HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-09 - Orange Coast PilotTHf DRANGf COAST COUNTY f DITIDN TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS County death rate drops; birth Bv JEFF AIH.t:H O( the Delly Piiot Slell Whilt' 'oll1t 1.Jo .011ol .d1 .,1,,,1 n ·lato·d 1h•.1th" 111 t )1.111g1 < , 111111, J pµt 11,H h Ill I '1.11·1·of 11,o l 11111,ol avt•r.ag1·" tho 11111111\ 111111111111·, ''' 1>11,0 ... 1 l111th .• )11\\11 1111.1111 llltlll,iltl\ .111d 11\1·1,1)) olt .olh 1.111 "l'111d111g t11 .111 l)1,111go ('11ltlll\ llVi1lth l'.111 /\g1•111 \ 10·1••1 l Tlw n•po1 t • .i ... 11 111111·, I h.ol tho l'llUlll\ -, h11 th I .tit ,.., 1 l1111h111g .111d llt'.11 l dt"t"'"t' ;,,,.,, 1.a1t1I ,, 1th ,11ho ·111~1 lt'l ll'ol' '' tho · ,111 ,o l1 ·.1d111g 1-.illo•t Irvine's budgeting ·targeted By GLENN S('O'J''I 01 the Delly Pllol St•ll A l J ... k t 111 l e II I I 1 \ Ill• bu~1nP-.~111t·11 ,,..,~1g111 d 111 t 111.I nt'\o\ uµtton ' 1111 1.1'1. 1111 11 .1"'" ,., r<'<.tmt1111·11cl111~ 111;.l1 .1d I h.tl I h1 t 1 ty's budgt•ll 11).! p1111 • ..,. 111 1mprovt·d Tht· ,,x 111,·1111,.,, 11f 1111 t.1 I.. torn• trom tlw l11du,111.al I .1 o1~111 of U1..1ng1• l'ount\ .111 ..... 111~t11h·d to nwkt· 1lw11 "" •11111111·111l.t111 11 o11 tonight', 11,1111· t'1t\ ('11tJ1111I llll't'llllg Tlw11 \\lllt1•11 11po1t .ollt'ouh h~t~ l.><'t'll \1'111 Ill tho• I 11\1111 ti .llld M ayor L.if'r\ 1\g1.it1 d1·" I tlu d lh1· adv11·•· M oncf.I\ ·'" "11111 tt·rrtbly h<·lplul" Tlw I rv1n1 · l1,1M•d l11dusl1 1.d Ll'agut" an u111b11·ll.1 gr11up n·prl'st•nung 111-tn\' 1<11111111·111.11 and manur.1l'lu1111g f11111:-. 111 (rvint', t>bjt•Clt•J 1.i::.I °'Ulllllll'l Ill thP ('tty l'UU11l'll'., pr11Jlll°'<ll t111.11>,1 • th1• c1t y\, "lx•d l,J, .. r.111· from Ii lo 8 pert•(•ll l or I h1 I'"'' 11( •Ill uv('rn1gh t <;W' 111 le" a I hm .. 1,, CounC'tl mt·nibt•1' d1·f1•1Hl1·d thl'1r propu'>JI c1~ t ht· lc·.i't unpopular wa~ uf r;.11..,ing ~·vt'ral m1 I ho n dollan. to off s4'\ pro .I''(. ll-<l budget shortfall' durinlo( thi... de'<.· ad•· Th£" tax is 1·xp1-< 11·cl to gi·n1·r.1t1· $ 3 m ti I 1 o n o v t 1 f I\ 1 · v 1-.11 .., through <tss1 ..... srnl'll h tu Vl'ol te 11' st.dying ,1t tht· <'Xhttng Hl'gi-.u \ anci A1rport1•1 Inn hott·b .ind ,1t two oth<·rs not Vl'l opt·rwd thr lrvinP Mnrn11t I .111d 11ti11111 ltott·I' Wlwn the· l nc1t1 ... 111.ol l .1 .. 1gu1· ohj('<·tt·d on lhl' ground-. 1h.1t tlw t ax c·ou Id h;iv1· 11•1w11·u..,..,111no., thruugh11ul th•· loti-.1111·,.., eonlmun11v. 111unc ti m1·111h1·1' agrc>f'd to cn•at1· tl11· 1:10.,k fon 1• 10 Sl';Jrl'h for oth1•1 nH"'"' 111 gron1•ra tm,I! n •v1 ·11 u1 Count 11 m1·111IJl'r' 1Jh\ 1111i...h bllJ>l•d thl' ... IX 111\'111111'1 1,.-.k 11111 o c:t lhPr would pr11p11...,· ,1n111 l11 1 ktrtd 11f l..1' Ill ttllllll,tlt•I\ .1grc I wllh th1· d111111 l1J ''"°" the• lto ·d tax rall· Tho• l..l"k l111e • dtd 111 11111 I 111 I See TASK F ORCE. Pa~t' \:l 1 1111 1 0l lllltt 11tf111111 1>l \II.al ... I .. I I I " • \\ .. I ' I I I I .11 I d I • ! 111 I .... 11 l ,, It I ·' l t 11 '1.0 l II ' 111ol11 ,1l o1 1 • \lil.11111·.i Jl11l11 I t.1 1\l.1\\\1 II .1 11111111\ lo .,, .111 11 ,1flo1l\'ol 1'111 II (1"11 111\'t I'• 111/fi 1111 ootWli I 'I/Ill 111.I .lo I.ad, lit 11d 1 11 Io 1 : t I 1 .., d 1 .o I I 1 ' ,, II d ,.,11,llllllHt .d>lt tli't ,l"\t-. 1\th1·111" It I ol'ol'o ,11 \ otlllllo d fool ·'""''' ltl Jlt'll •Ill "' all d1 .1111 ... d111111g th• I'·"'" ,11 "'' "tol111~: 1 .. 1111 "1•111 111111111111).! '"' ,,. 11ol I I"\\ 111, Ill lh1 11.ollloll .\lllatollgh ( lt.111g1 l "1lllll\ ldl Loi 111 l11\\ 1h1 11.1111111.il dt o1tl1 I oolt Ill lhh • o1h g111 \ 'Ill h l.io IHI''" -11111k111j..', l.11k1ol1\1l1h1· tho• I,, ....... 1\' "''I II\ 1111.d ... 1· 111 .1111111.11 l.11 .111d 1111l11o1lod l1\p11l1·1i.1o111 .oil"''' 111\d '" 11111~·tl.111l 11111l1tl1111111g l.111111, Ill "' 1111, d 111 '" o1lh1'""1 ........ ,, I~ 1111 .1th• 111 .... 11 ''"'" 1111 '"I' I • 1 o111»1 111 do .11 h Ill ( l1.111g1 \ 11t.t1l \ d tlllltg 1111111 \\I 11 II I• lot to\ .ht Ill.at dt" ,1 ,,., \\ lo11 h 111• 111110 ... 1111k1 ' t oilll 1'1 111 I Ill 11111~·' ~'.· 1111.al Ill 111111.11 \ 11.11 l I ,1111 •I 111tl111001t.ol \ ol1"""1 , 111111111 VI 1111 lo ,ll o tth llh 11111111 ollitl 11 I 1.ol l'oolh I I Jllll llllllllllol .111d l1tl la11•1t/.O, l\'lllfllioltll I ,IJll I I ' lol 1 ,1,,I l ollll 1'1 1 111 1111'1' 111 1111 ll\'I I dt ol ''°'' '• 111 '"'' 111 ·1 111.11.11 ,,. 111111 •11111d1 .111d ullttt .,, It 11tl 111 11 d 111)1111•-. I Ill•• I 111 1111 11.111111 ·" 1111111111111 tlfHt dt.dH lt0 , 1111 ll\tt.111 olt,tllt 1.111 Ill tlt1 t11lllll\ \\ol'• lo.! do,otlt' p• t I tllltl 111 111111.1111111 ...... 1d111g '" 1111 11 put I '-;1,111 ... 111.dl\ Iii• .lo .11la t.olo· 11·111,11111 d 11 l.111\1 h 011lhl.111l d1111111• 1111 ll\1 \1'111 ,11111\ pt I 111ol D•llJ Piiot Photo by l H Peyne ~lt·\t•n ll a,\lt·~. :L of '\1·\\port B1·a1 ·l1 j..,11·1 ta king an~ t•h a 1wc•.., "ith toda ~ ·..., U1lf't•rtai11 \H•atht'I'. Bu11dl1·d up '~ ith hoot ... and 11111hrf'lla. he·· .. n ·ath for a11\ dtn\11po11r. Irvin e's hospital plans to merge? By GLENN SC'OTl Of the Delly Piiot Sl•lf L(•;id1•r' 111 "''I'·" ·II •• 1 ""II""' a 11 d I II n I m ll 11 I I \ 1: I II ll I' ... compo-•ttn~ t11 h11ild ,, l1110.,p11.ol .111d rel<1tN I nwd11 al f.11 tl1t11·' 111 lrvtnt' an• now n1n-.idP1 111~ w.iyo., of runn1111'( "'Hh o111 11p1•1,1l1H11 tog<'th<'r Off1n.11.., from l'l' l1v1111 .rnd thr rommtrrlll\ h.10.,1 ·d 11\1111· Mro1t.1l l'r11t11 h.1v1 11w1 "''"' r.tl times smrt .111 111111.d "111nn111 m et>ttng l,110• 1,,...1 month .111d 1111111 ml't'ttn~" .in· t'XfM"< to·d Spok!'Slnf'll fot lt111 h '-ldt o., c: I a 1 rn .., r• r 1 • 1 u .., .1 n ti f 1 .1 11 k dtSl'US!'olctn!o h,I\, I ' r!'pl.11 o•cl I he a<. nmon111uo., po..,1ur111g caf 1111• pas t "W1"rt• \'l'I v t•nt 0111 ••l{•'<I " '-lld L C'Ol1 S1·hw.1117 ur1 VIC t • chann•ll11r fe•r .1clm1111 ... 1ro11111n and bUSlnl'"-" "Tlw d1"<·11..,.,,11n-. h.o\'f· beC'n 11p1•n .ind f1111tf11I .ind ho nC's l " At Yolll S1•1 v11 ,. Businf".'I.<; Cavakadt• C las.c;1 £tt'Cl Comll'S Crossword Death Nul11·ro, F.ditcmal Entertatnm<'nt H or08C0pe Ann Lande~ B.1 R4 ~ n2 t'~1 H Hi B7 t . I Ali 8'l R'.l 8 2 f li1 1111" ltllg' \\('II 1•..,l.1hl1 ,l11·cl .d1 1·r !1.:\'1 d B.ik1·1 11\1<' pro '1ol1 111 \\ 1111' l'ho1111 I') l1ot l>.11111 I 1\lcl111 Ii 1,,..,, 111111111t 111111111~! Iii• lltll\'(•10.,,11\ 11o111111 1..,)111' 111 111n11111it ,, l1t 1..,p1t.al 111-. gt'l•llJ• ...c·1·k ... 111 h11ild 1111 .lf'ftre•v H11.1d .1dj-111•111 In tlw S.1dd It 1>,11 k l'11l lo•g• N111 I h ( 00llllJIU' Ill (1\1111' 11('1 .. !!· 1;11, h.o\o ..... 11ght t11 ht11ld tlt<ll 11\\11 lt•"Jlll,al Oil tlll'll c.11llJ>ll" B,1k1 r, """' .11 -.11 1111 l111l 1·ol • -..t.1ltl1-.h111g .1 lnrm.d lo·" la111g pr11g1 .1111 101 l'( I ' 111e cl11 .ti ,111cie 11h .tl llo.11-( MPmori.tl llco'Jlll.11111 No" p1111 Ht ,11 II ll11.1g '' 1111111<11 11 ng "1 t Ii IM (' 111 . 11lm11110.,l1·r 1t-. pr11p11"·cl h11-.p11 • .t S 1 n t 1· B ,J k 1· r · !.. 111 1g1 11 ,1 I p111p1!,,e I d 1" u,0.,11111'> h.1 \'t• 111u1·ht·d 1111 111h1•r 1.><1 ... -.tlnltlw" 111 l>n•<1k 1111· ... 1al1·ma1t· ""''' I·~ .1111111 f~t't' I RVINE. Palit•'.A :lt M11\ ,,., M11111.1I Furnb National N1•w.; Pultht Nottn·s SporLo; Dr S tt•tnl rntrn Stock M.11 kt·h Tri""'"'"" Thralpr,; Wra thrr Bfi 134 A~I IH,('·I I t' I .I Fl:! Fh l\H Hlo /\'J. on \\ 0 111(011 H'nl tlwir nn~•·r nt Cind(•rt•ll o l·'if(ur•· Sulou out.,.icic-it!' nC'w oullc-t in llunlin~l•fl Uc·uc·h . 4t, • rate increases Whtlt· lhl' d1·o1llt I.tit II ll1olll1t 'd (lllt'lollll 1111\\0'\'1'1 1111 · 11111111\'-. 1111111 1,111 • .1pp1 ·''' '" 1 .. llH 11 ·.o,111g ,ltKlilh \'hot II\ ,,.,., Ila• 11 "'t" Iii '! l11111t-. p• t I OIJtl , ... ,.111.1111111 Ill I !l>ltl I 11111p.11 1" "1111 I I" 1111' \I .11 IH 11111 1\ll lnld 111111· \\t'll .II 1111 li11 Ill' 11111111111 \ II 'oldt 11\ .. Ill I 'fill) I 11 I 'I .. I '"' I • \\I 11 .!. J I I I I JI I I Ii tlfell\1111\ e "'"""" d '" '" 1p11 l.o I llJll ,.,1cl1111 ... "'"'" I I • I 111 1 It I" 1 I lllllJ Wl11l1 tl11 1111111 1.111 lt.10,, ~~11111 Ill> 1111 1111.1111 111111 l,iltl\ t .olt la ..... 1lo·111,1"d d111111g 11t1· l1 vt• Yt'IJI fl• 1111d t 100111 JO 11 d1.,1lh:o. 1x•r 1.000 J1<1111tl.ot11111 111 l!l7h 111 !:I :l d1-<1th~ 111 I 111\ll 1111,1111 111111 t.oltl\ I Jle·-. Ill llll' 11111111' d111111g 1111· f1v1· y1·-.n. 1 111""' •·111 I\ "1·11· luw1·r th;,n • 111111 1111• ( '.ol1t111111,1 111· 11<1t1onal t.ote·' .111111d111g lo th1· n·purl 1\ I"• d 111 11111 e 111 t· d 1 n L h 1· I .11 11.1g1 d11111n1t·111 <1rt· th1: • 11\1111\ ' \I'll( 11 .I d"t'd!>l' I Jtl·~ 1h11111g lht live· Vhil J.X'n<id l ;1111111 1 111'.• 11 ·.11 ht·d a pt•ak m t'-1°1· l>Jo:ATll. l'agt' A3l 1 ... olat•·tl t l11111clc·1· a 11d light11i11 ~ ""'"'"'"~ a f..,o fllO\t•cl tltro111 . .d1 llu· an·:t. Winter storm lashes Coast 8\ KAR .. :1' E Kl.El:"\ Of lhe 0•111 Piiot Stell Thi 111,1 '' 11111·1 ... 1 .. 1111 111 1111 '>I ,,...1111 I' t•'\J>11 lt•d IP I ltlltlllllC tlO I lllllltlt· 1111 toU){h ( l1 o111gt ( '11u11l \ 111111gh1 .11nl 1 ,11 h \Ve d111 ·..,.l.1\ l11111g111g \\llh ii 1.1111 g1i...I\ "1111h .11111 -.1111\\ Ill I ho !111 .ii lllC1Ulll:1111 .11 hi' Slt11\\1,... .ind 1hund1·,...to111" \\ lt11 It ht g.111 l\l1111ol.i\ 111gh1 ,)i1111lol lllo re•.o"I' 11\ l111tlghl "°' to·1111>1·1 ;111111·-. d1 op lo 1h1· UJJJ"'' Ill~ .tlont.: I h1· 111,,...l No111 1111.ol \.\11»1lh1·1 S1•rv11·1 11111~ ,,...ti·" .... 1111 u p tu ,1n 1m l1 111 1 .. 111 "• >-1'•'• l1·d Thi· t'ha111 (' or r:olll \o\ tll i.11"1 I e "" Wc·drtt·~d;iv ;1fle•11111<111 T 1 ·111p1 ·r .o1un·~ v. 111 1111\'1·1 ,, ro 1und Ii CJ dq~n ·• .,.. d 111 111g 1111' d.1 \ w, ·tJ 1w-.d;1 v . no.111g g1,,d11.il I\ 111 1h1· 11JW ;11., It\ S.1t111do1\ r Clll 'l'ol"'' ·r-. °'<lid Th"' "'''rm ;1):..11 '' 111 l11111g tlw ''""""'" I,,...,, ~llllW t l11rt ll'!> 111 l1x·<1I mcount.111"· e·e1.1l1t1g the•111 d11\o\ II Ill 1h1· 4 Ollll Ill ~I 111111 foot I\ v1•I .md priming the· t l'Sot t;. 1•11 .111 e .1rl\ ... k1 '.t'L1!-o'111 Up to H foot of s1111\o\ '' t ·'<µt·t·tc·d to h11 lht• Tt•hJl'haµ1 M ountains. p11~:0.1hlv dus1ng Jntt I 'l<H<' rl Ill llto (;I .lJll Vlllt' 1-'or 1 T1·.1011 .i1 ... 1 0\ Prn1ghl lht -.1111111 dt 11pfK'<I mi rn1 h o f 1a111 "" 1lw 01.111g1· l '11o1-.I ,II I <II dlllj.! Ill ol I t•,1tf111g I 1kt n h.' ll u1111ng111n H1•.i< h \\ 1·.11!11·1 '' .111'111·1 .J Sh• rm.111 I lt·nn' 1 .... .i,o11·d 1lou11d1•1 ,111tl llght11111g o.,lul 11\0.,, ·""" 11111\11·d llttnllgh tht• ollC';I J.1 ... I lltght 1 o111-.i11g ""'111 lu 11·1 po\\ 1•1 11ut.ego •-. 111 tlw 1111rth 1·11U11l\ 'l'lw r.1111 t11-dJL1· 1111.ol 1111 l !IK:! " 111711 1111'111·.., Cl1 ;111ge· l'nuttl\' r111 D1•p.1111111•nl 11 11 111,tl ... '"Id l 'p \llllil th1-. cl.1le 111 I 'HI I 11111~ 7 ;r; 1111 ha·' Ii.ad f.1111 ·11 1111 Ill• .11•" '1'111 · ,,!Hiil \\hhh 1 ........... 11 .... .... 11d v.,1 .. 'lllJlll~lll).!h l11•1t1 le11 1111~ '"'rh 111 1111 ..,,.,,,1111. dw111x·d '"""' 11\'1 1 1111 ~11'11,1 N1·v.11l,1 .111cl tho I •• 1k1 T.dll>t' li,"111 ,,.. II 11lo1de· th \\,I\ do\\ 11 tho ,1.ol1 N.1111111.alh 1.1111 ... pn•ad fr11111 1111 l'o1ttlt1 l'11.i::.t into th1· l'J,111 .111' 1111 l\l111ul.1,\ 1un1111g lo lao .o\ \ ,1111\\ 111 l11glw1 dt·\1<1lt0n~ 11! 1111 S11•tlJ Nt·Vdd<I . lhl' 11111u11t.1111' 111 tlw c;, c·dt 81J:o.1n ,11111 t ltt· 11111 Lht 111 Hr><. k11·~ 11 "'·" 1 l11u11\ 111 th1· pla1m. 1li111l1glt tlw Ohm Vallt·y and mtu tlw (;11·al L.ikl''> Light ~how1·r:. d1•v1•l1JJJ('d 111 lll1n111s 1'111 · w1•,1the·1 was n11ld 111 th1• c;ulf l..'oa !ol ... 1.1lt•;. i111d tht· F'.ast1•rn s ... i110,1rd Fc11 loda v th1· N auon<tl W1·.ath1·1 S1·rvw1· f11n·t·a;.t rain ,,, ''"" t lw P.1t·1f11 Coast w11h 1 hu11cl•·1 ..,h11wt·r~ tn l'al1for111a .md /\1111111a Snow 1., l'XJX'<.'ll'Cl tn l11gh1•1 t•lt0\'.1t 1un' or tht• plt•alt,-aU, t lw 11111tho·1n H0<.k1c·~ and tht· 111111 lu 111 plain~ It w1 II Ix· doud y 111 tht• ..,outlwrn µ1.un:o. a nd sunny 111 1h1· r';J..,t fltghs Jfl' t 'Xpl'('ll'CI In thC' 30s <1nd 40\ in the nort h, 50s a nd 60s f rum tht• mid A 1lant1<' coa s t through l h1• mid M 1ss1ss1pp1 V.tlh•v 111 th•• Southwc-st. 70s m Litt• c;ulf C11 ..... 1 <;Lall'S and .., 11 u t h t 1 11 p I ,, 1 n .., <1 n d IHh. 1 n ... uuthc•rtt Fl11rid.1 .. nd 'outhPrn To·'<•" An u11"""'1111.1blv <.'old .ind '' 11111·1 like· '>lun11 SW 0 t•pt over the ~11·1 1 .1 .111cl 111111 northt•rn NC'vada M1111d.1 v prodm 1ng a rash of w1·.11lw1 :tl1 rl.., .th•·ad of 11 J\ w111t1·1 :-t<1rm w arntrtg was pm.tt·d fl)r thc-lugh Swrra and 1lw L;J kt· T.ihtl(' ha!olll down tnlU 1h1 · Ht•nc1 l'.11,,.111 C11v a r Pa a nd 111111hw1•!o l N1·vcida through V\'t·dm·o,d,1v m11rn1ng TravPlers """"11111·-. w1·11· 11u1 for northC'ast .111d ..... u1h 1 l't1lral N l•vada 111 S11uthe·r11 l'ahforn 1a. a "11111·1 ... 111rm w.11ch WJS o ut in tho mulfllt.111" for ltX'al heavy ... 1111\\ tod:I\ Fitness center picketed B \ ROBEHT BARKER or" th• D•llY Piiot St•lf Tl11· \\ onwn w.tlk1ng .1 pll'kt•I 11111 1111 1,1d1· ;1 1ww l lu111111gt11n 11.·,wh ;ll'rob11· d.uwt· .11111 fllt1•''' 1'1'1111'1 Wt'rt' t'Xt'l'l'IS.'li S11 \\ ,,, I ht· 11wnt·r i\ht1ut 10 µlan1rd l·.111 v1 11g \\ 0111"11 l'la1ntt•d Monda\ 1111"; w1•rt• "rtppt•d 11ff" during th~· -.'umrnt•r by nwmlwrsh1p f1·1·' rL111~111g from $2!l Ito $:!50 a t tht C1ndt•rc·l1.1 i''1g11 r t• -.a 11111 111 A11.1h1·1rn lltll-. ThP\ d.11m1·d t h.11 11\.\ 111·1 H11hArd B11Ul\o\Pll m11v<·d t'111dl0rl'll,1 F1gun• to I lunlml{11n Rio,11 h ;1bout two Wt't'k!o al(O and didn't rf'fund anv nf thl'tr mont'V for unust>d St.·rv1~'l':. . "W C''rr rC'ally upS<·t." ..:11d om• d<•mono;trator "Th1·ri· w11:. n o war111n~ ahout l'los11r1• and 1111 ;1t1t·m.1?1 lo ~t·l 111 11111l'h with unv o f us 'Thl' ladlt':. 111 llunl 1n(.(ton Bt'ill'h d t•servc· Ill k1111w what happ1•n<'d lo us 111 Anaht·1111 lltlls." ss11d (;;111 Po~u<· "This l!o wh y wt-"rt" hn v1 n g th r dC'mon~trat1011 " ''Thf' fat'l that h t• t!o npt•n for bus1nf'ss ht•re rf'ally gal ls." anothl'r ~1d But own N Boutwc•ll smcl 1( lhl' worn<'n wnnt<'d to f'Xl'f'<'tSl'. th<•v should l'OnftnC' tl to h111 t'X<'l''t'1s(.• t l'nlt•r "Tl-.111 IS rtdic'ulOUll and It 's hurting businrss Jt's t o tal h11r11 s.<;nwn1 The*'1t' 1n11lltuted a .. • HB Ill pl:111 10 1 .ill nw by klC'phone ,.,.,., ~· half hou1 I plan to s tart lqo(al o11·111111 .1ga111s1 thr leader." lw o,.it<I HoLllWl'll told rqxirters aftc•r thl· demon:-trat11•n that h e pla111wd to p.ty bat·k all th(' wnmt•n about 'J.00 hr thought "111 :tO to tiO days" Tht• /\naht•1m litlb rontmgent h<1cl tru·d to p<'rsuad<' the c ity n o t to 1.,..,u1• ;, hus1nrss lrccn se to B 11 u l wt' I I b t' c· a us•' th C' 1 r mt•mht'1 sh1ps h;:idn't bec'n h11n1111"<1 Rut I l unt1ngtun &.•a<"h Polrl't.' L t M1•1 It· Sl·h1wbhn said today th.it 11wt·st1~:1ton; <·ould11'1 prove tlwn· wac; an 111tront tu d<'fraud "It .1ppcar~ that he (Boutwell) 111.1v bt· a poor managN o f money 11r u poor hu«tn<'S...,mon. but we '11uldn't find l'V1dt•n1'<' of fraud." S.·h1whlln s;11cl Sdrnc·bltn ncld1•d that hC' has ur~f'd fk1utwt•ll tu l'hnrt(e women f1tn1•ss huffs on a pay-AS-you -go h:is1s 111 h r ad o ff p ossi ble f1111.1nt·inl 4Ul'St1ons . Boutwrll. :l9. blamt'd the trouhlP o n an "unscrupulo u s" bus iness mnnagl'r w h c h e said t•mlx·zzh'<I approximately $ I0,000 111 nwm0t'n1h1p (e<>S (Detectives fam11tor with the l'ase weren't avn1labl<' for l'Omment ) B o utwell said h e couldn't mok<' l<'a!lol' payment.I becaU8e o f th<' allt'gcd shortages and wu fol"Ct'd to mov"' ~ ~ , r ,_ ~'-i~--------'-'_''_'_"_i1_1_1 _• ___ 1_,_1_1_1_A_1_1 __ ,_1 __ 1t~1 ----l -11_••_·_,1_1,_1_v __ N~"-\_11_1_''-''_'_" __ '_' __ '_"_"_·_' _______________________ e ______________________ ..._,._..._..._ ... ..._,._..-------...... ,..lll!""' .................. ,.. ........... --~ ~11~~111'1 ~11;11:~ no talgia cruise cout ()fl ll\ ,\l.~10'\ I.C H I\ \Ill-.' 0•11r Pllul Uoot1n11 Wfll•• 1\ g11111p 11 1 ... 1111l ld ,111ol 11111111 I ....... 1 S 11111h 11." 1.1!..1 11 I 1111111111\ \ll\,11:• .il111o11d 1111 1\111 1111 ... 1111 (l\IS J S t1.111g1 I ll1t l.11~:1 ~1 \,11 Ill ••\ft•I lllt•111tl 111 Nt"•'l"lll ll.1111<11 Thi s ... I s. 1111 1, \d 111 g.11111 II d ,11 \ o\.1g 1·1, \'.11 111 ( 'lu l1 1111 ,111 ,d ll'l lloHlll 111 I 1'llllllh 1 lllg .al 1 1111\\ Ill 1 !11•11 1111ddl1 h llo, 11111 I lie\ ho1 v 1· ,1\,11 I' 1111 ·11 1111 1 1·~ 11 1 I 111 • \'llV;il-(1'' 111 \'.1111111-. P·'' h 111 1h 1 \\O lld 1111•\ l11dl1 .d 111o1 1if tl11 :.::w ''"'' , .•. , ... ,.1 "~111 •d '"' lh1· l.11 1 l ',1pl l·'11 •d 1-: 1.1 ,,,, """ ·""·"" 'llflpl1·111t •ll(1.j Ill' 1 11 '\\ \\llh 1111 ,il S t .1 S t t '"" J1 tl111HI.mil1.t N '"I"''' IS..11 11 .11111 \'111111 .\1 11 111 .111 ttl S.1111.1 t\11.1 \\I 11 111Iholll1111 II Ill Ill< lt'llllltlll l11gh l1gl111 ti II\ ,, '' "'"' dl tllllld 11 11 11.1\ 1111 1\lh 111.111 II 11•111 1111-.11 lttll1 11.1 H 111 1111 1111 1111"1 p .111 1111 11111 1H1l1•' \\•It • .tu1ul \0\.1~•,., t.1 lo 11 g l.1ll1 11t 11111 I' 11' l h 1 ( .. il .1p.ig11' 1,1.1111 1, "\11 111h \1111 111.1 ,\l,"k .t .11 1.t l l1t ..... 1111111 :"-lt11111 I" t li1 11 ~·111.11 S···· s . 1111h . .1 111,11 ti S 11 .111g1 "t 11 111.111" I\, •• \\.111.111 I "· \111.:1 11 ' ,looi11111\ l<•1l•1 11 l\.1111,1 I l.1\\ .111 ,111d I .1,,, d S \\, .11 .J1il11h1>11 N1·\\p1111 11 ... 11 11 f ,t'\\ 1 .. l•lll 1 lt.i" d 11 11 ,,, ,1 111 t II g11 \'t·,····I 1111 I 111 I· ,,...1 l 011.1 .. 1 .111 tl 111 111:111 11 1111 p 111l1·d I I No \\11111 \ l\1·.ll'h S 1o1 S;ollh I " II .1111 I ti N I '\\ I .1111d1111 ( '111 111 I 111 1111 '"' 1111111 1 ....... 1111111\j,! "' 1111 \I ... I \\ 1111 Ii Ii.id IH 1'11 It 11111\lt Ii d oh •• '·" 111 (Ji 1g1r1,.JI\ 11 \\ ,1, .1 111111 I 1.111 It I 11 11• I I It I 1 ~1 .... 11 ••.•• o11 , tlt.11 ''"' \11\.1)'1 '" '\1 '' p1111 Ho .. 11 "" l11d1 .t -.t .. p ... Ill I Ito ( ·" """ .111 l '.11 1.1111.1 I·'• 11 ... 1 .. 1 .111.t 1111 ( •• d.q 1.1g11' l.11 I II II t I I I 11 I I I \\ I' I• I,, I . ti 11 I • \ .1111111 ' .1111111,oj,, 1111 lt11lt1 1~: Ill I ·~:iol 111111 • .llq• ol11I l.1 11 I """·"'" ... ''" .... 111 ''""" I AH I 1111 '-,11 .t llJ:I I 11 111\t d 111111 N1 "111•1 t 1\1 ,, 11 .11 I 11 111 .l,111 .! I 1!1111 It \\ .... llllHll 1 d Ill 1111111 111 l o1p l I .1 "''" lt111111• 1111 IS.dl111.1 I '• 11111,111.1 1 111 "'"''I 11 11 1.11111·.t 111 11)11 cl 1111 11 1111 111 11 ""' -.111.J 111 l'l,l!I l>111111g W 111ld W .11 II SJ1.011g 1·1 \\ .t'> 111 1'~'.I d 111111 lltill\oll y "''I \'II t .11111 11 ·1u1111 •1 ll \' "'"" !'>lll1k o il the· 111.1-.1 111 S111 11l1 1\I 111.1 Ill 111·1.I l>u1111g t ht· '""''" 1l \\ .1-. 111 N1 '' 111 11 1 111 ·.ic h 11 v. "' ,1 -.1111" p 1t·11 11111 11111\ 1111 111.tllllt " 11111 1111111 111 ·.t-. 111 l.11111lul1lx·" 1 .. ,' II 111 I 111 I \\1111 Id \A.',11 11 l .•p t.1111 l.t \\I'"'"" the S 11 .1111.w 1 II II \ •II I II II ' g II \ I I II 1111 • II 1 I \jll'dll lllli' Ill '-,1111\h f\111!•11\,.I .111tl lh1 S11111 h -.. ·" ,d\\ ,,,, '' 1111 '°'t ,, St 11111 , '111'1'11·11 11 111111g lho 11111(1 -.11111 • .t1 11·\\ Huntington Beach --------- • • Many miss flood savings H\ HOBEHT HAHKEH O(ahe Dally Piiot Stall S1 \'1•1111 th1111,:111d I lu11t111g11111 B1.•;1d1 n ·,1d1•11t' 1nav Ill' n11s .... 11g 11UI 1111 .I l'il.illl 'I ' \11 -.,1\'1' .thlllll .$1 !ill 111 ,11111ual l l111ul 111,111 .0 1111 p ;1v 1111•1il ' .it·1·11rd111g 111 t II\ 'l'''k"~111.111 1111 I l<t·l'd H1•1·d .... 11d '"""' th.ii le •\\ I I tita n I .ll<IO h111111·11 w111 '' h .1\, 1,1k1·11 out h •ll1·t ' p rt·p.11 1·d .11 111\ h.ill lh.o l \\l1U ld JWl lllll th1111 l1t .t\'tlld JM\tllg 1111 llll' lt•dt•l.ol ll1H1d 11\'>UI .1111 1• About "llllll 11·,1d1·111, \\ 1 11 l'At·m plo·d It 11111 h,I\ lllJ.! 111 111.11-.1 l h t.• f.l•IVllll'tl\o, ,dlt'I the I II\ 'lllU'S."fulh .1pp1·,1ftod .a l-1d1·r.ol E1111 rgr•m' 1\1.111.ogc 1111 111 \g 1 111 ' 11nl1 r l'l1t l 1 d1•1 .il .q.,:1·1J(\ la .i ' I t''lllll 1 d I Ill lll.,lll ;1111·1• 1111 :all h11n11·' 111 tli• S.1111.i /\11,1 H1v1·1 ll 1111 rl pl;1111 1ta1 .. ;1l1·111 ·d liv I l11rnl111g <11 " 111.ig 111111d1· I h;tt Iii lg la I Pl'l ll l tl lll'\ I'\ t'I \ I 1111 \\',If ' T l11 · I 1 l \ ... 1111\\'Pd I 11.t l I.HK:! 111 11111"' .t1 1rn11 70 p•·n t·n l td 11t .. 11 ''1111 111 1'' Ix •\\\\ I fl ~:d111g1 I .ollll r:11., .1\t'fl\lt'' ,111tl (:111lt.11 d .1111 1 Hol .... 1 ( '1111 .1 .,,, ,.,.[, \\'t•I 1• h 111 lt tl ,1 11 \1•1 llltlll l lt.111 ,, f11,1l .obo\I th• l11gl1t 'I .illll< 1p.il1•d 11111 111 le·\ t I H1 ·1·d ..... 11d 111 h e ""'''" .11111111 1111 I• I I ' I ll I .. I I " I I I I ,..: I II I • la II 111 \ II \\ II I I ' .t I t 11 ti \ Jl•ll \II lp ,1l111g I 11111 I lw>t.1\1-.1 ll11 \ 1t1t11llq II\ lwl11·\1 tho 111-.u1.11l11 \\di ht· 1.11!1 l'l.·d .ollt11111.t11. ·"" "' HB teachers given a 1'1 "" h 1 1 -. .11 M.11111 .1 lt q•l1 s. 111.il Ill I ll111 t111gl1111 I~""" la.1\ I ll'l'll\'ld •• 111 -.1 h .111d l1111k .i i wh.it ,,·, 11 ·,dl\ l 1k1· 111 tilt' I ll"l Ill'!'>." W iii Id "W•· ".111t1·d t11 1111d 11111 ''It 11 111 .... 1111 •.,-, pt 11p l1 l.111' Ill d1 .. tl1111: \\Ith 1•111 ... 1ud1•11t ,,.,.t (!1·111g 1· l;lt 111 t l11 "'111111 ' I .111 I I I dltt ,it11 111 1 fli1I d111.1 ltll \\'11.tl tlt1· II .ll h e I ' lt•lllll l Ill lhc·IJ ftol .1\ 111lt1 1111 .d h lt"ll' ~' 1111 11 1·' .irn l p l.111t' o111111d111g \11 c:11·111 .111d 11tlt1 '" 1, tli.11 .., li1w1I-. Beac h tairways eyed I lunt1ng l1111 I~,,, h 111f111.11.., "'' tak ing attaon 111 11111,trutl f11l11 IJ.•.;:tt•h d"l~ ... '>411r\\.t\' ... l>t•tv.1 .. ·11 < :11lu1·n W1·'1 <1nd 11)1h o,trt'i'h O fC 1u<1J, f11q •• v. .. r d N i 1ht· e on tr,1c h f11r • 11110,lJ u1 111111 111 St'pll•mlwr H111 lwf11ri· ~ 111 k ;nuld ..,t,tll tit• 1 11\ m ·1d1d II• appr11\'1 ,1g11•1•1111 111 ' "1 th ,\n111111al .111d C'h1\1 11 11 111 1 1111npJn11·-. whu It le .o•-1 tit• .11• '" T hi· .tg rc ·1·11l1 °11 1-. lt11 lcl th• '"'' 11al 11•111 p .. 111;,.. h .11111i.,., du 1111g 1la1 tt>ll!»tru1 t11111 ori lt11•1r 1,.,,...,., \\'11 rk '" 1•lo.J.11'1 t1 d 111 ho Kiii 111 ,1 .. •Ut ,, m11ntla :'-111111' 111 ltt1.0111 1 t h e $Hll l)(lll "'")"' t tllflll "' fr••lll the c· ....... 1..1 (.Hlt°'\t l\.tfn\ .1 l.dt ,q -tlH\ lh.tl t'llt 1 •Ill .1g1·' ill tit I I><'" Ii .it I t '' I lo I \\ ' I I k 11 11 I II " I ' It" I h ... I .• I t \\ ·I \ ... " 11 I! I •• I I I I'... I I I I ho1t1d11.q1p1·cl p .... ,.,,. lxx;1uM· llwv clon't kn11w <1lH>Ul tlt1· ... unc·,sr1't1 nty .1ppt•al lli-1·d ~.11d n·~1d1·11ts van I 111d ""' 1r 1lw1r l111111l's qucil1f y hv C'h1·1·k111g l"ls ;al the· puhltc 11tl111111:1t1011 olfan· ;1l 1·11v h.111, Woo Ma111 St The· 1·1ty h ,1>. p11·µ:1rl'd ufflt·1.al £111111 h •tlt-r-. that I l'"tknls must o,1•11d 111 111ortg;1g1• lt•ndl•r s who ''1·1•· 11·11u11 1·d to 1n1post• t h1· f l11od 111-.U r <Hll'l' h y lht· f<·dl·ra I g 11v1·111111l•nt, an:ord1n g lo Rt•l·d H1·1.U .tl~o :..11cl h omt•ownt•n . 1·a11 ,1pplv fc1r rdu nd ... tht:,, y t·a1 Off1~·1;1 b s ;11d that about hc1l f tht• 1·1t\. from Rc·m ·h Bouh•vard t• 1 tlw S ,lllkt An.i Htvt·r. rl•matns 111 I ho I 011 v 1·..ir flnod 1 0 111• I l11n11 ·11\\111·r.. an I hat <•rl'a nll1s t J>•I\ I Ill' 111:-111.tlll'I' lesson prulJ;ihl;. will 111·c•d lo do a b..th·r JOI> p 111v1d111g Lh1 •1r Sll1lh•11\~ With v1-.·;111111i:tl :-.ktlb In k(·i•p up w1th 'luglt t•'l·h" adv.inn·s 'Wc · found out lh,1\ c·v1 ·11 tho· .. 111.1llc·-.1 l;u ... 1n1· ... .,c·::. rt·l v t111 1 1111111u lc·10, .. :,,:.t1d Ira T111h111 , ,,.,.,1-.1.1111 pn11l·1pal Jl Manna i\h o u t 17'> t1•at·h1•r ., :111J 11tlt1•1 '1 lt1111I 1•m plov1·1·' .1111111·d v. 1th .q i p I o \. 111l.tl t• I\ 7 ,, b U :,.1 n t'S' II\~ flt "' .ind l 'Xt't Ull\'t.~ l)ll -.wff d t·v1·l111Jm1·11t d;,y W1-<lnl'-..day Oth1 1 \l'.1t·h1·r-. parllC'lpatin g tn t 111 ,. '' h<i ng1· o f ad<'as said '"' .ot 11111.tl t r <un 1 nR 1:,, bet ng ... t. 11111 d '"tit• t.. .. l-.g111u11d l.\11 ll1·n d 1·r so n a dm111 ''" .11 '' ,. ·''""t.:1nt t o Supt·r - 111t 1 11d 1·11l Frc.1 n k "Jake " 1\l1IH1lt ... kilo \\ 1.-cJgt·d th1·n · IS J tl1t ll'I 1111 .1t adl01Titl..., "h ut It I!> fnr ,all th1 kid.., 111 emit r fo r thC'm to 11•,tl 11 1 thl•lr µo tl'ntaal " Cool, hut fair r .ti' Jnd lot {' ,.._t t• ' ll °t'.JllPV U~.) t11Q'1S. ""1111 f P f 1~ t• • 0't W J f m I fl Q I 0 f 0 I , I* I I W • n '.'t !.atur<Ja, lOW\ N ill t~ fT\04Jt:~ '" the •0-;. M<,ut•t(•1nir, w11t ,1,, ..... ,,,ons '" tt p 4t~ "'Jf" ''Q ,. ,,o 1, lO't\<S -Niii t t-l tf Itµ fµf.fl1~.,., 1•m flQ Salu•dilt l .. -.; .. 'i " ""'"' ry Rd1•· '",. •d Jt H'•" thP .,ttc rtr CClli 'l r-t lhPC 1 l l hh.t0' Monoav tutr11nQ to f , ... , ... 1 °"''r'"' "" h tQtH'H etevJt1ons. r•t thP s.v r,\ N,.v;Jd<l tt ~ mour'1 tins ,f tt f' G•e3~ Ba\tn r'"'d ,,,. nont1Prr' Poe~,,,~ It w r4 c. c tnud't' "' tr·" I•' 1 "(' ttirougn !~U· CH1u1 V,HIP'( 1)PC1 '"' fhC GH~!ll I ,,i. P~ I qM c:.nnw•''' deYf-l(1{1Pd !fl lliiHCU\ 'TnP wf'iHhflt w.•\ m11d 1n 1h r• Gull l,.Ud\1 t>IJHH~ ,111<1 lh~ r 1i'\lf'I" '$P.800&•CI f O r t () () d y I h f' N A 1 O '• l't I W tidlhPt ';prvll f' torPr itC\.1 r,ttn across thP p,,r:1t1c Coit'' 'Aldh thundet,howrf4ii 1n C allro rr1'il rtmJ Ar11 ona Snow 1q P•tH•t tf'!d "' h111her Plevat•ons ol lht' platl'~u trw northern Ror.,.•tS ant1 '"'~ no•thcrn platn5 II wilt till c.•<,uct1 in !tl() 5nuthetn pl:l•n't ant1 '\l1nn.,. n !I'll! f 1111 H19hs Ml' e•Pt'C1Pd '" lhP \0\ antJ 404ii m thr nor lh '•n, An1t ,;n, ft nm thP m d A tl<..1rt1•c ',..,,~, thrOuQfl lh~ m.ct M,,.,,,..,,1pu1 Valley 1n 1he Snuthwt'~I TOs " th" (, u t I C n ;\ , I '' fl I••._ ,. "1.t l\Outhern pl.l ,,,.. 3t•d K(J., '" southt-rn J:1ond .1 and •uu1thf•ff1 Te•as Temptuatur ~' 111\tourut th,.. netton al 2 p m ES 1 <811Qf'd 1tr1m 73 deg•IH!S •n Cul Ban~ Mnnl lo 82 d~tM5 1n Bw wn5v•ll" I P rA• Ca lifornia W inter SIOH1'1 w arrri •" thP mounl8tnS tor local hf13vy anow T Ufl5c1oy N1.1mt11011• \hOWfl>' "'"' 1so loled lhunOe• \hnw<ll • "' coe11a1 and mounl~1n "'"A' TuesOey end Tue,C111y ruqhl Snow above •OOO ll!el 1n lhf' north and ~000 leel en the south wllh loclllly Pfenvy 11mo unu 1howe>1 ending Wednesday loc1111y gully wtnd1 Much col<fer In mountain• Moslly Cloudy Tuetday 1no Tuu<l•Y n1gf'lt tn deMrl t reas wllh a good chance ol 1ho wer1 a n d p o •11bll! thunder1ho-r1 f!t~11lly on tile n O•fh Sllo wert end1n11 Wednelldly 'Temperatures MATIOM At1>1n Alt 111• •; • An, hrtt 1q1• Atl ~r ta At1ar1tr. t ', Au~t ,, Batt,,., •1 0~'"'•'.fl'• .,. A11c.¥ B' ,,.,,,. B ''"• ( 'lO,r!1·,t1 I ~ ( \ I -t' I .. , l 1/,,- (.. h ,, 111 t• c..re, ... , 11 ,, ( J°:J' (. f"tC•'•'I ti CtP•E'•.t n (,01um1 • S Co•um1,,ot.. [Jl llri'-' ft N •H CJ .... , ,, ... , t11•1• ' ( ul •'' £ I'" r l ·ft.11 •"' r HC S:!~Q'\I tU ... .,,,,11., tt JI l11lu t t ~j\1fJll lntltolnA, ••'•' J,l (lo.\t"\r\ M • '-' 1Ar..,~n1•v1lh· h;r\f\,lil jlll HI'~•'" ( t~ l 11~ V<•QA' l 1111 .. n rh ~ t n~ AnQPlff~ low~"'U" MPm~n' M1nm1 M 1l't\;1111>1tt• Mplc;. <':i ••,11,I N 1,tl'11llt NPYw th ... 1•1• NPw f ''" Qi.1,,1,r.u1 f t •T Om,u1,1 Orf,1n1h1 Phol,tt1111(1h1 I Ph~f • P11t~• IJfQh PottliU'lt MP r.,, 11,, .. ,, <'>•' ,..,,,.,,Jt .. t , ... RN1() S all la~P t;R" A.n1nn10 <;an D•PQn Sa;n r, 11'lC1'\C:(l Sr .. lllP Shr .. v.-ruut ~ICht\ F i\ll!\ ~' lm11~ °'PO~""~ Syt1lC••'1if' r •'ll"" n Tuc•on (I 10 /'-4 "'' f·• ,; f,. 1 ; ., Pi-i'- .~o 4 I d7 j1 f C, 4' ~4 4C-. !;.>' 4~ '>d \!) 6• 11 74 .. f .!- .-p ¢C.. f[ •<> t;. 24 t;,< 40 •7 ~6 <' t 4 4 ' " '" ... 'l o~ tf. jl~ .tf ,lf ".'• 4t• ~-'' ·;; ~8 1,/ ';I ·~ I? ·o r,11 1'> u h'> '•I li•I ... f / 4 1) 67 '>9 68 42 7t 19 17 116 4') 40 ~ t 18 1t ~' '" .. " 14 •n 0.4 40 16 80 f>O 6~ di 6~ 60 6 1 •o 64 • .. , )1 66 4, 4 t 3 t ... 17 f, SJ 1•8 ~•I ~fj •6 ~, • 1 71 •3 40 21 7? ')J ~• n r,7 41\ 6,\ $? !;~ .. , eo .... ..,..... ..... _. s..v.c. ...O•• u S 0.01 ot Com..,~<~ Fronls Cold _. W;vm 99 Occl11<1P<l ~ Stationary •• f 1ISrt Wa~"''' Jfrf ,.,,,' ,, ... CALIFORNIA A"'r 11~ \t.t!!••r A.,i.~·r~t11•tO RM"""'"" fl•o fl'"" U1•.n11r. UtyH1._. t .lM~•Ool EwP.,d Fr!'Sno LonQ AP.U 11 los Ana• .. '• Mnntet~., Mt Wtlsnn NPf'dlP' NPNtJ"' I Hfl~h" Oi•"''""d On1~v10 Pa~tlOPn.1 H1'f'Pt'\tC1P S oc11-1tl'H\u1 n Salm.1~ San APrr1 u d·1•0 San D•t!QO 'San F111rn1'' S"n Jo5f" Sal't8 Ana San111 Ba•bi!'" S anto\ C•v1 S :entil Monica S IOC>IC•t'I 1 al10f' v ~llf•y Vume 7J 'JR (,(, , .. t.O 01 t ,,,, .,.,. t,.1 11 I t,H •I / ~() )II '>8 20 73 57 6'1 ~6 ~7 4 I 6:> ., II 57 "'" 58 •, 1 46 4 ) 35 t 60 6A o;q f,1 48 b'> 'JO hA •'> 6• 5 1 5~ 40 ..,f 40 £>4 57 £>6 54 ~t· •6 S• •3 10 51 ee •8 62 46 68 55 59 39 35 29 71 6 t PAN AMERICAN Acnµul(11 Il l ,, 86 75 1:> 68 Ba•Oedol B,..rm\10A ti )Q ·1 I (.ui H tH.I r,,,,\t)f1r l (uJtl(J,il(IJ,lf.t r~'•110~1n,,r.,. t ~ 1 .... 1n.1 k.•nQ-.lnn Mr1r1fflQO H1h M t1.111,1n M"'lltr n ( lfl Mnnt~'''lY Nas<>~u Sari Juan fnn•dnd Vl'rtH.t1U l..1llQtlr)' fdmn11tnn Mo•>llP31 Ollawa Rl'O•nA ruron10 Vanr.<u1vflt W1nn10~ CANADA Smog -- 45 88 79 81 70 77 J7 86 7, lj I 1') 90 75 86 73 88 8 1 8? 59 1<, l9 64 81 10 87 73 88 73 Ill 1;8 49 12 '11 22 59 •• 58 44 38 72 51 .... 48 J2 11 }<) Where to c all (loll frff) lor l1tN t 1mog lnlOfmallon. Oranoe County. (800) 445-3828 Loe Angelu County· (800) 242-4022 RI~ Ind San k l'ardlno countlM. (800) 3117-4710 AOMO Eplaode Center (llOO) 242-46&e Tides TODAY Siteono high • 28 p m Sec;ono low t t t 3 p n1 WIONHOAY 4 1 0 1 ·Flr,1 h1gn 6 58 • m 5 1 lurf lurt lurt 8•elf lwelt ~""low t 1 S3 II m 1 6 .. Kh Avg ..... Prd Avg ' ' ..... ..... 3 Dir Second lllgh s 35 p m 4 e W SPCond low I 1 68 p m O 2 Zurn a l 5 17 S1nl• ~OOJU 3 5 n Newpc>•I Beach '.) 5 10 Sen Diego County 3 5 12 Outloo• lor We<1flffd1y little ch1not1 2 2 3 ) 4 8W Sun Hit IOdey et • 54 p m SW ""' WeOn.,lday 11 II 21 1 m w Moon .. ,, today II 1 68 p "' roHt WedMl<IAy II I 18 e m f) k . ' Tiit' '°"'ln111 µ.1·r arriH'' 111 '\t•\\ purl lla rlmr i11 a plaolo from .l a1111<.H"). I •nh. It "" .... tlu· la q.~c· ... 1 ~:u·hl c•\c·r 11ioo1·t·cl loc·a II ~. Costa Mesa----------- l>o 1111 II a II Mesa weighs new ordinance Thl' l'11,ta M••,;1 l'11v t '1111111 ii took ~1 f 11 ~I luo k M 1111d.1 \ ;i l ,, dr;ill "g11 11rd111.1t1l" th.ii w 111tl.t .all11v. 111111 11111f o 1111111g ,1g1" It• n·m:1111 !-.l.111d111g u n t il volu11t.11 1h l'h :1ngi·1l U 11t1 .. r p1 11""'""" 111 t l11 1·x1!-.11ng .. 1gn 11rd1n:im·1• p a,.,1·d 111 IH l -l. all la1 g 1· t11w1·11ng ..,1g 1i... lllU!-.l l'lll11l' d 11w11 II\ I ~K-l E:1rl11 r th1' Vt'.tl l'o u11c !1111.111 1)111111 II .al l ,ugg1·-.t1·d 1h.1.t 1h1 1111111 ov1·r,i;1I ,1g 11 o rd1n.11111 • I w " Ill,. II cl I 'd I II " II It w II " I I t 0 11l 111111111g s 1g110, 111 11 111.1111 111 pl.11·1· Tiu 1·1111 111 ii "" IJl'du h ·d 111 ' I II d \ \ I 11 I \I \\ 11 I ti 111 .t II I 1 "'llil'llll)t Ill .J.t11lf,1I \ 111 1·;11 )\ F1·l1J II.ti \ Al10111 ~ti ,,. nc 111 11! 1'11• 111\ °' I 11 I I ... fgfl ... oll 1 tlllfl I I 11Jl1 11 flllllg 1111 .llllllg th.it th1•\ \\I 11 It g,tl 111 '"' 111 ,,., ....... g1 111 1 lt1 ... 1,.:11 •·1 d111.1111 1· 1·1ght \l\".11 , ,1g11 l '11d1 I pl 11\'1-.11111' 111 th e cl1 o1I I "I-:" 11rd11 1o1111 •· • on signs N1111 1n11f1J1111111g .... g n ... 1111 11.i\ 1 I• .lw \,1k1 II d11\\ II l1o111 .1 tl11 II t 1111l1•11l o111d '""'" \\I I 1 l11tl t 11.0111 ' d \ 11 I "' ..... ,. '" .l.11 I I I.,,, I I• I lit 1•.tl 1~'"' \ 1ol.t1111 g pt 11\ 1,111 11" llf lftll.1111 I \\ llltld -.\Ill IH I 1'1110\ 1·d 1111.ol Ill).' " 11,r •\I d I 'fl I I II I 1 I I I h.1\ I 111 ,\bn \ltl I t1li llt ii SUJ..!1 ..,,, f d 111 111g tlw -.(',:,,t1111 lla;1l li11..,.11• ·•. · \\ I I it 111 11 I t I I I' II .i fl I o, 1 j..! 11 " I 11 ,tll11\\t d \Cl lll,1 k t• l<IJJ\ l li.11tg1 ' 1111111 1() 111 It t Ill 111 \ ltt 'lglc I' .ill• 11 ·d t'1t\ l >••\1•1111 11111·111 S 1·1\·1c c•, d111·1 t111 ll111t g ('l.11 k ...... 1tl hr l1 ".t1C •d IJi.11 l'•"".ogl 111 lllt · Ill\\ 111d111.11u 1 1nuld 1 u,ul1 11 1 .o ri 1111 11·;a,, 111 1>110,1111• ...... 1•0, .it11•111pllllg '" ill1•g ,tll" 1 h.a11g1· llw 1r ''g"' I It o,,11d Ila.ti It J.!lt);o\11111 IJ;.• ll\1 · I I\\ 111 l1t1 ... lllf'.....,t '!'> \\ hll h I h.ing1 1111 11 'lgll' \\111ild 111· d 1I 111 Ull Mesa Cadillac d eal er faces laws uit A S~i.IHJO l;1v..,u11 l ilr·d ll\ tlw () r ,, n g 1· C o u 11 I ' I l 1 .., 1 1 1 1 I A 1t111111•\ ·, C >ffw c· .1g .1tn't .1 l'11..,1:1 1\11· .... 1 (.'.111111.11 cl1-.d1·1 Ill \\ h11 h u 11 t.111 h u"nt '" p r .111111 ' .11 1 .ill• g1 d h.10, 111 1·11 t.dlt led ,.. "'l 11 l.1lh 11d11ul11ll ' lo \ .111 ,.,, .. 1111\ 1· 111 lit• I II flt I •• 1rt' l\1.1n11 g1·111 1.11 111.111.11•1 1 of N.11>1 ·10, C 11ldl.11 ,,11d 1h1 11\ll ... u11 frl1·d Ja..,l \\t'\•k 'It'll" 1111111 about I K 111111111· \'111l.ot111n' 11\ll 11f mon· t h ,111 ;i m1ll11111 \ c·litr It·' rc·p.111·1·d .. 1m·1· 1!17ti rl 11111 p .01 l 1cul.ir ly I l'IJdll :.. \11 o1lll1111 1.1111 It .111-.1111 .... 11111 I' I .. I I I I I • cl p II .. I ,, "' k 111.111,111 p 1<1 1 ll'l'd '" 111.1k1 \\ .11 1.1111 \ I I I'· tll .. :\l .01111 '·''" 111,t JI\ 11 1 t h t \ I II I .• I I II II ' \\ l I I Ill I II ti I 1t;l11111.ol1l11·' tlt.1t 01 1u111·d \\lwn 1111'1 l\,1flll \ d1 ... c U\\t•cl \\ 111 k \\If Ii l'IJ\lllllH'I" h ut l.11lt·d 111 \\1 l lt-till' dt .,, I al>t d I c•p .111 °' P fl I ht· I II" 1111111 'I '-l 'llf'\ ()lJ1 f1·1 l111g ,, tit .it 11 ·~ phy..,.lJlh 1nq . .K1:..,1l1h-'" lw l\)11 pl'rt• nt 11gh1 .ill o f lht• \111\\'. .... 11d M .1 1111 "l'h 1" .111· .oil t1 d 11111.d1111·' I h .ol \\ 1>11 I .hold \\ ,.,~ f Thi ~1 111•1 ..ii 111.011.1g1 r ..... 11d 111 "·" 'lllJ>r"tcl 11'\ t\a; 'Utt . I l.11111111g tla.11 1111· dt,l rl< I .ol lt lllll \ .. 1111111 lt.11l 111f1·11·d 111 'l'lll• ,·la· ... ltll t1lll 111 l(lllll 1111 $.! ) 111111 M.1n11 ..... ,,.i 1h1 111111µ.111\ \\111Jld 11111 h.1\'1• o1g11•1•cl 111 tli1 -.1 ·I I It •1111 •111 Tht n v ll suit lala·d .ag;i1r1 ... 1 llw l !'l ·\1·,1r o ld f11111 1·1.11111' th1 di' it j, 'l 'h I jJ Trus t ees eye u e o f funds c·1a ,11j.(1•d 1111 v.111h. th.cl \\ • "" I d 1 llll' )Jt dll 0 \ llhl.t l ll I 11 .... 1111111 I o111tlt11111.t11on lwl11r1 111ak1 11~ "''""'' 1h.1t '''lC't'il1-<l 1,t1111o1\1 •-. t .1il1·d 111 cl1•.,111 h\• \\t1lk Tru-.11•1•' l11r th<' N l·wport l\lc·....., l1111t It'd ~ hoo l l>r.,trn·t will 111"1·1 111111g ht lo dt~·w ... , w.i;.is th1• N I \\ I' II I I . Ml''" s l' h () 0 I ~ lo \111d.t111111 1·an <;JX'lld fund:,, 111 S 1·p lt mlll'r 1h1.· gruup vf p.111·111-. .111d l'ommunll v lc-ade r:.. •• Sometimes the Nicest Way to Say r:11 s<'d $-lf1,0 llll L11 lwlp n •s 111 n • n •m1•1hal t!'acltn~' 111 1h1• d1-.1ri1·t'' ;•l1•11wnt,trv <,<·hoob Thi· m1•1•t1ng lH"gtns :it 7 ;m p n1 rn 1h1· tl,1rix•r Commun1\\ Ct•tall'I . 4:!.1 E t ilth St . C11s t;1 M1·<;,J -,...~ .,L ' {ji ~ C---:.lJl7t ? '-( lJll is to Not Say Anything at Alll t-l<Mi better 10 e~s )<XJr ICM' and <lpprt"Ck'I· lion tor N'r un~1hng support throughout~ ir ~rri.ige. tht1n oy g1v1ng her m meth1ng ilS person<tl and meilningful ,,s ,,n Ann~ry or Eternity Ring Both symbOl11e the true dt>pth ot your lttl1ng tor her . .ind wuhOut saylng ilnyth•ng at ""· yol' wrll h.M' chOsen one of tht' nicest Wif/S to sincerely say 1t alll At Wyndll.1m Li-1911 ~ Df-s19n t1nd Create a most 1Jn1que ilnd elfc1t1ng collt:'Ctron ot these nllg\ 111 18 Kaf'<lt Gold and Plaunum \X.e ctearty eJ1pla1n d1Herenct>s 1n Quahcy and pnc e t™t you wrll ~ rrom store to store. and then bclck up your purc™se lrom Wynd™m Leigh wrth a money back gu<1rt1nteco ot value Wt> wilnt you both to love her ring tlnd to know you bOught H vvelll M ost Diamond Wt>C'ld1n9 ;in(! Anniversary Rings Ran~ From SllOO to S3900 Wyndham Le1gh~~~tH0RT 127 F.Mton Island.~ ~CA 92660 Near Bullocks \ttilsH~ • STATE Agre ~r11 :.nt avert .. supermark l.\JS 1\N(;":t.l·:S 11\l 'I N1 ·).(11l1.1 1111' 1111 St1t11lt1•111 l',tli1111111.1 1111.o\ l'\llto•1 .... 11 111 T1•.1111:-.to •1:-. 11".11 lll'd .1g11·1·1111·11t tht:-. 111111 111111-( With gt flll'I'. a11d tlll' u1111111:-. l11'g.i11 p u llt11g Ill ptl'hl'\~ !'>IX 11111 11" ,tflt•f t h 1•11 w a I kou I hq ..:.111 "T h1•v 'v1· 1 10,11 h1·d .1 I 1•11 l.1 ll \'I' .1g f l'PllH 11 l \\I l It hol11 ll11• ll1t•o1t t llllt'I' ,11111 th1• 11 .. 1111 ... 11·1~,' ,.11d J ),111 :-;,,111t11 'flok 1·~11H1tl 1111 I ht• \ '111t1·d F1111J .111d l '111111111 ·rt 1 . .t \\'111 k1·1 !\ 111111111 "1'111 d1'1.11b Ill th1 lhl l 'l' \1•.01 ,1g111 1111111 ,111· h1·111g "1thh1 Id p111d111g l trike II I\ I II II II\ I ' Ill Ii 1• I 'It I I' 1.011111.1111111 JI 1· ;..t1d I oil I I II ,1l11111 1111·1·t111g' "11uld 11q .:111 t11111gl1t ,ti ' 11'1 l11t'k a11d 111 11 1111 111· 1lt11•uglt tlw v.1·1·k The· l l('fo'\\' 11·p11 .,••11 l:-. 1·,, 1t)tl llh';tl l'llllltlt•t \\Ill ht I ' tlt11•ugl11n1t l'.dtlo1111,1 ,111.t th•· '1'1.,1111..,11·•' l•'l"'"'t'ttl Ill tlOO S11uth1·111 C.il1l111111.1 l1111d l I lll 1, di I\ I I ' .tlltf \\ .Ot 1•h1Jll't \\totk11' ll ow1·v1·r 1111• ,,·ttl• 1111 111 .11111·1'. 1111lv S1111tlt1 111 l '.1ltl111111.o l 't111t1.11 t I ,1 fl,, \\ t 11 C 11111111\111\)..: Ill Nw 1h,111 t'.1111111111.1 ··- O r 1111u11 (.;oot11 D A ILY Pll 0 1 11 uu!fduy, Novumb r 9, 188:1 • \n UllM'lli"10llHhly c·olcl ~~ i 11 lf•r .. 1m·rn c·u u,.;t11 "'"'" 111olori "1~ in , Mt') c·r~, 1wur Soulh 1.a kc· Tulam·, u111u ·c·1wrc'(l Moucluy U!!! 1·hui11,.. u11cl . l411ow tirc•i. "••n• h u1oo1ily u11pliNI iu·uu11cl mountain 3 Et·acuatil>11 plan C)'ed ~OS A N l ;}•:J.t<:s 11\P l 'l'h11u,,111d .. 111 1w11ph" m.111.' 111 ll'llllJll \\tltf ,111'•1' illld lllP ... t \\'tlh I '>lllgl1· htgll\\ ;t\ Ill :-.al1·1~ 1111gh1 r1·qu111· (•m1·rgcnl'\ t'Va111.1111111 11 ,, l h rt"<1l1·111•d v11l1.11111 1·:0.plo..,.1111 Ill l\l 1llHI ('11t111t\' o1pp1;1 1' 111111\llll'lll Ill -.tt1h1·, \\ tllttl\ll Fired worl{er claims racial bias \\ .1111111g. -..1y~ ,1 1111·!1111111.11 v ,t,111 d1s:.i ... 11·r fJ la11 I >r ;d t .. I 'I.in l'.ildc r .... !1 0,1110, hc •.1\'11\ •Jll .1 mu tu.ii .11d "'''or l th.ii u1uld 111v11h·1· .ct 11·.c-.l 1·1ght 1·01111!1<'-. 11 .. 1.11 1· .IJ..:1'111'11'~" 'IX lt•d1•1.cJ .1g1•11t It''· ..,,.,,.,,ii 1u-1\.1l1 11'111'1 gnu1po; .111d thl' ''·''' 111 N•·\-.1d.c Buono mis trial sought LOS A N t ;t·:l.E S tAI', 1-'rllsl't'UlOl'S .11HI lll\'!':O.tlg.1t111" .. d1·n v thl'\ \\lthlw ld 1·v11h•11t1· 111 tiw 11111 ... t11· su-.111gl11 t.1-.1 . hut d1 11 11..i· .1tlc1r111·\, 1111 A11g1·l11 Bu111111 ..,,., •• , .. 1111 Sl'l'k111g ,l 1111..irrttl Ill llt1• rll'.11 I\' \t·.ct 11ltl '·"l' Tht· 11111tr1111 1111 1111-.111.il :-.1·111 1h1· Supt·r 1111 I. '11u11 JUI' nut 111 lht• 1·1n11 lroon1 l\l1•111l.1\ ...... ,Juclgt· Ho11.llcJ (;,o r i.:• NATION - h 1 · ;1 r d l 1 • :-. t 1 m 11 11 v I 111 111 pn1!'>l't'lll<irs an d dt·1t~·1tv1·!'> 1111 "h1·1h1·r lllf111111at11m th;1t .i kl·\ \\'lllH'~" lt;cd llll'llt..rf Jll 11hl1·11i... \\ .... '11111 '""' d Ir IJlll l h1 • dl'I 1 ·nst· T\\11 k1·\ t.11g1·t:-. 111· 1h1· 1111'>11 t.d 11111111111 -.lt1·r 111 ·, Ill\• .. 11g,1lur ., F1 .111k S,cl1r1111 .111d )'1 11 '1' J-'111111).!,lfl \\Ir l 111 h ·.,111 \ t11d.1\ t\ _!II ,\I oil I 111p l11y1•1 • 111 tht' 11 \1111 l'11111p:t11\ w h o \\ ,,.., l111 ·d Ill I'll! I ,, I l.11111111g Ill .111 l )1 ;111g1· ( '1111111' Suµ1·11111 l'olll t 1·1\·11 Mitt tlt;ct he 111,1 h t' jul1 h1·1'.1U!'.1'111 o1g1 • ,11111 I .ti 1,tf tft..,t l lllllll.i\t1 lll 1\ 1t111111 '-.. 1111 \V.oll:11 1· \\'r 1gl11. \\'lt11 '' till v1·a r:-. 11ld ;11111 wlt1t1 · 1 l.11111 111 tlH: -.utt tit.it Wr 1g h t w.1:-. l 1111·1•d lo d o 11\.•llllal l ,il1111 ..,1111wl h1ng I h.it had n11 t b(•1·11 111, J II I 1 1J I I ' \' II H.h I y . t o l' f' 1 • .t l 1 · , ' .. 11u.1tt1111 \\ 111•11 Ill' 1•1t h 1•r \\'111tld qllll 111 II\· l1n·d 111 t11a k1· r110111 101 l\Jt•'.\1t':tll-," Ill I h1· 1 Hlllf>.tll\ ·, 1\gr 11ult111.d I >1,·1 ... 1011 \V1tght "11<1 \\,I'> b11111 IHI llllllj):ll\\ l.111d ..i11t.J Jl\•t d 111 l't1111pa11v h11u-.111g p n111 t.• 111' lt1r11111.1t11111 ·'"'" 11.llllt'' tl1111 "'lll,. I\ 1-.111.., ,1 f.11111'1 .111cJ h a... I \\ II ... '"' "' •• fl p.11 I 11 t I\ I 1 ·' II • '11 d!·'-11 Ill Ill till '1111 111 t l.11111' 111 tl11 .11111111 Iii.it .J11.., 1<1111 ,, l.1hnr 11111 111.tll .11111 11, ... "'"' .11 ... ,i... .11111 ('.11 )11, 11.111 Ill! o1 rHIJltli. I 111 IM I .1-.11111-. II 11111\'l·d "111111 !\le \ll .oll \\ 111 k• ,..., lr 1i111 j<•IJ.., lljll 1.tlllllo: 111•,I\ ... l lfUIJ>llll'ld ,111.t !Jiil tlw111 •111 111.11111,il laliw .,.1 > th.it "l\1,.\11.11"" 111uld 11p .. 1-.t11 1111' 1·qu1111111 ·111 Tl11 .;wt .cl lq.(1.., tit.ii W 11i.:1t 1 \\ .1:-. ttild to d11 d 111 'ho\ t'lt11g \\'111 k 111 Ma\', I !JU I . Intl 1·11uld 11111 U lltltlllh 1111° 111'.illh 11·,1:-lllls idti•I' '"'" d .. ,, Ii i..,, ru .... d '" 111111111111 · 1111 w111 k lt·d t.1 h1l>. l11111g. Wnght -.,1\-. Ill till' ,11·t 11111 '1'111 '>Ult d.11111' tlt;1t Hu11 .11111 Jt1,., '1111,.., ;.ind h\ 1.·>.t1·n:-.1011 tlt1• 11 \'tr tl' C omp a n y d a...1Tm1111,it1·d .1g.1111-.t W1 1ght "dw· to lt1-. ,1g1 a nd 1·thnt1 tty 1111· tit!' IHll'po-.1· <ti l l' I' ll1 II till I ll g ( \\/ 11 g h l j ; 1 I t•or11p1·1l111g h1n1 111 4ui1 " Wnght u lsu d a1m ... 111 t l11· '>Liil DEATII RATE DROPS • • • From Pag e A 1 I ~1711 \\ 111 II 111\ I•""'!'> I"'' 100,llOll fJllplll.1!1111\ \\I I\' 11 Jllll lt•tf t\lth11ugh th.11 \\.1-. .i l11J.!lt 1111 <>r..i11g1 l'11u11l\ tlw 1.1lt· -.ull "·" lwl11\\ h11th -.l.dt· ,111d n.1111111 . .J 1.tlt-!> dut111g th.it \('ill S11111 l'l/H th•· 1,111 h .... lwgu11 tu d e 1 11111 \\ 11 h :17:! 1,,..,, . ., I" I IOIJ,000 )J11)lllf.1l1t1ll 1 c pt11 l1·d Ill I '11111 J 111\\ c ·\ t I t "'' •, 111 ..,, pl11J1,_ Ill tlh' 1·11ui1t\. wltdt· lwl11\\ tlw -..1.111 ntlt'. !>llll 0 <·M·\·Nlt·d th1· nat11111,1I ratt· In l!Hm. ]:1 :'i <·;,..,l . ., p<•r 1011,. 000 p11pul:1l11111 Wl'rt· n·p11r tt·d 1·11111p.1n•cl lo a 11;it101i.il c.il1· 111 :HJ -l l .1ws 1x•r I 00 <Hiil T he· lull n·prn·t l~ ..i\'it1 l<1hl1· It• tlw puhl1l' through th1.· count\ l 'uhl11 !111111111.1111111 Of f1n 111 S;int.1 t\11.1 lul $.c 1lt.1t lw had l.><•t•11 an t-qu1pm1m l "IK·r.rtw 111 s UJ.>L•r vtsur durjng h t:. !':11·1·1·1 \l'tlh th l' <·1,mp<1ny a nd tu..t.l 111•vl'1 h ad to do manu<i l la b o r until tlw d ;;ys lt·adrng up LO hrs f11111g .,. It I' I I ,. I n g l' a u s l' d h I n I I 1u1111 I 1 ;JI w n a n cl m c· n t a I arid p hv"1."il dtstn·ss. lhl' s un datms. I t '' s k ~ !!i :.! 0 ll . 0 O O p u n 1 l i v e d ;ir11agc•s plu~ b;it·k pay, s pt.•cial d:11Tt;Jgl's :md :.i llorrwx's ftX's. lr\'tnc· l'omp:..m y spokc>s nwn J 1 r r\' l'111l 111s :-..11cl "w1.'n · a lilllt· a .. 1on1,h1•d h v th1.· !'.Ult lx'Cau sc n·, 1 l,11111' an· v·t·ry unfair and Vl'f'.Y ll11 lrlll' "\\'1.'11· n1nl1dt·nt t h1.· t•uurt will l111d tlwrn tot;illv without mt·rrt " l' 0 11 t 11' .,;1 I d W rt g h l h a cl 11 luo..t·d \\UI k tht· l'Umpany hcid 1111 lt11n .ind 11·fus1"tl lo n ·po r l to '' 111 k d1·.,1111" r l·µt·:.ill·d urg ings to <111 .,,, 111 ..... 11d the• t·ompany h::.s ""' 1 1 11 m ... ull·n·d .. gt· u1 n<1 t1un.1 I 111114111 ,.., u rll·r 1.1 lur h irin g . S1Jace tes t till A-OK lrvine------------------ Ct\l'E l't\N1\ \'r:H:\I. (.\1 11 Th·· ..,to,11 • .11!1·111, '11111 ·d 1·1111l1d1·1111 111.cl l'olur11lt1.1·.., fff,t Ulltlllll'l'I 1.il llll'.,:-.1!111 \\ Jll ltft 11 l f O il 11 11)(' Th111 ... d,1\ d1·sp1lt .i lt':tk 111 lht· "~"111 :.hullll''-, 'itC't•r lllJ.! S\'0,lt'lll tlt,1t 111tl'n upll•d tin· l'11u11td11\\ 11 1-:ngcrwt·r-.. w1·rc· 1·v.olu.11111~ th1• pr 11f1l1 Ill II\ I I lllghl .. 11.i l'' p1•t ll•d ;i I 111.d tl1·1 ...... ,. today l)n wh1·th1·1 th1· lllUlll;lll\\ II would I Olllllllll WORLD l1 ·o1d111g up 111 .c .,, l11•dul1•d ltllodl .ot 10 111 "111 l'ST Tl111r ... d." ;\ st:1t1·rn1 nt ''"u1·d Mn11di1v II\ tilt' N.1lw11;il 1\1•11111o1ut1c:-. .ind ~f!.ll'I Adm1111-.1n1t10n -...11d '''f!t'rh ·" ,1 flll'l.tlll11H1 "I'll ,.11,d,11111.! th1· l1.,1k l11u11d Su11cl.1\ 111 ,, h.u kup lwl111111 11•g1rl .. t11r II\ the '"'"'111 111 11 °'r11.1JI JI t ~ U"•d 111 -.t1•1•1 t.'11lun1l11.1 111 111 l11t Ballooni I e nds flig ht M I UL:\ NI) ()11 t.11 Ill 't\ I') TasJ, force • • • cr1t1c1zes From Page A 1 th 11·.111111111·11d.ct11111 111 Ill' a1 rt·d ,cl l11111gh1 ·, 1111 '\ ltrt g liq.~11111ing ;1t It :111 .il l 'tt\ II.ill. llll'llll11 ·r!'> '.Jlcl tlll' 111\·., 111·,1 -.t1·p 'hould Ix· l11 l>1·lt1 ·1 111t1 ·g1 .it•· th du.el hudgl'ls l 11\ l 1111~ llfll I ,f1111n). ;111d n t.tjOl 111" 11111.1• • 1' Tl11· l.1tt• 1 1, kn11w11 ,,.., llll I oljlll ,ol llllfll ll\'1•r111•1ll'. 1'l 11~r. II II l'h1· 1 .... 1-. l11r1• ',11lv1u· t't.htX"- .111 1·1gh1 µt1111l 11·uimnwnd u1111n 111.1d1· •·.11 l1 1·r 1111.., \'! ar bv th1· t tl\ ·, volunt1·1·1 Hu(lg1 ·1 H~'\'ll'W ('II 1)1 Ill I I I I' l' I II I 111 p I 0 \' (' 1ir 1111•d1111·-. 1111 l1udg1·1111g and Jllllf('l llllJ.! l""" T 11cld N11 11 •• 1 .... 11 ,.,, 1 ltl I\ I d11H t111 •>I th• l11d11 ... 111.il L t'.IJ.!lll ~..itd t.i'h 111111 r1 11 r11h1•i-. l11u11d tlt t· huclg e·I 111111111111 1 1 ' .. 11gg1·!'>l11111.., 11glit 1111 1.11 g c·l .. I I 11 \\ 1 ,. , 1 t\ lo( 1 .a 11 'a 1 d r It 1 · 111u111 ti .il11•.i1)\ '' 1•11,11·t111g tltt• 1·1gh1 r 1·1111111111·n1l.1111111!'>. ;111d \di.ii ""' 1111·d1·d 11•1111 th1· ,,.,.,k' 1111 < t · \\ ,..., 1111\t 11 II' pt llJlll'·"~ l11r r .11-.111&.: 1111 •I I 11111111•\ N1111 1 111 11111..,1· fl•l'tlO\O\t•lldtll lC•ll!> I' g1>11llo( ltl 1·limin.11t ,, ... 1g111 f1t·ant s hortC.111. ' ht· -...JI() ('11' .i d 1111111 .. 1 c .1 l11 r -. h.•' 1 1 l;11mc·d lh.11 uncl1·r t urrl'nl pr:.i1 tau' tl11 111\ "111 m ·t·d ~·> mtll11111 1111111 111 11·\ 1·11u<· dur 1111-{ th1•llt'" lt\t· \1,11'-lllflll''>t'l\'I ti!'> h.il.1r111 ·d tiud).!1 I Irvine city policy ,\II 11v1 · 11 f Ill!' l'llUl ll'tl nw m l>1•r:-. h;11I h;H k1•d lht· lll'd t;1x 11\l'l l'~:-.t· 1·.11111•1 a nd Agnm 1mphl•d that lltt 1 .. -..k fo rn··~ a d vtl'I' 1s not ltkt·I\ tc. 1·h a ng1· th1·1r optntt>ll:o. 111 11\h('r at·t111n tnntRhl. the· t11u11ul '' -.<'hE·dull·d to sc·ft 't'\ ..i11 a1thtll•t·tur <.d ftrm to dl''>lg n a tr.1111 a11d bu:. -.1;1t111n 011 th1· S.1111:1 F t• H:11lw;"' tr.11 k:. 111 'iOUlhl·rn lrYrne · A $2 :l m11lion Sldh• grant w ill fun d m"'' o f th t:' p rOJ C'C t , .ilthough the> C'll)' 1s t•xpcct<'<:l to k1t'k rn S50tJ,tllltJ from IL'i c-aprtal 1mµrov1·nwnl:. budgt·l for off ·:;lit• 1111 pro\'l·nwn t:-. Land for l h<· .. 1.1tw11 "a:-. d1111.1l1'(f IJv thl· Ir' 1111' <'11mp.111.' In Vl'I a nc1th1·r 1!..-.U(' rl'lated lu 1L-.. t'<1p11;1l 1mpruv1:ml·n ts budgt't. lhl· l'(•Ulll'll also IS S(:h N iUIC'd tu lwar a n't·om nwn d;it1011 frnm t hl· t 1 l v · s P <• r fo r m 1 n g A r t s C tJ 111 n 11 ll t' l' t h a t <1 7 !) 0 -!. l' a t 1lwau·1 ,., f<.'<1s1blt· lo build a n d 11pt•1,1ll' at UC l rvtm F111l11wm g 1s a h:-;t o f age nda 111·m' 1h1· l'nu rwrl will t·onstd t·r tonr~ht. tn this sc-quc•n1.'<': At C>ett0n contract IOt 1raon-an0 bus slatcon Bl No.se a11enu•11on p<ogr•m l0t UntversHy D<••e ••11den1t•g C) Am•nomenls 10 the Irvine Busine:u ComPMl• ptanneo community regu1a1oona 01 Task IO<ce 1ecommenoa1oons on bed ru P<Ol>OS.I Et Culve<d?I• tralloc. cont1of m•asures Ft Perlo•m1ng arts lhea ltw •r UC 1,.,1ne C.1 P1opo5(l(I routes lor 11anspartrng nuclear ...,,1s1e through 01ange County I> ·' f ' ,J ' \ I I I\ I .• ' I I i\11d1·1 .... 11 hh h1 ltu111 l1<1ll••1t1 d1•ll.1l1•d ,if1111g Wtlh ht""llt'.1111 111 ,, J11..,t1J111 1111111d tl11 "nc Id flrghl. '"Y' 111 'g11111g t1J 't .tll 11 qutl' .ind ll'.c\'t• I\ \11 tit• rw:o.t g1·111•1.i11011' 111 ;.tt1•111 jJI l lW ft';J\ \ti\\ Ir tllg h.dl1111l1 It ,1kllll-! he 1111111 111t1o ,I l.111111 I ' 111 Iii I I 1111'1 'l•lll,1d1 11t1 ... l ••'"I gt.111 H.1 \ I• "•It tn \\l t IRVI E HOSPITAL. !VIA Y MERGE. • • "l'1)1 g11111g t11 g11 b.a1 k 11111111• and 111 k nl\ "111111cl , .... 1cl .1 dl'-.ippu111l1·cl 1\11d1 ·1,1111 ,dtc 1 ht• .011d 1111111111 1>11 11 let .. dropp•·d tin .hill'" \'1111.-11' 2 ., 7()() die an ISl.AM:\HAI> Paki..t,111 tt\P) lip 111 l'71JO tl\'tlt:tn' ;ind S11v11 t "'ld11 r\ dlt'd Crom ;1..,ph\ ",1\11111 lrl d l ,If fdll'd m 11 tr 11 t .. 1 11 I u n n e I 1 n A I J.! h .1 111 ... I,,11 \\' 1·.., t 1· r n dtplum 1111 '"WI.I'' n •µ111 !NI tocl.i\ 1'lt1 'llUfl 1•-. ,,11d tht '11ld11•1.., h,111 I ,d1•cf eif f lht• !1111111 ·1 .ii II r ,1 111·1 \' ,1Ut11 ll.i'lt .IJIJ'•IJ• 1111\ l",lllllg Tl11 ol1 .... q1p111111111g , nd 111 the II tli11d .itl1·111pl \Cl Jh .ir .. u11d tlw \.\etr Id t'.11111 · .rt 7 :111 p 111 I 1ST l\1w1d.1' 11·~., titan 1'7 h11u1' .1ll1r" d1·l.1y1•cl 111u11qd1.1111 t.1k111ll lr.11111 J(.qotcl l 0 1l\ s (l Ill!·' lltp th.ii \\.1, t11 h.1\1 1,,,,, d ltt 11 .. ,., tunnel th•' \\111 u11cl11 r1·l•l.1t1.i1k Tt11r1 ",,.., 1111 tnd• pf'nd1•111 11111!11r11,1l11111 o l llH n ·p111t :-.!1 ·1th1 1 1111 l\.1.1n .... 1 Af~h.111 11 1.111111· 11111 th1 So\'tl't l'1111111 \\h11h ''nl tt11•1 11' I•• .\I glt.1111-.l<11\ Ill I !17!1 ICI "' lp 1 I U'>h .c !\111,11 Ill 11·!11lI11111 h.t\'t• I 111111111 II It'll 1111 I ht r l'Jltll h Pop~ ~nils S pain • • VIS It S 1\ N T I :\ ( ; ( ) D I': Ct\l\11'< >S'I t-:L,\ Sp.1111 (t\P ) C.'11n1 lud1n~ 111, ltt d;1\ \'1:-.11 t11 Sp.1111 l'np~ .John !'.nil II tod.1v c :1ll1·cl lt1111 ... ·l1 .1 p1 lg1 1111 lllt'!->"l'll~1·1 I 11 1 l'ltt 1-.1 . l1k1·11ing h1111:-;1·lf lll th1· 11111111111 ... \\ho h av1· ltt•kkt'<I to th1· ... 1tnn1• of l ht• Apo~tll' .J.11111'' Sp.11J1·, patron -,;11 nt From Page A 1 .i11tl 11111tr11l S1h\\,1r1t ,,,1cJ . f111 1•\.1tllpl1 tit.it th1 \' h .1\'1• dt"ol ll'-'ol •d hlltld111g o1 lt!l!'>Jlll:tl Oil .Jl'l Ir 1•\ H1J.1d .111d .111 rn1tp .it11 •11t 1111111 "" l'.Cll1Jlll' 111111\ 11111 ~>tilth "\\'1 II l.x 1kllll! .ii I he I lq1 .. 1111 , 11111 ' lt1 -..11d I "It 111111-( lo .111 11lttp.1t1111t 1111111 1111 .Ji.I I rt ' .. 1111" h11,p11.il 1111 l he· !'.1111pu., &1k1·1 .,.ltd ht i.. pie .1,1•d th.ii llt'I nffu 1,11, h.l\·1· 'll'Jl•'11dt·d n •\'11'\\' ol lhrt•t ol1h1tl1· h11-.p1lal- cl 1• v 1· I " p 111 1· 11 t I 1 r rn ... Adm1111-.11.1111r-h ... d ...... n .. ·n··d th1.: (1111)<, "tlh tht· ,1pp;1n·11t 111tc-r11 11( t hoo...ing 11111' lo hucld .111d 0114 ·1.111• at:. pl.1nn1·d h<l'>p11.tl ([\)(' h.HI 11111 hn 11 Ill\ tlt'<I lO p:11 t I( l flotll• 111 t h1• .. 11·1·1·11 Ing pn"t'"' ll11w1·\'1·1 S1h\\.i111-.;11d Aidt II h h;i<, jll'CJllll ... t•d lllll ti• g11 .1h10,ul Wtlh a rl :V ntlt1•r 1t11 ... p1t.tl fll 0 1 .. 1s;ds Liil iii l'ol I.,, H 11.1l11111 W1l h t h•· IMC,.., ·1ully 1•,pl11n·d .. • Th i· dt-.<'lt , ... 1 .. 11 -. dnn't gu.11 .111!1'1· a11 art a 11g1•rn1·11t w ill ht• "11rkl'fl ollt B ut tlwv do :-.1gn.il a tH'\\ tl\ll'l'<'~l in ,h;cnng 1·1111t1ol o l h1"p1t;tl f:11.·tl1t11·s H :ik1·1 h.1-. ,1 r g u 1'fl l o r ;1 p.i rt 111·1 ... 111 p l>1·c'.11t ~t· 11 f t h t• 11hv111u!'> t11•s bl'tWl't'n 1 h 1• ltlll\'1•1..i1' and lht· 111nm1u1111 v lit., p1 01~1s,1I w,i..11 ·1 fon\·arrlt•tl. We're Listening ••• Wh.11 rl11 \OU lt kt• a ho ut lht• t>Jrh l'tlot .. Wha t don t ,·nu h kt"' l'.ill 1h1 1111mlwr .11 h•ft ~nd VOlll. 1111•,!'>aj.(I' will ht• ri•corcll'd. 11.1n" rtl'M•t.l and d1•ltv1·n·~• lhl· ..1pp r11p ria 11• t'<htor I ht• ... rm1· 21 hour .in.,wenn~ ser vt('(' m a)' bl' u sPd to rc•cord le t l l'r 'I to tht• t•d1tor o n an\ 1o p1c M:ulbox <'O nt rtb utor-; m ust indud e t h1•1r n.rnw .md tl'lc•phone numbt.•r for \'l'rif1c a t 11111 ~o c1rculat 111n <'all .... ph·a-.1' 642·6086 TPll u s "hat" o n ~our m tnrl ..-on1J11yi f• ''"" " .,. nl)t r\A••• 'f ·•1 1'"''" l•t ~JO p ~'°' t..,.W t;..ff.Jlfll I a~ ,.H 1nU /UV' \.VltV w1I '1•• ~!Id 8ahm::h•Y fll#HJ l"iH'lllAy II ~f'V dC' nn! ,,., .,.,,. ,u~·· c.oPr bv, ""' ,..1 ,)411,,., .. 10."' _.f'tl f'"t' '. 1 ""'" oe~ ... 1t·,.,1 ~..., ,,,,,ho!_ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilai Thomas P. Haley Pot_,.~,.,"' onct C t;,,,1 ( •O<Y''"'' Qtt,, ~,, Jane Amari f •N 11tw('I ht~'"'' Raymond Maclean ( t>f'\fl(,.,f', l. Kay Schvlh Vtt ,. P111\1ft~n• '•h.11 ()1r1111 tnt nl .Ad•fl'' \+l'f9 Michael P. H\.rv•y rJ,1,.c10f' nt Mtw~*t•f"<0 ~ 1(.,;IOt.l)tl• Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. °" ...... O' ol Op..°''°"' -·. Clualfled advertltlng 714/6 42·5678 All other depertmenta 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE ))() Wr\I II• SI C0\11 "°'"'" Cir. M••l •ckl ..... Bo• IMO ,.,.,. "'••• cir. ..,., • COOYflQlll I.., Or..-Qt Co"'I Publl\h•<>Q C-ny. Ptrfo nt W\ .,.,, •• ,. •Uu'\•r•UOt'I\, tdltotfti m•Utr or •0- v•' uo1 "'""'' ,.,.,.f'I "'•• M "•ttr-oc:hK9d wttnou. '"c I•• Pf'rml\\IOf'\ ot copy.-IQht ow·ne.- S.cono ('IA'' po\tAQf' 1)1•0 •t ro,t• ""'•'• C•flfotf\le fUP\ IU IOOJ Svb\u1pt10f\ by ctt1rr1,, ''IS monJhl'f' b• m •il "\0 "'*'''"" VOL. 75, NO. 313 though. u1111I .illl'r IMC 1Jlftcli.lb w1·r 1• gr1·1•l{'(f w rth ft f!>l hand J...n11wh·d g 1· 11( t h 1· p 11 lll1ca l pr11lil1•m:o. 1•m ·oun1t'rl'<I 111 s1•1•k111g .1 p p111vab 1n Sal'r.111w11t11 f11r lht•tr µIan" A bill l11 .allow IMC to 11.·aM· 10 .11. n•-. of l.111d Ir 11111 S add ldlat:k w~:-. \'Noi·d tn l.ttl Augu ... t by t;ov Edmund (; Brnw n J r a ftt•r lobbying bv Stan lt'v von d1·n Noor-t. d1•a11· o f UC.Ts. l'olll'g1.• of l\ le '<lt ('In I' Although ..i nl'\\ Rl•pubhran <id m1n1str<1t1on rn Sat·ramento might 1mprnv1· lht· forturws o r thl' polt111.tllv lOn:.t•r vatl\'l' IMC ~roup. B .1k1•r ~;11d "[ hopt• 1t d r><'sn't .'{l'l to th~t .. Congratuta11ons• Jomes Dewane was the winner of our Gem Wise " contest There was a lour-way tie for second prize Marc Marosl. Brad Stevens. Christo pher Haydo n a nd H olly Ba g gelt The c onsolat ion wen t to Leslle Wilkes. Can you believe ti s November already? II you have a birthday gift to gtve this monlh, you might gave some thought to 11 piece of jewelry set with one o f the November birthstones. Topez or Crtrtne In t1dd1 t 1on t o sha rtn g November. these two gems have m any -;•m1tarlt1es and are often confused They both occur tn a wide range or yellow tones, from taw n y y ellow through orangtsh·yellow lo the amoky browns Both nre very attractive gems and both 1r11 very dureble and sattslactory tor setting 1n all lypes of jewelry for men end women The most p o pular 11yle of cutting lor bo th gems Is the alap cut Thet Is when all feceta ere four.sided and In 1tep1 end rows above. below. and on the glrdl•. While Topaz 11nd Citrin• have m11ny almllorlllea they alto have some dillerencea. Topaz la the more v111u1ble oem thd 11 often called "precloue Topaz" 10 dlllingul1h It from Cltrlne. Topu 11 8 on the hardne11 scale While Ctlfflle It -r TOPN hH 1 hlg1'er refr10llV9 lnderc end • heeVler apeolflc grevtty Topu al10 comet In 1ddlllone1 c:oiora the most be41utlfl.ll ot Which are lit-1:-. fol·usmg 1111 th1· pot1•nt1a l of tlw partrwrsh1 p with UCI <• n ·lal1u n !'.h ip he• c lai m s woultl o ffc•r l n·mt• l>oth till' aeat.l<•mtt.' p 11•..,ttg1• plus t he ttfflu1•nt lx1l'k1ng 111 pro<lUl'l' lactl1tw:-. with l'Xt't'pt1011a II~· ti tJ{h st<.111darcb Said Bakt•f "I I "l' !'Vc·r gt t l'Vt•rybodv tog<'tlwr on this dl«tl. ti's gomg to 11<· dv11:1111r1<•" E\•(·n rf tlw t wo group~ do l't>mb111t'. h11wc•\'l'r, lhl'V :..ull wuu Id n1•1·rl to prov1· to st<ll<' authonll<·~ 1h:11 ;i n1'\\' hosptlal 1:. nc'l'Cll'<f m 1h1· .1r<o,1 &tkf'r said h is group t~ rc·ad~· to prtx.'('l•d .,.. tth hc·anng!'> for a n•rll I ll'all' of nt't.'<.I 1mmed1a t l'lv. but would ra thl'r <·rc>a ll' tlw p.11·1m·r,h1p with UC! frr..t the blues and pinks. We haYe a beautiful blue topaz which I boughl In Germany on my t11t trip and which we have recently mounted In a ladles diamond ring made by Kurt Gaum. a very telented New York designer. Cltrlne Is a member of the quartz lamlly end Is llmlted Id the yellows, oranges end browns. Other verletlea ol quartz heve their own names. such as· rote quaru (pink). amethyst (purple). aventurine (gre~in) end crystal (colorless) Topaz Is found prlmercly In Brazil whlle Ct1rine Is likely to be found more widely distributed in our eerth's crust. Topaz and Ctlrlne eech has Its piece In our gem world, however. I lhlnk 11 ls Important not to confuse them New York S11te recently tined a Jewele r tor writing Topaz on his Hies slip Instead o f c11r1ne -when Cllrlne waa wttat 1\41 actually hid sold. Un fortunetely not all j e w • I• r a e v a n 1<.n ow t h e difference. That 11 one of the M 9 r-many reuona 11 pay• t h• ery arr ....,..~1f19d Ge.mo1001~1 cionaumer to seek out • firm CHARLES H BARR holding membereh lp In the , • American Gem Soclely • ~ _ _ _ _ Aaqulrttmanta of mtmber1hlp ......., ______ ,,,,,_ ------Include lraln"'9 In gtmOlogy and AH•t•111191• L .. ., ... , I 7tt. & lnlH, W11fclH Pl9q ... .,.. .... adherence to hlfilh ethical standard•. Wt are prou\t of our m•mberehlp In the American ..Oem Society e~ wttoornt ~ quettlons o n gemo logica l 1ub19Ct1 lt\d the oPPOnunlfy -.... month 10 ahow you out fine colttctlon of Topu llnd Cltrlne fewelry orange c0 1111 DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, Nov ___ em_b_•r_e._10_8•2-------------------------------------1111111111 - Dcmus Sh11k111·1an , pn •s1dt•nt and . fou11d1•r of 1h1· Full Cospl•I Bustnc•ss r.1l·11's Fc• lluws h i p In ll•rna I iuna I baSl.'ll 111 Costa Ml'S<I. hus bt'1..•n naml'll Man uf lhl• Yt•ar by I h t' C o m m I t t C' l' f O r lnternat10nal Goodwill T h t• C: l> m m 1 t I t• l' f u r G 0 0 d w I 11 . mud l' u p 0 r cva11~.w ht·al ll•Jd t·rs around •A works hop on "llow to Lcud Without Yl'lllng," wall be o fft•n'(f Nov 18 bcl!lllntng_ -a t 7 I' . m a t I r v 1 n r · s Northwcxxl Community Park4 St~pbanle Medoff from the , S · ight Talk Clink w ill lead the 1sc ·ion. which 1s frl'C and open o till' publtc Tht• •lntn·asmg your lTCat1v1ty is thl' topat· of a s<.>mtnar from 9 a.m . to noon. Saturday in Orange C oas t Colll•g c's chemistry buildmg. room 207. Interior dcs1gnt•r Miriam th(' w 0 I' I c.J •• l"l'l"O g ll 1'.t l'S C hristian l<.>adl'rs with thl· annual awnrd. S hakanun slarll'd lht• Full (.; o s pt• I B us 1 n <' i; s Ml' n · s ft•llows hip 111 1952 wtth Ulll' t·h a pt<.>r an Los Ange ll•s T utl:i v t h <.>re a rl' 700,000 nwm bt•rs and 2,tillll ch aptcn. m 80 l'OUntrws ,.... st•ssion will focus on resolv mg a u thortty conflll"lS In lht• home. • ·T ti o s t.' i n t c r t• s t <.' d l' a n r<•gastc.•r through ThurS<.lciy by t·ulltng thl' sponsoring t•at y Com mun i t y St.•r v 1ccs IA•partmt•nt at 660-3.8H. Cullen will lead the workshop 1hat will cover c·rea1ivity and dL•t:orattng ideas. Tickets an• $5 at th<.> <.'ollegl' ticket office a nd at the door. ~~Nl~;!.veJ Ar~~~·~~'!.~ !~!.~~~·~?.~.r~~~~~~~ ... ~. N· 01 lhe 01111, Nol..... • Pul'lflt' Tt'lc•phont•, 11nld iolmllnr hlkkmij Ill ii "Ont• or the• lhln.i-WWI ubruplly l"Ut off I :•i.ln w1111j1 t 1•11rn 1·011H~~~11l~y tt•lt•<.·on f Nt'nl'l'" u rt· t•11n11)wn Wl''v\· found he ttu&t you t•an Qt'l 1i1 Sh1Awl twud lht• pat\kapanla t•ol 1•1tt•s In a ntm ton ~·ac 1, umong bu11int•S»l'lf thu1 hi.IV(' lot o ( work dorw w ry quickly." hud 1.1<.'t'ldt•nudly h<'<•n cul n .. ar BakC'r'lifh•ld, Mu.!J1.,i:1•y and six o(fl<.'t'S In u nurnbc•r of cltil'H. h('I &llid. p k othl'r l'lllt.'11 t tW'lr' part an a l'l' h1tm'1 0U1c•e in Gilroy, stukwidl• <.'<m fi·n •m1t· Nov. 4. yl'l But he• 1mld tht• t•ommunlty Ttw 1nr1uijurul c..·c.mforc nt.'t.' Nov. cuu111 ng th1• c·on11nunac·allon11• 1 c.:ollegu rwtwol'k m11rk11 thl' C11111 4 on <.•ornputt•r lltt.•n1t.•y chdn't go b11•akd11wn. not u sinl(h' fol'ulty nwrnlK'r hut: h t 1 ..... l(J without u uliu:h. lo h.'OV<.' hill hmm• l'UHlJ>US. time t is uppron<·1 )Oii U\.'l'" US( 0 Shuwl 11uld ht>'li confident, T ht• pr1nvtpul nrnft>r1•ncc• amon g this many edul'(at lonnl Thl• principal ~J,><'ak(•r, Dr. howt>vt•r, thut the bug1 in the spt•uk<'r 'didn't huw to travel to instllution11 In <.:ulifornla. I h,•rbt'rt Puck ham,· was able! to Jt•atmd tclcconrl'renclng fliys tcm a ny of thc110 collt>&tcs he Dr. ~l'la',Yl 'Siiiki the• key to 11 dm1plNc has uddrc!UI without un)' ·will be Ironed out bt!forl' th~ enQ ,.l'll)llirwd in his 0£rk1.l ln G ilroy. SUC('CSfltul lt.'l l'conft•rcn1•t• 11:1 p.robl l'JTIN , Sut durinl( ttic• ur ll!ol 12-month tryout period. This unusual conf1•rcnce was • mudt• po ssl bl(• p a new tl'l(•phonl' system lin ing nine Callfornaa communit collcgci;, plus thl• SucramcnlO "o ice of the s t a l l' <: o ni m u n i t y c o 11 e g c <:hanL'<'ilor Dr Wil11~m S haw , who is c:oordmatmg the participation by G o ld.en W e s t Co ll e ge i n llunungton Beach , s aid the udvanta gc o f s u c h "t<'lcconfore pc:cs" is ,that they t!lt minall' the trave l time a nd expe n s e s assoc iated w...i th 1rad1uonal gnth~r1ngs of staff m<.•mbcrs from .chffere nt colleges. Community colleges now are fat:ing serious financial problems bt>l·aus<.> of cutbacks in st.ate aid, ,Sh a wl s aid , making less ('Xpc•11s1vt• telcconfe rc nt.«'& an attractive alwrnativc. "The.• motivation for this is how do Wt' keep well informed wnen they're c·utting back on our budgl•ts'!" he s aid. ·•w e can 't a ff o rd t o send p e of le to t.'Onforcnces, and we can' afford to bring cxix•rts he re." ----·Better than Money Markets! %. ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL .. •Childn•n arl' 1nv1ll'Ci to a free magat· show a l :4::30 p.m . Nov. 18 a t lht• Costa Ml•su Library, 1855 P urk Aw }fol Marquardt. a mag1l·1an from D1s1wy la nd. will lt'acl tht• s h o w n~le b r ating Child ren's Bookweck, Nov. lti-20. All children w ho use Lhl· libra rv tha t w eek will rt•ce1ve (rce bookma rks. n ddlt'S and word games Ac<.'ording to Shawl, who is d l•an of educational development al Golde n West, the plans for a c o mmunit y co lleg e teleconfere nce networ k were d ev<.•lo pcd b y L ee Steve ns, prcs1dl•nt of Golde n West, a nd Robert De Harl. president of De Anza College in Cupertino. RJUF ......._ ___ _ •Y o uth B as k t'tba ll Association for boys cine! girls ages 8-13 1s b <'g tnntng its second s<.>ason an thl' West Orang"' County arc•a Registra tion will rnn u nuc thro ugh Dt."t· 15. Hl'fcrecs and t"O<ic:hcs a re n e l•d e d F or m o r e mfo rmation , call the West Ora nge County YMC A at 8-17-9622. 'Stupid' possunis a cinch to raise · CLANTON. Ala. (AP) F . Bre<'d£•rs Assoc1a lio n. a g roup dedicated to promo trn g the• opossum as a food sourt'l' and a r<'S<'arch amrna l. Th ey o rganiz e d a telcconfercn<'l' consor tium with seven other community colleges including Sant.a Ana, San Mateo, Ri ver s ide, Palo mar in San Marcos and Lassen tn Susanville. Thl' key p1ecr· of equipmc-n t is a bridge mechanism capable oL linkin g 10 pho n e ca l l s . ParticipanL'l at each c'Ollegc meet 1n a conforcnce room and, at a S<.'hl'dult.•d ume: call the bridge unit. which is loca ted at De Anza. A s pec'ial mic ro pho n e and s peake r unit a t e ac h colle ge p e rmits p e <1pl <.' 1n e a c h confercnCl' room to hear the main lccturl'r a nd t o c ontribute q ut'Sltons or comments. T o pa ruc1pale in the Nov. 4 confere nce. Golden West paid 7 to 31 days. Choose your term. FSLIC insured to $100,000. $20,000 minimum. -Rate-fixed for term you choose. Automatic reinvestment at then current rate, if you wish. Sub<.l11nli,il mtl·nl,t i:x•naltv for '-'Jrly w11hdti1Yo.JI. SAVINGS Found~ 1886 ·Assets over 4 billion dollars Basil Clark runs what he calls the wo rld 's largest o possu m ranch, and says the world would be better off if JX'Ople W<.'re mor<• like his crnters -s tupid and ignorant. Clark's ··ra nch'" is rC'ally about 3. 7 mil lion acres o C mostl y unde ve lo pe d land in central Ala bama. He doesn't own the land -he just uses it. o nly for the stat1o n-to -stat1on 1-------------------------------------------pho ne charge for a cal I to Cupertino. where the bridge is located. "The possum 1s loo ignorant to know he's a marsupial, tha t he ca n't s urvive tn today's world. thal he should have died off with the dinosaurs." he says. "He's so stupid he doesn't realtu.> he can't s urvive. so he goes ahead a nd does it." Clark 1s mayor of Clanton a nd heads the Possum Growers and ··r JUSt ra1SC my possu ms on 11 It don't cost a nything. I JUSt takl· 'E'm out m the sprang and turn 0£'m loose, th<'n round 'c..•m up tn tht' fall. Pc.·oplc who own tht• land don 't even know they'vl' ra1S<'d 'cm for me," Clark said. The charge for s uch a calJ is $27 .17 per hour; 1 f the co llege r ema1n<.'d connected for two hours. the cost for a room full of local confer e nce participants would be a bout $55 -far less t han trad1t1onal confe r e nce travel. meal and lodging C051s. .. ,. . ".13..tn with re'\"' a ddlar · lat' ~ I stdf ;i!4°0 interest" Huntington Savings knows how to treat a neighbor. No matter how little you have in your checking account on any given day, your money will still earn 51.4'Yo interest , -· .. ~--- • CNdlWICNn Not only that, but your account is ~ serviced absolutely free. You can write as many checks as you li ke and never pay a service char~c. We call 1t No-Strings Checking, becc(USe there's no minimum balance · required. No service charge. And still y.ou get Sl/4'Yo Interest compounded daily on every dollar. Isn't that the kind of cfiecking account you want, too? ~ . · m HUNTINGTON W SAVINGS:=:'°" fl167 W.t11Wr Awnue, Comtr of ~n Wtlf In Hunttnp Rt.Kt! • t BENSON & HEDGES Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Men~hol. Open a box toda)! -----~--~·--------._,;....., ____________________ _,_ Warnin'g: The Surgeon Gtnerel Has Determined Th.at Cignttt Smoking Is DlngtnM to Your Htalth. ,, . I ....... ,;' ............ .. . • IJIUll lllCh --~-------------------------------.... ---------------------------o-ra_n_o __ co_•_•'_o_A_1L_v_P_1L_o_r_n_u_••_d_•v_~_No_v_•m_be __ r_e._1_ee_2 ______ J ' Old fir~ station due I or repairs?. The haH-cen tury old stucc·o fire su1t1on in downtown Laguna Beach is a ml>SS, no doubt about It. Thl' three-story hose tower has broken away and is 1n danger uf falling on the pohc-c chic!'i car. There are cracks m the plaster above the shower doors Termites haVl' dl."StroyC'd a window frame• 1n the fire t:h1t•f's office. A healthy earthquake would mos t likely dc>stroy the front entrance ba y doors. thus preventing fire trucks from helping other sc1srmc victims. An.d if that isn't e.iwugh, theres an active bet.'hivc in the a ttic A structural <•ngineer hired by the city figures 1t would cost ·about $32,000 -at the least -to renovat,e the Forest Avenue' fire headquarters adjacent to city hall. Which, c'Onsidcnng the extent of the damagt• to the dilap1datC'd PERSONAL PROFILE S20 Identify your v-to bu-u °' a ralatlonlhipl ..... """ c-tlanl'• lhwworlt, Ne.,pott Beach I• Pe1tormaa Sy1tem1 1nternat1onat Carllll•d lelln lor, luolneu. c-................ -c ...... .c-..1Gt-1 714 640-1268 Aul<5 CHomeown.rrs Quotes By Phone ~ -~ RA881TT INStltANCE 441 Old Newpott Blvd. Newport e .. c:h, Ca. l31-n40 Arts 'n Crafts Gift Sale Holiday prevl-s ol unique holiday gills at the Huntington Center mall dally thru Nov. 14 Mon.-Fri. 5:45 p.m. KWVE FM-108 Have you entered the 1982 Daily Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest? For more information call Janine Fiddelke 642-4321 Ext'. 242 structure. d~sn't sound too bn<.l Unless one l'Onsiders the monl'Y for such a fat•ehft isn't in thl· budgl'l. . What ts in thl• budget is $99 ... 000 ror L\ remodel of s..•veral City hall om~-s. tmprowmcnlS lo the police department's detention and booking area, and a new paint .1ub for city hall. This week ~agunu Beach City Council members approved hiring archi t ect W eston Wh1trleld to prepare plans for the work at city hall and the fire station. Whitf"'icld was thu lowes t b'idder -al $4,220 -for the proj<'Ct. Wben plans are completed for 'the whole package. the city council will ·have to determine whether it wants to appropriate additional funds for the fir~ statiorl repairs, or eliminate the proposed $40.000 paint job for city hall. It's . Delly Hot Steff "'°'o Laguna Beach's ma in fire station is badly in need of re pair, but is the re mon.-.y in th~ c ity budget ? • Seniors' pa{lel filled s. .. v(>n Laguna &.>ach rt.>s1dt·nu. have bl'en uppointed to th(> fl t' d g J I n g Sc 11 l or C i ll z e n Committee, which. among oltwr things, will examine ways to k<.'t'P the <;ity's older populauon in town. • Twelve Lagunans appli<.o<l for S<'ats on the S(•vcn-membcr panel und inte'rviews Wt're held during last week's City Council mc-cltnjit !1. ·l •• I ,, I .. Named to the commitwc were li Beatrice Hetrick, Frank Ireland, • !t Ja'nc Mortimer, Trudi Oster, \I M i k k i R <: v en a ugh , J oh n :l Robertson and Virginia Schou. :1 · . ' ~· Tho panel will review needs · il1 and interests of older citizeni. and , explore means of making Laguna • Beach affordable for long-ume :1 seniors. •' J r •• H •rt • .·.:: ·d': ,J.I;! •11:,,1 11•>1 q r.' .rl, or! 11JI,,. :.r ... C I J l'·· 17 mg. "tar", U mg. nicotn 1¥. per C""'1' br RC method .• ' ..... Orung Co I I DAIL v PILOT /lu t.CI y, NnwmlJ f • 1082 . Fund shortage brings bus service cutbacks 11 is undt•rstamlnhlL· thul llw Ornngt· County Trunstl District's proposl\I to L'ut bm·k Saturday O ial-a -H1dt• ·Sl'f'Vll't~ and Sl'Vt•ral c:xprl'SS bus l11ws due• to shortfalls an ridl•r s h1p a nd 1·1•vPnut• hn~ s p ;.irkt-ll s tro ng prott•s t I rum regular patrons ul th1• bus S('l'Vtt't•s U n I o I' t u 11 a t l' I v . l h o ::. l' prolPs llng thl· l'Ulbat•k; rl•pl'l'SNll. .1l't·oru111g 111 tla• u1s l rll'\, only .iboul 2 pNt.'Mll o l thl' total OCTO ndt>rsh1p an tht• t•ounty . The prupus t•d rt•c..lut·lions would d1m11,aH' Saturd:.iy Dial-a. R1dC' st.·n ·1t·t· ond tnm tt..'i Wl'<.'kdav opNat1ons hy om• hour. This .i!S parttl'ularly st:ns1t1\;t'. s1 m ·t• mos t· Pl'rson s uslllg D1..al -~1 -Rid t• an• sC'niur t'tll7t•ns or th,• hnndi<:appt•d who l':.lllllOt clnvt• t ht•msL·lvt•s. A I s u r t• t' o n 1 nH 'IHI l' d f o I' 1'!1minat1011, to savt• tht• district $1.8 million 111 o pt•r;1t an g <.:osts, an• fou r lo<"al l'OUll'S and Sl'Vt'll CXJ>l'<.'SS l'OUIPS Tht1s1· ""''uld 111dutlt• lul'al routt.•s bt•l Wl'l'll But•n;J Pa rk and Huntington R t•at•h and a lint• runnrng through Laguna Htlb and M1 s:-.1on \'tt'JU Expn•:-.:-. r uult·:-. propo:--l'd lor l'l11rnna11on art· run:-. bt'lWC't'n San l'lt·llll'll tl' and F'ullt•rtun . s .. n l'l1•nw11 t\' .lllcl Orangt" Fullc.·1 ton and Nl'\.\'port Beach. Nt•wpv rt Cl'nll'I' <t nd M1sswn . V1t•Jo. Cu:-.ta !\tt-~a and Anahc•1m ,md San Clt.•nwntl' and SnnH1 Ann. Propmwd t'11111urnt1011 ul t•w }<'µ l h •l'lUI\ l'X pn•:-.s l'Llrll> Wt.:n · t•:o.pt•t.:tall V C.-1'1 llt.'l(.l'd Ii~· ~I lHll'll (:-. Who USl' ttw bus tu l'l'ill'h c:lasst•s /ll Cal S tu ll' Fullt•1111n Otlwrs said tht•v ndl• tlw bus to rl1ud1 tht.•1r je.lh~ It 1s unlurtu1111tt• that tho:.t• who. a l lung las t. havt.• t·onw to dc•1wnd o n publ1t· trani.1l . un• thrt•atl'nt.·d with t:unatlmt.•nt ul their bus st>l'Vtl't.' But (X."TO off1m1lli point out tha\. 111 ud d1t10n to l :.i n '-bux rc.•vt·~1uc, about llalf th<.· d1si.r1t·\':-, • bud!!t'l t·oows frum. lt;l'<ll s ail's taXt's and this suur<.·t· has been s ha rply a flt.•c.·tpd by tht• drop in n ·t:iil s;1l<·s u l' T D u 1 rt• c.· t u r s It ll v t.• poslp<>nl•d ac.·t1on un the• prnposcd' 1·utb~lt.·ks until tht.•i1· N ov . 15 meyting. P t•rh aps it will be possible tu t.•ombm c somt• of the.• mc•agc.•rly patronized runs for tht• hc•nl'I it of studt.•nls and workers w ho dt•pt•nd on the bus lU gN to th<•i1· dasses a nd jobs. A..., fur Lht• SatunhJV D ial-a -Rid<· st:rvil'<'. 1t would s~•t•m likely that ils patron s muld S<·hc•duk• th<.•ir <.•r rands a nd app111 nl ml·n ts during th t• n •111.11111ng wc<•kday hours <.'11·,ul~ tht.• tra n s it d 1s tn<:l ('ann111 l'nnt1nul' to carry a rl'Vl'nuc• .... hm tt.dl that 1s ;,i ppruat·hang $2 m1II111n • • . but state wastes dollars On th<: s ubJl't'1 u l publ1t· t rnns11. \\'l' l'Omc· to tht.• w 1c.J<'IV hl'ra lded Los Angt.•lcs-Oxn urd l'Om mull'r tn11n, a p;u·tmg gift o l l' a It ra n s 0 i rt' cl o r Adrian a (;iantun:o, which promises to cost tuxpayt.•r s a cool $10 million a year. Firs t prnpoS<'d s ix years ago this ~wrv1t·t• offrrs (our 252-seat trains. two running onte a day in each dtrN·tmn Caltrans pn>thc tl-d ci rtdC'r ::.ht p of 1.100 t o 1.400 passcngt·rs t•at.·h day. So far the run h as lx·en serving fewer than JOO ix·r~ns a day But even if it cventually utWtn'> the• pn•d1ctcd ndc•n.h1p. th<' fan~ will bring m lc•ss th<.in $1 ti mtllton a yt'ar . I t• ~1 v i n g ;1 s h o r l t a l I 1 n t h t' nc•1g hborhuod of mun · than SH m 1l11on in lht• taxpayl•rs' lap Tht· 1nll'rt.·st1ng thang about this httlt• buo n d<1ggh• 1~ th<' fall t hat Southern P a<.·1[1l· • Tran:-.µor tot1 un l'o ., wh1t.'h Of)('l'.l l<'S t h1 l'Otnlll U l l'I' Lf:JI n S<'l'\'Kt'. originally rvfusL•d lo toud1 th<' prnjc'<..'l bt'l·ausc· 1t W<Js ~~· n ,•s a finantlc.il losl'I' Bu t Gwnturt.u'..., Ca llra n s p .,l1l1oned the s tat<.· Pubht' Uttl1t1es Co mm ission t o ord<•r SouthC'rn Pndric to provide the> st•rv1ce and SP had no choic<' bu l tn obc>y tht• ordc•r. Now SP has lllt.·d a lawsu it l'hallc nging tht• PUC order and con1endmg that the· commuter scrvic<' is "a t l<.igrunl wnstt.• o f taxpayer (unds" Pn•sum alJly th<• 1nt·om1ng Dt·ukmt·Jian adm1nhtr.ittun will tak<> a more pr<•Cttc·iJI apµroach to th<' c•xpt•nditul'l· or tht' fc•w doll<1rs av ci 1 I <J b I t• I u r t ht• :. ta t l' 's trnn~purwuon nt.•cds and put thl· br<1kt•s on eosl I\' Brown-G1anturt·c) dciydrt•.1ms la k e· the L A.-Oxnard cnmmutt•r train Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on tnis page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is ln-.iit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box t560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone <71•> 6'2·,321. Bury the balanced budget An editorial from the Sacramento oJJee The House of Representatives vote against a pro posed constitutional amendment requiring a sort of balanced federal budget should have buried this red herring once and for all. But sint.-e President Reagan backs the measure. we will undoubtedly - and unfortunately -hear more of it. The ame ndment has been a n uncertain mix of s nake oil and straight political poison from the very beginning -snake oil in that it would. allow Congress to ge t around the balanced budget require ment with a three-fifths majority, poison in the se n se that s u c h a three-fifths requireme nt would give the most irresponsible ele me nts in Congress a virtual veto ove( any budget 'that was not balanced . Moreover, it would clutter the Constitution with matter lhat doesn't belong there and. to the extent that it reduced Congress' authority -and responsibility -In ta.xing and tpendjng, 1t would badly skew a basic part of a governmental process that worked well for nearly 200 yea.rs. That Ronatd Reagan, who has pushed and defended the largest budget deficits in h lst.ory, should now use the House vote to try to make political hay against the Democrats is a piece of high arro,ance. Not too long ago defenders o the president's program, including his own White ,.~;,,_. • .,.,, W1 .. ltw •••• •I ))0 Wo\I •• , •c co..••,., .. "_ .. , ,.,,.,,.._,.., ..... IMI c .. 1 • .-w (.A tJ•i. • OTHER VIEWS House spokesmen, were tryrng to tell the country that unbalanced budgets -even the $100 billion deficits the president was pushing -weren't so bad aft.er all. There is, after all. no constitutional require ment that the president submit an unbalanced budget. What made this pil'(:e of arrogance even worse. however, was the stiff- necked political t h reat In the president's declaration that "voters across America should count heads and take names" of those In the House who voted to defeat the proposed amendment and "elect representatives who will support the amendment when we propose it again In the spring." That may have been a lt performance -p e rhaps one of Reagan's best -but the fact that Its delivery was as much act as convictaon does not mitigate either the folly of the pro posal o r the president's hypocrisy in pushing it. Ronald Rea~an is not the first preside nt in history to submit an unbalanced budget, but he ls s1,1rely the first to do ao while at the same time piously calllng for a dangerous constitutional revision purporting to preve?nl precisely the 10rt of1.bl.ng he has been doing. That rrobably Is not the ulthnate In polltica h ypocrisy, but It's close. lorW. ICr9iltkh (JI ol.ol ,OQI fO.IOf Themot McCa1u1 ~ 119 I dot(if I Spend withiri those means? ,.I WA S ll lN GTON Prt•sidl•nt Hc•agMn's "Cabinc•1 of M1llinnain's" ha:-- llvt•d up tu Its titlt" Despite t•xpllt•tt prl'stthmtial ordl•rs to show l'l'Strainl cm tlw n •furbishing of their private• of(il'('S, tht• Cah11wt members havl• lav1sht'<I thl' tu>-payl·1·:-,' mom:y on dt't:ur and doodads. Tht· prcs1<.lt>nt wanted to st•t an c•xamplt• of "a govc.•rnnwnt that ltvt•:-. w11h 111 11!. nwans " But thl' wc•althv Cah11w1 M'\Tt•lar1t•1> inlt·rprt•t<•d that ,;, m l ' a 11 w 1 I h I n t h c• 1 r m l' a n ..., U nfortu11alc·I~. thc·y'n • not us ing thl·tr own mom·y lo 111st;.ill luxur1ou.., t"rl·atu1t• c·omlort:-. at the· oflu.:c., thl•,v'n• u-.ing ,YOU1' ;1nd lllllll' TO A MILLIONAIRE, of l'OUr::.t'. tht· .1m11ur11i. s pt·nl ar1· Pl'<1nuts But JU!>l c 11n1p.1n· -,rnnc 111 1lw1r c·xp1•no1tun·.., un IU,Urlc•U!> ll llll'!> ~ llh thl' tim(,)Unt tt f 111 tlll1H' t<1X Wt t hht'ld from VllU I paydwc·k-, • A Gt•m •1·;..il At'\.'ounllng Off1c·t• n •pcirt. llOt yN r1.•lt .. JSHI to till' pubht'. gtVl'!> '"""' t•>wmplt•s of C<1b11wt t•xtruvagan<.'\.'S: l'umml'l'l'l' SN•rt•tar y Makuln1 Baldr1g1· :.1x:n1 $1 7,l·lO on SUl'h frtppl'l'll'!> _. O!> d11111lll'r swttdws for Im. oHtc:t· ltghL'! 111\d tlw n ·p<11nung of his t•haufft•ur's room Tht.· mill1on;.i1n· busi n t·ssman l'Vtd<·ntly hu.., u th111~ about fo(:ks lit• :.p<.·nt $:150 huvmg Llw locks chan~l.'C.J ui1 htll llorn anoth1 r $41i:I on H'f><Hrs • .111d rt•plau·1nc•11L•., Jnd S7h tor l'"Jlll';' .of :m kt•Vs . S<'<'rt•tar} of Fi!~r ,1tum Tc•rll'I &•II wanl:i lo phas1• uul his dcpi1r1nwnt. bUl hl· uppt11'<.•n1ly wHnts to go out in slylL-. Ill• managL•d lo spend $10,271 rcvampinK his offk<•; $6.27!::1 of lhat was for painling hts ()Wll C'll•glml SUlll'. Ont.• rny:.tcrivus 1ll•m in Bt:ll's rt!tl<.-conlllng s plurgl· Wi1S $18 lO h:wc Q -Ja-1:1-1-11-11-10-1 -~ two flagpok>s shortt·nt-d by thrN• m<.•hp., ,1p1t•t·1.• A dt•partrnt•nt :.pokt•sman t•xplm1wd that lhl· rta~p<1lc~ wt·n• too tall rm tlw ::.t-crcwry's offtl'(.' Samut•I P1t'rl'C, M.'C.'rt•l<11 y of 1 lou,ing ;1nd Urban Dl'Vt•lopnw111. ruunc.J ht .... ktllhl n M>rdy lacking 1n guurnwt 1t1•m!>. lit• l>JX•nl $10:3 for a f0<1<.i µr0t•1.•ssor dnd $ llill Cm dhhtow1.·I~. potholdt·n,, p11:µl.itt·:- .rnd u fonC'y sc·t of k111 vt·s· A H UD 'JHlkt'sman said Lhl· hardw<Jr1• wa:-. 11t•t·ch•cl fo1 urftl'lal f'nh'rt;cinnwnt. T 1 .111:-,portatwn St•t·n•tary Drc•w Lt•Wts bought 24 down w 1n<.·glai.st•s a11d two dol('ll bl.'t.'t mug' for u bargam pl'll.'l' 111 $:!Hti, a nd Spt•nt Sl'Vc r'lll.,l. hl,\ndn•d dollnr'i 1111 J>ll'LUrl' fnmu·s A dc•p<irlmt'nl -,pok1•MU:Jll <.•xpla tnt•d that thl' glasswart• was nt'lo<J1...J fur cntl·rta1nnwn1. and that thl· t·x1s11ng sto<.·k had -.umt·how wurn out "You have.· to ll pl:it•t• that so11 of thing." ht• S<ltd. "Ul"""wan• 1.!. used un a daily basis It l.tet·ome~ worn and 11 b<.'l·urnc•s nt'l.·t•ssary tu rl•plal·1· ti " T ht.· GAO 1.1ud1 turs found that th~ Transpurtut1un Dcpartml•nL had spent a grand total o l $a2.W7 17 to spru<.·t· up thl• (I f r I cl' s 0 r f 0 u r t (J p 0 r r I c i a I s . But tht· dt•partmc·nt s pokt•s man t h:.illt·ngt·d that figure." "Eight thousand dollar:. uppwx1mau•ly was m15':odt.'Cl." he ~11d "M1sc:11dl•<l" 1s burcaut.-raltl' Jargon uwaning thJl lhl' GAO c•ounwd funds SfJl'lll b y tlw pn•v1ous Dc'mOl·rali<.· .cd1111111...,tr ,1111111 wht(·h prc.•sumably. w;1....., ,1lso 1t•'>pon'>thlt fur Wt•anng ouj all tho'4' w11wgl.i,....._oi. <1nd lx•l•r mug'> Suhtwttin~ lhl· "m1st'Od<'d" ~1mounl .111d tht· mom·v '>µ<.·nt on utlw r ol hc1als' utltl't'"· thl' 'J>ok( ..... man arrivl'i.i at ;,i mt·rc $1.li!1:i frn Ll·Wts' uwn 1Jfflc·c· IN ALL. tlw Cab1m·l <;t.·'<:ret.arte!> wcnl through m1111· than $fi8,000 of Gc•m·ral S<'I vu,., Admin1~11 Jllcm fund::. un the n ·dl'Ull'atum cil lhl•ll offtl't•::., at'(.'CJr<hng lo the-GAO But soun·c.·.., told m y a;i.'><Jlltltt• JtJhn L>11lon this wa:. IJy nu nw<J11!. tht• total amounl of govc.·rrnnt•nt funds sp<.•nt for offtt'l' t·h•f,!<Jnl't• ut tht· V.I P. ll·vl'l Tht• GAO ran mc.hv1<lua l <JUdtL:. only of 001' and llUD to set• how mu<·h of their own agt•1w 11•s' money was s pent b y Cab1m·t and suh-Cabmct offic.·rnls. HU D's t'>q:x•ndt tun• canw to $2'J,046. OOT's was tht· afnrt•nwnttc111l'd s:42.i!li.17. Who was thl• mo::.t fruga l Cabinl•t mtmlx·1 oC .ill'' lntc·rttJr Sc"<.rt•l;iry James W.ill Ht l;11cl uut JU.'>l SIH to rt•plau• ..,onw t•o;it hciuk~ on h1!. offtl'<' doors Gypsy moth infestation moving west (Today's rolumn 1s wr1tren by Mr Waters' assoc·1are. Phil Jordan) The.• drC'aded "Medfly" as officially dl"td m Cali fornia. bul the gypsy moth isn't. anti that nond~r1pl bttJe inscoet, 1f estabhsht.·d here, could' become just rus gravt• a threat lo thl• state's economy. Gypsy moths themselves are harmless, but lht.•y bl.'<'Omc thl' parents of hundreds of l'ggs whfr·h hatch inlo voracious tatC'rpillars. The eggs. If laid on vehicles. can travC'l hundred s of miles a day. carrying infc·st~1tion with them . The calcrp11l ars. if hungry enough , wiJI devour almost a ny kind of foliage. leaving the trees and shrubs affectf'd wcakenN.1, easy prey to fire and disease. INTRODUCED into this rountry rn an attempt to produce silk. the pioneer moths escaped and in 1869 colonized 8 single vacant lot in Medford, Mass. As recently as 30 years ago they were seldom found outside the New England states. Thanks to DDT, defolwtion .dropped from more than a million a<;res In 1953 to jusl 125 acres in 1958 -tht.' year that pesticide was bannl'd because• of 1ts e ffects on non-in.sect wildhfe The r esult was a gypsy m oth population ~xpl0sion. fn northeastern states this year some 13 million at t l•sl were d cfoliatl'd. It ls n ow found ru far wcs1 as M1t'h1g:m , as far south as thl' Gulf of Ml'Xl<.'O Gy psy moths arl•n't e~tabhshed in California y<.>t hut a state wide.· trapping program h.1s cat.ghl 96 adults llRl llTIRS so tor this year. m ost in the tian Franci!iCO Bay area. thc rest 8':attl'red. State l<'orcstry Director David Pesone n told us "an unlikely wors t possible case w ould ruin the state's llmbl'r industry," 16 million acres with a $2.5 b1lhon annual payroll. "at a loss of hundreds of millions of d ollars to the• state's economy " EffeclS on Califorma's fruit a nd nut crops, not to mention urban s hade trees and garden shrubs. could bt> equally devastating. • Current state pohcy is "lo keep them out and stamp them out if they are found." state Food a nd Agric ulture Deputy Director Hans Van Nes last month t old a group of concerned legislators. To keep them out, on Oct 1 Focx:I and Agriculture set up 24-hour inspection s tations o n cvl'ry highwa y into Cahfnrnm Vehicles <.'Om lng from even possibly infested areas will be checked and. 1t egg m.1c;sc>s are round. steam C'lcam•d o n thl' s pot M ore than a thousand mcommg moving vans each mo nth will be 1ns p<.•cted al their dt"Sllnattuns by local l'OUn ly agncullural t-omm1ss1onl·t offtc1als Expcm.1vl"' Nol whpn <.'Omparcd 10 the potential t~l BUT ANOTHER Food and Agriculture off1t·1al to ld us there's 1:oncC'rn gypsy moths could become <.'Stabl1shed m some remote mountain forest. remain unnotit'«i until there·s a populution l'xplos1on 1hat c.'Ould not bt.- c.'Ontaincod. "Once there's an area of. say. 10 to 100 ~crc.>s infest<.'<.! anywhcro in the slate.'' he wamro, "we'll have a devil of a ume c radic-Jting them " Assemblyman J o hn Thurman, chairman of the lower house Agriculture Comm1tle<.>. told us Cahfornia wiJl need fed era I aid. no t only funding for inspe<:tion ond eradication programs here but also for a program to inspect west- bound m o ving vao s as they leave lnfestro areas At least one legislator found some wry humor in the frightening presentation madl.' by Van Nes. State Sen. Ruben Ayala, recalling the state's troubles gt•tting nd of the Mediterranean fruit rly. cautioned, "D o n't te ll the govl•rnor . " Scriptures 1 don't sanction acts of revenge If you've hl'ard it once, you've h eard It a hundred limes: "An eye for an eye, and a loolh for a tooth.'' People Invariably qu9te this saying ~hen they want to justify an act of rcve!lge. What annoys me most is not their ~ ·-~ ~~!,~'·n·!~~~g :hos ~t their i~nor:H\t assumption that they art.• following a h1b)l{'al mjum·t1on Tlwy actually. believe that somethtnf{ In the• Babic sanctions such behavior t.'V<'n though they cannot tell you exactly where to find the passa~c. or what 1\ really means h1storicnlly. In point of fact, this '"" ll1/lonrs, as il was known In ancient times. ruprc•sented 11 areal reform 0"'.er the previous law. What It meant was t•hat thc-punlshmt•nt 11houlcJ at most £1qual the otfcn!I(.>, nevt'r ~xce(ld it. Until then, pcuplc.:. ..wowlcl cominonly take a lif<' for an f'YC pr ~vcn a toolh. I Th• Old Tcat.amcm ('ilt'fl thl• aaying as the t•xtrerne of tf'._llallon; ll i1 far ~twr. we arc told, 10 l"><erclte rnen:y and not demand lht> ~uiveJ~ In retribUUon for a violent ect . J~ tetnperf'd by mtrcy la not, as many lma,lnl', lhe proo~ct of N<'w Tcslam•nt tcuchln" only The Golden Rule. in various forms. for a,ntedates the ministry of Jesus. Scripture has been, and can be. the most dangerous weapon in the world unless It is cardully read and understood In full t.-ontl'Xl. Taking any sentence in u;olation r<•prc :.ent.s a gross distortion - but ll is donr all the time. by persons or factions who art.' dl'Spcrute to make a doctnnal point and arc too lazy or too angry to p<>rus.:• the full passage with t•almness ond common ~mM> Far trom being commanded, or permitted, to cxacl an eye for an eye, we arc instructed never to transgress Jhis Jlmlt. and ~hcrcvcr possible to show more compassion to the evildoer than he has shown to us. Otherwise, wherein lies our moral suJ)('nority? OC what practical use 1 our religion 1( we do no better than the pagans and barbarians d o? I suppose anyone has a n ght. of sorts, to demand tit for tat. what we havt> no •right to do 1s to cite Scripture as the basl~ (or such rctribuuon when. In that wryly "REVENGE ls mtnt'. s.·uth the Lord" rom1cnl phrase. "th<> Devil mad<' me do tells ua plainly that wtrnlVm>t' ""'lo-ta..,ik~l!---1t-:-• ---=-- rev e n.g e 1 n t o o u r o w n h a n d s SAakcspearc understood this when he had Claudio remmd llamlct not to harm his mother for her tronsgrl'sslon: "Leave her to hC'aV(•n.'' wtwrc God alone will Judge ht•r But most of us hcur only \he l'irsl thre<• words, "Rcvt•ngc Is mane," a nd procet.od to act as thoul(h w<.• hnvc bl'en glvt>n tht right lo imiWt<' the Lord in this n.-.l)('('t. And tdnc:t> c-very king und ,-ut«-hM t.h •~ W> 4o LhUi, why ahoul4 not a prlvtt<' individual .. wnw the aame t'lli¥tf~1te? Mt•at4-utt•1r1'' str1kf"! I hnvm'l bren IO \he bukt\fr 11inc<• t ~ot IA1c1 otr • ~• l..i1bor O.y A.V. ..... , .. ~_ .................. .. _._.. ....... .._ ...... 1111• ...... .. .................................. r I Ora11uu Co 91 DAIL. Y PILOT /Tu td y, Novem ber 9, 1982 Laxalt choicej signals Reagan 1984 bid By JAMES GEllSTENZANG A-lated f'feH Wrller W AS H I NG TON Pt t•o;l d1•nt Rl·og1m'11l·hull't'111 Sl·n. Paul Ln,..ull tu ,,..1.,11111111.v d11l11'1 1hi11k tlun hr• ww. j(llllll( 111 111• .1 l'ill1tl1tli1h', I \Hlllld11'1 lit• .1, ,, .,1111u 1h1• po. lt1011," tw ... ud JOii-. 11111'\l IM• 11U1 1\111'\I lll~t•lll p1111rlty .111d l.1:-.:111~ :.11lut11111' rHu1>t ht• uur u11l'tt.1111 .inti <·1111,1 .. 11 ·111 pr 111< 11111· " I tr1k1• ov1•1 th<• dHurm11ni.h1p u l 1111' llt•µublu:un Nut11mul C1111111111tl't' 1-. vlt•wcd by 11dn11n1s1r.11111n 11rf11·111I... 11~ u blf(ntll thul Ht't!ijUll µtuns lo M't·k l'f' "I u111 II I 111111' l'llllllj.(h lllf(llhl IO ,,111:-1\ lill'." t lw H1•puhll1'.111 I 111111 Nt•\1,11111 111hJ ... mull MlllUfl ol Wh111• I lm1""· .111h'l> Wlult• ltt.'.l~un 11m11l-.t. t..u ,..,ill madt.• .1 am il.ir 11tutt•n11•11t 111 u group of H puhh1·;i11 PU11y of f1d11l11 '' h11 had lu11d1 at th1• Whitt• llo us1• on Satu1d,1y ' Bui. tw H.illd . umt•rtumllt·-. .1h11u1 1111' pol?IH til dl11111ll• \l_Vl'I' till' 111'" I\\ 11 y l•111 1oo unCJ 1•<.·11num11· 'fll''"t11111 ... l1wluil111f< llw u1wrilplny 1111·111 1111•·. WOll ltl lHIVl' llfl llllf.llll't 1111 lh1· pn'!>1dt•nt'i; d l'l'lt,ton 11 I .. I' Ill" Ii .... 1' 0 II I I uh I I II K Jlll1l1• .... lll"•'" 111th1·1 1h,111 1111 l;..1111111, 11•1l1•11 .. h" 'lll'Cl'""lll l 1·ff111I Ill ill\\1'1111~ 11\1111111111, llllW fll 11,'l ll'il lll ·I 11 1wrt.•t•1\l ~11111 uully But 11 also d1•1111111i.lrull•b th(' i.luhlJOl lllll'I>.'! or tht• u111•mploym1·111 l'UlC' Ill n ·i.po ndtng to th<· l'Uff'N by \lw prt•s1dPnt 'i. (.'('OllUmk program. ~I' Wurthun • Nazi held ID slaying OHOVILLE tAP) -A n eo-Nazi dedicated to "Preserving the white race" has been arrestC'd ro r investiga ti on of murder in the slaying or a white teen-ager who had lipped police about people distributing racist fliers in thrL'<' schools. Per ry Bernard "Red" Warthan. 41 , of Oroville, was arrested Saturday and booked in the county jail. according to Bulle County she riffs officials. An unidentified juvenile also was arrested for invcslllo{allon of murder. The body of 17-yea r -o ld J ose ph Hoover. shot eight times in the h e ad w i th a .22-cailber gun . was foun d Oct. 13 in the under.brush outside this communi t y of 9 .400 people. He was last seerr Sept. 30 as he left home for a party. Da ys before hi s disappearance. the youth h ad given po lice the names of some people linked to the distribution of more than 200 racist fliers in Oroville and Las. Plumas High schools and Centr a l School in Oroville. according to police Chief Jan Duke. The leafle ts, stuffed• into school locke rs on Sept. 11 and 12. w ere headhned "FREE PASS -Stay Out of School." T h ey o f f ered moc k passes to students who took a quiz with multiple choice answers couched i n racial s lurs and stereotypes. The fliers also featured a drawing of a black face being punched by a f ist bear ing a swastika armband, and a "Dial-a-Nazi" phone line th at played anti-black messages. Ala r med by the litera ture, blacks staged school boycotts Oct. 25 and Oc t. 26 to protest what they called a Nazi terror campaign. About 80 percen t of t h e 160 b l ac k s a t Oroville's six elementary schools stayed home the first day, and 30 percent the second. Fifteen of 56 blac k h igh sch oo l students were absent the first day, but attenda nce was normal the second day. school officials said. W arth a n . busin ess manager Qf the Socialist White People's Party: has d e ni e d any involvement in Hoover's death, blaming it on drug activity. "Hoover was never a Nazi," Warthan said in the in terview before his a rrest. "H e did ha ng around, though, and he liked camping with us. He w as a prospective 1.'IL>t.•lion Bui Loxult stud 1hut ,tlw 1l.1tiun'i; cconomil' prol>lt.'ms. inl'ludinH th1• rising unL•mploymc11t ruw. l'uuld stand in Rt>11gun's way. uxah hilli said lbat he: told Hcagun ht' would not takl• the job without oil assuram:c t hat the prC's1dC'nt would run for a SC:.'t..'Ond w1·m. ON All(f ttw st•nn111r, who dt•vt.·lof)(.'Ct a do:.t• frlpndsh1p with HNlijun wht.'n 1 h 1• two w <•I' c1 gov,. r n or 11 of 1w1gliboring sUll<'JI, C:uhfornlu itnd ·Nevudtl, l(j yt--ars at(o, altw to ld rt.•por1c•1-s "my politli:ul lnstin<:t.s told l m1• lw would bl' a cQJldldutc" "l'll bl> Crank lo Ml you that if I "1'h u1 '11 Onl' of th c> pr11hlt•n1:-." Luxnll su1d w ht•n as kl•d uhout 1l'H· pol1tkul irnpu1.·t of Unt>rnploynwnt. Wh}('h ju~l ri;u<.·hl'<I a "12 yt••Jr 1·1•c:urd M ro.4 µ<•rtt•m ln his W<'t.'kly rud10 tiddr<.•i.s to tht• nuuon. Ht.>11,gon suld Suturduy thu1 "in our l'fforW. tu rC'v1 vt• our <.'<·onorny. '82GMCARS . Anu, II 1 t-prt'M•nL< t hl' fto lurt· so tar of u campmgn prnnll'>t• to hutth• prit•e h1kc-s wi thout puttmg 1x·oµIL• uut of work . SAVE AN AVEUG . F $1.525 AND AS MUCH .AS $2350 ON FINANCING** Pltis hundreds more on special year-end prkes When was the last time you saw new-car financing as low as 10.93? Wh at a great chance to save! And when you add these fin ancing savings to the special year-end prices offered by many GM Dealers on '82 models, it's your be t -opportunity in years to drive home a real bargain. Qualified buyers can finan ce any new '82 Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick or Cadillac passenger car, or a GMC or Cpevrolet light-duty truck or van at just 10.93~ This means lower monthly pay ments. Shop around and THE flNANCN; PEOPLE ;FROM GEt&AL MOTORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1y~om~rll~~~nv~i~n~e~y~.o~uti~s~·e~lf6t~h~efb~es~t~v~a_lu_e_in~th_e_m~~-k_et~p-la_c_e~~~p~~~i~ci~~~at~in~g~G~M De~ers~e~ntributingto bring you 1· Warthan said the aitn ~ ~ h.: 'b · of his neo-Nazi group is Act now. Get the unbeatable oombination of special y ear· t is a a 1ve v .-;1_/o ,mancmg o er. 1.1it:a1\;r contn utmn recruit, b u t he h adn't a sked fo r an I :.Oa ~S::-~~'"".e .th~ :~~t! end prices and GMAC 10.93 financing on new '82 models. may affect the final negotiated price of the vehicle. becomln~ a vanishing This GMAC great 10.93 rate break offer begins t '"""'' \. th'l , .. 1 .. I ' \ '" k f1..tt t • "' H I l ·~~··~~o~~h~;:h:~~·~ November 1, 1982, and ends December 31, 1982. 100 members, he said . IHI IAB'I ~ ..... ,.. w ICIUI WA'lll ... ,_ MTW---• ~ •• n•ot ..,_ ,_ .._ .. y-Door IC.ii·--"--· COlfA*'A 641 -1219 ,., ................ ..... VU) 495-0401 ttfttC:.....C $? UN ........ -, .• -..y ....,,, • •• l hf, •nt..' lnn. , .. htt tlh IPW -.U\ rnw• ""''•'ti •tO (, ,, \\ "' .... "htii '" ftll t Ofl~ t .. ~ ,,., " t .. I ''~! • 1111fn)-.llttlf1·t.ttl\t hhh "' oulf II 1111,lt•i•tf fit f...t1hlt1'" \•h9'h" \ti• 11,..1\10~"~1lt ek1M 1ttl 110 lht IUhfh I •t ft\ trtf lt'h Wiii "UUI ft11tfht1 11 U I lh1 It llt(llt hf lht i tottlf MI ,---.... -· ® • GM PIA' a ... TODIY ,t • • . . .. ~I ". Orengo Co II DAILY Pll OT /Tueaday. Nov mb r 9, 1982 > TM · . . . • (BUT NOT au"E YET) .. Get ready. Bank of America is about to introduce the Cash Maximizer account, an account that will pay high interest rates like a money market fund while providing the safety and convenience that no fund any- where can offer. . With the Cash Maximizer account you'll be able to wriJe checks, and your money will be --\ •C' •, readily accessible at any Bank of America branch. This means that your money can always be working, earning interest, instead of being in the mail on · its way to or from your money market fund. · But perhaps most important, you'll have the added peace of mind of knowing your invest- ment is backed by the safety of America's leading bank. T hat's a security no fund can offer. The Cash Maximizer account is not here yet. But it's coming soon~ We promise patience will have its rewards. *4flticipated availability by December 14, 1982, pending final federal regulations. BANH qN THE LEADER™~. C le~ af AIMUC• NTat.A l .. J • MIMIU 19'C • • I I THICDASTANDTHICDUNTY D1llJ Piiat I ur b l)A y NOV 9, lll8~ CAVALCADE AT YOUR SERVIC E TELEVISION 8 2 8 3 88 J .. • .feio111t• <•t•111s-iblt• idt•a.'i .~I n•1,•/1 I Ju • /J11'clg e1 . S t•t• 1t1111 t 111uh·1· '· Pul{<' 82. :\ ridt·r put-. hi~ hori-c· th ro u~h its t·nrly morning warmup u t Los Ala mitos Hut•t• T rut·k 0.11, Piiot Ptlotoe b, P.trlck O'Donnell Ke nny Hart, la l yt>a r'.., leading qua rter hor e joc key in na tio nul ra nking , head for the wire. -- 'They're running!' Quarter horse rac ing starts at Los Alamitos By PATRICK O'DONNELL Of the o.i1, Piiot St•ff Wtlh th<• «r), "tht-y'n 1 unn111g." Los Alamitos Rare <'OUl'S(• begins 11.S l Ith seuson of w inter quartC'r .horse racing tonight. It takes hundrt•ds of carlv risers to preparC' for this night of radng. Grooms. warm-up ridc•rs, trainers. «Ustochans and many more arriv<• d~11ly at sum·1sc· to mak<· certain the tr;:l('k and horM..·s ai <· ready for tlw tiO -n1ghl run. Quarter horse• rad ng in Orange County is big businc.·ss. For t•xampll', <•tt·ording to lra«k rt.'<:ords, tl'ie 1979-80 \-\'tnlt•1 nt(·ing SC'hc.•dull• daily averagl• r<'<Jl'h<·d '1.0 I :l, l ;)8 It was lht· .first :.t•ason in wh1l·h a quurtl•I horse organization surpasst•d lhl• $1 m1 1l1on m.1rk in avl•rag<.' 1·e<.·t•1pts. · Quarter horst• rat·mg in Orangt' County l:X'ga n m 1947 wnh a drcan1' of the· law Frank Ve~'ls Tha l vc.•ar. ht• tn\'1lc•d md1v1dual-. ut a dollar c·at·h lo '.lltc•nd an .. ti ll't noon of bt·tlt•ss racing al his ranch m Los Alamitos. About 2.000 people attended. By 195 1 Vessels n'<·eivcd statt• npproval for panmutul•l lx•lling and was holdmg a n l I -day mcc'ting Allt•nda ncc• avc•ragt>tj a bout 3.000 for those· 11 days, but the first meeting lost about $2!J.000 Considering ll rained 10 of the 11 days that yc•ar. Vessels judged the initial Los Alamitos meeting a success a nd vowed not to giw up. • By 1954 he had moved the track to its pt'l'Sent location and built a modern clubhouse. In time for the 1960 season Vessels had complN<'d a new grandstand patwrnNf after New York's famed Aqueduct rac.·t• lrttl'k and had eliminated bleacher type scats. With tht' dC'ath of Vessels in 19'62 his son Frank .Ir. b«·am<.' president of the track. He m1l1al<'cl night ra«mg. Thal summer, 2.100 lamps ht up the track. T his C.'Ompa red to 1,992 lamps used at Anaheim Stadium a t the time. Today Ora ng<.' County racing fans may m joy their sport under the lights almost all · yC'ar long. In addition to the winte r and summ<'r quarter horse racing dates there is also night harness a nd thoroughbred racing sc:hl'dUIC'd . But, tonight' the q uarter horse is on <'<'nl<.'r stage. The season will run through J;muary 17. Post time each night, Monday through Saturday, 1s 7:45 p.m. •1ran~i~o Va1quez 1e•1 the 1tillneM oul in whirlpool. tilllt• Sa~rario Dt-ni ~ 4 , enjoy wutrhin~ the horse . . · l f ' Orang Co I t OAILV PILOT/Tu au y, Nuvomh r 11 10tt:t GO"E N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • AJ 1052 ~ 10863 0 A7 + 10 7 Wl::ST EAST .. ........ Opcrring lt!ttd: Que.-n.or o. Some end plays rannot be avoided . Dut you don't. always have to be ensnared in declarer's web. Preventive measures are possible. l(t1n11• w11~ 11 1>r11rti<.'nl ''°lu tlon. W~·11t h•ll tho IJUl'''" or dill rnond'I. l>1•cl~rt•r rt•111iz(ld I h11t, t•v11n if ht1 Kllt''t'lt!d tht> rlub po11itaon 1·orrl•ctly. Ii<' wai, in danicer of los1n8 four tricks l wo 111 hi' arts and onl' in each min or. The only wuy out w11l> LO ""K'"l'er an end play. took the ace. drew two rounds or trumpe, cashed the king of clubs and ruffed a • club in dummy. With th\! minor suits eliminated. dcclar1>r exited with 11 heart. The dt•ft>nse had no counter. Wost for failing lo find th~ hea~t shift at trick lwo -the .culprll Is East. EMl should haVI' realized the danger of his heart holding and dum· my's two minor 1ult double ton,. He could see that there wjls no future In continuing with a diamond, so at trick one he should have over· taken his paTtner's queen of diamonds with the king and shifted to the queen of hearts. The defense has now gained a tempo. and declarer can no lbnger set up an end play. Eventually he will tie forced Lo concede two heart trkks. •7 •O ~K952 :>QJ O QJ964 OK1052 +A 98 +Q6542 SOUTH • K Q986 <:I A74 0 83 . + KJ3 ~The bidding: • : South Weal North Eaet ~ l • Pa11 4 • PH1 North's decision to jump tn four spades on a hand con laining two aces is unusual. However. no beltllr bid sug gests itself -the hand is•too weak for a jump raise, bJt too strong for a single raise. and no descriptive waiting bid is available .. The jump Lo . So drducr .tllowed the ljUt'Cn o( diamond!> lO hold the rirst lri~k and w<>n the rontinuation with the ace. A low club from the table went to the jack and West's .ace. Now West shifted to a heart. btlt it was too late .. IJeclarer • Wl1St cou ld not overtake East's heart honor. because that would set. up dummy's ten. But .,..hen East won tht> heart. he was forced Lo lead back a minor suit. No matter which he chose, declarer wouJd sluff his remaining heart while ruHing on the l:ible. We attach no blame. to . . '.:,~ .• • . HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA iA ~ W~nesday, November 10 ; ~ARIES (March 2l·April 19): Basic costs w~mand attention -important services are ..V~uated. Focus also on employment, domestic ~J9Stment. expenses related to home improvement. •.. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Tendency exists to see s1tuauo ns. people through rose-colored glasses. Key is to define te rms, to separate wishful thinking from actual performance GEMINI (May 21-Junc 20): Property rights :-.hould not be abandoned for temporary gain. Means don't give up something of value for mere whim or instant pleasure. CANCER (June 2 I .July 22): Added pressure, respons1b1hty could be related to relative who < onfides dilemma Spotlight on trips. messages. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): New st.art provides opportunity to 1nneasc income f:mphasizt> iniuauvc. originality. willing ness to pioneer a project. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22)~ Events transpire which aid your cause. Ride with lide. pounce on o ppo rtunities. make personal appearances and appeals. 1 LIBRA (Sept. 23·0ct. 22). Much occurs behind M'C'nes -special (Tleellng is held and you could be ~ubjecl of discussion. ProlL'Cl self in c:hnches. confer w ith individuaJ who may be confined to home. POT SHOTS B~SHLEJGH BRILLIANT ' l SN" T lT SURPRISING ·WHAT TEIU\.JBLE THJNGS PEOPL.E WJJ.L DO, JUST TO CHANQS A LINE • ON AMAP. SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 2 1 ): Focu s on persuasion. romance. outlet for .-creative energies and chan< .. -c to miuatc n<.-<~"S.Sary rebuilding process. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-0cc. 2 1): Special reading mawrial aids m prt•parauon for t•arccr opportunity fk. analytu.:al CAPRICORN (DL'<· 2~·.Jan 19). Emphasis on longe·range prosp<.•c ts vou'll gain family cooperation Focus on travc•I, education a nd the overcoming of d1stanL·e. languagt• barriers. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb 18): Check financial maneuvers -gN accounting, c·ount your change. Be aware of financial stalus in connection with individual who would furm alliance. . PISCES (Feb rn-Marl·h W). Emphasis on legal rights. special (c'f'S, pcrn11ss1uru. and public· relations. Onr• dose to .you has respons1bil1ty which may conflic t wnh your schf..'dul<• ~rt,iug Joi11t ~~~ Outpatient , Recover)· Service For Alcoholism/Chemical Dependencies • JCAH ACCREDITED • STRONG AA INVOLVEMENT • COUNSELING SERVICE • FAMILY PROGRAM • AFTERCARE • FINANCING The ma19nty of HEAL TH INSl:JRANCE pohc1es will cover all or part of the treatment for alcoholism chemical dependency You can recover approximately $2.00 of taxes for every dollar you invest while participating in a highly profit-motivated investment. T JOUI HfAlTH DR. PETER J . STEINCROHN . DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: My son, wbo is 47, had an intestinal operation a few month11 ago. It was considered a major operation In wbicb food was r e-routed In the Intestine to he lp blm lose weight. He weighed more than 350 pounds before the operation. · • Now, he bas the oppoJlte problem. He's losing too much weight becaust he bas no appetite. His doctor wants him to come in for some special blood tests to find the reason why be bas lost his appetite entirely. Can you explain why be should have this complication after surgery? He used to have a tremendous appetite. -MRS. T. DEAR MRS. T.: I'm guessing that your son had an intestinal b y pass operation to control h is abnormal increase in weight. I have been reading recently of some similar instan~'S follqwing bypass s urgery. The reason for poor nutrition following such operation was due to a fall an the level of zinc. Such patients developed a dts~te for food. The reason for this was an alteration In the sense of ~ and smell. Ttiey developed a marked decrease in appetite. This was understandable because they now had a perverted sense o{ taste and sme ll. (Perverted smell Is called dysosmia; perverted taste· is called dysgeusia.) It would seem natural lo avoid food under such circumstan<.>es. DEAH ANN LANDERS: It 11 no i.t'Cr<'l thal l'V<•ryonc 111 fo<.•llnf( thl• pinch of Inflation I am not un l'<.'Onoml11t but l 'vt• figun'<i out wuy t.o str(•Wh tht• dullur nrl<.l I t•tm l4.'ll you thc•y work Please Khare ttwm with your r,•uden. It has made> a bia difference In our lives, and tht'fi(• day11 proplt> nct>d oil thl' ht•lp tht•y can get. lil're they ore: I. Buy, quality. In the long run It's cheaper. Junk doosn t lust. You wlll find younu.'lf t-cplacingi · lnforlor mcrchundist• oftc,1. Some "bargains" turn out to b<> pretty darn<.'<! t!xpcns1vt•. 2. Pa~ cash whc•n(•vt-r possible. Get rid o( all your plastic cardll except one that should be uSt.>d only in an emergency. Pt.'Oplc who run up charge accounts and buy with credit cardo; "nd up paying a great deal morl' than they rl•allze. 3. No ~alter how light things are, you should h~ve a .sav~ngs 11<.'t:ount Put It in your budget, and guck with 1l Empty your pockets t>very night and put tt\c change an a bollll'. At the end of the month whatever 1s in the bottle' goes into \he bank. 4. Watch the ads and shop around. lJse • coupons. They c~n save you money. Tak(• advantage o{ sales but don t be r1d1C·ulous. A two-year supply of detergent ls foolish. . 5. Take <:11rl' of what you pave. Shampoo your rugs. wash your curtains, polish the (urnlture remove spots ~Core they set. Clean every applian~ after you use 1t, then put It away. Everything will last longer if you take care of 11. WE l..fVE IN PROVIDENCE DEAR PROVIDENCE: When I started to read your le tter, I just knew it was from Ma ine Vermont or l\hode Island. Thanks for the splendid advice. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am so mad my eyes are crossing. Something has got lo be done about the idiotic, stupid way networks break into the best programs lo give "a special news report." Almost always the news 1s of no great importance and nobody gives a damn. Today they messed up my favorite soap;1•AJJ My Children." Al a crucial point in th'!? program. when the ~ain character's entire Life was hanging on what might happen m the next few minutes, ~me jerk from ABC cuts in with a so-c811ed special news report. There was nothing m that report that couldn't have wruted until 5 o'clock . . . ~he only time. s uch interruptions might be JUSllfled would be 1! the world was coming .to an e nd. When that happens. we won't need to be told about it by some network clown. I'm signing myself -DISGUSTED WlTH BREAK-INS DEAR GUS: Well! I guess you told 'em. (Stay tuned, Roone Arledge. Viewers like Gus determine your ratings!) ' A no·nonsense approach to how co deal with life 's most difficult and most rewarding • arrangement. Ann Landers' booltlet, "Ma~riage - What to Expect." wi/J prepare you for beuer or for worse. Send your request ro Ann Landers, P .O. Box 11995. Chicago, 111. 6061 1, enclosing 50 cents and a long, self-addressed envelope. . •_Recover taxes paid In 1979, 1980·& 1981 . •Flexlblllty of amount Invested. • ~vallable to lndlvlduals and corpora11ona. Liberty National Bank is on the job when you are . Wf re a bank that truly understands the needs of busi· nesses, industrial firms, and executives. We know you need a response no{4 npt an appointment next week. · And we don't expect you to drop by the bank. equipment leasing, or accounts receivable financing, give Gene Lesher a call. You can reach Gene, or another bank account officer, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily and from 1 to 5 p.m. on weekends by calling Liberty National Bank's Business Line, • Act NOW for 1982. -· For more Information, p·r1vate confldentlal appolntmtnts, or a 90 minute tax savings seminar, call: GERAlD L. KOZAK FINANCIAL SERVIGES (714) 844-2525 ' ... •Not a security or a llmlted partnership. Local. county. state. national and international events come to your dborstep 111·1 Piiaf in the bright. light and lively 1 J We bring the bank to you. 800-4 72-8529. o if you have been thinking of plant expansion, When your business needs us, we'll be avai lable. ' TAJUNC BANKING 1'0 BUSINESS .. LI/Jeri// N11llon11/lltmlt . . One Pacific Plaza, 7777 Center Avenue • Huntington Buch, California 92647 • (714) 895-2929 Strottgktlllg locottld "'°' tlN lntm«tlon of &«It Bou/ward and tht Son t>i., FrHwov • ~Hr FDIC tmd F«#rol Rn.rw tohby Transaction Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Thursday • 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Friday "" By PAT llOROWJTZ O(llM Dilly ~llol lt1tt DEAR PAT: Som.-of m y jogging friends te ll m e a new liquid )'cast produc t that contalni "live" yeast celhl 111 a great energy booster for runners becau!le It provides oxygen to the tlS!iues and organs. Is this eloim true? " N.J ., Newport Beach The first rt•u,·tion to this l'lu1111 ii; l'Onfusion. Y l'USt t•t•lls ust• oxygt•n wh~·n they grow , und givt· off 1.:arbvn thoxldt• So how 1·an the yt•ast be ~iving c•<.•lls oxygen'! Dr. G <'or g<' York . c x t t• n s 1 o n food ll'<'hnologast at UC Davis. shed sonw light on thl!i myst<'ry At'<:onhng tu Dr. York. 1f the live yeast t·ells e n counter suga r an the stomach, which as q uite like ly. they w all ferment 1t, and produ('(' a lcohol, a long with carbor dioxide (not oxygen) Ak·oh ol 1s absorbed d1re<:tly through the stomach lining and could be the substance responsible for the exuberant reaction claimed by the users. On<' s uch produt·t sl'lls for $22 per 500 malliltter bottlt.'. The re<.•ommended d ose is three to six tl-aspoons onl'<' or twat'<.' a day. A teaspoon t'<.mlmns f1vt'" m1ll1ht<.'rs. so thl' lxittle contain s 100 teaspoons. t·ostin g 22 Cl•nts a teaspoon. Thus. thl' dally dosage would l'OSt 66 cents for th rN' teasp oons. $I 32 for six teaspoons. and doubll• this af taken twice a dav. · Dr. York suggl'Sts that thl' t·ost of tht• ingrL•dients to m uk t• u si milar product (bouillon cubt•s. watl'r. corn syrup and dry baker's yeast) would cost about 50 cen ts. It would contain about 4 pt'rcent alcohol and taste terrible. ht• notes. Tax for m s n1ade easy DEAR PAT: I'm drowning in a sea of pape rs tha t I am required to s ubmit to the Statue of Liberty set for overhaul NEW YORK (AP) Thl' Statue of L1bertv will be closed to tourists for up to a year beginning in 1984 while workc.'rs repair its rusting fi:amework and perhaps remove its ra1st>d arm and g ive it an overhaul. "We'll try LO keep 1t dosL>d for as short a time a s possible," said David Moffitt, National Park Service s uperintendent of the.' statue at the gate way to New York harbor. HP said the statue. which will be 100 years old m 1986, 1s "litera lly falling apart," but there is no danger to tourists. The statue's $25 million re novation will begin n ext fall and take two years. Tourists will be una ble LO visit until sometime an 1984. FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 Includes choice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pilal. -; Call FQJ' • ., Reservations ~~~ 673-7726 ~,!.{{~!!~(~ IOI ' --7· ~ BALBOA E ........... . Theres only one five Crowns. Fine dining. •3801 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CA (714) 760-0331 "1984 -Will It Ever Arrive?" RAY BRADBURY one of the world's most prolific science fiction masters Wedneaday, ,November 10, 1982 8 p .m . UCI Sclence,Lecture Hall Tickets: ASUCI Box Office. $"4 general, $3 staff, faculty, senior citizens. UCI Alumnl Assoc. members, and other students; $2 UCI students. Information call Campus Lectures 833-5588. I '\. I \ I I<'• I I ) < 'I ' \ I 11 t I I{ '\. I \ 11< \ I '-I Or Mg• (;011t OAIL '( PILOT/Tuesday, November 8. 188, •a ,. . Internal Rc;venut> Scrvlct• lor m~ huslnt'iN. h there any way to mlnlmlic thlt'? ~i~ SAVE S100 ON OUR ~+~~ COL(JR COMPUTERS! ~~ 16K Standard BASIC l '.I' .. Nl'wporl Ucul·h Y<·S . Th\• IHS hm1 .1 111,1u11l'lll IUl'd lll l'001'd111111111· w hu l'UI\ llllSWl.•I 4u1•:.th111' Ulld L1 x plt11n lht• pr<H'<'d un• fur ~ulr1111t ll11H 111formut1011 to tlw IHH on 11w1<1wtk t111w:. 111 for11111 tlo11 w hid 1 ls l'U1'1'1 •11 t I y t•on.ltli 111 •d <m l<'orms 941 , 1099, 10H7, llM2, W .'}.i; u11d W ·Is Nin Ix> submitlPd 1n th111 mu111wr. L11lw11 Wl111t• 1s tlw oiugnl'lk nll'd111 loord1nut u1· fur Southt•rn Cuhfumw unc( s hl• l'ua1 "l1t• rt'adw<I by phoning (2J:H lil:llM:l-t-1 . Th1• lit~ udd~ th;\l mag1wt1c mt•diu can sav1• tht• tai.pay1•r tlnw, mont•y a nd u lot of strma~l' SJ>Ul't' Map collecte d DEAR PAT: My uncle gav..e me his old road rnap collection. I think J'd like to pursue this hobby and wonder if there Is a m a p collectors' group a nywhere in California . C.N., Huntington Beach . Wntc lO lb~· L'alllornaa Maµ'Soc:1 t•ty al'lhl' Bancroft Library. Un1vt•rs1ty of Cuhfornaa. Bcrk{'ley Y4720. You ulso t:ould t•ht><:k tht• refrrcnt;e Sl't'tion uf your libnary (or acJdlltullill an formation. • Cot o problem? Then write to 't 'l Pal Horowitz. Pal will cut red tape, • getting the answers and action you ·need to solve inequities in governmen t and business. Moil your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orarlge Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Cosw Mes<1, CA. 92626. " TRS-80 Color Computer . Reg. 399.95 29995 28-300• LIH TV • Great Gamee1 ... l,lseful Programs-All on Our Instant-Load 'l9 P,rogram Pak'M Cartridges • Educatfonal-Helps With Math and Reading • Learn BASIC Programming In Color • Easy to Expand • Attaches to Any TV Color Computers with Extended · · BASIC for Great Graphics .• Low As --... -.. .. . -. --. -·--------····· ............... ---······---- ................. 11••··········· ··········--· -·········--399~~ • Create' Graphics With One-Line Commands • Ideal for Graphs. Charts, Engineering' Drawings, Ahlmatfon • Up to 256 x 192 Resolution 16K (26-3002) 499·95 Save $100 on 32K Extended BASIC- Now Only 549.95 (26·3003, reg. 649.95) ~ A DIVISION OF TANO'I' CORPORATION PRICES MAY VAR'!' AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO. DEALERS SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE. COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER ANNOUNCING __ _ ;· A UNIQUE NEW FINANCIAL SERVICE FROM .. BANK OF AMERICA! BUY OR SELL SECURITIES WHILE YOU BANK. THROUGH AMERIC~S LEADING DISCOUNT BROKER. America·s leading bank and America·s leading discount stock brokerage firm. Charles SchWab & Co .. Inc .. have joined forces to bring you a unique new stock transaction service. Now you can buy or sell securities at the Schwab Stock Brokerage Services Counter inside selected branches of Bank of America. YOU CAN SAVE UP TO 75% ON COMMISSIONS You'll ':we up to "';••,.on t'Omm1<.!>t0n,cnm· p:irc<l to r•lll'., 1..h.1rgl'll h> full cnmmt $101'\ broke,....! Ami >·ou'JI ~l't mote convcnientc in the b.ir~;ian &."C:lU'-l' once ,·c1u open you r Schwab Acmunt, you can handle •lll your ~'Cunt al" tr:m<..lcllon ..... n>tht whtn: )'Ou do your banking. CHARLES SCHWAB IS AMERICXS LEADING DISCOUNT BROKER When you buy or !tell i,ccuritics_at the Schwnh Stock 13rokernge Scrvacc!> Couotcr you lrn vc a direct line to :1 Schwab Accoum Exc.-cutivc. Your tr:11h.1ct1on will he procc!>.o..cd with electronic !>JlCL'CI am! · ncc:urocy. Wh.1t\ more, you cnn 'implv phone Chnrlc' Schwah & Co .. Inc. from your home or nfficc to enter an order to buy or ~II ~until'" 2~ hour!> a d;1y. 7,dnr-• .1 Wl'Ck-on weekend., .111d mcl"t holi<l:1y~ No other brokcr.1~t' h rm offc~ i.uch mn· vcm cnt >,ervacc. Ami Ch:11 lc-. Schwn h N Co .. Inc I'> .l mcmbc:r or the New York Stock Exch.1n~w nnd the Sc.'Curtttl."> lnvt"-tor Pmtccuon Cnrpornuon· (C)IPCI. CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY W11h n Schwnh hrokt·rn~c .u.:c.·ou1\l nnJ nnnk of Amcrac.1 1..hcckan~ :lCClllllll, yo1,1 con ~•~n up for Autom.11ic: S<.·ttlcme111. So when you m.1kc ~'Cltri11e1> trnn!>.1c1ium. tlwy will be numm.ttlcnll y <lchucd or crl'llitl-<l lO your llCl'OUlll nnd po.,tt.'\l nn your Timc-,.1vcr Stntementr '"'If your !'Ilk Jcptl!-it l'l(1ic Ii. .11 n hr.11,rh wuh n Schwnh lltokl!f:~c C:mmtca you e;m move ym1r ct•rttf1c.m·' ~.1fory to the Sch wab Sc.-curam•, lA.·1it)'.1l Box. COME IN FORA FREE DEMONSTRATION \cc h11 \(1ur-.clf ltl'•t how c.1w .ind '-'Oil· Vl'llll'nt 11 ''to bu\ .lnd 'l'll -.ccunllt'' .11 tlw \elm.ah nmker.l)tc ~l'\'ll"~ Counter. C11111c 111 llk.1.w h11 .1 frl'I:' dcm1111,tr.1uon .md '''l' II 'how \Ull hcl\\ to tyt'IC Ill .1 'tnck wmhol .mJ ~l't .1 'uick quote 011 the Ouomm dL'CtrlllllL u:rm111.1l Htiw to t:hti:k p11u·, of ~'\:llrHte' \OU m.l) "'' 1\ l fm, 111 emcr .111 11rllcr Ill hu\' or '4.'11 .tll\ 'tnck. 11pt1011 01 c;11rpo1,lll' honJ I ~·m1111,t1.11u11h of th1' e\t:.1t1n~. 11l'W dt'l'1\llll ... 111l·I.. hmkL'l.l~l' ~·1v1~c wall tal.c pl.tu' .lt 1hL· t1111~' .111d h.111l.. lu.111l'\1c ... 1i~teJ hd1m ftL'l' hl\'L''t11r <.:utdl'' wtll he ~iven .1w.1' du ri11~ tlw tl~mon ... 11.1111111'. NOVEMBER 9. IQ AND II BETWEEN 10 A.M.AND l P.M. FREE INVESTOR INFORMATION GUIDES Come m to one of the select Bank of America br:mche:. for the two free lnvcc.tor Gu11.tc ... we have for you. Om: ts the handr tan<lar<l ~ Poor'~ tock Guide that o,hows pertinen t financial <lata on more than 'i,100 common Jn<l preferred ~tocks. An<l we have a Symbol Quak™ booklet (or: }'O~ lhat provJdes n comple te lisung of S)'mbols for stocks listed on the New York .md American Stock Exchanges nnd mnior Over-the-Counter iS!>UC~. The~ Investor Guides will be given to vou frl'C when you l'Omc into one of the -.elect B of A branches for n <lcmonstrntion. ~o\.a STOCK ~'i~ ·~ GUIDE Q..~ If vou cnnnnt come mto one of our <ielcct branches :md would ltkc more infnnnauon on Stock Brokerage Service m:ul the L'Oupon or call Chnrb Schwnh & Co .. Inc. toll-free (1011 <~IB-'l 100, extcnston ~. l'k-.1..,.,· ~·ml llll' lll\ll\' 111f11rm.111\111 on \11'1lL l\1111'l r.t~l' ~·tvlll°' N.111w AdJrt."' C'uv Zap l'hn1w t I C.:\llrt'lll ll.mk of Amcric•• n"11m1l·r fl I r .. • .. . . .. E>ecellnnt profit Potential 100% t o 500% let year Wrlttt 0 11 $5,000 • $10,000 Minimum lnveatmont HERMES MILANO, INC. ,ERSONAL TAX CONSULT ANTS (714) 751-2400 -~-------- Rockwell given pact (.'1111.:1 , ... ,.m.111 Jl·rry M. l'aath'nun, I> (iun lt 11 Lirnv t·. h •~ 111111olmu1l 1h,11 lt11('k"dl uf Sa11t11 A11u 11<•" w 1111 ,1 th H 't Vt'.11 , $:>:.! 1111lh11n 10 1111 .11 1 lrnm till' U S A1 111v T lw 1111111 Ul't , Jo 111• c'.u 1 wcl out 1JV11 tlu 1•1• y1•a1 '· 1 ... l w tlll' butldtn~ ol l'fJllH11u nt\'l1llon:. t'tJUIJillW l\l Ill t f,,,,tf ll'<I proJC.;•lJ, <.:111 l lllilll M u11ulm IUJ 11\1.( Co . or A1111h1•1111 has 1rn111t•d Joe L e lihton and Auodatcli 11~ "' f1dv1•1 ll1<l11g, puhlll' n ·l.woni; ui.w1wy Thi• bouul ol d1r1•1·l111'1> uf ~'mr1lll•r flunk of Bu1•11 a I' 11 rk. t'U t' r\· n t I y In fll'f(fl n I (.fHICJ I\. hru. uono u1w(•d th1• 11ppoinluw11l ot Charle,_ M. Matter us l" t•s1d1:111 u11d d1ll't t•><t'(·ullv1• o{l wn DC 11111111 Au oll'0<tJ11y M m inur 111 l>t•tnJ.: 0 ((1•r1 '<I ttJ i.rnull hu11111c·.,,., o w111 •r 1<, l'ntrl'prl•nl•Urh. und 1111111:1w.,·i. who w 1:.h to J.:t'1 w 1 tlw "Puthw.Jy w S ut•w ,., "' Th<.• M•11111111r will lw lwld Nov Ill, from li::W a .rn UJ 11 JJ.lll . a t thl• Mucury Saving" and Loan, L ak1• f<'o n •i.t l>nvt• u11d H1H·kll1•td , t;I T or o F'ur n ·g1Hll'!l llflll, cu II tt:w :.!701J Now.., Tax Relief with , Pacifica lns uruncc St!rvkc ', Inc ., u sul>~1cHury of Pm:ttlc fo't•dt-ral S a v m (o(K und Loun A~<X·wuon, unno unc'C'' 1ll'l rC'loc.:a 1u111 to ttw 1ww l'ul'lfl<' ~'t·dl·rnl Plui..1. HfOI N1•wpw l Blvd .• Cuima Mt'<:a , Monl&r<·h Ballk ot Lu).(uno Nt~ut•I hns dc•du1'Cd a ~ lol .a :.llx.·k "Piil, 1•ff1-t·tlvc· (or ull 11hon.1holdc•ri. o f r<'\·orJ Nov 15 .. l!Jll2 T hf' hank rt•1x.ir1.Jo. as'l.·lb in 1.·xu·~ ... of $:!:.! m1ll1on tit pt•J Hid c•ndlll~ S 1·pt ao. 1!1112 ·Three Money Makers Republlc'a Tax-Free All..S.vera Certificate Is stlll available. But hurry! Dec 3 I st is thl' deadline for opening new accounts or rcinve~ mg to obtain the full exemptio n $2 000 of earned interest is tax-exempt on a 101nl Ft"deral return. $I ,000 lor individuals II you're 1n a 30% tax btacket o r higher. this Is better than most taxable Investments. Ing wages Is entitled to a tax·deferred IRA, t'llen though covered by a private pension or p rofit sharing plan Also you may have 6 K~gh Account in odd1tion to an IRA. even if your self·employment is part time. Republlc's gueranteed rate certlflcatea for l~A and Keogh i>CCoynts reflect current Money Market rates. Term 18 months to 21/~ years. Addlllons may be made without extend iny the term . (Rate set at time of purchase of certificates.) S mith lntl'rnutlonal, lnl'. ur N (.•wpo1 l ll<•m:h. h mc d <.•d nrc.•d a rt•j!ul<•r d1v1d1•11d of :!'1 l'l'lll)> ix•r <.'Om mon 'h tarc·, pay ahh• Nov :m. lo l>h;-1.r1•holclt·1~ c1f rl '('ortl N ov Ill. 1 IJ8:! S unwcs t Bank, lw ad4u1.t1 l<.'tl•d 1n Tusun. h..c. selt'<"l<.'<.I 1'hc: Cox anJ Burc h Adw rt1sm g Comp<my of N <.'wporl Bc•ach ll> d trt'l'I u n cxtl·n~ivl· l'amp<11g 11 to antroclu1;1• 1L-. nt.~ F'rP<·d om A l'l'ount " Eight hu ~1nt-s~m<.'n f r·uin Tra n~anH.•r1<.·a O<·c 1<lt•rll<il Lift• Ins urunl·c• Comp a n y ':. N C'wpo rt B c a t•h l>r a nt·h orf tn • h..a vt· bc c:n a w;1nlt•d m <.•mlwrsh ip in tht• mtlus1ry'1> 1982 Mtl1111n Dollar R o und Tabl<·. T hl•Y 1m•ludt• C. Kent Freuodt ,_ m a nag<•r : John Harcar and Michae l Heiring, both assis lunt managc.•rs, und <1gcnls Robert Berman, Barry Ja0tes,· Joseph Maiorlello, Jeffrey Payma r and Robe rt Vaughn. Suu t h l'rn Ca hfm•11ia W111111•n 111 Advf'rrnu ng wall rc•u turc· ~Ul':-Ol l>J>t•a kt•r Ann C rowe ll, pr<.'Sld<.'nl o( C:rnwc·ll , Mc·K uy. Inc·. o n lrv 101. .. bc.ii. ·d a tlv t•r usrn g ti nd pub l tt r l'la t1 o ni. firm, as slw a ddrc•s:.t.•s lhL· top11. o t "N (•vl'r Undcr4•stimutu a W om <1n in Advc·ru~mg" o n N ov 17 at thl· Nl'wporl Sht•r:Hon llutt•I, Nt•w port &•ut·h f o r n .. 'Sl'rvat1on • n dl !195 l b'SO Peps J Joe. ha:. 0 1x ·n <.'<I thr<.'<' Ora n ge County outl ts o f th1.· n.t•1.·n1ly -'at·qu1rcd gourmet bak ery l'h :u • Franc t:.t.'<' Boulung<.•11<.., Inc .. in Nt•wpo rl &•:1c:h . lfvlnt• u n d O rungt'. Furthe r c:x pans io n in O l'fingL· and Lw, An1~Wll·s c:ountic-s 1s also plannc'CJ . Reinvest your matu.rlng All-Savers funds In an I RA or a Keogh P~ for the self-em· ployed . Get a ~ax deduc · n this year and post pone your taxes until yo tire1 Anyone earn· Thi..' 1 in.t Neuh a u s C hoc olate S hop i n Califor n ia . foatuf'ing g ourmN importe d Belgia n ch (K:o l1:1 11.•. has OJX'n l•d in tht• May Company wing o f S o uth Co~•sl Pla1~1 M~ll m Costa Mesa. For details and current yields on Republic's Money Makers call our nearest office. ; REPUBLIC FEDERAL;~~;'~~;··••••·••• lESJzj Bartee Indus tries, Joe., a s trul·t ural s t eC'I fobn1.·uting compan y. hai. u i:x·nc•d 1ls n l'W p lant ~nd c:ur pora ll' off1cl'S 111 Ora nge . The firm was formerly known <is Walko S tl'<'I W o rks of Santa Ana 11nC1 toan •110Cldtt0n SANTA AM 17th St. West ol Newport Freeway (714) 541·5286 ANAHl!IM 202 Anaheim Plaza, 500 N Euclid St. (?14) 956.a290 lAQCJJ"tA l"llO<ll!l. 30212 Crown Valley Parkway (714) 495·08~ WESTMINSTER 134 Wrstm1nstrr Mall/Baba & Sen Diego Fiii}< (714i 894-5347 lludOffo<" Al.TAOEl'IA 2246 N LaM-A ... 12131791 1281 6816611 r SET AC In c ., with cor porate• h cadquartl•rs in Irvine, has anno unn-d thal It.'> pro fit distrib utio n plan has acq u in ·d approximately 11 pt>r<."<:nt oC the floating stock m St•r vo C orpor<llio n o f Anwnc:a. locutcd in H tl·k svill<'. N .Y . "ll fAOl"'°' . Al'Mtt(ll'\ . AICCAOIA. Bollli'l,,I\ • ClMlf. ~0!'11 . CLAR( /ol()fff HllGtll l> • HAClt NOA ttEICiHlS. LM.UNA NIGUEi lOS ANGf lf<, · AAlM SPRINGS · ~AOCNI\ ·PICO RIVERA . 'i ... "1 ... ANA . TliCXJC\ ... NO OAKS WCSfl'llNSlEJ! · 11.000LANO Hill S Victor Communications, Inc . of N ewp ort Bea<.·h . ha:. bl-"t·n awardt-d tht• marketing t'Ontra l'l for Compult.•r Nt.•wCom<'r~. Inc of Ir vine• T h <• N ov1.•m l>1.·r GC'n C'ral M e mbe r s hip Lun1.·h ron for the• Laguna Nigu e l C hambe r of Comme rce 1!> S<:h t·dulcd to N ov 18, a t 11:30 a .m . al thl· C r own H o u '><.'. Tht.• gu<'Sl s pea ke r will lX' fmm tht· Mn •. ~um V it•JO C o mmunity Hos p11a l Tra uma Ct•nll·r . f~or n ·M>rvuu o n s. call 495-3300 PUBLIC NOTICE ~1 N0 '1CE TO All PERSONS WHO HAVE. CLAIMS AGAINST BANCOR M O RTG A G E & LO AN CO R P O RAT IO N GR AN T CHEF\RINGTON DENISON ANO/OR ROBERT JOHNSON DUMAS OF F I N AL D ATE TO MA KE APPLICAT IO N FOR PAYMENT FRO M THE REA L ES TAT E RECOVERY FUND NO)"ICE IS HEREa v GIVEN lhet ttie Aeal Estale Fund tor e<lucallon. r~seMctl and recovety purposes provides for paymenl 10 persons who have oota•ned hn81 judgments agd•llst ltee115ed real es1a1e t>roken or solHperso11s The Jud gment must t>e on grounds or freud dec:el' mlsrepre1enta 11011 or conve('Slon ol trust funds a11d must t>e oated on • transec11on for which a r'!Ol•jt6late license 11 requored The pr;,v111011s relating to lhe Real fslatl! Fu11d c:111 t>e tound 111 Cahlomla Busineu and ProleulOns Co.le iiecttons 10471 10 tO<t83 The omounl lhll mey t>e paid from tne Real E.stele Fu11d 10 eny 011<' ~aimanl •• 1tm1ted lo S 10,000 per ttensectton 1$20,000 •lier JanullfV I 19801 Fur1"-'m<>fe, the amou()t lhat m1y be peld oul to •~ c•a•mlt'lts •S lrmoled to S•0.000 P9I' 1.censee ror 1r111sact1ons occurring a•1~ January 1 1975 end pr.or to January I 1980. and $100.000 P9I' 1ocuns.ee for tran1ec110111 llk111g p•ace •alter January 1, 1980 Tr>e c;laom!( aga111st lhfo Real Ellll• fund dLle 10 the ac1rv11oes of real eslale llCE'llseMS 8al'lCO< Mori~ & Lo.A Co•pO•al•on Gra111 C11er11ng1on Den•st>n and/or Ro t>erl Jonn1011 DumM npi>e•• likely to exceed tile ma.;11r1um llab•hly ot the Fund T h e •~l o•e . the Rell Estate Com11n1oner hes requested the court, 10 10111 ell polenliel cra1m1 against the Fulld Into one action. so that tti• court can delermlt>e wl'llch claim• are valld ano divide Iha amount available lrom the Fund amon9 ,those people havt11g vahd "t JallT1lt 'fa.;. may be entitled to nser1 • 1..a1m aga111st the Fu11d ~use ot • real ettate tran1act1011 or real eallle 1o an ha11s1ct1on tnvolv1ng reel estate hcen-Bancor Mortgage & Loa n Corpo ra11 011 . Grant Ch•Jrrlflgton Denison alldlor Rol>er1 J.;>M S011 Oumu If fou wtlh to P•Jrsue o claim ega1n11 the Reel Estate Fund . you must comply with II" requ11e me11ts set torlh In 8u~·11ess and Proles110111 Code M'Ct ons t0•7 t and 10472 111d no ISIP• ma11 Aprll 15. 1983. you m11S1 ft .. an: apphcatlOn Jor p1ym4!'1t trom the 'lPal Estele Fund 1n the COUfl ec••on 111 which your judgment e ga111 11 lhe said real estale Ileen_, was 01>ta1"9d. and • copy al !ht! applbt IOn mull be l«ved on Iha Real Eallt• Comm•ation.I. and ~ m111 on Richerd E N*-1, O.pul)' At1or11ey Gena111. al lhe edd•MS Ml for1h below II you rall to pursue e c laim 1ga111at the Real Est&le Fund t>aMd upo11 ttte ICllOns or real ealale hcenaeea eancor Morlgage Corporet1011, Gran t Ch&f rlrigton Delltaon eodlor Robert J ohrr.011 Oumaa. you wlll t>e deemeti to have walWd your right to a!1V p•yme nl rrom 0 '18 fund baMd on tile acls or aald tlclell-• Pl&.JC HQ.TICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF SALLV ANN RAPSTOCK WILSON AND OF P ETITION TO ADMIN· I S T E R ES TATE NO . All56U. To all heirs, bene ftcaaries. eredito rs and l'Ontinge nt c r e dito r s o f Sally Aon Rapst.ock Wilson and persons who m a y b e o the·rw ise inte rested tn the will and/or MllC ft(>TIC£ FICTITIOUS •UalHEH N.u. S'TAUMEHT The following peraon la doing bustnM$ ... S M C PR I NTERS & STATIONERS. 22722 Lambet1 SI , Suite 1702. El Toro. ca 92630 Oonthala P Reddy, 15581 Van Buren S1.. Wes1mln11er. Ca 92883 This t>ulllneu is conducted t>y an lndlvkluaJ Ooothela P Reddy 11111 etetement was ltied wtlll tile County Clerk of Orarige County on OC1ot>er 22. 1982 Pt&.1c NOna NOTICE OF T"UaUE'S IALE LOM No. U0439/Nl!WH""y T.a . C-INM THOWSON \/AL BAN C ORP u d 11ly appoln11d Truste e undu 1h• roi1ow1rig deed Of trust Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDE'R FOR CASH (payat>le 11 time of Hie In lewtul mo11ey ot the U111ted St*1HI 811 rl(ll11, lltle a11d ln1eres1 conveyed 10 and now held t>y 11 u11der s11ld Deed ol Trusl In Ille property tle1e1na1ter dGllCflt>ed ' F200314 T R U S T 0 R . J E A A Y R l'Sl<lle. Publl1hed Oreno• COHI 01111)' THOMP SON end PATS Y R A petition has been Ci.led P110I Oct 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 1982 THOMPSON, hust>alld 1nd wile as .:: OVER THE f OUNTER NASO LISTINGS N.tme ~:.~~ by S teve n Edward Wt.Ison in 4651·82 1o1nr 1enan11 t h e Supe rio r Cou r t of~--..,...--------BENEFICIARY \IALENCIABANK. IA~I.. .'';\. Pct Up )I • Up JO I Up H O VP )I I VP )1 l Up 1• 3 Up )4 I UP 71 7 Up )19 Up 11 1 Up 109 UP 100 Up It• Up It I Up ltO Up 11 • U p 11 • Up 11 . Up 11 I uo ,. , Oran~e Co unty requc•stm g Ml.IC NOTICE • Ca1tlor111a corporation Ed d W lso Recorded September 16. 1981 85 that teven w ar I n FICTITIOUS llUa*ISS 1n11r No 24336 In 1>001< 14225. be appointed as pe rson a l NAME ITATEMINT page 9u ot Oflic1a1Records111 Ille represen tative to ad m inister The lollow1rig ~· ere doorig olflce of Ille Recorder of Orange the es tate.o r Sally A nn "~J.:'reAE A C H CO N · ~~!8.:::i~e:'~~"'stdescrtt>es Rapstock Walson (under t he STRUCTION n 832 Hiddenwood Lot 2, of TrllC1 No. 69S2. in Ille Independent Administration Laguna Niou~ Calfforn11 92677 ' C11y of tN1ne, County ot Oranoe. of Estates Act). The pE'lJlJon M 8 R o E v El 0 PM EN T s111e ot Cahlomte , •• per map is sel for hearing Ln Dept. CORPORATION, a C1ttforn11 recorded In 8001! 301. paget 33 llnd N 3 700 Cl · C corporatlOl'I 11275 MUNd'luMll• 34. Ml1c:ell111eou• Mapa, In lhe o . a t . VIC .E.·nte r Avenue. Lo• Angel••. Celll0<nle ollice of the County Recorder of Drive, West, in the City of 90025 *"° ~•y San la Ana. Californ ia on Tr. bu..._. 11 con<1uc1e<1 by• YOU AM• O«"FAIA.1 UNClfJI A Nov. 24. 1982 a t 9:30 a m corpora l:'eR DEVELOP~A EN T ~: .. ~: ... ~:R ~~.u,:.~. i:.:zE~~ lF YOU OBJECT to the CORP YOU TAKE ACT!Oft TO PflOTECT granhng o( lhe pelltJon. yo~ Menen Rm. YOU" ""O"E"TY. IT llJllAY H should e ither appear at lh President SOLO AT A PU•UC 9AL(. "' YOU NM001IC llS<l•ll Plltrn wt Sup MIO Plllrll"" Bt<~A•n T1ono un frouno PllOl•on GnM1uo SymOT< AUS.Air Com I Kil 8001\lEt ,.., ... , 1'1•"9•" .,.,.,,..."" Mu~_, l rnW<I C.onl'•t>r C.oHom i~i:'1¥11 S•mlllc "" ~ .1 . I • P~. r: ;· t $\. • 1 • ....... 3•. •.. . .. ... . ., J . .. •• • t • . ' . .... I .. 1 I • •'· 1 11.. • 2 ,,._ "• \ .. . . . , ' ' ''• ...., ,... .. n·, >. ,,.. >""-''-. .... " • 1• J UP I• I Up 16) UP 16 0 UP 1•0 Up IS I Uo U I h earrng a n d s tale your This 1111-1 w11 t11ed won t1w1 Ne.£0 AN Ut'""-ANATION OF THE DOWNS ObJ'e ct1ons-iH" f ile written COUnty Cletlt of o.enoe COUn1y Oii NATURE OF TH! PROCEEDING Octot>er 15. 1982 AGAINST YOU, YOU IHOULD ....... ~·" c.,, P<1 obJec u o ns wtth the cou rt Ft"711 CONTACT A L.AWYUI. 't:.·:/t,. ,., Off 100 , .. '. Oft 11. befo re the h earing Your Put>llshed Ore11ge Coul Oa11y 5 712 Southall Terrace Irvine. TOlllAI , I tt 1 " Ott 11 s appearana> may be in person Pilot Oc1 111. 26 Nov 2. 9. 11182 C111tor111a or by your attorney 4524-82 Ill a '''"' address or COtT\ITIOll I F y i o U A R E A d111gnarton 11 thown at>ove no Pl.EUC NOTICE w1rr1 n ty 11 g ive n •• 10 lls O•••trn 1 ... .. Off t). 01~'"''''' "'· ... 011 ". i,':X:nd ' ·~ .. 011 " 1 1 .. 011 !I I Pellon 1 .. 011 11 I 1ntpll•m ... h 011 10.S """'°" ' JO J\1 ()fl 10 . CREDITOR o r a l'OntJngent ------------compteten.u or c:orroclnest) .. The creditor o r the deceased. you NOTICE OF DEATH OF 1>tnef1cl11y under said Oe&d ot rrlu.st file your claim with the C L A R A M A R I E Trull, by rea1on of a bteach or AltFI• 7 l ,. .. Otl 10 J · h TOLLEFSRUD AND OF delaull In the 0Dllga110M MCUred court o r p resent it t o t e thereby. herelolo•• eHculed 111d pe r sonal re presentative P ETITION TO AOMIN· detlvereo to the undar1lg11ed e a ppo 1n te d by the court I S TE R EST ATE N 0 . wn uen OectarlllOt'I ot Del1ult end w ithin (our months from the Al15631. Demel'ld lor Sele. alld wr11ten nollee d a te o r firs t issuanc e o r To aU h em •• b«>nC"flC'llrll'S, of t>reech Ind of eleellOt'l IO cause lhe u11derclgned 10 tell aaid le tters as p rovided in ~lion c r editors and c o ntinge nt p<opetly 10 111111y H id ot>legatlOl'ls, 700 or the Probate Code of c r e d tlors o ( C !.Jra Marie arid thareafler th• undersigned Califor n ia The t im e fo r T o llefsrud and persons who ~tee! 111d notice of bfeecll encl 01 r'I 1a· U h • .-. elec:llon to t>e recorded July 30, 1 mg c 1ms w1 not e xp ire may be ot erw~ mwrl.'Su.." 11182 ... 11111, No. 82·285202 01 prior lo four monlhs from an the will and/or est.a~: said 0111c1a1 Records the date o f the h e a ring A peutJon has been hied Said nle w111 t>• maoe 1>u1 noticed above by Charles W Hendrackaon without c oven1 111 or warr1n1y, YOU MAY EXAMINE an t h e Super ior Court of ••Pini or tmpltecS. •eotrdJng 1ttle, k h I potMwon. or encumb<ances. to G.,<•• '~'"'' NL.tmpn •no"" WelkG C••olon Cl OY•lrn 8.tYlt Ml ~1101(0 llOC un Not11ld Tllre•llO VldtVSll Ceftlu'°' f.'i~~" the file e pt by l e cou rt r O range County reques ung pey the remllf'lt"ll prt111;•pal "'m o1 MUTUAL FUND y ou are i nte r es ted in the tha t Charles W Hendrie~ lhe note<•> MCured by Mid Oeed of estate , you may file a request be appointed as personol Tru•1. with mteru• u In Aid nolt ,.1"' vOlllK tAil'I ''"'"""1e1 c.o ~ Hlln<e 1 ., NLI aos H•Y , ,. J "2 s.-1 v.1 10" 11 o. c.rw111 ..w • .,, with the court lo r eceive re presentauve t.o aclrmnislcT provided. •dva111: ... 11 any, uTndert ~~~~,,..=~... Gfrq1u1111 10171,s 111 HI vro 10 ao NL 10s NO 1n , u Mid AM 111 1 n •ncom • o NL 11'1.e tetm• 01 Hid O..CS ot rus . _._... ..., o. o 10,. '"" ' " NL s p eci al n o t i c e o r t he the estate o f Clara Marie 1M1,char0Hllld•~-o1the 1,.N.I "'*1 CN11<t110<G<.OuP ~~m~11 1~~ :t :~,,s :~~10tf1n:~:~1 "" :t NEr ... ..-v.11 inve ntory o f estate assets T o Ile fsr ud (under the TruatM and of I"'" trusts ~eeted by •t'-' Of 5ec.11111n H1Yld • .. 10 s.1H11111 10s rs J u J 49 Mui B•n 11 st •l •I N Horii ..,,..v.11 ,,,. OHie", IM,.,. HIMUll tl211l~ 1'11 Nl ltHrSll< tt ~7 112/MdlG"I urwv•ll Ta Frt 131 NL and of the peutions. accounts Independe nt Admlru.stratJon .. Id Deed of Trutl u. prl<1•" -('.II No.< 11 • 11" SetM•tl , • NL r,,v ~t 1 a 1., M.,1.,.1 01 °""'"" Pro Strvlctt and r e ports d escribe d an of Estates Act) The ""'lltion Seid ••I• wlll be held on 11ww -111" T ... ~ u u lllt S.ITtcll 1nv V•r 10 00 1011 Amtt 1011 Nl Me4t "" NL ,... Wedneed•r. Decemt>er I, 11182 ., ,..... ....,.. -(Ill SM n 70 f>CL ".. NL Inv R••" 4 ll s" G1wlll s .... 1) !"11"41 I '4 NL ~lff~~fa r:o~t~5 c:;Je.t h e ~OSe~ f:ir 7h0e0arC~~l:nr~f'el~ 2 00 f) m ' a11he CflepmlnCAvenue ~I:~~ tNOIP~~ ~ ~~r:,.~d :~: 20,: ;~::: lrn :t :!~IFcl ltn :t ~~er.. =~ 1::1p:;:~ ,.}JJ UN;, '-" an111nce. 10 the Civic ente 1 1 ,__ ,.,.,,nut """""" ~,,,.,,~·•• Pf09 JP Gr1ll 14111 "JO Mt1011e1 13 u NL Pu'°"" ucn t••t Sackln & Gold, Attorney Drive, West, m the City of Sulldlng, 300 Enl Chapman ,.,.,,. ..., .:, COIOlltelF-unot o.,ne •s. N JPlr><o u 1 •,.Mut Sl\r o.o NI 1,,1Eq u otU JI a t Law, 10000 Santa Monica, S anta Ana, California on Avenue. ln lhe Cl1y o l Orallge. ACOlft f ... H\ ~~:~" t::: 1:1 r,:11,• i:: :L .r,anu'H 1\46 NL ::~·i! .• .,~~ :t Georg 1S1t IUI S It 30% Lo A I CA N 2 982 9 30 Calllorn11 ADV 18'07 NL HI Yid t • 1 s us Johe~-.tr><~·" u ,, N•I Incl ll 1• NL Grwlh 11 50 ,, H u e • s n~e es, ov. 4.1 at : am •1 lhe t •m• or"" 1n111a1 .-.Mu•• u1• NL 101 ,, lllCOll'I 1.n Nl o-, .. ~,,, 11-1•."N•1"'""cur111-HHll~ 1•.13111' 900,7 ("13) •77 77 7 IF YO U OBJ.,,,_,.. h " Al,,. Fun.It 1"'0"' hi lnvolon -•.., -" I Yid 1• .. 11 14 • .. .. • &:A.. I to l c publ!Qllon ol Ihle notice, Ille tolal • ~•Yid ,, '• I• OI Optn '" 10, INI Ap 14 1J IS us Gvl l .M, )'I 8•1.tn ,, 00 .,,.. H _,.. l'ubl11h<'d Oran•~Cou10ally f h ''I I t>•' tlh M ltll T .. Mo tl.-U•' Ot"'O 111S t2 TUE•'·"'" II-1'6 J.1J lllCom '·11 7 '° .. . granting o t e pcwton you amounlol11leunped .. anceo e Hf~'l:,'h1 10JS Coru Glh 224.J NL G,;th '11' K•ulmn ·"NL Orwth 03100. o'll""' 102.~11 ~ , .. .. 0 11 10 J ••• .. 0 11 10 0 o. . , Off •• } .. Otl • 1 ••• IS.1' Otl •• 10•. I ' Oii 9 s ,,, 1, Otl •s 1J\. , .. Off 9J ,. ) Otr t I 7•, .. 011 • 1 u•, I'. Ott • I s '• °'' t .I , .. " 011 I I , .. '• ()fl l l ••• .. Otl ll .. . .. Ott a J Stf1M Gt 9 14 NL Stfrm 81 U IS NL SIStrffl Inv E•ch 71 t2 NL Ftdl 47.02 NL • '""tit •1 •l •3,JO Ste.ter m•" Funds Am Ind lll NL Auoc 9S NL lftvHI I Sot NL 0<Hn •H Nl :01e1n Ro. HI~ 8al1t11 )I JS NL Boftd 901 NL (..tp Op 1334 NL SIOO ltM Nl St11Spl IJ 31 NL Sl11h I JO NL II you are 1101 capable ol llllng an Appllceuon ror Paymenl u 1hl1 11me, but l11tend to pureue your claim egalnat Ille Real E1tate Fund 1n a r1 actlOn, ,,,.,., you m11tt IMll t>y J uary 14, 1983, • "Prellmln•rv S1a1 nt of 1111er .. r · Mtllrig out tile ala or your lncholle clelm lo Ille dre .. NI r0<1h below. Piiot Nov 2· 3 9· '982 4826.8., should either appear al the obllga llon ncured by the above Alf.• F u.n NL cw•ll'I AB t n r • lncom • .. 11 Ktm!M'r FUftd,. Prtld • 11 1 JI P111 1 ... IJ,,. • h d cte1crlbed deed of trust "nd A 1rt11T rt.ts io u cw1111 co 1 • 2 01 !ltlAts •,. • • lft(om '·'' a,.. 111com • _, 1 u~ To E• to 11 1111 caring an stat e your Hlimaied co111. Hpen1H, and Am~k ... ,__ Comp Bd 10 13 IOM Optn HJ ., <;row 1221 1>.•• s100 •• IOtJI VI"• "., 11·22 PUlllC NOTICE 'lCTITIOUa BUSMH NAME STATEMENT Ttte lollowlrig pe<sonf •re doing bualneaaaa: THE DAVIOSON AN tlQUE COMPANY, 1352·A Eaal Edinger Ave.\ 811111 Ana, ca. 82705. o bjections or h le writte n 8 8 A••' 10.u 1111 Comp I'd 1001 •O 1c To e. e'n • HI Yid •n 10 n tu Ea "" Hll Vov•o ts in 1' I• adVlncft II S l39.3 5 3 d -""<P I.al IOI COflcoro n,. NL .u WIEQ t.Sl 10 c 1nt1Fd 103' 11 311 Totllt S "2 • ll Ountr 0 "° NL o bjerllo n s with the court Todetermlnetheopenlngbl • AMotll 1J .. 14l•c°",,.<t1cu10.n1 .uwtll as» Nl MunB 1'.s.t 1~ Ftirlld 1••11:=:,i\': 1~·~u~~ be fo re the hearin". Your fOU mey cell (71<tl 937·096$ •-""' , • ., Fu11c1 t>.n u., , .. ,., s n '° 01>111 ..,, .... , N•tton•let f:dt S.lt<o Se<"' & 011• November 2. 1982 fd Ill• ., .. IO et 111<0"1 7 1' ~II fnd Gth , Cit s summ 21'llu 31 Nfl"lfd appearance may be ln pcnion llAL BAN CORP ~~':!:: 1u~ ::~i MUil Bd 7,IJ 7 71 ftullffn Ci<OUI> Tech ",. IJ SI • "° 10 It ~~~I~ 1: :t ~t o r by your attorney. .. aeld TrUllM. ICA ""II,, C«t\ Inv 12 '° IJO( Grwtll ,,, N Toi Ill Ill) 14.. N.tlGlh 1.t) no 1(1(0 II Cit NL l F Y 0 U A R E A Ill ,.t" p~ 7 et (Ofl•ltl G I• 0. Nl 11\Com 1:1 )l N US (;vi t" • ~ N.tllld • 1t 10 M SIP•ul lnvtll 8y TD SERVICE CO , Tu ' 'n Cel\t Mui 1#1 NI. Multi to 9 I ICeyslorte -"· NEl..lle """" c ... u !1 3113" Strttlll" -1.• I CM $tr•t Giil '1 tO NL Su11Grth 11,M n ,. Tu MOO 16 .. 11.97 "81='0" ;r:1, ., Orwlh 744 Ill • Worlcl 10.s.1 21,<M Tr11• C•P IO a. II 24 Tr111New I 3' NL ~~~ ~~ 1il! ltN~ Tw11C GI It.II Nl TWnC S.I II n Nl T-C UI j t1 j •1 A quHll011a regudlng 111e aut>j ct or 11111 nollce should 1141 dlr eel to Ille I011ow!n9 '*10f\. Rk:herd E Nleltri Oep\lly Attorney Generll 3580 Willhite Boulevard 9111 FIOOt L09 ~. CA 90010 p Mthed Orange COHI Delly P•lot Oct 28. Nov 2. 8. 18. 11182 471CM2 PUBllC NOTICE BTA,_NTOf AiwUCJOll_,fT Of UM Of mou• .,...,. MAMI .11nllh Oavldaon. 444 Vitt• Rome. Newpor'1 8each. Ca 112660 Marvin Oavldaon. 444 V1111 Roma. Newport Beed'I. Ce 112660 Ttn bu.U-. '-QonclUCled by Ar't ol'ldlllld\l&I. JenHh Orlldaon Thi• 11a1emen1 wt1 fll9d wtth tilt Couftty Clefk of Or enge Coullty oo October 22. 11182 Fl00317 Publlfhed Orano• Coast 0•11) PolOt Oct 2e. Nov 2. 11. 1e. 1ee2 •sse42 following peraon1 have PUBUC ll)TIC( the UM of the Flc1ltlout 1------------ M Nemt FICTfTIOUa ltUllNlla TEQ.UIL.A CUERYO 8.A . (8) NAME aTATIMl"ffT CUERVO S.A., (3) OSO Tile l<>llOWlng P91'10f'11 1re dolno RO 8 .A .. <tOOO M10Arlhur bull,.... 91; ~Suite ~. ~ t.m, TRIO GRAPHIC SERVICES, 14252 Culver Drive. Suite A-229, Irvine. Cehlomla 92714 Wiibert A. Santo, 58 Elpl1n1CH, trVlr'8, Cefflornl• 82715 J1net DotorH Qat1>11l1h, '9 P1omonedtl. lrvtne, Celll0tnl1 ll2715 Jerry Qeno wey , 171'1 AtM•lr•"• A•onu IMtln•. OtllfOJlllll N?•4 ~ Tlllf bullNee le OOflOuettd by a ..,.,.."'"•""" Wllbett A llntO 11111 .....,,.,. ... 111.o wlttl tM c-fY Cletll Of 0r-. Collnty on Octo«lef as, tNi , .. ,. P11011111eo Ore~ CoHt 011ty P*>'. ~ M. H0¥ 2, t. It. 1N2 4t6MI CREDITOR or a contin-nt eoent "'.,. Mt t' • .. C•••Y 1.11 NL si-c1 2• 11 N • Cui 1111 U11.tW•O E""11 2111 ''.. Or•"' t> 74 14 ., e~ 8 Cll'ldy Schoonover .-mer Ge1Wr Ctry C•P 1toc 1' ,. frtn\ltn Gr-Cu• 82 U11.tVtll G1wlh 21 03 U U Mtcl JO,. NL creditor of the deceased, you .L,11111 "~ree-' C•fl k • n 1 a 0.1 .... .trt o.._ AO@ J" i Cu• &4 U11Avt11 111<om 10 M 11 "Scudder ,..,,.., 'J I . ··"th h ..._. ..... _, '""" .... ,, .. Oeot """" ONTC "°'" Cusl(lun.t•.tO At1 £11 n •1t• ComS1 l•Ot NL must I e y our c aun .... l e One Cny Blwd . WMI. HI "" 'II 10 41 ()eltw ,, II tJ 01 Gr•lll ... IO C11t 1(1 un.v .. I t ••E• • u • •4 o ... , J.J., NL CO Url Or present it lO the °'nr,· C.\92688 ~:.ra ;rn ~ ~ f:1~~. ~ ~ rn er.'.':" rn U ~~: ~ ::~:.: N•t:;r r t~J" f:O~ :;.:J.11NL personal rcprc1entatlve Tel I 14)835-8288 C1.,.I• ll.,Ull 0.1111 I0 .. 11 t11Com ,,.. J Cu1S4uN1v•ll Owtd »M Nl lnllFd ic• NL ap~oinlcd by the court Pubhtl'l•d Orenge Cou1 Oelly 1u1t 1' .. NL Otr '"' t irt Nt u$ oov ,,. 1 ,,,..,,.., uMv.tll Ll&iy J .. H MM• ,., NL P110t, Nov 9. 16. 23, 1982 ,. Am IU I u 0 OodC• 81 u a NL Cnlt • °' •• T .. F, uneoll 1111.tfllll JO) N S.C11rt1r F'-wit tn four months from the 490-82 Grow u IS NL OodC• ~ u,. Nl t:q1111 s... •. M•O -v•tl P•rln 14 0 NL ._ I ... ' date O( fl rat tuuance o f H81'M IH I 1• .. or .. lur ",. NL C..tlTa .SI '1 '-eal119t«t GtP H.wl GI t4" N ltlUtr •41 I 01 Pt <t ~ IJ • 1' Olt¥.IUI Grll FU!>d, 111< Ce> Ldr 12 .. ll ..... wl In< I Gii NL lnvtH • .. 10 )e le tters All providt'd In S«-tlon Tll'C ,,..,. I ot s.. .. Bnd u.. Nt cmr<• ... 10 I Goldtd J SI NL "i""'" " JI N Ultr4 I ., • ., 700 Or th" P-... -t .. Cod-o f l'\aJC N01"4 A C.tllfd , ,. • II Orey! UOI It 41 lllVOI IO .. 10. (;NMA , .. NL N lllTt 1110 N Select• f_, " ·~ "' "' A Htt1ll l U NL Ltv.. II .. If• f'llOI 10 fl II Or-t JO NL N l11Gt 10 60 N~ AM Ml• I 4l NL C'1Hornla. The time for ACTITIOU9 ..,..... Amlns HS • '° N NJ,,. '14 NL $11111111 11 •1u """ 11 s1 Nl N•••F• 101 NL s.1 Mt• "'' NL f'1i 1 I U MAM1 fTATSmNT A 11\,..,I 'S: NL Se1 Ill< •" Nl GT l'tt tJ JI Nl LlllOl\r IS ii NL HY l/tfll I $1 I,. Selltmlll Or-i ng c Iii ml wl not C'Xplre y-,,. lolloWlng fl«IOl\I .,. doing A 11\W Ill • NL Yn •• 111n NL G•I• Op , •• N Looll'I" NVI~ """"" ,. NL Ceolld '° .. ti u prior to four monttu from ~ •• At11M•CI u" NL Th ... c • '° NL c,..,. lllK Inv Cepll n -HL ~ 10 u Nl C"'Sll iJ ., I)., 'V•I ... LIN Fd 8-1''1 Nl F11110 4 41 NL l11<om 1 • NL L.tw GI lln NL $4»1 Sit ,U JS NL V ef!U 5.t ndltl'S lllCOtn 11 J9 It 0 l,.,,.M ltO ·~ Lew• 1201 NI. Ceotl!• ).11 10 NL fVOtll I IC I to E'V Ta: 11 .. 11 S. O••I I » tO NL Over f '8 19 NL lall f 1JM NI l•FCI I II 10 NL FMll I 414' I'll $<fld f SIU NL Soett IJ Ji1 I• 71 the datr o f the' hrarl na HUNTINGTON PARTNeRS. : ::?~: .:~ ,rn l:f~i~-~:: 10 1::~J~ '~:? ... :::A-1'.' IJ Nl ¥.tll·~~~. NL ?r-•fl ,,',l\rn noticed abovt. L 10. ~3041 Celle All•ador, Suite c. Arnw!' ~" ·.:.1 ....... • ., • 1 SU JI ,~ Alllltd • • • .. trtcl 11 ti ,. SI S.11~:.. Orn; 0 I J C 1•1,1110 Callloinla Artlluvt .. ~ l'e11r1 10 ll Nl $~S Le 10 n a.-A t .. lo.. ~to •,. •••.., t f , tlO v..,..11er4 c;rp Y U MAY EXAM lN E •n uan •P • A .... ~.,.':",. 1001 t11<oni 4 n ~ 1 ~ "' 1u1 Ot• ot noe u 11 H v10 1 M "to •t11e1 , .. , 1.,11 10-.. NL lh., file kept b:v th-""''rt If 92e7I ',~ , ,, ffi'" , .. u' •T 11 0 N IMOM Hi• 3 '° r.i"• 1 .. 1"! P, ?.! tlfl'I s ''' o •' 01~.!t 1.'.!11 NNl.L " .1 "' w "' • H11111tr Energy Corpo1111on, ._.... llO J HI 1 , J .tJ r111 Ind 10)) NL 1.Ulflertn .,.. •· , • -o 111 14 It U 7J "'•"" • Y,OU are lntcreated In the :s304tC•Avtadof.SulteC 81111 SIOC:lt. 1l"''&l eclt. OUU1 •dPllA 1Stot71 •uno UflfV.tll afl!r• 'U 7 .. et•. ~·., N" ..... 1111 NL t!tllal(', you.may tile. ttquett Juen c..,iatrano. Ce!llOfnll tie15 It~ Pi:c : ;-: :~ 1t IMrtl.OI ~ 11 ...... HOA , .. • lll<lf'll Wll .... ll ~:M tt·~ :T*,, ,., .. k tt Mer,p.., n !! "'" With th e COUrt to ff'C•IVf' "•IPh E. P11tl1n. Jr • • IM \"' I $1 ,..\. ~f'.'971. •"lo ~etl oi: 11 J: =l e-r~.,,U:,.":!111 OTC~t IJ.. .,_ e =tilt .tn =t h ClllfOrllil oorporetlOll, ''°"' c.... e'" t;:, 11 I: =~ "''"'r 10111 ":::,.~· ,: •I NL ~· Fllllll<I • .,."' M I ,. It I ~";; : : ::·: ill' '4'. ,.l apecl•I n<>tlce -of t • Avtldor , auue c. Sin Juan ~Hill"'' NL I"'""' J:'' H tt~M"' "" "'"' ""'' UNv.t11 P'••Wt4 1z~ NL ~ 1 I".. ~• '" .._, Inventory of e atate aueta CllPlatrano. Oallfomt• t:ze15 . ,._r or~ :~V11 IJ ':t t ~I&: ll~ :L ::g :=::.: =: ~ • ~ :t Nt'8~ 1 . 1i: : :, fl' :t ond of tht' pelltlona, ettOUn\I HUNTf" INlftGY COAP l:': ~"t lo: :t ,.., 1~ "" 1H ,.., .. .-iv , J. ,0: 1111to -"' ""'• 10 01 11 01 ~"' ,:1r t~1 1•NL tic. al EL .nd r "'por•1 d•ac:rlb•d In MClfl l Pnelen Jr , ,. .... , """" i,1 oroupt Mtg .. _,,.,, fl'Mt111a Cfllte ,. ' ia'1a "' w.1111,. t•-~ SeeU~n lt00.6 of \h• ""'"~ ... ~iftlf,_ ~!1f0 "-i\'V' !a:~ ~11 ~0,..'" U: !;! ~t = 2= 1~11 .11!'.!9., .. = ~ -. C.lifornia Probec. eoct.. °°""" ~ .. °'*"* OW"Y on 'l't.:-" " ' f = "'~ W''',..L ::#'M' =:,• PJ!; 'f ._. .;;. ' 11 :.2:' ti' =~ .. , ........ ,t-~ ............. L 1111. L 1t1"' .._., c ... 1"''8 IT" R"t t • • '& ' ·i.1 W'MIMJ,ht•lna~ YATU--1 A ....... , ............. AP•' I lllCefpef .... I I t! J,"•f I 1CI IJ .. 1 !1 1" ·1~,, , .. "~ , .. •. .. H • ... • • .... Alt .:."E:':::... .... -c: .:::r;I· , ~ = ~i' " , ,:r~ ! E .: • M''--H f,. J ~ If "' ,, -=:: ! = =t ~~':r.1 ... 8::.c:'• CA .............. C1•1rW•t:.=., .., ~m= ,t_ ~~ 4117:. ' H i:r:_U '"' HL Hl;ft ,I_ IllJ • .,. · =--it• ._ ""., ... h.d ou"p ""'' o.11,. ltvtllllMCt o, .. c .... Delly ~,~t !t i.1. "\. "" ·n·""w-· .. ,.. =· !t. • fi'tl ~ :...'!!..":.._ "'""· Hvv l 3 •• tlln ,_., Ncl¥ I , I , 11. n. 1NI '"-' " 'f t l f?. ~~-. 4'2111 4111-11 C•TltT II "'~ .... SH flt : it ,~ft =: 11~1J • • -! . ' - Or lng Ca 1t OAll Y Pll OT IT UHday, Nov mt) r 0, 1982 N ( : () 11~ 0 · 1 'f E 'I' R A OUOTOIO• .. !H(~"Ot t•AOHUll f lll IOIW •O•• llillUWtU Pe tlflf 11'1 .. ~OHOlll 011110•• """ t•IH l•H•fl UO<• IH1411110 1 \ANQ•tl'O•UO IY fHI "A\D .. Ultl>ol•fl"lll \•lft hi•• Wt•'\ ,_, t Win frrit•t !'Mlt\ ''ht '-'1fl', Ntl .. t "O\ • •u • ( "O •• I ~·h ( l t • f ·~ • hid .s I , c '"" • • ""'' 011 ~ l I.. r hU ( t1t~ ( ~ gl ··~ 11' 10 ,,.. H i.Ill ..i.11 .,. /I •• ,...... • 11111• .. Nutr\n ,.,. ,_, ,, .. 'ilM I.,., IC>. p116 f" 111111+.• 1, Nltn .,,. I .. II• '• l•111aoi111 I 11•.... 0 0 IN 116!0 "1v•, Of DIM d 11) /Ht INON\o I I 1111 411 l .. 1\1 t 6\ tl 4/t II • • Oa~1na h • ll'l'f U • I I llfot I/ II lo t• B f "f' 4 it h'Y '• IWI lj\ 40 lJ UH Ii I ••1111 I l'I -11 U•~ 1•1' I IJ 10 10 II 11111n• 4011 UI JI" 'Min N•I l p K • " I "°'• \o WH•P" ,, JI~ II to' I Ill 10 )) " ~\II'•• t"' • '°"' l l't \lviJlh. lJ ,. I•\ fj•, I 1• l l>Ch Clo-. C hq l ftl It t0 111 ""i • 1'-Ml' r1 I I I 't U UI Ill • 1' II \I , \I" pl) -.0 I II" ~~gfl• 41 '" • I •1101• •11 , .. , ..... ,.~· p1•n 41j 11'• ••• "'"I 111 11,, w;.~\" ~~~.n :r: ~ ~:~~H!! .: :r:· :r.!:'11101~ .. ~;· ~.: ·-y '°"I) .,. ""' • ... Delt."' t,. "'I •• ~·r.;-~ . • i~ ,.. . . 1 lllY , -,, ltl/ lg' .. ;; l'tl o•. •ll•lP 14. II IOJ JI 1~~~ H~" .oU w· riti:~ 1 :rn t:. r. · t .:.<-M ,, ,., 1j .. : :: w:·~~" ~ 1: }!! 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CnPwpfltS 11140 SS\,. •• Frvtllf 40 s.4 ,. .. 11 Ol>nEF 40 '°° •• I NMclCre 461011.a ... '•Pyro 11 311 •I· "TaNM• tl• I I 21•• .. II Mt 10 I 2111 1t CnPw pf1 n l200 SI'-' FllQu• t0 II! JS'-"-JoflnCn 1 AO • !:Ill JS 1 NMdEn .'tO IS 2S1' t& "OuakO 117 ?•> .,.. '• '•()(.•~ • 13 tl'I Jo'" • 8•1~E l tA 1 l:JI 11... "'° CnPw pf/ 16 119t0 ii I Fvqa pt I JS • JO • • '• on1..9n 60 ' ~ JI•• NMIN~ Jl 16 J2 I '• OvakSO 10 'I a•SI IS' t hP;oc )0 It 111 1J ltllpfl 4 !0 rSO lt'• ._ CnPw pfl .. t340 SI 1 -~ -0'1'!" 1 I A. ~!1, NPrsl1llO<t I 2•J 1''• .. Ov•M• 60 •101t I I'• Te~Ulol 2CM fl~S ll ia.nc:.1 1 1ID '" u ~ CnPw Pf • 1l ""° • ' OAF JO 1 1'1 U • • '• •~ .., '17 ll , .. , HS.mi 1111 1• , • a 11 Tull '" 31 l .. Baftl H 20 • )fl ~ I C-llPw pf>. " Ylt"'-... GAF pf I 10 11 II " OYMIO I Cl • llfl JS • NISvl11 I.. • ll ,. Rlllnd "Cl ... uU •• 1 Joi'°" 1 IO 10 !IS lfl'· _...,.. tO 12 11 M'• .: rlPw P<l.IS 3'S Ult'•• " OAT)( 2.AO I 11' 21 • '• KOi -~ 1134 4 • N51An0 tOI I• 1-. ' OICA t0 11• I .... JS._ "'-h• r •17 OI IS 1' 8-P .., )I 1~ I . GnPw ..,, '° • ""' .. ' G(;A lOl 11 "' ,, • .. " 11 .. ~ I' NtllStl 1 1411 1~. ., "'" p4 J so 11'0 JI , I I Teo Ir pf I 40 • u •. hNY J.AO S 91 SI... '" CnPw P<12J 12 11 GE:ICO 1' 10 214 40'. '• ~L:.,1 1 l6 Siii 1S .. 1 NtlUI n 1 t ' 21 1, ltCA pf 4 10 it • I l1>1t• tfl J•, 8aofVt 1 J2 I 61 U>.. '' 'c"n~ ~!!? .. " ",.~,· ' GE:O l • 4 cJIJO 1ll1 ' "-Ktl5tAt ao SJS u>, •• N•1om I 4Dl0f'Jt It'• '• llCA pf l It I.SO Ur•'• fhr.,.EI .. " It• 81111AM I S2 t llC2 2.SI• '• r~ ,.....,. OF E:q1> 4" K lAI ,.. 4 12 t uSI , J Ntlm pt 4 U JA • '• RCA pf J •S • U1'1' •, T11mlltl 2 U II 11 S6 t • ' 811.Alll JAG 1l IJ n • ~. COfllCoP n ... GTE In • w s '"' " ic:1.cl' 21'• .. NtvPw ' ... .,, ,, I. llLC " 10 11 K... .... TllOm•n ~ IS 5' , •• 8-T' 2 OS S UO 41..: • 4-CnllCp 2 60 I .. , )0 I"' GTE pl I SO I U'• h Ke r<: pt 1 ~ IJ :~ II'•, 1, Nt•P pt I 60 1100 IJ ATE Cl 14 "I 17" Tlln oMd 1Qo> I !OJ II'• 811Tr pl 2 SO I 2l CnllOrp t ao • 26' U~• .. Olli pf 2 4* J7 uJJ\1 ' ~ l(alsrSI '"' II'" 1 Nt•P Pl I 1• tlOO u >.. Rtl\P11r 7t U 31S7 16', Tl\rllh ! 11 J11 19', 8•"~' II M 12) I Cn1!(~ pf 2 21 ,.,. O•IHOU SJ ' tt) llto ... 101\eMI 1110 II 16 \ Nt•P plJ JO tfOO "" ••• R•mad ~ • \e llCaro ' I II •••• ..... WI 1 ulO... OJ> •• "' OtpSlr -.. KClyPL J It ' lllo Ull'" '. Ht•adr. n ,. 11'. • .. A•ll<O .. 10 .. u·~ '. llOtrln ,,.. •••• &L eek limit o n f d a ccounts Wl\SlllNGTON tAP) -Sov1nu11 and l uun urtwwl11, won 11•d uboul loiung r1'Ufli'Y In 1wvlng11 ut.:t.•uu11~ that JH•Y low Jnlt•rt.•st, ure urging fc.dcral n•uulutors to 11-qum• u mir11mum of at l(.'u1>t $2.500 m a nt•w h1gh·tnll'rc·!lt lll'<.'QUnt rn1111d11ll-d by Congn~. Tlw ofCida.l.!t havt• JOmed u~ttcr gn.>1.1J)li lll lol>bylnH (1 '<.ll'ral 1 l'l{Ul:atorx who un• i.ch !dulctd to mC'et Nov 16 to d<.><:1de I~ ( 1'(1 t Ut"'-. t'ongrvsi. pass, .. c.J n bill th111 year ordering 1egulaWr8 to rrt.·at<' the a<'L•uun1 so that bunks and savings ,incl loorus c.•oultl be mor\• <.'<>mf>t'lltav{' wlth th e m1,1ney mar'kN 1nutuol fundi; whkh hold $230 billion T he account, Congress s<uc.J . tihould be "d1rectly equ1val£nt to anc.J t'Ompellllllt'"' with the funds. The 3l'C.'0Unt wall be f rL'e or ~n lnturcsl rate CC'allng. No. minimum balanl'e was bN In tht> leg1slat1on, although ll·~u .. l11t111 :. suggt·i.ll'tl It Ix• no morl• thnn $~.ooo -T ax .d eliquen cy rate up LOS ANGl-:LES (AP) -Tht• cfrects of rt..'<'CSS1on are showing up m the <.'OUnty tax c.-ollect.or•s offl<.-e and f(1vmg Cal1forn1a an average statewide property tax delinquency ~ate tha t !>Urpasses levels of the IA>press1on Thc statewide dehnquem:y rate averaged 4 72 pc1t•cnt 1n fisca l 1982, compared with 3 97 percent m 1938-39 F1 vt• of Califor nrn's 58 cou nties have delinquency ratt•s above 10 ocn:cnt, n-icords i.how Orange County got $26 m1lhon Jess than it ant1c1patcd last rascal year STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NLW YOfO\CAP) M0tl0•1 'OllU ano "'' l.lh1t1Qe u• me 111..en mo" .iGhve Ne ... Voto S1ix• E:•ChD"llf' ""''" h•d no nttoonally ., "''"' th416n SI ~aaon"' ~;i.~t.~ IBM Ttr.tco int.. lt• Uhl ln>p(PAl1• "mtr 1 t. l llWernrCom Plllbro:oal S..,•Hocb Chry\ler Avon Pro<J ltn~Amtr Sloro•l ~<II 1,171,)00 1 lOHOO 1,171 000 101.-1 440100 I 114 600 1,IU.lOO I 160 000 1 OS) SOO 1,0:11 200 I (lt~,JOO 'Its ooo '119,000 9)4 '4)0 •Jt 100 WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORIC l"PI NO• I "dv•n<ecl OtellN'd Unc11anoeo l ot.tl l\.'\Uf',. Nf" 1110111 , N~ .. IO•\ ,...,. ·--· • (>() foa.y ,,. 10\t :132 lOOJ 10ll NE:W YOO(K '""I "lov f """•ncll'O °"'''"•" Uncll•nQ~ 1 Ot•I l\\UI\ N•w hlOI>• NJtw IOW\ METALS 'oci;{) 134 ,,. .. , .. •• ... '• .... ... . '• ••• 14• . '""· . \, ' . '• . '· '• Pr•\t I cl•' ,,. Jll ?10 l60 ., NE \'OAK IA'°I Spo1 nonterroua ""'"'' or;n Moncier Coppe r 12 • 7~ c;enla ~ pound u S ll••••ne11001 Leid 11 16 cenl• • 1>6.tnd ZlllC •O 41 c:en1s • l>Ou"d dot1•1tlKI "" S6 ~03• ~tols Wit('~ ~omoo111e lb Aluminum 76 eentJ o l)Ou11d N V Mercury SJ60 00 Pet llo'" Plelln11m 5357 00 S3b6 00 lmy 011nte N Y SILVER ll'f • •h And U;irn1an $10 1) f1e1 lfOY ,y (fl' GOLD QUOTATIONS 1, T ... Attocl•led P•Ua <;•""<It'd .,Otlcl 4otd p"c" MOOd•Y London "'°'"""!'• no~tt 00 pll 5650 Londor1 •""' on '"l"IJ S•OI 2S 0 11 s, ,. Perl• 1111 rnoo. '"'"O J• 10 9l oll S9 66 Frtnkf11rl '•""O ~• 11 °111 oll S 11 O!> Zurich Idle al!ernoon lom1g S..08 00 ott $ 1~ 00 b•d $A()9 00 A~~1"1 Hanay a H••ma11 IO••ly aa11v Quo•tl $407 2~ oil S 10 J~ lngellltld !Only Cl~oty quolel S•07 2S oil SIO 25 Engellltrd 10<11, Oa•ly quot•I 5"17 6 I 011 SIO 11 SYMBOLS a New rH•IY 10w \ol·Nhl y .. ,., 11~11 un .. a• 01n-1n no1eo l•IH ol d1v1~ 111 enn11lll a111>utMmen11 ba.Md on Ille test qua•te•I~ or 1em1°a nn11a1 declue 11on SP«•ll °' ••••• d•~• or pa ymen1t no1 0.Jt91\elld H regultr ara 10tnl1l1td on Ille IOl'O•"'O loolnolH ' l ·Alto e•t•• or eXllH O·Annliel rllt pl\IS llOC' d1v1dend c·L•o1.udat1r19 41vtdena OK••rtd or p..o '" Pftced•f\9 12 mon111s .. 0tc;1a1eo or pa.cl •II• •IOCll 01vodtnel or IPhl UP l·PAIO 1'111 yeM OIVIOtnO OIMltd d•l.,•l<I or no ect1or1 t•k., •t '"' d1"'<1tna mMl>flO k Oeclatld or paid 11111 veet an 1ccumu1e11 .. 1a-wtlll d1Y1d...O• 111 .,,..,, DOW JONES AVERAGES Nl::W VOAKCAPI Fln•I Dow J..,.., •V lor Mond41y No• e STOCltS )II 11\d 10 Trn U Ull tS Siii '"""' ,,. .. Ultll U Sit. °"" Hl.., Lew CllH 1040 • 10.. SI 107' JS 103/ 44 14 M • .. 1 ti 4SO &4 4l' '1 .... 01 I • .,. in 6.S 1n o. 1JO is 121 •• 1 °" 409 12 411 11 40) 11 406 " s " s.•s. ooo t.•n,ooo. 1,"9,100 ... 1108 AMERICAN LEADERS NEIN VOFll( \API s.i.s •• p"' Mono..,. ,.,.,.. ano net cnange ot me 1en "'°'' act•.,. Amettc11" S1oc,"6 E•t h•no• •••u•t trad1"0. .,., ...... ~ ••• ,....,,. ,...,., s 1 0o"'41Plrl -/W .t > t• lnllr5ysl 440 SOO 11 • Hal Ptltnt 1 .. 100 11 • 'It P-Polr 9 17J 300 -• J~)' R•• NOf'f(O -.1,JOQ ,,, > • .. wano a til soo s2"' I'• lnl•11En9 12* SOO "• llorttnl ... 112 soo n •) \, HO•Otll t 109,IOO \SO, '-Ultln\tte 106 100 .. ~ • 1 Pc1 Up 17..1 Up ie.t Up 11-, ~= :u Up tJ• • Up "1 VP II Up 111 VP 9 ~ Up t.4 VP •• Up e S Up' I S Up If Up I> Up I J Up I J Up II Up 10 UI> I fl Up I• Vp I • Up 1 4 Up IJ '~. 01i" .. 3 "' 0 11 111 .. 0 11 '' "' 011 •.> .. Off c ~ ... Oft 1 l ''• Off ,, 10, Off It I Off 1 • "• Off 1 • 1~. Off IO •• Ofl I 0 ''• 0 11 • , J Off •• 6+. Oft 6 S 'I Oft t' ... 011 •• '• 011 6J I 1 0 11 fl) I• Off t O J•, Oft •O \t Off •O ''· Off •• I 011 S • '• Oft it n·New ,...,. r-0.Clertd 0< pttCI In Pftcl<llng 12 mon1111 ptut t toclr. c11111d...O •·Pelo 1n 1100 1n preceding 12 month• e1nme1ed catll velut on ••·CIM<lend or ea-a.tltlb\oltlon dtl• • f.o·C11YldtllO• or H·rlQ!llt )'•llMlllllOtnd end ..... tn lllA l •St ... In l\lh <tCS.Celltd Wd·Wlltn d•tlrltwled WI-When 1n 11ed ww·Wtlll wt rre nll 1w·Wll'1G<ll wa,,anlt •d1 .. Ea-41ttrl11UllOll P E: "''° Tiie prce oC • e1oc:1t u • mulllple of pet tlltt• MT!lln(ll ·dtrlv9CI I>\' O•"'d lng Ille 111 .. 1 12·"'0!\lll "'""'9' l!Qwe 11110 ltll Ml• Pllee k dClt 1' 17 '" 4S -"' ~,-m,pf• so, •. ,.J ~!',.· "' G•nnell I~,••, 6010' ,ss,:·, ~· l(l~b I s .. , II ' •• NOP pl 1 •s s ts~ •• " A•mP< I IO ,. ,. ,... ·~ Tldwlr s 10 ,, •• a.,llC)p 60 13 1s~,, " Tel I S6 I sm I~ I G•d vc I 116 t alll 12"' • • ICC Pl pl• JS 11400 "', 2 NE:11gE:I a SS• 21'> "-Ra .cm n ., 11 U •1',. I Tlrntl 11/ Ml .. , I ...... 1.0l 10 "' :s.lo• ... •• SS IO m ~ I; a ..... , »IO IAO U1l • .... KC.PL plJ 10 ' "" I NEnP PU,. s 111s• •• ~ A•ym.. JI ,.... .. Timi pl81,, J 10•, t--:-------~-~.,.~~~"'!"'~-~~~-~,..-----------t Ci J.JI 1 "'""'. 1, od 1.• 11 ,. ,, • .,, ... c;.1co 1 n 10 1213 7S' .. h KC Pl ol7 l3 '° " ' NJAK nl ,. 1J lt'o AtymCll I • 92 11•. '· Timi pf Cl so 411 IJ • , •• r AO 1' t0 20 C-Un ,Olt 4* l \., c;.mCt •> tt .... 't KCScw • 1J •10 41•, NYSEG 2 70 6 ~It 10 • ·~ Alyll\11 I 40 17 1010 411, I TlrntM 2 1• \1J u•W •,I U11lNV 4 U• • 41' n• > J UIPL pf J to l ' 1•'• llO 31, H 141 12 1M 11-" CotlW I U • IS4 7I \' O.mlr1 l.AOI I IS~ KC!>o pl 1 1410 IJ NYS pt >IS 1ISO JI' , -· Reedit 80 S 2'1 14 l llm~ro I 90 ffl lit >I • '" UUCnc•"'.,P • ,! 119 1!!! t°,:•. 1:-0, UIPI. pt 2!'v -Y ~Ill/\•' 1n ,,.; 8-11 I 561• •11 •1>.. \o C-t pf 2 tO • 2! ;pi. ' GA In• • 1.. lt ll'H '• KenGE 1 n 6 l'16 1e , NYS pf e eo 1100 .. • 1•, 1tc1e11 pU ll 161 u• • •, fOdSl>p 1 11 • II• »'. , ._ b • -""' ' 14 12~ BtJ!tTr 16JO 111 4'l. • "' C-.Lb • 1• ,., ~' .. OAmOll AOll 1• 11' U-.i " Ke<1NI> t • '° ltA )0 NY!> pf 2 12 10 u11 , , \ Rllllet I 01, 10 11 u10,, \o Tettll"' S-4 10 1.J 1•'• 1, Ul!Comr 111 IS I JI\,• " VJ' c, >JO I U """ .. , 4,, .. ,,.,n IOO 13 10 C-T .. • • ..,, ..... GftlUll • j 43 21\• '• IC•l'IPll 2 40 I ,., ,~ ~. HY5 pl OJ IS " 21 ..... Rttt1EQ 211 ••• .. TelfCll• J ~ • ltJ 10 • •• !{"11'r°"••t< ,,., .. 1 .~ ,·.~.· '. ~::·111 ~ >~ ,.,J 2?:!. I WAl•r SI '',,~ .. we.to t.:11 • 11 21~ C--•1.16» 10 II"" .. ~lnm• SJlt 143 2''1 IN Ka PLpt •n ""J ,, H~•tll I 9•UI 14 , ~-R•dl'lln J01110'8 114. to fOIEd,..•-u J l1 '•" -W ..IJ '• we~ •· S --,..., tM_,f l t0 IJ JOO IS~• 1i I 119 -I ' • • -.. II "' •• Unf t •I J ~ llO JI VenOrll I, If 10 II lfl-lo t ' " ,. ,.,. ... ,,~"' 1 .! 11113,.,77 ~·-! nm Pl M •• • '' IC•PL pf2 21 , " , , ' Nwll•I 11 II n u , -. H<t "2 ••• • Tot Ed pf2 -a311 111• "-.. ,., v J l4 _,, •• 1 w ~· 1 21 "'' , <'If -• ., ~n~ 1 ;; ~ ,f! !!~ ~ Gor1110ol•"'' n 1., 2!!1 "' • • 11\ ~•ty1n 31, 1io. , ' Nll'Wml , ,. •s o•, ,,., R11• ... c,.'c" ... ! ts. 1•• • i. ro1Ea p12 21 •• "'• •· Llnll Pl • lO ',': !:~ • 1!: v:~f:n h 11 l!DI •• .,, • '-w 111on 1 00 11 1m 46., '• t Jlf J • ' •5"' -Jl\oi I~• !Caty pt I .,. 10 '"• ~ Ntwl Pl • '° I IJA • '~' rc1 ,.. 10I Ii'• '°"u 40 J1 11 "'• '• Unll DI • 40 r '• ,. wun dpt1 11 '° '' • • tnO I 10 12 106 O 'ili C:Ot.tll I 801J .. ?7 \\ c;.n I l 40 12 W I "'' J" l(a ut8r U .. J h "4 '< Nwpar11 I• I S11 6l 1 • 1, Rep ... Ir 41' • '• TOOIROI -I JI ""' •, UUllfEI I pl.IM •1 .'101 1''o \\ Vero 40 t'I ?40 .... WUTI pf 1 S6 Wt er JS I~• C-IH 127 tl 46'-'It GnFd l t 40 10 11"6 •A~1 I~, 1te11f Of 1 ~ 11 ,.., • Nl•MP '1 80 6 llOI U'• ,,. Atp(.p 60 I 49 19•• 't Trtl\M~ I .0 r i1'1 21•, •• r" • .0 •I \/ .. to 10 24 ..0 t i.. W.t19E I 80 11441 111• <.l't 10 6 143 21... CosCm Jt JO llS .. ~ \ 00111 40o lt IJ I•''• -JO •· I' NI ''"-I J ~ llt•I ni I to " 101 «', i ,.. I.. t' 1, UnE pf J ta 14 It '• VtnclO 111111 I '•• I ;:•lwc 1 .,. IO •u JI•, '1 '. ... I• 'tO •~•+ 'rl OHoll I "'t •t/ t ' Keller -,. , .. , ., t..,.. -tell II'•• '• " oro"o -t I I ·-.. ~ ~ VnlS. I U. •1 101, • ,. • H M II t1 l \lo • "" • ,., 4 I • Kt loet I so 10 •10 11' 1 Nl•Ml>f J '° alto )I) -.. RtPHY 1 40 I JI a. OHO It 211 u , '• Unll P .,. •·-" • • "' 1 ,,.,,. 1 lO )11761 JI'• " 9' t •I .. 11" ~..,.. IAOI ~ ~ J1~ • 1.., OllHous lO t 91 U~' \t ICell•.. 40 ' t60 11'' Nl•Mpt 4 10 t llO Jll • 1 •t ltN'Y pf 2 12 10 16 1 owle M t 140 t1\• to UCI plH I rUO M' > • ' VI.com ,JO 10 4'1 11~ H . 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M111 I I I bl)I\ I I I h o" ' su h:-1 ,.,· • U\..111 I '• I I Wtll II "Sl1• I 1\1111, ' "'' .. - s I ti ,. 11 t I .111 I I I ti ' ' " I td 11. 111' "I, '", ""t I II lit•! l,1 I 1,. I I I I I I I 111 '. . . .. ,, "" '' h, 1 v 111gh1 i-. d1fll'11.:11t." Morgun I tol I )1" 111gle t. tlw rt'<'ILi..lv1• ,Jt•11n111gi. lupf H ·d h y .111cl µ111v1d1'<l M111·g.111 .1111J 1ho• "' '""' k ''1th .1 1oup 111 -.,11d II w.1 ~ lht• r1r.,l ll\'l• 111•1·1, t• '' lu h.111 gl\1·11111 rour Yl'<trl>, .. 1\1• .q .111 ;1111 "111· smd dun11g his l:.i'>I 111 111 1:111 m.111 .111d w.llk1.U out." J...1 IUR 111111 t:X<ITHTIEnTI V1<;!~9ur ... J -A- ]..( I ~;(if{t:;J:l('ft!iJ!f 1J·l~j.?iRI W r·1' c l\ M •·· FnoM ·111r 11lissionaru 1101,r vwo ou H i. i 'i'" "\·'!~i u i·n 4 '0s POLTERGEIST.~ 1 r;:; iv~;tt'.'1~~ ~~~.;'"1'il'<'l111 1 l.l\ !> 40 10 25 Botlt7 0m m :'\'IV OFFTCER \ND A m t; Jo:TV J'LEMAN "'EATmlMll.' ..... n.rnu.1, F••••tC.. .. 111 la Yem .. :' 1'011nfeou ... W"acll~.F!:Df·" "Fbager·Lickia' CMIL" E.1. /Ir/ I \II, I /11•11 /I(/\/ ~ '"'! ... " ,, ... 1l1c ltli~'>irmitrH ,, . ~ , '""II C.l Ult r1om H 11 yw -__u1i (PG) 1'DYNAMITE CHICKEN" IT! JOlr (R) * · Staris Jf'ed11esda.J' NfJt-'c111b(•r l 0th Ai A Theatre Or Dri,·e -111 Near You ·-... T • "'LO I· Cttll..D' WILi LF. V . YOU AC;LOW WITll n" CflMAT£ 'EU llRAJ ION OF UFI! ANq DAZZLED UY ·1111~ HIRTI I OF A UADIANT NEW 'TAR." _,,ll, I huln. U l'-MOrOl 11/\N "A FOIK 'l· H JL AND l:.MOTIONAL NEW MLM. IT'S A VEHY CiO OD MOVIE!" -< :~·111· ~h.1111, NIK 1 \I "ONl:.Ot-TJI& RARE GOOD M()Vll:.S 0 1· ·n 11~ YEA It'' -1'.11 (. """''· t. uo..,.1' LOVE CHILD ATRUE TORY 'l.CMCHIUY A PAUL MASLANSKY PROOlX.i lON/A LAAAY PEERCE ALM AMY MADIGAN· MAL:KENZIE PHILLIPS anJ BEAU BRIOOES 011g1n.al Muiic by CHARLES FOX Scmnrb1 by ANNE GERARD ilrul KATHERJNE SPECICTOR Scocy by ANNE GERARD· Producrd by PAUL MASLANSKY Dtr~trd by LARRY PEERCE E""'""".;v'$-"~""'i;"°"....,"wu11lf.llll ••\AOOCO/lilfllltlH'it4UAM ,. I ..... , ....... R1--~,~-·.:l ·--. --'=o ::.& ,...:-r::,,_....J S,.rARTS·WEDNESDA \' AT A TllEATRE OR DRIVE-IN NEAR YOU * aARQAIN MATIN••••- Mond•y thru l•turd•Y All P1r1orm1nc11 before 5:00 PM (£1.i ltlldtl h ............ 11111 "°"'"'' ,_, Mt'1•l•A irliilALl lo Muodo 01 t o1ec1on• LA MIRADA WALK IN 99'·2400 "SORCERESS" 1111 ·-------.. LAKEWOOD C ENTER WALK IN ."AN OFflCIR AND A OINTLIMAN" c., ·------ "NATIONAL LAMPOON'I CLAll REUNION" c11~ t)CAt,_ ...... __ _ "FIRST BLOOD" 1111 .... "6. .............. ,, ... faculty ol Condl•woOd 213/531·9510 ._ A.OYO:,,. WM.L• 1111 "TEMNIT" -..___ I --- 1.A.eT AMeMCAll VWICMN'" P11 "MY FAVORITE YEAR" pe1 ----- LAKEWOOD CE NTER SOUTH WAl • IN "IORCEREll" t., ·-----,. .. "'•"'' .... ANAHEIM 01111/I IN ._ ........... ,,._9llO • ,,, ... I Ill.• BUENA PARK DRIYf IN " ....... ,,. ... LINCOLN 0 111\l l IN ltMot" A•e W•tt Of ·~ 121·4070 I \ .... ' A I'~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY OlllVI IN $Oft o+..., frwy •• ltOOll"""I (lo) tt2·1411 "' ..... '• 1 .. HI WAY 39 lilil;t IN • rr~. t. •cu11 OP, ... J. •TMS I.All MmlllCAN a. .. ~~I AT lllOOOllNT ..... 4'11C..ll- ........ LA HABRA '""1 " ---~--·--ITI·IMI "'IRIT aOOD" 1111 -11MADMAX"1t11 MTHE CHOIEN"--- ...... OI&• ' ........ •" "THE JAZZ llNGER" {NI ~"-..... • .... _.. .... ,..,, .. "FAIT Tl•I AT RIDOIMOHT HIGH" I'll • •• "IORCIRlll" 1111 -"FORlllOOEN WORLD" "E.T., THE EXTRA· TERREITRIAL" 1N1 -"8"0NCO alLL Y" tNI "FIRIT aLOOO" 1•1 -"MAD MAX"Pll "80RCER£8811 1111 ..... WFORBIDDEN WORLD" 1•1 Cl"ffl- leOC~...., so • GolOt• GfO.t fl-• 191-3693 "HALLOWllN Ill" 1111 -"CONAN THI aARBARIAN' Cllll'1-IJll "OYNAMfTI CHICKIN" tlll -"ITlfll Cl'IAZY" 1111 C...11- "IORCIMll"ta1 -"FOutOOIN WORLD" 11t1 '4fllte~• ... ••-c-.. at-•1 "HALLOWSIN Ml" 1111 ..... "COMAN~ aARaARIAN' "A 90Y A"l."'I DOO''t111 MIS~ION I "'vi 1N . ·-. -11WRC>NQ .. MGHr' tNt -.oPAM'DAMAI CON 1.APACMANCA • ----15TH SMASH WEEKt --- 111u lllWPOlll llACll OllAllO( WllJMINIUll "'' I lllf4 I .,. t dNilO "· .. ~ I(.,,,,, • Cwl'<l<••... I a .. ord r,...~m· Wt' I 'll'll~ t lll t.O 0/1.0 111• 7~~ t ~Wt I'll'• MIH IOll VllJO La,.,,o~ v .. ,,, ,,.,.., SJO 1J9qo ...,,.," .. u ... 10•0<0 •"'"""" .. "'"' THI: t'A~IL'' CIRfl'N by 8 11 Ke~ne . , 81(; Gt;ORGt; by Virgil Partch (VIP) ( ,,_ <( "Is the toolh fairy married to the sandman?" "When I w11 1 krd I w11 going to foln the Marln11, but I chlcktntd out at th• l11t moment." "AR'9:\Dl"IKE by Brad Anderson "Have you been woofing on the phone again?" Jl"DGE PARKER SAM. I"M 001N6 TO SEND SOME OF= M Y MEN TO ESCORT YOU ANO YOVP. PARTY ~N TO MY OFFICE• I'LL ee AmN(:, THERE .- ~ vov • C,ARFfEt.P'S LAW: ~ CATS ARE INPEPENl::>ENT. ! CATS ARE LONEP.45 .. · I "' ) ! ~ ! ~ WE HAVE AN UNDEF"6AOUND ~P.KIN6 ~ HEAE l~ ~E E!lUILOIN61 HAVE THEM PULL IN THEPC1 IT'S P'05516LE THAT WE'RE UNDER SURVEIUANCE I by Jim Davis TH£V AR£ UNPER~OOT ONLV WHEN YOU 'RE CARRVINCJ GROCERIES by Ferd & Tom Johnson WILL you H,A'IE iH~ ~ t3~ Ofl $' ~~ CASU·oN·THE-1.l~E 'i "00:\ Ml" LLl~S INFLATION IS~ HAV~ ~u~ ~oBLfM7 ENou<:JH L~ P. 1ROUBLE ~fAKFAST, EMMA? I RUNNING M~. I ~ARTBll~N S ~tt-­ OFFICE ' ACROSS waler.way MONDAY'S , 1 Greling 2 WOfds PUZZl.£ SOl VED 5 Muffs pal 57 Mennald 9 ·fig $8 Weighl UM 14 Srta"s male 59 Epic poetry 15 S.ed Covet 6 t Greell weight H:-e-B~::-e:U 11 An Aslwe 62 Radon 17 84ble name 63 TtSSYe 18 S~thy 64 Noble 19 Code men 65 Netgll 20 Eddas 66 Htl 22 New Eng-67 Sh!Wed lande< DOWN 24 Oulclcly 1 Seize 2e F1m1 enlmlls 2 Electron1e 27 Shelter deVlee 29 T1nn111·1 kin 3 Count.,plfl ' " E • JO Sport• Item _. Of Syria's " A l E 33 M1gnem1nny cap1111 • T " 37 Sit 5 As11n nation· 28 Blttrot 42 Allen lsllnd 38 Repent Abbr 30 Fight 43 S.afowt 39 CNld 6 Greet Lake 31 C&ama 4i Proi>« 40 Rodent 1 --I 32 Word With 47 Room layOill 41 Melt tlddle age 48 Garment part ,.2 "El'llflla.. I lnMCt k1lllf 33 Spear 50 Meat Ollh ~ 9 Sid long .3 .. Sm•H CIM 61 Mernortbll 2 WOtdt 10 Admire 35 Betzer Aulllll'I ... •'f0t ltlamel" t t Swiss Clly 3' Cn"ged pit-52 Oler eS larr• 12 lntllld t"le S3 long p«IOdS 4f CorrOSIOtl 13 Ogle 37 ""81r11ek 54 UnClo e7 Ew IP''' 21 Maeurne ICtleClllft 55 PrepositiOn 41 K"Cflen 1411'11 '3 MlniaMt 2 WOtOI 5e Git'! ol long '3 New Ycwt. 25 AmtrinO «>Clio. IC ti IO FOOi . . . • I I Orengo Coast OAILV PILOT /Tutt1d1y, Nov mbtr 9, 1ee;i \ 1 A MISDEMEANOR 15 A MINOR OF~ENSE '' "''RI< .. ~. ()1M2UN1t0INIU1•S~a .. ft HABBLE NANCV'S IN T ROUBLE --I'LL RESCUE HER ~Off~~ (,M.~R\ 1"~GQU1'£.ST ~~~~~I. fEof\E. G.<>ME. r!«>M ~~ ~~O! Mf.IL 10\.0 ME AU. Ae<>l>T If ~ Na •ETT1Eaea 1·ea ••alt:' --------11 A FELONY IS A MORE SERIOUS CRIME II • by Charlet M. Schulz L t~E NOT FEEDING THE 006! by Tom K. Ryan AL.~ 11'P PRO~t. 't' H: A WAS1i:·a:.11MlS "fO ~rfE SAN1'A 1lilS 'IEAft . by Ernie Bushm1ller I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCREAM-- A MINNOW GOT S TUCK BETWEEN MY TOES by Kevin Fagan "OtUIJE 'fAAU. ~?, 1'11E.K AA~ ~ L.£rr" by George Lemont ,,., 111111""911W"'-------------... Sum K1dsgor losl but wer fOWnd. ineend. • r Ra 'fimpernel' drowsy story U~· ... R~D ROTllF.NBt:RG AIT ... wlMofl Wrllef INl!:W YUHK l111'IUI y lUUMhl u4 thut till' ~·rc•11t·h Ht•volutl1111 wm; bloody. Now, through l'RS, Wt• find that 11 ulM> wm; u bl11uc.ly l>Qrt.• 1{1•1wrut lu11 wn1> hnt'. ln lut.·1. t·n rly on whl'n u cro wd ot blood th1r: ty P1m1lun11 ar l'lamortnH fur 11111rt•, TV vlt•w\•rt1 who huv1· l111·ue bank llt't'ountH n11~h t w11111 to h t•ud for thl' hilh1 H1d 1u11I S lmmcm" n ncl 1&11un<.111 Ii kt• SnaJotlt•tout h , t lw C'Urloun c.hurm:tt·t w ho'"' 11lwt1v11 1·x1tlllf( Kl.ltJt1• l\•f\ "Tht.• &·arlt•I P1mp4:rtll'I." 011 Chunnt•I :Z u t 8 tor11ght , 111 u drowsy story ttr dl'rring-clu, but tlll' thr<•t•·hour movtt· hu:o too muny rt.'d t.'<'m111g qualitll"s tu ht• totally d 1sm1s..'>t'tl "Tlw Snarll't l'1mp<.•rm•I" 111 lMM'tl 1111 u M.1l'IC'li ot oc.Jv(•t\IUI'(• :.10 1 ,, • ., w rillt•n by Bu ron t•1s Ori:zy Thi• plot fcx:uiws on Sir Pt:l'l'Y Bl ukt•nt•y, ~n Engll11h noblC'mun Oc11pi1t· th111 11utl1111d1i;h f1u:udt•, Ma r.:u1•r1t1• S t Ju111 (Miu St•ymou1') 1>onwh ow folli. In luv\• with him. pt1-..,10n a tdy bc:l11•v1n1i tlwrt•'i. u mun l>t•h1117 1ht• m lr1<.'<.'d ham .• It bo~i:.t.:. a r.rs1-1·atc t·ast th111 'i nduth>s Anthunv Ancirc.•w:.. w ho 1:. b4-<.·u1111ng a b lond -ha art'Cf Errol F lynn, Ju1H • Sl'ymour. a s u d 1stn.•sst.•d <lu 111sl'I with tough c·holl't'S lo mak <.'. a nd l u n Mt K l'llt.•n , ru. th<.• sneering v11luin wht• 1s tu ht.• p1t1t•d mor<' th a n . w hu fl>lgns foppi1hncss to mmik tlw fa l't llrnl hl· lb n·~lly tlw hl·rw1.· i'>1mp<.•11wl, n kmc.I o f Zora·o w ho rt·Sl·u~s Frt•nl·h aristoc:rats from tm• 18th <'\'ntury Culsmurt I.luring the Rl'il{11 of Terror. A n d r c w s . w h o p I a 'ft• d St>l>Ustltln Flytc.· an "Bridcsht•ac.I Rl'Vli>llt.•d " and "lvanhot•" Ill ;mc.>lht.•r ll'lhargic c:h1ss1t• on CBS. Sl'l'Oli> to have run making Sar Pf'n•y u:. outragt..'<>US as possible. Andn•w s' PNCY plays lik<' Th't•lr murnugl• 11ntuK1Jnlz1•s Murguc rltc."s lonKllm\• 11ullor'. Chuuvclln. c h1t'f aJ(c•11t fur th<.• Commiltt'\' of Nutu.m::il St-curlly, which ls t'Omm1tt<.'Ci to put11ng a ll the nation's noble heads In po~1to sucks, Chouvt'lin ls ployt•d by McKt•llN1, who r('(,·t•lw c.I a Tony Award for his swrring rule.• in Broadway's "Amadt•us" '" \.'-J.ll:>('(t The t·ostuuws a nd st.•ts look 11\rikmgly autht.•11t1t.· T ht.::rt•s 111l "The Scarlt't P1mix•rnt>I" 1s u pompous, yl't pictur('Squt• pt.>riod piece. But being tuken there just doesn't end up being c•nough . .. e.«1 go D NEw8 ~ CHAAUES AHOElS The AngeQ go un<*~ a1 cheerleaders when three women lrom the ~p dlaapJ*V. U EIGHT IS ENOUGH Joannie tr'" to get the family 10 enlflt1aln at a benefll for a cNldfen's home Kathe rine Cannon is shown with Happy La h e lle, an G» M"A"S"H Alarmed at the po« p/ly1i· cal condition ol his unit. Cot Poller dtcldtl to hold e M'A'S'H Olymplct. ., HAWAII FlVE--0 a piring young actress from Newport Beach, in u scen e from •~ra th er Murph y'· tonight a l 8 on KNBC ( 4). A forger brannly VICtim· izes McGarren'a own unit 1nd McGarren Mis out 10 Q!_teven. tB OVEREASY Guest, Lena Harne. Q a!) HUMAHITIES THROUGH TliE ARTS "literature Behind The Words" Cl) C8SMEW8 (!I A8C NEWS c;J QINBCNEW8 m WHAT.'~MYUNE (C)MOVIE • * * "low Me Or Leave Me" ( 1955) Doris Dey, James Cagney A mob9ter m1rrlH the singer he m1de lamou•. but t>ecoma enrag41d ""*' he can't control her. (S)MOVIE ! * e * "Hee...., Can Welt" , ( 19711) Wlfntn Beetty, Julie • • Chnstle After • pro IOOC· ball 111r'1 Ult la prem• turely Claimed by 1111 Inept angel. the m1111 Is given the t>o<ty of 1 mllllonalre lndu• 1rla11st to continue &Ang In 'PG' @Jt.IOVIE .,_.. "Good Rlcldance" CharlOttt llluner. M-19 Tllo A 13·Ytlt·Old'I obMlllve love for llw mother cause• 1ibllng ~' rivalry. wol AL.ICE '• DCC CAVETT G~: Jonathan Miiie< (Pert 2)(R) ID OAOWIHO YEARS .. ,,, w .=:MIUER m WOAU> Of PEOPLE CID AA8CAL DAlZl.E The UUle Rucall are 1 ... lured In film Cllpl and • lh<>rtl. T:OO I CBS MEWS N8CNEW8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Chac:hl dedcMe to play the fleld fuSI .. Jolrlle is rMCty togolleedY I' n ~. , .. .. " ,, 'J II 8 A8C NEWS c;J 8 SOAP Che91er autter1 emnMlll end Dannlt ttlel to prevent Jodie' I merrlagt to CWOI i :.s COMPANY Jadt and Owlay ltllnk that Janet hM edwr11Md for 1 man to f1ther her ctllld. 11 JOKER'S WILD 8U81NE88 AEPOffT ()) P .M. MAOAZINE (fl EHn.RT AIHMCifT TONGHT An Interview with 0- Haclcman. tD OAAHOE COUNTY TODAY (DJMOVIE * * * "My Favotlte Wife" (1840) Cery Gtant, Ir- Dunne Long believed deed, a woman ~ end dlKc1Yef9 that her ~ h• 1911larrted In 11er.W..-. (%)MOYIE * e \4 "TrOIJble In p.,. CllM" (1932) Hertler1 Mar· INlll. Mfflam Hoplllne. A pair of ,,,...,.. conllnually run Into MCfl other wtlile • 1! ~nlng the Olot>e. l 'F:to• 10..TMITOWN F .. tured: ~of Yel- lowstone P.,k, lneludlng Yeltowstone Fell•. a rah trip alOng Snelt• River, Old FalthluJ. YellowsCone lake end the Grind Cllllyon, 1 trip to the CowbOy Bar In Jaeltaon, Wyoming I (9 FAMILY FEUD lAYEAHE & 8HIRLEY &COMPAHY The glrll meet their MW neight>or• ¥cS experience thelf first t1811hquelce. 8 EYEONLA Fe1t111ed: a look at cnri.-'°"'* AeeY9'• role In his upc:ornlng film ''MoNIO· nor"; a proflle ot radio P«· 80Nlille9 Ken Md Bob: what It'• lilt• 10 be • twin. G MADAME'S PlACE Madame's COulln Charley 1111111. Guett celebrity 1mper1onalor Charle• Pierce. • w•1.•s0H A no-n<>n-1M colonel vi• 111 Ille 4077th dUf'lng an outbreelc ot April Fools' Dey Pfllllk8 ., (I) TIC TAC DOUGH .JiAACNel I LEHRER AEPOA'T I'!) MAOC Of OI\. PAINTINO 9 YOUASKE>~IT Featured. "J1pan'1 ChHrleader With 86 Arma" (Part 2) and ··~et Of F""'-MW· ror1." IDMOW • ''Dungeons Of Horror'' (UMl2) RUM Hwwy, Helen Hogan. In the 1670., a pelr of ah!PWl'edt 8UNivoB ,... pr-r 10 • diabolical count IMng in a remote l9land castle wtth hit hoe>eleMIY lllwite. 8:00 8 Cl) MOVIE "The Scarlet Plmpemel" (Premlare) Antttony Andr-. J-s.ymour. An Engll1h nobleman delloled to savtng arltto- grata from the blade of IM gulllotlne during Ille French Rtvolullon II pur· IUed by an agent of the Reign of Terror D QI FATHER MURPHY One of the young orptlant II kldNipped In an 1ttempt 10 111119 her rrom clalmlog I lllrge lnheritanc:e. 8 MOYIE • * "Flylng Mltrl11" ( 1976) Robert Conr1d, Simon Oakland "Pappy" 8oylng. ion end 1111 IMiod of a.lei Oa<edevlla eneounter pen. lou9 adventU<• In the PIClfl<: during World Wer II. II 8 9 HAPPY DAYS A former CtYbabY with a grudge agaln1t Fonzie ..-.~ea•cMc c«emony llonorlng him • • model c:lttnn. Q DMOW **IA "Jubal" (11156) GleM ~ord, ErMt '9o<O- nlne. A young dtlfler Melli the aid of • mlnllt .... ~after he le forced to II• In Mlf.....,_, CD eoNt Jodie euccumbl 10 a wom· an'• Cltlarm encl Jeulca ...... the lu!Y'• Y9fdlet. • P.1&4 MAQAZINe : __________________ _ ~CHANNEL LISTINGS : • KNXT ICBSI , • l(N8C INBCI >. KTLA (Ind I .l(A8C I ABCI :)•· KFMB tCBSI L,. l(HJ TV uno ) ~jll KCST IABCI ". ICTTV (Ind I • KCOP· TV (Ind.) hft KCl!T (P8SI ... l(OCE IPHI 0 On TV I 1. TV H HBO C IC1nuT>•• I f1 CWORI NY ,N Y ~Tl lWT BSI I <ESPNI I I Sftowl l"'-1 • SClotlltlll • .c. .... ~~t~lll ' A diet lhal II ro11owect only liJt days OUI Of the week: the UM ol pig valYel In humllll """'· • MOVIE * * * \.\ "The Magnificent S-" (IMO) Yul Btynner, EM Wallaoh A band of oun- llghltrl Is Nred lo P<Olec1 a Mexican town IYom out· lawt. • NOVA "Here'• Loolllng at You. Kid" The Inspiring story of a young bOy'I flgtlt IO r-from -. buml IUffer.d In • hOme acd-iD':Vti'~ "Father Brown: The HMd Of C-" Fattier Brown help1 1 gullt·llrlcken young womtf'I """° llole a pnceiell coin from her brother'• collecllon. and II now being bladllNllled by I mystetlOUI atriano«. c;J (C)MOW • • • "Southern Com· fort" ( 1981) Kt1th Carra· dine, Powen Boothe. A group of NatloMI Guatda- men on weekend maneu..,.,. In • loulliana beyou apark a llT\ell II'*· rllla -with a community of backwood• Cajur11 'R' CIDM<ME • * .. Ice C.tlee" ( 1878) Lynn.Holy Jofln9on, AoO- by ~ A ptomlllng young figure lkater end her boyfriend find tudden tueceea hard to CQ9e with wMr1 11tMt 11 ctloMr\ to train for 1 P<•Otymc>lc: competi- tion. (J)MOYE * * * "Aic:t1 And Famoua" (tllllt) Candice Betgen, Jacquellne Bl11et. nvoughout the "Pl and clown• of their reepecthle lltarary career• end romantic 11¥M. two_, depend on their lriendlohlp tor 1tal>Mity. 'R' OMOYIE • • * "Jull A Gigolo" ( 18111) D1vtd Bowle. Kim Novak An 1rl1tocrallc Pruaslao IOldler retuma to B4w"n aher World War I to -n his llvlng aa a male eteori. 'R' 8:30 e a LAVEAHE a SHIRLEY Lavwne comet fac:e-10- face wllh Hugh Hafner when •h• decldH to b«:OtM a Playtloy bunny ~ CHANJE'I AHGEU TM Arioell ate hired lo protect entertainer Sllmmy Davie Jf. •fl• an atttm9t 11 m.cM to llldnliP hltn. • IO YOU THN< YOU OOTTAOUaU (DJMC>Yte ***~''Robin And Marl· an" (1878) 8-1 Connery, Audrey H'f)burn. An older and wlMr AotMn Hood returne 10 Sherwood For· aat from batttaa wltll Aldl- ard the llol•°'IWt9d to redelm hll be4o"9d Miid Marian. who ,,_ entered 1 convent and ••en lier vows. (Z)MOY.: * •• "BlueOMrd'• Elohth Wife" ( 1931) CIMidellt Colbert. Gery COOS* A Y°'lnO Frend! glfi of arllt~ crllle bMrinO """* • WMltfly AmtrlCM ~ her CIMe only to dltOover he'• IMlcl ~ prt'vtoul ,.,.,.. .. e:ooe9GA~ 04Mlln Ind·~ tel- "'"" " ............ by • oend ol 111odern°day ...... wtlo .... '"' ,,_ awe tM two "' rtOOWr· a""'· .... •· od::-' ..... ... Tirri try IO .. .... .-.a --IO --....... ,...,. r11111.o • • MIRV GRIFFIN "Merl'tt~1n Award Winner• Guftlll, LIH Mlnntlll, Barb11a Wallftl'I, Liv Ullmann, JMM J. Klrk- pa1r1clc. • MYSTERY "Father Brown The HMd Of C-" Fllhlt Brown help1 a gulll·llrlcken Y°""9 won11111 wtlo tlole a prtc.le.. coin from her brother'• collecUon. and 11 now being blacllmelled by a mysterlou• 11ranger Q ID MOYA "Here's Loc*lng II You, Kid" The lnai>lrlng story of a young boy'• fight to recover rrom -• burn• eunered· In a h()(Jlt accl· denl 11 lold. 0 -~OflES A doomed worn1111 relu- lre.lmtfll IO that another mighlllve. t:3080 tT06 Dor ..... , m11rlag•mlnd· ed boyfriend 1rrlv" to enatch her aw1y lfom lhe City llf• and her MCletarlal car-. CD MOVIE * e ·~ "The Left· Handed Gun" (19Sll) Paul Newm1111i Liia Milan A youthful BIMy the Kid e11engH hi• employer'• death and then ~to Medero 10:00 U QI ST. El.SE#HqE Or. Mormon mull tc"l a 191nor ...... terror111, 1111d 'Or. Crllg browt>ealt an lndeclllve patient Into hav· i ~-~~gery. al HART TO HART Jonathan a.nd Jennifer untettle a pair ol 11\ady townl1olk at a Wet1ftl'n Iheme park. 0 . • 80UNO f1:.ITIVAL The lradlllonal rhythml of Scull blend with the 11r111na of oontemporaty jazz In a concert i.aawlng Flor• Purim and l*CU8o lllonlel Alr1o Moreira. • 800V IN QUUTIOH "How Do You Feel?" Or Jonathan Miller 111\owi lhal VWlout ac:htl and pelna that people tJt.Ptflence we often a dletortlon of wtiat 11 going on lnalde the body.Q tD nte VIAOINIAH ' • An outlaw 1lrlc:ken with acarlet ,_ fOfces HOiiy and EllZ.abeth Gr linOtr to helC> him eecape hi9 Army ceptors (C)MOVIE •• *. "OrdllllfY ,,.,. pie'' ( tHO) Mety Tyler Moore, Donald Sutherland A gulll.flddan t_,.agtr lf)'lng 10 put hie Ille bac:ll together aft.,. 1111 btothet'I deeltl and 1111 own Mildde attempt rMCtlaa out 10 ha. complaC4lnt father and hll cold,'-* mother. 'R' (B)MOW •• \.\ "So Fine'' ( 1961) Ay1111 O'NMI, Jack Wlf· den. A 11ufly college pro- f-.. -1111 l•ther'a floundertnO garment tec:to- ry by lnwntlng • new type of ladlee' jMn1. 'R' (I) A N£W OAY IN EDEN A ~ family IUf'nt I ltl\tll town Into a mode reju¥enallon ptOJect. (Plll'I ;.MOVIE • * * "Thfet Deys Of Tile Condor" I 1875) Robin F*lford, Faye Dunaway. A r..-rch reeder 91nployed by 1he CIA uneove<I Int«· na1 trMcherY ""*' all ol hi• c:o-wortien ara - llnated by a hit men whO Is now stalltlng him. (%)MOW ** "Ph1ot•" (1861) Fer· nando Ramoe D1 Sliva, Matllia Peta. tO:IO. INDEPENOeCT NETWONC NEWS (D)MOW • "TMn·age Tramp" (1974) All1h1 Fontaine, John Gamer. A young girl aocepta a ride from a I.NCI< dr'-and thul begin• an erotic odytaey. "R' Cl)~ TUT Of LOW ~1) 11:oowD•(l)dl8 NIWI • IATURDAY NIGHT Hoa!: 9udl Henry. Oueeea: '"'*'" and ~. ~ AL • lfllMCHOf' ... "tiurrtc...." I THAT QUIZ IHOW ITMBT'I Of' IAH M.+JIQICO TM app1tfler1t1on of e rMC1 llllef II haml)eted by .... efflctenl IMttloda of IJOM'I,,.. aupettor. 1 11•1-MPORT oocm.. .. TMI ~ °'· ~ .,... '°' • MW Pott In aft ettefllPI to ..,.,. • ,.,,.. wttfl • cruet\ °" '*"· (l)llZAMI "°"" ~.,.... ~ """" .... ....., """' .................. ........... ,..,... .. -. . ,, •• ~ QUlllW two .......... • TUBE TOPPERS • KOCE (50) 8:00, KCET (28 ) 9:00 •·FuthN Brown: The .Head of Caesar." Tht• sleuthing priest comes to the aid of a tfl r.rifit'<i w oman who's ooing blackmailed for having s tolen a precious coin. KNBC (-I ) 9:00 -"G avilan." Whe n Gavilan a nd an associaw r c<:over treasurt• from a s unke n ship. they ar e take n h ostage by mode rn-d ay pirates. KNBC (..j) 10:00 -''St. Elsewhere." Dr. Mornson must treat a terrorist. and Dr. Craig persuades an indc.'<.'1sive pa ti,cnt to haVl' triple bypass surgery. private faclllty co the ooun· IL llOlpltel. CRI U a!TONIOHT Holl: Johnny Car1on. Guest. Ricky Schroder. D aJ) ·A8C NEWS NIGHTUNE 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured: "Japan'• ChHrlHdar With 86 Arms" (Perl 2) and "Secret Of FunhOuM Mir· ror1." G) TliE JEFRASONS LoutM he4PI George ftnd lhe lather he Mvt< II,_, • ART Of 8EJNO HUMAH "The Ring 01 GYoea" GI) P88 lATENIGHT Holt: Danni• Wholey. 1:-ue **~"lrue~" (11111 t) Aober1 De Niro, Aober1 Du¥lll The UIUtlly eeparate wortda of two brOUW.. a Loe Moelee police detec1ive .-Id 1111 ambltlou1 Roman C1lhollc prlell, con'ltrgt during • murder ln-1lglltlon 'R' MCME • e * "A• Night long" (1861) 0-Hackman. 81rbra Strellancl. Altet being demOled from cor· porate executive to chaln- ator• night manager. a m~ man'• llt. ltyle and ~.,.turned u~'A' 1~9EHTERTA....err TONIGHT An lnleMew with 0- Hackman. I ~ I.AST WOAD •• "Cwry On Ooc1or" (1172) Franllle .._d, Kenneth Wllleml. A hOepi- lel' 1 ordefty routltll II thrown Into ~ ""*' a group of ~ rnedicol tall• OVfll, i= •• ~ "September ""*" t t850) Joan Fontaine, JOMPll Cotten. T-peo- ple belle"9d llllled In an airplane craan oonllder •tarting Ille O¥tr agelrl ·~· • LOYE. AMENCAN STY\i "Low And The JeelotA Hueband" John want• to ... , hi• wife'• fldellty. "Love And The FrM Weekend" Tony lnvlt" Laurie to 11\are an ..,.n. menl for• """*end (Q)MOYIE * "Pu11ycat Ranch" ( t87111 Enc: Edward1. Jo.y CIYar~ Two down-4111d-OUI cowl>Oys plan to 1>'11 1 women'• ranch°" a pay· a:;:. **IA "So RM" (111111) Ryan O'Neel, J~ Wat· den. A stuffy colMge pro- 1-.or .. -hi• father'• lbinderlng garment facto- ry by 1n.....,11ng a ,_ type of ladlel' )Mini. 'R' ti: to CC) MOYie * • "Emily" (18781 t<oo Slarlc, VlctOf Splnenl. In 11208 England .• teen-age gift comea ol aoe ltwoutfl en 1na1r with an NMtlCtln (!) TOM COTTLE: UP Cl08E au.I: Debbie Reynold•. • LOW. AMEAICAH STYLE "Love And The Bachelor Party" Salty finally getl her boyrrlend to propose. "Love And The Fountain Of Youth" Chlr1le trlel to attrec1 a younger gtr1 11:40 e Cl) MCMll.LAN a Wlf£ Sally Is kidnapped •n<l. he4d In exchange for • !>f.lcelesl Aenlbrandl. (RI 1:00• MOW * * * "Arile My love" ( UMO) Claudette Colbett. Ray Milland A pair of lov• ere · find lhemulvu tr~ by the Sp1111lllfl CMI WIT and lhe outbrealt of World War II. 8 MOW * * "Fer·D•·Lance" (1874) David J.,,._, Hope Langi. A IUbmartne er-tr.,.,_, benMth IM ... 11 attedted by veno-moua vlpere. CD MOVIE * * * "The Kid From 8roolltyn" ( 1948) Danny Kaye. ~ginia Mayo Bye llrange twt.1 of fa(e, a mllllman beComel 1 bOxer. .MOW **'A "ThrM F-Waat" (IMO) John Weyne, Sigrid Gutle. The dMlghler of an Awtrian lmft\lgfant lof'9' to return home to the lover 8tMt left behind untU 8tMt ~he'• not the hero 8tMt believed him to be. D ENTP'TNNMENT TOMOHT An .,,..,..... with 0... Hackman Cl)MOYIE e * e "Heeven Can Wall" l 1871) Wttrren Beetty, Julie Ohrletle. After a pro IOOI· .,.. .. .,.. life .. pr91n• t111ety dalmed by an """' engel. the man le ~ the bOdr of. mtmonalre ~ trtelllt 10 contlfMM llvW'G In. 'PO' 1:20 (8) MOYIE * • • "Culler'• Way" (1Htl John ttewd, Jeff 8rldgel. A maimed Viet· """ Yet end hll bell lfietld, • aodal dropout, focua thoelf -""9 on ~a mufder c.e. 'R' 1=*> 8 QI NIC NEWS OYE.AHIGHT .MOW * * "Separate Waye" ( tHO) Karen Blad<, T any Lo 8lenco A young oou- ple'1 failure to communi- cate ~ reautt1 In the dtltructlon of their mar· r!llge. 'R' 1:40 CC> MOVll * * * "Are Y OIJ In The Houff Alon•?" t 1876) Kathleen Behr, Blythe Danner. A pretty Y°'lnO hlQll ecflOOI 1tudenl la cat· '4)Ullecl Into terror wllln •h• learn• 1he'1 th• Intended target of • P•Y· chopeth. t :41 (%)MOYIE * * 111 .. .,..,_d'I Bghth Wife" ( 11381 Claudette Colbert, Gery Cooptf, A young Frwndl gift of arllto- cratlc o.rtno merriM a wMftny Amerlc:an btloW her CleM «tty to ~ he'• '*' _.. pr9'lblt msTllgll l:OO. ()) CM NIWI .-.TWAT'Ctt 1= *111* "lady Hett" (1H1) WllllMI Hur1, KathlNfl Turner. A trnalltlme Florid• lawyer .. petlUaded by hi• ~to mur~ tlaf 1w .. l>and:·A' l:IO·~ e • • "The Mountain Rold" ( 1860) J-St-· art, Glenn Corbell An unacrupulOUI major In the Army 1eern1 compaaaion alcer being charged with blowing up 11lll1ge1, b11dg· " ano roads ega!nat advencing Japarwt1t dur· ~WorldWarll 2-M {I) MOW *. "Eerie Midnight Hor· rOf Show" Demonic l<>rces and Mlthty horror• com- bine 10 make midnight the dffdllesl time ol all 3:00i~IJHT • • "Ju11 A Gigolo" ( 11111 t ) David Bowle. Kim Novak An erl11oc11tlc Pru .. l1n loldier re!urns lo Betlln aher World W1r I to Hin 'his IM ng as a male eacort. 'R' 3: 10 CID MOVIE ··~ "Paternlty" (18111) Burt Reynold•. Bevetly D'AngelO. A bael'lllor In hos lor1lel wno wanes 10 be a lather ... rchea lor Che righl women to beer his chlld 'PG' 3:15 (l) MOVIE ***"Rich And Famout" (1"81) Cand~ Betgen. Jacquellne Bl1Ht. ThroughOUI lhe Uj)I and downs of thelr rtll)ectlve literary career• and rom1111tlc llvel. two women depend on their f riendll\lp for s1abil1ty •R' s:20e M<ME • • "The Crimson Canary" c 1945) Noah BMry, LOii Collier A group of tau musicians become lhe pdme 1u1pec11 when the nogMdub'• alnger .. found tnu(6eted CC)MOVIE • • • "Southern Com· lor1" (18111) Keith Carr•· dine. P-1 Boothe A group ot Natlonal Guard .. men on weekend mal*Jverl 111 a Lou!Mana bayou sparll • amall guer· rllla war with a community of backwood• Cajuns 'R' 3:30 (!) FAITH 20 4:00 (!) TOP O' THE ~ (O)MOVIE * * "Jutl A Gigolo" ( 11181) Oevtd eowte. Kim Novak. An er1t1oc11tlc PruNlan toldler return• to Bettin after World Wer I lo ,.. ewn h'-IMng .. 1 male -1 'R' 4: 11 Cl) MOVIE •:a ** * "HouH Call•" ( 18711) Waller Matthau, Otenda Jackllon. A Wid· ow.cl doctor hall• his C-0111 aendenciel 1ong enough to feel tor a dlvor· ON WflO doeat'l 't belleve "' ,'PG' WINKLE Ml88IOH: IMP088t8lE To locate a hoard of 1tolen money, lhe IMF telcM a -or1mlnel on 1 bizarre IUbmatlne "°)'&gt 4:48 CID MOVIE **'Al "So Fine" (18111) Ryan O'NNI, Jaclc War· den. A atuffy collage pro-'"'°' .. -n11 father's llounderlng garment facto- ry by lfwetlttng • -type of lad•' jMnl 'R' lt'~dn.,•da11'• Da11tlnt~ Moelc-• 1:00 0 ** "AelUfll Of The Dragon" (18721 Bruce L ... Cnudl Norrll. A mlll'llal art• expett IOUrfltYI from Hong Kong to Rome lo help a ITlend wno II In trou- ble with the mob. ·~· 1:15CZ> '** "Pl~o••" (~9111) Fernando Aamo1 De Sliva, Marilla Pera. l:tO (Cl•*• "The Cincinnati Kid" ( 18115) Steve Mc~. Edwwd 0 Aot>- lneon. A YO\lnO ctirdlflarP trlee to "91 the king 01 llud PQll• In a oa111e for ~Ilg& ""° CBJ • * "The lncredlble lfwlnlllnO Womt11" (1M0) Uly Tomfln. Chertea Gro- di!\ A ~ flndl It nerd to oope wllln .,,. IUddtnly 1>eg1n1 to tlhrlnll tnallt.'PO' •••• "Oelwalon" "llnrt-y' ht~llo Holwrl \\ u~1wr naul "i1•·fu11it· P o\H•r., ,_;;,.,. n rou~i 11~ rt>ucli I iou of ••\\ t• Wii.,h \'ou u Mt•rry Chri~tm n;," • , ct.v·iu,.; fil111iu~ cff thc •ir <:hri~t nm~ t•piimdc• for /\UC'· HI l url lo llurt" i-.t·ri•·~. The• ~ho ~ uir"' u l I 0 1>.111. Tut·~dU)-1'-011 (:lurn11c•l i. ( 11111 I) f!atriel• P111cy Joaeph Collen-A l)flVlle•, duly n'"" 111111n love wlltl ,,., pa1oenr1 handtome' young grandaon 'A' 7:00 Cf) • • • "l11e Bollom 01 The Bottle" ( 1856) Va11 JoMton. Joseph Collen A lawyer refu-to adm11 lhal 1111 alcOholiC H -<:on 11 hi• brother, bUI he tater rllk1 his repu1011on In order to help him 7:30 CZ) • • •;, "American P09" (1981) Animated The hi• tory or American pop mu1>e. from 11audel/1tle " rocll n' roll 11 l•llC*l through MYer11 genera. t1on1 of a lamlly or mus .. c.1an1 'R' , 1:00 Ct) •• 'A "Rough cur ( 1980) Burt Reynolds. Les t-r·Anne Down A 811llSll IOciaMte lures an Intern•· Uonat jewel thotl OUI Of ret!femenl 10 help h4w ..... $30,000.000 1n d11mond• 'PG' * * ~ "Any W lllCll W1;y You Can" ( 19801 Cllnl Eascwood, Sondra Locke Before setc11ng down Wllh his g•;. and pet orangvlan a t>a•a-hsted lighter 11gns up tor one 1as1, lucra11ve match 'PG' 0 ***"The Greet Adventure" ( 1954) Kjell Suckttdorff, Anderl NOt· t>org A Swed15h dirtcl0t Pf-IS I documentert on Ille wonders ol n11ur1 and wildllle. 8:30 COJ • • 'h "Race For Your Liie, Cherlle Brown!" ( t 1177) An1m11ted Ch.,lie Brown 1nd l hfl '"'"' "Peanuts" gang r-d tor 11.unm« came>. ""'*' they becOfnt involVed In _ .. wild adventures 'G' l:OO m * * * "The E1tlle" ( 18411) Oouglat Falrbllnkl Jr" M.,la Montez While In exile, King Chartel II of ErlQlend ra11t In IOve wfth • peeaant girt. t: 11 * • • "f hfl Return Of The Sec1ucu1 Seven" (11180) Mark Arnott. Gor· don c1aw. The member't of 1 group ?I college 1tu· danll acl/V9 In the protesl movement during the 60s gather for I -kend reuntan 'R' t-.30 G» * * "The Deadly G1me" (1978) David Bir· ney, Allen Garfield A New York City un6ercover otll· oer astlgned to lhe narcol· ICI equACI INdS a loan llflar1I 10 • drug-ttnU90llng ~lllon ID*** ''The Ullle PrlnQa" (1974) Rk;herd Kiiey, Gene Wilder An elr· hne pilot stranded In the dtterl encounter• a •lr"'Dt little bOy ttom • di"'"' planet who 11 Ma.refllng for the c:auM ol hi.unh~. tO:OO (Cl • * '.-t "The Gambler" ( 1980) Kenny Roget•. LM Purcell A profeHIOnal g1mblet talcn a traHI ride through the Old W•l lo help 1111 ... ranged Ion and finds romance wCth 1 Nia· dy IOciety lady along I he WIY * * "Loophole" ( 1811 t) Albert Finney, Marlin S'-1. A Cflmlnal mt1ler· mind and 1 reepectable 1rchltect plan lo execute an elaborate bank rot>t>ety from the ..-1 below the 11reet1 of London. (1)) * * * "Ceddie" ( 181111 Helen Mor ... Jedi Thomp. ton A young woman 1t1vee her comfortable aut>urban hOme end her cruet huaband, determined co llkt IUll reaponlibltCty for aupportlng her children by doing wneaever odd lobl .,,. can get Cl) * * ~ "Prteontf Of War" (18541 Ronald Reagen, Dewey Menln • T-POW1 !Yorn th,e Unit- ed Stet• continue lnttfll· gen~ worll while appetr· Ing to have cradled under c:ommunltt 1nooctrlnetlon 11:000 ** * "S.O 8 "(IHI) Wllllar11 Holden, Jull• Andr_. A mO¥le dlrec1or who Ml lull ftnllhed I muttl·mllllon dollar turlley goea !Yorn attemptecl 1111· clde to a blzarrely lneplred re-anootlng of hie epic "'' (%)••It "The Med AdvenlurH Of lllabbl Jacob" (1874) Louie De Funee, Suzy Oelllt. An tr11pulalve bu1lneuman d119ul-hlmMlf .. • tab- bl •. D onna's gan g . T he Donna Caponi-USC Celebrity Golf Clas ic was h eld Monday at Irvine Coast Co u ntry Club and featured uch n ames as Billy Ba rt y (upper lef t ), J e rry West (upper cen ter) a nd actor J a ck Le mmon (right, wit h a rm around Caponi). The tourney was he ld to be nefit the wonien' a thletic departme nt at use. o.i11 Piiot Photo• by Petrldl O'O...nell Diiiy Plllt TUESDAY , NOV. G, 1982 . ClASSIFllD cs :No i~e1't~ty • • cr1s1s .. • Dotterer jus t · wants to win (which ls tit..>d for fourth on the Learn). By JOHN SEV ANO , Of'"IM Dallr ,.._. ewt He leads his team in rushing, avcragL-s bt.'tter than five yards a carry and lops the Pac-10 in touf;hdowns. ' Not too bad for a part-timer, huh? "When w e mix in the run wilh th<' pass we can be really tough tol stop tx.oeause the defense doesrt't know what's t.'Oming at 'cm," Dotterer explains. AU that, and Mike Dotterer Q<>esn't even ptart for the Stanford Cardinal. . On a team that has a quarterback, a Heisman Trophy candidate no I~ an John Elway, who has thrown more times than the ENTIRE Cardinal team has rushed, Dotterer figures to suffer from an. Of t.'Ourse. dt.-sptte S tanford's offensive potential, the Cardinal has been fon«t Jnto an up-and-down season by its defense. One wt.>ek the team will look brilUant, the n.ext, well. sloppy. Just how does onc gauge a team that has beaten · identity crisis. Ohio 'State an Ohio (23-20), Washington at home (43-31) and led Arizona State (before losing, 21-17), only to turn around and get upset by San J ose S tate (35-31) and emburrasscd by USC (41 -21) and Arizona (4 1 -27)'~ But It's on e thing t o be overshadowed by a star player and another to have t.o fight for playing time in the backfield car ryin g Dou ere r's kind of credentials. Still, the senior who came out of Edison High is unCazcd by it all. There are no tantrums by this student government senator. N o sce n es f o r th is 6 -0 , 190-pounder w ho has applied t.o become a Rhode Scholar. No, sir. Dotterer doesn't care how much playing time he gets, or if he touches the football at all. All he concerns himself with is the Stanford Cardmal football team . . . and winning. "The most important thing is to w in football games," says Dotte rer unselfis hly a s the ''There's no question with a possible break or two we could be in the Rose Bowl race,'' says Dotterer. "S till, you can't worry about what's happened, you can only look ahead. "Sure it's been disappointing, but we try not to look back. You can't do anything about the past. All you can try and do is look ahead and try to make a positive no te out o f the rest o C the season." What the Cardina l (5-4) is hoping for now is that they play well enough ;n their last two games (against UCLA and Cal) t.o attract the attention of some post-season bowl oHicials (i.e. Sun Bowl, Liberty Bowl). --Cardinal prepares to play the Bruins in Pasadena Saturday. "I don't worry about starting. I just hope when I get an opportunity to play I can contribute." Dotterer has l'}Q1 only t.'Ontributed of late, he's actually helped Stanford acquire a new dimension to its previous one-dimensional attack under Elway. Dotterer , who Cirst saw playing lime when fi rst- string halfback Vincent White was injured and has recently shared th e chore with White since his return, has gained 420 yards r ushing (including a 46-yard touchdown run that broke the baak.s of the .Washington Huskies). scored nine touchdowns (tops in the Pac-10) an~ caugh t 23 passes for 175 yards "h 's been frustrating to have a guy like Elway and not go to any kind of a bowl up to th is point," Dotterer admits. "T hat's like an I added incentive for us this year. It would be a shame not to get a guy like Elway w ith his ability into a bowl game.", In the meantime. Dotterer is lookin~ forward to playing UCLA this Saturday at the Rose Bowl. "It will be like a homecoming for me," says • (See DOTTERE R, Page CJ ) Saddleback's Smith beating handicap By ROGER CAR~ON or-.Dallr .......... Cos ta Mesa reside nt Blake Smith has been making a name for himself at Saddleback High School where the Roadrunners have been busy establishing a perfect record -nine victories, no defeats. His world is without sound. but the noise he is creating is becoming louder and louder .. All-Sea View League honors went t.o him as a junior defensive end and this season he has been a two-way performer, doubling at tight end. And , he was a double dose of trouble for Estancia High last week in a 43-21 victory, picking up a pair o f f umbles and returning them 29 and 14 yards for touchd o wn s, setting up ano th e r touchdo wn with a 54-yard reception. Defensively he had four unassisted tackles, sacked the q uarte rback and caused one of the two fumbles he scored with. For i t , Smith is th e Dally Pilot's Player of the Week. and iron ically it came against his former grade school teammates. "T hat's wha t killed us," says Estancia High Coach Ed Blanton . "those two fumble recoveries for touchdowns." Smith, a 6-1, 208-pounder, is a resident of the Mesa Verde area. but has s pent his high school days af -SaaaleOack because of the school's special classes for the deaf. · Interp re te r Dottie H an son gives him his signals from the sideli nes and Smith takes it from there. In all, hE: has caught six passes for 109 yards and two touchdowns this year. "He 's certainly one of ou r favorites." says Sadd le back Coach Jerry Witte. ''He's one of our bunch. "The bigg est thing t h at everything is working well is because of the kids ' attitud e toward him. They all have their ways of communicating with him -s o m e of the m have s ign language ... the working man's sign language." Mistakes can be made within such a handicap, but Smith has never misread Hanson's signals from the sidelines. Blake Smith Saints vote to accept 'The Great Playoff' vetoed at meeting ·•It can present problems," admits Wi tte. "But I'm getting used to it. I have to posit ion ~self so Dottie can hear me call the play and usually I tell her, too. The biggest problem is if I go out in the huddle ·on offense or defense. I have to get back in time so he can read her signals, but he can lip-read a little and he reads my gestures rea lly well." NEW YORK (AP) -The war o f w o rds conti nues ill the Na tional Football L e agu e players' strike, with union leader Ed Gar vey dis counting a n apparent crack in the Players Association's so"lidarity by noting that 25 teams had re)ccted the owners' latest offer. S unset League offic ia ls decide against tie-breaker, opting for coin flip By ROGER CARLSON o£tt. D.ily l"tlot a .. n No one's ever accused the Sunset League of lacking a state of competitiveness, but coole r m inds prevailed Monday at a a upe r in t e nde n ts ' m eeting w i th the principals of the six Huntington Beach S chool Dist r ict ins t itutions and th e potential Great Playoff has been shelved. Should there be a. tie with more schools involved than CIF Big Five Conference COMMENTARY football playoH berth s a vailable after Friday night's final salvo. a coin flip wilJ determine the league's representatives. "We went over the league constitution," says Fountain Valley High Principal David ff.tgen. "Section E lnclic.a tes that a coin CHp ahould be used to break a tie when it la Impossible to have a f layoff ror CIF repreeent.atlon because o weather or (lack of) time. "The feeling was that the flip of the coin would be best becauae of the lime fact.or." Earlier, It appeared there would be a rnamlve meed"! of appllcanta for playoff , benhl on Saturd~ at Westmlnater High. ~ldlnl on Friday'• ouia>mes, with • na)lonal federatlon'tle-breaker used In round-robin fuhlon. S uch a propotal aeemed at111gerlna. eomldedna the bodily Impact of the •port eomlnC ie. than 24 boun after a Frida~ ..._..,~ All of the coaches were not in accord on the decision, at least as of Sunday night when the unofCicial count was 4-1-1 against it. O n ly F ountain Va lley Coach Mike Milne r voiced a preference for ft, saying, "It sbould be-decided on the field. I'd hdte to see our kids' season end with a fhp." F.dison Coach Bill Workman refused t.o take a stand on th;;? issue, saying, "The only viewpoint I have is that I hope w e're not Involved." Others, however, were n't so mild m their comments. Said Huntington Beach Coach Greg Henry: "Our backs ca n hardly walk the day after the game." Barry Waters, Westminster High's coach, added: "Forget the backs, even the coaches can hardly walk the next day." "I see kids getting hurt In that kind of situation." said Ocean View Coach Steve Colflesh. "It's not the 118mc game and It's true, It la hard tor a lot ot our kid&· to wolk the l')ext day." Marina Coach Dave Thompson. who adrnita he haa won two coln fli ps In the past and can't. recall loelng a roln fllp during hil coachJna career. allb called the propqeitlon a dud. "Ev4'ryone W at In a furor when WC! won a coin flip and u &d lt thou1d be done on tM flelc:t." he u ya. "But. It hu been do~ on thto field, that'• why lt w• a three-way ti•.'' At any rate, thtte will bl" no playoff or ' 1uddtn dMt.h goaJ-lbw eltuallona '*tween anyone on Saturday. This week 's schedule finds Ocean View (l-3) vs. Edison (3-1) at Orange Coast College Thursday night, followed b y Fountain Valley (3-1) and Marina (2-2) at Cerritos College and Westminster (1-3) at Huntington Beach (2-2) Friday night. With three ClF playoff berths available, every fan is able to come up with a aolution Forset the back s, even the coaches can hardly walk the next day. · -... tmlMler C..ch ...., 'WMen which wm put their team in a playoff possibility -but It'll be a coln flip which decides It. CIF adminiatTator Bm Clark eays such a proposed playoff on ~urday would not be In violation of CIF rules. "If • league oon1tltutlon provides for a playoff or tie-breaker for entry Into the playoffs, it'• all right, as long u It's not to determine Cl rat or aecond place," uya Clark. As for the potential lnjury factor In such a situation, Clark declined to comment. That'• left for the commentators -and. from t hla anale, IUCh an endeavor Wal tantamount to ptftnedit.ated auiclde. The pme of fooU.ll mey appear ...U.Uc from the atande. but In the middle of the ri.ld, the thumpl"I la In another world. Tie-breakers and pla)'O(ta are belt left for bukett.11 and 'II it.II. When it com. to football, pt tt c*6dld on \N field flrlt, « 19\• f« &he l'06n T he noise and hoopla o( high school football is a ·vacuum for this standout in terms of his in a bil i ty t o hea r , but nevertheless, he's producing as much noise as the next -and considerably more than others. Geor gia claims No. I ranking From AP dl1pa&clle1 The Georgia Bulldogs. seeking' th eir seco nd natio n al championship In three years, moved Into fi rst/lace Monday in The Associate Press college rootbell poll, while Pitt dropped from first to eighth by toeing to Notre I>arne. whtch t<limbt"d back Into the To~ Twenty. Oeor11a, Sou thern Methodist and Atlzona State, the only three unbeaten and. untled major colle9e teams, grabbed the top thr«'• a pota In this week's ranklnp. followed by' Ne~uka and Pe nn State, while LSU Jumped from 11th to atxth -lta hi&heet ranklnl air.ff 1972 -and ArMIWM ak~ from fifth to 10th ' Garvey accused the owners of further .. illegal tactics" Monday night at a n N FLPA n e w s conference and said that a vote by the New Orleans Saints in favor or accepting the NFL's most recent proposal In principle "Is just onf? of 28 teams and we're not too concerned. "Once they see all the facts, I'm confident they will reject it too. ''Most of the teams felt there was not enough there to warrant a vote . Tw~n ty -four teams rejected It in one way or another. Another club voted against the , propoeal several hours after the , news confe rence; the H ouston y Oilers said they would vote today and one othe r club h ad pot 1 reported Its vote. 1 "We arc d e l ighte d ·th•t.~ management's latest llle1al tac~ . haa failed ," he added. "T he ' p_la ycrs d o n 't t h lnjl It'• a i repreeentatlve ofter. They know · it'• not the bottom line.'' The Saints voted 45-1 with one abetentfon to acciept \he owners' off•r and \H'pd Olher teemstodo· the same. al.oeordin1 to Oulclo Merkcm1. the Sainte' allerna. pta~r rrp. The Sainte "...-..cl IO~ manaterMft''' ofter an prtnclp19 whU. rwa111tna then .......... that need to be r e fln•d." Merlcenl lllld. ' ' .. .. Or Garvey r e porte dly had ~gree d .to te rms From AP dispatches L 0 s ANG 1'~ LE s st l' v l' II Garvl•y and thl' Los Anf.(l'lcs Dodgt•rs agrt•c•d on a four·yl•ar l'Onlract last weckl•nd but could not work out othl•r dt'talls. thl• Daily Nl•ws rt'portcd an its Monday echtaons Garv<•y i.lnd thl· Dodgers falll'Cl to mnw to terms by the midn ight EST dcadltn<' las t Saturdoy. nwanin~ thut the vC'teran first basl•nll:ln will go through bas<!ball's re-C'ntry draft thb Wt'Clnesday. The Dodgers l'OUld rl•Wan thl• righLS to Garvey 1f they so c:hoost'. but they reiterated following Saturday night's nt•g<>taations that they would follow club policy and not do SU It had been r eported GARVEY prl'VlOUsly that length of cqntral·t was the ma.1or stumbling block in the negotiations. but that didn't prove to be the case. the Daily News said Garvc•y wanted a f1vc·year contract and the Dodgers offcn'CJ a thr<X··year deal, but th<' sides compromist>d on that issue Saturday night. As Car as the Dodgers' final offer, the Daily News quot1'<l General Manager Al Campanis as saying: "Some proplt• would be surprised. We went prc>tty high." The• rw wspapt•r said that Garvey was on thl• verge of Lt•ars at a pn•ss l'Onforencc following Saturday night's negot1at1ons be<:ausc thl' two sides came extremely dOSC' to an agreement. As far as the DodJtt'rs' decision not to retain the rights to Garvl'y this W~ncsday. Owner Petl'r O'Mallt·y told the Daily News: "There arc two rca!>tm:. for that Onl' 1s that we did not nC'Cd any morl' ume in thc•sl' ncgouauons We had ample lime . Wl• d td not need another two months" Quote of the day Bill F itch, l'Oal'h of the Boston Celtics. rev1ew1ng game films of' an <'rratic performance in an exhibition loss to the Milwaukt•e Bucks: ··some of the things were so bad. so l-Omical, that 1t reminded me of 'Looney Tunes' All that tape needed at the end was Porky Pig saying. 'That's All. Folki..·" ITlUClf 9, 1Y82 Goulet'& goal gives Quebec tie woy p111u1l11g pluy with Ptitt!r uml ' Mh'hcl Uuulct i,11111•d 1111 11 thtl'l' ~ Marlan lilHtny ut l:!.111 t>I tht.• thml pt•rlod to lltt Qu1•l>1't' lntn 11 !\ ~ tit• with F.d1fl111Uun Momluv 111.cht 111 th1 • Nutronul ll11c:k1•y L1•uuu1· Murk Mt•uln hod w1w11 tlw Olh•ri; u 1).4 l••iHI 1111 11 ltllll'k i.hul from tlw l'tl!(hl Wiil~ I 111·1•01 f I'll t'll• ill ll:•IU Of 1111' 11.lllll' l.x·1111tl J cH Lurnw r ri1'l'<I 11 20 foot tihol 1t•1w1 .. •11 tlw lt·M" 111 go.1l1t•111h•1 l'at Rl1otln 01 tlw 121 ~ mark l)f tlw tl11ru J>t•11u<J to rollv N1•w ,J,•r114•y to a 2·2 th• with Wushington ht till' only c1\ht•r N HL game Monday Tlw til' wns th<' third stru11<ht for thl• Dl'vll11, who haw not wun In • tlWll' las~ 10 14unws 'Barna, Irish top Fiesta candidates TEMPI';. An2. Alahnma and m Notrt• Dunw, two colll'fW footbull ••• tt•u111s th1• F'il•Stll Bowl hus covNC'd Cor yl•ars. huvl' i.x.'l'OITlt' k•ading t:u11didatc•11 for thL• New Yl•ar's D~y gam1.• hC'rt'. Ut'<.'<.>nhng to bowl officials llowt•vcr, undc.•foutcd Anwna Stal<' is still ··u very, ver y. very strong cundidatl•" should lhc• Sun Devils not go Lo the Jon. I Rose Bowl. f'lcsui Bowl cxocuUvc director Brul'c Sklnnor said Monday. Los Al opens quarter .horse meeting 'The: I I th Hon;~mcn's Quarte r l!! Hvrst' Rud ng'" Assoda ti on· win wr meeting will open tonight at Los A lamitos Rael' Course• with the Inaugural Handil·ap highlighting the opening. night activity. Tl}e wmtcr season will run for 59 naghts, with the Colden State Futurity slated for Dec. 17 and the Champion of Champions "on Del._ 18. There will be racmg every night CXl'Cpt Sunday d uring the mL>cling with a 7:45 p.m first post. Leading jockey Kc.mneth Hart will be artcr has third consecutive wtntl'r riding tttle this season. Lakers reactivate Clay Johnson The L os Angl'l c>s Lak c r s • a nnounced Monday that they have rt'moved guard Clay Johnson from the injured list and plat'Cd l'Cntcr Joe Coope r on waive rs. Johnson , a second.year player for the Lakers, joln<.'d the club last season and began the current l'ampaign on the injured list with a strained groin . . . Sugar Ray Leonard, the world Wl'lt<.'rweight boxang t•hampion. s~ud he will apear at the Baltimore C1v1c· Cenwr tonight to announce whether he · will w nunul• his boxing carc.-er that has gro~ him $40 million. Exac:tly six months ago. L<:!onard undt'rwent surgery to repair u detached retina in his left eye . Joe Morgan, seeking o 1983 c.-ontrac:t in the $500,000 rangl" after hitting 289 this year, says he p1ans to go against the San Francisco Giants in ~ sulary arbitration c:ise. •. TV: No events "scheduled. RADIO: Bas ketball -Kansas Lakers. 7:20 p.m., KLAC (570). Hockey at Calgary, 6:20 p.m., KPRZ ( 1150). C1ty at Km gs UNLIMITED AEROBICS PROGRAM with NO DUES Per Year (Based on two-year program) Offer Good Through IOYi 30, 1982 Program Incl udes : • Raquetball* Sauna Whirlpool 50 meter pool0 Nautilus Fitness Center * ·Non Prime Time Only -Call or. come. by for · a free visit! M FACl.JTIES INCLUDE:• 44 Temis Ccuts • 20 Racquetbal Ccuts • 50 Meter OtyfY1>ic Pool • Training Pool e ·2 Basketbal Ccuts e 2 VoleybaM C<uts •Nautilus Fitness Center • Aerobic Program • T otmaments • Roood Robins • Chalenge ladders • Clinics and Lessons • Professional Instructors • Pro Shop • Advanced Reservations • Snack Bar • Sociai Activities • Ufecycte Program • Outdoa"Co • ed Jacuzzi • Jacuzzi Lounge • Salll8 • Steam . Spacious Locker Rooms. TV Lcmge . Babysitting FOR FREE TRIAL VISIT CALL - ... E °'otball players of the week Pnul Wuhion, Curoma dl'I Mur 111 hb luut lh Hirt us tlu St •u K111f(H' qunllc 1 b.1t·k . tlw lhll po1111tl Jll1tl111 Wt•ut Ill 1111' 1111 hut 13 tltnt1'. t•11111ph•l111J( f11U1 1111 ii/I v11nbc, hut h<• WWi 11h10 lhc• {'lllHIY~• 111 ll ll' ol ll'll!••· with lrn1 hl'HdH Ufl 11tylt•. k1•t•p 111( hli. ll'lllll'to n11s111k1·H 10 u mlnlrnum F rank Trolechand, Co11tu Mesa A ff· I M•n1U1', Ill' t:auwht ruur pu!o,.'>l'li h1r 49 yards. running h111 1t•w1on11I 11111t111tic·s to 15 for 190 yurds Trotc-chand 111 ul!IO Ml·~u'li rc.•\urtwr on kickoffs an<t hll!I bl•tm u solid pt•rf<>rm1•r for tht• Mw•tangs Min(~l' thl• Sl'uson'x 11lart. Rober t J ean, Edison A 2 IU-pound 1Wnior tldt•ns1v<.• tackh:. ht• cuus<'d three in,'OmplNo puSSt.>s untJ wus creditt•IJ with two 4uartcrpa<·k 11ul'k11 among hts nim• tacklt.•s, "1 l("S had n c:onsislent pm1s rush and has tx.·l•n vt•ry good against tht• 1•un.'' says his <.-ouch, Bill Workman. Mike Pie l, El Toro Thts tl·3, 1V5 pound iwnlor wus l'rt.'<litc..'<l with 10 u nassist('d and 4 assisted tackles. socked lh<.• quarterback thn•c times, c:auscd u fumbtt> and r<.>eovel'l>d onotfwr fumble in El Turo's 37 • J :! vic:tory over lrvinl' Matt Wolf, Estancia • A HiS-poun<l junior, Wolf rus hl'<l for 140 yards on 21 carries und S(:Or1-d two touchdowns for ~tancia. It was his sc'l·ond big rushlllg night in a row, having rolll>d for l 09 yards on 25 l'arril•s against Irvane a week ear Ile r. ov1•1 Mnrm11, hi 1u 11111¥ Jown '"'' V 1k1n""' out.1th 1 un111ng l(Unw J It• ul..o flllc'<I lr1 ut ught t ncl for h111 hrotlll'r, M1k1'. who 11urf1•11 '<l an l•lbow lo(Ury. Dan l'hlcbuwMkl, Irvine An o~h·nlit Vt• ~uu1 d und tlt'ft•11111vt• t.•nd , th111 llll>•pmuul M•lllor lwcl lour h•ucl t11t·klc•:. und two Uh.'>hll.!I, Ill utJd1uu11 tu his 11fl1•11!4IV<• bhx•k1nl( Hu':c ul-.o tht· U•um'i; J>IUl'l!·kkkor und hu.., hoott.U two rwtd i.coub und mnnl'l'tt'<i on 14 of 15 PAT11 Adorn Juhmwn, Luguna Beach A Ii :.!. 170-pound :.t•ntor l'l'<'ru1t<>d from tht• 11oc.'i·c·1· <1111J vollc•ylx1ll l(•11m". Johnwn has awra1ot1•J 42 6 yards J)('r punt thl!i Yt•ar , .. And Wl' punt a lot, .. !UIYll CutH·h Dt•nnl:. llaryunu>. k lt·k1ng 1ns1d.-thl' oppont•nt'i. 10 <•1ght llm<'li Hl•'s 8 for.a on PATs nnd corr·u·u tht• bull tw1l't· for S<'Vl'n yarus on fake punt s1tuulions against C.:uplstran" Vulll'y. Jim McLau1hlln, Marina An All-Suni.C'l Lf':lguc• choice us a Jun1ur, McLau~hlln wus crc.>dited with thrc't! 11acks among his 13 unass1stc.>tl and t•1~ht a~1ste<l tacklc.-s against Huntinuton &:~it· F'or LhC' Sl•ason he has 5U tacklt.'S · 4H u11sists and $l'vcn sacks from his spot },It dL•fl•nsivJ l'nd. Pat Ouba r, Mater Def A l85·pound Junior dl'fl'ni.1vc bat·k , Dubar r~·t~r~wd a punt 69 yards for a touchdown and had an 1ntC'rt•cption return for (Jn uppart-nt TD calll'CI IJ~l'k by pt.malty. lie had six unassisll'd tackl<'s from ~ti. frl•t• salNy position in a 3:!-12 triumph over St•rra Tom Thompson, Fountain Valley . . Dav_ Cadigan, Newport Harbor A 175.pound i:;cnior, he caught three passes for 36 Stevt• Br<i zas gained 139 yards on '1.7 curries, !>yards, upping his season totals to seven re<.'C'ptions • alrno:.t. c>xd,usively behind "the r1ghl side' of the for 77 yards In a 17-14 victory over Ocean View. offl•ns1ve lim., wherc this ti-4, 'l.3l·pound senior "He has gradC'd out very high a ll season," says his anchort>d thmg:. at right wckl1:. He wa~ t'rl'<lited coach, Mike Milner. "and ht• has to be considered w uh i9 kcy bllx·ks by the Sailors' roachmg staff. one of our most improved pluyers.'' Billy Ray, Huntington Beach Ont' of the Oilers' stalwarts. this 6-3, 190-pound Junior forc.'Cd two fumbles and was cred1tt>d with eight una.ssist<'Cl tackles in the Oilers' 20· 14 tnumph P asad e na could lose millio ns PASADENA (AP) -The city of Pasadena 'stands to lose several million dollars an rcvt•nue if Super Bowl XVH. scheduled nl'xt Jan. 30 M the R~ Bowl. ts not played. And that development sc•c.•ms more.• possiblc every day. National Footb<tll League Comm1ssion<.>r Pete Rozt•lle said Sunday that the Super Bowl dutt• was in serious jeopurdy. "The rommunity stands to lose around $4 to S6 m1lhon m rcvl•nue if the game is not playl'<i.'' said Rotre Arnhym. exccuuve vice president of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce. an a n •ccmt interview m the Pasadena Star-Ncws. "Lots of pt'Opll• out thl•rc will go uncmployt.>d, but it goes way beyond that. The impact on unc>mployment Will be diffll"Ult lO assess." Mayor Loretta Ghckman said the city had no c.>sttmatc on potential i ... ~ o( revenue. but t'Oncedcd that 1t may well be up in the millions of dollars. .1 Arl llalfield, Ocean View A 155-µount.1 .1un1or free safety, Hatftl•ld had thrt•t• intt•rn •puons in Oc;-can View's near-miss 17-14 lo:.i. to F'ountaan Valley. He was a lso credited w11h s e v t.· n t a l' k I l':. . H c• re t u r n e d o n e o f t h o s c intl•rt•Ppllons 70 vards for a touchdown. Steve Ba rsamian. University .A t.i -0, 205.pound senior, Barsamian had five unc:issisle'd and five assisted tac:kles. sacked thl' quurtcrback thrc<.> times and fort'l'd the punu .. r to run out of the.• pocket and got the tackle. He wai, the t·atulyst to holding Corona del Mar's-Lance Martin to YO yards. Bobby Meade, Weslminster Just 5-6. 150 pounds, the Lions' nose guard went virtually unbloc:ked aU-night, ac."l-ordmg to Coach Barry Waters. Among his endeavors was fon·mg an errant pass. which was intercepted and returned for the winning touchdown against 'Edison. R udy F igueroa, Woodbridge A J 65-pound Junior. he rushed for 171 yards on '22 carries. includ1og touchdown runs of 40 and 3 yards in the Warriors' 21 ·20 victory over Laguna Hills. He has scorl'CI six touchdowns on the season and caught ~3 pasSt.'S for 250 yards.- • IS • • ·• ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS • • • . . . . • • MARINE WEATHER -The latest information from t ides to temperatures. direct from the Orange County Harbormaster. • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and attirnoon drlvetlme freeway and highway informa- tion from the Orange sounty office of the Highway Patrol. • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Twrce dally. the most up-to-date 1nformat1on in the world of finance. as it pertains to Orange County. from Bob Schiff of Merrlll Lynch In Newport Beach. • FITNESS. AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expert advice from U C I. Track Coech and U.S Olympic Development Coach Kevin McNair, twtee every day. • • ,.. CONSUMER REPORTS . . • • -Listen for KOCM's own Consumer Advice Speclallst Mary Ann Price. She's out to help youl Two times each day of the week • NEWS -M ore than JUSt 'he-adllnes . and a special emphasis on Orange County · 1 • ENTERTAINMENT REPORTS -What's good -and not-so-good -on Orange County stage and screen. exclusively on KOCM with Herm Boodman • A CLOSER LOOK -KOCM's own weekly detailed look at pertinent news topics. with Joann Reynolds and.Susan Vaughn • COMMUNITY PORUM -An award-winning presentation ot the Junior League of Newport Harbor. aired weekly only on KOCM. delving Into the unique Interests of our area. • caballeRos 546-8560 ~----GAit KOCM IS ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC -•---_...;·:.-:-:---=--ANE> MlJEH MGREI-..___.._~--- REAL VALUES on items from applesauce to zippers 101.1 • • • ON YOUR FM DIAa, AT are advertised every day in the 111111 . . . --·... -~"""""""'. . . . .. ~-.-...:...-..- Lot Al•mltoe MONO A Y't llHU\. Tl (f'lnt l of 11-nltllt fw mMllng) A""ALOOIAI ""IT llACI. 6 lu1longt Oo..ible R P111 IWhllel ti 60 4 40 2 80 Cuoo.is Bubble to.t11ao.1io1 18 GO 6 60 Mites J J 1Paul1ne1 2 60 Also ••ceo Su Oenc.101 Bu• I 1 Man lwtn 1n111n Oo..ib .. Whammey Alamat 1 B•g Rad Oo.iote P.,k F10rec11a Time 1 13 , 12 EllACTA \I 21 Ptt<l $83 40 OUARTERHORSH SECOND llACI!. 870 y11d1 Mna H1 (Ha•ll l 00 2 60 2 20 HOime Bas. tPauhne) 4 20 J 20 Run Nall•• Run t0elomo<11 4 oo AISC> taceo T.melo Ge1gone W•n Pot;c;~ Auth0<11111 an Fr1.u Boo, Come Walch Me Fly Time 44 58 THIRD RACE. 360 yards !Mila IO Cute Br (Miii S 80 3 00 2 80 OH·Hesacnamp tH••ll 2 60 2 ao OH-Easy Lam IAda•tl 3 20 3 40 OH ,o..eonea1 lor Place Also raceo No1101me Pau LOOl\1n For Love, K1nn1k1nn1ck Bubbles Jel Jenny Paycll~. Ayon1 Cno1ce. Keyne11on Time 17 96 S5 ElCACTA 11•2J pa1cJ $~4 50 S5 EXACTA (t·SI paid $35 SO THOllOUOH9AEDI f'OUATH RACE. I 1116 miles l1m11 to Rom.ince 10tv11 3 60 2 40 2 20 FachenClon s Boy 1HanMn) 2 80 2 20 Sparkle Ovor (Steiner) 2 60 Also raceCI Bun~er Snot Amu1ng Oehvltf'y, Free fap<K:1a110" f-uu s Oteam • Time I 46 115 FIFTH RACE. 6 tu11ongs Prince Cap (Bleck) 26 80 11 60 4 60 Howcfyoone<o 1S1e.ner1 • 20 2 80 Ra>o1n Rebel 1Noguez1 2 60 AISC> receo B1C1aooon leg Bail Ms Royal. Time 10 Zip Veo•~ 0•011. ProuCI Choice. Gol<l Reviewer Time I 11 315 SS EXACTA 19·11 pa1CI $339 50 SIXTH RACE. I Ii 16 rTllltt Slu&l'ly Weather tRon<ll 4 20 2 80 o.it l•ta s Gay Ruler 10t.varesl 3 80 out Stal>On J (Oelge<JdlO) OUI tNo show wager•ngl Also raced Here Comes Dave Arroaianct\es Time t 45 215 $5 EXACTA t2-dl pa•d 526 00 SEVENTH RACE 7 furlongs Be Happy (Hansenl 18 00 6 80 5 20 Eagerly (W•rrenJ 3 60 2 80 Prune Picker Oufff\ (Valenz~al 4 20 Also r ace<J Morning Me<l"8H love AnCI Obey. Real Alhnny Flaming Heton. Lindy s Oueen. Galas Cap, Brendella Trrne t 23 41S $5 EXACT A 18·21pa1<JS147 00 EIGHTH RACE. 7 furlongs G11tf181d (0.tegal 6 •O 4 20 3 00 Park SenltCe (B16Ci<I S 40 4 20 Alln Fa< But1etm1lk 1Catlaf\8<lal 6 00 Also r•ceo But>ble Gummo W1n<Jy s Ou~e. FIY'"ll Bravely Ooc10< Bffper. HuHt Time 1 23 415 NINTH AACI. 6' 1 turtonos Im Gunnage1even tOrlgl 17 40 5 80 4 40 HOll<lay Bar!Jlln (Ron<JJ 8 00 4 40 Awal-~n Toal tHansenJ 3 80 Also •IC*! IQ ....... Teno T"41 flag Pride 0 P..,., O.amono 8"1 Soun<! Eagle tom• Knocllout Beau lily flme I ·17 215 $5 EXACTA 13·81 pa•CI $327 50 $2 PICK llX 13·fl·2-8·8·31 P8'0 S 1 906 20 w•tll 28 w1nn1ng 1<.i..e1a (five nottetJ S2 Poek Sr• conso1a11on Pa•<l $30 40 'l"•lh 554 wtnmng 11cke1s ttour "<>fwsJ TENTH RACE I I 16 mites Safi s Dream"' tC1tnC1al 4 :10 Pageanlry (VOlelituela) Gauclla.n 1P1ncay1 Also raceCI Aclvoca11ng Commanoer 2 60 2 10 3 20 2 10 2 10 Frencn Time I 41 415 $5 EXACT A 14 ·51 P<t•d $24 50 ELEVENTH RACE. I , m•les My Roll Ga1C1e11 6 20 3 60 2 80 Wis/> S First (NOQU8ll 3 40 2 80 Have One 10r1ega1 5 20 Also race<l llsnotmylaull. E•treonely Doc Ward. Nono. Hum. Gsme or Spoes l•mto 1 49 llS 12 EXACTA 18 71 paid 523 00 A11e<>c1anc1> 8 102 FrM egenl •l•ll•llc• S1a11s1ocs of 111e· players wno are ehg11>1e IOr 1>8sebalt 1 lrH aienl drall We<Jnud•y INFI LDERS Pl•Jtf Avg HA RBI BIU Almon WM• So• 256 A 26 Alan 8ann1ste< Ctevelan<J 2117 4 Al Kiko Gare;• Ho.itlon 211 I 5 lteve OerV•J. 0od9en .m " .. Mike Ph1lhp$ MonlrHI 125 0 I A R()dt~Z While So• 2• I 3 31 ~ m11n. San Fran 29A 18 56 Fre<J Slanley Oakl(ln<l 193 2 17 Gane T enace St Lou la 258 7 18 Dave McKay. Oakl1tnC1 198 • 17 Bump w1111 Cubs 27:1 6 38 OUTFIELDERS Glenn Adams f Olonto 258 I 11 Don Baylot .......... .213 24 .,. Bruce eocn1e s.a111e 297 12 70 Al Cowens. Seallle 270 20 78 MIQllel O.lone. Cle•etan<I 235 3 25 Jay John~ne. Whtie So• 2•1 10 45 Steve l<e Wnlle So• 286 19 98 John Lowe<111e<n Ball 320 2• 66 RICll Menning Clftvetan<l 270 • 4 • l1ai McRae Kenan Cny 308 27 13l Omet M0teno P!llaburgn 245 3 A4 w NOfdnogen T0ton10 270 I 20 Bill Aoo.nson. PMedt!ll)tl•a 250 7 31 Effot va1en11ne. Mell 288 8 48 Jo.I Yo.ingOIOod, Montreal 2•0 3 29 CATCHl"8 Jatnl8 Ou1tk. Kan1&• City 23 1 -1 5 Alan Ashby. Hovston 257 12 49 Aon HOClgn. Mell 248 5 27 Joe Nolan 8at11m0<e 233 e 35 Ron Pru•ll San fllM'CilCO 500 0 2 Sieve Sw•shet. S•n = 172 2 3 . me M W L4 l!llA Floyd Bann11tet. Sea Ille 12 13 3 43 Tom Burgmeler. Bolton 7 0 2 2 29 Pele FaleoM, Mell 8 10 2 3 S• Terry f'oul.,, Dodgen s • s S.CM W~an Montreal 9 4 12 3 75 Don 1(1111M1 C11y • 0 I 3 51 8oO McClute. Mllweuk .. 12 7 0 4 22 ~'"· HOl/aton 2 4 3 302 .C1nc1nne1t 8 13 0 360 Peul sr.1110tlf. KC 10 10 0 4 21 LllleTIN'll,A,,.... 2 2 0 1.11 MT't J::o-::~.=-L .. , -20 ~ 1 DAtl 44 llOlltlO. II mKIC9rt4 o.tWY"e "°""' (~ ...... , -6 7 •1111••11 t2 bOl'tl(O, 4 cow cod 102 matlCMel, 147 r~ eOCI OMA WMA .. -27 •ngl4lr1 71 b .. t. 37 bonito, 4 m~cktrel, :> rock ll•h, 2 lfl~IMl!d, t K\llpill At .. ACH -37 9"0 ... 1 S l>Ol'tlto, $ C*4 bMt eo mecllerel t7 rock GOO to roQI 11111 • """"" ' IOle. 2 l\eff - • Stockholm Open lln;let Pinal '''""'I ••unit Cl ••lk•I 0111 Matt W•lw1<1111 tS .. ...,,.n1 T C. II J tl 41'Qrlle .,,,,. $41 000 Wit"""'°' W•tll Sl4 0001 Do11ble1 ""al M•tk D1Ck1C)n llJ SI J1111 UutonQtHUll 1SwecJ1111 llol S11e1 111100<1 S1ewa11-re1111 hyotn (U s I 7-11. 8 1 0·4 (DICklOll Ou1111111 UUll ~plll $ 18 000) Orend Prl• tourn.ment l•I 011110, Ec11ecto1 I • 11"918• ,.,,., Ac•cJ••• Gomer 1Ecuad111 I oet 1111• Go.i>10111t1aocel 7 8 8 3 Double• Pln•I JllUh41 flllOI P•dlO Reooll..Oo (Ch110I 01'1 Aocky lloy"' Egan Ac'""'' tU SJ 8·2 ·6·3 COUEOE AP lop 20 I Oea<gtt 1331 9-0-0 t, 150 2 So Me1t1oo111 t 191 9·0-0 1, 129 3 Arizona Stale (SI 11·0·0 l,CM9 4 Nlbl Hiii 111 II· 1-<I 984 5 Pttnn Stele 111 8· l·O g5s II LSU 7·0· I 885 7 wu111ng1on S·l-0 77g 8 P•ll 7· 1-0 785 9 Flotlda State 7-1-0 688 10 AtkantH 7· 1-0 S72 11 Ci.maon 11· 1· 1 63 t 12 UCLA 7· I· I 471 13 Notre Dame 6· t-1 393 14 M1cn1g1n 7·2·0 381 t S Oklanoma 7 -2-0 36• 18 Southetn Cal 8·2·0 368 17 Alabama 7·2-0 323 18 M.,yland 7-2-0 239 19 W"t V1rg1ma f 7·2·0 211 20 lt•H 5·2-0 87 Community coll-a• SATURDAY'S SCHIDOLE Boulh Coa11 Conference OotcJen Wul al Ml San Antorno Gronmonl 111 Orange Coast San Diego Mesa .al Fullerton Mlu lon Conl.,•nc• San O.ego CC at Palomar 1 30 p m Santa Ane et Cr1ru1 Sou11lwesll!fn at R,_,..de CC Soulhern Clll Conference Rio Hondo al Compton t 30 p m LA Soutl'wesl el EllSI Lo• Angeles LA HarbO• al Los Angeles.CC -lropolllan Conference r all al Ba~eut•ekl 2 p m tono e.acn...CC -.1 Etc- l A P..,c;e at Pauoena CC WHl•m Stal• Conf8f8flC8 M00<patk al Glef\dale t p m Hancoci. al LA Valley ventuta at Sanla Bn11>a1a CC Foolhlll Conlerence Ml Sen Jac•nlo al San 8etna1<J1no MiraC0$18 "~Serl Anletop;t V~lley al lmpe<1al Valley All games begin RI 7 30 p m unten otner'wo5e no1eo Hlah 8Chool renklng• CIF .. 10 FIVE CONFEAEN'CE Poe. THm, t.cord Polnl1 1 SeMI~ 16-11 ~ 140 2 Long eeaeh POiy 111.0-21 t:.>• 3 lOy04a (8-0· I) 111 4 Co41on 11-11 97 s f!otetar o.. (6·2· 11 75 6 Alemtl'y (7-1· II 65 7 SI Paul t6·31 42 B1snop Amal 17·21 42 9 Cresp. (7·21 a I 10 Ed1Jon t5·3.i I 19 Clf SOUTHERN COHFEllENCf I LOI Allot (9·0) 88 2 El Modena 11·0 II 62 3 Footll<ll ll-0 t1 SO 4 E-~ (8·11 '•6 5 HH W!lloll 18· 11 42 6 l~(7·1-11 34 7 M1nionv .. io17·1·1J '27 8 San1e Ano t6·31 22 9 C•P••lreno Valley (6·2· 11 17 10 VIII• Par~ (5-3· ll 3 ()o.,ney (6·3) 3 Clf' CENTRAL COHFERENCE I Saod>ebllG;, 19·0J 70 2 l• HaO<e (4·51 60 3 Fullerton 19-01 63 • E1 Toro (7·21 52 5 Rancno Alam11os t8 11 43 6 Lo• Am1gM (6·21 33 7 NtwPO<I H~rbOr (5·41 31 8 Wettl!fn 16·31 12 9 La Ou•ntl 1•-S1 5 10 Sunny Holts (A·41 3 Elghl·m•n CIF pl1yons FIRST ROUND (Frlclar).-Fra.-chl Parker tSan Otego) al Rio Hondo Ptep Maaaoa al H-1• Cnrl11l1n lll>«lY C1><1111en al Bioominglon Cllt1111an B•entwooc:t et El Paso Cle Ro!>les 1n1ene1 Christo•n el C1pl1treno Velley Owlstlel\ Shan<Jon •• T~lelon Fllntrlclge Prep 11 Big PIMS Pilgrim el Fa~ll Bapllll NHL CAMPaELL CONFERENCE Smythe ~··~io; Of' d A lllte. Kl091 7 4 3 59 53 17 Edmonton 6 6 4 76 73 18 Winnipeg ' 7 5 I 63 48 15 Ca1ga1y ti 8 3 11 77 15 vancouvet ll l 2 55 51 14 Norri• Olvl1ton MITTnetOI• 10 4 I 65 SS 71 Choeago 7 2 5 62 •A. 19 SI lOUos 7 7 I SS S4 IS De tr Oil 3 10 3 43 73 9 I01on10 2 1 5 46 61 II WALES COHf'IRINCE Palrlctc DM•lon NY tall\n<lert 11 4 2 75 50 24 Pll11eoerpn1/ 9 6 1 65 49 19 NY All\Q8fl 6 8 I 56 61 13 New JetffY 3 • 6 54 84 12 WUM\glon 4 7 3 50 60 11 P•lllbu•gh 4 10 2 51 81 10 Adam• Olvlaton MonltHI 10 2 3 74 50 23 Boat on 7 s 3 51 47 17 Oueboc 7 6 2 70 84 16 Bu Halo 8 6 3 60 55 15 HarllOtd 3 9 2 47 4Q • Mondap'• ScorH Eomon1on 5 Oueoec s WHhfnglon 2 Hew WM)' 2 Toclay"1 gamee K:nt• el Caluary SI °"'' at New Yori. l•.londet& Montreal al M1nneao11 NHL le.cter• (lhr041tll l11nclar'• fM'H) 0 A .... OrellkJ EClmonlOll 10 22 32 Bolly NV lttll<'de<• 15 14 29 Mc00tt11d. Colgary " 1 23 P Stutny <t.!t>ec 13 10 23 ~81111~. ueoeo 10 13 23 Hon. 111\)ary 1 10 23 Ttolllef. NY ltllln<l8'11 II 11 112 f'Oll.,K~ • IJ ~ Wll9on .. 18 ~K~ 11 • II Ctari.e Pll~I IP"'• • 7 14 21 MltLHn WWll\oC)80 1 14 ~1 • .... WHTUIN CON,UtlNCI l'Nll'41 Dl•lalen w L ,., O• ('Jiii• II I I VCIU ~ .... ,. •'hO.•flh 01)111t111 ~··""' l'wt1•1111 • 1 aoo I ' " "/, • ' 601 .1 ~ UCKI ~ ... U.1og11 I 'i Ill~ 0 • OllQ II 11 MldwHI D1¥11lon l>•ll Allll>flw Ii I 11) 0.11 .. 1 4 I 6il t I 1\81• .. • C:1ly 2 I l•tlt I 06n••• 'i .I 400 1 , . V14fl I • 200 lluuolon O ' 000 4 IASTlllN CONPlllllNCI All•nllc Division P1t•l.1Cl .. 1Jltlu BtlllDtl Hew J"'"41Y W11.,,.ng1001 N"w Yot" & 0 1000 ~ I •33 J l ~ 3 3 lo()() 0 ~ 000 C:•nlr•I Olvltlon M1lwuukt111 OOllOll AlhlnlU Cn•ugo 11\Qlllflll C-eno 4 ~ 1Hi1 4 2 1;67 2 3 4()(j '" I r 2 3 400 I 3 2SU " 0 5 000 3 , Tonlohl s O•mH K.,,. .. , C1fy oc &..tetra N-Jvr•llly "' New YO<k Oet•o11 •• W•~n11101on u1 .. 11 •t San Anlo1110 San 0111110 11 lndlono S..allle al Cmwgo Pn041m• a1 Hou>111r1 Allan111 II Oen'itt Gol<Jeo SIAI• Bl Porllah<l NIA leader• llhrougll .J11ncl•r'• O•,,..•I ICO"INO Q f'Q FT Pit Avg rt111us c111cooo .::. 83 3• 163 32 6 1>11n1 .. y Ulan 5 SO SO 1~0 JOO Oer•in Sun /.ntonlO 6 60 55 118 19 7 Pa.'°" Poflland 6 !>S 41 152 2S 3 Fre.t GOl<Jen SIBlt • 37 26 100 25 O w11k1ns .a.u~n1a 5 Sii 11 124 24 8 Erving Phfl 5 48 U 123 24 6 Knight. 1ndian11 4 34 28 96 24 o Malone. P1111 5 35 49 1 111 23 e fnpucka. Oe1ro11 8 50 41 IA I 23 6 A HOUNDING Q OH Del Toi Av9 Maione P111llt<llllpll1a 5 2$ 56 8 I • 16 2 Sm•th. GOl<lflfl Siate • 28 30 58 14 5 G11more San Antonio 6 21 ~ 19 13 2 8'ro Boston 6 16 59 75 12 5 Soi.ma Sea1Ue 6 12 60 72 12 O ASSISTS G No. Avg Cnec~•. Pr111adclp111a 5 73 14 8 Johnson Waalllngton 6 62 IC 3 Johnaon. Lahn 5 50 10.0 S;c;h11ng Indiana 4 3; 9 3 Dtew 1<an1&t City 3 27 9 0 FlfLD OOAL PERCENTAGE FQ f'QA Pel. Sm11n. GOl<lflfl Stale 28 39 Dawkins. Pn11adelph10 25 37 Macy. Phoen11 2S 30 66 WMenead San Diogo 42 28 Sparrow, At\1n11 41 Cn<cago Dem.er Lt kera Pn1tade1p111., Sealllo Oe1ro11 Kensu C11y GOICH!n State Oellai M11 .. au~ee Sen AntonlO Boston Ulall Pt1oen•• San Diogo Wesll1ng1on lnd<ana Ho.iS(On P0tlland Cte.elancl New Je<sey Atlanta New YO<k Atlanta Selllle M1lwtukee Phoen•• New Je<NY Botton ~.':,7~~ Poruan<I Now Vo111 Sen Antonio 1n01ana OOIClef1 Slate Oallu Ulcen OettO<I Cle-<elano Kensas City Houston Utah San Ooego Denver Ch1Ce90 TEAM OFFENSE G P1. 5 618 5 600 5 510 5 583 6 698 6 694 3 3~ 5 570 6 681 6 663 8 663 6 8'18 5 539 6 6411 8 842 6 641 4 427 4 409 6 811 5 509 6 607 5 483 s 411 TEAM OEf'ENll G No. 5 •91 6 S98 8 601 8 60S 6 609 6 610 6 627 5 523 6 630 5 533 6 841 • 438 5 558 6 874 s ... 6 879 5 568 3 ~I 4 •60 5 586 6 739 5 819 s 648 •• ·:·· _-_.~ . -· --.. NASCAA DOlnl ... ndlng• IThro119ll Sunder'• Aece) 718 676 641 636° 634 Avg _ 1236 1200 ttl.O 1166 116 3 115 7 1150 1J4 0 113 5 110 s 1088 IOfO 107 8 107 7 107 0 1068 1068 102 3 1018 101 8 1012 HS 95 4 Avg 118 2 99 3 100 2 1008 1015 101 7 104 5 104 a 1050 1088 10811 109S 11 12 112 3 t1U 113 2 113 8 113 7 1150 117 2 1232 1'38 128 8 I Oarreu Waltnp 4.3111 2 Bobby Alhson 4,297 3 Terry Labonte 4 129 4 folarry Gant 3 787 S Riclla10 Pe11y 3.74A & Dive Marcos 3 590 7 Bu<kly Amngton 3.564 8 Ron Boucl\8'd 3 395 9 Dale Batnhat<ll l 39S Mond•y's tr•nucllon• aAtHALL NllUon.al Leegue CINCINNATI REOS Sent Clllrlla le1brano1 ano 8rtan Ayoer P•lcher• an<l Mtl!e O Ek!<ry Qld\er 10 Ln<Joanepol11 of •he /.me<!C"n Anoc:tallOf'I ACIOed Fted TOI•-. Jell AusseN and Ron Robmaon 1111cneu. SI••• Chnttma1 cllcller Eric Davis OUll181der, 111<1 Dan Tar1abut1 1nl181dt<, 10 ,,,.,. winter •nater BASKITaALL Netlol'tel BHkefhlt AHOCl•llon LOS ANGCLtS LAKERS AcllVAled Clay JOllnllOl't gu.,d lrO<TI lhe 1n1•.rlt0 kit a!ld Cut ,Joi CooPer .:.nlet f'OOTIALL Urlllecl 11 .... 'ootbell Leetut lOS /.NGElES S!iinecl Rteh 0.mle• lee lng•am. James Wal~et Tommy litter end O•••d Dole dtl~nllve 11nem111, Dave CoralnQlll 11c~le. Ole" Walker punier. Ft Ink JorCltn enCI G111>er1 •Alvarez 1Jlac;ek1cket• Greo w1111am• Jim Oullntor a no George Bani..e ltnebac:ktll Irwin Ctsl•llO hgllt end Sco11 l<ubrlr 1110 Jim We11ntrly gu••d• Angelo Oui:a qu1rl•tbac:k l1m Cut1n1ngnam •Jimmy Cllnlon L.onn,. Tu1-. Melvin fte+Cla and LaRuo Hamnglon, wide r-ver1. Denn•• Cole and Oenn11 Wylre, c0<11erb1cka and Scotty Bytrt Chuck Sc1tll and PhllllP O•lberl Hlellff Named Boo ROM pybl;c; re111oon1 e11r11e1or NtW JERSEY GCNERAlS Sogned V;c;loc ti<c;ka light e11d Dana Notti eno Pele AHIO<CI dtll•natvt b1c111 Jell Kettner, Ollena1ve QUl!d 1Cenr1•n 61er1u11 placetclellar . .,,d J1m61 Belry running bldl HOCICtY ............... , "' .. " eos TON BA U INS f r(lcltO 81111 Jont1h•n ltll w1n11 10 Illa P111tou1gll Penoutn• for future ton~•l•Otl' CHICAGO BLACK HAWl(9 Cl lllHI up M•I<• F•Oler lorwarCI lfOtll Spo119l1ettl ol ltle Ar111r10111 Ho,k•r 1 11aou• 1111<1 Ke11 Y1r11mclluk lorwlr<l 11om "" Po111an<1 1un10r hOCkey le•oue • OtTROlf RED WINOS CalteCI up Joe ,.,,.,IOl't "'" *lnO •no Cone<10 M"-'lff ...... hOl'I o.na r,a.ua .ol U.. 41NlllCll't Hoc:~ey L••G.,. 8en1 J•m111y Aullletlord 041111 M11k l<ttton ctnter, 1nd O.nn11 ,..C>lonctr oVM -10 10 Oltll• f' ... flllTSllJAOH PtNOUINS-Atcelletl P .. et L.. r!Qlll •"'II t10l't'I lht 8alttln0f• 81<1p1ack• or ltlt All'Hltacan Ho<.l<ey L•llQU8 CO&.LIU WICHITA ITATl ... Anno1'"CO' ll'lt 1 e11011111un 01 Ted 8 1ea11no11 e1111111c Clofe<'.Hll •lleCll•• Na• 18 APPO•nlec:t c: A-1..-wen1wor1n in1ar1m etllloll< d•u1c10t • I. Ornnoo Co t!U DAil Y flll 0 I /l Ut <ltiy Novomb r 9, 1962 ('3 Merlin takes slight lea y ~~~.'.. ~~~~' '~·~Y ~~~~" l~1 l11811·111 gMet'ti~~ ,c:lo r -J " • I I Ill ·' m•tlll ,tV JKl'tlllllll ll1Jl•il~ plll((•d h Wt•ll• lot"kt·d ill " dll'tl' h.111lt• 1111 ttw 1•l:ip'tl'tl t11111• :ibuut :l~ 111111" 111 r .. i.111 I' f 1 Ulll U 11 ill"IO H .1y l1 ·ud M1111d11v 11111•1 LW11 d11y11 ol f'ot1l li11g 111 tlw 12th 11p11111x1111u L .. lv :Wll 1111lc .., fn1111 thi• .,,1,11 ;.L J.w, l .o ... A11u•·h·i. 111 M11111tlw1 y1 ll'ht r111'l' A11"11lt •11 ll11rh111 1111 l--!Jt111d.1v Slw had '"'1•H·u1111• ,, n11w mil•· dt·fit 111111 S1111d.1v 111 lt·.1111 >11lh•1 h y i.t•v111 Mariners may be_ hard .hit by draft Nl.<.:W Y O HK (AP) T lw Ktmsas City Hoyuls s tund to IOM• Lh<• most numc•n cully. but tht.• St«11th• Murmt•f's muld lx· Ow hunlt•i,l hH lt•a m hv ba..,t•hull's frt'l' og1•nt rt• tml1 y tlr':ift W1•dm•N<lay. • ffilll0"-t 1'111 • l''tl 111 I VI !oo'>t•b l'l'JJUl'll d lllOllllUt•d It~)~ w ind .. and llut "'''J' w11li 111:t·11'>11111.1l l'lllfl Th1·11· ~.1 ubout ;1 10'.l 111111• '<f~11·ad l11•LW1 1·n tlll' h•Ju l10.1t11 nn tlw 11111 t·t1dl·ri- Ht•i.1d1·' tlw lio11t for-I.loot bat 1 It• lwlwP1· M1•1 h11 :ind 011ltl•1, two o th1•1 1•xc·1(111& du h; w1•11 1lt•v1•hip111g 1'h1• S ;111111 ( 'ru 1. .11r,, 1';111 I of M 111 ''" ll<JATING The Hoyul:. haw four play~n. 1n the• rind r of Vl'l rnn fn'C' agPnls, while till' M o nm·rs w ill "lJf'ply th u •t• p I <i y P ri. 0n1 • o r th t• l h r:Cl7i·e~.;-1nm'lt1rt;Wtrj.1 ·~V'i11r~' .~i~s-..ilit.' 1,.1 ~~~.w~~~J.ulf+~'llJtwu~J.u...uu.:Q.1~.IJJWJ...c...61.i...--.J 27-Yl'ar-old ld1 hundt•r Floyd B :mn1stt·r , who rnuld wt•11· t lw two C'hu<1ll" lli's, J\111IM urnl Rn..u be this y <:llr's mos t highly sought 11<..'l' agt•nt. und Mt·rlln had 1·aptu11·d th1· uv1•1 .111 handwup lc·;a<f thl• olh e"r two ar<• produl'llVl' Vl'tNans, B rUl'I' with a slight c•dg1• ov1•1 1Jrlfu•1 Third wtis ~;;,., 1 of Boc•htl' a nd Al Cowt•ns, Mw. fourth v.-H:. S t1n1ura1. amt lHt h ww; Bn<1:i • Banrnstc•r had a 12-l :i n't•onJ with 1111 l'arnt'<l C las.-. h a 11d1n 1p lt·ad1·r.., Wl'n M1·1·h n in Clai.' A• run average> o f !i.4:i and h'<i the.• AmN·ican Lc•agljl' M1m1 B in 'las.' fi, A1 nl>;.1 111 Cla..,.., C an~1i.:hl With ·209 strtkl'OU~ thls year Bo1:hte and Cow<•n .... Sun in c 1 .. ~ ... (J • I m e.anwh1ll'. h ad 148 runs balled m belWl't'n lht..•m. 80<.'hlc, 0 !il·ycar-o ld OUlfll'ldt•r -fif•st ba!>L'll'lan, h1t .297 with 70 HBl and 12 h om<'rs for lht• Mnritwl's. Cowc•n s, a 3 1-yt'ar-o ld outfil•ldc•r , h it 270 w ith 78 HBI a nd 20 h oml'rs Banms lcr ts Ont.' o f lhret• A -ranked fn•t• agcmt~ available in the draft this year . The other~ an• outr1clde rs J o hn L owen s te in o f th<: Balt1morc• Orioles and S t eve K emp o f th(• C hicago White SQx. The four R oya ls in the d raft a rc designated hitter Hal M c Hae, catc h er Jamie Quic k , and pil(:h c rs Don Hood a nd Paul SphttorH. The Wfiit(' Sox a nd M o ntrl'al Expos h ave four players each in tht.> d raft, whtlt', like the Manners. Ck•vela nd, H ousto n , Los Ang(•les, St. L ouis and the Nl•w Y o rk M l•ts each could lose three players. In all. 41 players w ill tx• ava1lablE' in. tht.• drafl, 23 fro m lhl' Aml•r ican L eague a nd 18 from the N ational L eague Under lht• frl't.' agent rul~ a d o ptt'<i m 1981, team s l osi n g A -type frc•e agents will be t·ompe n sated fro m a spN:ial pool o f proft•!>s1o nal players. DOTTERER. e e From Page C1 Oolt<.>r<'r. "I'm really looking t orward to it • "UCLA has a fine club and we h ave great rt•SJ)l-<:t for a guy like (Tom) Ramsey W e know we n t>t.od to bcm the m to kc'<!p o ur bowl hopes alive." And. if Stanfo rd s h o uld g<'l a bowl b td , sut·h an ex1wrie n cc w o uld t•omplete Douerer's set of goals. "I h ad three goals when l cam e to Stanford," h t> say!.. "Th e first was to gradual<.>, the n I wanted to play m a rollegl' W orld Sencli and a bowl gam e The o nly thing I h aven 't accomplished is th£• bowl g:iml' •• A s for future goals, Douc rer w ill have· lo wreslle professionally bctwc.-en signing a football (NFL or USFL) or baseball (first warn All-Ame rican o uLf1elder last year) contrac t or a ttending a graduate sch ool in lhe field o f politics. That's d o wn the road, however. R 1ghl n ow all Dottere r wants to concentra te on 1s the present. .. I 'm con t e nt with m y perfo rmance•," says DotWrt'r. "But then I'm n ot looking a t Stanford a s an individual. I'm looking a t 1t from a team aspect. "'Tw e nty years from n ow I'm not g oing to look back and say I gained ~ 100 yards in a game. H o pc•fully, I'm going to remcmlx>r a poss1bl<.• bowl gaml' ... And his m emories at Stanford'! "'I've• g r own a s a huma n l!eing and ml'l a lo t of great people h erl'.'. h e concludes. "The rl''s a big difforcncc lx>twccn the Mike Doue r e r who cam<' h t'r<' in 1979 a nd lh<' Mike Dollcrer now. "I g u ess the things I'll remem ber ar<' g o ing to Omaha and beating N e braska ; lym g USC 1n lht• C o list•um in 1979 thal cost th<'m the nal1onuJ c h ampions hip: tx•atmg Oklaho ma m N orman m y sopho more y t•ar, s w eeping Arizo na Stall' (in b aseb a ll) al o ur place Lhe year they won th(' n ation al c hampm ns h1p ( 1980): lx•aling W ashingto n last w e<'k . ··And h opc•fully going to a bowl gume that w o uld be anoth<'r g rea t m e mory " . ' a .. _,,doc"· ~''""'" ('hlrp ''''"'orloil r Sev<.'n pcrp<'lual tro phit•s W<'rt• up for grab! Sunday in Cabrillo Beac h Yac ht C lub's Fall P o m( F ermin Inverted SWJrt race Jn inverted s wrts1 handicaps are app lied a t the ~tart o r the raL-e so tha~ t heorcucally all boots fmish a t tl'le same time Winner of the n:c-c for boats 20 feet anu undl.· was Drydock , s kippered by K e n Gre<Jn, J\lamito Bay Yac ht Club. W inne r In boats over 20 feet w a Malola Chirp, S . W ashburn. Long Beac h YC . Winner in multlhulls (catamarans) was th4 T o rnado Class. Pumpkin Eatl'r , saile d by th4 H arvey Bro thers of Cabrillo Beac h YC. Pumpk1rf Eawr was also aw8;rdL'(f the CBYC champ1on:.hi)' trophy for the first ooat in any class t o fin ish. Otht; pcrl)('tuals: -~01n1 Fermin PetpeluaJ (11rs1 Slngle hull to llnilhl Malola Chirp SI Washburn. Long Beach VC • Gt-Perpetual lllrtl $Ingle hull 20 1ee1 and under! C0tonado-t51 Ken Gr841nl, Alam1IOS Bay VC l Audro Brown Perpe1ual (llrst Stngle null 35 lee1 and over) E Zlmm101man. Cabrillo Beach V~ Ken Davis Perpe1uol lllrll le hull over 20 1661 an<I under 35 IHI Melola Chirp. S Washburn, LBV Mulllhull Perpet~el (first mulhhull 10 l1n1Sll/ Pumpkin Eater Harvel er'Os eevc · · CAL·20 Pe1pe1ual lhrtl L A Harbor t11-20 10 finish) M1i.e HIWIM VBVC f c·--•d fro11t du111p .. 11s tur11out Sailors in N ewp ort H arbor Yac ht C lub' N ovembe r o n e-design r egat ta donned w a n clothing and foul weather gear Sunday as a cold fronl passed through wi!h threat of r ain . S ixty-six boats in eight classes turned o ut fol the event. Small boats sailed cou rses inside the ba • •Saturday. and even the larger c lasses which us u all sail ocean courses confined their <:ompeuuon to ba cou rses on Sunday • I Class r esults: ' Ll00...14A I.Sf.-I Kavin CU&el. Behll co,.nUllall YC LI00· 14B 141 -I OtM W1thams. B1lboe vecn1 Club LASER 161 -1 Norman lewis, HOtMllllO• H8!bOr YC SABOT (141 -t Oawne Coon. NHYC. 2 Anne Schoell. NHVC 3 M1rl1 Coon, NHVC SNlPE 171 -t Keith Doelson, Alam11os Bey YC 2 Pe1er NeWtle Bahia Counlhlen VC • SANT ANA·20I11) -t Oolsy, Mtlle NIP!. NHYC. 2 Oe Jevu J~ SchOdc, NHYC 3 Bulle!, O. Brown Be/111 Corlnlhlen YC SOLING (81 -I GHton Ortil, BalbOI vc. 2 p Wlllta.ml llCI Se111no Aaeoc:1a11on • • ;:i El CHELLS-22 (11/ -l Ptowesa. Riek HIWlhOtnt', NHUC. 2 Silty Oon Bever. NHVC. Stinger captures troph,· . ... c Stinger. s kippe r e d by Mike Wathif;. Capis tra no Bay Yac ht Club was the overall d Class A winn er in the first race of Capis trano y Y acht Club's Mission Series Sunday. , Second ovl'rall in the J)('rformance Handtctp R acing Fleet and second overall w as Califorrja Gold. F red O'Connor. Dana W est Yac ht Club a f)d third was Blue Max. Bruce Anderson, Capo BY~. . Class B trophy winners were A loha ll, Gle(\n R ecd. South Shore Yacht Club; S tarburst, Keh Hogt'rs. Capo BYC. and Bold F o rbc--s. Ed Cummios. Dana Point YC. , In the Midget Ocean Racing C lass (MORC) t.l~e winner was H ot F oot, co-skippered by Ric k R4(f and Bill Murray. Capo BYC ; second was detags, Alan Andrews a nd Chu ck Cook . Balboa YC, atd third Hig h Strung, Bob S.tra ng . Capo BYC. College football - TH°"IDAY'S GAME Wesl Vlrglnte vs Rutgers 11 East Ault\erlorCI N J IATUllOAY'I OAMH Wfft Stanford vi UCLA 11 ROH Bowl 11 30 p m I NevlHle (lit \190111) \IS Long Bffch $1 at Anth81m Slldlum (7 30 pm I Weshlngloo SI al Cel1l0t-San Jose 81 el PllCthC Monlent SI 11 Fresno St Porlland St II Ca! Poly (Pomona) ,., St Mary 1 11 U of San Otego AzvH P1cillc 11 Cef Lutheran Whlllier al Redl1nd1. n Pomona-Pitzer 11 ()cQt<len1a1 Cal S11te N0t1h11dge 11 C•I P04y ($LO) n l e Verne 11 Cllfomool·Mudd llloelt ... use 11 A•1zona. n WUl\fngton ii Arizona St n Sin OttQo SI 11 BVU Kensu 81 Col011do Ulah SI 11 BOIN St N0t1hetn Ar11001 11 Idaho. n Hevlldl·Rono 11 ldehO SI n ColOrldS' SI el N-Meuco Mo..CAlll ., Wet* SI • Wichlll SI 11 WyOll\lng '°"''"'"' T1111.s AIM 11 Arkanl81, n MISSOUll I I Oklehom• Baylor 11 Rice Uleh 81 Te•M•EI Pat<>, n Te11u ti TCU SMU al h•al Tech lndltnl S1 el Tulle n Ne\Oll M••ICO St •• WHI r. ... SI n THH·Arllngton •• Atkllnlll St l.Mnttt al M(""" 81 . n ..,..,, Purdue •I Mach1Q1n Ohio St •• NOtlh-atem llllnoie at 1ndl1n1 W11Cont1n •1. tow1 Michig•n SI al M1nnOSOID n Neb•ma •• •-• S1 OklallOme SI 11 Kansas ~I Penn St 11 Noire Oame Ohio U 11 Wes1ern Michigan Eeslttrn Mlehtgan 81 Bowt1ng Green 8ell St at Central Mleh•g.il"I MO<gan SI el Clnclnna11 Orlkl 11 111111041 SI T Oledo 11 Kenl SI M11m1 co1111 Northern lll•nors toutll Southern M1wu1pp1 al Alabama Geo1g11 II Auburn LOUISVIiie II flOrld• Sl . n F10t1d11 11 Kentucfly Ci.mson a1 M•rylanCI TMOH-el MlllllSIPPI LSU 11 M1S11sS11191 SI VotQlnla al N0t1h C8r041ne Hevy 11 South Csr04tnl Geo1g11 Tech II Wak1 Foresc Vttgll"lla Teel! II \llnderboll Appelathlen SI al VMI E•11 Carolina 11 WHllem & Mary TenneHH-Cll1t1enoog1 11 the C11edel Wollor~ at EaSI Tennessee St n Fu•m•n al M8r1han Duke et No1h.C1rolln1 St SE Louisiana 11 NW Louisiana Norlh Teus SI II RIChmono Lou11111na Tech 11 SW Lcw111ana n .... Piii 61 A1my Syracuse 111 Boston College Hll¥1Id II Pel'lll Pflncllon 11 Yate Cornlll 11 Co!umbl• Tlme>I• II COigate 8oe1on u at S:Ucknee1 01rtmoulh II 8 rown Rhode lel1nd It ConMCllCUI Wt1t Chnler Sc at Oell11111are Mlint It HOiy Croa• New H1mpehH 11 Mu1echuset11 ~,aJe of uxurv from the ...f:V,.11;,, -~lRIJ/J Any Make or Model at the Lowest Price MM H•ier. llvtl., C.1t• Mei• ...... Afk lbout our guerentted ...... ,,.'"' • • • 1101.1•• JOHNSON &SON pr.esents .. COLLIGI .............. Notre Dame over Penn State * BYU over San Diego St. . * So. California over Arizona * Arliona St . over Wa1hin9ton * Uc.A 9V9r Stanfortl • -.. r CI Orang CQn11 OAll V PILOT JI u uay. Nov t11uer D, 1'*81 ~ -- Big week for Lions PICmlOUe .,..... "CTITIC>Ue 8UllMH 'IOU AM .. Ol,A~T UNOllt A MOTICI f# TlllUeTH'I IALI NANI ITAllMINT NAMI ITATIMINT OUO CW TM.llf OATID NNI I , TI 1411 ll•• ltlllll•lllQ J'llltlUI •• llOlllU rn. ..... o ... no petllOf\I .,. dOltl(I 1111. UML.111 '°" ,,.., ACTM)ti JltUITll IAL.I No ~ .. '' buownM• M ro ,_OHCT '°"" ,.tCWlltTY, YOU Alt& IN Dl,AUL.f UNOlll A T Hl DONNA CO Of UFI 8ANORICl4 I NT RPRISCI IT lllAV .. 10\cD AT A ..utklC 0 I ID 0' T It U IT DAT I 0 ANG( t;OUNTY 1~10' H•dnlll 223 ino "''"' lluntlflQIOll UNt:h • AL. I .• , 't 0 u ... I 0 A .. DtCl .... lt I, .... UNlclll vou P081. IC NOTICE Two 1011g We. tm~n le,. Wt'Stm11Uill1r I hHh'11 t,1011~ 1·u111~· uµ with tht• b1~ µl;1ys last Wl'«'k l\ml lWO 111 th1•m }>:Id Ofr (m touc ht.luwns 1r1 11 l ·l I :l llfhl'l of ~~Ju1on tu highlight 1h1• Dully l'1lot')f wwkly listing uf blut• t•hip t'fforts Stevt• Was hlx111'i-77 yu1 d tout·hdown pai.s play from T im Hanson Sl'lll'l•d tlw firl)t W1•stmmstt•r wu1:hdown, and K1•v111 ~'111ncy'.i; !:iU ynrd r e tu1·11 with an mtt•rl't•pt11m pr11Vl•d to IX> tlw w1nrn·1 The big pluys 88 Rkhard A~u11T1•, (Mall'I' i.)(•1), T l.) 1 w1 77-Slt'Vl' W 11shho n tW<•stmms tl•r). TU pubs from Tam Hanson 7 0 -Art llu tfu•ld ((kC'a11 Vll'w), Tl) with 1n tl'rt'\'pliun tiY Pal Dubi1r (Matl•r 0..•1), Tl.) return with µunt ti5-Gl1•nn V11'1ra (Manna ), kick uff relUrn :rn -Kev 111 F11uwy (Wt•stmins tl'r). TD wit h inll•r<.•epllm1 Sot -Bla k l.' Sn11th (Suddlt•bal·k). pass from Hud PC'Sak 5 1-Blake Ft~nnl'I (£1 Toro). run 50-Rob Low1• (Nt•wport Harbor), TD run The season's big pJaymakers !:19-Jamw Craft (Fountain Valley ); '95 -J on Nowo tny (Ed1son). !:12 ·SlANl' Bruzas (Ncwpu rt tlarbor ); 91 Danny Tho mpson (Hunt1ng t un Beach), 88 Jim Gun on (0cl:'an View), JPrry Eldridge (El Toro). Rich ard AguirrL· (Mater D<-'1); 87 Bill M ark•r (Marina); 80 S tl'VC Oprian (Matt!r De1); 79-Ric h ard Aguirn• (Mater Dcij, Gary I anuzii (UnivNs 1ty); 78 Vernon Wallt-ril''h (Edison); 77 -Richard Mendoza (Huntington Beach ), S tcvc Was h bon (Wes tmins ter); 76-Gary I a nuzzi (Univers ity): 72-Dunny Thompson Huntington B t•ach); 70 Art H a tfield (Ocea n View); 69-Pat Dubar (Mntcr ()('i); 68-Don Pryor (Corona del Mar), Lan ce Martin (Coronu del Mar); 67 -Carl Saterfield (Huntington Beac h), L anct' Martin (Corona dcl M a r): 66-L o uic Cerda (Huntington &•at·h), Bobby Williams (Saddle bac·k); 65 -Glenn Vtl'tra (Manna), 64-Richard Aguirre (Mater Dei), Darin Daniels (Woodbridge). K evin Brarlley (Saddle bac k); 63-C hris Mandeville (Irv ine). Jamie WL-ston (Un1vcrs1ty), Todd Cage 1Sa ddlC'back). 62 8111 Marlc>r (M::irina). J o hnny A~enu• lu•lln. Calolt>1nte fUUO Ci\ UCl•I Ullt.ANATION OP TMI NAlUM TAl(I ACTION TO flltOTICT Jo .. pn A ', ........ t.JO fhc:h•tll Allin Hyffltltl, 213 2n<I Ofl '"' NtOCUDtNO AOA**1' YOIJlt '"0''"'"· IT MA't •• t.•mPtl•ll Sit•••· ll•dl1nd• • ., .... Hu1111ng1on BHCh, CA "°"·YOU IMOUU> C:OHTACT A 104..0 AT A f'UeUO IAUI ... vou C1hf0trll" O'J7:t 02641 LA*VUI NllO AN IX,1.ANATION M TMI TD h end Ii I Thil w"~· It COllOUl'.letl or •n 81t1dr1 lumlltO Hyman. 173 NOTICI OP NATUAI °' TMI ,.OCHOIMOa SnllrlJll (trvllll') Mlkt• Znhllv..11 (lJ11IV4•r,..11 v 1. lnelllli()uel Jnd 511Nt llullltl\QIOll 6•teh. CA lltUITH'I UL.I AOAINIT 'IOU. YOU IMOUL.O Ul ll1ll rtui.,.,t•ll (Wu11tlhr11lft1'L Cll•nn Vh'llll JOffVhA rra11• 9~641 tn1tl)l,tt11o ... 1•~c1td T.l.No.,.... CONTACT AL.A*"'"· M ( ) J 1 1'111 llllt!Mrtl wn ltl.0 Wllh Ille Oy Rlchwd .Alll\ HyMlll NOTIC[ IS lffAr9Y GIV[N, lh.11 On Nov.,,-ibltr 2• 111•2 I I 10 00 ( 11111111), II om1•11 .>u1111 ( lu1111nutu11 llt•.1l'11), County Cl«!.: 01 0111,10• ('Aunty C111 Thll •l•l4""41flt wn lllecl ""''" ,,.. 00 w.a,,.tdey,Novemoor24, 111e2. • m CALtrOHNIA OLN(lll.AL 511 J1•rnd Jontoe1 <1':t111mn). r17 Jo:rit• K11rm11n Octobof 18, 1011' Coun1r c1e1k of Or1ngrC011t1I~ on e1 too o',IOc:k em ot .. 10 day, In MOllTOAOt.: GtRV•CL, INC . ••tt>t (Mtll'llln). 50 Lunt·i• M :11 1111 (C'urnna dt•I Mur), ""'11 0c1 15, 11182 lh• 1oom 111 11101 r0t c:v11du<:llng dulv •1Jpo1n1.o r"m.,. unao• end Pub1t1hed 011nge Co111 0111y ""111 T1uetff'• 8 11 ... wllllln lht oltlcot ol 1>uttu•rn 10 OIMd 01 Huit M1k1· M l'Lllln (i':I Torn). Gtt·~ (iur 1•1u (l rvlrw). PllOI, O<;t 111, 28. Nov 2.11. 1119' Publi.htO Ot1ng11 COHI O•llY AEAl ES I ATE seCURITlflf. AKOtdtd °'' ~CJfflbttf !I. 11180 Kt•viu l"ln1wy ( W1•1itmin 11H•1•), !')5 p, t I>uh;ir •~114·82 P1101, °'' 19, M , Nov 2, 11, 1982 SEAV1Ct. 1oc11.a 1t 2020 No1th u Ooc:11rntn1 No 10002. Book •M•.111·1· "'"l). !J. IJ J1•1T," L.'ld1·1'ct u•. •L.''I 1'<>1<'), (, ... , .... , 11188-112 B101dwoy. Sull• 208, In lh• City Of 13I03. Po11• 21• ot OlllCIAI Record• ' • ...,.,; " r. n' '" '" " " MllC NOTICE -------------S1t1t• Ane. ~llty ot Ofer19•, S•••• 1n 1111 QlltC• ot 101 A..ci0JG4!1 ot tiruhtim (1':d1s un), fll11k1• ~math ($oddlC'b1.u:k); 1-----------,,..----PUBLIC NOTICE ot c111101111a. COA6lLINE £0UITV, Orono• Cou111y, c::a11torn1o1 , 5'l C'h tp Mish (M 1 I l) r>•• K n ·'l FICTlllOUI IUllNlll INC .. 11 c 111t1ornl1 c:o1por1111ot1, H u.eutlW by WARRE~ E WORfH • I I Ill : •., l'VUI or,Uu l.'Y NAMI ITATIMINT PICTITIOUI IUl•I• duly lpj)Olnttd TruttM under 1nd I 1111011 rnan Will Sl!LL AT (Sudd 1t•b;1t•k ), l'hris Munch•vll It• (I 1·v1111')1 Ho n lloy<.•s The 1011ow1no otr•on 11 oomo NA~E ITAT .. llNT pu11u1n1 10 '"' o ow•1 01 n•• Pu 9 LI C Au c T 1 o N To TH t (t:'maa Mt•icu ): r>1 l)uvt• P1.ttlt'1\•ll)ll (C1)rtlnlt 1h~J l>UtitlHI •• Th• following per1on1 I• <IOlllQ conr111•d tn lh•t CA•••ln ONd Of HIGttl S I 8100EA f OR CA9H. M I> I R M • K M BOOK PROFESSIONALS LlD • t>u11nq1 •• Tiual exeeulell b~ STEPHCN fpoy•bl• 111 11m1 of ••'-m tuwlul :Ir), 'll' i l"tc'lul' ( •ll'llltl), J•.rac llnllllll ( nrltla), 2 I 3 Ab1lone. 81lbo1 111111<1. S AINT LAU AC,.. T Fl IVE CHARLES FORDE. A SINGLE MAN. money ot the Utllled S1a1e1) 111 11\o Bl.1kt• .. • ... nnt•I (1'~1 Toro). 50 Gory lunu?.zl Calilomlall26e2 GAUCHE. 3333 BllllOI SlrHI. rtcOtd•d July 10 198t, In Book No11ht1on1ontrflfl<iltO\hilCou111y ( U . s t ) c; I k p ( M . ) L 811nley H s~. 2 13 Abal01l41, Cott• MH•. CA 92828 , 1113• ot Otllc:lll Rec:ordl ot Hid COUftrlOVM 700 CMc: Center 0.1v11 i\lvi•r. I Y • nr altt••'lllll\ on nu • once Balboo 111111'10. C111loin111112062 S•••ou• 1n1ern11101Jll•. Inc . • county, 11 P•o• 878. Reeo101r'• WH t 1n.1he C11y ot Set111 An1. Martin (l'oronu dl•I M or), t<uh Lowe (Nt•wport Thlt bu11ne1111 c:onouc:1td b'I' •" c1111orn11 eoipo1et10n 3~3 Brlll~ in.trument No 12•0. by realOll oL Co11n1y ot Or1no•. S11t• 0 1 I ltirhor) lndlYlduet St , Coele Me ... CA 9281>8 1 b<HCh 0< doteull 1n payment or Ce~10111111 aN rlQlll ttlle and 1nt., .. 1 Sttn .. y H BleQel Thtt 1>ulln11s la c:onduc.ted by • pertormeni:e ot th• obllga1ton1 conv11y•d 10 and now held by It Last wet>k '~ •ta tlstlcal leaders Rushing H u d y F1gut·r0l1 (Woodbr1dgt•). 22-171 , 2. llkhurd A~u11·rt.t (Ma t l'r Ot>1)1 11 -1-18, :i. K t>vtn Bradll'Y (Saddll•baek). 12-148, 4 M u tt W olf (Estancia), ~I 1-40, 5 S tevi..• Brazas ( Nt•wport lln rbor) 27 -139; 6. Danny T hompson (Huntmglon &•ach), 1'6· 108. P,anlng · I i'~rn: Uiwto n (H untington Beach). ::>-11 ·1, 1.85 . vards. 2 TDs; 2 Scott Davis (Estanda, H -23-1, 179 yards, 0 TD. :J. Tim H anson (Westminster), 8· 16-1, 170 yards. 1 Tp. 4. ltog<'r Rt'ynoso (Mall.'r Dci), IO-l:i-0 , 144 yai·ds, 2 TDs; 5. Bill M arle r (Marina), 5-10·1, 1:37 yul'ds. I TD; 6. &•ot H agey (Cost.'l M es...). I :.!-25-2. 137 yards, l TD. Receiving l Tod<l Pork 1•r (OcL•an View). ti -41; 2. Tim Val<'nzucla (Wl•stmlns tcr). 5-55; 3. J e rod Jones· (Edison). 5-31: 4 . &-011 Covey (Estan cia), 4 •67; 5 . Brian H organ (El T o ro ). 4-56: 6. Frank Tro tt-t·hand (Cosw Mt:sa), 4-<19. Scoring I ~:ilew Brazas (Newport H arbor), 18: 2. Rudy Figueroa (Woodbridge), Richard Aguirre (Mate r De1). Curt Woods (El Turo). Matt W o lf (Estanc•1a). Blake Smith (Saddlcbac k). 12 cal'h. Fie ld Goals l. C huc k Smoot (Fountain Vullcy ), 42, 2. J ohn Pc1rnno (University ). 41 Thi. llSletMnt wH 1114111 w•lfl Ill• bvt1114111 lrull eecured thtreby, including lhll unoer u 1d Omt<I ol T1u11 1n th• County Cletk ot 01enge Counly Ofl S111oux 1nt•ma11on .... Inc I><~ or deleull, NOiie:• ot whlCh properly 111uo111d tn Hid County Oclobe< 25. 11182 Frtedllc:h wat recordt<J Jun• 29, 1982. •• Ca1tro1111& CIHC:rtb111g I ho lond ,......, P1Midenl R•t:or der a I n,1,.1m•n I No 1he111tn Publlth•d 011ng• Co11f Di iiy Thll 1111111*11 wu hl.O wtlh 11141 82-22•004, Will SEl.1. AT PUBLIC PARCEL I PllOI, Ocl 28, Nov 2. 9, HI, 11182 County Cletk ot 011"91' Covflly Oii AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST Untl 7 tn lhe C11y OI Iovino 4708·82 Ocl 15, 1982 BIOOEFI FOR CASH, lawful money Coull I y o I 0 r Onge $I a 1 e O I PUBLIC NOJICE '111714 of 11141 Unlle<I States 0t 1 cull'4l1 • C1ltt0tn10 n snown on lhal cer111n Publt,lled 011nge Co111 Dall¥ cmeck Clrawt1 on e stet• or netiOl\tl Conoofllln;um Plan recorOtO July 1 f'ICTITtOUi IUllNEll P1lol, ~I 111, 28, Nov 2. 9, 198~ benk, a 11a1e ·O• leeler11 cttdll 1080. tn boo1o. 13652 page 11&2 10 NAME ITATIMINT ----------4;..::5.;;:;2.;:.6-...;8.;;2 union, Ot I 'Ille or ledetel Hvlng• 1237 rncluatva of Oft1c:1el Rec0tdl ot I d 1 aun•tc NOTICE aod loan uaoc1atl011 ClomtcHed 1n Orengo County Cah10<n10 blJ~~~~o~~w ng peraon '1 0 n9 ____ ,._~ __ ·______ this 1111e, all p1y11>1e el lhe lime or P.ARCE'L 2 , VETERINARY HOUSE CALL , FICTITIOUS IUSINEat tat., ell rlghl, Hiit Ind lntereal held An undrv.080 1/39tn Interest H PRACTICE, 208 Roc:haster Strffl, NAME STATEMENT by It, es Trutta•. 1t1 1hl1 •eat • 1enan1 In common In the let tn Colt• MNll, Ca1tt0tnia 92827 lhe lollowlng pa1ton Is doing property 11tua1• In Hid Coun1y and and 10 the c:ommon a1ea ot Lot 2 of or w11111m Joel PHCO, 208 bualnHt 19 Slele. dasc11bed u tot1ow1 Tract 103•0 H per mop filed 1n ••EXHlllT A" book •63 p1g11 13 and 14 ot Rochesler Slreel, Coale Meu. THE TONER COMPANY 3014-F An undivided 1148,h lntlllHI on MtJc:allaneoua Maps rei:ords 01 CaHtoinl1 92827 Hallad1y, Santa An1, Calllornla an<J io Iha tollowrng doscrlbed hind satd i;ounty, n such 1eim 15 dettned This bullneas ts conducted by on 921ogerol Louise Ma111a 83 Th•• po111on of Bloc:k C ot in ltie Arll<:le enutled "Oellnl1t0n1" lndhllduo~r. w. Joel Paac:o · Corona del Mar as 1nown on 1 m1p of the Ooclareuon of Covenant$, This statement WIS lll•d wllh lhe WC oodlleve8n77Laguna Nrgu•I, recorded In BoOk 3, Paoes 41 end Cot1Cl ll lOl\I e nd Reat•lclions atlloinll 112 42 of Miseellaneoua Mop1, rtc0rde recorded Irr book 13652, page 1116 Coun1y Clerk or Or1t1go Coonly on Ttits butlnea111 c:onducled by an ~t Oiange County, C•lltornla, iogolhe• wllh all lmpiovement& Oclobef 29, 1982 ln<11vldua1 deserlbed 15 lotlowa· 10c 1 1 e o t l'I • r 11 0 n e If e e p 11 n g F200IOI Carol L. Mi iiis Beg1nt11n11 at a polnl ot the 11'1eretrom Condominium Unt1s 7 to Published Orange Coost Delly Thll ata1t1men1 wes tiled wllh lh• Southwesterly llna ot oceat1 45 inclullvo localed thereon Pilot. Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 1982 County Cletk of Orangt County on .Boulevard. nOfln 50 deg wett 42 78 EXCEPl ING THEREFROM al 4784-82 Oc:lober 15. 1982. 7 !eel l•om 1ne 1n1e11ec:tlon thereot 011, 011 11ghll. m1ne111a. mtn era l----PUBL--1-C_NO_T_l_C_E___ p bl h d 0 1 • Coe:11~8~ #Ith the nortnwestetly line ot 01nllo 11gh11. natu1aJ gas r1gh1a. ano 0111er Pllo~ o't •19 2~ ';J'0 2 9 1982 Ave!'ue (lormetly 3111 Avenue) as hyd1oc81bon1 by wnat-ver name FICTITIOUa IUllNESI · c: · · v · 4527•82 Jhown on Hid map, thence toulh known lhll may be wrlhln or under NAME ITATEMENT 40 deg 49 well 151 95 tee1 10 an the parcel ol land lleretnabove The lollowlng pereon 11 doing l't&.IC NOTICE 11on post, thtnc• .o..tlh 49 deg 37' duedtl•d tooetner w11h the buslnesa 11. ----------,,...,....,.--Nett to the ordlnaty hlljh ltde ot tile pe1p•1ual 11gh1 .ot drlllrng. m1n1ng NU WAY ENGINEERING, 1660 FICTITIOUI aUllNEIS P1cltrc Oeean In Newporl Bay H eaplOlng and opetlltnQ thefel0t and Babcock Streel. Colle Mau. NAME aTATEMl.NT dMc:l•bltd In lhe dec:1M rend.,td storing on and removing the some ca11tornla 92827 The following p1rson ta doing Apttl 3, 1942 111 an ac:11on emnloCI lrom said land or any OI"-< land Chuc:k Booth 14300 Clinton bu'Jf.' IS County ol Orange Ve Shlrl•y H 1nclud1ng the righl 10 Wh1ps1oct< or Street, SPtOe I 18, Ga10en Grove, • B SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS. WtMil~ Olhelt, C1tt No 40024 d11ect1onally drill and mine trom c.lit0fnl1 92613 19&8 P1ovldence L.n . Hvnllnglon •n 1rur.;uper10t Couf1 ol 11141 S111e of lanc:ls o•M• 11\an Hid land. Oil Of gas This bu-• ts conouc:ted by en 8eac;h, CA 92618 C1lllom1a In •od lor the County ot wells tunnel5 ano 5hall5 tnto lndlvldu11 L•• Edwtrd B•ng1y, \9881 Orange.. a cerlJtlld copy ot wt\lc.11 ll\IOllQll Of Kron lhe tubwrface ol Chudt Booll'I P1ovldenct Ln , HunllnQIOll Beec:h. dee•oe wes rec:Otded Aprrl 3, 1942 Htd land, and 10 b011om suctt Thta S181emtnt WIS hied witn 11141 CA 92618 In Book I 1• 1. Page 353 ol Otllclll wtitpstockeo ()( dorKhONllfy drllled County Clerk ot O<enge County on Thia blltlnen If eoncluctoc:t oy 91\ Reeords. thonce no•the1ly •long ..,.. .. tunnels and ahelts ~ anel Oc:lob41r 15, 1982 1ndiYldull said high trdo line 10 an lnl.,MCllOll t11ne11h or beyond !he eKterlo F1"7'6 LM E Bengry wtlh a lone Which blara 90Uth 57 llmrts thereof end 10 redrtll Pubh1hed Oreng1 Co111 Dilly Trt•• 1111emen1 was ttlod wtth tho deg 12 west from • l)Olnt on th• r••unntl equip maintain •epa11 Prep f Oo'tball log SUNSET LEAGUE 1Edl_1on (5-3-1) w .. tmln•l•r (2-7) 44 Punahou / 10 El Oor1do 7 La Oulnta 0 l3 11 Ptc:lflca 1• 7 3 Newport H11bor 10 0 VISte 7 Bannl11g 7 Mal ... Del 8 o Complon 7 20 7 Long Blach Wiison 19 23 Marin• 1 7 Ooean View 21 1~ 7 Foun1a1n Valley 31 2 I HunllnQIOll Betc:h 17 Founleln Valley 3 2 1 Mlfine ' 27 14 Edison 13 13 Westmrnsle• Nov. 11-0c:Hn View (OCCI 1• Nov 12-11 Huntington Beach Founteln Valley (3-8) 4 Maler o.. 3 Foolhtll 2 SI. PIUI 7 Slrvtl• 0 Long 8"dl Poly 1 7 Hvnllng1on Beec:tt 31 Wtatmtnatet 3 Edison 1 Oeean View Nov, 12-MarlNI (Cttrlloe) HunUngton hec:h (W) 24 Cofbne dll Mar 10 Loe Alwnl1oe 55 LC» AmlQol 54 Bolta Grande 23 San Otrnenle 14 F°"'1talrt Valley 18 Edbon •II Oc:ean V-20 Marine Nov. 12-W11tmlna1., Merine (9-3) 24 211 t3 19 8 14 7 17 1• 7 0 1• 21 28 17 21 28 ,. 10 Newport Harbor 8 30 San Lula Obl-i>O 0 11 Foothlll 13 27 LI Oulnll 0 11 Mllllklfl 15 7 Edison 23 '48 OoMrl View 0 27 W11tmln11er 21 1• Huntington Beach 20 Nov. 12-Fln. Velley (C.rrlloe) Oce.an View (2·7) llEA VIEW LEAGUE Corona del Mai (3-8) 7 Hunllngton Beach 0 San Clemer'rl• 7 CapislrlnO Valley 23 Ealanela 0 Saddltbaclt o El Toro 13 lrvtne 7 Coste Mtsa 7 Utll .. Wlity NOv 11-11 Newport Harbor Coee. ..... (M) 12 Sant• AM 1 Sai>llago jlorf .. 11 22 Loe Allmltoe 6 ~ty 17 lnllM 13 Saddleback 1 Ef TOIO 3 Corona del M11 7 N-port Hlfbor Nov 12-Eetancll (OCCI IEI Toro (7·2) 24 3 27 1 2t 21 0 3 12 2~ 0 10 17 10 3~ 29 7 26 21 Cypr... 7 0 Mlsaion Vlljo 10 21 Velanele 0 7 Newport Harbor 17 'J tlllllQI 19 21 Coron• del Mw 0 29 Colla Mesa 7 35 Unlvenlly 15 37 ll'Yine 13 Nov 12-Stdelletleek (Al MVI Eatancle (M) 4 E.stancll 3 I.a Oulntl 12 CYl>f- 1 1 ac:.w. vi.-1 • 20 1.. Lagunl Hiiis 0 2• 30 San Clernanle 15 10 Sunny Hllll 1• W•euwn 12 1 Coront del Mw 23 28 111 El Toro 23 21 W111m1na1., 0 Marina 7 'l7 U""*ally 0 45 17 ~ H•bor 45 26 Hvn11ng1on ~ 1• Fountain Vllley 48 111 lrvtne 21 17 2 I Sldd~ 43 NOY 11-Edl9on (el OCCI r ,_CIMOY ... S 1&&.•0ADWAY ~ .. y 110 Bro.c1way Cost• Mesa 6'&2·9150 1.un1&CH1tOH SMrn4 & TVTMU WHTCU..CHAPll. 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 ,_Ct•OntHI SMITH$' MOIYUAll'Y 627 Mam SI .._,ntington Beach 536-6539 PAClf4C Y•W ......, ...... , .... c.nJatery Morluary Chapel-crematory 3600 Pac1f1C View Ortve Newport Beach &U·2700 MICCMNCIC MOITUAllH Laguna Beach ·~-9415 Lagune Hills 76&-0933 SW! Juan C.p1strano 49S-1n6 L / Ht .. L.A~M'T. OUYI Mortuary • Cemetery CrenwlOfY 1625 Gisler Ave • Costa Mesa 540-5&S4 ...... NOV 12-Colla Mesa Ill OCCJ Olympic traffic problem? LOS ANGELES (AP) -The 1984 Olympic Games wi ll p ose a n e norm o u s tra f fic pro blem that could bring the e ntire L os Ange les communi ty to a hall, even Co r ci ng som e busmesses to shut down. a U niversity of Southern Calif o rnia rest'arc h e r said "I really think we're m for at." said S elwyn Enzer. associate director of the school's Center for Futures Researc h . "We'll have traffic jams that wop't q uit and p lenty o f iraj.c motorists." Enzer: w hd mentio ned the Olympic traCflc: problem In o report he co-authored . blamed politician& Co r t h eir "sh ort·sightedness" In not already having a H&t of o fficial options to cope> with traffic s n ags - In cluding an adequate. ma&S rail or train system. "W e a lready have frafHc mobUlty. But the po ltlct11na' t y p ic:al respome, which l3 what we have now. la to wait until we are 1tr•naling on • problem," ~nur Mid Prtot. Oct 19, 211. Nov 2, 9. t982 County Clerk ol Or1no• County on southwesterly lln• ol Oc11n deepen Ind opetate any ~ell wells INIM (5-4) 14 l.agun1 Hills 0 14 '--fune a.ectt (M) 18 Sevtr1n1 7 Elaln0t• 4~25·82 Oel 15, 1982 Bouleva1CI . which point II or mines wotl\oul nowever Ille 0 1------------1 ""7• northwealetly 164 22 teet from 1he nghl to drill mine s101e e.p10<e 6 f>la.IC NOTICE Publ11ned Orange Coast Dally point ol begrnnrng, lh•nc• north 57 end ope111e 1hrouon the surtace ol tS Woodbridge 1• Tuslln 7 31 17 21 13 18 37 7 L1gune Hllll 21 Oat11 Hiiis 7 Bonlt1 20 •------------P1101, Oct 19, 28, Nov 2, II, 1982 oeg. 12· easl lo aaid eouthweaterly the upper $00 1ee1 ol lt>e subsurfaee 13 FICTITIOUI IUllNEll 4530-82 llne ot Ocean Boulov8'd, lhene• ot 1111<1 land es reserved on the deed 7 Slddleboell 10 C0tle M ... 0 Mlaton Viejo 6 Sin Clemen10 14 NAME ITATt:MINT southweste11y 16• 22 f .. I 10 tho ltom The lrvtt1e Company. a West 36 The tollowtno pe•son II e101ng PUBLIC NOTICE point ot beginning, t0Qelhe1 w•lh the VlrQlnta Corporation. recorded 24 Ntwpot1 H11bol 0 Coron• de! Mat 21 E111ncl1 0 Ceplstrano Vell9)1 Nov 12-WoodbtldQI 9 business as· . ---------------e•cluslVll tlgM 10 UH end oci;upy SeptemtJoit.27, 1979 Jt1 t>ooll 13326. 28 CARNY INVESTMENT co . FICTITIOUI IUSINESI apartmetll No E·5 in Iha Chanri•I page 1311 ~Rec:oros 13 El Toio NOV I 1 -Ut1lve<slty .... port Harbof (5-4) 8 M1<ln• • ' 3 Cypr-10 wes1m11111., 17 El T0<0 •8 UnfVllfllty 21 Irvine •5 Estlt'Ci• 20 S84Clltbadl 26 Co1ta Miii Nov 11-Coron1 o.t Mer l eddhbcll (M) 20 Stnte Ana v..., 20 Slf'lll Anll 28 La Hlbfl 31 lnllne 21 Corona d9I Mer 35 Coll• Meu •1 Utlift'Slt'I' 2 J NewpOrl H1<b0< 43 Etlllf'ICJI NOV 12-EI Toro (•I MV) Unlveralty (W) 2 Woodb<IOOI 13 Tinlin 2• LIQUM Hlb 17 Coell ...... 0 Newpon Hetbor 0 EatlllCll 1 • Saddleback 15 El TOIO 12 Colona cHll M11 Nov 11-et lrvlM 10 18 3 7 0 24 17 21 7 14 • 27 1 0 13 1• 20 2t 17 20 20 8 48 27 41 35 7 2•829 Def Prado. Dena Point. CA NAME STATEMENT Reef .A p Ir Im e n I Bu 11 Cl Ing . Also excepting therefrom 11\e 92629 The following perton 11 doing he11lnat1e1 called 'Butldlng," ond subsurlace water 11gh1s bul w1111ou1 R1ymond G Esp1no11, 21371 business H aerege space No L2·42 end the 11gh1 ot surlace entry as Avtnlda Amelenle, El Toro. CA 24 HOUR MACHINE SERVICE, storage companmen1 No L·S-34, reserveo on beed lrom The Irvine 92630. l 75 N Stile College. Oringe, both eppurtenan1 1here10, au u 1 Compan• " corporation. reco•ded T d C1Ul0tnl1 92868 h d ' his buSlntSs Is eon uc:ted by 1n Jody V•c:lorte Gtrlen. 7651 oeslgnete<J on the plat 11191: • September 27 1979 tn t>ook 13326 lndtvldull the<elo and made a par! 1nereol, page 1311 ol Olllc:1al Records Reymond G Esp1no1• Ovqu.-. Wnlmtnster, Cillfornra together wtth 1 rtght ot wty for PARCEL 3 ThlS 11atemenl wu tiled wlll'I the 92683 1ngrHS and egress lo and f1om uio Easements u set torth In lhe County Cletll or Orano• Coonty on This bullneu 11 t:on<IUGled by •n aparlme1u and garage 11pae1 end 1 Se Cl 1 on s en 11 II e d Ce r 111 n Oc:t 15. 1982 indhlldual non.-tllClvSlv• rlQhl '"common With E1semen1s for Ownen and '1tt101 Jody VGlrten othe oa:upants ot said bllHdtng 10 'Suppo11 Se111ement and Published Orenge Coast Dally Thtt 1teletnet1t was flied wllh lhe use the t1eva1011, passage w1y1 Enc:roec:hman1 of 111e .Ar1rc1e Polot Oct Ill. 28 Nov 2. 9, t1182 County Clerk of O<ange County°" Oriveway1. publtc po111on1 en enlolled E•Hments o l the 4$80-82 Ocloblr 18, 11l82 common equipment g1rC1en1, Oec:111111t0n Flltllt1 '#Ilks. doc« and 1W1mmlng pool end ea-ner.11 u luCll eaMmlnls Publl•h•d 011nge Co11t Dilly othe1 cofT\mvn1ty ltc:tlllte1 ol teld ••• par11cularly 111 loHh tn th• Pllol, Oct 111. 26. "'°" 2. 9. 1982 bu11drng °' eppurtenent lhef•lo arncte antrtleO Ea~ts 01 lhe FlCTrTKX.ll IUllNlll •585-82 The 1t•1et •ddreu or 01ner Declar111on ol Coven1nts MAMIE 8T~TIMINT P\B.IC NOTICE c:ommon <1es1gn1ITT>n ot th• 1ee1 Cono111ons and Res1nct1ons The lol!Owlng ~'°"' 11• OOing !------------property hefetn•bove oeec:rrbltd is recoroed rnbOOI< 1 \766 page •20 bu.i,_. as FICTITIOUS IUllNEll ourpotted lo be 2525 Oc .. n of Oft1e1at Rec0tds of salCI Counly SLUE RIDGE LTD . 18600 Mllrl NANI! aTATPlll£NT Boulevard S.E Apertment E·S end any aupplements 111«oto unoe< Sl1eet, Sull• 110. Hunllngton The lollowlno petson 11 doing Chennel Reel Bldg Corona del 1ne 11ctton heeding entrtled Beactt. Ca~tomi1 92648 bu-u IS Mir, Calllomll Owners Rlgllts 1nd Duties Ut~rlres Robert M Sm1111 tor SunHI The unoerstgned tiereby ind Cable Te1ev111on Support ShorH, Inc:, Oenerel PArlner I CPT GROUP, 11779 Milin SI · dlsc:l11ms ell ltebtltly tor 1t1y a nd Sllllemenl.' S1deyard CaltlOfnll e«pot1tlon S114I• 0 • lr.tne, CA 1127 t• mcorrec:tness In uld 111ee1 a<ldreas E111ements. Enc:1oachmenl and Thlt buslntSI ii r>eing conducted Heniy Aqad, 310 Fernando °' othet common desogne1t0n Comrnu"''Y Fkthtte5 Euemf'nt by I llm1led Par!neretup W1y •301 Bllbol. CA 92~1 Seid sale wtll be mede wllhovt PARCEL 5 Robert M SfT'llh Thi• bllllntf' 11 con<lut:t.O by in •&tranty. eapren or lfT'plred. An ••••ment tor 1n91eu Th11 s11tement ftl•CI with lhe tndMdu1I regarding 1111e. pou1n•on or egress and ata1n1ge purpo~s over County Cleflc of O<ange County on li9nry .ArJad enoumbranc:ea, 10 11111ty the lhat portion or Loi 1 01 Tt1c1 10353 <>elober 18. 1982. Tnls •lalemtnl Wll ltle<S with the prlnclpal balance ot the Nole 01 es per rnap 111\ld on 0001t •87. pagea f'ltll .. County Clefk ol Ot1ngo Coon\y on othe1 obllg1llon secu1ed by sold 27 end 28 ol Miscellaneous MaPS. Publl•h•d Oranoe Co111 Dally Oc:t l5, 1g82 Deed o t Tru11, with 1n11r111 1nd rec:o•dS of 111d County depic:ted es Pilot. Oct. 19, 28, Nov 2. II, tll82 C Ftlt'74I other aums as p1ovlded therein. eommon 1oadwey on f ah•b•t "G" 01 46112-112 Publl•h•O 011noo out Dilly plus adv1ncH II 1ny. ynder the th• 0ec1orat1on 01 '4.ICh easement IS ------------Piiot. Ocl 111, 28. tofov. 2. 9, 1982 1ermt U'lertot and Interest Oil eueh more pe11teul1rlw doscrlbed on "'-IC """'T1CE •496-82 , n-""' 1dv8t1CH, and plus fffs. 1;he1ges Sec:tlon II ot .Arttcl• XIII or Seid Lagun• Hiiia (3-t) 0 Irvine 14 O E111nc:11 14 20 Unlverllly 24 20 L•o~ma BellCh 7 22. M1911on lllelO 38 14 ' Si n C1tmen11 10 13 Cac>i1111no Valll)I 63 21 Dana H1U1 14 20 Wood~tdge 21 Nov 11-0lamond 811 (el MV) Pl.Bl.JC NOTICE -Mlee6on Ylefo (7•1-1) 48 Tuetln 6 1C> El Toro O 2t ew-35 31 lndlo 22 le lagunl HlllS 22 7 Cepi1trtn0 Vllllly 7 36 <.eouna 8Noh o 42 Woodbrldge 21 2• Sin Clement• 8 Nov 13-al DIM HUit (IP m I Ian Ci.tnente (W) 20 M1gnoll1 6 3 Coron• Oel Mer 0 15 Esttnel1 30 211 Woodb<IOge 3 28 Hunttoglon Blleh 23 10 LIQUnl Hiiia 14 14 Dene Hffls -,._ 1 9 Lagune 8eech 8 8 Minion VleJo 24 Nov 12-•t Capt1treno Ve!ley SOUTH COAIT LEAGUE Capatr•no v .... y ( .. 2·1) Woodbridge (M) 17 Unl,,.,llty 2 FtCTTTIOUa ..,_.. PUBUC NOTICE and expenMt ot 11141 Truetee i nd of Deeter 111 on o r Covenants Ille tru111 crMted by l8fd OMd of Condlllon1 1nd Re11r1c11ons TruSI. Th• tol91 emount ot Hid rec:O<ded In booll 13652. page 1116 oblioeuon Including 1eHonebly of Olllclal A«O<ds ot 111<1 Co.Inly eatlm•l•d ••••· cllero•• on Cl At1enlt0n 11 dl1ec1td to the t.e ••P«I-ot 1na Tr1111 ... at the 111T141 thlt 11\e Oii etc ts excepted trom ot 1n1tlal pubfiCllllon ot 11111 Nolk:• It lh• dHc:riptton 1n lhls g11ar1n1ee 6 FOOlllJI 1• 7 Eapetanu 29 15 ..... ITATR•NT f'ICTITIOUS au..-aa 2: bu!i~o:w1ng P•tton 11 dolno NAMI ITATt:MINT 14 INIM 2~ ~~"*"" 27 Corona de! Mlf 1 57 Dena HH11 0 7 Ctc>tllrano Vllley 37 Oet\I Hihl 37 AUTO DESION CONCEPTS, Tnt tollow1ng paraon It doing 111 1760 Monrovle .Avenue, C-11. Cotti bull,,... u 37 Wooclbfldge 7 7 MlatlOll Yllio 7 63 Laount Hlllt 13 24 Chino 7 1• Ontlflo 21 Mlse!on V'9JO 21 L.agvtle Hiiis 7 Maea. Cllllfornle 92821 VALET INTERPRISE, 2140 42 Eat le P•ul Cook, 27 1 O•A Thulin, • 2A. COlll Mell, CA 20 01l1w111 Avt nue. H11n11ngton 92621 a..cn. Celofornla 9'618 Wlllllm An1hony Metttll. 2140 '366.808.53 Ind any policy lllSued in the ntme ol Doled Octo~ 28 1982 e purch•-et 1 salt unde< Hid Coull1ne Equity Inc . OMd ol Trust will llso cont.,,. satd • ca1110tn11 corpor111on oil exc.ptk>n as TruttM. Th• 11•••1 1ddreu and other By; REAL ESlATE c:Of'llfnOn dfllQlllllOI\, It any ot 1119 SECURITIES SERVICE. real p1operty dHcrlbed at>ove ts 28 LaQuna 8eac:h 0 NOY 12-Sw\ Citfnanle DeMHtMe (1.a) This butlnMS 11 conducl.O by an tnurln. Coete M"8. C.A ll2e27 ,_A,..A..... Tllla bllllne11 It c:oncWc:ltd by 1111 """"~ Peul Cook lndhlldoal Nov 12-•I lagunt hleh OntHI e Gardin GtOVtt 21 8 Pl4.lt x 2, .... ., o.I (f.2-1) _ 24 Founteln Valley 4 1 Doi Putblot • C•hlornla c:orpo<elten. !MKllOl1td 10 bl 35 Wmd1ammw tta ,t,Qent lrvlne. Cllltomia Thia llel_,f QI !tied wtlh 1111 W~llllTI AlllhOny ~fell 14 County CWk OI Ou1ngt County Oil Thfl 1111"'*11 -tlltlJ With the 2 0 1 Ocr1oblf 21. 1912 County Cle!k Of O<ange County on 6 Siii'\ M1rcoe tSan Diego) 3"' 10 Lo• Altoe By; (SE.ALI 0 J Morger. l he 11nderatg ned Tr uSlee n1 Plesldtnl .dllclllm • 1ny t11b1llty tor any 2020 N Bro1Clw1y. Ste tneoirtetness of lho at•eet address o C.P11t11>0 \lllley 51 13 lagun• 84ttc:h 21 "200117 Ot;1 15, 1982 14 Publllh•d Orang• Co111 Delly Ft"7U J Pilot, Oct. 26, Nov 2. 9, 18. 1982 Publlthtd Orange Coast Dilly 10 CrllPI 1 EdllOll 16 Wooclbrtd99 37 2'06. 1 San Clemef'lle IC 1• ltgunl Hllll 27 28 Plue X 21 SI Paul 24 BlllNIP Ama1 32 S.111 1nd oltior eommon Clesignauon, 11 Sen II An1. Ce 112708 eny. llhown llerl!ln Tel (71•11153-6810 Seid HI• Wiii b• med•. bul •70CM2 Pilol. Oc1 19, 28. Nov 2. 11. 19112 1• 1------------4529-82 21 PtalC NOTICE Published 011nge Co111 Dilly wllhoul coven1nt or wa11en1y, Piiot Nov 2. II, 16. 19112 express 0< 1mpllod, r1911d1ng lltle, 34 Montclalr 14 Nov. 13-Mllalon Viejo I 1 pm ) 12 1------------Nov 11-SeMte tSA Bowll l't&.IC NOTICE Trout stocking begins at lakes Cooler fall temperatures h ave allo wed Southla nd lakes to begin tilelr h eavy rainbow trout s tocking programs which wUJ continue into lhe early summer m o nths. Both Irvine and Anaheim Lak es a re pouring in thousands 0£ pounds o! trout on a weekly basis. .. Irvine openl'd its gates to the a ngling public Thursday. Witnessed al onl.' o f th<' plants last week were monste r rainbows in the 12-to 16-pound clnss released into the lake. Irvine's opening is expectC'd t o be cxc."elle nt for angl~rs. cspcc101ly those who rent boots and t"Oll about 100 yards offs h ore with roosLert.ails and m e pps spinnen; in bltt('k , silver o r fJOld rotors. ~Anaheim Lake, limltB o f trout In the I- to 2-jmiftfi:lau are common for J>l'lient fisherme n who use ijght line in the c lear water. There are also som e trophy t rout being netted at. Anahelm b y boaters. Mariners win, 17-14 The Huntington Vallt>y Mariners, led by qu"r~rbac:k ltkky Thedford'• hot hand. rqlled to a _l 7·14 vktory over the Van Nuy1.Frcclencer.1 Sun~y 1fu-moon In HJ-Deaert Leacue semi-pro foott.11 acUon •t e>c.n View Hl,h. Thfdford coru·*'~ on 20 o !5 pua attempit for 205 yarda. lncludlnc • p1lr ot..itouchdown 1tr1kes to Dale Rickard (35 yarde) •nd Bru~ Jan1 (25 yards). PIMt-e-klckK Jeff 8'ephcna boowd I 39·yard f~ld pl, which turned out to be th~ dlffttencll", Md a pm.r of ntn pomt.1. ... FICTmOUI 8UllNHI NAME ITA1'1ME'NT Th• following pe11on It doing bllelnesa u . SERVANT MAINTENANCE. 25211. Slod<l)Of1, Apt. 214, L1gun1 Hills, C111t0<nl1 92853 Robert B. Slevtne, 25211 Stoekpot1, Apl . 214, Legun1 Hlll1, Celll0tnl1 112653 Thia bull,,... It conducltd by en lnCIMduel. Rol>ert 8 Steven• This •tatemenl w11 !tied with lh41 County Clef~ ot Orange Coonly on Octow 8, 1982. Fttna Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally P~ol, Nov 2, 9, 18, 23, 1982 4819-82 MllC NOTICE FlCTITIOUI ., ..... NAMllTATW•NT •Th• fOllow1n9 pe11on 11 doing buliMMU. ART ADllENTUAE. 32 Cypr"' TIM C-, IMne, Cllifornll 92715 J-t Mae Sttvtne. 32 Cypl-Tret lar,t. Irvan., Cetilornla 92115 Thie ~ .. COl\dUCltd by 1111 lndlviOvtf hMI Mae 111\'tnt Thi• .... _, WN llftd with ·~ County Clettl o1 Or lflQ8 County on Oc10ber H . 1912 ,.,.., Publltll•d 011ng• COHI Delly Piiot, Nov 2, 9, ti, 23, 1912 020·82 Ml.IC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUa 8UllHE81 •113•·82 ponenlon, or encumbrl(ICH, NAME STATEMENT 1------------1ncludlng tees . charges 1nd The tollow1no person 11 do1no PUBUC NOTICE expet1se1 of 1h1 Trull" end ot the buslnau 11 11u1t1 cr11ted by tald o .. d ot THE IDEA TRANSFER GROUP f'ICTfTIOUI IUllNeal Trusl. to p1y the remalntng prlnclpal 17171 Mein Street, No 242 Irvine, NAME ITATIMINT eomt of the noll(SJ secured by said Ct1ht0<nl• 112714 Thi lollOWlng ptnOnS ere c:lolno Deed ot Trull 10 wll $87,61111 05 Alen Wiiiiam Boal. 140 Yorba, bull~NIEI CITY SAVINGS TRUST wllh lntertst lhereon flom August 1, No II, Tu11tn, C111forni• 9Z&80 "' 1981 at 11.750% per annum es Thts buatnesa ta conouc:1ed by •n ACCOUNT, 2091 Business C1nter provided tn uld nol•(•I plus all lndlVICllJll 0<1.,., Suite 200. lnllne, CA 92715. cotll, chergH and eny end ell Alan w Boal Ptul C. GutlO, 9177 El M011do, Advencei Th11 11atem1n1 wH rneo w1111 lh• Foun111n Valll)I. CA 92708 Tho 1>enel1c:lery under tetd Oee<I Covn1y Clefk ot Or1no• Counly Oil Ft-LIUIMen, 11 Ji da CoYe, of Trull hertto<ore eaecute<I end Octoblr 8. 19112 Coron• dtl M•r. CA 112825 dellve1ed 10 the und11algt1eel 1 FJllHU Publlahed Otano• COHI Dilly PrlOI NOY 9, 18 23, 30, 1982 Lelgll M. A1bblll, 12 I VII wrltlen O.Clerallon ot delevll and H•vr•. Newport a..ch, CA 92ee3 Oem1no 101 Sale . end • wrlllen Thomu Stelne1, 1 Llnt:oln, Nolte• or Oet1ult ano Ei.t11on to lrvltll. CA 112714. se11 l ne vnderatgntd c:auted 1t1d MlellMI W McClell1n, 111 So Nolte• ot Oetevtt 1no EtectlOI) to P\alC NOTICE L• S1no1. South Lagun1 . CA Sell 10 bt rKord.0 In Ille t:ounl)' • 41135-82 ---------,,~~==--112661 wnore the real prc>p«ty 11 loeeltd FlCTITIOUI IUIMll This~ II con<lvcltd by . DATE Octoblr 18. lll82 • ..,._ ITATIMIN1' bllalMaS lrull • CALIFORNIA GENERAL Th• lollowlng ~taon II doing l ........ ~~.~:: .. led wllh lhe MORTGAG E SERVICE. buslneM et '"" INC tNTERSPAZIALE. 1718 Port Counly Cllr1t ol Or111Q9 County Oii M1nlllgh C11cl•, N-pOrt Beech, OCt 15, 19112. CA 92MO ~ 6 Kledall Carlo .A Aoc1;0, 11111 Port ,....,..,_ .. Law M1nlelgh C11el•. N ... porl B..eh, .., .....,_ CIMet OttY• CA 01'60 ....... Catie A Aot;co tmne, C....,_ '2711-tt• Ttllt 1111-1 w•• ttltcs wnh lhll '11t1N CoYn1y Clltk of Orange Coun1y on Publl•ll•d ~1n91 Cotet O•lly Stc>t 1t. 11182 Pilot. Oc1 10. n . Nov 2. t . 1Ha ,,..,.. ..... , P110111ntc1 011ng• Co111 0111y P\8.IC NOTICE 0210t 600 B Stteat Sullt 508 Sen Drego, Calr101n11 Pl\One' (714) 231·6023 Oy Jotln W Brock. Vtoe Pt .. ict.1\1 ft Ntd frutlM Publlhld 011n9• COHI Dally Pilot, Ocll 28 Nov 2. II. 1882 4891·12 Ml.IC NOTICE Piiot. Oct It n , Nov. 2. 9.~n.:l82 FlCTITIOUt 9UU9H NAMI 11ATa•NT PICTITIOUI -H P\8.IC NOYICE Th• lollowlno !)9t1on te doln9 NAMI ITATl•NT bu11nee1 u · Tiit followtne ,_,eon 11 doing COMPUTE"S Fl VS OF llUllM .. M CALIFORNIA, 3301 8 H1tbot, No. VAl'MIT OUN LEATHEA-The Hunllng1on l!IHC:h Union HIQh ,ICTmOUI Ml-H School D111rlct Am11101n lndl1n NAMI ITATllllNT P1oi.e1 '' c1111n9 • Publto H .. 11n9 Th• touowlno p111on I• J,olrfJ WtOllMdty, ~Ovtf'l\Oflf 10, 1912 lo buefMlll ... rece1v• eommuntty input ln10 111t WINI a AO&H 329 UfllWl'alty 1 tU·l4 l)rojee t P•OPOUI t)f1w, Cotta Mell, t;A eHJ7. a .. 1dan11 ol Amtrlon lndltn Krltlfn• Ann Ounn. 311 aAe •tHy and 111 lnt•r••ttd Unt..erllty Dfl¥'1, Coat• M--. CA community, r.acl'tefe 111\0 1tu0er111 tna7 •r• ut,.O 10 111end. The ftul>llO Tilll ~ le cond\IC~ ., "' HtttlnO wlll bt netd 11 ttt• ~ l~ton c.nttr 10161 Yorttt-Kna11nt Ann Gunn Avtn11e, Hun11no1on 1 .. ch Tiiie ~• ._ fllad witfl tt1t Confarenc. ~ ..... llM1Wll .. CGunCr ~ °" 0r-. COUftf'f Of\ 700 p"' ()et 14, 1"2 Publl•lled 011no• Coal! Oe•ly . •0c-• ,. Moftmbef •• 1192 , 0rllfll8 C09ll Oti~ Pll04. ,, I ....... It, Nov 2, t . 1"2 467Ma no, S8nll Ana, Call!Olnll 92701 COMPANY. ni~I . NO 1CC, Comp11ttf Town. t Ct1Uo1n11 Giiden Oro,,. 8tvd , W•tmlntter. COIPOflllOn, 19010 Laur•• Pert. Calltorn11 tttl3 AotO, ~Ion, Clllfomla 00220 Joh Oulntlo, tOS I Clllppew1 Tl'llt bU11MU ie ~ttd by I Orh11, Wulm1n111r, Calllornla eOl'Pdt.._. tHN C°"""lflf Town Tiiis bllllMa 19 conducted by tn ~ L ...... a lndMdull ~t JofWI OWlleo Tlllt ... te!Mf'lt ... f1leCI wntl IM TM .~, ......... "'111111~ C01111tY CWll Of Orentt County tn COUftf'f a.... Of Of .... ~ on ~ llO, Itta 0.... "· ,_, ,_ ,_, ,ublltllecl Ora,,_. COatl Deify ll'ulDlllll«I Or.,._ Coatt Dally ,..,. Nov 2. • 11. n. 1"1 "'°' Nov ' •. 1•. n. 1M1 ..I.... .,., . Ml.IC NOTICE MUC NOTICC MllC *>flCC tuN"l«HI COU..T Of ll .... t YOU AM IN DIPA&ll T UNDlll A CAL•~A, COUttTV OllA .. QI COUNTY MUNICIPAL 0 I l 0 0 P TR U I T DAT I 0 ~ CHIAMOI COURT 11'1W .... I tt9'. UNLHI YOU OfM)llt TO IMOW OAUll ~ NIMCIM. otlT"6CT TAlll ACTION TO .. ,OTIOT PCHI CHAMGI Of N4MI ... , , ...... , .. ._....,41 YOUR '"OPIRTY. IT MAY II CAii NUMMll AnMlt P.O .... •n ICM.D AT A PUklC IALl.11 YOU In 11141 Meltet o1 Ille Applleatlon ~ ................ CA ...... , .. , •ID AN lllft.ANATION Of T .. 8AAAH OATUERINI! ACORO and fl LA j NT I', M A Ill 8 ti ALL NATUlll OP THI PllOCllDINO RACHAEL ELLEN ACORD. mlnora. INOU8Tllltr l , • tOfl)OfatlOn AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULO IOf Ctienoe o1 Namt 0£,lNDANJ IHCO form11ty CONTACT A LAWYI"· TEARY' ANN ACORD Moll* ol II n o w n • I T I! 9 C 0 JIOTICI Of TllUITlll'I IALI lheAoc>llcanll,h .. lo*lapelltlonln COMM(!MtCATION6, INC .. T ....... .... 11111 toull tor an order 1llowlng p1ttn1.r,1(1jp ciompo110 ol JACK NOTIC IS HfR IV OIV£N. that P•lllloner 10 cll•ng• hl•I 0A8~V ..... J QA8AWAV. on W9d/\Mdl)'. OtlC~b.i I. 1082, '* llamt from SARAH CATHERINE HOPE &ULK uv. RICHARD "too O'clOtli am 1)1 •aid day In ACO"O and RACHAEL l!lLEN JONES; JACK GASAWAY ..... J the room Ml •tlclt tor eonducllng ACOAD. 10 SARAH CATHERINE OASAWAV, lndMdU•lly •nd ••• TrllllN'• Ill••· wtlhln 11\e ottklat ol LEWIS ACORD and RACHASL 1>VIMfOfTESCOlormr1yt11\0Wl\ll REAL eSTAHi 81iCURITIE8 ELLEN EDYTHE ACORD. TESCO COMMUNICATION$, INC., SERVICE, IOCaltd •I 20~0 Nollh II II h•r•by ordered lh•t •II HOPE BULKELEY. Und•vtcfUall)' and Br041dWl'I'. Suite :!Ot. In Ille City Of per1on1 lnt11eat•d In 1ha matter a. • pertner ot TESCO tormtrty Santa An•. Cou1hy 01 Oteno•. ll•t• atoreMld ·~·r bllor• lhll court kn 0 w n • • T Es c 0 Of Calllornla. REAL CST AT I' In 0.p•flment No. G •• 700 CMc c 0 MM u NI c AT I 0 N s. IN c . SECURITIES SERVICE •• Celltornl• Ca111tr Onve Wtll, San11 Ana. RICHARD JONES. lndlvlOually a111J corporallon, H duly lppOll\ltd California, on 090 1, 111&2. et 10.30 u • pettn•t ot TESCO torm•r!y Tru11ee under and pur-nl •~ '"'- o'clock • m • end than •nd thart k n o w n 1 a T E S C O power of HI• conreirtd In '"'' 1how cauM, 11 eny they h•~. wlly COMMUNICATION&, INC .. DOES carllln Dffd ol Ttuet tx.outtd by Mid petition tor c111nge ol name 1· 100, lnckltlvt STEPHEN C 1-0AOE. a llnolt m1111 1houtd nol 1>4r granltd IUMMONI Recorded Octobtr 20. 1811, In 1111 furtn.f ordered 111a1 a copy ot CAii NUMetE" 11au 8ool< 1-4272 ot Oltlcl•I Record• Of thl• order to 1how caull be NOTICl l ¥04' ll•w• bMft autd, uld County, 11 page 1973. publl•h•d In th• Dally Piiot, a The c-t may 4-clde ...,ft•t rou Recorder'• ln1trurrw1nt No 3~4~, n-•P•i>ef ot oenerat ci11cu1auoo. wh!Mvt ,_ bt1ftt "-d unleff b)' '"ton of • brMCh or d1tautt In publlsll•d In thl• county at tHll rou rtepOft6 wltlllft )0 •••· Aead peymant 01 p1rtormanca ot Ill• once a "'"* tor '°"' conMCutlvt Ille lftlof-tloft !Mlow. obtlgat1ona aecuted lheteby. wt1ks prior 10 1h1 day of uld II you With to _.. 1ne advloe of lnctudlnfl lhtt breach 01 delault, heanng an attorney In thll metier, you Nolloa ol Wllleh wu r.corded June Dal9d Octot>tr 11 11182 11\ould do eo prOfnptly IO that your 23, 1g82. at Racordtt'• lntllumtnl Marie A soo.n wrllten rHponH. II eny, m•'I' bl No 82·218033, WILL SELL AT Judv-of the ''*'on llme PUBLIC A UCTION TO THE Suoerlor Co\wt • AV I 8 O I U 1 e d ha •I cl o HIGHEST BIDOEA FOR CASH, ~ 6 d•-ndado, II tribunal p11ed• lawful money ot the United StalM, Mt.IC NOTICl PIOTITIOUI M*NIH NA• ITATl•NT file lulti:lwirt\I fMllM1111 •t• du1rio bwllu" •• LY l CO MllA~Y !'11>11>1 I lnd•I 1 Ca11101n11t 11er1e111 pa11t141rlhlp ito.1 n111~ ''"' M•O Newpott &.a<:h C.A lllt60 t&tr .. 1 AdOr-U U l11thl Par1"4111 I IJ H M Altf(lt1, ot Lind• 1•1• N•wPOll o .. ,h. CA llJtto 12) n...a R•um•n. &lJ 11<10 PIP. Or • tff,..11or1 o .. ch CA IJI Aov Ooum•11 109110 Wllehlra lltvcl . lOI A~I ,.. CA 000,. (4) Larry lm1th, P 0 • ll040, Newpor1 h-.th, CA 92 (&) J Marc et , 44 n Kttman, N-porr Botach, CA 18) Ken Ald11th, 7170 w111n11a, Santa Monica, CA, (7) C E Smith, 4911 Hemlock. lrvl11t, CA (I) A N Tll•v••· 1274 Capri Or'lva. Paclho P•llHdH, CA (9) J C Rrte4, 1og80 Wll•hlr• 81v0 , Loa At10•I", CA 000:14 Tiii• tlull"-1 It COf1dlJCltd by t gtntfll pelln8fatllp Reed 8auman Managing Oane<al P1r1ne1 Th•• t1a11rnen1 wit rueo with 1n. County Cfllk ot Orange County Of\ Oct 16, 1g12 Ft"751 Published Orengt Co111 Dally Piiot. Oct 19, 21. Nov 2, 9. 1982 4S77·12 P\B.IC NOTICE e.-dtc6dlr contra Ud. Ufl audleftcla a or a CHhttr'• cllack drawn on a 1t1t N. •oec1we1 -.,_ Ud. rMPOft4a denlro elate or national banlS. a lltle or Ftc:TITIOUS aUllHESI • Saftta Ana, CA. t2101 de I!) cltn. Lt la lft•madon que federal cr9d1t unton. or a stale Of NAME tTATI!MENT Pub111ned Orange CoHt Dally ..... fadetal savings and loa.n uaoc:•allon Tne 19ftowlng pereons are doing Pilot, Oct 111, 26, Nov .2. II. 18. 23. "SI u111d desaa sollcllar el dOmlelled In thlut111, all pay11>1e11t t>ualnt11 H 1M2 conHjo de un abogado en Hll lhe lime ot aale, Ill (lght, lltle and DIST INCTJVE •CA APE T & 4581-82 aeunto . deber l a hatert-o lntereat held by II, 81 Truttff, In UPHOLSTERY RESTORATION,910 -----------..;.... 1nm9dl1tamente. d• nra manera, that •••• property 111u11e In Hid Llttd Ploet, Co11a Mtsa, Califorflla ~IC NOTICE eu r4119U01ta OS9flt•. al hl y a1gun1, County and Stitt, llHCrlbad 111 92826 YOU AM IN Dl!FAULT UNOI" A puede Ht reglltrada 8 liempo lotlowt RICh11td Navarrerte, 910 l.18'd DI ID OF T" U a T DAT I D I TO THE DEFENDANT. A c1v11 Lot 23 In Block 13 Of Section 3, Plac!I, Cotla Mela_. Callfornla 92826 Dl!CIMal" S, tMO. UNLiSS YOU complelnt has been llled by plaintlll B1lboa f1land, In lht City of MIChHI J .-errt, 11098 El TAKI ACTION TO. f'llOTICT ag•lnat you If you w11111 10 detend Newport Beach, 11 per map Amarillo, Fountain Valley. Cetllornta YOUR '"OPl"TV IT MA y al 1hl1 l•waull, you must, within 30 recorded In Book 7. pag1 15 or g2708 IC>l.D AT A l'UllLtC.IALI IF V04t dayt after thla summons I• HrVed Mlac:ett1naou1 M•P•. In the ottk:t or Thi• buSlnass I• conducted by a NEID AN EXPLANATION •Of' THI on you, Ille with 11111 court a written Ille county reco1d" ot aald county general par1ne?hlp NATU"I OF THI f'ROCIEDINO r119onee 10 the complalnl. Unless Tiie t1ree1 addreu or other Rlcnard Navarrelle AGAINST YOU VOU SHOULD you do so, your delaull will be common designation of Ille 1111 Thie 11a1emen1 was llleo wllh the CONTACT A LAWVI" entered Oil appllcetlon of Iha property herelnebove daecrlbed 11 County Cieri!. of Orange County on NOTtc:E Of< T"USTH'S SALi! plalntltt. and this court may enter a Pu r po r 1 e d I o b a· 3 16·3 16 ·~ October 22, 1982 T 8 No ,.... fudgment against you for the retie! Diamond Avenue. Balboa laland, F200310 Publlahed Orange Coast Dally Piiot, Oct. 211, Nov. 2. 9. 16, 1982 NOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN, that demanded In Ille comptalnl, which California. on Wedn•sd• Novembtr 17 11182 Gould result In garnlahmenl of The underalgned hereby y, • • wane1 taklnn ot money or prope<1y dl1ct1tm1 all llabltlty tor an.y Ill 9:00 a'clock a.m Of 18td day, In oi°•other reTief requested In the lncorrec1nau In 1ald SltHI addreU 1------------ tlle room 1411 aside tor conducllng complalnt or other common dnlgnatlon PUBLIC NOTIO£ 4852·82 Trustee's Salel. within the ottic•• ot DATED. February l6 t982 Said ute wlll be med• wllhOul !---------------REAL ESTATE SECURITIES . ' • I d SERVICE. located at 2020 North JClerp. ~TERSON, warranty, upreu or ,mp II • FICTITIOUS aUSINE98 ~ regerdlng 11111, po11en1on. or NAMI STATEMENT BroadWa~. SUlte 206, In Iha City ot By: G.lllgOf Howell ancumbrencu. 10 utl•fy tlle lhe following persons are domg Santa ant a Ana. County of DllPut)' ' • puncipel balance of the Note or bullnNI •• Orange, Stare of Calllornla. ttEMAA, OOAOON a "ouaao other obllgatlon Hcured by aald ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE, 7282 STEALING CAPITAL Corporallon, 1 15910 Ventura alYd., Sutt• 1201 Deed ol fru•I. with lnterHI and Murdy Circle, Huntington Beach. Calllornl• corpor•tlon. H duly Encino CaMfomla 1'438 other 1um• H provided therein, Calitornla 9280 appointed Truar .. ullder and Tel: (2t3) 501·JIOO plus advances, if 1ny, under Iha R L G Enterprises. Inc , a pursuant 10 rne power 01 nl• Published Orange Coast Oally terms tllefeot and lnttttsl on auch Calllornla corporation, 7282 Murdy conferrtd In lhll ttrtlln Dffd ot PllOt Nov 2 II 16 23 1982 advances, and plu1 tee1, charge• Cirde, Huntington Beech, Calllorn•a Trull euculad by Lind• Lee · · ' ' • 4822-82 and expenMt ol lht Trull" and of 92847 Greene. an unmattled woman. ------------=-= ttle trusts ueated by Uld Deed of Thll business 1s condll(;1jld by JI u1corded J1nuary 8, 198!, •n Book Plll.IC NOTICE Trust The total amount of H•d COt""'lllon 13903 of Otliclal Reco•d• of u ld ------------b 1 1 d bl ""'" County, at page 1185. Recorder's NOTICE .. vrTING 9to8 ° hgauon, nc u ing reason• Y R L G Enterprrses. Inc. lnatrument No 3702. by raaton of a Notk;e ,. ~•by given thll the ullmatad fees, charges and Aobett L Goode. breach or default In payment or Board of Tru1tees ot the Coast a•penses of Ille TrutlN. II 1114111....,. President Performance ot the obllg11lon1 Community College Olslr •ct of ot lnillal puoticalton ol thl• Notice. I• Thie 11a1ament wu tiled wllh C C 11 11 $333,831 00 the County Clerk of Orange County secured thereby, Including 11111 Orange ounty, 11 ornle. w 1 In addition 10 the above properly. on October 22, 1g82 breach or default Not!Qe, of Wlllch r1celv• Haled bid• up to 11 ·oo Hid obhgetlon 11 aecured by Loi F20031Z was recorded July 16, 1g82. •• 1"' • Tuelday, November 23• 1982 .. ......._County pr()941f'ty. Puollahed Orange Coast D•lly Rtcorder't lnllrument No . 11 lhl Purchasing Oepanment of ~.,,.......... 3 9112 82·247553, Will SELL AT PUBLIC said coll-dltlrlc:t located et 1370 Oared. November • 1 Piiot, Oct 28, Nov. 2, II, 18, 1982 ...,,. REAL ESTATE 46411·82 AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST Adamt Avenue. Coste Mesa, SECURITIES SERVICE, BIOOEA FOR CASH, lawful money Calll0tnla, •• whlctl lime Uld bids • Callfornl• corp., l'talC NOTICE of the United Stales, or a cathter'1 will be publlc:ty opened Ind read for· H TrultM, checl< drawn on a 11a111 or llt1tlonal PRINTING & BINDING SPRING By· (SEAL) D. J. Morger. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS bank, a ttate ot taderal credit union, 1 118 3 C 0 MM UN ITV SER V 1 CE ltt Prnldenl NAME ST A TEMINT or a sllte or federal 1avlng1 alld BROCHURE. 2020 N0<1h Broodway, Tiie following person• are doing loan anoclatlon domlclled In 11111 All bids are 10 bl In accordan<l41 Sulla 206, bu1lna11 1t· 11at1, all p1yabla 11 Ille time ol with the Bid Form lnstrucliOns and Santa Ana, CA 92706 VIQARD VIDEO INVENTORIES. sale. all right. lltle and lnt11<81I held Condition• end Specifications wtilcll Telephone. (714) gs3-68 IO 1500 Adam• Avenue, Sulla 305, by It, u Tru.te•. In 111a1 real ere n-In file and may be secured Publlahed Orenge Cout Dell)' Colla Mesa, Ca g2626 properly situate In 1110 County and In Ille office otthe Purctlulng Agent P~ot. Nov 9. l8, 23 11182 On. v 1 d a o Tap a Inc (a State deecrlbed a1 lollOWI: of Slid c04tege dl11nc1 41140·82 Callfornla corporation), t074 • "EXHt8lT A" Eadl bidder must submit with hi• ------------Reddl"CI St , Co11a Mesa. Ca 92626 PARCEL 1 bid a CHiiier'• cneck, certtlltd P\B.IC NOTICE Tn11 bullness 11 cond11eted by 1 Unit No 19. In 111e City ot 1rv1ne, check, or bidder's bond made ------------corporation Count y ot Orangt. Sta It o f paylbla lo tne orde< of Ille Coast ITATUIENT Of' MANOONMINT ON VIDEO TAPE. INC CellfOfnta. at lhown end deKllbed community College Olstrle1 9oard Of' UN 'W Otvld Leighton, In Ille Condominium Plan rtcor~ Of Trust-In en amount not "'5 FICTTTIOUS BU ... SI NA• PrMldenl on Mwcn J5, 11111. 10 l>OOW 1211g, 111tn live ~cent (5%) of the sum Th• following per1on1 hav• Tn.1111teman1 wu hied with 11>1 pagH 1167 10 1218 or Otllclat bid .. • guarani .. that the bldd« ablnOOntd tne UM ot tne tlclltiovl COUnty Clerk ol Or~ COUnty on Records of laid County wlll enttt Into the propo1ed .,..,..,_name. Oclober 22, 11112 EXCEPT THEREFROM 811 oil, Conlract If the Mm8 Is 8Wlfded to PALM STFIEff ASSOCtATES. F:IOOM2 g a•, m 1 n • r at 1 1 n d o 1 h • r nam In Int _, of failure 10 91\ltr a genera.I partnerehlp, 11136 Port Publllhtd Orange Cout Dally hydrocatbonl. belOw a 0.0111 of 500 Into llUCh contract. 11141 proe»ed• of Pr~. Newpot1 eeecn. California PllOI 0c1 26. Nov 2. 11. 18, 11182 IHI wltnout the right of 1urfaa. the dleCk wlll bl forfeited. Of In the 112fl60 4727~ ent,Y, u r_.,., In 1natrumen11 of ctM ot •bond, the lull sum 1'-eol The Flc111lou1 Bu1ln111 Name record. wlll be tortelled to H id college referred 10 above wu lll•d In P\alC NOTICE ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM dlltrlCI Orange County on Aprll 16, 11111 1------------111 waler and 1ubturlac• w11ar No bidder mey Withdraw Ills bid File No. F-160271 Ftc:mioua BUllN€88 right•. below a O.Oth ot 500 1 .. 1. tor a period tor forty-five (45) d~ys Charles J McL•uglllln, 20 NA• STAT'EJllQIT w11nou11ne right ohurf-entry, u altar t11t date Mt for the openong Sa I z burg. N • w Pon 8 ••ch. Tilt following ptN"IOnl are doing d e d 1 c a t • d o r r • • • r v • d 1 n thefllOf Calitorn1t 92860 bulinaU " inSlrumtnll ot record Tiie Boatd of Trusl-r_,... J J KnlCkerboclle<. 11 Point S 8 J SPECIAL TIES, 9471 Alli PARCEL 2· 1ne prtYllege of rajachng any and 111 Loma Drive, Coron• dat Mar. Clrcle, H1111tlngton Beacn. Cahl0tnll An undivld9d 11311 1111eres1 u a t>IOI or to waMt any lrregulwlt-or California 92825 92848 , -tenant In common 1n 11141 lee Interest 1ntormall1111 1n 1ny bid or In Iha Tiii• bUlintst wit conducted by a Shella Ann Wahnon. 9471 Alll In and to the common 11ea ot Loll bidding generel per1nlfShlp. C11cle, Huntington Beecn. Calllornla 1 2 and 3 of Traci 8901 u per map NORMAN E WATSON Ctiarte1 J McL1ug.hlln 112648 " flied In boolt 389. plOff 33 10 34, Stctetary, Boa.rd of Trust-• Genet•I Par1"41r JamH Calvin Wahn on Sr .. Inclusive of Ml1celleneou1 Mapa, Coast Community Colieg. District Thi• 1ta1emenl was tiled with Iha g4 71 Alll Clrclt, Huntington Beach, records of Hid County. aa 1uch Published Orange Coast Daily County Clerk ot Orengo County on Cahlornla 112648 term 11 aellned In the Article entllled Piiot. Nov 2. 9. 1982 October 7, 11182 Thia buslnesa la conducted by a "Ollflnltlons" of the Oeclaratlon of 48 10-82 Law Offtcff of llmlled parterahlp. Covenanll, Conditions and ncm•ic NOT.ICE DANIEL J. COOPI" Sheil• A?-Wahnon Restriction• recorded on January r..-. Suite 400 Tlll1 11atemet1t was filed With rne 26. 1g77, In book 12048, pagH FICTJTIOUS 9USINE88 Eldoflldo 9aftll avttdlftf County Cterll ot Orange County on 1186 10 1251 lnclu•lve of Otflclal NA• STATIMINT :M012 C .... De La f'lala October 15. 1982. Records of u ld County (Tiie The I04k>wlng pe<IOnS are doing Latuna Hlll9, CA '215' ""751 Publl1hed Orange Co111 Daily PitOI, Oct 111. 26. Nov 2, 9, 1982 • • o e c 1 a r 111 , on ' ) and • n y bulllneu 11. Publl1ned Orange Coaar Dally amendments or annexation• BAKERSFIELD PROPERTIES. Pllol. Oct. 19, 28, Nov 2, 9, 1982 4587·82 thera10· 31101 Pacific Co es I Highway, 4513•112 PARCEL 3· Corona del Mar, CA 92625. 1------------ E ••em en t (') • s • u c n Richard O Burns. 2901 Pacific l'talC NOTIC[ l'talC NOTICE eatemenl(s) 11/era particularly Ml Coast Highway, Corona dtl Mar. CA FICmlOUs BU ... 81 forth In the Artlcla en titted 921125 Ftc:TITIOUS llUllNlll "Easements" ol the Declaratton J c Scon 3901 Paelllc Coast NAME ITATIMINT NAM€ STAntlll:NT under tll• Section lleadlng(•I In Highway, co:ona del M ar, CA Tilt loltowing l*lonS 119 doing Tne toltow'1ng persons are d04ng 1ucn Arllcla tntltltd H follow• 112625 bulintll u · bullnNI u "Owners' Rlglltt and Outlet, Samual Ramelli 3901 Pac:ifte LASCO, 1732 KtlHf Avenue. p M REMODELERS 202 Ut1lltl11 end Cable Telev111on·:: Coast Hignway, Cor~ dot Mw, CA ll'Wle, Cahfornla 112714 Emareld Avenue. Balboa Island, 'Support 1nd Se11lemtn1 112e2~ Richard F LowlO'I'. 803 Vitia Callfomla 928fl2 'Common A••• and Community Michael Hogan 3901 Pacific ~~·· San Cltmenlt, Calllornla M arlana M Wiggins. 202 Faclhli!• Eesemenl' end Yard Coul Highway. eorOn. dot Ma1, CA Belly Lou Lovt)oy 803 Vista Elnefald. Balt>Olt tlland. Celllornla Ullllltes 112825 C ' C t I I 112862 PARCEL 4. Frank Monaslitr•. 3901 Pacoflc Valinda. San lamentt, '' orna P•I• Patnter, 202 Emerald, E a s a m • n t I 1 l a a • u c h Co 92fl72 Balboa 111and, Ca11torn11 92682 Coest Hlgnway, rona del Mar, John O Anderton, 1118112 Th'· ...... ~. 1, cond•-ted by a ..-nent(•I illllft particularly Ml CA 112825 e.ac .......... --forth In the Anlcl• entllltd Runatt Smith, 3901 P•Clflc Wanderer~. Huntington n, genarel per1nersl\1p. "E t " ol the Daclaretlon of Callfornla 1128411 Manana M W=n• •~ • Cou1 Highway, Coron• def Mar. Robert J. Strom & LaRH J Tnla atat~ent -·· 1 ti woth , .. _ Covananu, Condition• •nd CA 112625 30 A Vie w L _,, ~ ·-Reetrlctlon• recorded on June 11. Robert Mllkln 3901 Pacific Strom, 7 11' la ay, aguna County Clerk ot Orange County on 11178 In boolt 11768. pegea 420 lo Coast H""'hway Corona dtl Mar CA ee.ch, California 92651 October 22 11182 · 484. inelullllle of Ottlclal Record• of 92125 ...... ' • Thi• bullneU Is conducted by • • . FIOOlt1 • 11 d County (Th• "Muta r James Ande<eon 3901 Paclflc: general parlMfll\lp Publltllad Orange Coaal Dally OedaraOOn") and any arMndmenta Cnut Highway. Cor~• del Mar, CA This 11~~.',;..~~:l With the Pttot. Oct 28, Nov, 2.11, 16, 1982 or 1nnelllllon1 thereto under the 112625 County Clerk 01 Orenv-County on 4653-82 SecllOn Heeding(•) In IUQn Afllcle KtMn R Walller 3901 Paclllc enllO•d .. followa "Owne<t' Right• CoHI Highway, Corcm• Ciel M•r. CA Oclol>er 2g, 1g82. ,,...,. 1nd Dulin. Utllltles end C•ble g21125 o c D 11 ------------Televlelon", "IJtllltlH". "Support M.tlvln Kooyumll•n 3901 Publl•ll•d range our • Y "CTmoua BUSINllS and s.tttarnent". "Encfolcilment", Pacific: Coaal Highway. Corooa dot Piiot, Nov, 2. 9. 18. :!3. 1118~1111\.11? Th• ,::o':..!T!~:O,,~e d04no 1nd "Co.!"munlly Facllltlu Mar. CA 112825. buslnaa• •• ... "" EtHment• Thia buslntss 11 cond11e1ec:t by • l'talC NOTICE The alraet addrt11 or otllar g-al pertntrlhip K H OONUT & ICE CREME corllmon dHlgnatlon ot the rHI Richard o . Burn• FIC.TrTIOUI llUIMSI SHOP, 14358 Broollhurll, Garden property herelnabove 0-lbtd I• Thia 1111-1 was flied with the N..._ BTATl•NT Orove, C•lllornl• g2843 purponed 10 bt'-10 LaklYlew OrW.. County Clark of Orange Counl)' on The followlng l*'IOOll 1111 <IOlng Hootheng Kharrazt, 3701, No IMne, CallfOfnla. Oct 11• 1992 bualnell It' 4C Perklilew l•rie. lrvfnt, Cllllornla Tiit underalgnad hereby ,,.,_ .........., a lta~ MOBILE METAL ANALYSIS, 92715 dl1clalm1 all ll1blll1y for any Att.,M,. .. Law 24113 viata Corona, Dana P04nt, Shallla Kn•rrul. 3701. NO 4C lncorTac:tn.e In Mk! 11rN1 eddr-A-~ T.,rer Callfornra 92ll29 Parllvtew Lane. Irvine, C•llfoml• or otlltr common dtalfn•llon, .. ~ c...-om. Robert T Hotioft, 24113 VIII• 11271& Sllkl ..,. wlll be mad• willloul ..,.._ .. Corona. Dana Point. c .. etornla Tiii• buein.t 11 c:onduc:tec:t by an warranty, .. preu or lmptltd, ~ a..ctl. CA '2980 Jay David H•btr, 1131 lndMcWllHoolh Kllarftzl rao1rdlng tltle. po11a111on, or f1...,I Cornpue LaM No 205. Fotltf Olly, ang encumbrancH . lo ullaty l ht Publlehad Orange CoHI Oa.lly CaMomla 112620 Thll 11••-t wu flied wt1h the prlnclpal b•l•nce ot Ille note or Pilot, Oc1. 111• M . Nov. 2• II. 1982 Thie bull-II condUC1ed by • County Clttk of Orange County pn olhef obllQatlon eecured by aald 459<M2 general plll1nerlhlp. October 21, 1982. o.ao of Trull, with lnterMI and RolMlf1 T Holcott F- olhtr auma H provided thtrtin; P\alC NOTlC( Tl\ls tl•l-1 wu hltd w1111 tilt Publl•hed Or•ng• Coal! Dally plua adv•~. II any. under t County Clerk of Orange Cout\I)' on Piiot, Nov 2 9. 111. 23, 11182 •~ thtteol and lnt-1 on lllQll flllCnnout .,..... Oc10l)8( 211, 1912 4760·8~ aclvenoea. and plUe f-. charge• NAm STAT'l-..T ,_,.. and ·~ of tM TNllN and of rna toltowlng ptfe«ll .,. dOlng f>ubll•lltd Or•ng• Cont Dally PUBLIC NOTICE ,. the '"''" CtM led by Mid Oeecl of bvtlMM... Pilot, Nov 2, II, 18, 23, 1012 • ·----------'-"'---Tru11. Tn• total tmounl of H id .AMERICAN SALES NETWORK. 4121·82 F1CTrTIOUI .,.... •• obtlgatlon. Including reHonably 1900 f Werner A~. Sutt• 0. NA• ITAT'l•NT .. 11mattd faH, chargH and Sarita Ma, C11ttornl1 9270& "8.IC NOTICC The tOllOw1ng pereon• er. ootno tlC,plllltW Of the Truet ... ai the time Natt on St• t •• Cont r o I bullneN aa: of lnlttal publlc:e110rl of Ihle Notte., la Cotl)Ofallon, a llllnola OOfJ>Of•lton, '1CTITIOUS llU9Mll VICTORIAN CONE WOAKS, '2(>,N0,20. 1900 E. Wemet A~. Suitt Q, NAM18TAT._NT 110 P1olfl$1 Oout lilghway. Detad: OC10ber 21. 11182 Sent• Ana. Callfc>fnle Tht tollo'!flno ""on la doing Huntington 8altclh, California 028411 8tarWnQ<:apltll COrp Car ProduCll Company Inc., bue1MM •· A1Ch1rd • Aidt!, 1018' Jon a Clllotftla oorporetlofl (PllldlnO) a California CIOfpotatlon, THI! PACKAGE POIT. 177 D•y Orlvt, H11nt1ngton 8Hch, .. Trwt• !S303 Herbor Blvd .. C-11, Co•ll RIY«lide Avenue. Suite 'I', Ntwporl Calllornl• 12846 8Y: A .. 1 EA11•.. M-. Oallfornta ou2e BHcn, Catlforn1a oaM3 Catheflnt c Atcltl, 101e1 Jon Seclurtt• 8arvic. Thi• butlneaa I• con<:tucttO by • Richard Unwln, n 142 81m1n1 Day Drive, H1Jntlnoton Boch, • California OOf'P llmtled p1111nereNp. Ortw, tame Ana, Callfoml• 9270& C111tornla tH4t Ill Aoent Cal Product• Thie bullMM II conducted by In TNI blltlneM la COMllCltO Dy I (SlAl) D. J. Morger MletlNI MerOUflo lndlllldl.rel O'ft"tl pertnerlfl'6) lte Prealdant Pt.-.M A1Gh11d Unwln C8""'1ne C Aedef ~ lf. ltoadWay. Tllla •latemeftt •• tMtd with Iha Thie lllltfl'*lt ... filed wtltt tN TNt lla..,_t w• ftled Wltll 11111 Wte'10t. County Clerk Of Orllnf8 County on Countv Cltfti Of 0renoe County on Cout\IY eterll of Oranee CCNntv on 811'118 AN, CA ta7ot Ottc>Oer 21. ttlt No¥wnt1er I. 1M2 Oe10btf '8, '* Tel (714) ~10 ,_ p-,,..,. Publlatled Oran .. CoH t 0111 Publlehtd OrenO• COHI Oatly Publlelltd Orange CoHt D•lly Putllttrieo Orenoe Coael Dell)' Plot, Oct. 21, How. 2. t, tM2 Piiot. Now 2, 9, ti, 2~. IN2 Piiot, NOY 2, 9, 16, 23, tltl Piiot. OCI It. H . NOW 2. t Itta 4720·1 47116-12 4713·12 482)..lt Pla.IC NOTICE 6 4 2 • 5 ., 7 8 D A I L y p I L 9 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6. 7 8 ClAIBIFllD ~ ..... '. !!!~!! oooo moo• .1 ~~!!!! .~ .. ~ !.•.'! •• • ••• • ~'.!!!!.{'.'.I.'.'!.•••••• I ~'.~!!.{~~!.'.'!.•••••• G1H11/ IOOZ 0.•111/ IOOZ G1•111/ lOOZ 1 IOYAI. HOVl tNO 01',.011 f UNI t W Pui.llshtr'• llotlct1 All ruul llltlDlll dVl'lftlWlld In thlt lltwtf)tlJJtr llJ I UbjOCI lo llHI Ftderal roir Houe1110 Act ot •968 which mnke11 11 Illegal 10 11dv11111n ·any prete111n· ct hm11111on or 01e1;r11n1- n,u1on bllled on mt@ cofor. 1e11g1on. "'" or n;Hional ortgln or nny 1n1en11on to rnoko anv such prtferenc11 llmlta· llon or 01~r1m1n111on This newspoper will no1 knowingly accept any 8dv8tltltng for reel 15. 1 Iott WhlCl)-11 In 'YIOl8110fl ot rhe la.,. UllOllS1 Advertl·· sers should check their ads dally and report errors im- m ed I a te I y . Th e DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for the first incorrect Insertion only. Hta1t1 l•1 Silt •..••••••••.....•..... •.........................................••....••.•••........••.. Liil lllf ..... !'11111 l.ldu Nurd b4v1iu11t-51Xfrm, ~~ b:Jth. L4'1' L.Jt • uu· t't1111..f 2 l~.H 11llpc $1.a00,000 Rc:mcx.i1·lt-d 3 bdrm, 2 b111h I lrtrtte rt'<' rm Ix-om c."C•11tng:1, furn»1hlotl, l)lllh,... $420,000 PHllSUU MOii Ck<>tm (It J('lly vicWll. M 1itlnl' ro11m, 4 bdrm. :, bath, 3700 11q.fl. Sl.!185,000. OL•f'onfronl LllDA llLE llYFllOIT Lagoon vlC'W from 6 bdrm, 5 both, playroom. dark w ), dm. Boot 111tp Now $1 ,000,000 llYllDE PUOE Sptoe.•t.uculur b8yfront Clplx 2 br, 2 bu up, 2 br: 2 ba dn 2 bool llJXIL't.'tl. Reduced $1,500,000 FllllHll 11111!11 Nrw 4 'br, <1 1, ba. l'U!IWm J.'n.-m:h Normunc.ly t.ist:1le 1 2 prtml· aere hilltop $1,250,000 IYlLOI Fee sample 2 br L'OlCifll' 0 11 quil•l l.A~·nnso S1 Ctn f'laui> Reduct..cJ W $100,000 COllOlllO OlYS Coronado Island cusl bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans ava.ll. ow $370,000 w/tcrrns. · CIRIH IEL lllR any. MUI VIEWS 111ory1> du110~ Coron1 d•I Mnr hr>mo. 1u11 1 bloc~ 11on1 the trnoc;h f •nt:t•t workm1u11htp '· thru out w1111 tov11h utlO 1 rl or wooo. bt1H and 1111.1 I ' w Md oian :J O<Srrn• fltlll bOthl A !H1owpt11c11I ig1~ 000 • CORHI IEL MIR I• HST HYI ... 1mm11culo1e duplu 4 garages Spenllh •lyle noma wnh plank tloora and fl1oplace Newer 3 t:>Orm un11 w/beamed Geoltngs Air cond1t1oned Sl8PI IO l>HCh $272 -000 CAMEO MIHUHS lmmaculale ancJ man1cu· red e•ter1or Fee land on 11111 3 bdrm home and owner will ASSISI linen· cing. Ar>ktng $344.500 • .~ f? ;. 'l : - \.\;\II Hl,111'1;1. ·:~ IH tMI ''Inc. '' )<;,i REAL ESTAlE l fi11Ml~t .,f · SUPER FEE llY B1Jh1 111111' 1006 Charming 38r home with •• •• •• • ••• • • •• •• • •• ••• ~ '. ! '• . . . .. . .'· lots of eKtras You own 1215,000 ,I I ~!.'}.!!!~!! ..........• G.011•/ 1002 • .. • .. • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • CIRlll IEL llR the land Great famlly Oup1ex. two 3 Br un11S, home Aeduted $45,000 1o•t. dwn. Oarrell PHh Beautltul lg corner IOI Properltes 851-6767 Walk 10 the bay, Balt>oa --~ Isl , and Fashion 111ond Co10H it/ /1111 I OZ' : ' 10 DOWI E~cellenr flnancmg Two I 1211L., Yll story, rwo t>edroom 11ou· 1 n ,. se 1n front One bedroom Beau11tul 3 Bdrm 2 bath unu 1n rear $299.500 Broollvtew condo 1n 131-1300 super loca11on Minutes ~~~~~~~~iii: 1 lo ma1or Shopping and ii porks This 111ghly upgra· ded unu ts rare EnJoy pool, spa and tennis Only $138,900, call now! 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS TME llllCM II 111¥111£ 4 Bdrm lmmac • new appliances. p lus a ir cond • lam room. noce ltreer. super f1nanc1ng I $199 000 t JfllWI C)Ul. 11() ... f"S Realtors, 675-6000 LOOK I- For ou1 new regular weekly feature BOAT SHOW- CASE Evory Saturday •n thel 011ly Piiot Classlfleds . 1 1 IY A 11111111 STllHll 189.900 Lovely 1 Bdrm condo. I veer young with running strHm oft patio Up a hrddan path 10 a p11vtte 1p1rllhng pool *Sl,271 PH lllTM * TIRTLHICI * Is all yeu ,., wht11 you tah .,., t1isti11c ht T.I . s,aoious 'Ir neoutiu aetaohd ho111. Ft1turi1& for -••I 1U1i1& reo•, f•ly roo• 114 fire,lace. Oily UOl,000 FU. Call lH-1101 or li2-l3l3. ' ~ Owner mouvated Could •••••••••••• •••••••••' be best buy In CdM $320.000 F1nanc1ng available ...... 10 ,~------~ ff :'YL~R CO 1 CllRISTlllS 01 Liii TRADE you1 boring Income pro· perty or outgrown resi· dence w1111 la•ge equity for 1h1$ near rushc and roomy 4 bdrm. 3' • ba ... hOme In WAlK TO THE BEACH CORONA DEL MAA LOCATION w11n 5pec t1cular 160 deg oceon, 4 island and ner. bor view PrlGed at cu1- 1en1 appraisal or S475, 000 tee Owner has S 195.000 equity and w1H Cllrry 2nd IU-1211 $>1 0 J En1oy 11v1ng In this nea1, tidy 4 bdrm !amity home Priced tor lmmedlale action Act now to t>e on betore the holidays Lo· west prrced home on lho Island Only $3411,000 Call todayr111 f.Jn NIGEL t I'S I~ I JASll•I Cllll Lido Realty I BY owNER 2 1:1orm. 2 be Den Under marker 673-7300 p rice ot $275 ooo ~~~~~~~~~I 159.15ss ___ _ CIHTllY flHCM f!!!~.!!!!~ ...... !.~~~ 13AILEY &. AS~UCIAfES ESTATE IEST HY ... Nr FALLBROOK '1 MHE'S WMY .. •. I Many ••tras Microwave oven, 1moke detection, brick fireplace, large if'~·· .. '·"' I' Wltit!I Walker & Lee acrea 6200 IQ ft hm, Don t miss lhll gorgeous tenn11 court, etc S875, 5 bdrm hotM woth tam• 000 Owner •Ill carry rm Over 2000 sq ft and • ~ CaJI 7 am 10 I pin Mon I p irr lllru Fri 21317_3_1._4_96~ :~!~ r:Oi:'c':.;~g~~32 ~· -'; * IHI VHDE Oil th• golf courte Custom beau11lul 3 Bdrm home many. many eK· tras 1279.500 with 1ov. dowll owner will carry 111 12•,-.'Yo interest Rey lllcCar~la, Rltr. 141-ll2t ********* •llYFRHT* lllT SUP ltw Price 1419,1001 38 BALBOA COVES 3 bdrm-den-2 bath' OPEN OAILV 1·5 HT lltvllETII RUlTIR/IWIER •IU·l11l• ********"" WlU Tl IUCM Onl)' $160.000 IOf this 3 Bdrm 2 811 hm lloma w / sundeclt & lrplc Auuma 9 25•,.. toan and owner wltl carry :Ind TO Won't t•st' Call now 631·7370 T~\DtTIO~\L RE/\LTY .........- """"'m knock• often whtn you usa re1u11.getllng Cally Pilot Clutlllld Adt 10 reach the Orang• Coaat market. Phone ll42·6e7t recreational vehlcles•go1f carts•modet tralns•blkes •pianos•cars ref rl99r a tors •skates•••••• Thinking of a ,,_ hOrM Call now 979-5370 ::. .::, Turn to today's CIUSlfled tor aprlng? See the many tor the best bu)'S llslings In today'• clual· 642-S678 tied column•. 6'42·S678 R£S10£NTIAl RE Al ESfAJE SEAYICES llLIOI UH,000 For an mvcslur a beach home or y<>ar around ('Oltag<>. You musl S('{' lh1~ immatulate 2 BR. furnished home Owner wall carry financing w1lh low down. Steps lo lhe 0<.'t'an. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ~ !~~~~ :-:~ ~ i:- fo d•••IOJJ "'4UM»9"" t"1'' T MH·dO). .--• .,.._...i..,, lo,,,_,.., GI l"N' ZN« 1>111> •'9" ,.. .,~ .......... •. J1.. w:• )'t ... 1 "1).ftH Ufe .~ ..... lf••-...... "-==:::i : •• • :~.._.. == ,.. H~ ''""'•"'• ..... -~ M O. .... ., )10.. •<~· , . ......,.. ..... ..~ tt""' .,_... ,.,....,. ,,... .,~ ''"'-.... ,........, Olllf'lllilf f>L""f .. •• u~ ..,.... r•g..,. '''* ~.._....... ,.. •. ._.w.~ -"" "'• ,, ..... ., .. ...,_. ""' ··~........ .............. ltl•-· "°'" ..,If••• ,..._ I~~~· I llf•""'t ,.,... •()! If..._...,, \1 ,.,._..__ It ....... ~ >1• .,....... ..,.,.,... Ufflf..... MY• Ut,... ,.. ,........ .. .... "'.. .... •O.. r,::,.... ~t-=-:=. .-.c~ ,.o., .. -... . .,. J9t• •• ......,.~ •oPo• -..... ... -~ Aff"rw t Nt•""' \ f : ·I l J 11 l ' If "t .. . • ~ ·~ .. f..,, '._..l ..... \ LUXURV 3BR 2BA Clean. beaut carpellng waJlpa- pe r yard $900/mo 646-7800 IHI VHDE IHITY ... .. -. .· Former model decorated P~ in warm e111ll 1onee• 4 Bdrm & lam rm elld ~ mort" Close to schoolS. shopping etc Oon'r miss this one! S 179.500 Call 97g.5310 .lf >ll / 1ll'1l Wf Ill~ ' ' \ •t, f • T ~t •t T'" IHCl llRl.ltl FILL Patel Slt,000 This bnght and Cheery Gard~ Villa lend• 11sett ... . ti': to 111gh-11yle 1tv1ng w1111 -,\ IUXUllOUS earth tone car- petong lhruou1 Beaut•lul well co-ordinated win· dow 1reatmen1S Set 1n prime location A real gem ot • buy et the tow pnce of S69 000 $5000 m oves you In w/low monthly pym1s of $711 HURRV • won't tasl1 CHTIRY 21 WILi-ti RULn H•·H11 lllEWAlllS $40,000 below mkl. Wlmbleton 4 Br 2' l Ba! Auum loanat Posalble 10°M35% dwnl John Zarvo1. bkr 760-9669 112,000 IOWI wm w htlp you own th•• tovoly 3 Br pool hm Every upgrade Just S 117 500 Bjir 11411-0709 HU 110,000 II. Owner will subsidize payments fOf 18 mos 5 Bdrm. 3bl In MESA VERDE S 1119,500. Prln only ~4-8390 Mon thru Fri WTllH 1-1 1 Charming remodeled 2 bdfm doll llOuH on • large 60X t~5 R-2 IOI BHulllully lendtcape<S Ae~1no s131,500 f11c•I· lallt 11nanctng C all 5•0·115, ~HERITAGE . • Rt Al TORS -rJ ,,,. IOJI •••••••••••••••••••••• llUL UTTm 4 ldr 3 I•. flm rm wl wttbar ••II betow marllet prfGe et ltU 900 1&1~111 ~ -. -- .. " • C'8 Or 11gt Co11t DAil V PILOT I fuesdoy, November U, UUn ~!.~!~t~•1.l1.'t....... ~~'!tt~~.~''····· .. !~~~-~~lfffl: .... !~!~!J~!r!~.'f~.'!. .. ... ,. ,,.,,,. _, !•.•.mt.~ ... 1.~r ff!m.!11trt ... 1.1.tf ,.,.,,,. ''"'· ,,,. H •6 1... W I .... ~ I •iu••tt••••••il'I>•••••• ...................... '" ... • ... • '" ., .... tly trHOW •w•r "'"' IHOllH ll&Oll .. ipaciou•. ra111omlHd llt aM Wl1tt1 LHttl wt11n )'OU can uw11 4•:S 60dr '1'1 1a.3 11v.:SOOO 11om1, prim• 1oeallon PLll It le .. frt11 w/11200 10 I 000 P•v tq 11 + OVlf 900 tq ti vrl1h Vl('W, pric;ed .i MAI Sitt ft 11111, 11\11\11 11161< U 161\ ot balcony 801ne ocean llPPlllHd 11atue wlfn mo11• in Ilk• 01(11 v11w, 1 blk to l'lHCh dwr\11 flnancll\Q for QI.II• W1tttffMt lt•tt, •hit• ll)p1ec1111on. call UH.000 r P SM~ Illy buYlf veintue, r1oot IU·IHI 61.1• •t 191 11$~8 1111111 U•l•11l••H A .. ,,.,.,. f•i•lilt4 A,.,,.,.,, ···••••••••••••••••••• •,..•••••••••····•··•••• Ual11•l•A" 11.. ,, ... ,. '''' lltrt ,, ..,,. ,,,, ..................... . .. .. r. ...... , ............. r. ................. I!.,,, .. ,,, ,, ,,,, tl .. w he .. cht1011t hUflltt i ""' ANfl'<lNI 01• 2 • 11 1 ••••• ~'·········r .... ltt 4 It• 11.1111 lll!IO/fll(I "{ •••lo. 1.1r n11.1nlh '11111 tlmit11tUu1•lw• Ut1lu"1 lilOOO Call Mtl 6 l /t'1 J1 I ( '1 ltl Sr CM 10 0 Lema 6/J I 190 OCCANr HON' ••ru• 3 Or 114~ 11'>811 646 I 103 Nwµt l'iglt l ti• 2 ba, 2 Ot w•h•ld1y1 no P•I• 11pkl. u111d.i1•0 1100 "'a w 111101 ut.o fl71 eo•o 2~ I ll.r1i1' It 94~ 6110 weeliBJIY tn adt nova• at 200 16lll ptan with Hl)alate bdtm St 638 1111 wino• t0t -"Y 11,. ltn'ill1 '•nt11tk: N nayrront, • 81 Mutlaflt.a n11"11111"11.111 ,,.ieo111 20• Pool, •P•. Kol pond, 2 H• A la111lly "" ShClft ,..,6 ,140 I 1>1a hov•u $(1()() 7 IJO On lhe bet11.ll llQtel I /Cl()ft1 r1t kilt t1•mttl• I bath tu1111111\t1J CJOQ/1110 ·I S300 0"11 2306 W Oconhonl NU Ci73•1641 APAllTlllTI 01u1utllully 11nd1c1pttd g tdflll apl1 Pool & Spit P11101tdock1 No 114111 lWI 11111111 • 11 t , c 1 t t , 0 0 m . llfm 12000 pr mo yrly • ..... •• •••. • • ••. • •. •• Juu $1)()0 t & r111n. turn 1 '~ ba lwnhH, adul1 AC 1 1, 100,000 FEE 13 0 0 0 P' m O -'111 Oct111 vtow, vorioy blll cl $61>0 (17'.1·7!1"" comm w11i.. 10 b .. c:h Rtc:llttl• Roti.11. Riii 813 <1062 t Ill Hunllngton St a on Uiy ldo horn• 3200 sq 11 , ltnn11. pool, H tta clten 976·2373 lia.. $9$0, t Bft HOO. or''"' <1 O• 41 Ot llltgt mhltl $tt5.000 Ownt1 ••liiiiiill•••I liaiH •I• 3101 ;~~~ado':16e ,!.f8~;e 1u11e w11tptc:, 3 c111 o• tt2•1410 •••••••• •••••••••••••• •tU•. 2 bOll allf)I ave~ OAVfRONf ri .. gnnt I or 2 b d t m S g 6 0 I 111 0 680· I 178 <1y1, 1173°30011 B11cn.-lor S4 10 I Udrn1 14115 2250 V•noua;o6•0·08'6 .0 ." .• , ···L1 e•NK I.gt Ptnln1ul1 Pt ••ec 4 20r Condo, 1''8•. CPI•' $2000/mo 1166·24 73 • n bt, 2 ba, sl)o, trplc, avell drp•. POOi. ltC, clbhH wkdty1 11·6 l .. ••••••llllll CloH 10 ocuns 3·3. LIQUIDIJION 1mmo<1 thru Jun• S411b mo 708-7633 RETAliAl HOMf wtoce•m :~;"51~ 1~1:~~5~0 M!~2fn n Sl200/mo, 1"· 1111 tee Why rnrow rent •w•y & hOtbQr vu 1 ocre . 2 Sp1clous $Ingle, ont ev Uucholore I• 10 1 oo,m S480 131 r 1&1h tt411·68•6 18 f E. 18th 1142·0856 • take over thlttd er>-BIG f''YN CUSTOM ~ e75• 1853 when yov c1n own 3.3 atory llomt on Cllll Or & two bedroom piecllllOn Financing ~· lftWNtl IHcl. 3111 w/&l~l>O to 12000 P•Y· t.:11c:n lovofh111 0111n ont1y, •Plrtmtnts. Spa"ove 'J Or I 611 S4'11l Duplex 3 Ut 1 ''• 81 l <t75 Uu!ldry l&c. pool 548·11558 .,. 7PM evnlleblt Call Sut ti On goll cour ... 20% dn· ••••'"••••••••••••••••• montt, S t75K • l215K. 1<11c:non. llbrary, ltPIC g llll .. ~lll!mlllll~Rlll 8111·6558 Vacant, 1how anytime, llOO ISLE • 3 bdrm, Jam moll• In take ovtt • gorgoou1 vu Otc/homt ------agt 1m, •Ba, $1700 mo •nere epp1tcla11on, cell oee or enered riving llHTIHTH IL .. H i::::6:73:·:77:6:1:: Sue at Ht·5558 s 1oso1mo Ooo ok 3 bdrm. 2 ba. newtt OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 752·2107 R & ti tnvo1t· house CloM 10 the Htt· 1 8 a S 7 00 mo 0 111 mentt b 0 r A g I J 0 y c. . wan11••••T Grundy. Ritt 675·8161 WllTll Exc.lusivo WHICllll VIiia, 213·598·2466 Ocean l1on1 yrly 4 bdtm, Need by De<l 1 3·4 bi e>ovor 01. maat•r su11e Darling 1 s101y home 2 car narane and hot tub nouae In Hurlllng1on w/lrplc, 2 Br 2 Be Poot. /tYiH 1044 with pier and llOtl lor 7•650 " Beach, aouth of Adomt S 00 •••••••••••• •••••••••• lttg• boat Two largo 67S-)(Int itl• ee4•0332 tva. 1acuu1. etc 11 tmo BEST BUY IN NO IRVINE patls>• IO tnte1t11ln (;I $1 ,000 2Br. 281. CUit Ha· 842-0100 dyl 673-3313 Of' 675·3103 Excel llnanc1ng. lg H · prlva1t beach to use ven area Condo, pool. -----·----seso mo 28r. 2Ba. Clltt tum loan N1 achoots 4 Bvlld up 01 build 01.11 1ne1 llnens & dishes. 1v&1I H111en Area Condo, tvtll Br 2ba. 10% dn Mey Soll•r wlll help with II· immed 1.575.7505 l 'M AYAIUIU immed 151 & IUI + carry 2nd, by ownt• nanclng. $450,000 • Spolltnl 2Br, 1 1~8• $1200 dep 1.575.7595 2 13/7417-9625 142 1200 Hl•lll UafS1ailiH lwnhte. ltplc, enCIOltd WODlllllDIE • •••••••••••••••••••••• yd, attaCl;ltd 2 cat g11, THE PREMIER Horbot G I 3ZOZ j;lbhse, poot, Jee Xlnt So R1dgt view home 4 BR. PETE BARRETI ... REALTY SSOOO dwn. owner mull sell 2 Br condo E•ctllenl aosuma.o1t Nlsllng ·II· nanclng Sll7 .•oo Redu· ced lrom $110.000 A1k lor M111k. 6"4·8325 orl~~~~~~~~~~ 559·64"2 lllOT IS SELLlll hlghly upgraded p1ol, dee , 1 Br romenllc twn- hOuse Waler view, l1plc. S 119,500 firm. 730-1250 eves 01 early am. CAMBRIDGE U24,000 Wll&IU All tWOI Thi• 3 bad1oom lamlly nome bo1111 a lamlly room with llroplace. dra· mallc -t bar and Hllng nook Daullng views too. $475,000. 8'14·7020 LIHO HAL ESTATE .!!'.'.~'-••••••••••••••• H B toce $550 mo 3 Ba l autremon1 model "E.T'Ls 964·8346 964-8346 Avoll now S3,00Q mo ee&eh eo11;;;;,q;;i81 p;,.. 760• 1977 : YtBtly·Weekty·Wlnttr. 2, ., IY OWIE• 3,4 Bd1ms son 1450 + ullls No n J&CD.s "ULn Ptli 960·0¥7 4 Bdr, 3 Ba home w/ lg 1er condo, beiCOn'y. POQI lrvino Terrace PlllP secure $426 mo p11me 1ocat1on, ou1s1en- l&.'IEIE.T 642-7042 ding vrew ol harbor & ocean $3000/mo Call 111-1111 Spotltas 3 Br 1'1\ ba 497 ·1280 01 collect lwnnae. blOns. WIO. now 2121572·4230 dya cpt: encl patio, a11acn ca1po1t 1560, 111111111, 2 & 3 B• $750/mo 4 Br dep 631-7900, John Agl 1pa S 1250/mo H11ve Beaut lli;-3b1:-2'ba' omers, Fred Tenore. agt home on qultl cul·dt· 631" 1266 FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED All UTILITIES IHTAIT Ill E11191dl 1825·$635/mO 2 Br 1'' Sa Townhoullt ell bulll '"'· lndrv 1m, c:arpori ya1d/balc:ony 1m111 P61 OK TSL Mgmt 642-1603 PAID. HEALTH F1rop1ace pool, d1sn· CluBS. TENNIS WHher, Pvt PlllO X lg G11dt11 1 & 2 er on E/ SWIMMING plus tr de soo. S580 much mort ! Sony, 657•28411 no pets. Models 11111. 2111. Hiii. open dilly 9 to ~-Newly decor Gu pd, Oakwood encl go1. dwen1, pool. pbq no pets 642·5013 Garden Apartm~nts s4s5 2 Bd1m. 1etr10. pa· tlo, no pets adults pref, Newport Budl/No. 724·A J1mes, 673·7787 880 lrvlne Avt s HJNNING 1a1ge '"'"'1"""'8r (at 161h) garden ap1 710 w 181h 645-1104 SI Newport Be~"'/So. Near 181n/Pomona. 1 Br, I Ba, downs1a1111, dis, 1700 161h SI. carport, wale• pd, 1 child l•I Oovttl ok, no pelt. $400 Agent. 642-5113 · no leo 962·0217 ~!!!!!!~·'!~~SPACIOUS 2 Bd, 1 Ba, OCHI FllHT MODEL 1•• i ... one of Iha mos1 llveable •• £'..f!!!'.'.'!~ •••• !.~!f lloor plans In VIiiage II 3 WlllW ltlTllESI bdrm1. 2 be. rarge llvl11g LARGE 2 Bdrm apt, ..... blk lo beach. S6751y1ly. · OCEANFRONT/Winter. Fully lurn unit evall lor balance of winter 38r 111 xlnl loc. S 1000/mo BAYFRONT/Unl utn Brand new home. 2Br & sac, $850/mo Call tor 1pp1, 980-8468 (agl) Su Clt•t•lt 3216 2 bdrm, 2 ba $850 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• ftlll June inct ut11 Be11m ceilings. sorv .oar, W ood cab , no pets $475 2256 M aple 548·7356 Ot 673-8803 den Sec bldg room Terr1t1c location • SALE' end unll on gttenbell $149,900 • $1800/mo • LIOO/Fur11 lovely 2Br. mobile nome 1n oMcel location w/281 $750 VERSAlllES/Furn Mo 10 mo 01 snort 1e1m avail Beautrlully turn Sl•OO/mo WATERFRONT HOMES Cn11m1ng 3 bedroom, 2 balh, 2 st()()', ocean ,,_ homo In slltl lovely San Juan Caplatteno on a pr1v1t• cul do nc Many upgrades Move In c0t1· dlllon, well below mttk· et. or coo•se. Quick sale l1IH1 631·1400 deslttd, wish lo relocate 1Hi.,•I• 3Z01 Call 496-3fto. •• •• • •• • •• •• ••• • •••••• "2 C Penon Pl, 5 BR. 3•, bl. 'ISu AM,.,,J)a·ltVllfl IHll L~HI 106' DR ltg pa110. St200 mo Wh~.·::,;,.~·~~::s·~:~· _•o mo Agl 673·9060 !.'.'!r.!!.~!~!~ ••• !.Oj! S434K, b~ll 1 e12b. add Com•• it/ II., JZZ2 o n & m a k e $ ••••••••---••••••••••••• N&lllOll NllNLll 714·499· 1600 -Beautilul Execullve Home ••• 11.,,,. B11h•1 3242 •o!'·;~;.·~·.~i;.·td~k~·; Bdr 2 ea. 3 car gar1ge, owner 213/51)2.4905 lelMQPllOf'I ,,.,., 3Z44 •..••..•.••..•.....•.. llEITALS Hill tide ocean view 3 br 752·9466. 650·0881 convoll den & m!Md's 2 Sr:I·, ba. 323 E 181h quu11trs $2000/mo Su CJtal•lt 3116 St No pe1s Gar $625 21314149-2628 ••••••••••••• ••••••••• S10,,1 Mgmt 6• t· 132• -2 er. ,,., ea walk 10 ---- 180 deOree ocee11 view beach. 225 Le Paloma Newer 2 BR 2 Ba, $475 3 lrom Ol111ng, living, Den ~75/mo 637-7918 BR 3 81 w/2 car gar. and K1lchen 3 er & Den. $625 No pell 760-14 18 2'• Ba Immaculate, 01 842·7528 evs/wknds A1111ato11 ---S t200/mo No pels Ual•ra ill•t' •2Br 2Ba Nears c ~6632. o~ •••••••••••• •••••••••• P1aza: S A Lu Kury Con· tka1tlJ 3102 do w/pOOI $595 No 11• J•1• ••••••• ••••• ••••• • •••• pets 833·897.t Eves_ CuillrHO 3211 Garden Grove 2 & 3 v 2 e I B ••••·"····••••••••••••• Bdrm $•25 to $525 •Mesa ardo r a l ease/lease Opuon 4 bd, 636 • .,696 Newly redec $4195 No 2 ba covrd patio, comm ----pets 833·8974 Eves pool $650. 497-1657_ lllHI /dHll 3106 2BR t '•bl. d /w, t>ll1n1, ••••• • • ••••• ••••••• ••• patio gar. no pets. $5~5. Sul• AH 3210 E·BeylrQnt, Lilllo tale, 546-4291. 845-9857 A,,,,.,,.,, u.,.,,,,,.- ·······•·•············ o ... '"'' ,,,. ··•··•·••·····•····••• MUI YllW rro111 O'*n• Point• m"•I ... c1ud1d ate111~ t1lvll l•~o new• Only 4 1.1n1t1 2 Ut w/dt" x111 rro puv••• pallo f 10111 $12~/mo Liiii l'llJI GU I or M f , 11' 80o?12 0•1v• hy 10 • :1'4583 <Janie Cl11111 uOtl n•IU I lit V1ih1 1 Ull •mall~ <;Oly, PllVllt $400/mO 073 33 ll 493 0803 (01 rurr1111h11tJ) IAYFllJHT 3 bdtmt, 2 I.II llilld)' bu11,11 xrr11 cond Mon lhly or y1ly $ 1500 p111 Mei Ow11~t 6C4 ll5 13 Hu1tlJ111t,. •••t• 3140 ·······••·•···•••····• Avtll 11ow 1 Br ' eo (lowntlbltS tpt. d&wanr, p11v11111 00110. 81ngto go r•o• No pell. Wllll po1d $45 0 1 mo 545 2000 Agonl. no tao llAllllEH Will l1g 2 8 3 BR 1ow11nouse &pit •ncl gar, It pie Near Hunt Htbt l1om 15•5 Ch1I01t111 OK 840.6807 SllllPIPEll lPTI. A LOY ELY PLAC( TO LIVE • Hom•ylPvt 1&2 Br • Pool • Spa • BBQ • 5 acres ot beaulltully la.(ldsc:aped sotround · 1ng5 • Nr Fwys & shopping • Ou1e1 aroa • Sorry no dogs (114) 847-HH 8081 Holland Cr, HB Stwn Slater/Warner oll Beach 2 Bdrm I Ba vpstalrs condo near Talbert/ Newland. Balcony, rolrlg. wosher, dryer. commty pool, carport 1 chlld ok, no pe1s S525mo 545·2000 Agent, no lee 2 er carpet. drapes. poo1 'l blocks trom beach 101h St. 5417 -41 51 536-7953 3 Br 1•,, Ba Tow11house, l>ullHns new carpel car port oft pa110, 1 •, lo bellCb $550/mo ISi 11151 dep 631·7900 John Agent '.) bdrm 2' • ba lueplace carpets drapes stove and re trig 2 car gar age. laundry tac1ht1os 'l blkt 10 Beach Avail 1211 S650 536-2056 Clott te lucla Nt Hunt Har 1 br enc gar $3~ 962:!..:.8~ A,.tl•••I• ,.., IAM U1/ •'d'4 • •• • •' •• •• '' • • • •• • .~•1 •••••• f!n. • •••••••• • • '-'''"'" " r t$0t\a.ot.,. '"' #1 • ..,I ...,. Jiii Jill.. l•n Cle-tt nt •••••ii••••••••,,,.... illft~h rtl• 11:l!i I f UIHa .. Ill Ul2 PAllK NEWPORl APAHlMENT~ Loo b• 1u1 tm wlpvl b•th rn tit! • 11 H 8 1.1gnt 1111 COUNfrtY CLUB ll~INO rm I kll pt1v $300tmo IN Nr w .. OHT et ACH Obl·:lll'l 1 1ngr11• I & :l Odrrn ~ 1 ')( 13 11 ioom '°' rent A_J;11•11m•n19 ure .. m huu Mou ..,., & 1 o-.nllw • ' dt 1400 "tO ffOrl'I 1560 1"' "9 Oil J11t1bo1•1 A<I II "I J~ A 6011 Joequ111 Hill• Rd l11u., tu1n 11r OCC 1200 I .a.a 1100 mo ftm11111 ••• !146 2!17'.l Co•ll MIMI 'f1111rly 3 81 ? 01 Avbll 1mm11d Newly 11modolod OENT no11·11n1111 kllCll•n 011 P1n1111u111 l845fn'IO priv 1mployod over 40 075 3132, 040 !>710 ~411·768G 301, 'ltle, CJ)lt, dtpt, Oulll lllll•ldo CdM Bd' nuwly rodocorattlJ In & lio ,Wik t o Prl Ben OUI tOfiO mo ,, 13) fur11,ci Ut Incl Pfl fnl :;32 40' I 1300 Allot G or Wkndt 760· t546 0111vlllul 11rge 4 Br 1111. c•~<l patio, llOP• t o Ho11J1 /1111111 4100 btllh 'ftolltly 875 44 19 ••••• ·'··············· ? Br 2 811 condo. e11u IHUH MOTEL blull. upgrade•. all11Ch1id Wkly renllll• now 1vo11 g II,. 0 8 N 0 p. I. $105 & up Colot TV SOOO/mo ~59 7 14<1 Phones 111 1oom 2274 NewPott Blvd CM 646·74145 On Bav. 2 bd1rn. 2 b11 lrplc 1 cat gar P11v111t Beach Good neighbor 8 E A C H A R E A hOOd for couplv 01 ••n· gle $I 100 873 2182 $84/ k 8 10AM 6 9P!4 W 4 Br 2 Be 40' from tand, Retrigotalor·Mald·POOI w/b11tcony & 1und11ck Nwpt Blvd & Wiison S 9 5 o / y tty t: u t n ? Co1ta ~esa 549·975S 64!>·0340 Plnt ~no• Moiet 0nC0111 Clean 2 Br lrg kllChtn. Hwy NB Slept to Npt Hti 2421 E 16th St ocoan Wldy rates' S450 Trol)tes 'tl•S.5109 645-0440 LIDO GORGEOUS 2 Br trplc. patio 51000 lease 08111 Ho•• 4150 675 {)359 xi;;c;;;~;·f~;·<ieNr;~ Newpor~ Hgls 1 Br, yord enjoy lvly executive Ill· garllge $425 mtly home. superb 640-78 t4 f!ooo. eve1y comfo11. Mvsl be accus• 10 & •P· pr ec 1ne beuer things. Non-1mkr. non·dtinker (7 l•l 658·4552 1n Heme• Ref5 teq 3 bd1m. 2 b8. pallo. 2 blks to beooh Pt1a o k $750 mpo 673-3728 OCEANFRONT • Cualm decor, 3Br 2Ba up, ameo1t1es. yrly $1200 ,,, a •• ,, 4116 mo., 2Br 1Ba dwn 800 •••••• •••••••••••••••• IT\O Malure PIS 74100 W 1 Ml FREE ocnrrn1 850-9 192 IOAllD I CAREi EASTBlUFF Several prrme 1oca11ons Spactous 1 Bi patio, in Saddleback Valley to pool, view no ptls. cnooH trom Featuring $590/mo 8•4·4767 2• hr auperv1s1on, plan-ned rec1ee11on. exc111ng 2·Sly condo. 2 Br 3 81 gourmet moats & lree POOi. spa sauna $795 pr local transportation Cell mo 751 ·319 t Bob Lyon today lor lhe ---t•Cllll\Q details WllY IDT 768· 1142959.7277 111 5 Tiii IESTI NEW ge•ed 20 Town· V1t1lio• ,,.,,,, 4250 home VILLAGE COM· •••••••••••••••••••••• MU~lY 2 Br 2·~ Ba FOR RENT' 1600" sq It ol pvre lu· , 3 Br 1•~ Ba wood floors 3 ~d. 2 ba In lrv111e Tet· Priced tor' quick stl•I Coesl Royer white water race Nr Fasnlon Island $150,000 By appt. only. vu lot, Halliburton ES1a1e. Newporl Cenlor Lease Harry F, ado r 1 c k . $277.000. 494• 1600 $1450/mo 7141673· I 700 • •••• • • • •• • • ••• • •• ••• • pier 3 story deluxe lrg 2 Br 1 '~ 81 condo, car· 28r trplc $1800 mo port. sml pet OK. $525 675~3067 · 851·1999 770-9191 ------ 1-;-; Br garage, yard S525/mo wes1Slde 2 Br den crp1, drape1, crose 10 beach $450/mo 8• 1·0763 No pell 960·6289, 840· 1984 alt •ury Gateges, spaa 1n eve1y home • master 1u11a. dining room1 wood burning llrtpleces. m1c:row1ve ovent, Pri· vale polios & yards, gar· dener provided Elegant IMng only 15 mlnu(es 10 S C Ploza or 0 C Alt· 2 bedroom, 2 baths g 2 1tot1es 111 Twin Peaks ln lake Arrowhead area Ha5 bu111.1ns & f11eplace Ftrst, last & deposit re· quired Call (714 ) 768·0286 or ( 714) 667-0657 weekday eve· n1ngs alter 6 p.m 11 no answer, prease keep 1ry1ng1 631·1266 1•1li• JOH Harbor view hills 4 Bdrm ILIFFS IAllUll You ow11 lh• land. 2.000 sq 11. 3Br. lam rm, 2'!\ Ba, wide Greenbelt, near poot Far below matkel $235,000 Will tone op· Uon Bkr 64"·0134 •••••••••••••••••••••• w t Jac .... acre lot . Ftr Salt ~, hair s 1 6 o o I m o D 1 y s Condo, 2BR 1~BA, poot, 6 4 5 • 4 3 1 1 or av as Senta Ana. Tvslln area 7.20·0836 Good nolghbo1hood, close to freeway, good eiostrng rates 5•2·8278 Wt1laia1111 I Ofl ..•.....•....•.•.•.... VA TERMS·2 on a 101. $99,500 Ownar/bkr S.CS-1947 Coll• 11111 3ZZ4 .........•...•....•.•. Eas1slde condo, 3 br, 2 ba. de11, ltplc. 2 cat ga· n1ge S825 545-6685 San1a Ana His 3Br. ltplc, bog yard no pels $650/mo 5'6-0814 8111. • 0t•11 .,,, "'''' IEWOUI• LEASE OPTION H ARBOR RIDGE Custom View Home $50,000 oplron mc:mey 4 &drooms. 5 Baths $1,299.500 ...................... J11jiJ1 ••• ,, c.1. 11n ... 1 flt Salt 1100 Decora10r perleet, •P•· •••••••••••••••••••••• CIOUS 2 Bdrm. 2• 1b•. IEWNllT IUCll pool. 1ac. •octtttlon Bel Aire Home. llght a1ea pvt p11110, bal<:ony mlt110rs. 2 bdtm 1 bath. & rge garage Deco wall lront kllch011. ecpended paper drapeues & more $995 Ulll pd Call hv. dining area Young 675·2311 10 30 to 5pm Adull5 & pets welcome $24,500 540-5937 ag1 E/S1de. cute houses. 2 br 2 Br 2 Ba Mobile home In & 1 br w/whit• picket good cond To be mo· l1tflces. S650/mo & ved $9,500 bol open 10 _S_4_50_t_m_o_. _64_5-_96_2_8 __ ollars C'all Doris 545-6010 wlcdye 9·5 546-5284 otn.r Two bdrm NB, 11tWly de· 2326 Fordham St C M College Park. Area 3 bd. 2 ba, dble Gar, lrg Yrd, Frpl, $785/mo 631·8062 COlll 8d OVOI 800 sq It EHIS1de hOl.IH 2 Br. pkls $25.000 19.000 down. de 11 . 2 e 11 Ir p 1 c 673·6616 S635/mo 673-1734 BEST DEAL Jtati lt1HrlY J 350 IN HARBOR RIDGE ••••••••••'••A••••••• MESA WEHE Beaut 3 br, lncrt<J. vul Duple• °" the sand 30th lmmac 3 Bdrm. rrg 11· S465K 759-1428 st NB N-ly ttmodeted m1ly rm, bar, 2 lrplc1, In and out 3 br . 2 bl IOl"mal dining rm, garde· N-porl Ho1gnt1 Oldtr 2 vpltalts 2 br , 1 bi ner 1s1. last & sec dee> Br 1 Ba dbl cer garage, downstairs Mon 10.,,_ req d No pets Avail 50 )I 117 Al lot down owe balance at ,_1_2_11_5_4_0_-85_9_1_s_1000 __ $165.000 ·-461 Santa Ant Ave 13 9% for 5 yrs. Greal IOI' E'slde 3 BR 1ba, lam rm, 5•8·5041 alt 8 summe1 renlals $735, lge gar, $700/mo No ---------·• 000 Armitage Realty pets 212 l•lltan. THIS, TEllllU 114.544.2494 ,_8'1_2._63_68-.."'---- Harbor View Hiiis mdl /at1af lt1HllY ZOOO 3 BR, 2"2 be. lplc. w/d 8 pertecl 3 Sr Below •••••••••••'"'•.;'••••.. raft, dbl gar, 1750 Agl markal et $369,000 Only M Huge qvahty dvptell 646-•380, 84S-4765 5% down owe 8% 3 lrplc, 3 gar, copper 1----------l11tere1t or Iredell Pattk:k plmb'ng S 125K, usu· Mesa Verde 3 Br 2 Ba Ttrl()fa. agt 631· 1266 mable loan 11 12v. int. lamlly room, no pets lalha Yaoalf Let $ 1 7 5 K Io Ir Age n I $850/mo 644-1836 642·9666 EAST SIDE i• fortolHl,t SAU IYtQH 3 br. 2 ba, lge nouse. 2 lrplcs. lge yard $850 mo 631-3091, 759-1)53l Xlnt loc on peninsula Undivided ·~ Interest In Corner Bay & Cypreu. 1 t 5 unite •Pl bldg In block from tne bty. To Hunlington Beach, CA 2 Br 1 Ba, $450 No dogs besoldNov.12.Canbe Call 7141960·24 11 tor 645 v1c1011a. •10. h11d cheep FOi' Inform&· lnlOl'matlon 546·9124 iililoiniic.ililiS7i5i·i6m12moi.iiiiirP-o_s_ltl_v_e_c_e_sh_ll_ow_,_b_e_a_ul-.1-2_B_R_H_ou_se_&_Du_p_le-~­ ap1 bldg. PrlnciRlllS only 3 3 3 E 2 I s I s I c M 741 YIA Liii IHI $ 1,696,00(L 5· 10% CASH DbWN Up 10 s 1 4 mllllon BHU· mable financing. 40' m4ln bl )' view $.TURNER.BROKER 840·63!50 5411·9213 •o• 1oam·6Pm H HITS 645·8 103 6415-6589 PrlC41d ., 9.2 •.• \)IOSS. ISISlde 2 Br quiet, new Include• pool, tennis ca1pel, garage, yatd, courts, 4 y11 new In pool, no pets $575/mo Oceanside Mlll)r 2453 "B" Orang• . 1'11·2111 Ave IMfllS llULn u•ury 3 bdrm, 2 ba,"yerd, dlthWIShOI $900 mo UH tsU tHl•I•, DH1tl, 846-7800 If tWlll •11111 Z400 ASTSIDE. 3 bdrm, 2 ba, .. lfFll.. •••••••••••••••••••••• F A. room fireplace. 3 BR. 1600 aq 11 • engl FOR RENTI lanced y11d, gdnr, cpl• tty home on over.&lztd • end drapea. 1900 pet lot, at qvlel EUl"end or mo. 111 and 1111 pl1.1e lalaf\d Sunny &>. pallo, 2 bedroom. 2 baths & 2 $4100 277.Roblnhood ln 24a 15'. Wroughl lion llOflel In Twtn Pealcl In 558-1737 entry gattt w/deadboll1 l•kt Arrowhead area t-e_s_l_si_de_d_u_p_le_x_2-8-R-lB_A_ Frplc. French doora to Ht1 bulll·ln• & fireplace .,,~ ...... ar. ,_11 ok ,525 petlo. Ellt11 IOe dbt oar Flftl. wt & dec>o1lt •• ...,. v .. v w/1.1tll-w o1kahop arH q v 1 r • d ca 11 c 7 1 4 ) mo 552·33 Ill e11s/\.,knde Fee title 1376.000. 20'A 16 8 • 0 2 8 8 or I 7 1 4 I ludlo House a~all Nov down. owner llnanclng. 1167--0657 weekday eve-20th. Pallo. fenced y.,d CloM to comm clbf\M, 3 nlnga antr 6 pm II no utll Included 1450 mo beecnea. t•nnle, etc. an•wtt. pleaH k••P 13()() ci.anlng depoeil out1111e<1 t>uv«• ~Y call trylnot 5•8·8083 owner •• 114.e1a.4003 i----------1----------for d•lalll and vi.wing HJ llt•lf pt Hgll 1rt1. 3 Br 2'1\ Bt appt. Ix • UH condo, lam rm trpc, In· _;:..;.. ________ ,, .... ~.~!'A~.......... dry rm ,gar 1800 mo. lllWllll Ill trade HOK equity rn 631· 121!8 000 .._.__ mtttl 3 If H.B. Bay~-hOme IOI ...... ---~----- l 30, .,_,... t111lnt area. Priced at I Ir. 2 11. 2 81 l IPI Ea1tblllff S2611K 1 iemodeltd 3 Br. Frplc, 1ange, yard, O•· n~ John zarvoe, bllr. 2',. Bt l 11111K ..... hold rig•. no P•ll P1t1111t. 180•Mell. T•rlM, ,.,,,,., dv• 11191. lnlerHt•d 1695/mo. 111 ptu1 He ---------t pantet call M M218 e 4 8 w . 1e1 h 8 1. FOf ~ Ad •---,-fv-1 _3_.":.,__C_ond_o_1n_!.-•"-·-l8_1_., ____ _ Cell a freano IOf Nie Of tt tde 0.U ltlal .HM D.ity fllot Many ittr .. A...,,,,. 10'..-••,.•••••••••HooTmT AO.~l80fl 10tt1 My equity 124.IOO Svper 1 Ir. t 81 VIHt, .. 2 ..... p r o 11 C a 11 O or I a couttytrd. rttlt•d pr ... • •• 646-tO 10 Wkdyl t ·&. I• rrt d I 4 2 •t lft 0 5*5214 Ofhtf 873·3313. 413.4803 ,, $111111 ''"' 3211 Rent or leose 3 Br 2 811 per111111v turn, utll paid Yearly $650 /mo 642·1334,85~!._ I Redec 1 bd rehlg, qu1e1, S New 2 Br parklton1 IOWn· home 1h ml IO UCI $800, Agl 714/848·2850 ---IAYFllJO 3 bdrms. 2 ba, undy be&Ch Xlnt COl1d Mon· 1hly or yrly $1500 car mo Owner 644·9513 Beaut 2 Br home lge counlry kllCh, 'l car gar nr pool, shops perk. tennis H95 551·2778 ,evenings Quality 58r exec home, Turlle•ock Highlands . $1750 mo Avall Dec 15 GOLDEN PROPERTIES 752·1589 Tvrtlttock 3 -e-,-2-e-. tam d111lng. lrpl<: poot & tennis evell Dec 111 $995/mo 646-2353 f!l.~~~-~.'.t.~ .•• !.~~f HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Nu 3200 lu• hm on blurt 180 deg vu ot narbo1, au rt. mtn1. 3br. 3ba. a•cur11y. sauna, spa S1900/mo 496·7009 EMERALD BAY 3 Bl 2 IJa 1700 sq II frplc. brick patio, wll h 1pa S 1600 /mo 2 13 /876·2255 or 675-3067 Eaec tamlly homa steps to v 1c1or1t beach 010· ma11c coastal & white· water viflWo. 3 81 3bll. gourmet kltch $1850 Oys 675·9702 . evo1 •9•·0022 1iir 1 Ba-l-r-ipl-.-.-.-1)-.-r.-p-.-. too. stove 8 retrlg S524 St Anns S600 ullt pd 536-1453 wkdyt HOMES FOR RENT •El TORO• $700 •MISSION VIEJO• $875·$725 •CHILDREN• •PE'TS OK• •............•••..••.. $4 10 See mgr at 19220 Wa llace Ave or 760·8376 Beaut 2 sty home on Canal. w/boal slip. 4 br, lge llv ttea. $1250 mo Avail now. Call 960-8468 LG clean 1 Sdtm No pets yearly ~95 2 Br 1') Bu Newer lnhse, 673-0072, 873·5706 no pets $4951mo 1916 WaHace 102 831·3671 •101 app1 (agt) Coaio•i•i••• Ual111•i1itil 3425 lilboi. • ••• •••••••• •••••••••• ,,., ••• 1. 3101 3 Br 1 •h be condo nr •••••••••••••••••••••• Fa11v1ew & Wa1oet 2 bdrm, 2 bl newer dplx $650/mo 2 yrs old, W/O y1ry Mature nOn·smkrs. rncl Kids/pet poss. Ed no pets S6!50 X 3 96•·6171 2131799-• 19$, 257·9792 ----Of' (71•1 673-31186 Di1l11t~I ~oo S295 n;Ze-b~ ,;;. •• !.~!'!!~~~ .•••• !."... pons1ble person. u 6 11E11 * * * paid no pell 10 Bay, Apt 9 EXCEPTIONAL 2 BO, S395 1 Br dplk Ulll pd DEN QNL Y FOR THE 4117 E Bay Ave. Balboa DISCRIMINATING $750 Pen No pets ~7·1155 Agt 17 14)496-6804 *·** 2 t>drm 1 ba, garage Costa Mesa Morn 955. t2<17 , Aller 3 6<16-6481 ~l!.~'!!!~!!.!~.'!'.i!!'!. '''"' Bacneror Yearly rentel utlls paid $340/mo 201 E Balboa S tvd 675-9562, 646-1319 Boche1or yeorty 1ncrud111g utlhhes. •., blk 10 beach, crea11 won't 1111 long $280 mo No calls alter Wed Roger 646-11131 ltaia1al1 3101 Coro., !It/ lf11 JIZZ .................•.•.. ..................... . Winter Aonlal 2Br, pool, 1 STEPS Tl OCHI houn lo bch $550 Play11 large 3 Br 3 Bt many RE 673·1900 amenll1es St 17!> Cell 'l'earfy $325 Small stvd10, 1 pe11on onty. sueet patklng, vllls p111d 675·3063 Of' 679-9667 OelUlle 2 Br. 2 Sa ltplc, steps to t>eOCll. w/d, ga· toge, no pals. yearly. $750/mo. 6•5·6956 alt Anthony days 8412·5757. aves & wknd1 631-6830 fho snores 1n btaulllul Coro111 dtl Mar hes newly r&lu•b•Sne<I 1 & 2 bdrm apls lrom S550 & up ror rent Cell Helen Gibson 644·261 I 4PM Quiet area 408'• Acacia Blk Beach 1 BR ulll yrly 3Br 2ba, ocean view $450 mo'. 182l w ' Sal~ $875/mo .6~ boa No 2 213·94 t-3065 BacnelOI'. so or nwy Nice CtlOH iltl 11,, 3112 patio. no kllcn Avall Im· ••••••• •••••••••••• ••• med S350 Incl utll or Ocean view, beautllully $395 w/gtt 673.•3415 rurn townnovse. lrplc. ---- pool & pello $1095/mo C11t1 #111 3124 673·0896 •••••••••••••••••••••• -2 BR t ea, tpk:, nr Fedco C11t1 lltll 3124 Newly decor. lge p1110, •••••••••••••••••••••• gar S525 mo &51·6130 Furn I bdrm apts. $385 and up Enc garages '3 Bdrm, 2'·• ba, lrplo 2110 Newpotl Blvd CM ye rd Db I 0 a,. Np I 546..4968 He1gnt1 area $750, 559-5001 S390. attractive furn apt. Easlside BaCl'lelor Beamed ce111ngs. pe110. rorge ba1n kitchen, ullls paid $350/mo No pets. 752-2550 Large 3 Br 2 Ba Town· nouse 1n qui•• complex, large pool, garden Sii· ting $675 645-3'381, 975.5949 IHTAIT Ill S•OO·S4 15/mo 2 Br 1 I Ba poolside apt laundry room. beamed cet11ngs 1 No pels No last montn tent deposll req Call TSl Mgmt 642· 1603 Mess Verde, sharp 1.1ps- t111rs 2 BR 2 Ba, bllns new cpts. encl gar, lndry rm, no pets $575 mo Call 5•0· 1158 ell 6, 979·3848, ask ror P4m 2Br. 1• ... ea, WoSISidt , like new $475 mo 557-6965 2 81 ,,., Ba srudlo, pool . carport, pvt petro, chll· drtn OK No pets S475 6•6· 1824 S385 1 Br pool, 1 person, no 1>411S 325 J 17th Pl 846·5137 1 IAM·7PM lge n-ly dee 2 Br w/gar Central area. no pell S"75 snown 811/Svn 7141 /753 -0719 8 540-6187 PALM MESA APTS 1561 Mesa Or $400 Unturn t Bt Call blwn 9·4 546-9860 BEAUTIFUL 2 Br 2 Ba F1p1c, encl gar. cno•ce area. edltt pref $575 309 .. Mace W/FedCO 2 bdrm 1•, ba, tlfeplace gor no pets $495 548·7510 2 Br I Be Ees111de qu1e1 neighborhood, no pets, neat schools $450/mo 631·6155 Hanliaglo• port Just H SI ot New· por1 Blvd & ao ol Sen H11boor 3142 Diego Frwv. $1000/mo Huoe·~·~;~·L~;·c~~d~~ 631 -5439. 2473 Orange Mini cond, all amenllres, Ave Cosio Mesa S600 mo 962·4914 3Br, 2Bo patio, close 10 /1 viat 3144 bcn pets o~ $750 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• yrly 673·3728 2 Br condo w/pa1oo. poot, 2 Br 2 ea COndo. 2 car spo .$665 738· 1215, garage. near Hoag Hosp 970·5117 Mt Weber $750/mo 640·5324 · £HHI lt•d 3141 Bach BPI ') blk iO'bealh" ••'••••••••••••••••••• S•OO mo tncias uttt ocu• VIEW 650-8957 OCU•FllOIT 3 BR 2 ea ret11g & bllns ------arge Big Sear Cabin Poot Table. color TV, 2 l 1plc s Sleeps 14 7 141.545-~9 16. __ . -- OlldO·Pal PALM DE· SERT CONDO 7 days Dec: 2 sips 4 Poot. len· n1s Ole $75 dy 6U ·0627 AIL COlO Dec: 25 to Jan 1 1 BR 2 Ba eondo, SIPS 41 1700 In lhe Vol· lage walk to every1n1ng 675·'4333 10 minutes so ot loguna on Dana Point s most secluded scenic blull. hke new 2 Br wi den 111ra large pt1va1a pa1oo garage $725/mo Call 661-6441 or M ·F 9·5 643-0210 Drive by to see at 24583 Santa yrJy rse )(Int cond Alt 41 lt•t•I• lo Slirt 4300 a wk nos anytime •••••••••••••••••••••• Clara -------OCHllFllJHT 552-76!>5 Bachelor apl Small No garoge or 11undry $400 mo 1nclud1ng ut1hltes 646-6189 BAYFRONT Most etegen1 apt bldg 1n Laguna 8e11Cl'I, finosl 1ocat1on 1n town. breath· Sandy beOCh 3 Br 2ba. iaklng views_ all bvllt-lns, eKCel cond Monthly or heated poor. sub·gerage. y11y S 1500/mo Owntt elevat or Lease only ~1~ lllOlllTE FlllEllS Oldest a 111ges1 agency All clients sc1eene<1 with photos & relero11ces Cred1f5 Cosmopolllan Good Morning America Tho Tomor1ow Snow * ·~ olf * to all who need a place lew ert '41·1Ht ~~~0c~1rg,, 49 •• 8083 Su Cl1•1a11 3116 -N;·5·e:··a;~;;;i ·H~;~~ Snr lux condo or hOuse 2 Br 2ba. lrplc. deck, 38r, ltplc, 2Ba. alove, $285 1St 1as1 secvrlty. trees. cha1m, '·• bllc to cpts Avail Nov 1 5575 966·8479 01 662·2449 ocean , No end $925/mo incl ul41 mo <7141891"164.. Ctroaa 4tl Mir 6•0·5629 2 BR, $465. yearly. new Femera roommate to 101 apt No Laguna 1 yr decor, POOi nr b.acll, &hare 2 b5 alter 6 PM lse S•So ,,.;0 + see dep ~s ~o pelS •98·6277 675_· t_2_eo _____ _ 497·5382 2 Br 2 Ba Condo ocean FEMALE OVER 410 Share £ --Mi I 3152 view $650/mo 2BR Condo In Hunting· .!l.'.'!~ ••• 'I. .. ~........ 545.9911 '°"Beach 536·2001 all On Goll CovtS• Weal Suti' AH 3110 Spm ------ Nme Condo 2 BR 2bt. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Heighls Town-c:a1 gtt wtopnr Wash/ 2 er 2 Ba condo pool house. beaut rurn Ma· dryer lower 1.1n11 w/ 1ac tennis, So Coast 11.118 femal e $350 patio. 1edecoraled Plaza a1e1 &.-0·81105 646·7555 1725tmo 71•n70.1950 842·2012 an 4 $550 -~---::----,...- !.'.'!r.!!.!!~!~ ... !.~~! NO FEE! Apt & Condo rentals Villa Rental• 675·•9 12 Broker New 1&2 bdtm 1uau.1y M/F to shr 3 br, 2 ba noose. N B (Back Bay) $300 lnet. utll 631-6220 ap\s In 14 plans 1 Bdrm 979-2436 lrg Pa110. gar Mature. 2 er 1 ee, crp1, drara•. 1 BR. cpll. drps. stove, • • Block 10 beech, 28r. quiet, no Sharing. No bll·lns. no pets $440 lndrv tac11 1111811 now No b1igh1 & olry $675 mo. l1om $540, 2 bdtm hom ---...,....-,..----~­$595. Townhouse !tom Male or temele 18-30 10 $665 + pool1. tennis, share 3 bdrm. 2 ba hou· walerlalle. pondet Oas se w1lh 1 male and 1 la· tor cooking & heating male Bu1na1d & Gat· paid From San Diego field $225 mo. ·~ viii Ft wy drive No11h on 8"2· 1412 Ilk tor Jetl YILLl&E llYESTIEITS oeta. 2234 A Rulgers Dr 2.272 Maple 631·2927 pets $375 646-4382 yrly 968-8263 C M 1213)454·5104 B W /S1d8. 2 br, 1'• t>I, O_O_E_A_l _F•_O_l_T __ S_375 "'O Div mobile rand spanking clean, 2 n ... ~ SR 1 Ba. 1 car ga1. no crp1$, drps, brt-lns, pvt 3 bdr, 2 bA g•r g1ea1 (114\141-2000 nome No pets Quiel, pets $550 mo 268 deck. gar . sap rndry rm. loc Winier aecutt 1991 Newport Santo Tomei Agi lmmed $510/mo lease Beach lo McFadden lo •a•a-•lllE AGENT, NO FEE Blvd 646·8373 642·6368 only 760·0489 c;;;;ntng H111sldt view. 3 bdrm, 2 be Fireplace. L•k• prtv1regH $775 Eve• 213-430·4327 ~ E.tlde 1 Br ~40 PINE BLUFF APTS S350 ll~gt 1Br opl No u l ll pd . Pvt & lrg 2 81 2 Ba 1 81 & loll rats Carporl,leundlacll, 646,,...631 Chtld Ok , patio. vltw.' 311 W W1l110n 631·2177 HHl/ar··· lrplc encl gar , gu lrg I Br I Ba patio, $500 ,,'t 31~o stov•, dlanwuhe1. spa l u a 0 1 , 6 4 5 • 9 1 6 1 , lndry 1m ser.otmo 760·9534 ,.,., ~!.'!r.!!.!!~!~ •.. !.~~! 2 BR & den. 2111 ba, Mii beaeh S 1100 mo 8 MC Open Deity 43 I WHI· m1n1ttr Ave 931·5681 2oiC01ton, 3 B• 2 Bt &825/mo y11)' 840·6208 Agenl Spac 3 bt, 2'"' b• 111ry clean tWT11'1M, pool, log· o•no. ttc $800/mo Agt 54,·14'0 •••••••••••••••••••••• SPMC 631·6107 Yll lllEllYE IT! EASlSIOE 2 bdrm 1 bt Beautllul & Pltk lllte with 1 car g11 S495 m0 1nc:ts tMtaced poot w8ttr. ll"llmed 1vt1I Prel •Spacious Apta eple, minimum on tilt •l>nvlle PlllO• Mgmt 1~ d 229 Co.sta •Covered Patlllng Mua No C 1157·0701 •01n1ng A1t1 •Walk In Cl<>Mt1 281 ups1a1;;,-p;j10 dtck •Home llkt Kitchen• wt garage, wanr/drv1 1 bl k to Hunt111gton hOOk·UP•. CIOM 10 So Ctn101, 111n1po11a11on & Ctt Plue, no pet1 1 525 lrwyt mo 540·0117 ITILmH PHI 2 9, TownhouH 1• • ea Condo 10< ...... Btulla. 3 1 Bdrm From S515 Uvtno & dir'llng a1ea. kll· 81 tlld unit, b.Ck door 2 8drm S815 Chen, ftp ... t lltc"-d Qt· to pool, 11ep1 from 1tn· I.A OUINT A HERMOSA 1 a Q e . po o t J 1p1 . nttclvb 110001mo 2757 1&21 1 Parkelde l n. 1 blk 1825/mo 831·411114 Viet a Umb1ou , N B. W of 8eeeh, 3 blk1 S. Otle 9'10·238~ ol t:dlngtr ,847·5441 2 Br 1 9a In •·PIO , ---i c1 .. n. no peta 1430/mo 271 "9" 19tt\ Pl ..... ,. Utlq • 14:15/mo I.IP , Br un• 8'1•·0d2 LllOt •PtclOUI duplex l111n & f1.11n POOi, t pa 1~ bdrm• SPIC a 9')tn. 181192 f lorlda 142·2834, "' 1nopp1na Slept 10 842·3112 bea o t1. 'Y ear ly ~ ..... ltfl 714ttll·&l22 coll or rr,!!'1 ••••••••••••••• .... ~ 875-1720 LUXUfY 11udl0, ''" HIO. • pt\one, maid "'"'· tP•. hi! Idle "erN '42·H 71 1130 wtc •ff·301S -AYllUIU .. lOWly 2 bf, 1 bl, upper unn fot rent lullH n•, e.,pet, dr9"f no Pf'• t Chfld oil 1500/"'o 710·0734 Clf tJ l·UO:l G«t 2 bd upllalfs p11110 deck. Qll, W/O hOOk·up Clst So Cal Pill No Pell $525/mo 540·0117 lrg I C,d Apl. Wtt·t•de, completely redecOl'ated. 2nd floor. Rtlrlg 1385 6•0·•\)71) 2 8 r W/fllr $440/mO c:1pt1. wettr pd 2116 "[ Pl•C-"111 83& 4120 1·&PM EHttlde 2 Br Qutet new carpet, garago. yard, pool, no ~It S5751mo Mnor 2463 • 8" 011nge A\19 Liii llW HUY •w 1 lrg 8r walk In CION I . lrplc. 01t\w1"1, lg p111 peuo. pool •P•. no Ptta 1•711tmo ~f.2441 •oeffn I Ir ,;-;e ,.._., $ A Poo1f19a & ctrl)Ot1 .... Ho .... 712·6'22 Se1w1nd Village n -" Bacnelo1, gttat loc (714)893·5 l98 Paletl•I Mansion, pvl yearly ----pool, spa, kit, prlv call TSL •&•t t42·110S IH•• 4 760-8181 2 Br 2 Ba trom S525 No •••••••••••••••••11••••• M-,-o-ah_r_4_8_r__,3_8_a_N=B pell Across from New-UllU IHO wa1e1t1ont n0me. neat, POft eeach Goll Court• IOTll Ill amployed prof $325 mo 545-4855 Wkly 1en1al• $115 up 846-l:M>t Wl •. T(• •11Tlll Col.or TV, ''" collH Mff 211-35 10 tnr 3Bt CM " " hta18d poot, & stept lo hse w/lg ).cl $2 IO mo. + 3 & 4 Br Close to wate1, ocean Kitch• avail ulll lat. tut & dep Avtil turn t\ unfurn, r•asonll!· 985N Co•ttHwy, Nov 15 54 8·6180, b4111. all amlnlltu Btoker \.oguna 9Mch 404·$2\)4 8•8 Cl639 IMO 676-4912 -__ ___ SOO & vp wltn kllcn•n Rm lor-rt_n_l__,B-al_b_o_a_lt~lt 1 t>lll 10 Bc.h lower 2 81, WMkly Oct1nl1ont Mo· College s250 mo AvaM den. 2 bl. y11y. bltl111. ,,. 975-8740 lmm•d · Call 111 &PM refrlt._!700 675-8839 • Nic:t c:oiy room ,_1111 pool 676·4200 Nwpl ~gts 2 bt, 2 ba. $80 -k M IF 10 anr 3 bt, 2 b t epac•oue Av•ll now 5•8 923 hOuM on Canal In N.8 . t700/mo~45·7400 B11lboa Ptn1n1ula, Pnvelt 111, IHI&. dep. 8'16·24116 39r,2Ba.3ceroarag•.1 En1r1nee 1116 N o 511,10111M nonemkrlo thr bll\ 10 ocn,. SllOO mo emoklng 01 cooking 2 br a ba E/Sldt CM 875-_!174 6711 3301 i pl, 's 250 + 1.11111 Oyt BALBOA PENIN 'i blk to 4 SA 2 81 lllt, W/Oyr, 142·54"1, tvt 8'12·51~ bCh 2 bd, t be, y11y, kllch, t ic $22& mo '20 l•--•-ll!i!i!iii!ii!~ilit c I r por t. t 5 2 5 m O dtP 6<t6·831t Ill 71tM M/F 1t111e 28A llA lwo ~62·08!!__ Am tor rent '2$0 mo + awy apt In CdM Non· LARO! 2 bt, 1 ba, gar, u 11 1, w a lk t o bch •mkr 1360 pet monln, d/w 5308 Su111ort. 84$-0 110 lncluclft cable l phOM &750 rno Vtly tt2·•tt• ~llliiiliiiii••• .. mf .,. tltelrlelfY Alttt tpt't\ Pt111 • t;; a wy, a bcl, To ..... 'Piii ~ 1•7~~·ot3!!a!!!!~~· 2 \• be. w/ ffpl Ntw ct · btfore -I~ met CttP•"""· "' ,1 • NtdfnO putllle. Room tot rent 1 ~from "' .......... HI M4ICtl 1250 mo uttl thlon l11and, no peta ...... ,;;.,. 1nol ~ltc lltft prlv 1790 '41·Utt Cteall°.:l. Ml-lt1J N 3·"28 ... .. -.. , .. , lessianal. Service Directary ~ l~!!!!!.~!!!!!!t-t ••••• ~!!!!~11! ••••••••••••• f~!I!.-.!'~·-·········· C111t1.,to11 01•1111 ···········'·········· 9~!1! ... {".t •••••••••••• !'.~~~r!';~!' ••••••••••.. ~~~~!~!~~~!~r .. : ..... ~!~!~r ............... r~~~~;~~ ............ . ~'!~#. ...........•.. Our olflc .. han<lllt all Cutstom C111pentry lly OICll. ur•at 01 law Prompt & Neu Pom,hng, 1011111cu. CO\lfl90u• Hf'llO• F'l'IEE dOOll, etc Ph 84, 8800 Cuuori1 n11m0d/Acld'n1J TlllH 28 YR~ [ XP Ot.JNliAM HOMC. IMPAOVPMrNT Rernodol re1>11lrd'·lenc1ng Oullllly HOuHC:lt1dl1il1g with 11 l'nraon11 Touclr Cflll Oe111 650·09:!3 •A·t 110¥111* [~f.Hlll wiillcovtrlng ln· fpp 11uulity :>6 yr •~P flOllBt1on R1111-f)llCH HuM1 ROOlill(l•llll tyrat Now-recovC<r dtJt~• ~t~~!e!ou~~f eonwu1tat1on 64!M~335 C • I f '" t111I Ouullty 211d IQ 11ona1 e1muo1 Con,1 r1w11t1llt«•rr1uveu CIHn u11 lnvm r•oov 7!11~476 u1n1;H1c111 p1urn1>1no Co111µ1111tM• rotot Cm11u1t11n1 l\u1gr1mu11t No OVl:!llltn" 730· 1363 ~e 1 85QO I IC. .. ., 1802 5•8·11734 --., .. , """ ~· Lu.; <418570 b•O, ~:>7 I ROOF HllUIU tor a AQgrestlve A UOr ney. NC •••I'.-.•••••••••••••••• l'ee tn11101 Conau1111t1on, Shampoo & •tHnl oletm Pertonul Injury Cueu. Color b1tgh1an41ra, wht No l3tco111ry, No Foa c;rpts • 10 min bleoch 49•·869 t. Holl, h11/dln rm11 $ tG, 1111g ~r111 ' n1g noM 'l . moll, l rom A to I. wa do 11 1111 714 0711 ll4;!0 II<; 42578t Tiii' IRHI IOHE Lown tri'.lu 1111ut1 1n1tull rroo ttm1trtmovo1 lllwn M11lnt/ROIOlllllng FrH ll~llH1019 548·6085 cerp111111y 03 I Stl:!O Po1n11no·11l11111t11ng-elec drywa11.11nllquo relin Houaeclannlrig. relloole •el Own tran1111 AoH YOLANDA 842·040!! AOC MOVING W• gul1 1t1d hong toge 01Hck ca~ lut Service! Iller H•no. Hl•et Up Oor1 1 re root. 1op111r. •• 1ruet1on o f co t·t 867·2890 30 day ad In ll)e ~ 1ecu11r 61111 5•9·6068 t-tou11oclo11nrn11 11on1st, 11111c1er11 Reltlrtrncu 011v1/evot 646-6 169 Su Low roltt~ 552 0410 no111ar wolt• 839-0730 -onyllmt ' • IAILY PILOT SERVICE ,tM'EOTOllY · ~~.•z!~'!!~t .......... . \PO IT NOWI Atk fer l114lra Your Dally Pilot Service Director~ Representative WILi. SIT In my CM home, fencl!td yard, hot meals. rt•• ratN. 548·2674 CHILD CAREniY'homa. lunchtsnocks included Large yard 646·7939 ~!!.~~!!t!~t ••••..•••• IU-11711 tit, 322 Computerized bookkee· ~~~~~~~~~I ping from $50 mo Also maJI list & poyroll. 652-2430 M~'!!!!'!l.~!!!~!!!-.t EK1>9rtenced Carpenter Remodel/Add-on/Repair 760·2665 548·665• Additions. carpentry, ma· sonry: design and drat· ting, BBQ's etc Oa11e <\94-1003, Oltl 724 '•""'" . .•••........•......•.. CUSTOM HOME BLD_R needs SMALLER JOBS between llous'es. Free .est Call Dan 537.0342 room 1150. couch $10. cnr $5 Gull• tilln1 P•t odor Cr111 rupuir 16 yr1 op Do work myHll RGI$ 53 1·0101 Homu lmprovomonta 1111 troQts Ramodal AddlUon1 6411·6967 AEMOO£l • Cbmm . •et1lde111l11I'. 1un1111t 1m· No St1111m/No S1111n1poo provemern~. mo101 •8· Stain Spoclallsl Fest p111ri. Bldg renovation, dry Free est 839'1~82 I code correcllMs, etc 20 ----- -Y'" Orange Cty. bonded, C1•111t ICoacrete . 'ins. Lie ·• 19180 1 Pa·· •••••••'•••••••••••••• lombo Const Anyume Cement.Masonry-Block 962·83 M Wolls·Cust work Lie >138t057 Rob !547·2683 Orivewoys·pe11os-wolk$ · Btocl(walls·mesonry Free esl, reas 892-465 7 ----~ THOMPSON CONCRETE Pallos·Cfrlveways- roundotions. 11393383 ... 642-8482 f !'!.'!!'!. !t'!~~~~~~!'!f. Kit remod. cab1ne1s. 111· deo entertillnm~nl units Frett est 642•0881 Eltel1ic•l .....••..•........•... ELECTRICIAN Prrced rlgt11. tree estimate on large or small tobs E~11er 011rdontr1 & cledn UPS Tree lrhY!mlng r16Q Hf 'Ptite 641-1011 l.Andsc9plr1g-Y<1 Clnup• troe trlm/remov-M11lnt ~1getlon JI~ 851·0129 IARDEIHH WOTED Mowing, edging, ra~lng, swe11p1ng . F_ree eall· ffiQl85 645-5737 JAPANESE GAROeNER SPECIALIST· moint .. clean up: trimming. Low price F1ee est. 548·9463 Jessie's Garde111ng Clea11-ups, tree trim & mo1n1 service 540·8035 ~~~!~---.•.•.•..•....• • DUMP JOBS & S1J1t1il Moving Jobe Cull MIKE 046·t39t ' HAULING•ORAOING demo1111on , clean-up Concrtue & tree remo1101 tlOUSECLE.ANtNG By 1>can(!1novl11n Lady 6llp'(j 548-2tt I l"horough, 1ellabl11 Incl wt11dow1, 011ens, etc Marta 650· t8 10 -Oulck serv 642·7038 Holld11y HOU60 Cleonlng, HAULING student has low rate&. es11mate11 1ge 1ruck. Same low Sherry 751·9441, Sharon rates P10111p1 7~0-1076 657-5317 CdM Thank you. John ~,_~,!~~ ............. . 2Ahr fD Ul-llH Furn11Ge•pool·wfttur h11at Ho11111itti,.. . ........... ~ ......... . Licensed securlt~ com- pany will protect your home while you are away 1'14·966-6494 24 New 80.000 BTU Furnace hours & thetmo111a1 installed J•oiloti•I • -- ST AAVING COLLEGC SIUO(NTS MOVINO • CO UC T 124 438 ll\IUtOd 0A 1-8427 WAl C~t lJS GROW• r,!!'!!~1. ••. ; ..•...... FllE PAllTIH hy Richard Slnot Lie 280644 13 yrs ol happy 10001 cusiomer• Thant< you, 63 1·4410 INT /EXT PAINTING 6 WALLPAPERING Custom work Free est. Reas !?teve 547-4281 PAINTER-NEEOS- WORKI 30 ~rs e)(p, Intl .eitl ACE>USllC cellinos LIC. 366780 Free es.1 Oay~alntlng 847·_:>1&6 ROOFING REPAIRS !!l.~~.~~.~~~!.••••h Smalt iot>a OK rr,H ..... DRYA T'S u11mfltH Ca11 Tom ot • •"' N • * Chuck. 542·~392 W1111cov11t1ng Rumovlll All typH 642 1343 $etllltl .•....••.•.•....•.. , .. P•t/o COVIii MOBILE SERVIC!o •••••• ••••••••••••• ••• Hesc,00,.1/Nuw tCrffO!J CUSlOM wood patio CO· NBtCM Only 642·11652 1111re, 10<1wood ctocHa & ltmcu• Rondv 64 1-0622 Ste11/1tl1l S11v/111 !!~!!!V.~,~~!~ ...... . ED S PLASTERING Neat patchet lnt/el(I Rt1stucco.s 645·8258 ..•..•.....•.......... LEGAl SEC'Y AVAIL l emp or FIT 5 yrs civil & crnT1111al exp Xlnt SH typing. word proc & client relauons. Bl<kpg PLAS I ER PA TC HING Nonsmkr 49/:lo-6936 Ro,1uccos 1mtex1 30 Stw'n•'iAitit1tio•t y•S Neal Pa14I 545·2977 ••• .'.~~ •••••••••••• ~lasler & slue.co ret>air No W~ROROBE MISTRESS jOb 19~ small Alleratlons. Quality work" 2~rs exper Tom Heidi 857-145.£.._ _ Moonlight Draftsman C•bi111t /111ki11• Home·Add'ns·Aemodels ••••••••••••~•'••••••• MacBt!lh-Co • Concr.ete const. slabs, walks, curb, gullet & dock. Also re- pair 552·56 tO Lie 396621 673-0359 LtC'O ELECTRICIAN Qual work/Reas. rates Lawn r servlco ltO'in'il 6 mo Yd cieen·ups, wee· ding, tree w6rk. Ken 964-1083 S800 00 j714) 898-65 t:Z •••••• •••••••••••••••• H . --. COMM'L JANlTOAIA~ .. ~~!~~!~~~!~r ... ,.... & CAAPET CLEANING ROBIN'S CLEANING Dee's Cleaning Servlce 645-41aa. 645-4203 r;), 15 yrs ex,p )'m small, my •J b • •••••••••••••••••••••• prtces are smalll Ron r, •• 1n1. TILE INSTALLED Member AIBO 645-1871 Cabinets & Carpentry K&O Landscape Molnt Resld/Comm. Clean-up. Sprinkler sys 548-2469 Service . a thoroughly Lie Bonded 963-5474 ~an h~_:~ LH4l;••ill• - 650-64 77, 661·8849 •••••••• •••• ••••••• •• All Kinds Guaranteed 2•hr ED Ul-1125 Reis Jonn 840-9217 Small 1obs & repairs SLIDING GLASS DOORS Free estimates 645-2003 lnsta.lled/ Remod, add'm ~-----­ & concrete. Lie; 361681 Joe 892· 132?. f !!P!.'!~11. •••••••••••• ~'.'!!!!'!t.1!!!!!! •••• 50% OFF FIRST MONTtf Dependable, affordable, essential. Answering service. secretarial & business services, mall bolt rental, word proces- sing. Telex-Facsimile. order entry, pagers-lease buy, desk space rental ANSWER NETWORK 631-9131 (ask tor A.V.) ~!/.~~!~ •....•.•..... Driveways. Parking Lot Repairs, Sealcoatlng. S&S Asphlt 631-4199Llc . FREE ESTIMATES! Reasonable prices, fast. professional work . custom work toot No job too small or too blgl Ca· binets. kitchen remodel & finished carpentry ... elect.I plumb./ cabinets/ countertops I do e11ery- lhlng from start to llnishl Call Brad at Cl1•) tl 1·3250 Remod. & Repairs. Free est Lo rates. Decks. pa- tio. Steve 752-9556 Master Crafts•H Finish & rem'dl c;rpntry. References. 499-3105. Clliltl C•tt ...•...•.............. w oman desires full time 1lve-ou1 child care 01 ba· bys11tlng, housekeeping & companion poslllon. Ref's 714/497 -3754 Do you neeq excel. child care? Lunch. snacks. act111111es & TLC $40/wk, F/ltme only Linda 75t-2342 Loving Mom for your in· tant. todd)er, nr Jambo· ree & PCH. NB 675-0781 Co11t11cto11 011111•/ ···········'·········· R.J. M11ff•H I St1 Loe. 306888. Remodel. Add'ns, Cabinets 646·8586/645-4644 Free est 631 ·5072 -~ ELECTRICIAN Sml 1obs!Repairs L1c 233168-C· 10 548·5203 RESIDtCOMM'LllNO 20 yrs Do my own work. Lrc 278041 Al 646·8126 AMH Elect·Aemodels, Additions . gar· wrkshops, Low rates Lie •325738, Ins. 646-7378 TOP QUALITY WORK SAM F uKuMoro:s- G8rden•ng, clean ups, malnt , tree trim, sml landscape 645·3640 ¥!~!}~ ............. . TRACTOR WORK. Ell· cavatlng, compaction, backhoe. 20 yrs e11p. King Equip. 637·7392 !'.•!!!l!'!~ •••• :~ •••••• Carpentry • Cabinets Plumb • Oreln Cleaning Eteetncal . Tile Reis Don 966-0149 AT REAS RATES JACK OF ALL TRADES L1e'd Joel 547-4425 Call Jack anytime. ,Day or nrght 675·3014 Find what you want In --------- Dally Pilot Claaslfleds. TIRED OF HASSLES? •••••••~ •••••••• ••••• Quality cleaning help 1s EVE'S LANDSCAPING* here! Refs 960-7452 compl ser11_ & hseclng, comm 6 res1d 646-7556 HOUSEWOlll WAITED Old Country landscepes. "Anything outside the home." 645 ·5597. 675-6058 ~~!~~!f ••••• ~········ BRICKWORK· Small jobs. Newport, Costa Mesa, ltvlne Reis 675-3175 Lowest rataal Prompt, neal protei;s1onals 15 yrs ellp 636-7149 RALPH'S PAINTING Christian. Int or ext Rets reas 536·9898 _._ CUSTOM PAINTWORK Comm'flresld. &tripping, staining The Job that speaks tor itself 498-8580 1st CLASS PAINTING· Wallpaper, Int/Ext. Re· Hlgtl Q1,1ellty housework Experl&nced, dependa- ble. honest. lntelllgent. metlculous, flexible I am the best Phone 673-70t2 alter 6 PM weekdays. All day Satur· day and Sunday. X-pen brick & cement pa1rs Free est.:..~79_·_521!_4 work, ~pt/C M since Palntrno lnl/exl res1d. 1969. Call now & sa11e comm Cstm work. Reis 645·85 t2 Free estimates 631·4959 -----lf you want your house REALLY CLEAN, Call Linda 669-0318, Good Refs. HOUSECLEANING: Good refs Transportation Ex· per'd...979-9756. Block/Brrck Walls. Con- crete. Ve'ry reas Lie· d Bpb 673-53671536-9906 Want Ads Call 642-5618 !!/'.~~;!'~ .•.....•..... Fartlllng lntenor Design HANGING/STRIPPING V1.s.a-MC Scott 645-9325 40 gal waterlleater $225 Tttt S11vite' ATLAS PLUMBING & •••••••••••••••••••• •• Hea1111g. spec1alizlng In $ LOW RA TES $ repairs 645-1688 Tree tnm/remov. clean $SAVE $20% --40% Plumbing/Heat 11 271703 Guar, last Ai.s/comm. 537·4378 GG 963-5474 HB !.']~~!!~~'. •••••••.•• AC AAINGUTTER BondecHns·liC B344764 Free est 1·524·5824 Rtli11i1biH ··········'··········· FURNITURE-KIT CABS Cstm IJnlshe•. repairs. doors, Joe 673-1469 ups. mowing 554-7017 TutotiH ·······'·············· Most subjects. K-t4 Oayte11e ~5 & $10/hr Mr Morgan 645·5176 !f !~~~~~~{~~'!!'!I ••.•• "Lei the Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Winctow Cleaning, Lid. 548·6853 __ 20'lo Mo!1lhly Discount WINDOW CLEANING AESIO. & COMM'L FREE EST 58 1·1 132 New In town? Classlfred Buyer meets sell~ can help you meet many etlect1ve c;lassifled ad Of ..)'O\!.!._!leedS. 642·5678 642-5678 ror your motorcycle DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under 11,000. Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item . 3 ' DAYS 3LINES . • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no re!ll estate or commerclal ads. Call today for foll details. (~-~.Em• llMe t1.00) CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 l1a11/1 11 $u11 4300 Ollit1 •••11/ 440G /11la1t1i•I l•1ia111 ll0tt1•111, Tt••I Lo1t I FHotl S300 Sdoo/1 I IJ.t}/ •• Vf!!.~'!. •••• !.1.0f! IJ.•Jt..Vf!!'/.'!. •••• !.l.'!f! ~!}l..Vf!!.1.'!. •••• !J.~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••1••E•L•0••E•·0··,·,·1•0•E•S•::_• l••l•I 4500 D..fl0tlHitr, SOOS Dffli SOJS •L•05•;·;;;1~·0:~;;;·5~;;. l.all1attio11 1005 Babvsitllng & '''e hswk CUSTOMER SERVICE • E11po11enced Cooks nee· So. Laguna. gated. nr Jllf •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••• •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• · ••••• ... ••••••••••••••• 1 • S 1 1 ded for dinner hou$e beach. pvt enl/ba, $295 t MO. FREE RENT $750 up 2t60 It lndu-Beauty Seton. Newport IM IAnLER tl'lelr Pointer Ad brwn Plano E.e1de CM, can live In 4 incere peasant 11ooe, NI hi & Oa Shill avail + u t . 4 9 4 . 4 9 9 3. 1 roo·m to 2800 aQ. fl. slrlal . Olftce 1810t Re· Beech, Costa Mesa area. • • w/wht Bolas Chica & Dynamic Exper Piano & yr old & 4 mos. Must 6PM·9PM, Mon-Thur. G~od Pa Y & Be~elits 499.4722 From $1.16 a sq. tt Act) dondo Clrc;te. p & T 7 stations. busy Call alt ••rt&•Ct Ce, l•o~ Warner. HB 846-4252 Composition Lessons drive 645-2148 ~t.i·J8~4 hr V 1 g er d Apply bet~een 2 • 6 PM Lux concto Nwpt Terrace Alrporter Inn 6 Frwys. Huntington. Beach 8PM. 857--0659 SpeclallzlnQ In 1SI & 2nd Lost Red WaJlel Little "Musicianship before Babysitter Jor airline ste· · Mon-Sat VICTORIA 2br/2be, pvt ;ac. $350. Call AM 833·3223 842-2834 M -I. SOZ5 TD's since 1949 money, lrreple~ble pie· S<:ales"• 646·0182 wardess:I CdM, 12.15 STATION 990 Dove St Resp M/F 642-9545 Jim 1617 WeSlcilff. NB 256 Storage ya1d. 1encect, nr •• ~'!!1.!!..!f!....... Robt Sattler NH/CM lure ol late husbancJ. Vic. dys pr mo No wknds DANCERS N. B 4000 t t II Harbor and Baker so x FOREOLOSIRE R.E Broker Bd Realtors Acords Mkt, Laguna, Ea•lora111t 644·8025 to sq I. st oor. IEL .. llE 642-2171 645·06t1 •Reward. 494·0595. •••""••~••••••••••••••• ----------FACTtRY TRAllH ••• ,.,, WHIH 4325 Agent 541·5032 l50 tt $225 mo Large( n . PLEASE Jo)1 w .. 1e1 1015 us PERSOI All shifts available. Ideal •••••••••••••••••••••• Airport area • exee. Sul· area also avail ltt S.l.tftlt 30'% SIUI TIELi •••• • ••••• •••••••• •••• Days. Eic.perlence prefer· • URI UP TO for mature wOman over UEI IY HO. 1 1es. From 225·450 sq ft. 549•91et. 720-t444 851-599.5 S75t< note, payable Found: Fem. Bro Pil Bull Young married man wlll red. Seaclill Country Cl _ _ 30 895-4460 Hunllnnton Beach 3_4 $1 per sq It. Many xtras $tHlft 4SSO $1000 per mo Including type dog. Nr. Meu. Ir· do general handy work. compenlon/ cook tor 64 $210 /Wk P/J IVEAPAC CORP. bdrm house south of Call 557.7010 ••••• •••••••••••••••• REAL ESTATE LOii.i 15'/o Int. All due 17 mbs 11lne Ava. 545.9559 after Call e11es & wkends. yr old cpl on Balboa I 5455 Production Or. Ha · Storage Space 12· x 18' 1st, 2nds, 3rda, 4ths See by real estate ln-6 972-9525, ask tor Bill. Island. Housing m MIPa· Calllornla's Larges1. Ad 8 m · XI n 1 1 e 15 · 400-900 PLUS 1400 SQ. It. 36" ctoor. $70/mo plus IHttHl•I come from netlonal Nutses Aide desires day rate bul attached 2 BR 2 Classiest and most Po· FDlliW TllE SUI 984--0332. 842-0100 Penthouse Baytront Sul-s70 sec deposi'I company & peraonel k 1 Ba, turn apt Beeut "'•lat Stripping Tel""ram te parklnn patios T .. rlft AL••• Ass'• 1 I l SJSO wor as compan on. ,,.. -.. • "' • 673-4 154. Newport " guarantee o equipment .!!!!~J.!••••••••••••• chauffeur for elderly or water 11lew on baylront Company needs attraa· Mature Adult Male, EK-1'iii6iii7iii3·iii1iii00iiiiii3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Beach FOUNTAIN VALLEY lease -$63,000 takes It. ill. Ph 549•0373_ wondettul 11111ng & wor· ove ~h & women No Work and play In Parm Springs. Las Vegas end resort areas damonstra- llng e~cltlng new pro- duct Tr a11el With chape- roned group. 1ransporta· lion furnished, return guaranteed. paid lralnlilg and high earnings. M11s1 be welt groomed and start lmmedl111ely. For interview call 646·41i7. t tAM-4PM Parerrts ecutlve Employed. seeks11 • 964·9111 7 141 2 4 0 • 1 185 or king cond Cell 673·6497 Nudity Also. Full Time private N.B. CdM. lr111ne *SllTE IULS• 1ti1ttlJUIHI 493-1153 UllA A YICll'S Housework des'i7ed Allallable Call tor Ap· area. room. apt .. small O.C. Airport area. Prof l1•l•l1 4650 REFllAICE Trust Oeect tor sale, S55, PHOTO MODELS Newport/Costa Mesa. CLEAleAL. Avell 1mmed. po1ntment. condo, house furn. or . 111 1 •••••:-•••••••••••••••• 1st. 2nct and 3rd TO's. •· ESCORTS/DANCERS Own transportation llcterlcaljobsw/growlng 714_778_8421 unturn. quality rental 3·6 enllironment. u 541rv ~ Now Is lhe time to act 000 at 13 "· Due June OUT'CALL 24 HRS Hours open. Reletences 11lcteo cpmpany, a 20 hr mo's References tur-or no frills. lndlvldual ol-FOR RENTI whlle Interest rates are t983 Linda Isle. Recently 111-0207 on request Phone wk Flex hrs·dys, $4 50 nlshed 11 14) 960·•569 ~el~ ~r3g:ks!~~.~ ~~ , , low. Cell on our e11perts }o:~ t~s·:· 1 1m~liod . 642-5470 nr_96_4_-_e_e5_o ____ _ alt 7pm-. FREE 759 8978 2 bedroom. 2 baths & 2 at no charge to help you o ow S62r~~ 0 ee s M STER CARPENTER ~~~~-~~~~~ stories in Twin Peaks In with your problems. Ze· totaling , O Wiii '* '* * A lht••ll 111 ltt11435G _ k A h d nith Funding. Call An discount to 25"1. yteld Atlanfi"s Pa'rlor seeks employment In ••••'••••••••••••••••• DESI SPACE 011 La e rrow ea area 857·1422 Steve 675-3285 area cabinet shop Dana Pt. single storage. Has bUlll·lns & fireplace 687-0790 Martin. ed I t I Attractive rustic upstairs First. last & deposit re-LOAIS Open 24 hts 8 day secur · s ree en ranee. setting we supply desk. q u tr e d ca 11 ( 7 1.A) /110tlf.•1111 Tl)llt 1 days a week NURSE·AID COMPANION ~fg.~~ 1~':;3~g:03~60· space. copier You sup. 7 6 8. o 2 8 8 or ( 7 1 4) /)fib-_/ SOJS Any type 01 R E. loan, Jacuzz11.1 SaunTe Lo1 cals Cook. drf11e. eK ref Storage garage, srngle. 9•20, Costa Mesa . $50/mo ply phone, 6 $95 pr mo 667.0657 weekday eve· •••••••••••••••••••••• fully amortized. 1st. 2nd. as we as our st• 642-7955 d k C 11 544 72l l 1 6 11 3rd's land 6 construcuon BenkAmerrc1rd. Amer----------pr es · a • · nlngs 8 ler p.m no WIDOW HAS$$$ tor TO's & units 954-8746. 24 1can Express. Diners All Htl• W>atH 1100 IEAITIFIL answer. please keep RE Loans, 10K Up. No hrs welcome 714/645·3433 •••'•••••••••••••••••• 642-4907 wkdays trying! Credit Check. No Pen-2112 Harbor St CM Activities Director, PI T, IEWPORT CEITER Have something to sell? ally. Dennison 6 Aasoc. A I / for alter school program. Detached garage. 400 sq II. use lor storage or of· flee, In comm'I area. nr E. 17th St. & Orange. C.M. $150/mo. Call 9·5. M-F. 642-4210. With use of reception, Classihed ads cto It -ti. 673-7311 llllODOtf•tll I COEDS • Would love to Orange Coast YMCA. cont room, kitch, phone. ------....,.... l 111•o•l1/ par1y w/you Call Sue or 642·9990, Amy secretarial & word pro· Loll I Foa•tl Kathy anyllme (2t3) cesslng Mall & message •••• • ••• •• • •••• • •••••• 6 3 4 • 4 5 7 1 . ( 7 1 4 ) ser11. avail separately If A1111HOCt•tol1 SJOO 527-7186 desired Call. Judy. •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------7141760-0lOO Magic Isle Club Mem· Women & men. relax With RENT· Slngle gar. vie ---------·.• becshlp Save $300 a mils sage . ca I I 16th/Wes1m1ns1er, CM 4001-B Birch St. N.B. 44 Greot Present. pp 497-5718 • $65 mo. A11ell 12-1. sq. It. Sl.00 per sq It. 552-45t9, 855·6866, Al· New 10 L.A-be-a-ut-.-1-n-lef-. 548·6831 Agent 541 -5032. Watch this column for places to chard llgenl, sophlsllCeled yng 1 car garage for storage '* llt * £oit Ir._,., S30IJ 1edy. seek• 11nenc se· only. Huntington Beach UECITIYE SllTES play Bingo. This column wilt •••••••••••••••••••••• cure gentleman for va- N r B c h $ 4 o m o . Full set11ice. Keep your h M d T I fleble rela1ionshlp. WMte 536·2056 Ollerheed low & profes· appear e8C On ay · 0 p aCe Ad No. 731 c/o Dally Pi- o r Bin 0 P a lo ad Cat i FOUND •os IOI 330W Bay P.O. Box OJ/itt IHl•J 4400 alonal Image high. Pre· y U Q r r n 1560 Costll Mesa 92626 •••••••••••••••••••••• stlglous Westcllll area 01 642 5678 Ctass'ifled Ads Newport Beach. 881 Do--• · • ARE FREE Cl.lstom Fantasy PhOne ExctllHt LeHtiH ver Dr. Ste. 14. 631·3651 NDAY T Con118l'satron wlth Barbel • • ADVERTISlllG COllSULTAllTS Local Company now ta· king applications tor ad· verlislng a. public rel&· lions tor new division Rapid advilncement Company will train. Earn up to $7 .89/hr Call Mr Howard. (7141 528-tOOO CLERK/ RECEPTIOlllST Beautllul Dana Polnl Hatbor Full nme. Tues· Sal Requirements· Front·Ofllce appearance, type 50 wpm, accuracy. aplltude for detail Min. 2 yrs gen. office eKp $5/hr Apply In person. Tues·Frl, 8 AM • 11 AM and 1 PM • 4 PM Dana Po1111 Marina Co 24705 OaM Orrve Dana Point Cocktail Person needect Apply In Person, 2.4 PM, Mon-Frl A T Leo's, 390t E Cst Hwy, CdM ODUECTOll EJ<pandlng Newport Beach credit card com· pany has opening 1n their collection division Ap-plicant must h811e 2·3 yrs cotleclion eKpr. Bank card & CAT eKpr prel Con1ac1 John Allen Mon lhru Fri. 8·30 10 4.30 pm. 759-7889 Prime Intersection ot -------MC/VISA 24 hrs ~cA;~h~~,a~g 1t~se~~ DELUXE SUITE Doors open 4PM. tartybird 1ames start 6~30PM Call: ca11 &38-0101 • COMPUTER TECHN•· lease a11ailabla. 820 or W1ftr frtlf lltlc $6,000 CASH PRIZES 142-Hll B~~~:,~~,g:C~~~~!tte -.,-.-,..-,-ltf-M_H_l_l_t _r -i ~::,~ ;Y~~r~~a~~!·,;o;i~:: • 1200aqttfor 1year.Cell $1.50/Sq ft Lease '••ecoH .. el'Cltotsori>efkft'O 1 t t I Mature couple to ma-lures. do callbratrons, Sandy. 213•820•8857 642-4644, M-F. 9.5 Blessed Sacrament School 73~~:~:' er 8 r~~~~38 nage 16 unit blctg. Quiet QI I ~ check . Ir 0 u b '. SIPER IAHAlll LI .. • Are• f •r•. 14146 So QI' S W . Lo•. Irish Beller rem:m.y -...... eaatslde loeatlon, e,.pe. shooting. tasting & repair S I · I • , IVe t., estmlnSter be weannn Te~as tena Boyfrland, _..ort. model. rlence preferred Send of an&IO" • dlnltal elf· Ex~. u tes inc' r~t •. ·Office. 650 I Q It. over 2300 Mesa or, E sa~ta Reply to Tenn, PO 8011 reeumes to Act ,, 1065. cullry us:d "1n ~puter sec Y aervs, con · rm., night tac. $500 mo to mo Ana Ht• Much tov-.. fa· 5278·54, Santa Ana, Ca. Dall" P'lot P O Bo• •• k ,_ .. kit., mall handlg. Res· or lse 552· 7730 e11es p LAY B 111Ii0 mllv pet". BIO reward""'. any 92704. , ' • ~ sys must have 11ow ....,. ponslve 10 your business ---------, ---------t560, Costa Mesa. Ca ge of dltoteet & lntegra· need•. Adj. 405 Fwy. In Tired of crowded treewey l n format Ion ca I I .._llTRlllClll* 92626-0560. led circuitry, Must ha11e F.V. lndtv. otca . Mo/mo commutes North? Would 546-19 t9,, 840·4•04 ·,.. -.--1---1-----i /\A In electronlcs Ot 3 yrs ' $3"5 963 1<••5 ~· l1'ke an 0111~a et thA ot llllT s11n .. ••••• • .. ,., lf8ln1ng In mll1'tarv or YO• rom " · -~ · Yvv ~ v i='ound Bracelet, vie So. U y h C I ' EKecutlve Suites near Air· port, xlnt patklng, free- way access, ahared ol- flce space or pr111ate of· fices. Full Hrvlce. t month l!ee rent with 6 mo. lease. 957-8451. beach lhet your family c p p 1 Models, dancers. eacorta nlque out ounaerng cellonal achl. Tustin could use Oil week-ends Our lady of Fatima Church 08$1 lllta ark ng lot 669•·8912, .open 24 hra. Service needs enthu-area, IUll·llme, $8.33 per as a vacation unit? For by Bullocks. Call to (llastlc. outgoing, attrac· hr Send thla ed & your leasing Information call l 05 la Esperanza Identify 64 t -9291 41 PAii AYEllE tive adult with motivating resume to Job +8-2955, The Caplstreno Surf San Cleme· nte Fourid· Sm Cocker Spa· ESC••-110 •• 1111 peraonallty, pleasant PO BOK 15102. Lo• An· Center. 661 ·8292 or nlel puppy, vie Brobk· •• ' mannefl, 9ood phone getes:Ce. 90015 not la_t· 831 ·5094 nur$1 & Hamilton. H.B. 24 hra. by appointment VOie• and teglb,. hand· er tl'lan November 2l, Retell & olflce apace •1i1101111111•1 44SO llll.a!JabJe. 17th $1, Cotta ••••••••••••••••n•••• Meta trom 1150 1.t. to tall 11or• •t 2050 Avon. 400 •.t. 645-3477 1605 IQ. It. plul 8 car garage. 641·8777. ·~=! Ct••fttl•I II GIT NITS SS ••• ~!~!!!~ ....... /.~~! M50 ..... Fumlahed RENT OR ·L~SE: N-ty Att you need lor one remodeled home wllh monthly feel larr IOI. Comm'I zoning, 640·.5'.470 ad 10 Newport 9l11d. FULL SERVICE SUITES &42· 133•t 851·9889. Dea 81>*)9 1276/up PrtY'la Ofllee $495/up l•l•lld1/ "' e w p o r t e e • c h •••al 4SOO 752-6401 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2600 •Q. It. near Hoag .......... hla Artt Hoep. ..,,., ... office • ~ eq ft •t eo. ~ n, rutroom. 1900/mo tnctutll.tto24mol .. at Automotive ok . Bier NIM '••• 045.e2ee 1 4 1•3 2 t 2 d • Y 1 • :z_4_00_1_q_n-.""',...,.t-20_1_m_o-.-,.,..7,-11·.• MS· 1983 Ev & Plecenlla. Colla Mtsa WANTEO: bOOllk"'* to 646-1184 thue olflce apaoe, nr1----------1 Alfport, IJ50t mo. ulllt C°""*9 before vou t>uy, Inell. o.. prO\llOed. Cell c ... •"*' me1<• 11 ... y. 7H·"34. 642•M78 ' Every Weilne1d1r li1ht Early Bird Special at 6:50 PM Free Popcorn I Coffee 1 FrH H•rd C•rd /Hf ,,_,.on With this Ad -Exp. 11 • 1 ·82 Mission Vieio Elks 25092 Mar1uerrt• Pkwy. WIDNISOAY$ Early Bird ~1n1 7:30 PM, Regullr .. lngo 8 PM. All prcx:etdt ar• for Charl11ble purpOtd. Phone 830-l!LKI St. Catherine's -BINGO/ TlutdlJ h9'*'p -hrlyblrds 1t 7:15 Snaclt Baf -FrH Cofftt 30tO SOUTH COAST HWY. l1p.1 8t1ch 494-9701 962-7938 SPIRITUAL READINGS wrlllno. Cltrlcal and 1982 A" 1 1 1 suparv11ory experlenc;o Lost Tiny while dog, vie ull ce n et ma1ter1. helpful A11&il&ble H b & s DI love, marriage 6 bu11-er or en ego Fwy. neu, Aleo conaulllng. 3-1opm M·F. 1235 per n r Fed c o. Rew et d 1u5 So £I Camino Reel. week when qutllfllld Call 557-4453 6~2-4321 Ext 348 from ---------• Sa,n Clem. 492·7~6 2.~. E.O.E SCRAM·LElS "i':!i:., "'° ANSWERS •••••••••••••••••••••• KHnty -F'urOf IYPllSll Begun • PtQtty StOl) tmoklrio In 1 hrt INK 8t0l (Alk lbOUI guarent ... ) ThoH Htellllt w•ather ~110 1ppelltt cohtrol l tortcell• contu" me 1 Hit lmp10111ment. Coit cen'I tell which way ell 155 Avall to r pul)llC thoae tronta llrt mo111ng ~11\Q & tttchlno To mt It 100111 1tk1 1 For lnfl)fmatlOn glint INK BLOT. Call Jim Lii ... M.s.w. R H Ph 6U·537t LMlts let• Wattlt N"'J)ort Hypnot11 o.nt· Loa1 In Atu'*'~lllno ., _10_1._RN_ ~~·-&ti IT , ... -- Loel rl'llneatone bar ptn Pttaontl, quelt'led c:om• th1t Mys S2&0,000 Nie-~ dftY9fa for )'OU' 9"rton IWllfd. ,.ewlrd, d1y lo di" trt1nd1 call 9S7.o4te ' ----Shopping, doclor'• Sn= at hbfne It'• r,:" 1pp11, cnurch. e1c All ..... ...~.,..__, .... 2.-1 ""°' !Mt. ·~ "°"' or .. ., ...,_....., -,.. day 494·&151. Auto Parts Driver Laro• Or1ng1 County Votk•w11gen deaterthlP le looking tot amblllou• ~•011 to i.•rn lhe p1r1e t>uein•H Outlet Wiii In· ctud• e1ooklng put•• pickup l deft~. Mu11 be 011•r Ill )'Mft old & na~ t Oood drt1i1n9 ,.._ cord Apply In peraon Jim Marino Volllaw.-n. 11711 Beacl'l 8tvd, HI COllTEI IELP full time. P•ft time. <11y shift Flaxlble .sclledule. Apply In petaon 7 t 1 E. Satt>oa, Balboa -----Counter Pelion. Ku•tere Cleaners. $5/hr Appl'/ Delwffn 7-t lAM, Mon• Fri 18~ E 18th. SI Cott• Meu oann Tllllll Expanding NB Cttdll aard company haa tral· nlng poartlon evtll in lhelr crtdll dept. APIMI· cent mu•t h1ve •·t )'fl cuetorner Mrvlce e11per & good communication 1111111 CAT t•pet pref. Oot1tao1 An"• f111cf'tl MOn ·'tl 1 ·4 30. 759·79'2 CrulH Snlti lob. '" ocai-patlona 1vell1blt. OrMt Income oWO"unlty ~ Info 312·tll-434f, tct C·70 DHt•I lssidHt Newport Beach. 4 ·~ clay week Needs x. Ray lie. Exper. desired 644·2485, 548-2666 Dental Experienced R.O A nee- ded tor Orthodontic prachce In Ml$$1on V1e10 Area 830-3703 welcome llEIEHL OFFICE F'ull time. typing, touch control on adding ma· chine Payroll and phones 957·8353 IRIVHS IEEIEI Grrl Friday, typing, llgnt Full or p/lime, no expr bookkeeping, order desk nee, $10 to $13 hr. star· 963-3927 ting pay. Call 537·2880 ----·-------------1-falrstytlst and Manicurist UR. wanted Busy Shop, Mesa Verde Area I CMRISTllAS MOIEY month Free ren1 or comm 957·0808. Sales people wanted lor _5_e_e.._e_e_1_<1 _____ _ temporary positions in-MHk•r /l•laJSitftr side dept stotes. Flotal 1:30 10 6 PM wkdays items & gilts. Must be Newport home, Mr. Hood well groomed & an en· thuslesllc peraonallty all 6 PM 644-61• 1 For details contact Mr Installer tor Dishwashers Smith (213) 5 t6·6908 and Water Heaters. Ex· HlllEER (CIVIL) ~,·~6~~~~5:r. possible C111il engineer wllh spec-1----------lallzetton In structural INT ER I 0 R OE SIGN dynamics risk eases· SALES f\Jll/pt time. no ,sment. Research eKpe-exp nee. llalt tor deco· rlence In dynamic arte· roting nee. lle11 hrs lyses & probablllstlc me· 714/680·4689 thods or PhO required. llTERIOR IHIUER Salary '28•500'yeer Extensfvt model home Send r,esume to; Dr. 0.A. 1 ... Wesley, Structural Me· eitperlenee '8QU reu chanlcs A!lsoclates. 5160 Please do not apply un· Blrcl'l St., Newport Beach less you meet thl5 Quall-92660 11cat1on Pleau ca11 Engineering 768·3337 (9-5 M-F) LAURA MERLO & AS· SOC. 22912 El Pacifico Dr. Laguna Hiiis INVOICE ANO MECIAllCAL EllllEEllS ESTIMATING CLERK An Orange County ma• Typing contracts, pricing nutactur., Is IOOklJ19 for earlmates. posting ac- qn lllled Engineers. counts, billl"g, answer 01 • These positions require• lnqulrhh:._ .. preparlng es In Aerospace or Me· estimates Ope1ate cal· chtnlcal Engineering. culator. copier, typewrl· cendtdataa must be fa. ter, register Cost• Maea miller with finite element Area Sl126 per mot•6 • analytlt, aircraft atruc· mo e•peri.noe S.Od lnle ture1 and have good •d •net yout resume 10 tecnnlcal writing &kllla, • job No 9·2534. PO 8011 basic knowledge 01 op-16 t02 Loa Angelet CA 11c1 and transparencies 900 15 not lat~r than 11 l'llghl'/ de1lrable at well ~/8~------- .. fluency In Spanish. Lt&tl lttrtttry Compe11,1111on la In the Nawpon C11ntttr Attorney low 20 • with llbtr•I wlll'l Corporate/ buttnna fringe b•n•fll• Con11c1 prt1c:iict nt1tC1• l)t\ght lht to11ow1119 Slate Em• wen organlrect Secretary ployment Office tor an with tllCtllent ti(ltlt end lntervltW. woro proc ... ino 1111>9r .. ~~~---­ IH Wnt 14tlt St. M~:.~=E: !-~:~~ Ltl ••11lt1, II t111r,lng, record com-•ta pany, no Hpet neot .. (111) Ila.Hit :tyAo~-t73·MIO bl\ Equ~ ()ppty emri~ ~=:u:,: =a~·=~ rltnee In tcr , ,.la• Put VfNI ecMf'tlelng 11o11 VlejO 4 ·al ti .. --. "" ....... , . ....... ,. ~· .... , ~.....___,.....;...-......... ~--.~~--~ ................................................ llllliilllll .... liiilllll ................ -. ........... ~-1 .. 8 Orange CoHI DAILY PILOT /Tunday, Nowmbet' t , 1M2 tt.,M'!! .... (.l.ft ... r.IM'!J. .... 1!.!f «~•~It .......... ltualtrue .. ,. ..., ...., •• .., "'•/ ...... W1•IH ,, .. , ..... , ... ,," A.,,, , • ..,," ,,,., ""' -• ... _REPUBLIC flDtMI.. IA· J. j AMI ;r;r.;r.I•••••••• ••• 1°•0•••••••••••••~• b ,,.,_ flM ••••••••••••••••••••'";J •••••••••'•-..•••••••••• ......... '1>0 •• 00 ••••" •••••~•••••••••••••••• UIDlfnlM~ VINOe ,, .. •n OC)tlfllno ••• ~ .. ~~ •••••••• 17.'lf ......... ,,. ..... Pll l ull l'\lf>•· • wll•, ••••••• ~v.nntlf •••••• -;J WE ,., ••W 1111 •""'" •• , 1141 ..... ,,.1 -"'' """'~ 111\1 tor P/f New Accounl 182t 11ammond organ, 116 '40.70l 1 111411 l:llb• rnouww ll041>1 Rent 28' rno101 l'IOm•. To•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• .. r.r.•••••••••••••••••• M HI ~eMl\1111~ lal.,y + '300 MlrtOfM dt.... -Mufi Mii MO 640·1?U ~ I 11141Y loaded TIP HWI '11 3701 rttd wlblac.tr. 11r Ctme In I ... N-1)4n nnAGEt.INT 'rtnoe beMl!ta l aoun1 Matble top J300 1.. .. ; Miit\ hll Con11mpora1y flU .. W A -640 M18 (P~ll 111oy•. , .... " •• 1.110 8MCh. tin.•• ..i.cuon MIQuel l rendl Oed oiau • lndo • 10 •IYll b\lnt. beCll Of•wet tm. P• 1111 IUI ' I $6200' YOU Clft lflonl to of pr1 v10 1111y owned Tllml 4 n .oe50 n 1-1e4o P ca m 11 w 0 1~1'11 comb~, I dr•r• total, Od watchdoo fOf anyone 20 4·16)d tlk, V I C.nevy, au• ....... 6~r.2~5 • • Por1c:h1'1, A11dl'• 1nC1 Lo cal Dir Mrk'I Co EOE l~ltnoG 8t bed' lncld I mallllUH, 11on1 V1rl11 h11brok1n 283 12000 Of trlOi 101 _. -buy waurM9rclde VOlll•wlOtfll need• 20 na<d "'"'""' M/F/H 1 160 170, p~!on a: •PrHd• & curtain• 761 1088, 41·0209 Cad°' PU 646-0704 NITIA0/111&1• '12 2007 g ood cono leftZ from UI. m I $1175 HlllYITlll lt.111 --------King elH wllerb•d w l 11••11 I Ot•l•I llH contained mtnl•mOIOr COSTA MCSA 6•2 1880 Full Beneflll --------C M 831-0900 1400 l.48·6078 l'oyel Holld•v ••II 2•10H11bof 8lvd Mu11Mlll3600080 $0 lJi'M.-:11D1•••a••f ' energetic: 1tatf needed '* Antique Auction wood trame, llr1e 1 & ••••••••0 Y.••••••••• home, 1g79 Toyo11, ?3, 141·4100 •n t•O 011 448 I! co .. I Hwy for rH1rv111on office, ,,. .. ., $100 841•6070 Yt•1la1 P·HI 000 m1 H4001be11 olr 1 •1 t•ll • ' Newport 8Meh NO dey & evening 1hltt1 T -1.1111 new w/benc;n 63 1 3&13 • • • Auto. *"· •mllm cue 0'13·0900 II bl M I be bl hurt Nov 11111 8 PM Complete king 1111 wettr· I I 96 0 6 4 2 0 3 4 0 lull power, IO ml , -EXPERIENCE ~~~"~:Oas. A;.,I~ ::::n~~=· :1~.~Ym:!~~:!: ~:a~;~s C•ll anytime 645· t t 11 __:_ 1,,11,,. 1,,.,,1 1170 WI llY 750 0032 DOWN f!!.IJ!~!. •••••••• 11.!f In perton. 140 AYe Pico. E,mplr1 S o l• email •••••••;'•••••••••••••• OLUI 01111 Tiii WlllT RE~IRED San Clem ) Frencl'I Inlaid 1011 be· "I." 111epte1 •ota 10· a 6' ltll•f. IHJ Tauru• "re 1ow M ii cont, I T IOll 1!1•11 1111 ULll ·-·.... droom .d dining room cuetom·m•d•: brown: iii°82 "eiti°·N~·~riq··:: ale. •Int COlld, Ilk• nu. l I I r~r................... LEA E 11um11 114 -53M --1e11, cerved foo11toot. wooa 1r1m, 10 p1llow1, & .. 2oo 1" Ooly 30 houre S 8 8 O O • M u• t • • • '76 Cepr1 11• eumoot. •ml of l•I• model, low mllea· t Miii Walnut Empire Chut. m11cl'lt11g 3' 1qu1r1 0110· Alto havo 1 1a17 For: 988·2742 tm •teroo l:l400tOBO gl Cadllleet In Southern MlllGAL Unique lldy'I ctotl'llng 1.arge c:offH grinder. man, U 78. '752· 1510 ml.Ila 110 20 II , 11ke _ p 1 V• ~~l~ ~ 0 4 2 ' C•lllornlal SM UI 10dtyl Courier-Cle rk for buey et ore 111k1 energetic Lo1• of toys an<I g1111-Char (g.5 wkdy•) • N t W I C •I I t 1 I 4 ) A•I• l11rlt1 11111 050·3057 11&1111 medical lab, mature per· ~·~J,:,''~~d~rn:•:!~~-w•r• Call ChlrlH tor Lt.teatr .... 842-2000 & ..... ror Jim· .. Actf111~1 .. 1400 ..... u. ao n • mull w/pertece helpful Apply In l)lfaon. delalla. ,. tlallan lmporl•d erand my, Jr 11 out, Pl•••• ••••o•••••••••••••••• .... . driving record Mon·Frl 497•4777, Ale•I• Netural UllY .... new SllOO 850-4807 1e1vt meuagel PAINT a Ill• body work, 2600 Harbof Blvd 1 1:0 0AM ·8 OOPM Faahlont . 280 ForHI AllTllllllYIOI I. I C-' IHI ul)I050%0lf l°'""t llllHYEI COST.AMESA 6A().()140 AYe. l.aguna BMct\. 1111 TtrHtl Wer Klngd11~e11 w111erbeds2U.111b1n,1 .r.!!.~I .•..•. ~••••••• em 642·0100/g 4·0332 Top dot1111 tor Spor11 141-1110 con " • r11. "" 1 lat ... • .... 1.andcrul1t r. 1978 Herd Co••. Bugl, C1mpe11. lllfOAL/'-11 Tl•• t•s Olttt (let.II) I.& olr. e82·2785 evff 1 125 548 56.44 Eves top Nice condition Ot•·1. Audt'1 ·77 El<lo HT, rad, fuel In(. ::1:~l~n°'~\~~ P:~~~~: Ofllc;e euj)ply company l14-IM-ltl1 French Provencl1I Bdrm • $1200 OBO 650· 1830 A•ll fOf UIC MOR y 44K ml, fully equip., rt al upr required haa full/Um• poelllon L. lhrc• a..tlt•Hr Set w/dbl bed&. dr .. Mf ltw &.trlt 100 4 t4" redlelt, ,75 .llM 11&1111 enowroom cond Only 49 5-toeo a111111b11 Wiii train _.. llMffl llll 190 561·5007 e•erclH rowlnL:ech Milt• YOUIWAIEI $5995 979·722t all 6. Medtc.i ~~2 ~:;:~o;;;!o!,':)· :Tl•••••••••••••••••• Full 1111 mattreu. bo11. Only 1 260 875• 7 , 548·90.C5 t87 t 1 Beach Blvd 641 • 2547 d•ya lllllfllll Ill• Sates HARBOR AREA' 1prlng1, frama, head· lllll, lllll1t••I, Tire Machine -Mod;j HUNTINGTON BEACH •.-.~-fll/JOi :;'5 Eldorado c:onve rl. APPLIANCE SERVICE board, gd cond 176 Ju fff5 lO/ lO .Alf operated 8'2·2000 --v-,. ~eOOO/o~ ~3~S:O ml, II llPllll.. We Mii recond., gul(. 645·4245 " •••••• •••••••••••••• •• s500 QOt ~ SI llowlllW1 IMdl UUIPlllll appllancet. 549.3077 Refrlgel'•t0f1, llghlt, Ir... 839·4720 WAITED! 11•1Ni...., llJim sooo 11r '17 Se~llle, Wht/Belge. R1apon1lble po1111on In dOGIOfl off lee FIT Good Beneflle. Cellfornla LI· cense. Laguna Hiiia area S M.ARV Pl.VS COM· I llY APPU&ml Cvi•t llJll ier, S&S 2 c:omp •Ink, '17 B210, 5 11peeo. 57,000 leather m11r1or, super MISSION. Backgfound In. l es 857•8133 ••••,.•••••••••••••••• c••h ragleter & Iota Aelll Ill lilt mites. xlnt c:ond Peuoe<>I ctael\ Mu11 Sell th•• eec urlly, herdwar• or ---------iW•UI ...,. m o r • 6 7 5 • 3 1 2 4 ; •••••••••••••••••••••• to spee0 $2525 l0t t>Oth '.SJ 380 SL. 7000 ml Wire weekl Flf~I $8995 lakes ayetems Mlllng required. Wasl\er·Oryer $t25 M. ••'••••••••••••••••••• 548-0212 • IMPORTANT NOTICE 6•5·5262 wheels $38.000/0BO ..!:5·9302 or 980·2471 ... -uni He1vy phone c all• lo Dl1hwun8f 1100 £ST'T£ SALE .m '''''' TO READERS AND '72 2402 One owner. new 213 832 8979 75 c o. v•lte .... IHdl provided by •d· Reblg. $200 6Al·5848 " I .. (.. ADVERTISERS • • • oupe . ' • wtre 855-1104 $300-$500 per wk c;omm vertlelng Some travel 1 Day only Set Nov 13 11 •ITC llllH IHI The price of 11em1 ad· ~~0~~::~1 c:ond 54200 '70 Mercedee 280SL. Im· ~~·5;~~t cond s 23 oo wttlle 1r1lnlng $t000 + 1 from lime 10 ume. Whlrlpoo~ he•~ ~uly AM 10 4PM By 1pp1 ••e•••~•••• .. •••••••.. verllsed by ven1e1e dee· -..--mac; compl 1trv re· --· ------wk after tr1lnlng No exp. Send resume with n111ory wasner. ~ · •Y· Elegant turnl~hlngt, Ira: B AUTIFUI.. 25" RCA lers In the vehicle classl· It»"--11•41. .... ,,,,; llZJ cords 2 lops, auto, 1lr ·79 El Dor1do, to ml, 26. nee. We train. Rec:ord of earnings on eaoh job tag dryer, electronic~. dlllonal a antique. R11e Color TV. 2 yr wrnly. tied edvert11lng c:otumn1 c......... ~:•••••••••••••• .. ••••• $17 .500 851·6228, 000 ml, c:leen. $10,900. buslnen. Call Earl al to: ~~:t"~~o1~~e84~~12 a5000nd d .. toner Item• from ~~·s~~.ee delivery. does no t Include any ....... ,J0Jer'40·'4'1 OllllE oo•m'I 720·1090 eve 842-1183 dye, 8.C2·8267 835·8446. 11·3. ... 1110 HB sq n. l.agun1 Beh. TV John's 6 .. 6•1186 appllc:able llJlllS. license, • 8'1811 --------1 I II p home. 494.9373 transfer Itel, llnanc;e WE llY OILY AUTI llZH #Q 1142'-. -------MlllLI 1 f llet MAVTAG WASHER. 4 cy-. Sanyo fltlfiAIFM N-8 track r;harges. teea lo, air pol-USED CARS &. TRUCKS fEllUlll •••••••••••••••••••••• 75 Eldo, •le, leather, all Scanty Panly now nlrlng N ... 1NO ctes In very good c;ond. B1•11t11' ,,_, IOIS player. Locking IHI for· lutlon con trol d evice COME IN OR CAl..L FOR '76 Midget c6nv., good pwr iuras, meen. cileck tor tasnlon 1howa. Exp'd. O • 1 t 1 Mt I I , CA $125 or otter. 553-1462 •••••••••••••••••••••• wtrd. DX 1oc:atSwllchlng. cerllllcallons or dealer FIH APPllllAL IULEllllPI cond,, S3500 Radials. ok. $l600 833 • 3205 g~_terred. 548-644", 11121 MAYTAG DRYER. .All cy-1:!~~t1~g.'o!!o ~~d~ ~~'!i"~r tosrrr9:r.~·e~~ f,~c,,u~~~·:~~sp~·:i~':~ Coor1m1'v''···DeLLETlllO I~--=~=~0568 dyl, 557-8060 c •• ·.1'~!! •••••••••• 1.~H •llELI Equal Oppty Empl M/F Clea. E11el. cond. S125. RedecOfatlng. 831-8357 efler 9° pm · otherwise specified by BODYBUILDERS IALll/MlllWWI A5~~~~.2 Sld• by •Ide JfWlln 1111 21" Z~NITH TV the •dv8f1laer. ~~~~:N~:8~ :~~gH ~~~ ............. !!.~~ 19~~t~!i~~~· FI T, Crown Hardware, ••••••-'••••••••••••••• 1125/obo. Cati wkdye • -~ M sl eell 540 4473 ATHLETES OR SUR· 02 1 .. B freezer, 22 cu ft . Excel 1U11•• 9.•.30, ... 6-02 ... oi~a 14l·IOll, 141-3311 'lO Mii S1400/lll u . . FERi 1 4 Irv ne ,..,., N cond . $ 17 5 bell ofr. -.. .,... ,,.. ~' hlif•ll/ 3 too West Coast Hwy 548·9888 wanted by amateur pho-S ates 553·t462 Man'• diamond ring and "' ISZO T Doll Newport Beach Ct1n1/1I llZO lographer for physique •••• , FllU L•dlH d iamond ring ..,,, I •ti•• . "'"''~· op ar 642·9405 •••••••••••••••••••••• MAYTAG W.ASHER &. NHd c uh. Appro11 L I 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• • l111tt1 11SO llE 11 FllSTI ~no ~om~I utel Per1on tor Ct1rt11ma1 DRYER, GOOD COND. $1500. 83~4720 •• ::l!!f!i!~!.......... lllllL 11A"sl ' Pa1'd fill 11ZS ·-··••••••••••••••••• n 11 c e s': a~~ : ,•;Pd Giit SalH . To c:all on $250 t>Olh. 553-1402 #Mt/a• ,,11 C.a1tll HIO ~~~YP~~I~~·~~:.! For Your Cari :-7•2•r::;t;2;·5~;;;;c;;; MEISTER ~:n"~~e N 1 E£00: JS'fo 2t31597·213 1 Pre eldenll of Compa· AMANA REFRIGERATOR ••••••••!(•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• lroml (006768) (Stk Xlnt cond AM/FM cas-Cnevrolelll ~· ~chellng Agenll, 22 cu fl. 1lde·by·1ld•, lrl ...... S.W .... FHL NOi "30931 Prlcn 111ttlng al .llllM• I SOI se11e, rebll engi.. brks. NlllCllE/1111 PUT TIME IELP JANITORIAl../ehOp. Ideal tor retired or older per. son. No pnone calls . c::n~!cun~n~~~~~j11~~~ wfllle. 1175 553-1482 R•dlal Arm. •nd other FOR SALE Ml 11,IHI Uutl•·MtrHf'J n-redial tires Sz200 Of 13631 Harbor Blvd eccounti end c reating Jl I llll eon11 equlpm'I, Mllwalltl 6A2-46A4, M·F. 9.5 2620 H1tbor Blvd best offer 968·5172 Garden Grove new ones. Apply 11 Hie· •• !r..!!•••••••••••••• Seweall etc-. 839-4720 IHli, ••'•""'•ff Co11a M11a 540·5630 'll flit 121 .. llts·lt"lc' CON NEU CHIVIOLI i .._,. . . .. r.' •,•. IVERPAC CORP. 5455 Production Dr. HB kory Farms, 17th and Ir-GIRL'S 10 spd Schwinn, •-• 6-rrin H HIGHEST CASH Imme-Ong owner . AM/FM LHtl•& ~~· Weatcllfl Ptaa. N. :~~~' cond s 100 .•• "!!!!~~.'!!'.! ••• ~ •MAAiNE.ELECTR~IAN• ~·~~! ,',":c y::r I ~~·~~e~ ~ c~~~ ~~~~::O ;:,~':. __ l~1.:,4~::1.:l::l:.:·:_2:.,::2~2::1:__1~;;f:-::::7:~:=:;:~:;;=;;:;:= ~4~ 1200 Part time Secretary. noura•-.- 61 rr- 1 - 1 - 1 -- 1 -..... ---Bo 20 .. blk 11~ ··-211 --Deslgnllnstall/=r 55t·8285 sell $2950lb•I ofr Steve I II I llS~ '12 Monte Carlo, AC, elee & days flexible Wrrte .Ad ~ m • --· ys 1• ,.e new 8 to 20' I""". 38t ,,,_ fl Oii II 549 25 E I I frtf • n d OW I & I $4 5 or best After ~... ..... Y wor · • v 631-3570 ••••••••'••••••••••••• wt ••a 1 • •1066, Dally Pltol. P.O Need "5 art/decorator · 775-1481 anytime. A l -~ $1700/bSI olr 840·148.C B 1560 C t •• C'lal 6:30pm 842·6944 ------'----..,, , -... .,,, ... ,,.. "I DEALER Nu A ox . OS. """*· eoneullantt r-r IOI' de-·K FIREWOOD. vou , '"'' ,_ ••••• l ... r.-. •••••••••• 1974 Frat 128 Statton I s C 92626 0560 S d ,. • ' • '53 Studebaker c nempton · · · F•t' -..0 a. • . en cor nee. Flex. nrs. Wiii Jr girls' Raleigh 3 apd, 24" PICK UP OR WE DELI· •••• ••• •••••••••••• A •• •.'.'••••••••••••••'•1•0•1• WStagon Good cond. 7-reaume on typing & ehorl treln. 499.14e 1 wnl, blue, Hk• ,_, 175. VER. 493_8748 Cl1111c 16' Lapetrak• 5 pau c;pe. Nice car 900 ~ r AD\ n:::o •••••••••••••••••••••• "and speed & Olher of-644-6989 1--------Century b•y boat. 4 cyl. $3750. 2 13/592-1792 IO b41 IOOO T•rlt• 536·8054 N...11· ~v c:J'-Theodore flee experience. IALH/lllTlll ua-•• -• Orey. $3500 &75·6161 --------1 l'.Y'i J c IY'tJ'"'C • •AL-J T ~A .. , _ _. ltH lt•tl ltt4t4 26.000 mllff, fully loaded u ' 1121 N...A.J...J-N...11\...C: Ea.rn to $1500/mo. PIT. lrl --·•• M-• ••• LIYlll '74 Calllomten, all fiber· s ol gd o d Llk al• 1 Par! time ntoh school or Mu• 1 b. m 11 u r.. 26 In balloon tires. $350. -gla11 10 /Che"" Eng 1946 f ord Woody W•· unro s' 3 .. coon OB0 8 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~;~:":~11• Rob1'ns Ford COiiege atudenta needed 559·9043 . Leave MH · 839·4720 Beeullful c11ramlc hOfse. Vana'en ;';alter:' good gon, $13,000. ~~w5 • 8 1 2 ; 1 Eve 1 . 10111 lllTIH1 o... ~n 114 10 help gel home ready eage. hind painted and gland. running cond. 51795. Pvt 857•9684 days We can helpt Before you for nome tour & holiday s--=--------l1/1'hl1 Only $75. Othll' ceramic P•rty Call 847•5668 or 1929 Ford Mode l A Town buy. check our unbeata· Sid 111 - party. C all all 10AM, ale1m1n, muSI ba ag· lllllri'1I llU 1nlmat1 mad• 10 order 536•3008 S e d an . S t 0 . 0 O O. '75 Audi Fox N11eds lntle ble selectlon. savings •••••••••••••••••••••• 075--3738 greaslve & heve e>Ctan-••••••••••••••••••••.. !Of your animal lo11er1 for 675-6 t61 work S 1000 or bell of· Jnd service today! Pan Time ~!:,. k;,o::=t:!e.:,~! llW ll•l n. Cdh,r1s111m•,•·a~oa1187~ •o,r, Fib,. °',NGY&.&TO.AkRs,, .. 29 SSK 100 Mercedes. ter 857·4t67 111¥Eltlln 1983 SAABS FIH TlltE TllP (wlln purcnase) ASK FOR DETAILS! H I d R f , .. --Red ood 2 • • • • • .. • u ... • erg 115 •• 0•· 80"' complete , $5300 s s 3 o l ywoo e e rr-.J nice tor Iha pleaaur• w Kv decking, 6pM llt(On tanks $225. 08·,.0. '74 Audi 11/gry, 1 00 SALES t IEIYIOE Company tor movlea & bo11 lndullry, both In· 4-20' IOnO: also redWooc:I · 979 6278 Good lirtl. nds some 50 H NOW HERE! T v com m e r c I a I• aide & outside Illes. tun fencing Call Jim or Ken 1·w'ly ticket to Detroll · Roadster Repllcar wC>fk 7141240·7237 18cos:~~,E~~d We're your Snb LE A· NEW MllTAll IT's 10.ll~ FIUICIU OVER 20 IN S TOCK lmmedllle Oel1"8fY' (backgrou nd or non· time, xlnt co beneflte. anytime, 775· 1491. Metro. good 1111 11120, IHl1 S.11 llf 546-3642 549· 1174 l""·ll"O . SI NG speclahSls• We're 1991111ng only) 11 aeetclng _....ua_. Amer Alrli~. $100 obo •••••'· ••••••••••••••• ~ wL I a I ISSO lllW 111 Z ""' • dea11ng now on 1ne entire model types & olhef• tor ~,....., MW 2 4t/ ._,ft. 873-1291. 873~252 11· Sidney Plealure Ctatt, ' "'•" all"' •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------c:ommerclals such as ta· .......... "'1· .,. compl w/tta11er & OIB. LJ;~GESTje0ep"oE.Al.e•R * IO ltd• Prtldt ~~w~' model•! S~ us enlon -· cosmellc & 549.9457 1 E.O.E. MIFIH A-ft flberol&M ~ lrvln• CC memberehlp $2000 498-7200 In tne w .. t 5 spd, •Ir, em/Im ces· hHlth club advarll lnsui.11on_ Call Rlctl for ulf EWn!nge ..... seue Moonlwnroof. ex· IUCI l•PHTI II· Salel Pereon went9d fOf llf.t••• 213/434-1005 18' HOBIE CAT,~· desoet•t-, ~· m1n11. No up~~'!nce Boutique. Expr'd pref. .. .......... -·t "~Co .. ~---d ___ 0 __ d_I _1 w/lrlr. lt300. '38-3094 your JEEP cellenl eond $7100 or 848 DoYe Slr"I 1111 OU lllNW. UL.I necesllty, lnlP ..... tr• Xlnl Oppty. Interview• ..._ ....,., ~ .._.. ran n•• uar an •fl 8PM te6 oeoe..... Highelt ~Paid bst o4r 640-86(11 NEWPORT BEACH quired on Interview By being taken at 218 Main ~~~~IM~t~··~·~~~I ...,"· Miit for Ito, will · .. ,_ Call Gary Gray Honda CVCC. 1977, 112-0100 'll •STUI (137049) appt. 213/464·7514 St St• D, H.8. M0-72545 = tall• $50 548-7011 "'1Md1 M llAlll ll&IT green, runs perfect Part-time lobs wlln po· •a• •t f'rH II fH lff5 RGK SURFBOARD C~~~j,••.;::w•••S;lj;~~~d: AMl/.llfP/llUILT $1900 ldll• 111 tenllal ··tull·tlme" aar· ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 5'7" twin fin. $100 Xlnl condl11on 2524 Harb« Blvd , CM 646·9743 •••••••••••••••••••••• SHH nlngsl Complete training 'P R. PERSONS NEE· F!.~!_...~, g~dommlx•.l---Call--54-8-_3_14_7_ev_ .. __ 1 $700. 549·8023 845-7770 -.7-7_H_o_n_da Accord 5 •nd Sales·Servtee·l..ea.smg No uperlence necet· OED, M1glc Is land la ""-S,_,,,_ ..,.. UllLEIAOI aary. Excellent commie-k>ot!lng for a few lnleffi· lovable need• room. RABBIT JACKET .,,,, llip ·79 Jeep CJ7, auto, v 6, runs good new 11res Sll&ll 'll IMUll ( 1 t5497) Ilona. Man-1 op-gent, anrectlYe & llnoer• 497-~965 IZ 12. $85 ..._.._ H" hard & sol! tops, good $2500 Form 644·9904 1"'1·2040 •ti •t•t porlun111e;'";;~;·11ablt p1r1on1 lo reprHent FREE KITTEN 850·0220 _.. I ' cond. Musi NO Bell of· anytime • • -• when qualifled. Cell Mr lhll'n In their pvt club In Black &. white M, bo111-U_R_P_L_U_S J_E_E_PS_·_C_A_RS_1BOAT0SLIPS0AVAii:A8';.£: fer 675-«98 afl e '79 Honda Ace 2Dr. 5 6p. "80 16001GL5. 4 dr,51pd. SHH 'll , ...... , (138422) SHH Hlser 1164 t -095910< an Nwpt Bctr. lnleN\ew req. 111lined. 646-3107 • BOATS, many NII lor Newport 8Mctl: 25', 28', ---------1 am/Im. $4400. E.x-c111n. et c , silver , 3 IK m 1. appointment. Call for 1ppt. 10·6. under $50. F0< Info call 30', 35', ·40•, & 45'. Calt ---------reg malnt. 768·8:\IO S4250 PIP 760-0~18 Mon -Fri, A1k for Mr, Freetogoodhomaten1.ie 1·312·93 1·1901 e•I 642·4 844 fr om 9 -5 . ----------I Part-time Poslllon1 Halbefg 87~ German Shep mix, 5 2239A. Mon-Ffl. 611•U• Gti• 1134 Good~~;-Miiier SeamllrH S ••per PIT mo., hsebrkn. good •11----------•-s -U_P_S_A_V_A_l_L_. _H_u_n_tlng_t_on_. :-;;·a·; .. :·i:i:~;·~~~·.·.-r.·~!t'. •••••••••• !.~~~ 1111 TIYITl OELIOA ll umao1 'll flllTl (.f..78550) • needed !Of ntgh tasntori kkts. &45--8329 llWlll llAll. 141 H a r b o u r B a y , o a S 1 100 or bffl otr. Mual Ptllebotoml1t fOf medical boutique. Appt only 1..ovlng kitten, Golden TI-Singer wlall. 552·1615 M0-5S45, ~e-nee. e-9 sell qutc~ 546--6443 SHH S1tea·Servlct ·l..H1lng 1112 UW OLISHIT lab. l..agune Beach, 644-2652, c:ell between ger. male, e mo. lhOta, UTI• ... UI p M ' 8 4 0 . 4 0. 1 . ,,,.,, 11731 Ptease call 833--5834 t0-2 pm. declawed, 548-0304 PM '450 552•18,5 213-431·376.4 •••••••••••••••••f ..... ~Ice Setec:tlonl • ·~ .. 3.0CS ... Speed Automlllc t rena , air cond , pwr 11e1rlng , AM/FM stereo & e n- 1m 1ss1on1 system (UJV766) Prl p ty $4399 Cell 837-4146 Or 759-4560 'll T·lllt (159701) PLANT CARE TECH. Per· Secretary, exper w/lt _on_IY'-·-------Prime Udo Slip, no Sklp- mananl Pn position with bookkeeping lull time l 'frln 1111 Running ""°"· new ba· per. no llv•·•bo ard, I n lnte.rlor P!•nl·teape w/b11nefll1. C.M. area .~~••••••••••••••••• ~~a~o:ze~,z7:5~· 50'+. 1 550/mo. PP. ~;;:P1 d J:.:t.dH:4~b~ 842· 1183 * *I BlJY * * i...:840-.::..::...70:.:5:..:1:__· ---·--·l-93-:-1::.3-:'.'e::1~1:;or=:o:-:1:-::s..-;--2;::eeo::-.-t mUMge. 836-8484 R•PUY I.E. Good uMd' Furniture a Blnocular1 h 35, field of Lower ~ Bly PlllllTlll Secretariat po11tlon In AppUanoee-OR I ..,... Mii view 11000 'Jdl: 341 h. ~:~; .. ~~;,. &ISllTUT active N-port Center or SELi. for You 125· e.eo-7o51 s w a I•• An c h t . 5 . Entry level production Realtor'• office. Front ll&S1llS &llTm Oc:tobaffeat SOuvenelr 548-150t ISllStanl poslllOn avalle· ottiee positlOn requlr.. 14' 1111 ua-tlll 90 min. tape, 111 i-. bl• tor dHlgn lludlo good telephone voice, t>eeutlful Germen muelc, .Available lmmedlalely. 40 to 45 11. Sallt>oat pr•I. flooring sub-contractor typing, lhor1Nlnd & ap.. -, llY ""..,._ llmlled quantity, 114.95 Warenou1t/ Inventory pearance. Real •elate I.el 957-8133 .. Lion l.u, 1658 S~ control: p O.llnvolc• Hperlence helpful but rtor, C.M. ee1-Ne5 not naentlal. Pr..., local 7" wat« bed, agl R , Jllnt proceulng: typing 50 r11lden1 For lntervl-cond, w/headboard & 4) be.Utlful framed Arul WPM req'd. Contact Jan .... Mrs. Duhl Mal•. 1 100. 97~9280 Raj we11rcolor1, 1150 5~1801 -.. U .50 ft Wat• and po- -· 873-2182, 8-10 AM and 0-8 PM Wanted: Sllp, Newport Bctl. 40' lrawllf. 842-3050 PIT Jvtllor .-ded com-WnleJ I. T.,e.r ... Thomas Bros dtnnetl• aet 548-9269 Reellore 844-4910 & l'lutCh; ltv rm 111, 4 pc 1---..:...:.:..::..::.:_ __ .I ;;;9\.::-:;:IP;;:S:-:.A-;-;V:;A;:ll..-;::Cor::::ona::::-:del::::1 merc:lal experience only.I~~~~~~~~~! wtend tbl .. a coffH IBM Electrlc typewriter. Mar Area. St fl. Call Ftn vty area. lm~a1e1: Ible e fl wal atereo 8 Xlnl Chrl11maa preaenf I.Inda 955•2473 wkd• opening. 980·8481 lll'Y/lllt tract turn Ible, am/tm 1195/0BO. 857-8380 8-5 Rain Outtef lnllallll'. MUii hive own 1ran1 If you .,. nol l>Cpet. a reliable do no1 bother to call. 542·1242 Financial ln~rnent firm stereo wlllgtltlng. Real.' It .. __.. f or e du CI tor I . SA&-68&2 HB t• _.,.., ... , IHllC f--' f Personnet/communlcetloo 185 887-3938 Di ,...,,.. 1110 dept MC'y. Xlnl typ. & Gold leaf &. glast top hall INTEl.l.IVISION with 8 •••••••••••••••••••••• SIH req"d. 1Exac. MCf• 1able, ornate dHlgn, certrldget $300 or bell 17• Sllvertlne, l40 hp, t"O. larlal 1J1p. a mutt. Non· StOO. 963-1932 otter. 842·21140 Darrel AM/FM call., lull c•n· emllr preferred. Call Knee-hole desk, 6 dwll, & •---------vaa. Caulllln• trlr, wt 553-0940.. chair. walnut flnl1h, 1125, lll'W 0....... brk1. 10.000 080. Liii Dtf101r Servere. 5 yra upar .• 963-1032 1150 c:Mfl. 645-5527 540-3042 Ground floor opp. 10 toln =~b 3:. ~: Girls Bedr~ Set, wtllle, llllHIJH#ll IHI Ill HH .. , Mongeoe Flfm. w e rani 37 Fa1n1on llland 3 p e a . GO'od cond. flulf4 Ml •••• !, •••• ~A! •••••••• •••• Eatat• nHd 4 Aeglonal l..oan NB Appl'y In person • 1200/off«. 484-3807 •••• .. •••••••••••••••• DRY STOR'GE otflcerl. exp. l)Alf'd. We . T O E RS WANTED: A "Pa'"' Play " wlll train rlgttl lndMdual SeMce Station al1en AM AN I u CHAI (Wood) Pal" dOll. w ..... y~,. 3. tor r~t1-I 111 & 2nd ll'lift, apply at 2500 San 515· Nauttcel. 552·7652 alter 6pm or M10· I.Oen. AE lie req'd Joaquin Hiii• Rd., Co-75t·9133 before eem. la P• ... rone del Mw King Silt bed 185. Twin Wanted: BABV CRIB, alao t.,._f Tetepnone hies • box 1prln91. & Mall. 2BR duelte• 10 rent, pet• Monthly bo11 storage, any tile. 24 hr eecurtly, tr .. 1auncn1ng .. ,.., .... 1111 lld.., Ir. M4-lltl '60 CheY)I \I, Ion em rebll VII. auto, w/cmcfi;:, Sips 3. llOYe, tc:.boll, lnltte. gd cond. $t 5 50 /o l r 554-2078 ' 9..1...uv p~up, 20,000 ml, good condition AM/FM cus , 14100 firm 499-440tt•tll-5535 IS10 ,,., ..............••.•.... Robins' Van Conversions Fiii Tuft Tiii (wlll'I purcnaM) ASK FOR DETAILSI •a•IA J Muat Mii. 6A2-900e ()l(ay. 83t-t1Sl REAL. ESTATE SAl..E· ....., Rust velwt uphol rocller.1-_.:..------·1 S,,.AN. N .. <I 2 exp•· Neid 20 people to wort! very comf0t1able. 4 yra #el#al •---------1 r1enCed peoe>4e In oom· from our office talllno ~-170, Ptl M2·to0e ,,,,,,_,, "" ftUl-'lllM nwcMt & ~rtet ,.., phOne order• tor r.mco . •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••~•••••••••••••• .... '°' a ~ a F>roc:.aing. ,n or PIT. King 11oa1111on mattr ... & •..n1M Mn· II growlnO firm ..... WQ'· Sludenll. moonllgtltec'a, bOllec>rlnQ•.lllle-.pd VAMAHA I••• Amp ...................... . lilng oondhlona In N8'w-& other• wetcome. Muet $600, 111lln9 UOO Head wttt't •double ti " M~. t•cellenl cond p 0, t I •• ch . •PHii Enoll•h cl••rly, 552·1615 pV .,....., cabWlet. "" '300. Call Jim 714/....,5051. Wiii treln. We ofter Uf> to Clllld'• Twtn Canopy led In excellent condlllon "8-0723 IUL man... 1200 per WHll. Call w/apreacf a lflatctllno $IOOoOO 1... ..,.,,_,,,, W .. loeet9d Penlneufa 654..Q.4« TOOAVI CMQPy. 1100. 55M815" Ill-Ill hf.,,, I flfl OfflOe ._ope!\ .. '°' TEXAS REFINERY CORP. Muat Sell qn II aofa & ..................... . •oorHtlva HI•• and nHda m1111r1 p111on qn 11 aofabed 100 Ml Ouftlfanttn <>roen. Alallo. 73 Honda 750. tttcc, '-*' ,.non. o.n.roua now In Oraft941 Countr. oeo. 54.,.8158· n.tre atyte, Model K. Mwtek elctrontc lfnltloti, comtn. llChtdllle. Play• Area. AeM!dteae of tra • . wt e11ternel L ..... Tone YOll\imutl hMdlrl, Jlllt A.E trJ.1900 nlnQ, wtlf1 0 . H. Ster1-, ...... t L ..... et Clblnat. 641 .. 7H AltlUllt, 11lnl c;ondltlon. ~:0~11. Ft. W~tl'I, T11. 1200. 5'40·1H1 Olllft h181'8tt I 'MOO 831-2Ht Colin Ttblt & HtllCO· ._,_.., ... , 7t YW'l\W SA '°°' 1930 fUftl. llllf mode 170. ..~;"'Att"i"i•••••f~• Or I 0 m 11 I I . I IJ 0 0 . 0tanoe COllflty. eonvn·1 6•0·73411 ft1•...,..1 1_846-03 __ 1• ____ _ "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui:::::-1 :;bf• ~~12 year: e pc bdrm Mt Pecan ft. Oornpi.te w•Ot Double 70 K•••Hlcl 100. good Optome•• ltt'• offlot af· an:'.' ·PM• 11.._.~:;~ 14 n 1 •I\ • good con d . Ot•k l>flve. priftttf and oond , 1128 or Dtlt offer. tefn~. Mat11r• ,.,. · 1900/obO. Mt-42tl aoft were . .-..120 MS-...01 .......... ,~ 1""' NIT,. l • ., 1H1 VltMN 8R 19& cc v.;,,,. ~I 1 to 3 ~. Udo ftll8e Rtlr g1r1tor ttSO. 1111• •••••• .. •••••••••• '''"' Ilk• Mint cond. _ _...; ______ 1 ... _ ~··-""· Oec6f9tor o.uo" ___ .,_ ..__ -eo ... ~ ..... I "..., ... -. ··~-eectlontl ttnl.,.I Oll "°' ............ ~· ..... ,.,.. •. ~ Otftlrtl ::0:: ....._. WA~,. Oii pert ra1 J400'. 9unk tied w/ ~C. "'::..... '14 HONDA 790 4 tnto t ._. ...... ...,"""' ttM. no.,.,,_,,.,""'· ~ 1111 w....., a ,..._ N~. ltOCtl, rune IO"'•,., WHll t ·4 --.11eottUi,1t#1ln9 dt'fW bott1 '°' ltlO. Diii , ••• iiiiM 111n&-lt1I ...._117t. Good._..--.....: P1¥ Cal '31·2tl0. bed 11H. 711. .... 1 Cf'A, I Wiie. NMiOI Vemetle. 8A tlO G, ttlO ltllOl't ,,,.,, 8eler, W10, ......... ,., tor !rt-Ill.I. ldte ltefM wttll t ...,._ !Mii ti .... P11f9 lxlle fl I, Wlnlttlleld, °'*'· "'4o1M1 .,..._.. flf't. ~I Wad, Lite o.1r PllOt C'J m 1• M .... '°"91. I moe Ofd L.,.... Aeolt. llO IN. 10 Md 1 "'1 H911P1 IW9 M0-1... tu-M11. •• ....... Ult New ..,_.,.. 1 ) '11 omn 111n1 (120211) '"·"' 'lt••ro (Ol7VUA) ""' ·n-llAll (239062) ""' ,,., ....... (tae18/ ... .. ··-'11 ,_HI (A11M8) tl• Theodore Robins Ford IOIOHerMf.._..., COITA~ ........... ,, (9GO AC) • ·79 2002. 4 epd . loa• da<I (255PL V) • '7t 5281, euto , lea· Iller J5343820) • . 3201, 5 apd , IUn roof. (659ZOKI * '80 320!. 5 epd • el( cond ( 1ASX0461 tai-J1l1 208 W 111, Santa Ana CloMd Sunday CHOICE INVENTORY VOLUME S.Al.ES & Ill MeLlllEI ••• Salet·Servl<»-Leaal:!f 850 N Beach Blv La Habra 121-HH Open Sund1y TlllllM UW1 We nHd your 1raci.1nt Call or ,.. our uaed. car ffllr\agef. Woll gang Jurl· nett Liii IEAOll 10 Salff·Servlce-1..easlng 3670 N. Cherry Ave I.ONG BEACH I ~l14~ 111-llll ..1111•m'I IUllT & Sa11t~l..taelng IC1t' CARVER IO.lS~·lMW ..,_ .. , .. _...~ ..... ~ -·-·'"'~--Of91 .... ft IW cars•blkes• •skatet>oerds• trucks•baby carrl~rt•a carts• rlkes rol lerskates • walker~ .oys •wz:•••• sc ers•hot rocts•coupes• trauers•hard tgr.•convert-lb ••motor '*'-• D•llY Pilot ... cl•lilftld Ms.call Ml·5'11 '77 COfona 4 dr dlx, single OW1'14W. AMIFM Clll. AC, 11lnt cond Incl llrn, bal· t e ry &. brkl 13350 ,11111 1-"-2_._3_28_2 ___ ..__ __ 1 Mn•AlOA l.andcr111ler Hardtop 12111 .,. ""' (1t3295) SHH Theodore Robins Ford M>I tOUI ~ l..andcru••e r, 1978 '78 - ". · Nice c;ondlllon S 1200 OBO 850-1836 2080 Harbor Blvd. f9ft -.. ... COSTA MES.A •ACM'fl V1lt1••t•• 1110 tU-0011141-1211 UIU• SI CBta *"' 14UU. ·;;.·1·;:.:·:w~·:·$;t,";o• '7 IFORD Mavtflctl Good ----------Snrf. aut o , al~. wh te. oond 3 ~tires, econ 1979 AX 7. GS, ltke new, tape 1170270 Lie. e•P $850 194·3211 AC, sunrf, new $900 '83 Dir &45·2963 1976 Ford Xl..T won 1981 11e r110. alloys $7300 ~mper. Slffpl eix. Mvtt OBO 842·~247 evo "72 vw Bug Engine mint Mii. 540-4473. !!~!!.~~! ... !!.~! $f~ ~6. ~.ffdA,:! £/atfh H4S M8fcedeS Benz Ad 624 642-4300 24 l'lra. ~;;;;k·v.~26K."~d;,~ SHP 111111 Fii 1tt While, xlnt cond I 10, TIE lllT UY 78 C1mpar Van, 11ov1, 600. 831-1133 then cneok wlll'I us. We'll relflg , AM /FM 111reo, .. -•• s 7 , o o o o e o . P p ,.•n•n ~-snow you over 40 auperb 780_9399 •• ••••~•••• •••••••••• uled Mercedes Benz In 1110 ler•tl'J llJff stock. ln~I. Select a '85 Sqbeck. I 1000 Front While. tow mileage. Tell Drivel COnslder 60 end cruncned Rblt eng. 950.4997 mo. purChase w/ sen11-830.2278 bll pmll. or allow us to ---------11975 Monarcn 2 dr. 66, tailor a tease 10 euil your '74 bug. Good cond. New 000 ml, Orto owner. PS. needs Up 10 2yta/-24,000 llr .. $2500 PB, AIC &. CC. New \tr•. miles wauanty. 042·1689 clean, 12250. 642-3&02. ....... 1.,.m .... '10 vw BUG xtr' clMn. '74 Mon1ego. Sta Weg. 9 Dla l 7141213 MER · Rblt eng .. new tlrea pau. BHu cond No CEDES $1750. 846-5505 ru1t. All o pt. lt085. '75 RABBIT good cond 642~55 t:~~.:gg.~~~;;5b~• 11600 2'' bHt oller" .-.,-,-,.-.----,,-f-Z 833-25.9 I • 6A5·344v. Mutt Mii • • • • • • •f'• •• •• • •••• •••• 73 Bue orto ownr new ·73 Muatano Conlllftlbll. '78 280E, slvt blu, orig. tlr• i2 800 a5J.'.o3 l t• Mtlllllc 8rwn. 4 1pd. owner. mint cond., full 975.;,,.7 · ' n ice c o nd . $3300. -vl<le records. $13.000 075·3821 .,,.., Nu tires Dyt 276-3380. '10 Pop Tep c.mp. Xlnl .07 Musting need engine .,,.. 759-0844 cond. 111,500 ml on eno work. Muet 'Mii ~ 'H MBZ 31061.. allver 12500 844•55'& Mt-ttoe gray w/black int, 3000 '88 vw BUG 30.000 on OM 4'11 IHI ml Mutt aell Beal oner. ang & trant. ,_ bfa11 ..... ~f .............. . 540-5700 (8•41 . AM/FM CUMlte 11760. '72 CutlHI S good tlr• 'll Ill a. (7 t4) H2..oet4 rbll tran1. 'orig H11rai Matalllo brwn, eunrl, VII,. 11l lhlft 111'5. 84f.Ot:'8 orig owntt. lmmac •••••••••••••••••••!'•• '72 Old• N . Good oondl• 114,780 #1 hfn..., f Ion I tl 0 . 0 y I 844 ... tit 0r 846·3215 a. Ir .... .....,. 841·2t7~. 9Yet M4-54et 'H MB 300 O. Chem· PIO"' metallic, pOllll'led whltla. cu•tom pin • ,,..,_, :J,000 ml. PIP an & PM 630·1020 • ·et 110 II Claeelo Coupe Svn fllOOf. Mllll till 11111 •••Ill Ft It •tte takH. tn•mt orM0-1471 ·-··- UUI, --•Lii'• OVIAllA8 OILIVlli'V lXPIATI U::l' , ........... COSTA~ ......... , ,, ....... ,. ........ l!l1fff!~ •••••••• ~ 1110 ltrtec11d•. ""' "'" .greet car • 831·2917 tnytllM tlr!ltl ... e••••~ 'Tl TRiii H ,000 ..WIH, IHO•d, aleeft,11710 ...._1111 'It LefNfll OflV'9 AIC '11 "' ''"' MUST llLL 1111 141· ttll, ....141 'I THE DRAlll CDllT CDllT IDITIDI TUE SDAY, NUVl:MB£R 'l l'IH :l OHANGE COU N I Y C ALIF-OllNIA 25 CENTS . ,County death~r_ate drogs; birth .. rate • increases • I By JEFF ADLER Of the Dellr ftMot ltaH While suicide and alcohol- related deaths in Orange County a pproach or exceed national averages, the county continues to boast both a lower infant mortality and overall death rate, according to an Orange County Health Care Agency report. The report also notes that the c91,mty's birth r~te is climbing and heart disease associated with a the rosderosis is the area's leading killer. ,, - Coastal • winter • arrives By KAREN E . KLEIN Of the Dally Piiot StaH The firs·t winter stonn of the season is expected to continue to rumble through Orange County tonight and early Wednesday, bringing with it rain, g usty winds and sn ow in the local mountain areas. Sh owers and thunderstorms, which began Monday nigh t, sh ould increase by tonigh t as ~mperatures .drop to the upper 40s alo.ng the coast. National Weather Service forecasters said up to an inch of rain is expected. The chance of rain wiU decrease Wednesday afternoon. Temperatures will hover around 60 degrees during the day Wednesday, rising gradually to th e lo w 70s b y Saturday, forecasters said. This stonn also will bring the season 's first snow flurries to local mountains, coating them down to the 4,000 to 5,000-foot level and priming the resorts for an early ski season. U p t o a foo t of s n ow is expected to hit the Teh achapi Mou.ntain s, p ossibly closing Interstate 5 in the Grapevine- Fort Tejon area. Th<: com p endium o f v ita l statistics was prepa r ed "t o present a hea lth s t a tus indicator," explained Roberta Maxwell, a county research analyst. The report covers 1976 through 1980 and details trends in birt h s, deat h s ·a n d communicable diseases. Atherosclerosis accounted for about 40 percent of all deaths during .the past year, aC.'<..'Ording to the repoi;l, mirroring the trend elsewhere in the nation. Allhou~h Orange ·eounty fell far below tho national death raw in this category, such favtors as smoking, lack of exerc:ise, the excessive d ieta ry inta ke of a nim a l f at a nd o ntreat ed hypertension all were cited as important contributing factors in deaths due to atherosclerosis. Besides atherosclerosis, the top 15 causes of death in Orange Count y d u ring 1980 were ccrebrovascular diseases, which include strokes; cancer of the lungs; g'enital on.urinary tract cane-er; pulmonary ~isease; motor . · vehicle aL'C.'id('nts; colon and r<.'Ctal can(·er; pnc1Jmonia and influenza; lymphatic t·ancers; brtiast cant'Cr; cirrhosis of the liver; diseases of the pcrin:nal period; 11ulclde and other sclf·inflict ed injuries, cancer of the pancreas; homidde, and diabetes. The overall death rate tn the county was 6.2 deat~s per 1,000 popula t ion, acl·ord 1 ng. to the report. Statisticall>'· the death rate remained relauvely constan t duri ng the five-yf'ar study. pe~lod. While the death rat.c remained conswnt, however , t he county's b i rt h rat c a pp C" a r's to be increasing slightly year by year. There were 16.3 births per J ,000 f population in 1980 compared \with 15.6 the year before:. All told , there were 3 I ,551J births to t'Ounty residents in 1980. In 1976, there were 25,417 births lo county residents whic·h computed to 14.5 births per l,000 population. While the birth rate has Bone up, the intant mor tality ,rate has .. ·tl1•t"r1•asC'd duf'ing thl! five-year period from 10.9 deaths per t .000 population in 1!:;176 to 9.2 dcilths In 1980. Infant mortnllty ratt.'S in the county during t h e five years consistt•nlly were lower than either Lhc: California or national rates, a<.'Cordlng to the report. Al!Ju d ocumen ted i n t he 157-pagc document are the counly's V<>nert·;:il disi.-ase rates lJuring the-five-year perioo. Gonorrhl•a reached a peak in <See DEATH, Page A3) ·Newport delays lnayor election By STEVE MARBLE Of lhe Dallr Ptlol Slaff The Ne wport Beach City Council. enter in g' w hat some members consider a lame-duck period because of a two-month w a il in sw earing in a new "1 councilmaf), has delayed. naming a new mayor until .J~nuary. T he biennial chore of naming the city's mayor was to be voted on Monday, the first council session after the city election. .But this process and other reorganizaJion steps are in a state o{ limbo following Newport Beach 's fi rst exp erimen t a l combining the city vote with Ole general election. . Admitting the move to switch the e lec tion from May to ·November has caused confusion and some problems, the council signaled it wiJJ appoint a special committee to study the city's first fall election. · Any changes would i;equ ire another citywide vote. City Attorney Mike MiJler said Evelyn Harl - when cilizena voted in 1980 to change election dates, several suggesting there was little point k ey ingred ien ts -incll.ldin g in beating around the bus h , selection of mayor -were not u r-ged that Councilwom a n addressed. Evelyn Hart be na med mayor The one new council member and that he be appointed mayor elected last week -Bill Agee -pro tempor e, t he s.,econ d i n w ill not take office until Januar y charge. when Councilman Paul Hummel "I just want you to know that steps d own. T h is lame-duck I'm a candidate." he told his ·period follows the pattern of colleagues. major state and federal elections. The selection of mayor, voted Overnight, the storm dropped .08 inch of rain on the Orange Coast, according to a reading taken by H u n tington Beach weather wa tcher J . Sherman De nny. Isolated ~hunder and lig h tn ing storms also moved through the a rea last night, causing some brief power outages .in the north county. The rain-to-date total for i982 is 18. 78 inches, Orange County Fire Department officials said. Up until this date in 1981, only 7.37 inch es had fallen on t he area. The two-month delay also left on in public, often involves the council with L""ie choic~ of secrecy and behind-the-scenes ~"""'"1--t1,icki n g-a...ne-W-.ma ~o w__ilh_ lab ~yln..g aJILo ag c_o_u_n""'c""iil __ The storm, which forecasters said was surprisingly fierce for this early in the season, dumped snow over the Sierra Nevada and the Lake Tahbe basin as it made its waY. down the state. Steven Hawley, 3, of Newport Beach isn't taking any chances with today's uncertain weather. Bundled up with boots and umbrella, he's ready for any downp0tir. Irvine's hospital plans to merge? By GLENN SCOTT O(tM Deltr Ptlot lt8'f L eaders of separate campus and com mun ity g r o ups competing to build a hospital and related medical facilities in Irvine are now consider ing ways of runl\ing such an operatio n together. Officials from UC Irvine and the community-based Irvine Medical Center have met several times since a n initial "summit" meeting late last month and more meetings are expected. Spokesme n for both ~ides c laim serio u s a nd fr a n k discussions have replaced the • acr imonious posturing 0o f the past. "We're very encouraged," said Leon S c hwa rtz, U C I vice chancellor for administration and business. "The discussions have beenlope n and fruitful and honetR ,, ... The meetings were established after David Ba k e r , IM C presid en l, wrote C hancello r Daniel Ald rich last m onth offerin g the uni ve r si t y partnership in running a hospital his g r oup seeks to build on J effrey Road adjacent to the Sadd leb ack College No rth Campus in Irvine. UCI officials have sough t to build their own hospital on their campus. Ba ker's offer a lso included estal:>Hshlng a formal teaching progr a m for UCl's m ed ical students a t Hoag Memorial . Hospital In Newport Beach. Hoag ls contracting with IMC to administer its proposed h ospital. Since B wlter's origl..._ pro p osal. d iscu ssions have touched on other poaibilitie, to break the atalemate over location (See JRVINE, Page A3) -----llDEX---- At Your Service 00 Movies B6 Busine. B4-5 Mutual Funds B4 Cavalcade 82 National New• A3 eta.if led C5-8 Public Notices B4,C.4·5 C-omicl B7 Sport.a Cl-l era.word 8 7 Dr. Steincrohn ·B2 ~ath Notices C4 Stock Marketa & F.dltoriaJ A6 Television B8 =nmenl JM! Theaters B6 Ann~ 'B2 Weather A2 B2 • Humm~l still in office or waiting members. until t he first of the year to "I guess I'd like things to be permit Agee to take part in the more open than that.'' Strauss selection. commented later. While the council agreed to Other council members said wait out the two months, there they-were amused by Strauss' already is open campaigning for ambitiousness but would not say the mayorship -a two-year tour whether they would su pport of duty that brings with it a either him or Hart. slightly larger montj ly salary. a Hart. out of town, was not tiny office and Jittle~lse. available to comment on her dwn Councilm a n Don S trauss. nomination. Laguna against . OC nuke routes By STEVE MITCHELL Of tlle Dally Piiot ltaff Citing the pote nt ia l !or a d isastrous accident on local freewars. La~una Beach City Council members have gone on recor d OJtposing a n y future tra nsportation of radioactive w aste material through Orange County. The California Highway Pa trol h as b een given the task of determining the best route out of the state for waste material from t he San On o f re Nucl ea r Generating Station, three miles south of San Clemente. Two routes are curre ntly under considera tion, and Laguna <.'Ouncll members have written a letter to the CHP Administrative t.aw section opposing a northerly route that would see such wastes transported through the heart of Orange County. Councilwoman Sally Bellerue, who auended a route hearing late last month, said one proposal involves transportation of wastes north on the San Diego Freeway from the power atalion, \hen onto the Cotta Meu Freeway to the Rlwnide Freeway. A ••c ond route under cont1lder11tioA, and one eM.oned by the council. lnvolvea u-anaportaUon of wute ma~riall · aouth on the San Di• l'reeway, throulh th• northern r:aoruon of Sen Dl• and east on lnter1tate 8. Citing heavy conpaUon on ' Orange County's major freewa y r outes, the coundl said the "p rospect of e xposi ng unsuspect ing motorisls i n adjat-ent c.'Ommuni ties to the grim possibility of a radioactive waste spill is not one any responsible person should consider." T h e southerl y ro.ute, the council contends, is less congested and traver ses less popula ted areas. David Barron, a spokesman for the Southern California Edison Co., major owner of the nuclear plant, said both routes have been used in the past to transpo rt nuclear wastes. The u tility has shipped more t han 270 radiooctiv(' fue l assemblies since 1969, and Barron said Edison b e li eves the northe rl y ro ute -·through Orange County -Is safer. "Interstate highways art?, safer and better designed," he said , adding the route from San Diego Includes some small~ roads. He said the utility has not · shipped radioactive material ror some time, becau1e of a lawsuit with the statt-of llllnols where waate material has bHn stored ln \he S>Ut. "Until that litigation 11 .eUJed. we wlll be atorina wuie material at the plant," h~ aakl, addift8 &M utility hH 1utflcie•t atoraa• apat'e unUI w early 1990s. MHnwhUe, Herb Y~, (lee NUCLEAR. Pap Al) . .. • Scouts cruise on nostalgia ···aboard historic yacht ·' By ALMON LOCKABEV 0.11, ~tot ao.une Writer A group of Southland !ornwr Sea &•t)UlS has takl'n u memory voyag<.• aboard the Motor Shtp l'(MS) Strungl'r. the largest yut:ht ever moore<l in Ncw~11·t Harbor The Scu &'Outs who gathC'rt•d at VoyagC'rs Yacht Club for an aftc,noon of rcminisdng art! now 1n their middle 60s. ·But thl'Y have sharp memories of tht• voyrrg<.-s to various parts of th<.• world thl'V took aboard th{• 230-.foot vt>sS<•l owned by the lutt· Capt. Fred E. Lewis who always supplem<.•nted his crew wtth lcx·ol Sea Scouts. ... John Blaich of Newport Bc•at.•h and Victor Alleman of Santa A11a. were c:o-chairmcn of t.hc reunion. highlighted by a cruiie around the bay OR Allcman's -l'l-foot cruiser, Ballena. But for the most p_urt th<• nwmori<'i> Wt.'rl' ubout voyngt"• tu s ut•h l(la111or porlli u11 lht• Gulupagos 111lunch, South Anwrwu. Alu.'ikn. nnd thl' SuuLh S<•ns. Sonw of thl• regular S1.·u &•outi, uponrd Strangc•r Wt'l'l' Bl uich, Ruy W a llat•t•. Lo11 f\ngc les. Jphnny Ro~·rts. Kono. 1Jawu11, und Ll.iyd "Swt•dt•" Johni;on. Nc•wport Beach. Lewis purchased th<.• s team t.•argo vessel on tht• F..ast Coast and 111 1936 transported 13 NC'wport Beac:h Seu St'OUts by train to New London, Conn . for the re<:ommissioning of the vt.'11S<.•I wh1t•h had lx'en rcmodell'd us a ya~ht. Originally. it was u fuur- hat<.·h freighter. Blaich recalls th~t tht• Voyage to Ncw~rt Bcat:h 1m:ludcd slops in t~ Caribbt•an, Panama. ~(·uador. and tht.• Galapagos. Enroutc the cn•w picked up v:11 ious a111111.1ls 1111 lud111g un 1•1ght foul .1lliuut111 lntl'r duntth><l to tht• Hun D1t•go Zou The• Strungt•r i.H•u1m·d Into N£•wpm•t Bt.·ut.·h ut •I p.m., Jnn. i I ,' 19:.Hl ll wus nu,.11·1•cl an rrw11 of <.:upt l..1•wi1:1' hunw on .BoJbou Pl•111nsulu Tht• vt•sscl rc.>mairwd , bcrtlwd tht•n• unlit 1t wus suld an IY:W. During World Wur 11 Strapg_t•r was pr<'SSl'C.I into military scrv1t•t• and rcportl-dly wus sunk off the> roast of South Africa in 1943. During thl• yc•urs 1t was an Newport &•at•h ll wus a show piecf' not only for marinc>rs but hundr<.•ds of hmdlt,!bbers. Even bt.'forl' World Wu( II Captain Ll•w1s took th<.• S\rangt•r on various ~ovcr11mcn t. expeditions l<> South America and the' South S(laS -a lways with Seu Scouts ·supplementing • Lhe prof<.•ss1onal (Tew. • J • The Strungt•r urrivt•s ·in Newport I lurbor in a photo fro m Junuury, 19:16. It was the largt•. t yacht t•ver mourc d locally . :_.·taauna Beach-------------The.Caunty--,r---------, .. , • 0•11)' l'ttot l'tloto by Ch•rll• St•rr . Dot marks the s pot :·,. Ora nge Count) F ire Capt. J .M. Pa lmer po int to "blue do t" in road way in Mona rch Bay wlii<'h will direct firefig hter to fire plug. I• Also shown i Mo nar ch Bay ho meowners 1>resident u an Crowl R ussell, a nd wa ter di tric t opera tions d irecto r Wa lt McDa niel: ;(NUCLEAR WASTE ROUTES ... . From Page A 1 t-ommander of the CHP's ··~dmimstrauve law section . satd u d<.•c1s1on on a route for Sun Onofre waste material wall probably be made after the fll'l>l of the vear • And: he said, 1t 1s unlikely th«.· sou thern route through ~an Dwgo w 1 ll be scl<x·tt'CI. "It's not as d1rt'<'t (as the routt· through Orange County), and n's J longer route "'1th smaller roadways," Yarbrough said "The• lra~t exposure 1s by taking the short<.·st rou~t' over the best roads " Ho s111d 1t 1 pos'i1blc both routes will b<• rt'Jl'Cted. which would m«.·an holding add1t1onal hearings next year Hail-~hits Malibu Coa s t <il " r•1e hailstorm pelted Mlhl>U today •nd homes were flooded when h•llstones 1ammed storm drama wnen the forst m•i<>< winter storm ot the season dumped ' ' heavy ra1n1. snowfall and sleet , '' llCfOU Southern Calllorn1a Nlllonet Weath•r Service foreceater Pat Rowe said the 11orm was expected to soak • j Soulhern Calllornla deserts this avanlng and ton ight , •ccompanied by winds or up to 30 •' mph Th• 11orm 11 expected to diminish rapidly Wednesday as 11 moves e111ward u. . su1nniary R11n sprud .cfoSs lhe Pac;ilte Coast Into the plateau on Monday. turning lo 11e11vy snow in higher elavatlons of 'ha Sierfl Nevad•. tho mountains ot lhe OrHI Bu1n •nd the northern Rocklu II was cloudy In the plains. lhrough Che Ohio Valley 1nd Into lhe OrNI L1ke1. Light showers 0-'<>Pe<I In llltno<s. The wHlh•r wH mild In the• Gulf eo.11 atates and !he Eat19'"n s .. bOard For Coday. the N•toon•I Weather Service lorec•sl rain acroH tha P•clflc: Coast woth 1hu~• In C..1torn•• and Arlron1 Snow 11 ••peeled In high« eleYati<>ns of the plateau. Iha northern Rockies and the northern plains It will be clOudy In the eoutllern plain• Ind sunny In the Eatt Highs 1ta 1x114Ktod 1n the 30s •nd 401 In the north. 50s and 601 from the mld·Allanllc: cout through tha mld·Mluoulppl v.iiey to lhe South-I, I California Winier 11orm witch 1n the mountalr'l1 for locaf tie•vy snow T~ey. N\HMrous lhowa<s and Isolated thunda11howe11 in coutat and mount•ln at111 Tuaad•y and Tuaaday nlghl Snow above 4000 feet In the north llnd 5000 feet In the IOUlh with locally h1•11y amounll, 1howa11 anding Wednaad1y. Locelly gutty winds, Muell cotdef Alt>uquerque llnc;t>or•ge Allen11 AllanlC C<ty Austtn Ba111more Birm.ngham Boise Boat on Bull•IO Ct>•rlet1on. S C Ch•rletlon. W V Chl!IOll e. N C Cl'llyenne Ct>IC•go Clnc1nnatt Ctevel•nd Cotum1>1a SC COiumbus 0811H·l;I Worlh Denver Oelr0tt Duluth El Paso F•irt>1nll1 F•tgo Flagstatt Hertlord Honotulu Hou11on lndtan•Poha Ja<:kson. M11s Ja<:ksonvolla Juneeu KanaH C11y LH Veges Utile Rock LOI Angetes LOUtavilll Memphis Mt•ml M1lw•ukee Mpls·St Paul NISh111lle New 0t1Hnl New York Oklat>om• City Om•h• Orlando Philedelph1• Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland, Me Portland. Or• Providence Aeno Sall La~a San Antonio SM Olego SanFra--s .. ute Shreveport Sioux F•lla SI Louts SpOll•ne SyrecuH Topek11 Tunon ~ 40 29 09 66 37 62 0 76 S3 67 3S 70 •1 ., 31 69 •1 S• •S 68 •8 r;.. 30 66 32 35 24 SI •3 68 45 60 •9 69 29 65 •O 72 S6 36 2S 62 49 33 29 72 51 13 .()6 36 24 •6 26 69 39 es 11 10 s8 67 21 75 32 70 50 3S 22 6S 52 ~ 54 72 45 67 59 68 •2 7t 39 77 66 •5 40 4l 28 73 .16 71 50 67 ... 10 S4 40 36 80 60 6S 41 66 60 61 40 6• 34 52 33 68 41 41 31 5'I 37 76 52 68 5'I lit •6 $3 41 71 q 40 21 72 53 41 27 57 49 63 52 611 t.1 Tulsa Washington Wte:M• CALIFORNIA Apple Valley Bakeralleld Baratow Big Bear Bishop Bl)'lhl C11111n1 Eurelca Fr .. no Long BHc:h Los Angeles Montlfey Mt W~IOfl Needlft Newport Beach O•ka.nd Onllll'IO P1sadene Aiver••dt S•cr1men10 Sallnll San Btrnerdino Sen Olego San F11nc:l11CO San JoH Sent• An11 S.ritt Ba<b•r• Senta Cruz Santi Montee 8tocll10ft Teflot V•lley "'"""' l'AN A•"ICAN 73 58 66 37 60 •• Sogol• Curac:ao Freeport Gu•d•••111• Gu•dllOuPI Havana 65 58 Klngtton ~ 49 Montag<> Bay 68 47 Maullan 50 29 Merida 58 20 Mexico City 73 57 Monlerrey 65 56 NUSllU 57 41 Sin Juan 82 •2 Trinidad 71 57 Ver11eruz 65 S8 57 •8 43 35 11 eo 68 59 61 48 85 50 68 45 64 51 55 40 56 40 64 62 68 5• C11gary Edmonton Mon tr HI 01111wa ~'"· Toronto V•nc:ouver Winnipeg CANADA Smog •5 88 79 81 70 77 37 .86 7~ 81 12 90 75 86 73 88 61 82 59 75 39 64 81 70 87 73 88 73 81 68 49 12 27 22 59 44 58 44 38 22 57 42 418 32 37 29 66 46 54 43 70 57 68 •8 62 46 68 55 5' 39 as 29 71 61 Wiier• to cell (toll frM ) lot --~lton: ~:'rlitelH J:o:.?t~~ 242·4'0U .....,.,..,. .. len ..,,.dlno oounttet; (IOOI M7 .. 7'0 Ae11puk:o 9 t 72 AOMO lpltode .Center (IOO) 24'2-4'Me llltb.00. 80 76 Bermud1 73 68 In mouri1aln1 Moetly cloudy Tu11day ind Tu11dey night In o-1 .,.... with • good chance ol •11owt11 e nd poulblt lt!UndW"-1. eapeclally In I.he I nottll Sllowert ending IUlf llPllL ~ ==~ T~~~:: WIDNllOAY 47 0 t W~ay .. 'Tempeiiifure• • MTN* Albin "' L9 64 36 ..,. IWf 'ewt hectl A91 .... ,,,_ Zuma 3 • " Senta Monlel • 3 • 1a Newport leech 3 a 10 .., OleaO County 3 • ta Oulfoott tor Wednelday Ltttte ctiange • , 0 F°Wll l\igh 5 5t em 5 I .... .... .... F11ef IOw I 1 113 • m I 6 A'I Me• Olf Sec:onc:t ll'Ofl a SI p m • 1 a 3 w Secone11ow 111tp111 oa 2 3 SW Sun •tt• IOd1y at 4 1\4 p 111 a a sw '"" WtdMtdey ate a1 a m 2 4 w MQOft .... 10d9)' ...... p I'll, rl ... WHneeclay 11 1 11 a m , 1 Restaurani ·gunmen sentence<l Two ml'n who admitlt.'d to a string of mostly M o nday. morning restaurant robberies, including several along the Orange Coast. were given stat<.' prison terms Monday in Orange Coun~y Superior Court. Judge Luis Cardenas sentenced Vernon Womat.·k Jr .. 43. of Laguna Niguel to 11 years in prison and J immy R ea Workman. 46, of Long Bea<:h to q yea r s, Deputy Dis t rict .(uorncy Jim Cloninger said. Wo mack plra ded guilty to seve.p rob b1.•ry counts and Workman to nine. Thev had been arrested June 21 by· Newport Beach Poh<.'l'. The two, who apparently worked Monday mornings an order to pick up w cekena rcswurant receipts bcfort• they were deposited in banks. had been ac,·used of robberies at three N ewport Beach R estaura nts -Th<• Quiet Woman, Five Crowns and Le Biarrilz. • Cloninger said the two netted about $14,500 Crom four Orange County r estaurants between March and Jun e. whil e Workman obtained $1.200 in a fifth robbery. All but two of the robberies were on Mondays. Another was a Tuesday morning after a long holiday weekend and the othen on a Thursday. act.·ord1ng to Cioni niter. The robbers bl'Came known for a method of o peration where they pOsed as deliverymen. then used handguns and covered their faces w11h masks after entering the restaurants. They oflen wouJd lock restaurant employees, several of whom remembered the robbers as friendly. an one section of the rcstuurant while they emptic•d safes and cash drawC'rs. No one was injured an the S<:ries of robtwri<'S Cloninger said the· two must suit face .idd1t1onal robbery ('OUnts in Los Angeles County. for the alleged holdups of six Long Beach rl'St.aurants prior to the Orange County spree Costa Mesa1 ----------- Sig~ ordinance weighed Donn Hall The Costa Mesa City Council took a first look Monday at a draft sign ordinance that would allow non-conforming signs to remain standing until voluntarily changed. Under provision s of the existing sign ordinance passed in 1974 . all large towering signs must come dqwn by 1984. Earlier this year Councilman Donn Hall suggested that the controversial sign ordinance be amended t o allow n o n - conforming signs to remain an place. The council 1s scheduled to study the n ew ordinance some time in January or early February. About 20 percent of the city's tl.644 signs are non-ainforming. . Trustees eye use of funds Trustees for the Ncwport- Mesa Un1f1ed &:hoot District will meet tonight to discuss ways the Ne.wport -Me sa Schools foundation can spend funds. In September the group of parents and community leaders raised $45,000 to help restore remedial reading to the district's ~lementary schools The meeting begins a t 7:30 p.m m the Harper Community Center. 425 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. 1 '· Sometimes the N icest Way to Say meaning that they were· legal prior to passage o f the sign ordinanc.-e eight years agq. Under provisions of the draft sign ordmanc.-c: -Non-confprm1ng sign s would not have to be taken down as long as their c.-ontent and shape were not changed . . -All flashing and rotating signs would have to be removed by Jan. 1. 1984. -I I l eg a I sig n s -t hos~ violating prov1s1ons of the ordinance would still have to be removed Also. the l'Oum·tl sugested durmg the session that businesses witl} multi-te nant s igns be allowed to make ('OPY changes until 50 percent of the sign ts alLererl . _ L .M.Boyd i nforms in t he Daily Pilaf ~) ~'Z~~ot~~tAll l - How~ to t'xpteS.S your loVe and~ ttOn ror tier unfatl111g support ttvoughOUt }<>tir marrta~. than by giving her so~th1ng ar pmonal and ~anlngful as an~ or itetnlt)' Ring Both ~· Che trlW depdl of your ~l'"O ror ner. and withOut ~ Ml'flhtng at all, you wtll M.<e ~ ~of ~ nicest ways to Slf'lCt'~ly say 1t allf At \X!y'ldham LtlQh we ~gn and Cn!'a~ a most uniq._ and t'lfCltJng cOll«tlon of tht'Se • rings In 18 Karat Gold and Platinum.~ clt'-arly t'icplaln dl~rences in QU:fhty and prtCt' that you wlll ~ from st~ to st<n, and tflt'n back up your purcha~ from W)fldtwn Ltigh With a ~ t>aek QUMM'lttt of "9lut' Wt want you both to IO'Jt' her ring and to know )'OU bought It welll Most Otamoncl Wt'dd1ng•nd Ann1versaty Rings Ra~ Rom SI 100 to S3900 I .. STATE Agreement averts supermarket strike LOS ANGELES (AP) Ncgot111turs for Suuthl•rn California ml'lll cutters nnd Teamsll•Ni reached agret•mt•nt this morning wiih groccn;, and tht• unions began pulling in pickets six houts after their wnlkout tx•gan. "Th ey 've r eached a te1Hat1 ve agreement wath both the ml'at cutlers and tht.• teamstt>rs," said Dan Sw1nto. spokesman for the United Foo d and Commer<:aa l Workt.•1-s Uruon. "The details of the three-year agreement art.• bcin~ withheld pending u n 1 o n m (' m b t• r ii h I p rnuf1t·nuon." li e s aid ratlflt•ot1on mt.~·tings would bt•gan tonltihl u l 7 o'clock und <·<uHlnul' through ·the week. Tho UCFW reprt."S<•nts 17,- 500 m eat-counter worker11 throughout California and the Teamsters represent 10,000 Southern California food truck drivers and warehouse workers. However, the settlement affects onl y Southern California. Contract talks we r e continuing in Northern California. .. Evacuation plan eyed LOS ANGELES (AP) Thousunds of people, many in n.•mou• wild areas and rtaosL with :> s ingle highway Lo sarl•ty . might require emergency evacuation if a thn•atl'nl•d volcanic <'Xplosion in Mo no County appears imminC'nl or strikes wit1'1ouL warning, says a preliminary state disaster plan. Draft "Plan CaJdera'1 leans heavily on a mutual aid eCfort that could involve at least eight counties, 11 state agencies, six federal agencies, sevl'ral private relief groups anl1 the state of Nevada. I •I Buono mistrial sought l . Or1nge COHt DAILY PILOT/Tue1d1y, November 9. 1982 * Al W •lconu .. to 'winter '1 An un~•·oKonuhly cold winlt•r klorm CRUf<hl muny motori th in M •yerw, 1u-ur South l.uke Tuhot>~ ur1prcporcd Monday o~ l'huins and 1mow tir.- werc hauitily ap1>lied oround mounloin ' 1UJS8t'8. Th1 l:aunty...:__-____________ _ Fired Worker claims · racial bias· A 29-ycar employee of the Irvine: Company who was fired in 1981 ls claiming in an Orange County Superior Court civil suit that he lost his job because of age and racial discrimination. "non -Mexic~m " workers from jobs operating heavy equipment and put them on manual labor so that "Mexicans" could operate the equipment. The suit alleges that Wright was told t.o do dirt shoveling work in May. 1981, but could not continue for health reasons after two days. His refuStJJ to oontinue the work led to his faring. Wright says ir1 the action. The• suit claims that Ruiz and his sons. and by extension the Irvine Company. discriminated against Wright "due to his age and ethnicity for the purpose of terminating (Wri~ht) or compelling him to quit.' Wright also claims in the: s uit that he had been -an eq_uipment operator or supervisor during his career with the company and had neve r had to do m anual labor until the days leading up to his fjrln~ • LOS ANGELES (AP) - Prosecutors and invesUgators deny they withheld evidenl'e an the llillsidC' StranBler case, but derenst' a ttorneys for Ange lo Buono were still seeking a mis trial in the nearly year-old case. heard t estim o n y from prosecutors and detectives on whe ther information that a key witness had m e nta l problems was concealed from the defense. Attorneys for Wallace Wright, who is 60 years old and white, claim in the suit that ~righ~ was forced to d o manual labor, something that had not been his job previously, to create a situation where he either would quit or be fired to make room for DEA TH RA TE DROPS . • • The firing caused him humiliation and mental and physical distress. the suit claims. It asks $200,000 punitive damages plus back pay, speciul • damages and attorney's fees. Irvine Company spokesman· Jerry Collins said "we'rc a little astonished by the suit because it's claims are very unfair and very untrue." The m otion for mistrial sent the Superior Court jury out of the courtroom Monday as. Judge Ronald George NATION Two key targets of the mistrial motion -sheriff's investigators Frank Sale rno and Peter Finnigan -were to testify today. "Mexicans" in the company's From Page A 1 Agricultural pivision. Wright, who was born on 1978 when 418 calies per 100,000 company land and lived in population were reported . compan y housing prior to his Although that was a high· for termination, also names three Orange County, the rate still was 'supervisors -a Cather and his below both s tale and national two sons of apparent Mexican rates during that year. deS<.'ent -in the suit. Since 1978, the rate has begun He claims in the action that -·to decline. with 372 cases per Jose Ruiz, a labor foreman, and 100,000 population reported in his sons Jesus and Carlos had, on 1980. . . . a number of <x:casions, removed However. cases of syph1hs in the l'OUnty, while below the state rate, still exceeded the national rate. In 1980, 35.5 cases per 100.- 000 population were re ported compared to a national rate or 30.4 cases per 100,000. The full report is available t.o the public through the county Public Information Office In Santa Ana for $5. "We're confident the <.'Ourt will find them totally without merit." Collins said Wrigh t had refused work the company had for him and refused to report to work despite repeated urgings to do so. He said the c.'Ompany has never considered age or national origin as criteria for hiring. Space test still A-OK CAPE CANAVERAL (AP) -The soace aizencv voiced confide nct' that Columbia's first commercial mission will lift off on time Thursday despite a leak in the space shuttle's steering system that interrupted the countdown. leading up to a scheduled liftoff at 10:19 a.m. PST ThujSday. trvi111------------------ Task force criticizes Irvine city policy Engineers were evaluating the problem overnigh l and expected a final decision toda y o n whether the countdown would continue. WORLD A statement issued Monday by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said experts as a precaution were analyzing the leak found Sunday in a backup helium regulator in lhe system of 44 s mall jets used to steer Columbia in orbit. Balloonist ends flight By GLENN SCOTT Of tlw Delly Pit~ ltett A tas k f o r ce of Irvine businessmen assigned to find new options for tax increases 1s recommending instead that the city.'s bu(iget1ng proces1. be improved. The six members of the task Lo~ from the Industrial League of Orange County are scheduled to make their recOmmendation at tonight's Irvine City Council meeting. Their written report already has been sent to the council, and Mayor Larry Agran described .. the advice Monday as "not terribly helpful." The lrvint'-based Industrial League. an umbrella group representing many commercial and manufacturing firms in Irvine, objected last summer to the city council's proposal to raise the city's "bed tax" rate from 6 to 8 p e rcent of the cost of an overnight stay in local hotels. Council members defe nded their proposal as the least unpopular way of raising several million dollars to ofCset projected budget shortfalls during this decade. • The-tax Is expected to generate $3 million over five year s through assessments to visitors staying at the existing Registry and Airporter Inn hotels and at two others not vet ooened, the Irvine Marriott and Hiiton hotels. When the Industrial League objected on the grounds that the tax could have repercussions thr o ugho ut the business community. council members agreed to create the task force t.o search for o ther means of generatinJ:? revenue. Council members obviously hoped the SIX-member task force either would propose another kind of .tax OS: Ultimately agree with the choice to raise the bed tax rate. The task force did neither. In its rccommendaJ.ion to be aired at tonight's meeting beginning at 6:30 at City Hall, members said the citv's fii:st step should be l.C'I better ·integrate itS dual budgets covering operations and m ajor new projects. The latter is known as the capital improvements program. The task fore-e's advice echoes an eight-point recommendallon made earlier this year by the c1ty•s volunteer Budget Review Committee to improve procedures £or budgeung and projecting costs. Todd Nicholson. executive director of the Industrial LeaguP, said task force members found the budg e t committee's suggestions "right on target." MIDLAND. Ontario (AP) -Daredevil Maxi e Anderson. his helium balloon deflated along with his dream of a historic round-the-world rnght. says he's going to "call it quits and leave it to the next generation" to attempt the feat. towering balloon leaking helium, into a farmer's field 15 m1les outside this Georgian Bay resort town. IRVINE HOSPITALS MAY MERGE. • • However. Agran said the council already is enacting the eight recommendations, and what was needed from the task' force was concrete proposals for raising more money. "I'm going to go back home and lick my wounds." said a disappointed Anderson after h e a nd co pi lot Do n Ida dropped the Jules Verne. its The disappointing end to their third attempt to fly a round the world came al 7:30 p.m. PST Monday, less than 17 hours after a delayed triumphant takeoff from Rapid City. S.D .. on a trip that was to have lasted 10 days. From Page A1 and control. Schwartz said, for example. that th ey h ave discussed building a hospital on Jeffrey Road and an outpatient clinic on campus. both run jointly. "We're looking at the mp sjde, too," he said, r!.'ferring to an outpatient clinic on Jeffrey and a hospital on the campus. 2, 700 die in tunnel Baker said he is pleased that UCI officials have suspended review of three outside hospitaJ- d eve lop men t firms . Administrators had screened the firms with the apparent intent of choosing one t.o build and operate iis planne9 hospital. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) -Up to 2.700 civilians and Soviet soldiers died from asphyxiation in a car-filled m o unt ain tunnel in Afgh a nistan . We s tern diplomatic sources reported today. The sources said the soldiers had sealed oH the tunnel a fter a faery auto cras h . apparently fearing they were under rebel attack. There was no independent confirmation of the report. Neither the Marxist Afghan regime nor the Soviet Union, whic h se nt troo ps to Afghanistan in 1979 to belp crus h a Moslem rebellion, have commented o n the reports. IMC had not been invited to participate j n the scr eening process. However, Schwartz said Aldrich has promised not to go ahead with any other hospital proposals until collaboratjon with the IMC is ''fully explored." Pope ends Spain visit The discussions don 't guarantee an arrangement will be worked out. But they do signal a new interest in sharing control of hospital facilities. SANT I AGO DE CAMPOSTELA. Spain (AP) -Concluding his 10-day visit to Spam, Pope John Paul ti today cal led himself a We're Listening •.•• 642·6086 "pilgrim-messenger" lor Christ, likening himself t.o the millions who have trekked to the shrine of the Apostle James, Spain's patron salnt. Bak~r has argued for a partnership because of the o bvious lies bet we e n the university and the community. His proposal wasn't forwarded. What do you like about the Dally Pilot" What don't you like? Call the number at left and your met1:53ge ~ill be recorded, • traruicribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answering service may be used lo record let· t ers to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must lnrlude their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. OAAHOE COAST l1ily Piiat CIHelfted .._,. .. "I 1141142·1111 All otMf dlpe""'9"'9 M2'432' Themcn '· Hot.y ~·'* ond c11 .. 1 hec1111•• Olfl(et a-......... 'I;'•- MOii ~=-~1 .. ,..,,, :::=:~ ..... l..,,.,..... ........ L Kay Schvltt Vi<e '1 ....... Glod DwtclOI o4 ~ .... ""Cl loymetHI M•d.M" CONr* Mkhoet , . Harvey Owe1;10r ol Mor•">ll9 IC11t..,.o011I tc."rteth N. Oelld•4 Jr. 1 O..ector ~ 0,.otlCW!t though. untU after IMC officials we.re greeted wi\h first-ha nd knowledge of the political problems encountered in seeking approvals in Sacramento for their plans. A bill to allow IMC to lease 10 acres of land from Saddleback was vetoed in late August by Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. after lobbying by Stanley van den Noort. dean of UCl's College of Medicine. Although a new Republican administration in Sacramento might improve the fortunes of the politically conservative IMC group, Baker said '.'I hope it doesn't get to that." Congratulet1on11 Jamee Oewane wu tile winner ol our "Gam WIH" contHt. There waa a four-way lie for MCond prl.ta: Marc MarOSI, Brad Steven•. Chrlalopher Haydon and Holly Baggett. The coneolatlon went to L••ll• Wiik•. Can you blllleve lt'e Novembec elreedy? " you have a birthd8f glf\ to give thta month, you might e IOl'M lhouOht to a piece of airy .. , wlth one of the ovember blnh1tonee, Topaz or Cllrlne. In addition to aherlng November, thele two gem• heve many elmllerltln •nd •re often confuted. They both occur In a wide r•nge of yellow tones, from t•wny yellow thro11gh orenglah-y•llow to Ole 1molcy bfown1. Botti •• vetY attrecttve game Ind both 8fe vetY dunlbte and Nttafectory for Mltlng In all type1 of l•welry IC>f men altd women. The moll popular llyle ol cutting lor both gema 11 the 1tep cut, That le when all fecetl are four-eld9d Ind In atepe Ind rowe elb0v9, below, n on the girdle. Whlll Topa Ind Cltrtnt ~ many llmhrlt• they 1111o have 90fM Oltfele11011. Tope II the men -...,.. ""' Md le often called "Pr•clou1 Topaz" to dlMtngMllll " from Ctlr'lna. l He Is focusing on the potential of the partnership with UCI -a relationship he claims would offer Irvine both the academic pres t ige plus the a fflu ent backing to produce facilities with exceptionally high standards. Said Baker: "If we ever get everybody together on this deal. It's going to be dynamite." Even if the two groups do combine, however, they s till would need to prove to stale authorities that a new hospltaJ is needed in the area. Baker said his group is ready to proceed with hearings for a certificate of need immediately. but. would rather cr.eate the partnership with UCI first. @ &EMWllE "None of those recommendations is going to eliminate a significant shortfall," he said. City administrators have claimed t hat under current practices, the city will need $5 million more in revenue d,uring the next five yea.rs to preserve Its balanced budget. All five of the counciJ members had backed the bed tax increase earlier, and Agran implied that the task force's ad~ice Is not likely to change their opinions. In other action tonight. the council is scheduled to sel~t an architectural flrm to design a train and bus s tation on the Santa Fe Railway tracks in southern Irvine. tile blues and plnlc1. W• have a bHutlful blue topaz which I bought In Germany on my la•t trip and which we have recently mounted In a ladl81 diamond ring made by Kurt Gaum. a very talented New York deelgnef'. Citrin• Is a member of the quartz famlty and 11 limited to the yellows, orang" and browns. Other vartetlea of quartz have their own names, IUCh aa: roM quartz (plnlc), amethyst (purpffl), aventurlne (gr .. n) and cry11a1 (OotO(leu). Topaz Is round prlmarlly In Brazll whlle Cltrlne 11 lllcety to be fO\lnd more widely dlatrlbuted In our .. rth'1 crust. Topaz and Cltrlne each ha lie -. in our gem world, tlOW9119t, I think It 11 Import.ant not to confuse them. New York State recently fined a Jeweler lor wrltlog Topaz on his satea ellp ln1tead of Citrin• -when Cltrlne wu what he act~ly Md 1old. Unfortunat•ly not •II l•••l•r• even know the dlfferenc•. That 11 one of the many t1uon1 It pay1 th• MMY 8ltr Olrt1flad Gemoioo111 conaumer to MN out a firm HARLES H BARR holCllnt M•mbartfllp In the • n Am•rlcen .Qem Society. fllaqulr•rMnte of membar1hlp ---'::::e"n'::'letnh~I= __ ' /J ... ,i etendlrdl. wa .,. proud ot our e.~-..f"e..vJ mambar1fllp In the American Topu II I on IM hatdnnt IC8'e wf"'9 Cttrlne 11•7, Topu '* e ,..., r9frecttve .,.. Ind a ,_..., "*"'° •M1· TOI* .-o oomee In lddltloMI coeora ........ .. .... .. ~... Qam 1oa1efY and llHNlll rcT, ......_._._~ lilt:•.... quullon• on telftolog eel • • .. and""~ thll '"' molt ....... of wHctt .,. 111• a .,. ... , ............ month 'O eftOW JOU Our fl"• ~.,....... I • =IOn °' T.,.a and C"'1N • , -__ _._....... ___ _ Orange Cout OAILV PILOTITuoad1y, NoV9""""m .. t:>e-r _e._1_e..,e2~-----....,.----------------....;. ...... ._....., ___ __,_ 1111111111 laU No l;ravel tab for this corilerence N ew:Port woman 'Pilot of Year' Eleflnor Todd pf Newport Beal·h has bee n named Woman Pilot of the Year by the southwt•st section of Lhe Ntn t'ty -Nines , an mLernataonal organization of women pilo ts founded in I 1927. Todd , who earned h er •Laguna Beac:h Cit y .council members will •interview applicants for two sea t s o p the B oa rd of Adjustmen t/Design Review _Board next Tuesday a{ 6 p.m. • The c.'Ounc1l wall be filling , the seats of two members whose two-year terms end • Dec. 1. ~embers receive $40 per •A group o f parent s concerned about the use of alcohol and other drugs among school age youth will sponsor a n informatio n program Nov. 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the L ittle Theater a C Corona dcl Mar High School. The gro up -known as •A s ki conditioning program for people 16 years o f age a nd over is being offere d Tu esday and Thursday evenings at the Orange Coast YMCA in Newport Beach. •Season ticke ts for Lhe Laguna Moulton Playhouse offer thea te rgoers four performances for $25. The lineup for the new year inc ludes "Sherloc k Holmes," "The Gin Game," pilot's license an 1975 nt u~l· 44, was honored curlll'r this ycur by th(• Orun.c,• County <'haptt•r of lhl• Ninl•ty-N11ws She has bPen active in supporting gt•ncral aviuuon 1n Orange County. appt.•aring frequ e ntl y bt>f orc government and homcownt•r groups. month and meet weekly on Thursday evenings. Tho pa ne l considers variances from the zoning code und revll'w project designs. lntereste.d applicants should present a resume or leu or Lo City Cle rk Verna Rollinger no later than Nov 12. For information, call Lhl• clerk at 497.3311. ext. 209. Pa rents Who Care -have invilt-'d a therapist from th<' Child Guidance Center of Orange County to discuss teenage behavior. It will be the group's first meeting . F or furth er information, call 640-8248 or 675-4766. The twice weekly class lasts two hoCJrs beginning at 7 p.m. and involves endurance and muscular train ing as preparation for skiing. For additional information. call 642-9990. "Tht• Hose Tattoo " a nd "Funny Girl." The· $25 offer is good for week night performances and Sunday af ternoon matinees o nly . For information. call 494-0743. 'Stupid' possums a cinch to raise By PHIL SNEID~RMAN Of lheD .. rPllet.._,. ln11tructor11 fron1 t·mumunrty collP&l'• In Hun\lnwtun B<•uch, &kur.r1olu. Monh•n •y and 1lx o ther clllt•11 t11ok port In it 1tntewlde t'Onf(•rt .. 1(..'t' Nuv. 4, yet not a 1dnglc• foculty nwmbt>r had • tQ ll•avt• hbs horm• campua. The princlpul '-'unfl'rt'nt' 11peaktlr didn't h~" to trovc•I to any of the11e c llt•g(ll tw r ·mained In hll o fkt.' In Ollroy This uftu11ual t'\Jtll~l'tlnc~ wa1J made poaalbh• by a n t>w telephone syste~ llnklnai nine California cornm oily cullcac1, plus the Sacrame to ott~ of th.- s tn t e commu 1ty college chanc.~llor. Dr. William S awl, who 11 coordinating the participation by Golden We s t College in Huntington Beoch, said the advantage~o f 1 u c h "teleconferences' iii that they eliminate the tr vel time and ex pc.nses as so I a tcd w I lh traditional gatherings of staff members from di{(ercnt colle~es .• Community colleges now are !acing serious financial problems becausc•o( cutbacks in state aid, Shawl said, making l ess e xpensive teleconferences an attractive alternative. • "The motivation for this Is how do we keep well informed when they're cutting back o n our budgets?" he said. ''We can't a fford to send peop l e to conferences, and we can't aCford to bring experts here." According to Shawl. who is dean of educauonal development at Golden West. the plons for a co mmunit y college teleconfer·ence n etwork were developed by L ee Stevens, president of Golden West, and Robert De Hart, president of De Anza College in Cu~rtino. Th ey o rganized a teleconference consortium with seven other community colleges including Sant.a Ana. San Mateo, Rive r sid e, Palomar an San Marcos and Lassen in Susanville. The key pie<-e of equipment is a bridge mechanism capable of llnking 10 pho~e ca lls . Participants at each t.-bllege meet in 'a conference room and, at a scheduled time, call the bridge unit, which is located at De Anza. A special microphon e and spea~er unit at each college p e rmits p eo ple in eac h conference room to hear the main lecturer and to contribute questions or comments. To participate in the Nov. 4 conference, Golden West paid Art ~avltt, a 1pokt'lmun for Pac·ltk Tf•l<'phonl•, 1mld ""''llur Wl<'conf<'r<•ncc• on• com1'non amontc bu11n 118~., rh1:1t havl' offlc In a number or cltlC'll. But hl' 1uld lht.• community collcae nt>twork mnrkii the lll"lt time this approuch hns bc.oen used among thl11 muny educational huUtutlonl6 In. Calilo1•nla. Dr. ~hawl lWld the. key to o sucN~uful \cfC!conforonce Is plonnlntc u 111wdf1c 41~t•ndu untl 11tlcklnJ,l Lo ll. "Om• of the• thing wC''v-.· found 111 that you con J(N o Im of work don.-vt•ry quickly.'' he said . The Inaugural l'OnfN('ll<.'C Nov. 4 oil computer lilt•rocy didn't go without o glit.ch. The principal speaker, Or. Herbert Peckham. was able to t'Omplelc his address without ony problems. But during tho qu"stlon and nawN pt'rlod, ht· was ubruptly cut off Shawl aald the p1rt1t'lpanlil hatl "'"'c:idcntally ~c·n cul m.•ar Pc•ckht1m's offlc•(• 1n Gilroy, couHlng tfw communications• brc.ikdown. Showl said he's confident, how1.•vcr. that tho bugs In the lt•a11ocl tcleconrerencing system will be lronc.>d out before the end of.its 12-month tryout period. • Better than Money ~kets! 7 to 31 days. Choose your term. FSLIC insured to $100,000. $20,000 minimum. %. ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE Rate fixed for term you choose.· Automatic reinvestment at then current rate, if you wish. Sub-.IJnllal tnkrl'~t pl'nalty for l'arly withdraw.ii GIB SAVINGS Founded 1886 ·Assets over 4 billion dollars CLANTON, Ala. (AP) -F. Basil Clark runs what he calls the world's largest opossum ranch, and says the world would stupid he doesn't realize he can't survive. so he g~ ahead and does it." only for the. station-to-s tation 1------------------------------------------phone cha rge for a call to Cupertino, whe re the bridge is located. · be better off if peoP.ie were more like his critters -stupid and ignorant. Clark is mayor of Clanton and heads the Possum Growers and Breeders Association, a group d edicated to promoting the opossum as a food source and a research animal. The charge for such ·a call is $27 .17 per hour; if the college re mained connec ted for two hours, the cos( for a room full of local conference participants would be about $55 -far less "The possum is too ignorant to know he's a marsupial, that he can't survive in today's world, that he should have died off with the dinosaurs," he says. ''He's so Clark's "ranch" is really about , 3. 7 million a c res of mostly undevelo ped land. than traditional conference travel. meal and lodging oosts. "But with f"W\~' a ddlar left . ~ Id ~~OTI !ftfErest!' Huntington Savings knows how to treat a neighbor. No matter how little you have in your checking account on any giwn day, your money will still earn 51/•% l~terest. I Ch.Id Twlctwn Not only that, but your account is serviced absolutely free . You can write as many checks as you like and never pay a service cha~. We call it No-Strings Checking, bec.il19e there's no minimum balance required. No service charge. And still you get 5¥4% interest compounded chfily on every dollar. Isn't that the kind of ch«king account you want, too? (]J HUNTINGION SAVINGS :xi~'°" f/161 Warner Awnue, Comtr of Colden Wiit In Huntln&ton 8"ch -1 ' BENSON & HEDflES Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box tod~y. Warning: The Surgeon Gtner1I Has Oa1ermined That Ciprtttt Smoking Is Oqtrous to Your H111th. • • I · THI COAST AND THI COUNTY D1llyPlllt I Ul Sl>A Y NOV 0 1082 CAVALCADE AT YOUR SERVICE TELEVISION • 82 83 88 Souu• ,.,.,,ls-ib/,. itlt"llS ."411·,·1t·/1 I ht• brulgt•I •.. ·,.,. lllJ /Ju111"•rs. Pagt• 112. D .. ty Piiot Photoe by Palrtck O'Oonnell :· I .. -: . . . . . A r·icler puts his horse through it earl y morning warmup at Los Alamitos Race Track I Kenny H a rt, last ye ar's leading quarter h orse jockey in nationa l rankings, heads for the wire. ' .. i 'They're running!·' I . .;' . . . Quarter horse racing starts at Lo~ Alamitos By PATRICK O'DONNELL Of the D .. IJ Piiot Staff . With the cry, "they're running," Los Alamitos Race course begins its 11th season of winter quarter .horse racing tonig ht. lt tak~ hundreds of early risers to prepare for this night of racing. G rooms. warm~up riders, trainers, custodians and ·r'nany more arrive daily at sunrise to make certain the track and horS<'S are ready for thl' 60-nlg ht run. Quarter horse racing m Orang<.' Coun ty is big business. For cxampk. according to track records. the 1979-80 winter racing s<.'hcdul<' daily average reached $1.012,158. It was the first season in which a quarter horS<.' organization surpassed Lht' Sl million mark in average receipts. Quarter horse racing m Orange County began in 1947 w ith a dream of the late Frank Vessels. That vear, he invited individuals at a dollar each to ·attend an afternoon of bc.•tlcss racing at h is ra nch in Los Alamitos. About 2,000 people attended. By 1951 V~ls received stat<.' approval for pari mutuel betting and was holding an 11-day me<.•ting. A ttendant'(' averag<.•d about 3.000 for thost• 1 l dnys. but the first meeti ng lost about $25.000. Considering it rained 10 of the 11 days tha t year. Vessels judged the initial Los Alamitos mcC'ling a success and vowed f)O\ to give up. By 1954 he had moved the track ·to its ., prcs<'nt location and built a modern clubhouse. In time for the 1960 Season• V<.'SSCls had completed a new grandstand . palll'ml'd after New York's famed Aqueduct race• track and had e liminated bleacher type waw. 1 With the death of. Vessels in 1962 his son Fr.ink Jr. became president of the track. He 1111l1illl'd night racing in 1968. That summer, 2.100 lamps lit up th<' track. T his compared to I ,99i lamps us<'d at Anaheim S tadium a t tht• time'. Today Orange County racing fans may en joy thc•ir sport under the li"ghts a lmost all yC'o.11· long. In addition to the winter and summc•r quarter horsc racing· dates there is . ' also night harness and thoroughbred racing scht-dulcd. But, tonight the quarter horse is on CC'nl<'r stage. The season will run through J anuary 17. Post time each night, Monday through Saturday. is 7:45 p .m. Liul.-agtario Denis, 4, enjoy1 ~oaching tti~ honea. Francieeo V uquez se11 the 11ilf new out in whirlpool. · t .. f Ornng Con1t OAll Y PILOT /Tue•day, November 9, 1982 NB II - NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS •,uotAT19H• 1111(1.VOI TODUOM , ....... •o•ll,M1t•O•. '"'"'IC, ..... I OtTOfill Dlt•on AlllO (ll!CtttllUI nou •<••••u 41110 IHN••• 0 •• '"' M.UD ••o INhlMI' . . t Dow Jones Final UP 22.81 CLOSING 1,0I0.15 Battle looms over " Hoover power spli ' LOS ANGELES (AP) -A battle is heating upl l>1•lW<'C'O Southern C::ili furnia utilities and neighboring Nl•vnda and Arizcm~ over who gets how· m uch of the l!lcctric1ty ras.hing through .Hoover Dam's 'giant 1 ' hydrnulic g~nerators. -• 1 Mor<' than half a C:t-ntul'y ago. Wh en the federal t govL•rnmt•nt was looking for funds to build thel Colorado River dam. several Sou the rn Cali fornia~ ulilitil'S agreed t.o buy elc'Ctricity from the project. ~ ~he-Los-Angeles ehy-Department of-Water-and~ PowN· and Southern California Edison Co. agreed t.Ol undNwritc the dam construction w hen the project ! was first proposed. California is now e ntitled to almost 65 pen.•ent of the l.400 megawatts of power from the dam. while both Nevada a nd Arizona each are allocated a 17 .6 perL-ent share. Bi!~s!!'o~~<~>ge!;.,~~~~d will be levied on income up to $35,700 in 1983. whictt means that nearly 10 million American workers ancl their employers will pay up to $22 1 apiece more. ~ T he Social Security Administration announ Monday that the maximum amount of earnings i taxes will incre&se from $32,400 to $35,700. The ta rate will swy the same, at 6.7 percent -so most o(.!,he - 118 million workers who pay into Social Security w ill not feel any increase. But Harry Ballantyne, the system's chief actuary," said 9.8 million workers. or 8.3 percent, are expected to ~ cam more than $32 ,400 next year · 1 Pc-I. Up U ,1 Up lO.O UP 11.9 UP 171 UP U .t UP 14,I Up 1J,t Up U.t Up 1J I Up 1>.S Up 1a.2 Up 12.7 Up 12.7 Up 12.S Up 12.0 Up 10 t Up 10 I UP 10.4 Up 10 l Up 10.J Up 10.3 Up 10.l Up 10.1 Up 10.0 Up tt P(t Oii lO.O Oii 10.0 Off a.s Olf 1,t Oii •• , Oii • 4 Oii •• , g:: t,; Oii s. Ott s •• 011 s. Oii S.l 011 S.I Oii ,,, 011 ••• Off 4.1 Oii •,S Off 4,S Off '·' Off '·' °''1 ,,, Ot u Ofl 'J Off • t METALS NEW YORM. (AP) -Spot 110nle11~ mellll prices tO<llly Copper 72"·75 cenll & pound, U,S OHl!naflOllS Lead 22·26 c;en1s a poynd Zinc 40·42 Cef't11 a pouncl, dell-tld Tlfl S6 21i4 Metals week compa..1t 117 Ah1"'"'""' 76 centt a pound, N Y " Mefcury $360 00 per flask Pl•ll"""' S3S7 00·$365 00 lroy ouflU. N 't SOl.D QUOTATIONS 'II .. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHl SILVER pi Haftdy A Harman, $10 18 per troy ouM!i "° .... ,e .. •