails tor a Red Cross volunteet, and a vt&ltlng Army olll- 09' frlet to make a w11 hero of a North KOtMO pllot ......... _ .. on._ ..,..... GeorgerBufnt llngt, dlnoM •nd po61• !Un It 11X with ~I QI*! 1tar1 John 6cl:hneldef. Lindt E'vw end a.me~ d9tte ,,...,., ( 1 hr ) • --lunclay Cont. 1H1 MOYW I 1111 '••ll Wu1.,,,,, t lllffU Atfvw11t111 n I 1 11 "\jlll y I m ~ ""U'" M1101" ll111111u W11r11J Wuo II '' IJ" 11r11 111 1111111.11 tJll"'llllMllll"lt 111111111 v11l1111t11ttr ll!IJll!lt!l•I fl1 tl11~1r11y 11 (11111t11tr1 "PY llct~I 111 tf\11 ltuht111 ()<;111111 l't l•l 111 .. ) (Ll 1110VW r 11111111111111llt1 · 11014 1111111111) Sylvl11 K1111tnl 1\111111 ( uny >. I 1 r11 11 111111) (0 ) lillOYW '( 11111111 K1111wh'llUn t l'H 1 D1nr1111) .Jut k N11..ll11l•.1111 1\1111 M111yr•1I lwo 1 nlloUrt 111111111~ ~"""" '>ttVll••tl yrnor~ o.lllllfl 111111 1111<'1 IJl1lrh111t11111 dl!K.llVl!llllU hlt1 t;y ~h1111119 111111 .. w111 hlfl1J 1•111.11 11ll1u1 ~ ll!,'lh1t111c.Jt. 11 I I tu II 1J1111 J IZ) lllOVW l'1•u1t• tl'll\I) 11111111111111 Rumo~ Ou ~•lv.1 M.1111111 f'11t11 t.' r11., 11 nun } 11:1' CMMIWI G;!... ... 11~ ~ ,ACUITTDI IAMY'AMD AT 1ltl llllOYWI LD•NO!t 1ltl CllUll AnlN&A TH TV QUAJntMACICI "Not lh t.1m11111u State m lllOVll At IY I '" I uvc•. ( 1'180 Clr..t ma) $11~.111 Blakely Puwt•1., Boothe A divorced ,111111tw1<11111111> •IOU•l. I r1n1l ,, ll'lroCe 111.1r11NJ tllC"ohoh< f,111 111 lovf! 1.11111 lty to st!Yt.I ea1.h olhr•I hum ~II UCSIHJ( llVll ~l (?hrs) ) SPORTICO'TD 1bel lllOVIE ·A Cry Flit l 11ve· I t9UO 01.1 ma) Sus.:i11 Olal\ely, Powers lloo the A e11vorcecJ .rrnphetanune auo1c1 and ,1 1hrn;" ma111Pd alrohuli .. tall 111 love t111d try 10 save em.h lllh111 f1 ,>111 '>ell uesrrui;flull .ifll 1:> his) UMCMEWI -Monday -•Morning Moviu- MOYEmO .. 111:1 1t1SlCJ "E!icape f1orn New Yu1k' ( 1981 Sc• ence f1c11011) Kwl Rus!,ell Ad11enne Bar· beau ( I hr 40 mm ) d (Ol · Mumonegro ( l!:l81 Lo11wdyJ Su!>an Ansp.11..l'l r da11d Jos..•phson ( I h1 40 min I .. 0 B.u.lye :173 I tti7J 1)1,11n,1) llul>t•tt ().JVall Vemd n1oom I I 111 '.J'' 111111 I .. @ Tlus f,mh Is Mine I l<l!>Y f)l<1ma) Roe i. Hu<J .. 011 Jt>an 5.,,,, 11011s (? hrs JO min) ta00 I lru Pog1J t 1980. ~.1111") Aruni.11 ed Vrncf•<; ul Jonall'lan W1111p1<. V1n~P.rll P11t.e (2 l'lrs 1 M (Z, rrw (..1P.il Nortl'll1eld M1nnt>so1.1 Raid ' ( 197?. we~lt<rn) c 1111 nobe11son. Rooert Ouvali \I hr 45 min 1 Nt(f) "Up In Arms· 11944. Comedy) Oa11 ~Kaye 01nah Shure (? 111s ) LS) "lmprope1 Cl'lannels' ( 1981 Corne dy) Alan Arlo,111 Ma11e11e Harrlcy ( 1 hr 32m111 J 1:11 (0 1 (..1t.11he Mullin t 1474 Al1ve11111e1 OavuJ llPmm1ngs Rillph R1ch.:11d<;on (;> hrs I .. (Cl r ol~l· I,..,, Jolt ArnJ ~r .. IV!' II I t 'Ill ' Comedy) Ri•IJclf liar. Oa•Oa•..i Her~'"'Y i_1 ltr 40 lntrl ) Ila@ "The Trouble With Girls ( 1969. Mus. cal) Elvis Presley Marilyn Mason ( 1 hr 45m1n) CD "The I .1dy In F~F>r1" 119/9 Dramal nG 110¥11 Hoot1t1 C'.ogt>urn I 197b Wnt•rn) J1.1ll11 W1y11e 1<1111111111 lltµ own Wti.11 .. l•delll 1111111101 HI• UUI IU llllCk Clown 0 g1ng ol OHPolll<loeli, 11 11p11111t111 w11h • 01udo• aoa11111 th• ijµlng 111s11~t>1111nu him In ti•• hun1 (2 h11 > !Ill "S1111 1n10 Danger ' 11967. Adventure) r,.nn11 O'Kffft. Kothl.,en nya11 A ll11rcel01111 l>OAI coprnln b.como1 1111/<llvctrl With d Ullf\O Of 11!\eve& WhO Wllnf 10 110111po11 •,101011 arl tleit11ur1111 (L hr&) r Cl lllOYW · 1 hf! C1nc1nn1111 Kid • ( 196f> 0.1111111) Sh11111 McOVoen. f <1wn1d v Rob 11\bOll A yOUl"1 c;&1c.Jth&ri> 11198 10 be81 11\e k1nu or 1lud l)Okor 111 a 1J11111t; ror pros11oe LI hi • !>O "'"' I u•• lllOYll !he flgel !;an<.111.>n" ( 1975, Sus1>4111tw) Cl1111 resrwood G1101ue Ken 1111dy A torme1 hlted Ii.Iller 111 lured !tom tun 1ot> 11:. a r.0Httu11 µrOf116601 10 petlorm a 111oun1e1n ·1Up u11sut18lna11011 (2 l'lr&. rO min) ,. I "'CWI llOvtl 'Bod no11a1d • ( 1974, Suspense) Kun Hun1e1. ::>coll Jacotiy A new house b1111gs a young family lots of surprrses including a psycl'lopathrc k1lle1 l'l1d1ng In the attic (2 hrb ) D AU OOO'I CMLOMJI Millions or rne wOlld's children five In a delicate balance between hie and dearh. hope end uespa1r ii~ OUTDa...TI THIROOKlll llCMI "Zoo• Sull" ( 1981, O<ame) Daniel Valdez. Edwa1d James Olmos. In 1940s Los Angele&. a cause celebre erupts over ll'le framing or members ol a Cl'l1cano srreel gang 101 murder ·R' ( 1 hr . 43 m1n) Robert Conrad, Pamela Sue Marfin ( 1 hr. 29 min) .. m "Beh111d Tl'le H1gl'l Wall" ( 1956 Dra- ma) Tom Tully, Sylvia Sidney (2 l'lis) d Q) "De1ec1111e Srory" ( 1951. Orama) Kuk Douglas, Eleanor Parker (2 hrs ) (0) "Green Ice" ( 1981 Advenrure) Ryan O'Nea1. Anne Archer (I hr , 56 min.) 1Ul(C) "TM Man Who Would Be King' ( 1975. Adventute) Sean Connery M11:hael Caine (2 hrs. 9 min ) (HJ "f allrng In Love Again" ( 1980. Ora ma) Elltoll Gould Susannah Yo1k ( 1 hr 30m1n) IS) ·Never So r ew' ( 1960 Orama) Frank Sr11a1ra Gina I oll11t>11g1da (2 l'l1s 4 min) -@ "C11y Oenearh The Sea ( 1970, Sc:.1 ence-F1chon) Rober! Wagne1 Sruarl Whitman (2 l'lrs) tt:11(Zl · Bluebear1.l's f1ghlh Wile" ( 1938 Drama) Clauelelle CQlberl. Gary Cooper t_1 hr 25 min J Illa 0 "The Great Adventure" ( 1954 Adventure) KJell Sucksdor!I, Anoors Nor borg ( 1 l'lr 15 mrn ) 1t:ll©) "All .-Jlf Down" (1962. Drama) Eva Ma11e Saint. Warren Beauy (2 hrs) -Afternoon Movies- tHtO Catt UI Thf' Wild ( 1935 Ad11e11 lure) Clark Gal.lie, Jack Oakoe ( 1 ht 30 min I m "The Bramble Bush ' ( 1960. O<amaJ Richard Burton, Barbara Rush (2 hfS ) 0 "RICh And Famous" ( 1981, O<ama) Candice Bergen, Jacqueline Bissel ( 1 hr. 55 min.) e MO¥ll • n11..h A11d r1niuu1 ( 1ue1, Ofamo) C1r11111 n Bcirum1 l•CQU41111"41 Bi. ~I I hrn11u1tu111 rtie IJPI 1nd d<>wne OI H11m 1oape1..t1vt• 111e1a1y carMll 1nd 111r111mli1. hi/Ob IWU WOlllClll depend C)n lhllll fllOllCIKlllp f()I uh1l,)ll1ty 'A' ( 1 hi., 65 min I tldl()) lllOYW 'Color Hrm 1>9Ad" (1974. M)'I• tery) Onyt1.1 Hunru<.1111 Stepnen ~a A hu!ibOllcJ m1cJ·wlte p11vt1hl eye !Hill II)' 10 1..11tch jj krlle1 l>til0t11 hi! c1111 muro.r !hell c.hcmf ( I hr 30 111111 ) (!) TOM COTni: _. Cl.Oii <Tl COUIGI POOTUU. I IOUlifOO Couoe11 nr l ti•as Longhorns 13 l'l1s I 1•w c...cacu (ff) lllOVW "Foot111' Awund · ( 1980, eom. t1dy) G111y AuMiy, Annelle O'Toole A 1111111e t:ounlry tJoy 111os 10 win o beautiful, '.oph1!111ca1ort c-ouege coed away from her s11obb1!.l'l f1a11c~ and her equally upplry l(lmily 'PO' (I hr 4 I rnln ) lL! llCMI ·The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978 Mystery) Honor Blackman. Mit.h.iel Callirn He11s ballte lor a fortune al Ille sµoo1>.y esldle of a ooceased mll- 11om111e ·pc· ( t hr 30 min ) (OJ llCMI l1ut1 Confessions" (1981, Orar11tJ) notJerl De Nrro Robert Ouv1n The usually seµarate worlds of two broth ers. a Lo:. Angeles poltce detec1111e and an amblllous Roman Catholic p11es1. con- verge du11ng a mu1oor 1nves11ga11on 'A' ( t ht 50m1n I 1t11(ZJ llllOYW "Tl'le Hono1 Guard" (1981) Rod Sre1ye1 David ~IUlfman ·n· ( 1 hr , 30 min) ~m .... CZ) "The Great N011hheld. Mlnnesora Raid" ( 1972. Western) Cliff Robertson. Robert Duvall (I hr 45 min) 1HI t.Sl "High Counrry" ( 198 1, O<ama) Tlmo-!.!!r Oonoms. Lint.la Purl. ( t hr • 32 min.) 1l:al lCJ "The Pursu11 01 0 B Cooper" ( 1981, Adventure) Treat W1lllams, Roben Duvall l! hr . 40 m111 J 1•(ff1 "Ode To Otlly Joe" ( t976, O<ama) Robl)y Benso11 r.1y1m1s O'Connor (I hr . 46nun) ~® Man Of Marble Je1zy Radz1w1lowrez. K1yo;tyna J;rnd.1 t3 hrs ) bll Zl Tl1e :;ec.rf't Lite 0 1 Plants ( 1978) Dl>1..•J1h('11tt1ry fhe music. 01 S1evre won- Oe• 111gnhgh1s uw; Mm G ( I hr 40 min ) 2:9 0 · T R Ba~k111' t t971 Orama) Can- dice Bergen Peler Boyle I l hr , 30 min ) 2:IO 0 "AagtJedy Ann And AnOy" ( 1977. Ad111m1we) Ar11111<1led ( I hr 25 min ) SJ 'tmµ1opr>1 l.11a1111ers" ( 1981 Come- Oy) Alon Alk1r1 Marielle Hartley (I hr. 32111111 I Mid.) 'Hardly Working" (1981. Comedy) Je11y Lewis. Susan Oh11er ( t hr . 3 I min ) la (HJ "Falling In Love Again" ( 1980. O<a· ma) CU1011 Gould Susannal'l York ( 1 ht., 30m1n J <? "The HollOI Guard" ( 1981) Roo Sw.g1'r David Hultman ·n ( 1 hr • 30 rt11n 1 .._ C MySlt'ly Qt The Million Dollar Hockey Puc k t 19/5. My'ilery) M>el'lael Mac- Oonclld. Angela Knight ( 1 ht . 30 min.) CQ) "Cha1he Mulhn" ( 1974, Adventure) David Hemmings. Ralph Richardson (2 hrs J 0 "Grand1zer Force 5" (2 hrs) Friday, November 5, 1982 27 -Mondng Movies- llOV F t,ml •COJ 'The N1gn1 Porter · ( 1974 Drarn111 Dirk Bogaroe. cna11011e Ramp11ng ( 1 n1 5 7 min) M 0 "Delusion" ( 1981 Mystery) Pat,.c111 Pearcy, Joseph Cot1eri ( 1 hr 25 min ) .. "RaQgedy Ann And Andy · ( 1977 Advenlvre) Armnaled ( 1 h• <>:i m111 I Cl> "TrovOle In Paradise ( 1932 Comt- Oy) Herbert Marshall M1r1arn Hopl\1ns ( I tu 25 min l •@ 'ThP Jayhawkers' 11q59 WK1Prn) Jett Chandler Fess Par,er (7 hr~ ) ta(CJ "Shoe 5h1ne ( 1947 OiamaJ R1mihlo SmOfCJor11 rranco 1n1e11en1,1t11 11 hr 10 min) 0 'Re1wn ()I ThP Oragor ( 11)7;> AdvenlureJ Bn11 e I "t' Cnuck Norw (I hr , 31 min) ,..(!J r renchm;m·s C•P.ell I t')44, l\•Jv1•11 1ure1 Joart r on1a1ne Arhrro rle ( .u1c10~.1 (?hrs) 101 Trea'>"'P l~lanlJ I l<'IT,' Adv£>nhll<') Of son WPlle<> Kim Ru• lot•hJ I I 111 14 min) r:.<Z) Roch Anri r amnus I 1 IR1 r>111rnt11 Candl('E' Bergen Jacq1u>hne Br<iSPI I 1 hr 55 min I •<Cl l OVP MP C)r leav .. Me I IQSS MUSI cat) Dom. (Jay Jam,,., Cagnt!y 17 hr•, I CS) House Calls' I 1Q78 Corn1•1.Jyl W.11 1er Maflhau Glenrja Jacksnn 11 tu IR rrnn) 0 'TR Raskin' ( 1971 Drama) L . .:u1 dlCC Bergen. PPIPt Boyle ( I hi '.lO mtr ) 1:9(ffi "Palerrnly' (1981 Comedvl Oun Reynolds 13evPrly D' Anyelo ( 1 hr . l'l m1nJ •C.OJ "My Favorrle Wrle · ( IY4U C omrdyJ Cary Grant Irene Dunne (l lu<. ) ~ "Damn C1111en \ 19">8 Drama) Kf'•th Andes. Maggie Hayes 12 hrs J .. ., The ~~a1ao1ne Cas.e· 11948 Mys tery) GreQO<y Peck. Ann Te><10 17 hrc. I g · "G1a11d11e1 Force c,· I? hrs l (I) "The Mad Advenlures 0 1 Rabt>1 Jacob" /1974 Comedy) Louis De Funes Suzy Delair ( 1 hr . 35 min ) .. CC) "The Great Mu~pel Caper" ( 1981 Comedy) Charles Grodin, Diana Rigg ( 1 hr . 40m1n) tH.J 'Ice Castles" ( 1979 nomance) Lynn Hotly Johnc;on not>Oy Benson I 1 ht . 55m1n J rJ) "Belllegrovnd' ( 1949 Adven1vre) Van ,Johnson John Hodiak ( 1 hr 58 min) .. GI> "laggarl" ( 1965 Wesll'm) Tony Youn9 Dan Duryea 12 ht!> J t1:1I (%) · lhe Honor Guard' ( 198 I) Rod Stelgm David Hultman 'R' ( I hr . JO min ) tW 0 "Gawain And The Green t<mghl" ( I h1 30m1n l _.,, ....... Movies- .. G "Green Grass 0 1 Wyooilng" ( 1948. Western) Peggy Cummins Ch111les Coburn (I h1 , 30 min.) • "II Slarled In Naples" ( t960, Come ~ Sophie Loren. Cla1k Goble (2 his I (CJ "A1e You In The House Alone?" ( 1978, Suspense) KathlHn Belief. Blythe Denner (? hfs ) CO) "Robin And M11r1•n" ( 1976 Roma~) Seen C<>flnery. AVdrey Hep- burn ( 1 hr , 45 min ) CIJ "All Night long" (19&1, Comedy) ~ Heckman. Barbi a SHelsand ( 1 hi . ;ia mln.l 30 Friday, November 5, 1982 U.(l) TrouOle In Pa1ad1se' ( 1932 Come- dy) Herber! Marshall. Miriam Hopkins ( 1 hr 25 min J ta 0 'Sphinx ( 1981 Adven1ure) Frank Langella Lesley Anne Down I I hr . 59 min J t:lt(S) 'The r ovr Horsemen 0 1 The Apoca lypse" ( 1962. Drama) Glenn Fora. Lee J Cooo 12 nrs. 35 nun) tatCJ "Snoo Shine·· I 1947 Orama) R111aloo Smordorn Franco ln1erlenghr ( 1 hr 30 min J 2:11 :ZJ 'Bluebearo s fighth Wile ( 1938 Orama) Claudelle G041>f'r1 Gary Cooper I 1 hr 25 min I !:ii@ (arty Days Su ~lph Rr<.harOson (I hr 30m1n J ltl ( l 'Grendel Grt"noel t.rendel I 1 Q87. Ad111>n1vreJ Animalel'l V0tcPS ol Pele• Us11nov Ke11h M1lchell ( I 111 30 min ) (0) "lreasure lf>Jano" ( 197;> Ad11en1vre) Orson Welles. Kim 8,1r11eld I 1 hr 34 rnin l 0 "Srt r 1nr' ( 198 I Comedy I Hyon O'Neal ,Jack Warden 11 hr J 1 nun) t:IO(CJ "Tire Ar11a11ng Mr Olunoen 119n rantasy) Lau1enc1> Na1!.ml!h I y11ne frt><1 ertck C I hr JO rn111 l tfl ·ra1ern1ly I 1981 C..OITIPdy l Burl Aeyn<llos Oev1>rly 0 Angelo ( 1 nr 35 min J M CZJ Amf'r11..ari Pop \ 196 I Musreal) Antmaled ( I hr J 1 rn1n ) d 0 Viva I ac; Vpga.,· I 19fi4 MuSi<.al) Elvis PrPslt>y Ann M.irQrel I I hr 25 rn1n) HD(!) 'H;i11J Tome~ I 1'17!>, Orama) Charles 8ron'<nn. Jamf!s Coburn 12 hrs ) 1H) ··Raugedy Ann And Andy· ( 1977 Ad11entweJ A111m111ed ( 1 hr . i'!J 111111 ) fl J "Thi' L •le And l 1mP.!> Of Rosie The Re111ler " 11 hr JO mint Ol 'The F;sllen ldor· 11949. Olama1 Ralph Rtr.hilrllc;on OnOby Henrey /:> nrs l HI @ The Movnia1n' 11956 AdvenlureJ Spencer Tracy Robel! Wagner (2 hrs 10 rnrn J 1:19 2J "The Honor uuard ( 198 1) ROd Sterger David Hullman R ( 1 hr 30 min} --11alvenlng .. u...~ Cll ... -.t•BIOUCIM MC ... Q rA•t'M MAWAlf!M.4 CW. Ul'f Gvesl Lena Horne Q .c ... llM llD 1lllCIUClt M MT1 .,.. "Love Me Of Leave Me" ( 1955. MuslcalJ Doris Dey, James Cagney. A mot>ster marries lhe singer he made IAmovs. but becomes enraged when he can't conttot tie1 (2 tirs) (I) m¥ll "Heaveo Can Wall'' ( 1978. r&n1asy) Wa1ren S.ally, Julie Christle Alter e pro foo1ball 11ar'1 Hie II prematU<e· ly claimed by an lnepl angel. the 11'18n Is gl\len the bOdy or • mllllon11lre lnc!Ystrlelist 10con11nue11vtng In 'PG' ( 1 hr • 4 1 min ) •.,.. "Good Riddance" (Drema) Charlotte L8Ufi4W, Maurie rno. A t3-yeer· ~·a~ IOve IOI her mothef caUNt llr.IA~'iY~, .. o min I -1 .... @ DMCI u.tlll Some ol CBS Cable's Ace·n0011na1ecl oance programs are lea· lured l'il o.:1C CAVITT Guesl Jonathan Miller ~e~~YIAlll l1i) MICAl DAZZU The lillle Rascals are featured 1n him clips and Shorts ( I hr . 25 min) llOVll "The l asl Chase 12 hrs 1 . wo..o Ol ll'IOf'U ,.. Cll ... .: ... """DAYI AQAll ,., ... 0 I' & llAGAZIE IDAI ... maT~TOMGHT TllB'I f:X*l»IY li)M&rlftD .. ITORYTB.&.EM 'Jackie Torrence" This eu1h01 spec1ah.zes 1n ghos1 s1ories w1lh one ol her accla11nec1 berng "lwo White Horses .. flD ~ • 11 IEIUEl'O•IT (°O) llOVll ·My Favo111e Wiie t 1940 Comedy) Cary Granl Irene Dunne long t>elteved dead a woman reappeais and O•S<overs that her husoano has remamed 1n he• aosence ( 1 tu 30 min I Zl llOVll Trouble In Paradise" ( t932 Comedy) Herbert Marshall. M11iam Hop kins A pair ol thteves conltnually run tnlo each olhel while spanning the glObe ( I hr 20 rn1n J '1'! OIWIQ( CCMfTY TODAY 7:11@ ... r:a fJ I Git THI T0n FMtureo hlghllgh16 01 Yellowstone Park 1nclud1ng Yellowslone Falls, a rel! rnp along Snake River. Old fa1lhlul Yellowstone Lake and lhe Grand Canyon a tnp to the Cowt>Oy Bar 1n Jack solnm~a1mm LA~ a ll9Ul I f:X*l»IY m Git U Feawred a loo!< at Christo- pher Reeve's role 1n his upc0011ng lllm 'Monsignor". a prairie ot radio persooall 11es Ken and Bob. whal ti's hl<e 10 be a lwln II) TIC T~ DOUGH llAIWm't PUCI YOU Mlm l'Olt ff rA•rtt llQMA'nm Guest. Quentin Crisp llACm. I LlllB .aRT llASOIOLP_,.. llOVll "Dungeons Of HorrOf" ( 1962 Horrol) Russ Harvey. Helen Hogan In the 1870s, a pa11 or shipwreck survtvOfs tau prey to a d1&bolical coullt living In 8 remote ISiand ceslle with his tlopelessty Ill W1le ( I hr . 30 min ) ... (I) m¥ll ''The Scarlel Pimpernel" (Premiere, Drama) Anlhony Andrews. J11ne Seymour An English nobleman devoted 10 saving a1tstoc1a1s tr001 the blade ot the gvlllotlne during the French Revolution la puraoed by an agent or 1he R~orTerrOI Ji3~ G • Plnmt One or the young orphent 18 kidnapped In nn ellempl to keep hef from claiming • large lnhetl- tanc. (I hf'.) • llO\lll "Flying Mlelitt" ( 1976, Adven- llKe) Robert Conrad. Simon Oakland "Peppy" 9oytng1on and hit bend of Mtlal <Seredevttl encoun181' perltoul edYentur .. In the Peciflc dur1ng WOf1d Wer II. (2 hrt.) • 0 """'MYf A. tenner cr)'Olby with a QNdoe 8Q8fnat Fonzt. Melct r9¥9ng1 at • CMc ClefetnOny hOnoOOg him ... moot! allan.o -Monclg Cont. (I. 90Vll l••w f 1t11I t1111e !Pte111111to •11111 j Su111t1t At"l"'L" )9111111•• J1""" l 11~11 A m uni 111111111 I •"•lift Lelww11 " 1110111111 lllUI "'" I, Y•••H 11111 •J•uullhit wh110 ''"' y11u11 W•>ll11.111 11111~ 11w11y f11 1u111 hu1 =ltl1hl ;_I 111• ) al Cluna1h Ouquul Wvh 11 1Sf11c.1do Oom111u11 A1111faw I loycl Wobtt1 l 001 A1 kn11111111 I 11u•lu llotH runnn Bnlly Uuckley ( I hi I • M llA.c OI OAleCI Wf181 111 N11w 0.11111 "411111111 I 11111ny11 11111.01> 1114' 1.111&11"• Cll 5011111 llt!lllJtrlllllh llfld <.hlHtWUllllJlttw, who hllvu ClAµu1l111011t1JO with 1111w 8lyl11~ llnd 1011111, ul d1111<.;u ( I hr ) GD MAT1C*Al QIOQRAPMIC INCW. lHllll 111' r c M81!>tlllll lll>'•lb II took Ill lhfl effutts ut 100 c11111< 1111" 1tud1<.11tu1J 1nd1mJ uat~ emJ ~ 1t11m~1s whCJ 111u wo1k11111 '" 11s:.v1e 1t1111 ""' 1111uo~t ul lhtt i1t11111 111111~ doos not t.111 v11.ll111 tn O•tinc:11011 (n) (I '11 I ! f l IA l\MDAY NtQHT AT THI AQtO'l C11va1 age of tho f ro1td111 (,n~llllu I I lt1.u1c.111 Me1ce<l11!> 111 111u111t 11ywe1u111 l "'''""""' :.hip l>oul hu111 (Jly111p1c Aud11011u111 "' I fl!> Angelas. Cdllt (H) t:> hr~ 30 111111 I (.L.l MO¥ll .. K111fe In I lit' Ht<ll\J V tu:. J C?JMOVIE fhH c,10111 N01ttll1 .. 1d. M1n11u.,o td nrt1Cl" ( tUI:> We:,1t•rn) (.fill llnf)IJ•I son. nober1 l111v,,11 1111• Colt> 'fou11y1" i1111J James ga11y~ dl'<.UJ" 111 rnh th!' b1y~w~1 bani\ 111 the We~t (I tu 4!, nun ) m O«UH011A FOOTLW. llQMJQH'Tt aaf) (I) N1WMA1tT Tt11: 1.01111rna111y encou1agel> Ou .. k tu n111 Im L 1ty t.0111•l•I man (!) llOYIE "l hrl Pu turn 01 Dmm11 l,rny · ( 1945 r dnl.1!:.y) llu1d H;i1 heltJ lieurue Sanoe1s A m.in 10111;1111'> l'INn:illy young while hrs porn an shuws 1 hf' t>llt•• 1 111 I he vea1s 1:> !It<; 10 min I _.. Cl) CAOllEY I LACfl c.1111" .1111.J M.11y Beth are Lhose11 l•J ht•ac.J uµ .J '·I "'l •31 1.1l>k fo1ce tu uac:k d 1obt.Jery 1111y p1t•y1ny <111 weal~ beauty !>Ilion patrun~ ( I t11 J 0 W LotlETTA • llO Al'fl\.E COUNT!tY Peter Alle11 J••111ult•t H11ll1c.J;iy {,1111way Twitty h10<J tl11 '>(.l1 (.lt'bbH• AllPrr .HHI uthe1 Sf.)e(;lill llU<"•''· I""' I .,. •• ., .. I y11r "' J 111usi<;al ~µec1,1I lrllm Nt•w 'l'mh C,1ty 11 hi ) 80Q)(l)N!Wt @ ll9Qll' • l<.i1t!11 M11r111w <1111.! N.1111.y Oussaull sing love "V"Y" 1<1y1·ll1e1 w 1111 tile help of John Oe1111ell fl1) Sii ~T IDEAS Go'ld11e-.~ [J1 Mor 11me1 Ac.Jlet ottc1s <111 unu~val rllu111111.1t111r o f the term 1111gh1" .inu ill> 10lc 111 tlet"' nuning the me:lnrng11t goodne'>!. ( I t11 ) ~ ICMDWNTERS I WON> 111'0 MAGE 'Cail Fo1emt1n' The oJW.Hd w11111111y screenw11tet ''' l11qh Nl./(111 .11111 1\11\JQ•' Over The n1ver Kw.11 1.111 .. ., tlUOUI '"" hhll'> and what •I wa'> hlo.t' worlo.111y "' lll'llywuoo durtng the ta1e 41)<, ilnll 50'> (CJ MOVIE AorJy A111J Suul I 1<1tt I lJ1a ma) l eon l'>d•H.. Kt-1111ec.Jy .J.1y11t• Kertnt! dy A ymmy IJlac;k turns l<J p111nll11ti1111y 10 1a1se Ifie n1ot1t•y he need• 1111 1111;>1J11 al school n 11 "' 45 .,,,,,, H llOY'IE C,11,111qet 111 111•' 11ou'>e I 1975. Hrnr1111 Kt'<I Dullt>ol Uhvt.I Hu!.~y A psycho11c. m111dNl'r h•Oh 111 '"" at11c; ot a ct•llege <o0111111y h11•i'-E' 1111 Ch11'>ttnil!> fv<' t t h1 40m111t (0) MOVIE 'MC>nlenf'<]•O I I'll} I Co1111' dy) Susan An'>p,11.h frlano Jo!>t'ph'>on A neglected wrff' 11,1vel'> lo Stockh11lm a11d begins an atta1t with a man sne rnet in a b0hem1an n19ntclut> n 11 ht 40 m111 ) 0 MOVIE D.!luslfln ( 1981 Myste1yJ Pat11c1a Pearcy Joseph <.,011e11 A prtva1e ciuly nurse t;ills 111 love w1tll tle1 pa11en1 s 11onl1 .. orne '(f.lUrl(I u111110114111 n· ( 1 111 'I'• lllMI) ' TIM~1J11=•=·=·~·1mwa• -• ..,.,"'* ... ~nm Cluett fftwU.th A~r.i.v w..DOflOOll *I Ct4AMll C~ TALlt """- <>bell M1tchu111" , .. lrep-- TMAT OW IMOW tlMITIOf IAN~ .am IAG "fyt To (yo .. fJtu11oy111 ph1ttt< Rntmrt f11111k 1111<.I Wllllt11h I (JIJl01111111 1J1UC.llllN 11nrl dtir!ICJ118lr11ft1 ll11w lhl!y p1u110011)\J 11111 mt11hu111 •tS "" "'' l11rt11 ••llll IOUk 11 lllfU t.OIOI ~ ._ .. ""°"' DOCTC.ICM~ ( 110¥W .. I 11&t T1111go 111 P111b" ( HJ/'.l D•<J1110) M>1rlo11 rirnndo, M111111 Sc.nrie1tJer ·x· (:> 111.,. ,, 111111 , ( S l llOVll ' Body A1>i.J ~out.. ( I 98 I 01 a ma) I uu11 ham. Kt1rt11i!\Jy Juyne K111111e dy A ymmg blue k tum!> to p111et111nt111Q to • .i1~ lht1 money hti 11ood~ fw 111ed1<.al "t.hOOI II' ( I hr 4!> nm1 ) Z) llOVll r hu Hor1ur Gua1 ll ( 1 '18 I) Roll Sto1yQ1 fl11v1<J H11ll111..i11 'ff ( 1 t11 , 30 """) 11:11 @ MOVIE ·uw Naked llu1111er' ( 1967 Oldma) f 1,ink ~inilllJ P111Pr Vaughan British 1n10111gonc.0 re4uusl'> tht11 Jll Ame11 1.,.1n bus1nes~mc1n ilSSd!>l>!nate •J Oele<.101 wt11te '" l ,,.,, Cormany w1111 his '><>11 (2 hrs !>111111 I t1:il S CJ) T1'AmJI JOHN, M.D. Gunto gu0s uµ aga111s1 a ty1.0011 whu wan1s to finance a luxury 1.1c.:1hty Im wealthy pu11onl!. 111stedd ot lOntr1bul1l•Y It> Ille fie<! cl1111l. (Rj 11 111 IOm111) 0 (i) THE •IT Of CAlttOee Hu~I Ju1t1111y Caison (R) ( I h1 ) I {!]) AIC NIWt NIQtmlE YOU AUE>~ rT THE~ llOYIE · [arty Days ::>11 H.11p11 R1c;ti,111J -.on A retued <.IVll so1va111 uehavt-!. 111u1e m1!.tl11i>vuu!.ly wli1•n lw 1eah1t>!> II .i11nuys Oli1~'~ ~!. t I 111 30 min) ~ I'll LAT!JIQHT Host Ue11r11s Wholey ~hi) ( ) trOfl'Tacom:ll lllOYIE 'Sph111x' ( 1981. AOve11tu1e) f lillll.. I Jnyt>llil l e~ley Anne Down A tuthle>~ 111.1< lo. market antrqu11tes 11119 ..!l1Ptnf.)I'> lo '>lilt> <Ill ryyptoloy1SI lrom cl1S l.1>w1111y 111e whereabou1s of a p11celess !.l,Jlue ",tie w.1• p1>1m1t1eCl lo \llPW 'PG' f I II!, 'l9111rr1) ~7'0CUll meotH) OM LOCATION "(.,atl.h A n1s1119 Sidi s 10th Aru11ve1'><!1y Richard Better Pat Dena1a1 David Brenner Billy C•y!.lal C.abe Kapt.111 .ir10 Rob111 Williams a•e ,unong tht' '>1<11', -,alu11ng !he New York showcase club wh1l.h g"v1· 1t1em their s 1a11 ( 1 h1 30 """ ) 11:90 ( c lllOYIE r hf.' Pur SUI I Of 0 B Cooper . ( 198 t Adventwe) treat W1ll1ams Robert Duvall A lt11et '>lo.y1acks & pldne ,1nd para chute~ to ~M••ry over Oregon with a for tune '" ~tulen rnuni>y PG I l hr 40 lr\111) • ti. I ENTDTAIMJfT TOMGHT THE LAil WON> · llOYIE "Men 111 War' ( 19!>7 lJ1ama) Roberl Ryan A ldfl Ray Arnencan 1nfa,. Hymen l1gh1 10 t•t>1a1n an enemy hill •n K0tea (2 hrs l fli '::. J<111r•11' ( 1973 Ad\lentureJ Glef'lnJ()(d Anthony Ouayle A flee lance llWMllgt!IOI llflll lllJI lo li.x.•I• • ""''" of 1nc .. 11I blbllr•l l<'.1olt1 ( 1 tu 10 111111 J • ..ml flltd 0111tei1 ( t9b• M11111Calj Rote11u11y (,ICJv<,.y .J1ci.. ( 1tr1><1r1 A mo11 t1nt111 luv11 wrule M1Jf1.h11111 tm Ilia hrothot'a ~klflt~t~Alt em.a MOVll ·I n(11n NllJhl" I !080) Annette even. l 11>11 0.tnnow A urwµ uf Arr111r1 rn'11 lootbllll wrdow11 11111111 up tor u 11l11t11 on thtt IOWll (I 111 I!> tnlll J n:a 0 GD LATI 9IQHT wrnt OAYID ~ Guests Horiny You11um1m 1111th11r I >1Jv•d M1tl~I ~ TOM COTTLI: IW Cl.OSI t .w ... I !>Id Cde "Al ~LM. ~Alt am.I H0m MCleO WllnY (II) 90Vll "R1<.h And I ollllllU'o ( l!l81 Drama) C11nd1Ce IJetyen. J11c.•1u11liru1 011>· •.tit fhrouyhout lhtt up~ .11 11.J down1. ot 1111111 111t.no1.11v" lllo1ary r...11uiir<i 1100 10111an11c 11ve•,. twu wumuo lluPtill<.I on tlieir lltf'110!.l11p 1111 •,f,lf)1111'y n' (I lu ~5 111111 I t2M f) (() COU.O (,ohin1bn 1nvt11>11gates th!' rnuuJt" 111 t1 11111f"'>~1u11.11 tM~kett>all team <Jw11w (fl) 11 111 ;in 11io1 ) tttl(SJ llOYIE lt11r I ~11·1111111.11111 ( 1080, ()rd1n;1) t.1111~!1Jpt1e1 ( ir:rnyu ':).11111111the ryya1 Allflf tw. w.ir f111rldV I!. It'll 11818 ly1e1:l tty .i Nt•w Yutlo. y11111t1 y.11111 a Viet llilm vet lll<(.•<.J"" 111 t.-•ht' '"" 11•v1.mge by 111u1de11ng strut t <.ru11111t1I.., th111uyh grue l>Ullte IOI IUOu' 1111•,ffl', fl I I 111 4 I min J 1•1-AUT'ltY llOVW "0101>\Ji.pott .. ( 1971. Drama) Ben Johnson. Ca1y Bu~y A tuyn school dlhlete !.l1uggle'.. tu w111l~t.J11\J "'" µressure 1nfhcteCl upon h1111 hy '"' pu~tiy 1,11her and ol gtory-Seeklfll} luotb,111 C.Uill.h (I ti• .)0 1111n) (!) IAlllfY FANEJI G) llOY'IE .. Seµut;tlP fable'..' ( 1'1~8 U1a- rna) Debwah I(.,,. l111a Hayw111th An l ngh!:.11 1esor1 hotel ,.., 1111 .... 111,.,ll IJy 1ww:. paper 1eprn1s Jnd .111 u11wPlr "'"" v1~1101 U hr 30 nun J ® aMCS • KoJ1e11 Mu111 w .11uJ Nancy Oussault !.1ny luvu """Y" h>g1•1t11•1 with the helµ of John Bennell (E) COLJ..EQ( FOOTLW. L SU f 1yt111ny T1ye1s ill Alab.Jm.t ( 11111!.Ur foJ., (n) (? hr~ JO 1111n I 1;10 IH J MOVIE Lll1)!.r ~tury ( 1qa I H111101) r 1e() A::.1a11e Jot1t1 H<111o,e11i;m My::.te11ou!. dearhs beg'" m \J""""•Jle lhP 1.1nk:, ot a !.mdll c11c.le u f 1!1\Jedy tt1e11 whti .,,h,ire both .t 111u11thly storytelling siet 1e~elhf'r .Jnd a 50 year-old secret ·n ( t 111 110 111111 1 1:111 (i) l9C NEWS OVENIGHT ~AUT'ltY EV'ERfflMQ OOftl MOVIE . A Cl0<.kwo11< Or,111y1• I 19 T t, Scrence·F1c11on) Malt.olm M1.Duwell, Pa111ck Maget• 011ectee1 oy Stanley Kuo11c.:k When poh1.1> capture t11e leader uf ii 1een aqp yanf.l ol rnp1s1s .mu murder· er!. the n1r1huO ot 1ehi1t11l1t,111ng h1rn µt0VP'> even 1111)11' lh1P;\11'11111y I J ,oc1ety R (7 hrs I 1 n1111 1 i. ~ Cil CN MEWi llOHTWATCH ftlWITUI.. l MOVIE 'Ana Tlln1nq 11' ltlO Tlrama) All Garfunkel H.11wy KP1lel A 111 ,..,c.e&s1ve ~sychoanalyst ..in11 d ~lyh~h frnll• t wuman t>eg1n a 11ay1<. 10111<1r•c.e 111 V·•·ut., R (2 hrs 3 min J !:aOG:JNEWI (Tl lME mEY TMEATDI Friday. November 5. 1982 29 -Tuesday Cont. flll AlrT Of IOtO ....... ~ NIUTBeQHT Hot llN•fll'> Wh11ll'v E 8"0RTICE'Jlm H llOYIE 1 '.... ( ,,,,, ...... II I I lH t flr.111011 ll1l\1•rt fl•· N11•r Jlo111•rt (lo" oil lr-1~ 11t,11.tHy ·.t1p,u,111· Vt(11lc!. 1)l twt tunOt Pl'; •I I ,., A11y1•h", polH I' rl1•IPCll\/t' dll<I .tr ffl tlfll(ljl n(lf1hjtl ( •• u ( lft ~ t(U11 I,, .... ,~. 1 ftf ~ , ,,u, J• • ., ..,p·~r.q..lt. " n 1 i hr '' J ,,,,, $ ltlOYIE All N1qlt1 I OllfJ I o 18 I t.o 1111p tlyl r "'"" H.JL~or1,111 A .. Hhra '~1rr•1· .. 1111J All1>1 t11•111q <h·111oll'<l I• 1r11 t11rp11r.1h• •1·0 1c '' \.f'\ Ii t'·lll 'I ut• '1Ul'1 1u.u r1qtl' 1 m1JcJI• ·l~•·rt tnttri 11 •.lylt' .inll ,, a1ti•''• ·•'t m1ff~=;.;r ~R1t11rt) 8 lllOY'IE C.my (lr flt>Clt•t' I t'l/,' Come<l)l Frankrl' Hoowprct KP1111 .. 1h W1I ham A ti •'\p11.41 11H1e1l~ ~•if111t• , lhH'Wf •nln ' hiluc; wtu~n l C)rtltJf 11 rtltl•1 t.ilp rrll'UIC11~ 1.1k•• ""'"' I, ho•, I (!).,,. Cl) llOYIE '•"f1lt>n•f11·r Alf1111' r 1•1"o0 Roman<.l'I J11,111 r l>l•l.11roo• lllSPPh l,o11Pf Twn I f'<'I''" Ot•lo•'vP\l ~1llt<d on di• ~·rpl.\11t t 1<1sh cor1s1der <;1,1111119 tole ·•l'I illlil•ll ~e1her (;>hrs I LOY£. AllEJICAN ITYU ( llOYIE Pussyc.11 R.lll< ,, t 19 781 r Ill fcJwara•, Joey Cov.ira TwC' oown 1nd out COW()Oy< l'liln 10 flUI l womero <; r.tnrh Olo i!_Pay1ng t•.t<;rs 1 nr 1~ """ ) ~ llOft 5, Fo111' I 1'18 I l.Ofllf'OVI Ryan 0 Neal Jack W.i1d1•r A o;tully col legP prnlPssor c.avP<> ht~ I 1the1 , flounder 1ny garment far lory t'ly 11111en1•n4 ii 11ew 't~ ot t<10 es 1eans fi ( 1 h• 11 m111 ) tt:t1 (.C ltlOYIE Emoly c 1976 CJrarna) Koo Slarf\ Victor Spom.,111 In t92Ck r ngland a 1een .1ge 91r t come'> ol 01ge lhrouyh an alla11 woth dn Arne11c.i11 ..,, l100ltenche1 ( 1 hr ;>"omon I tt:tl@ lllOY'IE How T n 1.jf1Jlf A Wold 01k1ni' ( 196'> Comet:Jyl J\nnt>lle r umtello Dwayne Hockman A youny man in lhe Naval Reserve worroes atioul ho~ yul troend"; hdellly (2 hrs ) (Z) ltlOYIE The Ho~1or Guard"' ( 198 t) RO<l Sle•j'.ler O;iv1<1 Hullman ·R ( 1 hr 30 m•nL 11::9 0 6:) U Tl 9IGtfT wmt DAVID lfTTIMAM Gues1s Brooke Shields. prod1.11.er Hat Roach ( 1 hr) ~ ~ ~ ClOll Guest Debbie Aeyn<>lds g) LO¥I,,.,. CM mu @ DMCI Ul9'l8 Some of CBS Cable's Ace-nominated dance programs ;ire fea- tured (I hr ) ([) M\JW .oRT A o;cienllflc eKploralton ot athletic performance which *-•Id ath letes ~roving their game (R)'" "Southern Comf01t" (198 t. Orama) Keith Carradine. Powers Boothe A group of National Guardsmen on week- end maneuvets In a Louisiana bayou spark a small gueirllle war with a comm1J nity Of backwoods Cajuns "ff ( I hr 40 min ) .. 8 (I) CW' M a ... Sally la kid- napped and held in exchanQe lor a price· lelS Rembran<!t. (A) ( t hr , :?O mtn./ we M0¥m "Arise My Love·· 1940. Romance) Claudetta Colbert. Ray Mii- iand A pair or lovers l1nd themselves trapped by the Spanish CMI War and the outb<Hk of World War II. (2 hra.. 20 min) • · llOYll ··Fer-Do-Lance" ( 1974. ~) 08111d JantMn, Hope Lange 32 Friday, November 5, 1982 ' t l E el Flanch-r~ i~ oru· of th4• many n·~talars on "St. El!';<>Wht•rf'' Tue"idays at l O p.m . on KNRC. (Ch . 1-). A submarrn1> crew trapped beneain 1114> sea is attacketi by 11enomC>Us vipers ( t hr 10m1n) (!) llOVll "Tt"te Kid r1om Brooklyn· ( t9<16, Comedy) Danny Kaye. V1rg1n1a Mayo By a strange 1w1st ol fate. a milk man becomes a boKer (2 hrs ) @) llfTIR'T_., TOllQHf GJ llOVll "Three Faces West" ( 1940 Western) .John Wayne Sogrrd Gurre The daughter ol an A1Jstrran immigrant longs to return home to the lover she left behind until she dlsco11ers he's not the hero she believed him 10 be ( I hr 30 mtn ) ([) Tiil WBK II TMI-.. CS) MCMI "Heaven Can Wair· ( 1978 Fantasy) Warren Beatty, Julie Chllstio Alter a pro tootball star's Ille Is prema1ure- 1y clelmed by an inept angel, the man is given the body of a millionaire 1n0ustnel1s1 to continue llvlng In. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 4:t.rnln ) tll(}{)mwll "Culter's Way' ( t981. Orama) John Heard. Jeff BrldQes. A maimed Vlei· nam vet end his best friend, a social drop- out, locus their energies on soMng a mur· der caae 'A' ( 1 hr., 45 mlnr.J t11 II• tee .... OIJWIHll CI) eftl. POOTUU Montre81 Concordet at British COlumbla Lions (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 0 llllMI "Separate Ways" ( 1980, Or11- ma) Karen Black, Tony Lo Blanco A young couple's fa11ufe to communlcete nearly re!Oltl In the dettruction ot their marriage 'A' ( 1 hr .. 32 min) w ee>.,. "Are You In The House Alone?" ( 1978, SutpenN) l<ath!Mn Beiler, Bly1he Oanner A Pf-'IY young high IChool ttu- dent It catapulted Into terrOf when the teama the't rhe lntendtd tatget of • PIY'· ehOpeth, ( I hr., 40 min.) b4I CZJ llOVIE Bluebeard's loghlh Wole ( 1938. Or;irnal ClaudellP l.olbell G,)ry Coopet A ynunti rrem.t> gorl ot a11stoc1;i1 <: t>earmq no.irroes a we01t1hy Ame11(;Jro below her cl,1'>~ only lo ll1'>Cnver he ., hiltl !:00 icl:r~·~~AT~:~t ?'• m1r l ~ ~YIE Body Heal t 1981 SuwenseJ W1lloarn Hurt ~altil('f'n Turner A '\matt11me rtoflda lawyer I') l)t'r<;ui1de1t by his lover lu rniirder her t1usbfHlt1 'R' 1 I hr 5~ moo) ~t5 t!!J RAT 'A TIM>t. l. lllOY'IE The I ast Tycoon t 11:1?6 Dr.1 ma) Rooert OeNoro Je11nn1 Moreau Ir 1t1e HoltywOO<l or 1he 19J0.; one man<. wccess ma~l'S him the lto<•nCJ ol <;fars the envy OI powN hungry e•N:ut1ves a11d lh!' mos1 ehg1bli' bachelor U' 11\wn PG (? hrs 2 mon) ~U&>MEWS Cl) llOVIE The Mo11n1,Jon Road ( 1960 Orama) James S1ewar1 Glenn Corbell An unscruJJUIOus rna101 111 1he Army team\> compassion alter beonq charged with blowing up voltages b11dge.; and road'> against advarocong lapane~ during Wort<l War II (2hr'l) M @ WOM..D AT lMQI m llOft "E'e11e M1Cln1ght Horror Show (Horror\ Demonic IOfces and earthly hor ruts combine to make midnight the deadlo es1 llrne ot all ( t hr 26 mon ) IM~IUtWT ift':. 'Just A Gigoto ( 1961. Ora· ma) Oav1C1 Bowie Kun Novak An a11s10- cra1oc Prus'\mn soldier returns to Berlin alter World War I 10 earn his IMng as a male escOft R ( t hr 30 rnon ) a11 llOft 'Patern11y" ( 198 I Comedy) Burt Reynolds Beverly D'Angelo A bach- elOr in his forties who wants to be a lather searches tor lhe r1ght woman 10 bear hos child PG' 11 hr . 35 min) l1I (I'J MOYIE Roch And Famous·· (198 I Orama) Can<!oce Bergen. Jacqve~ne Bis set Thr<Xighout the ups and downs of !hen respective ltterary careers and romantic lives. two wornen depend on then lroendshop tor stablllty "R' ( t hr . 55 min) 1:118 llOft "The Crunson Canary" ( 1945 Mystery) Noah Beery, LOIS Collier A group of 1au musicians beeome the prime suspects when the nightclub's singer ts found murdered ( 1 hr . 10 min ) CC) MO¥ll "Southam Comfort" ( 198 t Orama) Ketth Carradine, Powers Boothe' A group of National Guar(jsmen on week- end maneuvers In a Louisiana bayou spark a small gveirllla war with a commu· nlly of backwoods Catuns. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) ..w,Amf· .. 'fWflTMI.,_ ...... 90Wll "Jost A Glgoto" (1981, Ora- ma) David Bowle. Kim Novak An aristo- cratic Prussian soldief returns to B«Mn after World War I to earn hit living H a mile escort. 'A' ( t hr . 30 min.) -al) flWITm 4111(1) 90Wll "Hoose Catts" ( 1978, Com. dy) Walter MattNlu, Glenda JacJclOll A widowed OOclOf natta hfl Casanova tend- enciM ~enough to fall fOf a di\lofo.. whO d<>elll I beUeve In phtlandtflng. 'PG' ( t hr .• 38 min ) ·1::r, 11 W9&111 I -·--·~ t llON Jvt>el 11 ~68 W"leml 111 1-0l<l frnnl Ut•1u11111• A yuvnu <lrllter ...... Ille 11111 ol a flll111at111 " deuuh ler •ltt• lie 1• 1111• o;I lu 11111 111 mll Oole11r.e )J... h11) W ~ llAIA.Zlm A 11,ol 0111t lh lulluwucl Ooty ... U11y11 UVI ul '"" Wt•nl. 111(1 '"'" ul ~ v1lve1 111 hu1mm 110111111 • llC)¥tl Tho Ml)1J111t~ t1lll '•Ov!!ll ( 1960 We1ilt11t1I Y11I 01y1111111 £ h W1cll11c h A banct ol iJIJr11iut1t11r!I 1a hlltiO to prulcM 1 11 Mo~ican 1ow11 hum mJll11w1> (1 111'1 ) I CUlKIDt MOYA "Hatt! .., 1 cw 1k111u 111 y, "' 1\111 The 111sp111nu blo1y 111 " y111111u buy " 11ur11 IO r8(;over "°'" SUVCl!tl hWll!> '>lllltriv<J ,,, II home 1l1.C•de111 I!> toll! 0 I ' Ill I GD ln'llPY .. , tllh!ll nr.1w11 Tr11• lhmll (It Caesar ru1t101 n1ow1111otp~ ,, y1111t ~111t.k en YOUll\) Wtlfl11lll wt111 '>IOlu II 1Jllt.tl19b!t cnin 110111 hor tJIOllltll ~ ~ Ollet 11011 IH\11 Ill now be11111 blut:kmnile•I IJy il 11ty511111ow. Sllanyer n (I hr ) !CJ 11110W'"··sourh1'ln C.111111011 ( 190 1 Dtt1111a) l\orrh \..ir1111J111u PtJwt11'> Boothti A \jlOUp ol N111in1111I ( 1lldllblllCJrl on WOt;I.. end nH111tiuvo1.., 111 ,, I uut~lillld b<1yu11 SpBlll II '>llldll yuernlld Will woth ,, (.OtllllHI rury or tJackwooclc. 1 .1111no; ff I I 111 40 mrn) ([)IPOfl lll-'9>TICUl-VITEJlnm (H.) MOVIE "lct1 L.1~11e., 119/•J Roman{e) I ynn Holly Jur111">U11 fh1tJby Benson A µ1on11srny your1g lryure !.kilter dnd her noylnenu f1nu wuden !.U\.C.e!.., harct to cove wrlh when .,he is chosen 1U train lor a pm Olyrnpri; t 0111pi<lrllV1• ( 1 hr. !>5min) ,S lllOVIE Rich A11r:1 f .1ntOU!> ( 198 1 Drama) Candice He1yen J.1t:11uellne 01s !.el 1 hroughout the tJP!. .ir1ll uown!. ot 1tte11 respec<rvt> hlt'rary c..ireers nno 100\BnllC lives lwO w (1mc11 <.J11penU VII the11 h1enct!.h•P rnr '>1atJ•hly R 11 hr !:>!> mm) 0 lllOVIE Jusl A C11yulu ( 1981 Ora ma) Dav1ct Bowie K11n Novak An a11s10 crahc Prussian soldier 1erur11!. llJ Berl!n alter World War I tu earn his living as A male escort "R' ( 1 hr 30 11un I l1I (11) AU. It THI FAa y 1:11 G ®) LAW. a ......V Laverne comes face-10-tace with Hugh Heiner when she idec~~Playboy bunny Q IO YOU n.. YOU QOT TMM&ll DANCI: 1'WYlA TMAllP 'Conlessrons 0 1 A Cornermaker" A one·hour collec11on or lhis dancer's work with music by Bach and ~:Jsleen ( 1 hr ) Melba Moore Robert Gu11 laume and Sllerman Hemsley a1e featured 1n a performance 01 lhe hot Broa<Jway musical based on Ossie Davis s play • Pur lie V1cl0f1ous (2 hrs 20 n11n I (0) lllOVll Robin Anet Manan· ( 1976. Romancel Sean Connery Auct1ey Hep burn An older ano wiser Robrn Hoo<l re1u1ns 10 SherwOO<l fo•est from baltles w11h Richard the L 1011hea1ted 10 reclarm his beloved Maid Marian who has enierf>l'.l a conven1 and lakl'n hP1 v11w'> ti' hr'> I CZ> lllOVIE Blut'Ot'-ilel '· r •1Jhlh Wtle ( 1938 DrarnaJ (.;.lt1utle1tt1 Colberl Gary Cooper A younq r 1ron<.l1 C)lll ot .:111<,tocrat 1c t>ea1111g rnarr1t>S .1 wealtt1y A1nor11.Jn oelow tier c.lass only rn 1J1!><:~1vt>1 ne··, had seven prev1<ov•, marr•illje'-( I hr 25 111111 ) M @ lllOY1E 'ltw lr.iµ ( t9!i!l l\d111-1111ure) Rrcha1d Wrdmark Tir1.i l n1J1!.e A y11d1 cale leader te11or1tf>'> .i •.mall l•lwn wt111 .. a1temp11ng 10 llrP th•' , n11nl!y 1 1 hr 4:, min) .. D m GAVl.M C r1v1l,1n .11111 .1 llf'llllt1ful Anthon y Andn·ws and J a aw S••ymour t•o-star in "Tlw Scarlet Pimperne l' Tuesd ay a t 8 p .m . on K NXT (Ch. 2). scre1tt1st are t<ronappeo Oya oand 01 rnoa ern·day pirates who want the lleaswe the two are recove11ng trom a sunken ship ( I ht I G ® nllE!'I CO.ANY Janel and Te111 lry to salvage Jacl',:s chance to operate his own res1auran1 o 0) mJIV OllF1lr'" "Me11d1an Award Winners·• Guests Liza M1nnell1 Barbara Walters. Liv Ullmann. Jeane J K1rkpat11c1>. .l! hr ) &D lfYITIJIY · Father Brown The Heao 0 1 Caesar"" Father Brown helps a guilt strrck en young woman wno s101e a p11ce1ess co•n from her brother s collec11on ano 1!'> now oe1ng blackmailed by a mys1e11ous sltanger q ( 1 hr ) Qll) MOYA "Here's Looking at Yov. Kid The insp1nng story 01 a young boy's light to recover from severe burns sullerect 111 a home accident 1s 1010 o ( 1 ht I (I) COl.l.EGE FOOTMll. LSU r rgh11ng T1ge1s a1 Alabama Cnmson Trde tA) 1? hrs. 30 min I mlOU>OMU 1:110 ® t TO 5 Ooralee s ITldllrJge n1111()r•tJ boylnend a111~es tu snah t1 '"'' aw.Jy l11i111 lhe City Ille and he• <,e(.rt'larrdl c.areer lllOY1E T '1t! l t>ll I ianded C1u11 I I !J!.U We'>ternJ Paul New111a11 I 11a Mil.ill A youthful A1lly 111e Kr<J avengec; 111~ t:r11r luy er's death and then escape~ Ill Mi1<.Jt11u ~hr!.. 30 min) @ DAMCl IAl9'lfR Sorne of CAS t.Jtllp'c, Ace-nom1na1ed d.mc.e proqr.1111~ arp lp.i lured ( 1 hr) '6GO fiJ fl1) IT. ELIEWHfJI( Or M01!1t,l)I• 111u:.1 !real a remorseless 1e110,,s1 and Or C1r11g browbffte en tnMclllvt l)l ti.tlt Into !WV I ~li:'::.ftgery ( 1 ht ) 11 'V TO twlT J()f"lathan 1no "-n "' e1 unMltl• 1 pair of 1h1dy towntfofk 11 11 Wftlern thltme park Q ( I ht ) • tOUllD PUTWAl The lrDdlllOf\11 fhy1hm1 of B1a111 Dlo1id with the t1r1tn1 OI ~onternpoiaty 111u 111 11 C()(ICltfl te11u11ng r1or11 Purim and PfllCUSlllOflltl AlftO MOiaiia ( 1 hr ) ill) IOOY .. QUll1QI "'How Do Yoo r~1r DI Jonathan Millet &t\OWll lhat Vi l 1oua actie11 and palna lhat people expo11 ttfl<;d ere often a dl81orllon of what Iii uo1ny on 1ns1de 11111 body D 11 ht l fC) lilOVll "'Ordinary Peop~" (1980, Ore ma) M111y Tyler Moore. Donald Suther lonl.I A uuilt rltJden tetin·aoer trying to put tllb fife back 1oyelh1:u utter his brother·~ dvath and 111s own su1ctdt1 e11empl reach· o& CllJI II> his cornplecent lather and his cold, rnse111ed mo<her 'ff (2 hrs. 3 min ) <HJ lllOYll "So rtne·· ( 198 t. Comedy) nya11 O"Neat. Jact. Warden A stuffy col 10\je professor saves his ta1tie1's flounder rny y erment laclory by 11111e"11ng a new I~ o f ladies· Jeans "A' ( 1 h1 3 I min ) ( S) A _.. DAY • lllllf A powerful family lurns a small town into a model 1e1uvena t1on=c.1 (Part 3) 0 Three Days Of The CondOf' 11975. Sus~nse) Ruben Redlotd. f"aye Dunaway A research reader employed by tne CIA uncovers 1nte1nar treachery when all ul t11s co-workers are assassinated by a 1\11 mAn who 1s now stalking him (2 hrs ) (ZJ lllOYll "Prxo1e·· ( 1981) reinando Ramos Oa Srlva. Marrh1;1 Pare (2 hrs 5 min) 1t:il ~-IWOM ... I THE YIRGllAM ,,. lllOYll ··under The Red Robe"' ( 1937 Adventure) Raymond Massey Conrad Ve1dt Swordsmen ba111e the forces ol lhe wily Card111al R1cheheu when he per· secutes the Huguenots 111 Louis x11rs rrance (I hr • 45 mm ) @ llCllCAT\lllE Gues1 Quentin Crisp (0) lllOYll '"Teen-age Tramp·· ( 1974) Ah· sha Fontaine. John Garner A young gorl accepts a ride lrom a truck d1111er and thus begins an erotic odyssey ··R' ( t hr . 20 min.) llOIUNCf: 1UT OHOYI (Part 1 ) ll&<Fvl.W ... llllMCHOl- lMAT cur IHOW ITMITI OP IM "'AMalCO CUlKIDt ...... MJIOll'T DOCT~ It THI HOUtl lllOVll ··shogun AssaSSln·· ( 1981 Adventure) Tom1saburo Wakayama. Masahoro Tom11<awa A former shogun assassin who was maneuvered out of his pos111on by a 1u1hless clan of spleS vows 10 take blOOdy revenge ( 1 hr • 26 min ) ( S) ~ John Byner shows you thrngs slranyer lhan uuth. larger than life and tanre1 1ha~th1ng yc11J°ve eve1 seen 11:116 Cl) Y Two patrel'lls die while being 1ransfe11ed lrom a p11va1e fac1hty 10 the county hosp11a1 (R) 11 hr tO mrn l 0 fl1) ToelQHT Host Johnny Carson Guest R.ck~rooer (1 t11) I ?ou ~ ~ -:rn- THE 8'UIOM DANCI: 1'WYlA TMAllP · 'Conlessions 0 1 A Cornermaker" A one·hovr collec11on ot thrs dancer's work w11h rnusrc by Bach ;:in1j Sprrngsreen ( 1 hr ) Friday, November 5. 1982 3 1 II llOYIE The Poseidon Ad11entu11 (197<' AOvenhJ•"'I Geru> H,1ckm.tr Ernes1 Bo1gn1nf' Alle>r a sh1~· ,., u 1psrrer by a hdaf w i"N• lhP urv1vrn'\ SlllJQple I slay at1v£> 1n1.i ''*''D arr vflS (? t11s Jr min I • m OM L.A. FPahJI• • d I' .i,1e actress J0.1n Co1t11 •S '' f>y11.!'>l'I ... i1,11 t takes 1 t>P ;i t as v..-y.. .,,,, l'IQ"' 1•·• problem'> •ii '"""age ~e•. ;u •nleiv1e" w11h rad'" ~~1<;nn111t111» l~.111111111J11 H•rl '"" IBla~ 1lC TAC DOUGH llAOA.m'I PUCf YOU A1KB> f<MI rT r••S'tf -.TIJE (,uest R.i ~uf'I WC•lc n ~ / l.ElllEJt llEPOfl'T • ~ AT M wtfTt HOUll Vl()l1nis1 llzhak P•·llman l)f'rlurms 101 p,,.,, 1denl and Mrs neaq..in .111<1 1he11 gvc<;t<; trom the [as! H •• m •t thp Wh111· H<>us1• i.!._hr) (li)ftll"SfttAIL tMt 1111 ~Cavel! looks al lhe eta ol Nar fu r J-. v•clnry q;:ir<Jens food and Qll'> •·1t•r1n1riu 11111 ltle n1g Sano souno alono ... 11 ..,w•u111 g11P'-I R11lph Levent:>erg a -.11•111v01 "' lhe ,,,f,1mou<, Bataan Death M<1•~n m COUfQl YCIU.llaAU.. C;i1 rnin1a Stal" Titans vs UCL A Brurns ( I hr 30 min ) .. 9 Cl) IEYD mmEt Fc. IEY&e MOTHOll Oanoet belrlf'nd<, an alf '1ho4r<: f()(mPr cnqn try music ~111r ;inlj ,.,,..., In neffl '"'" r...:l1mP hlS carl!f>• « t hr I G GD ~A s;itulf> 10 Amo>r1r .1 s 11t1lerans .inti '•P•v•< Prne11 fedh1ri>o; lhP "'Olh 11nnive•~·llY c Plf"b•~flon JI 1he WACS. a reo.1111111, ol V11,111am t1ghtr1 r1tots. and a v•sit with 1he h1yn.,~1 r 1nk1nq temale caoot at Wes1 P "n1 ( 1 r11 > l @)MfAUOUY MOWI[ /(1rro· tll7'> A 1venlu•i.'I Alain Delon St11ntcy Bakf"• A Spanish nobleman becnmes ii swcwdo;man an<1 urges ltle poor tc •°i't>->I ;iga1nst .1 1lP-:rint1c mtll~ovi•nno1 (;.hr<. ) i PA ~ A nu111s1 ilf!.Uf1nen1 comple.11 1n Aus11P r 1»as a 1ook at the con11oversy Ovf'r .rarch hfocker Cl•e> r11ns e 9CMI 'Cahill lJn1tl'd Stales Marsh11I ( 1973. Weslein) Jnhn Wayne George Kennedy A tough lawman 1recks cJuwn wlly bank 1oboo1c; only to find his two sons 1nvotve<J with lhP yang (2 hfs j @mu r,aiurecl Fwnpean Influence on Ame11ean '.j\Ommerc1,11s new forms of sculptor bl( David Stollr an Amet1can ~le heallh=.;n CalistogA, Calltorn1a • • I& "leCI AT TMI WllTl ~ Vlolin1s1 1f1hal. Perlman Pf)rlorms for Pres Iden! and Mrs Rea11an an() then guesls trom the F11st RC>Qm of the While House i_!hr ) (Cl ~ "Three O;iys 0 1 The Condur' ( 1975. Suspense) noberf Re<Jf0<d. Foye Dunaway A re,.earch re11der employed by !he CIA uncovers 1nlernal l•e&chery wN m ell of his co-wOfkers ere assass1nnted by A hit man who j5 now s1alk1ng him (?hrs J (l).olTIC&Tllt (J) ~ John Byner shows you lh•ngs 11ranget than truth. 1;1rqer lhAn Ille And zaolef than anything you ve ever seen e llO¥ll "The l tlllO Prince" ( 19!4, Mutlcel) Rr<:h11rct Kiley. Gttne Wilde• An airline pilot stranded 1n the Cl"9ert encovnle<S a s11enge Hiiie boy from a dls- 11nt planet IWhO 11 searching fOf ll'le cause of hlS unhappiness. ( I hr • 30 min ) "IAU.•"9, .... , .. CIWl.lrl.-... IO YOUT'tm YOUtoT ~· 3-' Friday, November 5. 1982 @ ITAGla ..,. .. .,. DlaCTI LUii John Houseman 1Nects the Acltng Company 1n a produc1ton ol Shakespeare s 'King Lear · ( 1 h•) U!) oot9 ,_ TM( FGIEIT The SIO•y bet11nd the 51gn1ny of the World War I arm•st•ce 1n November ol 1918. and lht' rnd1nary men who found themselves 1a1.- 1ng pall 1n the nego11a11ons 1s drama11zed l' nr 30m1n I fli)llOYIE · fhe tncred1bte Sh11nk1ng Worn an· I t980. Comedy) Lily Tomlin. Charles Grodin A housewife ltnds 11 hard 10 cooe when She '}Uddenly begins 10 Shrink 1n s11P ·pc ( 1 hr 24 min) ~ (!]) llOYE "Sne · ( I 965 AdvPnture) Ursu la Andress Joh11 R1chare1son A mystPri ous woman convinces an Enghshman traveling'" Palestine 1ha1 he is IN> 1e1ncar nahOfl of ner t0<mer lover (2 nrs ~min 1 lll CHAIUI ~ TAUS wmL .. Robett Mllchum .. .. IJ (I) ALJCr Mel's mother arnves '" Pt1rw nix w•lh the news (hal stie and her n11s band have been drv0<ced D cm TM! fACT1 °' lH Blair falls 1n lovP with a very flanosome but st1ghlly retard<'d bOy D ID mltY ~ Guesls Met lorme. Paul Servino. Phylhs Hyman Billy Fellows ( t hr ) 9 G0111' ,_TM! AJMfT The story behind the 51gning of lhe WOfld War t armistice 1n November ol t 9 t 8. and lhe orC11nary men who found themselves tek- •ng pan '" lhe negol•attons 1s dramattled l1 ht 30m1n ) E WCT ~ Marytano Gia~ Cov erage 01 final rounds lrom Bal11more Md illl (2 hrs 30 min ) (lJ llCMI 'Mean StreE>ts' ( 1973. OtamaJ Harvey Keitel, Robert De N110 A small 11mP. hood and hts Irresponsible trjend find plenty ol trouble 1n New Y0<k ·s l 11!1e llaty ·R' ( 1 hr . 50 min ) (O) .. DAY•IDIJt (I.I ID: Tl.lllMI rm.I The myths OOIJ realities of t&enage love. peer pre~c;ure and changing mOfals are examined through tnler'lliews wllh teens. pa1enis and teachers ( t hr ) rZJ llOft E~onlenegro .. ( 1981, Come- dy) Susan Anspach, Erland Josephson A neglected wile travels 10 Slockholm and begins an affair with a man she met 1n a t>ohemia=lclub •R· ( I hr 40 min ) .. 1 ;-o Pl.M MCM Carlotta and Marc;hall lry lo salvage lhetr standing tn society when the Southern 500 comm•tlee CAJmes tor dlone< (Part 2) D G) , ... , Tm An old lnend of fhe lamlly makes a pass 111 t 5-year·old Maflo- CD llOVll "Three Vtolenl People" ( 1956. Western) Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter Two men end ti women t>ecome lnVOlvecl in a lr1&ngle while tighllflg an unfair provl- SJonat gove<nmenl (2 hrs. 30 min) @ CMAMT tml '1111111 Thf'ee of New Yo1k's c1asstes1 singers such es Bobby Short. Hugh Shannon and Mabel Mercer sing songs br COie Porter, Rodgers AOd Hart. Sondheim end olhers ( 1 hr ) ,.. • Cl) na.t WITat A chent wtlo 1s ttlready dead t1sk1 Amanda and Riek lo llnd his kNlef ( t hr.) G • QllllCY A handieapped COf009f all&Cks Quincy for believing In lhe'tnno- conoe of 1 man auapecttd of mvrdtlflog hls og--~~hr) I The kidnaWlng ot Fallon and "' 1 be by 1Mehet an 91TIOllooll all· max. and Blake la caUQht ott guerd by Michael Torrence's cl111m that ho 1s a Carr ·~loo D (1 hr) ~ ~ llAGllC Of DAleCI What Is New Dame Margo1 fonteyr1 1races 1he careers of some performers and cho1eographers whu have i.>Apenmented w11h new slyles illld lorms 11 d;inc.e I I hr I C llOVE The Gambler t t<l80, West ern) Kenny Rogers lee Purcell A proles- s1ona1 gambte1 lake<:. a Hain ride through the Old West 10 hl"lp his esllanged son and l1ndo; romance with a shady socieiy taoy .= the way 11 hr 40 min ) l:f · Prince 0 1 The C11y" ( 198 t D•amal Treat W1111arn!'. Jerry Oroach A New York cop 1s cavgnt belween lederal preso;we :ind loyally !Cl his tellow oll1cers uur1nQ 11n 1nvPSt.galil)(1 ,,, WldeSP•f"ad police co11up11on A (2 nrs . 4!1 min ) 0) llOVE The Uc1agon' ( t980 Adven lu1P) Cnucl. No11ts lee Van Cleet A wealthy young woman nu es a retired mar I at arts ct1amp1vn to prolPCI her f1om 1e1 ror1s1s 1ra1ned hy thf" mystPnous N1n1a cult rr ( I hr 4 3 nun ) S• llOVE Just Betore Dawn ( 198 1 Su-.PflnS(') GPnrqf" Kennedy Chris Lem- mon F1vf" young pl'Opte on a camping f"Aped1t>0n f1nc1 1nemsetv{.>S 1n lhf' midst of a b1zar•e tam1ly of animal t1ke moun· ta1n{'('rs R 1 1 h• JO min ) 0 MOYIE The Ame11c.an11a11on ()t [m1ty ' ( 1964 Comedy! James Garne• Juhe Andrews Romance Q1t>ws between a B111- •Sh "'ar w1dnw and a non heroic officer ass.gned lo P•Ovode h1'i SUJ)('rtQIS with lhe --i!:\E~;.;;~h 1 .... ~ •-Sam Waterston tooks al the h11es testes ana behavior of the l11s1 Amer1can colonisls 1hrough then arltlacts and w1111ngs .. (Z) CtWUS ~ TAUS wmL "Robert Mitchum .. -01.l llOYIE .. Kona Coasr (1968. Adven- ture) Richara Boone. Vera Miles A young woman dies ol a drug overdose and the man wno gave her the drugs mus! answe< 1wl'o i».Dn~~her (?hrs ) •11MCM06-fNATGURattOW mBTlf/6 SM AIMCllCO Im.I Fealured. European Influence on American commercials new lorms ol sculptor by David Stoltz, an AmetlCan- ~t le health spa 1n Calistoga CatilOfnift •••••.oRT DOCTal • TM1 "°'* .cMI .. The Tate 0 1 Tiffany Lust" (1 hr , 30 min J CZ> .cMI "Amencan Pop" (1981. MlN- cal) Animated The history of Arnerlean p<>P musk:. from vauc1evllte to rock 'n' roll. is traced through several generations ot a family of musicians. 'A' ( t hr . 37 min ) 1t:tl 8 (I) Mam.._.. fUCI An event tn Murray's hidden past jeopardizes his ~lion f()( 8 llqU()( license (A) U • ~ Host Johnny Carson Guests: Al11n King, S1eph8ote Powers. ( 1 lhr )I.':.-=.~ ••:za• ITMa MOUIWUM ~ LUii John ovaeman direct• the Acting Company In a prOductlon of Shaketpeare'a "Klflg ll .. ~~toaln NI LA1-T H1>8t' tltnnla Wholey ( 1 llf I Movlu- MO~tl,ta:I .. " lfr<t.JI I I 1j Ad-.c111111,., lhuf t t t ,~ I 11 t,\J• '" llJ 1.1 , ,,,. t l11u ~ Nou1~ t I t11 tt 11111 •11 z ''••Ult• I l'lll t I '"""""'" 11111110 .. I )11 ~1lvH M ur1ltu t 1to11 t '''"' '• ""'') .. n71 11, .. M,1111111 '>1•11""" l 1'1'11 I 111111111/ t '"'"' fm1111·~ Jcil111 I w11f 1.' 111•, I •tt cc· ""' l 111 .. 11111111 t-111 1 l'th'• 1>11111•.i1 '•lt•vt1 Mt lJ1H•t111 I dv..,11 1t1 HulHltM.>lt ( 1 ht 11011111 .. H lht• Int uu11t1ft• t1101~u·u W tlll'IUI 1 l'lftU l tllfH•d)'J l 111 f t11hr1 t h1HI••~ t 1h1du t I tu 4'4 11ur1 t @ I •·111·,1· "' t 1'1111 My•.1 .. 1yl 1111111 111 l'p,111 / Ju·,pp'• l Plh•n I 1 hf ,'!> flHlt ) 79!f l ''" fh1ll11111 111 11111 flllllh· ( l'l'1h f111UH11J Vt•ll lftllll'oPFI Ju·~f•pl1 l .. ulhHI (1* ti•·· I 7:111 Z 1\1111'10,111 l'c•P fl'lll1 M""<1tl) A111111,111 .. 1 11 111 l/ 111111 I tao C ll1o11q11 < 111 t l'llHI l\dv1•11h111•) 111111 I t1 .,, 11.J· 1 ••·,ft•\ /\11111 I • ''h'' f I tu ')., flUI ) H l\11y Wl111 11 W.cy '"' < .c11 I l'lttO t 1J11w Jy) ( ti 11 I t IYt " t u1n(j1.; I <>< ,..,. .i...!._ tH .i11 lf11f1 J O llw (111 .. 11 l\itv .. 11ttlll' ( 11)!,4 l\1!v1•11t""') 1\11•11 '•111 "'·""'" l\11cl1•1., Nm luuq (I tu I 1l !flt,.) l:JO O H.11 ,, J 111 Y111u I 1h t 11,11111• fhow111 ( 1•J11 I , ''"•«lyl 1\111111.clt., I ( 1 lu ."1 11111 l e:oom ,,,. 1.,,. 11•14u At1vt-n1ur1·1 I> '"ll'"" I 1o1i.,111~· II M.111.J Mu11lt-t (.' he, I t15 ( l . I ht• 1<1•111111 \ >t I hp .. ,,•(.JllCU'.. !1E'Vf'll ( l'IUO (11,1111.1/ M,111., 1\11111!1 C.illldon l,li1J 11 (I Ill 4f. 111111 I t:IO (D 1111· I )P.1dly c ;,11111· t l'l/h D1<1111.1/ (),1v11.J fh1111•y 1\11,.,. 1. .. 11111•111 t.' ,,,., I 0 It .. l flit• f't1111 • 1 11114 Mu..,11 .111 ft1tl1,11 I l\ol"'f <11•11t• W•flll'I <1 h• JU ,,., tt:GD c ''"' 1;.1111111.,, 1•1so Wt-i.1e1111 K1•r111y 111•1<•1• It·• I 111\ t•ll I• h1<, ) H' I ,,,pt.ole 1 llfl! I '.11..,pt.'ll'>tl) Alt.ell r 11111py M.111111 S1>1'"" 11 Ill 4!> 111111 I 10 1 t .. Hltl1e \l'llll !J1r1r11.i) Helen M111•,p J,11" llHtlllf''olHI I I 111 47111111) S P11"' ""' < 11 w.11 ( 1~54 Ora111<1) rlu11.clcl flc•.14.111 Ui>wt•y M.111111 't I tu •1 I nu1 ~ 1t:GS@ 11 t fltlJ 1\11 I h ,t'ol I II 1'1 }tj ( 19 JU Mu t 11) !lot• I I•., ... w ( r •t•ld<, (.'hi!. I 1UIO 0 , < II l'IH I < vm1·1ly1 W1lltdl11 fh1<Jp11 lttl11 l\11<!ft>w• f?h" 4n11n1 l flit• MJd AcJvPll1Utf>'. 01 Rabbi .ft ll Ot> t I 'l 7 4 C.u111t•1Jy) I 111;1-, De runt'~ '>111v fJpl,111 I I 111 J'1 111111 ) -Afternoon Movies- 12:GO O ""t'"a Bet•<•" f l'J'•tl WPsle1111 fir ,u1 11.1.,th Fl1(:k J.J ·(•II t I he 30 cnin ) Q) A [Jt!olillll lrum1w1 11964 West 1•111 fro, 01111Jh1w ._,.,,.,tnnP Plf'5hf'lle l· '11• I C lt11• VI I• • t 1'lti'l [/l,tmd/ fhza lw1l1 I .1yl111 Flu rulll.l !11Hlo111 I? hlS ) O Tt .. • ( 111.ao•111 111100 Ad11en1u1P/ <I 111-N'''"~ 1 ... 1• V,1n Clf'f'I (1 hr 43 Out1 $ I ,t I '-''''" f l'ltl l Ho11c>1) F retl l\,1..i1o• J••il11H>J.l'ln,u (ttir 50m111) t2lU Z It•· 1lo,1t•rt C.1il11I 119811 Rotl ">It•• 11·• f).~v1J H,iltn, If' fl t 1 h1 JO nun l 1•0 rt1 .... A"11•rnrtrul,Jt1on <>1 I 1'164 t,rnllt'tJy I J,11111•~ (_,,i111cr A101tP/v' f 1 ,,, i,f, nun Frn1ly Julie Slun \\'a ler~lon \\ i II nurralt• "' 4'\~ En~luncl B··~in!-> ~ W'•·d1w!->da y al H::lo p .m . 011 h.OCE (Ch. '.>0). !:al (; My•,lo•ry ( 11 I roo• MclhOll U<>lliJI Ii<•< ~l'Y Put.k t 1'1/' My..,lt•»I MtLhrlt•I M,te D11niild A11q1•l,1 K11111r11 I I h1 30 1111n I 2:15 l J lht· (.,11•.al N1ulhltt-ld M11111f"•<•l.1 FlJlll ( 19/? Wc",11"11•) l,hll AollP11'>11n ROI.Jell Duvdll (I hr 4 '1 111111 ) 2:111 ($) .. lrnclatton G1~1u•1111 · I 1958 Corne1lyl r .1cn11 ~ord, Ht•d l!1111u11' ( 1 llr :JO rn111 / tGO .H1 'A11y Wh1cl1 W.1y You C..HI" I 1960 Co1Pe11y) (ltnl f .1'.lw•K•<l :,,,,.,,,,,I 11tl-.1• l 1 hr 4•, 01u• l fh1· 1,r,-.11 M111•J>t·I C.tpt-r 11'181 L11n11!•l)) (,I .i•lt" < ,,, 1111 01an.i fl1qq f I hi 40 lllOI I 0 Ot•lll'.1011 1111111 My">IPI)') P.111111•1 Pt'arcy Jost•ph t .11111•11 I I tic ?5 """ l tal (QI ·na1..e> Fm Y11111 I ill' Cl,.11111• (Jrow111' ( 1977 Comt•1ly) Ar11111.ilPr:t ( 1 tu •"• rn111 I M ,ZJ Hee ::.rt•l'I I clP (ll ~·1.in1~ l 1'l78) Oocument;iry 1111• 11t11':.1< ol SIPv•C Wor rJPI hrghhghb 1n ... '''"' (. ( I hr 40 llllll I 4cOI C Aougti Cut' f l'IHll A1lw111t11•·) Bull Reynolds l p•,iPy Arn"· J)11w11 t 1 r11 •,;> m11t) d@ ThP (,1f'.JI l\!lvc•11!1111 I l<J'14 AcJvcnture) K,rll "o111·k<;d111 It l\111J1,,.., Nor tiocy (I hr t') """ l li:to 'Br".t"uul c 197~ Chactes Bron~on Jill lir•l.i11d 0 Toni ( 1981 111,un.Jl Met Gibson ( 1 hr 1~ 11°•n I Adve111u1P) 12 he~ I P1pe1 liltJr1t• ~{!Ii ThP Th•ee M11 .. ~Plt'e•'> r 1974 Com Pd/) Ohver Al'f'<.l n.1•111e1 Welt.I 1;> hr'> 10m1n I "'°, 2 flluf'bt•.!ICJ" I 1qhlh Wile 11q1a Dra•na) Cldudt>llt• Lolt)r>rt ti.Hy CoJopf'• {I hr ::>5 n11n) .. u;:"J.cm • CM ... ..,,.oouat4 AIC .... Q ....... " KAWAIRYl-0 om u1v ' ...... ' 1 .Illy """"I"'' l) ..CNIWI UNDOIT AIDMG ltUltWt llHA YIOR I J ltl()VI( ·1111 I 1111 11111,111 '°'"' ( l'Jb'> ( 11.1111.11 '.1t•.1 M1 CJ• 11 • ·11 I lw.1111 ( • lluh 1u~n11 A yfJ.u.q .11d,h,u1 lt111•, 111 t,...H1 lhtt .,.., .. , , 1f I 1 J I I-,., 11 ·• b.tllh• for pro•,f•Utf \· '"") H TWO Of HlAlfTI Wl11·11 .1 HJ yl'ttr ulCI 111.11 ~ q11I !111 1•1 "'"'I 111 "" t11!11111ll18i lf11HllottlP 111 11•tl. .t l111w k1i1fH•y, tltH p 1,1uu1q1•rt i,\lhdt• l!H!fht11 I ttll'1ftllh lo bu 1111• olri1t111 f I 111 I Is OllUT UJ>IEI Of COUNTRY llU8'C I I y1111 Arul,.t•,.,11 I>• l•c .1 I .111111 •lltt1 l ilCy I (l,-tll111 .111 f•· 111u1 J 1r1 • ti .-•' 11•rtnrmancr~ t.t,Jt•tj ttf ffu• Mt .~It I ,1,1110 ft 1Jt'I 111 fh•fU) Nc-v.111.1 111" l 0 ltlOVIE M, c '''"'I'"" 111Jt1 I rJ1d ,,,,.., Ynt-1, 1,t1111 1d.i t t111•, Mitt f1'"" Tht! 11ue •.11t1y 11t ,, f1·1111-tll· J,1p.t111·1.•· run111nu t.h,u 11p11111 '" told I I 111 4'• 111111 ) I WHArlMYUHf tt:IO m .... IMNfY IAilR ~ 19ES TltREE 11 11•1 t New Yrnlt • <.f,1., .. 11• .I ·'"')"'' 1 I ,.., fl11llby sr1or1 Huqri "1r1.Hlfh)ll ttllfJ M.tl11•I Mt•rc.,.PI smq ,JJIHI'• hy ( •It f'ort•., l<•"l!Jr•r•, And Hart So111H11•1111 .111<1 ''"'"'' '1 111 ) fJl) otelt CAY£TT 1,,,1 .. ,1 1 .. 11.1tli.111 M1t11•1 ldfl 3) (fl) lfWINQ POWER WOM.D Of P£0f'l.E 7'1» CNMEWI ..CNEWI HUf'Y DAYI AGAIN AICMEWIO , JI. MAClAZINE IOU MEWi EN"fmTANENt TONIGHT THllEFS COllPAkY m JOltfJl'a W1.D m 1Ua.ss REPORT 'H AL.1..-oHT AADtO 1•1 :1•11 qoo111J'. 11 a l an ftll n1yt1I t, 1.11 ,111• • 11111/l"rf l ltl()Y1f It ""' fl ( 1'1111 HOllCll) Ja•n1t.' I •·t• 1 It I 11110.11•1 l'to·o1·,1•11ce A hunPIP•"•,ly 1t1•,,11H 11 of(h''''' t 11r1f111U(l"i h1S 1e1911 nl '"""' 111 1 .,,,,,,,, t 1w11 ·n ( 1 h1 30m111 / 10• ltlOY1E 'l'.11t.,1111, t l'lfl 1 L11n1edy) Aun Rr·'l""•l•l ,,,., .. ,,( U' Arn11•l11 A bacti t""lr•r 1r1 t11• t(H'u w'1•1 N.tr!f• fu t1•• t-t lalhe1 w"•c.llc•, I '' II·•• rc<Jlol wCJll JI lo bt:dl hes c;tutcJ rt. I I I J'J 11 •It $ FAENE TAU TIEATRf fl111111 t.f<Wlts- l-111 Ht-rv1• V•lli,• 1 1 ••• 1.11· 1• .c o;trange lrltlP 111.11 ""' 1 ... 1, .1 11111to ,, ' c1.wghter ~p1r1 '>fldW I I f,I 1 I J11 I z ,ltl()VI( l101• i.A.11\ l\1Jv1·1•l•H•" 1)1 f1,tbbt Jdcol.J 11•1/4 ''""'"fl ''''" ll<-runes. ~ury r>1·f,tlf At• '''•t11Jl',1v•· IH10.,111cs.srnan dl!i-9\1" ... , "' .1·1• I , ' ,, ,,., 11 ,., 35 moc1) m OAANOE COUNTY TOO AY 7:1S@ MEWI 7:1116 2 OM THE TOWN 11 ,,, •"'" 1 , ~.11 10 111e hOff,t1 ' Ir ttl f ,,,.,,rl •t' 111r ,, ' •' •• ,.,de ~· Fk1111J.i ·• IUCJA .it IJA1.t1'•f"H1 1'1111 Qa;)FAaYFIUD Fnday NovP.mtiPr 5 1982 33 -Morning Movies- NOvtmEJt 11, 1112 .. c , .. •ti • I •• ,.1 l 1 •/H 1/1, lo , II o I, ti If I \•;,1h 1 I• l T•o .~• '• I I fk>t Jlt\1•t I 1', I •.1 JPt .-J' i• t .. (\7) /\ ,,1 o I \ o' ,, ,. • r , I 1 • ~ · '' r ,. P<) \ If I .,', ... i flf p , 0 M .. t1••11 ')t1m It I • 1 7;00 (f I IJ A rn,I) 1.1 h I 1· It 0 fl Hitt• ''' • /\JV•'I t & 1 I I! 1~ $ I••'' .• n.111 •• ,., j••', '111fl. NS 2 1 <Jyl H1•1t1,.1• HI tll 11, I .. C l•~ I 1•, <,1•llfll I I I l H I 11• 11 I rntn I j I 1t .. 0 1 h i.,111' ~i11..,1• 1p\1J ( 11 11111 lt·'H ~aviitl" l>.h •IM r • I n1o1 m r. I ~ ,, I 111' \I t0\4 M I ot..ot' GPO•·~•' Jl,1H Mo1•h "' I 11r·I••• t1 r, hr• t 1:11 Z 1111. I ' '" I 11H 'I fh tn ·ii J...lCq111•I ,,, h• 1 •t 11•,, h It I '" It) rr11n J t::al m It,. ti I 111 I I I t'l I'• fir I II ' I I Mel ay1P11 1 '''·''""' /\•• 11 • 1 si . fhtt ~ , .. ,, H1, ,tlllll" I H Tl11 Ap11c • 1ynse 11 •r.. I•• 1•t , ( ·",, r • ,., 1 CCllJll (,'tit '1•,,,,,, I -!Cl Th• l 0111.111ttll(lf1 '""'''' 11'181 /\rtvP11f1111•1 I 11•.tl W1ll1u111• ll1 I •1·1 • ( ~1v.1ll ( t llr 40 n1111 I •H) lhe '•"'·'' ""'""'""' I 1'1/h l"o1 rnil} I}( k J .•• 1'• •• I ··H I '""'·· t f ht 30 rnrn I 0 P 1tP11 tv f I 1111 l "'"''•IVI 111111 Reyn()hl<, rl1•v1•11~ () Anq1•l1 I I hr l'> m111) -@ !:,p1n111111t ft•tC,i llr.11.1) ll1o<~ HUd!>on A;i1t1.ir.11t 111 1.'t1t'. I 1\M(ZJ 'AllP !111• fl11llt•I I l'l!11 WPSl1'1ti\ Gene H.1Lkm.111 r 11 •l• '' llP•ti1•11 (;> '"" ;>5 '""') t"t:ll (JO · T <>tllirf l\roun<J ( I 'JBO. (,nrn11<1y) Gary flt1•.('y l\nnPllt> I l To••le (I ltr 41 rn1n) 0 "A11rlgl' 1/J"' ( l<Jll llu1m>t) Rotwt Duvall vernil Al•ll•m I I rtr '>5 min J Alternoon Movlu• 1119 CiJ "Bell!'s nn r11"" foe<;' ( 195;> Come dy) Myrna I "Y Jp;rnne Crain 11 hr 10 min ) «I) "Wake U f Thn Red Wilch' ( t94A. Adventurf') lc1hn Waym> Grg Younq (;> hrs ) CC) "Secrets ()I Three I lungry Wives' ( 1978 Myslery) h11nes r1,mc1scus Jessi ca Welter (;>hrs) (Q) "Carnal Knowledge"' ( 197 t. Drema) Jack Nicholson. Ann Margret ( l hr 37 min) -()) "SOUlhern Comfort"" ( 1981 Drama) 36 Friday, November 5. 1982 l\n ,., •• 1r r ,, l\n1~tl 1•1 ·d l ' ru I/ t1'U1 J 1:*1 H 0..,.11•1•1 1• r l1 lt11 Nrirlh ( 1'18 1 {\ "-•" r ,,,., I l1•H f4,,r ty1 I ~ c ~t•rr1ll 12. hr l'1 """ I lo) l ''' 11, M 1nPy I 1'180 AdventUIPI R.iy ">t1o11k1•v 0111Plld Mull I I hr J!,. fOlll) 2:00 C tr.,, l11•rtJd1•1 11'~'•' f)1,1md1 W• 11;:tll 11\lfl' ohdf 1t•I i · 1 ,~ M t •wP t I I I !I) t;OO H f .ilh1•1 r,q,,11• I 1'180 llr.tm.i) Ho1• I 1!1 j,.rr flf111 thy ltttll 111 11 h< di)'"' 1 I L /rriu Tt11o< .. 1y HI.Ill" I t'lll 1 I""' ... ,.,, •• t"-lt-H,1rn lqr l 1 ,r..•1 H1111 1n ( • P11 ll1111r I 0 A H,1pp1'111r·•1 tn l1;1n11°l111 I !~71 1 ,\ h•Pf1l1tft-t ;>ht' J 0 fh1• l .. 11 Arid 1111° (.,,,,,,,, I I'• l'l < 111111•1Jyt f\11ti H1 ro•• r' 11111•111 < 1o<l•J.1t<l 11 f1, 14 Pllll 2 R1rtt l\r .. l I ,)111011• 1 I IA I rt1.in1.1t f .ituhLP Rrorqr•n laL ''''""Ill' f~r-.<:1°1 I 1 t" ~'> n111 ) J:all •Cl ThrP!' Wa111vr5 l 1111/ (lr,11n,1J Ranrly <J11.i1 l ( n;itlp<, w1111p ~ .iqlf> I I h1 d9 """) $ I eq!"n<.l 0 1 Thi' W1l1J ( 1'180 Drama1 Dan HaquPrty f)p1111o>r Pyle I I hr 40 min 1 ~0 · J.>a11•1nt1y ( 1981 Come<1y) Burt neyn 1ffls RPverly D Angelo I I ht J• mrn I HO (!) "TrtP Magnrfrcen1 SPveo ( 1960 We<,tern) Yul !'rvnner Fl Wallach c h<"o 10 min I H' ' (.JO Pciq., I I 'lfll) '>at111•' l\lllntill •"1 Vorce• ·I Jo11a1h.i" W1r111'1' V•n1 r>nt •111 P (?hr-,) L Allegro Non !1npw11· ( 1<)7(, I <1111;i >r /\n1m111ec1 11 h• ;>5 rmn I Ol (.harlrp Mullin· ( l'l74 /\11vl'lllUIP) [ la~uJ Hemmrnq<: n;ilnh R1ch,J1c1r,on I 7 ,,,..,) ZI 'Thr M111or l,rack li I 1980 My<. IPryt rto1ahPlh Taylnt Krm Novak '1 hr 46 """) !r::JDl $l The Hunne1 !;.1umbt~· ( t979, Or::i rnil) Orck Viln Oyke Kalhleen 0111nl;111 ( 1 tu l'l min ) --lZEvening ........ CtWU!'I MGB..a C81NIWI BQKT•aouGH AICNIWIQ ........ HAWAllWl-4 OW. WY Gue'' Gandlce Bergen Q 19CNIWI • ltWIAllTWI T1ltOUQlf TH! ARTI ( llOVll '"The Pursuit Of DB Cool>t't' ( 1981. Adventure) Treat W1l1tems Rot>etf Duvall A thoef skviecks a plane and para· chufes lo safety over Orego11 wllh a lor rune m stolen money "PG" ( t hr 40 min~ t::atl GD ~LM UMSY-..... = CAYlfT Guest .lonethan Miiier ia~YIMI VIDIO llMMZlll MO¥ll "So Fine" (t981 , Comedy) Ryan O'Neel. Jaclt Watdeo A stuffy col· lege profMllOf aavee hit lather"a llovnde1- tng oarment l11etory by lnvenflna • new type ol ladlee' JMnt. 'R ( 1 hr .. 3 f min ) WCRD Of PEOflU C8SNEWI 19CMIEWI HAWY DAYS AGAll AICNEWI O , .. lllA<lADIE SOAP onerTANEfT TC*IQKT TlllH'I COMPAMY m JO«Sl'I ftJ) ~ IUllE .. lllEPO«T H lllOMIEY l&ATTEJtl Th· t.1 I I ilCE."1 1ncu not>ntary oiler•, wily" It• ~·••P """'"Y on •elPphnnp b1llo; il 11111~ ;it 1.1q .,,,lpc, olntl ,.,,,,.,p .n~1Jr.-1nr+• f nit·' L MOW Rre.1~ 1110 fhP !::rt>1Jnd Ra111e1 1 1<11,;> fl1 '"'oll na1p1 R1th.1rrl<.011 Ann I <><ld An •flvPnlnr .,ullPr., ~~ro;w1al tr;igr Iv .111d '"''"~"'" '" "" !l1Jl'SI 111 p11>rluce ,1 1j,Pt1.( r •«.. J 1.1n• ~, t.1 ) 0 MOW Chiv• 111 <,,111l 11q/,' 01<1 111.11 W11i1,1ll• 1,.pp1•1 K,ttf>n 111.11 ~ A ll01J I ,p,J ~ 11111~ l••«I• t J 1Pll1 l1IPr11p11ri9 tn rp.n h rt1,UutJI v thrnuqt •n +~h" 1r rt ''"..lnCP .Hid 1'1VUIV•1111f'~t 1 " dlllJl\,11 poht1c." IPfUn!-t ".ti t>e11111 r II I II J 11111111.0l•f>c1 c1•'PSll I ""l"~ dnyn11111· II 11 111 JO ""n ) 2 MOW lhP r ,,..,, limp 114f,<l llra ""' JaCQuf'lt1>t A•'><,Pt WPS ':>IPrr I 1 111 10m1n) '1' OMMOf COUNTY TOOAY 7~ e 2 OM ntE TOW FeallJIPd I C'h .to ses o;1on tor Vogue M;s4a11nt' IPi1lu11ntJ Mar gril"• HPmtnQway ;in(.) Juhe Newnrar a n1s1nr•c crrme lour ot L c••. AnqPlt><> ;s s,itule 10 thP a•med lntc.P~ I G:)FA1m.YF£W UYDlll 1 ltR£Y I CO.AMY M OM LA. FeilhHed n 1epor1 on 1>Unk$ an•l how oCrPly •Patl, to 111em a tr•~· 10 a club lnr famous •Pdheads an 1nl1>1v1ew with 1,1i:J•o ppr<,nnalrlles l ohm11n l•nd~= ····•"H llQMA~ Guest 01 l h11s1taan Bar nard , m llACIB.1 LEJIU lm'OflT m ftJ> ...CA · Time Of ThP Gnuty Marty Stouffer explores thf> Irle. history, ancJ habrlal of fhe gr1uly beat !H) _.. THf Wl The fatPSI develop menls 1n lhe Nr=t o;ttrkP are OJ1arn1ned ( 1 hr ) ! Sl ~ Get •n 5tiape. took gOOd. and feel great with tl11~ physical Illness e!.°Glr W "CaSllP 0 1 fvtl" ( 1966. Horror) Scott Bredy Virg1nra Mayo Se11e1al ne11s arrive ar en ee•ie island caslle to heat lhe read~ ot a will ( 1 hr . 30 min ) .. 8 (I) llAGlll .. PJ. An appa1en1ly freak fen.-:rng accldenl puts H1ggms 1n 1ell IOI rnurder and Magnum oo -Ifie trail of the real kHler ( 1 hr ) a GD , ... A bhnd vocal coach assigned 10 the school 1nsp1res the studenls. but ;sllenares some of lhe faculty members ( t ht) D llOVW "Car Wash" { 1976. Comedy) ntchard Pryoi Ge<>fge Carlin The crazy, mixed-up. daily routine ol a detu~e Los Angeles car wash 1s ln1errupted by several unusual customers. (2 hrs.) 8 0 ~ LMI CMAal JO&nle end Chachi lure a man they believe to be Paul McCartney to 11 well-f!Cf\ler1tsed band rehearsal IJ MO¥ll "Whers New Pussycat?" ( 1965. Comedy) Pele1 Se(lefa. Peter O'Toole. A contused young man Mella help from an even more contused paychl- ntrltl (2 hll ) r ( fJ W'CMITICIWTD IT 1 lllOVW I 11111'>1 '•t111y ( 111111 1111111111 111111 A >l1111n lt1l111 ltO\lftftllllltl Mybl111h11I• !11111111·. lillljlll !ti ""' 11111111' 11111 11111~11 111 u hlfli4tl' 11t ht_., uldnllt 111n11 wfu~ •th1t1tt hulh 11 flllllllhly .l11ryl11lllt1\j IJHI h'IJillh111 111111 II '>ll ~I 1111! ''" 1111 I 11~ 'II 110 """ I UM~ .,~Ille II A1 .. t I 111111111•, I l'Hll n1on11t) c wuht •• f\u'U''" J,u q11uh11u Hi·. ""'' I h11111ut11111t ll•t• "I'" .111ol l11w11• I lhf•il lt•\l•t•l flyt" llh"'ftUy t 111t1t•f UHi 1u11t,•"'*' 1 ... ,,.. lw1• w11t1wn dt•I ••11 I fl rtu•u hit1t1tJ·.r1111 fuf l+tlHhf)' 14 t t ''' •,•, 111111 j 1UI I OOPT~ TOllQHT (}Q) THI l.AtT WON> · MOVll 'Strl1•t11> t. l'lh'I M~· 1111y1 Alt'A < met 111111 I kl,11111 A 111'.1111 I 1111111r11•y 1'1H~ 10 111ul 11 pl11yhuy '•Htnl wtut 11 k1ll111v ""'!J" 1111 h1tli.iU 111 11 11•111u•1tc•r """"' i? ht'>) (.t\NIWI G) .,Vil l t111ll1h·1 111 1111· I ''"' ( l'l'd Aclvt•111t111•) Al,111 I .uht 1> .. 1111r.cl1 t\111r A bl111d ~Jiii ,ftft'rnpl•, fo fu•lp 11•t11•"'H h•t1'1H1f1..., .tllf-'• rt ttlc-tt1 '-!Pit'-. yu•tt·, lo,, "'''''1Hdf.tlt (~' '""' (!) LOYI, AlmlCAN anu 0 .,Vil Olyll•lllL I ..... 1 1 l'IU{IJ 1>11~ 1e11 l~nn J1•1t•111y I hn c "'"> fl11"0<1n.., '>t1nll uul theu 'Pl~'t tc, ~ 11•.c c ,...,..,, ,1 '1U( C~~~ tul ,1111101<' ., "t") ~'" r .. 1 I 1 111 :>O 011111 J 0 llOYll I n11tJ P. Mrn11•y 11qso. Ad111>1\lurt') f~.iy Sharl\t·y t lrnt>ll.1 Mui; A I ,,,, Al1!Jt'lt>S l>ilnk 11mple1y11e s lrtt-o., l11111ucJ uµ~ocJt' cJnwci wtw11 he 11111p1.., <Hill t>t•c 1>111t•., ro111dt\11Cntly 1r111ol11t'll writ> lllu wile ~11 ,, WtJ811hy Ger111,.11 i>ntlt'(lrt'l1!11Jf R' ( I hr J5 min I 1UI II CJ) llOYll 'H<1pp1ly r vt'I Alh•o ( 1<11t3 ROtnillll.t't Atute fln•·t'1l11er '>111<11111t' Som1•0<, Ar .J~p11111y ~111yr-1 1· 111111 tlel'Aft•ttn ht•r jt:")lf P for f1urw .u1d ht:• Jlh.-trl•C,,. lo ti Ir JP"''"~"' lllllfJI ltlHt fl\;111 IR) (1111 '>'•IC 111 tta 0 W LATE tlQHT wm4 DAVID l..fTTtJWAN Gue'>I~ S11ny 111 lhe 1oc~ qr•111p Polit t• Jay Ltino ( 1 ho J UCOUPUI Cf) TOii COTTl£: UP ClOll b111 .. ,1 At>t>w Hollman (!) LOYI, AllEICAN ITYl.E @ CAIAllET T9EI TlNE Tl1tl'e 01 New York's Llassoes1 singers ~uch "~ OtJb11y Sllc•rl Hugh Shannon ano Mallt!I Mt>•l.t'O <,11111 ~Oll<J!. t>y Cole Portt>r Rot1Qt•r<, An<J H<1rl Sor Ot"le1m ill10 Olht'r'> I 1 111 I E AllTO RACltO C'l11erdyt> ·f rti1• NA' C.An At "''" JLUlf•ill '•00 ltrm /1.11.11 t,1 lrll•"f P,111, ltll ~' P•'r:1 NcJY 1r H.unpltlr C t1l tni ()ho I l llOVIE Pt 1v<1t1 l ,...,..,, 11· t JlltlO < <•II t••ly) ... ylv1.1 ~""'"' HtJ...,'1rO Ht''>">t'lllrill A w t•,\IH1y 111.111 o1·,•.1qn·, t11•, .1•dw fiv•' f1tJ111l•· kPt'Pt'f ftt1• JUh nl ptfJvtdmq h1•, ''l y.-,)t PltJ •.tHI WIHt t11', tu•,f ''*'"II.ti l'~'H'lu•nt •Jo fl J 1 111 10 111111 I Z llOVIE 111" 'wo r••I I 1t1· 1 ll f'lo1111•, ( 1'1181 flc•C lllt\f'Otl,lf'; flit•""'"" 1 I '•I•· v11• Wwuh•r 111ql1t.qto1<, Iii· ltl111 C, t 1 111 4011111• I 12:9D (fYl llOVIE l'.l.c11 ! All.cu I 1•tt.1•1 I 1 '""' jy I M,11k [ J,uw r (I.ti ·•·l.c fl,'' t •I 1\11 ,,,,., 1 P·•'.t h .. t••« I uuu .. pl.tyq1 ,,, .. , ll•f wP,111~., [\P 'J IP to t..,;Ot1(1 " I u Plf f(>fri ,, ... wht·1'h01Q .ind ·J••nlorig (I tu 4() 111111 I 1:tllJ .,VIE ll•t> I •«I W1·1•~1·11t1 11'1<111 Dr tn1.il n.1y M1ll.1rol.J Jo1111• Wy111.ir1 /I.II ll< t1hut11 111· 1wro ••ii I• t11 111111.1 or1of 111•,trl> h 1p1•lo•-. t? lor l'i 1111r1 I 0 llOVIE P1111·1 F •1111•"" fl111C'o I lit Wp<,lf•ll•J 'olt>Wdrt PPt1•1-.1•00 Btu I. r .1yli11 A younll l Pf. rtn hP~ld'. Wtj(,I tr1 •,ppj., Mt-redith Baxte r Birney i~ Elyst• K eaton on "Fa mily Tie!'' \\'edneMlay!'} a l 9::~0 p.m . on KNH<: (Ch. I ). revenge aga1n~1 111~ tatnt'r s nour<lere1 t 1 hr. 30 min). CJ) MOVll Deson loa1r· ( 1935 Wes1e1111 John Wayne. M ary Ko1nma11 A rodeo s1ao sets our 10 1ra p a yang o l bank oobber•, ~hr .1 5 mtn) fJfTDTANEIT TOMGHT MOVIE "Win. Piece Or S teal'' ( 197!:> Mystery) Mclean S 1evenson. Ate~ Kar ras Three clownish 1obbers Jry 10 11p 011 tne horse races (I hr 30 min) H..; MOVIE Any Which Way You Can t 1980 Comedy) Clint fa<,lwood ~u111ua I oc~e Belore '>ellhrog down wotn ho•, yul .irocJ µer oranyut.111 •• l>drtc' hl.IPd hyhlt•• ~'Y"" uµ fo1 ont-lil'>I lou.rl•vP m..itch Pr , I I hr 4 5 rrl1n J $) _,VIE fmc ro11lp<.•,1c11ls I 1981 Urarna) Robt'rt Dt> N110. floburl Ouv.111 fhP U!.Oally SPJ.lol rJIC' wr>rld\ ol twn broth urs. ,1 l tJS Angell'!> 111111<.e tlc>let low and ill\ amb111ous Rorn;in Cflt'1ulu p11e-;1 lOll verge dunrrg a 1111J1der 111vps11qat11ll1 ·n (I hr 50 min) 1='0 I m -=.,.. 0VEN1GHT 0MEWDAY•EDO .,VIE 'Pcince OI '"" ( tly I 19tl I Drama) T1e<11 W1ll1am! J1•rry 01t>ach A New York <.OP cs c.iuqht tJ!•twt•c•n ledr1 I µressure ano lny.illy It lw lellow olh P ., du11ny ,1n 11111P'.ligal•o11 ol w•OPs~ '"•' l pOhCe COHUploCJI l'i (7 111'. 4', mir 1~ C 110V1E l ot~ln k ( l'l/b D1iHnd) MJo gau• Hemonyw.ty A11ne B.1ncrCJll A 1• •I fashtnn 111ndPt "'nurnrt1..ilt><J ;i11cJ l111<,l1aJt>d hy her lHlSUC.Ct">'•ful allt'lf!pl•, In ·.enlPll( p 1t1P man who rttpt'd h1·1 ICJ Pll!.Pfl ll t 1 llo. 30m1n) HI G ()) C81 ... llGHTWATal f , = l ""' (I.I/II f>rnmoJ U e1et •llflft c tuo1•"" /1.1110 I .. ,..,,,, A 1 t111c1 who 111111tlf'I111\1111111 11111t l11!1tt11 loo ~ltlUO lllJ( <..etl •111111 ur11w·, 11p wolto 11 •11111111111 1111t1rn1k ttt!Cl 1,llflll\jll l1h"ll• qf h11w lt"r (ltlll!fllu dl"(j l'c, (I 111 'ill 111111 ) ~11 1!) IDGIA#TIUO (%) llilOYW M1111t1111"U"' ( l'IH I C,111111t •ly) '•"""" A11•1J1•ll 11 f rlo111J J11'l11plt11011 A c '"O'tll Ind wol .. lltlvCJI~ '" '1lllC l.licilm lllld t11•u111' till .1tt,11r w 11t1 •• lfl1tfl '1tlft fflttl lft d flc,f11·1111t111 01101111 11111 H t 1 111 40 111111 J ~ocz,.., G) llOVIE 11,.. t 1111111111 11111 lru1100 ( l'lfi,• A1lvl'11l1111') W1llc.1111 H11IC1t111 L olll 1•.011111•1 '111• 111111•,h U•IVHllt1r11ml l>lil<.k 111.111•, ,, 11<1l111.1l11t•d '.wc'l11• 11110 hoc rnnrng u '•PY ·'IJ·llll'·I 1111· N.111•1 !111011111 W wlcl Wal II (J 111~) Q1) RA HA TIIOl (01 llOYll 1'.1teo1111ry I l'lll 1 1.cm•t!Lly) 1)1111 ltr•y111111 h IJ,.111 •lly Ir A11u1•l11 A ll!tt.h C!IOI 111111'. lc11lrc•'. wl111 w.1111'. to lJCJ <l f,Jlllel •,ttillC lit"• 1111 1111• llljhl w11r11,111 le• hOttr 111~ c.t11hl f'( ,' (I 111 1'1111111 t Ml Cf) CAll'Tootl tto "'S" Ill: fEOAQ( ITYU In .. c11y11ts 11nd .. u• .. tliht''> ot h .. t .. ttdyt_. Jov11 1 . ..,. ... , J>ftt~sure ,uHJ 'hrll~4'''lJ 111ur,tl•. ,.,,~ tt.-dnuned Uo1uuyt1 011h•1vr1•w· w•lll '"''"'• P•ll!!lll'> t1r1d h.,1<.ht'r'> I 1 hr l MO~IEAHUWT .... ( ) AU..feOHT llADtO I hl• 1.111y ycm1y~ "" til 811 di! 111ut•I r.itJrn ~IJIH/11 11rt· ~dtllllOd >:110 llOVIE · rtw '>lra11yf' C,;1<,t• 01 Doctor fh" ( ICJ4<' My~lf!IY) P.1101L Knowles. /1.11110 c;wyr111e A ~e11e" <11 1m111ters com- 1111111•11 hy " ~11t111qe dodrn 111vot11es men wt1u lo,111e t11•c>o1 .rcqu11tt'cJ nt 111urd91 t h.ugt1~ {I 111 1'•111111 J t:1D C llOYll r1 .. ,.,. fl,•Y" Ut !he Condor" ( 1<)]1o ':ilf ,p1•11 ·<'I nolJPCI flP<llOtll raye f.hiro.c w.11 A •e~e.111 11 1e.1otcr employed by If·• C IA 11r11 •>vr•r• ,,,,.,,,,,,, treJchery when .tll 1 I 111•, c, wwl-1•0 <1re dS~J~\>lfldll!O by 8 hd n1;Jll w''c '\. q 'w ,,t.111 .. nq h11n (2 h1s, 1U '""' J di ffi f Amt 20 '[J l«I ICttOOL ftJJ'-luo l>Pller !.k11ng tr11111cd ill Kolt.11g1w1, VJ I (RJ . I HI llOYll l ouphule ( 1!)81 Suspense) All>cll r11111ey Maol111 Sne1:111 A cmrnnal 11t.1<>1~111111uJ ,111cJ d re!iopec1ao1e a 1cl'l1lect pl.111 1u •'•t·cute:: o1n etabura1e bank rob· t>1•ry trom 11•1;' :..ewer-, belCJw the Sllt'lll!t ol I Ort<Ju11 ( 1 111 4!> n11r1 I >::SO $ FAERIE TAU THEATRE R11mpetsllils· k111 H1•1v1• V ilt'd•dO/t' '>ldl!. d'i .l SltJ11ge "' 11 .. rn.cr ,,,,. tCPlf''> ,, rn1 1«r • 0<1ugto1e1 '1J tft ,lf,IW 1fll t CJOlfJ ( 1 /11 .,_ t J TOP O' TltE lllORNlfO Z llOYIE I tu• 111'1 111 UI I'"' ... C'~·tuCUS 'Wlll•ll t'lUO Dr.1110.0/ M.io~ /1.1111111 c,or ,,, ,, c litpJ• r,.,. fllf•lllt>t•P, ol .-t Y'OUP of , 111to·q .. • 1111lc·111 .1111v1• 111 111e pHilest 11011vc•1111•11J l1111r11; 1111• liO'. (j..!llH•r lrn d Wtit•kt1111J '''''"'"" If , 1 -!f '16 rtllfl' 4:05 ~7 F1JNT9E di l lrf !) IUU WllCLE 0 llOVIE t ·"'I•" 1 I'll\ I [lo,1111<1J He l 1•0 M 1 1 J,01 ~ ft 1 ·" f "" A ymmq worl"I .u tt "" t 1 1 1 , u tnn.11 1• Jti~1rb,1u hurne " I ',., I , I ' j tLtl ! Jt•lf•frlllf1(1(j 10 1 ,..,,. 1,,, ,,.,,. 1 11, I ' "t'J-'J>Ort111q t et , 1 '1'• 1., i ,, 1 N 1 1•.-.. •·• u~J,J 1 tJ', ~he \,,If 91·f f 11, ·1' I II @MOVIE ll1jhlf11Nlo.' {111Ht (lr.uroa) '>r'" '"' '1.111°1111 li•lly II•• W1lto.1111s A t J11qt N1·w 1 '·•~ I •t~ 1 np lt,p t11~ WIJlk t:UI tn;f f111 h1n1wt 11''' t1111• ii lh1• wo,ld·,~ trlOSI di111q•0l'HI'. fP"1H1' P lll!YI'' HI h1r; t tty 'A' 1 l hr Iii 110110 I Friday November 5. 1982 35 -Thursday Cont. 1~1J I"! OUINCY I•· rot, '"' " rt1• .1ppe;11 .1nrP ,f 1 ti• 1!, • ,,,,, ' 11 • 11',11t1ri11c; th,tl )1 r • r' 1 t 11 111 f I ht l(l ,, o m rOMOKT ,, . • , , , ., ( JIJPSt M 1tf1r1 ~A1111 ( I ', I l ~'UCNEWS~ YOU All.ED FOfl IT THE .umaoecs MOYIE I' • .•" I • Mr I "'<;1or>nl 11904 • •, I 1,. j M 1< M J1•,1y r'tilly ht-trq1·• /\ /v " l'I th•c ctn•" Ult-• '''~I ff!irn1th 1 1.u,1 jp1 t ttH! t1t11 husbanrJ hd'. I 11 •·~it 111•1 1q 01t* 111'-,I "'•l'!• f11•,f il•ly Ill 'ir I ® TMUTE TO COUNT BASIE A I \I 11IP "' th1<., '' ,. " ,, 11· 1'11111 qt,,,,.''' t11 , .ncprf' ldS"''~ 11 tt .-1 1 .ui1r .. q • H 111 W•lt per ft"• -·ap • t '( 1 r I f(,.n, f 1' 1f , JP Ber t 1' .. '11J'1 '' ir ,... W1lha~v. JCtt•n111~1ry'1t1qt1111 f/tH • W ART CW IEltO HUIWI C!} P9I UTEJIGHT H • ' r 1'J11 ''" \ 1 hr ) tHllE~;~ MOYIE W111'""""l 111•111111• 1111f(I n0ru011 ~' ;\rir I ( •'•Jt' M.ttt...h.tll T1rnu Pf "( r a • I f• I U ' 01 I 1 If tly' r n111., Arr'' '" A r 1 ' , 1 1 "" in 1 ... ,.><Jl-P~ 1r11 In v .. n f I '''V 11!1 1r "' '""' .1 t,.1\' 1.11 PflU-il ,~hr· ti)= •, 1 • 11r11' !l(u ,1nr1•1 ,J11rly I ,,11 1 p l II, lJt·fl W.111\1'1 1\ <;;1tl11r •;,par1 I, .. Ir 1 " r • 1y I ·r ,1 t""'"l 4111 he mer .1nrt II •r •' -1o •r J • 111 .1 ..,11.intt' meet 1ng wh1l1• ., •• N 1 "' "' , 1ql1( '""'' l('i!YP i hr<;) LOVE. AllllEMC AN STY\.E MOYIE Pr llu>r I >I w.11 I qi,& Dril ma) Rnr1.1111 Rr.1q.m [lf'wPy Martin T wn POW~ '"'"' ll\1· lJntlert ~1.1le•, rnnlrnuP 1nlPll1Clf'''' P w '" wl 111 lf'fll'ill•flQ lo ltrtvP cr:tc.~i· s lift ,,.. ,.,,,,,.,,, t 1nrf ,... tunallon l1 ht. ,01111r1 I 0:11<2 MOYIE f11(1• 1111• !111111'(0 ( 19/'i West prn) I ,ror11• H.1 "n "' < lrtrJ•v· flNqen A lror,1101 u•-N"·''''' • ·1 i111·'1c;.1uc; 1 ttlCP 11g;i1n•.1 111111 .i1 10<.s lhP We<,IPrn oao lands 'PC'I' (:' tw, ?' 111111 ) 1t:JI 0 m UTE llOHT Wl'Tl4 OA YI> l.ETnNWC Guesls MP111 1,ritlon 1~ 111~ 111c k m11S1ft,lrt Cap1mn flPelh1•.irt I 1 tu l GCOOPlEI (!) TOii COTT\L UP ClOIE r,urc.I loh11 Anderson ~LOVE. AlllEttCAN ITY\.E ( TOP IWlt IOXINO (It) ( llOYIE P1•11plnfH> f l'lf I C.rnnPdyl AnnA Rl'rqm.111 < •*'11101' M11rcell •Two men allempl 10 '·ii"" 1h1• .rnr Psrral eslnle ol a decaOenl larrnly f I hr ?'l min ) 1t:Jl(C) lllOv. · lhp lnl•uder I t!)fi t Orama) Wiiham Sh;itnN r """' Mill'well lhP plrtC• drl y 01 n S11111lwr11l11wn1'i l11sll11bfld by rtie arrival of fl '>lr1J111l"'' whco lornenrs racrnl unrest ( I hr )~ min ) 1tM 8 MCClOUD M< (,lr1t1<l is asqoyne<l 111 prolecl A wl'Rllhy r.nrporntlon head lron1 n hired k1llor (R) ( 1 hr 110 nun ) tl:9 MOVIE Alootl RPach' ( 1981 Horrol) John S;ixnn n11rl Younq A pa11 of police oflice1s hav!' 1111m har1ds lull when they 1nves11gatP thP ril11se ol twachgoer~ being 11UCl<ed 1n10 lhP sand never to be seen ~In R f I ti1 JO min I 11119 llOVll "A F nr e1~n A lla1r" ( I 9 48. Com edy) J(l8n Arlh111 JOl'ln l und One mem- ber of a cnmm111~ senr 10 chf'Ck on lroop morale rn posl·World War II Germany tails In IOvt (? h•s . 30 min l 38 Friday, November 5, 1982 Uo ri ... l>u~ j._ Ruth Et1in~ rn "Lon· M«• or Lt•a\t' \14•' Thursda ~· al B p.m . 011 Cin«>mnx. 0 ~ ltiP t '"E'IH 1111• h 1q/, Ho1ror I Uu '"'"Pl•P• I t'P l'i·I"' 1 ·""'"''Y l wo drabt>ltl ill •.r.1Pnl1<;I 1111 ltlPr•, 1.:on1pPf•' 10 Cf PAIP a h11111q twu1g 111 '" ,1 •,lwll'leln I 1 hr JO rntn) (!) MOYIE P.11h<. Of t ,lruy 1111'1/ f>r.1 ma) Kuk Dooglw, na1pr1 Mr,-.1<1•r ( '"""ll World War I .irt 0111< 1'1 lllltP•, "'" men ou ,1 SUICldP n11i;c;1011 ,JI VP1'111n iUllt ihf'll a11emn1·. lo <-oncP.11 ho<; lolly t1y 1tPrnanr1 1ng rhe eiceculron 111 ilt1N• ::.1111111·1<, hy whom he reels thrPatened (;>Itri; ) @) En'BT~ TOMIOHT Q) ~ "Thf' ()f'<.P1t SonQ ( 19'"l Musical) K;i1111yn 0111yc,clfl· l1ordor1 MacRae A prof PS<.or IMd<; a <Jnoble "'" when he 1nsptr!''l a group lo P11puse an evil Arab leader ( t hr , JO mm ) 0-0 llOVll "Foohn' Arouncf' ( t980 Co"' edy) Ga1y Bu~y Am1!'tre 0 I oote A naive counrry boy t11es le> win a bPauhlul sophrsllcated colleoe coed away trom her snobbish flance 11nd her e11u11lly ul)p11y lam11y 'PG' ( 1 hr 4 t min) CL) MOVll "Berborella' ( t%8 Sr.1enui F'.rcllon) JAne Fonda, Milo O'She>I A dar ing space heroine ot the future encounters strange galuies and y1fl;11ns 11tcompa nted by a bhnd guardian angel PG ( t hr •. 38 min) t:ll I GD '9C ... C'YBIHHT iiCMI "Badge 373 • f 1973 Orama) Roben Duvall. Verna Bloom A New York City cop wages a ~nglehllnc:led c:nmpa1gn against a crime syndlc&le ( 1 hr 55 .. ,min i.C81 ... _.,..ATCM -911 I Q MOVIE ln<,1dl' MOvPS ( 1980 Orama) John •.,avage D.:iv10 Moise A newcome1 10 1r1P qroup nt rPyul:iri; ill an O.ikl;in(J nar may hOl<l the key tn malo.1nq 1111• barten Jer ,JrPam •I t>ee:orning a pro baskernall plilyer .J reallfy PG' ( 1 tir 53 """I :t10 1C'MOYIE .. ThP Baby Milker ( 1972. Ora ma) BarOara Hershey Sam Groom A c;h1iellP% c;ouplp ;mangt> h'lr a hee-sp1ri1eo g11t 10 b(>;ir them a Child 11 hr 55 min ) tars) llOYIE TeAilS L1yhl•11ng ( t981. Dia ma) Channiny Mrlc.h!'ll M:iu1een McCor 1111ck A bQy s w..ekf'nc1 hun!tnq 11rp with his ff11her turns"''" ,u, 11111tatton into man hood R' ( 1 11! 3'> min I t:11UfilllFft m MOVIE fpar SlllkP'> L)\11 (19~7 B1oqrrinhy) An1h11ny f'Prlo.1n• .._,ltl Mal aen Oos1n11 n .. u Sn• plcJyer Jimmy Pu>r sail <utl!"'15 1 11P1voiJ', b1f'.1kdown when h1<, lather '• (!riving 111ll11Pnce and lhP pres ~•J'"" nt li11J ltMQue b,1.,rt1All QPI 11ie belier nttrnn (?Ill~ z MOYIE f11,, I 11st f·me 11%9 Ora mal lai..:uuel11•P Cl•<...""1 WP~ Ste111 11 h1 30111111) M H .._ THE NA. l hP 1,11 .... 1 develop ment« 111 lhP Nrl stt,kr .irp e'·'"""f'd ( 1 hr) ~ l MOYIE H.tppy Brrlnclay To ME' ' f 1980 Hurr ,, I Meli<.<,;t Sue Anderson 1,1e•1n I >111 A , 1111111tP1 tieg1ns hopping ~Wil~ di t1 ... r ' II{ IP of (.'1111<,I f11('nd<, a prep '..{ hdOI '-,('11101 W I 1111(>'. thil1 St'I(' may be 1he llPd .oCl•lll ()r p<>li.,.Oly 111P ~lll('r R' (I .. ~£...~ ta i MOVIE 'MystP<y Of l l1f' WhtlP Room ( 1939 Mysle•YI BrutP CJOOI Joan Woodbu•y A surgeon 1<. myc;renously m111de1e<l during the co~.use ol an opera 11on hes perl0tm1ng 11 h1 ) WFAIT14a NR. ITORY: LM IY LM (JI) llOYIE 'True Contess1ons· 11981 Drama) Rober! De N110. Robt"rl DuvAll Thi' usually senarate worlds ot two hrolh ers. t1 Los Anqetes police deteoc11ve and an amu11onus Homan Cathnhc 1>11es1 con· verge during A murde• 1n11P!illga11on 'R' (I hr . 50 min) Mt{ff) MOYIE Ghosl Srory'' (198 1 Horr0<) Fred Ac;la11e John Hou<;f'man Mystenous deaths begin to dec1m,11e lhe ranl<s or a c;mall G11c1e ol elderly mf'n who share both a monthly storytelling \ll'I rogethel and a SO-yea• old secret A' I I hr , '10 mrn ) ._~TOP O' M ...-0 .-ol!TICllflD llCMl "Ta1100" (t96t Drama) Bruce Dern Maud Adnms A n obsessed talloo arltsl kidnaps a fashion model and pro ceeds to cover her t>ody with his hendl wo1k 'R' { 1 hr 45 min ) (5) PUCT\IB RJCUM CZ) llCMI "Trouble In Parao1se" ( 193t.l. Comedy) Herbert Marshall. Miriam Hop k:•ns A pa11 of rhieves continually run Into each other while spanning the globe ( t hr. 25 min) .. @ NIT'm (C) llCMI "The Pursoll Of D B COO(>er" ( 1981, AdVenture) Treat W1lhems. Robefl Duvall A fhtttf skyjacks o plane and pare- chutee to salety over Oregon with 9 for· rune 1n sto!en money 'PG' ( t hr . 40 min) ..... (I) llCMI "The Runner Stumbles" ( 1979, Orama) Dick Vin Dyke. Keth!Mn Oolnl11n A C.thofle priest Is 1ried for the mufdef ol n nun won whom he hed been IUIPecied ot having an att.ir. 'PO' ( t ht., 39 mW\.) m , ... llAW tho '"''"''' 11 11 .. 11 fh1u1t• t" 10 I >uv• U"tt" •H1t111 111u tip~ ., 1111111 wlu llY11i. l1k" 11111wlt• cm llOW ·.p1111u1111111 11111., 1111•,1 Woi.11t1111 t.111y 1.c11>pt11 1•11yll11, 111"""" Aitttl llt!llllJ t 11111t 111111itnlt111 II '"'""" 11111 1 01 1hr.1i. 1111110111w111 wot~ l11r ihf' u11vt1111 lll(lfit 1;1 111 .. 1 all ITU I 11111t1101J llllW oitl .. 1\JI<'• "' '1111 dlctrl !> /OOb 1'111011111 Pit........ !11· .. 111" ~wlllty 11!\,WlllllllUltl l>llllph1111 h111lfl111 8D U.I. CffROMCU A111I ll11lly Mrtkoo, f wo A 111prnt '" prt1•u11l11d ''" 111,, 11••1w 1110 n11r11tiar of s111u111 111h1ll wur11t111 111 1110 U111ti<U ~.1111os who are (hi! 1111110 tu h<tYt• t h1t1l11m 11110 11111 1111p>1t I ot 1t11w th1t-1:.1v11 011 ll~m~lvn., lht111 lhrlrt1u11 .111ct '>Ol1ttty I!) MMC ,..,.... N1111I C..tllltu .\111J Joi hey l yon!. /tlYll'W J1111111y r '"' K•tl 11111.I lhtt Senue1 <C> llOYll · lht1 1•.111y" 11•JtJ11 l 11111t1l1Yl Peier Sellt'r:.. Lh1111!11111 t ungot A 1111:. cl11evous lr1d1c1n 111 1111 • r1Mlt1~ 1111111 r 11110!> when he crr1sho:. ,, :.•K.1a11i..111y (.' 111-. I (f) "'°'"1C8fTD (S'l FM* -.ru t.u11t•••t 101 11,. Amcn<:al>· Oru111111er Huddy I l1Lh 10111~ ::;1na1ra 111 n 1 011ti<•t .11 !1111 1\111>•. (>,. ( h11 vori AmplHlht'Hilt• Ill "'" I )01111111( ''" Republic ( t hr ;>•i """ I 0 lllOVIE Ilic :,urvtYOI ( l'ltl I I 11f1t.1 Sy) Robt>•I ruwt'll .J1-ru1y Aoutll'I A p1l11t '>UrYtYeS d l <1ltlSll<11JhU 14 I I l,t<,h llllSGrAl<.ht'•1 .1rtll ~dfl lies Ii 1 lill 111.111 resµons1ble 11 '" 24 111111 1 .. @ ..,,. t:11fJ ®)ITAllOf11tE FAm.Y w11,.,, I 1111i111J1to falls fo1 011o> ol h1~ 1eacht>rs ·;h1• "'"'" 1 Hit lu be lhe ...arne µretly d111111n•1• nwJdy brtr~~ngles br11 ~IO YOO n.. YOO QOT nte>WUI § r.uTt TO COtJNT IAllf I\ p1oh111 ut 1h1s 1nus1c1an leatu11ng one ol hrs rrnu e•t" tap<>11 ill ihe C.1111eg1e 11.111 wilh perl111 .Jrl3Qces lly I t"'Y Oennl•ll 1 '"'"!:I'' [lei 1 ""Sun Sa1ah V.wghan <111rJ Ir~· W1111.1111" c11.1.ompan~ h11n 12 h1•,) m ~~Neal Gt11Jl1•r Ht J JI.'! Irey l yons 1 eYl>'W Jirnnoy I ht> Krd . ,md "'The Sender· ~ MIDI'.~ COUNTY I e;J1u11?cJ a11 1nterv1ew with I os A ngele'> l1J111s quarier back Vince Fe1111gamo lhe 01,mue C:oun ty Youth Symphony the Handt Aide ~11111· 1n Santa Ana lor the hand1t.appcd tl) llOVIE "Gnost 5to1y I 191! t Hot1ur J Freel As1a11e lohn Housernan My-.1er•ou· dealhs beg111 tc.> clc<.unate the> ran~s ol d small c11cle of elderly men who shctre bolh a mon1h1y -;101ytell1ng get 1ogcll1e1 arid ,, &O year old secret R' ( I hr !>O nun I .., (Q) llOVIE 'C.trna1 Kno wlt•<l•Jt' ( t971 Orama) Jack N1cno1so11 A11n Mt1rgre1 r wo college f11enos speno •,f'veral years before and ;ille• 91aouat1011 rl1-.cove1111g lite by sha1111v ;mo sw11ching t-.Jc.11 others gullnends A (I hr 37 rn1n) rzJ llOVIE 'R11.h l\11d Famous· ( 1981 Orama) Cand•CP Oergen Jac;qu+-hnc Bis set Tt1rouqhc>0t ttu• ups ano rJowns ,.,, therr respect1vf' hlerary t.i.11+-Pr<; and roman11c lives lwn women ClPIJ''nd 011 their ft1endsh1p lot -;Jab1hly fl 11 hr 55 m•nL .. fJ (I) llOVIE 'P11vdle Ben1Jn11n t 1!180 Comedy) Golclie Hawn. ftleen Arenr1dn A well to-clo young woman m1st.1k .. 11ly 101n•, the Army foliow111g the death of he1 new husband on rneir wedeltng n1gh1 I? hrs ) 8 fl:) a&M Norm th1ows it toga party a r Cheers ro f'arn points w11h his playbOy boss. D ®l TOO Cl()I( FOR Co.owT l he Rush householel is thrown 11110 1urmo1l when a (;o ldit· llawu s tars u ~ Jud y H•·nj amin in tlw n1ov it•, "P rivalf• Bt•n jamin. • T h u r!'.tla y a l <) p .m . on l\NXT (Ch. 2 ). v1'>1t111y 11111111"' l"d'"'~ 111•1 o w11 u.iby am1 t.illes ltllle Amlruw m llEJIV c.'AN Gue'>IS l iJljllt' [leec;h man. Morgan I .i1tcll1lcl John llou:.eman l'><lbella Rossell1111 Regine ( t h1 ) fl!) 1141 QOU)(Jt AQE Of~ "Mar ly" Rod Ste1gf'1 and Nancy Marcl1a11d s1a1 111 a 195!:> p1oduct1011 of Paddy Chayet si..y·s teleplay .1t>out a homely butc;hPr who tails 1n IOYt' with a plain g111 ( I tu ) m ~ TitEATllE To SerVt' !hem All My !J<>ys ChallengetJ tJy tH'> 1each1119 antJ co11tPnl 1n tus mil111aye 10 Beth and 1t11•1r tw111 fl,l11yhte1~ OaY1t.J 1<, y1ven his l1rs1 pt11111011011 (Parl 11) Q ( t h1 I E AUTO RACleO C:oYerdge ol 1he NAS CAA Warner W Hodgdon 200 lr0t11 R"'er '>•de Ca111 !Al 11 hr 'JO nun ) I L llOVIE rlo.10 Game'> ( 1!JH 1 Mys t•~ry) Stacy Ke;ic h. Jam1f' I t'I' C11rt1s A11 cc.tPnt11c trnc ker c1 beau11lul h1tchh1ke1 dllel a p~ychop;i1h1c k11le1 t1avel1ng !he !Mime routP µlay gan1f'<. ot Ill+-.tnrJ dealh 'PG ( t hr 40 m11 I E!:) IOU> a.a .. @ llOVIE Thi' fla111e 01 The Vill.J F10111a ( 1965 Comf'dy) Maureen O'Hara. Rich cl•d Todd flip ch11rtren of an eslrangeo couple cor.111w 10 reu111te 1he11 pa1cnts (~ his. 25 mm I t:ll D m TAXI Ale. lakes a second 1ob WOii< 1~ as a par1 lime goter on Broadway U ®J rT TMU TWO Lt!.a s handsome blind date sweeps her oil her leet until she learns his true intentions CI> lllOVIE "The Macahans" ( IY76. West e1nl James Arness. Eva Marie Sarnt A l~ctt1tl111 y 1111>1111!11'' """"I lti•O.. '"' muuu" •• 111111111 '"''" 1 ·•<1 I.Ml Wei v11g111111 WUMWlllll lllfll 111" A11111t11 .... 11111111111 1:1 ltt!> '10111111 I B ntOll WIM ntl DAYI -Ill) HLL. l'TMIT II.WI €.111411 I J11r111tlh 11bktof 1111llt 111 t1nlr11y W• ,,111 111111111 111111 Colfl1y de ti I" w11t1rt1J1•11111 tw•I V1"11111111 vul ornn wt111 h11., lllkl'" "'II"' t111-,t11y1-. 11 "') I ,.,,, .... IYWOIMI OM AGIJIT OMMGll 111 ob!lt!rv11111 o ot V111t•• 1111•, llny 11 pu1111l t11•1 CU5'11or1 11, lllllUtHlhlll 1111 1111• t1tf111 I<. ut !1111 daloll81ll Ao•rnl Or.tngu "" lhu•.t.• '"P•J!.4•d 10 11 tJ111t111J lh1111 <,o11v11.1• 11 V11•l111.1111 (I hr) CD OOYlllY f11Jllt w •• , •. , A1rh.11•t1l<1 IJISt:. u11g111oorto umJ 11""'"11"·'" ,,., llYllif lhe hol np111111t. ~µ11 '" lh:1il1 I 11u1ur11J. 10 learn abOUI ma Homans wh<J bum 1he baths 2.000 yo.11s ttyo IH) O (I hr ) (CJ 11()¥91 l ilu fnu1 H1>1.,im1~11 OI Tt1c Apocolyp•,o 11~ °'""'"' (1lnrm ford Loo J Cohll WorhJ Wu1 II 11r11•1u• es d1tler 1ng toy111t1es ttnmng th~ 11101111 ... ,., 111 a Ge1 man l11n11ly (i' hr:.. 35 """ ) I 8) A ..W DAY • EDfJI A p11w1•rl11l 1,11111ly lurns a small 1ow11 11110 .i 11111111•1 rt•111v .. 1111 11on ~1 (l'fttl4) f:'t The f111o1I ( 1ill11t (t'IUI Orama) Sano Nil1ll nr,. "'"" llr.1111 111 the lhirel µa11 1.11 fl11• 111111•11 1111tigy yo11ng Danuen fhc 11111ll•>•J11111•111 11t 1111• Afll•l h11s1. 1s now m1 .utull 1111d " 1ru•,11•1J a1Jv1sor 10 rhe pre!>1de11t ol 1111• ll •, H' ( 1 tu 49 1111n J .. m=MfTWOMNEWI ~ llOMAT\IW Gllesl flr < hr1•,11.it1n Ra1 narel ~ fi ITOflY: ~ I Y ~(II) Vl>EOMDOI llOVIE "T 1111011" t 19ll t D• '""") Hrurn Dern. Mauu All.1111" 1\11 oti-.n~~"U !alloo artist k1Clnap•, ,, 1.i ... h11111 111111l1•l c1nd pro ceeel~ 10 < ove1 he• bouy wnh ht!> hand1 WO<ll H ( I llr 4!1 1111n J C .sJ ROIUMCl: TUT Of L0YE ( P;H I 21 tZ) llOVIE "file M1110• C1ack'd ( 1980 Myslery) fhtabeth Taylor K1111 Novak Based on a story lJy Agn1rn1 Chnsfle A strange mu1de1 1nvolY1ng 11v.11 Hollywood stars takes plai.e 111 an I 11yho;ll v1ll.1qe nalPGd 0 ciJ6®1fJJ MEWi 1,\1\ll)AY l9QHT · •llMCMOF-TltAT QUIZ IHOW ITIHT1 Of IAN FMMCllCO ITYLI FeaturPd new <1ec,19ns in Ch1I d1en's LOOS. Paloma PtcdS'>'• <Jw.1grn:. 1ewelry as wearilble sculpflHl' 1,,,,11ie1 I . EU IEPOllT DOCTO. • TltE HOUSE FltOll TH( 55--YAAO LINE Ac11on highlights lroni thl' Can.101.111 r oolball League (R) CHl llOVIE "l he r ormul;i ( 1980 Drama) Marlon Brando Gemq•• C Scoll While 1n11es11ga11ng the muwer ut d c;olleague a veteran cop unc;ove•'> J cufl'>fJtr.RCy rnvolv· 1ng the suppression 01 a sy111he11c tuel to• mula by an 011 Cilr tel R' ( t hr 5 7 min ) C~l llOVIE "Southern Comlo11" ( 198 t. Drama} Kerl!\ Ca11ad1np PowPr<. Boothe A groop ol National Guards111e11 on week end maneuver:. 1n a lou•s1ana bayou spark a small que1111la wa• w11h a commu- ntty of baclo.W(JO(JS Ca1uns 'A' ( 1 hr • 40 min) 11:11 CO llOVIE 'French Woman · 'R' ( t ht • 45 min I Friday, November 5, 1982 37 DAVE Sl[J'(HOA SAYS CALL TODAY FOR A FREE NO-OBLIGATION CONSULTATION AND WE'LL SHOW YOU HOW! A * NO SHOTS, NO DRUGS * HUNGER FREE EAT GREAT FOODS * PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION * NO CALORIE COUNTING * NO MIST AKES DECISION FREE "I lost 80 lbs in a 100 days __ ..:.:;.:.,;;:....__. startinc wrth !>O lbs 1n lust 40 dtyi .. • • -TVQaA Soap star joins 'Newhart' in prime time By LYNDA HIRSCH Q: I noUced the woman wbo play• Amanda on "01y1 of Our Llvea" 11 Bob Newhart'• wife lo bl1 new aeries. Cao you ple11e tell me wbat happened to the cbaraecer of Amanda and her buabaod the doetor? I was workloa at tht' tlmt' and unaiblC! to llet' lh(' 1how Mn R .S .. J1H·k•onvllll", Fla. A In tlw !llOI vl11w. A111a11d11 WU!I huv1n~ un 111fu11 Wtlh Chris. but 1•vt•ntu.<1lly dt'C'Hlt'il to Join hl'r hu:o.l1e.111cl Crt•g, wh<1 hud tukt•n u J)'>es1l1m1 out of town And you're· rtt(ht, th1· U1lt•n1.t-<l Mury ~'n111 n 1!l 11ow t'O au11 rtn~ on "Nt·whu1•t" Q: h thl" 1u:treu now playing Dee on "A1 the World Turni1" any re l1ttloo lo the actrell!I who plays Katrina on "One Life to Live?" Thty look a lot alike and sound alike. -D.M., Elkhart. Ind. /\. ,No V1ek1 DJWIU)ll, wh11 Is now µla ytnH Dt'l'. .111d Nam y S11vd1•r (KJtnn,1) drt· 11ot n•hatt-<l. but w1· d11 .,. .•. 1111' s11nil..inty l\v th1• w.1y, vou may n•nw111ht•1 Vtl·k1 a~ 1<:111-.·11 S11np.-;cm, .lo1•y"' f1r~1 wift· 011 "Anothl'r World " Q: Can you give me some informa tion oo the !(UY who plays Cliff on "All My Children" -age, marital statu11, children, ek.'~ I lhiok he is real cute. -T.L .. Youogstow11, Ohio. A . Pt>ll·r Bt·rgman. whu ur1g1nato'\I the role of Cliff. 1s d1vort•t•d from Hl'lrPss Christ1m· Ebt:rsolt• Chnsllru.: was seen on 8r0ilciw:iy .is C.:u111l'Vl'rl' 111 "Camelot" a f1•w st>asuns ba1·k and ldst Yl'.11 was part of tht.• ··Saturday Night L1vt•" t·as l Pcll'r has no l'h1ldrt-n um.I ts dating I .11aniw B1sh11p, wh11 pbys Kos.• 11n "Cl·neral llos p1t;1I " Q: On "Young and the Restless," why did they write.• out lhe c haracter of April'~ -S.B .• Chieago, Ill. A It was dc-c1dc'CI by prn<lun·rs that /\p1 ii JtHI ht·r enttn· family wer<• not adding In tht• ~how In our 11pmwn. the· l'h .. irat'tl·rs Wl'rc•n 't n:ally g1vl'n 1•11ough timt• to mak1• mm•h of a difft•fl•n<.'t· "Young and tht• Ht·stkss" app<Jrt•ntly dtd not want a bluc•-<:ollar family, wh1t•h thl· St(·vens fJmilv rt'prt.•se1Ht•d, a nd de('ldl·d to g11 bat'k 111 t hi-lugh glus~. t'VC'rvtxxly's rn·h forrn<it Q. A friend and I disagree as to the actor playing Robert Lawre nce oo "Young and the Restless." I say that be is Peter Brown, who starred as Kookie on ··77 Sunset Strip." -0 .L.8 ., Cotton Valley, La. A You'r1· half right. It is Pl'l.er Brown, but ht• wasn't Kook1f• on '"77 S unSt•t S tnp " Thal honor went to &Id Bymt's Pett.•r starrf'd 1n tht' half -hour Wt-stern "Lawman" and was also St't'n as Grl'~ on "Days u f Our Lives·· :.a fC'w yt•ars back "Jus t finished watching ·As the World Turns,' where Barbara is taken to the mencat institution. Yesterday 1 watched James cut her arm while she was drugged. Now I suppose we'll have months of Barbara going craiy -as if the 'fantasies' we ren 't enough. Barbara Is supposed to be as smart as she is beautiful, and this role for her bas been milked long enough. Why are the writers pursuing this s tupid storyline? It reminds me of Victor Newman on "Young and the Rescless," who keP,l his wife's lover lo a secret basement torture chambe r.' -P.F .. Youngstown, Ohio. Wl· agn'f• We find th<.• Barbara storylint• unfortunate. espt'\·1etlly for 1x·opl(· whu are' fparful of ~mtanums to begin with Y11u 'll ht.' happy to know that storyline 1s going to be C'Ut short "I don't uodenland why tht• a<•ln·~• who pl1y1 Laara Tt-mpleton ton 'General lloxpltul') lim't given a more focaf 1toryllne. I tblok 1bt' would h11vt.' made tbe perfect match for Luke. They've KOnt! tbroul(h t"ndleu p1lrup1 wltll Luke -In my opinion, u<·h poon•r than the la11t -while puuln~ up a trul' l(t-m, lht· Ul'lrt•,, "ho pl"Y" I.aura." - K l', St. Johubury, Vt . . 111111 111' Turm•1, wlt11 1•1•1\'' 1.,11 11 ,1, \\ 111 IM· us1'tl, !Jut tt l11ok' .1, th11Uj(h tl11·v 11 i.:11111~: 111 '" 11.111111~( t11•1 with &·utly, pl;1v1·d by Kin Shi 111t 1 w, o1..:11' '"' d11111~: 1 l11w )Ol> tn a rolt· that w,11-o v1•1 v l1.11d 111 1•111 tl11\\ tt w t11 11 It w;1-, f1rs1 111t111dlWt•d (Ill (;JI "I lov.-. 'Capitol · I wutt-h II ,., t·r~ duy, and when I t'an't bl' home to wutt·h ii I turn on my rnpt• machine. I think tht' ac ting Ii. fint· and tlu· 'l lorylint· 1•spl0clally good. I've notkl'd a bil( (•banj(t' 111 till' la\t It·"' Wl't'ks. a big lmprovt'mt•nt.'' KZ .. Burlal11, N V ll11p1•f11ll\ y11ll 1\HE 111 ,, N11•lo,,111 f.111111\ E '/. ~ lor lht· di..n~1· 111 ''°' ylt111 \1111 • .111 tl1.111k V. tlls.1111 .olld Joyn• ('m 111114.tqn, v. ho l1.1v• 111•.1 li•>t•11111 111 .1tl w1 l11·r-. for that -.h11w Jl.1vt· .11/tJl')>/111/1 d/!Ulll \Ul/I 1.111111(1 "'·If/ IJI ''hip sldr'' Wr1t1· 111 /.vlJ(/.J 1111 .,1'11 1 11 Vio •Iii N1 ·11 '/"11w1 Sv11<11cate, J>LJ Bo,\ IYti:.!lJ. /n1111• C.1/11 Y!tll S/11• 1\1/l,lll'>WC'ra!> l/l,tfl.V CfUl'::.ll<J/l,, ,'t,, ... Ji1 • I .1/) /II /11 •1' I 11/(1111/1 hlll l/11 · 1'11/Umt• Of mm/ 11wk1•' 1x•rsun.1/ n ·p/H·., 11111.>"'"'h/1 • --------- EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE A rTENTION YOU NEED · WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A c:onvoniont •llernative to hO$lJ1l11I ;;m1trQencv room• tor 11 l Nl '>, IN HJHll ' f OAC I J1'f '. Ar>u1 ,.., ""'r' • '"' t ~11"' Nu AtJtJCJlf\trne"t Nt•t·IJ••ll • ""''''"' ''' A1111n'9on (11v~n WOR~MAN<. (CiMI I t-1 .Af111t1 o\t I I PIE.(J 1 DAYS A WEEK 3115 DAYS A YEAR 11A.M.11 PM 1714) 752·6300 ••u•o•NCY OOCTORI OFFICE 4030 811ch St Suite t07 Newpart Beach 5 15oFF y our first visit -----T -with th•t coupon - See what we have to offer • --:I I I I I I I I I I I lcouPOMI 111111111 r. Fndav November 5, 1982 39 er • November 5, 1982 • YOl lR < J >~ll'l.1·:·1 1. < ,l lll>E TC> C >R:\:\C ;i .; < ;c J1\ST IJIVERSIC >NS Jeffrey Combs (at left) plays Buddy Layman in 'The Diviners.' He is the center of attention (at right) during a scene from the Sout h Coast Repertory production, in which h is sister, Jennie May Layman, played by Emily Heebner, and his father , Ferris Layman , portrayed by Wayne Grace, attempt to control him during a seizure. ·The Diviners ... ' A familiar tale for Jeffre y Con1bs By KAREN E. KLEIN Or the Daily Pilot S tarr Thi· dl'lails sound s tr<1ngPl y fam1ll::1r A male lead as cast an a pluy with a rural. backwood!'\ SC'tllng Then tht• dl tor. for one reason or anothC'r, l'iillnot play the part Tht· dlrt"C. tur turn-; to Jeffrey .Combs Dt•y1 vu This season at South Coa!'.t R<'pPrlory m ust take Combs bark Aal·k lO Lompoc &>n1or High &:hcx1I. when he first signed up for a drama dass to l'(l't an easy A The play w;u. "Dark of the Moon." and thf' IN1d dropped out a coupl1· W<'Pk!. into n~hearsals. But then. the d1rt'l·tor had a hard time conv1nC"1 ng Combs to take over thl• role The drama teaC"hC'r pleaded with him for around half an hour, until Combs finally said yes. mu1nly tu get the teacher off has back "I [1.-st said. ·No way~ I'm not going lo do that'." Combs recalls. But once he got starlt'd. ht> found acting more difficult to shake' than a pt.>Sky d rama teacher. • This time around. Combs. 28. was more eager to take over th <' role-an South Coast Re perto ry'i; current production of "The Diviners " Robert MacNaughton. of "E.T" fame. was all set to recreate the role o f Buddy Layman he had ongmat.ed m an off - Broadway version of the play when the theat er w as faced w ith th <' prospect of s pend ing $10,000 to provide a tutor for the 15-year-old durin8 the e,tay~ nm. ....._ They rc·luctan tly droppc'd h1rn and Combs. who wa..o.; playing the part of Liam 1n SCR's last ma1nstagc> offenn~. "All in fo'avour Said No ... sl!•prx·d In Hl' mav hav1• bc-t•n "l'COnd choat'C', but he> C' 0l•rta1nlv 1o;n't Sl'C"ond raw. playing Buddy 0w1th an msunctual ft"<'I (or thl' s1mplC' and tht• nl'w m the rharacter Tht-re 1s a S<.'t·m· oit th<' end of the hl'$t act of th<' play. wn ttPn hy Jim Leonard Jr. m which Buddy. an 1d1ot boy wtth an uncanny fear of watc>r , 1s coaxed into a bath In a SteE'l bucket full of warm water and cpsom saJL., The stage gradually blackens until all that is v1s1blC' IS Buddy's tortured body. wnthmg and wriggling 1n (par and anguish, a nd his distor ted faC"C and panic-stricken eyes as he sings. m a trembling whine. "You ar e m y sunshine, my only suns h in e, you make me happy. when skies are gray The sc.•tme 1s a teRllmony to Combs' acting ability, bul what stays w ith the audience are his eyes: pene trating and d isarming In tht>ir thoroughly unguarded honesty. "I just w ant to do it (the part ) right," Combs says earnestly He is pleased w1 th h is r o le In "The Diviner!'": "It's such a beautiful piece of thea ter and T'm so excited about See 'The Diviners,· Pap 2 ... · The play\IVright. • • Not Indiana _folklore to Jim Leonard Jr . Bv ,JIMMY JOHN SON ·or th .. Dail) Pilot S ta tr If ht• had h<id his wav. Jam 1..A'Onard Jr probably wouldn'i have b<><·n a plavwnght al all Instead. he would havt' ~'<'n a rcx:k 'n' roll mus1C"aan ;ind gom• on to becom" a star But :1t thl' 1ns1stl·nc<· of his mothPr Lt•onard wc-nt to c•ollcge. d1sc"Ovn<'C.1 he had a way with words and today. ill :,!6, IS a pretty SUCCt.'SSfUI d ramatist His lat<-.;t suCCt'SS. "The Diviners." 1s t'nJoym g a fi ne run at Sou th Coast Repertory theater It w ill contmu<' th<>re through Dec. 'l. "The Diviners" 1s the folksy story of Buddy Layman, a young idiot boy with a lusty dislike for water. and his rela tions hip with C .C. S how ers. a wandering minister who has quit his church and hit the road in sea rch of work and reason for living. T he story could have been a nice bit o f India na folklore. but it Isn 't, according to the a uthor "Yeah." Leonard said with a smile as bag as the Wabash River. "I'd hke to be a ble to say it's an old folk tale taken from the backwoods of Indiana. but th'lt simply wouldn't be true. h 's tll~. . - "Wh{·n [wa s voung<'r." h1· l'Ontinul'd. "I uS<"d lo wntE' f1c-t1on I on('(' wrote• this story about a preacher who camt' to town to prove himself "In the town was this little retarded kid The prl'acher thought 1t would bt' quite· ., coup to baptize the boy. He was certain this would look important an the eyes of lhC' townspeoplP. He would take thc boy dt>wn to the river Jnd g1vl' him tht' rull 1mmers1on dc't'p-watcr Baptist treatment "H oweve r ." Ll•onard quickly pointed out. "the preal·her was n<lt prepared for what followed He didn't know the boy had just seen has father drown a sack of kittens In that same raver and he thought the same thing was going to happen to him. "So . .,you see. 'The Diviners' came.· out of one of my own short ston es and not any Indiana folk tale." Leonard wa.<l born m Indiana. but his famJly moved a lot. T h ey lived all over I.he state before settling in NC'w Haven . Indiana. He u; the oldest of See The Playwright. Page 2 ... l{) ~ Jeffrey Con zb s steps into juicy role E ,l) > 0 z ii '" -..1\, .., \\'ht 11 111 t..fk., .d111Ut I 111 • pl.1,\ ~ { 'i1111'1' IJll h. d.1m l':. IA-llh l'lllhu:.1<.1:.m Ill' """";' 11ff the· sN. r('lalt"> tht· .. torvltnt· with n •li:.h lits c·y1·s go fni111 .111 t•Vt•n hJZt·I tu altvt', glowing 0 n: 1•ml1<·r:-. ol gn't.·n. But whc·n hl''"i talking .ib11111 h1111M·lf. it's d1ffl·n ·nt lit• sµc.·c1k.-; 111 ,1 h.Jll wh1 ... p<>r. u1 gt•nt Jl umui-11.111 .11 11tht·r:.. but al\1.Jy:. "1th ,, .,, 11....i 111 1nll·n~1tv burning do t'J.J dt1\.\ 11 Ill·" 1>hv1ousiv 111-at-1·.1.,•· 11·,tr;111wd '!'ht' p~Prc1ng h.111 •l g rt'<•ll t•y1·s hcivt• ,1 rtat sh t>en lo th1•111 ,,,. 1 f th1 •v hide• no dt·pths Like t~w g11 ·1·n ol ... rn.111.• walt•r that look.-. sh..il l11\A. hut 1s c..fangt•rously dt•t•p. Comb' 1 .., •. , loo k t·.i i.y. dt.•JHhlt'SS Like· the· grPt•n 1>1 tht• fl\ 1·1 Ill "Tht· DIVlnt'ni .. <.:umbs ha' ht-t•11 .ic·ung r•vt•r :.inn• ·I..rark o f the· Moon" .H Lo111µuc: Ht• l"i c.tn • x1rovr•rt hut only .,onH·t1me:--. ht 'a"' "1'111 nnt as 1·xtrov1•rt<'d a;. lilt' r~·;.t o t n1v f.1niilv," ht· Jdcls. But ;irnund cothc·r actors 11;. 1s 1111, JX•rfonntng Jl'tlllg UU l 5.llU..ilUlnS ind 011m11.k1ng pt.'\>ple m:.tant.<:llll"'OU;.ly ,1;, he talks. d<'Mrihing th1 m ,ind h 1 m "1.· I I 1 n q u 1 t· k I 11 11 n y I h,1t .ll'll'rtZ..1(11111 .. l'IJv1ng ~uddv ,., l1k1• pt.1 v111g .in 1n1mal. l'11ntlJ;. .... iv-. "I llav1• l11 ... 1iu1 111\ ... v,lt·rn"i d11wn 111 pl.iv Buddv I 1;m'1 thmk l•I(> muth J\1 k.1n>oa;,. a huu:.t• ::.01newhvn• 1•l"l' .i111l tlw lrl't•dum 111 pick and ('hou:.t· \.\ hal lll''d l1k1 • 10 do ar11 ... t1t';illv I Ito .d..i1 \• ,1ni-. tll 11.1\'t•I "I'd du 1h1·;1tc·r tht·n ;i him, thl'n lr:ivl'I. th{·n do som1• 1111111· th1•atrr. th(•n TV. then a film I don't WiJnt to bt-s tul·k Ill o ne th tnK or anolht·r .. Tht• µu ... s 1btl1t:v that tht·l l' 1s St•nwthmg l·lse tor him bt.-s1de al·tmg M'c.t re·:. Combs "I 'vt.• never donl· a n ything t.·bc." hl· says l·arncstly "Sunwt1mes I ft•c•I th<tl mayb<> I'm nw ...... u)g out on other things" M1SS111R uut <>11 <Any thing is a tragedy tu Combs .But nne thing the theater has made h1111 lrn;t• out on 1s a ~ns.:· of st..ab1litv Jm.l !.l.'c.:urnv. ht' ..av<.. He drt•arru. ~f WW 1.Jav hciving a far111l y, f)(:rhap:. Ullt' mut·h hkc his own tfo, fomily hvt'S In tht• uny Ozark town of Kings ton, Ark. which Combs spc·aks about with near revcn.>nc'l' - half mocking its ms 1gn1ficancc, half lovmg its isolation. His father grew up m the little town, moved to California and thc·n. 10 :vears ago. went homt· His family';, v<•ry support1vt' of his acung nfft'<.'r ht> says. and always ha~ bt•t·n "Th 1·v wanted mv to have a te<ichmg c-rc-dt•nt1al or something m last· 11 (acting) d1d11't work out," h(· ..av ... "·But 1t 1s workmg ... he a dds, half to h1m:-.(•lf. Hl' is afraid nf verbalmng his ;.Ut"C't·;.s. modest almost lu lht' point of shy1H·ss abou t h1~ tc.lc·nts "If sonwthm1i(s a poss1b1l1ty. I w on't hope· 'They wanted me to have a teaching credential o r something in case it (acting) didn"t ~ork out. Hui ii i., working .~ Hut It• doc· ... thmk a lut t\11cJ ht· .1dn11L' t11 twang t11 1 h.1rd on h11nM•lf "I 1.111°1 fl•l.tX dlld JU!>t 11.'l thlllg;, btf " 1>111 mg Jll 1nt1•rvww. ht• tWlSL" .md 11111111 •" ,1 11 ·d .111d "'h111· • 11ff1·1 "11111•r 111 l\\t t 11 lit' l1ing lhlll £111~1'"° .111d t h, 11 1u111 .... 111d h111b 1t .1ltruptlv mto .1 JM •'lc·d pl.1111 111·ar ltv Sl1111 -> 1,,.,1 7 1111 lw.., 1 . .tl l '11111h' 1., i.:·~~l l11ok.111g 111 .111.tlHllfll. h.t..,t\ "'"" llh l1111g l>r11\o\ 111,h h.111 (cul ... 111111 for lho I'·'' I o r H111ldv I I' , .......... d 1111 tlu ,tdt J>.tl lt·d Ill ltoill ol d11/t II dd lo 11 Ill 111.111 . I Ii 11.1, d11111 " 1111 cit th1 ·.t11·r '"" 1 111 ... h1,i.:l1 ..... h1Mil .1..v .... 11111 he ."-. U<,t·d Ill ,.,1i .. 11 ... 1111g .,. h11 l11l1·' A1 tlw P.it dtt ( 0C111'l't \ .1!1>1 ,. of l'c rfom11ng Ar l., 111 S.1111.1 IV1.1n.1. "h1·n C111111>, \A.1 •111 tco "'hrntl .1f1t·r L11mp1><. ht· .. ~·.i-. 11111·11 111v111\1•tl 111 two "how .... 11 111H·1· p1·r f11rm1ng 1n o rH· al n1gh1 ,111J ro•h1·;1r'>ing ;inoth1•1 in thf' day um1• · I saw tht• p11.,;.1bllit1e!> .ind the WIJI k lhiJl hJd to ~)(' none· In Santa Man.1," Combs s;1vo;, and he• d1dn'1 mind thl' h;ud work Bui ;_ill <ilong, h<· kl•pt thinking the• drto;1m would c·o mf' to a n abrupt finish. that som<'hrtw hP would know It w<1;, time tu s lop hoping for an .it·tm~ l'arN·r "This 1s loo trut' to be good." he thought. "LOO rl'al lo last " But 1t d1<i l,1s l th0 rough lht' UnlVl'rs lly o f Washington's ac tor tra1n1ng program and through Shakespeare al lhe Old Globe Theal(•r m San Diego and the Mark Taper Forum an LA. He rc·c·ently f1nisht'd a Carl Rl'm er film, "Man With Two Brams," m which he plays a doctor. Yet hill goaJs do not indude rame as a n absolute must. Ir he could chooee, he says. be would h ave a farm In ------------·------- -Jeffrey Combs t>Ul loud." tw "-•Y'· ,1ddmg that ht• '" ... um1•wh.it <.up1•rst1t1nu ... about llJ)( nming roles Till' t hal11•ng1· or ;wLing, tw <;.,1vs ,, 11111 1h1· m1·1·h anH.tl p.1rt . but tlw 1·m11 t11>ndl !'>tdt• uf 1t f\lu:-.t pt•nµk think thl' hardt·-;t thmg 111 d11 1;. l1-.1rn t h•• lirw ... but 1h.1 t';, tht· 1o;1!>11•sl part.· h1· ,,1\.., •Y 11u h.c\'t• lo lt'.'t• .1 p.111 knn\\ th1· "'"' v 11111m.1tt•lv II v11u d"11·1 k110\.\ 1h1 st11rv v11ur ... c·lf Vttll 1.111 I It II ti to "'Hll\'11111 l'I"' t\t11 11g '' .1pp1-.il111g 11• l 'o111h' h1•t .1W••' 111 tho \'.tllt'l\' 11wnlvt•d .1 11d 1lw 111tt·n•st1n~ j.)(~tpl1 .111d :-.1tl.l.1ll1111" It fll'ClV tdt•, Tt11 ng .. an .dW.t\' I h.1ng1ng r11r .111 .11 tor · You k1111~ lh•·n ·' .111 1·1111 lo '-otmwthm g 1r vn11 <ion't lik1· 11 . but rm tli• oth1·1-hand. wlwo you do llk1• 1t tt', 11ftt•n over f;1r too S<~m." ht· S<IV!'> for tht· rno;.t pH rt. Comb.o; says. ·,hi' bc•:-.t :1ctors arC' vt•ry !'>hy p<'Oplt• "Th1·y may ( 1 nd 1 t h a rd e r to ex prl•:.s thl'mi.c•lvC's in a sot.·ial w ay. but lht•y bl'<.'Omt' extrovertt'd in front o f people bt•C"a usc· they ca n eon trol thl' sllualion." ht> 'suys An cxampll' 1s S t('Vt· Martin, who m Combs workt'd with on "The Man With Two Brains" "HC''s V(•ry quiet. and mft'ovcrt(.'<i on th(' S(>l .. A ftcr "The Diviners" closes on Ot.'1.:. i. Combs isn 't sure what he'll bl' doing "( feel prt'tty direC'tionlcss now." he says. "lt'~l sacrifice. being an actor and a lways moving around, drifting, never steady." "But then you a lways w ant whal you can't have, I guess," he says. Of (.'OUrM!, as Combs can tell you, there's always the c hance th ere m ight be a play with a rural. backwoods setting, where the lead 1d rops1 out . . . • f • I # •' ... •' I t • ll "' ._ \ f ... ~ ,, ....... , ..... ii . ~..... • ... • , .... ~lfl\ l>irt•(·for '1arti11 Benson di cusst>s srript chan~es \\ilh pla y\\ri ~hl Jim L(•tmard Jr. The playvvright. • • He n1ight have been rock star From Pau<· 1 1hrl't' lh1ltlrr·n all IX>v-. A., ,J kid growing uµ tn the 11110:-wr ., t.111· Ll·onard l·on;.1clt•rc·d bt•1 ng .i l;1wv1·1 ThPn hl· <>1<1rt1•d high ,,,.·ltoul .ind o;t.art1-<l play ing tn ;_i rol'k 'n ' roll ti.end .11 .about th•· '-<lnw l1ml• Hl• gn·w up 1i.,11•n1ng 111 Elv1;. the kmg ... ml th.it's JU.."it wl1<1t ht• wantNl lo bt.• d1~·overed ti was l'J s1er to write ,, play than ftcllon I abo d1sc-oven'Cl 1l v. as mun • of a sol'lal an "I w ould watc·h pt>oplt• r<'ad my :.horl ;.torll's and wondl'r 1( thev llkC'd tht•m ." Lt.'tmard WC'lll on . "but to ht•<ir my words read out loud was reaUy a thrill to mt.· I assume some dav I will wntt· fl<'t1on aga in. but for now I'm 'I would watc h people read my s hort stories and wondered if they liked them, but to hear my words read out loud was really a thrill to m e.' lit 1·11uld play pwno <1nd guitar. sm~ ;ind ... wmg h1~ h1P' lit' had <1rnvt'Cl 1 ll' wa .. gmng t.i bt ;1 -;tar. thc•n. hi;. momm.i me'SSC'd up th.:1t ltttl<' drt•am "I nlmvs t didn't ~n lo l:Olll'gt'.00 Leonard chuckll'<.I. "l was having too mul·h fun in that nx·k 'n ' roll band. but my rnothl'r made mt! apply for a scholarship And or dll things. I got tt Thc•n sh<' talked ml' mto taking 1t "I'll never forg<'t that," he added "I was over at a friend's house practicing with the band. Sht' called and was i10 excllt'd when she told me I h ad won the scholar s hip God ! I w as d eprt'SSE"d " ::>o young J im Lronard Jr. took his scholarship and went o rt to Hanover College in southern Indiana. where he starled writing s hort stories. He started wnting. as he put it, because "1l was an easy way to get credits." He was an English major. but about 100 or so pages into the great American novel, the young writer ran out of credits. "That's when I went to work on a oi:ie-act nla v." 'be ta id. "l qUlc\l}y •iJ' •• 1,, r~s t \t.\' ' • JL.J {·~· :.\ ·-· -' '~l 1\-( "' 114 Ii ~1w k• \br> ... .t. , -Jim Leonard Jr. happy writing plays" ·Like· m ost folks. L l•onard has a drl-<tm He's had st'Vt.•ral. but w.intmg "to b<' JUSl hke Elv is" no longer haunL'\ him. "WhC'n l was <l kid playing tn that rm·k band. Elvis was my idol I wanted to be JUSt ltke him. He h ad such a p<'rsonahzcd following -more so than even the .Beatles. "I once wrote a one-act play about that." Leonard said. "It was about a young girl who hitch-hiked all th e way from the midwest to Memphis to see him "My dream o f rock stardom has long been gone. I guess what I'd really like to do Is write freat truly im - portant plays. Sure, 'd like to have a Broadway Suttes.'I and all that. but it has to be on m y tenns. I'd even like to write a film. but it must be from the ground up. not an adaptation." Leonard h as won a number of wrttJng cont.eat& with his plays, but hit areateit award is a large audience pleeled wiih on(! of•h lt p)aiyl. • •,•• ru 1u1)l'N '•' ~n"'' ••fl ·~""''~'" ,. .._., ,\lt\tl >(u.mu1\ )ta.lUll i--..mw ... : ... ... .~' ... ~ ------.... ..... 1 .-· ..... ,. --:~~=S::-.=.__=3_~_ .... _=l:S:::t=t3F--ra-;::: =--=-~=--~--3_ =~ =:i=El=-~~3=-~-----t== 1 p I I rocsr ............ __ .. .. nc. 1... F + V9 TRUMPET 1 • T4T7M5/4Rl~4 M4/4R1 M5tA0~~1G4G4.• M5/4G2B4-L 1C09CB-A-T3T6M3/8G4.• T2TGM4/4GBR4.R~R1R T1M514R!R4 M4 /? R102SI 04GGF 9••FA4-GB•FB+•A-R+4BB-2A-•GsFQ!O;C•04R!0~84 ;A8+•0+0tC4 +mt.IR 8=AS2D+FGG+SlA4G8+•F•O!l.IC+•A•C+4S2BBqG+SIF+OJ M4 /40c~+•04S2LlC+ SBASJG+ 1'15/40\EsD•SlE4DLIS:'C8+BA+G+ M4 /4t 'SR! 1 M?./4R:-. M ~/4R: I 'l 6M4/4Rlt6RI> Mb /4R~RR M4 /4RIRR M6/4R::RP M4 /4R1R M6/4R2RR M4/4RIR RRR I 116M4/2fRI RRR 1 Sl 02F4+BOI O+F+EEB. -0'3G40C +f)+fl.i:BO IF+02B-~I{. A 9-G:: M3/~R2RR401G• T~T7M~/8G4.R4 M4 /4•4RIJS 102LIGBCC•R9•B-D8-•C9 =B-OIFD-F8E9-•D-CO:·B-OI GFG4. R4 l:ORl ) R M6/4Rl. M4 /4 t 6 Rl ) T 2T6R I M5/BR2RB T1,7M~/SR4. M4 /4RIR T~TBRIR T:.T8M5/8 1GR4R4. > OISI R 4.CSD FE9DFBCDE-09CFB+C90F8G9F08F4.F9E-F85LE4.-M4/8E~-f2 12M5/ 402:02. tF12R;.' 5309os1oe•o .. R4 RRRFIR s-::R1.09os1oe-o:. R4RRRR s:.o 905 108•0::. R4 RRRRR P.TR Mt.I t. t t.RI 1 113 /4R2. T4T7Mt /t.R4 T2TnM2/4R.:: T3T7M-1t.R: M4 /t.RJ M~/4R~ 1::TsR:: TJT6M4/4Rl02SlR ~qae-A-G010CD40L , I TGMI /4E8D r:TBE4 r:-T71'1f&/4FJ P • 3 RI I 01 RL't .?Fl8S~1:9COB•E-1 E9RR8R 4R8C9CCS02C T~M4/4 51C4~A~+B8-ABu-=~8-AP.-G-F t •4RI 11 Rl Tl TS 1 t The mus ic ian reads music as ~hown in top c.lia~ram, hul when tht> C'omputt•r ~ta rts reading mu~ir it look~ like tilt' diag ram immediat••ly abov(•. Co111puter music. • • A symphony the hard way By SANDI E JOY Of the Daily Pilot Starr It's about lime Balboa Peninsula res1den~ got their o wn symphony orchestra Arter all. they're nice folks and it's a charming pla<.'t' to live That's the opinion of long-timC' Balboa rC'S1dent Joe Langlie. Be s 1 d c· s . h e h a d d o n e s o m e tinkering with nius1c-wnting a while back and. as he recalled. he'd come up with what might be the nght tune for a home town symphony to perform So. about a year and a half ago, he dusted off the old tune. polished 1t up into what became "A Child's Theme•" Hts method of music writing 1s a little different from that used by most persons. however. Hts orchestra 1s a littlC' strange. too, Living as it does in h is bc·droom. It's not real; it's the lmagsnary Balboa Symphony. You sc·e. Langlte composed and recorded "A Child's Theme" o n computer-driven synthesizers set up in his Balboa P enins ula condo· mini um "Th<•rc's nothing like hearing a real sympho n y orchestra perform." Langhe said. but 11 would have cost a fortune to hire one to record his work Langhe isn't a musician. anyway "I was a brass man when I was young," he said, "and J played viohn ,,tor years in the Orange Coast College Orche!'ltra just to learn how to write for It." As for the piano on which he'd done his initial music-writing back m 1966, he played only the black keys. "With my limited trainin~ and dexterity," he said. "I made fewer mistakes that way " Langlie is a mathematician by profession and he likes to tinker with computer• alt.hough he's .quick to point out there are lota of thingl about oomputer1 that aren't mathemaUcal. He's neve r st.udled music compoalUon ao attempt.Ina ~ .Wei'-' a aymphony, 110me\hlna h.e . be•an In eameat duri.., J~nuary lttn, WM quite a chall<•ngC' "Tht>r1.>'s a lo t of mathemat1l'a l aspects to mus1<'." h e to>xpla1nc·d. .. which, m itself. 1s VC'ry orgamwd " Noting. "Most of my better writing has oc"<'n dorw by th<' St'at of my panL'I, sitting at a desk," Langhe outlined the system which led to the making of a 331h rpm s tereo album a few month~ back. There are several phasC's to composing music: on the compult·r· driven synth~izers. he e xplained. thC' first and longest of which is e ntering all th.e data m the computer. "You have to be kind of careful and organize what you're doing:· he said about computer-composing. "You t'an't knit when you 'rr supposed lo purl. But the machmt' 1~ very forgiving " The data is entered into th< computer m alphanumeric characters. For e xample, if the l'Omposit1on calls for a B flat. LangliC' enters a B with a minus sign: for an A sharp. he cnt<'rs A with a plus sign. Just entering all the codes took him the better part of 1981. The n1.•xt s tep wos 10 begin generating the vmces of his 38-piece orchestra. "It's like writing a book." he co ntended . "I record each tnstrumental voice and build up an l."nsemble. That took three to four mon ths, working evenings and weekends.'' As a n ew voice is added. h e expla ined, "the computer listens to the first voice and adjusts its internal clock so the second voice Ls laid right alongside the fint voice and they sound like they're playlna together ... Then, you keep adding voices ... ''It'• like making a pot rout.. You sort of dump thinp together, then bufJdle ,theru and put th~m on, one track. IJymy CMe, tend up with fow tt.cb, Md\ of which fl a ... ~ pert ' o.lly ""°' Ptloto .,, Gery Alftiw- j o (' Langlie sits at his computer-driven !'ynthesizer as he conducts the Imaginary S ymphnny of Balboa. of th£> orchestra." All thf' music is stored on floppy discs. ..The sounds are causl'd by the computer reading the information. It '(<X'S through a box that converts 1t to an elt'('.tronk voltage, then the voltage 1s f Pd in to the synthesaier which •ontrols th<' pi tt:h of sound " Langlie said the reason for using a computer to run the synthesizers is because the l'Omputer can work much faster than he can and it ca n syru:hroniz.e 38 voices. "If you fCt lnto this thing," he noted. "you re probably getting lnld 10 grand." Langlle has a setup that includea a l'Omputer complete with video display terminal and auoned 11>hware, two syntheair.era and two elaht-track'ta~ recorders, all of wMch ne teta up In hie bedroom when he'• off and running. "My drea,m.'' t..n1ll• .. ,d, ·•11 aomebody will call me Md llllk few tM muetcal ICIOl'e Md .. u me. ·i....n.cue. this thing 1s so great'." Composing music, h<' said , .. 1s t.e .. riribly satisfy mg ... But, "it's hard 10 wrate music; it's solitary bc.-cauS<' you nf'ver gE>t a chance to hear it playC'd." Langhc's symphony for w hich has daughter. Susan Upsan, provided thC' insp1rat1on. has yet to be performed by a lif£' orcht'Stra and th<• 400-edition album has yet lo n•cl'1ve much l'X posure. But, if some orchestra wants to perform the symphony or someone wants to hear the album, he's ready. he's ready. , "I have the masters and If I have a hot run. -I can make them by the carloads. There's no premure here to ma.ke a living thouah. I just have fun wlth It.'' Ext.-erpts from "A <;hlld's Th~me" will be aired at 2 p.m. Sa\urd3y on the "Doug Ordunlo Show'' over KFAC- FM radio, 92.3 on ~ dial. • The album 11 1e>ld at MU8icland In South Cou\ Ptara. Co.\a ...... .... <O Q) N ·- N CX> O> --F ---------------------------------.~..__ ____ o_n_·S_t_o_g_• _____ )~------------------------------~ '°'Good. , Nazi Germany An unsettled play set in • • Q> .0 E Good Pli.J v wich music bv C. P Taylor ~ Swrnng Alan Ho"·ar-d Dtrt<Ct<>d by Howard Davies 0 z This prudUl·tion l'Xamml's and <'Xposc'S thl· l'Vils inlwn·nt in the :,<it·raf1t'l' of moral and mtcll<.'<:tual 111ll·gnt:-tu tht· dt•mands of a brutal d1ctatorsh1p. Thl• late• <.: P Taylor l'alk-d his last work "the Qi tragt·d y wl11l'h 1 havt· writtt•n as a comt·dy. or "g mus1c<il nirnt.•dy." The inc1dt•ntal me lange o f ~ Cennan &:hm<tltz. Amt'n can pop. and the dass1<.'S IS ci 1ntt•gral lo the Royal S hakespt•are Compa ny ~ produl'llon at the Booth Thcatt:r m New York From tht.· moment an mstruml•nt.al qumlA'l b<'gms o .1~wmbling on tht.· almo~t bare st.age unul th<' final. 0: t.·mut1onally shattc·nng strains of S<:hubert's "Mart·h M1litairc" by a p1t1ful Aw.chwnz orchestra. music add!> the frt'quentJy 1ron1t.· naht~ to thl' text Th(• amh1valent a ntihero nf "Good" ts John llaldN ( Alun Howard). a Frankfurt ca:n1c and novPhst who: .. <• profrsswnal advan<.'t'ment parallels the rL'ie of Nazism. A novel an wh1t.·h Halde r has uphPld a sp«:1f1c case of euthanasia IS seized upon by the party Through a sUl.'Ct"SS1on of contacts up to By JOHN BEAU FORT Christian Science Monitor News Ser vicl!' and 1nl'luding Ado lf Eichmann (Nicho las Woockson). Halde r re:.ponds to tht.• demands for treatises that supply mtcllectua l and philosophical JUSlification for Hitlt•r's crimes, including the (.•x te rminauon of the Jews. Haldcr's series of moral erases is reduced lO personal terms through his close but fraying frie ndship wit h Maurice (Gary Waldhorn). a Jewish psy('h1a tnst, and his g rowing m n t.acts with Nazi types. Although rnmmitted to t he familial obligations due h is slattt•rnly wife (Meg Wynn- Owen) and mstltuuonailzed mo ther (Ma rjuri<• YaU.'S). Haldt'r neverthek ss enters into an affair with an 1mpr~1onabl<.• student (Fehc1ty Dean) The dense and <·omplex drama moves forward 11'1 muh1lay(.•rro fashion as thc equivcx:ating Halder g rows t•vcr more &ntl•llectually and morally t-ompromised Near the end of the• play, thl' writer's young mistress assures him. "Whatever happens ... round us . . howeve r we get pushed . . . ~ know we're good pt.'<>ple." To which Halder rephes: "Yes . . We probably are good ... W hatever that means." By then. of course, the inhuman results of human betrayal have robbed goodness of all its mean mg. In view of the thoro ughness with which Tay lor Sl'rutanazes the phenomenon of the "good" Germans w ho became Nazis, there seems to be a m issing element in the Halder equation. The audienc.-e is shown or told about such things as the man's early condauonmg, has discharge of d omestic duues. respect for uniforms. and tus fantasy addiction to music. But why should h e display a consistently overriding lack of integrity and moral courage? F'urth<'rmore. ll is somewhat difficu lt to believe that a man of Halder's th oughtfulness and mt.cUigence should so easily comply with fascism a nd so readily acc•ept Hitler 's crimes as a temporary "aberration." Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think T'J '"Think Think Think 'AUDID ""'°111,tL..sM~ rot£ SIM. C7 fME MOTION N:TUM COOf C7 llfL' RfOULATION In the central role, Howard makes no appeals for sympathy. The bodily squirmings. the grimaces. and the extraordinary Jane readings add up to a s tage portra it of m e morable 1ns1ghts and psyt·holcigkal dimensions. Pale, rum pled , and bespectacled, the star moves restlessly about the stage His Halder 1s a man caugtu up m a destiny o( h1s own making -a desuny from whit:h he lacks the moral daring to esc·apc. a desuny symbolized by the SS uniform he finally dons. I' saddleback college community services presents JAMES McCRACKEN AND SANDRA WARFIELD Metropolitan Tenor and Mezzo-soprano Stars Yes,~ a lot. But I still need your help. a a• s a •• a -.... -lntemationaHy acclaimtd tenor and mwp·soprana -favorite arias and duets from Camen, I Pagliacci. Carvallefla Rustieena, II Trovatore and Turando -favorite English. Irish and French folk songs. -favorite melodies "Vienna, City of My Dreams" "f or You Alone" "Soldier, Soldier Won't You Marry Me" "Come to the fair" -James McCracken in magnificent vQice delivered treacherous A's and IJ.flats with indefatigable brilliance and amplitude-- NEW YORK TIMES -Mr. McCracken's si111ing is electrifying, rmging with power from top to bottom. NEWSDA Y -He (McCracken) gave 1 performance that lacks contemporary "'"!111· TlllE 00(.AS M()ftNMG NE.WS SADDLEBACK COMMUNITY COLLEGE SOUTH CAMl'UB Fine Arts Theatre I p.m., .. ,,,,_,, NONmb« ZT, 1ta ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--"~-~~'-n_,_._,_,,._l_•_•_lo_n~---~~ · 5 'T""o and T\No Make Sex . • .'Intriguing titlt;, but . ~ • • The name of AJan Ayckbourn is nowhere to be found on the program of "Two and Two Make Sex" at the Huntington Beach J?lay house -but the British playwright certainly is there in spirit. By TOM TITUS 0 1 the Dally Pilot Staff This Americanized version of an Englis h fellow (Scott Zuck.man) but seeing an older man comedy by Richard Harris and Leslie Darbon (or (Marty F.ckmann) on the side. What's sauce for the very nearly Americaruzed at any rate) resembles goose, etc., so Zuck.man takes up with F.ckmann's nothing so much as an a malgamation of two -wife (Corrine Ehlers) in rather halfhearted fashion. Ayckbourn plays, "How the Other Half Loves" and Thr;ow in a snoopy advice columnist (Franis "Relatively Speaking." And both are infinitely James) and Sondag's long.absent father (Edward better written than "Two and Two Make Sex." Belfrcy) and you've got a potentially volatile Harris and Darbon drag their charac te rs mixture. The only trouble is. director Terry G unkel's through a circuitous sequence of contrivances production never really ignites, although some before depositing them in the play's semi-juicy final flickering s parks are evident in that last sequence. scene, a meeting o f all the parties involved in Sondag an<\ Zuckman provide the only real various adulterous escapades. Whether or not it's zest of the Huntington Beach cast, though Belfrey worth the wait depends on the individual does have some nice moments in his brie f playgoer's ennui tolerance level. appearance in the second act. F.ckman fails to Basically the plot revolves around a modem dislodge the comedy of his situation, while Ehlers youpg lady (Laurie SOndag) who's living with one and James never truly warm up to their roles . Then there is the occasional Britlshism (a :£ confection called "toad in the hole" springs to mind) ~ tha t reminds you the play was not origina lly :::> intended to be set in Sausalito. Pacing, or the g. deficiency of same, Is another sticky wicket. :-. 'Tl "Two and Two Make Sex" is an intriguing ~ title, but aside Crom Sondag's frequent flourishes in g. revealing lingerie there is precious lijtle of that ~ three-letter commodity to be found~ Performances z continue Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 in the ~ SeacliH Village t heate r at Main Street a nd 3 Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach, ttr'rough a Dec. 4. Call 847-446_5 for ticket infonnation. ~ CALLBOARD -The Costa mesa Civic !" Playhouse has announced auditions for "A Far ~ Country," a drama about Sigmund Freud , for Nov. ~ 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Orange County Falrgrounds N theater ... dir ector Pa li Tarilbellini will be casting five men and five women . . . . ,.,EATllli RAOUL' is One Of The Freshest, Funniest Co•edies ID Yean ... The movie you'll want to tell Impudent, outrageous and murderously madcap like 'Arsenic and Old Lace'." -Bruce Williamson, Playboy ' all your ,' "O.tr....-... r..iy~'EATING RAOUL' neighbors about. is almost certain-ta-be the up..from.-Underground ----~ movie Of the ear." -J k Kroll, 'Newaw.- • "A Vuy r-y y aboU x and murder ... full of smiles, punctuated by marvelously unseemly QUff8WS." -Vincent Canby, New Yoft{ Times -- -. I • N «) O> "='" .,; .... a> .Cl E QI > 0 z >. «> :2 .... LL ..: QI 'O c QI .:it. ~ ~ § a: ,. -- d -Sillerno .• • • Italian food that's ·hearty~ tasty ana fl/ling .. SALERNO. 220 Beach Sc.. Laguna Beach. -19 7-2600. Open from 11:30 a.m . ro 10 p .m . Wednesday ·rMough Monday. Closed Tuesday. Same menu all hours. Luncheon specials $3.95. Dinner from 16 to $10.50. Parking available in rear. Reservations recommended. _, This antunate trattoria is tucked away on a tiny strt.>et m thl> heai1 of,. Laguna's busi~ district, isolated from the floc6 of nearby sun worshippers and rubberneckers. Ye t Salemo doesn't seem to h,ave much difficulty attracting customers. Even on · an off night, as was our case. reservations were a m ust or you could count on a wait at the dinner hour. The Italian restaurant is well-known for its wholesome cuisine at moderate prices and a casual a tmosphere accented by noisy voices from all ages. Tht-food is neither spectacular nor glamorous, but 1s generally hearty. tasty and:!. g, as every pasta palace should boast. Proprietor Tony Manzi co es to LalJuna by way of New York City, where he opened his first Italian restaurant, Manii's. in 1955. Born in the United States, Manzj was raised in Salemo, Italy and later JOined the Italian navy during World War II. where he developed h1s culinary skills as a ship's cook. When he returned to the U.S .. he worked at various jobs until he saved enough to start his Yonkers establishmtmt~ Manzi wanted lo return to Italy. but his son. Sal, convinced hlm to come to By JOEL C. DON Of tlae Dally PllOt Start California. Sal, incidentally, runs the nearby Salemo Pizzeria on Pacific Coast ffighway. Tony is ever-present in his tiny eatery. When the pace gets hectic in the dlning room, he'll assist in delivering orders and visit with hlsi guests lo check up on their meals. The menu is a savory blenq of Clavors from every comer of Italian cuisine. Pasta comes in four varie ties -spaghe tti, linguinl, .rigatoni and mostacciolo -and there are some 10 combinations of sauces lo complement your order. Meat entrees include a generous selection of veal dishes as welJ as chicken and sausage selections. And there's shrimp, scallops. calamari, mussels and sole for the seafood aficionado. Don't pass up the house specialties, including such Italian delights as fettuccine Alfredo, tagliatelle al pesto, tortellini and cannelloni. Entrees are served with salad, bread and butter and the meat and seafood selections come with a plate of mixed pasta and tomato sauce. Our salads w ere served with a tangy vinaigrette and the crispy iceberg lettuce was topped with grated mozzarella and an appreciated pepperonclni garnish. The standard bread rolls, however. were cold and cpuld easily have been brought back to life with a quick trip to the oven or microwave unit. An order of garlic toast ($i.65) was a splendid acc."Ompaniment to the meal and wasn't lacking for a pungent bite. Our order of marinated eggplant appetizer ($1.75) was delidously sweet and a splendid way to pre pare our palat.eS for the main entrees. Service at Salerno is attentive and prompt. Actually. we found it much too fast at times as our waitress delivered our main entrees well before we h ad finis hed our salads and appetizer. We didn't feel rushed but figured the speed was an attempt to keep finished orders out of the kitchen area. · · The veal scaloppine a la Fiorentina ($10.50) was tender and not overly breaded. The generous ,portion was highlighted by a sauce featuring mushrooms. eggpJant and tomatoes. We also had room for linguini with white clam sauc.-e ($7.75) and lasagna ($7.50). both rated high for taste and art.ful preparation. ln addition, the clams we re among the most tende r w e have sampled, even when compared with those oHered by the high-end Italian restaurants in the Newport Beach area. We enjoyed espresso with a fresh cannoli • dessert, admiring the red-<:heckered tablecloths and plethora of knickknacks that..add to the family--style atmosphere that is the hallmark of Salemo. The restaurant offers a good selection of eight lunch specials at a reasonable price of $3.95. Four pasta selections are serv~ as weU as esgpl.nt parmigiana, a house speciality, and meatball. sausage and sausage pepper. Lunches are served with salad and bread and butter. - l 1: THE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILMi.t The Outlaw ... The Outcast ... -and the Legend that was _ ,,._ ... 01 ............ ,0---.... --., ___ .._.~..,-~ fiii'1 AU M)ES ADYmo ~P-0.._S.. __ ~Slllle:TlO Undtt ,,, ..... , .. ~ -... -- ALL U ll!iJ NfO IJll f l\. MS "I Cf IV( n<E SEM. OI ll+( MOllON PIC!Ufll C~ OI SEV "l0Ul.Alt0N If it's got wheels you'll move It faster Ina Dally Piiot cla$$1fled ad:c.tl 642·5671 and a friendly ad·Yi--wlll Mlpyoutum yourWMel• tntoc.111. . -SIDE-SPUTilllilY FUNNYr ----~,..amc * ''FUil. OF SNAP AND WIT.' * "OD or !Bl DD'l MOI! n.••••n IUUllW .. !' _...,.......,..._ _ Iii II() <nOlml .wlll N9111S A llW\SIUIS Ml) llOIM 1 laSG I f!llUIOI • Pl llR 0 Qll • fSW IWllR • llSIPlt lllOOlll • ...... -IM-MIR M'llOll YUi· D1MUrBY.-s1t•1t Ml>ll. f'ltiie> SKl'r 8' IHIS IJLIJ8l • .W:BY•PllUfi · PQQOIY IOW.1 IJIOOI f~!..:'!i::a_:-,.:1 fllCllOfl!~.~ ~ NOW PLAYING ClllTA ... -·-··-Ef9aril~C.l l'liw• ~ ....... C... '*"" ... .... ll , ... [hMft &.-...... ~ ~MIMM .._C-..414111' bigger than both I' ,. of them. :-~' LQRD GRADE PRESENTS MBARBAROSA" .. A Memorable Experience" -Vern Perry The Register Gil.BERT ROI.AND • ISELA VEGA • DANNY DE LA PAZ Written by WIWAM D. Wrrn.JFF • Musk: by BRUCE SMEATON Directed by FR!D SCHEPIS! • Produced by PAUL N. LAZARUS 111 Eucullvo ~ucer MARTIN STARG~ A WITTUFF. ·NELSON ANO BUSEY .PROOUCTION IN AS80CIA 22 WITH rrc FILMS ASSOCIATED FIU4 Dl5TIUIUT10N CORPORATION II -= DISTRJBUTED IV UNIVERSAL PICnJRES AND a • e 1"1 ~CITY mJlllO& lllC ,. I. • ·-'Ii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-r~ ContlngAttr~;tlon•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 ~ 0 Conductor Gilmore guests .. with Irvine Symphony 1 Bernard G11more returns as-guest condttetor of-~..-­ the Irvine Symphon y Orchestra Sunday at the Newport Harbor Arl Museum, beginning at 5 p.m. Gilmore is the new conductor of the UC Irvine student symphony o rc hestra and he teaches conducting and composition at the university. I The free concert will include the overture to Tancredi by Gioaa:hlno Rossini. Mozart'& clarinet concerto in A major will feature soloist Thomas Hill. And the Cinal number will be .reux D'Enfants. Opus 22 by Georges Biz.et. The concert is Cree to the public 3t the museum, located at 850, San Clemente Ave., In Newport -Beach. WHEN fl 90UTHEAN CALl'OfNA WIT.... '' .n._ TCllLM --- He conquered an empire. Bernard GiJmore will conduct the Irvin e Symphony-Orchestra unday. 1.Q ... , .. · ~~ Symphony »!ill offer outer space music - "Tl "'Music of the Spheres," a trio of concert ~ compositions focusing on the splendors of outer ~ spacf> will be presented Nov. 14 by the Orangl' ~~nty Pac1f1c Symphony. . ~ < Among the selections is the world premiere of n> "AH>io'l Moonlight, a composition by music director 3 Keith Clark. i ... The l'Oncert will be held at Santa Ana High 01 School's auditorium, 520 W. Walnut. Santa Ana, ..... beginning at 8 p.m. :g . Albion Moonlight "fill include soliloqui~ for N flute and large orchestra, and Is based on the poems of Kenneth Patchen. The other two outer-world selections include Mozart's "Jupiter" symphony and Hols t's "Tht- Planets." -Single lieke-ts are priced at $7.50, $10.50 and $13.50 and available by calling 680-3444. Forgive mt, Fatlu!r, for I have sinned. l luzve killed/or nry Country, I lulw stolm for my drurdf, I haw loved a 1uoma,,, and I am a Priest. j MONSIGNOR. _( __ _ A F'RAJll( YAlll.ANS- ,. FRANK PERRY, .. CHRISTOPHER REIV[ lft MONSIGNOR ...... Gf.NVIEVf lllP.D FtRNANDO REY JASON MIU.ER JOE COIITTSl AOOUO au wllh TOMAS MIUAN • ~llco ,_,.-.,.., 8lllY M.l.JAMS, B.S.C. -"' fOH'IWIUlAMS -~"' F1tANK YARANS ... DAVID NIVt:N, JR • ..._ ... ABRAHAM POl.ONSKY _,WtNOfl.l MAVIS --·-"'JACK ALAIN LEGDt iiitM!il ,._.,..., RlANK PERRY • ~-. -=-----·--,_ . ._ .. .... ' ,, ,, ' II \I"" ft ti'~ "" '•" . . ~ . ' . ~ ~ I I I ....J •-----~-------: ~----------~~~~=============l(, ___ A_t __ t,,_ ___ M_o_~_,_•_• __ _,.)~============~====~=============:= ; 'It Came From Hollywood~ • .'The worst of the worst .8 For every .. Gone With the Wind," it seems. E the re is a "Plan Nine From Out.er Space." Dozens. ~ even. Perhaps even hundreds. ~ You've heard of "Plan Nine," of course. Bela Lugosi's last movie (he died two weeks into the i;' filming and the picture was finished with another :g "actor " who shie lded his (ace with a cape u.. throughout). A re<.'Cnt movie buffs' poll singled 1t ... out as the Worst Movie E~cr Made. · -8 Now that's quite a n honor. E s pecia lly S considering the c-ompetition -"Att.ack of the Killer ""' Tomatoes," "Mars Needs Women," ''Frankenstein ~ and the Monster From Hell:" "The Evil Brain From ~ Oute r Space" a nd my personal favorite , "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies." It was only a matte r of time until some enterprising producer put them all together (or excerpts thereof) into one teeming package, a sort of "That's Entertainment" in reverse. Which brings us to Paramount's "lt Came From Hollywood." In this potpourri of cine matic ineptitude, we do mdPed get an eyeful of the most godawfuJ rlicks ever foisted on an unsuspecting public. And. as far as the picture goes (a scant hour and 20 minutes). it's high camp hilarity. But somewhere between concepuon and production. someone hit upon the bright idea to ungild the lily by bringing in refugees from "Saturday Night Live" to introduce them. Thus. we have Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner, ~hee~h and Chong and John Candy adding tnte nlJonaJ laughs to the unintentional chuckles or '"The Thing With Two Heads" or "Viking Women and the Sea Serpent." They should have left bad e nough alone. ,.,.,_ ... By TOM T ITUS Of the Dally Piiot Staff What "It Came From HolJywood" really needed was a genuine wit -a Steve Allen or a George CarUn -to provide unseen narration as we watch "Zombies of the Stratosphere" and "Invasion of the Neptune Men." The stuff t hat Aykroyd, Radner and company come up with is dangerously close in caliber to those Grade Z movies. With one exception . Cheech and Chong watching ''The Incredible Shrinking Man" in a movie theater, and throw ing in their own inimitable oomments, is genuinely funny. But for the most pan. the 100 horribles stand on their own merit. or lack of same. Embelliah.menl . really is unn~ with such all-time classics as ''The Brain That Wouldn't Die" or "The Hideous Sun Demon." And what else could you say about a movie entitled "Franke nstein Meets the Space Monster?" However. the inclusion of a true science-fiction classic like "The Day the Earth Stood Still" may elicJt howls from the B movie buffs, who also may lake ·umbrage at "The Blob," "The Creature From the Black Laj(oon" or "War of the Worlds" being lumped in wilh pathe tic puerility as "The Brain From Planet Arous" or "CUrse of the Faceless Man." If you like your movies really awful, then "It Came From Hollywood" is for you. And there's undoubtedly enough film left over for "It Came From Hollywood II." THE FILM'THKr - •uFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG" NOW HAS THE #1 HIT SINGLE .,. '" THE COUNTRY! --Oere hM never been better. wt..., la ~I Md Go11.n la tenltlo.• _,....c.... "The kind of love...., for which the public'• been thirsting." _..........., tOllM'IMOW "The MMOn'• Mrthlest romantic high." __.... ........... ~ Da n Aykroyd spoors the mad scientists. hwwtM,..... ......... t you" ........... llATIOllAL IAllP99N'S. J • 9 ~------------------------------------'~ ______ 0_1_v_•_r_•_lo_n_• ______ ~~----------------------------------~ "THE MURDER ROOM," a new mystery ~ ~ comedy by El Toro's .facl< Sharkey, continues at < the Garden Grove Community Theater, Chapman < Avenue at,.St. Mark's in F.astgate Park (897-5122). II Curtain times ate 8:30 Fridays and Saturdays 11nd ~ 2;30 Sundays through Nov. 14. ~ -:PLAYS------ "BROTHERs." the world premie re of a drama about union-management conflict. is being presented on the Second Stage of South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa (957-4933). Curtain times are Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30. Sunday at 8. with weekend matinees at 3 p.m. untH Nov. 21. "DEATHTRAP," a murderous m ystery. is the fare at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. 3503 S . Harbor Blvd., just north of Costa Mesa (979-5511). Performances are given at varying curtain times Tuesdays through Sundays until Nov. 14. "THE DIVINERS," a play about a disturbed boy in the Midwest, continues o the mainstage. of South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa (957-4033). Curtain times are 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, 7:30 Sunday and 2:30 on weekend matinees until Dec. 2. "THE FOURPOSTER," a two-character play about marriage, is being staged at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach (675-3143). Curtain is 8 p.m. Thursdays flA1WDIG JOIDI l..llMOlf • TC&O OllO •ACS IWWW CO 9C* CAllln' •nm> WILLAID • lllllCllAIL O'DOllAGllUS ~ .... BlllllD•aAllAllA .. JOAll~ ,__~~--- LOOam &All WllC»ii macra> A11D NAAiCID 9' . ~ 1BDr IWi'CWF A llnlOUlt ICBC AllD AllOCIATI llUAll •8ARGAIN •ATINm• . .... ., .. ......, M Pwftol1Mlic.s befoq l.1'0 N I~.,.... En11111uen .-......,., What's happening along Orange Coast through Saturdays until Nov. 13. "GOD'S FAVORITE," a black comedy from Neil Simon, winds up its run for the Mission Viejo Playhouse at the Forum Theaters on the Festival of Arts. grounds in Laguna Beach (770-0381). ~ performances are tonight and Saturday at 8:30. "LI'L ABNER," the mu.sical based on the famous com ic strip, open 1 tonight at the Westminster Commupity Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster (995-4113). Performances are given Friday and Saturday at 8:30 through ~-· 4. "MORNINGS AT SEVEN," an oldie about older people, is being presented at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa (631-5110). P erformances are Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2:30 until Nov. 14. ANt.HEIM · ,, . 1 .. ._ .... "-.. -_.81fofllO 1...,,. c........ Cll) -~~ -. I. .... 1'0 9CCll9""" 1. "\.A8T a • : M -... ...... .., a. ---o:-.;a.. L I ·-~OI) .. ....,..... "W -·"-_ .. _ --·-·-llMOJO .. LINCOLN I • .I ·N "t. T .. Ttm IXTRA· m..1~ ..... "'MONCO -._ Y"- FOlJ"tTAI"' "Al If y l'"' "• ,..,, .. ~ ....... "'CIRllll Da WOMJ)"' ... _.,......, ............ ) ........ _ .. _ r1 , -M · • (' ~ ·. ., .. '"" y 1. -.~.-- U\ HAf'.k/, ••.. , -... _ ... . ,,. ... . -------- OQANGE "" . I ... -....... ......... ...._ ....M9J --.... •a-c.._ ... 1 -·· ...,NeUnOI ' CD ·"THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE," a Gilbert :- and Sullivan operetta, is on stage at Sebastian's ~ West Dinner .Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San g: Clemente (492-9950). Curtain Umes vary nightly ':' except Monday with performances given through z Nov. 14. • ~ CD "TWO AND TWO MAKE SEX," a British 5- adult comedy, ls being presented by the Hunting~n ~ Beach Playhouse, in the ~acllCf Village shopping !JI center, .Main Street and Yorktown Avenue ...... Huntington Beach (847-4465). Curtain time is 8:30 <0 p .m. Fridays and Saturdays through Dec. 4. ~ Diversions Cor Weekender/sandle joy -01------ FlBER AND PAPER ARTWORK by Joyce Campbell and oil paintings by Michael Logan and See Diversions, Page 13 p ... ' lO C\I (I) en ..... Q) .Q 'Class Reunion. _' ___ '""'--... •-· _..._,_._ __ ... • .' Humor and horror fail to mix E The class of 1972 has returned to the hallowed-~ halls of Lizzie Borden High School for a 10-year ~ reunion. The whole gang's here: the snobs and the >.. misfits, the hippies and the preppies, the beauty By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Or the. Dally Pilot Starr 111 queen and the class cripple. :g But there's one more guest that no one counted u. ·on -Walter Baylor, the class nurd who was once ..: Q) 'O c Q) ~ Q) Q) ~ ,-.... the victim of a cruel student prank. And now, butcher knife in hand. he's looking for revenge .... That's the premise of "National Lampoo!l'S Class Reunion," and if you haven't guessed by now. the picture is a double send-up. It wrings broad humor out of the high school cliquishness that endures beyond graduation day and simultaneously parodies the mad slas her movies that have proliferated in re<.'f'nt years. "Class Reunion" is an amusing film that "'The Ch~n' ... One of the year's best!" " ca\ __ EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT FRI. 8:35 -SAT /SUN. 4:00, 1:35 edwanls--UBo-etHEM m---t---- MEW,OllT K.YD. AT VIA UDO NEWPORT IEACH '7J.ll50 CO-HIT "DINER" FRI. 6:30, 10:35 -SAT/SUN. 2:15, 1:30, 10:35 il:,. AYKROYD • .K>HN CANDY. ... CHEECHAND CHON~ Gil.DA RAUNER UHi tlw girl who Sa\o15 IO ttw gurili. -ee gmtJe big 1e11a:- 1tw aJim who dema.nds -Mars~ wurnen:' 1tw evil !ielmllst wh<1 ~ •AU of you C"Mlhmet> are stupid:" .... ~IVY m teenage 11151. Lnac:ls of mwillng creaturn aod lnts of dirty parts. delivers a steady enough parade of laughs. But the film. which relies on stock characters and familiar 'Settings. breaks no new comedy giound a nd sets no new records for on-screen outrageousness. As a result. it never ascertds to the comedy plateau of recent classics such as "Animal House," ''Airplane" and "Porky's." "Class Reunion" trie5 for a tricky mix of humor and horror that's difficult to pull off. (Most horror movies are unintentionally funny. anyway, but too much d eliberate humor cance~s out the fright factor.) Director Michael Miller achieves mixed success . in balancing the -horror and the humor. The endless. treks through the darkened hallways become rather tedious._But th~e's also a funny scene in which a blihd student unknowingly dispatches the killer with a well-placed swat of her white cane: " Director Miller and screenwriter John Hughes connect more s uccessfully by tapping into the audience's high school memories. There's the sloppy cafeteria cook who serves up spaghetti with liver sauce1 sweet a.nd sour com and Jello by the handful. There are the catty greetings: "ls that you. Kate? I can't believe it -you're not fat anymore." And if the high school graduates are stock characters. at least they are well-cast. Gerit Graham plays the conceited class president. Fred McCarren is the class nobod)' -no one at the reunion even remembers him. Stephen Furst. who p ay He a naive res man n rumal ouse, here does a John Belushi tum as the class slob. Model SheUey Smith plays the class beauty. The young actors perform capably. but "~ Reunion" contains no star-making performances. Some of the best bits, howeVer-, are contributed by Miriam Flynn as the priss.y co-hostess of the reunion; Marya Small as the blind student and particularly Zane Busby as the former cripple who won back her health through a pact with the devil. Despite the wealth of comedic talent, "Class Reunion .. has a cheap look to it. The-action is ( LUXURY THEATRES ) .. 111 .. M11ttsi..h1lsaYS2JIMllm....,........ ~ S llif1lj(•Xutl6I~ zSJ/t:':'..~,) S RlU UC11811Eml YllltOur ••• -,,,,, Walter Baylor (Blackie Dammett) wants a private~ reunion with Meredith Modess (Shelley Smith) . confined to the old school (actually the Pasadena College of Chiropractic). and Phil Lathrop's photography seems darker-and duller than was necessary. . Also, the film-might-have.. be.en funnier if writer Hughes ~ inserted a few older authority figures for the young people to play against. With a little "more d aring and a lot more imagination, "Class Reunion" might have emerged as something more than a couple hours of enjoyable but rather harmless high school humor. · • ._ .An~~of. .. An age of sword. and sorcery, Of demons and dragons. ~· IT CAllE FROM HOLLYWOOO . ~·IC".... Ill "THE MllllONARY" PN.1:9.1:11.•• IAT/IUM. t• 8'el ~lclt.l!tt.•• (ft) ..CMM\.PAUN ''THE MISSIONARY" "'1 ,. l'!tl, 1:11, -IAT/8UM. *-. li4I, l:IO 7:tl,l:t0, 10:M \ ----COYIT'Y -n ., "EATING RAOUL" ... ,., ..... "', aAT/IUM. ,,._ l:al.1:11 , ....... ... "'.:::.."::-T.~Ot 4m ...... te:11 aA T /8UM. 2:11.. e:.. te:15 "ROCKY F cPGI ... 1:11 tA4:tl.l:ll .ioRc<: ll€SS ,. 7:00. 10:25 IA T /IUM. 3:JI 7:10, t0:2I (R) lf'MllWl~m ..... aAT/-.tM ..... , .. II :!? 0 - .... <O CIO I\) T 1 i u __ .,_ ' . .. tt _________ ;....._ _______ -4( Currently Screenln• )L----------------- ~ AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated ~ R, atan Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger .n and Louis G<.ett Jr. 'lbere are very few aurprUel ..._ but some beautifully drawn performances in this i tale of boot camp and roraance. It's rated R becaw.e E of language, .ex and adult aituatlona. Cl> ~ CHAN IS MISSING: Stars Wood Moy and Z Marc Hayashi as two San Francisco Chinatown cab >.. dnvers who launch a search for a missing partner. ~ A bright, original comedy. ·;: u.. CLASS OF 1984: Rated R . stars Roddy ~ McDowall and Timothy Van Patten in a provocative "O and frightenjog look at the dark future of American ~ high schools. ~ al CLOCKWORK ORANGE: Rated R. Stanley ~ Kubrick's film garnered critical acclaim when § originally released in the early 70s. a. fa E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, C' 'tars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert ~aughton and Drew Barrymore. Thia highly acclaimed science-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH: Rated R, stars Sean Penn, Jennifer Jason Leigh. Judge Reinhold. and Richard Romanus. This film deals with teen-agers pursuing drugs and sex and more sex. It originally was rated X but waa edited down to an R rating. Several impreuive newcomers in this tale of the carnal side of high achool. It's rated• R because of its emphasis on sex and some nude scenes. HUMONGOUS: Rated R. stars Janet Julian M ovies now showing along Orange Coast and David Wallace in a gruesome Hallowee11-t1me horror story. JEKYLL & HYDE ... TOGETHER AGAIN: Rated R. stars Mark Blankfield, Bess Armstrong, Krista Errick.son and Tim Thomerson. A chemist takes on a weird second pel"SOnality after injesting his own potion. JINXED: Rated R, stars Bette Midler and Rip Tom as lovers involved in a jinxed blackjack deal. Midler provides the film's good moments, otherwise an uneven, unsatisfying comedy. LOOKIN' TO GET OUT: Rated R. stars Jon Voight, Ann-Margret and Burt Yo~g in Hal Ashby's story about two gamblers looking to score big at the Las Vegas blackjack table. Suffers from a weak script and unlikable characters. MONSIGNOR: Rated R, stars Christopher Reeve, Genevieve Bujold, Fernando Rey and Jason Miller. Reeve trades his Superman cape for clerical robes in this lale of a World War ll priest who becomes involved in financial wheeling and dealing within the Vatican. The beautifully photographed film is long on shock value (priest has a romance. priest deals wJtn the Mafia), but short on motivation and substance. MY FAV-ORITE YEAR: Rated PG, stars Peter O'Toole, Jessie.a Harper. Joeeph Bologna and Mark Linn-Baker. A bri t corned in the tradition of last I ~ ANTIQUE A COLL•CTIBL•S 1 0 9:00 AM t«P 3:00 PM LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ~ A FU.N PLAQI TO IHOP DON 'T MISS THIS SPECIAL MONTHLY EVENT UNUSUAL MERCHANDISE • ONE OF A KIND ITEMS °"":/,'/•• AND SPECIAL INTEREST ITEMS ON SALE How a f'eclt time the fllST SUNDAY of IYlllT MONTH at THI ..W LCM Al.AMllOS COUNnlT ANTIQUI fAlal and PUA MMKn at the LOIMAMITOI UCI ftACIC "°"' 9 A.M. te a P.M. Don't ml•• thl1 apeca.t ,...,....,, ewnt wfth unutual "OHl Of A KIND" IMIChandlM. aMfl9 ..................... , Tiie M•••l•ww l•11tll1.-.. ._.., ........... C1l1ll~ , ..... wlll ......... you .... tM Clew-. .... Wl11u fw .......... S. _... ... _.,, 1wowM thN lhe "Ou> AND THt~. lntor • .,_ der '11 FUN, FOOD .Mt DmnAIWINT et THI LOI ALAMITOI COUNftY ANTIQUI fW Clftit fLIA MABIT. MMlsalon 11 SI.SO. , year's "Arthur," about a lovable drunk and his expJoits. Set in 1954 during the Golden Age of television . PINK FLOYD THE WALL: Rated R. stars rock singer Bob Geldorf. Pink Floyd's album "The Wall," inspired this nightmarish film, which chronicles a rock star's overdose. POLTERGEIST: R-ated PG, stars Jobeth Williams ·and BeatriCe Straight in a taJe of the supernatural The aiory ia by Steven Spielberg; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating ia for S\apenae. SUPERMAN ll: Rated PG, stars Christopher Reeve, Ned Beatty, Jackie Cooper, Sarah Douglas and Margot. Kidder. The return of the highly popular Superman sequel in which three aliens come to earth looking for Superman, alias Clark Kent. The love scene between Superman and Lois Lane created a stir when the movie was originally released. SPLIT .IMAGE: Rated R, stars Karen Allen. Pet.er Fonda, James Woods, Elizabeth Ashley and Brian Dennehy. The story of a young athlete who gets involved in a reUgious cult. STAR TREK 11: Rated PG. stars William Shat.ner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuing q~ to~ out and ex_plore s~e new worlds. 'IM PG rating is for action. Oirect.ed by Nicholas Meyer. -· THE CHALLENGE: Best American-made martial-arts fiJm yet, plus w view of Japanese culture rare in American films. Soon Glenn. is a foot-looee fighter who gets mixed up in a bitter family Ceud in Kyoto and falls under the spell of master of the sword Toshiro Mifune. Directed by John Frankenheimer in top form. R rated for violence-__ _ THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN: Rated R, stars Lawrence Monoson. A music-filled exploitation film which tells the story of three high school boys and their sexual encounters. TRAGEDY OF A RIDICULOUS MAN: Rated PG, stars Ugo Tc>gnazzi and Anouk Aimee in the story of a wealthy Italian family who must deal Wlth a terrorist kidnapping. In Italian with English subtitles. YES, GIORGIO: Rated PG. stars opera great Luciano Pavarotu in his film debut, with Kathryn Harrold and Eddie Albert. A comedy about an • opera slar (naturally) who courts his throat specialist. I, THE JURY: Rated R for excessive violence, Stan Armand Asante, Barbara Carrera, Alan King and Paul Sorvino. The resurrection of Mickey Spillane's private-eye Mike Hammer. TBB WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated R, .w. Robm Willlllnll, Mary Beth Hurt. Glenn Cbe and John lJthaow. Thia film eeta to the heart lof author John lrvlne'• apnwl.lnl aiovel. It II deep. 1'Dffl\lngful and 1peab directly to what rally rnatten to UI, in Jllml and in life. lt'a rated ft 'A Christmas Carol' cast set at SCR The cut of South Coast Repertory's third annual product.Ion of "A Christmas Carol," ~ by Jerry P•tch, has been annonced by artiaUc directors D•vid Emme• and Martin Benion. Ra4dent director John-David K.Uer will •taae the mUlkal holiday play, which rww Dec. 8 to 2d. The cut IHtures comp.ny membel'9: Art Kou1Uk, Anni Loni. H•I Landon Jr., Jobn &Uin1&on, Wayne Al• .. nde1 IUchani Doyle. Mertba McFuland, Don Tuche, H oward Sbanpaw, Ron Mic:M180t'l and Nor.n Henr_,. Oniel.._ of tM Summer Artinc eoa.rvatcJry In the cast lndud« Sam Hamann, Jomme ~ Jam•a LeOro1. RJan Ra1mu11en and Frank ~. 'ftdwta for "A Olristma Carol" IO on •le to ~~~oyl~•·· . ..... ,. ~~~~~~~~~------D_l_v_•_r_•_lo_n __ • ____ _,~~~~~~~- From Pal(e 9 Shirley Murray ·are at Challis Galleries, 1390 S . Coast Hw y .. Laguna Beach, beginning Saturday. Hours 11 a .m.-5 p.m. Saturdays and S unday.s "FOUR BY 4." an exhibit with paintings. drawings, sculpture a nd photography by four artists, is at Elizalde Gallery, 384 Forest Ave., No. 13A. Laguna Beach . Reception 3-7 p.m. Saturday. Galle ry ho urs 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday-Sunday. ALTERED PHOTOGRAPHS by 10 con - temporary artists go .on view today through Dec. 9 at Cal Stat.e F ullerton Art Gallery. Gallery hours noon-4 p.m . weekdays and 1-4 p.m . Sundays. Admission free. PHOTOGRAPHER BRUCE PATTERSON exhibits his wor k Nov. 9-30 in Orange Coast College P hoto Gallery, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. Admission free. .. See Diversions, Page 14 Thomas set to conduct Guest conduc t o r Michael Tilson "{'homas r e turn s to Ora n g e Co unt y N o v . 1 3. dir ecting t h e Los Angeles Philharmon ic Or c h es tr a a n d s p o t lig h tin g p i anis t Alicia de Larrocha. Sponsor e d by the O ra n g e Co u nt y P hilharmon ic S ociet y, the 8:30 p.m. progr am includes the West Coast p r e m ie r e of B r itis h co mpose r Ol i ve r Knussen's S ympho n y No. 3 . • conrinenra1 arls • pcricxtf urn1tuni • toys • bronzes • lamps • arlglass • 0 0 c; .., 0 ; u Dorothy Emerson &1Don Nolan present :> ·;: [ Q) E ~ AITIQUES EZPO f SILE Q < .., >. ,{' ;;; .. c: I ' :> ~ .., 0 R" u ~ IN THE COMMUCE I UILDINC "" "' -'C ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 8 .. FAta DRIVE•COSTA M!SA, CA c; 00 0 . .., Q <.> NOV. 4, 5,-6 &-7, 1982-"O ·~ --~ Q) ~· E THURSDAY THIU SATUllDAY, 1·11 P.M. • SUNDAY. NOON .. P.M. < • Adm1ss1on $2.75. -With this ad any num ber -$2.SO eoch -"' Children under 12 free •Free Parking ;· 00 "' ·= "O ·= U$e Arlington Drive /back) Gate 3A entrance Saturday afternoon and Sunday. .. ;;· 0 ; 0. . dolls • lighling f uctures • 1ewelry • watches • collectables • paintings ORANGE COAST COLLBGE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Nov.5 Co' • •u "°" cRu1a•R• lnlracoa11at Walarway & Carlbb .. n Science Hall Nov.S/8 THa MllRRY WIDOW Nov. 12/ 13 Flv11 Penny Opera Nov. 12 Co' LllGm "°" CRUIS•RS Ba/• & Mulco -JafHlt Steele Science Hall Nov. 12 AUDUllON FILM ..... "FootfOON In Newfoundland" 7 P.M. -Science Lecture 2 Nov. 13 CLASSICAL GUITAR John McEnary -Fin• Arts 119 Nov. 18 LUR• OP ALASKA t ' Armchair Adventures Nov. 20 PALL CONCaRT OCC Choraltl & Chamber Singers Nov. 21 .JAZZ CONC•llT With Biii Watroua, Trombone Deo. 12 CHUCK MAllCllOll• Two Showa • 7 p.m. & 10 p.m. R•••rv9d SHfl on Sal• No11. 75 8 P& -w..r llOOM n•ATM 2701 Falrvtew Roed, Colla .._. TICKmTS/Vl .. ·MC • SSa-8827 L .M .Boyd ~nforms 'lllilJ·..._. · in the .r- " . Saturday 8:30 Eric von Strohelm is the egotistical ventriloquist and Betty Compson is the sympathetic Mary In The Great Gabbo 10:00 Merry Andrew Pier Angell stars as the trapeze artist who captures the heart of Danny Kaye, ·a shy schoolteacher who Is transformed Into a Big Top clown. And If you're going out for a movie, be sure to watch sn .. k Previews at 6:30 to find out what to see 13 3! 2 ~ :g lit' CD ::I a. CD :' .,, .... a: Ill ~ z 0 < m 3 er CD .... Y' .... <O .,, <XI I\) I r I T t.., - N co O> .... . ~ ---.. From Ps6e 13 a; PASTELS AND OILS by Suzanne Canan are ..o on exhibit at Newport Beach City Hall Gallery, E 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Hours 8 ~ a.m.-5 p.m . weekdays. -. SIGNED, LlMJTED EDm. ON of "Vo,._.e ot the M.anda.ri.N" by Yl'M!'I Johnston is beolng dd by Fullerton College lnfonne&ion. call 871-8000 Ext. 323. • 0 z >.. CHINF.SE BRUSH PAINTINGS by Shirley J . ' FALL ART LECTURE SERIES at Orange Yuen are displayed in the Community Room, Coast Coltege, Costa Mesa, has sessions at noon Newport Balboa Savings, Westcliff Plaza, Newport Tuesdays throughmut November lecture. 5 p.m. la "O -= u. ..: Q) "O c Q) ~ Q) Q) ~ :§ a: Beach. Admission Cree. , FRITZ SCHOLDER'S WORKS are on exhibit at Rizzoli Gallery. South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, through Nov. 27. Artist wiJJ be honored.at reception 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. 11 al which then he'll autograph ('opies of a book about his work. "PRE-HISPANIC ART of Mexico, Guatemala and Central America" continues through Jan. 30 at Bowers Musel.1m, 2002 N. Main St .. Santa Ana. 'Rock Art of Western America" continues through Nov. 26. Hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Admission by donation. Your HooMa P»rN .. c:>.rWI• .1431 Yi. Udo, N~ k..t. ._..,....,_ (71t) 675-4904 -STEVEN BJORKMAN will present his first one-man show, "The Heart's Content," a showing of whimsical and tboug.ht-provokfng· waterci>lor and pen and ink drawings, 3-9 p.m . Sunday at his studio, 1711 Langly, lrvine. Information 540-4847. -DANCE------ JEWISH FOLK FESTIVAL is 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday at Knoll's Berry Farm, Buena Park. Entertainment includes performance by song, dance and comedy team of Hershel Fox and Judy. • FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 L:Jclud•• cJ.aojc._,o~up oLSalad,._ and potato or rice pilaf. -4 ... -/ C.U For 1 ·1 ReMrvationa .........---~ . \JJP1J;Unwnl73-77Z& ~{;·1 0NIH( PtNINSUlA. IOI ~~· DALBOA L ....... 119'. ~()~ 4L Tt141 CUISl,._I: ANN•J'EllSAJI 17 CELEBBATlON • Join ua tor our tint •nnlveraatJ · · Lunch 8pecl81 •3,95 All Dlnnetl Include Complimentary Champ-one Entire Month of November 111-1122 •1w ..... ..,. PJiOTOGRAPHIC COLLECT!BLES DISPLAY AND SALE is 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 13 and 14 at Pasadena City College, 1570 Colorado Blvd .. Whittier. · INTERNATIONAL SENIOR OLYMPICS DAY is 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday at Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park. Beach Blvd .. Buena Park, offers a benefit perfonnance at 8 tonight for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Information, call K-I-N-G - D-0 -M . MEN°UOO SUNDAY FESTIVAL begins at 8 a.m. Sunday In ITI Cannon Electric parking lot, Dyer Road al the Newport Freeway. Sponsored by Delhi Communit~ Center and Santa Ana Polfce Department Area D Block Captains. See Di versions, Page 15 lal . .. cantanesiFllll; Geillie•• &.9& ......s '° ....... lnwn md lb6d with. ........ >•oartlnderMW..-.S CGlllllh r..... Hen ...... ...-wllh Flab lromll topped Wllh .... d .... Sauce. J11M1f chalc:e ala.._. r..... SaW. ~ ol lheO.,•S' ~OllDO..-mda ...... a1 ............ 1 I From Page 14 . FLUTIST Marianne Whitmyer accompanied by pianist Eiki Paik perform at 2 p.m. Nov. j4 at Turtle Rock Community Bark. Sunnyhill Dri¥e, Irvaoe. General admission is $5. .. RUMPELSTILTSKIN," a film produced by and starring Chapman College students. racuJty. stare and alumni. wall be shown at noon and 7 p.m. Nov. 12 and at 1 and 4 p.m. Nov. 13 in the rollegc·s Memorial Hall Auditorium, 303 N. Glasscll St., Orange. The family film Is recommended for children 5 t.o 10. General admission $2. Information and reservations Q97 -6856. SUN' DAGGERS OF CALIFORNIA ls a public lecture s ponsored by Pre -Co lumbian 'Anthropological A.ssociat.ion at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10 in Anaheim Publ_1c 1;--ibrary, 1340 S . Euclid S t .. Anaheim. ORANGE COUNTY ACI'ORS WORKSHOP has moved Lo 931 N. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. lnformali 821-3114. "COSMOS: THE VOYAGE TO THE STARS" See Diversions, Page 16 D .. ;JOINING & ENTERTAINMENT ' GUIDE Discover what's· cooking along the Orange Coast in the Orange Coast Cookbook Coming Dec. 8 in the n1ily Pilat WI 'IOMISI TH HOO CllllllSE fOOO . WNCHIS • DINNllS • llOPICAl COCKTAIU . ~ , . IAHUn FACtUTIES ~ tAtlttNG-* fOOD to_GQ .... 7DAff I . I SllOM lllCMT OI ... TO '° ~ACHdlOUSE Dining and Cocktails qnn · .. Dining For Romantics . . . tltc ::-0 1111tf., 1111tl ~itJhb of tltc ~urf 011 the bcadi 111 £..t111 1111t1 -··I t't1l1~r111.11 ·/ rc::-h • \(·1·., · L11_qla11d ..C.abtcr ,;,,cf otha Ji'c~/1 · / 1:-h . Camlfrl~qltt blmdccl 11•1t/1 tltc ·'/',.,,·" 11/ tltc • /1aci/lc (Jann . -0,•• ......... -••aeo•••• (114)• II• Luf\cheon_ inoer Aes.rvot1ons on tk surf at 61 9 SleePl,I Hollow lone 494-970~ lo9uno Beoch --------- OpeM November J 7 tit Feat ..... ..._ ............ -~c-w.cn.T..uey• .. •tt.v.v~AM.nyUlde..._,. 15 :P. ~ ~ $ ~ (1) :::> Q. (1) :-' .,, .... a: I» ':< z 0 < (1) 3 a (1) .... (Tl .- CD co "' ..... I , I I I I I I • I I I I I I ,_ I J I. I I .. I .... .. .. ~c:==================================t(.', __ ~_0_1Vi_1_•_s_1_0_1i1_s~~--~L~..;;;;.~_;___;,;;~~..;_~~~__.;.~~~~~ N ao CJ) .... I/) .... .8 E G> > 0 z ;.:; "' 'O ·c LL .: G> 'O c G> .:ic ~ ~ ~ a: From Page 15 is second program in Orange Coast College's 1982 fa)) planetarian series. Performances are at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 5, 12 and 19. Admission is Sl.50 for adults . Christmas program, "The Star of Bethlehem," will run Dec. 3, JO and 17. Information 556-5880. VIENNA CHOIR BOYS perform Nov. 13 at the Crystal Cathedral, 12141 ·Lewis St .. Garden Grove. Infonnation 971-4014. COAST JAZZ SOCIETY BIG BAND performs 2-8 p.m. Nov. 11 at Balboa Pavilion. For tickets, call 556-5819. VIOLINIST KIM KASHKASHIAN of New York City performs at 8 p .m . in UCLA's Schoenberg Hall on opening program of the. Pro Muaicis Series. Information (213) 825-9261. FREE PERFORMANCES at Chapmar: College's Bertea Hall, 333 N. Glaseell St., Orange. include cellist Gregory Adam9on at 8 p.m. Nov 12, Chapman Chamber Players at 8 p.m. Nov. 13, Sof>rano Nanette Roe and pianist Rendell Dahma at 8 p.m. Nov: 14. -SINGLES----- PEoPLE SAMPLER sponsored by Man- Woman Institute is at 8 tonight in Hyatt House, 1700 S. Harbor Blvd .. Anaheim. Information 545-0840. "STRESS: YOUR Body's Worst Enemy," Is topic of Dr. Dennis Lanno.n at Orang_e County Singles 5-7 p.m. Saturday m Commuruty Room, Newport Center Public Library. 856 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Admission $3. Information 551-1232. HARVEST BALL INSTALLATIOU DINNER DANCE sponsore-d by the Newport Harbor Chapter. City of Hope, ia 5 p.m. Nov. 14 at Sheraton· Newport Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Reservations 540-1338. • · KINGDOM OF DANCING STALLIONS, 7662 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, offers a benefit performance at 8 tonight for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Information, call K-1-N-G- D-O-M. a· ENT-ERTAINMENT ·GUIDE STEAK DIANE SALM:}+J Fll.Ef SEAf{X)[) SUPREME COMBINATION VEAL~NI MARSALA To introduce you to our cooking wheel. our chc( will create exciting gourmet sautb at a special low price. E.ach delicious dinner is jUSt $6.95 and comes with a medley ci wild and white rice, garden fresh vegetables and either a mixed green or orange almond salad. If you lave crepes, the offer is equally inviting. fur $6.95 you can savor our Seafood Su~ Combination-Crepe St. Jacques with Potage St. Germain and apinach salad. So enjoy thm dinner show at a madnec price. At the Magic Pan, there's always something new to come back to . THI IRAlll CDIBT ~HIDAY N O Vt MUI Ji 1, 1'1H.' New port-slayer marrie s lh JEFF ADLER OflMQ91wfltletltAlft Newport Beach psychologist Telford "Tim" Moore. awaiting sentencing for the 1980 slaying of his longtime male companion, was married Thursday in a brief cer e mon y in Orange County Superior Court. To the strains of "Here Comes the Bride" hummed by about l:.! well-wishe rs, Moore and Glory Lane, who he met shortly before the slaying, exchanged vows before Judge Ronald Owen. Eyes w ere moi4't as Moore, wearing a gray suit, checked shirt. tie and pink boutonnlcre, rL'Cltt.'<i his vows. His Vojce was shaking, but he managed a slight smile nonetheless. •Then the re was an emotional embrace. ollowing the ceremony, the dl J a nd groom left the · c: rtroom by different doors. The new Mrs. Moore walked out one door flanked by wedding g uests, while her hus band, fla nked b y Orange County Sheriff's Department deputies, le{t by another exit to return to the Orange County JaH. There, Moore was to prepare for tra nsfer to the California Corn!Ctlonal lnat1tutt> for Men •t Chin o for a 90-daty pre; sentencing evaluation to be pre par e d b y th e s tate Department of Corrl'CtlOOf. AB the bride, wearing a beige skirt and Ivory jacket, left the rourtroom, she said ahe w ished the marriage could have taken pla ce und e r different circumstances. ''I'm very happy,'' she said. ''If we could get through the past two years. tl}e.next couple should be easy." Moore was ordered to Chino during a h e aring e arlie r Laguna OKs pet funds The .spat cost the city more than $6,000, but Laguna Beach City C ouncil me mbe rs h avc- reaffirme d the ir d esire t o maintain a pro-life animal shelter in town. The expenditure of $6,416 was made necessary w hen members o f the P e t R es p o n s ibi li t y Comm i llee b oar d voted to discontinue its volunteer efforts at the city shelter. The PRC worked at the shelter for mo r e than e ight year s, -finding ho m es for a nima ls, answering phones, sponsoring rabies clinics, providing costl y medicines and paying for repairs and improvements to the city shelter. All that e nded last month when the organization wa lked Flower s ·take 'root' i n LB's midtown ar ea In w hat could be called the "greening of Forest Avenue," L aguna Beach of~icials a r e reviving a program that should brighten the downtown busines,, sector. Te rry Brandt, assistant city manager, said about two dozen metal brackets w ere diacovered recently, stored away in a small room in City Hall. Brandt said the bracketa were used more than a decade ago to ho_ld hanging flower basketa on street light poles downtown. 1 Appare ntly, he said, the hanging bas kets became a headache to city crews. who bad to water and maintain the planta. The brackets were removed .:_ and forgotten -until about a month aao. Laguna officials are giving the pOI)' Pf'08J'am a aeoond chance. Only this time, participating mm:hanta will be responsible for wate~ and maintaining the twin eta, which will han1 on polet ln front o( their tbopa So far, the Luuna Bank, Al'• Hardware, the fire depar1ment 11.-.;.;.....-....nct ~ Lapna a.ch County Water °'9triCt offica all have the ~ buketa 1radn1 their ~ 1a19 thin'• 1&111 about 201 die .... ~ Wt; I away. citing a deterioration in'its re l at i o n s hip w i th ci t y administrators. The flap proved irreconcilable. and the city was left with the task of finding ways to continue the successf ul li fe -oriented animal services program miliated by the volunteer group. Tuesday the council approved the expe nditure in order to reclass~fy a kennel attendant to shelter manager, hire anothe r part-time a ttendant, set aside funds for medicines formerly provided b y the PRC a nd to continue a n euter and s pay program. T he PRC formerly financed that program. and says it is still interested in picking up halC the tab for neutering and spaying anima ls. The re maining 50 percent will be picked up b1 the city. Those who will be adopting such pets in the future will be 'asked to pay all or a part of the city's cost for n e ute ring or spa yin}· The council also voted to develo p a city -coordinated anima l s h e lle r voluntee r employee program a nd to re - evalua te the current anima l fee sche dule to see if incr eases should be considered. Destroying anima ls w o uld require ~pproval by the shelter ma n ager , a vete rinarian, a vo lunteer and the p o lic e de partment, the council sa id . Exception would be extremely ill or injured animals. These two-headed m onsters ready to take a bigger b ite. Price of parking • • Laguna going up 1n By STEVE MITCHELL Of .... Dlllr,... ..... Motorists in Laguna Beach will have to plunk another dime in the parking meter early next year because of a city council- approved rate increase. The per-hour rate for 1,350 parking meters in city will jump from 20 cents to 30 cents just as· soon as crews can make necessary readjustments. While a pproving the rate increase the council refused to e.xtend "hours of ope ration or parking meters. A Citizens Parking Task Force had suggested earlier this year that meter hours be extended to 10 p.m. from the present 6 p.m. limit. The council agreed with city officials that it's difficult to read a meter after dark. In addition, man y people do no t expect me ters to be in effect in the evening hours. And a full-time' parking enforcement officer at night might not be cost ettecuve, officials said. . Terry Brandt, assistant city manager, said It will coet $14,600 to change the existing meters ~ they will accept more money. And, he said, It will likely be February before the city receives the necessary meter parts and installs them. He said additional revenue from the increase will be about $60,000 by the end of this fiscal year June 30. Revenues in fiscal 19lJ3=lR should increase by $180,- 000 he said. "°The parking me ter incre-ase was suggested as a means of raising more money for a multi- 1 eve l parking s truc ture in Laguna Beach. So far the city has am~ nearly $l million for such a concre te structure, using meter fees and "m lieu" parking space fees collected from merchants .. No change is anticipated for the 350 or so 50-cent mete rs along Cliff Drive and near the beach. ClllT 1111111 OHAN\.[COUNfY CALlfOllNIA 7'• CENf~> Thund•y .hflfore auperior court Judae Myron Brown. He scheduled a ...,ntenclng hearing for 9 a.m. Feb. 4 The evaluation ~lll play a large role In helping, \he judge· to dNermine whether to ~nlence Moore to prlaon or grant him probation on hia voluntary manalaughter conviction. The wed~lng, according to Moore's attomey Al Stokke, had been planned by Moore and Lan·e f~r some. time and was arranged to coincide with Moore's court apeearance Thursday. • Stokke said the couple had waited to ge t married becauae the y didn 't "feel It was appropriate 'to be married until after a verdict waa announced." Moore waa convicted of voluntary manslaughter Sept. 29 In the shootJng death of Stanley Espinda, his companion of 18 years and a fellow pay~hologiat. The two ,11hared a home In the e xc lusive Spyglass Hill neighborhood of Newport Beach. During the trial Stokke araued that Moore, 37, had Intended to commit suicide, but l,apeed into unconscio usness and shot &pinda aa he sat on his Uving room floor, Nov. 6, 1980. FApinda wu portrayed In court testimony ¥ • homoeexual whu victimized Moore and wantecl him to believe Jhat he, too, was homosexual. Moore's first trial on the aame charges ended in a deadlock when jurors couldn't agree whether the defendant was guilt)' of first or second-degree murder or voluntary manalaushter. • The defendant t.eaUfied during the· flm trial-that Eltplnda ·had beaten· and sexually a~ him (See SLAYER, Pase .U) Test driv~ just a test of the owner's temper What began as a minor lube and oil change ended up a little more seriously. Richard Mik e DeClu re, 19, shown at left, who said he works for an AMC dealership In Costa Mesa, was test driving a customer's Jeep Thursday after changing the oil and lubricating the four-wheel drive veh icle. Costa Mesa police say DeClure was southbound on Fairview Road when the Jeep and a small Datsun driven by Guy He n ry Stangenberg, 20, of Huntin gton Beach, collided. Officers believe Stan genberg was turning left onto Merrimac Way at about 11 a .m . when the accident occurred. Neither man was hurt in the accident, V1Chich sent the Jeep over on its rooftop, below. Police are investigating· the incident. NB vote leaves questions By STEVE MARBLE Of the o.-, .......... lJ .Newport &ach has settled into a p e a ceful afte rglo w foll o w in g the h eale d cit y election. it isn't showing. The election is ove r but it appears to have raised as many questions as it answered. · The statistics are clear enough -three City Council incumbents were returned to power and a fourth was ousted -but there are larger questions that linger. winners and losers in the race agree. Old Councilman Paul Hummel bury himaclf or was he done In by special Interest money? Does the Banning Ranch vote sign a l a true victory for 1upporters of growth or just another curve In a long and Winding road? , Was combining the city vote with the general e lec tion a . IU«'e88? Hummel, a holdover from a put council that worked to slow srowth In Newport Beach, was tar1eted early In the race by busineu and development ll'OUfJI· At an elee\lon night party, Hummel'• loomln1 deff'at wa1 cheered equilly by most of hls CQUndl c.'OllNIUft and a handful ol dty olfidall. A toa1t wu propoMCI wh•n •rly NlW'M ahowed HumrMI wma .Upp6ns and chaUenpr BUI ~~~r'...:rL WM a WUm of "big development" and an orchestrated c;llnpaign to topple him from power. ln the last w eek of the race, he w a s b I a s t e d i n ite p a r a t e ne ws paper a d s b y a major developer. a forme r Newport Beach police chief . a forme r Newport Beach city attorney and a council partner. In the ads. Humme l was d esc ribed as an "embarrassment," a "busybody" and. in one ad, was depicted u standing in the midst o{ a traffic jam wearing a plunger on has head and holding a sign readinl{ "Go Horne." Hummel's lone attempt at firing back at the ads was to call a last-minute press conference that was attended by on reporter and interrupted when the councilman chased away a man with a tape recorder. Hununel said the election waa "bought" out from under him. l;lis critics, though, said the Corona del Mar councilman wu his own worst enemy and had alienated 90 many people durilll his council yean that he limply got what he deeerved. Hummel's defNt doett litUe to change th e face of the seven- (See COUNCIL. Pase AS) To actor J effrey Com be ge lling the role in South Coast Repertory'• produc,tion or 'The Oivinen' was a ramiliar atory. See Weekender. 82 Weekender B4 A3 Al * Or ng 00111 OAll. V Ptl..OT /Friday, November 5, 1982 Valley to feel pinch 'after defeat of public safety tax By PHIL SNEIDERMAN OflleDely"941tMf Founta n Valley octlclols are looklna tor a me11u6Jc In the ell'Ction day defl'iu of the city'• public safety ta>< proposal and are 1tudylng other ways to aolve the city's ftnanclal dllemmat. Measure K, which would have fmP<>eed a ·new Cax on Foununn I Valley residents to be used only •for police, Cirefightlng and paramedic expenses. was ·approved by 52 percent of the •local voters. But the measure needed two- ' Gets n e w liver third• approv&1l ~fore the tax could be lt•}'led. "lt'• toO bad on~ 'no' vok• w .. equal to two ·y~1· voh•a," obtlc;rvcd Fountain Volley City Monagcr Howard Swphcna. "But. that'• the law.'' (Propotltlon 13, the 1978 tox reform meaaure, stipulated any n.-w uax ht' a'J))Srovett'by-u-tw~thtrdll-vole.)- Stephens, like other city officials, believed Tueaday's voting outcome retlected local rt.>slstance to a new tax, rather than criticism of .existing snfety services. ' But h• pulntCfd out that lht' c:lty will haYf' to 1pt>nd IOfnt' of It.I 12 million ,..._.rvt! fund• In order to arant any employ• J>MY roJ*•" during tht• rom.lng )'l'llltc. City ompluyN· uuoclutlon t'ontr&ac:u uxplrc Df'c, 1. Nc•gollutlora ure under way, "You won't aN• any 1trcat flfffl<'t (on th clt.y':a ..t.laanclal picture) for about two yeara, but alter that ... " aald Mayor Murvln Adler. Adler and Stephens both held out little hope for flno{llial help from the state. In fact, both ... Charle and Marilyn Fiske o( Bridgewater, Mass., pose wilh their daughter Jamie, l l months, the baby who became nationally known wh~n her father appealed for a liver transplant to k eep he r alive. She was in surgery today in Minneapolis (story on Page A3). Sal ety exhibi_tio~ backfires SAN DIEGO (AP) -A retired ~hool teacher demonstrating a ,new high-rise safety device lost control while descending a 13-story building, plunging 40 feet to the ground and breaking --his back. The fall was witnessed by a startled group of onlookers that included his wife. William Standly. 5~ as reported in fair co ·o n Thursday at San Diego's iser 1Permanente hospital. said fpokesman Jim McBnde. ' The accident occurred as ,Standly was demonstrating the ;,~eryac-60, a device its makers ~,)'tope to sell to firefighters and other rescue professionals who would use it in the event they become trapped in a high-rise blaze. The safety device contains a harness, a braking system and enough steel cable to lower a person 660 feet. Stanely, a Rancho Pensaquitos resident, began b y lowering himself from the top of the new Commonwealth Bank building, located in Mission Valley. He succeeded in lowering himself several stories. but when h e reac hed the fifth floor. h e suddenly plummeted to the ground. Promoters of the device, who1 called the media to witness the "perforamance," blamed the accident on "pilot error." "H e (Standl y) over- compensated in releasing the braking mechanism," said Jack Scanlon, vice presJdent of Los Angeles-based Emervac Corp. "Before he could reapply It, he hit the ground.'' Joseph Garcia, a Medevac ,..earamedic spoke.sman, said Standly "jus\ went free-fall from the fourth or fifth floor." Despite the accident, Scanlon said Emervac still planned to market the device by next spring. "We didn't expect something or this nature to happen," he said. "It's not something inherent In the machinery. This doesn't signal the end of our project." Sunny -week-end Coastal Mo1t1Y sunny days wolh Claar 11lght1 except for pllchy early morning coastal 'c>v. a110 low douds Saturday morning Coote< days eoatal. areas V.S. SU1111llQry . • Some raeldenll of Wllconeln and MicNgen'I upper penlnlUla llWOlt• to more 11\an 8 lncha. of anow today, •• acallared thunderstorm• apread acrou Florlcla and Cloudy alllea llnQe'ed In Iha Eal. Snow ahowers. cauaed by • dffP low preuure, co11t111ued oYar the upper Miultalppl Valley. the Oreal lakes and the no<thetn Ohio Valley, with the heaviest a11owt111 111 northwttlern Wllcon9in. "Thing• are getting rather mi-able," Shariff"• Deputy Gary Erlck.011 In Houghton County, I Mleh .• NICI Thurtday ''Thef•'• a good 2 lncMs on Ille hlgtoways". I but thaV'ra etlll ooen " ''It'• going to be • long winter up h«e;· Mid Sherlll't Deputy 111 Albert Soderman In Gogebic County. ~. tcattered lhOwe<I and lhundaratorma dampe11ed th• Florida penln1u11 while ehowera tall along 11'1• Mld-AUanllc and North Atlenllc _.... . It wa a c loudy from llOft'-tern Florida to the upper ONo VllW;. SttlM _.. cleat from Alabama end Ttnnna .. 10 the central ~. With partly cloudy lklat In othlr region•. for tonight and Saturday, the Natlon11 Waether Service foracHI anow pyar the Great Lall•• Into th• centr1I ~. With rain over the ncw1NllC. a ""ltlOwafs over the P1clflc NortltwHI and au11ny 111• ~the South. tna Great l'tllne end tM RoelclM. Tampera1urH early tod1y ranged from t 1 dagraH In lllmltck. N.D .. to 78 o.g,_ In ~W-.F'IL But humldily WU IO ~. and the lot Angeles Fire e>epwtmant Mid It expected to and In "red elarl" WWning of lira denger.by s.turdl)'. South«n Calofomla mountain •• highs mrt range IYom 68 to 74 with Cloudy·-durinO night and morning houra over tl:a week encl. M ostly tunny tklea were predicted for S aturday throughout Southern California wolh some tog. Iha weather .arvlca Hid Hight In the 701 were expected In cOU1al er ... S.tU<dey with towsJrom 25 to 45. Loa ~ lows -• fe>rac911 ,_so ~ eniperatures· Albany Albuquerque Anchorage Atlanta AUantlc City Baltimot• Bwmlrtgham Boston NATlOH Buttalo Charleston, S C Charlolle, N.C Chicego Clncll'll'llll Cleveland Columbla, SC Columbu• Oallu-Ft Worth Denver Das Moines Detroit El Puo Fairbank• F1rgo Flagstaff Honolulu HOIJllon trtdlanlPOll• Jtdlton, MIN .iu- Kert-City Ula VagM t:1~ ~I· Miami HI Lo 73 4S 60 29 27 19 57 31 66 49 76 44 51 28 71 68 50 35 74 48 68 35 31 30 44 28 49 27 71 37 48 28 59 38 « 23 31 28 43 25 83 33 17 14 25 22 62 28 84 74 61 52 40 30, 58 25 48 38 32 17 87 39 81 51 « 28 51 30 81 75 eT froftb:Cold .. MllWaukff Mpl11-St Peul Hew Orla1ns New York Olllahom1 City Omlha ~ndo Phll~la Pnoanll! P1ll1burgh Portland. Me Portland. Ore Reno S•ll laka San Antonio San Diego San FranclScO Saellla SI Louis Spokarte Topeka Tucoaon TulN Wulllngton Wlcl'olll CALlfOMIA Appia Valley Balcerslield Berat- ~e::?' Slaflop Blyllla Cataline Culvaf City !uralll 34 30 FrHrtO 32 28 Lall• ArroWhald so 48 lencut• 12 se Long eucn 52 31 Loa Angeles 3 t 23 Monrovia 90 54 Montebello 78 47 Monterey 83 53 Mt. Wilton so 29 Haedlee 81 59 N-port 8ffcil 58 43 Oaklend 80 27 Ortllrlo 54 30 Pa.Im Sprlrtga 62 35 Rlvertlde 79 6& Rad Blutt 70 65 Redwood Clly 53 43 R4lrlo 38 28 Sacramento 54 38 Selina• 39 21 Sert BerNrdlno 78 49 San G1brlal 51 28 San Diego 79 45 Sen Fraocia«> 47 17 San JoM Senti Barbara Santi Cruz 74 30 Santa Marl• 70 44 Santi Monte• 72 40 Stockton 72 !M Tlllloa Vellay 84 20 ''Thermal M 24 YUIT!a ... m 70 48 87 82 81 85 83 70 88 75 . 74 72 83 83 81 116 72 80 88 76 81 84 79 70 87 74 88 78 79 72 57 83 81 eo 42 70 53 82 54 83 62 PAMMI 90 811 78 87 77 <12 29 25 50 67 41 56 .ia 51 45 48 50 39 43 48 41 47 22 39 45 38 45 48 54 43 41 41 38 58 38 22 38 55 17 . 77 73 75 43 81 ~I· 17 88 81 90 72 18 .. lllf llllliT 12 10 61 43 ee 4t 87 73 .~ . • l'Xprt'tllktd ft:ar that th• 1uue may withhold rven mor• mOnt>y prt-vlou.ly dt-llain.lc'd for dU~ "Our chol''t't art-to llnd new 1oun•t•1 of revC1nUl' wh kh lll•"m11 lrnpoulblc -or tu C.'Ut St'tvic.'t'M," the mayor .. id. "Most people don't want u1 Lo t'Ul public aafety acrvlct'lt," he uddt..'<i "Jlut out.tldt• ot that._ thl.'rt.' ta 1trc>t"t sweeping, parka maintenance ... (have no areal anawt>rs for the futur(','' Coundlman Ben Nielsen 11.1id a flaw new HOUrt.'t!S of lnt.'Ome may. bl' on the horizon. s uc h as n•vt-nU(tt frum th(• cabl(• llllt•vlidcm 1y11tt•n1 In whh:h the c.dty partklpatc• and trom a t«Ond 401f t'ou rst propual'd at Milt• tsqu1m.' Putk. But Nl~l1cn aald tt la mu•t c.·ruclul that 1tat.o lti&l1lat.or1 t'Ome up with o pcrml.ln\•nt financing proaram II() that clllt'i wlll know prt•cJ11~Jy 'how much monc_l'. to expect t•Dch year and wlJl f>e t1bll• lo plan their budjlct11 more t•HecUvt'ly. l'ollc:l' and lire oftlclals had been supporting thl' tax measure, aa~lng the additional revenue• ond UbM.'<.IU«"nt puy n11 .... wt•rt• nt't•dt'<.I Lo ht•lp pri'vt.•nt aafl'ty t'mploy~·,. from J~ovlna Lo join aaicnch .. with h11ht•r pay Polkc Chll'f Marvin l"ortln uld 1om~ pollc o ffl t•ur departurt.'I "'c lm·vhabll', but h1• c:lulm«d thf' Mt•Hur<> K vol<' 1mJ!r1nt'tl mostly r<'tlst.onct> to a new tax. "Tflt· • '1n>Vlo"U1ly 1om · di1appolntment her<•," hf' a::altJ. "But Ing •nt'ral l M't' It more aa a vntt• of conf1d~n<.>c when the majority of the people think • you're tJoing a ~ood job.'' ·Investors' land. sale hacked By STEVE TRIPOLI 0( the DeM, ,. ... ,..., An Orange County Superior Court judge has authorized the sale of 468 acres of land by the rece iver for a financially t r o u t\I e d Lag u n a N I g u e I Investment company which had o large num'6cr o-f local law enforcement personnel among its Investors. Judge Thomas Crosby a pp r oved r eceiver Monte Krissman's sale of the Colorado Springs. Colo.. land earlier this week . P eter Davidson , Krlssman 's attorney, said Thursday that the 207 investors involved in this portion of the receivership action will make 1a healthy profit on the deal. The land was part of the so· called P roject 27 holdings of Projects Unlimited Inc .. which Crosby placed in receivership in " March tollowlng stole allegations of 8lX'Uritlcs law violations. Tht• 207 lnvetitors In Project 27 arc no( nt.'<.-essaril)' the same as those In other ProjeclB Unlimited project.s. Davidson said, adding that lnv~tors in other prQjects may lose money. The $9,045,000 sale prke of the Colorado land will riet Projc<:t 27 Investors ull that they., Invested, plus an immediate 40 to 50 percent profit and more money over several years as the land is paid off, Davidson said. Not all Projects Unlimited investors were that lucky, he said. Those who put their money i n several o ther projects, including Projects 10, 20, 22 and 23, "will be lucky If they get 40 or 50 percent of their money back," said Davidson. The Project 27 land was purchased by W oodvlew Pror•rtit.'11 Inc:. of Santa Ana In a dca that Included $2,7 96,000 ctlJh, Davldl!On saitJ. A law11ult by the sta t e Df'pariment or Corporations led to the t.'<>mpany being placed in rl'Ct.+vcrship and la still pending. In vt•s t1 ga t1ons o f Pro Jee ts Unlimited by the Orange County Snl•rlff's Department and 01stn ct Altorney'11 office art' still in progress, Davidson said. Law cnlorcement penonnel from Huntington Beach , the Cahfomia Highway Patrol and the Orange County Sheriff's Dcpartm<.'nt were reported to be among Projects Unlimited investors. Enrollment shows drop at Cal State campuses U.S. relief denied for fire victims LOS ANGELES (AP) -No f ederal dts-as-ter relief is forthcoming for victims of fires that destroyed 79 homes and LONG BEA CH lAP) - Enrollment at the 19 California Stat e Universit y ca mpuses dropped by 4.060 this fall, and half the decline was at the San Diego campus. SLAYER ,. • • From Page A1 during their long relationship. He also said he had planned to leave Espinda after meeting Lane, a Laguna Beach resident. Lane, taking the stand in Moore's behalf during the first trial. testified that· Moore often broke into tears while describing the retribution Esplnda would take against him upon learning that Moore had seen her. Moore and Espinda ran the Newport Psychological Laboratory, which contracted its services lo several coastal school districts. ,; ~ The report said Thursday the caused $23 million damage ~n enrollment of 315,505 was a l.~ ~.s.hre~ Southern Califo~i:i1a percent dedine from last year. counties last month, state offlc1als though the number of "full-lime have learned. equivalent" students, taking Into Gov. Edmun~ G. Bro~n Jr. account the percentage or part· had requested rud for . vict,uns of lime enrollment. was unchanged.-the Dayton Canyon fire m ~ The decline reverses a trend o( AnReles and Ven~ur~ counues e"rollment increases in tuition-and the Gy~um fire 1!' ~ange free public unive r sities, County: Rehef f~r v1~t1ms of attributed by education officials extensi ve floo~ang tn . In yo th omy a n d cuts in County also was included an the to e econ r~uest federal scholarship aid. The CSU : . system and the University of . ~t 10 a Mailgram lo state Califorrua both raised their fees officials Wednesday, the FederaJ bs•~ t"all this year Emergency Management Agency i;u _ ... n t Y · denied the aid. 'J.'he report said San Diego An unidentified spokesman for State University dropped from the .agency said "the need for first to second largest among the assistance was not of major ca m p u s es be ca u s e o f a n disas6er Pfoportions." enrollmentdeclineof2,065,or 6.2 He sad state, local and percent, leaving it with 31,265 volunteer agencies should be able students. to help homeowners hit by fires The Long Beach campus 1s now the largest. It gained 63 students for a total of 31.991. and rloods. The state will. review damage claims before deciding whether to appeal the decision. 0 Bl E SPORTS L Tl). · We'll give you a coupon good for $50 off TWA flights to Denver, Salt lake City or Albuquerque. Come into our shop for d~taiJs on tbat exciting' promotion, see our complt.>te line of linHt" boot~ ... and take off! ""*'tJ/J1t'~W•H<4 .. ,,,,..,.,.if ,..HI""' • ... ...-------------------11w11tt 11111 -· NATION Doctors transplant liver to ill child MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -A ~team of surgeons worked today to transplant a liver from a brain-dead child Into the body of 11 -month-old J amie Fiske, who doctors said would d ie within weeks without a new Uver. Jamie's case received natlonaJ attention last month when h er father asked a group of pediatricians for help. The liver was flown from Salt Lake City to Minneapolis early today after 1t was take n from the body of an accident victim. said Mark Sands, a spokesman for the University of Uta h Medical Center in SaJt Lake. . Sand11 did tw 1,md••ristood the parents or the vlotlm suggested the transplant. A team of doctors from the UnJverslt y of M innesota Hospitals and Cllnlc.-s lcrt Suh Lake City at about 4 a.fTI. EST In a leased jet. The liver was removed in a three-hour operation that concluded a t about 3 a.m., Sands said. It had to be transplantc.'Cl witlfln six hours of removal. he said. T o b£1 sui t ab l e f o r transpl.ant to Jamie, who suffers from liver disease, the donated organ had to be from a n und1seased c hild who weighed 15 to 17 pounds and had th~ same blood.lype. Chrysler strike in Canada By Tbe Associated Press Chrysler workers s hut down the automakers' six Ca n adian plants today. launching a strike that will force layoHs in the United States 'and could imperil the company's fragile reovery. The walkout began early today as scheduled, shortly ·a ft e r negot ia t o r s Cor America's No. 3 auto maker and its 10,000 Can a dian workers emerged from a brief session and announced there wa s n o last -minut e brea kthro ugh . De t a iled STATE t'Omments were to be made at news confe rences scheduled by each side. Union leaders on both sides of the border are d<'manding pay increases for workers whose salaries have bee n frozen during 1979, disputing Chrysler·s claim that it cannot afford raises. C l')rGsler's U.S . w orke rs voted ast month to postpone furthe r nj'!gotiatio n s until January rather than begin a s trike during the Christmas season. Duke vows bipartisanship LOS ANGELES (AP) - Faced with a Democrat1c- controlled L egislature in 1983, Republican Gov.-elec.·t George Deukmejian promises "a new era of bipartisanship in California government." every other part isa n statewide race while he topped Bradley by only 52,- 795 o ut of 7.6 million votes. COUNCIL. • • From Page A 1 11u rnlwr count·1l whwh h bt-c'n polnll'<I 111wu1tl .cruwlh fur two v1·111 " l'm111l·1lm11n l>un S truu '· on 1•oi.y wlnnt•r 1n Tut•ii d uy's 1•l1'1 t11m , ohst•rvt•<l th1.1l bl'(.'OUll(.' 11 u111mJ:l Ju:u b y only n •mJlll mnr"m, It 1nd1ml1•. thut "tht•r<' on· i.1111 t wo voit·t•w Jn the \'OllHTlUnily" 8tl'OU!lll Ktlltf th\• l'k<'tion l(•llVf'S hun nnd ~V1'lyn l lurt, also rc>- e l\•t•tt•d, ulonl' In providing a bl\lunc:ing voke to the council mujori ty . Str1,1u1111 and Hun , though. do not <·onsist<'ntly vote .lugNht.•f J t'an Wutt, president of Stop Polluting Our Nt'wport, C'Choed llummt•l's complaints wh<'n addrl'ssinli( tht• Bunning Ra nch dl1V1•lopnwnl. ~ "IC th is 1s s uppos d to repn•st•n t a mandate, t 's a mundott• that was b6ught," said Wa tt. a shorp critic or \h<' 75-acre dl'velopmcnt pro,J-.'t·t. Thl• dev£>.!J>pment, upheld in the l'IC'cttun by a comfortable margin. was expected to be the big s h owdown be tween the growth und slow-growth factions in Newport Bca,·h. Watt said she• doesn't believe tht• c1ltx·tion pi'ovt-d anything and is unwilling to admit tha t the uther side won. "l think we did ve.ry _w.ell wh(•n you mnsider the amount of money they had a nd th<' slick, manipulalfve mailers anp ads used," shl' observed. Ma yor Jackie H eather, a supporter of the development who was r e -e lected easily Tuesday, said the vote tells her that citizens have t'Onfidence in the council's ability to handle large. t'Omphcated land use plans. ·•But I doubt this settles any larger issue or will discourage Cu tu re r e fe r e ndums." s h e remarked. Developer William Banning said h<' was pleased by the vote but d ocs n ot ex p ec t the controversy to w ane. His plan now goes to the state Coastal Commission wht•rc its critics are exJX><:ted to resurfac:.•e. Allan Beck , a loser in the council elccu on. said the vote leaves him t'Onfuscd. .. People tell me they don't want rampan t growth but they surl' vote for it. The whole thing's a mystery to me." .. Dov's b est friend Be~uty, as r egards pe ts, is in the eye of the be holde r a nd David Kirchner , 14, of Ne wport Beach thinks his ta rantula, Goliath, is really neat. He eats crickets a nd has a Jot of pe rsona lity, David says. ( • • Big NB project finished a The larf(<.'Ht pi lvoatl'ly flnarw('() root.I lmprovt•nHmt projc.wt in Newport Beach history -o $2.:i million t'fCort fundc<.1 by five d eve loper s • ha s b een comp lewd. . Th<.' .firms worked on i 4 majur lnterK-ctlons, at.ldlng lan<.'5, turn poc·kets and traffic signa ls. HaU of th<' il')tc•rsct:tlons are around congested John Wayne A irport and the others on the cast side of the Upper Nc•wport Bay. While th e ro0adwork was r cq u lred of the builders as ("o nd i tlons t o se parate developments, thl' firms teamed together to do th e work and speed up completion o f the lmprt>vcments. . • Thc firms that pa rticipated were the Irvine Company, the Koll Ce., J.M. Peters Co., Ford Aerospace and Pacific Mutual Life Insurance. Steve Gavin, a Pacific Mutual spokesman. said had the firms not banded together. the road improvements would have bee~ done in ~ piecemeal fashion and dragged over many years instead of the 20 months the job took. Newport cop ' injured in cycle spill A Newport Beach police officer was recovering today from injuries he suHered a fter Calling from his motorcycle Wednesday in Irvine. polke said. Sgt. Ernest Robert Ha rrison sustained multiple 1-\brasions and contusions after his motorcycle In his first news conferei ce since his razor -thin victory over Democrat Tom Bradley. Deukmejian denied Thursday tha t an anti -black vot e contributed to his victory. even though Democrats swept Deukmejian. who served 16 years in the Legis lature, including s ix as GOP floor leader of the Senate, before his e lectio n a s a tto rney genera l four years ago. said he learned during th~ years how to forge bipartisan agreement. and that he would do the same as govern-or. ,struck an air filter and went out of <'On trol at 6:10 p.m . on the trans itio n r oad fro m the southbound San Diego Freeway to the n o rthbo und Laguna Freeway. Harrison was on duty at the time or the a«ident, said Newport Beach Police Lt. Don Chandler. Huntington Beach~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special session eyed SACRAMENTO (AP) -A s p ecia l session o f th e California Legislature is being considered. but Gov. Edmund Bro wn Jr. and legislative leaders failed to make a dec1s1on during their first meeting. Los Angeles, and Sen ate Democratic floor leader J ohn Garam~mli.D-Walnut Grove. Hun(ington . ., r landfill said 'hazard' T o reporters. Garamend1 predicted a special session before the next governor takes oUice in January. He said it would deal w ith the looming budget de ficit, and probably reapportionment. By ROBERT BARKER Of IN Deltr "-' tutt A no longer used Huntington Beach landfill located near the Ce ntra l Library has bee n declared potentially hazardous by the s tate Solid Was te Management Board because it poses a possible fire threat. State o!Iicials saJd methane gas was detected along the western border of the slte near Golden .. West Street. If left unc:ontroUed. it could cause explosions or fires, they said. S pokeswoman P amela Ong, however. said th-e odorless and colorless me thane gas is not hazardous to breathe unless in He satd it formerly was a deep heavy concentrations and in gully that had been excavated in confined conditi_ons. sand and gravel operations. She said the gas. produced by ··People Chrew every1.hing in deromposition of organic waste there -refrigerators, stoves, old m ateria ls , was m easured in cars, tires, grass and trash -you concentrations of more than 5 name it." percent In the air in February. The old landfill. located within Vincent Moorhouse. director of the boundaries of Central Park the city's Community Services and across the street from the Brown met for two hours Thursday with Assembly Speaker WiUie Brown , D-San Francisco: Senate President Pro Tern David l\oberti, D- Roberti had earlier said the chances of a special session this month.w-ere "remote..:' Actress' beau charged LOS ANGELES (AP) - The boyfrien d of ac tress Dominique Dunne. in custody on an attempted murde r c harge, was booked for investigation of murder when the dark-haired perfor mer d ied six days after being choked. older daughter in the Steven Spielberg film production, "Poltergeist," died Thursday in the intensive-car e unit at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. hospital spokesman Larry Baum said. Tho In psoneinerges as Illinois winner Department, said the city 1s m .library, is earmarked for opeo the process of hiring a consultant space. Moorhouse said. to take care of the problem. A police department heliport He said one likely m e t h od previous ly was located on t he would be to insert pipelines into la"ndflll. But the landing pad the soil and Igni te the gas cracked and the hangar sank brought t o the s urface by when the land subsided. Dunne, 22. who made he r film debut this year as the I WORLD Dunne died without regaining consciousness /fter the attack last SatUfday. , C HIC AGO (AP) -Gov . James R. Thompson became the apparent winner of a closely fought re-electio n campaign today. with a 9.401-vote margin ove r D e mocrat Adlai E . Slevenson. Previously unreported ballots from 106 suburban Cook. County precincts co mpl e t e d the unofficial statewide vote tally. Pope elevates nun With all 11.642 orecincts reporting. Thompson had 1.813,- 133 votes to Stevenson 1,803,- 732. SEVILLE. Spain (AP) - Pope John Paul 111 standing under a solid-si lver, 15th century altarpie<:e, beatified a S panish nun today and lamented government inattention to the "urgent problems" of the world's rural podr. Sister Angela de la Cruz, the early-20th century nun elevated by John Paul in a ceremony rarely held outside the Vatican , founded a n We're Listening ••• 64~·6086 / ascetic order that minjsters to the poorest of the poor. like that run b y Nobel Prize- winner M oth er Teresa of Calcutta. The pont.iff has conducted only one other beati!ication, the fir s t s t e p toward sa inthoQd , outsid e th ~ Vatican. In February 191H, he 1,.. e levated the 17th century' missionary Lorenzo Ruiz in Manila. Stevenson earlier indicated he was likely to challenge the results afte r the official canvass ls completed on Nov. 9. State oHiclals. who must certify results Nov. 22, began impounding all ballots today in anticipation of a recount. "The way it's going, it looks to me as If whichever side is the loser will have to very seriously c o n s i d .e r t h a t o,p t i o n o f challenging the vote," he said. What do you like about tht> Daily Pilot" What don't you like" Call the number at left and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropnate editor. The same 24·hour answenng service may be used to record let· lers to the editor on any topie Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verifica(1on., No circulation ealls. please. II us ~hat'4t-On your mind . ORANGE COAST Clattlfled edvet'tlal"t 714 ... 2-M71 All ottler departments 142-4321 Daily Ptlat Thomas '· Haley P11b111he1 ood Ch<el E•ll<Uhv8 01•1ce1 Jan• AmClf'I hK,\11•~• [d11or Raymond Maclean '°"''~·· MAIN OflflCE NII Wttl 1411' St . C•la Me ... CA M•ll ecNf'tM 8o• 1MO, C•l• Me ... CA _,. t ll!Jvrlelll ,_, OtMtt Coatl l'wllllttllftt c.,._,, No llewt •toflH , lllutl,.11 .. ,. Mll .. 111mMter9' .. •• ,., ..... ..,,, ,,.,, ....... ,. lie ,...,oduc .. wlltlellt ~181 •rmloiefl Of c-.yrleflt _,_, .. l . Kay Schulta "<• ,,.,t(jtftl Mlchoel P. Hot'Vey 0.1tu0< Ol Mat~tt~O •C 1culo11M oN ().f9(1Qr ot """"''''!IO enrteth N. o.ddord Jr. o. .. IC)t ol Oof<ot <1111 "'Ultimately. it looks to me as if the count is going to depend on litigation." Vote results were delayid In some cases in the city of Chicago because 15 precincts' results disappeared election night and were not tabulated until late Thursday. Some were found at the home of an election judge, in the trunk of a car and 1n a shopping bag left behind a desk in a polling place. pressure. Dumping operations are goin& Moorhouse added that there on to the east of the landfill, but probably would be efforts to o~ly inert materials are allowed, capture and store the methane satd Moorhouse. gas for energy use if there are T h e s ta f f o f t h e W a s t e significant quantities in the Management Board regularly 20-acre site. insp ects landfills to ensure Moorhouse said the site. compliance with federal healtb ·between Talbert and Ellis and safety requirements, avenues and Gothard and ,accord~ to spokeswoman Ong. Golden West streets, first became Landfills such as the one in a county landfill about 40 years Huntington Beach are placed on ago but hasn't been excavated for the "Open Dump List" whell years. t y meet standards. .--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ Another -Yarn It Js easy to get confused when shopping for carpeting. There are a few hundred different kinds of carpet yarns. · Take Du Pont's "Antron" for i#lstance. There Is ·"Antron I", "Antron //", "Antron Ill", "Antron Plus", and "Antron XL "-Many of these come In different deniers (thickness of the tiny fibers which make up the .y~rn), different twist rates, continuous filament or stape yarn. Staple yarn can come In different lengths of staple, making tlJ..e carpet more or less susceptible to shedding. Also, the yarns come In different luster levels: low luster, medium luster, and high luster. Various yarns have different attributes regarding dyeing. Some are beck dyed, kuster dyed, 51Zace dyed, printed, or resist dyelJ. Some are treated to repel certain pigments. and when the carpet comes out of the dye beck, It can have as many as six colors. W.hat doea all this mean to you.? The obvk>n anawe&4•-don't worry· about It/ Buy from someone you tru•I •nd ,,.,,.~• In. Our f aml/y has been In the carpet business since the 1890's. We know 11 lot about carpeting, and we 're st/// /earning. ... ~ . 1· I I .. · ·'. POJ SHOTS ~ '· BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ' .. ,--..v TO ~VOID '· GOING TM~H TMIE WOt'L.D TOO l'AST, 11 ,. ...... ""' . t• • .._ ______________________________________ .. :f';: ' ,,. _______ _ ti·.1 • .. HOIOSCOPf 'I BY SIDNEY OMARA .. ''•'-Saturday, November 6 "· • ARIES (Marc h 2J -April 19)~ Review •' ·accounting proccdureJ. Be a w a re of security measures. Focus on safety, territorial rights, special requirements and long-range policies. Locate legal papers. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Make inquiries, (ealize a trip may be necessary, reach beyond current expectations. Routine changes, morale is . ~oosted by a tte nding unus ual social function. ~· · " GEMINI (May 21-Junc 20): Rcversal_of fiscal . -policy t'Ould dominate scenario. Focus on payments, . C'ollections, financial commitments and income . potential. Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo persons figure -prominently. Puzzle plC<'es will f!lll into place. ·•· , CANCER (June 21-July 22): Circumstances • :(Um in your favor -take initiative, wager on your ···.ownJ'udgment. Significant changes occur, outlet is foun for creative expression. Gain shown through written word. You'll be asked to make a special , ~ppearance. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You are made aware of secret allies. Much that occurs is behind scenes:· 'Clandestine conference could be on agen$. Basic • · ctdjustment occurs in domesuc area. • • VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis on desire, powers of persuasion, fulfillment of wishes. Some aspirations will be revised - you'll be asked to accept added repons1bility. Define terms, streamline ' techniques, get rid of superfluous material. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0tt. 22): Emphasis on career, business, promotion, production and gr.een light to initiate your own policies. Relationship grows stronger, older individual le nds benefit of experience and chances for reward multiply. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2 1): F ocus on communication, distance, language and knowledge of international law. Cycle also highlights travel. publishing, education and a definition oC spiritual values. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You make inroads along path previously blocked. Financial status of close associate or partner comes into focus. Maintain independe nt stance, refuse to blur individua Ii t y ' CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Ja n . 19): Go slow. ' ... maintain steady pace, study data and base decisions on logic. Time is on your side -play w~~ng game. Highlight improveCl public relauons, WlUu~gness to cooperate with one who does not necessarily agree. with you on all points. '•'. AQUARIUS (J an . 20-Feb. la): Focus on nutrition, health, basic tasks and the re turn of • vitality. Give full play to intellectual curiosity. '(ou'll encounter active. energetic individuals, some :. of whom provide laughter and inspiration. PISCES (F-eb. 1-9-Ma re h 20r,-St!~narfo­ -highlights spccurative vent':-lres, swift chan~es, intensified relationship and rncrea5fd populanty. ,· 8 TENNIS LESSONS •20°0 Costa 1111 T 111i1 Clu~ · 557.()211 Have aomethlng In common. People love ua, come '" and enjoy. With • your choice of topplnga, Fiance's parents a I utUre problem? l)lt:AU ANN LANl)i':HS. My nun<.<t• llnd I pion lo tx! murrlt'<l m th1• 1w~11 (utw 1• With part llmt' JObll ond lltUdt•nt 11,)111\lt Wt• huvt• /"ll OUI twlvt•N throu~h t'Olh•gt• W~ IWl 1.1lonR bt•.1ut1 ully Thi• only pruhll•rn uc hh1 pun·llls They urQ both ~O and ak·ohoh< Tlwy huw n't workt•tl In fivt• yt•ur ond llvC' on morwy from rt•lallvcs Tht•n• Is l'lt•wr any nour1111h111g fc.xx.I m \ht• hOWl4\--only pt't'IZt'hi. poliilo ch1~and booit, - ~ ALW UDIS ~-- l'Vt•r Ix• uhlt ti> l'Orl l"'' It? f<CX'H1':STf;R STILL WJ\JTJN(; IN DJ<;AR S.W.: Your dllemma us •~ared In Ibis columa before. Tht advice I pve llaea 11 still good. Flr11t, thtt trouble 11 In r.our bead. It it were anywhere clae, lou wouldn t be able to urinate irlvately. Secon , you say you are not a1bamed of your body. N"o con1clou1 1bame. ~rbap • bat-yo have a hang-up that goes back to cblldbood. I comt• trom n hnrd-worklng l111111ly und lun not lK'C'Ullomcd to moot:h£1r11. lfonli1Hic11 II y: tlw burtfon will fall on us sonwwht•r•t• down tlw rQJld. My tiimce says ho hos un obll~utlon lo thl'm, no mutter Vi1hat, because thi•y, t~rn'hilqxm:nl.S. What can you sugicst?, -NO FREE HANDOUTS DEAR N.F.H.: Your letter b.-lngs to mind an old Chinese saylag: "If you give a man a fish, he will have food for one day. Ir you teach him bow to fish, be wlll eat for the rest of bis llfe." Allen and learn bow to deal with 1he probtem because. aa you Hid, It will be yours "somewhere down the road." D£AH ANN LANl>F:ltS: 1'hl.' il-\t.cr frum lhc woman whu t:oultl not sign her namC' in front of anyo1l\.' ~UVt' me• tht• l•uurat(C tu wnlt• tu you. 1 httVt' no troubl<' signin!o( my nunlt', but I do find it imp()s.'!iblc' to urlnutt• in frfmt of uth£lrs whPn I use the men's room. If thill problem b 10 troublesome that you are wllllng lo spend. the time and money to talk lt out with a therapl1t, go ahead. t1ut unlen you hav~ • burning desir e to urinate for an audience, lb~ arran~emcnt seem s to be \he perfect 1olutlo . .,.( Your flance's parents need to become self- 1sufflclent. I recommend Alcobollcs Anonymous. If tbey won't go, your flance aad you should join Al- 1 a m u Wt.'ll ·t:ducaH~·d young man and not asham<.'d of my body, but for some reason I just stand therC' waiting und nothing 'ha ppens. Over the past few yl.'ars 1 haw rcsortl'd to using the st.alls. I:; this a physkul problem, or is It psychological? Will I Going to n WN/cling? Giving om.>? Or standing up 111 u1w? EVC'll If you're• alrC'ody mnrru.'Cl Ann L;mdcn;' cvm1plc•tt'ly m •w "The· Bndc"s Guldt"' will answC"r ques11ons about tuday's weddings. For a ropy. .<><>nd u dollar, plus a lorlg, sc•lf-addressed, stamp<•d (•nvt•lopt• (37 c·e111s postage) to Ann Landc't'S, P 0 Bux' 11995, Chirogo. 111. 606 11: Neither v1.1lnerable. South deals. \ NORTH • J98 ~KJlOO OAQ +QU WEST EAST •2 +1064 "7 986 'V Q5 O J750 o K 10982 + 10987 +AO SOUTH + AKQ75S <:?A 72 0 6 .+KJS The bidding: Soutli Weat Nortll Eut 1 • Pue 2 <:? Pua 3 + PUI 4 0 Pau uetom (f)Q~H!~~ coller 'n cuff .i: k 0.-. ......... 11,..t Coate M ... 142-8788 Arts 'n Crafts , Gift Sale Holiday prrAews ol unique holiday gifts at the Huntington Center mall daily thru Nov 14. E.T. Sale And Photos • Huntington Center merchants cetebrale their 16th AnnlverNry with spec111 E. T memorabilla Nie. Bring the kids tor an e>ctre-terr•trlal vl$1t Souvenff photos dally thru Sun (S3.77 donation to Youth Fund). Weekdays 6 lo 8 30 and Sal f Sun. 12 to 4. • ~ GOREN ON BRIDGE ·· • ~ I BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF 4 <;> Pa11 4 + Pau fl+ Pue Pue P111 Opening lead: Ten of +. South had the choice of one or two fi nesses for-hfs con· traci. 'He made his slam because he t.ook neither! North·South conduc~ed an orderly aut'tion to reach their slam. Note that South did not resort to Blackwood to check on aces. Once it was clear that North·s four diamond bid was a cue·bid in support or spades, South knew that his 1ide was missing the ace of clubs. The defenders lost no tim( in completing their book wht:n Enst won th'e rirst trick with the ace or clu bs and returned the s uit. Declarer won and drew tt umps in three rounds. All that was 1efL to do was avoid a loser in hearts. It might eem that declarer simply has to guess which way to take the heart finesse. He should lead a low hear t Lo the jack if he thinks West has the queen. or else run the jack from dummy if he feels that the lady is with East. However. there is another option -declarer can take the diamond finesse and ther discard his heart loser on thr ace or diamonds. Wh1rl1 finesse should South rely on'/ The ans~er is neither- . yet. Declarer can combine his -chan~es to live himself con- siderably better odds than the straight 50 percent of· fered by either finesse. Almost 30 percent of the time. one of the defenders will have either a doubleton or singlej.on queen of hearts. That is the extra edge declarer can give himself. Declarer should first cash the king and ace of hearts to see if the queen drops. If her majesty appears, declarer can claim. If she does not, declare/ can still Call back on the diamond finesse. Rubber brld1e club1 throuchout~the country uie the four-deal brld1e format. Do they know 10methlq you don't? Charlu Goree'• "Four-Deal Bridie" will teach you the 1tratesfee ud t.actlce of thi1 fa1t-paced ac· tl6D same that providee the cure for uneadlq rubbers. t'or a copy aacl a eeorepad, send 11.75 c.o "Goren-Four Deal." care of tbi1 new1paper, P.O. 80ll 259, Norwoed, N.J . 07648. Make check• • payable to New1paperboob. • INTRODUCING THE 1983 TERCEL, BELOWTHE 1982 PRICE. BUT THAT'S JUST THE TIP OF THE ' ICEBERG. You heard It right. The 1983 Tercel 3-Door Uftback is just $4998• -lower -than lastyears sticker price. But there's even more to the iceberg. There's Tercel's mileage -better than last year, an 11.8% increase. It Ctelivers 51 Estimated Highway MPG,@EPA Estimated · MPG." ·~' ''"'' '41'C And how about Tercel's front- wheel drive. Gives fantastic traction all year. And a peppy 1.5 liter SOHC e~e. An improved 4--speed synchromesh transmission. MacPherson strut front and rear suspension. Power-assisted brakes. And'these areiust~ of the standard--- features -there are many more. Inside. everything has thilt great Toyota quality. And Tercel is the roomiest subcompact you can buy.-So buy. Now. At your Toyota dealers. And oh what a feeling you'll feel. • M.-Jnut~ur~s ~uuesied 1eu1ll pote OP~leno K tual ret<1ll price mat v.uy Prke ~ no1 Include I.I• hcen<e tr;tnspo<t<ltlon optlonll or reck>Nlly required equipment •• 1temember. com~•e this ntimate to the (p,t, Et1imated MPC ol otheT t1rs ... uh menu.I u•ns:mtsslcWI ~u IN)' cet d1lleren1 m.~. -ce~c>endlnc on llO'# i.st ~ou drl•e .. ea1her cond1t10M and t11p lcncth Ac1~1 """'*<lY mllnce will 1><<>0.bly be •~s than the ·H1ghw.ay EslltNte ... Subcomi»tt tit dn as defined by [p,t, OH WHATA FEELING ! TOYOTA BUCKLE UP-ITS A GOOD FEELING! t Or.-ngo CoHt DAILY PILOT /Frida~, Novem_,.r 6. 1982 .. & ( .. ~ p ;1'---,:~-i-~-~..,:..-1oei-~-:~-~.-=~~.~'"'t_:_:o_';.;;•~;..~-\-~-:-1rM-,.,-r .. :-:-r-.. -.. -~-.. 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ClS ' •• ·n 1111 l Duh pl 1 10 -12 \1 ...... , .. 1 M ) •• '° .. I•• Of\10• 1,04 0 463 11421•. I Olll•G,, ... tlOO 11. .. a.1uanlt 14 ~ tl ...... '• AClmMI 10e II ,., ., 9•· ... Yllol ., I 147 11 • 1-. R~k· pf I 20 rl.O .. '• ~·11JS I Al• IGO !i\o. •l .Ill II 401 41 l''t 04111 1.10 • •Ill 11ts1 ...... ~,. .n II II/ .O•·. 11. AMO , !O l)J9 vJ14-, .., Ca<Mn< J 29 1 '•, '• .... ke pl I Ill "100 6> • I Hall.JI 1 Ma t i It'• eG•l'll 4J t 11 10• 1 Omatk 1 II ~ It • .., $AmllU I .. II IO II AtlM.I 1 u I 4'6S ., ... l C•wr J)O 1"1 I \ °""pl l lr'I 16 14.. Hl'Hllml'I I 10 312 ,,..... •L•1141 IM • 1010 J•... 1, Oml'ICr II Ill JO '° ... , .•• \r SF•lno I 101ttO JJI· ,.,,L pll Olot M.J >• ' C•Hhf> .Ut -.SJ "'. .. Ou•• pf J ,I) '°' n• •• 1, H•1141H .tO .. ,.. II •PK -IU l>Ol 1129 • h QnalO. .n • .. 111,. \, $olllllf•I I 20 ,. :n "'I. ~. Alltnn~ .o 310.uH ... t J C~mr111 40 •~It 11, OukplNllM .. tllOOH • lo •1111e 1•11 ii• It OllvG• tlO t tll ti-.,\, OffEOK1«1 6 1'1 21••• "'$e\llRE ,JO<> I\ t•t t \, • 1 CRlll 9• 40 1-11• ' OunBr 1 16 It 411 t> ltr .,llrJ 1 I IJJI JO'• "-... en•l 1 to 1 •• " , It 0..lllla U ) k vEIP 1.2' ) 101 12• t, 't •1',;;0 111 10 1~ 3~.1 ~ earns. J.10 9 i9i u~, 1' Ovql.I 1 't0 1 60I •• Marino •111 $9 uu1 .. ~ " ... :Ill 11i 11i0h• 1~. Orull .. I Ill I 21• II '' Save A I )4 > ""'• t 1. A rbFrl tO JI 143 ull , 1 COPa< 9 1.40 JO? ,.... 1 0..Q pl I 11 . ll:IC! 14 Harllllll .20J. 411 l ie lo llDrll 1•14 •:ltOUl4. + le Of'enot OSI 1)1 )\, \o Savi Pl 1 11 11 u191 .. 1, AIMoa n .. 2', C•nPE 9 111 1' U~, • Ovq pl 2 . U lJO IH•, 1, H•rrllll 1 10 1 14t >~• 11by111 . .0 U A29 11Ulo, lh OtlOflC • .010 ~ It•• \, $avln . 129 61•, °" Al•P•IAl.91 »?'II• ~,Callal R .MO I >l'ot \,011Qpl J.01 tlOO HI• 1, Henlt Mii OS :114e00 \,Lwc11,yS l,tt lO UO> It\• "-8''°" t6SJU"'••I\• S.vln ptl.50 . II 10+. Ale P Opl 17 110 I , I\ CtPClh 10 11 >tt 1111• , I OuQ prKJ 10 . J) 16'• k HUKO 1,20 f .,. 11><. '• LU~ttn• .11 IJ n 111;+ • \, rlon pl · 3J II • \, S<llrPIO I ... 12 JSU JI'• •1 Al•PPI 9 '* •Httl• C:pHld 1.l2 9 >10 n•. 1 011qpr J.$1 . llUO 171,, '• H••tW 1.2• IO I .. )6 -M-M -OUlbM .tO 1 tA 2/•e I S<lt!mb ... 9U7l 4'/le• '• Al•P pl 11 11000 O ' C rlnQ 11 .1',. .156 11, D11q pr 2.7S . 1llO JHt • Har~ .'IO u 1J1 Jlh ~· • \e NIACOM . It 212J.l6 »•• l\t Outlttl tO IS 1'1S <IOli• • \• S<IAU . 12 .. u7)S IJi• Al•P pl '.. 1110 111'. \ Cllfllil• .91 • 161 1'1' I . I' Ouq pl l.tO . tHO us> • I Hll I.tot II 1 "'"' '• MCA l,>Ob 19 '" ,, 1~ .. Ovrl\Or 1 "° n• ll' •.• •• Scot • .M 1• 111 JS II 1 AlaP pl 1' 16 2'IO .. ' Carn•I 2 I 1727 u4il,. " OycoPI .?• I llJ IUt • "° H•I l!l J • a))9 19'1'" to MEI .M 14 1:WS u>t\o t n e OvrTrn .IO IJ 19 ult"."+ 1, S<olLeo 11 U2 ..... 1, Al•PPI 1:211 1)4()., ;;" CoroFI S612 10111u• .. 1 OynAm ISIJ SI 1i.,. ie H•Y•\A tcM 6\1 •• MEIWI .. 12 .. tt· +I Ov!>lllP .~ s 2» ,, ' S<OIF•I l.IO. U•113s~ •• ~. Al•t•<O I tO s s lt'<'t Ca~Pw 2.40 I 221' 21\• 1 -1 -1 -.,,,.,,,. M 21 93 u•i~•, '.; MGMGr .44 II 443 I • \e 0•11tnC 1.lO 41 >9'll ulS' • • H• S<. OllP 1 I 1111 10~, \ Albany I 40 10 IO 1'"-ii CarP pf l .61 41 Jl .. , I EGG t .l2 19 1089 2t"' \1 t Ch ,24 • In I 1 \e MGMGr Pl,._. • 2M 1 .. , ••• 0.tftlll I. .. I 704 21•t ~ S<otyt l ..60 I) 103 2• , , Alberto ~ 10 t2 11• •• Cathe 2 10 IJ 122 ll'e. , .. E Syi' .10 23 ... o.. l\1 H•<l•M . "" I '• •• MGMU• .20t 22 ''°' "' "'O..nll pt•.7S ·S ... • • ScOYlll I.SJ IS '" lllH ... I Albltn I 13 614 ..... i. Cu1Plr 1.20 II 10 ltl1 . I E•u••P "" \If 111.i.' .. ellmn ,,. II 216 u»'4 . "• Ml LI II .20r l3 It • I OalrOln 1.12 I ,. "° t' SHCl'lll 1... 16 111,. ~ Al<•n 'IO rt212• u~" .:c.•O•w 122131'0' ..... •,Euco ll21 :ot ,, •• '• e lnl• 1..0101'11 """ """mlr .IOl>ll fflult... --o -SuCtpf J.10 . S2 14<., 't AkoSto l °' 9 -1121•. • CMIWI .. 10 dSl 11•. I E•"AI• J)f.l 6'• .. 11111C JI JIO u21• .. I•• AMml pll tO '..,. • I PH!1 .)•II ]2/ 11JJ4 .... 5UCO<>t ., • 103? u?9• .. 'I AleaAlnl9' 10 6JO 1)\;· 1' CH<NG 1.1212 119 9• .. i EAL•IO J09 , .... •••Int 13IOSl:IOltL12•'" le M•<r• 11AIJ40IUl .. •71t PH8Mll.J0tt0 .,. I)~ 1, St•Ut I .. ~ 11 • 1. Al .. or I• 211 10, , 'CasllCk 40t U ft/ 9>• I E•AI• pf2.. 20 IH•, 1, e lmP l2 6 .. 7 JI , '• ¥.tcypt 4 ll dDO » + 111 PPG J.3' 12 al/61 uSJ • 7'o Su9tm I Ill I 1'3 11'• JI• AllQCp IOI • " .,, ' ;_ Calrpl I >01' <M06 40· , • 1, EtAlr ptl.20 1>1 171., mCa 7) S', M<UfO I JS. QJ u22\1 , I+ P$A IO l :12l JHe '• Stagul lS 1'1 I• 1 • 1, AIQCp plJ.. • n~. I CKoCp I I "' 11u• .. "E••IGF I 20 I 11'19 u ... ,, ltll\11\C IOe 10 10'·• MHICI •t• 451 ""' h PacAS I 40a SI 12•. sufAlr AO .. 113 16'•. '• Al 9 1nl I 40 I l2) l6' 'I • t lenH • 16 ),. Ml • 'o tutUll I 10 I 1li0 H ' o • .. er<ull I J'1 I) lll> 7/lf, <o Mar11H l 13 409 tl' >, .. Pa<GE J 6 0).1 11"-• (1 •I PW 1 ... 11 f40 <IC)• / I•• Al911.!41 J.. )J 11•. l C•••n pl."° I 3'' •• I. E•ICOCI lt I•.,. tJ• I ,,. e rltC n J I m 11'-Mi!IA•I IJ '" I)\, 1. Pa<Ll9 J I :116 1"•. 'I S.arleG .SJ I• •1140 ., .. 1"-AIGI c1i1>. IOS ulli• ,·C•ltron .6t I •Sl 11" "'Ea lO<> ln11 ... U , '• trllC plllO 11 tt<1 1, Mallllln JOI> t 161 161• '• P11<L.llm .IO ZJ 4l4 J.M.+'• s.tan 1;i.1ftOl9J11J1>,,1, Alffg ,. 1 40 1 l•ll JJ • • · Cenlet J.20 • J.-u 1. \ lc1111n ,. 14 ,., 11... e r>llr 2. 10· 1 111 4'' • 1, -LI .n t '°' ••>-. ,.. Pa<Pw J.16 1 eo 21~. \.o 5«,..< J 40 6 m •II• '• A lenG 111 110 IS' i Ce.nit• ·"II "°' ,.., I'-E<lle•d .. lf lllS ,., .... tHIOI\ 10) ....... '· M•nCrt .it It t0u26• .. '• Pa<P pl l.1S . '°""'" '• S.Cko ... 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Alelhl n I 8 49 Jn ., \ CnlLt pl 2.U ., I~ 71'> • I EPG pr . 711 u111•, "° llnbo \ ,Ill 13 19 3'>1> l , APCO I.Ill 9 •1114 lt.\o "' PanAB~ .Sf 9 1' 1'\t, + \o JillellO 1.IO 8 ... 194, '1w Al,ltCll '62 9\t , v; Ctl'lllPS 1.411 I JSll U4• • ' E1c.or JO 4t 14•1 \, Il ion 1IO13 .. , •7 1 Mered n 21 ID l '(I \, PanAm .. 304' Jh •,. $1\ellT 2.1:i. 6 4 211\e le Al •Ch Pl•.••1 111 n • I CL•E• n 1.n ' 1 .. l•C·. \ EIKA• 14 stJ 111. 11~11 n J4e 13 149 16•, •• MtrMld 1.15 s '" ,. •II• PanhEC l .Jll s 1139 ,. •• SllllC.lo .50 10 JOI io.. •• Alpl\Pr ) IS' ,. CLaEI p l4. II · 1 31 EDS .. ,. HI ... 11 OllOO .Ill II 2S21 »I• 11 , MtrlOfl .64 43 '76 • ._-. I Papc:li t I 11 »t 231t. 1., $1\alG pfl.3,S . 1' 31'1 ~, Alcoa 1.20 ., .,,, ,.. : ~ cl.~MPw. 1.111 •'• "°' 1111s., •• t EIM•Mll HJ s•. llOJA I '°'. I 11SSI •• ,, ~ ... , .n .. U I .... 1. P•relyn 211026 .. lh ~IG pfl.40 .. l ,, ... ~ Amax 20 •J'70 2•' 1' Soi M ~ EMM pf I 6 II• ollyS I 100 0 , '• Mark pl 1.20.. 2S 14'.1 , .i.. Patgn 1.2'1> I 1'1S 22~e , 5/lr.;tn I 11 11• uAI t !• Amu Pl l 11 19 ', ~ CnVt S ? i. S tO JI > E191n I Ml • SJ n ' mtC. pfl 10 >I l io Mtrrlol .JO 11 •II S6\., \+ Peri.Ori .16 • 1... •'• "-SltrPac 1.46 6 111 13'•, It Amrce 1 12 1e ~ 11,, , 1, ,cen 1 trD 11 1 1 •• ll"' \i Em,.E1 , 10 I• 22s1 ... ,.. , om•lk «> ~ IW .,., •• ""'"'"' 1 20 IJ s>t o •., 1. P.,11.H ... t• 1t21 JJI• • 11. 51.,._1 .ti. u ll2261 7l" 1, Amr< pl 2 Ml I 1'I , n ry · • 41> I•• '• ERao l J4'6J1 19'0 .. Ollda l29 10 30t 25... '• MarlM 1.9111 lSl 42;, I\• Parlr.Pn SJlll 100 t• + \, $1mPre 40 12 20f U le 'e ~:::~; ~~~1s'!{ ~.; ~ ~~r~ • ~~.:::.1• ~:::~~. 2~2! =~::: ~ °":~· ~~.:·:~ ;!::: ... ::'l!.. .::~·::r~~ ~ ~~r..~ l,; m ~. 't t:=~· :m ~·.~n .~t .. AB•llr 60 II . CtuAlr . .iou 9-0 2)0, Eml\tplJIO . lu6S •• O<l8n IS1. II ....... MaKO .,.,. lll "'t "'PaylH .M U 11utt1 • .i1. SlnarptJ.lJO .. 10 ,. .. A Brano J.lJO I IMl ri• I.-. '""'f'll 40 n "'" u•. ' EmpOt 1.S1 6 10 14 or Iron S4I Sl9 20 IQ>. Malnll n . Ml..,, ... I'> P•yCtll ,:JO u no 4Jh . I $11yline ... '° JI'-,, A8rOpll lS J JS•., .,tl\m pf120 I J• • Emppf .lO lSOOu •»• \PCP &1 204.IOO SS'• •1 Ma\NI 1 1 .. lt 67• 11 ol\o P••bcly 163412'1 I\•• •o Sll\lll'IA .l:lj 72 fl',, 1, ABdctl 1 60 10 IUO s.-. Cllml pl. 60 2tJ d.. I\\ Ell\p pl ., . l6"° I Oitllll l 11 II 11• I I.+ ,,,,. .. YF JS> J • ~. Pen90 .019 ) 1n JI>. \t Smltl\ln " s .. , ts ••• ABIOM 111 19 J2•. 1. C"-mSp lll lllllt 10 'lmpln( 4011 301 21'1 ovgM 1.010 •6lul4 ol'o MaiCP JS. IS 21\1 P911Cnl I '20 211, 4. SlllllB l . .Ollu96J11'-''• ~::.~:no 2:~ ~O .~; m:' 1~'. ~:::n':t I. I:~': ul:~: • :~~:~c :~ ·: ~ ~' ov:rn~ , ·: :~ 2~~ r.~; • :: =~=~ ';C jj 10: ~~· •• ~~c:."; ~~ j4 Jr. :~:!' ~! ~':a~ l.: 1: m ~ ' '~ ACa n pl J.tO . 3 131,' .. '"-" pf 1.6$ l20 1112'.. Enwrcl\ uo '216] 211.. olnl pl , l1 I s.1, d • I ,...,... :ao , SSl9 21,.,, •• Ptftl\lf .., 10 l32I uSs• .. 2 sonet t.» 61)!4 -, ... ACntry .111111 s9 9., "C"-n 3 . .io • 12t1 56\t » En«I\ pl.tit . 111 ~-01n1 Pl 2.SO s 11• •• 11 Malll wl . 60J It\• ..., Paco pl4."2 .. 1111•1 + 10\+ SonyCp .14e •• JJllJ'l ISi•• "' ACyan 1.7) 121460 3Sn .. CNH Pll.60 I utJ• 1 • I Enuct . 546 J olnl Pl 6.lS l S• . . Melli pt 2 SO , Sl4 50 "°" PaPL 1.31 6 IJIO 21\e • 11 SooLln J,4Qa ' 21 214e I AOl 1.M 12 llS u .. h . Hi C"-U pU.1S 19 110 , 1, ENS TR Ml 4 235 18.. ovll'ICI 7 16 6 'IOtl 20'> "' May OS 1.12 10 ISS U<IO'o • • PaPL pf 4.lJO ., 1AO U •, ~' So<trcC 7.tO 119 11™" \, AEIPw l .26 9 -..... .,, ,,.. .. PU i34t 30J S9 ' '• Enltr• ... J n• '°"' ovNG 110 s , .. I "~· •. M•yl9 2• IS 11• ,, .... , .. PaPL pf l .tO .. rlOO 6S •' Sr<<;p Pl? fO • 11 10-ft '• AmE•p 2.20 11 <MJ'l ""'4I•, ,, CIWIW• .60b • •16 ll'o E11le• 1.• 8 193 11._ ovOR J 14e . 121 111, 1,. McOrm I.Ill 4 !06I 11,,. 4, PaPL prt.<IO •. lA30 67\r .. SCrEG 1.91 t S'IO 11.\o I• ~GF•nmCpll J·.!!! 111 1~~ ~h .• 1 ... ,c,.hmNVee1•n11.J•S ~ 1J..! .. ,,..:.•. •1 EEqq"u'•'m"·' 1.n 116 2~ 1!', owell · .40 IS J6 •1•, ~. Nl<Or Pf 2.20 . 169 lH• '• PaPL dprl-1> .. 31 191,. '• 50Jerln ~.20 / u 20\o• " ., -_ •• • , ·-w ~ -, owPI 40 1) 13' 16\1 . Nl<Or pl t Ml Jl6 21,,,. ~. PaPL pr 11 • lllO uff\1 , 1• Soll<lwn lJO I 41 .JllM •I AGn jpl J 1) 11 JI , I' CllNV pfl 11 9• 11'• " Eqm• plJ ll 1 18 le llbb•O J 10 U2 ul9\, • \a MCDiii • M IJ Ulf ·~, \ P•Pl. pr I . L4'0 60 , I SoMtB• I I •.SI u20 • 1 1 AGIBd 1:16 ICM 191, • Cl\NV pU ,,. S9 :.l't EqlGH 1.lJO S a lO'I 14\o I'• uOM 9 .IOJ Ml If , • • McOnO I '1• 9 .ion ~h , : Pa PL frlolO .• l lliO 66' 1, t 1 5'»1 PS I.JU JO 20 121• AGnCv 1 IOt J• :it , 'H Cl\NY pf '3 SI I EqlLI lit SI 21 U . 110y .60 II 10... '• McC'.ld 'J 10 t06 ll\lo• Ho Penwl J.2011 219 J.l"' '-SC•IEO J.S1 7 lOOt ll•t ... AHerll .If • 27 19~. ~ Ci.lV• I.Oi i• IO'I 16'" • Elmark 11.f II 271 4'14• I'. UQhTI .M S&IS9 20 11 Nl<GrH 1•11 &7Jull' ........ wpfJ.lJO .. J SJ •1 501111\Co 1.10 tll73 14'1. It AHOl\I .>61. 121 w., 1, Cl\ffP11 I n 11 ls.JO •21, I E!Mllllf • ... I ,.11'13 , •1 uman l ,.020 Un 4J'•• 1. Nl<lnl 9 ' JI n ._ Penw pl t,tO . Tl ~. \e SolnGE 2.0I I 1J9 ts•,• I AHome J.2014>tt0 ., ...... CNW\I 1 .. ,. ..... E•w•C -9 143 21•· um • pf2lJO • ""' .• McHtll 'I0.4 "° 14• ... Pef\111012.20 tl7SS , ... I SHE)•• •.56 . ISl\dl ''"' AHO\Cf, M 16 1120 ~I• , ... Cf\IMho '7 .. S64. I' E\lrlnt ~IS 1397 23',, "• "nlCh 40 IS 411 10\<t \a Ma•O 1 ,. •I• 20 •, 1,, P.opO • 36 IJ 111 26 .. SON"' Pl l 12 1 "'4" • '• AMI S2'6NIO..Uli· "CNMl pl 12;,. I Etl\yl llJO I J6J 31'-1, vllEF 111 123111 "24+ •• -•PIAJlll al lJO ,31 P.opE n I 6 ... 10'>• '-50vPac 2.IO 9 119 40\•• '• AmMol 610'2 SI•+ o, CNPnT lOt IOI/ 201 14' '" • Ell'IJI pl 1 40 1 vii',• \t yeul 1 I• 1 l4 II'< Mea plB 1 111 . Ml lJO , s.: P"'$1Co 1.61 12 4C10 0 ', SoRy Pl 1 .0 I 2>'> ANalR n J S "21 l6.. \, Cl\llF11ll 40 20 401 I]" r f Ev•nP .ts1 S>6 10 • '• -1-1 -Meer.,. lll .. IS I PtrkEI .lJO 21 1151 uJO'-• I SoU11(.o 1.5'6 9 SJ ,_,, .. ASLFla 1te 11,.,,, , Cllrl.C:I J 611 12 ... n•" '. Ev•n Pf I 40 127 ..... , •t IC ll'ld J • 9 1)7 Jl • h Medltn .. 14 lttS fl 2 ' Prmlan 1.lS. I 712 111, Soullnd l.t• IO IMO .. ,, ' AS/lip IOa I 16 10'· ... Cl\Cll pf 1 I • Evan pl J 10 16 14'-IC Ill Pl J "° 11 .... •• Malton i 1• 1 Jlt ., ••• I Plillt 1.40 ·~ ,., ~ . So Roy .. ts 1411 111 •• '• AmSld J JI) I),... 27\t-I'; Cllr•Sln •I , .... ' E•Celo IAO llS J.... • I ICH 11 .. s 6•1 . Melville J 0414 m 1161"1 ""' Plirlll ·"° 6 1111 U\o .... Sovmtk ·°" 3 9n 6'" ~. ASterll .JI II U I I) V. CllrOtl\1 n1 Jl 1.. 94• Ea<IY I 'IN II I~+ 1, I HA In 1.91 2 2l ..... • ~ Merc~I • 2 t 390 "'4 • 2 ... PelR\ 6.Ut 10S Ml'+ \<w $om' pl 1 . 11 91 • '' AmSlr I IO .. 6s ... , ... (.firm pf s 11 .... 1 Eu0<> :I 61120'1 Jllr , fl IU lnl 1 IS 11 4l6 11 , lo M.,Tu I l7 1 400 2, • I Pfl,.r I M 1i""' 74\t, Ir SwAlrl .l2 It 3'-4 S4 •I .. AStr pt S.)t II 4 '• • •' Cllryllr 9940 10'' I -,_, -IUlnl pf 1 2S . 4 l2 • It Merck J:.0 IS 1921 11;"° I • PlltlPO :JOj . ISU 21 ... '• Sw&i..,.,...l6 6 llO 2t• 1. • ATT S.f() 111600 610.J 11. Cllry .. , 11'1S ••• ,, FMC 1 IO I "" l2 • \, lelalloP , • I 2" .,. 0.1 Me dllll 1111 ' I Plubro 9A 12 103n US6 ... ,~ SwFIBk .111 9 Ill 16• 1 • •• ATT pf • SI .. 10, Cl\ryl pl 113 12•· .. FMC pl , 2S . I 19'.· .... lclHIB ' .. JIS 19 .... Mc!~rly .... •O •~ ..n~ .. ~· Pllll•EI i.12 1 •IHI11 • \<w SwFl8 pl2 11 . 611JS• ••••• ATT pf J.6"' "6 u .... .; Cl\llrCll I 11 2U 31~. • fabr9e .. 11 ISt 11'.r '·• lllP-r 2.AI I 619 n... 1"11 -wPI •20 I 40M 14,• • ~ PNIE pf 4 JO .. 1160 ~0,,.11 1 SwlFor .ISj 901 11« • '• AWllr 1.10 6 l6 zo~ •• ._ ClnBell 1 n I •1 u)l~" •, F1t1rCI .JJ I• .. 11'1. llPow plJ.10 .. llOIO 11 ' 1, MtMR 2 ilt 22'I J•• PllllE pl•l.40 .. lGvJI .J•, S•IGIS 1.16 • al79 IOl•• lo AWal pl I U l lOO J6 , I ClnGE 2.14 . I 12.0 1¥~• • F•UI :70 91 14. • 1, llP-plJ IJ 1.SOO 17" • '• · • ' .. Pl\111< pl 1 lliO S3 . SwEnr n SJ IJ 1$9 "" ,, AWelpll'u ' tl60 10 'ClnGpl 4 t1li0 JJ\1, I F111<1\d ,IOIO ~ "'• •• 11Powpl2.U .. t1100191 •. =~: ,, .. 11!1 ;h: t P1111ep11.1>'..1620., 3 SwlPS 1.62. •Uul61 ..... AW• Spf ,·u . dO 10' .\t ClnG pl 4.15 ll.00 3'0, .. F•11C pl J 60 .. n ,..,, .... llPOIO Pl4 12 1100 ,, ...... M<ll rm ) ;, 2A 264 I PllllE pl 1,1} ,,70 utO • I• S..rtn ,ta 10 I) 19 ~ Ameron I tO 'S 1' J)\' 1 • ClnG pl 9.JO t.,O 11ll'I , 7 F•mOlr .IC) II 106 Jll, •I'• ITV. 1 16 II 0 37\1 \.. MIE plCJ t0 l100 Jt• 'I. Pllll pfll. ll . tlal) lll:JO'.., 1 klectP 100 9JI 21 , '• AmHO •«I II 100 H ," 1 ~ ClnG pl l . .w lllll SI •. FrW\IF .. 96 1114 ... • ~ 11mN P01Co .-. ',!~SJ 14910 • :.: NllE pf GI°. ... ' tlJO .. 1 •I PP~l11IEE p1119s.U tllOO IOS, 2\r ~lrnr~y· 11.·!22 1141>61,1 n1 • ,~, Am•tk 1·10 IS JIO w»~' ~ ClnG pl 9..211 · 110 ll l't•1al\ IJ 1101 IO'o .. C --• MIE II I J " p lJO ":JO 10 , _.. > • "' Amla< .: ... 16 206 "": ,, ClnG pl •.u 1100 /)'I . FF .. ,. !02 "'" lllCllM pl2 !S II " • ~. NllEl:p HI~ ,;:, l!"• 1~ PllllE pl 1:eo . tllOO stl. °\, 5c111., 1.M II IAll J7... ... &MPI I 411 .... -.... ClnNlil n 11 ... ll " tdfCO 11\0IM pl2 d 7 " • ~t . • • • • PllllE pl 1.7) t•lJO ,. .. , 1, Sciulltl> 1.34 11 tlCX> ..... I Ampe; .to 11 ut· "" Cllkrp In 1630J Jll•' 1 Foia lnOllM pl),t) I 1' .. t lo ~ OrJ OS · ~ ?~· · · PNIS..b 1.JIO 10 11 12'•, i.. Sttley .t0 7 116-l9 . Amrep u Ii, 9 .. 0 i, CU1Svc t.tO u 2nJ ff•., FOllA Incl Gas JOI I .0 391• ~. Mell~ 1 l4 ; 11 '::;-• • '--~loM.f 1.aG 10 'l<I. 1 M' 1 J\1 StBPnl .tO IS ltO ,..._ ~ mSlll t.16 6 51 .. u • " Cilylnv 1.19 11 3"11 V"-F9dh PL 1.611 9 J32 U27!,> • I, 1• > "' ""''Incl .SJ It •641 M' .. • .. 11 21111 ul04. • ""' miter I.tel IS )S7 ""' • \• Qyln pl 2 l2 u4) , 11 reoPB 1 I,,. CO 14 IO Ml 10"-'' Ml\WJ ... J.67 4 111..,.,,• '-P+ill n r 1 10 Jl I ICI 1 40 I JWS n... \o st ,i ... J> SA,,• 't Cialllr AO 200 123 • 6 + \ fOSonl • IO I Inf I< n It l22 .,n._, • ::c""~ Pl2 11 · 4 It>. .... • PNIPe t.10 I M12 ll\• ~ OIMI 1.IO I OD6 43... '• A: \led I .Oft Sit i.t o ... Clar1'E J10 361 JI" 1 F.c!DSI J.IOll I r R JtO 71096 401M '-et llO I 11' 21'-• "-PllllVH Ml I 111 17'" klOOI\ 2.all S 611SI )1 •1 ,. mp n 12 JO 1i.1 IS'• ... Cl•Cll 1.IO 1ff '10'· Fa<ro 1.20 IS It pf , " " 21'• '• NIOCT llf2,°' s .an •• , ... Ple<IAYt •• -"" • i~ Pa<Cp .20 .1, .. u ... , .. An , l6 100 u14.,, ,, C1..-E1 J.zt 6 19~ ,,.._ , F1oun1 J 111 6 ngrle< S4 IJO U 12 '• :::lckn 11 J .• 6 390 ~ 1• PleHG 1 M I IS 11',, '-Stan<M• tt • •• ll•o, 1. Anc 1 )6 It no II'•• -. ClvEI pll.56 ti10 >I'<• FICk\I 126 ._ lnklSll lJO IJf .,,. •• , 11. ldSUI 1 66 6 *> 14'• "'° Pier I O 10t 9... Sl•nV.~ 76 16 •).I n •. •• Anel 1.n 6 24' 16~ 1, c-..pi. .60 t '10 10.. ' F1119le 61 6 2"' lfl• '1 111111<0 lb 16 lfO """ • ~ Nl:~Rot I AOU '" 16'• lot PhiMY JM I "1 SO'' \1 SC.rr•tl 1' • i. ut• ... • '• AnOrG 20 I 12• I)"•'" Cloroa .tJ ~ 11 I FnCpA ' .. IS ISll ............ lnllk ,, 1 ts • u • IV: "" a<W 1 so. 10 ., 111... • Ptoneer 1.,. IJ ,.. 22 .... \, Sl•MSc ' zo. • 10 • 0 • II 1 • ci ... nP I -21• ' flnt.p pf AO s SI 1. 11\ltlnv ll 1 • 1, MlllBtd I,. 11 ... 29>.. ~ Pion•EI .t7• 11 ., ,... StaulCh .... 9 JIU 1126'•. '• •::!:..! i: .. }~~ 1 t 111 IJ•: • •: fn58ar >ff 70:.'. lnt19Rl IO UI vJO~ .... MlllR' .U 10 IU 17~• 1• P1t11y8 .1.6011 114> ..4\t, lo StM90 .12b 19 1.. •' o ~ Anheu plJ . .O .. l30 SI... ~ chm .20 ll 1'1112>' I., .. flnlFecJ . 112 1'h lnlRFll 2 •st IS tlS 20\.. 1, =M~ l.20 14 ,.., It JI• PfenB pl 2.12 . " •S' I . .\, s1 .. c111 .1619 n> 12>.. .... Anl•tr .20 II .... .... •• CoHt•I .«Ill I ... 12•· I Flt.sin • .a . 6Jll .. \. •• ll<PS. ,,10.. ., 19 • .. Ill L J.Jll 6 19) U \H \, PHbtn • .o II .. ,, 141• ~. StrlBcp .n I 111 1"-.: •• Ante n ,)Ii. l2S IJ.ft, \t C•llPI 1.IJ 11 ttl1• \, Ft.Atln\ 1 • 101u22•>• ;. lnter<o ._2.M l01014UcSl'o•1 \t ::~fP ·:·j ~ J9't lo+ P...,,RK 91103 "• It Slerl09 1.0ll2 Sl4n Jf.\o 11, Ant.My &IC 11 n 1,, '•• C.ocaCI J.• "4'141 uf9'o. 1'1 FIChrl .IO 1'110 11\o i , Inter fl1,11S . UI u127 • 7111 MPaci' l ·lll I 29:1 i's"' 11, Plant1n .16 I• •07 191,,, •, 5Al't'nJ 1.20 U 4'1 19"-'• ,._.clM .2A 9 t .. II'.•, w ColeN • M 19 II u:l9" • •, FllCbl< 1.20 • ... 21\• lo 1111r1• 20 I 1154 27 • .. Mo ' ' Pe.ylloy .11 .. 22t 11 ... 1. StwWr • 1, .. ti ,._. ts 1, APCllP "",. llS 21 Col•<o 11 2610 .. 1 FCl\I I pl 111 S3 llllrlk '6010 1' 21-.. "" Mo~J·, 112 • 91 ... ,. ..... Pleuey ,..,. 19 ., 101 •• StokVC I.ti. • SJ 40 ApPwpfl.12 1100 St ( Colemn 1.2013 1lJO 11'• '· FtBT .. 1.20 • 413 14\, "lntAlu • ..,,3 112 ltlt +... .,.p 2... 7u20 + '' P,,.IHnl .11112 299 oJlh I<> St-Wl.60e I A9 ... ,, It ApPw pl4.ll :13 31 , i,; Col9Pa1 1.20 I IUI 20'• " FIB la pl ll SI , '• IBM l .. U al'36114'• It MoP$ prt 61 • I~. \, ..... PO .tO 11 620 25\-e• lo StonC s ,.019 6n uU , 111 ApPwplJlll Ju:it• .. .,Co19PpfJ..SO llO >l'< f.ICity 3' ... '• lnlFl•v 104 1t1'11 2t'r I, l'O\OPS ,i4 1l IO >I"-• i.. Por•ld IS42161 M .... ~ Slo.Slul.lD I .. 46'" \1 Appl""9 ;,, io ,,, .... 'Col!A•k .n 10 Ill ""· .. Flnl\I• 1.1• 611"° 3'•· '• lnlHarv 1296 •• ,, ::::. 2 ffU 2'\·· h PnOrOI JO IJ "' 2Sh '"' SIO<Tt< 9'311 tt1. '• Arcl\On .141> 0 ,.II IH• "° ColonFO 10 196 ""'•, 4, FtNllH 1• • 1S1 9.. .... Inf Hr pf SJ 9 •1 I Sitt K · · '"-T •I 111 J3 If' "lot 1. Sl0<er n 13 ~ JI\+, 1, ArlJPS J.SJ 1 Utt 2J.>. "• ColPen I .IC) IJ19 16'•. 't FHBo• s 1.97 6 IJf w»' •, •, lnlMln 1 .0 I 1111 34\o • \, ~HI n tlS '',. h Porte< •• 12 aAt IJ , h StrlclRll 1 "4 10 11S J4 • .. ArlP pf l le 96 ti'-.. C.o4U 11 l I Ill MO JI• 1 FNSIB 1.11) s 97 JI'. • 1 lnlM11ll I tO 1 S42 ]Ho '' .....,..~p m 11>.. h P«tGE 1.14 S Wt IS>tt w S...v$1\ .JO 6 "'6 II~• 1• Arl Ppf 1010 16110"91•1+1' ColG•• J .. 6 •n D •• ' F1IP• 1011 ••• '• 1n1Ptpr J "° 1 llH so·. .. =~I :·s ,1,,.11 •>, .. • .. ~ PoG plll so r&IO ulOO •' S..•P.i:.G ·-I Jtl 1'4-,,, Arl<Bil Oi lJ9 I '•• ColG\ PU.. 3 Sl't• • F\IPa wt 1' ) 16 10 lnlRKI 97 10'•• 11 1 t PorG pf 2.tO 10,20 + \+ S..llalr 161 430 S'• " Arkl•. 91 10 IOI " -I cso pi ).•S .. 1111>... FIUnRI I 20 11 16J .. " '• Intl T , .. 1 6S21 ull' .... =~-:.." '°111 ~ :? ,,!~· ..... G pt 4.AO 40 l2h. ~ !MinBU l.Oi 9 2JO tl'+ ... ArlnRt 1 116 1J.J2 CSO pi ol$.U rlJ01110t'"" Ftlle&• ~ t 663 11.,., 1., Ill PfJ • '".Sf •1 ' -.-+ '• PorG Pf 4 21 . 46 22 .. '9 Wt\Ch ... 6 :1Jt ""' o, Arm.0• 16 IO'o-., CSO pf 11IS.ll 1190 106 '• '. FIWIK J 10 S 141 JO• .. Ito 111 pt IC o 292 ..SJ .t ::'n~~ ·'! ,: J~ ulfO\S' t 't: Polll<h I A IS llf lll6\1+ I SUflEI .Ill . 1)1 ., ... • , Armco I 20 Oii II Comllln J I ,.. 11\• • •• Fl>llFO 10 1 SSl 10 111 plO s· 40 !O'" 4. #o ID J "' PCllll\EI I .. I 1>13 11 ... • '> Wt!Co J.JO ) alOJ'l l2"-, '• ArmcplllO . 1J 16,, ", Cml>En I.If 1JOM »>-• lt fllFlnG J 6 11111l6 ·, '• 11111Tp411S '""'° .1 ... n ~-,14 6 ~ 11'•• 1• PotElplJM. 1 Sl\++,I~ S..nCpl 2U •6 .. +l•t ArmR ' ·.., 6 Ill u1• ... ComOl I .2• I) 1101 ..,,~ ..... FIMIEll .l.2,. 11U )1\ .. '. Int 'I pl • "° ,. uw• .. I\. =::st I .:!' ' .. -rr· !: Pot El p( A.JG 201 • • I S..nchl• I Ill ' 61S ~. •o ArmWln1.10 lllll4'J4 l\.ComMU .&It !O II'•• '•Fl~m119 l.2A l1 2IJ '°'--.111tHrlh Jn 6 Hll11''>+ l•MONV 'tJe io )10 .... i._PotElpt•.OI . U'I )4 •l~S..nMn ... 12\t '• AroCp .IO 11 n 14 .. , lo ComOl l It lW SI<, '• Flea1\I 80 ll lt2 7•"', '" lnllfc<t 1 ~ US 16"° 4, MooreC 111 '2 U<ll 1 Premrl .42 16 IM J6le • 1, S..nllal •I llS 6" ~~.-:E :~:J ·~ ::~:: ~ ~::W!l "'-: w:· I t ~:~M' '.t!i•-·~ m; !: :~:,u' 1.~i6 ~ ~1.-.: ... =~:~ i,:,~ ~ ~~= :;: :~::1111::1~ ':1"~~· ~ =~:. :~a21~ ~~ ~= ANln 1.11 11 27s1111 ... , CwE Pf l.'O S1u1s1 .. ~ FINtPI 11 1.11 J4 , L• lnt81~r )4 2IS 10 o., Mo ' PrlmeC 14411:1 »+-• +. SUll"llr.G M I J09 JI 1. Arvin pl 1 49 llll'-, >, CwE pf 2 6 16 • I, FlaEC 10 16 141 1911o lt lnhtPw I 6" I IJO u16"-, .. Mo'lan l.40 I 20'U ~ '-PrlmM I .1. 20 ~ U , • • !MIPKP .. llt l' •• '• AMr<O .40 IC*. :it-. 1~ CwE pf 2.31 11 "'• . FlaPL ).)6 • 1'110 ll', IOw•EI 1.71 I • U\o • .. MO~W~O 1·~ I~ ~ ~:t :.: Pro<IG 4.20 121671 11J~. )'II. Sw•nk 10 11 lie IS'• 1, .All\1011 2.AO 6 ~ J1 "• C•E pf JJJ • n• ••.. Fl•Pra I ao 10 11112 19.... IOWllG 2~ 6 97 22 ... Morion 1' >2 s .. , US?\ H PrdRl/'I .n I} 20t ,, ... '. Syltron I.Qt u •is 17 • •• All\10 pl .. lJO 1J Jiii+ •• CwE pf I.AO '""° ... s • '· FlaSll !1 ]II ,, ••• It ·-•11 pn JI IM 20 • 11.. MOtrOI• I tO 112909 •l'' ,...; Proler 1.40.. ,. U h .... Sylw'n Plt-40 s 3IO ... Al/'llO plJ.... 16 Jl'l . Com ES IM I Jl ull., • •., FlwGen SI 179J fl'•, '. IOwaPS 7 • I l'l -72 Nll,.utf -i tO I ... ~-I., ~'!,COi 1.16 I 1•1, 16\, \.+ Syntu s I 20 IS J ... >6'•, I AsdOG J 12 Q9 4t•• "ComMI 2.Jll1l 661 9' \, Flowr \ Ml 11 >O 19 IOWIR l J M 7 .. ts'• •1 Nlvnlrd iO. S Jll U• .... ~ol pl1-.IS ., llO SI 41• hSC.O.~ .2120 .. , it '> AlclO,, 4.15. 41 7S't ' CoP•wt l 36 ll ,., •• I " Fluor .IO • U11 22 't IS"OCp 20 IS 1160 I~ \, Mnld pf . 40 ).I 91'. PSC•I pf2. IO • N '"·. I+ -T-T -Atl\1-I tO IJ SS 16'• .. '°'":t .. '°' .,., Foote< J 20 9 JI ••• ' .... ,a~ >-» s m O \,. 11 NIUll$1tll . I) 17. PSll\O 2.1t t 700 J1 '· .101( n ,,. 2:2 lti) » . 'I ~1,c,.ytEr'o ~ '.1!!'s 201-. eom, .... ~A u"·~~ !!:·. I .... FF~MI( J.-·1• ... 5•1 ~~ '·· lltkCP .... JS)~ .. Murpl\C 11'19 Jl6 "'• PSlllpl l.Cll .• 1500 ........ TECO ••• l20 J0 1• •• .. M --,.. •• ~,.. ~~ -• ~ -.. • -J -J -NlurpO I 6 61' 16 ·,1 PS111,i l.U . 11.IOOSI"' •• TlllE 120 22J 11 '• Atlltlcl\ J.«I 1 CJ:J9 .. ,t "' ConAJI• 1 12 712 112111.. 11, FNllC pf l Ill • ul2',, 1 JWl I .. S1 166 1• 1 MllrryO 1 20 10 61 11 .. , I<> PSl11 pl I.JI llO .. +I T lllW l .IO 12 93.S .s•, 1•, AllR< pl l 1> r:aoo l<I', + '• COMNll 1 20 II I> »>-•• ' FtOu r 1 l2 61 II'• '• Jmeif I t0 16 >041 ))lo+ '• NlulOm I dtt .. IJI, PS•NH 1 12 6 780 11w 1<o TllW pr •.SO I Ill\ t AllR< Pf JM I lat 1•. CoME "J Ill I • )I•, •· FIHowo I OI 15 1(M _. I JRlver 40 ll US 15' >+ 1,_ MY•rtL 2'1 1'1 I ' t ; 1 !>SHH plL1S UtO JI.._• ~1 T ac:BCNI II fOJ JI••• I•• All .. CP JS. J ?ti ""'. ,, C1111NG 120 6 1• It • • Fo\111111\ .. I IOll "" 4o JRvr pl S 40 1'10 u1111 • 1 _ N~ _ P~H pfl.11 U J n.• "-hit Bro 1 11 111\14.l'•.1•. ~uoa00t 1 ·??. n 11 S~J ~:= .· , .. ., ,cononreaco • 1 .... 111 ••6 13100SJ n19•• • ... FF0o~~!P, 1 ~109 !!! .!?!',, ,:-", Jam •w 12 11 CJ"" • 1 NBD "t oe s .. lO '-PSNH pff u . 21 >OW • ,.,, T•ti.r 2111 ~ '• .. 11101 _ •• -· •, ·---· -J•P"F l JS. 13' 91• NBI II 116 »fl 11• PSNH pll.7S It l6\, lo. Tall.., pf I . 14 9,.. I• Av<oCp I 20 10 111 ,..., 4 ConE pt 6 1 110 frplNI< Ml 111»1 164 .. lo JtllPlll 1 ... I 61iS U:W t1 NCH .n tJ ISt 1.-.. lo. PSNH pfJ,16 102 1' '"' T anoy JI tJ)/ .... 0, • '• Avco pl J 20 19 S4 '. ConE Pf • 6S 1100 JI' r • fr19trn 4t 10 301 16' • • \o JerC pl 9 » 12090 SI~• 111 NCHB 1 6 7•16 20'• 1-. PSvNM J.IO 1 911 JSO, It TNIJ<fl II JI) IJ•o Avery .'IO 12 Ill 3'', I' c one pf ) u ..-11,. ' Ft ... hl "° 6SI 111A'•. " ••Cpl • 11 llJO )l\1 t NCR 2.tO 111121 .... \, PSvEG 2.5'6 1 452> ,,... ... Jannet .Ml> I "' u 9'• ••• Avnet llSllSJ SI•\ .,conFds J31 I >10 o •,.1• FllQua tO J11 U•o I'• JtrC PI I t100 SJ NL Ind 1 41tW 11 .. 1'-PSEG pll.40 6 1211 • •• Ttl\Clr .n12120 Tl'1• '• AVOll J • 95'° ,. ••• '. ConF pl A.!O 10 I°'' i., FVQ• pl I )) 6 10' I 1, JtrC pl I . dO 0 \1 2 NLT 1.IO 12 ISi 11'7h. lo PSEG pt•.• llOO Jl • • l•llm• I " IU} )J •• Axle I u 12 t1 II'• CMFrt I .0 IJ 141 s. • II, -G -G -J•rC pl u "°. 1100 .. • H NVF °" SU I~ .. PSEG PIS.0) dlJO 191,, .. , Tel<om 546 , ... 4-AyOlll l 21 Jlt :II ontPw l .&1 6 IWl •• GAf .20 lllS'I 131. •t Jere Pl , ". " 14 ........ N•b.KB ;,0) • JIS4 191 .. h PSEG pU.tt .. 11211 4) '• TttloyM I 4061 ,,. • ., •• -•• -nPw p14.l0 . ll30 ll'• 10... GAF pf '20 103 IH •• I J1rwelC J 41 6 213 &3 i1 l'i•l<O . 1.1216 llU 211\1 lh PSEG plla, ... 101110.IH fh 'r••·· I) 4171 II I~ Bair nco .lJO I tSl U lr i., Pwpl1.S 1111oss1,. GAlX 2.40 t •s 291t JewlCpt .. 2l U•1 "'N•pcos .74" '4 9+. h PSl!GpfJ.11 •• 11 111., ~, tnn<o 2.n 6l6Uull• .. \o Bllrlnll 92 6 2>4S 1• •. llPw pf1.n rJISC> "$11 • 2 GAT pf J.lJO . 10 )44oo • 11• Je•k• 131 JO SI• , Ntpll"d .D 34 "' u26'.o • ~, PSEG 1116.111 • ~ us.1,,. ... line pr 1.AO .. J "661 t • 111 BalOOI l2 14 1$ 21 • •• nPw pO 76 ''°° )I • 1 GCA .10120 "" 2:2 • ,, JOl\nJft 1 16 7121 45' •• \1 H•rco .. JI w ,,.. \'o PSEG 1112.u . . S6 20' •• -.. lerclyn ' 71 m 2t1• BelCIU • • •• JOtO U<11'-+ 1~ nPw pl1... dOO 56 ~· GEICO .st 10 .. s ~. ~ onnEF "° ll02 .. I N•foh... 40 216 IJ~. ~. PSE " u .u . tS20 IOl•t •••. Tt-0 ... 6 913 llw " BIOU pll.06 I) 1111'1 + 11 Pw pl • 40 19" 11 GEO .2• 3 IUI '"" '• olll\Cll I.AO t OS llU'>• ., !'illC.n • 1 i It) JI'-•'"' PSEG pt7 ••. .tJOO 62 I l''°' pl 2.16 lat l04o 1• !!!,1~P.' '.~ '1 s~ ?!~. .. n"~ .... ppf_.! "1· .". ?!'· ••• GGTFEEqp 2.-10· 91•! .,'t-. I\. Ol\i'IC pl 2 ,.. v43 • \. NIC11v l S4 " m II' I 1 PSEO ,.... . "'° .. . . . tH<O J • 14401 ""' ' -,M -·-••~ •• , ,. •• ~ OflLOll tO 1'I 211 ..... NatOl\I 1 tO t •1671 u 1. +. PSEG pf1.l.2 , tSO all'> I TllAB< 111 ... I 21 »•• lo BallGE 1.lf I ftS 190, nPw prJ lO I II.. GTE pf J lJO 20 \01 • '• OfG*n 1 I 14 72\oo ~ HOist prl as J ,..,, PSEG pf1.AO dOOO •J + h 1 .. cm 1.ll I ... 40•,. '• BanCal 120" 6' 1J + nPw prJ.:rl l vll'•• +. GlE pf J. 4S 111>• '• ooren '1 IJ tn 27••• ... NatEClu 1m i 1S 16\o .... PSEG plt .. 2 ."1..Q10\111l•oJ\. •~E\I •.10 1 JI• Sf .. < Banlea 20 6 lllll 6>. nPw pr4 02 II 1'1'• GelHov .52 9 2'0 17~ . JOYNllO 1.«1 ) llSl Ult, I\ HtlFG ) It S 41 ll ....... k l< •• 266 , ... • lo aET ,i J.«I I 124• '• a.no., .tO 12 m lS'o Pw pl, <J 11 ull 'I. ••• Gannett I Ill 16 n4 M'4 "' K-K -N•IGJP I •19 1111 ,, ... 1>.. PllllllO .u 6 tu I +. hEl Pf 211 t u • t. a...B. n9P ,"'°.-• !!s, !~~ .• ·• on,,icpop 1 J• l l..,00 9·:·. h GepSlr 1.~ 191 ~~ "•J' I.· ~·I 1(01 n 10 .. ... .. NIHom llJJ II flH h Pit C•m J ~... 1ea4;T J.12 6 ll2 u·~ ~HY -' -~ •I , -... G .. Svc --KLM l:l ,., ».... .. NMOC•• .. io SJll .,,. ........... p 1.16 • "'° ,.,, , ... ,.,, -n .. n• •• Bull/a 1.:12 I .. 2>'• ICP J Ml I'"' JI"' "" Glarlll » • 419 14... '1 m arl I 111511 16 II• NMCIEn SO IS Sl'1 2'\ "" ""'ltnF 1 164 14'-lHIMI l JS IQI 1Uh Bnll.Am I.SJ • n.19 111)..... llllGrp 2 . .0 6 '°' ))..... t Gelco 1 12 10 l67 U+. •lfofAo tO 20ta IS ....... HMI ... $ :n II " ... : • h ...,,. •• , l.IJ II U.t 4'\1. , .. THIM OS 11 ,.,. ... BkARty '"° IJ 1()1 .,;nl •• ' ntGP pf , • 1n lt:\o GemC• ., l3 ..... , I. llt •' Slpl • IS 1 U6J .n. NPrU ,, Na 1 us 291. 1\.o P'f•o 12 ,,, •'-.... TaNM• J 16 I )4 20. B.,.klr LOS >tm 4l'• onllll 1 14112 JJ'• c, Gemln J.AOI . ll 1)\., 1+ a l S9pl 4.IS. I S" •2« l'lkmf JTS1 is.-. , QllellO J 1220Q 411 ..... hOC.as 21 USl•S » BHrpll.SO . 4' 111. 1, onlhl 1.>11 e 2JO.J11lt••• '• GAlnv 4.lM '"' "'" '• •l•C• . .0111t01 tt \o Nl$vln , .. •1 12 lf\o ;; Quall.SO .• flOtO U •+ lo taP1< .:1>12 JOU"-•• BUr pl •n . 12"31'·•' 10•1• ·"•0191J.., I t.AmOll tObl• 24' )A I ••CPI 1.37 1 IP· ... HSland ., t1 9\ .... ~· ,., 711" ""-• \+ , .. u111 2.0-t117•U•1 Banner .II >I IM ....._ onwOCI 1.40 II M JI nw GnBull • S 111 77h • 4, •lsrSt ... il't h Nafl?llll "IJlll I)•--11-11 -T••I• 111 , no J._ • 1 '8.rclCR .,. 17 4SJ o ... "" Un ,01f 2J1 l 11. GClnm 1 .S1 ll JOI ..JOI•• •, ane~I .n 10 "37 I•~•• "" NtlVI 11 1 io J ,,,..· ~; R81ncf .16 )I M 111. Tt•tton 1.111'10 1• lt\o BernGp ,tO . 121 1~.. ... pr l.Sl 6 JS'M ,. ...... GCl11m pl..... I} .... jlNb I s 1612 ••'•• .. Hetc.n l.«110 nu '"" .. lllCA ·'° 120 62'11•U•••"' Te•tr ptt.OI 11 291, $1.2 million loss hits gene spl ~~er SOU'l'H S AN FRANCISCO (AP) CMcnlech Inc, bl"rrw<l un uneven flow of lkt>n111ng n•Vl'nuc for iUl $1.2 million nol IQl!ll It\ th<' third quarwr cndc.-d Sept. 30. 'rhc piont•\•rin" gc1w-aplid ng <.'Ompony hms lrnit $1.1 rnJUlm1 on rt>vcnucti or $21.2 million throu~h the Clnit thr<.'t! quar\cn1 · '"fhl' flut.•tuatlon i('(.'n this quarter rt-su1Lll from tht· timing ut rt•venue for ll"'cnsing and rttsearch b<>nch1l'1Mks. which urt-at pr<.'knt our major .source• of Income." so1d G<.·ncntech presid ent 1\obert A . Swunson .&nottwr biotechnology <.vmpanyt Berkeley-based Cetui\'Corp., cited th<' same reason for a quarte rly loss rl'porled Tuesday. Swanson said Cenentcch still hopc8 1.0 break even for 1982. The· company de velops and produces recomblnal')t ON~ products. SS to get first loa n WASHINGTON (AP) For tht' first ume ever. Social Security's old-uge trust fund must borrow money tt)is week from another fund in the s.ystem to pay for cned<S ~Olnjl out to retirees. About $1 billion will be borrowed today from the Dis ability Ins urance Trust Fund, another component of the Social Security system , said Treasury Secretary Donald T . Regan. ·sTOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORI< (API -Th11r1 . price -net <"-01 .,.. hlltell mo•t •<llve Ntw V0<a Stock El<Mn1>f iu'"'' tr.Oollf n•t~~ ..at mo•• lban i t ' Eaaon 2~121,SOO Jf\.1 , ~ Sony1 COf'p 2,303,900 1s•., t "" WnA r Un 1.717,000 ... IBM 1,W,llOO IJlt T .. aco 1'1< 1,..0,100 """ T .. Ulll 1, 114,.00 U lt lmpCpAm 1,16S,l00 t• Amtr T .. T 1,160,0GO 61 1,, lillfarnrCom 1,0SS,SOO ).lo, PlllbroS.I 1.032,100 "._ Sea,.Rotb 1,019,:IOO 314 ""'"''" .. s.ooo 10\1 AyOfl Proo tSt,000 29' o .. n,AM(tf 934,too JS"-Sf.o•oeTKI\ n1.11111 n•. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VORIC lAP) Nov 4 Advanced Oe<llntO Unchanlleel Tol•I lnuH tot•w 1\191\' New IOWl Wt1•• ._._.(). QtO lhl.rra. 939 .,. UI 2070 Sit NEW VORIC IAPI Nov 4 Thwa l4I us 1't Ml ISO J v. .. ... ' ~. 11. Jt. 'J,. ... I . ~. ... •• Prev d•y 1511 151 221 19'0 SJI I Pt•v ~' 111 ISS ... , .. J METALS NEW YORK (API -sJ1 nonterrou1 me1 a1 prices nwr 1<11y Copper 72'1>-75 ce•H• a 1>ouno, u S · a.111nallon1 LNd 22·26 Cel\1$ I POUnd Zltlc A0.-.2 C*lla a POUnd Cll!ll-11<1 Tin $6 2325 Motels W-eompoe11e lb ~ 76 C>enll a P<>llnd. NY .... t;wry S360 00~ 11.ull N ~lttl11um S357 $365 00 troy OU'Kt SILVER lhurs<lay Ha11Cly and liar man S 10 63 P•• Hoy 00..- GOLD QUOTATIONS ., The Aeeod•llMI PntH Solec:ltd world gold prl<ln. T_!lurtdl:y Londoft mo<nlng ha1t19-S4?6 00 oll S 1 50 LMldo.L.attetnoon ll:urui $424 75 011 s:ns l'.,le allemoon h•.lnQ $424 09, off S1 05 Ft..ctwt lfalng $424 H . oll S9 03 lJH1cl'I Itta ellernoon l1lo.1nQ 5422 50 oil SS 00 tt.o $423 50 a$11e<I Handy a Marl"len Conly oeily Qvol•l S•24 75. oH S2.7S I~ (onty Cl11ly qvol•I S42A l$ E~d (only dally qU011J 5<145 99. ott S2 119 SYMBOLS d·Nf'# ~lltly tow. U•-~.,.., lllgn Vf\leM ot_.. llOleel. r1i.t ol CIM<ltnel• "'' .nnuel d•tl>Vf...,....11 DeMd on 11\t 18'1 quarterly or Hml0111nu11 d1c1era11on Spec ... OI Utt• d•"1d0nel• or ~" not ..... gl\tleel es teoufll We w:ttntfti.o In 11\t I~ 10011\0I .. .. AltO a11t•• or eatru t>-Ml\Ult rate P'U• t ioc• Cl•••Cltnd c•L1ciu10111110 e11v1oeno Oto;llfeel or p..o 1t1 prec.cl"'O 12 month• 1.0.Cl1teel Ot p.icl l ltlt '10Cll d ....... CI or tl)ltl up )·Plld 11111 ~. o;..ICMllcl °"""eel o.tened or no ac:t•on 1•111 1t 1..i dMOenO ,,....1119 11.0.011ec1 °' 11tio ,,. •• yM( • .,. ectUn\llilllvt !.-"'"'" dMdlflCll In .,,..,. DOW JONES AVERAGES totEW VORltlAPl t-lnol Oow.JOM\ •¥9\ for Tbv•.0.Y, NO• 4 STOCKI :Ill lnO JO lrn IS Ull tS Slk lnclus lran Ulll• •S Slk lo.9.72 1011 46 1041.S9 10)0 72 IS.ti 04.21 0•.>1 •42 JS 446 41 J. IS 1131S 114 <IO 121 OI 121,12 I.II 411.>.J 421,JI <IOI ll 0 0 JI 06 AMERICAN LEADERS 13,61J,600 J,06S,to0 J,7'7 ,ACID :JO.S36.to0 NEW YORK (AP) -S ..... Thu". prtce -net <N4190r GI llw ~n moll a'llve Ametlc1n SIOCll EA<Nl\9t 1uvn lta01"9 n•loonally •I noore 11\an $1 • OomePIJ'I .,.,100 J J,16 w CM11'P HO 4'S,100 .... G11llCan o 319.100 1)\, \, WanQ 8 2'1t,900 U~ , ~ lnstrSv•t m ,100 W• Rnrlllll A 223,100 1l'• , ~ lnll Bnlnol 151,100 A N" Paltnl ISS,900 10\• Oo"MIGas U9,:IOO Ill e Al.sh Air·1 1~,900 9:,. Uf ~"" ~~p1e ~Aq~Nt '°''-'"9 .. " -· ,,. Hew Yor• Sl<Kk Eot<Mn9e ll«il.• -warr ... u , ... , ...... -"" 11\e moil --u.e mo~ 11.ewo on Pl"""' 01 ,,..,. r~•Cllftl of ¥01 ...... to< ,...,,_~ v:: ':.r~ .::.~ ... .,,.;':';;~:':~~ pr1Ce end l1'ur '• pr-Olft_,,.,. _lllto~ 1tw .P<•V'°"' "Ol\n9 ,., 1 Telt~:..."'& l .. U~'I. ."'t UpPr.~l.s 2 A PL CP ••• 4. Up llJ ] ICalsrAI S1PI tJ • ... Up 11.l • SwperK~ JI• • +. Up U.• ) MHO plB lJO , }.._ Up IJ,O 6 Ownll 4.7!1)1 tA + 9 Up 12.0 1 WorlO Alrw J~ • .. Up 11.) I HOUSllll 2.tll>f 5'61<> + S• 1 Up 10.I ,: :~~~ .... a..· ~... • :: ~= ·u 11 Govl4 ,,.. l4 J Up t .I 12 Of'iOftPk l 14"9 + 11. U• 9.7 u Tannetoes ••• • 1, UP t,I .. PH-Y "• .. Up ••• IS W-IF 2J)4 46 4 Up t.S 16 Al'tclri.l)Grn n 1J' • • I UP 9.J II 81•wUld pfU 129 ~II UP t.l 11 N0<lSlm Pf Stln • 5' Up 9.2 1' U111Te12cl ,i i.\t J'1 UP •.1 20 Motltl l<onw •• t • ~ Up 9.1 11 Rollll\' 1) • It.. Up 9.1 Tl NICOR 1.tOPI lO.. 7• 1 Up 9.0 tl StPa<CP 13.\o , llo Up 1.t 24 AllmanHf 2>"-• 2 UP LS ts C0<>tCOpp pl ~. • 4-Up e.J 26 GenRecorp • .0"' • •"-\Ip r.J 21 MHMU Ml9 II 1'-UP l.J DOWH5 Heme I CllrY\i•r ""' J AmA9ro Ii !llP~r 6 Tt le• Corp ~ !':'~f.. t G•nll., 9 10 ~--~~ 11 R"'ubAir " V;y11 U Jewel Cos 14 NL 11\0USI u swvesr-16 All\Walr l>IB 17 B•vKl\Lb II Marc-11 It PSvCol 1. ISpf 20 Rt•l\em ~ JI Thacktr•v JJ AmStano 1J Toots Roll 2• GOIOWSI Fn 1> Wntgll El l.all '"' ·~. \,. 2~ llo "~ -, ... 11 , .. 4'• '-4'• .. 11'° 1 .. .20\e I~ . " 12' • I 4.) J• ... II.. 1h \14. ~. IOVt ~ U lo, J Jl.J ... )1 ••• " l'. 3'-1, ,,... ''· '2'• '• IS I J7io ~~ P<t. Of• n.e Oii 10.S St\ 1l:i on I.I Ofl l.l °'I I .I Of •• I OH IA Off 1.J Oii 1 ... Oii ]JI Oft t.9 Oii .. , Of! 61 Oii 6 1 Off 6 I Oii 6.7 Off 6.S Oii 6.S Oii 6.• Oii 6.• Ofl •.> n·Ntw "-· r-0.Clettd or Oll4 in~ 12 ll\Olllht plut tlOCll dMOel'ld t·Peld In elOCll In ptec:eelinQ It 11\0ftll'll. ~ Cati\ lfll\M Ol'I l•-cfivlCMtld Of t11-dltt'1IMl9n dlle •·Ell-dMcMtlcll or ••·•IO/llt ,..E11oelMOtnd 111111 ..... 111 11111 r-s.MI In 1\111 Cfel·c.Md wel·When Clittrtll\.lted wl-W'Ntl IH Utel ww·Wllll •ltrl nll ltW•WllhOul w11r1n1t •d<t-E•-4fltrlblihon P E ••llO Tiit price of 1 llOCll M I lflllll1pltl of ptMl'llfe ~ lly dMdll\Q tllt letMI 12·11'\0f\tl'I "'"'1191 fltllre 11110 IUI Nit C)fic. Barnel I Ol 10 JOO JJ~. .. oopl pl J.tO .. ., ,. • "' GnO•I• . •U IS~> h Ctr PL J .... IJIJ u211, ~ ~t Halm pf ..... , ).I .. llCA,, a.so •. 11'0 ,,,,. •• Tutt pl 1.40 . • 2 14 • a..111 pl ,.. . JI uJ5 • ... pLb .Ill 11 0 7 US' ........ onOyn .72 n )401 u ,,. CPl. pl) IO • llDO 31 • I H1vPw 164 6 11• u27h. \) ltCA ,, ' • . ll Ml • , TMCll. • tS4 .)'9-.. ryWr .40 ,. «13 191 ..... prT .64 1 ., 31"-.... GOyn pl& u 10 IJ • I CPL pU.U r1l«I U)}~,.,,,, NevP pq tO rltO ,, ltCA pl t.ti 421 u2l'•• T.llfll\EI 14 ll) ••'-. UAL )I -1'\t I JOI\ 2,. • n+. .,,,,. BesRu 141 12 65' I ...... opwo. t.16J1 .. " +I 1'11!1 l.«112 ''°' " ,~ CPl. ~J.20 . ) IH• .... H .. P pf2':m :: ,_ lllt:··\; lllCA Pl Ms ;, •hit\>• 'II. Tllm8tl7.tt 11 ,, )I UGI 2.04 6 9S ''" .: ~,l,,"e .. I~~ J&\, "" wet":'!' :: :~ 'll~ ~: .... ~ .. uscll 1.s. 14 ~ 414. 3 0<d11•• • .o IJ .., IS\. "-GnFos 2 40 11 tll 114''•, .\o CPL 1112 l3 •• l •t + ~. N .. P pl 1.tl •. n IS\•• h llLC n .20 12 Ul e•u '• Tl\onlln ·-" ns itt• UGI ,i 2.h .. r4JO 2l''H •, USl.F.., 2.u allt J•I• w p p 9 Btx!Tr .46 20 2'0S ff 1., eln ... 12 102 12"' • ~' GGll\ . .0. » M 16.. 1, CSOO M 12 Z» .. , •+I Nev.OS n l:JO 11111 , ~ ltTE Al IA,. .. ul7\o • 41 TM'IMO .20e 1 ll1 ''"' UMC AO I 111 91 VIII F°4' a.. ~! w:l~N ,:::, ~ ~m~: ~ .. ,F111 " JS ••t ornG t.l2 » 1J1• 65.. " Gl'losli .lO I 4.lt 119'\Ao. \ 1 CSo pf ' dOO u1211t " HE11tEI i'i 401 22 • "' ltal1P11f .11 U "21 16~ lllrllty ,Ill IO d10 vi•)•• UMET .411 17 Sl J>!; · 1 • u .. :L ~.1' IO ~ 1~1r 1 WMlrL ,,, .. 4~ ... .. ,s1G Jn 6 I ,,... • ..... I Ill,. Jl9 19"'. ~. GllHO\ll .JO 9 JU "'• •• a llGt , 12 ' lll ....... NEftP pit 76 • 24 ··-au 6 TKero I 10 1 1• ult"-. \ UHCRu • 11 •1 • UIPL ... 2. t WA 11Mrl119 113 31l J2\r In 111 JI '*'•• '• Gnlllll .SO I• 3132 414-1!,1 fl\Nb I ..... 10 96 J0\.1 \t H,/llK 111'16 1 1' it'o""i,; ·-I IO iJ I .. U.. T .... lt ,411 5 ... JI .. + USFO 3 t0 ' S'M .U\o .. 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II · • ...., '• Leflell I II I .. loo•lloo - -~, .. ~II. ~4 ' -.8 "' .... •"• .... -~ ' ' '\ " - I I -1 , I • -c c,. .... NC>TICI CW TMlaTll'a IAUI T,I ......... NO TIC I YOU AM IN OIPAU&.Y UlllOIR A DUD °' flUIT, OATU llMCM 11, ltlO. UNLIH YOU TAICI ACTION YO , .. OTICT vou• PIONRTY, IT MAY M IOUt Af A PUllLIC IALI. IP YOU •ID AN IXPUNA TIOM 0,. TM NA TUlll 2:.,~:r• y~~. \S8 ll~Jtg CONTACT A UWYIR. Ori November 12, 1982, 11 g, t6 e ,m . IMP6RIAL BANCORP, • 011llornl1 corporttlon. •• duly 1ppo1nttd T1ut1tt undtr end p1.11t01n110 o.tcJ' otTruenteorolO M11ch 31. 11180. t• lllet. No. 377911 In boOk 135!6. PIQe t2 of Oltlcl11 Aeco4'd• Ill the oft~ ol th• County RICOldllf Of Orange County, Still of C1111ornl1 Executed by WARD INVESTMlNtS. INC ... C1llfornl1 oorpcrallon.. WIL.L .S!l.L AT PUBl.IC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (p1y1bte at llmt ol Ille In lewlul money of th• United St11t1) 11 the tront tnl11nce 10 the Old 011nge C1>un1y CourthouH, locll•d on S1n11 Ant Blvd •• btlwHn Sycamore Stretl end Brotdwey, 81nt1 Ant, C•llfomlt, tll the right, till• tnd lntefnl Conveyed to end now held by II under "Id Oeed of Trust In th• property tilullted In stld County tnd Stell dlllCJlbed u : P'ARCEL 1 · Lot 1 o l Tract 10864 at per map recorded In Book 4 7 t . p•ges 47 and 48 o f Mlaceuaneoua Mepa, txcepllng th1refrom Unite 1 to 311 1nclu•lve u thown on 1 Condominium P~!n recordtd In Book 13~. p1ge 11117 of Olllclal Records. PARCEL 2: Lllllng Unltt t lhru 8 Inclusive. 8, 12. 14, 17, 20 thru 23 lncluslve and 27 thru 36 Inclusive composed of LU 1 lhru II Inclusive, 8, 12. 14, 17, 20 lhru 23 lncluaive and 27 lhru ~ -11\clusl~• ll'td G 1 thru 8. lnclus"1e. 8, 12, 14. 17, 20 thru 23 inclusive, and 27 thru 36 Inclusive as shown on s1ld Conelominlum Plan. The street address 1nd other common designttion. If any. ol the real properly described t bove Is purported to be: 380 W. Wiison Street, Costa Mesa, C1liforn11. The undersigned Trustee dlscl1ims eny llablllty tor any Incorrectness ol the street address and other common designation, If tny, shown therein. Said ule wlll be made. but without covenant or w1rre11ty, e.1epn1ss or Implied, regarding title. possesslofl', or encumb11nces, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) MC\lred by said Deed of Trust. with lnt11es1 thereon. u provldad In eefd note(s). adve-. II any. under the terms of said Deed ot Trust. lees. charges and expenses ol the Tru&tlljt and of tho truats crellod by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unp11d bel1nce ol the obllgatlon secured by lho property to be sold end re11onet>l1 1.stlmeted coses, expenses and advances et the llme of the lnltlal publication of 11\8 Notlee of Sale Is $2,694,311.41. The beneficiary under said Oeed ol Trust heretofore eite<:uted and delivered 10 tha undersigned a written Oeclarallon of Delaull and Demand lor Sale. 1nd e wfHten Nolice of Oel1u1t end Election to 54!11. The undllfslgned caused 111d Noliee ol O.fault end Election to Seit to be fecorded in the county where lhe real prra;ty Is located. Oate: oetober • 1982 IMPERIA •BANCORP , a Callf0<nla corporation u said Tru81ee 91120 S. Lt Cienega Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90301 (213) 417-5600 By: Wllhelmlna Rembttt, Vfoe Pfffkltnl Put>llsll1d 011nge Coast Delly Pilot, Qc:t. 22, 29. Nov. 5, 1982 4639-82 'II '. Or nge Co 1t OAIL V PILOT 1Frldov1 Nov•mMr 5, 1982 * • ll'f • 11 MllC NOYICf MllC NOJICl -~ M>TICI -Ml.IC JIOTICl •----0-,....--,.----YOU AM IN DIPAU&. T UNOlfl A PteTmoul 1iiiiii11 -Of •1 MU NOTICI OI fii1T11•1 ~I NOllOI CW fMllTll'I IAl;a 0 I I I O ' T fl U It D-TI 0 MAim ITA._.,., ~·-r.. ~I L.olh No O~MNIRllRICl480N TI ~ l'•IOU1 OICllll .. "' 1111. llNUH T~ 10410wlne PttMlll• II• dOlnf , ...... o.-T •. ~ C·ff)'I NOTtCt '°"TAKI ACTtON TO l'tM)flCT t>u1J11ff• H . NIWPO"T HOMl lOAN, IHO M HIWPOAt l-IOMIJ lOAN. INC 11 YOU AAl IN Ol,AULt UfofDIA A VOUI ,IOPlllJY, IT llAV •I H 0 I ~IOUllllO PAllTNIRI CllllY ..,_led f ,uel• under UM1 duly eppOlnted Tfull• und•r lh• DHD OF 01uar. OAT!O JUl.Y 21. •OUt Af,. "*IC J#4·"' YOU 3 11, 1Uil4 Oulrlggu Cltcl•. t0f(owli1 d•KllDed .. ol lri.181 IOllOWlng d•Kflb.cl dffd of llUll 1HO UNI.EH vou TAl(f ACTION .... AN hllUNA °' tHI Ctmro1. CA 90701 WILL • u. AT PUaLiO AUCTION WM SELL AT PUILIC AUCTION TO PROTl!CT YOVR PAOPIATV. IT NATUU OP THI NOOllDINO Albtrl ' L11'1flt Jenn1011t. TO THI HIOHHT a100IR '0" TO THe HIGHEST BIDDER ~UR MAY H 801.0 AT A PU81.IC IA.I.I AOAINtT YOU, YOU IHOULO UIH4 OuHIOOtl CltCll, CtllllO•. OA CAI•• IP•vabl• II """' Of .... In CAS~f IP•Ytblt ti lime ol .... In IF YOO NHO AN l)(Pl.AHAllOl'I CONT~CT A UirYltt. 00701 lewf\11 ll'IOll9Y ol lhe Ufllted Stllft) ltwlul ll~Y Of Ill• unueo Biii") 0' THI NAT URI 0' THI NOTICIOPTllUITll'ltALI 0101111 & MlyO Abo, 4047 t1lrlgJll,lllltlOdllllttHlconvevte1 &ll1lghl.llll•tndln1e1t11convtyed PROOUOINO AOAINIT YOU. YOU T.I . Mt. .. ,, lomha Street, Loa AngelH. CA 10 tn,cl 110W held bV 11 ulldtl' Mid l.O Ind now htfd by 1\ ullcltf Nld StiOUl.O CONTACT A L.AWYl" NOTICf IS HEREBY GIVEN, lhll ll00111 DHd Of flue! In lh• p1ope11v D••d Of tru•I 111 th• proptllY On Nov1Hnb9r 12, 11112 at 2•00 on Frldty, NOvtf'l'\119' 12, 1912, It OtlOrff Jtntt B1.t111m, 10102 lleftlnt!IM O•tlbM hefeln1f11r dft<:rf~ p,m., liUCl(l!.Y~ Rl!OONV£YANC£ 9.00 O'C.IOCI\ t m ol uld dty, In tht Prtmltr Av.nut, WHtmlntllf, CA TRU8JOR QEOROI! C LUCAS, TRUST 0 A: AUS SC l I. C CO M PA tot Y. • C • 11 f of n I• room "' Olde tor conduc11110 112813, 1 111\0le me11 OAHNlR. an unm1rrled m111 •• to Corporation .. duly IPPOll)l•d Trull"'' &•i.e. lllltllln tht omc.1 ol OJ'latlM Cad'Nllltdtr. 411115 ~r 11NllrlCIAAY: NlWPO"T HOM41 1n undlvld•d aov. ln111ut ind Tru111,. und•t.•nd!1t11Jnl to REAL 6STATI! Sl!CUfllTlflS D!lvw,LtCanada,CAtlOll. LOAN TRU8T.11.. RICHARD I' !Al0t<80N, tn ~or Tflltfifilea u 21; 11180, 8EAVICE. locattd e\ 2020 North Ed'Nln a eeuv PHllQIUI, 2&31 111eco1dtd J1nu1ry :rt. 1te1 11 rbnma11Nld m111" lo •n undivided •tcOldld Mitch 24, Ill 1, .. Intl. B101d1N1y. Suite 2oe. In lhl City ol AHll'tJty Pl~. Oltndlle, OA lnetr. NO 3H 10 In bOOll 13t2t l)lfje !1()% lnltttft. No. 31363, In bOOlo. 139112. P•ll• S•nteAn1.CountyolOr111Qe S••tt 1112011. 120eo10tllelllliltCOfdtln\J\totllce BENEFICIAAY· TAUSl DEED 1564of0111Cltl~'°ordtklthtolllQI ol C1lllorr1l1, RfAl fSi<A TI W111tn & 1.0rtttt Ktnnedy, olthe f\teOfeltfOf0tlflOtC0unty; INl/ESTMENTSINCORPORATEO. ot ll'lt county' RECOAOER Of' IH!CURllll!:S SERI/ICE. a Ollllornlt 1'382 Jt .. le D•lvt, 011dtn G1011•. Hid dffd of.lfUtt dt1crlbH th• AtCOfdtd Meroh 11, 1981 .. Orange County. Stitt of CtllfOfnll corpo11tlon. 11 duly 1ppo1n1ed CA 92843, , tollowloo prop«ty-ln1tt. No. 14809 In boo~ 131177. EittCtJled by PROPEATll!& WEST. 111111 .. under Ind purautnl to Ille TllomH t. Mtry S111w11trl, Lot 6, 81ock U of Ntwporl PtOt 1057 OI OlllGl1~Reco1d1 In the INC ... CtllfOll\ll Corp WILL SELL P~W•I ol 1111 conltrrtd l~h•I 53119 Hlgt\JIQhl Pl9Cl1. L04 Al191111•. Beech Tfaot. In lilt City 01 NtwpOrt ollfct Of lh• Recordtr ol 011pge AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST cerl1ln o..d ol Tru1t txequled by CA 80()·10 Beeoh ••• per m1p recorded In County, .. ,cl 0..0 Of lluat dHCrlbe• BIOOER FOA CASH (p•y•bl• •I DANIEL Q CAUAAL Ind YOLANDA L .. ltr H and Zeldi MOblly. &ook 3, Pllgt ff of Mltcelllneou• th• fOliowino property. t1m1 of HI• In lawful mon•r ol lh• C CABRAL. Hu1b1nd 1nd Wiit, 813 W lt~tr, Fullerton, <!A 02032. Mapa. In the oliiGt of Ill• County Tiie SOulh1111erly rtct1ngul1f United St1tt1~ II tht front out1idt reoorded ~eb1u1ry 4, IHt. In Book My1on & Dorla Oavta. Potl Rtoordlt of Nici County. 100 fttl .Of 1.01 18, Block A o f tfl!rlnoe of tho ConunonteJ Homt 13931 ol Olflolll Reeord• of Hid Ofll(I• 8o11 6185. C1nyon LDllt, OA YOU Aal .. Dl'AUL.T UNDSA A M111>t1 T1ec1. 111 th• County ot Lo•nbulldlng11 43~Sput11Euclld, County. •t P•t• IOU ti Hq, 92380. DllD O,. TRUIT DATIO Ortl)g'~ .. •1t ofCelllornl1,ttP1f Anthitlm. CA 02802. •II right, mi. Rtooldtf's lnttfum1n1 No. 4004, Dy S . Pete Endo, 327 s. Hoover .IAMUAIY 14, 1• UNUal YOU m•P 1ec;o1~ In 8Q<>k 6, lllOt 27. end lnltr"I eonv•yed to and now flHOn Of • bfllOh Of d•l•ult In Stroet. t..o• Angelff. CA 90020 ,. AICI A.CTION TO f'llOTICT MIM:tlllntou• M•P•· In tl'I• office OI held by II un<Mr Hid OMO OI Truet PtYMOl\l or pe1lorm1no• 01 th• HllkO & Lynne Toguchi, 3065 1'0Ull f'RO,IRTY, IT MAY II 111• Count y Roco1du ol Uld In tho property sltuelod In Hid obllOttlone HCUttd I hereby, Montalvo W1y, 81nt1 S11b111, CA IOLD AT A f'UIUC aw. WYOU CountyC. O County ind Slala described 11. 1ncJ1idlng tflll t>reecll or dtlaull, 03105. NllO AN IXIPLAHATION 0, THI EX EPTING THEREl'R M tht L.ol 27 1n Block 33 ol Nowp0tt Nolle• ol wfllch WIS 1ecorded July Thi• bUllntH I• C!OndUOled b)I I NATUfll OF THI '"0011.0INQ N0tlhe1.1terl)' rectenoulll 120 ... , Bt1ch, H per map recorded In 20. 1982. •• Re<:ortter't lnstrum1nt limited partneftllfp. AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULO thtreol ALSO EXCEPTING Book 3, Pagt 28 ol Ml~ltneou• No, 112·251032. WILL SELL ... T Albeft J.nnlngs . CONTACT A LAWYER. 'fHEReFROM the SouthWHltrly Meps,rte0tdsolOr.,.~Coun1y. PUBLIC AU'CTION TO.THE Thlsatatement.wulllodWflhthl 2208 Octtn Front Avanut, rtetengul111S01fftlhereol Tiie streel eddreaa •nd .otMr HIG11ESl' fllOOER FOR' CASH. County Clerk of 011ng41 County on Newpo(t $each, CA YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER A commoo designation. II tny, ol tilt lawful money of the Unlttd Stain, Oct: 21, 11182. • "(II 1 '""' lddlffl of oOf'llmon OEEO OF TRUSf DATED MAllCH re•• property descr~.b~ above 11 , or a cuhfer·s check drawn on I ~'ttltrid a %11111 dealgnatlon le allown tbove, no 4, 11181 UNLliSS YOU TAKE purPo<led to be: tot 33rd SlrMI. stat• or nauonal bank. 1 state or AtlOfneyt el L•• wtrt1njy 11 given 11 10 It• ACTION TO .PROTECT YOUR Newpor1 Beach. CA ' fldtrll credit union. 9" • .stale or 980 •••• 17th.,, .. , ,. aomplett'nett or correctntH)," The PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A Tha. undersigned Trustee 'fldero11ovtng11ndlo11nassoclatlon aultel 1 • btntllclttY under ttld Oeetl of PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED.AN dlSCltlma 1ny lftt>ltlty for any domielled In 1'1111 state, Ill ptyable'et •• ,. ••• ,,., C1llfornl1 tnoe Trull, by llHOn of • br .. ch or EXPLANATION OF THE ~ATURE MUC NOJICl- -'ICTITtOUI .,._ •• • N.Ull tfATt .. l!ff f t1• tollow1rtQ 1Je11on 1• doing bulkltlM .. [01801'1 WAY Al80CIA fe.11, U..,ITl!O, 27:1H L• A•mbl••· 8ulle 200. Ml11Jon V11jo. C1lllo1nl• 1126111 RICflltd R 81tnton, 2tH6 Lii RtmblH, 8utl1 200. MIM!Ofl vi.10. C•llf0t111• 021111 l hi• butln .. J II GOndVCltd OV • llMlltd p1rtr1111111p RICtlitd A 81t111on Tiii• etttem41nt w111 llltd with Iha Ooonly Cwrk 01 011n11• County on Oct 21. 1982. ........ f(tndell a HlrrlnelOll 4111 MeaAtthur llM .. luijt 106 ..._,,_, ... ech, CA ntlO 7U•t212 ,_,. Publl•h•d 011nge CoHt Dilly Piiot. Oct 22, 29, Nov 6, 12, 1982 ., 41S&3..e2 PUBllC NOTICE flCTmoua IUl lHlll NAMI 8T ATIMINT 1111 tollowlng per•on 11 doing btJlllllH 81 MULTI PHASE ENGINEERING. 20471 9umm1r Cr11k, El Toro. CA 92830. l/lvdkananda K1nd11p1, 28471 Summ0t Creek, El Toro, CA 92630. Thia buainett 11 conducllld bV 1n Individual • l/iY11<1111nd' Kandarpe This ~titement wei flled with the Coun1y Clerk ol Oren~ County orf Sept !Kl, 198~. '1"'72 Publlthed · Or1ng1 Cont Oe1ly Pllot .• Oqt 22. 29. r.(ov S. 12. 1982 48•9·112 MllC NOTICE ll'IQOlflCl"8$$ of lh• 11reet eddren the tlml ol eale, •II right. 1111• end "200171 dll1ull In Ille Obllgtllon• tteured OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST and other common deeignalion. If 1n1eru1 held by It. 11 Trustee. In Published Orange Cotst Dally thefeoy. heretofore executed and YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A •---F-IC_T_l_TIO_u_a_IU_l_IN_E_l_I __ any. Shown herein, tr111 rtal 1><ope11y sltuatt In said Piiot. Oct. 22. 29. Nov. 5. 12. 1982 dtllve11d to the underelgned • t.AWYER. NAME ITATfMENT Sefd sale will be made, but County end State, duclrlt>ed as 4682·82 wrlll.n Oeol1111ion ol O.f1ull and 1813 f'ullorton Avenue, Cotta Tiie lollowlng person 15 doing 'tl'Jthout covenant or warranty; follows: Oemll'td for S•lt, end written notfoe Mne. CA butln4las u : dpr8'S or Implied, regarding lllle, Lot I In Block 2 ol lhf "BalbOo Ml.IC NOTICE ol b1eech a)ld of tlecllon to CIUM "(II a tlrHI addre" or common p R 0 F Es s 1 O'H A L HA 1 R poases1ion. or encumb11nc1s. to Tr$CI", County of Or1ft0f, Stale ol the underelgntd to tell 1110 dHlgnetlon II ahown ebove, no DE.SIGN BY HAIR SURGEONS, pay the temelnlng prlnclp1l 1Um ol Calilornll. u per Mep recorded fn 'ICTITIOUI 8UltNlll propeny 10 Mll•IY Aki obllgellont warranty I• given •• lo ''* 2209 so. 8rlstol, Sintt Ana, CA the not8(s) secvred by uld Deed ol Book 4, P1ge 11. Ml1cell111tous NA• I TATt!MfNT 1nd tlltrtllt•r tht 4fld1relgn•O eompiltenen or correcln"8)." 11112704. T1ust, with Interest thereon, H Mapa. 1n the olllc:e ol lht Counly Tiie fC)llowlng persons sre doing oeuted Nici l\Ollce ol brellClh 111<1 ol The beneficiary under aaJd Oeed I Nick A. C. Pellynemi, ,1552 Qrovlded In seld note(t), tdvanoes. RIOOfder ol aald County. · business 4 !"" eltelion 10 bt Recorded July 20. of T1us1, by fHIOfl of 1 bre1ch or T c 921180 lf111y,unde11hetermsofsald0eed EXCEPt T11EREFROM THE CHARLES STEWART DATA. 1982. 11 lnttr. No. 82·250908 of def1ult ln the oblfg1tlons sec:ured ·l•~~ls~~jnt~!111~'co~ducted.byan of Trull, fees. charges end FOLL.OWING: Commef\Cfng et the 1708 Haven Place. Newport Beach. tlld Official Records. thereby, heretofote executtd and Individual expenses of tile Trustee end ol the nor111we1t3f'IY c0tner ol said lot l. CA 112683, S-eld Ult wlll be m1d1, but dellllllred 10 the undersigned 1 truats creeled t>y said Oeed ol running thence eute,.ly along lhe Mark Charles Gtevonson. 2093 without covenant or w1tran1y, written Oeclarallon ol Oelault and Nick A. C. Pettyneme Trust eouthorty line of Sty Avenue 6 Ifft: Maple Ave., Co1t1 Masa, CA 112627. e.11pr"' or lmplltd regtrdlng t111t, Oem•ncJ lor Stle, tfld wflllen notice Thia si.temenl was fried wflh Ille The total emounl of tht unp1ld thence soulh-sterly lo a point In Joy S1e.:wu1 Thayer, 1708 poueaelon. or enoumbran~. to ol breach end of ,elecUon lo cause County Clerll ol Orll\ge County on Dtlance ol the obligation secured the eattefly line ol Cypress Street Haven Piece. Newport Stach, CA pey the remelqlng principal tum ol the undersigned 10 sell Hid OOt 6. l982. F1MOt1 by tilt property to be sold and 4.8 Itel southwesterly from the 92663. the nott(a.) MCufed by 11ld o..d 01 properly to satisfy said obligations. rt1asonabl1 estimated costs. northwesterly cointr ol H id 101: This buslnus Is conducted by• TfUll wllh fnterHt u In teld nott end thereafter the undersigned Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally expenses and advances at the tfme thence northeasterly along Hid gonetal parlnetshlp. provided. 1dv1nces. If any, under caused said notice of breach and of Piiot. Oct. 16· 22· 211· Nov. 5· 1982 of th• lnlllal•publlclllon of the easterly lint of Cypreu S1reet 10 Miik Sttvenson lhe term• of 11ld Detd of fruit, electron to bl Recorded July 20. 4533•82 Nolle• 01 Sile Is $76,516.21. the point of beglMlng, This statement wee 1111<1 wflh the •-· on11gn 111<1 1xpen-ol the 1982 •• inttr. No. 82-250903 of ae.ld lhe benel1Cl1ry under said Deed A L S O E )( C E P T T H E County Clerlt ot Orange County on TNslee and ol the truttt C!Hled by Olllcl1I Records. PUBLIC NOTICE _ of Trull heretofo<e exec:ured end FOLLOWINGj Beginning at the most Oat. 13, 1982. Mid OHd ol Tru1t. Saki Nie Will be Said sale wtll be med•. bul dellvtred to the undersigned e utterly corner of eald lot 1: thence '1te572 held on Friday Novembe1 111 1982 wltho11t ·covenant or warranty, FICTITIOUS IUSINESS written Oeclerttlon of Olftull tnd 1unnlng nnnhwesterly 1long the Published Orange Coeel Delly 11 2:00 p.m.'. At tilt Chapman IXP<tH 0< implied. 11gar111ng tltle, NAME.. STATEMENT Oems11d for Sale, end e wr111,n northeaste1ly llnes of aeld Lot 1. to Piiot, Oct. 15. 22. 29. Nov. 5. 11182 Avenut entrtnee to the CMo Clntet posn"lon, or encumbrane1s. to The following persons are doing Notiee of Oelault and Election to 1 point wnlcn Is 5 teet·southl8'terly 4517·82 Bulldlng, 300 Eett Ch1pm1n pay the remlllnlng prlncilpel sum ol buslneas ea: Sell. The undtlfalgned c•used said from lhe most north1rly c0tner 01 A~. rn tht City of o,.1191, the note(s) seeurld by Hid Deed ol KENSINGlON GAROENS. 335 NOlice ol Oelault and Elecllon to Hid. lot 1: thence westetly In a PUBLIC NOTICE At the time o f lhe tnllltl Trust, with lnlllfett ••In 11ld note South C Street. Tustin, CA 921180. Sell 10 be recorded In the county direct line to a point In the pvbllcltlon of thl• nollot, the tote! provided, edvancts, If •ny, under Margtret Callsla 11Jnnant. where the real propeny IS loceled. northwesterly llnt ol said Loi .11 FICTITIOUI auatNESS amount ol the unpaid btl~ ot tlll the terms of ttld Deed ol Tru1t. 14722 Brookllne Wey, Tustin, CA Oate; October 6. 1982 Which point Is 4.11 feet southwesterly NAME ITATEMINT obllgallon eecured by th• et>ove lees. charges ind el(pensee of the 92880. B UC K E Y E lrom the north nonhWly corner of The lollowfng persoos are doing deacrlbed dttd o f ttvst end Trvstee tnd of the truSle created by Ellz11>e111 Ann Hinnant, 14722 RECONVEYANCE Hid Loi 1: thence soulh'Nesterly busl~ u . estimated cotlt. expenaet. end said Oeed of Trust. Seid salt wfll be Brookline Way, Tuslln, CA 92680. COMPANY along the nld nonllweslerly line 1 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY, tdlltnctt Is $222.641.70. To held on Friday, Novembet 19, 1982 Olvfd George Hinnant. 14722 434 S. EucJld. d1st1nce ol 6.89 Itel to a point; 17229 New hope St., Unit F, dltttmlne the opening t>ld, you m1y 11 2:00 p.m .. et the Chapman Brooklin• Way, Tustin, CA 92680. Anlllelm, CA 92802 thence southeasterly f11 e direct llnt Foun111n Velley, CA 92708. e1H (714) 937·0986. Avenue enlranoe to the Civic Cl()ter This business Is conducted by a Tel . (71~)..991·7032 to tile point ol beglnn1no. Maile E Col1CChlo. 9641 Bay Ot.11: Octobtt 22. 1982 BullcJfng. 300 East Chapman llmllld pannersllip. - By Debbie Bott Tiie '1reet •ddress or ottler Meadow. Huntington BHch. CA NEWPORT HOME LOAN. Avenue, In tho City of Oreoge. Elizabeth Ann Hinnant Publlllhed Newport Harl>Or N-a common detlgnatlon ol the reel 92646. INC. ; At I he t Im e of I h 8 l n 11181 This statement was llled with the Press combined wnh the Orange properly herelnal>Ove described Is c . H. Mollica. 10292 Niagara u llld Trustee pvbllcelfon ol this notlu, the total County Clerk of Orange County on Cout Oalty Pilot, Oct 22. 29, Nov. purported 10 be 413 East Bay Ot., Huntington Beech. CA 92646. BY T.O. SERVICE •mount ol 1he unpefd t>eJa.nce olthe S.pt. 27. 1982. 5. 1982 Street. Balboa. Celllorniti. Tlfls business I• conducted by a COMPANY 1gent obllgallon secured t>y the ebove Fleazt 4638·82 The undersigned hereby genetat part11ershlp. By Cindy S<:hOOnOvtr described d!Jed ol trust and Published 011nge Coesl Dally ------------1 d1sc111ms 111 ILablllly for any c. H. Molll(;I Asslttenl Seciet~ estimated costs, expenses, and Piiot. Ocl,. 15, 22, 29. Nov. 5, 11182 PtJBUC NOTICE incorre<:t~ In said street address This statement was filed with th• OM City Btvd .. W•t advances It $4 1,0711 . 71i1. To 4433-82 ------------1 or other common designation. County Cletk ol Orange County on Orange CA 9.2688 detetmlne Ille opening bid, yOll may · IC~ Said sale wlll be medo without Oct. 13, 1982. 1 7141635-11288 cell (714) 937-0966. FlCTmOUS IUSMS8 warranty, IKPIUI or Implied. F111174 Publl•h•d .011ng• OOHl Delly Date-Octoti.r 22. 1982 NAME ITATEM£NT reg•rdlng Utle, poueulon, or Put>llsh1d Otenge Coast Dilly Piiot, Oct. 2ll, Nov. 5. 12, 1982 NEWPORT HOME NOTICE Of' TAU8TIE'I SAU The following persons ere doing encumbrances, to 11tlsly the Pilot, Oct. 16, 22. 211, Nov. 5, 1982 472242 LOAN. INC. T.t . No. IMIS-8 t>u!liness es: prlncipel balanct ol 1ho Not• or «96·82 at said Trustee, T.O. SERVICE COMPANY u duly F & S ADVERTISING, 3333 other obllg1llon secured by Hid By T.O. SERVICE eopolnttd Truatee undtr 1111 Mlchefson Orlve. Irvin•. Celllornla Deed ol Trust. with interest and Ml.IC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE COMPANY, llQlnl lollow'ln9 deaorlbed d~ of trust 92730. other sums H provided therein: By Cindy SchOonovtt. WtU. SELL AT, PUBLIC AUCTION Fluor Corporation, 3333 plu• tdVances. ff any, under the M-221• NOT~ Of """-ICATION AMtttenl Sf«etery TO THE 111GHEST 81DOEA FOR MklhellOll Drive. lrvlne C1llfornla letms lhtreol end 1nteres1 on $UCl'I "-Oorded: OOteMf tt. 1111 TO llU One Ctty Blvd .. We&t, CASH (P•V•bltl at tlml ot •tie In 92730. advances.. and plus fees. charges 111 ,. ... a.-nn ALCOHOUC aEVERAOEI Orenge. CA 92668 lowlul money ot the United Statea) This busl.WSS 11 conducted by a all(I ••PlnMS of the Trustff and of of Offtclal ReoonB of 11·1-G Tel.; (714) 835·8288 •II right. title and Int-I conveyed MLIC NOTICE Ml.IC flDlG --MOTeOI -~··!MU ......... .... ... T~-~ HllUilll "HANCIAL OOAPORA T ION M du!)' IWOiflllef fr!lllH u11d•1 lh• rollowlng OtK(lb.ct OMd oC t!Utf Wilt.. till AT l'UILIO AUCTIOl'I TO THli 1>110HHT &IOOSR f'Oll CASH fpay•bl• II 11"'9 CJf Ml• In llWful mo11ey Of Ill• Unlttd lt•t••I Ill nglll, 11119 ind 11\ltrttl conveytd to IJld now ·held t>y If unellt Mid Deed ot T futt In tl'W f)IGPl(ly hlrtlnelttt dttertt>ed. TRUSTOR. RAMON LOPES. JAMlf LOPEZ, JAMES J. OAAY 8(N£FICIARY' MERCURY 8AV INQ8 ANO LO AN A880CIAflON; reco1dtd A= 11, l9t1 Mlneir.No ,11t831n 14178, page, 611 OI ()ffleltl Aec91d1 1n th• olfic.• of th• Rtcordfr 01 Otanot County; Hid deed of lruet dltcr11)96 Ille lpllowtng; • ,t. .....,,Old t1tet• lfl Ind to Lot ~o Of TrlCI No. 7028, In 11141 C11y Of N•wport &ooh, •• per m1p recorded Ill 80oll 2M, Pege 43 to •7 lnc1U11\/t c>f mllcelleneoue m1ps, In the ollkl• of the county r-dtr ol Mid county. YOU ARE IN OEFAUlT UND£R A OEEO OF TRUST OATEO 712018t, UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION 10 PROTECT YOUR PROPEATY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEEO Al" EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOIJl.O CONTACT A L.A'llYER The eddrett or eald proC>tf1Y I• 19415 Port Lo¢k.tl•1Qh Pltce, t,itwpotl 8etch. CA JnMO. "01 • 1tflet eddtt•• or common dHlgn1t1on ol PIOPlflY II tnown 1.l>OY9, flO w•11an1y It glvtn u to It•. comp19'en11• 0t correctneH)." ,file btnellclery un(l•r Hid Oe•d ol Trutt. by 1t11on of.• 1>111eh or deltull In the obligation• etwrtd thereby, hert1olore 111ecU1ed and dtll•er•d to the undereton•d • wrlll.n 0tc:11r1llon of o.ltull Ind Otmand for Silt. elld written not:ie. of brtach tnd ol etecllon 10 c:euae tile underelon•d to 1111 H id properly to 11ll•IY Mid obllQellont. ind thert1lttr 1ht underelgned ceuMd Mid nota ol br•ICh end of elecllon 10 t>e recorded July 13, 1982 •• Instr. No. 112·241530 In Boole pege ot Olflclal Record• 1n the office of the Recorder of 011nge County: Stld Hie wlll bl mtde, but without covenant or w11ran1y. exprtn or lmplled. 'rtgerdlng tltl• ponenlon. or •ncumb11nclts. to pay lh• remalnlnq p1lnc1p11 turn of lh• note(•) llCUttd by Hid dMd of T1u11, Wllh l11tereet 11 In Nkl note provided, 1dvtn~. II any. under tht tern'la of ••Id Olld ol Tfutt, 1-. chtrQll and llll*I-of the Trustee and of the 11uete created by ••lei Oeed ol-Trull. S•ld Nit Wlll bl held on: Monday, November 29, 19112. at 2:00 p,m. 1.1 the Chipman Avtnue entrenoe to tht Civic Centtt Bulldlng, 300 Eal Chapman AVI., Orange. Ca. Al tile time of th• lniual pub· ~cation ol thlS notice, the total ,•mount of Ille unpaid bt11ne. ot the o1:111gatlon tecured by the abovt dttcrlbtd dted 61 trust and eatlmated coatt, exptnaee, and ldvanoet Is $29, 115.68. The opening l>id may bl obtained by calling (714) 937.o9&11 the d1y before the Ille. Oate: October 28. 1982 Herme. F1n111Cl1l Corpor lltOn as seld Ttustee. By T.O SEIMCE COMPANY, Agent By MllCO Brenes. AllllSlanl Secret1ry One City Blvd .. Weal, Orange, CA. 92668 T•. \? 14) 835-8288 Pubhshed Newpotl Harbor N-Preu comolntd with the 0<11191 Coasl Dally Piiot, NoY. s. 12, 111, 1982 Dtl1Wlf8 CC>fp0<811on. ffie t1ua1S Cf .. I~ by tlld Deed ol Otenee CMlllJ, c........ To WltOm " May CO!'O«n. Pubflahld Ora"g' COHI D1Jly 10 Ind now held by It und¥ Hid rn-PUBllC l«>TICE ' Fluor Corportllon Tiusl. 'fht total emounl of Hid llll9'0W\'Mf NOTICI EDWAAO A. CAMPELLONE 11 PllOt Oct 2t New 6 12 1982 Oetd of f ruit In the property PUBUC N01.- PlCTIT10UI .,...., ~.o,H~~~tslden• ~~:11~~~:c, '~;!~~·~oh:~;::":~·~ ;J:1~~~:u::~~:i:-,'~Jt ~~~.:.~~r~~!~!4f.! . . • . • . 472e.92 ~·:t~i't~1::f1noc1< N. NO~~c:=:ou NAm ITA~NT This 1letom«1I was ftted With lht •xpen-ollhe TIUStte, at the llml 4 RI a E HIN 0 IN Y 0 UR ON SALE BlER & WINE (PUB. EAT. P\111.JC NOTICE SHARPE. en uninarrlld m111 School District· NEWPORT· • The tollowtng persons .,. doing County Cl«k of Orenoe County on OI ln[tltl !XJl>llcallori of this Notice, ls PAYMINTI, IT MA.Y •E SOLO PL) 10 "" ~Ohotlc ~IQM II BENEFICIAAY; MICHAEL A. ME s A u NI FIE 0 s c H 0 0 L buslneu u : Oct. 8. 1982. $18 49'1 59 WITHOUT ANY COUftT ACTIOH.• 9130 warner Ave., Unit H. Fount1ln ,ICTITIOU• eUltNIE9S NELSON. I slngt;t ~n DISTRICT. NEWPORT HARBOR BOAT M. U, ~YOllftf. Etqulre Oateo': oCtoblr 21. 1982 llld ,OU_, 11n1 tM ..... rtel!t Velll,Y. CA 92708. HAMS ITATIMENT Recorded J1nu1ry 11, 1982 H Bid Oeldlln.e. 2:oo o'Clock p.m. ot SERVICE, 3362 Tempe Drive . ma Mlchtleon Df1" RE Al ESTAJE SECURITIES to brlnt ,.., ecco11.11t fn eood Published Orono• CoHt Dally The following per.on• are doing Instr. No. 82·0011103 in book' ot the tQth day 01 No\lem,t>er. 1982• Huntington Belch, Celllornla 1126411 ntne. Clfftomla t27IO SERI/ICE •llftdlnt by jlleftftt II of,_ peet Piiot. Nov. 6. 11182 busmess u : Official Record• ln the office of tn. Place of Bid Receipt: 185 7 Tracy Scott, 3352 Tempe Oflve, F1llOOI a CllifOfnit eo<porellOl'I d111 p1Jlft•nt1. pl11t>,'permltted 4893>82 ALOE VERA lTD .. 18600 Main Recorder ol Orange County: teld Ptecenui St , Costa Mau, CA Hunllnplon Beach, Ca morn le Publfshed Orang• Coast Delly 85 Trustee. coett llld •llPlll-wltlllft """ S11e11, Suite t 10, Huntrngton d••d o l tru•I d11crib•• lh• 92627. .J 92849 Piiot, Oct. 15, 22, 211. Nov. 5. 1982 O.J. Morger, Pres. """'"" 1'-Ille cltll ttlle nottoe PlltllC l«>TICE BelCh, CA 112648. lollow•ng proplt'ly: Proftcl ldtntlllcetlo" Neme: Steve Provence. 410 Emerson. • 4538-82 2020 N. SroeclWay, •20i of dlf...it wM _.., Robtrl M. Smith, Gentral PARCEL t: Lot 145 of TrlCI No ,. Newport. Cellforni• '92660 Santa Ana. CA 92706 This 1mou111 Is $5,655.SO .., of NOTICIE OF TMllTfE'I It.LI Ptrtner, 18600 Mlifl Street. Suitt 9423, in the City of IMne, County ol ASPHAl T PAVING. BLA~TOP ' This butl1'18S8 Is conducted by 8 PUBLIC NOTICE (714) 953-6810 Octobe112, 1982, end wlll ln(.r .. se TIWITH No. 5311 110. Huntington Beach, CA 92648. Orange. State ol CelllOfnlt, 11 per SLURRY COAT AT VARIOUS general plftntrllhlp. Published Orange Coast Dally i;ntll your *<:count btcome1 current. . 0 n 0 • t •mt> er I . 19112. Jecl< B. Goen. Gener1t Pa11nw, map rlCOf'ded In boOk 406. PIQIS DISTRICT LOCATIONS. Tracy Scott NOTICE Of' TRUSTIEE:'S SALE Pilot, Oct. 22. Oct. 29, Nov. 5. 1982 You m1y not heve to pay lht entire T RANSAMEAICA INVESTORS 78'41 Hamay Ave , Mfdway City, CA t5 to 26 Inclusive, MltC!tUtneous Pl act Pltns are OI\ Ille: 1867 Steve Provence Loen No. MOORE , 4668·82 unpalel portion of youf tccount, SERVICE COMPANY. I C1lilorn11 92655. Mepa, '" the olflCI of the county Plecenue St • Colli Mesa. CA This stttement w1s 11184 With the T..S. No • .Q.a5774 even though l"ll;>•y.m1n1 w.ts corpor_!tl~n •• H , duly_ •PPolnled >-'rlllt txlllntsS ts beloQ cond11Cled rec:Ofdl< ol-Mkl c:ovnty... 92627. County Cit(!( of Of11191 County on T.D. SERVICE COMPANY es d\11)' P\lll 'C NOTICE dem1nded. but you mutt pay 1hc! Trutlet under •nd putsutnt to by a partnerShio. • EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 oil, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVl!.N lhl1 Octobtt 27, 1982. appointed Ttuslee under the 8ftlOUnLstalld l.bove. Oe.ed ol Trull txeculed by TIM Jecll 8 Goen gu, mlntrei. enc! other hydro· lilt tbove-nlmed Scnool District 01 F200l92 followlng deecrlbed dteel of lrutl NOTICI TNVITING llOS Aflet thr" months from the dete JONES ANO MARJORIE M. JONES. Rot>ert M Smith cartx>nt, below 1 depth Of 500 1 .. 1. Otllt\ge County. Callfornlt , acting Publlslled Orange Cout Oally WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE IS 111EAE8Y GIVEN lhtl the of record1tlon of thl• document huat>end tnd wlhtJlnd recorded Thi• statement was filed with tne withoul the right of aurlace tlftry. as t>y end through 11• Governlflg Pilot, Oct. 29, Nov. 6, 12, 19. 1982 TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER· FOR Board of Truetu1 of the Cont (which dale ol recO<dthton 19pe1r1 Octol)tr 23, 199V. H Intl. No. County Ckt(k of Orange Counly on r-ve<l In Instruments oJ 11eord. Board. lloreinelttr referred 10 11 4707·82 CASH (payable 11 time ol sale In Commu111ty College Olalrlcl of ileteon), unless the obllgetlon being 303111. fn BoOlt 14266, Pege 16411, Oct. 20, 1982 PARCEL 2: An uclu1lv1 "DISTRICT". will 1-'ve up to, bUt ------------lawful ~ of Ille Uni ed States) Orange County, Ctlllornlt, wllt toreclosed upon permits 1 longer 01 Offlelel Aecords in the Offlc.e of F:ioGOn 81_,,1 fOf pttklng pvrpoMS over not latet than the 1bove-allltd PUBllC NOTICE a.II right. lltle and lnleresl conveyed receive Haled bide up to 10:00 per1od you 11111• onl)' the legal right ·Ille County R1<:order of Ortnge Published Orange Coast Oally thll portJon ol Loi 237 tnown on lfme. sealed bids fOf the ewe.rd 01 1 ------------10 and now held by It undet .. Id 1.m., Monda)', Novemt>er 15, 111112 10 atoP tile lofeclosute by p1ylng County. Calltornl1, 0111•n lo aecure Pilot, Oct. 22, 29. Nov. 5. 12. 1982 Exhlbll "A" to tilt 0ec11r1Uon ol conttect lor tM tbove project. mmw>UI 8UllNIEl8 Deed of Trvtl In t-111 prol)ttly at the Purciiul11g Oepe1trntnt of 11\e entire 1mou11t demanded by In lndebtedneu In f 1vor ol 4660-82 ReslllcUons for the Leko Meeter Bids slulll t>e received in 11141 pll<lt NA• STATEMINT hereinafter described; uld QOI~ dlttrlct loclted 11 1370 your creditor FINANOIAl SERVICES FUNDING • Atsocletlon, recorded S.ptemblr Hdentitled tbov•. and 11'1111 b• The followlng p1rsoo1 .,, doing TR us T o A : Al BE AT A Adams ~venue, Cotta Mist. To tind oui the amount you must G R 0 UP 0 F S 0 UTHE RN PUBllC NOTICE 111, 1977, In l>ook 12382. pagt oPtned and pvbllciy read •loud It business es: WILKINSON MOORE. Cll!I01nl1. et w111ch llmt tak1 bide pey or to arrange tor peyment to CALIFORNIA. INC. now owned Ind 1285, Officlll R41cords. 15 Ctrporl the abo,,..tteted lllnl and pltol. 0 & z DESIGN CONCEPTS. 555 BENEFICIARY· MARI< L. FAHEY Wilt be pvblicly °'**'end rttd f0<: slop the fortclo1ure. or II your held by MOUNl VERNON SAVINGS NOTIC« Of f'UllLIC Space CP 1'6. Said easement Is There wlll tie e N/ A deposit P1ularlno Avenue. No. K204, Cotta and GLORIA R. f'AHEY. p RI NT IN G 0 F CLASS prope1ty II in loretlo,urt for any ANO LOAN A&SOCIA110N WILL .. ANNO TO ... LO further dtllned and dtscrlbed In required lor each set of bid Mtta. Cellfornle 92826 Recorded May 14, 1982 1.9 Instr. SCHEDULE. SPRING 1982·83; other teHon conJtct· Bruce W 81\.L AT PU8UC AUCTION TO IY TMe ~COUNTY Article II ol tlld Olelarellon dowments to gueranlH their return Oa.rcy Ch11lot1e Pratt. 555 No.82·168086olOlllclllRIGor~ln ORANGECOASTCOLLEGE llndmerk. E~ecutor .• 3788 Elco HIOHl8T llOOIR FOR CA•H IPL.-..O~SIOM PARCEL 3· A non-exoltlslv• in good condition within NIA d1ys P1ulerlno Avenlie. No. K204. Cott• the ollic:e of the "-der ol Otange AU bid• 1,. to be In .ccordenoe Str"1. Sin Dklgo. Calilornle 921 11. f PIY"blt tt lll'llt of sall In l•wtul ON ~ HOU11NQ eesemeni for use •nd en)oyment of alter th• bid ope~ing det• Mesa. C1Hfornll 92826 County; Hid deed of trust delCflbn with the BiCI Form lnttruc;llona end TeltPl'lone: (714) 571.0757 money of the United Sitt .. ) 11 1:00 fLalllleNT .....,_NT 1 ... 1 Lot• 237 end 238 ot t1kl TrlCll No. Each lllO must contorm and bl Zlf')lnt WQOd P11tt, 277 East thefollowlngpropeny: CondlllOntlndSpeclllcltlon•Wlllch If you htve ll'IY q111sllons. you p,m., et the main 9'\lflflCI to the TOT .. OAANOI 9423 ... Id H~t Del11g lunhef responsive to Ille contrtct Del Mar Blvd .. Pllldlnl, C1lll0tnl1 Loi 14 of Trect 594, Block "G" In tnt now on lilt and m1y be MCured should cont1ct a lawyer or the Ortnge County Courthouae, 700 COUNTY QlttlRAL Ill.AN defined tnd described In Article II ol documents. 91101 11141 City ol Coste Mela, n per mep In Ille olflot of tht Purchaelng Agent government 11Qt11CY which may h8VI Civic Cent.er Dt'lve, Weal Sinlt Ant, Publle '-"no• 11111 be held In tlll the Oecl1111lon of Rtatrlc\!_ona Each bfddlf Shell 11.tt>mlt, on tht This butlness Is conducted by • recorded tn Book 19. P1g11 25 1nd of 11ld colleQt blalrlcl. fnsu11d your home. Rtmtmbet. Celifornlt '" rlglll, title and fflllHMt O r 1 !lg e C o u n t y 11 • I I o I rtlerfed 10 In Parcel 2 tbove form tumlafled with the contrecl Hmlted partnerShlp. 26 ol Mise11teneous Mapa In tllt Each l>kkler must IUbmh wlttl hit YOU MAY tOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF eonveytd 10 Ind now neld t>y ii Admlnl1t11t,on. 10 Civic Center YOU Ml IN Dlf:AU&.T UNOC1' A document1. t llsl ol the PIC>PO"d Otrey C. Prell olllee ol the County Recorder 111 lht bid a cuhltr's check, ceftllled YOU 00 NOT TAKE PROMPT under tlld Deed ot Trust In Ille Plua. ~ Mtellng Room. O 11 D OF TR U IT 0 AT I 0 61Jbcontrecto11 on 11111 projeet " Thlt st•t-t wu filed with the said county. check. or bidder's bond mid• ACTION. pr~ty t1tu1!1d In Hid County Senta Ana. Ctlfforn1e. on Mondly. DICIMll fl "• 1t11. UNLlll required by 1h• Subltttlng 1nd County Clttk of Ofangl County on YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Pl)'•~ 10 the Ofdtt of lht Cout NOTICE 0, DeFAULT Inds~~~~~ ~E CITY OF Novtmt>er 15. 1982 end Mondty. YOU TMI ACTION TO f'ROftCT Sul>Conlt1Cling Fafr Preclieet Act. October 27. 111112. DEED OF TRUST OATEO APAIL 30. Commvnlt'y ColMlge Olettlet Boord NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN' That COSTA MESA AS PER MAP FILED o-tnbtf t. 1982 el the hO\lf of YOUR f'ROf'IRTY, IT MAY If Govt. Codi S.C. 4100 tl 119q. F.-o 1982 UNlESSYOUTA~EACTtON ofTru11-1nenarnountnotlets FIRST AMERICAN TITLE IN SOOK 14·3 P•GE •s OF l:30p,m .. orMtoor1tlllfHlttrM a<>l.DATAl'UeUCIALIG. Elcilbtddlrmustsut>mitWllhhls Publl•h•d Oreno• Co1tt 01lly TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT thlll flvt PlfCltlll (.S%) of •n. tum IN s u RAN c E c 0 Mp AN y. • . " .. the commllllon'• egendt pennlt1. .-.o AN IXIPLANATION THI. b id cer1111td or CHhltr't check Pilot, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12. Ill, 19112 MAY BE SOL.D AT A PUBLIC SALE. bid ... guerentee t~I the! lidd« corpo11tlon .•• duly eppoinlld PARCEL MAPS. IN THE OFFICE OF All lnterM11d pettlH .,. ln\111~ to llfATUlll 0, THI "oc 01 .. Q paytblt 10 lhe OlSTAICT 0( I bid 478Nl2 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION will enter Into th• propoeed TruttH under 1 OHd of Tru•t THE COUNTV RECORDER OF SAID tttend enO bt hHrd. Written ~OAINtT YOU, YOU IHOULD bond rn tlll fOrrtt tel lortll In the • OS TH e NAT u RE 0 F THE Contreot ii Ille Nm9 ,, .. .,<led lo dtttd Auguat 27. IN I. •IC'ICl.tted by COUNTY. cOMtnenll .,, lleo ll't\/lted. n-CONTACT A LAWYER. contract d()CUmlnl& In en ""°""' ----PUBl--1-C-N0--T1C-[---l 9AOCEEOfNG AGAINST YOU, YOU him. In the event of llliure to tnlet Wendy S . St. J .. n. 1 mtrrflO "IMIM81R. YOU MAV lOll mey De etn1 to lht CornmlHlon ti 181 Pineview, lrvfnl, Ctllfornla 1191 leSJ lhlll $5.000(Flve ThOutend ------------iSHOULD CONlACT A LAWYER. · Into auch contract. the proc:Md• ol woman • ., Tru11or. In flV« 01 Gust VT~ICI ~Y .. •cnov~ 0,2 :OouT P .O. lox 4048, Santa Ant, "(II •$!eel 1ddr"8 0< common O'olltrs) u • ouartntM th1t the NOTICE OF f1UNQ OF The street addreH or common the chec<k wlll be fo<t9fled, Of Ir! the O. Llndmtrk. • widower 11 .. ........,.. ... , .. ... ,.. Clfltomle 9}702-4041, or'dellYlll'ICI dHlgn1tion It t~wn tbov1, no lliddtr w!U enter Into the propoMCI IAVltlGI ANO LOAN cMtlgMllOl'I of ebOve Is 251 F1owet CAM ore bond, Ille f\111 eum lhlrto BtntllcllfY recorded Oototier 12 HAVI ANY QUllTIONI, YOU. ti lhe cotnmenctmt nt OI ttcll werrtnly le given u 10 Ill contrtct 11 lhe Hmt le IWetded 10 PACLITY APPUCAno.. Slrett. Cott• M .... CA 92027. No wltl b• lorlelltd to H ld coll911e 1981, •• Instrument No. 14879, In IMO ULO c ONT ACT YOUR •c"•dultc:I publlC tlt1rlno'. This coml)let-or coneclt\ftl)," him. In 1111 event OI fiilurt lo enter , .... ••ndadoft) w.,,. n t y 1 e gr ve n u 1 o I u dlttrlct. l>OOk 14252, ptge 1873, of Otfle.1111 LAWYIR. Houllno ~t 9'fllfldment ..ttt Thi bentflc•ery undlf Mid OHd Into Hid 'onlrlCt. IUCh Me\llllY Wiii Notice 11 .1\ertby .glvtn that er completenteS or correctnftl. No blddet ml)' withdrew hit bid Rec0tcJt In the Olilce of the County Th•""'' •ddfHI 1no othtr be h•trd by t llt S o a rd of ol Trv•t by rfflOll of• brMCh or bt for1eft. tpplicetlon ha bHn llled with the lhe beneflcl1r1 und« Mid o..d for • pe!'lod for lort;•fl111(45) d.vt R1cord11 of Or1no• Coun1y, common Cletlgn1tlon. If any, Of 1119 S up1rvl1or1 on Wtdnetdey, cte11U11 1n 1111 obllgetlons llioured OISTAICT f-VH th• rlgj'l1 to DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS ANC of Trust, by , .. son of • IHHCh °' •lttt 1111 d ...... r0t the ~Ing Celifornlt , aecurlnQ. amono olher "'' pr.operty dHCflbld tbove ,, JlflUllY M. IM2. Thi PIJ1pot9 of lhtftby. heretofore •lltc:Uted Ind fljtc:I lflY 0( 811 bids Of to wt1111111y LOAN reletlng to en lpf>llcttlon b\ deftull 111 the obllQetlont MGUrld thereof, obl1oet1c>na. ooe note for the eum of pufported lo be: 421 Eut 2011! the 1m1ndment 11 lo update Ille delfveted to th• 11nd1rtlgned • lrregularltlet or lnl0fmtl1tlff In any IRVlNE CITY SAVINGS ANO lOAI< IMreby, hefe1olori llltCMtd end Tll9'8oetd C)f T'rvtl-,_ ..... $6,&05 • .$0 lhtt th• b•nellcl•I SllHI No. c. Ootll Mtlu.. Cellfornjl Elefntnt .. pw OC>lllmmtnl coo. written DeclerlllOn of O.leult Ind bids or In the bidding, ASSOCIATION, ICM' perml .. lon I< delfvered to the under1lgntd t 11141 prMi,ge of r1)ect1no tnY and ell Int-I under IUQh Oee4 of Trutt, tH2.5. a.otlon• 85580-061189 Oemend 10< Slit, and Wl'ltlen notic. Purautnt to '"• provl1lont ol estiblish , f1clllly 11. or In tfl• wrftten Dec111t1tton of Default end bid• or lo welVl lflY l1reg11111r111 .. or 1nd tllt obllgatlont 11eured Tiit underalgntd dltclllm• •ny COMflllAMCI WIT" T"I ot bltech and of lllte11on to~ SectlOn 1773 ol tllt Labor Coat ol lmmedl•I• v1clnlly of Mlch1l1or Oemend f0< Sele, Ind written notice lntofm1llll• In any bid or In lht thereby • .,. ~tly held by the l'ebHlty '°'any lnc0tr1etneu of tllt CAl.,OllMtA INV .. OMMIWTAL the Ul\d1re1on•d to Hll Hid 011 S1111 of C1lltorl\l1 , t he DrfYI, tnd von Klrm1n Avenue of brHCll end ol llllctlon to Cl\IM bld<flnQ. uncS«ttgneO: but 1 IHMCh oli tnd 11'"' lddr .. , llld Olhef common DUALITY ACT! P'Of>ltly to •ll•IY Mid ob11Q1tlon1, OIStAICt hit' ob1,1n•d lrClnl t,.. City of lrillle. Col.Inly of Orlfl(le. Ill• undtr1lgntd to Hll Hid NORMAN E. V'ATSON dlltvn ln. the obllgttlont for~ ~·11on. ll tllr., lhOwn '*"" Enwont'*1tll Cllerenc;e fof Ille tnd lh•tHll•f \ht undtrtlon•O Director OI th• Otp1rtmtnl ol A. publlc '-'Ing -111 be 11e1c1 1 pre)f*ty 10 Mll•IY Hid Ollllg•ltont. Seoretaty. 1UO.ti o.ed of 'Trutt le eecurlty llu 8tld Oii "'' 1 bt mad•. but Hout1n9 Ei.m.nt amendment llu ceuted Mid notlClt of IHlllCh and ol lndutlrltl R1l1t1ons th• gen•r•I Ill• Department'• olllc• 11 t:OC 11nd llltrttll•r the undersigned Boltd ol Tl\llt... ocouired In thet peyment hM not wltllout coven11nt Of wartenty, not ~ llNllad but Ml be Pt1or tl~tlOf'I 10 be r9CC>rd.O May 11, PfeY&lllng 11i. ol Ptl diem wtQet p.m .. on the 2nd of"-"'*' tN2 ceutecl Mid notlcl of brtactl #Id 6' 1 CO.I Community bttn made ot tht entire prl!IOIPll •x~ or ~. rpdlng 111" to~ Conwlllelon and loerd 111e2 11 Jnttr. No. U -182,9'1 In end the geneiel Pfl'Y•lllng 11te tot •I 800 South Oommonw111tt el.etlon 10 be reco1ded July 12, ColltQtl Oletl'ICI belllllOI of 16.220.57 Wf)Jell becerne POINlllOll or •~11moranc•1. to of 8l.tptw\lllort alloptlon. bOOlc of ••let ()ftlel•I "9Cordt holld•y 1nd o .... fllmt WOfl\ in the Allenua, Lot Angel99. Ctlllornl• 1gu, u ln111. No, 82-2311461 ol Publl•h•d Orenge Colet Oelly du• Septembu I. 1982, with P'Y lht lottl •l!\O\lflt of tlll uftP9ld FOii more lftfot!Mtlon, oont8CI tn. $1ld Ult wlll b• mad•, t>ut looallty In Whlc:ll this wOfk It to be to005 t11d Offlcttl Records. ~ Pilot Oat. 30, Nov. S, 1082 flltetffl lllefton from 89'11embel 1, bll-ot the OOfltetlon 111C11red Envlron111tnlel M1n101me111 wllh011l co11tn1n1 or wtrrlnty. perfOllmed tor Heh cr1n or type ot Tlle~lon 11 open for ~t>li< Slld 1111 wlfl bt mtd•, but 4815-82 11112. lltY end e1111.1m1 lldvenoect bv bY th• p rop1r1y 10 b• •old Aoeney, lntoft'llltlon .,,d liouell!g •xP'"t or lmptitcl. 1'9Qerc:llng 1111e. worktt nt1d1d to exeoul• tile ft1114'1Clfotl In 11000JC1enct whh Ille wltllout•covenant or warrent.j, the btlntllc4ary undet tlle lefme Ind coneltttno of Pflnetptl •nd tntlfltl 0.VelOC>IMnt Olfloe, P.0 Bo• 4048, pOll-lon. or -mt>renoH, to COl'lt111ct. Thele r'tlet.,. on·flll et CIOIMllllloner·· r..,i.tlone ...... e11pr ... Of lmplled, rlglldlnQ lllle, "8.IC fl)TIC( flTOVltlon• Of uld Deed ol Tfu1t; of lllO,oet.ttl, ""'' COtlt , Oiq>lt\ .... 8•n11 Mt. CtllfO!lnle 92702"'4048, P•Y the "'""lnlnO ~ tum Of the OtS'tAICT office loc•ttd •I 1857 ofb al .... Oepertment of 8tvtnge po ..... lon. Of tnc:vmbranc ... 10 togetlltf with ell tfutl•'• f ... ind' •dvencH. Ind Tr1itttt le .. I~ (714) N4·10M 'Ille note(t) MCUred by NICI o..d Of Ptecenlle S t .• Cotti Mtll, CA encl '"°"'of,,,. St•• of c.rttorrile pay the ftl!M.lf'llnO prlncipel 8Ulll Qf NOTICI °' .....c .. ANNQ OOtlt eellmllled •o De 1i.ee1.49 •• , '"' P11t>ll•lltd Or•no• COMI ~tfly Trlat, """ llltereef. In Nici notl 924127 Copltt "''Y "Oblll!Md Ofl 1 o c • t • d • t 8 o o 8 out h the nol• MC\itecf bV Mid OMd ot An 0 rd I n• n Cl• • n I I He d Tiit! by 1t .. 011 thereof, th• time of lnlllel put>llcetlon OI thlt "'*"·No¥. I. 1M2 tit~ Pl'OVlcled, edYMOM, II eny. u!lder rtquHI A copy Of lllH• retes Comr11onWHllll Avenue. LOI Ttust, Wltll Inter• .. ltl Mid not• "~INCY INTl!AIM OAOINAHCI! Ul\Cllrtlgntd. pr•Mfll .,.neflclary f'OllOe al Ille, wtllell two tuml totlf il'le' ttrme Of Mid Deed of Ttull,• '111111 be POiled .. Int IOb tit .. A1191IH, 9000!5 (Tat: (2131 prcmdwd. adVlneet. ti ett'/ ~Of TiiE CITY COUNCIL CW TI11 under tuCh Ottd Of Truat, llH IU.17~.U. Cuir enlly dlted '-"• cNtfM 1n4 .. ,.,,._. OI 11'19 It 9'1111 be m1ndtl°"Y Ill»" tflt Ue·2715), and 360 8tntom• Ille lerme of .. Id Detd Of Tflltt. CITY O F L AGUNA llACH necut«l9'ddthwedtoNlc:tdllly ..,_, dleGlltorOfftlflldtflKllt PlB.IC fl)TIC( • T ........ tlldOflllelrullt~by CONTAAC.TOA t o wi.olli tt11 -.... g., FftneieCO 94104, fTol: ,..., oMtfM encl °'*""Of "" IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON •PPOlnted Trull .... written -ecoeptllble to TAAN8 AMl!AICA Mid 0..0 Of True• conttec:t ,, -ded. and ul)Oll eny (416) 567~) Tr'*'I and ol lhe lnietl«Mled bV All .TIME i HAAE U8E8 A8 OeclMlllOlll ol OeflUll Incl°'"'"'° MORT GAO I! COM .. A NY. • ITATlmNT cw wmtlMIAWAL lalCI .. -... lllld on llrldty. Wbcont1eel011 Undtr nlm. to!'>-.)'~ Wrtuen obJtCllOllt 01 Oll'l•r eald Ottd of Trutt. a.Id .... will be DlUHtATEO IN SfCTION H ,2Q lcw Siie, Ind tlM cseooelled wllll Celtrornle c orpafatlon, eoo "'°" fAln'MIMllP NovlmMr 11. 1111 el 2:00 p.m •I .... tlltn lht teld ep.cllled rettt10 document• rel1111nt 10 •fl•l'l-.ld on Mond1y, Novemb., 1&, AND llCTIOH H .U OF THI! Mid dulY tpp04ntecl l't1111 ... Mil MonttorntrY8t1Wt,Stnf'rancltc0, ___ A,....UNDlll the Cllapmen A*-entr-10 111.wOtll"'tMP!oyedbyl'*"lnttlt ..,,ilcetlOn lflOuld be flied with"" tM2 al :too p.m .. •l Ille~ LAO UNA 91ACH MUNIClflAI. Otecl ot tridl end ... dooumtl'll• Ctllfornlei .. t 1,. Att•ntlOll: flllCnnoul ....... NANI Ille CMo c.nter lullc:tlN. IOO bet •~tcutlon °' ttlt OOlllfect. ~ end• copy de!IWlred A.,,..,..._entrenc.etotheClvieetfl1• COOi. -fntr0dueedencltcl0Pt9d 1Vldt11ctno obllO•t10111 tecu1ed 'ortclot111t Otpe1tmen1. Ph1 Th• followlno pen.on nu Chlpt'lllll Avenue, 111 h c11y of !'to bl009r may wtthdflW 1111 IMd 0t ,,.._, tO Ille IDPllcent, 1,.vtNE lulldlng, 300 EH1 Chepm1n el Ille City CoullCll "'"'lnla Of .MJ ~. -s t181 declllnd encl doee • 11·9U·HH. provfded prop•r t11tlldr1wn •a,.._.. pttt11er ffom pr11109. Celltofnle. fol 1 perlOCI o! fort;•rtw 146 ~ C IT y 8 AV I NO 8 A l'I 0 L 0 AN A..,_, In tM CICV of Orange. 2 0 , It I I . T II I I 0 rd rn t "0 • llertOy deolett all evmt HCu,,.d ldenltflcellOn It tvttllblt. ll'le ,....,....., OPM' .... uncNlr the A I I fl e If"' e O t I tit In 111 t I l"9f lhe d ... •Hot Ille openlnt Of Al80CIATION o /o C•pretz a At tilt ""''of th• l nlll•I •tMllllMd an Interim ordln•nct lfltrtb)' 1mmtdltl•I)' du• a11d The undenfgnect oeu1td H id llcllllou• t>lltiMH n•"'• ol THI -,. ol tllll ~ tl'le total .-~an. AltorMta et Lew, llOt1 ~n of IH• notlol, Ille totllf r;srOltlbtllno •If new llm• enere peya0!9 "'4 lltttleoltd encl dOtl Notlot Of Oettllfl Ind l>tollclll lo HA"IOfll '10MPAHY at (tomlefly) --atttlt_,,...,llllllOtOfN A p1y11u111 Dond enCI • ....,_ c.ntel' 'DMI ..... 200, MIOUftl Cl• urp1e1 t>elal10I ftf .._ ',...... OI tour lftlllllflt. lltf• Dy •ltet 10 CllllM 1M tnill ... 't " ~ '" 1111 COUl'lly 1)00 M11i.n l.ent. "'*l*t llttcft, ot>llgellon ..cwect DJ tl'le •~ perfwNnct llONI Wfl be ,....... lrvllle C~ 9'1'1 not Mier OblfOltlOft tteurld b' 9'" a~ NO 18 HEAUV OIVEH 1'* prop«ty to t19 tOld lo Mtltfy 11'19 =:::: .. rcri:rvi:mr CA tffl3: 4llOW) 411 Otd ....,, ~UC1lbtd ctttd Of lrutl al'lcl 11rlor to ueoutlon ol HOf'I jolll '!Mii Mou"""* 10, 1tti: dHcrlDed dttd o lfutl Ind tlte Cltyl~:~ltn~o!..,1!• Cit~._!! otllllatlOna ~ l'*lf)'y. •--•--....., C I loulherdL Ntwll>ft l .. Olt. C •.um...a ~ ......... encl a 1> 11Mll. M 1119 puotlC Nertng, ""Ptf9CMI .. tlft'leteo co"•· •• ,.,,..,, 111ct ~"' """ • ..,,.. t l'Uv•.., OIMd: OC10Mr 7. 1M2 -""'""a-'"'~" .. 'I 114"'"* t21U. ied'lanoea It 1,l,Uf.17. ""'*'1 to-.... 4llO at Ille "''Y •PP .. t' 1nd M•ll• en oral !Ald••nctt It tit, Ot.H . To Int IO contldtf.,...,. Ot !Wit 111 eruoe w ll!ICll'llln :,::'~.!!",· 100 MonttoftltrJ The t1cuuou• b1a1111e11 n•m• To dttemllne t.._ ooan4no blcl. Gou.,.....11 Code of Ille • ._ M mh _,f ...,. eri "'*""Of..._ .....,,.... "'9 ~ l)ld, ,w fNY to •11IHd tuch ordtn1nc1 rot 1 E-10f °' 111e btMe . _, rlftCll!Wo, Cellfomte, lletel'lltnl tor the pertntnlllll .. ~ ~Gell tf 14) 11ro0111. ~ .,. oontfeCt .., llll'tMI ......, .,, .. ~ -.L ~ Oii (7141111.otel. · ~not to .....i _!IM monttlt. ot Ouetev OW LJn4illMrti M1 t I Pfl 41......,H, llltd Oft '""*Y 1i. IMO In the Date. Ocrl...., ta. 1IU Of'OWlllOI• perllllttlfll .. twDHI._., If! .. o-al Sf1 '9ton -flM Diiie OcilOller ,.._ 1112 laid putlllO MllftllG -bt Mid Of'! 1111 0...... OW ~ 0.lecl· Oe1oller 11. ,... Coull~ OI Ot-.. T.D. llAVICI COMPANY bidder te ......... ...,,.... fllf -... ..,. ............ Of , ... _,.. COllPMY ---1f, tllt..1. .. 1:00 p.m., tn 1611 au. 0 Und!Mrk TMHIAMI~ , .... Name encl Addt ... ol ... • NICI T~ all.J: ......... wlltth•t• ,, Ill• ... ,....,._ 11 .... .._. .. • ... T..-. tile Clly Counoll ~Mlnbtrt, IOe ""1' ..-.O• TIM _ INVltfOM II~ ,.,..,.. .... ,"": loott It. ,__A. flMdel, OllTNCT to ..... l*torNl!Oe not 11tOre uian 1 t 1111n11t•t In ..._A.....,.,... .... 'or••l Av•nue, uoun• l•Mll. ~ oo, ~,~..:2"' -,...~ t'30 ,.,. C1rt1e. 1 ~........, unOlr die....... ........... ......... 01 "'°" ....,., flllle • 0--......... c.llfomle. 111.0.... ·-. ~ a..tl.""" · Olll Cltr M . Wiii. GowwNlll __. =-bt ·~ bJ Ille lleattng -. U -VIMA L. "°'-1.INGll' lllt t!:j• o.ar1* 111'9 lfT _. ...,_ o.n.. 8 """•'°" a...·CA... ... Hen9i ....... (TM)..._ °"' '*"' °"" _.. ,.. I ·-""'...... . ~ ~...,..-or_,.. Coeet Diiiy l'u .. ..._. Ot9np eo• OtllJ Pulllllfte0° °'-"" _CGat OaUr flvbll Oreftl9 Coett D11i, --~ °' ..... Coe11 Oellw l'ublllled Orente CMll ~ f'W91teW Or_. OMltl Deir ,.,........, Orllllt Coelt O~ Nit. o.e. "· -.. -. •• ,,... o.. n, ae. ~. 1. •• l'llcM • ..........., e. 1t11 ,.., a.. ... at. ,._ •· 11. ,.., ..--.. OM 11. *" &. 11. ''"· ""· o.t •· Nov .... 11. "~ ,.._ oa a a."°' 1. .. ,.., ,., 1, ..., •111-11 ....., .. ,.... ....... • ..,.... 4 ..... ..... .. ' • •