HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-06 - Orange Coast PilotCZ se•••+-• a • Gt • = LOCAL FOOTBALL SCORES . Fountain Valley Ocean View 17 14 Newport Harbor Costa Mesa 26 7 El Toro lrvlne 37 13 ' Details of games in Sports section Huntington Marina 20 14 Saddleback Estancia 43 21 Capo Valley Laguna Beach 28 0 ORANGE COAST YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPER SA TUR DAV. NOVEMBER 6, 1982· ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Fairgrounds to get a touch of high culture li} JODI C'A l>E llEAI> 01 the Delly Pllol Stell l111.ig1111· •• $'1 ;, 11111111111 HP11ll)l .t1ltll .ti I 1111[(, lltlf1 It ·" 111g a n·g;1l Dutd1 ,.,1 .. 11· 1111 1111' 111 ... 1 llnw 111 :!:.!II Yt'.11 )'. In Ii. 'Item 11 .d lht· Ur ,1ngl.' l '11u111 v t.111gc11u11cl., 1n l\1:-t.i M1· ... :1 T h t' () I .. II g I' l' II 1111 I \ fa1rgn1u11d," Wli1•n 111111111 1 v1 1 .... 1:- ran· <'Vl'r\ F11do1~ 111gltt Wlw1 t' h 0 g ~ •• 11 cl l • I t t l 1 I i' • I 1 I \ I ' I I s laughll'I r11,1111 du1111g th•· sumnH·r Ii.Ill Whc·r•· b.11 g.1111 ltu11t• 1" 11 .. 1, 1111 \\•ck• 1111 \\"I' 1111 t•h l111.1g11lt' 111.tl .111cl \1111 1111;.!ltl 1111d1·1.,t.111d \\ )i , !\I 11 11.11·1 V.111 1(11\1•, 111g.i11111•1 11t tlll' 1·,1111111 tli,il 11111 11 ... t11do1 \ 11 ..... 111·1·11 g11•1•t1•d \\'Ith \\t•ll 'tlllll' ... k. plll !"Ill 'I· 111 ltt1to1t1 ·h lttt H.11 1111 .111d H.1111111 ·...,, .I.in S1\ d11 11111 11.1\• th• ,;11111· 11p11111111 11f I h1· l )1 ,111gt l '1111111 \ 1-'<111 gt illl!llb ;1:-"•1111 1w11plt do " ~:.i1d V.111 ll11y1· '' 1111" ktttd 111 md1gnat11111 "T o 1ht·111 1t'' 11 11 ll11111·d '-,to1t1 , 11 l .tltl111111o1 II' ( )1.111g1 · \ '11\1111\ Tho · \\1·.illh\ .011.t 11t1lut•11\1.d ~.;.,,., ti"" 111'1' 1d 1111· l.11 g1· ... 1 1•1 l\',1\1 1 ·11llt~·111111 111 l<1•111l11 ;111dt \'.111 H1.111 ', ''"' k.., lto1v1· o1gr.•1•d to 11·1 .... 11111· lw .,1111\.\ 11 111 l'o:-t.1 Mt•:-.1 C >11 d1,pl.1v 111d.1\ .11111 Suncl .. v \\rll 111• the 11 111\ o1uth11r111·d I• 1111111111·111111 o l lht• 1:11111111:-. p11111.11t "J,111 :-:1)o,' tl!i·l l) 1111 111 • .-.!1·1 ·, p .11111 lol.1ddt•I ,, tlll' t111g111.tl "'I"·' dr :1\\'111g 111 · .J.111 s" .11 1111· \l\'111dt1\\, .. 1111 '"",,,., Baron a nd Haron t·..,~ Jan ~ix ' ~l and with lht' $:~.:> million Re mbrandt <'OllN·tion that will ~o on dis play al Oran~•· <:011111~ Fairground~ ht·~innin~ today. T ht• Six•·~ art• a l>utt•h famih who own tht· lar~w~t •·ollt•••lion of H•·mhrandl \'an Hijn'.., "'ork ... ." 1·lll1tof Jll,dt 1111111 d1,1\\llt)1.tllli I j "(111 11 111111 \ l.111111\ glll''>I l11 H1i. 'IJ.:IH d 11 \ .iii 1111 lllljllll l.tlll \\llli'l'""d ll1111k11 -.11l lh• ""' 1111 lud111g Ht•111l11 .111d1 V.111 11 11\'1 ', .111 I 11111·1 1111 1r.1Vt•l1·1, IJt11Jk pulilt,111 ·1 :111d bthlllt''Slll:111 -.;,v-. II \\:t' lllt ""''' n1alll'I pt•1,11 .. di11g tlw S1lo.1·-. 111 1·xhal111 tlw \\'111 k ... '''f'l1t· ht•'l W.t V 111 g1·I '>llll\l'tlt111g 1 ... !1 1 ..... k .. '·"" \, •• 11 1111\'t' Wt11l1· wo1 king 1111 .1 1'11bl11 OellJ Piiot Photo by CherlH Sterr Ht 0.1111 .. ,1111g S1·1 \'H t p1 og1 .1 111 , 1111111 d tilt' ·L.i-.t ll.1 vi. "' H1·111l11.1111lt ," 1h1 · u V•'dl ,;1.i :11 I , 11111·11111 .111d 1·11t11·1;, ,.,11•u1 · It.id :111 oµp1111111111,v lo \'1...,1 th1• :-;," l :1111iJ y-. (jl) 1110 111 1•-.1;111· Ill /\111,lt·i d ;1111 l.1:-I N11\1(•1ttlM0 I T lll'l't• h. '''" l'fHllll ;.t 11 •1 "'°'" l1il1 ·d 11111 rn1h w11h H1 •111l11 .t11d1 .., v..111k-.. l1llt \\lll1 th• l.01111 1' h• 1111111111.., p:111t11 ·d l1\' tlw .1111 ... 1 1111111· tlt.111 :ioo ,.,.,,,... .1go l \\,dkt d 111111 1)11 111ull1 .11 HI lht It 1111 tltt \\,.JJ \\o1' ,1 p.tlllllfll: 111 1 \\01ll1.111 \\ltlt .1 )''\\t•l!·d '-'Uff o111d I l1111k1 d """"fl Ull lh!' • 1111111111.1 1 .i11d \lt1•11 was tht· 11111\1 lw .... 1111 "'1'11u hall 1·>;p1 ·1 tl'J Lu walk 111111 1111· 111 •:>.t 1110111 ;md SPe Jan S1;.'. 111111111·1 lt w:i:-l1kt· St<•pping 111111 .11111t lw1 w .. rld " 1\ 111 ·1 11w1111t ... c,f rwgoti;J\1011~ I l11v1· 1u·1,u.1d1·d till' family lo ·•l(lt't' 111 tlll' l<11tgrounds exh1b1l. I 'Ii• li.111111 .111.t lw1 "11"~' attt:ndt-d .• pl• '11 v.. Fr 1d.1v 111ght 1~1·1· Hl·:MHltANUT, Page A2) Airport area residents file • nu1sance :-;.11111 .J1.t 111 \'\.1\ 111 · :\11 p111 t ;tn ,, 11''11 11 111'. .tit l;1l-.111g d Ill \\ l.1<0k Ill t lt1 •11 11,tl tl1 · .1g,1111 "I .1 11p1111 11111 ... , tl11 l1l1ng 111 d1111 ·n, of -.mall 1 l.11111.., .1ga111 ... 1 ()1.1ng1 t"11u11t \ gt1\ • 11111w111 M11n· th;,11 100 ...iHh 1L11111" t·at:h allt•g1ng 11u".i111 t'. 111.·1 "111.il llljlll)' .ind p111pt•tl\ d.1rn;tg1 fr11n' u1rp111 t 11pt·1,111111 " 1,,,,., IH l 11 f I I 1 d \\ I I It "11 11 I \ :-upt·f\ 1..,,,,, Thi· ll.11m' o11111rd111g 111 countv Cuun:-t·I Hohc 1 t Nuttrn.111 <1pp.1n·n1I~ .in· .1 f1r ... l 'h 'p to\\·" d ac·11un 111 ,rn,tll tl.11111., 1ou11 should "'" p• n '" .,-, d1 11 \ t It• 111 E.11 h t l.11111 ,., f111 $1 llHI tl11 111,t,111\llfll ,tl!H\\,dJ)t 111 .. 111,tll t l;i11n' 1 .,..,, ' l\/11tl111o111 ..,,ud ll.11 11ld 1\11d•·1'"" ·' S.1111,1 1\11.0 I I• 1glii-. 11 ... 1d1 111 .11111 1111 111IM·1 "' lh1· 1\11p111I ('11,tl111 .. 111111111 " g1011p ,,11d tlH I l.t1111-. ,If I ollllll d 1111111 .fl "'1"1'1"11).' .~I "I" 1.1111111.., ,11 th1· .111 111111 tl1.tll ·" 11 111\'11111~· l1llill1 •\' d.1111.1gt'" :\11d1·1 .... 111 .... 11d Iii.ii II '''"' Ill t .t 11 I ti'' 111 ,, I l .11111... ' \ ' I \ t 1111 d.t\ ... I \I 11 ti 1111 \,Il l' p.11.J flll lftl suits " q' 1 11 . , I , l " 111 1 ' u n I 1 I t II l' 1•11 ild1 111•. lltt•\' t 111 .t11 • rt-:-.<JIVl'd I !1 · ~.11d 1lw • 11:ih1111n 1;. trymg tu 1•1·1 .1 I I 1tf 11'> 11111r1 · than 400 1111 1111>•·1' 111 f1lt· l'b1m:. ,\11d1·1 :-.1111 ::..11d thl' ro.:s1dt'nt::. l111p1 · 111 111 rn• <.,u pl'rv1sors to t UI t.111 JI I fltl<{ht-. OUI of J ohn \\1,1\ 1w .. nd t•v1•ntu~1llv move all 1• 1 tl1glti... 111 .. n11th1·r c~lmml'r<.•1al .111 p1111 111 -..tul h1 l:wl1t·Vl'S p111t 1111l1t.11 v uvtl1a11 U'>l' u f Lht· El ·1111 " 1\-1.1111\l' l'oq.1~ Air St.auon or 1·1111sll lll lion uf J nt·w airport at 1 • •• mp P1•11dll-111n drl' feasible .1 lt1 ·rn.111 vc . .., N1111m.111 \\ho titlle>d the 'l.11111' ,, h.11 ........ nwn1 t;1t llc." ~1d 'l'I'' 1\,...or, .111 co11~1dt•nng a I• 1•1111-.c 'I ht' hdVl' 45 days 1111111 1/1• ld111).! 11! 1·.11h tla1m 111 I'"' 11 111 d1 ·11\ rt lw v11d \11tl• r ... 1111 '·"" th1· n·s1JPnts \\ . ' I I ' ti I 111 I I r I ' I (' n t s t d t e :-; ti I' t , • 111 t' (' II u r l d l' l' I s I \) n I" 1111111111.L( '111.tll t·l;11m~ s uits " 1: , 1 1 11 ' \ S . 1 11 F 1 a n t· 1 s l ' 11 11111 ·1 11.1111111 . .l 1\1rp11rl bt·forL· I rl 11 q• 1I11 ·11 c l.11111, Viejo woman rnakes Disneyland Arnbassador drearn a reality By KARE:\ f': KLEI!\ Of the Delly Pllol Stall It .,..a ..,n ·l kn """ r11d ,1\ wht·thc·r M1ncJv Su. V.tl,1111 .!I of M1ss1on \'tt•jo h.td \\ 1-.l11·d upon a -;tar . bul h• r dn an1 b e c o m 1 n g I> 1 ' n • \ I ,, n d ' AmbassAd or ltt tlw W 11r Id cam1• tn11 n.,nl'lht•l1 ..,,, Shi' v.,1.., n,1m!'d th1· l!IH.l em1so;a1 y o f ~oodwd l fo r ttw Magic Kingdom 1n ,, n n•mo11v conductc'<I at 11 .i m 111 lr11nt of Slr·t ptn,I.! ll. .olll \ -. l ·,,.,\lo 111 I h1 p.1rk [lt,111 \ S1 udttt'> 11111uglt1 111 1 1111 r t.111 1·1 St.11 It \ .111111 , 111 .111111111111 1 \Vt!""'..," J,,. 111111 lr11111 Jmnng four f111.i1,...i... A .., 1111 Full1 rt11n .lun1111 ( '1111• I!• t 'lt1111 ..... ng V."lwn \'1111 \\'1,h I 'poll \ St.11 \l\"1lso11.., 11.t m1 \\ ,,., .tllllllll flll'd St1 tllllh l.111 I ·' runnPr ">l'rc1mblt·d 11v1•1 111 t 111 Pl.1ZJ Inn 111 RIV•· h1·1 n.1111•· 111 th• , h 1 • f '" I 11 • r n ,11111 1 "11 Id h • in~ 11l:H:d 1111 a httgc· 1;1k1• 111 lht 1111111 •ti ,111 ''Ill II .,h•I\ l~>ok l\l I I k • \ M II It ' 1 • I 'I H ' \1111. ........... 1111 .111.111111 · ( ........ l111d 111d .1 111"1 ol 11111011' 11nlo11k1 ,-, \\I II 1111 h.111d \11 11111 I \l\'tl..,1111 1111 II t 1111g1 ,1l\ll,1t111ll.., ,\It 1·r 1 h1 hr 11·! '1 11•1111111 \ \\'tl,1111 look .1 'I"'' dt•\\ fl J\l.tlll :-; I I ' ' I l • s 1\ 111 .1 I 1 .. \\ t I l11d11k1·d "I"'" 1.1111.1g1 dr.t'-'11 h\ t\\11 \\ h111 11111 ..... .., i\ c 111v.d nf I )1,11t·\ 'h.11 ,11 l•'I' I 11111< kt'll ,tl111tj.! l11•h1111l 1111· l111gg\ W1btJfl, 1>11111 111 It.div. ;iv. N J Mindy Wilson'• (eelinp about being selected Disneyland Ambassador to the World are written all over her face, right, while Sally Q.tberg hareA in her happines ' ~ , . "·" c·:.111pu.., ~u1•t·11 o1t 1111 l11glt ..,. h cw1l '111 .Jl\l•ntlt'l l 'I It• 11 " ,111 ll 11 \' 11 t 1 • • n I ,1 "" 111 \I I> 1., n • \ 'p 11 kt '111 ,, 11 ',I t d I h , II I h • .11111>.1....,,11101 ..,hould look ,1\ It 1..,1 t.11111h Ilk• M,11 , P11pp111.., 111111 1•.J ,1111 I .Ill l'ot..,IJ\ llll.IJ..!1111 v.·11,.... \\1th d.11 k hrt1\\ ll h.111 1111ght hlttt 1 \t' .111d " ln rhhh "llllt• \\ 1111 ,1 I II rl'•lh.tg Ill lllll h.111d .1111! ,, ll11111lw l'l11••l 111 th·· 11tltt I lt.1pp11\ .... 1tl111g 11!1 tt\11 th1 trt·1· ... 11 ... 1 11111 M.1111 !"-tit"' t /\t .1 111111111•1111 .of1 t•r 1h1 11 II 1111 •llV \\'ll..,1111 "11d ..,JI! \\ "1rld 1lh ml .1 11 .1111ing pr11g1,1111 1111111 .J Ill I \\ 11111 tl11 .1111t..1.,...,1d11r ... \111 l11g111' 1 1111,•llt•d h •111111 1d ,111tl ,t ll'll'll' '").!•I ,\,11 lt•d 1111 lit' \t .II , \\'tl-.1111 ,,ttcf S it• 1, .1 ,, 111111 111.11111111g 111 111n1111111111ot11n11" .it 1111 l 111\t r'tl\ 111 S11111h1 r11 l .tl1l111 111.t !--111 ''di h,1\ I In t.1k1· .1 \I .ti 1 •I I I 1 ••Ill ho t -.111clw-. 111 ..... .,11n1• 1lw t 11ll 111111· .111111 ........... 1111 lkl'>lllllll \I\ tl"4HI .;,11d :-ho · ll,1' \\ ,11111 ·d \11 Ill tltc ollltli,l"'>Jdllf I\ I I "'11111 ... 111 ... 1,,1 tc·tl \\ '" l.111g .11 D1s ll(•yland I \\ " \ (• •• I ... •• !<( ti I n l h e 1111 11 lt.111dh111~ 1!t·p:irtmt.>nt She lwt t1111 "111u1 ~u 1rl1· 111 1981 Last ''"11 ... 1w l'llh tl'd lhl .unbassador l " 111 p I \ I t I (I 11 0 p (' n I 0 a 11 ()1..,1\1 \ l.111d I 111pJ1.1yl'<'"· and made 11 ,,, J.11 .1:-th< ,,·m1f1nals ,\ .... 1111h.1-.,,uf01 . Wilso n will 11 .1\1 I 1 '"'n"vl'ly throughout th1 U111tt•d St.1t1'' and overseas. Sl11• \\ 111 ,i}..,., .1tl as o ff1c1al h• "11 . ..,.., 111 d1gnrt;1n"" and heads 111 ... 1.111 wh11 v1!-.1I lhl' park Change of venue lllotion for Bonin denied, appeal vowed 8} STE\'E THIPOLI 01 the O•llY Piiot Statt C1111v1t t1 ti Frt·• ",I\ l-.1 111·1 Wdh.1111 Bon111 1.vlll not h.iv1· Ill' trwl 1111 111111 .11ld1111111.il Or,111g1 Countv 111111d11 • h.1rgi·' nu1\'1•d lo a d1fl1•rt•111 lei\ ,1111111, .Ill Orang1 Count~ S1q w11111 < ·,,,,, t Jl1il1.t1 ruil'<I ~·nd.1 v Bon111·, '.111 11 1111•\ Wtll1.1111 Chan.•t·t ..... 1111 lw will .1pp1'oil tlu rultn~ lit· .... ud lw will 1.111\ It" appt'al lo ,,, l11glt .1 t 11 1111 ,,.., 1w1.·t·~"'1rv to J.(t'I tlw in.ii 1ll11\'1•d Charvf-t. 111 .1 lw.111ng nn llw l.'hangt• of vt•nu1 rn1111on whll'lt sln•tehNI 11v1•r ..,1•v1•ral w1•1'kl>, con t<'nd<•rl 1 h.11 mas.<>t VI' p11 hltl'I t y givf'n thr cast' nncl R11111n's first tr1::il in Los Angl'lt-s mad1• n fair trial 1n Oruni{C' County lmpo!IS1blt• Bonin wns l'Onvu:led of lt•n t•ounts of f1r!lt tl<'~I <'<' murdt'r, each l'arryrn~ th1· d1·111h pt•nolty, In thal Lnal Judge KPnn1·lh 1.111• '1.lld lw based his ch·n1al o f tht• molwn on several factors He 881d he Cttls an 1mp:utrnl Jllry t·nn be fnuntl hNe bN·au~t· th<' county hui. -- n111n· than 1111t· rn1llt1111 pot1•11tt.1l 1urnr.., 111• .1b11 ,1tltl1•tl th.ct l141lh 811n1n and h1' al11·.i.wd v 11 t1111:- lr11111 th1:-:111'.1w1·n ·11111 vt·1 v \\I'll k1111w11 lotalh On th1• qti1•:-1 1on uf p11hlt111;.i. l'harvt•t ':-kt•\ 1s...,U1'. LJt' s .. mJ lw \\""not l'nn\''1nc t•d th.11 th1· hnul' 11( tt'lt•\'ISl011 111'W.., I.I pt•s ,111tf 1h11u~a11ds of 111'\\sp:ipc•r t lip~ v 11•wf'd durtng lhC' ht'.1rsn~ '' ould l11a' pro~µt~·t1v1• Jllror:- L.11 .... 11d lw has pn•..;s.Jc·d m •1·1 t ·"l'' 111vnlvm~ l'Oll nl y of! 11·1.il' \\ lt11 h "1 ommand1•d I ront pal{t'. 111p l11llt11j(," and fou11d during JUl'V s1•l.-1:tion for th<· J.ll'1M't'l'dlnj(l> thal ).llllW Jllnir.; hud IHI\ 1•vc·n h<'ftrrl of \ht· 1woplP tnvolvl'd i\l 1t•1 thl· hl·c1nng Charvet 1·allt•d OrnnKt' County "thl' worst tounl\ 111 all tht· state of C:ahf111 nt:ci to lry this case" He --.ml th1· v1t·t1ms in tht• upcoming trial h.1d l'Omt· from th<' area and th:il "l'v1·ral Orangt' County ~roupc; had offe>red reward m o n 1· v f u r l" a p t u r l' o f t h e Frt't'\\ '" Ktlh·r bt.•fort• Bonin was a ppr t. h I' IHI(' d . h ('I g h I e n in g .1wa1t·nl'so; o f thr caSC" ht>re Ronm :-. t·o11v1t t1Uns WQt.e fo r 1 lw hom11s1 ·x u» I tnrlurt·-~urders of ltl younf( nw11. with the death pt•na It y u pphc'fl for t h l' special l'ln um~wm·1• 111 torturt' tn the l'll'i('!' ----INDEX---- Classified C l-6 Publk Noti<'f'S C:i--4 Comics C2 Religion B8 Comm<'nl B6 S ports Bl-5 Crossword l'2 Tel"'vision 89 Death Notices C4 Thl•att•ri; B 10-11 Entertainment BI0-11 Weather A2 Movies 810-1 l Youth 87 \.Jtuttun l 11u0il LIAll' I'll< II 1Su1t1ttldy No11unH>ut b l~ti.· ~\ \• Continued stories REMBRANDT DIS PLAY • • • El.1h•d , \'._a11 l lu\1• 1h1111~h1 111.11 111-. lt.11tk-.t Y.t11k \\.,.., ho l1111d 111111 Sui l'h' Soutlw111 (. ·1111 1111111.1 .i11 1 .. , .. ,.,. 1A11uld l1•,1p .11 1h1 l'h<llll I ' '" -.lt11\\ H1·111h1 .111.t1 ':- \\ 111 k I h· ""·'' \\ 1rn1g \' '111 I I 'I \ I' ' •• I d h I \\ • ' .• I l'l>11fl1·d lo\ -.111111 11111 ,11 I 11 l'Jll'f dt111 l f111\ I i..11 \ \\ h11 '-ltd lht• t•t1lh gt Wd'-11 l lltl1 •11·-.t.·d Ill ,1 It p111d111 t11111 111 I(, 11tl•1 .i11dl ' p.11111111g 'l'ht \ \\,11111 ·.I •ltl' 1111g111.d "J<111 St)\. ''J'tt.11 wa:-. 11111 11111t h 111 ,,..i,. lut ." :-..11d V.111 ll11v1 "M11 ,.t ).>t.'UJJll' Ill tltt• \\Ill Id Wrll IU'\'l'f hav1· .1 t·h.1111 .. l o '"" 11111..,1 \\'OI k.., ' Till I ··pt tl<IU• 111111 "' .J.111 ~" liy 111111•d M1·x1t~111 .11 ll"' l\l1gu1 I J' <t r I' J t' :-. W J ._ I 1• t I ' 11 I I \' 1•1m11n1:-.-.1111wd hv 1lt1• Six f;11111I\· a11d \\ rll lx-u11v1·tl1·d lt11la\ Tlt1 draw111g a11d th• pl.11.1• .111 11n~t1h1 h. Tl11· p.11111 l1l,1dd1 ·r ,, th1• -..11111· 11111 H1 1111.1 ,1nd1 -.quq•i1·d h1:-. nil p.1111h I 111111 th11, l'l'lllUI lt'S <lj.!fl W11h !ht· 1•xl11h1111111 d.11 1· drawing ll<'ar, V.111 l l11v1 · -..11d Ill· lllf'IH·J l q 11fl111.il :-. fronn llt1 01.111w < 1111111\ l '1·rl111111111J( 1\11-. ( I llll I h11J1lllg 111 Ifill 11 -.l lo.it k1 1-. 1111 1111 lllllllt' $111111111111111 tl\t',tl"I 111 t'11,l.i 1\11·~.1 111 lilt• ,hol\\ l k 111 •\ 1'1 I 1'1'1 '1\ t•tl ,1 11 .I t"\\ l'I \',111 1111\ t • -.,11d '\\1• t'l11tld11 '1 Ji' I 11111 .tl'l l11g1 1111 r " '"''" I .1·11 lh ·d-.11w ,.,.., .. 1111\1 d111'1 l11t 1111 tlw C1·r1li·1 I"·' ll\111g 1 .. t111d p•opli· \\h11 • 11uld 111 Ip 1111 · 1 '.d11.1t•· 11 lt 1\11 ll1 ·tl 1tl1l lht \ \\i It llMI lttl'\' .111d ti \\1•111 So V:111 1111\1• l11u1td h1111M·lt 'l'llut ..,d;iy m11111111~: d11 t•l't111g l.llJH'flll'I" .ttld \\t1tk1111·t1 ltl l t •• It' I 0 I fl) I It I ., p, ,, w I 1 II g l,11rg1•1l111d'.,.1 loral liutld111g 11110 ,1 'ho\\ pbn ro1 .11 I A "·'"I '""\' \\,I, ... 1111 l1ll111g Lill• l'l'llll ,I) 11111.il W)ll'JI' ,1 'tJllll· 111 th•· Wllll' g111I l~11,·ln1,, would g11·1•l \'ISltlllS 1'1\1• 111\t•l'fl,tllllll.ll I l.1g ~ lt;1cl y 1·I 111 lw h1111g .111d '>I \I J ,ti 111 lilt• ,If l llllOllt., -.ttll 111 t dt•d µ.11111 Tlw R1·rnl>1 .i11d1 11111•'1. t1u11 wtll IM """ lh1· ,,,.,., tll .• , ..... f<ltllld 1·,lt1b11 llJH'll 1·\'1•1 \ \\ 1•1·kt•11d Ad1111:-.:-.wn 111 th1 l1111 •111at11111.d \ltll.1g•· Art F.111 1· ,, ji I :10 1w1 ,,..,..,,,, Missing couple hit with big judgment W1•1l-kr1<1\\ fl lo<·al 11·,1.Jur ,1tt•ur Irwin M1lm<Jn and h1;, wtfl· f'r.,1n1·111l', whu d1:-..1ppt·.11 I'd from the· l'11unty 111 l.1t1· S1·plt·111h1 •1 µrior to the sl.11 I uf .1 t1\'il l.1w,.u11 agwn:--1 tht•m. h.l\'1· lx·t·n slapp•'<I w ith ~· $:! :'\ mtllton JUdgnwnt 111 th1· -.u1t 11\ <111 Or.111g1· C11u111, Supt·rntr Court JUdg1· Tht· M1l111.11i.... w It"''' ta,1 ,1ddr1""' Jt1·111d1ng to 1·our1 1<•u1rd:-. ''"' rn lr\1111· \~ttt fo1111d h~ .ludgt• .J.1111t·' .Judgt l'hur sday 111 h.1\, dt·f r .1ud1·d t 1J1 1111 • 1 pa 1 l n • · r ' I I\' 1 n g ;.i fl ti Cht·r:. I Mart1•11st111 111 tr <1 t1';tt·t1u11!- ri· l.111 n g l!I 1h1 L.1k ...... d1• H1•,1,1urant 111 Ii \'1111 · .111d th1 ().ii H;w H,•,1.<1urJnt 111 l-1rll1 ·r t11n /\flt•f h1·,11111g 11111\ th1· Marlt•n,on;,' ::.rdt• ul th1· l'a.'>C· 111 lh1· <1h:...l't1l'l' of tht· Mtln1a11;,, .l11dg1· tUll·d that lrw111 Milmcin n1•\'1•r 1nt!'nd1·d 111 honor an ,q,:11·1·11H·nl 111 r1 · t1111v1·, tht l\l.11 lt'fl!'>Oll!->0 sh;11 I' 1>f L.1k1·,1d1· 111 •111·111 .iflt•( l'llfl\'llll'lllg lh1 ·1ll t11 ...rg11 11 .1\\',1\' 111· .11 .... 11-,,,,d tl11· M1lr11.111 ' .1h'4·1111d1·d 110111 !ht· Jlll l'>llt'lllll)" 111 S1·µt1·ml>t•r "IA tlh kno\\ lt •dg1 11! thh ll\'rHJ111g In.ii l'.1µ.·1:-. f1lt·d 111 1111111 pn111 tc1 lh1• ,1,,1 I 11f tllC' lr 1,d ...,,11d lht· l\!rlm.111 .... lt•ft tl11· ,111·.t S 1·pt :!Y, lt'oJ\'tllg ,1 llOlt• f11f tl\1·11 '"ll JL'ft , .. :-;,1111.1 t\11.1 .1l1rn·111•\, -.t<1t1ng 1h1·\ \\1•11 "\\,dk111g .1w.iy fr11rn t•\ l 'I \ th111g .111d I\ tr\ llfll' \ ou \\ 11n I I" .t!ih· 111 11 ,11 h 11:. ' New are a code • in effect A nt:w 619 teleph11n1· arl'<A n1dt• takC's l'ffr'<:l today for I 7 m1ll11m ll'il'phone c-ust1Jn1t·r-. ffl tht· swt1· G C' n C' r a I T t· I l· p h on 1· o f Califorrna and 11th1·r tt·lt•phor.1• companl(•s in the st.ale· will lx·g1n using th1• nt•Y. art•a tot· for ..i 111aJ0r portion 11( thr form1•r j 14 Cir(.'8 ('00(' Orange Count\' lh1· w1•sler11 h.ilf of R1vl'r:-.1d1· Collrll) and ~mall pon11111:. ol S.Jn 8t·rnard1no and Lu:-. Angt.•lt•., c·ounllC'S will n ·t.11n th1· 714 ,1n·,1 c~1tlt• Thi· nt·"'' fl HI .111 .i l'tl<J• wil I nmiprt'>t' np;.11 Iv .ill 11f S.ui l>tt•go .Jnrl M 11n1J 1·1111 11 111·..., .ill 111 l111rwr1.il ;.i11d 111,11 111111i111·'· pm t111n-, 11f H"· .. 1~1d1· ,1nd San B1•r11.1rd1110 1·11u11t11•..., ;111d s mall <1 r 1• ,1., of T ll I .1r1 .ind Kc· 1 n I llll 11 \It ... Mark t talks 'progress' I '111gr • '" "·" 11 I-" •1 lt'fl ~ rrd,1v Ill Ill g1111.il11111-. Ill 1 ..... A11g .. l1· ... hl'I \\It II :• 1 ,.1IHI 1111'.tlt Ill \t·I ~ .111d '1'1.,1111,11 '' .ind l h1 • 't11l1•':. -.1qw1111o11 l<.1 I:. Fr 1111k /\llt·11 .,r th1· t+'l•d1·r ttl l\l1•d1at11111 .11111 l'o111'rl1a11011 S1 1 Vtt'1• :-.a11I tlll'r 1• tl> a slro11g p11, .... t11ll11' th.11 Ill will onh·1 ,11t•l111d lit•· 1 ltl\ I<. 1,ilk:. "11s l1111g •• , 111•g1>11,11vr..., .111• 111ak111i.: I" og1, • ..,:-. /\11•·11 d •·ll1111d 111 1t•v1· .. I 'l>l'l't I IV ;1r1·o1i-111 f11'11g1t .. ,,.. '1'111· .. 111ploy1·r..., .11111 111111111s .111• Wiii k111g ,1g,1111:-.I a '!'It 1mp(l:...t'(I 11t .. ,Jli111· uf 1111th11gl11 t1m1Khl 111 11'.tlh .111 ;1111 ·pt.tl111' p.1lk.1g" Tlw 111111111-. h,1\ I :1g1 t·t'd Ill '1thmtl \\ h,1t1 \l'I IS IHI tlll l,1hh ,1l lh.1l 111111· ll1 1lt1·11 r.1nk .111d lrlt· 11wmlwr' 1111 ,1 vot" 1111 S11nd;iy I ( 1111' p:11 k:ig1· IS I l'Jl 't'l1 ·1( ;1 ''' 1k1 1·rnild h1•g111 .ii I:! 0 I .1 111 1\1111111.1\ A -.t11k1 II\ lh1· lllt111th c11uld 1, .. l I I JI " 1 I fl g I II , , I I 111 •• J ti I 'llflt I 111,11 kl'l l li.1111 .... ,1:-. \\ t•ll ;1~ ' II 1111 · fl I I " u I " II l I '. l " ·' I) d 111d1·p1·11d1 •n1,, I ro111 tl11· On•g1111 lo t h1 · M1•x tl·.111 l1onkr:-. Tl11· .... 11111·:-. pruv1dt· .1l>11lll 115 pt•1T1•nl 111 th1· luud lo l ';1lr lor11w·s 2:1 0111111111 l'l'l>td1·nt:. '1'111 1111ly ;irt•a-. t'M'111pl fforn 1h1· l>"'''hl1· W<tlk11ut art· ~1111k11111 .ind Frt•:.1111, wht·rt· th!' 1111 .ill'Ullt•r'S' l'Ollll'J l'l t•>.µlr'l'S Ill .Janu;1r_v A 1011tral'l l'l>Vl'rlflg 10,0tHI S•JLllht•r n Caltfurn1a bult·h1·r s, rt·pn•scntt.•d by lhC' Unllt.•d f'oud and Comml'r<.'1al W o rk ers. l'>.p tn.-:. al midnight Sund;1y, so a wulknul could rom<> as t.•arly as li 01 am Monday "W1•'v1 b1·1·n l~1ld hv all thl' union:... 'no rontr.at·t. 111"i work,' ' Hob V111gt. spokt.·sman for tlw ... 1on·s· F11<1tl Employt.·rs Counl'll. 'ltlld P a1·1:-. with 7,:>oo No rthe rn Caltfornta bull.:h<.•r.. t•xpm-d last Monday . Patchy fog due ~11ghs '" 1t1P \O'\ were µr~d•c.too a,ayn<J Lalo.f· Sut>~"c>r "' lhe 40~ trorn ~mt PSota t ( tf'le m1<S and r'IO•thP'1l All,lf''lt•·( C°•hdSI an(I af_ross Wa-i.h1ng1or ru Montafla ,.., 111e 10, 1111011011 muct> ..,, C.attfo,, a T .. , d'S N~w Me ,1c..o SomP palchy edrl\ "•'"""'Q tog and southprn flnti()a '" 1ne Jower Otherwise fair loday with h•QhS 01 80s '" 'iOuthe,n Atizo"a an<1 111 67 10 73 I ow cloud• a.,d local toq the 50, lnd 60' Pl•f'wru>rP 1nc1!'as1no 1ono9hl 0 Ye1n1g111 lows ------------46 lo 56 Low ctoutJs Qn $1.,,day mo1 nt0g wtth "art1al C!Pa11ng S unday oJflernoon H19t.s Sunday 67 lo 72 T P 111p<~ra I 11 r es Atha"" A.IOO~Ut-''(i''" A mar11l() A shev1llp At1an1a NATION EtWWhe•e f1om Poml Concf'pl 100 to the Me••c:an bO•O"'' ano out 60 m1fe-s l1gh1 "'"ar1abtf vw-1n1Js lh•ougt to n 1yn 1 '"'"Pl SOUlhWtlSI 10 we5t 8 tl'l 18 •1101< on 1e1e alle•no()n and P•"n•nQ weslerly swells 1 1n 3 tee1 C1ea1 ro!lay e•cept areas ol tuo Pait~ th" morning low 11011<1• 10 prevail ft'llOugh lh" wt'i'kttnd J\O;tnf1\ I it-. Avsl•n •5 31 f,] ?8 70 <9 4 7 29 St 3 r 49 32 68 40 48 44 60 33 50 28 30 10 S6 32 6<1 48 ;; 47 ,.. 32 warm ... l ' .. 4tii. s1111111u1rv Tempe,a1ur•s we re un~esonal>ly cold 1n111og11 mo•I of thfl easlern 1 .. 0 thucls ol me nation frtday Ntlh m1'1 day r11ad1ngs only '" the ?O~ Imm lht> Dak otas lh1ougn 1hr uPPI'• M1ss1ss1pp1 Valley Snow tell l•om the G"'lllt Lakes tftOIOn onto parts ot tnP 0 1110 and uppe1 M1ss1ss1pp1 valteys Cold eu blowing Ovf'r HI•' "'" we1m water ol la~u fop and On1a110 p1oducec1 lal<l' ellecl snowfall south ol Aul'alo Ny where at least four 1nche~ wa5 reported ~•h 01 lhP city and 1n the wes1ern footnllt• o l thl' Adirondack• Tl'le G1ea1"' Bullato lntema11ona1 A11001r wAs ~10,ed el a1>ou1 3 30 p m d1•t1 In poor vl111>1111y and snow on •unwAy5 a 1pol<e1man 1n rhr .t11por1 man9911r s ottoce said A lr8YelerS adVl&O<y w&rnono Of nflW snowfall was oo"ed on lhe Me1que11e a1ea in M •chogao s Upper P11n1nsute where tom11 ••ees already have go11en up 10 lw<HhH'd9 of a 1001 of snow tn1s ...... Snow squalls swepl oft l~~,. Suptt<IOf Into northe1n W1scon11n, whe•e up to 18 onche\ 01 'now hH 11CCumutaled "111 we"~ end 11 heavy snow lll£•nono was "' f'lf!'tl In e•tr-no<l,,...n OMK:llnn1 of th• ll•te The chill 1par1"<1 111e 1r111e ol Maln11. wfuctt had 1et1d•no• 1n me llOa and rein There wee some hQhl 111n In tn11 Florida Key1 end co ~11a1 toYlh••tle<n f'tottd• flaln aleo letl ov .. "'" 1-onhe<n P•cltlc Co•tt the td1ho P•nhandll and nonh•11t111rn Mont-l •mpereturt• 8'0uhO the M llOrl ti noon PST rlnQM from 24 Oegr-al Ftt;e>, N l> to 83 11 Pelm Spttnge Celll F0t !Oday, eceltered th<>-• -e f°'9CNI llCtOM lhe Peclflc Norlhw••t Into tht northern Rocltl• and In IOU11lefn F10rl41. LIOllt MOW WH torecHI tn the ••lreme nonh ot New Yorll and d. Bal\1mn1P 0oll•ng• B11m1nq'1.tn 0~smarc1. Boose Boston Bro-wns ... 1e Bullato Burllnqton CasPP• CharleslQn ~ l Cn11t1as1on w \I Charlolle N C. CheyennP Chicago C•ncinnatt Ctev-"and Cotumb10 S (. Cc.luml>us Dallas Ft WO< lh Oavton Oenve1 Des Momes Oel1oot Duluth El Paso f'llTQO Ftega1a11 Gr11at Fells He•llO<d Helene Honolulu Housl0t1 tndlem1po11s JllCl<!IOn. MIH Jaekaonv1ll11 KenSlla C11y La& VftQH Lillie Rock lou1sv111,. Lubbock Memot111 M1em1 M1twsuk.,. Mpt1 St P11ut NHhvtlle NOW Or .. e nt :; 52 4 1 SS 30 57 46 36 3t 53 34 59 24 34 30 38 26 37 21 56 37 34 28 66 37 33 24 56 23 .l6 28 36 25 25 23 10 33 25 n 6J n 59 40 6 62 56 28 85 7) 69 !>() 35 25 58 15 57 43 4 1 16 68 37 54 3 t 43 211 73 29 51 30 75 113 J'; 3;;> JI 28 4 1 24 61 46 New Vor,. Nod ol> Norrh Ptallt> O• t11homa C11\ Omaha O•IMHI() PholdllPt(lrHa Phoern• P•llsl>u1gh Polltand 114,. Porllantl, OrP PtOVUjPOC'P Ralf'1gh Rapocl ( "• Reno R•chm,,n() Sall la~f'! Son 'n1C1n•n Seall f' Sht"YP(IOll Soou• f dilS SI LOUI, SI p.,111 To"P" SI Sle Ma11e Spo~one Sv1atus11 fopek11 rues.on Tutse W&sh•notnn W1ch11n C ALIFORNIA Appl., Vallr y 911kerst1etd B••&IOW ~ Beaumont B•o Bu• Bo, hop Blythe Ca1ehn1 Culvllf C11y Eur el<• Fresno L1ncuu1r 5 t 49 53 48 51 09 60 28 J8 20 60 ~j 4e 39 83 <,3 J 4 29 62 47 52 44 68 45 52 38 40 20 6J 24 54 46 56 28 68 35 51 4J 6? l~ 111 ?4 40 ;rr !>9 "•~ 36 2( 44 3( 5q 37 4J tE 81 4E 49 2( 52 •: 52 1( 87 ~2 7~ 45 79 •7 76 4'. fl'> ;;>~ 117 27 8 t 41i 70 5• 76 so 62 47 89 44 7' 211 , .. . SURf Rf PORT . • ....l::eri_.•-wa ............................ .... •11rt •vrt heefl A•g MH Zuma 1 3 S8nte Montc:1 1 3 ~Beach , 3 Sen Oleoo County 2 3 Outfooll '°' Sund•y Ltttte c111nge 811ff "'' t2 ,, 12 12 ..... ••• 1 ' t ' ..,,... .... ~ 2 2 2 ••ell Dlt w IW IW "' Long Bt>ach LOS Angetes ~onrovta Mon1e1>ello Mon1erey Mt W1lsor Nf'eates NewpOll 8PMI> Oat.la no On1aroo Pillm Spring" Paas!lena Paso Robles Rf'd Stull Rec1 ... 00<1 l.•ly Reno Sac•amentn Sa11nas San Berna10u1< San D•ttgl> Snn F ranco'K'.O San JOS4' Sanla Ana Snnla Barl>arR Sanla Cru1 Sanla Ma11a Sanla Monocn SIOCl<ton Tahoe Vall«'~ Tnerme1t l0<••nc• vu"'a Staoonary •• 76 48 18 58 64 42 80 46 64 45 68 49 17 46 n so 71 so 78 44 85 48 80 45 75 34 71 42 71 48 63 24 67 40 69 40 82 40 76 52 70 54 69 43 78 50 73 40 74 H 71\ J6 74 53 7 I 40 62 25 (11 46 77 48 I" 'I• QLOllAL Aon•le•dorn lll~flnS BanQkOk Bftr1>ado1 Bftl•ul Belgrado Berton BOQOIA 8rusur• BA11es Car&cH Co~h•g~n Oubtln Franklurt 0.ntva H1van• Ht111ni.1 Hong t<009 J.,ulltttm Jo'burg l( .. v Lime Lll bOn London Madrid M•nll1 Mexico Chy Mon1re11 <>ecOp ' 54 48 64 54 93 79 88 77 75 63 43 37 46 37 64 48 llt so 119 53 81 81 52 36 64 44 48 4!1 43 37 1111 12 Sii 26 77 73 89 48 73 84 48 38 70 &3 70 54 67 62 60 48 111 88 88 20 85 41 41 ~ DetlJ l"tlol Pt>oto by Ak:l'l•t d Koeti ... From ldt. Offic·c·rs .lc·H Cuntn•ll, Tim Nc•wma n aml Mik" llit·tulu show pla c1uc:s uwa rclN I f o r nwritorious work c.lurin~ tht· pust yea r in Nc·w porl Bc•aeh . Three Newport policemen given awards at luncheon 11111\111..., \q•r t' gt\ll'fl Fnddy le• thrl·t· N1·wpnrt l:k;1d1 polr11· olfr tl·r-. for .tlt111n :. rnduding sul1 du111g a knift• wwldtng M1:-.1x·t·t. '!Jiving a o;tnng 111 rl';.t;1ur<.111l t oblwrll':-. and ht•l ping d1•at1 up th1· t'l l y's ~lrN·Lo; C1wi1ons and plaqu1•:... w1·rt· gr- Vl'n during the llth ;rnnual po l1l·l' awards lunl'huon at tht· Marraoll Hotl.'I. hostl'd bv lht· N1·wport Harbor Ar<'<1 Chambt·r of <:11mmf'rt'(' ctnd tht· !0-·I Club, a gt oup ur bUSlfll'S.-. lt.'<.lth•r:-. Offit'N .lt'fl (.';111trl'll, :11. w<1'> g1v1·n tlw Award o l M1·r 1l lor h1~ <J('l1ons Ju111• I, wh1·n lw stopfX•d {I knife-w1l'ldtng 111a11 from s tab- bing an ulht•r µ..itnm 111 a I.Jar No mw w;.1s mjun-cl l'olln· Ch1d Charl1•:-. Gro:..-. told thl· 11111n• than 200 gu1•:-.t:... attt.•11- d111g lh1• lunl'h('Ol1 th<Jl C<i11tn·ll's dt·l•d ;,how<·d "tn1lla t1vt·, J 1•l'lSi Vt'rll''-" <ind ('OUr<Jgt· .. O\'tt'<.'l1ve M1chal'l llu•tJla, 42 . a l!'>-Vl'<1r vl'lcran of thl' dl•parl- nwnt: was honon'Cl for hrs work m ht·lping solv1· a string of t 3 <1rnw<l restaurant robb<>nc·s that on urn·d C'arlil'r this vear 1n Or .rngt· <rnd L os Angt•lt.; Count· ll'' V1•rn11n WomaC'k <.ind J1mmv Ww km.in ,1n· both awaiting tn;it 111 l'CllHH'l'll011 Wtlh th~· C l'lflll"' Tl1rl'(· of lht· rublx:rit•:-. oc 1·u1·n ·d 111 N1·wp11rl &al·h Gro..,_., ._..1d H 1l•tala "n •;.ill:-1xi-. '><,._. . ., orw of thOM• r.,in• 1h1ngs .1 law 1·11fun·l•mt•11l of f1t 1·r d1•v1·lop:-. ovt•r ,1 lung pt•rtod or llnll', (.l fld that ls ,1 s1>.lh :-.t•ri...t .md .111 <shrlrtv tu put lhl' p1t•\'l'S of i.I puzzlC. H1gl'th1•r Tht· third rrn·nt ;.iw<ird wt.·nl to Timothy Nl•wrnan , iu. the city's first Env 1ronml•nt:.il S1.•rv1ces Coordinator. 111 t·harg1• of enfor - 1.:ing hllt•r t.·01Hrol "Ttm NC'wman took an extrc- m(·l v d1ffl(·ult rolp," said the 1·h11·f "It'~ not e<1sy lo lx"'('.ome ·c.iµt;11n Tr::ish' Hl•';, h<.id tu put up with ;1 lot 1Jf ribbrng from his col lPagut·., He has a sC'nSI! o f humor " c.;111s-. sartl lhi:il Nc.•wman·s .11111 lrrkr progr;.im has bcl-ome a 11111d1·l tor olhl•r l'tlll'S 1n the stale. 'Moral' grollp tracks solons Jt1ary Schn1itz says voting record ' will lJt• u·a tch ed . By JEFF ADLER Of the OallJ Pilot St•lf Caltfor nfan s for Moral Gov1'rnm1•nt. <tppan·ntly huoy1·d by Gov F..dmund Brc.1wn·s Ins.-. in last Tuesday's U S Sl'nate ratt. put Cal1 f orn1<1 '-. 4 5 U .S Reprt"M'nta11vt•s on n11lllt' f'ndav "WP n • watchmg ... s;11d Marv Sl hm1 tz ch<.11rwom<1n of t h~ t•o11:.i·rv.1ll\'t.· t'hn:.uan group th:11 oppo...i·d Rrown·, c:1nd1dat'\ ht~·;iu:-.t• or ht,. pos1llo11:-. ()11 lllorcil r ..... <;u1•:... Shi· -;aid th1· oq~.11111~1111111. a IOC'<il al fl11att• of lht• natron;.il Chrl'>llan V111u· organ11al1on, wou Id mom tor l he· vollfl/oi n -t:on I ol 1h1· '>lJlt":> l'ongrt·s~1ondl d1·l1·g._al 1011 tlunng th1· comfng .,..~..,111n and ...... .,u1· n·port t·ards on l'Ud\ mi·mbt•r's pt>rf11rmanct· hv I lw f'I\( I ttf l 9ln Sl·hn11t1 :....11d ht•1 ~111up would pay µarttt·ular atlt·ntron to :-.ut·h moral rssuc-s as ab11rt11m, ~·houl pr:.iyt·r. humosPxual1tv and tn·atmt·nl of tht• 11.1111111':. drug problPm Schmitz. a camllda l1• 111 l<isl Junc·'s GOP primarv in thl• 4:inJ Congn-ss1onal D1~lnl·t. 1s lht· wift· of :...l<.itc· SC'n. John !:khm111. H- Corona dl'I Mar . .,illt·~c-<l lo hc1\'l' fathl•rc-d two chtldn·n dunn~ iJ long extramarital ,1ffa11 Sh<' anno11nn·d forrn<1t11111 of Ca I 1 f or n 1 an~ for M '' r ,1 I CovPrnmC'nl Oct. 5. prom1,.111g l(1 d1~lnbutt• 7 milho11 t·op1t•:-. of .1 bnJ<:hure on Brown·s views to 3. 01)11 1·hun·hc-s aro1und thl· -.tall• .. Jt·rt y Brown·~ rl't1..>rd 11n abortion: gay rights ;ind th<· EHA ti. ... imply unac'('-'PWhlt· to mtlhons uf Chns11an voter:-.." shl• s<.11d at lhl' ti IYll' Dur 1 n g ,1 J11" I' n 1 n g rH· w s nmft•n•n1·l• Fndav. &·hmftZ said. "IA l' a r <' p I£' as e d l h a t l h e Chr1st1an commu nit y in California respondt'd to o ur voLC'rs' guide" Lot:<illv. SC'hm1tz surmlSCd that , th1· orgarm.au on w ouldn 't e nd up targt.'llng local Reps. W i llia m D.rnnc·mt•n•r, R -Fuller ton. Dan ' Lungn•n, ·H-Long Beach. Robert BJdh.1m, R-Newport Beac h . or lfo11 Pat·kard. nC'wly e lC'Cted in tht· 4Jrd Congressional District . Dannem~er si ts on the 1 :i. mc•mbt>r Cal 1 fo rn1ans f or Mor;tl Gov1·rnmC'nt's advisory bl>drtl A f 1 I l h 0 r Jn gt' Co u n I y t·ongrl·ssman. Rep Jc•rry P a t 1 t• rs o n . D -S a n l a A n a . "prob;1bly'' would l:x· a target of th1· org;.i111ui uon. Schmitz said, • adding "I c·an'l say for sun> right nOIA' .. Couple given prison terms in ·abus e death 1\ ll11111trtgl111l A1·.1t'lt C'l1Upl1· \ t1l1\'lt lt•d tn l'Olll1l'<. lttJll Wtlh lht· I' h 1 Id LI t. u "t • d 1 •a l h o t 1h,.11 1 ti wc·1·k 11ld '>tlll "<'rt "'rtlt•mi·d F11d<1v to s lalf' pr•~•n 11•rm-. Or .111g1 County Supt 11111 Cour1 J ud~1· K<'nnc·t h L.ll' M'fltl·nn·d S1dfwv Gn•<·n. 14. 111 " fvur-vt•ar lt•rm. th1• maximum ;tllowablc· aft1•f a Jury t·on\'rt'll•d him 11f 1nvolt111t<1ry manslaughter 111 th1• 1'<1't' (;n•t·n alsu Wil'> l1lfl\'ll'll'<i of t h 1 I d b c• a t l n g ,1 n d t h 1 I d t·nd.111g1·nng TIAt·ntv-vear-olrl Cvnth1.1 Ew111:-.. who also was umv.1ett.>d 11f tht' t·htld beating and t·ndan~t'nng r hargl'.'S, received a ~-~"::'le.'=' c:.n.,.. '5 95 ot$22 wllll,....olbo1< t/16"ltlrv 1/2" Reg.$75 NOW$29 thrt'l' ypar lC'rm Thl' mfant, named Joey. died J u n t• I • 1 !:18 I 1 n l ht• s ma 11 Hunungton Bt•a,·h apartment wh1·n• his unmar rtl'd parents wt•rt• living After lh<' death, dot·tor., dtsl'overt'd 12 broken bonC's throughout the child's body MOClllao.410 .-l&OCX SANDER ........,,.....,. ~!,•49 NATION • rise s Jobless rate a s layoffs , . .. continue By The Associated Press Tht> nation's unl'mploy ment rate r()S(_' to 10 4 JX'l'l't'nt last month, a pot1t-Depn'SS1on record, and Chryslt·r Corp said 2,500 of Its U.S. workers will be laid o{{ Monday aftN Chrysler workers an Canada struck the automakt•r· and s hut down six plant.'> ' urµ suspt•nds thrt>e divLSIOr\11 or 1111 Warrt-n, Ohio, opera,1on and uaw Cl1•v1•l.md o~rullon. the :.tl·l'lmukt•r announerti. Orengo Coeet DAil. V PILOT /Sa11.1rday, Noveml)ar G, 1982 Al J eun Fo r buth Polly Plumer Reggie Jackson Another 890 wurkt•rs will be tl•mporanly laid u(( 11ex 1 wc..•k when Hepublac Stet•! And Allis-Chalmers Corp. :.alt.I Its s hutdow n of a l'u mbane plant In l nt.lept•ndem·e. Mo .. until Jan uary ldt more than 1,000 hourly and sa lar1l'd l'111ployl't.'S temporarily t)Ul of work The farm l'qUlpnwnt makl•r blamed lagging s;ile:. 11nd grvw1ng 111v1•ntorll's W est Virginia bank fails Press Club honors 'Headliners' SOUTH CHAKLl!:STON. W Va Dozens of stunnt'<.l l'USto mers, some o f t,hrm dutching withdrowal/s llps. were left waiting ~ut 1n th{' freezing cold ~day as tht• First Na uonal Bank uf South Charleston was 1>rc.J t:rt•J dosed. The bank -on Iv the second to fail an W<•st Virginia sinc-e the Great Depression - was dosed b y the, U .S Comptroller of the Cwn•ncy about 8 u m a fter a last-dlll'h altt•mpl by bank offlC'1als to s tav1• off the forced closing fall{'(] In U.S District c~Jurt By F'nday afternoon, t h1• bank o ff1c:1ally c.·easNI lO t·x1st. Its llabil1t1Ps assurnl•d by Charll'Ston National Bank under an agreement with tht• Fl'deral Deposit lnsuranc(' Corp Under the agrceml'nl, n u o n P w o uld lose monl'y dcposlted m the failt'(J bank. officials said. Laxalt n e w GOP chairman WASHINGTON $<.ona tor Paul Laxalt. a cl()S(.· fnt:>nd of President Reagan, h ru; agn .'<.'d to bc<:ome the new chairman of the Republican National Committee, a Whitt• House official confirmed Friday. The Nevada senator wall meet Reagan today to d1~:uss " th t' a ppo intment and an a nnouneement 1s expcctlod at that ume. said the off1C'1al. who rPfused w be quoted by namE> Laxalt will take over the tup spot at the comm1ttl'l' from Richard Richards. w ho 1s stt•ppmg down m January. D e mocrats pushing jobs WAS HINGTON HouSt.- Democrats will push for a multibill1on d ollar j0bs a nd h o us i n g ·p r o g r a m 1 n t he upcoming lame-dul·k session. the chairman o f the J oint Economic Comm1t1t'e said Friday. Rep. Henry Reuss, D-Wis., indicated that Democ ratic victories in Tuesday's el~tion suggest that President Reagan could accept the WORLD program. designed to address both ''the immediate hardships o f the recession and the economy 's longer·tl'rm needs" He said 1t w ill put millions o f unemployed Americans back to work while injecting new life into such depressed mdus tries as lumber. steel and manufacturing of homl' applianl'eS and other durable goods. Soviets issue warning MOS COW -V1ktor Grishin, a member of the ruling Politburo, warned Friday that if NA TO deploys new U.S. nuclear missiles in Europe the Soviets will respond "with wha teve r m e asures 11 ma y f ind necessarv.·· . ' I n a Kremlin speec h STATE marking the 65th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. G rishan also accused U.S leaders of "using the myth about the Soviet menace as a coverup" to seek mtlatarv superiorlly and dic t a te "politica l terms to o thers" Weste rn diploma ts said Gnsh1n broke no new ground 1n the speech Noguchi: 'I will r e turn ' LOS ANGELES Dr Thomas Noguchi. who was demoted from h 1s JOb as ('OU nty coroner last April. said Friday after the close of a civil service commission hearing that he expl'Cts to be reins tated to ha s former pos1t1on. "There's no question in my mind that I will be re turning as chief medical examin er very soon and there are some ehan~es I will make." said Nogu c hi . known as the "coroner to the stars" because of having conducted autopsies on such notables as Marilyn MonrCM• and J anis J oplin Capt. Cargill may r e tire SAN DIEGO -Capt Le-e Cargill. who was executive officer of the USS Ranger when a sailor died onboard last year, says he may retire from the Navy following a reprimand that removed him from the ltst o f o ffice rs eligible to command a ship. Cargill, 43, was acquitted an a court-martial last Apnl or dereliction of duty charges rn ronnectmn with the onboard Corrl'ctional Custody Unit. Airman Recruit Paul Trerice, 20. of Algonac, Mich., died of heat stroke and a heart a ttack after being o r de r ed t o undergo punishm e nt exercises. By KAH.E N E. KLEIN 01 the DellJ Piiot ll•H A young al·tor from Irvine who was in this year·s biggest movH', an lrvanP man who carnt'd H w oman through the flames o f hl'r bur ning con d o minium tu saft•ty and the winner of a rat•e at tht• Junior Pan Am G ames 1n Vcnezut•la w e re a ll honored Frid ay night f o r th e ir achat•vt•mt>nt.s as "Headhnl•rs of the Yl•ar." Thl'St: thrcf" local rl'sidt•nts, and t•ight others, wcrC' rl'<:ognized by th{' Orange County Press Club at a rt•cc•pt1on a t the Orange County Confe rencl' Ct•nter fo r their outstanding l'Ontnbullons to the fields of {'Ciucat1on. the arts. community serv1c(', business, sports, med1c1ne, govt•rnment, ente rtainme nt, h e roism and humanitarianism. Vick Knight, public re lations director for Childrens Hospital of Orange County, served as master of C't'remomes for the program. Each headhner was introduced and presented with a plaque by PrE-ss Club Pres ident K e n Bunlln~ The winners were choS<'n by the Press Club board of directors after ind1v1dual dub membe rs submittt:d nominations for each catl'gory, according to Dede Ginter, who chaired the event. Stephen DeSalvo, of Irvine. was honon'<I for the heroism he showed dur ing h is rescu e, last Jan. 25. of 28-year -old Patricia Marsh all from h e r bu r ning condominium. DeSalvo, 23, a senior majoring an b1olog1cal sciences at UC Irvine, was drivi n g pas t Marshall's Woodbridge residence with a companion when h e spotted the fire . He and Sonia Ger Ii t z tried to enter t h e residence with fire extinguishers they obta1hed inside the complex. but were driven back by flames, S ervices set S unday for Pauline Egly fune ral services will be hdd Sunday for Pauline Hawl Egly o f Laguna Beach , who died Friday m South Laguna at age 57 S he was the wife of forme r Los Angeles Count y Superio r Court Judge Paul Egly, who gained a ttentio n whe n he orde red the Los Angeles Board of Education to implement a controversial school integration plan. He resigned from the bench in May 1981. In addition to he r husband. survivors include two daughters, Mic hele Dudley , of North Carolina. and Patricia Egly. of Laguna Beach; a son , Gre g Strona. of Covina; her mother, Ollie Sisco. of C hino: two sisters. Jerry Ha nson. of Modesto and Wanda Larkins. of Chino, a brother. O.J . Sisco, of Colorado Springs. Colo., and seven grandchildren. Funeral services are schedult.'CI for 2 p .m. Sunday at Pac ific View Me morial P ark, Newport Beach. F amily members said contributions can be made to the Pauline Egly Memorial Fund at South Coast Medical Center , South Laguna. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily· Pilot? What don't you hkt>~ Call the number at le ft and your message will be recordt"d, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642·6086 Th~ same 24·hour answenng service may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for ventication. No circulation rails. please Tell u~ what's on your mind ~ 110. &:IOMI ... .....,.,, foday If fOu 0<> f\Ot t\avt "°"' P•P.r b1 ~ lOpm ~l>e'O'• 7 pm end t OVf 'cooy will n~ -'° S••11td•Y •M Suno•r 11 you 00 not t•C~t1v• your ~ .,. 7 • m c•• t>o•ot• 10 .... -Y'V """'-i..-.o -a ........ 't ,, __ ~:r '°""' .....,,, -~s:tD OAANGE COAST Daily Pilat Th.mot P. Hat.y P111>11lh9< Otld C..,.I f ,.,.,.,.. Qllocer Jane Amari h4KUll•e fdllOI l. Kay Sch"ft1 Voce '•et.c»M Raymond Mact.on Con1r~• O<ld 0...clOt ol Advetltt"'O Mkhoel P. Htn9Y Ott.clOI ol Mol\ ... OflO <~twlotoOlll ICenMth N. Oeddard Jr. Ootectot o4 Oi>ef0t10t1• , I Cleufflect •dv•rtl1lng 114JM2-M71 All other depertment1 .... 2 .. 321 MAIN OfflCE :UO Wttl ... M , c .. 1. ~W. CA 1111•11 -mt ... ltlO. c .... MeM. CA • .,..,. t..,,,...,. ,.., °'..,.. '9eet '"*'"""' e.....,., He ..... tleflH, lll-r9tf .... e4flt.,i.1111-w .. .... 11 ........ 1, -·"' "'4l'f' ..... -. .......... ljle(l•I ... ..w • .,_. et ~ .... ltftt ... ,_, Ro b ert Macnaughto n a nd friend dense smoke and heat. However . when DeSa lvo heard Marshall calling for he lp from inside the condominium, he re-ente red the building. found Marshall in an upstairs hallway and earned her Lo safety Honored for entertainment was Robert Macnaughton. the 15-year-old Irvine resident who starred as Elliott's big brother in the hit movie "E.T ., the Extra Terrestrial." Macnaughton began stud yin g acting at the South Coast Repertory Theater at age 11 and debuted in a Westminster Community Theater production of ''To Kill a Mockingbird." He has since appeared in "The Diviners," a n off-Broadway play that earned him rave reviews. In the cate gory o f amate ur sports. Polly Plumer. a freshman at UCLA. was recognized for her achievements at the Venezuelan games. where she won first place in the 1,500-ml'ter rac:e Plumer hopes to t'ompete in the Olympic Ga mes On the professional side· of the s ports s pcc·trum, California AngC'I S newc omer Reggae Jackson was honored both for his 101 runs and 39 home runs for the team this season and for his single-handed capture of two . burglary suspects during an attempted breal<-in. A lso receiving plaques w ere Cla ire Schlotterbeck . president of "Hills for Everyom•," for the category of community service and Jean Forbath, a founder of "Share Our Selves" for humani tariamsm. "Hills for Eve ryon e" 1s a privat e group of unpaid volunte~rs who furnish food . clothing, furniture and monetary support to the pooF. Mare Taagepcra, a chemistry profrssor at UC Irvine , was honurt.>d for he r contribution tu educ:auon. I nstead of simply lame nting the Jact tha t some studenti. reach college without adequate pre paration, Tas:\8epcra decided to take action to remedy the problem, almost sin g le - handedly creating new programs for students w ho needed tutoring in basil' skills David Furnas. headliner an medicine, has been involved m a number of pr0jects in connection with his post as chief of plastit· surgery at the UCL M edical Center in Oran ge. Contributing most toward his award was his pioneeer work in ceconstructive surgery for ma5tectomy patients. ' For his eHorts on behalf of the Orange County Performing Arts Center, Henry Segerstrom was chosen as this year's headliner in busine ss . Sege r stro m , re presenting the ~egerstrom family. donated a five-acre parcel of land for the center's location and $6 million toward funding the center's construction. Paul Apodaca's Nava.JO Indian and Mexican heritage helped him win the title of headliner in art. Apodat·a's paintings use d esigns passed down through his family from generation to generation. Anaheim Fire Chief Bob Simpson was n amed 1982 headliner in government for his command or firefigh ters during the April fir e storm which leve led a four-blo"k area o f apartment buildings in Anaheim, leaving 1.200 people home less. Simpson's leaders h ip and direction contributed to the (act that, despite tQe devastation , there were no deaths in the fire. Ex-HB husinessinan indicted Grand jury brings fraud cha rges in car case The f o rm e r o wner o f a Huntingto n Beach furniture store has been indicte d by a fed e ral grand jury on fraud charges related to the purchase of a 1981 Lincoln Continental limousine worth more than $55.· 000. Assistant US Attorney Henry Rossbacher said the businessman, Kenneth Alvan J ones. 44, curre ntly of Fort Lupton, Colo . was arraign ed before U .S . Magistrate James J . Penne on four counts of mail and ware fraud and int e rstate transportation of property taken by fraud J ones owned and operated the Marl·us-Grecn Fumiturt> s tore an Huntington Beach. a business that became the focu s o f a police investigation when it dosed unexp<.>ctcdly in July 1981. Huntington Beac h po lice det~uve Ron Pomeroy said that after thl' furniture store operator and his me rchandise disappt'ared lite rally overnight, numerous custome rs complained to police that t hey had lost depos its on furmshin~s. Wholesale furniture suppliers also complained that the store's furniture h0ad not been fully paid for, Pomeroy said The detective said about. $1 5,- 000 was repaid by J ones to satisfy some of the complaints. Gas Barbeque SEP ARA TE REAR BURNER BBQ'S TURKEYS WITH NO RARE UP. Includes Rotisserie SALE PRICED '29999 Sugg. $547.96 No criminal charges were filed locally against Jones. But FBI . offkials said his furniture sales o perati o n s remain under investigation. R9$Shac her said the current indictment alleges that Jones defrauded a Santa Monica auto de ale r by misrepresen ting his · income and net worth in order to purchase the Umousine. Rossbacher said Jones still owes $55,000 on the ve hicle, which he allegedly transported to Colorado. Jones was released a fter posting $1 5,000 bond. Further court proceedings are 9Cheduled Monday. • MoNI tOOO Price lneludel 1.P or Neturet ON, with queta lgnltor. LP lncll.ldee tenk. Net11(el g .. lncludee 12 ft . qulctt oont*1 t'IOM. . . Otter Good Tl'lru 1V11112 ~ro Suc>pty On Hend more than you expect In a hardware store ... • •••• HARDWARE ' • ......, 17th St. at INIM, ~ ..._. ..... t 133 ,......, V... fan Mtguet Df. al llft 1.aoqult), NftPOt1 9Wh, ........ 70 a.... .. ... 1107 .. COMt Hrwy., 11Ma .,....... ... ...,,. Ana Canyon Ad.,.-"""'*~ ..... aa ) l ~ l I . 'l- Orange Co111 DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, Nov Freeze vote 1982 a victory? ~ By WALTER R. MEARS llA(RIS itcd States work vigorously to ;: u ltMclel ConHponcMflt · 11111 negotiate a mutual nuclear wea-ij WASHINGTON It was a pons moratorium qnd reduction, ~ hard combination to beat: a de-with appropriate verificatio n , t: dicated team of campaigners immediately would leave the with the Soviet Union and other " with a salable slogan for a ballot United States al a dangerous nations." ~ proposition that urged an end to disadvantage to the Soviet Thal was almost identical to ,• the l'\Udear arms rat-c but didn't Union. What he wants first 1s an lht' Wisconsin wording the ad- ~ compel anybody to do anything agreement leading to reduction ministration found tolerable if .; With that and some big IX·-of Soviet nuclear stockpiles. not dt'Sirable. '• mocralic names behind 1t, the The White House is concerned But during the fall campaign, '• nuclear weapons fret.•u-was t·n· that Moscow will read nuclear the administration attacked the dorsed by the v~ters in eight of weapons freeze votes, and freeze frc.-ezc issue head-on, in part be- the nine slates that had 1l on sentiment in Congress, as evi-cause of policy, in part because of midte rm election ,Qallots. dence that the administration is polilic.'S. Democratic leaders and ::. The administration tried to get going against the tide, and that candidates. among them Gov. • them defeated, then dcddcd af-Soviet negotiators therefore will Edmund G. Brown Jr. of Cail - ler the e lections that they bcmoreintractablein arms talks. fornia, who lost a Senate bid, ~ weren't all that bad after all. Maybe they will be. although made the freeze part of their <. Voting against the nuclear the referendum, like any rcsolu -campaigns. ~ arms race is about like voting for tion Congress produces, were Administration Republican:; ' motherhood. The t'OmplC'xitics of expressions of opinion and not drew the line. Campaigning in r foreign and derense policy don't binding. Columbus, Ohio, Reagan said the ~ stand a chanc.-c against the sloga-Ironically. the unsuccessful freeze movement was inspired i" neering administration quest for votes "by some who want the weake- ,. Not even opponC'nts of the against the freeze may add to the ning of America and so are ma- " freeze. President Reagan fore-impact of their approval. There nipulating many sincere and ho-~ most among them. have anything was another tactic available: if nest people." He said later that ~ good to say about the arms spiral. you can't beat them, pretend that he "did not have any America~ > They agree that a weapons they've joined you. That's about in mind." freeze would be welcome. once the way the State Department Secretary of Defense Caspar there 1s an arms r educ tio n played it two months ago. when Weinberger called a news <.'Onfe- . agreement with the Soviet Union Wisconsin became thC' fu-st state rent-e four days before the elec- ~ that doesn't leave the United to urge a nuclear fn-eze by po· uon and said a weapons freeze ~ States on the short end of the pular vot.e. , • would heighten the danger of ~ weapons balance. T.be State Department issued a war. "The truth of the matter is Tlult is no small c.·avcat; 11 took statemeot in advance. endorsing that a nuclear irecze would seven years to negotiate the arms the objective of the freeze. and weaken the deterrent forces we limitation agreement Reagan noting that arms reduction talks rely on to prevent war," he said. finds unaccept.ablC'. Talks on thC' were under way at the pres1-The State De partme nt de- arms reduction pact he seeks be-de nt's behest. It said the W1 -ployed assorted officials to speak gan during the summer with no sconsin ballot question was against the freeze, in 220 appea- ~ hint of progress. ambiguous and "unclear as to ram.'CS during 77 trips to 30 st.etes ' Under th e pol1llcal c ir-whether a moratorium should during the first phase of the fall :. cumstances, the wonder of 1t is precede or follow actual arms campaign. A spokesman , Robert tt;iat the freeze referendum lost reductions." · M. Smalley. called that "a mo- in one state, Arizona, on Tuesday. Although the midterm ele<:tion dest effort to respond to the pu- ,, not that it carried in California, freeze proposals varied, the Wt-bhc's interest in this question." Massachusetts. New Jersey. Mi-sconsin wording was typical of After the votes were ~unted, chigan, North Dakota, Oregon, the measures that were appro-White House spokesman Larry Rhode Island a nd Montana . ved. In Massachusetts, for ex-Speakes said the eight-state out- • Twenty-six of the 29 cities that ample. voters were asked, whe-come reflected voter concern • voted on the freeze approved 1t. ther they wanted the state to tell "and a desire to achieve progress Pip run A hi«'ycli t on Pu<'ific Coatjt lliKhwuy flCd ulij by u group of ·---hugt• ~~w•·r llipt'e lined up for a llublit! works 1>roject on the edge of the ht•och c liffs n ear ,I I th StrN~l in lluntiDKIOn Beach. . . Fall Upholstery Sale Super Savings in chairs sate priced '$269 ea. Special features include: * 75 covers to select from * 1 O styles to choose from * All 8-way handstitched *Arm covers * All skirts lined *Kiln dried hardwood fraries * Excellent styling • * Quality tailoring * Large selection for immediate delivery Don't miss this fantastic opportunity·to own a quality chair at the unbelievable price of $269.00-all styles and covers the same price. , OOSTAMESA 1595 ~81vd 1714) &42-2050 Interior Designs to Serve You ·ALL STORES OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY -9 AM TO 5 30 PM LAGUNA BEACH 34 s Norttt eo.t Hwy 1714)4~551 Reagan has said he wants a Washington that they want "to on arms control." He said that _c_ree~ze~,too~-·b_u_t_t_h_a_t _to_•_m_pose~~o-n_e~-h-a_v_e_t_h_e_g_o_v_e_rn_m~e-n_t _o_r _th_e~U-n_-~_w_as~w-.e~lco~me~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . -: . . Jew elry -Art Glass -Object d'Art Louis Icart Etc hings -Porcelain Figures Signed Remington and Russel Bro n zes Max Karp Enam el 9n Copp ec Paintings 18 th. 19th & 20th Century Listed Artis t Paintings Silver Coffee and Tea Sets 1 oo seat Air-conditioned Au~tlon Gallery Prlday, Saturday. Sunday, 8:30 PM: Inspection: One hour prior .. . NEW OWNERSHIP ~La Jolla· Newport SKI SALE ,.. Saturday, November 6th 10-7 1981 -1982 Merchandise Sunday, November 7th 12·5 -Stock Limited to Quantltl8 on Hand. SKIS Reg. ·Now BOOTS Reg. Rossignol FP -270.00 189.95 Dynafit Cups 265.00 K2 SR33 195.00 129.95 Nordica Cosmo 130.00 Fischer Cresta-210.00 129.95 San Marco AXl 255.00 CLOTHING Now 159.95 59.95 # 149.95 Parkas-49.95 & Up Panta-59.95 & Up Swe~ters -19.95 & Up ~Demetre, Ramos, Roffe, Serac,. Obermeyer, Serac;-floffe- HCC, Obermeyer SKI SWAP Meister, Obermeyer Saturday Qnly -November 6th 10-5 Bring your used clothing. skis, boots. and bindings to sell them at our parking lot ski swap. Caeh for your eold qulpment and clothlnt1 IMMEDIATELY. * * SPECIAL OFFER for people wishing to sell skis. boots. bindings or poles. Sell your equipment In the swap or we will buy it from you and Issue you a store credit (which must be used November 6th or 7th) for the amount we estimate the items to be worth. EITHER WAY YOU WIN! ~.00 ch•rwe for ••ch Item bnMl ... t to ... p . Swep elNISale Newport Sid.Company 2700 W. Coaet Hwy. N.wport Beach, Cal. 714/631·3210 Sales & Repair 714/642·8337 Snow Report Newport Sid Compan, ... Llttle Store 2500 W. eo. .. Hw,. N.wport Beach, Cal. 714/631·S144 Rentola. Ski School 714/631·117=7 =Sa!ln~!!!!!!!!=~=p I .nMt DAii Y PILOT I~ turcJny, Noven'I'> r 6. 1082 r ' 1 f l I \ -·· Trailer flatte n ed A mobile home lies partia lly s ubmerged ~ Port Isabel, Texa , a fter an unexpected Jlurricane-fort't! torm tnrushed the cou tal town. At l<•ust 17 people were injured and some we rc··left home less. ~~ GenJini: := Change, travel '' Sundaf, November 7 · c· AR ES (March 21 -apriJ 19): Display hu mor, flexibility and ~c.t ready for important changes. Gemini. Sagittarius natives figure prominently. You'll be given green light for creative project. Imprint • style, maintain pqsilive attitude. Long distance caU clarifies policy. . <fEMINI (May 21-June 20): Accent change, travel. variety, exchange of ideas with one who Is bright and sincere. Some of your best qualities s urge to for e front -you gain through writing, communicating and con tacts made as result of s ho rt journey: ' ~---..-.--------~------~~~--~----~ " O•llllT AL •UGS J AlllllVl•SA•Y SALi so~ •• 70~ oF•' Wt art celebrating our anniversary thl1 mo11th and would Ilk• to 1hare It with you by reducing ~t''prlce1 50% to 70~ •. Th ... ruga 1trt all handmade from rug waving center• of Per1la, Jndla, Paklatan. Romania, and Chin.a. TIEii llE OILY A FEW EUIPL.11 OF Tiii FUULOUS IWI NAME lndo Heriz lndo Chinese Chinese Chinese lndo TABA Tabriz .... lale ..... 1111 Prlc~ Price Name 8111 Price 3'x2' 4'x2' 4'x2' S'x3' $1 50 $ 200 280 59 75 99 250 - Princess Bok hara . . 6'x4' 6'x4' 6'x4' 9'x6' 65.0 800 550 550 299 199 199 499 ·Chinese Super ~iuper Rekha ()llurrie C.hm~se • 9'x6' lO'x8' 10'x8' l O'x8' 12'x9' $1950 3400 1800 1200' 2500 Chinese lndo Henz Shahza deh Tabriz ~nt1que Turkish 9'x6'3" 8'6"x5'5" • 1250 3200 900 1250 350 RG•unds · All Silk Chinese All Silk Chinese All Silk Chinese All Silk Chinese Corona del 1'1ar 3'x3' ·6'x6' 2'x3' 2'x4' 5'x3' 6'x4' 2421 E. Coast Hwy. (714) 673-2224 DaY s .OBrown. .. 200·900 600 800 1500 2400 .... Price $ 199 1350 540 450 750 75-350 250 299 699 950 TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Overcome tendency to be stubborn, · rigid, unwilling to make nece~ry revisions. Focus instead on security, • safety, willingness to tear down for ultimate purpose of rebuilding on a more suitable base. Wat.ch Scorpio! CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Family discussion involves possible purchase of luxury item or art object. Focus on budge t , income, payments and collections. You'll locate what had been lost, missing or stolen. Major domes tic adjustment h ighlights TV I SAVINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ON ALL NAME BRAND TV, APPLllllCES, VIDEl1 TAPUECORDERS AN 1D BIG SCREEN TV's .. ----------..., ' ~-.,,,,,, By PHIL INTER.LANDI of Laguna.Beach " "l think sandwiches are a little stale.' Baker • ~---•ng stink as skunk closes bakery .. CLARION, Iowa (AP) -Baker Larr y Conlon is raising a stink in court in an attempt to get some bread from the city. He says a skunk raised its furry little tail and closed his bakery for four days. "My. did that smell come through the door!" Conlon said. "We got the full benefit. We had a fan going in the back. and it just pulled it right in." Conlon is asking $10,000 damages from the city of Clarion and police Officer John Ofst.ethun A ruling may come next week. Coruon said that on Oct. 10, 1981, a youngster came into th~ bakery saying he had spotted a skunk across the street. Conlon called police and Ofst.ethun arrived with a .22~1iber rifle. · The customers stood there watching with the door open, he said, and the skunk came forward and got caught as the customers tried to shut the d oor . The SRray was unleash ed, ruining his rolls, doughnuts and cookies and the makings of a wedding cake. Ofst.ethun contends he didn't shoot at first because "all I had was hardnose ammunition . . . I was afraid that If I shot, the slug might ricochet off a hard surface like a sidewalk." Ofstethun later purchased some birdahot and shot the akunk dead. Conlon '• suit claims the o f(icer s hould hav e h a d th e right ammunition In the first place and should have diapened the gawkers. The city cont.ends OC1tethun did his duty to protect lta citizens. scenario. .. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What appe are d to b e a setbac k will boomerang in your favor. You'll be at right place at c rucial m oment. Judgment, intuition will be on target. Stand tall, define terms, refuse to be intimidated by one who is envious and short-tempered. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Items that had been misplaced will be located "behind scenes." Check closets, out- . of-way shelves. You poese11 hidden resources and you'll be<.'ome aware of your own potential. Cancer, Taurus. Capricorn natives figure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Project will be completed -con fidence is restored and you can break past ties. Aries and another Libra figure in scenario. Lunar e'mphasis on profit fr om business e nte rprise. n ew friendships and an alliance whic;h could lead to romantic fulfillment. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): New start proves beneficial -you'll have more responsibility and chance for promotion. Avoid heavy lifting, stress individuality and imprint your own life style. Leo, Aquarius persons play significant roles. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-~. 21): What seemed out of reach becomes a v ailable. Foc us on tra vel , communication, pursuit of educatlonaJ projects. Intuition is on target, sense of direction comes into focus and :ra pprocheme nt is achieved w11b fa mily member. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J an. 19): Welcome "good news" but don't forgo right to ask questions. Dig beneath s urfa c e indi c ations. Avoid overexpansion. Strive for balance, logic and self-determination. Insist on maintaining liquid assets.,1Watch Sagittarius! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-F c b. 18): Focus on legaJ affairs, spiritual values. sense of j\Jstice and special agreement with close associate, mate. You'll be asked to revise, review and possibly to alter direction or policy. Taurus. Scorpio natives play key roles. P I SCES (Feb. 19-Marc h 20): Subtle a pproach brings desired res ults. Avoid heavy -hand ed methods. Read between lines. be aware of fine print and get your own though ts on paper. Individual who helped in past is again available. Gemini, V irgo n atives figure prominently. K eep an eye on local govern men f in th e DlilJPllil FRESH LOCAL OOBSTER NUOIW. "'°'1Lll .. ........,i. ............... . •P l~ ....... C A 1'v ••••;~, Nt•P•tl leecll Ca DINNER '8.99 lnolud•• choice of .oup or Hlad, aJJd potato or rice pilaf. ,..,,.,., ... , ....... i-.......... ~", .............. ~~! ~-,.~ ...... -°"'411, 71• M0-1• Vida Dean EJ SAT. 9-6 SUN. 12-4 MON. 9-9 ----------=--......-.--------, llCI RCA. 25'' Diagonal ~E~~;.!!R ~-.. REMOTE CONTROL l.ic-:c" . ...,. ••llEMOTE PAUSE $~ ~s•s OILY .,.,, • REMOTE CONTROL • COLORTRAC • EABLE READY--=.:..._ ,. • -------· -- MAYTAG UOLOA.DOA8 oanae • CO!!' .... tetOlly p-Ill telf teN•<e IO<illdfttt •~0.,1)1 • EM19y fll•<•enl If you pion to buy a new washer · dryer · dishwoaher in the neict d months, you owe it to your self to check tMM bor901n1 on MA YT AG . ''l llAL lrArE •ltJllWAfE • 1.4 cu. It. • 25 Minutr Tinrr • Dtlrost • ...Jlrcftn Guidi. • c oolc Boole OILY 121111 111A I" llAIOIAL 110LOITIUI • 51tn1Lock TllJint • A11fo Lithf Srnsor • Xt1rndrd Life Ch~ssis SAtf $20 OR.Y '271'' IE 11" llAlllAL IJILll Tr Wl lllllTE OllTllL • Vlt II -=....:_ :::-- • DUI/ Mode Rrmote a • C1blt Rrady ~·-· • Bliek ,.,1tri1 Pkhlr · • Tl/bf ,,,.____ .• ~,, .. .,,, ... ,, . . Wllll.HIL 'flAU ·-· • Touch ro1 ~ • St.t/Sio11 SrJllch K11 • ,,,.,,t,f I w.t'• .,,. ol T1111t IArE '30 IOI 111 SllEEI w ........ eF• Fnlion lt"'!Ott etOO' Wei St1t1 ec .... r. Souf!d ·-··~~ - Or t1nge Co 11 DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, !'4ovembtr e, 1882 --Grand Opening CefebFatioi'l· in West L.A.! Teak. S129val. Walnut. S139va1 $ 69 31'/,"X20"X19'/1" •• t&I & TMll De.a°""' WOOd badC. Upho tstered seat vanovs colors $ & t>ac k. vartous t79 $79 val ............ .. . 59 colors $95 val ... : .. 60" X 18" X 30" H HandleS arrv stereo, tuner, ~ $209 value $~ fOrtNt new Avallabte In Video CllSltb!' recoroer~ teak I walnut. ptanntng to Duy, ~ Plummer·s·is celebrating the.Grand opening· of its new west Los Angeles store <8876 Venice Blvd.> by holding an authentic Scandinavian Festival! It's all FREE Ardlltlw.11 ..... With PUrchase Ofanvdes1< ·This W'eelc~ OOIV! S1ae cnair S79vaJ s29 Armcnair S89va1 Baro; tool 24 or 30 H S85val happening this weekend and it's absolutely FREEi so don't miss it! % Off Perfect for entertaining, Indoors and out. Natural wood trames. with a varletv Of bright canvas colors. $39val. Stt-.ctt~ Teak~rd This sidebO'ir'd'PrOVides ,. entertaining convenience arld $ 375 storage space. The svmmetrtcal doors conceal drawers and shelves. • 69" x 19% .. x 31Y· .. high. sns value. Imported Teak Bookcases ·~9.:!~.?! ( - • SATURDAY, NOV 8, 11182 TELEVISION ENTERTAINMENT 99 810 COMFE~IMCI Troja11 ·, Ul.LA face Pnc-1 () f o(•, 1hi ufU>rnoon. 8 4-. . ' lrisli p-an to wori ou~ at · •The University of Notf'e Dame Cootpall l<!am Is schedull'd to work out at UC Irvine Nov 24 and 25 in preparation for its game Saturday, Nov. 27, against USC. SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO flat rate plus a pc.>r,-entugt> of thl' gale (usually t 2 •ti p<>rt.'t'nt). The Forum as no dlrfl'rl'nt, only mon.• expc.>nslvc. thus the $50,000 prk'<' tag. •l, for one, was ready to call off the NFL sea- son thrt.'<.' Wt.'<•ks ago. making. use Wl'nr IL~ white roud uniforms when the two wmn.~ meet Nov 20 at thr Rose Bowl. The Bruins al'<' alhO thinking about banning the Trojan horse. · •UC Irvine's' Kevin Mag<.'{', a two-time All· American, Is leading the ltaliun League in both S<.-oring and rebounding with avc•ragcs of 28 und 15, rt.'Specttvely. •Add Magee: Th<' owner of the team Magee ts ploying with has told Krvin he would like to put together some sort of lifetime contract. Magee has ~lked, however, hoping the NBA will sh~w some mterest next season. wouldn't their national championship hopes be· better off a t 1mother major bowl rather than the Rose Bowl in Pasade na, where they'd meet a-less- than attractive Big 10 opponent? •Major blunders of tht• wc."Ck: I. Thl' Angels' failure to nt>gotiate a trade for Floyd Banmster; 2 The Dodgers' failure to negotiate a trade for Floyd Bannister: 3. The Dodgers' apparent failure to sign Steve Garvey; 4. The Angels' apparent ·failure to sign Doi'\ &ylor. •J\bsolutcly fina l add PCAA: CBS ls also planning to ll'levlsc a couple of regional games with UNLV meeting Fresno State in one, and UNLV playing West Virginia in the other. CBS ls rumored to be laying out J60,000 for each o( those games. •If the NCAA needs any further proof that Pacific Coast Athletic Association basketball isn't a genuine Division I product; it doesn't have to look rrwch farther than the PCAA tournament cham- pt'onship game in March at tht• Forum in which CBS is paying the conferen<.-e a cool $80,000 to televise. •Add Notre Dame: Whal figured to be a po· tentlally engaging matchup with the Trojans will probably turn into nothing more than a futile. exercise. 'The Fighting Irish, who arc 5· l -1 at the moment, play Pitt and Penn State the next <.'<>Uple •Add Baylor: Angels General Manager Buzzie Bavasi has a point in this stalemate, \hough. Baylor as seeking a contract reportedly worth $1 million a year. Bavasi ra~ionallzcs he sho\:'lcln'.t have le-? pay that much for 'someone·who only swings a bat and doesn't play In the field. · •}fore is a less than sobering thought that should make mothers and housewives happy u there's u strong chan<.-e there will be no football - college or professional -this Thanksgiving. ABC tried to muve th~ Pitt-Penn State clash from Fri- d a y , No.v . .Z61 one dny earllec to Thursday • (Thanksgiving), but both schools declined . Yccceeech! •Just a thought, but wouldn't UCLA's football team, which plays Washington Saturday, be better ore if A~ona State won the rest of its games? I mean, aJ§uming the Bruins beat the Huskies, of weeks. , •Add PCAA: The ~t in moving the PCAA tournament from the Anaheim Q\nventlon Center to the Forum Is approximately $25,000. •Final add PCAA: The three-day re ntal cost o( the Anaheim ConventJon Center was approxima- tely $25,000. The AL'<.:, like most arenas, charges a •I can't wail to see who the Angels are going lo come up with that could possibly be better than getting Bannister. Dick Schofield Jr., the player Seattle wanted (the only player at that) and thP one Bavasi wouldn't part wltn, must be pretty good. Heck, he'd BETTER be another Ozzie Smith. •UCLA is reportedly toying with the idea or •For those NFL striking players who a re thinking about playing in the USJo'L and making big bucks ... forget it! Until the fledgling league gets off fts feet, many USFL o!fl<:lals claim the highest saJary they'll pay anybody Is approximately $100,000. Sure, there will be exceptions -for your Terry Bradshaws and Earl Campbells. Union propos al rejected NEW YORK (AP) -The National Football League strike • talks teetered on the brink of colla p se F riday after management rejected a union counter·proposal that accepted the concept of a one-time bonus system but called for $31 million more than the owners offered. At one point, according to sources at the bargaining table. the owne r s' n egotiators threatened to walk out and were stopped only after mediator Sam Kagel convinced them to think about it overnight. The talks were recessed until this morning, 47 days into the, strike that alread y has seen 98 games of this fractured season called ort. Meanwhile, the Philadelphia Eagles and the Tampa Bay Buecaneers sent their coaches home on an "extended vacation.'' • "W e think basically the negotiations are dead," one source quoted Chuck Sullivan, a member of the owners' executive committee, as saying. DetrNot"*-~~-..... Jim Miller, spokesman for the owners' Management Council. said: "The negotiations were set back today when the union presented a counter-proposal which moved away from our current positions. Management negotiators quickly rejected the proposal, then we spent most of the afte rnoon discussing t he future of these negotiations. Sailor Herb Goss catch es pass (righ t), figh ts for possession, takes control and leaps for yardage. Sailors wind up ~ purich 'em-out "The mediator has requested the tw<> sides spend tt"je night reflecting on their pos1dons and meet again tomorrow." Brazas scores three TDs, Costa Mesa s uccumbs, 26-7 The union's bonus package maintains the total cost of the NFLPA's three-year contract demand at $1.l billion. It also contains incentive and bonus provisioM totaling $50 million in 1983-84. The one-time bonus proposal ranges from $17,500 for rookies to $165.000 for a l 2th-year- player. Under the union's demand. the bonus would be replaced the next two years by a minimum wage structure ranging from $60,000 to $322,000 in 1983 and from $82,000 to $340,000 in 1984. Under management's minimum salary schedule, salaries would range from $30, 000 to $200,000 in 1982·84 and from $40,000 to $210,000 In 1985-86. Payments in the union's 1982 bonus proposal would go to alJ players on ~ub rosters 811 of Sept. 20, the day before the strike began. whereas the management proposal would, according to the union. pay only players on teams following the signing ot a coUectJve bargaining agreement. By ROGER CARLSON 01 the Delly Piiot at.tt ., Newport Harbor High football coach Mike Giddings obviously knows a good thing when h e sees it and r eacts accordingly -as evidenced by tailback Steve Brazas' 139 yards on 27~ carries, including touchdown runs or 19, 4 and 1 yards. The combination of the 207-pound Brazas, running behind the right side (Dave CadJgan, Brett Hagadorn, Greg Jacobs and sometimes Brett Kacura) shoved Costa Mesa aside Friday night at Orange Coast Coll ege. 26-7, in a Sea View League contest, leaving the Sailors at 4-2 in league, a game up on Corona del Mar in the race for a ClF playoff berth. Mesa falls to 1-5. "We've §Ot some power there," admitted Giddings. 'But I'm not sure he (Braz.as) has played as well as he can." It was well enough -especially aft.er he went down with nn injury on the second half kickoff, holding hls left knee ~nd appearing to be In pain. "I went out there asking myself, 'What is it?'," Giddings related. "But he told me it was a cramp in his calf and I thought, 'Thank God.' '' ' When Brazas returned ,the Sailors were camped on the Costa Mesa 46 and five straight carries of ~. 10, 4, 5 and 19 yards, almost entirely through the right sid e, netted the Sailors the go-ahead touchdown with 8:10 left in the third quarter (13-7). It was still anyone's game in the fourth quarter when the Sailors were forced into a punting situation, but Mesa self.destructed at that point, ffrst roughing the kicker, than a pass interference penally got the Sailors to the Mesa 29. Newport failed to capitalized when Mitclt Putvin intercepted in the end zone, but moments later t~e Sailors were on the John McKay told m e a long time ago it wasn't a matter of lining up, it was a matter of winding up: -.-.,.. c..ctt ... OldclMI• moye apin after Gil Ward's 22·yard punt .. return and Braz.as carried or\ eight of nine downs, gaitung 30 of the 32 yards required to put the Sailors In command ~20-7) with 4:21 remaining. A 50-yard scoring dash by reserve 90phomore Rob Lowe capped it late in the game, but the attempted two-point pass sent Giddings Into a sideline rage. "We weren't trying to do that (pour it on)," explained Giddings. "We have an automatic play for two points In certain situations, but l told them not to do that." Two long drives dominated the Clrst half, which ended at 7-7. ' The Sailors broke on top with a 73-yard, penalty-free 14-play march with all but one on the ground. Brazas carried eight times for 40 yards, the final a Cour-yard sweep on fourth-and-3. Only once prior to the touchdown series was Newport faced with a third-down situation -and at that time quarterback Mike Wells went to rulJback Bill Brown on third and two for a 10-yard hookup at the Mesa 44. Then il was back to the bread and butter -Braus, and in all. the march consumed 6:39 of playing time. The Sailors were on the move agam after Gary Cunningham intercepted (caused by John Stockham's tap) at the Mesa 48 lat.er in the first quarter. But Peter Schurb's defensive stop and an unforced fumble squelched the bid. Still, Brazas' punt to the Mesa l ·yard line (downed by Jeff Nugent) appeared to have Mesa bottled up. Bu~ the Mustangs responded with an unstoppable 99-yard march , with quarterback Scot Hagey pulling the trigger. Twenty plays, including three third- down and a fourth·down ~nversion, and a 7-yard payoff pass from Hagey lo Mike Matson keyed the drive. Hagey went to Jeff English for 19 yards on a third-down situation from the Mesa 5, to Frank Trqtechand Cor 12 and 8 (See SAILORS, Pa1e 84) savor this 20-14 Viking def eat By JOHN SEV ANO or ... Delly,......, There w3s a time when a football rivalry exl1ted be tween Huntington Beach and Marina high schools. ln fact, 1ehool offlclala thought the oonfrontatJon was gotng to be JO lntenee they decided to iniUate a vici.Ory trophy baclt in 1965. For the Ju\ aeven years, the Olien of Hunt1n1ton Beach barely knew that t.rophy WM 1Ull around. Today, however, it lt proudly beck on the Huntlr\i10n Beach Hich campua. The Olien not only broke a MVen·year drought a1alnat Marina Friday ntaht, tlwy alao gave themM"lvee the lnaide .... to. ~bJe posi.......,, playoff • bid by outlMttnc the vuctnes. 20-14, ln • Sunset League battle at Westminster Hi h. 'he OIJers, wh<*? last ap~arance in the CIF playoffs was 1966, used a 99-yard, 11-inch, 10-play drive late in the third quarter to break a 7-7 deadlock and Cake the wind out of the Vikinp' sails. Th~ drive started after HunUngton Beach defenalve back Richard Men<JO!AI Intercepted a Bill Marler paa1 with barely an Inch to 1pare In front of the pl line. From there, it was me11r1. Carl Saterlhlld , Da nny Thompson and quuterbllck Eric lAwton who took over With Saterfield carrytnc e t1mee fw 38 rarda and Thompmon twice for 40, tM 011.n quickly moved from tt..tr own ' one-Inch line to the Marina 16. Lawton then put the capper on the march when he nailed Jun ior wide receiver Buddy Noble with a pass in the end zone for the 11.'0re. Lawton kicked the extra point to make tht' acore 14 ~7 and the only question that remained was whether the Oilena c:ould hold on. That an1:wer waa provided a few minute• later, thou1h. when a bad Marina handoff ~lted In a fumble (one of four loet Vlkl"I fumblee on \be n(chO \hat wu ra'OYIJl'ed by Hunt.ineton Bt'ach llrwbtckM Mike Hlgtnbotham at the VlklRC 27 yard line. Six play. lattt, S.~rflekt Wft\t in for the Kore from two . yard• out a nd Hun\inpJn BNch led 20·7. Marina madw U lntere1t\n1 when Glenn Vieira returned th~ ensuing kickoff 65 yards to the OilPr 31, where Marler hit Chip Rish on a 31-yard TD paaa with with 4:19 to play to cut the detlcit lO 20°14. But the Oilen weren't 101ng to be denied. Not thl1 lime. a1 Thompson (18 carries, 108 yarda), Saterfield (22-89), and Lawton (5 nf 11 PM*i"I for 85{arc:ta and two TO.) c:lawta for a pair o flm downs that "*" out w clock "Th• kidl toe1 to the ocaaion," •Id a beamlr\I hetld coech G~g Henry. who aaw hi• Oller• Improve thtlr lea1ue record to 2-2 and overall to 6-3. "Th~ ~ we "ad (In lhe third quarwr ... ...tly our Mt ~Ye of &he · (let OIL&IS, Pip 81) ,.., Barons ·fight off s ·e ahawks By ED ZINTEL StMctel le tM Delt\f Pllol Fountain Valley High football coach Mike Milner ~nsed that before Friday night's game against Ocean View, his team might not have been emotionally ready. The Barons may not have been but they had just enough to hold off the Seahawks, 17 -14, tn a crucial Sunset League game al Huntington Beach. Fountain Valley "(3-1 i n league, 3-6 overall) took a majof step toward the CJF playoffs but came dangerously close to losing that opportunity agam1t Ocean View \l -3, 2-7). The Barons now have a showdown with Marina next week, sporting a one-game bulge over Marina and Huntington Beach for second place behind Edison's 3-0 Chargers. The Barons had to fight back Friday nignt after rat"'1g behind 7-3 In the second quarter. Wben they did, they took a 17-7 '8ed .• then had to hold off the Sea hawks. "This wasn't a real good e ffort for us." Milner said afterward. ''Emotionally and physically we werel'\'t ready. I sensed thl1 before the game. Ocean Vlew came to play, though . "Thia has been a somewhat frustrating season for me. We !Mlfm to go Into lapees. Like the first half tonight, we didn't play well at all." Milner said that at halftime, he told hb team to play with more intensity, ·io .get emotional. And the Baro na d id , 1corin1 two touchdowrtt for the decisive pwntl. Fountain Valley went oUt to a 3.0 lead on a 42·yar4 field pl r. by Chuck Smoot ln the llOOnd quarwr. But ~ V6ew arabbld tM 14*1 just before the Mtf, ....... ..,.,.....,... ............. . fl" IARONI, .... ) '! Morris found g uilty of CQc a ine charges ~ From AP dl1patch.e» MlAMI -A Dndt• County d~-cull jury Friday l'Onvlcted former National [i] Football Lcag~e st.ar Mercury Morris C t on c.-OCalne trafficking, l'Onspinil'Y a11<.J -t . ·1· possession charges. Jurors d eliberated less than three hours before returning guilty verdicts on four of six charges. He was acquitted on two counts of cocaine sale. ,, . r1 . Dade Circuit Judge EJl en Morphomos Gabl<> ordered Morris, a star halfback for the Miami Dolph ins' 1970s Super Bowl teams, taken into custody immediately. ... '· ;., ·'· ~' ... Morris, 35, showed no immediate reaction to the verdict. But he shook his head in disbelief as he was Ci11gcrprantcd by u bailiff. and tears glistened iO his eyes when he turned to his wife as he was led out of the court room an handcuHs. "I feel bad for you Mere. l'm sorry," Mrs. Gable told him. S he sl!t sente ncing for Jan. 20. His conv1ct1on for trafficking more than 400 grams of cocaine carries a minimum sentence of 15 years in prison witho ut parole and a maximum penalty of 30 years. The conspiracy count carries a maximum penalty of 15 years imprisonment, while the possession count carries a maximum penalty of five years. "It's a tragedy. Nevertheless, he has to pay the price," George T . Yoss, chief assistant state attorney, told reporters. Quote of the day J obn Kiiliiea, assistant coach of the Milwaukee Bucks of the NBA, when Geff Crompton was cut after reporting at 330 pounds and saying that he had put on 15 pounds because he couldn't work out on the three days it took him to drive to camp: "Sure, but he didn't have to stop at every restaurant along the way." U.S. maintains lead over Japan Playing in steady rain, the United l!I States golfers won one match, tied one llnd lost two Friday on the second day of the U.S.-Japan golf match in lnzai, Japan. The Americans, led by captain Ray Floyd, held a 9-7 lead in the best-ball doubles matches. Each player on the winning team receives $30,- 000 and the losers get $20,000 apiece . . . Nucy Lopez birdied the first five holes en route to a six-under-par 66 Friday for a three-stroke lead after the opening round of the Japan Golf Classic in Yibjauc hi. on TELEVISION 9 a .m . (7) -COLLEQE FOOTBALL ichigan at Ulinois. 12:30 pm. (2) -NCAA TODAY -With Brent Musburger. 12:45 p.m. (2) COLLEGE FOOTBALL - UCLA at Washington (7) -BOXING -Amateur t.eams from the U S and East Germany meet m a series of bouts taped at B1lox1. Miss. 2:30 p.m . (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN " -The 1981 Stampede a nd Suicide race from Omak. 3 :30 p .m . (4) -SPORTSWORLO-:~ Scheduled: Middleweight Alex Ramos (14-1) vs. Ted Sanders. Also: The mixed pro target diving championship and a SportsJournal report. . 4 :30 p .m (7) -G REATEST SPOR TS EGENDS -Johnny Bench, who h it more home runs than any catcher in baseball history, d iscusses his two National League MVP awards. -- 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Anatoh Piserenko of the USSR defends his title in the World Weightlifting champion.ships, taped in Yugoslavia. Also: Sydney Maree and 1982 Fifth '· = rnb r , U~82 1 Bird •harp aa C• tic• dodge Bullet• 'ftw unb1·utt•n tun l't'ltlc.'11, lt'<I m hy Larry Rlrd '1 21 ftulnta iand ftobtrl Parrl1h '1 20, h«'ld off • l•tl' Wu hinaum wurllt-' and dl'(t>ut<'d th~· SullN• 104 97 In National Ba»kt'tbAll AlldCK"lutlun UC'lion t'rlch1y nlatht El•l•Wllt'tt•, Moa;t<a; Malone• i.t111 t't.I 111 polnlH 1n th\• thud 1x.·1·i11cl to h<•lp Phi lud••lphiu to u 1211 lOlJ' u lumph uwr lx,trol\ lioth 11•1011~ Wl't c• u11l1C•11lftn <.-cm1l11j,t In to th~ f{llmc Mllwuukl't'. with Marque. Jobn11on M'orlng :W ~1nt11, op1•1wd u 32 point hulflimt· l\•ud t11l<l rolh.ttl to u l:m.uu u1-rlslo11 owr ~on Diego , Otl1 Blrd•on1 ecort'd ~7 'µolntj 11nd Darwin Cook oddl•d ll) io pt1l't• th<· N1•w Jc•rl!Cy Nl•t!'J to o U9·1J J v1(•tm·y owr t'll•v\•h1t1d , (.1Xtt1nchn~ 1lw Cuvt.1llt•1'tl' 1·t~'Ord lo11ing slr'l•uk to ~~ girnwA .... Kelvin ltansey 11nnk thn •tt crucial frt.'l' lhl'Ows In .thl' Cinul II\ M.'l'(11idw tu t•nnuk• Uullu~ to hold off Ku11iw11 City 1 IH· 113 . Oavld Tbodlpson !i(.·on-d :w 1>01nu; um.I Jack Slkma udd<o<l 27 as S...atlll' r<.'l'Ordt'<i ils fifth s\rajght vic·wry with u 112-IO:J dt-cision ''wr tlw Nl'w Yor~ Knicks . . Guard George Gervin mud<.• a Crc.'f.• th1ow with 54 st't.'(>nd.'> r~:rnoining tu gtVl' San Antonio u 105-1114 Vll'lory ovvr Goldt•n Stat<.•. Fluke goal sparks Oiiers to win Edmonton got a fluk<' goo! by Pat "1 Hughes to break a 1-l tu.• early in the ' third period and then St.'Orl'd three . more llml'S tu defeat th<' Ne w York Rangers. 5-1. Friday n·1ght in Edmonton. The deciding goal came after u shot by Edmonton's Charlie Huddy from outs ide the blue lint.' bounced o ff the bo ttom of tht1 e ndboards, straight up over th<' ht•ad of New York goalie Ed .Mio and right on th e s tick of H ughes, who deposited it into the empty net . . . ln thl' only other NHL game Friday. Blake Dunlop and Brian Sutter scored third-period goals 32 ~onus apart to lift St. Louis to a 4-3 triumph over ·washlngton. The victory evened the Blues' rec:ord at 7-7, while the Capitals fell to 3-7-2. • Angels reactivate three players The Angels reactivated catcher II Ed Ott, shortstop Rick Burleson and pitcher Biii Travers to place them on the 40-man major·leaguc roste r Friday. The Angels also added pitchers Dennis Rasmu11en and Bill Mooneyham and outfielder Mike Brown to fill the vacancies le ft by Don Baylor, Ron Jackson and Lul1 Tlant who have filed for free agency . . . Vlc&or Necbaev, the first native of the Soviet Union to play in the National Hockey League, has signed a one-year contract to P,lay for the Los Ang~les K ings' minor-leagul' club In New Haven, Conn . Nechaev, 27, m ltially balked whe n the Kings recently tried to send h im down to their American Hockey League aUiliate . . . Jockey Bill Shoemaker, 51, topped $90 millio n in earnings for his mounts Friday when he rode Cold to a second-place finish behind Durable in the feature race a t Ho llywood Park Cleveland Cavalie rs' owner Ted Stepien has denied reports he might move his NBA team to Canada, but he says he would consider sellin'- the club "If a lucrative proposal came along. ' The Oakland A's traded catcher-first baseman Cliff J obn1on to Toronto for outfielder Al Woods. telev~si.olJ., _.I:f dio Avenue mile winner Tom Byers are among the competitors in thl' Ro me M ile and the Skate Americ a internati o nal figure s k ati ng . Golden West suffers secOnd straight loss Vl•t!~ wutt•r µulo ol)!.t•rvna; don't t•n1h4•r th1• lfl!Ol l 1lml' u 'furn for 11\stml c:uuchl'<l Colckn Wt>•t Collt11(1• w11 t1•r polo ht un l<J11l two l'Onf1•r('nt-'i' oullng11 1n a row 1mJ thl' nwntor hln1!f4•lf t1Uy11 It Is 10 or 12 y{tuf'li l>Uck sin<'<' that lut\l hu ppenc-d · Whutl'vl!r th1• pust, tht.• GWC Ru~tl1.•r11 droppt.1<l '' 12 11 \toublt• OVl'rlluw dt•(:hmm to Sunlu Amr Frlduy afternoon to dtop Int() u t j (' f 0 I' t h (' S II LI t h C O 11 11 t Conforf'nc..'t.· leud whh thl· l>on11 at 6-2. G WC hod IOHt tu J.'ullt•rtor~ eurlll'r In ttw Wl'C•k. Orangl' Coa1u µu t uway WA TER POLO Ct.•rrilos~ -l 2 · 1 I l o dro p thl• Falcons out o f a firi.t plat•t• tit'. On thl' high sch ool S('l'nl', non-league action wus an vogut.• a$ t.enms a wait th<' cur playoffs which bt.'gio Tu1-'bdu)'. Nt•wport H arbor s t o ppe d Sunny Halls, 12 -6 ; Es tancia toppled Garden G r ovl', 12·5, Corona dcl Mar outlasted Tustin. 9-8 in ovcrumc.•; Fountain Valley was stopped by Foothill, 8-6, and Costa Mesa cl{)S('<:i tts sc~-wn with an 11-7 dcc:ision ovt'r Downey. Golden West f ou nd t h e officiating anything but pleasant in the I~ to the Dons. "I think our kids played a fantastic game," Hermst.ad said. "But the o ffi c iati n g w as questionable. We had many more ejections than they did and they scor ed the winning goal with four seconds remaining in the second overtime w hen we were a man Sborl. lt was a poor cjl]I.'' - Orange Coast f e ll behind Cerritos, 11 -10 b efor e Roy M<.{.'~irmit:k hit u goal wHh l ::H lo play to lit· the· l't1unt, ttwn Su.•vt• Simmon~ hit tht• winning ttilly with 47 11t'<.·ond-. n •o-wtnlng Or11nt1c· Cuui1t It' ~ 4 In ('Onforcnc.·l· pluy and 15·6-I overall. Ooolfl' St.'Oll llun!ll•n hod 15 l>UVt'S, Nl'W port linrbor's Sc't.1 Vlt•w l .«agut• chumpionR had m\ l'usy um1• In dl•ft'otlng Sunny lllllK ' "Wl' Wl'fP kind or, flut but 1m wen.• thl·y." <..:oud\ .Biii B<lrm:u s11lcl Colin Thompson with four und Art JcpJX' with thrt'l' pa('l,'CJ thl• 1'ar Sl'Orlng Thl· Tars pluy Long &tu:h Wilson today al hom<' an their final tuneup before CIF. Estancia <.'Omplcwd iL~ SQason wtth a win ovl·r G<irdcn Grovl' with David lnadomi scoring four and Gordon &_.rg playing wt•ll on dcft~S(' along with his two goals on offense on his birthday. Ted Bowen had 10 saves in goal, David lmbcrniAo Sl'Ored with r.05 lcfl tn thC' first sudden-death ovcrt1ml• period tu lift Corona dcl Mar, now 23-1 overall. It was lm- bernino's 104th goal this season and it sen t Tustin, the Century L eague cham~ions, down to defeat after the Tillers had tic.-d the gaml' with 25 sec,onds remaining in regulation. Costa Mesa , left out of the playoCCs d~spite finishing 17-5 overall. had five goals from leading scorer Aaron Chasen to turn back Downe y . C h asen scored l 11 goals this season , Including 31 in Sea View League play. F oothill h anded Sunset League champ Fountain Valley a seCOOc , oespite a-pair uf goals apiec.-e from Miles Nomura, Rob Cope' and Jeff Moor e. BARONS SURVIVE . • • From Page 81 a 25-yard pass play from Chad jumor. "The entire defense did Pariseau to Bryan Burnside. what it had to do. We used the Ocean View head coach Steve nickel-wedge to our advan tage Colflesh thought the same as tonight. It was effective." Milne r afterward. ''We showed Pariseau was sacked nine times great charac te r . tonight after by the Fountain Valley defense getting beat up really good the a s Ocean View gained just 24 last cou):>le of weeks." yards rushing on the night a nd Fountain Valley got untrpcked 109 total vards. in the third quarer as tailback In addition to W enj, S tan Dave Swigert plc~e.9 u;:p'--'b~l_..g.__.._H ... ua~og.16 . ...Russ Geck Btuce Cook. chunks of yardage. The Barons Jim Ussman, Steve Martin, Eddie marched 63 yards, capped by a Wells and Pat Lacey played well 4-yard touchdown run by Al for the Baron defense. Shaw. Then . ( 0 11 0 wing n n For Ocean View, defensive interception by Mike Newton at standouts included Bur nside, the Ocean View 26-yard line, the Mike Sud,yka, Mike biehlman, Barons took a 17-7 lead on a James Himes and Greg Edwards. 5-yard run by Shaw. ~ However, with 8:35 remaining. FOUftt.ln Velley 17, <>c.en View 14 a n d with F ountai n Valley Foun1.ainva11yScotebJ~3 t4 0-11 apparentl y on its way t o a. 0c9an View o 1 o 1-14 championship:., taped at Lakt' Placid, NY. 6:20 p.m C9) -NBA BASKETBALL Arlge les at Utah. . com fortable victory, Ocean FV-Smool 42 FG -Los View's Artie Hatfield intercepted OV-Burntld• e pus from ParllHU (ThlbodeM.I kick) 11 p.m (5) COLLEGE FOOTBALL -· UCLA al Washington, played earlie r in thl' day m Seattle his third pass of the game and FV-Sh•w' Nn (Smoot kldll returned the ball 70 yards where ~::.~!:~ ~~ ~~~~ kl<:•ct Todd Parker took it over from a11encsanc;e-1,9001e111ma1ec11 the l l , making the score 17 -14. a-1\attattca · RADIO Ocean View held on the next Flrtt down• ~ Football -Oklahoma State al Nebraska, 11:25 series and got the ball back with Rusna·v•rds 37-105 a.m., KIEV (870): Cal St.ate Fullerton at Fresno ju s t over three m In u t e s Patting yard• 105 p.. e.1e-2 Stall', T:TO p.m .. KWRM n:mn and KWVE-(10s---"r"emaining and a chance to win P\Jnll r.'.ff ov 8 29·2' . 85 10-28-2 FM); UCLA at Washington, 12:50 p.m., ~MPC , the game. Fuml>lft-tott 1.0 (710): California at USC. 1:30 p.m .. KNX (1070): However. Fountain Valley Pena1tlM-yard1 S.55 •·38" 1.() 5-•2 WVE M I.. w j lndt*-1 " ... "'"' Edison at Wl.>stminster. 7:15 p.m., K (108 F ): defensive tac"le Tamby en FV-Garra11, 5·13; Pavalko, 5·23; Fry•. Cal Poly Pomona at Cal State Northrldge. 7:15 p.m., came up with the big play on 9-IM·mlnu• 11, Shaw. •·23; sw1ger1, 1'-e:J KWRM (1370): Saddleback al Sant.a Ana, KSBR second-and -seven whe n he OV -T · Parker' 11 ·5•: Partteau, te.tor-mlnut 3'; Movnl. 2·'· (88.5 FM); Pacific vs. Long Beach St. at Anaheim. sacked Par iseau for a key lndhtit•I ~-"" 10 p.m .. KWVE ( 108 FM>. delayed. 1 3 -yard s a c k to put ·the FV-Frye, &-16-2, 1-05; Tollner, 0-2-1. o. Basketball -Lakers at Utah. 6:20 p.m .. KLAC Se a hawks deep in thl'ir o wn ov-Par'::~ (570) territory and out of reach . FV-Sti.w. 1-12; Belchet, 2-27; Thompton, Hockey -Pitts burgh al Kings. 7:20 p.m .. "WenJ is a heck of a player," 3·38: Ga1re1i. 1·11· Crall, t-t9. KPRZ ( 1150). Milner said of his 6-1, 204-pound 1-~5~~.21.i:= T. Patlcer, Mt, H•wiYI•. College football TOOA\''8 0Am8 Cahlornla vi USC al LA ColiNUm ( 1 30 D.!!\,..I U\JLA •I WUl\lngton (Channel 2 at 12 so pm l Arttona at StanlOfd Pacific Vt long BHCh St •• An•h•1m S1ae11um (7 30 p m l Santa Clara •I San JoM SI , n Cl! S1a1a Full«ton at Frttn0 SI San ()!ego 81 •I Hawaii, n BolM SI at Cat Poly (SLO), n Walhlnglon SI. at OregOfl Mont•M.Jtl Portland SI., n Cat lutlleran at St Mary'• Whl•lef al LaVame OCcidtnt•I at Aedtandt, n . Cal Poly (Pomona) •t Nor111rldgt SI . fl UC Otvla II Hayward SI. Chico St ll Humtl04dl 81., n Sari Franolteo St ar Sactamenlo SI . n f'ocll ... Colorado al M•HOUfl ()ktahOnla SI at NebrHtca Ball St at BOWiing Gr_, Wlchola SI 81 Drake Kent 51. a1 Eutern MIClligan Central MteNoan at Miami. 0 w .. 1"'n Miehlfl•n at TOiedo Northern ltt.nols II OhlO U Sovttl LSU at Alat>ama Au1g9f"t at Auburn Notth Carolina al Clemaon W•k• ForNI II Ouk• Georgia 1t Florldl Virginia al Georgl• Tach Vandef"blll al Ker11uc1ey lndlan• St. al Loul•vtti. Miami, Fla. at Mary181'1d Tulane at Mlteltsippl, n Florida SI II SOuth Cerolln• Memphl1 St. II Ten~ Marti\•" al VMI Brown at Wllllam & Mary 8uc:ltnell al Davidson Orevon SI •I Arizona S1 n Wyoming II BYU Nevad•la• Vagu •I Col<i<ldo .SI. ldlllO at Idaho 81 . It Jem .. Madison at Furman Mc:NMM SI •• , loulelan• Tech, n Ntehollt SI al NW L.ou;tlana, n Southern at SE loulliana, n Greg llenry OILERS. • • From Page 81 year And it's thl' drive that will probably l'Xtcnd our season a few t.•xtra wc:t>ks." "We had our chanl·es," said Manna Co<wh Duvl' Thompson "We JUSt didn't cash thc•m in. We: had too many. fumbl('S. "Our kids pluye~ hard. but so did Huntin gton Beach's. They dcscrvl>d to win. It was a great game.•." Despite· the loss, which saw the Vikings' rl'('Ord drop to 2-2 in league. fi-3 overall, their playofC as pirations weren't to t a lly whlppl'd oul as a victory over Fountain Va lley next Friday (coupled with an Oiler win over Westm inster) would create a thrl'l'·leam deadlock for second plaloe. Hunungton Beach didn't want to hear o ( s uch possibilities, however. The Oilers, instead, wanted to savor the moment. "The last lime we had that trophy was 1973," said Henry as he was presented his prize at m1df1eld "It's been so long I'm n ot sure our kids kne w il eXlSted." * Huntington Beech 20, Merine 14 lc«a b~ OUMtera Huntington Bea<:h 7 0 7 6-20 Merlna O 7 O 7-14 H8-lope1 33 PHI from Lewton (Lawton kiclll M-Karman 10 run (Karman kiekl . HB-Noble 16 pus from ~Wion (laW1on ktek) Hlt--Saterfleld 2 rvn-(nm f1111ed1r---M-Alah 3 t pae1 from Marler (Karman luck) Allandafl()8 -'·'00 (asllmatedJ Game Slalltllc• .. Fir II dqwn1 18 Aushef..yardt 53-207 Patting yarOt 85 PUHi 5-11·1 Pun la 5-33 F~b!M-lotl 2.0 Penalties-y1r01 7.79 .. t1 29-10• 137 5-10·1 3-3' M 7.-44 tr.dllltdl&el "118Mnt HB-Thompaon, 11· 108. leWlon. 11-!or mlnut 8 Sa1erhekl. 22·89, Manooia. 1-!0f mlnut 3 Lopez, t.O. Tomaa.c;a, 2·5 M-Marler 8-26. Pallerton 13-50 . ICatman 8·28 lndl¥11Nal ~_..,. HB Law1on. 5-11·1. 85 M Mttlet. S·tO·I. 137 lndtYtdulll "8cel ... 19 HB-Sale•llald, 1·9. Lopez 1·33. Dunn. 2·27, Noble. 1-18 F-Karman, 1·10, V1e.ra 1-47. Crowtey. 1· 17 Arah 3..s3 l Fountain Valley .hos ts wrestlers ' The Beach -Valle y wrestling tou r name nt. a p r eseason competition for high school wrestlers. is on tap at Fountain Valley High today. Registration and weigh-ins are from 7-9 a.m. with an entrance f ee of $5 . JOHNSON &SON presents ... Nor111ern Artrona at Montana St North T•H• SI at New M .. lco SI Ulall SI al Ullll NeYada·Reno al Webet SI . n NE Louftlan• at SW loulliana, n Appetac:h lan SI al T1nne11••· COLLI GI .............. ' '""'-' Arkan ... a1 8aylof Kan ... 81 al Otclahoma SMU a1 Rice Howton 11 Teu• T4111M Tech al TCU W• r .... St ., Tulle. n AfUMM St ... \MNt. n tut ClrOlln• a1 T•~ff·Ar1fneton. n New Me\IGO 11 Taaa .. 11 Paao, n ....... ~ 1t l•inota (Ctlannel 7 •I • 26 &,m I Horth-l«n al Mtehlftn St M~la a1 Ohio SI lowt II P\lfCIUe lndl4IM at Wttlconlln Iowa 81 at KMHI cnananooo•. n E•tem Kantuelly al Tan-Teen The Clledel at W"tern Carolina ... Norlh Cetoltna St at Penn SI NC>lra Dame at Pitt Navy 11 S~ac:uM NI Force .. Anti-; 8oltO'I Cilllflll et IA c~I ~ U •I eom.cuout Comell 11 Y• Lal~ el PftMeton Colgete II Penn Hervlrd at Hoe., Cfoet Columble " o.tmoutfl M._ .. .._ ....... l ,, hde lllMd 's.. C.lif . over Callfomio * UQA over Wothln9toh * IYU l 4 • ' Orongtf Co 11 DAILY PILOT /Saturday. November e. 1982 a "Fo.ul · play cos s Pirates a chance at v~ctory Or•n•e Co.I\ C9lltKf too\b1ll coach Dick Tuck r obvieull1 4oesn't take much pride tn hh1 tam'• cumtnl l~ ~. and ~l\her would nny other co.ch. CURT SEEDEN But Tuckw doe. point o~t that h11 Plr&k'lll picked to fJnilh thnh h\ ihe aeven·t.Hm South Cout Conference ltand lnp -have held leads In the aecond hall apl_Nt .El Camino, Mt. San Antonio and Fullerton-i>efon "llUttUmbffig. It should be no\ed that EJ Camino. Mt. San Antonio aald FuUerton arc.> among the top 10 teams In South~rn California. Aa a matter of fact, Pasadena, which was ranked slxth In the nation, was defeated by El Camino last week. And both Mt. SAC and El Camino are among the \op 20 teams in the nation. stunnmg victory. Instead It goos down in the record book os yl!t another OCC dcfoat. IRONICALLY ENOlJO H, tht' d ufonslvc holding penalty called by oCflclal Bill Vlnovlch with about a minute remolnlng In the game was not the coU that really rals<.'d Tucker's ire. So, Tucker fil\Jred his underdog Pirates would at least give Fullerton a battle last Saturday. IC nothing else. Aa it turned oul, the Hornets. ranked 17th In the state, got n little help Crom one ofCicial who had the eyesight of an eagle to call a penalty ·against the Bucs from his position 35 yards away from a crucial play In the fourth quarter. Rother. it was a play earlier In the fourth quartt'r that could hbve given the Pirates a 20-7 lend. The-Bucs, lead ing 13-7, had the ball on the Horne( 4-yard line on a third down play. They needed to get the bull within the I-yard line for a first down. · It cost the Pintes wt}at would have .been a OCC halfback Corey Stephens took a handoCf and b'arrelled his way to the goal line. Tucker AndcrsO..n, Norris win ·;n Sea View David Andenon, a junior at Corona del Mar, successfully defended his Sea View League cross country cbaml>fonship and the El Toro Chargers won the team title with a Jow acore of 34 points Friday afternoon at Saddleback ColleJ!. ln the S ou&h Cau t League finals at Niguel Regional Park, Dana Hills dethroned four-time champion Mission -Viejo. while the Diablo \ltomen easily ran to the team title. Julie Norris ot Costa Mesa won • the women's race In the Sea View League over an ailing Theresa Barrios but h"er University Trojans captured the team title. Anderson is undefeated this season and will go to the CIF meet although the Sea Kings didn't qualify in the top three. Only the first three teems from the league make the CIF meet. The league cbampioMhlp is divided between the dual meets and the league rneet with El Toro scoring 17 points to 11 for Newport Harbor and University. The Trojans were third place, however on the basis of dual meet action. In the w omen's division, University had 17 points to 12 for Newport and 9 !h for El Toro overall. These I.sam e three fjnish~ In that ordeir in the league f.inabl. Norris, like Anderson. will compete in the ClF meet with her first place Clmsh even though the Costa Mesa team w as -eliminated. The top three runners are invited even though their teams don't make it. Anders<fn won his race over Doug Kine r of Newport and Spencer Allen of El Toro by 31 and 32 seconds. He was never in trouble-throughout the race. Norris was a winner by 14 seconds over Barrios who h as been hurt this season and is not quite up to her previous form. Barrios was a Se<.'Ond In front of El Toro's Michelle Buck with University runners taking the n e xt fo ur position s in the women's race. · Jn the South Coast finals, Brett Clifford of San Clemente wore down Dana Hills sophomore John Kelly in the final strides to win by seven seconds. But the Dolphins placed second, third, sixth, seven th, 10th and 11th to easily claim the team title. The Mission Viejo women. unbeaten in duals this year, conlinued~Jts mastery in the league final'S-:- Freshman Moura Daly raced to "victory in 19:05 to outfinish n&nner-up Carol Card of Laguna . .Beach by nine seconds. Laguna Hills' Ann He lm. who was unbeaten this season in dual meets, placed fifth. ~~ HIGH 8atOOL FOOT'UU. AT rra ..,. I ALaACOltl TUNA -lwh0te tuna fl8'$ 7 lbs. Of' more 11.00 L •• leet "--Jan al 31 9L nr C..-.r, RHtaurant •·•· Daltf 11:00 tlll aril. ~13 ..... .. . . Edison Chargers vs. Westminster LIVE/ TONIGHT 1:1~ PM AN ENGL.EllRECHT CO•ANY PROOCJCTION KWVE FM108 $3 00 OFF • OUR REGUUR PRICE PER GALLON IATllllDE' ll-llltrt lltnluml ,or kltehent, bellw-. woodwoiti end moet Interior ---f.Mlftll dur9l>iltly. e.., '° ICIPIY Valey Pai'lts 9102 Edinger Fountain Valley 842·2441 Richards Home Decoratin1 , 12457 Valley View Garden Grove 892-2230 . , Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. ·4° I 'I I 1/1" th<' aam<' II crylna.'' uya Tucker, "but t~ ~ttt the fecta u I uw them. "To rMll a dcft.•Nive holdln1 penalty on the line ur IK.'l"lmmaatl' from 3a y;arda away on a fourth down play when the quMrtcrback haa been ucked and no paaa thrown -that'• a prt>tty tough call," Tuc:kt-r adds. .. 'Tr OOES HORT. Our l<lda pTar,ed wen en0t&111--i to win and we nffded a win badly. ' the OCC cdleh continued. "Fullerton is probably one of the tttree best teamB we've played thi. year." : Sy the way, Vlnovlch waa the only offld'° to spot lhc Infraction. The line judge standine aevf!ral foct from the pby never aaw It, and neither did fln)' of the other offjclala. Bruins' Leveille better . VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP): - Bolton Bruins left wln'g Normand Leveille f-'&S taken off a respir~tor and was breathing on his qwn Friday, a Vancouver General Hospital 1pokesJtl&n sa~. ' However, Levellle. 19, who collajieed from a cerebral hemorrhage between period.a of a NatiOn.al Hockey League game Oct. 23, remained unconaciOua • a~d In poor but stable <:0ndilion. .the apok~ said, . , . She said doctors Indicated the move was a gbod sign, but cautioned the condition of such patl$lts "can change in so many dHferent ways." • SALi ASH PLYWOOD Reg. 17.95 $898 "Slight Damage" 4 I I I ~" ~.~~~~dPL YWOOD·--1~~~5 Ready To Stain 4 I I I ~" ASH PLYWOOD V-Grooved Ready 1o Stain 4 I I I ~" 011 PlYWOOD V-Grooved Ready To Stain 4 I I I ~" PEClll PLYWOOD Beouriful Groin Ready To Stain 4 I I I ~" TEii PLYWOOD Outstanding Quality 4 I I I~" llHOllllY PLYWOOD Lumber Core Great For many U... Reg. 21.95 Reg. 24.95 Reg. 29.95 Reg. 44.00 Reg. 48.95 SALi $911 SALi $1098 IAU $12 48 IALI $14 11- SALi $2200 IALI $24 48 --· = w ..... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/811urd1y, Novtmbtr e. 1082 O~t it goes Seattle's Greg K eiser and New York's Be rnard King dive (or loo e ball while Sonic Coach Lenny Wilkens looks on Friday night. SA ILORS e e • e From Page 81 y1rd111 , t)1u:k tu 1'~n11ll•h fol' 12 yaml• amd to Maark Cook for II vurcJ11 bt•lorv thu TD 11lrtk". ·'We• j u1u couldn'l 1novt• th1• (Cl(.llball 111 tlw ll("C,'Of\U half.'' iwld Mt'tW t'O t'Oa<'h Jim llo~t'Y "W1.• t'Ouldn't run lhl• opuon. • Newport tihul Mt•Ha nff '4lm08t entirely aht.•r thut onl' lon~ drlvu end Olddin6'11 t,i>eplomed: 'J ohn McKay told me a long u~ •tio It wo1m't u rnollt•r of llning up. It Will 0 11\llllCr O( winding up "W e w1.•n · wrnnding and wutchlng No. 10 (Stot Hagey) put Qn u how. 1'.ht• diffor •nee WUll tnll'nsity " • ... Wpoft Harbor 2t, Coete ..... 7 lc0te b~ Quail .... Newpo1t HarbOr 7 0 8 t3 26 Colla Me11 O 7 0 0-7 NH Brana • run flohM kick) CM MllllOn 7 PH I ftom Haoey (Sehulb hlc;k) • NM 8 razu 18 run (ktck f811ed) NH-8 r1Ua1 1 run (LohM klek) NH -Lowe 50 run (PU• felled) .. Allendlll<:•-2,700 1 .. um1111dl Oeme llellell6• ..... Flrll Clown• • 20 AUlhe•·ylf<IS 28·2•• PHllng y11<11 122 PH... 7·1<1·1 Pun II 2·32 Fuml>lff.IOst 3-0 Pen1lt1e1-y11ds 8-35 lndlvld~I fh1ehlno CM 12 28-48 1&.:j~ 5.33 1.0 3.43 NH Brazes. 27· 139: Lowe, 1-50; Nugent, 8-23. Power, 1·1t: l ruOflg. 3·8, Howser, 3·1. Wells. 3-5; Brown. 2· I. CM-Grant, 1<1-28. Hagey. 8·18. Deleo. 1·2. Sperk1, 2· 1 lftdlvldllel ,..._ NH-Wells, 7-1<1·1. 12~ CM-Hegey. 12·25·2, 137:-Stluck, 4-6-0, 3 t, lndlvldu.I "ecelvlng NH-Goss. 3-78, Power, 2·20: B'IU I , 1· t•: Brown •. 1.10. CM • Tro11cnand, •·49. Engll1t1. 2·3 1, HeyH. 3·30. Cook. 3·23, Mat1on. 2· t8. Zllkow. l·t•. M1r11n. 1·2 Injury-plagued ·use faces Cal B ears a welcome sight today By ROGER CARLSON Of .. .,.... Het.ateft lnjury-nddlt'd and declmaled with one negative ufter another a1nce e ven bc!or" th~ 1982 <.·olleg(' toolball s eason began, USC's Tro jans r eturf\ to. the Coliseum lOday trying to restore> some order ond sanlly to their ayi.wm ugalnst the Golden Beal"ll of Cahfomla Jn a Poe-JO t'Ontest. It begins at 1:30. With hopes of a finish in the uppe r echelon of the .football rankings all but sha ttered Jasl week in a 17-10 l0$S al Arizona Stale, coupled with the loss of sophomor e quarterback S can On radio to_da.t' "·""" (10_70) at 1 :30 Salisbury (knee) for the bala.nt-e of the season , one o( the few things. on a positive note for today is the Bears. w ho enter wilh i ess th a n s\erl i n g credentia ls. "Th ey (Ca l ) h ave som e w eaknesses," says Ro binson, "but so does eve rybody else." 1ut'CCM the balonce of the li£'OllOn ht 'rina}ey. "H1.• c an be an c H ect lvt• quarterback . . . no, ht' will be a vcr'I e ffective quarterback for u11.' Robin10n 1111ld of Tinsley. "Ht>'• done It for us in th<' past und we're t1Ur<' he'll do il for us again." Altho ugh the Tr0Jan1 are obviously hurting in many ways, lh cy s ll'l ha ve lhal overwhe lming d e fense, w ilh linebacker Riki Gray and Neil Hope , d e fe n s ive back Joey Browner, lackle Byron Da rby and J ac k D e l Ri o p n th e perimeter leading the way. South~rn Cal's d e fense 1s aUowing only 85 yards on lhe ground and 1 ~O passing. CaJ's passing game hing~ on the avai'labiluy of sophorpore· Gale Gilbert (54.1 pemmt), who suffe red a hyper -extended left knee againsl UCLA" two weeks ago. Junior J . Torchio hit 14 of 25 for 197 yards a nd a TD aga inst UCLA and completed 17 of 32 for 232 yards and a TD agains l Oregon State. It's a special night for Smith The Trojans' woes begin at quarte rback , but also include virtually ever y facet of t>h c backfie ld where four tailbacks and three fullbacks have been s huffled a r ound because or various injuries. Scott Tinsley, whose four-year s tatistics at USC reflec t 47 complelions in 88 attempts for 588 yards and 4 touchdowns, will be al the controls. He was in charge two ye a rs ago when Newport Ha rbor High product Goraon Adams w as injured, and led lhe Trojans to a 20-3 victory over the n unbea ten Notre Dame. Bruins face Washington on rebound His fumble recoveries help Saddleback in 43-21 win SEATTLE (AP) W as hingto n 's 10th-ranked Hus kies, who were upset by By CURT SEEDEN Of tt6a DMIJ Piiot 811tf One of the many personal success stories which has come out of Saddleback High School's undefeated football season lhis year is that of senior tighl end· defensive end Bla ke Smilh. _ A 6-2. 205-pound senior. Smith would ordinarly be playing those positions for Esta ncia H igh, considering he lives in the Mesa Verde area of Costa Mesa. But Smith is n o ordina r y football player. He is deaf. and because Saddleback High has special accommodations for deaf students, he is enrolled lhere. And Friday night at Newport Harbor High , Smith accommodated Coach Jerry Witte and his Roadrunner teammates by scooping up two Estancia fumbles, rambling in to the end zone on both occasions to spark Saddle back to a 43-21 victor y over the F.agles before aboul 3.- 500 fans. Saddle bac k win ils e ighth con seculive ga m e wilho ut a d e Cea l. In the process.. the Roadrunners clinched a tie for th e Se a Vi e w L e agu e championship with the victory. Saddleback tried lo make il look easy by rolling up 20 points in the first quarler as sneed y tailback Ke.1in Bradley scured on a 13-yard 1·un, fullback Glen Halke ll barrelled in from 1 yard out and Pesak found Todd Cage on an 18-yard TD pass. · ·· Pesak scored o n a 15-yard keeper at 5:33 of the second period to give lhe Roadrunners a commanding 28-0 lead , but il was n't enough to make the F.agles give in. Estancia responded with a 10-play. 74-yard drive late in the second quarter wh j~h culminated with a 2-yard plunge by hard-working Matt Wolf at 1: 11 of the period. The third quart.er belonged to Smith. who ran untouched 32 yards with one Estancia fumble o n lhe firs t play and then repeated less than J~o minutes w later by picking up another Eagle fumble and carrying it in from 12 yards out. Estancia quarterback Scott Davis lhen directed the Eagles on an 11 -play, ·68-yard drive for lheir second TD as Wolf found the end zone from 1 yard oul, Estancia closed out the scoring with its best drive of the night - a five-play, 93-yard eHort which ende d whe n fullback G e ne Fewell scored from 9 yards o~ ·"They're a reaJI good football team ~ well coached," praised Estancia Coach Ed Blanton of the Ro ad run no.rs . "Their quarte rback (Pesak) Is jus t something else . As far as I'm concerned, he's the player of the week." Blanton, whose F.agles Cell to 1-5 in league and 3-6 overall, added: "I'm proud of our football team. We didn'l quit. I thought our quarte rbac k did a helluva job."' * leddi.o.ck 43, Eetancla 21 lcOff by o-n .... Secktleback 20 8 t5 0-43 Elllnctl 0 7 7 7-21 S-B'ldley 13 run (PeH k kick) S-H1lkell 1 run (klc:k felled) S-lCege 18 pan from Pesek (Petak kick) S-Pnak 15 run (Pllllk kick) E-WOlf 2 run (8am 1oan kick) S-Sm1t11 32 run with fumble (Samuels ~ from P ... k) S-S1n1th 12 "'"with fumble (Jimenez kick) E-,Wott t run (8arreoan kick) E-F9"1 9 run (8a,,1gen kid\) Allendance -3.600 (estimated) a-••elletlce- 1 IE Flrll <10-13 18 A~yards 3'·220 30-t5e Pualftg yardl 123 118 p-8-8-0 1<1·23--3 Punta 2-33 1·30 Fumblft.IOSI 1.0 2·2 PenalliM-)'atd• &-53 3·31 llldV1 d .... "'*"'"' S -Bredley, 12-148: WllTl1m1, 3·17. H1ttce11. 5-18; Slack. &-15: Lowlece, 5·12. Peulc. 1-t: Ao<•, 1·2, Coolc. 1·2. E-Wolf, 21·140; Few911, 2·17; S1ndet'1, 1.0. Devis, &-fOMMIUS t lndl¥111Ul4 , .... S-Pesalt. 5-M. 112: CoOlc. 1·1-0. 1t E-Davia, 14-23·3, 179. lndlY!dual llecelvlne S -Braclley, 2·23; Smllh, t·~: C,11ge. 1-18: DIN. 1-17; Aoblnaoo. 1·11 E-CoYey. •·87. Sanden . •-le: Mlllulicl'I. 3=5 1. LudWlc;k. 2·26: Wotd, 1-lor-mmu• 1 "We've had injuries on top of injuries.'' admits Robinson, "but we've bee n able to ·come back. This team has an e xcelle nt attitude , a lot of heart. "But," he adds. "whe n you begin to accept that you'r e w eakened by injury, that's the first step toward being weakened by· injury." USC Is a 17 ~-poinl favorite despite lhe fact the Bears enter with a 5-3 record. which is as many vic tories a s the two previous seasons before Joe Kapp entered as the coach. Those three losses we re to Arizona State ( 15-0), Washington (50-7) and UCLA (47-31). "Kapp's got them playing hard and that 's what's mo s t important," says Robinson. .Probably the one ile m in USC's game lhat wiU be under scrulmy and the key to potentia l · John Elway and Stanford last w eeke nd, will try to re bound againsl Tom Ramsey and nJnth- ra ted UC LA today in a crucia1 Pacific-10 Conference football game. But Washington Coach Don James thinks lhe Hus kies will face another major obstacle in Ramsey. "He's aboul four inches short.er than Elway; that's all I can see," Ja~es said when asked about the diHerence between the UCLA quarterback a nd Elway. "He's On Tl' today Channel 2 at I 2:Sll had th~ opportunity to throw a lol more this year, which has helped him. They're usinf more dumpoffs, delays and a 1 that other stuff that a true passing team has to have. · "And, as a group. I'd say that UCLA's receivers dro p fe we r passes than any I've seen this season. They really make some great catches." "Blake lives around here and knows all the Esta ncia kids.'" explained Witte after the game "He played inspired tonight. He really w a nted to s c o r e a touchdown, but as it lurned oul. he got two of them on de fense ·· El Toro' s victory sets up title contest . In Ramsey, lhe Hus kies' d e fens e Is going against the Pac-lO's leader in passing and lo lal offe nse. Ramsey has completed 143 of 229 passes for 2.12i yards and 1 T tOuchdowns. He has been inte rcepted eight times. S'm it h-was n · l l h e o n I y Roadrunne r to display bo th offensive and de [ensive talen ts Friday night, however. • Chargers stop t"rvine, 37-13; face Saddleback next Friday for Sea View -erown- Quarterback Rod Pesak hit 6 of 9 passes for 123 yards and one TD and also picked off an F.agle pass from his safety position ii:i the fir s t quarte r t o h e lp Lazers drop opener in OT INGLEWOOD (AP) -Damar Sutevski. who ha d tied the game w ilh J :05 le ft in regula llon . scored al 8:01 of lhe sudden- death overtime Friday night to give the Phoenix Inferno a 6-5 Major Indoor Soccer League victor y over lhe Los Angeles Lazers in the season opener for both clubs. Sutevski's game-winning tally came on a header that eluded Los Ange le s ' g oalkeepe r Ga r y Allison. • Phoenix ra llied from a 5-2 deClcit after three periods. Oscar Albuquerque scored the Inferno's first goaJ in lhe fourth quarter, the n Pete r Milla r cul the ditfe rence to once a l 11 :46. Sl.ltevski then scored lo knot the contest. • By ROBB MUNSON Speelel lo IM 0.-, Not The El Toro High Chargers made 1l five Sea Vie w League wins tn a r ow b y sou.ndl y defeating the Irvine Vaqueros, 37 -13, Friday night before 3,000 at Irvine High School. The win sets up lhe Sea View L eague champio n s h ip g a me be lwe e n lhe C h a rgers a nd unde feated Sa ddlebacli n ext Friday. . "Saddleback ts ii good team.'' said El Toro Coach Bob Johnson. "We've had our backs against lhe waJJ all season. and we are going t o h ave t o pl ay e rro rless football." El Toro (5-1) scored the first two limes It had the ball, its initial touchdown coming afte r a Mike Peil fumble recove ry at the Irvine 38-yard line. Five straight r ushes brought the ball to the Irvine 2, and J erry Eldridge took it the rest of the way for the 9COre. Irvine (2-4 ) g o t the ne xt kickoff. bul couldn't muster Jl drive. And on fourth down, a bad snap from center gave El Toro the ball at the 7-yard line. Three plays late r Charger e UCI WIDS again ' UC Irvine poeted its seventh straight victory, a 3-Q verdict over Nevada-Reno, Friday night In wO'men'a volleyball action and the l:JCLA InVl'tational tournament got of( to a big at.art at Patl}eY Pavilion. • quarterback Mike Douglass tossed a 4-yard scorin~ strike to Curt Woods. T he extra point made the s®r~ 14-0 wilh 4:14 left in the first quarter. On its next possessio n. Irvine put together a scoring drive, paced b y the fine running of J ohn Salinas. Salinas, Orange County's fourth leading rusher , had gains of 14, 8, 9, 15, and 5 yards during the drive. And then with no time left ln lhe firs t quarte r , I r vine quarterback Mike l.om kept the ball around the right side for 10 yards and a touchdown, on a fourth-and-goal play. Neither team could start any sort of drive in ·the second quarter, but El Toro came away w ith a 32-yard field goal by kJcker Steve Williams, and a 17-7 halftime lead. Irvine managed but 66 first- half yards against the El Toro defense. Before the start of the contest, the El Toro defense had given up only 75 points, tops In the league. In the third quarter, El Toro began to drive from its own 29 yard line. After three first downs, the drive stalled as the ' Junior middle blocker Michelle Kelley led the ~eaters with 11 kills and freshman hitter Clndy Ro~rig had eeven tiervice aces. •In a high school game, Newport Christian, rated No. l in small tchools, loet a 3-0 verdict to hott Linlield Christian. EXCELLENT SELECTION Several upsets occurred during play with UCLA stopping No. 4 ranked Cal Poly (Sah Luil Obiepo) to remain the only undefeated team In pool three. UCLA and No. l ranked Hawaii are the only WlUr\I ln the Z4 entrlei to 10 through the first day without IOlinl • 1ame. Tennellff was the aurprilto \Mm of the lint day, upsetUn1 Arlzona and 1oln1 3-0. Th• Vdhanieen meet Hawaii thla momln1. Another U)mt found PwDoerdine defMWW USC with the Waves ~hedulec1'to'meet Stanford at noon today. OF '82s REMAINING AT COMPETITIVE eRICESI LMSIOllUfl Roy Carver BMW lMO 1.umoma u ,, NnPCSI" cmna NIWIOIT l&A(JI. CA, 9l6e8 7 It HI Htt OflN MINDA Y Irvine defense tightened. And then, on a fourth-and-9 from lhe Irvine 30, Douglass lofted a pass in the direction of receiver Woods. The 5-11 senior mnde a great catch , leaping over the defender and snatching lhe ball away from him for a first down. With 8:03 left in the quarter, Blake Fennell ran the ball in from the 2, making the score 23-7. A two-point pass conversion Crom Douglass to Brian Morgan increased the lelld again. Douglass finished the game 8-for-12 passing for 120 yards and two touc hdowns. And Irvine's Salinas was the top rushing performe r with 19 carries for 91 yards. Other Irvine notables include defensive playe rs Mike Henigan, John Peterson, Lance Neal, Jim Martin, and Roland Figueroa. El Toro had a definite sia and age advantage over the Vaqueroa, as lrvlne at.ar1ed only two 1enlon on defense while El Toro had 10. Irvine start~ a drive late In the• fourth quarter, as running back John Scott gained M yards on 12 carries on lt'aat drive alone. Finally with jusl' 40 aeconda remaining, Larry Keener jumped into the end zone from one yard out to close out the sooring. • El TMO p, lrvtne 1S Sc«•., o--. El l (l(O ~ 1<1 3 1<1 8-37 Irvine 1 0 0 8-13 El-Eld<ldge 2 run (Wllltemt kick) ET-Woodt <I pas from DouglaM fWilllan\a ·~· 1-ZOfn 10 run (Chlel>OwSlcl klcil) ET -Wlllf11n11 32 FG ET-Fennell 2 run (Morgen peH from ~~ooda 11 pan from Oouglan (ptas felled) ET-S-lman' run (klell falled) 1-1<-1 Nil (l'Ul'I falled) Anenctenc. -3,000 fMllmale<I) ca-. ...... ~ aT Flr•t downa 1 a Ruai-·yetdl 44-24<1 Palling )'atcfl 120 p-8-12-0 Puntl 2-33 Fumblel Iott 1-0 Penaihlel-yerds MIS I 14 47-151 24 2-&-0 2·28 4·2 2·21 .. ...... 1-..... ET-Eldridge. 15·68: Fennell. 8-73; Tridtett. 9-55, SWNtmen, 2-30, Weller. 3-17; M<ll.aln. 1-11; Doug .... 5-tor-mlnue •• I-Salinas, 11t·8~ 8cx>tt, 12·5": Wiiiie. 4•17: Orfton. 2-10, Oere'9. 1-2: Keener, 1-1: Zom. 7-IOt'-mlnul •. Blelmef>, 1-for-mlnut 20 1141¥1'211~ ET-Ooual-. 1-12-0. 120. t-20fn. 2·6-0, 2<1. .... ,., 111 neutv1111 ET-Mo19en, 4-59: Woods. 3·40: Pifer. 1·24. I -Henigefl, 2·24, In comparison, El way has- completed 186 of 294 passes for 2,301 yards and 19 TDs wilh 10 interceptions . Oddsma ke rs have rated the game at Hus ky Stadium as dead even. The Huskies are 7-1 ove rall and 4-1 in the Pac-10 while the Bruins ar.e 7-0-1 and 3-0-l. Washington. ranked at the top of the Associaled Press college football poll for six straight weeks, was rated No. 2 before being blasted 43-31 at Stanford. While the loss probably tx>st the Huskies any crack at their firsl national championship, tbey can still go to the Rose Bowl as the Pac-10 charppi9ns for the third straight year by beating UCLA, fourth-ranked Arizona State and Washington State. James has named a oew starting quarterback for the UCLA game. Tim Cowan , a fifth-year senior, will start ahead of junior Steve Pelluer for the f lrst time this season. P e lluer threw three interceptions against S~nford and he also was Intercepted three limes the previous weekend ln a 10-3 victory over Texas Tech. 1182 SUllRU 1112 PllTllG HATCHIACIC Cll- PULL Y IQUIPPID '138 TIA!tlAM ,,_ ·---...... 1111 • .,...,,.... ---· •• .... "'t ....... '241 I r Lo• AIANnltoe flllDAY'I llSIUlTS (11th of IS.night folr mMlln9) A,,ALOOIAI FlllST llACI. • llHIOngl FuM Comm<stlOn (Aql>lnOI J •O 2 60 2 •O OtymP«< L~ 8'0 lV411<Mil S 80 3 20 NIJAml (Ped101ll 3 :10 Also rac;eo '8o Brown, Kola 1 Win Song Spell Domino, Hoe Realtor Bar fable, Kyd Miiiions Lalin Chont Time •6 215 t:z IXACTA (11_.t POIO $Ill •O QUAllTfllHOlllEI HCOND llACI. 810 yards Nooay Rel> (Poullno) 10 00 Town And ~k (Armllre>no) Bobby ot. on 1va1CSezl 5 20 • 00 •60'3•0 Alto raceo Tiger Walh Mr Tllinh S;a Tllo Bomo Oonaero rime •S-69 • •O Stacy Bob • THtllD RACE. 3~ yard1 TIM Kalchina Doll (H .. O 25 •O 7 80 • 20 s .. ...,, Crystal (Bard) 6 20 3 00 OHi 1n Casl'I 1Cardozat 2 60 Also rac;ed Aooaoa1n P10111 Ptdn. le•AI lruc~ Lota o Arenos. Ae1>11111ous Gal Arwe• Copy, O.amo11ds on 1c11 rime 17 Ill $5 IXACTA t3·4) pard $337 00 THOllOUGHIRl!DI FOURTH RACE. 8'1 lurtono• Athly Wllllfet (Olivares) 18 60 8 20 5 80 Lody BOid D•he 1Dr109a) 4 80 3 •O Bongo Congo (Meza) • 80 Also raced Sho s a Doll Stortet S111 Hally Ambrlron Lo1t1a Pappa s Niece Sweet Wheat La Ka Bsller lime I 20 415 FIFTH "ACE 1 furlongs F0<1t1 Sea (Ortega) 16 80 11 80 7 60 Mr Allred (Fern1nc1ez1 16 00 8 •O Jeneua s Bos\ tOtrva•esl • 00 Also raced Coastal Art•llery S11 Sf\aOw•ck" Powdersmoho Troal Brief. Coronado Eilpress Ma111yn D•M&ggro S1110< A.cl Time 1 2• 315 $5 EXACTA l? 91 P.lrd S•ll t 00 SIXTH RACE. 6 furlongs Bro1enes.an 1e1ac~1 • 40 3 40 Thorndale tpeoro1at 8 80 2 80 • 00 380 Cosumel (Navarro) Also raceo L Cnocle Fleetest Holt B• .. le 0 Eron lime 1 t2 SEVENTH RACE. 1 • motes °"llen (81a<:hl 5 00 3 20 2 20 A•IChoO Express 1S10.11e1 5 00 2 60 He Man Sam (Ram1re11 2 60 Alao raced Poer~·· OrHm. Maw's PaJ>C>• Bsre rtme t 50 115 $5 UACTA (2·5! pa•d $S3 00 EIGHTH RACE 7 lurlongs Marble Court I Bl&c:'I 5 00 360 JOO 7 20 • 20 5 00 Full Flame, Nub• Sucha Pleasure 101ivares1 Cl'ltH!ktowaga tMei•) Also racod Stand Pat ROdge 0 Frtch Trme 1 12 115 NINTH RACE. 6 lurlongs Polls (Hansen) 12 •O 5 60 3 80 Ready Rel> (Ol1vares1 6 60 • 00 A•vcus Factor (Ortega! 2 60 Allo racea M19n1y O..he Smuggter s Gold. Anempt. Eyecaro I.a> ~ o- Tome 111 S5 EXACTA I• 9) p&td 5205 SO S2 PICK SIX 19 7.7°::2. 1-4) p~ld $ 17 200 20 with two wonning tickets ISh hO<..,.l S2 Ptek S• • consota tron pa10 S2311 110 .. ,,,., •II w1nn•flll tickets (ltYe t>or-1 TENTH RACE. 6 turlongt Fabulous Notion (Poncayl 3 00 Ea11t1< Bettor (Vale111uel1l Lone For9111nor (8tockl Also raced G1hy tntantf'~ Mee1a 0.- 2 60 2 20 3 •O 2 60 2 60 Body Tel~ • Tt,.,., I 10 215 ELEVENTH RACE. t IJ t& m•l<IS Palm111a (Hansen1 6 •O 3 20 Wendy s Ao-11e tOneo•• 3 00 Me Fab<Jlous tW.,ren) 280 2 llO 5 90 Also raced Edna r<. Fa.,ly 1 rteky San. Island Melody lrl 1r1111 Mo, Velvet. Golden ran Zen 0 Pooni ,.,,,. 1 •6 115 92 EXACTA (2 91.Pald S Ill 00 Altenoanc:it tO 366 Hollywood Park FRIDAY'S RESULTS (:ltd of >l-<l•J lhorovgllbfed mM llngl FIRST RACE. 6 lurtongs Ono tor Mornong (Mf'Ull9• 00 66 80 33 •O Romat>MI (Ortega) 17 20 I 1 00 Poa111ve'1rac:e 1Ha .. 10y1 I 20 AISo raced L•ndy Love Wont Five an Inch. Prompt Gel. E-Win. Fleet Mellnd~, Ima Gem. Tr1ote Macn. Comity Nancy a baby r,,,,. 1 11 3,s IECONO RACE 6 lu••ono• Briel lmpaue (Romero) 9 20 • 00 3 20 LllCl\r (Valen1U011I 3 20 2 60 Sul>(>Orllve (Hanwn1 3 90 A~ rxad O.iby Pmic. My Prince Bii) tnlerno Flee! StC!<ra LO<d Gummo S1r111 Prove T,,,,. I 11 215 *2 DAILY OOU8LE t7 61 paro 'S 1,097 60 THlllO llACE. Ona mo•e Bagley IS1btllet 39 00 1' •o 1 •O l"'l>C'IUOUS B•My (Toro! 1 00 5 •O Club Flusll (Otrvarea) 5 00 Also re~ Shiraz T uOO< St1e1anan1am Fltals Grandf1nale A1ndom Wind rr111111ron M•th•M Coun1 Kennedy M EXACT A 11-31 POld SS 10 00 FOUflTH "ACE. 6 furlongt Tougf\ Tillie lCllSllned3I 52 20 16 80 9 60 SchoOI Marm 1S11>t1te1 6 20 5 •O Swlu 0.lly (Hawleyl 15 10 Also racecJ Indian L.atk PrQP4!fti• Gables LOY8 M•H Co.ey W0<1h, 81(1 Coreleaway Truly Kim l(ntl TWO Pl oncen Trac .. Ttrne 1 11 •15 FIFTH RACE. 1 1/ 16 mtln on turf Ooo.tk ~ (Pterce) 16 80 I 40 • 80 Pal a L41d (l O<O) 8 80 • 80 SttnglftOIY 10r1egal 180 Al•o raced Bon Courage. Jurteon'"'ll•. Cl\01 lime. Vac11rone<. Zer1e111 w 11d rom. Wiider Time t •2 315 SS EXACTA (7 1) paid $378 50 llXTH llACE. 1 I 16 mllff Heron's Bey (OtltAl>OUSHY"l 16 00 1 00 • 20 NurvHah Oc>ubleel 1V11enu,.111 • 80 3 20 Aw1y W\t(I GOid (Ortaga) 3 00 Al10 rac;eo trllh Guy Mall 0 Oram Olympic Goo!, Pood-11 ~ ,,,..,. -l.•• •15 MVINTH llACI. Ono mile O'Heppy Day (HllWIOy) 21 00 6 20 3 2d Ofltlia Awta (Vlllentuell) 3 20 2 ~ Oollble Smoke (Pinuy) 2 20 .Al60 roced Prtnc:oH Gummo l(eryn 1 Llfk. ZOl!hi. Tr.,. AllCICllOn Time t 39 115 11 IXACTA (4· 11 !Nlld $112 00 •!'Cit ... ''"'·2·1·t·4)peid 197,1145 80 --Wfnnln9 ltc:kel (l!Ye llC>t-1 12 """ SI-conaol11lon paid 17t3 10 wtlh 4 t Wfnlllrlll llc;-111 (lour hOrtM) DQHTM llACe. t \\ INNll on lurt Oufeble (Mc;CerrOll) ~,20 11 60 7 20 Cold •~••I a eo 5 eo """-(PtnCOYJ 11 00 Aleo r~ fooonllal, 8pt1119 0199or, Coellle wwrtot. Wrtfn on the Wind, Rompln IMM, Wlll\1n1 Grt41ft Time I •70 _.,.. RACI. I II 19 mMll ,.., McMOoee t llloctt} '11 IO 17 00 I 00 ,.._. o;i Oii f .... 1~1 t:I 00 & IO "°'* &«b 1c .. 1M«1a1 • oo ~ rlCM· Mfflt'a kl«. 8-d Of H-.. lllldl lullol. Don WOii. 8uoMMt Oii,_, Tiii .,l .... , ....... -14,2£1 II IUClA (1·21ptldat .... 00 A~ -ll,1U CommUftlh CO ... H TONtOHT'f OAMd' I .,. S-thC_C..._._ <.errttot v, 0111111n WHl (at Or•no• CC>Mttl ' ,ul ... IOI' al G1u-.mon1 1 lO p"' San 019110 M ... at Ml S•n Anlorl'O. 1 30 P rn Mltalon Colllotenc• s~aolOu•~k 111 S1111e 11n11 n1•e1•1CJ• cc •• 111111 °'"ii" "c 1 30 pm Cll1u• •t Souln-lotn louthe1n Cal 00ftlotence Compton at lA 6ou111 .. ..i t psn Ea•t 1.01AnQOltl11 LA H•rbOr Wall LOI .Ang•IH .. RIO HOnllo Molropolll.., Conlotenc;., Senta Monk;• CC ti Teti 2 3011 m Pl.OOO!lll CC al l0119 Beach CC 81kershold II I.A PIOICI Wtaler11 llale Cont.,_ SantM Barbor a CC 11 Hancock, 1 30 om Gltndalt 11 llan11111 · LA VOll•y •t MOO<pork Fool,... Conlet•nc• Ml San JeCt11IO II Anletopo Vllley 1 30 pm San BarnardlrlO 111 M11aC01t& lmportal Valley 11 0e¥4Ht All gamu begin at 7 30 p m un1u1 Ollltitrwrso noted HIGH SCHOOL ITANDINOI SUnNt L .. o~ LHgu. CSverlll Ed•-3 0 0 5 2 I Founlilm Valley 3 1 0 3 6 0 Hun11ng1on Bch 2 2 0 6 3 0 Marina 2 ? 0 & 3 0 Oce1n Vie.. 1 3 0 2 7 0 We11m1n1le• 0 3 0 I 1 0 Frlcler·• Scor .. 1211 79 , .. 142 266 1•6 188 100 124 208 6J 1711 Hun1tt1g1on ~acfl 20. Maune 14 Fountain Valley 17 Ocea'l Yltlw 14 Tonight'• Oomo (7:301 Ed1i.on •I Wo11m1n11er SH View League Leogu. Owerall W L W L PF PA S.ootebac~ 6 o 9 o 260 12• El Toro 5 I 7 2 t9• 88 Newport HQrl)Or 4 2 S 4 198 105 C0<011a 081 Mill 3 3 3 6 64 118 Irvine 2 4 ~ • 118 1!'>8 Un••e••••v 2 • 3 6 97 22 1 COSIJ Mes• 1 5 .J} 8 6 88 169 EstolllCtil 1 S ) 160 114 Frid•,.• Scone Newpo11 Harbor 26. Cotta Mesn 1 SadOleback 43 Esioncra 2 1 El Toro 37 lr•one 13 ThurMl•r'• Gom" (7:30) C..oroM Oel Mar at Newport otaroor Untv&tStty at lr\11"'8 Frld•J'• Gamoa (7:>01 Esumcm vs Co11a M"i.a at OCC SadUlt>Datk •• El roro ., MtSSIOn VtejO South Coa1t League LffllUO Ovot all W L 'l W L T PF PA Cou1111 l\110 ~y Mt$S•On v .. jD San Cternttnte Laguna Hdl• WOOdl>fl<19<' Laguna Be.len Dan• Htlls 4 0 I 6 2 1 268 84 4 0 I 1 I I 253 1 t9 l 2 0 6 3 0 133 113 3 3 0 3 6 0 136 203 2 J 0 5 • 0 157 170 I • 0 3 5 0 84 126 0 5 0 0 9 0 102 253 Frld1y'1 8core1 C&P•Sll ano V&llflY 28 Legur>o 8'tlJCf1 0 M•»•on V1eio 2• San Clemente 6 Oan• H1us 3• Monte•a r 1' 1non-1eague1 Thur1dlJ'• Game (7:30) Otamond B•r \It li>l!Una Htllt at Mission VtlliO !non-league) , Frld•J'• OamH (7:)0) WOodbrldge at Laguna Beaeh Son Clemente &I CaP<Strano V111e, lahirdafa 0-(1 p.m.) Mou.on Vrtto 11 Dana H1Hs Angefu• League La-Ou. O'votall Mate< 0et Serv11e BtSl>OoP Amat St Paul Plul )( Serre WLT WLT •OO 82 1 • 0 0 15 1 0 220 7 20 220 630 o •o 3 80 0 • 0 I 1 I Fridey•a korH Se<••le 2J SI Paul Z0 Bt$l>Op Arnat 20 PIYI x 1 Thurlldafa Qamo (7:l0) Meter Oet vs Ser ••t• 11 SA Bowl Frld•J'• Gome• (7:30) St Peul a1 B•~ Amat Pou> )I al S..ra OTHER ICOllEI Empire Leogu. Ewarania •2 Loa /\lam•tos 1 K9'>11C!(!y 14 CY9ftM 6 <len hHJ Leoguo £1 Modena 34 Villa Pa.II 0 Santi Ana •O Orenge 3 FOOIMI 211 Tuslrn 1 FrM••r League La HIO<a 48 8U<!l'lll Porh 8 F,.ilettlll> 2-l Troy 3" Su<m1 H1ns 26 Sonora 0 Ofeft90 Leog.,. Magnot.a 17 Wtste<n 14 011<Sen Grove Leogue Botsa Grar>de IS L• Ou•n1a t• ,., ,A 197 110 223 69 1815 124 176 1•0 101 1117 6! 208 LOI A""llOI 35 Gar~n Grove •• Other o•m•• tonight OllA~OE !.£AGUE B•••·Oltnda ., An1he1m II LI Palm.a Parll 17 301 Croe1 country H10M ICHOOt. ... View=-f"IMlt Tf'am KOrM t El Toro 34. 2 ~ Ha1oor 63 3 Unrvot111y 80, • CO<ona del Mii, I•. 5 Cotta M-. 119. 8 lrvtne. 158, 7 S1ddlet>ack 187 8 Estancie 201. 1 Ande<son 1Co<on1 dot Marl. 16 OS 2 Ktnor (Newport Hart>Of) 16 38 3 Allen (El Toro). 16 37 • W11t1ely tUno-a.ly) 18 •2 S Fer.on (El Torol 16 4• 6 Hobs«I !Cotti MeUI. 17 00 7 Mlllont IE.I TO<OI 17 00 I Cunn1no1>am IEI Toro). 11 09 9 Shull• (Un••erl•IVI 17 12 10 Oritz (Corona del Marl 17 14 11 McFadden (El Toro) 17 14 12 har11 (Newport Hart>orl. 17 15, 13 Sm.th 1Newpo11 H.,IKl<J 17 ti 14 SorrllO tEI Toro) 17 19 15 Kreba IUn1ver•llY) 17 2• W<>Mbe horn KOrH 1 Untveralty 28 2 Newpoil H••t>Of 75. 3 El Toro 71. • lt'llne 111. 5 Co••• Mose 111 6 Corona dol Mif 133 7 Slld<kbac:k 1112. I EllanGll no tcO<e 1 N0<rts (Co." MeMI. 19, 16 2 Bamot (Un•veo11y1, 111 30. 3 Buck (El Toroi Ill 31, 4 FOlelne (UntveraOyl. tll•58; 5 MclAuQhlffl (Un1vera11y1. 20 00 8 p1111111 (Unlversllyl 20 O• 7 81090r1 (El TO<ol. 20 07. I M..,,. .. (Newport H1r1>011 2U 12 II Noun• (Un1vera1ty1 20 13 10 Armen trout (Ur11ve1111y). 2 311 11 No1yall11 (lr•lnt ), 20·•11 12 H1lbef1 (C0<ona dot Mar 1. 2 t 00. •3 s., •• "' (univ• .. "r' 21 oJ. u 11a1111111 (Newport H111>or). 2 09. 15 Romero (Et Toro) 21 t3 loultl c -1 L ...... ll'lftltla MIN T .. 111 tCOIU 1 Dor>• Hiiia 211. 2 woodbndo• •nd llM Clemente. 83, • M-VleJO 7'1 1 Cltll0<d (SM ci.m....101 1$ •5. 2 K-"1 (Deni Hlh~ 15 82, 3 Wlllletnl (0-'41119) • 1551. 4 Wilton CWOOClbrtdg•I. t601. S Middleton (Woodbtldgct). 111 03, II Foaor (Dan• Hiiis> tCI 00. T StlN CD1n1 Hlllll. 11 t•, I Chns11e (MltltOn Vi.to). 16 11. ll Nerd jMIMlorl VttlO~ 18.2 I, 10 OonzAlee (Oen• H•~··· .. 26 11 Crowe (Dana Hiii•). 18 28 12 Sc1t1 rmarllorn (Woodbrldg•) • If 38. t:J FIOmefo 1811'1 Clttnontal. 111 30, 14 M•tay (MIH IOn Viejo)~ 11 ... 1!1 lityvMfl (San Cltmenle) 18 ., WOMIN loom KC>r" 1 MllllOll VleiO, 34,' O•nt H111t1 10 :1 t eour1e eeoe11. 'T 1. 4 Lllll'f!• HIM .. 73 1 Daly (M••tlon llltJOI. 11 05. 2 Ca1d (L11111n1 8&1t ll), It 14, > H11lc '1ln1on. (Mt~ VlejO). It 2,, • HeoM (Dilnl Hllltl 11 2t, 5 Hll!M l~•V"nt H~ll) It 3•. , 8 Youngerman (ltln Clctl'llctfllt) tt ~•· 7 800111 (Lf19unt hKlt), It • 1, I WI0114tr (MIHlon Vie)O). It 0 , t QujM (Oan• H'lllt), It u 10 COlltna (Mleelon VleiC>) It 40 11 Sfl'td« (LIOlllll .._,,, It 4l 12 Grlde. IMIHlOll VtejO). '° 11 ,, Ood•ntc1hl 1L.,..a H11111 ~ n. 1• ~ t~ Hiiie), tO t): 11 llltlerr• (Da111 Hllt11. H26 .. ...... CAlllNILL C:OWIMNCI ""''"° Ohrltltfl W L T O' OA '11 Klllf• 11 • J ~) '•' 16 I 11rno111u11 Var1<t1u•e< c;atgar)' ll 0 J ti (It II> Ii • 1 " .. 14 • 1 2 13 10 1• Wtimopoo I b 1 Ml •G IJ NM1le Olwlalon MlllllCltOI~ Cllleego SI l0Ut1 OelrOll fOIOlllO 10 J I GA 6 1 l'I I # O O~ •t II , , 0 ~;J '>l ,. 3 • 'J 42 .. • ' II 4 •O 1>1 I WALH COWllllNCI '•lrloll DIYlalott NY l•(ij11(jtlf1 1J 3' I 10 41 :>:I P1111otJ•ti;hlii • a ~ o )7 •• te NY "·"'1141'• • II 0 ,.. '" 17 P11111>1Uon • 11 2 411 11> 10 Nlow JO#f ffY J 8 4 I> I 0~ 10 WHlllllUIDr'I 3 1 2 •2 60 8 Act.ma Olvlalon M0011•111 Botton OUOl.lK Bullelo HArllorU 9 ? 3 10 •8 21 8 5 3 •• •T Ill 8 II 1 01 68 13 • 8 3 ~2 ~2 11 3 1 2 •:i 311 e Frlclar'• kore1 St Louu1 • W11a111n111on 3 Edmonton 6 NY Au11gerg 1 Tonlllhl'a Gam .. P1111ou1011 •I Kfnga Bull1IO II Ha11lt1td M1nn111011 al O<i bee New JIHHY a1,0v1r0t1 V•ncouver at Montroul R111l11dalph11 111 NY lflonden NY Rangers 11 Clf9•ry f0<on10 11 St LOU•• ~ > . NBA WEITERN COHf:l"ENCE ,oclllc Olwlalon W L Pel. Se41tt10 5 0 1000 GDkl..., S1a1t1 3 I 7$0 Pllotn1• 3 1 7$0 L.i.en 2 1 6'7 PO•llMO % • 000 San 011190 5 OQO MtdwHI OM1lon Dalla• • I 800 San Antonio • r 800 I( &n'las Ctty 2 1 667 De11ver 1 3 2$0 Utah 1 3 2~ Houston 0 4 000 EASTERN CONFERENCE Allontlc Dh•lolon 8os1or1 • 0 1000 Phtladelphla 4 0 tOOO New Je11ey 3 2 600 wash1ng1on 2 3 •OO New York 0 • 000 Cantrel Dlvlalon Delrool • 1 800 M•lwllUl<M 4 1 800 Indiana 1 2 333 Att1n1t 1 3 250 Ciiia.go 1 3 250 Cleveland 0 5 000 Frlder::.e acor .. Boston 104 WH Ion 97 -'*~· Cleve4•nd 91 Ph11aaetph11 120, 0.11011 109 Dall.ll 118, KansH City 113 Mllwtuhee 130. Se11Diego1111 Seallle 112 N...., V0<k 103 Seo Antonio 105. GOiden Stat• tO• Tonight'• Oome1 Lalo.on at Ulal\ Botlon 11 Philadelphia OelrOtl at Atlanta lnd•Ma at Washington San D.aoo at C1trcago Pl>Oen• ( 11 Oo!IH Gotoon S111e at Oenvt• New York a1 P0r111nd Stoclmofm Open Third AO<iM llngloe oli 1 "' 2 ••• s 1 2'r 2" 3•, I f 2'o • 2 2·. 2•, • Wo11~ F1bak (Po11nd) def 0111 Rahnas10 Cfonlar>dl 8-1 8·3. Ertk tSllerslty CU S) dal Adriano PaMtt• (Uat,, 6-• 6-1, Mils w .. t.inoe. 1s .. ec1.n1 del Lloyd BourNt IU s) 6-2 7.5 HarOIO Solomon (U S I def Brion Gou l11Cld CU S ), 6-2 5.7 6·4. Henri LCIConle (France! def. Tomu Sm•d (Cutchoslo•akta). 7.5, 11·7 7-6, Ausaolt Simpson (Nctw Zea· llnd) del Mel Pur~I IU l:i I 6· 1 8-1 Jay Laprdut IU S I Oel Bu&ter Mollrem (Engtancll. def""'I tnjUfy, Shlomo Glockate.n (lsraal) del Pe• Hie<tqurst 1Sweaen1 6·4. 6-0 ~J.~:!n~lc Tim W•lklSOO (US I def Tom Carn IU SI 1-8. 6-4. 6-2. M0<rrs S1<0de (US I def Ao- lond Stadle< \SWitterlM\d) 6-4. 8·3 Brad GHberl IU S.l del Ma1lln 01v1s (US j. 6-2. 6-• P11 Dupre (US ) def Mike Bsuer cu S I 6.'.4 6·• ·-·• ..... lllnel• Alyc•• Moullon IVs I del Vtekl Nelson (US I 7·8 7-5. Calrtn Jexell (SwClde<i) def Crntalr&nne JOlitHlfll (SWllHrl8nd) 6-2 6-o *"'' tournement (el lrdM1, AllOltollo ) FIH II-""91M 81Drn 80<9 IS,.edonl def Vtl .. GerulOllla lU S I 7·6 6-3, 11·2 1v1r1 Ltndl (CLtehOllOV8kl8) def JoM McEnroe cu s ). 7·5. 8·2. t-8. •-& 8-1 WIQhtman Cup fetL..-.) Urtltod llalM '· ....... 1 frtdor'• ...,. .. . C1>111 Evell Lloyd (U S ) del Jo Ou11e (8t11a1nl. 6·2 6-2 ~ .: Jo Ourie·Anno ~o. 1er1101n) del Aoae· 4 mary Caaela·Anne Smtih (U S I 8-3 2·6 6-2 WCT Maryland Cla11lc (al T-aon. Mel.) OllM!ertltlll llnglff G11111ermo VrlU cu S l det Brn Scanlon (US). 8·7. 5-0 l(evm Curren CU S) del MlrrO Mortlnel (8otlviA), 6-1, 6-1 Ouor1ertl11el Dollblea Frtd Stolle (US l·Vljay Alrlrlllll (tndial def Jofln Sldrl llnc:IV Andttwt (U $ I 8-3 7.5 WeMfl*o COMMUNM'Y cou.aoa OrlNl9t C-111, c ........ 11 C..rlloa t 4 4 2 11 Or•noo Coo•• • 2 3 3-12 Orange Cont 1~011ng S1111mona 3 McCo!m"k 2, 8fown 2 Sterbeni 2 l...,11 1, H1wklnl I. Bronnteho I a... u. , 1, Oo6dotl w"1 10 Golden Wiit 2 3 t 2 0 2 10 S1ntaAn1 2 1 2 3 t 2-11 Gol<lon Wnl acorll!Q Ott Vtltt 1, S•iyor 2 lurid 3, fl'lllOO 2, Hedy I: Grall I '""~ .. ._ .. 12. a.r• o-• Garden Grove t 0 2 2 8 Eataneta 2 2 4 • -12 e11a11c11 aco11n9 •n•dom1 4, 81ro 2. 6mllll 2. Pt11n•1111n I Wtclt• 1 Fen~y ), Cempb<f41 t . ~...,..., "· ·-· ....... Sunny Hiiie 1 I 2 2 6 Neowpof1 Hflrl>O! • ~ 4 1 -12 ~I Hlll>Ot llCOllllll Jclj)pt 3, TU>elor 1. O Oonnell 1 DtYrtH 1 l'1omp1on 4 L"90112 C"'8MtM 11.~7 ~ 1 303 1 Coll• ""'.. • 2 3 3 :i, 11 eo1111 M1<1a Ko11n11 cn1..,, 6, 111111 ). N!1t>y 1, PrKktll 1, Ale•endlt t ,_... .. ,_,. -~. Fou111e•n v111ey 1 o 2 3 -1 ~OOlh!lt t , ' 2 -1 , f Ollfll ton Vlllty KOtlflt COj)I I, Hom..11 • 2. Moo<•~ ,001n1t1 llOOrlrlo T1try 6. tuno-J, ltOOll J • c~ .. -•,,_., C:O.~ Otl Mer 3 2 I I 1-t T111ltn ) t t t 0 -1 Corono .. Met -"'t· lmlleflllnO t , T.,,. I, koll I L""'°"".,.. 1 Womeft'I Yol .. ~I COLLIOC VCl.A lftvOalleftll Tt4olr11ema111 "r•t Dar llMlllfa Morning lt1tlo11 POOL I H•w~11 11•1 C.•11101111• I~ ti t& 1J A111uno oel fll•H tfi I ,, tO lermea•t>• ..itol Cfl !St••• I Ull9fton l!I II 1$ .. 7 A111e><1• del Cl••IUlt•4 I~ 10 It J 19'tnot-Gel TekU, 10 f 111•1 P()(X ~ utO-l!WI P01llr111t.1 'II tO 16 lb 12 16 10 Pi111i"r(l111• ()~I NOllllWHlarll, 11t1~ 10 11 1~ 10 11111IO•d 11~1 ltYU ,... 111 6 Nt.•lll,.Hfllf1t <l•I POllltirtd 8t t!I 10 t~ ~ P¥1),....tl•tl0 1111 (IYU 18 t• I• II 16 I~ POOi ' Wo11\l1'9ton d•f Mont•11• SI ' 16· 1 I tll 1 t, UCLA d•I I •mer l~·b 1&·~. C•I P1>ly 81111 l\111 01J11po llfll '°'"'°'" St • IS·8 10 t!i 11 II> Ml>fllallil 81 dflf I •m•r IS 12 11 10 IS 12 POOi • Ul. S•nla 8111>1111 .i.1 011'\jon 15-S. 1!>·11. Sen Dle()o It def New Mexico. 15 •, 15 8 flattlll; d11t . IOAH .AllM 1~-12, t:> 17 le•H ASM dt1I Orltlj(lll 10 10 I~ 6 IHlllflt le11lon POOi 1 tlt1we1t Clf'I Cahl0r111" 16 9 IS tJ. A111on1 del h ... 16 II 15 10 """'"'"'" dtl C:ol Slltll fullllrlon. 16·& 16-12 .A11lont dul Ca11f111n111. 16· tO, 16·3, l1111110HC'<l <l~t reu• 16 8. 16·8 H11w1111 def c:;s ruuorton, 1~ I\ t:> I h1nne11M dal A111on• IS 11. 1 HI t6 13, C.lfllOIOtl del C$ fulle<tc.n a:tb 111 11 15-7. H1w•1i dfll l••as 15 O 15 10 S1and1ngil Haw•11. 111"r1e1ae11 3 0 Amona, 2· I, C1111ornt1. t•2. Te,01, Cal S1111 Fullerton. 0 -3 POOL 2 USC del PC>rllllnd St 10 15 15-12 If> 10. P~oerdtl\f dt>I NOftnwHIOll'I 12: IS 15 11 ·1s.10 Stanford dtl BYU 15·6. IS 5 No111>wto1te<n dcrl PO<lland St , 16· 10. tt. ~ Pepperdln9 Oel BYU, 16· 14 t4-t& is 12. s1on1ord oe1 use, t5-t3. 13· 15 15-13 BYU del Norlnweatern 15·8 1s 1 P11pperdone uel use. tS· t3 6 15 IS· 1 I St•r1loro d11I Porller>O SI S 15 15· 12 15 1 S1•11d1llQ• S1a111010 Pepj.1ero1ne 3 0 Northwu•l~in. USC. BVU I 2 Porthmd St . 0-3 POOL 3 WolllW'IJIOO dll Montal\e SI • IS· 11 15· 11 UCL.A oel LM'tat 15·5 IS.3 Cal POiy CSLOI def A111or1a S1 15·!1 tO· IS 17-15 Mon1ano St Oel Lamar 15· 12. 11 15. 16 12 UCLA dot Col Poly (SLOI 15 t I tS 11 Wash1r1111on dol Amona St 15-9 •· t!> 15-13 A111ona S1 del Morllana St 15.5 1~ 12 UClA dflf Watf\tngton 15-6 15 10. Cal Pol~ <SlOI del Lamar 15·4 15·12 S1and11lg~ UCLA, 3·0. Wa1nm11ton Cat Poly (SLOI. 2· 1 MOlllllJ18 St . A111011a St t-2. Lamar 0-3 POOL • VC Santa 8.11t>t1u1 del Oregon 15-5. 1S·8 San ()lego St def Now MHICO. t5 • IS II PoctllC del le•as AllM 1!>· 12 IS.12, Te11t A&M del O<egon, 15·10, 15·8, Pac:lllC Oel San O•C)QO St . 7. 15 16·3, 19· 17. UC Santi> Batbara del N@w Mo~k;o. 15·8 1'· 16 15·6 N@.., Me>.ICO Otl Oregon IS·• 15·5. San D-eQo SI del Te•es A&M IS·7 15 2 Pac;itt<; d .. 1 vcse is 12. tr»s StarlOlfllll Poc1hc 3 0 UCSB S•n O.ego St . 2· 1, 'rex11 A&M, New Mexico, 1·2; Oregor1. 0-3 Other Scor .. UC. 11v1ne def Nev&d.J ~o 1!>·5 15-7 t!>·S HIGH SCHOOL Ltnfteld Ch11511911 Ciel Newport Chrl&ltln, 15-3. 1$ (I 1!>·6 Miiier 150 (•I Phoenl1) Tiie ttneup tor lod•t• M·iler Htgll U le 150 lndy-ca1 race .,,,,. typo ol car and qua~fY'flO •P89<1 on mpn 1 Rici\ Mears Pen1ke PC· IO·Fdrd. 150 47 (breaks own Phoen .. tn1ernatrona1 Aacew;iy qua1tly1ng merk 01 150 t•3 181 1n Maren 108'1 2 M1<r0 Andrellr Wrldeat 88-Cos,.orth 149 112 3 Goroon Jonncoc k . Wiidca t llB·Cosworlh 148 112 3 Gor oon Jonncock w11ac&1 8B-Cosworlll 148 130 • BODiiy Rat.al Mitch 82C Cosworth 1'6 9•5 5 K...,u\ Cogan Penake PC 10 Fora 146 550 6 Tom Snovn Maren 82C-16-Coswonh t45 8•9 7 Roget MdarS p..,, ... PC-to-cos .. or111 14S 767 8 Howdy Hotmft M11cl'I 82C-Cofwor1n 1U543 g Johnny Aull'IOrlDrd March 12c-eos .. 01111 143 833 10 Derek Daty Marcil 82C-Cosworll> 10661 11 Tonv Bettenneu\•n March 112C·Colw0<lh 143 221 1i Pancho Certer March EXP-Co1w0<11> t•3 067 13 Bill A.._.p Penske PC-!JC.Ca1 ... 0<1n 140-083 --14 Gery Be11enn1usf'n Maren 82C·C01,.0<th 131 7113 15 OKk Ferouson RllllHnAk•·COl .. orth 138 180 16 G•eo Lefl14'• Eagle 8 t·Che•rolet 138 079 17 Mike Cl'landle• Eagle 82·Che•rotcll 137 520 18 Geo ll Bra1>1>1m M••cf\ 112C·ll-Coewor111 137 •26 19 Jo1el• Ga•ta Penshe PC-9-CoJ .. orlh 137 JH 20 Oteh Simon W111on 82-Co•wor If\ 136 721 2'1 Pe1e Ha!smfl~ Eagle 82·Chevrotet 136 6115 22 Chet F•l~p. w.1dc11 8-Ford 134 7S6 23 Rich Vogler Klngll1h·Ch1v1ole1. 119 593 2 • Mtl1• M o•••Y M erell 12C-20-cos-tl'I Pfomoter • oplton 25 J1c;qu11 Villeneuve Eegle llt-Cosworth. promoter• OPlion Deep ... rlahlno ART'I LANOfffO (HeWporl hech) -17 a1191er1 5 ban 38 bOnlto. 2 mllckllfal 3 rOCk f1P1 OAVU''I LOCKE" (Hewpor1 .. ech) - 53 •119*• 102 b0n1to 8 cauco 1>1n. 2 cow cod. 2 hetrbut, 85 medleret 33f rock coo 6 aend bHI DANA WHARF -1111 1r191et• 1• b .. s. 337 1:>or1110 1Sll mackerel 191 roclo. c:od. 2 roe11 ""' e ll>M!>SMlld 3 1QJ1p<n 1 blue per ell SEAL HACH -28.anglofS 2 cow cOd, ~10 rock cOd (88'0t) -37 a~1e11 11; t>onoto. 2 nallb111 310 macktrel 5 Hiid bau !IClO wt1tlf c;roo~e<. •OO q-lish Thi• w"k'I trout planl • LOI ANOILll H'lnlflll Oam Peel Ro1d P11 II Lat.e Sant II re Ae ... rvOu VENTV"A P1r11 l t.11 lllVlllllOE SktOI .. , l•k• I AN BlllNAllDINO Lytlt Crt l lo. (MrOOoO ..,,., NO<ll\ rorlla) Silverwood l•~· KlllN Hlrl Pltk Lat..e Ke1n R1vt11 1Bora11 Powtrllouso 10 0emocr&1 Dem KA3 Pow•tf!ou'\11 to ~-~• IN\X!llaJ IAN LUii oell'O AIHcttdero Liit• lOlllllll L•~· TULAlll Ketn A•YOI ,r..,~-Olf'I\ 10 KR3 PowlrflOUH Jonn..,.,dA14, Brtdllo 10 ra1rv-O•ml INVO 01u l •k• Ple11Unl Velie~ Heter~· MOttO °"""''" lltvfOf lik'nf IOH•no and Bio °'"'iltl .. Orrmo IDB2 Cougars topple .. Artists, 28-0 By RANDY TJl<'T lpeclol 10 1"8 01111 'Hot Tiw hnul M'tlrl' CupfM111no Voll1•y :.rn. LuHurw &•1wh O would M-t•ni to indlrnW onothl•r i;c1und lhru11hlnR 41d rnm111tt•n't.I by llw Coulo(urs to un u n worthy OpfXlllt'llt Thot wn~ noc 11ltugNht•r 1rul'. howt•vt•r. FruJuy night 01 tht• Anls t11' h om<· r1 l'ld L.igurrn Beach hud H flow opportunltws to liCOrl.' and w:is bt.'hind only 7 0 ul h alh1mt• Mistukl•-prorw Cupo Valley Sl.'Cnwd to ploy JU~l well <'nou~h to win. Bun Cnll. tfw <.:ougars' re<:ord- selling quar\C•rbac:k. !)t•I no r<"cords against Laguna Bt.•ach Although hc ended up wilh good stats IO-for-17 for tao yprds he did not throw -we)I in the .. firs~ hair and was -sacfwd four t1mcs. Laguna Bc>ad1 sdf-destru<:wd o n tw o f1n;t -half scoring oppo rtunitic•s Aft~r u lo ng runback on thl• in111al kickoff by la i I b a c k Bl.' d t• A r a b <.>, th c Cougars' sccondury camt• to lift> and p1ckt.'<i of( a Laguna &.>a1:h pass at tht.•ir 5-yard line. Later, wnh..six minut1•s LO go in the sc1:ond pt·r1od , the Artists fumbled away a handoff on third down with tht• ball in.side Capo Valley's 28-,yard l111c. The• Cougars tallied their only fi rst half score on the game's. perhaps the• Sl'ason's, strangl:'st play. With 4::l 1 rem aining in' the first quarter. Call faded bal·k to pass fro m Artists' 42. a nd connN·t<·d with rcte1vl'f Erat• ··Ba"Chc• al the a5 Bache, how1.•ver. hud the· boll )arr<>d Joust', wh.l'r •upon l CIHllOUl.t.t' M ike ""M Ral~ls 1mntcht'd 11 out of lht> air flw y111 cl~ dowMll'ld und ran i& the• rt•111 ()f tht• way for tbf toul·hdown ;. })t·m1llil'li t'Ontlnually served fo 11wll drivps Cor Capo Valley. T~~~ Cougart. wcrl' eisseut.'d 1 ~ pt•nol\l{'S ltl the gamt• for 8 to • of I O~i ynrds. • In tht' st.'Cc.md half, Capo Valley bcg;m tu look mor<' like the team that ha!. dominated South Coaat Lcagu(' opponen ts this J.ear on the way to u 4-0·1 rc'COr . Randy Lunham sc:ored o n a 1-yard run Cor the Cougars l'Ulminaung a 65-yard drive after the third quart<'r kickoff. * C1pf1treno V11tey 21. &..ouna .. ac:h O ., koro l>r 011ertera Capo Y111ey 7 0 7 14 -24 ·' Laguna BeKll O O O O -f • CV-811111 3!> run wllh fumble (McCl111'4': klCll) CV Lanham 1 run (McClure kiel<) CV-0.Catas 14 run (MCCiure kiekl • CV-L•r>ham 1 pasa from Call (McChai .. • klCk) Aflendance 3,000 (esllmated) Game Sletlallca CV F1111 downs 12 AuShea-yarda 30· t74 Pats1ng yarda 130 Passes 10· 17 -0 Punts 4·26 Fvmbles-loSI 2-0 Pet111t-.y11da 11· 102 lndlvlclwil Ruehlng •·13·1 4~ • 7-6$ Cll-Benda. 10-58, C•ll. 7-11, L1r1flam, 9-84, Decasas. 3· 15. Pendleton. 1-6 LB-Marino. 8-41, Ar•be. 20-49, Kimball. 2·10f·mlnu~ 28 Baas, 3-lor-m•(IUS 5. Draper. 2· tO McC>ennan. 3-13, Johriaon. 2·7 lndfvlcluel P .. alng CV-Cell. 10-17-0, 130 . -•. LB-BBll, 4-13·1, 22. Kimball. 0-2·1, 0. •• fndMclual Rec:olvlnt CV -Bellis t -34 . Banda 2-22~ • Man5Ukh•m. 2· 13, BlM:lle. 1-7. O.Casu, 1· 15: Lanham 2-12 Pendte1on. I· 17 LB-Aral>e, 2·3. Murplly. 1-16. Quigley. 1·3 Leitenba·uer, Brown pace Diablos, 24-6 By RICHARD DUNN Spec:lel 10 ~ 00111 Piiot A strong set:ond half for the Mission Viejo D1ablos. which saw them outscore San Clemente 17-0, proved to be enough as they d i d n · t d 1,s a p p o i n l t h e Home<.'Oming crowd with a 24-6 South Coast League victory Friday night MtSSton Vil'JO was ~irtually on top of· the Trito ns the cntirt' game. lt took thl• opening k1C'koff 72 yards. scoring first in the game with a 15-yard toU('hdown pass from quarterback Kla us Leitcnbauer to Fred Coler. San Cleme ntl• rd>ounded with a drive of its own. cli maxed by a 6-yard scoring run from quarterback Bill Gcaring. who made his first sµm or the season. which would be the Tntons' only ~re of the evening. The D1ablos held on to lt'ad 7-6 at halftime. then broke through wTlh a 5:05 dr1vt•lal<Tng tflem 1o the T riton 4-yard linl:'. before Roger Brown galloped m for his first of two touchdowns. · Brown finished the' evening as the leading ball carrier with 142 vards. · Steve Kor zehus and Brian Res tell1 paved the way on dcfense for the Diablos. as they each intercepted Geanng passes. Korzelius' came with a minute left in the third quarter. in which Mtssion Viejo responded with a David Johnson 40-yard field goal. putting the Diablos ahead 17-6. Le 1tenbauer backbo ned the M1SS1on Viejo offense. rompleung time ly aerials ac."COuntmg for 66 yards. The sensor quarterback hit on six or his 13 attempts, the key complellon coming wnh 7:37 remaining in the .lourth quarter, an 11-yard shot to Coler. which gave the Diablos a first down, and continued the drive which emerged as Mission Viejo's final touchdown. One play and a penalty later, Brow n s aw a h o le o ff the left tackle and rambled 38 yards for lhe final stabbing of the Tri tons. The D1ablos now remain unbeaten in South Coast League play (4-0-1). and a win over Dana Hills (1 -8) next Saturday would clinch at least a tie for a co.- {'hamplonship. "We were flat the first half, cons1der1ng it's Homecoming week and the guys aren't 'quite on their toes," said Diab lo Coach Bill Crow. "But we came out a much better team the second half. "Right now . we're looking at Dana Hills -not the playoffs," ·crow said. -. Ml11lon Vle)o 24, S•n Clemente I kOfll by o-ten San Ck!men1e O 6 0 0-6 MIHlon VteJO 7 0 10 7-2• MV -COier 15-yar<I pasa lrom l.tilenl>euer (Rector 1<1<:111 SC -Geei1n9 6-y1rd run (klell I~) MY -Brown 4-yard Nn (Aec:tOf klclll MY -Johnson 40 FG MY -Brown 38-y•rd run (Aec:1or kick) Allendance 3.200 (etumaledl 0-llati.tlca IC MY Finl downs 6 111 Ru$llH·)'lrdS 29·104 47-204 Pe»lng yaflds 16 S 1 Passes 1·6-2 7-14-0 Punts 4-32 3-1 Fumblel-IC>st 2-0 3-1 PenalllH·Ylfda S·SO 5-&S lndMdwil ""t hing SC -Geer1ng, 18-M. Fickling, 6-23; Arno. 6-1!1 MV -Brown. 30-14 2. BHhtw. 1-22: Le•tenba~ 6-22, Hill, 8·11. Varner, 2·9 lndMd\1411,•atlne SC -Geerlng, 1·6·2. 16 MV -Lelter11>eve1. 6· 13-0, 66; Schulte. 1· 1-0, 15 lndhlctwl ~ SC -Corr. 1·16. MY -COier, 8-66, HaH, t0 15 • Dolphins Will first I ' I Germai n 's four TDs MONTCLAIR -Mik e Germain had h big iiight for the Dana H ills Dolphins Friday. scoring four touchdowns on the way to the school's fu-st football victory of the 1982 season here. The Dolphins came from behind t o tie the game a t halfthTK' then went on \0 post a 34 -14 decision over the host team. Germam s tarted the Dolphins on the road to victory with an 80-yard kickoH return following Edi ~n' t reak on line tonigh t Edl1mn Hlgh'11 Chargc'rs put their 17-game Sun~t Lufue winning treak o n the ltnc ton ight al Westminster High (7:30) In the only prep rootboll gamt• or the evening foaturmg Datly Piiot art!a teams Echton IK 3-0 in lea11u<' play b<'h1nd t h «' pu ssl nt of quarterback Jon Nowotny and a 1011(1 dtftnae We1tmln1tf'r, wlnl""' in thn't' l<'qUt' at.art.a, la on • ,..~n-gaml' loams 1trcak, the lontrHt 1n th«' st·h ool'1 hit10ry the di ff ere nee Montcla ir's t1rst touchdown. The n f o llowing a n o the r Montclair score. he took a 29-yard pass from Matt Cooper for his second TD. Cooper then 1 hit Joe DeCUlo for a two-point ~ conversion to get the Dolphina even el halftime a[Y:'r a kick failed on the first acO're. ~rmain scored on a 2-yard run to pul Dana Hills in front foe. the first time in the third quarter with Dana Bouman kicking the conversion . Two additional 1• insurance scores were added, O'}e, .,..· on a 20-f'llrd pus from~ ~1,1 Dave Harris and the ,other on ~ t 26-yard aerial Crom Cooper to Germain . Bou-IT\an booted the,1 ~~ J>otrti aft er the fln,t, 1 a11d the Dolphm11 posted thelr- lnltlal \l)Ctory o( th~ 1ea11on. ,., 1 * '• : DwHlllM,flhnlilllllr14 o.ne Htllt ..... ., ~4 14 t -$41 1 MOnldllf 0 14 0 0-t!t ) M GeleYil 6 Ml (Oercta lo.lelt) , · DH -Oetmllln IO 11lcllof1 ,.."'" (lllall talllClj , M Hllll't .... 17 PM1 frOlfl ~ (~ ' 11~-oermain It 0-. "°"' C... ~ ~ .,... "°"' Coop9r) DH-GetrNlfl I "'"(...,._ •t " OH-Hlnll IO P.. "°"' Cclelllr .. !flt 11"ttt1-0eftMifl ...... .,_ 0.-..-1~~ ....0) !i.W ~ -Of1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT IB1turdey, November e. 1Gl!C' ax measure hits L- J>hoQ.e custOmers ~ lty THOMAS D. ELIAS sumt•r -orn•ntl'd lloui.t•, tht• nwa uw 1s Though vlrtuatly none of them know almost {'Crtuln tu pass t he St•nt.lll•. ~California consumers have a billion-And there 1s virtu ally no t•hanc1• liar stake In the Cate of an obscure bill President Reagan would veto tt, t've11 at the state's two big t ele phone t h oug h It means the deficit-ridden mpanles seem certain to shepherd Treasury would be giving up a claim to throu~h Congress in Its pos t-election $2 2 b1·11·0 . I n. • ~ uck session. After all, Reagan's longtime J)!:.'rsonal ., Because the complex biLI has drawn lawyer , Atto rney Gone rul William l'Ue publicity,· there's almost no hope Fr ench Scnith, c h nirud a s p ecial ttaat consumers will ever get the money, committ.ec that developed the utilities' ~w held by the phone oompanies. w ho tax strategy while SC'rving on the Pacific ~Uect.eO it Crom their customers in the Tc lephooe board o ( directors b.cfore oope that a 1977 tax ruling by the state ~ rnoving to Wash ing ton. Rubllc. Utilities CommiSliion w ould be · Mt>st galHng for t'Ons umers ls the fact hield illegal in i:ouri . that once this bill bc<'Omes law, they wlH ~ There has been no such court finding never again have even a slight chance of -t and paradoxically the re Is likely forcing utility companies to lower rates IDcm~IF~ DElPREAN CAR IS SW.ING LIKE ~ CAl<ES, I Sn LL CANT 100<. \OJ UP. MRIAcoccAt iyver to be, unless the utilities actuall y when I.heir tax ex nses dro . fight to have the mselves decla red __ ..-.... ..-.. .... ..-;.;..;....,-.--.. .... -... ..... ______ _..._ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __, i'eligible for a major tax brea k. • But rather than take a chance on an unfavorable court decision the two big cbmpanies -Pacific Telephone and ~ llllflllll flCUI . N-0 long~r the wealthiest .nation General Telephone of California -are trying to get Congress to pass a new law tailored especially for their well-being, -a,t the expense of their customers'. And it looks like they'll get the action they want, since the House has already Passed the bill on a strong bi-partisan vote. · The root of the current effort ls a ruling by the California Supreme Court, which in 1977 ordered the PUC to seek methods of forcing California utilities to pass along tax credits to their customers in the form of lower rates. That ruling produced about $520 million in refunds to telephone subecribers in 1980. THE UTILITIES were predictably unhappy with those r efunds. T hey believed the state court's order violated a 1969 law which said that if a company were forced to pass along its tax credits to customers. the company would lose the tax credits. Companies that passed the credit to customers voluntarily - like Pacific Gas .!i Electric -would not lose their eligibility. No sooner were the phone companies compelled to make the re funds than Pacific T elephone asked the lnte rnal Re venue Se r vice t o declare th e m ineUgible for the t.ax credit. By J OSEPH•c . HARSCH Dwellers in the United States of America have again endured the' normal, b iennial ex~ravagance "of a political campaign in which rival candida tes vie in mythological inventiveness. Probably the departure from objective fact is no worse this tame than normal. It just seems tha t way qecause we tend to forget in between times ho~ irrational campaign rhetoric can be. But as I listen to President Reagan blaming 10 percent un e mploy m e nt In th e U .S . o n "spendthrift" Democrats from Franklin Delano Roosevelt through Jimmy Carter a nd then listen to Democrats reversing the plot a n d bla m ing it a ll o n Mr. Reagan"'s "heartlessness" -I yearn for a touch of quiet reasonable ness. Whe re does the bla me, if there is blame. really lie? THERE ARE certain facts which can give us a fix on some of the main causes for today's apparent ills. I use the word "apparent" intentiona lly. Much of these suP.posed "ills" are nothing more than a d1Uerence between today and some point in the past w hic h may b e ju st as untypical as today. There are three main facts about the present American condition. One is high unemployment. Another is a decline in economic productiveness. The third is a population which continues to grow, much of it by immigration. And much o{ that is illegal. Many Americans, and many others as well. have long been accus tomed to thinking o f the U.S . as b eing the wealthiest country on Earth. For much of this century it has been at leaa.t one or the wealthle5t on a par capita basis. But that .was partly because its ratio of people to wealth was in better bahmc.'C in the early and middle parts of the century that lt ls now . T here has been a n enormous increase in population during the century. The figure was 76 million in 1900. It was 226 million in 1980. The figure w as still under 110 million at the time of World War I. It has more than doubled between , 1920 and now. Re la tiv e . U.S . p roductivity went up enormously during ;md for a short time a fter World Wa r II, due to a n unusual circumstance. So much of the rest of the world ~as d a mage d or d isorganized by the war tha t a n unusual demand existed for American goods. The U.S. became accustomed both to a high overseas demand for its products and to high returns from the existing industrial fabric of the country. Factor ies built before or durinjt the .- war continued to meet the needs of those tim e t hat th ey w ere a ll liv ing in times. There was no need to build new abnorma l cond ition s a nd that the factories using th·e latest technology so p rospe rity which those con ditions long as theold onescontinued totumout produce d w o uld n ot conti nu e what the market would absorb. And indefinitely unles's drastic measures that meant continued high employment w c r e t a k e n . And eve n i f t tl e -high enough to keep up with a rising leadNs of either or both parties had population . realized the conditions of the '50s as abnormal ~hey. would have been unable BUT THE condition was abnormal. to persuad~ the Cong ress or· public not normal. It came to a pa inful end opinion to take the necessary and drastic when such other countries as West steps to fend off the conditions of today. G ermany a nd J a pan replaced the ir Th c U .S . t oday is n o t t h e bombed-out factories with the latest and W(•althiest country on· Earth In per capita best in modern technology. There was a terms. but only the .13th. Top country s hrinking of d ema n'd for American ac.-cording to the latest edition of "The produc ts whale the U .S . popula tio n World an Figures" (Th e Economist, continued to grow. Obsolete factories, London) 1s the United Arab Emirates, decl ining d e ma nd , a n d a r ise an wllh a per capita wealt h of $19,000 a population equalJed a lower level of per y<'ar, ai. tTJmpared to the U.S at $9.637 capita l material wealth , a nd r ising If you are interested. the second as unemployment. Kuwait, then Lic htenstein, Switzerland . Neither Re publicans nor Democrats Monaco, Luxembourg. Denmark. West are responsible for the lag in modern G(•rmany. Sweden. Jersey. Belgium. and factor y building. the decline in world Qat~r. demand for U.S. goods, or the r.· in the The leading 12. be 11 notPd, all have U.S. population which lie behind 1nli""" ....... re · t1vely small populat ion s. West relatively high rate of unemployment Gt•r any is the only big country a head (half what the level was in the Great of <' U.S . which may be of some Depression of the '30s). c.'Onsola11on. to both But Republicans and Democrats are Now back to t he hustings where. of equally responsible, along with most couf"S(.', It 1i. all the fault o! Democrats - other Americans, for not realizing a t lht• or Rt•publicans Thke your choice Reprinted from the ChrlStlan Sclefw:. Monctor This was an apparently suicidal action, since it meant the phone companies were volunteering for almost $2.2 billion in ' taxes. Only when Republican U.S . Rep. John Rousselot of Los Angeles County and Democratic U.S. Re p. Robert Matsui of Sacrame nto introduced the phone ·companies' pet bill did their strategy Unemployment · driving Puerto Ricans abroad become clear: • Having voluntarily -incurred a $2.2 biUion tax liability, the finns could now plead poverty while asking Congress to overrule the state S upreme. Court and prevent it and other state courts from ever forcing utilities to lower rates or make refunds because of tax credits. THE ROUSSELOT-Matsui measure includes such a ban, while also w iping the st.ate clean of the phone companies' contrived $2.2 billion liability, a tax bill the utilities have never contested in court. And the phone companies want the new law so badly that the board chairmen of both American Telephone & Telegraph and General Telephone & Electronics, their parent conglomerates. have personally lobbied for it. ' Having clear ed the m or e con - By MARY 8 . POWERS A .. oc:leted ''"' WrltM SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico <AP ) - P ue rto Ri ca n s. (aced w it h unemployment 2 !h times as high as in the 50 s tates, havf begun to migra te to the U .S . m a inland in inc r easing· numbers. statistics indicate. F.conomics professor Elias G utierrez predicts that over a period of five years, 14i,OOO Puerto Ricans will migrate because of "the standstilJ in investment and the collapse of important sectors of Puerto Rico's economy." A slug g ish econ omy a n d he fty c utback s in f e d era lly fu n d ed employme nt programs in th is Un ited Sta tes commonwealth arc ge ne rally considered the main reasons the official unemployment rate reached 24.6 percent m J uly -the highest ever recorded here. The unemploymen t rate on the U.S. mainland \hat month was 9.8 percent. But even 'he officiaJ statistics may not reflect h ow bad things a re. The Commonwealth Labor Dep artment's Bureau of Labor Statistics acknowledges that 1f 72.000 d iscouraged workers had been add ed to the 248,000 o fficially wit h o ut w ork, the July jobless rate wb uld haye been 29.6 pe rcent. The "d iscouraged" workers are people who have given up looking for work and are not counte d among the job-seeking unemployed. I ON THE m ainland, th e •rate o f discouraged workers is 1.3 percent. Puerto R ico's equivale nt o f a gross national produc.L-the..sum of a nation's goods and services -decreased by 3.9 percent in the fiscal year that ended June 30. the island's Pla nning Board reported. In the same pe r iod th e une m ployme nt r a t e in creased f ive pe rcentage points. L a bo r Secr e tary Pedro Barez says Pue rto Rico lost 30,000 Reagan: a devoutly stubborn nian •President Reagan, a man who believes h' was mandated to conem himsel! with ~ the thorns on lhe presidential rose ,bUah, vowed a few days ago that he'll n6t be walking away from the loosened mbral structure of the country. tHe's a \Qugh one, this Reagan, a nd when he · shores old convictions about m)>rallty and gives the m priority : ' _..,.,..aae an economy that ii bedeviUng. * he walks a thin political wire. But ~ mearw It. When he lighted three candles held by -o&m in a White Hou.e ceremony ....tflrmed h1a support of voluntary Pit~ IA the public 9Choolt -loon after '"'9 OOP-mntr0Ded Senate Md rejected ~ prays Dl'OIQ&i -it waa more than ~ l&Ubbnrft hide ahowin&· , He beliiwl It when he aaya. "No one I~ l\lllHUnl that others should be fdreed mto any reli1ioua activity. To ptewnt ahml who believe in God lrom dpnl!inl their belief ii an ou~. And the ........... drive to eliminate 'God f(IOlll our eehooll can and 1hould be T~ polltlct will not 1top ._... flam IPM!dnl hla piece ~...... hlciemi&e. •."bully ~r _..,_~ .... , reports ihal h .. ~ ifilMN fMt he should w99i ._ al ..Ww IOdal ooncerna ... ..._. ... .._..,.nocloinltolfw _,. • ti.-..._" (IUCh • voluntary ...,.. ... llbai'dOft). He know s from the polls a nd the visible splotches that the ea>nomy is the prime problem of the nation, but he also seems to be saying with jutted jaw that a morally stronger USA might better cope with the obvious woes. In insensitive partisan punchjng at the ·White House candle-lighting for voluntary achoo! prayer -8-year-olds and all -Rep. Peter Peyser, D-N.Y., returned to lhe political brawling with the jibe that the President was lighting · candles for the wrong causes. "With preliminary reports from the Labor Depar tment indicating that unemployment wiU exceed 10 percent in the month of September, I say that IC any candles are lit, they should be lit for the unemployed." It boiled a Reagan who feels there Is cqntinulng progress In the economic struggle -and that maybe a heaping tablespoon full of moral lnte1rity and reapect for values could.:bljp In lhe bailout. Start.in8 with the Congress. "Some o( the press ls speculating that 110mehow recent attempts on aome social iaaues, such. u the place of prayers in school, the abOrUon problem and all, "Moderate America iA not titting on the .bench any more." were aomehow Juat political IJlmmlcu and now we've cfi.:arded thal and we're movina on to aonwlhlrta •lie," Rffpn told a Whikt Houee .-fon wt\h edJtors. "W•'~ not P"I to stve up M \he IC>Nl lllues that ~W IO do wtlh the moralt or thit country and the .,..., s tandards that made this countr~ great. We'll be working for them." President Reagan is aware that the me dia-dubbed New Right o f his administrative era is currently being boxed around by the opposition New Left that has filibustered and harasaed his 80Cial concern programs. HWe ore not going to give up o n t he social issue tha t have to do with the morals of thi country." He knows that they filibustered to exhaustion the Jesse Helms-sponsored amendment to strip the Supreme Court of juriadictlon over tchool prayer cues. That, a week before, they filibustered and finally def~t~d another Helms amendment on abortion. That an antlbualng amendment Is securely bottled In a House committee. But he still hanp to"lih. One of hla own maverick Republicans, liberal Sen. 'Lowell Welcker~f C-onnectlc:ut. uys: ''Moderate America Is not alttJna on the bench anymore. They don't like thae llOclal il9uee belna forced down tMlr throata by the New. RlCht." But Ronald fteaPn auu bel&ev. ln The Ten Commandmenta. and feelt thlit the ume God who handed down them be*9 f« Uvl"I that have .,.,,vided law. and rutn for cltiaen conduct and MhaYlor, ha a pS.... ~with our economic woet. ttW Middle Sul, the lhaky world . He ii 'lW' devoutly ltu~ Old ftilht man. jobs in one s t roke when the federal Compretlcn sive Employment and Training Act was canc.-eled. Such cutbacks have more impact here than on the mainland because the ISiand econ o m y's private sector is less developed. • Gov. Carlos Romero says economic recovery on the mainland and recent 70 .!">25 more peo pl a r rived than dC'parwd G UTIERREZ' FORECAST of 147,000 m1grant.5 over fave years 1s perhaps the most precise prcdictjon available here , but It 1s not th e hig hest. Last year. Corrada del Rio was saying 500,000 islanders woulO migra te if the ~agan Over a period of five years 147,000 P ue rto Ricans will migrate becau e of the standstill in invesiment and t he collap e of certain ector of Puerto R ico's economy congressio n al appr oval of new regulations governing subsidiaries of U.S . corporations investing here could reduce joblessness. Augusto Amato, ea>nomist for Banco Popular of Puerto Rico, estimates a mainla nd upswing ~ could brirg unemployme n t down to about 20 percent In 1983. But a repo~ prepared by the island's Manufacturers' Association p redicte d t hat w itho ut recovery. the jobl~ rate couJd reach 30 percent "within months" PUERTO RICO'S Resid e nt Com-missione r in Washing ton , Baltasar Corrada del Rao. says the island c.:an expect $72 million by October fro m n federal job-training program oriented fo private )ndustry. Although Barez agrees in lheory with the Reagan admmistration approach of looking to private industry to create pbs. he says Puerto Rico's private 5a'tor jut1t Isn't b ig e no ugh to absorb nil the> unemployed. The crux of the problem, says Amato, is that the island's popula tion -now 3.2 million -has always grown foster than the number of new jobs. MIGRATION, Amato says, h1&s always been an "eecape valve" for what hE' calls Puerto Rk.'O's "chronic unemployment." Literally. that me ans the jobless rate never goes below 10 percent Puerto Ric:ana havt• h ad Aml'ric.'nn chltenahlp since 1917 when the island waa a jerritory, and they art' free to move to the mainland as they wish without lmmiaratlon or residence restric:Uona, Th• Ul80 <'trf1u1 counted 2,013,945 people of Putrto Rictln ancestry llvlna on the mainland. In \olw late l 970. It ap~arf'd for a ahort tJme lhat th. flow of ~rto Ricans to th• mainland wa1 re•veralna. But Amato now •YI nqralion hM sw.pped ~"'· Th9 ~ Board •YI thllt ln f-.J UNll.17,111 mare~ Wit Puerto Rid> lhlm ll'l'twd hlft. In 19''1, by con&nM. \ adminis t ra tion 's budget cu ts wer e approved. I n New Yor k. J eanne Baer of the Nationol Puerto Rko Forum says there was a doubling last year o f r ecent arrivaJs from the island who visit her office seek ing job -hunting assistance, a nd the trend is continuing. Amato says the profile of the migrant 'has changed since the 1940s a nd 1950s, when the 400.000 P ue rto Ricans who migrated to the United S tates were primarily unsk illed and uneducated .... Smee the 1970s, he says. it has become more typical for the migran ts to be rct·cnt college graduates, professionals with experience or highly s pecialized technicians. Both Gutierrez and Amato say that onl y by revamping the island's C'<:onomic model can Puerto Rico begin to solve its unemployment problem. BOTH SAY the well-educated labor force and technological ad vances make the island a pote ntial major exporter ot services t o L atin Ame rica and the Cnribbean. Me nnwhlle, 20-y ear-old Juan C. Rodrigul'i , unemployed since Grand Union clC'ISed 17 supermarkets here this iiummer. waits in' the unemployment llnc. ''I'm thinking about aolng to Pennsylvania," he says "My cousin told me there was plenty or work there." ORANGE COAIT Ttw t·111nmt•nt "llll('Oflh(' O•th 1'1101 st•l'ki> tu 1ntorm •net i.11mul'11tt• h•1tdl'1 ~ h\ 11n••rn1 11111 a 'urit·I' ol <'ommt•nt llf~ on lt!lllf~ ul 1ntl'n '•t •nd .. 111ntffc·11nc·1' lrom ntfflfm,•cl oh "rr~ c•rll t1nd i.pt>krtimt'fl Thomas P llaltJI. e..bl1•1W1 .. ...., ......... .. - ·11111 • Evenings filled with fun What Unde Le n learned this wee k is that his young friends have plenty to do on these long evenings and that there probably aren't enough hours for all the fun. Uncle L en was pleased to see you havl' so m a n y interesting activities besides watc hing t e levision a n d studying. Winning the $5 first prize is Sh erry N orton. 11 . of Huntingto n Beac h , who enjoys music and spends a •lot of time listening to her record albums. Uncle Le n "noted" that she Is a very considerate young lady because she uses earphones so the music doesn't disturb the rest of her household. Matthew Borack 13. o f Costa Mesa, has "licked" the /' ~~ ~--~: \ ., .;J J .,..,l4C )~ rt , , ..... ··" .....,2. !!«f11 .... ~'I (Jo oo 11Cll lll1 CIRllR First p lace: h erry Norton, H untington Beach proble m o f boredom by relaxing in the evening with his stamp collection. For his original idea, he gets second place honors and $2. STA rn P C.oLLe e, Ii n~ s Re_ La.. 'i. n9 I '1 TJ-1 e. Special mention goes to some other good entries: J eff Bulley. 11, Corona Pel Mar; Joel Andre w Bube. 7, and Brady Clark. 6, Costa Mesa. As Uncle Len was surprised he didn't rece i ve a ny drawings of ~meone reading, he decided to m ake drawing your favorite s tory b ook character the theme for next week's contest. Euenin~ Draw on 4 by 4-inch paper, and include your name, age and address. Send yo ur entries to Uncle Len, c/o the Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. And be :sure th ey arrive by Wednesday. Secondr place: Matthew Borack, Costa Mesa teen woes She finds hunJor • in NEW YORK (AP) -It wasn't that Delia Ephron had a particularly awful adolescence. It's just that by the time she reached her mid-30s, she became convinced that. in an ever- changing world, "T een-agers are certainly as anxious as we ever w ere. You still can't get from 12 to 20 without being a nervous wreck." That conviC'lion led to the creation of the wry, bitter-sweetly funny "Teenage Romance, or How to Die of Embarrassment." , "Adolescence is a period of humiliation and frustration. There has to be humor," ~s Ephron, 38. For--ieen-agers. "Lire is a great Greek trag y. The call that never comes. the hell in the hallway, everything has a vast meaning that isn't even there. Teen-agers get cfevastated and elated in a way that is1unlike any other period of life." To "trigger" her own memories of adolescence, Ephron interviewed both teen-age boys and girls, and then some adult men. The result is a chronicle of adolescence from acne to diaries to dating. The author of the highly successful "How to Eat Like a Child," Delia Ephron shied away from writing b ecause "It (writing) was a genetic disposition. I was a fraid." One of four daughters of screenwriters Henry and Phoebe Ephron (her sister is the noted essayist Nora Ephron). Delia Ephron remembers, "You were rewarded for your verbal skills. not for being • athletic or anything like that. Our parents expected us to be writers. Which is why I didn't want to be one." Majoring in history at Barnard. Ephron worked frisk y friend for a while at the New York City Department of Parks, where she wrote press releases "which weren't. very good." It wasn't until she was 31 that she went the way of the Eprhrons. "Until I made the psychological decision to write, I couldn't do it." And once she started, she reallied what she wrote would always be funny -and thus came to be "How_lo Eat Like a Child" and her fortuitous collaboration with Illustrator-cartoonist Edward Koren. A lo~ of people were offended by her firsr book, she says, with parents protesting what they perceived to be a child's guide to terrible table manners and obnoxious behavior. Her response? "I didn't write it for kids." She receiv~ letters about the new book. too, but this time, they're from teen-agers, girls mostly, seeking advice on how to deal with boys and mothers. "They think I know something," she says. "And I t.eU them something because I love giving advice . My friends will tell you I'm one of the bossiest people around." "Teen~ge Romance" also has an admitted partiality to the female or the specfes because. says Ephron, "I was mistreated by too many teen-age boys to sympathize with them." A self-proclaimed feminist, Ephron sees herself as one of a growing number of women who are humoris ts rathe r than comics. "We 're beginning to see females being humorous like everyone else." Four brothe r s share more than 1st name AUSTELL, Ga. (AP) -Four brothers, all named William, were in the same hospital to have the same operation on the same day. The boys -aged 6, ~. 3 and 2 -were at Cobb Genera I Hmpital In suburban Atlanta to have their tonsils removed. The Burtz brothers are Wllliam Shane. the o ldest , followed by William Archie III, William Matthew and William Clyde. To avoid confusion, "we call Shane 'Shane,' we call Archie 'Silly,' we call Matthew 'Matthew' and 'Grasshopper.' and we just call Clyde 'Clyde' or1 •Seetlebu1'." said the boys' father, William Archie Burtl Jr. Dee Whelchel. a nune who has lrftted the younptera, aakl t~ boys are a IOUn.'e of confusion. .. Caesar, • year-old male...-elriever, i& looking for a home with a big back yard . He is a ho use dog, but he'• The father aaJd the boys have the same tint name becau. it wa1 "the will" of their 1randfather. William Archie Burts Sr .. who had named enother of his IOnl William Chria Buru. - f ri1 ky and needs room lo exerci1e. He's availa ble at ·the Laguna Beach An imal heller, 497-3552. "M y dad dy wu named William and it ju1t came on down. He Mid, 'Look, It'• AOt to be this way'." r •I W ho's hooting? T hi Ural owl is o ne of a pair given to the Nuremberg Zoo, .. and though they are difficult to breed in captivity, zoo Qfficials intend to t ry. T he owl a p pears as if it doesn't give a hoot one way or the o ther. : ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trio enjoying New York stage~: I • ' NEW YORK (AP) -One began as a child actor but became a pop music star. Another thought about acting but drifted into eccentric folk music. The third went direct from Broadway to NBC's "Saturday Night Live." Three different stories. three disparate backgro unds. But Pe t e r Noone, Loudon Wainwright III and Chr~e Ebersole all have one thing in common: They' J in New York theater now and enjoying it. Noone once headed Herman's Hermits. Now he plays Frederic, the young hero of "The Pirates of Penzance." Wainwright. who in the early Seventies had an off-the-wall hit song, "Dead Skunks," is in "Pump Boys & Dinettes." ' Ebersole. who departed "Saturday Night Live" after one unhappy season\ currently essays a smart "dumb" blonde in "Ge niuses," the hit off- Broadway satire of Hollywood film-mal<ing. Of the three, o nly Ebersole, 28, a ta ll strawberry blonde from Winnetka, Ill .. has a real stage background. She's worked regional theater, the Spoleto Festival, oCC-Broadway and appeared five times on Broadway. Her biggest stage break came in 1~80 when, on short notice, she was summoned to play Queen Guenevere opposite Richard B1.1rton In th"e Broadway revival of "Camelot," la ter reprising the role opposite Richard Harris. . That led to a potentially bigger break on NBC's "Saturday Night Live." But., she says, she felt lost In the show, which she thinks had a fine cast but little sense of direction. THE QUIZ ( 10 point• tor each qveetlon en1wered conec:Uy) 1 The Commerce Department announced that the U.S. economy arew by 1n annual rate of .a percent In the third quarter of 1982. TRUE OR FALSE: This '?.ew flaure was lower than the • rate of arowih for the 5econd quarter. 2 Secretary of State Georae Shulu met recently with Canadian Prime Minister .. l .. in Ottawa for talks on various Issues. The e nd came last May, she says, when SNL · producer Dick Ebersol called "and said , 'We're doing some cast changes and unhappily you happerl to be one of them'." '• It shocked and depressed her. But it turned out · for the best. It got h er back to the stage. in "Geniuses" -"and suddenly I wasn't questioning ' myself anymore. I belonged. I was part of a family. Noone, a young-faced, energetic Englishman of 34. joined the "Pirates" family on Broadway last summer, coming off a 10-monlh tour In the show's na tional company to a role first held here by ;i younger rocker, Rex Smith. As head of Herman's Hermits in the Sixties, he recorded some 20 hits, the"best known being "Mrs. Smith, You've Got a Lovely Daughter" and 'Tm Henry Vlll, I Am." But the Manchester native considers Broadway the peak, he says: "I'm quite happy here. I mean, every performer wants to be here." Loudon Wainwright III, the tall, lanky son of a fal)'lous Life magazine columnist, started making a name for himself as a composer-singer of sardonic, macabre and even weird songs, from "I H ope I Learn to Keep My Mouth Shut One of These Days" to his big hit. "Dead Skunk." . "My original intention was to go into acting," says Wainwright, now 35. ln'deed, h e brie fly studied acting at Carnegie MeUon institute. He made his Broadway debut i.n "Pump Boys & Dinettes.'' as the successor to Jim Wann, co-star and co-author of the cheery, Jong-running cotrnlry music revue. Answers appear (upside down) beneath quli J Depression-style shanty towns were erected In several U.S. cities to procest Re11an administration economic policies. The towns, called "Reaaan Ranches," were modeled on those of the 19JOs that were named after President .. l .. 4 The European Common Market reported an unemployment rate of 9.8 percent for its ten member nations In September. This rate was (CHOOSE ONE: higher, lower) than lhe U.S. rate of unemployment for the ume month. • newsp1cture S Astronomers at the Callfornla Institute of Technoloay siahted Halley's comet about one billion miles from Earth. The comet passes the Earth once about every .. l .. years and Is due here apln In February, 1996. 1-22 b-76 c-144 newsname (10 ,.tfttl K rou cen Identify ttlle pertOf\ In the MWI) I am the leader of Moroc- co. Durln1 a recent U.S. vltft, I 111d the nations of the Arab Le11ue would be wlllln1 to recotnlze '''"' only after that nation evacuated Its f0tces from the lands II h11 occupied since the 19'7 w1r. Who am fl 1·per capita 2-per diem ).per .. a-11 such .._relate to c·hold to 1 course d-amount for e1ch perM>n \ ... lly ~ allowenc:e (10 point• It you answer 1i,11 quallon c~tty) Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon testified before the three-, man Judicial panel that Is lnvestl11tln1 the masucre of hundred1 of Palestinians In Beirut. Sharon said Israeli forces there had not anticipated a masucre when they allowed members of 1 (CHOOSE ONE: Christl1n, MC>slem) militia group to enter the Palestinian camps to look for PLO fl9hters. peoplewa1d1/sport!Wd ·1 (2 point• for eac:tl qu"tlon en•-red Cc>rf9Clly) 1 lndu1trial ma1n1te John De LOt'ean was arrested In Los Anples on charses of deallna In cocaine on the uime day his (CHOOSE ONE: automobile, alrpl1ne) factory In Northern Ireland was closed by the British 1cwernment. 2 Gabriel Carcia Marquez was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize for (CHOOSE ONE: Economla, Literature). Marquez has lived In f Mexico fOt' the past 20 years, but he Is a n'tlve of Colombia. J Biiiy Martin w11 fired 111ln -this time from his potltlon 11 m1na1er of the .. 1.. by turn prelldent Roy Eisenhardt. • ,,. 4 Alberto S.laur won the 1982 New Yorll Marathon with a time !I of two houn, nine minutes, 22 seconds. It WH S.luar's .. 1.. r. victory In that annual event. 1-flrst b-MCC>nd c·Chlrd S Undisputed welterwel1ht champion .• f .. Mt November 9 u the dlte when he wlll announce whemer he will defend his title or retire from profn1lon1I bo11ln1. . roundtable ,......, ••tmllR ,,__., Followtnt •**''mun dedalon, 1pMlentWM111owtd eo•- hla own reqUMC. Uftdet what cll'CUl'MllnC9t. If any. do rou d'6n a penon hat the rtfht eo dter bplaln your an.wer. YOU" ICOH1 11 .. tlO ,..._ .. -TOP ICOAll 11 te II ,.in11 -......... rt •IO,_.. -Oee& 8' .. N ,_.. -Pllr evtC, IM ,n1•U U Or ngo CoHt DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Nov•mber 8. 1082 , Irvine iphurch marks 50th anniversary } 1Cynthia Nagura, Barry Abrahams ~hapter honors \1 alley youths ~ 11 vlrw 'ommunHy l'h1111 h Wiii murk llJI uuldt•n 1U'\11twr11ury wl\h u wt-.•k1•111l uf th1111k1iHlvlnM 1md rl•n11n111dnu (11l'lu1h•d 111 lh1• t•f•h•htUllllO Wiii ht• Ull OfX'll houw frnm I to :l p.1n Nov I :i. u111l u lt'l.'tun· ut ll::m p rn Nov 14 by Or J Vt•1 11on Mc•G1•1" n•tht•d pmnur of tht' Churd' of ttw (Jppn l>our, Lo~ Angc•lt'11, w h o now h111i u Blhlt.• tt•ud\111w 1·udw progl'bm, "Thi u the• Blblt• " At u hufft•I dlruwr, ul 6 p rn. S111urd11y, fornwr f>llslors and long-lim1• nwmlx•t-s will i.h ur1• tht.•lr memor1c:s of tht• t.•hurch's !>O yc •nr history und Judy Lic.1lx'C..0k of th<' lrvim• Histur knl Sodt•ty will n •latt• <?arly htslllry or the> community Known as thl' "81bh• Tt'achl11g Chun·h" be<·ause of its primliry rninlstry, tht' t.•hl.m'.-h wus .founded as a Sunday School an 19:J:! Its Clrsl homl' was the old lrvlnl• sc:hoolhoum.• in Eusl Irvmf'. and in 195i a building was construl•too on land donatc.'CI by JamC'S Irvmt.•. The.• origmol building still houses the sanctuary. fellowship hall und S unday sct}ool rooms. The pubhl.· 1s invill'd lo all cvcnL-.. Dinm•r reserN;llions arc to oo mud<.• by •calling 559-1701 or 586-JJ07. Two Foupt.a1n Valley lc<m-agen. were honort'd a t the Humanitarian Awards Dinnl'r of lhe Orange Counly C hapter. National Confen•nt'l' of Christians J FREE .SEMINARS dt>aling w ith t·ommo n and Jews. problc.'ms of "marriage and family living will be He<:l'IV1ng youth awar(Js lor tlw1r contribu11011s condurtcd by b r. Wilham J . Diehm, a licensed to thl• promotwn of brothl·rhoud through work m clinic-al psychologist. S<'houl and rl'l1g1ous orga1117.utiuns amt <:ommunity S ponsored by lht.• Fountain Valley Bapl1sl volunu.•c•r st•rvll'l' Wl'l'l' Cynllua NugunJI and S.irry Church and the Affiliated CouOS('llng Services 111 Abrahams Cost.a Mesa, the S<.'SSions a re scheduled al 6 p.m. on Alicia Osegue ra of Santa Ana a lso was Sundoy a nd Nov. 14 a t the C"hurt'h, 10460 Slall'r honored. Ave. ROBIN AND FRAN Markam will talk about their missiona ries in Magoye, 1'.t1ml1111, 11nd th1'11 Wiii k 011 11111~·t11r11 or \Ill' fo'111111ly Jo'1lm l.td tl11•n •, .11. till' IO 11 m Su11cluy 111•1 Vll·t· 1it tl11• Nl'lijlll\t11 l11xl\I l'u11~r .. ~:i11111111I t'h111d1, Lauw"' H. d1 A HJo:VI VA I., 1 .. atu11ng 111lrnd1· 11111J wo1 i.hlp ~·• vlt't''• w1ll 111kl• plut.>t• at 7 µ m 011 'l'u1'll(f,1y-. .1t 1tw Hull)(f • 'l'hf'ntl'r ' L•mdUl'll·tl by Tum W1·:.1, tllt' 1111•1•11111-1-; will bc•,.:ln Nov U rind run through Ot~· :! I Wt1it, wh11 111•lgln1Jlly ll\llllSh•n'll In N1•wµc11·t rk•ill'h for fou r y1•:11 s. now work' m. u11 1nd1•p<•11d<•n1 t•v1111l(l'lk11l minu .. tl•r PHACTITION~R R1d10rd llow111·d will dl"'-·uss th1• nwanmg or "Chnsti1111 :-;d1•111·1• Tr(•Utnwnl" at 8 pm Monduv ut tlw Chr1sttan St'l<'nt'l' Chun·h. l'oronu d1•l Mor. VOCALIST KENT Buwthm a nd art1sl S ul' Bowdt'n will present a sac.•rt.•d c:ondert al ti p.m . S unday at the W:irru:r Avt•nul• Buµtist Chl.lr<:h Th<' JX•r forml•rs, who lour n1111onallv. arc~ k nown for their unusuul prugroms that frt•qul'ntly l'umb1m• musk, arl, dra1rw and humor. A CONCERT or jazrr. .• daSSIC'Ul, avant-g:irdl· and rag\im(• musit' will be pri.'.•scntl•d by the: Cal Statl' Lohg Beat'h 1'cr('uss1on En~cmbll' a nd Martmba SAINT MICHAEL AND All ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Communion -Sundays 8 & 10 a.m. Tuesday 7 a.m. Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. The .Reverend John Rogers Davis, Rector 3233 Pacific View Drive 714/644-0463 Corona del Mai-92625 The youth presentatio ns were part of the an nual program in which humanitarian awards w ere presented lo California Ang<?ls owner Gene Autry. Fullerton c1v1l ll'a<k1 !:ioph1e Llendl a nd t he Rev. Msgr. John Sammon of tht> Catholic Diocese of Orange. More than :i50 ix•rsons atlendl'd thtc> dmnl'r d am·p Thursd<iy at th1· Anuheim Marriott Hotel where tht• prinnpal six•aker was thl' Rev. C harll'S S . Casassa, c h ancello r of L oyola Marymount UniVl'rsity in Lus Ang<'lcs. ~ South Coa s t · Comm unity Church Jaml'S FU>ost·velt of Newport Beach outlined the work and plans for thl' c·hapter Vick R. Knight w as mastt•r of c.'t.'rt•monll's. Local events in the Daily Pilat A uto & Homeowners Ouotes By Phone RA881TT INStltANCE 441 Old Newport atvd. Newport .. ech, Ce. u1-n40 Services 8:30 A.M. & l 0: 15 A.M. Corona del Mor High School, 2101 f011bk.ff Or . Corona cl.I Mot '"The Church: A Mot·.-ment Not A ,Honumt•nt •• Tim Timmons. peaking H.11111 u• 7 :m p 111 Hunduv ut t'hr11>1 C'11ll1•u1• lnmll' A WOHKHHOP. df,.1um·cl lo 1nfmnl ttw puhlll' ulmul 1tw 11 1•cb ul tlw 1>ld1•rly 1111d c·m·ouraj(1 volunu-.•r 111volv1•mc·1H. will lw prt"'M•nu·d Ul 0 o fl\ toduy 111 th1· t'ornniuni1y P1 t•11h~11•nor1 Chun.•h, L11uun1.1 tkut h 1':XPEHJ1<;Nl'~8 011 u 1r11111·<· mt•cllu111 I n 1•11u11:.l'11ng ond r1•iot•ti1 l'h will l)(• n•lalt'<I by Ut·br• H1•ynolds ttl tlw lO::JO nm Sund y i>t'r vkl! of lhf- Logun11 l'll•1wt1 Unit<irlun Unavt•nw luct 1''l'llowtth1p. COMMUNl'l'Y CH UHCJI by lh1• Bliy, Cos'- Mt•!>:J, will h11v1• o s<•rlt·s uf•is1)(•ak1•ri. on Sunday!> hl 7pm Thi• sc..•lwdult• lndudt•:. Dr W11twrn H. Parkt•i-. Suotluy. Dr Pat Allt•n, Nov 14, Or AtHho11v E . Smart, a British µhysk1:.t, Nov 21. th1• RC'v Judy.r Cult". Nov. itt. HAL l-'H £OW J\1lDS prt>Sl•1ll,, "This hi Your. Lilt'. Rol>t.•rt &·hullt•r" in u sp<.'(·1ul "Hour of Powl'r" prugram to air at IO::m am Sunday on Channel 9 Tht• progrom, liononng tht• Crystal C~thedral pthtor. ft•:JlUr('l> &:huller's fomily. r hlllV(.'S, frie nds and collt•agucs .. Among s~'t'ial guc>sts are evangelist Billy Graham. QQ<Jger munag<·r Tornmy Lasordo u11d l'Omt•rt JJWnisl Hoger Wilh'!ml> Alfilli11eel wilh Dlvtne Sc11nce COMMUNITY CHURCH BY THE BAY where an atmosphe1e of love, fOY and lreedom p1evalls. in which each person can feel sale 10 be himself and develop his own dtvine p0tent1al II you are seeking a chu1ch family ltke this welcome home• Sund1y Celebration of life I Speakers Wortsllops I Classes I Book Shop .~outll Glotlp I Nursery Cate Holistic Health Center SUNDAY AT 10 A.M. Dr. Wllllem Partcer (Fo..•1 o ..... s ........ ., 7 p.m. Dr. Wllllem Perker D F ed D a ...... .....,.. r. r avl1 645-7650 148 EAST 22HO STRE£T/COS TA M£SA/CA 92627 Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY - 1st CJUCH of RELIGIOUS SCDCE Of fEWPORT BEACH lllember Cllwdl lMIUd Cllurdl of ltelleous Saencc CELEBRATION OF UFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. • ..... ~, Svndcry ~-OMW c.e 1m · "Enlightenment ~.g) Through •,.._ .; Aelatlonahlp" ,_,.. '"· Jv4y cw. "Dial-An-Inspiration" -760-0504 ,on CarnelliOck, ,..Wf*t a.och . <•'-"'-....... , . Mvlk Direct• • Morie r,,.11th 760-9474 '· Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Traditional Eplec:opal) 'Hal Y COMMUNION -Each SUnday -9:00 AM (Boot! of Common Preyer -1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. J Hohfeld -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN COITA •IA .. , l t'"t et Orange Av.nue 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Holy Eucharist 10:00 Sunday School NurMf)' Cara tM Rev. Conrad Nordq\llet, Vicar 541-2237 ST . JAMES EPISCOPAL WELCOIES YOU 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach .U..., t:OO A.M. ~a,., holl, Hotf Com"""'*' luftd9J MO A.II. Chructt .-... 9M AcMt Rdu•tton iuftd9J 10:00 A.M. '1nt ._.,,..,..,., 9ooll ...., ComlftUftlon 8unde'9 .......... ...., ................ t:GI A 10:00 A.M. ~ Cere CHAIUMATIC MAii ,.,.. ......, of .......... -1• ...... T....-, -10:00 A.M. HetJ .......... .............. Wlttt Laytftt °"Of ..... The""· ....... "· ~ ........ -,...... ""4110. Au 1 ........ lfHleehfC-....,_ 18M2 Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-3801 llY.STW't9f W. NUIMm, llCTOI , ..0.. Y CGe • •..oM ..•....................... l:M AM. ,MOit•• PIA Tll..C:HUltCH SCHOOi. ••••••.• f t ti A.M. MOI ... NAYOl A SlaMOM •..•••••••••• , I ~IOI A.M. I -. tt.1rC1 h fllrwtlnlN....., II A.M. ...... ~....., .. ,, ...... · IDPCJIT ._.,. lUTIDM C:UCH ,_ o...·Dr. •WPOM .UCH .... , .....,,, .... ,...., ...... ...,.,...., . W°"8HIP 8EAVICE ....................... 1:00 A.M. CHAIS'TIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WOMHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. ~----· WILCO.. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES lflAHCHE8 OF THE MOTHE:ft CHIJACH, THE fNl ~ OF C-IT. llCIENTl81' IN IOSTOH, MAllSAct4USETT8 "Adam and Fallen Man" Sunday, NovemlMr 7, 1982 Coeta MeN -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentl•t -..... Verde Dr., COi .. MIN aturdt A 8undeJ kfM* -10:00 A.M. ............... -..... Verde Dr. • A.M.-4:ao ...... lloft.""" .... Wed. 1·1:IO It.II. -t-l:IO l'.M. Irvine -Flrat Church of Chrt1t, Sclentlet ~IM ,,.....,. lnterfMCftete khool •1 IMctJH .. lft (Nw Y•) Ctlurdl A .__, ...._. -10:00 A.II. Reading Room, 4330 Barranca Pkwy., 81.tfte 1'5 810Mhuret "'8u 10 A.M. -4 l'.M. lloft. thru a.t. 10 A.Ill. -7 P.M. Thunder CMcl c:.te -luncley & Wtc:-ey Huntington Beach -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlet • -~--............. _, Ct.urdt A .__, tchoof -1MO A.Ill. ................ -118.....,.t. Newport Beach -Flret Church of Chrlat, Scfentl•t , 3303 Vie Lido, Newpof1 .. ech Cl\11rch a lundey &cttoot -t :OO a 10:30 A.M. RNdlng Room, 3315 Vie Lido Mon. thnl Set. -t A.M.·5 P.M. Tuee. -7·t P.M. Ohlld Cate Prov1clecl fllUdil'/S 9 30-It 30 1' M IOI Study Time Newport Beach -Second Church of Chrlat, ScfenU.t J10i0 hclftc View Df., Cofone del Mer Church A 9UftClay khool -10:GO A.Iii. ................. --....... c...e Hwy., CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - I P.M. AU CHURCHEI All 111 coro1111y 1no111eo to 111en0 the church -lnO enjoy the prMi.oea ol the Aeldlng Room.t Child C.re PrOYIOe<I AT All SERVICES. ~~' \V ' .... Clttld Cere l'r0\'td1d AT ALL •fWICaa SERMON TOPIC: NOV. 7th 9:00. & 10:30 A.M. "E1p1ri11ci11 ll1n111" CtuCH Of lt0.1610US SCDCE Memb« of the United Chufch of Rlllgloul Sci9nce SEACLIFF VILLAGE SUITE 45, 2223 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 12841 Adult• & Jr. Ohufc:ti FM lnfonnetlon . 10 & 10:30 536-5150, 531-9338 Solltll Coast So 1101 tf 11111 South Coeat Plez• Hotel C•platreno Room Coate M•••, off Rev. Emit Nytandtf Brlatol St. on Anton Servlcn: 1:00 A 10:15 EKh Sunder Reverend Ernie Nylander • Minister Reverend Cbri1tlao Sorenlef'-At soclate ? (213) 431-8595 Parking Is FREE and Essy "" Bund•y School I A.M • Come end experience th••• drnamlc end lllumlnetlne apealcen. A CORDIAL WELCOME FROM Ttt: lllTED CtuCH Of CtltlST COMIUITY CtutCH CONGREGATIONAL 111 H1Matrope An. C«OMdefMer 844-7400 Donald W. Kuta. lllftleter 10 A.II. -8undn ........ Chutdl 8dlool -""'-"cw. fEGtllORHOOO CONGREGATIONAL CtutCH )et St. ..... l"lct ll lilllllt1ft, l ..... Btedl 494.8061 °" ll llEYIO.OS MMGMET .,.. ll£lMJlDS ...... 10-1..ll.-..., ~ ca.di Sdlell ' ....,, HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (D_.ptee of Chrtet) 2.401 lrvtne et Baftta INbel 14$-5711 MornSic ! Worship 10 AM Sooday School 9 AM Gene lweneon, Mtnlater Attend The Church of Y-our Choice ST. MARK PRESBYTERI N CHURCH 11.Mtbluff Dr. a........_, Newport 9Mctl Rev ........ MoQ.-cl Rew. Tony Wotte ..... A8Mc:tete ...... Rodger Whitten, Music Director Church School & Adult Cluaea -9:00 e.m. Worship Servtc9 -10:00 Lm. Nura.y Cere et Both Houre -For Info: C-41144-1341 A Cordlel Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHU CH eo.ta Meea FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor Bllld. Ctturdl .-... 1:10 Wonhlp1MI Chel'1el D. Clartt, Mlnllter Coeta Meaa North M•SA YIRDE UNfTED METHODIST CHURCH Worttttp A C...... 8otteol t:ao • 10:00 A.Ill. Dr ............ CHRIST CHURCH Hunt;ngton Beach FIRST UNITED MTHODIST CHURCH 2721 t7th St. 536-3537 WOf9ttlp e.vtoe 10:11 a.m. *"-JC-Al ..... Cttutch khoof-t:OO e.m. Huntington BMch Nortfl COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 8662 Hell A11e. 8-42-44&1 ........... -=-• 10:iOO l:JO • ......., ..... 10:GI BY THI llA Fountain Valley Newpor1 a.ct\ FIMT UNITID 1400 w. Baaboe &Nd. 973-3805 METHODllT CHURCH Rev. Robert Sheoard Jr. 11225 BuiNrd St • ....... c............. ----=-A.IL • DI'. Carrofl E. Word, Mlnl1ter W1ldeJ i're'ScMol ........ °""""' khool D9J Cant 1:11 A.M. 1i9 A.JI ... It.Ill. A m"9. ... OIUM* NEWPORT CINTaR UNITED METHODIST .1 ......... Ave..C.... .. ller 144-o741 Worship & Church School -9:30 A.M. ~. Ken McMlllM This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St. Andrews Roed • Newport Beech • 631-2880 o.. -A..-...."~ -- Worship Services-7:30-8:45 & 10: 15 AM "Being, Going, Doing" Or John A Huffman, preaching • PROGRAMS 7:30 em. -lnlanu T.hru Klnoergarten, Child Care 8:45 a.m. -lnlanll Thiu Adult Classes 10:15 s.m. -Infants Thru 6th Grade & Adult Claues . . AIC Hetpltne-..S-2222 1 Community Preabyterl•n Church 415 For .. t Awe., LA19Un11 Beech 4M-7Sll Re11. Arthur J. Tenkeraley Rev. Craig Wllllama Christian Eoucallon 9 00-10;00 A M Worship -10. 15 A.M. NUl'ISERY CARE PROll•OC:D DURING SERVICE - PRESBYTERIAN CtUCH OF THE COVENANT .0 ,llln .. w M ., Coeta ..... -lf1·as40 ~ A. Kurr ... i'•tw Terry McCenne, Director of Youth Mlnlati.. Howard Kllllon, Director of Adult Ministries Don M•ddox, Director of Slngte. Mlnlstrlee lunda!' Wonftlp -l:JO A 10:00 A.M. Church Schoof -Chlldren ttwu Adutte 10:00 A.M. NU'"'J c.e avalleble -l:JO a 10:00 A.M. Veepere -1:00 l'.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. When, Coeta ..... ....a1t1 We're A Going -GIOWlng -Growing Church 8UNDAY HRVICaS lltellE ITUDY t A.M. WOR .... 10 A.M. A I P.M. 10 A.M. -"Are Yoo Sympathetic or lnditterenl7" . .. ,., .. J. 6 P.M. -"To Whom Shal We Go7" -...., • ..,.. Peul Thomae, MlnretM -Doug Cole, Youttt Mlnelter - Im SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT -. HARBOR MFORM TEMPLE ................ 1:111'.M. Frldey IE"'*;P. ...., ..... ' . . . ..... Finl ,rldeJ of tM ....,_ 7:301'.M. I I Rabbi Bemerd P. King Jambot .. & E•tbluff Or. Mullc: Arie Shlkler Newport a.ct'I, C8'1f • Educator: Nancy Levin FMIMenMttenoell .... Jm NA YllOMon WliloolM TEMPL SHARON vAV (Conaervatlw) ¥ Pre-School -Hebrew & Sunday School Bar/Mltzv.h Trelnlng Youth Group-SlltMlopd Servtcel: Friday, 1:15 p.m. Sat. 11:111 a.m. Sun. 1:30 a.m. I • . . I I 1 t FREEDOM OF WORSHIP . . ,, .......... . ..... ~ HeO MAGAZINE • MO ·u.8. FAMI N.PORT MOYIE ' ' * * * "Blutne In Lovt" I 1973) George Segel, SuHn An1pec11. A ~man~a jMloue utor, t~ 10 win hie wlle.obecll, 'R' e:ao• ,.,.... (!) THI WON.D TOMOMOW Robert Mitchum plays a • INAKOUT Cl) 'ALL LINE 8ur1w Hal Young end ff- llyte litllrlg ~ Ren· d'/ Wlemen teke on Ille tllf'lllll end IPMI ol Ille higll -Md.,._, lllopM. t:00. CAPTAIN KNtGAM>O I ltABDPITY TEIEHTAU< "On 8-nlng Thlft""" i ~=~ IATUN)AY MOfMNO GAAPEVN 1rAN • * ··1ee Cuti•" I 19791 l ynn.Holly Jolln9on. Rob- by Benton. A promtllng }'()Ung llgute •••• end lier boyfriend find IUdden ._, Mtd 10 cope wllll when Iha le cno-i 10 train for a pre-Olymplc: oom1>911- tlon. • MOYIE * * "Gawllln And The a:aol°'g~ EL&IENTARY NEWS YOICEOf' AOAICUL.TVAE I rra YOUR 84 lllNE18 THEMUPPETS MOYE **"AH~ In Hamelin" (1975) The epic lloty of the Pied Piper whO rlcll • vtlllQ9 of its l**Y rodent• le '9told. "O' (l)MOYE ** "Force Five: Siar· V9ng41r1" (19811 Anlmeted. An army of Nttle robot• band together to def9fwl Eerth agelns1 1 force ot ...... lnvedws. (Z)MOYE * * 'A "'Trouble In Par•· diee" ( 1932) Harbert Mar· ehall, Mlriem Hoplllnl. A ,,_ of .,..._ con*"*ly run Into Mdl Gt'* wtllle .~ Uleglobe. 7:00 B DUITY'I TREBtOUIE • 8THE FUNTITOHE IM~™ LATINlatPO AMTPERION YOGA FOR HEAL TH INT'EANATIONAL HOUR != *** ''TheGr .. t ~ ceper" ( 1911) Chlnea Grodin. -Alan.a RJgg.. Aeportera Kennlt, Foule end Goruo trece 1 lebu- lous ll<*n jewel to Lon- don. 'G' •7:IO I PAHOAMONUM Q) THE SHIRT TA.LES DR.INllOOtEI 9 PAC-MAN I UTTU RAICN..81 NCHIEflCH I DAVEY AHO GOLIATH JOeUNE TWICE A WOMAN CONTEMPORARY HIAl TH 118UE8 ·=-MM>STHE ITOM l:OO B Cl) OUIGAH'S Pl.ANET ·~ •• "The~ Cow- boy" (1936) GerMI Autry, loll Wiide. A man get.I hoodwinked by hie COhol1 wtlall gold la dlec:oWrad on I ... =Wldl. I DMAM Of' JENNE IA~Y MOfMNO GRAPEVINE ·~STORY • * .... ''Bad1911de Of Oeko- t•" ( 1941) Brodertdc Craw· lord, Robett Sled!. A ealooll -wtlo ..,t hie yQl.WIOW bfott. to ... up ,,.. ~ In lllCMtler town dleco¥er9 tile two lw¥e , ..... for eectl other. ~~hellde" (113e) .....,,.. end Hardy. TWo bumbletl Nturn home at ttle end of WOltd War I. .MOVIE •• ''WMe w ... lam" Keltfl ~A~ "*' .,...,... .... "°'"'" ... wfltl hie lully ~ lor .... or..e ........ ~--=-'Q· * Iii'~ "AIMf'loM Pop'' (ttl1) ~. Tiie .... tory of ~en pop lllllllo, '""" -.... .. down-and-out ex-cop m. "One Shoe Makes It Murder" premieTing tonight at .. 9 on KNXT( 2). roctt 'n' rOll. le tr.cad· tllrouOh MYefel genera- tion• ot 1 larnlly of mual-- dene. 'R' t:30. Cl) IUG8 IUHNY I AOADAUNNER •9 l'AC-MAH WILD, WIU> WORLD OFAWAU (!) VO'f/14a TO THI IOTTOM Of' THE 8EA 1::::::-·~ *·* * "Tiie Leernlng Tr .. " (1M8) Kyle~. Alex Clartie. A blecll 1.-n- aget leerna ebout 1119 wNle llvlng In ~ during the 19208. (I) JOHN CUMY'I ICE.DNDNO Olympic gold medel- wlnner Peggy Fleming end "Ice C~" 1tar Jo.Jo Starbuck fOln Curry for lhll dllpley of ••ting arllatry. t:OO I LEAVE IT TO m.AWJt 9 NCAA fOOT8AU Mlc:lllgan II '"lnols G T&NTAU< ·~ l~AHGlEY l9G BLUE MARll..E FOCUS ON SOCIETY MOYIE • • * "Are You In The HouM Alone?" I 1978) Kathi.n Bellar. Blythe Denner. A Pf'elty young high acllool 8tUdenl le cat- epulted IMO ._.,or ""'*' •h• IHrn1 •h•'• th• lnleneled target of • 119Y- Chopeth. CH)MOYE * *'h "Any Which Way You Clln" (1980) alnt Eutwood. Sondre LCIQe. 8elor-e letttlng down wfltl ,. git! end pee orengutan, • ........ ""'* llgr'9 up '°' -..... lucr!MM INlldl. 'PO' t:80 8 CIJ etlGI 9UNNY I AOAD.....-.. 88THEGARY COi et'N IHOW • OZZll NtD tWIWf ~=-MJ>WIBT • • .... "The AghUng Ken- 1 uclll•n" ( 19491 John Weyna, Vete ~. In the eetly 18009, e Kentuc;.. lly 1111'1 attempt• to pre- wnt 1 plil' of cradle lfom lleeling end ... llrld'a time lo romance the beeutlful daughler of I Frenc:fl gen- erel. • HIGH FEATHER "Loet In The Woodl" The ~ ...,, ebout wflal IN wllderW offers to eat ..... lhey get loll In the woods. I ==ON SOCIETY • ..... ''Bleck Horw Cen- yon" (1954) Joel Meer ... Mari e&andletd. A cowboy b«loln. otJee8a9d with tna deeir• to Ct!C>'un • cer • tllln 'Aid 8111ion. OMOYIE * * • "Sliver Streek" (1978) Gene Wiider, Jiii Cleyburgh. A Miid· mann«ed l>OOll editor eccldenlalfy become• ~In ..... .,. "*"'• llV.wr• ptol during • aoe8-()()Untry train ride. 'PO' t:41 (Z) MCME * ..... ''The Lady In Red" (1979) Robert Conrlel, P.,,,... Sue Martin. In IN vlohnl dayt of Ille ...... 19209, en ldealletlc young farm git! b«loln. the mol °' Ille '"*'-getl9llar Jotvl~.'A' tO:OO •a INCMl-.a HUU( I AIMZING .... MAH I IHANANA foe MIU.ION DOUAR MAN I eoe.oa TH90U>~ Bob VIia and ... Ctew ,... cate ... llWl88 and --alcilr IUmlnO It Into. WOftl. lhot>. .VOT&rl""1M "Newly Ellcled Fee." Jim Cooper iw-ta .. MWly etected "' a-. County, _. of~ ... lrwol¥ed In ._4ioMUUd ,...,. (l)MCMI ***"~CenWllft" (197')W--..cty, J.lle Cfw11tle. AAlf e PfO fooe· ............. .,,.... .,,. ~ llr ., lrlllM .................. llOdy °' • ,,...,.,.. lflcM.. ..... '° conctnue llW'l In. 'PG' ...... .-ATMU.el IPAOHnTI I 9HANANA MCNR • **'A "Law Of The Lew· .... ( 1964) Dela Robett· eon, YllOMe De Carlo. A judge with I criminal put encoun1ar1 Ills letller'J murderet In I amell Mtd--weatern 1-. • THE LmENO Of' IONOMTHUR The dwar1 Brenlc lhoot1 Llnc*ot lllld Morgan'• plan lo murder OW-a badlllr•. (Part 4 of I) • EWRY'DAY OOOOIG WITH JAOQlJQ lllNt ~,....,"'-'how IO ~· oendied dtNI PMle end up4alns how to buy. MCtlOn end -lraeh dtNI fruits. • CAUfOAHIA W£EK IN REYll!W ~=TIIEI< * • * "Flesh Gordon" (1980) Sam J. ~ Mu Von Sydow. A trio of eer1Nlnge trewl to the .,..._ McM'90 and llelp hi oppr-..d lnNbltante In the ~ow Of Ille M 11:001Emper~PO' 9 .THIJPION8 AMINCA'8 TOP TEN 90Ul TIWN MOYIE * .... "81ood "'-I' ( 19551 John Wayne, Lauren 8lcell. All American mer- c:tiant mwtne helps an entn Yllleoe of~ .,_.,t, eecape from pur· IUillg c:ommunlN. .YCROWAYE COOQIW ·=-ftARI • * "Bronco Buller" ( 1162) Jotvl Lund, Soon Ired'/. A ~ rodeo etar ~ a rMll, boftl In the ring and In romance, °' • }'()Ung ~ lie tied .............. • (C)lllOVla ···~ ''The ~t ........ ( 1MO) John Hun. ArMW/lf'ly ...... A dedi- cated plly91Clen t•lln under hie wing • hoNtDly deformed man wtlOM llte until "*' had been epent In dlMP ffeak eidllblllon1. 'PO' ®90XING'8 IEIT: JAa(JOl••ON tt:IO I 'AT AL.8Bn' 8 f\AIH OOADON i QMNOMX Of ALL- ITAM (!)MOVIE * * ... .. Ab«>ott And eoa.. lello MMC TM In~ Men" (1951) Nenc:y Guild, WlillMI F~. The lrwlll- ble Man .... the -ti•· tw8'ned duo • detect"'-. • ~Of'Oll ,Aln'lNG • GftOMNG Yl.AM ·=IMNOUNCB> * 111 IA "The Trouble Whh Glrll" O•I EMI Preeley, ~,,._,.A ttawllng ..__.. "'"' Into .. -'• °' lloWle .... •ay-e!=' ..•.. ._ 111 * * "Alc:tl And Farnoue" (1111) Candice e.rgen • Jecquelln• 8l11et. Throughout the upe Ind downe of ttt4/lr reepecilve llterary eareara •nd romentlc ._, two - ~ on their ftlalldtlllp lor~.'R' N'fLJIOON CHAtlll. LISTINGS 9 KNJlCT IC8$) •lllfk l 0 HIK) e KTt.A (tlld.I • ICABC CABCI • k,M8 CCBSI • l(HJ 1'V c hid.) •KCST IAICI e KTTV llnd.I e tec~ TV (Ind.I • ICCaT (Pell eKOCa (Nil 10 On T" II Z.T\I It HIO C IC In.ma• I if) IW<>f'I NV , H Y. P) tWTISI II IESPNI II (lflowllmel • s.otlltflt • ,, .... ,.._ '"'"'°'"' llerl'Y ,Inn 00 In llMICll Of _..., lr.-n llklrl9 Ille MIHIHINM taa 1 (I) NCAA TOOA Y UTMWITH ,__MOAD • CW IMf'H N#/0 MAN "Cl!MeJ T'lla Good • .,ttl Md flla Mldcllt ~ .. • MOVll .... ''lotllef .....,., .. ( 11141 Joel Meer... Yvonne 0. OetlO. In ...... Oonfeder· •I• cieptcln Heh lo ..,,. emmunttlOn end ....... from • Melllcan outl9w. CG)'"' 90l.DIH Ml°' ~ "A Ooll'I ~"A WOft'llll (Julie Harrie) _.. lier own Identity attet con. fronUng Iler Nilblllld'• (Chrl11opher Plummtr) ~llllty In I leieC)lay bllMd on IN~ by Hen- !lbten. 11:41 NCAA POOTaAU. LA 11 Wlllhlogton • AMATIUR 90XINCI "U.S.A. 1te. EMI Germany'' from 8il01tl, Mlle. I NF\. IN RIYIEW 1:00 MOVla * ~ "Tiie Crlmeon Kimo- no" (Ifft) Victoria Shaw, Glenn Cort>ell. Whll• ""'-'lgatlng Illa MUrder Of • ltrlpoer •• pelr of delec- livee =lvell OWf I ai'~ MUHe:=:i·· Liiy and Harmen !Ind tlltm1elvH unweJ,come t1rge11 of emorou1 advllnt4e made by lhelt noey neighbor•. ~ :c"'I TOP TEN • * * "Miller Roberie" I 1955) Henry Fonda, J-Cagney. A U.S. Ntvy cargo llllp run• Into meny mlaedventuree -.U.. of Iha eecond olfl· cer on boerd and hie grNt deaAre to be In combel. .NOYA "Why Do lllrde Sing?" so; ent11t1 examine why bltdl ling with r9glonal 8COlflll end paM llMlr lnclMdual eoogl eloflCI frOf'l'I gen8rl· tlOn to gtneratlon. (RI Q • OCEAMJI: 'THE ~ Scheduled: llw covwega of tile Alu Rlfnol I Ted Sendera 10-round middl1 at6ght bout (from Fl. Laudtrdlle, Fie.); COY- erega of Ille MIKed Pro Tugel Diving (from Hawaii). • CC) ICMINNG ROOM 1: 11 ([I MCNR *** "Winning" (1M8) P1ul Newman, Joenne Wooctwwd. A ~ r-car driver Meal with off-Ired! martt.I problwne .. determined 10 win the lndlanapolle 500. 1:30 • F-TROOP ;~THE MNIHEEN\!Wll-.wf (C)MOYIE * * * "The OrMI Muppet Cap«" ( 1N 1) CMttee Grodin, Olene Rigg. ~ Kermit. Foalie end 0-!tacit I,.._ love **" ,.... to Lon- don. 'O' CH)MOVIE *. "loll c..tlee" ( 1979) LyM-Holy Jollneon. Aoe>- 1 by BanlCln. A promlllnf young .... ...., and lier ~ llnd IUddcl\ -Wd to cope with ""'*' IM lc ~ to train for I pr~ competl- llofl. (I) WIO<Y WOM.D CW JQHATHAN \WfTDll ~ 811 Ruteal. .MOYIE **IA "Vive Lie Vegee" ( 1984 I EMe Praeley. ,.,_ Margret. A lM Vegee 1wlmmlng ln11ruc1or b«:o1n. IN ~ cl" enectlOn tor • ~ car nut end "" ttallan lriencl. (Z)MOYE • * 111 "BluebNrd'I EJghth Wife" (1938) Cleudetle COibert, Gery Cooper. A young Frenctl git! of artlto- CtMlc beef1ng mam. • weelthy Atner1can l*ow lier daM oint; 10 ~ he'• tied _, pr.WOU. • nwrlllge8. a:oo. GIUJG.tN'S lllAM) The $!!pper dlceoCowc ttlat he .. .-.g1e 10 Qillloln, I TO•ANNOUNCB> GfVZL.YMM* Ortaly Ad-. Ills '1andc and ..... lnlhe--ttv....., by I dwlncMng Wiiier aippry and • rllglno toreatllre. • MOYIE * * * "Duel At Dllblo" I tMe) Jamea Gerner, Sid• ney Poitier. A group of lndlen-hatera -deter· mined lo lraneport • load of ~Ion llwough Apedle terrltory at Mt COii. • TILEWION: THE INCHANTID.....,.. Therota~~ln AIMrlcan ...... doeul'llent· ed ttwough • _.... of tnterMwe. • AMII llek THE IBXJND C8mJRY .MCME • • ·-c:-Of Oultewc" ( '"2) M8Cdonald Carey, AlallJe lmfth. All •-con iMtdlae I C9lle for gold '*9derl .,..,. .,.., • hol6- (lj MCMI • * • "Pretty ..... All In A !bf" ( '971) AOCl Hud-eon. Angle DlcaW-. A ~ counllklr, IN Idol °' • Noly of lllgtl llCMot t>Nut.... -11• """ ...... and • POIOe ocptclll In MMf'I the ,,.,... ..,, of ..... GNel'1•d• l!!!!lnol. 'If (J)MCMI •• * ............ Oenerar' (1 ... , o.wi '"· "" ..,.WNri.~ "'""' .. ~In .... dWtN Wcwtll W• I. .. ,,.., ....... ...... ... i..nu.y to ........ wp=:u. , ML ... W ,,. ,,...... ... 1111 :.~-:.=:- (!) Tiii LU 0:11 &::'i---c ... u .; Ornng Co 11 DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Novtmb•r 8. 1982 - TU•TIPPlll KNX'I (2) 8.0ll "No Dl•p oa-ll, Nu RN urn." Part om.• ur u DiHnc.~y producuu11 ~1l)C1"l un l 1-yt.•ur-old tllrl U(ld hl•r youngcl' bmth..r who plot their own kldnupplng to lilkk thdr woahhy grandfather w ith 11 hutty ransom. KABC' (7) 9:00 "Love Boat." A mun and u wo rnon c.·xpt•1·ience an unusual rom1ull·e, and n psych ologist a nd hls th<.'rapy class ~rcatt: huv~ on the ship. KABC' (7) 10:00 -"F'antasy tsland." A Las Vegas blackjack dc.>ale r boards a Mississippi rivcrlJout lo meet the ship's legendary captain, and a t'Ouple, married sevl•n years. fin a lly g o o n thei r hon<..'y moon. Q) NIWICUITER WUKLY 1:00 I "'8.+AU. ~Of'~ ~ Hoet: Dolly-Parton. Gutell: PM McCart.ney, Frenllle Valli, Riii Coolidge, Crye. let Gayte, Chuck Men· glone. Allee Cooper, ~. (!) 0000 TIMES Florl(l1'1 plln9 for J J.'1 birthday .,. aomewtlll aubdued when JamH i..rna thll • computer hie given him • bid credit rat- iJ·~ ***"" "Piiiow Talk" (1959) Rock Hudton, Dorie Day. An Interior decorator retuctenll)' .-to elllr• • perty line and .. angered 10 INrn lllet Ille other par. ly 11 1 ram1nclng ec>ngWriter. • ICMEHWRITEM I WON> INTO lllAGE "Nell Simon" Ona of the moel prollllc wrll«I of our lime, with OWf 21 ··1· end ecreenp&eys to hie cradll, 11 lnten'lewed. I ltWING flOWER MARV TYLER MOORE ~ epeaklng ~I tor Ted 8allter tuma Into • dlceetroue •~ience. , • MOYIE **IA "8utlln' LOOM" (1111)Ricl\ard Pryor, ca- l)' TYllOfl. A bumbUng bur· gl1r. • concerned IChOOltMCller end eight c:Nldren mall• • frighten- ing cr~try lttp In I brollen-Gown cchool bu-. 'R' (%)MOYIE * * "The Secr9t Ute Of Plant•" (1978) Oocumen- lary. The mutlc: ot Stevie Wonder hlghllgfltl lllle lllm. l:IO. 8ll'ORT'IWON.D Sc:tlecMed: _..,. of the Aleit RlnlW I Ted S1ndara tO·round ~· t6ghl bOllt (from A. L.euderdele, Fle.t; oov- erega of the Mixed Pro T1rge1 Diving (lrom H.-11). Cl) UfTU HOUKON nte~ a... ._ • dlfllcult liMe Mng up to tfMI ~ Aldan'• detMnd lt\at he "turn ... 04fl8r c:f1M61 ... I WOM.D Of' llOOQ IEWNJPOWER IOe NEWHAA'T Bob ~ I pflObla aner lie 81epa lnlo en open aievetor lhCl1 and narT°""' ·aec=• nasty, ... * * ~ "The lldy From Texu" (195J) Howard Duff, Mona FrMiiiM. A peaMar old l.oy tllOugtll by many 10 be Insane finds underltendlng Ind aympe- lhy lfom • cowpoke end • ~~ **'.4 "Rough CUt" (1INIO) Burt ~·· Leaiey· Anne Down A 8rit1811 eodallt• luree en lnterne- tlonll ...... .,.. out of retlr-t to llelp ~ ..... 13(),000.000 In dlemoncn 'PO' ®Ym<>JUK&OX ())HOU. YWOOO Hollywood reporter 8111 Harris ~18 up.dOM repon. on tM peopte end -t• wtlldl -making -In the prodUctlon Ind 'JIMlrtOf caott• °' the movie tncluetry. 4:0011 WITH YOU Nfl.IMGADE MOYIE "Iron Finger'' (1971) 8Nce u W"8n two lftarllal .,.. maetera are· kMled an irw.tloator ffom New 1.ae- lend .. bfougtll In. .MCME * * "The Olllee Cowt)Oy ~ .. (1979) Jane Seymour, Leralne 8tepflenl. A prettY IMGC- alne repor1er jOlrllt the gllnerlne WOftd °' pr-. clorlel C~I In order IOgaeMr~ lllfol mecton lor en ~ of the ... Mwlcwl glr1I. • COWUflft CHMMCl.M ·WM1NQ~A MAION "Tiie Piii* Of Comparl. _ .. (I) TO• ANNOUNC8> 8 8MATDT ..oRTt LHBm .. ,,_..~··Hott. K.n~. 1= ••it "lltft WNOll -YOU Cen" (1NO) C*lt ._.ood, Sondra Loc*e . Wore ..... clclMI Witt\ .................. ................... .., '°' °"' ....... ....eafl,'N ' (D)C•D-LUW TilePIOllll_,..-.W..,._. of IUGll ...,. ... left l'NMlloo ,...._ IM ~ ........... -.... Yeftl'e.-lftdoe....11 ~-· ~&MN-1MGM AU 10 ..... n.._ --NO ''"'I .... ............... "' .... -......... ... .. , ......... ..... lEGIHD8 "Johnny Benoh" Hott! Ken Howard.· (!) AT THI MOYIU Roger Eber'I end ~ Slll!at revt.w "The Mjl.- lionary," "HlllOWMn flt· ~ Of The WllCll," "II Ceme • FrOf'l'I Hollywood" end Ille "1llnker ol Iha weall." • HARD CHOICES "Doctor. 1 Went ..... Dr. Wiiiard Gaylln exarnlnN America'• llHllll care dtllwry system. • WNT1NO FOR A MAIOH "Tiie &Ny T•I" 9 THIS WEEK lAIT ~INTHENF\. Cl)MCNR 1" * 111 "Heewn Can Well" ( 1978) Warren S..tty, Julie Christia. After I PfO loot· bell 811r'I Nie la prema. 1urely clclfnad by en Inept *'09i, Ille rnan Is given Ille body °' • mlllionalr• lndul- trlalllt lo continue llvlng In. l'PO' 4:Al'(Z) CHAAl.E.I CHAMPUH TAU<IWITH ... "Robert Mltdlum" UIO I N!W Wll..DENtf.ll RAIDEM Pt..AY800K ·a • HAPPY DAVI NJNH H-d -Fonzte wt1a11 • plgeotl coop •toe> tlle liege ~ In Ille roof • WIDE WOAl.O Of' POflTI Sc:hadJ.iled: -· of the World Welghlllltlng Cll1mplon1lllp• (from Y\lgOele'llll: -· of Ille Rome Mlle (frotn Rome. tt.iy): -· of tlle Sltat• Atnerlc:ll lnterna- tl onel Figure Sketlng ~(from lake Pleeld, N.Y.). (!)MOYE * • * "The Am1lerdarn Kiii" ( 1978) Robert Mltdlum, Bredlord Dll· Man. A lomier federal nar- cotic• agent becOMH lnvol¥8d 1n • -emono lntemetiol181 dNg ...... I IOUDGOL.D WOOOWNGHT'8 ..,.. "Tiie "'-Truth: Vat8'on II" ~ Undertlll ~ ...... flow to --with and care'°'.,..,__ Cl) M"A"l"H Lov.-11erveO Hawkeye .:-.:..: prowl. ·~Of' OMHCIE COUNTY (1»MOYE * * * "Flalll Gordon" ( 1teo) Sam J . ""'-· l\lu Von Sydow. A trlO of eerthllnge .,.... 10 the ~ McM'90 end .. If• oppl II I I d IMabitlntl In die -91wow of IN 4Wtl ~or Ming. 'PO' .MOYE * * • "Sliver 8treek" (1178) ~ Wltder, Jiii Clayburgh. • A mild· mannered book edllor ecctdentally becomH lnvot¥ed In I IWlter art lllW'I bUMTe ptol during 8 ct--lry train ride. 'PO' (Z)MOYE ••i.. "American Pop" (1181) Anlmaled. The i. lory of American pop ITIUllc, "°"' _,..,,.. to rod! 'n' rOll, 18 lr90ed tlwougll -· genera-llone of • twnlly of ""*-.,.. .A' a:ao I ~ W&K IN REVIEW LAVERNE I ltMl.EY a COt/l/PNl'f llwme end SNrtey ... to let Ille F81 -ttt4/lr lll>8f1menl 10 obaet"'8 Ille ectlvltle1 of • coun· ..... • HrTa • •csra <MMllE TO THI GAlAlCY Mtlur Dent Is lnfofmed by hie friend Ford ~ that !tie WOf1d Is going to and In .... ~ 12 mjnuteL • llQUMI fOOT GMaa•to Cl) AL.a Ro '"8e to \elk Ab out of 8CCllPtlng I INfTtege ptO- poeel. 9 WDWON.DCW "'°"'8 9cNdullcd: ~ of the Worid WeltfltNftfnt Chaftlplontlllpa (fro"' Y~);~of the Aofr141 Mlle (frOlft ..,.., lla*yk COVIW ... of ---... Amertce ineem.. Oonat Figure lkatlfll or.ns-.... "'°"' U.• "9cld, N.Y.). 1.:. M0-"f,.a:)f'!frtOM- **" ·"111e Pwtt'' ,..., .......... CtaudlM LOft(IM, A ""9a.._. ......,, .clot --.,..., ... """' lie ~ • ....,.,.,._ ....... ........ I t.A~l~ ............ c.n.1a. ... .., ........... , .. , ..... I --11191 ............ ---·~ _ ........... Iii·=', ~~ ...... .......... _____ .._ I d... wlUI hit gltltfltlld encl k• -wilh • ....., rom.enuo In..,. •u..,..,. ,r_. 1n aoeoe 1n 1t1e yew 11t7, lllOll Aooer• .. _.__, IOO~ai.w °"en....., v...-. •wuAMMCA "Mountain MOI**" A IOOll II lll!M al Ille ~ acl•t•llonc th•I allow ...,.,,. lll1"nale to llve In Illa Mv•r• high mounl•ln ~. • WON..D CW IOOKI (J) MO llYAMID'I Q4ROMCl.I • AUAI 9litlTH AHO JONI.I • Clf)MCMI · * • "Slltnce 01 Th6 tlorth.. ( 1118 t) !.lien IUf9. IYf', TOf'l'I lk«tltt. In 1918, • ~ wcwnatl'l INfrllge 10 8 Ir 8'>P« laedl lier 10 I We of Ntdll'llp In Ille ... d«neea of northern c- ell. 'PO' t:IO e NM IAIKIT8AU LOI Mge6ea Lliletl VI. UtllllJau t:IO •• Cll 9 NEWS MAlrf TYLll' MOON! Wiien Rhoda lntroduc:ee lier boyfriend to Mary: he ~ lnterMt4.d In lier. • LAYERNE a 8HIALEY I COt/l/PNIY Whilt on • train to Cllledl, ~ l•~rne 1nd Shlrley encountet · • ~ men who givee lhem I lop- MCret film and 1 mysl«I· OUI clue IO ldenllfy 1111 murderer~.,., 2) I =IN THE WOAlD INENC PAEWW8 Neel GlbW and Jeffrey Lyon1 review "Netlonll Lampoon'• Clue Reunion" and "Jinxed.'' Cl) JOHN CUMY'S tCB>AHCING Otymplc gold medel- wtnner Peggy Flaming and "Ice Ctipadee" •tar Jo.Jo Slarbucll fOln Curry for 1111$ dl8pllly °' ••ting arlletry . t:41 CZ)CHAM.D CHAMPUN ·TAUCa wmt ... "Robert Mltehutn" 7:00 ... leARCH Of' ... "Salam Wllehel" I FIGHT 8ACI< LAVERNE a 8HIAlEY a COt/l/PNl'f The glrtl ,... writing • naety note to their boee - llfter It'• been dallvered to 1111 oflloe. (Part 1) ·~WEAEYOO? W NII OfW.I WITH LAWN!NCE WE.J< "A TrlbYte To Welt Oll- rw(' • CAl..FORNIA COMIN88IONAl ~ • AU. CMATUMS GNAT AHO IMALl "Celt Low'' Siegfried win• • major vlc:1ory end hi• ' brother Trlltan hu to dell with 11199 In more •9'19 thin one, (Part 4) Cll JAa( AM>fMON OONAOeffW. 9 90 YOU TMNk YOU QOTTIOa.D 9THI~ au.a; Jullc Andr-. • MOVIE *. ''Belli Of eoron.oo·· (1950) Roy ~. Dela E11an1. Ou119W11 ttweaten tile p-. of e ""*' W•· ernl-. (1»MOYIE * •~ "Tiie Octagon" (tltO) Olld Norrie. Lae Ven Cleat. A -llthy you119 ..omen hlrft • retlted menlal ar11 cNtn- plon to ptotect lier from terrorletl Ir alned by Ille rwc:: Ninja cutt. 'R' **'>i "Pelemty" (19811 Bun Aeynoldl, 8everfy O' Angelo A bec:fleb In 1111 fort,_ wno -ti 10 be • fllller ~ tor IN riglll woman to boar 1111 cNld. 'PG' CZ)MCNR **'* "Rich And FetnOU9" (11N11) Cendlee Bergen, Jacqueline BllH,t Throughout the upe end ~ of lhelr reepectM llterary careere enc rcwncntlc .,_, rwo -. depend on !heir lriendlhls: tor 819blllly. · R' 1:30 I DANCE f'lVlR GUN CAMP9IELL au.t: 8lly Pr9eton. • LAYEME I IHIAL.EY a COt/l/PNl'f Met ~Ing IMo tMll boel'• °"'°9 .... glfis ct. covw IOme Int-Ung lnformetlon. (Part 2) .EYEONLA. F .. tured! 1 rapon on thl batlel lhlt '°'* mUllo ml) be tarrying hidden -ll08C: • modcllng ~ with LA.' I beeutll\ll cc» p6e; an llli'I dog oontelt; en ~ w1tt1 Mlc:hy Aoofiey. I ~PF•a•1111111111T1rs ~Ma( EYE ON IAN DllOO Feetured: a two-pert rapor1 on the Mwnmoth L.Mee; en ln&aMew with Ben V«een: en enttque eat colleflon: • loolc at S O. ~ of Art•' cutrcn1 ·•A1n•l•lf'Ce of ltlarn: M Of The ......... mltti- tlon. I WBICIND IMGADE ., ..... N)(JM WLANGlllA: •llN.OCk HOlMa MO. (I) WALT a.HIV ''No o.pOlllt. No Aeturn'. ""' , ,....,-old girt and '* ~ bfallw ptol ... OM! llldll •.. • to 9'ld! .. ......, .,......,. ..... • llCfty rMIOm. (Pwt &w-NNT Arnold end Dudlty -to ... lid of Cfl ~-­........ ,.tlMe tMdler ii~~ ...._,.....en--. ....... flee ...... . Ill,....,. ....... CflCI wired .. ...--llulldll'I ..... ··~ '***" "Tiie ,.,,..., .• ~· ,, .. ,, LOf9ftll , ............ ~A ................. ... ............ ·~ ......... ~·· ~ ............ A~--· ..... - ........ of ... OW!\ 9 OOV-.t "Tlla 1Ur8'* Of ........ ttan''Tlla~....._ Of~ ......... .... ~,...... '°--.,. ......... ....., llolNlend Md ,....., .... of ........ l"lc;J ·-~ oouwn (C)MCMI * * * ,_. "Tiie ....,...,.. M#I" (tit()) JoM Hur1, AllU!Ony Hoplllfll A ...._ Hied pflyllciaA tall .. under "" wlf'I ....... defclnNd "*' wtlOM .. until ltl8l1 hed t>ecn ....,.. ln~fr .. .,....... 'PG' (l)IO~l'nU The rny1he encl recll1lel °' •ecnaoe 1ove, Peet .,.. ... ..... end dwenglng "*"' arc Hll'lllMCI ll!rougft In ..... with ..... pat• anti and tMdlerL uoe t8M.YMl.ooNI Rlcay and Alnold g.c In trouble wllll IN FBI wMll Rk*y m.n.o-'° GCll up top.-ncret 90varnmenl plar. from 1 COl'l'lfl4MI'. • MCNR * * • "llle Great Gabbo" (19291 Erlctl von 8troftelm, Betty Compeon. A lamed venlrlloqul11 loN• h(1 ldentKy when he r ... too hHvt'Y upon .. dummy .. I_,. of •JU>t~. t:OO 8 Cll MOVIE "Ona SllOe Miik• II Mur· der" (Premllf•I Robert Mitchum, Angla Dldllneon. A down-and.out ex-cop le hQd by I gambling c::zar IO llnd hie ~ mlea- ~ .... U QI GM.tEA IMNC Nell end lier dial group try to pr-t I.hair ciu-t llC- tUfet from cornmlttfnt tul- clde. • e EHTERTAINMENT ""9WEE< lnler'llewl with Ctwleto- ph er Rffve. Veronica Hamal, Conetance T-. and &den Sarlndon: I rapor1 on Ille ltlilt of 8flOW t>u--. llCtlvlty lfom lM Veg111 to Atlanllc City. •@ LOYEIOAT A men and • woman expe. rlenca an unu1u11 romance,1~ end "" therapy deal er. 1te lle'l'OC on Ille chip, end en 1t1recllv• women COIMI ~ Doc and hll~.a D THE HNl>Y llOYI I NANCY DREW M't'SIW (!)MOYE ****"The Tr-.ni Of Tiie Sierra Madre" I t ... 8) Humphrey Bogart. Welter • Hulton. A tt1o of greedy men ~ to outwit eech other In l"8lr qi,.t for gold. • MV8T£AY "Father Brown: The Thr• Toole Of Oeetll'' When e kindly pllll1n1hropl1t'1 deughter le acc:ueed of her lelhar'• murder, IN glrt'1 ..._COi. 'to .. -~ ** "8uaenna P ..... I, .... , ~ Aogere. 0.. Evmw.A~ .... Olll to open e mount~..,._ lllel 18 lliodled by orOOlca. (IJ:)MOVIE .... ,. "1'-pl'll .. -........ ..,.. ("' 1) Burt "8rnotds. a.-ty D' Mg91o. A bedlelof In 1111 lor1lta wflO -* IO be a fattier ~ '°' .. rigtlt -*' 10 ... Ills chitcl, 'PG' (l)MOVIE **''Blood e..ch",(1111) John Saxon. 8urt Young. A pW of polloe oMcar9 hew .... Jland9 "" wllen tMy lnvwtJg9le .... ca.a °' bMc:hgOel I being eudled lnlo the send, ,_ to be -eigeirr.-'R'-• MOYIE * * * i.. "Prlncle Of The City" (11N11) Tr .. t Wll- Uarne, Jerry Ofbedl. A New York cop le ca&l(lht be'-federal .,,.... end loylllty to hll '9low Ofllcetl duling an ~ gellon of wlde1prHd pob corruption. 'A' (%)MOYIE *. "The Honor Guard" (1981) Rod Steiger. Devld Huffman. 'R' .. _. 8 Qt LOVE. 8IDHEY ~may hCW 10 d!Mp- polnt Patti twice In one dt!Y wllen tie oflwl 10 t•• her lo Oleneyworld alter deatroylng her f8YOflte •un.o nibt>ft. (B)MOYE * 111,. "True Con'-'lclne'' I t981) Robert oe NWo, • Robett Dwell. The ~ eeparet• ~ of lWo br04'*9. a Loe Angetae pollct detectllle and en emllitioul Aoman C4MflOlc priaM. ~ duling • muntar tn.-lgetlon. 'A' ,...88THE~ COt•ECTION Brien Ind Mell compete 10 capture • ~ CftrNnll WflO .. lrWof¥ed In • ""1taee wine IQ1ln end I ptol to COUMattllt Irene ncMc. 11 =-AIY lllAND A lM Vegae bledljccll ....,boerdt•~ p1 rtvwrt1oe1 to meet tl'9 chip'• _. ... 'I c.ptlln, end I oouple ltnally 00 on lhelr honeymoon •11« batng merrled !Of -•• * ... ~ "Tha 0--Of ..__ .. (Itel) 0Ngcwy ,,.., Oa¥td ...,. 8la --..,. 10 dlMrGIY two ............ a.men r::.-. ... 10ntaMlMV MleOr and Font -lllM pneoiwelloafd11ee--. llllon8'1 ... brlMM ""'*' • MOV9I • .. • ''Merry AMtrf/11" (1Mtl °"'"' ~"" ,,,,...,,,.,.... ........ ... ...... .,... ...... ~--­__ ._ ........ r..:. ... ............. a-.; ..,. .... ,, ... CMeo .... ~ ._, A ................... ........... .., .......... ...-. ........... .... ·--· l· I 1 • l Or nge Co111 DAIL V PiLO T /Saturday, Nov mber S. 1982 Ed out in front by 6 points lt'li nul l'Vt'n lht• hnlfwuy point or Trlvl1o1 &wl • XXVU1, and Ed Sehmt•rlt•r llnd11 hitnll(>lf oul In • front by 1 very comfort.4blt• .JJ:x polnt3. Hc and Clarenc;~ Clapuddle wert> hlgh~or tht• wt't'k at 10 , Meh, with the Over the Hill Oong r1sh1 behind 1o11 nlne. · Clearly, there has \0 bt• aomt' chanaes madc an the column \0 spark a llllll· mon• intl·rcsl. One or thete Is lowering the difficulty lt'vcl o( Ow qUt."lllionli, something that's on tap for th<' rwxt Ttwlu Bowl. starling In January. . • Prior to that, however. the 1:olumn will present its set.'Ond "Best Movies of All TimC'" !lllrvey. to~ TRIVIA BOWL xxvm STANDINGS 1 Ed Schmetlef ( 10) 2 OWf the Hiii Gang (9) I 3 Clllf-Clec>Mddle ( 10) ~ 4. 'The e.tw FM:ll (3';1 5 ·s11a1om 1••.-1 'The Group (4',.I 50 6 Nanc:y PflOI' (5) 20 44 7 Riek Wa1'* (4) 15 42 a w1111" w1ney 11•r1 5'> 32'> ·no entry rec:etvtd -l'lall or last 29 ICOf• awatOed 29 ... AnwrlC'n Mt't!. in to'?" 0 "You do It, w1"1l print It" wu• th<' motto of tlw tC)wn m·w11pa1wr In whnt povulur TV llt!rtt.'I of the 1970.? 6 A ahurt 11tory 1.·alk'<i "Farewl'll to lhl' Mu ter" bt'C.·uml' one of tht~ t'n<*l populur movll'll of It.a aenre. N rot• ttw flack. 7. Tht.• rul'tlhonit! A"1rmt'd wna ddl'ulc.'<i only twice. by tht> same Slt.'t.'<i. Whieh on<'? 8. In what play would you '{ind JC'Sle Bard? 9. ln "A Night In Casablam·a," (u) which Marx brother brojtc the bank nn<J (I.)) whtll wos his lu('ky number'/ · 10. His fq)ks said. "Boy, have I got a girl f6r you," l;>ul h e wound up calling he r mommy ' "[)(larC>st" before t}\ings l'VenPd out in what movie? Last Week's Ao1wer1 1 J effrey Hunter (name change) 2 Helga (Hagar's wife) 3. Batman, as the Mad Hatter (Jervis Teu.•h) 4 . "Thou shall not s peak ill o f a nother : ' published in late Decem\:>er. You con start entering now -w.,elher you're in the column or not -by simply sending ih your 10 favorite rllms. In order, to l• the address below. Republican" ( 11 lh eommandme nt) . 5. Clark Gable and Myrna Loy (king and que<'n) 6. Blue and white ("Happy Days" colors) On to rrlore trivial matters: 7. \-2 (Casey's S<.'Qre) . .. !' l. Lois Hooker droppc'<i her given name for ' obvious reasons. and found her lucky number as JI. "The Andersonville Trial'' ("Ben Hur" author) ' . 9. (a) Clemens (b) Lynn (Mr. Belvedere). 10. "Blazing Saddles" (movie riddle) • . whom? 2. Oll Can Harry 1s thl• nt.•nwM~ ol what cartoon hero? 1 • 3. If you heard the phraS<.• "Bun Me, Miss , Blue ," to what radio progr am would you be (Send your answers to TRTVIA, clo the Daily Pilot, &x 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday. otherwise half the player's last score will be awarded) : listening? 4. What product claims lo "ge t out wha t ... ~·:=~Jazzman prefers club circuit NEW Y ORK '(AP) -J an tru mpctr r C huck Ma ng1om• would rather play his music on a street corner or at a n lta lwn wedding than be swallo\yl>d by the vastness of a stadium. "l don't know h o w many sitting in hockey s~1ums ge t off on the musical experience," tht• '41 -year·old Mangione says. ·'It's the excitement of the peopk there togc:thc t and the vis ual aspects. I think the closer p«>plc get to music, if it's quality, thl' more they e njoy it. ''I think w e're going to see rooms that hold. 400 people or so as an outle t for music agmn. rather than gigantt<.· halls:· h<.· said. "Maybe they'll book J3ZZ on<• week and somethi!1g else ano ther Wl'l'k lo makt' 1t happt!n.': Music pcrmt.•atl'<I Ma ngione's ltfe. as a t·hlld growing up tn Ro<.·hcste r. N. Y He a nd his brother. Gap. w('re mlragued by JilZZ Their parents took lhem to ht•ur it and often invited the mus1l"ia n s ho m e for a mea l during the wc.>ek lht•y played In thl' l'i ty. La te r .. performers s t al"tcd b <.·i ng b oo kl'd in huge auditoriums. for one-nig hte rs. ThPrc was no ttmt• for socia lizing w ith local fam1hes. But Man g 1o n l' t·an play anywhere. ht• says. "Flying into Los Angeles a fle r playmg tn Manila m Septe mber. we were t•a rly." he said. "We landed and they said we'd be on the runway ut ll'ast-15 minutes It was a long The Outlaw ... The Outcast... and the Legend that was MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE fiii=;1 AU l\GtS AOMITTtO ~ Pwon••• a..-S..99fft.o ® HO ONE UHOEA 17 AOMinlO 1"90~-_,....,., ..,_,__ bigger than both of them. '. I fligh t and t•vt•rybo dy was • uplight. 1 took my horn out and starll'<i honking " Mangionl' t:an t.'Ount more than 30 yl•ars m the business because he first was paid for pcrfprming wht>n ht> was 10 1'" In the I !)60s, Mangione played with Blakey. Wood y Hcrm:rn. Kai Winding. Maynard Ferguson and dirt.'Clt.>d the jazz ensemble o r the Eastman School o r Music. He formed tht' Chuck· Ma ngione Quarll't in 1968. lo play the musi<' he {'Omposc.-s. It's now O' quintet. Ma ngio ne has three gold albums: '"Children of Sanchez," "Fun and Games" and "Chase the Clouds Away." His latest album his first for Columbia Records -is "Love Notes." .. A Memorable Experience" -Vern Perry The Register. A4.,L Ill Ifill AHO (81 Fii-MS RECEIVE TH( SEAl Of T .. E MOTION PtC ruAE COOE OF SEV AEGut.ATIOH LORD GRADE PRESENTS "BARBA ROSA" GILBERT ROU\NO • ISEU\ VEGA • DANNY DE U\ PAZ Written by WlWAM 0 . WITTLIFF • Music by BRUCE SMEATON Directed by FRED SCH EPIS! • Produced by PAUL N. LAZARUS Ill Executive Producer MARTIN STARGER A WITn.JFF. NELSON AND BUSEY PROQUCTION IN ASSCX:IATlON WITH rrc FILMS ASSOCIATED FILM DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL PICTURES AND 0 1982 UNMRSAL'CITY STVlllOS. INC FRI. 7:00 l:AS, 10-.JO edwards Sll1ll COAST PWA ..sTOL AT IUIAOWll U&!21""11 COSTAtmA .,..- PRIJEmlllSTS LICIED llTIU UllTED ARTISTS THEATERS. UIFllRUI . . . 8AT/8UN. 1:41 a:ae. ., .. 7:11 ..... . ..,,.. W• .,. locbd..,. bec.uM we rllfuted Co !OM up to 76% of our jotle. double ttle wortc loed Of thote rem116'14nt. end .-ow 04ll expertlN to be utlllnd to ena* ~. lntxpetr.nc:.d kid• to handte the hlghty comptn equipment In ttle protection rooms of ttle Untted Artlets Theetr•. M~t lffO...-, end wt .. llf"!f..:"'lnded lhal eecti projec:tlonl1t tmplo)'M MMc:e .. rneny .. ••ua ..,..... In c:omptex" .. much u tweMJ .-rt. we bellew thtt to be Uftfelr to the 50-75% of lhe protectlonllts that WCXlld heYe loel ''"* IObl under theM condtllont. and unf9lr to the movte palront who •• peytno top ,rtee '°' thetr ticket•. wl1tl tfle c:Nlnc9 of IMlnQ ' M ....... d pralnlloft of the feet~ they peld lo .... We were wt111ng to negotiate. but lfle Company.........., end err11_.., LOCKID UI OUT. YIU 011 IELPI pe-._, .. 1n1e _, UllRNI ~ nNl9r .,, ........ Vt/411 wrttten lelt .. of "'PPGf1 _. lie ....,,_ ..... br • ,..., ....... be tddt' 1111d IO .,_ 8oAtem -.ea illllUh Of .-Td oe.tct TWo LOOlll, 830 Qeneve lnet. Hun ..... ...... ~ '2till. We _. fOfMrd IO .._ ptoper perty el Uf'lled MtMI. ,, Tlllll NI YI• 111111 ~ . --, ..... ,. '"' ~ ....... fnt I ho~ .. ••M-4 , ........... , .... Nlhl K>SS~ • 1'1\l\I .._ ... , ~ ~ ... , ..... , . FM. 1:00 • l:20, 10-AO SAT/aUN. 1:30 J:41, 1:00, 1:20 A UT. ONLY 10-.AO Oct.ualVI: ~NGA-NT Wk.Lil NELSON QARY 9UIEY IN "BARBARO SA' FRI. 7:00, t :45, 111-.30 SAT /IUN. 1:45, 3:30 5: 15, 7:00, 1:45, 10-.30 (PQ) .._THE-- MISSIONARY" "'"· •:n. 1:15, 10:10 SAT/SUN. 1:05, 2:45 FRI. t:10, 7:45, •.20 t!3ll t:25, 1:15. 10:10 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 2:50 (R) 4:30, 1:10, 7:41, t:20 JrlLllWlUllll ""· l:Jt SAT/SUN. 1:AS 5:10, t!35 (R) ac>Rc<! l\<!SS Fla. 7:GO, .... SAT/SUM. 1:11 1:GO, -(a) "'-l\l\l a1t•uag ........ ,.... aAT/SUM. 1:00. l:2S ldlO. a:. ..... 1:11, -=-.SAT. ONLY 10: .. aAT/IUN. 1:11, l:a ....... 10:11 (PQ) from t.he peOA.lfl whu bruughl. you "AMiii ..... :' LA MIRADA DlllVE·IN ~ ..... , .. ,,..."Cl•• UH7M • (1UI UHlll F"1. •:00. t:15, 10:20 UT/SUN. 1:00, 1:30 t:OO, 1:11,o1o:20 MICHAEL PALIN "THE MISSIONARY" 1111 FRI. 7:15, 1:10, 10:50 SAT /IUN. ~. 3:45, 5:30 7:15, f:10, 10:50 I HOLLYWOOD • FN. 7:00, 10:30 SAT llUN. S:30, 7:00, 10-.30 tf"'1°'"11'111 ~~1tlifit~~@ FRI. 1:35 I ATllUN. 1:45, 5:05, l;SS U CLU--COUlfTY OfGA~MDIT "EATING RAOUL" FRI. 7:00, 1:45. 10-.30 (R) SAT/SUN. 1:45, l :JO, S.15 7:00, 1:41, 10:30 llAllDl"tt~1u 9tl"80N or rr TttJ•IKH FRI. 1:10 SAT /SUN. 1:15; 4:35, 1:10 (R) ~C<!RC!SS @ FRI. l:IO, 10:00 SAT/SUN.1:00, l:IO, 10:00 POLT.ERGEIST-~ FN.t:if SAT /SUIL 4:2S. l:IO "STAR TREK II" FN.1:11, .. UT /SUM. 2:11. t:m, -... A KINKY TALe OF SUIWfV AL "A BOY AND HIS DOG"'"' FRI. t:41, t:AO, 1o-.ao SAT/SUN. 1:20, 1:10, 5:00 t:4S. t:AO, 1ctJO "CONAN THI! BARBARIAN" c111 FRI. 1:15 SAT/SUN. 4.'00, 1:05 SQRCE RESS 1!1 FRI. 1:45, 10-.AO SAT llUN. 2:25. l:JO. 1o:s5 ~-T.~Ot•m FN. -=-, 10:11 SAT/SUN. 2:50. t:J0. 10:15 "ROCKY Ir "°' FN.l:IO aAT/IUN. 1-4'Jl. l:IO ~RC<: RESS FM. 7:00, 1G:25 SAT/SUN. 3:35 7:00, 1Cl:25 (R) Jt'LIM'l.f.Jjlll ""'· t:• SAT/9'1N.1:45 1:10, S:JI (RI ""~"'-"A BOY AND HIS D00"1111 ...... 1:00,1:11,,.. UT/SUM. 1:11, J:ll. 1:11 1 a UT. Ola.Y ,.. .. • THE FILM THAT F 11LIFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG" NOW HAI THE #1 HIT SINGLE IN 1"E COUNTRYI "M••"14WNT ...-1va1t ~·--····· ............................... .... .. __ ---15TH SMASH WEEK l --- nEa llWPOllT llACM OllAllCI( WllTlllllllTlll Minn B•ea Pb1• r dwi!ds Ne;wpo11 Ctlll!m.i c.neocme ro"'•'d~ C•nt!•n• Wh1 S29 S339 644 0760 834 2~~3 191 393S MllllOllfllJO fOW11ds V••IO l wlft 830 1990 ......... •t( .. llOPO• ''"""°""····· WE'RE GOING TO MAKE YOU LAUGH .. Plenty of teenaye 1~1. Loads or crawling crea1urt!l> and Lou of dirty pans. [PG!·~~ ·~--~~,,. -----NOW PLAYING ~. =8r••'W• :!.' .. ~.. ~=\'.'!~ .. lmmt"'*'t# •' SH SJJ9 ~1 SUO 4U !Sii *- COITA MISA fOUllTAI• H LLU OllAllGl Sr*"" Oo••4 "' lo .... osc ....... c:.01., ,,,...,.,.,...,,.,,,yo11oy c.-uu110 119 '"' 139 ISOO 63• 1SSl ; wtlTM*ITlll COSTA •SA lllwta MSJMlalTlll P.otol< ,. W~ 19 (f1111Hts 8'-'fOI lO-:ttO 'ftUOObroOr IO••O er.-."-' 'Wt .t Or •f S•O 1'U C._, )SI 06SS 191 J9JS 1q1 11193 HO P4'at6 ACC1'1'lD rOll Tl<l lHGACllMlHl I "'The Ch n' ... One of the y~best!" ___ ,...._... EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT FRI. 1:35 -SAT /SUN. 4:00, 1:35 edwards LIDO CINEMA HIW,O«T ll¥0. AT VIA LIDO MEWPOllT IUCH 67l·U50 CO-HIT "DINER" FRI. 1:30, 10:35 -SAT /8UN. 2:15, 8:30, 10:35 AMERICA 'S NO.' 1 COMEDY HIT! ~--ltll' FAVOlllTE 1·11•s YEAH ..• Fl Nl'Wl't l'~lTNN\'% FITNNl't -JOEL SIEGEL. A8C TV Goon MOffll"O Arne11C11 ------------------------------·~-- NOW PLAYING . __ ., ~~ COITAMllA Ecl .... o, So<.nn COUI "''" llU•lllMITQll IUCll LA MAIM ---------------------548 7111 EOW11os HOO!">glun Onl!fla AMC r11nion Sq,,.re 848 030 691 0633 'MEN IN SOUTHERN CAl.IFORNIA VISIT a,:.~ llTUDKJe TQ&.M ............ __.... ;t'?lll'~ 2> THE~ Oll«l ll l.AtMNTIIS-••.• -EDWARD R. PREs.wAN-• ARQ.O SCHWAWfOOfR JAMES EARL BES "COW THE BARBARIAM v..-... \ SANDAHL BERGMAN BEN OAVIOSll GERRY LOPEZ MAXO WILLIAM SMITH _MAX VII SYOONf..., m·lflll~-lllVER STOO 8ASit P0t£oom1s b~ ~m1•E com -EMO R.PRESSlWJ 81fttFEHSHAIS -RAFFAELLA ll LAURENTllS ,,,EATINC BADUL' is Dae of The Fnsllesl, Fa•aiest Co•edie$.laYean ... Impudent, outrageous and murderously madcap like 'Arsenic and Old ~'." -Bruce Wllliamton, Pllyboy -Vtnc•nl C1n1>y. New YOfl< Tunes -Jack Kroll, N•wtwftk UTCMIO ld"-~-~1 ~810 LA._. IUC• EOw.at05 Soul!I ~" 494 u 14 ACADEM Y M FMBERS Your cerd will •dmrl you tnd • gue\l lo 1ny perfo•m•nce Mond•y lhru Thu•~d•y A n ~e undreamed of .. An age of swords and sorcery,. Of demons and dragons. .,i~/l"!.{J m ~~111 ~~:'cf i18 .. DYNAMITE CHICKEN• m. ~us 81n lln' Loot• (~I * Drive-ins O'"n 6 :45 W"6cnklhta I 6:30 """•ndt Children Under 12 f ref Unless Noted Fo~ive me. fo tl1er. for I hoVt' 1ti11111•d. I haw killed for m.v Country, I htivr stole11 for 11111 CJ1urrl1, I haw lotx•1I 11 wc1111a11, and I am a Priest. j MONSIGNOR ~~d-:.. .. ru~ ~ * •ARGAIN MATIN•••* Monday tllru laturday All Pefform.ncn before 5:00 PM (Eace,1.J ..... 1 ........... tM HeMeyaJ "fT CAim PROM HOLL YWOOO" ----.--- "MONl~''111t _____ ,...,_, __ _ ··--- "80RCEREll" ,., ------" "AN OF'1CIR AND A GINTLIMAH" ,., ----- "NATIONAL LAWOON'8 CUl8 MUNIOH" 191 ------ "FIRST BLOOD" 11111 -----·- •1111•t-t•• Joc11tl'f ol Conote•-1 ••• t .• :.oJJ_ . 21J/U1·9llO _ I "llA110MAL u.ooera "MON•IGMOR" 1111 C\.AM MUNIOM" MT.-~-.....-==----·----~- -------..... Pl.O'fDI Tl9 WAU..... I .. .,....ST"-------LAST=-==---· "llY ,AYo:l'J. ftM".,. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH wa1• '"' ' "10RCEREl8" 1111 ------ "THI CttouN" --- '"' __ _ ___ ,_ ..,AST Timi AT NDGIMONT HIGH" 1111 -.a1111111111ml;11m ......... 'ACWIC fNEATMI lltft.• IWll llffT1 l'lllfCttfM ___ .,_MYAT ' AWANllll Ol!Yf·lt HA'r'ILV'll. 1111¥1·• I Dll* OlllVt·lll Ml 11 I UnleliY llllmli'r --n•1_n_ A•' •.• ANAHEIM ()111\/f IN "IORCIMaa"1111 -"F~N ,_ tt e1.._...11 Wa..LD" l,._..IO Clllf H - ....... , .. BUlNA PAR K L·~,.~ '" Utlcelft A .. -el -121..070 ........ LINCOLN [lQl\ll IN .. ' .. r OUNTAI N VALLEY OQIVI ."4 1.t., THE HTRA· TERRHTRIAL" --"MONCO •LL Y" CNI :.'AlllT llLOOD" ta1 -"MADMAX"ta1 ••IOftCt!Ell" ta1 "POflatDOEN WORLD" 1111 Clllf R-__ .... O.••-"-.. ,.,.., "C)YllAlmTa-CMICtllN" 1111 ... ""'~"tal ... A- 10RC~••"ia1 -.oR-..N WOkD"""' Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT l 81turd1y, November e, 1082 WELCOME TO ---OUR-FAMILY-,-- -. . . . . WITH A UNIQUE SELECTION· OF HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND~ SERVICE SUPPORT. F'ran1d1n ACE '' 1 ''aoem..'11. of Fian••n Computf'f C<l'l>C"UIO<I Ar.Pl• •t <l t1!9'llllft<l I•""""'-''~ Of ,,..._.,., Apple Comoul~• Inc V1..Cate •• • •eo·~l"'9Cl ·-· .. ,-•• -.. 1racs.tM~\ of v, .. Cotp Franklin ACE 1000 Business SOLUTIONS are FREE and EASY with the ASSOCIATE 12" GREEN MONITOR only $1880 1. DISK DRIVE FEATURING FOURTH DIMENSION , .. · -DISK DRIVES WITH 1 YR. WARRANTY ------=::::::;;·· • Tl-99/4A A Lot of Computers Offer a Lot. Only One In Its Price Range Offers the Most, The Tl Home Computer. • DOZEIS OF PROIUIS IYllLAILE ~ • PROIRllllll FLEllllUn • USY EIPllSIOI .. The ASSOC~A TES Business Computer Features: • Full 64K Internal Memory • Dual 5 V..' • Disk Drives • Full 80 Column Display (80x25 lines, 12" screen) • Typewriter Style Intelligent Key Board • Numeric Keypad • CPM Operating System • 29 Programmable Function Keys COMPLETE HARDWARE PLUS FREE SOFTWARE PACKAGE ONLY s345Q Home Computer System ' The Associate Includes easy-to-use· software at no extra cost . Spellbinder word processing. Microplan financial and spreadsheet planning, and a complete accounting package covering Accounts Payable and Receivable, General Ledger, Payroll, Sales and Order Analysis are all part of the system . The Professional Business System With Multi-User Capablllty. And , Easy-to-Use Self Training · Don't change what you're doing. Just do It ~ easier, cheaper and more effectively with a ptersonal or business computer that'• custom designed to m~et your needs and backed with 'the assurance of quallty training, service and support to get you started and keep you going. Software. Computer Assurance · ~4601 RAYMOND ·wAY · (Bell Tower Plaza behind Sizzler's on El Toro Rd.) ~TEXAS ~ Data Techoo!Qgy e lrrlustries'· II Toro, A (71'J llH993 INSJRUMENTS .. • . - ( GlASSlf Ill· DlllyPlllt Saturday. November 6, 1982 J \ r: \ Looking for a. career in sales? See today 's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100 . . .,,:;:::::..H ,. .. '!r.f!.~f~ ••. !.~!tl~!.'!.!~.'! ...... !.~?f ~! ... taJ!.tf.f~/.'1.!.~'!f "1!!'!.~~!f/ ... J.~!f l1da111/l•Hll/ ~!!!.~.f!.a.!t •••• l.~ff ~!l/J!!!1!t .... !.~'!f ~!.'l.!f!!1.f/. •••• J.l.lffl!•J/ •• 'f.¥.iil. •••• 1J.ff •••••••••••••••••••••• WATERFRONT Newport 1 • PIU F over 40 10 ihue f\lt• r .;llLlll lffllll• •• !.~-.'.!!~•••••••••• .. LOii 1hlnt11ont ber pin A11l1tNt llllltf experlenc:eel COOllt nMO· Pllt T• IUll •• , ,,,., "" ltl•nd .,,ldou. 2 Ir. 2 .... I Niii nltlled Newf)Oft HtlQlllt I ' MO FAE[ RflNT I '-n1 that HY• '280,000 ..... UnlQ~ YOUlll CO\illNlloO ed tor dinner llOUH p v' p 0. I 0 If I c •. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ba. duple• •1P1• new c:ar-Several prlmt tooa1ton1 I Town ho u 1 a t 3 8 o . t room to HOO 1q. I'. .,,. . 11>trt0n •wares ~ward, Service naad1 enth11· NlgM 6 Day 8111111 evall New po r II A Ir po r I. lVAIWll MW pet. drtPM. rplc, bll·lna, In S1ddlel>1Cll. Va~ to &4&-7555 I From t 1.1e • aq. n. ~d1 ••• '!fr.!!~~/!r ... !'.!f call 987·0498 llullc. ou1gol119. tllrtc· Good Pay 6 Benelltl. m •' u r •.Ch• r I• I Super 1Br, 18a, relrlg, x•rag•· V91rty HOO ch<><>M lrom. Featuring ---Alrpotter lno I Frwye. Laundramal for Hie. In• Found N 9. Vic Cllfl Or. X llve ldull with motivating ~:~J~1~";l~T~=~ S•t·2_2 ._1_7 ____ _ microwave, g11age, btwn 73. 100 or &50·21117 24 hr aupervlllon plen· Mlf' lo ahr 3 br, 2 bl Call AM 133·3223 ctudH Fluff & FOid Dovtr, Fe, Otrm 8h1ep X, pereonallty, pleaunt - bay & t>eac:h. $500 mo. Av1ll, Dec. .. ned r.areallon, PQlllng ~or,~~. ~utB:~-e~~~· 11117 WHICllll, N.B. 258 seooo. Harbor' Adame. f!tl 5·6 mo. &411·8320 manner•. good phone STATION. "° P<>v• ~· PART/TIME HELP e1s..oes2 Beaulllul large 4 Br. en· gour.met rt1eals & ltH 10 4000 IQ It. 111, floor C.M. 6"0·&15• voice and legtble hand• N. B. 81\oi> lanllor'r'. ldeai fOf . I clad patio, •l•P• 10 loc111ranaportat1on. Cao Lge mH\tr 1>1, pvt I>• & Agent 641,5032 ------Found. Kaya 11 Htlltr wrlllng Clerical end PAOT•Y Tllllll :;:~~:,°'oder petton. B1at/affN beach. Yearly. 876·4419. Bob Lyon today tor the 1111. 1 blk to baacll & ----leading yacht dealer, Park, Cotta Mtaa. Call 1upervl1ory exparlenca ..;,.:..;...__;.,;_ ____ _ i..wt 3140 exciting detalla, bay. Balboa Pen, UOO LI•• lrta f1r1. m1jor brand•. $5.000, to ld•nllly 845-8107 11 e IP I u I, Av 1111bt1 All anllte avall•t>le ldMI P8X PIT An1-lng a.r~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br 2 Ba Condo. E .. 1. 7&8·7142859·7277 alt 5 mo yrly 97&·6874 Ollie•. &50 eq "· over 000 g10 ... $300,000, + Liil OAT , 3-10pm. M·F. '235 per ~ ff~~:e0om111 over Vice Fle11lble tiour1. al-Avall. now 1 er. 1 Ba., bluH ,upgr•dM,•llached --nlghl fac $600motomo 1200.000 Inventory wMkWhtnQualllled Call IVERPACCORP 1arnoo11 . Mo n·fltl. dOWTl.l.lr •• pt. d.w ... r. ¥a r a g • No pa I 1 V1t1ll•• ••t1/14110 Fam to •hr N,:t Condo, • • Term• BU"tr muat lllt\le Light orange. Neutered 842-"321 Ext 3<18 lrom • 3 e • 111 1 1 , t .,, I I I bd or IM "52 7730 evea ' R ate I "' d 11 "'•5• "ra'"""'tlOn Dr. '-'B • ~ r O I a . private patio. llngte g•· 900/mo 559-7tU. •••••••••••••••••••••• ul y urn '"'·non· -$500,000 credit line •· m w 111 tt co at 2•Spm. E.OE. ,_ "r "'"'" " 949.7g11, Aatl tor 11~ rage. No pate, wtter Bayfrnl, 2Br. IBa, garage, FOR RENTI amollw, avail lmmed. ''\ Tired of crowded freeway •Pond with rHuma ol Arch Beech Heigh II FuH and PIT help wanted. 380 ~ P 8 1 d . 1 4 5 0 / m 0 very nice $ 7 50 mo ulll 1250 mo Call '-M COfl'\mu1es NO<lll? Would tllper. PO Bo• 85152 MB ArH Laguna 8Hcll Babytlltlng & Illa hawk, New Unique Plue Store. 645•2000. Agent, l'IO '" ?3"-3777 dyi, 837.28t3 1 Don 1131·0815 you Ilka an office at the 157. San Diego, C1 Rew11d E.1lde CM, can llvt In " El Toro eu.4ue, PLANT CARE TECH. Per· ____ _..;. ____ , 8 2 bedroom. 2 bath• & 2 "urnlth•d Condo, Fe, buch lhal your famlly 92138. Agl 499.5779 yr old & 4 mot Mutt &6fl·093A fl'&Mnl PIT poeltton wtlll 1&111111 WILi vs aioriet In Twin Pe8'11 tn r could tJH on weelc-end1 1 -jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~F.OU.~ltmeili;:A"'.W.:t;; drtve. 845·2146 ---------an lnlerlOf plant-ecape Lrg ~ lownllou •• Oc •• nlronl yrll, 2 br, 1 Like Arrowhead area. own Bd & Bt, H. 8 arM •• a 11ec111on unit? F~ 11 Foun41. tmall M Wiler 1111•11 ffPIOI co !xp'd ""ef'd. ~ All Amenltl•• 1250 ~ RatlMirant 11111 ottering, Spanlal/BHgle mtx, Bebytllter. mature. lor ~ -,,. + apte, gar. frple. NMI ba. l'IO pelt tOOO rno. Hu bu1tt-ins & llreplaoe. "4 9481 Of 5-44 •2583 teasing lnlormatlOI) call _,,prox 4000 eq 11 Long Newtind a warner tm•ll girls to+ hra/Wlc. Full time. typing, rouch Trani • rmitt. Hourty Hunt. Hrbr. from '545. (213)433·5018 Fir•t. last & deposit ro-• • , The Capl1trano Suri term tease ivail , all fhl· e•1·8~48 $3 /hr Beach 1 r •• control on adding ma· mlleege 83&-UM Children OK. 840.6807 bn Bay. 2 bdr.m, 2 ba, quired . Call (71 4) Rm-mate Male to •hare Center. 881·6292 or tures' lnCld. Real money i--'-o-u_n_d -2-0-.. -b-1-11-9-11-1c-752-7579 chine Payroll and ---;,.:;a1a;1iii:iiimi•ii:iii:ii'"-- WARNER VILLA 2 tl<I. 2 lrptc.1 car git Private ~7~0:5~e!.:~.~7 ~!! ~~1<41ob:.:C~u~~50~!; 831·5084 maker Glendora Wettmlntter & Old'New· iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii phones 957.9353 ISlllTllT b1, Condo. lrpl, d'W. pe-Beech Good neighbor-nlngs after 6 pm 11 no + $ 1 o o sec D 8 p lleelle1t Lte1Ht1 'port 673-2872 Banlelng Hlll'tlyliSI and Mantcvrlll Entry thel production t Io Po o I . $ 8 0 O hood tor COUPie Of •In· answer, please keep 1131·1325 Prime Intersection of TELLER wan lad Quay Shop aulatanl potltlon avalla· . ~13/570·0039. xi• St 100 873-2182. trying! MacArlhur and Jtmbo· Found F re<rlrl1h Seiter, Meu Var.de Arat t bit for dulgn itudlo WALK TO BEACH: I Br ·IOAM. 6-9PM Fem to thr toe nome w/ r" St per IQ fl. Sub· M ml•e<J Terrier brindle. Experienced prelerred monlh Free rent or ll0<>rlng tub-contractor. B 2 B 40. 1 d Park City Utah Condo cpl. own bath, br & 19118 ivalleble. 820 or fllMOCl IC M blk Lab (lloapllat b t 01 nec:es c 11 comm 9 5 7 • 0 8 0 8 . / 1 $~~;,:0. ~~;~;~, g • wi'batc~~Y & r~;:~k: Steeps 8, kitchen, wa.tk phone Ir vine Univ Pk, 1200 aq 11 IM 1 year. Call llCAl.'7 ~ ucllonr N1I Anlmal T~~(714) 760~;~ 8 586·8814 _ __ ~C:~~r"o~~t~.o.?~::~f:! __ K_T_O_B_E_A_C--B-• 1950/yrty Furn.? ~~.~~~: ~~:~4~-0~1,!o ~;9~~47~0 ulll Incl Sandy. 213-820·88&7 n>1c-.... , ~~·~:~-3~;~ Mase Dr. OlLIFIHll FEHllL llotlHHPH P/T procenlng: typing 50 WAL H· •· 645-0340 •---------• SIPE• •&•1&111 c.-...... •a"IHS I Lill Irvine, (3)'~ d1yalwk . IOf WPM req'd. Contact Jan chelor, 11011e & relrlge, • Larg\ Big Baar Cabin M/F prof 10 ahr 3BR 28• "-" 640·7000 I 1:3so _,, 556-1601 ga1 & water pal". Cl1&n 2 Br. lrg kitchen, Poot Table, color TV, 2 home-Newport Shores, Exec.Sulleslncl.recept .. 1~~~~~~~~~l ~!!!!~.'.! ........ t .... EquelOpptyEmplol er empl couple w/2 chll· $325/mo. 536-7979 Npl His 2421 E 16tll St. lrplc's Steeps u . ,325 & ,.., ulll. 845•9779 sec'y aervs, cont. rm .. 1~ dren (tO & 14). Cleaning. ---------· 1450 Tropics. 645-5t09 7 5 6 I k d kit , mall handlg. Res-Iii t I. SOZS Lllll I ¥1011'1 IEAm laundry. gen'l eHl•tanc;e UlllPIPEll APTS. LIDO. GORGEOUS 2 Br. 141 45-691 ~111 w n s ponalve to your business •• !~!T..! •• !f!••••••• PHOTO MODELS Pref. marura lady, retired l LIVELY PUOI frplc. patio. 11000 lease. ondo-Pal PALM DE· Prof . reapons. F seeks needs. AdJ. 405 Fwy. In FOllOLISllE ESCORTS/DANCERS Looking lo add to our OK Own Irena Rel•. " LIYE 875-6359 SERT CONDO, 7 days M/F to shr 2 BR apl. f:.V. lndlv. oles . Mo/mo. lllLPLllE OUTCALL 24 HRS stell two ttyllsi0a wllh 752·848_1 __ _ oec 2. sip• " Pool, 1en-Tennis, pool, •P•· CM. troih $325. 963-6445, clientel. Richard uetel· Houiekeeplng •Homey/Pvt t&2 Br NWPT HOTS 2Br. quiet n Is. 111 c S 7 5 d Y. 1275 ltt ltl .. itll 111·0207 le, 200 Newport Canter 2 poslllon1 avallable, FIT •Poot. Spa . BBQ area, 111111 now $700 mo. 644·0627 979·2438 lit SQ n • M.I 851-5995 Dr. N.B. Sun-Thurs, 7·3:30 PM, • 5 acra1 of t>aaulllully Incl utll. 831·8000, VAIL. COLO. Dec: 25 to Male or female 18•30 10 1200 SQ Ft.· $900/mo llEll llTITl Lllll *** BOAT CLEANER and PIT "on call", ave· PIT J1nl1or need~ com· merclal e11perlenoe only, Fin Vly area, Immediate opening. 980-84& 1 Rein Gutter ln11e11er. Mutt have own trans. If you are not ex per. & retlabte do not bother to cell. 542-12•2 landscaped surround· 875·8202 Jan 1, 1 BR 2 Ba. condo. shat• 3 bdrm, 2 ba hou-328 No Newpor1 Blvd. ff 8 llrs Mondays, $6.00 hr, ragl119 2 days per weetc. lng1 1-N---p0ft--Hg_t_1_1_8_r_. -y.-r-d slpa A~S7.DO.-ln Iha vu. se wllh 1 m•I• Ind I le·.·. ___ 12_0_._1e_6_s __ -J 11'· 2nds, 3rds, 4lh• A antis P1rlor lnald• housekeeping & Some experience prelar-RC,T/11111 IEll • Nr Fwya & shopping garage. $425, l1ge, walk to everything mile Bushard & Gu· Executive Sullea near Air· Otlteiilal Open 2• hra a day e111erlor--detall~o~ ~4-S4-t 1lhr. CAPI· 1ryou'ra good wlllourea. •Quiet area 5-40·7814 675·•333 IJeld. $225 mo. Yi ulll. por1, xlnt parking, free-Jltrlft I Le11 111'1 7 daye a week PI n Y P 8 Yr o I I · STRANO BY THE SEA organized, l'JHI I de- • Sorry no dogs liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil'PPAAULMMioi5iEEiSSiEEiR~T c.c New 842-1412 uk f()( Jett way 8CC9SI, tllarad OI· FOUNTAIN VALLEY Jacuzzi. Sauna. LOClll 7t4/642·4783, CdM HOSPITAL. 496-5702 pendabla, w4 need you (114) 141-tHI IOUIFllllT 28r view home, sp1. 1111111 lllMI lice apace or ptlvata Of· 994-911 t •• well as Tourl111 IUMIY Mlf~. ll1tk•r/lalt1sltttr In our front offlce Ofder 8081 Holland Cr, HB M k 11 .. 1 11ca1 Full aervlce 1 •Efi•••oE BankAmerlcard, Amer-va • • d~" f bu • tol Blwn Staler/Warner Righi on Iha 11ndl Sharp ' e reserve ons W R P1t11111 Mention. pvl · n -lean Expreu. Olnert. All needs lull time kitchen 1 30 10 6 PM wkdaya .,_ or S'f men 1 • ott Beech 2 bdrm apt. with fire· end SSO/nl. 586-St 19· pool, 191, kit, prlv. Cfll ~n::~~;:.r;:.;;~h 6 1s1. 2nd end 3rd TD'•· welcome 7141845-3433. help Muell cleaning. Newport hOme. Mr. Hood lettlet comptny In lnllne. place, all bit 1111, carpets lnl•ll ,. Si•lf 1300 76().8181 •----------r-Now la Ille tlm4t 10 1c1 2112 Harbor Bl. OM ~ lleevy lifting. ~ all 8 PM 6<14-6141 Exl* req. 10 key loudl. 2 br dupla>t, encl gar. & and dr1pes. $1 100 per •••••••••••••••••••••• 1-------F---'-·•Relall & olllce apace white lnterfft ratea are In person, no phone Installer for DlshwHhera Type 5oieo. f l lOO yd . Kids/pets OK mo Includes anc:toaed Sommile M· • lrvtne available. t71h SI, Costa low. Call on our expert• COEDS · Would love to cella. Island Sweet and Watet Healert. Ex· C 0 m P Pkg · $400/mo 963·8286 g81age IH•IUTI 2~t?° 647"~5~•:7:·8 Mesa from 1250 1.I. to at no charge 10 help you pany w/you Call Sue or SlloPpe. 440 E. 17th St, per"d only PT, possible _7_14_1_54_0_.0_1_3_7 ___ _ 1 er. t B1 Garden Apt llllll UILTY flllEIS !fi;mon;$p"Fsi0alili~Bi·Fit;i;-ii'i00iiisiliii84iS..iii34i7i7iiiiiiiiiiiil wtth your problems Z• Kathy anytime. (213) C.M FT. 788·2958 REAL ESTATE SALE· P I ate patl f e hi l1• fl• ••-Resp F to shr 2BR Ilse nllh Funding. Call Ari 8 3 4 • 4 5 1 1 • ( 1 t 4 1 SMAN Need 2 UP9· ~~led 1400~~, s Y ___ .. __ •• ·.----1 Oldest & l•rgest agency Back Bay E. CM 1200 1 M FIH HIT 857-1422 527-7186 Ceahler wanted Robert tmRllR IH•IH rlenoed people in com- Oee 840-5504 ,,. c1 .... ,. 3111 All Clients screened wilh avs/weellendl 842-<1457 --MH--L-.. --,..-n--Phillips Co (formerly The Elltenalve model home merclat &. lnduatrlal reel photos & references Choice toe. reHona.ble, ll111f,,_, fn1t Polo Store~So Cat Ptaza. nperlance required. •1•1• fM 1 IUCCMlful & 3 Br. 1'n Ba. TownhouM, ;.;•5•c.•c;;~;;;~·H~;~~ Credlls Cosmopolll1n l&Vl llllY modern bldg. ample ""41 SOJI 845•3848 Apply In person. Please do.not IPPiy un· growing firm. Belt wor- bullt·lns, new carpel. car 3Br. frptc. 2Ba, t1ove. Good Morning America C11r111m11 In Npt Bell. ~;~gH:= 1:1:.5d:ra •••••u····-.·:m···a••••••• women & men. relax with c1erlcal lass YQU ~• 11111 qua.II· king c:ondltlont In New· =11~~15J:i~~'. 1t1'~1a's~ cpts Avail Nov 1 $575 The TomOfrow ShOw. $300 mo. 5-45·9515 Mesa. 549•1198 wkdys • -1 mat 1 a g •, c 111 FIELD flca11bn. 'Pleaae call Po r I B • • c II . dep. 831. 7900 John mo (714) 891-16« *'J\~~ ~:., WllO ltatili WHtH 431sl e:30•4. ~·It. lff, 497·5718 799.3337 (9·5 M·F). 7141848-5051. "gent 2 BR. S48S. yearty. new '""""'---"' -•••••••••••••••••••••• •·~~~~~~~~ Speci In tat & 2nd New to l A. beaut .. lnlel· S E R y I C E LAURA MER LO & AS· I IUL EITlTl l&US 3 bdrm, 21,\ ba, flreplace. bus. No pats. 498-6277 IHI IY 110. 1 . Robl. Sattler NH/CM ltdy, seek• llnanc. ae-CLElll 22912 El Pacifico Dr. Wiii located Penln1ul1 decor. pool, nr beach. ltw rt 41-1111 I llWNIT OllTll TD'• nee 1949 Mgent. sophlsllcalad yng SOC. carpets, drapaa, stove Huntington BHch 3.4 Full Service Sullea R.E. Broker Bd Realtor• cure gentlemen for ••· laguna Hills Offlci has open desk fOf and relr~. 2 car garage. 2 Br. 2 Ba Condo, ocean bdrm houH. aouth o l II OIT OISTS II 842-217t 545..()911 rlable relatlon1hlp. Write PtrlOl'ms 8 variety of Lt&ll SHrelarJ •S>Qr~nlve t~H and laundry acllllles. 2 blk• view 16~£~ 11 A d • m . X I n I r e f • . S650 ..... Furnl1he<I WIDOW HAS HS for TD' a Ad No. 731 c/o Dally Pl-general clerical duties. Newport Center Attorney ~:1~':n.~shc:'dule~:: ~~~.e~~;_.~~111 121 1. •----------•~soo sq ft condo wlvlaw •96•4•-0il3iii3ii211. lii841ii2il.Oil11iiOO-.-~ All you need for one RE Loa.n1. 10K Up. No lot. 330 w. Bay. P.O. Box ::;,~r~:;.gr=~~·:~,~~: wflh Corpora1a1 buslneta R.E 873-1900 ---------HI• bl 3110 ol Back Bay, beautiful i----------monthly feel Credit Check, No Pen· 1560 Cott• M ... 92828 radio dl•patchlng. ans· practice need brlQht. well --------- Biatiafl•• •••••••••••••••••••••• greenbelt & swimming Prol. N/S female, 31, wl 640·5470 ally. Oennlson & A•soc. we ring telephones, ty-organlte<I Secretary with llOIPTitlllT /P-H .. B•tHlt 3141 Br 2 Ba condo, pool, pools. Will accept 1 Of 2 mature dog need house 2400 aq 11 tndustrlal unit 873-7311 *'1t• tlrlfrlei•* ping. ind filing. Prevlout exotllent •kllls and wMd Optomatrl1t'1 office af· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1ac., tennis. So. Coatt adults or 1 adult w/chlld. ~w-/y;..lf_d_._83_1_.s_e_2_e___ with 900 sq ft. OUTCALL ESCORTS related expertence ne· P roe es •Ing ex P• r . tar noons. Mature per· HUGE 1 br, Lux Condo, Plaza araa. 840·8905, 557:7983 or 840-8339 4 MO. PAID HOLIDAY ll"X. Ill.II JllLI 24 HOURS ceuary. Prior water In· &40·1800 Ion, expr. pref. Fountain Mint cond, all amenities, 842·2012 alt 4· s550. Canedlan r1t1t1vea 11111. 2400 IQ fl lndu1trlat unit s15K note. payable M/F All Credit Cards dullry exper. prefecred. -Ll_G_H_T_H_O_U_S_E_K_E_E_P_l_N-G. Valley ~-9349 $600 mo ....... 2 .... 14 hr lux condo or houM ..... ~ with 1500..,. 11. $1000 par mo. Including T l d al ,.,__ __..__ _____ _ ·""' ._ · Br 2ba, a ir, !~~~rlNlY0· 1285 ht Int security. ting, "'"'d ... aged cpte + ..., 15% 1n1. All due 17 moe. *112-1772* YP no en gener · o....... Engll•ll speaking. t day ltt,ltl11kt/ltef l.'--1--,,.~~ pool nr SC .......... ,....., .~79 ... 2 2H n c:lllkl want 2 br home IM S 1 l~~~~~~~~~I 1111111 ~ry. Salary, wk, NB. •75-4981 ,..__ ...,.__ ..._,._.. .~••••••••••••••~? p 8 i 1. · S 5 o O.; ....,..._ or"" • ..... , Dec. 1-~r. t. Wiii pay Upgraded offlea 90• by real etlate n· 1: $1681-$2043 par month. " .,....., "''-· ._.....,,., 2 er condo w/ruitlo, pool, 213/H0-95t3 hara 3BD 2BA yard llC>I. SIOOO up front Nr will combine come from, nationa l duatom Fantuy Phone XLNT Benefltt. ,.,ppty by MARKfTING MANAGE 8Mctl ArcllHec:tint f'1nn 1p1. f 865. Jl9·1215. E Side C.M. near air· downtown Laguna. compeny pertonel ConV9fMtlonwlthe.tbel November 19, 198:! on MENT Expanding bu1I· 30 hrt par w .. k 9-4, 970.5117 Mr. Webef. 1 BR 1 Ba, all ulll pd, ex· Port $275 + ,.., utn M/F. 836-8738 7t<ll751-4780 guarl(ltee of equipment MC/VISA 24 llra Dlttrlct Appllcatlons; nest needs at11rp ....,. Good typing tkllla, ...._ cepl etec. Cpta. drps, 64s,.2537 1----------Princtpa.11 on!y leue -163.000 lakee It Call 836..0701 Maaa con1olld1led tlve self 11artera phone expar. S•lery r.-1 ... t -41 DIW, gH range, retrlg, ature Adult Mate, Ex· 7 14 1240-1 1 86 or•---------• Waler Olatrlct, 1995 Pia-540.3714 open. 144-1581 between ~.u f -tee ,..te. Spec p811'-llke Lady between 4o•&o._to ecuttve ~. _., FULL SERVICE SUITES •tS-1153 EXOTIC DANCERS ~tta A-. "-·i·M-·. ---------_1_0_llnd __ t _P_M ___ _ •• ••••••••••••••••••• it.!: ......., ,..,. ...... ,._a with ...,._... ~ • NB CdM ,_......, Oeak Spece '275/up Bacllelor18acrieloretle ~-· •w """ --M h I lllll Y1IW M ·"V• """"',_.,sauna ... -• '""''"" ~·1 ., .. va.e · • • ,...,,. Prlllate Otta SA95/"" Truet Deed for Mle, $55, party an*1alnment Calllornla 92627 (7t4) ec ane I tlllitt/ ... 1fe 10 1 tee IO of, ..... na b1tcony. 2 pkg plac.s. gantteman. Eaatald• aru room apt amall -.. 000 t3% D J 631·1472 IUYY llTY fftf • m ')'I · -•-no P9'• SASO mo. VIII• Costa Mesa 54&.oe68 condo, llou .. ,;;rn. or N • w p o r 1 B • a c h et · ue une 7~8538 558·8538 ·-·-Good type tklb & figure on 01n1 Point'• mott ... _,..-, .. • 752-8408 1983 Linda Illa. ~llY -aptitude. Prof. phone aecluded 1eanlc blult, Warner. Corner of Ed-em 10 thr 48' hM ape.-Uf'hurn ,._.,, rental orv sold ror S 1 1 mllllon. Boyfriend, HCOrt, model. CLElll / Heavy duty mechanic minner & appHt1nce. Ilk• new, 2 Br widen, w •rd 1 & W 1 ' n • r · clous mslr bdrm 'avall mo't . ReferencH fur-............. lttl Follow• 2 tru1t d..01 Reply lo Tenn, PO Bo• needed by Huntington Computer data e 11p. xtra large private patio. 714•893-3243 Nov 15. S250 mo."'• utM ntahad, <714> 980•4589 IMO aq h at eoc per ft , totaling $825,000. Wiii 5278-54, Santa Ana, Ca. IECEnlOllSJ BHcn City School DI· llelpf\11. 840-1813 garage 1725/mo Call S.il J.MA "'4 720-1328 eves •ft ?pm. lnci utll 9 to 24 mo tse at discount to 25'4 ylald. 1_9_27_04_. ------Beautllul Dana Point strict. PrtnclpleS of lnler· 861-8441 or M-F. 9·5 •••••••••••••••••••••• Pl-J ~ ngllsh girl. age 17, 1ennlt same rate. Sieve 875-3285 .a9 p••1 &-llE Harbor. Full Time. Tues· nil combutlion angl""; Rec:eptlo11l11. Ple111nt 1etephona, competent lyplll. llte bkkpg. Call 8 30.5 833-3544. 843-02t0. Drive by to very tirge upitlllra 2 BR. -·-r-• pro, want.a to rent room 8 4 I • 3 2 1 2 day•, ,. "" "" Set. Requirements. knowledge of Ca.llfMnla see at 24583 Santa 'h blk to beach, newly Furn. tuxury 2 br. 2 ba. wlfamUy fOf e wka, Le· 963·19113 Ev I Lllll l .... TS 110-1111 Front-otflee appnranc:e, Motor Vel'lk:le Code •P-Ctara. remod. New •love & re-caihedral celling. frplc:, y u n • 1 r a • , o • I I I Ii I t.J 4450 Any type of R.E. loan, 2.4 hrs by appointment type 50 wpm, e«urac:y. pllcable to opetallon of IOUlflllT frig Gar on Oc:een Ave. 'wulnldl ack111'r awll /apmr oenfl.tlesM .· 1'·494-0132 .!.~!!.' ..• !!••••••••• fully amonlnd, 1"· 2nd, I --·• aptitude for detall. Min 2 v..-ileln In ttantpOrtallon REPUBLIC FEDERAL SA· Joe, at 714.551-1452 Ii I 4310 Slorerronl Property at 3rd'1 land & construction f~ · yrs gen. otllce exp. ol school chlldren ere VINGS 1111 en opening ~~~~'.' =~i •-.-H-.-,-----4000--i.._67_3_·_38_e_1_a_tt_._6_. ___ ,, ••• !fl!!..'t! •• !~!..... H.a.rboc &...Adema. C.M. & units. 954·8748, 24 l#n1tH $310 S5/hr. A.Pf.Ir In ~rson.._ dastrable qu1llffc1tl<!nl. for PIT New Account tocatlon In town, breath-•••••••••••••••••••••• .... IMI ana ~ t11ng1t1 tt1orage, ~!'°o d6715r~·tt1c & parking. llri. • ..... ,.,_•••••;;1•·y~'"•• Tues-Fri, . 2'105 Dana rn~~~;e0,r~~~:!~8~ Rapresentall11e. Salary°'+ takl""' ,..___ 111 ... ·llt Ina ue-• ••••• -LUJ! condo. Atty wlll aecu,..,, a ree en ranee, .,.. • .. -._ Drive. Dana Point. Fringe benellla. Laguna . .,. ......... "" • · --s 118 re . $ 5501m 0 . 34097 Graneda. seo. AJl•fUfMfalt/ Perton1t, qualified com· & air brake 1y11em1, Niguel Branch. heated pool, evb-garege, Mf11 • 873-3313 493-0803 Retell store al 2850 Avon. I . I / penlon drlvere for your CILLECTll dlttal dlagnotls, major 495·0850 831-1940 ele vator. 'Laase only Wkly rentals 195 up. 752-9442 dyS, 840·2434 · · 1885 1q. fl. plut 8 cit llNal I dey 10 day errands. engine overh1ul1. Ille EOE 3S83050C&lltf~·. "P•808a. Color TV, free coffee. avea. lorage garage, •Ingle, garage. 5-41·8777. Lfll I F11al Shopping. doctor'• ~:c~n:,~H ~~;'~~ ablllty to dlaonose et.c· M/F/H .... ..... helled pool & lllPI lo ROOMMATE WANTED tx20. Coall Meta. • ••••••••••••••••••••• apptl. church .... All lrleal problemt .• back· --------- Oceanvlew. 1Br decoratOf ocean. Kltcti'11vall. M/ltralght, non-tmkr. 150/mo. I lit .. n. • I.I. Aaa ... ttmfalt SJOO needs met. By hour or P8f19Y hjs opendl :ngl 111 1'!"' grouud In welding, and 5 lllDYITill OUU apt, garage. No ~n1 985 N. Coast Hwy, 1250 + 'h ulll•. Dye __ 64_2_·4_90_7_w_k_d_•Y'-'--1 1200 aq ft· $900/mo. ;;;·~;;0·~~;·,~~·;;i~; day. <194·5857. ~~ca~:::,~ .. ::.:~:3 'i:~ yaart ol ra1ponslbta Energetic alalf nMded 1 blk to bell, no pelt. Laguna Beach. 494-5294 6 4 2 • 5 4 4 8. a fl 8 pm teched garage. 400 aq · 328 No. Newport Blvd. modeling & ic:tlng ca· collectlon ex pr. Bank journeyman level In gen· lor reHr~atlon office , 1575 mo. 494-8404, 190 a. up with kllchan. ~84_2_._s_e20 ______ ft, uM fM 1t0f6ge Of of· 720-l865 rears. M/F. any age. lfAHll I card & CRT expr. pref, ::::k~;~~:;;~·~19•J>:1~ :::i .• ~ .. ~v~~~~gt>!ll~~ 644-4311 week!y. Oceanfront Mo-MIF to •hf 28r 1119, H.B. flee, tn ~m'l area. nr E. OISTI MIU r1ce. Hollywood Mgmt ,.,,,.,,,.. 1H5 Contact Jonn Allan Mon $1994/mo Wrlllen '"' 10 work weekendt. "PP'Y 2 Br 2ba, rrplc, dec:k. 184 875-8740 Lg fncd yd. 1350 mo. 17th St. & Orenge. C.M. 300.,, ft to 2800..,. 11 (213) 792-8212 •••••••••••••••••••••• thru Fri, 8:30 10 4:30 pm to be given 11·22182 11 1 1"' A ......,. 11 in l>lk 964 9465 $150/mo C11t 9-5, M-F. ..... · ...., · Plal'IO 759·7889. n pareon: -ve .... .....,, trfft, c 1rm, to Fam non-amkr, rm w/hM .___· _______ .. 2_.210 75c per aq. It. & up. Call Wltneu wanted. $100 wm ~·m•· Ex,_ Plano & 8:30 AM. Apply 20451 San Clem. o ea an. No • n d riv c M s225 ru ..._________ Reato11omlc;1, Corp. be paid to San Juan ""7' .. "' ,....... Counter Person, Kuslera Cralmer Lane, Hunting· ---------$925/mo Incl ulll P · · un rn.. °""' ... .., ENT: Single gar, vie 875-6700 Capistrano man & wo-~ompoaltlon Le.none. CIHnert, .JS/llr A.pply ton Beach. Phone llTllL ... 840-5e29 turn $260. 845-S459 Female roommlle to CM • man wllo wera hitch· Mu•!~lanehlp before betWMn 7·t 1AM. Mon-9&4·8ae8 Part-time & lull·tlm'e Room wtth kltch pt1v Nr share 2 bdrm, 2 be con-C..•.nW l'Mllng 1n Laguna e.acn ~ I 648-0l92 Fri 188 E. 16111. S•. ---------pc>e11ton1 avail. AW't In S~~o cloae to bHCh, But line & tllopplng do, 2 blk1 from ~. f•at.JI 441f on Sept. 5, 1982. Wit· Colla M.... •IMOA&. person Pier I lmportt, '~g...3872 oanter. 982·7520 !3575.ft'h 6utp11 7867~·232e80• ~1-1-1-d-0-b-ta_g ___ ••••••;:.:••,::•s•E:••••••• ne1ted 1 i•I• i lleged l'll~nt lllllT -•-• Cqurler·Clerk tor buay 2110 Harbor Bllld .. C.M.. BR 2 B w D .. · 1 er M .,..l ng • u •r•gee. RENT "'" l"" · Newly automobile wlllctl lnvol-•• • ••••••••••••••• ,_.._ medlc.i lib, mature P4f• OCEAN VIEW APT , ocean kllch. etc~ s~a:· m:_ /;o Fem 10 111, my Promon-$50 011 Baker. Coall remodeled home with ved the men wtlO plciied J• rl•alH 111$ Exi>andlng NB Credi! son a mu11 w/perfec1 letal ... aide, delux.e 2 B<. 2 Ba o.p 5"6-6386 alt 7PM 1ory Point VIiia (Nwpt M ... 97a.0745 I lardr lot NComm'l zonB.'ng. them up 6 other car he y;;,~·~~;;1;,·;;~·;:iH card company lies 1ral· driving record. Mon-Frl _, , ...... beamed cemng. pool, no ,_ ________ , Bell) Ocaan/bay view. 1 car gar1ge for ttorage I 10 ewport vd. allegedly rH1-ended 11 do general h ndy k nlng t:>Otltion avail In t 1 : 0 0 AM · 8 0 0 P M for bu1Y ttore, FUii Of' p/ pets. $775. 494-1376 Balboa Penlnaull, Prtvlle pool. 1ennl1 Beaullfully only Huntl,ton Beach. 642· 1334, 851-9869. you-• ona ol the hitch Calf evaa g1 wl!e~a: their aecttt dept. A.ppli· 840-0140 time, '-PP'Y In perton, no w .. I 3ISZ Entrenca S H5. No decor frple pvt b•lh N r B c 11 4 o mo . 1111111. PllPlln lllkert 1n the car plelM 972•9525. uk IM Bii cant rnust ll•ve 1·2 yrs•---------ptlonecalla. l~S..... •• l'.!~ •• JI!.!........ tmoklng or cooklng. 815-&3'21 ' 538-2058 contact Jeck Utter At· cu.tomer Mrvlea •KP9' lllll&L/P .. I Time ShQ9Pe, 440 E. 17th St, On Goll CourH. Weal 875~~91 i----------PH LUii ii torn e y 11 Law Llc'd vocational nurae a & good communication Front office poeltton. Costa M ... Nine Condo: 2 BR 2ba, 2 alelfem1te, nHI, non 01/it• ••t•I 4400 flllTlll y•• 1 -7141720·1433. Vou will lnl'I trlWllng companion tkllla. CRT exper pref Mlulon Viejo. Sectata--iiliiliiiiiiiiiiil car gar. w/opnr. Wun/ harming room & balh In smoller tosharallomenr ...................... ...st be paid 1100 eecll ror accepting ~Ing· 11<>1+-Co1111c1 Anna Fl1clll rial expr. required. IALU OIMMllllM dryer. Lower unit wl line Qul•l.~~slda c!.M1 SC Plaza $180, V. utll. AlrpOft area • Exec Sul· Office Bulldjng or 110· ~our 1t1tement reg1r-daya '82. Xlnl reft. Call Mon· Fr I 8 • 4 : 3 0 . 495-1080 I •-'aoc:aft 3 1ploMn. 7~1~'!'°8 . ..,. I 850-0907 lff From 225-450 ""·ft. r-. 15,••" .... h. X' ""·T di~...., __ ,,..,._,....,_ II <19&-8728 (7·10pm) 759-7932 IM·-_.-..,-.1-------patio, redecoreled. ..,.,.. ~ ...., -..-....., .... "" , .. """""""' .. ,...,, ....,_ Unique ltdy'a clothing 1725/mo 714n70.1950 Resp Im to shr 3br Irvine f1 P9' aq. It. Many 111rae. corner tocatton, parking. 11 ermined you -• Nuraet Aide detlru day IHtr ..... lsslsta... llEllmllll Ill• •lore ... 111 energetic ---------Rm tor rent $250 mo.+ condo . Reas rate. Call 557-7010 L"" 111 or pen Annual ona ot the hitch hitter• •••• •• , ... ~ wlllalr f~ 1~ .. •-. · • · work •• compa nion. Full or part time. Flair fOf' .., ~ ........ , ~!!!r.!!.!!~~ ... 11.!! ~~1 ~•lk lo bell . 552-3248 ev. 180·8000. 400·900PLUS 14001Q fl. IMM50't op~lo; 10,:-Magic ltle Club Mem· c111ulleur fOf elderly or decorating. wlll train II in /or modeling Hpr. NO FEE.I Apt. & Condo 11 3t7 dys. Ann Penll'IOUM Bayfront Sul· ~ey Sc~oi D:~lc~ barahlp. 8111e UOO. Ill. Ph 549-0373. Earn $10 to 115 iverage Respontlble poaltlon ln helpful. Appl)' In pertOr'I. rtnlalt. VIiia Rent1l1. llrlstlan F, nonamllr. •Pt LIDO ISLE non smkr ta, perking, patloa. Naomi Wletand (71") Grea t P.r•••nt. PP ·per hour. Call for Inter· doc:1oraofflce.FIT.Good 491-"777, Ale•I• Matural 875"'4912 Broller. prl11 •. San Ctemenle, nr $395/mo 'Ai ulll. Work liiei73i·i1i003iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!_;ll~4:;2::·M~5~1-=----·--~ $52-4519, 8&5-eeet. RI-Houu-.work daetred. view. 638-8988 Benems. Catlfornla LI• f11lllon1. 280 ForHt bHch, refa. S225 & f 873-0869 975.9449 ~. chard Newport/Cotta Meta. cenM. Lagun1 Hlltt ara1. Alie. Laguna Beach. ~ Block 10 baach, 2Br. utile. 49t:-45e2 • ·-_ .. • 'lalaittlll Hour• open, Raferenc .. DELIVERY P•rton. over 855-1104 ed I aou- brigtlt & ·~ M75 mo. B1t1/1 #11tl1 4111 F~~lJ~:oe~n~~~~.,~~ o.tAir'p'!,=~ol Ital•/ 4S• AJJ:.,!.',Ma~:! ~~,:~ ::2-~::c,u•ll Piion• ~~~~~3~M~~:,:.·E~~·---... --L-I ___ s=1r1E;.~ pr:. lClnt yrfy. N&-8 ••••S•W.lll•'••••••MITIL••••••••• ton .. -·-11. 5"•-2001 a . tnvlronment, fUll MrVic41, •••••••••••••••••••••• Lag un1 3rd Frldtva • .... r No ~otoa.wu....a "'·-()pf>ty. lntervlewl ~ .-a-.-"'"""' -1750 up 2180 It lndu· 1 1 1 ' -r eq. "' .,....,.,., -.nty Panly now hiring 1 l(ft'I t 218 Main St ti. --• eprn, Of no frillt. lndMdual of· tlrtal. Offlc.e 18101 ~-mo n t 111 Y . n or m Rella.ble cultured woman $400·$450 mo. plus bO• for fuhlon lllowt. Eicp'd. ~ B• M0-725& . • 3 bdr .. 2 ba. gar. great Wkly rental• now tvall. So. Laguna, geled. nr fleet or deak ep-. 160 dondo Circle, p & T 499·3797 dHlrH Job •• titter. nu .. M6-0&37 preferred 548·&444. • H. · loo. Wini« ~~:~.: ~;~~or2J~4 beac:ll. PY1 entfba. $205 ~:e· :~89,8'1 1 MO Huntington, B9lcll W.t j f-..4 t• companion dally. h•ll lsslstMt •. CM. llUl/MlllWAIU Bachelor. great loc Newport Blvd. CM + u 1. 4 9 4 . • 9 9 3 . ~~~~~~~~~I 842·2834 • ••••-•••••••• .. •••••• 557-5272 Newporl a..cn. 4," ctey N..O 5 lllghty mollvtted I'll, Crown Hard•art. yearty. 84e-7«5 499-4722 1111 .... -1211 ~ ft week. N..01 X·R•y llo. people to work lor one ol 1024 lfvtne Ave, N8 Tl&. .... 142·1111 EACH ARE A anted fem tothr CdM, 2 A1tractl11e ruattc upetllr1 San CltMente. Aval! Im· fOlll) ADS ••'• W....,, Tl• e.f!.·.2~ •• ~ •• 2... c':~P1::1.t:•,'n ~~0."'u1~.0 s.-... , PAim BR 2 ... -t ""--kr ....._ evppty .. _.. m· .. Ofllc WI II •••T••••••••••,••••••• -_., ....,. -S .,. _.. · ""'" _.. · Mtt ...... ....., --· ..., a a ower ---------1,a•a•..,, pr ..... d .... , •30, 2 ::.-1.2 :::r,:2~ $14/...&. ~r:~':tll. Avall Dec. ~ c;oo19r, vou tup-_4_t_7_-"_5_83 ______ , IDE FREE Af:I~~!' .:::::.';'o,,;:i,.· IMSTllllTm . oOO~ ~81 flrat Petton tor Chtlatf'l'IH pon 8eecll Goff CourM. t Wiil t---------·• P~ phOnec,..! lt;_ P'21rtto1. 2600 eq. It near Hoag M Orang• CoHt YMCA. nffdad Ser110f Con1u1-v--c .. 175-te47 Gift StlH To cell on 5'5'-4855 Aafflgerlt -M4lld Pool Lull condo Nwpl Terrac. detk C -.... 72 Hoec> MPl<et• .c>fflce & '-6"2·ttl0. Amy 11nt .-1ng ent"'*-tlc 1--.... ----1.-.----PrHldentt ol COfl'IP•· -•-•i • ...._1 e..!: & w~ 2br/2ba, pvt 1.ac:. 1350 •••-reatroom. $900/mo. c••• lndMCSutl p1r1 time or u... .. _ ~~...... nlM. PU<ChMlng AoenlS. •••--·-~-Reep M/F .9545 Jim _, .... _ .. 10 011 .. lk & e f ..... t'---... --w... _.,. ------8•••• Menageri, ~le . 3 & 4 er. ao. to-ter, ea.ta~ 541-1755 tea •WMJ lllTlll S:s-e~ ve 0 " ' Ml-1111 ;;,11i; ~ ~.,...~ lnctudl"O crtdlf opera. eont.c11no tttl0""'9tf tum & unl\il'n, ~.. Knot Motel on C:O.t ~~ ~.,, COl'l'lmri':c. With uff of reception, I "!'!~~~~~~~~ llYllTlllll ttle '*""' and NitrtelOn tlont, t>k.':L end direct account• and creetlfto tMa, .. einentti... Brok• Hwy. N 8 . 8 1ep1 to ln!IM. nr UCI. '2&0 + \t conl. room. kltcti, ptw)ne, "'!r.. 41111;; •SILT•..,. 11.ed lern noo to N000 ~ ttle put>llc 11111¥ onee Al10l't .. ttc.-t7Mt 12. ocean.Wklyratea utlts.857•1460 MertterlelaWOtdP'O·•••• •••••••••••••••• lrWI '*" ... ,. permoC .. 7~8AM lome•"~llelpf\JI koryFerm1.H'thandlr-IM5-0440 ~ Mllll. ~ Storage $c>ICe 12'. II' LC191: --• mey to 8PM M&-0411 Full ren'" Of company me. W..lcllft ...... N. 1 .,-. to Bc:fl. Lower 2 Br, rmmte 2&"35 to ttlr ""' ~ell MPlll'•ttiY If 3e" door S701mo ptue be weerlng Teua t1g9 Locel Company now ,.. benefna anti Contact 8 den, 2 be. ~''l: blllna. ... • PLllll tge2br.2baC4MhOme. dffl;ed Celt Judy, S70 110. dapoalt . 2300 Meu Dr, I! Senta king ~llON for eel· Ull Mr MCD trmotl, et 1----9A-L-1-1--- refrtQ. •100. 17 1131. AHtonal>le rette l<lt· Qlr .. lrplc:, eundeek, wl 7t4nt0.01o0 E!...:.4 t 54, Newporl ~~o~'m. IKI• t ~""'°on o' ~ tt:~"~ ~.':"::.~ IA.4·1MO i..-......1...1 ... nl .. I Nwpt Hgll 2 br. t ba , cflenellee. ptionee, maid prof. f:. Nonamkr No 40014 lll'Oh St. N.I. 4,.,. -"· ..._1911. M0-44M "•pld •dvenoein-;'°-'* _.... ~ a.AWlll'I MWIUll •-- epecloue. Aull. no•. Mfvlce, z ctt1nnel mo-S*•· S400 1?3·"'3 • 00 ....,t •"-IJ ..... t c o--ri t e1n hm • -,.---l•otllenl oppertunlty, S7a6/mo. 14J.7400 lllH . 9ANDPIPl!A MO· aq It. •1 per IQ I. ..... LOii Ntul Mete Cat. .. ....... y r a.. peopee •etlted lot Part Tirrle ..... upr. tn IMUf--. p:,11~ ~fWPOflT AP.'.8 T .~~MT\ T"'L 1,...7 ..__ _ _.. mmll• w•nled to find Aotnl H1·80U. l••lm flU n-..1 .......... •lwflt un-up •o ........ ,..... .... Hollywood Referral o~ll. elo, helptut. "' • .,. ._......., '"""• end tl'lare In Cotta Mille. * .. , * ••••••••••••••••••••';1' ~. M"'flM Colt• t..-..ot•• ......,. "!"''1 "'.. Company lor movi.e I Cell t7to8011 CM 14~tt31, ll"'llne, Npt let! tr9' Ylll --1 a $7 89~hr Ide ~· etorn. fl'lorel TV c om mer e I a I a 1---------1--------• ICJle Mom. 812·2154 ev. °"""'""" FOR RENT.I 10-31·12. I 00 ... lteiM I ...... Mlltt be (background or non· ULll/11t91 •• !.!'!11.'. ..... l.~ff em to mr MIH lon Vjo """ wYlce. t<eep ..., ,_lllOl9 __ • •-1-_._,_,_e ___ , Call Mr 1How rd, 1714) well groomed • en en· ..,_..""8 on4y) It 8"11'"9 htn to •11001mo PIT ~ CLU9 UY1NO '"' Oppty IOI QINT to btf le nO O¥etl'leed loo#~· 2 bedroom, 2 Htt1t & 2 flouH M• pupp,, 4·1 Ill· 1000 tf\llSIHttc peraonellty • model typ1111 t otl'lert IOf M u e t b e m It u t e , IN N&W'°"' 11.ACH tnl0¥ Lllt'f ....._ ... ~ ....... 5j "° ~r9•1 11 eienel Image . fir• etQf'lee In Twin flleellt In moe. e..., l(w/Wl'tytell • • llor dtt141e OOflfeot Mr. com~~ .. re-llt·tOO. leeve Mft· ..,._, 1&21drrn. mltj Jlome, 111perll ,.... ••• c. mo. · tttolou•W• ••of LIU Arrowl'leed ll'H. Uth & 'uUerton lrNth(21l)IU8..eeot thlofl ...,, ooametlC & .... 'c:: FOOO. every OOMfort. M/11 2 ~. I tie. ~ Newport leldl 111 Ooo H11 bulll-IM • ,.,..._._ .. ....,, frrend '9non, eppt~ In l\ealth cl11b tclvertlte-i _;...=M------ 6 OWllflOUMe MuM be...,.. tt & • IHcl'I co"do nr Hoeg ,,. Or. tte. t4, D14Ut 11"91, teet & dlOollt ,.. • _...__ .... ..... '°'Cl••_. M "'"" llCI Ptumbtn1 ment• No eaperltnoe •c=ate ,...,_MIO ~ .._..., .... Hoep. frplo, ptione, S2'CJ q u 1 red, Ce If ( 1 t 4) -ACTIOff ..,.._ 1no. tMOa Mllf· ~ • ..,. lttOl ,.. On .,....,_ "-'· • '· ...........,, ....,,. 1 H • oa u or I 1 u ) "°'' "' "9u~lnl Oii • on A• ~1111111er •* on ln'9Mew IY he uert•rs a.n..1o1qUMH111N (11•>111•1111n ....... ~,'::",.-,0-• .,...,.~-:-••-1-..,~ .. ~'::"1 1 111.flll ..--..,.. •.~ 14 ::t:= .,..a111-.11u --=carts -:':'::':""'::": .... ;-:::; 11;;::l·::-:==11.;tH"*;;;:-=~=· _.M"i:"'=iil bdrm. C Mf' •el lltr "'"II ...., • P·"' " "° ._. ... lll!IM 11\111 A'1e• ee llllMI .-et ytu went '" Heve .............. to Mllf U60/lftO tncl uu11. •"iwer, PIHH Ueti Ml·ll11 ll't • IMIZI Ill .... --'""'-9 ,_ C..11111• C'llllllltd ldl it ..... ......, ..., AM OMI ... AA..,._. ....... .... •• r • • • , ('I ' THt; t '.\MIL\' f l RC'l'H 81(; (;t;OR(;t: by Virgil Partch (VIP) .. 11Why do trees toke their clothes off when it starts getting cold?" "What'• your very favorite thing In the whole· wortd?" ,__\R'9:\Dl"K E by Brad Anderson DE:\:\IS THE ME~i\CE Hank Ketchum "When I say,'slt in the back seat,' that means all of you!" Jl"DGE Pi\RKER THAT W/16 TI-1E H05PftAL, FOR TJ.4E LA~T TIME. KIP. I'M N01' 't'OOR M~PY. YOU'RE A CHICK£~ ANO f'M A CAI ~VeRY PA~ yoo1Re ONLY SUPPOSa>io FESD IT ONC~ A MONTH.~' .....-..1, ACROSS 54 Rodents 58 AnAlda 59 Balin FRIDAY'S PUZZLE tot. VED 1 Loeet lize I Fr..,.,a 10P9rwe 14 Goll blllc . 15$pltit I tlPlk>- 17 HocU¥ rlnll 11 Merlner1 1tClalify . 20 e.tll or Lido 11 Colof 82MlllM 83Vemelleto 84 H.Wwllpt: Brit. 65 W111 OIC>tor M Thlfd. Preti• 87 Watery mire 22 Ol -"orll DOWN 24 W"9'lt unit 28 Tullant 1 Spfit 27 Atc:nbe to 2 lllhn Cllll 31 O.Cup 3 Currier end 32Ealll'9MI 33 Or111g1 4 lnlt.... • 35 Ctll pllyer 5 Hftded ltMt 25 Urll - 38 ~ bill 27 Luion r!Ylf 3t MCl¥9d I punt 8 Frequently 21 llrd 40 F"dtlle 7 Clllup 2t "-ttl" 4 I Toof I ...... bf lid 30 AMllllOne 42 TV ol'lrlng t Pue bed! ,. Ta.le •Ml 43 " can~• 10 Soulfl a.. 35 AMltty " fl"' 3e A-.r • 11 En CCM!ty 37 E.-ct 12 l-.ice ,. c:-- IJ ....., '°'9 40 Dlllclll 2fYOUlll '"" ........ n U11or a c.tl!lll 44 Med 4e un Ell'lp, Loyllltt1 47"AW1or _ .. ..... I ' J f ' . • IF Yoo WERE MY AGE, ~LO 'fO.J LIKE TO liAVE ME FCRA 60r'FRIENO~" by Harold Le Doux HOW DID THE HOSPITAL KNOW TO CALL HERE ....-----. .... FOR D.6 1 ,. I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU CAUGHT THREE FISH GOROO PIP YA eveR Fl NP 00,-WHA.,- WAS W~ON@ Wl"f'H .MRS. FE!R.N IN 214, .JASP!!A !' .. ff.JD 1HE BAND 15 WRRENTL. <,> ~ A'f ~K RAl51N6 RJ.lDS R>R 1H£ 'TRIP ! • by Charle• M. Schulz -------....-. HE TOLD l#C TO STAHD IN FROHT OF TME ZAM80H I t----e -i by Etnie Bushmiller THIS FELLA GOBBLED UP TWO OTHERS JUST BEFORE 1 CAU6HT HIM by Gus Arriola ------TflJCl<Le SO A5™E BAND f'M~OE51t>1H£ ~ OF 'CAU~NIA,HERE I ca.1E.' ..• ~ OF 1HA'T ~ ~,.~ WPP!..'( ~DEr ANO t(ap1Hf ~"" ~! ••• w.,.11k:!.l'·I by Tom Batiuk l f J l . YOU AM .. WAUlT IWtt A ... Oil nMT DATIO ~ -~II Y°" TMI AC fO NOTICT YOUll ~ n llAY M IOU> AT A !~~L~.t." YOU NllO A .. ~TION Oil TMI NAn.I Oil TMI ..-OC::lllMNO AOA*IT ~ IMOUl.O CONTACT A NOTecl Oil T'Mllftl'I 14'.1 T ....... ..,. NOTICE IS HEAEIY OIVIN, 11111 OI) Friday, Hovan\bat 19, 1M2, at 1;00 o'dodl a.m. of 1111c1 dey, In the room HI Hld• for condu<1tlng TtUatee'• Salee, within the olficMM ol REAL UTATE Sl!CUIUTIE8 SERVICE. located II 2020 North lloedway, Suit• 20t, In the Cit~ of ~I• An•, County ot OrtnQD, Sitt• 01 Ca llfor'lla, BENl!FICIAL MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 01' AME RICA. a Da11wara eo<potatlon, H cluly appointed Trultff under anc1 p to the po-ot .... conferred In that cart•in DHd ol Tru11 911ecuted by .JA y ROSS and GAIL AOSS. hu1band and wjfa u lolnt 1-t•. raGO<ded APfll 10. t9eo. In look 138e9 ol Otllclel Aecof'd• of u ld County, at page 1171, Aac:ofdet'I lnttrumant No. 13380, by raaeoo ot • bl~h or dat8Ult In payment or partorm•nca of th• ollllg1tlon1 H Curad thereby, Including that breach or default, Notice ol wllich QI recorded July 23, 1982, u Aecordet'1 Instrument No. 82·255899, WILL SELL AT PU9LIC AUCTION TO THE HIOHEST 9100ER FOR CASH, IAlll'IUI money of lhe United Statu. °' a cashlat'• checit drawn on a 11••• or nmtlonel benk, a •t•I• or leOafal credit ~. or a •t•t• or lllOafal .. vtnga and lo9n aaocl•tlon domll;ilad In thia 111ta. Ill peyabla et the time of Nia, all right. tltle and ln'8fWI held by it, .. TruttH, In that rHI property 11tu•ta In H id County •nd St•t•, described H follows: Lot 3 ot Tract No. a&17, as 1hown on a mmp recorded In Book 406, Pl!QM « to 48 both lnclu1lva, ol Mljcallanaoua Mapa, record• ol Onloge County, CaMfornla. Th• atraat eddrau or otllar c()fl'lmon deaignatlon of Iha real prOpetty helalnabove daacrlbad I• purported to be 8 Monitor, lrlline, Clllfornla. T h• underalgned hereby dlaclelm1 all llablllty tor any lncotrectneas In aeld 1t1M1 addrasa or other common designation. Said "" Will be made Without warranty. axpra11 or Implied. regarding 1111•. po11a11lon. or encumbrances. to ut11ty th• principal b1l1nca of th• Nola or other obllg1llon teeurad by "Id Deed ol Trust, with Interest 1nd ot"9f suma H provided therein, ptua advencn, II any, under the tatml thereof and lntar•t on llUCh ac:tvanoes. and plus •-. charget and Dllpal'I-of the TrutlM and ot the truall .:<Nied by Mid OHd OI T~•\. The total emount ol H id obllgallon, Including reuonably estimated raea, chugH end expanMS of lhe TruatM, al the time of lnltltal publicetlon ot 11111 Notice. .. 132,425.34. MUCI NOlltC NOTICI 1'0 CM8tTOM °' 9'A.Jt TMMllllt ,...., ltt1•tf' u.c.c.1 Nolloa I• llerally given 10 c1eo11ora of th• w11n1n 111tnad tranaftrOf lhet I bulk ttantfer 11 about 10 II• med• on parmonal property harelnaltar ~lbaO The name Mel bull,_ eddl- ot th• 1n1end•d tranalaror mra QRfAT AMERICAN A18TAUAANT8, INC, a Calffornlt COIPOlallon, 39011 811te 8trHt, Santa letbtra, CA ., 105 fedtfal ldent111Catlon Ho H ·117110t The IOclllon In Ctlilornl• Of the Chief ••~live ottice or principal bualne11 otllca 01 th• Intended tren1teror la 39011 State St • Slllta Barbera, CA 9310!1, Ali other bu11na11 n•m•' end •ddrHHd uHd by Iha Intended tran1laror Within thrM yaau 1a1t pall 10 far u known to Iha lntend1d 1ran1tara• ue. BIG YELLOW HOUSE, 3010 Harbor Blvd , Cotti ~ ... CA 92825, BIG \IQ.LOW HOUSI!, 9100 Trull Ave .. Garden Orov•. CA 92841 The n1rne 100 bualneu addrau o t the intended tr•n•I•••• 11e. EXECUTIVE HOST, INC., 1 Calllornla corporation, ..'1849 Matropo11t1n Orlva. Orangl', CA 92888. Federal Identification No. 95·302~462 That the prCIC)Drty petllnanl hereto 11 da•c rlbad In general at: AU furniture. llxtu1a1. equipment, 1a11ahold lnteraat. laaaahold improvemantl and la tocatad fl 3010 HMbor Blvd , Costa M ... , C'A 112628 The bul!nest ntma uMd by the Mid transferor II Mid IOcetlon It BIG YELLOW HOUSE That ••Id bulk tranafer Is 1n1atlded 10 be cooaummated 11 the Olllc e ot BETTS ESCROW ENTERPRISES INC . 605 N. Tu1tin Ave , Sulla 160. Santa Ana. CA 9270!1 on or after O.cember 10. 1982 Thi• bulk tran1fer Is 1ubject to C•lllornla Uniform Commerclel Coda Section 6108. The name 1nd addraaa ol th• person with whom clalm1 may be lllad Is Bans E1crow Enterprises, Inc , 605 N. Tuatln Ava .. Suite tee>. Sent• Ana 92705 and the latt d•Y tor tiling c1alm1 by any creditor 1t1111 be Oecambef 9. 1982, which Is the bu1 tne11 d•y t>atore the conaumm•tlon dlte 1paclt1ad above Dated Octobef 25. 1982 EXECUTIVE HOST, INC. Parr11 KhatdHI. Prasldenl Intended TrtnsterM Published Orange Cotst Oally Piiot Nov 6. 11182 4918-82 PUBllC NOTICE IUPIE!tiO« COURT OF CAL•ORNIA COUNTY CW OltANOI In tM ....... of tlte Adoptloft .. etltlOft of aHAWN 'tHOMAI ITAMCHFIELD, ~lftt p.,.,.L c-No. AD 19751 CfTATION THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA To JAMES JOSEPH JAYCOX: MUC NOTICC ..... '9CTITIOUI .,_ .. NAiii ITAT'ltlllff the fOllowlfte P*tOft le dOlnf bullllnael .. OOULO IHO • I I L COM PUrtA avan...a OIVlllOH, ,..,. latlnO <:.ntar, 160 l'eulatlnO Ave . llOa •• lliita '41. Coet• ...... Celllornia tHJt Ooutd a I L Comput., l)lltem1 Inc • a Florida COfpota· tton, '°" Leudetdala, l'L. 33Sl3. Thll blltllMU le CIClnduCltad lly a COf QOf lllOn.. Ooulc:t s e L c~,., 1)18tamt lne s. l . Oink .. Vlc:a PrMldaflt·Fl11arwi. lhl• •t•t-t w .. flied with '"-County Clerk ol Of'anQe O~nty Oii Oct. 12. 1912. ,, .... Publllhed Dr•noe CONt Ollly Pilot. Oct 18, 23, 30, Nov. 8, lffa. 4!15t-t2 Ml.IC NOTICE flCTmOUI .UllNlll NAmlTATllllNT The nema ol th• buatnau WESTMINSTER, L TO • located •• 4621 Teller A~ua. Suite 130. In Newport 8Hl!h, Ctlllornla 92880, II hereby regl1lered by Iha lollowlng petsOnl. Collins ~I Company, 11760 Sorrento Valley Road. Sult• 209, San Olaoo. Calirornla 92 t2 t la .Joll1 Oeveiopmen t Comp1ny, 71155 lvenho• A\lenua. su11a 408, Po Bo•.23811, L• Jona. Calilo<nlt i20M Thlt businaa It condl.lc.tad bV a Umlted Partner1h1p 1 Coltiru OevalOPment Co . B)" Robe<! A Stine, Vioe President This atatement was tiled with Lee A. Branch, Counly Clatk ol Oranoe Counly Oct 13, 1~82. ,1...., Publiahad Orange Coall Dally Pilot. Oct. 23. 30. Nov 8, 13, 1982 41185·82 rta.IC NOTICE K-02140 flCTITIOUI au ... 11 NAMelTATIMENT The followlng peraon• ire doing t>ullneu u : COST A MESA MITSUBISHI, 2833 Hatbof' Blvd .. Cotta M .... CA 92826. C.M.M.S. Corp .. 1 CaUfornla corporation. 3141 E. Broadw1y. Long Beach. CA 90803. This t>ullneu IS conducted by a corporation. C.M.M.S. Corp. Frank C. Aldrich lncc><poretl>' This S1elament WU ftled with the County Clark of Orange County on Oct. 12. 1982. ,, .... Publlahed Orenge COUt Dally Qllot. Oct. 16, 23, 30, Nov. 8, 1982 4580·82 P\a.IC NOTICE Orar1Q Corttt DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Novomb t 0, 1982 l 'I ; NM.IC NOflCl 1 'ICTtTIOUl IUtMH MUC NOflCC MUC NOflCf NM.IC NOTICf 'IC"TIOUI .,..... flCTmou• eu..... 'IOTITIOUI ~..... 'ICTITMKll ., ..... NAllll ITATWmlfT U.. ITATalllNT ,.._ ITATl•NT NAMI ITATalllllT Tiie ,.,..ng '*'°"' are dOing ln• 1011011.rng per•o11 11 001ng Tilt 1011owlng parton I• doing Tne tollowlng pareon 11 •omg ~ .. !wttM&•.. llllllMel.. '"''"""' u VALCO, t811 llhtanella H l W, 0 AT I U" rt N Q IMA~L IVtlNfSS AHAL VITI, M f:CAOUSOH 111d HAHN Teoace ~on• de! Mat, California ClAHICI 1113 HtwJ>Orl llvd ' Hf4 flledwooct Co•I• Maea, RtAl tGTAf( 3000 W"I Coatt HtH lull• 132 Hawoo1t IHtll. CA CellfOllll• 92t21 "'" Hlgnwav. Newport laot ch. CA Jana T Matoy, 1~ tt S11111enat1a 12163 lruc• D1v10 1 11chto1d :i .... • G:lll83 Tetr.ce, Coion• rltl Mar, Cetllorllle AH f llON't' If fV(N OA TT I. AedWOOd, COiia Mt ... California H £ N R I e f 1 A M A R I C 9211,. t407 Sanllago Of NawpOft 0..Ch 92tH rrROUSON, 300 C1gn•y Lena. l!llOtlatl\ 0 Maloy. lb,. CA.92HO fhlt bullntlN II GOnd~ft<) b>' 1111 203. Ntvwf/Ofl 8ee'11, CA t2M3 11n1ane111 Tarr•G•. Corona dal Th11 t>Ulll\all 11 conducted by 111 lndtvldual Tl\11 bu•tnaa• ••conducted by.,, Ma1, Catllornle tH:l6 lndMdual lruc:a lllachtord 111d1vlOvl!I Alldrew l Maloy. ts,. AnlhOnY O•lti Thtt ,,.,_,WU l~e<I with lilt Henl .. 111 M Fttguton 81ftla/lallt Ttrrace, Corn• oa1 M1t. Tnlt 11a1eman1 wu Iliad with the Counly Clerk or Oran~ County on lhl• 1t1tamei11 w .. hied with Ille c a111011111 9HU County Clellt or orange County on Octobitr 21. 19112 ' County Cleflt ol Ot~ CO\H••~ on v1c1or11 L. Maloy. 10 ti Novein~r 7, 1982 flOOIOt Nov.m~' 1082 8 1n11ne11a 'tarr1ca, Coron• dal ,.,,. Publl•h•d Orange CoHt Dally Mtr. OalllOrnll 921125 PuOll•h•d Ortno• COHI Dally Pllol, Oen 30, NO\I 8, 13, 20, 1982 fl201)1t Published Orenga Co11t Otlly Piiot, Nov s. 13. 20, 27, 1812 Thia butlnM• ,, conducted by I "'IOI, NOit 8, 13, 20, 27, IH2 • 4780•82 geoat•I oartnartlhlp 41fl·U 4026·112 .J•11t T Matoy Ml\ C£ PUBtlC NOTIC£ nimllC Ml\TICE Thit '"'""'"'WU liled wllh the Ml.IC """ flCTITIOUI •UtMH ruv ml ~~..:zb~~~ ~.~rll'lp County on 'ICTntOUI .UIMH NAMI ITA TIMINT l'ICTITIOUI 8U ..... ll f10ta10 NAiii ITATIMINT Tiit IOl)Owlng p1rton 11 do1np NAMI 8TATIMINT Publlihed Orenga Cotll Otlly Tht lollowlng parton It doing butint• at The 101tow1ng parton I• 001ng Pttot, Nov 8, 13, 20, 27, 1982 butlnl .. u . 0 0' L 0 E N ' . EA 0 I. E bulln•a• at 4858·82 .J ' .J ENTERPRISES. 1555 ENTERPRISES. 8172 Miiioy Ot., S T A IR WA V DE S I G N ------------MaH Verda Drive E. No 400, 0ot11 Hunllnglon 8a'ach, CA 92646, PO. CONSTRUCTION, 111811 Sharbaek PUBllC NOTICE flCTITIOUI 8U ... H NAM«ITATl•NT The lotlowlng petlonl ••• doing butlnell ••. WOODSON REGIONAL CENTER •2 Ml!AOOW FRfSi-PROOUCTS. 16042 Parlow_.,. Loop Unit "C", Tuttln, CalHornl• 82880 Bennie l!varau wooe11on, 1192 Mltchatl •20, Tutlin, Californla 92880 • Mell. Calilornla i2828 Boa 231 t. Coltt Ma ... CA 928211 1.11., Hunt1no1on Beach. CA 928-47 Jolln E Noble, 15515 MaH Sttn Slmchl Gllletman, 8172 Ro bert AbOelnaby, 16111 I Varda Orlve E, No •OD. Co111 Melloy Or , Hun\lngton Beech. CA Sherbeck Ln Huntington BaKl'I M .... Cat1toml• 92826 92848 CA 92647 t . Janet L. Noble (N" Phlll1p1>. Thie butlneH It conducted oy an Th11 t>ualnes• 11 conducted by 1n 1555 Mau Varda Drive E. Coat• lndlvlduel ' 1nd1vidua1 Maaa. California 92828 s t 0111atm111 Robert Abdetnaby Thll 111.1.innt 11 conducted by • lhl1 1taternenl wH Iliad with the Thia s111ament wH Iliad witn the general partJIDll(llp. Coun1v Clerlt ot Or•t>QD County on County CMltk ot Or1nga County on .JOhn E Noble Oct 29. IH2 Nov 2. 1982 Thia ll•temttnl WU lllad with the ,:IOOI03 f201127 County Clerk of Orange County on Publllhad Orange CoHt Dally Publ11i\ad Ori~• Co••• Otlly Dctooer 28. 1982 Piiot, Nov 8, 13. 20. 21. 1982 P110t. Nov 6. 13. • 27. •9!72 •3 •2 F2001M 49111 82 • ~ ...... PUBllC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE NAiii IT ATl .... T I r,,. tollowtoQ '* '°"' .,.. dCl4r\o I bo/9"'"'U N WMAN AVI ,AfllfNIAI. J 12 tt anoeoo Hewpo<I &eKh CA 92060 H O VOSI Utt l•11t11go Newport leech. CA t'llOO PAUL IMAPll'O. 3'04 Hlva1 Ava Newport Oelth. CA t2M3 STEPHEN ~CCLUl~ 901 Kln(lt Rd , Nawporl 8HC:h CA 8?603 Tl\lt butlneH It conducted t>y • llmllad ~1"9ftftlj) Ptut Shapiro flw1 1111tman1 WH lilad with the County C111t11 of OtatlQD COunty on No\lamber ~. 108~ ,.20un Publl•h•d Orang• COHI 0111)1 Pilot. Nov 8. t3. 20. 27, 1992 • A815·82 Mt.IC NOTIC£ flCTITIOUI 8U .... ll NAMI I TATIMl.NT The lollow1ng parton 11 doing butine• 11 Benv LOU INTERIORS. 3800 L E COHI Hlghw1y, corona dal Mar. C11t1ornle 92825 Biiiy Lou Connolay, 8 Whotaw•tDf Or1va. Cofona del Mai Cau1orn1e 92625 Thia t>u1lness 11 conducted by an 1t1d1Ytdual Betty LOU Connotey Tlllt 1talet11efll WU hied with Iha , County Cletk 01 O.ange County on • Octobef 21 1982 nocmo Pubh•h•d ..Ortnga Coest Dally Pttot. Oct 23. 30 Nov 8. 13, 19112 • "'lane Wood ton, t 192 MllCl>elt •211. Tullln, Calll0tnl1 92880 · Tt111 blltlnn• II Conducted by an ltldivldual Bennie Evertll Wooc:taon 1'!tt lfllemttnt WH flied with the County Cief11 ol Of'a.nge County on Novamba< 3, 1982 Publl•h•cJ Orange Co•1t 01lly Piiot. Oct. 30, Nov. 6, t3, 20, \982 4798-82 --,-IC-T""iT-IOU--.-.-u-..... --.-.-----,-IC-T_rr_t_ou_•_•_u_. __ ..,._..,.,.,.,--4889•82 • f"201225 Publl1hed Orange COHI Delly Piiot, Nov. 8, 13, 20, 27, 1982 4858·82 PUBllC NOTICE ftCmtOUl8UatNll8 ·NAMC ITATl•NT The tollowlng paraon It doing bUlinHS as· (I) SMAW FIELD 011. PAR'TNERS, (b) WINO ENERGY PARTNERS L TO .. (cl COLOAAOO SPRINGS INVESTORS II • Ltd .. (d) COLORADO SPRINGS INVESTORS I. 18882 Mec:At1huf Blvd • Sulla 340, lt11in., Calllornta 92715 Ronald C. Tiie. 1124 O.nnl1 Or1ve, Costa Mff•-ca11rorn1e 112828 This buMnat Is conducted by a limited partnaBNp. Ronald C Tate This 111191Mfll WU hied With I.he County Clark of Orange County on November t, 1982 FI0100I Publl1had Orange CoHt Daily Pilot, Nov 8. 13. 20. 21. 1982 4i23-82 PUBlJC NOTICE ,iczmou• ., ..... N .. ITA'ff•NT ~c NOTICE NAME 1un•NT NA• •TATEMlNT The tot1ow1ng pa11on 11 doing The t011ow1ng perlOnl are doing flUBllC NOTICE ftCTITfOUl·llU ... 11 bustne11 as bullneSS a1. ________ .....,. ___ _ ..... 8TATa•NT BUDGET RES l AU RANT GRAHAM'S DISTRIBUTING, flCTrTIOUI 8UltNEll The lollowlng pa,.on II doing SUPPLY. 15701 Tustin VIiiega Wly 1129A Lombard Piece, Anaheim, HAllllE ITATEMENT bullnala u: •J8, Tu1tln, CA 92680 CA 92801. The tollowlng par1on 11 001ng • WESTl!RN EVERCLEAR. 7110 Ronald 0 Craig, 15701 Tu11ln Gary Michael e.•ahem, 1129A bullneH u : Hamilton 138 Coate MaH, CA Village Way •J8, Tu11in. CA 92880. Lombard Pla<1e, tAnahelm. CA THE PROGRAM WRITERS. 92827. Thl1 bu1lne11 la conoucted by en 92801. 20401 Birch Street. Senta Ana. Jatla11on MlchHI Oavi1, 7110 lndlVldual. Shirley Gean Graham. 1129A Callte>1n11 92707 Hamilton 138, Co111 M•H. CA Ronald O Cr••o Lombard Pl., Anaheim. CA 92801. Rend11J Wlllord Orlschel, 20401 92827. Thi• ll•tament w .. llled with the This businau 11 conducted by Blfch Street, Santa Ana. Calltornla Thia butlne11 11 conducted by en CounfY. Clerk or orange County or Individual• (husband & wlle) 92707 Individual. Nov 2. 1982 Gary Mlehaet Or1ham Th11 bualnesa 11 conducted by 1n Jalfarton M. Da\111 f20112' This stotamenl wu filed With the 1ndiv1dual Thie ltllemant wu niad with the Publl1hed Orange CoHI Dally County Cielk Of Orenge County on Randal W Oflachel County Clerk of Orange County on PllOI, NOY 8, 13. 20. 27, 1982 Oct 16, 1982 Thtl 1t1tamant wes filed wl1h the Oct. 15, 11182. 4812·82 f1tt720 County Cterk ot Orengo County on '1tt7'1 ------------Published Orange CoHt Oallv October 21. 1982 Publiahed Oran9a Co"I Delly fl\JBllC NOTICE P1101, Ocl 16. 23, 30, Nov 6, 1982 1'200233 Pilot, Oct. 18, 23, 30, Nov. 8, 1982 ---FIC_T_m_OU_l_8U_llN« __ 1-1--4557·82 Published Orange Coest Daily 4548·82 NAME aTATEMENT Piiot Oct 23. 30, Nov 8. 13, 1982 The tollowlng parson• are <10tno PUBllC NOTICE 4688•82 business H --FtC-m--IOUl--eu-... ---.. ---· T I pp I Ts s 0 LA R NAM« ITATE•NT REFRIGERATION & HEATING, 6 The following paraon is doing Baar P-. IMl'la, CA 92714. t>uslness u L•wranea JOHPh Ryan. 8 Bear C RE A T IV E VI O E 0 Paw, lrvlna, CA 112714 PRODUCTIONS, 231 Cabrlllo, Howard Tippit, 6 Bear Paw, Cotta M111, Callfornla 92627 lrvtna. CA 92714. Greg Thon)pson, 231 Cabf1llo. This bullneu Is conduct"' by • Costa Mete, Callfornle 92827 gencHal patlnerthlp This buslnesa 11 conducted by an ~ence .J Ry1n lndlvlduet. Thi• 11•1-t waa hied with the Greg Thompson County Clerk of Orenoe County on Th11 atat_,t was Iliad 'IW!th the Oct. 14. 1982 PUBllC NOTICE County Cterk of Of'ange County on Octobef 22. t9112. ~FICTITIOUS 8U ... ll N.AMI STATEMENT T following pa,.on Is doing business es • CODE THREE ENTERPRISES. 22611 Jeronimo Ad., Lek• Forett. CA 92830 Oevld Forreat Scott, 22611 Jeronimo Rd., lake for•al. CA 92630. Thia busmess 11 conduc:1ed by an indMOual Oev1d F. Scoll This statement was hied with the County Clerk or Orange County on P\a.IC NOTICE Oeted: Oc:1obef 26, 1982. 8iNlFICIAL MANAGEMENT CQlllPOUTION By order of thll court you ere hereby cited to appear before the fudge P'DIHl•no in 1>epe11~1 8 or thlt cour1 on January 21, 1983, et 11:45 a.m .. then end there to Show cauH. ii •ny you have. why the pltltlon ot SHAWN THOMAS STANCHFIELD, tor the adOPtion ot JESSE JAMES JAYCOX and JAMES SEAN JAYCOX. your minor son1, lhOUld not be granted. The lottowlng petson1 are doing t>ullneu u . ftCTITIOUa .,._11 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Mam ITAftlll.NT WOMEN IN ADVERTISING, 412 F1 ..... 5 Published Or•nge CoHI Dally f200313 Piiot, Oct 16, 23, 30. Nov. 8, 1982 Published Orange Cout Dally 4521·82 Oc1. 14, 19112 • F1 ...... NOTICE OF TltUITU'I SAU On November 26, li82 11 11:00 1 m FIRST AMERICAN TITLE IN- SURANCE COMPANY, 1 Califomle corporation H TrustH. or Sue· ceuor Trust•• or Sub1Ututed T rustM. 01 thll c;ertain Oee<I or Trust executed by Helen 8 Han· cock. 1 Widow. and reciorded June 23, 1981 u ln11rument Ho. 33346, In Book 14111, Paga 924 OI Olfi· clll Raco1d1 ot Ortnga County, Celllornl1, and purauant to that cettaln Notte. or O!tlault tlwweun-det recorded Augu11 4, 1982 es lnatrumant No. 82-289157, 1n Olllclel Rec:-otda ot .. Id County, will under 1nd pur1uant to said Deed of Trull Mii II public; auction tor cash, lawful money ol Iha United Stetea of Amarlce . a cuh1er's check payable to H id Tru1tee drawn on a atate or n111ona1 benk, ~ ttlta or ltdtirll credit union. or a state or tederal ~nlnga and loan H•oclallon domlclled In till• 1111e, at the main entrance to Furlt AmDflc.an Title IMUrance eomp.ny located at 114 EHi Fiith StrMI. In Iha city of Santa Ana. Calllornla. 111 that right. lllie and 1n1er .. 1 conveyed 10 and now held by ti und1r 111d OHd ol Trust In the property 111vated In Mid County and Stat• daacflbed .. Of AlllltlCA, a Delewara ~. .. ,....., ltlAL EITATE HCUf111Tll8 UI IDVICa, a Ca11tom1a e«p0retlon, Me Agaftt D.J. llOf9er, Ill ~t _ ........ .,,1120$ Santa Ana, CA i2708 (714) 1153-e& 10 Publl1had Or•nge CoHt Dally Pllol. Oct. 30, Nov 8. 13. 1982 4778-112 PUBl.IC NOTICE c .... .,.., • NOTICI or TMllTIE .. I.AU T.S.Ne.1'4 NOTICI you AM .. DU'A"'-T UMOllt A MID CW TMllT DAftD APfttL t2. 1N1. UMLEt8 YOU TAU ACTION TO .... OTICT YOU .. ,.,..,n 't, fT MAY 81 aol.D AT A P\9lJC a.AU. • YOU MUD AN l.IJl\.AUTION CW THE NATU!ta CW THE f'ROCftlMNO AQAIHIT YOU. YOU 8HOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On November 19, 1982. •1 9-15 a .m . ALLAN B. WILLIAMS CORPORATION, • Calllornll co1por1tlon H duly appointed Trullff under •nd pur1u1n1 to Oeed ot Truat recorded Aprll 27, 1981 ... in.tr. Ho. 322eo, In bOok 14034, page 1517, ot Olllclal ~~di In the of!IQe of the CO<lnty Aecordet of Orange County, Slete Ol ,callfomle. Executed by OERI K. SMITH. "' unmarried women Will SeLL AT PUBLIC AiJCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (peyable at time of 11la In lawtul money OI the United Stat .. ) at the ff6nt entrance to the old Of'anga County CourthouH. located on S a nta An• Blvd .. between 8)icamor• St. & Broadway, Santa Ane, CA. all right, thla and lntereat conveyed to and now twlld by It undDf l9'd OMd or Trust In the pr09Df1Y tltualad In l9'd County and Stete dNc:rlbad .. : U>t 29 on 8kldl 29 of Newpof1 a.ct\. in the City OI Newpof1 8aecfl County of Orange, State ot c.llfomla. .. pet mec> reco<ded in Book 3, Paga 28. Mlacell.-. MIOD. In the Olllce of the County Aacordar of Mid County The atrMI addf-01 the real prOpetty Is 113 29Ctl StrMI, Newpof1 8aecfl. CA Th• underalgnad Trust•• dl1clalm• any llabllfty tor eny lncorreclnna of the ltraet edd'"9 and oth« common deMgnatlon. ff q , .._ herein. Said Hie will be made, but wl1hout coyanant or werranty, .... or implied, reeardlng lttle, pgtMStlorl, or an011m~. to Siii)' the remaining principal tum of tM note MCUrac:I by aeld Daed of Tr\11t. with lntarell thereon, H provided In Mid note, eclvancet, II ""f, under Iha terma of laid Deed of T1uet, faH, charge• ind •lipen-ol the Trust• 1nd of the tr,1111 CIHlad by Hid 0ffd Of TNlt. Dated· Octobef 19. 1982. HEITMAN a ... U .. 8 Attornaya at uw '°10 N. llelft 11. • 1 2 5 ....... AM. CA 92701 (7'4)~ Published Orang• COHI Dally PllOI. Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6. 13, 1982 4887-82 l'tllllC NOTICE '1CTTTlOUI .,... .. ,.._ITATUmlfl' The lollOwlng petaont .,. doing ~ .. : CROWN COMPANY . clo HAYMAN. DARNELL ANO BRESENOFF. 1IO E. Main Streat. SUl1e 215, Tustin. Calltomla 92680 G F von Muallllng. •3 El Concho Lana. Rolllnp Hiiia . Calllor'nll 9027 4 Bally Halln, 208 Carnation Drive. Coron• def Mar, Calllornla 92825 Mary Truda1u, 3271 t Seven Se•• Drive. South Legune, CaMtomla 92677 Relph Htehen•. 120 £. Lol>Ot M•rinos. San Ctemat11e. C•hlomle 92872 Thi• bUslnen Is conducted by a ganetel pertnerahlp. G. F. von Muafftlng Thie ltatement WU llled With the County Clerk of Orange County on November 4, 11182. Fl0111t Publi•h•d Orang• COHI Oaltv PHOt, Nov 8, 13, 20, 27. 1982 4i24-82 l'tB.IC NOTICE ITATOllPfT CW QAM><Jl .. NT CW UM CW flC11110U9 .,... •• Nam The following par1on1 have el>andoned the UM of the flctltloul The followlng l)«IOM -doing WHI Fourlh SlrHI. Sull• 208. bu.U-S u : Santa Ana. Callfornl• 92701 Pffot. Oct 23. 30, Nov. 6, 13, 1982 4883·82 Nit.IC NOTICE (Al RAG CONSTRUCTION; (B) Dorothea A. CrHgan, 25582 flCTITIOUI 8UllHESS R&G ROOM AOOITIONS; (C) RAG Creett Drive, Laguna Hlll1, Calllornla PllllJC NOTICE NAME ITATEMENT LANDSCAPES. 10081 Talben Sutta 92853 200, Fountain Val'-, c.111. 92708. F flCmtOUI 8U ... ll The lollowlng petaon Is doing -• Natalie Deal, 412 Wesl ourth NA• I TAYW•NT busineH u Donald Giacone, 201231 S trHt, Suite 208, Santa Ana, The lollowlng person 11 doing ASSEMBLY SERVICES. 18781 Giacone, 20231 S. New Br lain Calllotnle 92701 bu··~· as. viewpoint Lana , Apl. 183. Lane. Hunllngton Beach, Calif. This business 11 conducted by an ... T .... R-OPICAL BOAT SERVICES, Huntington Beach, California 92647 92848. unincorporated aasoclallon other 95111 Graham •3". CyPfHI, Callf. Rulh S11r, 18781 viewpoint Albert Rada. 9482 Atbury, than a patlnerthlp. 90630 Lane. Apt 163, Huntington Beaell. W~"":::'~~· ~ed by• This ,,r:f'.;:,• :~s~~:J:th the Greg Fr-. 11591Graham34. C1i~':;n:!,~!::11 conclucted by en general parlnerahlp. COU11ty c1er11 of Or•no• County on ~t>'uC:r!i ~~eel by an ltldivlduat Alb«t Reda Nowmbef 3, 1982 lndlvldual Ruth SHI Thia tlatemenl wu tlled With the F1011• Gr Fr-Thll al8191Mfll was meet with lhe County Qefli Of Orange County on Publl1had Orange COH1 Dally This llat~I WU lllecl with lhe County C ... k of Orll>QD County on Sept 17. 1982. ,,..,.,.. Piiot. NOV 8, 13. 20, 27. 1982 County CWk OI Orange County on Novembef 3. 1982 41122-82 Oct 28 1982 • F»12'» Publl•h•d Orange Coeat Dally ------------· • ~ Publl1hed Orange CoHt Daily Piiot, Oct. 18, 23. 30. Nov. ::.2 l'tllllC NOTICE Publl1had Orange CoHt Dilly Piiot. Noll 8. 13. 20, 27. 1982 PUBl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI ., ..... NA•aTA~ The follOwing pet-.,. doing ~u: l & R AVIATION, 4000 M8'Ar1hllt Boulevard. Sutta 5500. WHI Tower. Nawporl BHch, Calllornl• 92860. J1me1 R. Gorman , 34 Chrlatemon EHi, tnlina, Calltor'nla 92714 Peul Ville, 10408 L1cabra, Fo41ntaln v.uey, Calllornl• 92708 Lawrance C. Btrratt, 32182 Sea 111and Ortva. Leguna Niguel, Cat1lornla 112677 This butllneet la GorldUClad by • general patlnerthlp. Jamea R. Gormen This •t•temant WU flied wtth the County Clark of Orange County on October 6, 1982. QOMIA.N AND IAl. TAMW A Pt .... 1lt11el U. eor,otatloft -lllacAlttlw ~-­............. T_ ....,_.IMct\,CA.,_. F1ll070 Published Orange Coaat Dally Pilot, oc1 23. 30. Nov 8, 13, 11182 489().112 P't&IC NOT1C£ ftCTIT10Ua _,..... Pilot, Oct. 30,,Nov. 8, 13, 20 1982 4880-82 Nam ST.AU.NT 47112·82 The following petsons .,. doing PUBllC NOTICE bu"-• P\a.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUI 8UINEH OCH ENTERPRISES, 5901 Warner Avenue, Suite 209, Huntington Beech. Caltfornla 92649 Nathen er.ig Lee. mso t Colle ~. Huntington 9eacfl. c.ltfornta 92647 Cecilla Marla LM. 11eo1 Collie Lana, Huntington Batch, Cal1tomla 92647 Thll bu.llnaM II conducted by • jlDMfal J1Mlnanhip. Nathan C. LM Thia 11atemant waa filed with the County Cletk ol Orange County on October 28, 1982. f l001ll Publithad Orange COHI Dally PtlOt, Oct 30, Nov. 8, 13. 20, 1982 4797·82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOU8 eu..... NAME aTATlllENT NA• ITAYW•NT The following parson 11 doing The 1oMowtnQ persons are doing 11u..-.. bualnesa u · OESPEM OO'S PIZZA. 5932 (A) N AT I 0 NA L I MA 0 E Warnet Ava , Huntington BNch, CA COOROtNATE ENTERPRISE; (B) 112648. AUTO CARE SPECIAL, 105 E. lith GUY T TOMA, 9129 N Marina StrH4. Costa Mell, CA 92827. Pacllica Or • long Beach, CA 90803 OAVIO G. CARNEY, 318 lrla This bUtlnalt It condUCted b)I an Ave .. corona del Mar. CA 92825 lndlvldu•I _ JAMES OA('INER, 2. t9 Walnut Guy l~ Jom& St .. Nawpor1 Beaeh. CA 928&3. Thi• statement WH Iliad with the MICHAEL E. MORIARTY. 219 County Clertc ol Orenga County on Wtlnut St .. Newport 8Hcih. CA November 2. 1982 92683. f20112A This bu•tneu it conducted by • f.1Jbll1hed Ortnga Coast Delly general pat1netlhlp PllOI, Nov 8. 13, 20, 27. 1982 Otvld G. Carney 4921·82 Thia llat-1 WU filed With lhe!------------ County Clertt of Orange Counly on flUBllC NOTlCE Novembef 3, 1982 l------------=~:---"20180 flCTITIOUI 8UIMll ACTmoua eueM•• Publlehad Orang• COHI Delly NA• •TAtw•NT ...,_ aTA~ Piiot. Nov 6, 13, 20, 27, 1982 The rolto'arlng pertonl are dOlng The followlng petlOl'll are doing 48111·82 bue"-N ' bu"'-u: OSCAR BEAUTY SALON, 4417 AMER I c AN c 0 AT IN Q s P\a.IC NOTltE w l'lrll StrHI, Senta Ana. CA TECHNOLOGY. 2201-H StandAtd 92703 Avenue, Santa Ana, California ~ :'::' PHUOC LY, SS•021·82·05tt, 92705 A ....._ 14111 C0tdary, •218, Hawthorne. Jetry w. Smyth, 11211 San The tolowtnQ pet-. .,.. ~ .. CA buelc-6'M~E A DIVISION OF --ftC__,.~..,TmOU=""aT,..,..,.aA""'~~....,.==-• ..,..~- BESCO, 3921 S Britlol, Santa Ana, The,,_ of the bldlftMMI (1) Paac:ual. Santa Bal'bara. Cellt0tnl.a butlnaN aa. P H UC TH I DIEM T RAH • 93101 NINl'S HEARTS, 2 Sillppar, SSl220-l,_..28, 1250 Adem. No Allhur O. Powart, .Jr .. 2732 lrvlne, CA 92714. B·IOI Cosit M ... CA Hiiitop Drive. Newport Buch, JEAN M. SCHROEOEA. 2 Thia ... ,_t ..... flied With the Caltfornla 92704 GOLDEN WEST BUSINESS PARK The Flctllloua Bualnau Heme (2) aot.DEN AKAR ASSOCIATES, referred to ebova ••• lllad In loeated at 4621 Taller A...,_, Suite Orenge County on September 10, 130 In Newpo<t Beech, California 1982 92MO, II hereby regl1tared by the Staph an s ·sco1·1 en ii 1o11ow1ng pettona. A11ocl•IH. 4500 C41mpul Ul'IVa, COllnl ~I Company, 8280, N-port Beach. Calltornla 11750 Sorrento Velley Road, Suite 92= buslnala waa conducted by• 209, San Diego. C.illornle 92121 Celttornle 92880 Sklppet, lrllna, CA 92714 County Ctar1l of 0tanga Count'; on This butlneta la conduc1ed by 1 GERAlO R. SCHROEDER, 2 N<N9mbar 1 11182 Hmitac:I par1,_efli9 Slllpper, !Nine, CA 92714 ' ,..._ Afthur 0. P_.e, .Jr Thll ~ Is conducted by a Publl1hed Orenge COHI Delly Thll atatament -flied wtlh the oen-el part~.·~------Piiot, Nov. 8. 13. 20, 27, 1982 County CJtrtt of Orange County on JMl'I -· ......... _ 4911·82 Septatnbat 30, 1982 TN• lfatamanl -filed wtth the ------------''*'-County C1e!1t OI Orange C-ty on f'UBUC NOTICE Publl1had Orange CoHt Dally October 1, 1981. ,,.,. AC11TIOUI eueeNHI MAm8TAftMINT Published Orange CoHt Dally Pilot, Oct. 16. 23. 30. Nov. 8. li82 4520-82 Nit.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI 8UllNEll NAME STATEMENT,. The tollowlng person 11 doing t>us•nesa as: CREATIVE COOROINA'TING, t300 Sustell Lene. Newport 8each, CA 92660. JENNIE ROSE THOMAS, 1300 Suasea L•n•. Newport Beecn, CA 92660. Th•• business it c:onducted by en Individual Jannie RoM Tnomu Th•• statement w11 tiled with the Counly Cle<k of Or.,..a CoUnty on Novtmbef 3. 1982 , ... ,. Pubhshad Orange Coast Oally Pilot. Nov. 8. 13, 20. 27, 1982 41158-82 Nll.IC NOTICE RCTITIOUI au ... aa M"*aTATE•NT Tne~ollowlng pe<eon 11 dOlng bus1ness as F.AITH BUILDERS, 936 HOiiow Brook. Co•t• MeH. Ctlllornla 92626 Bobble Arthur Stawtrt, 1138 Hollow Broolt. Costa Met e . -canrornlt "911li76 This business Is conducted by an 1ndlvldu11 Bobble A. Stewan This statement was flied With the County CtDf'k of Orange County on November 3. 1982 F2011t7 Pubtllhed Or•nge Coast Otlly PllOt, Nov. 6. 13 20. 27. 1982 41180-82 MLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI ., ..... NAME ITATOIENT Th• tollowlng pa,.on 11 doing bullne.se.. • TACO TIO. 7871 W11ner Ave . Huntington ~. CA. YOON HEE HWANG, 425 S Maw Hampshire. Apl 302. Los Angeles. CA 90020 Thll IMninau 11 Condueled by an lnc:IMdUal Yoon HM Hw3flg fhlS st11-1 was hied with the County c ... k of Orenga CoYnty on November' 2, 1982 • F'I01121 Published Orange CoHt Dally Plot....No!L 8. 13, 20.21. 1982 4920-82 P\a.IC NOTICE Cor'rv"ltlon. . Second U.S . Aku. Inc .. a Piiot. Oct. 30. Nov. e, 13, 20, 1982 4787-82 ,..... Delaware corporation. Stephan S. Scott This bu91na1t 11 corlilucted by a ----·-------end Auoclll.. Joint Venture. P\B.IC NOTICE Publl•hed oran11• CoHI Delly PMot. Nov. 8. 13, 20. 27. 1982 4909-82 fht following parton 11 doing _ ftCTJTIOUa ., ... ,. t>utlntll U . NAm ITATl.....-r Merlen W. GrMnberg, Colllna DevaloPmanl Co Thll tt!:,'?waa flied with the e~.~':'~t&llna, County Clertc of Orange County on Thb tt•~t WM Iliad with LM November 4, t982, A. erancil. County Clatk ol Orange '1f7t71 Pubfl1had Or•ng• Coaat Dally County. Oct. l3, 1982. Pilot. Nov. 11. 13, 20. 27, 1982 48811-82 .. ..... PUBl.IC NOTICE Publlthtd Orang• Co111 Delly Pllol. ~· 23. 30. Nov 6, 13, 19112 ..eae,.92 " .. ,.. ACTmOUI ., ..... NA• ITAn•NT The lollowtnG IMlflont ere doll\o bU*'-•· VA 8U81HESS BROt<ERS. 743 Wwt .Bakat StrMI, Sulla E. Costa ,,._.,CA llHM ------------1 BRIAlR AVIATION,SERVICES, The tollowlng perton la doing PUBl.IC NOTICE 10 Partridge, lr\llna, CA tan• buslnett ... --------------1 Brien J1mu H•nratty. 10 MR. TILE'S TILING SERVICE, 8TATSM«NT Of'~ Pertrtdge. lr\llne, CA 92714, 1073 Nape, TuaJln, Ca. 92t80 0. UM CW Ttlll ~nees" condUGted by •n Robert Brian .John1on, 1073 rtennoua IUIMH NA• Individual. • Mapa. Tustin. Ca. 92680 Tna lollowlng partona have Brian J. Htnr1tty lhli bualnelS 11 conducted bV an abendoned the UM of ~ flclttloul This ttatemtllt WU flied With lhe lndMdual. llUtlnaM name: County Cl«k Of Orange County on Robert Brien John'°" M. f!EAOUSON & HAHN. 3000 Oct. 14, 1982 This ital-I was flied with the w. Cout Highway, Newpof1 Batch. '"'*'-Count c ...... of 0r-county on CA 112M3 P\Jbllahad Oran11• COHI Dally . y -ft _ . .,.... Tha t~a11mount oftheunpeld ~ OI Iha Ob41gatlon MCUred lly the property to be 1old and reHonebla eatlmatad c o1t1, ..,.,,_ and edVancM at Iha Oma ot the lnlllal publlctllon of the The followlng per1on la doing Hot1ce of Sale la 19.425.00. bulinNI M: ACTIT10UI ....... Newpof1 BualMN Group, Inc .. e Calllornla corporation, 7 43 W, llakat Btraet, Suite e. Costa Meea, CA 9H2t Thll "'*'-I II conducted by a The Fletltiout Bu1lnet1 Name Piiot. Oct 16. 23, 30. No\I. 11, 1982 October 211· 1982· ,.._1 referred 10 allova wH filed In 4!11M2 Publlshad Or•ni• Coa1t Dally The -~ under Mid Dead ACTITIOUI MWll ,.._ ITATl....-T corporatlof'I. Orange County on AUOUtf 2!1, 1192.1------------oc ..,.. 1 .. "" 1"'•" l.MMflold lnterwt In and to. LOI 177 of Trac1 Ho 2813, a per map recorded In book 94. paget 45, 46 and 47 of Misc.all• ~ Mmp1, In the olflea Of the county rKOtdet of said county. The ltrfft eddra11 or other c;ornmon daalgnauon ot said pro- peny 11 purported to be. 2001 81yadera Terraca:-Coro11a --oat Mar. California i2825. Said "la wlM be m.0. withOUt covenant or warranty, ••P'HI or Implied, H to title, posMSllon or encumbrances 10 Hli1ty the un· paid belenoe ova on the-note-or notee secured by H id Deed of Trust. to wit· '430.547.04. pk.ti the IOllowlng ..um .. tecl coat•. expen-us and edvanc.. at the time ot the lnltlal pYbllGalion of this Notlc;a ot S1ia. 13,3t9.42. NOTICE TO f'RON .. TY OWMIR YOU.,._ .. Dl~AULT UNDl" A OHO Of' TMllT, DAftD .IUNl 11, 1 .. 1. UNt.lta YOU TAKI ACTION TO .... OTICT YOU .. "'Of'Efn'Y, fT MAY M IOU) AT A PUaLIC Ul.l. IF YOU •ED AN E~110N Gr THE NA·· TU .. E Of THIE .. ltOCHOINQ AQAINIT' YOU, YOU aHOULD CONTACT A L.AWVIE"-Dal~ Novembers. 19112 FIRST AMERICAN TITL.e INSURANCE COMPANY A c.ltfomll QOrPOratlon JMl'lnlna LLe~,. 114 E F1tth StrMl, Santa Ana, Calltornla 92701 Tai (.714) 558-321 1 Publllhad Or•nae Coast Da1ty PtlOt. November 6, 1982 4933-82 PUBl.IC NOT1C£ ACTITIOUa ., ..... NA•ITA,.._WT The lollowlng per\'Onl .,. doing b\lllnetl .. ; OTL DEVELOPMENT CO., 12 Riopllng Streem, Irvine, CA 92715. Danny 'T. Ll10, 12 Rlppllng Stream. lrvlna. CA 92115. Balla H Liao, 12 Rlppllng Slr .. m. lrvtna. CA 92715 Thi• buW-11 conductac:I by an lnc:llvldual. Danny T. U.O Thll 1tat-I WU fifed with Iha County Clerk ot Orange County on Oct 111, 1982 . of TNll Piwttof!>'e elleCU1ed and Nam ITATRmlfT The tollowlng parten 11 doing cMllV9fed to th• unda,.lgned • PROfrTOUE8T AUOCIATES. ~Ill! Newpof1 Butlntee Oroup, Inc EdWWd WeMace, Praaldent HENRIETTA M. l'ERGUSOH, rtaJC NOTICE PllOt I ..... HOV . ... «Y. -- 30952 C1n1erllury 81 .. Laguna --~==--=-"'='!'===-=---1-----=======4=n4=:-N::= ....... CA 92817 f'ICTmOUI .,_ .. f1W1J7 Publllh•d Of'•ng• COHI Dally Polol, Oc1 18, 23, 30, No\I. 8. 1N2 4Mt-N wrttten Oedarltlon of Oafaull and 11411 w .. tcllll Drive , Newport HARCRIS & ASSOCIATES. C>tmend for Sala, and 1 Wfltten Beedl, CA ll2eeG 3089 Ranchvlew Orlva. Orange. fllOdc:e of o.teutt and Election 10 8 . Bruce Pa1111on, Oaneral c.ittornla t2t88 ..... The uoder•lgoed c.,..o Mid Partner, 1235 S a ntiago Or.. Chrl1tlne Lynn Stanley, 3030 HoUc. of Oefautt end Elec:1l,on to HMpot1 8eacfl. CA 92MO Aanchlllew OrM, Orange, Calttomla 8e1 to tit ,_dad In ttia tounty Thie ~ II conctuctad by • 92te5 wMr• tt1a real propeny II located. limited p&r.oiertNp. Thia bllllnela la condllG*' by an Data: October 2(). 1"2 8. er-Pattlaon lndMdWll. ALLM a •u•• ThM ~l ._ fflad with IN ~-L.. l!MleY C~T10N county~ Of OfWlfl ~ °" Tllfl ~.,_,. .. flld wt9I tN P.O .... m Del. 21, IN2 County Cler1t of OtMOe Count)' Oii 11 T ... CA -,_ 8eptem«lar 29, 1M2 (1MJ.:'.~ Publlthed Orengt CO•ll Diiiy fl._M A11M a, flllNa.. Piiot, Oct. to. Nov. II, 13, 20 tM2 Pullllehed Orangl Co11t Oal~ Pllllilahed Or1t19e COH I D1t(~ 47~2 Piiot. Oc:t. 30. Nov •• 13. 20, ... ...... Oet. to. Nov, I. 13, 1M2 •-II' 111\ftM' ..-.e2 _______ 41_1342_ ..--...,,-. "8JC MOTICl "8.IC NOTICE HCnnoue ....... ..... ITAW PtCnrllOUI --·· PICTITIOUa --·· The IOllcMlnQ penona art doing ..... ITATllmln llAlm tTA,._,, --•: Th• tollowlng penon It dOl"f 'f"-fOllOWlflt .,.,*Oft la dol"f C 0 U H T A Y 0 A R 0 l N bu11naM M: ~lilt' -OAYl,..M. 711 H. Main II .. a.nt1 9W11!T ~MA .. CI, IUI"-. .UNIWINl Pet FAAM. f,12 Me, Ct 12701 Ntwpott lfvct .. Cotti Mtu, Qaroeil Ot9¥t lfWd .. Oarctan Ofovt. IOlfllll"*o ltrHt lno. (a CelfO<nlt 92tU 1• ~ 127... ClllfOf'llie OOfPCl'll'IO") Ot~~Atollardeon, IU ~ lcloaalnl. ~U ~. Tllll ~ le ~ by• PMNr •C~~• MIN. Calllomla --AM.~ tr'P07 ~ 12Q7 • :'fNa .....,_ ta --..atec:1 II)' an eomor.to tit• lllO. TIMI bu11nm1 la GOftdWcted ~ 811 ~. ,... Otl....... lndMdual. I Dae ..,.... "'9lltleM Oewtd A Ndllf'dlOll • ,.,. ..... _............... THa ............... ..., ..... Tillt ........ -........ !tie F C)ertl °' Otlfllt Count)' ~ Count)' Qertl °' Of8l"8 C°""'Y Oft COuftty °""' of Orlftl8 OOuMy .., . ,,, ,. ~lit. 1112 ~ 21. ,.., ,_ ,_ . ,_, I~ Or.,,.. C.... Deify ttv......_,Qt.-.a CO.I~ Pvllfftflect Orefll8 0.... ~ ~0. .. 10. .... I. t~ "°'Oil '°• NcW" t, 13, ao4~ ...... Oil.•. IO, .... I. ,..,"l. "' • • Thia lfat-t WM Ned wllfl mt County Clatk of 0.9"Qe Coutlty Oii Oc:t. 7. 1"2. fl1ttf11 Pullll•h•d Orenga CoHI Dally 1'14ot, OCI 18, H , 30, No\I 8. 19t2 4656.- LOUIS OLEHN HAHN, 11 ,.._STA~ Stonelngton. Lagun1 8.-Ch. CA The follow'lng per1on 11 doing 92$51. • bvtlneM ... Henrltlte M f!trgulOl'I DISCOUNT RECOfU>S. N Falf TNt lfa*"lnt •N !tied Wltll lfla OflYt-. Cotta Mtaa. CA 921127 County Clerk OI Orange Co\lnty Oii TlllOf'l\tl Ar1ale, 23358 ~o ~ 4, IM2. T-.io. LIO""• Hiia, CA Ne53 • ,,., 11 "* bueitlt9t .. condUGWd .,., "' PYbnllled Or ... C.-0.lty ~ .. _IC 111\ftl'r Plloe. No\I •• "· 20, 27. IH2 '"°"* .. ,, ... r-nlrl~ 4121 ... a Thia 1tetell*ll ... ltled with the lt0nc9 or AYALM&ITY -----------1 County Qer1i of Orangt Count'; on .. A11M111 ""°"' "8.IC NOTICl <>ct. t4, 1M2. ,,_ N ic:~=-~ihet the HCTmOUe...... . "ubllthed Orange Co .. I 011ty A o~ ""*1 of Illa'*°" ,lllMI ,.._IT.A~ Hot. OCt II, 23, 30, No\I &. 1"2 """, It .......... ~ .. -..:. The ~ ......... clOlflO 466'-N tnC Ot • ·-Y.-.,_, -~--30. 1ff2. wltl be...,.....,.. bellMlnll (A)· .. I I: (.) .. v. I. I c "*-IC NOTICE ~ 15, 1HI 8' Ml~ IH'O"MATIOH: l<'I VALLIY _ __,...,...,.....,.......,~~~---- olfloa1ttt1 .. dctr .. lleledlltl0wfor "HAHCIAI. • AIAI. l!.ITATI; (01 HCTmOUe-N lnapectlOn Mint,..,..,_........ l'V81.IC IHIUAANCI, 100tt ,.._ ITA~ = ';'.., ~':,-:::,'::=t: ~'=' ~ '°""'lln 11._, ~o::wlng perto" It doing ttN af , _ __....... "••• lntatp'!IH Ina.. • "'9CllfON IN8TALLATIOH9. The lddfwea Uta _,_,,...,I ~ oorpcntlon. h01"-!11 .. ntnt. Ca t2T14 Of'lftOl9al offloe•le q ~ ley, Tllll ......... It oondllatecl by i.obett Lawfe18ol9ftl, HOI hwttl uoun-. Ctftlorftll tH77 _,.,..._ .....,. .... ININ. ca ftl14 Tiie ~ °' tile 'oun4etton'• ,_.... In._,._. 1110 Tillt 11ut11Mt .. ooftduetlld iW 811 pr1no1pe1 man..-11 ,,.,.. .. G. ...,. ,.... ~ Have you. entered the 1982 Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe Contest? For more Information call Janln lddelke (7:14) 642-4321 Ext. 242 ,.....,., Ir ~ "°'*' &Awlt ...... 0... M Ill IMJ Of~.... Tim• I u•• .. tied.... ftlla • 11 "UWlt W llli-.. "8 ni------.. ---lllillllaillliillllilill----~----lliUll~ 1M! • COunty Cllrtl °' °"""' ~ Qeufttr a.ti Of Orlflll COuMr tfl ,,.,.. Q ,....,, Ir. ~ ... 17 llU. 0....-II 1• ......., Of ,...., ,uncl, lftO. . • • ,_ I'~ °'9flte Coeat D9lf) ~ OrMte C..t ,.,..._.... Otlftle c .... Qellr ...... ~ I , 1W "°'·Oil ti, n ,'IO, New I , "°' 01t 10. Now t , 11. IO, .,_-.. ,.,.a l .,..... I J ' l •I , ----- ~---------• ' I - '.j I] - = Orange COH l OA•I. Y PILOT /81tutdty, No111mb1r 8, 1982 " Ill Ill Biii Births , our famous DIMES·A·LINE ~ , .. ,1..'111.~tl. •••• !.~ff l~l.'!l!~~ ...... 11.~f P " ~=NI NII• .....,. ITlft 010 Matte ltland It OM. HO 0tn ... 0... 1oot11ng '°' .... 1111e111. ,_ 1_, wa.../llTll ""''· 1Ur1Ct1Ye. ~ •200 _&.. 661·106' peraont to repreHnt .:::._ _ tht1n In tMW'e>vi club In MOVING· w...,~ 171 NWpt Id! lnltr1'-req N 17' Aefrto 12t0, ti" I Call for 1pp1 10-e , "CA color TV 1250 Mon·'''· Atk tor Mr. 4ff·111M DOLL lurnllure .... 18 1 NICE WOOd crib Wiit) ,,_ IAIY food w.,mtr t t 13 SWIVEL olllct chalt1 &ARBll! Ore•me hOUH ~~~-·~~--0 !. ffro.I lr1t reftla, 111 8111~ gta" table lamp m111r ... S46 l•bY bl· Macrtfftt plant 111"01r $:10 ••c. h Antique vtnlly S30 Btrblt furniture ano qu It, Ice mlktr. Almond HOAO -~IAL HOPITAL 125 Metil Y•nJty bench lhintllt • tll l\O . with I& Un••Mmbltd weight Chllfl 125 llCh Pair of aoceuorlta 120 llfblt lllllTAlf u . 1815 D52·0715 11t 5PM , • ._,.._,II 13 WICllll tern 1land Ill matchl'l •uto-twlng •nd !Mnell 1i 15 Imp~ beer enttque llYlng room dOll• U tech Lawn Id· 11or11ar111 po1111on In 1., 5 ~u 11 Frl ... "•lrt relr1, c.,.., Iii #11 ... ,,_,_ .._, M _... •• • .... ... 8P•rb~ c I I .. di•"' 18 -•di• 11 •tdewfnd., k • 0 l E • b 110 p I I N I c I .. ~ V'" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ';';11 •••• r.r. •••••• r ''"' ... r n iv., ~ · ry1 • canuy " . ,.. .. •g wo chllll 145 Hell. Flthlng ger ntedl cir • r act YI ewpor en tr w/lop h1tHr gold 132 • SAT. 272 I 11th Ave CdM lw~I ~•-a... Irvine, girt Bolt ol blul dr•,,.ry ototh high chair 110. Wllklfl tt1ok llPll It .. ch o-•r ball tank 125 Doell ot m•Plt night 111nd• A11L1tor'1 oltlce. ,,ont 6 8•0 69 • - Mr.1nd M11 Robetl Otnniwiy, S8 Origin•! oll palnllno U . S4 Ol1por t1oc1<•r Racket ball tacktl S20 boi1 S60. l.IQllll $10. au. need rtllnl1hlno 120 tor ottilt potlllon requ1r11 4 4 01"'"· turn, LLIClro n .. l 30t Sall t·6 •Huntington llMch. ooy. $15. Plata Ol•H mirror 13.60. Baby lood w•r• Ntw dlti>•r 11acktr 12 O• pump S1'0 01118 ltO both, 1.trO.t tl.,b1cu1 9ood l•lephone YOlce, Double oven eteotrlo IMly .uni, otd newep .. liiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii~i Mr. and,,.,. Robert Sallng 110 suvor pitcher 118. nllfl 11.115·110. Bolllt fwo duok IMI 110 pelr An.tlqut tnd 'tabtn '25. With cover 110, Conttm• tyi>ll\O. allorlhand I •P· range. 1100 or t>sl. 0701 Pttt. BoQkt, planll., llllT TAii IAU ~n~l~toh••<I O•le, Doll• S3 and 15 Aug Ill atortllzar ,14.60. PlnDall H•M m1d1 1hawl1 13 Ptlnttngi lt0425. Chry-porary tight fixture 18 pt1rance. AHi .. 1111 Llrkport Or, HB mite • Swlvel d .. k chair 16. m1chlnt 17 5<W Oltl HOii. Olaptr blQI 12 lllr hll\IV <luly bOll or Chlld·1 blkl ... , carrier urerlence htlplw but ...,an1td· Ult mdl SI S Sal/Su,;:--H°out1 hold Hualtngton Shoro Newport Seeoh. boy Whllt onyx lamp S Ill phont S 10. New puah Blthln1Ut al'ld chtf'IOl!IO trtlltr hitch HO. Chain 15. Foolblll It. Chlld'1 no "Mfltlll. Prefer IOC .. .,. • • llem1, clothlng. furn uo M k .P. 2 1002 P.C .H Mr. ind ~~J.~rly Fe•b•• Book• 3 tOt St. Trunk 13. bu 11 on w • t I P II on t llblt 126 Al•rrn cl"t:k aaw atectrlC 135 root• record player 18, I.Ike r11ld1n1. For Interview reflfra Whirlpool ptr d Begonia (In aliey) CdM l!nter ott Huntington St 1rv1ne, boy. 543 victor 11 Str•tl. S2~1.111550A811 tln1!"!.~:r.~ 15 new. Baby awing 110. St-SIS. Brau light ti•· new Tonk• lruok 110 call Mrw. Duhl 545'11111 ,. 11 •••• ~·fo~e Nov 5 4 7 19•4> Mr. and Mra. Jtflrty w1111ce, Co1t1 M11a (Park In· un · ' "" ""' "' w1µ ooat r•ck 12. Set ot turea 135. 260 precet ot SoHd m1pl1 rockl11g .... ., I . Ttwler 0., Kenmore wt1her 1911. 011 ':f!•••••••••••••••••··~~-~~~~~~~~ 1rv1ne, boy 1ldt) 8·5pm. car tter•o $40. Craig crochet needle•, new 12 ptwler. lllYerpl11e. all-chair. ••cefl1t1I condllk>n Allltor• \4-4j910 dryer $76, 111c dryer Saint John the Baptlat !: Mt. 1nd Mr1 Edward Wllf on, AUTUMN color llorel $t8. 8·track car 111reo 130 MIM. women clothe• 1•11 ver, large and 1malt $25 Hamiter caQtl 13 _ 160. apt ll w•tnt< dryer School CarnlYal 1201 ~toMOUt 8111, ,_..,.,,, Hun11ng1on BMch. bOy (artllk:al) Love'4Jat good Kr•co 115 SpHktra 12·13 11·$5. Men's clo-tt•Y•· tHpota, illvar· each. Bird cage 15 llr· ••t"'/IDO .s21s, 548-8872 . Baket 81 C M. sit. NoY. 13·10, warmupa, mite: .. Mr. Ind Mra 0oua111 Cut•for1h 12·130. Rock 8 track thea s 1·1 5. Auorted wart, ipoont. torkt, ge metal thermo• Ice -· 1 1 Sat Nov 8 0·1 H9fT\llton Huntington Beac:h. ~lrl condition 135. Metal Ille tapes S1 95 tacll Dooblt pot1 tor ptinll s t ·15 knlvtt. ewords $1·150. cheat U . Electrlc floor Flnancill ln\191tment Orm llFlll. Ill. I• Far. , ::=0~,~~4 :'~:'nB~~: II Bu<~M er: HB. Mr. end M11 Je rey Englehart cabinet ~~7~unllnglon m1ttres1 and box tprlng Large Hltellon ol P•· Tapes S1. Ukulele, old c:le•ner $5. Dooble bed Io r •du c I' o' I . iiiiiWikidiyiMii·Fi,i11i7igi.98ii98iii "The Lobatere" Bear SAT /SUN 10·4 870 t Cotta~. boy Beach. 4 $39 50. Black a.nd whit• perback •nd herdbtck 125. Mirrors $5·145. lreme 15 New Nortlakll Peraonnel/communlcltl<>t Mr and e:::"'~O:,, GarrtlOfl 42 INCH round SllNll and T\I 1 13 95 New Timex ~ok1 50o·S5 Eltctrlc Books s 1.15 S1t1,1rd1y 4 p~e lunch.on N\ 110. dept MC'y. Xlnl typ & •-H•Oll Garden Food. Fun 1 LarkPofl Or. nr Adema/ 1 tormtc;a table tor patio 01 men1 tltctronlc time cvrl1t1 15 Curling Iron only 1 70 t Pomona Chlldrtn'• gem .. endl 8/H req'd Exec. Nert-arr...,.. Games Newland. 2 Family. ~8::;'·,t~ Nlgortuw•, kllclltn. with 3 chairs tone gold wateh $39.50 and uaorllld Iron 1lze1 Street , Coit a Men. ·1oya 50c·l3 New Chrlll· tarlal •llP a mull. Non· ,1100·1200·$3000 011 GARAOE SALE·lot1 ot Game Table Ch•l11, Pun· Huntlngton Beedl, gltl 135 631·3701 1 Panasonic 5 track rec· SS. Shadow box •2. 63l.Q906 mu ornfmtntt, hand· 1mtcr preferred. Call Retrlg1_ Waahera. clothes, book• & goo· chlng Bag Set. Lawn A11t1A1t2I order SU 50. CaHttle Large 111ctlon pursu, craltad 12·14 3101 553~ • Oryet 1, Cooktopa, O l ea. Sun Nov 7 . M ower. Typewriter,, Mr. and Mtt John PHchell SLIDING glass door 811 ta1>41 player $5. Car PO< e11celten1 c ondl.tlon LAROE poktr teble, H · Pierce. Costa Mfu. S lee S 1 AM 0-, DIShw11Mr1. 8.30-4PM. 3291 Iowa. Lampl, Chandellef. Se· Newporl ~. bOy 125 Caplllns bed, 2 -r boo111c $30. uer· $1·15. Huge aelecllon 9t ecullve desk, extra long 75v87t9 (9·5). erv Ill on a= S Garden G19ve Appliance CM , • wing Machine, Fabrlea, Mr. and Mrs Alchlrd Ale1la. drawer. har<I )"ood $50. cycle $1. Vinyl couch 'latch bOOk rug• and yern couch, antique rock.,, • atlllt, apply at 2 an 13t9'1 Harbor Bllld GG Oflpet, Btd1p.-.1d. Coate MeN. girt Mattress t o flt $40 $50 Almoll new 141n 15420 large aelectlon prlam cllandetler, com· WASHER·drytr 135 Mo. Joaquin Hiiia Rd .. Co-637.S3330pen Sun 11.4 1 FANTASTIC INDOOR Comforter. Stemware, Mr. 1nd Mra. Kenneth Weber, 53S.t033 ti res 122 50 11ch . of Chrl~lmas needlepolnt merclal belt Vibrator. 111 dtrn tlectrlc wal~J''8' roni del Mar PLAIT l&lEI Sliver Plate Chrome & Leguna H1ns, boy vw Standard 1 1to r 964·2282 Huntington klll (new) 12·15 Large $50 flacll. 16038 Carle· place SAO 3 P•dd bar Telephone Sale• Ii I ltlfl 15152 Orang• Av $111 SarYert, Punch Cups, Mr. and M11 Timothy Collln1, wheels (4) Excellent Beach. aeleclion of kllchenw•r• ton Street. 2 streets eaal stoola 120 each. ~oder~ p•llO I •• !f!.!!•••••••••••••• Sun Many Houaehotd llem1 BllbOa. boy. dlll $40 67S.33t3 5c S2 Ce111n1 Fllght ol Harbor BIYd .. olf Liiac bed and chut 50 • · Schwinn Varsity t9~" new tor gltta. 962-1813. Mr. Ind Mra CM1 Jorgenaen, con on TWO bl1ck Ylnfl Str1to· tr~lnl~g manuals 420 (Zody'•) alter 9am.. plate glaat mirrors 14•50 Need 20 people to work Excellent condltk>n. 185. Furniture and Misc Items 8721 SQulrH Ctrcle. Newport Beach, gl11. CAMf>ER jacks $50 eacn. loungers 140 eac h M • hll. $15 each. Student dnk from our olllce taking 549 0432 Sat·Sun, 8th & 7th, 9-4 Sal/Sun 8_., Mr. and Mra How1rc1 KHley; Camper windows S25 Sunday only, Newport 111 '· women•. c • THREE new 48ln round $20. Large collee table phone orders tor Fllmeo • pm 833 Sonora CM 1--------- Founllln Vlllley. OOy Bench aeat for short bed Beach. 646-7925 drens •hoas 1i. Table tables. picnic, dinette .or 125. Table lamps $10' Processing. FIT or PIT. GIRL'S tO spd Schwinn, 751°·8258 ' · • Im.1 Allf"~ a truck StO. Youth bed t op Iron board 12• games Beautllully ital· each Coate Mese I SI d I II ht 26", Mint cond. $t00. •••••••••••••••••••••• .. n<1 .. 1 1 S1 ... n ..... g TIRES: 1·l18x 15. D701114, Wooden wrouHhl Iron ned and finished $45 · u en 1• moon g era. 850•0220 Roll bet for 1mall truck, llMf •f•ffJ ._._ ... r. 1 ... r · rry "' ..... r • $10 Snake cage large G78 15 6 1 $ o h 754-t098 & olhera welcome Musi ...--Legun• Hilla. glrl, · S • x PY 1 eac · candlelabra a . Large each Matching benches I · lge parrot cage. mttal Mr. and MP1. Wllll1m Burell, glasa front IO, Pres· 631·3701 mllernlty clothes S2-$5. $10 each. 540-1736 TW. 0 llvlng room and . apHk English clearly. l•/l'i•f dellctor Hobie 12' Mostly furniture. aome lrvtne girl chool supplles ll·S10, MATERNITY clothes. Fall Saturday and Sunday. tables, very good con· ~ll~~aln, We olltf ug 1~ #illtilll 1011 monocat'. Kawaukl :~:yl~~~~.:.A:I u~~~ t Mr.' ind Mr1. w11111m Terr ant. Dinette with 3 chairs $25. atyles, size 10. Some 2530 L etllgh Place. COLOR TV 191n. works dllion 140 each. Magna· 2 perTOweek. a I •••••••••••••••••••••• t25MX. loll more. Eve· T111-1n The Ra-~ .. bt-Costa Mesa, glrl. 769 Center Street. Sat· cos•.• Mna. 545.2479 or good $20 .. 151n RCA col· voic 1100, model atarao ~554..0444 DAVI llW •a I n lhl 11 got Sit _, '""' "" Mr. 8 n d Mr 1 • M 1c h 1 e I urd1y all day. Sunday brand new. excellent 548 •279 or TV works gOOd $10 • O • ry ng mu " Jellrey & CulYer. 1tem1 MoorhouH, Huntington Beach. 12~5. 631-4489 condition. Slacks. blou· ·u Heathkit AM radio $5: Oood and workln~ co 1 TUYIL AlllT Redwood 2x6 decking, Nov. 8· 850 Oak SI .. C.M. 501to1100. boy. FISH link. new. complete ses. s-aters $10. Osres· F70-14 W /W tire S 10. 642-9326 dlllon s5o. 646"30 5 1 , Orange County. Comm'I 4.20· 1ong. alao redlNOOd YARD SALE: Flah rod1. S hool Deak Shop vae Mr. 1nd Mra. N1gesh Shelly. ses and lump.,s 25. Pt95175 R 14 radlat llre DOUBLE bed box aprlng Sabre Agency. 2 years fencing all Jim~· K-re111 furniture mlao c • • Huntington Be1eh, glrl. with everything Including 548·3080 SS. 41n wood ladder $3. TWO 241n. boy,J 10 ·~ and maltreat wllh frame exper. Call between 8 anytl~ 775.u11t -· Frl-Si1 9·4. 281 'E. 18th Beds. Ski Equip, Snow AllgUet 30 arllllcal plants. gravel. c., double bike rack bikes 135each. Crib .-0. S50. Black 100 white T\11 and 8 PM. 714-673-2414 •• St. blower., r~tl-1-way bed. Mr. Ind Mra. Steven Johns. San llltera. llghll. 10 gallon, BLACK and Deeken~ drlll 17 50 Carl top rack High chairs (3) 15·115. &In good condition $35 Hot Water Heatara. chlldrea desk, etc. Juan Capistrano, boy. cost $75 sell 135. VSR S17. Black and 17'50 ·Two mlnl blinds Olrl1 clothes, size 4·6 coitee table 5,ltltx2~1i TYftlT PAIT 11'111 40·50·75 Gallon, perlect Antique & Collectabtea 19332 Sierra Perla, Mr. and Mrs. J1mes Hudson. 675·7046 Decker ctrcutar ~•w• 40ic57. $15, 545-3838 $1-S5. Bronze marine made 01 4•4 hffllY $25., 8 to 3 PM. Lido \/llltge working order. guaran· Slit. Lota of pink glaH, Turtle Rocil. 9·5 Set, Sun San Juan Capl11r1no, girt TWO c:ll<ome 151" wheels 1 v. I n • 6 ~ · 5 14 I n hardware: Small cleats, GrMn end table 31Uc31t ArM. 873-03" teed. 833-5045. doll•, record•, booka, 12·5. Auguel s1 $21.60·128. Black and KEY Oupllcallng machine. :::'J::, I 1 ·120. Lerge S antique ck>thlng, Nnena, •~--------Mr. end Mra. Gary K11u1, Costa Iii Chryste< or Ford $30. Decker: ~~ Rouier $28. aome blanks $50. lock blodl1$35 each. S25• mall brown end ftml 4X8' window w/2 aide old dllhes alao 2 refrl· Sal/Sun 9-5. 4941 Pueo Mesa. boy. COhn!.,~1.".,._~~.,.c51r.el"!'_!! 91n carb aaw 127.50. lnllruotlon book• $50 Aleotlol llove $20. Snack tdable 2fld112111 $et0.S6251xl Publllhtr needl ,_.ton screeris !_Sf!-.,82~ geretot cl~lllta $215·$35 Segovia. 55h3·14/802 Re-Mr. and Mrs. Audy Rodrlguel. .,_ .. ,_.., .,_ 1•1.1n carb aaw $8.50 Blad< and White T\I ttrn. treys $1, Set ot glasae rawer " • ' • ...... ...,.,;..., .. ICh MuCh II more lrlge. Waa er ryer, Huntington BMch. boy. Co. 11130'• composlllon 6~1n carb saw S 12.50. portable 150 Outdoor 1~. Radio $5. Kitchen· Small colt .. table 3~x2 10 wrlll local 9411°'111 for es a· S ' muc8AM 12 .. ; Bunk Bed•. Et~ E~. doll Shirley T pie took .. S to. Never ua'd 3 10'1 glolly publlcatlon. ldeel "·-a. et un · ~ ':f,'-'-1 · Shi em T pie I 7'/t pannellng 13. Stanley clock, wired lor llghta ware 25c·$2. Lamp $5. Ski and 1111 11 1now ror college Journalltm ..-1146 • London d • r r y SI . r... ...... ti Mr. Ind rs. Gregory Vigoren. alike on rley em tape f2 It and 18ft 150. Mini bike frame, 2476 Santa Ana. Costa boot• 535 559-8681 at· maJor. Submit temptea r...;-••t 1131 549'7021 ::Ji'••••••••••••••••••• tN!ne, gin body ISO. 548-1736 1 $3.50·$5~0. 6 and 10 tlr• and wheel• $35. et. I Mt11. · . • 1t 18 w BalbOI 8 1 .. ~:-""'"•••••••••••• Sal/Sun. Nov S.7th. 1M. Mr. and Mta. Wiiiiam Johnson. amp b1hery charger cyclt lrlm4f. handle bar1 ter 5pm. Irvine. ~B 92881 • ,, • Ekallte underwater hou· Big Sall. Furn. china. 74 \IW Thing w/h1td top, CGlll Mesa. boy. i6 INCH man's Beach $22·S26. Timing Ugh I $3. Dial telephone s 10. ORV firewood, big pin• KING 1111 millren aet · sing for Cenon A· 1. gt .... etc. Sal/Sun 1575 custom lkll, ltlelcoPe. Seplenit. 2 CrulHr 135 Ladles 3 StO. Small hand tool1 Tools 50c·$5. Small stubs, 5 for 12. Tiiie Ill w 1t h Ir am e S 5 a Wtd, Houeekeeper tor In· Complete $250. Gerl Orange Ave. Not before Set of Mz:b wtleels & hUb Mr. and Mri. Lawrence Olaleln. speed t>lke $35. New 12 • S 8. 0 o o r Io ck drenlng ta bit, needs fr 125. Coffee table $35. 760-0340 lent, Mon & Wed. I.II• 548-4903, SAS.0272 9AM. caps, clothH, cook· 'T,:g~~d Mr• Oennls SllYI. 26•2 125 Knobby tires 5"·$6.50.5*-7381 rehnltll $4.50 Elecvlc limps S5·S20. Clothes Hlkpg Eves640-1948 HOLl~Y Bf.ZAAR books misc & much S8 ea c h O rlg l,nal , II bb s5 1135 50c·S2. Picture lramesSPORTS equipment Telephoto lena , • c' • •--( tt Mr. 1nd Mrs A~er w11111ms, 125. N-26x2. 125. bike with color organ 11 !I. Mac Ken z: 1 e PI ace b SS As new dou~ Tires S 12 Bab clothe! •• ~!~.!!' •• !!.......... lor canon Olmtfl. s100 gll1s, Annalee doll•. toys. 8th St). So. Laguna. Park Hunttngton BMch. girl Springer ror 261n bike CHILDS portable phono oor scru er . 50c.13 As rtew sleepl 12·$50 Lampa $8-$251 • t " 100·200mm, 70-150mm Chrlll • decorallon1, more. ;yp<es1 ....... o Huntington e.ach. grl. wheel $25. Exercise bike Speakers atereo pair 557·5659 w~ven bedspread, S1·S5. Stereo '30. Rec· bll 8H IM Gerl 548-4905, 845-2013 etc. Sat Nov e. 9-4PM, on 8th St. 499.5049 H![ino~~~~. ~k Hsnen, S30. Broom vacuum $6. 6tn1110n,11141n St5" Lug· DIRECT to Disc records 108x1l8 (gold, beige. liner $30. Dehydrator ••••1•••••••••••••••• frH I• fl• , IHS ~~6J.1Bi~" St. (Mete ,,__,, J.Mt Mr. Ind Mrs. Riymond Hesser. Tan 1c vacuum s 1 2. gage rack 18. Kids ly· (new). Lta Brown and orange) IA5. Candy and S 15. Typewriter $35.1 WESTMINSTER ABBEY 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• ;-.-.-;r.•••••••••••••••• Hunllngton Beach, git!. To aster, c an opener, pewrl ter $8. Sterlln~ Buddy Rich 12.50 each. frull dishes SOc·S2. 229 Boat air horns $50. ANTIQUE MALL LOVABl.E RABBIT Sat 6111 9·4. 2320 Elden MUl.Tl·FAMILY. Furn, Mr. 1 n d M,.. Th o me 1 waffle Iron 15 eaeh DI· waler cooled •Ir cond1· Electronic P•rts 5C·lt Slerka, Costa Mesa. Painting• $t0·150. Clo-I 11751 w .. tmlneter Ava Lop·eared F, free to Co1ta Mesa. Trlcyclea. household l~ems, clo· Mc8rearty, Newporl Beach, t>oy. ne11e table, while 'tor-lioner $15 (u la) Clock 1969 Toyota Mark II Saturday 9·3. thing Baby, maternity, GARDEN GROVE · good home. 548·4t02 baby furn. ctotlllng, hou· thing, collect1blea, com- Mr. ind Mrs. Miiton Kelty. mica S25. 6 Rattan di· radio (as Is) $2. Tube trans $50. Toyota carb COAT navt belled like golf. men's, women • 5.,~ .. 103 sehold Items. plete dark room equip; Laguna Beach, boy. nlng chairs $10 each. type FM tuner 88 to 108 150. Toyoll Corolla 11-$35. Driftwood Beach .,._., Poodles f ree t o good c1mera1. Sat 1 l/8, Mr. Ind Mra. D1nlet O'Sullivan. Card table $6. Sleet fol· MHZ $10. AM auto radio starter $20. Bugeye new $10. ashmere bel· Club eeach/P .C.H. home, Sherry's Poodles. Housellold goods end 9·4PM. t820 Warwick Newport Beach, glrl. ding lablt $8. Char Bar· $8. 7 Inch Mult1n Ian $7. 1 Sprite doora $35 each. 09 $8. 011 white like new Huntl~gton Beach. TO· 546·2848 furniture. Htraa. 338 Lane; Wtatclllf Dover Mr. ana Mra. Mark WOOdlord. b'ecue StO. Lamps Portable Fleallatlc AM/ Brak• drums $20 each. $10.All 12·14.19in.col· day and Sunday 10·4j •---LftPllTHl'I' .. Bordeaux Ln. 10-6 Sttl Shores. "-t .. _. ,,,,., F $6 or TV $35 842·5969 _,,.... ParsonaUly + Benji ty· S n 842·7109 •----------Mr~ ';;dM';';~· Wlltlam Klrleley, M ·S 10. 321n S«e.t door M transistor radio . 54}-1014 . • only. I OllllTIY FAHi pe", 2'n yr M. lree to lo· u . IGlanl moving sale, exec Sant• An• Height•. 91,1 S6. Window air condlllo. Calculator with power WOOD rock8f 110. Chan· CRIB and mallress S10. MANUAi. portable type· Set NOY. 13. 10-4. Ying home. 842-8752 Sat/Sun 9·3. Ping pong desk, re1rlg. sofa. chrs. Mr. and Mra. Rldwd Cu11non, ner $50. Oscillatfng table ~~ri :x8 ~r;:" C::~~ glnQ table S 18. Wood Peterson itroller S 15. wrlier $35. Eurtkl up· 1800 w. Cool Hwy table. camping equip· much more. Nothing OY9r FountainVafW/. boy Ian $10. Directors chair double bed '35. Coueh Swing with canopy $14. right vacuum 135. Wirt Newport Beach tS~aiP~~~e/:C~::~11~:: ment, surfboard and 1 500. Sat Nov. 6. Mr. and Mra. Roy Davit, 1rvme, $10. Deck chair S10. ~~ :0-:~ ~~r,.::. $14 l'able ind chilr• Baby back pack $8. In-pet pen tor anlm•I tc V 1 t l 1 misc llema. 1969 Arnold 10AM·4PM only. 423 boy. ~~~ c~~~!~~~; $15. Electronic book• a2 $35. Hld•·•·b•d 125. !.'..'!' !~·,~ $3cft:)uSper 21·11) high, 28-ln, 18-tn 4 Antique Preubeck 4::.~,;9 e . OY ng. Ave. S.8·1734 ,_v_ ... _._Aor __ • ____ _ each. N-Reallltlc AM Love IHI $45 Wood ..-• -or ' ome deep, 25·1n high 1 115. Chairs with 42" Olk tab· Cl c 11 player/radio StO. One table and c hair S50. toddlet1 clolhas slz:e 2 844-8089 alter 12 p.m. .... R.u\I\. E~ 842·1175. Free to go ob home ,,.._ GS E: T bib Antique aw ouc • lllll llTICIB halt H.P electric mot0< Digital L E.O clock radio Double bed and book· and 3. 25c·l2. G.E. dta.. .. _.. .... Al edllef so.-Herd mill ..,,,,VIN ~l . op Y chlld'a deak. dealgner s 0 s di 1y aft 120. Glass vues 11. 6 her •30 T 1 bed SHELVES $10 St5 s It I r • ..,... • ltema, TV•. furn .. mlr· clothea 11 7-10. Toys. 1 • atur Y on er Inch speaker $5 pair. c:ne h••dDoard 125. llwas .. . w n • u . 819 Old. rocker from P'I-lovable ne~d&. room. rort, wallpaper, com. lhltted ctva. kid's bltl•. Sam. s.t5-72t5 2130 Ooc1ors Circle "O''. Lamps. end tables, col-130. Twin bed head· UteS S10. ~I•. vele gun club $200. 497-4965 I adding mec:hlnea. type-planQ. Marlmeco print. -----------WASHER $50. Dryer $50. Q>sta Mesa. 642·7589 tee table 15410. Bladt botrd 1$4. Alter 9:30am. 125• PIP" back Dookl 982•3824· Circa t9110 Free kllteo1. wrltwa. PorlChe 9t 1 ,.., etc. 1831 Port ~. EGLY Dlahw11her 150. Push BEAUTIFUL d .... Ind w h 11 e T \I I 3 5 · 845-0327 or 64S-l070 ~.~ ~et~s.::;. ~ Beauttlul qullt from Mid· bOx trained end & part.a, plut MORE. Sii 11· t. m-110 Electric ed· own, ... own S.3..()85-t or 1163--8487 PICTURE karnes 50o-$2. Skll'a $35: PurMI. F'°' -· 1150. 646-3101 487 Ogle St c M °" lr.1--------- P AUL IN E HAZEL ger ltO 22t Flower! corduroyoOUCf\511$50. FILE cablnll. mttat 4 Record cabinet $S. thee lt·S5 323E 759-1877 YlneAve.Sal/Sun EAST ESTATE&. GA· F.GLY, resident of Laguna Street .• Costa Mesa. Al-G •rd en ·""' I nd ow draw«. allQhllydamaged HamperSl.50. NewTOfo WHhlnglon Avenue 1029 Hammond org1n, l•r.il•1t IOSO RAGE SALE . Collectl- Beach, Ca. Passed away on ter 121>0 ~.'.~ ~8~ 3 9 1 n W a 5 O · $45 845-0892 wead eater $15. Nlgltt Colla Meaa. Saturdl) $300 Mlrr0ted drentf •••••••••••••••••••••• Private P111y. HouM. 4 bles. antique Orienta! November 5, 1982 tn South AMERICAN EncyQopedia 1973 KAWASAl(t 175 dirt •tltld $5. Small bamboo 9-3pm marble lop, $300 Lea~ Ne"' mattreH Hie: lull car gar. lull or unique old I°'' ~· !:;·:5 ~ Laguna. Ca. She w as born $50 Strolee atrollel car LARGE chest drawer• bike 150 parts $t·S5. tight ahade St. Antique MEXICAN pottery'loi ded glue windows. 20 $85, queen $105. lllno 11mp1, wooden chairs, ~~ 1~8 · onJd.ay 25 1925 in Texas a 1911 booster seat S50. 120. Four drawer desk Two utra wheel• 15 foot ttool 13. Whal·Not· ~, S50 8.__...,, ....... pct. m i te . alz:..ea. S1\5. Andy 750·5832 tat>tea, decorator pcs. ·• · · resident of California s1n'ce Twin' mattress. head ana s2, (}.-LSiYI 51ngTroombl ,chair. theff Sl.EMltll'lc-earvlng ....,,.. . ......,.. .. v ~· S500·S 1QOO. Br• bed. Redee-atlng Home. h"'h Stl 11·5. 843 w. 15th CM S . . ,ed.. h foot boards S t5 New n ce . a e amp, each 1306 Weatellfl set $3. Exit sign 12. StO. Pair of lamp1 ..,5 p .,... "' 548--0135 HARBOR VIEW GA· 1941. he IS surv1v by er carpet assorted. sizes large $5. Ladlea over· Or111t1, Newport Beach. Men's Ski skates $10. Typewriter StO. Totattft $150. 1701 omona, gr.O. used turnllure tor RAGE S ALEI SAT. husband Paul of Laguna s io.sio. New tevelorsJ nlQhl case 14. Steam ELECTRIC barbecue 145• L•dles muskrat fur coat $5. Woman's leathei C.M. S3t·0906 Ille. 673-3432 Pair of American mags, 4 ONLY. Quality Item•. ft Beach, Ca., 3 c hildren 115 uch.Roun(lmart>le ironG.E.IA.8oy120-1n. Gas barbecue $40. Ten S50. Ironing board 15. coal $15. Sliver caralf Antq. barber's chair. Sola & loveatat, velvet boll pattern w/Ure. site you e11pect Junk don't Michele Dudley of North table top SlO. ltlllan Illes -t>teyct ... v•rfeC1 t25. speed bike IA5 El«:lrle Glr~·s-end ltdlu good 120. Shipe wheels $20 t1130'a. porcelaln, •Int orlentet-prlnt. New cond F·80· 14 175 each or come, French Country c r G s f 25c each 642 8704 I lawn ~ edger '50 II h I $35 s It IHna. alacks, blOUlel Siemware SI. Picture! cond 1550. 881·9421 1225 751·8133 couct'I, couch & towMet, aro me, r eg trona. '? . • Raic:hte sld bOOts alze 9: ~!1 fo•:d"warmer sfs~ and dresN• atte'1 t2-20 and baaket• $1-$10. Pa· . • . 1150 pair. s .. Olm•'• chrome & glua 9'9Q9'9, Covina, Ca. and Patricia DIAL·A·STITCH sewing 15. l.adlea elactrlc Bell and Howell moYle 150c·S10. N-gold Je· perbacks 50c. 394 Ro A••'l••tn 1011 ANTIQUE CHAIRS(Wood) •·llne. Sat only. C.M. butcher block table. Egly of Laguna Beach, Ca., machine $50. Ron.a.way mak ... up mirror $4. Calh projector 150• Manalleld welry 11-115. Saturday cheater. Co1t1 Met1 .r"r.o•••••••tt•••••••• 115. Naurlcal. 3101 Pierce. 75 l ·4J710 wlndlOf chalra. wuher, also survived by her mother bed 361n. 130. H78x14 only. 53e.6262 8mm Action EdltO< IA5. and Sunday 9·4. 269 C Batween Tustin ant AP~~~~~ ~~~ICE 75t·8t33 Chain link fence & glle d~ & more. 1927 Port Ollie Slaco of Chino, Ca., 2 alee! belled tires W.W. TOYS 5c-S5. Black and Sliver screen s15. Sa· Monte \/l ate, Costa Santa Ana. Saturday an< I We aell recond .. guar. Old end table 135, old $150. Elec dryer 1100. ~Br~ll~tol~Clrcle~~·~N~.~8~. ~~ sisters Jerry H anson of new 135 each. Royal wtilte T\I 125. lndullrlal wyer 500 alld• projector M .... Drive down lane to Sunday 9·4 appllancee. ~e.3077 chair $15, rnd bt1Yeted Stereo 175. Video game 1; Modesto Ca and Wanda portable typewriter, Ilka "rill ••5. Children• ct~ adapter lor caroMI S50. '"' houN. STANLEY gar• .. • doo1 mirror S25. port. type· S20. Clothe• lllM 5, chll· ......_ •-._._ ' · C new 140. H.O. turn " ... ..... I •-1 -• ., 1 llY ·-•·--s I 1 1 d dren1 clothtl Chrlatmu l _ .. ., -.. • -Larkins of Chino, a .. 1 buckles 121n. 12 each. thlll 25c-S1.50. Saturday n1erna1..,na .. Iver pew-FRENCH provenclal b•· opener $35. OOOf hlngtt Arn.U11RS wr ter, new Y serv 0• • Many "ema furn detka brother 0 .J . Sisc o of 548-6232 81m·2pm. 2241 Raleigh. '"lamp $15. AH excel· droom set: Chest of with Nfely tl)flng1 $20 Ln 057-8133 125. 962..382• decorations & gt1t1, tug-410 Viet•~· 9 to 4 Col rad S • Col ad Costa Mesa. Wll1on. lenl condition. Saturday drawers 135. Double 557-«M s T 1 gage. ('10 DATSUN beet PM Sat · o o pnngs, . or o, EYEl.ET 61n. wide $1 yard. Harbor, \llctorla, Pl•· Ol\ly 2!> 10 t 8u1h1rd bed headboard toot REFRIGERATOR WANT· Baby troll er' w n , offer). 448 Either St, 1--------- and 7• grandc hildre n . Z i ppers , buttons. cenlla. Street HuntlngJon boa~d 135 Two end REDWOOD t5e tt Pint Oood~lllon =':'$1.fs~';f::2:f:91· C.M. Salurdayonty. FRJ/SAT 9 AM to 5PM. Funeral .e.vlcet will be held material, elastic 1c-50c.. Beach ' 1 bl 115 · h Cr 1 tOc It. Fir 5c It Tolllt •1__. • F~ •-•-2318 Port Lerwick. HVH. on Sunday, November 7, Dolls 50c·S25 Ladles FRANCISCAN earthen· • •• eac ; u • 124 Plumbing pipe and Private Party 887-3039 Furniture a Acc:iessortes. ..... • -Clothlng, pint pong ware dishes. MMoe for MENS 10 speed blkt IAS. Ches 15. Chil<lrena IOyt 1111ing1 5c· 15C each. 1 <>-'-'~ator. Bikes, Han-Furn . drepea, toht fl•· dHk. misc. kltcheri 1982 at 2:00PM al Pacific clotnes 10c·S2. Oiahes. 6 with e•tras. Excellent Stattonary jogger $20. 15c·S5. Chltdrena clo· \lalvea soc each 830 WUh«..()rytr 126 ... ,._,.._. turea, medicine ceblnet1, Item•. Sml appllancea. V}/!w M emorial Park. In lieu radio 10c·$8. Bo>t ol YI· condition $30 Sturdy Antenna rotator 135. lllH 5c·S5. large big Ramona OrlYe, lrvlne Ollhweaher 1 100 glng lamps, Etc. Muat llicflng gleu df'I. applc:a, More. of f 1 owe rs m e m o r 1 a I cu um hoses S 1 • L.C · dr8lllog table' or dllk Pocket printing cak:Ula-wheal $5. Royal blue Terrace W•t Refrto. 1200 84&-M48 call tor ac>Pt. Caal\ only. clothes, toys, & much•----------contributions may be made Smith. lllent typewriter $20. Children• toys. ex· tor 130 Clock radio. carpet 10xt2 110. Maple Obie WHtlnghN relrlQ.. 759-0386 morel Sat. S.4, Sun. 8-5. GRANO CLEAN OUTI th p I · E t 125· l ight grHn book cellant condition. Fa· dlg1tll $20. Hoover elec:· baby chlnging top s1o • freezer Ken'more t..ge Sec1 Sofa with bed. 2245 Republic (olt Wll· Garage Sale: 1821 W•· tMoemorial~ r..~ndu Soul n elh Coasg yt stand 18. Four yellow ,,..,... ..... , ... ~ 12 so Irie ""' ahlml>OOtf 120. Sewing machfne 150. wuti., d ...... M0·5290 Subdued floral print. eon) wtc:k Ln. NB. 811. M . r u • high back dining room "'""' "' • • ·~ · -• Humpty Dumpty btby · •-~~~&.~~~n~!.'u':': n~r1c:=11•.10L=: ~.~~=!3d: ~·!.~~:no:~ ~1Jo:1t.!:~~:.~ For Ad Action w~~t.:~.~~; XJn1·=::,5~" Ylll l&ll R~Mt:!n~~e.s:::: at P.clfic View M emorl.al Coate Mell. Saturday Ilea (3) 17 845-8939. 1 tO llldt l)(ojector S50TV. urday November 6. ,,_ cond. t3t·1ot8 11-•11n Im....,.-'~ Brand YRS OF PACK·RATTINO S •I 9. 2 • corner M 2020 Santa Ana AYe, Video Mailer tor 8 30 -3 ,.,,..__ C I -...., ...... New a1tt1. Mexlc#I pol·' t41t\/a.lboa-81. Pa r k . Pac i f I c V i e w · Costa Meal. hookups S 19. Electric : am :......,.... a I Whlrtpool 1YO grn retrlQ. ,_ '900. 850--4657 tery, Tampa, gl111w.,e, :--------- M ortuar.)', N ewport Beach DOUBLE bo• aprlngs and CORVETTE hub c•P• car pollaher S211. Two VIDEO gtme l20. Ctothel 111.6 cu ft. N•• cond. Kl"9 Size bed 195 Twin marine 1tem1. collecll-5-9C wtc:k• Mt,,._. top directorl matching Ortho mat-• , , • U.S. mag Wfleel• flt D•t· atz.e 5 St-115. Child~ Daly Plot I Under warr. S250 . box aprlngi. a Matt. bin. yd• of material, patio table & chrt, lro , · ,,.11, Hollywood fiame original. lit• 68 to 72, sun Pickup S 15 .. ch. clothee 2sc-s1• vacuum 1131.1098 Mutt NII.. 842•9008 I amall apples, pies. bu-workbencll. Chrl1t"'11 S 4 5 . 6 4 5. 0 8 9 6 o' 11Ctlflc1 SIO each. Set of 548-28~5 110. «& Either Street, . k•ta. PIPlfbeck1, many odd1/tnds, mite. Cfaft "'I 54M101 4. s.t8-3002 WORKING gaa pool ..... Costa Me11. Saturday AD VISOR Whlrlpool heavy duty Rust lltlWt ul)flol rocl!er. otller goodltal Caah euciplltt. 901 Cltff Or. HAllGa U.W~WT. OUYI ... wastl«. 3 yfl old. Mey-very comlortlble. 4 Y" I 394 Roch ' Morluarv . Cemeierv TOASTER 4 allce StO. NEW water purifier 120. ,., $20. Crib and mat· only. & tag dryet-. electronic eye. old. 170, Ph 1142•9008 P eaae. •• •r wta.1fF Crematory Food proceuor 120. 10 record album. dinner Ir•• 125. Playpen $20. DESK 120 ChMd'• dTauer WHtlnghoua• ~·~· ~b,!); J:,~~l~n ~.:.•~ HO 1 C1tetp1 Corner 1625 Gosier AYe PllClmlll S1 each. Pl· mu•lc $9. Electrlc CU· Chandelier $3. Shutter• deell 110: End !Ible 115. Frost "" 17. 84 2 OECO~ATTUORRE FURNI-Ol"'"'•·Llne E11tbtun Dr &. C.cao. petbacka 25c each. Can 9hlon muaager 15 Nftl 12. 548·30~8 Kitchen ltble $25. COUCll 642·5678 HB 1· · Skll, Ski 8oot1 a Cto-C~S~~a opener 15. Wine rack IA. bras, small ind 1arg1 JACUZZI helter 150. 1'-' $50. Carpel IWM9« $5. Sotu, bunk beds, Wing Moving ule. l.Hvlng thee. Furniture. Llnene. Iron $7. Hand towel• 11 al.res 13 each. Ctialte H.P. pumpa 150. Fiiter Henglng light 12.50. Can I bacll Chair, din. rm table atate, mu..__. mott ot Sterao ""*' &. Spkrs, I --Hell. Dlshes 25c each. lounge $12. 631·1127 S50. Bio-ISO. Stove. alter 6pm. 1145-7985 8 0 I & ~11;~2 ::·.~· Reu. houMhold. Incl: Ptant1, wonderful Junk. Sat. only Picture lramts 13·15. QUEEN slz:e bed, good 1111 150. Tool• 15·S15. pr_., • Deak, coucllea, retrto--tQam-3pm. ,,.Cl •<>THH5 Saturday and Sunday condition S30. Wiii dell· Candles 11. Candle hol· , .. , .,.., C./l'Q ~ ..n,., _ f) -c flaQ.• .... TWIN BED w/mattrHa, rator1, traenr, wethtrs. A_u_m_m_aoe--8-,-19-.-H-a-rbof- MOITUA8Y VW 1tuddlld anow Urn FISH rod1. ,..,. $5-$50. pictures S5 .. ch. R. V. -.., ·-·--./ Io o I b rd • • I t 0 0 lamp1, clot II••· bookl, Sente IMl>lll Tuattn S.. 110 Bro.away S30 ltctl. Nl6cormll ca.. BrilH tire acr .. n 110. llde mirrors 127.50. 458 •'"°'"'~ lo-• °' ""' ~,....... a g _, ~ "6-,?895 Ctrl. a11d Much Much •"I . C M -1 $50 """""""bOard Btoadw•u Cotti Mna 1.,.., tc•o...i.i.d _.,, i.. ... ,........;.;;;: • MOft Bttt Otf9f 0..1 hi os1a esa ...... • """V"' Two speed Ian 110, Pie· ...,. · tow ,0 '"'"' 1.,... """''° -d• ...._ _1 Klnf no.tatlon mattr ... a 418 Trall9rN Dr. C.M .... ,, AN t .. I • llLL MOAOW•Y 10am.g51-3282 ver locally. 1131-2259 dar wrought Iron and ,.nu• o~.~-~.,~ 1. _"!._M~'I'" ... ,~ ~-J bO• spr91, maple hMd a dryeta, dr....,1, tablee, etwtetllln Cllurd\, WINI Bike. n"d' tube $10. Street, Cott• Mesi pipe achedllle '40. tOft il.]1r 'lf1rl ~ ~ , 652·1815 Matching soft/chair: trudt Nr F•lrway/ 642·9t50 15. 848-0104 tur• fr.,_ 50c·S5. Sii· TOOLS: Plumbing and ,. ~I ~ bOx IP'tno-. Mlle new, pd Set. w only ••••••• .. •-•••••••••• ---TEN IPlld !ram• 15 1.trday 9"'4. 281 E. 18th garden 11-110. p v.c. , K L E E R N I . ~ seoo . 11klng t400. I AT. 21~t w. St. ca.- 1MT1&1HOMC»C Cocw~tchalr,con· PAPERBACK book• ro-length• --.1n 1100 11n. I I I' I I 1 ILILr~ .P r1l ~! Chlld'aTWlnCanopy81dl::::na~:;.~~ Warner. Nr now ' SMrTM I TUTM&L YWt• lo table 1211. Ten mences gothlca Huge 12. 2111 S3 Ad~uatthrM· ~" l wt 1prHd a matclllng d•ooa, atereo equip: :!,"':*~~· ate =· WHTC&JH.CHAf'tt. lpeed ~-2 125-$35. ~ f5ceech 1344 -tin !0 21n 60 RM-I IR Av 0 F , • r --· (.) ~. 1100. 552·t815 ··~·· CIOlll••· "'"· .-!! _._ •. more ' 427 E 17th St Reel moww, runa good GarllnQf d ,._, .. _. "* ltO t8038 Carleton . . . ~ o " T "l· -T• ,,_ $35. Rotary mower. Ok ar "or • ...... • ........ St 2 llrtlll •HI of I r I j I f • Obi• aofa·b•d yellow/ WIL w fU NI u ,, ·~··::::::;;r-• ~:~~~s1a ~1~~ ~ r::;..~c:n.,~•turd1y ~~~:). :~: :J.:n Lll•o. . . • i ,..,..,.... f:t~t ~-~ 100 ~V:T~r: ,':":n , , t •••••n -• 2090 State Alie., Cotta METAL olt199 Oesk With I T 0 GAL I ' -I "alntew/P~ ""° 11'**8 Ofteft .._, ,_ Meet. , .. Oelt 9.,..., wood top l40. fflaldelre ROLLER aatet. Slit 1. t I I I 1. A E-...mine •• ao mlHd up ••tee broeect• t ' •ofa. luft. N . ,,._... _.. '=&':1c.. Dlill7 Wll9011•1 home after tprn electric: atow UI. M• lilt I Ind •IN 4, lllle r llleae..,._ TM.__._. lllnt Cllllld, ...._ clOwn. ,... llCOPI -CIU"' "'9t .. IMl'nn' MOITUAIT chlnlc'e etOflOt and MWltOMCh. Pool tlOle an educallOI\ ctreo out, me I~ ~ 1180. 144"*7 aom': bo11' a:arln~ ,...., ltlt Or-. C098I ~~=•ch ~10v~;~~··; ~. '" .. ~,,." .. dl=IY-= ... o. ~::.:J.21 u HCll. I· ,~ o, [IN RI '1 1·.-·~=~: __. \\. \:rl °;!~~ ;.~,.;! c:.:::~..c~ll=d· "*".::O,...., ... ,. --TI,_. ... -..... I ""'"'' "·0 CM with Cllltgef and . . -......................... -· " , _.. .. , "'°· -I O"'• antlQUH. a11 I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~ 10 15. HMll"O ptd ta , Work bencll with Ori• nlc9d• $40 H"eolll c-. ,.., ....., "--He 3 ....._ , ..... I left ... tooM, 11' bOll, Oft ob-1: PAC:-.C ••w ~, ... Alt com !>OPS* 13. Two ..... Ind 1toraoe IPect .. u'o" '~-~o !~?~ 1•,••,Nll fl\JMI( ·--~f_o_ llllflS IN r' r·'r r If It's got .... ...-, llOt9 •••• ,, 1701 '°' -MrVlno trays 60c MCI\.' '40. '42·7316 ---n---r-IHtft SOU&-• Whtels, .. -·-MOM" ... a1.oeoe. If .................. . .... '5c ... v.... t 11. MlctO'MIOfl , ..... 2 .,, ....... ••. ... ........ 50c HGll. loy'a llllrts KITCHIN table and fovr otrtrldttt uo. ""' to • IJN~IAMIH Al()Yf uhtH I J I I I I you move C•Hn Tabl• and H•• ..... llnli =· -" 1111 10 •1 MCfl Pu.ate c1111r1, lln• condlllon , ... ,.,.. s 1.ao H oll. 'o c-.tr •N!wo • M • It f.ster In 1 ComftlOde 110, unu. • ...... .._..... 600. To~ tOc•ll. 211 $40. Ma-7401 .. unttno· 100a, """"· Huntfno'on •Al Liii ...... Ii •m•illH -Dally Piiot IMO-nit --.. Mtlr lit• I I ·' !1 ~ ~ _,,,. C«nttefY Mortull'( Chepet-CtematOtY J1100 PKthC: View Or1v1 PMwpofllleKl'I 664-1700 Palmer, 0.11 Mee&. ~ 9-t1. • IWll. .. -ClllSlfled o.tlcc:: =.·"'°· :~::...·::.:: = Coe .. = ~ --. ... c.u ...... ~ Aft. ,Y. -...,._ • .. -.--~·-~,_,..._,_ ----1~1 11 ;~~~-.-~ .. ~~·~-rl-~'~UM61lri1 au-."':.~M1 ,._, .. 1=•Mll l i MIC..al NOllTUA•I .. l~8HCll ~ ....,. ~- ... ~ ... IMC,. . .. L. ·~ ~ fi1endlJ ed-..... -................ ,..., •• ,....., NORA • Vida Dean • Personal Core ~~;',.!' IM.&I°"°~ :_~r:.:-,m; ~--!Ifill iiiiiPli fashion section every Sunday! .) . tum'IOW . •• ••• ~,......._._ ...,.,.,~_""."r'_"~ . -· - -·~ - I • •,_.slnto ~ ... ~ ..... , ,...,_ .. 1:",-.· calh. &l'Milii' "'., =. • -:ZT.:.~ ..- • ,_, .......... ~--..--=----------r i. a a. • . . - I .. ·' .. . ... ,,. It' rt• ... .. ,. '· -, n .. :· .. .. ..... " '. . . '. .. - • OraHge Coatt OAILV PILQT IS11utd1y, No_yembe1 • 1982 (•I •• fflft.!'lm!!'l ••••. ~!!!!~If ............ . Aggr111lv• Allorney. No '" lnlttet Con•ull•tton: Pereonal lnlury CHta, No R•cOYtr)', No FH 494-8691 f:'!l!!.l!mtt •••••••. f'!r.H!!. ••••••••••••• 19:'!1.~~~·A •••.••.••••• l!~~!'."A ..••••••.•• :.. '9~'!~!~!!"········1.!i~!!t . ., .. , ....... I ,,r.."•1. ShtmOOO ' .,..,,, CIMn O"YWALL l APINO Jettie'• Oardtnlnf HAULINO • llUdtnt hH Quellty HOYt.e1tan1ng 810Ck18tlck Well•, Co,,. Color t>rlghtlntra. whl Alt Te111ur .. IACOYtllC Clttn-upa. "" lllm a lge lruok aam• 1ow with• Pwaonal Touch er_.• Very rtM . Uo crpll • 10 min. bl41110h FrM Ht Kevin 875·toH melnl tervlGt 840·8036 r11 .. Pfompt 789-1178 Ctfl Btth 150·0933 Bob &13·5381/830-990e .. .... ••••••••••••• •••••• ••••• Expert wallcoverln~ In· MOtllLI! HAVICI •ttlletton Ate• pr •• AeecrMtla/New tc<Mtll Nl lCM onty 8A2•H52 •••••••••• ~:m11~:~0:':!~5·,'11: 0 HlrltM Ci"11rn HIVICt ltOmt18 CdM Thenlc yOll, John HOUHCIHnlng. rell•bl• 1:.;.,.. chr $&. Guar •llm. pet !L."ic~rAtC~AN·.=.:;;l~·;d mo Yd cfffn•UPI, .... IHll•• ,., Own lrell•P A•H ' ....................... . •6•11111-• odor. Crpt repeJr. 18 yre r'ght, lr•e ••tlm•I• on ding, lrH work. Ken ...... A .. •••••• .. •••• VOL.ANDA 842.0-408 *~ 1 MIVI•* •••<••••••r••••••••••• 0 k ., 11 • H4·1083 ••t. II · ••• lt•I WILL SIT In my CM home, up 0 wor !"•H , large or 1m1t1 lob• • •' -· • ~.M P.H. 8ervlct1. lltvl loP queffty, 28 yr ••P· '911<ltd yard, hot meel1, Role. S3l·OIOl Lie 39ff21.. 873·03&9 Kao Lll'ldteape Mtln1 'urn•c•poof..waltt h .. I h•kn'g, maid Hrv • OC>n1petl11v1 rettt. re11 rll .. 548·2874 C1•1•tl t1Hffll LIC'D ELECTRICIAN AHl<l/Comm. Cttan•up. N-8Q 000 BTU F11rna« llouH Cleaning. By Ill• No overtime 730.1353 CHILO CARE: my homo. ···v··'.............. Qull. work/ReH. ,.,.. 6~kl•r •va 548•248~ &. lh•;mO•l•l ln•l•ll•d dly or WMkly. Prv. patl y, ·ABC MOVING· tunch/intcki Included. C~r::~c·~.•.-::r,'!;kB.11.0Clck FrM HI. 821·5072 ... ,,., ltnlHI l llOO 00 (7141 H8·8612 ldo1od 8ter1vhlc~ &. blr~ohn· Oulek, Cartful Service. 00 T "'0 I I • d 046 7939 I "' •• •••••••••• •••••••••• ~ ·-,I no y • vi)' or n.,, I. Low rat... 552·04 10 I ·~ W .., rg1 yer • •301067 Rob 547·2883 ELECTRICIAN Buty? NMCI Santa'1 1-itt• Bl•I •Ill -1•1ff 83~·28.-&. ST&Rl/ING COLLEGE •• 1 I oth~ 111 Sml lob1/Repalre. I.le. ..._ .. Wiii ad .. ·.. de ••••••• ••••••• •••••••• "' ..... , IM4r• .... a Urt, Clar ng m "" w Orlvew•y .. pet101·w1fk1 ....... r ... r • car . I lhPI hOUH ' yard ct.. HOUHCl•anlng: hon••t. STUDENTS MOVING Your Diiiy Piiot babytlt any a~• In my 81ookwallt•muonry 233io9:C·IO. 54e-52o3 help w/glfl ••ltJ:UOn. 11up a rtpelr Aentel o elllcl1n1. Atlertnooa. co. Lio. T124·438 SorvlOe Olrect<Hy C.M. hom• 84 •8072 FrM eat, rHa. 892-4557. AESID/COMM'l/IND :;~~~~a: &. llr .. kend•. .. ... hOUHt "1·3802 O•yllev11 848·8189 Sue ln•ured. 641-8427 Aepreeentttlve •ttH•l•f. THOMPSON CONCRETE 20 yre 0o my own llrOrk E•perlene1, good rtl't , WATCH US GROWi • •• lt•t a•• ••••••••"•• •••••••••• Pttlot-drlveweya-Lie 27804' I. Al MM 128 Mt CBtlh Co Concrete Coete MeH. Hunt Bc;h, -· • ' tit. &• Computerized bookkH· toundallona •• 3 .... 383. A., .. El ., d 1 eon11: 1lab1, 11ralka, curb, B•• l1ui11 N 1 8 .. 2 ~ .. 01 l•latl•• ping from 150 mo. Aleo 8•2·8462"" Add I t~e~·;:~og ! r•~ gull., & dook. Alto re-••••••••~•••••••••••• e::.g:;o att"8 -.... or •••••••'•••••••••••••• mall 1111 & payroll. wrklhoe>I, Low ralH lie pelr. 552-5810 lllTIOtltll MIT'I Fiii PlllTill H.~J![~!/!!!~!!{'!4 &82-2430 C.i1' Clll •325738, Int 648-7378 vHomo repllr/Aomod 11 l~u~:c'.: ~::':.~t.:r ~io:l~~~ld y~11~~rh.'p~y Exl)lfttnced Catpenter ' ,,,, ' •••••••••••••••••••••• ¥!~!~1................. VFIK-11 Stf'Vtc. 873-8800 )(Int rtla. loc•l cu••omer• Con1u1t1U1I A111gnmen1 !181·8690 ,,,,,,,,,,} '*"'"' We. gale thd heng 'To• • ••••••••••••••••••••• ther. Heng, 1tltct ri· LfOAL l!C'V AVAIL. no1111r *•"• 939.01 o Tttnp Of Fi l 8 lr civil 11ny11me • a criminal 111p, Int 8H, typing, word proo. & w111p1per a Pelntlng clf•nt relatlona. Blekpg. done by Mlle• H1l1oek. Non•mlCr. ,.tJ.etH 0111 for ''" .. 11m1tt h!~.tM!~!!!!~'!! •.• 031·7081 !!~~:!~!'.~!~! •••..•• WARDROBE MISTRESS A1t1retton.a Qu1111y work ••BRYANT'S** Htldl 887-1450 Wellcov.,tng Removal '"' All typea. 842· 1343 ......•............... l1tl1 CfNn TILE INST Al.LEO •••••••••••••••••••••• All Kinda Guaranteed CUSTOM WOOd patio CO• Rell John 840·92 17 vort, rtdwOOd dtckl & r1Hhnlff len<:OI Rind)' 841..()822 ........••.•.......•.. t!~~!~~ .. ~!'. ....... I LOW RATES I Tr" trlm/romov. eloen ED'S PLASTERING ups, mowiog 554-7017 N .. 1 petehtl tnt1e111. Aomodel/Add·on/Aepll1 .!'. ••• !••••••••••••••• Looking for xlnt child· ~l•Doc-TRACTOR WORK: EK · •Ctrpentry •Plumbing Thank you, 631·4410 760-2885 548-8864 CUSTOM HOME .Bl.DA Catt? In my Coat• Mell! =--= c1v1tlng. comp1cllon. •Elec. •Fin. Catpenlry ... """'•1. CUST"'U p &INTING Addition c pent . need• SMALLER JOBS ttome, lull llm• 6nl'y. $40. lk~.·a b•Ckl\.O•. 20 yr• e'llp. •Dra-Moldl~ablnet• ••••••••••• •••••••••• ""'"" " ~-~ ~,dm~ between hOuses FrM Lunch enecks, TLC. Un. .... l<lng E"qulp 831-7392 •Shelving •Fauctt• to LlcenHd Heurlty com· lnlltltl ~/comm. Aottuecot~ 845·958 ~gry, •88~ ttc. D~~., 111 C•ll Oen 537.0342. da 751-2342 11'•'r.!f• ger. dr aprlng1 Sig or I pany wlJI prolfct your F'rM elt. Lie 444-4798 PLASTER PATCHING llPIW · ' ~ a . 1tn•ll I we do lt •HI Fut, hom• whit• you .,. INT/EXT P"'INTING 494·1003. ext 724 • ,._ ,.__ _, ..... ................ 714 968 8494 24 ... AutuCCOI lnl/ext. 30 TIU mv• ---------Cd/HI lld1•• -•l11tl•11, _,,IU f 1•da• CWpet1try . Mesonry eltlclent 11rvlc1 20 yra l •way • .• • & WALLPAPERING )'rt. Neel P'le'lo'AHA ED Moonttght Dr•tt•m•n .............. , ....... 0 •0 ••;.\f;.;•u•u•• ...... A.............. Rooflne. Plumbing I exp. Lie. •B3528St hourL Custom woril. FrM H I. 1 Ml-HH "TrM Work with• Con· Horne-Ad<1'n1-Remod.,. Ceblnets & Ce.rpentry 1 11,J, I I S.1 A&.K FENCE: wood & , ~•II . stucco. Tllo 951-8087 1 Reas. Steve 547.4291 11 40 gel weterhttt•r 1225 1cltnce". Trimming & Member AIBO 845-18711 Small lobe & repairs Lie. 308888. ~odel. Cflafn link, Rttltnd/c0m Atmodel J.B. 64&-9990 !:'~.'!!!!~!. ...•. •••••• r9111ovel ~Howwd Doi· SLIDING GLASS DOORS Free Hllmatas 845•2003 Ad<l·ns. Cebfnetl. 544•5•93 540•7751 Caepentry. Cabinet• Ht••«lll•l•t, OOMM'L JANITORIAL I w~~~~AY~E!?P~ Int/I H~!~1~~. P•Lp':1::~~: In :~.::0c •. :2~~1~~~ Installed/ Rtmod, add'nt Cllr..•llT 64fi..8S881645-4844 Plumb· Oreln Cleentng ••••••••••••• ••••••••I & CARPET CLEANING 1111. Acoustic celllnge Lie. repairs 645•1888 842·1132 & concrete. Lie. 36t681 ••• ••••"••••••••••••• Custom Aemod/A<ld'ne C11'1•I•• Electrical . Tift ROBIN'S CLEANING I OM'• Ctoanlnn Servlco 368780. Free est. _.;,,_ _______ ---------••••••••~•••••••••••• s .. ,. .. "'"' Joe 892·1327 Aemod. & Repairs. Free Free est. Quallty 2nd to TIEii Reis. Don 968-0149 ervice ·a thoroughty Lie. Bond1d. 963·S47'4 D1vl1 Painting 847-5186 $SAVE• 20% • 4v,. r•t•ll•• h I i. . est Lo rates. Oecke. P•· nono! Bendel Const. S EXP H clean houM. 540·0857 I . Plumblng/Haet •27t703 •••••••'•••••••••••••• ••• '.f!!!.!f ••• f'!!!! ••• , Ito Steve 752·9558 Uc. 418570 548·4271 Topped/rtmov9d. CIHn 280YAE ••pA.ODVUENMEANMT TIRED OF HASSLES? ILldlr .. J•t, 18 yre exp, Im email, my Guar, IHI Rea/comm Moll 1ubjec11, K-14 up. l1wn renov. 7S 1·3476 H M Im •••••••~•• •••••••••• prloH •re •m•lll Aon 537 4378 GO Oey/1ve i 5 & $10/hr 50% OFF FIRST MONTH E11per c1rpenter does None 2 big, none 2 1m111, Aemodel·repalra-lenclng Ouallly cleaning help 11 20 VAS EXP. Hauling, trM 650-8477, 8tl1 ·8849 983:5474 HB Mr. Morgan 845-6178 Dependable. •llor<l•ble additions, remodels, From A to Z we do II all. Tiii lllHI 10111 electrlcal·Plumblng here! Reis. 980-7452 trimming, l•n<ltcaplng. 1 P ::~:i~~,·~.:r~~=r~~'ti def ks. ryllghl• tr•· 714-675--11436 lie 425781 Lewn-troe-thrvb ln11111 carpentry 831-8530 IOllEWOll I 8rothera Const. l~:.~·~r~~~~:lon~f:.'~~ !·!~l.~!W.' ••••••••••• , •• , .. ,,,.,,. business servtcea, mell 9P!2r..o'81/ee est an, Home Improvement• Tree trim/remove! JACK OF ALL TRADES 648•0555 _ yrs .xp. 636·7149 AC AAINGUTIEA •""'•"••••••••••••••• " .. alll <I lawn Malnl/Aototllllng I c II J .. I w•1t11 TYPING· Expert typing of box rental, .word prooes· re II Free Nlfmlll 548.eoe5 a ac:" enyl me, A EVE'S LANDSCAPING• RALPH'S PAINTING Bonded·lnt·llo 834478'4 • · ting. r.1 ... F1c1tmlle, laster Orefh•a1 Aemodel·Addltlor\1 Day or night. 676-301A eompl serv & hseclng. Chrlsllan. Int or Ht. Frte NI 1·524·5824 menuacrlpte, term P•· order entry, P8Q9ft-leHE Finish & rem'dl crpntry. 641·8967 Exper Gardener & claen Pelnllng-plumblng·elec High quellty houaework. comm & resld 848-1550 Aita. reas. s3a.9e98 lili•i•ii~'I. ~4'8~;23~ ~·!~r•P • g e · buy, desk IPIC9 rtntel. Aelereooea 499-3105. A EM o o El • c 0 mm. ups. Tree trimming. Frte , drv...all-antfq"• relln. Experienced, depend a· Old Country tandtcapee. SWEA NETWORK t P 641 1098 . ,-""" ble honest lnlllll e t CUSTOM PAINTWORK •••••••••• ••••••••••• ~~9131 (Hk tor A.V.) Cullom Cerpentry by Dlokl restdenlfal, t1n1n1 Im· u . ete -' & repair. Ste.n 549·5068 meilculout, i1e1tlble.gl ~,,; .. Anything oullld• tho Com 'l/tesld llrlpplng FURNITURE-KIT CABS Wi•'•• Clll•Yf. &Netl.Panellng,tormlce, provements, major re· Und1C&plng-Y<1Clnup1 I,. J' the bell . Phone hom1 " 84 5-5597 , t l'fg The Job 11,,;, Calm llnl1he1, rep11r1. •••••••••••••••• ••••• ·~_.all d~a etc Ph 842 8809 pairs. Bldg r•novallon. Trte trlm/remov·Mt lnt al•••• ,.73 70 2 1 ., PM 875·60S8 1 • n n · dOOf't, Joe 673-t469 .. Lei tht Sunlhlne In" '::ltt••••••••••••••••• ..,.,. . . codeeorrect1ons,11e.20 lrr.,.allon Jlm851"129 ••_••••o"'uM••P••J•o•as•••••••• u • t •tor u speek• for Itse lf I CallSunShine Window Co ne Slone Ca .... nt o c ... _... ,.. -v weekdays All d"" Salur· 498 8S80 Orlveways, Parking Lot r r. r .. -ry. yrs range ty, uvnued, ... -.... ··---& Small Moving Job d•y and Sundey~' ll•H•n I • IHli•• Cleamng. Ltd. 5'48-a8S3 ~Ir• SHlcoetlng S~tllzlflglnpetlocvrs. Ins. Lie #t91801. P•· --·-1 Cal!MIKE 841-1391 ••••••• , ............... 111 CLASS PAINTING·······'··············· 20%MonthlyDllCOUnf S&S A~ll 831·4199Llc Auld/com'I Fr aats. lombo Const. Anytime Mowing. ldglng, ruing, II you went your house BRICKWORK. Small Job$. Wellpaper, Int/Ext. Re· Huber Aoollng·all lypet lnllut AHl d/comm'I 498-4814 982·8314. sweeping Fret 1111· HAULING-GRADING AEALL Y CLEAN. Cell Newpori, Cotta Meta. ~ire Free est. 979-S294 New-recave<-decka 1 · Al ... _"" ,. •-• met ... 445-5737 demollllont clean-up. Linda 089-03 t8, Good lrvlne Reis 075-3175 Lio #411802 548·9734 Free Ht. 20% monthly •••019, ""I!.' -mi 1 11.. •-~ &.• Cone , Ref • la•tn• · diacount. 844-4798 0•:;•;,;1~::·j,~",;'dj;•:tt ••• •••••••••••••••••• ?'!'.'!!:'!.~~~~~-'• JAPANESE GARDENER 0u1c:':!~ ree ~$;~ 5 X-pert brick & cement ••'•-•••"'••••••••••••• AOOF'ING REPAIRS WINDOW CLEANING areH of law. Promot. No Stlem/No Shampoo Kit rtmod, cablnell. vi· j SPECIALIS~T: m1fnt , • HOUSECLEANING: Good work, N11rpllCM alnce1 F111hlng Interior Oe$1gn Smell lobe OK. Fret AESID & COMM'L couneous service. FREE Stein Specialist Fut deo entenalnment un111 cle•n up, trl,,.mlng. LO\lr Plnd what you went In refs Tranaportetloti Ex· t9G9 Cell now & aav• HANGING/STRIPPING est1ma111 Cell Tom or FREE EST 581•1132 con1Ultalfon. 549·933S. dry Free est. 839· IS82 Free es1. 842-0881 · ptle41. FrM HI 548-9483 Delly Pilot Cla1tltleds. per'd. 979-9756. 645-8512 1 VIM-MC Scott 64S-9325 Chuck, 542-6392. • .. . 11//UI F•1•il.,• IOSO llllfflh•H•• "" rm 1111~''' 1111 IHI• ,.,,,, ltHO "'''' 11;,. il1t11qf/11/ IA.litH•/ A•I•• WutH ISH • •m'•'' ~· ...................... ...................... ...................... ........................ ·····'················ 1 .......... &. H•o •---1 11so ~.,,,, ... , . is•o •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .. •• ----8' SABOT DINGHY -·· I I -.,, ., .. ,,, WE PIY * * * * 'Wanted On site bed firm a.. ~ ••• !S. . . . . . •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• I BUY metttm & frame Good 8 to 20· long, 36c per tt. 2'A hp~~/;:;• 1300 •BOAT SLIPS AV~l~BL~· 250 CC Enduro, lo ml, xtnt , IH4 l••tt he4ff Good uted Furniture & I cond. 073·3104 1775-1491 anyllme. ~~ I N':"'po~t Be~ch 25,. 28 ' oond, S32S OBO. ' t946 For4 Woody Wa-TOP IOWll Apptlences-OA I will Miii DYNAVIT. Computerl'Hd =-t ~ 11' alum SH rt John 30 ' 35 ' 40 ' & 45 · Call · 6'48-1532 I gon, $13,000. fll .. RI •••1 llllTtll llOTIH •••••• ••••••••••••••• S • c r 111 c e I 1 4 9 5 ' I motor, $27S. 963-5272 J 1475 PI P 5A0·3231 1929 Ford Model A Town lW Mat• 141-1111 lll•HJI Ring. 15~9-8001 OAK FIREWOOD. YOU •Plants & • cab, cnlr cockpit Full ere H • r b o v r 8 • y . 0 a 'll 11111 0Tl0 675·8161. 2480 Harl><>< 81\'d. or SELL for You J1Wl7., 101D exerciser. like new. ~ ~ fr boat, 5 hp Mont. Werds ~!~~:,~44 lrom 9-5 , 'll 11111 IL 111 •4'5 ..,. 19 Pearl 3 Diamond Gold 759-9320 , :• Spencer 43, ex ntoe.AJI· SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington ' · Sedan . I 1 0 . 0 0 0 PllTII0/111111 I Ill FllllTllE PICK UP OR WE DELI· SUpplies I geer Avery 875-8990 or 840·SS45, 846-7766, fi..9 $:200. PIP s .. 0.3231 MG·TD '52 replica ep11 COSTA MESA Ln 957-8133 Gold & Pearl Tree of Liie VER. 493-6748 •Bir~ I ev 675-4895 P M3 • 8 4 0 -4 0 9 7 • 'fl 111•• Rll car elasele. Tan/brn. Ml•4JIO Charm $ 150 u~ 2 t ·'43 t ·3764 -6 5-4888 Nice Golden Oak 4 dre-r 7S9-8oot Hydreultc Salon Chr. •Caces '74 Catllorntan, Ill fiber· 1200. PIP 540-3231 $8000 or ofr. 7 . Mt.1411 k I d I) d glan 10 w/CheV)' Eng 30 Ft dock 9Vtil•blt, Lido MODEL A I & I "' drtuer. 011•1 btv•l•<I ANT I au E h. n d . cu I ~~:d.e l~~~Se7l·41°8°0, •Pet supplies V•n•'en Treller good Ille Art• '79 -XS400 Yamahl, meg $300 843~ ~5! h ~ ~· WI "' mirror $350. 9711-4544 cryslel, amethyst & gold "3-6313 running cond $ 1795 Pvt 673·tl803 Wills, S990. 54M 13S sai. 9-~. . . Largo dark wood <IHk, el'IOtltt', over 100 yr1 old, Party Call 847-5888 or "'w'' 1......,,, 1 645-4239 OUlll IUI w/2 rile dre--. 30x60 broach cl•~. HOO or LtYI llll... HtTlt PlllTl1 L ge selection Of 539-3008 ,.,.,.. Hll ·:,!~~T1~ =~R -Tl•I S95. M 5-8358 .,.., oHer. 831-1886 Send somtont Y°" 1ovo unusu al s p ecim e n size plants at 8' E1ec1r1c e • 1 .. • •-1ri --------,..-:t a beeutllut t>ouquet ol 30 t Newport •y •••••••••••••••••••••• • •• ••H1 -I 546-3842 549· t 174 Ouncafl Phyt• Dining Am 11.wA . iiii He4lum billoone. Perfect Inc red ibly low p rices. Bott. Must sen, ott1rod H ft Ifft l1•t lll11M1 Ill tab, 6 chr. Gd CON!. R• ..... ~!!1............ f()f ... OQCaS!one. GrMt ., se.ooo Dir 873-2050 NEWPORT H A RBOR. • •••• , ................. 4 n I"""' II fin. <Irk wood. 1395, ...,. Wlll 1111 decorating tdou. H•I Ftlllll for s m all a nimals: Pae•m•ker Sporlfi1her, I Fecilltle• Include· held. Rent: 28' motor hom• •••••• f! •••.••.•••••••• 545-4554 , MCk. Don 846-0484 873-4419. \ Free pets fo r good homes & good 1980, twin tnglntt, 100 •howu, pklng, llv•· llPt 8, IUUy loedod. t978 CHEROl<EE JEEP COMMELL ~: HfVROLET . ~ . ' " I S f 0• .., __ <I ,._.,. • .,.,.. 845-8e16 (Paul) Low mHet, good cond Victor •n Welnut pool s h 8 d ,, •• I II ,,__,__ Ou bl Doll ,.... homes for ree pets . hrt, 1 beam. !rl*'Y •K· I ...... r s ....... omo .,.,.,.. ·~ 000 ••&~~"'"" Beel Bodeteed $350 out an " u ma-..,.....ne r .n · ....,... lfU $29,500 675-268S mo 20' 4-"'f>d 1111. V-8 Chevy, ..,., .,...,..........., =========- , 759-6001 . chin• lath•. lOOled. l•c1ors •ftem. Over 40 21• IEWPllT ILYI., 0.1. 18' Seecf•ft Center Con· 873-8540 283. 12000 Of trllde lor '79 Je4p CJ7. euto. V8. -llRI S4t>-1200 S I SOO And othert. yurs. $:250. 759-8001 0= Dally 10-5 . 5311 .9350 C.cl or P.U 548-9754 hard & IOll Iopa, good Top dollert lor Sporte Beeutllul 1lngle canopy 968--0105 •••·-..... ,.,~.. ,.,_. ............ 1 sole Sport Fishermen ..,,,, l,.1.,.. HH -___ ... ••uat ..... .,_of. C C bec:t. Excellent condition. ...~. ""'"""""' -·~-.. w/115 hp Mere 0 18 a •••••••••••"""•••••••• Royal Holld •Y 1111· ""'"'.., _,, ~· era, Bug1. •mpora • I 1 O O. 5 4 8 . 411o3 , #ilflll,.HU IOll $300to1625. • trlr. F11t, long rtnge, DRY STORAGE contelned m ini-motor ler 675-4498 •ft 6 914'1, Audi'• 846-0272 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 7Sll-6001 111tremely HIWOrlhy, home, 1978 Toyota, 23. 'll .IEU Ask for UIC MGR 2' Pltoe couch 191 BIG SALE • Antique wick· IUllTll&I llU #ii iell,.H•I IOll Ii I Or llH equip. tor o1f lhott n. Monthly boet ttorege, 000 mt $8450/beet of\'. CJ.5 4400 031•0495 • ... Gold T~ $100 er chr, Helleopter ... , mu Lmn ....................... ~.~~ •••• tf~ •••••• thing or cf'rvlng. F'uN co-any llzo, 24 hr eecurlty, 63::..:t:.:-3:.:5:..1:.:3:_ _____ , __________ , ftt.llWMll 831-3815 . ber 910011. Orlentll Exercycle Ilk• new. Spee-Yllllll 1-11 1ter1 ' ICCtll. Ovtr free launching r NO bdrm NB newly de-18711 8Mcll Blvd. lamps, ptelform kng bed, Beautltul eoremle horM, domottw ' mll .. ge ed· CONSOLE ORGAN, atHI $10,000 tnvnt9d. $5000 •WPMT Miii ' •:ortted over' 800 aq It r1•th ISIO HUNTINGTON BEACH Dining tllblo, 12 ehall'9 & 2 boollca .... 2 relrlgs, hand pelnttd 111<1 glazed. jull1b4e $75. 951-3282 1 under we.rrenty, perlec:t. lor lut ule. 63t-0906 • 1111 .... la • II n25,000. 59,ooo down.,•••••••.••••••••••••••• Ml·llOO buffet. magnificent Tho-wshr/dryr, varlou1 •c· ~~~t~-or~! 1 13100 540-4083 i..16 laJl ""° 1 t•• _1r1 073.ee16 Toyota 76. AM/FM SI•• --------- mll9Vlllo Medlt., 1111 wood. cenorln. & am appllen-IOf your antmal lovefs for lllutil1•••• -111.....,._ Ir •••••'•••••••••••••••• 1 ._ -•<> ca11elte. Sro•ll 12800/obo. Aemo1t RCA cea Cell An111rer Ad Chrlstmu. Call me for W1•IH •I --Ill NACAA 5 2 11rltratltr, xlnt, f 111111~ f11n l 1110 camper sh•ll $2 175 25" Mod. Con90lo. 1 yr. #705, 842-4300, 24 hrs. detalls at 840·8709 elt •••••••••••••••••••••• ELECTRIC, perfect oond. rMW 1elt1: $3000 flr!TI. r11•IMllllit• • o••••• •••••••••••••• 073·8618 old, Kint cond. 1800. 8 • 1 e b a 11 c 8 rd 1 • 8p••. . WANTED: A "Petty Play with play boll. 71411631•11109• •••••.,.••••••••••••••• T11urus '78 Ml'h' Mii oont. ----------1 832·9490 "" Pal" doll. WNll 1la 3.. 645.91172 Alllllll 1110 •lie, xlnt cond. Ilk• nu. IPEOIAL PllOIAIE 2 Yellow wrought Iron ba· 1970-1973, 1300 ClrdS 8 MILL $$ MAN S52· 7552 •lier 8pm or 11' Lautr·lyptt Sellboll •••••••••••••••••••••• s 5 s 0 0. M u I I • e e . N-'82 Jeep CJ'• tO to ker's rick butcher blk ltn~~d~7~hat~~m&b:;:~ Plnbell 6 Player $350. before hm.. lkl/• MJ Flbefglut. good cond. HANG·GLIOEA: 1980 968-2742 ehOOH from. lnoludH teble, with chilra and 046:.&097 Blue & Gold M•cew ••llHI •••••'•••••••••••••••• $200 983-5272 Moytt Spece Mtg• II. fi •U• UlilJ*w 1110 winch l•mt>oree package m•tchlng light, eol• bed. 8, N•uo couch $60 BlnO:. 11050. Cltron Cocketoo, I'••• 1t8 2 S k I N • u ti q u e STAR. North Salle. Sper· 17~ aq II. Good cond. .!~ .•. !~................. and much more . queen elzt brn., dttk. eulara 7x3s,· 120· Y•m teme, $800. 080. &111.-11 _,, "2001". Onty'38 houri. tech m111. Harken rig·' wBo/ 81 !.!Ice h~8rn•!!;1 Large Utlltty Trellet SAVE THOUS,.NDS 645-2983 P.P. •••••••••••••••••••••• Alao h•v• • 197~ F'«· glng $2000, 831·2065 th b""", etao 1 .,.... In Good Condition. Nllll llAIT WlllY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FIEI 1'PllllAl Cormlof-0.LHIO •mlllT 18211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH Ul-IOll, 141-1111 960-$280 YFG30 T·recket $20 YAM"'HA Baet A-:.· mule 110 20 It , llkt helmet. All for 11000, $:JOO SAB-2874 •-/ HtlP/l-•ILT Sectlontl ofl·Whl playpen, 840-7051 SKIS: Roul gnol S-5 " "' N EW I Ca I I ( 'f 1 4 .> 16' HOSIE CAT Loll of Call Jeff e.42-6978 ett 8 --&-: 1_ ......, 10'.b7" end ottoman. Comps 190'1, LOOk Bin· Heed with •double 1 " 642 2000 .. sti tor Jim xtr11. Xlnt lflape. 3-4yfl pm. 1lta5' Amer1cen Eagle Boet 2S24 H.,bor Blvd . CM .,.,'I .. ..,,.. 5 2 New ex1rcycle. AMF. dtno•~ Sliver Flut e. PV apoatc., cabinet. All • • • • old S1950 876'-S313 ,. •-I ellof $100. 648-0388 549-8023 845--7710 ••••• ... r.•-·••••••••• 270· 84 •9009 SllO 645-4646 In Hcellent condition my, Jr. 11 out, pt.... · •••,.n -1 •ve moM8gO di 1111 The>mas Broe dlnnett• Mt 962-3824 $800obo. loeve moseegel mbla 2t Mark I Clean, .. ' 1111 I '77 FORD\, TON .................... .. & hutcn: 11v rm Mt, 4 pc SKI BOOTS, women'• UMlll 1..,. ~gear, lnboetd, muet ••••• !!••••••••••••••• Au ,. i.mn, IUll I 480 eng, rtck & •Id• IO W ... , ..... wlend tblH & 0011.. Air O...,,eutr Humantes. Sr 7, mttl ' I ti. ,_, "" Mil. A• l 15.5M. All of· l&llPll lllU 4f AlnlMrin H# boy•. good cond M ,OOOmlltl, lullyio.dod tbl•; 8 tt wal 1tereo. 8 1 H.P. a 185 117s-.sa&2 blue w/bkl•. Ilk• new. .r.! ••• f•••••••••••••• fer a prH•nt•d Av11y WRANGLER Im eond ••• ••••••••••••••••••• $4000/obo 897 ·8212 1unroo1. gd cond Llk• tract turn tblt, em/Im SSS. 631·1098 flne des a.ttone Su by Powerbllt Wood•. Grand 675-8990 Chev L~bd·. 50 · PAll"'T & lit• body worll. Mlrk new. $ 13,400 OBO , " II....,,....., .,_ O-lt ~r Ill E.B. Whit• 1 190 8A3 W. Slam 3 5. & 7, left ; I up to 50% off ......... 111 ,. ~"' 9 2 1 1 E e • •eo w ,.. •• "'V· .,.... •• . ' 15th C.M. 548-0135 Set hlnd'•d', never hit. 11 Sidney Pleu4.or• C<ett. 72511 ·--'12 IAT1N PIOllP " .. u • 11 ' 848-8882 HB 113g N1wport BHcll Tennie .........,... 1 ,...., & 0 18 Biii 842-010011184--0332 851·H&4 days. Club lull mmbrlhp Vetue 9-5 S801MI. 848-1532 '2QOO: ~7200 Flbel'glas1 Cemper Shell w I c • m Pe r $II 5 0 , l------'---,.-..,-Noar1y new dining Mt. wl Lewnmower Mclane 1 1200• Make ofr. Fender Ahodtl 73 pt.eno 1 •._11 •• Iii• 111 •73 & up Ford • Ula.II 075-7350 '75Aud1Fox.Nooda kttlt .... tor • ..., Cott Modern. Front Throw, complete 631-1098 w/ amp IAOO C•ll Pet ..... -·· -27' Ca1111na 118. cenvu Aenchero• 1200 Welty For Ford Including •Ir IPEOH• n1--a•R WOftl S1000 or ~·of-7S9-1028 now c ondition $195 554_7872 · · Doubl•·berreltd ahot· COYef', loaded. 1 18,600 897•2238 ltnOI, 13s: 540-4093 .... .,..,.... fer 857-4187 Gofd teal & glua top h.a,_9_7_11-_2_5_1_8 ______ Llldro colleetOfl • Ml of gun, field grad•. good Cell Larry 838-8230 CAMPER SHELL 1-FOf'd For aalo. truck cover' Now ·~2 Jeep CJ'•· EK. '78 tOOLS. auto trane, teble, ornate d11fgn, E•erclse bicycle, neer buu•t•.: t:3~!fl..,, w(~•3~~ II/In 1•1-11811 I c:ond. 11000. S4G-4083 ,..,_..Lido 14 .... 1700 10 Cov...._.. .. 25, 8TOl' ...... rim•. chrome bumper, New 82 Jeep CJ7 24K ml nu vlnyt upholl· $100 ...... 1"32 ~ On"' t t -· nuaua • ... t. • "" r. I 1 •••5 .... .. """"" .. • ,...,. • ....... 9 63 1050808) 18989 tarw •2'500 c~•·"5"1 ........ " 150. ., 'a73-3728 or $12S. Q , Orig. bollet. ••• ";\!!f!~ ••••• ~. llW -111G 12800. Aleo 25111 Anni· pof1 Of. HB 964-2109 radio, call Nie: 960-t SAVE THOUSANDS ~... . ~v-v " Knee-hol!t dOlk, 8 dWfl, & --------731-3344, 549·2345 Ei.t T/W Olympia mod. EnrclH Rowing Ma-verHry Lido, on .. OI·•· #t,.,/z-' llkft IJll Landerulaer. 1918 Hard --ll&ST lllJI f1JZ chelr, walnut flnl9tl, l 12S. RABBIT JACKET lrvln• C.C. memb•rthlp 50. caibon ribbon 1150. chine kind on dlaptey Schook •••••••••••••••••••••• top Nie• condition, IM/.,/lll&lll •••••••••••••••••••••• 983-1932 tz n. $85. tor ..... E'tenlnge Sundey 11 to noon. 474 Onty 1275. 67S-8&47 B o 1 t a 6 7 3 • 2 0 8 0 • '82 Suzuki Shuttle. Lo ml, $15Cl0 080 !IS0-1838 2524 Harbor Blvd CM CHOICE INVENTORY Mutt Sell. King IZ S•f•I ____ 9so-o __ 2_20___ 213/43•·1905 ~ .. C.M. ntar 17th & 873.-2050 Llkt new con<I 1325. :e-e-\1w Bu• 1 owner, 549-8023 '4$:1110 VOLUME SALES Water Bod w/ mirrored SCR•M .. LEJS 3 --,ou-nd-t-rlp-,-,,,-,ne-t-lck-et-a, ne. fV'-WS., IUIT/lleel leff 751·11562 wrncktd l ront, xlnt ' & helld-boerd. a!IOO obo ft anywhere on Rt:J>ubllo. Fllfflllf II/IL lltlW 1#1 $350. ' 7to·94 14 Moped, ucellent cond. m1ch. $900 0 80 Don 68 El Camino P.U. New 497-3818 •3 50 G ••••••,••••••-•••••••• •300 C II JI '45 ·5129 eng, attl'to &. uphol. Eva ·NSWERS • e•. 00 thru FILE CABINET $228 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA '18 American lloop 1 m. • . • m •ft 1 549-3838 I I I I.La IE. d tt wtille rONWood tofe 'I' M1rcti '83. Valid for tht 873·5e88 Ootor TV. 2 yr wtnty. ter. Main, Jib & Genoa. • 988-0723 ttoraen1 chroma rim•, -. --·-------1 and love H•t: Singer Kerntl -F•vor tl o t ld •'Y ••••on . 1 10 . Free d tllv•r". trV.Sf.400,64&-M44 M...-..1080 Motobocene, orl glnal 4'Ax15 w1111 81 OMC P.U. Auto, •Ir. llW Sl-t O Mat•· with~-... G 7'"' """83 ,i.. o:p u I I ••• ' ~ 1'225 o~holl. 11erto, lo -· • • "' _.,,. toet • tonore .,.,_.,.., "" .., f I -Open Sun •-'J'L--~ llll llk..-W. 1375obo. edapt to vw. . ml ..... ,,, ...,..2 Salts·Servlca-L•Ulno n et . 180 -048 5 or GOING IWtLllllFIAMll •••••••••••••••••••••• TVJotw\• 84$-1789 __ ,., 714..S31-3807 881·Q•421 . ,.,...,.....,., 850 N.8ot1Cl11Blllc:f. 873-801 l Everything It 10 mlatd s1s Don 846..()484 ... nl PIPP•I 1 c•ujuH• .. ,t•s •ljb ... ~,. 1----------.i '60 Chev)' ~ Ion em rtblt La Habft Wood•d wrought Iron di· up tl'leM <l•ys. Thi kid11 __ • _______ AKC Champion line, t11 118Adturn~•:1•. n ever ~1~\ ~:ion• oer ' llt,.,'1flH/ A• .. I# ltl• V8,euto,wlcmpr,8tp13, lll·NH nlng t•bl• w/8 ehelra wno need an oducetlon Brend now Ouerdlan 1t1011. 8 wlla. Wiii hold u .. • an ult cover. 1795 876-0104 ,,..,.,, llSO •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• 1tO'te, lcleboK, dlnt1tt, gd Open Sunday (213) 518·5749 (114) drop out, tht tnte4llgent welker.Mllt lor lto.• lorChrl1tm ... 120-oet1, S37,caJl83l-lot8 · •••••••••••• .. ••••• .. • IMPORTANT NOTICE eon d , l 15801oft .1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 559-4882 OMt kMS» OOINO. • •• $50. 548-7011 5S3.ot44. Sanyo AM/FM N-8 "-* ,.,,,, '"" 73 Hond• 750 I 11CC, T~·~=:~o 554-2071 •• Glrle Bedroom Set. wNtt. ... ..... Ml 111111 ... , OolOtn Attr11Ytr Puppltt ~ Locking rut tor-,.,., H11 Menelt .ictronlc Ignition. The IC ' II d -,,.,------,-,-J-1 a G d d AKC ltlolt • -d. ox local Switching. ....................... Voenlmur• helidtr•. 1~1 Pl • 0 em• • . • •••••••••••••••••••• 2',01. oo con . Slnoer w/ttt. 652-1815 Llk• new from Robin· • 551:"98 Front lo Aeer 8pee1Ctf N9wp«t Betcn, 41<> ~. rebuilt, •Int condition 1 vertl:~,!YV::-m:: 'IO CMll)' VIII 0 10, new I /offer. ,.94-3807 ·--· ••-•one. ReMmblet Lynx. F Feder. $40 . 182·2183 Mein Bay, UOO/mo, $800 831-2589 *1...J ~h_........ ....... _ :J....,.· 9'.llo tr•n•. $4100, 28 2 cu f1 3 doot lroet -·-•--OrMt Ctwistmee pretent. rw to good homo i.n• .ner 8 pm 5 4 1 . 1 5 1 o d • y 1 ..., -...-,_,.. -·" .. · · 1450 552·1815 $120 or m•k• offer Golden Lab Good wttn 973 .. 798 -• '81 Hond• CX500 dOH .not Include any ·~-'-"'.~-~--=:-=! free refr19. $850, Mleo.1---------t50-0545 llldl . Paneeontc Stereo AM/FM . $1800 --bit lade.**'"·. !Urn & to henotno pllinte. Flrep&tc9 hlet ••c:Mnger 1---------T .. t 35 s ..,........ Coate Meea 164:l0M 8" etedl Of*tlne, con· AGK SUIVBOAAO ~H-2 .. tt IP I / n e C O r d I I • Np on MINI 81y, '41-1070 tr1n1tor fMa, llnence .. • 5 5 Speellera. t 15. 844-7 418 N9wp«t Boeet1 7 I I cMrgall. ,_. fol' t/I f>06- •• l Ill-•er"' "1 •' · • · 5'1".twtn fin. 1100 ,._ llnlll t 73·'340 · 8 uzultl T 121 Xtnt tutlon ~ .. ontr ol device --··-·-157-3212 c.11 546-3147 """ cono Dr11s1 500 oro m1 OAA,EAIEll • h•1vy1---------1---------CF'A, I wtce. 517·7305 ... ,, f..,,,,. Primo Lido 811p. no Slltp. -ptu1 t1t1'U UOO CttUllcetlone °' dMltr print with bledlout ~· llllftU...... W ltJ1ftll.aw1 ._. Germen ~:..': L.1-1 per. np llY••Ooerd 8AO·lot1 docume nlery ptepar a· lltm oond. Otte"' ..................... rn; ................ ....,;; Mer........., ... ";\9Xffe'; .. _ ..... 60'+ lllO/"'e pp' t lon oh •r1et unleu I f 14" rlgtlt, tOO" llOO. Al-IOtt a.-.1 lfl U1417t lfl-lieo ' ''Ft Y--1111 !lllO, tao otMrwl•• IPHlfted 'Y : "" one-' 111" r.'A'7.::"e••••••••••-•• °' · I ~ m II• a I 6 O O. the ld\lerttw. opon~~~~c:n:: ,:,~,"!:'~ ~'!}LI.. c-==PM .:.MATI b='/ 1200 lriclUdlng deoof•• 11ne1. hOO "4-1180 942....,.., M·'· g.g Y•m•ll& IOOCC. etao ........ :'f ....... 1!l!f :"q:i°1,~IAll!I ··~iaa'-'M ..,., .... .,. P..,e." ..,,,, ,,,.,,,,..,. L= ::r.~ 1tart, only 2,000 Ml , •a •&"II OP•" ..... oatmHI •• T..,.,~~ ...,,, • llcle ... 16-1.eft '""· '525 S..1-9222 8My ,.lela; --• 1...11------illll ~~~~~-~ I lllTL.ml ,_am 8-2141 ••••=•:!!!!!..• 1w a1 u Anctl 1·8 ofroo"!'1H~.)0'1~0~:~1~• • .... ,... ·-,..,.. BoerdlnO I Ol'oomlno n:,;:1.,. -.. -.... tl01 '71 HONDA ICL IOO 61< &...:;.:.,, ,_ It .._; 9fld one• tN " 9h0Wlnt ti,elr collectlon of hand·mtlde Purott " __,,.. lrl9t •1A1DM mt, M mpt "'1 cond. ...._..~ ·-wtcf• and 10 1 ·• tong. Oriental tuaa, lftelry, gift 11-ml I t the ~I 81111 = ,..,...,.., Olly Wort1 .. e.nto Iv A"9119"'9 llNMdlalllr. 40 t t 100111tt Of,, 11 .. llM a r ... :;,'~o=n~, •. ,...., 11 .... :.::~.:::--'.../' .,. __ = d • _... ...... _ MARRIOTT HOTIL flfBl1'r . -. 1-..1.-. 1-.0 ...... eeoo or.,..."' I DO -,.,..., ... rt .___h In ...._. • .,,__... -,.,.. -""""' 1 ... t-1 ANTfOUI wllll• lel nt •..-r-• -• -" i::ttT.r.. ALUM. ro::;..:.. .,. .... ,.. . 1--:::::l:::.--"'='=::::-~~~-1 1teedNM1 ll8; trtp.. IUNDAY 10-S P.M. ,_. ,_. •· 1t000. ·wanted iii1. Newport 'ft_. ....., •'"*'"' 1100. Lill• new. •l lt•noll ...... M lloll, .er....... Lo ftll, OllOfl. """' ... MO "'llM___ Open bufttton.ed l ttl O, 141·01•1 . Ma..aoeo _,~ ... IHI ~~ trom S•brtn• Food• 141-t m • a.a AYAi Corona ., .,1 vAiiiiti: jii ,.... ........ ,.. ... _, All .... prloM •o ,,. puOMo ~ .......... \;: c~~w ::,, ...... , NJteJ,JL!t. c .. , .............. ....... ..... ,.,_,_., (111) . ...,._1_..... ......... "... •. • ... , Ullle .-~ "''' .... ,,. UH. utt •'.-! ..-. lwte ..._.., ... 11 •1 N -•MIO .. \ • I Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Novem~r e, 1812 '75 FIAT 124 SPUR 5 spd. stereo, mags. dark red, very sharp. 589NAJ. $3695 '17 FIAT 124 SPEER 5 spd, cassette. mags. dark green beauty. ACP577. s4495 '78 FIAT 124 SPUR Racing Red. 5 apd, mags. stereo/Tape Mint cond. ( 1296). s5295 '79 FIAT 2000 SPl>£R 5 spd, stereo. mags. metallic blue one owner. (7551) ·s5995 '76 f1AT Xl/9 4 •pd, bright yellow, mint Cond 626 NAM. s3295 FIAT SPORTS CARS Spiders & x 19's Many to choose from. Tht Best of Condition Tht Best of Price. M Vtllldn QulllltH QUiil( COUlfT'f"S OUIOJ FACTC.Y MmmlZDI nAT-tMCM GUlO Dlf.K Mii i ER M'lTOI.', . "' . 111•••• Ivory, Ivory Int .• 1unrf, 111oy1, $19 ,5 00 . 494-9309 '75 450 SL both Iopa, wire wheels, xlnt cond. Wiii deal for ~uh. S 18,400. Wkdya 894-0583 or 84e.8"87 Ev. & Wknd1. '78 280E. alvr blu, orig. owner, mint cond., full .-vice record•. S 13,000. Nu llres Oya 278-3380. -759-o&44 ttllSTER PIUOll/1111 13831 Harbor Btvcl. Garden OrOV9 ..... ...,.. Lt8lilc 11• IH-2111 ,... ............ Convertible, mech per- feC1, solfd body & Int. $10,000 Firm. 138-:3975 -· 834-0955 dys. '71 300 SEL, 8.3. Very good mechenlc:al condl-11 on and •ppearance, '82 SC Red xlnt co,;:;c;:- aun rool. P/Wlndowa, S8500 Blk leather Int . For~ 631-1390, 892-1087 1 8 I I C 8 II o fl I c 8 '72 914 • &cellent 15C);;d. 540-5821, Ext 25, or Maga 91.,80 rnan.y ex home 840-0638 alter 8 1 r 8 i . S 4 8 •0 0 0 b 0 : pm 760-8379 '73 300SEL: low mllH .• 85 Por. 35eC. Eng MWly clean. lOMB057. S890S. rtblt top/bottom New Call 840-5884 EvH, tlrtl. & uphol, chrome _5_54-6 __ 2_22_d_aya.~---I W h I I . S 7 !3 5 0, '82 MBZ 380SL, allver 1-°13/594-9324 gray w/bleck Int., 3000 •77 'A 924 4 lpd Y9fl0w ml. Mll1t MN. Best offer. Sun rl !Jc Good conc1' SA0-5700 (8-4) 18700: Wkdy 64•·8141° 1111111• wk enc1, _ 9n.e127 Metalllc brwn. 1unrf, '87 912, rebuilt, good orlg.owner,lmmac.S14, cond . Blaup"J nkt/ 7 5 o . 8 4 4 • 4 1 9 2 o r caaaettt. New IP Mker1. 848-3215 muat 1111 . 1 69&0 . '82 MB 300 o, Cham· 881·3732·•vt11 end pagne metalllc, polilhed wllendl 8"1·3311~ whula. cu1tom pin ,_.811 1111 1trtoe. 3,000 ml. PI P aff •••••••• ••••••• ••••••• 5 PM SJ0..1020 21 ...... ti to dlJIOM from * ·ee 2&0 SE ClaHIC Al low .. l4fJH , .. , Coupe. Sun Roof. Muet 5319) Hll thl• WHkl Fl II The an MW ·ea Allenot S8995 takM. 875-9302 la here! Fvego·1, lmlM-or ~2471 di ... ~ ...... lllT ~~~=: AM/ .. /1-.T Sun RI, Cllmete/crulae 2524 Herbot I.Ml., C.M. con I , A 110)'1. AM / 1111 Ffti&i,..s-• ... t_I0.......;;23.;......_ • ...;.M ... J.;__T7:....7..:.0 Ceee. PIW, P/L~•t•, ... 4• pp 714·488-8325 or • 7t4-548-17&7 .. ••ts To °"°°'81 FNfft • ....__ ... I To a.ocM • "-t. Tiie II MW 'II MlrMle .. here.,-.-, ........ ---~· . -IMIT .,,.,,._,, 1114 ...,_ ""'" CM ........ 141-"70 11 VW C1mpe-r, xlnt cond, 1trll0ht body, eng. guerW11MCf. em/Im cu- 11111, 11111 r1dlel1, S32001080. 848-2204 78 Duhef. 4 dr, 8'110, air cond, p1/pb, 1m/fm, Economlcel. S2400, 8"4-1873 71 VW BUG. Mlle. bfue, perf In/out. Radlala, muat .... $3e05, 8"1-8718 A1IH UH4 . .••••••.•..•......... ~~~ LEARANC SALE! 1977 CADILLAC HDOIADO COUP (622SZG) s5995 1911 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (461701) $13,995 1979 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (141167) $8995 1971 CADILLAC IL DOI ADO llAlllT% (938VPY) s7995 1911 CADILLAC COUPI M YR.LI D'ILIOANU (18GC308) '11,995 1M2 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD llOUOMAM (tEALMI) •15,495 • AND FORD MOTOR COMPANY ANNOU CE NOW AVAILABLE A.P.R. FINANCING • ON ALL REMAINING 1982 CARS!!! PLUS FROM FORD ll£111E$ S UP TO-MOTOR COMPANY ON All REMAINING 1982 TRUCKS & VANS! LU•E&Ei 3 DAYS 2 NITES THIS WIRIND Mr. Robina imltt• )'OU to at91 at either the Lake TahOe Inn Of the Tlmt>ef Cow Lodge fOf 3 Daye and 2 Nigtlta when )'OU purctl ... any new or uaed Car, Truck or Van thl• weekend. ' Tt111 t111>utou1 paella .. tnoludH Cont1n1n111 .,_,..., 181'*!8 COUPON. l\t "°"' •• ONltt on "'8 ~ M.I . Dtllla 8f"9 Mof'tll DEADLINES F<w T~ through Saturday publc.tlona. 5:30 PM the ~day. FM Sunday and MondllY pub4le11tlona, 12:00 noon S..urdey. E9AORS Adwrtl..,. ahould chack their eds dally and report en'Ol'S lnwnedlately. The DAILY PILOT ..umta llablffty tor lh• tlnl lnoorract lftMrtlon only. 642-5678 ·-·--... ------= --.., = - o..ASSFIED INDEX ' IUl man ·-·-•• ·-·-,_ ·-·-.. -1• -nm -= -,,. - '"'-- ·- 2 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, November 6, 1982 760-8333 llPllSTIUTEI ELEUICE Custom expanded Dynasty model with outstanding mountain and night light v1c.•ws. 2 BR., sun room, conversation pit with built-an seating Marble entry. mirrored walls. enclosed patio Ext-ellcnt buy at $-125.000. 760-8333 lllLIElll ammH L<ivt•ly -40 ft. lot with canyon view in Old Corona dcl Mar. Exumng 2 BR. b<>ach rottag«-. Perfect building site or remodel and add <•n $325.000. 760-8333. FllllLY LIYlll Popular Hillsborough model. 5 bedroom5 with family room. formal dining. sparkling pool. quiet cul-de-sac location <idjacent tn park in Harbor View Hills. Reduced to $ot29.500. 760-83:J:J. . FllRll YllW JJ'astefully decorated New Bedford ln Spyglass. 4 BR. with large game room. spacious family room, formal dining, sunken living room, winding stairway. SelJer motivated and wUJ carry financing. $595,000. 760-8333. ' • 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPOJlT BEACH, CA TWl lCIE man S panis h style retreat amid magnificent setpng or l~sh landscaping. 6 bedrooms. game room. formal dining. large i>Oc;>l'. . spa. waterfall. tennis court, Mexican tiles. cedar beams: 24 Ct. ce1hng in living room, 4 guest rooms, maid's suite. $2.200.000. 760-8333. LllllA ICUI VIEW fulrt> <X.'Can view condo -walk to beach. 1 BR. & den -perfect for weekend get-a-way or bachelor pad. Easy financing priced to sell at $225.000. 760-8333. • lllTllEITIL lllWllSI N1.'w Orleans chandelier, French doors, Italian marble, Roman u,1b, antique English pub, wine cellar all included in this charming Big Canyon Monaco plan 3 BR. Z'h beth residence. Must see to appreciate. $975,0QO. 760-8333. lflll' ... IPYIUll Elegant S BR., 5 'h bath home located high atop prestigious Spyglasa Hill. Breathtaking views, family room, library, mstr. suite wtrtreplace. Pool, apa. elevator, 3 car prage w/motor oourt. Full ~ly. $1,995,000. 760-8333. • • · ""• , ... ,,,., ,...,, ~"' ,r;1·,.,r'J 1• • ' t' . ,,., ~ Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 -3 - 760-8333. IEllllEIS Hiii Exquisitely upgraded "PaJermo" in Harbor View Homes. 4 bedrooms, formal dining, country kitche n. upgraded appliances. imported tiles, French doors. skylight, wetbar, spa -assumable loans, fee land. $339,000. 760-8333. ILi wtlU IUlll Enjoy this new custom Victorian within walking distance to beach. ·stained glass, quality craftsmanship, 3 BR.. family room, formal dining, quality woodwork throughout. $379,500. 760-8333. .am a mill ... to the Oceanfront, Markets a nd Lido Village from this Gorgeous 3 Bedroom: 2 Bath and 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Duplex in the ''HEART" of Newport Beach with $210.000 in assumable finai:tcing and 10 years plus to go! This buy won't last long at a price of $280.000 and the Owner will assist with Financing. 675-6670. TUii ,_ PIUI .... -•• , Extra Large Lot behind Best Oceanfront Area ... Nicely Maintained, Spacious, 2 Bedroom Upper, One Bedroom Lower Duplex. Owner would like to trade for Palm Springs Condo and says SUBMIT YOUR OFFER. This may be just what you're looking for ... and the price is affordable at $285,000. 675-6670. . . ... 3._CIYIC PLAZA #170 .. NEWPORT BIACH, CA . . llSTillOTIYE 01 llllYllllLlmC - Only begins to describe t)lis lovely Big Canyon home. Lush fandscaping and me ticulous care add to the comfortable area. 4 BR+ FR Closed circujt T.V .. Tivoli lighting. pool. sauna. spa $775.000. 760-8333. .. UIYll PlllE 1111111 $100,000.00 reduction and excellent terms, or consider trade. Assumable lst., 2nd, and 3rd. at low interest or submit. Lovely designers home with large pool a nd spa. 4 BR. 3 baths, family room, formal dining , now only $695,000. 760-8333 . -wm1.-E Seashore Location with Ocean View. Four Bedroom. 2 Story Home. Two Bedroom Rental over Garage> Assumable Low Interest Rate Financing. Reduced to $359,500. 675-6670. llDlllT Wiii fB I .. Immaculate home featurin1 4 Large Bedrooms, 21/l Baths. Family Room. Spacious Livina Room with Fireplace on a • CHOICE BA YFRONT CORNER LOT. Luah Land9Caping, Lovely Sri.ck Patio Overlooking the Bay and 40' Boat Slip & pie r. Owner may assist with Financing. A ReaJly GreAt Buy at $1, l 00.000. 675.6670. 2119 Newport BouleV9rd Newport .. ,~, CA 11111 , r ------,· . - 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Novtmber 6, 1982 I I I • I HARBOR RIDGE Prestigious Living .Jn Newport le~ch A Unique -combination of Traditional and Custom Homes priced from $380,000 to $5,500,000 . .... • 24 hr. Guarded Gate Security • Three Tennis Courts • Roving Security Patrol • Four Community Swimming Pools • Luscious Park Areas • Less than 5 min. to Newport Center • Beautiful panoramic views of Catalina, Newport Harbor, Palos Verdes, the San Bernardino Mountains and the city night lights. We represent more homebuyer$ and sellers in this private community than an·y other real estate firm In Newport Beach. We are thoroughly knowledgeable about the Harbor Ridge· market and can show you the right home for your needs at the BEST price and terms. PRIVACY. CONVENIENCE & BEAUTY describ<> this 3 tx.'C.lroom . 2 Yi bath "Casablanca" m«>del home 0Hcr111g s uch designer features as ceiling rans. mirrors. pavt•n.. atrium and much more. The owners will accept a $50.000 down payment and carry their remaining equity in a 2nd T D. or they will sell on a lease-option. AN ELEGANT SHOWPLACE offering panoramic ocean and Newport Cent.er views. The many c~tom featur~ and decorator It.ems enhance the charm of this spacious 5 bedroom "Devonshire" home ; especially the large, private spa. The owners will reduce the price $150,000 with $100,000 down payment and the buyer can auume the existing fixed-rate, 30 year loan. OUTSTANDING, EXPANDED "MIRAMAR" with 3 bedrooms and an extra large living room providing -spectacular views of the ocean, harbor and the city nigHl lights. Less than $75,000 can move you in ... assume the 1st T .D. will\ payments of only $-4.000 per month or buy on a lease-option basis. THIS POPULAR "LUCERNE" HOME is perfect for elegant entertaining and comfortable family livinl with its 3 large bedrooms and 3 fireplaces of marble and brick. Enjoy the fabulous ocean and pty light views from the spacioua deck and garden off the Muter Suite. The owners are offering an exeellent financing J)llCkage and wlll consider • leue-op~. For More Information or •n •ppolntment for your prlv•te Mowing of ttw honl•, ..... •·•llCANO (tf4)144-1la0 ~. Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, November 6, · 1982 -5 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LOWEST l·N.TEREST RATES IN YEARS! UYFllOIT COllO OYEllLOOllll ULllA ISWI Elegant 2 bedroom condo plus den with fantastic views, wet bar, fireplace. stained glass. pool and use of private beach. $855,000. UITIEllllT lllEL II IWllll llME This 2940 sq. ft. home with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths has spacious patio area, many custom features and large secluded spa. $790,000. lllYllE TEllUCE·ITEPS Tl IUCll Sweeping panoramic view 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with large pool, complete privacy, ideal location for watching the boat parade. OMC Installment sale. $600,000. In Newport Beach LllO 11111-WALI TO IUCI Perfect Newport starter home with 3 bedrooms, 2 ba t hs , minr m um maintenance, use of pool, racquetball and tennis. $159,000. u•111u wAmF1HT llME Handsome traditional 5 bedroom. 4'n bath residence with family room, sunken living room, immense formal dining room plus a charming courtyard spa. Owner will help finance. $1 ,450,000. .lllT UITEl-Ullll VIEW l•EI Charminb-Carmel model with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Mexican pavers In entry, redwood deck plus large patio ar ea. Good expan$lon .potential plus loans are assumab!e. $249.000 FEE. In Harbor Ridge lllUTNTAllll PUOIWllC YIEWS The ultimate In privacy and securit~ goes with this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with long term financing or trade. $1,385,000. TRY LOW, i.OW HWI! Lowest priced "Dynasty" model with 2 bedrooms and baths. large redwood deck, 2000 sq . ft. of living space. 10.38 fixed 30 yr. loan. $379,000. PllEllll LOT WITll PUllS llC. You can have a home to rival all others with Formal French design, 10,000 sq. ft. and virtually no ho uses around i t . $1.500,000. IUIP llYllE Ell lln Rancho San Joaquin view condo with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. fireplace , n ice landscaping, decks plus use of pool and spa. owe. $159.000. · IEll YEllE llU UICI snu Lovely 4 bedroom home on a large corner lot that's been beautifully landscaped and boasts a large solar t;)eated pool. Close to -everything and priced to sell. $159,500. .... T•E' .... msTllW light and airy t ownhome with 2 bedrooms plus den, private patio and large garage. This home la priced $15,000 below others on market! $120,000. FILLY ASlllllLE 30 JUI LIU This 4 bedroom. 3 bath, "lautremont" model features a large, secluded spa, spacious patio and extensive landscaping. $790,000. . OWIEll WILL COllSllEll TUIE "Devonshire" model with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. 2 fireplaces, atrium, .plush carpet and panoramic views of the ocean. city and mts. low price of $675,000. TWO STORY COlllOllllll wn11 cuss Luxury condo with 4 bedrooms. family room , 3 112 baths and large dec k overlooking the Reservoir lake. Below market at $550,000. In Other Areas IWm ftL Tiil UW, UW ... OWNER WILL TAKE LOW. LOW OOWN Motivated seller must liquidate quickly this 2 bedroom condo with den. 21,.c, baths, great location In Santa Ana tteights. •11a.ooo. •UI -Wiii ii' lllT -Spacious 3 bedroom, 2•,.c, bath famlty room home on Trinidad Island In Huntington Harbour with assumable Flr•t T,O. at ~.,-. lntern t and addltlonal seller financing. $399,950 FEE . LIYEL Y llllllUFfl, 11¥111 We just sold one here but you can still have this 2 bdrm. 2 bath Arbor Lake townhom e with den and mt. views ln natural Mttlng. S 175,000. lllln ILL IFFEllSll Har~or View Home with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. great design for families, owner financing. $310.000. •111-EllltE .llST llEllCEI! Situated on 'h acre, this 6 bedroom. 4 bath residence with Grecian pool and spa has a beautiful Kol pond, huge yard. French doors and breathtaking skylight. owe or consider trade. $449,000. PUB AIU IF TIE ILIFFI Easy walk to shopping from this· 4 bedroom, 2112 bath home with tile roof. large patio, nice landscaping. With 25% ~own seller may carry or try lease/option. $170,000. In Emerald Bay OCUI VIEW HllESITE wn11 TEllS Fabulous lot with possible financing up to $100,000. R1ir'elY11V31tAble $385.000. SPECTACIUI VIEWS OF TiE COAST All EIElllLI UY nsELF! This absolutely charming 2 bdrm. 2 bath home with pool has a $517.000 assumable loan for 18 years plus seller will carry a 2nd. $650,000. TllE IEST llY YOl'LL REii Fiii II EMEULI IHI Just listed, this 2 bdrm. 2 bath home with pool has all the advantages and amenities that go with this exclusive community. Fireplaces, ocean view and hardwood floors too. $395,000. CllTI IEIA TllPLD Near beach and shopping, this income property has a perfect 3 bedroom owners unit plus additional 2 bdrm. 2 bath rental. Real pride of ownership. $245,000. 11111111 Clllll AT TIE IUCll Unique A-frame duplex In South Laguna near Aliso Beach with great ocean view and fireplaces. Owner Is open to creative offers. so submit on terms. $210,000 .. ..... TllWllTl•I Laguna Niguel 2 bdrm. 2 bath unit with view of the greenbelt all near private tennis and golf club. A perfect Investment. $118.000. I ' I l • --4 ---------------------------==-~-------~~·~~ 6 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement .to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, November 6, 1982 -corr nrnur © mvrsrnrnr conrnnr ROOM FOR TENNIS COURT Nearly 1.1 ecrea of MCluded Pflvecy with a aparkllng pool and apa and a Hparate guHt houae IN NEWPORT BEACHll Owner wlll trade and there la room fOf lhennla court. Good aaaumabte ftnanc:~ng and owner wlll aaaltt. REDUCED TO $195,000. Wiii trade DOWN for other Newport Beech home. LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Recently reduced $300,000. thl• cuatom 5 bedroom .. atu~•• a St. Charles kitchen fOf the luaaleat gCM.trmet coo61. 'Mnrly new and vert modem, tM home 1'9ftec:ta contempC>fary NewPOf1 Beach 11 ... tyle. A pier and affp to accommodate a huge boat le Included. Wiii trede IOf commerclal °'apartment compMx. S1,tt5,000. ON THE 18th FAIRWAY One of Big Canyon'• flneat, thl• e bedroom cU&tom with a Hparate 2 bedroom-den aulte and maid'• quarter•, featu,. .. a aecluded pool and yard and ta .,.,.ched right on the 11th fair-way. The owner wlll Halat with th• financing and wlll trade DOWN for other Beech city home. Reduced to $1,995,000. LOCATION -WATERFRONT -LOCATION Thia Linda lale cuatom right on tM Main Channel ha• rec:entty been reduced to 11,125,000. Untque I" dffltn and ready to move I"· thb home hn 5 bedr-ooma and a pier and allp to eccommodat• 3 boatan Gate gu.rded with It• own private beech and t.nnla ~. thi. famlty home ha• It all. LINDA ISLE'S BESTll H eo4.1nt,-y Franch Normandy la your taat• and having MTHE BEST" flt• your finance•, you need to look no further. Ovar e,ooo aquare fMt with 127 linear fMt on the water and a pier and allp fOf boat• over 100', thl• p"remler Pfoperty with a 3 c.ar garage and pool la 15,000,000. SPECTACULAR sa \ YFRONT On Pflv•t• Harb« ••• sot.D f 32 hom .. IMr•. Ihle 5,000 aquare foot ci. . ~ ... ring the moat modern kltc"-n available, lncludn pMr and allp for boata over 100'. a home to rlvel any and a HUGE FRONT YARD ,.lght on the bay. Prlvecy la the key fOf thl• adult 0tlented "late. M,200,000. • LIDO ISLE WITH POOL On. of the beat lntartor Udo •• homes ever on tM martial, with 4 bedrooma, all with theft own beth• on an overal~ed lot AND a thrM cat' garage with AV pettilng. A lovety, Pflvat• pool and apa -all ad)ecent to tM lido Clubhouse and tannl• court. UtS,000 with a huge naumabte loan. LIDO ISLE -SMALL VIEW ~ovefy 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with hot tub and a mtnt view of tM bay and beactl from a huee entertatnef'• 11¥"'9 room. Excellent .. u.....,.. ftneMtno and the OWMf .. conak* ttedlng for anotNt tMMM. ~ to Ml et ... ,000. I \ EASTSIDE COSTA MESA L....er 2 •'°'1 ••ecutlft home wlttl vtew of the a.car..,. ,... b.drooina and a loYefJ poof and lt'a vaa.nt and reedy to IMft In. 0Wner le M•loua. 8ubmtt .. often. ,..... ....... /;). CONTEMPORARY GOLF COURSE II yCM.t'r• tired of c04lftt;, French or country fngll.tl, then thl• loval,. cuatom Big Canyon home mey be the one for you. Tot•llY remodeled Juat 1 year ago and t .. turlng 4 bedrooma, • famlfy room AND atudy, thl• home ta an archltec:1ural atudy In modefn dealgn. VERY private pool and ape and offatrMt parking for i can. S1,7SO.OOO and the owner wtll nnanc• at below manet rat ... Wiii trade DOWN l0t otMr NewpC>f1 Beech home. A PRIVATE WORLD Overlooking NewpC>f1 hec:h w/ a 210• view, thle home leaturH a apaclou.a meeter aulte with lmpC>f1ed French carpet and cuetom ape. 4 bedroom, 5 baths with •den and famlly room, there la excellent 10% nnanclng. All thi. In OU.dad Harbor RWge, Pra reduAd to S1,21t,116 wlll trede for ... boa Island or ..... option. JASMINE CREEK -REDUCED TO $389.500 Thia lovely 3 bedroom, .. ng .. story ....... wtth lerge famlly room, all ~ a guarded eate le one of the beet of1ertnga In Corona det Mar, an and unH with Its own putting green. YCM.tr fOod credit wlll Inn..,_ the ....., to carry a lerge note fof a long Hme. You rM1J attould - th•• onr, ·-tt'• • buJI wt• ., .. '°' P.-aprtnp/P..,. o.-t condo or 1e ... 1optton. I ·\ . BIG CANYON -ON THE GOLF COURSE Ona of th• finest example• of .Country French erchltecture, featuring t ,000 aquar• ,.., of luxurtou• llfeatyle on n .. rly Va ACRE LOT, r"ight on IM Ith fatrway at Big Canyon Country Club. Owner wm exchange for a commercl•I property. Over S1.3 Mllllon of uaumabte financing. SEAVIEW -OCEAN a BAY VIEWS Sparkllng llnd equMl!y ctMn 4 bedroom home wtth an unmat.:hed oc:.an and bey vlewt Al -carpet, petnt and taat•ful wall cove,.lnt• and ovu 1210,000 of uaumabte financing. Prlc:ed to Ml at 1511,SOO. LAKE FOREST -JEWEL £1ecuti.. apttt level 4 ll1drOOM, JY. bettl home wtth cuatom pool end •IN· .... ''"•" o•r1Nta, cuat•• ahutten •nd l•••IJ_ &:.:.:~h•tt•• window. Qoed •auma1M""-olng.91t 601 LIDO -PREMIER' ADDRESS Localed on the tth floor of the moat preat191oua watefront condominium In Orange County, thla adults only unit o"er• 2 bedrooma, 2V. bathe and apec:tecular bay, ocean & night light vi.we. :M hCM.lr guarded Mctlrtty •your own doormen! S71t..SOO. Witt trede for Btg Canyon or 8roadmoor home. • TURTLEROCK -IRVINE Spacious 4 bedroom, 21h bath•, famlly home with fabuloua nftht-llght Ylew. Owner wlll trede for bualneea opportunity In Orange County. S1tl.SOO. HARBOR RIDGE -REDUCED $400,000 Thia.....,_, cuatom home deeltned bf Roben r..i In the cCM.tntry English mode of old hea Mnlpty tM beet vtew In all of Newp0t1. 5 lledrooma, 4V. baths and 2 femlty rooms with S1,IOO,OOO of A88UllA8LE FINANCING ·~ wown Wit trede DOWN fof any home or condo lft NewpC>f1 hec:t\. S1J Miiion. BACK BAY WITH POOL Charming a.ck llef home wlttt four bedrooma, 2'h battt., a apaltlflnt poof and VERY low maintenance Jard. PrlYa .. entrance wlttl etrtufft. A-•ble financing. 11•.IOO. HIGH ON A HILL -'PRICE REDUCED Y CM.I wllt ftnd Ihle auperb cwtom home wtth I bedrooms, 4'1• bathe, a cuatom pool and ~pa AND a fabuloua GAZEBO to your lllllng" brMthtalllng Ylewa of the bey, ocean and night ........ .,. lmponent. 0-7.500 ..,_. ... , of ahMr .... .nee lft tttla EngMah Tudor. The llneet eft tfarbor Ridge et SUI "-on. FABULOUS VIEW Thia lovely 8pygl ... HNI home wtth I HDROOll8, 4 baths, 2 ftreplecea and • pttva .. ape often the beet In night light• and city lltftte and day Mgtlte and .. llghte. Vacant and rMdJ to "'°" In. the owner ..,. ...., It," whlcll rMAn• the r'ight tMl,er catt buJ It before doubee digit lnnatlOfl creepa up on us .... n. Prlc:ed at 1511,000. NIGHT UOHT8 • DAY LIGHTS A-"* of IN IMftJ Herbor Rtdge .. .:=cote hea ·Ihle IMetr Kenainttoft IMdel ...._.. 4 OOMa and a loft plue famllJ , ..... wltll ~lantetlon alltttt•re and • wondefful cttJ :-= vtew. Tanttlc Maumeble ...._ and priced to Ml et 000 OCEANFRONT ANO SANDY BEACH CIW"""9 .... "•*-...._wtlh.........,Wlweol ................... Loe ... ,... .................... I• eltueted ... • ..... 1~1wet• •''"' ••~ tM orowde. CUM INAK8 WRY LOUDLY. S1 """ ""*""-Dini- NEWPORT .. tQHT8 ITARTIR Derttnt ... "•drHM, twe bet111 ..... • tree llHd J ...... In d ....... .,.. wMi ,..e. Tenllo Ml'RIMI ~ ........... ...., ........ Oronge 9<>unty Real Estate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 -7 IEWPllT ILIFFS IS Pm .llllSll Fee land Available! Newer 2 Br. Executive condo with private spa. Only $260,000 including land. Call PETE JOHNSON 631-1266. For buying or selling information in this fine Newport Beach Community, call PETE JOHNSON 631-1266. SAYE S 110,000: Brand New. In foreclosure. 4 Br., 3112 Ba .• Pool, Jacuzzi, Top of the World, mountain view. Laguna Beach. CARL MOSEN \. 631-1266. FEE-llPLEI -IEWNIT IUCI Owners Unit + 2 Bd. + Bach. Steps to beach, racquetball, and tennis. $259.000. CARL MOSEN 631-1266. WAITEI -HILIAILE LI TS: Costa Mesa, Newport Beach. or ? CARL MOSEN 631-1266. IEWNIT OI STOI -YIEW -S3IO,OOO: Brand new custom Fr. Normandy home. Now reduced $35,000 for fast sale! 4 Br., 3 Ba .• family room, formal dining room, large yard with all~ access. Owner will assist In financing. Great area. Wiii accept trades. CARL MOSEN 631-1266. lllOUYll Contemporary Cape Cod estate offering prestiqe and security. Six bedrooms, maid 's quarters and gymnasium are a few of the many outstanding features of this custom golf course residence. 631-1266. llPLEll: A cheaplel Possible low down. $50,000 assumable 1st T.D. Try your V.A. Asking $99,500. BOB YOt!JNKER 631-1266. FOIECLISllE1 4 Br .• pcol, lrg. bonus room, private area In C.M. Assume $96,000 1st at 8.5o/e. Must sell. Steal at $208,000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP 631-1266. CUIEI SlllES: Fab. Ocean & coastline view., 3 Br., 3 Ba., formal D.R., F.R., study, lg. pool & courtyard, private beaches. $895,000. Fee. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP 631 -1266. IEU YEllE: Outstanding 4 Br., 3 Ba. home with quiet cul-de-sac location. Assume $99,000 loan. Sellers will carry large 2nd T.D. Full price only $199,900. Cali ANNE MC CASLAND 631-1266. UllU YILUIE: 2 Br., 1 Ba. condo. End unit with view. Priced below market at $92,000. Call ANNE MC CASLANO 631-1266. TRY 10% IOWI: N. Hghts. custom home. 3 Bdrm, 3 Ba. Assumable financing . Call RUSTY GUINTHER 631-1266. 3 IEI. S STUL I II IOLF •lllE! Won't last at $124,900. $5,000 ON. Assume Bal. at 10%l A C. Mesa Beauty! Call PATRICK OR FRED TENORE 631-1266 or 760-8702. 3 IEI. LllE IEW OllM.-llLY 1111,000 $15,000 below market w/termsl Pvt. spacious end unit w /2112 Baths! Call Patrick or Fred Tenore 760-8702 or 631-1266. IEY IAIS! -llUT ST&llTEI OllM Fiii Ylll lllS: 2 + 3 Bed. in Sec. Gated community. w/all amenities for only $82,000 w/great termslt and they're really nice, next to South Coast Plaza. Call PATRICK OR FRED I ENORE 760-8702 or 631-1266. IEWPllT IEllm IUUllll: 1 Br., 2 CAR GAR .................... $140,000 2 Br.+ GUEST UNIT ............... $169,000 3 Br., Den, 2'hba CONDO ....... $162,000 VIEW LOT ... ............ .................. $235,000 4 Br., 4 yrs. NEW ..................... $279,000 4 Br.+ GUEST UNIT, VIEW .... $310,000 Brand new 3,000 sq. ft ............ $349.~ I have other exclusive HEIGHTS listings. CALL TODAY, RAE ROD$3ERS 631-1266. 11111 1200,000 LARGE 4 BOA. + BONUS ROOM: Prime cul-de-sac loc. in Huntington Beach. Reduced+ priced for fas1 sa4e. $199,900! JACKIE HANDLEMAN, 631 -1266. IEWPllT IElllTS: Prime location, 2 years NEW, Prof. decorated 3 bdr. + study/bdr., 4'h baths. Properly priced at $385,000. JACKIE HANDLEMAN, 631-1266 CISTI •EU llY Seller ready to move out of state. BRING OFFERS. 3 bdr., 2 bath home w/lots of T.L.C. $115,500. JACKIE HANDLEMAN, 631-1266. LllE IEW -OCUI VIEW llPLEI •LY 1311,000 Large and contemporary. Prime Loe. Try 10% down, O.W.C. at 8% int.II Call PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or 631-1266. $21,000 •YES TOI llTO 1&11111 llllE Spacious decorators condo w/view. Only $399,000. Call PATRICK TENORE 760·8702 or 631-1266. 1141,000 II IEWPllT IUCI: Remodeled 2-Sty home w/spa. Minutes to beach. Great Termsl Move In condition. Won't last. Call DELIA FLACK 631-1266. Ullll llllWIS: 3 Bdrm., .. ¥. Bath, wood floors. Priced for QUICK SALE. $150,000. By appt. only. Call HARRY FREDERICK 631-1266. WESTCLIFF: Prime area. vacant, move right In on lease with option. Seller will help finance. Three generous bedrooms with 1~ baths. Act now. Won't last $239,500. HARRY FREDERICK 631-1266. FEE IY TIE SU: Reduced $25,000 and owner will carry for 10 years. 3 BOM, new paint, carpet and steps to sand. Diana Cappel 631-1266. UYE MPLU WILL TIOEh 3 Br. Plus 2 Br., high income, approx. 95K equity. Looking for buildable lot or house to upgrade. ROBERT MILLIKEN, 631-1266. .. 8 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL'!' PILQT /Saturday. NOV8fllber ~. 1982 OCEAN VIEW + POOL • SPYGLASS HILL* Thi~ trulv m<ignif1c:l•nt rt'S1denre 1s for. lhost-who embrace relaxing luxurv a·s a way of lifl'. This home 1s c:omplelely remodeled & de< .. urat(-d by notl'<i dcs1gm•r Al Mendc>z, San Franc_isco. F<;aturing imported pavers beginning on the front pal10 & ronunuing into the t•ntry & thruout the fmly rm. kitt·hen & breakfast _area. f?<x'orated in Mt-d1tc-rranean style w/curved arches. re<.·c.'SSC<i hghung & liberal use of m1rron. The remodeled gourmet kitchen fc-aturcs solid oak cabinetry. Jcn-A1n• Range. Portugut'St!. ules & a breakfast nook w/cx"Can view . N.1tur.11lv th1 ·re 1s a panoramic cx't.'an & night Vll'W from LA to Gtalina & ol tour.( a pool & spa are e ncl'd an a private• courtyrd. Thu. fine hum<' 1>; unmistakably Nc·wporl~ Priced al $H4!J .900 FEE w/assumable r1nann11g 759-1501 . . *EXQUISITE * Contractors own home!!' Smashing 3 Br home featuring used brick and wrought iron. skylnes, atrium, shake roof. and extensive use of mex1t·an pavers. Offered al $165,000 w/assumable financing! Call 7141759-150 I or 7141752-7373. .......................................................................... (Lugonia) *WATERFRONT HOME & SLIP * Sensational executive home featuring 4 St. enormous living & dirung room. 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with assumable financing CaJI 759-1501 or 752-7373 . . . . ..... ......... . ........................................................ (Peale) *7'h3 DOWN * *BAYCRIST• 12 ~. financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige area. This home featu.res 3 brs., fplc, large lot & fee land!! Lowest price at $240.000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. ...................... ..................................... ........................ (Leeward) $279,000 * DOVIR SHORIS * SpacfOus ext!cutive home featuring 4 br & 3 1h b1-! pool & a view of the backbay & Anthony's Pier! This fine residence is located in a very desirous area & priced for lmmediate sale. Low interest assumable financing available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. .................................................................................................. (Nottingham) ABANDONED ARTIST CHALn SACRIFICE PRICE OF .$169,900 This Enghsh Tudor s tyle home is vacant and waiting for a new owner. It ts custom built with many features normally found only in higher prkt>d properties. Nouce the bay window and artistic wooden planter boxes_ What you. can't ~ in the picture are .1he five skylights, used brick entryway, ceram1t· tile kit.chen flooring. secluded patio or the lofts found in each of the large bedrooms. Added lo that is a spacious family room and three full baths which make this cozy rive year old home located only two miles from the ocean truly an e xceptional value in today's market. For more information, please caJI 556-7035. BEACH INCOME PROPERTY HUNTINGTON HARBOUR Two attracuve new triplexes located within walking distance of the ocean and one half block from the proposed Bolsa Chica Marana. These are pride of ownership bu.iJdings with superb design and floor plans. All sax units are two bedrooms, two and one half baths with wood burning fireplaces and lofts that could be converted to an extra bedroom. Vacancv factor in this excellent location is almost zero. Available individually at $320,000 each or make the seller an offer on both. Complete financing information available at 556-7035. DEVONWOOD ESTATES 3500 SQUARE FEET FOR $385,000 This 1s the much sought after Chelsea Model with five bedrooms and thr;ee Cu.l.Lba.1hs...Eor the large family this home of approximately 3,59(> square feet has ll all!! The master bedroom suite is particularly enchanting and includes a luxurious sunken oval tub and separate tiled shower. There is a separate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' bonus room for the kids. This entire residence has been professionally decorated including custom drapes throughout! Formal dining is provided as well as an eating area oCC the kitchen with ·decorative ceiling Can. The kitche n is a marvel m 1tselC with gas builtins, microwave, trash compactor and soft water. Custom brick work and spa complete ·the picture perfect back yard. Call us for details on the excellent assumable loans or the suprisingly affordable price in todays market. 963-567 l. HUNTINGTON HARBOR FORn-flVE FOOT BOAT DOCK Charming waterfront Cape Cod located on the boat parade route. Enonnous living and formal dining rooms face the water. Forty Cave foot dock accommodates up to a 55' boat. G~ enclosed patio with spacious deck. Terrazzo enlryway with iron security gate. Two large fireplaces. Seller will help fmance at 12%. This exceptional value in waterfront property is o({ered a t $559,000. 963·5671. SURFSIDI CUSTOM HOME OCIAN AND BAY VllWS • $650,000 This natural cedar and glass home on two large lots offers incredible valut;? for the discriminating buyer. Three stories of uncompromising e legan<.-e eontains every--·imaginable upgrade includu~g oak planked flooring and super plush carpeting. Three thousand eight hundred square feet are presenwd in one of the most unique floor plans we've seen In some time. Of course there's lots of decking with a cwuom spa to sink into. The oversize garage features an autom:1tic opener. Best of all our owner will finance with only 1<>-1 down!! This truly l'I a home that must be seen to be appreciated and we would be delighted to make an appomunent for you. 556-7036. NEWPORT IEACH OFFICE 2870 San Miguel Drive Hewpon lffcll, CA 12880 (714) 75•1501 it. AMERICAN· HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You ." HUNTllllTOl IEACH OFFICE IOUAd•1An. HunfllltOn llacft, eA 12141 (71•)111-7011 llSIDENTIAL REAL ESTA TE SERVICIS · NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES • .... 1.,..,.. Customized beautlful expanded plan 5, 5 BR. The trlcl< today In buying homes Is to find great value, great emotional appeal, AND great financing! This lovely home has It all. NYD.-S . M~ Like to party? This home is perfect! Beautiful swimming pool, spa, covered patios, 5 BR, maid's qtrs, 3 fireplaces, 3 car garage. owe 1st at 111A%, approx. $200.000 down. Don't miss this! lllOUY• Mtt,HI 3 bedroom Monaco model. Freshly painted, new landscaping. Charming country French decor. Lowest priced Monaco In Big Canyon. Priced to setl. Owner will help finance. IAYIUST 1411,• Have you been wishing for the "traditional" home -well are you lucky. 5 large bedrooms, gleaming hardwood floors, handsome French door plus yard with pool & spa. Owner wlll consider terms. ... OUYll 1411- View, private large yard, gorgeous entrance, 3 large bedrooms & baths & all of the amenities of one of Newport's most prestigious security communities at this unbelievable price!! •IAIY• Utt,111 Exceptionally beautiful Dover 2 BR plus den w/French doors, crown moldings, magnificent patlps plus mountain view. Outstanding assU'mable loan. Ula.'11W_. Ult,111 A large beautifully designed yard with pool, spa. flreplt -all set off by used brick planters. Home Is charmer! 3 BR plue bonus room, 31A bath. Made to order for active family. WllUlff .... Sparkling city lights & ocean view from this popular 5 BR or 4 + den home. Nlcely landscaped w/room for pool. Cloee to echools & shops. Owner wlll ualst with 'flna~ng. .,_. -U Y 11,Ml-Custom oceanfront completely remodeled. Panoramic vl•w• of coast and Catatrna. Gourmet kitchen. Terrific 2nd story, multlmedla family room, private corftmunity. ..,., .... T9lD .... Eastside high rental area. Two 2 BR, 2 bath; one 2 BR, 1 bath, plus garages, laundry room, patio. Near park, close to ec:hools & shopping. • Owner financing offered. Agent, 644·9060. NEWPORT •ACM Of Pia 2 161 SAN JOAOUIN .. LLI IOAD -- ----11...-.. New on the market! 4 BR executive home with commanding views of ocean, jetty & Catalina sunsets. Private courtyard entry, black bottom pool & spa, lush landscaping. Turn key condition. Not to be missed. · • IPflUIS ....... Front row & centerl Spectacular view! Modified Cape Horn, now 3 spacious bedrooms. Large formal dining room. Gorgeous pool & spa with Mexican paver patio. OWner will carry 1st T.D. ----sat• Charming large duplex, 4 blocks from ocean. High beamed ceilings, French doors, lovely patio, professionally landscaped. Owner will carry large 2nd. OPEN SAT. & SUN 1-5 llllMNWW.S Ull,llO 3 BR remodeled home n~tled among mature trees. Large covered patio, BBQ, flreplt. spa, French door•. cathe(jral ceilings, hardwood floors. Excellent financing. Owner will carry. ...... alll .... Lovely Plan 3 with 3 BR & family room, all on one level. Neutral decor. Gorgeous private tiled spa off master. Enjoy guardgated security, pool. & tennis. Xlnt assumable loans. lllUll•LY.I Ult~ 4 BR Spanish with Inner courtyard & fountain. DecK leads to mature trees & private park. Home Is clean. adaptable & located In one of our best communities. You won't believe the financing we are efferlngll ---Utl,IN Corona del Mar duplex. Sought after corner location. Older charming front unit, rear 3 BR 3 bath, nice kitchen, back patio area. Transferred owner to be very flexible w/financlng. ---1211,111 How would you like a wonderfully located duplex -front Is separate Frenctt styte home with large kitchen, 2 full baths, ftreptace & large sunny patio. Plus unit over the garage with 2 BR, 2 baths to give you an Income -both affording complete privacy. OUT OF AREA _. ... , ...... Salls, sunsets and your own private sandy beech. Watch the whales, listen to the M8ls, flah the surfllne. Let the sandpipers dance for you. We have a charming 4 BR home that delivers It. l&ITml .all 1111 1141,111 Price reduction! Super starter house plua good Income unit. Quiet ea1taJde location. Good future development potential. Give a call for addr ... of thll llaeper property . "..... 11.--Secluslon on the bay In this charming 5 BR home complete with exquisite furnishings. Among the many amenities are i, fireplaces, spare lot, plef, slip, sandy beach all on Fee land. 11¥11 ... u 11,111- 60' custom bayfront on fee land In Dover Shores. Lots of glass & view 3 staircases, 4 fireplaces, 3 wet bars. 3 BR down, master 'suite & den up. Pier & slip for 50' boat. IALlll ., ..... Spacious bayf ront home with oversized slip. An elevator, separate 1 Br guest suite & air conditioning are a few of the amenities. Call about owning this clear In 8 years g 5% Interest. ~ ....... 3 story contemporary offering beach living with sophistication. Incredible white water & coastline views. Totally remodeled with the finest of appointments. lll.llA Ill.All 11n.- Substant1a1 reduction! Prime Balboa Little Island bayfront. Two 3 BR units both with full water view. Owner says "sell". WJll tailor financing to buyers needs. UNllU 1111.- A perfect combination of prestigious living on Udo Isle + privacy & spaciousness. Custom French style 5 BR home with lrg yard & spa & corner prime location. Owner financing available. "..... 1211,M1 • Heaven for 2 In this Immaculate 2 BR cottage 'h block to ocean. bay & wedge. Owner financing. •• ,.,.._ au.- Good Income. WeH maintained property. Just steps to beach. Assumable financing. Best rental area. WHI exc:hante. Don't ml11 this rare opportunity to Invest In Newport Beech. --~ .. ,.. Fabulous No. Laguna prime McKnight Drive address walking distance to ocean. Well maintained 3 BR home recently recerpeted & new security system. Seller will assist with ftnenctng. .all....... ·1111,111 First time buyers wlll be excited about this spacious 3 BR townhome. Wet bar, central vacuum, lntetcom plus all new carpet & fresh paint. Outstanding aaumable loan. OPEN SAT. 2·5 .. -N'.A tm ---mlla&a :£"&\: ..... ----!. .. .... -== ---~ u---=-· ---cm•-..... ----·=-cml'I IHI --~ ---ar= llC'f---..,_ cwmm-.. -·- I ' I .. i \ ' I I ' 1 I I l I ! I • I • 10 -Orange CoumyReal.Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, NOY8fT!bef 6. 1982 The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Fir111 ROMANTIC SUNSET VIEWS -Enjoy the professionally planted yard & lovely covered patio laced with hanging bouganvillea. A beautiful pride of ownership home -3 bdrms., family rm., cozy breakfast rm. & formal dining area. $347,000 L.H. GROWING FAMILY? -Move them into this immaculate home In Spyglass Hill ideal for an active family. From the upstairs game rm. to the badminton court in the back yard, there's plenty of room for lots of fun. 4 bdrms, & family rm. $723,400. BULD nte -Here's a 1011 rm. 2 bath home (In need of some T.L.C.) on a full size R-2 lot. There Is ample room to build the second unit and create a. duplex at a fraction of the cost! $240,000 with 12% -seller financing available. (213) 828-2828 80 FEET ON THE BAY -Spacious family home tastefully decorated with el~gant parque floors, marble fireplace, lovely chandeliers and decorator wall coverlngs. Private pier & float. 4 bdrms., formal dining rm., family rm. & hobby shop. $985,000 L.H. $25,500 MOVES YOU IN -Recently reduced "C" plan near the pool In the newer north area of the Bluffs. Plenty of room wi~tl 4 bdrms. & 3 baths. Motivated seller will carry 30 year 12%% loan. Priced ~ow at just $255,000 L.H. ARE YOU A -.m..n -Two or more singles who go together to buy a place to live are called "minr.1tes". This is just the Corona del Mar property for your Low priced 'duplex with guest house. Ocean side of P.C.H. Just $229,000 only 20°/.. down. (714) .873n4400 ~5£_._ ______ . . __...._ __ 5 QUALITY POOL HOME , JUST $249,500 -Bright carmel, family floor plan, pool & s pa . Financing is reasonable; priced right a t $249,500. FREE AND CLEAR -Family home ,Beacon Bay waterfront, te nnis, needs TLCt owner will finan ce. Leas.ehold i s attractive. $695,000. GRAND CANAL/FREE AND CLEAR -Cute c lean, 3 bdrm with dock for 2 boats. Owner financed. Priced at MAI $528,000. HA NDSOME HOME PLUS APT. - 3 bdrm with sunny kitchen & courtyard. Spacious 1 bdrm apt. 10 % l oans ava ilab l e wit h $150,000 down. Realistic at $449,500. o'wNERS WILL FINANCE IN BROADMOOR -H ar bor View Hills. Owner will carry $250,000 £ 12% interest. No points for 5 yrs. Nr. comm. pool. 4 bdrm 3 bath $429,000. PRIVACY AND OCEAN VIEW -Hard to find Broadmoor, expanded ii bdrms, gourme t kitc h e n, extra large master s uite. $429,500. LR. GOU RM ET KITCHEN BAYFRONT -3 bdrm remodeled in Beacon Bay, large master suite, 1 bdrm apt, mu st see to belie ve. Owner will help finance. $1,195,000. A GOOD DEAL Immaculate! 3 bdrm, den, 3 bath in Irvine Terrace. Pool, s hutt e r s, s pa and good financing, tasty at $369,000. S.OMETHING UN IQ UE - Architects home! In Seaview, 3 bdrm, view, dark room, loft and tasty touches throughout. Really speciall $425,000. BIG CANYON, LOW PRICE - Dover inside 'Big Can.yon. Priced to sell, light 6 airy atmosphere 2 bdrm• 6 2 · baths with den 1r•at patiol Only •s&o,ooo. a ------ Orange CoUnty Real Estate/ An AdvertlsJng Supplement to toe DAILY PILOT /Saturday, NOYember 6, 1982 -11 WE'ii TUINING THI HOUSI WSIDI DOWN ... k>Oldng tot buytn and ..... who appr-. ciate ow oobful, oonecientioul 'MfV of doirl{I ~-Thaul9nda hew *-dy ~our Unique~ end they mnile end .-y, 'Wllh we'd heard about you 900flS :· We wiM stand on ow U'*"8 heeds to hllilr about you 800fl8f. Buy or ... reel estate the Unique way. NEWPORT'S EXC ITIN G HOMES -Th i s one is a leader! 5 bdrms, 3 fireplaces, unlimited view from Spyglass. S unn y , cozy , excitin g , practical. $850,000 includes · muc h of the furniture. Owner financing too. IRVINE TERR. PRICE DOWN $37,000 -Fee land, 3 bdrm, mini view, 2 fireplaces, a large family room, ·owners w ill carry 1st trust deed. $352,500. EAST SIDE COSTA MESA - Cul-de-sac location! Nothing this low on this large of a lot. 3 bdrms, owner will car.r-¥-- $119,000. NOOKS & C RA NNIES - Victorian on the island!· 3 bdrm11, 3 baths, new and vacant. Beveled glass, rock fire place a nd different! At $595,000. BLUFFS END UN IT - E-xceptional end unit, quiet c u 1-d e -s a c, p r-i v a t e w it b s ubtle colors, good loans, privat e patio, leasehold. $224,000. 675~ ~ ON THE SAND -Duplex, good income, West Newport location with plans for new home, good financing. Asking $550,000. NEWPORT 5 BDRM -In Eastbluff, s pectacular night-light view, clean, fresh condition. Only $275,-000. BACK BAY FARM HOUSE - 112 acre lot with ranch s tyle home, oak floors, loaded with antique fixtures, 2 story barn, large pool. A kick! $465,00~. 5 BDRMS BALBOA ISLAND -Looks cutsie, lives jumbo! 2 stor y near So. Bay Beach, 5 bdrm + bonus r oom. $450,000. BLUFFS END UNIT - Popular G plan, 3 bdrms, dep, 3 b a t h s , s· p a c i o u s f e e I . $250,000. HARBOR VIEW BROAD- M ORE -Goo d 4 bdrm home, good 12% loans, good n e ighborhood and great va lue . $399,000 LH or $495,000 fee. BIG FAMILY HOME IN NEWPORT -Pool, spa, immac. decor, over 3500 sq. ft. with 5 bdrm& on a quarter acre lot. Sellers flexible, Harbor Hi district. $349,500. BALBOA ISLAND BARGAIN -Bay view! Halt blo~k to water, clear shot! 2 story, fireplace, 3 bdrms, 2 baths. Owner Cinance . Only $339,300. , EASTSIDE COSTA MESA-2 bdrm home with 1 bdrm . income unit, 6500 sq.ft~ lot, aaaume lat loan under 10%, excellent rental area (Broadway 6 Orange). •1s2,ooo. VERY BAYS H 0 RE 8 ~-::--c--=,,... Cottare nr. beach, cou11try kitchen, wood noon, s Bdrma, uaed brlek flre~laee, patio. Flnaacla1. IS 10,000 ·---1!0- 12 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 _ Dalebout ·aay 8r B~h Recil ·Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 LllO ISLE ... Majestic Country English home on the Bayfront with pier and slip for large boat. Sandy beach. Five bedrooms plus elegant library. Six baths. The huge living room, dining room and patio terrace create a regal atmosphere for gracious entertaining . . . regardless of reason or the season. Owner extremely flexible as to financing or possible trade ............................................... $2,700,000 ' lllllll ISWI IRIYE ... Not a king ... just live like one in this bayfront five bedroom and convertible den home. Huge complete apartment over three car garage for mother. Spacious entertainment room with wet bar. Stimulating view in all directions ... Linda Isle, Harbor Island. Float for 48 foot boat. Home built in 1980 ................................... $2,350,000 llYEI s.1£$ ... Could be your dream home on the water. Huge living room, formal dining room and beautifully appointed library plus master bedroom in the main building. Across the used brick patio is a separate two bedroom guest suite. The pier and float will accommodate a 55 foot boat. You own the land ............ $985,000 llYllE TEllUCE ... You will never tire of the 180 degree marine view ... enjoyed from virtually all areas of this spacious three bedroom home. Restful family/billiards room. Tremendous patio with custom spa and gazebo. You own the 85 foot wide lot -worth total asking price of $985,000. Open Sat-Sun t to 4:30 1301 Dolphin Terrace llYH SltlES ... Exquisite four bedroom home. Fabulous use o f Italian fossilized marble, carved· wood and black walnut. Huge living room. Family room with wet bar. Sauna In garage. Solar heated pool. Fire ring and seating on view side of home ....................... $895,000 llYll ..US . . . Prestigious five bedrooms, four and one-half bath home. Restful bay view, espttcially from the living areas and deluxe patios. Plankwood floors, French doors and gorgeous woods. Maid's room with separate bath. Room for spa in front courtyard, $150,000 to $200,000 down. Owner wlll carry balance at 12°/o ................................................... $740,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ............... 1210 Polaris Drive SPYIWS llLL ... Magnificent view of ocean and ci ty lights (no rooftops). Four spacious bedrooms. Sparkling pool and spa In courtyard. Brick and tile walkaway. This is the rare "Tradewlnds" model with numerous amenities and conveniences. Liberal terms. .... $625,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 .... ~ ...... 11 Carmel"Say Drive IWI• 11111 . . . Spectacular front row view of mountains, city lights and lake-like reservoir. Three bedroom "Renaissance" floor plan. Library/loft overlooks huge living room. Wet bar. Three view decks. Pools and tennis. ............................................................ $510,000 IUVllW ... Delightful four bedroom, three bath home," In an area )ust old enough to have Character. Spectacular ocean, city and bay view. Port Royal model on extra wide lot. Spa In =~~~ ot!:,!~ll-~ .. ~~-~ .... ~~-~~'.~.~~~hS..'11:.:0 WlnaJff .... Quite private, yet exceptlonefty convenient. Four bedrooms, den, family rC>Offt and dining room. Authentic plank flooring. Cuetom k!sehen .cabinet•. a..n.d cetllnga In llvtng room and family room. Spa and guebo. 90x132 poof atze yard. Owner will flnance up to $300,000. , •................. , ...................... 1475,000 Open sat/Sun 1 to •:oo 111e Someraet Lane 1617 WESTCLIEF DRIVE .. COME WITH US TO. • • -llYU IHlll . . . New listing we believe to be 1 1 the lowest priced bayfront In Dover Shores. 1 Three bedrooms and den. Formal dining room. I Two secluded private patios. Seventy seven , feet on the water with pier and slip for large I boat. Owner will assist with financing. $395,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ............... 1044 Polaris Drive Ullll PElllSIU PlllT Highly desirable locatlonl Just steps to best ocean beach. Easy walk to bay. Four bedroom, two story home. Large kitchen with eating area. Great potential with a little paint. paper, carpeting and TLC. Owner prefers cash but would consider carrying first trust deed or exchange. $460,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ... 1576 E. Ocean Boulevard •YU U.EI . . . Alluring waterfront location with pier and slip. Three spacious bedrooms. Dramatic bay and city lights view from livlng, dining, den and master bedroom. Separate family r6om with wet bar and fireplace. Sixty feet on the water. Owner will carry substantial secondary financing .................. Now $460,000 SPJIUH •ILL ... Extraordinary value In Spyglass. Three spacious bedrooms. Family room. Two baths. Two fireplaces. The much sought after "Portsmouth" model. Private courtyard with pool and spa. Property highly updraded throughout. .................... ... $450,000 9pen Sun 1-4:30 ................ a Monterey Circle CLIFF UYH . . . Custom built three bedroom three bath home with unobstructed view of bay and ocean. Numerous built-Ins. Tremendous potential. Offered by original owner. Quick possession ........................................ $395,000 Open Sun 1 to 4:30 ............. 1211 Kings Road IAYClllT . . . The inspired work of a master craftsman. Completely rebuilt with rare artistry. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Seldom does a property of this caliber come on the market. ............................................................ $395,000 WISTOUFF . . . Family oriented four bedroom home. Two master suites. Fatnlly room with fireplace, barbecue and wet bar. Conwnlent to schools, library and shopping. ......... $356,000 Open Sun 1 to 4:30 ............. 1400 Nottingham kl .... Ill llAI ... Two bedroom cottage on great corner lot. Ooean view. Easy walk to Big Corona Beach. Attractive owner financing. ............................................................ $340,000 Wl lTILllF ... Your own little world! Cu1tom bullt home wraps Itself around Inner atrium. EnorlT!OUS master bedroom, two spacious bedrooms plus a convertible den. Ideal for mature family. Solar heated jacuzzi In garden. Open Sun 1 to 4:30 .................. 1115 Highland ............................................................. $300,000 IAYllllT . . . Choice Ivan Wells three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining -30 people, no problem! Huge llvlng room with soaring beamed celling. Quality and Informality. Reduc.d $40,000 ...... ,. ............... Now $299,000 -• tW ... Family oriented tr" Hned 1treet. ThrM apec:fout bedrooma plul m81d'a quertera With bdl. flot .. CIW to0m. FemilY room. Stgnlflcant upgrading lli!IUdlng MW roof. ...............•..................•...••..•.... :: ....•..••.. 1111.000 IWI• 1•1wn ... Highly motivated. seller. Wiii consider any reasonable offer. Tastefully decorated four bedroom home In Immaculate condition. Upstairs master bedroom retreat. Best buy In area. .............................. $270,000 OlllU HL 11&1 . . • Light and spacious two bedroom home. Prime location. R-2 lot. Great potential for Investor or builder. Owner will assist with financing. ........................ $~50.000 •w Yllll ... Four bedroom dwelling has it all. Oversized yard. Pool. Spa. Multi-leveled used brick decks .. Great or entertalning. Pnce just reduced $34,000 ....................... Now $245,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ........... 1944 Flamingo Drive TH ILIFFI ... The much sought after "Franciscan" model condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two tiled patios and gas barbecue. Shows like a model. .......... ... ...... ...... $229,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-4:30 ........... 685 Vista Bonita IEWNIT llUT ... Conveniently located condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two and half baths. Restful peek-a-boo view from decks. Assume atfractlve financing. ........... ............... $210,000 OHTA •HA (HITSllE) ... A condo with character ... Tri-level, three bedroom dwelling. Lavish use of wood and used brick. Wiii trade or finance .......................................... $185,000 IEWPllT TllUll ... Excellent financing. Neat three bedroom contio. View of park and city lights. Many extras. Submit offer-.... $136,900 11111 YI ..... Highly upgraded four bedroom home. Roof. kitchen appliances, and carpeting -all new within the last two years. Convenient location. Owner will help finance. Just reduced $5000 ........................................ Now $129,900 llYUTlll-llYILIPlll Prime location In Eastslde Costa Mesa. Nearly a full acre at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plans and permits for 26 condos available. Price Includes near new triplex. Excellent terms. Owner will consider trade. JUST REDUCED $200,000. Call Harriet Perry. .................................................... Now $950,000 ....... Two choice contlguoua lots. Each 50x78. Zoned R-3 -Could be R-4. ldeel for triplex of pcsslbly four units. Topographical survey paid for. Owner will entertain Jll offers. • UIYtl ... Fucinatlng home In a luxuriant setting. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Huge ftlmlly room with wet bar and large bullt-ln television ecreen. Custom pool and spa. Located on the 18th fairway. , ........................................................ $1,495,000 Ill I HHI ... The much sought after "Versalllel" model. Spacious four bedroom home. Four and one-half bath•. Custom decorating throughout. Extensive UH of bevel49d glut. parquet floors. Corner lot. Very private, and aeclu~ed. Superb view of golf courH. · 000 ···························································· $850, L9I ..... Pr•ttgk)ua area. Top location on the wtdeea ,,,... on Lido. Juet 1tepe to private beach. E::J, w81k to tennla courta. Four apeclOu9 ~. Pnicdc81 ftoor plan. bult around l8tge patto. TM IMCI alone worth the total Mldng prloe. ............................................................ s-.ooo I -------Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertising Supplement to·the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, NOV9f!'ber 6, 1982 -13 . A SI _,,Yf'IOF THEW~ I PIOIAILE llUI A wonderful warm contemporary bayfront -the view breathtaking thru the mitered windows. Santa Maria stone & marble enhance the feet & charm throughout. Included are 3 BR, 4 baths, family rm, library, & a slip _for a 50' yacht. Offered furnished at $4,750,000. Barbara Aune. l&LUA ISWI HUii HISE Custom built Riverrock home on the water with dock to hold up to 20' boat. Almost finished two-story with upgrades throughout including a r~of garden with wet bar. $1 ,000,000 Gisela Jenkins. Piil + YIEW + 11111 A lovely Dover Shores home. 4 BAS, formal living & dining rms plus a lg family rm w/wet bar & fireplace. Free form pool & spa. Extensive use of parquet flooring and skylights. Owner financing available. $750,000 Incl. land. Larry Oyer. SPYIWS llHE YIEW HIEI Famlty home w/great circulation -a Hillsborough SBA, 3BA, DA, Family rm. beautiful garden + a view patio. $640,000 incl. land. Dona Chichester. Opn Hse Sunday 12-4. 1607 Castle Cove. llYllE TEIUCE um11 Super ocean & bay view from this spacious single story residence. 2 mstr suites, plus 2 more lg BR, 4 BA, fam rm, & game rm. Pool in courtyard. Great for entertaining. $595,000 LH Donna Godshall. "IElllD" II llllEOUFFS A fantastic location. featuring a 3 BR, fam rm custom split level home w/an ocean view off master suite. Three private beaches make this a "Superb" family home. Needs a little T.l.C. $432,000 incl land. Sharon Smith. O~n Hse S?VSun 2-5. 120 Shoreclltt Rd: PllOE IEllCTlll Olllll 1111wn YIEW Fantastic ocean & canyon view 3 BR, 2 BA, dining area home situated on very lg lot -room for expansion & pool. $425,000 Fee land Donna Godshall. 'UllM OIEU WITI YIEW Popular Plan 3 on wide greenbelt w/vlew of ocean fr:om living rm & patio. Formal dining rm, lots of patios & large mstr suite. Great assumable financing. $399,900. Maxine Propp. UU 111 .. , ... ~ II llllM VIEW Extra apecial & only a few bullt. Thfa hlghty upgraded two story home shows just like a model. New carpet, modernized bathrooms, shutters throughout. $398,000 lnci. Land. Gisela Jenkins. PIUTlllllS llYllllES Spacious family home on quiet streetJn gate guarded community. Private beach, 3 BR, 3 BA. convertible den. Redecorated & have the finest. $395,000 Incl. land. Dick Halderman. 111100 + LIW MWI Piil. View on the hill. Port Durness prestigious Harbor View S.awlnd - 3+ Fam rm prof decor, Immaculate. Kol pond w /emotlonal atmosphere. Reduced to $310,000 w/assumable loans of $250,000. A great buy·:-Seller leaving Newport & ready to gol Jane Paquin. TIY Tiii VIEW • ,_ llDJ Water, mountains & light• and a beauty of a houae juat newty refurbished. The best of everything In a big 2 story, 3 BA home. $289,000. Coby Ward. Opn Hse Sat 1-5. 3057 Carob. In II TIE swm Wonderful pool home -great Westclltt neighborhood. 3BR + IQ fam. rm w/beam celllngs. custom shutters, upgrades, neatly landscaped & most appealing. $269,000. Jane Paquin. "I" PW II ILIFFS • llEEllEL T With fully assumable loan. upgraded end unit, custom wallpapers. shutters. 3 BR. fam rm. pallo, fireplace, beamed ceilings. $265,000. Jan Young. IEWPllT IEllm U•llEL Outstanding 3 BR, 2 bath home completely remodeled situated in Newport Heights. This beautifuJ residence has lots of charm plus a sparkling pool. Close to beaches, shopping & schools. Priced to sell at $262,500 inciuding land. Donna Godshall. WOT I STUU $249,000 Fee HV Homes -Carmel -Totally redecorated throughout. Italian handpalnted tile w/ftoor to match. Jennaire stove. microwave, plantation shutters, lg mirrors-beth baths brass/wood faucets. New high assumable 1st, seller will cac.ry. Gisela Jenkins. lllll SIPllSTIUTlll Newport Beach with a country feet. Great famlly home. 3 BR, fam rm residence totally redone. All new oalnt. caroets. wA011nRn~rc: landscaping. $215,000. Tom Alllnson & Terry Hanes. pn se Sat/Sun 11-5. 2307 Fairhlll Ln. Off Irvine & 23rd. I IUITIFIL Oll-1111,11 $175 000 only minutes to the beach. 2 generous Bdrm, 2 Ba, dining rfn, s~nken living rm. Pool & tennis available. lnsJde stairs to garage w/huge storage area. Mary Lou Merion. Tim.RICI Tla..UYEL $174,900 Large 2BR, 3 Bath Turtlerock townhome. Formal dining. • mammoth mstr suite w/vaulted cellrngs. 2 patios, pool & tennls courts. Assumable financing. Barbara Callihan. llTIT._ um.IFFI" nw, .. A lowest priced "V" Plan -3 BR, 2'h baths situated in the lovely Bluffs area of Newport Beach. This charming unit Is neat and clean and has extensive use of grass cloth wallpaper. Move-In condition. $154,500. Leasehold. Donna Godshall. UIT OllTI 1111 -2 BR 2'.lt BA. 2 story, lg encloled patio. Lots ot privacy. 2 yrs old. IMMACULATE. Aasumable loans. $147,900. Owner will consider trade. Bertt Mitchell. .... , IElllTI u Great bulldable R2 lot w/2 separate houses. The front 2 BR w/warmth & charm & back house la a separate bachelor w/yard between. S 187 ,500. Terry Hanea-Tom Alllnaon . .. 111 llUT.ITUTD ••11 _ --- In Northeast Costa Meea. Brand new 3 BR-3 BA wtth extra lg master BR. Choose your carpet now. Lg fenced back yarda. Seller will help with financing. $135,900 to $139,800. GIMla Jenkins. .... PM?lllY 111111 •YI Plush. 2-story, upgraded 2BR, 2'"'8A. Mltrored wardrobes, neutral .__ tonee, parquet floor. air cond, 2-car garage, prof. landecaped w/patlo.• Plantation shutters, SW8dill"I ftreptace, pool & apa. Fabutoua fixed auumable loan. $134.000. OebtMe Frett. I '111111' "' Hard to beat price for a Newport Beech condo w/3BR, 2'ABA, ftreplece, °'*' bemm cetllngs In metr auhe & garage •t your J)9tlo door. 1127,500. ~Ward. • - ·-· - - 14 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 ...... ,., .. ,, ...... ,., ,.,, ...... ,., "'' ~ ..... let,,,. ...... ,., ... ...... ,., ,,,. ....... ,.,, ............•.•....... ....................•. .......•.....•....... . ...........................................••••..•...........•.•.....•.••••..•••....... f.r~~~~ ......... !.~~ f.r!~~~{ ......•.• !.'.!. ¥!.~~~~{ ......... !."' ~!~~{ ••••••••• !.'if. ~~~ •••••••• !.'if~. f!~!.'!!. •••••.••• !.liff.~!.'.'!. •••..•... !.'!~ •HJ,,,.,, ..................•••• EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PIWishr's httoe: AH real esl81e 8dve<llsed on this newspaper Is subject to the Federal Fair HouSlng Act ot 1968 wNdl makes JUllagal to advertise "any preferen- ce. Umttaoon or dlscrlml· ~- ,. 200 n IEWNllT UYFllllT on huge pnme island point. Lge dock & prkg. Walk to ocean. Owner financing. $965,000 -you own the land. Open Sun. 1-5. 650-0202 Coles"'orthy &Co. 2S4S EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. MC>-0020 Bllff S COM>O Attractive 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. drastic price reduction. Low down. Existing financing $112,500 at 12.25%. Asking $150,000, Opn Sat/Sun 1-5. 2630 Vista Del Oro. nallon based on race. color, rellglon. sex or national origin, or any tClassollad Ads are the· ~~:t~~;,e·r~n~k.~m~~a~ BEST IN BLUFFS ~~~:: 0~0y:d·:,~~~.~!u~ ~ Cedlllaca to Go-Carla Whatever Iha Fed Roll 'em off Iha market With 1 Classified Ad Cell Nowl 6-42-5678 tlon or dlscromlnalton 1 IEST IUY I 2000 f 3 bd 2 1 better way to tell more IEW II TH lllUT. 4BR. attractive beam ceiling home. Automatic sprinklers. patio. near community pool & tennis -2 F1r<.'places, near schools. $1, l 00 per mo. No pets. Mar.y Lou Marion 644-1.)200 offire 494-2073 home ..... --E.ASTS IDE COSTA MESA -"Cape Senee" 2 Bdrm. 2 bath, tingle story. Big trees, gr"n tewns, pool, .clubhOUH. Good flnenclngl S 135, 000. THE REDWOODS • Near Senti Ane /Tuttln border-convenient k>ca· lion! 1 Bdrm, prlvete pallo, community poor and spe. Pets OK. Ex-cellent llnenc:lng, S79, 900. 142-1200 J PETE ' BARRETI .. REALTY T wl" I • Lovl' y sq. t. rm, ,: • peopfel . ho• newspaper no 'd '-~I 1---------1 knowingly accept any bath~. fam rm .. w1 e gn•en~ t, near --------• advertising tor real es-pool Only $235.000. llCllllH TME LAii. tale which Is In violation Will LEASE OPTIOI. Good l('rms. By appt. I 01 the taw IHEIUST UTES MWI. Now's the ume to buy. wt· have' good buys. lC'aSt• options & CORONA DEL MAR From $179,500 sers should check IPfll 1-5 THIS WEEK ONLY $127,500 , UlllS1 Adverti-l<'t•~t·~ I their ads dally and 2111 Yfsta ••resa p Ir 3 la 12IO,OOI report errors Im-o 500 PtaJa a Ir 2 la wittt la•4 1211,111 This may he your last opportunity co ever afforJ living in Newport Beach. .... ----•;t· mediately. The! 2211 Vista hra4• llr 2~ lat• 1211,000 DAILY PILOT as-12147 Vista Elttra4a 3 Ir 3 la V1 UH,000 ~~:~~s~1~~~~~r!~~ I HELEN B DOWD S:mdrnst le'" pcrfet"t a:. a home or exeuitive retreat near all the businet1s in Ncwpon, or a cozy 1-lx-droom, I-bath home near one of the gre;m .. -sc beaches in Sourhem California. .. Insertion only. j llEALTllll, llC. ' 144-0134 WIY, WIY IELIW llllUT Meredith G11dens 3 Br 3 Ba. 3 car gar. Fun price St79,000. 751-319 1 .... , ... . knocks often wtien you use result-getting Dally Pilot crasaltled Ad• toj rMCh the Orange eo..tl mart< et. Phone 842-5678 For Ctualhed Ad ACTION. Call. Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-6878 ========~ REDUCED $350,000 This spacious custom bulll French Prov. home epitomizes the catual elegaooe ol Big Canyon with commanding view ol lush 8th fairway and night llghta. 5 bedrooms Includes maids qtre, aec.luded paneled library and large family room. Classic moldlngs. Pool-spa and much more. Call Millie Howe. NOW OFFERED AT Sl.850,000.00. BIG PRICE REDUCTION BAYFRONT, pier, slip 4 BR+. Exciting archllecwre. 4 yrs old. $1,200,000. Try CASH for further reduction. Twllchell. GEORGE Ell(INS CO. (714) 759·9100. THE CHARM OF CORONA ~L MAA Dlffing two-bedroom home In Old Cotona def Mlf. Perteet cottege With flr99lac.. oouncry k1tc:hen, and wonderful patio. Lot 11 zoned R-2. Outstanding opportunity to own In COM ... only $230,000. Call Sharon Collins tor a ahowlng. SUBSTANTIAL PRICE REDUCTION Seller Is desperate. Absolutely must Mii. Deauvllle model In excluslve Big Canyon H1ndsome French doors throughout; high ceilings hlMI all been plastered with smooth finish. Impressive two-story entr1nce 1nd living room, 01k-floored kltc:Mn end f1mily room. Luxurious muter Niie. 1nd large brick terrace. The home la vacant. and awaiting your nna1 toueh. The price has been reducecS to $650,000, Ind the aetlef wtll carry plj)er. Call Trudy Stubblefield. CORONA DEL MAR Flxh A remarkable opportunity within the village atmosphere of Chln1 Cove. Uw abOard, Of remodel later. Overlootcs H1rt>or entrance. Proper1)1 11 IUf'tOUnded by mllllon dollar horMe, Ind Is priced at only S37g,soo. Sellers are motl'lated. C... M11ltvn Hiii fC>f 1 private lhowlng REDUCED S70,000ln , Eicqulslte custom wood ind glass home. Oulet cul-de-11c loc1tlon. Featuring thrM bedroom., ptus 1 convertible atudy; specious lamllY room, bNutlfull)' lanctsc.ped garden, petlo and pool areas. Off-street RV parking. Latge assumable loane. Call Joye» Debott "" Don O.Thomas. Special financing available, see sales agent for detail . I' t OR(,)!'\A OM. IAR ,. \\'l'ORT Bl·.AC..'li lnvesrbrs welcome. i~ AHw. at1it A\J!nue, C.:.m•tla Jd M.ir, Cahfom1a (714) t1i l-l!il ()pi:n II ~.m. h> ti p.m. 1:'"<1" \X\.J"'-.'1.1\ nnJ Thuk:Liy. PERFECT COUPLE HOME Great two-bedroom condo In the Irvine Village of Woodbridge. Quiel c:ul-de-sac locallon. Super floor plan -open, airy and bright iOterlof. Areplac4t. Low price makes this a fine opportunity to move up to Woodbridge. Call Susan Trlvlson for detalls. REDUCED S500,000 0Ut11andlng baytront home In Corona def Mar. Chatacter and warmth reminfscen1 ot the East Coast. This aupe1b property 1 .. tures lour bedrooms, five and-a-half baths. 1nd 1 bllllards room. Outdoon, a private bria6I and wrougtot Iron trimmed courtyard, plus 1 fine bayslde patio. Marvelous vtew of bey. Plet and IMp. Priced 11 $1,200,000 fee, with ex~t financing available Call Unda Tegu.n.ttl. COUNTRY HOME ••• •,ooo College on LARGE. le¥el, fenced Qllekllde l(lt. Your two-bedroom home In the country, 11Wliting yow perlONI toudl. ~ at anty 18.000. Ind .... will conllder VA ott.,._ Call Mary Rfch1rd9 fC>f I lhowlng. IRVINE/3 BEDROOllS/.,000 Three bedrooms fOf the prk:• of twoll Fun condo In Wetnot Square. Air-conditioning, ganige. two baths. lnter•tlng financing Gptiol1e. Donna Webet• tleS ·det.ue. Clll today. POOL HOME Enjoy 1\1 ':r"" cs.y & night vtew. lrom ~ kltehen. t.mty room. IMng room and mast.er bedroom mountaine, ocean Md c.t811na. 4 bedroom Tl#Ue Aock home complete Wfth pool/epa end Indoor Jecunj 1556,000.00. Cel Dion ldvMtw tor eddltlol..i lnformetton. PALMIPMIQI Cwiyon Coontry CIUb. S..UCIM ~ MC ~ on d coune. Views of mountlk\s. Meeter IUlte with two rooms, two batM. Gueet QUertwl • two rooms. one l:Mtf'I suite. Ptus den. Pool Md epe. Auto 19'inklers. Ai.rm system. 1315,000. Cell M~ TWftctlell '°' Oetalle. I • ,. ... :;:: Orange County Real Estate/An Adver11aln Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 -15 ~ .. ~!!!.{~~'!....... ! .. ¥.!!.{ .. '.~'! ...... ~ ! .. ~!!!.':'.~'! ....••. ~ .. '!!!!.{'.'.~'! ...••.. ~ ... ~'!!!.'!!.~! ••••••• ~~.{~~!. •••••• ~ ... ~~.'!!.!.•!! .....•. !'.'!!!!.~9!.~! ••••••• •• '!._'.~ •• : •••••• !.C!!~I ~!'. .. ~'.L ....•••. !.~. ~!'. .. '.'.L .. · ••.••. !.o.ql ~!'. .. '.'.L •....... !.C!!~ ~!'.'.~ •...•.... !.'!.. ~!'. .. '.'.L •••••..• J.Oj~ ~!.'.'.L •••••••• !.'!.. ~!'.'.'.t ...••... !.~~ PHllSIU HOME Ocean & Jelly v1ew11. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq.fl $1 ,38!'!,000. Oceanfront Clllllll CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 8!'!' boat dock. Pl.awl avail. Now $370.000 w/terms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3-l ' Boy\ c• D• .. "< B b7S !:>'b ' To piece your maaage before the reading put>llc, phone Dally Piiot Classified, 642-5878 For Clutlfled Ad ACTION Call a Dally Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 Being above every other club in the desert means many things. If you live in a Courtyard Villa tennis townhome, it means drinking in magnificent views from your rooftop observation deck, located just above the master bedroom suite. Or relaxing in the privacy of your own courtyard spa. It also means championship tennis, golf and a combination of privacy, protection from the wind, scenic beauty, and amenities that no other club can match. ALOT FOii ALITILE Tluu ~tlrt••• W1ttrf1ll; ltw lltoll. a0 11uoes1 ,, .. , LtutlH. l1IJ HH PITI/ ... OON'T DELAY, CALL DIANA TOOAYI CIEAllY WE Located In Newport Beach this recently re- nov a 1 ed 4 Br 3 'h-Ba home 1s truly unique Sl- 1ua1ed on a 24,000 S.F. takelront lot w /dock. Recently carpeted & painted. Asking $495. 000 Call tor a viewing appt. 631-T370 or 549-35J6 TJUDITIO \..\L RE,\LT) 30-year financing· subsidized to 10.Y• % (11 % APR) for 5 years on . some models, substantial discounts to cash buyers, and a generous decorating allowance which you can use to purchase furniture and accessories from our Design Center. Come up to Ironwood today. You 'll be toasting your good ~ fortune for years to come. , -1.."•"'''•• l IRONWOOD 49-200 Mariposa Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 (714) 346-0551 ~ ., U 1·~'-to ""''"' l• ............. The Courtyard Villas start in the low $150,000s. For a limited time we're offering The Gub Above The Rest. Sales office open 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ·IRONWOOD - • J - - ---..; , 16 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 8, 1982 This Weekend! •• ., ... , ....., lin<twy wlffl y-. IM1 w"'"4 n ,_ .. II-• ........ Al .... tee..._. l•t.4 lliete• -•Krilw4 llo ~ •t•1 ~y ....................... I. te4ey'1 DAll Y rtlOT WAMT ADS.,.._, "'-•i.,,... ...._, fw , ... or,..... -...... te h! wcti .......... ill tM. c...._ MCti S.tw4ey _,,...,,_ HOUSES FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 314 34th St., Newport Beach 645-0303 $165,000 1 BR plu8 FAM RM or DEN 31132 Holly, South Laguna 499-1600 $434,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BEDROOM #3 Lago Sud (RSJ) Irv. 644-7020 $159,000 Sun 1-4 304 N. Waverly, Orange 759-9100 S96,500 Sun 1·5 3 Aue Fontainebleau (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $395,000 Sun 1-5 2308 Cliff Or. (Nwpt Hgts) NB 642-5200 $359,500 Sun 1-4 2 BR-plue FAM~AM 0t DEN 20 Rue Grano Ducal, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $399,500 Sun 1-5 #3 Rue Fontainebleau (Bg Cyn) NB 640-9333 $395,000 Sun 1-5 10 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 644-6200 $495,000 Sa 11~/Sn 11-7 * 1 Pandora (Irvine Groves) Irv. 642-5200 $138,500 Sun 1-5 1577 E. Ocean, Peninsula Point 631-1400 $344,500 Set/Sun 1-5 1718 Port Westbourne (HVHm) N.B. 640-8529 $216,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 481 E. 20th St (Eastslde) CM 645--0003 $199,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 621 L.ldo Perk Or.. Udo Penin9Ula 631-1400 ssec>,000 Sat 1-5 3497 Queens Ct (Wlmbtdn Vig) CM 645-0303 $159,000 Sat 2-5 * 19 Curl Or, Jaemlne Crtc, Vu, CdM 640-151511-72'65151 Sat/Sun 12-5 a mDllOOll 1341 Conway, Costa M_. 540-0450 $125,000 Sa 9·5/Sn 12-5 1543 Serenade Terr. (Irv. Terr) CdM 644-4910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 3 WOOdland (Woodbridge) Irvine 644-8200 $155,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 -.L--- 12102 Faye Ave., Garden Grove 759-9100 $115,000 Sun 1-5 3071 Platte Or., Costa Mesa 751-5418 $127,000 Set/Sun 1-5 7 Rue Chateau Royal (Bio Cyn) NB 644-5116 $665,000 Sun 1-5 11 Rue Verte, Big Cyn, Npt Beech 213/470-2880 $499,500 Sat/Sun 11·6 3 Kensington (Harbor Ridge) 752-1414 $510,000 Sat 1-5 , 2619 Way Ln., China Cove, CdM 759-9100 $379,500 Sun 1-5 210 Grand Canal (Balboa Ill) NB 675-6000 $528,000 Sun 1-5 1411 Kings Rd. (CUff Haven) NB 642-5200 $525,000-fee Sun 1-5 **3215 Ocean Bl., CdM &44-8200 $1,295,000 Set/Sun 2-5 **3415 Ocean Blvd ... CdM 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-4 •204 Via E~I (Lido Ille) NB 873-7300 $550,000 Sun 1-4 1101 Debra. Coeta ~ • 546-2313 $195,000 Sun 1-4 3 14 Marigold, Corona del Mw 831-1.00 $889,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •603 36th St, nr Lido VIII., NB 873-6778 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2119 Vista Laredo, Blu"9 q1-1400 $230,000 Sat 1-5 1961 San Bruno. Bkdts 831-1400 1150,520 Set 1-5 41M18'Ai Cametton. CdM 67~ $511,000 Sat 1-5 408 10th St., Huntington a.ct.. 983-6787 $189,800 Se 2-5/Su 1-5 **354 62nd St .. Newport Beech 983-8787 1189,500 Sun 12-'4 20'48 S11COW ln., ca.ta Mela 548 8144 1175,000 Sat 1-5 ......... , ......... *428 E. Flower. EMtelde, CM &45-4707 S1H,OOO Set/Sun 12-5 218 Vie Katon~ .. , NB &M-IOIO ,000 Sun 1-5 3'422 S...-ncn Or(Trtn.lll)Hunt Hrbr &M-7420 1311,MO Sun 1-5 217 Via Ithaca (Lido Isle) NB 673-&4~ $487,500 Sat 1-5 2811 Circle Or. (Bayshoree) NB &45-6218 $269,000-L/H Sun 1-4 3069 Glbralter, Mesa Verde, C.M. 545-2883 $127,900 Sat ·2-5/Sn 1-4 1218 Key West (HVH) CdM 644-4910 $299,500-L/H Sun 1-5 *2007 Holiday Rd, Npt Beach 631-1298 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 · 1301 Dolphin Terr. (IN. Terr) NB 631-7300 $985,000 Set/Sun~ 1-4:30 1038 Polaris Or .• Newport Bch 759-9100 $899,000 Sun 1-5 82 Orek• Bay (Spygls) NB 644-7020 $475,000 128 28th St., Balboa, Nwpt Beech Sun 1-4 759-9100 $369,500 Set/Sun 1-5 120 Shorecilff Rd. 644-6200 $432,000 3057 Carob (E.bluff) Npt Bch 644-6200 $289,000 1607 Cornwall (W•tcllff) NB 642-5200. $289,500 Sat 2-5 Sat 1-5 · Sun 1-5 **301 N. Star (Dover Shrs) NB 642-5200 $450,000-L/H Sun 1-5 * 1901 Galatea Terr., CdM 644-6200 $795,000-Fee Set/Sun 1-5 «5 E. 20th St. (Eu1alde) CM 675-6000 $465,000 -sun 1-5 300 33rd SL. Newport Beach 760-8333 $379,500 Sat 1-5 2307 Fatmtll lrl: (e.ct<bay) NB 64+8200 $215,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 **1621 Bayside, Corona del Mar · 760-8333 $1,395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 760 Via Udo Soud (Lido) NB 675-6870 $575,000 Set 1-5 314 33rd St.. Newport Beach 675-e670 $369,500 Sun 1-5 •20M Balmoral. Costa M_. 642-1603 $147,000 Sun 1-4 101 Via Genoa (Lido Isle) N.B. 873-7300 $895,000 Sun 12-4:30 699 JoMn, ca.ta MeM 548-2313 $124,900 Sun 1-4 320, Mont8na. Coata MeM 548-2313 $149,900 Sun 10-1:30 1824 Port Sttt1ing Pl .• CdM 648-7171 $209,900-fM Sat/SUn 1-5 2281 Golden Cr •• Newport Beach '46-7171 1255,000 Set/Sun 1-5 2131 RMelah. ea.ea Mela · 541-717.f 1119,500 Sun 1-4 2630 W. MM1Y Pl .• Senta Ana .... 7171 &135,000 Set 1-4 .......... .., ~ '408~ o.hlla. Corona clel Mw 87MIOOO 1315,000 Sun 1-6 - • mlMOll '*1717 .._.._.._.,..,,... T., (Irv T.,) NB 144-7020 ..... lun 1-6 HM Wiiow UM, (llds Bay) C.U 141-7434 1214,500 Sat 1-6 2181 Corvo, MeM Verde, C.M. 957-0701 1175,000 8at/8un 1·5 U48 8*non, Hunttngton Beed\ 913-e787 S1M.eCJO Sun 12-4 • t ' I ' 4 ' • '" \ ' 1) "'1 ..; \ • ~ f 4t f •fllfC-. tf'l -., Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILQT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 -17 4 BR plua FAM RM or DEN •4512 Roxbury Rd (Cameo Shrs) CdM 760-1734 $595.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 ••2616 Bayshore Dr. (Bayshore) NB 644-9060 $1.750.000-Fee Sun 1-4 •4626 Roxbury Rd., Cameo Shrs, CdM 759-1501 $670.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •3165 Bermuda (Mesa Verde) CM 631-1266 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Ln. (Westcllff) NB 631 -7300 $4 75,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30. ••542 Hrbr Isl. Dr.(Prom.Bay)NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 232 Goldenrod (Old CdM) CdM 673-8494 $535,000 Sun 1-5 133 Via Undine (Lido Isle) NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 17 42 Cent ell a Pl., Newpor1 Bch 759-9100 $285.000 Sat 1-5 1635 Reef View Cir., CdM 759-9100 $625,000 Sun 1-5 * 1715 Galatea Terr(lrv.Terr)CdM 644-9060 $445,000 Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd . (Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 114 Via Ensuena (Mar Pt)San Clem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 * 10931 Hunting Horn Dr (N. Tustin) 759-9100 $454,000 Sat 1-5 2901 Harbor View Dr (HVHls) CdM 673-7761 $550,000-fee Sun 1-5 1733 Port Barmouth (HVHms) NB 673-7761 $259,900-fee Sun 1-5 451 1 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $825,000-fee Sun 1-5 •8 Oakmont (Big Canyon) NB 673-7761 $1 ,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irv 552-7500 $235.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **633 Bayside Dr. (Prom. Bay) NB 644-9060 $1 , 100,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2515 Windover, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $429,500 Sun 1-5 111 E. Bay Ave .. Newport Beach 675-6670 $469,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1812 Port Stirling (HrbrVuHms) NB 760-8333 $375.000 ?-Sat/Sun 1-5 10151 Crailet, Huntington Bch 675-1771 Sat 1-5 4 Narbonne (Hrbr Rdg) NB 644-6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1'4 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $1,759,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $1,299,500 Sun 1-4 •21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. Forest 760-1900 $216,000 Sun 1-5 444 Costa Mesa St. Eastslde, C.M. 675-1415 $1'45,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 510 Allso, Newport Beach 631-1266 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Via Palermo (Lido Isle) NB 673-7300 $367,000 Sat 1-5 3435 Wimbledon: Costa Mesa 546-2313 $184,900 2709 Gannet, Costa Mesa Sun 1-4 546-2313 $182,500 Sa 10-1:30/S 1-4 16301 Niantic, Huntington Beach 631 -1400 $980,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1541 E. Ocean. Peninsula Point 631-1400 $470,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Road, Cliffhaven 673-6900 $599,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 320 Seaward. Shorecliffs 631-1400 $425.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 932 Coronado. Mesa del Mar. CM 631-7370 $15,900 Sun 1-4:30 463 De Sola Terr .. Corona Hghlnds 675-5930 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1255 Somerset (Baycrest) NB 631 -7370 $355,000 Sun 1-4:30 2162 Port Durness (Seawmd) NB 675-6870 $475,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 412 Vista Roma, Bluffs 631-1400 s 190,000 28 Drakes Bay, Spyglass 631-1400 $449,500 * 101 Via Florence (Lido Isle) NB Sat 1-5 Sat 1-5 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-4.30 1948 Port Chelsea Pl., Newport Bch 640-7877 $330.000 Sat 1-5 2 10 Via San Remo. lido Isle, NB 675-30481673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 54a-5647 $420.~ Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM 1204 Ave. Buena Suerte, San Clem 759-9100 $865,000 Sun 1-5 2912 Carob, Eastbluff, N.B. 644-1742 $239,000-LH Sal/Sun 1-5 **4028 Channel Pl, Nwpt Island, NB 673-0202 $965,000 Sun 11-5 **219 Via Udo Soud, lido Isle 760-1900 Sf.995.000 Sun 1-5 •708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle. NB 675-6161 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1-5 5 BR plua FAM RM or DEN * * •29 Beechwood (Wdbrldge) Irv. 551-6829 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1730 Bonaire Way, Npt Beach 646-0758 $212,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 17 Muir Beath Cr. (Spyglass) CdM 673-1633 $2.800,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1930 Port Chelsea (Hrbr Vu Hms) NB 494-1840 $390.000 Sat 1-dark 2531 Bunya (Eastblufl) NB 675-6000 $275,000 Sat l-5 * 7 Muir Beach (Spyglass) CdM 640-6259 Sun 1-5 5 Point Loma, Spyglass. CdM 67>6000 $850,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 *#12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $1,750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2'406 Francisco. Newport Bch 675-6000 $349,500 Sun 1-5 * "!112319 Bayside, Corona def Mar ~4-6200 $1,500.000 Sat/Sun 12-4 •35 Rldgellne Dr .• Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2,390,000 Sun 1-5 * #2 Winged Foot Ln. (Big Cyn) NB 673-7300 $699,950 Sun 1-5 • 1'448 Galaxy (Dover Shorea) NB 675-2372 $1, 100,000 Sun 1-":30 * 1524 Antigua Way, Newport Bch 6'46--7171 $189,900-f• Sun 1-5 * 1608 Galaxy Dr .. Newport Beach 646-7171 $799.900-fee Su~ 1-5 * * * 29 Beech~ood (Wdbrldge) Irv. 551-6829 $395,000 Sun 1-5 6 BEDROOM Goleta Point (Spyglass/CdM) 644-6200 $890,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 233 Via Genoa (Lido Isle) N.B 673-7300 . $575,000 Sun 2-5 6 BR plua FAM RM or DEN * 1848 Newport Hills Dr E., NB 644-7020 $449,000 Daily 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM •300 Cag:'ley Ln :; 107(Versallles)NB 673-7300 $114,000 Sun 1-4 61 Lake Pines (The Lakes) Irv 540-1 15 1 $115-,500 Sun 11-2 1 BR a LOFT •309 Tangelo. Orangetree. Irv 759-1071 $84,500 Sun 11-4 2 BEDROOM 215 P1ne~ew. Irvine 675-5511 $129,900 Sat 1-5 200 McNeil =202, Newport Beach 631-1576 $138,900 Sat 1-5 3 BEDROOM 22476 Cammito Costa. Village. Laguna Hills 855-3017 $124,500 Sun 1-5 685 .Vista Bonita (The Bluffs) NB 631-7300 $229,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 411 Dahlia (Old CdM) CdM 673-8494 $300,000 Sun 1-5 7 Rue V1llars (Bg Cyn) Newport Bch 759-9100 $650.000 Sat 1..a •2438 Vista Hogar. Bluffs, NB 673-3069 $139,500 Sun 1-" 4 8R pfua FAM RM or OEN •204 Columbia (Nwpt Crest) NB 673-7300 $205,000 Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 3 BR pfua 1 BR 415 Hehotrope, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $<429,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 8R plu. 2 BR 301 32nd St., Newport Beach 675-6670 $280,000 Sun 1-5 423 Carnation. Old Corona del Mar 675-8370 $435,000 Sun 1-5 4 8R plua 1 BR 132 So. Bayfront, Balboa laland 631-1400 $1,300,000 Sat 1-5 5 ... plu. 3 8R 509 Acacia (Oceanstde of Hwy), CdM 6'45-7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR RENT 2 M plue ,AM Ml or DIN 4301~ Narcissus St., CdM 173-5049 $950/mo. Sat/Sun 9-5 * Pool * * Waterlront * * * Waterfront & Pool ,., • 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY .PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 Many owners are offering suh~t11ntial price reductions and terms. Some will exchange and ."cash speaks" Lowe r than listed price, if you have cash Call for details and submit yo.or off er • l ___ 1_Ew_,_01_1_1u_c_H __ ___.I _I ____ 0_1_w1_1_ER ______ I AFFORDABLE MOBILE-NEAR WATER Onlr. 121,100 for thl1 one bed • cabana on Lido Pen n1ula. OW hetp ftnanc:e. NEWPORT CONDO $78,500 Owner muat Mfllt Wiii conalder any oner -low ca1h down cw? Gult'ded gate. A greet bac:helot pad! BLUFFS -WITH FINANCING Upgraded 2 atory condo. Four Mdroom1, 21/a bathe, family room plu1 1.,99 encloMd patio. End unit. 1190,000. en-etoo. VIEW, VIEW, VIEW Harbor, OcHn a city ltghl• from thte MCurtty PenthouM. XLNT flnanclng. Peftec:t for 2nd home °' qu.llty dally IMng. 1171,000. fM. BLUFFS -NEW LISTING Wide, 11cluded grffnbelt with 3 bed. 2'11 be. home. Wrap-eround patio with PflYac:y. Low maintenance. Prtced under market at S230,000. BACK BAY -MUST SELL! Owner wlfl conlldef tradea fOf bolt, car °' propeny. 4 1ofttJ 3 bedroom Covntry French home wHh 1padou1 kitchen a femUy .,.. 1 yard. Dflve by n. Rld:andl and call f« detalte. *241,500. PENINSULA DUPLEX -New llallng CloM to Bay I Beach with favorable term• or poe1lble trade In San Clemente. Drive by 1304-1308 W. a.tbol I c:aff lor detalle. *241,000. BA YSHORES -LOWE$T PRICE Chennlng 3 bedroom Cepe Cod home with 1111,000 of ... umable ftnanclng. 2M1 Crfftvlew l:ZM,500. PICTURE PERFECT-PENINSULA Remodeled end redecoretld 4 bed. home with patio I deck. Two-etory home one IW>uM from ocean. OW http finance, ArTD, 11change of? 1470,000. 131-1400. LEAST EXPENSIVE OCEANFRONT Forever VIEW lrom thl• outetandlnt property with excellent fln1nclng. Duplex on 9re1t beac h with ... soned rental record. S4tt.OOO. LIDO ISLE -ST. TO ST. ... wly decorated 4 Mdroom, 3 be. home with lar91 garden/lemHy rm. Walk-In wet baf + "'*'Y decorator '9aturff. $541,500. 131-1400. CLIFFHAVEN VIEW A-.nodeled 2-etory home wtth ctoe.-up VU of Bay, boate, oceen and n6fht ltght1. Enteftaln entofabfy from thle 4 t.edroom, lemlly room plue prtvat• petlo. Owner tt.xlble with good nnanclng. s.stt.ooo F .. Land. f73.41GO. FOREVER VIEW-REDUCED! Terrine location and lar91 home wtlh fOfever •lew for onty M41,500 on fM land. Df ••chenge for •maier home ot Income unit• In Ihle area. LM99 htory, 3 bedroom pin ,.,,. family room, dtnlna room plUI 3 car gerage. A11umable loan. Term• fte•lble. OW ..... /optton. I ON THE SAND -XLNT LOCATION Cwtom IM.lllt, young 4 bed. l'h be. Oft8IMI owner home. OW ..... t ~WRY MOTIVA'RO. filed. to -.000. REDUCED TO: $745,000 BAYFRONT-LINDA·CL091NO COSTS OHi.Yi OwMr hie hid buefnffa ,.......... and muet Nquldatet To a qualmed buyer, thl• home may be purchaaed tor cloalnt coet• onlyl Febulou1 lowe1t price on Hclu11 .. Linda 1 .... Superb lagoon loQtlon with pler/lltp for tare-yacht and • 5 bedroom home with tare-femlty room. ln•fft now before prlcH go up. 131-1400. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK , Two •lory 3 bedrooml, 2'h bathe In • q•t loQtlon. Greenbelt vi••• and low11t priced In • waterfront community with bolt dock. Good ueurnabte flnandnt S320,000. •73-etOO. NEWPORT ISLAND BAYFRONT An anordable prtc. ON WATER With pler/lllp fOf 30' boll Can be uMd • Income propefty or a ~-OWC lll'fl 2nd T.D. MM,000. fM.131-1400. BALBOA COVES BAYFRONT Sindy beach + pler/ellp for 41' boat. Prl-d under market and owner wlll ••chan91, 11111/optlon or? Pteaunt • bedfoom home with ldael floor plan for daitty llvlng and caauat entenalnlng. '475,000 ..... LIDO WATERFRONT -REDUCED! Owner wilt ..... fOf aooo. per month °' ..... /oPtlon or MN for SSt0,000. 1ecwttJ buldlng with 2 bed. + deft on one 11¥11. Vu + boat .tip .. a1t WATERFRONT -a.lboe lalend _ ... New on th• market. Perfect bHch coUqe with beautltulty ~decor. Doell for two 1e• bolte, Gourmet kitchen, beem celling•. owner wlll con11cMr eachange.$511,000.1~. NEWPORT ta. WATERFRONT An extra ler91 lot with dock fOf up to 50' boat. Atrtum, entry, bullt In entertainment center, formal dining, blmerd room, 4 fple. Df.....UC and ••citing 2-etory home with 5 bedroom. + malde rm. and MCurltJ 119tem. loUd conetructlon on ''"' glnlen. Exterior patio on water with 9az1bo. A quiet ... wport locallon on fff tano. 1115.000. 111-1400. '" now. ti'• new on the m•k•tl Espec:laNy ftne detalffng. 103' WATERFRONT -Sll0,000 FEE owner wm ~ 1% c:aeh dowft peytMnt and carry the flnenclnt al 10% lnlerffl. o .. r 4000 aquare '"' of cu11om d11l9n. Four epaclou1 bedroom• Including m•ter tut .. with aw + ........... tellllly room and rooftop deck With v .... MenJ luxury ......... pie ptue tame room, hleh ceMlnte & dock for IO ft. boeL A new ll1tlng. 111-1406. WATERFRONT -BALBOA ISLAND Unob1tructed VIEW on turning bHln of 8ayfront. Fabuloue qutet end of .._ lllend. LMge 4 bedroom home with 1 bed. apartment. Can be llngte feMlfy If deelred. Pler/allp for 3 boat•. 11,300,000 fH l1nd. 131-1400. l7s-elOO. .. BAYFRONT -50' BOAT SLIP lunrlM to MMMt a night vu from tMI p.clou9 • ...._., WAT!llH'RONT home. lMg4t fMeter 1ulte + 3 bedroom• fot famlty. 8pecloue llY. ""·•"'""-'din. rm.....,,...., kitchen wtth '-elrfaet --. Frenoh doon to bttok petlo a colorful garden. Meny Htr• a deooratot 1menltlee. Reduced to e1,qo,ooo ... 131-1400. BAYFAONT -EXCITING t BEDROOM S.Curtty and ...... enlrY Into INI l-etoly OUltOm home on wet., wttft drematlc fOOftl9 end cleooretot r..turee. Interior MUM. epa and 1u1111ndlll lllwMJ/den. RMftop deck for 1unnlna with v1•w of alt. An •n••rtolnlng paredl•• en FIE LAND. Pler/1llp for lar1• yaottt . 11.-,000 ..... ln.4IOO. - ____ •1_L_10_1_1_su_•_• ____ I· COROll DEL MIR _ 90' FRONTAGE -COM GOLD co•sr Super conetructlon, 4 bed. I be., ~ car garage + hardwood noor1. 1IO whitewater VU of oc.en a tettJ entrance. FantHtlc opportunity for 1omoon1 with lm .. lnatlon. Lot can be epQt and tMMdlng plene ftall. · Cltt fOf dllalt1. 201 Larklpur/cotNf Ocean. Corona del Mar. 131·1400. PRICE SLASHEDll -BALBOA ISLAND NOW ~54,0001 On 30•15 ft. lot. Adorable 2 Br 1 be w/brlck patio. A SUPER VALUEI f73.llOO. CORONA DEL MAR -BEST BUY! lmmacutete duple1. 4 ,.,.,... Speni.tt atyle home with ptMk noon a f!Nplace. Newer 3 bed. unH wtlh beem cefflnp. Air conditioned. s t..,. to beach. an.ooo. BAL. IS. CHARMER -Reduced! Clean a cute 3 bed. cottage with patio, beam• a pa111ell111g. You c:en he• la or ...mually buld new. Plana for Capo Cod are Included w/..... prtco of 1215,000. Dme by 20I Topea and cell .,....._ CAMEO HIGHLANDS RESIDENCE lmmacula .. and manlcUNd oll1ertor. F .. tend on thte 3 bedroom home and OW ..... , ftnanctnt. Aaklnt IM4,500. 131-1400. BALBOA lSLAND COTT AGE Little old faaMolied houM on •good lot 1.oned for duplex. Both fOf juet lot prtco. 20t Opel 1211,000. Call f73.llOO. PRESTIGIOUS SHORECLIFFS Price Juel reduced to 1425,000. w/XLNT flnancln9. 4 bedroom•, fam.tm. 3 ftraplac-. 3 c... ,., .... On large corMr. Open a.t. Sun 105. 320 .... ard Dttft, Corona delMar. NEWLY LISTED-BALBOA ISLAND Wonderful 6 warm 4 bedroom home eurroundld with bHutllul" garden I troOI. Secluded front patio; 2 ttrepe.c:.o. Oreot location cloM to So. Baytront. ... 114 fluby from outalde I cat! for ¥1ewlng and dot...._ 131-1400 1425,000. JASMINE CREEK -TRI-LEVEL New on market Magnlttc.nt In condition and decor. ...... , epoclal ............ "' Ihle , bed. condominium wtth air condlllonlnw. $430,000. Security a guerded 9at1. f7S.tl00. SPYGLASS-REDUCED $441,500 Loweot prtced 4 ~ In the ..... 8eautlful home wtlh atrtum, femtly room, 2 ltnptac• and 3 car,.,.,.. Motlveted a cooperatl•• 11ller. Submit JOUr offer . 131·1400. BALBOA IS. DUPLEX FURNISHED .., Wlndowo. flnplac.., s..ar pertilng and ""'°" moro. 0wnor hM reduoed the prtce 111.000 and .. OOMidef lreclO tor ........... home .... .., 202 Diamond and call for ......... ,000. 111-1400. BAY a LIGHTS YU -8UPERI ' Acr ... from perk In Coron1 del Mar with 1ppealln1 ext.riot end beeutNullJ decorotod lntOflor. Can be • prt.ote home wttti I bedrOOMI or home + rwntal unit. ...,._. ooncMtlon. ... ooo. '"· l7s-elOO. NEW CAPE COD HOME . In Corw ......... 314 ~·· ca.doM and-..,., lbMndlnthlehfofJhome 28ed +den and ... NW llUll di D9'. Dftwe 1'y 314 llert9old 6 call tor ........ ...... WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REALTORS " Sales. Rttntals . Property Ml\nagt>menl 2436 W. Coar.I Hwy. Newporc IWMh 63 1-1400 31S Marhw Aw. Balboal.a.nd 673-6900 S(N'~611ialnfl In prnf)f'r1~ on th• w•t•r ••. nror thr "•t•r ••• •1141 •Ith \ W.. al ••IH ••• MIL TI·MILLlll HLUll IElllllRIHI Cho1t'l' ovt'rst7.t'd inside lot Spat·1ou:> h ome built around vc•ry privaw patio with spa ti bt.'Clruoms. induding maid':.. and 5 baths. Looking lor nt-w ownt•r to updat<' to mlll1on dollar c<itt•gory $tH7,500 EXCEPTIDllL YlLIE DI LllO Jw.t h:.tl-<l this de lightful homl· on thl· north s1dt• or Lido. offors a ~orgl•ous Vll'W on an <'Xtru w1d<' lot wh1t•h gives the foe-ling of s pat·1uus nl'!-S throughout • Feature·:. slip for large boat. Ill CllYll Splendid custom homl' on extra largl· lot. 6 bdrms including maid 's quaners Huge rear veranda overlooks pool and spa. View o f golf ('Oursc and snow capp<.'d mount:uns Perfl'<.'t 'for largl· family $1.450.000 IEWNRT CREST ExN:uuve Condo JUSt listed 4Br den . 2 1" Ba. show:. hkc a modt•I. View of OCl'a n from master suite. :l tennis courts. pool & s pa. Quie l end unit. Wa lking dist.a nce to beach. Must see to appfl'C'late this I or a kind <.'Ondo. $205,000. IEWNllT CREST 3 Bedroom + retreat end unit. N e w c pts .. 1 o f a kind . Customized throughout. Pool. tennis. spa & near beach. 2 car garage. $219,000 . PllCEI llllT AT $121,IOO IEWPllT IUCI ClllO I Bedroo m p e nth ouse overlooking <.~ntral c'Ourt Many amenities. pool. saunas. e tc· Owner will help w11h financing. UYFRllT PDTlllSE 2 bdrm plus den. :l baths. wet ba r . plantatio n l>hutte r s Beauufully decorated in peach tones. Ol.'f.>an view from master bdrm plus balcony, bay view & mountain view from living room. Underground parking for 2 cars. Boat shp available. Good financing. $580,000. Ill OllYll Most unusual cuslomized home an area. Indoor/Outdoor pool wilh sliding glass roof. 18' bar. screening r oom. gourmet kitc he n , play room wilh full kitch e n and bath . Good financing. Seller reserves right to accept best offer. $699.9:>0. Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 -19 ...... ,,, ,,,, ..... ,,, ,.,, •.. ,,, ,., ,,,, •.. ,,, ,., ,,,, ... ,,, ,,, ,.,, .... ,, ,., ,., . .••..•....••.......••• .••.•.......••.••••..• .•...........•.•••.... ....•.••...••...•....• ...........•....•.•••• ·····••·········•·•••• . ~~!.'.'.~ ••••••.•• !.'!~ f!!'!.~~ ••••••••• l.~f &!~!!!!~t .•. !.'!!f &!~!!!!~/. ..• !.'!! &!~!!!!~ ... !.'!! f!!~!'..~~!l!~! .. !.~P. UTTLl M OUl•EI v.:1·:-;r.1-:Y '\ TAYLOR CO. HE1\LT<>l\S "·:", l~t·lli Ill ~M'S IHT YALIE 4 .Bedrms, family room & dining room, immaculate throughout. New carpets, rlrapes. marble entry & de<'Or. Electronic secunty syst.em. Wet bar. 2 fireplaces. 3 car garage. Artistic pool and spa. Priced right at $695,000. Gate guarded area. Call 644-4910 for permission to enter. 14 1111111 TIH II. Ill 1·1 SPY5USS '801. &Ill SPA PHFECTIN Two -story Nan tuc k et 4 br. with beautiful Sunset pool surro unced by 14.000 red bncks. Tastefully decorated thro ughout with wall papers and shutters. Shows like a model home! Many upgrades. Seller will finance Subrrut down. $760.000. incl. land. BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT Th is m a-g n i f ice n t 2 s t o ry Mediterranean Villa with pier and slip 1s richly adorned with stained glass. Italian chandeliers. designer wallcovering, unique carvings a nd fountains . A park-lik e pia21a introduces this 14 room waterfront showcase. Offel"ed at $1,600.000. Ulll& llWI llPUI $111,000 REOUCEO BY $150.0001 tmmac:vlate 3 bdrm 2ba By OWtlef 111 lime off•· owner's unll and spa-red 81 $545.000 Spec:, c1ous 1 bdrm rental. bOlh compl remodeled home wl1h lotted beam eel· & unit 3 8R. 2'"' BA. 2 longs. frplcs. 1 very P<I· lrplcs, n-kit • l0tm di· vale pool. Located on nlng, wet b91, skylight•. one of C0<ona del Mar's patio Sunny back unil prettiest streets. 4 has 1 Br, l ea. ioe new blocks to Utlle Corona kit & din area 3 cir gar. &each spece. C0t ner lot Cour-144-1211 tesy to brkrs Lock bOx, t27 -127', Abalone. 640-44-24 Of 759-0777 S2H,OOO Duplex. two 3 Br un111, 10% dwn. Darrell Pash Properties 851-8767 .. , ... ,,.;.,.,. 10011 ··;:;·~;;;;~·~~· 1 IRYllE THllCE $111,IOO I Lovely older 2 story, 4 What I Wonderiul WOfld --------bdrm home In good ot Shopping, right at For Claulfled Ad cond1llon Hardwood This neat 3 bdrm, 2 ba with over 1800 sq f1 with lovely patios and ger- dens Owner will finance substanllal tst TO 11 a1 12,... int. 7 yr term. A leasehOld estate. PrlOed to 14111 in lee. d ACTION your fingertips every ayl CaH 8 floors. wonderful lront 011ly Pilot C11ulfled ""'Ch to sit on end -'"d T I d Oally Pilot ,.... ,. s. 0 p •oe your e . AO-VISOR the bOllS go by PLUS 2 144-:1211 Clasalfled Ad-Visor help car garage $334.500 uU &42-5678 and let I 642•5678 aep1r11e bdrma over 31 I IEW EllUll .. UL.Ill ISUll l_;Y:..;;,OU:__ _____ J-------1 142-1280 ~---==- First time listed. Charming nr. new GcMral 1002G1Mral IOOZ 'HW mn 12-sty. architectural gem. 4 bclnns, {am. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••• 8V OWNER. 2 bdrm. 2 A PETE BARRE Tr . REALTY tJn NIGEL l}AIL[Y ~ ASSllCtATES ba Oen Undet market rm . Qualit y d esign and decor proce 01 $275.ooo throughout. Designed for guest quarters. 759-1666 Priced to sell $595.000. Seller rinance. No a MACNAB loan~. ._,._IC. 213 IWllll IHI U T/Sii 1-1 .,,,.~ 11¥111 lllYEISITT PAii ; U ~- D etached 3 br .. 2 1/\ ba. horns on greenbelt near community tennis and pool. $114.000 in assumable loans and you own the land. $135,000. IEWPOIT llEllllTS II O.M. Channing 4 Br. & family room, 2 brick fireplaces, country kitchen, quiet residential area in young development I by Buccola. 10% dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. , I II.AINI YIEW llUS -HIE YAll Quie t. park-like sctung. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great Cor orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bclrms. fam. nn. $299,500. Low ground lease. $375 year, 17 years before adjustment. 1211 lff wtST, CIM "°st• 1-1 CHIU IEL 1111 -S'"I FH llY Charming 3 bedroom home with lots of extras. You own the land. Great famjly home. Price reduced $45,000. Beautiful large comer lot. Walk to the bay, Balboa Island, and Fas hion Island. Owner m6livated. this could be best buy in COM. $320,000. Financing available. 114' lllllllf THUOI, Giii IATl•.1·1 WESLEY I. llYLll •• , IULTMS 211' s .. , .. , ••• 11111 .... IEWNIT YEITD, I.I. '44-4111 P&HllMIC ICHI YIEW. Camt•o Shun•s! So. of PCH. :J BH + luvt.'ly fam rm. See Cawlma. l)Utl boots & sunsets. Just reduced to $695.000 Fee land! Darle ne Herman 752-1414. IHITlfll. Ullll HME . Ocean view o n lg lot. This fully n -stort'(i 2 lt•vt'I st•as1de l'<>tt.agl' ulll·rs warmth & l'harm w/"t•urly l'UUntry" flavor. Thl'rt• Olfl' a bt.'(lr<IOIT\l>, 2 I J baths, fam nn. country kitchen & guest qtrs w / 3 fireplaces. vaulted beam ceiling & French windows. The large lot offers s undccks. flagstone patio w /spa & richly landscaped garden. Don't mlSS this one. Offered at $397,000. Bill Wcdmore 551-8700. UHf /tpll.. II IHHI llHf. Award winning "Casablan<:a" plan. :rnR. Fam rm. Library. Spa & On•an view! Avial. on lt'1.1i.t•/opllon o r purchase. $510.000. Lila Harper. 752-14 14. OPEN HOUSE SAT. l -5. 3 Kc•ns1ngton. llPLU HHH Ill IH. Thu1 prim~· Investment property ls lcicatc-d on u mrncr lot & has 2-2 an Un&l!i. Good a nnual Income with low maint enance: .. All r<'\'Ol"th; available. Property easy to k'(' orr~rect al $299.WO. Bill Wttdrnon.-'~ l-8700. ·1 llYtll Tllllll fll Liii. Churning immaculate h~. ext r a wide lo t Shul\•rt thru·ou\. Healed pool. &o..,..te bltdmlnton t1. Prof. lanchi:llped. . automabe aprtnldtn & MaUbu Ill• front & ba~k . W•lk lo Belbo• lalend. f3&0,000. R•Y ~ $$1-8700. ----- C...1 ''' llM lltl' ...•.....••.••.......• , •FULL OCEAN vu• I I( loan Jasmine en. ~ne</Agent &40-1515 ILi •• 1221,000. So of Hwy 3 'Sr remodel 1 on R·2. Assume lrg loen. Now v1cant. Oella, 631·1286 41'_.UT W•llWITEI YI 1--.iP1111 The most unique new home on Hazel Or Spec11cular views of window rock tide pools & canyons from pootlide & hvlng 11ea EicpenSlve 4 Br. 7 yrs new. Call tor exclusive showing of thiS aecurlty gated residence. Tim Rhone Ot RM Rod· <Jeri. 631-1.2ee With 3 Bf 1'• Be, frplc. , ,,._ • t•M 8 Owner. 646-8SM .._,. n4 ••'W .:..It , .. , .... , ..................... . Spotless 3630 ., ~·I usn. owe 111-12%4ong term llU. _. 3brl3ba+5bf/3ba-l vac Completely remodeled 5.)9 Acac;a-wallc to ... and dec:Otated. 2 Bdrm 2 Open HMI Sal/Sun 1·5 bath home on R-2 101. Owner!b61r &45-7048 N-aarthtone carpets. OWNEAIAOT. DUPLEX uMd brick llreplace, all ~ to $250 000 ,_ kltehen Ind baths. OWC 1~ • SSO,oOo dn. Frenctl doors and huge 1175·3063 or 679·9667 yard A»umable llnan• llAll•nau So of PCH 2 bdrmt, 1 bath + sleeping qtr1. Standard tot S 198.500. Eat1te Hie Slave Ounn a Co 752-2211 CAM EO SHORES, by O*· '*· oc.en view. 4 BR. 5 cing avltitable, Owtlef will ••to consldar IN.M op. uon. ~urry. won'I tut. asking $139.tOO. Call ~-1151 ~HERITAGE REAL.TORS wnm .. 3 8R 2bl. 3 oar gar. Xlnt loo & cond, For quick aala at 1125,000. Prine o nr~ .. 547-7465 or 841-2223 ba, den. poor. j1c., 2 wetban. New roof, car-pet. drapaa. $595,000 Buyer 1nume tit at 7'1\%. Down payment st 4e.ooo. owe ••oo, 000 at t~ for 10 ,_,. ... OPEN SAT/SUN 12·5 --...... ---.-.. --4512 ROXBURY HO 9'""' c.-.ca to ~ Nlee ar 2ba oonoo. No Whetewer tN ,... quelltylng. $82,000. Ow- Aoll 'am on ttla nwtiee r-'*-·_1_.u_:1._t_s_S4 __ _ Whtl • Cl•1•1d M Cllll Nowt 142-1171 C....'-lllM llU •••••••••••••••••••••• IPD .. U -s..1-1, ... Nicest dupll'Jc So. o f Hwy. Outat•ndtn1 loc•tlon. Great .... a.a. fm.ndne. I bl' 2 be + 2br 2 ba, each w /2 car 11r .... f43&,000. Ownerl..-nL 8'1$4370 .. - 0 - 20 -Orange County ReaJ ·Estate/An Adver11slng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 iJ.o.!~!!.~•!.!. .. '!....... !'!.'!!!t~'.'.!!.'! ••••••• 1 !'.'.i!!!t~'.'-~'.~ •••••• tt'.'!!!'..~o.'.!!.'.' ••••••• !'.'.'!!!t{'.'.!.._'.' •••••.• I !'.._'!!!'..{'.'.!.._1! ••••••• !'.'.'!!!!.{'.'.!.._'-'······· !..'.'!!!!.{'.'.!.._'! ••••••• C••I• #ti. IOZ4 Cflt• #tu 10l4 Hutia1t•• HHli•it•• BHtia1t•• lnlH 1044 #i II •Mii IOll ..... ,, .. •ti IHI •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••I •K• lHO ._, IHl1 .... lHO ••••••··········•••••• •••• •••••••••••••---:• ··-·•"•···••••••••••••• Ullll " rDlll~• USTS1• 1······················ ...................... ······················ 1 --JIST um1 "I" BHutllul 3 br, 3 ba home . MTIHT• STUii tRVINE GROVES • End l:IG ISU '' IWIEI 191 time this model offe-wllam. rm1 2 lrp1c1. pa-IEACI EUIAICI -Huntington S trands 5 BEDROOMS • only 1 unit wlttt encloMd paUo F,IST TIME IFFEIEI red tor sale. 2 Br, 1ott1 I tlo, pool. Re mo d . T r uly love ly i Story ho me, I min from block to l>Meh. Private and attached ger-iae. 2 , 1 e1en.spaciou1 hvingarea, :~~~~u~o ~'::tt~i':!s~e~~ b1:h . J bdrm, 2 •1 ba. l'Ustom bltins, spa. security ayatem. 8drms and den. near .J BR, 1600 sq.ft s n gl s ty h o m e o n PV1 yard, assumable tat schools & •hopping formal din rm Fantasllc pv t backyard many upgrades & ~ community pool. 1138, overs1u.-d lo t. at quwt F.ast e nd of Island or $86,600 at t2 75% & 1 · · · nltles Drive by 22352 500. • S So · ''4'Xl"' W h o we 2nd. Priced low Great ass um lln . ..Qpen h1dt·away w /s p a , gaze bo, lu sh Wallingford Lane and 142-IJIO unny patio.' "· ro~g l iron Call Diana Cappel for ~~~~~~~ 61:5~47~276 i · landsc:aping, lots of brick. L ooks like can ror llnsnclng .. S39t. e ntry gates w/de~dbolls. Fire place excluslve s howing owner. Y modl'I Good financing. $325,000. 900 Seeltnow -tun-Frem·h doors to patio. Extra lgt• dbl gar 631-1256 on the market! w /util-worksh o p area. Fee lllk•. Good ~! !!. 1!!,~110 I llACeHT HLL HYHU E n joy this J Br -\\An l<l t<OSI po tC'nlial for expan sion o r rl'-model yr• old. S3~Kdn Bkr :.? • lxa exe1: ln-lt·vel twnhm. T<'nms, spa ll0'1I ,, r-. $375.000, 20% down. Clex1ble ownt•r 639-7497 & pool. $159.500. REAL ESTATE finandn g .... Will UlllY STEAL!· 3Bd 2ba condo Ct1t•ry 21 E•t'J 111-lOll 6·11 t4Cln It YH IMW A IUL I 142 YIA lllllE Fiil 10 Jll/U '-~r1~~::a li.~~K1~~ Isl ftr J•1t l•talll 11m•Tt11 lllFFI Wlllt YM SU rT TU Clos(• to comm clubhouse, 3 beaches. Wtth 20% down you can to11.y., Bkr. 639-7497 3 bdrm. 2 be, newer Location • View • Pra tennis & play ground. Quahf1C'd buyers 1--------'--.. Ct H 2400Sq 11 exec. trl·level ·II (714 ) 673 4063 f move into 1h1s lovely 4 LUXURY 3BR 2BA. Clean. w -.. ,. I llSZlw · · '""'"· OM to the ar-Priee 5270.000. 15% OFF may ca owner at • or ~:i~t~ ~~~:o ::i~sT",;r~ beaut. carpeting. wa1tp11-•• J.~!'~ .... ,.~! .......... f••"-~!'f.!Jl.~!!..!.~f! ;,~599~2:~ J 0 Y c • · IF SOLO THIS WEE· fur I h l' r d C' la 1 I s a n d v I l' w 1 n g rilic local ion Asklno per. yard $900/mo. KENO. Prine. only by appointn\l'nl. S 1'47,000 For appolnl· 646-7800 GOLF COURSE HOMES LUll/IPTill owner Drive by •3 V811ty ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! men 1 1 o see , c a II S 1250 mo pymt. $400 VieW. aaoss from Tur1· = 5'10-1151 IUU IAllUll mo toward purchaae lerock Sat/Sun Open ~HERITAGE . . REALTORS HANDSOME COLONlAL-4 BR 3 Ba, priQe t yr No qua111ytng. hae t2-5 673-7771 & FILL PllCE 111,000 formal dintnj! rm. $310,000. $3000 Clown 2V.8r, 288. 559-7494 I This bright and cheery huge lot Imme .. occ -------- 1 Garden VIiia lends ltselt POOL+ SPA-.J BR 31' Ba, fam rm. · " u· TllREllOI pency P vt party ~~~~~~~~~ to high-style Uvlng wtlh bru:k Jl'lllo, lovC'IV vww $329.900. 847-4788 Owner says make 1111 ol• ~-luau11ous aar1h tone car-• f-Fee T rt~...... I pellng thruout eeauo1u1 I BREATHTAK.lNG VlEW-3 BR fam rm, CWSIO ,;w mod.t ~,;;:"".'.;,.~& IUT Ill -.. , .... , Don't miss this gorge<>U11 5 bdrm home wllh lam rm Over 2000 sq f\ and lots ol upgradu. Price 1ust reduced to $132.000 Can now 979-5370 Xi >I l I 11J:1/ j..j( ..... ' ••• ' ....... , •• llU 1% llWll S Bdrm, 2',.,ba. 1906 sit, $189.500. Auume loan. o w e bal. prlnc only 544-8390. 838-985 1 •EU YHH 1um ... Former model dec:Ofated In warm eanh tOl'leSI 4 Bdrm & tam rm and more. Close to SChOOls. sh~ptng. etc Dof'l't miss 1h1s one• S 179.500 Calf 979.5370 . l ( >I l / tl,.,. il G(A, •• ._ • .. t ·~f-.,.r-. w.,11 co-ordinated win-2 ftrt:plat't.'S, bnl·k patio, spa. $279.500. 20's style Spanish riome. 3 Car car 0111age IK:foaa dow 1reatment1 Set 1n 2 8 r & 1 Br rental In rear. lrom park. ' Sr 21h 8a & I prime locallon. A real MODEL PE!U'ECT-4 BR, fam rm. golf I Avocado trees. nr l>e8c:h. den. You can't llnd a gem ol a buy at the low l 'OUrsc v1t·w . <'OVt.'rro palm+ s pa. All on dbl lot. Bkr. more comfortable, lm- PflCe of $89,000. $5000 $ . 960-9609 macul•ta lamlly home movea you In wl low 335.000 Asking 1235.000. Opn I monthly pymts 01 s111 ON THE F'AIRWA Y -Gate guarded 4 * lw•tr W11t1 Sa1/Sun 1-5. 1889 t HURRY ·won't lutl BR I d . • A 11 h C 11 R bl •R~f 21 . ow own . IOIA. inlC'rl'St $339.000. 111f * n oc • o n -••-552-7500 Agt. Wa&.1-11 aw.n McCOIMACI IULn 414-7111' :1nb•d~m~=·ssr:o~;~~t -------• MC-U11 64S-9922 Agt FllULllS By owNER 2 so C••t• #tu 1oz11•uti,:f6 ·~ JH .. . ~ br, 1 SQ •••••••••••••••••••••• ....... 1~· UYl•f Y t1 Assm $158 500 nnan .,..c ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• a 't 1 1 oh•;. N°0 au 11 I. SIEWAllS •••••••••••••••••••••• BEST BUY IN NO. IRVINE: $1 716/mo o we $189: $40,000 below mk1 , llACIHl ll&Ol Miil Excel llnanclng, lg ... 500 Nr So Cst Plza Wlmble1on 4 Br 2'" Bal S Bdr, 4'"' Ba. 3-sty. 3000 tum. loan. Nr schools. 4 966-2602 Assum loanat Possible sq. II + over 900 eq It. Br 2ba, t0% dn May t0%/35% dwnl John ol balcony Some~ carry 2nd, by owner ---------i Zarvos, bkr 760-9669 view. 1 blk 10 beach 2131747-IHl25 TllPlU IUlllW MESA VERDE REPO. Lo in lldl. house at 206 15th ... FAMILY lllE Expanded Kensington In the Deane Homes. 4 bdrm, 3 ba. Bay win· dows. 2 lirep&aces. Thia home Is e•ceptlonally decorated & landscaped. A must Me before deci- ding on anything else. S269.900. Oelu1te owners unit has 3 Bdrms. 2 balhl . fire- place. and enclosed yard Two 2 Bdrm units comple1e complea Lei your tenants help make paymenls. Call rodsyl $285,000 F p See 0-..... -E I lorm DR., 3 Br, $155, SI 53g.1718 ssooo own, owner mutt 000 lo dn. Agl. 546-7739 sell 2 Sr condo. Ellcetlent fJ. HUii llEmS • 11·11 tlAU auumabte Hlaling 11-1 f.I ~L. -- 141-HH 5105.000 tor 8 3 Br 2 Ba Close 10 ocean, 3·3 nanang $97,400 Redu-J>-:_. .. ~ ranch style newty relur-Pymll I 1200 to $2000 ced from I 110,000 Asa rlC' .. i "--b I sh ad Call to sea S 1751< to $2151<. Move In for Mark. 6'4-8325 or 1 r, • take over shartCI •P· 559-6442 ' au.~ 642"9772 Ownr/Agt. preclstion. Flnsnclno W'1 flflV4I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii av a II able. Call Sue 11 llllT II llLUll .lllT LllTH & Piii• 891-5S56 highly upgraded prol, COLDWeu BANl(eR O Oii Tl SILL 3Br. lg fem rm, cslm up-dee ' 1 8r romantic fwn-'tS23 CMNsJla·htvM- 1 hOUM Walef View, ffptc: ESPEUTt IWIEll Charming 3 Br 2 Ba. grades, MW paint. Cl)ll. 1 119.500 ltrm. 730.12sol;;;;:=:=:====== must sell lhl• 1uper 3 pool llome w/country S 9 O • 0 0 0 assume eves or tarl)' am. For Classme<1 Ad Bdrm pool home across kitchen a separate Bil· 540-7677 ACflON lrom parll Siie Bes1 Hard Rm Incle! pool tab-1-L-E-AS_E_/_O_P_Tl_O_N_2500--lt-IPEI Ill IN. 11-4 c an a terms Try S12 000 ~~~-~~·~~~~-~·-~~~lie S1'7.000 Open Sun .... 3 ... _.____· 309 Tangelo. 1 br/lolt Daily Piiot .. •·k S117 000 1-4 .. ""'· .... ocean_,.,_, o __ .. uown ......, 'ff . 7K dn, ll500/mo, Flexl· rano ... uvu condo Ol· AO-VISOR ~4=~7~ O I er B k r WTSlll l.M. TSL p~~,'~~ b1e 848-5579 :: ~;' =~~ 642-5676 N-on the mef'ket In a 642-1603 GREAT LOCATION Call Karen. 1--------·I Ill. llU It PAii tttrlllc locallon comlor-~~~~~~~~~ 3brt2ba, lrple. S122K 955-2033 759--107t Cluslfled Ads 6-42-5678 2Br 2ba adult condo tabl9 38' fam '"' home I .o b o Ou1e1 -•Int.,. .. Low dn wllll big back yard lor 11 ,. MWI 1213)53o-s1s11 U.tfrMt WHArWct • ..,..,, ••ti 1111 I IEIT Ill II IEW""T HlCI - See this Saturday & Sunday - Ope n l 1AM -5PM . Price $215,000 including land. A + condition. 3 Br + 2 Ba + family rm & 2 fireplaces. Rural atmos phe r e, close to all attractio n s . Good £inanc mg available or discount for cash . Located o ff Irvine Ave at 23rd St. near backbay & Cherry Lake -2307 Fairhill Ln. F or mfo call T om Allinson or Terry Hanes 644-6200 HARBOR RIDGE VIEW FOR MANY S'e LESS Sec this outstanding 4 bdrm residence and compare locauon. size and view! Open Sat and Sun. 12-4. 2162 Port Durness, Seawind. .llUlllEI ... Ol&ITIL llU PlllUTIIS 171-1170 171-7111 . trade. Jinan utum. no children Asklno S 164, will w help you own this --5 br, 3b8, pool, jac. ..-.-..-••••••••••••••••• PP, no Pts. Sec '°' 183. 99S Ph 631-1400 lovoly 3 Sr pool hm. Ow~/agt 551-8829 ,-------.=-A-=--=v~·r=:11=-o-='.'"N~:",~-------- 900. Owner 63t·1098 Every upgrade Just .. llWll· 1D~ .... • r, English Tudor, 4 SR cust. TllPU.X SHl,HO $117.500. Bkr 848-0709 llt••••• te SJ1t,llO 3,000 sq It 1284,000. GrMI lnveetment «>PO'· p I I 8eaulllul custom home, 1 ILIOI Tl LAI.I CONNOISSEURS C-21 Gold Star, Darlene tunl1y with Huo11ed atandl for• Pride Of Ow· vu ol ocean. walk to No. 2 Plan Pet.,._' 8t 2 6-46-7434, 642-8510 r:n~=d ~:~= neral'llp which la what HnO 2131333-3146 or ==o::s:s!: ~~:: STOP! yard. Quality construe-this lovely 4 Bdrm pool 1-90-2---'29_4_____ No 3 Warm Springe, lion Near schools and home ollers. l\leo has cross 11. Thunder Run Before you .... ~ 8 hOUse 1hope. Exchange poul· e xcellent financing. As· Im•• IH Ownet!Agent. 645-9150 ..,.., b'-k I n g I 1 4 9 ' ! 0 0 • • • • •jj• •1•1•i••1•1•i•1••1•i•1··········l...;.;.~ In Colla M ... rou must ,.. fresllly painted, ready to \.\\II HI Hll'I see this one Clean. -63t·7370, 675-1766 move In. Arepleee, bull! 1111'11 ., SM. In boolt shelves. wallps• REAL ESTAJE TJ~ \Pll 1< )\,\I h1f \I r ', per In kitchen/dining . 173-tlOO area. 3 spacious be-, ________ _. drooms. Good loc, neer shopptng. tchools. ~ way acc eu Vacant S127,000. By owner. 751-5418, ll&e-2481 .. tllUfTlll $100,000 In assumable loans.L~~3 br. 2 be hofne, Loe In Mesa def Met. cloM to IChocllt, lennf9 • pert!. 113•.&oo. Wiii con•. le1ae /op1 , Owner 7~. 911TllU• UllL Priced S20K below market. 4 Br. 2 ea. Os>8" Sal/Sun T·5. .-,,--------' 44' Costa Mna St. .~ .. Jfff'z./Bf Call 675-14 t5 Ao-rit. "' .. WID ASSUME 9'h VA. nr So. 4 8r Of 3+0ett. b1Q *' Cat PU.a. 38r, 2h. lrple, h'Oh oelflnO•. ltMtfl tlte 1125 .ooo. By owner, bettl, euper heh 5'°90450 11811,000 M __ e_H_V_e_r_d_e_3_8-,-. _d_e_n....... Al9ftt Ma·' 100 SllOK In, 12th%. Aeduc:ed •u"'91M price lt27.tOO. 01>9n ~ llltlll 8at18un, Sat 2·5, Sun ...................... -;-; t·•· 30 .. Olbraller. 1 IOllON ICHOO'-. 54&-"'3 . 4 • nc. le, GUI cit W I , 11 t2,000, GfOd ..,.. .. Have you read IOd•Y"• Clelllifled Ade? If not, you'r• mltalng Iha belt bergen In '°""' c ....... Adt 141·1111 ......... ---,-~ -- arr II LlllTlll ••NITHn Then look no more. Ideally l0o.:uted at l'nd o f cul-de.··~ in Turtll•rock Highlands . Bl'autHull y upgrackd Stl•wart Modl'l. ~ Br, 3 Ba. 3 ('Or garage. Perfect family homt·. C.11 for ftnanctt11 dilWla. $39~.000. M yrna 8oom S:H-8700. Op.-n Houat' Sunday 1-5 fl l Bluff Vtew. Will recognize that this combination of LOCATION and TEAMS rarely It ever occurs. The individual capable of ACTING promptly will reap numerous rewards from 748 VIA LIDO NORD. 40' Bayfront with Main Turning Basin View. Room for slip accommodating a 60' vessel plus side ties. Seller may pr9vlde pl1fos + coastal ·approval on superb tradltlonal stone residence. 11,111.-5-10% CASH DOWN depending on length of escrow. • 11 ,411,HO posslble assumable financing depending upon buyer's strength comprised of an existing First T.D. of $750,000 at P+2 (appro')(. $8700/mo) and Second T.O. of 1850,000 e t 15% (a ppr o •. 8100/moJ for Us> Jo one yar. Setter wilt carry the balance tn third poettlon. s. t111ra, •om Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 8, 1982 -21 g,.,,, 111 s.11 .,..., I• Wt ... ,,, let Salt .,.,., I• i.Je ...... let 111t •••m /,, i.1t ••un 111 Wt Oli1t ... , 161•,. •..•..•....•..•••..... ...................... .......••.....••••••.. .•.•.............••.•. .•....•.........•..... . •••••••.....................•..•............•••••••••.••••••..... !~! ........... ! .... ~!.!m! .. !!!! ~.'!P.!!.~! .• !!f! !'!.'!P.!!.~1! .. !.~. !'!.'!P.!!.~:.J!ff ~.'!r.!!.~!! •• !.~! 1'1!!~~!. ••• !!!f ~~!.~!!r.!!!f 11 ... 1 --.. _... nr•CH LOVERS L ••• -w.:~~·;,~~;r 1v~i2:.0!:d ACT FAST: 38' 3car ger, VILLA B'ALBOA • s 10, WI~ -IKft BIG CHIV(JN 3 bdrm. newly dee. N1 0 n & m • k • s I ~· mu Spanl•h atucco. cath 000 down, luxutloua II· im ........... nn I I Tennie Club. Xlnt nn. s.i 71'-4H-teoo . .....- ceili11Q•. 'h ml to beect\. vlng et only S129,500. .... ..... ti..... CtJST()M or , .... /option. s1st OWNEASWANT AedUC«I $102,500. Ow· Enjoy MCUrfty, vtew. end Dodi for 30' boet. Stepe 0 I 500. 173-3069 Cout Roye! White wat9' TO TRADE UP nerawlttl'lelp.Sele,rent, t Lid Vlllege 31g, ecoret or per ect . wlot,.._burtonEllt•t•, IH option or 1 Own•• the good llfel 0 0 • custom quellty thNout, Goll courae v .. w. $1, 5 Br Somer .. t, Harbor $277.000. 404.1aoo Agt 645-0850 HARBOR RIDGE • s~ ~~~ 1~1~ ~ drametle veulted eel-295,000, lorecl01ur•. View Hme, lrg corner lot,,1---------l · clou• 3 Bdrm with greet S 1. 813•3813 Ag t. tinge. 3 bdrm. 2 ba, 20% down. GtMt t1nan-vtew, pvt backyerd, room Oft« i..J '6l•lf 111.P I view. Good Heumeble 873-6771 AA'· $228,000. OW help wl cing. Aot. n for boat. motorhome ..................... .. Oeeperete owner mu11 lo•n end ~ will coo-_ llnan. Fern Pirkle, Agt. I IAl.llT Owner enxloua. Alk~ #"111 .,.,. -.a-Piii ...... Will CONSIDER TRADE TO UNITS setl thlt 4 bdtm. mlnut .. per•t• with Nile at S«O, 1sa.1oe1 Wll Ufl• 1-1 1390.000. Agt. 404-1 1,, •-1... II from the buch. '20.00C ooo. teaM option. or rent BT Tl IWI 17~7711: 7I0-1St7 Witt trade t0t • '°*91' pr&· •••••=::••••••••••••• R.E. LtcENsEe tnt•r· under mkt. M•k• ottei at S1700 mo. 1 Blk to OCMn: 38r 2ba. MIST SELL ced holM eny ~In AWFWf llAll ..,_,In IMl'nlng Income now. Bkr &48-0700 Udo Serlda. Comm pool. Or. Cty. 4 Br Herbor Bel Aire Home, llghl pro~rty loveetment to NEWPORT CREST ... 3 $1200 to SMOO/mo fl llWPllY 1111, Aldge lmmec., Hklng lnt-1oft.2bdrm.1bath, eel ea pert/lltne office Bdrm•. or 2 end den, PY m I · S 1 7 8 • 0 0 0 • 1111 $850.000. Submit. Agt. front kllctlen, e11panded eaalatent -aome aub- dlnlng rl>om, 3 beth•. S400tmo towerd• pur-IDT lffU -uu. 494-1840 11v. dining ., ... Young alatence. bU ldlng alt• In ··-uelv• privet• commu-nity, w/24 hr. MCurlty, tennis court•. beeutlful I beech. Bonua room m•k•• ch ... price. $3500 dn. _, Adult• & ,,.,, ......._ mHter bdrm • whole Pv1 ply. 847-4788 AMUIM $150.000 111. 5 t91 Wllll PIWllll S24.500. Mo·5t37';Qt""' ~ tulle. Atteclled double Lklo Ille 2 br, 35' lot, 111 Br• 3 Be, 2 flreplecH, BACK BAY 2 Br & den 530.000 below !Mii 3 Br --------~ 642·6153 geuige. 1100,500. time. Trede/cerry 1305, POOi. fem rm. You wlll not cottage on cul-de-aac 2 B• & apa. Eaatbluft 2 8' tbe, upgreded. WI" lind a bettet bu)' or a holne John .zarvoa bkr tek• truck or cer for BAYSIDE COVE -~cu-000. S-r. f.46-3040. mont motivated Miier in I MMACULA TE! AS· 78()..Met Terme, tetmti down peymt $17.900. rlty by the water. 1 Bdrm, BEST DEAL Nawportll Prlnclpele SUME 1 120,000 tat· . Dys 871-0824, eY/Wknd $1,250,000 Cell Denni• Bush, agt. : WA.•CM AIM .. ....... ....,..., ... . .... ,.. ...... , ........... ................. ._ (714) 4~8595 I LUii/..,. den, pl\'8 boe1 Mlp eYel-1 IN HAR80A RIDGE :.:: 1737 &.ypor1 W.y. ~Ebot~°O ~~ ~ • Tll WITD 631·5M3 leble. Perti.t view. 1325. Beaut. 3 ~. ln«ed. wl 2714. '31451Sf '3l·12tt, egt, Ut..-S -2-Br-.-2-Be-.-Moblle--holne--ln-t -~~~~~~~~ 000 plu• boet lllp, or wlll $415K. 750-1428 LNMholc(. 3 BA 3 B• good cond. To be mo-= rent lor $1200 mo. · -Tl.... If.... vtew end boet dock. Aot Yed. $9,500 ~t open to 4 8' 2ba. tge lot, w ... H.B. New cpt & paint In/ out. New drlvewey M0-5078 _., --call now 846-7171 o ffer•. Cell Dorla BIG CANYON -Lu11ury Owner will trade • add Bergaln pric:.d 5 Bdr 3 ' 545-1010 wkdya 9.5, llvlng overlooking golf other propert ... -otter Be. lernlly rm, pool, 1730 4 Br. 2'h 8&. Cenal Front 54g.528A othef. courae. 4 Bdrma, high creetlve llnenclng • for Boneir• W.y. $212,000. Welk to b .. ch. Oper ---------1 ~ celtlnga,8')KIOUlroornti thla OCEAN & MTN. 841-0758 ()pn Set/Sun ~ --Sat/Sun 1-5. Aakln, PERFECT VACATIONS, privacy end mud! mont. VIEW HOME In • guard-1·5. II PHCe. quellty end $275,000. five In Newport Beech for l .. All UY I $725.000, lee land. ed get• community. PUI •-prlc. •r• lmpottenl to llllW U . I 14.000. Light, •lry 2 Mag ni f ic ent ••• ,..._ Opet'IHouteSun~·5 -you. v lalt 217 VIA ..... Bdrm mobllt home In "whftewater" oceen ..a• •-1005 Yedlt Reao6ut• Newport Condo In quiet ITHACA. Seturday elter· preatlgtoul perk. Privet• VIEWS from ttMs custom CALL JO-AHN DORAN edutt etrn~e neer noon. Ship ahepe 3 m NI A... bMdl, pool end 19&-Cd contemp. home w / l ...... 11 ~ enci2~-~ Bdrm. o.n. 3 Mth. ~ Specious cuatomli.< Dorothy Burton, •gt. 11111 qeny Ill. In Newport Beech 10 unit. 50% L.T.V. Tu lhelter. Shere epprecia· li on . S 50K m i n . &40·5078. Dennie 5 Unite EHtalde C.M. 3 yeera old, 3 Br 1'h Be. $30,000 deprec. deduc· tlon lor 1082. $100,000 down, 1317,500 SP. meeter ault.+3 bdrm&, -.,_, ""'""' ... __. to .... 7'"""' .,._ ' 1 &42-5200 W/p ... entr•~e to 3Br .._ -•"""'· ..... home, prim• toeat or ---------i maid"• qrtra & 4'A ba. tr1t. ... lM •• --joy! V EW ......_.. MA ~ 13 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Elegencl & wermth, '~(~ 2'h be.' Private petlo, tk/~ with I ·~-at a..t """'8'TrQUO 1 --'!......._. """"· Move •-<LJ~ • ..... n ,,..,. eppr•l••d value wlH ••••••••• •• · ••••••• ••a-a-a 91Le1 gourmet le Itch. lormel ;;;;;;;;; ~ir ... --... ,....... "' {?Ott",,_. .,. tin~""' 1 Ou..... on the aand 30th ---n ia S31-4S18 din. rm. Motlveted ....., decor. Owner wlM flnence ' <i4.~..L,,.. /6~, owner --... or que .. -11 · PARTIAL wlll carry 111 TO al 10% PltOP£RTIES, INC. with 20% CHh down ·v·_,-•'~" Nty buyer. VerNtlie, ll004 :!· NB.~ r~ MUI t1EW Int. •505,000, cell lor ll-...... ---------1 peyment. S 185,ooo. pten with MPtlfat• bdfn end out ·• • • _.r• --Newport Heights o6der 2 931•1400 ~3-84~ wlngt lor eny am. femily upatelra. 2 br.. 1 be. Approx 7900 eq It llv detella now. You own the lend. 2.000 Br. 1 B&. dbl cer gerage. u1• Pool, apa, Kol pond downatelra. M in. 10% are•. ml to bch. lot LJlllA PAllllll IQ "· 38', tam rm, 2'h 50 Jl 117 R1 lot. ... ---9-.-11::..,;:LiCiinilli...,i::"ica~~I •JC«CIM room, AC. 11 down owe balence •t 75x1H, new Nil 4-plell Ba. wide ~belt. MW $185,000 ..,.... -r-.,._ • 100,ood FEE. 13.11% for 5 yrs, Great tor owner'• wl aec>ar•t• ow- on elmoat Yr acre of pool. Fer betow merlle1 481 Sent• Ana Ave ..... M '"9t•l11f Rachelle Robers, Rltr. aummer rentela. $735, ner'a. 3 sty, approx 2800 gerdena & pethway to $235.000. WW..._ op-~1 ell• ...., w/I ..._ M WllW 1575.2373 000 Armlt•O• Aeelly. 'sq It w/pool d•t•ched apa, grotto. pool, weter· ~t~lon~. ~S-~r~·~SA4-0~~134~~~(--.,--,.-Ll-US _____ .--1 •--• .... --.. .. P 1 h 714-544-2484. Jacuul. geme rm. wet tall and foliage. Unique 2 _. -• ..,. --reat ge cu11om om• REDUCED $20 000 ber. Itel mrbl entr1n. IS atoty a bl', den home w/ Gorgeoua newly remod 4 Bdrm. Sactlb Sele • fra4t ftr ...... H wl panoremlc -view ol t MPLD mrbl lrplct, 4 Aomen tit. wood, ilat• & warmth. home In """' bch com-·~ 1351,500. Mike Crow ltllt lai• tr fte. OC*lll, harbor end city. IY.... ldaal owner't unit: 3Br tuba, 4•4 akyllghtt, AEOUC 0 to $8"'5 ooo ... .. A e.. 845-3178 Thoughtfully d!91~~ed 2 .. ~ .• 2 Br , .... w-• .. 10 Intercom•. central vec • • · mty. 3 Br & fem rm. -·-------''--I .,,,t1...., te f1a ., flxt"'" end r.,trnrnlodMdlMlllM<I NEWPORT HEIGHTS ...., .,. - - WATI tu-lttll\'T ~K 1~e=.:~~: wm'ILlff tlllt...... ........ :r=. ~~ : .. 8t:!; 2!:i~= ~~:c!i~~hE11~~~~~ W,elr~~~~c~~ HOMI!\ Ilic. Only 1289.900. &4M218 3 Bdr 1~ Be, owner will .... tf 1111-.. Bd";;i.''3 •t,~1'h;,-;i'ew Security gain. Cen 11· Aatcl"11 $185.000, easy :::~· ~~~!~g::.'!~ REAL ESTATE ""-al '°"· tow rete. 12~-i. lt4Ht4 ft dectl. 10M1 IOf gredoUe nance et 10% for 1yr. t •rm I · ..B k r • Inc. M OOO L 631-1400 Properly vacant. sr.ow •--••1 1-entertM\lng. Lge entry &45-4e70 7t4n3t·5181 r.0•10% down (o·A8). enytlme. M•l.!•11 on -·...-. -• -petlo aecured by Iron --------... r/ O\t% llnenc. w/epprov. Big lllewt WI/If. to beectl. 3 :;-:i.C::~arry ~~-== fence end get•. Beeutllul EXECUTIVE BEAU· r.t,,",_ Wt I 5072 Dunber. Hum Bc:tl. bdrm. 2 beth, frplc, tge rid! f: 831 12te ... n. ~ meeter tulle of your •••••••••••••••••••••• ~8*-=i9;50:'·=14=M=1=5=2ii~ deck. Owner.help fin. 1. ;I I lmmeculate. edorebl• choice. 321 King• Rd TY Two trlpluea. C .M .. $228,850. Peg Allen, 1-.:11•1•11 home, just atepe to bey OPEN SUNDAY 'I :.o% dwn br.U ev9r1 reenor. 404-7578 LEASE OPTION '\~~ ~! end bMdl. EJCoellent fl.. · R.modefed tight & •lry T·~o 2 9 ; dupleua, *"""' _,. i-... .U. IHI -•-•••~• nenclng on ttMa 2 bdrm 2 -kitchen, fr.-ti paint. 3 E.alff C.M. S142K ... To loen or gurcheae ~":'::'••••••••••••••• HARBOR RIOOE be & den -petlo home. 2 8dfm, 2 betfl wtlfl bay Bdnnt, 2\<t be, RV ec-Low dwn. contrec ta, T '•· mOft-Beeutlful upgre6ed Senta ~ IWWWI 1344.500. Drtve by 11577 & OCMn vtew In v....-. CHt. Seller llnenclng One Y' new N.8. ~ Berti condo In LaQun• Custom View H•rbor vi.w HIHa mdl E . Oceen end c ell lee guerd9d c:ommuNty over tong term. Nie In toredoeure, Agl. SM-~·;::: ::0,. \1g. EXTRAS GALc>AElll Horne perfect 3 Br. Below 87'3-8800 with pool end~. view, S 115,000. Agt. r;t 55t-fM1, IM0-7814 Fut Servtoe _ Must wl S 124,500. merllet et S3e9,000. Only Ellcel flnaneln!. O"n _1_54-__ 1202 ____ -...,~·•-°'-te3-_1_eoo ____ --1 Bob c...tln ~.1112 OP£N SUNDAY 1·5 ~.000 option money 5% down. OWC. 1% ~/...... f#llto/. 714/15tl 113'. Bkr mer ect •pttnc:!p!I 855-3017 4 Bedrooms. 6 Betha 1nt ... 111 Palrldt Tenore, Sunny IOU1'1 petlo & new - - RUD WIU. UMY J1.29UOO _ao....;;...t _93_l_·t-2_ .. ____ , ::'2~.·~~~ 3Bdrm3~cerger, Low dwn, 4 Br, 23155 e.f., ...... f....t Lef kitchen and fud•d pvt """tlo, In IN._.,, of e11ec: home Rleh•rdaon ...... • ...... 500 Priced ..- Rttr., SuM 110.520t .. fer11111.. :;;;; ~ket. A~ ~:.= ='°°"~ ,__ .,._, Jiii Xlnt loc. on penlneul•. * loer'9 end owner wll 10 tefl. St1) w. Wiison ..,.~ ••• 7.-.:;.••••••• ---------1 Comer Bay & ~ 1 help finance. E tOI, No down peyment. 2 &. 2 blodl from the bey. To a.. Condo. .,. eo1c1 No'I. 12. Cltl .,. 11,_ ... - -11, lllLn 54M402 = =-"+=:=: wlttl vtEW .......... de-•• -· .... Wf ,_, lllf Dept. 7141153-atO eot8'0I' co-ordlMttd ... ....111 ~~~~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• liiiiiiiiiiiii"iiiii"iiiill eouttve ,..,... weu. won-,~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~ I= .... .. ··-... -dtrflll *-°' '-· *'-1; ... _, 1·1 1-------1 3 Br, den & lerntty rm, St•P• :.,:h; ::::._•~ :~o':!1~ 't'~ ~r:=-O:.:-nn: Iii ... 11111•1 S 119.tOO. Rlchardaon ~ ..__ 0 2 ,..~ ttlll 2 bdnft tlOMt Wltft clnt. 15 Ir. cloae to Pano. ocee11 vtew: 48' Rltra, SuM 77().$209 ...,,,., -·· etOtY ..._.. den end..,. It,_.. ~ et •Sit*,.. ()pell with ftJIC , room fo •!tf!I ...,. t•I ~·=~ ~ for the dlacl1'"'"•'~ let/Sun. Ae9f!t Hedd• ~ape. 14~ ••• ••••••••••••••••• ~ :::·~"" ~Tof".::.o:., ~=~41 OOO 11t TO.,,, IHI, 11111 llllD 1441 o.luy DfM 4 8t. Oen, FQt'Mlll DWng Room, 2 Fl~acee. ! car ger999 phi• lerge Hobby "°°'"· Pool ._, IOI, beeut. lef1dtC.-cf, Owner .......... ff. nenolnt. ~ 1410.000. °"" ..otun. , .. .............. ... ., --------1 avalleltlllti_~a".'~_pool. ATOP SP't<kAU HILL 11-·-, __ lllllfll!lllll!' ....... llllal 1411,800. •TMIOO OPEN IATl8UN 14 •41• ......,_ SUQ0.000 \ll\11 Ml MO" t7J.1111 & MO-M06 BUT BUY • LOWUT ~ ,,._ 1 ~ a IR UC1"'11" ... GIUTA. INCOR,. priced No1 Creal Plen S end lllwefy, 2.• aq.ft, flUL tstAtl C:r .. Uve terma. lttl 3lr VMYl 1119,IOO 1kr blol ..... ,.,._, °" ... ......_ TOfft 00.... ..... l200 leftcl, HllNr _.,..... br ~ r·-=~==-iii prof1....-.. decor...,. •v OWNER: a M f'IOUM, -.c'""Y .,., ..... JOot'---;;;;;;;----1 • •11• 11 ... 000. LO Ill\. ColW-elMI ..... '°' ... ..... '•butouell I "· alnl der .. oftar, 9'6-tM1 01 .... °""°" ......, tQ YllW, ........ ,,.... "•1 1• -"'-!S~:.~·~~·~f;•!"!•!•!•!"!'•~·~·I =..=-:.t.1r II LMI • 1K a..11 1: -ONN IUNDAY , .. Lee ... CUltoM ........ • .. '""'I h"' =i ... , .... , .•. 110 Ci-............ -.~ ......... ..._,......,, ~-------.,.._ .,_ ..,,..,,.....,, a. • •Adi Ml-ll7I m..na- .. . .. l r I I I - I • ' I 22 -O!ange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supglement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, November 8, 1982 ~;e;~-'1f!:~!!!!.~ ..... ~=~::1 ':;;.;1~tw l~!!;~~l~!'--~ .. ~.!~iH .~~~ ·······-.·~~;:a...... w_..w "" "',on• hofNh E wtltlt1Newpof10 c;;;;:~·;;;•,j;;·;, ~·;;·.:;;;·;;;:; IMI ....... ;;,;;:.·: ....... ·;.-=:· .... ······-······ "' r-.-~··~~A";•u••••••• e1c xecu ve. n lcn.fy ..._ of ....., a °""°" 2 bet 2 M ••••••••••••••-••••• --.rr• Priced et '21& 1215.000 ~ a er. Condo 1r1 8MICI 1n '-POtt'• 11ne11 Mtbor. 2 •· 2 ... 0t 2 · ..._._, · , MdrMe 2...., cuttOfW'I 2 10 4 bdnM. .. .,dno" l8t + c1en. aea. poo1 wtth 15% dn, ...,. ftdel Fr-for .-or trade. Beedt AIM. MOO mo. • 2 .._ -t ... _ ._... ~ w/JN;UZZJ Mao $795 to 82000. Mm-.. II..,, ~ "'-IOatl eV9ll • 12~ MllllY xva A.-ne le>% 131-8871 · ·--~ HI'S --. I Ir METRO M. TY -. JlliiiL 8MINd Cllt. 1=• ioen. M)' equity $24 500 'A--~• 1m room .... ...., 2'h ea conM. ~rill, 136-7005 dlO t ·~ r,' l)do, fri>lc;, rwwpottr.e.IGQOw/IHp prox . C•ll 0o'r 11 1••• ... •••••••••••••••• .-..122 = lndrt~~·· CLOSETO~·Brend ~~ e.U.::..mo. lat/Sun 545-6010 wkdyl 9-5. BULi ...,,.... ..._.... ::,"f!;.;e;:-attn. NW 2 9r. beldt houle. Wkdys (Z13) 796-MCM . "46-5214 ~. ..._..... W1"Mr 2 ... eM UCllt P•ld 1kytigfll ~ ~ /#... ' ,., ~~-' ' ::__ -~ ~ H«M .. -MIA dedl, io19 °' wood: • ......... . ...................... BIG CANTIM . .111111 IUL n ~.::.· ~r~:..=:-...!:i lmlnllCl. 3 ..... "' fa-frplc, bll-lna, 2 car /:7 38r +OM. 28a. pOOI. llM 11 AVE VE.RTE j ... Newpof1 Center. lAMe mlly rrn. b•r. 2 ,,.ptca, ~~-::by~~ &8&00 frplc, Wfilt6ty, blMne, IClll YIEW 381 2'~ ba home. SkMI S1450/mo714/673-1700 '°'""f.,*::f"• P':: ceU34-.717t. ~/~r'!:'btt C.!;':·!:ro; I •lllllWWWI 2 8r. lwgt ~ 1 tleocM ~'d. No P91~Avall Delu•t 2 bednn wto-rage a&ft r.-. ...... ..._ Oreenbell. • • ' LITS lndultrla l or 7 Cill flM111 from Mach. MIO/mo. 1211. 5'0-8597. S1000. end utl~ ltlCt "°" 1375 TOH;,~.-;"'~ 1150 mo . Sat/Sun .,_ ~ ••• ,._.... f bk 714117~1. M"'TAO ALTY fot0-20'6 In ~· -· ..._...,r9n0, O w n • ' ' · ltg 4 8f I Ba. 2 CM Cl«• "" OC -· •-Wk-(213) 796-9504 $ 188,000. Call brc>ller '°' 213/470-2880 -·--l enol. bedlyard, ICIQ9M to 136-700$ dig TURTLE R K ......... -· -·-detaltt HOMES FOR RENT .,.._ ~ 1 pt. reidec 3 bd. 2 b•. dbl ear; tam, ~ per10M: tBr (714) 681.0305 IHI,,,.,. Beeutlf\11 epecloua ~: poo . COIT't ota-Ocear1 View, "*Y b811 Cl, llvlng. a dining'""· Frpl; 1 b hOuM seoo 2 8d -------· ___ I W. '91 lfll 5 Bdrma, 3 b81hl, lorm81 led, 1750/mo. Ma.112• 119 Huntington St. 2 BR. p r o r d • c o r 1 1 • d . • · • Hlaperla Loi 100 • 185.1····~-•••••••••••••• 1 Olnlng rm. !amity rm, Nr ~an. 3 bf, 2 b8. trl-$850, t BR. 1500. 0< rent 11200/mo. Avall 1211. ~~j&!4den· furn, Ulll. $9 ,000 term . .,._ *El TORO• $700 ~rm, 3 lrplca. 3,500 level c;ondo, yard, pool, entire dplx S 1125.1 949-2353. --·------- 645-7685 -.. 4B 2•,;e. Condo NEW-lq "· 811111 J•n 15, 63. lennla ct, ~· $850/mo. 53&-3602 O< 681-7622 w I ts 2 Br twnhM. STEPS TO BEACH · r, •MISSIO"" VIEJO• $2200 to $2500 -Im---' •7 ,..-y2 1"" q., 4 BDRM $1250 MO. WATERFRONT POR'f RIVIERA, for lot, 1~ unlurn/lurn. 6«-504S or """'· v ...,.,, Senaatlonal 3Br 2 beth, Plan 0 , avalt. now.1 YRLY Vacant site In C1nnery Condo, house. motor 1675-1700 720-0702 E'al<Se3BR lba,t1m rm, IUNn0d1eck89t·mnONth~~·S8001_ 1625/mo . 833·75191 Lovely lmmic comm VIiiage Wiit lake up 10 home or Tb. 1-439-38'8 •YORBA LINDA• $875 lg• 01r. $700/mo .. No • "' •-I wkndl. 752-1800 pool & iennla, 54&-5704 60' b081. "50.000. C811 YUIU p •ts . 2 1 2 LI t 11 an . right !amity, only dya. I Pete 88rrell. 642-5200 ... llll 4 yr old comp1eee1y r• 642-6368 METRO RL TY 3 Br 2,,; Ba townhOme E~CLUSIVE AREA. H•r· --·-1.··.·.·,· .. ···,·.Sl··IU··.·.i··ff······ •CHILDREN• .. _ 3 er'&.._ -4th B 636-7005 c"" • ....... vi...... ...._..... Pr .......... r-~ ) ...... ,._,'" r, 3 BR. 2•,; b1, tplc, w/d & '"' 1600 a.I .. AJC. gar, lam I ~.;;, '4'8R"2BA i.;· E,.1_ .-1 ... +PETS OK• 3 Ba. lpflc. CfPt, drapM. r.tr, dbl g8r, $750. Agl. 2Br Condo, 1'nB•. ~ta/ rm, pool, upgraded, 1m-lolt •;. • i --· -1,.···,-.:::·1:·.h;; ... ·,·,·,,·· I bar, .. L8PC>ls. oaraee, .... • .. no,, 646-4380, 6'5-4765 drpa. pool. llC. clbhM. m. d 0 cc . I e 6 5 . gtr·-w' •oink to IFC .. r•hlwon Vacant tr•• tined tot -pets . ..,...., et ...-. .. 1515 mo. 788-7933 5459.1~ · $65,000. Submit 111 or-•••••••••••••••••••••• M1rlgold. AS73 -2230. EASTSIOE l1land. beech, pool & ter1 Owner an1ilou1. Wt .... W""r het YIWIE $1300. 3 t>r. 2 b8. toe hOuM, 2 1PT Tl tft Univ. Pk 3bd 2ba lingle school•. Gardener Incl. Westminster & Ftowar SI _._ __ .,. 11111-"-r Le-_; trp6cl, toe yard. $850 mo. Custom 4 beclrm 2 b8th1 Owelllng. lrplc, 11uOy S 1'00. Av111. Jan 111. 6'5-«1625 mn -,.""9 ...... lllYESTllEITS OPEN HOUSE. 802 Be-831-3091. 759-.9531 w/JACUZZI and POOL , $925 mo. 857-1941 or 759-0060 Pl.II • .. • .,_ ¥°"'•·Sil 10-12· 3 Br. . Kida· pell ok. lod1y 833-9329 _2_B_r _1_B_•_·_n_r_b_e_a_c_h_, ao .er ... ' legal pwcell, water, electric 8'ld r08dt Border• S•n M1roo1 and EaconOldo. M1111y beautl- lul home alt ... A j)81h of Slit .. ll... _....,. 9.50. no peta. Agt. l.gellmlly hm. 4Br 2b8. liv s575 New i Ir '*1Cfront town-"60/mo YffY, Wettrfntrt...... (114)141-&..., S31-128e rm, Otnlng rm, 0-. !nod METRO RLTY llOIM ~ml to UCI. $800, .-S llM.n •1...... AGENT, NO FEE C.I• #na "If f,~~.cs:;~~Jl~!_rlg. ~7005 dig Agt 7141146-2850 • ~~~~~~~~~...................... Why throw rent •w•y ••an W -F1n--t11-tic-No-. _e.yt_r_on_t-. •llPll9•• • • --•• • large executive 2 atory 2 Br 1 e.. $450. No dog•. when you can own 3-3 ,._... ..... JUI 11M 1ll wsm•... 11K11i-... houM w/4 bedrml t•5 Victoria • 10 · ::I'••••••••••••••••••• Br 2 Ba & l1mlly rr CdM/N8/CM HOMES ' • w/$1200 to 12000 pay-HAR80R OCEAN FRONT ,.__..._home, 3200""" ft.. Short 1erm s2000 pr rr Mo/yr No f-. M. F•oua-Form8I ~~ blh• 548-9124 menta. S175K -l215K, Nv 3200' lux,,.,.. on bluff. 4'~ Ba. •r .Neter yrly '3000 pr mo. I on-H8hn RE 6'2-1183 llvlllll'lllY~;:' Newport Rlvl•r• Fmly move In • t1ke over • 180 deg. vu of h•rbor, aulte w/fri*:, car 08• 673-4092 COSTA MESA/Unfurn. tllN kltc:h to large bbq Condo. 3 bd, 2•,; ba. 2 lhar• apprect.tlon, call aurf. mini, 3br, 3b•. rage, 2 boet lllpt wall. .. ,... Retirement lj)t, 2Br, cle-P811o and gorgeoua pool cer ow. pool, tannlt. No Sue at 891-555e ae curlty, 11una, ape. 12500/mo. 955·2473 lni•••I• 3111 en a qulel 1oc1tlon. won't lut long at $780 P«a. s750. 644-25e2 $1900/mo. '96-7009. wkd8YI 9-5. •••••••••••••••••••••• S395, METRO Al TY 2 BR HOUM a Duplex WllTll EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2R __ ET_R_EA_T_HJ_OM_E_w_'i_ocean __ LIDO ISLE/Unlurn· S36-7005c:fig 333 E 2111 St CM. NMO by Dec 1: 3-4 br Ba. 1700 aq 11. lrplc, & Ni1>or vu. 1 acre . 2 current Oavelopm•nt. 4 Br, b•ylront w/dock. $5.000 per acre. 1arm1. 14000 mo. yrt-; or S3000 744·.WSl mo winter. Avall. now. 5Bdrm home tor 18tnlly • Ir 2 la. 10am-6pm houie In Hunlln:f.1on brick patio. with 1p1. atory home on Cffff Or. llVI"". CloM lo tennll & • • 945-8103 945-IM9 .... ~.. I A $ 1 6 0 0 I m 0 . E ..... level .... own entry, DANA POINT MOlll IW.n level view lo\ acrou Pllflln _, highway trom new ~ I .. b" .. -~ Ori b t"• Frplc, r•nge, yard, gl· _,,, south o 8nll. 2 1 3 8 7 • 2 2 5 5 -... ·-c u '""'... ve 'I .... rage. no pell. Prlllate. ~114de 2 er. quiet, NW Xlnl ret1. 964-0332 eva; t v • or kitchen, llbfary. frplc a VI• Trieste $1800/mo. l750/mo. lat. plua MC. carpet. garage, Y•rd, 942.0100 dVI 875-3087. I gMgeOlll vu. Ofc/home S.)'fronl Condo/ On UOo only. 848 W. 18th. St. pool, no peca. $575/mo. No Laguna redwood uae or 'ahared llvlng. part! drive. Lg 2Br· den. 4"""-1617. Mnnr 2453 "B" Or-. 3 br. 2 ba, Huntington 1' ..-.... ' $USO/mo. Ooo ok. Security bldg. S 1800. "" .,, -...-0 IN, OCMn vu, wvvuly, 752·2197 R I H lnYMt· lopmenl. $75,000. Call 11M1ll l:!Y.~°' lnlormallon and C••I• #na llU 88r"rett Rlty 8'2-5200 a;::;•J;::.·F~;·;;;;•; BAYFRONT/Furn with Quiet trw llned 1trwt Ave. H8lt>out area. $700 mo., 2 Br 2 Ba. 2 frplc. dining I mentt 1ge dodt. 3 Br, 11m rm, 11 wh«e 11111 epacloua 13 Br. Condo, IHH or petl OK. 1"'92-2947 eva rm, drapes, crpt, appl., ---·------ o u II u n d In 9 Io c . 2 beclrm ~ 11t1 With lea•• option, Me1a 38R 1BA yd W/O aV"all. dbl oar $950/mo. Long Exc1ullve W•1c:llff VIiia, w 1.z a-.. • ..4 l>d . 3 ba. 11090/mo ..... ~•, --· ., 962-89'5 $3000/mo. crpts-drllPel kldl Ok Blufft. $800/mo. lit laal 11•10 tor 1 yr seoo lat y, term. 400 P1noram1. Dover Or, muter aulte OCEANFRONT /Winier: lo-lo move In Ofttf 1450 & 1 e c . r e q . A g t tut. Downtown H.B. 494-3281 w/trpec, 2 Br. 2 Ba. pool, •...n Z411 -------Fuly tum. unl1 avaH. tor METRO RlTY 640-5144. 5*7103 Exec. fwnlly l\OIM, ttepe i-cunt. etc. S l lOO/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• FOR RENT! 2 bedroom. 2 betht a 2 atorlea In lWln P9Ma In L•k• Arrowhe1d i re• Hu bull'l-lns & twec>tace. Artt, lul & deC>09lt r.-q u Ired Call (71 4 ) 768-02811 or (714) 667.()657 weet\08y -nlngs alter e p m. If no 1n1wer. Pl•••• keep trylngt VIEW LOT. CloM 10 lak ... 11ra1mt and akl 1111 Ow· ner lln1nclng. 189.500. Agt June lake Prop 714164a-750ll ... ,,., ,,, .. , Cttnt ZTH •••••••••••••••••••••• ftDl.fAll 9 plUt acrea Murlet1, ln- cld 1 2,000 aq It larm houN. 11rge b1rn, gar. $15,000 down. I 1648 per mo Tot .. price $115.000. 702-452-8777 ~.rt;r.!!.~!! .. 1.'.!! !.*::c~fs~:.·· 3Br'" E t ld636-7005d dl03 ... 2 rm a 1111·• 3,er. 2daa. adc. o-aee, ·I !!:a~~t:: .. '!T-:"~:: .:03-::~ ;;,~1~~ LIDO ISLE . 3 bdrm, tam WATERFRONT HOMES 11 • • con o, .,., 2 Bt Bung81ow EMt.,_ enceai yara, no pe I H.wn Ar• Condo . .v.11 rm. 4 e.. s1100 mo. 131-1400 be, den. kp4c, 2 cer 0--c . M. t n c d y ard . $750. ~1 · 1 ::!4::n;:•k'itc~.Bs 1~~o: lmmed. 11t & la1t + OCEANPRcmr 2 bdrm. J.DM =:.:::.. ~'"';e2.1100 ~. ',:'·t!~c~ ~~ ~C.O::t970 2• •v.. 11200 die>. 1·575-7505 t Ba $700 mo. Biii t..i.sala 1111 ~kitchen~ Luxury 3 bdrm.2 b8,ywd. built Ina, l•r .. yard •-•THE PREMIER Hubor ONndy, Rltr, e7s-ete1. •••••••••••••••••••••• Peta ol! S375 no IMll dl1hw•1her $900 mo . 11100 mo lndllding oar-~-•~I •-• Ridge ._ home. 4 BR. "--· 1 ly 4 ..,. Penln Pt, 5 BR. 3'A b8. METRO RL TY ...... 7,._ dener. 7 !4-IMI0-3369 or ~.e.: ••• 7rn•••••••• 3 Ba, LIUtrernon1 ft'IOdet. ......... n ront yr · .... rm. OR, lf'g~llO, $1200 mo. 7 _. ...,.., 3 s*'9 Oen. 2t,; Ba. prlVaw Avell now. S3,000 mo. 2 __ ,. hOt tvb 636-005"""" 213-151-71'1 *850/ A 87~7r5-0aoe ...... · to mo 1. 973-eoeo -... EASlSIOE. 3 bdrm. 2 b8. •P•. • mo. gt. 1eo-19n ---------·CONVENIENT 2 BR 1'h Sent• AM Hta. 3Br. trpec.. F. R. room llreplace , I'll AYM.llll 496-5980. --------- $1.000 2Br. 288. Clllt HI· t>a.. lteps 10 beedl Ma& blO Y•rd. no pet a . ~ yard, gdnr, q>ta SpollHll 2Br. l'nB• 4Br, 2B• home In L•k• l••••••••-11en 1rea Condo, pool, mo. )'fty. Avail. NOv. 15, I $850/mo. 5'8-081' lkr. and dr1pea. 1900 per IWfthM, frplc, encloMd PIR. ~ pool a ....... - lnc:l llnena a OllMs. IVtd I Lindi, agt. 6'2·5200 .. IAPI -mo. 111 ind lut ptu• yd. ettaohed 2 car ger, IP9 Joey 131.oe&t NMl1V,,.., 1 atcwy 3 BR lmmed. t-575-7505 c.... ,., ., '"' .... TIWlllll ~11Il RobWlood Ln. ~~i~.' ~fo"~: ,,,... ...... ,., _, llbrwy. 2,850 lq.ft. Pvt. Sult• w/tJaP entren-~•••••••••••••••••••••• Oecofator perfect IP•· "4-«t46 "'4-&•e •••••••••••r.••••••••• Executtw ~. on ._ ce Frplc. 2 fenced !Brend ap1111klng MW eve-clout 2 Bdrm 2'hba W/Slde. 3 bdrm. 1 be, Charming HlllMde vi-. 3 ltlnd. H!gNy upgraded by deckl. $800/mo lnci utll rywhere, 3 bdrlft. 2t,; ba. OOI )IC recrHtlO~ wuh/dry, gar. Reta. 8Mcl\ COttage, quiet pet• bdrm, 2 bl, ~lace. profeMlonal declof8tor, a EXCEL FARM FRESH <hr•o•. P•tlo. $1,000 :, ... pvt Patio balOOny Over 35. No pet1. Avail. aon. $'50 + uttla. No l.•k• prlVl•eo••· 1775. HCUrlty 1y1tem, Pool MEALS. Country Mttlng,. mo, 807 lrla. 841-4881, a~. garege. D.co . ..n 12/1. M5(), 875-52'7 • pM .. M0.()587 ·-21s-acM327 end IPL FOr ........... CIOM to 0 .C. Airport etc. 777-2233, 873o-43M paper, «llC*1el I mote. Wn111de duplex 28R t~ ON THE SANO • I.... J•f or ..... ~.~ to 11111111 +aecurlly. IAvall lmmed. 28r & den 3 S995. UUI pd. Cati enc:t gtir, pet• ol!. 1525 Vu of oon: 2Br 11A ba, :;.~.............. de•ll Call aoentt •I s57•97oe i b8, gw, pvt pallO. ctMn. 87&-2311 10:30 to lpm. mo. 552-3319 ~\Mindi guard gate. pool, MUM, ..... JIW•• t46-5092 2 Br. ocHn vu, 2'M11, $950/mo lnclude9 O•· Lovely 3 bedfoom 2 bMtl ~ gym , S 6 O o I mo . 38r +Oen, 2a., Pool 1p 1clou1 flf'Pt CrHt .• Aettreq.71A/t7S.504t double oarate.'ear~ ~.!flf! ...... r.-::: 213 /333·31•8 or Frptc,weat'l/drj,811-lnl ~==lltMIMOO $1000 furn. HOO/mo Aaedltle~...... ner, 2370 Orange. ~-Condo -Apt.All 902-1291 2it9tlOl.2C8rgarege l2tla$800 :~~~rTomOottlet ttte-~~ ttt5 /mo . Owner avalllble no•·Lo 1Br Ce>Mo, balcony, •••utll. Oulet, Green-Npt Cre~br/2"'ba "*" ,.,.._ 9'1-M?I (2'3)641 .. 111 I I 5 O • I t I Q • MCMe. S426 mo. ~. ~ IMO F • r o 11 1 o n • H a ti n IHI lll•le I ._. 118*. ~· houtae, 2 br 71'1~7 142-nMI a.ttun lmrMC, mo. ta-Ull • •HI,,,.,. i.ita .., IHl-••le & 1 br, w/wMe ,._ .. auper 1 It., ea. v111e. LUii/.,.. =-ca~~ If._ .. !/t.~ ..... !IJ!f ......... r. ............. ~ ..... !!!! tenoe1. 1110/ffto & courtyard. retffM pr.-11111 mo ~t 140o ..._ UaaMlt1• hclfne. 5 , adr. 3 •• tlome w/ Wiii tr8de SIOK equity tn ,------------... IOtmo ..... 1111 ter,;d,. ~mo . mo. towwd .pu;otlaM ••la.fUm.mtO/lflo, pool. lr11ln• Terrace N.8. 8ey1itlolw home fOf ~"°'*I 9r. SIM en. 1 • 4 awtce. 1 'f'. No ctu~ untwft, aooo. Call Mr9. """'9 IOoetlOrl. ~ lrvlne area. Priced •t ....... Ml-m den . 2 la. fr pie .,_.,.,. r.-n-BM ~---2~. tei. Long.tn.11IO. dint w.. of l'lerbof a 12ttK a~ 3 It. 5 • Wtmo. 175-113' ........... ::e.A.rm ..,.. i.. '"""" ooeu-ooean. uooo1mo. Cati ~~.~.~1~n':::a':: 1 Seller """ $900K equity will C.M. Doll HouH, ,_,. ~~t"ro•_:.•::,.':': l*ICJ. Pitt "r· "'~"' l'!."o.a."f:a:'e' 417· 1110 or ooti.ot parttee ce1641M218. exchan• LAGUNA BEACH m.lni 18A. ,,. t:::irr ....._a w1111&:" '° uooo ~ """-. II.. ....... 2 11111Mn0 -.. I-. ma l estate with ~w & pout on 2 lota .. 1 ::·:,·.,..,..."iiO': .....,.:'!je::W"': -.,... -... ,.P.Jf ~'' ':...~~! ':'~ EattlHI• eo.c1 Meea. I plus SUN VALLEY tennia ..iate j -. • .. -1·-.... = :w-; ... If' .... ,_., .... 4 N ,_ ,. ... 1"lt1H, "" Polltl\19 ~·flow. 0.-l & g\leS\ 00\\age for South Oranp I ......,. ...... '° .... lft-llM l .. I ... I -...... .. (Ital,...... ...,..... ... •Mltl • ner•~S200. I Coun\v oceanfront whh Hat'h 1 ••• ... ,,..,.,..& ,_._ ..... 1 .... ..,..,. ltllltl·•M• -·-a~ll& 000 equity fOf ~ ~ ~ P •I I 1100/ -,_ • -· -.._.,.._, -" ,.4 tw,IM ... .._,_....., 8HCh reetdence. A91, 1 llCX'ea. I ~0• "'•· ,.,., tr.lo, ,..... 0..... ~ -. ,.. 9'.,...... :::-'.::...... IA Mike Crow 1454171 t I ~ ~ 111. .. OIHllllM Mt are .e· lfMH~. Ne .... -UI. Ml IHI OelOAUNGelfl 1 ... lillf,lllliallll ....... li9. .... -~--...--· -· .... .-. ....... -1 .._ tor WHIT£ :1• I-~ ..... • 11• ~J 1,,u.Jt'1e.;:.n r••• Tiie ............... ..,.._ ... •1 ..,._ ' ... ,. i5 l~f!P.1!; Witt\ I Ctr===f M ' I t 1 ..,#, \ ' ..... • 18 _..., -~ .... .. .. ... 2 _ .~ -.c.!.. -:.:;;,-.m C81164Mt11 -~ ~ ~ --_ Cll••• •Ml -·-• 0 PllM _...... 0 lfMI • P'·Ull ----------.... -· .. , • •w-· _w ....... ,,..,, ,..uv~rus1ng SuP,plement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 -23 B•••n U•l•1•i•'" Ar.f.m••I• f•1•iMffl Ar.!J!!••ll f11alMffl AJMtl•t•ll A,;1laf9ll AJMll•••I• .,,._,, ~,. ••••• • • •• • • •••• ••. • • • •. • ••• •••• •• ••• •••• •••• • •••••••••• •• • • •••••• ll l .J. AM D•llmltllH ll.J•m•Al4 · l.J•r.11.A" -..... , ... , '"' 11,alM -.... ,, ... , 3111 •••• ~.f! •• f........... ...................... ...................... ·•••····•············· ......•.............. ··-·•G•••••••••••••••• lt.J.Hl• 3111 ·•·•"••••••••••••••••• Uh. 1 C..11 ,,,,. 3114 c.,,, #n. JIU l!..11 #eu JJl4: ,,,., lei.I JIU lllT Tl IWI •••••••••••••••••••••• On the beach notel 1 I I ••i ~·•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~:••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Biie to ooeen: 3Br. 2Ba. * * •OcMntront & ttlh, room apt kitchenette & •• !.~~.~!~.~ ..... !!..! 65. 2 Bdrm, refrlg, pa-2 Bedroom ~life atyte /side 2Br. Hp llouN, .. R Udo. Sande Comm pool. 2 BR 2 Ba, fplc, patio. I b •th . I urn I• h • d Bachelor· Yearly rental 110. no pet•, adult• pref, apt. Light & Nry Ir PI c .·Av a 11 now From·Oena Poi19t'• most S 1200 to $1400 mo. 1>11'· Wlh/dry, a-.ome. ~~&'~· 6c!!~r~~~-ullls paid. 1340/mo. 20l I n4-A Jamee. 673-7787 e.46-45411 1505/";o• 2636 Elden. HCludad acenlc blufl. pymL S t 7ll.OOO. S400 Winter. $e95. ()pen Seti NB 67~ 154 ' E Ba Ibo a BI v d TUNNING large 1 Br 2Br 1.,.,Ba. W..ulde like 641-eO II Liiie ,_i °"'Y 4 units, 2 mo 1ow1rd1 purchase Sun 1-4. 673-1943 · · · 675-9562. 646-1319 garden apt. 710 w. IBth. ,,.W. $475 mo. · •eteen 2 8'."' SC Plaza. Br widen. Xtra lrg JW!vale ~~7':e500 dn. Pvt Pty. Deluxe 2 Bt. 2 Ba. trplc; BAYFAONT. Elegant 1 or P In P1 2B 1 ba. sun SI. 557-6915 ' S.A. POOl/apa & c:«port. patio. From '725/mo. t t beach Id .. ~ 2 bdrm. $950/mo en · r • $495 Nopeta. 752-5822 Call 661-6441 or M-F. 1 epa 0 • w · ..-660-1178 dys 67~909 deck, laundry, no pata. r 18th/Pomona, 1 81. 3 br, 1'h ba, bit-Int, 1>9'.. · t -5 643-0212 Orlve tJ-i ...... ,. Lhiq Laroe spM;loua duplex. 1 YI bdrms. Spic & apen. nr shopping. Slaps to beach . Yearly . 7141985-5822 coll or wttnds 675-8720. rage. no pel1. learly. av ' $650 yrly 675-0963 all 1 Ba. downllalrl, d/1, crptl. ChMd OK. No peit1• BR. vary apac .• bltn to i.. 24583 santa Clara $750/mo. 645-6 58 ah• &pm carpon water pd 1 c:hlld $Sll5. Call alt. S'pm, 1tow. patio, extru. No 1----------4PM t Br exec. bayfront, w/ Oil, no Pela: $400: Agenl. 54a-1058 lall mo Child OK, ref1, 2 Br. c:atpet, drapes, pool, "-----~-1 1//11 31·•• sec S900tmo yrly Avail C•r••• ''' #u JJZZ no'" 982-0217 · 645-1693 2 blocks from. beach. ---,.., -I 111. • • •••• • • • • •• • • • •• •• • •• · 2 Br 1'/t Ba studio, pool, 1 O th St 5 4 7. 4 1 5 1 0~·::;·:1~-.: ... ;::~:,~~"; I .llCllS 1w.n ITEPI " ,..... PACIOUS 2 Bd, 1 Ba, c•f'l)Oft. pvt pello, Chll· .... 111........ 538-7953 . . 2 & 3 Br $750/mo 4 Br I spa $ 1250/mo Have 01~. Fred Tenore. agt 631-12116 pool' & pallo s1o95tmo' amenlllH. $1175. Call Wood cab., no pets. 6"46-1824 cony Decorator carpet•. 10 beact1. c:arpon 2106 turn townhouse rrplc I PllPEln •llllllT Laroe 3 Bt. 3 Ba many Beam cetllngs, a«"V. ba1, dren OK. No pett. $475. 1 bdrm, large prlv bal-$400.00 28drm 2Ba. lml 673-0898 . . 111-1111 AnthOny ltays 842-5757. $ 47 5 . 2 2 5 8 Ma PI a .• ,..5 1 ... pool 1 stove. Frldg .. pool, ldfy. F•-·• .. a St. """""·"'·~ · eves & wlmd1 631-6630. 548-7358 or 673-8803. ~ · ""· · P9'10n, For quiel 11n91e No Pets. ..,.,.. """-'"c;v OCEANSIDE OF HWY OCEANFRONT large 3 Br no pall. Wa1-._ .. gas pd $375 A11rac1 bach w/W/0 , 2 Ba wshrtdryr, no peta. The Shores In beaulllul Br, 1'h ba. 323 E. 181h 325 J 171h. Pl. •· '"'"' • Bdrm 1 Ba. upstelr1 $425 mo. LM. 675-606l Winier $850. 673·6640. Corolla dal Mar has St. No pall. Gar. $625. 648-5137 11AM-7PM. ~~ Ellt 181h 645_2708 condo near Tai bar ti 2 BR & den. 2Y. ba. near beach. $ 1100 mo & sec. Open Daily. 431 West- minster Alie. 631-5681 newly relurbiahed 1 & 2 Sierra Mgmt. 641-1324. E/Slde decorators own •----------• Newland. Balcony, oom-Ce1le #11• J1Z4 2 Br 1 Ba, oceanlron1 wt bdrm apta lrom $550 & ewer 2 BR 2 Ba. $475. 3 2 BR B Bdrm, 2 ·~ ba. lrplc. mly PoOI, carport. 1 child •••••••••••••••••••••• lrgdecll $1100/moyrly up for rent. Call Halen BR 3 Ba w/2 car g•r. apl. 1 1 a.loegar-yard. Obi gar . Npt ok, no pets. $525mo. Furn 1 bdrm •pis. $385 .IAOllS IW.n Glbeon 644·2611 ..,25 No ,.. ... , 760•1418 den. enc gar. s'nsoodry r!.", Heights area. $750. 545.2000. Agenl, no rae. 208 Collon, 3 Br. 2 Be $825/mo. yrly and up. Enc garages. . .., .,.w•• ulll part. paid. . nvl 559•5001 2 110 Newport Blvd CM PtllPlln •Hiil or 642·7528 evs/wknds. Nov. 15. 846-1509 Iva s Br 2ba, ocean view, 840-8208 Agenl. 548-4968 lll·IUI 3 lllMI. •2Br. 2Ba. Near S.C. msg . 2 Br 1 Ba, crpl, drapa, lrplc. 2 car gar. Slept to Warmington built d\Jplex Plaza. SA. Lui1ury Con-Loenewfyde,C.2 Brw/gllf. blt·lna. no pet1. $440. bch. Yrly $975/mo. Oceanfront Cottage· 3 Bf 2 ba, Penin. Pt Winier $2000/m o. R.E Slore e1s-1n1 CW IE 1111 All UTILITIES PAID 2 Br. Duplex. across streel from beach. 4612 Sea- stlore Or 529-8784 wllh ll1eplace. enclosed do w/pool. $595. No Centrel MH, no pets. 2272 Maple. 63 1·2927 640-9719 ~araoe. pallo. 3 bckma · pett: 833-8974 Eves. $475. 1hown Sal/Sun rand spanking ci.an. 2 3 bdrm, 2 ba townhome Compare balore you II• CIUH•lf 3z11 rent Cu11om datlgn bllhs,daldl bit lna .. 5ca99r5-1-.-.-._-.-V-d-.-2-B--1-.. -. 7 14 I 753 • o 7 1 9 4 BR I Ba, 1 car get. no I S"'R level. 3tlo. 2 blksJo 2 B t, B t 1 IJillS an rape• '"'•-er r """· ~·o "'187 S550 28• ,... r · "' •. 1 eps 0 per mo Newly redec. $495. No ._ ..., pell. mo v beach Pall o.k. $7 O beach, 1806 W. Balboe HARBOR REALTY pate 833-8974 Eves. tBr apt. All new Inside, no Santo Toma• Agt. I mpo 873-3728 •••••••••••••••••••••• teaturea. Pool. bbq, Hlff side ocean view :1 br cov'rd garage, turroun- convarl den & maid'• ded with plush landsca- quartera $2000/mo ping No P8'1 _B_I;. $6.50 •• 0ol.ly·6·7·6-4·630·1~~~(~7~14~)6~7~3~~~~~ $4 5 N edee pets. $375/mo. &42-6368 • 1o~w. Ab: g::'I ~ale; &4&-3420 PINE BLUFF APTS OCE1nt.ONT • Custm Br 2''i Ba, 2-stl. In reat. pd, pallo, crprt, pool, , __ P_A_L_M_M-ES_A_A_P_TS __ , 2 Br 2 Ba. 1 Br' loft. dee r. 3Br 2Ba up, 2131-«11-2828 1 BR. Fum 1515 366 w Wilson 642-197 1 In old CdM 900/mo p811y rm. Cell aft 11 AM. 1561 Mesa Or Child ok, patio, view, am nlllea, yrly S 1200 yrly Avail. 11/1 C a• a Gran ad a . $400. unturn. 1 Br. frplc, encl gar .. gas mo ; 2Br 1Ba dwn 800 .IAOlll llAl.n 979-191 1. Call btwn 9~. ~ stove, dishwasher. apa. mo. Mature prs 7400 w. lndry rm $650tmo. Ocnfml. 850-9192 2 8t Cpndo 2 Ba lrple. 1--------- dan. wtbar. gar Beaul lllWPllT Yll.Ull surf view Steps to leMtihtt ~ b a a c h • $ 6 9 5 I m o Gu. Wal• Paid. P•tlol Pllfltn _....., BR l'~ba. d/w, bltlns. t er. S1udl0 w/balh, no SPMC 631-8107 llM1U patio, gar, no pate, $575, kltc:hen. $275/mo 1---------1 EASTBLUFF 492•1819 w/pool, 1acuzzl. seunu, t er so or hwy, 1>u111-1n1, 548-429t, 645-9857 831-5199 1 ..... FrH le.. Spaclou• 1 Br. P•lio. 180 degrM oc•an view tennis couns. volleybell belmeo ce11tng. gatage, 1 'h Br garage, yard. !Tom Dining, living. Oen courts. Aecr•llon room. 1 person s5 5o /mo $525 /mo. Wulllde and Kitchen 3 Br & Oen. Jr 1 bd, lurnllhed. $430. 955-3649 641..0763 No pett. 2 'h Ba lmm1cu111e. Cell 557-0075 ftJINISHEDor •'----------1---------- BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. 2 Ba. f'rplc, encl oar. Cholc. ... ... adlll pref. ,675 3094 Mace W/Fedc;o 2 Br townhleltype c:.on-pool. view , no pets, do. Close 10 9Y9"(1hing. $690/mo 644~767 HOO/mo. Agt &45-9850 2-sly condo, 2 Br 3 Ba, Ill•• '.;•I JIZf pool. 'PL aauna. S795 pr •••••••••••••••••••••• mo 751-3191 $ 200 N 1-----------SH ulet area. 408',. Acacia. Redec: t bd. retrig, qlMt, 1 /mo. 0 pell. iean 1 Br. turn. cottage, UNfURnt ED 3 Br 2ba. ocean view. I $410 ,See mgr at 19220 2501 w. Sunflower F-6. 673-6632• ownet. 110 pe11. very private. All UTILITIES $875/mo 673-7942 W a I I a c • A v • or Open Sun 1-4. 2 bdrm, 2 WIY MT •-• J•L· $435 ineld~ all ulils tit p•-ff"'••·JH 780-8376. ba luxury condo. $550. 111 IUTI -I 1 & sec 548-0522 .uu, ~L oeanslda 1 Br. I Ba. c c .. li1lr•i• 3111 .. . CLUBS. TENNIS lronl $575 Small 2 Br t· Near MW 1 Br. 1 Ba. di.. c • 11 0 I I • c t NEW gated 20 Town-····~················ S390, allractlve turn apt. SWIMMING I Ba. Nc:k S:;.35. 111. lut hwatllef. enclld garege. 213·274-3589 home. VILLAGE COM· Leaae/Leaae Option 4 bd. Lrg Pallo. gar. Mature, Pus & sec 760.o7ee no pelf.. 369 Avocado SI. 2. bdrm,~ ba, flrepl.ce, • SecuMy Gatu MUNITY. 2 Br. 21.\ Ba. 2 t>a. covrd patio, oomm qulal, no •haring. No much morel Sony, · $400/mo. 831-8155 gar. no pal • S495. • P(IOt & Rec Aoo"' 1600 aq. fl. of pure lu· pool. $650. 497-1657 pets 2234 A Rutgers Or. no pets. Models 1 Br up. qulal, new YILU -IMYI 548-7510 • 16 2 811 Pat10AP4S xury Garages. spas In "-•~·-l·J••• C.M. 12 t3) 464-5104 .t .. 11u 9 to 6 crpts/d rp1. 1 block .,. • r.•tclen unoscaoino every home • mHler -•--375 mo Dix mobile Oopenk.._, oc1' ocean, encltd garage Spacious E.Slde Apia. 2 Br. 1 Ba. Enttide, Qui.t • 011hwu11t1J &880s suite. dining rooms. Ualt11•i1•" 341S s WO S625t mo 875-8689 Enci gar. palio, dthwhr a, nelgllborllood, no pet1, wood blJrning lirepleces, •••••••••••••••••••••• home. No pell. Quiel, • near sohool1 $450/mo • Jntt 10 Buell & Shops 1 1 3BR 2'-'BA Twnh ... prv secure. 19111 Newport G .... _ a~Bachelor. ao of hwy Nlee stove. Most utll free. No · . · -~ m crowave ovens. pr · Blvd "•"'6373 arua1" ""110, no kitch Avail Im-pats I 631-41155. I ~ vale patios & yatds. g11-pat1o . poo .. •ti•· gaa ..,....,. • __ _._,No. ,._ d $350 1 1 Ill or 1 SR, 1 person 9435 1 BR. cpts, drps, atow. dener provided. Elegant BBQ. ~k1~15925 mo t. E.slde 1 Br. S4•0 Newport-$a~5· / ;1c3 ~415 1 BA. 2 person1 5465 ln<lry factl, avail now. No livlng only 15 mtnul91 to ulil. pd Pvl & lrg. 880 lrYiM Avt. w gar -2 BR peta. $375. 646-4342 l&ipef neat I Bt. Vitia, 1 1 SC. Plaza or 0 C. Alr- Eleganl 2 br "' SC Plaza 846-4631 la1 16ltl) C..I• #.., JJZ4 1tar1lng at S510 Ba. amall & cozy, prlYate. port Jusl eaat of New-gar. Children ok S576 645-1104 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2323 Elden Ave. CM W/Slda, 2 br, l'i~ ba, $400/mo 673·33 13, p6rt BIYd. & ao. ol San leue. Agt 841-2641 BHli•tl•• , Houee Bach Ouplelc &42-7805 erp11, drpt. bit-Ins. pvt 4~3 (or "-""'8Mdl Otego Frwy. $1000/mo. Condo In Slnte Cruz. CA. I .._, 3141 Newport kadl/So. 6A~g21st 5~~~103 Loa 1 br upper apt. encl. ~.,iS;or~lnd= want.Adi cau 642:5e, 1aj ~~-54. c!!t.2:J:..."'•~ Pool, 3br 2ba. ~•oe. •••••••••••••••••••••• J100 16tll St. ~No pets. MOO mo. onty. 7to-04e9 . . frl>I .. petlo 673-7 ~!~~.'!]th ~~~ah •eetilUIU med.= ~= 7~~ saso-woe 1er apt. No •• ,,.,,.. • .. 11.,,,. 3 Br 1'A b• condo nr 1 aced pool ~'¥' pets Cerport,laundfacll •• ~!~ ......... !!~! le•d J140 Fairview & Warner err AP••-2 8'. 1'-' Ba.,.._. lnhM, 31t w WlMon. 631-2177 •••••••••••••••••••••• $650/mo. 2 yrs old. W/O •Spad<>UI A.pl• -·--·· no pets. $495/mo. 191• _________ , ·----------------Incl. Kldt/pal pois. Ed •PrNala Patios Beautilully landtceped Wall-102 a:U-3'Tt lrg 1 Br I Ba. P*llO. S500. ~ 171 *Covered PatlclnglOMll C.Htll JllZ g.,den apta Pool & Spa ~ · Lu , e gt , 6 45. 9 1 e 1 *Home ltlle Kllchenl •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• Patiot/decks No pets Eallide 8-=tlelor 760-9534 -· E. 8lutfs. 3 ~. nr Tennie Club. newly dee. Pref. mature adults $850/mo (wtll consider leue/optlon). 673-3089 ••a. hraldffl "" •..................... *** EXCEPTIONAL 2 BO, OEN. ONLY FOR THE DISCRIMINATING. $750. Aot. (71.t)499-M04 *** 1 bllc to ·Hunllnglon Garden Grove 2 • 3 Blcl'lelor $410 s..mec:t '*'Inga. paUo, 1--------.,--1 Cartier. ttenl90'f•llon & Bdrm. $425 10 $525. 1 Bdrm ~85 large bath kltc:Nn uttts Ltg 1 bd .\pt, W11-9'de. f........, 63M696 2250 .,.,. .... ., .. .,....,. ... 50•1 No' completely redecOfated, . _, _ Vanguerd .,_ • ..,_v ,,...v -mo pets. 2 d 11 ~ef u. $385 mlmn nlt JIDN /du' JM 762-2550 ~9~~r. r.v 1 Bdrm From $515 •••••••••••••••••••••• ... 10 Large 3 Br 2 le, Town· 1 2 Bdrm $815 E·Baylront. Llltla ltla, Blchelora -houae In quiet comple• 2 Br. w/ger. .C40 /mo. LA QUINTA HERMOSA pier, 3 story delu.tta lrg 1 Bdrm $480 ' crpll walet pd. 2116 ~... 28r. frplc, S 1800 mo. 13 I E.. 1811'1. 64e-et 16 large pool, g•rden Mt~ "E" Pt-ti.. '3M 120 1::,1~ =~3 ~~ $." 875-3067 1&1 E. 181h. 642-0&6e ~il-'s:..~~5, 645·3381, 1-5PM of Edlnger ... ,641-6441 Lge 1 br apt, $550/mo. Spaoloua 2 Br. 1 Ba. $425. 1 __ ._ J ~ 1 .. ••MESA VERDE•• • 54251mo. up. 1 8'. un· Washer/dryer, No pell. Duplex 3 Br. 1·~ Ba. .,._, --. 2 8r. 1 ea. ~Id oe- fum a furn. pool. •P.•· Av.it. Nov. 20. 675-9378 $475. Laundry lac., pool. Upt>ef unit tor renl. 8ullt rage. 111992 Florld.a. 842·2ej4, .. _1 _ ..... ~ 3 Br. 2 Ba. 648-9559 12·7PM. In., carpete. drl!PM. no l500 540-5449 .,.., ''" ----------1 pall, 1 clllld oil. 15001----------8A2-3172 pattlally furn. um paid. llltAIT • mo. 7 6 o. o 7 3 4 . or IM EMt co.ea MeM .._ .. , IHI• 314.J 'f •a r I y $ 6 2 5 I mo· E•tlide 1125-"315/mo. 131-4402 Geri TowntleluM. ~ •· 1'it ... ~ .................. CW2·1334, 651•111811 2 Br. t\t 8a. TownN>uN, 1 L .,,.,..1 ,._.....,wet bet, f11*1, ~d. 11"1 ' LuJitury atudk>. fr• HBO • .a.. 1U bultt-fn1. tndry rm. 1f/J/1Vmt ... ,.;o·c.;s.~ dee*. endld ~ wl fr..~.'?.!~ ;~~~~:~~· tP•. ,__91, 1#1 =~ l:.dtba1con1. 1.:r.:ru °'a... :u.ic: 1d~; ,or~r.n ~ •-•&.....-. . •••••••••••••••••••••• T84. MQrnt 142·14103 -• S<CO-OM2. -M-onlflcent OCHtlffont 2 2 bdrm, 2 be=~ _,, 1---------1 '-'-"" 111'/ & .4 br unll1, .. ell yffV, ~tw• re. lr•Pl•c•. pool, dlah· M00-141'/mo. 2 9'. 1 I Ir . .-.. new ...................... 11350/mo. 417-2042 no .,.es. le&o x 3 ....,_, I"" pe!lo. x Lo .._ .,ootllOe ~· ~ =et , earag~. r•rd. wtmerAen\111:28r,poo1, t • IHd '1ll 21vr....,.1N. 257·1112 o.r... 1 & a•· On fi room,~...,._, ~ "7S/IM. ~~::,'550.~ ... '!In! .............. «(7t•>t7a.31M aid•. ••eo . 1110 . :,'=o!: ::.=-A• ..... e>renee ' OCEAHfAONT~2-48t. lat&,_~. r .. is&7•*1· Tai.Mgmt .. ttol i-;.,;....;........,=-==---...,,-1 BAY FAOHTAGE. beec:tt, By wHll or montll. ponslbl• SHWaon, utile 1a .. m. · Liii • c=c,r.:rottw.llOO. 1br 173·7813 paid. no l>•te, 101 I!. Newt~ decor. caee pd, -=·~·2"1:."=: .... E . Edi':!;r:·.~ ---a.y,~t. encl t•r. chntl~, ,..·_.. .. ..,.llldry Ur.Willllllt-...._ Kennebunkport? Wasn't he the Ambassado' from Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? ' - 11 r<'ll 'f nol flirt •llO r or wl111/ llt'Wb\11\~!)0fl wu d )11 t lttl b.ld -yo111t not ''°"' lltnntbvnl~1f 1) ~• IC 4, hMhv,.r ftllt••nl •P~tlt11•nl lloQI IJl•M •I S•••llld V1ll•c• '" llunt•lljll0'1 8u< ~ St.lliilld • h., ~ ' ~ tt .~11 ol lollllt l)tt'4)nif.if4 prof•~~~I 1~1nfllrt I ht ktl>d ol ~ll"fll!Oll you dt-t• vt A llftlttl bl~"~ ol "eiu•t •lld lttmc n•~li•d on J low.I w1tn b~btll"on~ bfoo•> •nd ~u"t ponch u.o~ by n•luttl 0<011 ~Hm A6d 10 1~11 tfflllls (0~''' s,.11111111111 "'oh. • w.i •lld 1 <Oft•'"''~' ~''""b" ''"' WIOPr<nc ~·"' l'jl'IOloflktnl •I'd ,011 •t ~I a ol•t" •nyoltf ., •uld "1ilWl•1 ~•" llorM thrn lll'1111,e11~~po1rl1 Or• .. od toro Otdr001' ~·· Ind l•O ~I~ ""lllfl•til~ ltMI ~QI) •·¥· '111,.._l • C~"'Pi.t .. r turn. '"' ~. t • fl*. Ulll pd -no...... ""· ftO ...... 111~ "'°· -~..-. "* Y~--~~,~~~~~~~~,,-~w~-~M~~~;'~~~J~c~·~"=·~·~o~-~,~··~·~~~·~·~·!r~~~~-~~~·~-~~~~,~==::;::c======~• -'7 _., • ..,.._ -· utll, Av•ll. 1t/1, 1150 .--.. ""..-.-'" • .,. Ml-tl11 .,......., -far Pwll , .. ._. 1 peraofl onlr· lltMt MO. No peta. ~32. STUDIO APT. yrty U00 P•;,~· "1111 pet• rno. 212 30tll ••· a .. 17 orl,.._, a....,., 18!1 "'•· ~ S at. 10·4. 175·1104 ...... IMnd ._,,...., 1410l?ho. llz;t w ........... ................ -llOe et 11.1---------1 ....... ,.._ 111194140'6 ( .... ' 1 24 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertising Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 6, 1982 . j -· . IT'S HERE -PEOPLE ARE BUYING -NOW'S THE TIME! ' TERRY MoCARDLE PllESIHIT Look around In Orange County ... people here still want to live in a home of their own. And with interest rates down, home prices MAY remain steady for a time, then Increase. I suspect. housing is not and never will be again. on the ~e path of recovery that it has taken following similar recessions. Therefore, home buyers should take advantage of the current market situation. It may be short-lived. Pent up demand, lowered Interest rates, reduced prices and sophisticated financing have made "now" a prime tim to buy. It has been said many times . . . housing Is a cherished investment In America. It's not always easy and never has been that easy. If you are concerned at all about security and affluence. you are among the 70% of all U.S. citizens who see it that way. They live In homes of their own! BUY NOW!! IPIOIHI TIRH•, 1112.--Exceflent upgraded end unit In nice location of Huntington Beach. 4 Bdrm, (Jack and Jill). Wife saver kitchen. very private spa. A steal at this price. Call 546-2313. I m111• ••111 -Tall and stately Buccola bultt home on quiet cul de sac. Fantastic location. Property In excellent maintenance, move In condition. Formal llvlng room. big family room with fireplace. Formal dining of course. Space ·age kitchen with microwave and breakfast room. 5 big bdrms or 4 and a study. Plush back yard, etc., etc. Call now, 546-2313. ~-"-...._.1 .......... .-- • 1111• -· 111,111 -Owner must sell this lowest priced 1 Bdrm unit In the complex. Great assumable loan $732.00 a month pays PITt and association dues. Five spaa, 3 pools, sand volleyball court, rec room, community BBQ. Fun llvlng. Call 546-2313. lllTtltllL HLLll -Appraised @ $116,000, price reduced to $110,4301 Steal this beach house on double large lot! Dial 963-6767. YI IPUUl -Now that VA tefms are at 121A>01 •• the time to buy Is prime tor this 3 Bdrm 2 bath home with family room. Pride of ownership property! Only $1 19,500, call today! 646-7171. MUI YIEW, l1H,llO -Beautiful Costa Mesa garden home! Assume $98,000 loan. Won't last ... call 963-6767. UTll 111 LIW -Perfect timing for this lovely 3 Bdrm 2 bath, 6 year old home near South Coast Plaza! Great assumable loan+ sener will carry. Only $135,000, act nowt 646-7171. . lllWPllT WITIUMITt 11•,111 -3 Bdrm home! Personalized Indoor seascape! Fireplace! PRIVATE SANDY BEACH! Owner will carry financing I Call 963-6767. · ..., 111111 NW -2400 sq.ft. Newport upper Back Bay located 3 Bdrm 21n bath home on quarter acre of fee land! Seller motivated. Only $255,000. Call now for detalls, 646-7171. ftlT..u .. Tll um -Architectural masterpiece with waterfall + Kol pond! Assume $58,5001 91~%. $630 mo. or try $8,000 down! Only $1 29,500, Owner anxious! Call 963-6767. Imm tw. -Lovely English tudor In quiet neighborhood. Formal living room with large picture windows, formal dlnklg, breakfast room, separate utility room. New refrigerator and nearty new free-standing stove and oven. Plush back yard with cabana and BBQ. A Great buy at $86,500. Call 546-2313. ..11._ -Now'• the time to act on thla fM>ulous. 5 Bdrm 4 bath Newport Beech home, witl'l IUperb Ylewl +pool+ spal Seller will assist or exchange! Reduced to 1791,900-act nowl 648-7171.